Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 f Tho G-snoral Board of Military Schools. THE Pedagogic Museum of the military schools, a portion of whose collections is exhibited at the present Exhibition, is a government Institution, founded in 1864, in the exclusive interests of the Educa- tional Establishments of the Ministry of War, but which in 1871 became an independent section of the General Museum of Practical Science of St. Petersburg. The Pedagogic Museum has for its object : 1 . To collect information regarding the manufacture of school appar- atus in Russia and abroad, and to exhibit as complete a selection as possible of contemporary school and educational apparatus, as well of home as of foreign make; with a view of facilitating educational estab- lishments in the choice of proper apparatus suitable to individual requirements. 2. To submit the school apparatus thus collected to special examina- tion and tjest, in order to ascertain their comparative merits, as well as the best way of applying them to the purposes of instruction and education, and in case of need to introduce improvements in school apparatus. 3. To promote the development and reduction in cost of the local manufacture of school apparatus, "and 4. To promote the diffusion of pedagogic and educational knowledge by means of the collected school apparatus. Up to 1870 the Museum applied its endeavors solely to carry out to the utmost extent the first object ; but its activity gradually increased, and at the close of 1871 began to be directed to the attainment of all the above-mentioned aims, availing itself of the following means : 1. The Museum, through its agents, both permanent and temporary, gathers information respecting the state of the manufacture of school apparatus in Russia and abroad. With this object in view it studies Exhibitions, as well local as international, in which a place is assigned 3 4 THE GENERAL BOARD. to pedagogic apparatus; collects catalogues, price-lists and notices of the manufacturers of school apparatus; and finally, as far as its funds permit, procures specimens of school apparatus, classifying and exhibit- ing them at its permanent exhibition. 2. The examination and testing of school apparatus, an estimate of their relative merits, and the introduction of improvements, are carried on by specially-organized sections of the Permanent Committee of the Museum, which manages the whole Institution, and consists of the President and four Members appointed by Government. 3. The means adopted by the Museum for developing and cheapen- ing the local production of school apparatus were as follows : a. Discovering in the capitols as well as in the provinces fresh producers of school apparatus, and affording them gratuit- ous use of models and drawings, made by specialists, and in some cases supplying them with funds. b. Granting the right to every producer of exhibiting his speci- mens among the collections of the Museum. c. Examining Russian school apparatus through experts, granting certificates of approval, and spreading information regarding the best and cheapest apparatus. d. Arranging local exhibitions and bringing together the pro- ducers of apparatus and the representatives of school demands, and e. Sending specimens of the collections at the expense of the Museum to the International Exhibitions, and x at the same time allowing the producers to enjoy the rights of exhibitors. In addition to and furtherance of the above measures, the Museum is undertaking the formation of traveling exhibitions, of an instructive and educational character, with the view of making provincial schools more closely acquainted with the most approved apparatus, and of en- couraging the production of such apparatus in the provinces, and 4. The diffusion of knowledge is promoted by the following measures : (a) the Museum opens its collections and library for gratuitous use ; (£) in its sections it carries on open discussions on questions of instruction and education ; (V) it publishes periodically explanatory catalogues of all the collections of the Museum ; (d) the members of its sections con- tribute to a special pedagogical periodical ; (