Gass JfL ^ 5" / Book_U-li_ PERPETUAL WAR, THE POLICY OF MR. MADISON. BEING A CANDID EXAMINATION OF HIS LATE MESSAGE T9 CON- GRESS, SO FAR AS RESPECTS THE FOLLOWING TOPieKSM..VIZ. THE PRETENDED NEGOTIATIONS FOR PEACE THE IMPOR- TANT AND INTERESTING SUBJECT OF A CONSCRIPT MILITIA.... THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN IMMENSE STANDING ARMY OF GUARDS AND SPIES, UNDER THE NAME OF A LOCAL VOLUNTEER FORCE. •' Tii7n *' Jacobus MddisoV. secundum Prcesfi^" ....gravior remediis quam de- dcta erant, suarumque legum uuctor idem, ac subversor qua arms tuebatur^ nrmis amisit." taciti ANNALIUM lib. ill. LIBERALLY TRANSLATED " Then James Madison, a second time President, adopted a remedy for the -wrongs of our seamen, infinitely more injurious to them than the evils which they suffered he ordered out the militia, in contempt of that very Constitution of which he was one of the principal framers. In short, whatever he attempted to \inilicate by arms, by arms he lost." BY A NEW-ENGLAND FARMER. AOTIIOR or \ T.\TE PAMPHLET, ENTITLED, " MR, MADISO^'s WAR. BOSTON : Printed by C/iestev Stebbiu.i. 1812. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS, TO THE PEOPLE OP NEW-ENGLAND, NEW-YORK, NEW-JERSEY, AND DELAWARE. HOWEVER mucli to be regretted by every friend to commerce^ and civil liberty, must be the re- election of Mr. Madison, still it is a most cheering and consolatory reflection, that the struggle has man- ifested an energy, an intelligence, a spirit of concord and union, a magnanimous disposition to sacrifice party feelings, and personal considerations, in the cit- izens of the commercial states, which is unexampled in the history of this country. It was indeed to be tisared, that no pressure, however great, no sufferings, however severe, would detacli men from those chains of party with which they bad been so long bound. But wc are most happily undeceived ; a sense of common danger, a conviction of common interest, and of the absolute necessity of union for relief from op- pression, snapped asunder the bonds of faction. — Mutual condescension, mutual consultation soon ob- literated the memory of past distinctions, (which after all were merely nominal,) and we now find, witli the exception of the dependents upon government, and those under their influence, but one great and united people, from Maine to Delaware. It ought indeed to be so; for, from Maine to Dela- \Anve -^vo ]i^vo one common interest, and that is. th^ 4 preservation of Commerce, which from Delaware southwards, they are determined to destroy. Still men do not always perceive their interest. But in this case, they could not shut their eyes ; it was like ^^ Heaven's own lightning,*' it flashed conviction upon those who were stone blind. Five years successive commercial restriction, was found ineffectual ; it made us grow leaner to be sure, but we were strong and able to survive it. Our per- secutors had not patience to endure our lingering death ; they therefore got up the guillotine of a mari- time war, to cut off our heads at a stroke. This last act of desperation, has accomplished our "wishes ; it has opened the eyes of the people, and notwithstanding the reelection of Mr. Madison, not in vain. If we are as firm and resolute in the pursuit of our purposes, as moderate and conciliatory as we have hitherto been ; if we continue to sacrifice to the attainment of peace and prosperity, our party pas- sions, we are certain of success. Let our political enemies triumph in their partial victory; let them attempt to undervalue our courage, our opinions and our importance ; we shall shew them in the next Congress, that no government can wage an unneces- sary war against the sentiments and interests of the people. We predicted this change, as did many others, six months ago, in the pamphlet, entitled " Madison's War." We advised the people to despise the anti- republican, despotick opinion, that tlie citizens have no right to discuss the merits of a war, after it is de- clared. We recommended a constitutional resistance^ a resistance at the polls. The people have done so : and what is the glorious and unexampled result ? Never since the Declaration of Independence, has such an union been witnessed. In the lower House of Congress, which alone could have been eiFected in so short a time by popular elections, we shall proba- bly have a peace majority. The present prospect is, that not one member of Congress, from Maine to Delaware, will be in favour of the war. In Massachusetts, at no period of its history, has it ever enjoyed so united a delegation. Its voice will now have, as it ought to, its due weight. Let us ex- amine this respectable power, which has risen up as it were by magick, or by the finger of Heaven, against a daring and headstrong administration. These northern and middle states, who are now united in opinion, possess 3,000,000 of inhabitants^ considerably more than did the wliole United States at the time of the Declaration of Independence. — They are a body of freemen, distinguished for their industry and virtue. They are the owners of nearly two third parts of all the tonnage of the United States, and furnishes, probably three fourtlis of all the native seamen. They are totally opposed to a w^ar for the privilege of protecting British seamen against their own sovereign. They know, from their own experi- ence, that this subject of impressment is a mere in- strument, wielded by men who are utterly indift'erent about the sufferings of the sailors or the merchants. The display of the true principles, upon Avhich this subject ought to be considered, is the main object of the following Essays. We are aware that the friends of administration, (and some few who mvj^hi to know better tlie rights 6 and tkities of a citizen,) with uncommon pretensions to patriotism, iiavc l>ridled themselves in with a haughty and censorious air, when they have read these essays, and have thought to condemn them, and to render the autlior odious, hy representing him as supporting the claims of Great-Britain, and as aban- doning the rights of America. It is a vulgar clamour, which the author heeds not, he has no popularity to seek, and he fears not for tlie reputation of liis integrity, ^vith the wise and good ; hut as sucli a clamour may lead feeble minds to read with distrust, and to weigh with uneven scales, it may not be amiss to say a word or two upon this subject. Is morality, when applied to questions between nations, of a dillerent character, and founded on dif- ferent principles from what it is, a\ hen applied to in- dividuals ? Is man an infallible being? or, if he errs, is he never to turn from tlic error of his way ? is he never to examine the rectitude of his o^^ n principles ? or, if convinced of his error, is he never to confess it, and alter his conduct ; but must liis pride prompt him to persevere in wrong doing ? If, moreover, lie becomes satisfied that liis interest as well as his duty require a change of conduct, must he still adhere to liis errors ? Can not a nation do wrong ? do we not contend that Britain has often done so ? and is it impossible that America should sometimes partake of human in- firmities ? And if a nation does wrong, must its citizens defend even its errors ? Must they spill their blood, and ex- haust their treasure, and lose their liberties, rather tliau expose the national faults ? But if the doctriae be true^ that you cannot discuss such a question freely and sliew the mistakes or the misconduct of your own country, tlie people will go on blindfolded, and will contend with lionest, but mistaken zeal, for principles which if tliey had fully understood, tliey would have shuddered at supporting. I lia\ e now given to my adversaries the most favour- able side of the argument for them. But the question is not whether our country is in tlie wrong, but whether a few men in jiower and place, men whose power thrives by wai*, whose salaries are unaifected by it, cannot be in the wrong ? The country is oppo- sed to the war, for the question of impressment. The country knows that it is a question grossly exaggera- ted, not worthy of sucli sacrifices. The country does not wish to protect Britisli seamen, nor to deprive Great Britain of her natural defence. But my last, and most complete justiiication is, that in my opinion, it would be against our interest, as a nation, and against the interest of the seamen espe- cially, to gain the question in dispute. The moment our fljig shall be a complete asylum to British seamen, under which they will be free from all searcli, 100,000 of them would find the way to our ports, re- duce the wages of our native seamen, or send them about our streets to beg. It would be, in my opinion, the most destructive policy which could be adopted. I will then ask, wliether a man may not patriotic- ally oppose a pretension of his OAvn country, v. hicli he thinks will be essentially injurious to it ? 1 shall conclude, by quoting the words of an emi- nent politician, wlio wrote a century ago. ^^ If ilierefore, said he, in future times, it shall be visible? that some men, to build up their own fortunes, are pushing at their country's ruin, good patriots must then exert all tlieir virtue, they must reassume the courage of their ancestors ; but chiefly they must sa- crifice to tlie publick, all their ancient animosities ; they must forgive one another ; it must no more be re- membered of what partij any man was ; it being suffi- cient to enquire whether he always acted honestly. At such a time, the best men of both sides, if the name of jiartij still remains, must sliake hands together, with a resolution to withstand the subtle and diligent enemies of the peace and prosperity of the country. In such a juncture, not only the best men of all parties must be taken in, but Ave must be angry with no sort of men, who will unite against the common enemies of our commerce and peace." Duver.:int's Essay on (!ie Duty of Private Men, kc. MR. MADISON'S MESSAGE. NO. 1. FOREIGX AND CIVIL WAR RESOLVED UPON '. Before we can have the requisite time, and leisure to express, and display the profound and awful im- pressions, which have been made upon us by this unparalleled document — Before we shall be able to strip this message of that almost impenetrable cloud, with whieJi the present Chief Magistrate knows how to envelope.the most alarming designs, and projects — Before we display, that cold, relentless, inflexible, and audacious spirit, which seems to consider the suiferings and distresses of a whole people as mere political pastime — which regards the loss of armies, and the destruction of thousands of our fellow men as trifling incidents in the game, whicli it has pleased certain sportsmen to play, I tliink it may be well to give to the publick in a concise form, more intel- ligible than tlie message was designed to be, the leading principles, positions, and opinions, which it iias pleased Mr Madison to advance. I am well aware, that many good, w ell meaning men in reading this message will be carried away at flrst with tlie amicable, generous and noble profes- sions of its author — It is precisely the art of appear- ing to be w hat one is not — of assuming virtues and principles which are foreign to our character — of hid- ing and sedulously and artfully concealing our de- signs, which constitutes that dangerous talent that has rendered so many men the scourges of the coun- h-y in which they were born — It is only by stripping 91 10 them of tliis disguise, by comparing carefully their conduct with their professions, that we can ascertain tlie real merit or demerit of men — we mean to at- tempt this difficult task, though conscious of our want of many of the qualifications necessary to its full and able execution. The first and most important idea which the Mes- sage presents, and which runs through, and forms a distinguishing feature in it, is that the WAR, how- ever disastrous — however burdensome, however fruit- less, however hopeless and desperate, is to be not only persevered in, but more expensively, and more ferociously carried on. Every paragraph is so expressed — every thought is so modelled — every fact is so coloured, presented or moulded, as to bring the mind to the necessity of waging this unnecessary and ruinous war, for aught we see, ad infinitum. No art which could have a tendency to inflame the passions — No motive, which could excite the pride, the cupidity or the vengeance of men has been overlooked or left unurged. We are then in the first place to consider this Mes- sage as an unequivocal, and bold declaration that this war, notwithstanding the submission of Great Britain and her repeal of her orders in Council, must and shall be continued with increased expense, probably increased disasters, and with the certainty of ultimate failure. — We shall in future essays shew that tliese dreadful consequences must follow — that the expenses will be increased tenfold — the disasters will l)e mul- tiplied witliout end — and that the termination must be, and will be against us. The second proposition which the Message pre- sents to us, is, that the ultimatum, the sine qua non of a peace is already chans;ed — It is expressly admitted by the President that the Orders in Council are re- pealed andrepealedin such a manner as '^ to lie capable of explanations meeting the views of this Government. ' 11 But that the pomt now unsettled, andforwhieli alone the war is carried on, is the refusal of the British Gov- ernment to suspend the practice of impressment — This then is avowed to be the sole cause of prossecu- ting the war — There is an end to the restraints upon our commerce, but we are to wage this war for tlie exemption of British seamen from impressment. It is very fortunate for the desired and very desir- able unanimity among the people, which is rapidly taking place, that we should know from so high au- thority, that the cause, for which we are enduring such privations, and expending so much blood and treasure, is the protection ofrenegadoes and deserters from the British navy — we are fighting not for an American, but a British interest. The third great feature of the Message, is, that the Governors of the two old and venerable states of Massachusetts and Connecticut are declared to be somewhat in a state of insurrection — They are (as it were) recommended to be put under the ban of the Empire. If the war Congress, the high mettled racers of the South should be as warmly impressed, as the Mes- sage seems to intend they shall be, we must expect to see it followed by, a declaration that Massacluisetts and Connecticut are in rebellion — by a suspension of the lia])eas corpus, and by commissions to Gen. King and the volunteers whom Jie has raised, to coerce the the refractory states. The least we can expect from this part of the Mes- sage is a law placing tlie militia under the orders and laslies of the officers of the standing army — and our papers will soon give us anotlier affecting detail of the ceremonies with which the deserters from the mi- litia are shot. We have much to say on this interesting sub- ject — this alarming stride to despotism whicli is pro- posed ])y introducing the conscription laws of France into our country, but it must be the subject of special IS and separate f onsideration — We now only mean to indicate the topicks which the Message presents. The fourth subject which the Message furnishes, is the increase and encouragement of the standing army and militia. New bounties — new pay — new encouragement to these locusts who are consuming, like their predeces- sors in Egypt, every green thing — every fertile plant in our late happy and peaceful country — For what purpose are they to be raised ? to repel invasion ? We are threatened with none ; to conquer Canada? For what purpose? to protect British seamen from impressment : and will the conquest of Canada ef- fect this ? We know it will not ; our path is on the ocean ; we complain that it is obstructed ; in order to clear it we turn our backs upon the very path which we would open, and march in an opposite di- rection. Tliis is a curious mode of effecting an ob- ject ; but it will be said that the capture of Canada will ooerce Great-Britain ; I admit, that if a man steals my horse, I may compel him to do me right by taking his house or liis farm or any thing necessary to him ; but is Canada vecessarjf to Great-Britain ? ]Sfo : is it as important to her as her oicn seamen ? No ; Then she will never give up to our demand of protecting her own native subjects, even if v» c take Canada. But ilfthly and lastly : The Message suggests an- other dreadful thought : a thought which brings to our minds all the horrors of Baltimore ; It a])pears to us, in a covert and yet very perceptible, and very obvious manner, to reccommend an extension of con- structive treasons. The whole history of the Tudors and Stewarts cannot exhibit a latitude of expression more suited to make every thing a crime, than the President's phrase of " corrupt and perfidious intercourse with the enemy.*' Suppose a bill framed in these words, declaring 13 any uiaii guiUy of treason, who sliould be found liold^ ing a ^* coiTiipi and perfidious intercourse with the enemy."' Suppose the habeas corpus suspended, and Gren. King ordered to escort any man on whom the Presi- dent's, or Dr. Eustis's, or Gen. Dearborn's, or Mr. Hill's suspicions might light to Washington, there to be tried by a packed jury*, returned at jileasure (that is chosen by the Marshal who is the President's ser- vant.) What do you think his chance would be ? For my part I had ratlier take my chance with the mercy of a Presidential mob, than a Presidential jury — All i\\^ facts of which a man could be convicted are de- tailed in the late law forbidding supplies to the ene- my, what then can be intended except to punish upon surmises and suspicion ? The liberty of the people is in danger. XO. II It has been the constant boast of our administra- tion, in the midst of the most hostile acts, that it is sin- cerely desirous of -peace — such professions cost but little, and afford the people who suffer, small consola- tion amidst the distresses and ruin occasioned by the war. A very moderate portion of al)ility is requisite in framing letters, and despatches, and messages breath- ing a pacifick spirit. Yet if the whole conduct of these professing gentle- men be examined and analyzed, and if it has appear- ed, and shall yet appear, that their conduct is in di- rect opposition to tlieir declaration, we ought to enter- tain but one sentiment in regard to them, and that is, that by adding duplicity to injurous projects and ru- inous measures, they merit a double portion of our resentment and distrust. An overwhelming mass of these pacifick profesisons 14 flowed ill upon us at the moment wlioii Hits Uiijust ami unnecessary War was declared, and a new edition of the same hollow and insincere declarations has just been pn1)lished, at the very moment, when we are carrying^^'re and sword into the peaceful colonies of Great Britain — when we are excited by every species of exaggeration and misrepresentation to carry on the War with ferocity and fury. It is pretended by the President, that at tlie very moment of his declaration of War, he made new ef- forts to obtain peace, and even solicited an armistice before an actual appeal to arms had been made. Wc shall say nothing upon this new and unheard of proce- dure. We shall admit, though we think the conduct extraordinary, that if proposals were made to Great- Britain, such as even a feeble, a base and degraded nation could accept from a hauglity and much more powerful foe, that tlie administration deserve credit lor. But if it shall appear, as it will, that the offers made were not only illusory but insulting ; if they were such as any nation not ready to pass under the yoke, would have rejected ; — if, in short, it must have lieeu foreseen that they ^\ ould be rejected by Great-Britain, I can only say that the peoj)le ought to view with dis- dain this aiiempt to impose upon their understandings. It is my design to analyze this whole correspon- dence with Great-Britain, and I fear that I shall be compelled to sIicav, to t!ie disgrace of our rulers, that all this parade of negotiation had only one o))ject in view, to enable the President to raalce a shew of a pa- cifick disposition — to lull the lears and excite the hopes of the people ; — to secure the reelection of the Author of this War to the Presidency. In executing this task, I must entreat the attention of my readers to two circumstances which they must keep in mind throughout tlic a\ hole discussion. The one is, that in examining the negotiations and propositions of our artful cabinet, propositions adroit- 15 ly statedj carefully considered, cautiously expressed, combining all the talents of the President and his min- isters, very considerable time and attention will be re- quisite. I am persuaded tlmt to the great mass of readers^ the subject will bei'miinteresting — the topics are too re- iined, the argument too elaborate and complicated for general use. It is only from those whose means of information, and whose power of discrimination qualify them to follow a continued train of reasoning, and whose pa- triotism and zeal will induce them to undertake it that I expect attention. It is however a solemn duty in all those, who know how often the People have been deceived by the soph- isms and false pretensions of the Cabinet, to examine this su])ject, and to attend to the essays of any man who will devote his time and whatever talents he may possess to this arduous duty. The second circumstance worthy of consideration is this, that it is impossible to discuss and to prove, the insincerity of the offers made by our own cabinet without huUrectlif justifying the British cabinet in rejecting them. Hence it may be expected that the old clamour, of supporting the pretensions of our ene- my will be revived, and if we were to utter these sen- timents in Baltimore we might be exposed to martyr- dom and massacre. We simply however present to all tender consciences this plain apology. — Whether our rulers have sincerely and honestly solicited and sought for Peace is an important question. If they have, all opposition ought to be icitMraicn, and we should unite in their favour. If they have not ; but if in place of it, tliey have endeavoured to deceive the people by insincere professions of peace, they merit our highest censure and indignation. I cannot perceive how this question can be in any manner discussed without involving in it, either a censure or an approbation of the British Government 16 in rejecting the overtures. If any man can see a mid- dle course let liim take it. For ourselves, conscious of as much patriotism as Mr. Madison pretends to, and seeing no reason as he does for covering up our thoughts in dark, ambiguous, unintelligible language, we shall proceed boldly to shew that his late extraordinary proposals for an Ar- mistice Avere unreasonable, hostile, and calculated to produce every thing hut Peace. Having already extended the necessary prelimina- ry observations to so great a length ; the limits of a newspaper essay will only permit us to make these important introductory remarks on tlie subject of the late extraordinary and unreasonable propositions for an Armistice. The first is, that it is we believe the first time, in the history of nations, that a proposal for an Avmistict was made by the party declaring an offensive ivar, be- fore he had struck a single blow upon the enemy ; — before he had gained or was likely to gain a single advantage. If we should put this measure into a simple form, we should say, tliat it was in the nature of a menace — " There, Sir, you have failed to yield to our threats, because you thought we did not dare to make War, we now shew you that we have courage, therefore yield." Is this a natural and usual mode of conciliating an enemy, and of reconciling him to terms which he had before rejected ? A brave and i)o werfeul nation would have ])referred to have slicwn its prowess — to have wrested some- thing from its enemy which it could offer, as the e- quivalent for concession. Tlie second remark which occurs to us, without entering at large into the terms proposed, is that we offer to (yreat Britain precisely the same terms which were offered by Mr. Monroe in 1807. — We offer to exclude British seamen from our publick and private ships. — On tliose terms, prope^'ly secured, she offered to modify iier practice of impressment. This is 17 upon record. Mr. Monroe is bound to acknowledge this fact for we have it under his own hand. We can- not refrain from asking the question, why tliis point, if now oflered in sincerity, was not accepted before the War? If it had been, as the Orders in Council were vol- untarily witlidrawn by Great Briluin, no cause of war would have remained. We shall shew in our next essay why Great-Britain did not accede to tlie terms offered by our cabinet. In short we shall shew that there was only a feint — a pretence — an appearance of acceding to those terms on the part of our cabinet. Lastly — It is evident by the apparent offer, (and though t shall shew it was only an offer in appear- ance, yet it is so far a commitment or admission of our cabinet) that we admit tiiat Great-Britain has been always right in complaining of the enticement and en- listment of her subjects in time of War : — Because our cabinet now propose to prohibit by law the enlist- ment of British sailors, and surely they would not a- ^ree to this if by the law of nations, we, as a neutral nation, have a right so to enlist or employ them. Our cabinet is not made of such stuff as to give up to Great-Britain any legitimate rights. They admit therefore they have been in the wrong. NO. ni. ! HE PWOPOSITIONS RF.CIPEOCALLY MADE BY THE AMERICAN AND BRITISH CABINETS FOR AN ARMIS riCE, AND THE REA- SONS ASSIGNED TOR i liElR REJECTION. To facilitate the examination of this subject, I pro- pose to consider, Is]^. What were the specifick propositions respec- tively made ? 2nd. In what manner they were received by the different governments including herein the answers «(everallv made. 18 3d. The reasonableness of these several proposi- tions, and replies. If we were to decide, as to tlie nature of any prop- ositions made for an Armistice, either from the prac- tice heretofore adopted by all civilized nations, or from the rules of natural justice, equity and decorum, we should certainly conclude that the offer ought to be perfectly reciprocal ; not claiming for the party who proposes it any advantage over the other to whom it is proposed ; otherwise a rejection must be expected, and we must look to some otlier motive than the avow- ed one for the proposition. To expect that an enemy in time of war would voluntarily yield any point with- out an equivalent must be absurd — There is only one exception to this rule, and that is, where the party who makes an unequal and unreciprocal demand, has gained some great advantage in tlie war, or is in a condition so manifestly superior in point of force as to give him a right to dictate tlie conditions of an Armis- tice — Thus we have seen Bonaparte often insisting, as for instance, to the king of Sardinia, after the battle at Coni, and to Austria before tlie treaty of Campo Formio, on terms which any equal and unsubdued foe would have spurned — In all such cases we consider it the language of a haughty master to a humble and con- quered enemy — We lielievethat the annals of modern Europe cannot exliibit a case where ])etween two par- ties perfectly equal, and before the chances of war had been tried, terms totally devoid of reciprocity have been demanded — Much less could any man conceive, that the rulers of seven millions of people, not inured to war, with six frigates, and ten thousand ill-disci- plined, raw and inexiierienced troops, would demand, as a condition of a mere suspension of hostilities, the rplin((uisl)ment of a right exercised for four centuries from an old powerful nation coni])nsing sixteen mill- ions of people, with 300,000 regular troops and 400 ships of war. Yet sueJi a case Me undertake to shew has Mr. 19 Madi8on for the first time exhibited — The Orders iu Council and blockades having been removed as it is now confessed to tlie satisfaction of our cal)inet, the practice of Great Britain of reclaiming her own native seamen, a practice which we sliall shew under our third division to have been coeval with the existence of her marine, and a practice uniformly adopted by all other nations, especially by America and her ally France, this ancient practice was the only remaining ground of war, and the only source of dispute between the two countries. Great Britain claims it as a right — we contend that it is a wrong done to us. Now Mr. Madison asks as a condition of even a suspension of arms, and as the very commencement of negotiation, that Great Britain shall relinquish the exercise of this which she claims as a right — *^ We will not hear you," says Mr. Madison, ^"till you give up your claim, and then we will treat w ith you about the justice of it, or the modes of indemnifying you for giving it up." The first question is, did Mr. Madison make this monstrous and preposterous claim ? Could he insult any nation, however feeble, by such a preliminary proposition ? One man says, I do not understand the demand in this light — another says, Mr. Monroe explained and took it back in a subsequent letter, which by the w ay was not written till six days before the Message. A third gentleman with honest zeal exclaims, it is not possible Mr. Madison could have been guilty of playing so broad a farce ! I shall prove })y unqestionable evidence that such a proposition was made, for which no equivalent was offered to Great Britain. In Mr. Monroe's instructions to Mr. Russell, dated June 26th, eight days after the declaration of w ar, he authorises and directs him as follows : " If the Orders iu Council are repealed and no illegal blockades sub- stituted to them, and ardors are given to discontinue ^0 the impressment of seamen [mark it reader ! (mil sea- men, British or American, naturalized or not] from our A'cssels, and to restore tliose aheady impressed, there is no reason why hostilities should not immediately cease — securing these objects, you are authorized to stipulate an armistice." Now, no language could be clearer to shew, that the actual discontinuance of tlie practice of impress- ment must iwecede even an armistice — In other words, a question which has been twenty years in dis- cussion between the two nations, a question founded on several centuries usurpation, if you please so to call it, a question in whicli Great-Britain is support- ed by the practice of xVmcrica and France, as 1 shall most amply prove, this question which she considers a vital one for her marine, Grreat-Britain is required to give up as a condition of a temporary suspension of arms. Mr. Hussell our minister understood liis instruc- tions in the light in which I do — and uo man can un- derstand them otherwise. In his letter to Lord Castlereagh of August 24, 1812, he says ^* that he is authorised to stipulate Avith his Britannick Majesty's government an armis- tice on condition that the orders in council be repeal- ed, and no illegal blockades substituted ; and that or- ders be immediatehj given to discontinue the impress- ment of jjer sons from American vessels, and to restore the citizens of the United States already impressed.*' Here Ave lind the discontinuance of the practice of impressment a condition precedent to an armistice — It is curious also to notice the legal precision of llus- sell's terms — They are to require tlie discontinuance of impressment of ''^jjcrsons,^* that is, of all or any per- sons — but those he requires to be restored are only •• American citizens" — We are astonished that they had not the effrontery to demand the re-delivery of Britisli subjects who liad been impressed — But on re- flection it is as well and nearly tjie same, because tlie SI terms '' American citizens" iricludes British sailors naturalized, many of whom obtained naturalization in twenty-four hours after they came on shore — This topick we shall however examine when we consider llie reasonableness of the propositions. Lord Castlereagh comprehended Mr. Russell's de- mand in the same manner in which Mr. Kussell had understood his instructions. " I cannot, said his Lordship, refrain on one single point from expressing my surprise, namely, that as a condition preliminary even to a suspension of hostil- ities, the United States have thought fit to demand that the British government should desist from its an- cient and accustomed practice of impressing British seamen from the merchant ships of a foreign state simply on the assurance that a law shall hereafter be passed, &c. &c.'' His Lordship goes on to declare that Great-Britain is now ready as she has been heretofore to agree to a- uy substitute which may accomplish the saBic end- but this w ill come ])articularly under consideration when we come to the second proposed division. The present design is merely to prove, that our government did demand the discontinuance of im- pressment as a jireliminary even to any negotiation — But some gentlemen have construed a phrase in Mr. Monroe- s letter of the a7th of Oct. to Sir J. B. War- ren, as denying the intention to demand the relinquish- ment of impressment as a preliminary— We linow they are mistaken, and that government do not even now pretend that they are ready for an Armistice, unless the practice of impressment be first relinquished — Tlie clause on which tloubts have arisen is this, Mr. Monroe in his letter to Sir John B. Warren, says, •• Lord Castlereagh in his note to Mr. Russell, seems to have supposed, tiiat had tlie British government -accepted the propositions made to it, Great-Britain would have suspended immediatehj the exercise of a right on the mere assurance of this government that as a law would be afterwards passed to prohibit the ew- ployment of British seamen in the service of the U- nited States ; and that Great-Britain would have no agency in the regulation to give effect to that jjroposi- tion.^^ " Such an idea/' he adds, '' was not in the contemplation of tliis government, nor is it to be infer- red from Mr. RusselPs note ; but lest such an inference should be drawn, subsequent instructions Avere given to Mr. Russell with a view to obviate every abjection of the kind alluded to. These instructions bear date S7th July, and were forwarded by the British packet Althea." Now, what is it that Mr. Monroe means to deny ? That the relinquishment of impressment was an abso- lute preliminary ? Or tliat it was not expected that Great-Britain should have no voice, no agency in the terms of the act of Congress which might be passed to regulate them ? We say clearly the latter — We prove this by the new instructions of July S7tli to Mr. Russell, which are given in the documents, and which expressly stipulate, that impressment must be instantly abandoned as a preliminary to an Armistice. It liowever provides that Great-Britain shall be consulted as to the terms of the provision restricting the employment of British sul>jects. This then, and this only is the point which Mr. Monroe meant when he said that Lord Castlereagh misunderstood the claims of our government — This is further proved by the very same letter to Sir John B. Warren, which is dated only sixteen days since, in which it is added ^^ that a suspension of impressment during the Armistice seems to be a necessary conse- quence — It cannot be presumed, while the parties are negotiating, that the United States would admit the right, or acquiesce in the practice of the opposite par- ty." This alone settles the ciucstion as to what waK demanded, but we shall remove all doubt hereafteiv. m NO. IV. THE SEVERAL PROPOSALS FOR AN ARMISTICE CONSIDERED. If any doubts sliould still i-emain on the mind of any one, wliether tlie absolute and entire discontinu- ance of the practice of reclaiming her oitm seamen out of merchant ships on tlie high seas, was demanded by Mr. Madison, of Great-Britain, as a condition of granting a suspension of arms only, those doubts must be entirely removed by the following additional facts. Mr. Monroe, Avhenhe denies that Lord Castlereagh understood Mr. Russell and our Government aright, refers to liis explanatory letter of July 27th by the British packet Althea, in wliich he says, that the o- riginal proposition is fully explained. On examin- ing that letter, we find it again asserted, that " the Or- ders in Council, illegal Blockades and Impressments, were the principal causes of the war, and if they icere removed, you might stipulate an Armistice." The only differences between this new explanato- ry letter and the former one are the following : ist. Mr. Russell was authorised, by the last letter, not to insist upon a written stipulation to be contain- ed in the instrument declaring the Armistice, but he was especially directed to procure an " informal un- derstanding, so as to admit of no mistake," that im- pressments should be instantly discontinued. 2nd. He was to make the Government of Great- Britain distinctly to understand, that all stipulations as to the exclusion of British seamen from our ships must ultimately depend on Congress, wliose consent would be necessary to give validity to the bargain di- plomatically agreed upon. When we come to the consiiku'atiou of tlie reason- ableness of ,000 seamen, all of w horn were supplied by Great-Britain. An English writer, on this subject, seems to be fully aware of the' extent of this evil, and of tlie nature of the frauds — > he gives two examples out of two thousand, which he says can be adduced- — ^^ Henry Donaldson made oath before the Mayor of Liverpool, that on the 15th of December, 1800, he procured a protection from Josluui Sands, collector of New- York, liy assuming tlie name of Henry JCent — that it was obtained on the oath of a woman, who swore for several other Englishmen on the same day — he said the woman was charged with having sworn to several hundred in a short time.'' Sworn to before Tho. Golightly, Mayor — Liverpool, May 17, 1810. Another impressed on the same day at Liverpool, had about liim a certificate signed by Mr. Graaf, De- puty Collector in Philadelphia, which he got by giv- ing an old man four dollars for swearing ^^ that he knew his father, mother, &c.'' whereas he had nei- tlier father or mother, as described, nor had he ever been in America. These and many other affidavits and documents have been taken by the British gov- ernment, and they w ell know the extent of these a- buses and the vast difficulty of remedying them by any act of Congress whatever. Great as has been the profit to the southern state? by the employment of British seamen, who, cither naturalized or not, have constituted three quarters of their crews, we find them talk of stipulations to e.r- cliide British seamen ! ! Do you belies e them in earnest? No — when you come to the provisions of the bill, you will find them require (as Mr. Madison said 44 tliey always should insist) that a seaman naturalized but one day beforei, or resident here two years, sliould not be considered a British sett77?a?7. Great-Britain knows these pretensions — She knows tliat three suc- cessive negotiations have failed ; one witli Mr. Pink- ney, 19 years ago — one with Mr. King, 12 years since, and the last with Messrs. Monroe and Pink- ney, five years since^ from the difficulty of proposing any remedy for mutual aljuses of acknoAvledged rights. What tliese proposals were we sliall shew hereafter. so. viii. DOCTRINES AND PRACTICE OF FRANCE, AS TO RECLAIMING HER OWN SEAMEN. It may perhaps be said, as it was by some persons in relation to tlie Berlin and Milan decrees, that tlie practice of Franco ought to be no justification to Great-Britain. We admit this to be true in some cases;, and with some qualification — But wlien we are discussing the existence of a right, under the laws of nations, we have no better mode of ascertaining it, ihan tlie long established usage of the greatest states in Europe. If France, under all her later monarchs, has set up the same principles, and has watched over the preservation of her seamen Avith a much more jealous a7id severe eye, than Great-Britain has done, we think it goes far to establish the existence of the right for wliich Great-Britain contends. If the t^N o great rivals of Europe liave, in all their maritime wars, united in admitting any one jmnciph, I think we may say of it, that it has much more claim to tlic place of ail unquestioned riglit, than many of the dog- mas which are laid down as such by tlie writers on publick laAV. I shall shew that France holds the doctrine of al- legiance being perpetual — that she is jjeculiarhj jeal- 45 oits of tJie claim over lier seamen, and is even cruel in lier laws, refusing them the right of expatriation— that while she recognizes, as does Great-13ritain,both. in her own practice and in that of other states, the riglit of naturalization^ siie undertakes to deny that this can give any new claims to protection to the natu- ralized person against his own sovereign. We shall shew that sJie goes farther, and denies to neutrals the right to naturalize her enemies^ so as to protect them against her arms. Lastly, it will be seen that by re- peated edicts slie authorizes the seizure of her own seamen in time of war, in her own ports, on board of neutral vessels-^-and at sea. The authority I shall cite will be Mons» Le Beau, now swperintendant, in Paris, of tlie details of the laws relative to the marine and colonies. I have, liowevcr, in every case taken (not the inferences of M. LeBeau) but the laws and ordinances themselves. By the laws of France, ever since the reign of Louis XIV, all French seamen are classed, and there are regular officers appointed to enrol and licence tliem — ^ without such an enrolment no man can exer- cise even the boat or fishing navigation. Thus the government knows every man in its marine service, for every man who is a sailor is considered as being a part of the marine. In time of jjeace, no man is permitted to ship a sailor without carrying him to the bureau or office of the class in which he is enrolled, and there getting him inscribed on his roll of equip- age. — In time of ivar, the commissaries of the classes themselves are forbidden to let any seaman be ship- ped either for the fishery, commerce or privateering, unless such seaman shall have his conge, or dismis- sion from the public marine. Thus in time of war France commands everij seaman in her dominions. Having thus explained the general police relative to seamen, I shall now proceed to the various statutes or ordinances which prove the points I have Jibove stated. 1st. The laws of France deny the right of 46 expatriation, and go farther than (xreat-Erihiin, be- cause they make tlie servin^^ on board the vessels of other nations, wliethcr enemies or not, a crime. By an edict of FebruarVj 1G.50, all masters of ves- sels, being Frencli su!)jects, are forbidden, whether they are domiciliated in France or not, that is, whether they have acquired anotJier domicil or home in a for- eign country or not, to talce commissions from, or use any other iiag than that of France, under the penalty of being treated as pirates. By an edict of August, I67O, the pain of death, which had been before ijitJicted upon all the subjects of France, found in the service of foreign states or princes, was changed for that of service in the gallieb- for life. This last edict is very clear, and from its language it is manilVstthat wlietlier taken in arms or not, against their ov\ 11 sovereign, tliey are liable to this punishment. By an edict of October, 1784? it is provided, that, ^* Any classed seaman, who shall in time of peace be found serving in foreign ships, shall be sentenced to fifteen days confinement, antl reduced to the low- est wages, and shall serve two years extraordinary at the lowest rate : but tliose who in time of war shall be ARRESTEil) IN foreign ships, or jmss- ing into foreign countries, sSjall be sentencetl to three years service in the gallies.*' By the same edict, " It is made the duty of the chiefs or lieads of the department of classed seamen, to make search for tlie deserters from merchant ser- vice, to arrest them and send them to the officers of the admiralty. They shall also make known to the admiralty any classed seamen, wivo having paSvSED into foreign countries, sliall have l*een arrested." I have given a literal Iranslalion of the parts of these two passages which apply to the case, because this last edict was passed i]i a time of profound peace^ in the reign of Louis XA'L and is still in force. 47 It not only fiiUy jiistiiics my first position, that France denies that her seamen can expatriate them- selves; even in thue ot* peace, and that she makes it a severe crime in time of way for them to pass into anif foreign countries^ not excepting neutral states. But it supports, and is the great foundation upon which I repose, to prove that siie claims the right to arrest them on board neutral ships, either in French ports or on the high seas. We mnst suppose the French admiralty instructions to be conformable to, and as broad as their edicts. If so, they must instruct their marine officers to arrest any Fi-ench seamen ^^ found on board foreign shipsy ' This I admit may mean in the ports of France, and so far as this goes, it proves tliat the flag of a neutral does not cover all icho sail under it — ^and this part also corresponds to the British prac- tice of impressments in their ports. But it goes fartlier, it orders the arrest of sailors found on board neutral ships, or '* passing into for- eign countries," " on jiassant en jiays etrangers/^ — ■ this must intend found on board foreign ships on the HIGH SEAS — and surely the second section can have no other possible interpretation, because it applies to French seamen, who " having passed into foreign countries, shall be arrested.*' Lest any person disposed to cavil, and without ex- amining the question closely, should pretend, that these sections allude to seamen found on board ene- mies vessels — I answer, that upon seamen in that case, the pain of death is inflicted, and the first cited section of the edict of 1784, explicitly provides for a <'ase w hen France is at peace. We shall now shew that France pays no regard to {he naturalization laws of other countries, at least so as to deem them a protection to the subjects ^ of her enemy, who may have been naturalized during the war in neutral slates — and yet sh.e naiuralizes for- eigners herself — therelvv proving v.hni v. e have s\?.\ 48 ed above, that nations by conferring tlie privileges of naturalization do not understand, that they give the person any protection out of tiieir own territory, that they do not admit that it is in the power of a neutral to protect the native subject of an enemy against cap- ture, Mid a fortiori not the native subject of the bel- ligerent captor against his own sovereign's claim. By an ordinance of July, 170% it is declared that ^^ No passports granted by neutral princes, either to owners or masters, who are subjects of our enemies^ shall be valid, unless they shall have been naturalized and have transferred their domicil before the jn'esent war.'' This edict is confirmed and continued by another in 17^1 and in 1778- If the simple principle of this edict should be ac- ceded to by our government, there would be an im- mediate settlement of the dilterences with Great-Brit- ain. She would be probably very willing to admit, that such of her subjects as were naturalized before the war should be protected under our flag. It ought to be observed, however, that this would be gi'atui- tous on her part, because she, as w ell France, con- tends for the perpetuity of allegiance. By a decree of the French republick, in the very height of her pretensions for free principles, dated Fri- maire, an. 5th, it is provided, that " All captains of neutralized vessels shall prove by certificates of their own minister near the French court, that they \A'ere born in an allied or neutral country, under pain of being treated as spies.'' Here the right of expatriation and the protection of naturalization are denied. Let us pause here a moment — William Duane, au Englishman naturalized in America, would by the a- bove edict be liable to be hung as a spy in France, noUvitlistanding his letters of naturalization, and his being covered by the American flag : yet Mr. Mad- ison contends that this same William J)uane would 49 he, perfectly protected on the liigli seas by this same paper against his own natural sovereign. By another decree, 8th Brumaire, an. 7* it is pro- videdj that ^* All individuals, natives, originating in the coun- " tries of our allies or neutrals, who shall bear a cora- *' mission from our enemies, or make a part of the '' crews of vessels of war, or OTHERS, shall be " for this single fact declared pirates, and treated as *^ such." Both Gr. Britain and France had, for many years before, mw'iitd foreign sailors into their service, and had given them the privileges of native born seamen, or, as the French term it, of" Regnicoles,''^ yet nei- ther nation understood, it seems, by that stipulation that they could protect them either against their being punished for such entry, by their own sovereign, or their being treated as pirates by their enemies. By an edict of the year 6th, Ventose 8. it is de- clared, ^'' That all English sailors, on hoard neuti'al flags, in the ports of France should be arrested; — and every man who spoke the English language should be considered English, unless he could prove by autlientick evidence and documents, that he was American." Here we see, what would be the state of our jpro- tections with a vengeance, had France been able to keep her fleets at sea during the war. Every Amer- ican or person speaking the English tongue, would be presumed English ! ! I shall not cite, as I could, many other edicts tend- ing to prove the same points, but shall conclude with stating one out of many eases in which France has carried these principles into effect on the high seas — that we liave not a thousand cases of the kind is be- cause her ships are scarcely ever at sea, and we have not 50 French seamen in our employ. In the year 1806, Admiral Willaumez in a French ship called 7 50 the Foudroyantj met with an American brig and for- cibly took out four French seamen, who had entered in this country : — not content with impressing them — he wrote as follows to Gen. Turreau, Ambassador of France : — ^* My Lord — I have just apprehended four sea- men deserters, from the Valeureuse frigate, which I found on board an American brig, where they had engaged at 17 dollars per month. — Now, Sir, if you can succeed in making the American government pay down a compensation for thus seducing our seamen, you will punish it in a manner it feels most its ava- rice, as those people have been for three years sedu- cing our best men from us.'' Here we see the doctrine — the practice — and the Spirit to make us pay for it ! ! ! NO. IX. THE SEQUEL OF MR. RUSSELL'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH LORD CASTLEREAGH. It had been my original intention at this time, to have laid before the publick the negotiations between Mr. Monroe and Mr. Pinkney, and Lords Holland and Auckland, and to have shewn, not only the strong disposition of Grreat- Britain so to arrange the practice of taking out British seamen, as to afford little or no cause of complaint to this country, as also the almost insurmountable diiBculties which then presented them- selves. It will appear from this negotiation, that our gov- ernment knew the full extent of these difficulties, and that they could therefore very easily impose, if they were so disposed, on the American people, by renew- ing the general propositions in vague and indefinite terms, while they were sure that when they should come to the details, there were a thousand points 51 wliieli could be started, which would defeat an ulti- timate arrangement. In this spirit, we shall now shew, that the late ne- gotiation was probably undertaken, and that so far from proving a disposition to make peace, or to ar- range amicably the question of impressment, it aiibrds to my mind the most decisive proof of the opposite intentions. I am obliged to postpone the consideration ol the former negotiation, in order to take a review of the documents which have been given to us by piece-meal, since these essays were commenced. It will be recollected, that I undertook to shew in my early remarks, that Mr. Madison required of Grreat-Britain an absolute and entire relinquishment of the practice of taking her own seamen^ as a prelim- inary to an armistice, and that he offered, in return, the barren assurance that Congress might, if they should see fit, make a law excluding British seamen from our vessels, without defining either the terms of such an act, or what we should understand by British seamen. We also proved, that the explanatorij and last in- structions given by Mr. Monroe to Mr. Russell, and under ivhich alone he had any authority to treat, still renewed the offensive condition of a previous renun- ciation by Great-Britain of the right, as a preliminary to a negotiation about the manner, in which she was to be indemnified against the certain loss of her mar- iners. We have been indeed since' astonished and lium- bled at the boldness of our charge de affaires, Mr. Russell, in asserting in his last letter to Lord Castle- reagh, to which no reply could have been given from its date, that he had made an offer of a simultaneous relinquishment of the British right to take their own seamen, and of our practice, our unkind, impolitick and unneutral like practice of soliciting and employ- ing these subjects of a foreign state. 52 My first reflection was, that Mr. Russell had kept back from Lord Castlereagli his limited powers^, which forbad his making such an offer, and that he fondly entertained a hope, that overleaping his au- thority, he might have the honour, against his orders, and in direct disobedience of them, of restoring peace to his suffering country. With this impression, I again reviewed his instruc- tions, and I iiecame again convinced that he could not mistake them. The absolute, entire, and full re- nunciation of the practice, was required as preliminary to any sort of negotiation, and must precede the set- tlement of the terms on which we should refuse to employ British sailors. Imagine tlien, fellow-citizens, what was my sur- prise in perusing the late letter, probably gotten up at Washington, in which Mr. Russell states that he communicated his instructions, limited as they were, in e.vtenso, and that Lord Castlereagli " read them over attentively.^^ Instructions, which simply authorized him to renew the very same offensive proposals which had before been rejected. That the people may understand the nature of Mr. Jonathan Ylxx^^^Ws familiar talk with Lord Castle- reagh, it is proper here to premise one or two remarks. By a declaration of war, all the functions, power, and authority of ministers cease. Our own cabinet refused to accredit Mr. Baker as charge d'affaires appointed by Mr. Foster after the war — see the cor- respondence on this subject. Mr. Russell was therefore in London as a private American merchant. When he carried a letter from Mr. Monroe to himself, after the war, to Lord Castle- reagh, he did it as an individual American. He could say no more for his government than the letter said — If he promised any thing, it was Mr. Russell's pro- mise, and no better than Mr. Williams', or any other American citizen in London. 5B Mr. Monroe's letter then is the t^me and only prop- er evidence of the offer, and Mr. Monroe required Gi'eat-Britain instantly to renounce her practice of taking her own seamen, on the assurance that Con- gress might, but that the President could not, by our laws, stipulate that they would pass a law something about the employment of British seamen. — As to what that law should be, Mr. Monroe was silent, and permit me to add, he was properly silent, for it was not in Mr. Madison's power to say that he himself should be President, much less to decide what Con- gress should or should not do. This, then, is the famous offer to Great-Britain — Withdraw your practice, consecrated by your own usage and that of all other nations for two hundred years, and then we will appoint commissioners to agree upon the terms of a law to exclude British sailors from our vessels, and if those commissioners shall make such terms as shall be agreeable to Con- gress, it is probable that that body will pass a law in conformity tliereto. We wish then the publick to consider Mr. Russell's oifers as nothing and less than nothing, so far as they exceed his explicit instructions. There is one other consideration on this subject, which deserves the most serious attention. — This ques- tion had been discussed between the two nations for 20 years. To expect that Great-Britain would yield to our arms before any blow had been struck, what she had refused to our arguments and paciiick offers, is to suppose, that she is the most cowardly and hum- ble of all nations. If we liad offered a cessation of hostilities, and a free discussion of the question of impressment, without demanding the recognition of its injustice, something migiit have been exjx'ctcd. I have now, however, only begun with Mr. Ilus- sell's new and well-contrived communications. These remarks are merely introductory. One prop- osition all reasonable men will admit, that it is safei^ 54 much safer, to trust to that part of the oflBcial corres- pondence where both parties are mutually heard in their oivn language , than to any ex parte, subsequent, unanswered representations of one of the parties. This remark has the more force, I hei; the people to attend to it, w hen the person who gives the subse- quent and ex parte statement depends on a govern- ment for his support — which government lias waged an unnecessary war, and is determined to support it from a regard to consistency, as well as from the original unaccountable motives^ which urged it to declare such a war. Such a man, so pensioned by the goyernment, I mean in its pay, is the less to be trusted, when lie avows that he thinks his statement ought to unite all men in a vigorous prosecution of the war. He ought still more to be distrusted, wben his statement is olfered under such suspicious circumstan- ces as to date, purporting to be dated at London, on the 17th of September, when on the 19th of that month he writes, tliat be has not had time to communi- cate it. — It will be thought worthy of still less confi- dence, when I shall shew, that he begs pardon for having made it without authority, and when he plain- ly intimates that he made it with very little hope of its being accepted. — It will then be deemed, I be= lieye, a mere inise de guerre. NO.X. THE SEQUEL OF THE CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN MR. RUS- SELL AND LORD CASTLEREAGH. Every fair man and every friend to honourable Peace, every one who is ready to admit, that as our government plunged us into an offensive war, not only before we were duly prepared for it, but when, from recent events in G. Britain, it is apparent, that it might and ought to bave been avoided, will a^ree 55 with me, that it is at least possible, that the same administration, urged by the same motive, may have made Vishew of pacifick proposals, without any sin- cere design to have them accepted. 1 ask not for your jealonsy, my fellow citizens, I only request your candid and impartial inquiry into the pretend- ed offers for Peace. You will then agree with me, that it is necessary to make a marked discrimination between the writ- ten proposals^ and the written answers, and any verbal and oral communications, which may have been misunderstood, and most easily misconstrued and misrepresented. I shall, however, examine both, and I feel the most unlimited confidence that both of them will re- sult in a conviction that no Peace was expected or wished for on the part of our administration. First, then, we will examine the written corres- pondence between Mr. Russell and Lord Castle- veagh, after the former had received his last, and as he calls them, most liberal instructions from Mr. Monroe. Mr. Russell's on/?/ letter containing proposals af- ter he reoeived his last instructions, is dated the 13th of September, in which he proposes, '' A con- vention for the cessation of hostilities, to take effect at such a time as shall be mutually agreed upon, and stipulating that commissioners shall be appoint- ed with full powers to form a treaty, which shall provide by reciproacal arrangements, for the security of their seamen from being taken or employed in the service of the other power." These are the precise words, and we admit that this part of the letter does not seem to imply that Gr. Britain should yield the right as a preliminary. If this had stood alone, (>. Britain zgvMS. not have refused the offer justly, except on the ground that Russell was not only not authorized by the instruc- 56 tions which he communicated to Lord Castlereagk in txtenso, but he was explicitly restrained from such an offer — Such an objection, if made would have been unanswerable and it is the very answer which Lord Castlereagh did make. Peruse, my fellow-citizens, these instructions, and take with you, the fact that Russell's diplo- matick powers had wholly ceased, and then see whether the refusal of Great-Britain is any proof of her being unwilling to adjust this question with any person duly authorized to treat with unlimited powers. But this is only a small part of the case— Rus- sell did not dare to violate in so open a manner his instructions- — He therefore added, ^'•' In proposing to your Lordship these terms, I am instructed to come to an understanding with his Majesty's gov- ernment, without requiring it to h^ formal concern- ing impressments comprising in it the discharge of citizens of the United States already impressed." What were the commissioners then to consider ? Whether Grre at- Britain should relinquish the right ? No — That she was to agree to do by a clear but informal understanding. The Commissioners were afterwards to agree, if they could, to some arrangement to supply the place of impressment I can liken this case only to a familiar one in private life — One man claims a right of way over his neighbour's land — the other denies it. The lat- ter offers to leave it to men, to say what compensa- tion he shall receive for the relinquishment of it, but. says he, joumn^i first come to an informal un- derstanding that you have no right of ivay, and then. I will leave it to men to agree, if they can, what shall be an equivalent to you for giving it up. — This however is not so strong as Mr. Russell's pro- posals. To make it equally absurd, you must add^ 57 ^* After the referees have agreed upon tlie compeiv satioii, I must be at li])erty to say, whether I will give it or uot, because I am a man who am not in the habit of agreeing to or abiding by the deci- sions of any one." Is this the language of Mr. Russell ? Is it possi- ble that he could have said this to Lord Castlereagh? He did say it. "Your Lordship is aware that the power of the government of the United States to prohibit the employment of British Sailors must be exercised in the spirit of the constitution." Or, as it was more fully explained in his instructions, " Congress might, and it is probable that they would^ fulfil the contract made by the executive." From this view of the only written offer made to Lord Castlereagh, under the last liberal instructions, it is manifest, that commissioners could not be ap- pointed until Great-Britain had clearly but infor- mally pledged her honour to abandon the practice of taking her own seamen ; that the commissioners had only the power to agree, if they could, upon a substitute — and that after all Congress might say that the spirit of our free constitution forbade them to refuse to naturalize any British seamen. Lord Castlereagh received these offers as any honest plain man of common sense would receive them — he considered them as only a covert mode of renewing the same proposals that had been re- jected, and that they delivered up Great-Britain bound hand and foot into the power of Mr. Madison. Here the negotiation in Avriting ended. Mr. Russell, however, thought that by a familiar inofficial conversation, he could persuade Lord Cas- tlereagh to abandon his ground, and he has given to the publick the minute remarks of each party in this conversation. We must repeat that in a case of srch vital impor- tance, wliere a strong partizan of administration un- 8 58 dertakes to represent the terms and |3recise expres- sions of a foreign minister in a long conference; and where he shows a disposition to give the most un- favourable turQ to the whole discussion, much al- lowance ought to he made. Much allowance for misapprehension — much for prejudice — much for the mortification of a young man in failing to effect a favourite object where he avows he acted without authority. Much ought also to be allowed for the mistakes of a very inexperienced diplomatick agent, who got into his office in a very unusual manner, converted from a supercargo into a sort of minister, and who, according to his own avowal, ventured to do what Mr. Madison said he dared not do, that is to stipu- late in behalf of Congress what sort of a law they would hereafter pass as to naturalization. Besides this, Mr. Russell has been before the publick in a former case, and few of us have forgotten his most memorable letters from France — while with a truth and spirit becoming the representative of an honourable and impartial nation, (I do not say administration) he was telling the French government, that there had not been a single case which proved the repeal of the French decrees, he wrote to our minister in Great-Britain that there had not been a case which rendered their repeal doubtful. We do not quote words — we adhere to the sub- tance — the whole is upon record, and let Mr. Rus- selPs consistency and credit be tested by his writ- ings. At present, however, we shall presume his account of the correspondence as correct as could possibly suit his employer, Mr. Madison. And what results from it ? We shall state : ist. It appears that Lord Castlereagh saw his whole instructions, and read them over attentively. 2dlij. That he objected to treating with Mr. 59 Russell, because he had no authority whatever to negotiate on the subject, beyond his mere letter from Mr. Monroe. Sdli/. That Lord Castlereagh frankly stated the insurmountable objections which had formerly been made to the renunciation in toto, of tbe practice of taking British seamen; and that no British minister w ould dare to surren der so undoubted and long exercised a right. 4tthly. That Mr. Russell very offensively, and we should say very petulantly and insultingly^ compared the British practice of taking their own seamen, to the slave Trade ,* thereby intimating that a British subject serving his king and country is in the condition of a West India or Virginia negro. dtJily. He charged the British government with gross inconsistency in keeping up the practice of impressing their own seamen, while they abolished the Slave Trade — thereby indecorously and unnec- essarily attacking and interfering with the munici- pal laws and usages of Great-Britain. Qthhj. He unjustly and insultingly charged Great- Britain with claiming the right to impress Ameri- can citizens, which she has openly and frequently de- nied, always restoring such as have been taken by mistake. But lastly, (and the most important of all his strange proposals) he claimed the right, without authority, of retaining all British subjects now nat- uralized, sind luidaviook to stipulate that Congress would not in future protect any British seamen. The whole of this last proposal was not only without authority, (and he apologizes for it as such to his own government) but it was in direct oppo- sition to his instructions, wiiich directed him to as- sure Great-Britain that the President could not by the constitution, stipulate for Congress. 60 Why then was it made ? He gives you the rea- son — because he thought it would unite all Ameri- caus in favour of the war — and because he knew his want of authority, and the extravagance and looseness of the terms would, as they did, secure the rejection of them by Great-Britain. He had probably an ulterior reason — He knew it did not in any degree commit our cahhiet, who rejected, with- out ceremony, a treaty lawfully made with full pow- ers, by Monroe and Pinkney, while it might, as it probably has done, recommend him to them as a man well fitted for the purposes and views of a cabinet, which has plunged the nation into ruin and disgrace, and which appears resolutely bent on con- tinuing the same ruinous system. NO. XL TRE IMPORTANT NEGOTIATION OF MESSRS. MONROE AND' PINKNEY IN 180C, AS TO IMPRESSMENTS. It is impossible to understand the true merits of the question of Impressments, and of the ofl'ers made between the parties at different periods, with- out a thorough examination of the negotiation tve- tween the Fox ministry and Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney. We may lay it down as a settled point, that wiiat- ever that ministry so favourable to America, for so many years our defenders in Parliament refused to concede, whatever especially they declared that no British minister would ever dare to cede, never will be granted even at the end of a war, until the Brit- ish naval power sliall be broken down. Our gov- ernment know, and it is our present object to show from documents, that the most favourable British ministers have declared, that on no terms whatever eaa they ever yield to any nation their right to take 61 their own subjects out of neutral ships^ on the high seas. If tiierefore ive insist that any treaty of peace, even a definitive one, must stiimlate that Great-Britain shall renounce this right, (we care not what terms of compensation or compromise are offered for its renunciation) we are persuaded that peace will ?ieiJ- er h-i made. This our administration well kvou', and therefore this renunciation will be made a sine qua non of a treaty, let Great Britain offer, as she has done, the most honourable propositions for the pre- vention of abuse, in the exercise of her right. This conduct of our Administration is, in effect, nailing the flag to the mast, and the ship must go down^if the people are weak or prejudiced enough to believe, without examination, that our flag, by the law of nations, ought to protect all who sail under it, and that Great Britain advances principles against us, which she maintains against no other nation, and no other belligerent nation maintains ; the reverse of all which is precisely the truth. We know we shall alarm some timid men, when we say, that we fear peace will never be made if, upon any terms or on any conditions, we require the absolute relinquishment of the right to take British native subjects out of our merchants, ships on the high seas. But we see no advantage in self-deception. We shall never make up our minds either to fight ad in- ternecioncm, to extermination, for this principle, or to make a peace without obtaining it, until we do understand that it never will he yielded. Then men will begin to think — they will then weigh the jus- tice of the British claim — its antiquity — its univer- sality — its true importance to us — the exaggerated picture which has been drawn of it — on the other side its being so essential to the vital interests of our enemy — the prosperity we have enjoyed for 6S twenty years under its exercise — ^the gross abuses of protections for sailors — as well as the great facil- ities for naturalization — the doubtful benefit of the encouragement of foreigners at all — the certain disadvantage to our native mariners by the compe- tion — ^by the difficulty of discrimination which draws even natives into danger — by the little reliance you can place on the fidelity of men in case ofwa)', who are fighting against their own sovereign. Such arguments will have their due weight when we once knoic, that the icar must be eternal, or we must abandon our claim on Great Britain to re- nounce her natural, moral, equitable right over the services of her own subjects. Our government perfectly well understand this^ but they know the people do not, and therefore they continue to make the parade of offers, which have been over and over again rejected, as it is our busi- ness to shew. The correspondence on the subject, atthetime of tlie negotiation iu 1806, comprises six- ty or seventy pages, we shall therefore arrange the points which appear to be fairly deducible from that negotiation, and give short abstracts under each point. ist. Then, it will appear that G. Britain abso- lutely and explicitly refused to renounce the right of taking her own seamen, and our ministers were persuaded that it never would be renounced. ^d. We shall shew, that her negotiators made very honourable offers to ours to render the exercise of her right as little injurious as possible to us. Mly. That our negotiators deemed these offers liberal, and were of opinion that, substantially, they gave us all that we could desire — they were con- vinced that they were the best modifications short of a surrender of what Great Britain tenaciously in- sisted upon as an absolute right. 4tthly. It will appear that our ministers were se 63 crely reproved for their liberality, by our cabinet, find in lieu of tlie informal arrangement made before, they Avere instructed to propose an article precisely in the spirit of Russell's late iinaidlioriteA offer^ that is, that we would protect all citizens whether natives or not, but we would not employ any En- glishman until he had gone through the farce of naturalization. We tliink this display will shew, that our gov- ernment are well persuaded they can fearlessly, and U'itJiout danger of peace, (the thing they most dread) make as many oifers as they i^lease, so long as they insist on the renunciation of the right, and on the validity of our naturalization laws to wash away the duties of natural allegiance — duties, in which more writers ou the law of nations are agreed, than in any other principles Avhatever. Is/. It appears from Mr. Monroe's and Mr. Pinkney's correspondence, as to the aforesaid nego- tiation, that Great Britian refused to yield up her right, and it was apparent she never would yield it on any terms. In "a conference of Monroe and Pinkney with Lords Holland and Auckland, on the 22d August 1806, these noblemen, who were very friendly to our nation, observed, ^^ that they felt the strongest nepugnance to si formal renunciation of their claim t6 take from our vessels on the high seas such sea- men as should appear to be their own subjects ; and they pressed upon us with much zeal, as a substitute for such abandonment, tliat our crews should be fur- nished with authentick documents of citizenship of a nature and form to be settled by treaty, whicli should cnmpletehj protect those to whom they re- lated, but that, subject to such protections, Great Britain should continue to visit and impress as here- tofore,'^^ (that is their own subjects.) " They enforced this by observing that they sup- 64 posed our object to be to prevent the impressment of American seamen, and not to withdraw British seamen from the service of their country, in times of great national peril, in order to employ them our- selves ; that their proposal would efi'ect this object, that if they should consent to make our commercial navy an asylum for all British seamen, the effect of such a concession upon her maritime strength, on which Great Britain depended, might be fatal." It is evident from this extract, that even the Fox ministry, so favourable to America, never could think of yielding the principle. It is apparent also, that they were willing to adopt, and did offer, a very fair expedient to remedy abuses in the exercise of the right. Lastly, it seems from this extract, that G. Britain is not so mueh opposed to this relinquish- ment on account of the number of her sailors, now in our service,' as from her fears, that as soon as our navy shall by treaty become an asylum, no stipulations on our part can prevent its being abus- ed to the utter destruction of her marine power. On the 11th of Sept. our ministers write that they consider the objections of Gi'eat-Britain such as will not be surmounted. ^^ All our efforts, they say, proved ineffectual. The right was denied by the British commissioners, who asserted that of their own government to seize its subjects on board neutral merchant ships on the high seas. And who said, that the relinquishment of it at this time would go far to the overthroio of their naval poiver, on which the safety of the state essen- tially depended.'' Our ministers at the same interview, in Sept. 1806, proposed as a substitute the restoration in future of all British deserters even, from their merchant ser- vice — to this proposal the British ministers appear- ed to listen, but they said it Avas necessary to consult their law officers, and the result was as our minis- 05 ters state ^^ a rejection t)f the project and with it all hope of obtaining at that time any satisfactory stipu- lations respecting Impressments/' At their next interview tlie British commissioners presented the report of their crown officer, declar- ing his opinion ^' that Great-Britain had a right to the services of her own citizens, and to take them out of neutral merchants' ships on the high seas — that as merchant ships were extra-territorial they were not admitted to possess such a jurisdiction as to protect British subjects from their own sovereign — they stated furtl I er that the admiralty and all the crown officers had been consulted and they added explicitly, though in a very conciliating manner, that it was not in their power to accede to our pro- posal, and that all the law officers united in the o- pinion, that the right of their government was ivell founded and ought not to be relinquished. They added that under such circumstances, the relinquish- ment of it was a measure which the government could not adopt Avithout taking upon itself a responsibility, which no ministry could be willing to meet, howev- er pressing the emergency might &e." Here ended the negotiation as to the absolute re- nunciation of the right, and we ask all candid men whether we have not fully maintained our first point, that tliis negotiation proved tliat Great Britain will never relinquish the rights however pressing the emergency may be. Let it be considered wKo were the British negotia- tors — ^men, who for ten years had condemned the Pitt ministry for their unbending, unconciliatory conduct towards America — men whom Monroe most extrav- agantly praised — men up6n whom Mr. Madison himself has since repeatedly bestowed high eulogi, ums. Yet these men declared that such were the feelings of the British nation — so united were all its t'ivilians on the justice of their claim, that no minis 9 66 try would ever dare to relmquish it. And do we say that she never will in any event relinquish it ? NO — She may do it, not because the Canadas shall t)e wrested from her — but she may do it, when the American flag shall ride triumphant in the Downs, when our Navy shall have acquired the supremacy which hers now possesses on the ocean, and when the wishes of France for her downfall shall be ac- complished. NO. XII. MB. MONROE AND PINCKNEY'S NEGOTIATION ABOUT lAf- PRESSMENTS. During Mr. Fox's indisposition, which ended in his death, our ministers had one interview with Lord Grenville — and I quote it to shew, that another lead- ing man in the same nation had the same feelings as Lords Holland and Auckland. His Lordship said he^^ Had doubts of the practicability of devising means of discrimination between the seamen of the two countries within their respective jurisdictions, and he spoke of the importance to the safety o/Grreat-Britain, in the present state of the poicer of her enemy, of pre- serving in their utmost strength, the right and the capacity of government to avail itself in war of the services of its seamen. TJiese observations were connected with professions of an earnest wish, tliat some liberal and equitable plan should be adopted for reconciling the exercise of this essential right with the just claims of the United States for remov- ing from it all cause of complaint and irritation.'' Not one word a])out the renunciation ; on the otb- cr liand tlie most firm and delil)crate purpose of ad- hering to it, on tlie most deep and solemn conside- rations. If British statesmen believe it to be a right, and a riglit essential to their safety and existence, is it not idle to expect a formal renunciation of it ^ 67 But we have said, secondly, that the British com- missioners have made very honourable offers for such arrangements as would take away all just cause of complaint. One of tliese we have already noticed, and that is, that a, form and mode of j^^^otection for American sea- men should be agreed upon by treaty, and that no seamen possessed of one of them should be impress- ed. If the object of Mr. Madison was only to protect honafide Americans^ one would imagine this might have answered. On tlie 11th of September, after the British com- missioners gave in their final declaration, that no British minister would ever dare to concede the right, they, the British commissioners, presented a counter project, reciting, '^ Whereas, when one nation is at war and the other at peace, it is not lawful for tlie bel- ligerent to impress or carry off from the neutral ves- sel seafaring persons who are the natives of the neu- tral country, or others, who are not the subjects of the belligerent, and whereas, from similarity of lan- guage and appearance it may be difficult to distin- guish the subjects of the two states, the high contract- ing parties agree for the greater security of the neu- tral subjects, they will respectively enact such laws as shall subject to heavy penalties the commanders of belligerent ships, who shall carry off the subjects of the neutral on any pretence whatever." A penalty is also provided for granting false pro- tections to seamen. I confess 1 can scarcely conceive a fairer offer — It is a most express disavowal of the practice of taking Americans, or any other seamen, except British. Tlic remedy it offers might be made effectual. If every captain of an xlmerican vessel from which any neutral citizen should be impressed, should be di- rected by law, under heavy penalties, to take down at 68 the time of shipping any seamen^ his descrijytion ctnd place of nativity, and on the arrival of the vessel at any foreign or other port, he should Ijc required to trans- mit in duplicates to the secretary of state, and to the publick agent of seamen in London, the names, de- scription, and places of nativity of any and every sea- men who shall have been impressed during the voy- age, stating by whom and where the same took place — and if the law should direct the secretary of state to send to the place where the seaman so impressed was born, for the certificate of some rector, pastor, or publick teacher, together with one civil magistrate, attesting that such seaman was born in such place, and if it should be agreed by treaty, that such cer- tificate, countersigned liy our secretary of state, should be in a trial at law j^rima facie evidence of the fact, and if the treaty should further provide, that the American agent in London should have a right as the prochain ami of any seaman to institute suits for the penalty against the captain who should have im- pressed such seamen, and if the penalty should be an heavy one, as was proposed by Great- Britain, and should ensue to the benefit of the seaman, and if moreover the seaman should be instantly discharged on the production of said certificate, we cannot con- ceive a more perfect security than this would afford against impressments. If the penalty should be .'lOO dollars, for example, and the government of the Uni- ted States and its officers should do their duty, the seaman would recover it upon an average within twelve months, and there is scarcely a seaman in America, who would not be anxious to he impressed on speculation — nor a captain in the British navy who would dare to impress an American. The only dan- ger the seaman would incur, would be the neglect of his own government. Tlie remedy in the mode proposed would be certain, easy and expeditious. But this proposal was rejected — Why ? Because it afforded no asylum to British sailors. 69 The British ministers finding this proposal reject fed, then addressed a note to our ministers statins';v *' That instructions had been given and should be re- peated and enforced^ for the observance of the great- est caution in the impressing British seamen, and that the strictest care shall be talien to preserve the citizens of the United States from any molestation or injury ; and that immediate and prompt redress shall be afforded upon any representation of injury sustain- ed by them." Such is the famous note presented by tlie Fox ministry as their ultimatum, and which was so satis- factorv to both our uesiotiators, as to induce them to sign the treaty. If in addition to these liberal instructions the other proposal or project had been accepted, of awarding a heavy penalty against any British officer who should impress an American, the great cause of complaint, so favourable to the views of an administration that seeks to prolong the irritation between the two coun- tries, might have been long since removed. We now proceed to shew, thirdly, that these last terms were satisfactory to our oicn negotiators — and that they contained a great deal more than meets the eye — because, although Grreat-Britain declined a re- linquishment of the claim, yet the " high seas'' werev purposely omitted in the proposal, and it was under- stood that the right would only be exercised in the British territories. Our ministers, speaking of this offer, say, " That it M as sent to us as a publick paper, and it was in- tended we should so consider it, and with the knowl- edge and approbation of the British cabinet. It ought therefore to be held as obligatory as if it had been stipulated in a treaty. It is just also to give it a liberal construction, in consideration that it is the act of the British government. In that view it mer- its attention, that every thing is expressed in it that could be desired,, except the relinqiiishment of the i... 70 principle^^ — " that in speaking of imprcssmencs, tne exercise of tliat act on tlie high seas is omitted, an o- mission we know to have been intentional." Two years after this fair proposal — I call it faivf because our jpresent attorney-general, Pinkney, and our jpresent secretary of state called it so — Mr. Mon- roe addressed a letter to the President, Mr. Madison, on the same subject, in which he says, '^ That the subject of impressments was placed by tliat note of the British commissioners, on ground both honour a- ble and advantageous to tlie United States. Tliat the term ^'^high seas" vi as omitted intentionally and with the view that impressments should be confined to the land^^ — that is to the British territory. He said "he did not mean to say that Great-Britain would ahan- don the practice on the high seas altogether^ but that she Avould abandon lier former practice, and only ex- ercise it in an extreme case, such as the desertion of a crew in a foreign and neutral country." J\*ow ice ask most sigmjicantly, for wliat we arc at war ? For a principle whicli Great-Britain lias de- clared she never will yield absolutely, but which she, has offered to modify, and check, and guard, and re- strain, in such a manner as to two of our present cabinet appeared perfectly '^ honourable and advan- tageous to us." We are tlicn figliting for a principle, an abstract claim, AvhicJi lias been in every '• honourable and ad- vantageous" light yielded by our enemy. As soon as our cabinet found that Great-Britain never would yield the jjyincij/Ie^ but that she would make such an arrangement as would be " honourable and advantageous,^^ they determined to adhere to, and insist on the abstract principle, and to yield the "hon- our and advantage." Perish the seamen — perish commerce ! but let us adhere to barren and useless rights — This was what. I Avas to shew lastly. Accordingly, on the 3d of 1^'ebruary, 1807? when our cabinet found Great-Brit- 1 71 fiin was ready to yield every tliiug but tlte principle — that iiW just cause of comjdaiut would be removed, they determined to defeat the arrangement, and or- dered our ministers to insist on the mere right and to propose, as Mr. jlussell lias lately proposed, '^ that the British government slioiiid relinquish her riglit oit our stipulating that we would not employ any Brit- ish seamen, not being a citizen, that is, not natural- ized, or unless he has been in our employ tico years.''* Here ended all hopes of accommodation ; and our government well know that they may safely offer the exclusion of British seamen, so long as they claim the right to protect all Avho are now in our country, and demand of her the admission that her native horn subjects shall be protected under our flag in merchant vessels on a common jurisdiction, the high seas. The l^reat point we have in view is now proved, That at no period has Great-Britain been willing to yield the right, though slie has made ^^ honourable and advan- tageous" oilers for a modification of its exercise. We cannot conclude tliis essay witliout quoting the following sentiments of Mr. Monroe on the sub- ject of the Britisli ofters about impressments, and tlie lolly of icar on that account. They ought to be written in letters of gold, and those letters in capitals. "^ The British could not recede from the ground they had taken, or accept, by compulsion, terras which they had rejected in an amicable negotiation. War, therefore, seemed to be the inevitable conse- quence of such a state of tilings ; and I was far from considering it an alternative to be preferred to the encouragement ojf'ered to us. When 1 took into view our prosperous and happy condition, and tliat our commerce flourished beyond example, notwithstand- ing the losses which it occasionally sustained, I wa» strongly of opinion that those blessings ought not to be hazarded in such a question j^^ I knew '* that the United States were not prepared for w ar — their coast ivrvsunfortiried — their cities defenceless — their militiii 7S^ in many states neither armed nor trained — and their whole revenue derived from commerce — I coukl not jpresume there was just cause to doubt which of the alternatives ought to be preferred.'' In these opinions Mr. Monroe is joined by above sixty thousand people in Massachusetts, according to the late elections, and probably some millions in the United States ; yet the war is now carried on by an administration of which he is one, for the very prin ciple which he formerly declared was not worth it. NO. xni. MR. MADISO>f'S STRICTURES OX THE CONDUCT OF GU\, STRONG. Are the militia under the absolute control of the President of the United States ? Are they bound to fulfil all the duties of standing armies ? Does a mere declaration of war place the militia under the power of the President ? Is there no constitutional right in the executive, judiciary, and people of the several states to judge whether the militia are or are not constitutionally call- ed into service? Can they be continued in service at the pleasure of the national government, and ordered out of the United States? These questions are the most interesting which could possibly occur in our new republick. The Pres- ident has dared to call the opinion of Gov. Strong, supported as it is by our own state judiciary, " a novel and extraordinary one." That it is a " novel" one is true, because Mr. Mad- ison is the first President who has ventured to give an alarming and dangerous construction to tlie pow ers of the constitution. If Jiis construction be right, we never need talk m future of the consolidation of the states — Tlie state sovereignties are extinct. We have one vast military consolidation ; and the only remedy and bulwark, which the constitution provided against the usurpa- tion of an ambitious and unprincipled President, is gone. The state governments have nothing left to tliem to resist any and every species of usurpation. Compared to this, all our foreign disputes dwindle into insignificance. If this doctrine, advanced by Mr. Madison ; if this bold assumption and usurpa- tion be submitted to, it is, in our estimation, of no moment whether we are conquered by Great-Britain or France ; v» e shall fall a prey to our own domestick usurpers, who will be as hard task-masters as a for- eign potentate could possibly be. That an attempt is seriously making to destroy the state sovereignties, and of course the union, we shall prove by two quotations from papers publislied under the influence and patronage of administration. In the National Intelligencer, Mr. Madison's pa- per, speaking of t]ie refusal of the New-York militia to march out of the United States, to wage an offen- sive war, it was observed, " that these wretches (the militia) dared to talk of the constitution, when their country was in danger." As if a ^uixotick expedition into a foreign country was a proof that the country was in danger — and as if it was also a crime in a citizen to shield himself, his blood and his life, his liberty and his family, un- der the sacred provisions of the constitution. It would seem, then, according to Mr. Madison's paper, that the constitution is to l)e no safeguard to tlie citizen when he most needs it, but that to invoke its aid and its principles makes a citizen ^'a wretch.^' The Aurora, another Madisoniau paper, carries its insolence still farther. — Speaking of the people of New-England, it says, 10 74 4^ Can these infernal traitors expect to escape with impunity ? They have no foundation for such for- bearance, while they are daily 2;uilty of treason by adhering to our enemies. But we do not fear thera^ for they are a cowardly set of villains. Neither the Governor of Massachusetts or Connecticut darefghtJ^ Fellow-citizens, we do not quote these things to in- flame your minds, or to excite your rage, but to shew you that your adherence to the constitution, and to your rights, expose you to the insults, and scoffs, and contumely of your opponents. Not content with de- stroying your commerce, they seem ripe for the inva- sion of your most sacred rights. I should despise these rasli writings, if it were not that they are countenanced by the President's Mes- sage. It is, therefore, important for us to inquire whether Gov. Strong has acted imprudently — whether our own Judges have given a corrupt or Avicked opinion ? Whether the question is so clear on the side of Mr. Madison, as to justify him in denouncing Gov. Strong and Gov. Griswold ? This is a great and important question — and it ought to be treated witli correspondent and becoming seriousness and deliberation. Far be it from us to suppose, that we can add any weight to the opinions and arguments of such great and venerable names. But it should be remembered, that men in high and official stations cannot, without lessening their dignity, enter into the office of advo- cates. — They cannot urge those small considerations, and popular reasons and arguments, which have an essential bearing on the question. We shall, therefore, with the indulgence of the publick, say a few tilings on this question, under the following views of it : 1st. How did Congress or the President acquire, from the several slates or from the jjeople, the right to order out the militia in an/j case ? 75 Sd. In what cases did the' people authorize Con- gress to call out the militia ? 3d. Can they call them out in any other cases than those explicitly authorized by the constitution ? 4th. In whom^ from the very nature of the limita- tion, reposes the right to judge whether the delegated power is or is not rightfully exercised — or, in other words, of judging whether the cases in which the militia may be called out, do or do not exist ? 5th. Admitting, which we do not believe, that the right of jiidgiTig is in the national government ; have they exercised that judgment, in the present case, honestly and according to the fair construction of the constitution — in other words, do either of the cases, provided for by the constitution, now exist ? 6th. Admitting, as before, though against our opin- ion, that Congress have the right of judging of the existence of the limited cases provided for in the con- stitution, in which tlie militia may be called out^ and supposing that they have grossly abused their trust, as we shall show under the fifth question, is there no remedy, or if any, is tliere any other or better one, tlian a firm opposition and refusal of the executives of the several independent states ? Lastly. We shall consider tlie mischievous and ru- inous effects which would follow from the doctrine set up by Mr. Madison — Its hostility to the freedom of the citizen, and the absurd and contradictory con- sequences which would flow from its admission. \Ve are aware, that we have taken broad ground ; but we ought not to be deterred, on that account, from probing to the bottom so interesting and important a qucsfion. 76 NO. XIV. THE OBLIGATION OP THE CITIZEN TO DO MILITAKY DUTY IN ALC WARS, A r THE PLEASURE OF THE PRESIDENT, OR THE CLAIM TO CONVERT THE MILITIA IN 10 A STANDKNG AR- MY, CONSIDERED. Firstly — We inquire, by what authority do the President oi' Congress assume the power to order out the militia in any case ? On the revolt of tlie American colonies from Great- Britain, the absolute sovereignty was transferred from the king and parliament to the ijeojple. Neitlier the state governments nor the national government possess any rights which have not been expressh/ delegated to them. As against the federal goveinment, this proposition (obvious enough in itself) is made indis- putable by the Xllth article of the first amendments to the constitution, in which " all powers, not ex- pressly given, are declared to be reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." The federal government cannot claim the power of ordering out the militia as successors to the old con- federation, for the old confederation possessed no such powers. — They could do nothing with the militia, nor could they even raise troops, without the intervention of the several states. We went through one war suc- cessfully, with tlie whole power of the militia resting in the states. The federal government cannot claim this power, as being necessarily incident to any other power given to them, such as the power and duty of providing for the common defence^ because, first, there arc other and ample means given to them for this purpose, such as the powers of laying taxes, and of raising and maintaining armies and navies ; — it cannot be called, therefore, a necessary incident. 77 i5ut, secondly, no mle of fair construction v.ill per- mit a limited so vereipi to claim, by way oi incidental and implied jJoicers, tlie extension of any powers or authority which are the subject of express provision in the instrument deiining the authority to be delegat- ed. A grant of a limited j^oicer over a particular subject, excludes any furtlier constructive or inci- dental power over the same subject, as effectually as any words of negation or prohibition could possibly do. Thus, for example, if the constitution had pro- vided, that, " Congress shall have power to raise and maintain a standing army of ten thousand men, or to levy taxes to the amount of two millions of dollars,'' they would be as much restrained from raising more, as if there had been an express negative^ or prohib^ itory words in the constitution. They could not have raised more men or money, witliout the assent of thd several states^ let the emergency have been ever so great, or even if it had been absolutehj necessary to carry into effect their undoubted powers. They must apply to the states or people for further author- ity or aid. To suppose the contrary of these propo- sitions, would be to maintain that the delegate may be above his constituent — the creature above his crea- tor. It w ould go to the destruction of all limited written constitutions. It would be better to give to the constituted authorities general powers in all cases whatever, and trust to the rebellion or insurrection of the people, for a remedy in case of violent abuse. If these doctrines are, as we believe, indisputable. Con- gress derives all its power to call upon the militia ia any case, wholly from the constitution, and that con- stitution having given them that power only in three specified cases, they are restrained as much as they would have been by prohibitory words, from ordering Ihem out in any other cases. Secondly — i Avould ask, hi what cases did the peo- jde authorize Congress to call out the militia ? 78 The whole power given upon this subject, is con- iained in the following short sentence, clear, strong, and well defined : Congress shall have power " to provide for calling forth the militia, to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections, and rejpel invasions.''^ Tiiey can call them out in no other cases whatso- ever ; and if they should exercise tlie power in any other cases, it would be like any other illegal assump- tion of power, void — and the remedy would be th& same as if they were io separate a state without its consent — pass a hill of attainder against the citizens of a particular state, or exercise any other powers which are expressly 'prohibited to them 'hy the consiti- tution. I take it, throughout this argument, for granted, that there are no men base enough to contend, that Congress may, from the necessity of the case, the common plea of tyrants, exercise a power expressly prohibited to them ; yet from some recent instances I should be led to fear, that there may be some syco- phants, who even in sucli a case would preach up the duty of obedience to our own government^ and volun- teer their arms in defence of its avowed violation of our rights. Thirdly — Can Congress order out the militia in any other than the three cases pointed out in the Constitution ? Most assuredly not, according to the argument under the first question. — The argument ex absurdo can hardly ever be more strong. — Of what use was it to authorize Congress to order out the militia in three specified cases, if they would have the power to or- der them out in all cases, or at pleasure without that provision ? We repeat, tliat a specifick grant by one having authority, to one who before had yione, is tan-^ tamount to a limitation to the exact extent of th6 grant. But we come to the most important question, 79 • FoiirtJdy. Ill whom, from the very nature of the limitation, reposes tlie ultimate rii^lit to judge whether either of the three cases provided for by the consti- tution does exist ? We answer, generally, in the constituent, not tlie delegate ; in the master, not the servant — ultimately in the people, princijjally from the necessity of the case in tlie commanders in chief of the militia of the several states. The very idea of limitation excludes the possibility that the delegate should be the judge-— if he were, his powers would be limited only by his own judgment, or in other words, liis own arbitrary will, which is no limitation at all. In most cases,- tlie Judiciary of the United States are the ultimate judges of the constitution, and wheth- er its powers are fairly pursued. — But in this case the remedy would be inadequate. — During aa appeal to the Supreme Court, which sits but twice a year, and which might consume many months in delibera- tion, an invasion might lay waste the country, and be fatal to our liberties — or a rash President might seize the militia, send them on board sliips, to light on the borders of the Dwina, or on the sands of Africa — or, if a firm and dignified Governor should resist suck an usitrpatioiij a headstrong President, and obedient Congress might carry civil war, fire, and sword, into the state which dared to assert their constitutional rights. There can be therefore no umpire. — Either the delegate or the constituent must be the judge. To suppose that the delegate should be the judge would be to pervert tlie very first principles of common sense, prudence, freedom, and common laA^ . Of common sense, because of what use is a limitation, if the person you wish to restrain, can judge exclu- sively whether he breaks the limitation or not ? — Of priidence and freedom. i)ccause if you once permit the delegate to be the judge of his own powers, whal 80 security can you possibly have against the grossest abuses ? — At common law too, unless where the au- thority is coupled with ail interest, the power of the eonstituent is always superior to that of the attorney^ or substitute. Besides, from the yevy form of proceeding, adopted in ordering out tlie militia, nform rendered necessa- ry by the provisions of the constitution, the riglit of judging seems to be necessarily placed in the Gov- ernors of tjie several states. The orders are issued to them — they must tlierefore decide, whether the or- ders are in due form, and whether they are issued in a case which authorizes Congress to order out the mili- tia. — In ordinary military cases, the subordinate offi- cer is justified by the orders of his superior officer, whetlier those orders are right or wrong. But tlie Governors of the several states are not subordinate to the President, until after they are actually in the service of the United States. For ordering out the militia, which is an act which precedes the actual service, the Governors are responsible to their constit- uents, and may, and ought to be impeached if they do it, at the request of tlie President, in any case, not jjrovidedfor hij the constitution. Now a man cannot be liable to pmiishment for do^ ing that of which he was not the free judge, to de- cide whether he would, or would not do it. I have said that ihoform required hj the Constitu- tion made it vecessari/ that the Governors should judge whether the militia are rightfully ordered out. — I add, further, that it is not in the power of Con- gress to dispense with that form. — They cannot au- thorize the President to skip over the Governor, and order out the militia, directly, or to issue his orders to inferior officers — because, the President is not vested with the command of tlie militia, by the Cox- STiTUTiON, " until they are called into actual ser- vice'' — and they are not in actual service, until after tliey have been notified and ordered out. The mili- 81 tla Major-Generals can recognize no order^ but that of the Commander in Chief of the state ; nor can any Brigadier-Generals recognize any order, but tliat of their superiors in tlie militia, until after they have been ordered out, and are in actual service. Any order, therefore, from the President, would be of no more validity, nor any more justification to an inferior militia officer, for ordermg out the militia, than a similar order from George, Prince of WaleSp Re- gent, &^'c. It is' not in the povi^er of Congress to mend this matter. It can only be effected by an alteration of the constitution. We know the President and his satellites argue from the possible abuse of this power, ])y the Governors of the several states against the right. " We arc not one state, ^^ says the President, if this ^^ novel" doctrine be true. It is not a ^' novel" doctrine that we are not one state — It is a " novel" doctrine that we are so. It is an insolent and open attempt at military consolidation. — We shall say more on the subject of abuse of this power hereafter. NO. XV. i HE spmrr displayp^d by the presideIsit and war de- partment IN i'heir construciign of the coNSTrru- TION, AND their REPRESENTATION OF THE DANGER OF INVASION. Fifthly. — Admitting, which we deny, and have disproved, that the right of judging, when the eases occur, in which the militia may be ordered out, rests definitively with the President and Congress ; have they in the late orders to the Governors of Massa- chusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode- Island, lionestly executed the trust, in the fair spirit of the constitu- tion — or in other words, do either of the three cases exist ? As it is not pretended by the President; that the a (roops are ordered out, in consequence of the exist- ence of the two first cases ; as it is well known^ that the laws are not forcibly resisted, nor has auy insurrection taken place, the only remaining ques- tion is. Has there been at auy period or does there now exist an inversion to be I'ejjelled ? It would be the duty of a man addressing a society of Hottentots, or difree Negroes, to beg their par- dons, for paying so poor a compliment to their un- derstandings, as to discuss this questiou seriously : but since the President, who ouglit to know the char- acter, and talents of his constituents better than w^e do, has ventured to insult their understandings, by pretending, that this case of invasion, or imminent danger thereof, has existed, in the true spirit of the constitution, we trust, we may be excused, for argu- ing a question, which every school -boy, and every timid girl, on either of the most exposed frontiers^ would laugh at and ridicule. The words of the constitution, have a wonderful legal precision, which one would have supposed, would have precluded even a Jesuit from cavilling : — " Congress shall have power to provide for cal- '' ling out the militia to repel invasion^ The invasion must actually exist, and the militia, can only be kept in service, so long as is necessary to REPEL it. The moment it is rebelled, the Com- manders in Chief of each state, have a right instantly to recall them. It seems as if there was, (and there most undoubtedly was) an uncommon jVaZows^, as to the power of the federal government, over this natu- ral, j'.nd only constitutional bulwark, of the several states, and of the people. Lest the militia should be ordered out, jivemature- hj, or in case of wnr, gew rally, it was provided, that they should only be called out during foreign wars, in case of '^ invasion^^ — and lest, when once in the service of the United States, they should be contin- 83 ued during the Avar, ov longer tlian the great, and sudden exigency required, it was provided, that they should only be obliged to •• repel'^ invasion. The moment the invader was repulsed, the militia had performed all that the constitutiou required of them, and might, and ou_^ht, to be recalled ]>y the Governors of the several states — otlierwise, these restrictive words have no meaning, and the consti- tution, might as well have given the whole command to the United States, without any limitation. If, therefore, Gov. Strong, had trusted to Mr. Madison's word, (a trust, which since his procla- mation about the repeal of the Berlin decrees, we confess, would be an extraordinary one,) and had ordered out the militia, it would have been his duty, as soon as he found, that the danger, liad so far van- ished, that the commander in chief of the United States army, and all the regular troops, had remov- ed from the maritime frontieis, and had actually en- tered, or were threatening, the territories of Great Britain, instantly to have recalled the drafted mili- tia of Massachusetts. As the guardian of the rights of the people of this state, he is bound to see that their lives, their fortunes, and their rights, are not exposed to greater dangers, than the constitution requires. As soon, tlierefore, as all appearance of invasion was at an end fifffiere ever ivas any, J he ought to have recalled tlie militia. We are aware, that the Congress of 1795, did give a liberal construction to the constitution, and did authorize the President, to order out the militia in case of '* imminent danger of invasion.^^ If this means any thing more, than the actual ad- vance of a competent military force of the enemy, to- wards our maritime, or internal frontiers, with appa- rent intent, to invade them, tlie Congress of 1795, were mistaken, and assumed a power, which docs not belong to the National Government. 84 But even this argument, will not avail Mr. Madi- son ; for grant that the Congress of 1795, were right, and that the words of the constitution, were *" im- minent danger ofinvasion,'' still it is notorious, that no such danger has existed. What part of the United States, has been threat- ened with, or in imminent danger of invasion ? shall we disgrace our navy, by admitting, that our ten ships of war, which were, during the jmst sum- mer, superior to the British force on this coast, w ere unable to repel, predatory incursions ? was there any danger, that the commanders of British ships, uninstructed, as they must have been, by their own government, which was ignorant of the war, would make a predatory descent, on the shores of the U~ nited States ? besides, were these accidental, tem- porary, predatory excursions, the '^^ invasion" con- templated by the constitution, which the arm of the national government, and its fortresses would be in- competent, to ^' repel ?" could it be supposed, that the framers of the constitution intended, that the President, should order out the militia, andkeep them embodied, during the whole of a maritime war, through fear of a temporary, occasional descent, by a privateer or a frigate? are not the Zoca/ militia, while at home, amply competent, to repel small en- terprizes ? if not, we make a grand parade about our militia, to no purpose, and worse than to no purpose. But this is not so. The militia, cal- led together, without any previous notice, drove be- fore them Earl Percy, witli 3000 veterans ; and the militia, unembodied until the moment a ileet should appear in our offing, would, in twenty four liours^ repel any British force, which could imssihhj come here, without having previous information. Was there, then, any serious danger in June last, or has there been since, of an '' invasion*' by sea, from Great Britian ? did the President, ajrpre- 85 liend any ? if he did, he betrayed the country, by sending away the troops, from the place where ho did except " invasion" to another place, where he did not fear it, but where he meant to make an inva- sion on an inferior enemy. Could it be feared, that Britain would invade us, before she kneio of the war ? could it be feared, that she would do it, after she heard of it, and when we. found her, liberating, and sending away all Ameri- can ships, and an immense amount of American property, under the hopes of peace, to be produced by the repeal of the orders in council ? is an ^' inva- sion" feared, even now, by any one man in the Uni- ted States ? NO — it is a groundless, insulting pre- tence. Great-Britain, occupied in Spain, and in the Balticlv,and pressed, unexpectedly and cruelly, pres- sed, by the tools of France in this country, will scarcely be able to defend her colonies, from butche- ry, and plunder and conquest. This was the calcu- lation upon which the war was undertaken. It was a repetition of the old fable ol the sick lion. Nev- er would the war have been undertaken^ if any real danger of ^' invasion" had existed. If then, no danger of " invasion" existed by sea, will it be pretended, that we were in danger of "in- vasion" by land ? where is the brazen faced, party politician, who will advance such a pretence ? will the partizans of Mr. Madison tell us this, when they have so often promised us, the barren provinces of two Canadas. as a compensation for the loss of our commerce, our blood, and our treasure ? will those men, who proposed and discussed a bill, fortlic occu- pation, and annexation, of the two Canadas, to the United States, pretend, that these provinces will in- vade us? will those members of Congress, Porter, Williams, Cheeves and Widgery, who liave prom- ised us the immediate possession of these 'provinces, tell us we are in danger from them ? 86 But above all, Mr. Madison is precluded from the apology, because he has sent three distinct arm- ies to invade Canada — and we have a right to pre- sume he authorized their commanders to issue the proclamations which they have done, in which they speak with contempt of the enemy's force and pow- er, and of the ease with which the conquest can be effected, a language very disgraceful to our nation, if the prospect of success had not been nearly cer- tain. Besides, Mr. Madison by refusing Sir GreorgePrevost's proposition for an armistice, prov- ed he had no fears of an invasion. Mr. Madison it appears, then, could not have feared an invasion by sea, because Great-Britatu had no Tcnoivledge of the war — because she liberat- ed American property — repealed her Orders in Council, and was making a new embassy for peace. It appears, slso, that he had no fears for the sea board, for he ordered away all the troops for the in- vasion of Canada. It is equally clear that he did not fear an invasion by land, because he was both making and preparing an invasion of Canada, and he kncAV Great-Britain had not a force even com- petent for defence. Yet, in face of the clear sense and spirit of the constitution, he ordered out the militia. This we call an usurpation ; but the manner of doing it wc consider a pettifogging quibble. In tlie first appli- cation to all the eastern Governors, it was not stated that there was an " invasion" to be repelled, or an imminent danger of one, but when the Governors hesitated on this ground, they were artfully told, that the danger of invasion had increased since his first demand — but as there was no danger at firsts it still did not follow tliat there was much at the last application. In fact, Mr. Madison knew there was none. The real design, we shall sho^v in our next. 87 NO. XVI. rilE QUESTION OF MILITARY CONSCRIPTION, CONCLUDED. We have shewn, that the right of judging whether the cases in which the militia can be ordered out, exist, is vested, from the very nature of the limitation, in the Grovernors of the several states ; and we have proved, that even if this right existed in the Presi- dent, it has been, in the late cases, very unjustly ex- ercised. We shall now say something more on this subject, before we consider the remedy for such an abuse, and the evil consequences which may follow from this abuse, if not duly restrained. When the Secretary at War, and the President^ were very properly pushed by tlie Executives of the northern states, to state, precisely, the nature and ex- tent of the danger of invasion^ they replied, that war having been commenced, there resulted from the very fact of war, a danger of invasion. If any other evi- dence of such danger existed, it would have been easy to state it — indeed it would have been obvious to the whole nation. But knowing that no such danger existed, they pre- ferred to rest their claim on the simple existence of war, a war declared by the United States themselves. We shall not enter into the question, in this place, of the justice of the war, nor of its being an oifcnsive, not a defensive, one. We simply ask the good peo- ple of this state, whether the mere existence of a war is a sufficient ground to autliorize the President to call out the militia ! According to tJiis monstrous and novel construction, the constitution sliould be read, tliat, ^' Congress should have power to call out the militia to execute the law, repress insurrections, and in any ivara in ivhich the Unitpd States may he en- i^aged.-' 88 If the framers of the coustitutiou hiteiided this, they adopted the strangest expressions in their povv er. — Nations may be engaged in wars of ambition — of foreign conquest ; they may carry their arms to the remotest quarters of the globe. If it was tlieir inten- tion, that whether invasion was or was not threaten- ed, but merely because, in all wars, invasion might be possible, the President should have an unlimited power over the militia, they certainly expressed them- selves very awkwardly, when they authorized Con- gress to order out the militia, to " repel invasions.'' According to the new doctrine, a war declared against Teeuraseh or the Dey of Algiers would give the President a control over the whole militia — and this not only during the existence of the danger of inva- sion, ])ut during the whole war. For, according to the reasoning of the secretary of war, so long as the war lasts, there is, from the nature of umr itself, a possibility of invasion — and the President being the sole judge of this danger, tlie militia may be kept in service during the war. Words or argumeuts can- not make this point clearer. If to " repel invasion^- means the danger of possible invasion when there is no probability of it, and if the President is the ex- clusive judge upon this point, then the limited pow- ers of the constitution are of no avail, and the Pres- dent is the absolute commander of every man in the United States, and may keep him in service so long as he chooses to have a war on foot with any nation, from the meanest tribe of savages to the conqueror of Europe. We now enquire, sixthhh whether if the absurd doctrine should be maintained, tliat in case o{ re- stricted powers, the delegate shall be the exclusive judge of the extent of his powers, and if Congress may decide, whetber tlie cases provided for by the constitution do or do not exist, still if the people should be satisfied that they surpass their authority, and abuse their trust, there is any better remedy than for 89 tlie Executives of the several states to refuse to ordei out the militia ? There isoiie other remedy, and that is, for the in- dividual soldier to resist — and if attempted to be for- ced into service, contrary to the constitution, to kill his assailant, or to collect his friends to rescue liim. Every man will admit that tliis remedy is a dread- ful one ; and yet it must be granted that the militia, not being voluntary soldiers, ought not to be forced into service, to be compelled to cliange tlieir habits and become mercenary soldiers, during a whole war, as may be the case, without amj remedy. Even if the President, therefore, is the exclusive judge, which we deny, still in case of a gross abuse of his power, such as in the present instance in de- claring that the United States is in dariger of inva- sion, when every man knows and feels that they are not ; we see no better, more quiet, or constitutional remedy than for tlieir superior and immediate com- manding officer to refuse. He takes, to be sure, a solemn responsibility upon himself; — but if he acts honestly, and prudently, and coolly, he ought to meet with the support and confidence of those whom it is his duty to protect. Our most excellent Magistrate has taken this course — and he has availed himself of the admirable provision of our constitution, by requiring the opin- ion of the judges of our own supreme court, which, so far as respects all citizens of Massachusetts, must be considered as the law. Indeed, what man of common sense ^^ ill dare to say, that actual invasion ha.s existed, or that great and imminent danger of it which would authorise the Governor, to tear the hus])ands, fathers and sons of our industrious yeomanry from tlieir families, to sick- en, to bleed, and perish in the camps of an army wa- ging a war of ambition and conquest. We shall now state, in conclusion, some strong rea- sons why this demand upon the militia is unreasona- 90 Mpj tlangeTOiis to the liberty of the subject, and fraught with most destructive consequences to the rights and interests of the people. It is unreasonable, because Congress being invested with the whole revenue of the United States ; having power by direct and indirect taxes to take the last dollar from the pockets of the people — and liaving also the power of raising armies without limitation, and of maintaining them even in time of peace ; tliey ought not to declare war until they have provided the adequate meaus to carjvj it on. The case would be very different, and the feelings of the people of a dif^ ferent cast, if a foreign nation had waged war against us and had taken us, unawares. To subject the people in addition to the sacrifices and losses of war — to its burdens and taxes ; to quit their farms and their occupations, and to render per^ sonal service in camps, subject to martial law, and without their having any option in the business, is very unreasonable. Even if the w^ar was necessary, still we can see no reason why it could not have been postponed until the armies were raised who were to carry it on. We do indeed perceive, that if it had been delayed only six weeks, the great cause of it would have been removed, and probably Congress would not have been persuaded to declare it — we hope it was not hastened on that account, lest the repeal of the Brit- ish Orders in Council should prevent the adoption of so desperate a measure. The measure of ordering out tlie militia is danger- ous to our liberties — because it is an assumption of power not granted by the Constitution — because when they are amalgamated and consolidated with the mer- cenary troops, the people will have no means of de- fence left to them against the ambition of a corrupt President — because on the principle on which tliey are ordered out they may be kept in service dur- ing the whole of any and every war which the Pres- 91 wlent and a majority of Congress may see fit to de- clare. The militia, according to this doctrine, will be at any and all times subject to martial law, without hav- ing voluntarily enlisted. They will bear all the dis^ grace of defeats, and will enjoy none of the honours or rewards of victory. There is no provision for their support in case they are wounded ; and every disaster is charged to their want of discipline or cour- age. It is said the Governors may abuse this power of judging whether they will order out the militia. To this we have a short reply ;— We do not know why it should be presumed that the Governors will abuse this trust more than the President. If however, a feiv of them should do it, it could not produce much injury to the United States, because the latter ought rather to rely on their own forces than on the militia. If a major part of the Governors should refuse, it would be a conclusive proof that the war was not a proper one. But if the President should grossly a- buse his trust, the liberties of the people will be de- stroyed. NO. XVI r. 11^ FAVOR OF A GEND'ARMIE NATION ALE, UNDER THE MILD TITLE OF A LOCAL VOLUNTEER FORCE. Quia plennmjueinopes, acvagi, sponte militiam siimunt. — tacitus. It is natural that men who for more than thirty years have been accustomed to regard the interests and wishes of France as considerations of great political weight — men who v,ere unwilling that even our in- dependence and fisheries should be secured without the consent of the French Court — men who have al- ways had the confidence and liave received the prais- es of the successive French ministers in our country 9^ —men who have been honoured with the rank and privileges of French citizens, and decorated with the cordon of the Legion of Honour — men who have made a negotiation with France, restoring her to all her ancient privileges, ^vithout obtaining the reim- bursement of one dollar of the many millions placed in the Emperor's caise (P amortissement — men who declared the French decrees repealed on the 1st day of November, 1810, which the Emperor on the S8th of April last flatly contradicted — men, in fine, who have now entered into war on the side of France, for- mally against Great-Britain alone, but substantially a^ gainst Russia, Spain and Portugal. — It is natural that snch men should become attached to all the French modes q^ internal and external policy and arms. — It was not, therefore, with surprise, though we confess it was with some emotion, we saw tliem attempt the introduction of the conscription laws of France a- gaiust the plainest, most indisputable sense of the constitution. We have frequently called this attempt of the Pres- ident to coerce the militia, conscription — we will now explain why it is justly so called. The militia are enrolled against their own inclination — it is not a matter of choice, but necessity. They, however, were intended both in Great-Britain and this country only as a local defence, and not to supply the place of standing troops, especially for foreign conquest. — When, therefore. Congress draft 100,000 militia, they order them out without giving them an opinion — it is force, not inclination — it is necessity, not patriotism^, which obliges them to go. If this be done in a case where the militia arc not obliged by the constitution to serve, it is an attempt at usurpation — if carried into execution by force, it is tyranny. Tlie conscription laws of France are founded on (he same principle. — The militia are drafted as with US ; — the only difference is, that tlie draft is confined in France to the youtlis of nineteen years of age, a 93 system, which, by withdrawing all the youth before tliey are qualiiied for any profession, destroys their morals, defeats their prospects in future life, and par- alizes the industry of the nation. But even this demoralizing, debasing, corrupting, wicked example, is not without its charms in the eyes of the admirers and imitators of France in this country. It seems an army of recruiting oificers were attempted to be sent to entice, corrupt and kidnap our sons and apprentices — Measures were in contem- plation, though checked by the Senate, of a nature, of a severity which the people of Britain will not en- dure. Apprentices, cannot in that country be enlist- ed, and even in the sea service, the great buhcark of that nation, where if any thing would justify the breach of private rights, tlie importance of maintain- ing their maritime power would do it, apprentices cannot betaken during the first three years of ap- prenticeship, and during the remainder, the master is to receive their wages. But here^ freedom — eman- cipation — icages were intended to be oifered as the means of seduction to the sons of our farmers and the apprentices of our mechanicks. There is but one point in which the comparison between the French and American conscriptions does not hold. The conscripts are there collected by the gen d'ar. merie, chained, and sent to the depot, or rather driv- en as we drive cattle. In this country we have, as yet, been deficient in that part of the machinery of inteinal police, the gens d'armes, and the local volunteer force is pre- cisely to fill this gap. After this shall be complete, Congress Avill laugh — Mr. Madison, Dr. Eustis (he kno\A s ^^ ell tchy I men- tion him, J and Gen. Dearborn, will sneer at tlie re- fusal of the militia or opposition of the local Govern- ours. — JVext year, unless we defeat tlie project in- stantly, next year our militia will be drafted without 94 the consent of the Grovernoiirsj and will be inarched chained to the place of rendezvous. Do not let people startle at this prophecy, or con> sider it a bold, unwarrantable thing. It is not more against general opinion, than a prophecy we made two years ago, that we sliould adopt the Continental System, and enter into a icar on the side of France. The fall of Roman liberties, when Julius Caesar obtained the command of the armies of both Gauls, was not so probable as a civil war, and the destruction of our liberties from the organization of this Prsetorian band — -tliis gen dhirmerie in the midst of us — this lo- cal, pensioned corps, I care not whether you call them " Sicaires, Guards, Presidential Janizaries, or Local Volunteers.'' I shall say something about their resemblance to the gens d' amies, and about their unconstitutional, dangerous alarming character — and give a few hints as to the remedy, or barrier against this arbitrary stretch of power. Tlie gens d'armes of France amount to about 100,000 men, in a population of 35 millions. The gens d'armes of Madison, the volunteers, a- mount to 50,000, in a population of 7 millions, so that the proportion, which our police spies and guards bear to the whole people, is more than twice as great as that of France. The French gens d'armes are sufficient to keep the people in a state of abject slavery — Our gens d'armes ought of course to be still more competent to the same object. The French gens d'armes are selected for their zeal and fidelity to the Emperor — Ours are selected in the same manner. It is only tlie most bitter, and violent, and ])erseciiting, and blind friends of admin- istration, who ofter themselves, or are accepted. The French gens d'armes are officered by the Em- peror — Our gens d'armes are officered by the Presi- dent. The Frencli gens d'armes are scattered through 03 the whole country ^ — are always ready to iuform — to check freedom of discussion — to execute the Emper- ors will. Our gens d'armes are in like manner dis- seminated through tlie whole country to watch — to check disaffection, and obey their chief. The French gend'arinerie seldom or never fight a publick enemy — they live in and near liome — lead an idle life, and draw great pay. Our volunteers, Mr. Madison recommendsj should not be obliged to leave home — If the enemy comes to their houses, perhaps they might fight^ but they are to l)c paid for living in idleness^ — paid for their loyalty — paid for tlieir votes — paid for watching the opposition — paid for cutting tlieir fellow-citizen's tliroats (if need should be) or if Madison sliould so order. Our constitution recognizes but two species of land forces, regular troops and militia. So long as Con- gress conlined themselves to raising regular troops by means of volunteer enlistments, they were perfect- ly right ; only it ought to be understood that the vol- unteers formerly ordered to be raised, are in all res- pects r eg alar s — and ought to be added to the stand- ing army. In this view. Congress authorized a standing army of eighty-jive thousand men, to wit, 35,000 to be en- listed, and 50,000 to be accepted as volunteers. Bui as tlie latter liave the same pay, are officered by the President, and are subject to martial law, to be shot for desertion or cowardice, I can see no difference be- tween them and regulars. For the same reason that men would not enlist^ to wit, that they hate tlie war, and despise the degrada- tion of common soldiers^ a sentiment which we pray to God, our yeomanry may always feel, they woiild not volunteer. What then is the scheme proposed? That volun- teers may be raised, officered by the President, draw pay, and stay at home. An imperiiim in imperio with a witness ! A mongrel breed of soldier citizens and citizen soldiers. " Can Congress raise troops upon sncli a condition ? Pay them for not tighting ? We not only think this attempt dangerous to the citizen, but we think it subversive of the constitution. Congress may raise as many troops as they please, but it must be to form an army. The mode proposed is only an insidious way of destroying the militia, or of getting the power of offi- cering it, and commanding it from the several states, and vesting it in the President. If Congress can accept 50,000, they can 500,000 volunteers. They are not bound to take even the 50,000, in due proportions, in the several states — they may accept them all in one state — they may ac- cept 50,000 volunteers in Massachusetts. Where then would be Gov. Strong's command of the militia ? Wiiere that of our Major- Generals ? — We do not object to Congress accepting the services of any men who will go forth to fight, and endure the dangers of the field. But Ave do deny its right to defeat the in- tent of the constitution, by transferring the icJiole mi- iitia to the President — by bribing men to remain at home, and prove disloyal to their own state govern- ments. My remedy would be, tliat the militia higlier offi - cers sliould insist on these volunteers doing militia duty — that the legislature should punish any officers, who shall seduce any militia from their ranks and duty — and also we advise a vigilant, jealous, and vigorous attention to arms, in the militia, who are not Qorrujpted, 97 NO. XVIIT. RECAPITUI.ATION AND CONCLUSION. We have now finislied the i^emarks which we in- leaded to make on the Message of the President — ivith what fidelity and success this has been done, the the PUBLICK must decide. We are aware, that in exe^ outing this task, much time has been consumed, and that the great and interesting topicks which that Mes- sage presented, have required more developement than it will be in the power of most readers to follow, Avith that undivided attention which their importance de- mands. Indeed we have a right to remark, that it is im- possible, in a discussion divided and separated as it must be in the essays suited to our weekly journals, that any man can follow the chain of reasoning, and trace all the connections of it, without some general sum- mary, Avhich shall embrace and display the whole in a compact and simple forui. This is the object of our present and last essay. Our first object was to shew, tliat the apparent of^ fers of peace antl negotiation, on tlie part of our cab- inet, were perfectly illusory ; that they had no other foundation or design, than to quiet the fears of our citizens — to check the exertions of the friends of peace — to secure the election of Mr. Madison, and so to paralize the exertions of the British ministry, as 10 prevent their taking any effectual measures to de- fend Canada, Avhich it was hoped, by this artifice, would have been conquered before this time. It was shown, from ample quotations, and, as we believe, arguments unansweral)le, that such terms were proposed, as it was well known, from former negotiations, Great-Ijiitahi would necessarily reject 5 that even as a condition of sl suspension of hostilities, preparatory to a negotiation, it was required, that 13 98 Great-Britain should^ ])y an informal but clear and indisputable understanding, bind herself to yield the only question in dispute, a question from which Mr. Monroe declared she could not recede, especially from compulsion, Avhen she had refused to recede from it by amicable negotiation. We have shown, that through all the subsequent instructions of our cabinet, this point was pertina- ciously adhered to, and that even in the last letter to Sir John Borlaise Warren, it was repeated that hos- tilities would not cease until Great-Britain should agree, as a preliminary, to yield this most essential point of the whole controversy. We neglected, how- ever, in our argument, to notice, one most conclusive proof of the insincerity of our cabinet, and of their belief that the offers they had made to Great-Britain, would be rejected. It shews a persuasion apriori, which goes to the absolute conviction of their insin- cerity. We allude to the refusal of the offers of Sir George Prevost, to agree to an armistice, a suspension of tiie shedding each others blood. These offers were made before any answer was received, as to the propositions sent to Great-Britain. They were pre- dicated on the repeal of the Orders in Council, and ■no cause of tear remained, but the subject of impress- ments. If our government had been sincere in tlieir propositions through Mr. Russell, and if they had thought they were such as Great-Britain could or might accept — in the name of humanity — of honour — of fair and honourable dealing, Avliy not agree to a suspension of the horrors of war, until the answer could be received ? It must have been, because they expected the re- fusal, and they were afraid they should lose the "^un- gathered" laurels of the Generals Hull, and Smyth, and Dearborn. We have shewn, that the only equivalent offered to Great Britain, was the excluskni o^ British seamen from our vessels in future ; but w hat should consti- 99 tute ¥i British seaman — whether a residence of on© (lay, or of two years, in the United States, together witii the inysterioLis operation of an act of Congress, and an oatli before a county court, should transform a Scotch or Irish sailor into a genuine American — whether a bill of Mr. Wright, or Mr. Williams, should sever the inseparable allegiance whicli every man owes to his native country — whether any and what provisions sliould be made against a fraudulent abuse of naturalization, (not by our government, for that could not be presumed) but by the seamen, — were points which were left wholly untouched in the in- structions and oifers. Nay, to render these vague proposals, if possible, >i\\\ more untangible, Great-Britain was assured, that by our constitution, the President could make no stipulations for Congress. If any one would be desirous of knowing what would prol)a])ly be the temper of Congress on this subject, let him take with him the two following an- ecdotes, founded on indisputable facts : — Mr. Dana, of Connecticut, has, for tliree or four years past, pro- posed and brought in l>ills to require, that the mer- chant vessels of the United States should be navigat- ed, in certain proportions, say tlu'ee-fourths, by na- tive seamen ; and his attempts have been abortive. Last winter, a committee of the House, consisting of Messrs. Wright, and Pitkin, and Tallnuin, were ap- pointed on this subject. The two latter having given an opinion in favour of excluding British sailors from our ships, Mr. Wright, who was opposed to it, being iiie chairman, never called the committee together af- terwards, in order to defeat, as it was supposed, the project. in fine, it may be asked, if any serious intention had existed to make this offer tiie foundation of a peace, why did not the President, who knew his own incompetency to make any stipulation Avithoutthe con- sent of both Houses, recommended to them to pass a 100 iaw, ill June last, conformable to the offers lie Was about to make ? He had a precedent in the law rela- tive to the repeal of tiic Orders in Council, and if he had gone forward to Great-Britain With a speeifick and authorized proposition, guaranteeing her against the future loss of her seamen, tliere would have been at least the appearance of sincerity. We then entered at large into the merits of this question, so much the subject of complaint, and so little understood. We shewed that Great-Britain disclaims the pretence of taking American seamen^ and only claims the right to take Jier oicn subjects out of merchant ships, on the high seas, and in her own ports. We adduced the most abundant autliorities to shew, that by tlie consent of all nations, allegiance is per- petual — that it is not weakened or affected by time, place, or swearing allegiance to another power. That these are the fundamental principles of the common law of England, have been maintained by lier courts and jurists from the earliest times, and of course, al- though she naturalizes the subjects of otlier states, she does not claim the right to absolve them, or to protect them against their own natural sovereign. We shewed, also, that the same doctrine had been maintained in ous own country, in the case of one Williams, tried for enterins; into tlie service of France, even when we were at pc-'uce- — to wliicli we now add the cases of Jonatlian Nutting, and one George Bat- terman, convicted in this town, in the year 1794, for the same offence. We then proved, that this practice of Great-Britain has been exercised by her ever since the year 1640, against all nations, and without complaint. We cit- ed, also, a succession of French ordinances, from 1654 to the present War, shewing tliat France main- tains the same claims over her own seamen, and exe- cutes them with more rigour — We now add to the cases before cited, another ordinance of France, Avhicli 101 i-equires every armed cruiser to be fiirnislied with au able lin£^uist or iuterjjretery and directs that, without regard to passports or protections, lie shall examine ^11 the crews of merchant ships, which they may meet w ith on the high seas, in order that he may observe whether they speak tlic language of the country to which they pretend to belong, correctly. Tlius making the ear of a foreign linguist the court to decide the citizenship of a neutral creiv. What becomes of Mr. Madison's sad complaint of the cruel- ty of erecting a midshipman into a judge ? We then entered into the impolicy of our waging war, for the privilege of employing British sailors. We said tliat it was contrary to tlie policy of all en- lightened states, to give so much encouragement to foreign sailors, to the prejudice of their own ; that that our naval power — ^our commerce — -the superior protection wliieh our own seamen would experience, by our abandoning this practice of covering foreign sailors, all invited us, honestly and Mrly, to exclude them altogether. We remarked, that Great-Britain was peculiarly situated. Her marine power was her only security against the horrible scenes which have been recently acted at Moscow. That the similarity of language afforded facilities, the higher rate of wages tempta- tions to her seamen to enter our service, and that al- though at present her loss had not exceeded 20,000 or 30,000 men, yet if our merchant ships should be- come a perfect asylum to her seamen, the mutiny at the J\'*ore would be a tritlc to the danger she would run ; — That the knowledge that they are liable to be impressed now restrains her seamen, and that alone. We added, that e\ (mi were it a neiv case in the law of nations, the extremity and importance of it would make her excusable, for insisting upon some remedy for such an abuse of our neutrality, growing out of our peculiar relative situation to her. We cited one example of a similar ackiioicledged claim, whicli was liable to as great abuses, and that is the right to take from neutral merchant sliips, thej^erso??^ of your ene- tnij — this includes the right of search for jmrsons as well as goods — and if the neutral cannot cover or withdraw from a belligerent the persons of the belli- gerent's enemy, because by so doings he deprives the belligerent of one of the rights of war, a fortiori, wq asked, can such neutral cover or protect the subject of the belligerent captor, who is more important to Mm, because when he gets an enemy, he is always ready to exchange him for a subject ? We then entered iuto a full display of tlie famous negotiation of Mouroe and Pliikuey, with the Fox ministry. We demonstrated, that while tliere was the most anxious solicitude in that ministry to retaiu the good will of the United States — to remove all just causes of complaint — while such offers were made to prevent the recurrence of them in future, as, m our opinion, would do it more effectually, than tlie flan propDsed hij Mr. Mvlison, because we are satis- fied that such abuses would soon creep in, as Avould oblige Great-Britain to recur to her former practice, even at the expense of peace — wliile indeed our own ministers were satisfied of the fairness, eligii)Jlity, and honourable character of these offers, lier statesmen, the most friendly to this country of any who have, for thirty years, swayed the councils of that nation, sol- emnly declared, that xo ministry, under amj emergen- cy, would ever dare to yield up the question of right. It is then reduced to this simple question — Shall we fight for a shadow when we can have tlie sub- stance ? Shall we fight to compel Great-Britain lo yield a claim older than our nation? Aright exer- cised by France and all other European nations ? A claim founded upon principles recognized and ad- judged by our own courts ? A claim wiiich if conce- ded will make our country swarm with English, Scotch and Irish sailors to the great injury and de- pression of our own ? A claim, which if yielded now, will certainly be resumed the moment the dreadful effects of its relinquishment shall be felt ? 103 We tlicn made some remarks ou the demand upon Governor Stroni; for the militia, and the intimation of the President that he had failed in his duty iu uot ordering them out. We proved, that Con2;res8 have no sort of control over the militia except in three specified cases. That neither of these cases had occurred — tliat the Govern- or was the constitutional and sole judge on this point, and with his usual consummate prudence he had con- sulted the Judgesj and with his accustomed firmness he had acted in pursuance of their advise and the dictates of his own judgment. The People ought to feel grateful to him for thus breasting the danger in defence of the constitutional privileges of the people. We concluded with some remarks which we deem of great importance as to t!ie organization of a stand- ing military force, under tlie name of volunteers, to reside in the midst of us^ to the utter ruin, if it suc- ceeds, of the militia. We have now completed this arduous duty.— ^ We cannot hope that the idle and the thoughtless will have derived much benefit from discussions wiiicli re- quire so much and so constant attention. We ap- peal, however, to the sober and reflecting part of so- ciety — and by their judgment we are willing to a. bide. We liave endeavoured soberly, fairly and honoura- bly to discuss the great question on which depends the peace and prosperity of the U. S. The question is a vital one. The vineyard is extensive and overgrown witli thorns, and the laborours are few. If a most ar- dent love of country, a strong desire to promote its permanent and best interests, though the means of doing it are ungrateful to those who undertake it, en- title a citizen to the good wishes of the publick, we shall not rest without hope. If ^^G fiiil in this, we shall have, what the world cannot take away, the tes- timony of a^good conscience. SOME GENERAL BRIEF REMARKS ON THE CAUSES AND OBJECTS OF THE PRESENT WAR— ON THE ERRONEOUS OPINIONS TO WHICH OUR PARTIAL SUC- CESSES AT SEA HAVE GIVEN BIRTH, AND ON THE DAN- GER, THAT OUR CITIZENS MAY BE DRAWN IN TO AID BY LOANS IN THE PROSECUTION OF A WAR, WHICH THEY DETEST. NO man, who has paid even a moderate degree of at- tention to the policy of Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison, for the last twenty years (I mean since the beginning of the war between Great-Britain and France) can doubt, that the present war between the United States and Great-Britain, is the con- summation which they have devoutly wished for. The author of the present essays has, for six years past, laboured inces- santly to satisfy the people, that war with Great-Britain was the ultimate and darling object of administration, and that it jnust and would take place. It has always appeared to him to be totally indifferent to administration, whether there was cause of war or not, or whether it could or could not be ad- justed by negotiation. The great labour on their part has seemed to be, to find plausible pretexts to keep the nation in a flame, to smother and conceal the injuries and insults of France, which would have counteracted their views against Great-Britain, and gradually to lead the naUon to the preci- pice of war. How far many of the real friends of peace, by joining in the clamour against Great-Britain, by denying the intentions of the administration to enter into war, and by stim- ulating the pride of the partizans of government, may have unintentionally promoted the secret views of Mr. Madison, is a question I have no disposition to discuss. I should not have even mentioned it at this time, if I had not been apprehensive that a game of the same sort is now attempted to be played off upon the friends of peace with re- spect to the navy. One of the greatest obstacles to' the general prevalence of the belief that our administration are absolutely devoted to the views and interests of France, and are bent upon the destruc- tion of Great-Britain, has been the want of visible motive. While some zealous men have charged even the heads of the French party with direct bribery and corruption, sober people, seeing no evidence of this fact, and feeling shocked at what they considered a calumny, have been disposed to go as far the other way)and to doubt the existence of any bias whatever 105 For ourselves, v/hile -vve perceive as plainly as we do the eourseof the planets in the zodiack, the absolute and entire ascendency of France in our counsels, we do not believe in the direct application of bribes to the higher minded men in the French interest. We are astonished that people should doubt that there are motives vastly stronger than those produced by corruption. Corrupt men are never so zealous as enthusiasts who are honest in their intentions. What contests were ever so bit- ter — what party ties so sti'ong, as those arising from religious i'cuds — from divisions about metaphysical poh.ts that neither party comprehends ? What partizans were ever so devoted, so desperate, so constant, as the adherents of the unfortunate house of Stuart, who, not having the means of subsistence themselves, could not be suspected of bribery ? Grant, therefore, only, that a party in favour of France was once organized, I care not by what means, it will always find materials for its support and encouragement : obstinacy, pride, the spirit of rivalry, will confirm, and irritate, and increase a party once formed. That such a party has existed, and still contiimes in most dreadful power and force, it would be almost as absurd to attempt to prove at this day, as it would be the height of impudence to deny. Who has forgotten the devotion to Genet, to Adet, to Fauchet ? the attempt to force Wasning- ton from his neutrality ? the clamour for war instead of nego- elation in 1794? Mr. Madison's famous resolutions intended to drive the nation into war ? the abuse of Mr. Jay and the President, for daring to preserve peace with Great-Britain ? the humiliating submission of Mr, Munroe to the French Di- rectory ? the opposition made to Mr. Adams, when he at- tempted to vindicate the honour of the nation, trampled under foot by France, who insulted our envoys and demanded a tribute from the nation ? These are things of elder time, and fit only for the historian. They prove not only a blind devo- tion to France in the present men in administration, but they satisfy us that it is a prejudice which has had time to strike its roots deep, and to send them out far and wide. Its nutri- ment has been at all times the honour and commercial pros- perity of our country. These it has absorbed — on these it has thrived, until it has almost exhaustetl the fertility of the soil. Prejudices like these, are not easily, we may add, are never rooted out. Who does not know that when lue ought to have been neutral, constant prayers were offered up, by these advocates of France here, for success to all her projects of universal dominion 1 Did France add a new victim to her 14} 106 ambition ? they applauded. Did Great-Britain meet %vith disaster in her stand against French power ? they rejoiced as openly as the Gens d'armes des Tuileries. Did France ex- hibit a scene of internal anarchy — of horrors, at which the in- fernal legions of Milton would grow pale ? they saw in them only the struggles of suffering Freedom. Did these French anarchists yield to the arms of a mi/itartj des/iot, and groan under the most ruthless tyranny ? they stood ready, with Gov. Gerry and Mr. Livingston, to praise the incomparable hero and sage, and to offer their incense to the successor of Robespierre whom they had before saluted as a god. By encouraging such prrjudices Mr. Madison rose to dis- tinction. And if we should admit that a great mind like his, could easily shake them off, (which we doubt), still it is not in his, or any other man's power, to change at pleasure the feelings and opinions of a whole party. Attachment to France, an inter- est in French successes, and a hatred to Great-Britain, had be- come the religion of the party, and they were ready to go to martyrdom in defence of those opinions. Under such omens, and probably himself as deeply imbued with the same passions, Mr. Madison came into power. Has his conduct always corresponded Avith this view which we have given of his feelings ? It should be remembered that the French government, if it has not been in secret correspond- ence with these leaders, (which I doubt), has been, however, ficrfectly well informed of their feelings of dependence on France ; of the exact state of parties — their strength — their wishes — their designs — their movements. I beg any man who doubts this, to turn to any of Genet's or Adet's correspondence, but especially to Fauchet's intercept- ed letter. They know the strength and weakness of every con- siderable man in the United States. Let it be here distinctly understood, that I exclude from my argument any idea of corruption. With this knowledge of the state of parties, and of Mr. Madison's partialities and preferences, Bonaparte has put our President's patriotism and love for France to the most cruel trials. Would to God his patriotism had been any match for his love to France and hatred of Britain ! But Bonaparte was sure of his game. The ministers successively sent to France, he considered as fair samples of the administration which deputed them. Who has forgotten Mr. Livingston's incense to the Emperor, and his undiplomatick attack on Great-Bri- tain, with whom we were at peace, in his letter upon Drake's correspondence ? Not a minister from any of the tributary comts could vie with the envoy of the United States in the sujbmisbivencss of his reply. 107 Yet Mr. Livingston was the best of the three ; and would not have been fitted for the dark projects for which Mr. Bar- low was probably sent—to negotiate the conditions of alliance, and submission to the continental system. Now what has Bonaparte done, and to what have our ad- ministration submitted, without resistance, and even withoui complaint^ if we except a sentence or two in every phiiippick against Great-Britain, just calculated to deceive those only who nvish to be deceived ? We cannot give any detail ; the time and occasion will not allow of it. We shall only hint at what all the world knows; the lacts are both notorious and recent. In 1806, Bonaparte, having by the conquest of Prussia, got as he supposed, the command of the continent, determined to destroy a rival whom he could not reach by arms, by the destruction of her trade. So far as respected the continent, the plan was easily accomplished. But to make the experi- ment complete, the cooperation of the United States was in- dispensibly necessary. That cooperation has been obtained from the year 1807 to the present day, but never so complete- ly as he demanded, till we entered into the war. How this has been brought about, the world can never know. What •menaces, how much intrigue, solicitation, what promises of fiersonal sufijiort to administralion, if any, can never be known. We can only judge of publick facts; and from these Ave infer, that Bonaparte knew that he was so inseparably con- nected with the power, and so riveted in the affections of his party here, that he might put them to the severest trials with- out endangering their loyalty. The Berlin decree subjected every American vessel to capture going to or from a British port. Instead of resistance, not even a remonstrance was made to this act. It as been justly observed in the resolu- tions of New-York, that our government having assigned the British orders in council as one of the just causes oj ivar^ have admitted that the Berlin decree was also. How then can they justify themselves for submitting to it ? But Bonaparte found his Berlin decree ineffectual, and he accordingly negotiated with Armstrong an Embargo — or rather a monstrous thing, misnamed an Embargo, which was permanently to cut off our trade with Britain. That this was settled at Paris, and merely adojited very loyally by Congress^ is proved by the report first reaching us from Paris and HoU land. Many merchants in this town got knowledge of the proposition from Europe before it had been even whis" pered here. On the arrival of our messenger, Dr. Bullus, who reported the declaration of the Emperor, " that he 108 •would have no neutrals," the embargo was hastily adopted. 1 he representatives of a great commercial nation, afforded the astonishing example of the sacrifice of a whole people to the caprice of an European tyrant ! The patience of that peo- ple was beyond ail example, and can only be accounted for by the astonishing influence which France has acquired over a certain portion of them. The dangers to which our com- merce was exposed, were the pretexts for that measure. And yet every man of sense knew that at that very moment our vessels could have been insured to Great-Britain for five per centum, and to India and back for eleven. In short, insu- rance was ViX. peace premiums I ! But even our patience at last had its bounds ; and after eighteen months proof of our disposition to aid France, gov- ernment was compelled to yield up the Emperors favourite measure, though to appease 'his rage a Non-Intercourse with Britain was substituted. Tyrants, accustomed to obedience, are not so easily appeased. The Emperor's rage broke out in every species of insult and contumely, as well as injury. In layiguage, by a letter dated February 16, 1810, he told us, " the Americans cannot hesitate as to the part which they are to take. They ought to tear to pieces the act of their In- dependence, or to take measures to prevent their commerce being taxed by England, which renders them more dependent tlian the colony of Jamaica, which has at least its assembly of representatives, a\id its privileges. Men without political views, without honour^ without energy, may allege, &c." Though some little symptoms, transient publick symptoms of sensibility were discovered on this occasion, yet no apology has ever been made, and the subject was suffered to slumber in oblivion, never again to be revived. But the rage of his Majesty did not evaporate in words. In defiance o{ the laivs of uU civilized society^ by a decree at Kambouillet, he confiscated all American vessels which had entered his ports at any time within six T[\on\\\?,ncxt preceding the decree. Of the amount of this plunder, we have no other evidence than the declaration of Gen. Armstrong, who knovv- ing the Emperor's character, said there was no hope of resto- ration, as the amount was twenty millions of dollars — a sum too large to restore even to the rightful owners ! I About this period too, the Emperor invented a nenu mode, (as Jefferson mildly characterized it), " of exercising might contrary to right." In violation of the settled principles of maritime law, his cruisers had orders to burn on the high seas all neutral vessels whom they should find trading with the enemy. This practice has continued down to the present year. The very 109 last French squadron which scoured the seas, Feretier's, was more ferocious than any former one. This was the last gen- tle hint to our delaying counsels. This was the immediate precursor of an alliance with France, and a compliance with the Emperor's views. Could it be believed if we had not seen it, that a President, who upon every occasion presents the whole picture of British wroni^s, includins^ those settled and comfiromised^ as well as others, should have neglected for seven years to mention in one smgle instance to Congress, these reiterated acts of piracy of France ? But the darkest, and most dreadfull part of the picture of partiality for France and contempt for our understandings is to be exhibited. In 1810, the United States having oftered to withdraw iheir restrictive measures irom either of tjie two nations which should cease to violate our neutral rights leaving them in force as to the other, the President declared solemnly that it was not his intention to give France this benefit until she not only should repeal her decrees but should restore the proper- ty '■^unjustly surprized in her ports" I use his own words. Nevertheless upon the Due de Cadore's promise, condi- tional promise, that the decrees Avould be repealed on certain terms on the first of November, 13 10, though accompanied ■with a declaration that the " property unjustly surprized" would not be restored, the President, directly against his own assurance, declared the decrees actually repealed. Though proof heaped upon proof in the course of the suc- ceeding winter, that the decrees were not repealed — though their execution on the high seas was not even suspended, yet administration proceeded to enforce the act against Great Britain, and to swear to the good faith and honour of France. Nine months after the pretended repeal, Mr. Pvussc'.l begged the French minister to give the United States some proof of their repeal, and told him that he kept the John Adams wait- ing for some evidence to justify the liberal credit which our government had advanced to the Emperor. None could be obtained, except the release of two ships which did not come •iinthin the decrees. Jlgainst their repeal we had evidence the jnost abundant ; and we had most direct proofs that Bonaparte had resolved we sliould take more active measures against England, than a new pacifick Non Importation. Mr. Tureau told our government, in December, 1810, " These modifications (of the French trade) will not depend on the ciiancc of events, hut will be the result of other mea- sures^ firm, and puisucd with perseverance, which the two governments will contiv": to adopt to withdraw from the vexa- 4 to tion of the common enemy a commerce necessary to France as well as the United States.'* Here we find the ivar firedicted and demanded. The Non Importation and pretended repeal of the decrees, were, it seems, the concerted measjires of the live governments : But the Emperor's favour would depend upon our continuing to adopt stronger measures against the common enemy. Nor did the Emperor leave us to doubt whether Tureau was au- thorized to hold such a language. The Due de Cadore, in the presence of his Majesty, on the third of December, declaredi that " as long as England shall persist in her orders in coun- cil your Majesty will persist in your decrees." And in March following, in an address to his Council of Commerce, the Em- peror in person said, " The decrees of Berlin and Milan are the fundamental laws of my empire. I will favour the Amer- ican commerce if tliey will conform to my decrees, otherwise 1 will chase their vessels from my empire." This was four months after Madison declared the decrees repealed. But the Emperor did not confine his contradiction of Mr. Madison to words. On the fourth of July, 1811, (the day of the declaration of our Independence) the ship Julian was captured on the high seas, and on the tenth of September fol- lowing was condemned, " because she had been visited by British cruisers." 'i'he Emperor in person condemned in September, 1811, four vessels, which had been carried into Dantzick for offences which were created by the decrees, and by them alone. And our agent, Mr. Russell, in his letter to our Secretary of State, dated May 8th, 1811, six months aftev Madison's proclamation of the repeal of the French decrees, states, " that it may not be improper to remark that no Amer- ican vessel captured since November 1st. 1810, has yet been released." One would have thought the climax of our disgrace had been I'eached — that the measure of humiliation was full — but wc were reserved for still further disgraces. In May, 1812, the Emperor published a decree bearing date April 28th, 181 1, in which, reciting our obedience and loyalty in exclud- ing British goods and admitting his, he declares on that ac- count his decrees repealed so far as regards us. Thus giving in the face of the whole world the lie direct — the lie without ajiology — the lie without circumlocution to all t!ie declarations of our government, as to the repeal of the French decrees in November, 1810 — cutting up also by the roots the foundation of all our statutes against Great Britain, the last of which was in March preceding the repeal of the French decrees, and which were founded on her refusal to believe the decrees repealed Ill ih November. The main reason for which we went to war with Great Britain was, that she would not repeal her orders in three months after France repealed her decrees, which she was bound to believe took place in November, 1810. Now Bonaparte justifies her incredulity, and accuses Mr. Madison of rashness and folly. The manner of doing this last act has something extreme- ly wicked and suspicious on the face of it That Bonaparte, when so often urged and solicited to furnish the evidence of the repeal of the decrees, should have kept back, for 1 2 months, a decree affecting only tis, and necessary to the vindication of his constant friends in America, is extraordinary. It matters not whether it existed at its date, or was antedated. In either case it was kept back till he was satisfied that we had come to the striking fioint. It was kept back until it was impossible it should produce an operation in England, and that operation be known here before the war. It was well known to France and America, that the word of Great Britain had been pledged to repeal her Orders in Council as soon as France should repeal her decrees. It is a word never lightly given, and never for- feited. Can any man have charity to believe that this almost simultaneous repeal of the decrees — of the Orders in Coun- cil, and of the declaration of war, was the effect of accident ? In short that it was not the " result," as Tureau says, " of oth- er measures which the two Governments have continued to take against the common enemy ;" Let any doubting man look at the Emperor's publick dec- laration inMarch last, that " his decrees should be the funda- mental laws of his Empire, until the principles of the treaty of Utretcht, shall be recognized by Great Britain." Let him look at the refusal of our Government, to make e- ven an Armistice^ after the total repeal of the Orders in Coun- cil and all other blockades. Then let him say whether this war is not a fulfilment of the reiterated demands of France, to enter into the coalition. Let him consider how admirably it was timed for the inter- ests of France — how it cooperates with her views upon Rus- sia and Spain, by making a serious diversion of the British forces at this most critical junciure, which the world has seen for 20 years, and then let him soberly ask himself, whether the war is carried on for French or American interests ? It is not one of the least evils of this unnatural and unjust war, that the noblest virtues of the citizen may be converted into the means of favouring the views of the v\dministration, and of prolonging the duration of the war. It is impossible 113 for a generous mind not to view with the highest feelings of approbation, the gallant efforts of our naval officers and sea- men. That unconquerable spirit, that self devotion, that skill and coolness which have rendered the British marine so su- periour to that of all other natiors, have been displayed in the highest degree by our infant NAVY. But a reflecting man, who is sincerely desirous of seeing peace restored to our Country, cannot but perceive that an artful administration will convert this natural and generous en- thusiasm into the means of promoting" their own views. Al- ready we are told by Mr. Madison, with a triumphant air, that our naval victories " will dispose Great Britain to peace, and that o\xv pros^ieroiis career may be accelerated^ but cannot be prevented hy the assaults made upon it." See his last message covering Decatur's letter. It is because we believe this proposition absolutely false — that the reverse of it is true, to wit, that our naval successes will procrastinate the period of peace, and render all attempts at negotiation, while this state of things continues, abortive. And because we fear, that some men may be led to believe that Great Britain can be humbled on the ocean, of which there is as little prospect as there was when the war was de- clared, that we deem it a solemn duty to make some remarks upon the subject. We think it proper to premise that we have never doubted, that our Country was capable of producing excellent officers and sailors. The same causes which have rendered the British marine hitherto so superiour, operate as powerfully in our favour. — We have the same hardy courage — the same enterprise — the same skill. We have been of opinion that a marine force was our nat- ural defence, and ought to have been fostered and encourag- ed. We have never believed that even British ships, conduct- ed by their ablest officers, would be an over-match for ours, in vessels of equal size, and especially where we should have a decided superiority of force. But though such arc our opinions, we think we are in some danger of falling into two errors on that subject, one of which is disreputable to us as a brave and magnanimous nation, and the other may be of fatal consequence. The first is, a boastful, sanguine and overbearing temper. The officers of our Navy have too much of the true spirit of brave men to fall into this error. They know too well the char- acter of their adversaries to undervalue either their bravery or their skill. You will never hear any of the most experienced among them utter such idle boasts, as that " man for man 113 and gun for gun," we shall always beat the British. They know that in two out of three of the contests which have taken place, the superiority of force on our side was such that while it would have been disgraceful for our officers to have beea beaten, no degree of reproach could attach to the foe wliora ihey subdued for yielding to the most powerful single decked ships in the world. We feel a perfect confidence, that such men as Decalur, Hull, and Jones will agree with us in every proposition we shall advance. The opinions and sentiments to which we allude, and which, we think reprehensible, are those of hasty men, who draw in- ferences from suigle examples which they certainly do not warrant. You hear them every day declaring that one of our large frigates would capture a British 74 — that we have wrested the Trident of Neptune from Great Britain — that we shall always be superior to them in single ships. To hear such persons discourse, one would imagine that -they were astonished to find we could beat even an inferior British ship— that they had believed us incapable of meeting the Europeans in equal conflict, and that they were so trans^ ported and surprised by the unexpected success, that they now believed the age of miracles had returned, and that the British banner was no longer to float upon the ocean. Enthusiasm has its uses, but it may produce its evils. Lit- tle as they may believe it, the chances of war may turn, and the mortification and chagrin is always in proportion to the previous exultation. We had a recent and terrible example in the case of Gen. SMYTHE. The man who presented him- self as a conqueror, with such a ridiculous gasconade, three weeks since, is now exhibiting his excuses to an unauthoriz- ed association on the frontiers of New York. His soldiers are breaking their muskets in pure mortification, and his officers their sAvords. If indeed success should always follow our Navy, still one evil would result from this boasting spirit, it would diminish the glory of victory. We trust, however, and believe that this extravagant and bombastick spirit is not a very general one. That while we cherish and honour and reward the gallantry of our Navy, we shall and do imitate their modesty, and their justice towards the vanquished. The foible wliich we have first been considerijig, is only a small blemish, and would not be productive of any serious c&i» sequences. If 114 The other opinion advanced by Mr. Madison is a serious one, and deserves a thorough consideration. Is it true " that the capture of five or even ten British frig- ates will dispose Great Britain to fieace, and does this sort of Gontest " accelerate our prosperity," as Mr. Madison says ? If these successes will dispose her to peace, it must be on the ground upon which Mr. Madison seems to have rested his hopes, and that is that it will satisfy her that we are a more formidable nation on the ocean than she thought us, and that if the war is continued we can wrest from her the Irident of Neptune, Now let us consider this point — Great-Britain has a terri- tory about as big as the New-England states. She never would have attained to a primary rank among the European nations, if she had not cultivated and encouraged a navy. Her insular situation renders it necessary that she should maintain, one. She owes her liberties to that, and that alone — These propositions are as obvious to her as they are to us. Can it be believed, that she will surrender her maritime superiority ? Will she make peace, while her arms are tar- nished with the stains which we have imprinted upon them ? Will she not say, " my navy is my only defence, it must not only be superior, but its reputation must be unimpaired ?" " However disposed I might have been to make peace with America, I cannot do it til) this disgrace is wiped off." Will any man doubt her power to do this ? Is there any one so prejudiced as to believe, that she cannot rouse her citi- zens to fight with as much gallantry and skill as ours ? We are the same people — have the same general features of character, and though we have not degenerated, I see no reason to presume that we have improved on the original stock. We have seven frigates, and four or five smaller ships — She has 200 ships of the line, 250 frigates, and three or four iiundred smaller vessels of war. It is in her power to send a squadron of line of battle ships, to destroy our marine, without a contest. If Bonaparte, starting with the old marine of France, of Spain, and Holland, comprizing nearly 200 ships of the line, and devoting yearly to his navy alone 150 millions of livres, GO millions of dollars, (amounting to the whole of our war Expenses, for both army, navy, and civil list) has been unable, during twelve years, to make the smallest head against the British navy, can we expect to do it with our little squadron, and witiiout any revenue but loans ? Jt is said, however, that we are a different race of men from' ii5 the French and Dutch. We can beat Great-Britain, though they could not. Both France and Holland have obtained as many and more signal victories, in single ships, over Great- Britain, than we have done. Nay, they have been more formid- able rivals to her than we could possibly become in many years. And yet the consciousness of the absolute necessity of her navy to her existence, has made Great-Britain rise su- perior to all her enemies or rivals. It is impossible, from the constitution of human nature, that you can ever rouse a nation to so great exertions, for a ques- tion on which its existence does not depend, as for one upon which it does. Hence nations will not fight as strenuously in foreign wars, in wars of conquest, as in wars of self-defence, and when their fire-sides are invaded. Now, though our marine is important to us, it is by no means so vital an interest, as it is to Britain. To us it guards important rights, and produces a security to a trade necessary to our opulence— with her, it is the bulwark which defends her temples and her fire-sides. Our farmers, though they would maintain a respectable navy, would never be taxed to support 150 ships of the line, and 200 frigates, which, at the rate of the expense of our pre- sent navy, would cost, for their first equipment, 150 millions of dollars, and, for their annual support, 50 millions of dollars per annum, at least. I cannot perceive, then, that the capture of twenty British frigates, nor the building of ten 74's, would the more dispose Great-Britain to peace ; nor does any sensible man believe it. On the contrary, it will render peace im/iossidle, until Great- Britain shall have put at rest the question of naval superiority, and have vindicated the injured honour of her flag, which every coal-heaver in the nation will feel to be a wound in his own honour — Much less can I perceive, with Mr. Madison, how the capture of a few British frigates, followed up, as it will be, with the blockade of our ports, and the destruction of our navy, accelerates our prospei-ity. ON THE SUBJECT OF LOANS IN UNJUST WARS. In just and necessary wars, it is the duty of all good citizens to contribute according to their means. Whether their per-, sonal services in the field — their councils in the cabinet— or their money be required in the treasury, they ought to render them with alacrity. If, however, the war be such an one as, in their consciences, they cannot approve, it is equally their duty to withhold every thing which the government cannot by law command. 116 This duty is the more imperious, if the war is of such «. character as tends to destroy the commerce, and injure the rights and interests of that part of the country to which such citizens belong. It is evident, that one of the most embarrassing impedi- ments, which our administration encounters, is tlie difficulty of finding resources to carry on the war. Mr. Gallatin, for three years past, has calculated on loans as the means of supporting the expenses of war, and he has attempted to deceive the money holders, by stating, that in the peace which must necessarily succeed to all wars, the revenue will always be sufficient to pay the interest of the debt contracted during war. The govurnment dare not resort to direct taxes. The war has alif.natcd already all the northern states. Taxes would complete what is begun, and administration would be left viiitout support. Under tJiis view of our affairs, the men who are opposed to the wjir, and at the same time loan their money necessary, absolutely necessary, to its continuance, are as much respon- sible for its consequences, as any of those who voted for it. . We know how hard a struggle it is for those who have been accusLonied to regular increase of rapital, to suffer it to lie Ixi an' Unproductive state. It is not, that, by letting it lie idle, they make any real sacrifices, in any degree, in proportion to tvnat otlier citizens suffer ; but it is hard to control a power- ful passion. \Vg are aware, that patriotick motives are cold and inope- rsuve against the seducing and tyrannical influence flf a love oi increase and gain ; but we would say a word or two aS to their interest. Does any one recollect in history, any war to be compared to that which now deluges Europe with blood ? Will any statesman undertake to predict the period of its termination ? Are there any rational data, by which we can suppose that ou? war with Britain will have a speedier termination ? The annual expense of the war, for the next year, is esti- mated at 32 millions of dollars. The deficit, to be supplied by loans, will be 20 millions. When the army is full, the an- nual expense cannot be less than 50 millions, and the revenue will not exceed five millions. How long will it be at this rate, before the monied capital will be exhausted ? Will the interest of the debt be paid after the loans cease ? Or will the southern people throw away the fiealf after they have squeeze ed the orange ? Will they tax themselves, to pay a debt of honour to those " wretches of the north," tis they have lateJy 117 called us ? I trust our capitalists have too much good sens© and publick virtue, to lend their money to support such a cause — to support a cause calculated to effect their ruin— If they do, they will fall unpitied. It should be remembered, that the southern statesmen op- posed the funding of the debt of the revolution, and that in the late loan of thirteen millions, the southern states, which voted for the war, have subscribed but one million, and most of them not a dollar. There is no country on the face of the globe, where the monied interest has so little political influence as in ours, or where it is so much the object of jealousy and hatred. The soutliern states despise and detest it, because they have no participation in it, and because it offends the aristocratick pride and pretensions of the planters and slave-holders. In New-England, our farmers have something of the same feeling. Who have hitherto supported the banking and mon- ied interests of this country, avid the credit of the publick funds ? Men of talents and political information and influence, who were in no degree benefitted personally by the protection given to capital. To Hamilton and Ames, in an especial manner, were the capitalists indebted for the security and protection thev iiave recpived But cap the capitalists calculate upon the support of such men, in future, for the loans which they may now make, to enable administration to carry on a war ruinous to the com- mercial states ? I should suppose they would as soon vote pensions to Sea- ver, and Porter, and Mr. Madison, the authors of the war, as they would funds to pay the interest of loans, expressly open- ed to enable the government to carry on a war, destructive of the interests of the northern states, and blasting to the hopes of all the young men of talents in these commercial states. There is one other important idea which I Avish to suggest on this subject. Madison and Gallatin have too much wit for our monied men. They probably reasoned thus — " Let us plunge into this war. In will destroy external commerce ; it will destroy property vested in wharves and stores, and other conveniencies necessary to foreign trade. The banks will diminish their discounts. The rate of interest will fall. The anxious spirit of monied men will be sharpened in proportion to their losses. They will be coy at first, and make a bluster of their princi- ples, but they will finally yield. If they make the most solemn resolutions not to subscribe to our loans, still they will buy into the stocks, and that is precisely the same thing to us. 118 No man can stand the temptation of six per cent, when he cannot get more than five in other employments. It is beyond human nature to keep capital wholly unemployed during a war without prospect of end. To be sure, the debt "will amount during the new term of presidency, to two hun- dred millions, and to be sure a peace revenue will never de- fray the civil list and the interest of this debt ; but after we have reduced these northern purse-proud gentry to the con- dition in which they were in 1787, we shall leave it to the •wisdom of Mr. Troup and Bibb, and the other gentlemen of the south, whether it is expedient to manage these capitalists any longer, after we have attained all our objects of them. Let us wipe off the old score, and let these northern hives be- gin to gather their honey anew." It is curious, but not more curious than true, that the very measures which impoverish, and perhaps were intended to im- poverish, our merchants, our banks and our insurance offices, also render our remaining cafiital unproductive ; and by those very means favour the views and facilitate the projects and loans of Administration. The same effect is calculated upon to recruit our armies. Mr, Madison says our farmers are too happy and too rich to enlist. The war, he thinks no doubt, will make them poorer ; and they will soon be glad to sell themselves cheap to the lashes of the Serjeants, and to subject themselves to the dis- eases and horrors of the camp. Thus publick misfortunes and private distress are the nu- triments of the war, and the means upon which administration may coolly and wisely calculate to forward and accomplish their views. There is one other thought, which men are afraid to exam- ine, because it is too alarming. I mean the possibility of a settled design to subdue the refractory spirit of the Northern States by the sword. If we had not the direct threats of Mr. D. R. Williams and others, if we did not know, that it is the private, every days conversation of these warm bloods of the south, that they will teach Governor Strong and the governors of the other Yankee States their duty, and the necessity of obedience, surely the creation of a gens d'armes, a volun- teer force in full pay, and to be permitted to stay at home, recommended by Mr. Madison, ought to excite the attention and jealousy, if it does not the fears, of all prudent men. I have no doubt that designs are seriously formed by some southern people, to subdue by force, the majorities of th^ nqith, who are opposed to them. Is this the time to. lend 119 them our money ? Would it not be as prudent and judicious to keep it for ourselves ? ^ » We have said, the revenue will be insufficient to pay the interest of the debt, if the war lasts, which it probably will four years more. Let us make peace how and when we will, we are never again to be a neutral state between two great belligerents. If we make peace with Britain, we shall be at war with France and the continent. If there is a general peace, we shall be excluded from the profitable trade of all the world, for each nation will restore its system of monopoly. Besides, the habits of smuggling have taken such deep root' that they can never be eradicated. The encouragement given to manufactures by the war, will also lessen our importations. We shall never again in twenty years see a revenue of twelvei •millions of dollars. The peace establishment of army, navy, and civil list, will consume eight millions at least. How is, the interest of two hundred millions of new debt to be paid? As long as you lend, they will pay you the interest, but not a' moment longer, LbML '06 I