Class __TXji51 Rnnk .Cq CopightN". COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. TIME TABLES BOILING Beef, fresh per lb., 30 min. Beef, corned " " 25-30 " Mutton " " 15 " Ham " " 20-30 " Chicken " " 15 " Turkey " " 15 " Fowl " " 20-30 " Halibut " " 20 " Salmon " " 20 « Biuefishand Bass. " " 15 " Small Fish " " 10 " BROILING Steak, 1 inch thick 5-8 min. Steak, 11/2 inches thick. . . . 8-15 " Steak, 2 inches thick 15-20 " Mutton Chops 8-10 " Chicken 20-30 " Quail 8-10 " Squabs 10-15 " Fish, thick 15-25 " Fish,thm 10-15 " BAKING Bread 45-60 Biscuits and Rolls 10-20 Gems 15-25 Boston Brown Bread 3 Com Bread 30 Gingerbread 20-30 Sponge Cake 15-60 Plain Cake 30-60 Fruit Cake 2-3 Cookies •. . . . 10-15 Small Cakes 15-20 Pies 30-45 hrs. hrs. min. ROASTING or BAKING Beef, rare per lb., 8-10 min. Beef, well done.... " " 15 " Beef, fillet entire time, 40-60 " Veal per lb., 25-30 min. Lamb " " 15 " Mutton " " 10-15 " Pork " " 30 " Venison " " 15 " Chicken " " 15 " Fowl « " 20-30 " Duck, tame. . .entire time, 40-60 " Duck, wild... " " 15-30 " Goose per lb., 18 min. Turkey " " 15 " Partridges. . . .entire time, 30-40 " Pigeons " " 30 " Small birds... " " 10-15 " Large fish... " " 60 " Small fish. ... " " 20-30 " VEGETABLES Asparagus 15-30 min. Beet greens 30-60 " Beets 1-4 hrs. Brussels Sprouts 15-20 min. Cabbage 25-60 " Carrots 60-90 " Cauliflower 20-30 " Celery 20-30 " Com 10-20 " Dandelions 60 " Kale 30-50 « Lettuce 10-15 " Lima beans 45-60 " Onions 30-60 " Parsnips 35-50 " Peas 20-60 " Potatoes, sweet 15-25 " Potatoes, white 20-35 " Salsify 30 " Spinach 20-30 « Squash. 30 « String beans 60-90 " Tomatoes 20-30 " Turnips 1-3 hrs. o g I CO THE WINSTON COOK BOOK PLANNED FOR A FAMILY OF FOUR ECONOMICAL RECIPES DESIGNED TO MEET THE NEEDS OF THE MODERN HOUSEKEEPER — Including Chapters on — ENTERTAINING FIRELESS COOKERY PAPER-BAG COOKERY CHAFING-DISH COOK! .vY CASSEROLE COOKERY MEAT SUBSTITUTES By HELEN CRAMP Ph.B., University of Chicago aiUttBtrateb THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, III. A % Copyright 1913 By Helen Cramp //. 9^ CCLA33.34J4 PREFACE 'T^O MANY persons a new cook book may seem an ill-advised and altogether unnecessary work; but when we consider the leaps and bounds by which domestic science has in the last few years progressed, and the eagerness with which the modern woman strives to learn the newer and better ways of doing things, there seems to be ample need for a work that is at once comprehensive and up-to-date. The author has endeavored to make the recipes as economical as possible and has suggested a few ways in which the expense of foods and their preparation may be reduced. She has desired above all things to simplify the work of the kitchen and to reduce the present high cost of living. The recipes are planned for a family of four, because four seems to be the average number today. They can readily be divided by two for a family of two, multiplied by one and a half for a family of six, multiplied by three-fourths for a family of three, etc. Some things, like cakes, for instance, will serve more than four; but they will keep for several days, and are better made on the original scale. (i) PREFACE It is the earnest wish of the author that this book may lighten the labors of many women and carry to them suggestions of variety and economy. Housekeeping should be a delight instead of drudgery, and perhaps it is for the women of America, with their ingenuity and eagerness to try new ways of doing things, to show the world that woman's work in this, her special field, is neither menial nor stupid. (ii) CONTENTS PAGE The Fine Art of Cookery 3 Entertaining 11 Appetizers 23 Soups 29 Fish 49 Meats 65 Poultry and Game 93 Forcemeats, Stuffings, etc 105 Sauces Ill Eggs 121 Meat Substitutes 133 Left-Overs 149 Vegetables 159 Entrees 183 Salads 193 Puddings and Desserts 207 Frozen Desserts 231 Sweet Sauces 247 Bread, Hot-Cakes, etc 255 Cakes 289 Pastry and Pies 317 Sandwiches and Savories 329 Cereals 339 Candy 345 (iii) CONTENTS PAGE Fruits 357 Canning and Preserving 365 Pickles 385 Beverages 391 Invalid Cookery 401 FiRELESs Cookery 413 Paper-Bag Cookery 451 Chafing-Dish Cookery 461 Casserole Cookery 475 Menus . 481 General Index 485 Alphabetical Index 499 (iv) THE FINE ART OF COOKERY THE FINE ART OF COOKERY FROM the time fire was first brought to serve the needs of man, whether it was Prometheus or some less poetic mortal who ac- complished that great feat, it is probable that more or less cooking has been done. The art of cookery, however, is a late development, consequent on culture and the increase of wealth. Our early an- cestors ate and drank a great deal, it is true; but the meal was first and last a process of feeding, with little or no attempt to please the eye or appeal to the subtler refinements of the palate. All eating was done with the fingers, and food was served in straightforward fashion, often in such abundance and crudity as would take the ap- petite of a healthy man today. Cookery, then, as we know it, is the result of civilization. It is inextricably bound up, of course, with the necessities of nutrition, but mere hunger of itself will not produce cookery. Like modern painting and literature, it is largely a heritage from the Renaissance, which in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries spread over Europe from Italy as center, carrying light and beauty in its train. Yet the cooking itself has always been looked upon as a despised work. The contempt of Lynette for Gareth, "but a kitchen- knave," is typical of an attitude that has lasted well into the pres- ent day. In late years, happily, with the rise of science in all its varied branches, a new interest in the subject has been awakened, and women of education and attainments have become more gen- erally concerned with what is going on within their kitchens. We remember with amusement the time when writing was regarded as menial, when kings would not wield a pen, and were dependent for whatever writing was needed upon the work of hired scribes. Who knows but that cooking may also some day be honored equally by all? 3 THE FINE ART OF COOKERY However that may be, it is at least essential that every house- wife should know something of the scientific principles of nutri- tion and should endeavor to have the meals served in her house- hold both wholesome and attractive. " Nothing," says Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, for many years chief chemist of the United States De- partment of Agriculture, "is more important in the evolution of the race than dietetics. The study of buying for the table and the proper preparation of what is bought, is as much an art as the writ- ing of a good book or the composition of a fine piece of poetry.'* Food and Its Uses. — In many ways the body is like a machine, with food as its source of motive energy. In the furnace fuel is burned quickly, in the body, slowly; but the final results are the same. The body differs from the machine, however, in that the food or fuel assists in building up as well as in supplying energy. Further, if more fuel is taken into the body than is necessary, it can be stored as reserve material, usually in the form of fat. Foods are classified according to their uses in the following man- ner: Protein— /oTT^s tissue; yields energy. \ White of egg , Curd of milk Lean meat Gluten of grain Old peas, beans, lentils Fats — stored as fat; yield energy. Fat of meat Butter Olive oil Oils of nuts and grains Carbohydrates — transformed into fat; yield energy. Starch Sugar Mineral. Matters — form hone; assist in digestion. Phosphates of lime, potash, soda, etc. 4 THE FINE ART OF COOKERY In general it may be said that the different nutrients can to a greater or less extent do one another's work, one being burned as fuel in place of another; but while protein can be burned in the place of fats and carbohydrates, neither of these can do the work of the protein in building or repairing tissue. Care should there- fore be taken to preserve the proper balance of foods in every daily menu. The wise housekeeper will not plan a meal in which all starchy or all fatty foods predominate, and she will see to it that protein in some form is provided. The protein she will find in cheese, meat, eggs, fish, dried legumes, etc., using one or another at practically every meal, and being guided in her choice by the market value at different seasons and by the tastes of her family. If she uses the various foodstuffs with reference to their nutritive value and is skilful in preparing them in appetizing ways, the daily menu may be both adequate and pleasing. Economy. — ^And, in order that the food be pleasing, it is not necessary that it be expensive. The maxim that "the best is always the cheapest" does not apply to food. The larger part of the price of costlier foods is paid for appearance, flavor or scarcity, and while people who can afford them may be justified in buying, it is well to remember that the cheaper foods frequently contain as much if not more nutriment and with a little care can be made just as pleasing. It is the lazy and unskilled cook who pays exorbitant prices for food rather than take the trouble to make the common foodstuffs appeal to the palate. The remedy for the foolish waste of money in buying costly foods "will be found," writes Dr. Atwater in a Government Bulle- tin, "in a better knowledge of cooking and serving food, and in the acceptance of the doctrine that economy is not only respectable but honorable." The German housewife's "thrift" may seem a trifle sordid at times; but the study of the relative costs of foods should not be beneath the dignity of any woman. Housekeeping is becoming more and more a matter of science, and the laurels are bound to fall to the woman who conducts her household in a business-like way. No man, no matter how wealthy he may be, 5 THE FINE ART OF COOKERY permits needless waste of money in the management of his busi- ness; no woman should permit waste in the management of the household, which is her business. "It is common enough," writes Ida M. Tarbell, "to hear women arguing that this close grappling with household economy is nar- rowing, not worthy of them. Why keeping track of the cost of eggs and butter and calculating how much your income will allow you is any more narrowing than keeping track of the cost and quality of cotton or wool or iron and calculating how much a mill requires, it is hard to see. It is the same kind of problem. More- over, it has the added interest of being always an independent personal problem. Most men work under the deadening effect of impersonal routine. They do that which others have planned and for results in which they have no share." One point is worth mentioning here, and that is that "ready-to- eat '* foods, except perhaps in the case of cereals,where the saving of fuel is worth considering, are expensive and not always so good as the old-fashioned dishes prepared in the old-fashioned way. The cook who is exceedingly pressed for time or the housewife who does her own cooking may be justified in using instantaneous, ready-flavored gelatine, for instance; but the result is seldom so good as gelatine prepared by the old method, and the cost is de- cidedly greater. Even in the matter of baking powder the house- wife may, by making the mixture herself, reduce the cost to ex- actly one-fourth of its present market price. Economy in fuel is another consideration of first-rate import- ance, especially where gas is used. The fireless and steam cookers have made possible no inconsiderable saving of fuel, and one, if not both, should be a part of the furnishing of every up-to-date kitchen. Important as these are, however, the wise planning of meals is still more important. It is no economy to buy a cheap cut of meat if that cut will require long cooking on a gas stove or in a gas oven; better buy one less cheap that can be cooked in a short time — ^for gas is expensive. Care must also be taken not to use the oven needlessly and to make the most of its heat. If meat is roasting, 6 THE FINE ART OF COOKERY plan to bake potatoes at the same time; and do not light the oven just to bake potatoes or some vegetable that will cook equally well on the top of the stove — say in a steamer. These are minor matters, of course, but they all play their part, and in many families call for greater attention than they receive. The importance of economy should be known by every housewife and should be explained to every servant. Cleanliness. — One other thing — still more important than economy — that must be impressed upon every servant is the neces- sity of cleanliness. And care with regard to the food is not of it- self suflScient: the kitchen and her own person are almost equally important. It is unfortunate that in so many households the cook is consigned to the meanest and darkest room in the house and denied the use of a bathroom. It is likewise unfortunate that she in most cases does not know the value of clean hands, clean floors, clean refrigerators, clean pots and pans, etc. "Scrupulous cleanliness,'* says the Bulletin previously quoted, "should always be observed in keeping, handling and serving food. If ever cleanliness is desirable, it must be in the things we eat, and every care should be taken to insure it for the sake of health as well as decency. Cleanliness in this connection means not only ab- sence of visible dirt, but freedom from undesirable bacteria and other minute organisms, and from worms and other parasites. If food, raw or cooked, is kept in dirty places, peddled from dirty carts, prepared in dirty rooms and in dirtj^ dishes, or exposed to foul air, disease germs and other offensive and dangerous sub- stances can easily get in." Purposes of Cooking. — Cooking, of course, destroys many such germs, and that is one reason why cooked foods are better and more wholesome than uncooked. Cooking has other important purposes too; for it renders food more capable of mastication and consequently of digestion. It does this both by changing its actual structure and by making it more appetizing, thus stimulating the flow of the saliva and the gastric juices. The importance of good cooking cannot be overestimated. 7 THE FINE ART OF COOKERY x\nd while, as we have seen, the careful cooking and serving of food are themselves the result of a developed esthetic sense, they are at the same time a means of further development. A good meal, well cooked, and daintily served, has a certain subtle moral effect not to be disregarded^in this age of nervous haste and flaunt- ing materialism. If we are "but what we eat," we are also in a very real sense the product of all the influences that play about us as we eat. The child, contented over his morning bowl of oatmeal, is not unmindful of the cleanliness and order of the table at which he sits, and the scent of the orange or the cocoa may be just as re- fining in its influence as the fragrance^of the honey-suckle wafted through the open window. If beautiful surroundings have, as we now generally agree, their effect upon the sensitive, impressionable nature of the child, the meal to which he comes gladly three times a day must play a tremendous part in determining what his future character will be. Nor is it only the child who is influenced. A poor meal, served in slovenly fashion, will upset many a healthy man's temper for the day. After all, one's philosophy is largely a matter of what one has had for breakfast. ENTERTAINING So saying f with dispatchful looks in haste. She turns, on hospitable thoughts intent — What choice to choose for delicacy best. What order so contrived as not to mix Tastes not well joined, inelegant; hut bring Taste after taste upheld with kindliest change, — ^Milton: Paradise Lost. ENTERTAINING A CERTAIN amount of entertaining is necessary, even if one goes to the extent of believing with Byron that society is only a polished horde, Formed of two mighty tribes, the bores and bored; and to the hostess who does not try to entertain beyond her means or her strength, the bringing together of friends should be a pleasure. Too frequently the pleasure is greater on the part of guest than of hostess. Is this because in the rush of our modern life we have lost sight of the beauty of hospitality, which from very earliest times has been a sacred thing? We recall pictures of Oriental hospi- tality, familiar through the pages of the Bible, so striking and beautiful that we have unconsciously made them the standard by which the relations of host and guest are to be judged for all time. The story of the woman of Shunem who constrained the prophet Elisha to eat bread "as oft as he passed by" is enshrined in the heart of every true woman. Naturally to us the present-day oriental customs seem lavish and absurdly formal; they have, perhaps, lost the spirit of that olden time in which the bond between host and guest was scarcely less holy than that between father and son; at any rate, they do not fall in with our occidental ideas of democracy and frankness. We can cultivate the fine flower of hospitality without a multi- tude of senseless wrappings. The naked flower is all we want; we have all know^n the misery of being "made company of." Ceremony, fortunately, is becoming more and more a thing of the past — not because people are less kind, but because the com- plexity of modern life makes simplicity in social relations a relief 11 ENTERTAINING if not a necessity. A few illustrations will show the difference: It is no longer considered necessary for the guests to say that they have had a good time when taking leave of a hostess after a dinner-party or other entertainment; it is no longer customary for the hostess to accompany her lady callers to the front door; it is no longer even proper to say "Sir" or "Madam," except, perhaps, in addressing a stranger in a public place. Elaborate entertainments and a certain degree of formality may be necessary occasionally; but one can invite one's friends and have pleasant times without a great deal of preparation and expense. Hospitality is the prime necessity, and even a twelve- course dinner is unpalatable, lacking that golden sauce. THE DINNER PARTY The dinner takes first rank among entertainments and usually involves more or less formality. Invitations are sent out at least two weeks in advance of the entertainment and should be an- swered immediately. The formal invitation is engraved; the guest's name, hour and date written in by hand. Mr. and Mrs, Henry B, Anderson request the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown's company at dinner on Wednesday, April the fourteenth at eight o'clock 1^ West Burton Place March the thirty-first For a less formal entertainment a note in the first person may be sent: My dear Mrs. Brown: Will you and Mr. Brown dine with us informally on Thursday evening, January the eighteenth, at eight o'clock ? Sincerely yours, Elizabeth Smith Anderson, IJf West Burton Place, January the fourth, 12 >-| pq < O u ^ c S 0) WW « I O Oh -I P CO ^ a W I pq =3 ENTERTAINING The dinner in this case may be quite as formal as that for which the third-person invitation was sent, and evening dress is required. For a very informal little dinner an unconventional note is sent a week or less before the date set; and dinner dress is not required. For the formal dinner, guests are expected to arrive at the hour appointed and courtesy does not demand that the hostess wait more than fifteen minutes for a tardy guest. At large dinners each gentleman finds on a tray in the dressing-room a small addressed envelope containing a card on which is written the name of the lady whom he is to escort to dinner and "R" or "L" in one corner to indicate on which side of the table they are to sit. If he does not know the lady, the hostess should see that he is presented to her. Introductions The hostess stands near the door and receives the guests, making such introductions as are convenient. In general, the *'roof introduction" is considered sufiicient — especially at large dinners. Introductions, however, should be given wherever possible, for they make intercourse among one's guests easier. Where one knows to whom one is speaking one can sometimes more readily find subjects of interest. On the other hand, it is not considered good form for a hostess to interrupt a conversation between guests for the purpose of making an introduction, or to introduce a guest upon his entrance to more than one other at a time. In making an introduction the gentleman is always presented to the lady, and the names should be pronounced as distinctly as possible: nothing is more discourteous to one's guests than a mut- tered introduction. The ordinary form is: "Mrs. Brown, allow me to present Mr. Smith." In the same way a young woman is presented to an older one, an unmarried woman to a matron, a young man to an older one, though these rules are sometimes modified in deference to age or station. For instance, a young, unmarried woman would be presented to a very old gentleman or to a dignitary of Church or State. In introducing two women the form mentioned in the preceding paragraph is used, or simply "Mrs. Brown, this is Mrs. Smith." The latter form is preferable where there is doubt as to which is entitled to the presentation. The tactful hostess usually adds to any introduction some remark which will enable the guests to converse more readily. a 13 ENTERTAINING She may say, for instance, "Mrs. Brown, allow me to present Mrs. Smith, who has just returned from London"; or," Mrs. Smith, this is Mrs. Brown: two such ardent bridge players should know each other." There are very few persons who will not be grate- ful for some such hint. Seating the Guests The servant watches the number of guests and when all have arrived announces dinner. Or, in case of a belated guest, he waits for a signal from the hostess. When dinner is announced, the host offers his right arm to the lady who is to sit at his right. The other couples follow; then, last, the hostess with the gentle- man who is to sit at her right. Guests are enabled to find their places easily by means of "place cards," on which the name of each guest is distinctly written. Confusion in seating the guests is thus avoided, and it can be arranged to have congenial persons near each other. The host and hostess may sit at the ends of the table or in the middle of each side. The lady who is to be especially honored sits on the host's right, she who is to be honored next, on his left. Similarly two gentlemen are honored by seats on the right and left of the hostess. The hostess should, as far as possible, bring together only guests who "mix well," and should select the dinner partners tactfully. Two very quiet people should not be seated together, or two who have very decided opinions, or two who are known to be uncongenial. The dinner should be a feast of good things other than food, and conversation should be as entertaining as possible. Upon host and hostess, of course, devoKes the duty of keeping conversation alive, though the guests are expected to do their part. Many a hostess has saved the day by a bon mot or a tactful change of subject. Some women are horn hostesses : most women can be made, or, rather, can make themselves successful host- esses. The chief essentials are tact, which is the saving grace of all women, the ability to be interested in many things, and true kindliness. Courtesy, after all — that is, true courtesy — is a matter of the heart, and is not dependent upon any knowledge of social usages. Some women, notably poor conversationalists, are still very charming hostesses. In them thoughtfulness and tact make up for lack of brilliancy. One thing, however, is of first importance for the hostess' 14 ENTERTAINING peace of mind. All the arrangements for the entertainment must be carefully planned, so that the dinner will proceed with the smoothness of clock-work and that the hostess may be as a guest at her own table. Servants should be thoroughly instructed beforehand, and everything should be in readiness when the guests arrive. Menu and Table In arranging the menu too much should not be attempted and each course should be in pleasing contrast to the last. Except for a very elaborate dinner, raw oysters, a clear soup, fish, one entree, a roast with potatoes and one other vegetable, salad with cheese straws or crackers and cheese, an ice, fruit and black coffee should be sufficient. Butter is never served except at the informal family dinner. The table should have its centerpiece of growing ferns or flowers, and two or four candlesticks with wax candles and pretty shades. (No edibles, with the exception of bonbons, salted nuts or crystal- lized fruits in compotiers, appear upon the table.) All the china used in the same course should match wherever possible; but a different set of plates are permissible for each course. A supply of extra silver should be laid out in convenient fashion on the sideboard, and finger-bowls, dessert plates, after-dinner coffee cups and spoons should be in readiness on the side-table. Water in the finger-bowls should be warm, with perhaps a dainty flower or a leaf of rose geranium floating on the surface. SKELETON MENU FOR FULL COURSE DINNER Shellfish — on ice with lemon — light oyster crackers. Clear Soup — in soup plates, half full — thick slices of bread or roll folded in the napkin. HoRS d'oeuvres — olives, celery, radishes, etc. — passed after soup is served. Fish — with appropriate sauce, potato balls and cucumbers if possible. Entree — patties, timbale of chicken, or creamed dishes in paper cases (bread passed). Meat — with appropriate sauce, jelly, potatoes, one vegetable and fruit punch. Game — small birds, whole; others, in halves or slices — varying accompaniments. Salad — served with the game — Brie, Roquefort or cream cheese and crackers. Hot Pudding — with wine sauce. Glace — ice, ice cream or frozen dessert — with sweet wafers. Dessert — nuts, fruits, bonbons, crackers, cheese. Coffee — black, served with sugar alone. 15 ENTERTAINING COMPLETE MENU Blue Points Wafers^ Horseradish Consomme Olives Celery Salted Almonds Baked Fillets of Halibut, Hollandaise Sauce Potato Balls Cucumbers Swedish Time ales with Chicken Spring Lamb Mint Sauce New Potatoes in Cream Asparagus Tips Orange Pekoe Punch Roasted Grouse Lettuce, French Dressing Plum Pudding, Wine Sauce Maple Mousse Sweet Wafers Fruit Roquefort Nuts Bonbons Cafe Nom HINTS ON SERVING 1. Food should always be set down before guests from the right. 2. When a dish is presented from which a guest is to help him- self, it should be passed to the left. 3. When a course is finished, the plate should be removed from the left. 4. Plates should be before the guests when they take seats at the table and when one plate is removed it should be immediately replaced by another. 5. At the right of the plate have oyster fork, soup spoon and knives in the order of use, the one first needed farthest from the plate. On the left lay the forks in the order of use, the one first needed farthest from the plate. Let the bowls of the spoons and the tines of the forks be turned upward and the cutting edges of the knives toward the plate. Place the napkin upon the plate or at the left of the forks, with a small thick piece of bread or dinner roll inserted between the folds. The napkin should be simply folded, either standing upright in a sort of triangular form or lying flat with the top part creased and turned back diagonally and the bread tucked under the fold. 6. If wine-glasses are to be used set the glass for water above the plate near the center of the cover and the wine-glasses to the right in a half circle, the one to be used first nearest the hand. 7. Before the dessert is served all the plates, small silver, salt 16 ENTERTAINING and pepper shakers, and all glasses that will not be used again should be removed. Then the table should be ** crumbed," using a silver crumb knife and a plate. 8. Spoons or knives and forks for the sweet course are usually supplied after the table is cleared. Spoons or knives are laid to the right of the plate; forks to the left. If forks only are called for they are placed at the right. 9. Black coffee in small cups (followed by cordials if used) is the last course, and should precede the finger-bowls unless the coffee is to be served to the ladies in the drawing-room. In that case the finger-bowls should be placed before the ladies leave the table. 10. Wine should be poured into the glasses from the right and should follow the serving of each course. It is common now to have but three kinds: sherry, claret and champagne, and some- times only one. Sherry is served with the soup; champagne and claret with the following courses. Where there is only one pair of hands to do both cooking and serving still less formality should be observed. The service plate should be omitted; all the knives and forks to be used should be upon the table, with salts and peppers at the corners of the table, or one for every two persons. Bread-and-butter plates, contain- ing butter-ball, and a small butter knife should be placed at the left of the cover before dinner is announced, and a dinner roll folded into the napkin. Glasses should be filled with ice- water and everything needed should be on the side table before the guests are seated. The plates for each course served on the table should be placed in a low pile, not more .than three or four at a time, in front of the host or hostess. As each is filled the maid will lift it to her tray, carry and place it before the guest. INVITATIONS IN GENERAL Invitations to luncheon are similar to those used for dinner, although, as the entertainment is generally less formal, the engraved invitation is much less frequent. Invitations for afternoon or evening entertainments vary according to the number of guests and the degree of formality desired. For small, informal affairs the hostess simply uses her visiting card (or one engraved a trifle larger), writing in the lower left-hand corner "Cards," "Musicale," or whatever the enter- tainment is to be, and under it the date and hour. She may write 17 ENTERTAINING under her own name **To meet Miss Mary Jones" if the enter- tainment is given in honor of Miss Jones. For informal entertainments, however, the cordial little note of invitation is preferred by many, perhaps because it seems a more direct and personal appeal. It is a subtle compliment, sometimes, well calculated to make a diffident invited guest feel that she is really wanted. THE INFORMAL DINNER The informal dinner, to which only a few guests are invited, is served almost like the formal dinner; but where there is only one waitress it is customary to do a good deal of the serving on the table. For this simple dinner, soup, a roast, two vegetables, a salad, dessert and coffee amply suffice. Soup may be served by the hostess from a tureen. The waitress takes one soup-plate at a time from the sideboard, placing it in front of the hostess; when it is filled she passes it to the guest and brings another. Fish may be served by the host and passed in the same manner as the soup. The roast is carved by the host; but entrees, if included in the menu, are served from the side. Vegetables and sauces should be placed on the side-table and passed to each guest when required. The salad may be brought in on individual plates or served on the table by either host or hostess. The dessert is served by the hostess, and the coffee, unless brought in cups from the kitchen, is poured by her. Bonbons and relishes are usually on the table. AFTERNOON TEA The serving of afternoon tea with its dainty accompaniment of sandwiches or cake is coming into ever greater popularity, whether at an entertainment to which cards for "Afternoon tea at four o'clock'* are sent or during the customary afternoon calls. In the former case, naturally, the refreshments are usually more elaborate, though in no case should they be hea\'y, as dinner is so close at hand. For the small reunion of friends the tea should be made and served by the hostess in the drawing-room or living-room or in summer weather out of doors. Simple sandwiches and cakes are served with hot tea, coffee or chocolate, though tea is preferable, 18 ENTERTAINING because less rich and held by most women in high esteem. As Edmund Waller puts it : Tea does our fancy aid Repress those vapors which the head invade. And keeps that palace of the soul serene. In hot weather, however, iced coffee, tea or punch is usually more acceptable. No service or assistance is necessary except to bring in the required articles; the hostess or a friend makes the tea and the guests help each other and themselves. For the more pretentious afternoon tea, refreshments are served in the dining-room, from a table made beautiful with flowers, lights and tempting viands. At one end of the table is usually a tea-service and at the other a service for chocolate; each is pre- sided over by a friend of the hostess. The refreshments include sandwiches, fancy cakes, olives, bonbons, etc. These are passed to the standing guests by waitresses or young girls, also friends of the hostess. Napkins are a convenience, but not a necessity; sandwiches and cakes are usually placed on the saucer or a plate under it. Frappe is sometimes served in addition to the other delicacies. THE EVENING COLLATION Evening refreshments may be of infinite variety — from the very simple to the most elaborate — without regard to appetite or digestion. The menu may include hot bouillon, hot entrees, sandwiches, cold entrees, salads, coffee, wine or punch, ices and cakes. Coffee may be served in teacups with the supper or in after-dinner cups as a last course. The second way is necessarily customary where guests are not seated at tables. Only the daintiest of china, glass and silver should appear on the table, and all crowding should be avoided: dishes can be replenished from the pantry if necessary. The table may be simply or elaborately decorated according to the kind of entertainment, the season, and the inclination of the host. Candlelight is to be preferred to any other, both because it is softer and because the candlesticks assist in making the table pretty. 19 ENTERTAINING 20 APPETIZERS APPETIZERS IT Is customary to serve at the beginning of a meal a dish which, while it may have little food value, whets the appetite and stimulates the flow of digestive juices. At the formal dinner this is ordinarily raw oysters or clams in the shell, or caviar or anchovy canapes; but for other meals the cocktail is coming into ever wider use. The fruit cocktails are acceptable to many people, and at luncheons frequently form part of the decorative scheme. The cocktail glass should be set on a small linen or paper doily on a plate. OYSTER COCKTAIL No. I 12 oysters 1 saltspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated horseradish Dash of red pepper 1 teaspoon tomato catsup 1 teaspoon tabasco 2 tablespoons lemon juice Put three oysters in each glass. Mix the horseradish and sea- sonings and pour the sauce over the oysters. OYSTER COCKTAIL No. 2 12 oysters 1 tablespoon tomato catsup 1 tablespoon lemon juice V2 saltspoon paprika 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 saltspoon salt 5 drops tabasco Put three oysters in each glass. Make a sauce of the other in- gredients and pour over the oysters. LOBSTER COCKTAIL Cut the lobster into small pieces; mix well with tomato catsup, sherry, lemon juice and salt. Serve in cocktail glasses. 23 APPETIZERS T^i^Srot fc CLAM COCKTAIL Follow either of the recipes for oyster cocktails, using little neck clams. GRAPE-FRUIT COCKTAIL Cut the grape-fruit into halves, crosswise, and scoop out the pulp, rejecting the white inner skin as well as the seeds. Clean the shells ; cut the edges with a sharp knife into scallops and throw them into cold water. Set the pulp on the ice. At serving time put a tea- spoon of cracked ice in the bottom of each shell; fill with the pulp, mixed thoroughly with powdered sugar and a little sherry if de- sired; and place a maraschino cherry or bit of bright-colored jelly in the center of each. Lay on paper doilies or surround with bits of asparagus fern. MIXED FRUIT COCKTAILS Cut into small pieces as many different kinds of fruit as you have in the house; sweeten to taste and set on the ice to chill. At serv- ing time fill the cocktail glasses and place a maraschino cherry or ripe strawberry on the top of each. Fresh or canned pineapple is one of the most refreshing fruits for cocktails. RASPBERRY COCKTAIL Mash a pint of ripe, red currants; strain them through cheese- cloth; pour the juice over a pint of red raspberries and set on the ice to chill. At serving time sweeten to taste and pour into the glasses, putting a teaspoon of powdered sugar on the top of each. STRAWBERRY COCKTAIL Slice five or six large strawberries into each glass and squeeze over them the juice of an orange. At serving time add a heaping teaspoon of powdered sugar and a tablespoon of shaved ice. PINEAPPLE AND BANANA COCKTAIL Take equal parts of banana and fresh or canned pineapple; cut into small cubes and cover with lemon or pineapple juice. Serve in glasses or orange shells placed on autumn leaves or sprays of green fern. 24 Planned tor a AT>'DT7TT'7T7"D C Family of Four Airflij 1 IZrJl/Ko PEACH COCKTAIL Fill the glasses with sliced peaches; cover with orange or lemon juice; sweeten to taste; add a little shaved ice and serve. Apricot and cherry cocktails may be made in the same way. AMBROSIA Fill the glasses with alternate layers of sliced orange and cocoa- nut; cover with powdered sugar and place a maraschino cherry on the top of each. CAVIAR CANAPES 6 squares toast 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 6 teaspoons Russian caviar 1 teaspoon chopped onion 1 hard-boiled egg Cut the bread about one-quarter of an inch thick and two inches square (or round) and after it is toasted spread over each slice a teaspoon of ice-cold caviar. Mix the other ingredients; spread the mixture over the caviar and serve with quarters of lemon. ANCHOVY CANAPES Cut the bread as for caviar canapes and spread with anchovy paste. Chop separately the yolks and whites of hard-boiled eggs and cover the canapes, dividing them into quarters, with anchovies split in two lengthwise, and using yolks and whites in alternate quarters. CHEESE CANAPES 1 cup grated cheese Dash of red pepper 1 teaspoon salt 6 slices buttered bread Cut the bread into circles, diamonds or squares, butter them lightly and brown by placing in the oven or frying in deep fat. Cover each with a thick layer of the grated cheese to which the seasoning has been added. Bake in the oven until the cheese is thoroughly melted and serve at once. HAM CANAPfiS V2 cup minced ham 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 2 tablespoons butter 6 slices buttered bread Mix the ham, butter and parsley to a smooth paste; prepare the bread as for cheese canapes; spread with the mixture and serve. 25 ^^^ ^ Planned for a APPETIZERS Family of Four 26 SOUPS / SOUPS SOUPS are wholesome and palatable and should form part of even the informal home dinner whenever possible. They are also excellent luncheon dishes. It is a good plan to have some sort of vegetable or meat stock always at hand, as this renders the making of soup both easy and economical. With milk at hand, cream soups are likewise easily made. MEAT STOCK To make good soup some kind of meat stock is almost essential. Instruct the butcher to deliver all bones and trimmings removed from roasts ; and save all meats and gravies left over from previous meals. By so doing soup may be at once economical and good. To every pound of meat and bone use one quart of cold water. Cut the meat into pieces and ask the butcher to crush the large bones, so that the gelatine and fat may be fully extracted. Put all in a covered kettle on the back of the stove. When the water be- comes red bring the kettle forward and let it heat slowly. Keep the water below the boiling point for three or four hours. If more water is needed, add boiling water. It is not necessary to remove the scum that rises. Stock should be prepared at least one day before it is to be used, so that the fat on the top may harden and be removed. Do not remove the fat until it is necessary, however, as it aids in keeping the stock sweet, VEGETABLE STOCK 1 carrot 1 tablespoon sugar 1 onion 4 tablespoons oSve oil 1 stalk celery 2 quarts cold water 2 turnips 2 bay leaves 2 tomatoes Salt and pepper Chop the carrot, onion, celery, turnips and tomatoes very fine. Put the sugar in a kettle over the fire, and when it is brown add 3 29 Qr\TT"DQ Planned for a OWUJ^O FamUy of Four the olive oil and the vegetables. Add the water and season to taste. Let it simmer for one or two hours; strain and stand aside to cool. CREAM STOCK 1 pint milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour 1/2 teaspoon salt Red or black pepper Melt the butter over the fire and add the flour, being careful not to let it brown. Add the milk gradually, stirring constantly to prevent lumps ; then add the seasoning. This cream sauce is used instead of stock as the foundation for many soups. CONSOMME 2 pounds lean beaf 1 stalk celery 1 small knuckle veal 1 small carrot 2 tablespoons butter 1 bay leaf 1 small onion 2 quarts cold water The under part of the round of beef is the best for this soup, though any lean portions will do. Cut the beef and veal into small pieces and brown them in the butter over a hot fire. Add the cold water, onion, celery, carrot and bay leaf; simmer slowly for five or six hours in a covered kettle. Take from the fire; cool; remove the fat; strain; reheat and serve. BEEF BOUILLON 6 pounds beef and bone 2 quarts water Pepper and salt Cut and break the beef and bone, and put it in the water, letting it simmer for five or six hours. Then cool and strain through a sieve, removing all fatty matter. Reheat, seasoning to taste with pepper and salt. CHICKEN BROTH 1 chicken V2 cup rice 1 quart cold water 1 cup water Salt and pepper Cut the chicken into small pieces and place it in a deep earthen dish; add the quart of water; cover it and set over a kettle of 30 Planned for a Qr^TTTDC Family of Four OWUlTO boiling water, letting it steam until the meat of the chicken has become very tender. Strain off the broth and let it stand over night. In the morning remove the fat and return the liquid to the original earthen dish. Steam the rice in the cup of water until it is soft; add it to the broth and steam the whole from one to two hours longer. CLAM BOUILLON 1 dozen clams in shells 1 pint milk 2 cups water V^ tablespoon butter Salt and red pepper Scrub the clams and put them in a covered vessel over the fire in the water. Heat the milk separately. Boil the clams until the shells open; fill bouillon cups half full of broth; then pour in the milk, to which the butter and seasoning have been added. OYSTER BOUILLON 25 oysters 1 pint milk 1 cup water Yz tablespoon butter Salt and red pepper Wash the oysters; chop them fine; cover with water or oyster juice and cook in a double boiler for one hour, closely covered; strain through a sieve; add the milk, separately heated, and the butter and seasoning. Serve in bouillon cups. OYSTER SOUP No. 1 25 oysters and juice Salt and pepper 1 pint milk 1 hard boiled egg 1 ounce butter 1 soda cracker rolled ^4 cup chopped celery Boil the milk and set" it aside. Bring the oyster juice to a boil and remove the scum. Put the oysters over the fire with the juice and the butter; let them simmer until the edges begin to curl; add the boiled milk; bring all to a boil and add the seasoning — salt and pepper to taste. Mix the cracker and celery with the eggy finely chopped; put these into a tureen and pour the soup over them. 31 QOTTP^ Planned for a OV^UirO Family of Four OYSTER SOUP No. 2 25 oysters and juice 1 pint cream stock Drain the oysters through a colander; strain the juice through a fine sieve; bring to a boil ; skim; and when clear add the oysters, washing them first to remove bits of shell. Let them cook slowly until the edges begin to curl; add the cream stock and serve. CLAM SOUP 25 small clams V2 teaspoon chopped parsley 1 pint milk 1 rolled cracker Pinch of mace 2 tablespoons butter 1 hard-boiled egg '^ teaspoon flour Wash the clam shells very clean; place them in a pan in the oven for about five minutes, or until the shells open; then remove them from the shells, saving all the juice. Unless the clams are small chop them very fine. Boil the milk; add the juice, the mace, parsley, egg, rolled cracker, and the butter mixed with the flour. Last of all add the clams; bring to a boil and serve. CHILE BISQUE 4 sweet chile peppers 1 egg Vi cup boiled rice l^ cup cream Tabasco and salt 1 pint hot milk Remove the seeds and veins from the peppers; boil and press the pulp through a colander. To this add a cup of boiled rice, mashed smooth. Season highly with tabasco and salt. Beat the egg; add the cream, then the hot milk, and pour all into the bisque. CREAM OF POTATO 2 medium-sized potatoes 1 bay leaf y\ tablespoon chopped onion 1 sprig parsley 1 pint cream stock Pare the potatoes and let them soak in cold water for half an hour; then put them in boiling water with the bay leaf and onion, and when soft drain off the water and mash, saving the water and returning the mashed potatoes to it. Strain through a sieve and add the cream stock slowly. Just before serving add the parsley, finely chopped. 32 Planned for a CiOTTP^s Family of Four OWUX-Q CREAM OF TOMATO 1 pint stewed or canned tomatoes 1 tablespoon sugar 1 pint cream stock Pinch of baking soda Heat the tomatoes ; strain and add sugar and a pinch of baking soda. At the moment of serving stir in the boiling cream sauce, very slowly to prevent curdling. A spoonful of whipped cream may be served on the top of each plate if desired. CREAM OF PEA 1 cup cooked or canned peas 1 sprig mint 1 cup water V2 bay leaf 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1 pint cream stock Brown the onion in the butter; add it to the peas, mint, bay leaf, sugar and water and let all simmer slowly for one half hour. Strain through a fine sieve; add the cream sauce and serve. PEA-POD SOUP 2 quarts pea pods 1 cup shredded lettuce 1 quart water 1 pint cream stock Put the pea pods in the water over the fire, adding the lettuce if you have it, although this is not necessary. Boil down to one pint; strain and add to the cream sauce. Left-over cooked peas, pressed through a colander to remove the skins, may be added if desired. CREAM OF CELERY 1 stalk celery 14 tablespoon chopped onion 1 pint boiling water 1^ bay leaf V2 teaspoon salt 3 cups cream stock Wash and scrape the celery; cut it into half-inch pieces and cook with the water, salt, onion and bay leaf until thoroughly tender. Mash in the water in which it has boiled ; add the cream sauce and serve. CREAM OF ASPARAGUS Proceed as with cream of celery soup, substituting one half bundle of fresh asparagus or an equal amount of canned for the 33 Qr4TT"DQ Planned for a OV^ U JrO Family of Four stalk of celery. Or, the tips of a bundle of asparagus may be cut off for table use and the remainder used for soup. In either case the asparagus will be better if mashed through a colander, thus removing the woody portions. CREAM OF CORN No. 1 3 ears com 1 bay leaf Water to cover the com 1 pint cream stock Run a sharp knife down through the center of each row of ker- nels, and with the back of a knife press out the pulp, leaving the husk on the cob. Break the cobs and put them on to boil in suf- ficient cold water to cover them. Boil thirty minutes and strain the liquor. Return the liquor to the fire, and when boiling add the corn pulp and bay leaf. Cook fifteen minutes ; add the cream sauce and serve. CREAM OF CORN No. 2 1 pint canned com 1 bay leaf y^ tablespoon chopped onion 1 pint cream stock Cook the corn, onion and bay leaf for fifteen minutes; add the cream sauce and serve. CREAM OF SPINACH 1 quart spinach V^ tablespoon chopped onion 1 pint cream stock Wash the spinach thoroughly; throw it into a dry kettle and place over the fire, stirring until the spinach is wilted. Drain the spinach, saving the water; chop it very fine; return it to the water; add the onion and cook until thoroughly done, adding a little more water if necessary. Mash in the same water; strain and add the juice to the hot cream sauce. CREAM OF LETTUCE Follow the recipe for cream of spinach, substituting one head of lettuce for the quart of spinach. 34 Planned for a ^O TIP Si F amily of Four \D\jyjJrvJ MOCK TURTLE SOUP 1 calf's head 1 lemon 3 quarts water 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 6 potatoes 2 tablespoons butter 2 hard-boiled eggs V2 tablespoon sweet marjoram Salt and pepper Clean the calf's head thoroughly and boll it in the water until tender; then pick the meat from the bones and cut it into small pieces. Add the potatoes cut into small dice, the eggs, chopped, the lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce and butter: season with salt, pepper and sweet marjoram; use drop dumplings if desired. GUMBO SOUP 1 poimd beef 1 small carrot 1 quart okras 1 large tomato 1 small onion Pinch of cloves 1 sprig parsley Salt and pepper 2 quarts cold water Cut the beef into small pieces ; wash the okras and cut them in slices. Slice the onion; chop the parsley; grate the carrot; and cut the tomato into small pieces. Add the water and seasoning and bring all to a boil. Set aside to cool; skim off the hardened fat; return to the fire and let simmer slowly for four hours, closely covered. BEEF SOUP 2 pounds shin of beef 1 teaspoon sweet marjoram 4 tablespoons butter 2 whole allspices 2 onions 2 whole cloves 2 carrots Pinch of mace 1 stalk celery Salt and pepper 2 bay leaves 2 quarts cold water 1 tablespoon cornstarch Cut the beef into small pieces; put it in a pan with the butter and brown over a hot fire. Take out the meat and put it in a large kettle with the onions, carrots and celery all chopped fine; add the seasoning and water; bring to a boil and skim well. Set aside to simmer, closely covered, six or eight hours; then strain and set away. Next day remove all the fat from the top and boil half an hour. Thicken with a tablespoon of cornstarch mixed with a little cold water; boil three minutes and serve. 35 O/^TTTiO I'latined lor a O^JUJrO Family of Four MUTTON SOUP 2 pounds neck of mutton 1 onion 2 quarts cold water 1 tomato 1 turnip 1 tablespoon pearl barley Salt and pepper Put the mutton in a kettle with the water, vegetables sliced, barley and seasoning. Bring to a boil; skim off the fat and scum; place at the back of the stove to simmer slowly for three hours. Keep the vessel closely covered. r TURKEY-BONE SOUP Turkey bones 2 carrots "Water to cover bones 1 tablespoon barley 1 onion 1 tablespoon rice 1 stalk celery 1 sprig parsley 3 potatoes Pepper and salt Put the turkey bones in a kettle and cover them with water; boil slowly for three hours; add the other ingredients, chopping the onions, parsley and celery and cutting the potatoes and carrots into small dice. Boil until the vegetables are tender* season to taste and serve. CHEESE SOUP 3 cups milk 1 cup grated cheese 1 tablespoon flour Salt and paprika Heat the milk in a double boiler, reserving a little to mix with the flour; add this and cook thoroughly. When ready to serve add the cheese and seasoning. OX-TAIL SOUP 1 ox-tail 1 stalk celery 1/2 tablespoon drippings 1 bunch parsley 2 quarts cold water 2 cloves 1 onion 2 peppercorns 1 teaspoon salt Cut ox-tail into pieces, separating at the joints. Brown the onion in the drippings of salt pork. Put the meat in a kettle with the water; when it reaches the boiling point add the spices, the onion and the celery and parsley finely chopped. Let simmer for four hours; strain and cool and remove the grease. Reheat; add the salt and serve. 36 Planned for a CrMTUC Familv of Four OWUJrO Family of Four PEPPER POT 3 pounds tripe 1 chopped onion 2 quarts water 1/2 tablespoon sweet marjoram Small knuckle of veal 1/2 bunch parsley and thyme Water to cover veal Salt and pepper 2 potatoes Dumplings Boil the tripe for six hours the day previous to using and save the hquor. Boil the knuckle of veal in a separate vessel in suf- ficient water to cover it; when the meat separates from the bones strain and add the liquor to the tripe liquor with the seasoning, potatoes and onion. Cut the tripe into pieces half an inch square, and the potatoes likewise. Boil all together for fifteen or twenty minutes, adding the dumplings ten minutes before serving time. MULLAGATAWNY SOUP 1 tablespoon beef drippings 2 cloves 1 large onion 2 peppercorns 2 quarts stock V2 teaspoon curry powder 2 tablespoons chopped carrot V^ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons chopped celery 2 tablespoons boiled rice y2 lemon V^ cup cooked chicken or veal Slice the onion and fry it brown in the drippings; put it into the stock, together with the carrot, celery, lemon juice, cloves and peppercorns. Mix the curry powder and salt to a smooth paste with a little water, and add that also. Simmer one hour, strain and cool; remove the fat; add the chicken and rice; reheat and serve. CHICKEN GUMBO 1 tablespoon butter 3 small tomatoes 1 tablespoon chopped onion Less desirable pieces chicken 1 quart sliced okra Flour 2 quarts hot water Salt and pepper Brown the onion in the butter; add the okra and fry until the okra will rope from a spoon. Stir constantly. Pour all into the hot water and boil down to a quart. Scald the tomatoes; peel them; cut into small pieces and add to the soup. Next sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour the wings, back, neck and other undesirable portions of a chicken and fry them a light brown. Lift from the frying pan with a fork and add to the soup one half hour before serving. 37 SOUPS Planned for a Family of Four JULIENNE SOUP 1 quart stock 1 small onion 1 small carrot 1 small tomato 1 small turnip 1 quart boiling water 1 small potato 1 tablespoon barley Salt and pepper Cut the vegetables into small pieces, add the water, barley and seasoning and let all simmer slowly until the vegetables are tender. Add the stock; bring to a boil and serve. ECONOMICAL SOUP 1 quart stock 2 cloves 1 onion 2 peppercorns 1 small carrot 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon salt 1 sprig parsley Water to cover vegetables Pinch of mace Leaves and root of celery stalk Chop the vegetables and cook them together with the herbs and seasoning in water sufficient to cover them. When done, add the stock and bring to a boil. BARLEY SOUP 1 quart stock 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons barley 1 quart water V2 saltspoon pepper Wash the barley and soak it in a quart of water; cook in the same water until tender; drain and add with the seasoning to the boiling stock. Rice, tapioca or sago may be substituted for the barley, VERMICELLI SOUP 14 cup vermicelli 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 quart stock 1/2 teaspoon salt V2 saltspoon pepper Cook the vermicelli about ten minutes in boiling salted water; drain and add to the boiling stock, together with the seasoning. Macaroni may be substituted for the vermicelli if desired; but it will have to cook longer — about half an hour. 38 Planned for a Family of Four SOUPS NOODLE SOUP 1 quart stock Noodles Bring the stock to a boil; add the noodles and seasoning; let both boll together for about five minutes, and serve. The noodles may be made according to the following directions : 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon salt Sufficient flour to make stiff dough Beat the egg; add the salt; then the flour, sufficient to make a very stiff dough. Knead; toss on a slightly floured board, and roll as thin as possible. Cover with a towel and set aside until the surface is dry; then roll like a jelly roll and cut off thin slices. Dry, and when needed cook twenty minutes In boiling salted water. Drain and add to soup. BLACK-BEAN SOUP 1 pint black Mexican beans Bones of cold roast 2 quarts cold water Salt and pepper V^ cup mild wine Put the beans in a kettle with the water and any bones of cold roast beef or mutton or poultry ; bring to a boil; skim well; then let simmer for four or five hours, stirring frequently. Remove the bones; strain the juice; and press the beans through a colander, thus removing the skins, which are very tough. Return the soup to the kettle; season to taste; bring to a boil; add the wine and serve. TOMATO SOUP 1 pint stewed or canned tomatoes 1 bay leaf 1 pint water or stock 1 tablespoon butter 1 small onion 1 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper Put the tomatoes over the fire with the water, onion and bay leaf; cook slowly for one half hour; strain through a fine sieve; wash the saucepan; return the tomatoes to It and put again over the fire. Add the butter and flour well rubbed together; stir until smooth; season to taste and serve with Croutons, 39 CJ/^TTTiO Planned for a O^JUJrO Family of Four VEGETABLE SOUP No. 1 lYz ounces butter 1 cup beans or split peas 1 small onion 2 quarts water V2 carrot Pinch of mace 1/2 stalk celery 1 dozen allspice Salt and pepper Put the butter in a large kettle over a slow fire. While it is melting slice the onion, cut the carrot and celery into small pieces, and put them in the butter, covering them closely until they are slightly browned. Have ready the beans or peas which have been soaked in cold water all night, and bring them to a boil in a quart of water. When the vegetables are browned pour the boiling peas over them; add another quart of water; bring all to a boil ; skim well and add the seasoning. Cover the kettle and let it simmer for three hours. Then strain the vegetables and press them through a colander. Return all to the kettle; bring to a boil and serve. VEGETABLE SOUP No. 2 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 tablespoon chopped pepper 1 tablespoon butter or drippings iVz teaspoons salt 11/2 quarts water 1 saltspoon pepper 2 cups shredded cabbage 1 tomato 1/2 cup chopped carrot 1 cup sliced potato 1 leek 1 tablespoon chopped celery Brown the onion slightly in the butter or drippings. Have the water boiling hard and add all the vegetables except the potato and tomato. Boil rapidly for ten minutes; then gently for one hour. Add the other ingredients and cook one hour longer. Have the cover partially off the kettle during the entire time. PIMIENTO BISQUE V2 cup rice y2 teaspoon salt 3 cups chicken stock V4 teaspoon tabasco sauce 3 pimientoes Yolk of 1 egg Y4 cup cream Wash the rice; cook with the stock until tender; press through a sieve; add the pimientoes, likewise pressed through a sieve, and the seasonings. Bring to a boil; add the egg, beaten with the cream, and serve in bouillon cups with Imperial Sticks. 40 Planned for a C/^TTTIO Family of Four oVJUl-'O CLAM CHOWDER V2 peck of clams in shell 1 quart hot milk 3 potatoes 6 rolled crackers V2 pound bacon 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon chopped onion V^ teaspoon salt V2 saltspoon pepper Wash the clams and place them over the fire in a large covered kettle, with sufiicient water to keep the under ones from burning. When the shells at the top have opened, remove all the clams, and when cool enough to handle take them from the shells. Remove the skins and cut into small pieces, leaving the soft part whole. Let the liquor settle; then pour off the top, being careful not to take any of the sediment. Cut the potatoes into small dice and parboil them, pouring off the water afterward. Cut the bacon in very thin slices and fry. Remove the bacon and fry the onion in the bacon fat and strain. Then boil bacon, onions and potatoes together until the potatoes are tender Use just enough boiling water to cover them, and drain when done. Reheat the clams and their liquor; add the hot milk, seasoning, rolled crackers, bacon, onion and potatoes ; let all simmer together for five minutes; add the parsley and serve. CORN CHOWDER 1 ounce salt pork 1 cup boiling water 2 potatoes 1 pint can com 1 small onion 1 pint hot milk Salt and pepper Pare and slice the potatoes and onion. Cut the pork into small dice and put over the fire, cooking until crisp and brown; then add the potatoes, onion and boiling water. Boil for one half hour; add the hot milk, corn and seasoning; bring all to a boil and serve. TO SERVE WITH SOUP Croutons Cut bread into half-inch slices; remove the crusts and cut into cubes; put in shallow pans and brown in the oven. Buttering the bread will improve the flavor and insure quick browning, 41 Ci/^TTTIO Planned for a OlJUirO Family of Four Pulled Bread Place a loaf of baker's bread in a baking pan and cover it with a tin plate. Let it remain in a moderate oven about twenty- minutes, or until heated through; then with a fork remove the crust and tear the soft part into large ragged pieces. Spread these pieces in a pan and place them in a hot oven until crisp and brown. This is the bread frequently recommended for dyspeptics, but is delicious served in the place of crackers. Imperial Sticks Cut stale bread into one-third-inch slices and remove the crusts. Spread both sides thinly with butter; cut into narrow strips and brown in a quick oven. Serve with soup in place of croutons or crackers. 42 Planned for a QrMTT>Q Fatnilv of Four OV-^UlTO Family of Four '43 Oi^TT-no Planned for a SOUPS Family of Four M Planned for a I'lannea ror a O/^Tmo Family of Four oU UlTO 45 Planned for a SOUPS Family of Four 46 FISH TURBOT CRAB SALMON FISH AS ordinarily used, the term fish includes, besides the fish proper, many other water animals, such as oysters, clams, lobsters, crawfish, crabs, shrimps, turtle and terrapin. In gen- eral fish contains the same kind of nutrients as other food mate- rials, serving the two-fold purpose of tissue-building and the pro- duction of heat and energy. It is not so rich in nutrients or fuel value as meat, but furnishes an economical source of nitrogen and lends to the diet that variety which is almost essential. There are, of course, dangers from eating fish, and though they are scarcely greater than dangers from other kinds of food, it may be well to consider some of them here. Fish, like meat, may contain parasites injurious to man; but these are destroyed by thorough cooking. Fish may also contain ptomaines. Their formation frequently accompanies putrefaction, and care should therefore be taken to serve fish only when it is in perfectly healthy condition. Fish which has been frozen and, after thawing, kept for a time before it is cooked, is especially likely to contain ptomaines. Decomposition can often be recognized by the odor of the fish or by the test of laying the fish in water. Those which sink may be considered undecomposed and wholesome; those which float, unfit for use. The appearance of the fish is another guide: if the eyes have lost their sheen or the cornea is cloudy; if the gills are pale red or the scales dry or easily loosened, or if the meat is so soft that when pressed the indentation of the finger remains, it should be considered unfit for food. Ordinarily the scales are removed and the fish drawn before it is delivered; but if not, this should be done at once. Then wash the fish thoroughly, wipe it dry, sprinkle with salt and put in a 49 ■|77QTT Planned for a "T-lii^-". Family of Four cold place. In the refrigerator fish will taint butter and other foods if placed in the same compartment, so that in most cases it is better to lay it on a plate on a pan of ice, setting the pan in the cellar. Fish that are frozen should soak in cold water until they are thawed, but should not be allowed to remain until they are flexible. Salt fish should be soaked in fresh water, skin side up, to draw out the salt. CLEANING FISH To remove the scales hold the fish by the tail and scrape firmly toward the head with a small sharp knife, held with the blade slanting toward the tail. Scrape slowly so that the scales will not fly, and rinse the knife frequently in cold water. If the fish is to be served whole, leave the head and tail on and trim the fins; otherwise remove them. To open small fish make an incision under the gills and squeeze out the contents by pressing upward from the middle with the thumb and finger. To open large fish split them from the gills half way down the body toward the tail; remove the entrails and scrape and clean, opening far enough to remove all the blood from the backbone, and waping the inside thoroughly with a cloth wrung out of cold, salted w^ater. To skin a fish remove the fins along the back and cut off a narrow strip of the skin the entire length of the back. Then slip the knife under the skin that lies over the bony part of the gills and work slowly toward the tail. Do the same with the other side. To bone a fish clean it first and remove the head. Then, begin- ning at the tail, run a sharp knife under the flesh close to the bone, scraping the flesh away clean from the bone. Work up one side toward the head; then repeat the same process on the other side of the bone. Lift the bone carefully and pull out any small bones that may be left in the flesh. BOILED FISH Wipe the fish carefully and if fresh, sprinkle thoroughly with salt. Wrap it in a piece of cheesecloth to hold the fish together and to prevent the scum from clinging to the fish, and place it in a kettle of boiling water, adding a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of vinegar to every two quarts of water, also a slice of onion, a bay 50 SOLE COD FLOUNDER Planned for a T7TQTT Family of Four ^ lOJX leaf and a sprig of parsley. Cook slowly, following the time table in the front of the book ; lift and drain carefully; open the cloth and turn the fish upon the serving platter, garnishing with parsley and slices of lemon. The fish is done when the flesh is firm and separates easily from the bone. As fish used for boiling has little fat and is cooked in none, it needs a rich sauce to make it palatable. Drawn butter, egg, Hollandaise and Bechamel sauces are used. BAKED FISH ' Wash and dry the fish, rubbing inside and out with salt; stuff with forcemeat or bread stuffing and sew. Cut gashes two inches apart on both sides, alternating, and into each slip a narrow strip of salt fat pork. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and place in a hot oven without water. As soon as it begins to brown add hot water and butter and baste every ten minutes. Bake until done, allow- ing an hour or more for a large fish, twenty or thirty minutes for a small one. Remove to a hot platter; draw out the strings; wipe off all water or fat and remove pork; garnish with slices of lemon well covered with chopped parsley and serve with Hollandaise sauce. BROILED FISH For broiling large fish should be split down the back and head and tail removed; salmon and halibut should be cut into one-inch slices, and smelts and other small fish left whole. Wipe the fish as dry as possible; sprinkle with salt and pepper and if the fish is dry and white brush the flesh side well with olive oil or butter. Put in a well-greased broiler, placing the thickest parts of the fish toward the middle or back of the broiler. Hold over a hot fire until the flesh side is nicely browned; then cook the skin side just long enough to make the skin crisp. Small fish require from ten to fifteen minutes, large fish from fifteen to twenty-five. To remove from the broiler loosen one side first, then the other, and lift care- fully with a cake turner. Place on a platter; spread with butter and stand in the oven for a few minutes. Garnish with lemon and serve with Maitre d'Hotel sauce. FRIED FISH Wash and dry the fish; season with salt and pepper; dip in fine bread crumbs, then in beaten eggy then in bread crumbs again. 51 ■I7TCXT Planned for a r lOXl Family of Four Place the fish in a frying basket and fry in hot fat, preferably olive oil. Be sure that the fat is hot; test it by lowering a small piece of bread; if it browns in thirty seconds the fat is sufficiently hot. Put only a few pieces of fish in the basket at a time and remove them as soon as they are brown. Garnish with parsley and serve with Tartare sauce. SHAD ROE Shad roe may be baked, broiled or fried. To broil, wipe dry; sprinkle with pepper and salt and cook five minutes on each side. Butter well and stand in the oven for a few minutes; then serve garnished with parsley and lemon. To fry, proceed as with fish, but cook the roe for ten minutes first in boiling water. BAKED SHAD Clean and split a three-pound shad, placing it skin side down in a baking pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper; spread with butter and thin slices of bacon and bake twenty-five or thirty minutes in a hot oven. Garnish with parsley and slices of lemon. PLANKED SHAD Clean and split a three-pound shad. Heat the plank very hot; lay the fish upon it, skin side down. Brush the flesh carefully over with olive oil or butter; then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake for thirty minutes in a hot oven. It may be cooked in a gas range, having the flame over the fish. When cooked pour over the fish two tablespoons of melted butter and the juice of one lemon. Garnish with parsley, quarters of lemon, and mashed potatoes. Shape the potatoes by means of a forcing bag and star tube; brush over with beaten yolk of egg; then brown in the oven. Set the plank on a serving dish and serve. PLANKED HALIBUT Trim the ends of a solid piece of halibut, weighing about four pounds and cut the entire width of the fish. Peel and slice three onions into a baking pan, and on these lay the halibut. Squeeze the juice of a small lemon over it; put some pieces of butter on the top; pour in half a cup of white stock and half a cup of white wine. Bake for three quarters of an hour; baste several times with the liquid in i^he pan. Add a little salt 52 Planned for a T7TQTT F amily of Four J: ±\Da. When ready lift out the fish on to a hot plank. Put some hot mashed potatoes through a forcing bag round the fish, brtish with beaten egg, and return to a hot oven to brown the potatoes. Fill up the space between the fish and potatoes with hot vegetables. Decorate with pieces of cooked cucumber, which have the centers removed and filled with cooked and seasoned peas. BAKED FILLETS OF HALIBUT Cut the halibut into small fillets; season and place in a shallow pan, covered with buttered paper. Bake in a hot oven from ten to fifteen minutes. Garnish with parsley and serve with Hollan- daise sauce. FRIED SMELTS Clean the smelts, leaving on the heads and tails. Sprinkle well with salt, pepper and flour; dip in egg, then in fine bread crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Garnish with parsley and slices of lemon and serve with Tartare sauce. SALT-FISH DINNER 1 pound codfish 2 tablespoons fat 1/2 pound salt pork 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups skim milk Speck of salt Dash of red pepper Cut the codfish in strips; soak in lukewarm water and cook below the boiling point until tender. Cut the pork into one-fourth inch slices; cut several gashes in each piece; fry slowly until golden brown and remove, pouring off the fat. Out of two table- spoons of the fat, the flour, seasoning and milk make a cream sauce. Put the codfish on a platter with pieces of pork around it; and serve with boiled potaoes and the cream sauce. CODFISH Let the fish soak in cold water for four or five hours to draw out the salt; wash the fish very clean; put it in a kettle with cold water; bring to a boil; then stand aside where it will keep just below boiling temperature. When perfectly tender, drain; put on a platter and cover with cream sauce. 53 Planned for a ITTCJ'tT I'lannea ror a r lOXl Family of Four CODFISH BALLS 1 cup codfish 1 tablespoon soft butter IV2 cups mashed potato Dash of pepper Yolk of 1 egg White of 1 egg Flour Wash the fish in cold water and pull in small pieces; mix with the potatoes. Beat the egg; stir to a paste with the butter; add pepper, then the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Turn in the fish and potato; mix well with a fork; flour the hands and roll the mixture into round balls. Flatten to one-half inch thickness and fry in hot fat. SALMON SURPRISE 1 can salmon 1 cup cream sauce 1 cup mashed potatoes Remove the salmon from the can; place it in a colander and wash under running water. Break into small pieces; mix thoroughly with hot cream sauce and pour into a baking dish. Cover with mashed potatoes and bake until the potatoes are browned. CREAMED SALMON 1 can salmon 1 cup cream sauce Remove the salmon from the can; place it in a colander and wash under running water or scald with boiling water. Break into small pieces; stir into the hot cream sauce; bring all to a boil and serve in patty cups or on toasted bread or crackers. FRIED SCALLOPS Clean the scallops; cook until they begin to shrivel; drain and dry between towels. Roll in fine bread crumbs, salt and pepper; dip in beaten egg; roll again in crumbs and lower for a minute or two into very hot fat. Drain on paper and serve. CLAMS Clams may be stewed, panned or cooked in other ways like oysters. They are also good made into fritters. 54 Planned for a C*TOTT Family of Four r lOXl CLAM FRITTERS 3 eggs 1 cup flour Vz cup milk 25 clams Beat the eggs; add the flour gradually with the milk, beating until perfectly smooth. Chop the clams; drain off the juice; stir them into the batter; mix thoroughly and drop into boiling hot fat. CREAMED CLAMS 2 dozen clams 1/2 cup clam juice 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 cup rich cream 1 tablespoon flour Salt and paprika Chop the clams fine. Melt the butter and cook the flour in it; add the clams and juice; simmer for ten minutes and add the cream. Bring to a boil; season and serve with thin slices of but- tered toast. FRIED OYSTERS Select large oysters; drain them and dry between soft towels. Dip each oyster in beaten egg until it is thoroughly coated; then roll in cracker dust or fine bread crumbs well seasoned with salt and pepper. Lay the oysters in a wire basket, a few at a time, and lower them into boiling hot fat. Test the fat by lowering a piece of stale bread into it; if it browns in thirty seconds the fat is sufficiently hot; if it burns the fat is too hot. Fry the oysters a delicate brown; drain them over the fat; then lay on brown paper in the oven until serving time. Olive oil is best for frying, though suetine, cottolene, crisco, or a mixture of suet and lard brings good results. Butter alone or lard alone should never be used. OYSTER PIE 40 large oysters 1/2 tablespoon chopped onion 2 hard-boiled eggs 1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons flour Little grated nutmeg 4 tablespoons butter Put the oysters over the fire in their own liquor; add the other ingredients, rubbing the butter to a paste with the flour first. Stir until the butter is thoroughly melted; then pour into a deep 55 "I7TCTT Planned for a ■Tlon Family of Four pudding dish, the sides of which are lined with half puff-paste. Have an inverted cup in the center of the dish to support the top crust; cover with paste; fasten the edges securely and make a few slashes to allow the steam to escape. Bake in a quick oven for about a half hour. When brown on the top, cover with paper to prevent the crust from burning. SCALLOPED OYSTERS Butter a baking dish and fill it with alternate layers of oysters and bread crumbs, making the bottom layer oysters and the top layer crumbs Season each layer of crumbs thoroughly and dot with small pieces of butter. When the dish is full moisten with equal parts of oyster juice and milk. CREAMED OYSTERS 1 pint oysters 1 tablespoon butter 34 cup milk Salt and pepper 1 tablespoon flour Dash of celery salt Heat the oysters in their own liquor, removing the scum that rises. Melt the butter in a separate pan; stir in the flour; add the milk gradually, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. Pour the oysters into the cream sauce thus made and just before serving add the seasoning. Serve in patty shells or on buttered toast. OYSTER STEW 1 pint oysters and juice Salt and red pepper 1 pint hot milk or cream 1 ounce butter Put the oysters over the fire in their own liquor; the moment they come to a boil, skim carefully and add the hot milk or cream. Skim again; remove from the fire and add the butter and seasoning. SHIRRED OYSTERS Place small squares of toast in a pan and on each as many oysters as it will hold, well seasoned with salt, pepper and bits of butter. Cover the pan and cook the oysters in the oven until they are plump and curled at the edges. Serve immediately. 56 HOW TO SPLIT AND DRESS LOBSTER Planned for a T7TQTI Family of Four r lOJl PANNED OYSTERS 25 oysters Juice of '/^ lemon 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper Squares of toast Melt the butter over the iire; add the lemon juice, then the drained oysters. Cook until the edges begin to curl; season and serve on small squares of toast. BROILED OYSTERS Wash the oysters and dry them with a soft towel. Dip them in melted butter and lay them on a broiler which has been well greased with salt pork or butter. Broil on both sides for a few minutes; lay on buttered toast and season with salt, pepper and butter. Oysters cooked on both sides on a buttered gridiron have the flavor of broiled oysters, and are more easily prepared. TERRAPIN Drop the live terrapin in hot water and boil until the skin can be pulled from the legs. When cool, take off the shells; pull out the claws; open the body and remove carefully the sand bag and gall, being careful not to break them ; also the entrails, lights, heart, head, tail and white muscles. The remainder of the terra- pin is to be used when cut into small pieces. STEWED TERRAPIN 1 terrapin Yolk of 1 egg V4 pound butter Salt and cayenne 1 tablespoon flour * Pinch of mace ^^ cup cream 1 wineglass sherry Rub the butter in the flour and add it to the terrapin; add the cream in which the egg has been beaten, salt, cayenne and mace. Simmer for ten minutes; add sherry and serve. LOBSTER Select a live lobster of medium size but heavy in proportion to its size. If the tail springs back quickly when straightened, the lobster is fresh. 67 T^TQXT Planned for a r lOXl Family of Four To kill the lobster grasp it by the back and put its head under hot water; then its body, and quickly cover the kettle. The lobster will die immediately, but should remain in the water about twenty minutes, boiling all the time. The meat should not be eaten until cold and should never be kept more than eighteen hours after cooking. It should not be removed from the shell until it is to be used. Remove the meat from the shell, discarding the gills, stomach and intestines. Garnish with small clams and lettuce leaves. PLANKED LOBSTER To plank a lobster heat the plank very hot. Kill the lobster by splitting it into halves, lay it on the plank shell side down; put it under the gas for twenty minutes; baste with butter; dust with salt and pepper, and cook ten minutes longer. Garnish with small fried French potato balls and grated cucumber in tiny lettuce leaves. DEVILED CRABS 6 {"^abs" Vz cup cream 1 hard-boiled egg Salt and cayenne 2 tablespoons butter ^^ teaspoon sweet marjoram Grated nutmeg Cracker dust 1 raw egg Put the crabs into hot water; add salt and boil for thirty minutes. Or, buy crab meat already picked and ask the dealer for six shells. Cut the meat into small pieces; add the hard- boiled ^^gy cream, butter and seasoning and cook for a few minutes over a hot fire, thickening the mixture with cracker dust. Fill the shells; dip them in the raw ^gg^ beaten; then in cracker crumbs; place in a hot oven or drop into boiling fat and fry until brown. FROGS Only the hind quarters of frogs are cooked. Wash and dry them; skin and dip them in milk; sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour and fry in boiling hot fat. Or put them in a saucepan with butter, a sprinkling of flour and pepper and salt. Shake over the fire for a moment; add a little water; simmer until tender and almost dry; then add a cup of cream and a large lump of butter rubbed together with a little flour. Bring to a boil and serve. 58 Planned for a FTSiTT Family of Four *. ±>JJ.x m ■ry-rc^XT Planned for i», t lorl Family of Four .60 Planned for a T7TQTI Family of Four -^ XOXX 61 •r^^fyL'TT Planned for a FISH Family of Four ^ MEATS ( / Leg of Mutton CARVING Shoulder of Mutton Shoulder of Mutton MEATS li WHETHER or not meat is absolutely essential to the human '^ V body has never been adequately worked out, but animal flesh has been from earliest times the staple article of diet wher- ever it could be found. It is true that the American Indian sub- sisted largely upon maize, and developed enormous strength in the practice, but it is likewise true that he ate meat whenever it was available. There is a flavor in the so-called "extractives'* of meat which nothing can altogether replace, no matter how firmly we may be convinced that other foods contain as much or more protein and fats. The cooking of meats is more important, perhaps, than the cooking of any other kind of food, as good cooking enhances and poor cooking lessens or destroys the nutritive value. In general it may be said that cooking develops the pleasing taste and odor of the meat and softens and loosens the protein of the connective tissues, thus making the meat more tender. Extreme heat, how- ever, tends to harden the albuminoids of the lean portions and to weaken the flavor of the extractives. Fresh meat should never be permitted to soak in cold water, as cold water draws out the juices. It should in most cases simply be wiped with a damp cloth, and if washed should be dried immediately. Meat is in most households the most expensive food placed upon the table and unfortunately not always the richest from the physiological standpoint. It therefore behooves the housewife to buy as wisely as possible and to consider some of the suggestions found in the following pages for cooking the cheaper cuts of meat. "Take the side of a steer lying in a butcher shop and consider it as composed of three equal parts," says Dr. Harvey W. Wiley. 65 1. Neck 2. Chuck 3. Ribs 4. Shoulder clod 5. Fore shank 6. Brisket 7. Cross ribs 8. Plate 9. Navel 10. Loin 11. Flank 12. Rump 13. Round 14. Second cut round 15. Hind shank 'fS^ Diagram of Cuts of Beef Planned for a "M"!? ATQ Family of Four lYl J:/A X O "At wholesale prices one of these parts will cost the butcher today 6| cents per pound, another 7| cents, the other 16 cents. Now, there is not the slightest difference in the quality of these three cuts. One tastes just as good as the other and is just as nutritious if properly cooked. The only reason that one part costs more than twice as much as the other is that there is twice as much demand for that particular cut of beef. The average family uses cuts that come from 28 per cent of the steer. This leaves 72 per cent of so-called 'rough meat' in the carcass that costs only about half as much as the other 28 per cent. Yet, I repeat, there is no practical difference in the meat. One can be made just as palatable as the other, and the ordinary housewife can almost cut her meat bill in two and, at the same time, set just as good a table as usual if, instead of buying the expensive cuts, she gets the cheaper ones and prepares them carefully." Roasting The chief point to remember in roasting is that the meat should be quickly browned in order that the crust thus formed may retain the juices. The oven should therefore be hot when the meat is put in and the heat, if possible, gradually reduced. Wipe the meat with a damp cloth, but do not wash it. Sprinkle with pepper and salt and just a little flour, and put in a pan with a small piece of fat or drippings. When the meat is seared, add a little water and baste every ten minutes. When one side is thoroughly browned, turn over and brown the other side. When done, remove the roast; pour off almost all of the fat and make a brown sauce according to the directions in the chapter on "Sauces." If the meat is very lean it is a good plan to lay thin slices of fat meat, bacon or pork over the top. Broiling The object of boiling is to coagulate as quickly as possible all the albumen on the surface of the meat, sealing up the pores so that none of the juices may escape. It is therefore a good plan to warm the gridiron before putting on the meat so that none of the heat may be conducted away. The broiling should be done over 67 TV/TT? A TC Planned for a iVlISA 1 O Family of Four a clear fire at least two inches away from the gridiron. Meat cooked by this method is more wholesome than meat cooked in any other way; but if the fire is not hot, most of the juices will be lost. Season with salt, pepper and butter when the meat is done; do not season before cooking, as salt draws out the juices. Pan-broiling is less desirable than broiling over hot coals, though when properly done the meat has much the same flavor and appearance. Have the pan red hot and if the meat is very lean, rub the pan with fat; but do not leave any fat in the pan. Sear the meat quickly on one side, then on the other; then cook, turning several times. Season and serve. Boiling Boiling is one of the easiest methods of cooking meat, but It is not satisfactory unless the proper method is followed. In making soup the meat is put in cold water to draw out the juices ; in boiling it should be put in hot water, so that the meat and not the water may retain the juices and flavoring. Some of them will necessarily escape, but the boiling water coagulates the albumen on the sur- face of the meat, forming a sort of coat. Salt meat should be soaked in cold water before boiling, but fresh meat should simply be wiped with a damp cloth. Have the kettle scrupulously clean; put in it enough water to cover the meat and when boiling drop in the meat. Boil hard for five minutes; then draw the kettle aside and let the meat cook slowly. Cover closely and remove all scum that rises. Frjring Frying is cooking in very hot fat, and the secret of success is to have the fat hot enough to harden the outer surface of the meat immediately and deep enough to cover the meat. As the fat can be saved and used many times, the use of a large quantity is not extravagant. Have a frying pan with a wire basket and arrange the pieces of meat or croquettes so that they will not touch each other. Plunge them in the fat, testing it first with a small piece of bread, which should brown in thirty seconds. When cooked, drain the meat over the hot fat; shake the basket and place the pieces on soft paper so that the fat may be absorbed. Olive oil is best for frying; but as it is expensive for general use, 68 Planned for a T\/n7 AT?\ Family of Four 1.VX JZ/A X O various compounds such as cottolene, suctinc, crisco, etc., may be used. These on the whole are better than lard, which is easily absorbed and therefore apt to make the food greasy. Suet and drippings are cheapest; but suet alone cools quickly and leaves a tallowy taste. Dry the meat; roll it in fine bread crumbs ; then dip it in beaten egg diluted with water; roll it in bread crumbs again and fry. The white of the egg hardens immediately if the fat is sufficiently hot and the fat cannot penetrate to the meat. Mix a little salt and pepper with the bread crumbs. Sauteing Sauteing is commonly called frying: it consists in cooking with a little fat in a shallow pan. This method is apt to make the articles greasy and is therefore to be used with caution. Butter is generally used, though olive oil is more wholesome. Braising Braising is a cross between boiling and baking and is one of the best methods of cooking large pieces of tough, lean meat. The meat is placed in a closely covered pan partly filled with hot stock or water and cooked slowly in the oven. Bay leaf, carrot, onion and herbs are added, and the meat is usually seared first to prevent escape of the juices in the water. Stewing Stewing consists in cooking meat in a little water in a closely covered vessel. Thickening and vegetables are usually added. Cut the meat in small pieces and brown over the fire; add boiling water; cook for a few minutes ; then reduce the heat and cook very slowly. The long-continued action of the heat softens the fibers and renders the coarsest and cheapest kinds of meat tender and palatable. Fricasseeing To fricassee meat saute it first to keep in its juices, then stew until tender and serve with white or brown sauce made from the juice in the pan. 69 rLir-ry a T*0 Planned for a jyix!/A 1 O Family of Four PURCHASING BEEF Roasting — ribs, loin, rump and pin-bone. Second cut from thinnest side of ribs and sirloin are best pieces. Broiling — loin, rump, skirt. Tenderloin and sirloin the best. Boiling — round. Stewing — round, brisket, etc. Soup — shin, leg, neck, etc. Broth — ^neck, round, etc. POT ROAST Pot roast calls for brisket or round and is one of the cheaper dishes of meat. Wipe the beef with a clean, wet cloth; sear by placing in a hot frying pan and turning until the entire surface is browned, then put in a kettle with not more than a cup of hot water; cover tightly and keep just below the boihng point. Do not let the meat boil dry, but add only enough water to keep it from burning. Cook until tender and add pared potatoes one half hour before it is done. Serve with brown sauce made from the fat in the pot. ROAST BEEF WITH YORKSHIRE PUDDING 2 cups flour 3 eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk . Roast the beef as usual. Mix the flour with the salt; add the beaten eggs and the milk and stir until the batter is smooth. Pour into a shallow baking pan containing a little of the drippings from the roast beef. Let the batter be only one inch thick and bake from thirty to forty-five minutes, basting, after it is risen, with some of the fat from the pan in which the beef is roasting. Cut into squares and place it around the roast beef. BEEF A LA MODE 5 pounds beef from the round V2 cup carrot Lardoons of pork V2 cup onion Salt and pepper V2 cup tumio Flour Bay leaf Water Sprig of parsley Make eight or ten deep incisions in the meat and press into them lardoons of salt pork. Brown the meat in pork fat or drip- 70 Planned for a TV/rTTATC Family of Four IVl r/A X O pings; season, dredge with flour and brown again. Raise the beef on a trivet, put in water to half cover it, and the vegetables sliced or cut into cubes, bay leaf and parsley. Cover closely and cook below the boiling point for about four hours. Remove meat to platter; surround with vegetables and make a brown sauce of the strained liquor. BEEF TERRAPIN Shin of beef Vi pound butter Salt and red pepper 1 cup cream 3 blades mace 1 heaping teaspoon flour 1 wineglass sherry or Madeira Have the shin of beef sawed through the bone in three places; put it in a vessel over the fire; cover with boiling water and throw in a tablespoon of salt. Boil slowly until tender (three or four hours), adding more water if necessary. When the meat is done, remove and cool it, saving the broth for soup. Cut the cold meat into half-inch dice; add seasoning and butter and the flour well mixed with the cream. Bring to a boil, stir in the wine and serve. PLANKED STEAK Nearly all planking boards are now fitted out with steel rods or bars to hold the steak in place and grooves for the conservation of the gravy. Before using, heat the board very hot before the fire or in the oven, lay the steak on and fasten into place. Brush over with olive oil or melted butter; dust with salt and pepper and lay the plank in the broiler chamber of a gas range for at least fifteen minutes. Baste frequently and reverse the plank from time to time. While the steak is cooking press fresh-boiled potatoes through a ricer; season with salt and pepper; add a little butter and cream; and beat with a fork until very light. When the steak is nearly done take the board from the oven; put the beaten potato into a pastry bag and force through the tube, rose fashion, at regular intervals along the edge of the steak on the board. Between the potato roses make little mounds of cauliflower, mushrooms, spinach or onions. Return to the oven and allow them to brown delicately. Garnish with cress and send the steak to the table on the plank, setting it on a large platter or tray. TV/rTTATQ Planned for a lyirjA 1 O Family of Four PLANKED STEAK WITH OYSTERS Have an extra sirloin neatly trimmed; put it on the broiler; broil five minutes on one side; turn and broil five minutes on the other side. Make the planking board very hot while the steak is broiling. Put the steak on; garnish the board quickly with mashed potatoes and put it under the broiler. Turn the steak once. Dust with salt and pepper and rub with butter. Cover the top with broiled oysters, then run it again under the broiler for a few minutes. Serve very hot. PLANKED SALISBURY STEAK 1 pound lean beef Mashed potatoes Salt and pepper 3 baked bananas 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 cup cream sauce V2 cup grated horseradish Chop the meat very fine; season with salt, pepper and onion juice; make it into three cakes. Put the cakes on a hot plank and then under the broiler. It is wise to turn a Salisbury steak once during the cooking. When done garnish the plank with mashed potatoes; put it back until brown. Have ready a baked banana for each cake. Make a cream sauce; add to it half a cup of grated horseradish; fill this around the board; put the baked bananas on top and serve. CORNED BEEF All corned beef requires to be boiled slowly. Put it on in cold water; allow twenty -five or thirty minutes for every pound of beef. Let it come slowly to a boil, then allow it to simmer. Cabbage is usually served with corned beef but should not be boiled with it. Parsnips or turnips may be served if preferred. PICKLE FOR CORNING BEEF 3 gallons water 1 ounce pearlash 63^ pounds salt 2V2 pounds sugar 1 pint molasses This pickle is sufficient for fifty pounds of beef. When salt and sugar are thoroughly dissolved lay in the beef. It will be ready for use in twelve or fourteen days, but can remain in the pickle five or six weeks without injury. 72 STUFFED CUCUMBERS ROAST LOIN OF VEAL Planned for a Tl/n? A T*C Familv of Four IVl i/A 1 O Family of Four ROLLED STEAK 1 small skirt steak 1 cup stock 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 slice carrot 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 bay leaf Salt and pepper Trim the steak; sprinkle it with parsley and onion; season with pepper and salt; roll and tie it. Place it in a small roasting pan with the stock (or water if you have no stock), carrot and bay leaf and roast for one hour, basting constantly. Serve with tomato or brown sauce. MOCK DUCK 1 pound round steak V^ saltspoon pepper 4 tablespoons bread crumbs 1/2 teaspoon powdered sage 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons chopped onion Milk to moisten the bread Purchase a steak of uniform thickness and remove all the fat. Prepare a filling as follows : Mix together the crumbs, salt, pepper and sage; scald the onions to soften them and to remove the strong flavor, and add them to the crumbs, moistening all with milk. Wipe the steak with a damp cloth; spread the filling evenly over the meat; roll and tie it, sewing the ends to keep it together. Place it in a roasting pan with a little water and bake for about three quarters of an hour, basting frequently. Serve with currant jelly. MOCK RABBIT 1 pound round steak 1 egg 14 pound sausage meat 1 onion 3 slices moistened bread I/4 pound salt pork Salt and pepper Chop or grind the meat. Chop the onion and cook it in the fat tried out of a small portion of the pork; add the bread and cook a few minutes. When cool, mix with the other ingredients except the pork; form into a long, round roll, smoothing it by moistening the hands with cold water. Cut the pork in thin slices ; lay them over the loaf and bake for forty minutes in a hot oven. The sausage may be omitted if desired and more seasoning used in its place. 73 TV/TTTA'TC Planned for a iVl Jl A 1 O Family of Four BEEF CHOP SUEY 2 sweet peppers 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 pint tomatoes Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons chopped celery 11/2 pounds beefsteak Choose tender steak and cut it into small pieces. Saute the vegetables in hot fat or butter and season well; cook for ten or fifteen minutes; then pour over the beef which has been cooked in similar fashion in another pan. SPANISH BEEFSTEAK 2 pounds steak Salt and red pepper Bacon or salt pork V^ cup milk Vz cup water Have the steak about one inch thick; pound until thin; season and cover with a layer of bacon or salt pork cut into thin slices. Roll the steak ; tie it with a cord and place it in a covered baking dish with the milk and water. Cook two hours, basting oc- casionally. MEXICAN BEEF 2 chile peppers Butter or drippings 1 pint warm water Clove of garlic 2 pounds beef Boiled Mexican beans Remove the seeds from the chile peppers ; soak the pods in the warm water until soft; then scrape the pulp from the pods and add it to the water. Cut the beef into small pieces and brown in butter or savory drippings. Add the garlic and chile water and cook until the meat is tender, adding more water if necessary. Thicken with a few crushed beans and serve with Mexican beans, either mixed with the meat or used as a border. If chile peppers cannot be obtained, water and cayenne may be substituted, and if Mexican beans cannot be obtained, other dried beans may be used. GUISO 1 small round steak 1 onion 1 tablespoon drippings 4 Mexican peppers 4 tablespoons boiled rice Salt 2 cups boiling water Flour to thicken Wipe the meat with a damp cloth; cut it into small pieces and put it in a frying pan with the drippings, rice, half the boiling 74 Planned for a IVFTTATR Family of Four iYXXI^A X O water and the onion, sliced. Cover and cook slowly until tender. Remove the seeds from the peppers; cover them with another cup of boiling water and let them stand until cool ; then squeeze them from the water with the hand, getting out all the pulp. To the water and pulp add salt and a little flour to thicken; pour over the cooked meat; boil for a minute and serve. This is one of the most palatable of Mexican dishes. FILIPINO BEEF 1 pound round beef 1 cup stale bread crumbs 1/2 pound lean fresh pork 1 egg 1 small onion 2 cups stewed tomatoes 1 green pepper 2 slices bacon 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter ^ 1 tablespoon flour Remove the seeds from the pepper and run it through the meat grinder with the meat and onion. Add crumbs, beaten egg and seasoning; make into a roll; place in a shallow baking dish; pour the strained tomatoes around it; put the bacon on top and bake forty minutes, basting with the tomatoes. Thicken the gravy with the flour cooked in the butter, and serve. HUNGARIAN GOULASH 1 potmd top roimd of beef 1 small onion 1 ounce salt pork 1 bay leaf 1 cup tomatoes 3 whole cloves y2 stalk celery 3 whole peppercorns 1 blade mace Flour Salt and paprika Fry the salt pork'un til a light brown ; add the beef, cut into two- inch pieces and sprinkled with flour; cover with water; let simmer for two hours and season with salt and paprika. Then cook the vegetables and spices for twenty minutes in water suflScient to cover them; rub them through a sieve and add to some of the stock in which the meat was cooked. Thicken with flour, using a table- spoonful moistened in cold water to each cup of liquid, and season. Serve the meat on the platter with the sauce poured over it. Potatoes, carrots and green peppers, cooked until tender and cut into small pieces or long narrow strips, are usually put over the top. 75 TV/TT? A TC Planned for a IVill/ A 1 O Family of Four SOUR BEEF Take a piece of beef from the rump or the lower round; cover with vinegar; add sliced onion, bay leaves, a few whole spices and salt. Let it stand a week in winter or three days in summer, turning it every day and keeping it covered. When ready to cook put a piece of fat in an iron pan; brown the meat; then strain the liquid over it and cook until the meat is tender. Remove the meat ; thicken the gravy with broken gingersnaps ; strain and pour over the meat, adding a few seeded raisins if desired. BEEF BIRDS Cut slices half an inch thick from the rump or round of beef; divide them into pieces about four inches square; spread with sausage meat or forcemeat; roll up tightly and fasten with corrf or wooden tooth-picks. Brown in butter; cover with broth; stew until tender and nearly dry; thicken the gravy with flour; add a quarter of a cup of tomato or mushroom catsup; bring to a boil and serve. BEEF LOAF IV2 pounds round steak Salt and pepper Small piece of suet 1 small onion 1 cup bread crumbs Butter Have a small piece of suet ground with the beef; mix thoroughly with the crumbs, the seasoning and the onion finely chopped. Moisten the crumbs slightly with milk or water. Mold into a loaf; put into a roasting pan with a little water; make indenta- tions in the top of the loaf with the finger and fill with small pieces of butter. Serve hot with brown sauce, or cold, sliced thin. HAMBURG STEAK Have lean raw beef finely chopped; season well with pepper and salt and a little chopped onion or onion juice. Mold into cakes and broil in a greased broiler or hot frying pan. When done spread with butter or pour over them a brown sauce made in the pan. CREAMED BEEF Take freshly ground meat from the rump or round and cook it in a frying pan with a very little butter, stirring constantly and 76 Planned for a TV/TT^AXQ Family of Four IVXXl/A X O sprinkling at every turn with salt, pepper and flour. The meat should lose its red color but not brown. When done, thin with cream or milk; bring to a boil and serve in patty cups or on toast. MINCED BEEF Chop beef from the rump or round into small pieces and stew in a little water or milk, seasoning with butter, salt and pepper when the meat is first put in the pan. Serve on buttered toast. The remains of roast beef may also be prepared in this way. CREAMED FRIZZLED BEEF y-i pound sliced dried beef V2 cup cold water 1 tablespoon butter IV^ cup milk 2 tablespoons flour 1 egg Buttered toast Pick the meat over carefully, removing all gristle and breaking it into small bits. If very salty bring to a boil in a little water and drain. Melt the butter in a frying pan; throw in the beef and stir it with a fork until it is cooked, but not browned. Re- move the pan from the hottest part of the stove; sift the flour over the meat, stirring all the time; add the cold water and con- tinue stirring until all the water has been absorbed. Then draw the pan to the hot part of the stove and add the milk. Bring all to a boil; add the beaten ^gg and serve at once on small slices of buttered toast. The egg may be omitted if preferred. BOILED BEEF'S TONGUE 1 fresh tongue 12 whole cloves 1 chopped carrot 2 bay leaves 1 chopped onion 1 cup raisins Salt Wash the tongue; throw it into a kettle of boiling water; bring to a boil; then simmer gently for two hours. Remove the tongue; skin it and put it into a kettle with the vegetables,cloves,bay leaves, raisins and enough of the water in which the tongue was boiled to cover them. Cover the saucepan; stew gently for two hours, adding the salt at the end of one hour; remove the tongue and serve in a border of the carrots and raisins. 6 -. 77 T\/n7 A TQ Planned for a IVXIZ/ A X O Family of Four SMOKED TONGUE BOILED Soak the tongue in cold water over night. In the morning cover with fresh water; bring to the boihng point; then simmer gently for four hours or until tender. When thoroughly cooked, re- move the tongue; skin it, trim off the smoked parts and serve surrounded with mashed potatoes and garnished with parsley. VEAL LOAF 3 pounds veal 3 eggs 1 pound salt pork 6 soda crackers Roll the crackers fine; mix them with the chopped meat and the other ingredients ; shape into a loaf and bake three hours, basting occasionally in the fat rendered from a small portion of the pork and pricking the loaf so that the fat may penetrate. Serve cold, sliced very thin. INDIA CURRY IV2 pounds veal 2 onions or less 1/2 cup butter or drippings 1/2 tablespoon curry or less Brown the meat without fat and cut into small pieces. Fry the onions in the butter; remove them; add the meat and curry powder; cover with boiling water and cook until tender. Serve in a wide border of rice. CURRY OF VEAL 2 tablespoons butter or drippings 1 pint milk lYz pounds veal 1 tablespoon flour V2 onion 1 teaspoon curry powder Salt and pepper Chop the onion; fry it in the butter; remove and fry the veal until it is brown. Transfer the meat to the double boiler; cover with milk and cook until tender. Add the curry powder shortly before the meat is done and thicken the milk with flour. Serve in a border of rice. BAKED CALF'S HEAD Have the butcher split open the head, remove the eyes and chop off the nose. Lay the head in salted water for half an hour; change 78 Planned for a Family of Four MEATS the water; wash and cleanse the head thoroughly. Take out the brains; remove all the skin and blood; tie them in a piece of cheese- cloth and put them with the head into a large kettle of boiling water. Add salt and boil the head for about two hours, or until the jaw bone can be twisted out of the meat, The brains will be f>/' iiut, 1. Neck 6. Ribs 2 Chuck 7. Loin 3. Shoulder 8. Flank 4. Fore shank 9. Leg 5. Breast 10. Hind shank Diagram of Cuts of Veal cooked in half an hour and should be removed, but kept hot. Take out all the bones from the head, but keep it as nearly whole as possible. Butter a baking dish; lay the brains in it, then the head on them; season plentifully with powdered cloves, salt and pepper; stick small pieces of butter rolled in flour wherever there is a crack or opening, and dust with flour. Mix a cup of cooking wine with a cup of the broth the head was boiled in, and pour over the head; set in a hot oven and bake until very brown, basting several times. CALF'S LIVER WITH CREAM SAUCE Pour boiling water over the slices of liver and let stand five minutes to draw out the blood. Drain, wipe, remove all skin, 79 MEATS Planned for a 1V1J:.AJ.0 ^^^^^ family ^f Pour white veins and membranes, and dust witli flour. Fry several slices of breakfast bacon until crisp; remove them and pour off the fat into a clean frying pan, leaving the salt and sediment. Reheat the fat; put in enough liver to cover the bottom of the pan; cook until done, testing one piece by cutting it with a knife to see whether all pink color is gone from the inside. Arrange the pieces on a hot platter, surround them with the bacon and cover with a cream sauce made in the pan. Pour off all the fat but one tablespoon; add a tablespoon of flour; cook thoroughly and add the cream or milk. BROILED LIVER Cut the liver into slices half an inch thick and let stand in boiling water for five minutes. Drain, wipe and remove all skin, veins and membranes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper; place in a greased wire broiler and broil from five to eight minutes. Remove to a hot platter; spread with butter and sprinkle with pepper and salt. LIVER AND BACON Prepare as for broiled liver; sprinkle with salt and pepper and dredge with flour. Cook the bacon until crisp and brown; re- move it and fry the liver slowly in the fat. Cook until thoroughly done but not dried, and make a brown sauce, using the fat in the pan. Serve with the bacon. BRAISED LIVER Calf's or lamb's liver 3 peppercorns 1 carrot 2 whole cloves 1 onion 1 bay leaf 1 stalk celery 2 cups stock or water Salt pork Skewer, tie in shape and lard the liver. Cut the vegetables into small cubes; put them in a baking pan with the seasonings and bits left from the lardoons of salt pork; lay the liver on top; pour over all two cups of stock or water; cover closely and bake slowly for two hours, basting occasionally and uncovering the last fifteen minutes. Remove the liver to a platter; surround it with the vegetables; then make a brown sauce, using the strained liquor, and pour over all. 80 CARVIKG Loin of Beef (upper cut) Loin of Beef Rolled Ribs of Beef Planned for a TV/TTTATQ Family of Four iVX j:^/V X O STEWED LIVER Prepare liver as for broiling; cut in small pieces and saute about two minutes in hot fat. Put the pieces in a saucepan with a little water, half a lemon sliced, a pinch each of cinnamon, nut- meg and cloves, and stew gently for twenty minutes. Thicken the juice a little and serve. STUFFED CALF'S LIVER 1 calf's liver y^ cup stale bread crumbs 2 cups thin brown sauce y2 small onion chopped 14 pound chopped cold ham 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Salt and pepper Make a dressing of the ham, bread crumbs, onion and parsley, seasoning well and moistening with a little brown sauce. Pour boiling water on the liver; let stand five minutes; then make a deep cut the entire length of the liver, beginning at the thick end. Fill the pouch; skewer the liver; lard it and put it in a baking pan with the brown sauce. Bake one hour and a quarter, basting fre- quently. PURCHASING MUTTON OR LAMB Roasting — hind-quarter, leg, loin, breast. Broiling — chops from loin, or breast, steaks from leg. Boiling — leg. Stewing — chops from fore-quarter, the neck or leg. Soup — shoulder, neck, leg. Broth — neck. SHOULDER OF MUTTON STUFFED 1 cup bread crumbs Juice of one lemon 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 saltspoon pepper 1 egg Shoulder of mutton Have the blade removed from the shoulder and fill the space with a stuffing made in the usual way. Sew up the opening and roast the shoulder, putting a little water in the pan and basting frequently. Allow from fifteen to eighteen minutes to the pound, and when done make a brown sauce in the pan. The stuffing may be varied by the addition of chopped meat, celery, onion, oysters, mushrooms, etc. 81 MEATS Planned for a Family of Four HARICOT OF MUTTON 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter or drippings Salt and pepper 2 cups water 11/2 pounds mutton or lamb Cooked lima beans Select lean meat and cut it into two-inch pieces. Fry the onions in the butter; add the meat; season and brown; cover with water; 1. Neck 2. Chuck 3. Shoulder 4. Flank 5. Loin 6. Leg Diagram of Cuts of Lamb and Mutton cook until tender and serve in a border of lima beans, well cooked and seasoned with salt, pepper, butter and chopped parsley. BOILED SHOULDER OF MUTTON Bone the shoulder; fill the space with pine nuts; dust all with flour; wrap in cheesecloth and plunge in a kettle of boiling water. Boil rapidly for five minutes; then simmer for two hours. Serve with caper cauce. 82 Planned for a MEATS Family of Four XYX^^ J. o RAGOUT OF MUTTON IV2 pounds neck of mutton 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter V^ teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon flour Sprig of parsley 1 chopped onion 1 bay leaf 1 carrot cut in dice 1 whole clove 2 cups hot water V2 can peas Put butter in the frying pan; when melted, add flour and brown. Add carrot, onion and meat and cook until all are browned. Put in a kettle; add water, salt and pepper and the herbs, tied in a bouquet so that they can be removed. Cover and simmer for two hours, adding the peas ten minutes before serving and removing the herbs. IRISH STEW Neck of mutton 6 parboiled potatoes 1 tablespoon butter or drippings 1 carrot 2 onions Salt and pepper Cut the meat into pieces two inches square; brown in the butter; add water to cover the meat and the onions sliced. Cover closely and simmer two hours. x\dd more water if necessary, parboiled potatoes cut in half, a sliced carrot and seasoning. Cover and cook one hour longer; let the potatoes be soft but not broken. Thicken as desired. A bay leaf cooked with the meat or a little Worcestershire sauce added to the gravy when finished improves the flavor. PLANKED CHOPS Broil some thick chops on one side and arrange them cooked side down, overlapping each other on the hot plank. Season w^ith salt, pepper and butter. Cook for twenty minutes, basting fre- quently. Decorate with a border of mashed potatoes pressed through a bag and a star tube. Fill in with hot vegetables. Serve at once with brown sauce. MUTTON CHOPS WITH PEAS Broil the chops as usual and have green peas boiled. Heap the peas in the center of a round chop plate; decorate the chops with paper rufl^es and arrange them symmetrically around the peas. 83 MEATS Planned for a Family of Four ROAST PORK Select leg, loin, spare-rib or shoulder. If the skin is left on, cut it with a sharp knife in lines running both ways. Add water and bake in a moderate oven, allowing from twenty to thirty minutes to the pound. Serve with apple sauce. 1. Head 2. Shoulder 3. Back 4. Middle cut 5. Belly 6. Ham 7. Ribs 8. Loin Diagram of Cuts of Pork PORK CHOPS Have chops cut not more than a half inch thick. Place them in a hot pan and cook slowly until tender and brown. Serve with fried apples. BOILED HAM Let the ham soak in cold water over night; wash thoroughly; trim off the hard skin near the end of the bone; put in a kettle of cold water; heat to boiling point and cook slowly until tender, 84 Planned for a "A/TTTATQ Family of Four 1V1.C/AXO allowing from fifteen to twenty minutes to the pound. Let it remain in the water until cold; then skin it and cut in thin slices. BAKED HAM Soak and prepare the ham as for boiling. Boil slowly for several hours; take out the ham ; remove the skin; trim off the black and smoked parts; paint all over with yolk of egg; sprinkle thickly with fine bread crumbs; put in the oven and bake for about an hour, basting frequently with sherry or other good cooking wine. Trim the knuckle with paper ruflies and serve hot. FRIZZLED HAM Shave uncooked ham as thin as paper, fat and lean together; put in a frying pan over a quick fire; stir constantly until it begins to brown and curl. Add several tablespoons of boiling water; bring to a boil and serve. STEWED HAM Cut a thin slice of ham; divide into narrow strips two inches long; pour boiling water on it; let stand until cold; drain off the water and put the ham in a frying pan. Add a bunch of chopped parsley and about a cup of cream; stew for five minutes and serve. BROILED HAM Take a thin slice of ham; pare off the skin; remove the brown fat from the under side of the slices and lay them on a gridiron over a hot fire. When the fat is slightly browned turn over and cook the other side in the same way. If the ham is very old and salty it should be stewed a few minutes before either broiling or frying. Let it simmer in a frying pan; pour off the water and dry on a clean towel. HAM AND EGGS Have the slice of ham cut as thin as possible; place it in a heated pan and fry until it is slightly browned on both sides. Lift out the ham; break the eggs into the pan; season and let them fry until the whites are set. Remove them with a cake- turner; place over the ham and serve, garnished with parsley. 85 TUri? A 'PC Planned for a jyiHiA 1 O Family of Four BACON AND EGGS Have the bacon cut into very thin slices; put them in a frying pan over a slow fire until most of the fat is extracted. Remove the bacon; break the eggs into the pan carefully; season and cook until the whites are set; lift out with a cake-turner and serve immediately, garnished with the bacon. SALT PORK IN MILK 1 pound salt pork 4 tablespoons fat 2 cups skim milk 4 level tablespoons flour Cut the pork into thin slices; cover with hot water; let stand for ten minutes and drain. Score the rind of the slices; fry until a golden brown and serve in a milk sauce. Heat the flour in some of the fat that has been rendered in frying the pork; add the milk gradually; bring to a boil and pour over the slices of pork or empty into a gravy boat. MEAT POT-PIE Cut beef, chicken, or other meat into pieces; put in boiling water; cover and cook until tender, seasoning to taste. When the stew is done add drop dumplings and serve. A little chopped hard-boiled egg, parsley, bay leaf or other herb lends variety to the pot-pie. PIGS' FEET IN JELLY 2 pair feet 1 teaspoon powdered allspice 3 quarts cold water V2 teaspoon powdered cloves Salt and pepper Pinch of powdered mace 1 cup vinegar Clean the feet and put them over the fire in the water. Boil slowly until the meat falls from the bones; strain through a colander; return the broth to the kettle and boil until reduced to one pint. Remove all the meat from the bones; cut it into small pieces and add the seasonings. When the broth is reduced, add the meat and vinegar; let simmer two or three minutes; then pour into molds. Serve on the following day, emptjdng the molded jelly upon a platter and garnishing with parsley or other green. 86 Planned for a TV/n7ATQ Family of Four IVXILA 1 O TRIPE Soak the tripe for several hours; scrape clean; put in salted water and simmer for three or four hours. Drain off the water and set the tripe aside until ready to use. To one cup of cream sauce add a half teaspoon of onion juice and a cup of the boiled tripe. Stir until the tripe is heated and serve. BROILED SWEETBREADS Wash the sweetbreads and blanch them for five minutes in boiling water; lay them in a greased oyster broiler over a bright fire, turning frequently and brushing with butter whenever turned. When done remove carefully to a platter; season with pepper, salt and butter, and serve with peas. STEWED SWEETBREADS Wash the sweetbreads and blanch them for a few minutes in boiling water; then lay them in cold water for ten minutes. Put them in a saucepan with water to cover; stew until tender; add a piece of butter the size of an eggy rubbed into one tablespoon of flour, a little chopped parsley and a cup of cream. Boil three minutes and serve. STEWED KIDNEYS mb ki 1 tablespoon butter Beef, calf or lamb kidneys V^ tablespoon onion juice Flour Salt and pepper Be sure that the kidneys are fresh. Remove all fat and white center; then soak them for an hour in salted water. Cut into half-inch slices, dust with flour and saute in the butter for about five minutes. Add onion juice and water and simmer for about ten minutes. Add sherry, salt and pepper, and serve. 87 "i\/n? A TC Planned for a IViH/A 1 O Familv of Four Planned for a MEATS Family of Four AVXIZ//^ X O 8^ T\/n?ATQ Planned for a XyXSllJtX 1. \D Fiifnllv Fftiir Family oJf Four 90 POULTRY AND GAME POULTRY AND GAME POULTRY and game are, at least for those who live m the city, more expensive than the red meats, but they are fairly rich in nutritive value and wherever possible should be intro- duced into the menu — for the sake of variety if nothing else. In marketing, see that the bird is plump and not unduly fat. The skin should be clear and free from blotches and the flesh firm. Chickens have soft feet, soft breast bone and a great many pin feathers; fowl have rough feet, rigid breast bone and coarse, hairy skin. A spring chicken should be chosen for broil- ing or frying; a young chicken for roasting; a fowl for stewing. Capons are considered the choicest of poultry; cock turkeys are usually considered better than hen turkeys. TO DRESS POULTRY Pick off the pin feathers; singe over a gas burner or burning paper to remove the hairs; cut off the head. Cut the skin at the side of the leg joint and very lightly over the top, bending the foot back to loosen the ligaments on the upper part of the leg; pull out each separately, using a wooden skewer. Then cut through the tough muscle until the hard ligaments on the back are reached and pull them out in the same way. Remove the foot and treat the other leg in the same way. Make an incision below the breastbone just large enough to admit the hand. Keeping the fingers close to the breastbone reach carefully into the body until the heart is reached; loosen the membranes and remove the entrails. Be very careful not to break the gall bladder which lies imbedded in the liver, as even a slight break will make the whole chicken bitter. Save the heart, gizzard and liver; remove the gall bladder from the liver very carefully; cut the fat and membranes from the gizzard; make an incision through the muscle without cutting the little grist bag inside, and peel off the muscle; remove membranes and arteries from the , 93 POULTRY AND GAME Fa''iT qI rJu'r heart. Remove the kidneys and lungs which adhere closely to the body wall; then cut the skin on the under side of the throat and remove windpipe and crop ; remove the oil bag from the under side of the tail. Pull down the neck skin and cut off the neck close to the body. Be sure that every particle is removed; then wash by letting water run through. Do not soak in water, as water draws out the juices; but if there is a disagreeable odor, wash thoroughly in soda water. Wipe inside and out. GIBLETS Heart, liver and gizzard constitute the giblets, and to these the neck is usually added. Wash them; put them in cold water and cook until tender. This will take several hours. Serve with the chicken; or mash the liver, mince the heart and gizzard and add them to the brown sauce. Save the stock in which they are cooked for making the sauce. TO TRUSS POULTRY Press the thighs and wings close against the body; fasten se- curely with skewers and tie with string. Draw the skin of the neck to the back and fasten it. TO STUFF POULTRY Use enough stuffing to fill the bird but do not pack it tightly or the stuffing will be soggy. Close the small openings with a skewer; sew the larger one with linen thread and a long needle. Remove skewers and strings before serving. ROAST CHICKEN Stuff and truss the chicken; season with pepper and dredge with flour. Put in a dripping pan with a little salt pork if the chicken is not especially fat. When heated add hot water and baste frequently. The oven should be hot and the time necessary for a large chicken will be about an hour and a half. When done, remove the chicken, pour off the grease and make a brown sauce in the pan. 94 gii;?Sfon-o^ur POULTRY AND GAME STEWED CHICKEN Draw the chicken and divide it into pieces as follows: Cut through the loose skin between the leg and the body, bend the leg over and cut off at the joint; then cut through the flesh and sepa- rate the upper and lower parts of the leg at the joint. Do the same with the other leg; then cut off the wings. Make an in- cision in the skin near the vent and cut the membrane lying be- tween the breastbone and the tail, down to the backbone, on each side. Cut the ribs through the cartilage, separate the collar-bone and break the backbone just below the ribs. Separate the side bones from the back, and remove the bone from the breast. Never chop the bones, but divide them smoothly at the joints. Season the pieces with pepper and salt and cover with boiling water. Cover and stew gently until tender. Remove the chicken. Place the pieces in a colander on a plate in the oven to drain, and thicken the gravy by adding a tablespoon of flour rubbed with a tablespoon of butter. Add seasoning to taste, a little chopped parsley and milk to whiten. Beat an egg until light; pour on it part of the gravy, beating carefully to prevent lumps ; return to the remainder of the gravy; bring to a boil and pour over the chicken. BROILED CHICKEN After the chickens have been drawn, split through the back, flatten with a cleaver or chopper and lay on a heated gridiron over a bright fire. They must be constantly watched and turned sev- eral times. When done, lay on a hot platter, season with pepper, salt and butter, and serve with giblet sauce. PLANKED CHICKEN 2 spring chickens i/^ pound mushrooms 1 cup boiled rice 1 glass guava jelly Stew the mushrooms; put the chicken either in the oven or under the broiler, bone side to the hottest part of the fire. Heat the plank; put the chicken on, bone side down; dust with salt and pepper and broil on the board under the gas for half an hour; garnish with the rice; pour over the mushrooms. Place at the corners small bread patties, holding the guava jelly. .95 POULTRY AND GAME PIa„nedfora Family of Four BARBECUED CHICKEN Prepare the chickens as for broiling; lay them in a dripping pan with the skin side up; season with pepper and salt and put in a hot oven. Cook for about three quarters of an hour, basting oc- casionally with butter and water. Serve with brown sauce made as for broiled chicken. FRIED CHICKEN Prepare young chickens, dividing them as for stewing; wash and drain but do not dry the pieces. Roll each thoroughly in flour mixed with salt and pepper. Drop in deep fat and fry until tender. If the chickens are not very young it will be safer to stew them before frying. CHICKEN FRICASSEE Prepare the chicken as for stewing; put in a frying pan with a little water and cook slowly, adding salt when the chicken is half done. When nearly done, allow the water to boil away until the pan is almost dry; add butter or pork fat and saute the chicken until brown. Lay the pieces on toast; make a brown sauce in the pan and pour around them. This is a good way to serve fowls, which are made tender by the long cooking. CHICKEN PIE 1 chicken Yolk of hard-boiled egg Salt and pepper V^ tablespoon parsley 1 tablespoon flour V^ pound salt pork Pie crust Prepare the chicken as for fricassee; put the giblets in cold water and stew until nearly done; add the chicken; season with pepper and salt and simmer for twenty minutes. Remove with a skimmer and make a gravy of the broth by adding the flour, egg yolk and parsley. Line the sides of a deep baking pan with pie crust; place an inverted cup in the center; put in the chicken in layers covered with strips of salt pork and moistened with the gravy. Pour on the remainder of the gravy; cover with pie crust, making the edges as firm as possible and cutting a few slashes. Bake slowly for nearly an hour. 96 gSgS;"o{^^o^r POULTRY AND GAME CHICKEN TERRAPIN 1 chicken 1 cup chicken broth Salt and red pepper 1 cup cream ^ 2 blades mace ^^ pound butter 3 hard-boiled eggs 1 heaping tablespoon flour 1 cup sherry or Madeira Boil the chicken and giblets; when tender, cool thoroughly; cut into small pieces a half inch square. Put into a saucepan with the seasoning, chopped eggs and other ingredients, rubbing the flour in the butter first. Simmer for about ten minutes; add the wine and serve. CHICKEN AND OYSTERS 1 chicken Salt and pepper 2 oimces butter 2 hard-boiled eggs 1 heaping tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 50 oysters Stew the chicken until tender; drain it and set in the oven to keep hot. To the liquor add the butter in which the flour has been rubbed, the chopped eggs, seasoning and parsley. Drain the oysters; add them to the gravy; cook until the edges curl. Pour the gravy over the chicken and serve. ROAST DUCK Draw the ducks; stuff, truss and roast the same as chicken. Serve with giblet sauce and currant jelly. If small, the ducks should be cooked in an hour. ROAST TURKEY Singe and clean the turkey the same as chicken. Fill with plain or oyster stuffing; roast and serve with giblet sauce and cranberry sauce. If the turkey is very large it will require three hours or longer; a small one will require only an hour and a half. Baste frequently, as turkey is apt to be more dry than chicken. PIGEON PIE Clean and cut each bird in four quarters. Line the sides of a deep baking dish with plain crust and put a layer of salt pork in the bottom. Then put in a layer of birds, seasoned with pep- 97 POULTRY AND GAME ."^TT'^I 1°'.? Family of Four per and salt, dredged with flour and covered with small pieces of butter. Put in other layers to fill the dish; cover with thin slices of pork; pour over all a cup or more of broth or water; cover with crust and bake for about an hour. Leave an opening in the center of the crust and if the pie seems dry, add more water. RABBIT The rabbit when bought should be fresh and the body free from unpleasant odor. If young, the paws and ears will be soft; if old, they will be stiff. Rabbit may be cooked in a variety of ways, as fricassee or pie, following the recipe for chicken, or broiled like chicken. Skin the rabbit; singe it; remove the entrails and wipe well inside and out with a damp cloth. Split it down the back, and unless it is to be broiled, divide each half into four pieces. PANNED RABBIT 1 rabbit Salt and pepper 2 eggs 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Little grated nutmeg 14 cup fine bread crumbs Divide the rabbit at the joints and stew until tender. Butter a pan and lay the pieces over the bottom. Beat the eggs; mix with the other ingredients and spread over the rabbit. Set in a hot oven and bake until brown. PARTRIDGES Partridges may be split and broiled or stuffed and roasted. Serve with giblet sauce to which a glass of port wine has been added. PHEASANTS Prepare, stuff and roast the same as chicken. Serve with cur- rant jelly and giblet sauce to which a glass of wine has been added. GUINEA FOWLS Fill and serve like ducks with currant jelly or cranberry sauce. ¥:^?ifJrFolr POULTRY AND GAME REED BIRDS Clean the birds and dip each in beaten egg ; roll in cracker dust which has been seasoned with pepper and salt, and fry in boiling- hot fat. Or broil the birds and serve them on toast with a little pepper and salt QUAIL Quail may be boiled like chicken and served with currant jelly or roasted. For roasting truss the legs and wings to the body; cover the breast of each with a slice of bacon; and roast for fifteen or twenty minutes, basting frequently with a little water. Serve with giblet sauce to which a glass of port wine has been added. ROASTED GROUSE Clean the grouse the same as chicken; put a small piece of butter inside each bird and truss into shape. Roast in a hot oven twenty- five or thirty minutes, basting frequently with melted butter. Boil the liver until tender; mash it to a paste with butter and seasoning; spread over thin slices of buttered toast moistened with juice from the pan, and lay the grouse on these slices. HAUNCH OF VENISON ROASTED Wipe the meat carefully with a wet cloth and cover with a large sheet of buttered paper. Make a thick paste of flour and water; roll out three quarters of an inch thick; lay over the fat side of the haunch; cover with three or four sheets of thick white paper and tie securely with cord. Put in a dripping pan and roast, basting frequently to prevent the paper and string from burning, A haunch of twelve pounds will require three hours to roast; a larger one longer. Half an hour before it is done, remove from the oven; cut the strings; take off paste and paper; dredge with flour, salt and pepper; return to the oven and roast to a fine brown. Serve with brown sauce to which a glass of port wine and a tablespoon of currant jelly have been added. NECK AND SHOULDER OF VENISON Season and roast the same as mutton and serve with currant jelly. ,99 POULTRY AND GAME FJ^iTolF^ou^ VENISON STEAK Have the steak cut half an inch thick; broil over a bright fire, turning frequently. When done, season with red pepper and salt. Melt over the fire a tablespoon of currant jelly with a piece of butter the size of an egg; pour over the steaks and serve. 100 ^ZnfJrFo^r POULTRY AND GAME 101 POULTRY AND GAME pilX"!?, ?',. ? Family of Four 102 FORCEMEATS, STUFFINGS, ETC. FORCEMEATS, STUFFINGS, ETC. FORCEMEATS are useful for filling timbales and for garnishing other dishes. When intended for balls, the consistency should be tested by poaching a small quantity in boiling water. If too thin, more bread crumbs should be added. StujQSngs are too common to need any introduction. They are what make roast poultry palatable to most people, and a good stuffing is an addition to any roasted or baked meat. QUENELLES Quenelles are made from any kind of forcemeat shaped into balls or ovals and cooked in boiling salted water. They are served as a garnish to soups or other dishes. CHICKEN FORCEMEAT 34 cup raw chicken meat White of 1 egg V^ cup fine bread crumbs Salt and red pepper V^ cup milk Dash of nutmeg 2 tablespoons butter Chop the chicken very fine and press through a sieve. Cook the bread and milk to a paste; add the butter, eggs and seasonings, and mix with the chicken. HAM FORCEMEAT 1 ounce ham Grated rind of V^ lemon 2 ounces suet Dash of nutmeg 2 ounces fine bread crumbs Pinch of mace 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 1 egg V2 teaspoon mixed herbs 2 tablespoons milk Salt and pepper Chop the ham and suet fine; mix the dry ingredients; add the egg; season to taste; mix well and use as required. 105 FORCEMEATS, STUFFINGS, ETC. FamnyofFou'r VEAL FORCEMEAT ^^ pound lean veal 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 2 ounces beef suet 1 teaspoon onion juice 2 ounces fine bread crumbs Dash of nutmeg Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons milk Vi teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 egg Chop the veal and suet very fine; mix the dry ingredients thoroughly; add milk and egg; season to taste and use. BEEF FORCEMEAT yi pound lean beef V4 teaspoon sweet bas yi pound suet Vi teaspoon thyme V2 cup fine bread crumbs 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley Vi teaspoon sweet marjoram Salt and pepper 1 egg Chop the beef and suet very fine; add the crumbs and season- ings; mix well and add the beaten egg. "^ FORCEMEAT FOR BAKED FISH 3 ounces bread crumbs Salt and pepper 1 teaspoon savory herbs Dash of mace 8 oysters 6 tablespoons milk 2 ounces suet Yolks of two eggs Chop the oysters; mix well with the other ingredients and stir over the fire until the mixture thickens; stuff the fish and sew up opening. STUFFmc FOR BAKED FISH 1 cup broken bread 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon minced onion Vx teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 saltspoon pepper 1 egg Soak the bread and press out the water; brown the onion in the butter; add it with the seasoning to the crumbs; then add the ^gg, OYSTER STUFFING 15 oysters 2 cups broken bread '/^ tablespoon chopped parsley 2 tablespoons melted butter V2 teaspoon sweet marjoram Salt and pepper Wash the oysters; drain them; mix thoroughly with the other ingredients and use. 106 Fimn^Vf^Four FORCEMEATS, STUFFINGS, ETC. BREAD STUFFING 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon salt 1 onion 3 cups broken bread 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 teaspoon sweet marjoram Slice the onion and cook it in the butter; mix thoroughly with the other ingredients and use. If onion is not liked, omit it and merely melt the butter before mixing. POTATO STUFFING 2 cups hot boiled potatoes 1 tablespoon chopped parsley V^ tablespoon onion juice 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons cream y^ teaspoon black pepper Yolks of 2 eggs Mash the potatoes; mix thoroughly with the other ingredients and use. Be sure that the potatoes are well drained and mealy, or the stuflBng will be soggy. DRIPPINGS Save any scraps or pieces of fat; cut into half -inch cubes; put in a pan and cover with cold water. Place in a moderate oven or on the back of the stove and cook slowly until the scraps are all brown and the water evaporated; cool slightly; strain and set away to cool. Several slices of raw potato put with the fat will aid in the clarifying. All kinds of fats are good for drippings except mutton fat, turkey fat and fat from smoked meats. GERMAN SUETINE Cut the suet into small pieces and cover with water. Let it soak for about a day, changing the water once. Drain it and put in an iron kettle with a half cup of skim milk to every pound of suet. Cook slowly until all sound of boiling ceases; cool slightly and pour off. This fat has no unpleasant taste or odor and in many recipes may be substituted for all or part of the butter. It is also useful in frying. 107 FORCEMEATS, STUFFINGS, ETC. FamTolFou^ PREPARED BREAD CRUMBS Break stale bread into small pieces; place these with whatever crumbs you have upon a tin plate in a moderate oven. When brown and crisp, roll them fine or run them through a meat chopper and put them away until needed in a covered glass jar. Cracker crumbs may be prepared in the same way. CARAMEL 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon water 1 cup boiling water Melt the sugar with the tablespoon of water over the fire and stir until it becomes a dark brown; add the boiling water; boil for one minute; bottle and use to color sauces, soups, custards, etc. 108 SAUCES SAUCES THE preparation of a sauce is of as much importance as the preparation of a dish itself and is frequently the supreme test of the cook's skill. Some of the famous cooks of history, like Bechamel, the celebrated chef of Louis XIV, for instance, are remembered chiefly through a sauce of their own invention. The foundation for almost all of the common sauces is what the French call 'Woux." This is butter and flour cooked together and thinned with milk, water or other liquid. Under no circum- stances should a sauce be thickened by adding a mixture of flour and water, as in this case the flour is seldom well cooked, or by adding flour alone, as this method is certain to cause lumps. The flour should be allowed to cook before the liquid is added. BROWN SAUCE 1 tablespoon butter or fat 1 cup stock 1 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper Brown the flour in the butter, stirring it until smooth; then add the seasoning and the stock, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. If the sauce is to be served with a roast, use a little of the fat in which the meat was roasted instead of the butter and make the sauce in the roasting pan. For those who like the flavor of onion it is a good plan to roast an onion with the meat, adding it to the sauce. Onion juice, Worcestershire sauce, tomato catsup or mushroom catsup may be added as flavoring if desired. GIBLET SAUCE If brown sauce is to be served with roast chicken or turkey, boil the giblets three or four hours; mash or chop them, and add them to the sauce. Ill 5^ATT^FSi Planned for a OAUV/.C/0 ^ Family of Four SAUCE PIQUANTE 1 cup brown sauce 1 tablespoon chopped capers 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon chopped pickle 1 tablespoon chopped onion '/^ teaspoon tarragon vinegar Make the brown sauce; add the other ingredients and serve. BREAD SAUCE 1/2 cup dry bread crumbs 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk l^ teaspoon salt V2 small onion sliced Dash of pepper Dash of nutmeg Have the crumbs very fine and dry; put them on the fire with the milk and onion. Bring to aboil; press through a sieve; return to the fire; add the butter and seasoning and serve. This is used with partridges, quail and grouse. CREAM SAUCE 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon flour y^ teaspoon salt Dash of red or black pepper Melt the butter, being careful not to brown it; add the flour; stir until smooth; then add the milk gradually, stirring constantly until it boils. Season and use at once. CREAM SAUCE WITH MUSHROOMS Make a cream sauce; add one cup of fresh mushrooms, finely chopped; cook for ten minutes and serve. EGG SAUCE Make a cream sauce; add two hard-boiled eggs, the whites finely chopped and the yolks pressed through a sieve. MINT SAUCE 3 tablespoons chopped mint 2 tablespoons powdered sugar leaves 3^ cup vinegar Havethemint very fine; mix it with the sugar; add the vinegar; stir well together and serve with roast lamb. If desired hot, heat the vinegar and sugar, and add the mint just before serving. 112 Planned for a Q A Tir^TTQ Family of Four OAUV^J!/0 CURRY SAUCE 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice Cook the onion in the butter until it is slightly browned; add the curry powder and flour and mix thoroughly. Add the water gradually; bring to a boil; add salt and lemon juice; strain and serve. MAITRE D'HOTEL BUTTER 2 tablespoons butter Dash of pepper V4 teaspoon salt 1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon lemon juice Work the butter until creamy; add seasoning and parsley, then the lemon juice slowly, and mix until thoroughly smooth. Serve with broiled fish or shad roe. DRAWN BUTTER 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon flour V^ teaspoon salt Melt the butter in a saucepan over the fire; stir in the flour; mix thoroughly, but do not brown; add salt and the water gradu- ally, stirring all the time to prevent lumps. Bring to a boil and eerve. SAUCE HOLLANDAISE l"cup drawn butter Juice of V2 lemon Yolks of 2 eggs 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Make a drawn-butter sauce; remove it from the fire and add gradually the yolks of the eggs, well beaten. Stir in the lemon and onion juice and the chopped parsley. This is served with baked fish or fish croquettes. TARTARS SAUCE V2 cup Mayonnaise dressing 14 tablespoon chopped olives 1/^ tablespoon capers 1/2 tablespoon chopped pickle Chop the capers, olives and pickle very fine and add them to the dressing. Serve with fried fish or cold meat dishes. 113 SAUCES ''^^'*""'* '"" ^ Family of Four TOMATO SAUCE 1 cup cooked tomatoes V2 teaspoon salt 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon onion juice Dash of red pepper 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour Add the seasonings to the tomatoes and let them boil for a few minutes. Melt the butter in a separate saucepan; stir in the flour; then slowly add the tomatoes, strained. Bring to a boil and serve. CREAM OF TOMATO SAUCE Make a plain cream sauce and just before serving add a cup of hot cooked tomatoes, strained. Add a pinch of soda to the toma- toes before mixing them. ANCHOVY SAUCE 3 anchovies V2 tablespoon catsup 1 tablespoon butter Dash of red pepper flour 1/2 cu] 1 tablespoonful lemon juice Bone the anchovies and pound them to a paste. Melt the butter; stir in the flour and when smooth add the anchovies, pepper and catsup. Mix well; pour the hot water over all; boil two minutes, stirring constantly; add the lemon juice and serve with boiled or baked fish. WHITE SAUCE 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup white stock 1 tablespoon flour 14 teaspoon salt Dash of red pepper Make exactly the same as cream sauce, modifying it if desired by the addition of other flavorings. HORSERADISH SAUCE V2 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon cracker crumbs 1 tablespoon horseradish Salt to taste Heat the milk with the cracker crumbs in a double boiler; add the other ingredients; boil several minutes and serve with boiled beef. 114 Planned for a C A TTr*T7C Family of Four OAUV/r/O MUSHROOM SAUCE 6 mushrooms Juice of V^ lemon 14 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon mushroom catsup Salt and red pepper V4 cup stock V2 teaspoon flour Clean the mushrooms; cut them into small pieces; put them in a saucepan with the butter, salt and pepper, lemon juice and catsup; stew until tender; add the stock and the flour mixed with a little cold water; bring all to a boil and serve with beefsteak or game. OYSTER SAUCE 25 oysters 1 pint cream sauce Drain the oysters, saving the juice, and wash them. Strain the juice; bring it to a boil; skim and add the oysters. Cook until the edges of the oysters begin to curl and at the moment of serving add to the cream sauce. Add more seasoning if desired, but do not add it until the sauce is removed from the fire, as salt is apt to make the mixture curdle. SAUCE SUPREME 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup chicken stock 1 tablespoon flour i/^ teaspoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon hot cream 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Salt and pepper Melt the butter, but do not brown it; add the flour as in cream sauce, then the cream and stock gradually, and the seasoning and lemon juice after it is taken from the fire. CAPER SAUCE 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 tablespoon flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup meat broth Dash of pepper 1 tablespoon capers Melt the butter; add the flour, then the broth and seasoning, stirring to prevent lumps. When it boils, add the capers; stand over hot water for ten minutes and serve. 115 SAUCES ^*^*'*'^ ***'■ ^ Family of Four CELERY SAUCE 1 stalk celery 1 cup salted water 1 cup cream sauce Wash the celery and cut it into pieces one half inch long. Let it cook in the salted water until tender; drain thoroughly; stir the cream sauce into it; bring to a boil and serve with poultry or game. BECHAMEL SAUCE 1 tablespoon butter y^ cup cream 1 tablespoon flour Vi teaspoon salt Vi cup white stock Dash of pepper Melt the butter; cook thoroughly with the flour; add the stock gradually, then the cream and seasoning. CRANBERRY SAUCE 1 pint cranberries 1*4 cups water Sugar Put the cranberries on with the water and cook until soft; strain through a cloth; weigh and add three fourths of a pound of sugar to every pint of juice. Cook ten minutes; pour into molds and set aside to cool. Serve with poultry, game or mutton. STEWED CRANBERRIES 3 cups cranberries 1^2 cups sugar 1 cup water Boil together the sugar and water for seven minutes; then add the cranberries, well washed and picked, and cook until the berries burst. Serve the same as cranberry sauce. JELLY SAUCE 1 tumbler currant or grape jelly 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon sherry Melt the jelly, adding the butter slowly. Boil for one minute and just before serving add the wine. This is served with game, lamb or mutton. 116 Planned for a 9 ATTPTTQ Family of Four 0AUV/J2/0 APPLE SAUCE Pare and quarter tart apples. Put them in a saucepan with just enough water to keep them from burning; bring to a boil quickly and cook until the pieces are soft. Then press through a colander and add four tablespoons of sugar (or less) to each pint of apples. If desired, cinnamon or grated nutmeg may be sprinkled over the top after the apple sauce is in the serving dish, or a little stick cinnamon or lemon peel may be cooked with the apples. Serve with goose or pork. 117 o A TT/^fO Planned for a OA U L/iio Family of Four 118 EGGS ! EGGS EGGS and the foods into which they enter are favorite articles of diet in the majority of households. They are an agree- able substitute for meat, and, judged by their composition and digestibility, are worthy of the high esteem in which they are held. They are also valuable from an economical standpoint, for even when high in price they usually make a cheaper dish than meat. BOILED EGGS Soft-boiled eggs may be prepared in two ways. The eggs may be dropped carefully into boiling water and boiled three minutes, or they may be placed in a covered vessel of boiling water and allowed to stand in a warm place (but not on the stove) for ten minutes. Eggs prepared in this way are sometimes called "Cod- dled Eggs.'* They are much more delicate and digestible than the usual "Boiled Eggs.'* Hard-boiled eggs should be cooked in boiling water for fifteen or twenty minutes and then dropped in cold water to prevent the yolk from turning dark. POACHED EGGS Bring salted water to a boil in a shallow vessel; remove from the fire and slip the eggs carefully into it, breaking each into a small saucer first. Place the pan over a moderate fire and let the water come slowly to a boil. By this time the whites of the eggs should be delicately set. Lift the eggs carefully; trim off the ragged edges and serve on slices of buttered toast. FRIED EGGS Melt in a frying-pan a large piece of butter; or use the fat of ham or bacon. When hot, drop in the eggs, one at a time, being careful not to break the yolk. When the white of the egg 121 "17/^ /"^ O Planned for a J2/^VtO Family of Four is set they are done, though some persons Hke them turned over and cooked on the other side. Remove from the pan with a cake- turner and serve at once. SHIRRED EGGS Eggs may be shirred in one large baking dish or pan, but are better and look more tempting in individual ramekins or custard cups. Place a small piece of butter in the bottom of each; break the egg; drop it in without breaking the yolk ; season with pepper and salt and put another small piece of butter on the top. Bake in a hot oven until the white is set, and serve immediately. SCRAMBLED EGGS 4 eggs V2 tablespoon butter 4 tablespoons milk or water Salt and pepper Break the eggs in a bowl and beat them thoroughly; add the milk and seasoning and beat again. Melt the butter in a frying- pan over the fire; pour in the eggs; stir occasionally but not con- stantly until they thicken; then serve at once. GRIDDLED EGGS Heat a griddle as if for baking cakes; butter it lightly and ar- range small muffin rings on it. Drop an egg in each and turn as soon^as lightly browned. Griddled eggs resemble fried eggs but are far more delicate. CURRIED EGGS 6 hard-boiled eggs V2 teaspoon salt 1 cup curry sauce V4 teaspoon pepper Cut the eggs in half and slice enough of the white off the end of each to make them stand upright. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve on a hot platter with the sauce poured around them. PLAIN OMELET 4 eggs Salt and pepper 4 tablespoons milk or water Vz tablespoon butter Beat the eggs very light, yolks and whites separately; then fold the whites into the yolks. Add the seasoning and milk. Melt 122 Planned for a T7n.n.Q Family of Four J/O^OrQ the butter in a frying-pan; pour in the omelet; brown carefully; fold over and serve on a hot platter. Garnish with parsley or olives. HAM OMELET Make the same as plain omelet, adding one half cup of minced ham after the omelet is in the pan. When folded over and served the ham will be completely concealed. SAVORY OMELET No. 1 6 eggs 2 teaspoons chopped onion 2 teaspoons chopped parsley Salt and red pepper 2 tablespoons grated cheese Beat the yolks of the eggs thoroughly with the seasonings ; beat the whites to a stiff froth and fold them into the yolks. Pour into a buttered pudding dish; sprinkle with grated cheese; bake for about fifteen minutes and serve at once. SAVORY OMELET No. 2 6 eggs 1 tablespoon butter V2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1/2 saltspoon pepper 1 tablespoon chopped onion 2 tablespoons gravy 1 tablespoon lemon juice Break the eggs into a bowl ; add the salt and pepper and gravy and beat well. Put the butter in the pan and when hot pour in the egg mixture. Add the parsley and onion; cook until a light brown; fold over and serve, pouring on the lemon juice after the omelet is on the platter. Garnish with parsley or slices of lemon. RICE OMELET 1 cup milk 3 eggs 1 cup cold boiled rice 2 tablespoons butter V2 teaspoon salt Warm the milk in a double boiler; add the rice and one table- spoon of butter; mix thoroughly; then add the eggs, well-beaten, and seasoning. Melt the other tablespoon of butter in a frying- pan and when hot turn into it the rice mixture. Let it brown slightly; put in the oven until it is "set"; fold over and serve garnished with parsley. 123 ■I7ri,ri.C Planned for a J/OryjO Family of Four SWEET OMELET 4 eggs 4 teaspoons powdered sugar 4 tablespoons milk 1/2 tablespoon butter 4 tablespoons marmalade or jelly Make the same as plain omelet, adding the marmalade or jelly just before the omelet is folded over. Sprinkle with sugar and serve garnished with preserved cherries or candied fruit. CRUMB OMELET yi cup grated bread crumbs Salt and pepper 1/2 cup cream 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley 3 eggs 1/2 teaspoon chopped onion 1 tablespoon butter Beat the eggs separately and then together; season and add the parsley and onion. Pour the cream over the bread crumbs and mix them with the eggs; empty all into a hot pan in which the butter has already been melted; spread evenly over the pan; brown carefully; fold one half over the other; lift to a hot platter and serve, garnished with parsley or slices of small white onion. TOMATO OMELET 2 large ripe tomatoes 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon flour 3 eggs Peel the tomatoes; chop them fine; season with pepper and salt; dust with the flour; mix it in so that there are no lumps; then add a tablespoon of butter, melted. Beat the eggs, separately and then together; add them to the tomatoes and mix well. Put a second tablespoon of butter in a frying-pan; pour in the omelet; brown slowly ; fold over and serve on a hot dish garnished with parsley or slices of red tomato. CORN OMELET 4 eggs Salt and red pepper 2 ears com 1 tablespoon butter Beat the yolks and whites of the eggs separately and then to- gether; grate the corn and add it to the eggs with the seasoning. Melt the butter in a frying-pan; pour in the omelet; brown care- fully; double over and serve. 124 Planned for a EGGS Family of Four ^^^^ OYSTER OMELET Make the same as the corn omelet, substituting one dozen finely- chopped oysters for the corn. CODFISH OMELET 1 cup shredded codfish Dash of red pepper 2 eggs V2 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk Vz tablespoon flour Cover the codfish with cold water; cook half an hour in a closely covered pan; strain through a colander and return to the pan. Beat the eggs, separately and then together with the milk; add the red pepper and pour over the codfish. Rub the butter and flour together; stir it into the fish and egg; cook gently until it thickens and serve at once. CHEESE OMELET 4 eggs Va pound cheese or less 4 tablespoons milk Red pepper and salt 1 tablespoon butter Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately; stir them to- gether; then add the milk. Place the butter in a frying-pan over the fire, and when it is hot pour the mixture in, sprinkling it with salt and red pepper. Then add the cheese, which should be grated or broken into small pieces. Brown the omelet carefully; fold over and serve, garnished with olives or parsley. It is better if the cheese does not melt, but is simply heated through. BAKED OMELET 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon flour 6 eggs V^ teaspoon salt Put the butter in a pan over the fire; when melted add the flour; mix well; then add the milk gradually, stirring until thick and smooth. Add the salt and set aside to cool. Beat the eggs, yolks and whites separately; fold first yolks and then whites into the cream sauce; pour into a baking dish, and bake in a moderate oven for about fifteen minutes. Serve at once. o 125 ^ EGGS Planned for a Family of Four BAKED EGGS A LA MARTIN 2 tablespoons butter 1 level teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour 6 eggs 1 pint milk 1/2 cup grated cheese Red pepper Make cream sauce as for baked omelet; pour half of it into a baking dish; break over it six eggs, and cover them with the re- maining half of the sauce. Sprinkle red pepper and the grated cheese over the top and bake in a moderate oven for ten or fifteen minutes. WELSH RAREBIT 2 cups grated cheese V2 cup milk Yolks of 2 eggs Salt and red pepper 4 slices buttered toast Place the milk in a pan over a moderate fire; when hot, add the cheese; stir until the cheese is thoroughly melted; then add the eggs and seasoning and pour over the toasted bread. GOLDEN BUCK 1 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups grated cheese Dash of red pepper y^ teaspoon mustard' 6 squares toast 6 poached eggs Let the milk come to the boiling point; add the cheese; then the mustard, pepper and salt. Have the poached eggs ready on a platter and as soon as the cheese is melted pour the mixture around, not over the eggs. Garnish with parsley. OX EYES 4 round slices bread Pinch of salt 1 beaten egg V2 cup milk 4 eggs Cut the bread two inches thick; remove the crust and with a round biscuit-cutter take the center out of each slice. Add the milk and salt to the beaten egg; place the bread in a buttered baking dish and baste with the ^g^ and milk. Break an egg in the center of each slice; place in a hot oven and bake until the whites of the eggs are set. 126 Planned for a "RTi-r^Q Family of Four -C/VJVJO BIRDS' NESTS Have prepared slices of buttered toast, and on each slice put the beaten white of an egg in the shape of a bird's nest. In the center place the yolk, seasoning with a small piece of butter, pepper and salt. Bake in a quick oven until the whites are deli- cately browned. KEDGAREE y-i cup codfish Dash of red pepper Vz cup boiled rice Vi teaspoon onion juice 4 eggs Soak the codfish in cold water; drain; place over the fire in fresh water; bring to a boil and drain again. Mix with the rice; add the seasoning; place in a hot buttered pan and stir until the entire mixture is heated. Then add the eggs, well beaten; cook for a minute and serve. BEAUREGARD EGGS 6 eggs 1 cup cream sauce 6 slices buttered toast Put the eggs in the water over the fire and let them boil for fif- teen or twenty minutes. Prepare the toast and set it in the oven to keep hot. Remove the eggs from their shells; cut them in halves lengthwise or chop them fine and put them over the toast. Make a cream sauce; pour over all; garnish with parsley and serve. EGGS JAPANESE 6 eggs 1/2 teaspoon onion juice 4 sardines Salt and pepper 1 teaspoon anchovy paste 2 cups boiled rice 1 cup cream sauce Boil the eggs for fifteen minutes; remove the shells and cut them in halves lengthwise. Take out the yolks; mash them; mix T\dth the sardines, minced; add the seasoning and return to the ^g'g cavities. Place the rice in a mound on a heated platter; on it arrange the eggs ; cover all with cream sauce; garnish with parsley and serve. EGGS Planned for a Family of Four SPANISH EGGS 2 slices onion 2 tablespoons tongue 1 tablespoon olive oil Dash of red pepper 2 cups mushrooms 1 saltspoon salt 1 cup cooked tomatoes 3 eggs Cook the onion in the oil until light brown; add the mushrooms, tomatoes, seasoning and tongue, minced fine. Last of all, add the eggs, unbeatep. As soon as the eggs are set the mixture is ready to serve. 128 Planned for a EGGS Family of Four 129 T?r* r* C Planned for a Jf/U^JO Family of Four 130 MEAT SUBSTITUTES MEAT SUBSTITUTES IN the majority of households meat is still the central article of every meal; but there is an almost universal desire to decrease the amount of meat consumed, if not totally to elimi- nate it from the diet. The desire arises partly from thirst for variety, partly from reasons of economy, and partly from a grow- ing distaste for animal food. ^Vhatever the reason, the housewife is obliged to turn more and more to her list of meat-substitute dishes. Eggs have already been treated in a previous chapter, but they are by no means the only substitutes. Foods which are served in place of meat should be rich in protein and fat and should also be savory. Cheese naturally suggests itself, for it contains nearly twice as much protein, weight for weight, as beef of average composition, and its fuel value is almost twice as great. In view of these facts it seems strange that it is not more widely used. One reason is, doubtless, that cheese is generally considered indigestible and liable to cause constipation; but investigations of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture have happily disproved this as well as many other current superstitions in regard to food. Care, however, should be exercised in planning meals in which cheese is employed as a substitute for meat. As cheese dishes are inclined to be somewhat "heavy," they should be offset by crisp, watery vegetables, watercress, celery, lettuce, fruit salads and light desserts, preferably fresh or cooked fruit. Another point, too, is to be considered. Whether raw or cooked, cheese seems to call for the harder kinds of bread — crusty rolls or bis- cuit, zwieback, toast, pulled bread or hard crackers. Dried peas, beans and lentils are also excellent substitutes for meat. Since they contain as much protein as meat and since •133 MEAT SUBSTITUTES Planned for a Family of Four their fuel value is almost equal to that of cheese, it is not sur- prising to find that they are extensively used among all people who, either from necessity or choice, eat little or no meat. The impoverished Mexican uses at almost every meal the native bean or frijole, made palatable with green vegetables and chile or red pepper. There is a Hindoo proverb, "Rice is good, but lentils are my life," showing in what esteem the protein of the lentil was held even among ancient peoples. There is, of course, the objection commonly raised to the indi- gestibility of these foods, and they can hardly be recommended for persons with delicate stomachs. Rightly prepared, however, and eaten in moderate quantities, they cannot be considered indigestible in the ordinary sense of the word. The removal of the skin aids greatly to increase the digestibility and hinders the formation of gas. Nuts also may be employed as substitutes for meat; for they are very rich in oil, with only a small percentage of starch and sugar, and are also rich in nitrogen. And though frequently indigestible when taken by themselves, if properly combined with other foods they should be capable of digestion by any normal person. DINNERS WITHOUT MEAT Baked Omelet Lemon Meringue Lentils a la Creole Coffee Jelly Monday Black Bean Soup Baked Potatoes Tuesday Vegetable Soup Cauliflower Salad Wednesday Peach Cocktail Baked Macaroni with Cheese Lettuce Salad Stewed Fruit Coffee 134 Creamed Onions Coffee Mashed Potatoes Peanut Cakes Stewed Onions Sponge Cake Fi'X"'„'J'F°Ju? MEAT SUBSTITUTES Thursday Cream of Tomato Soup Cheese Omelet Creamed Potatoes Asparagus Frozen Strawberries Wafers Friday Cream of Asparagus Soup Boston Baked Beans Brown Bread Green Peas Fruit Salad Nuts Crackers Cream Cheese Saturday Vegetable Soup Corn and Cheese Souffle Candied Sweet Potatoes Scalloped Tomatoes Watercress French Tart Coffee Sunday Cream of Corn Soup Nut Roast Baked Rice Green Peas Grape-fruit Salad Maple Mousse Kisses DRIED PEAS, BEANS AND LENTILS The dried legumes are excellent if properly cooked, and form a palatable dish if simply boiled until tender and seasoned with but- ter, pepper and salt. The first important step is the swelling and softening of the legume by soaking in water a number of hours, usually not less than eight, and the removal of such parts as will not soften by cooking. The skin of the ripened pea and lentil is easily removed, and both peas and lentils are therefore more easily prepared than beans. Many kinds of beans, however, after proper soaking may be freed from their skins by stirring in water. The skins rise to the top and can be skimmed off. The large lima beans after soaking may easily be slipped out of the skins by pressing them between the fingers. Soft water should be used for both soaking and boiling the legumes; but if neither is available, simply boil the water before using and pour it from the sediment. In soaking beans baking soda may be used to soften the water (using a quarter teaspoon of soda dissolved in one quart of water to every pound of beans), 135 MEAT SUBSTITUTES FamTolFJur as it increases the digestibility of the beans and does not destroy the flavor. Dried peas, beans and lentils are better if cooked slowly all day. If desired, the flavor may be improved by the addition of onion, flavoring herbs or meat stock. The legumes may be left whole or mashed through a sieve. In either case they will be greatly im- proved by the addition of butter and abundant seasoning; the salt should be cooked with them, allowing one half tablespoon for one pint of beans, and the pepper added with the butter. LENTILS A LA CREOLE V2 cup lentils 1 small onion 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup tomatoes 1 green pepper Salt and pepper 1 cup boiled rice Let the lentils soak over night in water, adding a pinch of bak- ing soda if the water is hard. In the morning, drain; cover with fresh water and let simmer for one half hour; drain again; cover with hot water and let simmer slowly until the lentils are tender. Put the butter in a saucepan and melt ; add the pepper and onion, both finely chopped; stir and cook until the butter is browned. Add the tomatoes, canned or raw; season to taste; and into them empty the lentils after they have been drained and mashed through a colander. Cook slowly for about thirty minutes; pour into a deep platter and surround with a border of rice. BAKED LENTILS 1 pint lentils V2 small onion 1 pint water V^ teaspoon salt 3 ounces salt pork V4 teaspoon pepper Pick and wash the lentils and soak them in cold water over night. In the morning put them over the fire in a large saucepan with about a quart of water. As soon as the water begins to boil the lentils will rise to the top. Remove them with a skimmer; put them in a deep baking dish with the pork and onion in the center, and pour over them the pint of boiling water, in which the salt and pepper have been mixed. Bake in a moderate oven four or five hours. The lentils must be kept moist and it may be neces- sary to add a little water from time to time. 136 FimSyVf^Ur MEAT SUBSTITUTES BAKED BEANS 1 pint dried beans V2 teaspoon salt Vi pound salt pork Dash of pepper 1 cup water 1 tablespoon molasses Soak the beans over night, adding a little soda to the water. In the morning cook them gently until the skins begin to break; then drain off the water, saving one cup. Empty the beans into a baking dish; bury the pork in them, rind side up, and pour over them the cup of water saved, into which has been stirred the salt, pepper and molasses. If desired, a little mustard or onion or more molasses may be added. Cover the beans and let them bake in a slow oven for four or five hours. Serve with Boston brown bread. PUREE OF DRIED BEANS 1 pint beans 1 tablespoon butter or drippings 14 teaspoon sugar i cup hot milk Cook the beans until very soft; drain well, saving the water, and rub through a puree sieve. Put one pint of the strained beans in a saucepan with the butter or savory drippings and seasoning and add the hot milk gradually until a thick mush is formed. Heap the puree in the center of a hot platter and garnish with fried bacon, sausages or mutton chops. A soup may be made with the water in which the beans were cooked and the remainder of the strained beans. Dried peas may be prepared in the same way. DRIED BEANS SAUTE 1 pint beans V2 tablespoon salt iy2 tablespoons butter or drippings V^ teaspoon pepper Soak the beans and cook them until tender but not broken; then drain off the water and save it for soup. Put the butter or savory drippings in a pan over the fire and when hot put in the drained beans which have been seasoned. Cook over a hot fire for fifteen minutes, frequently turning the beans with a fork; then cover and let them cook for half an hour where they will not burn. If desired moist, a half cup of stock, milk or water may be added before putting them to cook for the last half hour. 137 MEAT SUBSTITUTES i^I^Sr^V^ZS- Family of Four BEANS MEXICAN 2 cups pink beans 1 tablespoon drippings 6 cups water 1 chile pepper 1 small onion Salt Wash the beans and soak them in the water over night. In the morning add the onion; boil gently until soft; then drain, saving the water. Put the grease in a large skillet; when sizzling hot add the drained beans and stir thoroughly until each bean seems to have a coating of the fat and begins to burst. Add one cup of the water in w^hich the beans were boiled; gently crush a few of the beans to thicken it; add the remainder of the water, salt to taste and the chile pepper, finely chopped. Simmer until the beans are almost dry and serve. COTTAGE CHEESE Set a gallon or more of thick sour milk in warm water, or in a warm place until it reaches a temperature of 180° F. Let stand at this temperature for an hour or more, until the curd separates from the whey and seems firm. Turn gently into a piece of cheese- cloth; hang up to drain for several hours; chop and mix salt and cream through the mass, working the mixture well with the hands. BOSTON ROAST 1 pound cooked kidney beans Bread crumbs V2 pound grated cheese Salt and red pepper Butter and water Mash the beans or put them through a meat grinder; add the cheese, salt and sufficient bread crumbs to make the mixture stiff enough to form into a roll. Bake in a moderate oven, basting occasionally with butter and water. Serve with tomato sauce. PIMIENTO ROAST 2 cups cooked lima beans 3 canned pimientoes ^4 pound cream or cottage cheese Bread crumbs Butter and water Chop the first three ingredients or put them through a meat chopper; mix thoroughly and add bread crumbs until the mixture is stiff enough to form a roll. Brown in the oven, basting occa- sionally with butter and water. 138 gLmnyVf^Fo^ur MEAT SUBSTITUTES BAKED MACARONI WITH CHEESE 1 cup broken macaroni 1 pint cream sauce 2 quarts boiling salted water 1 cup grated cheese 1 cup buttered bread cnmibs Cook the macaroni in the water for twenty or thirty minutes; drain and blanch with cold water. Put the macaroni in a pudding dish in layers, covering each with cream sauce and grated cheese and making the top layer of bread crumbs. Bake in the oven until the crumbs are brown. BAKED CRACKERS WITH CHEESE 10 butter crackers or Boston 1 tablespoon flour crackers 14 teaspoon salt 11/2 cups milk 1/2 cup buttered bread 1 cup grated cheese crumbs Split the crackers if they are thick and with a sharp knife cut them into pieces of uniform size. Pour the milk over them and drain it off at once. Then make a sauce with the milk, flour, cheese and salt. Into a buttered baking dish put alternate layers of soaked cracker and sauce. Cover with bread crumbs and brown in the oven. MIGAS Soak slices of stale bread and squeeze dry. Put olive oil or drippings in a frying pan and when boiling hot drop in an onion chopped fine, a little ground chile and a pinch of sweet marjoram. Lay the slices of bread in this with plenty of fresh cheese (prefer- ably goats' cheese), finely broken, and fry for about ten minutes. Remove to a hot plate; cover with grated cheese, stoned ripe olives and chopped hard-boiled egg. CORN AND CHEESE SOUFFLE 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup grated cheese 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper 1 cup com y^ cup flour 3 eggs 2 cups milk V^ teaspoon salt Melt the butter and cook the pepper thoroughly in it; make a sauce by adding the flour, milk and cheese; add the corn, yolks of eggs and seasoning; fold in the stiffly beaten whites ; turn into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate oven for thirty minutes. 139 MEAT SUBSTITUTES rilX^o'} i?.'u? Family of Four CHEESE SOUFFLE 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Dash of red pepper V^ cup scalded milk Vi cup grated cheese 3 eggs Melt the butter and mix thoroughly with the flour; then add the hot milk gradually and the salt, red pepper and cheese. Re- move from the fire and add the beaten yolks. Cool the mixture; fold in the beaten whites; pour into a buttered baking dish and cook about twenty minutes in a slow oven. Serve at once or the souffle will not be light. CHEESE ROLLS A large variety of rolls may be made by combining cooked beans, lentils or peas with cheese and adding bread crumbs to make the mixture thick enough to form into a roll. Beans are usually mashed, but peas or lima beans may be combined whole with bread crumbs and grated cheese and enough of the water in which the vegetables have been cooked to insure the right consistency. Chopped spinach, beet greens or lettuce may be used instead of the legumes if desired. Cottage cheese, cream cheese, American or English dairy cheese may be used. . BAKED RICE 2 cups boiled rice V^ cup milk 1 cup grated cheese Salt and red pepper 1 tablespoon butter Bread crumbs Arrange the rice in a baking dish in layers, covering each with cheese, a little milk, butter, salt and red pepper. Spread bread crumbs over all and bake in a moderate oven until the crumbs are browned. English dairy cheese is preferred for this, although American cheese will do. ENGLISH RICE 1 cup rice 1 cup cooked tomatoes 1 cup chopped pecans V^ teaspoon salt 1/2 saltspoon pepper Wash, boil and drain the rice. Strain the tomatoes and add to them the seasoning. Put a layer of rice in the bottom of a baking 140 &"y''.f''F,''ur MEAT SUBSTITUTES dish, then a layer of nuts, then rice, then nuts again until the entire quantity is used, making the last layer of rice. Pour the tomatoes over this and bake in a moderate oven thirty minutes. PEANUT BUTTER Nuts are found indigestible chiefly because of the impossibility of grinding them fine enough with the teeth. The value of nut butters is therefore obvious. Almost any kind of nut will make good butter, but peanuts are perhaps the best and the most generally available. Pound freshly roasted nuts in a mortar or put them through a chopper, using the knife designed especially for the making of nut butters. Season with salt and add a little olive oil if desired. In most cases the oil from the nuts is sufficient to moisten the butter. NUT AND FRUIT CHEESE y^ pound figs 2 ounces almonds 14 pound seeded raisins 2 ounces pine nuts 14 pound dates 2 oimces Brazil nuts l^ pound pecans Wash the fruit and stone the dates. Mix thoroughly with the nuts and put through a meat chopper. Press the mixture into baking powder tins and stand in a cool place. When wanted for use loosen the sides with a thin knife-blade and turn out on a board. Cut into thin slices and serve in the place of meat or put between thin slices of buttered bread. NUT ROAST yi cup lentils V2 teaspoon salt 14 cup shelled roasted peanuts V2 saltspoon pepper 1/2 cup toasted bread crumbs Milk Soak the lentils over night; in the morning drain, cover with fresh water and bring to a boil. Drain again; put in fresh water and cook until tender. Drain once more; throw away the water and press the lentils through a colander. To them add the nuts, either ground or chopped, the bread crumbs and seasoning and milk sufficient to make the mixture the consistency of mush. Put into a greased baking dish; bake in a moderate oven for an hour; turn out on a heated platter; garnish with parsley or watercress and serve. 10 141 MEAT SUBSTITUTES Famydfe VEGETABLE MEAT PIE V2 cup lima beans V^ cup hot milk 14 cup peanuts 1 hard-boiled egg l^ cup almonds Vz tablespoon chopped parsley 4 potatoes V^ tablespoon chopped onion V4 cup flour =• Vz teaspoon salt • V2 saltspoon pepper Soak the beans over night; in the morning let them boil rapidly for one half hour. Drain ; slip the beans from their skins and split them in halves. Blanch the almonds and chop them with the peanuts. Boil the potatoes, and when done, cut two of them into small cubes. Mash the remaining twd and use them for a dough, adding four tablespoons of the hot milk, a little salt and the flour. Put a layer of beans in the bottom of the baking dish, a sprinkling of nuts, a little hard-boiled egg, potato blocks and sea- soning; then more beans, nuts, egg and potato, and so on until the material is all used. Roll out the potato dough the size of the baking dish; put it over the dish; brush with milk and bake half an hour in a moderately quick oven. 1SrUT SOUFFLE 1 cup soft bread cnmibs V2 teaspoon salt Vt. cup milk Dash of pepper 1/2 cup chopped nuts Whites of 3 eggs Put the milk and bread crumbs over the fire; cook until per- fectly smooth, stirring constantly. Remove from the fire; work in the nuts; add the seasoning; fold in the well-beaten whites of eggs; turn into a baking dish and bake in a quick oven from ten to fifteen minutes. Serve at once. ALMONDS WITH EGGS 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla ejrtract 2 tablespoons sugar y2 teaspoon almond extract Grated rind of 1 lemon 3 ounces chopped almonds 1 tablespoon butter White of 1 egg 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon sugar 3 eggs Few shredded almonds Put the milk into a saucepan with the sugar and lemon rind and allow it to simmer gently for half an hour. Blend the butter and flour; add the milk mixture; stir until it boils; then cook for five minutes. Beat the eggs; add the flavorings and almonds, 142 BANANA DAINTY ALMONDS WITH EGGS ^a'mny.t''Fo"ur MEAT SUBSTITUTES and stir all into the first mixture. Stir with a wooden spoon over the fire until thick like batter; then turn into a baking dish. Cover with a meringue made from the white of egg and sugar; brown in the oven; sprinkle with shredded almonds and serve hot. NUT AND CHEESE RELISH 1 package cream cheese 1 cup chopped nut meats 2 tablespoons whipped cream 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Salt and red pepper Mix the cheese with the cream, nuts, parsley and seasonings. Roll into balls and serve cold, garnished with parsley and chopped nuts. 143 MEAT SUBSTITUTES Fa''X'"Mfe 144 FSSSfo'fVur MEAT SUBSTITUTES 145 MEAT SUBSTITUTES FamT^f f'S»? 146 LEFT-OVERS LEFT-OVERS LEFT-OVERS are a problem to every housewife, and it is the wise cook who can either so merge them with other things that the identity is lost or make of them new dishes so palatable as to be desired rather than dreaded. With a little care and forethought, however, this can readily be done. The manner of serving these dishes should be studied, for dainty ways of serving food have a usefulness beyond their esthetic value. Every one knows how quickly a feeble appetite is tempted by a tastefully garnished dish when the same material well cooked but carelessly served would seem altogether unpal- atable. Even "left-overs" may be made as attractive in appear- ance as fresh dishes. There are throughout this book many recipes that call for cold meats and vegetables, so that this chapter is not the only one to be studied by the economical cook. See especially the chapter on "Entrees." BAKED HASH 2 cups cold meat 2 cups cold potatoes 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups stock Seasoning to taste Melt the butter in the stock; add the meat and potato, finely chopped or run through a meat chopper. Season to taste; put in a greased baking dish and bake until nicely browned. CURRY OF BEEF 2 cups cold beef Curry sauce 1 cup boiled rice Make curry sauce according to directions given in the chapter on "Sauces"; add the beef, finely chopped; bring to a boil and serve in a border of hot boiled rice. 149 T in7T* /^TrTTDC Planned for a JLJt!/!' 1 -U V JJ/KO Family of Four CURRY OF LAMB Make and serve the same as curry of beef, adding a half teaspoon of chopped mint if desired. SCALLOPED BEEF 2 cups cold chopped beef 1 cup brown sauce 2 cups cooked tomatoes 1 cup bread crumbs Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons butter In a baking dish arrange alternate layers of beef and tomatoes, seasoning each and moistening the meat with brown sauce (or with a little melted butter and hot water if there has been no brown sauce left). Cover the top with bread crumbs and bits of butter; bake in a moderate oven for half an hour and serve. If it begins to brown too quickly, cover with another pan. CREAMED HASH 1 pint cold meat 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Salt and pepper 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 cup cream sauce Chop the meat very fine; season it and add the onion and parsley. Make the cream sauce in a double boiler; stir in the meat; beat thoroughly and serve on squares of toasted bread. MOCK VENISON Cold mutton 1 cup water or stock 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon currant jelly 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon bottled meat sauce Brown the flour in the butter; add the water or stock, stirring constantly; then add the jelly and meat sauce and bring to a boil. Cut the cold meat into thin slices; heat them thoroughly in the sauce and serve. CORNED-BEEF HASH 1 cup cold corned beef Salt and pepper 1 cup cold boiled potatoes 1 tablespoon butter Milk or stock Chop the corned beef, discarding the gristle but using some of the fat. Melt the butter in a frying pan; add the beef mixed 150 LEFT-OVERS Fish Cutlets Blanquette of Chicken with Peas Cusk k la Crdme gL'gr.fol°L'u, LEFT-OVERS with chopped potatoes; pour over enough milk or stock to moisten; stir until well mixed; then cook slowly until browned underneath. Fold over like an omelet and serve garnished with parsley and poached eggs. FARMERS' CABBAGE 1 cup cold meat 1 cup cooked tomatoes 1 cup cooked cabbage 1 cup bread crumbs Salt aad pepfler Chop the meat into small pieces; likewise the cabbage. Put a layer of meat in the bottom of a baking dish; then a layer of cabbage; then a layer of tomatoes. Continue until the entire quantity has been used, seasoning each layer as you go. Cover all with bread crumbs and bake in a moderate oven until brown. A little grated cheese may be added to the top if desired. STEW FROM COLD MEAT Free the meat from fat, gristle and bones; cut into small pieces; add salt and water sufficient to cover it. Let simmer until almost ready to break in pieces; add raw onions and potatoes and cook until tender, adding also a little soup stock if available. Cook until the potatoes are done; thicken with flour and serve on small slices of toast. POTTED MEAT 1 pint cold meat Salt and pepper 2 ounces butter Dried herbs Melted sue' Chop the meat very fine; pound it in a mortar, adding gradually the butter and seasoning to taste. , Pack into small jars; cover with melted suet and keep in a cool place. VEAL CAKES 1 pound cold chopped veal 1 teaspoon chopped onion V^ pound soaked bread crumbs 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 2 tablespoons fat or butter Mix all the ingredients except the fat; mold into small cakes. Melt the fat in a frying pan and brown the cakes in it, first on one side, then on the other. "151 LEFT-OVERS FamT o1 fJu? BLANQUETTE OF CHICKEN 2 cups cold chicken 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 cup cream sauce Few gratings of nutmeg 1 tablespoon lemon juice Pinch of clove Make the cream sauce as usual; heat the chicken thoroughly in it; add the seasonings and serve. FISH CUTLETS 1 cup cold cooked fish Vt. teaspoon chopped onion 1/2 cup milk y2 teaspoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon butter V2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon flour Dash of red pepper Yolk of 1 egg Uncooked macaroni Bread crumbs and egg Make a cream sauce of the butter, flour and milk; add the egg, then the fish and seasonings. Mix carefully and let cool; form into cutlet shapes; dip in egg and bread crumbs and fry in hot fat. When brown, remove the cutlets and insert in each a small piece of uncooked macaroni to represent the bone, covering the place of insertion with a sprinkling of chopped parsley. FISH CROQUETTES Prepare the same mixture used for cutlets; mold into cones; dip in egg and crumbs and fry in hot fat, removing them as soon as they are brown and sprinkling each with chopped parsley. CUSK A LA CREME 1 pint cold fish Vi tablespoon cornstarch 1 pint milk 1/2 tablespoon butter 1 blade mace Yolk of 1 egg 1 sprig parsley Salt and pepper 1 bay leaf Bread crumbs Put the milk with the mace, parsley and bay leaf in a double boiler; bring to a boil; remove the mace, parsley and bay leaf and add the cornstarch and butter, well rubbed together. Then add the beaten egg and season to taste. Fill a baking dish with alternate layers of fish and sauce; cover with bread crumbs and bake in the oven until the crumbs are browned. 152 R^^SjVfVur LEFT-OVERS SCALLOPED FISH 1 pint cold cooked fish 1 pint cream sauce 1 pint stuffing Bread crumbs Butter Put the fish and stuffing in a baking dish in alternate layers, moistening each with cream sauce. Cover with bread crumbs and bits of butter and bake until brown. 153 _ ^-^^^^ Planned for a LEFT-OVERS Family of Four 154; L^^.roJ"'Jo='„r LEFT-OVERS 155 T T7T7T* rWTT?!^ CJ Flanned tor a JLJj/Jr 1 "Kj V JJ/KO Family of Four 156 VEGETABLES VEGETABLES \ ITEGETABLES are prepared for the table in several ways, but ■ the most common method of cooking them is in boiHng water or in the related method of steaming. On the whole, it may be said that the simpler methods of preparing are to be preferred, in the majority of cases bringing the food to its most digestible form. The changes that take place in the cooking of vegetables are briefly these: The cellular tissue is softened and loosened; the nitrogenous substances are coagulated; the starch granules absorb moisture, swell and burst; and the flavor is developed. The food is rendered more digestible and in most cases more pal- atable. Over-cooking, however, changes and toughens the texture of vegetable foods, destroys the coloring matter and injures the flavor. All vegetables should be thoroughly cleansed before being put on to cook, and if for any reason a green vegetable has lost its crispness or firmness it should be soaked in very cold water until it has regained freshness. Vegetables that form in heads, such as cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, should be soaked, heads down, in salted cold water to which a few teaspoons of vinegar may be added. If there are any worms in the vegetables they will crawl out. To secure the best results all vegetables except the dried legumes must be put in boiling water and the water must be brought to a boil again as soon as possible after the vegetables have been added. Herbaceous vegetables should boil rapidly all the time; but with tubers, roots, cauliflower, etc., the ebullition should not be so violent as to break the vegetables. Green lima beans and peas when removed from the pods must be cooked gently. If 159 VEGETABLES FamTol fJu? beans or peas are a little old, a pinch of baking soda added to the water in which they are boiled will make them more tender. The best seasoning for most vegetables is salt and butter. Vegetables that are drained when partly done and then cooked with butter and seasoning for a few minutes are usually more palatable than those which are cooked the entire time in a large amoimt of clear water and seasoned afterward. CABBAGE Divide a small head of cabbage into four parts, cutting down through the stock; soak for one half hour in a pan of cold water to which has been added a tablespoon of salt; then remove from the water and cut in slices. Have a large saucepan full of boiling water; put in the cabbage, pushing the slices under the water with a spoon; add a tablespoon of salt and cook from twenty-five to sixty minutes, according to the age of the cabbage. Drain through a colander; then put in a chopping bowl and mince. Season with butter, pepper and more salt if needed, and stand over the fire for a few minutes to reheat. Allow a tablespoon of butter to a pint of cooked cabbage. Keep the kitchen windows open while cooking and the door closed so that no impleasant odor may rise through the house. CABBAGE WITH PORK For a small head of cabbage use half a pound of minced salt pork. Boil the pork gently for three or four hours. Prepare the cabbage as for plain boiled cabbage; drain well and put on to boil with the pork. Boil and serve the pork with the cabbage. A little additional salt may be needed. Smoked bacon or ham or corned beef may be substituted for the pork; but these are usually better if cooked separately from the cabbage. LADY CABBAGE Prepare and cook the cabbage in the usual way. Chop very- fine; return to the fire; cover with milk; season; bring to a boil and serve. 160 VEGETABLES Lima Beans Corn Kidney Beans ga^Vf^^o^ur VEGETABLES CREAMED CABBAGE Make a cream sauce; add the boiled cabbage, chopped; bring to a boil and serve, sprinkling a little chopped parsley over the top of the dish. CAULIFLOWER Removi^ all the large green leaves and the greater part of the stalk, and soak, head down, in a pan of cold water which contains to each quart of water a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of vinegar. Put in a large saucepan, stem end down; cover with boiling water; add a tablespoon of salt and cook from twenty to thirty minutes, according to the size of the head and its compactness. Remove as soon as done, for overcooking darkens it. CREAMED CAULIFLOWER Make a cream sauce; add the boiled cauliflower, broken into pieces, and serve. CAULIFLOWER AU GRATIN Break boiled cauliflower into small flowerets; place in layers in a buttered pudding dish, covering each with cream sauce and grated cheese. Spread buttered bread crumbs over the top of the dish and bake until brown. CAULIFLOWER POLONAISE 1 head cauliflower Yolks of 3 eggs IV2 teaspoons mustard V4 cup olive oil 114 teaspoons salt V2 cup vinegar 1 teaspoon powdered sugar 2 tablespoons melted butter V2 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Cook the cauliflower as usual; when done break into flowerets and cover with a sauce made from the other ingredients. Mix the dry ingredients; add the beaten eggs, then the oil and vinegar. Cook over hot water until the mixture thickens; re- move from fire and add the butter and parsley. BRUSSELS SPROUTS Remove the wilted or yellow leaves from the sprouts; cut the stock close to the heads, and soak in salted cold water for an hour 161 \T'l?n T7T A "OT 17 Q Planned for a V J2/Vjil/ 1 ili3i-rJ2/0 Family of Four or more. Drain well and empty them into boiling salted water, allowing one teaspoon of salt to two quarts of water. Boil rapidly for fifteen or twenty minutes, according to the size of the heads; when done, turn into a colander and pour cold water over the heads. Reheat in butter and seasoning or in cream sauce. KALE Remove all the old or tough leaves; wash the kale thoroughly and drain. Put it into boiling water to which has been added salt in the proportion of one half tablespoon to two quarts of water. Boil rapidly, uncovered, until the vegetable is tender; pour off the water; chop the kale very fine; return it to the kettle with one tablespoon of butter and two of meat stock or water to every pint of the minced vegetable. Add more salt if necessary ; cook for ten minutes and serve at once. The entire time for cooking varies from thirty to fifty minutes. BOILED LETTUCE Lettuce that has grown too old for salad may still be cooked, forming a very palatable dish. Wash four or five heads of lettuce, removing the thick bitter stalks and retaining only the sound leaves. Cook in boiling, salted water for ten or fifteen minutes; drain in a colander, pouring cold water over them. Chop and re- heat with butter and seasoning or with cream sauce. BEET GREENS Beets are usually thickly sowed, and as the young plants begin to grow they must be thinned out. These plants make delicious greens, and even the tops of the ordinary market beets are good if properly prepared. Examine the leaves carefully to be sure that there are no insects on them; wash thoroughly in several waters, and put over the fire in a large kettle of boiling water. Add a teaspoon of salt for every two quarts of greens ; boil rapidly about thirty minutes or until tender; drain off the water; chop well and season with butter and salt. SPINACH Perhaps no other vegetable requires such care in the preparation as spinach. In the first place it takes a great deal of time, water and patience to wash it clean. Cut off the roots; break the leaves 162 Planned for a VET* TTT A "DT 17 C Family of Four V iiVril/ 1 ADLrJbd apart; drop them in a large pan of water; rinse well; lift them out separately and drop back into a second pan of water. Continue washing in fresh waters until there is not a grain of sand to be found in the bottom of the pan. Drain the spinach and drop it into boiling water, allowing three quarts of water and one table- spoon of salt to a half peck of spinach. Let it boil for twenty minutes or more, counting from the time it begins to boil, and drawing the cover of the saucepan to one side to allow the steam to escape. Empty into a colander; pour cold water over the spinach; drain and mince fine. Return to the fire with seasoning and butter, or drippings from roast beef or chicken if preferred. Garnish with hard-boiled egg or serve with cream sauce. DANDELIONS Gather young dandelion plants before they have flowered; cut off the roots; wash thoroughly; boil in salted water about one hour, leaving the lid partly off. Drain and chop fine; season with salt, pepper or vinegar, and a liberal measure of butter. If cooked with half spinach or beet greens it is less bitter and more palatable to some people. In this case the dandelion should be partly cooked before the other vegetable is added. LEEKS Wash and trim the leeks and cook them in boiling salted water until soft. Drain thoroughly; season with butter, salt and pepper, and serve. JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES 1 quart peeled and cut artichokes 1 tablespoon butter 1 pint niilk 1 tablespoon flour 1 small onion 1 teaspoon salt y^ teaspoon pepper Wash and peel the artichokes and cut them into small cubes; put in a double boiler; cover with milk; add the onion and cook twenty minutes. Beat the butter and flour together and stir them into the milk; add the seasoning and cook for a half hour longer. GLOBE ARTICHOKES Remove all the hard outer leaves; cut off the stems close to the leaves, also the top of the bud. Drop the artichokes in boiling 163 VEGETABLES Fa^X''^f 'f°,-u^ water and cook until tender, from thirty to fifty minutes; take up and remove the choke. Serve hot with melted butter or cold with French salad dressing. GREEN PEAS Shell the peas and cover them generously with water; bring to a boil; then push aside until the water will just bubble gently. Keep the lid partly off. When the peas are tender add salt and butter; cook ten minutes longer and serve. If the peas are not the sweet variety, add a teaspoon of sugar. SUGAR PEAS Sugar peas may be cooked in the pods like string beans. Gather the pods while the seeds are still very small ; string like beans and cut into pieces. Cover with boiling water and boil gently for twenty -five or thirty minutes or until tender. Pour off most of the water, saving it for soup; season the rest with salt and butter and serve. STRING BEANS Remove the strings carefully; break the pods into one-inch pieces ; wash thoroughly ; drain and drop into boiling salted water. Boil until tender; drain off the water; season with butter and more salt if needed and serve. Pork may be boiled with the beans if desired. Boil a quarter of a pound for five hours ; then add the beans. GREEN LIMA BEANS Cover the shelled beans with boiling water; bring to a boil quickly; then let them simmer slowly until tender. Drain and add salt, pepper and butter or hot cream or cream sauce. DRIED BEANS AND PEAS Recipes for cooking dried beans and peas will be found in the chapter on "Meat Substitutes." BOILED TURNIPS Have the turnips peeled and sliced and drop them into boiling water sufficient to cover. Cook until tender; drain well; chop them or mash with a wooden potato masher. Season with salt, butter and pepper and serve at once. 164 l'^f^fJt%o^r VEGETABLES CARROTS Scrape the carrots lightly ; cut them into large dice or slices and drop them into salted boiling water, allowing a teaspoon of salt to a quart of water. Boil until tender; drain and serve with butter and pepper or with cream sauce. CARROTS AND PEAS Cook the carrots; add an equal quantity of cooked peas; sea- son with butter, pepper and salt, or beat both together in a cream sauce. PARSNIPS Wash the parsnips clean; boil them until tender; scrape off the skin and slice them into a vegetable dish, seasoning with salt, pepper and butter or pouring drawn butter over them. If preferred, the cooked parsnips may be chopped rather coarse, seasoned and returned to the fire with milk suflacient to cover them. Thicken with a teaspoon of flour rubbed in a tablespoon of butter; simmer for ten minutes and serve. Still another method of serving the parsnips is to fry the slices in butter after they have been boiled. KOHL-RABI Kohl-rabi or kale turnip is a cultivated variety of kale or cab- bage, distinguished by the swelling of the stem in turnip form. This swollen portion is used for food, cooked like turnips or un- cooked in slices like radishes. SALSIFY 6 large roots 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon vinegar 3 pints water 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup cream sauce To prevent the roots from turning dark they must be dropped as soon as they are pared and cut into the mixture of flour, salt, water and vinegar. Wash and scrape the roots; cut them into slices about three inches long and drop them into the prepared water. Place the saucepan on the fire and cook for thirty minutes after it begins to boil. Drain and serve with white or cream sauce. 165 \TT?r^l?T A "DT T7Q Planned for fl V liiKjrj 1 AJKl^iJ/O Family of Four BEETS Wash the beets, being careful not to break the skin ; cover them with boiling water and boil until tender. Remove from the fire; drop into cold water and rub off the skins. Cut the beets into thin slices or chop them if not young; season with salt, butter and pepper and serve at once. PICKLED BEETS If beets are very old they will be better pickled in vinegar. Boil and slice them; cover with vinegar and let stand until cold. CREAMED CELERY Remove the leaves from the stalks of celery; scrape off all rusted or dark spots ; cut into small pieces and drop in cold water. Have boiling water ready; put the celery into it, adding a half teaspoon of salt for every quart of water. Boil until tender, leav- ing the cover partly off; drain and rinse in cold water. Make a cream sauce; drop the celery into it; heat thoroughly and serve. BOILED ONIONS Peel the onions and cut off the roots ; drop each into cold water as soon as it is peeled. When all are ready, drain and put in a saucepan well covered with boiling water, adding a teaspoon of salt for every quart of water. Boil rapidly for ten minutes with the cover partly off; drain and return to the fire with fresh water. Simmer until tender; add pepper and butter and serve, or omit the butter and pepper and pour a cream sauce over the onions. STEWED ONIONS IV2 pints onion y2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter Vo saltspoon pepper Cut the onions In slices and boil in salted water for ten minutes; drain and return to the saucepan with the butter, salt and pepper. Cover and cook over a hot fire for five minutes; then cook slowly for thirty or forty minutes. Drippings may be substituted for the butter if desired. 166 Family of Four VEGETABLES SCALLOPED ONIONS Cut boiled onions into quarters; put them in a baking dish and mix well with cream sauce; cover with bread crumbs and bits of butter and place in the oveii until the crumbs are browned. FRIED ONIONS 6 onions 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper Remove the skins from the onions; cut them in slices and cook in boiling salted water for fifteen minutes. Drain; add the butter and fry until well browned, stirring to prevent them from sticking. Season and serve with beefsteak or calf's liver. STEWED TOMATOES Pour boiling water over the tomatoes; remove the skins; cut into small pieces and place in a saucepan over the fire. Boil gently for twenty or thirty minutes and season, allowing for each quart of tomato one generous teaspoon each of salt and sugar and one tablespoon of butter. If in addition to this seasoning a slice of onion has been cooked with the tomatoes from the beginning, the flavor will be greatly improved. SCALLOPED TOMATOES 1 pint tomatoes 1 tablespoon sugar 1 pint bread crumbs 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons butter 1 saltspoon pepper Butter a baking dish and in it put alternate layers of tomatoes and bread crumbs, seasoning each layer of crumbs and covering it with small pieces of butter. Have a layer of crumbs on the top. If fresh tomatoes are used bake one hour, if canned, a half hour. If the crumbs begin to brown too quickly cover the dish with a tin plate. STUFFED TOMATOES 6 large tomatoes 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup bread crumbs 1/2 saltspoon pepper 1 teaspoon chopped onion 1 tablespoon butter Cut a slice off the stem end of the tomato and scoop out the seeded part. Brown the onion slightly in the butter; add it to the 167 VEGETABLES ^^^'"''^^ ^**" ^ Family of Four bread crumbs, with seasoning, and fill the tomatoes with the mix- ture. Place them in a shallow baking pan and bake in a quick oven about thirty minutes. FRIED TOMATOES 3 large tomatoes Flour Salt and pepper Butter 1 cup cream sauce Wash the tomatoes; slice them in half-inch slices; sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour and brown lightly in butter. Lay on a hot platter and pour over them a cream sauce made with the butter that remains in the pan. TURKISH PILAF V2 cup rice 1 cup stock 34 cup stewed tomatoes 3 tablespoons butter Strain the tomatoes and cook them with the rice and stock in a double boiler until the rice is tender; add the butter and stir it in without mashing the rice. Serve as a border with meat or as a vegetable. If desired, a little catsup or Chili sauce and water to make three quarters of a cup may be substituted for the tomatoes. ASPARAGUS Cut off the woody part of the asparagus and scrape the lower ends of the stalks, or cut off all but the very tender part, saving the pieces for cream of asparagus soup. Wash the stalks and tie them in bunches; place them upright, stem end down in a deep saucepan. Pour in boiling water sufficient to come up to the ten- der heads but not to cover them; add a teaspoon of salt for each quart of water and place the saucepan where the water will boil. Cook until tender, leaving the cover partly off. It will take from fifteen to thirty minutes according to the age of the asparagus. Serve on thin slices of buttered toast, seasoning with butter, pep- per and salt, or pouring drawn butter or cream sauce over all. Save the water for vegetable soup. If preferred, all the tender part of the asparagus may be cut into short pieces, boiled in water sufficient to cover, and served in cream sauce or in a little of the water in which it is cooked, seasoned with salt, pepper and butter. 168 VEGETABLES Potatoes Cauliflower String Beans ^':^^fJt%o%r VEGETABLES OKRA Wash young pods and boil them in salted water until tender, about twenty minutes ; drain and reheat for five minutes in cream, adding butter, salt and pepper. GREEN PEPPERS STUFFED 6 peppers V4 teaspoon basil Bread crumbs V4 teaspoon summer savory 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons butter or drippings 1 tablespoon herbs 1 cup white sauce 2 cups white stock or water Select only tender, sweet peppers. Soak in water bread crumbs sufficient to make one pint when the water is pressed out; mix with the seasonings and butter. Cut off the stem end of each pepper; carefully remove the interior and fill the peppers with the prepared dressing. Place in a shallow baking pan and pour around them the v/hite sauce thinned with the stock or water. Bake about one hour, basting frequently with the sauce. Peppers may also be filled with a well-seasoned dressing of chopped meat, with or without the addition of bread crumbs or boiled rice. FRIED EGGPLANT Cut the eggplant in slices about a quarter of an inch thick; pare them; sprinkle with salt and pile one upon another, placing over them a plate with a weight on top. Let stand for an hour; remove the plate; dip the slices in beaten eggy to which has been added a tablespoon of water, half a tablespoon of salt and half a teaspoon of pepper. Then dip the slices in dried bread crumbs; spread on a dish for twenty minutes or more and fry until brown in deep fat. BAKED EGGPLANT Make a dressing as for stuffed peppers, using, however, a little tnore salt, pepper and butter. Cut the eggplant in two lengthwise; scrape out the inside; mash it fine; mix with the dressing and re- turn to the shells. Place on a pan in the oven and bake forty-five minutes. Serve in the shells, placing a doily under each half. 169 VEGETABLES ^*^""^^ '**' * Family of Four BROILED EGGPLANT Slice the eggplant and drain it as for frying; spread the slices on a dish; season with salt and pepper; baste with olive oil; sprinkle with dried bread crumbs and broil. SQUASH Summer and winter squash are prepared and boiled in the same way. Wash and pare the squash; cut it into small pieces; cook in boiling water for half an hour; mash fine and season with salt, pepper and plenty of butter. BAKED SQUASH Wash a Hubbard squash and cut it into large pieces, removing the pulp. Place these, outer side down, in a shallow baking dish and bake until brown. Baked squash is eaten like baked sweet potatoes with butter and salt. STEAMED SQUASH Remove the top of a Hubbard squash and steam the rest until tender. Discard the pulp; scoop out the remainder of the soft portion; mash it, seasoning well with salt, pepper and butter; re- heat; return to the shell and score the dome-shaped surface with a knife. Place the squash on a plate with a doily beneath it and serve. CORN ON THE COB Free the corn from husks and silk; have a kettle of water boiling hard; drop the corn into it and cook ten minutes (or longer if the corn is not young). If a very large number of ears are put into the water they will so reduce the temperature that a longer time will be needed. In no case, however, should the corn be left too long in the water, as overcooking spoils the delicate flavor. CORN OFF THE COB Corn is frequently cut from the cob a-fter it is cooked and served in milk or butter; but by this method milch of the flavor and juice of the corn itself is wasted. It is better to cut the corn from the cob before cooking. With a sharp loiife cut oft' the grains, not cutting closely enough to remove any of the woody portion of the 170 ViZf,fJrFour VEGETABLES skins. Then with a knife press out all the pulp and milk remaining in the cob; add this to the corn; season Vv^ell with salt, pepper and butter; add a little more milk if the corn is dry; cook, preferably in the oven, for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally. If the oven is not hot, cook over the fire. SUCCOTASH To a pint of corn cooked off the cob add a pint of cooked and creamed Lima beans. CORN PUDDING 6 ears com V2 teaspoon sugar 1 cup hot milk V2 tablespoon butter 14 teaspoon salt 1/2 tablespoon flour 1 egg Prepare the corn as for cooking off the cob. Melt the butter; mix well with the flour; add the milk gradually, then the season- ing and corn, and last of all the beaten egg. Pour into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate oven for half an hour. STEWED MUSHROOMS 1 pint mushrooms Salt and pepper 1 tablespoon butter Flour Wash the mushrooms; peel them and cut off the bottom of the stalks. Melt the butter; add the mushrooms, sprinkling them with salt, pepper and flour. Let them cook slowly in the butter and their own liquoi* for about fifteen minutes. If desired, a few tablespoons of cream and a little grated nutmeg may be added to the butter, and the mushrooms served on small pieces of buttered toast. BROILED MUSHROOMS Wash the mushrooms; rejnove the stems and peel the caps. Place them in a broiler and broil for five minutes, with the cap side down during the first half of broiling. Serve on circular pieces of buttered toast, sprinkling with salt and pepper and putting a small piece of butter on each cap. 171 VEGETABLES ^^'^"""^^ ***' ^ Family of Four BAKED MUSHROOMS Choose the larger mushrooms for baking. Prepare them as for broihng and place them upside down in a shallow baking dish, .sprinkling with salt and pepper and placing a small piece of butter on each. Bake for about twenty minutes, basting with a little melted butter. MUSHROOMS A LA POULETTE Stew the mushrooms in cream; remove from thv. jre and stir in the beaten yolks of two eggs. Return to the fire to let the eggs thicken; then serve at once. BOILED CHESTNUTS Boil the chestnuts a few minutes; drain and remove the shells and skins. Boil again until tender, adding suflBcient salt to make them palatable. Drain again; shake over the fire until dry; cover with cream sauce and serve at once. If allowed to stand the chest- nuts become heavy and unappetizing. ROASTED CHESTNUTS With a sharp knife cut across on the flat side of each chestnut; put them in a wire pan and shake constantly over a hot fire until the shells split. Serve at once. BOILED POTATOES If the potatoes are to be boiled in their skins, cut a narrow band of skin from the center of the potato and small pieces from the ends. If the potatoes are to be peeled, use a very sharp knife and remove as thin a layer as possible. If the potatoes are very young, the skins may be scraped off. Let the potatoes boil fifteen minutes ; then add a tablespoon of salt for every dozen potatoes; boil until tender and remove immediately from the water so that they will v^*^ v^ocome soggy. They will be improved by being kept hot for JT more provided that they are so ventilated that they dry han retain moisture. aed potatoes may be served dry or covered with cream sauce. 172 FilSrofVur VEGETABLES STEAMED POTATOES Steamed potatoes are prepared as for boiling, put in a closed vessel having a perforated bottom over a kettle of boiling water. They will require from thirty to forty minutes to cook. BAKED POTATOES Wash the potatoes perfectly clean and let them drain; put them in an old baking pan in a hot oven and bake until soft. Potatoes of medium size will take about forty minutes. Baked potatoes should be served as soon as they are done, but if they must stand for any time the skins should be broken so that the moisture may escape. FRENCH FRIED POTATOES Pare the potatoes and throw them into cold water until needed. Dry them with a towel; cut into small pieces lengthwise of the potato; drop them into hot fat and remove when lightly browned. It is better to fry only a few at a time, letting those done stand in a colander in the oven to keep hot. When all are done, sprinkle with salt and serve at once. For variety, and for use in garnishing, cut the potatoes into balls, using the vegetable cutter which comes for this purpose. STUFFED POTATOES 6 large potatoes 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter Dash of pepper Va cup milk 1 egg Bake the potatoes and when done cut off one end of each and scoop out the contents into a bowl. Mash thoroughly; add the butter, seasoning and milk. Then return the potato to the shells ; dip the open end of each in beaten egg and place them on a pan in the oven. Brown the ends and serve. MASHED POTATOES 4 medium-sized potatoes V2 teaspoon salt 1 large tablespoon butter 4 tablespoons milk Boil the potatoes and drain them thoroughly; mash and beat with a wire beater until light; add the butter, salt and milk, heated. Serve at once if possible. If obliged to keep them stand- " 173 ITTT/^'C'T AT5T T7Q Planned for a V Jl/LrXl/ 1 Ai>JL/JJ/C:> FamUy of Four ing do not put a cover on the saucepan as steam makes them soggy. Stand over a kettle of hot water and when ready to serve put them, mound fashion, in a hot dish and sprinkle the top lightly with pepper. CREAMED POTATOES 2 cups boiled potatoes 1 cup cream sauce Make the cream sauce thinner than usual by adding a little extra milk. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and mix them thor- oughly with the same. Cook in a double boiler until the potatoes are thoroughly hot; add a little chopped parsley, if desired, and serve. NEW POTATOES IN CREAM Scrape and boil new potatoes until tender; cover with cream sauce to which a little chopped parsley has been added, and serve. POTATO CROQUETTES 2 cups mashed potatoes Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons butter Grated nutmeg 14 tablespoon chopped onion 2 eggs 1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley Bread crumbs Mix the potatoes thoroughly with the butter, onion, parsley, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mold them; dip in the beaten eggs; roll in bread crumbs; drop into hot fat and cook until a golden brown. POTATO BALLS Select large potatoes, as free from blemishes as possible; cut into balls with a vegetable cutter; cook in boiling salted water until tender; cover with melted butter and chopped parsley and serve. POTATO CAKES Take cold mashed potatoes or cold baked or boiled potatoes that have been mashed and seasoned; roll into balls, dusting the hands well with flour first. Flatten into cakes and saute in butter, or place on a buttered tin with a small piece of butter on the top of each and bake in a hot oven until golden brown. 174 Planned for a VKGKTA'RT.F.S Family of Four \ HjKJS:^ LI^J^Lir,^ LYONNAISE POTATOES 3 boiled potatoes Vz teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter Dash of pepper 1/2 small onion V2 tablespoon minced parsley Slice the onion and brown it slightly in the butter; add the potatoes; mix well and stir until all are browned, seasoning thor- oughly. Just before serving add the parsley. SCALLOPED POTATOES No. 1 1 pint sliced raw potatoes 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup scalded milk V2 teaspoon salt 1 large tablespoon butter 1/2 saltspoon pepper Butter a baking dish and in the bottom put a layer of the po- tatoes. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour and dot with small pieces of butter. Repeat until the materials are used; pour the scalded milk over all and bake in a moderate oven for forty-five or fifty minutes. SCALLOPED POTATOES No. 2 2 cups cold potatoes Salt and pepper 2 cups cream sauce 1 cup bread crumbs Butter Cut the potatoes into cubes; mix well with the cream sauce, adding more seasoning if necessary ; pour into a baking dish; cover with bread crumbs and small pieces of butter and bake for about half an hour. POTATOES AU GRATIN 2 cups cold boiled potatoes 3 tablespoons grated cheese 2 cups cream sauce Salt and red pepper Buttered bread crumbs Slice the potatoes and add them to the hot cream sauce. Bring all to a boil; remove and add the cheese and seasoning. Pour all into a baking dish ; sprinkle bread crumbs over the top and set in the oven to brown. BROWNED POTATOES Either sweet or white potatoes may be browned. Boil and peel them, cutting them in halves if they are very large. Put them in 175 VEGETABLES Family of Four a baking pan; baste with savory drippings or butter and season with salt. Cook in a hot oven until brown. The potatoes may be browned in a frying pan over the fire if the oven is not hot. The oven, however, is to be preferred. If the potatoes are to be served with a roast they may be browned with the meat. They should, however, never be put into the pan raw, as they are sure to turn dark and ugly if not boiled first. POTATO PUFF 2 cups boiled potatoes 2 eggs 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup scalded milk Salt to taste Use left-over mashed potatoes or potatoes freshly boiled and pressed through a vegetable press. Melt the butter; beat it into the potatoes; add the egg, beaten separately, then the hot milk and seasoning. Bake in one dish or in individual dishes until deli- cately browned. HASHED BROWN POTATOES 1 pint chopped cooked potatoes Dash of pepper 2 tablespoons cream Vi teaspoon chopped parsley ly^ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter Melt the butter in a smooth frying pan and when hot add the other ingredients, well mixed together. Pack lightly into a layer of uniform thickness and cook slowly for twenty or thirty minutes. Fold over and serve. There should be a thick brown crust on the outside. CANDIED SWEET POTATOES Cut boiled sweet potatoes into long slices; place them in an earthen dish; butter each and sprinkle with sugar. Bake until the sugar and butter have candied and the potatoes are brown. FRIED SWEET POTATOES Wash and cut small uncooked sweet potatoes into quarters ; dry them and lower them into boiling hot fat. Brown thoroughly; remove with a skimmer; drain and dry on paper; sprinkle with salt and serve. 176 FLlSSfc^To^ur VEGETABLES VEGETABLE HASH Hash may be made with one or many vegetables and with or without the addition of meat and fish. Potato is the most useful vegetable for hash, because it combines well with meat or other vegetables. The vegetables must be chopped fine, well seasoned with salt and pepper, and parsley, onion, chives or green pepper if desired, and moistened with stock, milk or water, using a quar- ter of a cup to a pint of hash. Melt a half tablespoon of butter or savory drippings in a pan; put in the hash, spreading it evenly and dropping small pieces of butter or drippings over the top. Cover the pan; let the hash cook over a moderate fire for half an hour; fold over like an omelet and serve. If properly cooked there will be a rich browTi crust formed on the outside of the hash. BOILED MACARONI Break the macaroni into small pieces; boil for half an hour; drain and blanch in cold water. Reheat in tomato or cream sauce and serve. Grated cheese may be sprinkled over the dish if de- sired. The recipe for Baked Macaroni will be found in the chapter on **Meat Substitutes." STUFFED CUCUMBERS 4 cucumbers Dash of grated nutmeg 1 cup pecans or Brazil nuts 2 tablespoons melted butter 6 tablespoons mashed potatoes 1 cup white sauce 1 well-beaten egg 1 teaspoon capers 1 teaspoon salt Dash of powdered cloves 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 well-beaten egg 1 saltspoon white pepper Salt and pepper Cut the cucumbers in half lengthwise; remove the seeds with a spoon; lay the cucumbers in vinegar over night; then wipe dry and fill with a mixture made from the chopped nuts, potatoes, egg, salt, parsley, pepper, nutmeg and butter. Bake in a buttered baking tin until tender. Serve hot wath white sauce, to which has been added the capers, cloves, egg and seasoning. 177 T717r^T7'T AT3T T7C Planned for a VJi^jJi/lAi5i-/iSo Family of Four 178 Planned for a VEGETABLES Family of Four 179 VEGETABLES Family of Four 180 ENTREES ENTREES NOWHERE, perhaps, does the art of the cook display itself more than in the preparation and serving of entree dishes. Such dishes are, on the whole, difficult of preparation and require at all times a certain degree of care. Many entrees may be made from cold meats and vegetables left from previous meals. See some of the recipes in this chapter, others in the chapter, "Left-Overs." FRITTER BATTER 1 cup flour V2 cup milk }/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon olive oil teaspoon baking powder 2 eggs Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly; add the milk, then the oil, and last the beaten eggs. VEGETABLE FRITTERS Cook the vegetables thoroughly; drain them; chop fine and add to the batter. Drop in boiling hot fat ; drain and dry on paper. OYSTER FRITTERS Wash the oysters and parboil them; drain well and add to the batter. Use oyster juice instead of milk in making the batter. Fry in hot fat; drain and serve. APPLE FRITTERS Choose sour apples; pare, core and cut them into small slices. Stir into fritter batter and fry in boiling hot fat. Drain on paper; sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. 183 ENTRfiES FJlixXgJKfu; BANANA FRITTERS 3 bananas Vx teaspoon salt 1 cup flour Vz cup milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon lemon juice 11/2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg Mash the bananas and mix the flour with the salt, sugar and baking powder. Combine the dry ingredients with the bananas, alternating with the milk. Add lemon juice and the egg, beaten light. Drop by spoonfuls into deep fat and fry. Drain on paper and sprinkle with Dowdered sugar. BEEF KROMESKIES 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon flour Dash of pepper 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon parsley 1 pint cold beef 1 teaspoon onion juice Melt the butter; add the flour; then the milk gradually, stir- ring to prevent lumps. Cook until it thickens; mix in the chopped beef and seasonings and set aside to cool. When cool form into small cylinders- dip each in fritter batter and fry in smoking hot fat. ROMAN GNOCCHI y^ cup butter 2 cups milk 1/4 cup flour 2 egg yolks 14 cup cornstarch % cup grated cheese Melt the butter and cook the cornstarch and flour in it without browning. Add the milk and cook three minutes, stirring con- stantly. Add the yolks and a half cup of cheese; pour into a shallow buttered pan and cool; cut into squares; place on a shal- low dish; sprinkle with the remaining cheese and brown in the oven. RISSOLES . Roll puff-paste into oblong pieces three by four inches; put a spoonful of creamed chicken, sweetbreads or mushrooms on one side; fold over and press the edges together, moistening slightly to make the edges stick. Brush with beaten egg and bake until a delicate brown. 184 ENTREES ^ Veal Croquettes Rissoles Swedish Timbales Planned for a 171VrT"D"C*T7C5 Family of Four -C/-L^ A Ivr^iSO RICE TlMBALES Pack boiled rice into small buttered molds; let stand in hot water for fifteen minutes and serve as a garnish or as an entree with some sweet sauce. SWEDISH TlMBALES 3/4 cup fiour V2 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1 tablespoon olive oil Sift the flour and salt; add the milk and beaten egg gradually, beating constantly with a wire beater; add the oil and continue beating until the batter is perfectly smooth. Put the timbale iron in a kettle of hot fat for about twenty minutes. Take the bowl of batter in the left hand and hold it near the kettle of hot fat; with the right hand lift the iron from the fat; wipe it on soft paper; dip it into the batter, coating the iron to within three quarters of an inch from the top, allow the batter to dry and then dip it in the hot fat, holding the iron a little sidewise until it is in the fat; then turn perpendicularly and cook until the batter is a delicate brown. Take the iron out the same way it was put in, being very careful not to drop the timbale into the fat; drain the grease off and lay timbale on paper to drain. Wipe the drops of grease from the iron with a soft paper every time it is used. Fill the timbales with creamed fish, oysters, chicken or sweetbreads. TIMBALE OF MACARONI Boil macaroni as usual in salted water; rinse in cold water and cut into pieces a third of an inch long. Line a mold with these, spreading the bottom and sides thickly with butter first and setting the open ends of the macaroni against the butter. Spread over the macaroni a forcemeat suitable to whatever is to constitute the filling of the timbale; then fill up the mold with highly seasoned fish, game, poultry or oysters. Moisten with sauce; cover with more forcemeat, pinching the edges well together so that the sauce will not break through in cooling. Set the mold in a pan of hot water; cover with buttered paper and bake in a moderate oven for half an hour. 185 ENTREES ^^^"'"'^^ ^"' ^ Family of Four CHICKEN A LA KING 1 cup chicken (white meat) 2 chopped pimolas 2 tablespoons butter 1 wineglass sherry Salt and pepper 2 egg yolks 1 cup cream Heat the chicken in the butter; season; add the pimolas and sherry; cook for five minutes; then add the eggs, well beaten in the cream. Stir until the mixture thickens slightly; serve at once or it will curdle. Serve on small squares of toast or in patty shells. CHICKEN A LA CRANE 1 cup cold chicken 1 cup boiled mushrooms 1 cup cream sauce Cut the chicken into small cubes; add the mushrooms, quar- tered; stir all into the cream sauce; heat thoroughly and serve in patty shells or patty cups. CHICKEN PATTIES 2 cups cold chicken Grated nutmeg 1 cup cream sauce Cut the chicken into small cubes; add a little grated nutmeg; stir into the cream sauce; heat thoroughly and serve in patty shells or patty cups. MEAT PATTIES Meat patties of various kinds may be made according to the recipe for chicken patties. HAM PATTIES 1 cup cold chopped ham l^ cup fine bread crumbs 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk Mix the ingredients thoroughly and put a layer in the bottom of buttered patty cups. Break an egg over the top of each; dust with pepper and salt; cover with fine bread or cracker crumbs and bake about eight minutes in a quick oven. 186 Planned for a T7TVr'TO"C*T7C Family of Four -C'i^ A XCXS/JC/O PATTY SHELLS Follow the directions for making puff-paste. One half pound of flour will make about six patty shells. Roll the paste to a thickness of one fourth inch; stamp out with a large round cutter and cut the centers from half of the rounds. Lay the rings thus made on the whole rounds, pressing them down so that they will stick together. In cold weather it may be necessary to wet the top of the large rounds near the edge to make sure that the rings will not slip. If deeper patty shells are wished two or three rings may be placed on top of the rounds instead of one. Have the oven as hot as for baking white bread. The shells should rise in ten minutes and then take twenty minutes longer to bake through and brown. There will usually be a little soft dough left in the center. This should be carefully removed with a fork. VOL-AU-VENT Roll puff -paste one half inch thick and from it cut out two large ovals, using a sharp knife first dipped in flour. Place it on a shal- low baking tin; cut a smaller oval from the second piece and lay the ring on the first, moistening slightly so that the two will stick together when baked. Roll out the piece cut from the second oval until it is the size of the others and bake in a separate pan as a cover for the vol-au-vent. Bake in a hot oven, covering with paper after the first fifteen minutes. It will require three quarters of an hour or longer; and unless baked thoroughly the crust will fall in cooling. When ready to use, reheat and fill with creamed oysters or game; or for dessert fill with sugared fruit and serve with whipped cream. CHICKEN CROQUETTES iy2 cups cold chicken V2 teaspoon onion juice 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 teaspoon salt J4 tablespoon flour Vi teaspoon pepper V^ cup milk or stock V2 tablespoon lemon juice Dash of nutmeg 1 egg Bread crumbs and beaten egg Cook the] flour in the butter; add the milk gradually; then the seasonings and chicken. Remove from the fire; add the egg, well beaten; mix and cool. ShaDC in small cones; dip in another 187 T7"M'TP1R*T7Q Planned for a r^n 1 KJ!/X!/0 Family of Four beaten egg; roll in bread crumbs; put in a wire frying-basket and lower into boiling hot fat. Test the fat by lowering a piece of stale bread into it; if the bread browns in thirty seconds the fat is sufficiently hot. Fry the croquettes a light brown; drain over the fat; lay on brown paper in a warm place for a few minutes and serve. MEAT CROQUETTES Veal, mutton, lamb, beef and turkey croquettes may be prepared in the same way as chicken croquettes. The secrets of success are to have the croquettes well coated with egg and crumbs and the fat sufficiently hot. Olive oil, cottolene, suetine, lard, or a mixture of any of these with drippings will serve the purpose; but olive oil is best. SALMI OF GAME 1 cup brown sauce 1 teaspoon catsup 6 mushrooms l^ teaspoon lemon juice 1 cup cooked duck ^4 teaspoon onion juice Salt and pepper Stir the game and mushrooms into the brown sauce and cook until thoroughly heated. When ready to serve add catsup, onion and lemon and season with salt and pepper. CURRIED RABBIT 1 cup chopped cold rabbit V2 teaspoon onion juice 1 cup brown sauce 1 teaspoon curry powder Add the rabbit meat to the brown sauce; cook until thoroughly heated; season and serve in a border of rice. 188 Planned for a 17"IVrT"D1&T?CJ Family of Four J^IN 1 ivC/XLO 188 ENTREES Planned for a Family of Four 190 SALADS SALADS SALADS are seldom diflBcult of preparation and the resourceful housewife will find ever- widening possibilities. The salad, too, may in one sense be regarded as an economic provision in the menu, for in no other way can so many * 'left-overs " be attract- ively presented upon the table. For this reason, no doubt, some one has suggested that the salad must have originated in New England, the time-honored source of all the economies. The thing of chief importance in making salads is to have everything crisp and cold both at the time of making and the time of serving. Greens should be carefully washed in cold water always, and if not especially fresh should be allowed to stand in water for several hours. After removing them, dry by a vigorous swinging in a wire basket or by pressing them lightly between a clean folded towel or napkin. The dressing should not be added until the moment of serving, and the salad should be kept upon the ice as long as possible. Recipes for several kinds of dressing are here given. Mayon- naise is perhaps more generally used than any; but many per- sons dislike the taste of olive oil and prefer a cooked salad dressing. Lettuce and other leaf salads are usually considered better served with French dressing, and the latter is more delicate than any other dressing and therefore better adapted to some combinations. MAYONNAISE DRESSING Yolk of 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup oil Dash of red pepper 2 teaspoons vinegar or lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon mustard Beat the egg in a cold dish with a silver or wooden fork. If the weather is very w^arm, place the dish in a larger vessel filled with chopped ice. When the egg is beaten add the seasoning and 193 C: A T A n Ci Planned for a ^ALiAUO Family of Four the oil, drop by drop, being careful to beat well without reversing the motion for fear of curdling. When the dressing thickens begin adding the vinegar drop by drop. Then add more olive oil, then more acid, continuing until all are consumed. Be sure to have all the ingredients and dishes as cold as possible. If the mixture should curdle, begin immediately with a fresh egg in a fresh dish, and when it is well beaten add carefully the curdled mixture, drop by drop. COLORED MAYONNAISE To color Mayonnaise green add one tablespoon of ravigote herbs to the finished dressing; or chop parsley leaves very fine; pound them in a small quantity of lemon juice; strain and add the juice to the dressing. To color Mayonnaise red rub one scant tablespoon of lobster coral through a fine sieve and add it to the dressing. WHITE MAYONNAISE To make white Mayonnaise follow the ordinary directions, using lemon juice instead of vinegar, omitting the mustard and adding, when finished, a half cup of whipped cream or half an egg white beaten very stiff. COOKED DRESSING (MOCK MAYONNAISE) 2 teaspoons mustard 1 egg 2 teaspoons sugar 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon flour 1 tablespoon vinegar Yz teaspoon salt Let the milk come to a boil; add the egg into which the mustard and sugar and flour have been well beaten. Stir over the fire until the mixture thickens; add the vinegar; take from the fire and add the salt. This may be used in place of Mayonnaise dress- ing by those who do not care for oil. CREAM DRESSING 1 cup cream 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar i^ teaspoon salt Dash of red pepper Mix the sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper thoroughly together; then add the cream gradually. 194 Planned for a C A T A T^ C Family of Four Oiil-^AJJC^ FRENCH DRESSING 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon paprika Put the salt and paprika in a bowl ; add a little oil and beat well ; then gradually add the remainder of the oil, stirring constantly. Last of all stir in the vinegar, drop by drop. SALAD DRESSING IN LARGE QUANTITY 3 eggs 1 teaspoon mustard 3 tablespoons flour V2 cup vinegar IV2 cups cold water 3 egg yolks Red and black pepper 1 cup olive oil Salt Beat the three whole eggs ; add the mustard and flour well mixed with the water and a little red and black pepper. Put the vinegar on to boil and while boiling add the egg and mustard mixture, stirring constantly until it thickens. When cold add a Mayonnaise made of the three egg yolks and olive oil. Add salt after all is finished. This makes about a quart and is useful for chicken salad or for any purpose where a large quantity of dressing is needed. In winter it will keep a week or more. CHICKEN SALAD 1 cup cold cooked chicken Mayonnaise dressing 1 cup chopped celery Lettuce Stuffed olives Mix the chicken and celery thoroughly with Mayonnaise dress- mg; pour into a bowl lined with lettuce leaves; throw a little more dressing over the top and garnish with stuffed olives. TOMATO SURPRISES 3/4 cup cold chopped meat V2 saltspoon salt V2 tablespoon chopped onion 4 tablespoons Mayonnaise V2 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 4 tomatoes Lettuce Season the meat with onion, sauce and salt, and mix with the dressing. Have the tomatoes very cold; cut a slice from the stem end and scoop out the seeded portion. Fill each with the salad mixture and serve on a leaf of crisp lettuce. 195 SALADS ^'^'^"^ *«' Family of Four SARDINE SALAD 1 small box sardines 3 hard-boiled eggs Juice of V2 lemon Mayonnaise dressing Prepare the sardines, free from oil, bones and skin; season with lemon juice; cut into small pieces and mix with the eggs, finely chopped. Arrange on a bed of lettuce leaves and serve with Mayonnaise dressing. SHRIMP SALAD 1 can shrimps 1 head lettuce 1 stalk celery 1/2 cup Mayonnaise dressing Olives and radishes Remove the shrimps from the can; cover with cold water and let stand a few minutes. Drain; dry between towels, and break into small pieces. Cut the celery into half -inch pieces; mix with the shrimps and the Mayonnaise dressing, and arrange on lettuce leaves, garnishing with olives or radishes. SALMON SALAD 1 can salmon Mayonnaise dressing 1 head lettuce Ripe olives Remove the salmon from the can; wash in a colander under running water and drain. On each salad plate make a nest of lettuce leaves and in it bury a portion of the salmon, broken into small pieces and covered with Mayonnaise. Garnish with ripe olives. LOBSTER SALAD 1 boiled lobster Mayonnaise dressing 1 head lettuce Lobster coral Cut boiled lobster into one-inch pieces and keep on ice until ready to serve. Arrange fresh lettuce in a bowl; pour the lobster well mixed with Mayonnaise in the center; smooth the top; cover well with dressing and sprinkle with powdered lobster coral. LETTUCE SALAD Throw away the outer leaves of the head of lettuce; wash the rest carefully in running water and dry them in a clean towel. Break or tear the leaves into convenient pieces and serve with Mayonnaise, cream or French dressing. 196 Planned for a QAT AFlQ Family of Four OiU-/iUJO COMBINATION SALAD Scald tomatoes; remove the skin and place them on ice. Wash and drain lettuce; arrange in a salad bowl; slice the tomatoes over it and serve with Mayonnaise or French dressing. NOVEL TOMATO SALAD 1 cup cherry tomatoes 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 cup small yellow tomatoes French dressing 1 clove garlic Lettuce Scald the tomatoes ; peel carefully and set on the ice to cool. At serving time rub the salad bowl with garlic and line with heart leaves of lettuce. Place the yellow tomatoes in the center and the red ones around them. Cover with French dressing and sprinkle with the parsley. TOMATO JELLY ^4 box gelatine 1 bay leaf V2 cup cold water 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley Juice from 1 pint tomatoes Salt and pepper y^ teaspoon onion juice Lettuce 1 teaspoon sugar Mayonnaise dressing Soak the gelatine in the water for one hour. Bring to a boil the liquor drained from a pint can of tomatoes and add to it the seasoning and herbs. Let this simmer for twenty minutes; add the gelatine; stir until dissolved and strain through a cloth into molds — preferably individual ones. Serve on lettuce leaves with Mayonnaise dressing or use as a garnish for other salads. DEVILED EGGS 6 eggs 1 tablespoon olive oil or butter yi teaspoon mustard Salt and red pepper A little vinegar if desired Boil the eggs for fifteen minutes; then throw them into cold water to prevent the whites from darkening. Remove the shells; cut in halves lengthwise; take out the yolks carefully and mash them with the oil or butter and seasoning. If desired, a tablespoon of minced ham or tongue or a little chopped parsley and onion may be added. Fill the cavity of each half with the paste and set in a cool place until needed. Serve on crisp lettuce leaves or on a platter garnished with parsley or watercress. 197 SALADS Planned for a Family of Four PEPPER AND CREAM CHEESE SALAD 1 large green pepper 1 cream cheese Lettuce 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts Mayonnaise dressmg Select a large pepper that is sweet; cut off the stem end; remove the seeds and turn it upside down to drain. Mash the cream cheese; mix with the walnuts and press into the pepper, being careful to fill all the crevices. Set away on the ice for several hours; when ready to serve cut into thin slices and serve on crisp lettuce leaves with Mayonnaise dressing. NASTURTIUM SALAD 1 head lettuce^ 1 tablespoon nasturtium seeds French dressing Nasturtiimi blossoms Wash the lettuce and place it in a bowl; scatter the seeds over the top; cover with French dressing and garnish with nasturtium blossoms. EGG SALAD 6 hard-boiled eggs 1 head lettuce Mayonnaise dressing Cut the whites of the eggs into rings and arrange them on the lettuce leaves; sift over them the yolks, using a fine wire sieve. Serve with Mayonnaise dressing. POTATO SALAD No. 1 4 boiled potatoes 1 chopped onion French dressing Lettuce 1 hard-boiled egg To make the best salad do not use left-over potatoes, but boil them freshly, removing them from the water the moment they are tender. Slice carefully; mix with the onion and French dressing and serve on lettuce leaves garnished with slices of hard-boiled egg. POTATO SALAD No. 2 4 boiled potatoes Mayonnaise dressmg 4 hard-boiled eggs Lettuce 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Boil the potatoes, removing them from the water as soon as they are tender; slice and mix with the eggs, finely chopped, and the 198 Planned for a CAT AT^O Family of Four OAXy/llJO Mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaves and sprinkle parsley over the top. COLD SLAW Select a small, compact cabbage; strip off the outside leaves and cut the head in quarters. With a sharp knife slice very thin; soak in cold water until crisp ; drain and dry between clean towels. Mix with hot dressing and serve when cold. COLD-SLAW DRESSING 2 eggs 1 teaspoon sugar 1 cup vinegar 1/2 tablespoon butter V4 teaspoon salt Beat the eggs thoroughly; add the other ingredients and cook all over boiling water until the mixture thickens. BEET SALADS 1. Cut cold cooked beets into half -inch dice; mix with shredded lettuce leaves or watercress, and serve on whole lettuce leaves, covered with French dressing. 2. Arrange alternate layers of cold cooked beets and hard-boiled eggs on a bed of lettuce leaves, and sprinkle over the top a little finely-chopped onion. Serve with French dressing. 3. Arrange alternate layers of cold cooked beets and cabbage, finely chopped and well mixed with Mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Serve on lettuce. CUCUMBER SALAD 2 dozen cucumbers 1 gill olive oil 6 small onions 1 tablespoon celery seed 6 tablespoons salt 1 quart vinegar Cucumber salad should be made in large quantities, as it will keep indefinitely and is good to serve in emergencies. Peel and slice thin the cucumbers and onions; spread in layers; sprinkle with salt and let stand for several hours. Then drain. Mix the oil and celery seed; add the vinegar, drop by drop, and pour over the cucumbers and onions. Mix well; put into sterilized pint jars; seal and set away in a cool, dark place. 199 CAT A T\ Q Planned for a ;:yj\ljJ±U\^ Family of Four WINTER SALAD 1 small head lettuce 2 juicy apples 1 lemon V2 cup chopped celery Mayomiaise dressing Pare the apples and lemon and cut them into thin slices. Mix thoroughly with the celery and cover with Mayonnaise or French dressing. Serve on crisp lettuce leaves. SALMAGUNDI SALAD 3 boiled white potatoes 1 apple V2 cucumber Vi teaspoon celery salt V2 cup cooked peas 1 hard-boiled egg Mayonnaise dressing Slice the potatoes; chop the cucumber, apple and egg; then mix all the ingredients together, pouring over them Mayonnaise dress- ing. Serve on crisp lettuce leaves. WATER-LILY SALAD 1 head lettuce 6 hard-boiled eggs Mayonnaise dressing Line a circular dish with the lettuce. Cut the whites of the eggs in pieces lengthwise, like the petals of a water-lily. Arrange the pieces in circular form on the lettuce, and in the center pour the yolks of the eggs well mixed with Mayonnaise. Or lay a large green leaf on each individual plate and make a small lily with each egg. CAULIFLOWER SALAD 1 small cauliflower French dressing 2 tablespoons lemon juice Lettuce 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Wash the cauliflower carefully; tie in a cloth and cook in boiling, salted water until thoroughly tender. When done remove the cloth; pour the lemon juice over the cauliflower and set it on the ice to cool. When ready to serve separate the flowerets; lay them on lettuce leaves; cover with French dressing and sprinkle parsley over the top. 200 Planned for a Q A T A TlQ Family of Four \^AIjAUO NORMANDY SALAD 1 small can French peas V^ pound pecans 1/2 teaspoon sugar V2 cup Mayonnaise dressing Salt and pepper 1 small head lettuce Cook the peas slowly in their own liquor, seasoning them with salt, pepper and sugar. When the peas have absorbed all the liquor, set them aside to cool; mix with the chopped pecans and Mayonnaise and serve on lettuce leaves. MARINE SALAD 4 cucumbers 1 onion 2 green peppers French dressing Scoop out the inside of the unpeeled cucumbers, which will then have the appearance of small green boats. Chop the pulp thus removed with the peppers and onion and mix well with French dressing. Fill the boats and in the bow of each erect a white sail cut from paper and fastened to a long toothpick. WATERMELON SALAD 2 cups watermelon Va teaspoon grated nutmeg 4 tablespoons sugar Juice of 1 orange 1 teaspoon cinnamon Lettuce Line a salad bowl with lettuce leaves and in it place the water- melon cut into small cubes. Mix the sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, and sprinkle over the melon; then pour the orange juice over all. FRUIT SALAD 2 bananas Juice of V2 lemon 2 oranges Lettuce French dressing Slice the bananas and oranges and pour the lemon juice over all. Serve on lettuce leaves with French dressing. FRUIT AND NUT SALAD 2 bananas Juice of V2 lemon 2 oranges Lettuce Yz cup English walnuts French dressing Slice the bananas and oranges and mix them with the nuts and lemon juice. Serve on lettuce leaves with French dressing. 201 QAT Ar>Ci Planned for a >^AluAU\^ Family of Four WALNUT SALAD 1 cup walnut meats Lettuce 1 cup chopped celery Mayonnaise dressing Procure the best grade of walnuts and remove the meat from the shells in perfect halves. Mix walnuts and celery with Mayonnaise dressing and serve on crisp lettuce leaves. Apples cored and cut into cubes may be substituted for the celery, or may be added to both nuts and celery if desired. PEANUT SALAD 1 cup shelled peanuts 2 cups chopped celery Olive oil 1 dozen ripe olives Lettuce Soak the peanuts in olive oil; drain and mix with the celery and olives, pitted and minced. Serve on lettuce, adding seasoning or dressing as desired. BANANA SALAD Peel the bananas and scrape them carefully to remove all stringy matter. Roll each in grated nuts and lay on a lettuce leaf. Serve with Mayonnaise dressing. FRUIT PYRAMIDS On each salad plate lay a leaf of fresh lettuce, then a slice of canned pineapple, then whole slices of pared apple, orange, peach, plum or any other fruit that is in season. On the top place a maraschino cherry, and pour over all a dressing made of equal parts of lemon juice and maraschino or light wine. OCTOBER SALAD 4 red apples V2 cup canned cherries 1 grape-fruit 3 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 4 autumn leaves Select hard red apples ; wash and dry them ; cut a slice from the top of each and remove the hearts. After taking the cores from the hearts chop them together with the grape-fruit and cherries; mix with the sugar and lemon juice and return to the apple cases. Place each apple on a brilliant autumn leaf. 202 Planned for a CJ AT AFiQ Family of Four :^AL>AU^ 1 1 ■ '■ III i j GRAPE-FRUIT SALAD Cut the grape-fruit in halves and remove the pulp, being careful to get none of the tough white skin. Mix with bananas and oranges and stir in white Mayonnaise dressing. Remove all skin from the inside of the grape-fruit and fill with the mixture, heaping it high and ornamenting with maraschino cherries. Lay each half in a bed of lettuce leaves and serve. FRAISE SALAD Cut fresh strawberries in half lengthwise; cover with powdered sugar and kirsch and chill thoroughly. Serve in nests of lettuce leaves with white Mayonnaise. GRAPE-FRUIT AND PINEAPPLE SALAD Cut the grape-fruit in half and remove the pulp with a spoon, being careful to get none of the tough white skin. Mix with fresh or canned pineapple and serve on crisp lettuce leaves, covered with white Mayonnaise dressing. TULIP SALAD 4 ripe tomatoes Mayonnaise dressing 12 chopped pecans Lettuce Scald the tomatoes; remove the skins and chill thoroughly. Then with a sharp knife cut from blossom-end to stem-end into points and press open, leaving a round bulb of seeds in the center. Mix a little Mayonnaise with the pecans and place a spoonful on the top of each bulb. Serve on lettuce leaves. BANANA DAINTY Cut the bananas in half crosswise and arrange them on a plate, radiating from the center. Sprinkle with grated nuts or nutmeg and heap white Mayonnaise in the center. Garnish with maras-. chino cherries. 203 OAT A "nk O Planned for a OAL/AUO Family of Four 204 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS 14 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS THE dessert is by no means an unimportant part of the meal; for, though frequently heavy and indigestible, it may be both dainty and wholesome. Custards and all milk desserts are to be recommended, especially in families where there are children. Many persons will take eggs and milk in this form when they would reject them in any other. Care should be taken in planning the menu to have a dessert that "goes well" with the other courses. It is a mistake to offer mince pie or plum pudding after a heavy turkey dinner, as is so frequently done; a light dessert would be much more acceptable. RICE PUDDING 2 quarts milk % cup rice y^ teaspoon salt % cup sugar Grated nutmeg or cinnamon Wash the rice; mix with half the milk and the salt and sugar and pour into a buttered pudding dish. Bake for several hours in a slow oven, stirring frequently and adding the rest of the milk. When the last milk is added, grate nutmeg over the top and let the pudding brown. A cup of seeded or seedless raisins may be baked in the pudding if desired. BOILED CUSTARD 2 cups hot milk 2 tablespoons sugar Pinch of salt 2 eggs or yolks of 3 eggs Vz teaspoon vanilla Put the milk on to heat in a double boiler. Beat the eggs thor- oughly with the sugar; into them pour the hot milk, stirring to prevent lumps. Return all to the double boiler and cook until the custard coats the spoon, but no longer. If the mixture should curdle, set the boiler in a pan of cold water and beat with a wire 207 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS FamTolFou^r egg-beater until smooth. When the steam passes off add the vanilla or other flavoring. In the winter, when eggs are expensive, the custard may be made with one egg and one heaping teaspoon of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk. If desired, the whites of the eggs may be beaten separately and added to the custard after it is cold or beaten with sugar into a meringue. RICE MERINGUE No. 1 34 cup rice Yolks of 4 eggs Vi pound butter Little grated lemon rind 1/2 cup powdered sugar Whites of 4 eggs 1 quart milk 4 tablespoons granulated sugar Juice of 1 lemon Boil the rice in water; while hot add the butter; when cool add the sugar, milk, beaten yolks and lemon. Pour into a buttered pudding dish and cover with a meringue made of the whites of eggs and granulated sugar, flavored with lemon juice. Brown in a hot oven. RICE MERINGUE No. 2 2 tablespoons rice Pinch of salt 1 quart milk Lemon or vanilla flavoring Yolks of 2 eggs Whites of 2 eggs 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons sugar Cook the rice in a little water; drain and add the yolks, sugar, salt and flavoring. Cover with meringue and brown in the oven. CORNSTARCH PUDDING 3 cups scalded milk 1/3 cup sugar 6 level tablespoons cornstarch ^4 teaspoon salt 14 cup cold milk 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix the cornstarch with the cold milk; stir the scalded milk slowly into this mixture and stir over hot water until the cornstarch thickens. Beat the eggs slightly; add sugar and salt; pour over them the cornstarch mixture and cook one minute longer. Serve cold with cream and sugar. 208 DESSERTS Raisin Puffs Chocolate Eclairs Blanc Mange FrSyof Fo'ur PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS CHOCOLATE PUDDING 2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons grated chocolate 1 pint milk V2 cup sugar Dissolve the cornstarch in a Httle cold milk or water and add it to the pint of milk which has just been brought to a boil. Add the sugar and chocolate; boil until the mixture thickens; pour into wet molds and set aside to cool. At serving time turn from molds and serve with whipped cream or boiled custard sauce. COCOANUT CORNSTARCH 1 cup shredded cocoanut 1 pint milk 3 tablespoons sugar Whites of 3 eggs 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla Custard sauce Mix the sugar and cornstarch in a double boiler; add the milk and stir over the fire until it thickens; then add the cocoanut and cook slowly for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Remove from the fire; add the stifiiy beaten whites and the vanilla and pour into a wet mold. Turn from the mold when chilled and serve with custard sauce. COCOANUT JUNKET 4 tablespoons shredded cocoanut 1 junket tablet 1 quart milk 1 tablespoon cold water 2 tablespoons sugar 1 small glass rum Mix the cocoanut and milk and let them stand in a warm oven for half an hour. Add sugar; strain when dissolved, and add the tablet dissolved in the cold water. Stir in the rum; pour the junket into glasses and let stand in a warm place until firm. Remove to a cool place, and at serving time sprinkle with sugar and cocoanut. Serve with or without cream. MOCK CHARLOTTE Whites of 4 eggs 14 cup sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup boiling water Custard sauce Moisten the cornstarch with a little cold water; pour over it the boiling water and sugar and cook until the mixture begins to clarify. Pour while hot over the well-beaten whites of the eggs; 200 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS p""^^, ',?'.? Family of Four mix and flavor and turn into a bowl that has been rinsed in cold water. At serving time turn out and pour custard around it. ORANGE PUDDING 2 oranges Yolks of 2 eggs 1 pint milk 1 tablespoon cornstarch yi cup sugar Whites of 2 eggs 2 tablespoons sugar Slice the oranges into a pudding dish. Bring the milk to a boil and pour it on the egg which has been well beaten with the sugar and cornstarch. Boil until the mixture thickens; pour over the oranges; cover with a meringue made of the whites of eggs and the two tablespoons of sugar; brown quickly in the oven. BLANC MANGF 6 level tablespoons cornstarch 2^4 cups scalded milk J4 cup cold milk Pinch of salt Va cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Stir the cornstarch and cold milk together, adding the sugar. Pour the scalded milk slowly over the first mixture and stir until it thickens. Cook in a double boiler for twelve minutes ; pour into a wet mold and stand aside to cool. When ready to serve, turn from the mold and decorate with candied cherries or preserved fruit. Serve with cream and sugar or with boiled, custard sauce. RICE BLANC MANGE 6 tablespoons ground rice % cup sugar 1 quart milk 1 teaspoon flavoring Soak the rice for twenty minutes; stir into the milk; boil and stir until it thickens, using a double boiler to prevent sticking. Add sugar and flavoring; pour into wet molds and stand away to cool. Serve with sugar and cream. HOMINY PUDDING 2 tablespoons ground hominy 4 tablespoons sugar 1 quart milk 3 eggs Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon flavoring Pick over the hominy and let it soak in the milk for half an hour; cook in a double boiler for forty-five minutes; pour over the beaten 210 FLmSr'.fVur PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS ^ yolks and sugar ; add flavoring and beaten whites ; bake in a slow '^- oven for about twenty minutes. Serve with lemon, chocolate or other sauce. ALMOND CREAM 1 pint scalded milk 1 heaping tablespoon cornstarch Yolks of 2 eggs 3 drops almond extract 3 tablespoons brown sugar Whites of 2 eggs 2 tablespoons sugar Beat the yolks with the brown sugar and cornstarch; pour on them the scalded milk; stir until the mixture thickens; flavor and pour into a baking dish. With the whites of the eggs and granu- lated sugar make a meringue; spread over the custard and brown in the oven. TAPIOCA CUSTARD 3 tablespoons tapioca 4 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 quart milk Whites of 3 eggs Yolks of « 3 eggs - Pinch -of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Soak the tapioca over night; drain and put over the fire in the milk; boil slowly half an hour or until the tapioca is transparent. Pour this mixture on the yolks, well beaten with the sugar; and boil all until a custard is formed. Remove from the fire; add the beaten whites, salt and flavoring. Lemon juice may be substi- tuted for the vanilla if preferred. COCOANUT TAPIOCA 4 tablespoons tapioca Va cup shredded cocoanut 1 quart milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Yolks of 3 eggs Whites of 3 eggs % cup sugar 3 tablespoons sugar Soak the tapioca in water over night; drain and add the milk. Bring slowly to the boiling point; stir in the yolks of the eggs, beaten with the sugar. Cook until the custard thickeus, stirring ?>a;^11 the time; then remove from the fire and add the cocoanut and the vanilla. Make a meringue of the whites of eggs and sugar; pile lightly over the custard and set in the oven until delicately browned. 211 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS f^^u? MOUNTAIN-DEW PUDDING 6 rolled soda crackers 1 quart milk Yolks of 4 eggs V^ cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter Whites of 4 eggs 4 tablespoons sugar Beat the yolks of the eggs and mix thoroughly with the crackers and butter; stir in gradually the milk and sugar; pour into a but- tered pudding dish and bake for half an hour. Make a meringue of the whites of eggs and the four tablespoons of sugar; spread this over the top; brown and serve when cool. CUP CUSTARDS 4 cups scalded milk 4 tablespoons sugar 4 eggs 1/4 teaspoon salt Grated nutmeg Beat the eggs with the sugar and salt; add the milk and pour into cups, grating nutmeg over each. Set the cups in a pan of hot water and bake in a slow oven until the custard is set. Test by running a silver knife through the custard: if it comes out clean the custard is done. Overcooking will make the custard " watery. " CARAMEL CUSTARD 4 cups scalded milk 4 eggs V^ cup sugar 14 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Melt the sugar until it is light brown in color; add it to the milk. Beat the eggs; add the milk and sugar, salt and flavoring, and bake in cups as directed for cup custards. Serve with caramel sauce. APPLE SNOW 1 large sour apple Whites of 2 eggs 34 cup powdered sugar Boiled custard Peel and grate the apple, sprinkling the sugar over it as it is grated to keep it from turning dark. Add the unbeaten whites of the eggs; beat constantly for half an hour; arrange mound- fashion on a glass dish with cold boiled custard around it. 212 ?i"^lir'J°^„='„r PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS Family of Four STRAWBERRY TRIFLE No. 1 1 cup mashed strawberries Whites of 3 eggs 1 cup powdered sugar Boiled custard Make and serve like Apple Snow. STRAWBERRY TRIFLE No. 2 Stale cake Sugar to taste Sherry V4 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup milk 1 pint cream 1 egg 1 cup crushed strawberries Line the bottom of a glass dish with slices of stale cake; moisten with sherry, and pour over this a boiled custard made from the milk and egg, sweetening to taste and flavoring with vanilla. Whip the cream; mix with the strawberries and pile over the custard, decorating the top with a few whole berries. LEMON JELLY yi box or 2 tablespoons gelatine I'/j cup boiling water 1 cup cold water 3^ cup sugar 1 cup lemon juice Soak the gelatine in the cold water for five minutes; then pour on the boiling water; add the sugar and stir until dissolved and cooled. Then add the lemon juice; strain through sterilized cheesecloth and set aside in a cool place until stiff. WINE JELLY 1 cup sugar 1 cup wine 2 cups boiling water Juice of 2 lemons Make the same as lemon jelly, adding the wine and fruit juice after the dissolving sugar has cooled the liquid. COFFEE JELLY l^ box or 1 tablespoon gelatine 3^ cup boiling water V4 cup cold water Vi cup sugar 1 cup strong coffee Soak the gelatine in the cold water for two hours; add the boil- ing water and sugar and stir until dissolved; then add the coffee; 213 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS Falnii^^t F.u'r strain through cheesecloth into a wet mold and stand away until the following day. Serve with whipped cream. SPANISH CREAM V2 box or 2 tablespoons gelatine 3 eggs 1 quart milk Pinch of salt y^ cup sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla Scald the milk with the gelatine and pour slowly on the yolks, well beaten with the sugar. Return to the fire ; stir and cook until thickened, but no longer; remove; add salt, flavoring and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Turn into wet molds; cool and serve with whipped or plain cream. BAVARIAN CREAM 1/2 box or 2 tablespoons gelatine 5 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 pint milk 1 cup milk Yolks of 7 eggs 1 cup rich cream 1 teaspoon vanilla Dissolve the gelatine in the pint of milk and stir over the fire until thoroughly hot; then remove from the fire. Beat the yolks of the eggs until light; add the sugar and more milk; stir well; add the hot milk and gelatine. When thoroughly mixed stir in the cream ; flavor and add more sugar if desired. Keturn to the fire ; stir until the custard thickens a little; pour into a wet mold and when cool stand on the ice until serving time. BRIDGE-WHIST PUDDING 1 pint milk y^ box or 1 tablespoon gelatine 1 egg Vi cup water Sugar English walnuts Sherry Candied cherries 1 cup thick cream Lady fingers Make a custard of the milk and ^.^^^^ sweetening to taste and flavoring with sherry; to this add the cream, whipped, and the gelatine, dissolved in the water. Add chopped walnuts and cherries and turn into a mold lined with lady fingers. Stand aside for sev- eral hours before serving. 214 ?Lm3yVf"Fo"ur PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS JOYFUL PUDDING cup rice 1 tablespoon gelatine ^ cup milk 1 tablespoon cold water 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons sherry 1 cup thick cream 'il Clean the rice and cook it in a little water for five minutes; drain thoroughly; then cook with the milk for one hour, using a double boiler. Set the pan in cold water; add the sugar and the gelatine which has been previously soaked in the cold water. When thoroughly cold add the cream, whipped, and the sherry. CHARLOTTE RUSSE y^ cup cold water 1 pint whipped cream 1 tablespoon gelatine 1 teaspoon vanilla V4 cup boiling water 6 maraschino cherries Vz cup sugar 1 dozen lady fingers Soak the gelatine in the cold water; add the hot water; stir until dissolved; then add the sugar. As soon as this is cool but not cold whip it into the cream which has already been whipped; flavor with vanilla and chopped cherries and turn into a bowl lined with halves of lady fingers. WHIPS Vi box or 2 tablespoons gelatine V^ cup sugar V2 cup cold water 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup boiling water 4 tablespoons sherry Whites of 2 eggs Soak the gelatine in the cold water; pour over it the boiling water; add the sugar, vanilla and sherry. When this begins to congeal add the unbeaten whites of eggs; beat until white and frothy; fill glasses and place a candied cherry on top of each. Serve with cream or with custard sauce. PRUNE WHIP 1 pound prunes Whites of 2 eggs Sugar to taste 1 tablespoon pulverized sugar Wash the prunes thoroughly and soak them over night. In the morning cook until tender in the water in which they have soaked; remove the stones; chop fine and sweeten to taste. Beat the eggs; 215 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS pi'X^tFJu^ add the powdered sugar, then the prunes. Beat thoroughly and stand on the ice to chill. Serve in individual 'glasses or paper cases with whipped cream or custard sauce. CHOCOLATE CHARLOTTE Whites of 5 eggs 1 cup sugar ''*""•' 2 ounces imsweetened chocolate V2 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil the sugar, water and chocolate until a thin syrup is formed;' remove from the fire; fold in the beaten whites; add flavoring and bake until the eggs are set. Serve cold with custard sauce. REALENGO 34 cup fresh fruit Sugar Whites of 3 eggs Whipped cream Press the fruit through a sieve; heat and sweeten; add this to the well-beaten whites, beating continually. Turn into a buttered mold and bake in a slow oven until firm. Remove; cover the top with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with wine; decorate with preserved cherries or citron. This is a favorite Mexican dessert. DELICATE PUDDING 11/2 cups water 3 tablespoons cornstarch 3 egg whites Juice and rind of 1 lemon Mix sugar, salt and water and bring to the boiling point. Mix the cornstarch in a little cold water and stir it into the boiling syrup. Cook ten minutes; pour over the beaten egg whites; re- turn to the .fire a minute to set the egg; add the lemon; turn into a wet mold and set on the ice until serving time. Serve with berries or sliced peaches. APPLE TAPIOCA 34 cup tapioca Sugar 1 quart water 6 apples A little grated nutmeg Soak the tapioca and boil it in the water until clear, sweetening i to taste. Pare and core the apples and place them in a baking 216 DESSERTS Suet Pudding Cheese Cakes Plum Pudding FRESH FROM THE OVEN Coffee Loaf Cake English Scones Sally Lunns FimPifofVur" PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS dish. Fill the cores with sugar; pour the tapioca around them and grate a little nutmeg over the top. Cover and bake until the apples are soft. Serve with cream. CHERRY TAPIOCA % cup tapioca Sugar 1 quart water 1 cup stoned cherries Soak the tapioca and boil it in the water until clear, sweetening to taste. Add the stoned cherries; cook for three minutes and set aside to cool. Serve with cream. Peaches or other fruit may be used instead of cherries. FIG DESSERT 2 pounds white figs Sponge cake 2 cups sugar Whipped cream Soak the figs over night. In the morning boil slowly until tender; add the sugar and boil until a thick syrup is formed. Line a dish with sponge cake or lady fingers; pour the figs in the center and cover with whipped cream that has been sweetened and flavored. Decorate with candied cherries or angelica. APPLE MERINGUE 4 large tart apples Grated rind of 1 lemon % cup cold water White of 1 egg Sugar to taste 1 heaping tablespoon sugar Grated cocoanut Peel, core and slice the apples; stew them in the water until soft; press through a colander; sweeten to taste and flavor with lemon rind. Make a meringue of the egg and sugar; put the apples in a pudding dish and cover them with it, dusting all with grated nuts or cocoanut. Brown in the oven; serve with cream, BERRY CHARLOTTE 1 pint berries 1 cup sugar V2 cup water 1 pint bread Wash the berries; stew them in the water and sugar until the juice forms a syrup, mashing the fruit with a vegetable masher, and straining to remove the seeds. Put alternate layers of bread and cooked berries in a mold and when cool set on the ice until needed. Turn out and serve with cream or with cold boiled custard. 217 ^ PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS FamT^frJur BREAD-AND-BUTTER PUDDING Bread and butter V4 teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1 quart milk 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon flavoring Cut thin slices of bread; remove the crusts; butter both sides and line the bottom and sides of the pudding dish with them. Beat the eggs; add milk, sugar and flavoring; strain and pour over the bread. Sprinkle cinnamon or nutmeg over the top; let stand for twenty minutes; then bake in a §low oven. As soon as the custard begins to thicken on the sides of the dish it is done, and should be removed at once or it will whey. Serve with or without saucf . BREAD PUDDING Three-day old bread Allspice Butter Chopped raisins Sugar Milk Cinnamon Pinch of salt Molasses Cut the bread very thin; butter it; put a layer in the pudding dish; add a little sugar, a pinch of allspice and cinnamon, a grating of nutmeg and a handful of chopped raisins. Add further layers until the dish is full, finishing with a layer of bread. Heat the milk; add a pinch of salt and enough molasses to color it perceptibly. Pour slowly over the mass, continuing until by gently pressing the bread the milk can be seen. Cover with a plate and leave in a moderately warm place over night. If it seems dry in the morning add more milk. Bake in a moderate oven three or four hours. Keep covered with the plate for two hours; then cover with paper. COTTAGE PUDDING 1 tablespoon butter ^A cup milk 1 cup sugar Wz cups flour 1 egg 1 teaspoon baking powder Pinch of salt Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the egg and beat af ain. Mix and sift the dry ingredients and add them alternately w h the milk. Turn into a buttered cake pan and bake about halLar hour. Serve with vanilla or wine sauce. 218- li^^?ifJrFour PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS PEACH PUDDING 3 eggs 3 tablespoons milk 4 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons sifted flour Sugared peaches Fill a baking dish three-quarters full with peaches and cover them with sugar. Beat the yolks of the eggs; add the sugar and milk; then the sifted flour and the whites of the eggs beaten ^'ery stiff. Pour the batter over the peaches; mix all thoroughly to- gether and bake about forty-five minutes. Serve hot with wine sauce or cream and sugar BAKED ILOUR PUDDING 5 eggs Pinch of salt 9 tablespoons flour 1 quart milk Beat theieggs separately and then together; stir in the sifted flour and tUfe milk; strain and pour into a buttered pudding dish. Bake half ah hour and serve immediately with wine or vanilla sauce. BROWN BETTY 3 mediimi-sized apples V4 cup sugar 1 cup stale bread crumbs 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon V4 cup butter Juice and rind of V2 lemon V4 cup boiling water Pare, quarter, cpre and slice the apples. Melt * ~ ^^uec and pour it with the lenjion juice over the crumbs. Mix the cinnamon, grated lemon rind and sugar together. Butter a baking dish; put in alternate layers of apple and bread crumbs, sprinkling the apples with the sugar mixture, and making the last layer of crumbs. Pour the water on before adding the last layer of crumbs; cover and bake for thirty minutes or until the apples are soft; then un- cover and brown the crumbs. Serve with cream or with soft custard or lemon sauce. QUEEN OF PUDDINGS 1 quart milk 4 eggs "* 1 pint bread crumbs Juice and rind of 1 lemon 1 cup sugar ' 1 teaspoon butter Marmalade or preserves Soak the bread crumbs in the milk for half an hour; add the sugar, the beaten yolks, the lemon and the butter melted. 219 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS rllTolFo^u'r Bake in a buttered pudding dish about three-quarters of an hour or until the pudding shrinks away from the sides of the dish; spread with marmalade or preserves; cover with a meringue made from the whites of eggs and four extra tablespoons of granulated sugar; brown quickly in the oven and set aside to cool. Serve with cream. RAISIN PUFF 1/2 cup butter 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup sugar 2 cups flour 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup seeded raisins Cream the butter and sugar; add the well-beaten eggs. Sift together the flour and baking powder; add alternately with the milk. Then add the raisins, finely chopped. Put into snaall greased cups and steam one half hour. Serve with wifce or vanilla sauce. m ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING 1 pound raisins V2 orange peel, minced ' J und chopped suet 1 cup flour •i/4* poimd bread crumbs 1 pound currants 1 cup brown sugar V2 nutmeg, grated Grated rind of i lemon 5 eggs 1 cup good brandy Mix Ml dry ingredients thoroughly. Beat the eggs; add them i.o tfjf ;m .i r and rouT over the dry mixture. Mix thoroughly; pack in greased tins, leaving space of one inch at the top of each. Tie on the lids and boil for ten hours. Keep in a cool place until needed. Serve with hard sauce or with both hard and wine sauce. NEWMARKET PUDDING 1 pint milk V2 nutmeg, grated Bread crumbs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 eggs V4 teaspoon cloves 1 cup currants 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup raisins ^^ tablespoon salt Thicken the milk with the bread crumbs; add the beaten eggs and other ingredients and bake for two hours. Serve with brandy 'to or wine sauce 220 gLlSa?Vf^Fo^ur PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS BROWN-BREAD PUDDING V^ pound grated brown bread Vz teaspoon grated nutmeg 1/2 pound currants 2 eggs 1/2 pound chopped suet Vz tablespoon brandy 14 cup sugar 1 tablespoon cream Mix the ingredients thoroughly and boil them in a buttered pudding mold or cloth for three hours. Serve with wine sauce. PEACH PATTIES Hollow out little stale sponge cakes; brush with butter inside and out; place in each cavity two halves of peaches, pared and fitted together with a little orange marmalade or other preserve in the center. Sprinkle with sugar and chopped nuts ; bake until the peaches are tender and serve with vanilla or fruit sauce. CANNED PEACH PUDDING 1 cup dry bread crumbs V2 cup sugar 1 pint boiling milk 4 eggs 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 cups canned peaches Soak the crumbs in the milk; add the butter, sugar, beaten eggs and mashed peaches. Pour into a buttered mold or tin can; cover closely and boil for two hours. Serve with wine sauce. SUET PUDDINQ No. 1 V2 cup chopped suet V^ cup molasses y^ cup seeded raisins V2 cup milk IV^ cups flour 1/2 teaspoon soda Mix the ingredients thoroughly, adding the soda dissolved in the milk last. Pour into a buttered mold or can; cover closely and boil three hours. Serve with hard or wine sauce. SUET PUDDING No. 2 2 cups stale bread cnmibs V2 teaspoon cloves ' '2 cup chopped suet 1 teaspoon cinnamon y^ cup molasses Pinch of salt 1 egg 1 cup milk 1 cup raisins 14 teaspoon soda V2 1/ Mix the ingredients thoroughly, adding the soda dissolved in the milk last. Cover closely in a buttered mold or tin can and boil for two hours. Serve with hard or wine sauce. IS 221 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS fI^S^IVfZu^ APPLE PUDDING 2 cups flour 1 egg ^4 teaspoon salt 1 scant cup milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 4 apples 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Make a dough of the first six ingredients and spread one half inch thick in a buttered pan. Pare and core the apples ; cut them into eighths; spread them over the dough; sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and bake the pudding about twenty-five minutes. Serve with lemon or wine sauce. Peach pudding may be made in the same way. SPONGE-CAKE PUDDING 4 eggs Vz weight in flour Equal weight in sugar Grated rind of 1/2 lemon Beat the eggs separately until very light; stir the sugar into the yolks; add the flour and whites of the eggs alternately, then the lemon. Bake in a Turk's head, and serve with lemon sauce. BAKED INDIAN PUDDING No. 1 1 pint hot milk V^ cup sugar 1/2 cup Indian meal V2 teaspoon ginger 3 eggs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon flour Pinch of salt 1 pint cold milk Bring one pint of milk to the boiling point; pour it gradually on the meal, stirring all the while to prevent lumps. When cool, add the beaten eggs and the other ingredients. Pour into a buttered pudding dish and bake an hour and a half. Serve with hot maple sugar or cream. BAKED INDIAN PUDDING No. 2 5 cups milk V2 cup molasses Va cup Indian meal 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ginger Scald the milk; pour it slowly on the meal; cook in a double boiler for twenty minutes; add molasses, salt and ginger. Pour into a buttered pudding dish and bake in a slow oven for about two hours. Serve with cream. 222 Famnfof^Fo^ur PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS BOILED INDIAN PUDDING 1 quart milk 2 tablespoons chopped suet 2 cups Indian meal 1/2 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons molasses 1 cup seeded raisins 1 tablespoon flour Scald the milk and pour it over the meal; add the molasses, suet, salt, and the raisins washed and dredged with the flour. Put the pudding into a mold or bag and boil four hours. Serve with butter and maple syrup or with wine sauce. The raisins may be omitted if desired. HUCKLEBERRY PUDDING 1 egg 1 cup milk 1 cup sugar iy2 cups flour 1 heaping tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 pint berries Beat the egg with the sugar and butter; add the milk and sifted flour and baking powder. When thoroughly mixed add the huckle- berries, previously washed and drained and dredged with flour. Pour into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate oven. Serve with wine or fruit sauce. BERRY PUDDING 1 quart bread crumbs 2 eggs 1 pint milk 1 quart berries Pinch of salt Soak the broken bread crumbs in the milk; add the eggs well beaten, the salt and the berries, washed and drained. Steam in a buttered mold for three hours and serve with either hard sauce or fruit sauce. STEAMED FRUIT PUDDING 2 cups flour 1 egg 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk Pinch of salt 2 cups fruit Sift the flour and baking powder together; stir in the beaten egg and the milk gradually. Mix until smooth; add the fruit, washed, drained and well dredged with flour; stir carefully and empty into a greased tin can or pudding mold. Cover; stand in a pot of boil- ing water and boil continuously for three hours. Serve with sugar and cream or with wine sauce. 223 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS Fam'iiy o1 fJu? PEACH COBBLER 1 quart peaches iVs cups flotir 1 cup water 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 1/2 cups sugar Vx teaspoon salt 1/3 cup milk 2 eggs Wash and pare the peaches; cut them in halves and cook with one cup of sugar and the water until the peaches are tender. Empty into a baking dish, reserving one half cup of syrup. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder; add the remaining sugar and eggs, and mix thoroughly with the milk and the remaining syrup. Pour the batter over the peaches and bake in a moderate oven for one half hour. Serve hot, with or without sauce. DATE SPONGE 1 quart scalded milk ^4 teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons cornstarch V2 cup sugar 1 cup cold milk y^ poimd dates 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon lemon extract To the scalded milk add the cornstarch, mixed smooth with the cold milk, and stir until smooth. Add butter, salt and sugar; cover and let cook over boiling water for twenty minutes. Then add the dates, stoned and chopped, and the flavoring. Cook for ten minutes longer, stirring all the time; pour into a glass dish and when cool decorate with whole stoned dates. SAVARIN 1 cake compressed yeast 4 eggs y^ cup milk, scalded and cooled V2 cup butter, melted 2 tablespoons sugar y^ cup almonds, shredded ► 2 cups sifted flour y^ teaspoon salt • Dissolve the yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk; add one half cup of flour. Beat well; cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, for fifteen minutes. Then add the rest of the flour, almonds, butter, eggs unbeaten, one at a time, and the salt. Beat ten minutes; pour into thickly buttered molds; cover and set aside to rise in a warm place, free from draft, until double in bulk — about forty-flve minutes. Bake forty-five minutes in a moder- ate oven. Fill the center with whipped cream and serve with rum sauce. 224 DESSERTS Date Sponge Walnut and Date Dainty 1 FamS?VfVur PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS WALNUT AND DATE DAINTY 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup sugar 1 cup walnut meats Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon lemon extract 1 tablespoon sifted flour 1 cup chopped dates Marshmallows to decorate Beat the eggs with the sugar and salt for five minutes ; add the flour mixed with the baking powder, the nuts, flavoring and dates. Mix well and bake in individual dishes in a moderate oven until firm. Decorate with marshmallows and serve with cream or custard sauce. CREAM PUFFS 1 cup hot water Pinch of salt Vi cup butter 1 cup flour 3 eggs Boil the water, butter and salt; stir in the dry flour while it is boiling and stir quickly until the mass thickens. Stand aside to cool and when cool add the eggs, unbeaten, and stir them in thor- oughly. Drop the mixture by tablespoons on buttered tins and bake for about twenty minutes in a quick oven. When cool cut open with a sharp knife and fill with cream. To make eclairs spread the batter in long ovals and when done cover with plain or chocolate frosting. CREAM FOR PUFFS 1 cup milk 1 egg 1/2 cup sugar 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon vanilla Put the milk on to boil in a double boiler. Beat the egg with the sugar; add the flour; stir all into the boiling milk. Stir over the fire until the mixture thickens; when cool add the vanilla. 225 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS planned for a Family of Four 226 Planned for a PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS Family of Four ^__^___^___— — 227 PUDDINGS AND DESSERTS rJl^^yTt ?.'„? 228 FROZEN DESSERTS FROZEN DESSERTS FROZEN desserts are refreshing and wholesome and require less time in preparation than the ordinary pudding. Success, moreover, is assured if a few very simple directions are followed. The essentials are to have the ice finely crushed and to use the right proportion of coarse rock salt. The finer the ice is crushed the quicker it melts, so for this reason it is important to [^ have the ice broken into very small pieces. Enough should be broken for the entire freezing, as the process of turning the crank should not be interrupted. The can should be completely surrounded and covered with a mixture of ice and salt, using three parts ice to one of salt. Let it stand for a minute or two until the mixture begins to freeze to the inside of the can. Then turn the crank continuously until the mixture seems hard and heavy to move; then take out the dasher, scrape the frozen dessert from the sides of the can and pack it down closely. Put a cork in the opening of the cover, fill up the bucket with ice and salt, cover with burlap or piece of carpet and let stand an hour or more to ripen. Do not draw off any of the water until the freezing is completed, but add ice and salt as necessary. The melted water helps to freeze the mixture in the can and need not be drawn off at all if the dessert is to be served within an hour. The mixture should be prepared several hours before freezing and allowed to stand in the refrigerator until thoroughly chilled. Can and dasher should be scalded before using. To crush the ice use an ice-crusher or a wooden mallet. Put the ice in a bag of burlap or canvas and pound into fine pieces. When the dessert is served, drain the salt that is in the can and save to use again. 231 FROZEN DESSERTS FJSiyolFJu; VANILLA ICE CREAM No. 1 IV^ cups milk 1 egg 3^ cup sugar 1 pint cream 1 tablespoon flour 2 teaspoons vanilla Bring the milk to a boil. Beat the egg; add the flour and half the sugar; stir into the boiling milk and put over the fire. Cook until it thickens; add the cream and the rest of the sugar; set aside to cool; add the vanilla and freeze. Serve plain or with berries or with hot or cold chocolate sauce. VANILLA ICE CREAM No. 2 3 pints thin cream IV^ cups sugar 1 vanilla bean or 1 tablespoon extract Scald the cream with the sugar, using part milk if the cream is very rich. When cold, add the flavoring and freeze. To prepare the bean put it in a small kettle; cover with water and let simmer until the water is half gone, keeping the kettle covered all the time. Remove from the fire; scrape each piece of bean with a blunt knife, mixing the seeds and pulp with the water and using all for the flavoring. ECONOMICAL ICE CREAM 1 quart milk 2 level tablespoons flour 1 cup sugar 1 saltspoon salt 2 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla Make a boiled custard, following the usual directions, and freeze. If desired, fresh fruits, thoroughly mashed and sweetened, may be added instead of vanilla. FLOWERING ICE CREAM Procure new flower-pots, about two and a half inches in diameter; wash thoroughly; fill with ice cream; cover with grated chocolate to represent soil, and stick a flower in each. BOMBE GLACE Line a chilled bombe mold with frozen strawberries or grape sherbet and fill the center with vanilla ice cream. Cover the top 232 Pa"^;i?''o{''L'ur FR OZEN DESSERTS with more sherbet; press down the lid over a sheet of paper, making it fit closely so that no salt can get in. Let stand in ice and salt for an hour or more. MERINGUES GLACEES See Meringues, chapter on "Cakes.'* FROZEN CUSTARD 1 quart milk 1 cup sugar i^ 4 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla Bring the milk to a boil; pour it slowly on the yolks of the eggs well beaten with the sugar; add the whites beaten to a stiff froth and boil until a thick custard is formed. When the steam has passed off, add the flavoring; cool and freeze. FROZEN COCOANUT CUSTARD W2 cups shredded cocoanut Yolks of 5 eggs 1 quart hot milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sugar Lady fingers Chop the cocoanut very fine. Beat the eggs with the sugar; add the hot milk and stir over the fire until the mixture begins to thicken. Remove; add the flavoring and cool. Then add the cocoanut and mix thoroughly. Tu^ into a freezer and freeze. urn Serve in sherbet glasses lined with laay fingers. FROZEN PUDDING 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup seeded raisins Yolk of 1 egg V4 cup chopped nuts 1 cup milk Pinch of salt IV2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup preserved fruit 1 pint thick cream Mix the cornstarch with a little cold milk; add the beaten egg and pour over it the milk which has been scalded with the sugar. Cook thoroughly; remove from fire; add salt, vanilla, fruit and nuts; cool, add the cream whipped to a stiff froth and freeze. When frozen turn into a mold. At serving time lay in a platter and decorate with walnuts or candied cherries. 233 FROZEN DESSERTS FamTolFou? CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM y^ teaspoon cinnamon 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons water Custard Mix the ingredients; heat and stir until thoroughly smooth; add them to a custard made as for Economical Ice Cream and freeze. TUTTI-FRUTTI ICE CREAM 1 quart cream V2 ounce chopped almonds V2 pound sugar V^ pound preserved or candied fruit Scald the cream and sugar; cool; add the nuts and fruits and freeze. BISQUE ICE CREAM 3 pints thin cream 1/2 pound macaroons IV^ cups sugar y^ cup sherry Soak the macaroons in cream; mash and add to the cream in which the sugar has been dissolved; then add the sherry and freeze. COFFEE ICE CREAM 3 pints thin cream Yolks of 3 eggs iV^ cups sugar 1 cup strong coffee 1 heaping tablespoon gelatine Beat the eggs light; mix with the sugar; add one pint of the cream and make a custard. Dissolve the gelatine in the coffee and when cool add to the cream that remains; add the custard when cool; mix well and freeze. Half milk may be used if desired. CARAMEL ICE CREAM 1 pint milk 1 egg y^ cup flour Pinch of salt IV^ cups sugar 1 teaspoonful vanilla 1 pint cream Heat the milk in a double boiler, saving a half cup to mix the flour and half of the sugar. Add these and cook for twenty min- utes. Melt the second quantity of sugar until it is brown and syrupy; add to the cooked custard together with the beaten egg. Beat until free from lumps; cool and add the flavoring and cream. 234 l'Z?ifJf%o^ur FROZEN DESSERTS LEMON ICE CREAM 3 pints thin cream Grated rind of 1 lemon 1 pound sugar Juice of 2 lemons Dissolve the sugar in the cream, reserving about one fourth of it to mix with the lemon. The lemon must not be added until just before the cream is put in the freezer. PINEAPPLE ICE CREAM 3 pints thin cream V2 cup sugar , 1 pint can grated pineapple Add the pineapple to the cream and sugar; let stand for one hour and freeze. STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM 3 pints thin cream 2 cups sugar 2 quarts berries Wash and hull the strawberries; sprinkle them with sugar and let them stand. Mash thoroughly; mix with the cream and freeze. PEACH ICE CREAM 3 pints thin cream 2 cups sugar 1 quart sliced peaches Cover the peaches with the sugar; let stand, mash and add to the cream and freeze. ORANGE ICE 2 cups sugar Juice of 5 or 6 oranges 1 quart water Juice of 2 lemons Grated rind of 2 oranges Boil the sugar and water for ten minutes; add the juice and rind and let stand until time to freeze. Strain and freeze. LEMON ICE 3 pints water 3 cups sugar Juice of 6 lemons Whites of 2 eggs Let the sugar and water boil together for ten minutes; add the leraon juice; strain and cool. When partly frozen add the beaten whites of the eggs. 235 FROZEN DESSERTS FamyolFou; PINEAPPLE ICE 3 pints water 1 pineapple 1 pound sugar Juice of 2 lemons Whites of 2 eggs Boil the sugar and water; add the grated pineapple and lemon; strain through a fine sieve and freeze. When partly frozen add the whites of eggs well beaten. CURRANT ICE 2 cups sugar 3 cups currant juice 1 pint water Whites of 2 eggs 2 tablespoons powdered sugar Boil the sugar and water for fifteen minutes ; when cool add the currant juice; strain and freeze. When nearly frozen add the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth with the powdered sugar. FROZEN CHERRIES 2 quarts pie cherries 2 pounds sugar 1 quart water Wash and stone the cherries; cover them with the sugar and let stand one hour. Add the water and freeze. FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 1 quart strawberries Juice of 1 lemon 1 poimd sugar 1 quart water Wash, drain and mash the berries; cover them with the lemon and sugar and let stand for one hour. Add the water; stir until the sugar is dissolved, and freeze. FROZEN RASPBERRIES Follow the recipe for frozen strawberries. FROZEN PEACHES Follow the recipe for frozen strawberries, substituting a quart of sliced peaches, preferably yellow ones, for the berries. 236 FROZEN DESSERTS The upper dessert. Black-eyed Susan, is made by filling the glass'with chocolate and vanilla ice cream and decorating with almonds and a chocolate cream. The Meringue Glacee is filled with caramel ice cream and decorated with English walnuts and nasturtiums. i FamiTof Fo^ur FROZEN DESSERTS GRAPE SHERBET 1 pint grape juice 1 cup sugar 1 quart cold milk Dissolve the sugar in rich grape juice; add the milk; mix thoroughly and freeze. LEMON SHERBET 1 quart milk IV^ cup sugar Juice of 3 lemons Mix the juice and sugar; add the milk gradually, stirring con- stantly so that the mixture will not curdle. Then freeze. ORANGE SHERBET 1 egg Juice and grated rind of 3 oranges 1 quart milk Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon 1 pint cream 21/2 cups sugar Beat the egg lightly and add it to the milk and cream. Dissolve the sugar thoroughly with the lemon and orange; mix with the other ingredients and freeze. COUPE ST. JACQUE Fresh fruits y^ gill wine or cordial 1 gill maraschino Powdered sugar Lemon ice Cut in dice all kinds of fresh fruit in season; pour the maraschino and wine over them; sweeten with powdered sugar and fill cham- pagne glasses almost full. Cover with lemon ice and put a maras- chino cherry on top of each. FROZEN ROMAN PUNCH 1 quart water i/^ cup lemon juice 2 cups sugar 1/2 cup orange juice Vi cup rum Boil the sugar and water for fifteen minutes; cool; add the fruit juice; strain and freeze to a mush. Add the rum; give a few turns and let stand. Serve in frappe glasses. 16 237 FROZEN DESSERTS Planned for a Family of four ORANGE PEKOE PUNCH 1 teaspoon gelatine Juice of 2 lemons V4 cup cold water Juice of 1 orange 2 cups Orange Pekoe tea 1 cup Jamaica rum % cup sugar Soak the gelatine in the cold water for five minutes; pour on it the hot tea. Add the other ingredients and when cold freeze. In serving garnish with candied orange peel. GINGER FRAPPE V2 cup molasses 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 quart water 1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger Dissolve the molasses in the water; add the lemon juice and ginger and freeze to a soft mush. CHOCOLATE FRAPPE Prepare chocolate as for drinking; then chill; freeze soft and serve with whipped cream. CAFE FRAPPE 1 quart clear coffee 1 cup sugar 1 cup thin cream Dissolve the sugar in the hot coffee, add the cream and freeze to a mush. GRAPE-FRUIT FRAPPE 1 quart water IV2 cups grape-fruit juice 2 cups sugar 11/2 cups lemon juice Boil the sugar and water for fifteen minutes; cool thoroughly; add the fruit juice; strain and freeze to a mush. Serve in grape- fruit skins. CRANBERRY FliAPPE 1 teaspoon gelatine IV^ cups sugar 1 pint cold water Juice of 1 lemon 1 pint cranberries ^4 cup boiling water Soak the gelatine in half a cup of the cold water and cook the cranberries in the remainder. When soft press through a sieve; add sugar, lemon and the gelatine, dissolved in the boiling water. Freeze to a mush and serve with roast turkey. 238 FLmi"fof"Fo"ur FROZEN DESSERTS CAFE PARFAIT Vi cup coffee V2 cup sugar 1 cup cold water Yolks of 2 eggs 1 pint thick cream Steep the coffee in the water and simmer until reduced to one half the amount; strain it over the yolks of the eggs, well mixed with the sugar; and cook in a double boiler until thick and smooth. Beat the cream to a stiff froth; add the coffee mixture v^hen cool; pour into a mold or ice-cream can and let stand in ice and salt for three hours. Use equal parts of ice and salt and do not stir or turn the mixture. CHOCOLATE PARFAIT 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate Yolks of 4 eggs y^ cup hot water 1 pint whipped cream 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Cook the first three ingredients until thick; pour over the beaten eggs and cook in a double boiler until the mixture coats the spoon. Cool thoroughly; add the whipped cream; flavor and freeze like Cafe Parfait. MOUSSE 1 pint sugar Whites of 6 eggs 1 pint water Flavoring Boil the sugar and water together for about five minutes or until it threads; then drop slowly on the beaten whites of the eggs and continue beating until cold. Flavor to suit the taste with fruit or coffee and let it stand in a pail of chopped ice and rock salt for about five hours. Use equal parts of ice and salt. CHERRY MOUSSE 1 pint thick cream 2 drops almond extract 1 cup cherry juice Powdered sugar Mix the ingredients, sweetening to taste; chill and whip until stiff; then pack in ice and salt for three hours or more. Grape, raspberry and strawberry mousse may be made in the same way. Heat the fruit slightly before mashing and straining for the juice. 239 FROZEN DESSERTS FamSrolFour * PINEAPPLE MOUSSE | 1 pint thick cream Juice of ^i lemon f 1 pint pineapple juice and pulp 1 cup powdered sugar • Mix the ingredients thoroughly; chill and whip until stiff. Let stand in ice and salt for three hours or more. MAPLE MOUSSE y^ cup sultanas 1 pint thick cream V^ cup maple syrup 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice Wash, drain and soak the raisins in the syrup for several hours; then strain the syrup into the cream. Whip to a stiff froth; add the raisins and lemon juice and turn into a freezer without the beaters. Surround by equal parts of salt and ice and let stand | until firm. , 240 i ?L"^f,r'o5°L"ur FROZEN DESSERTS 241 FROZEN DESSERTS pSrol'p'Ju? 242 Planned for a FROZEN DESSERTS Family of Four ^ 243 FROZEN DESSERTS FalTtS f^'u? 244 SWEET SAUCES SWEET SAUCES SWEET SAUCES are useful for puddings, frozen desserts and entrees, and can frequently be used over stale cake to form a simple, economical and pleasing dessert. CREAMY SAUCE Vi cup butter 1 egg 2 cups powdered sugar i^ cup thick cream 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream the butter and sugar; add the well-beaten egg and beat all thoroughly. When very light add the cream, a little at a time. Place the bowl in a vessel of boiling water and stir until the sauce is smooth and creamy, but no longer; add flavoring and serve. CARAMEL SAUCE No. 1 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup hot water Melt the sugar in an iron saucepan and stir until it is a light brown; add the boiling water; cook for two minutes; pour into a bowl and set aside to cool. v.. CARAMEL SAUCE No. 2 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup boiling water 2 level tablespoons cornstarch % tablespoon vanilla 4 tablespoons cold water 1 teaspoon com syrup Mix the sugar and cornstarch thoroughly; moisten with the cold water and heat slowly in a granite saucepan until of a delicate brown color. Add the boiling water; cook until clear; add flavor- ing and serve hot or cold. CUSTARD SAUCE Follow the recipe for Boiled Custard in the chapter on "Pud- dings and Desserts." 247 QTI7'T?T7T CJ A TTr FamyolFoVr to made an ordinary sponge. Beat well; cover and set aside to rise for about one and one half hours in a warm place. When well risen add to it the half pint of lukewarm water, lard or butter, the remainder of the flour, or enough to make a moderately firm dough, and last, the salt. Knead thoroughly; place in greased bowl; cover and let rise for from one and one half to two hours. When light, mold into loaves and place in well-greased baking pans; cover and let rise again for about one hour. When light, bake forty to fifty minutes, reducing the heat after the first ten minutes. This recipe makes two large loaves. The whole process takes from five and one half to six hours, and the recipe, if followed closely, will produce excellent results. MILK BREAD 1 cake compressed yeast 3 quarts sifted flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon lard, melted 1 quart milk, scalded and cooled Vz tablespoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm liquid; add one and one half quarts of sifted flour; beat until smooth. Cover and set to rise in warm place, free from draft for about one and one half hours. When light, add lard (or butter), rest of flour, and salt. Knead until smooth and elastic; place in well-greased bowl; cover; let rise again until double in bulk — about two hours. Mold into loaves; place in well-greased bread pans, filling them half full. Cover and let rise again until double in bulk — about one hour. Bake forty to fifty minutes. This makes three one-and-one-half pound loaves. WHITE BREAD IN BREAD-MIXER 1 quart boiled water or milk V^ tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon lard 1 cake compressed yeast 1 tablespoon sugar 3 quarts flour Put salt, sugar and lard in the bread-mixer; pour on boiling water or scalded milk and when lukewarm stir in the yeast cake dissolved in a little warm water. Add the flour; put on the lid; turn for three minutes and let rise over night. In the morning turn the handle a few times; lift the dough out on a molding board; divide into four parts and shape into loaves. Place in greased pans, having the pans only half full. Cover with a clean cloth; let rise to twice their bulk and bake for about fifty minutes in a moderate oven. 258 ^L^-ae-J-L^. BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Family of Four BAKING-POWDER BREAD 1 quart flour 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Vz boiled potato 1 teaspoon sugar Milk or water (about 1 pint) Sift the dry ingredients thoroughly; rub in the boiled potato; add liquid to make a stiff batter or soft dough. Turn into a greased bread pan; smooth the top with a knife dipped in melted butter and bake in a moderate oven for about an hour. When done moisten the crust slightly with cold water and wrap m a clean cloth until cold. SALT-RISING BREAD 1 cup milk V4 teaspoon sugar Little boiUng water 1 tablespoon com meal y^ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour Flour to make dough Into the milk pour enough boiling water to bring it to blood heat (about 90° F.). Do not have it too hot or the bread will not rise. Add the other ingredients; beat to the consistency of pan- cake batter and set in a warm place to ferment. If set m the early morning, it will rise at noon. Mix the same as other bread; put m pans at once; let stand till light and bake slowly. RICE BREAD 1/2 cup cold rice V4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup white Indian meal 1 egg 1/2 cup wheat flour Vi tablespoon melted butter 1/2 teaspoon baking powder Vz cup milk Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly; add the egg beaten with the milk and melted butter. Pour into shallow greased tms and bake in a moderate oven. GRAHAM BREAD 1 cake compressed yeast 2 level tablespoons lard 4 level tablespoons brown sugar 4 cups graham flour 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 1 cup sifted white flour 1 cup lukewarm water 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar (or molasses) in lukewarm liquid. Add lard (or butter), then flour, gradually, and last the salt. 259 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Tl^S^ft Fo^r Knead thoroughly, being sure to keep the dough soft. Cover and set aside in a warm place to rise, for about two hours. When double in bulk, turn out on kneading board; mold into loaves; place in well-greased pans; cover and set to rise again for about one hour, or until light. Bake one hour, in a slower oven than for white bread. If wanted for over night, use one half cake of yeast and an extra teaspoon of salt. OATMEAL BREAD 2 cups boiling water Vi cup brown sugar 2 cups rolled oats V2 cup lukewarm water 1 cake compressed yeast 4 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt Pour two cups of boiling water over the oatmeal; cover and let stand until cool. Dissolve yeast and sugar in one half cup of luke- warm water and add this to the oatmeal and water. Add one cup of flour, or enough to make an ordinary sponge; beat well; cover and set aside in a moderately warm place to rise for one hour, or until light. Add enough flour to make a dough — about three cups — and the salt. Knead well; place in greased bowl; cover and let rise in a moderately warm place until double in bulk — about one and one half hours. Mold into loaves; fill well-greased pans half full; cover and let rise again about one hour. Bake forty-five minutes in a hot oven. A half cup of chopped nuts and one tablespoon of lard or butter may be added if desired. WHOLE-WHEAT BREAD 1 cake compressed yeast IV2 cups milk, scalded and cooled 3 level tablespoons brown sugar 3 tablespoons melted lard V/z cups lukewarm water TVz cups whole-wheat flour 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in lukewarm liquid; add lard or butter; then flour, gradually, as whole wheat flour absorbs moisture slowly, and last the salt. Knead thoroughly, being sure to keep dough soft; place in well-greased bowl, cover and set aside in warm place, to rise for about two hours. When double in bulk, turn out on kneading board. Mold into loaves; place in well-greased pans; cover and set to rise again for about one hour, or until light. Bake one hour, in a slower oven than for white bread. 260 V^^fJ^Fo^r BREAD, HOT-CAKES. ETC. If wanted for over night, use one half cake of yeast and an extra teaspoon of salt. RYE BREAD (American) 1 cake compressed yeast 5 cups rye flour 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 11/2 cups sifted white flour 2 cups lukewarm water 1 tablespoon melted lard 1 tablespoon salt Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm liquid; add two and a half cups of rye flour or enough to make a sponge. Beat well; cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, to rise about two hours. When light, add white flour, lard or butter, rest of rye flour to make a soft dough, and last the salt. Turn on a board and knead, or pound it five minutes. Place in greased bowl; cover and let rise until double in bulk — about two hours. Turn on board and shape into loaves; place in floured shallow pans; cover and let rise again until light — about one hour. Brush with white of egg and water, to glaze. With sharp knife cut lightly three strokes diagonally across top, and place in oven. Bake in slower oven than for white bread. Caraway seed may be used if desired. By adding one half cup of sour dough, left from previous baking, an acid flavor is obtained, which is considered by many a great improvement. This should be added to the sponge. GLUTEN BREAD 1 cake compressed yeast 1 cup lukewarm water 1 tablespoon sugar 1 level tablespoon lard or butter 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 3 cups gluten flour 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in lukewarm liquid; add lard or butter, then flour, gradually, and salt. Knead thoroughly until smooth and elastic; place in well-greased bowl; cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, to rise until light, which should be in about two hours. Mold into loaves ; place in greased pans, filling them^ half full. Cover; let rise again, and when double in bulk, which should be in about one hour, bake in moder- ate oven forty -five minutes. This will make two one-pound loaves. For diet use all water and omit shortening and sugar. 261 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Fa^tkydFou'r NUT BREAD No. 1 1 cake compressed yeast 2 level tablespoons lard 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled Vs cup sugar 1 tablespoon sugar White of 1 egg 3 cups sifted flour ^A cup chopped walnuts Va teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in lukewarm milk; add one and one fourth cups of flour and beat thoroughly. Cover and set aside in warm place fifty minutes, or until light. Add sugar and Jard (or butter), creamed, white of egg, beaten stiff, nuts, remainder of flour, or enough to make a dough, and the salt. Knead wejl; place in greased bowl; cover and set aside for about two and one half hours to rise, or until double in bulk. Mold into a loaf or small finger rolls, and fill well-greased pans half full. Protect from draft and let rise until light — about one hour. This recipe will make one medium-sized loaf, or one dozen rolls. The loaf should bake forty-five minutes; finger rolls, six to eight minutes. NUT BREAD No. 2 1 egg 3 cups flour 3^ cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon salt V4, pound walnuts Beat the egg with the sugar; add the sifted flour, baking powder and salt alternately with the milk; last add the butter, melted, and the walnuts. If black walnuts are used do not add the butter. Bake in a deep pan in a slow oven for about forty-five minutes. CORN BREAD 11/2 cups corn meal 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup flour V2 tablespoon butter 1/2 tablespoon sugar IV4 cups milk 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 egg Sift the dry ingredients together; add milk, beaten egg and butter. Pour into a shallow buttered tin and bake about half an hour. CORN BREAD WITH YEAST Follow the recipe for corn muflfins with yeast. Bake twenty minutes in well-greased, shallow pan, instead of muflSn tins. 262 ?::^ifJrFo\r bread, hot-cakes, etc. CANADA EGG BREAD 1 cup com meal 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup flour 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 eggs Mix the dry ingredients; add the butter, warmed but not melted, and the milk and beaten eggs. The batter will be stiff. Bake in greased tins; mark into squares; break and serve hot. RAISIN BREAD 1 cake compressed yeast 3^ cup sugar 1 cup lukewarm water 4 lever tablespoons lard 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 3/- cup raisins 6 cups sifted flour l"t2aspO0n salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in lukewarm liquid; add two cups of flour, the lard (or butter) and sugar, well creamed; and beat until smooth. Cover and set aside to rise in a warm place, free from draft, until light — about one and one half hours. Add raisins well-floured, the rest of the flour to make a soft dough, and last the salt. Knead lightly ; place in well-greased bowl; cover and let rise again until double in bulk — about one and one half hours. Mold into loaves; fill well-greased pans half full; cover and let rise until light — about one hour. Glaze with egg diluted with water, and bake forty-five minutes. COCOA BREAD 1 cake compressed yeast V2 cup sugar 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled Y-z cup cocoa 1 tablespoon sugar 514 cups sifted flour 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in lukewarm milk; add three cups of flour and beat until smooth. Cover and set aside to rise in warm place until light — about one and one half hours; then add butter and sugar creamed, eggs well beaten, cocoa, remainder of flour, or enough to make soft dough, and salt. Knead lightly; place in greased bowl; cover and set aside in warm place, free from draft, until double in bulk — about two hours. Mold into loaves; place in well-greased bread pans, filling them half full. Cover and let rise again until light — about one hour. Bake forty to forty-five minutes. 263 m BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. riS'i^Tf FJu'r The recipe makes two loaves. Nuts or fruit may be added if desired. The bread may be used for making delicious sandwiches. Buns may be made from the same dough and decorated with chocolate frosting. BOSTON BROWN BREAD No. 1 2 cups rye meal V3 cup molasses 1 cup com meal 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups sour milk Dissolve the soda in the milk. Mix and sift the dry ingredients ; add the sour milk and molasses; pour into a buttered mold and steam three hours. Brown in the oven twenty minutes. BOSTON BROWN BREAD No. 2 1 cup corn meal V2 cup sugar 2 cups graham flour 1/2 cup molasses 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda 2 cups milk Mix and cook the same as Brown Bread No. 1. SCOTCH SHORT BREAD 1 cup butter 2 cups flour 1/2 cup powdered sugar Cream the butter; add the flour and sugar; knead all together thoroughly with the hands; roll out about one inch in thickness and cut in oblong cakes. Bake about half an hour, laying the bread on brown paper in an unbuttered pan. COARSE LOAF V2 cup New Orleans molasses V2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 cup nuts or raisins V2 cup com meal 1 pint sour milk 2 cups graham flour 2 teaspoons soda IV2 cups white flour Pinch of salt Mix all the ingredients together, adding the soda dissolved in the sour milk last. Pour into a greased baking pan and bake in a slow oven about one hour. 264 HOT BREAD Tea Biscuit Corn Muffins Tea Rolls gSSfi^/o^To^ur BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. CINNAMON BUN 2 tablespoons butter Milk to make soft dough 4 tablespoons sugar Butter 2 eggs Sugar 1 pint flour Cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking powder Currants Syrup molasses Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the eggs; then the baking powder and flour which have been sifted together, alter- nately with the milk. Have the dough as soft as it is possible to roll out. Place it on a pie board well dusted with flour; roll out about one fourth of an inch in thickness; spread thickly with sugar, cinnamon, currants and syrup molasses; then carefully roll the dough into one long roll ; cut into buns about one inch high and place them rather closely in a greased pan. Bake in a moderate oven. CINNAMON CAKE 1 cake compressed yeast V2 cup light brown sugar 14 cup milk, scalded and cooled 2 level tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg 2 cups sifted flom: l^ teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm milk. Add three fourths cup of flour, to make a sponge. Beat well; cover and let rise forty-five minutes in a moderately warm place. Add butter and sugar creamed, egg well beaten, about one and one fourth cups of flour, or sufficient to make a soft dough, and the salt. Knead lightly; place in greased bowl ; cover and let rise in a warm place about two hours, or until double in bulk. Roll one half inch thick; place in well-greased pan and let rise until light. Cut across top with sharp knife; brush with egg; sprinkle liberally with sugar and cinnamon. Bake twenty minutes in a moderately hot oven. DOUGHNUTS 1 cake compressed yeast V^ cup sugar 114 cups milk, scalded and cooled 3 level tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon sugar I/2 teaspoon mace 4^2 cups sifted flour 2 eggs V4 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in lukewarm liquid; add half of the flour and beat well. Cover and set aside to rise in a warm place for about one hour, or until bubbles burst 265 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Frivol rJ/r on top. Add to this the butter and sugar creamed; mace, eggs well beaten, the remainder of the flour to make a soft dough, and last the salt. Knead lightly; place in well-greased bowl; cover and allow to rise again in warm place for about one and a half hours. When light, turn on floured board; roll to about one fourth inch in thickness. Cut with small doughnut cutter; cover and let rise again, on floured board or paper, in warm place until light — about forty-five minutes. Drop into deep, hot fat with side uppermost which has been next to board. When a film of smoke begins to rise from fat, it will be found a good temperature to cook dough- nuts. Doughnuts made by this method do not absorb the fat, for the reason that they rise before and not after they are put into the grease. DUTCH CAKE 1 pound bread dough 1 egg 1/2 pound sugar V^ pound butter Cinnamon and nutmeg Mix the sugar, butter and beaten egg into bread dough; when thoroughly incorporated flavor with cinnamon and nutmeg; and add the fruit. Put into a greased pan and let rise for an hour or more; then bake slowly. BOHEMIAN HOUSKA 1 cake compressed yeast Va cup melted butter 14 cup lukewarm water V2 cup citron, cut fine 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled y^ cup raisins V2 cup sugar Vi cup chopped almonds 1 egg Vi teaspoon salt 71/2 cups sifted flour Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in lukewarm liquid; add egg well beaten, balance of sugar and butter creamed, and two cups of flour, or enough to make a thin batter. Beat until smooth; cover and let rise until light, about one hour. Add almonds, citron and raisins, well floured, the rest of the flour, or enough to make a soft dough, and last the salt. Knead well; place in greased bowl; cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, to rise until double in bulk, about one and a half hours. Divide into three parts; make three braids; place in well-greased, shallow pan, one on top of the other. Bake in moderate oven forty-five minutes. While hot ice with plain frosting. 266 ?a1SllfofTo^r BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC, CURRANT TEA RING 2 cakes compressed yeast V2 cup sugar 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 7 cups sifted flour 1 cup lukewarm water 3 eggs 1 tablespoon sugar Vi teaspoon salt 6 level tablespoons lard or butter Vi teaspoon mace Brown sugar, currants and cinnamon Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm liquid. Add three cups of flour and beat until smooth. Add lard or butter and sugar, thoroughly creamed, and eggs beaten until light, the remainder of the flour gradually, keeping dough soft,' and last, the salt and mace. Turn on board; knead lightly; place in greased bowl; cover and set aside in a warm place to rise for about two hours or until the dough has doubled in bulk. Roll out in an oblong piece, one fourth inch thick; brush with melted but- ter; sprinkle with brown sugar, currants and cinnamon. Roll up lengthwise and place in a circle on a large, shallow, greased pan or baking sheet. With scissors cut three fourth inch slices, almost through. Turn each slice partly on its side, pointing away from center. This should give the effect of a many-pointed star, and show the different layers with the filling. Cover and let rise one hour, or until light, and bake twenty-five minutes. Just before putting in the oven, glaze with egg, diluted with milk. Ice while hot with Dlain frosting. APPLE cae:e (Apf el Kucheti) 1 V^ cakes compressed yeast 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 2 eggs 1 tablespoon sugar 31/2 cups sifted flour Vi cup butter l^ teaspoon salt 5 apples Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in lukewarm milk; add one and a half cups of flour to make a sponge, and beat until smooth. Cover and set aside in a warm place until light — about three quarters of an hour. Have sugar and butter well- creamed; add it to sponge. Then add eggs well-beaten, rest of flour, or enough to make a soft dough, and salt. Knead lightly. Place in well-greased bowl. Cover and set aside to rise — about two hours. Roll half an inch thick; place in two well-greased, shallow pans; brush with butter and sprinkle with sugar. Cut 2C7 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Famy,1'/J.5 ' apples in eighths and press into the dough, sharp edge downward; sprinkle with cinnamon; cover and let rise about one half hour. Bake twenty minutes. Keep covered with pan first ten minutes, in order that the apples may be thoroughly cooked. GERMAN COFFEE CAKE (Bund Kuchen) r'/^ cakes compressed yeast 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled V2 cup butter 1 tablespoon sugar 3 eggs 3 cups sifted floiur IV2 cups mixed fruit 14 teaspoon salt ' Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm milk; add one and a half cups of flour and beat well. Cover and set aside, in a warm place to rise for one hour or until light. Add to this the butter and sugar creamed, the fruit — citron, raisins and currants in equal parts — which has been floured, the balance of the flour or enough to make a good cake batter, the salt, and eggs well beaten. Beat for ten minutes; pour into well-buttered molds, filling them about half full; cover and let rise until molds are nearly full ; then bake in a moderate oven. If made into two cakes, they should bake forty-five minutes; one large cake should bake one hour. BRIOCHE 1 cake compressed yeast 1 cup butter 1/2 cup milk, scalded and cooled 4 cups sifted flour 2 tablespoons sugar 8 eggs 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm milk; add one cup of flour to make sponge. Beat well; cover and set to rise in warm place, free from draft, until light — about three quarters of an hour. To the rest of the flour add one tablespoon of sugar, butter softened, four eggs and salt. Beat all in well; add spbnge and beat again thoroughly; add the other four eggs, un- beaten, one at a time, beating thoroughly. Cover and let rise until light — about four hours, and beat again. Chill in the refrigerator over night. In the morning, shape by rolling under hand into long strips about twenty-seven inches long and three fourths inch thick, bringing ends together, and twist like a rope. Form into rings; 268 l^SSifJt%^nr BREAD. HOT-CAKES, ETC. place on well-buttered pans to rise. When double in size, glaze with white of egg diluted with water. Bake in a moderate oven fifteen minutes. Ice while hot, with plain frosting. Spread with almonds. MORAVIAN CAKE 1 pint bread dough V/z cups sugar . V^ cup butter 3 eggs Sugar and cinnamon Beat the butter Into the bread dough; add the sugar and eggs and beat thoroughly. Pour into buttered pans; let rise for one hour; sprinkle thickly with sugar and cinnamon and bake in a quick oven. BREAD RUSK 1 pint bread dough Butter size of egg 34 cup sugar Grated nutmeg Spread the bread dough open; work the other ingredients into it; roll out; cut in cubes; put them in buttered pans and set in a warm place until very light. Bake in a quick oven. CHILDREN'S RUSK 1 cake compressed yeast 1/2 cup butter 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg 6 cups sifted flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup currants Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm milk; add to it half the flour, to make an ordinary sponge. Beat well; cover and set aside in a warm place to rise, for about an hour. When light, add to it the butter and sugar creamed, egg well beaten, the currants, which have previously been washed and floured, and the remainder of the flour, or sufficient to make a soft dough; last add the salt. Knead lightly; place in greased bowl; cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, to rise for about two or two and a half hours. When well risen, turn out on a kneading board and mold into rolls. Place in well-greased pans; cover and let rise again for about one hour, or until double in bulk. Brush with egg diluted with milk. Bake in a hot oven for about fifteen or twenty minutes. Upon removing from oven sprinkle with powdered sugar. 18 269 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Planned for a Family of Four BUNS 1 cake compressed yeast V4 cup sugar 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled V4 cup butter 1 tablespoon sugar 3 cups sifted flour 1/2 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm milk; add one and one half cups of flour. Beat until smooth ; then add butter and sugar creamed, the rest of the flour and salt. Knead lightly, keeping dough soft; cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, to rise until double in bulk — about one and a half hours. Mold into small, round buns; place in well-greased pans, one inch apart. Cover; set aside to rise until light— about one hour. Brush with egg, diluted with water; bake twenty minutes. Just before removing from the oven, brush with sugar moistened with a little water. SWEET FRENCH BUNS 1 cake compressed yeast 3 level tablespoons butter 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 1 egg 1/4 cup lukewarm water V2 teaspoon lemon extract 1 tablespoon sugar 4 cups sifted flour 14 cup sugar V2 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm liquid. Add enough flour to make an ordinary sponge — about one and one half cups. Beat until perfectly smooth; cover and set aside in a warm place to rise for fifty minutes, or until hght. Add sugar and butter creamed, egg beaten, lemon extract and about two and one half cups of flour, or enough to make a soft dough. Add salt with the last of the flour. Knead until smooth and elastic; place in greased bowl; cover and set aside in a warm place to rise until double in bulk — about one hour. Turn out on board and shape as clover-leaf rolls, or any fancy twist. ^ Let rise until light, about one hour. Bake in hot oven fifteen minutes. ENGLISH BATH BUNS 2 cakes compressed yeast 4 cups sifted flour 1/2 cup milk, scalded and cooled V2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 5 tablespoons sugar 1/2 cup butter, melted 4 eggs 1 cup almonds, chopped Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm milk. Add butter, eggs unbeaten, flour gradually, and the salt, 270 rn''.S.'i?''o^^o"ur BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. beating thoroughly. This mixture should be thick, but not stiff enough to handle. Cover and let rise in warm place one and one half hours, or until light. Sprinkle balance of sugar and almonds over top; mix very lightly and drop into well-greased muffin pans. Cover and let rise until light, which should be in about one half hour. Bake fifteen to twenty minutes in a moderately hot oven,, , These buns should be rough in appearance. '* HOT CROSS BUNS 1 cake compressed yeast Vi cup butter 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 1 tablespoon sugar sy^ cups sifted flour 1/3 cup sug^ar 1 egg l^ teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm milk. Add one and one half cups of the flour, to make a sponge. Beat until smooth; cover and let rise until light, in a warm place, free from draft — about one hour. Add butter and sugar creamed, egg well beaten, raisins or currants, which have been floured, rest of flour, or enough to make a soft dough, and salt. Turn on board; knead lightly; place in greased bowl. Cover and set aside in a warm place, until double in bulk, which should be in about two hours. Shape with hand into medium-sized round buns; place in well-greased pans about two inches apart. Cover and let rise again — about one hour, or until light. Glaze with egg diluted with water; with sharp knife cut a cross on top of each; bake twenty minutes. Just before removing from oven, brush with sugar moistened with water. While hot, fill cross with plain frost- ing. OVEN SCONES 2 cakes compressed yeast 1 cup raisins 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled V2 cup citron 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg 1 cup sugar 6^/2 cups sifted flour Yz cup of lard or butter 1 level teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm milk; add three cups of flour and beat well. Cover and let rise in a warm place, free from draft, until light — about one hour. Then add butter and sugar creamed, the egg well beaten, fruit well floured, balance of flour, to make a soft dough, and the salt. Turn 271 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. pJikT o» fJ.^ on board; knead lightly; form into twelve round cakes; cover and allow them to rise fifteen minutes. Then roll one fourth inch thick; cut across each way nearly through, making an impression of four cakes. Place in well-greased pans; let rise about one hour, or until double in size. Then brush with egg diluted with water. Bake fifteen minutes in a moderate oven. ENGLISH SCONES 3/4 pound flour Vs cup currants 3 ounces sugar 1 egg 2 ounces lard 1/2 cup milk 2 teaspoons baking powder Beat the sugar and lard to a cream; add the egg, then the milk and flour sifted with the baking powder. Have the currants well washed and drained and mix them in before all the flour is added. Make a soft dough; roll out and cut like tea biscuits. Bake in a quick oven. TEA BISCUIT 2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon lard Milk or water to make soft dough Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl ; rub in the lard with the tips of the fingers; add milk to make a dough just stiff enough to roll out. Roll one half inch thick; cut with a round cutter and bake in greased tint TEA ROLLS 1 cake compressed yeast 1 tablespoon sugar V2 cup milk, scalded and cooled 3 cups sifted flotu: V^ cup lukewarm water 2 tablespoons melted lard 1/^ teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar In the lukewarm liquid. Add lard (or butter) and half of the flour; beat until smooth; add rest of flour, or enough to make a moderately firm dough, and the salt. Knead thoroughly; roll out and shape as Parker-House rolls. Place in well-greased, shallow baking pans; cover and set to rise in a warm place, free from draft, for about two hours. When light, bake in a hot oven ten minutes. 272 ^L'SSeVf-LV BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Family of Four LUNCH ROLLS 1 cake compressed yeast 4 cups sifted flour 1^4 cups milk, scalded and cooled 1 egg 1 tablespoon sugar 2 level tablespoons lard 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm milk; add lard (or butter) and two cups of flour. Beat thoroughly; then add egg well beaten, balance of flour gradually, and salt. When all of the flour is added, or enough to make a moderately soft dough, turn on board and knead lightly and thoroughly, using as little flour in the kneading as possible, keeping dough soft. Place in well-greased bowl. Cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, to rise about two hours. When light, form into small bis- cuits, the size of a walnut. Place one inch apart, in shallow pans, well greased. Let rise until double in bulk — about half an hour. Brush with egg and milk, and bake ten minutes in hot oven. PARKER-HOUSE ROLLS 1 cake compressed yeast 4 tablespoons melted lard or butter 1 pint milk, scalded and cooled 3 pints sifted floiu: 2 level tablespoons sugar 1 level teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm milk; add lard or butter and half the flour. Beat until perfectly smooth; cover and let rise in a warm place one hour, or until light. Then add remainder of flour, or enough to make a dough, and the salt. Knead well; place in greased bowl; cover and let rise in a warm place for about one and a half hours, or until double in bulk. Roll out one fourth inch thick; brush over lightly with butter; cut with two-inch biscuit-cutter; crease through center heavily with dull edge of knife, and fold over in pocket-book shape. Place in well-greased, shallow pans, one inch apart. Cover and let rise until light — about three quarters of an hour. Bake ten minutes in hot oven. DINNER ROLLS 1 cake compressed yeast White of 1 egg 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 3 cups sifted flour 1 level tablespoon sugar 2 level tablespoons lard or butter 1/2 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm milk; add white of egg, beaten until stiff, the flour gradually, the lard or butter, and 273 BREAD, HOT-CAICES, ETC. Fa^X"olFJu"r last, the salt, keeping the dough soft. Knead lightly, using as little flour in kneading as possible. Place in a well-greased bowl; cover and set to rise in a warm place, free from draft, until double in bulk — about two hours. Mold into rolls the size of walnuts; place in well-greased pans; protect from draft, and let rise one half hour, or until light. Glaze with white of egg, diluted with water. Bake ten minutes in a hot oven. GRAHAM MUFFINS No. 1 1 cake compressed yeast 1 egg 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled 1 cup sifted white flour 4 tablespoons molasses 1^/2 cups graham flour 4 tablespoons melted lard 1 teaspoon salt 34 cup chopped nuts Dissolve the yeast and sugar (or molasses) in the lukewarm milk; add lard (or butter) and egg well beaten, then the flour gradually, salt and nuts, beating all the while. Beat until perfectly smooth; cover and set to rise in warm place, free from draft, until light — about one and a half hours. Have muflSn pans well greased and fill about two- thirds full. Cover and let rise to top of pans — about half an hour, and bake twenty minutes in hot oven. GRAHAM MUFFINS No. 2 Follow the recipe for Egg Muffins, using half graham and half white flour. ENGLISH MUFFINS 1 cake compressed yeast 2 level tablespoons sugar 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 4 tablespoons melted lard 1 cup lukewarm water 6 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm liquid; add lard (or butter), and three cups of flour. Beat until smooth; add rest of flour, or enough to make a soft dough, and last, the salt. Knead until smooth and elastic; place in well-greased bowl ; cover and set aside in a warm place to rise. When double in bulk, which should be in about two hours, form with hand in twelve large, round bis- cuits. Cover and set aside for about one half hour. Then, with rolling pin, roll to about one fourth inch in thickness, keeping them round. Have ungreased griddle hot and bake ten minutes. Brown on both sides. As they brown, move to cooler part of stove, where 274 &";'',t°Fo'ur BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. they will bake more slowly, keeping them warm in the oven until all are baked. They can be reheated in this way or split and toasted on the griddle. These muffins are delicious served hot with plenty of butter. OATMEAL MUFFINS 1 cake compressed yeast 1 cup hot milk V4 cup lukewarm water 1 cup rolled oats 3 tablespoons sugar 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup sifted white flour 1 teaspoon salt Boil the oats and butter in a cup of milk one minute. Let stand until lukewarm. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in one fourth cup of lukewarm water, and combine the two mixtures. Add flour and salt and beat well. The batter should be thick enough to drop heavily from the spoon. Cover and let rise until light, about one hour, in a moderately warm place. Fill well-greased muffin pans two thirds full; let rise about forty minutes; bake twenty-five minutes in a moderately hot oven. SALLY LUNN 1 cake compressed yeast 4 tablespoons melted butter 1 tablespoon sugar 2 eggs 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled 4 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoon of sugar in the lukewarm milk. Add butter, then flour gradually, eggs well beaten, and last, the salt. Beat until perfectly smooth ; pour into well-greased pans ; cover and let rise in a warm place, free from draft, until double in bulk — about one and one half hours. Sprinkle granulated sugar over the top and bake twenty minutes in a hot oven. Serve hot; break apart with fork. This recipe will fill two medium-sized cake pans. WHEAT MUFFINS 1 cake compressed yeast 2 eggs 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 2 tablespoons melted lard 2 level tablespoons sugar 2 cups sifted flour Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm liquid; add the lard (or butter), eggs beaten until light, and flour to make a 275 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Fam^?" o1 f^Ju" moderately stiff batter; then add the salt and beat until smooth. Cover and set aside in a warm place for about one hour. When lisen, fill well-greased muffin tins half full; cover and let rise again for about half an hour. Bake twenty minutes in a hot oven, and serve at once. CORN MUFFINS WITH YEAST 1 cake compressed yeast 2 eggs, well beaten 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled 2V2 cups corn meal 2 level tablespoons brown sugar 1 cup sifted white flour 4 level tablespoons lard or butter 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm milk. Add lard or butter, cornmeal, flour, eggs and salt. Beat well. Fill well- greased muffin pans two-thirds full. Set to rise in a warm place, free from draft, until light — about one and one half hours. Bake in hot oven twenty minutes. If prepared over night use only one fourth cake of yeast, and an extra half teaspoon of salt. CORN MUFFINS No. 1 1 cup white flour V2 teaspoon soda V2 cup corn meal 1 egg 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup sour milk V^ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon melted butter Mix the dry ingredients; add the egg, beaten into the milk, and the melted butter. Beat thoroughly and bake in well-greased tins. CORN MUFFINS No. 2 Follow the recipe for Egg Muffins using half corn meal and half white flour. RICE MUFFINS 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon butter 1/. ff^Qcnnnn salt 1/2 cup boiled Hce making po . 1/2 cup milk ^ egg Sift the dry ingredie s rub in the butter lightly; stir in the rice, then the beaten egg a a milk. Pour into greased gem pans, filling them only half full, and bake in a moderate oven about twenty minutes. 1 cup flour y4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon bakin 276 &^?Vf°foV BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. EGG MUFFINS 2 cups flour V4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1 egg 1 scant cup milk Rub the butter in the flour; add the dry ingredients and mix well. Beat the egg; put it in a tin measuring cup and fill up the cup with milk. Stir this into the flour and when thoroughly mixed, fill buttered gem pans and bake in a quick oven until golden browD . The batter is very stiff and the top of the muffins when baked should be rough. PERFECT CREAM WAFERS 2 cups flour V4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder Pinch of salt Cream Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly and moisten them with cream. Add just enough cream to make the dough soft enough to roll. If too much is added the wafers will not be crisp. Roll the dough very thin; cut into squares and bake until lightly browned. GRAHAM WAFERS Follow the recipe for cream wafers, using half graham flour and half white. SOUR-CREAM BISCUIT 1 cup sour cream 2V^ cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt With a knife stir the cream into the sifted flour, enough to make a very soft dough. Roll thin; cut into rounds and bake in a hot oven. DROP BISCUIT 2 cups flour V^ teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon lard Milk to make stiff batter Mix the dry ingredients; rub in the lard; add milk to make a mixture that may be dropped from a spoon without spreading. Drop on a buttered pan half an inch apart and bake in a hot oven eight or ten minutes. 277 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. FamTolFJur SOUR-MILK BISCUIT 2 cups flour Vi teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon soda 1 tablespoon lard Sour milk Mix and sift the dry ingredients; rub in the brd; stir in with a knife enough sour milk to make a very soft dou,. • Holl one half inch thick; cut in small rounds and bake in a «.^ ^ oven about twenty minutes. SCOTCH OAT CAKE 1 cup oat flour '^ teaspoon salt Flour to make stiff dough The oatmeal must be finely ground and the dough very stiff. Roll out on a floured board to one eighth of an inch in thickness and bake the sheet in a very slow oven until dry and hard but not brown. Break into irregular pieces. POP-OVERS 2 eggs 1'/^ cups flour IV2 cups milk Vi teaspoon salt Beat the eggs together; stir in the milk; add gradually the sifted flour and salt; beat for five minutes and strain through a sieve. Butter gem pans and set them in a quick oven to heat. When hot fill each pan about one third full of batter; return to the oven and bake about twenty-five minutes. Serve at once. GLUTEN GEMS 2 eggs • IV^ cups gluten flour 1 cup milk 2 teaspoons baking powder Beat the yolks of the eggs; add the milk; then the flour and baking powder; beat well; stir in the whites and bake in hot but- tered gem pans about twenty minutes. GRAHAM PUFFS 2 cups graham flour V2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 2 cups milk 3 eggs Mix the dry ingredients; add the milk, then the eggs beaten until very light; beat for three minutes; turn into hot buttered gem pans and bake in a moderate oven for about half an hour. 278 gimi";Vf"Fo"ur BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. ZWIEBACK 1 cake compressed yeast 2 eggs 1/2 cup milk, scalded and cooled 2 tablespoons sugar 2% cups sifted floiu: V2 teaspoon salt Dissolve t> ? '4^"ist and sugar in the lukewarm milk. Add three fourths of a c. fx flour and beat thoroughly. Cover and set aside in a moderately warm place to rise for fifty minutes. Add lard (or butter), eggs well beaten, enough flour to make a dough — about two cups — and salt. Knead ; shape into two rolls one and one half inches thick, and fifteen inches long. Protect from draft and let rise until light, which should be in about one and one half hours. Bake twelve minutes in a hot oven. When cool cut diagonally into half-inch slices. Place on baking sheet and brown in a moderate oven. WAFFLES WITH YEAST 1 cake compressed yeast 1 tablespoon melted lard or butter 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled 2 eggs 1 tablespoon sugar 2V2 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm liquid; add lard or butter, flour, salt, and eggs well beaten. Beat thoroughly until batter is smooth; cover and set aside to rise in a warm place, free from draft, for about one hour. When light, stir well. Have waffle iron hot and well greased; fill the cool side. Brown on one side; turn the iron and brown on the other side. If the batter is too thick, the waffle will be tough. If wanted for over night, use one fourth cake of yeast and an extra half teaspoon of salt. Cover and keep in a cool place. ONE-EGG WAFFLES lYz cups flour 134 cups milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 egg y4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons melted butter Mix the dry ingredients; add the milk slowly; then the egg, well beaten, and the melted butter. Beat the batter for several minutes; drop by spoonfuls on a hot buttered waffle iron, putting one tablespoonful in each section of the iron. Bake and turn, browning both sides carefully; remove from the iron; pile one on top the other and serve at once. 279 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Family of fJu? THREE-EGG WAFFLES 2 cups flour 1V4 cups milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon melted butter 14 teaspoon salt 3 Mix and sift the dry ingredients; add the yolks of the eggs beaten and stirred into the milk; then add the melted butter and fold in the whites of the eggs. Bake and serve as directed under One-Egg Waffles. BREAD STICKS Take rusk or bread dough — rusk is better — and when light cut pieces from the side and roll under the hands to the length of the pan and the thickness of a lead pencil. Let rise until light; bake in a hot oven and when nearly done glaze with beaten egg. GRIDDLE CAKES All batter cakes are better baked on an ungreased griddle, as they rise and keep their shape, and do not follow the grease. You will be rid of the disagreeable smoke and the odor of burning fat. Your griddle need not necessarily be of soapstone. If you have an old griddle and clean it thoroughly, being sure to remove all burned fat or batter, it can be used in this way. OATMEAL GRIDDLE CAKES 1 cake compressed yeast IV2 cups corn meal 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled 1 cup sifted flour 2 level tablespoons brown sugar 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar (or molasses) in the lukewarm milk; add flour, eggs well beaten, corn meal, salt, and beat until smooth. Cover and set aside to rise in a warm place for about one hour, or until light. Stir well and bake on a hot griddle. If prepared over night, use one fourth cake of yeast and an extra half teaspoon of salt. Cover and keep in a cool place, WHEAT GRIDDLE CAKES 1 cake compressed yeast 2 tablespoons melted lard 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 2 cups sifted flour 1 cup lukewarm water V2 teaspoon salt 2 level tablespoons brown sugar 2 eggs Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm liquid. Add lard (or butter), then flour gradually, the eggs well beaten, and salt. 280 gLmii?''of°Four BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Beat thoroughly until batter is smooth; cover and set aside for about one hour, in a warm place free from draft, to rise. When light, stir well and bake on a hot griddle. If prepared over night, use one fourth cake of yeast and an extra half teaspoon of salt. Cover and keep in a cool place. GRIDDLE CAKES No. 1 2 cups flour 2 eggs V^ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 teaspoons baking powder Milk (about V/z cups) Mix and sift the dry ingredients; add the milk and beaten eggs; beat thoroughly; add melted butter and drop by spoonfuls on a hot griddle. Serve with butter and maple syrup. GRIDDLE CAKES No. 2 2 cups flour 2 eggs V2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon soda Sour milk (about 2 cups) Mix and bake as directed for Griddle Cakes No. 1. One egg may be used instead of two, but more beating will be necessary. GRIDDLE CAKES No. 3 1 cake compressed yeast 4 level tablespoons brown sugar jl cup lukewarm water 4 tablespoons melted lard 1^/4 cups milk, scalded and cooled 1 teaspoon salt 2V2 cups sifted flour Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm liquid; add lard (or butter), flour gradually, and salt. Beat thoroughly; cover and set aside to rise for about one hour, in a warm place, free from draft. When light, stir well and bake on hot griddle. If wanted for over night, use one fourth cake of yeast and an extra half teaspoon of salt. Cover and keep in a cool place. BUCKWHEAT CAKES No. 1 1 cake compressed yeast 2 level tablespoons brown sugar 2 cups lukewarm water 2 cups buckwheat flour 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 1 cup sifted white flour 11/2 teaspoons salt Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm liquid ; add buck- wheat and white flour gradually, and salt. Beat until smooth; 281 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Fa''may"1.1 'p'Ju'r cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, to rise — about one hour. When light, stir well and bake on a hot griddle. If wanted for over night, use only one fourth cake of yeast and an extra half teaspoon of salt. Cover and keep in a cool place. BUCKWHEAT CAKES No. 2 1 pint buttermilk Pinch of salt Buckwheat flour 1 tablespoon molasses 14 cake yeast V4 teaspoon baking soda Into the buttermilk stir enough flour to make a soft batter; add the yeast cake dissolved in a little warm water and the salt and beat thoroughly. Let rise over night and in the morning stir in the molasses and baking soda. Save a cup of the batter to be used instead of yeast for the next baking. RICE CAKES 1 cup flour 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon melted butter 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup boiled rice Milk Mix and bake as directed for Griddle Cakes No. 1, beating the rice into the milk before adding. CORN GRIDDLE CAKES V4 cup corn meal 1 cup flour 3/4 cup boiling water 2 teaspoons baking powder Milk (about 1/2 cup) 1 egg V2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons molasses Add meal to boiling water and boil five minutes; when luke- warm stir in the milk; add dry ingredients, sifted, the beaten egg and molasses. Bake on a hot griddle and serve with butter and maple sugar. CRUMB GRIDDLE CAKES 34 cup bread crumbs 1 egg 1 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon salt y^ tablespoon butter 1/2 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Cook the crumbs, milk and butter for fifteen minutes; rub through a sieve; cool and add the yolk of the egg and the dry ingredients sifted. Fold in the white and bake on a hot griddle. 282 ?a1S3fo'fTo^ur BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. MOLLETE y^ cup cold winter squash V2 cup corn meal 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup flour 1 egg V4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder Beat the squash with the milk and ^gg\ add the other ingredi- ents; mix all together into a smooth batter and bake in small cakes on a hot griddle. In Mexico these are served hot, with a little sugar sprinkled on each. DROP DUMPLINGS 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder y^ teaspoon salt 1 scant cup milk Mix the flour, salt and baking powder; stir in the milk and drop the batter by spoonfuls into the boiling stew. Cover and cook for ten minutes. If preferred, they may be dropped on a buttered plate and cooked in a steamer over boiling water. In either case they should be served immediately. ROLLED DUMPLINGS V2 cup suet y2 teaspoon salt 1 cup flour Vi cup cold water Chop the suet very fine; mix it with the flour and salt; then with a knife stir in the water, ice-cold. When thoroughly mixed roll the dough into tiny dumplings about the size of a marble; drop them into the soup; simmer for fifteen minutes and serve. 283 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Planned for a Family of Four 284 ?L''^S?''o?°foLr BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. 19 285 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Fa^X-'orF-Ju? 286 CAKES CAKES CAKE baking, or rather the baking of good cakes, is an art perhaps, but not necessarily a difficult art. The essentials are to have good materials and to follow carefully the directions for mixing and baking. Mixing Accuracy in the proportion of ingredients is absolutely neces- sary. To insure it, instead of depending on ordinary cups and spoons, no two of which hold exactly the same quantity, it is well to have utensils of regulation size — a measuring cup divided into quarters and thirds, and holding half a pint, a few tea- and tablespoons, a case knife, and several mixing spoons. For the sake of convenience cakes may be divided into two main classes — sponge cakes, or cake without butter, and butter cakes. In the main, one method of mixing for cakes of one class is followed. To mix sponge cake: Separate the yolks of the eggs from the whites, and beat the yolks with an egg-beater until they are thick and lemon-colored. Then add the sugar a little at a time, beating constantly. Now beat the whites until they are stiff and dry; add them and the sifted dry ingredients as directed in the recipe. Do this with as few motions as possible, as otherwise the air bub- bles enclosed in the mixture will be broken and all previous work undone. To mix butter cake: Use an earthen bowl for mixing such cakes, and a wooden mixing spoon with slits in it, to lighten the labor of creaming and stirring. Measure the dry ingredients; mix with the flour and sift. Next break the eggs, dropping each into a saucer first in case the whole egg is to be used, so that if a stale egg happens to be among them it can be detected easily and in time. If the whites and yolks are to be used separately, divide them as you break the eggs, and beat both well before using — the yolks until light and the whites until stiff and dry. ' 289 CATT'TTO Planned for a AJVi2/0 Family of Four Then measure the butter, and if it is too hard to work well, let it stand in a warm place until it has become softened, but not melted. If there is not time for this, warm the bowl by pouring hot water into it, letting it stand a few minutes, then emptying and wiping it dry. Do not let it get too warm, however, or the butter will become oily instead of creamy. If fruit is to be used, wash and dry it the day before. Dust with flour just before using, and mix with the hand till each piece is powdered, so that all will mix evenly with the dough instead of sinking to the bottom. Be sure to have all the ingredients ready before beginning to mix. Put the butter into the bowl; work it until soft and creamy, and gradually add the sugar, beating constantly. Next add the eggs, or the yolks, whichever the recipe specifies, and then the liquid. Work in the flour, a little at a time; or, if desired, add small quantities of flour and liquid alternately until the entire amount of each has been used. Baking Grease the pans carefully with butter or suet; dust lightly with flour; shake out the flour and pour in the batter. Then lift the pans into the oven. The essential point, of course, is that the oven have just the proper degree of heat for the kind of cake to be baked. If it is too hot at first, the cake will form a crust on the outside before rising to its full height, and in continuing to rise it will lift the top and break it, thus producing an unsightly loaf. If it is too cool, the cake will either fall, or rise and run over the sides of the pan, making the loaf not only unsightly, but of a coarse texture. Cake should be watched while baking. If the oven door is opened and closed carefully there is no danger of causing the cake to fall. If the cake browns too quickly, cover it with paper and reduce the heat. Small cakes require a hotter oven than loaf cake. All cakes except pound cake shrink away from the edges of the pan when done, and in most cases no further test is necessary. Cakes may, however, be tested by sticking a fresh broom straw into the center; if it comes out clean the cake is done. If the cake cracks open on top too much flour has been used. If of coarse texture the cake has not been well beaten or the oven has been too slow. 290 Planned for a r\ a V17Q Familv of Four \^/iJ\.J10 BAKING POWDER 8 ounces bicarbonate of soda 1 ounce tartaric acid 1 package high-grade cornstarch Put all the ingredients together and sift them thoroughly five times. Keep closely covered in glass jars or tin boxes. ANGEL CAKE Whites of 11 eggs IV^ cups granulated sugar 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup sifted flour 1 teaspoon flavoring Beat the eggs until light; add the cream of tartar and beat to a stiff froth; then add the sugar gradually. Fold in the flour after it has been sifted five times; add the vanilla and pour the mixture into an unbuttered angel-cake pan. Bake in a moderate oven forty -five or fifty minutes; turn the pan upside down and let it stand until the cake falls out. SPONGE CAKE No. 1 6 large eggs V? lemon 11 ounces granulated sugar Pinch of baking powder 33^ oimces sifted fiour Pinch of salt Beat the yolks and the whites separately until very light. Into the yolks beat the sugar; then add the lemon, salt, baking powder and half the flour. Fold in half of the whites; add the remainder of the flour, then the remainder of the whites. Pour into a greased pan and bake in a slow oven for forty-five minutes or one hour. SPONGE CAKE No. 2 5 eggs Juice and grated rind of Vz lemon 1 cup sugar Pinch of salt 1 cup flour Beat the yolks until light; add the sugar gradually, then the lemon. Beat the whites until stiff and dry; cut them into the first mixture; then sift and fold in the flour, but do not stir the mixture. 291 CAKES ^'^^''^^ *^' ^ Family of Four SPONGE CAKE No. 3 4 eggs 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla or lemon Beat the yolks of the eggs and the sugar thoroughly; then add the sifted flour and the whites alternately and the baking powder and vanilla last. Pour into a greased Turk's head and bake in a quick oven about fifteen minutes. CREAM SPONGE For cream sponge follow the recipe for Sponge Cake No. 3; bake in layers and fill with a custard made from the following: 1 cup milk V2 cup sugar 11/2 tablespoons cornstarch Yolk of 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Cook like any other custard in a double boiler. JELLY ROLL 3 eggs V2 cup cold water iVz cups sugar Juice of 1/2 lemon 2 cups flour y4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder Beat the yolks with the sugar; add the liquid and sifted dry ingredients alternately; fold in the beaten whites and pour into shallow buttered tins, using only enough batter to cover the bottom of the pan. Bake about twelve minutes in a moderate oven; turn out on a paper well dusted with powdered sugar; cut off a thin strip from the sides and ends of the cake; spread with jelly and quickly roll. After the cake has been rolled wrap paper around it so that it will keep its shape. POTATO-FLOUR CAKE Yolks of 4 eggs 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup potato flour Whites of 4 eggs Beat the yolks of the eggs very light with the sugar; add the potato flour and baking powder; flavor; fold in the whites care- fully and pour the mixture into a buttered tin. Bake in a very slow oven for about thirty-five minutes. 292 Planned for a Family of Four CAKES POUND CAKE 1 pound butter 10 eggs 1 pound sugar Vx teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 pound flour 2 tablespoons brandy Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the yolks of the eggs beaten light; then beat the whites to a stiff froth and add them alternately with the flour; flavor; put in two deep, buttered pans and bake in a moderate oven from forty to fifty minutes. ORANGE CAKE V2 pound butter ' Rind of 1 orange 1/2 pound sugar Juice of 2 oranges V2 pound flour 1 even teaspoon soda 5 eggs 1 teaspoon hot water Mix like pound cake, beating the oranges into the sugar and butter and adding the soda dissolved in hot water last. Bake in a slow oven until thoroughly, done. BRANDY BUTTER CAKE IV^ cups flour IV2 cups powdered sugar 1 cup butter V2 teaspoon baking powder 5 eggs 2 teaspoons brandy Beat the butter and flour to a cream; add the yolks, then the beaten whites, and last the sugar, baking powder and brandy., PEGGY CAKE \yi cups sugar V2 cup milk 1/2 cup butter 2 cups flour 3 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder Little grated nutmeg Mix like pound cake, adding the baking powder last. Bake in shallow tins or in a Turk's head. GOLD CAKE 34 cup butter 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 3/4 cup milk Yolks of 2 eggs IV2 teaspoons baking powder Little brandy and nutmeg Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the eggs, then the sifted flour and baking powder alternately with the milk. Flavor with brandy and a little grated nutmeg. 293 CAKES Planned for a Family of Four SILVER CAKE 1 cup sugar , 2 cups flour 6 ounces butter 2 teaspoons baking powder Whites of 2 eggs V^ cup cream 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the stiffly beaten whites of eggs, then the sifted flour and baking powder; last add the cream and flavoring. PLAIN CAKE 1/4 cup butter 1/2 cup milk 1 cup sugar 11/2 cups flour 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder V2 teaspoon vanilla Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the beaten yolks and beat all well; then add thejnilk alternately with the sifted flour and baking powder; last of all add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth, and the flavoring. Bake inVone pan or in small gem pans. BLUEBERRY CAKE 14 cup butter 1 cup milk 1 cup sugar ^ 2 cups flour 1 ®gg itiv ^ teaspoon baking powder ""^^ 1 pint blueberries Mix the same as Plain Cake, adding the berries, well washed and drained and dusted with flour. SHELLBARK CAKE 14 pound butter 1 cup shellbark meats 1 cup sugar % pouri raisins 2 eggs % pound currants 2 cups flour 14 pound citron Yz teaspoon soda 14 cyp brandy 1/2 cup milk Ten gratings of nutmeg (9 •Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the beaten eggs, then half the flour alternately with the milk in which the soda has been dissok ed; add the nuts, then the fruit, well washed and drains H and n^ixed with some of the flour; add brandy and nut- meg dtA the remaining flour. Bake in a moderate oven. 294 Planned tor a ri A VX^o Family of Four V^AJVJC/O . LEMON CAKE 1/2 cup butter iVz teaspoons 'jaKing powder 11/2 cups sugar 11/2 cups flour 3 eggs V4 cup milk Juice and grated rind of Yz lemon Beat tlie butter and sugar to a cream; add the beaten yolks; then alternately the milk and the sifted flour and baking powder; fold in the whites and add lemon. CORNSTARCH CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour V4 cup butter 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup cornstarch Whites of 3 eggs Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the milk, then ^^ - flour, cornstarch and baking powder, well sifted together, add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a loa' layers, and ice. SIMPLE LAYER CAKE iVs cups sugar % cup milk % cup butter 2 cups flour 2 eggs IV2 teaspoons baJring powder 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the egg. ;i ,, ;m flour and n.ilk alternately and the baking powder and flavorirg last. Bake in layers and fill with chocolate or other iiiling. FARMERS' FRUIT CAKE 3 cups dried apples I14 cups milk 2 cups molasses 2 eggs 1 cup butter 4 cups flour 1 cup sugai 3 teaspoons bal >^i 1 cup seeded raisins 3 teaspoons mi.> ^ ':S Soak the apples over night; chop and cook sk-:v!y with the molasses until tender. Cream the butter and sugat*. add the eggs, then the cooked apples and molasses, raisings and rnllk. Sift the flour, baking powder and spices and beat well whih * ' ing to the other ingredients. Pour into a well-grea: ■•d r'l. bake in a slow oven. 295 P A TTTT Q Planned for a V^AJV.C/0 Family of Four ECONOMICAL FRUIT CAKE y^ cup butter 1 egg 2 cups brown sugar V2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 pound raisins V2 teaspoon cloves 1 pound currants Pinch of salt V2 pound citron 1 cup warm coffee 1 cup molasses 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Wash the fruit thoroughly and put it in a warm place to dry. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the egg, fruit and spices; then the flour and coffee alternately and the baking powder last. Line a deep baking pan with well-buttered paper; poux the batter into it and bake in a slow oven about three hours. ONE-EGG CAKE i cup sugar 1/2 cup milk V4 cup butter 1% cups flour 1 egg 1^2. teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon flavoring Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the egg beaten very hght, then the milk and flavoring. Sift the flour and baking powder together; add these to the mixture and beat well. Bake about half an hour. MOCK POUND CAKE y^i P "Und pulverized sugar 14 cup milk V4 p'^'und butter 13^ cup flour 3 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the yolks of the eggs: then alternately the milk and the sifted flour and baking powder. Then beat the whites of the eggs very stiff and stir them into ihe mixture carefully. Pour into a greased pan and bake one hour in a moderate oven. COCOANUT CAKE */2 cup butter 1/2 cup milk T cup sugar 13^ cups flour ^ V2 cup shredded cocoanut 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 eggs Flavoring Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the cocoanut and eggs; then add the milk and sifted flour and baking powder. 296 Planned for a PATT'PR Family of Four V/AJ\.r/0 Flavor to taste; turn Into a greased pan and bake in a moderate oven for about forty-five minutes. LADY CAKE 6 ounces butter V^ teaspoon almond extract 1 cup powdered sugar Whites of 3 eggs 14 cup milk 11/2 cups flour V2 teaspoon baking powder Beat the butter to a cream; add the sugar gradually, then the flavoring and milk and the iDeaten whites alternately with the sifted flour and baking powder. WHITE CUP CAKE y^ cup butter Vi cup cream 1 cup powdered sugar 2 cups flour Dash of nutmeg Whites of 3 eggs Grated rind of V^ lemon V2 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon hot water Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add lemon rind and nutmeg, then the cream, then the flour alternately with the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Last add the soda dissolved in the hot water. Bake in shallow buttered tins or all in one. CINNAMON SWEET CAKE 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups flour 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg 2/4 cup milk \yi teaspoons baking powder Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the egg and cin- namon; then the flour and milk alternately and the baking powder last. Pour into two shallow greased baking tins; spread brown sugar, cinnamon and bits of butter over the top and bake in a moderately hot oven. MARSHMALLOW CAKE 14 cup butter IV^ cups flour 1 cup sugar Grated nutmeg 2 eggs \y^ tablespoons sherry wine V^ cup milk 1 level teaspoon baking powder Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the eggs, one at a time, then the milk, then the flour and wine, and last lie baking 297 r« A Xr "C* e Planned for a ^ilJ\.JlrO Family of Four powder. Beat thoroughly after adding each ingredient. Bake in layers and fill with marshmallow filling. COFFEE LOAF CAKE Va cup butter 1 egg Vi cup sugar 1 cup seeded raisins 1/2 cup molasses 2 cups flour Vz cup strong coffee V2 teaspoon soda Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the molasses, then the beaten egg and coffee. Wash and drain the raisins; dredge with flour and add to the mixture; then add the sifted flour and soda. Beat well and pour into a deep, greased pan. Bakr about one hour. ' - '^ MARBLE CAKE 1 cup butter 3 cups flour 2 cups powdered sugar 1 cup sweet milk 4 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 square unsweetened chocolate Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the yolks of the eggs, then the sifted flour and baking powder alternately with the milk. Fold in the whites; take one third of the batter out and add to it the chocolate melted and thinned with a little hot water. Into the baking pan pour the yellow mixture to the depth of one inch; drop into this in two or three places a spoonful of the dark mixture, giving it a slight stir with the tip of a spoon and spreading it in broken circles around the dark mixture. Pour in more yellow batter, then more brown, proceeding in the same way until all the batter is used. Bake in a moderate oven. SURPRISE CAKE 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup raisins 1 cup sugar ^ 2 cups flour V2 teaspoon allspice ^ 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 cup apple sauce Vi teaspoon cloves 1/2 cup boiling water Rub the butter into the sugar and add the raisins and spices. Thin the apple sauce with the boiling water and add it to the other ingredients. Bake in a moderate oven for one ho^te*. 298 Planned for a P A'K'TrQ Family of Four V^AX^JZ^O SNIPPY-DOODLE 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon butter Vz cup milk 1 egg 1 teaspoon baking powder Beat the butter and sugar to a cream and add the egg. Then stir in the flour and the milk alternately; add the baking powder last. Pour into a shallow, greased baking tin; and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake in a moderate oven. SPONGE GINGER CAKE V2 cup sour milk 1 egg V2 cup molasses V2 tablespoon ginger 1/4 cup butter 2 cups flour 34 tt aspoon soda ^ ogether the molasse , butter, ^g'g^ milk and ginger; then stir . ihe flour and last the soda dissolved in a very little hot water. Bake in shallow square tins. GINGERBREAD 1 cup sugar 1 cup molasses 1/2 cup butter and lard 3 cups flour 2 eggs 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 cup sour milk 11/2 teaspoons ginger 2 even teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon cloves y^ teaspoon grated nutmeg Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; aid the eggs, then the milk with the soda dissolved in it, last the molasses, spices and flour. Bake in square tins about twenty minutes. MOLASSES CAKE y^ cup granulated sugar 2V2 cups sifted flour 1/2 cup butter 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 cup molasses IV2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 even teaspoons soda Salt to taste 1 cup boiling water 2 beaten eggs H Cream the butter with the sugar and add the molasses; then add the boiling water in which the soda has been dissolved. Measure the flour after it is sifted; stir it into the molasses mix- ture when that has cooled; add spices and salt and last of all the eggs. Bake in a shallow greased pan in a very slow oven. ^ 299 CAKES Planned for a Family of Foui MOCHA TORTE 6 eggs 3^ cup sifted flour - 3^4 cup sugar (half pulverized) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon essence Turkish coffee 1 cup whipped cream Beat the sugar thoroughly with the yolks of the eggs; then add the coffee, and the sifted flour and baking powder alternately with the well-beaten whites. Bake in two layers and put the whipped cream between the layers. For the icing use one cup of pulverized sugar, one tablespoon of boiling water and one tablespoon of coffee essence. PATRIOTIC CAECE (1776 RECIPE) 1 pound risen bread dough 1 level teaspoon soda 2 cups brown sugar 1 tablespoon water 1 cup butter 1/2 pound currants 3 eggs 1/2 pound seeded raisins 2 tablespoons cream 1 level teaspoon cloves . 1 level teaspoon nutmeg To the risen bread dough add the other ingredients, dissolving the soda in the water and having the currants and raisins thor- oughly washed and drained. Pour the mixture into a greased pan and set it in a warm place to rise for twenty minutes. Bake in a moderate oven and when cool, ice and ornament with candied cherries. DEVILJ' FOOD 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate iy2 cups sugar Yolks of 4 eggs Vz cup butter 34 cup milk 1 34 cups flour Whites of 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla Melt the chocolate with half the milk and the yolks of two eggs over hot water and cook until a thick custard is formed. Cream the butter and sugar; add v the remaining eggs, the flour and baking powder, sifted, the milk, vanilla and chocolate custard after it has cooled. Bake in layers and cover with boiled white frosting. Or cut out the centers of the two upper layers and fill with whipped cream to which sugar, cherries and nuts have been added. Put the cream between the layers, also, and ice the top. 300 ♦ Planned for a P A "K" T? Q Family of Four V^iiJVX!/0 SPANISH BUN No. 1 3 ounces butter 6 ounces flour 1/2 pound sugar Vz cup cream 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder V^ cup currants Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the yolks of the eggs, then the cream alternately with the sifted flour, mixing the baking powder with the last of the flour. Then add the whites of the eggs, beaten very stiff, and last of all the currants, thoroughly washed and dried. Bake in shallow tins and ice with boiled icing. SPANISH BUN No. 2 Vi pound butter ^A pound flour 3/4 pound sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 eggs % cup milk Dash of nutmeg 6 ounces currants Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the eggs and grated nutmeg, then alternately the milk and sifted flour and baking powder. Last of all add the currants, well washed and drained and dusted with flour. CUP CAKES 1/^ cup butter ^A teaspoon baking powder 1 cup sugar 11/2 cups flour 2 eggs 10 drops almond extract Milk (about '/^ cup) Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the eggs and beat until light; add sifted flour, baking powder, flavoring and milk to make a smooth batter, medium thick. Bake in well-greased cups or 'gem pans. DROP CAKES 14 cup butter 3 tablespoons milk 34 cup sugar 1V4 cups flour 1 egg 1 teaspoon baking powder Beat the butter, sugar and egg together; add the milk, flour and baking powder, well sifted, and flavoring if desired. Drop from a spoon three inches apart on buttered tins and bake quickly in a hot oven. 20 301 CAKES Planned for a Family of Four CHOCOLATE DROP CAKES Whites of 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 2 ounces grated chocolate 3 ounces flour Beat the eggs to a stiff froth; add the sugar, then the chocolate, melted, and the flour. Drop from a spoon on buttered tins, allowing room for the mixture to spread. Bake in a quick oven. CURRANT DROP CAKES 1 cup powdered sugar Va cup sour cream Vs cup butter V2 teaspoon soda 1 egg 1 teaspoon hot water 1% cups flour 14 cup currants Stir the butter and sugar to a cream; add the egg, beaten until very light, then the sifted flour. Beat all well together; add the cream and the soda dissolved in hot water. Last add the cur- rants, washed and drained and mixed with a teaspoon of flour. Drop the mixture on buttered tins and bake in a hot oven. GINGER DROP CAKES V2 cup butter 1 tablespoon ginger 1 cup molasses 2 eggs 1/2 cup sugar V2 tablespoon soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 14 cup hot water Flour to make stiff batter Warm the butter slightly; beat it in the molasses; add the ginger, sugar and salt, then a little of the flour, then the beaten eggs, then more flour. Make the batter stiffer than needed to allow for the soda and hot water, which are to be added last. Drop on buttered tins and bake in a quick oven. OAT CAKES 1 cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon flour 1 large tablespoon butter 2y2 cups rolled oats 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream the sugar and butter; add the eggs, beaten separately and then together, the vanilla and the dry ingredients, well mixed. Drop the mixture from a teaspoon on buttered tins, allowing room for the cakes to spread. 302 PASTRY AND PIES Planned for a Family of Four CAKES OAT COOKIES 1/2 cup sugar 1/3 cup butter 1 egg y\ teaspoon salt 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup flour V2 cup chopped raisins V2 tablespoon cinnamon 14 teaspoon soda 1 tablespoon hot water Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; mix in the other ingre- dients, adding the soda last, dissolved in the hot water. Roll the dough into small balls like nuts and bake on buttered tins in a moderately hot oven. PEPPERNUTS 1V4 pounds brown sugar 3 eggs 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda 1 tablespoon hot water Flour to make dough Beat the eggs thoroughly; add the sugar and beat again. Then add the chopped walnuts and spices and some of the flour. Add the soda dissolved in the hot water and more flour — enough to make a dough that can be rolled out on a pie board. Roll one eighth of an inch thick; cut into tiny rounds and bake on greased tins. BELGRADER BREAD 1 pound powdered sugar 4 eggs 14 pound chopped almonds y\ pound chopped citron 1 small nutmeg grated V4 teaspoon cloves y^ teaspoon powdered hartshorn Sufficient flour to make dough Beat the eggs and sugar together; add the almonds, citron and spices; then add the flour gradually. Take one-fourth of the dough; roll it out on a board well dusted with flour; cut into diamond-shaped pieces; place half an almond or pecan in the center of each, and paint with egg, using a small stiff brush. Bake on greased tins in a hot oven. ALMOND ROCK CAKES 3/4 pound chopped almonds 1 pound powdered sugar Pinch of salt Whites of 5 eggs Add the salt to the eggs and beat as stiff as possible. Add the sugar gradually, then the almonds. Drop from a teaspoon on buttered tins and bake in a slow oven until delicately browned. 303 CAKES "^"*'^*' '^' Family of Four MACAROONS 1/2 pound shelled almonds 1 pound pulverized sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Wliites of 3 eggs Blanch the almonds and plunge them into cold water. Run them through a chopper or pound them as fine as possible; add the vanilla and sugar and the whites of the eggs, well beaten. Work the paste thoroughly; then dip the hands in water and roll the paste into balls the size of a nutmeg. Lay them on buttered paper an inch apart and bake fifteen or twenty minutes in a slow oven. COCOANUT MACAROONS 1 grated cocoanut y^ cup flour y^ its weight in sugar White of 1 egg Mix the cocoanut thoroughly with the sugar and flour; add the white of the egg, well beaten, and work the paste carefully. Roll it into balls the size of a nutmeg and lay them on buttered paper. Bake fifteen or twenty minutes in a slow oven. NUT MACAROONS Whites of 2 eggs y-i tablespoon flour y^ pound powdered sugar Pinch of salt 1/2 pound chopped nuts Beat the whites very stiff; stir in the sugar, flour and salt and last the nuts. With wet hands roll the mixture into small balls and bake on buttered paper. CHOCOLATE CAKES 2 cups sugar 1 cup grated chocolate 14 cup butter 2 cups flour 2 eggs y^ teaspoon vanilla Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the yolks of the eggs and the chocolate (melted by standing over hot water); then add alternately the flour and the well-beaten whites of the eggs. Add the flavoring; work the mixture well and roll it in long narrow pieces. Roll these in granulated sugar and bake them on pans dusted with flour. If the cakes spread and crack open like macaroons they are right. 304 Planned for a r* A VTTQ Familv of Four ^^ilJ\JiO Family of Four CHOCOLATE WAFERS 2 pounds sugar 14 tablespoons melted lard 3 eggs and butter yz pound grated chocolate Flour to make dough 2 teaspoons cinnamon Beat the eggs with the sugar; add the other ingredients, melt- ing the chocolate first over hot water, and using enough flour to make a dough that can be rolled very thin. Roll; cut with a round biscuit cutter and bake on buttered tins in a quick oven. A.P»S 3^ cup butter 2 eggs 1 cup sugar yi pound flour Beat the butter and sugar to a cream ; add the eggs well beaten, then the flour. Drop by the half teaspoon on buttered tins and bake until the edges are delicately browned. GINGER SNAPS No. 1 1 cup melted butter and lard 1 tablespoon ginger 14 cup sugar 1 scant tablespoon soda 1 cup molasses y^ cup milk Flour to make stiff dough Mix the butter and lard with the sugar; add some flour, then the molasses and ginger, and the soda dissolved in a very little warm water. Continue adding flour and milk alternately until a stiff dough is formed. Roll out as thin as possible; cut into round cakes and bake on greased tins in a quick oven. GINGER SNAPS No. 2 y^ cup molasses V2 cup butter 1/4 cup sugar V^ cup sour milk IV2 tablespoons ginger y^ teaspoon soda y^ tablespoon cinnamon y^ tablespoon hot water Flour to make stiff dough Boil the molasses, spices and sugar together; add the butter, sour milk and the soda dissolved in hot water. Add sufficient flour to make a stiff dough; roll very thin; cut into round cakes and bake in a hot oven. 305 CAKES '^'''"""^ '^' ^ Family of Four ORANGE GINGERBREAD 12 ounces flour 1 teaspoon allspice 4 ounces brown sugar 2 ounces candied orange peel 1 teaspoon ginger 4 ounces butter Molasses Sift the flour; stir in the spices and chopped orange peel ; warm the butter and add it; then mix all to a dough with molasses. Roll very thin, using as little flour as possible; cut in small round cakes and bake in a quick oven. CRISP GINGERBREAD 1 pound flour 1 teaspoon cloves % cup sugar ^^ teaspoon mace 2/3 cup butter Grated rind of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon ginger Molasses Cut and rub the butter into the flour and sugar until thoroughly mixed; add spices and lemon peel; mix thoroughly and moisten with molasses. Roll the dough very thin; cut into squares and bake in a hot oven. CYMBALS 14 pound butter V2 cup milk 1/2 pound sugar Dash of nutmeg 2 eggs y^ teaspoon soda Flour to make dough Beat the butter and sugar to a cream; add the beaten eggs and part of the flour; add the nutmeg and milk, dissolving the soda in a little of the milk. Then add enough flour to make a dough; turn on a floured board; roll out very thin; sprinkle with sugar; give another roll; cut into small rounds and bake on buttered tins. JUMBLES 2 cups sugar Flour 1 cup butter 2 tablespoons sour milk 2 eggs beaten separately y^ teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla Follow the directions for Cymbals, dissolving the soda in the milk. Add suflicient flour to make a dough just stiff enough to roll thin. Cut in rings and bake in a moderate oven. 306 f Planned for a ^ * VT? O Family of Four V^/iAii.O COOKIES 1 cup sugar i^ cup milk V2 cup butter and lard Flour to make dough 1 egg 1 teaspoon baking powder Few gratings of nutmeg Sugar and cinnamon Follow the directions for Cymbals; roll as thin as possible, and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. SAND TARTS Make jumbles, cutting them into squares. Brush the top with egg and sprinkle with granulated sugar. PEANUT CAKES Whites of 5 eggs 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup sugar Groimd peanuts Beat the eggs as stiff as possible; add the sugar and flour: then stir in enough peanuts to make a very stiff batter. Drop in small lumps on buttered tins and bake in a quick oven. FRUIT JUMBLES 1 cup butter Grated nutmeg 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 2 tablespoons brandy 10 ounces flour 1/2 pound seeded raisins or currants Stir the butter and sugar to a cream; add the brandy a id a little grated nutmeg; then the eggs beaten separately, ther' the flour, leaving out a tablespoonful to mix with the fruit. Have the fruit well washed and drained; mix with the flour and ad^'' to the batter. Drop on buttered tins and bake. MERINGUES Whites of 3 eggs 1 cup powdered sugar Vz teaspoon vanilla Beat the eggs to a stiff froth ; stir in the powdered sugar lightly with a wooden spoon. When thoroughly mixed flavor and arrange the meringue on buttered paper in the shape of eggs sift powdered sugar thickly over the top; let them stand * few minutes; shake off the superfluous sugar; lay the paper on tins 307 #s AXTTPO Planned for a ViiJvJ2/0 Family of Four and bake In a very slow oven until a delicate brown. When cool, remove carefully from the paper; dip a spoon in hot water; scoop out the inside; dust with powdered sugar and set away until serving time. Fill with ice cream or whipped cream and press together, leaving some of the cream visible. KISSES Follow the recipe for meringues, arranging in smaller mounds; T\ hen done do not remove the inside but press two pieces together, .slipping the flat sides lightly in white of egg to make them stick. PLAIN FROSTING 1 cup powdered or confectioners' sugar 2 tablespoons milk or water Vi teaspoon vanilla Add only enough liquid to make a moderately thick paste; different grades of sugar may require different amounts. '^Cwo tablespoons of cocoa or grated chocolate, melted, may be added if desired. ORNAMENTAL FROSTING 1 cup powdered sugar White of 1 egg 1 teaspoon lemon jtiice >'his frosting is to be used only for decoration on a cake that ha-s already been iced. I^eat the egg until it is lothy but not dry; add three tea- spoons of sugar and beat five minutes; add one teaspoon every five minutes until the frosting is thick; then add the lemon juice. ^ 'ontinue beating until a point of the mixture will keep any form; ; ress through a pastry tube upon the cake as desired. BOILED FROSTING 1 cup sugar 1 egg white 4 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil the sugar and water until the syrup will thread when dropped from the tip of a spoon. Pour gradually over the stiffly i^eaten white, beating constantly until the mixture is of the right t:oasistency to spread; then add flavoring and spread evenly with a knife over the cold cake. 308 Planned for a PATnTC Family of Four \-//lJVr/0 If two eggs are used instead of one the mixture will not harden so quickly and will be more easily spread. CHOCOLATE FROSTING No. 1 Make a boiled frosting, adding one square of unsweetened chocolate, grated, to the beaten egg. The chocolate will melt when the hot syrup is poured on. CHOCOLATE FROSTING No. 2 2 tablespoons melted chocolate 5 tablespoons powdered sugar 3 tablespoons boiling water Cook over the fire until smooth and glossy, and use at once. This icing is to be used for eclairs or small cakes. MAPLE-SUGAR FROSTING Yz pound maple sugar V^ cup milk Whites of 2 eggs Scrape the sugar into a saucepan; add the milk and stir over the fire until it spins a thread. Pour hot over the beaten \>^ites of eggs ; beat until it begins to thicken and spread quickly betwetx the layers of cake. DIVINITY FROSTING 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg white 3 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil the sugar and water until it forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water. Proceed as with Boiled Frosting. CHOCOLATE FILLING 5 tablespoons grated chocolate 1 egg 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons milk Vz teaspoon vanilla Melt the chocolate; add the sugar, egg and milk and cook for five minutes over boihng water. Cool slightly; add the vanilla and spread between the layers of cake. 309 CAKES Planned for a Family of Four FIG FILLING V^ pound chopped figs 3 tablespoons boiling water 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice Cook all the ingredients together in a double boiler until thick enough to spread without running off the cake. Have the cake cold and the filling hot. FRUIT FILLING Whites of 3 eggs 4 tablespoons chopped raisins 1/2 cup sugar y^. cup chopped almonds 4 tablespoons chopped citron y^ pound chopped figs Beat the whites to a stiff froth; add the sugar gradually, then the fruit and nuts. ORANGE FILLING To the juice and grated rind of one orange add enough powdered sugar to make a stiff paste. Spread between the layers of a cake, icing the top layer. LEMON FILLING 1 cup sugar V2 tablespoon butter Yolks of 2 eggs Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon Put all the ingredients in a double boiler and stir and cook until the mixture thickens. Spread between the layers of cake and ice the top with a white icing made from the whites of eggs not used in the filling. COCOANUT FILLING Make a boiled frosting; spread as usual; sprinkle cocoanut over the top; lay on another layer and do the same. MARSHMALLOW FILLING 1 cup sugar White of 1 egg 5 tablespoons boiling water 8 marshmallows V^ teaspoon vanilla Beat the white of the egg until stiff and heat the marshmallows until soft. Boil the sugar and water until it spins a thread; pour on the egg and marshmallows and beat until cool enough to spread. 310 I Planned for a CAKES Family of Four V^AX^-C/O 311 i^ A in^a Planned for a V/iiJ\Jl/0 Family of Four 312 Planned for a CAKES Family of Four V^/^J:%..CyO ai3 r^ A 1^1701 Planned for a V/iiJ\.JC/0 Family of Four 314 i. 1 HOW TO DECORATE A CAKE PASTRY AND PIES THE American fondness for pie has become a byword, anc rightly perhaps, considering the indigestibility of pastry, even at its best; yet every good cook prides herself upon the quality of her products in this particular field. Much, too, de- pends upon the way she does her work; for pastry may be light, flaky, and fairly digestible, or it may be heavy, soggy and incapa- ble of digestion even by the most healthy person. The baking is especially important, because even good crust poorly baked is unfit to eat. The oven must be hot, with the greatest heat at the bottom, so that the under crust may ha thoroughly cooked, and cooked before the filling of the pie has a chance to soak in and make it soggy. Butter makes a more digestible crust than lard, and although the recipes call for lard because that is more generally available, some other preparation is to be preferred. There are several on the market. PUFF-PASTE V^ pound butter V2 teaspoon salt 14 pound flour V4 to 1/2 cup ice-water The secret of making good puff-paste is to have all the ingredients cold. Use a marble slab if possible and avoid making the paste on a warm, damp day. It should be made in a cool place, as it is necessary to keep the paste cold during the whole time of preparation. The recipe makes two pies or four crusts. Cut off one third of the butter and put the remaining two thirds in a bowl of ice- water. Divide this into four equal parts; pat each into a thin sheet and set them away on ice. Mix and sift the flour and salt; rub the reserved butter into it and make as stiff as possible with ice-water.^ Dust the slab with flour; turn the J 317 PASTRY AND PIES FJ^ydFJur paste upon it; knead for one minute; then stand on ice for five piinutes. Roll the cold paste into a rectangular sheet about one third of an inch thick; place the cold butter in the center and fold the paste over it, first from the sides and then the ends, keeping the shape square and folding so that the butter is completely encased and cannot escape through any cracks as it is rolled. Roll put to one fourth inch thickness, keeping the rectangular shape and folding as before, but without butter. Continue rolling and fold- ing, enclosing a sheet of butter at every alternate folding until all four sheets are used. Then turn the folded side down and roll in one direction into a long narrow strip, keeping the edges as straight as possible. Fold the paste over, making three even layers. Then joU again and fold as before. Repeat the process until the dough lias had six turns. Cut into the desired shapes and place on the iceJor twenty minutes or longer before putting in the oven. If during the making the paste sticks to the board or pin, remove it immediately and stand on the ice until thoroughly hilled. Scrape the board clean; rub with a dry cloth and dust *ath fresh flour before trying again. Use as little flour as possible n rolling, but use enough to keep the paste dry. Roll with a ight, even, long stroke in every direction, but never work the rolling pin back and forth as that movement toughens the paste and breaks the bubbles of air. The baking of puff -paste is almost as important as the rolling, and the oven must be very hot, with the greatest heat at the bottom, so that the paste will rise before it browns. If the paste should begin to scorch, open the draughts at once and cool the temperature by placing a pan of ice-water in the oven. HALF PUFF-PASTE FOR FRUIT PIES V2 pound flour Ice-water 2 ounces lard 4 ounces butter . Pinch of salt * Sift the flour and salt; cut into it the lard; mix to ^ dough with cold water. Flour the pastry slab or pie board; turn out the paste; roll half an inch thick; sprinkle lightly with flour and roll again, i^ay on the butter; fold the crust over; roll as before; dust with iiour; fold and roll again. Repeat the process once more; set in a cool place for half an hour or longer; give another roll and the aste is ready for use. It should make four single crusts. 318 HOW TO MAKE PASTRY Mixing the Dough Fluting the Crust Health Pie SyVf^Fo^ur PASTRY AND PIES PLAIN PASTE 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon lard V2 teaspoon salt Ice-water Sift the flour and salt; rub in the lard with the finger tips as lightly as possible; then add water, preferably ice-water, drop by drop until a dough is formed. The amount of water will depend on the flour. Flour the bottom of the pan; roll out the crust and line the bottom of the pan with it. Trim oft' the edges; roll them out; form into a long strip and press around the edge of the crust, moistening it slightly with water first to make the dough adhere. Fill and bake in a quick oven, having the greatest heat at the bottom. A gas stove is more satisfactory for pies than a coal stove. The recipe makes two single crusts. TARTLETS Roll puff -paste one eighth of an inch thick; cut it into squares; turn the points together into the middle and press slightly to make them stay. Bake until thoroughly done; place a spoonful of jam in the center of each; cover the jam with meringue and brown the meringue in a quick oven. By brushing the top of the paste with beaten egg diluted with one teaspoon of water a glazed appearance may be obtained. TORTO FRUTAS Line the sides of a baking dish with a half puff-paste; cover the bottom with sliced pineapple; put in a layer of peeled sliced oranges, then sliced bananas and then a few slices of lemon; ^sifting a generous supply of powdered sugar over each layer. Repeat the layers until the dish is full and cover with chopped nuts and narrow strips of the puff-paste. Bake slowly for an hour or more. PEACH CRUSTS Roll puff -paste one-eighth of an inch thick; cut in two-and-a- half-inch squares and bake in a hot oven. Cool; press down the centers and place in each a half of a canned peach, drained from its syrup. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and put brandy in each cavity. 319 PASTRY AND PIES Fl^Sr^F^^r FRENCH TART ^ Roll out puff-paste; cover a pie dish with it; turij and notch the edge; fill the crust with any small preserved fruits, jam or marmalade; cut out an ornament of leaves from the crust; lay it on the top and bake for about half an hour in a quick oven. BAKED APPLE DUMPLINGS Pare and core large tart apples. Make a short pie-crust; roll thin and cut into squares large enough to cover an apple. Place one ipple in the center of each square; fill the cavity with sugar, cinni mon and ^(rated nutmeg; fold the corners to meet at the top, pinching the edges to make them stick together and hold in the juices. Bake unti' the apples are tender and serve with hard or wine sauce. PUMPKIN PIE W2 cups cooked pumpkin 1 tablespoon flour W2 cups milk 1 teaspoon vanilla ► 1 egg 4 tablespoons sugar V4 teaspoon salt Cut the pumpkin in small pieces ; peel, wash and steam or stew until tender. Mash to a pulp; cook as dry as possible without scorching and rub through a colander or coarse sieve. Mix thor- oughly with the milk and other ingredients; pour into an open , crust and Mfee slowly for forty or fifty minutes. Spices may be used in addition to the vanilla for flavoring if desired. Squash pie may be n: .de from tljis recipe, using less milk. 'I RHUBARB PIE W2 cups rhubarb 1 egg % cup sugar 1 tablespoon flour 4 Prepare the rhubarb and scaJd it as for stewing; mix with the other ingredients and bake between two crusts. LEMON MERINGUE PIE 1 cup water Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon cornstarch Yolks of 2 eggs * 1 cup sugar Whites of 2 eggs Butter size of 1 egg 2 tablespoons sugar! Boil the water; wet the cornstarch and stir it in; boil ?: "^ clear and pour on the sugar and butter. When cool add the lea:o-i 320 ^ZufJrr^ur PASTRY AND PIES and egg yolks and pour into a pie plate lined with any kind of paste preferred. Bake in a hot oven, having the greatest heat at the bottom of the oven. When nearly done cover with a meringue made from the whites of the eggs and two teaspoons of granulated sugar and return to the oven to brown. LEMON CREAM PIE 3 eggs 1 cup sugar Juice of 2 lemons % cup cream Pinch of salt Add the sugar to the lemon juice; beat the yolks and add them. Mix thoroughly; add the cream; mix again and add the whites of the eggs beaten to stiff froth. Bake in p^'^in pie crust about twenty minutes. Try vnih. a knife: when 1 knife comes out clean the custard is done. RAISIN PIE 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 1 heaping tablespoon flour Juice and grated rind of 2 lemons iy2 cups molasses 1 cup seeded raisins Stir the flour into the sugar; then add the other ingredients in the order named. Bake between two crusts, slashing the upper one. CRANBERRY TART ^ l^^ cups cranberries 3^ cup sugar V2 cup water Wash the cranberries and cook them with the sugar and wat^"* for ten minutes. Line a pie plate with paste; pour in the cran- berries when they have cooled; moisten the edges and lay narrow strips of paste across the plate, forming diamond-shaped spaces. Add a rim of paste; press into flutings with the finger and bake in a hot oven. CUSTARD PIE 2 eggs Pinch of salt 3 tablespoons sugar 1 Vz cups milk Grated nutmeg or cinnamon Beat the eggs slightly; add the sugar, salt and milk. Line a pie plate with paste; strain in the mixture; sprinkle grated nut- 321 PASTRY AND PIES Fa''X"Mg'oVr meg or cinnamon over the top and put in a quick oven. When the edge of the crust begins to brown reduce the heat and bake till the custard is just set. COCOANUT CUSTARD W2 cups milk 2 eggs Sugar to taste 1 cup grated cocoanut Boil the milk; sweeten to taste and cool. Beat the eggs sepa- rately and then together; add them to the cocoanut and combine with the milk. Bake in a crust like custard pie. CHEESE CAKE 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon cornstarch Pinch of salt 2 eggs % cup sugar 1 cake cottage cheese Scald the milk; add the sugar, salt and cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk. Stir over hot water until the mixture thickens ; then add the beaten eggs and last the cheese cake, mixed with a little extra milk. Line one pie plate or a number of small patty pans with paste; fill with the mixture and bake until the cheese custard is firm. APPLE PIE Pare, core and slice tart, juicy apples; cook them in as little water as possible; rub through a colander; add a piece of butter the size of an egg and sugar to taste; also half the peel of a grated lemon. Bake between two crusts, using half puff-paste or plain paste. CHERRY PIE Line a pie plate with half puff-paste and bake until delicately browned. Cook the cherries for several minutes in plenty of sugar, adding no water; pour them into the crust; cover with paste and bake in a quick oven. BETHLEHEM APPLE TART Pare, core and slice juicy tart apples. Line a pie plate with half puff-paste; put in layers of apples and sugar until the dish is very full; add a little water; drop small pieces of butter over the 322 ^'ZZVrF^ur PASTRY AND PIES top and sprinkle with cinnamon. Do not cover with crust but bake in a quick oven until the apples are tender. If the crust bakes before they are tender cover with an inverted pie plate to hasten the cooking of the fruit. PEACH PIE Line a pie plate with half puff-paste and fill it with layers of sliced peaches thickly covered with sugar. Heap the peaches well in the middle; cover with crust and bake. PEACH TART Follow the recipe for Bethlehem Apple Tart. MINCE-MEAT 1 pound suet 1 cup currants 2 pounds lean beef V^ cup molasses 1 quart chopped apples 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup candied orange peel 1 teaspoon cinnamon 14 cup candied lemon peel i/^ teaspoon allspice V2 pound citron 1/2 teaspoon cloves 3 cups seeded raisins 1 nutmeg, grated Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon lYz cups brandy Juice and grated rind of 1 orange 1 cup cider Let the meat simmer slowly in a covered kettle until tender; run through a meat chopper and mix with the suet, which has likewise been put through the chopper. Add the other ingredients in the order named, chopping the citron and orange and lemon peel before mixing. Put in a stone crock; cover and let stand several days to riper^ Bake in plain or half puff-paste and use puff-paste for the top crust. WASHINGTON PIE 1/^ pound butter 1 glass wine 1/2 pound sugar Grated rind of V2 lemon 5 eggs Little grated nutmeg V2 pound flour Raspberry jam Beat the butter and sugar to a cream ; add the yolks of the eggs, then the flour alternately with the beaten whites; last add the wine, nutmeg and lemon. Bake in two layers; fill with raspberry jam half an inch thick and sift sugar over the top. Serve for des- sert, cut like pie. 323 PASTRY AND PIES fJITqIfJ^ HEALTH PIE A pie lar more palatable and digestible than the ordinary American pie is made by using an earthen or porcelain baking dish and omitting the bottom crust. Fill the dish well with fruit and sugar; cover with paste and bake as usual. SHORT CAKE Puff-paste makes the finest short cake. Bake the crust in two rounds and arrange them in layers, buttering each and covering thickly with fruit, sugar and a little cinnamon if liked. Over the top layer of fruit spread whipped cream or a meringue made of the whites of two eggs and two tablespoons of granulated sugar. If the meringue is used, brown slightly in the oven. Serve cold with cream. Strawberries make the best short cake, but other berries and sliced peaches are also good. ECONOMICAL SHORT CAKE 2 cups flour 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder l^ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter Milk Sift the dry ingredients; rub in the butter; add milk to make a soft dough. Roll out a half inch thick and bake in a hot oven. When cold, cut open, butter and spread with fruit and meringue as directed under Short Cake. 824 ?i^?>fjf%^ur PASTRY AND PIES 325 PASTRY AND PIES Fa^iT^'JiPJu? 326 SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES ■0 ^m SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES THE sandwich is coming into ever wider use, for school lunch- eons, picnics, simple luncheons at home, and light refresh- ments of all sorts. Like the salad, it is capable of almost infinite variety, and necessity is frequently the mother of invention. There are certain combinations, however, that are worth repeat- ing many times, and these will lend to the resourceful housewife suggestions for others. MEAT SANDWICHES An infinite variety of meat sandwiches can be made — beef, Iamb, chicken, ham, tongue, etc. The meat may be sliced thin and placed between buttered bread or minced and mixed with mustard, catsup, Mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. f MEAT FH^LING FOR SANDWICHES 1 tablespoon butter i/^ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon flour V2 teaspoon mustard 1 cup milk Dash of red pepper Yolks of 2 eggs 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup cold meat Melt the butter in a double boiler; stir in the flour; add the milk gradually; then the eggs, well beaten, and the seasoning. Cook until thick, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. Remove from the fire; cool and beat in the lemon juice; then add the meat, finely chopped or ground. BOHEMIAN SANDWICHES Chop shrimps very fine and mix them to a paste with melted butter. Season with lemon juice, Worcestershire, salt and pepper. Spread between thin slices of toast. 329 SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES FamTolpou? ANCHOVY SANDWICHES Pound tne anchovies to a paste and mix with an equal quantity of ohves stoned and finely chopped. FIG SANDWICHES Remove the stems and chop the figs fine. Put in a double boiler with a little water and cook until a paste is formed. Add a few drops of lemon juice; set aside; when cool spread on thin slices of buttered bread. DATE AND FIG SANDWICHES Wash equal quantities of dates and figs; stone the dates; add blanched almonds in quantity about one fourth of the entire bulk; then run the whole mixture through a meat chopper. Moisten with orange juice and press tightly into baking powder tins. When ready to use, dip the box in hot water; turn out the mixture; slice and olace between thin slices of buttered bread. FRUIT SANDWICHES Soak any kind or several kinds of dried fruit in water for two hours; drain and dry thoroughly; moisten with orange or lemon or a little grape juice, and spread on thin slices of buttered bread. NUT SANDWICHES Moisten chopped nuts of any kind with cream or Mayonnaise dressing; add a little salt and spread on slices of brown bread. NUT AND RAISIN SANDWICHES Take equal quantities of nuts and raisins; moisten with cream or grape juice and spread on thin slices of bread. OLIVE SANDWICHES Take either ripe or green olives; remove the seeds; mince and mix thoroughly with Mayonnaise dressing. Spread between slices of whole- wheat or graham bread. 330 FLmSfof^Fo^ur SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES LETTUCE AND CREAM-CHEESE SANDWICHES Mix equal quantities of chopped lettuce and cream cheese; add salt and spread on thin slices of buttered bread. LETTUCE AND WALNUT SANDWICHES Mix chopped walnuts with Mayonnaise dressing and spread on thin slices of bread; lay a leaf of lettuce over each; then another slice of thin, unbuttered bread. LETTUCE SANDWICHES Pull the lettuce into small bits; mix thoroughly with Mayon- naise dressing and spread between layers of unbuttered bread. Do not make until near serving time or the lettuce will lose its crispness. EGG SANDWICHES Mix hard-boiled egg, finely chopped, with Mayonnaise dressing and spread on slices of buttered bread, preferably graham. Chopped olives may be added to the egg mixture if desired. SURPRISE SANDWICHES Take orange marmalade, pecan nuts and cream cheese in equal quantities and after mixing thoroughly spread on thin slices of buttered bread. RIBBON SANDWICHES Cut two slices of white bread and two of brown. Butter three and spread with a thick paste made of hard-boiled egg very finely chopped and mixed with Mayonnaise dressing. Build the slices up one above the other, alternating brown and white, and placing the unbuttered slice on top. Before serving, slice down as you would a layer cake. SWEET SANDWICHES Butter thin slices of bread and spread with any kind of fruit jelly, jam or marmalade. For variation mix the preserves with cream cheese. Currant jelly is especially good in this combination. 331 SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES fJ^X'oI^o'u? MOCK CRAB SANDWICHES Vx cup grated cheese 1 teaspoon anchovy paste 14 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped olives y^ teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon lemon juice 14 teaspoon mustard 2 tablespoons butter Mix the ingredients to a cream and spread between thin slices of graham or white bread. EGG AND OLIVE SANDWICHES No. 1 4 hard-boiled eggs Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons chopped olives Olive oil and vinegar Chop the egg and mix with the olives; season and moisten with olive oil and vinegar. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread. EGG AND OLIVE SANDWICHES No. 2 Yolks of 3 hard-boiled eggs Salt and paprika 4 chopped olives 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon anchovy essence Buttered slices of bread Mix the eggs, olives, butter and seasonings to a paste; spread between thin slices of bread, preferably round. JAPAN SANDWICHES Chop raw oysters fine; season with pepper, salt and horse- radish. Spread a little on a thin slice of buttered bread; add a crisp lettuce leaf and a second slice of bread. CAVL^ SANDWICHES Remove the crusts from thin slices of bread; spread with caviar mixed with lemon juice; roll each slice and fasten with a tooth- pick or serve flat as usual. SARDINE SANDWICHES Skin and bone the sardines and mash to a paste. Season with lemon juice, cayenne pepper and salt, and spread between thin slices of bread. 332 iJ-a^M^. ^m^^-^ ' .J^' SANDWICHES glmSyVf^Fo^ur SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES CHEESE FILLING FOR SANDWICHES 2 tablespoons butter ^^ teaspoon mustard 2 tablespoons flour Salt and paprika 1 cup milk 1 cup grated cheese Melt the butter; stir in the flour; then add the milk gradually and let it cook until a thick paste is formed. Take from the fire; add the seasoning; work in the grated cheese and set away until needed. Except in very warm weather this will keep a week. CLUB SANDWICH 2 slices bread 2 slices chicken breast 2 leaves lettuce 2 slices bacon Mayonnaise dressing Toast the bread to a delicate brown and fry the bacon crisp. On one slice of toast place lettuce leaves, covering them with Mayon- naise; then lay on the pieces of chicken and the bacon; cover again with Mayonnaise; put on the second slice of toast; press down and cut through the sandwich diagonally. Work as quickly as possible so that the toast and bacon may be hot when served. COMBINATION SANDWICH 2 slices whole wheat bread 2 slices Swiss cheese 2 slices cold boiled ham Butter Butter the bread. On one slice lay the slices of cold ham; then lay on the cheese; then the other slice of bread and press down firmly. Cut across diagonally and serve. CINNAMON TOAST Toast thin slices of bread to a deHcate brown; butter evenly and sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Serve with afternoon tea. EGG TOAST 1 egg 1 cup milk Vi teaspoon salt 4 slices bread Beat the egg thoroughly and add the salt and milk. Have the bread cut in thin shces; dip them in the milk, allowing each to absorb some. Brown in a buttered frying pan or on a griddle; butter and serve hot with sugar and cinnamon or with i yrup. 22 333 SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES FamTolFJur CHEESE STRAWS Roll out plain or puff-paste until one fourth of an inch thick. Spread one half with grated cheese; fold over and roll again. Re- peat the process three or four times; then cut into strips and bake. Serve with soup or salad. SALTED ALMONDS Pour boiling water on the almonds; cool and remove the skins; dry thoroughly and brown in a hot oven using a half tablespoon of butter or olive oil (preferably the oil) to each cup of nuts. When brown, sprinkle well with salt and spread on paper to dry and cool. A still easier way to prepare the nuts is to cook them over the fire, using a larger quantity of olive oil. As the oil can be saved and used again, this method is not necessarily extravagant. SALTED PEANUTS Shell and skin freshly roasted peanuts and proceed as in salting almonds. 834 FLmi1y''of°Fo''ur SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES 335 SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES »Z='r^fef..? Family of Four 336 CEREALS CEREALS CEREALS hold an important place in the diet, ranking first among vegetable foods. They are, moreover, easily pre- pared, are both palatable and digestible, and are easily preserved without deterioration. Variety is to be found both in using the different kinds of cereals and in preparing the common cereals in new ways. Most cereals are improved by the addition of a little milk during the latter part of the cooking, and most of them are also improved by the addition of chopped dates or whole sultana raisins. Thoroughness of cooking is a factor which has an important bearing upon digestibility; and it is unfortunate that cereals are so often served for breakfast and hurriedly prepared. They should wherever possible be cooked over night, and it is for this reason that the use of the fireless cooker is to be especially recommended. The ready-cooked foods are usually higher in price and not necessarily better. Where there is no fireless cooker, however, and where the saving of fuel is to be considered, they are not necessarily more expensive. In justice to the prepared foods it may be said that they are on the whole well cooked and palatable and usually reach the consumer in clean, fresh condition. They are also frequently more tempting to the jaded appetite. For cooking cereals by the fireless method see the chapter on "Fireless Cookery." OATMEAL PORRIDGE As oatmeal is ground in different grades of coarseness, the time for cooking varies and it is best to follow the directions given on the packages. The meal should be cooked until soft, but should [339 r*T?"D17 A T Q Planned for a l^JlriVC/ill^O Family of Four not be mushy. Cook in a double boiler the required time. Keep covered until done; then remove the cover and let the moisture escape. OATMEAL WITH CHEESE 1 cup oatmeal 1 teaspoon salt Water 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup grated cheese Cook the oatmeal over night and just before serving add the butter and cheese. Stir until the cheese is melted and serve at once. BAKED APPLE WITH OATMEAL Pare and core the apples and fill the core space with left-over oatmeal mush. Put the apples in a baking dish; sprinkle with sugar; pour a little water into the bottom of the pan and bake in a moderate oven until the apples are tender. Serve warm with cream for breakfast or luncheon. WHEAT CEREALS Wheat cereals, like oatmeal, are best cooked by following the directions on the package. Most of them are greatly improved by the addition of a little milk or by |a few chopped dates or whole sultana raisins. CORN-MEAL MUSH 1 cup corn meal 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup cold water 1 pint boiling water Mix together the corn meal and salt and add the cold water gradually, stirring until smooth. Pour this mixture into the boiling water and cook in a double boiler from three to five hours. Serve hot with cream and sugar. FRIED MUSH Pour hot corn meal into a square dish that has been rinsed in cold water. When the mush is cold cut it into slices one half inch thick ; dust with flour and fry a delicate brown. Serve with syrup. 340 Planned for a Family of Four CEREALS BOILED RICE V2 cup rice 2 quarts water 1 tablespoon salt Put the rice in a strainer; place the strainer over a bowl nearly full of cold water; rub the rice; lift the strainer from the bowl and change the water. Repeat the process until the water in the bowl is clear. Have the two quarts of water boiling briskly; add the rice and salt gradually so as not to check the ebullition; boil twenty minutes or until soft; drain through a colander and place the colander over boiling water for ten minutes to steam. Every grain will be distinct and tender. If desired, the rice may be brought to a boil in a little milk instead of being steamed, though in this case the grains may not remain separate. Serve as a vegetable with butter and salt, or as a cereal with cream and sugar. RICE IN MILK IV^ cups hot milk y^ cup rice y^ teaspoon salt Clean the rice as for boiling in water; and cook with the milk and salt, adding a few seeded or sultana raisins if desired. Serve hot like boiled rice or press into small cups, cool and serve with cream and sugar. FARINA 3 tablespoons farina 1 pint boiling water V^ teaspoon salt Cook the mixture in a double boiler for about one hour. HOMINY 1 cup hominy 2 tablespoons butter 2 quarts water 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons cream Get the unbroken hominy and after careful washing soak it twenty-four hours in the water. Cook slowly in the same water in a covered vessel for eight hours or until all the water has been absorbed by the hominy; add the butter, salt and cream and serve as a vegetable or as a cereal with sugar and cream. 341 Planned for a rf^T?TDI? A T C Flanned tor a 'L/JiKJC/Ai-^O Family of Four 342 CANDY CANDY CANDY may or may not be "good for one," but every girl and woman likes to make it, and the home-made candies are usually more wholesome than those that are bought. FONDANT 2 cups granulated sugar 1 cup water V4 saltspoon cream of tartar Put the ingredients in a copper or granite saucepan; stir imtil the sugar is dissolved, but no longer. Boil until the mixture makes a very soft ball when dropped in cold water. After it has boiled a few minutes sugar will adhere to the sides of the kettle: this should be washed off as soon as it forms, with the hand first dipped in cold water. Pour the mixture slowly on an oiled marble slab or large platter; let it cool until pressure with the finger leaves a dent on the surface. If stirred while too warm or if cooked too long it will granulate and must be recooked, adding more water. When it will dent work the mass with a wooden spoon or spatula, keep- ing the mass in the center as much as possible. Continue to stir until creamy; then work with the hands until perfectly smooth. Put in a bowl; cover with oiled paper to exclude the air and let stand for twenty-four hours. Make into balls for cream chocolates and centers of walnut creams, date creams, etc., adding flavoring as desired. For cocoa- nut creams stir in grated or dried cocoanut. QUICK FONDANT White of 1 egg Confectioners* sugar Flavoring Beat the egg very stiff; stir in as much confectioners* sugar as the egg will hold; flavor and mold into small balls. 345 P A TVrF> V Planned for a ^An U 1 Family of Four CHOCOLATE CREAMS Roll fondant into balls ; dip them in melted chocolate and stand them to dry on waxed paper. The necessary utensils are a wire fork and a very small double boiler. The chocolate when melted should come nearly to the top of the inner boiler. Melt the chocolate; cool to about 80° F.; drop a ball of fondant into the chocolate; with a fork push it below the surface; remove carefully with the fork. CHOCOLATE CREAM MINTS Melt fondant over hot water; flavor with oil of peppermint and drop from the tip of a spoon on waxed paper. When cool dip in melted chocolate as directed under the recipe for Chocolate Creams. NOUGAT White of 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons cold water Confectioners' sugar 2 pounds chopped nuts Beat the egg to a stiff froth; add the water and stir in enough sugar to make a stiff paste. Turn out on a molding board well dusted with confectioners' sugar, and work the nuts into the paste. Roll out to tb'^ thickness of one half inch; cut into strips a half inch wide and an inch and a half long and put on waxed paper to dry. MOLASSES CANDY No. 1 Vz cup molasses V/z tablespoons vinegar IV2 cups sugar ^4 teaspoon cream of tartar Yz cup boiling water V4 cup butter Pinch of soda Bring the molasses, sugar, water and vinegar to a boil and add the cream of tartar. Boil until a little of the mixture becomes brittle when dropped in cold water. When nearly done add butter and soda and stir constantly. Pour into buttered tins; mark off in squares and set aside to harden; or cool slightly and pull, but- tering the hands first and adding a few drops of flavoring if desired. Pull until the candy is light; roll into sticks and set aside to cool. 346 Planned for a (^ A "KFTW F amily of Four V^AIM U X MOLASSES CANDY No. 2 2 cups molasses 1/2 cup vinegar 1 cup sugar Butter size of egg Put the molasses, sugar and vinegar in a pan and boil until the mixture hardens when dropped into cold water. Pour into but- tered pans; mark into squares and set aside to harden; or cool slightly; butter the hands and pull the candy until it is light. CINNAMON CANDY 1 pound granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 cup water 12 drops oil of cinnamon Boil the mixture until a little of it hardens when dropped in cold water; pour into shallow buttered tins and stand them in cold water, turning the edge of the candy until it cools. Add the oil of cinnamon; pull until white and put in a cool place to harden. When cold pack in an airtight vessel and leave over night. BUTTER SCOTCH 1 cup sugar Vz cup butter 1 cup molasses 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspoon soda Boil all the ingredients together until the syrup will snap when tested in cold water. Pour into buttered tins and when nearly cold cut into small squares and wrap each in paraffin paper. PINOCHE 3 cups light brown sugar V2 cup butter 1 cup milk 1 cup nut meats 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix the sugar and milk over the fire; when hot add the butter; boil and stir until the mixture forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Add nuts and flavoring and beat until the sugar begins to granulate. Pour into buttered tins; mark in squares and set aside to cool. PEANUT BRITTLE 1 quart roasted peanuts 1 pound granulated sugar Shell the peanuts; remove the skins and roll them or run them through the meat chopper. Melt the sugar over the fire; add the 347 r^ A TVTTW Planned for a L/ AIM U I Family of Four peanuts; mix and turn out on a greased marble slab or large greased tin. Roll quickly with an ordinary rolling pin that has been well greased; cut into squares and break a^jart. PRALINES 2 cups powdered sugar V2 cup cream 1 cup maple syrup 2 cups nut meats Boil the sugar, maple syrup and cream together until a little dropped in cold water will form a soft ball. Remove from fire; beat till creamy; add the nuts and drop by spoonfuls on buttered paper or tins. CHOCOLATE FUDGE 1 cups granulated sugar Butter size of egg V2 cup milk 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil the mixture until it will make a soft ball when dropped in water. Remove from the fire; beat until thick, adding the vanilla while beating. Pour into buttered pans ; mark in squares and set aside to cool. COCOA FUDGE Make the same as chocolate fudge, substituting three table- spoons of cocoa for the two ounces of chocolate. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS 1 pound sugar V2 cup milk 6 tablespoons syrup molasses Butter size of walnut 2 ounces chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil together the sugar, molasses, chocolate and milk until the mixture hardens when dropped in cold water. When nearly done add the butter; flavor after the candy is taken from the fire. COCOANUT BUTTER SCOTCH y2 cup shredded cocoanut 3 ounces butter ^2 poimd brown sugar 3 teaspoons water 1 teaspoon vanilla Pu( the sugar, butter and water into a saucepan; boil for ten minutes, stirring only occasionally. Stir in the cocoanut; test by 348 Planned for a r^ a TVrTk V Family of Four V/ AiX U X dropping a spoonful in cold water. If the mixture hardens re- move from fire; add flavoring; pour into buttered tins; mark off in squares and stand away to harden. CREAM PEPPERMINTS 2 cups sugar 9 tablespoons water Pinch of cream of tartar 10 drops oil of peppermint Put the sugar, cream of tartar and water in a granite saucepan and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Boil ten minutes; remove from fire; add peppermint and beat until the mixture thickens; then drop from a spoon on buttered paper. MEXICAN CARAMELS 2 cups granulated sugar 1 cup brown sugar lYz cups milk or cream Melt one cup of granulated sugar but do not let it brown; when a syrup add the milk or cream, then the remainder of the sugar, stirring constantly. Cook until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Pour out into a shallow pan, the bottom of which has been covered with paraffin paper; mark off in squares and set aside to cool. POP-CORN BALLS Boil syrup molasses for twenty-five or thirty minutes; stir into it corn that has been carefully popped; pour out on buttered tins and with greased hands form into balls. Puffed wheat and rice may be made into balls in the same way. FRUITS GLACE 2 cups sugar 1 cup water Washed fruit Boil the sugar and water until the syrup becomes brittle when dropped in cold water. Dip the fruit in the syrup and set in a cool place. NUTS GLACE Follow the recipe for fruits glace. Put each nut on a long pin; dip it carefully and lay on oiled paper. 83 ■ 349 P A T\m V Planned for a V-'AiN U I Family of Four CANDIED LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL Lemon and orange peel if saved can be put to excellent use. Take out the greater portion of the white inside; throw the rinds into boiling water and simmer gently for twenty minutes. Drain, weigh and take a pound of sugar to every pound of peel. Put a layer of sugar and a layer of fruit into the preserving kettle; stand it over a slow fire until the sugar melts. When melted, cook slowly until the rinds are transparent. Lift them out; drain them and when nearly dry roll in granulated sugar. MARSHMALLOWS 4 ounces pulverized gum arable 1 cup pulverized sugar 1 cup cold water Pinch of salt Flavoring to taste Soak the gum arabic in the water for two hours ; put in a double boiler; bring slowly to the boiling point and when the gum is dis- solved strain through coarse muslin. Return to the double boiler with the sugar and stir long and steadily until the mixture is stiff and white. Remove from the fire; beat hard for a minute; flavor to taste and beat for a minute more. Pour into tins well dusted with cornstarch, cut into squares and roll in cornstarch and sugar. Divmixy 6 tablespoons hot water White of 1 egg 2 cups brown sugar 1 ounce walnut meats 1 ounce chopped raisins Boil together the first three ingredients until a little of the mix- ture forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water. Beat the whites of the eggs as stiff as possible; add walnuts and raisins and pour the syrup over the eggs, beating constantly. When the mix- ture will stand alone drop from a teaspoon upon buttered plates. ORANGE PASTE 4 level tablespoons gelatine 1 orange iVa cups water 1 lemon 2 cups granulated sugar Confectioners' sugar Cornstarch Soak the gelatine in half of the water; bring the sugar to a boil in the other half and combine the two. Boil slowly but steadily 350 Planned for a p A IVm V Family of Four V^AIN U X for twenty minutes; add the grated rind of the orange and the juice of lemon and orange, making a half cup in all. Rinse a tin in cold water; pour in the mixture to the depth of one inch. When the paste is firmly set immerse the mold in warm water; turn out the paste; cut in cubes and roll in a mixture of confectioners' sugar and cornstarch. The paste may be varied by using different fruit juices, flavor- ing and coloring. KARO CANDY V2 cup cream IV^ cups brown sugar 1 cup Karo syrup V2 tablespoon butter 1/2 cup chopped walnuts Boil together the cream, syrup and sugar. Test by dropping a little in cold water, and when almost done add the butter and wal- nuts. Remove from fire; beat until creamy; empty into a but- tered pan; mark off in squares and set aside to cool. COCOANUT CONES 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup shredded cocoanut V4 cup sugar White of 1 egg Mix the sugar and cornstarch together; add the cocoanut and the white of egg beaten to a stiff froth. Form into small cones and lay at equal distances on stiff paper or on a greased baking tin. Bake in a slow oven until firm. HOARHOUND CANDY Hoarhouiid 2 pounds sugar 2 cups boiling water White of 1 egg Pour the water on as much hoarhound as it will cover; steep it on a slow fire for several hours; then strain and put the same water on a fresh supply of hoarhound and steep as before. Add enough boiling water to make a full pint; strain and when cold add the beaten white of egg and the sugar. Boil it slowly until thick, re- moving the scum that rises. Test by dropping from a spoon into cold water: when it hardens quickly it is done. Pour into buttered tins; mark off in small squares and set aside to cool. When cold break it up and put it in glass jars. 351 r* A TVTTk V Planned for a CAIN D 1 Family of Four 352 Planned for a CANDY Family of Four V^/IJ.^ U X 353 ^ A TVTT-vfr Planned for a CANDY Family of Four 354 FRUIT FRUIT FROM those who advocate a diet of only fruit and nuts to those who take time to enjoy three square meals a day, people are coming more and more to reahze the importance of fruit in the daily meal. In general it may be said that fruits are wholesome, palatable and attractive additions to the menu. Fresh fruits, of course, are largely composed of water; but dried fruits and many preserves are much more concentrated, com- paring favorably with cereals and dried vegetable foods. Fruits contain carbohydrates, considerable mineral matter and acid, and when eaten raw do much to stimulate a sluggish intestine. The methods of preparing include drying or evaporating, baking, boiling and stewing. Many fruits, too, are used in the preparation of puddings and other dishes and are made into jellies, preserves, beverages and ices. Even persons with delicate stomachs who find raw fruit indigestible can usually take it when properly prepared in some way. Several methods of preparing fruit for the table will be dis- cussed in this chapter and others will be found in the chapters on "Appetizers," "Puddings and Desserts,'* "Salads'* and "Canning and Preserving." BAKED APPLES Wash and core and if desired pare the apples. Place them in a shallow baking dish and fill the cavities with sugar, sugar and spice, sugar and seeded raisins, or sugar and chopped nuts. Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over the apples; cover the bottom of the pan with water and bake about thirty minutes or until tender. Serve with cream or with lemon or wine sauce. APPLE SAUCE See chapter on "Sauces." 357 Planned for a T7'DTTTnr» f fanned tor a r JK. U 1 1 Family of Four FRIED APPLES Cut slices a half inch thick across the apple, removing neither skin nor core; or cut the apples in quarters, removing both skin and core. Saute them in butter or drippings until tender; serve with crisp bacon. STEWED PEACHES Pare and quarter the peaches, discarding the stones. Bring to the boiling point one cup of sugar and one cup of water; cook four minutes; add the peaches and cook until tender. Pears," plums and apricots may be cooked in the same way, though the plums may require more sugar. BAKED PEACHES Plunge the peaches into boiling water to loosen the skins. Remove the skins; cut the peaches in half, discarding the stones, and lay them, cut side up, in a shallow baking dish. Fill the cavities with butter and sugar, a few drops of lemon juice and a sprinkling of cinnamon or nutmeg. Bake twenty minutes and serve on buttered toast or crackers. BAKED PEARS Wash the pears, and unless they are small quarter and core them. Place them in a deep pudding dish, well sprinkled with sugar. Add water sufficient to keep them from burning; cover and bake for two or three hours in a slow oven. If desired, a piece of stick cinnamon may be put in the pan with the pears; this will improve the flavor, BAKED QUINCES Wash, quarter, core and pare the quinces. Place them, cut side up, in a shallow baking dish, filling the cavities with sugar, mixed with a little grated lemon rind or lemon juice. Cover the bottom of the dish with water and bake in a moderate oven until soft, basting frequently. Serve hot with hjutter and sugar. STEWED QUINCES Wash the quinces, pare and core them and cut them into eighths. Cover with cold water and let them come slowly to a 358 Planned for a TDTD TTTX Family of Four P 1^ U 1 1 boil, removing the scum that rises. Wlien nearly soft add one cup of sugar for every pint of fruit and one cup of apples, pared and cut into eighths. Boil until both apples and quinces are tender. STEWED RHUBARB Select the strawberry rhubarb in preference to the white; wash it, and unless it is very old, do not peel it. Simply remove the ends and cut the stalk into small pieces. Pour boiling water on the rhubarb; drain and put it in a saucepan over the fire, covering it well with sugar and adding only enough water to keep it from burning. Cook until soft but not until the pieces have lost their identity. The quantity of sugar will have to be varied according to the age of the rhubarb. STEWED BLACKBERRIES Wash and stem the blackberries; add a little water and stew until tender. Just before they are done sweeten to taste. Some cooks thicken the juice with a little cornstarch thinned in water. If this is done the blackberries must boil for an extra minute or two until the cornstarch is cooked. STEWED RASPBERRIES Follow the recipe for Stewed Blackberries. STEWED CHERRIES Select pie cherries, preferably the morello cherries; stone them or not as desired and follow the directions for Stewed Black- berries. STEWED CRANBERRIES See chapter on "Sauces." DRIED FRUITS To cook dried fruits thoroughly they should after careful wash- ing be soaked over night. Next morning put them over the fire in the water in which they have been soaked; bring to a boil; then simmer slowly until the fruit is thoroughly cooked but not broken. Sweeten to taste. Very much less sugar will be needed than for fresh fruit. 359 17'DTTTT* Planned for a J.K.U1X Family of Four If desired cook a little stick cinnamon or other spice with the fruit. Pears, which are apt to be insipid, are especially improved by this addition. LEMON BUTTER No. 1 y^ cup sugar 1 lemon 1 ounce butter 1 egg Beat the butter and sugar to a cream and add the beaten ^gg-^ then add the lemon, juice and rind, and stir over hot water until the mixture thickens. Remove from fire and stir until cool. LEMON BUTTER No. 2 y-i cup sugar 1 teaspoon butter V2 tablespoon cornstarch V2 cup water 1 lemon 1 egg Mix the sugar and cornstarch; add the juice and rind of the lemon and the butter; then add the water and cook over hot water until the cornstarch clarifies. Pour the mixture on the beaten egg; return to the fire and stir until it thickens. 360 Planned for a T7T?TTT'P Family of Four r XS. U A X 361 T^-nTTTT^ Planned for a r K U 1 i Family of Four 362 CANNING AND PRESERVING CANNING AND PRESERVING FRESH fruit is usually more palatable and refreshing than cooked fruit, but it is on the whole less digestible and, of course, not always obtainable. The importance of canning and preserving is therefore obvious. Canned goods of all sorts can be purchased, but they are usually inferior to the home-prepared foods and the price of the better ones is so high as to be almost prohibitive. Many housewives refuse to can and preserve because they always have "bad luck"; but "bad luck" in most cases means only bad management. If proper care is taken no harm can possibly befall the foods. In canning fruits there are several points to remember. First, the preserving kettle should be porcelain-lined, and no iron or tin utensils should be used, as the fruit acids attack these metals and so give a bad color and metallic taste to the food. Second, all fruits should, if possible, be freshly picked, and it is better to have them under-ripe than over-ripe, as the fermentative stage follows closely upon the perfectly ripe stage. Third, in canning fruits the product is more satisfactory if heated gradually to the boiling point and then cooked the given time. Scrupulous cleanliness and eternal vigilance are the price of success. The kitchen should be freshly swept and dusted so that there may be as few mold spores as possible floating in the air; the fruit should be carefully gone over and bruised or gnarled portions removed; and all jars and utensils should be thoroughly sterilized. Saucepans, spoons, jars, covers, straining bag, etc., should be put on the fire in cold water, heated gradually and boiled for ten or fifteen minutes. The jars must be taken one ■4 365 ' CANNING AND PRESERVING Fa''i^?y°^ 'p'Ju'r at a time from the boiling water, and not until the moment each is to be filled. Never use old rubbers or lids that are bent and be sure that lids are boiled and rubbers dipped in boiling water one at a time just before using., Fruit must be carefully picked and washed, and all stems removed, and only as much as can be cooked while it still retains its color and crispness should be prepared. If practicable pare the fruit with a silver knife. Peaches, plums and tomatoes may be readily skinned after a three-minute plunge in boiling water. Where fruit like quinces and hard pears must be first boiled in clear water, the fruit should be dropped in cold water made slightly acid with lemon to keep the fruit from discoloring. When fruit is preserved with a large amount of sugar (a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit) it does not need to be sealed in air- tight jars; because bacteria do not readily form in the thick, sugary syrup. It is, however, best kept in small sealed jars, since molds are very likely to form. Under no circumstances should preserving powders be used. In most cases they are injurious, and in any case are the resort of the cook who is too lazy to take the proper precautions. CANNING FRUIT IN A WATER BATH Canned fruits may be cooked over the fire according to the recipes that follow; but they are, on the whole, very much better if cooked in a water bath. Prepare fruit and syrup as for cook- ing in a preserving kettle and cook the syrup ten minutes. Steril- ize the jars and utensils; fill the jars with fruit; then pour in enough syrup to fill the jars completely. Run the blade of a silver-pointed knife around the inside of the jar and put the covers on loosely. Have a wooden rack, slats, or straw in the bottom of a wash- boiler; put in enough warm water to come to about four inches above the rack; place the filled jars in the boiler, being careful not to let them touch. Pack clean white rags or cotton rope between and around the jars to prevent their striking one another when the water begins to boil. Cover the boiler and let the fruit 366 . F^^nfJrFolr CANNING AND PRESERVING cook ten minutes from the time the surrounding water begins to boil. Draw the boiler aside and remove the cover. When the steam passes off, lift out one jar at a time and place it in a pan of boiling water beside the boiler; fill to overflowing with boiling syrup; wipe the rim of the jar with a cloth wrung from boiling water; put on rubbers and cover quickly; stand the jar upside down and protected from drafts, until cool; then tighten the covers if screw covers are used, and wipe off the jars with a wet cloth. Paste on labels and put the jars on shelves in a cool, dark closet. CANNING IN THE PRESERVING KETTLE Canning in the preserving kettle is less satisfactory; but is sometimes considered easier, especially for small fruits. Cook the fruit according to the directions and see that all jars, covers and utensils are carefully sterilized. When ready to put the fruit in the jars, put a broad skimmer under one, lift it and drain off the water. Set it in a shallow pan of boiling water or wrap it well in a heavy towel wrung out of boiling water; fill to over- flowing with the fruit and slip a silver-plated knife around the inside of the jar to make sure that fruit and juice are solidly packed. ''Wipe the rim of the jar; dip the rubber ring in boiling water, place it on the jar; cover and remove the jar, placing it upside down on a board, well out of drafts until cool. Then tighten the covers, if screw covers are used; wipe the jars with a wet cloth, and stand on shelves in a cool, dark closet. The success of canning depends upon absolute sterilization and not upon the amount of sugar or cooking. Any proportion of sugar may be used, or fruit may be canned without the addition of any sugar. Juicy fruits, such as berries and cherries, require little or no water. CANNED RASPBERRIES 6 quarts berries 1 quart sugar Put one quart of the fruit in the preserving kettle; heat slowly, crushing with a wooden potato masher; strain and press through a fine sieve. Return the juice and pulp to the kettle; add the sugar; stir until dissolved; then add the remaining quarts of berries. Boil ten minutes, counting from the time they begin to boil. Skim well while boiling, and put into jars as directed. 367 CANNING AND PRESERVING FamTolFou; CANNED BLACKBERRIES Follow the recipe for raspberries. RASPBERRIES AND CURRANTS 5 quarts raspberries 3 pints currants 5 cups sugar Heat, crush and press the currants through a sieve as directed in the recipe for raspberries; add the sugar and when the syrup begins to boil add the raspberries. Proceed as with raspberries. CANNED CURRANTS 6 quarts currants 2 quarts sugar Follow the recipe for raspberries. CANNED BLUEBERRIES 6 quarts berries 1 pint sugar 1 cup water Put berries, sugar and water in the preserving kettle; bring to a boil slowly and cook for fifteen minutes. CANNED CHERRIES 6 quarts cherries 3 pints sugar V^ pint water ' Measure the cherries after the stems have been removed; stone them or not, as desired. Put the sugar and water in the preserving kettle and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add the cherries; bring slowly to a boil and cook ten minutes. CANNED GRAPES 6 quarts grapes 1 quart sugar V^ cup water Squeeze the pulp out of the skins; cook for five minutes; rub through a sieve fine enough to retain the seeds; return to the preserving kettle with the water and skins; bring slowly to the boiling point, removing the scum. Cook for fifteen minutes. gimSyVf^Fo^ur CANNING AND PRESERVING CANNED RHUBARB Wash the rhubarb thoroughly in pure water; cut it into pieces and pack it in steriHzed jars. Cover with cold water; let it stand ten minutes; pour off the water; fill again to overflowing with fresh cold water; seal with sterilized rubber rings and covers, and set away in a cool, dark place. CANNED GOOSEBERRIES 6 quarts berries 3 pints sugar 1 pint water Dissolve the sugar in the water, using three pints of sugar if the gooseberries are green and only half the quantity if they are ripe. Add the fruit and cook fifteen minutes. Green gooseberries may also be canned like rhubarb without sugar and sweetened when used. CANNED PLUMS 4 quarts plums 1 quart sugar 1 cup water Wash, drain and prick the plums. Make a syrup of the sugar and water; put part of the fruit in the boiling syrup; cook five minutes; fill and seal the jars. Put more fruit in the syrup; remove and continue the process until all the fruit has been cooked. CANNED PEACHES 8 quarts peaches 1 quart sugar 3 quarts water Make a syrup of the sugar and water; bring to a boil; skim it and draw the kettle aside where the syrup will keep hot but not boil. Pare the peaches, cutting them in half or not as desired. If in half leave one or two whole peaches for every jar, as the kernel improves the flavor. Put a layer of fruit in the kettle; when it begins to boil skim carefully; boil gently for ten minutes; put in jars and seal. Then cook more of the fruit in similar fashion. If the fruit is not fully ripe it may require a longer time to cook. '369 CANNING AND PRESERVING FrmSrofFour CANNED PEARS Follow the recipe for canning peaches. CANNED CRAB APPLES 3 quarts apples 3 cups sugar 1 quart water Boil the syrup and skim it; add the fruit and cook gently until tender. It will take from twenty to fifty minutes, according to the kind of apple. CANNED QUINCES 2 quarts quinces 3 cups sugar 1 quart water Wash and drain the quinces; pare, quarter and core them and drop the pieces into cold water to which a little lemon juice has been added. Put the fruit over the fire with cold water to cover it; heat slowly and simmer gently until the fruit is tender. With a silver fork remove each piece as soon as it is tender and drain them on a platter. Strain the water in which the fruit was cooked; put one quart of it in the kettle with the sugar; bring to a boil and skim. Add the cooked fruit and boil gently for about twenty minutes. CANNED PINEAPPLE Select ripe fruit; pare and remove the eyes; slice them in half- inch slices and cut each slice into quarters. Fill the jars with fruit, within an inch of the top. Make a cold syrup of sugar and water in the proportion of a cup of sugar to a pint of water; fill the jars with this up to the top and boil hard for three hours in a water bath. See directions for canning by this method on a previous page. CANNING VEGETABLES In canning vegetables the same precautions must be observed as in canning fruit and it is safer to use jars that have either glass or metal tops without porcelain lining. Corn should be pressed or cut from the cob and packed at once into jars. Stand the jars on a rack in a boiler; adjust the rubbers and lay the covers on, but do not fasten them. Pour water into the boiler until it reaches about four inches above the rack; cover the boiler and 370 gL'!Sny''of''F,ur CANNING AND PRESERVING boil continuously for four hours. Lift one jar at a time and fasten on the lid without removing it. When the jars are cold put them on a shelf in a cool, dark place. Peas may be canned in the same way, but each jar must be filled with water; string beans require cooking for only one hour and a half, but the jar manipulation is the same. CANNED TOMATOES Wash the tomatoes and plunge them in boiling water for five minutes. Pare and cut them into small pieces; put them in the preserving kettle over the fire and heat slowly, stirring frequently to prevent their sticking, and removing the scum that rises. Boil for thirty minutes, counting from the time the whole mass begins to boil. Put in sterilized jars and seal. CANNED MUSHROOMS Stem the mushrooms and wash them carefully, but do not peel them. Pack them closely in glass jars; adjust the rubbers and lay the lids on loosely. Stand the jars in a wash-boiler on a rack or straw and pour in water to come about four inches above the rack. Cover the boiler; bring the water to the boiling point and boil continuously for one hour and a half. By this time the mushrooms will have wilted down; so fill two jars by means of a third; cover them and put them back in the boiler. Boil for thirty minutes; fill the jars to overflowing with boiling water and quickly cover. PRESERVING FRUIT Some fruits, such as strawberries, sour cherries, sour plums, etc., are better preserved with a large amount of sugar than simply canned. They are richer, however, and cannot be eaten in such abundance as canned fruits. A thick coating of paraffin makes a good cover, but not quite so good as paper cut the proper size and dipped in alcohol or brandy, because the spirits destroy any mold spores that may happen to rest on the top. Paraffin poured on top of the paper, however, will help to insure preservation. 371 CANNING AND PRESERVING Fri^??'„1 K>'u? Family of Four STRAWBERRIES IN THE SUN 2 pounds berries 2 potinds sugar 34 cup water , Put the syrup in the preserving kettle; bring it to a boil and cook for about ten minutes, or until it begins to thicken. Add the berries; cook for ten minutes and pour them out in shallow dishes or meat platters. Cover with sheets of glass, allowing a little air for ventilation; place in the sun until the juice is thick and syrupy. This will take two days or more, but the rich color and delicious flavor of the fruit will fully repay the effort expended. Put into small jars or tumblers and cover according to directions. PRESERVED STRAWBERRIES 1 pint strawberries 1 pint sugar V2 cup water Unless strawberries are cooked in the sun they should be pre- pared only in small quantities, or they will be dark and unpalat- able. If the following directions are carefully observed the straw- berries will be plump and of a rich red color. Bring the sugar and water to a boil; add the strawberries and cook for ten minutes. Remove the berries carefully with a skim- mer and cook the syrup until it is of the consistency of jelly. Return the berries to the syrup; bring all to a boil and when cool put in glass tumblers. STRAWBERRIES AND PINEAPPLE Follow the recipe for Preserved Strawberries, using two thirds pineapple and one third strawberries. PRESERVED CHERRIES Pie cherries are best for preserving. Follow either of the recipes for strawberries. PRESERVED PLUMS OR GREEN GAGES 2 quarts plums or gages 1 quart sugar 1 cup water Prick the fruit; put it in a preserving kettle; cover well with water; boil five minutes and drain. Bring the sugar and water > 372 ^Lmn^''.'°Fo^r CANNING AND PRESERVING to a boil; boil five minutes and skim. Add the plums or green gages; cook for twenty minutes; put into sterilized jars and seal. CHERRY CONSERVE 3^4 pounds cherries 14 pound seeded raisins 21/2 pounds sugar 3 oranges Select large red cherries; stone them and cook for fifteen minutes. Heat the sugar in the oven; add it to the cherries; also the raisins and the juice and pulp of the oranges. Cook until the mixture is as thick as marmalade. Turn into sterilized glasses and seal. PRESERVED PINEAPPLE 1 pineapple 34 weight in sugar 1 cup water Peel the pineapple and put it through the meat chopper. Weigh the fruit and add three fourths of the weight in sugar. Bring slowly to a boil and simmer for about twenty minutes, or until the consistency of marmalade. MARMALADES Marmalade may be made of almost any fruits. ,If berries are used, press them through a sieve to remove seeds; if large fruit,' pare, quarter and core it. Measure the fruit and sugar, allowing one pint of sugar to every quart of fruit. Rinse the preserving kettle in cold water; put in alternate layers of fruit and sugar, making the first layer of fruit. Heat slowly, stirring to prevent the fruit from sticking. Cook for about two hours; put in small sterilized jars. GRAPE-FRUIT MARMALADE' 6 grapefruit Sugar and water Wash the fruit; remove the skin and cut it into short thin strips or run it through the chopper. Then cut the fruit into small pieces, discarding the seeds. Weigh the skin and pulp and to each pound add two pints of water. Let stand over night; then boil the fruit in the same water until it is tender. Remove from the fire; measure carefully; and to each pint of fruit and juice add one and a quarter pounds of sugar. Return to the fire and boil until the fruit is transparent and the juice a rich syrup. 373 CANNING AND PRESERVING FamX"olFour ORANGE MARMALADE 1 dozen oranges V^ dozen lemons Sugar and water Select fruit that is firm and not too ripe. Omit the lemons if preferred. With a sharp knife slice the fruit very thin, throwing away the ends and removing the seeds. Weigh, and to each pound of fruit add two pints of cold water. Let this stand over night; then boil the fruit in the same water until it is tender. Remove from the fire; weigh again; and to each pound of fruit and liquid add one pound of sugar. Boil until the fruit is trans- parent and the juice a rich syrup. SPICED CURRANTS 5 pounds currants 2 tablespoons cinnamon 4 poimds brown sugar 2 tablespoons cloves 1 pint vinegar Wash the currants and remove the stems. Place them with the other ingredients in a preserving kettle and boil gently for two hours. This makes five pint cans. PRESERVED YELLOW TOMATOES 4 potmds small yellow tomatoes Vz cup boiling water 3 pounds sugar Juice and rind of 1 lemon Wash and dry the tomatoes and prick each one in five or six places. Stir the sugar in the water until dissolved; add the tomatoes and cook until clear. When half done add the lemon juice and the rind sliced very thin. When the fruit is clear, remove it with a skimmer; put in small jars, filling them two- thirds full. Boil the syrup fast for a few minutes longer or until thick and syrupy; fill up the jars; cover with a cloth until the next day; then cover closely and stand away in a cool place. RAISIN COMPOTE 3 navel oranges 3 pints currants IV2 pounds seeded raisins 3 cups cold water 3 cups sugar Prepare the oranges as for marmalade and let them soak over night in the water. In the morning pick and wash the currants 374 pLlUliyVf^Fo^ur CANNING AND PRESERVING and add them with the washed raisins and sugar to the oranges; boil hard for about two hours and put in glass jars, closing them while hot. Serve with meat. SPICED PEARS 4 pounds fruit y2 ounce whole allspice 3 pounds sugar 1/2 ounce whole cloves 1 pint vinegar yi stick cinnamon Tie the spices in a small cheesecloth bag; boil ten minutes with the vinegar and sugar. Skim, add fruit and cook until tender. Remove the fruit; boil down the sugar and vinegar until syrupy; pour over the fruit in jars and seal. # Peaches, grapes, plums, cantaloup, quinces, watermelon rind and cucumbers may be prepared in the same way. PICKI.ED CHERRIES Make a syrup in the proportion of one pound of sugar to one pint of vinegar. Wash and stem the cherries; pack |them into sterilized jars; put the jars in a wash-boiler as directed under "Canning Fruit in a Water Bath" and surround with cold water. Let the water come to a boil; remove the jars and seal. The morello cherries are most satisfactory for pickling, and can be used in many places instead of maraschino cherries for decorating and flavoring. BRANDIED PEACHES 4 pounds fruit 4 pounds sugar 1 pint brandy Choose peaches that are not too ripe — preferably white ones. Plunge them in boiling water for three minutes; remove the skins, but do not cut them. Weigh the fruit and measure out an equal quantity of sugar. Make a syrup of the sugar and as little water as possible; dissolving the sugar gradually over a slow fire; then bring to a boil ; add the fruit and boil five or six minutes. Take out the fruit without any of the syrup; put it in the jars; boil the syrup fifteen minutes longer; remove from the fire and add the brandy. Pour it over the peaches and seal or cover immediately. 375 CANNING AND PRESERVING FamX°SfFour APPLE BUTTER 5 quarts apple pulp 1 teaspoon ground cloves 10 quarts new sweet cider 1 teaspoon ground allspice Brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon The apples should be tart and the cider not more than two days old. Boil the cider down one half before measuring; put the pared and cored apples through a fruit press; measure them and add to the cider. Cook slowly, stirring frequently, and when the butter begins to thicken sweeten to taste with brown sugar. Continue cooking until of the consistency of soft jam; pack while hot in sterilized jars or glasses and keep in a cool place. PEACH BUTTER 4 pounds peaches 2 pounds sugar Select ripe peaches and peel and stone them before weighing. Cut them in pieces and put them through a fruit press. Put over the fire in a porcelain kettle and cook slowly until of the consistency of marmalade, stirring occasionally to prevent stick- ing. Add the sugar; stir until dissolved; cook rapidly for fifteen minutes, then place the kettle on the back part of the stove and keep warm until the butter is of the desired consistency. Pack in jars or tumblers. TUTTI-FRUTTI Put one pint of high-proof alcohol or brandy in a stone crock and add the various fruits as they come in season, using equal quantities of fruit and sugar and stirring until the sugar is dis- solved. Keep the jar covered but stir daily until all the fruit has been added. Pineapple, cherries, peaches, apricots, white grapes and the berries are the best fruits to use. JELLY-MAKING To be successful in jelly-making it is necessary to understand a few of the simple underlying principles. The making of jelly is possible through the presence in the fruit of pectin, a carbo- hydrate, somewhat similar in its properties to starch. This element exists in largest quantities in the following fruits: cur- rant, apple, quince, grape, blackberry and raspberry; so that these fruits are preferred for jelly-making. Moreover, the pec 376 I FLmS^Vf^Folr CANNING AND PRESERVING tin is at its best when the fruit is just ripe or a little under-ripe. Last, it must be remembered that if the juice ferments or if the cooking of the jelly is continued too long, the pectin undergoes a change and loses its power of gelatinizing. After insuring the presence of the pectin, the matter of next importance is to add the right quantity of sugar. The rule is to measure the juice and add an equal amount of sugar; but the rule must be followed with discretion. If the fruit contains an unusual percentage of sugar, less sugar should be added; if it is less sweet than usual, more should be added to make up the deficiency. The sugar will dissolve more quickly if first heated in a moderate oven, and will then in no way interfere with the cooking. Jelly should be put into glasses that have been thoroughly sterilized and covered according to the directions given under "Preserving Fruit." It should, however, stand twenty-four hours before being covered. If possible lay a sheet of glass over the tumblers and stand them in a simny window. APPLE JELLY Wash the apples; remove stem and blossom ends and cut into quarters. Put them in a preserving kettle, adding enough cold water to come nearly to the top of the apples. Cover and cook gently until the apples are soft and clear. Mash the apples and drain them through a sieve in which two thicknesses of cheese- cloth have been laid or through a jelly bag. Avoid squeezing the bag or the jelly will be clouded. Boil twenty minutes and add the heated sugar, allowing two cups or one pound to every pint of juice. Boil five minutes; skim, and test by putting a teaspoon of juice in a cool saucer. If it jellies at once, remove from the fire and pour into sterilized glasses. QUINCE JELLY Follow the recipe for Apple Jelly, using part apples if desired, and saving the better parts of the fruit for canning. MINT JELLY Follow the recipe for Apple Jelly, adding oil of peppermint to flavor. 377 CANNING AND PRESERVING Ffi".??^, 'p"'.? Family of Four CURRANT JELLY Wash and pick the currants, but do not remove the stems. Put them in the preserving kettle, crushing a few in the bottom first; heat slowly, stirring frequently. When the currants are hot, mash them with a potato masher and let them drip the same as the apples, for apple jelly. After this put the cloth or bag over another dish and press out as much juice as possible, using this for a second cjuality of jelly. Return the clear juice to the kettle, adding a pint of granu- lated sugar to every pint of juice. Stir until the sugar is dis- solved; then place over the fire; bring to a boil; set aside and skim. Repeat this process three times; test the jelly by drop- ping a teaspoon on a cool saucer; and if it jellies remove the liquid and pour it into sterilized glasses. RASPBERRY AND CURRANT JELLY Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly, using half raspberries and half currants. s..^ RASPBERRY JELLY Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly. BLACKBERRY JELLY Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly. STRAWBERRY JELLY To five quarts of strawberries add one quart of currants and proceed as with Currant Jelly; but boil fifteen minutes. GREEN-GRAPE JELLY Follow the recipe for Apple Jelly. RIPE-GRAPE JELLY Choose acid grapes, as the sweet, ripe grapes contain too much sugar. Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly. 378 i FamflyVf^Fo'ur CANNING AND PRESERVING PLUM JELLY Select under-ripe acid plums. Put them in a preserving kettle with one pint of water for every four quarts of fruit. Cook gently until the plums fall to pieces; strain the juice and proceed as with currant jelly. 379 CANNING AND PRESERVING Planned for a Family of Four 380 fSTmSrof pj'ur CANNING AND PRESERVING as 381 CANNING AND PRESERVING Planned for a Family of Four 382 PICKLES PICKLES PICKLES, catsups and sour dishes of all sort whet the appetite and help to make meat dishes — especially cold meats — more palatable. MIXED PICKLE 1 quart large cucumbers cut in cubes 1 quart small cucumbers left whole 1 quart small silver-skimied onions 1 quart green tomatoes chopped coarse 2 red sweet peppers chopped fine 1 large cauliflower broken in small pieces Wash the vegetables and pour over them a weak brine solution made of a quart of water and a cup of salt. Let stand twenty-four hours; bring to a boil in same solution; drain and make the dress- ing. MIXED-PICKLE DRESSING 6 tablespoons mustard 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon turmeric 2 cups sugar 2 quarts vinegar Mix the ingredients thoroughly and cook until thick. Stir in the pickles; heat thoroughly; empty into glass jars and stand away until needed. GREEN TOMATO SAUCE 4 quarts green tomatoes 1 tablespoon salt V^ small onion 1 tablespoon mustard 1 pint vinegar 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon whole allspice and cloves Wash the tomatoes; remove the stem and blossom ends; sHce them without peeling and put them to soak in salt and water over night. In the morning drain them; add the other ingredients and stew until tender. Keep in glass jars. 385 PTnCT.F!^ Planned for a i:"H^JVI^Jl/D Family of Four CHILI SAUCE 4 quarts ripe tomatoes 3 cups vinegar V2 pound brown sugar 2 cups small onions 1/2 cup salt 2 tablespoons horseradish V2 ounce cloves i/^ ounce celery seed V^ otmce cinnamon 14 ounce allspice V2 teaspoon mustard 1/2 teaspoon black pepper yi red pepper Measure the tomatoes after they are peeled and chopped; put them over the fire and simmer for one hour. Chop the onions; grate the horseradish and grind the spices. Add all the other in- gredients to the tomatoes; simmer for one hour longer and seal while hot in large-necked bottles that have been thoroughly steril- ized. PICKLED PEPPERS Cut the stems out in a round circle with a sharp knife and lay them aside to replace later. Fill the peppers with a mixture of finely chopped cabbage, gTated horseradish, mustard seed and salt. Wash the peppers in cold water; fill them; replace the stem; tie them with a soft cord to keep the lids in; pack them in stone jars and fill up with cold sharp vinegar. They will be ready for use in two weeks. PICKLED TOMATOES 4 quarts tomatoes 1 teaspoon allspice 8 blades mace 2 small red peppers sliced 1 teaspoon whole cloves Cider vinegar Choose the small pear-shaped or cherry tomatoes; wash and dry them; put them in glass jars that can be made air-tight. Fill the jars three fourths full; add the spices and peppers and fill to the top with cold vinegar. Set in a cool dark place. This pickle will be ready in three weeks' time. TOMATO CATSUP 8 quarts tomatoes V4 teaspoon red pepper 1/2 quart cider vinegar V^ tablespoon black pepper 34 cup salt 1 head garlic or 1/2 onion V^ oimce whole cloves Cut the tomatoes in pieces and stew them imtil soft; press through a sieve to remove the skins and seeds; add the other ingredients; mix thoroughly and boil about three hours or until reduced one half. Bottle vdthout straining and seal. 386 Planned for a Pir'K'T "R^ Family of Four l^lV^JV^l^JSC^ PICKLED CUCUMBERS 100 small cucumbers 1 tablespoon mustard seed 1 pint salt 1 tablespoon whole allspice Alum size of a nutmeg 1 root horseradish Boiling water 2 small red peppers Boiling vinegar Wash and dry the pickles and put them in a large stone jar; add salt and alum and cover well with boihng water. Cover the jar tightly and let stand for twenty -four hours; remove the cucum- bers; dry them and place them in another jar in layers alternately with the spices and grated horseradish. Have the jar about two thirds full of cucumbers and pour over them sufficient boiling vinegar to fill the jar. When cold, cover closely and stand away. MUSHROOM CATSUP 1 pint mushroom liquor V4 ounce green ginger root y2 ounce peppercorns V4 ounce cloves 14 oimce allspice 1 blade mace Salt Wash and look over the mushrooms carefully; put them in an earthen jar with alternate layers of salt. Let stand for twenty- four hours in a comparatively warm place; put through a fruit press and add the ginger root cut into small pieces. Measure the liquor; add peppercorns and simmer for forty minutes; then add the spices and boil for fifteen minutes. Take from the fire and cool. Strain through a cloth; bottle and seal. 387 TiTr*VT T?C Planned for a ■tri.^J^i-'-C/O Family of Four 388 BEVERAGES BEVERAGES BEVERAGES may or may not be a necessary part of the ordinary meal; but to most people they are all but indis- pensable. Coffee and tea, it is true, even in moderate quantities often have bad effects upon the digestion and the nerves. If properly made, however, even these beverages may be taken by almost any person without resultant harm. COFFEE 5 tablespoons ground coffee 4 cups boiling water 1 egg (or less) 1 cup cold water Use an aluminum or granite- ware pot and always make the coffee fresh, scalding the pot each time before using. Wash the egg; break and beat slightly. Add half the cold water; mix with the coffee; put in the pot and add the boiling water. Bring to aboil and boil for one minute; add the remainder of the cold water to assist the grounds in settling. Stand the pot where it will keep hot but not boil for five minutes ; then serve at once, as coffee allowed to stand becomes flat and loses its aroma. The egg is not necessary; but most cooks use a clean shell or a little of the white of an egg if they do not use the whole. Others beat the whole egg, with a little water, but use only a portion of it, keeping the rest for further use in a covered glass in the ice chest. INSTANTANEOUS COFFEE 6 tablespoons pulverized coffee 6 cups boiling water A variety of pots are on the market for making instantaneous coffee, all containing a strainer to hold the coffee, which must be pulverized, not simply ground. Put the coffee in the strainer; scald out the pot; adjust the strainer and set the pot where the coffee will keep hot but not boil. Pour on freshly boiled water slowly, covering between additions. When filtered pour off one cup and let it run again through the strainer. Serve at once. 391 BEVERAGES Fa^X^o'fFou^r SERVING COFFEE Cream is usually served with coffee, but scalded milk renders the coffee more digestible than does cream. Fill the cup one fourth full of hot scalded milk; pour on the freshly-made coffee, adding sugar if desired. Whether cream or milk is used, it is better to pour the coffee on the cream or milk. After-dinner coffee should be made very strong and served black. COFFEE IN BULK 1 pound ground coffee 9 quarts water 1 egg Mix the coffee with the egg that has been thinned by a little water, and tie it into four muslin bags. Let these soak in the water for three or four hours; bring to a boil and serve. This amount will serve fifty persons. TEA 2 teaspoons tea 4 cups boiling water Use an earthen or china teapot and have water freshly boiled. Scald out the teapot; put in the tea and pour on the boiling water. Let stand in a warm place for five minutes ; pour off and serve. Never let the tea boil; never let it stand a long time on the leaves; and never make more by adding fresh leaves to the old. RUSSIAN TEA Make the tea as usual. Serve with thin slices of lemon from which the seeds have been removed. TEA PUNCH 1 quart tea Juice of 6 lemons 1 pound sugar Juice of 2 oranges 1 lemon sliced Make the tea as usual; add sugar and fruit juices, cracked ice and more water as desired. Serve in a punch bowl with thin slices of lemon floating on the top. 392 . FRUIT PUNCH GRAPE JUICE l^^^fJ^Fo^r BEVERAGES ICED TEA Make tea as usual; pour it off the leaves; sweeten to taste, and when cool stand in the refrigerator until serving time. Have the glasses filled with cracked ice and have thin slices of lemon cut to serve with the tea. HOT CHOCOLATE 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate 1 cup boiling water 3 tablespoons sugar 3 cups hot milk Small piece stick cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla Scrape the chocolate very fine; add the sugar, cinnamon and water; stir over the fire until the mixture is smooth; then add the milk. Return to the fire for a minute; remove; add the vanilla; beat well; pour into a chocolate pot and serve plain or with whipped cream. COCOA 4 teaspoons cocoa Little cold milk 4 teaspoons sugar 4 cups hot milk Mix the cocoa and sugar, and stir together with a little cold milk until smooth. Stir this mixture into the hot milk; boil two minutes and serve. CHOCOLATE SYRUP 2 cups sugar 1 cup cocoa 2 cups water 1/2 teaspoon salt Dissolve the sugar in one cup of water and boil five minutes. Mix the cocoa with the other cup of water and add to the boiling syrup. Boil slowly for len minutes; add salt; cool and bottle for future use. This ryrup will keep a long time in the ice chest in summer and may be used for making delicious drinks. CHOCOLATE NECTAR Put into a glass two tablespoons of chocolate syrup, a little cream or milk and chopped ice, and fill up the glass with soda water, ApoUinaris, or milk. Drop a little whipped cream on the top. 393 TIT7VT7P A r^TTQ Planned for a ■Oil/ V Ji-KJiVjril/O Family of Four FRUIT DRINKS The success of lemon-, orange- and pineapple-ade depends in large degree upon the way they are made. It is best to make a syrup as for sherbets, using one cup of granulated sugar to one cup of water. Put the sugar in cold water over the fire; stir until the sugar is dissolved; then cook until the syrup spins a fine thread. Take from the fire and add the fruit juices while the syrup is hot. If lemonade is desired, lemon should predominate, but orange or pineapple juice or both should be added to yield the best result. Small pieces of fresh pineapple, fresh strawberries and maraschino cherries added at time of ser\'ing will make the drink look pretty and will improve the flavor. Shaved or very finely cracked ice should be used. QUICK LEMONADE 2 lemons 1 quart water 4 tablespoons sugar Cracked ice Wash the lemons and squeeze the juice; mix thoroughly with the sugar, and when the sugar is dissolved add the water and ice, and a little fresh fruit or slices of lemon if convenient. EGG LEMONADE 2 lemons 4 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs 3 cups water 1 cup cracked ice Break the eggs and beat the whites and yolks separately. Mix the lemons, sugar, water and ice as for lemonade; add the eggs; pour rapidly back and forth from one pitcher to another and serve before the froth disappears. GRAPE JUICE 10 pounds grapes 2 pounds sugar 1 quart water Wash and stem the grapes; put them in a preserving kettle and crush sHghtly. Bring to a boil and cook gently for half an hour. Strain though cheesecloth or jelly bag, pressing out all the juice possible; return to the fire with the sugar; cook for fifteen minutes; strain again; reheat and pour into sterilized bottles, thorougjily heated. Put in sterilized corks and dip the neck of the bottle in hot sealing wax. 394 ra-^^KVf-^o^ur BEVERAGES OTHER FRUIT JUICES Raspberry, blackberry and strawberry juice may be made by following the recipe for grape juice but doubling the quantity of spf^rHT. For currant juice use four times as much sugar as for grape FRUIT SYRUPS Fruit syrups may be made like fruit juices, only using more sugar — at least half as much sugar as fruit juice. RASPBERRY VINEGAR 4 quarts raspberries 1 quart vinegar Sugar Put two quarts of raspberries in a bowl and cover them with the vinegar; cover and stand in a cool place for two days. Mash the berries; strain the vinegar through cheesecloth; pour it over two quarts of fresh raspberries ; let stand for another two days; strain and put in a preserving kettle with sugar, allowing a pound of sugar to a pint of juice. Heat slowly, skimming when the vinegar begins to boil. Boil twenty minutes and put in sterilized bottles. Serve as a drink, using two tablespoons to a glass of water. FRUIT PUNCH 1 cup sugar 1 cup lemon juice 1 cup hot tea 1 quart Apollinaris 1 cup orcmge juice 1 cup maraschino cherries 1 orange sliced Pour the hot tea on the sugar and when the latter is dissolved add the other ingredients. Serve in a punch bowl with a large block of ice. Substitute pineapple or strawberry juice for the tea if preferred. CLARET PUNCH 3 cups water Juice of 3 lemons 1 cup sugar 1 cup claret Crackled ice Boil the sugar and water for ten minutes; add the lemon juice and cool. Mix with the claret and cracked ice and serve, adding a few shavings of lemon rind or slices of lemou if desired. 395 BEVERAGES Planned for a ■PX!/ V JZ/XS^tt-VyJ/O Family of Four WILD-CHERRY CORDIAL 1 quart wild-cherry juice i^ oimce cloves 1 pound sugar 14 ounce cinnamon W2 cups good brandy Boil the cherry juice, sugar and spices until a thick syrup is formed. Let it cool and settle; strain and add the brandy. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL 2 quarts blackberry juice Vi ounce cinnamon 1 pound sugar i^ ounce cloves and allspice Vz oimce grated nutmeg 1 pint good brandy Boil the blackberry juice, sugar and spices for twenty minutes. Let cool and settle; strain and add the brandy. MINT JULEP 1 pint water Juice of 4 lemons 1 cup sugar More water 1 cup claret Sprigs of fresh mint Cracked ice Boil the sugar and water for ten minutes; when cool add the claret and lemon juice; dilute with water to taste and serve in a punch bowl garnished with sprigs of fresh mint. SERVING WINES Sauteme — slightly cold White Bordeaux — slightly cool Sherry — slightly cold Burgundy — slightly cool Rhine wine — cold Port wine — temperature of room Claret — slightly cold Madeira — temperature of room Champagne — very cold 396 P:£^fo\%^nr BEVERAGES as 397 BEVERAGES ^'^"""^ ^^' ^ Family of Four 398 INVALID COOKERY INVALID COOKERY COOKING for an invalid is by no means a difficult task; but care is necessary in order that the product may be as appeti- zing and as digestible as possible. The serving, too, is important: only the daintiest china and glass should be used in the sick room; for the patient is seldom hungry and needs to be "tempted" in every possible way. LAMB BROTH 2 pounds neck of lamb 1 teaspoon salt 1 quart cold water Clean the meat with a damp cloth; remove the skin and fat; cut the meat into small pieces and hack or separate the bones. Put bones and meat into a saucepan; add cold water; let stand one hour; then heat gradually and let it cook below the boiling point for two hours. Strain through a sieve; season and serve, adding a little boiled rice if desired. BEEF TEA 1 pound ground lean beef 1 pint cold water Salt and pepper Choose beef from the under side of the round, as that contains the greatest strength, and have it ground. Put it in a closely covered saucepan and let it stand on the range, without boiling, for twenty minutes; then boil for six minutes; strain and season. OATMEAL GRUEL No. 1 1 tablespoon oatmeal 1 pint milk or water 3 tablespoons water Pinch of salt Mix the oatmeal with the three tablespoons of water. Boil the pint of milk or water and into it pour the oatmeal slowly. Season and boil for five minutes, stirring constantly. 401 INVALID COOKERY OATMEAL GRUEL No. 2 1 quart water Milk 3 tablespoons oatmeal Sugar Vz tablespoon butter Boil the water and into it stir the oatmeal; boil until it thickens, stirring constantly. Then pour it into a double boiler and let it cook for three or four hours. Thin with rich milk; strain care- fully; add the butter and sweeten to taste. If sugar is not desired, salt may be substituted. INDIAN GRUEL 1 heaping tablespoon com meal Salt 1 quart water Sugar Mix the meal with a little cold water. Boil the quart of water; pour it on the corn meal; beat well; return it to the saucepan and boil fifteen or twenty minutes. Add a little salt and sweeten to taste. SAGO GRUEL 2 tablespoons sago 1 pint cold water Sugar Soak the sago for an hour in cold water sufficient to cover it; add the pint of water; place over a slow fire and stir until the sago is dissolved and becomes thickened. Sweeten to taste, and if too thick add a little boiling water. If desired, add a glass of wine and a little nutmeg. EGG GRUEL 1 egg 1 cup hot milk 1 teaspoon sugar Grated nutmeg or lemon juice Beat the yolk of the egg with the sugar until light; add the well-beaten white; pour over this the hot milk; flavor and serve at once. CRACKER GRUEL 2 tablespoons powdered cracker V2 cup milk Vz cup boiling water Vi teaspoon salt Pour the water over the cracker; add the milk and salt; bring to a boil and serve. 402 INVALID COOKERY ARROWROOT 2 teaspoons arrowroot 1 pint milk or water Sugar Mix the arrowroot in a little cold water. Boil the water or milk; stir in the arrowroot and boil until thickened and clear, stirring constantly. Sweeten to taste. ARROWROOT WATER 2 pippin apples 1 teaspoon arrowroot 1 quart water Sugar Pinch of grated nutmeg Wash the apples and cut them into small pieces, removing the core. Put them in the cold water over the fire and boil until the apples are soft, which will take an hour or more. Mix the arrow- root in a little cold water until perfectly smooth; stir into the apple water; let all boil together for ten minutes; strain through a sieve; sweeten to taste and set aside to cool. Serve as a drink with a little grated nutmeg over the top. FLAXSEED TEA 1 tablespoon flaxseed 1 lemon 1 quart boiling water Sugar Put the flaxseed in a pitcher and pour over it the boiling water. Add the juice of the lemon and a few strips of peel, cut off with a sharp knife. Sweeten to taste. This, taken at bed-time, is an excellent remedy for a cold. TOAST WATER 2 slices bread 3 pints boiling water 2 tablespoons currant jelly Cut the bread half an inch thick; toast very brown on both sides, but do not scorch. Break them in pieces; pour the boiling water over them; add the currant jelly and stir until it is thor- oughly dissolved. When cold, strain and serve, adding cracked ice if desired. 403 INVALID COOKERY ALBUMENIZED WATER 1 cup cold water 1 teaspoon lemon juice White of 1 egg 1 teaspoon sugar Put the water, egg, lemon juice and sugar in a covered jar and shake until all the ingredients are thoroughly blended. Stand on the ice and shake again just before serving. RICE WATER 1 tablespoon rice 1 quart water or milk Sugar Wash the rice and put it over the fire with the quart of water. When it comes to a boil set it where it will simmer until the rice becomes a pulp. Let it settle; pour off and sweeten to taste. Serve either hot or cold. PANADA 2 stale rolls Boiling water 1 tablespoon sugar Grated nutmeg Toast the rolls very brown, but do not scorch them; break into a bowl; sprinkle with sugar and a little grated nutmeg and pour over them suflScient boiling water to moisten thoroughly. If desired, a glass of wine may be added. FRENCH PANADA 1 stale tea biscuit V2 teaspoon butter Boiling water Yolk of 1 egg Salt 2 tablespoons milk Break the biscuit into a saucepan; pour over it boiling water sufficient to cover; boil five minutes; add butter and a little salt and mix well. Then stir in the egg yolk, well beaten in the milk; bring all to a boil and serve. MILK TOAST No. 1 1 cup scalded milk V4 teaspoon salt 3 slices buttered toast Spread fresh toast with butter and sprinkle with salt. Pour the scalded milk over the toast and serve at once. 404 INVALID COOKERY MILK TOAST No. 2 1 cup scalded milk 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon butter ^4 teaspoon salt 3 slices toast Cook the flour in the butter, but do not brown it; add the milk gradually; season and pour over the toast. CREAM TOAST 1 slice bread 1 cup cream Salt Cut the bread half an inch thick and toast it brown on both sides. Lay it on a hot plate; sprinkle with salt; pour over it the cream, heated but not boiled, and serve at once. SOAIOED CRACKERS Place several soda crackers in a soup plate; pour over them boil- ing water and let stand for about a minute. Drain off the water and serve with butter and salt, butter and nutmeg, cream and salt, or cream and sugar. Hot milk may be substituted for the boiling water if desired. EGG-NOGG 1 egg 1 teaspoon riun or brandy 1 teaspoon sugar Milk to fill glass Grated nutmeg Beat the egg separately and then together; add sugar and rum, using a larger quantity if desired. Turn into a glass; fill the glass with milk; shake well and grate a little nutmeg over the top. Egg-nog is delicious when frozen. Make a custard of the egg, milk and sugar, using an extra quantity of sugar. When almost frozen add the rum or brandy and an equal quantity of sweetened whipped cream. SUNSHINE ORANGE Soak an orange in hot water for half an hour, until it is heated to the core. Remove the skin, which will peel easily, and the pulp will be sweet, as if the orange had just been picked in the sun. 405 INVALID COOKERY LEMON FOAM 1 cup water % cup sugar 1 level tablespoon cornstarch White of 1 egg 1 lemon Dissolve the cornstarch in a Httle water; add the remainder of the water and the sugar and cook rapidly for three minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from the fire; stir in the white of the egg, beaten stiff, and the juice of the lemon. Turn into molds; let stand for twelve hours and serve. LEMON WHEY 1 cup milk 1 small lemon 1 teaspoon sugar Heat the milk; add the lemon and let it stand over the fire until the curd separates; strain; add the sugar and serve hot or cold. WINE WHEY 1 pint milk 1 large wineglass sherry Sugar Boil the milk and while it is boiling pour in the wine. Let it boil until it separates; remove from the fire; let stand a few min- utes and strain through a fine sieve. When cool, sweeten to taste. CUSTARD 2 eggs Sugar 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat the eggs; stir them into the milk; sweeten to taste and cook in a double boiler. Stir until the mixture begins to thicken; remove from the fire and when the steam has passed off add the vanilla. Wine or other flavoring may be used in place of the vanilla if desired. CALF'S FOOT JELLY 4 calves' feet Yz pound powdered sugar 3 quarts water 2 lemons Whites of 2 eggs Clean the feet thoroughly and boil them slowly until the three quarts of water are reduced to one. Strain and set away until 406 INVALID COOKERY cold; remove the grease and place the jelly in a saucepan, being careful to avoid the settlings. Add the sugar, lemon juice and whites of eggs; let all boil together for a few minutes; pour into bowls or glasses and set away to cool. This is much more nour- ishing than the commercial gelatine. PORTEREE 1 pint best porter 6 lumps sugar 2 glasses sherry 1 grated nutmeg 1 lemon Chopped ice Wash the lemon; peel and slice it; add it to the porter, sherry, sugar, nutmeg and chopped ice. This mixture has been used satisfactorily by invalids for whom the pure porter w^as too heavy. KOUMISS 2 quarts new milk 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons sugar Vs cake compressed yeast Let the yeast dissolve in the water; add it to the sugar and milk and let the mixture stand in a warm place for about ten hours or until it has thickened. Pour from one vessel to another until thoroughly smooth; bottle and keep in a warm place for twenty- four hours, or longer in winter. Cork the bottles tightly and tie the corks down. Shake for a few moments before using. STEWED FIGS 1 potmd figs 1 pint water Wash the figs thoroughly and put them to soak over night in the pint of water. Bring them to a boil in the same water and let them cook until the syrup is reduced about one half. TAPIOCA Vt, cup tapioca 1 tablespoon wine or brandy 1 pint boiling water Sugar Grated nutmeg Soak the tapioca in water sufficient to cover it; stir it into the boiling water and let it simmer until thoroughly dissolved. If too thick, add more boiling water. Sweeten to taste; add the wine and grate a littl^ nutmeg over the top. 407 INVALID COOKERY BEEF PATS Scrape clean, uncooked beef until you have the desired quantity of paste; make it into tiny pats ; put each pat on a square of bread; toast quickly in a hot oven and serve with a little salt and butter. CHICKEN PANADA 1 cup cold chicken 1 pint milk 1 cup water 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon cornstarch Salt and pepper Chop the chicken very fine and put it over the fire with the water. When boiling, add the cornstarch moistened in a little cold milk; then add the pint of milk; bring to a boil; add the seasoning and butter and serve. OYSTERS ON TOAST 6 oysters Salt and pepper 1/2 tablespoon butter 1 slice toast Put the oysters and butter in a pan, without any juice, over the fire; bring to a boil and serve on a slice of toast, delicately browned on both sides and slightly buttered. SQUABS OR ANY SMALL BIRDS Clean and singe the squabs the same as chicken. Split them down the back; flatten with a rolling-pin and broil over hot coals. Put them on a hot plate; butter slightly and season with pepper and salt. Serve on buttered toast. 408 INVALID COOKERY 409 INVALID COOKERY 410 FIRELESS COOKERY FIRELESS COOKERY THE fireless cooker is coming into general use in almost every household, and with good reason. Not only does it mean a tremendous saving of fuel and of energy on the part of the house- wife, but it produces better results with many dishes than are pos- sible with coal or gas. Cereals, for instance, w^hich require long slow heating and which it is almost impossible to cook properly on a gas stove, are delicious when prepared by the fireless method. Generally speaking, there are on the market two kinds of fireless cookers — the cookers, so called, and the calorics. In the former the food is always heated over a flame before placing it in the receptacle; in the latter sometimes only the radiators upon which the pans rest are heated. Baking is possible in the calorics but not in the others. The recipes given in this chapter are arranged for the cooker with radiators; but all of them, with the exception of those for roasting and baking, can be used for any cooker. Where there are no radiators, and where you are cooking things which require a great length of time, it is a good plan to remove the pail from the cooker when the time is half gone and reheat it over the fire. In doing so, as in preparing the dish for the cooker in the first place, the pail must not be uncovered before putting it in the cooker, or steam will escape and the food cool. The fireless cookers with radiators are by all means the best, and soon pay their own way by the saving of fuel; but where it is not possible to have one of these it is well worth while to have one of the simple cookers, which are less expensive and which can, with a little ingenuity, even be made at home. Procure a strong wooden box, well made, without cracks, and line it thoroughly with pads filled mth hay or excelsior and covered with denim or other thick 27 413 - ' FIRELESS COOKERY Fe"T^fF°r, and closely woven material. Have a closely covered pail, prefer- ably a double pail of aluminum, to fit into the center and several pads of various sizes or a feather pillow to tuck over the top. The lid of the box should fasten down securely with a hasp. If care is taken to have the outside of the kettle clean and not to spill any of the contents, the pads will last for some time without renewing. With the cooker which has one pail within another, so that the upper one can rest in water, the process of steaming is more per- fect than where there is but one pail. It has also advantages where a great deal of cooking is to be done; for soup, for instance, may be cooking in the lower receptacle while vegetable, meat or pudding is in the upper. Certain precautions, it is true, must be observed by the cook who uses the fireless cooker. In the first place it should not be used for foods which require a rising temperature or those which require evaporation or those which might be injured by condensed steam. Then, too, it must be remembered that a dish left indefi- nitely in the cooker will sour. CEREALS To cook cereals in the cooker to best advantage there should be a double-boiler receptacle. Fill the large outer pail with water and bring it to a boil. In the upper vessel put the required amount of water; stir in the cereal; season to taste; heat and stir slowly until it begins to thicken — about ten minutes. Place the smaller kettle inside the larger and set away in the cooker; leave over- night and in the morning beat up well and reheat. If the grains are desired separate, cook a less time and do not beat. ARROWROOT GRUEL 2 tablespoons arrowroot 1 teaspoon salt 1 quart boiling water 1 teaspoon sugar Few drops vanilla Mix the arrowroot with just enough cold water to form a thin paste; add part of boiling water; mix well and add remaining hot water. Boil for five minutes and place in cooker for one hour. Cool; add a few drops of vanilla and a little cream if desired. FimSfor^o^ur FIRELESS COOKERY BARLEY MUSH V2 cup barley meal 1 teaspoon salt 2V2 cups water Stir the meal slowly into the boiling salted water, being careful not to let it lump. Cook for ten minutes and place in cooker for eight hours or over night. CORN-MEAL MUSH V2 cup com meal 1 teaspoon salt 2^4 cups water Slowly stir the meal into the boiling salted water, being careful not to allow it to lump. Let boil slowly for ten minutes; place in cooker and allow to remain eight to ten hours or over night. If you wish to fry the mush use only two cups of water. CRACKED WHEAT 34 cup cracked wheat 3 cups water % teaspoon salt Soak the cracked wheat in two cups of water for two hours. Heat remaining water to boiling point, add salt and the cracked wheat with the water in which it has been soaking. Boil for ten minutes ; place in cooker over night. The flavor will be greatly improved if the wheat is slightly browned in the oven before soaking. GRAHAM MUSH 1 cup graham flour 3 cups water 1 teaspoon salt Stir the flour slowly into the boiling water, being careful not to allow it to lump. Boil slowly for five minutes and place in cooker over night. HOMINY 1 cup hominy 2 teaspoons salt ^Vz cups boiling water Soak the hominy over night, keeping it in a warm place if pos- sible. Drain and add boiling water. Boil fifteen minutes and place in the cooker all day. 415 FIRELESS COOKERY Fa^T o1 f Ju^ OATMEAL 1 cup oatmeal 3 cups water 1 teaspoon salt Stir the meal into boiling salt water; boil for five minutes and place in the cooker over night. PETTIJOHN»S BREAKFAST FOOD 1 cup cereal 3 cups water IV2 teaspoons salt Stir the cereal into boiling salted water; allow it to boil for five minutes and place in cooker over night. RALSTON'S BREAKFAST FOOD V^ cup cereal 3 cups water 1 teaspoon salt Allow the water to boil hard, add salt and slowly stir in the breakfast food, being careful not to allow it to lump. Boil slowly for five minutes and place in the cooker over night. BOILED RICE 1/2 cup rice 2y2 cups water 1 teaspoon salt Clean and wash the rice; then stir it into boiling salted water and allow to boil five minutes. Place the kettle in the cooker and allow it to remain for three hours or over night. RICE AND FIGS Cook the rice the same as Boiled Rice, adding just before placing in the cooker a cup of figs which have been washed, stemmed and cut into small pieces. Dates may be used in the same manner. ROLLED WHEAT 1 cup wheat 2^/2 cups water 1 teaspoon salt Have the water boiling directly over the fire. When it boils rapidly stir the cereal in with a fork to prevent lumping. Let it boil slowly five minutes; place in the cooker and let it remain for four or five hours, or over night. 416 JLlSS^'oJ'fo^r FIRELESS COOKERY Family of Four CREAM OF WHEAT V2 cup cream of wheat 3 cups water 1/2 teaspoon salt Cook the same as Rolled Wheat. SOUP The real value of soup is brought out in a fireless cooker. Meats and bones for soup cost but little and the real expense of the dish — the long cooking over a fire, is done away with. The foundation of all soups is the juice or extracts of meats, poultry, etc., that are used, and the true flavor and the nutriment of these things are best preserved by the fireless method of cooking. BROWNED SOUP STOCK 4 pounds soup meat and bone V4 teaspoon pepper 1 onion 1 stalk celery 2V2 quarts water 1 turnip 1 tablespoon salt 1 carrot Vz Ijay leaf Wipe the meat and cut it into small pieces. Brown about one third in a frying pan with a little suet and an onion. Place bones and remaining meat in kettle; add two quarts of water and allow to stand for one hour. Add two cups of water to the meat in the frying pan; boil one minute and add to the meat in the kettle. Add seasoning and diced carrots and turnips. Bring the entire mixture to a boil and allow it to simmer ten minutes. Place in the cooker for eight hours. Remove and skim fat from top before using. Use one radiator or cook a longer time. WHITE SOUP STOCK 4 poimds knuckle of veal 2 teaspoons salt 1 onion 6 peppercorns Small bay leaf 1 stalk celery 8 cups water Wipe the meat and cut into small pieces. Have bone cracked and place this with the meat in the kettle; add seasoning and onion and celery cut into small pieces. Add water and allow to stand an hour. Boil slowly thirty minutes and place in cooker eight hours. Pour soup through several thicknesses of cheesecloth and it will be very clear. Use one radiator or cook a longer time. 417 FIRELESS COOKERY ' FamT^fFour BEAN SOUP 1 cup navy beans 2 stalks celery 2 quarts water 1 tablespoon salt ' 1 small onion V4 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons butter - Soak beans over night; drain and add two quarts of cold water. Add chopped celery and onion, also salt and pepper. Boil slowly for fifteen minutes. Place in cooker for four hours. Rub through sieve; add butter and serve. Use one radiator or cook a longer time. CHICKEN SOUP Clean and dress the chicken; place in kettle and add six cups of cold water, a few celery leaves and two teaspoons of salt. Boil slowly for twenty minutes; place in cooker for five hours. Allow chicken to cool in liquor. It may be used for salad or croquettes. Allow soup to cool and remove fat before serving. CORN SOUP 1 can com 3 tablespoons butter 1 quart milk 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon chopped onion Salt and pepper Yolks of 2 Put the corn in the kettle, with the milk. Remove to the cooker for two hours or more. Fry the chopped onion in butter; add the flour and cook until smooth. Strain and add. Season with salt, pepper and paprika. Put in double boiler to keep hot, and just before serving add the yolks of eggs, well beaten. TOMATO SOUP 1 can tomatoes 1 bay leaf 2 cups water 2 cloves 1 carrot 1 teaspoon salt 1 small onion Dash of red pepper 1 quart soup stock Add water to tomatoes. Dice carrot and slice onion; add these and the seasoning. Boil five minutes and place in cooker for two hours. Strain, add soup stock, reheat and serve. Use one radiator or cook a longer time. 418 l^^?ifJf%our FIRELESS COOKERY TURTLE SOUP Thoroughly clean the turtle. Place in kettle and cover with cold water. Let it come to a boil and skim. Tie in a small bag one tablespoon of thyme, marjoram, and sweet basil; let it boil with the meat slowly for twenty minutes. Remove to the cooker for five or six hours. Use one radiator. Remove meat from bones and when cold cut and dice and return to the stock. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Brown some flour in oven, blend with butter and thicken the soup to the consistency of cream. VEGETABLE SOUP 2 cups brown soup stock Vz cup celery 2 cups tomato juice 1 cup peas 1 cup carrots 1 onion 1 cup turnips 1 cup diced potatoes Seasoning To the soup stock and tomato juice add the diced carrots, tur- nips, onion, celery, potatoes, peas and seasoning. Boil slowly for ten minutes and then place in the cooker for three hours. Use one radiator or cook a longer time. POTATO SOUP 3 potatoes 1 pint hot milk 2 ounces butter Salt and pepper 1 egg Pare and cut the potatoes in quarters; cover with boiling water and boil five or six minutes. Place in the cooker for one and a half hours. While mashing, add the butter and pour in gradually the boiling milk. Season with salt and pepper. Stir and strain and heat again. Beat the egg and put into tureen; pour over it the soup, CREAM OF CELERY SOUP 3 celery stalks 2 tablespoons flour Water II/2 cups milk 2 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper Cut the celery into small pieces; cover with water and bring slowly to a boil. Boil ten minutes and then place in the cooker for two hours. Blend the butter and flour; add milk and cook. To this add drained celery water. Season with salt and pepper. 419 FIRELESS COOKERY Planned for a Family of Four CREAM OF PEA SOUP 1 cup shelled peas Water to cover 1 pint hot milk V2 cup cream 1/2 tablespoon butter V2 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper Almost cover the shelled peas with boiling water. Boil ten minutes and add the boiling milk, the butter blended with the flour, also salt and pepper to taste. Cover and bring to boil and place in the cooker for two hours. When ready to serve strain through sieve and add the cream. 1 cup lentils 1 carrot 1 stalk celery 1 onion LENTIL SOUP 4 2 2 2 cups stock tablespoons flour tablespoons butter teaspoons salt Soak lentils in water several hours; then drain and add the onions, carrot and celery, cut fine. Add water and boil ten minutes; place in cooker seven hours. Remove from cooker; drain and rub through sieve. Make paste of butter and flour; add vege- tables, stock and seasoning. Heat and serve. For Cream Lentil Soup add milk instead of stock. BOUILLON 3 pounds lean beef 2 quarts cold water A little celery 2 bay leaves Cinnamon and cloves Salt and pepper 1 tablespoon caramel Cut the beef into cubes; add water, celery, onion and bay leaves and let stand in the cooker for five or six hqurs. Use one radiator. When taken from cooker allow to cool and remove the fat. Before using drop in a little bag of cinnamon and cloves. Season with salt and pepper, and color with a tablespoon of caramel. Heat and serve. FISH Fish is a food that may be easily cooked over a blaze, but the fireless is serviceable, as fish does not become soft nor fall to pieces even by standing a considerable length of time in the cooker. 420 1^^^"^%' FIRELESS COOKERY Family of Four BAKED FISH Open the fish; wash; wipe perfectly dry and rub over with salt; lay in a dripping-pan with a little butter and bread crumbs; and bake forty minutes in the fireless cooker, using both radiators. CODFISH BALLS 1 cup shredded codfish 2 teaspoons butter 1 pint potatoes 1 egg V4 saltspoon pepper Pare the potatoes; cut them into cubes and put them in the kettle with the codfish. Cover with boiling water; place in the cooker for three hours. Drain; mash and beat until very light. Add the butter, egg well beaten and the pepper; also more salt if needed. Drop by tablespoons in hot fat and fry a golden brown. BAKED LAKE TROUT After cleaning, tie the fish in a square of cheesecloth, immerse in boiling water and flavor with lemon juice. Place in the cooker and cook one hour with one radiator, or longer if no radiator is used. Drain and serve with cream sauce. BOILED WHITE FISH Clean and bone the fish and sew in a cheesecloth bag, leaving room for the fish to swell. Place in kettle with back down; cover with boiling salted water, allowing one tablespoon of salt and vinegar or lemon juice to each quart of water. Boil for five minutes. Place in cooker for one hour. If fish weighs over two pounds, boil ten minutes before placing in cooker. The skin may be easily peeled from a boiled fish. Serve with tomato sauce. SCALLOPED SALMON 1 B can utte] salmon r 1 tablespoon flour Salt and pepper Place in baking dish one layer of salmon. Sprinkle with flour; add small pieces of butter, pepper and salt; then other layers until the dish is full; cover with cracker crumbs; heat and bake in the cooker about one hour. Use two radiators. 421 FIRELESS COOKERY FamT^fpJur BOILED SALMON Wash and clean the fish; sew it in a cheesecloth bag, leaving room for fish to swell. Place in kettle; cover with boiling salted water, allowing one tablespoon of salt to each quart of water. Boil ten minutes and place in cooker for an hour and a half. Serve fish with rings of lemon and tomato sauce. TURBOT Take a whitefish'; boil; take out the bones and sprinkle with salt and pepper. For the dressing use one pint of cream sauce prepared in the usual way, and when cool add two beaten eggs. Put in baking dish a layer of fish, then a layer of sauce, until full. Cover top with bread crumbs and bake in the cooker for one hour. Use two radiators. MEATS The more expensive meats are not necessarily the most nutri- tious. If the housewife thoroughly understands the right way to prepare cheaper meats, and has a fireless cooker, it is possible to have a tender and juicy piece of meat at comparatively small cost. Meats cooked by the fireless method do not lose in weight, be- cause nothing escapes, and there is no shrinkage from evaporation. It is a recognized fact that the tough meats can be reduced to delicious tenderness if steamed in a closed roaster for several hours. This is the principle of the fireless cooker. CORNED BEEF For cold corned beef the plate piece is best, while for hot the brisket is to be preferred. Always have a good layer of fat around it. Place in cold water and bring slowly to a boil and boil for thirty minutes, skimming well the first few minutes. Have cover tightly closed before removing to the cooker, and leave six or eight hours, using one radiator. Cool in stock; press between plates, and serve in thin slices. BOILED BEEF The brisket or piece of round is good for boiling. Place the suet and trimming of the meat in the kettle and fry out the fat. Then throw in the meat and sear quickly on all sides. Remove the cracklings from the fat and cover the meat with boiling water. 422 gL''^Syo^°L''ur FIRELESS COOKERY Without removing the cover place in the cooker and leave three hours or more. Use one radiator. Then place on a hot platter; salt well; garnish with cress or boiled cabbage. The liquor should be saved for stock and sauce. BEEF AU GRATIN Put in baking dish a layer of bread crumbs, then some thin slices of fat salt pork, slices of cold cooked beef, onion, parsley and another layer of crumbs, until the dish is full. Pour over all any left-over gravy or stock to moisten. Bake in the cooker for one hour. ROAST BEEF The best shaped roast to cook in the fireless is a rolled roast of five to eight pounds. Use whatever seasoning you are accustomed to and prepare in the usual way for the oven. Put the roast in the largest vessel, and if the roast is large, raise the temperature of the two radiators to the highest possible point; then place the vessel in the large compartment and allow it to remain on the program of twenty minutes for each pound of roast, or three minutes less per pound if the roast is desired rare. ROUND STEAK ON BISCUITS Cut round steak into small half-inch squares; cover with water and boil for five minutes. Remove at once to the fireless cooker and leave for five hours. Take out the meat; make a brown sauce of the juice; pour meat and sauce over split tea biscuits that have been baked with a hard crust. BEEF STEW 2 pounds round steak 1 carrot 3 cups water 1 turnip 1 teaspoon salt 1 stalk celery Dash of pepper 1 onion Remove the skin from the meat and cut into inch pieces ; place in kettle; add water and seasoning. Cut the carrot, turnip and celery into one-half -inch cubes and add to mixture; also the onion, sliced. Boil for ten minutes and place in cooker for three hours. Thicken with four tablespoons of flour and one half cup of water, well mixed. Serve on toast. 423 FIRELESS COOKERY FamTolFour BEEFSTEAK AND ONIONS Select a thick steak and butter both sides; slice the onions thin and lay a layer of onions on top of the steak. Place it in the cook- ing vessel and use both radiators, the same as in roasting; and leave for about three quarters of an hour. BOILED DINNER Take three or four pounds of corned beef; cover with cold water and let boil slowly for twenty minutes. Then skim and add a small head of cabbage, a few carrots, potatoes and turnips and boil for five minutes. Place in the cooker for four hours. Use one radiator, or use no radiator and cook a longer time. BROWNED BEEF STEW 2 pounds round steak 3 cups water 1 onion Seasoning Cut meat into small pieces. Slice onions and brown in some of the suet or two tablespoons of butter; add meat and cook until well browned. Add the three cups of water and seasoning; allow to boil slowly for ten minutes. Place kettle in cooker for three hours; thicken with four tablespoons of browned flour and six tablespoons of water made into thin paste. CHICKEN CURRY 3-pound chicken 2 teaspoons salt Vz cup butter 1 teaspoon vinegar 2 small onions 1 tablespoon curry powder Boiling water Clean, singe and cut the chicken. Put the butter in a hot frying pan; add the chicken. Chop the giblets and onions; add salt, vinegar and curry powder. Cover with boiling water; place in the cooker for four hours, using one radiator. When ready to serve, remove the chicken. Thicken the liquid with flour; strain, and pour over the chicken. Garnish with a border of rice. FRICASSEED CHICKEN Dress, clean and cut the chicken for serving. Flour and salt slightly; cover with boiling water; then place in cooker without removing cover and leave for three hours. Take from cooker and 424 FLm3y1,f'Fo1,r FIRELESS COOKERY make sauce with the Hquor by addir / a tablespoon of flour, rubbed smooth in a half cup of milk; sa^ and pepper to taste. Let it come to a boil on the stove and . ' e at once with hot biscuits. CHICKEN PIE Place hot fricassee chicken and gravy in a baking dish. Make a rich crust and place on top of chicken. Place in cooker for one half hour. Use two radiators. ROAST CHICKEN The time necessary for roasting a chicken depends on the age of the bird. One hour and a half is suflScient for a young chicken, but an older one should be roasted two hours, and a very tough chicken three hours. If this course is followed, old chickens will turn out as tender and savory as spring chickens. Prepare the chicken in the usual method for the oven. It will not be necessary to heat the chicken to brown it before it has been placed in the cooker, for if both radiators have been made very hot the chicken when roasted will be nicely browned. It is not necessary to open the cooker for basting as the hot steam prevents burning. CHICKEN STEW Clean the chicken and cut it into small pieces. Heat the kettle and cover with water; allow to boil slowly for thirty minutes; season with pepper and salt, and place in cooker for six hours. Remove from cooker and add thickening. If desired, dumplings may be added and the kettle replaced in the cooker for thirty minutes. IRISH STEW 1 pound mutton breast 1 slice onion Salt and pepper 1 cup green peas 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup potatoes iVz cups boiling water ^ Rub the mutton breast with salt and pepper; cut up into small pieces; brown in butter; add the onion and cook until the onion is yellow. Add the potatoes, cut in cubes, the peas and boiling water; season and cook ten minutes over the fire. Remove to cooker and leave for one hour, using one radiator. 425 FIRELESS COOKERY Fa^X^olFJur BAKED HASH Chop and season any cold meat; do the same with cold potatoes, and put alternate layers in a dish with bits of butter between. Finish with rolled biscuits and bits of butter on top. Pour over this some good stock, and bake half an hour, BOILED HAM Soak over night if necessary. Wash and trim off all dark skin; place in kettle; cover with cold water and boil a half hour. Re- move to cooker for four to six hours, using one radiator. Boil about eight hours if no radiator is used, and reheat when the time is half expired. FRICASSEE OF LAMB Cut two pounds of lean lamb into inch cubes; dredge with flour and brown in a frying pan, using a little suet to keep it from burn- ing. Place in kettle and add just water enough to cover. Boil for ten minutes and place in cooker for six hours. Thicken with one tablespoon of browned flour mixed with cold water; season to taste and serve on toast. ROAST LAMB Select a small leg of lamb and cut off the shank, seasoning well in the usual way. Place in the larger vessel and use both radiators. Allow about twenty minutes or more for each pound of meat. Prepare sauce in the usual style. LAMB CHOPS ROASTED Cut out the bone from each chop; roll up chop; pin together with toothpick; put in buttered pan; season with salt and pepper. Place in pan and put in baking rack for forty-five minutes, using two radiators. BOILED LEG OF MUTTON Place mutton in kettle and cover with boiling water. Boil for thirty minutes and place in cooker for three hours, using one radi- ator. 426 l':^?ifJt%o\r FIRELESS COOKERY ROAST PORK Select a piece suitable in shape for fitting in the larger vessel and cook from one hour and a half to three hours, according to the size of the roast. SWEETBREADS Wash sweetbreads and soak in slightly salted water for one hour. Plunge them in boihng salted water and boil three minutes. Place in cooker for two hours. Then plunge them in cold water; when chilled, remove membrane. They may be rolled in crumbs and egg and fried, or broken in small pieces to cream. PORK TENDERLOIN Choose thick tenderloin; split them, but not quite through. Make dressing of fine bread crumbs, salt, pepper and melted but- ter. Stuff tenderloin and bind together. Have tablespoon of melted butter in cooker kettle; add tenderloin and bake in roast- ing compartment one and a half to two hours. BOILED TONGUE Place tongue in water three hours before cooking. Put in kettle; cover with water and bring to boiling point. Boil thirty minutes ; then place in cooker with one hot radiator for eight hours. If wanted for immediate use remove skin and set aside to cool. CURRY OF VEAL 1 large onion 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon ciury powder 1 pint hot water 2 pounds lean veal Fry the onion in the butter. Mix curry powder, salt and flour, and stir into the butter and onion. Add gradually the hot water or stock. Cut the veal in small pieces, and brown them in hot fat. Add them to sauce; remove to the cooker for four or five hours, using one radiator. Place meat on hot platter and arrange a border of boiled rice. VEAL CROQUETTES Put the veal in the kettle with enough boiling water to cover. Remove to the cooker for three hours. Use one hot radiator. 427 FIRELESS COOKERY f^XqIfJu^ Chop fine and season highly with salt, pepper, celery salt, paprika and lemon juice. Use one and a half cups of veal with one cup of thick cream dressing. Shape in cylinders. When cool roll in egg and bread crumbs and fry in hot fat. VEAL LOAF 3 pounds chopped veal 3 tablespoons milk 4 crackers 1 large tablespoon salt Butter size of egg V2 teaspoon pepper 3 eggs 1 tablespoon sage Mix the veal with the crackers rolled very fine; add the butter, eggs, milk, salt, pepper and sage. Mix all together and form into a loaf. Bake three hours in the cooker, using both radiators. ROAST VEAL Select a piece of veal suitable in shape for fitting in the cooker. As veal is usually very lean, add a little butter. Roast in the ordinary way with two hot radiators; bake from one and a half to two hours. VEAL ROLLS Take thin veal steak off the ham, and cut it in squares. Season these with salt and pepper and wrap around strips of salt pork, fastening each with a toothpick; roll in flour and brown in butter. Thicken the butter left in the pan with flour and add milk; bring this to a boil and pour over rolls. Place in the aluminum vessel, heat thoroughly for twenty minutes and place in the cooker for four hours. Mushrooms may be added to the sauce when ready to serve. VEAL AND RICE y^ cup rice 1 sliced onion 2V2 pounds veal 6 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon meat extract Boil the rice in salt water till soft (one can do this the day pre- vious). Cut the veal in cubes. Heat the butter in a kettle; add the meat and sliced onion; leave until yellow. Then add the rice, which has been thinned with water and meat extract, 'and Par- mesan cheese if desired. Put the closed kettle in the cooker for forty-five minutes. Use one radiator. 428 gi^^S?Vf°^o^ur FIRELESS COOKERY MEAT RECIPES FOR THE HOME-MADE COOKER Any of the recipes for boiled meats or stew are, of course, suit- able for use with the ordinary box cooker. Those calling for the use of radiators are not. Meats that must be browned can be prepared in the cooker, however, if they are browned over a blaze either before or after they are placed in the cooker. Here are a few recipes : Roasted Meats Sear the roast over the fire, turning it constantly in a hot, dry pan; put in a very hot oven with two cups of water and bake twenty minutes. While this is being done, bring the water in the outer kettle to a boil; then place the roast over it; cover and boil hard for five or ten minutes; lift into the cooker and leave all day, reheating at noon and again at serving time. Lift the meat from the upper pan and make a brown sauce from the juice that re- mains. Stuffed Heart 1 heart Savory drippings 1 cup broken bread 1 chopped onion Salt and pepper Wash the heart thoroughly inside and out. Dip the bread- crumbs in fat; brown them in the oven; mix with chopped onion and season thoroughly. Stuff the heart with this mixture; sew up the opening and put it on to boil in water sufficient to cover. Boil for ten minutes and set in the fireless cooker for six or eight hours. Remove from the water half an hour before serving; sprinkle with flour, pepper, salt and grated crumbs and brown in the oven. Mock Wild Duck IV2 pounds round steak Salt and pepper 2 lamb kidneys Powdered thyme and sage 14 cup drippings 2 tablespoons flour V2 cup cracker cnunbs 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon minced onion 3 cups water or stock Choose a steak from the round, about one half inch thick. Trim the kidneys of all fat, cords and veins. Cut into small pieces and spread evenly over the steak, together with crumbs, onion and «8 429 FIRELESS COOKERY FamTolrJu'r seasonings. Roll and tie with a cord. Brown the roll in the drippings; then remove and make a gravy by heating the flour in the fat and adding the water or stock and the sugar. Return the meat to the gravy; heat it thoroughly; place in the fireless cooker and cook until tender. Just before serving time remove the roll and brown it in the oven. VEGETABLES Many vegetables are cooked best in a fireless cooker, because the food value and taste are developed. For those vegetables that are cooked or boiled in water, the usual recipes can be applied. It is only necessary to put sufficient boiling water over the vege- tables before placing in the cooker. One radiator is used. In baking such vegetables as potatoes, apples, etc., both radiators are used. Ordinary sized potatoes require from three quarters to one hour cooking time. Vegetables may be cooked by all of the following three methods, and each housewife should determine to her own satisfaction which method gives the best results: 1. Vegetable first brought to boiling point and placed in cooker without radiator. 2. Vegetable first brought to boil and placed in the cooker with heated radiator. 3. Vegetable placed in cooker cold and raw with heated radiator. All good cooks are aware that some kinds of vegetables are better when cooked at a boil, such as potatoes and other vegetables con- taining a large percentage of starch; while other vegetables, such as parsnips, carrots and turnips, containing but little starch, are hardened by high heat and should be cooked slowly without radiators. Again, green peas and asparagus, containing much sugar, are better cooked without the radiators, as there will be no violent boiling. ASPARAGUS Wash the asparagus; cut off tough ends; cover with boiling water and place in cooker for one hour. Drain off the water and cover with milk; season with salt and pepper; heat and serve. BOILED BEETS Wash and scrub, but do not cut the beets. Cover with boiling water and allow to boil fifteen minutes. Place in cooker for two 430 gimn^VfVur FIRELESS COOKERY hours or more, depending upon the age of the beets. Remove from cooker; put beets in cold water for a minute; slip off the skins, and cut the beets in small pieces. Season with salt, pepper and butter, or any sauce you may prefer. To retain the color of the beets leave on the root and about one half inch of leaves. BEET GREENS Wash and pick over the greens carefully; add one cup of boiling water for each quart of greens. Boil slowly for ten minutes; place kettle in cooker for two hours. Drain off the water; add salt, pepper and butter; reheat and serve. PICKLED BEETS 2 cups boiling water 2 cups vinegar 4 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon salt y^ teaspoon pepper 10 cloves 1 stick cinnamon 10 peppercorns Boil the beets as usual ; peel and cut them into slices ; place in glass jar. Mix the sugar, salt, pepper and spices in the water; add vinegar and heat almost to the boiling point. Pour this over the beets and allow them to stand twenty-four hours before serving. BAKED BEANS Clean the beans and soak in cold water over night. Drain off this water and add enough fresh water to cover them. Add a half pound of salt pork to each quart of beans (measured before soak- ing); add salt, pepper and molasses or sugar to suit taste. Boil for ten or fifteen minutes; place kettle in cooker for six or eight hours. Remove to earthen dish and bake for two hours or until beans are well browned. BOILED CABBAGE Remove outside leaves; cut into quarters and cut out tough center. Put into kettle and cover with boiling salted water; allow to boil for ten minutes without cover. Cover and place in cooker for one hour. Season with butter, salt and pepper, or serve with cream sauce. 431 FIRELESS COOKERY Fa^^Tol f Ju^r BOILED CARROTS Wash and scrape the carrots; cut into slices or cubes; place in kettle and cover with boiling water. Allow to boil for five minutes ; add salt and place in cooker for three hours. Drain and serve with a cream sauce or melted butter. Carrots may be cooled and used in a salad if preferred. CARROTS AND PEAS Cook the carrots as usual; when done, drain; add one can of peas and allow to simmer for ten minutes; add salt, pepper and butter and serve at once. CAULIFLOWER Remove outside leaves from cauliflower and place it in cold water; allow to remain a half hour. Place in kettle and cover with boiling water; add one teaspoon of salt and boil slowly five minutes; place in cooker for one hour. Drain and serve with cream sauce. CREAMED CELERY Wash, clean and cut into small pieces enough celery to make three cups; place in kettle and cover with boiling water, allow to simmer five minutes. Place in cooker for two hours; drain and serve with cream sauce. BAKED CORN 6 ears corn i^ cup butter 1 cup boiling milk Salt and pepper Cut the grains from the cobs; add boiling milk, butter, salt and pepper to taste. Put in buttered baking dish; dot with small pieces of butter and bake in cooker for one hour. BAKED CORN AND TOMATOES Fill a baking dish with alternate layers of canned corn, tomatoes* and toasted or fried bread crumbs, adding plenty of salt and pep- per, a suspicion of sugar and generous piece of butter. Have the top layer of crumbs. Bake for one hour. 432 gL3?Vf%o"»r FIRELESS COOKERY BOILED GREEN CORN Remove the husks and threads ; place corn in kettle; cover with boiling water and boil for three minutes. Place in cooker for one hour or more, depending upon the age of the corn. Drain and serve with salt and butter. LIMA BEANS— FRESH Wash the beans and cover with water. Add a small piece of salt pork or butter and boil for ten minutes; season and place in cooker for two hours or more. Season to taste with salt and pepper. LIMA BEANS— PUREE 1 cup dried beans 1 stalk celery 2 cups water 1 teaspoon salt 1 slice onion Dash of pepper 2 tablespoons butter Soak the beans over night. Drain; add fresh water and a pinch of soda. Boil fifteen minutes ; add onion and celery cut into small pieces; place in cooker over night. Rub through sieve; add but- ter, salt and pepper, and serve hot. BOILED ONIONS Cover the onions with boiling water. Add salt and boil three minutes. Cook two hours or longer, using one hot radiator. Drain; season with salt, pepper and butter; or serve with cream sauce. PARSNIPS Wash and scrape the parsnips ; cut in slices about one fourth of an inch thick; cover with boiling salted water and allow to boil for five minutes. Place in cooker for three hours. Drain and brown in frying pan or season with salt, pepper and butter. PEAS Shell the peas; throw them into boiling water and let them boil slowly for five minutes. Add salt, pepper and butter. Place in cooker for two hours or more. 433 FIRELESS COOKERY FrmSro'fFour MASHED POTATOES Wash and pare the potatoes; cut into pieces of uniform size; cover with boiling salted water and boil for five minutes. Place in cooker for an hour or an hour and a half, depending upon the size of the pieces and amount in the kettle; drain, mash, add salt, pepper, milk and butter. Beat until smooth. STEAMED POTATOES Wash the potatoes in fresh water; put them into the kettle and cover with water (hot water preferred), clamping the lid on the kettle. Heat one radiator twenty minutes; place kettle over the radiator while heating. Pour the water off the potatoes, allowing only a little to remain and put the kettle into the cooker over the radiator. Cook for an hour and a half. Potatoes may be pared or unpared. BAKED POTATOES Wash and dry medium-sized potatoes; put them in a pan and bake in the fireless for forty -five minutes. After fifteen minutes raise the cover quickly and allow the steam to escape. CREAMED POTATOES Wash and pare the potatoes; cut into one-half-inch cubes; place in kettle and cover with boiling salted water. Boil three minutes and place in cooker for forty-five minutes. Drain and cover with cream sauce. Large amounts of potatoes may be cooked in the cooker in this way without danger of their breaking. SCALLOPED POTATOES 1 pint raw potatoes 1/2 small onion Butter V2 cup bread crumbs Salt and pepper 1 cup milk Peel and slice the potatoes; put them in the kettle in layers, covering each with salt, pepper, butter and a little onion. Put a layer of bread crumbs on top; pour on the milk; heat thoroughly and place in the cooker. Use two radiators and bake two and a half hours. 434 FimHyVf^Four FIRELESS COOKERY POTATOES FOR SALAD Select potatoes of uniform size; wash and remove the eyes. Place potatoes in kettle and cover with boiling water. Add one tablespoon of salt for each quart of water. Boil five minutes if potatoes are small, ten if large. Place in cooker for two hours. Drain and allow to cool uncovered. SAUER KRAUT Place a pound of sliced fresh pork in a vessel and add a quart of sauer kraut; cover with water and boil for ten minutes. Put in the cooker and allow it to remain for six hours. SPINACH Clean and wash the spinach, carefully removing roots; place in kettle and add half as much boiling water as spinach; salt and boil slowly ten minutes. Place in cooker three hours; drain; add butter, salt and pepper. Serve with vinegar and hard-boiled eggs. STUFFED PEPPERS To prepare red and green sweet peppers for stuffing, cut off the top and with a knife cut out and remove the veins and seeds. The peppers may be filled with a variety of mixtures — chopped cold meats and seasoned bread crumbs and onion juice, or other sea- soning, or plain boiled rice; in any or all cases moisten liberally with melted butter. Stand close together in a dish; pour on a little stock or boiling water and bake in the cooker for one half hour. SQUASH Cut the squash into pieces; remove seeds and pare. Cut into small pieces^and add water almost to cover. Boil ten minutes and place in cooker two hours. Drain, mash and season with but- ter, salt and pepper. If the butter is browned sHghtly it will im- prove the flavor. STRING BEANS Break rather than cut the beans into small pieces of about one half inch and, unless they are very fresh, it is well to soak them in ice water one hour before cooking. Then throw them into boiling water; season with salt and pepper and a little butter. Cover the dish; place in the cooker and leave two hours or more. 435 FIRELESS COOKERY I'^^^lVrv^ur BAKED SWEET POTATOES Prepare in the same way as white potatoes and bake by same method. They will cook in about the same time. WHITE TURNIPS Wash and pare the turnips; cut into slices and cover with boil- ing water. Cook for ten minutes and place in cooker for four hours. Drain and mash; season with salt, pepper and butter and serve hot. Use two radiators. YELLOW TURNIPS Prepare yellow turnips or rutabagas, as they are sometimes called, in the same manner as white turnips, but leave in the cooker from one to two hours longer, as they require more cooking. BOILED TOMATOES Wash the tomatoes and pour boiling water over them, allowing them to remain in it about one half minute or less if they are very ripe. Cover with cold water and peel. Cut into pieces and add salt, pepper to taste, butter and a small amount of sugar. Boil for five minutes; place in cooker and allow to remain one hour. STEWED TOMATOES 1 tablespoon butter 1 quart tomatoes 1 level tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon sugar Salt and pepper Rub the butter, melted, into the flour; add the tomatoes and seasoning and put in the covered kettle in the cooker for twenty- five minutes. Use one radiator. BAKED MACARONI ^2 pound macaroni 2 cups cream sauce V2 teaspoon salt V2 cup bread crumbs Break the sticks into small pieces; add salt and boil for thirty minutes. Add cream sauce and bake for two and a half hours, using both radiators. Reheat and serve. 436 ra^rSS^Vf^^o^ur FIRELESS COOKERY MACARONI WITH CHEESE Cook the macaroni as for baking. Place a layer of macaroni in a pudding dish; cover with a layer of cream sauce and a layer of grated cheese. Alternate until the dish is filled. Put layer of bread crumbs on top with bits of butter. Bake for two hours, using both radiators. MACARONI WITH TOMATOES Prepare macaroni as for baking. Put layer of tomatoes in pudding dish; cover with macaroni; season with salt, pepper and butter. Repeat this until the dish is full. Sprinkle cracker crumbs on the top with bits of butter. Bake slowly for an hour. BREAD AND BISCUITS In baking bread or biscuits the fireless cooker is a pronounced success, as it browns the crusts and bakes thoroughly without burning. The cooker is also an excellent place to set the sponge to rise, for the temperature is always the same, and no matter what condition the kitchen may be in over night, the sponge will be kept perfectly warm. Use two radiators for baking bread, biscuits, cakes and pies, placing one radiator below bread or pastry rack and one above, and have only one pan of bread, cake or pie in the rack at a time. After the pastry has been in the cooker ten or fifteen minutes, open and close quickly the top of the cooker and let the steam es- cape. Do not open again until the full cooking time has elapsed. Opening the cooker and letting out the steam prevents the bread and pastry from becoming soggy and permits it to brown. The regular recipes can be used, but several are here given. A few experiments will enable one to make a satisfactory time schedule. BREAD 4 potatoes 1 cake compressed yeast 1 quart water 1 tablespoon lukewarm water 2 tablespoons salt 3 quarts flour 4 teaspoons sugar 2 tablespoons lard Boil the potatoes in the water. When thoroughly done, mash; add salt and sugar. Dissolve the yeast cake in lukewarm water; mix potato water and yeast together; place this in small aluminum 437 FIRELESS COOKERY Ff-Jfi^T, 'f'Ju", dish and leave over night in the cooker, so as to keep it warm and out of drafts. In the morning rub the lard into the flour; add the yeast; mix down, adding enough flour to make it stiff; place this in large aluminum pail and put it into the cooker to rise. When light, cut into loaves; work down smooth and put in the large aluminum vessel. Have the radiators hot and use them just the same as when roasting beef. TEA BISCUITS Follow the usual recipe and bake with two very hot radiators. BOSTON BROWN BREAD No. 1 2 cups yellow com meal 1 heaping teaspoon baking soda 2 cups graham flour 1 cup hot water 1 cup wheat !flour 1 cup New Orleans molasses 1 teaspoon salt 1 quart buttermilk 2 teaspoons melted lard or butter Mix the corn meal, graham flour, wheat flour and salt thoroughly together. Dissolve the soda in the hot water. Whip all the liquids together; turn into the mixed flour; beat well and add the melted lard or butter. Bake in the cooker, using two very hot radiators, for about an hour and a half. BROWN BREAD No. 2 1 quart buttermilk or sour milk 2 cups yellow com meal 1 tablespoon melted butter V2 cup currants or raisins 1 tablespoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon salt % teaspoon allspice 1 cup New Orleans molasses V2 teaspoon nutmeg 4 cups coarse graham flour ^4 teaspoon ginger Mix the first five ingredients thoroughly; add the flour and meal; mix well; add the fruit and spices. Bake for three hours, using two radiators. The fruit and spices may be omitted if desired. STEAMED GRAHAM BREAD 3 cups graham flour 1 cup white flour 1 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons soda 1 cup molasses 2^/2 cups sour milk Mix and cook the same as Boston Brown Bread, using one radiator. 438 a'Sli5''J'>f„''„r FIRELESS COOKERY Family of Four CAKE Any kind of cake can be baked in the fireless cooker; but dif- ferent cakes require different heats, which can only be learned by experience. For instance : a batter with butter in it requires more heat than a light batter without butter. One must consider this fact in heating the radiators and in keeping the cake in the cooker. Use ordinary cake pans, placing same in bread and pastry rack which is furnished, using two radiators. It is a good plan after the cake has been in the cooker ten or fifteen minutes to open the top quickly and let the steam escape. Below are a few recipes that have been well tried out on the fireless cooker. ANGEL CAKE i cup sifted flour Whites of 8 to 10 eggs 1V4 cups sifted sugar Pinch of salt V2 teaspoon cream of tartar Sift the flour four or five times before measuring; then sift and measure the sugar. Add the salt to the eggs; beat them to a froth; add cream of tartar and beat until very stiff . Stir in sugar; then flour, very lightly. Put in a pan in the pastry rack and bake between two moderately hot radiators. SPONGE CAKE No. 1 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup sugar i/^ cup hot milk 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon flavoring Beat the yolks; stir into them the sugar and beaten whites; then fold in the flour and baking powder, well sifted. Add the hot milk and flavoring and bake for thirty minutes, using both radi- ators. SPONGE CAKE No. 2 4 eggs Juice and rind of y^ lemon 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour Beat the yolks and whites of the eggs separately. Into the yolks stir the sugar, lemon and whites; then fold in the flour. Bake between two moderately hot radiators for twenty-five minutes. 439 FIRELESS COOKERY Fa^X^rp-? CHRISTMAS CAKE iy2 pounds flour 1 pound sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 pound butter 1 teaspoon nutmeg 12 eggs Vi teaspoon cloves % cup currant jelly % teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon soda 1 poimd citron 1 cup molasses 1 pound currants 1 teaspoon salt 2 pounds seeded raisins Dash of red pepper Divide the flour into two parts; into one half put the cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice, and into the other mix the fruit. Cream the butter and sugar; add the eggs, well beaten, then the soda, dissolved in a little warm water and mixed with the molasses, salt and pepper. Put in round buttered pans and bake between two moderately hot radiators for two hours. GINGERBREAD 34 cup lard 1 tablespoon mixed spices 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon ginger 3 eggs 1 dessertspoon soda 1 cup molasses 1 tablespoon hot water 1 tablespoon cloves Flour 1 cup boiling water Cream the lard and sugar; add the other ingredients in the order named, dissolving the soda in the hot water before using. SOUR-MILK CAKE 1 cup sour milk 1 egg 1 cup sugar 1 level teaspoon soda V2 cup butter V2 cup chopped raisins 2 cups flour Spices to taste Mix all well together. Bake in a loaf with two radiators. NUT CAKE V2 cup butter 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder Yolks of 2 eggs 1 cup chopped nuts V2 cup milk Whites of 2 eggs Chop the nutmeats and sprinkle with flour. Cream the butter, sugar and yolks; add the milk, then the flour in which the baking 440 I Family of**Fo^ur FIRE LESS COOKERY powder has been sifted; then the nut-meats and, last, the well- whipped whites. Bake in layers or in round cake dish. Remove and ice with caramel icing and nut-meats. Bake with two radi- ators. DRIED FRUITS Dried fruits are especially satisfactory when prepared in the fireless cooker; for they can be cooked the long time that is neces- sary to their perfection, without danger of being broken or re- duced to a mush. APPLES Wash the apples in cold water, soak over night and cook in the water in which they were soaked. Boil slowly for ten minutes, adding sugar, lemon and spices to taste. Place in cooker for six hours. APRICOTS Wash the fruit carefully and allow it to soak in cold water over night. Boil slowly for ten minutes in same water; add sugar to taste and place in cooker for four hours. BLACK FIGS Wash figs and soak over night in cold water. Boil slowly for five minutes in same water in which they were soaked; add sugar to taste; cook until sugar is dissolved; place in cooker for three or four hours. Serve cold with cream. FIGS Cut stems from figs; cover with cold water; add a slice of lemon and simmer for five minutes. Add sugar to taste and cook five minutes longer. Place in cooker for three hours. DRIED PEACHES Wash peaches in cold water; drain and cover with fresh water; allow to soak over night. Boil slowly for ten minutes in water in which they were soaked; add sugar to taste and place in cooker for four hours. 441 FIRELESS COOKERY Fam^ny" o1 Four DRIED PEARS Cook pears the same as peaches. A few whole cloves, a small piece of cinnamon and a slice of lemon added while pears are boil- ing will improve their flavor. PRUNES Wash the prunes in cold water; cover with fresh water and allow to soak over night. Simmer for five minutes in the same water in which they were soaked; add sugar to taste and when sugar is dissolved and the prunes boiling hot, place in the cooker for four hours. BREAD PUDDING 2 tablespoons butter Pinch of salt ■ Yolks of 4 eggs Nutmeg if desired 5 tablespoons bread crumbs Whites of 4 eggs y^ teaspoon baking powder Cream the butter; add the yolks of the eggs and stir well; add the bread crumbs, salt and nutmeg; fold in the whipped whites of eggs; add the baking powder and pour into a pudding dish. Boil in a kettle of boiling water on the stove for fifteen minutes; then place in the cooker for one hour. Use two radiators. COTTAGE PUDDING 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 14 cup butter 2 cups fiour 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking powder Take the sugar, butter and ^gg and beat well together; add the milk and the baking powder well sifted in the flour. Bake in shallow pan between two moderately hot radiators for twenty minutes. Serve with sauce. FIG PUDDING 1 cup sugar 4 level teaspoons baking powder V2 cup butter 2 1/3 cups flour 1/2 . - Whites of 4 eggs Cream the butter; add the sugar gradually; sift the baking powder with the flour, and add milk and flour alternately; add 442 I'^^furVrrour FIRELESS COOKERY figs and fold in the whites of eggs. Pour mixture into buttered molds; place mold in kettle and add boiling water until it almost comes to top of molds. Boil fifteen minutes and place in cooker for two hours. Serve with hard sauce. CHERRY PUDDING Follow the recipe for Fig Pudding, adding one cup of fresh cherries. If the cherries are very juicy add about two tablespoons more of flour. Cooked cherries may be used : drain them and save the juice for sauce. TAPIOCA AND APPLES 1/2 cup pearl tapioca % cup sugar 4 cups boiling water 6 sour apples 1 teaspoon salt Soak the tapioca in cold water for two hours. Drain and add the boiling water; boil five minutes; add the sugar and salt, and when the sugar is dissolved, place in the cooker for two hours. Pare and core the apples; cut into pieces or leave whole; place in buttered dish and cover with cooked tapioca. Bake until apples are soft. Serve with cream and sugar. The minute tapioca may be used, and it needs no soaking. TAPIOCA CUSTARD PUDDING 1 cup pearl or minute tapioca 3 eggs 1 cup water 3/4 cup sugar 3 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter Soak pearl tapioca in cold water one hour; drain and add water. Heat to boiling point; add milk, sugar and salt, cook slowly for five minutes, being careful not to let it burn. Place in cooker for two hours. Add the well-beaten eggs and butter. Pour the mixture into a buttered pan and bake until brown. The minute tapioca needs no soaking. OTHER PUDDINGS Puddings which require considerable cooking are usually better if prepared by the fireless method. Rice pudding will require about five hours. 443 FIRELESS COOKERY fI'X^oIfou; APPLE PIE Line the plate with the crust. On the bottom scatter a quarter of a cup of sugar mixed with a tablespoon of flour, laying apples carefully up to the desired thickness. Sprinkle sugar on the top and put in small pieces of butter. Place in the cooker, using both radiators, for about forty-five minutes. Any fruit pies can be baked in this manner. CHERRY PIE Stone ripe cherries; sweeten to taste; and sift a small quantity of flour over the fruit to thicken the juice. Bake in two crusts in the cooker for one hour. CUSTARD PIE Make a custard of two eggs, half a cup of sugar, a pint of milk, a little butter and flavoring. Make the paste in the usual way and put it in a round pie dish that will fit in the large com- partment. Fill in the usual way and bake in the cooker with two radiators, one above the pie and the other below it. LEMON PIE 1 cup boiling water 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch Vi cup butter 1 tablespoon cold water 1 egg Juice and rind of 1 lemon Put the water into small saucepan and add cornstarch stirred smooth in cold water; when it boils after stirring, set off the stove and add butter and sugar, previously well stirred together. When cool add egg and lemon. Pour into crust in pan and re- move to cooker, using both radiators. This will bake in twenty minutes. After baking, cover with meringue and place in the cabinet to brown, again using both radiators. PUMPKIN PIE 2 eggs well beaten 2 cups milk 3/4 cup sugar IV^ cups cooked pumpkin Mix the ingredients ; salt to taste, season with nutmeg, cinnamon, a little ginger and melted butter. Bake in the cooker one hour. 444 i FalSnyVf'fo'ur FIRELESS COOKERY FROZEN DESSERTS As the cooker retains cold as well as heat, any frozen dessert which does not require to be stirred — mousse or parfait, for instance — can be made in them. Set one pail inside of the other, filling the outer one with chopped ice and salt and the inner one with the prepared mixture. Let stand for about five hours. 445 _ ^ _ ,^»»"r^TH-«r Planned for a FIRELESS COOKERY Family of Four 446 pLmSyVf^Four FIRELESS COOKERY 447 FIRELESS COOKERY 448 Planned for a Family of Four PAPER-BAG COOKERY PAPER-BAG COOKERY IT would be absurd to claim that cooking in paper bags is to take the place of cooking by all other methods; but it appeals to many housewives as an economical, labor-saving method of preparing a meal. The sealed bag prevents loss of rich juices and flavors; prevents loss of weight in meats; and saves the washing of pots and pans — always a disagreeable task. Further, the paper bag, like the casserole and the fireless cooker, offers opportunity for economy in meats; for cuts of meat and poultry too tough for use by the old method are made tender by cooking in the paper bag. Success depends in large measure upon the bags, and it is safe to use only those manufactured for the purpose. These are odorless and entirely free from impurities. A bag containing a break or hole should never be used and in cooking very juicy dishes it is sometimes wise to set the rack holding the bag on a shallow dish so that in case the bag should break there may be no loss of juices. Always place the seam side up. Select a bag that will conveniently hold the food — one that is neither too large nor too small. Grease it thoroughly on the inside, using butter or drippings. The grease makes the paper still more air-proof and is essential to the success of the process. Apply the grease with a brush, taking care to select one from which the bristles will not be likely to fall; or, better, put several tablespoons of melted grease in the bag; lay it flat on the table and press from the bottom upward until both sides are thor- oughly greased. When the food is prepared, put it in the bag carefully; fold the open end several times and fasten with paper clips or pins. Fold the corners at the other end of the bag also to insure against 451 PAPER-BAG COOKERY FamX" t^ '/Jur leakage. Do not crease with the finger nail or the paper may break in the oven. Some cooks moisten the bags to make them more pliable. Be sure that the oven is well heated when the food is put in. A gas oven should be lighted for at least ten minutes before using and the average oven heat should not be less than 200° F. On the other hand the oven should not be too hot, or the bags will char quickly and it will be almost impossible to remove the food. After the first fifteen minutes the heat should be slightly reduced; for long, slow cooking will secure a better result. Let the bag rest on a rack and not on the floor of the oven, as the air should circulate freely around it. If the oven shelves are solid, the bag should be elevated on a wire rack or broiler laid across a pan. The rack is a wise provision anyway, as it makes the removal of the bag easier. If the temperature is right the food will brown in the closed bag; but many cooks advise puncturing the bag when the pro- duct is nearly done in order to make the brown crust a certainty. If the bag should accidentally break before the food is done, place it in another bag or fold over the broken portion and fasten with paper clips. There is really small danger of breakage if the proper precautions are taken. To remove the food, open the door of the oven — very carefully if it is a gas oven, as a heavy jar will sometimes set fire to the paper; hold a flat board or platter in the left hand and slip the bag gently upon this. Open the bag and remove the contents. PANNED OYSTERS OR CLAMS Put the oysters or clams into a buttered bag and cook for about fifteen minutes. Add butter and seasoning and serve. BREADED OYSTERS Wash the oysters; dip them in beaten egg; roll in fine bread crumbs; put into a buttered bag with two tablespoons of melted butter; seal the bag and cook in a hot oven for about eight minutes. 452 Courtesy of the Union Bag and Paper Co. HOW TO USE THE PAPER BAG pLmSjVf^L^r PAPER-BAG COOKERY BAKED FISH IN PAPER BAG Clean the fish in the usual way; season and roll in flour or corn meal. Place in a well-buttered bag and bake in a hot oven for about fifteen minutes. Haddock, cod or small fish are good cooked in this way. Serve with sauce like any other baked fish. SMELTS SUR LE PLAT Clean and wash the smelts; season and roll in flour. Place in a buttered bag with a small onion, a little lemon juice and water and a tablespoon of butter. Cook for about fifteen minutes. SPANISH MACKEREL IN BUTTER Take a choice fillet of mackerel; season and slip into a paper bag. Cover with fresh bread crumbs; pour drawn butter over the whole and cook for twenty minutes. When done, remove to platter; sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve. STUFFED FISH Haddock, bluefish, shad and bass are excellent stuffed and baked in paper bags. Make the stuffing in the usual way; stuff the fish and bake in a buttered bag for twenty minutes or more according to the size of the fish. ROAST QUAIL Clean the quail thoroughly, cover with thin slices of bacon; sea- son and put in a buttered bag, adding a little butter. Cook for eight minutes. ROAST CHICKEN Prepare the chicken as usual; spread over the breast butter or drippings; put in a paper bag; fold in the end and fasten with clips. Cook on a grid shelf in a moderately hot oven for about forty minutes, with potatoes if desired. Serve with a brown sauce made from the juices in the bag. 453 PAPER-BAG COOKERY FamTofFour CHICKEN SAUTE Take the legs and wings of a chicken and season well; add two or three sprigs of parsley, broken into small pieces, and a small onion, chopped. Mix with a tablespoon of butter; put into a bag and cook for twenty-five minutes. MUTTON STEW 2 pounds neck of mutton 1 tomato sliced 1 chopped onion Salt and pepper 1 potato cut in cubes 1 tablespoon flour 1 carrot cut in cubes 3^ cup cold water Cut the mutton into small pieces and mix thoroughly with the other ingredients. Pour into a greased paper bag and cook for about half an hour. MUTTON CUTLETS Cut the best end of a neck of mutton into cutlets; flatten and trim neatly. Season with salt and pepper and place in a well- buttered bag; fold in the ends; fasten with clips and cook in a moderate oven from twelve to fifteen minutes. BEEF STEW 2 pounds round beef Salt and pepper 10 mushrooms 1 cup brown sauce 10 small onions 3 tablespoons claret Cut the beef into two-inch cubes; put with the other ingredients into a well-greased paper bag and cook for about one hour. BEEF LOAF Follow the recipe given in the chapter on "Meats," but bake in a well-buttered paper bag. Make a brown sauce from the juices that are in the bag. ROAST BEEF WITH POTATOES Wipe the meat with a wet cloth; sprinkle with salt and pepper and put in a well-buttered paper bag. Add pared potatoes and two ounces of butter; close the bag and bake, allowing one hour to four pounds of beef. 454 gLZ^ofVur PAPER-BAG COOKERY SCALLOPED SWEETBREADS 1 pair sweetbreads 1 tablespoon butter 1 egg Bread crimibs Salt, pepper and flour Cut the sweetbreads in half lengthwise; season and dust with flour. Dip in beaten egg; roll in bread crumbs and put into a greased paper bag together with the butter. Cook thirty-five minutes. KIDNEY Lamb or veal kidney V2 glass sherry 6 mushrooms 2 tablespoons brown sauce Wash the kidney as usual; cut into thick slices; put in a but- tered bag; cover with sliced mushrooms; add sherry and brown sauce and cook for ten minutes. STEAMED CAULIFLOWER Wash the cauliflower carefully and place it in a buttered bag with two tablespoons of milk. If desired brown, spread the cauli- flower with butter. Cook in a very hot^oven for forty-five minutes. STEAMED TURNIPS Wash and pare the turnips and cut them into small pieces; add several tablespoons of butter; put in a buttered bag and cook for about twenty-five minutes. Serve with cream sauce. STEAMED CARROTS Wash and scrape the carrots and put them whole into a well- greased bag. Add one teaspoon of water for each carrot and cook for about thirty minutes. Serve with cream sauce. GREEN PEAS 1 pint peas 1/2 tablespoon butter y^ teaspoon salt Pepper 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 cup water Mix the ingredients; pour into a greased bag and cook for about thirty-five minutes. 455 PAPER-BAG COOKERY Planned for a Family of Four BAKED TOMATOES 6 tomatoes Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons fine bread crumbs 1 tablespoon butter Cut the tomatoes in half; sprinkle with salt, pepper and bread crumbs and bits of butter. Put in a greased bag and bake about twenty minutes. POTATO CHIPS Wash and peel several potatoes; cut them into very thin slices and dry thoroughly in a cloth. Put into a well-buttered bag; fasten with clips and place on a grid shelf in a hot oven. The chips should be crisp in about fifteen minutes. Turn the bag several times during the cooking. Season the chips and serve. SAUTE POTATOES Peel cold potatoes and cut into thin slices; seasoning with pep- per and salt; and mix thoroughly with melted butter. Put in a buttered paper bag and cook about twenty minutes, turning the bag several times. 456 Planned for a F^Srof Fo'ur PAPER-BAG COOKERY 457 PAPER-BAG COOKERY Fam^tg F^ur CHAFING-DISH COOKERY CHAFING-DISH COOKERY THE frying pan "that got into society" is too familiar to need an introduction, and where there are few servants it does occasionally make the serving of evening refreshments easier. At any rate the chafing dish has gained wide popularity, and nearly every woman who entertains is on the lookout for new recipes. A few practical suggestions may be worth while : Be sure that the lamp is filled and in working order. Place the dish on a tray to protect the table from fire. Have all the ingredients ready. Use the hot- water pan only when the preparation requires steam- ing or will be likely to burn. To cook quickly or to cook anything brown use only the blazer, and have it hot before turning in the food. BOUILLON 2 teaspoons beef extract Salt and pepper 34 teaspoon onion juice Pinch of mace 1 quart water Heat the water; add the extract and seasonings. Serve in bouillon cups, with salted wafers. SHRIMP WIGGLE 1 cup canned peas 1 tablespoon flour 1 small can shrimps 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 teaspoon salt Dash of red pepper Melt the butter; stir in the flour and seasoning; then add the milk gradually. When it thickens empty into it the peas and shrimps; cover and when heated through serve in patty cups or on crackers. 3. *61 CHAFING-DISH COOKERY rilT^fKfu? CREAM OF TOMATO 1 can tomato soup 1 cup cream or milk Heat the soup; stir in the cream' or milk, preferably hot; add more seasoning if needed and a small piece of butter if milk is used instead of cream. Serve with salted wafers or buttered toast. RINKTUM DITTY 2 tablespoons butter Dash of paprika 2 cups grated cheese Salt 1 cup tomatoes Worcestershire sauce V4 teaspoon soda 1 egg Melt the cheese in the butter; add the tomatoes, soda and seasoning, then the egg, well beaten. Serve on toast or crackers. CHICKEN HOLLANDAISE 1 cup cold chicken 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons butter V4 cup milk Salt and paprika 1 egg Cook the chicken in the butter for five minutes; add the seasoning and lemon juice. When thoroughly mixed add the milk and the egg, well beaten. Stir until it thickens and serve in patty cups or on crackers. ENGLISH MONKEY V2 cup bread crumbs V2 cup grated cheese V2 cup milk Salt and red pepper 1 teaspoon butter 1 egg Soak the crumbs in the milk for twenty minutes. Melt the cheese in the butter; add the seasoning; stir in the soaked bread crumbs and cook several minutes. Then add the egg, well beaten, and as soon as that is stirred in serve on toasted soda crackers. WELSH RAREBIT 1 tablespoon butter 1 egg 1 pound American cheese 14 teaspoon mustard 1/2 glass ale 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and red pepper Chop the cheese into fine pieces and melt them in the butter. Stir constantly and gradually add the ale. Beat the egg; mix 462 "rnHfo'tVur CHAFING-DISH COOKERY well with the seasoning and stir into the chafing dish. When the whole mixture is thoroughly heated pour it over toasted bread or crackers. MEXICAN RAREBIT 14 tablespoon butter 1 pint can tomatoes 1 small onion 1 egg Salt and red pepper Cut the onion in small pieces and fry in the butter until brown. Then add the tomatoes and seasoning and cook until the tomatoes are tender. Just before serving add the egg, well beaten. Serve on toasted crackers. MACARONI RAREBIT 1 cup boiled macaroni V^ teaspoon mustard 1 tablespoon butter V2 teaspoon paprika y^ cup grated cheese 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup milk Squares of buttered toast Heat the boiled macaroni in the butter, with the cheese and seasonings. When hot and the cheese melted, add the eggs, well beaten in the milk. Stir until the rarebit thickens and serve on toast. MT. CLEMENS RAREBIT 6 ounces American cheese 2 chopped green peppers 2 ounces butter yi can red kidney beans Squares of buttered toast Melt the cheese; add the butter, then the pepper, and last, the beans. When thoroughly hot serve on buttered toast. CURRIED EGGS 4 hard-boiled eggs V^ teaspoon curry powder 1 cup cream sauce Salt and pepper Chop the eggs; heat thoroughly in the sauce; add curry powder, more salt and pepper, and serve in patty shells or on squares of buttered toast. 463 Planned for a CHAFING-DISH COOKERY Fa^muyTf fJu? STIRRED EGGS 1 tablespoon butter V2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup brown sauce "^h saltspoon pepper 5 eggs 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Buttered toast Melt the butter; add the gravy; when hot stir in the beaten eggs. Season and stir until the eggs thicken. Serve on toast and sprinkle with parsley. TOMATO SCRAMBLE 1 tablespoon butter V2 teaspoon salt 4 eggs V2 saltspoon pepper 4 tablespoons milk 1 cup canned tomatoes Melt the butter; stir in the eggs, well beaten with the milk; add the tomatoes after they have been drained; season and cook until the eggs thicken. STOCK SCRAMBLE 1 cup stock V2 sweet green pepper 1/2 onion 6 eggs Salt and red pepper Beat the eggs very thoroughly in a shallow bowl. Place the stock in the chafing dish together with the onion and pepper, both finely chopped; cover and when hot throw in the eggs and scramble slightly. Season and serve with thin slices of bread and butter. CHEESE SCRAMBLE 6 eggs 1 tablespoon butter 4 tablespoons milk 1 cup broken cheese Salt and pepper Beat the eggs thoroughly and stir into them the milk and seasoning. Melt the butter in the chafing dish; pour in the eggs and milk; then the cheese. Stir occasionally until the eggs are cooked. Serve with crisp crackers. TERRAPIN The prepared terrapin is best for use in the chafing dish and needs only to be thoroughly heated and seasoned. Add a glass of Madeira or sherry and serve. 464 ??°!if„}"L".„ CHAFING-DISH COOKERY Family of Four OYSTER PAN-ROAST 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper 1 pint oysters 6 slices buttered toast Put the butter in the chafing dish and when it melts add the oysters, washed, and the juice which has come from them, strained. Season; cover; cook for two minutes and serve on the buttered toast. CREAMED OYSTERS AND CELERY 1 pint oysters y2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter V2 saltspoon pepper 2 tablespoons flour V2 saltspoon celery salt Milk Squares of buttered toast V2 cup chopped celery Cook the oysters in their own Hquor; skim; drain and reserve the Hquor. Cook the flour in the butter; stir in gradually the oyster juice, to which milk has been added to make one and a half cups. Stir until the sauce thickens; reheat the oysters; season and serve on squares of buttered toast, sprinkling chopped celery over all. PANNED OYSTERS 25 oysters 1 wineglass sherry 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper Squares of toast Melt the butter in the chafing dish; add the oysters and cook until the edges begin to curl; add the sherry; season and serve on small squares of toast. ROASTED OYSTERS Purchase oysters in the shell and wash them carefully in running water, using a stiff brush. Place them in a pan with the deep half of the shell down; put in a hot oven and bake untill the shells open. Take the oysters out with a sharp knife and toss them into a chafing dish, with pepper, salt and butter. Cover closely; bring to a boil and serve. PIGS IN BLANKETS Take as many oysters as you wish; wash and dry them. Roll each in a slice of thin bacon and fasten the ends with a wooden toothpick. Place them in the chafing dish and cook until the bacon is crisp. 465 CHAFING-DISH COOKERY FamTolFou; LOBSTER A LA NEWBURG iy2 cups boiled lobster 1 gill sherry wine 1 tablespoon butter Yolks of 3 eggs Salt and pepper 1 cup cream Cut the lobster meat into small pieces and put it in the chafing dish with the butter, seasoning thoroughly. Pour the wine over it; cook ten minutes; add the beaten yolks of the eggs and the cream. Bring all to a boil and serve. LOBSTER STEW 1 small lobster Pinch of soda 3 cups milk 3 buttered crackers Salt and pepper 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour Cut the lobster meat into small bits. Scald the milk, stirring in the seasoning and soda. Dip the toasted buttered crackers in the hot milk and keep them warm. Add the butter and flour well rubbed together to the milk, and when it thickens add the lobster. Cook for five minutes and pour over the crackers. DEVILED LOBSTER 2 cups boiled lobster Vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon curry powder y2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon mustard 4 tablespoons butter Lettuce Cut the lobster into small pieces; mix thoroughly with the one tablespoon of butter and the seasonings. Melt the rest of the butter; cook the lobster in it and serve on fresh lettuce leaves. CLAMS A LA NEWBURG 1 pint clams 1 tablespoon brandy 2 tablespoons butter Yolks of 2 eggs Salt, pepper and nutmeg V2 cup cream 1 tablespoon sherry Buttered toast Separate the hard from the soft parts of the clams and chop the hard parts fine. Melt the butter in the chafing dish; add a little salt, pepper and grated nutmeg, then the clams and the sherry and brandy. Beat together the eggs and the cream; stir into the hot mixture; bring to a boil and serve on squares of buttered toast. 466 St^fil^Ji%:..r CHAFING-DISH COOKERY Family of Four CRAB A LA NEWBURG Prepare the same as Lobster a la Newburg. SHRIMP A LA NEWBURG Prepare the same as Lobster a la Newburg. CLAM AND EGG SCRAMBLE 1 dozen clams 4 tablespoons clam juice 5 eggs 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper Wash and scrub the clams; put them in a saucepan with half a cup of water; cover closely and cook until the shells open. Re- move the clams and save the juice for bouillon or other purposes. Chop the clams fine. Beat the eggs slightly; add the clams and four tablespoons of the juice. Melt the butter in the chafing dish; turn in the mixture and stir over hot water until cooked to a soft scramble. Dust with salt and pepper and serA^e. CLAM TOAST 1 dozen small clams l^ cup scalded milk 1 egg yolk 4 slices buttered toast Salt and pepper Clean the clams; cut them into small pieces and simmer a few minutes. Beat the egg yolk; add slowly to the scalded milk; combine with the clams and just before serving add the seasoning. Pour over buttered toast. CANVAS-BACK DUCKS Roast the ducks for twenty minutes; serve whole; carve them at the table; lay them in the chafing dish with red pepper, salt, a large piece of butter, half a glass of currant jelly and an equal quantity of Madeira wine. Simmer a few minutes and serve. SARDINE SAVORY 1 box sardines Anchovy essence 1 cup brown sauce 1 tablespoon sardine oil Remove the sardines from the box and heat them thoroughly in the brown sauce; season with anchovy essence and sardine oil. Serve with egg sandwiches made from graham or rye bread. 467 CHAFING-DISH COOKERY FamTSfpou; CREAMED SARDINES 1 box sardines 1 chopped hard-boUed egg 1 cup cream sauce 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Drain the sardines from their oil, and if they are not boneless, remove the bones. Heat thoroughly in the sauce; add the egg and parsley; serve on squares of toasted bread or crackers. FROG SADDLES Frogs* legs V2 cup cream 3 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper 1 tablespoon flour Few gratings of nutmeg Melt the butter; add the flour; stir until smooth; add the cream gradually and stir until boiling. Put in the legs; season and cover; cook twenty minutes, adding more cream if necessary. QUAIL 2 plump quail 1 teaspoon onion 2 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper 1/2 cup seasoned broth Celery salt 1/2 cup claret 1 tablespoon mushroom catsup Split the birds open down the back. Put the butter in the chafing dish and brown slightly; put in the birds and cook about ten minutes, turning once. When nicely browned add the broth, claret, catsup, onion juice and other seasonings. FRIZZLE-DIZZLE 2 ounces smoked dried beef 3 eggs 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons grated cheese Dash of red pepper Remove all fat and gristle from the beef; tear into small pieces and cook slightly in the butter. Add the beaten eggs, cheese and red pepper; scramble and serve with crisp crackers. VEAL WITH ASPARAGUS TIPS 2 cups cooked veal Yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs 1 cup cooked asparagus tips 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper Rub the yolks and butter to a paste; heat with the milk in the chafing dish, stirring until thoroughly mixed. Put in the veal and asparagus; season; cook five minutes and serve. 468 FLmSfof^FoV CHAFING-DISH COOKERY DEVILED MEAT Cold mutton, chicken or other meat 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon butter V4 teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon vinegar Dash of cayenne Make a sauce of the butter, vinegar and seasonings. Make cuts in the meat; rub the sauce into them; and grill in a hot chafing dish that has been rubbed with a Httle butter. BEEF CHAUFFE Slices of cold roast beef 3 tablespoons jelly 1 tablespoon butter Salt and red pepper 1 glass sherry Melt the butter; add the jelly, seasonings, sherry and beef. Cover and cook until the beef is thoroughly hot. MUSHROOMS WITH BACON 8 slices bacon Mushrooms Fry the bacon in the usual way; just before it is done add the mushroons; fry and serve. TOMATO CURRY 2 cups tomatoes 1 tablespoon curry 1 tablespoon butter Salt and red pepper 1 tablespoon flour Pinch of soda 1 cup cream Cook the tomatoes in the chafing dish; add the flour, well rubbed in the butter, also the curry, salt and a dash of red pepper. When the mixture thickens add a pinch of soda; stir and add the cream. Serve on toasted bread or crackers. MACARONI MILANAISE 2 tablespoons butter I/2 cup brown stock 1 tablespoon flour y^ cup strained tomatoes Vi teaspoon salt 1 cup cooked macaroni Vi teaspoon paprika l^ cup Parmesan cheese Make a sauce of the first six ingredients; add the macaroni and when that is hot, the cheese. Lift and relift the macaroni until it is thoroughly blended with the mixture. 469 CHAFING-DISH COOKERY Fa^X^olFour APPLE DAINTY 4 tart apples 1 tablespoon granulated sugar Juice of 1/2 lemon 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon brandy 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Pare and core the apples; cut them into sHces half an inch thick; cook with the lemon, brandy and granulated sugar, keeping the cover on the pan. When tender, saute in butter; dust with powdered sugar and cinnamon and serve. FIG DAINTY V^ pound whole figs Dash of nutmeg 1/2 cup chopped nuts 3 tablespoons sugar Juice of V^ lemon V^ cup sherry Mix the ingredients; cover and cook until tender. Serve with coflFee and plain bread and butter sandwiches. SALTED ALMONDS 1 tablespoon olive oil '/^ pound almonds Salt Heat the oil; add the blanched almonds (which must be dry); cook to a delicate brown, shaking the dish constantly and stirring to prevent burning. Drain the almonds on paper, sprin- kling them with fine salt. CANDY Fudge, pinoche, pralines and many other kinds of candy may be made in the chafing dish. See chapter on "Candy." 470 FL''.SIir'o[''f„"ur CHAFING-DISH COOKERY 471 CHAFING-DISH COOKERY vli^S^^F^^^r Family of Four 472 CASSEROLE COOKERY CASSEROLE COOKERY THE importance of casserole cookery can scarcely be over-em- phasized in this day of high cost of living. Some foods are necessarily better if cooked by a long slow process, and cheaper foods are rendered more palatable than expensive ones. The earthenware dishes, moreover, are always attractive, whether encased in silver or not. The quaint artistic shapes make even a very common article of food look interesting and attractive. The French, who have gained a name for economy in household matters, have reduced casserole cooking to a science; and it would be worth the while of any American housekeeper to see what others have done. Then, if she is thrifty, she will serve instead of sirloin steak at thirty cents a pound, rump steak en casserole at twenty. Instead of roasting she will buy stewing meats, at about half the price; instead of an untempting hash she will have some dainty, tasty viand (made from left-overs) in ramekins. And her family will in no wise suffer by her economy. All casserole and ramekin foods are served in the dishes in which they are cooked; so there is no loss of heat in transference. There is also economy in pans and dishes, if that is a consideration. The ramekins should rest upon paper or linen doilies. CHICKEN EN CASSEROLE 1 chicken 2 potatoes cut in cubes 2 tablespoons butter 3 small onions sliced 2 cups hot water 4 tablespoons sherry 6 mushrooms Salt and pepper 1 carrot cut in cubes Flour and water Prepare the chicken as for fricassee; saute in butter in a frying pan; transfer to casserole; add hot water and cook in a moderate oven for about one hour and a quarter. Before the 475 CASSEROLE COOKERY fI^S^'A'fZ,' time is up saute the vegetables in butter until brown; remove to the casserole; add the sherry and seasoning; cover and return to the oven for another half hour. To retain the flavor more fully make a dough of flour and water; roll into a rope and press upon the dish where vessel and cover meet; remove before serving. BEEFSTEAK EN CASSEROLE 1 pound round steak 1 bay leaf 2 carrots cut in cubes V2 tablespoon kitchen bouquet 2 turnips cut in cubes iy2 cups boiling water V2 dozen tiny onions Salt and pepper Have the steak one or one and a half inches thick; leave it whole or cut it into large square pieces; sear on both sides in a hot frying pan; then remove to the casserole, with the vegetables, water and seasoning. Cover and cook gently for about an hour and a half. Serve from the casserole. LAMB EN CASSEROLE 1 pound lamb (from leg) 2 tablespoons chopped onion Butter 1 tablespoon drippings Salt and pepper 1 potato cut in cubes 2 carrots cut in cubes 1 cup brown sauce 2 tablespoons sherry Have the lamb cut in a slice or slices one or one and a half inches thick; sear in a frying pan; put in the casserole, brushing first with butter and seasoning. Cook until tender; parboil the carrots and saute them in the drippings with the onion; add these, the potatoes, brown sauce and sherry to the meat; cook until the potatoes are tender and serve from the casserole. CASSEROLE ROAST 3 or 4 pounds beef Vi onion SUce of salt pork A few peppercorns Vi carrot Stalk of celery chopped Vi turnip 2 cups water or stock For this roast select beef from the round or rump. Render out the pork; brown the meat on both sides in the fat. Chop the vegetables; put the meat in the casserole with the vegetables around it; add the water or stock and cook in a hot oven for three hours, basting occasionally. When done make a brown sauce, using the juice left in the casserole. 476 I'^fifJrFo^r CASSEROLE COOKERY CASSEROLE HASH V4 pound macaroni Grated cheese Butter Cold chopped meat Brown sauce or stock Boil the macaroni; drain and put it in a buttered casserole with a little butter and grated cheese. Push the macaroni to the sides of the dish; fill the center with the meat, well seasoned and moistened with brown sauce or meat stock. Place in the oven until hot throughout and serve. BAKED BEANS EN CASSEROLE See recipe in chapter on "Meat Substitutes." MACARONI IN RAMEKINS See recipe for Baked Macaroni with Cheese in chapter on " Meat Substitutes"; but bake in ramekins. RICE IN RAMEKINS See recipe for Baked Rice in chapter on "Meat Substitutes"; but bake in ramekins. BROWN FRICASSEE OF OYSTERS 2 tablespoons butter V2 cup oyster juice 2 tablespoons flour l^ cup cream 2 slices onion 25 oysters Sprig of parsley Salt Buttered bread crumbs Scald the oysters in their own liquor and drain. Cook the flour in the butter; add the onion and brown; add parsley and oyster juice; cook until it thickens and add the cream. Add oysters and salt; pour into ramekins; cover with fine crumbs and brown in the oven. SCALLOPED OYSTERS IN RAMEKINS Follow the recipe for Scalloped Oysters given in the chapter on "Fish"; but use ramekins for baking. 31 477 CASSEROLE COOKERY Fi'X"'„1'F°„Vr Family of Four HALIBUT AU GRATIN 1'/^ cups cooked halibut iVz cups cream sauce 3 hard-boiled eggs 1 cup cracker crumbs 4 tablespoons butter Pick the halibut into small pieces ; crush the yolks of the eggs and chop the whites into small pieces. Stir fish and eggs into the hot cream sauce. Fill ramekins with the mixture; cover with crumbs and bits of butter and brown in the oven. SALMON AU GRATIN Prepare the same as Halibut au Gratin. EGGS IN RAMEKINS In the bottom of each ramekin put a small piece of butter and a few fine bread crumbs; break an egg into each; season and bake until the egg is set. CHICKEN IN RAMEKINS 1^2 cups cold chicken Few gratings of nutmeg 1 cup cream sauce Buttered bread crumbs Mix the chicken thoroughly with the cream sauce; add the nulmeg and empty into buttered ramekins. Cover with buttered bread crumbs and bake until brown. Cold beef, lamb and veal may be served in the same manner. 478 ^^^r.o\r CASSEROLE COOKERY 479 CASSEROLE COOKERY Fa^^"" o, fo" 480 MENUS Ham Omelet Shirred Eggs Bacon and Eggs Mackerel Beauregard Eggs Soft-boiled Eggs SIMPLE BREAKFASTS Monday Grape-fruit Corn Meal with Dates Coffee Tuesday Stewed Prunes Hot Rolls Coffee Wednesday Fruit Oatmeal Coffee Thursday Sliced Oranges Uncooked Cereal Coffee Friday Wheat Cereal with Raisins Coffee Saturday Stewed Rhubarb Cream of Wheat Coffee Sunday Fruit Uncooked Cereal Boston Baked Beans Scrambled Eggs Coffee 4S1 Buttered Toast Fried Mush Pop-overs Corn Bread Hot Rolls Griddle Cakes Brown Bread MENUS Lettuce Salad SIMPLE LUNCHEONS Monday Cream of Tomato Soup Cheese Canapj^s Graham Bread Tuesday ScATiiOPED Beef Currant Jelly Hot Rolls Milk Wednesday Cookies Baked Crackers with Cheese Stbwed Fruit Tea Thursday Lettuce Nut and Fruit Cheese Bread Pudding Cocoa Friday Graham Bread Sat,mon Surprise Stewed Fruit Saturday Egg Muffins Egg Sandwiches Cocoa Sunday Cottage Cheese Normandy Salad Tea Biscuit Lemon Butter Pimolas Cheese Tea 482 Mocha Torte MENUS Mock Rabbit Prune Whips Curry of Veal Canned Fruit Baked Potatoes Haricot of Mutton Cottage Pudding SIMPLE DINNERS Monday Vegetable Soup Cauliflower au Gratin Tuesday Consomme Lettuce Salad Wednesday Ambrosia Lamb Chops with Peas Rice Pudding Coffee Thursday Stewed Rhubarb Friday Clam Chowder Baked Macaroni with Cheese Lettuce Salad Fruit Coffee Brown Potatoes Coffee String Beans Sponge Cake Ripe Olives Mashed Potatoes Coffee Spinach Sweet Wafers Saturday Cream of Spinach Soup Boiled Beef's Tongue Candied Sweet Potatoes Fruit Salad Bavarian Cream Coffee Sunday Grape-fruit Cocktail Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding Creamed Celery Brown Potatoes Combination Salad Frozen Custard Chocolate Wafers Coffee 483 MENUS 484 GENERAL INDEX THE FINE ART OF COOKERY The art of cookery, 3 Food and its uses, 4 Economy, 5 Cleanliness, 7 Purposes of cooking, 7 ENTERTAINING The dinner party, 12 Introductions, 13 Seating the guests, 14 Menu and table, 15 Skeleton menu for full course dinner, 15 Complete menu, 16 Hints on serving, 16 Invitations in general, 17 The informal dinner, 18 Afternoon tea, 18 The evening collation, 19 APPETIZERS Oyster cocktail I, 23 Oyster cocktail II, 23 Lobster cocktail, 23 Clam cocktail, 24 Grape-fruit cocktail, 24 Mixed-fruit cocktail, 24 Raspberry cocktail, 24 Strawberry cocktail, 24 Pineapple and banana cocktail, 24 Peach cocktail, 25 Ambrosia, 25 Caviar canapes, 25 Anchovy canapes, 25 Cheese canapes, 25 Ham canapes, 25 SOUPS Meat stock, 29 Vegetable stock, 29 Cream stock, 30 Beef bouillon, 30 Chicken broth, 30 Consomme, 30 Clam bouillon, 31 Oyster bouillon, 31 Oyster I, 31 Oyster II, 32 Clam, 32 Chile bisque, 32 Cream of potato, 32 Cream of tomato, 33 Cream of pea, 33 Peapod, 33 Cream of celery, 33 Cream of asparagus, 33 Cream of corn I, 34 Cream of corn II, 34 Cream of spinach, 34 Cream of lettuce, 34 Mock turtle, 35 Gumbo, 35 Beef, 35 Mutton, 36 Turkey-bone, 36 Cheese, 36 Ox-tail, 36 Pepper pot, 37 Mullagatawny, 37 Chicken gumbo, 37 Julienne, 38 Economical, 38 Barley, 38 Vermicelli, 38 Noodle, 39 Black-bean, 39 Tomato, 39 Vegetable I, 40 Vegetable II, 40 Pimiento bisque, 40 Clam chowder, 41 Corn chowder, 41 To serve with soup, Croutons, 41 Pulled bread, 42 Imperial sticks, 42 485 GENERAL INDEX FISH Cleaning, 50 Boiled, 50 Baked, 51 Broiled, 61 Fried, 51 Shad roe, 52 Baked shad, 52 Planked shad, 52 Planked halibut, 52 Baked fillets of halibut, 63 Fried smelts, 53 Salt-fish dinner, 53 Codfish, 53 Codfish balls, 54 Salmon surprise, 54 Creamed salmon, 54 Fried scallops, 54 Clams, 54 Clam fritters, 55 Creamed clams, 55 Fried oysters, 55 Oyster pie, 55 Scalloped oysters, 56 Creamed oysters, 56 Oyster stew, 56 Shirred oysters, 56 Panned oysters, 57 Broiled oysters, 57 Terrapin, 57 Stewed terrapin, 57 Lobster, 57 Planked lobster, 58 Deviled crabs, 68 rogs, 68 MEATS Cooking, 65 Purchasing, 65 Diagram of cuts of beef. Roasting, 67 Broiling, 67 Boiling, 68 Frying, 68 Sauteing, 69 Braising, 69 Stewing, 69 Fricasseeing, 69 Purchasing beef, 70 Pot roast, 70 Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, 70 Beef a la mode, 70 Beef terrapin, 71 Planked steak, 71 Planked steak with oysters, 72 Planked Salisbury steak, 72 Corned beef, 72 Pickle for corning beef, 72 Rolled steak, 73 Mock duck, 73 Mock rabbit, 73 Beef chop suey, 74 Spanish beefsteak, 74 Mexican beef, 74 Guiso, 74 Filipino beef, 75 Hungarian goulash, 76 Sour beef, 76 Beef birds, 76 Beef loaf, 76 Hamburg steak, 76 Creamed beef, 76 Minced beef, 77 Creamed frizzled beef, 77 Boiled beef's tongue, 77 Smoked tongue, boiled, 78 Veal loaf, 78 India curry, 78 Curry of veal, 78 Baked calf's head, 78 Diagram of cuts of veal, 79 Calf's liver with cream sauce, 79 Broiled liver, 80 Liver and bacon, 80 Braised liver, 80 Stewed liver, 81 Stuffed calf's liver, 81 Purchasing mutton or lamb, 81 Shoulder of mutton, stuffed, 81 Haricot of mutton, 82 Diagram of cuts of lamb and mutton, 82 Boiled shoulder of mutton, 82 Ragout of mutton, 83 Irish stew, 83 Planked chops, 83 Mutton chops with peas, 83 Roast pork, 84 Diagram of cuts of pork, 84 Pork chops, 84 Boiled ham, 84 Baked ham, 85 Frizzled ham, 85 486 GENERAL INDEX Stewed ham, 85 Broiled ham, 85 Ham and eggs, 85 Bacon and eggs, 86 Salt pork in milk, 86 Meat pot-pie, 86 Pigs' feet in jelly, 86 Tripe, 87 Broiled sweetbreads, 87 Stewed sweetbreads, 87 Stewed kidneys, 87 POULTRY AND GAME Marketing, 93 To dress poultry, 93 Giblets, 94 To truss poultry, 94 To stuff poultry, 94 Roast chicken, 94 Stewed chicken, 95 Broiled chicken, 95 Planked chicken, 95 Barbecued chicken, 96 Fried chicken, 96 Chicken fricassee, 96 Chicken pie, 96 Chicken terrapin, 97 Chicken and oysters, 97 Roast duck, 97 Roast turkey, 97 Pigeon pie, 97 Rabbit, 98 Panned rabbit, 98 Partridges, 98 Pheasants, 98 Guinea fowls, 98 Reed birds, 99 Quail, 99 Roasted grouse, 99 Haunch of venison, roasted, 99 Neck and shoulder of venison, 99 Venison steak, 100 FORCEMEATS, STUFFINGS, ETC. Quenelles, 105 Chicken forcemeat, 105 Ham forcemeat, 105 Veal forcemeat, 106 Beef forcemeat, 106 Forcemeat for baked fish, 106 Stuffing for baked fish, 106 Oyster stuffing, 106 Bread stuffing, 107 Potato stuffing, 107 Drippings, 107 German suetine, 107 Prepared bread crumbs, 108 Caramel, 108 SAUCES Brown, 111 Giblet, 111 Piquante, 112 Bread, 112 Cream, 112 Cream, with mushrooms, 112 Egg, 112 Mint, 112 Curry, 113 Maitre d' hotel butter, 113 Drawn butter, 113 Hollandaise, 113 Tartare, 113 Tomato, 114 Cream of tomato, 114 Anchovy, 114 White, 114 Horseradish, 114 Mushroom, 115 Oyster, 115 Supreme, 115 Caper, 115 Celery, 116 Bechamel, 116 Cranberry, 116 Stewed cranberries, 116 Jelly, 116 Apple, 117 EGGS Boiled eggs, 121 Poached eggs, 121 Fried eggs, 121 Shirred eggs, 122 Scrambled eggs, 122 Griddled eggs, 122 Curried eggs, 122 Plain omelet, 122 Ham omelet, 123 Savory omelet I, 123 487 GENERAL INDEX Savory omelet II, 123 Rice omelet, 123 Sweet omelet, 124 Crumb omelet, 124 Tomato omelet, 124 Corn omelet, 124 Oyster omelet, 125 Codfish omelet, 125 Cheese omelet, 125 Baked omelet, 125 Baked eggs a la Martin, 126 Welsh rarebit, 12G Golden buck, 126 Ox eyes, 126 Birds' nests, 127 Kedgaree, 127 Beauregard eggs, 127 Eggs Japanese, 127 Spanish eggs, 128 LEFT-OVERS Serving left-overs, 149 Baked hash, 149 Curry of beef, 149 Curry of lamb, 150 Scalloped beef, 150 Creamed hash, 150 Mock venison, 150 Corned-beef hash, 150 Farmers' cabbage, 151 Stew from cold meat, 151 Potted meat, 151 Veal cakes, 151 Blanquette of chicken, 152 Fish cutlets, 152 Fish croquettes, 152 Cusk a la creme, 152 Scalloped fish, 153 MEAT SUBSTITUTES VEGETABLES Foods served in place of meat, 133 Dinners without meat, 134 Dried peas, beans, lentils, 135 Lentils a la Creole, 136 Baked lentils, 136 Baked beans, 137 Puree of dried beans, 137 Dried beans saute, 137 Beans, Mexican, 138 Cottage cheese, 138 Boston roast, 138 Pimiento roast, 138 Baked macaroni with cheese, 139 Baked crackers with cheese, 139 Migas, 139 Corn and cheese souffle, 139 Cheese souffle, 140 Cheese rolls, 140 Baked rice, 140 English rice, 140 Peanut butter, 141 Nut and fruit cheese, 141 Nut roast, 141 Vegetable meat pie, 142 ' Nut souffle, 142 . Almonds with eggs, 142 Nut and cheese relish, 143 Cooking, 159 Cabbage, 160 Cabbage with pork, 160 Lady cabbage, 160 Creamed cabbage, 161 Cauliflower, 161 Creamed cauliflower, 161 Cauliflower au gratin, 161 Cauliflower polonaise, 161 Brussels sprouts, 161 Kale, 162 Boiled lettuce, 162 Beet greens, 162 Spinach, 162 Dandelions, 163 Leeks, 163 Jerusalem artichoke, 163 Globe artichoke, 163 Green peas, 164 Sugar peas, 164 String beans, 164 Green Lima beans, 164 Dried beans and peas, 164 Boiled turnips, 164 Carrots, 165 Carrots and peas, 165 Parsnips, 165 Kohl-rabi, 165 Salsify, 165 488 GENERAL INDEX Beets, 166 Pickled beets, 166 Creamed celery, 16C Boiled onions, 166 Stewed onions, 166 Scalloped onions, 167 Fried onions, 167 Stewed tomatoes, 167 Scalloped tomatoes, 167 Stuffed tomatoes, 167,- Fried tomatoes, 168 Turkish pilaf, 168 Asparagus, 168 Okra, 169 Green peppers, stuffed, 169 Fried eggplant, 169 Baked eggplant, 169 Broiled eggplant, 170 Squash, 170 Baked squash, 170 Steamed squash, 170 Corn on the cob, 170 Corn off the cob, 170 Succotash, 171 Corn pudding, 171 Steamed mushrooms, 171 Broiled mushrooms, 171 Baked mushrooms, 172 Mushrooms a la poulette, 172 Boiled chestnuts, 172 Roasted chestnuts, 172^ Boiled potatoes, 172 Steamed potatoes, 173 Baked potatoes, 173 French fried potatoes, 173 Stuffed potatoes, 173 Mashed potatoes, 173 Creamed potatoes, 174 New potatoes in cream, 174 Potato croquettes, 174 Potato balls, 174 Potato cakes, 174 Lyonnaise potatoes, 175 Scalloped potatoes I, 175 Scalloped potatoes II, 175 Potatoes au gratin, 175 Browned potatoes, 175 Potato puff, 176 Hashed brown potatoes, 176 Candied sweet potatoes, 176 Fried sweet potatoes, 176 Vegetable hash, 177 Boiled macaroni, 177 I, Stuffed cucumbers, 177 ENTRfiES Fritter batter, 183 Vegetable fritters, 183 Oyster fritters, 183 Apple fritters, 183 Banana fritters, 184 Beef kromeskies, 184 Roman gnocchi, 184 Rissoles, 184 Rice timbales, 185 Swedish timbales, 185 Timbale of macaroni, 185 Chicken a la king, 186 Chicken a la crane, 186 Chicken patties, 186 Meat patties, 186 Ham patties, 186 Patty shells, 187 Vol-au-vent, 187 Chicken croquettes, 187 Meat croquettes, 188 Salmi of game, 188 Curried rabbit, 188 SALADS Making salads, 193 Mayonnaise dressing, 193 Colored Mayonnaise, 194 White Mayonnaise, 194 Cooked dressing (mock Mayonnaise), 194 Cream dressing, 194 French dressing, 195 Salad dressing in large quantity, 195 Chicken salad, 195 Tomato surprises, 195 Sardine salad, 196 Shrimp salad, 196 Salmon salad, 196 Lobster salad, 196 Lettuce salad, 196 Combination salad, 197 Novel tomato salad, 197 Tomato jelly, 197 Deviled eggs, 197 Pepper and cream cheese salad, 198 Nasturtium salad, 198 Egg salad, 198 GENERAL INDEX Potato salad I, 198 Potato salad II, 198 Cold slaw, 199 Cold-slaw dressing, 199 Beet salads, 199 Cucumber salad, 199 Winter salad, 200 Salmagundi salad, 200 Water-lily salad, 200 Cauliflower salad, 200 , Normandy salad, 201 Marine salad, 201 Watermelon salad, 201 Fruit salad, 201 Fruit and nut salad, 201 Walnut salad, 202 Peanut salad, 202 Banana salad, 202 Fruit pyramids, 202 October salad, 202 Grape-fruit salad, 203 Fraise salad, 203 Grape-fruit and pineapple salad. Tulip salad, 203 Banana dainty, 203 PUDDINGS AND DESSESTS Rice pudding, 207 Boiled custard, 207 Rice meringue I, 208 Rice meringue II, 208 Cornstarch pudding, 208 Chocolate pudding, 209 Cocoanut cornstarch, 209 Cocoanut junket, 209 Mock charlotte, 209 Orange pudding, 210 Blanc mange, 210 Rice blanc mange, 210 Hominy pudding, 210 Almond cream, 211 Tapioca custard, 211 Cocoanut tapioca, 211 Mountain-dew pudding, 212 Cup custards, 212 Caramel custard, 212 Apple snow, 212 Strawberry trifle I, 213 Strawberry trifle II, 213 Lemon jelly, 213 Wine jeUy, 213 Coffee jelly, 213 Spanish cream, 214 Bavarian cream, 214 Bridge- whist pudding, 214 Joyful pudding, 215 Charlotte russe, 215 Whips, 215 Prune whip, 215 Chocolate charlotte, 216 Realengo, 216 Delicate pudding, 216 Apple tapioca, 216 Cherry tapioca, 217 Fig dessert, 217 Apple meringue, 217 Berry charlotte, 217 Bread-and-butter pudding, 218 Bread pudding, 218 Cottage pudding, 218 Peach pudding, 219 Baked flour pudding, 219 Brown Betty, 219 Queen of puddings, 219 Raisin puff, 220 English plum pudding, 220 Newmarket pudding, 220 Brown-bread pudding, 221 Peach patties, 221 , Canned-peach pudding, 221 Suet pudding I, 221 Suet pudding II, 221 Apple pudding, 222 Sponge-cake pudding, 222 Baked Indian pudding I, 222 ; Baked Indian pudding II, 222 Boiled Indian pudding, 223 Huckleberry pudding, 223 Berry pudding, 223 Steamed fruit pudding, 223 Peach cobbler, 224 Date sponge, 224 Savarin, 224 Walnut'and date dainty, 225 Cream puffs, 225 Cream for puffs, 225 FROZEN DESSERTS' Making frozen desserts, 231 Vanilla ice cream I, 232 Vanilla ice cream II, 232 Economical ice cream, 232 490 GENERAL INDEX Flowering ice cream, 232 Bombe glace, 232 Meringues glacees, 233 Frozen custard, 233 Frozen cocoanut custard, 233 Frozen pudding, 233 Chocolate ice cream, 234 Tutti-frutti ice cream, 234 Bisque ice cream, 234 CofiFee ice cream, 234 Caramel ice cream, 234 Lemon ice cream, 235 Pineapple ice cream, 235 Strawberry ice cream, 235 Peach ice cream, 235 Orange ice, 235 Lemon ice, 235 Pineapple ice, 236 Currant ice, 236 Frozen cherries, 236 Frozen strawberries, 236 Frozen raspberries, 236 Frozen peaches, 236 Grape sherbet, 237 Lemon sherbet, 237 Orange sherbet, 237 Coupe St. Jacque, 237 Frozen Roman punch, 237 Orange pekoe punch, 238 Ginger frappe, 238 Chocolate frappe, 238 Cafe frappe, 238 Grape-fruit frappe, 238 Cranberry frappe, 238 Cafe parfait, 239 Chocolate parfait, 239 Mousse, 239 Cherry mousse, 239 Pineapple mousse, 240 Maple mousse, 240 SWEET SAUCES Cream sauce, 247 Caramel sauce I, 247 Caramel sauce II, 247 Custard sauce, 247 Egg sauce, 248 Fruit sauce, 248 Brown-sugar sauce, 248 Wine sauce I, 248 Wine sauce II. S48 Foamy sauce, 249 Rum sauce, 249 Lemon sauce, 249 Vanilla sauce, 249 Hot chocolate sauce I, 249 Hot chocolate sauce II, 249 Hard sauce I, 250 Hard sauce II, 250 Chocolate sauce, 250 Mock cream, 250 Cocoa sauce, 251 Cherry sauce for ices, 251 BREAD, HOT-CAKES, ETC. Bread-making, 255 Kneading, 255 Baking, 256 Yeast, 256 White bread (quick method), 257 White bread (for use over night), 257 White bread (sponge method), 257 Milk bread, 258 White bread in bread-mixer, 258 Baking-powder bread, 259 Salt-rising bread, 259 Rice bread, 259 Graham bread, 259 Rye bread, 261 Gluten bread, 261 Nut bread I, 262 Nut bread II, 262 Corn bread, 262 Corn bread with yeast, 262 Canada egg bread, 263 Raisin bread, 263 Cocoa bread, 263 Boston brown bread I, 264 Boston brown bread II, 264 Scotch short bread, 264 Coarse loaf, 264 Cinnamon bun, 265 Cinnamon cake, 265 Doughnuts, 265 Dutch cake, 266 Bohemian houska, 266 Currant tea-n'm?, 267 Apple cake, 267 Apfel Kuchen, 267 German cofiFee cake, 268 Bund Kuchen, 268 Brioche, 268 491 GENERAL INDEX Moravian cake, 269 Bread rusk, 269 Children's rusk, 269 Buns, 270 Sweet French buns, 270 English Bath buns, 270 Hot cross buns, 271 Oven scones, 271 English scones, 272 Tea biscuit, 272 Tea rolls, 272 Lunch rolls, 273 Parker-House rolls, 273 Dinner rolls, 273 Graham muffins, 274 English muffins, 274 Oatmeal muffins, 275 Sally Lunn, 275 Wheat muffins, 275 Corn muffins with yeast, 276 Corn muffins I, 276 Corn muffins II, 276 Rice muffins, 276 Egg muffins, 277 Perfect cream wafers, 277 Graham wafers, 277 Sour-cream biscuit, 277 Drop biscuit, 277 Sour-milk biscuit, 278 Scotch oat cake, 278 Pop-overs, 278 Gluten gems, 278 Graham puffs, 278 Zwieback, 279 Waffles with yeast, 279 One-egg waffles, 279 Three-egg waffles, 280 Bread sticks, 280 Griddle cakes, 280 Oatmeal griddle cakes, 280 Wheat griddle cakes, 280 Griddle cakes I, 281 Griddle cakes II, 281 Griddle cakes III, 281 Buckwheat cakes I, 281 Buckwheat cakes II, 282 Rice cakes, 282 Corn griddle cakes, 282 Crumb griddle cakes, 282 Mollette, 283 Drop dumplings, 283 Rolled dumplings, 283 CAKES Cake-baking, 289 Mixing, 289 Baking, 290 Baking-powder, 291 Angel cake, 291 Sponge cake I, 291 Sponge cake II, 291 Sponge cake III, 292 Cream sponge, 292 JeUy roll, 292 Potato-flour cake, 292 Pound cake, 293 Orange cake, 293 Brandy butter cake, 293 Peggy cake, 293 Gold cake, 293 Silver cake, 294 Plain cake, 294 Blueberry cake, 294 Shellbark cake, 294 Lemon cake, 295 Cornstarch cake, 295 Simple layer cake, 295 Farmers' fruit cake, 295 Economical fruit cake, 296 One-egg fruit cake, 296 Mock pound cake, 296 Cocoanut cake, 296 Lady cake, 297 White cup cake, 297 Cinnamon sweet cake, 297 Marshmallow cake, 297 Coffee loaf cake, 298 Marble cake, 298 Surprise cake, 298 Snippy-doodle, 299 Sponge ginger cake, 299 Gingerbread, 299 Molasses cake, 299 Mocha torte, 299 Patriotic cake, 300 Devils' food, 300 Spanish bun I, 301 Spanish bun II, 301 Cup cakes, 301 Drop cakes, 301 Chocolate drop cakes, 302 Currant drop cakes, 302 Ginger drop cakes, 302 Oat cakes, 302 492 GENERAL INDEX Oat cookies, 303 Peppernuts, 303 Belgrader bread, 303 Almond rock cakes, 303 Macaroons, 304 Cocoanut macaroons, 304 Nut macaroons, 304 Chocolate cakes, 304 Chocolate wafers, 305 A-P's, 305 Ginger snaps I, 305 Ginger snaps II, 305 Orange gingerbread, 306 Crisp gingerbread, 306 Cymbals, 306 Jumbles, 306 Cookies, 307 Sand tarts, 307 Peanut cakes, 307 Fruit jumbles, 307 Meringues, 307 Kisses, 308 Plain frosting, 308 Ornamental frosting, 308 Boiled frosting, 308 Chocolate frosting I, 309 Chocolate frosting II, 309 Maple-sugar frosting, 309 Divinity frosting, 309 Chocolate filling, 309 Fig filling, 310 ^ Fruit filling, 310 Orange filling, 310 Lemon filling, 310 Cocoanut filling, 310 Marshmallow filling, 310 PASTRY AND PIES Baking pies, 317 Puff-paste, 317 Half puff-paste, 318 Plain paste, 319 Tartlets, 319 Torto frutas, 319 Peach crusts, 319 French tart, 320 Baked apple dumplings, 820 Pumpkin pie, 320 Rhubarb pie, 320 Lemon meringue pie, 320 Lemon cream pie, 321 3» Raisin pie, 321 Cranberry tart, 321 Custard pie, 321 Cocoanut custard, 322 Cheese cake, 322 Apple pie, 322 Cherry pie, 322 Bethlehem apple tart, 322 Peach pie, 323 Peach tart, 323 Mince meat, 323 Washington pie, 323 Health pie, 324 Short cake, 324 Economical short cake, 324 SANDWICHES AND SAVORIES Meat sandwiches, 329 Meat filling for sandwiches, 329 Anchovy sandwiches, 330 Fig sandwiches, 330 Date and fig sandwiches, 330 Fruit sandwiches, 330 Nut sandwiches, 330 Nut and raisin sandwiches, 330 Olive sandwiches, 330 I>ettuce and cream-cheese sandwiches, 331 Lettuce and walnut sandwiches, 331 Egg sandwiches, 331 Surprise sandwiches, 331 Ribbon sandwiches, 331 Sweet sandwiches, 331 Mock crab sandwiches, 332 Egg and olive sandwiches I, 332 Egg and oHve sandwiches II, 332J Japan sandwiches, 332 Caviar sandwiches, 332 Sardine sandwiches, 332 Cheese filling for sandwiches, 333 Club sandwich, 333 Combination sandwich, 333 Cinnamon toast, 333 Egg toast, 333 Cheese straws, 334 Salted almonds, 334 Salted peanuts, 334 CEREALS Cooking cereals, 339 Oatmeal porridge, 339 493 GENERAL INDEX Oatmeal with cheese, 340 Baked apple with oatmeal, 340 Wheat cereals, 340 Corn-meal mush, 340 Fried mush, 340 Boiled rice, 341 Rice in milk, 341 Farina, 341 Hominy, 341 CANDY Fondant, 345 Quick fondant, 345 Chocolate creams, 346 Chocolate cream mints, 346 Nougat, 346 Molasses candy I, 346 Molasses candy II, 347 Cinnamon candy, 347 Butter scotch, 347 Pinoche, 347 Peanut brittle, 347 Pralines, 348 Chocolate fudge, 348 Cocoa fudge, 348 Chocolate caramels, 348 Cocoanut butter scotch, 348 Cream peppermints, 349 Mexican caramels, 349 Pop-corn balls, 349 Fruits glace, 349 Nuts glace, 349 Candied lemon and orange peel, 350 Marshmallows, 350 Divinity, 350 Orange paste, 350 Earo candy, 351 Cocoanut cones, 351 Hoarhound candy, 351 FRUIT Fruit in the diet, 357 Baked apples, 357 Apple sauce, 357 Fried apples, 358 Stewed peaches, 358 Baked peaches, 358 Baked pears, 358 Baked quinces, 358 Stewed quinces, 358 Stewed rhubarb, 359 Stewed blackberries, 359 Stewed raspberries, 359 Stewed cherries, 359 Stewed cranberries, 359 ; Dried fruits, 359 Lemon butter I, 360 Lemon butter II, 360 CANNING AND PRESERVING General instructions, 365 Canning fruit in water bath, 366 Canning in the preserving kettle, 367 Canned raspberries, 367 Canned blackberries, 368 Raspberries and currants, 368 Canned currants, 368 Canned blueberries, 368 Canned cherries, 368 Canned grapes, 368 Canned rhubarb, 369 Canned gooseberries, 369 Canned plums, 369 Canned peaches, 369 Canned pears, 370 Canned crab apples, 370 Canned quinces, 370 Canned pineapple, 370 Canning vegetables, 370 Canned tomatoes, 371 Canned mushrooms, 371 Preserving fruit, 371 Strawberries in the sun, 372 Preserved strawberries, 372 Strawberries and pineapple, 372 Preserved cherries, 372 Preserved plums and green gages, 372 Cherry conserve, 373 Preserved pineapple, 373 Marmalades, 373 Grape-fruit marmalade, 373 Orange marmalade, 374 Spiced currants, 374 Preserved yellow tomatoes, 374 Raisin compote, 374 Spiced pears, 375 Pickled cherries, 375 Brandied peaches, 375 Apple butter, 376 Peach butter, 376 Tutti-frutti, 376 494 GENERAL INDEX Jelly-making, 376 Apple jelly, 377 Quince jelly, 377 Mint jeUy, 377 Currant jelly, 378 Raspberry and currant jelly, 378 Raspberry jelly, 378 Blackberry jelly, 378 Strawberry jelly, 378 Green-grape jelly, 378 Ripe-grape jelly, 378 Plum jelly, 379 PICKLES Mixed pickle, 385 Mixed-pickle dressing, 385 Green tomato sauce, 385 Chili sauce, 386 Pickled peppers, 386 Pickled tomatoes, 386 Tomato catsup, 386 Pickled cucumbers, 387 Mushroom catsup, 387 BEVERAGES CofiFee, 391 Instantaneous cofiFee, 391 Serving coffee, 392 Coffee in bulk, 392 Tea, 392 Russian tea, 392 Tea punch, 392 Iced tea, 393 Hot chocolate, 393 Cocoa, 393 Chocolate syrup, 393 Chocolate nectar, 393 Fruit drinks, 394 Quick lemonade, 394 Egg lemonade, 394 Grape juice, 394 Other fruit juices, 395 Fruit syrup, 395 Raspberry vinegar, 395 Fruit punch. 395 Claret punch, 395 Wild-cherry cordial, 396 Blackberry cordial, 396 Mint julep, 396 Serving wines, 396 INVALID COOKERY Lamb broth, 401 Beef tea, 401 Oatmeal gruel I, 401 Oatmeal gruel II, 402 Indian gruel, 402 Sago gruel, 402 Egg gruel, 402 Cracker gruel, 402 Arrowroot, 403 Arrowroot water, 403 Flaxseed tea, 403 Toast water, 403 Albumenized water, 404 Rice water, 404 Panada, 404 French panada, 404 Milk toast I, 404 Milk toast II, 405 Cream toast, 405 Soaked crackers, 405 Egg-nogg, 405 Sunshine orange, 405 { Lemon foam, 406 Lemon whey, 406 Wine whey, 406 Custard, 406 Calf's foot jelly, 406 Porteree, 407 Koumiss, 407 Stewed figs, 407 Tapioca, 407 Beef pats, 408 Chicken panada, 408 Oysters on toast^ 408' Squabs or any small birds, 408 FIRELESS COOKERY Cooking by fireless, 413 Home-made cooker, 413 Cereals, 414 Arrowroot gruel, 414 Barley mush, 415 Corn-meal mush, 415 Cracked wheat, 415 Graham mush, 415 Hominy, 415 Oatmeal, 416 Pettijohn's breakfast food, 416 Ralston's breakfast food, 416 495 GENERAL INDEX Boiled rice, 416 Rice and figs, 416 Rolled wheat, 416 Cream of wheat, 417 Soup, 417 Browned soup stock, 417 White soup stock, 417 Bean soup, 418 Chicken soup, 418 Corn soup, 418 Tomato soup, 418 Turtle soup, 419 Vegetable soup, 419 Potato soup, 419 Cream of celery soup, 419 Cream of pea soup, 420 Lentil soup, 420 Bouillon, 420. Fish, 420 Baked fish, 4li.l. Codfish baUs, 421 Baked lake trout, 421 Boiled white fish, 421 Scalloped salmon, 421 Boiled salmon, 422 Turbot, 422 Meats, 422 Corned beef, 422^ Boiled beef, 422 ^ Beef au gratin, 423 Roast beef, 423 Round steak on biscuits, 423 Beef stew, 423 Beefsteak and onions, 424 Boiled dinner, 424 Browned beef stew, 424 Chicken curry, 424 Fricasseed chicken, 424 Chicken pie, 425 Roast chicken, 425 Chicken stew, 425 Irish stew, 425 Baked hash, 426 Boiled ham, 426 Fricassee of lamb, 426 Roast lamb, 426 Lamb cliops, roasted, 426 Boiled leg of lamb, 426 Roast pork, 427 Sweetbreads, 427 Pork tenderioin, 427 BcHled tongue, 427 Curry of veal, 427 Veal croquettes, 427 Veal loaf, 428 Roast veal, 428 Veal rolls, 428 Veal and rice, 428 Meat recipes for the home-made cooker Roasted meats, 429 Stuffed heart, 429 Mock wild duck, 429 Vegetables, 430 Asparagus, 430 Boiled beets, 430 Beet greens, 431 Pickled beets, 431 Baked beans, 431 Boiled cabbage, 431 Boiled carrots, 432 Carrots and peas, 432 Cauliflower, 432 Creamed celery, 432 Baked corn, 432 Baked corn and tomatoes, 432 Boiled green corn, 433 Lima beans, fresh, 433 Lima beans, puree, 433 Boiled onions, 433 Parsnips, 433 Peas, 433 Mashed potatoes, 434 Steamed potatoes, 434 Baked potatoes, 434 Creamed potatoes, 434 Scalloped potatoes, 434 Potatoes for salad, 435 Sauer kraut, 435 Spinach, 435 Stuffed peppers, 435 Squash, 435 String beans, 435 Baked sweet potatoes, 436 White turnips, 436 Yellow turnips, 436 Boiled tomatoes, 436 Stewed tomatoes, 436 Baked macaroni, 436 Macaroni with cheese, 437 Macaroni with tomatoes, 437 Bread and biscuits, 437 Bread, 437 Tea biscuits, 438 Boston brown bread I, 438 496 GENERAL INDEX Boston brown bread II, 438 Steamed graham bread, 438 Cake, 439 Angel cake, 439 Sponge cake I, 439 Sponge cake II, 439 Ch-Tistmas cake, 440 Gingerbread, 440 Sour-milk cake, 440 Nut cake, 440 Dried fruits, 441 Apples, 441 Apricots, 441 Black figs, 441 Figs, 441 Dried peaches, 441 Dried pears, 442 Prunes, 442 Bread pudding, 442 Cottage pudding, 442 Fig pudding, 442 Cherry pudding, 443 Tapioca and apples, 443 Tapioca custard pudding, 443 Other puddings, 443 Apple pie, 444 Cherry pie, 444 Custard pie, 444 Lemon pie, 444 Pumpkin pie, 444 Frozen desserts, 445 PAPER-BAG COOKERY General directions, 451 Panned oysters or clams, 452 Breaded oysters, 452 Baked fish in paper bag, 453 Smelts sur le plat, 453 Spanish mackerel in butter, 453 Stuffed fish, 453 Roast quail, 453 Roast chicken, 453 Chicken saute, 454 Mutton stew, 454 Mutton cutlets, 454 Beef stew, 454 Beef loaf, 454 Roast beef with potatoes, 454 Scalloped sweetbread, 455 Kidney, 455 Steamed cauliflower, 455 Steamed turnips, 455 Steamed carrots, 456 Green peas, 455 Baked tomatoes, 466 Potato chips, 456 Saute potatoes, 456 CHAFING-DISH COOKERY Practical suggestions, 461 Bouillon, 461 Shrimp wiggle, 461 Cream of tomato, 462 Rinktum ditty, 462 Chicken hoUandaise, 462 English monkey, 462 Welsh rarebit, 462 Mexican rarebit, 463 Macaroni rarebit, 463 Mt. Clemens rarebit, 46S Curried eggs, 463 Stirred eggs, 464 Tomato scramble, 464 Stock scramble, 464 Cheese scramble, 464 Terrapin, 464 Oyster pan-roast, 465 Creamed oysters and celery, 465 Panned oysters, 465 Roasted oysters, 465 Pigs in blankets, 465 Lobster a la Newburg, 466 Lobster stew, 466 Deviled lobster, 466 Clams a la Newburg, 466 Crab a la Newburg, 467 Shrimp a la Newburg, 467 Clam and egg scramble, 467 Clam toast, 467 Canvas-back ducks, 467 Sardine savory, 467 Creamed sardines, 468 Frog saddles, 468 Quail, 468 Frizzle-dizzle, 468 Veal with asparagus tips, 468 Deviled meat, 469 Beef chauflFe, 469 Mushrooms with bacon, 469 Tomato curry, 469 Macaroni milanaise, 469 Apple dainty, 470 497 GENERAL INDEX Fig dainty, 470 Rice in ramekins, 477 Salted almonds, 470 Brown fricassee of oysters, 477 Candy, 470 Scalloped oysters in ramekins, 477 Halibut au gratin, 478 CASSEROLE COOKERY Salmon au gratin, 478 Eggs in ramekins, 478 Value of casserole cookery, 475 Chicken in ramekins, 478 Chicken en casserole, 475 Beefsteak en casserole, 476 Lamb en casserole, 476 MENUS Casserole roast, 476 ■ Casserole hash, 477 Simple breakfasts, 481 Baked beans en casserole, 477 Simple luncheons, 482 Macaroni in ramekins, 477 Simple dinners, 483 1^ 498 > ALPHABETICAL INDEX Afternoon tea, 18 Albumenized water, 404 Almond cream, 211 rock cakes, 303 Almonds, salted, 334, 470 with eggs, 142 Ambrosia, 25 Anchovy canapes, 25 sandwiches, 330 Angel cake, 291, 439 Apfel Kuchen, 267 Appetizers, 23 Apple butter, 376 cake, 267 dainty, 470 dumplings, baked, 320 fritters, 183 jelly, 377 meringue, 217 pie, 322, 445 pudding, 222 sauce, 117 snow, 212 tapioca, 216 tart, 322 Apples, baked, 357 baked, with oatmeal, 340 dried, 441 Apricots, dried, 441 A-P's, 305 Arrowroot, 403 gruel, 414 water, 403 Art of cookery, 3 Artichoke, Jerusalem, 103 Globe, 163 Asparagus, 168, 430 cream of, 33 B Bacon and eggs, 86 Baked beans, 137, 431, 477 Baked crackers, 139 flour pudding, 219 hash. 149, 426 Baking bread, 256 cake, 290 powder, 291 powder bread, 259 Banana dainty, 203 fritters, 184 salad, 202 Barley mush, 415 soup, 38 Bavarian cream, 214 Bean soup, 418 Beans, baked, 137, 431, 477 Lima, 164, 433 Mexican, 138 puree, 137 saute, 137 Bechamel sauce, 116 Beef a la mode, 70 au gratin, 423 birds, 76 boiling, 68, 422 bouillon, 30 broiling, 67 braising, 69 chauffe, 469 chop suey, 74 corned, 72, 422 creamed, 76 forcemeat, 106 fricasseeing, 69 frjdng, 68 kromeskies, 184 loaf, 76, 454 pats, 408 pot-pie, 86 purchasing, 65, 70 roast, 67, 423 roast with potatoes, 454 roast with Yorkshire pudding, 70 roasting, 67 sauteing, 69 499 Beef scalloped, 150 soup, 35 stew, 423, 424, 464 stewing, 69 tea, 401 terrapin, 71 Beefsteak (broiling), 67 and onions, 424 en casserole, 476 Beet greens, 162, 431 salads, 199 Beets, 166, 430 pickled, 166, 431 Belgrader bread, 303 Berry charlotte, 217 pudding, 223 Bethlehem apple tart, 322 Beverages, 391 Birds' nests, 127 Bisque ice cream, 234 Black-bean soup, 39 Blackberries stewed, 359 Blackberry cordial, 396 jelly, 378 Blanc mange, 210 Blanquette of chicken, 162 Blueberry cake, 294 Bohemian houska, 266 Boiled custard, 207 dinner, 424 frosting, 308 Boiling meat, 68 Bombe glace, 232 Boston brown bread, 264, 438 roast, 138 Bouillon, 30, 31, 420, 461 Braising meat, 69 Brandied peaches, 375 Brandy butter cake, 293 Bread, 255-264 crumbs, 108 pudding, 218, 442 rusk, 269 sauce, 112 sticks, 280 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Breakfasts, 481 Bridge-whist pudding, 214 Brioche, 268 Broiling, 67 Brown Betty, 219 bread, 264, 438 bread pudding, 221 sauce. 111 sugar sauce, 248 Browned soup stock, 417 Brussels sprouts, 161 Buckwheat cakes, 281, 282 Bund Kuchen, 268 Buns, 270, 271 Butter scotch, 347 Cabbage, 160, 431 with pork, 160 Cafe frappe, 238 parfait, 239 Cakes, 289, 439 Calf's foot jelly, 406 head, baked, 78 liver, braised, 80 liver, broiled, 80 liver, stewed, 81 liver, stuffed, 81 liver with cream sauce, 79 Canada egg bread, 263 Canapes, 25 Candied lemon and orange peel, 350 Candy, 345, 470 Canned blackberries, 368 blueberries, 368 cherries, 368 crab apples, 370 currants, 368 gooseberries, 369 mushrooms, 371 peach pudding, 221 peaches, 369 pears, 370 pineapple, 370 plums, 369 quinces, 370 raspberries, 367 raspberries and currants, 368 rhubarb, 368 Canned tomatoes, 371 Cannins and preserving, 365 fruit in water bath, 366 in the preserving kettle, 367 vegetables, 370 Canvas-back ducks, 467 Caper sauce, 115 Caramel, 108 custard, 212 ice cream, 234 sauce, 247 Caramels, chocolate, 348 Mexican, 349 Carrots, 165, 432 and peas, 165, 432 steamed, 455 Casserole cookery, 475 hash, 477 roast, 476 Cauliflower, 161, 432 au gratin, 161 creamed, 161 polonaise, 161 salad, 200 steamed. 455 Caviar canapes, 25 sandwiches, 332 Cereals, 339, 414 Celery, cream of, 33 creamed, 166, 432 sauce, 116 Chafing-dish cookery, 461 Charlotte russe, 215 Cheese, 133 cake, 322 canapes, 25 cottage, 138 filling for sandwiches, 333 omelet, 125 rolls, 140 scramble, 464 souflSe, 140 soup, 86 straws, 334 Cherries, canned, 368 preserved, 372 pickled, 375 stewed, 359 Cherry conserve, 373 mousse, 239 pie, 322, 444 pudding, 443 500 Cherry sauce for ices, 251 tapioca, 217 Chestnuts, 172 Chicken a la crane, 186 a la king, 186 and oysters, 97 barbecued, 96 broiled, 95 broth, 30 croquettes, 187 curry, 424 en casserole, 475 forcemeat, 105 fricassee, 96, 424 fried, 96 gumbo, 37 hollandaise, 462 in ramekins, 478 patties, 186 pie, 96, 425 planked, 95 roast, 94, 425, 45S salad, 195 saute, 454 soup, 418 stew, 95, 425 terrapin, 97 Children's rusk, 269 Chile bisque, 32 Chili sauce, 386 Chocolate cakes, 304 caramels, 348 charlotte, 216 cream mints, 346 creams, 346 devils' food, 300 drop cakes, 302 eclairs, 225 filling, 309 frappe, 238 frosting, 309 fudge, 348 hot, 393 ice cream, 234 nectar, 393 parfait, 239 pudding, 209 sauce, 249, 250 syrup, 393 wafers, 305 Chop suey, 74 Christmas cake, 440 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Cinnamon bun, 265 cake, 265 candy, 347 sweet cake, 297 toast, 333 Clam and egg scramble, 467 bouillon, 31 chowder, 41 cocktail, 24 fritters, 55 soup, 82 toast, 467 Clams, 54 a la Newburg, 466 creamed, 55 panned, 452 Claret punch, 395 Cleanliness, 7 Club sandwich, 333 Coarse loaf, 264 Cocktails, 23-25 Cocoa, 393 bread, 263 fudge, 348 sauce, 251 Cocoanut butter scotch, 348 cake, 296 cones, 351 cornstarch, 209 custard, 322 filling, 310 junket, 209 macaroons, 304 tapioca, 211 Codfish, 53 balls, 54, 421 kedgaree, 127 Coffee, 391 cake, 268 ice cream, 234 in bulk, 392 instantaneous, 391 jelly, 213 loaf cake, 298 serving, 392 Cold slaw, 199 slaw dressing, 199 Colored Mayonnaise, 194 Combination salad, 197 sandwich, 333 Consomme, 30 Cooked dressing, 194 Cooker, fireless, 413 home-made, 413 Cookies, 307 Cooking by fireless, 413 Cordial, 396 Corn and cheese souffle, 139 baked, 432 baked with tomatoes, 432 boiled green, 433 bread, 262 bread with yeast, 262 chowder, 41 cream of, 34 griddle cakes, 282 meal mush, 340, 415 mufBns, 276 muffins with yeast, 276 off the cob, 170 on the cob, 170 pudding, 171 soup, 418 succotash, 171 Corned beef, 72, 422 beef hash, 150 Cornstarch cake, 295 pudding, 208 Cottage cheese, 138 pudding, 218, 442 Coupe St. Jacque, 237 Course dinner, 16 Crab a la Newburg, 467 Crabs, deviled, 58 Cracked wheat, 415 Cracker gruel, 402 Crackers, soaked, 405 Cranberries, stewed, 359 Cranberry frappe, 238 sauce, 116 tart, 321 Cream dressing, 194 for puffs, 225 of asparagus, 33 of celery, 33, 419 of corn, 34 of lettuce, 34 of pea, 33, 420 of potato, 32 of spinach, 34 of tomato, 33, 462 of tomato sauce, 114 of wheat, 417 peppermints, 349 501 Cream puffs, 225 sauce, 112, 247 sauce with mushrooms, 112 sponge, 292 stock, 30 toast, 405 Creamed frizzled beef, 77 hash, 150 Croquettes, chicken, 187 meat, 188 potato, 174 Croutons, 41 Crumb griddle cakes, 282 Crust for pies, 317, 318, 319 Cucumber salad, 199 Cucumbers, stuffed, 177 Cup cakes, 301 custards, 212 Currant drop cakes, 302 ice, 236 jelly, 378 tea-ring, 267 Curry of beef, 149 of lamb, 150 of veal, 78, 427 sauce, 113 Cusk a la creme, 152 Custard, 207, 406 * pie, 3C , 444 sauce, 247 Cutlets, 152, 454 Cymbals, 306 D Dandelions, 166 Date and fig sandwiches, 330 sponge, 224 Delicate pudding, 216 Deviled crabs, 58 eggs, 197 meat, 469 Devils' food, 300 Diagram of cuts of beef, 66 of cuts of lamb and mutton, 83 of cuts of pork, 84 of cuts of veal, 79 Dinner party, 12 rolls, 273 Dinners, 483 without meat, 134 ^ Divinity, 350 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Divinity frosting, 309 Doughnuts, 265 Drawn butter, 113 Dressing, for roast, 106, 107 for salad, 193-195 Dried beans and peas, 164 beans saute, 137^ fruits, 359, 441 peas, beans, lentils, 135 Drippings, 107 Drop biscuit, 277 cakes, 301, 302 dumplings, 283 Duck, roast, 97 Dumplings, baked apple, 320 drop, 283 rolled, 283 Dutch cake, 266 E Economical fruit cake, 296 ice cream, 232 short cake, 324 soup, 38 Economy, 5 Egg and olive sandwiches, 332 •gruel, 402 lemonade, 394 muffins, 277 nogg, 405 salad, 198 sandwiches, 331 sauce, 112, 248 toast, 333 Eggplant, baked, 169 broiled, 169 fried, 170 Eggs, 121 baked a la Martin, 126 Beauregard, 127 boiled, 121 coddled, 121 curried, 122, 463 ' fried, 121 griddled, 122 in ramekins, 478 Japanese, 127 poached, 121 scrambled, 122 shirred, 122 Spanish, 128 Eggs, stirred, 464 English Bath buns, 270 monkey, 462 muffins, 274 plum pudding, 220 scones, 272 Entertaining, 11 Entrees, 183 Evening collation, 19 Farina, 341 Farmers' cabbage, 151 fruit cake, 295 Fig dainty, 470 dessert, 217 filling, 310 pudding, 442 sandwiches, 330 Figs, 407, 441 Filipino beef, 75 Fireless cookery, 413 Fish, 420 baked, 51, 421 baked in paper bag, 453 boiled, 50 broiled, 51 cleaning, 50 croquettes, 152 cutlets, 152 forcemeat for baked, 106 fried, 51 scalloped, 153 stuffed, 453 Flaxseed tea, 403 Flowering ice cream, 232 Foamy sauce, 249 Fondant, 345 Food and its uses, 4 Forcemeats, stuffings, etc., 105 Fraise salad, 203 Frappe, 238 French dressing, 195 tart, 320 Fricasseeing, 69 Fritter batter, 183 Frizzle-dizzle, 468 Frizzled beef, 77 Frog saddles, 468 Frogs, 58 Frosting, 308, 309 502 Frozen cherries, 236 cocoanut custard, 233 custard, 233 desserts, 231, 445 fruits, 236 peaches, 236 pudding, 233 raspberries, 236 Roman punch, 237 strawberries, 236 Fruit, 357 and nut salad, 201 cake, 295, 296 drinks, 394 filling, 310 juices, 395 jumbles, 307 punch, 395 pyramids, 202 salad, 201 sandwiches, 330 sauce, 248 syrup, 395 Fruits glace, 349 Frying, 68 Fudge, 348 G German coffee cake, 268 suetine, 107 Giblet sauce. 111 Giblets, 94 Ginger drop cakes, 302 frappe, 238 snaps 305 sponge, 299 Gingerbread, 299, 440 crisp, 306 orange, 306 Gluten bread, 261 gems, 278 Gold cake, 293 Golden buck, 126 Graham bread, 259, 438 muffins 274 mush, 415 puffs, 278 wafers, 277 Grape-fruit and pineapple salad, 203 cocktail, 24 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Grape-fruit frappe, 238 marmalade, 373 salad, 203 Grape jelly, 378 juice, 394 sherbet, 237 Green-grape jelly, 378 Green peppers, stuffed, 169 tomato sauce, 385 Griddle cakes, 280-282 Grouse, roasted, 99 Guinea fowls, 98 Guiso, 74 Gumbo, 35 H Half puff-paste, 318 Halibut au gratin, 478 baked fillets of, 53 planked, 52 Ham and eggs, 85 baked, 85 boiled, 84, 426 broiled, 85 canapes, 25 forcemeat, 105 frizzled, 85 patties, 186 stewed, 85 Hamburg steak, 76 Hard sauce, 250 Hash, 149, 150 Health pie, 324 Heart, stuffed, 429 Hints on serving, 16 Hoarhound candy, 351 Hollandaise sauce, 113 Hominy, 341, 415 pudding, 210 Horseradish sauce, 114 Hot cakes, 280-283 chocolate sauce, 249 cross buns, 271 Huckleberry pudding, 223 Himgarian goulash, 75 Ice creams and ices, 231 Icing, 308 Imperial sticks, 42 India curry, 78 Indian gruel, 402 baked pudding, 222 boiled pudding, 223 Informal dinner, 18 Introductions, IS Invalid cookery, 401 Invitations in general, 17 Irish stew, 83, 425 Japan sandwiches, 332 Jellies, 376-379 Jelly, coffee, 213 lemon, 213 making, 376 roll, 292 wine, 213 sauce, 116 Joyful pudding, 215 Julienne soup, 38 Jumbles, 306 K Kale, 162 Karo candy, 351 Kedgaree, 127 Kidneys, 87, 455 Kisses, 308 Kneading, 255 Kohl-rabi, 165 Koumiss, 407 Lady cabbage, 160 cake, 297 Lake trout, baked, 421 Layer cake, 295 Lamb, boiled leg of, 426 boiling, 68 broiling, 67 broth, 401 chops, roasted, 426 curry of, 150 en casserole, 476 fricasseeing, 69, 426 frying, 68 roasting, 67, 428 Leeks, 163 503 I^eft-overs, 149 Lemon butter, 360 candied peel, 350 cake, 295 cream pie, 321 filling, 310 foam, 406 ice, 235 ice cream, 235 jelly, 213 meringue pie, 320 pie, 444 sauce, 249 sherbet, 237 whey, 406 Lemonade, 394 Lentil soup, 420 Lentils a la Creole, 136 baked, 136 Lettuce and cream-cheese sand- wiches, 331 and walnut sandwiches, 331 boiled, 162 cream of, 34 salad, 196 Lima beans, 164, 433 puree, 433 Liver, 80, 81 and bacon, 80 stewed, 81 Lobster, 57 a la Newburg, 466 cocktail, 23 deviled, 466 salad, 196 stew, 466 Lunch rolls, 273 Luncheons, 482 M Macaroni, baked, 139, 436 boiled, 177 in ramekins, 477 milanaise, 469 rarebit, 463 with cheese, 139, 437 with tomatoes, 437 Macaroons, 304 Maitre d'hotel butter, 113 Maple mousse, 240 sugar frosting, 309 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Marble cake, 298 Marine salad, 201 Marmalades, 373 Marshmallow cake, 297 fiUing, 310 Marshmallows, 360 Mayonnaise dressing, 193 Meat croquettes, 188 filling for sandwiches, 329 patties, 186 pot-pie, 86 recipes for the home-made cooker, 429 sandwiches, 329 stock, 29 substitutes, 133 Meats, 422 cooking, 65 purchasing, 65 Menu and table, 15 for full course dinner, 15, 16 Menus, 481 for dinners without meat, 134 simple breakfasts, 481 simple dinners, 483 simple luncheons, 482 Meringues, 307 glactes, 233 Mexican beef, 74 caramels, 349 rarebit, 463 Migas, 139 Milk bread, 268 toast, 404 Mince-meat, 323 Mint jelly, 377 julep, 396 sauce, 112 Mixed fruit cocktail, 24 pickle dressing, 385 pickles, 385 Mixing, cake, 289 Mocha Torte, 299 Mock charlotte, 209 crab sandwiches, 332 cream, 250 duck, 73 Mayonnaise, 194 pound cake, 296 rabbit, 73 turtle, 36 venison, 150 Mock wild duck, 429 Molasses cake, 299 candy, 346, 347 MoUette, 283 Moravian cake, 269 Mt. Clemens rarebit, 463 Mountain-dew pudding, 212 Mousse, 239, 446 Muffins, 274-277 Mullagatawny, 37 Mush, 340 fried, 340 Mushroom catsup, 387 sauce, 115 Mushrooms a la poulette, 172 baked, 171 broiled, 171 stewed, 172 with bacon, 469 Mutton, boiling, 68 braising, 69 broiling, 67 chops with peas, 83 cutlets, 454 haricot of, 82 Irish stew, 83 pot-pie, 86 purchasing, 81 ragout of, 83 roasting, 67 shoulder, boiled, 82 shoulder, stuffed, 81 soup, 36 stew, 464 N Nasturtium salad, 198 Newmarket pudding, 220 Noodle soup, 39 Normandy salad, 201 Nougat, 346 Novel tomato salad, 197 Nut and cheese relish, 143 and fruit cheese, 141 and raisin sandwiches, 330 bread, 262 butter, 141 cake, 440 macaroons, 304 roast, 141 sandwiches, 330 504 Nut souffle, 142 Nuts glace, 349 o Oat cakes, 302 cookies, 303 Oatmeal, 416 griddle cakes, 280 gruel, 401, 402 muffins, 275 porridge, 339 with cheese, 340 October salad, 202 Okra, 169 Olive sandwiches, 330 Omelet, baked, 126 cheese, 125 codfish, 125 corn, 124 crumb, 124 ham, 123 oyster, 125 plain, 122 rice, 123 savory, 123 sweet, 124 tomato, 124 One-egg cake, 296 waffles, 279 Onions, boiled, 166, 433 fried. 167 scalloped, 167 stewed, 166 Orange cake, 293 filling, 310 gingerbread, 306 ice, 235 marmalade, 374 paste, 350 pekoe punch, 238 pudding, 210 sherbet, 237 Ornamental frosting, 308 Oven scones, 271 Ox eyes, 126 Ox-tail soup, 36 Oyster bouillon, 31 cocktail, 23 fritters, 183 pan-roast, 465 pie, 55 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Oyster sauce, 115 soup, 31 stew, 66 Oysters, breaded, 452 broiled, 57 brown fricassee of, 477 creamed, 56 creamed with celery, 465 fried, 55 on toast, 408 panned, 57, 452, 465 roasted, 465 scalloped, 56, 477 shirred, 56 Panada, 404 chicken, 408 French, 404 Paper-bag cookery, 451 Parfait, 239, 445 Parker-House rolls, 273 Parsnips, 165, 433 Partridges, 98 Pastry and pies, 317 Patriotic cake (1776 recipe), 300 Patties, 186, 187 Patty shells, 187 Pea, cream of, 33 Peach butter, 376 cobbler, 224 cocktail, 25 crusts, 319 ice cream, 235 patties, 221 pie, 323 pudding, 219 tart, 323 Peaches, baked, 358 dried, 441 stewed, 358 Peanut brittle, 347 butter, 141 cakes, 307 salad, 202 Pea-pod soup, 33 Peas, green, 164, 433, 455 sugar, 164 Pears, baked, 358 dried, 442 Peggy cake, 293 Pepper and cream cheese salad, 198 pot, 37 Peppernuts, 303 Peppers, pickled, 386 stufiFed, 435 Perfect cream wafers, 277 Pettijohn's breakfast food, 416 Pheasants, 98 Pickle for corning beef, 72 Pickled beets, 166 cherries, 375 cucumbers, 387 peppers, 386 tomatoes, 386 Pickles, 385 Pie crust, 317-319 Pies, 320-324 baking, 317 Pigeon pie, 97 Pigs' feet in jelly, 86 Pigs in blankets, 465 Pimiento bisque, 40 roast, 138 Pineapple and banana cocktail, 24 ice, 236 ice cream, 235 mousse, 240 Pinoche, 347 ^ Piquante sauce, 112 Plain cake, 294 frosting, 308 paste, 319 Planked chops, 83 lobster, 58 shad, 52 Salisbury steak, 72 steak with oysters, 72 Plum jelly, 379 Pop-corn balls, 349 Pop-overs, 278 Pork chops, 84 roast, 84, 427 tenderloin, 427 Porteree, 407 Pot pie, 86 roast, 70 Potato balls, 174 cakes, 174 chips, 456 cream of, 32 croquettes, 174 505 Potato flour cake, 292 puff, 176 salad, 198 soup, 419 Potatoes au gratin, 176 boiled, 172, 435 baked, 173, 434 baked sweet, 436 browned, 175 candied sweet, 176 creamed, 174, 434 French fried, 173 fried sweet, 176 bashed brown, 176 lyonnaise, 175 mashed, 173, 434 new in cream, 174 saute of, 456 scalloped, 175, 434 steamed, 173, 434 stuffed, 173 Potted meat, 151 Poultry and game, 93 marketing, 93 to dress, 93 to stuff, 94 to truss, 94 Pound cake, 293 Pralines, 348 Preserved cherries, 372 pineapple, 373 plums and green gages, 372 strawberries, 372 strawberries and pineapple, 372 yellow tomatoes, 874 Preserving fruit, 371 Prune whip, 215 Prunes, 442 Puddings and desserts, 207 in fireless, 44ijJ Puff-paste, 317 Pulled bread, 42 Pumpkin pie, 320, 444 Punch. 392, 395 frozen, 237, 238 Purchasing beef, 70 Puree of dried beans, 137 Purposes of cooking, 7 Q Quail, 99. 468 roast, 453 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Queen'of puddings, 219 Quenelles, 105 Quince jelly, 377 Quinces, baked, 358 stewed, 358 R Rabbit, 98 curried, 188 panned, 98 Raisin bread, 263 compote, 374 pie, 321 puff, 220 Ralston's breakfast food, 416 Rarebit, 126, 462 Raspberries and currants, 368 stewed, 359 Raspberry and currant jelly, 378 cocktail, 24 jelly, 378 vinegar, 395 Realengo, 216 Reed birds, 99 Rhubarb pie, 320 stewed, 359 Ribbon sandwiches, 331 Rice and figs, 416 baked, 140 blanc mange, 210 boiled, 341, 416 bread, 259 cakes, 282 English, 140 in milk, 341 in ramekins. 477 meringue, 208 muffins, 276 pudding, 207 water, 404 Rinktum ditty, 462 Ripe-grape jelly, 378 Rissoles, 184 Roasted meats, 429 Roasting, 67 Rolled dumplings, 283 steak, 73 wheat, 416 Rolls, 273 Roman gnocchi, 184 Round steak on biscuits, 423 Rum sauce, 249 Rusk, 269 Russian tea, 392 Rye bread, 261 Sago gruel, 402 Salad dressing, cooked, 194 dressing, cream, 194 dressing, French, 195 dressing in large quantity, 195 dressing. Mayonnaise, 193, 194 Salads, 193 Sally Lunn, 275 Salmagundi salad, 200 Salmi of game, 188 Salmon au gratin, 478 boiled, 422 creamed, 54 scalloped, 421 salad, 196 surprise, 54 Salsify, 165 Salt fish dinner, 53 pork in milk, 86 rising bread, 259 Salted almonds, 334, 470 peanuts, 334 Sand tarts, 307 Sandwiches and savories, 329 Sardine salad, 196 sandwiches, 332 savory, 467 Sardines, creamed, 468 Sauces, 111 sweet, 247 Sauer kraut, 435 Sauteing, 69 Savarin, 224 Scallops, fried, 54 Scones, 271, 272 Scotch oat cake, 278 short bread, 264 Seating the guests, 14 Shad, baked, 52 planked, 52 roe, 52 Shellbark cake, 294 Sherbets, 237 Short cake, 324 Shrimp a la Newburg, 467 Shrimp salad, 196 wiggle, 461 Silver cake, 294 Smelts, fried, 53 sur le plat, 453 Snippy-doodle, 299 Soups, 29, 417 Sour beef, 76 cream biscuit, 277 milk biscuit, 278 milk cake, 440 Spanish beefsteak, 74 bun, 301 cream, 214 mackerel in butter, 453 Spiced currants, 374 pears, 375 Spinach, 162, 435 cream of, 34 Sponge cake, 291, 292, 439 cake pudding, 222 ginger cake, 299 Squabs or any small birds, 408 Squash, 170, 435 baked, 170 pie, 320 steamed, 170 Steamed fruit pudding, 223 Stew from cold meat, 151 Irish, 83 Stewing meat, 69 Stock for soup, 29-30, 417 scramble, 464 Strawberries and pineapple, 372 preserved, 372 Strawberry cocktail, 24 ice cream, 235 jelly, 378 trifle, 213 String beans, 435 Stuffing, bread, 107] for baked fish, 106 oyster, 106 potato, 107 Succotash, 171 Suet pudding, 221 Suetine, 107 Sunshine orange, 405 Supreme sauce, 115 Surprise cake, 298 sandwiches, 331 Sweet French buns, 270 506 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Sweet sandwiches, 331 sauces, 247 Sweetbreads, broiled, 87 in fireless, 427 scalloped, 455 stewed, 87 Tapioca, 407 and apples, 443 custard, 211 custard pudding, 443 Tart, Bethlehem, 322 cranberry, 320 French, 320 peach, 322 Tartare sauce, 113 Tartlets, 319 Tea, 392 biscuits, 272, 438 iced, 393 punch, 392 rolls. 272 Terrapin, 57, 464 Three-egg waffles, 280 Timbale of macaroni, 185 rice, 185 Swedish, 185 Toast, cinnamon, 333 cream, 405 egg. 333 milk. 404 water, 403 Tomato catsup, 386 cream of, 33 curry, 469 jelly, 197 salad (combination), 197 salad (novel), 197 sauce, 114 scramble, 464 soup, 39, 418 Tomato surprise, 195 Tomatoes, baked, 456 boiled, 436 fried, 168 scalloped, 167 stewed, 167, 436 stuffed, 167 Tongue, boiled, 77, 427 smoked, boiled, 78 Torto frutas, 319 Tripe, 87 Tulip salad, 203 Turbot, 422 Turkey, 97 bone soup, 36 Turkish pilaf, 168 Turnips, boiled, 164, 436 steamed, 455 Turtle soup, 419 Tutti-frutti, 376 ice cream, 234 Vanilla ice cream, 232 sauce, 249 Veal and rice, 428 cakes, 151 croquettes, 427 curry of, 78 forcemeat, 106 loaf, 78, 428 pot-pie, 86 roast, 428 rolls, 428 with asparagus tips, 468 Vegetable fritters, 183 hash, 177 meat pie, 142 soup, 40, 419 stock, 29 Vegetables, 159, 430 Venison, haunch of, roasted. Venison, neck and shoulder, 99 steak, 100 Vermicelli soup, 38 Vol-au-vent, 187 w Waffles, 279, 280 Walnut and date dainty, 225 bread, 262 salad, 202 Washington pie, 323 Water-lily salad, 200 Watermelon salad, 201 Welsh rarebit, 126, 462 Wheat cereals, 340 griddle cakes, 280 muffins, 275 Whey, lemon, 406 wine, 406 Whips, 215 White bread in bread-mixer, 258 bread, over night, 257 bread, quick method, 257 bread, sponge method, 257 cup cake, 297 fish, boiled, 421 Mayonnaise, 194 sauce, 114 soup stock, 417 Wild-cherry cordial, 396 Wine jelly, 213 sauce, 248 whey, 406 Wines, serving, 396 Winter salad, 200 Yeast, 256 Yorkshire pudding, 70 Zwieback, 279 507 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 2 gills = 1 cup 2 cups = l pint 2 pints = 1 quart 4 quarts = 1 gallon 16 ounces = 1 pound 8 quarts =1 peck 4 pecks= 1 bushel EQUIVALENT MEASURES 4 level saltspoons = 1 level teaspoon 3 level teaspoons = 1 level tablespoon 16 level tablespoons = 1 cup 1 wineglass = 1/2 gill 2 cups granulated sugar = 1 pound 2 solid cups butter = 1 pound 4 cups flour = 1 pound 1 cup raisins or currants =6 ounces GOOD TO REMEMBER One teaspoon or tablespoon means a rounded teaspoon or tablespoon unless otherwise stated. A tin or aluminum measuring cup should be used for all measuring. These cups are marked off in quarters and thirds and insure accuracy. Aluminum cooking utensils are the best for general use. They are expensive in the beginning, but outwear other kinds. They are light in weight and easily cleaned, and there is no enamel to chip off and poison the food. Discolored pans and kettles, not aluminum, should be boiled in water to which a lump of washmg soda has been added. Scrupulous cleanliness and eternal vigilance are the essentials of all good cooking. ^ If the oven becomes too hot while bread or cake is baking, it may be cooled by setting a pan of water in it. If bread or cake browns too quickly, cover with a piece of paper. Pies should always be baked in a quick oven, with the greatest heat at the bottom. Cakes will seldom stick if this direction is followed : Grease the pans carefully ; dust lightly with flour; shake out the superfluous flour and pour in the mixture. Muffins and gems will be lighter if baked in pans that have been thoroughly heated as well as greased. Biscuit dough should be as soft as possible. Biscuits will be lighter and crisper if not allowed to touch each other on the baking tin. Meat should never be put in cold water except in making soup, for cold water draws out the juices. Wipe with a wet cloth, or rinse and dry at once, and in cooking useJaoiUng water. Tomatoes that are too strongly acid are improved by a pinch of baking soda. The soda should always be added when they are to be mixed with milk or cream, to prevent curdling. The white of eggs will whip more readily if a pinch of salt is added. The eggs should be as cold as possible. Cream that is too thin to whip may be made to do so by the addition of an unbeaten white of egg. When dipping articles in egg and cracker, dilute the egg with a tablespoon of water. Only the white may be used, if desired, but never only the yolk, as it is the albtunen which is needed to form a coat which the grease cannot penetrate. Almost any dish is made more inviting by a little garnishing. Parsley, water- cress, slices of lemon, beet, onion, hard-boiled egg or maraschino cherry, small triangles of toast, potato balls, mashed potatoes pressed through a pastry tube — all these are useful and within reach of almost every cook. Paper doilies, paper cups, and paper frills for chops may also be used to good advantage: these may be bought at any stationer's.