COL WILLIAM THOMPSON'S BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. JUNE 25, 1775— JULY 1, 1776. (a, ( ? ; -Vol. IT— 5th Ser. PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES jfiftb Series VOLUME II. EDITED liY THOMAS IvYNCH MONTGOMERY UXDEK THE DIRECTION OF THE Hon. frank M. FULLER. SECKKTAKV OK THE COMMOy WEALTH. ^ o ;; -. HARRISBURG. PA.: . imrsni'Ra pui-.i^ikhing cdmi'anv. st.vte piilntkh. 1906. t. ^ COL. \Vll>LIAM TIIOMTSOX'S i'.ATTALlON OF KIFLKMEN. (a) Col. Thompson's Battalion of Riflemen, so styled in Gen. Washington's general orders, was enlisted in the latter 1775. part of June, and in the beginning of July, 1775, in pur- suance of a resolution of Congress, dated June 14, for raising six companies of expert riflemen in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia, which, as soon as completed, were to joint the army near Boston. By a resolution dated June 22, the "Colony of Pennsylvania" was directed to raise two more companies, which, with the six, were to be formed into a battalion, and be commanded by such officers as the Assem- bly or convention shall recommend. This resolution having been communicated -^^^tr-y^r^-^^i^ to the Assembly, it resolved, June 24, i^>^ "that the members — — ■" of Congress deputed by this Assembly be a committee to consider of and recommend proper officers of the said battalion." The commissions to the oflUcers are dated the next day, June 25, Sunday, consequently no record of their appointment appears upon the journals of Congress. The following is a copy of one of them: In Congress. The delegates of the United Colonies of New Hampshire, Mas- sachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counti- s of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. To John Lowdon, Esq. We, reposing especial trust and confidence in your patriotism, valor, conduct, and fidelity, do by these presents, constitute and appoint you to be a captain of a company of riflemen, in (3) 4 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S the battalion commanded by Col. William Thompson, in the army of the United Colonies raised for the defense of Ameri- can liberty, and for repelling any hostile invasion thereof. You are, therefore, carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of captain, by doing and performing all manner of things tnereunto belonging. And we do strictly charge and I'equire all ofiicers and soldiers under your command, to be obedient to your orders as captain, and you are to observe and follow such orders and directions from time to time as you shall receive from this or a future Congress of the United Colonies, or com- mittee of Congress for that purpose appointed, or Commander- in-chief for the time being of the army of the United Colonies, or any other superior officer, according to the rules and dis- cipline of war, in pursuance of the trust reposed in you. This commission to continue in force until revoked by this or a future Congress. By order of Congress. JOHN HANCOCK, President. Philadelphia, June 25, 1775. Attest: Charles Thompson, Secretary. The form of enlistment was, "I have this day voluntarily enlisted myse.f as a soldier in the .^merican Continental Army for one year, unless sooner discharged, and do bind myself to conform in all instances to such rules and regulations as are or shall be established for the government of the said army." Each company was to conrist of one captain, three lieuten- ants, four sergeants, four corporals, a drummer or trumpeter, and sixty-eight privates. On the 11th of July Congress w?s informed that two com- panies had been raised in Lancaster county instead of one, and it resolved thac both companies be taken into the Continental service. This battalion, therefore, consisted of nine companies, enlisted as follows: Chambers' and Hendricks' in Cumbe rland county, Doudel's in York, Ross' and Smith's in Lancaster, Lowdon's in Northumberland, Cluggage's in Bedford, Nagel's in Berks, and Capt. Abraham Miller's, in Northampton. The pay of the otiicers and privates was as follows: Captain, twenty dollars per month; a lieutenant, thirteen and one-third dollars; sergeant, eight dollors; a corporal, seven and one- third; a drummer or trumppter. the same; privates, "Six and two-thirds, to find their own arms and clothes. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 5 The patriotism of Pennsylvania was evinced in the haste with which the companies of Col. Thompson's battalion were filled to overflowing, and the promptitude with which they took up their march for Boston. The Philadelphia Evening Post of August 17, 1775, publishes a New York item, "that be- tween the 28th of July and 2d instant, the rifle men, under the command of Captains Smith, Lowdon, Doudel, Chambers, Nagel, Miller, and Hendricks, passed through New Windsor, [a few miles north of West Point], in the New York govern- ment, on their way to Boston." A number of gentlemen went along as independent volunteers. Their names were not en- tered on the rolls, and they claimed the privilege of paying their own expenses and returning at their pleasure. Among these were Edward Burd, afterwards prothonotary of the Su- preme Court, Jesse Lukens, Matthew Duncan, &c. The history of the battalion appears in the following contemporary records: Captain James Chambers writes from Cambridge, August 13, 1775: "We arrived in camp on the 7th ultimo, about twelve o'clock. "We were not here above an hour until we went to view the' lines where the English camp is all in plain sight. We crossed the lines, and went beyond the outpost to a small hill, within musket shot of a man-of-war and a floating battery, and not further from the works at the foot of Bunker Plill, where we could see them very plainly. Whilst I was standing there, some of our riflemen slipped down the hill, about a gun-shot to the left of us, and began firing. The regulars returned it without hurting our men. We thought we saw one of the red coats fall. Since the riflemen came here, by the latest accounts from Boston, there have been forty-two killed and thirty-eight prisoners taken at the light-house, twelve of the latter tories. Amongst the killed are four captains, one of them a son of a lord, and worth £40,000 a year, whose name I cannot recollect. The riflemen go where they please, and keep the regulars in continual hot water. "They are every day firing cannon at our people, but have not yet killed a man. We expect six wagons loaded with pow- der here in two or three days; and when they arrive, our twen- ty-four pounders v/ill begin to play on their ships and the lines on Bunker Hill. It is diflicult for our men to get within shot of them, as they have floating batteries that flank the end of Winter Kill, and men-of-war on the ether side, though our boys think they killed several of them. About an hour ago, I saw 6 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S a small cannonading between two of the enemy's boats and one of our batteries, to the north of Boston. We can see all the town distinctly from our fort on Prospect Hill, and it is a very pretty place. Two deserters came to us last night." Thacher in his Military Journal of the Revolution, under date of August, 1775, describes this battalion: "They are remarkably stout and hardy men; many of them exceeding six feet in height. They are dressed in white frocks or rifle shirts and round hats. These men are remarkable for the accuracy of their aim; striking a mark with great certainty at two hundred yards distance. At a review, a company of them, while on a quick advance, fired their balls into objects of seven inches diameter, at the distance of two hundred and fifty yards. They are now stationed in our lines, and their shot have frequently proved fatal to British officers and sol- diers who expose themselves to view, even at more than double the distance of common musket shot." This battalion became the Second regiment (and after the 1st of January, 1776, the !First regiment) "of the army of the United Colonies, commanded by his Excellency General George Washington, Esquire, general and commander-in-chief." So reads a return dated "Head-quarters at Cambridge, August 18, 1775," by which it appears that three field ofiicers, nine cap- tains, twenty-seven lieutenants, the adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon and mate, twenty-nine sergeants, thirteen drums and fifes, and seven hundred and thirteen rank and file were present fit for duty. Lieut. Col. Hand writes, August 20, that he arrived with Col. Thompson on the 17th, that they were under Gen. Lee's immediate command, but were to move four and a half miles into Gen. Putnam's department, and that Major Magaw was in command at Cape Anne. This battalion formed the picket guard of the two thousand provincials, who on the evening of the 26th August took pos- session of and threw up intrenchments on Ploughed Hill, and on the morning of the 27th met with its first loss, private Simpson, of Smith's company, who wa^ wounded in the leg and 'died therefrom. "Poor Simpson (beau) had one of his legs shattered by a cannon ball. The director general took it off, but the poor lad was buried this evening."— Hand's letter of 29th. On the evening of the 26th instant, Saturday, I was ordered to draw fifty men out of each of the Cumberland companies. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 7 and to be ready to march at suuset. Accordingly I did so, and marched without beat of drum to Prospect Hill, and thence proceeded with the riflemen stationed there, in all about four hundred, to Ploughed Hill, and then down the hill within three or four hundred yards of the enemy's strongest works, to cover a party of about two thousand musket men who were at the same time to entrench on Plough'ed Hill. They labored hard all night, and at daybreak had the redoubt nearly com- pleted. The English began a heavy counonading, which con- tinued all day. They killed one adjutant and one soldier with cannon, wounded three others with musket balls. Wil- liam Simpson, of Paxton, was struck by a shot and his foot carried away, &c. Your son, Benjamin, was with me in all this affair."— Capt. James Chambers to his- wife, August 29, 1775. James Wilkinson (subsequently Brigadier General Wilkin- son), who was a volunteer in Col. Thompson's battalion, makes the following reference to the first Pennsylvania soldier who fell in the war of the Revolution: "The provincials broke ground at Ploughed Hill, August 26, about one mile northwest, and in front of the British post at Bunker Hill, on the peninsula of Chariestown. A detachment of riflemen order to cover the working party took post in an orchard, and under cover of stone fences in advance. As soon as the enemy discovered the workmen, they opened a bat- tery upon them, and kept up a brisk cannonade by which vol- unteer Simpson, of Pennsylvania, had one of his heels and ankles so much shattered that mortification ensued and he died in a few days. The young man was visited and consoled during his illness by Gen. Washington in person, and by most of the officers of rank belonging to the army. Every exertion of the faculty was made to save him, and his death became a theme of common sorrow in an army of twelve or fourteen thousand men. I witnessed the effect on my arrival two or three weeks after." — Memoirs, Vol. 1, page 16. On the 5th of September, two companies of this battalion (Capt. Wm. Hendricks, Capt. Matthew Smith,) were ordered to parade upon the common in Cambridge, and join the de- tachment "to go upon command with Colonel Arnold." For <.^ 8 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S a full and interesting account of the hardships and suffering of these two companies, see Judge John Joseph Henry's narrative (Lancas- ter, 1812). These companies led the advance under cap- tain, afterward Col. Daniel Morgan, through the wilderness,* and participated in the attack on Quebec, on the morning of the 31st of Decem- ber at Palace Gate, where, as the dispatch of the day reads, "that excellent young officer, Capt. William Hendricks, of Penn- sylvania, fell," and the rest of the command after desperate fighting, were forced to surrender. The survivors were paroled on the 7th of August, 1776, and after being exchanged, for the' most part, re-entered the service, following the fortunes of the Pennsylvania Line with Gen. Wayne, down into Georgia, resisting the fearful night attack made upon Wayne's camp, near Sharon, Georgia, on the 24th of May, 1782; entering Sav- annah in triumph with him on the 11th of July; Charleston on the 14th of December, 1782, and only returning in the month of July, 1783, when the last of the Pennsylvania troops embarked at James Island, South Carolina, on board of trans- port for Philadelphia. On the 23d of September, Col. Hand writes to Judge Yeates: "Day before yesterday, Lieut. McKenzie of the Bedford com- pany, had his hat blown off by the wind of a cannon ball, and a splinter hit Jr. Hubley, and overturned him. Morgan, Hen- dricks, and Smith, have left with their companies for Canada. Seven hundred musqueteers from here are on the same expe- dition. The expedition with which the York company was raised does not help on for their misconduct; had Smith's com- pany been better behaved, they might probably have saved themselves a disagreeable jaunt. The General refused peremp- torily to take the York company." A contemporary letter, dated September 13, says: "On Monday last (llth) Col. Arnold having chosen one thou- *At Fort Western (on the Kcnnebeck), "concluded to dispatch an officer and seven men in advance, for the purpose of ascertaining and marking the paths which were used by the Indians towards the heads of the river, and apcertain the course of the river Chaudiere. Arnold found it necessary to select on officer of activity and courage. The choice fell upon Lieut. Archi- bald Steele, of Smith's company, who selected as his companions, Jesse Wheeler, George Merchant, and James Clifton of Morgan's company; and Hubert Cunningham, Thomas Boyd, John Tidd. John McKonkey, and John Joseph Henry, of Smith's company."— Henry, page 17. Also, see Oswald's Journal, Force's Archives, 3d vol., 1059, "Sunday, 24th of September, dis- patched Lieut. Steele, &c." BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 9 sand effective men, consisting of two companies of riflemen, (about one hundred and forty), the remainder musqueteers, set off for Quebec, as it is given out, and which I really believe to be their destination. I accompanied on foot as far as Lynn, nine miles. Dr. Coates, who goes as surgeon, Mr. Matt. Dun- can, Mr. Melcher, and several other southern gentlemen as vol- unteers. Here I took leave of them with a wet eye. The drums beat, and away they go as ar as Newburyport by land, from there go in sloops to Kennebeck river, up it in batteaux, and have a carrying place of about fifty miles, over which they must carry on their shoulders their batteaux and baggage, scale the walls, and spend the winter in joy and festivity among the sweet Nuns."^Jesse Lukens.* In general orders, dated Cambridge, September 11, T775, occurs: "Col. Thompson's battalion of riflemen posted upon Prospect Hill, to take their share of all duty, of guard and fatigue, with the brigade they encamp with." Also, September 13: "The thirty-three riflemen of Col. Thompson's battalion tried yes- terday, by a general court-martial, whereof Col. Nixon was president, for 'disobedient and mutinous behavior," are each of them sentenced to pay the sum of twenty shillings, except John Learhon, who, over and above his fine, is to suffer six days' imprisonment. The pay-master of the regiment to stop the fine of each man out of next month's pay, which must be paid to Dr. Church, for the use of the general hospital." The contemporary letter above referred to supplements these orders, thus: "Our camp is separate from all others about one hundred yards. All our courts-martial and duty was separate. We were excused from all working parties, camp guards, camp duty. This indulgence, together with the remissness of disci- pline and care in our young officers, has rendered the men rather insolent for good soldiers. They had twice before broken open our guard-house and released their companions who were confined there for small crimes, and once when an offender was brought to the post to be whipped, it was with the utmost dif- ficulty they were kept from rescuing him in the presence of all their oflicers. They openly damned them, and behaved with great insolence. However the colonel was pleased to pardon •Jesse Lukens was a son of Surveyor General John Lukens. He returned from Boston in the winter of .'1775, just in time to join Plunket's expedition against the Connecticut settlers at Wyoming, 25th December, In which he was mortally wounded, and died a few days after. A sad comment on his sportive letter. 10 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S the man, and all remained quiet; but on Sunday last the ad- jutant having confined a sergeant for neglect of duty and mur- muring, the men began again, and threatened to take him out. The adjutant being a man of spirit, seized the principal mutin- eer and put him in also, and coming to report the matter to the colonel where we were all sitting after dinner, were alarmed with a huzzaing, and, upon going out, found they had broken open the guard-house and taken the man out. The colonel and lieutenant-colonel, with several officers and friends, seized the fellow from amongst them, and ordered a guard to take him to Cambridge to the main guard, which was done without any violent opposition, but in about twenty minutes thirty-two of Capt. Ross' company, with their loaded rifles, swore by God they would go to the main guard. and release the man or lose their lives, and set off as hard as they could run. It was in vain to attempt stopping them. We stayed in camp and kept the others quiet. Sent word to Gen. Washington, who reinforced the guard to five hundred men with fixed bayonets and loaded pieces. Col. Hitchcock's regiment (being the one next to us) was ordered under arms, and some part of Gen. Greene's bri- gade (as the generals were determined to subdue by force the mutineers, and did not know how far it might spread in our battalion). Gens. Washington, Lee, and Greene came im- mediately, and our thirty-two mutineers who had gone about a half a mile towards Cambridge and taken possession of a hill and woods, beginning to be frighted at their proceedings, were not so hardened, but upon the General's ordering them to ground their arms they did it immediately. The General then ordered another of our companies, Capt. Nagel's, to surround them with their loaded guns, which was immediately done, and did the company great honor. However, to convince our people (as I suppose, mind), that it did not altogether depend upon themselves, he ordered part of Col. Hitchcock's and Col. Little's regiments to surround them with their bayonets fixed, and ordered two of the ringleaders to be bound. I was glad to find our men all true and ready to do their duty except these thirty-two rascals. Twenty-six were conveyed to the quarter- guard on Prospect Hill, and six of the principals to the main guard. You cannot conceive what disgrace we are all in, and how much the General is chagrined that only one regiment should come from the South, and that set so infamous an ex- ample, and in order that idleness shall not be a further bane to us, the General's orders on Monday, were 'that Col. Thomp- son's regiment shall be upon all parties of fatigue (working parties), and do all other camp duty with any other regiment." BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 11 "The men have since been tried by a general court-martial and convicted of mutiny, and were only fined twenty shillings each for the use of the hospital— too small a punishment for so base a crime. Mitigated, no doubt, on account of their having come so far to serve the cause and its being the first crime. The men are returned to their camp and seem exceedingly sorry for their misbehavior and promise amendment. I charge our whole disgrace upon the remissness of our officers, and the men being employed will yet, no doubt, do honor to their Prov- inces. For this much I can only say for them that upon every alarm it was impossible for men to behave with more readiness or attend better to their duty; it is only in the camp that we cut a poor figure." In a general return of the army, dated September 23, 1775, the effective force present were three field officers, seven cap- tains, twenty lieutenants, chaplain, adjutant, quarter-master, surgeon and rnate, twenty-seven sergeants, six drummers and fifes, and four hundred and eighty-five rank and file fit for duty, forty-nine sick, one on command, and none on furlough. On the 17th of October, same number of officers present, and four hundred and seventy-one rank and file fit for duty, one on furlough. October 3. Hand writes to his wife: "Capt. Ross goes for Lancaster to-morrow. Henry Fortuey is well; his behavior does him credit. Mr. Henry, junior, has followed the troops to Canada without leave. Nothing but a perfect loose to his feelings will tame his rambling desire." October 23. Hand writes to Yeates from Prospect Hill: "One of our armed boats fell down to the mouth of Cam- bridge river, and sent a few shots into Boston. One of her guns bursted. Your old friend Worthington was on board, and had his shins broken. Gen. Washington is irritated by Capt. Ross' absence without his knowledge, and declared to Col. Thomp- son that any officer who went home from his regiment must resign his commission. Heard last night that Falmouth was in ashes. An officer. Parr, from Northumberland, with thirty men from us, marched for Portsmouth. 24th, they marched at dawn this morning." On the 9th of November occurred the skirmish at Lechmere's Point; for their alacrity in which. Col. Thompson and his bat- talion were publicly thanked by Gen. Washington, in general orders dated the 10th of November. The British had landed under cover of a fire from their Latteries on Bunker, Breed's, and Copp's Hills, as well as from a frigate which lay three hun- 12 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S dred yards off the point. In a high tide it is an island. Col. Thompson marched instantly with his men, and though a very stormy day, they regarded not the tide, nor waited for boats, but took to the water, although up to their armpits, for a quar- ter of a mile, and notwithstanding the regulars' fire, reached the island, and although the enemy were lodged behind the walls and under cover, drove them to their boats. Loss, one killed and three wounded; British loss, seventeen killed and one wounded.— Philadelphia, Evening Post, 1775. Letters of Mrs. Adams, wife of John Adams, page 61. "Camp on Prospect Hill, 10th November, 1775. "I give you the particulars of the fun our regiment had yes- terday. About one, p. m., a number of regulars, taking advant- age of a high tide, landed from twenty boats on Lechmere Point to carry off some cattle. Six men of our regiment were on the point to take care of our horses; they did their utmost, and partly effected it. One poor fellow was taken; he was of Capt. Ross' company. I think his name was Burke. When the alarm was given. Col. Thompson was at Cambridge. I had gone to Watertown to receive the regiment's pay, but thanks to good horses, we arrived in time to march our regiment, which was the first ready, though the most distant of our brigade. Col. Thompson, who arrived before we had crossed the water, with thirteen men only of Ross' company, but not being supported by the musqueteers, before I could get up with the remainder of our regiment of duty, returned, and met Major Magaw and myself on the causeway; the whole then passed with the utmost diligence, up to our middles in water. David Ziegler, who acts as adjutant, tumbled over the bridge into ten or twelve feet water; he got out safe, with the damage 'of his rifle only. As soon as the battalion had passed the defile, we divided them into two parties, part of Capt. Chambers,' Capt. Miller's, and Lowdon's, with Major ilagaw and Col. Thompson, marched to the right of the hill, with part of Cluggage's, Nagel's, and Ross.' I took the left, as the enemy had ihe superiority of numbers, and the advantage of rising ground, with a stone wall in front, and a large barn on their right and flank, aided by a heavy fire of large grape-shot from their shipping and batteries. We had reason to expect a warm reception; but to the disgrace of British arms, be it spoken, by the time we had gained the top of the hill, they had gained their boats, and rowed off. We had BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 13 but one man wounded, I believe mortally, by a swivel ball, Alexander Creighton, of Ross' company. Wm. Hamilton need not grudge the money his son cost him. His coolness and resolution surpas.sed his years. Billy Burd had his eyes closed, by the dirt knocked off by a cannon ball. — Lieut. Col. Hand's letter to his wife, Hand manuscripts. Ibid. November 9: "We have appointed Rev. Blair, son-in- law to Dr. Shippen, our chaplain. He yesterday officiated for the first time." Ibid., November 10; "One of our poor fellows ot Capt. Ross' company, was taken; I think his name is Burk." The general return of December 30 shows present six cap- tains, seventeen lieutenants, twenty-four sergeants, five drums and fifes, three hundred and thirteen men fit for duty, eighty- five sick, forty-two on command, five on furlough. On the 1st of January, the new army organization 1776. commenced, and the rifle battalion became the first regiment of the Continental army. Its total strength reported at six hundred and ninety three officers and men. On the 6th of January, Major Magaw was commissioned colonel of the Fifth Penn'a, (and upon the return of Lieut. Col. Hand from furlough, received in November), on 2d of February, Col's. Thompson and Magaw set off for Pennsylvania, leaving Hand in command. The latter writes, on the 8th of March. "I am stationed on Cobble's Hill, with four companies of our regiment. Two companies, Cluggages' and Chambers,' were ordered to Dorchester on Monday; Ross and Lowdon relieved them yesterday. Every regiment is to have a standard and colors. Our standard is to be a deep green ground, the device a tiger partly enclosed by toils, attempting the pass, defended by a hunter armed with a spear (in white), on crimson field the motto Domari nolo."* On the 11th he writes: "The enemy seem to be preparing to depart. Our regiment is ordered to march at an hour's warning. New York is at present our destination." The regiment left Cambridge on the 14th, being detached by general order of the 13th, by Gen. Washington, with five other regiments, under the command of Gen. Sullivan to New York. Hand says: "I left on the 15th.' Hartford, 21st March, our regiment so far on the march to New York. New York, March 28, arrived here with the regiment •This standard is now in the possession of the State of Pennsjlvania, hav- ing been recently purchasod by Hin. M. S. Quay, Secretary of the Common- wealth, from Thomas Robinson. Esq., ginndsnn nf U^ifut. Pol Tlionia= Rob- inson, of the First Pennsylvania. 14 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S this day. I received your letter by Capt. Ross. Day before yesterday received a letter from the president of Congress, ap- pointing me to the command of the rifle regiment. New York, March 28, I have just arrived with the regiment, Howe aban- doned Boston on the 17th. Two of my officers were in the town; is it little damaged. Mr. Hancock's house is left in perfect I'e- pair." Meanwhile, March 1, Col. Thompson was made a briga- dier general, and Hand became colonel, March 7, with Capt. James Chambers as lieutenant Colonel. On the 5th of April, Gen. Putnam detached three companies to scour the shores of Long Island, and they captured a midshipman with his boat and ten sailors. "April 12, I was moved to Long Island last Tuesday. My station is New Utrecht, eight miles from the ferry." — Hand. This remained the head-quarters of the regiment during May and June. On the 15th of April, Congress resolved to recruit and re- enlist this battalion and the independent rifle companies at- tached to it, for the term of two years, unless sooner discharg- ed. Before Gen. Washington was aware of this action on the part of Congress, on the 22d of April, he wrote the President of Congress from New York: "The time for which the riflemen enlisted will expire on the 1st of July next, and as the loss of such a valuable and brave body of men will be of great injury to the service. I would sub- mit it to the consideration of Congress whether it would not be best to adopt some method to induce them to continue. They are, indeed, a very useful corps; but I need not mention this, as their importance is already well known to the Congress." On the 24th of April, it was the First regiment of the Third brigade, Gen. Sullivan's, and on the 5th of May, its total strength, officer and mens, five hundred and seven. On the 30th of June the time of those who aid not re-enlist expired. "Almost all the men discharged to-day declare that they will stay to know what the fleet will do."— Hand's letter, June 30, 1776. On the first of July it entered upon another term of ser- vice, as the First regiment of the Pennsylvania Line in the* Continental service. The rank of the captain of this battalion cannot be ascer- tained from the records; the rolls are, therefore, inserted in the alphabetical order of captains' names. Reference is made to the roster and rolls of the First Penn'a, Continental line, for the names of officers and privates who continued in service. These rolls are made up principally from imperfect rolls among BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. Ig the Hand papers, "Military," now in the office of the Secretary of War, at Washington, D. C, for the inspection of which, and permission to copy, the editors are indebted to Hon. J. Donald Cameron then Secretary of War. Much information was also obtained from such of Gen. Hand's papers as are still in the possession of his grand-daughter, Mrs. S. B. Rogers, of Lan- caster city. It appears by a certificate of Jacob Howell, dated April 7, 1794, that there were no rolls for 1775 in the account- ant's office of the War Department. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS, (a.) Colonels. Thompson, William, of Carlisle, commissioned June 25, 1775; promoted brigadier general March 1, 1776. Hand, Edward, from lieutenant colonel, March 7, 1776; com- missioned brigadier general September 17, 1778, to rank from April 1, 1777. Lieutenant Colonels. Hand, Edward, of Lancaster, commissioned June 25, 1775; pro- moted colonel March 7, 1776. Chambers, James, from captain, March 7, 1776. Major. Magaw, Robert, of Carlisle, commissioned June 25, 1775; pro- moted colonel Fifth Penn'a, January .3, 1776. Chaplain. Blair, Rnv'd Samuel, appointed November 9. 1775. Adjutant. Ziegler, David, lieutenant. Quartermaster. Hubley, Frederick, lieutenant. 16 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Craig, Thomas, of Bucks county (see Penn'a Arch., 0. S., vol. iv, 680), commissary of purchases, in 1780, in Bucks county; he is to be distinguished from Col. Thomas Craig of 3d Penn'a. Bower, Jacob, of Reading; served afterwards as captain in Flying Camp and promoted to Sixth Penn'a. Surgeon. Magaw, William, commissioned June 25, 1775. Surgeon's Mate. Reinick, Christian, of Lancaster. Harris, David. Paymaster. Commissary. Biddle, John. Wagon Master. Egle, Adam, of Lancaster, promoted from Capt. Ross' company. Wagoners. Yedse, Henry. Leib, Stophel. Smith, Peter. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES CHAMBERS' COMPANY, (a.) [Enlisted in tliat part o£ Cumberland which is now Franklin county.] Captains. Chambers, James, promoted lieutenant colonel, March 7, I'aTG. Grier, James, from first lieutenant, March 7, 1776. First Lieutenants. Grier, James, promoted captain, vice Chambers, March 7, 177G. McConnell, Mathew, from second lieutenant, March 7, 177G. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 17 Second Lieutenant. McConnell, Matthew, promoted first lieutenant, March 7, 1776. Third Lieutenant. Buchanan, Thomas, commissioned June 25, 1775. Sergeants. Hay, David. Andrews, Arthur. Crawford, Alexander. Johnston, Andrew, from private. Privates. Barnet, William. Beatty, Thomas, enlisted June, 1775; re-enlisted in First Penn'a, July, 17'76. Benker, Michael. Biddle, David. Black, James. Boyd, David. Brandon, John. Brooks, Johnson. Brown, Archbald. Brown, Black. Brown, John. Campbell, Timothy. Campbell, William. Carson, Benjamin, enlisted June, 1775; re-enlisted First Penn'a. Chambers, Benjamin, brother of Capt. James, promoted second lieutenant ^iage^s company, January 5, 1776. Chambers, Benjamin, son of Capt. James, resided in Saline county, Missouri, in 1832, aged seventy-two. Chambers, Williams, brother of Capt. James. Chesney, William. Coneway, Patrick. Davis, Thomas. Dermeut, John. Eaton, Joseph. Everly, John. Fairchild, Abijah. Finley, William. Furmoil, James. 2— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 18 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S George, Evan. Gildersleeve, William. Grady, Thomas. Henney, Richard. Hogan, Peter. Houseman, George. Hutchinson, John. Hutchinson, Thomas. Irwin, Charles. Jamieson, Francis. Joblier, Robert. Johnston, Andrew, promoted sergeant. Justice, George. Keith, Andrew. Kettling, Lewis. Kelly. Mitchell. Kelly, Thomas. Kinkaid, Alexander. Kline, Daniel. Leonard, Silas. Likens, David. Lochry, Thomas. Logue, PatricK. Lowrie, Nicholas. ^ Lucas, Thomas. Lynch, John. McCoscu, John. McEleve, James. McEnnally, John. McDonald, John. McGibson, Michael. McGiggan, Cofnelius. McGuire, Redmond. McHaffey, James. McKinney, Henry. McMutrie, John. "December 1, 1775, John McMurtrie, of Capt. Chambers' company, killed John Penn by his rifle going off when he says he did not know it was loaded." — Wright's Journal. Magaw, Patrick. Mason, Thomas, discharged May 31, 1776.^ Neall, Patri'^k. ^Owen, Michael. Paine, Robert. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 19 Parker, William. Reynolds, Alexander. Reynolds, William. Riddle, David. Rodgers, Thomas. Rumphey, Richard. Sawyer, Nicholas. Scott, Joseph. Shute, Jacob. Skinner, Moses. Sloan, Allen. Stewart, John. Stiles, Timothy. Sullivan, Patrick. Sweeney, James. Sweeney, John. Symnes, James. Tidd, John. Todd, Randal. Vaughan, Thomas. Walker, William. Weatherby, Matthew. Wilson, Edward. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT CLUGGAGE'S COMPANY, (a.) [■RnlistPrl in Bedford enunty.] Captain. Cluggage, Robert. First Lievitenant. Holliday. John, commissioned June 25, 1775. Second Lieutenants. McKenzie, Robert, died February 12, 1776. Burd, Benjamin, from third lieutenant. 20 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Third Lieutenant. Burd, Benjamin, October, 1775, promoted second lieutenant. Sergeants. Holloday, James. Stoy, Daniel; discharged at Long Island, July 1, 177G; resided in Somerset county, in 1818. Meriner, Querinus. Wright, David. White, Aquila. Lee, William. McKenzie, Joseph. McDonald, Angus. Sullivan, Timothy. Corporals. Drummer. Privates. Anderson, Adam; resided in Westmoreland county in 1818. Bechey, Philip. Bowman, John. Broughdon, Thaddeua, discharged February 10, 177C. Brown, Thomas. Bruner, George. Campbell, John. Casek, Thomas. Cessna, Stephen. Clark, Patrick. Conner, Philip. Corrowan, James. Craig, Joshua; resided in Cumberland county, 1820. Crips, John. Crugren, Alexander. Cunningham, Thomas. Curran, James. Davis, John, afterwards adjutant, Flying Camp. Dilling, Cornelius. Donelin, William, re-enlisted First Ponn'a. Dougherty, Matthew. Dowling, Laurence. Francks, Daniel. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 21 Freeman, George. Garrett, Amariah. Gemberland, Daniel. Gillespy, Reuben. Hardistey, Richard. Manning, Conrad. Jamison, Francis, re-enlisted First Penn'a. Johnstown, Andrew, enlisted June 25, 1775; promoted lieuten- ant First Penn'a. Judry, Matthias. Kelley, John. "September 14, 1775, John Kelley, one of Capt. Cluggages' men, shot one of Capt. Chambers' men through the head, for stabbing him." — Wright's Journal. King, Peter. Knight, James. Laird, William. Lenning, Charles. Leonard, Robert. Lesley, John, re-enlisted in Eleventh Penn'a. McCartney, Henry, discharged at Long Island, July, 1776; weaver, resided in Lycoming county in 1820, aged seventy- five. McClain, Daniel, re-enlisted First Penn'a. McCune, John. McDonald, John. McDonald Patrick. McFarlane, Thomas. Magee, Thomas. Mangam, Daniel. Miller, Michael. Piatt, Robert. Pitts, John. Plumb, Samuel. Reynolds, Martin. Rhoads, Daniel. Ritchie, Philip, re-enlisted First Penn'a. Shehan, Thomas. Shires, Francis. Simonton, Alexander, re-enlisted First Penn'a. Smith, Emanuel. Smith, Henry. Stoy, Daniel, promoted sergeant. Stuart, John. Taylor, Jonathan. 22 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Thompson, John. Turmoil, James. Tweed, Andrew. Vanzandt, James. Vanderslice, Daniel, re-enlisted First Peun'a. Vaughan, Thomas, re-enlisted First Fenn'a. Wallace, Samuel, re-enlisted First Fenn'a. Walker, Solomon. Warford, James. Ward, Thomas. Wilson, Alexander. Whitman, George, enlisted June, 1775; re-enlisted First Peun'a. Woodward, Samuel. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MICHAEL DOUBLE'S COMPANY, (a.) This company was enlisted principally at Samuel Gettys' Tavern, now Gettysburg, June 24, 1775. Left York for Boston July 1, arrived at Cambridge, Mass., July 25, at one p. m. The committee of Yorktown, on the 1st of July, 1775, wrote to the Pennsylvania delegates in Congress: "Gentlemen: We had the honor of receiving your favor of the 15th ult., enclosing a resolve of the Honorable Continental Congress of the 14th ult. We immediately summoned the com- mittee of this county and laid before them your letter, &c. The committee proceeded to the choice of officers fit to be rec- ommended to the Congress, and appointed six commissioners to provide necessaries for them. Every resolve passed in commit- tee with the greatest unanimity, and the gentlemen of York- town, after the meeting, dispersed themselves through the county, and assisted the officers in recruiting. "The officers we take the liberty to recommend to you, are Captain Michael Doudel, Lieutenants Henry Miller, John Dill and James Matsou. They are men whose courage we have the highest opinion of. The company, including officers and sol- diers, are beyond the number fixed for this county, and as Gen. Gates though it improper to discharge any, we have sent them all. We hope no alteration will be made in the officers. The captain has behaved very well on this occasion, and has done BATTALION OF RIB^LEMEN. 23 all in his power, by advancing money, &c., to forward the im- portant common cause. Mr. Miller is known to some of you gentlemen. The other officers are men of worth and property; they have all wives and families, and are entitled to the warm- est thanks of their country. (Signed) JAMES SMITH, GEORGE IRVIN, JOHN KEAN, JOSEPH DONALDSON, THOMAS HARTLEY, MICHAEL HAHN. "P. S. The company began their march the nearest road to Boston this day." Extract of a letter I'eceived in Philadelphia, dated Cambridge, July 31, 1775: "Last Friday [29th July], we were informed by our out sen- tries at the foot of Bunker's Hill, that the enemy had cut down several large trees, and were busy all night in throwing up a line and abattis in front of it. In the evening orders were given to the York County Rifle Company to march down to our advanced post, on Charlestown Neck, to endeavor to sur- round the enemy's advanced guard, and bring off some pris- oners, from whom we expected to learn the enemy's design in throwing up the abattis in the Neck. The rifle company di- vided, and executed their plan in the following manner: Capt. Doudel, with thirty-nine men, filed off to the right of Bunker's Hill, and, creeping on their hands and knees, got into the rear of the enemies sentries without being discovered. The other division, of forty men, under Lieut. Miller, were equally successful in getting behind the sentries on the left, and were within a few yards of joining the division on the right, when a party of regulars came down the hill to relieve their giiard, and crossed our riflemen under Capt. Doudel, as they were lying on the ground in an Indian file. The regulars were with- in twenty yards of our riflemen before they saw them, and im- mediately fired. The riflemen returned the salute, killed sev- eral, and brought off two prisoners and their muskets with the loss of Corporal Crouse [Cruise], who is supposed to be killed, as he has not been heard of since the affair." The roll which follows does not comprise more than one- half the strength of Capt. Doudel's company. All research has failed to complete it. 24 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Captains. Doudel, Michael, resigned on account of ill health soon after the company reached Cambridge. Miller, Henry, from first lieutenant. First Lieutenant. Miller, Henry, promoted captain. Second Lieutenant. Dill, John. Third Lieutenants. Matson, James. Clark, John, afterwards major in Col. McAllister's battalion, and aid to Gen. Greene; in February, 1778, auditor of ac- counts; died December 27, 1819, at York, Peun'a, aged sixty-eight. Corporal. Cruise, Walter, captured in front of Boston, July 29, 1775; a prisoner seventeen months; promoted captain Sixth Perin'a. Privates. Armor, Robert. Armstrong, George. Beverly, John. Bettinger, Christian. Brown, John, captured in September, 1775, in front of Boston. Campbell, Thomas, afterwards captain Fourth Penn'a. Clark, John, promoted lieutenant. Cline, William, re-enlisted and discharged March, 1777; died in 1826, in York county. Cooper, William. Dougherty, George. Douther, John. Evans, Abel. Ferguson, John. Graft, Robert. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 25 Griffith, John. Halbut, Joseph. Kennedy, Richard. Kennedy, Thomas. Lelap, Daniel, died January 29, 1776. Lewis, Abram. McAllister, John. McCreary, John. McCurt, John. Minshall, Joshua. Mill, James. Moore, Edward. Ramsey, David, discharged July 1, 1776; enlisted in Col. Han- num's battalion, and taken at Brandy wine; resided in York county, 1818, aged sixty-nine. Russell, William, promoted ensign in Third Penn'a. Shields, Matthew. Staley, Jacob. Siart, Andrew. Sullivan, Patr^'ck, enlisted June 24, 1775; re-enlisted First Penn'a. , Sweeney, Isaac, promoted lieutenant in Hartley's regiment. Tanner, Tobias. Taylor, John. Turner, Cornelius, taken v.ith Corporal Cruise, and carried to Halifax. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM HENDRICKS' COMPANY, (a.) [Enlisted in Cumberland county, in June, 1775.] Henry McEwen, in his application for a pension, states u^at "Hendricks' company left Carlisle on the 15th of July, 1775, and arrived in camp at Cambridge on the 8th of August." The records show the rank and file numbered eighty-five men. The following names are taken from Judge Henry's narrative, pen- sion-rolls, and documents among the archives of the State. Congress, Oct'^ber 15, 1776, allowed the executors of Captain Hendricks, eighty-five dollars, one dollar for each man enlisted by him, which was no doubt the strength of his company. In Provost Smith's oration on the death of General Mont- 26 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S gomery, and his officers, delivered February 19, 1776, before the Continental Congress, he thus alluaes to Capt. Hendricks: "I must not, however, omit the name of the brave Captain Hendricks, who com- y manded one of the t «-- /i^'^/^^y^'-^^^^^^ Pennsylvania riue com- '^ panies, and was known to me from his infancy. He was, indeed, prodigal of his life, and courted danger out of his tour of duty. The command of the guard belonged lo him on the morning of the attack, but he solicited, and obtained leave to take a more conspicuous post, and having led his men through the barrier; where his com- manding officer, General Arnold, was wounded, he long sus- tained the fire of the garrison with unshaken firmness, till, at last, receiving a shot in his breast, he immediately expired. These particulars were certified by General Thompson, and Col- onel Magaw, his commanders in the Pennsylvania rifle regi- ment, and they gave me this further character of him in their letter: 'No fatigues of duty ever discouraged him; he paid the strictest attention to his company, and was ambitious that they should excel in discipline, so]3riety, and order. His social and domestic virtues you were well acquainted with." Captain Hendricks was born in Cumberland county, on the place long known as Tobias Hendricks', near Oyster's Point, two miles west of Harrisburg. He was buried at Quebec, in the same enclosure with General Montgomery, on the south side. In reference to Lieut. McClellan, the following extract from a letter addressed by him to Capt. James Chambers, at Ireland's farm, near Cambridge, will be of interest. It is dated Norridge- wock. Me., October, 1775: "Sir: With my best wishes, I send this to inform you that it is your indispensable duty to thank God for not permitting the devil to put in into General Wash- ington's head to send you here." He then gives an account of the wretched country through which they passed and thinks their sufferings a suflicient punishment for all their sins. Captain. Hendricks, William. June 2.5, 1775; killed in action at Quebec, January 1, 1776. First Lieutenant. McClellan, John, died on the march through the wilderness, November 3, 1775; he left a daughter, Priscilla, who resided in Cumberland county in 1787. then aged fourteen years, whose descendants still reside in Juniata county. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 27 Second Lieutenant. Nichols, Francis, captured at Quebec, January 1, 1776; re- turned from captivity October 10, 1776; December 16, 1776, promoted to the rank of captain, to have rank and pay from the day of the death of Capt. Hendricks; subsequently major Ninth Penn'a. Third Lieutenant. Francis, George. Sergeants. Gibson, Dr. Thomas, of Carlisle; died at Valley Forge in the winter of 1778. Crone, Henry,* of York county. Greer, Joseph,* his wife accompanied the expedition. McCoy, Willicim.- Privates. Agnew, Edward.* Albright, George, was in the provincial service 1763-4; resided in Cumberland county in 1811. Anderson, Thomas.* Baker, Philip,* wounded at Quebec. Blair, John.* Burns, Alexander.* Burns, Peter.* Burns, William.* Campbell, John, killed at Quebec. Carlisle, Daniel.* Carswell, John,* released April 21, 1777. Casey, Roger.* Caskey, Joseph.* Chambers, John.* Cooke, Thomas,* afterwards lieutenant of Eight Penn'a. Cove, John.* *Indicatos those who were captured. Note.— The greater part of the foregoing names of Hondriok's coiiiiiany and Smith's postea, were taken from an old time worn manuscript found (Oc- tober, 1S78), among some estate papers in Cumberland county. To those in italics is the following note upon the original: "Listed in the king's service. Some listed in the English to prevent going to England that they might es- cape." There were no rolls of either Hendricks' orSniith's companies among the Hand papers. 28 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Craig, John, promoted lieutenant in second battalion, Col. St. Clair. Cummings, Matthew.* Eckles, Arthur, re-enlisted; resided in Cumberland county in 1809. Frainer, Peter.* Furlow, Francis.* Gammel, William.* Gardner, John.* Graham, Daniel.* Greer, James.* Greer, Thomas.* Hardy, John.* Hardy, Elijah. Henderson, John,* wounded at Quebec. Hoge, James,* resided in Cumberland county in 1794. Ireland, James.* Kelly, Dennis, killed at Quebec. Kirkpatrick, William.* Lynch, Richard.* Lamb, David, discharged July 1, 177G; died in Centre county, February 12, 1837, aged eighty-three; buried in Jackson- ville grave-yard. Lesley, Thomas,* served under Gen. Forbes in 1758; enlisted with the British service after capture; deserted at Mont- real, August 31, 1776, and returned to the American lines; killed on board the Penn'a fleet at Fort Mifflin, in Novem- ber, 1777. Lorain, John, re-enlisted; wounded at Monmouth; promoted ensign; resided in Allegheny county in 1822. McChesney, John,* wounded in left leg at Quebec, December 31, 1775; afterwards captain in Flying Camp; died at Har- risburg in May, 1822. McClellan, Daniel.* McClure, Richaro.* McCormick, Henry. McEwen, Henry.* enlisted July 11, 1775; wounded by bayonet through hand December 31; paroled August 3, 177G; ex- changed in 1778; died in Centre county, October 14, 1S23; buried at Centre Hill. McFarlane, Archbald,* made his e.soai;f and enlisted in Cap!. Dayle's rifle comMrny. McGuire, Barnard.* McLin, John.* BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 29 McMurdy, John, re-en)isted in Flying Camp; afterwards ser- geant in Capt. Patterron's company, Second Penn'a. Mason, Jacob.* Maxwell, Philip.* Morrison, George.* Morrow, George.* Morton, Edward.* MurdocK, Thomas.* North, Daniel.* O'Hara, Daniel.* O'Hara, William,* exchanged November S, 1776. Ray, John.* Reed, James.* Rinehart, George, re-enlisted in Second Penn'a. Rodden, Edwrrd.* Shannon, William.* Smith, William.* Snell, William.- Steel, Robert;* exchanged January 3, 1777; promoted ensign in Fourth Penn'a. Sweeney, Hugh; resided in Cumberland county in 1812. Sweeney, Edward. Swaggerty, Abraham;* wounded at Quebec. Taylor, Matthew. Turpentine, Henry.* Young, Michael.* Witherop, Thomas.* Wright, Joseph.* ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN LOWDON'S COMPANY, (a.) The journal of Aaron Wright, New York Historical Magazine, 1862, page 209, states, that Capt. Lowdon's company was sworn in at Northumberland, June 29, 1775, after which "we chose our officers and lay there until the 7th of July, when we got orders to march next morning. When on parade our first lieutenant came and told us he would be glad if we would excuse him from going, which we refused, but on consideration we all con- cluded it was better to consent. * * * j^ the even- ing we chose a private in his place. The next morning we marched on board the boats, &c. July 13, reached Reading, where we got our knapsacks, blankets, &c." They left Reading 30 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S on the 20th of July, and were at Bethlehem on the 1st of Au- gust; reached North River opposite New Windsor, August 20. On the 24th, marched through Litcnfield, Conn., crossed the Connecticut near Hartford on the 26th, and reached Dudley, Mass., on the 30th of August. On the 31st they marched to Weston, and stayed all night; thence through Framingham, Watertown, tO' Cambridge; thence to Prospect Hill. As the return, ante, of August 18, 1775, includes nine captains and twenty-seven lieutenants, the field officers who arrived on the 17th, may have included this company before its arrival, or Aaron Wright may have been with rear arrivals. The pri- vates were from the West Branch valley, around and north of Sunbury, and among them were Samuel Brady, Peter Pence, Timothy Murphy, and others who became noted in the annals of border warfare. Timothy Murphy, of Northumberland, was vvith ^apt. Parr, under Col. Morgan, at Stillwater and Sara- toga, and was the soldier who shot Gen. Frazer in the action of the 7th of October, 1777. See Simm's Schoharie, page 259. Lossing's Field Book, a'oI. i. page 62. Capt. John Lowdon re- sided, when he raised this company, on his farm called "Silvor Spring," adjoining now the town of Mifflinburg, in Union county, where he died in February, 1798, in his sixty-eighth year. He was a member of the Supreme Executive Council, elected November 4, 1776. First Lieutenant James Parr was from Buffalo Valley, near New Columbia. He rose to the rank of Major, and became noted throughout the army for daring and intrepidity. His history subsequent to the Revolution seems altogether lost. He died prior to 1804. James Wilson, second lieutenant, was a noted surveyor in Northumberland county prior to the war. William Wilson, third lieutenant, or ensign, served the entire period of the war. On the 13th of January, 1792, he was appointed associate judge of Northumberland county, which office he held until his death, in 1813. Sergeant David Hammond rose to the rank of first lieuten- ant, and served throughout the war. He was severely wounded in Wayne's attack upon the block-house at Bergen Point, near Jersey City, July 21, 1780. He never recovered from the effects of his wound, which caused his death April 27, 1801, aged fifty- five. He is buried in the Chillisquaque grave-yard. He was the father of the late Gen. R. H. Hammond, of Milton, Penn'a, and grandfather of Lieut. Thos. C. Hammond, who fell in the Mexican war, at San Pasqual, December 6, 1846. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 31 Captain. Lowilon, John, June 25, 1775. First Lieutenant. Parr, James, June 25, 1775. Second Lieutenants. Wilson, James, June 25, 1775. Wilson, William, from third lieutenant, January 4, 1776. Third Lieutenants. Wilson, William, June 25, 1775; promoted second lieutenant January 4, 1776. Dougherty, John, from sergeant, January 4, 1776. Sergeants. Dougherty, John, promoted third lieutenant, January 4, 1776. Hammond, David. McCormick, Alexander. ^ McMurray, William. Dougherty, Cornelius, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Corporals. Henry Thomas. Edwards, William. White, John, died January 8, 1776. Carson, James, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Deer's Mill. Cochran, Charles. Drummer. Grosvenor, Richard; died November 10, 1819, in Nicholas county, Kentucky. Privates. Adkins, William. All, Joseph; enlisted June 31, 1775; discharged July 31, 1775. Benickler, Jdhn, afterwards sergeant in the German regiment. Brady, Samuel. Eriggs, William. 32 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Butler, George, enlisted June 24, 1775; discharged January 25, 1776. Calhoun, William. Carothers, Robert, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Carson, James, promoted corporal January 4, 1776. Casaday, John. Cealy, Samuel. Clements, David. Cochran, Charles, -enlisted July 1, 1775; promoted corporal Jan- uary 8, 1776; discharged July 1, 1776; resided in Crawford county in 1819. Condon, Peter. Davis, David. Dean, John, enlisted June 24, 1775; discharged July 19, 1775; re-enlisted in Tenth Penn'a. Eicholtz, John. Evans, John, discharged July 10, 1776. P"'inkboner, Jacob, enlisted June 24, 1775; discharged January 26, 1776. Ford, Charles. Ginter, Philip. Giltson, Thomas, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Hamilton, [Hamberton], John, enlisted July 1, 1775. Harris, David, served four months two weeks; he was a brother of John Harris, founder of tiarrisburg. Hare, Michael, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Hempington, Thomas. Henning, Christopher. Humber, William. Jamieson, William. Johns, Samuel. Johnson, James. Jones, Lewis. Kilday, Thomas. Kline, Nicholas. Ladley, John. Landon, Samuel. Leek, William. Lines, Robert, enlisted at Derr's Mill, July ], 1775. Lindy, Jacob, resided in Lancnstcr county in 1813. Lobdon, Thomas. Masseker, Reuben, enlisted June 21, 1775; deserted July 31. 1775. Madock, Moses. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 83 Malouo, John. Maloy, Charles. McCleary, James. ]\lcConnell, Cornelius. McCoy [McAvery], Martin. McGonigal, Patrick. McMasters [Mastersou], Edward, enlisted July 1, 1775; resided in Lycoming county in 1S23. McMullan, Alexander. Morgan, William. Murray, William. Murphy, John. Murphy, Timothy. Neely, John, captured at Fort Freeland, January 28, 1779, and taken to Canada. Oakes, Daniel. Oliver, John. Parker, Michael. Peltson, Thomas. Pence, Peter, ^ied in Crawford township, Clinton county, 1827. Ray, John. Ritchie, Robert, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Roach, Bartholomew. Robinson, John.* Sands, George. Saltzman, George, enlisted July 1, 1775, at Derr's Mill. Segar, George. Silverthorn, Henry. Shawnee John (a Shawanese Indian) ; died at Bald Eagle Nest. — See Jones^ Juniata, page j^2. Smith, John, died in service; he was a son of Widow Smith, who built the first mill on the White Deer creek, Union county. Speedy, James. Sutton, Arad, resided in Lycoming county in 1791, on the east bank of Lycoming creek. Swainey, James, enlisted June 24, 1775; discharged July 20 1775. Teel, John, re-enlisted Twelfth Penn'a. Tuft, Robert, enlisted June 30, 1775; discharged October 25, 1775. Valentine, Philip, enlisted June 24, 1775; discharged July 20, 1775. Ward, Peter. 3— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 34 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Ward, John. West, Charles, died January 4, 177G. Whiteneck, Joseph. Wright, Aaron, resided in Reading in 1840. Youse, John. Young, Robert, re-enlisted in Capt. Wilkinson's company, Lieut. Col. Proctor; discharged at Trenton, January 1, 1781; died in Walker township. Centre county, November 19, 1824. A return of Capt. Lowdon's company for March, 1776, indi- cates the presence of a captain, three lieutenants, four ser- geants, four corporals and seventy privates, signed James Wilson, lieutenant. Some of the privates of this company also served their coun- try upon the soil of every one of the original thirteen States and through the entire period of the war, as appears from "the petition presented to the Legislature of Pennsylvania', March 13, 1817: "The petition of John Youse, a resident of Rockland town- ship, Berks county, humbly showeth: "That your petitioner first enlisted in the county of North- umberland, under Captain Lowdon, in 1775, and marched to Boston in the first campaign in the Revolutionary war with Great Britain. Was in a slight engagement there, at Ploughed Hill, and in several battles and scrimmages "on Long Island, and at the taking of the Hessians at the battle of Trenton, on the second Christmas day in the year. — At the battle of Bruns- wick, where I received a wound in the left hip [15th June, 1777], and was at the taking of Burgoyne, in the rifle corps commanded by Col. Morgan and Major Parr, my captain then. I was one of the party of the corps in the expedition against the Indians at Genessee, Seneca, &c., and was one of the party of five who survived out of twenty-four in a scouting party, and forty-one days of that campaign was on half rations. I was at the taking of Stony Point, and at the attack on the Block House [Bergen's Point, July 21, 1780], Gen. Wayne our commander. I was one of the eight hundred at Green Springs, in Virginia [July 6, 1781], in that hard engagement. My last service was on James Island, in South Carolina, and I have never received any satisfaction for back rations to this day; and for my certificates for my pay, my indigent circumstances obliged me to sell for fifty cents per twenty shillings, and for my said pay, it being State money, I passed for what was called silk money, which silk money went to nothing. So that I lost in a manner all my long, hard eight year earnings. I BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 35 am now unable to procure a livelihood by labor; therefore, I pray your honorable body to commiserate my miserable situa- tion, and place me on the pension list, so that I may not be- come chargeable to the township where I live. So that it may not be said after I am buried, 'there is John Youse's grave, who cost our township so much money.' " ROLL OF CAPTAIN ABRAHAM MILLERS COMPANY, (a.) [EnUsted in Northampton county.] Captains. Miller, Abraham, June 25, 1775, of Mount Bethel; resigned Nov- ember 9, 1775. Craig, Charles, from first lieutenant, November, 1775. First Lieutenants. Craig, Charles, promoted captain November, 1775. ■Craig, Thomas, from second lieutenant, November, 1775. Second Lieutenants. Craig, Thomas, promoted first lieutenant, November, 1775. Craig, Samuel. Third Lieutenants. Harris, David, promoted first lieutenant of Nagel's company, January 5, 1776. Sergeants. Holmes, Christian. Norcross, Aaron, promoted lieutenant. Brodhead, Luke, afterwards captain Sixth Penn'a. Anderson, Enoch. Corporals. Hains, Daniel. James, David. Armitage, Shubert. Sawyer, John. COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON S Drummer. Adams, Peter. Privateb. Bennett, Jacob. Bowman, Michael. Boyd, Daniel. Bruner, Rhiuehart. Buckly, Christopher. Burger, Jost. Carter, Thomas. Carey, Martin. Clifton, Robert. Clemms, Thomas. Cooker, Nicholas. ConcKlin, Richard. Curtis, Marmaduke. Dailey, Elias. Dean, Samuel, of Bucks county; in 1776, appointed lieutenant of Col. Hart's Battalion, Flying Camp; subsequently lieu- tenant of Eleventh Penn'a. Deats, Chris. Decker, Benjamin. Engle, Wendle. Ferguson, William. Frantz, Henry. Frantz, Peter. Fritzman, Elias. Galoraith, Thomas. Gaston, Hugh. Hartney, Chris. Harvey, John. Hayward, John. Hegerman, James. Hernichon, John; wounded in the jaw at Long Island; drafted into the Commander-in-Chief Guards in 1778; resided in 1810, Warrington township, Bucks county. Homer, Samuel. Hoster, Peter. Jacobs, Cornelius. Johnson, Jame.s. Johnston, Robert. Karich, William. Kehrer, Martin, died in hospital at Princetown. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 37 Kliue, Bernhard. Koken, Peter. Kaup, Michael. Ledger, Peter. Ledlie, James. Levy, Nathan. Louker, Henry. McCarty, Daniel. McElive, James. McFerrin, John. Marshall, Robert. Matthias, Henry. Miller, Jacob. Miller, John. Moeser, John. Moyer, Jacob. Nousted, Peter. Orr, Joseph. Price, Rees. Richart, Thomas. Rishell, George. Robertson, Robert. Roy, Patrick. Snyder, John. Sonn, David. Wagner, Adam. Watson, John. Weill, Andrew. White, John. Wighouse, Anthony. ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE NAGEL'S COMPANY, (a.) [Enlisted at Reading, Berks county.] A letter dated "Camp at Cambridge, July 24, 1775," says: "The Reading company of rifles got into camp last Tuesday (18th); the rest are hourly expected and much wanted." Captains. Nagel, George, commissioned June 25, 1775; promoted major of the Fifth battalion. Col. Robert Magaw, January 5, 1776. 38 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Conner, Morgan, commissioned January 5, 1776; March 9 called from camp by Congress, and sent into the Southern depart- ment; afterwards lieutenant colonel of Col. Hartley's regi- ment. First lieutenants. Conner, Morgan, commission dated July 17, 1775; promoted captain. Harris. David, appointed January 5, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Scull, Peter, commissioned July 17, 1775; promoted captain of Third Penn'a battalion. Col. John Shee's, January 5, 1776; promoted major of Col. John Patton's regiment, January 11, 1777. Chambers, Benjamin, senior, from private, Capt. Chambers' company, January 5, 1776; subsequently first lieutenant First Penn'a. Third Lieutenants. Grubb, Peter, commissioned July 17, 1775, appointed to Miles' rifle regiment. Weiser, Peter, appointed January 5, 1776. Surgeon. Potts, Dr. Jonathan. Sergeants. Bower, Jacob, appointed quarter-master. Lincoln, Hananiah, see Twelfth Penn'a. McKinty, John. Brannon, Alexander. Gibbons, Philip. Williams, James. Hughes, Hugh. Senevely, Henry. Heiner, Casper. Molay, John. Corporals. Drummer. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 3! Privates. Bain, Thomas. Baldy, Christopher. Berger, Yost, Bourlve, Conrad. Bowman, Peter. Brough, Peter. Brown, James. Bermeter, John, living in Berks county, in ISIO. Ceney, Michael. Cool [Kool], Casper, died in Berks county, in 1807. Cox, John. Creed, Robert. Crowley, William. Deckert, Henry. Derr, Christian, re-enlisted in old Eleventh, Col. Humpton. Dennison, Hugh. Dombaugh, John. Duck, Jacob. Elgerts, Jacob. Ebright, Jacob. Engel, Andrew. Felix, Peter. Fisher, George. Fought, Christian. Foust, Michael. Franklinberry, Lewis. Gearhart, George. Gordon, Charles. Gorman, Daniel. Graff, Daniel. Grant, John. Griffith, Abraham, Grow, John. Harris, Timothy. Huber ,John. Jones, William. Kemmerling, Georg*. Kerner, John, wounded at Lechmere Pond, Nov. 9, 1775; re- enlisted in Sixth Penn'a in 1777. Kleckner, Charles, promoted ensign of German regiment. Lasure, Nicholas. Leaman, John. Leib, Casper. 40 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Leitheiser, Harmon, ensign Sixth Penn'a, postea. Lewis, John. McFarland, Samuel. Martin, Christopher. Miller, Michael. Mingle, Peter. Mogey [McGee], Alexander. Moyer, Adam. Moyer, Christian, or Meyer, Christopher. Moyer, Michael. Nibber, Ernst [Lawrence]. Nipple, Frederick. Orwig, Henry. Parks, Samuel. Pickle, Adam. Reiger, Elias, discharged July 1, 177C; resided in Union county in 1820. Reilly, Thomas. Rewalt, John. Robinson, "Vvilliam. Rone, Christian. Shanefelt, Nicholas. Shirk, Andrew. Smith, Joseph. Senevely, Henry, Sen. Spotts, George. Stone, John. Streker, John. Tuey, Frederick. Umstedd, Abraham. Waggoner, Philip, of Tulpehocken. Waltman, Nicholas. Wander, Christian. Weiser, John. Willey, Isaac. A return of March, 1776, states the strength of the company as follows: One captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer, and sixty-five privates present. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 41 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES ROSS' COMPANY, (a.) [Enlisted In Lancaster county. Arrived in camp, at Cambridge, August 18, 1775.] Captain. Ross, James, Lancaster. First Lieutenant. Zanck, Jacob. Second Lieutenant. Hubley, Frederick, Lancaster. Third Lieutenant. Ziegler, David. Sergeant. Dick, John, promoted third lieutenant First Penn'a. Privates. Anderson, Adam. Barnett, Joseph. Bealer, George. Brown, James, re-enlisted in Captain Lane's company of new levies, and taken prisoner at Long Island, August 27, 1776; subsequently enlisted in the British service, and deserted to the American lines November 23, 1776. Collins, Robert. Connelly, John. Creighton, Alexander, mortally wounded November 9, 1775. Carpenter, Richard. Burd, William. Burke, , captured November 9, 1775. Decker, Henry. Delwick, Casimer. Dillinger, William. Dorsh, Frederick. Dugan, Michael. Egle, Adam, promoted to wagon-marter; resided in Lancaster, 1782. 42' COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Egle, Valentine. Fortney, Henry. Freany, James. Freany, John. Galbraith, Hugh. Gribben, James. Grimes, William. Grubb, Jacob, discharged July, 1776; joined Capt. App's com- pany of militia, of Lancaster county, and at the battle of Germantown; re-enlisted in Capt. Craig's cavalry com- pany, served to end of war; resided in Lancaster, county, 1814. Hamilton, . Hoover, Albright. Lock, Conrad. Lutz [Lutis], John. McCay [McCoy], John. McHaffey, James. McWilliams, Ephraim. Maloney, John, re-enlisted First Penn'a; served until January, 1781; resided in Lancaster in 1810. McNair, Archibald, re-enlisted in Capt. Andrew Porter's com- pany of artillery. Matthews, Henrj. Miller, Frederick. Morrison, John. Moskell, Lawrence. Newsorper, Christopher. Newcomer, Christopher. Newman, John. Ogelby, Charles. Porter, William'. Reese, David. Reimer, William. Seamis, Stephen. Shaver, Jacob. Smith, George. Somraers, Matthias. Stratton, John, Thompson, Charles. Weaver, Albright. Welsh, Thomas. Weyland, Michael. Winegarden, Henry. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 43 ROLL OF CAPTAIN MATTHEW SMITH'S COMPANY, (a.) LEiiliiJted in that part of Lancaster county wliicli is now Daupliin.] Capt. Smith was allowed a bounty of one dollar each for eighty men enlisted. Hehry states that sixty-five of their num- b e r reached the Plains of Abraham ■ ,_^ ^^ -yy-y — ^" November. Of ^y//^t/pf . '/^^^'^^^'^VL^ the whole company nearly captured on the 1st of January scarcely thirty, he states, remained in prison. These were paroled August 7, arrived at New York, September 11, 1776, and were exchanged, in 1778, for the St. John's prisoners, captured by Gen. Montgomery. (See note to Hendricks' company.) Captain. Smith, Matthev/, Paxtang. First Lieutenant. Steele, Archibald,* Donegal. Steele was in command of Smith's company on the night of December 31st, and lost three fingers. He returned from captivity October 10, 1776. He died in command of U. S. Arsenal at Frankford. Second Lieutenant. Simpson, Michael, Paxtang, promoted captain First Penn'a. Third Lieutenant. Cross, William, Hanover; promoted first lieutenant in Col. Moylan's cavalry, and June 3, 1777, captain in Fourth Penn'a. 44 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Sergeants. Dixon, Robert, West Hanover; killed in front of Quebec, No- vember 17, 1775. Boyd, Thomas,* Derry, subsequently captain-lieutenant First Penn'a. Cunningham, Robert,* Londonderry, died at Lancaster, about 1790, of disease contracted in service. Snodgrass, Joseph.* Weaver, Martin, Upper Paxtang; v^as a justice of the peace; died August 29, 1803. Corporal. Harrigan, Henry.* Drummer. Shaffer, John,* residing in Lancaster in 1S09. Privates. Anderson, John.* Angles, James, Ivilled at Quebec. Ayres, John, Upper Paxtang, returned from Boston, and not on the expedition. Bell, John, died in Dauphin county, 1823. Binnagle, Curtis, Londonderry. Black, James, Hanover, residing in Dauphin county, 1825. Black, John, Upper Paxtang. Bollinger, Emanuel,* Paxtang. Boyd, Hugh.* Brandon, James, left sick at Cambridge. Campbell, Patrick.* Carbach, Peter,* Paxtang, wounded; after his return, enlisted in Capt. J. P. Schott's company. Carbach, Samuel. * Cavanaugh, Edward,* resided in Cumberland county, 1835, aged 81. Chancellor, Robert, left sick at Cambridge. Connor, Timothy,* Bethel. Crain, Daniel.* Dixon, John. Dixon, Richard, of Dixon's Ford. Dougherty, James,* Londonderry, subsequently enlisted in Twelfth Penn'a. BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN. 45 Elliott, Alexander, killed at Quebac. Feely, Timothy, Dixon's Ford. Fitzpatrick, Michael.* Fraley, Francis, left sick at Cambridge. Griffith, John, Harris' Ferry, left sick at Cambridge. Gunn, Thomas.* Harris, John, son of John, Founder of Harrisburg, killed at Quebec. Henry, John Joseph,* volunteer, Lancaster; appointed Decem- ber 16, 1793, president judge, Second judicial district of Penn'a; died April 22, 1811, and buried in the Moravian grave-yard at Lancaster city. "Mr. Henry, jr., has fol- lowed the troops to Canada, nothing but a perfect loose ^o his feelings, will tame his rambling desire." — Hand's Let- ter, October 3, 1775. Higgins, Joseph.* Hoffman, Daniel, left sick at Cambridge. Kennedy, John, Hanover. Labant, Anthony.* McAnnaly, Henry,* Londonderry. McCarter [McArthur], Alexander.* McGinnis, Owen. McGranagan, Cnarles, Londonderry. McKonkey, John, Hanover. McMullan, Daniel, left sick at Cambridge. Marshall, Lawrence, Hanover. Meyers, Conrad.* Mellen, Atchison, Paxtang. See First Penn'a. Miller, Henry, killea at Quebec. Miller, John,* wounded at Quebec. Moore, Robert, left sick in Canada; returned in June, 1776. Mortworth, Ingrahart, killed at Quebec. Nelson, Alexander, Derry, killed January 1, 1776, Newhard, Philip.- Nogel, Nicholas.* Old, James, Derry. Pugh, Thomas.* Purree, John, left sick at Cambridge. Randolph, William.* Reynolds, William, October 24, sent back from Wilderness sick. Richmond, Robert* Rowland, Thomas. Ryan, John, Derry. Sheaf, Michael.* 46 COL. WILLIAM THOMPSON'S Silbourne, Thomas,* wounded at Quebec. Simpson, William, Paxtang, wounded August 27, 1775, in front of Boston, and died a few days after. He was a brother of Lieutenant afterwards General Michael Simpson and of John Simpson, many years recorder of Northumberland county. Smith, Samuel, died in Dauphin county, 1785. Sparrow, William, Derry. Stewart, James, re-enlisted and discharged at Trenton, 1781. Taylor, John M., living in 1809.— Henry, page 67. Taylor, Henry,* returned November 10, 1776. Teeder, Michael, Hanover. See Fifth Penn'a. Todd, John, Hanover. Thompson, Robert, subsequently in quarter-master's depart- ment, and taken prisoner in the naval service; died in Dauphin county in 1823. Walker, Thomas.* Wann, Michael, re-enlisted First Penn'a February, 1777. WaVner, James, died in the Wilderness, near Chaudiere. Weirick, Valentine,* resided in Dauphin county, 1813. Wheeler, . Wilson, James, resided in Lancaster county in 1812. Young, John Henry, enlisted in Hazen's regiment; resided in Dauphin county, 1813. Miscellaneous. Russell, William, afterwards ensign Third Penn'a. Clabbaugh, Walter, Cresap's company; resided in Huntingdon county in 1848, aged sixty-eight. APPOINTMENT OF BATTALION OFFICERS. OCTOBER, 1775. («) 48 APPOINTMENT OF BATTALION APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS, (c.) First Penn'a Battalion by Assembly Oct., 1775. Dehaas, Col- onel, appointed by Congress. James Irwin, Lieut. Co Anthony James Morris, Major. Captains. "V\ m. Allen, Jiin'". Jona. Jones. Wm. Williams. Josiah Harmar. Merian Lamar. Thos. Dorsey. William Jenkins, resigned. Augustine Willet. Lieutenants. Benj. Davis. Sam'l Watson, appointed Capt. in Shee's dead. Jacob Ashmead, succeeded Jenkins. Peter Hughes. Adam Hubley. John Reese. Fred. Blankenoerg. Richard btanrMey. Ensigns. Roger Steiner. Philip Clumberg, Jun'r. Jacob Zeigler. George Jenkins. Christian Staddle. Wm. Moore. Amos. Wilkinson. John Rankeon. 2d, 3. 1 and ', Battalion appointed by Commitloo of Safety. OFFICERS OCTOBER, 1776. Colonels. Arthur St. Clair. John Shee, resigned. Anthony Wayne. Robt. Magan. Lieutenant Colonels. Lambert Cadwaladcr. William Allen, .Jun'r, rcs;gned. Francis Johnston. Joseph Penrose. Majors. Joseph Wood. (Promoted to Col. St. Clair's Batt.) Geo. Nagel. Henry Bicker. Nicholas Housagger. (Promoted to command of German Batt.) William Lawrence. (Reg. Paymaster to late Shees.) Benj. Fishbourne. (Reg. Paymaster to Col. Wood's.) Magaw's. — Capt. John Beaty. Lt. Col. of Wood's.— Thomas Craig. Major of Wood's. — William Butler. Magaw's. — John Miller. Eldest Capt. of late Shee's.— William West. Woods. — John Brisban. Magaw's. — Samuel Benezet. App'd Major of Wayne's. — Perriser Frazer. Capt. of Wayne's. — Thos. Robinson. Wood's. — Rudolph Bonner. Wood's. — Stephen Bayard. Wayne's. — John Lacey. Resigned. — Peter Cull. Wayne's. — Caleb Noarth. Magaw's. — Christopher Stuart. Shee's. — Alex. Graydcn. Wayne's. — Thos. Church. Dead. — Samuel Watson. Wood's — John Hulings. Wayne's. — Fred"k Vernon. Shee's. — David Lenox. Resigned. — Walter Stuart. 4— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 50 APPOINTMENT OF BATTALION Shee's.— Thos. Biles. Wood's. — John Reese. Magaw's. — John Spokn. Nathaniel Van^ant, M-.gaw's. Wayne's. — James Moore. Henry Allice. James Taylor, Wayne'?. Peter Decker, Magaw'r. Joseph Hubley, Shee's. Matthew Duncan, Magaw's. First Lieutenants. Joseph Potts, Wayne's. John Richardson, Magaw's. Alexander Johnston, Wayne's. Thomas Lloyd Moore, Wood's. Joseph Davenport, Capt. in Shee's Prisoner. N. \or\i. John Chillton. Evan Edwards. John Bankson. Benjamin Bartholomew, Wayne's. Matthew Knox, Shee's. James R. Reid, Wayne's. Samuel Moore, .Vood'^•. James Christie, Woyne's. John Lawrence. John Christie, Shee's. John Williamson, A'Tvnet; Geo. Tudor, Shee's. John Gross. John David Woelpper. (Appointed a Capt. in German Batta- lion.) Robert Wilkins, Shee's Daniel Broadhead, Jun'r, Shee's. John Morgan, Magaw's. Samuel Smith. Andrew Kechlin. Dead. Adam Eettin, Shes's. William Davidson, Shee's. William Bird, Wood's. Michael Kimmel, Wayne's. John Priestley. OFFICERS OCTOBER. 1776. Charles Phile, Wood's. Michael Hoofnagle. Resigned. John Helm, Magaw's. Second Lieutenants. James Montgomery. Ezra Bartleson. Alexander McClintock, Wayne's. William Filton, Shee's. Walter Becker, Shee's. Ross Currie, Woods. John Budd Dunn, Woods. John Dugerid. Robert Gregg, Wayne's. William Crawford, Wood's. William Chambers, resigned. John Finley, Shee's. Thomas Jenny. John Craig, Wood's. Richard Collier, Magaw's. Andrew Forrest. Henry Epple. Resigned. Robert Connolly, Shee's. Isaac Seily, Wayne's. Thomas Boude, Wayne's. Michael Ryan, Wayne's. Thomas Holland. Resigned. Henry Becker, Shee's. William Standley, Wayne's. Charles McHenry, Wayne's. John Woodside, Shee's. Charles C. Beatty, Wayne'.?. John Rudolph. Charles Seits. Benjamin Armitage. Andrew Dover. Edward Young. Magav.''R. Ensigns. Benjamin Miller, Wood's. James Hunter. Alexander Hall. Job Vernon, Wayne's. 52 APPOINTMENT OF BATTALION John Henry, Junr. Thomas Park. Joel Westcoat. James McKie. James 0. Harra. John Gansel. William Craig. Wood's. William Old, Shee's. John Savidge. John Evana. Isaac Vanhorn. Ezeldel Setts, Wayne's. Harman Stout, Wayne's. James Black. Thomas Mclntire. Jacob Funk, Wayne's. Edward Hovendon. James Cloyd. Samuel Schriver. Abel Morris. John Wallace. Discharged. John Barclay, Wayne's. James Mulloy. Mordicai Davis. John Dover. Levi Griffith, Wayne's. James Gibbons. Sixth Battalion. William Irvine, Colonel. ■ Thos. Hartley, Lieut. Col. James Dunlap, Major. David Grier. Abraham Smith. Samuel Hay. Jeremiah Tolbert. William Ripyie. Moses McClain. James A. Wilson. Robert Adams. Captairs. OFFICERS OCTOBER, 1776. 6S First Lieutenants. / William Alexander. Bernard Eichelberger. John McDonual. Rob't White. \Villiam Bratton. John McDowel. Lewis Burk. John Grier. Robert Johnston, Surgeon. John Brooks, Adjutant. Second Lieutenants. Alexander Parker. Samuel McFerson. John Alexander. McClelland. Edward Stille. Archibald McAllister, Jun'r. John Brooks. Brown . Ensigns. Samuel Montgomery. William Nickolas. William Graham. William Miller, William Lusk. John Murray. Rob't Hoops. Wm. Brown. (54) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. OCT. 27, 1775— NOV. 13, 1776. (a) (.5) 56 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION, FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION, (a.) This Battalion was raised in pursuance of a resolution of Congress, of the 12th clay of October, 1775, recommending the Assembly or Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania to raise one battalion, on the same terms as those ordered to be raised in New Jersey, and to be officered in like manner. 1775. Each battalion was to consist of eight companies — each compnay of sixty-eight privates, officered with one captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, four sergeants, and four corporals. Privates to be enlisted for one year, at five dollars per month, liable to be discharged at any time, on al- lowing them one month's pay. Each private to be allowed, in- stead of bounty, one felt hat, a pair of yarn stockings, and a pair of shoes; the men to find their own arms. Pay of the officers to be the same as that of the officers of the Conti- nental army. The men enlisted to be furnished with a hunting shirt, not exceeding in value one and one-third of a dollar, and a blanket, provided, these can be procured, but not to be made part of the terms of enlistment. — Journals of Congress, vol. i, pages 200 and 203. The captains were recommended by the Pennsylvania As- sembly, on the 25th of October, and commissioned by Congress on the 27th. The field officers were elected by Congress on the 25th of November. Col. John Bull resigned on the 1776. 20th of January, 1776, in a communication to Congress, setting forth that he was ill-treated by many of the officers in his corps, and that near one-half of them threatened to resign their commissions if he continued in command, which at a time when they were under marching orders might be pro- ductive of bad consequence to the service. He stated, also, that the circumstances would not alter his conduct or abate his zeal, and whenever called upon again to serve his country, he would, with the greatest pleasure, obey the summons.* *For a biographical notice of Col. Bull, see vol. i Second Series Pennsyl- vania Archives, page 12. Col. Bull died at Northumberland, Penn'a, Au- gust 9, 1824, aged ninety-four years. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 57 ♦Philadelphia, November 26, 1775. Parole, Coucord: The honorable the Continental Congress having been pleased to appoint Col. John Bull, Esquire, to be colonel of the Penn- sylvania battalion in the army of the United Colonies, he this day, in consequence thereof, assumes the command of said bat- lation, and flatters himself that the alacrity shown by the of- ficers and men in entering into the service is a proof that they are animated with a genuine love of liberty, and determined at every hazard to preserve their rights and privileges, which the foes of this distressed country are striving to wrest from them. From men actuated by such motives, Col. Bull has the great- est reason to expect a ready and cueerful obedience to orders, and that the whole of their behavior, during the present un- happy contest, will be such as fully to answer the purposes for which they are raised. But should any disgrace themselves, and the cause in which they are engaged by drunkenness, rioting, and other disorderly behavior, and instead of supporting the laws of their country should disturb the peace thereof, by insulting the inhabitants or abusing the peace officers, they may depend on being pun- ished with severity. Colonel Bull, however, conceives better from the men now under his command, and shall always take a greater pleasure in applauding them for their good conduct than punishing them for their bad. James Irvine is appointed lieutenant colonel and Anthony James Morris, major of the battalion, and are to be obeyed accordingly. The several captains to make out exact returns of their re- spective companies, mentioning the men's names and where now resident, the number of guns (and whether proved or not), bayonets, &c., and deliver them to Major Morris, on Tuesday next, at ten o'clock in the morning. Also what state the barracks are in and how the men are pro- vided with blanketing and other necessities. To continue training the men and mounting guard as usual, until further orders. By order of the Colonel, (Signed,) ANTHONY JAMES MORRIS, Major. ♦From Caiit. Josi.Th Haniiar's orderly book, Haimar Manuscripts, fur- nished by C. Henry Jones, Esq., of Philadelphia. 58 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Philadelphia, November 27, 1775. Parole, Vigilance: Constant attendance to be given by an officer out of each company at the barracks, unless at such times as they are on the field. As the commissary begins delivering out provisions to-mor- row, also an exact return of the men now resident at the bar- racks to be rendered to Major Morris this afternoon at three o'clocK, and particular care to be taken there is no more rations drawn for them than there are men to receive them. The re- turns to be signed by an officer of each company. That each captain provide himself with an orderly book, sergeants provide themselves with pen, ink, and paper. The oflScers who are orderly to be careful in readi-ng such orders to the men as particularly relffte to them. Philadelphia, November 23, 1775. Parole, Conduct: Continue training the men and mounting guard as usual. Philadelphia, November 29, 1775. Parole, Prudence: Guard for the future to be relieved at nine o'clock in the morning, to consist of one subaltern, one sergeant, one cor- poral, and eighteen privates, to be under the care of the cap- tain of the day. Captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Allen; for guard, Lieut. Watson. The captain of the day will go the grand rounds and fix the line for visiting rounds. Reports of all occurrences to be made to him, and by him to the commanding officer. The companies to be punctual in attending the parade, and in paying proper regard to the attitude of the men, that they stand erect, and in every respect perform in a soldier-like man- ner. Philadelphia, November 30, 1775. The officers, without exception, to attend at Capt. Dorsey's room at twelve o'clock this morning. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 59 Philadelphia, Novemher 30, 1775. I'arole, Congress: The guards to be continued and relieved as usual, the roll of each company to be called every morning at nine o'clock. The troops to be trained from nine to twelve in the forenoon, and from three to five in the afternoon. Two companies to be exercised together, in order to form sub and grand divisions; that they be only instructed in their facings, to march in propriety, and to wheel in sub and grand divisions, until further orders. The captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Jones; for guard Lieut. Davis. The captains to take rank in the follov/ing order: Allen, Jones, Williams, Harmar, Dorsey, Jenkins, Willet, La- mar, unless regulated by order of Congress, or any other body having authority so to do. The commissary gives out four days' provision to-morrow, the return to be delivered this afternoon at five o'clock to Major Morris, signed by the captain or commanding officer of each company. Philadelphia, December 5, 1775. Parole, Lexington: Captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Williams; for guard, Liieut. Blankenberg. The officers to provide themselves necessaries, in order to move into the barracks as soon as possible. Major Morris will procure a form of a muster roll from the D. M. M. G., a copy of which will be delivered to each captain. All returns demanded in public orders must be punctually delivered in at the times required. The commissioned officers of the battalion immediately to furnish themselves with rules and articles for the better gov- ernment of the troops raised, and to be raised for the United Colonies, published by order of Congress. The captains of each company to call upon Col. Bull this evening, at six o'clock, at his lodgings. Philadelphia, December 2, 1775. Parole, New York: Captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Harmar; for guard, Lieut. Stanley. Court-martial to be held this day at two o'clock (Capt. Allen, president), two lieutenants, and two ensigns, members. 60 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Lieut. Watson, and Lieut. Davis, Ensign Jenkins, and Ensign Ziegler, members of the court. This court will try Timothy Broderick, soldier in Capt. Dorsey's company, confined on sus- picion of embezzling the company's goods. This prisoner to be acquainted and prepared for trial. Evidence ordered to attend. All other prisoners confined before the 1st of this month to be discharged on promise of good behavior for the future. The captain or officers commanding companies will see that the articles published by order of Congress, for the better reg- ulation of the army of the United Colonies, are distinctly read to their respective companies to-morrow morning at roll call. After Orders. To furnish an addition of guard, consisting of one sergeant, one corporal, and eight privates, to take charge of the vessels and stores in the continental service at the wharves and in the stores of Messrs. Willing, Morris and Cuthbert. The guard to be immediately fixed, and relieved to-morrow morning at the usual time. The captain of the day to go with the guard, and, if he find a greater number necessary, iraraedately to fix them. Philadelphia, December 3, 1775. Parole, Bristol: The captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Jenkins; officer for guard, Lieut. Hughes. The barrack guard to consist of one sergeant, one corporal, and eighteen privates. Guard at the wharves of Messieurs Willing, Morris, and Cuthbert, to consist of one sergeant, one corporal, and nine privates. Captain of the day by no means to leave the barracks, unless by order of the commanding offi- cer. The court-martial of which Capt. Allen was president, is dissolved. Timothy Broderick, tried by the court, is acquitted of the crime laid to his csharge, and is hereby ordered to be released from his confinement. Philadolphia, Dpccmbor 4, 1775. Parole, Darby: The captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Willet; officer of the guard, Lieut, iiubley. A provision return to be delivered in this afternoon, at four o'clock. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. €1 Philadelphia, December 5, 1775. Parole, Chester: The captain of the day for to-morrow, Capt. Allen; officer of the guard, Ensign Bankson. Ensign Jenkins excused from duty, as he attends the sick. Guard for the future to be com- posed of men from the several companies, the men to be warned the evening before, that they may hold themselves in readi- ness. Philadelphia, December G, 1775. Parole, Washington: The several captains or officers commanding companies, to make, out proper and exact returns of their respective com- panies and deliver them to Major Morris, at ten o'clock to-mor- row morning, and the said captains do immediately collect all their men in order to pass muster at an hour's warning. A court martial to sit immediately for the trial of all prison- ers; Capt. Jones, president; members, Lieut. Watson, Lieut. Blankenberg, Lieut. Hubley, and Ensign Bankson. The prisoners to be made acquainted with and prepare them- selves for trial. On the 22d of February, John Philip de Haas, of Lebanon, Penn'a, was elected colonel by Congress. Col. de Haas had been a major of the First battalion. Col. Turbett Francis, of the Pennsylvania regiment of Provincial forces commanded by Col. Bouquet, in 1764. He was an officer of considerable expe- rience, and was, at the time of his election, a justice of 'the peace of Lancaster county, of which Lebanon then formed a part. On the 19th of January, Congress resolved that two compan- ies of each battalion should be dispatched to Canada as soon as ready. This battalion was put under marching orders on the 19th. Capt. Thomas Dorsey's company was among the first that started on the 22d of January, and -^^ ^^ /y had already passed Albany, N. ^/:^//2y^yT\-^ Y., on the 15th of February. Two ^^["V'^^^^ ^-^ of his company deserted before he reached Albany, fourteen were left in hospital there, and seven more left him on the first day's march therefrom. By the 14th, five companies of Col. de Haas' regiment had passed 62 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Albany. Gen Schuyler says they were much thinned by sick- ness and desertion, and came very ill provided; the better half of their arms required repairs, and the whole were to be fur- nished with shoes, socks, mittens, &c. These companies marched to New York, where they em- barked in sloops, which carried them up to Albany. From Al- bany they passed on up the Hudson to Fort Edwards, which was situated on the west bank of that river, forty-eight miles north of Albany; thence to Fort William Henry, afterwards called Fori George, at the south end of Lake St. George; thence in batteaux to the foot of that lake; thence they marched across the portage two and one half miles, to Fort Ticonderoga, which was on the western shore of Lake Champlain, near the outlet of Lake George, and about ninety-seven miles north by east from Albany; thence they sailed to Crown Point, five miles fur- ther, on the same side of the lake. Lake Champlain stretches one hundred and twenty miles to the north, and pours its waters through the Sorel into the St. Lawrence at Sorel, which is forty-five miles from Montreal and one hundred and thirty-five miles from Quebec. This lake was commanded by the fortresses of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. Passing down Lake Champlain in sailing vessels, in those days, ordinarily St. Johns was reached in two or three days, passing Isle Aux Noix on the way, which was twelve miles south of St. John's. St. John's is situated on the west shore of the River Sorel, or Richelieu, at the head of Chambly canal, and at the foot of the navigable waters of Lake Champlain, distant from Montreal twenty-seven miles and Chambly twelve. From Chambly, Moftitreai lies a little north of west, eighteen miles, a line drawn between the two places forming the base of a triangle formed by the rivers St. Lawrence and Sorel, the apex of which is at Sorel, forty-five miles, or thereabouts^ from either point. La Chine was up the St. Lawrence, in a south-east direction, nine miles, on Montreal Island, on the north side of the river, and directly across the river from La Chine, on the south side, was the Indian village of Caughnawaga. The Cedars was up the same river, near the rapids of the same name, and twenty-nine miles from Montreal, on the North side of the river. From Sorel, at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and Rich- elieu, to Trois River, or Three Rivers, the distance is forty-five miles down the St. Lawrence. Three Rivers is situate at the mouth of the St. Maurice river, west side, and north side of St. Lawrence, equi-distant ninety miles from Montreal and Quebec. I COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 63 To Deschambaiilt, which is also on the north side of the St. Lawrence, it is forty-two miles from Three Rivers, and from Deschambaiilt to Quebec, forty-eight. Lieut. Talbot, with the First Penn'a battalion company pass- ed Three Rivers on the 1st of March, with sixty men; Lieut. Hughes, on the 10th, with sixty; Capt. Jenkins, on the 12th, with eight men, his company having chiefly passed on before; Lieut. Stayner, on the 22d, with eighty-one men; Lieut. Col. Irvine and Major Morris. On the 30th of March the return of troops under Arnold before Quebec makes Col. de Haas' batta- lion two hundred and twenty-five strong, being four companies. On the 12th of April there were two companies back with Gen. Thomas, at Fort George, and two companies with Col. de Haas, and the rest of the staff, still on their way from New York. Gen. Wooster arrived at Quebec on the 1st of April, and took command, Gen. Arnold going to Montreal. Gen. Thomas ar- rived in front of Quebec on the 1st of May. On the 6th the armj was compelled to retreat, which was continued to Descham- bault; thence to Three Rivers, v.'hich was reached on the IStlt^; thence to Sorel. Capt. Jones' company, Jenkins', &c., took part in the engagement near Three Rivers, on the 9th of June, where quite a number of the men were captured, together Avith the Rev. Daniel McCalla, the chaplain. On the 14th of June, Gen. Sullivan retreated from Sorel, and reached St. John's on the 16th, Isle Aux Noix on the 18th. From this date the military service of this battalion is blended with that of the battalions of St. Clair, Wayne, and Irvine, postea. On the 24th of May, the British commander, Foster, with a part of the garrison at Detroit, and in conjunction with Indians and Canadians, numbering one thousand men, who had cap- tured Col. Bedell's regiment, which was stationed at the Cedars, and defeated Major Sherbourne, who was sent to release him, seriously threatened the capture of Arnold and his forces at La Chine. On the 25th, about eight o'clock A. M., Col. de Haas, who had been detached from the Sorel, with Capts. Harmar, William Butler, Lamar, and Capt. Nelson's company, one hun- dred and ten riflemen, and three hundred musketeers, came up and relieved Arnold, causing Foster to retreat, following him to Fort Ann, at the head of Montreal Island. On the 30th, Arnold issued a peremptory order to de Haas to cross the Grand river, at the head of Montreal Island, and destroy the Indian rillage of Canasadago. but de Haas called a council of war, that disapproved of the enterprise to the chagrin of most of his of- ficers, and fell back to La Chine, and from thence to Montreal. 64 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. On the ISth June, late in the evening, Gen. Arnold was ad- vised by Capt. Wilkinson, whom he had sent to Sorel, that he had met Careton's forces at Varenne, on the south bank of the St. Lawrence, fourteen miles below Montreal. Arnold hastily crossed the river, the name night, with his troops, including de Haas' detachment, to Longueuil, and made a march of twenty- six miles in one day, by La Prairie, to St. John's which he reached on the 16th. Here, for the first time, all the companies of the Penn'a battalion were united as a battalion, for, as Gen. Sullivan writes on the 8th of June, from Sorel, "Gen. Arnold has kept de Haas' detachment dancing between this place and Montreal even since my arrival." Col. de Haas' detachment, with the colonel, were the last that came up the Hudson, and never reached Thomas at Quebec, where the rest of the bat- talion, with Lieut. Col. Irvine and Major Morris, had been. Its history, after this date, is the same as that of the Second battalion, postea, until it was relieved from duty. A return, dated at Ticonderoga, October 20, 1766, shows the field officers and all the staff, excep"^ the chaplain, who had been captured, present; all the captains, except William Jenkins, who was absent with leave of Gen. Gates, from August 5; all the lieutenants present; all the ensigns, except Ensign J. P. de Haas, absent with leave from August 5; twenty-three sergeants present, seven sick absent, and three on command; seven drums and fifes; of the officers, Major Anthony J. Morris, Lieuten- ants George Jenkins and Jacob Ashmead were present, sick. Total rank and file, four hundred and sixty-nine; wanting to complete of ditto, two hundred and forty-five. Total strength of the regiment five hundred and forty. "The arms are in tolerable order but of different caliber. The accoutrements bad, many baynets wanting. The men almost naked, and have been so two-thirds of the campaign. Their clothing, when they marched from Philadelphia, being very scanty, and not a second shirt to their backs. The pitiful supplies of sundry articles which they received since, were bad of the kind, and at most exhorbitant prices. On our arrival at the Isle. Aux Noix, after the retreat from Quebec, the regiment mustered upwards of five hundred rank and file fit for duty. By comparing the above return with the then state of the reg- iment, it will appear that they have suffered from the exces- sive fatigue they have gone through; the want of proper cloth- ing to cover, and the want of blankets and tents to shelter them from the weather. To this day, we have not tents sufficient for two-thirds of the men. and those we have were old when COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 65 we received them. A regimental commissary and paymaster is unknown to us. (The latter I have been myself.) The quarter- master has never been enabled by the public to supply the reg- iment in a proper manner. After the hardships of a winter cam- paign in Canada, with those they have since experienced, there is not the least reason to think that any of the men will re- enlist at this place. The merit of those officers who can afford and choose to continue in the service on the present inadequate terms will be best determined after the expected attack. J. P. DE HAAS, Colonel. "N. B. Captain Nelson's company of riflemen is willing to continue in the service in the First Pennsylvania regiment." On the 13th of November, this battalion was taken off duty at Ticonderoga, and ordered to embark the next morning for Fort George. It was raised, as appears by a note to the fore- going return, "to the 27th of October," but remained three weeks longer, at Gen. Gates' request, for the defense and se- curity of Ticonderoga, for which the General thanked them in general orders of the 14th. It was then evident that the British had gone into winter quarters, and would make no further at- tempts that fall to come southward. Gen. St. Clair came along down with this battalion to join Gen. V/ashington, and when, on the 8th of December, it reached New Germantown, in New Jersey, the field officers and staff were still with the battalion, together with Captains Harhiar, Dorsey, and Davis, but the rank and file were reduced to sixty- nine men, the rest having scattered off to their homes. "In Council of Safety, "Philadelphia, 20th December, 1776. "Ordered, That Col. de Haas, and all the officers of his bat- talion who are in this city that intend to continue in the service of the State, do apply to this Council for recruiting orders, by Monday, 23d inst., and that Col. de Haas make return to this Council of all the officers of his battalion who intend to con- tinue in the service on the new establishment, on Monday next, at ten A. M." On a return dated January 10, 1777, at Philadelphia, of his officers, with the dates of their commissions, embracing the names of the eight captains, sixteen first and second lieuten- 5— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 66 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ants, eight ensigns, the adjutant, quarter-master, surgeon and mate. Col. de Haas endorses: "This is to certify, that during the time I had the honor to command the above gentlemen, they behaved themselves like gentlemen, and as became good soldiers." This battalion became the nucleus for the formation of the Second Pennsylvania regiment of the Continental Line, Oc- tober 25, 1776. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS, (a.) Colonels. Bull, John, commissioned November 25, 1775; resigned January 20, 1776. De Haas, John Philip, commissioned January 22, 1776. Lieutenant Colonel. Irvine, James, commissioned November 25, 1775; promoted lieutenant colonel Ninth Penn'a, October 25, 1776. Major. Morris, Anthony James, commissioned November 25, 1775; pro- moted lieutenant colonel Second Penn'a, October 25, 1776. Captains. Allen, William, Jr., commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted lieutenant colonel Second battalion, January 4, 1776. Jones, Jonathan, Caernarvon township, Berks county; com- missioned October 27, 1775; promoted major Second Penn'a, October 25, 1776. Williams, William, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted major Second Penn'a, March 12, 1777. Harmar, Josiah, commissioned October 27. 1775; promoted ma- jor Third Penn'a, October 1, 1776. Dorsey, Thomas, commissioned October 27, 1775; resigned Jau> uary 1, 1777. Jenkins, William, commissioned October 27, 1775. resigned Sep- tember 6, 1776. I COL. JOHN PHILIP DK HAAS. 67 Willet, Augusiiu, commissioned October 27, 1775; resigned Jan- uary 1, 1777. Lamar, Marien, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted ma- jor Fourth Penn'a, to date from September 30, 1776. Davis, Benjamin, from first lieutenant, January 5, 1776; re- signed January 1, 1777. Ashmead, Jacob, from first lieutenant, to rank from September 6. 1776. First Lieutenants. Watson, Samuel, October 27, 1775; promoted captain Second battalion January 5, i?'7b. Ashmead, Jacob, October 27, 1775; promoted captain. Hughes, Peter, commissioned October 27. 1775; resigned Jan- uary 1, 1777. Hubley, Adam, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted major of one of the additional regiments in 1776; subsequently lieutenant colonel Tenth Penn'a. Rees, John, commissioned October 27, 1775. Blankenberg, Frederick, commissioned October 27, 1775. Stanly, Richard, commissioned October 27, 1775. Morgan, John, commissioned October 27, 1775. Bankson, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted cap- tain Second Penn'a, September 25, 1776. Stayner, Roger, junior, from second lieutenant, January 19, 1776; promoted captain. Second Penn'a. Jenkins, George, from second lieutenant, January 19, 1776; promoted captain Second Penn'a. Staddel, Christian, from second lieutenant. May 4, 1776; pro- moted captain Second Penn'a. Wilkinson, Amos, from second lieutenant, May 4, 1776; pro- moted captain in Procter's artillery regiment, May 14, 1777. Ellis, John, from second lieutenant, September 5, 1776, vice Hubley, promoted. Second Lieutenants. Stayner, Roger, junior, commissioned October 27, 1775; pro- moted first lieutenant. Jenkins, George, commiesioned October 27, 1775; promoted first lieutenant. •itbddttl. Christian. wuiiiM)i»8lttU*bl 0«t«l»*r 'H. 177i; pr^metMl i)-«t HtMtMiaiil. 68 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Wilkinson, Amos, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted first lieutenant. Ellis, John, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted first lieu- tenant; appointed first lieutenant by Gen. Gates, June 30, 1776; commissioned September 15, 1776. Tolbert, Samuel, commissioned January 15, 1776; promoted captain Second Penn'a, October 2, 1776. Gossner, Peter, commissioned January 15, 1776; promoted first lieutenant Second Penn'a. Cobea, John, commissioned January 15, 1776; promoted first lieutenant Second Penn'a. Clumberg, Philip, Jr., from ensign January 15, 1776; promoted first lieutenant Second Penn'a. Ziegler, Jacob, from ensign January 15, 1776; promoted first lieutenant Second Penn'a. Moore, William, from ensign May 4, 1776; promoted nrst lieu- tenant Second Penn'a. Allison, Robert, May 4, 1776, vice Staddel, promoted; resigned "^ January 1, 1777; afterwards in the quarter-master's de- partment at Fort Pitt for four years. Patterson, John, appointed by Gen. Gates, July 1, 1776; com- missioned September 5, 1776. Rice, Benjamin, from ensign August 6, 1776. Ensigns. Bankson, John, commissioned October 27, 1775; promoted lieu- tenant. Clumberg, Philip, Jr., appointed October 27, 1775; promoted second lieutenant. Ziegler, Jacob, appointed October 27, 1775; promoted second lieutenant. Ryerson, Thomas, appointed October 27, 1775. Moore, William, appointed October 27, 1775; promoted second lieutenant. Greenway, Joseph, appointed January 20, 1776; resigned. Irwin, John, Philadelphia, appointed January 20, 1776. Brice, John, appointed January 20, 1776. Rice, Benjamin, appointed January 20, 1776; promoted second lieutenant. Walborn, Major, appointed January 20, 1776. Scull, Nicholas, appointed January 20, 1776. Low, John, died in service. I COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 69 De Haas, John Philip, Jr., appointed by Oen. Gates, August 6, 1776, vice John Low, deceased, John Philip de Haas, Jr., was reappointed to the Second Penn'a, but he never joined the regiment. He died at Beech Creels, in Clinton county, Penn'a, on September 22, 1826. V Shallus, Jacob, Jr., appointed by Gen. Gates, August 6, 1776, vice Rice, promoted; resigned January 1, 1777. Morris, James, appointed by Gen. Gates November 3, 1776. Chaplain. McCalla, Rev'd Daniel. See Second battalion. Adjutant. Patterson, John, appointed January 1, 1776. Quarter-Master. f Shallus, Jacob, commissioned January 19, 1776; deputy com- missary, general of Penn'a in 1777; assistant clerk of As- sembly for many years; assistant secretary of the consti- tutional convention of 1790; died April 18, 1796, aged forty- six. Surgeons. Boyd, Robert, commissioned April 19, 1776; resigned on ac- count of ill health, after the last of the battalion left New York. Allison, Benjamin, commissioned June 13, 1776; resigned Jan- uary 1, 1777. Surgeon's Mate. Scull, Nicholas, appointed June 13, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JONATHAN .JONES' COMPANY, (a.) The following imperfect roll of Capt. Jonathan Jones' company was found among his papers, for which the editors are indebted to his great- grand-son, Charles Henry Jones, of Philadelphia. 7§ FIRST PRNNSYI.VANMA BATTAL.ION, Captain. Jones. Jonathan. Corporals. Bean, . Kelly, , (murdered at Point aux Trembles, May 7. 1776, by Brice Dunlap). Candy, Jacob. Clark, Matthew. Privates. Alexander, George. Brown, John. Clark, Matthew, promoted corporal. * Dagley, James. Dunlap, Brice (in custody at Pittsford, July 13, 1776, for the murder of Corporal Kelly). Fullerton, Joseph. Gougher, Robert. Leary, Daniel. McCorley, James. McGregor, John. McKillup, Robert. McMullen, Joseph. McLaughlin, Patrick, taken at Three Rivera, June 9, 1776. Merls, Clement. Miller, Philip O. Murdock, Robert, resided in Findley township, Washington county in 1S20, aged sixty-six. Murphy, James. Pearson, Albert. Shea, Ezra. Skelton, Joseph. Tennent, William. Walker, William. Walters, Thomas. ROLL OF CAPT. JOSIAH HARMAR'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Harmar, Josiah. First Lieutenant. ISlaukeuberg, Frederick. Cobea, John. OOL. JOHN PHILIP 1)E HAAS. Second Lieutenant. Ensign. Moore, William. Sergeants. Stein, Leonard, enlisted November 1, 1775. Scott, Jolin, enlisted November 1, 1775; discharged. McCartney, John. Sharp, John, November 2, 1775. Christian, John, November 2, 1775. Corporals. Miles, Ambrose, enlisted November 1, 1775. Staciihouse, Benjamin. Harris, Robert, November 2, 1775. Ridley, Samuel, November 21, 1775. Ennis, Richard, November 2, 1775, discharged. Drummers. Lewis, Benjamin, November 13, 1775; discharged. Parlvcr, William, deserted. McTier, William. Fifer. Stuart, Robert, discharged. Privates. Acheson, Thomas, November 8, 1775. Aiken, John. Ashton, James, November 13, 1775. Barry, Edmund, October 28, 1775. Barry, Richard, November 17, 1775. Bauer, Joseph. Bender, Lewis, November 9, 1775; discharged. Blaney, John, October 28, 1775. Bomer, John, November 8, 1775. Callender, Robert. Oile, William. Charles, George Christian. 72 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Clamans, William, November 2, 1775. Coleman, David, November 8, 1775. Cooke, Peter. Cushen, David, November 25, 1775. Davies, George, November 18, 1775. Dealy, Daniel. Dodkins, Edward, November 4, 1775. Dougherty, James, November IS, 1775; discharged. Dundy, Samuel, November 2, 1775. Ellison, Robert. Fielding, William, November 7, 1775; in gaol. Ford, Thomas, November 1, 1775. Fovi', Matthew. Gardiner, Joseph. Gavin, James, November 1, 1775. Gibb, James. Gibb, John. Gichu, John, November 4, 1775. Glover, James. Grannon, Thomas, November 1, 1775. Hall, Thomas. Haly, Michael, November 8, 1775. Hammer, Moses, November 15, 1775. Harg, William, November 15, 1775. Hamaright, Abraham, November 24, 1775. Heger, James, November 11, 1775. Johnston, Thomas, November 8, 1775. Jones, William, November 7, 1775. Katon, Redmon, November 22, 1775. Kearl, Hugh, November 4, 1775; run off. is.ilpatrick, John. Kyle, William, November 24, 1775. Lauerman, Peter. Laugherly, James, November 13, 1775; discharged. Linn, Robert. Linney, Adam. Lower, Michael, December 2, 1775. McCan, Matthew, November 15, 1775. McCartney, John, November 1, 1775. MeCausland, Mark, November 18, 1775. McGinnis, Arthur. Mclntire, Michael. McKean, Barney, November 7, 1775. McKean, George, November 9, 1775. COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 73 McKourt, John, November 13, 1775. Mackey, Hugh, November 22, 1775. Mason, Francis, November 12, 1775. Martin, James, November 1, 1775. Mellen, Charles, November 4, 1775. Moody, Robert, senior, November 15, 1775. Moody, Robert, junior. Mooney, Patrick, November 22. 1775. Moore, James, November 8, 1775; run off. Moore, John, November 2, 1775; discharged. Mulon, John, November 18, 1775; discharged. Nelson, Andrew. Nelson, Thomas. Naylor, Anthony, November 5, 1775; run off. Ohiron, Lawrence, November 18, 1775; run off. Parker, William, November 13, 1775. Plant, James, November 15, 1775; discharged. Pollard, William, November 15, 1775; run off. Price, Thomas, November 18, 1775; discharged. Purdy, John. Randils, James, November 24, 1775. Reed, William. Reny, Alexander, November 16, 1775. Robinson, James, November 28, 1775. Rollinson, James, November 13. 1775. Sees, George. Shannon, Samuel, November 21, 1775. Sharp, Samuel, November 1, 1775. Sheridan, Dennis, November 11, 1775. Shields, Andrew, November 6, 1775. Shields, John, November 6, 1775. Shrayder, Frederick, November 2, 1775. Simpson, Benjamin, November 4, 1775. Smith, Frederick, November 9, 1775. Smith, Edward, November 2, 1775. Snyder, George, November 1, 1775. Steel, William, November 22, 1775; discharged. Stackhouse, Benjamin, November 4, 1775; promoted corporal. Steinmetz, Philip. Stevenson, Adam, November 15, 1775. Stevenson, Thomas, November 28, 1775 Stuart, AlexriUder. Sturgis, John. 74 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Swinney, James, November 8, 1775. Wagoner, Henry, November 3, 1775. Wilde, James, November 9, 1775. No other rolls of this battalion have been found. The following names are gathered from pension records: Connell, Terance. Copelin, John, Lamar's company, resided in Chester county in 1826. Hodgkinson, Samuel, of Burlington, N. J., sergeant in Capt. Jenkins' company. Keays, John, sergeant, Willet's company; promoted ensign Second Pennsylvania. Kiram, Edward. McDonald, James, corporal, Williams' company; on return from Fort George fell sick; enlisted in Fourth Pennsyl- vania, Capt. Moore, in order to obtain subsistence for him- self and wife. Pimple, Paul, injured in service; pensioned at Philadelphia, 1788. Rue, Benjamin, sergeant, Capt. Willet's company. Ryan, James, Lamar's company; enlisted at Seven Stars, Ply- mouth township, Montgomery county; re-enlisted in Sec- ond Pennsylvania. Soult, David, of Northampton county, Lamar's company; re- enlisted Second Pennsylvania. ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN NELSON'S INDEPENDENT COM- PANY OF RIFLEMEN, (a). A resolution of Congress, dated Jannary 30, 1776, directs that Capt. Nelson's company of riflemen, nov.' raised, consisting of one captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, and seventy privates, be enlisted for the service in Canada, on the same terms as the other troops ordered for that service. It was ordered to New York March 13, 1776. It v^as, by Gen. Arnold's orders, attached to Col. de Haas' battalion in Canada, and after de Haas battalion left Ticonderoga, November 17. COL. JOHN PHILIP UE HAAS. 76 1776, it was attached to the fourth battaliou, Coi. Wayne's, and on the 24th of March, 1777, was attached to Col. Francis Johns- ton's Fifth Pennsylvania. Names, rank, &c., from January 3u to November 30, 1776. Captain. Nelson, John, of Westmoreland county, commissioned January 30, 1776. First Lieutenant. Oldham, William, commissioned January 30, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Ott, Adam, commissioned January 30, 1776. Third Lieutenants. McCollom, Robert, commissioned January 30, 1776; resigned July 12, 1776. Archer, Joseph [or Joshua], commissioned July 12, 1776, vice R. McCollom, resigned. Sergeants. Price, Richard, appointed February 15, 1776; died at Fort George, October 30, 1776. Hartley, Thomas, appointed February 7, 1776. Smith, Andrew, appointed February 6, 1776. McCown, Robert, appointed, February 7, 1776. Carr, John, appointed October 31, 1776. Corporals. Preston, Edward, appointed February 15, 1776; died September 20, 1776. Bonner, Joseph, appointed February 22, 1776. Brown, Jesse, appointed February 21, 1776. Fugate, John, appointed February lo, 1776. Carr, John, appointed September 21, 1776; promoted October 31, 1776. Nelson, Thomas, Sen., appointed October 31, 1776. Privates. Bird, Thomas, enlisted February 28, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776. Bower, Francis, enlisted February 19, 1776. iirooks. Robert, enlisted February 7, 1776; deserted May 3. 1776. 76 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Bradley, Edward, enlisted March 1, x/76; sick in hospital. Campbell, Barnet, enlisted February 10, 1776; sick in hospital. Caldwell, James, enlisted February 18, 1776. Cunningham, John, February 17, 1776; furloughed by Gen. Gates. Carr, John, enlisted February 14, 1776; promoted corporal Sep- tember 21, 1776. Collins, Joseph, enlisted February 15, 1776; deserted March 15, 1776. Coffman, Isaac, enlisted February 9, 1776; deserted April 1, 1776. Cox, John, enlisted February 20, 1776. Clipper, Valentine, enlisted February 21, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776. Corbett, John, enlisted February 28, 1776; furloughed by Gen. Gates. Campbell, William, March 5, 1776. Carmichael, , March 8, 1776. Davis, Morgan, enlisted February 12, 1776. Deal, Jacob, enlisted February 12, 1776. Ditch, Philip, enlisted March 12, 1776. Downey, John, enlisted March 14, 1776. Downey, Thomas, enlisted February 10, 1776. Eakle, Henry, enlisted February 17, 1776. Easter, Nicholas, enlisted March 8, 1776; deserted March 18, 1776. Eastley, Charles, enlisted February 7, 1776; deserted April 14, 1776. Edminston, Robert, enlisted February 19, 1776. Ebersole, Christian, enlisted February 8, 1776. Fisher, Samuel, enlisted February 10, 1776; deserted March 27, 1776. Fitch, Joseph, enlisted February 17, 1776. Flack, George, enlisted February 19, 1776. Forsyth, Abraham, enlisted March 11, 1776. Fuller, Christian, enlisted February 22, 1776. Gridley, Jasper M., February 15, 1776; joined Donnell's artil- lery company November 21, 1776. Gown, John, enlisted February 13, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776. Gutting, Andrew, enlisted March 13, 1776. Hand, William, enlisted February 23, 1776. Harrigan, Michael, enlisted February 10, 1776. Harris, George, enlisted February 7, 1776. Holland, Henry, enlisted February 11, 1776. i COL. JOHN PHILIP DE HAAS. 77 Holt. William, enlisted March 17, 1776. House, Michael, enlisted February 6, 1776. Jameson, Samuel, enlisted March 22, 1776. ''Johnston, James, enlisted February 10, 1776. Kelley, James, enlisted February 9, 1776. Kirkpatrick, William, enlisted February 17, 1776; furloughed to Maryland. Lemon, Isaac, enlisted February 19, 1776; deserted May 8, 1776. Love, William, enlisted F'ebruary 23, 1776; deserted March 12, 1776. McCuUock, David, enlisted February 9, 1776; killed at Fort Ann, May 29, 1776. McGuire, Daniel, enlisted February 19, 1776. McGuire, Thomas, enlisted February 12, 1776. McManus, William, enlisted February 19, 1776. Mitchel, John, enlisted February 14, 1776; deserted April 14, 1776. Morgan, Evan, enlisted March 1, 1776. Mullady, Robert, enlisted February 7, 1776; deserted April 2, 1776. Murphy, Arthur, enlisted February 14, 1776. Nelson, Andrew, enlisted October 25, 1776. Nelson, Thomas, Jr., enlisted October 25, 1776. Nelson, Thomas, Sen., enlisted February 10, 1776; promoted to corporal October 31, 1776. Nixdorff, Samuel, enlisted March 7, 1776. O'Brian, John, enlisted February 19, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776. Onsell, Abraham, enlisted February 10, 1776. Phyfer, Emanuel, enlisted February 16, 1776. Pooder, Tobias, enlisted February 5, 1776. Ralston, James, enlisted February 7, 1776. Reed, Thomas, enlisted February 20, 1776. Rerick, George, enlisted February 14, 1776; deserted March 14, 1776. Roach, Morris, enlisted February 12, 1776. Slucer, John, enlisted March 6, 1776; furloughed by Gen. Gates. yr Smith, John, enlisted February 10, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776. Smith, William, enlisted February 24, 1776. Stonemyer, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. Stuckey, Michael, enlisted February 19, 1776; deserted May 2, 1776. Teel, William, enlisted February 12, 1776. Tingle, George, enlisted March 9, 1776; deserted April 22, 1776. Trepner, George, enlisted February 21, 1776. TS FIRST PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Wallace, James, enlisted February 12, 1776; acting as butcher at Mt. Independence. Wells,- Richard, enlisted February 26, 1776. Williams, John, enlisted March 14, 1776. Wolf. John, enlisted February 13, 1776. ADDITIONAL NAMES OF DE HAAS. (c). Col. Philip De Haas, 1st Penn'a Batt. James McDonald. Corporal, Capt. Willismr" Co. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. JANUARY, 1776— JANUARY, 1777. (a) ( 79 ) 80 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION, (a.) This Battalion was raised upon the authority of a resolution of Congress, dated the 9th of December, 1775, which was in words following: "Resolved, That an order issue for raising four battalions more in the colony of Pennsylvania, on the same terms 1775. as the one already raised." On the 15th, it further resolved, "that the Commit- tee of Safety for the colony of Pennsylvania be requested to recommend proper persons for field officers, and appoint proper persons for officers in the said battalions, under the rank of major." As it was associated with the Fourth battalion. Col. Wayne, and the Sixth, Col. William Irvine, while in active service, its history mingles with that of theirs, which will be included in this notice. On the 2d of January, the Council of Safety recom- 1776. mended Colonels Wayne and St. Clair, and they were elected and commissioned by Congress on the 3d. The lieutenant colonels and majors were chosen on the 4th, and a resolution passed, that one company of each battalion consist of expert riflemen. On the 16th of February, the secret committee of Congress was directed to furnish Col. St. Clair's battalion with arms, and to write to him to use the utmost diligence in getting his bat- talion ready, and to march the companies as fast as they were ready, one at a time, to Canada. On the 20th, Col. Wayne was directed to march his battalion to New York, and put himself under the command of Gen. Lee. On the 13th of March, Lieut. Col. Allen had arrived in New York, and embarked some of the companies for Albany, and received an order from Gen. Stirling to direct the rest of the companies to proceed to New York, where quarters would be found for them. On the 14th of March, Col. Irvine was ordered to march his battalion to New York, and put himself under the orders of the commanding officer of the continental troops there. On the 20th, he reports, frorr Carlisle, his regim.ent seven hundred and COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 81 ten strong, and that he would comply with orders with all pos- sible expedition. On the 12th of April, five companies of the Second were at Fort Edwards, waiting for the lake to open, they remained until the 19th, when they were ordered up to Fort George, fourteen miles beyond. On the 24th of April, three companies of Wayne's battalion and Irvine's battalion were at New York, in the Fourth brigade, under the command of Gen. Greene, when some of Irvine's soldiers were court-martialed for disobedience of orders. Cor- porals Milliken and John McBride, found not guilty. Corporal Shickelhenny reduced to the ranks. John McGee and George Conner sentenced to a few days' imprisonment. On the 26th, Wayne and Irvine's battalions were ordered by Gen. Washing- ton to embark for Canada. On the 28th, it appears by a gen- eral return of the regiments going to Canada, made at New York, that Col. Irvine's battalion, including officers, was seven hundred and seventy strong, and Col. Wayne's seven hundred and twenty-eight. On the 10th of May, Col. Irvine's whole battalion was at Al- bany, with two companies of Col. Wayne's. Irvine's started for Lake Champlain on the 13th. On the 6th of May, Lieut. Col. Allen, with the Second bat- talion, had passed Deschambault, and was within three miles of Quebec, where he met Gen. Thomas with the army retreating from Quebec. On the 7th, at a council of war, at which he was present, it was determined that the army should continue the retreat as far as the Sorel. Thomas, with the army, left Deschambault on the 13th and was at Three Rivers on the 15th, with about eight hundred men. On the 20th, Gen. Thomas was at Sorel, and the same day issued an order to Col. Maxwell, to abandon Three Rivers, which he did, and with the rear of the army reached Sorel on the 24th. Gen. Thompson and Col. St. Clair crossed over from Chambly to Montreal, and left the latter place for the mouth of the Sorel on- the 15th, and arrived at Sorel on the 16th, and on the 24th, Gen. Thompson was in command there. Wayne's detachment and Irvine's battalion passed Lake George on the 24th, with Gen. Sullivan, (the distance from Fort Edwards, on the Hudson, is fifteen miles; the length of that lake, thirty-six miles; from the north end of Lake George to I.ske Champlain, one and one-half miles; from there to fort 6— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 82 SKCONI) PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Ticonderoga, one aud oue-half miles; from thence to St. John's, about one hundred and twenty miles), and embarked at Ticon- deroga, arriving at St. John's on the 27tb. On the 2d of June Gen. Thompson sent Col. St. Clair from Sorel with over six hundred men to attack the camp of Col. McLean, who had advanced as far as Three Rivers, with eight hundred British regulars and Canadians. Gen. Sullivan was at Chambly on the 3d, and reached Sorel on the 4th, and as- sumed command (Gen. Thomas having died on the 2d). On the 6th Gen. Sullivan ordered Gen. William Thompson to march, with Col. Irvine's and Wayne's battalions, with the companies of Col. St. Clair then remaining at Sorel, to join Col. St. Clair at Nicolette, where he was to take command of the whole party, and, unless he found the number of the enemy at Three Rivers to be such as would render an attack upon them hazardous, he should cross the river at the most conve- nient place he could find, and attack them. He advised him not to attack, if the prospect of success was not much in his favor, as a defeat of his party at the time might prove the total loss of that country. The following letter from Lieut. Col. Thomas Hartley to Jasper Yeates, Esquire, gives a full detail of the subsequent occurrences : "Camp at Sorel, June the 12th, 1776. "Before the arrival of Col. Wayne's and Irvine's regiments, under the command of Gen. Sullivan, Col. St. Clair, with a de- tachment of seven hundred men, was sent down the river St. Lawrence, about nine leagues, to watch the motions of the enemy, and act occasionally. Gen Sullivan's arrival here was at a critical time. Canada was lost, unless some notable ex- ertion; the credit of our arms gone, and no number of Amer- ican troops to sustain our posts. It was said that the taking of Three Rivers, with such troops as were on it, would be of ser- vice. A detachment under Gen. Thompson was sent down the river. The corps under Col. St. Clair was to join it, and if the General thought it expedient, he was ordered by Gen. Sul- livan to attack the enemy at Three Rivers. "We left this on the evening of the 5th instant, in several bat- teaux, and joined Col. St. Clair about twelve o'clock at night. It being too late to proceed on to the Three Rivers, the enter- prise wiis postponed until the next uigbt. COl.. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. s:{ "In the dusk of the evening of the 7th, we set off from the Nicolette. with about fifteen hundred rank and file, besides ofla- cers. It was Intended to attack Three Rivers about day break in four places. Thompson landed his forces about nine miles above the town, on the north side of the St. Lawrence, and di- vided his army into five divisions, Maxwell, St. Clair, Wayne, and Irvine, each commanding a division, and I had the honor of commanding the reserve. Leaving two hundred and fifty men to guard the batteaux, the army proceed swiftly towards the town. I was to be ready to sustain the party which might need assistance. 'The guides proved faithless, and the General was misin- formed as to the number of the enemy as well as to the sit- uation of the town. Our men had lost their sleep for two nights, yet were in pretty good spirits. Daylight appeared, and showed us to the enemy. Our guides (perhaps traitors) had led us through several windings, and were rather carrying us off from the post. The General was enraged at their conduct. "There were mutual firings. Our people killed some in a barge. Our scheme was no longer an enterprise, it might have been, perhaps, prudent to have retreated, but no one would pro- pose it. We endeavored to penetrate through a swamp to the town, and avoid the shipping. We had no idea of the difficul- ties we were to surmount in the mire, otherwise the way by the shipping would have been preferred. "We waded three hours through the mud, about mid-deep in general, the man fasting. We every moment expected to get through and find some good ground to form on, but were de- ceived. The second division, under Col. Wayne, saw a part of the enemy and attacked them. Capt. Hay. of our regiment (Sixth battalion), with his company of riflemen, assisted and behaved nobly. Col. Wayne advanced, the enemy's light in- fantry were driven from their ground, and the Indians on their flanks were silenced. "The great body of the enemy, which we knew nothing of, consisting of two or three thousand men, covered with In- trenchments, and assisted with the cannon of the shipping and ^^everal field pieces, began a furious fire, and continued it upon our troops in the front. It was so heavy that the division gave way, and from the badness of the ground could not form sud- denly again. Col. St. Clair's division advanced, but the fire was too heavy. Part of Col. Irvine's division, especially the riflemen, went up towards the enemy. I understood the army 84 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. was in confusion. I consulted some friends, and led up the reserve within a short distance of the enemy. Capt. McClean's and Grier's company advanced with spirit; McClean's men took the best situation, and within eighty yards of the enemy, ex- posed to the fire of the shipping, as hot as hell. I experienced some of it. "Not a man of McClean's company behaved ill, Grier's com- pany behaved well. Several of the enemy were killed in the attack of the reserve. Under the disadvantages, our men would fight; but we had no covering, no artillery, and no prospect of succeeding, as the number of the enemy was so much superior to ours. Colonels Wayne and Allen rallied part of our men, and kept up a fire against the English from the swamp. The enemy, in the meantime, dispatched a strong body to cut off our retreat to the boats, when it was thought expedient to retreat. Our General and Col. Irvine were not to be found; they had both gone up (to the front) in a very hot fire. This gave us great uneasiness, but a retreat was necessary. This could not be done regularly, as we could not regain the road, on account of the enemy's shipping and artillery, and we went off, in small parties through the swamp. Colonels Wayne and Allen gathered some hundreds together, and I have got as many in my division as I could, with several others, amounting to upwards of two hundred. "Col. Wayne, with his party, and I, with mine, tried several ways to get to our batteaux. Col. Wayne was obliged, not far from the river, to march by seven hundred of the enemy. He intended to attack them regularly, but his people were so much fatigued that it wes deemed unsafe. The enemy fired their small arms and artillery on our men as loud as thunder. They returned a retreating fire. Several of the enemy were killed and wounded. We came within a mile of where our boats were but our guard* had carried them off. The English had posses- sion of the ground where we landed. Their shipping proceeded up the river, covering parties sent to take possession of the ferries we were to pass. "Col. Wayne, with his party, lay near the enemy. I passed through a prodigious swamp, and at night took possession of a hill near the enemy. We were without food and the water very bad. I mounted a small quarter guard, fixed my alarm •Major Joseph Wood, who commandod this Kuard, saved all the boats, ex- cept two. I COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 85 post, and made every man lay down on the ground, on which he was to rise for action in case of an attack. I slept a little by resting my head on a cold bough of spruce. "Morning dawned (Sunday, 9th June), and I consulted our officers and men. They said they were refreshed with sleep. It was agreed to stand together, that they would support me, and effect a passage through the enemy, or die in the attempt. A little spring water refreshed us more. The necessary disposi- tions were made, but we had no guides. We heard the enemy within a half mile of us, but no one seemed alarmed, so we pro- ceeded, and, luckily, fell in with Col. Wayne's track. We pur- sued it, and overtook him near the river Du Lac. This made us upwards of seven hundred strong, and we agreed to attack the enemy if they fell in our way to Bokie (Berthier), opposi',^ Sorel. We were sure they would attempt the fort at Sore} before we could arrive; but as we came up, the English Irift the ferries, and drew all their forces back to Three Rivers. Bj forced marches, and surmounting every difficulty, we got up crossed the river, and arrived at Sorel Monday afternoon (lOt June). We brought near twelve hundred men back wit our party. Many are yet missing — one hundred and fifty o two hundred. Some scattered ones are continually coming in, so that our loss will not be so gi'eat as was first imagined. "Col. Wayne behaved exceedingly well, and showed himself the man of courage and the soldier. Col. Allen exerted himself, and is a fine fellow. Col. Maxwell was often in the midst of danger. His own division was not present to support him. He was also very useful in the retreat, after he joined Col. Wayne. Lieut. Edie, of the York troops, I fear is killed. He was a fine young fellow, and behaved bravely. He approached the enemy's works without dismay several times, and remained in the swamp to the last. He was in the second engagement, where, it is supposed, he was killed. Ensign Hopes, of the same com- pany was wounded near the breast-work, when I led up the reserve. I cannot give too much commendation of him. He showed the greatest courage after he had received several wounds in the arm. He stood his ground and animated his men. He nobly made good his retreat with me, through a swamp of near eighteen miles long. The ball has hurt the bone. Several of our men were killed — I apprehend between thirty and fifty. The rest missing, have been taken, quite worn out with fatigue and hunger. "P. S. June 13. Last night, a sort of flag of truce came from the enemy. Gen Thompson, Col. Irvine (William), Dr. Mc- 86 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Kenzie, Lieutenants Edie, Currie, and f-arson McCalla (of the First) are prisoners. They were taken up by some of the ras- cally Canadians, in the most treacherous manner."* On the 14th, Burgoyne reached the Sorel with a column of British troops, the rear of Gen. Sullivan's army having only left a few hours before. Gen. Philips, with the rignt column of the British, consisting of his division and the Brunswick troops, under Geo. Riedesel, passed on up the river St. Lawrence to Longueuil, twelve miles from Chambly, where they landed on the 16th, and pushed to La Prairie, to cut off Arnold, who was retreating from Montreal. It was at Varenne, on the south hank of the St. Lawrence, fourteen miles from Montreal, that Wilkinson met this force, detained at that point by a failure of the wind, at two o'clock P. M., and hastened back with the intelligence to Arnold, without which he had been cut off, as he did not intend leaving Montreal until the morning of the 16th. Arnold immediately ordered Wilkinson to re-cross the river, and traverse the country by the direct route to Chambly, twelve miles, and report the situation in which he had dis- covered the enemy to Gen. Sullivan, and request a detachment to cover Gen. Arnold's retreat by La Prairie. "I did not," says Wilkinson, ''make the opposite shore and Longueuil until it was dark. I found a public horse at the parish priest's, mounted him, and arrived at Chambly about nine o'clock at night (15th). Here the scene presented me can never be effaced. The front of our retreating army, over- whelmed with fatigue, lay scattered in disorder over the plain, and buried in sleep, without a single sentinel to watch for its safety. I rode through the encampment, entered the fort by the drawbridge, dismounted, and presented myself to Gen. Sullivan, without being halted or even hailed. The general and his companions. Colonels St. Clair, Maxwell, and Hazen, all appeared astonished at my information of the near approach of the enemy to Montreal. Maxwell, in Scottish dialect, ex- claimed, 'Be the Lard, it cannot be possible! to which I em- *Thl3 letter Is published In Force's Archives, fourth series, vol. Vi, 826. with no Indication of the writer. In a casual examination of the Teates papers, in the pos.sesslon of Yeates Cunningham, of Lancaster. Pa., the editors discovered the originals of this and other letters from the army In Canada, published by Force, in the handwriting of Lieut. Col. Thomas Hartley, and addressed to Jasper Yeates, Esq., afterwards justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Our history is therefore indebted to the pen of Hartley, BubiCijuently one of the foremost lawyers and ablest statesnitu of Pennsylvania, for nearly all that is known of the oampulgn .if th^• Penn ^^ylvania l)attalions in Canada. COL.. ARTHUR SI. CLAIR. 87 phatically retorted, 'Be the Lard, sir, you know not what you say!' Sullivan and St. Clair, who were both acquainted with me, interposed, and corrected Maxwell's Indecorum. "It was acknowledged on all hands, that a detachment was necessary to co-operate with Arnold; but how to effect it, under the actual circumstances of the moment, was a matter of much difficulty. The night was profoundly dark; the rain poured (town in torrents; the troops at hand were fatigued, and in great disorder, and there was no officer to receive and execute orders. After some deliberation it was determined that I should proceed down the Sorel with instructions to Brig. Gen., the Baron de Woedtke, who commanded the rear, to make a de- tachment of five hundred men, to cover Gen. Arnold's retreat. I was directed to keep the main road on the bank of the Sorel, which Col. Hazen informed me was quite plain and unob- structed; but he deceived me, and, owing to the darkness of tne night, I presently missed my way, and narrowly escaped plunging into Liittle River, where it was twenty feet deep. After my escape, I dismounted, and, securing my horse, groped my way in the dark, until I discovered a bridge of batteaux formed for the passage of the infantry, on which I crossed. "I found every house and hut on my route crowded with stragglers, men without officers, and officers without men. Wet to the skin, covered with mud, exhausted by hunger and fatigue, I threw myself down on the floor of a filthy cabin and slept until dawn; when I arose and prosecuted my search in quest of the Prussian baron. The first officer of my acquaint- ance whom I met, was Lieut. Col. William Allen, of the Second Penn'a, who, to my inquiry for De Woedtke, replied that 'he had no doubt the beast was drunk, and in front of the army.' I then informed him of my orders for a detachment. He re- plied 'this army, Wilkinson, is conquered by its fears, and I doubt whether you can draw any assistance from it; but Col. Wayne is in the '-ear, and if any one can do it, he is the man.' On which I quickened my pace, and half an hour after met that gallant soidier, as much at his ease as if he was marching to a parade of exercise. He confirmed Allen's report respecting De Woedtke, and, without hesitation, determined to carry the order into execution, if possible. He halted at the bridge, and posted a guard, with orders to stop every man without regard to corps, who appeared to be active, alert, and equipped. In a short time, a detachment was completely formed, and in motion for Longueull. The very men who only the day before were retreating in confusion, before a division of the enemy, now marched with alacrity against his main body. 88 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. "We had gone two miles when we met an express from Ar- nold, with verbal information of his escape from Montreal, and that he would be able to make good his retreat by La Prairie. This information brought Col. Wayne to the right about. We crossed Little River at a ford, and found the rear of the army not yet up to Chambly. Our detachment was discovered ad- vancing on the bank of the Sorel, two miles below the fort; we were taken for the enemy, and great alarm and confusion en- sued, the drums beat to arms, and Gen. Sullivan and his of- ficers were observed making great exertions to prepare for bat- tle. Gen. Wayne halted his column, pulled out his glass, and seemed to enjoy the panix; his appearance produced. I sug- gested that he would interrupt the labors of the troops on the portage of Chambly, and delay the movement of the army; on which he ordered me forward to correct the delusion. "I reported to Gen. Sullivan, who gave orders for Wayne to march by his right, and co-operate with Gen. Arnold, if nec- essary, but we soon discovered Arnold had passed, and the bridge of Little River on fire; we, therefore, turned to the left, and followed him to St. John's, where we arrived in the even- ing (16th), and found Gen. Sullivan with the front of the army."— Wilkinson's Memoirs, vol. i, page 51, et sequitur. The rear of the army, with baggage stores, reached St. John's on the 18th, were embarked and moved up the Sorel the same afternoon. After the last boat but Arnold's had put off, at Arnold's suggestion, he and Wilkinson went down the direct road to Chambly for two miles, where they met the advance of the British division, under Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne. They reconnoitered it a few minutes, then galloped back to St. John's and stripping their horses, shot them. Gen. Arnold then or- dered all on board, pushed off the boat with his own hands, and thus indulged the vanity of being the last man who em- barked from the shores of the enemy. They followed the army twelve miles, to the Isle Aux Noix, where they arrived after dark.— Ibid., page 55. The head of Burgoyne's column entered St. John's on the evening of the 18th, and Philips' advance guard on the morn- ing of the 19th. On the 19th, general orders at Isle Aux Noix directed the commands of de Haas, Wayne, St. Clair, and Irvine to encamp on the east side of the island. On the 21st, Col. Irvine's battalion met with another heavy loss, as is detailed by a letter from one of the regiment: "Capts. McCIean, Adams, and Rippey, Lieuts. McFerran, McAllister, and Hoge, and Ensigns Lusk and Culbertson, with I COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 89 four privates, went over from the Isle Aux Noix to the western shore of the lake, about a mile from camp, but within sight, to fish and divert themselves. Capt. McClean prudently pro- posed to take arms with them, but was over-ruled. Some In- dians observed their motions, and while they were at a house drinking some spruce beer, the savages surrounded them, killed Capt. Adams, j:>usigu Culbertson, and two privates, whom they scalped in a most inhuman and barbarous manner; and carried off prisoners, Capt. McClean, Lieuts. Ferran, McAllister, and Hoge, and the two other privates. But a party coming to their relief from camp, Capt. Rippey and Ensign Lusk made their es- cape." The bodies of those killed were brought to the Isle Aux Noix and decently buried by Col. Wayne, who, with a party followed the Indians and recovered the batteaux with the bodies. Isle Aux Noix proved very unhealthy; Col. Wayne had sixty men out of one hundred and thirty-eight taken down with sickness, after their arrival there; and on the 24th of June, Col. de Haas and all his field officers, with a number of his men were sick.* On the 25th, Gen. Sullivan commenced mov- ing the army to Isle la Motte. Lieut. Col. Hartley, with two hundred and fifty men of Irvine's battalion, went by land, scouring the country, traversing disagreeable swamps, destroy- ing on the way the house, mills, &c., of the traitor McDonald. On June, 27th, at Isle la Motte all the army took vessels and came to Crown Point, which they reached on the 1st of July. Gen. Gates arrived there on the evening of the 5th, superseding Gen. Sullivan, and on the 7th, at a council of war, it was deter- mined to remove the army to Ticonderoga. The battalions of Cols, de Haas, St. Clair, and Wayne arrived there on the 10th, the Sixth, under Lieut. Col. Hartley, remaining posted at Crown Point, where it remained the balance of the summer and fall, the sentinel regiment of Gen. Gates' army. — See Force's Archives, fifth series, vol. i and 11, for journal and correspondence of Lieut. Col. Hartley. On the 20th, Gen. Gates brigaded his army, and the four Pennsylvania battalions were constituted the Fourth Brigade, Col. Arthur St. Clair commanding; Edward Scull brigade major for the Third and Fourth battalions. /"Ticonderoga, June 13.— One woman from each company of each of the Pennsylvania battalions, now at this post, to be drafted as soon as possible and sent to the general hospital at Fort George, to nurse the sick. They will have the customary allowance of provisions from Dr. Stringer, director of the hospital there." 90 SECOND }'KNNSY1A'AN'IA BAI'TAMON. August 14, Lieut. Col. Hartley's scouts found the British still at St. John's. Aug. 24, de Haas' battalion numbered rank and file four hun- dred and fifty-five men (one hundred and fifty-seven of whom were siclv), twenty-six sergeants; staff, four; commissioned of- ficers, thirty-one; five drums and fifes; five hundred and twenty one in toto. St. Clair's four hundred and twenty-nine rank and file, one hundred and sixty-one sick; total ofiicers and men. four hundred and eighty-five. Wayne's, five hundred and twenty-two rank and file, one hundred and fifty-five of whom were sick: total officers and men, five hundred and seventy- three. On the 6th of September, Lieut. Col. Hartley, desired Gen. Gates to send to Crown Point, either Gen. Wayne's battalion or the Second, and he would defend it with them. Gen. Gates gave him positive orders to retreat if the British reached that point. The British did not come, however, and on the 22d Irvine's regiment was still at Crown Point. One lieutenant colonel, one major, four captains, five first lieutenants, three second lieutenants, five ensigns, four staff, seventeen sergeants, fifteen drums, and four hundred and eighty-six rank and file. On the 11th of October, Hartley still maintained his post; having found in the woods some cannon lost in the French war, with great labor, he had roads cut, and transported them to Crown Point, and had a battery of six guns ready for visitors, not any too soon, for on the same day the British at- tacked Arnold's fleet on Lake Champlain, compelling him to retire towards Crown Point to refit, the next day, almost totally destroying it before it got there. On the 14th, Col. Hartley set fire to all the houses at and near Crown Point, *and retired to Ticonderoga. The season was too far advanced for the British to make any further progress; after threatening Ticonderoga, they retired Into winter quarters. On the 18th of November, Gen. Gates putting Col. Wayne in command of Ticonderoga, proceeded to join Gen. Washington with the larger part of his army, the three Pennsylvania battalions whose time would expire on the 5th of January, agreeing to remain until they were relieved by other troops. On the 29th of November, the Second, commanded by Col. Wood, numbered four huh- dred and twenty-six officers and men; Wayne'a five hundred and alxty-five; Irvine's five hundred and three. (^ (T^^ (hi^ COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 9J On the 4th of December, Col. Wayne writes to the Committee of Safety: "The wretched condition the battalions are now iu for want of almost every necessary, except flour and bad beef, is shock- ing to humanity, and beggars all description. We have neither beds lior bedding for our sick to lay on or under, other than their own clothing; no medicine or regimen suitable for them; the dead and dying lying mingled together in our hospital, or rather house of carnage, is no uncommon sight. They are objects truly worthy of your notice, as well as of your most obedient, humble servant, ANT'Y WAYNE." On the 24th of January, 1777, the Second battalion 1777. left Ticonderoga, with Gen Wayne, for their homes. Muhlenberg's Journal, under date of February 15, 1777, has the following: 'In the evening, many American soldiers from Ticonderoga arrived here in Providence (Montgomery county). The time of service of these people has expired. " Many of the privates of the Second re-enlisted in the Third I'enn'a regiment. "To the Honourable the Council of Safety, held in and for the City of Philadelphia, &c.: The Humble Petition of the non-commissioned officers and Soldiers of the 2d Battalion of Pennsylvania, Commanded by Colonel Joseph Wood: "As humbliy Sheweth; the Indigent and Misserable condition of your Honours petitioners who has spent one year in the service of the Country either in a Country where this currancy would not pass, or in Deserts where few of the Necessarys of Life were to be got, and if any at an Extraordinary price; and Endured much fatigue and hardships in Marching and hard Labour Building Breast Works, &c., and lost many of our Dear friends and Acquaintances, nor Could our Rations be got as Alowed by the Honourable the Congress, as we Seldom got any but Bread or Flower, & Salt Pork or Beef, and all we Rec'd in Restitution for the Remainder was some three Dollars and some two and some none. All this we Endured with Cheear- fullness, Resting on premisses of being Righted (when we Came to this City) in all things. But now when we have been h«r« three Weeks, wa Cannot get our Wages or Settled with on 92 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. any terms untill part is gon to Camp and part gon to See their friends, without money to Defray their Expences, in a Raged Dirty Condition, Enough to affright an Indian from Inlisting, many of v/hom Left home in Creadit and part in Town Living on the Publiclv Expence; And if we were paid, and after seeing our Friends, would freely Joyn Instantly in Defence of the Country again. "So we are sorry to be under the Dissagreeable Necessity of troubling your Honourable Council for Redress; Beggs there- fore in the Humbilest Manner for Justice, only hoping your Honours to Consider our unpolished but true Petition, And After begging pardon for our presumption, we Begg Leave to Rest your Honours Loyal and Humble Servants and Petitioners as Ever bound to pray. "Philadelphia, March ye 3d, 1777. "N. B. As this is the Cause of the hole Batt'n it would take up too much Room to Incert all our names." ROSTER OP FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS, (a.) Coloneli. St. Clair, Arthur, commissioned January 3, 1776; promoted brigadier general August 9, 1776. Wood, Joseph, commissioned September 7, 1776; see Third Penn'a; wounded in action on Lake Champlain, in left leg and arm. Lieutenant Colonels. Allen, William, from captain of First battalion; commissioned January 4, 1776; resigned July 24, 1776. Wood, Joseph, from captain, July 29, 1776; promoted colonel. Craig, Thomas, from captain, September 7, 1776; see Third Penn'a. Majors. Wood, Joseph, commissioned January 18, 1776; promoted lieu- tenant colonel. Butler, William, from captain, September 7, 1776; promoted lieutenant colonel Fourth Penn'a. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 98 Chaplain. McCalla, Rev'd Janiel, of Warwick, Bucks county; appointed January 16, 1776; captured at Three Rivers, June 8; died in Charleston, S. C, May, 1809. — Sprague's Annals, vol. i, page 320. Adjutant. Ross, George, appointed January 11, 1776. Quartermasters. Hanson, Thomas, appointed February 8, 1776. Armstrong, James, appointed February 29, 1776, vice Hanson, declined. Surgeon. McKinzie, Samuel, appointed March 30, 1776; captured at Three Rivers. Paymaster. Fishbourne, Benjamin, appointed October 2, 1776. Drum Major. Hall, John, of Brisban's company. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS CRAIG'S COMPANY, (a.) From January 5 to November 25, 1776. [Enlisted prinripally in Northampton county.] Captains. Craig, Thomas, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted lieu- tenant colonel September 7, 1776. Bunner, Rudolph; see Third Pcnn'a. First Lieutenants. Kachlein, Andrew, commissioned January 5, 1776; discharged June 21, 1776. Dunn, Isaac Budd. commissioned July 4, 1776; see Third Penn'a. 94 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Second Lieutenants. Craig, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted Novem- ber 11, 1776; subsequently captain in Light Dragoons. Fourth cavalry. Armstrong, James, commissioned November 11, 1776. Ensigns. Parke, Thomas, commissioned January 5, 1776: discharged June 20, 1776. Dull, Abraham, commissioned October 25, 1776. Sergeants. Marshall, Robert, appointed January 7, 1776; discharged July 13, 1776. Smith, Peter, appointed January 15, 1776; promoted Novem- ber 11, 1776. Horn, Abraham, appointed January 5, 1776. Dull, Abraham, appointed January 19, 1776; promoted October 25, 1776. Shouse, Christian, appointed July 13, 1776. Carey, John, appointed October 25, 1776; discharged November 21, 1776. McMichael, John, appointed November 21, 1776. Minor, John, appointed January 13, 1776, drummer. Gangwer, George, appointed .January 13, 1776, fifer; reduced October, 11, 1776. Fuller, Stephen, appointed October 11, 1776, fifer. Corporals. Shouse, Christian, appointed January 15, 1776; promoted July 13, 1776. C'arey, John, appointed January 5, 1776; promoted October 25, 1776. Byel, Peter, appointed January 17, 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. Povi^elson, Henry, appointed February 11, 1776; deserted April 12, 1776. McMichael, John, appointed April 8, 1776; promoted June 21. 1776. Shearer, Robert, appointed April 12, 1776. Swe«ney, Jamen, appointed Novemtaar 21, 177*. Mon. Samuel, appoint«d July 12. 1776. CX>L. ARTHUR ST. GLAIR. Privates. Ackert, John, enlisted January 29, 1776. Assur, Anthony, enlisted January 14, 1776. Byel, Jacob, enlisted February 2, 1776. Bowerman, Peter, enlisted January 13, 1776. Boyer, John, enlisted September 1, 1776. Branthuwer, Adam, enlisted January 13, 1776. Crane, Josiah, enlisted January 12, 1776. Crist, Butler, enlisted January 8, 1776. Cunningham, Alexander, enlisted January 15, 1776. Daily, Peter, enlisted January 10, 1776; deserted March 12, 1776. Darling, John, enlisted February 3, 1776; deserted March 12, 1776. Darling, David, enlisted February 3, 1776. Davenport, Jacob, enlisted February 17, 1776. Davis, Evan, Cookstown, Tyrone county, Ireland, enlisted January 7, 1776; missing since battle at Three Rivers, June 8; paroled August 9, 1776. Davis, John, enlisted February 3. 1776; missing since battle at Three Rivers, June 8. Dieli, Daniel, enlisted January 22, 1776; see Third Pennsylva- nia regiment. Dobbs, Thomas, enlisted January 12, 1776; deserted April 12, 1776. Docker, John, enlisted February 14, 1776. Evans, Evan, enlisted January 10, 1776. Fleek, Peter, enlisted January 8, 1776; wounded; resided in Huntingdon county in May, 1818, aged sixty-five. Foulk, Daniel, enlisted January 17, 1776. Freedley, Henry, enlisted January 8, 1776. Gangwer, George, enlisted October 4, 1776. Grimes, Samuel, enlisted March 13, 1776; missing since the battle of Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Groob, Philip, enlisted January 24, 1776. Hans, Leonard, enlisted January 18, 1776. Hindman, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Hirkie, "William, enlisted February 28, 1776. Hoofman, Ludwig, enlisted February 21, 1776. Horn, Frederick, enlisted January 8, 1776. Hubler, John, enlisted January 17, 1776. Huntsman, George, enlisted January 29, 1776. J08t, Martin, enlisted January 8, 1776. Kautsman, NMcholas, enlisted February 10, 1776. 96 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. King, Charles, enlisted January 17, 1776; deserted March 12, 1776. Kuns, George, enlisted January 13, 1776, died August 6, 1776. Kuns, Michael, enlisted January 13, 1776. Labar, Leonard, enlisted March 12, 1776. Labar, Melchior, enlisted March 12, 1776.- Man, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Man, Lawrence, enlisted January 13, 1776. McMichael, John, enlisted January 27, 1776; promoted April 8, 1776. Miller, Christian, enlisted January 8, 1776. Miller, Matthias, enlisted March 22, 1776. Mengas, Conrad, enlisted January 10, 1776. Minon, David, enlisted January 8, 1776. Mock, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Morey, Robert, enlisted January 19, 1776. Mon, Samuel, enlisted January 8, 1776, promoted July 13, 1776. Nagle, Leonard, enlisted January 13, 1776. Ney, Samuel, enlisted January 13, 1776. Phass, George, enlisted February 10, 1776. Powels, Jacob, enlisted February 14, 1776. Prang, Stophel, enlisted January 13, 1776. Ramsey, Thomas, enlisted January 27, 1776. Rusarch, Conrad, enlisted February 2, 1776. Reyley, Daniel, enlisted February 18, 1776. Richards, Jonathan, enlisted February 2, 1776; deserted Feb- ruary 25, 1776. Rinker, Abraham, enlisted January 13, 1776. Rogers, Timothy, enlisted January 11, 1776. Shaffer, Thomas, enlisted January 28, 1776. Shannon, John, enlisted January 28, 1776. Shearer, Henry, enlisted January 24, 1776. Shearer, Robert, enlisted January 31, 1776; promoted April 12, 1776. Smith, Peter, enlisted January 10, 1776. Smith, Philip, enlisted March 5, 1776. Standly, Peter, enlisted January 15, 1776. Stinson, David, enlisted January 15, 1776. Sterner, George, enlisted January 13, 1776. Sweeney, James, enlisted February 8, 1776; promoted Novem- ber 21, 1776. Thompson, James, enlisted January 15, 1776. Wilson, Robert, enlisted February 26, 1776. Wise, Jacob, enlisted January 13, 1776. Yiesly, Felty, enlisted January 14, 1776. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 97 ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM BUTLER'S COMPANY, (a.) Prom January 5 to November 25, 1776, as they stood at Ticonderoga. [Enlisted in the vicinity of Greensburg, ^\'ostInorel:lnd county. Many of the company reenlisted in Third Penn'a, Capt. Jas. Chrystie.] Captains. Butler, William, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted major October 7 1776. Chrystie, James, commissioned November 11, 1776. First Lieutenant. Butler, Thomas, commissioned January 5, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Seitz, Charles, commissioned January 5, 1776; dropped Sep- tember 20, 1776. Ensigns. McCully, George, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted second lieutenant September 2, 1776, vice Lieut. Chambers, discharged. McMullan, Nathan, September 20, 1776, vice Parke, discharged. McCully, Robert. Jack, Thomas. McClanen, Hugh. Carrell, Thomas. McKee, George. Bennett, Abraham. Kelso, John. Webb, William. Branch, Elijah. Brown, John. Calagan, James. 7— Vol. II— 5th Ser. Sergeants. Corporals. 98 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Carothers, John, enlisted at Carlisle; wounded in the left hand at Three Rivers; re-enlisted under Richard Butier, and served three years; resided in Butler county, Penn'a, in 1817. Coil, Charles. Conner, John. Cowley, William. Craig, James. Davis, Amos. Davis, Robert. Dixon, Robert. Doyle, Bryan. Ewin, William. Fleming, George. Fleming, Henry. Forbes, James. Futhey, Roberi. Gordon, Andrew, in 1820 resided in West Nantmeal township Chester county. Hanna, David. Hamilton, James. Henry, John. Heron, Patrick. Jones, Hugh. Jordon, Garret. Kennedy, James. Kinsey, James. Kyle, William. Laferty, Patrick. Leas, Edward. Lindsey, John. Lucas, William. Martin, William, Jr., enlisted at Carlisle; re-enlisted in Third Penn'a. Martin, William, Sen. Matthews, William. McCarrell, Dennis. McConel, James. McCord, Matthew. McFadden, Thomas. McGill, James. McKenzie, John. McMilUn, John, enlisted at Greensburg. March 1. 1778; r«-en- listed Third Penn'a. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. Meyer, Dennis. Navel, Edward. Patterson, Willi;.--. Roberts, Jonathan. Roddy, Isaac. Rucraft, George. Stover, John. Smith, John. Stimble, Isaac Sutherland. John. Sweeny, James. Varner, Robert. Wilson, Samuel. ~ ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN BRISBAN'S COMPANY, (a.) From January 5 to November 26, 1776. Captain. Brisban, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; furloughed by Gen. Gates from November 25, 1776; captain in Third Penn'a; died March 13, 1822, aged ninety-one; buried in Paxtang grave-yard, near Harrisburg, Penn'a. First Lieutenant. Gross, John, commissioned January 5, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Chambers, William, commissioned January 5, 1776; resigned July 5, 1776. Ensigns. Evans, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; died June 20, 1776. Ross, George, commissioned Jan. 5. 1776; promoted lieutenant of marines. Sergeants. (Jowmie, Joseph. Hasan. James. 100 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Bloom, Daniel; subsequently lieutenant in Capt. Bloom's com- pany, at Ked Bank, in 1777, &c.; died May 29, 1819, in Bed- ford county. Biggs, Joseph. Bartholomew, Benjamin. Corporals. Bradley, William, from Dauphin county; died at Ticonderoga. on the march to Canada. Carman, William. Evans, Evan. Peacock, William. Whitman, Ulrick. Hall, Joseph. Haney, Charles. Adams, Joseph. Allen, Thomas. Armor, James. Baird, Edward. Bayard, Jacob. Bayley, Robert. Blair, Samuel. Boyd, John. Bradford, William. Byers, Jacob. Campbell, George. Corein, Benjamin. Cormen, Samuel. Craiger, John. Crawford, John. Cumniings, Edward. Curry, Morris. Dreamer, Frederick. Douty, James. Ebrem, James. Edene, Moses. Farlow, Isaac. Ferguson, Charles. Drummei Fifer. Privates COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 101 Freet, Adam. Fritz, Peter. Graham, John. Gwinn [Quinn], James. Green, John. Hamble, Thomas. Hamilton, Charles. Hand, Domiuick. Hanej% Charles. Hammond, Christopher. Henry, Abraham. Hogan, John. • Holmes, John. Hughes, Richard. Hulet, William; lost an eye in action. Jones, Thomas. McEually, Patrick. McCormick, James. McDowell, Michael. McGill, John. McGugan, Alexander. McGraw, . McKenzie, Neal. McLaughlin, Henry. McMahan, Barnabas. McMahan, Constans. McNabb, William. McPick, James. Merede, James. Miller, Conrad. Montgomery, Jamec. Moore, Adam. Odier, Dennis. Ogan, John .— — O'Neill, Henry. Overholtzer, Samuel. Oxford, John. Pemperton, Christian. Reed, Hugh. Roadmaker, Michael. Rodgers, Patrick. Ross, James. Shannon, Hugh. 102 SECOND PENNiSYl.VANIA BATTALION. Shortley, Ludwig. Short. Richard. Sloan, John. Sloan, Lawrence. Stewart, James. Steward, Robert. Sutton, Hugh. Thomas, Nicholas. Weaver, Anthony. Wier, Daniel. Wllhelm, Adam. ROLL OF CAPTAIN RUDOLPH RUNNER'S COMPANY, (a.) From .Tanuary 25, 1776, to November 25, 1776. Captains. Banner, Rudolph, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted to Capt. Craig's company. Moore, Samuel, commissioned November 11, 1776. First Lieutenants. Moore, Thomas L., commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted May 21, 1776. Montgomery, James, commissioned May 21, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Marshall, John, commissioned November 11, 1776. Bartleson, Ezra, commissioned January 5, 1776; discharged June 19, 1776. Ensigns. Ross, George, commissioned January 5, 1776; resigned July 1. 1776, and appointed lieutenant of marines. Armstrong, James, commissioned May 21, 1776; promoted No- vember 11, 1776. Dunn, Abner M., commissioned November 11, 1776; see First Penn'a. COL,. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 108 Sergeants. Pope, Jacob, appointed February 11, 1776; died June 13, 1776. Randeclier, Samuel, appointed January 20, 1776; missing at Tliree Rivers, June 8, 1776. Knight, Henry, appointed January 18, 1776; deserted April 17. 1776. Wallace, William, appointed January 20, 1776; quarter-master sergeant. Ellis, Richard, appointed June 13, 1776. Grant, Lewis, appointed March 1, 1(76; discharged October 1, 1776. Patterson, Christy, appointed June 8, 1776; discharged No- vember 23, 1776. Holmes, Thomas, appointed April 17, 1776. Corporals. Ellis, Richard, appointed January 24, 1776; promoted June 13, 1776. Grant, Lewis, appointed February 26, 1776; promoted March 4, 1776! Cline, Matthias, appointed February 11, 1776; reduced July 1, 1776. Patterson, Christopher, appointed February 11, 1776; promoted June 8, 1776. Kerr, John, appointed March 7, 1776. Williams, John, appointed October 2, 1776. Thomas, Jacob, appointed June 13, 1776. Clatter, Jacob, appointed July 1, 1776. Fox, Patrick, appointed March 3, 1776; drummer. Privates. Banks, Joseph, enlisted January 28, 1776. • Barber, James, enlisted May 30, 1776. Bender, Martin, enlisted February 5, 1776. Claney, Owen, enlisted March 1, 1776. Clatter, Jacob, enlisted March 1, 1776; promoted July 1, 1776. Cline, Matthias, enlisted July 1, 1776. Clouts, Jacob, enlisted February 14, 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. Cole, John, enlisted February 23, 1776; missing June 8, 1776, at Thro Riv«r«. 104 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Collins, David, enlisted January 26, 1776. Colstin, William, enlisted March 1, 1776. Connelly, Israel, enlisted February 15, 1776. Coons, Phineas, enlisted March 1, 1776; re-enlisted in Third Penn'a. Crafts, Joseph, enlisted February 15, 1776; died July 8, 1776. Curran, James, enlisted March 9, 1776; missing June 8, at Three Rivers. Curran, John, enlisted March 9, 1776. Curran, Thomas, Granard, Leinster Province, enlisted March I, 1776; missing June 8 at Three Rivers; paroled August 9, 1776. Dixon, William, enlisted February 26, 1776. Ellison, James, enlisted February 16, 1776. Foster, Andrew, enlisted February 20, 1776; deserted March II, 1776. Gorman, David, enlisted February 12, 1776; deserted March 8, 1776. Gorman, James, enlisted January 30, 1776. Green, David, enlisted February 12, i776; died June 22, 1776. Griffy, Lawrence, enlisted February 22, 1776. Grouse, Michael, enlisted February 3, 1776; discharged October 11, 1776. Hall, Josiah, enlisted January 20, 1776; discharged September 28, 17/6. Hall, Samuel, enlisted March 8, 1776. Hansel, George, enlisted March 1, 1776; discharged October 16, 1776. Crushed between batteaux at Chambly, ou the re- treat; lived after the war at New Windsor, Ulster county, N. Y. Hannah, Daniel, enlisted March 5, 1776; died June 7, 1776. Harris, William, enlisted February 24, 1776. Henderson, Thomas, enlisted January 24, 1776; missing June 8, 1776. Holmes, Thomas, enlisted February 9, 1776; promoted April 17, 1776. Hoofnagle, William, enlisted February 5, 1776; died July 1, 1776. * Hunter, Jacob, enlisted January 31, 1776. Ireton, Samuel, enlisted February 14, 1776. Isburter, Thomas, enlisted January 23, 1776; missing June 8. at Three Rivers. Keve, John, enlisted March 7, 1776; promoted March 7, 1776. Kives, John, enlisted January 23, 1776. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 105 Kooger, Daniel, enlisted March 7, 1776. McCiilly, Thomas, enlisted January 29, 1776. Mellon, Samuel, enlisted March 23, 1776. Miller, Peter, enlisted March 6, 1776. Morgan, Thomas, enlisted March 8, 1776. Monin, Joshua, enlisted January 22, 1776. Morris, John, enlisted March 1, 1776; missing June 8, at Three Rivers. Mover, Abraham, enlisted February 24, 1776. Nixon, Richard, enlisted February 15, 1776. Norman, Joseph, enlisted February 15, 1776. Owen, Thomas, enlisted January 25, 1776; discharged Septem- ber 30, 1776. Polar, Peter, enlisted February 15, 1776; deserted April 17, 1776. Price, Jacob, enlisted February 18, 1776; deserted April 18, 1776. Quin, Francis, enlisted January 25, 1776. Richards, Nathaniel, enlisted February 4, 1776. Roberts, Thomas, enlisted February 16, 1776; died July 23, 1776. Shuttle, Daniel, enlisted February 7, 1776. Smallwood, Aaron, enlisted March 12, 1776. Schmell, Nicholas, enlisted January 25, 1776; in 1820, he re- sided in Potter township. Centre county, a carpenter by occupation. Smyth, George, enlisted January 17, 1776; discharged October 16, 1776. Stump, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Thomas, Jacob, enlisted February 7, 1776; promoted June 13, 1776. Walter, Elijah, enlisted March 9, 1776. White, John, enlisted January 24, 1776; died July 15, 1776. Wiley, Reuben, enlisted March 1, 1776; died September 21, 1776. Williams, John, enlisted February 2, 1776; promoted October 2, 1776. Williams, Michael, Scutzenburg, Germany, enlisted February 9, 1776; missing June 8, 1776, at Three Rivers; paroled Au- gust 9, 1776. Willis, Richard, enlisted March 1, 1776; missing as above. Wright, Jonathan, enlisted January 25, 1776. Wright, Obediah, enlisted February 14, 1776; died July 31, 1776. Young, John, enlisted January 23, 1775. 106 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPT. STEPHEN BAYARD'S COMPANY, (a.) From January 5, 1776, to November 25, 1776. Captain. Bayard, Stephen, commissioned January 5, 1776. First Lieutenants. Chrystie, James, commissioned January 5, 1776; afterwards cap- tain Third Pennsylvania; afterward promoted, November 11, 1776. Craig, John, commissioned November 11, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Dunn, Isaac Budd, commissioned January 5,- 1776; promoted July 4, 1776. Black, James, promoted July 4, 1776. Ensigns. Black, James, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted July 4, 1776. Marshall, John, promoted November 11, 1776. Oates, James, promoted November 11, 1776. Sergeants. Shepherd, John, October 1, 1776. Philips, Barney, October 1, 1776. Cosgrove, Andrew, October 1, 1776. Points, Joseph, died July 19, 1776. Boyd, Thomas, from corporal November 1, 1776. Jones, Thomas, re-enlisted April 8, 1777, in Capt. Coren's com- pany of artillery; transferred to artillery artificers, Capt. N. Irish's company, where he served three years. Drummer. Maxwell, John. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 107 Fifer. Dougherty, George. Wood, Thomas. Barret, James. Brown, Patrick. Corporals. Privates. Alien, Patrick. Baggs, John. Black, Benjamin. BurriB, James. Campbell, Alexander. Cox, William. Coyle, Robert. Donohoe, Patrick. Dougherty, William. Duffield, John. English, Joseph. Greer, George. Harkins, Thomas. Holliday, John. Hollis, John. Johnson, Patrick. Leech, William. Lackey, Patrick. Martin, William. McCord, William. McClennon, Robert, discharged November 19, 1776. McConnell, Andrew, discharged July, 1776. McCracken, William, died in the general hospital. McEvoy, Daniel. McFadden, Connel. McKinley, Charles. Moor, William, died March 13, 177G. Murphy, Thomas. Quigg, John. Ruttledge, James. Thompson, James. Weary, John. Wiley, Robert. Work, Aaron. Meloy. Edwaid. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN HULING'S COMPANY, (a.) From January 5, 1776, to November 25, 1776. Hilling, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; furloughed from October, 1776, by Gen. Gates. First Lieutenant. Burd, William, commissioned January 5, 1776; captured at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Currie, Ross, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted Novem- ber 11, 1776, to Rees' company. Craig, William, from ensign, November 11, 1776. Ensigns. Craig, William, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted sec- ond lieutenant November 11, 1776. Hoffner, George, commissioned July 4, 1776; promoted No- vember 11, 1776. Young, John. Funk, Frederick. Sergeants. Lower, James. 1^'erree, Barney. Riddle, Joseph. Nixon, Allen. Corporals. Gordon, John. Anderson, Neal. Mitchell, James. Albright, Philip. Almond, Frederick. Privatee. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 109 Baldwin, Moses, discharged April 12, 1777. Bennett, Robert. Black, William. Cooper, Abraham. Crookshank, James. Dair, Matthias. Daniel, Peter. Dickey, Nathaniel. Evans, John. Fagan, Michael. Fair, John, Gobee, Joseph. Goodman, John. Gorley, John. Hide, John. Kusick, John, wounded at Three Rivers; pensioned at Phila- delphia, 1786. Kail, Michael. Koch, Jacob. Larkin, Paul. McCardel, Hugh. McKee, Edward. Randall, John. Reed, Michael. Reese, Peter. Rork, Henry. Servey, Peter. Shoup, Henry. Steele, John. Stone, Peter. Stoutsman, Christopher. Sundock, Herman. Walborn, Peter. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN REESE'S COMPANY, (a ) From January r., 1776, to November 25, 1776. Captain. Reese, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; recruiting from November 5, 1776. 110 SF.rONT) PKNXSYIA'AKIA riA'lTAI.lON. First LieuteuaatH. Moore, Samuel, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted cap tain November 11, 1776. Currie, Ross, from Huling's company; captured June 8. 1776, at Three Rivers. Second Lieutenant. Hoffner, George, from ensign, November 11, 1776. Ensigns. St. Clair, Daniel, commissioned September 20, 1776; lieutenant Third Penn'a. Eppley, Henry, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted lieu- tenant Capt. Watson's company, November 11, 1776. Hoffner, George, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted second lieutenant November 11, 1776. Davis, Mordecai, commissioned January 5, 1776; died August 12. 1776. Sei'geants. Coulter, Samuel. Filson. David. Davis, Mathusaln. Hamilton, Adam. Corporals. Waite, Michael. Meredith, Thomas. Moore, Andrew. McMillan, Michael Privates. Alexander, Jame.'^. Baggs, James. Buckle, Christopher. Couloron, Abraham. Devinney, Hugh. Drumheller, Jacob. Edwards, Edward. Edwards, Hugh. Faulkner, John. Forquer, George. Gallagher, Daniel. Gallagher. William. Gardner, George. Johnston, James. Johnston, John. Jordan, John. Man, William. McCloskey, Thorn McManus, John. Nunn, Abraham. Otty, William. Pearsol, Isaac. Flamage, William. Ramsey, William. Reese, John. Robinson. James. COL. ARTHUR ST. CM, AIR. Ill Gilmoie, Benjamin. Saxtou, George. Graham, Enos. Scott, George. Hand, Patrick. Scott, Jonathan. Hull, John. Sheer, Philip. Mordecai, James. Williams, Thomas. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL WATSON'S COMPANY, (a.) From January 5, 1776, to November 23, 1776. Captains. Watson, Samuel, from first lieutenant. First battalion, January 5, 1776; died May 21, 1776, at Three Rivers. Moore, Thomas L., commissioned May 21, 1776, vice Watson, deceased. First Lieutenants. Chilton, John, commissioned January 5, 1776; resigned Novem- ber 11, 1776. Eppley, Henry, commissioned November 11, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Montgomery, James, January 5, 1776; promoted to first lieu- tenant, IV^ay 21, 1776. Miller, Benjamin, commissioned May 21, 1776. Ensigns. Miller, Benjamin, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted to second lieutenant. May 21, 1776. Engles, James, commissioned September 20, 1776, vice Evans. deceased. Sergeants. McMahon, Morris, appointed January 26, 1776; deserted April 10, 1776. Anderson, James, appointed January 30, 1776. Gibson, Robert, appointed January 30, 1776. 112 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Watson, John, appointed February 3, 1776; discharged October 27, 1776. Dorsey, Bates, appointed June 12, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, appointed October 28, 1776. Corporals. Toy, John, appointed January 28, 1776. Dorsey, Bates, appointed February 1, 1776; promoted June 12, 1776. Smith, William, appointed February 5, 1776; re-enlisted in the Fourth Pennsylvania. Steel, John, appointed February 3, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, appointed June 12, 1776; promoted October 28 1776. Atchison, William, appointed September 12, 1776, Drummer. Grenades, Francis, March 1, 1776. Privates. Adair, Benjamin, enlisted February 8, 1776. Adams, John, enlisted February 12, 1776. Adams, Parmer, enlisted January hi, 1776. Adams, William, enlisted February 8, 1776. Applegate, James, enlisted February 6, 1776; deserted April 10, 1776. Armour, John, enlisted January 24, 1776; missing June 8, 1776. Arthur, James, enlisted February 2, 1776. Atchison, William, enlisted February 8, 1776; promoted Sep- tember 10, 1776. Battersby, John, enlisted February 13, 1776. Beatty, Samuel, enlisted January 25, 1776. Book, John, enlisted February 11, 1776; deserted April 7, 1776 _ Brown, Daniel, enlisted P'ebruary 6, 1776; deserted April 8. 1776. Buck, John, enlisted February 7, 1776. Cannon, William, enlisted January 28, 1776; died July 11, 1776 Carmichael, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Carr, John, enlisted February 5, 1778; died October 10, 1776. Casady, Allen, enlisted January 28, 1776. COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 113 Chast, James, enlisted February 6, 1776. Claig, John, enlisted February 9, 1776. Clemens, John, enlisted February 5, 1776; deserted March 29, 1776. Clendennin, John, enlisted February 11, 1776. Cooler, John, enlisted February 1, 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. Dinger, Michael, enlisted January 31, 1776. Fallen, Daniel, enlisted February 8, 1776. Finney, John, enlisted February 26, 1776. Flanagan, William, enlisted January 28, 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. P^leming, John, enlisted January 31, 1776. Ford, Griffith, enlisted February 15, 1776. Ford, John, enlisted February 8, 1776. Forgey, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Garner, Thomas, enlisted February 6, 1776. George, Archibald, enlisted February 4, 1776; deserted April, 6, 1776. Gorman, Michael, enlisted March 3, 1776. Graham, John, enlisted January 20, 1776; deserted April 6, 1776. Haggerty, James, enlisted February 19, 1776. Haney, William, enlisted February 4, 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. Hurley, Isaac, enlisted February 23, 1776; deserted March 10, 1776. Hurley, Daniel, enlisted February 6, 1776; died October 23, 1776. Harper, Richard, enlisted February 11, 1776; deserted March 14, 1776. Hunter, Samuel, enlisted February 7, 1776. Hutchinson, John, enlisted February 8, 1776. Imlay, William, enlisted February 1, 1776. Jennings, Edward, enlisted February 2, 1776. Kegem, Joseph, enlisted February 17, 1776. Kelley, Thomas, enlisted February 4, 1776; promoted June 12, 1776. Kelly, Timothy, enlisted January 29, 1776. Lovett, Richard, enlisted February 5, 1776; died July 9, 1776. Lunuy, Thomas, enlisted January 28, 1776. Madole, John, enlisted January 28, 1776. Marrow, William, enlisted February 3, 1776. Martin, Daniel, enlisted February 1, 1776. Mathews, Joseph, enlisted February 29, 1776; deserted March 2, 1776. 8— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 114 SECOND pp:nnsylvania battalion. McCune, John, enlisted February 12, 1776. McDonald, Robert, enlisted January 21, 1776; discharged Sep- tember 25, 1776. Mcllvaine, Thomas, enlisted February 12, 1776. McKean, Thomas, enlisted February 9, 1776; resided in Buffalo township, Washington county, 1820, aged sixty-six. McLaughlin, James, enlisted January 22, 1776. Miller, William, enlisted February 8, 1776. Montgomery, John, enlisted February 17, 1776. Mustard, Henry, enlisted February 4, 1776. O'Brien, Daniel, enlisted February 2. 1776; deserted April 21, 1776. Parker, James, enlisted January 25, 1776; discharged October 7, 1776. Pemberton, Henry, enlisted January 22, 1776; died October 2, 1776. Porter, George, enlisted February 3, 1776. Price, Edward, enlisted January 22, 1776; deserted April 14, 1776. Quin, John, enlisted F'^bruary 10, 1776; missing June 8, 1776. Rankin, John, enlisted January 25, 1776. Reed, James, enlisted January 28, 1776; resided in Straban township, Washington county, 1821, aged seventy. Reed, John, enlisted February 17, 1776. Robinson, James, enlisted February 17, 1776. Shehan, William, enlisted February 12, 1776. Smith, Christian, enlisted February 6, 1776. Smith, John, enlisted February 8, 1776. Thompson, Benjamin, enlisted January 3. 1776: died October 1, 1776. Thomson, Matthew, enlisted February 19, 1776. Ward, Jesse, enlisted January 22, 1776. Watkins, John, enlisted February 3, 1776; discharged Sep- tember 25, 1776. Webb, Samuel, enlisted January 23, 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. Williamson,* William, enlisted February 16, 1776, with Doctor Stephen McCrea. •William Williamson's widow resided In Buffalo, New York, In October, 1848, then aged ninety-one years. She was then a lady of remarkable Intel- ligence on all subjects, religious, political, and historical; having u very wonderful knowledge of the history of our country, from th» commence- ment of the Revolution, the causes that produced it, the changes of par- ties, their leading prinriplps, .^-c.— T^etter of Pamuel Lake, Ksq., October W. 1848. OOL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. 116 Winslow, John, enlisted February 9, 1776; deserted March 15, 1776. Workman, James, enlisted February 8,- 1776; deserted April 8, 1776. Worrell, Joseph, enlisted January 25, 1776; deserted April 26. 1776. Yoemans, Joshua, enlisted January 22, 1776, at Crown Point. 116 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. •J3j!^ ^ 'lua •UIBldBUO ■s,:jn3!'i isx •sui-BidBO •£-2nc.c.o.D.c. tS t^ cS lai cS cs d n! COL. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. Ill •aj[^ ^ -uiQ •IBIOX ■qSnoian^ UQ •puKiuiuoo UQ •;U8sqv 3l0ts •}u»saacl >iO!s K ssssgs^s ^ : : '^ :-"^ '^ U, : ; > : 1 ; M ••«=>' •^inp .loj lu visjj •5p° M M M i CI W g" t-" 'O (J •' - • * Ll« SECOND PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ^ «8 S 1 2 .1 1 i} c o S| 3 ^ M M*J J « J H Sh ! 1 a v !B •5 ■ ^ X t ^ i ^ < d » : i^ 8 f; i 1 1' H 1^ 4) £ ^ » m si ^ % s § : 5 1 1 O 4J £ ■6 a § o a o I 1 ^ . w \ c C8 2 1 t 5 ° ??^ O o S'S £ c-o S E " g S o £ S > i s «"' & ^ 3 M !"ss a ft s * (120) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. COL. JOHN SHEE. JANUARY, 5, 1776— JANUARY, 3, 1777. (a) (Ul) J'HIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION, (a.) The Third Pennsylvania Battalion, known as "Shee's," was enlisted under authority of the resolution of Congress, dated December 9, 1775, before referred to. The officers were prin- cipally Philadelphians, but the companies were mainly 1775. filled up by detaching recruiting parties to different parts of this State, New. Jersey, Delaware and Mary- land. On the 11th of June, Congress ordered this battalion, with the Fifth, Col. Magaw, to New York. On the 15th they 1776. marched, reaching New York from the 20th to the 25th, and, on the 29th, they were put under the command of Brig. Gen. Mifflin; Shee's battalion, on the 28th, having three field officers, eight captains, ^ yp seven first lieutenants, seven second / ju—^/^ lieutenants, eight ensigns, adjutant, Q.^/ ^^*^J^ij^j2^ quartermaster, and surgeon, thirty- two sergeants, twelve drums and fifes, and five hundred and seventeen rank and file; total num- erical force, five hundred and ninety-seven men. Both battalions were marched towards Kingsbridge, en- camped upon the ground on which Fort Washington was erected, -and immediately employed in the construction of that fortress, under the direction of Col. Rufus Putnam. They remained here all summer, sickness prevailing towards fall to so great an extent that little more than half of the men were fit for duty. They remained undisturbed until the battle of Long Island, on the 27th of August, when they were marched down to New York, reaching the city in the afternoon, after the battle was over. On the 28th, early, they were transported to Long Island, marched down to the entrenchments at Brook- lyn, and posted on the left, extending to the Wallabout. Here annoyed by continual rain, without tents, they lay upon their arms, keeping up incessant skirmishing with the British. On the morning of the 29th, Col. Shee, who was in command, then, of the battalion, sent Capt. Graydon to hunt up Adj. Gen. Reed, and to request him to ride down to the lines that h» (Shee) might urge him to propose a retreat without loss of time. COL. JOHN shjBE. lec Reed came, aud the coufereuce was held, but the day passftd off in unabating skirmishing and rain. After dark, orders were received to hold the battalions in readiness for an attack upon the enemy, but this was only an artifice, these battalions, with the Maryland battalion, being detached to cover the re- treat of the main army from the Island. Near day-break of the 3Uth, they received orders to retire, and had marched nearly half way to the river, when they were informed that they had come off too soon, and ordered to re- turn to their post. This order was strictly complied with, aud they remained more than an hour longer in the lines before the second order to abandon them came. They retired under cover of a thick fog, and between six and seven A. M., perhaps a little later, landed at New York. In less than an hour after- wards, the fog having dispersed, the enemy could be seen on the shore they had left.— Graydon's Memoirs (Littell Ed.), page 166. On the 31st of August, they marched beyond Kingsbridge, towards the Sound, and, crossing the Bronx, encamped about eighteen or twenty miles from the city. After this post was sufficiently strergthened, the two battalions re-occupied their old ground at Fort Washington. A return, dated October 7, 1779, shows the battalion to be then commanded by Lieut. Col. Cadwalader, Col. Shee absent; all the captains and first lieutenants present, except one of each; all the second lieutenants present, seven ensigns, ad- jutant, quarter-master, surgeon and mate, nineteen sergeants, nine drums and fifes, rank and file, two hundred and seventy- six fit for duty, eighty-four sick present, one hundred and seven sick absent, six in command, one on furlough, twelve sergeants sick, fife major and drummer sick, one sergeant discharged; total strength of battalion, five hundred and fifty-one. The main army remained on the heights of Harlem a period of five weeks, Shee's and Magaw's battalions constituting a part of it, and did duty accordingly. The march of the main army, towards White Plains, commenced on the 20th of October. Before this march. Col. Shee ol)tained leave of absence to visit his family, and converted that leave into an entire abdication of his command (Graydon. pa^e 181). and the battalion was now commanded by Lieut Colonel Lambert Cadwal- ader. Col. Shee's resignation, how- ever, is dated on the 25th of September, and accepted on the 124 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. 27th, his reasons are the solicitations of his family, conclud- ing his letter: "Let me request you will put the most favorable construction on this conduct, think me as my uniform con- duct has shown, one of the warmest friends of my country, nor blame too rigidly that want of fortitude, which the fondest attachment to my family has obliged me, on this occasion, to discover."* On the 16th of November, the fort was invested by Gen. Howe's army and captured. On tnat day Magaw's and Cad- walader's battalions, with some broken companies of Atlee's an^ other battalions, principally from Pennsylvania, were posted in the lower lines of Harlem Heights, the right of the American forces two and a half miles south of the fort, or to- wards the city; Col. Baxter having the front of Harlem River, and Rawlings the left or north of the fort. The superiority of force of the British, drove them all finally into the fort, which was surrendered on the same day, and the Third and Fifth bat- talions became prisoners, almost in toto. There were only two or three officers wounded, Capt. Miller, of the Fifth, who died; Capt. Lennox, of the Third, very slightly; and Ensign Mclntire, badly. The men were retained prisoners until in January, 1777, their time having then expired. Most of the officers did not secure their release for years afterwards. See Graydon's Memoirs for an account of the captivity of the officers, 230 and postea; Lieut. Forrest's escape, 316, &c. Also, Historical Magazine, New York, 1857, page 73, Marriner's letter. The remains of the battalion was the nucleus upon which the Fourth regiment of the Penn- sylvania Continental line was formed. *Col. Shee was a noted merchant of Philadelphia, after the war. Treas- urer of the city, 1790-1802. Brigadier general, commanding the Republican Legion. Flour inspector, 1S02-1S05. Collector of the port of Philadelphia In 1807, in which year, I presume, he died at Philadelphia. He was succeeded •6 collector by Gen. John Steele. COL. JOHN SHEE. 125 ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS, (a.) Colonels. Shee, John, commissioned January 3, 1776; resigned September 25, 1776. Cadwalader, Lambert, from lieutenant colonel, October 25, 177G; captured November 16, 1776, and released on parole at the intercession of Gen. Prescott, of the British army, who had received attentions from his father. Doctor Cad- walader, while a prisoner in Philadelphia. Lieutenant Colonels. Cadwalader, Lambert, commissioned January 4, 1776; promoted colonel October 25, 1776. Brodhead, Daniel, commissioned October 25, 1776. Major. Bicker, Henry, commissioned January 4, 1776; transferred to Tenth Pennsylvania, October 25, 1776. West, William, commissioned October 25, 1776; captured No- vember 16, 1776. Adjutant. Bicker, Lieut. Walter, appointed January 11, 1776. Quartermaster. Stediford, Garret, appointed February 9, 1776. Surgeon. Hodge, Hugh, appointed February 7, 1776; captured November 16, 1776. Surgeon's Mate. Yarnall, Peter (afterwards a minister of Friends' Society) ; transferred to privateer Delaware; died in 1798, aged forty- five. i26 THiHD PENNSYLVANIA BATTAjLION. Captains. West, William, commisBioiied January 5, 1776; promoted major October 25, 1776. Graydon, Alexander, commissioned January 5, 1776; taicen pris- oner November 16, 1776; paroled July 7, 1777; exchanged April, 1778; first prothonotary of Dauphin county, 1785; author of "Graydon's Memoirs;" died at Philadelphia, May 2, 1818, aged sixty-seven. l-ennox, David, commissioned January 5. 1776; captured No- vember 16, 1770; a prisoner eighteen months; resigned after the campaign of 1778, (.n account of not being award- ed his rank. Hyles, Thomas Langhorue, commissioned January 5, 1776; caji- tured November 16, 1776; exchanged March 1, 1778; pro- moted major Third Pennsylvania, from June 8, 1777. Hubley, Joseph, commissioned January 5, 1776. Stewart, Walter, commissioned January 6, 1776; appointed aid to Gen. Gates May 26, 1776; see Thirteenth Pennsyl- vania. Scull, Peter, commissioned January 5, 1776; appointed brigade major March 23, 1776. Allice, Henry, commissioned January 5. 1776; resigned Feb- ruary 27, 1776. Melchior, Isaac, appointed February 27, 1776; declined to serve. Davenport, Joseph, from first lieutenant, March 23, 1776; after the retreat fi'om Long Island he remained in New York, a voluntary captive. Edwards, Evan, from first lieutenant, March 23, 1776; promoted major new Eleventh Pennsylvania, December 16, 1778. Tudor, George, from first lieutenant, June 13, 1776; captured November 16, 1776; exchanged May 10, 1778; promoted ma- jor Fifth Pennsylvania. Knox, Matthew, from first lieutenant October 11, 1776; cap- tured November 16, 1776; exchanged October 28, 1778, at Elizabethtown, N. J., when he returned to Philadelphia, and did not enter service again; resided in Whitpain town- ship, Montgomery county, in 1807. First Lieutenants. Edwards, Evan, commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted cap- tain March 23, 1776. v,ire Allice. resigned: served as aid to Gen. Charlei Lee. Davenpoil. Joseph, January 6, 1776; promoted captain March 23, 1776, vice Peter Scull, promoted. COl.. JOHN SHEE. Wl Tudor, George, commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted cap- tain June 13, 1776, vice Walter Stewart, promoted. Bettin, Adam, commissioned January 6, 1776; captured No- vember 16, 17(6; promoted captain fourth Penu'a. Davidson, William, commissioned January 6, 1776; captured November 16, 1776; exchanged August 26, 1778. Brodhead, Daniel, Jr. (son of Col. Daniel), commissioned Jan- uary 6, 1776; captured November 16, 1776; exchanged Au- gust 26, 1778; died shortly after. Knox, Matthew, commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted cap- tain October 11, 1776, vice West, promoted. Vvoelpper, John David, commissioned January 6, 1776; a Ger- man by birth, who had served in the Virginia service under Washington, and rreommended by him for a company in the German regiment, July 8, 1776. Duguid, John, from second lieutenant June 13, 1776; captured August 16, 1776; exchanged October 25, 1780. 'lilton, William, from second lieutenant March 23, 1776; cap- tured November 16, 1776. Second Lieutenants. /^ Armitage, Benjamin, commissioned January 8, 1776; captured November 16, 1776. Forrest, Dr. Andrew, commissioned January 8, 1776; captured November 16, 1776, exchanged October 25, 1780. He retired from service, not being able to get his rank. Col. Cadwala- der certifies that he was entitled to captaincy from April 10, 1778. He resided at Harrisburg many years after the war, removed to Milton, where he was practicing medicine in 1814; died at Danville, Penn'a, shortly after. Duguid, John, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted first lieutenant June 13, 1776, vice Davenport, promoted. Tilton, William, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted March 23, 1776, first lieutenant, vice Edwards, promoted. Woodside, John, commissioned January 8, 1776; captured No- vember 16, 1776; exchanged May 8, 1778. Bicker, Walter, commissioned January 8, 1776; appointed ad- jutant January 11,; November 16, 1776; residing in New York city in 1815. Bicker. Henry, Jr., commissioned January 8, 1776; captured No- vember 16, 1776; promoted in Fourth Penn'a. Connelly, Robert, commissioned January 8, 1776, for Capi. Scull's company; promoted in Fourth Penn'a. Bird, William, March 1, 1776. 128 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Hunter, James, April 12, 1776. Mclntire, Thomas, from ensign March 8, 1776; severely wound- ed and captured November 16, 1776; exchanged August 17, 1777; subsequently captain of an independent company in Wyoming valley. Westcoat, Joel, from ensign April 12, 1776; captured November 16, 1776. Stout, Herman, from ensign June 13, 1776; promoted first lieutenant Tenth Penn'a, December 4, 1776. Ensigns. Westcoat, Joel, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted second lieutenant April 12, 1776. Mclntire, Thomas, commissioned January S, 1776; promoted lieutenant, to rank from March 8, 1776. Chickley, Samuel, commissioned April 8, 1776, taken November 16, 1776; exchanged April 20, 1778. Dover, John, commissioned January 8, 1776. Hunter, James, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted second lieutenant April 12., 1776. Stediford, Garret (quarter-master), commissioned March 23, 1776; captured November 16, 1776; see Fourth Penn'a. Old, William, commissioned January 8, 1776; captured Novem- ber 16, 1776. Stout, Herman, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted second lieutenant June 13, 1776. Weaver, Jacob, April 22, 1776; captured November 16, 1776. Graydon, Andrev^^, commissioned June 13, 1776. Shriver, Samuel, commissioned January 8, 1776; reported Octo- ber 4, 1776, not fit for duty, absent at Philadelphia. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WALTER STEWART'S COMPANY, (a.) Captains. Stewart, Walter, commissioned January 6, 1776; appointed aid to Gen. Gates. Tudor, George, from first lieutenant, June 13, 1776. First Lieutenants. Tudor, George, commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted cap- tain June 13, 1776. Duguid, John, from second lieutenant June 13, 1776. COL. JOHN SHEE. 129 Second Lieutenants. Diiguid, John, commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted first lieutenant June 13, 1776. Slout, Herman, from ensign June 13, 1776. Ensigns. Stout, Herman, commissioned January S, 1776; promoted sec- ond lieutenant June 13, 1776. Graydon, Andrew, commissioned June 13, 1776. The following names are all that we have been able to obtain of this company. It is endorsed "List of men belonging to late Capt. Walter Stewart's company, commanded by Capt. George Tudor, captured November 16, 1776." Adams, Daniel. Beason, Charles. Bride], Adam. -Burns, James. Carbury, William. Conckliu, Joseph. Daubert, Peter. Dennis, Adam. Fleming, Charles. Geiger, Jacob. Huber, Leonard. Kearney, James. Kepler, Henry. Kettle, Jacob. Leinhart, Jacob. May, John. McCarroll, John. ^ McCormick, George. McDowell, John. McKague, William. McKinney, James. McKnight, Daniel. Miller, Jacob. Mull, Christian. Murphy, Luke. Xeason, George. Ogden, Edward. Parker, Henry. Rosenkrantz, James. Schoonover, William. 9— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 130 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Stille, Ebenezer. Suter, David. Van Gorden, Abraham. Warner, Philip, wounded at Fort Washington; transferred to the Invalid Corps; discharged therefrom April 15, 1779; Pennsylvania pensioner, 1786. Weigh, Baltus. Westbrooke, Cornelius. Wright, John. No rolls of this battalion have been recovered. The follow- ing names, have been culled from pension records, &c. Beaver, John, taken November 16, 1776; escaped November 22, 1776. Byers, John, sergeant, Hubley's company. Cook, James, sergeant. Crasson, John, corporal. West's company; resided in Bedford county in 1815. Davis, John, recommenued for ensign, July 26, 1776. Dewees, Samuel, recommended for ensign, July 26, 1776. Downing, William, taken November 16, 1776; escaped Novem- ber 22, 1776. Dugan, John. Field, John, Scull's company, taken November 16, 1776; re- sided in Botetourt county, Va., in 1792. Fisher, John, West's company, died in Penn township, now Snyder county, in 1792. Gregg, John, sergeant, Gradon's company, disabled in 1776; resided in Bucks county in 1786. Green, Stephen, resided in Philadelphia in 1826. Heiner, John, enlisted April 7, 1776; wounded by a musket ball in the leg, and taken November 16, 1776; re-enlisted in the German regiment; discharged at Trenton in 1781; liv- ing in Philadelpnia in 1826. Kuntz, Francis, wounded and leg amputated; resided in Lan- caster county in 1786. Marsh, Daniel, Alice's company, weaver, residing in Lycom- ing county in 1822. Murphy, Daniel, liidwards' company. Richardson, William, captured November 16, 1776; imprisoned in New York jail; resided in Chester county, 1823. Scott, William, drummer, shot through both shoulders Novem- ber 16, 1776. Stillwaggon, Jacob, enlisted at Lancaster; captured at Fort Washington; exchanged in 1777; resided in Chester county in 1824. COL. JOHN SHEE. 131 Strickler, John. Thompson, John, wounded and taken November 16, 1776; trans- ferred to the .nvalid Corps. Wertz, John, Tudor's company. Williams, John, of Capt. West's company; taken at Fort Wash- ington; returned home sick and died, ante 6th February, 1777. Wright, sergeant, wounded November 8, 1776. ADDITIONAL NAMES— SHEE. (c.) 3d Penn'a Batt. (Shee.) Capt. David Lenox Co., Joseph Good, Private. Capt. Wests' Co., John Williams, Private. Capt. Stuart's Co., Serg't James Hughs. 132 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ■ssj!^ ^ suinaa OJ g ■sjuB9Cjas =^c^^N^cc«« s i 1 •SIBM ^ '-' ■uosSjns '^ •aaisT3uiaa}JT3n5 '-'::::::: '^ •;uBinfpv '^ :::::: : rH •aiBtdBtio 1. £ g 8 •suSisua ■^ •s;u-BU9inan puooag 00 •sjUBua:tnan ^sji^ - •SUIB^dBO ^ •joCbm "-" -> •I9UOIOO -rjnaiT ^ ■I9U0100 1 1 i ' 1 i I n i ""ii ^1 1 1 ^ ^ COL. JOHN SHEE. 133 1 i It < •pajaasia rH ■ • '^ •p93JBqosia « fH « •pBaa - •pajsiiui 2 ^ •sai-BAua ssssssss s ■saj!^ 2y siunaa ^^ w^ .H : rt r Flack, Benjamin. Gibson, John. Gordon, Thomas. Hare, Samuel. Jones, Peter, wounded on i-ong Island. Kelly, Francis. Lawrence, Robert. Leason, Robert. Lascom, John. Lockard, Aaron. May, John. May, Jacob. McCrea, Arthur. McClellan, Anthonv 150 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. McManes, Terrence. McGaudy, Robert. Maloy, Thomas. Miller, John. Millhuff, Daniel. Meason, Isaac. Moore, Richard. Morris, Samuel. Neif, Samuel. Nelson, James. Nelson, David. Noble, John. O'Neill, James, "near Winey furnace. Palmer, David. Porter, John. Quaill, Robert. Randle, John. Randle, William. Redin [Reading], Nicholas. — Redman, Robert. Rogers, William, "West Nantmeal. Sawyers, George. Saville, George. Service, Thomas. Sidders, John. Stagg, Benjamin. Smith, John. Smith. Zacheus [Zachariah]. Steel, William, "at Jones' mine hole.' Sullivan, Jeremiah. Thompson, Thomas. Thomas, James. Weady, James. Welch, William. Williams, Philip. Wesner, David. Wallington, Charles. Whalen, Moses. I 4 COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 161 ROLL OF CAPTAIN CALEB NORTH'S COMPANY, (a.) [This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. North, Caleb, commissioned January 5, 1776; pronounced major Tenth Penn'a. Sergeants. North, George, promoted ensign of Robinson's company Oc- tober 12, 1776. Hayes, Arthur. Guest, James. Longwell, Matthew. Banks, George. Smith, Valentine. Beggs, Arthur. Davis, Thomas. Corporals. Burns, John. Berkheimer, Bashan. Bolebaugh, Matthew. Boyer, Jacob. Connor, Matthew. Curtin, John. Deeder, John. Deel, Peter. Dentlinger, Martin. Dathrow, Jacob. Edleman, William. Gold, George. Grimes, Joshua. Heffner, John. Himmelright, John. Hollam, Samuel. Honstein, Frederick. Horton, Ephraim. Howen, Jeremiah. Privates. Kine, John. Kobble, John. Leeson, Robert. Leonard, Richard. Lercy, John. Logan, Andrew. ^ McCown, John. McFange, Hugh. McSwine, Dennis. Mote, Jacob. Neill, Samuel. Quinn, Patrick. Roads, John. Saylor, John. Shull, Baltzer. Simmons, John. Speelman, Conrad. Tolan, Cornelius. 152 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS CHURCH'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Church, Thomas, commissioned January 5, 1776. First Lieutenant. Reid, James R., commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted cap- tain November 3, 1776; major of Hazen's regiment Septem- ber 1, 1777. Second Lieutenant. Beatty, Charles C, commissioned January 8, 1776; Ivilled ac- cidentally February 16, 1777. Ensign. Vernon, Job, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted lieu- tenant, Capt. Robinson's company, October 1, 1776. Sergeants. Martin, Alexander, promoted ensign October 1, 1776. Bigham, William. Low, Robert. Widner, Samuel. McMahon, Jonathan. Corporals. McMahon, Jonathan, promoted sergeant October 1, 1776. Fennakel, Peter. Wilkinson, James. Fashion, Abraham. Moyer, Jacob. Bigham, Thomas.* Everhart, Fenian. ♦October 28, 1791.— Thomas Bigham applied to Gov. Mifflin for pay for his services as scout, alleging that he was taken sick on the day appointed for the reward, and his two comrades were rewarded, and he was not. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 153 ".Drum and Fife. Kibler, Adam. Leonard, Charles. Privates. Bitting, Peter. Brindle, Jacob. Boger, Laban. Barnhart, Kenry. Burford, Jarvis. Brutfy, John. Beaver, George. Bigham, John. Craig, Henry. Crips, Henry. Consil, Jacob. Conner, Patrick. Coplin, Christian. Craig, John, enlisted February 5, 1776; wounded at Three Rivers; en-enlisted in Fifth Penn'a. Delany, William. Derr, Jacob. Dieter, John. Forrest, Malcolm. Gibson, John. Gilliland, John. Hagan, Edward. Hefferman, Thomas, a school-master at Abbotstown (now Adams county); at Three Rivers; sergeant in Fifth Penn'a. Hoffman, Gotleib. Kelly, Richard. Kennedy, Connel. Kerr, William. Lancaster, John. Little, John. Martin, Robert. McCarthy, Michael. McCreary, John. McDonald, Robert. McFarren [McPheran], Andrew. McGahan, Charles. McGahey, William. McGee, Michael. McGinnis, James. 154 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Mclntiney, Thomas. Mclntire, Robert. McKinley, James. McKinley, John. McElroy, Daniel. McNeil, Archibald. Michael, Benjamin. Morrow, William. Neal, Joseph. Neal, Robert. Nickle, John. Nowland, Timothy. Pack, Benjamin. Pensinger, Henry; wounded at Three Rivers, and lost his leg; resided in Franklin county, 1812. Ray, William. Reed, James; wounded at Three Rivers. Reyney, John. Seeds, George. Semple, Charles. Shurlock, Henry. Sharp, Thomas. Shepard, Robert. Smith, James. Smith, John. Whitman, Samuel. Williamson, John. Wood, Robert. Woods, James. Woolever, John. Wright, Robert. ROLL OF CAPTAIN FREDERICK VERNON'S COMPANY, (a.) [This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. Vernon, Frederick, commissioned January 5, 1776. Sergeants. Pugh, Nathaniel. Elliot, James. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 155 Kilpatrick, john. Simpson, Jeremiah. Linn, Robert, leg broken on Lake Champlain; enlisted in In- valid regiment; resided in Chester county, 1796. Corporals. McAlister, William. McDonnell, Alexander. Ryan, Richard. White, William. Private. Livingston, William. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES MOORE'S COMPANY. [This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. Moore, James, commissioned January 5, 1776. Packingham, Robert. McKelvy, John. Carson, William. Johnston, Hugh. Irvine, Jonathan. Nelson, James. Sergeants. Corporals. Privates. Glen, John. Neill, James, re-enlisted in Fifth Penn'a. Rosebrough, Isaac, a blacksmith, resided in Huntingdon coun- ty in 1823, aged sixty-eight. 156 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES TAYLOR'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Taylor, James, of Lancaster county, commissioned January 5, 1776; December 26, 1776 appointed judge advocate of the Northern army. First Lieutenant. ^ Kimmell, Michael, commissioned January 6, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Boude, Thomas, commissioned January 8, 1776. Ensigns. Letts, Ezeldel, commissioned January 8, 1776; resigned October 11, 1776. Harper, John, commissioned October 12, 1776. Sergeants. Ruth, Francis, appointed January 20, 1776. McCulloh, James, appointed January 27, 1776. Anderson, Robert, appointed January 27, 1776. Lindsey, John, appointed January 27, 1776; deserted July 1, 1776. Simeral, Joseph, appointed July 2, 1776. Corporals. McHatton, Alexander, appointed January 27, 1776. McGill, Nathaniel, appointed January 26, 1776. Ross, Robert, appointed March 1, 1776. Giffen, Samuel, appointed February 10, 1776. Drummers. Peters, Elias, January 30, 1776; reduced to the ranks June 25, 1776. Connolly, John, June 25, 1776. Graham, James, January 29, 1776; died at general hospital. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 157 Privates. Anderson, James, enlisted February 11, 1776. Andrews, Humphrey, enlisted January 26, 1776; discharged February 25, 1777; resided in York county in 1818, aged 63. Armstrong, David, enlisted February 10, 1776; deserted July 1, 1776. Arthur, Michael, enlisted January 30, 1776. Baxter, Thomas, enlisted February 1, 1776. Benderman, Thomas, enlisted January 29, 1776. Bowman, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Boyce, Zacharias, enlisted January 30, 1776. Britain, James, enlisted February 1, 1776. Brown, Alexander, enlisted February 14, 1776. Carson, Samuel, enlisted January 25, 1776. Hoffeld, James, enlisted February 7, 1776. Conner, James, enlisted February 8, 1776; died October 24, 1776. Connolly, John, enlisted March 12, 1776; promoted drummer. Copland, Kerry, enlisted March 1, 1776. Cornelius, James, enlisted January 25, 1776. Cornelius, John, enlisted January 12, 1776. v/ Dailey, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Dale, James, enlisted January 30, 1776. Davidson, William, enlisted March 23, 1776. Denzel, Daniel, enlisted February 5, 1776. Devinney, Cornelius, enlisted January 31, 1776. Dew, Joseph, enlisted February 7, 1776. Dieffenderfer, John, enlisted January 30, 1776. Dobbins, John, enlisted February 3, 1776. Dobbins, Robert, enlisted January 25, 1776. Dougherty, Dennis, enlisted February 7, 1776. Dunn, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Dysart, James, enlisted January 27, 1776. Evans, Evan, enlisted February 7, 1776; deserted February 19, 1776. Fisler, John, enlisted January 31, 1776; deserted February 19, 1776. Fitzgerald, John, enlisted February 5, 1776; deserted July 5, 1776. Fleming, William, enlisted January 31, 1776. Gilbert, Ryner, enlisted January 12, 1776. Gibson, William, enlisted January 27, 1776. Gilbreath, John, enlisted January 29, 1776; deserted June 29, 1776. 158 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Gilmore, Paul, enlisted January 29, 1776. Gould, Thomas, enlisted January 27, 1776. Griffith, Thomas, enlisted February 6, 1776. Grim, Christian, enlisted February 6, 1776. Hague, Christian, enlisted February 10, 1776; deserted Feb- ruary 19, 1776. Hanagan, Charles, enlisted January 30, 1776. Hayes, David, enlisted February 10, 1776; died November 20, 1776. Hughes, Samuel, enlisted March 26, 1776. Jones, John, enlisted February 4, 1776. Kealy, David, enlisted January 29, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, enlisted January 29, 1776. Leadly, William, enlisted January 31, 1776. Letts, James, enlisted January 12, 1776. Logan, John, enlisted January 29, 1776; deserted February 18, 1776. Mashman, Joseph, enlisted February 3, 1776. Mayer, Jacob, enlisted in York county, February 5, 1776; re- sided in 1828 in York county, aged sixty-seven. McAy, William, enlisted January 25, 1776. McCallian, Thomas, enlisted January 25, 1776. McCann, John, enlisted January 20, 1776. McClelland, John, enlisted January 28, 1776. McClusky, William, enlisted January 29, 1776. McConnell, Joseph, enlisted February 1, 1776. McConnell, William, enlisted September 14, 1776; October, 1776. taken sick at Ticonderoga, and in December, 1776, enlisted in the New York troop. Col. Van Schaick; wounded in right foot at Monmouth; resided in Armstrong county in 1820. McCord, George, enlisted February 1, 1776. McCowan, John, enlisted January 24, 1776. McDonald, Malcolm, enlisted February 11, 1776. McDonald, William, enlisted January 23, 1776. McKinney, John, enlisted January 30, 1776. McMurray, Samuel, enlisted March 13, 1776. McNeal, Daniel, enlisted February 1, 1776. McPike, Robert, enlisted February 5, 1776. Miller, Jacob, enlisted February 4, 1776. Miller, Michael, enlisted February 6, 1776. Morgan, William, enlisted April 10, 1776. Morris, Richard, enlisted February 1, 1776. Nelson, Alexander, enlisted January 24, 1776. O'Neal, Felix, enlisted January 4, 1776. I COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 159 Patterson, Arthur, enlisted January 25, 1776. Peters, Elias, from drummer June 25, 1776. Phink [Fink], Michael, enlisted February 6, 1776. Porter. Francis, enlisted February 6, 1776. Richardson, James, enlisted January 24, 1776. Ridings, James, enlisted February 6, 1776. Riley, Patrick, enlisted January 31, 1776; discharged at Fort George. Rogan, William, enlisted January 30, 1776. Ross, John, enlisted January 25, 1776. Ross, Robert. Rudial, John, enlisted February 10, 1776; deserted June 9, 1776. Scott, Thomas, enlisted January 28, 1776; deserted February 20, 1776. Shanks, Archibald, enlisted February 12, 1776. Sharp, John, enlisted July 25, 1776. Simeral, Joseph, enlisted January 25, 1776; promoted sergeant July 2, 1776. Simpson, Matthew, enlisted February 10, 1776; deserted Feb- ruary 20, 1776. Sinnet, Andrew, enlisted January 30, 1776. Sipe, Christopher, enlisted February 6, 1776. Spear, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. St. John, Walter, enlisted February 3, 1776. Stone, Leonard, enlisted January 30, 1776; deserted February 20, 1776. Taylor, Francis, enlisted January 29, 1776. Vogan, Samuel, enlisted February 1, 1776. Watson, John, enlisted March 20, 1776. Welt, John, enlisted February 10, 1776; deserted February 19, 1776. Weir, Michael, enlisted February 5, 1776. ADDITIONAL NAMES IN ANTHONY WAYNE'S BATTA- LION, (c.) 4th Batt. (A. Wayne.) Capt. Benj. Davis. William Butler, Priv. Capt. Calob Northis. Lewis Bender, Priv. Livingston, Wm., comp. not stated. 160 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. A RETURN OF THE OFFICERS RANK, AS IT NOW STANDS IN THE 4TH PENN'A REGIMENT, COMMANDED BY COLO. ANTHONY WAYNE, (c.) Captains. Thomas Robinson. Caleb North. Thomas Church. Fredk. Vernon. James Moore. James Taylor. Joseph Potts, appointed by Major Gen'I Gates in the room of Major P. Frazer, promoted. Alex'r Johnston acts as captain till his appoint't takes place in the room of Cap't Lacey, resigned. First Lieutenants. Benjamin Bartholomew. John Christie. John Williamson. Samuel Smith. Michael Kimble. Alex'r McClintock, who being eldest 2d Lieut't, was promoted in the room of Capt'n Potts, preferred. James R. Reed, promoted in Col. Hazen's Regiment. Alex'r Johnston acts as a Captain till the arrival of the Regi'mt when his appoint't will be confirmed. Memo. — Lt. Johnston and Lt. Reed's places being vacant in the Regim't it is probable the Command'g oflacer at Ticon- deroga may have promoted others in their stead. Second Lieutenants. Robert Gregg. Thomas Bond [Bond]. Isaac Sealy. Michael Ryan, 2d Lt. and Adjt., but now promoted Brigade Major. Charles McHcnry. COL. ANTHONY WAYNE. 161 Charles Beatty. Job. Vernon, who was promoted from an Ensign. John Barkley, who was promoted from an Ensign. Ensigns. Jacob Funic, who intends to resign. John Wallace, who absents himself from duty. Levi Griffeth. Joseph Standley. , Martin, promoted from a Serjeant. James Forbes, promoted from a Qr. Mr. Sprjeant. Geo. North, promoted from a Sergeant. Jno. Harper, promoted. 11— Vol. II— 5th Sei. (132) FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. COL ROBERT MAGAW. JANUARY :?. 1776— JANUARY 3, 1777. (a) (l«3) ^IFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. FIFTH PENNSYLVA.NIA BATTALION, (a.) As this battalion was associated in service and misfortune with the Third battalion, its general history is embraced in what is said of the Third. It will only be necessary to add that Sir William Howe's success in the capture of Fort Wash- ington hinged largely on the treason of William Dement or Demont, Col. Magaw's adjutant. Graydon, in his Memoirs, says "Howe must have had a perfect knowl- edge of the ground we occupied. This he might have acquired from hundreds in New York, but he might have been more thor- oughly informed of everything desirable to be known from an oiScer of Magaw's battalion, who was intelligent in points of duty, and deserted to the enemy about a week before the as- sault." Graydon's suspicion has been confirmed, after the lapse of a century, by the publication of Demont's letter to Rev. Dr. Peters, in an exhaustive article on "Mount Washington and its capture," by E. F. De Lancey, in the Magazine of American History, for February, 1877. It is as follows: "Rev. Sir: Permit me to Trouble you with a Short recital of my Services in America which I Presume may be deem'd among the most Singular of any that will go to Upper Canada. On the 2d of Novr., 1776, I Sacrificed all I was Worth in the World, to the Service of my King & Country, and joined the then Lord Percy, brought in with me the Plans of Fort Wash- ington, by which Plans that Fortress was taken by his Majes- ty's Troops the 16th instant, Together with 2700 Prisoners and Stores & ammunition to the amount of 1800 Pound. At the same time, I may with Justice affirm from my Knowledge of the Works, I saved the Lives of many of His Majesty's Subjects,— these Sir are facts well-known to every General Officer which was there — and I may with Truth Declare from that time I Studied the Interests of my Country and neglected my own — or in the Language of Cardinal Woolsey, 'had I have Served my God as I have done my King he would not thus have Forsaken me.' COLONEL ROBERT MAG AW. 165 "The foUowiug is a JusL Actouut due me from the Govern- ment, which 1 have never been able to bring forward for want of Sir William Erskine who once when in Town assured me he'd look into it but have never done it otherways 1 should not have been in Debt. "This Sir though it may not be in your Power to Get me may Justify my being so much in Debt, & in Expectation of this Acc't being Paid, together with another Dividend, from the Express words of the Act where it says all under Ten Thousand pound should be paid without Deduction, I having received only i:464 which I Justified before the Commissioners: "Due for Baw, Batt. and Forage, £110 7 "For Engaging Guides Getting Intelligence &c., 45 9 7 "For doing duty as commissary of Prisoners at Phila- delphia Paying clerk, stationery, &c., 16 13 8 £182 10 3 The last Two Articles was Cash Paid out of my Pocket which was Promised to be Refunded by Sirs Wm. Howe and Erskine. "I most Humbly Beg Pardon for the Length of this- Letter & Shall Conclude without making Some Masonac Remarks, as at first Intended, and remain. "Your most obedient and Most Hum'l Serv't, "Rev'd Sir with Dutiful Respect, "WILLIAM DEMONT. "London, Jan'y 16, 1792. "P. S. the Inclosed is a true account of my debts taken from the Different Bills received." Mr. De Lancey adds "nothing has been learned of him, nor has it been possible as yet to trace him after the date of this letter." With the single exception of the return signed William De- ment, and made out in style and handwriting indicating clerkly ability, there are only two or three unimportant papers relating to this battalion preserved in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The following roster and rolls were taken from Col. Magaw's papers, in the possession of Rev'd. J. A. Murray, D. D., of Carlisle. A return dated May 28, 1776, signed by Enoch Wright, ser- geant major, shows the strength of the battalion then was seven field and staff and five hundrea and ninety-one company 166 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. officers and privates. A return dated October 7, 1776, signed "William Dement, adjutant," gives the total strength of Beatty's company, officers and men, fifty-eight, of whom fif- teen were sick absent; Miller's, sixty-four, of whom eight were sick absent; Benezet's, sixty-three, of whom twenty were sick absent; Stuart's, sixty-seven, of whom twelve were sick absent; Spohn's seventy, of whom fifteen were sick absent; Vansandt's, sixty-five, of whom twenty-eight were sick absent; Decker's, seventy-four, of whom nine were sick absent; Richardson's, fifty-three, of whom thirteen were sick absent. Officers sick present, Capt, Vansandt, Lieut. William Crawford, Ensign John Gansel. Officers sick absent, Capt. Samuel Benezet, Lieut. Richard Seward, Ensign James Gibbons; officers on furlough, Lieut. Col. Joseph Penrose, Rev. Mr. Linn; sergeants sick ab- sent, seven; ditto, sick present, five. A weekly return, found since the foregoing was written among the papers of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, dated the day before the surrender, gives the exact state of Magaw's battalion. It is headed weekly return of the Fifth Pennsylva- nia battalion in the service of the United States, commanded by Major John Beatty, November 15, 1776, and signed by. John Beatty, major, and is as follows: Rank Commissioned. Staff Non- and Com'd. File. 3 c c i 0^ aroled December 26, 1776. Yerkes, Edward, escaped, sick or absent. Corporals. Forsythe, Robert, Warrington, promoted December 26, 1776. Hartshorne, James, escaped, or sick absent. Newman, John, escaped, or sick absent. Newman, Peter, escaped, or sick absent. Privates. Aiken, Robert, Warminster, paroled December 26, 1776. Banks, John, New Britain, paroled December 26, 1776. Bennett, John, escaped, or sick absent. Bell, Thomas, Bristol, paroled December 26, 1776. Boone, Ralph, Bristol, paroled December 26, 1776. Boone, Solomon, escaped, or sick absent. Breeton, Joseph, Bristol, paroled December 26, 1776. Brotherton, James, escaped, or sick absent. Burn, Brian, enlisted May 10, 1776; deserted May 29, 1776. Carrigan, Joshua, Bristol, died a prisoner in New York De- cember 15, 1776. Conrad, John, escaped, or sink absent. 170 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Cole, John, escaped, or sick absent. Craft, Jacob, parolea December 26, 1776. Douglass, William, discliarged October 15, 1776. Dixon, John, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Farrell, Edward, escaped, or sick absent. Htzcraft, Samuel, escaped, or sick absent. Finley, Thomas, escaped, or sick absent. Floyd, Frederick, escaped, or sick absent. Fox, Christian, died October 29, 1776. Frame, Robert, Bristol, died a prisoner in New York, Decem- ber 6, 1776. Gullian, Daniel, Warwick, killed in action, November 16, 1776. Hay, Richard, New Britain, paroled December 26, 1776. Hartshorne, Henry, escaped, or sick absent. Hartshorne, James, escaped, or sick absent. Hoi comb, Elijah, escaped or sick rosent. Houston, Henry, discharged October 31, 1776. Houston, James, discharged October 31, 1776. Houston, William, paroled December 26, 1776. Jenkins, William, Warwick, paroled December 26, 1776. Johnstone, Jacob, escaped, or absent, sick. Kirk, James, escaped or sick absent. Knight, Richard, drummer, sick, absent. Knowles, Timothy, Northampton, paroled December 26, 1776. Martin, James, enlisted May 1, 1776. Matthews, James, enlisted May 3, 1776; deserted August 11, 1776. Merriman, Peter, enlisted May 10, 1776; deserted May 29, 1776. Morgan, Charles, enlisted April 3, 1776; discharged October 15, Morris, Abraham, died October 26, 1776. Morrow, Andrew, escaped, or sick absent. McKinney, John, escaped, or sick absent. McLennan, David, escaped, or sick absent. McWiggan, escaped, or sick absent. Parker, Alexander, discharged November 1, 1776. Richardson, John, Moreland, paroled December 26, 1776. Reily, Joseph, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Robinson, John, escaped, or sick absent. Shannon, Arthur, escaped, or sick absent. Smith, John, escaped, or sick absent. Stevens, John, Bristol, paroled December 26, 1776. Thomas, Timothy, escaped or sick absent. Tole, Barney, escaped, or sick absent. Tompkins, Jacob, discharged November 11, 1776. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. 171 Woolery, Thomas, escaped, or sick absent. Wright, Charles, escaped, or side absent. I do certify that the above is a true state of my company in the Fifth Penn'a battalion, commanded by Col. Magaw, from the first day of September, 1776 (to which time they received pay), to the reduction of Fort Washington, on. the 15th day of November following. JOHN BEATTY, Late Major of the Fifth Penn'a Battalion. June 12, 1786. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MILLER'S COMPANY, (a.) [This Roll is incomplete.] Captains. Miller, John, Germantown, commissioned, January 5, 1776; mortally wounded November IG, 1776; left a widow and six small children. Morgan, John, from first lieutenant Capt. Spohn's company. First Lieutenant. Seward, Richard, commissioned February 1, 1776; resigned February 20, 1777. Second Lieutenant. Dover, Andrew, Germantown, commissioned January 8, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; promoted first lieutenant March 4, 1776; captain June 1, 1778; exchanged October 25, 1780; residing in Philadelphia in June, 1817. Ensign. Dement, William, January 1, 1776; appointed adjutant. Sergeants. Coughran, David, paroled December 26, 1776. Correan, James, taken November 16, 1776. 172 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Moyers, Henry, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Pedley, Jeremiah, of Sunbury, Penn'a, taken November 16, 1776. Corporals. Grenadier, Abraham, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Sivil, Samuel, New Jersey, paroled December 26, 1776. Swaine, Edward, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; re- enlistetl in Sixth Penn'a. Cashady, ^Villiaix!, taken November 16, 1776. Drummer. Hudson, Josias, paroled December 26, 1776. Privates. Beck, Thomas, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. Chatten, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Clymer, Henry, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Cooley, James, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Craig, Hugh, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. Desment, John, Sunbury, Penn'a, taken November 16, 1776. Forbes, Hugh, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Jones, Thomas, Nev/ Jersey, died of wounds. Jones, James, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. Kear, Matthew, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Kelly, Daniel, New Jersey, paroled December 26, 1776. Kemmerer, Frederick, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776; resided in South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, in 1817. Mansfield, James, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. Milson, Mark, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. McCowen, Frederick, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. Mclntire, James, Philadelphia, paroled December 26, 1776. Newman, William, New Jersey, died a prisoner in New York. Quigg, John, New Jersey, paroled December 26, 1776. Robinson, James, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. Sager, George, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. Scudder, Aaron, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. Shefer, George, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. Smith, Patrick, New Jersey, paroled December 26, 1776. Stanton, James, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. Tennent, Allen, Philadelphia, taken Novemoer 16, 1776. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. 173 Tobine, Michael, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Williams, Thomas, New Jersey, paroled December 26, 1776. Williams, Peter, Germautown, died a prisoner in New York. ROLL OF CAPTAIN SAMUEL BENEZET'S COMPANY, (a.) [This Hon is incu)nplr-te. 1 Captain. Benezet, Samuel, commissioned January 1, 1776; promoted major Sixth Penn'a, February 14, 1777. First Lieutenant. Lawrence, John, Philadelphia, commissioned January 6, 1776; promoted captain October 12, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; exchanged August 26, 1778; became supernumerary June 1, 1778. Second Lieutenant. Young, Edward, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted first lieutenant Sixth Penn'a, February 15, 1777. Ensign. Savidge, John, commissioned January 8, 1776. Sergeants. McNeil, James, Bensalem., Buckg county, taken November 16, 1776. Evans, John, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Kennedy, Daniel, Bristol, taken November 16, 1776. Corporal. Dawson, William, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. 174 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Privates. Anderson, Isaac, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Bell, John, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Caldwell, Samuel, Christiana, Del., taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Davies, William, Newberry, N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Dearmet, Michael, Sunbury, Northumberland county, taken November 16, 1776. Despert, Henry, Kent county, Md., taken November 16, 1776. Dooly, David, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776; died of wounds. Fletcher, Enoch, New England, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Freeman, Thomas, Egg Harbor, N. J., taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Foster, Cornelius, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Fulton, John, Wilmington, Del., taken November 16, 1776. Hymer, Daniel, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Kent, William, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Kello, John, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Knox, Andrew, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Lynch, John. McGilton, John, Chester, taken November 16, 1776. Milligan, William, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; par- aled December 26, 1776. Murphy, Edward, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Mulford, Charles, drummer, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. "E." Nixon, Robert, Egg Harbor, N. J., taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Pearson, Abel, Warwick, Kent county, Md., taken November 16, 1776. Pimple, Thomas, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. "E." Piatt, Ralph, Christiana, Del., taken November 16, 1776; par- oled December 26, 1776. Poole, William, taken November 16, 17/6; died of wounds. Richmond, Jacob, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Rogers, Samuel, Geor'^etown, Md., taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. 175 Snowden, Thomas, re-enlisted in Capt. T. B. Boweu's company, Ninth Penn'r.. Sprigg, Samuel, Egg Harbor, N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Todd, William, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Woodford, Henry, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. ROLL OF CAPT. CHRISTOPHER STUART'S COMPANY, (a.) [This Roll is incomplete.] From a pay roll, June 1 to July 1, 1776, in possession of Penn- sylvania Historical Society, the strength of Capt. Stuart's company was one captain, two lieutenants, an ensign, four ser- geants, four corporals, drummer and fifer, and sixty-six pri- vates. Captain. Stuart, Christopher, Warrington, Philadelphia county, com- missioned Janupry 5, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; pro- moted major September 20, 1776; died May 31, 1799, at Nor- riton. First Lieutenant. Wilkins, Robert, Jr., West Nottingham, Chester county, com- missioned January 6, 1776; promoted captain vice Spohn, November 4, 1776; taken November 16, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Finley, John, commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted first lieutenant November 1, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; ex- changed October 25, 1780.* Ensign. Gibbon, James, Philadelphia, commissioned January 8, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; promoted first lieutenant in Sixtli Penn'a. *He is a son of late President Finley, of New Jersey; was e.xi'hang-ed about two months since, having neither friends, clothing, or cash. He is now in a piteous condition."— MS'S. Letter. Col. Atlee to President Reed, February 12. 17S1. 176 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Sergeants. Frew, Adam, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; par- oled December 26, 1776. Wilson, William, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; par- oled December 26, 1776. Anderson, William, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776; par- oled December 26, 1776. Corporals. Ewing, James, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Fairservice, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Privates. Airley, Patrick, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Bambridge, John, Paxtang, now Dauphin, taken Novemember 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Batchlor, William, New London, Chester county, taken No- vember 16, 1776. Campbell, Samuel, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Craig, Samuel, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Clyne, Peter, Norrington, enlisted May 25, 1776; taken No- vember 16, 1776. Connor, Thomas, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776. Douglass, Halbert, Warrington, Bucks county, taken Novem- ber 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Dougherty, Archabald, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Doyle, Peter, Lancaster, taken November 16, 1776. Frew, David, Norrington, November 16, 1776; paroled Decem- ber 26, 1776. Grim, William, Norrington, wounded and taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Griffith, David, enlisted May 23, 1776. Glass, Robert, East Cain, enlisted May 23, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776; enlisted in March, 1777, in Col. Stewart's Thirteenth Penn'a, and served three years; resided in Ches- ter county, 1830. Holden, James, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Lalley, John, Solebury, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Mean, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. 177 Martin, James, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Magee, Charles, East Cain, taken November 16, 1776. Marcarty, John, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776. MeCasline, Patrick, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. McCuue, William, deserted June 10, 1776. McFall, Thomas, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776; resided in Philadelphia in 1813. McFall, Robert, enlisted April 3, 1776. McLean, Daniel, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. McCleary, Archibald, Norrington, taken November 16, 1776. Movrey, Luke, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Pollock, George, deserted June 12, 1776. Purtle, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Prim, John, enlisted May 15, 1776. Roberts, Patrick, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; par- oled December 26, 1776. Smyth, Joseph, deserted May 14, 1776. Thomas, William, deserted May 14, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Thompson, William, Lancaster, taken November 16, 1776. Walker, David, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Walker, Joseph, East Cain, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Walter, Anthouy_, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN SPOHN'S COMPANY, (a.) [This Roll is incomplete.] Enlisted at Reading, Penn'a. On the 28th of May, 1776, his company ofRcers and men numbered seventy-eight. Captains. Spohn, John, Reading, commissioned January 5, 1776; resigned November 4, 1776. Wilkins, Robert, Jr., from first lieutenant Capt. Stuart's com- pany, November 4, 1776. 12— Vol. TI— 5th Ser 178 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. First Lieutenant. Morgan, John, Philadelphia, commissioned January 6, 1776; taken August 16, 1776; same day promoted captain, vice Miller, killed; June 1, 1778, became supernumerary; ex- changed August 26, 1778. Second Lieutenant. Standley, William, commissioned January 8, 1776; taken Au- gust 16, 1776; same day promoted first lieutenant; ex- changed August 25, 1780. Ensign. Gansel, John, commissioned January 8, 1776. Sergeants. Vandersliee, Jacob, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Ruth, Adam. Corporals. Vandersliee, Henry, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; resideti at Sunbury, 1792. Goodheart, Henry, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Campbell, James, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Privates. Albert, Jacob, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Allison, John, subsequently sergeant major of Fourth Penn'a. Barnhesb, John, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Barington, Richard, Cecil county, Md., taken November 16, 1776. Bishop, Anthony, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Cole, George, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776; resided in Berks county, 1811. Collins, William, taken November 16, 1776. Carney, Timothy, Cecil county, Md., taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Calaghan, Dennis, enlisted June 1, 1776. Dengler, Valentine, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. 179 Duck, Peter, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Fletcher, William, Cecil county, Md., taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Goodhart, Henry, resided at Sunbury, 1791. Havener, Chris., Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Heilman, George, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Holick, Christian. Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Hausknecht, Jacob, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Hoffner, George, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776, Link, Martin, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Mann, Nicholas, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Marshall, George, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Miller, Jacob, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; re-enlisted in Col. Hartley's regiment; discharged 1781; died in Walker township. Centre county, in 1822, aged sixty-seven. Miller, Peter, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Nair, John, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Rangier, John, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Raume, Michael, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Rheam, John, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Selser, Michael, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Sheldon, John, Cecil county, Md., taken November 16, 1776. Whitmire, Michael, taken November 16, 1776; resided in Cum- berland county, 1809. Whitmore, George, Reading, taken November 16, 1776; died in New York, two days before exchange. Ziegler, Benjamin, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. Zurn, Michael, Reading, taken November 16, 1776. ROLL OF CAPT. NATHANIEL VANSANDT'S COMPANY, (a.) [This RoU is incomplete.] On May 28, 1776, the officers and privates numbered eighty- seven. Captain. Vansandt, Nathaniel, Bensalem, commissioned January 5, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; exchanged November 20, 1778. 180 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. First Lieutenant. Helm, John, Philadelphia, commissioned January 6, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; become supernumerary June 1, 1778; exchanged August 26, 1778. Second Lieutenant. Jenny, Thomas, Trenton, N. J., commissioned January 8, 1776; promoted first lieutenant Octoher 12, 1776; captured No- vember 16, 1776; exchanged October 25, 1780. Ensign. Hovenden, Edward, Newtown, Bucks county, commissioned January 8, 1776; taken November 16, 1776. Sergeants. Coxe, Joseph, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776. Stevenson, Thomas, Newtown, taken November 16, 1776. Guy, Jonathan, arm disabled by musket ball; re-enlisted in Cx)l. Walter Stewart's regiment, Second Penn'a. Corporals. Manchester, John, Byberry, taken November 16, 1776 Sproul, John, Newtown, taken November 16, 1776. Eastwick, John, Newtown, taken November 16, 1776. Privates. Aiken, Henry, Wrightstown, Bucks county, taken Novembei 16, 1776. Arkle, Richard, Wrightstown, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Clark, George, fifer. Biles' Island, taken November 16, 1776. Darland, Lambert, Moreland, Philadelphia county, taken No- vember 16, 1776. Doughty, Jacob, Byberry, taken November 16, 1776. Doughty, Thomas, Byberry, taken November 16, 1776. Dunn, John, Falls, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Evans, Hugh, Southampton, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Ford, Dennis, Middleton, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. ISl Freett, Henry, Abington, Philadelphia county, taken Novem- ber 16, 1776. Haybey, William, Suubiiry, taken November 16, 1776; died of wounds. Hand, John, Burlington, N. J., taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Jones, Thomas, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Kerl, Thomas, Falls, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Ketcham, John, Bensalem, taken November 16, 1776; escaped; re-enlisted in the Sixth Penn'a. Killen, Edward, Byberry, taken November 16, 1776; wounded in the thigh and right foot; resided at Philadelphia, 1786. Lett, Richard, Plumstead, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776. Mclntire, William, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Mackey, Daniel, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Martin, Hamilton, Trenton, N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Merriot, James, Bordentown, N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Miller, John, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. Monday, Thomas, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. Murphy, John, Falls, Bucks county, taken November 16, 1776; wounded in the leg, and taken at Fort Washington; re- sided in Bucks county in 1815. Richmond, Robert, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776; died I of wounds. ^ Royall, William, Abington, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Rodgers, Alexander, Sunbury, taken November 17, 1776; par- oled December 26, 1776. Ryan, Timothy, Trenton, N. J., taken November 16, 1776; par- oled December 26, 1776. St. Clair, James, Sunbury, taken November 16, 1776. "E." Taylor, John, New Jersey, taken November 16, 1776. Varden, Thomas, Glass-works, Bucks county, taken Novem- ber 16, 1776. Hannah, George, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Hildebrand, Christopher, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Hoffman, Nicholas, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Huldry, John, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776. Klockman, Peter, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. 182 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Kritzer, Godfrey, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Kritzer, John, Cumru, taken Novemoer 16, 1776. Ludwick, Philip, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 16, 1776. Luft, John, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Lutz, Heron, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Miar, Nicholas, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776. Miar, Peter, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776. Ogelby, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Pendergast, Thomas, Darby, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Porter, John, Darby, taken November 16, 1776. Price, George, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Pugh, Jonathan, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Reem, David, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776. Reem, John, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Reed, John, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Reed, Peter, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Reiley, Thomas, Burlington, N. J., taken November 16, 1776. Ritchman, George, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Robinson, John, Darby, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Seever, Peter, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776, died in prison. Sheffer, Michael, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Shaffet, Francis, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Shreck, Martin, Cocalico, taken November 16, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER DECKER'S COMPANY, (a.f [This Roll is incomplete.] On May 26, 1776, mustered officers and privates numbered eighty-six. Captain. Decker, Peter, Reading, commissioned January 5, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; broke his parole; resigned February 1, 1777. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. 183 First Lieutenant. Phile, Charles, Philadelphia, commissioned January 6, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; promoted captain February 1, 1777; exchanged August 26, 1778; become supernumerary. Second Lieutenant. Rudolph, John, Darby, Chester county, commissioned January 8, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; promoted first lieutenant, February 1, 1777; exchanged October 25, 1780. Ensign. Mulloy, James, commissioned January 8, 1776; deserted. Sergeants. Forsyth, James, Cumru, Berks county, taken November 16, 1776. Goby, Michael, New London, Chester county, taken Novem- ber 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Weiser, Christopher, resided in Buffalo township. Union county, 1792. Corporals. Duck, Philip, Cocalico, Lancaster county, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Privates. Brosius, Abraham, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Burkhart, Michael, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Cherchner, Jacob, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. Cook, Andrew, Darby, taken November 16, 1776. Dell, Leonard, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; died in Penn township, Snyder county, ante 1792. Finerty, James, Mildrick, Del., taken November 16, 1776. Fry, Robert, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Huber, George, taken November 16, 1776; resided in Dauphin county, 1806. Lehman, Anthony, resided in York county, died in 1818, aged sixty-five. 184 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Moyer, Peter, taken November 16, 1776; exchanged 1778; re-en- listed in Capt. Bankson's company. Shang, Matthias, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. Strow, Leonard, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Welsh, Edward, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776. Young, Jacob, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Zeller, Michael, Cumru, taken November IG, 1776; resided in Dauphin county in 1807. Zuier, John, Cumru, taken November 16, 1776; died in prison. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN RICHARDSON'S COMPANY, (a.) [This RoU is incomplete.] On May 28, 1776, the mustered officers and men numbered eighty-one. Captains. Duncan, Matthew,* commissioned January 5, 1776. Richardson, John. First Lieutenant. Richardson, John, Chester, commissioned January 6, 1776; pro- moted captain vice Duncan, absent; taken November 16, 1776; exchanged August 26, 1778. Second Lieutenant. Collier, Richard, Philadelphia, commissioned January 8, 1776; taken November 16, 1776; exchanged August 26, 1778. Ensign. Cloyd, James, commissioned January 8, 1776. Beatty, Reading, Warminster, taken November 16, 1776; ex- changed May 8, 1778; see New Eleventh Penn'a. •Matthew Duncan was a gentleman volunteer in the campaign through the wilderness, in 1775, and was captured at the storming of Quebec, December 31, 1775. He is marked in a return dated February 13. 1777, of Sixth Penn'a, as present on parole. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. 185 Sergeants. Wilson, James, Chester, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Shaw, Samuel, Chester, taken November 16, 1776. Fields, Thomas, Darby, taken November 16, 1776. Rowe, Francis, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Corporal. Wilkt, Frederick, Philadelphia. Fifer. Murphy, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. "E." Privates. Allen, Richard, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Aplin, George, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. Caldwell, James, Frankford, taken November 16, 1776. Correy, John, Pikeland, Chester county, taken November 16, 1776. Cunningham, Richard, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Deranda, Francis, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; par- oled December 26, 1776. Dixon, John, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776. Earle, Jonathan, Darby. Kelly, Dennis, Darby, taken November 16, 1776; paroled De- cember 26, 1776. Logan, Michael, Darbj^ taken November 16, 1776; paroled December 26, 1776. McCord, Patrick, Abington, taken November 16, 1776. Moor, John, Darby, taken November 16, 1776. Moriety, Timothy, Chester, taken November 16, 1776. Murphy, Patrick, Philadelphia, taken November 16, 1776; par- oled December 26, 1776. Stoughton, Henry, Germantown, taken November 16, 1776. General List. Bast, Jacob. Bradley, William, Sergeant, resided in Middleton township, Cumberland county, in 1790. 186 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Conner, Peter, taken at Fort Washington; resided in Phila- delphia in 1814. Fetter, William, discharged June 12, 1776, to be employed as gunmaker. Fox, John. Garret, Nicholas, second lieutenant. Grace, George, wounded at Fort Washington. Greentree, Alexander, discharged June 12, 1776, to be employed as gunmaker. Redman, Polydore, a negro drummer. Whitmoyer, George, taken at Fort Washington. Young, Christian, discharged at Fort Washington; died in Union county, June 10, 1820. ADDITIONAL NAMES IN COL. ROBERT MACAW'S BATTA- LION, (c.) Brooks, Thomas, Capt. Stuart's Co. Grim, None, Capt. Stuart's Co. Dockerty, Archabald. Hitcher, Wm., Capt. Spohn's Co. Hefner, Henry, Capt. Spohn's Co. Lodowiek, Philip, Capt. Decker's Co. Price, Geo.., Capt. Decker's Co. Arear, Francis, Capt. Richardson's Co. Willson, James, Capt. Richardson's Co. COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW! 187 A LIST OF THE PRISONERS THAT IS RETURNED FROM NEW YORK, TO THE BARRACKS IN PHILADELPHIA, BELONGING TO THE FIFTH BATTALION, COMMANDED BY COL. ROB. MAGAW, WITH A LIST OF CLOTHING WANTING FOR THEM JAN. YE 11, 1777. (c.) , c f. tt m i-j Capt. Beaty's Company. Rob. Aikins, John Stephens Ralph Boon Capt. Miller's Company. Serj. David Cockran Serj. Henry Moyers Corp. Abraham Grannadear, . . . Corp. Samuel Sivill Drum Josias Hutson Daniel Kelly James Cooly James Mclntire John Quigg Patrick Smith Thomas Williams Henry Clymer Capt'n Benerets Company. Will'm Dawson John Killo Thomas Freeman Edward Murphy William Milligan Ralph Piatt William Todd Samual Rodgers Daniel Hymer, Robert Nisson Samual Caldwell, Capt. Stuart's Company. Serj. Adam Frew Serj. William Willson William Anderson Halbert Dugloss David Frew William Tommas, Thomas Brooks Joseph Walker David Walker William Grims Archabald Dockerty, James Martin, FIFtH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. A LIST OF THE PRISONERS THAT IS RETURNED FROM NEW YORK TO THE BARRACKS IN PHILADELPHIA, BELONGING' TO THE FIFTH BATTALION COMMANDED BY COL. ROB. MAGAW, WITH A LIST OF CLOTHING WANTING FOR THEM. JAN. YE 11, 1777. (c.)— Con- tinued. be ai c ^ . , ^ s I i I ^ g M W g ^ Anthony Walters, Robert Gloss John Bambridge, Patrick Roberts, Thomas McFawl, Capt. Spohn's Company. Anthony Bishop, Timothy Carney, Richard Barnton George Hileman William Hitcher George Coal Henry Hesner John Barnhest, Peter Miller, Nlckolas Man Capt. Vansant" Alexander Rogers, . . . William Mclntire, ... Timothy Ryan, Thomas Jones, Company. Capt. Decker's Company. Philip Duck Philip Ludowick George Price Mathias Shang Jacob Young, Michael Gaby Capt. Richardson' Michael Logan, Frances Arear Patrick Murphy James Willson Dennes Kelly, Total, COLONEL ROBERT MAGAW. 189 i ■sa;ij ^ siunaa - S •siUB9fjns H ->• M « CO C« -.• rH s ■ai^W u.Sjns l-^ ■uoaSJns ■^ w ■jaisTJH ■JJBnb •-' w •;uB}nrpv -< - •uj-BidBiio •d i 1 s E •susisua ^^w WWW «p •sjuBua^naii; pj c- ■juBuajnaiT jsx "^ t- •SUIB^dBO ^ w WW -■ lO uof^K '^ "tauoioo -^nan •iauo[oo '^ ^ 1 ft 1 i 5 1 i 1 s c a c ,c 1-5 > c 5 5 c c c 5 1 190 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. 8 Id |i < ■p9ijasaa "-> ^ > : - •paSJBqosja •pBoa ^ ^ w^ 1 1 * ■ps^siiui 2 |l c 1 1^ •s9;'B.\!Jti ss;sss?3ss g ■saj!^ ry mnaa rt rt rt rH rH j j W o •s}UB3fjag 1 'I^JOJ, SSSSSSSS S •ilSnoian^ uq w : ^ ^ ; : ; w ^ •pu-Buiuioo uo "^ ^ ^ ^ " : ^ ?3 •;u9sqv 510!S S'ogS^S-J^ g •4U9S9arumnier. John Melton. Fifer. John Killan. Privates. I Asten, Robert. ( Bradley, John. ! Black, William Church, John. Coghren, George. Clark, Francis. Carnahan. Robert. Connor, Charles. Campbell, John. Chambers, Joseph. Dinning, John Dinning. Jan'r. K\ens. William. Faulliner, Jiihn. Faiiess. Hugh Gardner, James. Gibson. David Heaslet, William. Hoathenagton, John. Handlon, Duke. Higglns, John. Kelley, Kern On Furlow Pennsylvania by G. Gates, Nov. 17th. Sick in G. Hospital. Sick in Camp. Sick in Camp. Rick in G. Hospital. Sick in camp. Sick in G. Hospital. Sick in G. Hospital. Sick In G. Hospital. Sick in Mt. Indp't Hospital. Sick In Mt. Independ't Hos- pital. 212 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Capt. Jeremiah. Talbot's Company — Continued. When appointed Commissioned Officers. 1776. Casualtie*. Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick pit£ Sick pits On f Sick pit Sick Sick Sick pit Sick Sick 1 in G. Hospital. in G. Hospital, in G. Hospital, in G. Hospital, in Camp. in G. Hospital, in Camp, in Camp. In Camp. in Camp. in G. Hospital. in Mt. Independent Hos- il. Lewis, Jacob. Lilley Hugh Mon-ison, Benjamin. McCown, Jas. McDonnald Archibald Murry, Patrick. McCcnnel, Mathia. McCreerg, Thomas. McCrady, Larana. McMillan Charles Pollock John in Mt. Independent Hos- il. urlough with Capt'n. in Mt. Independent Hos- in Camp. in G. Hospital. Quarre, Jas. Shaw, William. Thompson, Hugh. in Mt. Independent Hos- il. in G. Hospital. in Camp. Welch, John. Wiley, Isaac. Mustered then in Captain Jeremiah Talbot's company, in Colonel Irvine's Battalion of the forces of the United States of America, raised in the State of Pennsylvania, the first and second Lieutenants and Ensign, two Serjents, two Corporals, one Drum and thirty-one Privates. Allowing the Captain, two Serjents, two Corporals and one Fife to pass unrespited, they being certified effectives on the back of the roll. Rich'd Varick, D«p'y M. M. G«nl. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 313 This Muster is taken from the 9th of Jany. for the Officers, aud from the 1st of October, 1776, for the nou-commissioned Officers and Privates to the 28th of Nov., 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN MOSES McCLEAN'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. McClean, Moses, commissioned January 9, 1770; talien June 21, 1776; exchanged March 27, 1777; died at Chillicothe, Ohio, August 25, 1810, aged seventy-three. First Lieutenants. Eichelberger, Barnet, iorli county; commissioned January 9, 1776; resigned February 5, 17'<6. Edie, John, commissioned February 5, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; exchanged April 10, 1778; afterwards Gen. John Edie; re- sided in Adams county in 1814. Second Lieutenant. Hoe, John, March, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; exchanged April 20, 1778. Ensign. Hopes, Robert, commissioned January 9, 1776. Sergeants. Ralston, Robert. Smith, John. Milligan, James. King, John, promoted October 17, 1776. Allison, Robert, appointed October 17, 1776. Drum and . le Conner, Patrick. St&ck, Richard. 214 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Privates. Adair, John. Allison, Robert, promoted October 17, 1776. Atcheson, Edward. Barclay, Joseph. Blain, John, see Fourth Penn'a. Blakely, George, enlisted 22d January, ^776; taken at Three Rivers, re-enlisted in Capt. Hopes' company. Col. Hartley's regiment. Brown, John. Campbell, William. Chesney, Thomas. Cochran, William. Conn, James. Commoly, John. Crawford, Robert. Cunningham, David. Cunningham, Patrick. Dill, Thomas. Dingley, William. Duffleld, Felix. Dunlap, John. Evan, William. Entrican, William, Faith, Alexander. Gerard, Mathias. Gibbons, Henry. Graynor, Thomas. Griffith, David, hall, John. Ilargie, John. Heinerman, Michael. Hughes, William. Jayne, Aaron. Johnston, George. Johnston, James. Kelly, Edward. Kennedy, Samuel. King, Patrick. King, William, artificer, Kinkaid, Samuel. Limerick, Patrick. Long, Joseph. Lynch, Patrick. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 215 Mahon, Charles. Madden, Timothy. Maxwell, James. Meloy, Bartholomew, enlisted January, 1776; wounded at Three Rivers; resided, in 1828, in Fayette county. McBride, John. McDaniel, James. McDonald, William. McDowell, John, captured June 21, 1776; re-enlisted in Col. Hartley's regiment. McFarland, Jacob. McGee, John, promoted October 18, 177C. McGonagal, Neal. McGuan, Patrick. McKeeder, Owen. McManery, James. McWilliams, John. Morgan, Christian. Mullen, Daniel. Murphy, Dennis. Murray, Eneas. Needham, Robert. Nelson, Thomas. Nolan, Luke. O'Hara, Dennis. Patten, John. Patterson, John. Robinson, John. Sample, William. Shugart, Eli. Simonton, John. Sloane, David, promoted October 18, 1776. Smith. Patrick. Sullivan, Peter. Tibbens, Henry, enlisted by Lieut. Edie; resided in Buffalo Valley, Union county, in 1814. It appears by a certificate of Capt. Timothy Green, that Tibbins served in his com- pany in the year 1764, Col. Asher Clayton's regiment. Col. Bouquet's campaign. 216 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. CAPT. McCLANE, MARCH 1ST, 1776, M. W. C, FRIDAY, (d.) 1. John Hall. 34. Dennis Murphy. 2. Samuel Klnkad. 35. John Connoly. 3. Daniel Mullen. bo. John Dunlap. 4. William Cochran. 37. Jacob McFarland. 5. John Robeson, sick. 38. Bartho. Meloy. 6. Patrick McGeyn. 39. Edward Atcheson. 7. Edward Kelly. 40. Patrick Smith. 8. John Simonton. 41. Robert Needham. 9. William Cavan. 42. James Maxwel. iO. Thomas Gaynor. 43. Dennis O'hara. 11. William Sample. —44. John Smith. 12. Felix Duffield. 45. Eneas Murray. 13. John Mc Williams. 46. David Griffith. 14. James Tonson. 47. Neal McGonnagil. 15. John Adair. 48. Ely Shughart. 16. Michael Heiferman. 49. William Hughs. 17. Soloman Silas. 50. Luke Nolan. 18. Patrick Limerick. 51. Matthias Gerard. 19. Timothy Madden. 52. Henry Tibbons, absent. 20. Christopher Morgan. 53. William McDonald. 21. John McDowel. 54. George Tonson. 22. George Blakely. 55. Hugh Bradley. 23. John Brown. 56. James McManemy. 24. Joseph Long. 57. David Sloan. 25. James Millegan. 58 Thomas Nelson. 26. John Blair. 59. Patrick Cunningham. 27. James Conn, in goal. 60. Patrick Linch. 28. John Walker. 6L John Patterson. 29. John Hargie. 62. William Hamilton. 3U. Robert Crawford. 63. Samuel Kennedy. 31. William Campbel. 64. John McBride, absent. 32. James McDaniel. 10 not Joined. 33. Patrick King. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES A. WILSON'S COMPANY, (a.) Wilson, James A., 24, 1776. Captain, commissioned January 9, 1776; taken July COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 217 First Lieutenants. Bush, Lewis, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted to Capt. Adams' company. M^Ferren, Samuel, appointed June 24, 1776; from Capt. Adam's company. Second Lieutenants. McClelland, William, commissioned January 9, 1776; resigned March 23, 1776. Wilson, Robert, on recruiting service; promoted March 23, 1776, vice McClelland resigned. Ensigns. Culbertson, Joseph, commissioned January 9, 1776; killed June 21, 1776. Bush, John, appointed June 24, 1776. Sergeants. Phillips, Robert; sick in hospital. Morton, Robert. Morrison, John. Gibb, William; sick in camp. Corporals. Alexander, Francis. Stirling, Jonathan. Hughes, Dennis, sick in camp. Cavan, Thomas. Neilson, Thomas. Mcllroy, John. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. Andrews, John. Brown, John C. Alexander, Thomas. Campbell, Francis. Alexander, William. Chambers, James. B*rry, John. Chiiar, Christopher. 218 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Cochran, Anthony. McLeod, Norman. Conner, Patrick. McLaughlin, John. Cook, Alexander. Miller, David. Dailey, Dennis. Miller, George. Donnelly, Ephraim. Miller, John, sick in camp. Douglass, James. Mock, George. Ferris, John. Monroe, Alexander. Fletcher, William. Moore, Joseph, sick in camp. Flynn, Simon. Murry, Daniel, sick in camp. Galbreath, Josiah. Murry, Robert. Goff, Roger. Neilson, Thomas. Graham, Alexander. O'Neill, John. Graham, John. Panily, Ruloph. Gwinn, Patrick. Parker, John. Hanna, William. Patrick, George. Haslet, Samuel. Pinckerton, Joseph. Harris, Robert. Rosenstell, Martin. Holdtree, Joseph. Ryan, Andrew. Harrison, Arthur. Smith, John. Huff, Patrick. Sommerville, John. Kaveny, James. Spence, Henry. Kelly, Charles. Stockney, Patrick. Kirkpatrick, James. Story, Robert. Kerney, Hugh. Storm, John. Keiser, Christopher. Strong, Charles. Linton, Joseph. Sweeney, Hugh. Long, Joseph. Tiaff, Patrick. Mann, John. Thompson, John. McCastry, Hugh. Todd, Robert. McChain, Henry. Treacy, John. McCormack, Robert. Walker, William. McCoy, David. Warm, John. McCulllough, Samuel. Weaver, Henry. McDonald, Patrick. Welch, John. McElroy, John. Welch, Thomas. McFauls, John. Whelin, Michael. McGuire, James. White, Christopher. McKain, James. White, Hector. McKey, Samuel, sick in camp. Wickard, Michael. McKinley, James, sick in hos-Wiggans, William, ' sick in pital. camp. McKnight, Charles. Wills, William. McNaughton, Charles. Wren, Joseph, resided in York county, in 1818, aged eighty; see Carter's York County, page 86. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 219 The above is taken from a muster roll, dated in camp at Mt. Independence, November 20, 1776; muster of officers from 9th of January, 1776; of men and non-commissioned officers from October 1, 1776, &c. RICHARD VARICK, D. M. M. G. LIST OF CAPTAIN JAS. A. WILSON'S COMPANY, (d.) James Wilson. Lewis Bush. Robert Wilson. Joseph Culbertson. Captain. First Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant. Ensign. Privates. 5. Roger Goff. 6. Alexander Thomas. 7. Robert Philips. 8. Robert Murray. 9. Robert Morton. 10. John Morrison. 11. John O'Neill. 12. Francis Alexander. 13. Joseph HoltTee. 14. John McL. Roy. 15. William Alexander. 16. John Andrews. 17. John Barry. 18. John C. Brown. 19. James Chambers. 20. Francis Campbell. 21. Alexander Cook. V2. Patrick Connor. 23. Cochran. 24. Dennis Daily. 25. Ephraim Donnoly. 26. James Douglas. 27. John Frieze. 28. Thomas Cavan. 29. William Fletcher. 30. Simon Flinn. 31. Josiah Galbeaith. 32. John Graham. 33. Alexander Graham. 34. Patrick Givinn. 35. Robert Harris. 36. Samuel Haslet. 37. Dennis Hughes. 38. James Raveney. 39. Christopher Keiser. 40. Hugh Kerney. 41. James Kirkpatrick. 42. Charles Kelley. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. 43. Peter Huff. 44. Arthur Harrison. 45. William Hannali. 46. Joseph Linton. 47. Joseph Long. 48. Samuel McKey. 49. John McLaughlin. 50. Norman McCloud. 51. James McKinlay. 52. Robert McOormack. Charles McNaughtin. John McCormack. John Miller. Alexander Monroe. John McFauls. James McKain. i.9. George Mock. 60. Joseph Moore. 61. David Miller. 62. George Miller. 63. Samuel McCulough. 64. Charles McKnight. 65. James McGuire. 66. John Mann. 67. Henry McLean. 68. Hugh McCartney. 69. David McCoy. 70. Daniel Murray. 71. John McSorley. 72. Thomas Neilson. 73. John Parker. 74 Joseph Pinkerton. 75. George Patrick. 76. Rulolf Parsile. 77. Martin Rosenstell. 78. Andrew Ryan. 79. Henry Spence. 80. Jonathan Sterling. 81. John Sommervill. 82. Hugh Sweney. 83. Robert S.orey. 84. John Smith. 85. Patrick Stockney. 86. Charles Strong. 87. John Storm. 88. John Thompson. 89. Patrick Teaff. 90. Robert Todd. 91. John Treacy. 92. Christopher White. 93. Hector White. 94. Thomas Welch. 95. John Welch. 96. Michael Wichard. 97. William Wiggans. 98. Henry Weaver. 99. John Wann. 100. Joseph Wounn. lOi. Michael V/helin. 102. William Wills. 103. William Walker. ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID GRIER'S COMPANY, (a.) [Raised in York county, in January and February, 177G.] March 20, 1776, officers commissioned, four; non-commission- ed officers and privates, eighty-eight; total strength, ninety- two. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 221 Captains. Grier, David, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted major October 25, 1776. Alexander, William, from first lieutenant Capt. Rippey's com- pany. First Lieutenant. McDowell, John, January 9, 1776. Second Lieutenant. McAllister, Abdiel, captured opposite Isle Aug Noix, June 21, 1776; exchanged May 8, 1778. Ensigns. Nichols, William, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted to captain. Bush's company, June 21, 1776. Hughes, John, commissioned June 21, 1776. Sergeants. Walker, Andrew, Yorktown, age twenty-one; enlisted January 30, 1776. Knox, John, York county, age twenty-three; enlisted February 20, 1776. Jefferies, Robert, age twenty-one; enlisted January 25, 1776. Hayman, John, enlisted February 21, 1776. Corporals. Lawson, James, Berwick, York county, age twemty-three ; en- listed January 20, 1776. Mcllhenny, Felix, born in Fermanagh, county Derry, Ireland; enlisted from Hopewell, January 20, 1776; age twenty; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August' 9, 1776. Lethew, David, Hopewell, age thirty-two; enlisted February 24, 1776. Tomson, Ezra, York county; cutler; age twenty-five; enlisted January 20, 1<76; taken June 8, 1776. Hamilton. James. Wright, Mathiiis, taken prisoner June 8, 1776. 222 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Privates. Anguis, William, age twenty-two; enlisted February 5, 1776. Barnes, Patrick, Cumberland county, age thirty; enlisted Jan- uary 19, 1776. Baker, George, age twenty-one; enlisted January 19, 1776. Bacheldor, Ebenezer, age twenty-eight; enlisted January 25, 1776. Barry, James, enlisted January 29, 177G. Beard, Robert, age eighteen; Fawn township; enlisted Febru- ary 7, 1776. Brian, John. Campbell, Archibald, Berwick; age twenty-four; enlisted Feb- uary 14, 1776. Clemmonds, John, Yorktown, cooper; age twenty-one; en- listed January 19, 1776. Conn, Adam, York county; age twenty; enlisted February 8, 1776. Conner, George, Reading township; age twenty-three, wagon- maker; enlisted March 9, 1776; taken June 14, 1776. Conway, Charles, Reading township; age twenty-four; enlisted January 23, 1776. Cooper, George, Chanceford, York county; age eighteen; en- listed February 2, 1776. Corrigan, Cornelius, age twenty-two; enlisted January 25, 1776. Davis, David, age nineteen; enlisted January 25, 1776. Dulany, Thomas, Donegal, Lancaster county; enlisted January 24, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Dorce, or Deis, John, resided in York county in 1818, aged sixty- two. Dougherty, Charles, enlisted February 12, 1776. Dougherty, John, Yorktown; age twenty-two; enlisted Feb- ruary 2, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Esson, Alexander, Hopewell; age twenty; enlisted February 20, 177G. Falkner, John, age twenty-five; enlisted January 22, 1776. Frick, John, Yorktown; age twenty-eight; enlisted January 16, 1776. Forsyth, Robert, Yorktown; age thirty-five; enlisted January 21, 1776. Geddes, Joseph, enlisted January 20, 1776; resided in Hunting- don county,* May, 1818, weaver, aged seventy-five years. Grant, Peter, age twenty-seven; enlisted January 25, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 223 Guscager, Charles, Paradise township; stone cutter; February 14, 1776. Gyfinger, Charles, taken June 8, 1776. Harkins, James, age twenty-six; enlisted January 23, 1776. Hickenbottom. Edward, enlisted from Cumberland township, January 23, 1776; age twenty-five; taken June 8, 1776. Hodge, Isaac, Baltimore; age twenty-four; enlisted February 20, 1776. Hoy, Thomas, Hagerstown, York county; age twenty-five; enlisted February 16, 1776. Jackson, Archibald, age nineteen; enlisted February 5, 1776. Johnston, Robert, Hopewell; age twenty; enlisted February 24, 1776. Johnston, William, Reading township, York county; age eigh- teen; enlisted February 16, 1776. Kelly, George, Yorktown; shoemaker; age twenty; enlisted January 16, 1776. Kelly, Thomas, Baltimore; age twenty-three; enlisted March 30, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Leeson, James,' enlisted February 12, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Mason, William, Barrens, York county, age forty; enlisted February 12, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Mathews, Jacob. McCall, John, age twenty-five; enlisted January 26, 1776. McCoy, William, age eighteen; enlisted February 16, 1776. McDaniel, John, York, York county; age twenty-three; enlisted February 5, 1776. McGowan, Samuel, Hopewell; age twenty-three; enlisted Feb- ruary 24, 1776. McKissack, Henry, Hopewell; age twenty-two; enlisted Feb- ruary 24, 1776. McMeehan, Michael, age twenty-six; enlisted January 23, 1776. McMullan, James, York county; age twenty-one; enlisted Jan- uary 27, 1776. Mealy, Lawrence, Rapho, county Donegal, Ireland; enlisted from Hopewell, February 21, 1776; age twenty; taken June, 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Murphy, Michael, Gunpowder Falls; age twenty-nine; March 30, 1776. Murphy, Dennis, Yorktown, shoemaker; age twenty-five; en- listed January 18, 1776; taken June 8, 1776." O'Loan, Patrick, Yorktown, weaver; age twenty; enlisted Jan- uary 22, 1776. 224 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. O'Neil, Peter, Cumberland township; age twenty-one; enlisted February 1, 1776. Pearcy, John, age twenty; enlisted January 19, 1776. Price, James, enlisted February 12, 1776. Quigley, William, Chanceford; age twenty-three; enlisted Jan- uary 29, 1776. Redmond, Murtough, age twenty-six; enlisted January 23, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Robinson, James, age twenty-five; enlisted February 7, 1776. Roney, Patrick, Hopewell; age twenty-one; enlisted January 29, 1776. Russell, Joseph, York county, age nineteen; enlisted February 23, 1776. Scullion, Patrick, age twenty-four; enlisted January 31, 1776. Schregh, Peter, age twenty-one; enlisted February 4, 1776. Shaw, Archibald, York county, enlisted February 15, 1776. Shaw, James, age eighteen; enlisted January 25, 1776. Standley, Francis, Hopewell, Marcn 5, 1776. Shive, Philip, Yorktown; age twenty-two; enlisted January 16, 1776. SchuUz, Michael, age eighteen, enlisted February 5, 1776; re- sided in York county, 1818, aged sixty-one. Seidle, Peter, age seventeen; enlisted February 7, 1776. Schneider, John, Yorktown, age twenty-one; enlisted January 17, 1776; re-enlisted in Capt. Furner's company, Hazen's re- giment; resided lU York county, 1818. Spencer, Edward, Codorus; forgeman; age eighteen; enlisted January 20, 1776. Stevenson, James, enlisted February 7, 1776. Swank, Baltzer, Yorktown; sadler; age eighteen; enlisted January 30, 1776. Swartz, George, Yorktown; clock-maker; age twenty-two; enlisted January 16, 1776. Swartz, Peter, Rapho township, Lancaster county, mason; age twenty-two; enlisted March 28, 1776. Taylor, John, age twenty-one; enlisted January 31, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Trees, Jacob, York, enlisted January 22, 1776. Wade, Joseph, age twenty-six; enlisted January 23, 1776. ■Weaverling, Adam, Yorktown; age twenty; enlisted January 31, 1776. Welch, Edward, age twenty-four; enlisted January 19, 1776. White, Isaac, Yorktown, age twenty; enlisted January 20, 1776. Wilkinson, William, York county, as* tw«nty-on«; •nliistcd January 25, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 225 Wilson, Joseph, York county, age nineteen; enlisted January 27, 1776. VVorley, George, Windsor township, age twenty-three; enlisted February 9, 1(76. Wright, Matthias, York county, enlisted February 7, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID GRIER'S COMPANY, RAISED IN YORK, PA., 1776 (d.) Baird, Robert, of Fawn Township, York county; age eighteen; enlisted February 7, 1776. McMuilan, James, of York county; age twenty-one; enlisted January 27, 1776. Lawson, James, of Berwick, in the county of York; age twenty- three; enlisted January 20, 1776. Neal, Peter, of Cumberland Township, York county; age twenty-one; enlisted February 7, 1776. Knox, John, of York county; age twenty-three; enlisted Feb- ruary 20, 1776. Walker, Andrew, of York Town; age twenty-one; enlisted January 30, 1776. McElheny, Felix, of Hopewell Township, York county; age twenty-one, enlisted January 20, 1776. Lethen, David, of Hopewell Township, age thirty-two, enlisted February 24, 1776. Baker, George, age twenty-one; enlisteu February 5, 1776. Geddis, Joseph, of York county; enlisted January 20, 1776. (See Vol. X, page 169, Second Series Penn'a Archives.) Folkner, John, age twenty-five; enlistea January 22, 1776. Jefferis, Robert, of Itork ounty, age twenty-one; enlisted January 25, 1776. Davies, David, of York county; age nineteen; enlisted Jan- uary 25, 1776 Redmond Murdough, of York county; age twenty-six; enlisted January 23, 1776. Percy, John, of York county; age twenty; enlisted January 29, 1776. Corrigan, Cornelius, of York county; age twenty; January 25. 1776. 15— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 226 SIXTH PENNSYLVAiaA BATTALION. Thompson, Israel, of York county, Cutler; age twenty-five; enlisted January 20, 1776. Dunlany, Thomas, of Donegall Township, in Lancaster county; age twenty; enlisted February 5, 1776. Kern, Jacob, of York county; age twenty-one; enlisted Feb- ruary 5, 1776. Hayman, John, of York county; enlisted February 21, 1776. Standley, Francis, of Hopewell township, York county; age nineteen; enlisted March 5, 1776. Geissinger, Karl, of Paradise township, York county; stone cutter; age thirty-six; enlisted February 14, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT ADAMS' COMPANY, (a.) J March 20, 1776, total strength of the company, ninety-one. Captains. Adams, Robert, commissioned January 9, 1776; killed June 21, 1776. Bush, Lewis, appointed June 24, 1776, from Capt. Wilson's com- pany. First Lieutenant. Bratton, William, commissioned January 9, 1776. Second Lieutenant. McFerren, Samuel, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted first lieutenant of Capt. Wilson's company; taken June 21, 1776. Nichols, William, appointed June 24, 1776. Ensigns. Murray, John, commissioned January 9, 1776. Neeper, William, appointed March 23, 1776, vice John Murray; resigned. Calderwood, James, appointed May 1, 1776; August 1, 1776, pro- moted on board the fleet. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 227 McCoy, Thcraas, appointed August 1, 1776; taken October 1, 1776, exchanged August 10, 1777. King, John, appointed October 1, 1776, vice McCoy. Sergeants. Ewing, James, appointed January 25, 1776. Woods, Samuel, appointed January 25, 1776; reduced June 2, 1776. McLinn, John, appointed January 25, 1776. Smith, John, appointed January 25, 1776; reduced May 15, 1776. Kyle, William, appointed May 15, 1776. Orbison, John, appointed June 2, 1776. Corporals. Byers, Joseph, appointed January 25, 1776. Lawson, Thomas, appointed January 25, 1776; reduced May 1, 1776. Carnaghan, Alexander, appointed January 25, 1776. Renick, William, appointed January 25, 1776. Wilson, Josiah, appointed June 15, 1776. O'Neal, Timothy, appointed September 25, 1776. Drummer. Haslet, John, appointed January 30, 1776. • Fifer. Wann, John, appointed January 25, 1776. Privates. Baskins, Williams, enlisted February 14, 1776. Beatty, Walker, enlisted February 3, 1776. Blue, Daniel, enlisted February 3, 1776; waiting on Gen. Schuy- ler. Brannon, Richard, Killan, county Mead, Ireland; enlisted Jan- uary 25, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Bryan, William, enlisted January 25, 1776. Bucket, John, enlisted March 1, 1776; deserted May 1. 1776. Bullain, James, enlisted February 3, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Burns, Andrew, enlisted February 14. 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Burns, John, enlisted February 14, 1776. 228 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Burns, Roger, enlisted January 25, 1776. Cachy, John, enlisteu January 30, 1776. Campbell, Alexander, enlisted January 30, 1776. Chapman, Amos, enlisted February 3, 1776. Conner, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Cummins, Robert, enlisted January 30, 1776. Davis, John, enlisted January 25, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Denny, Edward, enlisted January 30, 1776; killed June 8, 1776. Dougherty, John, enlisted January 30, 1776. Douglas, James, enlisted March 1, 1776; taken October 1, 1776, and paroled. Drannon, William, enlisted February 3, 1776. Drue, George, enlisted February 14, 1776. Duf£y, James, enlisted January 30, 1776. Dugan, Charles, enlisted January 25, 1776. Dyer, William, enlisted March 1, 1776. Edgarton, Edward, enlisted February 14, 1776. Elliott, James, enlisted February 14, 1776. Ewing, John, enlisted February 6, 1776. Gallahar, Edward, enlisted February 2, 1776. Gillis, Thomas, enlisted February 17, 1776. Greer, Thomas, enlisted January 30, 1776. Hall, David, enlisted February 4, 1776. Hamilton, James, enlisted January 25, 1776. Hamilton, John, enlisted January 21, 1776. Hamilton, V/illiam, enlisted January 25, 1776; died September 1, 1776. Handbury, Hugh, enlisted January 30, 1776. Higgius, James, enlisted February 14, 1776. Isaac, Solomon, enlisted February 6, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Joyce, Richard, enlisted January 30, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Kennedy, James, enlisted January 30, 1776. Killwell, Thomas, enlisted January 21, 1776. Kyle, William, enlisted January 30, 1777; promoted sergeant May 15, 1776. Lawson, Thomas, from corporal. May 1, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Maxwell, James, enlisted February 14, 1776. May, William, enlisted February 22, 1776. McCartney, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. McConnell, Michael, enlisted January 30, 1776; taken June S> 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. McCoy, Gilbert, enlisted February 14, 1776. McCoy, Thomas, enlisted February 14, 1776; promoted ensign August 1, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 229 Magee, Andrew, Enlisted February 14, 1776. Magee, John, enlisted Februay 14, 1776. Magee, Thomas, enlisted February 14, 1776. McGilligan, Barnabas, enlisted February 5, 1776. McGowan, William, enlisted January 30, 1776. Mclntire, Thomas, enlisted January 21, 1776. McLane, Hugh, enlisted January 25, 1776. McNeal, Paul, enlisted February 30, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. See Seventh Penn'a. Mooney, William, enlisted March 1, 1776. Morrow, Thomas, enlisted January 25, 1776. Murkhey, James, enlisted February 6, 1776; deserted May 27, 1776. Orbison, John, enlisted January 30, 1776. Olford, John, enlisted February 4, 1776. O'Neal, Timothy, enlisted February 3, 1776; promoted corporal September 21, 1776. See Seventh Penn'a. Pitzer, Jacob, enlisted January 30, 1776. Polch, William, enlisted January 30, 1776; died September 22, 1776. Quigley, James, enlisted January 21, 1776. Redstone, William, enlisted January 21, 1776. Shockney, Patrick, enlisted February 6, 17.76. Smith, Joshua, enlisted February 1, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Standup, W^illiam, enlisted February 3, 1776. Stenson, James, enlisted May 1, 1776. Swany, John, enlisted January 25, 1776; deserted April 10, 1776. Thompson, James, enlisted January 21, 177.6. Tomlinson, Evan, enlisted February 3, 1776. Ward, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. Waugh, William, enlisted February 3, 1776. White, John, enlisted February 3, 1776. Wilson, Josiah, enlisted January 30, 1776; promoted corporal June 15, 1776. Wiseman, George, enlisted January 21, 1776; resided in Cum- berland county in 1819. Wood, Samuel, of Brandywine Hundreds, enlisted January . 25, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. 230 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ABRAHAM SMITH'S COMPANY, (a.) [Raised in Cumberland County.] March 20, 1776. Commissioned officers four; non-commis- sioned and privates, eighty-six; total ninety. Captain. Smith, Abraham, commissioned January 9, 1776. tirst Lieutenants. White, Robert, commissioned January 9, 1776; resigned Febru- ary 9, 1776. Alexander, John, March 23, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Alexander, John, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted March 23, 1776; first lieutenant, vice White. Irvine, Andrew, March 23, 1776, vice Alexander, promoted. Ensigns. Montgomery, Samuel, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted second lieutenant in Capt. Hay's company. Kennedy, Samuel, appointed June 1, 1776. Sergeants. Beatty, John, appointed January 27, 1776; discharged in Feb- ruary, 1777; in 1818, resided in York county, Penn'a. Hamilton, Samuel, appointed January 30, 1776; died July 11, 1776. Foster, Hugh, appointed February 2, 1776. Scott, William, appointed February 11, 1776. Burke, William, from corporal, July 11, 1776. Corporals. Burke, William, appointed January 29. 1776; promoted July 11, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 231 Standley, George, appointed March 2, 1776; died October, 1776. Moore, John, appointed February 12, 1776; died September, 1776. Campbell, William, appointed February 3, 1776. Ritchie, Seth, appointed July 11, 1776. McCormick, William, appointed September 25, 1776. Drennon, William, appointed October 25, 1776. Drummer. Fannon, John, appointed February 4, 1776. Fifer. Cochran, William, appointed August 1, 1776. Privates. Armor, David, enlisted February 9, 1776. Barnett, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. Blakely, John, enlisted February 12, 1776. Boyle, Philip, enlisted March 9, 1776. Branuon, John, Stradbally, county Queens, Ireland; enlisted March 9, 1776; captured July 24, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Brown, John, enlisted February 3, 1776. Brown, Patrick, enlisted February 4, 1776. Caslet, James, enlisted March 9, 1776. Cochran, Josiah, enlisted January 29, 1776. Cochran, William, enlisted March 2, 1776; promoted August 1, 1776. Craighead, Robert, enlisted February 6, 1776. Creevy, Anthony, enlisted February 19, 1776. Cunningham, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. Dwinney, Daniel, enlisted February 20, 1776; taken October 12, 1776. Donaldson, James, enlisted February 12, 1776. Downey, William, enlisted February 12, 1776. Drennon, Hugh, enlisted February 14, 1776. Drennon, Thomas, enlisted February 12, 1776. Dunlap, James, enlisteu February 3 1776. Flemming, Patrick, enlisted February 1, 1776. Gordon, Alexander, enlisted January 27, 1776. Gregg, Robert, enlisted February 22, 1776. Hendricks, John, enlisted April 8, 1776. Kiggins, Thomas, enlisted February 1, 1776; taken October 12, 1776. "^ 232 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Holliday, James, enlisted February 3, 1776. Holmes, Thomas, enlisted February 4, 1776. Ishmail, Benjamin, enlisted February 12, 1776. Jarret, Robert, enlisted February 2, 1776. Johnson, Thomas, enlisted February 12, 1776. Leman, Isaac, enlisted February 4, 1776. Little, Nicholas, enlisted February 14, 1776; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Love, Samuel, enlisted January 29, 1776. Lowry, James, enlisted February 14, 1776. Lucas, George, enlisted February 10, 1776. McCrea, Adam, enlisted February 4, 1776. McCrea, Samuel, enlisted February 12, 1776; died August 10, 1776. McCollom, John, enlisted January 29, 1776. McCormick, William, enlisted February 1, 1776. McDowell, John, enlisted February 5, 1776. McFatridge, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. McGarra, Michael, enlisted February 1, 1776. Mcllno, Robert, enlisted February 25, 1776. McKenny, Alexander, enlisted March 4, 1776. McKingham, John, enlisted February 16, 1776; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. McKissock, Daniel, enlisted January 29, 1776. McKissock, James, enlisted February 3, 1776. McLauchlin, Bryan, enlisted February 2, 1776. McMullan, Michael, enlisted February 3, 1776; re-enlisted, and wounded at Monmouth, served until 1783. Miller, Robert, enlisted February 5, 1776. Milligan, Hugh, enlisted February 7, 1776. Montgomery, John, enlisted February 3, 1776, Moore, Alexander, enlisted February 4, 1776. Moore, Fergus, enlisted February 26, 1776. Newell, Robert, enlisted February 4, 1776. Points, Nathaniel, enlisted February 2, 1776. Powell, Moses, enlisted February 19, 1776. Quin [Guin], William, enlisted January 29, 1776. Rannell, John, enlisted February 2, 1776. Rannell, John, Jr., enlisted February 5, 1776. Reid, Alexander, enlisted February 26, 1776. Reid, Alexander, 2d, enlisted March 3, 1776; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Ritchie, Seth, enlisted February 4, 1776; pormoted July 11, 1776. Rogers, Patrick, enlisted February 4, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 233 Roharty, Barthol, enlitted March 9, 1776. Runey, Peter, enlisted February 9, 1776. Scott, Thomas, enlisted February 7, 1776. Sheaver, Adam, enlisted P^ebruary 22, 1776. Sheran, Peter, enlisted March 5, 1776. Shiver, Adam, enlisted February 22, 1776. Shiver, Peter, enlisted March 8, 1776. Silvers, Patrick, enlisted February 6, 1776. Simpson, George, enlisted February 13, 1776. Smith, John, enlisted January 27, 1776. Smith, Thomas, enlisted January 29, 1776. Stitt, William, enlisted February 22, 1776. Stoopes, John, enlisted February 22, 1776. Stoopes, Robert, enlisted March 8, 1776. Swime, Robert, enlisted February 20, 1776. Sweney, John, enlisted P'ebruary 16, 1776. Tipper, Charles, enlisted January 27, 1776. Todd, John, enlisted January 29, 1776. White, James, enlisted February 16, 1776. White, Michael, enlisted February 12, 1776; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Wilson, John, enlisted February 16 1776. Young, John, enlisted February 4, 1776. Young, Gotleib, enlisted February 14, 1776. A LIST OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND NON-COMMIS- SIONED OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS BELONGING TO CAPT'N ABRAHAM SMITH'S COMPANY, (d.) Captain. Abraham Smith. First Lieutenant. John Alexander. Second Lieutenant. Andrew Irvine. Ensign. Sam. Montgomery. 234 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. Dates of Enlistment. lEt Sergeant John Beatty, 2d Sergeant. Saml. Hamilton 3cl Sergeant. Hugh Foster 4th Sergeant William Scot 1st Corporal John Brown 2d Corporal. Alex'r Gordon 3rd Corporal John Young 4th Corpora George Standley Drummer. John Fannon Flfer. Robert Mc. elnow. John Smith Josiah Cochran Sam'l Love Thomas Smith, William Quin Daniel McKissok, .. John Todd William Burke John McCollem, William McCormick, Thomas Higglns, ... James Donnaldson, Patrick Fleming, ... Michal McGarra, ... Brian McLaugherlin, John McFatridge, .. John Rannels Robert Jarret John Cunningham, . James Dunlap William Camel John Montgomery, . James Holliday January 27th. January 30th. February 2d. February 11th. February 3d. January 27th. February Uth. March 2d. February 4th. January 27th. January 29th. January 29th. January 29th. January 29th. January 29th. January 29th. January 29th. January 29th. February 1st. February 1st. February 1st. February 1st. February 1st. February 2d. February 2d. February February February February 3d. February 3d. February 3d. February 3d. 2d. 2d. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 235 Dates of Enlistment. . Michael McMuIlen. . , James MoKissok Thomas Holmes Patrick Brown Seth Ritchie Patrick Rogers Adam McCi-ea Alexander Moure, . . . Robert Newell Isaac Lenian, John Rannch Robert Miller Robert Craighead. — Patrick Silvers, Th.mas Scot HuKh Milligan Pi-ter Runey David Armor George Lucas Michael AA'hite Thom.Ts Johnston John Moore Benjamin Ishinail, ... Thomas Draniion John Blakel.v, Sam'l McCrea William Downy George Simpson Nicholas Little James Dowry Godlip Young James AVhiie John Sweny John Willson Moses Powell Anthony Crevy Rob.rt Swim (Sevlm), Daniel Devany John Stoopes Robert Grecjg, Adam Shever William Alexander Reid Forgus Moore, William Cochran Alexander Reid Alexander McKenny, Peter Shuron Peter Shever Robert Stoopes James Coslit Philip Boyle Bartholomew Rohartz, February 3d. February 3d. February 4th. February 4th. February 4th. February 4th. February 4th. February 4th. February 4th. February 5th. February 5th. February 5th. February eth. February 6th. February 7th. February 7th. February 9th. February 9th. Feby. inth. Feby. 12th. Feby. 12th. Feby. 12th. Feby. 12th. Feby. 12th. Feby. 12th. Feby. 12th. Feby. 12th. Feby. 13th. Feby. 14th. Feby. 14th.' Feby. 14th. Feby. 16th. Feby. 16th. Feby. 16th. Feby. 19th. Feby. 19th. Feby. 20th. Feby. 20th. Feby. 22d. Feby. 22d. Feby. 22d. Feby. 22d. Feby. 26th. Feby. 26th. March 2d. March 3d. March 4th. March 5th. March Sth. March .sth. March 9th. March Sth. March 9th. 2S6 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM RIPPEY'S COMPANY, (a.) March 20, 1776, total strength ninety-three. Captain. Rippey, William, commissioned January 9, 1776; died in Ship- pensburg, September 22, 1819, aged seventy-eight years. First Lieutenants. Alexander, William, commissioned January 9, 1776; promoted captain October 25, 1776. Parker, Alexander, promoted October 25, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Brooks, John, commissioned January 9, 1776. Ensign. Lusk, William, commissioned January 9, 1776. Sergeants. Hughes, John, appointed January 18, 1776. Watt, Robert, appointed January 18, 1776. McClelland, John, appointed January 18, 1776. Anderson, William, appointed January 18, 1776. Corporals. Gibb, William, appointed January 19, 1776; promoted In Au- gust to Capt. Wilson's company. McKibben, Jeremiah, appointed January 26, 1776. McCuUough, James, appointed January 26, 1776. Gordon, George, rprointed January 26, 1776. Stevenson, Nathaniel, appointed January 27, 1776. Peterson, Daniel, appointed March 26, 1776. Fifer. Richards, William, appointed January 18, 1776. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 237 Privates. Anderson, Jacob, enlisted February 12, 1776. Barclay, Robert, enlisted January 22, 1776. Burns, Bernard, enlisted l^ebruary 2, 1776, drummed out May 10, 1776. Caistweight, Henry, enlisted February 2, 1776. Caskey, Robert, enlisted January 29, 1776. ^Christyardengei", Jacob, enlisted February 1, 1776. Cochran, Benjamin, enlisted January 18, 1776; taken at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776. Collins, John, enlisted February 2, 1776; died November 22, 1776. Cortney, Robert, enlisted February 2, 1776. Cull, Hugh, enlisted January 24, 1776. Davison, John, enlisted January 28, 1776. Dawson, Antony, enlisted January 27, 1776; accidently wounded June 7, 1776. Divin, Joseph, enlisted January 18, 1776. Doucherty, William, enlisted February 2, 1776. Dycke, Thomas, enlisted January 26, 1776. Falls, Terrance, enlisted January 31, 1776. Ferguson, Hugh, enlisted January 18, 1776. Finerty, James, enlisted February 12, 1776. Forsyth, Hugh, enlisted January 18, 1776. George, William, enlisted January 29, 1776. Gill, Thomas, enlisted February 18, 1776. Girven, Henry, enlisted February 3, 1776. Glouse, Jacob, enlisted January 31, 1776. Hamilton, Cumberland, enlisted January 23, 1776. Hardon, Neal, enlisted January 25, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Haslet, Robert, Clady, county Derry, Ireland; enlisted Feb- ruary 29, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Hemphill, Nathan, enlisted January 22, 1776. Henderson, William, enlis-'ed January 18, 1776; discharged April 18, 1776. Hendry, John, enlisted February 5, 1776. Hervey, James, enlisted January 18, 1776; died August 10, 1776. Hewett, George, enlisted February 5, 1776. Irvine, Robert, enlisted February 29, 1776. Johnston, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Justice, Jacob, enlisted January 20, 1776. Kain, Francis, enlisted January 31, 1776; died October 24, 1776. Keechler, Christopher, enlisted January 29, 1776. 238 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. .Kelly, John, enlisted January 18, 1776. Lavery, Daniel, enlisted February 19, 1776. Linsey, David, enlisted January 18, 1776. Lowry, William, enlisted February 1, 1776. Lynch, James, enlisted January 26, 1776. Madden, John, enlisted January 20, 1776. McCall, Josiah, enlisted February 3, 1776. McCall, Thomas, enlisted January 29, 1776. McClain, Daniel, enlisted January 26, 1776. McClain, David, enlisted January 18, 1776. McComb, James, enlisted February 1, 1776. McCon, James, enlisted February 20, 1776. McCoy, James, enlisted February 1, 1776. McDonal, John, enlisted Janua?ry 20, 1776. McFerson, George, enlisted January 19, 1776. McGaw, John, enlisted February 8, 1776; of East Nottingham township, Chester county. Pa. Mclntire, William, enlisted January 31, 1776. McMichael, John, enlisted March 5, 1776. McNicholas, Alexander, enlisted February 8, 1776. Melone, Charles, enlisted February 5, 1776. Melon, Philip, enlisted March 1, 1776; taken July 24, 1776. Moore, John, enlisted February 1, 1776. Mullen, James, enlisted February 3, 1776. Nicholson, William, enlisted February 1, 1776. O'Neal, John, enlisted January 19, 177G. Ortman, John, enlisted March 6, 1776. Parsons, Thomas, enlisted February 1, 1776. Patterson, Aaron, enlisted March 6, 1776. Pratt, Thomas, enlisted January 18, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Reed, Thomas, enlisted January 18, 1776. Regan, Basil, enlisted January 18, 1776; killed June '■: 1776. Robeson, Robert, enlisted January 27, 1776; taken June 8, 1776. Rodgers, Jabes, Morristown, N. J., enlisted February 1, 1776; taken July 24, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Rosbrough, Charles, enlisted January 22, 1776. Rosbrough, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Scott, Henry, of Ballym.ena, county Antrim, Ireland, enlisted January 31, 1776; taken June 8, 1776; paroled August 9, 1776. Smiley, James, enlisted February 5, 1776. Stephenson, Alexander, enlisted February 12, 1776; taken June 8, 1776, remained a prisoner during the war at Quebec; re- sided in Allegheny county in 1810. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 239 Stephenson, Nathaniel, enlisted January 27, 1776; promoted November 10, 1776; discharged April 20, 1777; resided in Butler county, 1828. Storm, John, enlisted January 22, 1776. Thompson, William, enlisted January 19, 1776. Trash, Jacob, enlisted February 1, 1776. Tribel, John, enlisted January 18, 1776. Van Kirk, John, enlisted January 18, 1776. Winn, John, enlisted February 3, 1776; re-enlisted in Seventh Penn'a. Wright, John, enlisted January 31, 1776. Young, Peter, enlisted February 2, 1776; deserted April 7, 1776. CAPTAIN WILLIAM RIPLEY'S COMPANY, (d.) Captain. William Rippey. Ensign. William Lusk, a Gun, Reading. Privates. James Smiley, Brass Box Fitter. Wm. Mclntire, New. Christy Ardenger, Reading. Alexander Stevenson, Albright. Henry Girwin, Reading. Robt. Hazelet, Lan'r C'y, new. Jeremija M. Gibbons, Lanr C'y, new. Jno. Moore. Jno. Greaff. James McCombe. Mich'l Witter. Alex'r M. Nickle, Albright. Jno. Davidson. Jno. Henry. Wm. Gibb. Sam'l Barr. Jacob Anderson, Reading. 240 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. John Storm, Dickert. James Mullen, Reading. James Finnerty, Musser. Reed. April 9, 1776, of Paul Zantzinger Sixteen Rifles for my Comp'y and one Fuzzy for Ensign Lusk, agreeable to Coil'l Ir- vine's order. WM. RIPPEY, Capt'n. A RETURN OF WHAT THE MEN OF CAPT. TALBOT'S COMPANY V/ANTS MARCH 14TH, 1776. (d.) Jeremiah Talbot, John McCullam 1, John Wilson 2, ... James Cupples 3, William Shaw 4, . William Campble 1, Sam Mitchel 2 Jno. Melton, — • Diarmon, ... Robert Aston Mich'l Bulger, ... Will'm Been -Francis Clark, ... George Coghran, Joseph Chambers, Robt. Carnahon, . Jno. Chane Jno. Church, James Clondillon, Jno. Davenny, — Patt'k Doyle, Jno. Dinning Wm. Evans James Cirdiner. David Gibson Corporals. COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 241 A RETURN OF WHAT THE MEN OF CAPT. TALBOT'S COMPANY WANTS MARCH 14TH, 1776. (d.)— Continued. i a! Q X 1 Wm Haselet 1 1 Jno Hetheiington 1 Kern Kelly 1 Millegan Mitchel Mitchel Junr ' Dan McConnel, 1 1 Arch'd Nickel John Smith 2 1 John Walch . 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ \ 1 1 Isaac Weyiv Arthur Atcheson John Bradly Will'm Black Robt Lee, ..' 1 1 1 Charles McMullen John White . ... .. . J no. McCullam, Ser^t. 16— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 242 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. H 2 ffi -a -^ H p 3 Pi o H 5 ^ ■si]S. ^ uinaa MM^CQNM^^ w ■B^u-eafjas ........ . id ■aiBpj '-' -^ ■uoaSJng -^ '^ •ja}SBiv[ jC) '-' '^ lUBinfpv '^ '-' 1 £ •uj-BidBuo e o ■6 g s 1 •suSisua .«.. ^,H. *- •;na!a pug '^ '^ -^ - ■inaiT jsji^ -' " - ec sureidBO ---- -- - •SJOfBM . . •lauoioo -^nan -' ; -" •lauoioo 1 > "1 'I • > 1 1 3 pa ' d u e COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. £43 .2 i^ g 2 ^5 gjgjssssa ■puBiuuioo uo jUdsqB I'lDig ■} :![ois •X:)np joj IB soaj 5 . o' * .2 g g '. oooouuuo 244 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. •pu-Biuuioo uo saaoujo •jussaad 310I8 saaoujo ueiiBi aJ9q,\i ■ub^ib; uaq^ii^ ; *' o C ° i 5 2 i5 5 5 o 5 ajO-jO'oOO ^o 3 g -E 5 , •OA-Bai SSOHAi Xa •atun ^BlJAi OOUIg •o " O to o . .2 H; S < H: M H, n E-2 2; 5 c ■^0 3 "If £ Q 2 ^ o T?rt ^ c O COL. Wli.^IAM IRVINE. 245 1- d 6 o ooooooooooooooooooooo o ooooooooooooooooooooo o p 1=5 a c w , O X S Q. tS 246 SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION. - ^S 15 ^ = <= o « Pr. Shoes 20s Cash 21s lid Cash paid Chambers, 36s; Cash by Brooks, 15s,.. pr. Shoes 20s, Cash at Sund'ry times £0s pr. Shoes 20s, Cash at Sund'y tims 15s 6 d the l.;th Jany., 1777. pr. Shoes 20s pr., Stockings 12s 6d., Cash when for Sugger & Coffey 6s 9d pr. Shoes 20s i i ^" t James Chambers. . . John Smith, Mathew Hays, John McCain, John Ryan Dan'l Donovan, ... John McGaughan, . Alexan'd Robinson, Tho's Dlcke, John Alexander, ... Will'm Kelly, John Bradly 1 And'w Pinkerton, Kern Kelly, .: John Pollock James Maxwell, ... COL. WILLIAM IRVINE. 247 o T d Eh w H o 12; H cc OT pq & 02 o P3 CO ^^^t^-^^//^i^^€i^^t^'6^^ 252 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. For the part taken by the three battalions reference is made to Cols. Miles and Atlee's journals, Pennsylvania Archives, vol. i, 2d series, 512 et sequitur; Col. Broadhead's letter, vol. v, 1st series, page 21. The following characteristic letter of Cap. Casper Weitzel to his brother John, furnishes some interesting points concerning this engagement: "Camp Near King's Bridge, Sixteen Miles Above New York, September 6, 1776. "Dear Brother: I would have written to you long before this time had anything worth communicating happened me or otherwise since my going into the army. Even now I scarcely know what to say to you, unless it would be to give you an ac- count of the manner of living in the American Army; but that too seems so familiar to me now, that I think myself to have lived in the same way all my life, and imagine it repetition to relate anything concerning it. Amidst the marches and move- ments of the Army, and the attention I am obliged to pay to my company, I almost forget relatives, friends, former business; yet while I am writing I find myself a little uneasy when I think myself so far removed from home; the Lord only knows for what time. New York is like a wire mouse trap, easy to get in, bui hard to get out. You no doubt before now have heard of the drubbing we Pennsylvanians, with the Delaware and Maryland Battolions, got on Long Island, on the 27th of Au- gust last; we were prettily taken in. The General Sullivan who commanded on Long Island, is much blamed. I saw no- thing of him in the engagement or some days before. The lit- tle army we had on the Island, of about five thousand men, was surrounded by fifteen or twenty thousand of the English and Hessians when the engagement began; they gave us a good deal of trouble but we fought our way bravely through them. The number of English and Hessians killed is surprising great, and of ours very trifling; but they have taken about seven hundred of our people prisoners, and amongst them more officers then perhaps ever was known in the like number of men. My Lieut. Gray, Sergeant Gordon, Sergeant Price and sixteen privates are missing. I know of only one killed in my company. The poor fellow was wounded in the thigh, and unable to walk; his name is Speiss; the d d savage Hessians and English Light Infantry, run their bayonets thro' him, and two of Captain Albright's men, who were also badly wounded, and murdered by them. I have this from one of my men who COL. SAMUEL MILES. 263 was a prisoner and escaped to me, and imagine the rest are prisoners. James Watt is among them. I came off with whole bones,, contrary to my expectation; I was in so much danger that by escaping that, I think it was impossible for them to kill me. Many a brush we shall yet before the cam- paign is over; we expect every day to have another clip. I wish you would endeavor to send such of my clothes as are worth wearing, my blanket and pillow, in my trunk to Lan- caster, and let me know of it when you have sent it, that I may endeavor to have it brought from there to where I may be stationed. There are no clothes to be got here of any kind. I have lost all my shirts and stockings, except two shirts, and two pair of old stockings, what I shall do for more God knows.. I have no hopes to get back to Pennsylvania until some time in January or February, unless hard weather and bad quarters kill me before that time. I ought to have written to Mr. Chambers particularly, but have not had time. As he has my papers, I hope he will do every thing he can towards having my business settled. I hear you are one of the great men of the State of Pennsylvania. Can't you give me a little lift some how or other if there is anything going. I need not give you an account of the officers missing in our regiment; no doubt you know of it before this time. I will mention some, Col. Miles, Col. Piper, two captains and fourteen Lieutenants, three of them killed. Your faithful and affectionate Brother, and humble servant, CASPER WEITZEL." In the action of the 27th of August, the rifle regiment and musketry battalion were so broken up that Gen. Washington ordered the three battalions to be considered as a regiment, under the command of Lieut. Col. Brodhead, until further orders. On Thursday, September 19, "the three battalions mutinied, and appeared on the parade under arms. After this they de- serted in parties with their arms, about two hundred men in the whole, fifty of whom are here now. The rest have taken other roads. 1 heir complaints are want of pay, want of clothes, tne want of blankets, the not receiving the particular species of rations. As to their pay, they had the whole to the 1st of Au- gust, and some have deserted immediately after having their full pay to the 1st of September. A very great cause of deser- tion l3 owing to the loss of their field officers. A party at- 254 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. tempted to desert (about thirty) but were prevented by force. A corporal at their head, thrust with his bayonet at Lieut. Lang, which he parried, the corporal is in custody; the same corporal cocked his piece at Ensign Davis, and attempted to fire. One Kelly, of Capt. Brown's company, and Sergeant Scamell, of Howell's company, are principal ringleaders." (In- formation received from Capt. Farmer, Capt. Erwin, Lieut. Lang, Lieut. Gourley.) The following petition "of privates in Col. Miles' and Atlee's battalion returned from camp without leave," without date, is probably referable to this period: "To the Honourable the Committee of Safety of the Province of Pennsylvania: "We your Petitioners, Soldiers enlisted for the Province of Pennsylvania, now returned from New York Government, being Willing & Desirous of Letting your Honours know the reason of our returning. Our Commanders told us, the subscribers, that if we went out of the Province that we should be used well, and return in six weeks from the time we left the Province. We were out of the Province upwards of Two Months and not used according to promise. We never had half of our Provi- sions Given us that was allowed to us by the Honourable the Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, nor never received any pay for the time we were out of the Province. We lost our Chief Commanders on Long Island, and not knowing who to apply to for Redress when out of the Province we returned to seek Redress, and hope your Honours will take it into your Consideration. Your Petitioners did not leave New York for Cowardice but for bad usage, and we are willing to fight to Defend the Province where we were Inlisted. "Your Petitioners Humbly beg that you would take it into your Consideration. "And your petitioners will ever pray. JOHN BROWN ANDREW LINCH JAMES KELLY HUGH HENRY ROBERT PELON. GEORGE STUMP JOHN ALSTADT JOHN LLOYD WILLIAM WARD DAVID DAVIS JOHN IMMEDELBERGER RICHARD FISHER BALTZER WETTSTEIN ARNST FELTY NICHOLAS GREENAWALT YOST LANGINBOCH WILLIAM PERRY JOHN DOUGHERTY COL. SAMUEL MILES. 255 EZEKIEL SIDDONS RICHARD ROBERTS VALENTINE LEIDY JOHN FEUSSETT SIMON RUFCORN WILLIAM WELCHHHONSE HENRY FEATON MICHAEL BURK FREDERICK HILL JOHN GRACELY GEORGE BROWN MICHAEL FINK PHILIP ISENHOWER WILLIAM HOLLEN. YOST STEREGER THO'S MAHONY CHRISTOPHER ADAM PETER BROWN JOSEPH MASSER JACOB SHIPLY JACOB BICKEL JOHN PELIET "henry CROAN THOMAS FULLAM REESE JONES JACOB SNYDER JOSHUA YARNALL ADAM RUPERT MICHAEL RINE LODW^ICK BELTZHOVER CHRISTIAN RINE MICHAEL SORG CHARLES COWEN JOHN BROWN GEORGE MILLER JOSEPH SMITH ADAM HEDRICK SAMUEL SIMON MICHAEL McKITTRICK MICHAEL LETHERMAN By a return, dated September 27, 1776, signed by Ennion Wil- liams, major, the First battalion had, including field, nineteen officers, sixteen sergeants, three drummers, and one hundred and eighty-two rank and file; the Second battalion had eighteen oflEicers, thirteen sergeants, two drummers, two hundred and sixty-one rank and file; the musketry had eleven officers, seven sergeants, four drummers, and one hundred and forty-one rank and file. The three battalions were then in Gen. Mifflin's brigade, and stationed at Mount Washington. On the 5th of October (see Col. Rec, vol. x, page 743), the Council of Safety determined that the three battalions should be arranged as follows: two were to be on the Continental establishment, and to serve during the war, the other to be retained in the service of the State until the 1st of January, 1778, unless sooner discharged, and to consist of ten companies of one hundred men each, officers included. This they intended ordering home as soon as the condition of the Continental army would admit of it, as they were by arrangement to keep twelve complete battalions in the Continental service. This regiment was thereafter known as "The Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot." For the arrangement of captains and subaltern officers for the battalion to be kept in pay of the State see Col. Rec, vol. X, page 765. On the 25th of October, they ordered the men In Capts. 3S6 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Farmer's, John Murray's, Anderson's, Marshall's, Albright's, Dehuff's and Christ's companies to continue under the same captains; Spade's company to be commanded by Capt. John McGowan, Francis Murray's by Capt. Morton Garret, Richard Brown's by Capt. James F. Moore, «6;c. (see Col. Rec, vol. x, page, 766), and consolidated the companies of Long, Peebles, Weitzel, Erwin, Grubb, Lloyd, Herbert, Nice, Howell and McClellan with the former. The remains of these battalions thus consolidated followed the fortunes of the Continental army. On the 16th of Novem- ber part of the musketry battalion was in Fort Washington, and was captured, with the following officers, Capt. Dehuff, Lieuts. Caldwell, Ward and Weidman, and Ensign Whitehead. On the 22d it was in Hand's brigade at head-quarters now New Brunswick. It was engaged in the capture of the Hessians at Trenton, 26th December, 1776; in the battle of Princeton Jan- uary 3, 1777; lay part of the winter at Philadelphia, and moved down to Billingsport in March, 1777. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS, (a.) Colonel. Miles, Samuel,* appointed March 13, 1776; taken August 27, 1776; exchanged April 20, 1778. Lieutenant Colonels — 1st Battalion. Brodhead, Daniel, of Berks county, appointed March 13, 1776; October 26, 1776, transferred to the Fourth Penn'a. Second Battalion. Piper, James, of Bedford, appointed March 13, 1776; captured August 27, 1776; died in captivity, leaving a widow, Lu- cinda, who resided in Cumberland county in 1791. ♦December 28, 1776, the Council appointed Colonel Miles brigadier general of the State forces. After his exchange, not beinp able to obtain his rank, he retired from active service, and was appointed auditor for set- tling public accounts, and Deputy Quarter-Master General for Penn'a, which latter office he held until 1782. In 17S3 he was appointed one of the judges of the High Court of Errors and Appeals. In 1790 he was elected mayor of Philadelphia. In October, 1805, was elected member of Assembly; took sick at Lancatter, and died at his place, Cheltenham, Montgomery county, De- cember 29, 1805, aged sixty-six. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 257 Majors— First Battalion. Williams, Ennion, appointed March 13, 1776; resigned Febru- ary 4, 1777, on account of promotion over him. Second Battalion. Patton, John, appointed March 13, 1776; January 11, 1777; pro- moted colonel of one of the sixteen additional regiments by Gen. Washington. Chaplain. Rogers, Rev. William,* appointed April 6, 1776; in June, 1778, the brigade chapltiin; retired the service in June, 1781. Adjutants. Bowen, Thomas Bartholomew. McGowan, John. Wallace, Thomas, of Philadelphia, appointed October 24, 1776. Quarter-Masters. Power, Alexander, appointed April 6, 1776. Laverswyler, Jacob, appointed October 24, 1776. Pay-Masters. Cox, Isaac, appointed September 18, 1776; resigned October 16, 1776. Redman, John, appointed October, 1776. ~^-M. *Dr. Rogers, who wa.s a Baptist clergyman, was elected professor of English oratory in the University of Penn'a, which position he re- signed in 1S12; in 181G-1817 he was a momher of the Assembly from Pliiladelphia. He died in Philadel- phia, April 7, 1824, aged seventy- throe. 17— Vol, II— 5th Ser, 258 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Surgeons. Davis, John, of Chester county, appointed March 22, 1776; taken prisoner August 27, 1776; March 1, 1777, he was ap- pointed surgeon of Col. Patton's regiment with which he served until April, 1779; Surgeon Davis died February 13, 1806, aged seventy-seven, and is buried in the Baptist Val- ley Church, Tredyffrin, Chester county. Rieger, Jacob, of Lancaster county, appointed March 22, 1776. Surgeon's Mates. Davis, Joseph, captured August 27, 1776; exchanged December 8, 1776, for Dr. Beaumont. Buck, Henry, of Capt. Marshall's company. Buck, James, appointed October 25, 1776. Sergeant Major — First Battalion. Hoffner's George, afterwards adjutant Proctor's artillery. FIRST BATTALION— ROLL OF CAPTAIN HENRY SHADE'S COMPANY, (a.) Captains. Shade, Henry, appointed from Northampton county, March 9, 1776; promoted captain in Tenth Penn'a. McGowan, John, appointed October 25, 1776. First Lieutenant. West, George, taken August 27, 1776; died in captivity, leaving a widow, Mary. Second Lieutenant. Driesbach, Yost, appointed March 10, 1776; captured August 27, 1776. Third Lieutenants. Boyd, Thomas, appointed March 19, 1776; promoted second lieutenant in Capt. Brown's company, August 9, 1776. McGowan, John, commissioned August 9, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 259 Sergeants. Weaver, Casper, first; March 26, 1776; killed in skirmish in March, 1777. Wolb, Jacob, second; April 13, 1776. Miller, Isaac, third; March 20, 1776. Gruber, Isaac, fourth; April 29, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Tennis, William. Drum and Fife. Webster, Hugh, April 11, 1776. Ammore, Gottlieb, April 11, 1776. Privates. Alshouse, David, April 11, 1776. Beaver, Christopher, April 5, 1776. Bebehouse [Bevehouse], John, May 19, 1776. Baker, Henry, March 17, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Bernhard, [Barnhart], Peter, March 21, 1776. Black, Daniel, June 3, 1776. Blyley, John, April 6, 1776. Bollabaker, Henry, May 16, 1776; missing since the battle, Au- gust 27, 1776. Bower, John, March 25, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Biever, John. Boyd, Andrew, "voluntier." Brown, Benjamin, June 5, 1776. Burd, Thomas, May 12, 1776. Deip, Jacob. Deal, George, April 3, 1776. Denius [Tenins], Jacob, May 22, 1776. Dull, Henry, April 1, 1776; resided in York county, in 1818, aged seventy-one. Dull, Martin, April 17, 1776. Dunn, Peter. Edinger, Jacob, March 26, 1776. Erb, Jacob, April 3, 1776. Faussel, John Christopher, April 29, 1776. Fennis, William, April 12, 1776; promoted sergeant. Fr2derick. Jacob, May 15, 1776. 260 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Fry, John, March 21, 1776. Fry, Philip, May 19, 1776. Godshallv, Henry, May 20, 1776; missing since the battle, Au gust 27, 1776. Greemier, Casimer, March 15, 1776. Greenawalt, Nicholas, May 29, 1776; transferred to Capt. Moore's company; re-enlisted in Col. Stewart's regiment; resided in Franlvlin county in 1819. Hainey, Philip, April 12, 1776. Heaslet, Andrew, April 2, 1776. Hicker, Adam, March 20, 1776. Hine, Conrad, June 3, 1776. Hughs, Cornelius, March 15, 1776. Hutmacher, Jacob, May 19, 1776. Isenhart, Jacob, April 17, 1776; missing since the battle, Au- gust 27, 1776. James, Elias. Kahm, Michael, May 8, 1776. Kave, Thomas, discharged August 16, 1776. Kear, Martin. Keibler, George, April 9, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776; carried to Halifax; released in 1778; resided in Northampton county, 1822. Kelchner, Michael, April 28, 1776. Kensel, John, April 9, 1776. Kerchner, Adam, June 3, 1776. Kock, Christian, April 18, 1776. Kuntz, John, March 29, 1776. Lee, John, May 14, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Litchard[t], Joseph, April 14, 1776. McAry, John, April 28, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McBride, John. McRight, John, May 22, 1776. Miller, Henry, May 8, 1776. Miller, Isaac. Miller, Lorentz, April 3, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Mill[s], Andrew. Moody, Adam, April 18, 1776. Mosteller, Michael, ^pril 25, 1776. Mosteller, Nicholas, March 27, 1776. Myer, Conrad, April 18, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 261 Nefl, Thomas. Neighhard. Christopher, April 14, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Picket, John, xMay ^9, 1776. Plyley, John. Potts, Jonathan. Roahr, Martin, May 20, 1776. Roahr, Nicholas, May 20, 1776. Robison, Johr June 5, 1776. Simmons, John, April 26, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Schwab, George, April 29, 1776. Schwartz, Elias, May 26, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Schlough, Barnett, Apni 19, 1776. Sebold, Leonard, May '', 1776. Sloan, James, April 1, 1776. Swink, Frederick, April 24, 1776. Swartz, Andrew, April 3, 1776. Telb [Delb], Jacob, April 6, 1776. Tennis, William. Tickard, Frederick, April 1, 1776; missing s.nce the battle, Au- gust 27, 1776. Travis, Joseph, April 4, 1776. Treasy, John. Treeve, John, April 20, 1776; resided in Huntingdon county, in May, 1818. Warner, Henry, May 6, 1776. Weaver, Henry, April 6, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Weaver, John, May 24, 1776. Weeble, George, April 18, 1776. Weis, Henry, May 19. 1776. Wright, William, April 19, 1776. 262 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN SHADE'S COMPANY OF THE REGIMENT OF RIFLEMEN IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COMMANDED BY SAMUEL MILES, ESQUIRE, COLONEL, (c.) Captain. Lieutenants. Henry Shade, Esq'r. George Werd 1st. Jost Driesbach, ..2d. 1776. Serjeants. Thomas Boyd, 3d. June 1, Casper Weaver — 1st. Jacob Welb 2d. 1776. Drummer & Fifer. Isaac Miller 3d. June 1, Hugh Webster, Deserted 5 Isaac Gruber, 4tli. July. Gottlieb Ammore. June 1, Casomer Crenemier, De- John Treasey. serted 6 July. George Swab. Cornelius Hughs, Sick 17 John Macary. June. Frederick Swank. Henry Becker. Michael Marsteller. John Fry. John Christopher Fausel. Peter Bernhard. Lnrentz Miller. - John Bower. George Gebler. Jacob Edinger. Henry Werner. Nicholas Marsteller. Leonard Sebald. James ;--loan. Michael Kehm. Henry Doll. Henry Miller. Frederick Tickard. John Lee. Andrew Heaslet. Jacob Frederick. Andrew Shwartz. Henry Bollebacker. Joseph Travers, Henry Weis. Christopher Beaver. Jacob Hutmacher. Jacob Telb. Philip Fry, John Blyley. John Bebechouse. Henry Weaver. Henry Godshall. David Alshouse. Martin Rahr. Philip Heaney. Jacob Tenuis. Christopher Nelghard. John Weaver. William Tennis. Elias Swatz. Joseph Lltchard. Nicholas Greenwalder. Jacob Isenhard. John Picket. Adam Moody, Small-pox, Daniel Black. 3d July. Adam Karcher. George Weble. Conrad Hlne. Conrad Meyer. Peter Dunn. Christian Kook. Thomas Neff. Barnard Slough. Andrew Boyd (Voluntier). COL. SAMUEL MILES. 263 1 i2 B a a & I - 2 ^ O J ^ Q fe ' 3 4 2 Total 1 3 4 1 59 & 1 Voluntler I do certify on honour that the Officer, Non-commissioned Officers and Privates, who appeared on the parade at the Bar- racks in Philadelphia, under my command, are bonafide en- gaged in the service of the Province of Pennsylvania and re- ceive pay from the time mentioned opposite to their name, and according to the Ranli they hold in this Roll. I do also certify on honour that the two Deserted were effective to the time mentioned opposite to their names, and the two sick were also effective. HENRY SHADE, Captain. Note. — The Doctor declined giving his certificate as he could not do it with exactness, on accot. of the Battalls being so di- vided these several weeks past and his books, &c., being sent to Brunswick. Mustered on the Parade at Barracks in Philadelphia, Capt. Henry Shade's company of the first Battalion of Rifle Regi- ment in the Service of the province of Pennsylvania, Com- manded by Samuel Miles, Esqr., Col., One Captain, three Lieutenants, four Sergeants, one Fifer, Fifty-seven privates and one voluntiere. LODK. SPROGELL. M. M. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. HENRY SHADE'S COMPANY OF THE REGIMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE PRO- VINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COMMANDED BY SAMUEL MILES, ESQR., COLONEL. QUARTERED AT FORT ISLAND, (c.) Henry Shade, Esq'r. Gearge Wort, 1st. Jost Treisback, 2d. Thomas Boyd, 3d. Casper Weaver. Jacob Walb. William Tennis. Isaac Gruber. Hugh Webster. Godlip Ammore. Captain. Lieutenants. Sergeanti Drummer and Fife. 1. Casomer Grenemier. 2. Cornelius Hughes. 3. Henry Becker. 4. John Fry. 5. Peter Bernhart. 6. John Bower. 7. Jacob Edinger. 8. Nicolas Mosteller. 9. James Sloan. 10. Henry Dull. 11. Frederick Tickart. 12. Andrew Heaslet. 13. Andrew Swarts. 14. Joseph Travis. 15. Christopher Beaver. 16. Jacob Delp. 17. John Plyley. 18. Henry Weaver. 19. David Alshouse. 20. Christopher Nyhart. 21. Joseph Litchart. 22. Jacob Isenhard. 23. Adam Moody. 24. Isaac Miller. 25. George Weable. 26. Christian Koch. 27. Barnard Slough. 28. John Treece. 29. George Swab. 30. John McCary. 31. Frederick Swink. 32. Michael Mosteller. 33. Cchistopher Fauseli. 34. Lawrence Miller. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 266 MUSTER ROLL— Continued. 35. George Keveler. 53. Elias Swarts. 36. Henry Werner. 54. Nicholas Greenawald. 37. Leanord Sebold. 55. John Picket. 38. Michael Keam. 56. Adam Kerchner. 39. Henry Miller. 57. Conrad Hine. 40. John Lee. 58. Peter Dunn. 41. Jacob Frederick. 59. Thomas Knave. 42. John Simmons. 60. Martin Dull. 43. Jonathan Potts. 61. Deserters. 44. Henry Bollenbacher. 62. Thomas Bird. 45. Henry Weize. 63. John McBide. 46. Jacob Hootmacher. 64. Conrad Myer. 47. Philip Fry. 65. Daniel Black. 48. John Bevehouse. 66. John Robison. 49. Henry Godshalk. 67. Benjamin Brown. 50. Martin Rear. 68. John Kinsel. 5L Jacob Deniiis. 69. Discharged, one. 52. John Weaver. t 60 6 3 4) « a ^; E Present 1 3 4 1 1 50 Absent 12 1 3 4 1 1 I do certify on honour all the officers, non-commissioned offi- cers and privates who appeared on parade at Perth Amboy, New Jersey, under my command are bonafide raised for the Defense of the Estate of Pennsylvania and now in Continen- tal Service, receives pay from the time mentioned opposite to their names and according to the Rank they hold in the Roll. I do also certify on honour that seven on Guard, 2 on Guard, Five in the Hospital, one on Duty, one on Command, and one in the Guard-house, were all effective men to the time mentioned opposite to their names. HENRY SHADE, Capt'n. 26« PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Mustered on the Parade at Perth Amboy, New Jersey, Cap- tain Henry Shade's Company of the Rifle Regiment, Com- manded by Colonel Samuel Miles, Esq. One Captain, three Lieutenants, four Sergeants, One Drum, One Fifer and Fifty Privates. This muster taken from 1 July, 1776, to 1 August follov/ing. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. MUSTER ROLL OP CAPTAIN HENRY SHADE'S COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT OP RIFLEMEN, COM- MANDED BY DANIEL BROADHEAD, ESQ'R, COL. (c.) Captain. Henry Shade. Lieutenants. 1st George Wort, Missing. 2nd Jost Trisback do. 3rd John McCowen. Sergeants. Casper Weaver. Jacob Walt. Wm. Tennis. Isaac Gruber, Missing. Drummer and Fifer. Hugh Webster. Godliek Ammore. 1. Isaac Miller, Sick. 2. Adam Moody, Hospital. 3. John Fry. 4. Casamer Greenamier. 5. Cornelius Hughes. 6. Henry Baker. 7. Peter Barnhart. 8. John Bower, Missing. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 367 ?. Jacob Edinger. 10. Nicholas Mosteller, Hospital. 11. James Sloan, do. 12. Henry Dull. 13. Frederick Tickart, Missing. li. Andrew Heasiet, Hospital. 15. Andrew Swarts, do. 16. Joseph Travis. 17. Christopher Beaver. 18. Jacob Delb. 19. John Plyley. 2U. Henry Weaver, Missing. 21. David Alshouse. 22. Christopher Fausel. 23. Joseph Litehart. 24. Jacob Isenhart, Missing. 25. George Weavii. 20. Christian Koch. 27. Barnet Slough. 28. John Trese. 29. John McCary, Missing. 30. George Swope. 31. Frederick Swink. 32. Michael Mouteller. 33. Christopher Nyhan, Missing. 34. Lawrence Miller, Missing. 35. George Kivler. 36. Henry Warner. 37. Leonard Sebold, Sick. 38. Michael Keam, do. 39. Henry Miller. 40. John Lee, Missing. 41. Jacob Frederick, Absent. 42. John Simmons, Missing. 43. Jonathan Potts, Desert. 20 Aug. 44. Andrew Mill, Sick. 45. Henry Bolenbacker, Missing. 46. Henry Weize. 47. Jacob Hootmacher. 48. Philip Fry. 49. John Bevehouse, Absent. 50. Henry Godshalk, Missing. 51. Martin Rear. 52. Jacob Denius. 268 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 53. John Weaver. 54. Elias Swarts, Missing. 55. Nicholas Greenawalt. 56. John Picket, Hospital. 57. Adam KereKner, Missing. 58. Conrad Hme. 59. Peter Dunn. 60. Thomas Kave, Disch'd 16 Aug'st. 61. Martin Dull. 62. Daniel Black. 63. Conrad Moier, On furlow. K s 3 aj > o ►4 Ui fa fc ent, 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 I do certify on honor that the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and privates, who appeared on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge, New York, under my Command, were bonafide raised for the Defense of the State of Pennsylvania, and now engaged in Continental Service, and received pay ac- cording to the Rank they hold in their Roll. I do also certify on honour that the two Lieut's, one Sergeant and thirteen pri- vates Missing & thirteen privates Sick, Absent & on furlow, one deserted and one Discharged were all effective to the times mentioned. HENRY SHADE, Capt. Mustered on the parade in Camp near King Bridge, New York, Capt. Henry Shade's Company — One Captain, One Lieu- tenant, three Sergeants, One drum, one fife and thirty-five privates. — This Muster taken from 1 August, 1776, to 1 Sept. following. LODK. SPROGELL, M. M. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 269 PAY ROLL OF CAPT. HENRY SHADE. COMP'Y OF THE FIRST BATALION OF RIFLE MEN IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA, NOW COMMAND- ED BY LT. COLONEL DANIEL BROADHEAD, ESQ'R. (c.) Henry Shade Captain, The 1st of Aug't, 3rd Lt Sergt Jacob Wolb (Jo Wm Tennis do Do John Fry Peter Barnhard Henry TuU Frederick Tiokart Henry Weaver David Alshouse Chrisfr Neighart Isaac Miller George Woeble Christian Kook :::::"'::::::::":':: John McCarryJ Svtrtt^ 270 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. PAY ROLL OF CAPT HENRY SHADE— Continued. II PVede'k Swink The 1st of Aug't, Michael Marsteller 1 Henry Miller Jacob Frederick Philip Frpv Henrv God=hall COL. SAMUEL MILES. 271 MUSTERROLL OF CAPTAIN HENRY SHADE'S COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT OF RIFLEMEN, COM- MANDED BY DANIEL BROADHEAD, ESQ'R., COLONEL, (c.) Captain. Henry Shade. Lieutenants. 1st George Wort, Missing. 2nd Jost Trisback, Missing. 3rd John McCowen. Sengeants. Casper Weaver. Jacob Walb. William Tennis. Isaac Grover, Missing. Drum and Fifer. Hugh Webster. Godlip Ammope. 1. Isack Millar, Sick. 2. Addam Moody, Hospital. 3. John Fry. 4. Cassamer Greenamier. 5. Cornelius Hughes. 6. Henry Baker. 7. Peter Barnhart. 8. John Bowers, Missing. 9. Jacob Edinger. 10. Nicholas Masteller, Hospital. 11. James Sloan. 12. Henry Dull. 13. Frederick Tickart. 14. Andrew Heaslet. 15. Andrew Swarts. 16. Joseph Travis. 17. Christopher Beaver. 18. Jacob D«lb. 272 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGlMi:M. 19. John Plyley. 20. Henry Weaver, Missing. 21 David Alshouse. 22. Christopher Fausel. 23 Joseph Litchart. 24. Jacob Isenhart, Missing. 25. George Weavel. 26. Christian Kock. 27. Barnet Slough. 28. John Treese. 29. George Swab. 30. John McCary, Missing. 31. Frederick Swink. 32 Michael Mausteller. 33". Christopher Nyhart, Missing. 34 Lawrence Miller. 35'. George Kivler Missing. 36. Henry Warner. 37. Leonard Sebold, Sick. 38. Michael Keam, Sick. 39. Henry Miller. 40 John Lee, Missing. 41 Jacob Frederick, Absent. 42 John Simmons, Missing. 43. Jonathan Potts, Deserted. 44 Andrew Mills, Sick. 45'. Henry Bollenbacker, Missing. 46. Henry Weize. 47. Jacob Hootmacher. 48. Philip Fry. 49 John Bevehouse. 50'. Henry Godshalk, Missing. 51. Martin Rear. 52. Jacob Denius. 53. John Weaver. 54. Elias Swartz, Missing. 55 Nicholas Greenewalt. 56 John Picket, Hospital. 57. Adam Kerchner, Missing. 58. Conrad Hine. 59. Peter Dunn. ^,, ,..u 60. Thomas Knave. Dischd 16th. 61. Martin Dull. 6'> Daniel Black. 6:^: Conrad Myer, On Furlow. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 273 1 01 o! 1 E ent ^ ^ 3 1 Total . 1 3 * 1 I do certify onlionour that the Officers, Non-Commissioned officers and Privates who appeared on the parade in Camp near King's bridge, N. York, under my command were bonafide raised for the Defense of the State of Pennsylvania and now engaged in Continental Service, and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in the Roll. I do also Certify onhonour that the two Lieutenants, one; Sergeant and thirteen privates missing and thirteen privates sick Absent and on furlow, & one Deserted & one Disch'd, were all effective to the time mentioned opposite their names. HENRY SHADE, Capt. Mustered on the parade in the Camp near King's bridge, N. York, Capt. Henry Shade's Company— One Captain, One Lieu- tenant, three Sergeants, One Drum, One Fife and Thirty-five Privates. This Muster taken from 1st Aug., 1776, to 1st Sept. following. LOD'K. SPROGELL, M. M. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT'N HENRY SHADES COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT OF RIFLEMEN COM- MANDED BY DAN'L BROADHEAD, ESQ'R, COLONEL, (c.) Henry Shade. George Wert. Jost Trisback. John McGowan. 18— Vol. II— 5th Sen Captain. Lieut's. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 274 Sergeants. Casper Weaver. Jacob Walb. Wm. Tennis. Isaac Groober. Drum & Fifer. Hugh Webster. Godlip Ammore. 1. Isaac Miller, Sick. 2. Adam Moody, Sick. 3. Jno. Fry. 4. Cassamier Greenamier, Gard. 5. Cornelius Hughes. 6. Peter Barnhart. 7. Jacob Edinger, Gerd. 8. Nich's Maustiller, Sick. 9. James Sloan, Gerd. 10. Henry Dull, Sick. 11. Andrew Haslett, Sick. 12. Andrew Swartz, Sick. 13. Joseph Travis, Gerd. 14. Christop'r Beaver, Gerd. 15. Jacob Delb. 16. John Plyley. 17. Henry Weaver. 18. David Alshouse. 19. Joseph Lichard. 20. George Weavel. 21. Christian Koch, Sick. 22. Barnett Slough. 23. John Freess. 24. George Swab. 25. FredericK Swink. 26. Lawrence Miller. 27. Mich'l Keam. 28. Henry Miller. 29. Jacob Frederick. 30. Jonathan Potts, Deserted. 31. Andrew Mills. 32. Henry Wize, Sick. 33. Jacob Hootmacher. 34. Philip Fry. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 275 35. John Bevehouse, Sick. 36. Martin Kear, Sick. 37. Jacob Deuius. 38. Jno. Weaver, Sick. 39. Jno. Picket. 40. Conrad Hine. 41. Peter Dunn. 42. Thorn's Kave, Dischar'd. 43. Martin Dull. 44. Dan'l Black. 45. Sinnord Saybold. 46. Conrod Myer. 47. Henry Baker, Missing since Battle 27 Aug. 48. Henry Godshalk, do. 49. Jno. Simmons, do. 50. Jno. i^ee, do. 51. Jno. McCary, do. 52. Henry Bolenbacker, do. 53. George Kivler, do. 54. Frederick Tickert, do. 55. Elias Swartz, do. 56. Chris'r ^yhart, do. 57. Adam Kerchner, do. 58. John Bower, do. 59. Jacob Isenhart, do. 60. Henry Warner, do. 61. Nicholas Greenawalt, Deserted. 62. Nieh'l Marstiller, do. 63. Stophiel Fansill, do. Z S E I9aAi. J3d aouB^sisqng £ s. d. 17 17 17 17 10 10 10 10 10 10 do. do. •IIJUOM -13(1 ^•Bd 10 6 15 6 15 5 3 3 3 3 3 1 17 6 do. do. •9ouB?S!sqns ;o euiii 1 o -ui -^ suon>nj}siii •SuninJoaH Jo a;t!a 1776. 14th March, .. do. do. 25th March, .. 2Sth March, .. 21st April 30th March, .. 2d Anril 1776. 23d March, ... do. 24th March, .. •UOUBJS C Serjeant, .. Serjeant, . . Serjeant, .. Serjeant, .. Serjeant, .. Private 1 1 <3 5 £ 1 c 1 S 1 c 1 •J. .2 o E a 1 CC 1^ i V £ "-3 ^7 = " ' COL. SAMUEL MILES. 285 03oaia><»o)a30»no30)a>AcDCO coco< 6 ^< „ ^ . "^ "^ zz -z z z z _ s: cGGanft 5 : . 5 «" S ^- O jf > S ^ ^' >. o ■g .2 S ■g - - >. - £ I 286 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Si TO c- PU TO H O K Cm TO° J H N H H g S pq •aDUB^sisqns sion.\i •anp ABa JO e.DUBiBa •Suiq^BOio :g> suiav JOJ aSBddois •XBa eioq.'Vi •JiasAi. Jad 9ouB;s!sqns ■^ :::::: : trf :::::: : •q;uoM aad Abj ■^ :::::: : ctj :::::: : •aouBisTsqns Jo suiij. Q :::::: : ^ M M ; i ; •30i.\J3S sq'l U! S'WkL Q :::::: : s ; M : M i •SlU3Ul}Sn -ui ^ suoponJisui 'SuninJOda JO a^BQ 1776. Sth 6th 9th 9th 9th 9th 12th loth 16th 23d 13th h .?Oth. .. 1st 2d. 6th. ■uon-B?S ;5 Richard Newman James Glover Thomas Little Michael Nowland John Arthur David Curry Samuel Carsan Christian Ewig Edward Doran Henry Gerhart Andrew lialston Charles Carter Peter Brady Jamis Elder, Robert Moorehead «§5!SiS5?!S:g'^2°»SriSf2 COL. SAMUEL MILES. 287 js-z -z z ■z t" S o o -• C • z SISSS 288 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN CASPER V>^EITZEL'S COMPANY IN THE 1ST BATTALION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT, (c.) Pay due from the 1st Day of August to the 1st Day of Sep- tember 1776. Time in Captain. service. Casper Weitzel, 1 mo. Lieutenants. 1st. William Gray, 1 mo. 2nd. John Robb, do. 3rd. George Grant, do. Sergt. Major. John Gordon, 1 mo. Sergeants. Jacob Snider, Thomas Price, William Orr, Thomas Shank 1 mo. Oo. do. do. Drummer. John Everard, 1. Samuel Watt, 2. John Arthur, 3. Peter Davis, 4. James Randolph, 5. Henry Gess. G. Richard Newman, 7. Silas Wolcot, 8. Thomas Hlssom, 9. James Elder, 10. Andrevi' Rawlston, 11. William Carson, Jr. 12. James Clayton, Privates. L mol3. Joseph Madden, 1 mo. do. 14. Robert Carutners. do. do. 15. William McMath, do. do. 16. William Barr, do. do. 17. Dennis Huggens, do. do. 18. Jno. Rice, do. do. 19. Irvine, do. do. 20. Christin Winters, do. do. 21. Andrew Carter, do. do. 22. James Glover, do. do. 23. Pattrick Mclnnis, do. do. 24. Patrick McManus, do. COL. SAMUEL MILES. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN CASPER WEITZEL'S COMPANY — Continued. 25. William McCormick, 26. Samuel Carson, 27. William Carson, 28. David Turner, 29. William Harper, 30. David Curry, 31. William Alison, 32. William Clark, 8a. Henry Miller, 34. John Hardy, 35. Stout Brinson, 36. Robert Morehead, 37. Thomas Little, 38. John McDonald, 39. Charles Carter, 40. John Cribs, 41. Elijah Hunt, 42. Stephen Durell, 1 mo 43. Edward Doran, 1 mo do. 44. Robert Wilson, do. do. 45. Patrick McVey, do. do. 46. Henry Gerhart, do. do. 47. David Durell, do. do. 48. Jacob Spiess, do. do. 49. Martin Kirstetter, do. do. 50. Michael Nowland, do. do. 51. John Aumiller, do. do. 52. Christian Ewig, do. do. 53. Jeffrey Connell, do. 54. Peter Brady, do. do. 55. Charles McCleane, do. do. 56. John Sands, do. do. 57. John Burke, do. do. 58. Samuel Staples, do. do. 59. John Shaeffer, do. do. 60. James Chisnell, do. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN CASPER WEiTZEL'S COM- PANY IN THE FIRST BATTALION OF THE PENNSYL- VANIA REGIMENT OF RIFLE MEN. CAMP NEAR KING'S BRIDGE 1ST SEPTEMBER, 1776. (c.) Casper Weitzel. Captain. Lieutenants. 1st. William Gray, missing 27th August, 1776, after the Battle on Long Island. 2nd. John Robb, missing 27th August,. 1776, after the Battle on Long Island. 2rd. George Grant. 19— Vol. II~6th Ser. 290 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Sergeants. Serj. Major John Gordon, missing 27th Aug., '76, after Bat- tie on Long Island. Serjt. Jacob Snider. Serjt. Thomas Price, missing as above. Serjt. William Orr. Serjt. Thomas Shanks. Drummer. John Everhard, Left siclv at N. York. Privates. 1. James Watt, missing after Battle 27th Aug. on Long Islanfl. 2. John Arthur. 3. Peter Davis, Lying wounded at N. York. 4. James Randolph, Left sick at N. York. 5. Henry Gass, missing as above. 6. Richard Newman. 7. Silas Wolcot, Left sick at N. York. 8. Thomas Hissonn. 9. James Elder, on Guard. 10. Andrew Ralston, missing as above. 11. William Carson, Jun'r, deserted 20th Sept., 1776. 12. James Clayton, Left sick at N. York. 13. James Madden, missing as above. 14. William McMath, Left sick at N. York. 15. Robert Caruthers, missing as above. 16. William Barr, deserted 18th Sept. 17. Dennis Huggins, missing as above. 18. John Rice, missing as above. 19. James Irvine. 20. Christian Winters, Left sick at New York. 21. Andrew Carter, missing as above. 22. James Glover. 23. Patrick Mclnnis, Left sick at N. York. 24. Patrick McManus. 25. William McCormick, missing as above. 26. Samuel Carson. 27. William Carson, Sen'r. 28. David Turner, On. Guard. 29. William Harper, Deserted 18th Sept. 30. David Curry, Left sick at York. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 291 3L William Alison, missing as above 32. William Clark, On Guard. 33. Henry Miller. 34. John Hardy, missing as above. 35. Stout Brinson, Left sick at N. York. 36. Robert Morehead, missing as above. 37. Thomas Little. ' 38. John McDonald. 39. Charles Carter. 40. John Cribs, on Guard. 41. Elijah Hunt. 42. Stephen Durell, deserted 14th Sept. 43. Edward Doran. 44. Robert Wilson. 45. Patrick McVey, missing as above. 46. Henry Gerhart. 47. David Durell, Deserted 14th Sept. 48. Jacob Spiess, missing as above. 49. Martin Kirstetter, missing as above. 50. Michael Nowland. 51. John Aumiller. 52. Christian Ewig, deserted 20th Sept., 1776. 53. Jeffrey Connell, Left sick at N. York. 54. Peter Brady, missing as above. 55. Charles McCleane. 56. John Sands, Left sick at N. York. 57. John Burke, Left sick at Philadelphia. 58. Samuel Staples, Left sick at Marcus Hook. 59. John Shaeffer, Left sick at N. York, disch'd 26th Sept., 1776. 60. James Clusnell. PRIVATES IN CAPTAIN WEITZEL'S COMPANY AT PRES- ENT 27TH SEPT. 1776. (c.) Present in Camp. 1. John Arthur. 2. Richard Newman. 3. Thomas Hissom. 4. James Elder. 292 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 5. James Clayton. 6. James Irvine. 7. James Glover. 8. Patrick Mclnnis. 9. Patriclv McManus. 10. Samuel Carson. 11. William Carson, Sen'r. 12. David Turner. 13. William Clark. 14. Henry Miller. 15. Thomas Little. 16. John McDonald. 17. Charles Charter. 18. John Cribs. 19. Elijah Hunt. 20. Edward Doran. 21. Robert Wilson. 22. Henry Gerhart. 23. Michael Noland. 24. John Aumiller. 25. Charles McCleane. 26. James Chisnell. 27. Peter Davis, wounded. 28. James Randolph. 29. Silas Wolcot. 30. William McMath. 31. Christian Winters. 32. David Curry. 33. Stout Brinson. 34. Jeffry Connel, at Phila. 35. John Sands. 36. John Shaeffer. 37. Samuel Staple. 38. John Burke. 39. Wm. Carson, Jr., deserted since leaving New York. 40. William Barr, deserted since leaving New York. 41. William Harper, deserted since leaving New York. 42. Stephen Durell/deserted since leaving New York. 43. David Durell, deserted since leaving New York. 44. Christian Ewig; deserted since leaving New York. COL. SAMUEL MILES. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN CASPER WEITZEL'S IN THE 1ST BATTALION OF PENNSY'A RIFLE REGIMENT, (c.) Pay due from the 1st Day of Sept. to the 1st Day of October, 1776. Time in Captain. Service. Casper Weitzel, 1 mo. Lieutenants. John Robb, do. George Grant, do. Serjeants. Jacob Snider, do. William Orr, do. Thomas Shanks, do. Privates. 1. John Arthur, do. 2. Richard Newman, do. 3. Thomas Hissom, do. 4. James Elder, do. 5. James Clayton, do. 6. James Irvine, do. 7. James Glover, do. 8. Patrick Mclnnis, do. 9. Patrick McManus, do. 10. Samuel Carson, do. 11. William Carson, do. 12. David Turner, do. 13. William Clark. do. 14. Henry Muller, do. 15. Thomas Littil, do. 16. John McDanald, do. 17. Charles Carter, do. 18. John Cribs, do. 19. Elijah Hunt, do. 294 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 20. Edward Dowran, do. 21. Robert Willson, do. 22. Henry Garhart, do. 23. Michal Nowland, do. 24. John Aumiller, do. 25. Charles McClane, do. 26. James Chesnel, do. 27. Peter Davis, do. 28. James Randolph, do. 29. Silas Willcot, do. 30. William McMath, do. 31. Christen Winters, do. 32. David Curry, do. 33. Stout Brinson, do. 34. Jeffrey Connel, do. 35. jQhn Sands, do. 36. Samuel Steapels, do. 37. John Burk, do. 38. John Shaffer, do. 39. William Carson, Jun'r, do. 40. William Barr, do. 41. William Harper, do. 42. Stephen Dural, do. 43. David Dural, do. 44. Christian Ewig, do. 45. John Everhart (Drummer) , do. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN CASPER WEITZEL'S COM- PANY IN THE FIRST BATTALION OF THE PENNSYL- VANIA REGIMENT OF RIFLE-MEN NOW UNDER THE COMMAND OF LIEUT. COLONEL DANIEL BRODHEAD, ESQ. CAMP ON THE HEIGHTS OF HARLEM, THE 1ST OCT., 1776. (c.) Casper Weitzel. 2nd. John Robb. 3rd. George Grant. Captain. Lieutenants. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 295 Serjeants. Jacob Snider. William Orr. Thomas Shanks. Drummer. John Everard, absent with leave. Privates. 1. John Arthur. 2. Richard Newman, sick in Hospital. 3. Thomas Hissom, sick in Hospital. 4. James Elder, sick in Camp. 5. James Clayton, sick in Hospital. 6. James Irvine, On guard. 7. James Glover. 8. Patrick Mclnnis. 9. Patrick McManus. 10. Samuel Carson, sick in Hospital. 11. William Carson, attending sick in Hospital. 12. David Turner, On guard. 13. William Clark . 14. Henry Miller, sick in Hospital. 15. Thomas Little. 16. John McDonald, sick in Hospital. 17. Charles Carter. 18. John Cribs. 19. Elijah Hunt. 20. Edward Doran, sick in Hospital. 21. Robert Wilson. 22. Henry Gerhart, gone for provisions. 23. Michael Nolan, On guard. 24. John Aumiller, sick in Camp. 25. Charles McCleane, attending Col. Brodhead. 26. James Chisnell. 27. Peter Davis, sick in Hospital. 28. James Randolph, Deserted. 29. Silas Wolcot. 30. William McMath, Deserted. 31. Christian Winters, Deserted. 32. David Curry, sick in Hospital. 33. Stout Brinson. 34. Jeffry Connel. sick in Hospital. 296 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 35. John Sands, Deserted. 36. Samuel Staples, Left sick at Phila. 37. John Burke. Left sick at Phila. 38. John Sheaffer, Discharged 26th Sept. 1776. 39. William Carson, Jun'r, Deserted 20th Sept., 1776. 40. William Barr, Deserted 18th Sept., 1776. 41. William Harper, Deserted 18th Sept., 1776. 42. Stephen Durell, Deserted 14th Sept., 1776. 43. David Durell, Deserted 14th Sept., 1776. 44. Christian Ewig, Deserted 20th Sept., 1776. '5 2i ^J 6 ft g S § U 3 M Q 1 2 3 1 » 1 1 2 44 I do Certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commiss'd Officers and privates who appeared on parade in Camp near Harlem N. York, under my Command, are bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania, now in Continental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also Certify on honour that the Drummer and Thirty one absentees, Sick, attending sick on Guard absent without leave &c &c. were all effective to the times mentioned Opposite their names, CAS. WEITZEL Capt'n. Mustered on the parade in Camp near Harlem N. York Capt'n Casper Weitzell's Company — One Captain, two Lieuten'ts three Sergeants, and thirteen privates — This Muster taken from 1st September 1776 to Octo'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL M. M. G. of P. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 297 ROLL OF CAPTAIN RICHARD BROWN'S COMPANY, (a.) Captains. Brown Richard, appointed from Bedford county, March 19, 1776; taken prisoner August 27, 1776. Moore, James irancis, from first lieutenant, October 25, 1776. First Lieutenants. Moore, James F., appointed from Bedford county, March 19, 1776; joined the company August 9, 1776; promoted captain October 25, 1776. Second Lieutenants. Barnet, James, resigned July 23, 1776. Boyd, Thomas, from third lieutenant of Capt. Shade's com- pany, August 9, 1776; taken at Fort Washington; resided in Indiana county in 1817. Third Lieutenants. Holmes, James, commissioned April 15, 1776; resigned Decem- ber 31, 1776. Sergeants. Steits, Henry. Anderson, James, missing since August 27, 1776; paroled De- cember, 1776; resided in Bedford county in 1813. Fitzgerald, Patrick. Evans, Samuel. Johnston, Thomas. Hirsh, Jacob. Drummer. Lever, William, missing since August 27, 1776. Fifer. Ludwick, Conrad. 298 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Privates. Allen, Ephraim. * Allen, Richard. A.rmstrong, Henry. Earkley, Hugh, missing since August 27, 1776. Biddle, Hezekiah, missing since August 27, 1776. Eiddleson, George. Bradley, Thomas. Bradley, William, missing since August 27, 1776. Brown, Solomon. Carmichael, Peter, missing since August 27, 1776. Clark, James. Clements, George. . Conrey, John. Cowin, Michael. Crossan, Samuel, missing since August 27, 1776. Dailey, James. Dawson, Jeremiah. Develin, Peter, missing since August 27, 1776. Dougherty, John. Dreiskel, Timothy, missing since August 27, 1776. Duke, Alexander. Evans, James. Evans, Samuel, promoted sergeant. Fitzgerald, "William, discharged October 18, 1776. Growss, Adam, missing since August 27, 1776. Haggerty, John. Harris, John. Hirsh, Jacob, promoted sergeant. Henderson, Alexander. Henry, Hugh. Holmes, Alexander, missing since August 27, 1776. Huston, Robert, missing since August 27, 1776. Johnston, Thomas, promoted sergeant. Jones, Joshua. Kelly, James. Lever, James, killed at Staten Island, July 26, 1776. Ludwick, Conrad. Maguire, Daniel. Mallon, John, wounded by accident, August 12, 1776. Marshall, Solomon. Mclntire, Daniel. McGregor, John, missing since August 27, 1776. McKitlrick, Michael. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 299 McMichael, Christopher, missing since August 27, 1776. Mior, John, August 4, 1776. Moore, William, missing since August 27, 1776. Morris, George. Nesbit, Jonathan, missing since August 27, 1776. Penrod, Tobias. Riley, Job. Roberts, Richard, missing since August 27, 1776. Rush, Jacob. _ Ryan, Miles. Scott, Nathaniel, missing since August 27, 1776. Skinner, Samuel. Shaver, Philip. Smith, John, Jr., discharged September 1, 1776. Smith, John, Sr. Sparks, Degory, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Sparsell, Isaac. Stanton, Thomas. Steed, James, discharged July 11, 1776, returned August 23, 1776; re-enlisted at Hancock, Md., in the Thirteenth Peun'a. StocKton, Thomas. Stokes, Robert, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Tull, Richard. Vanasdale, Isaac. Vorris, Albert. Welsh. Mark. 300 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN RICH'D BROWN'S COMP'Y OF THE 1ST BATALION OF PENNSYLV'A REG'T OF RIFLE MEN IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENN- SYLV'A. NOW COMMANDED BY LT. COLONEL BROD- HEAD, ESQ. (c.) Pay Due the First of September, 1776. Richd Brown Capt 1st Of August, ... do. do M. & D. 1 Jams. Fr's Moore 1st Lt 2ntl Lt 1 1 22 3rd Lt Henry Steitz Serjt Jam's Anderson Do Patrick FitzGerrald Do Rich'd Tull dr. Hugh Barkley James Dailey do ..:: ::::....:::: Christy McMichiel John Smith \lexd'r Duke COL. SAMUEL MILES. 301 PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN RICH'D BROWN'S COMPANY- Continued. Pay Due the First of September, 1776. ^ a & g L. Name. o ^ c a a> B >, ei 12 c ^ o H M. & D. Miles Ryan Private 1st of Augt 1 Sam'l Evans Timothy Driskill ■ Rich'd Roberts George Clements Hugh Henry :.... Hezekiah Biddle John Haggerty ..:.: ' :;■■ ...: Michael Cowin Rich'd Allen Sam'l Crossing, .... George Morris Isaac Vanasdoll . 302 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN RICH'D BROWN'S COMP'Y OF THE (MUTILATED.) MEN NOW COMMANDED BY LT. COL. BRODHEAD. ENCAMPED (MUTILATED.) (c.) Captain. Richard Brown, a missing since the Battle. First Lt. Jas. Fr. Moore. Second Lt. Thos. Boyd, Joined the (mutilated). Third Lt. James Holms. Serjeants. Henry Steits. James Anderson, missing since the Battle. Patrick Fitz Gerrald. Thomas Johnston, missing. Drummer. Wm. Lever, a missing since (mutilated). Fifer Conrad Ludwick. Privates. 1. Michael McKittrick. 2. Rich'd Tull, absent. 3. James Dailey. 4. James Evans. 5. Daniel Mclntire. 6. Mark Welsh. 7. John Smith, Sr. 8. John Smith, Jr., Discharge'd 1st Sept'r. 9. Jacob Hirsh. 10. Alex'd'r Duke. 11. John Harris. 12. Jeremia Dorson. 13. John Mallon, wounded by accident 13th Aug I 14. James Kelly. 15. Daniel McGuire. 16. Patrick Fitz Gerrald. 17. Miles Ryan. 18. John Conrey. 19. Saml. Evans. 20. Job Riley. 21. Joshua Jones, absent. 22. George Clements. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 303 23. Hugh Henry. 24. George Biddleson. 25. Albert Vorris. 26. John Haggerty. 27. Michael Cowin. 28. Richard Allen. 29. John Dougherty. 30. Samuel Skinner, absent without leave 31. George Morris. 32. Isaac Vanastall, absent without leave. 33. James Clark. 34. Ephraim Allen. / 35. John Mior, Inlisted Aug. 4th. 36. James Steede, Returned Aug. 23d. 37. Hugh Barkly. 38. Robert Stokes. 39. Christy McMichael. 40. Peter Develin. 41. Will'm Bradly. 42. John McGrigar. 43. Nathaniel Scott. 44. Robert Huston. 45. Jonathan Nesbit. 46. Peter Carmichael. 47. Deggory Sparks. 48. Timothy Driskill. 49. Alex'd'r Holms. 50. Rich'd Roberts. 51. Wm. Moore. 52. Hezekiah Biddle. 53. Sam'l Crossan. 54. Aaam Growss. A missing since the Battle at Long Island Aug't 27th, 1776. i p. :3 ^ u J m s ...... 1 1 Total 1 ' 1 1 I 304 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. I do Certify on honour that the Officers non Commiss d Officers and privates, who appeared on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New Yorii under my Command. were bona- fide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania and now engaged in the Continental Service and receive pay. ac- cording to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also Certify on honour that the Captain, One Sergeant, Drummer and Eighteen privates Missing and Six privates abs't with and without leave. Disch'd & wounded were all effective to the time mentioned opposite to their names. JAS. FR. MOORE, 1st Lieut. Muster'd on the parade in Camp near King's bridge New York. Capt. (mutilated) Comp'y, three Lieut's, three Ser- geants, One fife and thirty privates. This Muster taken from 1st- August, 1776, to 1st Sept. foll'g. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. Sept. 1, 1776. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. RICH'D BROWN'S COMP'Y OF THE PENNSYLV'A REG'T OF RIFLE MEN NOW COM- MAND'D BY LT. COL. BRODHEAD. CAMP NEAR KING'S BRIDGE SEPTEMB'R 1ST, 1776. (c.) Captain. Rich'd Brov/n, missing since the Battle on Long Island. First Lt. Jas. Fr. Moore. 2ud Lieut. Thos. Boyd, Joined the Comp'y Aug. 9th. 3rd Lt. James Holms. Serjeants. Henry Steits. Jam's Anderson, missing since the Battle. Patrick Fitz Gerrald. Thomas Johnston. Drummer. Wra. L^-ver, missing sines the Battle. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 305 Courad Ludwick Privates. 1. Michael McKittrick. 2. Rich'd Tull, absent. 3. James Dailey. 4. James Evans. 5. Daniel Mclntire. 6. Mark Welsh. 7. John Smith, Sr. 8. John Smith, Jun'r, Discharged Septb'r 1st. 9. Jacob Hirsh. 10. Alex'd'r Duke. 11. John Harris. 12. Jeremia Dorson. 13. John Mallon, wounded by accident Aug. 13lh 14. James Kelly. 15. Daniel McGuire. 16. Wm. Fitz Gerrald. 17. Miles Ryan. 18. John Conrey. 19. Sam'l Evans. 20. Job. Riley. 21. Joshua Jones, absent. 22. George Clements. 23. Hugh Henry. 24. George Biddleson. 25. Albert Vorris. 26. John Haggerty. 27. Michael Cowin. 28. Rich'd Allen. 29. John Dougherty. 30. Sam'l Skinner, absent without leave. 31. George Morris. 32. Isaac Vanastoll. 33. James Clark, abs't without leave. 34. Ephraim Allen. 35. John Miyor, Inllsted Aug't 4th. 36. James Steede, Returned Aug. 23th. 29— Vol. II— Ith Ser. 306 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 37. Hugh Barkley. 38. Robert Stokes. 39. Christy McMichael. 40. Peter Develin. 4L Wm. Bradly. 42. John McGrigar. 43. Nathaniel Scott. 44. Robert Huston. 45. Jonathan Nesbit. 46. Peter Carmichael. 47. Deggory Sparks. 48. Timothy Uriskill. 49. Alex'r Holms. 50. Rich'd Roberts. 51. Wm. Moore. 52. Hezekiah Biddle. 53. Sam'l Crosing. 54. Adam Growss. A Missing Since the Battle on Long Island Aug. 27th. r I i2 c I c 2 tij Present, .. Absent, ... Total, i 3 3 1 1 t 1 ! 1 3 4 1 1 I do Certify on honour that the Officers non-commiss'd Offi- cers and privates who appear'd on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge, New York, under my command were bonafide for the defence of the State of Pennsylvania and now engaged in Continental Service, and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also certify on honour that the Captain, One Sergeant, Drummer and Eighteen privates Mis- sing and Six privates abs't with and without leave, Discharg'd & wounded were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. JAS. FR. MOORE. 1st Lieut COL. SAMUEL MILES. 307 Muster'd on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge, New York, Capt. Rich'd Browns Comp'y. Three Lieut's, three Ser- jeants, One fife and thirty privates. This Muster taken from 1st Aug'st, 1776, to 1st Septem'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL. M. M. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. RICH'D BROWN'S COMPANY IN THE 1ST BATAL'N OF PENNSYLVA RIFLE MEN COM- MAND'D BY COL. BRODHEAD OCT'R 1ST, 1776. (c.) 1st Lt. James Moore, On Command. 2nd Lt. Thos. Boyd, on guard. 3rd Jam's Holms. Fifer Conrad Ludwick, on guard. Sergt. Henry Steits. Pat'k Fitz Gerrald, in Hospital Oct'r 8th. Thom's Johnston, Deserted Sept. 10th. Privates. James Dailey. Wm. Fitz Gerrald. James Evans. John Mallon, on guard. Jeremiah Dawson. John Harris. Rich'd Allen. Ephr'm Allen. John Smith. Sam'l Evans. Alex'd'r Duke. John Haggerty. James Steede. Jacob Hlrsh. Henry Armstrong. George Biddleson, gone to the Hospital Sept. 17. John Conroy, gone to the Hospital Sept. 17. Isaac Vanastall, gone to the Hospital Sept. 17. Albert Vorris, gone to the Hospital Sept. 29th. I PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Mich'I McKittrick. Hugh Henry. Daniel Mclntire. George Morris. James Kelly. John Dougherty. Job. Riley. Mich'I Cowin. Mark Welsh. John Miyor. James Clark. Sam'l Skinner. Joshua Jones. Miles Ryan. George Clements. Daniel McGuire. Rich'd Tull. Desert'd & Returnt. Desert'd & Returnt. Desert'd & Returnt. Desert'd & Returnt. Desert'd & Returnt. Deserted Sept. 23. Desert'd & Returnt. Desert'd & Returnt. Desert'd & Returnt. Desert'd Sept. 23th. Desert'd Sept. 23th. Desert'd Sept. 10th. Desert'd Sept. 10th. Desert'd Sept. 10th. Desert'd Sept. 12. Desert'd Sept. 12th. Do. Sept. 12. Desert'd Sept. 12th. I do Certify, on honour that the Officers, non Commiss'd Officers and privates who appeared on parade in Camp near Harlem N. York — were bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania now in Continental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also Certify on honour that the first Lieut't on Com'd Second do. on Duty the fifer and one private on Duty, two Sergeants and Twenty-two privates absentees for different reasons were ef- fective. JAMES HOLMS, 3rd Lieut. a g ^ I £ o 3 M £ Present, Absent, Total, 2 2 1 3 3 1 Muster'd in Camp near Harlem N. York — Capt. Joseph Brown's Comp'y. — One Lieut't One Sergeant and fourteen pri- vates. — This muster taken from 1st of September 1776 to Is* October following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. G. of F COL. SAMUEL MILES. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. RICH'D BROWN'S COMP'Y OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFEL REGMT. COMMANDED BY COL. BRODHEAD, ESQR., OCTOB'R. (c.) 1 Lt. Jam's Fr. Moore. 2 Lt. Thorn's Boyd, on Comm'd. 3 Lt. Jam's Holms. Sergeants. Henry Steits. Patrick Fitzgerald, Deser'd Dec'r 6th Jacob Hirsh. Privates. Jams Daily, Guard. Jerm'h Dawson. John Mallon. Sam'l Evans. John Harris, on Comm'd. Rich'd Allen. Wm. Fitzgerald, Des'd Oct'r 18th. Jam's Evans. Eph'm Allen, Guard. John Smith, on Comm'd. Alex'n Duke, on Comm'd. John Heagarty. Jam's Steede. Conrad Ludwick. Henry Armstrong, on Comm'd. Geo. Biddelsou, Sick Abs't. John Conrey, Sick Abs't. Isaac Vanastale, Sick Abs't . Albert Vorris, Sick Abs't. Mich'l McKittrich, Sick Abs't Phila. Hugh Henry, Des'd Dec 6th. Dan'] Mclntire. George Morris, Des'd Oct'r 28th. James Kelly. John Dougherty. Job Riley, on Comm'd. Mich'l Cowin, Desr'd Oct. 23rd. Mark Welsh, on Comm'd. 310 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. I do Certify on honour that the Officers, non Commiss'd Officers and privates who appeared on parade in Camp near Corryells ferry as bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsyl'a now in Continental service and receive pay ac- cording to the Ranlt they hold in this Roll. I do certify on honour that Lieut. Boyd and Six privates on Command, two privates on Guard three sick abs. in Jersey, two Sick abs't at Phila. One Sergt. and four privates Deserted were all ef- fective. JAS. FR'D MOORE, Cap'n. Present, Absent, 1 2 2 2 Musterd in Camp near Corryells ferry Capt. James F. Moore Company of Col. Miles Battal. of Rifle Regmt. One Capt., One Lieutenant, two Sergeants and Eleven privates. This muster taken from 1st October 1776 to 1st Decem^'r fol- lowing. Also allowing Lieut't Boyd and Six privates on Command, two on Guard, Effective, they having Certified by the Capt. on this Roll. LOD'K SPROGBLL. M. M. of P. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PHILIP ALBRIGHT'S COMPANY, (a.) (In camp near King's Bridge, September 1, 1776.) Captain. Albright, Philip, appointed from York county, March 19, 1776; resigned January 23, 1777. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 311 First Lieutenants. Thomson, John, Appointed March 15, 1776; promoted, and left the regiment December 21, 1776. Sheriff, Cornelius. Second Lieutenant. McPherson, William, captured August 27, 1776; exchanged April 20, 1778; died at Gettysburg, August 2, 1832; buried in Evergreen cemetery, Gettysburg, Pa. Third Lieutenant. Stake, Jacob, subsequently promoted captain Tenth Penn'a. Sergeants. Wilson, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Tate, Robert, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Willey, James. Geddes, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Lytle, Andrew, April 1, 1776; promoted Ensign Fifth Penn'a, October 24, 1776. Drummer. Harden, John. Privates. Awl, John. Barron, Robert. Beltzhover, Ludwick. Boned, Andrew, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Boyd, Alexander, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Branon, William. Brown, John. Burk, Michael. Busham, Jacob (armourer). Carlton, Edward, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776; ex- changed, and placed in Capt. Marshall's company. Thir- teenth regiment. Conrad, George. Groan, Henry. 312 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Crookham, John. Cuxel, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Duffield, Rachford, died at Philadelphia March 1, 1777, of wounds received at Long Island. Ferril, Hugh. Fink, Michael. Foster, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Glen, Patrick. Gobin, Hugh, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Gordon, James. Grearley, John. Gregg, John. Gregg, Robert. Helm, George. Helsley, Jacob, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Hendry, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Hollan, William. Hudson, John. Hutchison, James. Jacobs, Jonathan. James, William, Kennedy, Philip, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776; resided in Lycoming county in 1819. Killean, Michael. Kilpatrick, Robert, died August 16, 1776, at Amboy. Kilpatrick, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Knee [Karee], Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Lead, Conrad, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Leavingston, Jacob, sick in New York, September 1, 1776. Lutes, John. Malseed, Samuel. McBroom, Henry, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McCay, James. McClughan, Hugh, missing since the battle, August 27, 177S. McCown, Daniel. McCowu, Patrick. McElnay, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776; lost his health in captivity, see act 14th March, 1805. McFarlane, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McGinish, Patt. McGuire, Bartholomew, missing since the battle, August 27. 1776. McNea], Daniel. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 313 Morrison, James, enlisted June, 1776; re-enlisted in Ninth Penn'a. Morrison, Joseph. Myer, Joseph. Nowmau, Jacob, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Keed, Hugh. Riuehart, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. llubart, Adam. Ryan, Christian. Ryan, Michael. Shadow, Henry, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Smith, John. Spangler, Charles, missing since the battle, August 27, ±.,Q. Stockdel, Terrence. Stuart, David. Stump, Charles, wounded August 27, 1776, lost one finger; miss- ing since the battle, August 27, 1776; resided in York county in 1788. Sturgeon, Robert. Swartz, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Trine, George. Wampler, George, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Wells, Edward, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Welshance, William. Williams, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, HIP. Woods, Samuel. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. PHILIP ALBRIGHT'S COMP'Y OF THE PENNSYLV'A REG'T OF RIFLE MEN NOV.' COMMAND. BY LT. COL. BROADHEAD. CAMP NEAR KING BRIDGE SEPTEMBER 1ST 1776. (c.) Captain. Philip Albright. Urst Lieutenants. Fiifti Lt. John Thomson. William McPherson, missing since Battle. Jacob Stake. Sergeacts. Thor3R« Wilson. Robert Tate, Misinc since Batl«. I 314 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. James Willey. James Geddes, Mising since Battle. Qr. Mr. And'w Litle. Drumer. John Harden. Privates. Robert Barron. Robert Gregg. John Gregg. James McCay. James Morrison. John Croolvham. David Stuart. Joseph Morrison, absent without leave. Christian Ryan. -Michael Fink. Michael Ryan. Loudwick Beltzhover. Michel Burk. John Aul. Henry Groan. Michael Killian. Wm. Welshance. Sam'l Woods. Adam Rubart. George Trine. Joseph Myer. Daniel McCown. Pattrick McCown. John Smith. James Gorden. George Helm. George Conrad. William Hollan. Daniel McNeal. Francis Stochdel. John Lutes. Patt. McGinish, Sick in York. Rachford Duffield. William Branon. Patrick Glen. Jonathan Jacobs. COL. SAMUEL. MILES. 315 Hugh Ferril. William James. James Hutchison, Sick in Amboy. John Brown, Sick in York. John Greaiiey, Atten. Hospitle. Robert Sturgeon, Sick in Newark. /Jacob Busham, Armer. John Hudson. Jacob Levingston, Sick in York. Hugh Reed, Discharged. Robert Killpatrick, Died Aug. 16th in Amboy. Total Missing Since ye Battle August 27th, Long Island. James Cuxel. Thomas Foster. John Swartz. Charles Spangler. John Hendry. Philip Kenedy. George Wampler. Edward Carlton. William Killpatrick. Bartholomew McGuire. John McElnay. Jacob Newman. Hugh Gobin. Conrad Lead. Edward Wells. Charles Stump. Jacob Helsley. Hugh McClughan. James McFarlan. Alexander Boyd. Henry McBroom. Andrew Boner. Thomas Knee. Henry Shadow. John Rinehart. Samuel Malseed, present. 316 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 2 I Present : 1 Absent yq Total 1 2 1 38 1 2 34 4 1 72 1 I do certify on honour that the Officers Non Commiss'd Ofiicers & privates who appear'd on the parade iu Camp near King's Bridge New Yorke, under my Command, were bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania, and now engaged in Continental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also certify on honour that the Second Lieut't, two Sergeants, and Twenty-six privates Missing — also Eight pri- vates absent with and without leave & Sick &c — & one Dead & one Disch'd were all effective to the time mentioned oppo- site to their names. PHILIP ALBRIGHT, Capt'n. Muster'd on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York, Capt. Philip Albright's Company — One Captain, two Lieutenants, two Sergeants One Drum, One Qr. Mr. Sergeant and thirty-eight privates. This Muster taken from 1st August 1776 to 1st Septem. following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. SECOND BATTALION. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MURRAY'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Murray, John, from Paxtang township, now Dauphin county; commissioned March 7, 1776; promoted major of Penn'a State regiment, March 18, 1777. COL. SAMUEL MILES. First Lieutenant. 317 Stoner, John, commissioned March 15, 1776; promoted captain Tenth Penn'a. Second Lieutenant. Hamilton, James, commissioned March 16, 1776. Third Lieutenant. Taylor, Charles, commissioned March 19, 1776; killed at Long Island August 27, 1776. Washington, William. Sergeant Major. Sergeants. Kennedy, James, died September 29, 1776. Lusk, Patrick, wounded in right wrist at Princeton, January 3, 1777. Parks, John. McComb, Thomas. Maclin, John. McKillip, Archibald. Anderson, Thomas Barnet, Richard. Baily, Thomas. Baker, John. Beggs, James. Eoal, Henry. Boyd, John. Brown, Samuel. Cannon, James. Carney, James. Chambers, David Clindining, Drummer. Fifer. Privates 318 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Coleman, William, lost his eyesight by reason of hardships at the battle of Long Island. Coslit, James. Crookshanks, William. Donnely, Hugh. Dudgeon, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Earls, William. Eldridge, Thomas. Finley, James. Fulton, Samuel. Gallaway, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Gibbons, Patrick. Gilmore, John. Graham, Daniel. Graham, George. Johnston, William. Jury, Abraham. Kennedy, William. Laferty, Daniel. Lindsay, Mungo, promoted corporal in Capt. Moore's company, Penn'a State regiment. Lister, Robert. McCann, James. McCay, Daniel, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McCracken, Arthur. McGraw, John. Mcllroy, James. McLain, John. McLister, James. McMullin, Michael. Menis, John. Merifield, Hiram. Messer, John. Milicher, Michael. Minsker, Ludwick, died November 24, 1776. Montgomery, John. Moore, John. O'Neill, Charles. Overhalser, Christian. Peal, Henry. Plunkit, Thomas, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Porter, George. Pursel, John. Quigle, Philip. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 319 Reist, Frederick, enlisted April, 1776; resided in Halifax in 1814. Rice, Peter. Richards, Patrick. Richey, Robert, enlisted 1776; resided iu Buffalo township, Cumberland county, in 1814. Ridle, William. Robinson, John. Scouten, Theodorus. Shanks, William. Smith, John. Smith, Matthias. Smith, Thomas, "has cannon fever." Solter, John. Spangle, Zachariah. Steaver, Daniel. Thompson, John. Tonner, William. Trith, James. Veasey, John. Walker, John. Welch, John. Weidel, George. Weir, John. Wiggins, John. Wiseman, Adam. Wert, John. A MUSTER ROWL OF CAPT. JOHN MURREY'S COMPA'Y OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT COMMANDED BY COL. SAMUEL MILES ESQ'R. FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1776. (c.) Captain. John Murrey. Lieutenants. John Stonner. James Hamilton. Charles Taylor. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Serjents. James Kennedy. John Parks. Thomas McComb. Drum and htt Archabald McKillip. John McLand. 1. John Gilmore. 2. Thomas Smith. 3. John Messer. 4. James McLister. 5. John Tursel, dischrd. 6. Thomas Beaty. 7. Samuel Brown. 8. Rich'd Barnit, in L'r geal for deserting. 9. Thos. Anderson. 10. Thomas Ludgin. 11. Daniel McCay. 12. William Neidle. 13. Patrick Gibons. 14. Thomas Plunkit. 15. James Finley. 16. Michel McMullin. 17. John Gallaway. 18. Abraham Jury. 19. Daniel Stever. 20. George Porter. 21. John Vertz. 22. Phillip Quegle, on Forlg. 23. Zachariah Spangle. 24. Daniel Laferty. 25. David Chambers. 26. John Walker. 27. Charles Onail. 28. Robert Richey. 29. John Moore. 30. John Thompson. 31. John Beaker. 32. Samuel Fulltin. 33. Daniel Grahams, in L'r geal for deserting. 34. William Johnston. 35. George Grahms. COL. SAMUEL MILES. S21 36. John Welch. 37. Christion Overhalser. 38. John Mountgiimery. 39. James McCann. 40. John Smith. 41. Robb't Lister. 42. Fedrick Kice. 43. William Kennedy. 44. James Bgs (Begs). 45. John Mc lain. 46. James Mcllroy. 47. John Mugraw. 48. Mungo Lindsey. 49. Patrick Richards. 50. John Solter. 51. John Wiggons, sick at BrunTvK 52. John Vasey. 53. Arthur McCracken. 54. Hiram Mirifield. 55. William Crookshanks. 56. John Menis. 57. William Tonner. 58. Thomas Eldrige. 59. John Weir. 60. James Clinnindin. 61. John Boyd. 62. Michel Milicher. 63. Hugh Donely. 64. Peter Rice. 65. John Robinson. 66. Matthias Smith. 67. James Cerney. 68. Adam Wiseman. 69. Hennery Boal. ^ 70. William Earls, Diserted. 71. Theodorus Scouten, Diserted 72. Lodwick Minsker. 73. Henry Teal. 74. William Colman. 75. Tames Coslit. 21— Vol. II— 5th Ser. I PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. c ^\ C c c I I i i i, o 3 M Q £ Preasant 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 I do certify on honour that the Officers non eonimissioned Officers and privates who appeared on the parade at perch Amboy New Jersey under by Command, are Bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania now in Conti- nentiall Service receives pay from the time mentioned oppo- site to their names and according to their rank the whole in this roall I do certify on honour that the Lieutenant on Com mand, Three Sick one on fatigue one left Sick at Brunswick one on Furlow one in Guard house and two Deserted were all effective. JOHN MURRAY, Capt. Mustered on the parade at the Camp near perth Amboy New Jersey Captain John Murray's Company of the riffle reidgment Commaned By Sam'.l Miles Esq'r Colo'l one Cap- tain two Lieutenants two Serjants one Drum, one fife and Sixty Six privates — This muster taken From 1st July 1776 to 1st August LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MURRAY'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF PENNSYLVANIA REGI- MENT OF RIFLE MEN ENCAMP'D NEAR KINGS BRIDGE COMANDED BY COLONEL SAMUEL MILES ESQ'R. PAY DUE ON THE 1ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1776. (c.) s/ John Murray. Jacob Kiger. Captain. Surgeon. COL. SAMUEL MILES. Lieutenants. 323 1st, Lieutenant John Stoner. 2nd Lieutenant James Hamilton. 3rd Lieutenant Charles Taylor. Alex'r Power. James Kennedy. Patrick Lisk. John Parks. Thomas McComb. John McLand. Qr. Master. Serjent. Erumraer. \rchibald McKillep. Thomas Smith. John Misser. James McLister. Thomas Bailey. Samuel Brown. Thomas Anderson. Thomas Dudgeon. Daniel McCay. Patrick Giebons. Thomas Plunket. James Finley. Michel McMullin. John Callaway. Abraham Jury. Daniel Stever. George Porter. John Vertz. Philip Quigle. Zecheriah Spangle. Daniel Laferty. David Chambers, ^ohn Walker. Privates. Charles Onail. Robert Richey. John Moor. John Thompson. John Baker. Samuel Fulltin. William Johnston. George Grahms. John Welch. Christian Overhalter. John Mountgomery. James McCann. John Smith. Robert Lister. Frederick Rice. William Kenedy. James Begs. John McClain. James McLroy. John Megraw. Mungo Linsey. Patrick Richards. I 324 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. John Salter. John Wigons. John Vasey. Arthur Mecrakin. Hiram Minifield. William Crookshanks. John Menis. William Toner. Thomas EUderage. John Weir. James Clindering. John Boyd. Michael Milacher. Hugh Donnely. Peter Rice. John Robinson. Matthias Smith. James Reemey. Adam Wiseman. Henry Boal. Lowdawick Minsker Henry Beal. William Coleman. James Caslet. \/ / A MUSTER ROOL OF CAPT. MURRAY'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OP PENNSYLVANIA RIFLEMEN COMMANDED BY COLONEL SAMUEL MILES ESQR. STA- TIONED AT KINGSBRIDGE. MUSTRED. (c.) Captain. John Murray. Lieutenant. 1. John Stoner. 2. James Hamilton. 3. Charles Taylor, Killed ye 27 of August. Serjants. 1. James Kennedy. 2. Patrick Lusk. 3. John Parks. 4. Thomas McComb, Sick in Amboy. Drummer. John Macklin. Archibald McCilap. 1. John Gilmer. 2. Thomas Smith. 3. John Messer. Fifer. Privates. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 325 4. James McClister , sick. 5. Thomas Baily. 6. Samuel Brown. 7. Thomas Anderson. 8. Thomas Dudgeon, missing. 9. Daniel McCay, missing. 10. Patrick Gibeons. 11. Thomas Plunket, missing. 12. James Fihlay. 13. Michal McMullon. 14. John Gallway. 14. John Gallway, missing. 15. Abraham Jury. 16. Daniel Stever. 17. George Porter. 18. John Wert. 19. Phillip Quigle, on furlough July ye 23. 20. Theriah Spangle, absent. 21. Danil Laferty. 22. David Chambers, Sick. 23. John Walker. 24. Charles O'Nail. 25. Robert Richey. 26. John Moor. 27. John Thompson, absent. 28. John Baker. 29. Samuel Fulton. 30. William Jonstan. 31. George Grahams. 32. John Welch. 33. Christian Overhaltar, sick in York. 34. John Montgomery. 35. James McCann, in hospital. 36. John Smith. 37. Robert Lyster, sick. 38. Frederick Rice. 39. William Kennedy. 40. James Beggs. 41. John McClain. 42. James Mcllroy. 43. John McGran. 44. Mongo Lynsa, absent. 45. Patrick Richards. 46. John Salter, absent. » 326 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. John Whiggans, Sick in Trent Town. John Veasy. Arthur McCracken, in Hospital. Hiram Merifeild. William Crookshanks. John Minnis. William Toner, Sick. Thomas Eldridge. John Weer. James Clindining. John Boyd. Mickal Mebohar. Hugh Donily. Peter Rice. Herdry Bail. John Robinson. Mathies Smith. James Carnea, transferd to the Battalion 23 of August. Adam Wiseman, transferd to the Battalion 23 of August. Hendry Boal. Loudawick Minsker. James Caslet, Deserted. William Coalman, Sick in York. I i I all? O J M 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 I do certify on honour that the Officers, non commissioned Officers and privates who appeard this day on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge, under my command bonafide raised for the defence of the State of Pennsylvania and now engaged in Continental Service, receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. — I do also Certify on honour that the third Lieut, kill'd, the Sergeant Sick and Nineteen Privates Sick COL. SAMUEL MILES. 327 absent missiug on Furlow and deserted were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. CAPT. JOHN MURRAY. Musterd in the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York. Capt. John Murray's Comp'y. One Capt.. two Lieuten- ants Three Sergeants, One Drum. One fife and forty-eight pri- vates. This Muster taken from 1st August to first Septem'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. y/' A MUSTER ROOLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MURRAY'S COM- PANY OF THE SECOND BATALION OF PENNSYLVANIA RIFFLE MEN COMMANED BY COLO'L DANIEL BROD- HEAD STATIONED AT HEAD QUARTERS CAMP NEAR FORT WASHINGTON, (c.) / Captain. John Murray, on furlow. Lieutenants. 1. John Stoner, Sick in Elizabethtov/n. 2. James Hamilton. Serjeants. 1. James Kennedy, Dead Sept. 29th. 2. Patrick Lusk. 3. John Parks. 4. Thomas McComb. Privates. 1. John Gilmore, on fetague. 2. Thomas Smith. 3. John Messer, on G. 4. James McClister. 5. Thomas Bealey. 6. Samuel Brown. 7. Thomas Anderson. 8. Patrick Gibbins. 328 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 9. James Finlay. 10. Michael McMullen, on G. 11. Abraham Jury, Deserted Sept. 18th. 12. Daniel Steaver, Deserted Sept. 18th. 13. George Porter. 14. John Vartz, Sick in Camp. 15. Phillip Quiggle, Deserted. 16. Zachariah Spangle, Deserted Sept. 18th. 17. Daniel Laferty. 18. David Chambers, in the Hospitale. 19. John Waker. 20. Charles Oneill, Deserted Sept. 11th. 21. Robbert Rychy. 22. John Moore, on fetague. 23. John Thompson. 24. John Beaker. 25. Samuel Fulton. 26. William Johnston. 27. George Graham. 28. John Welsh, Deserted Sept. 18th. 29. Christian Overhalter. 30. John Montgomery, on fetague. 31. James McCann. 32. John Smith, Deserted Sept. 18th. 33. Robert Lyster. 34. Frederick Rice. 35. William Kennedy. 36. James Bags. 37. John McClain, on fetague. 38. James Mcllroy, Sick in Hospitle. 39. John McGraw. 40. Mungo Lindey, on G. 41. Patrick Richards, Deserted ye 7 Sept. 42. John Salter. 43. John Wiggins, Left sick on the Road. 44. John Veasey. 45. Arthur McCracking, Sick in Amboy. 46. Hiram Mirifield. 47. William Crookshanks, fetague. 48. John Menis. 49. William Toner. 50. Thomas Aldridge. 51. John Weyre, on G. 52. James Clindining, on G. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 329 53. John Boyd. 54. Michael Milaker, Deserted Sept. 18th. 55. Hugh Donnelly. 56. Peter Rice, Deserted Sept. 18th. 57. Henry Beall, on fetague. 5S. John Robinson, Deserted Septh 7th. 59. Mathias Smith, Deserted Sept. 18th. 60. Adam Wiseman, Deserted Sept. 18th. 61. Henry Baall, Deserted Sept. 18th. 62. Ludswick Minsker. 63. James Coslet. 64. William Coleman, Sick, drum John Macklin. fife Archabald McCaleb. Q I § U 3 M Present, Absent, 1 2 3 11 I do certify on honour that the Officers non Commiss'd and Officers and privates who appeard on the parade in Camp near Harlem N. York under my Command were bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania now in Continental Service receive pay according to the Rank in this Roll.— I do certify on honour that the Captain on furlow first Lieut. Sick and Thirty One privates Sick on Guard on fatigue party and left the Samp without leave were all effective. LIEUT. JAMES HAMILTON. Musterd in Camp near Harlem N. York — Capt. John Murray Company — One Lieutenant, three Sergeants, One Drum., One fife, and thirty three privates — This muster taken from 1st Septem'r 1776 to 1st October following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. G. of P. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT RIFLI y A MUSTER ROWL OF CAPT. JOHN MURRAY'S COM- PANY, (c.) Captain. John Murray, on Command. Lieutenants, John Stoner, Philadelphia. James Hamilton. Sergeants. Patrick Lusk. James Kenedy, Septemb'r 26th. John Tarks. Thomas McComb. Privates. 1. James Trich. 2. John Boyd. 3. Thos. Eldrage. 4. John Vasey, Sick Philadelphia. 5. George Porter, Sick Philadelphia. 6. Samuel Fultin. 7. Fredrick Rice, Sick Philadelphia. 8. James Finley. 9. Hugh Donelly, on Command. 10. Hiram Mirifield. 11. Mattias Sm.ith. 12. John Thompson. 13. Thos. Smith, cannon fever. 14. William Johnston. 15. John "Welch, Sick absent. 16. Christian Overhalser, on Command. 17. James Mcl.ister, on Command. 18. Adam Wiseman, on Command. 19. Wiliam Toner, Sick. 20. Samuel Brown, on Command. 21. James Bags. 22. John McGraw. on Command. 23. James McCann, on Command. 24. James Clindinen. 25. Mickel McMullin. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 33i 26. Muugo Linsey. 27. John Weer, Sick. 2S. John Misser. 29. John Sailer, Sick presseut. 30. James Mcilroy. 31. John Gilmore. 32. John McClain. 33. John Moore, Sick, Philadelphia. 34. Robei't Lister, on Command. "35. John Smith. 36. William Shoinks. 37. Michael Milacher, on Guard. 38. Da'd Chambers, Sick. 39. Patrick Gibons, on Command. 40. John Montgumery, Sick Philadelphia. 41. John Varts, SicK in Camp. 42. Daniel Stiver, on ijuard. 43. Hobert Richey, Sick in Camp. 44. Thos. Anderson, Sick. 45. John Baker, on Guard. 46. Hehery Beal, on Comand. 47. Thos. Baley, Sick. 48. John Walker, on Guard. 49. Daniel Laferty, Sick Philadelphia, 50. William Kenedy, on Comand. 51. William Coleman, Sick. 52. John WigODS, Sick absent. 53. Arthur McCrackin, Sick absent. 54. John McLand, Side Philadelphia. 55. Archabald McKilep, Fife. 56. Lowidwick Minster, Deceas'd Nov. 24. 57. John Menis. 58. Wm. Washington, Sergt. Ma.ior, Sick. 59. Georg Graham, on Comand. I do Certify on honour that the Officers non commissioned Officers & Privates who appeared on parade in Camp near Carrels Ferry are Bonafide Raised for defence of Pennsylvania now in Continental Service & Receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. — I also Certify on honour that the Capt'n and thirteen privates on Command, one Serg't & one private (Dead) the first Lieut, and Eight Privates one Drum. Sick at Phila. in G. H. Thirteen privates Sick in and about Camp four on Guard all effective. JAMES HAMILTON, Lieut. 332 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 6 2 2 m 6 E E 3 ft Present, Absent, 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 Mustered on parade in Camp near Carrels Ferry Capt'n Jno. Murray's. Company belonging to Coin. Miles Riffle Reg't, one Lieut, three Serj'ts one Fife & Eighteen Phivates also the Capt'n and Eighteen Privates on Command, thirteen privates sick in and about Camp & Fourteen Guard to be Effective. This being certified on the back of this Roll. — this muster taken from the first Oct'r 1776 to the first Dec'r following. Note: William Washington is a Serjeant. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. of P. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MARSHALL'S COMPANY, (a). [Raised in Hanover township, Lancaster county, now Dauphin.] Captain. Marshall, John, appointed March 7, 1776; resided in Washing- ton county, Penn'a, in January, 1814. First Lieutenant. Clark, John, appointed March 15, 1776; promoted captain Feb- ruary 20, 1777. Second I^ieutenant. Gourley, Thomas, appointed March 16, 1776; promoted first lieutenant in Ninth Penn'a, December 6, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 333 First Lieutenant. Hannah, Stephen, appointed March 19, 1776; promoted second lieutenant, but declined service. Sergeants. McMichael, James, April 22, 1776; promoted lieutenant in Penn'a State regiment. Douglas, Timothy, iVIarch' 17, 1776. Speer, Edward, March 19, 1776. Herron, John, April 8, 1776. Criswell, James. Drum and Fife. Campbell, John, April 18, 1776. Kammon, Abraham, April 7, 1776. Price, William. Privates. Andrews, Robert, March 18, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Beam, Tobias, March 18, 1776. Beaver, John, April 24, 1776. Bell, James, May 26, 1776. Brinkley, John. Buck, Henry, surgeon's mate. Burk, James, April 12, 1776. Campbell, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Carlton, Jidward, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Carson, James, March 19, 1776. Chambers, John, March 18, 1776. Cotter, George, March 25, 1776. Crain, Ambrose, March 25, 1776; promoted quarter-master-ser- geant, July 15, 1776. Criswell, James, March 18, 1776; promoted sergeant. Crowley, David. Delaney, John, April 18, 1776. Donnelly, Peter, April 11, 1776. Dougherty, Barnet, May 8, 1776. Douglas, Thomas, March 18, 1776. Douglas, Timothy, appointed sergeant. Drew, Michael, April 7, 1776. 334 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Duffey, James, April 3, 1776. Duncan, Robert, March 25, 1776. Gallagher, Hugh, March 18, 1776. Guize, Philip, April 7, 1776. Plalfpenny, Patrick, April 11, 1776. Hammon [HarmoD], Abraham. Haney, Samuel, March 18, 1776. Harrison, Thomas, April 9, 1776. Humphrey, Robert, March 20, 1776. Jeffries, William, April 26, 1776. Kelly, Matthew, April 22, 1776. Kyie, James, March 21, 1776. Leckey, Thomas, April 29, 1776. Lewis, Joseph, Jr., March 23, 1776. Lewis, Joseph, Sr., April 8, 1776. Lindsay, Archibald, March 25, 1776. Linn, John, April 11, 1776. Lyon, William. Martin, Nathaniel, April 23, 1776. McCay [McKay], John. McCloughan [McClughan], James, April 9, 1776. McClure, Samuel, April 2, 1776. McClellan, Kerry, April IS, 1776. McCobb, John, March 20, 1776. McCoIlister, Charles, April 9, 1776. McColium, John. McCormick, James, May 16, 1776. McColIough, Joseph, March 18, 1776. McEwen, John, April 15, 1776. McFadden, Robert, April 1, 1776. McGee, Patrick. McGonagle, James, April 3, 1776. McGouch, Hugh, April 15, 1776. McKinney, .John, March 25, 1776. McNeal, William, April 9, 1776. Miller, Moses, April 7, 1776. Moony, Patrick, April 28, 1776. Moarns, V/illiam, May 1. 1776. Neal, James, March 24, 1776. Neely, Joseph, April 19, 1776. Nelson, John, March 22, 1776. Night [Naight], Thomas, April 16, 1776. Parks, Isaac. Ritchey, David, April 18, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 335 Ritchey, James, April 1, 1776. Sleman, Robert, March 19, 1776; missiug siuce the battle, Au- gust 27, 1776. Smith, Hugh. Starret, Jonathan, April 8, 1776. Steel, James, April 9, 1776. Steen, James, April 28, 1776. Taylor, John, March 24, 1776. Walden, Patrick. Wasson, James, April 5, 1776. Whitmore, John, April 1, 1776. Whittekei', Daniel, April 13, 1776. Whitteker, Thomas, April 6, 1776. Wilson, John, March 23, 1776. Wilson, Thomas, April 10, 1776. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MARSHAL'S COM- PANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF RIFLEMEN IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA COMMANDED BY SAMUEL MILES ESQR. COLONEL QUARTERED NEAR MARCUS HOOK, (c.) Mar. 14, Mar. H, April 22. Mar. IS, 19. April 8, April 18, 7, John Marshal. John Clark. Thomas Gourlej-. Stephen Hanna. James M'Miohael. Timothy Douglas. Edward Speer. John Heron. John Campbol. Abraham Hamnir.n. Captain. Lieutenants. Druin'r & Fifer. 336 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MARSHAL'S COM PANY— Continued. John Chambers. Hugh Gallaugher. Tobias Beam. Thoma.=! Douglas. John McCobb. Robert Andrews. Robert Sleman. James Creiswell. Joseph McCullough. Joseph Lewis, Jun. Samuel Haney. John Nelson. Ambrose Crane. John Wilson. George Cotter. James Neal. James Kyle. Robert Humphrey Archibald Linzey. John Taylor. Patrick Halfpeimy. Samuel McClure. James Wasson. Joseph Neely. James McGonagle. James McClughan. Peter Donnelly. James Steel. John Lyn. James Duffey. Thomas Night. David Ritchey. William Jefferies. Daniel Whitteker. John Beaver. John Whitmore. Kerry McClellan, Philip Guize. Thomas Whitteker. William McNeal. Thomas Harrison. Joseph Lewis, Sen'r. Moses Miller. Michael Drew. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 337 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MARSHAL'S COM- PANY— Continued. 45 12, James Burk. 46 1, James Ritchey. 47 1. Robert McFadden. 4S 23, Nathaniel Martin. 49 May 1, William Moarns. 50 8, Barnet Dougherty. 51 S, Jonathan Starret. 52 16, James McCormick. 53 April 15, John McKewn. 54 22, Matthew Kelly. 55 29, Thomas Lackey. 56 Mar. 25, Robert Duncan. 57 April 28, Patrick Moany. SS 28. James Steen. 59 18, John Delaney. 60 10, Thomas Wilson. 61 15. Hugh McGough. 62 May 26, James Bell. Mar. 19, James Casson, Deserted April 1st. April 9, Charles McCollister, Do. May 27th. May 10, Gabriel McKnight. Mar. 27, Adam McElroy. April 5, Patrick Savedge. I Not yet joined the Company. do. 30, Joseph Miller. May 13, James McElwain. Mar. 25, John McKinny, Got Sick in Lancaster Co., 25th May. M '3 John Clark, G. Thomas Gourley. Stephen Hanna. James McMichael. Edw'd Speere. John Heron. James Creiswell. William Price. 1. John Chambers. 2. Hugh Gallaher. 3. Thomas Dougloss. 4. John McCobb. 5. Robt. Andrews. 6. Robt. Slemon. 7. Joseph McCollough. 8. Joseph Lewes, Jnr. 9. Samuel Haney. 10. John Nylson. 11. John Willson. 12. Geo. Cotter, C. 13. James Neal. 14. James Kyll. 15. Robert Humphrey, F. 16. Archibald Linzey. 17. John Taylor. 18. Pat'k Halfpeney. 19. Samuel McClure, G. Captain. Lieutenants. Serjeants. Drum. Privates. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 343 20. James Wason. 21. Joseph Neeley. 22. James McGonagle. 23. James McClughan. 24. Fetter Doneley, C. 25. James Steel, D. 26. John Lynn. 27. James Duffee. 28. Thomas Naight. 29. David Richey. 30. William Jeffreys. 31. Daniel Whiteker. 32. John Beiver. 33. John Whitmore, D. 34. Kerey McCleiaud. 35. Philip Guize, G. 36. Thomas Whitiker. 37. William xVicNeel. — 38. Thos. Herrison, G. 39. Joseph Lewes, Sen'r, F. 40. Moses Miller. 41. Michael Drew. t2. James Burk. 43. James Richey. 44. Robert McFaddeh. 45. Nathaniel Martin. 46. William Moarns. 47. Barnet Dougherty. 48. James McCormick. 49. John McCowen. 50. Mathew Kelley. 51. Thomas Likey. 52. Robert Dunken. 53. James Steen. 54. John Delaney. 55. Thomas Willson. 56. Hugh McGough, G. 57. James Bell, Prisoner. 58. Pat'k Walrlen. 59. Timothy Douglass, on furlcw. no. William Lyon. CI. Hugh ijmith. 62. John McCay. 63. John McColm. 344 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 64. Isaac Parks. 65. David Crowley. 66. John Brinkley. 67. Pat'k McGee. 68. Tobias Beam, Deserted 28 July. 69. Ambrose Crean, Promoted to Qr. Mr. Sergt. July 15. 70. Abraham Hamon. 71. John Campble. B - g 6 o J m P Present, Absent, 4 1 4 1 I do Certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commissioned Officers and privates, who appear'd on the parade at Perth Amboy, New Jersey are bonaflde rais'd for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania now in Continental Service receive pay from the times mentioned opposite to their names, and ac- cording to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also Certify on honour that the five, say sis on Guard, two on Command, two on Fatigue, two on Duty, One a prisoner in G. house. One on furlow, One Deserted and One promoted, were all effective. Mustered on the parade at Perth Amboy, New Jersey, Capt. John Marshall's Company of the Rifle Regimt., Commanded by Samuel Miles, Esq. Coll. One Captain, two Lieuts. four Ser- gents. One Drum and fifty six privates — This muster taken from 1st July, 1776 to 1st August. LOD'K SPROGELL. M. M. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 345 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN MARSHAL'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATT'N OF THE PENN'A RH^^LE REGT. COMMANDED BY COL. SAMUEL MILES, ESQR., FOR JULY 1776. (c). John Marshal. John Clark. Thos. Gourley. Stephen Hanna. James McMichael. John Herron. Edw'd Speere. James Creiswell. William Price. Captain. Lieutenants. Serjeants. Drum. Privates. 1. John Chambers. 2. Hugh Gallaher. 3. Thomas Douglass. 4. John McCobb. 5. Robt. Andrews, G. 6. Robt. Slemon. 7. Joseph McCollough. 8. Joseph Lewis, Jnr. 9. Samuel Haney. 10. John Neylson. 11. John Willson. 12. George Cotter, C. 13. James Neal. 14. James Kyll. 15. Robt. Humphrey, F 16. Arch'd Linzey. 17. John Taylor. 18. Pat'k Halfpenny. 346 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMEN T. 19. Samuel McClure, G. 20. James Wason. 21. Joseph Neeley. 22. James McGonogle. 23. James McClughan. 24. Fetter Donely, C. 25. James Steel. 26. John Lynn. 27. James Duffee. 28. Thomas Naight. 29. David Richey. 30. William Jeffreys. 31. Daniel Whiteker. 32. John Biever. 33. John Whitmore, D, 34. Kerey McCleland. 35. Fhilip Guize. 36. Thos. Whiteker. 37. William McNeal. 38. Thos. Harrison, G. 39. Joseph Lev/es, Sen'r, G. 40. Moses Miller. 41. Michael Drew. 42. James Burk. 43. James Richey. 44. Robt. McFadden, 45. Nat. Martin. 46. William Moarns. 47. Barnet Dougherty. 48. James McCormick. 49. John McCowen. 50. Mat'w Kelley. 51. Thomas Lickey. 52. Robt. Dunken. 53. James Steen. 54. John Delaney. 55. Thomas Willson. 5G. Hugh McGough, G. 57. James Bell, Prisoner. 58. Pat'k Walden. 59. Thimy Dougloss, on forlow. 60. William Lyon. 61. Hugh Smith. 62. John McCay. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 347 63. John McColm. 64. Isaac Parks. 65. David Crowicy. 66. John Brinkley. 67. Pat'k McGee. 6S. Tobias Beam, Deserted 28 July. 69. Ambrose Crean, Promoted Qr. Mr. Sergt. July 15. 70. Abr'm Homon. 71. John Compble. n in .S C c =i " ^ P ^ I f s 1 1 4 1 Total ' 3 4 1 I do Certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commission'd Ofncers and Privets Who appeared on the Parade at Perth Amboy, New Jersey are bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsyl'a now in Continental Service receive pay from the time Mentioned opposite their Names and according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also Certify on honour that the Sick on Guard Two on Command Two on Fatigue Two on Duty one a prisoner in G. House one on fur- low one Deserted and one promoted were all effective. J. MARSHAL. Mustered on the Parade at Perth Amboy, New Jersey Cap- tain John Marshal's Company of the Riffle Reg't Commanded by Samuel Miles, Esqr. Coll. one Capt., Two Lieutenants, Four Serjeants, one Drum and Fifty Six privets. This muster Taken from 1st July 177G to the 1st August following. LCD'K SPROGELL, M. M 348 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN MARSHALL'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF PENN'A RIFLE REGT. COMMANDED BL COL. SAMUEL MILES ESQ.— FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1776— (c.) John Marshal. John Clark, Thos. Gourley. Stephen Hanna. James McMichael. Edw'd Speese. John Herron, James Creeswell. William Price. Captain. Lieutenants. Serjeants. Drummer. Privates. 1. John Chambers. 2. Hugh Gallagher. 3. John McCobb. 4. Thomas Douglass. 5. Robert Andrew, missing since Engagement. 6. Robert Slimon, missing since Engagement. 7. Joseph McCuIlough. 8. Joseph Lewis, Sr. 9. Samuel Haney. 10. John Nelson. IL John Wilson, H. 12. George Cotter, H. 13. James Neal. 14. James Kyll. 15. Robert Humphry. 16. Arch'd Linzey, G. 17. John Taylor. 18. Patt. Halfpenny. COL. ^AMUEL MILES. 19. Samuel McClure. 20. James Wasson. 21. Joseph Neiley, H. 22. James McGonogle. 23. James McClughan. 24. Peter Donelly. 25. John Lynn, H. 26. James Duffy. 27. Thomas Night. 28. David Prichey. 29. William Jeffries. 30. Daniel Whitiker. 31. John Beaver. 32. John Whitmore. 33. Henry McClelan. 34. Philip Guise. 35. Thomas Whitiker. 36. William McNeal. — - 37. Thomas Harrison. 38. Joseph Lewis, Sr. 39. Moses Miller. 40. Michael Drew. 41. James Burk. 42. James Richey. 43. Robert McFauden. 44. Nathaniel Martin. 45. William Moarns. 46. Barnett Dougherty, G. 47. James McCormick. 48. John McKown, S. 49. Mathew Kelly, H. 50. Thomas Leckey. 51. Robert Duncan. 52. James Steen. 53. John Delaney. 54. Hugh McGough, 55. James Bell. 56. Patt. Weldon. 57. Timothy Douglass, on furlough. 58; William Lyon. 59. Hugh Smith. 60. John McCoy. 61. John McColum. 62. Isaac Parks. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 63. David Crowley, G. 64. John Bainkley. 65. Patrick Magee. Abraham Hamon. John Campbell. Henry Buck, Surgeon's Mate on duty at Amboy. Ambrose Crane, Qr. Master Serjant. Thomas Wilson. ^ hu 0) « s c 1 c 3 .2 s S 1 ^ J cc P o- w Present, Absent, 3 1 1 4 1 1 I do certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commissioned Officers and privates who appeared on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York under my Command, were bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania and now engaged in Continental Service and receive pay ac- cording to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also certify on honour that the Sergeant in Hospital and nine privates missing, sick and on furlow were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. J. MARSHAL. Mustered on the parade in Camp near King's bridge. New York Capt. *Joseph Marshall's Company— One Captain, thi-ee Lieutenants, three Sergeants, one Drum, One Qr. Mast. Sergt., One Surgeon's Mate, and fifty nine privates-=-This Muster taken from 1st August 1776 to first September following. LOD'K SPROGELL M. M. written in the original, evidently an error. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 351 MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MARSHOL'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION IN THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGT. COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. BROAD- HEAD, ESQ. ENCAMPED NEAR HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1776. (c.) Captain. John Marshal. Lieutenants. John Clark. Thomas Gourley, C. Stephen Hanna, H. James McMichael. Edw'd Speere. John Herron. James Crieswel. Sergeants. Surgs. Mate. Henry Buch. Quarter Master Sergt. Ambrose Crean. William Price. Privates. 1. James Wason. 2. John Chambers. 3. James Richey. 4. Mathew Kelley, H. 5. John Willson. 6. Patrick Halfpenny. 7. John Delaney. 8. Samuel Haney. 9. Joseph McCollough, Deserted 21st Sept. 10. James Kyll. 352 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 11. Hugh Gallaher. 12. Thomas Douglass. 13. Moses Miller, Deserted 21st Sept. 14. Joseph Lewes, Jnr. 15. Daniel Whitteker, Deserted 16th Sept. 16. Thomas Willson. 17. Robert Andrews, Missing L. Island. 18. Barnut Dougherty, Deserted 21st Sept. 19. David Richey. 20. Joseph Neeley, absent. 21. Arch'd Linzey. 22. James Burk, P. 23. James McClughan. 24. Nat'l Martin. 25. Hugh McGough. 26. Thomas Whiteker, Deserted 16th Sept. 27. Thomas Herryon, Deserted 21st Sept. 28. Philip Guize, F. 29. Robert Dunken. 30. Geo. Cotter, F. 31. William Jeffreyes. 32. John Lynn. 33. William McNeel, F. — 34. Petter Doneley. 35. John Nylson. 36. Samuel McClure, F. 37. William Moarns, F. 38. Robert Slemon, Missing L. Island. 39. Joseph Lewes, Sen'r. 40. Robert Humphrey. 41. Michael Drew, H. 42. John Taylor, G. 43. James Duffee. 44. Henry McCleland, Deserted 21st Sept. 45. Thomas Noight, Deserted 21st Sept. 46. John Beiver. 47. James Bell. 48. Robt. McFadden, G. 49. James Neal, G. 50. Abraham Hammon, Deserted 21st Sept. 51. Thomas Leckey, G. 52. John Campble. 53. John Whitmore. 54. James McCormiok. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 353 55. John McCobb. 56. James McGonagle. 57. John McEwen. 58. Patrick Welder. 59. Patrick McGee, H. 60. Isaac Parks, Deserted 21st Sept. 61. John McColm, Deserted 21st Sept. 62. William Lyon, H. 63. David Crowley, G. 64. Hugh Smith, Deserted 1st Sept. 65. John Brinkley, G. 66. John McCay, Deserted 21st Sept. 67. Timothy Douglass, on furlough. 68. James Stein. iS s a Ri • S 3 3 £? t? o J m CO Present, Absent, 13 15 Muster'd on parade in Camp near Harlem, N. York — Capt. John Marshall's Company One Captain, One Lieut., One Sur- geons Mate, four Sergeants, One Drum and Thirty two privates. This Muster taken from 1st Septem'r 1776 to 1st Oct'r fol- lowing. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. G. of P. 28— Vol. IT— 6th Ser 354 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT'N JOHN MARSHAL'S COMPANY IN THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGT. COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COL. DANIEL BRODHEAD, ESQR. FOR OCT'R A. D. 1776. (c.) John Marshal. Captain. Lieutenants -^ John Clark, On Furlough. Thomas Gourley, On Command. Stephen Hannah. Sergeants. James McMichael. Edw'd Speere. John Herron, G. Hospitle. james Creisweli, Sick in camp. Privates. 1. James Wason. 2. John Chambers, Sick in camp. 3. James Richey. 4. Mathus Kelley, C. 5. Jno. Willson. 6. Patrick Hoifpeney, C. 7. John Delaney, C. 8. Samuel Haney, C. 9. James Kyll, C. 10. Hugh Gallaher. 11. Thomas Douglass. 12. Moses Miller, G. H. 13. Joseph Lewis, Jnr. 14. James bteen. 15. David Richey, G. H. 16. Arch'd Linzey. 17. Joseph Neeley, C. 18. James Burk. 19. James McClughon. 20. Nat'l Martin. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 355 21. Hugh McGough, C. 22. Ihos. Herrison. 23. Philip Guize, G. H. 24. Kobt. bunKen. 25. Geo. Colter, G. H. 26. Wiliiam Jehreys, G. H. 27. John Lynn. 28. William McNeel. ' 29. Petter Doniley, C. 30. John Nyison, G. H. 31. Samuel McCiure. 32. William Moarns. 33. Joseph Lewes, Sen'r. 34. Robt. Humphrey, C. 35. Michael Drew, F. 36. John Taylor. 37. James Duffee. 38. Kerey McCieland. 39. James Bell, C. 40. Jno. Leever, G. H. 41. Robt. McFadden, G. H. 42. James Neal. 43. Thos. Leckey. 44. Jno. Campbie. 45. Jno. Whitmore, G. H. 46. James McGonagle, C. 47. John McCobb, C. 48. John McEwen. 49. Pat'k Wilden, G. H. 50. Pat'k McGee, G. K. 51. Wm. Price, Drum'r. 52. Wm. Lyon, G. H. 53. David Crawley. 54. Jno. Brinkley. 55. John McKay. 56. Thos. Willson, Deserted 1st Nov. 57. James McCormick, Deserted 1st Nov. 58. Henry Buck, Surgs. Mate C. 59. Earnet Dougherty, Deserted 28th Oct. I do Certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commis'd Offi- cers, and privates who appeared in Camp near Creaells Ferry are bonafide rais'd for the defense of the State of Penn'a now in the Continental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do Also Certify on honour 356 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. that the first Lieut. & one private on Furlough Second Lieut, and Twelve privates on Command, One Sergt. and twelve pri- vates Sick in Gen'l Hospital on Sergt. and two privates Sick in Camp three privates deserted & two on Guard were all effective, also 1 Surgs' Mate effective. J. MARSHAL, C. g- i s d % v" P. 3 M > O 3 & Ph w ent 1 1 2 2 25 29 1 1 nt 1 Total 3 4 54 1 1 Mustered on the parade in Camp near Corryell's ferry, Capt. John Marshall's Company of Coll. Miles Rifle Regim't, One Capi., One Lieutenant, two Sergeants, One Drum and twenty five privates, allowing first Lieut, and one private on furlow, third Lieut, and twelve privates on Command, One Sergeant & two privates Sick in Cam^, two privates on Guard. Also Surgeons Mate to be effective they being certifyed on the back of this Roll. This Muster taken from 1st October 1776 to 1st Decem'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. of P. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM PEEBLES' COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Peebles, William, appointed from Cumberland county, March 9, 1776; captured August 27, 1776; died in 1776. First Lieutenant. Scott, Matthew, appointed March 15, 1776; captured August 27, 1776; exchanged December 8, 1776, for, Lieut. Cleveland of the Seventh British; promoted captain, April 18, 1877. He died May 20, 1798, at Shippensburg. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 357 Second Lieutenant. Burns, Robert, appointed March 16, 1776; promoted captain in Hazen's regiment, December 21, 1776. Third Lieutenant. Campbell, Robert, appointed March 19, 1776; promoted captain December 21, 1776. Sergeants. Kenny, Samuel. McCrackin, William. Heylands, Patrick, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Collier, Joseph. Drummer. Carson, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Flier. Lee, Edward, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Privates. Adams, William. Archer, Zachariah. Armstrong, William. Atcheson, James; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Beatty, Thomas. Bourke, Henry. Boyd, William. Boyle, Daniel, discharged at Valley Forge, January 1, 1778;' re- sided in Armstrong county, in 1824. Brattin, James. Brown, John. Brown, William, "voluntier;" captured at Fort Washington; re-enlisted in Thirteenth Penn'a. Campble, Robert. Carrigan, John. Carson, William. Cavan, William. Dibbins, Henry. Dixon, Patrick. Dixon, Samuel, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. 358 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Dougherty, Barnabas. Dowds, James. Elliott, John. Farquer, Charles. Finley, Daniel. Flynn, Patrick. Galbreath, James. Gilmore, Thomas. Hawn, Daywell [David]. Hodge, John. Holder, Charles. Hove, Jacob. Jacobs, John. Justice, John, "draughted" September 4, 1776. Keating, John. Lane, John. Lane, Peter. Logan, Samuel. McClintock, Robert. McCurdy, Alexander. McKegney, Hugh. McKensey, Andrew. McKowen, Charles. McMullon, Neil. Mitchell, Alexander. Mitchell, John, was a justice of the peace in Cumoerland county, in 1821. Mogan, Lawrence. Montgomery, Samuel, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Montgomery, William. Moore, David, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776 Moore, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Moore, John. Mordaugh, Patrick. Mortimore, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Mullady, Robert. Neil, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Nickleson, James. Nugent, Robert, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Orput, Richard. Paxton, John. Pealing, Robert. Pollock, James. Potts, Hans. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 359 Quigley, Patrick, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Quin, John. Ralston, Andrew, re-enlisted in Second Peun'a, Reily, James. Rogers, Thomas, died at New York, in captivity; left a widow, Elizabeth Rogers, residing in Chester county. Scrogs, James. Sharp, Andrew. Shurer, Thomas. Shields, John. Skuse, John. Townsend, Thomas. Viney, Patten. Walker, John. Wallace, John. Wallace, Thomas. Weatherspoon, William, missing since the battle, Aug. 27, 1776. Weaver, Peter. Wilson, Robert. Woods, Hugh. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM PEEBLES CO. SECOND BATTALION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REG'T COMMANDED BY COLONEL DANIEL BROAD- HEAD ENCAMPED NEAR KINGSBRIDGE SEPT. THE 1ST 1776. (c.) Captain. William Peebles, missing. Lieutenants. Mathew Scott, missing. Robert Burns. Rob't Campble. Sergeants. Samuel Kenny. William McCracken. Patt Heylands, missing. Joseph Collier. 360 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Drum and Fife. James Carson, missing. Edward Lee. Privates. 1. William Brown, volunteer. 2. Samuel Montgomery, missing. 3. James Scrogs. 4. Tho. Beaty. 5. James Atchison, missing. 6. John Elliot, sick absent. 7. David Moore, missing. 8. Tho. Rogers, missing. 9. Samuel Dixon, missing. 10. John Brown. 11. John Hodge, missing. 12. Robert Pealing. 13. Alexander Mitchell. 14. James Pollock, sick absent. 15. James Nickelson. 16. James Dowds, sick absent. 17. John Shields. 18. John Lane. 19. William Armstrong. 20. Charles Farquer. 21. William Boyd. 22. John Mitchell. 23. Robert Mullady, On Command. 24. John Wallace, Sick absent. 25. Henry Dibbins. 26. Andrew McKensey, Sick absent. 27. James Moore, missing. 28. Andrew Ralston. 29. John Justice, Draughted. 30. John Quin. 31. James Brattin. 32. John Paxton, Sick absent. 33. Neil McMullin. 34. Patt Dixon. 35. Daniel Doyle. 36. Charles McKowen. 37. Hans Potts. 38. William Montgomery. 39. Robert Campble. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 361 40. Patt. Quin. 41. William Cavan. 42. William Adams. 43. William Weatherspoon, missing. 44. William Carson. 45. Barnabas Dougherty. 46. Charles Holder. 47. Patt Flynn. 48. Patten Viney. 49. Tho. Wallace, Sick absent. 50. Patt. Quigley, missing. 5L Alexander McCurdy. 52. Richard Orput. 53. John Moore, Sick absent. 54. Thos. Sheerer, Sick absent. 55. Samuel Logan. 56. Patt Murdaugh, Sick absent. 57. James Galbreath. 58. Jacob Hove. 59. Daywell Hawn. 60. Henry Bourke. 61. Robert Nugent, missing. 62. Daniel Finley, Sick absent. 63. John Niel, missing. 64. Hugh Woods. 65. John Carrigan. 66. Tho. Gilmore. 67. John Skuse. 68. James Mortimore, missing. 69. James Reily. 70. Robert McClintock. 71. Zachariah Archer. 72. Andrew Sharp. 73. Peter Lane. 74. Tho. Townshend. 75. John Walker. 76. Hugh McKegney, Sick absent. 77. Robert Wilson. 78. Peter Weaver. 79. Lawrence Mogan, Sick absent. 80. John Keating, Sick absent. 81. John Jacobs. 362 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 5 3 I I £ E > Present. Absent, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mustered on the parade in Camp near Kings Bridge New York, Capt. Wm. Peebles Co. Two Lieutenants, three serj. One Fifer, One volunteer and fifty-two privates. This Muster taken from 1st Aug. 1776 to 1st Sept. following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. I do certify on honor that the officers, non commissioned officers and privates who appeared on the parade in camp near Kings Bridge, New York under my command were bonafide raised for the defense of the State of Pennsylvania and now engaged in Continental Service and receive pay according to the Rank held in this Roll. I do also certify on honor that the Captain, first Lieut., on sergeant & Drummer missing and twelve privates missing. Also sixteen privates sick on com- mand fee. — were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. ROBERT BURNS, Lt. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM PEEBLE'S CO. 2ND BATTALION OP THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGI- MENT COMMANDED BY COLONEL DANIEL BRODHEAD. ENCAMPED NEAR KINGSBRIDGE SEPT. THE 4TH, 1776. (c.) Captain. William Peebles, missing. Lieutenants. Mathew Scott, missing. Rob't Burns. Rob't Campble, sick. COL. SAMUEL MILES. Sergeants. Samuel Kenny. Wm. McCracken. Patt Heylands, missing. Jos. Collier. Drummer. James Carson, missing. Fifer. Edward Lee. Privates. 1. William Brown, volunteer. 2. Samuel Montgomery, missing. 3. James Scrogs. 4. Thomas Beaty. 5. James Atcheson, missing. 6. John Elliot, Sick absent. 7. David Moore, missing. 8. Thos. Rogers, missing. 9. Samuel Dixon, missing. 10. John Brown. 11. John Hodge, missing. 12. Robert Pealing. 13. Alexander Mitchell. 14. James Pollock, Sick absent. 15. James Nickleson. 16. James Dowds, Sick absent. 17. John Shields. 18. John Lane. 19. Wm. Armstrong. 20. Charles Farquei*. 21. Wm. Boyd. 22. John Mitchell. • — 23. Robert Mulady, On Command. 24. John Wallace, Sick absent. 25. Henry Dibbins. 26. Andrew McKensey, Sick. 27. James Moore, missing. 28. Andrew Ralston. 29. John Justiss, Draughted. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 30. John Quin. ol. James Brattin. S2. John Paxton, Sick absent. 33. Neil McMullon. 34. Patt. Dixon. 35. Daniel Boyle. 36. Charles Mckowen. 37. Hans Potts. 38. Wm. Montgomery. 39. Robert Campble. 40. Patt Quin. 41. William Cavan, 42. William Adams. 43. Wm. Weatherspoon. 44. Wm. Carson. 45. Barnabas Dougherty. 46. Charles Holder. 47. Patt. Flyn. 48. Patten Viney. 49. Thos. Wallace, Sick absent, 50. Patt Quigley, missing. 51. Alexander McCurdy. 52. Richard Orput. 53. John Moore, Sick absent. 54. Thos. Sheerer, Sick absent. 55. Samuel Logan. 56. Patt Mordaugh, Sick absent. 57. James Galbreath. 58. Jacob Hove. 59. Daywell Hawn. 60. Henry Bourke. 61. Robert Nugent, missing. 62. Daniel Finley, Sick absent. 63. John Neil, missing. 64. Hugh Woods. 65. John Carrigan. 66. Thos. Gilmore. 67. John Skuse. 68. James Mortimore, missing. 69. James Reily. 70. Robert McClintock. 71. Zachariah Archer. 72. Andrew Sharp. 73. Peter Lane. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 74. Thos. Townshend. 75. John Walker. 76. Hugh McKegney, Sick absent. 77. Robert Wilson. 78. Peter Weaver. 79. Lawrence Mogn, Sick absent. 80. John Keating, Sick absent. 81. John Jacobs. p. o 1 1 i ^ Present, Absent, 2 3 1 ' 1 1 1 ^ ' 4 1 1 1 Mustered on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York, Capt. Wm. Peebles Company — two Lieutenants, three Serg'ts, One fifer, one volunteer and fifty two privates. This muster taken from 1st August 1776 to 1st Sept. follow- ing. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. I do certify on honor the Officers, Non commissioned Officers and privates who appeared on the parade in camp near Kings Bridge, New York, under my command, were bonafide raised for the Defense of the State of Pennsylvania and now engaged in continental service and received pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also certify on honor that the Capt. first Lieut. One serg't & Drum, missing and twelve pri- vates, missing also sixteen privates sick on command &c. were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. ROBERT BURNS, Lt. 366 PENNSYl^VANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. WILL'M PEEBLES COMPANY OF THE 2ND BATT'N OF THE PA. Rli^ LK REG'T COM MANDED BY L'T. COL. DAN'L BROADHEAD SEPT. 30, 1776. (c.) Rob't Burns. Rob't Campble. Lieutenants. Sergeants. Samuel Kenny. Wm. McCracken. Joseph Collier. Fife. Edward Lee, Sick absent. Privates. 1. James Scrogs. 2. Thomas Beaty. 3. John Brown, Deserted 22d Inst. 4. John Elliott. 5. Robert Pealing, Deserted 22d Ins't. 6. Alexander Mitchell, Deserted 22d Ins't. 7. James PollocK, Sick absent. 8. James Nickelson, Sick absent. 9. James Dowds. 10. John Shields. 11. John Lane. 12. William Armstrong, Deserted 22d Ins't. 13. Charles Farquer. 14. William Boyd. 15. John Mitchell. _ 16. Robert Mullady, On Comm'd. 17. John Wallace. 18. Henry Dibbins, Deserted 22d Ins't. 19. Andrew McKensey. 2C. Andrew Ralston, Sick absent. 21. John Quin. 22. James Brattin. 23. John Paxton, 24. Nell McMullon. COL.. SAMUEL. MILES. 367 25. Patt Dixon. 2G. Daniel Boyle, Deserted 19th Ins't. 27. Charles McKowen, Deserted 19th Ins't. 28. Hans Potts. 29. William Montgomery. 30. Robert Campble, Sick absent. 31. Patt Quin. 32. William Cavan. 33. William Adams. 34. William Carson, Deserted 22d Ins't. 35. Barnabas Dougherty. 36. Charles Holder. 37. Patt. Flyn. 38. Patten Viney. 39. Tho. Wallace. 40. Alexander McCurdy. 41. Richard Orput. 42. John Moore, Sick absent. 43. Tho. Sheerer. 44. Sam'l Logan. 45. Patt Murdaugh. 46. James Galbreath. 47. Jacob Hove. 48. David Hawn. 49. Henry Burke. 50. Daniel Finlay, Sick absent. 51. Hugh Weeds, Sick absent. 52. John Carrigan, Deserted 22d Inst. 53. Thos. Gilmore, Sick absent. 54. John Skuse, SicK absent. 55. James Reily. 56. Rob't McClintcck, Sick absent. 57. Zachariah Aricher. 58. Andrew Sharp. 59. Peter Lane. 60. Thos. Towushend, Deserted 19t"n (nti. 61. John Waller, Deserted 19th In;-;t 62. Hugh McKegney, Sick absent. 63. Rotert Wilson. 64. Peter Weaver. 65. Law Mogan, Sick absent. 66. John Keato-J. 67. John Jacobs. 368 PExNNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. I do certify ou honor that the Officers, non commiss'd OfB.- cers and Privates who appeared on the parade in camp near Harlem New York under my command are bonafide raised tor the defense oi the state of Pennsylvania, & receive pay according to the Rank they held in this Roll. I do also certify on honor that one Lieut, on furlough fife sick & twelve privates sick, one on command and eleven ab- sent without leave were all effective to the times set opposite their names. ROBERT BURNS, Lt. Present, . . Absent, .. Total, 1 1 S 1 2 ^ 1 Mustered in camp near Harlem New York late Capt. Peebles company One Lieut, three Sergeants, One fifer, and forty three privates. This muster taken from 1st Sept. 1776 to 1st Oct. fol- lowing. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. PAY ROLL OF CAPT. WM. PEEBLES COMPANY OF THE 2ND BATTALION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REG'T COMMANDED BY COLO. DAN'L BRODHEAD ESQ. (c.) Captain. William Peebles. Mathew Scott. Second Lieutenant. Robert BurnR. Second Lieutenant. COL. SAMUEL MILES. Third Lieutecant. Rob't Campble. Samuel Kenny. William McCracking. Joseph Collier. Patrick Heylin. James Carson. Edward Lee. Sergeants. Drummer. Fife. Privates. ^: William Brown, volunteer. Samuel Montgomery. James Scrogs. Thos. Beaty. James Atcheson. John Elliot. David Moore. Thomas Rogers. amuel Dixon. John Brown. Robert Pealing. Alexander Mitchell. James Pollock. James Nichelson. James Dowds. John Shields. John Lane. William Armstrong. Charles Farquer. William Boyd. John Mitchell. . — Robert Mullady. John Wallace. Henry Dibbins. Andrew McKensey. James Moore. Andrew Ralston. John Justice. 24— Vol. TI— Slh Ser. John Quin. James Brattin. John Paxton. Neil McMullon, Patt. Dixon. Charles McKune. Daniel Boyle. Hans Potts. Wm. Carson. Peter Boyle. William Montgomery. Rob't Campble. Patt. Quin. William Cavan. William Adams. William Weatherspcon. Barnabas Dougherty. Charles Holder. Patt. Flyn. Patten Viney. Thomas Wallace. Pat. Quigley. Alexander McCurdy. Richard Orput. John Moore. Thos. Sheerer. Samuel Logan. Patt. Murdough. 370 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. James Galbreath. Jacob Hove. Daywalt Hawn. Henry Burke. Robert Nugent. Daniel Finley. John Neil. Hugh Woods. John Hodge. John Carrigan. John Skuse. James Mortimer. James Reily. Robert McClintock. Zachariah Archer. Andrew Oughter&on. Andrew Sharp. Peter Lane. Thomas Townshend. John Walker. Hugh McKegney. Robert Wilson. Peter Weaver. Lawrence Mogan. John Keaton. John Jacobs. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM PEEBLES CO. OF THE 2D BATTALION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REG'T. COMMANDED BY L'T COL. DAN'L BROADHEAD NOVEM- BER THE 1ST, 1776. (c.) Sam'l Kenny, S. A. Wm. McCracken. Jos. Collier, S. A. Edward Lee, G. A. Sergeants. Fifer. Privates. 1. James Scrogs, S. A. 2_ Thos. Beaty. 3. John Brown. 4. John Elliot, S. A. 5. Alexander Mitchel, S. 6. James Pollock, S. A. 7. James Atcheson, S. A. 8. James Dowds, S. A. 9. John Shields. 10. John Lane, S. A. 11. Charles Farquer, S. A 12. Wm. Boyd, S. A. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 371 13. John Mitchell, S. A. -^' 14. Robert Muliady, On Command. 15. John Wallace, S. A. 16. Andrew Ralston, S. A. 17. Andrew McKensey, S. A. 18. John Quin, Com'd. 19. James Brattin, S. A. 20. John Paxton, S. A. 21. Neil McMullon. 22. Patt Dixon, Com'd. 23. Hans Patts. 24. Will'm Montgomery, S. A. 25. Robert Cample, S. A. 26. Patt. Quin. 27. William Cavan, S. A. 28. William Adams, S. A. 29. Barnabas Dougherty, S. A. 30. Charles Holder, Comm'd. 31. Patt Flyn, S. A. 32. Patten Viney. 33. Thos. Wallace, S. A. 34. Alexander McCurdy, S. A. 35. Richard Orput, S. A. 36. John Moore, Comm'd. 37. Thos. Sheerer, guard. 38. Samuel Logan. S. A. 39. Patt Murdaugh, S. A. 40. James Galbreath, S. A. 41. Jacob Hove. 42. David Hawn, S. A. 43. Henry Burke. 44. Daniel Finlay, S. A. 45. Hugh Woods. 4G. John Carrigan, S. A. 47. Thos. Gilmore. 48. John Skuse, S. A. 49. James Reily. 50. Robert McClintock, S. A. 51. Zachariah Archer, S. A. 52. Andrew Sharp, S. A. 53. Peter Lane. 54. Thos. Townshend, S. A. 55. Hugh McKegney, S. A. 56. Robert Wilson. 372 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 57. Peter Weaver. 58. Law Mogan, Comm'd. 59. John Keating. 60. John Jacobs, S. A. Rank. ra «• 5 c4 P. 3 S? S > o h5 m fc ^ 1 2 1 3 I do certify on honor that the Officers non commissioned Officers and Privates who appeared on the parade in camp near Corryells ferry were bonafide raised for the defense of the state of Pennsylvania, now in continental service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also certify on honor that the fifer, two sergeants and thirty eight privates absentees in the gen. Hospital six on com- mand and one on guard were all effective. ROBERT BURNS. Mustered in camp, near Corryells ferry, Capt. Wm. Peebles company of Col. Miles Rifle Reg't. One sergeant and fifteen privates. Also allowing six privates on command and one on guard to be effective, they being certified on the Roll by the late Lieut. This Muster taken from 1st Oct. 1776 to 1st Dec. fol- lowing. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. of P. ROLL OF CAPTAIN HENRY CHRIST, JR.'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Christ, Henry, Jr., Berks county, March 9, 1776; resigned March 19, 1777. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 373 First Lieutenant. Topham, Daniel, March 28, 1776; captured August 27, 1773; exchanged April 20, 1778. Second Lieutenant. Maess, Jacob, March 16, 1776. Third Lieutenants. Davis, Abner, March 28, 1776; resigned October 19, 1776. Gyger, George, from sergeant, October 24, 1776. Sergeants. Gj'ger, George, April 1, 1776; promoted third lieutenant, Octo- ber 24, 1776. Whitlow, Matthew, April 20, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Geiss, Jeremiah, March 29, 1776; missing since the battle, Au- gust 27, 1776. Christ, Adam, from private; wounded at Brandywine, ball passing through his breast. Starke, Joseph. Keiser, Samuel. Hinkel, Nathan. Rehrer, Matthias. Drum and Fife. Privates. Albert, William, March 26, 1776. Alter, Henry, April 8, 1776. Arnold, Michael. Butler, William, April 12, 1776; re-enlisted in Second Penn' Christ, Adam, March 18, 1776; promoted sergeant. Close, Melcher. Dering, Godfrey, April 11, 1776. English, John, April 22, 1776. Fisher, Francis. Fisher, Henry, April 11, 1776. Fister. Godfrey, April 20, 1776. Frederick, Henry, April 17, 1776. 374 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Frederick, Paul, May 4, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Fuchs [i'ox], Yost, March 23, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Geiss, Hermon, April 11, 1776. Green, John, April 9, 1776. Groff, Peter, April 6, 1776. Groff, Michael. Gyger, Valentine, of Shamokin, April 13, 1776. Hambright, John, of Shamokin, April 15, 1776. Hamm, Nicholas, March 26, 1776. Harbert, William, March 24, 1776. Heckman, Jacob. Heck, Yost, April 2, 1776. Heffner, George. Hermon, John, April 8, 1776. Hienerlieter, Michael. Hill, Henry, iVIarch 25, 1776. Hinkel, Nathan, April 12, 1776. Houseknecht, Daniel, March 22, 1776. Hummel, John, March 23, 1776. Jones, George, April 7, 1776. Keehl, Francis. _ Kemmerer, Christian, May 3, 1776. Kettner, George, March 25, 1776. Kreamer, Christian, April 5, 1776. Kreisher, Simon, March 22, 1776. Lantsert, Abraham, March 25, 1776. Leffler, Henry, March 24, 1776. Lenig, George, April 13, 1776. Linwill, Isaac, April 9, 1776. Lippert, Emanuel, April 5, 1776. Long, John. Lott, Philip, April 22, 1776. Lutz, John, April 22, 1776. Mack, Godlieb. Maderia, Simon, April 9, 1776. Mengel, George, April 13, 1776. Merts, Henry, April 14, 1776. Miller, Philip. Muffly, Joseph. Nitterhous, Daniel, April 8, 1776. Nothstein, John. Poust [Boust], Frederick, March 22, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 375 Rehrer, Matthias, April 10, 1776. Reicliard. Charles, April 3, 1776. Reiff, Jacob, March 26, 1776. Riegle, Jacob. Seebold, David. Seyler, Yost, April 28, 1776; resided in Centre county in 1S30. Sheffer, Adam, April 22, 1776. Stark, Joseph, May 14, 1776. Streckdefinger, Adam. Struble, Frederick, April 26, 1776. Treyer, Peter, March 25, 1776. Walk, Christian, April 6, 1776. Weaver, John, April 7, 1776; discharged January 1, 1778; re- sided near Germantown in 1821. Weidman, John, April 10, 1776. Weiss, Henry. Whitman, George, March 24, 1776; his wife, Maria, shared with him the fatigues of army life; died in 1823. Wissler, Michael. Wolff, Henry, April 8, 1776. Zenig, George. Zolt. Philip. 376 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. HENRY CHRIST'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REGI- MENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENN- SYLVANIA COMMAND BY SAMUEL MILES ESQ'R. EN- CAMPED NEAR MARKUS HOOK IN CHESTER COUNTY, (c.) g 6 d 6 .2 c Captain. Henry Christ. Lieutenants. Daniel Topham. Jacob Maess On leave of absence. Abner Davis. Sargents. 1 April 1, George Gelger. 2 do. 20, Matthew Whitlow. 3 Mar. 29, Jeremiah Geisa. 4 do. 18, Adam Christ. Drum. Samuel Kelser. Privates. Mar. 22, Simon KrelKher. do. 22, Frederick Poust. do. 22, Daniel Housknecht. do. 23, Yost Fucks. 5 do. 23. John Hummel. do. 25, George Kettner. do. 25, Henry Hill Deserted 1st May. do. 25, Peter Treher. do. i5, Abraham Lautsert. do. 26, William Albert. April 2, Yost Heck. do. 5, Emanuel Lippert. do. 7, George Jones. do. 7, John Weber. do. 8. Henry Alter. do. 8, Daniel Nitterhous. do. 9. do. 8, Isaac Linwill Deserted 1st May. Pimon Madeira. 19 do. 10, Mathlas Retner. 20 do. 10, John Weidman. 21 do. 13, George Lehnick. 22 do. 14, Henry Merts. 23 do. 8. Charles Reichard. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 377 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT HENRY CHRIST'S COMPANY — Continued. I g W ' s ^ o d d ^ 24 April 13. George Mengel. 25 do. 22, Adam Scheffer. 26 do. 22, Philip Lott. 27 do. 22, John Luts. 2S do. 20, Godfry Phister. 29 do. 8, John Hermon. 30 do. 26, Frederick Struble. 31 do. 28, Yost Seyler. 32 Mar. 26. Jacob Reiff. 33 May 3, Christ' n Kemmerer. 34 April 9, John Green. 35 May 4, Paul Fredrick. 36 do. 14, Joseph Stark. 37 April 5, Christian Kreamer. 38 do. 6, Peter GrofC. 39 do. 6, Christ" n Walk. 40 do. 11, Godfrey Dering. 41 do. 17, Henry Fredrick. 42 43 do. 13, do. 12, Valentine Gyger, Not yet appeared Is at Sha- Nathan Hinkel. mokin. 44 45 do. 8, do. 22, Henry Wolff Deserted 2Gth April. John English. 46 do. 11, Henry Fisher. 47 48 do. 15, do. 12. John Hambright, Not yet appeared is at Sha- William Buttler. mokin. 49 Mar. 24, George Whitman. 50 do. 24, Henry Leffler. 51 do. 24, William Harbert. 52 do. 26, Nicholas Hamm. 53 May 2, Michael Groff. 54 Adam Streckdeflnger. 55 Francis Koehl, John Long. 56 67 Michal Arnold. S8 Henry Weiss. Godlieb Mack. 59 60 George Heffner. 61 John Nothsteln. Jacob Heckfnan. Michal Hienerlelter. Herman Geiss. 62 63 64 April 11, 65 66 67 Joseph Muffly Deserted 12th May. do. 23 April. Not yet appeared. Philip Miller Hoffman 6S David Sebolt. «9 Jacob Riegle. 70 Melcher Close. 71 378 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Mustered on the Parade at the Camp, near Marcus Hook, Capt. Henry Christ's Company of the Second Battallion of the Rifle Regiment in the service of the province of Pennsylvania, commanded by Samuel Miles Esq. Colonel. One Captain, two Lieutenants, four Sergents, One Drummer, and sixty one pri- vates. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. m c d 3 to s aJ ^ U A '^ fc Present 1 2 1 4 1 R1 4 Total 1 ' 1 61 I do certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commissioned Officers and Privates, who appeared this day on the Parade near Marcus Hook, under by command, are bonafide, engaged in the service of the province of Pennsylvania, and receive pay from the times mentioned opposite to their names and according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — And I do also certify on honour that the Second Lieutenant has my leave of absence on business, the Five Deserted were effective to the Times mentioned opposite to their names and that the three who have not yet appeared were also effective— May 30, 1776. HENRY CHRIST, Capt. A MUSTER ROLE OF CAPT'N HENERY CHRIST'S COM- PANY OF THE SERVICE OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REGIMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA COMMANDED BY COL. SAMUEL MILES ESQ. (c.) Hencry Christ. Daniel Topham. Jacob Mase. Abner Davis. Captain. Lieutenants. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 379 Serjeants. 1. George Gyger, July 1st. 2. Matthew Whitlow. 3. Jeremiah Gise. 4. Joseph Starke. Privates. 1. Simon Crysher. 2. Frederick Poiist, R't August 1st. 3. Daniel Housknect. 4. Yost Fucks. 5. John Hummel. 6. George Kettner. 7. Peter Trayer. 8. Abraham Laucett. 9. William Albert. 10. Yost Heck. 11. Emanuel Lippert, D'd July 6. 12. George Jones. 13. John Weaver. 14. Henery Alter. 15. Daniel Nitterhous. 16. Simon Madeira. 17. Mathias Kehrer. 18. John Weidman, D'd July 5. 19. George Lenig. 20. Charles Reichard. 21. George Mingle. 22. Adam Scheffer. 23. Philip Lott. 24. John Lutts, Rtn. Aug. 4th. 25. Godfry Phister. 26. John Harnian, D'd July 8th. 27. Fredrick Struble, D'd July 25th. 28. Yost Syler. 29. Jacob Reiff. 30. Christian Kemerer. 31. John Green. 32. Paul Fredrick. 33. Christian Creamer. 34. Peter Groff, Ret. Aug'st 7th. 35. Christian Wallick. 36. Godfry Dering. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 37. Henery Fredrick. 38. Nathan Hinkle. 39. John English, D'd July 6th. 40. Henery Fisher, D'd July 7th. 41. William Butlar. 42. George Whitman. 43. Henery LefQer. 44. Nicholas Homm. 45. Michael Groff. 46. Adam Strecdefinger. 47. Frances Keehl. 48. John Long. 49. Michael Arnold. 50. Henry Wise. 51. Gotlip Mock. 52. George Heffner. 53. John Nothstein. 54. Jacob Heckman. 55. Michael Heinerlieter, 56. David Seabolt. 57. Jacob Riegle. 58. Melcher Close. 59. Michael Wissler. 60. Harman Gise. 61. Frances Fisher. 62. Adam Christ. n c t 3 ^ 3 fe o ►^ m E Present ^ 3 4 hi Absent 1 1 3 4 I do certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commissioned Officers & privates who appeared on the parade at Perth Amboy, New Jersey, under my command are bonafide raised for the defence of the State of Pennsylvania, now in Conti- nental Service, receive pay from the times mentioned opposite COL. SAMUEL MILES. 381 to their names & according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also certify on honour that One on furlough & seven deserted were effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. HENRY CHRIST. Mustered at Perth Amboy New Jersey. Captain Henry Christ's Company of the Rifle Regiment Commanded by Samuel Miles Esq. Colonel. One Captain, three Lieutenants, four Serjeants, & Fifty four privates. This Muster taken from 1st July 1776 to 1st August following. LOD'K SPROGELL. M. M. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. KENRY CHRIST'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REGI- MENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENN'A &C. (c.) > Captain. Henry Christ, Sept. 1st. Lieutenants. Daniel Topham, Missing. Jacob Mase. Abner Davis, Sept. 1st. Serjants. George Gyger. Matthew Whitlow, Missing. Jeremiah Gyse. Joseph Starke. Drummer. Nathan Hinkel, Sept. 1st. Fifer. Mathias Rehrer, Sept. 1st. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Privates. Sept. 1st. 1. Simon Crysher. 28. - 2. i rederick Poust. 29. 3. Daniel HousKnecht. 30. 4. Yost Fucks, missing. 31. 5. John Hummel. 32. 6. George Rettner. 33. 7. Peter Trayer. 34. 8. Abraham Lantsert. 35. 9. William Albert. 36. 10. Yost Heck. 37. 11. George Jones. 38. 12. John Weaver. 39. 13. Henry Alter. 40. 14. Daniel Nitterhous. 41. 15. Simon Madeira. 42. 16. George Lehnig. 43. 17. Charles Reichard. 44. 18. George Mengle. 45. 19. Adam Sheffer. 46. 20. Philip Lott. 47. 21. John Luts, G. 48. 22. Godfry Fisher. 49. 23. 50. 24. Yost Syler. 51. 25. Jacob Reiff. 52. 26. Christ'n Kemerer. 53. 27. John Green, Sick — Amboy. 54. Paul Fredrick, Missing. Christ'r Creamer, B uriough. Peter Groff, G. Christ'n Walk, G. Godfry Dering. Henry Fredrick. William Butler, Sick. George Witman, G. Henry Lefler. Nicholas Homm. Michal Groff. Adam Strecdefinger, absent. Francis Keehl. John Long. Michal Arnold. Henry Wise. George Heffner. John Notstein. Jacob Heckman. Michal Hienerleiter. David Sebolt. Jacob Rigle, G. Melcher Close. Michal Wisler. Herman Gise. Francis Fisher. Adam Christ. — M 5 [ £ i ^ Present i Absent Total 1 2 1 2 1 1 ^ 4 1 1 I do certify on honour that the Oflficers, Non Commiss'd Olfl- cers and privates who appeared on the parade in Camp near COL. SAMUEL MILES. 383 King's Bridge, New York, under my Command were bonafide raised for the defence of the Stale of Pennsylvania and now engaged in Continental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — 1 do also Certify on honour that the first Lieut't missing, two sergeants Missing and Six privates Missing, Sick on Furlow and absent were all Effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. HENRY CHRIST. Mustered on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York, Capt. Henery Christ's Company — One Captain, two Lieutenants, two Sergeants, One Drum. One fife and forty seven privates. This muster taken from 1st August 1776 to first of Septem'r following. LOD'R SPROGELL, M. M. 384 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. PAY ROLL OF CAPT. HENRY CHRIST'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REGIMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENN'A COM- MANDED BY COLONEL SAMUEL MILES ESQUIRE &C.. (c.) Pay due on the first day of Sept'r as Marked on the Margin for 1776. Henry Christ. Lieutenants. 1st. Daniel Topliar 2nd. Jacob Mase, . 3rd. Abner Davis, George Geiger Matthew Whitlow, Jeremiah Gise Joseph Starlte Simon Crysher Fredriclc Poust. Daniel Honsknecht, Yost Fucks John Hummel George Kettner, ... Peter Trayer Ab'm Lantsert William Albert Yost Heck George Jones John Weaver Henry Alter Daniel Nitterhous, Simon Maderia, ... Mathias Retner George Lenig Charls. Reichard, .. Geo. Mengle Adam Sheffer PhlUp Lott August 1st, COL. SAMUEL MILES. 385 PAY ROLL OF CAPT. HENRY CHRIST'S COMPANY— Con- tinued. Pay due on the first day of Sept'r as Marked on the margin for 1776. John Luts Godfry Fister Yost Syler Jacob Reiff Christ'n Kemerer. .. John Green Paul Fredrick ^Adam Christ Christ'n Creamer. .. Peter Groff Chrisfn Walk Godfry Daring Henry Fredrick Nathan Hinkel John English Henry Fisher Wm. Buttler George Witman Henry Leffler Nicholas Homm Michal Groff Adam Strecdefinger, Francis Keehl John Long Michal Arnold Henry Wise Gotlieb Mock, .^ George Heffner, . . . John Nothstein Jacob Heckman, ... Michal Hienerleiter, David Sebolt Jacob Rigle, Melcher Close Michal Wisler, Harmon Gyse, . ... Francis Fisher, 2.5— Vol. II— 5th Ser. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. HENRY CHRIST'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REGI- MENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENN'A &C. (c.) Henry Christ. Captain. Lieutenants. Daniel Topham, Missing. Jacob Mease. Abner Davis. Serjants. Sept. 1st. George Gyger. Joseph Starke. Mathew Whitlow, Missing. Jeremiah Gyse, Missing. Drummer. Nathan Hinkel, Sept. 1st; Deserted 25th Sept. Fifer. Mathias Rehrer, Sept. 1st. Privates. 1. Simon Crysher. 2. Frederick Boust. 3. Daniel Housknecht. 4. Yost Fooks, Missing. 5. John Hummel. 6. George Kettner. 7. Peter Trayer. 8. Abraham Lantsert. 9. William Albert. 10. Yost Heck. 11. George Jones. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 887 12. John Weaver. 13. Heury Alter. 14. Daniel Nitterlious. 15. Simon Madery. 16. George i^elinig, Deserted Sept. 2ltti 17. Charles Richard. 18. George Mengle. 19. Adam Shetrer. 20. Philip Lott. 21. John Luts, Deserted 25th Sept. 22. Godfry Fister. 23. Yost Syler, Deserted 25th Sept. 24. Jacob Reiff, Deserted 25th Sept. 25. Christ'n Kemerer. 26. John Green. 2v. Paul Fredrick, Missing. 28. Christ'n Creamer, Deserted 25th Sept. 29. Peter Groff. 30. Christ'n Walk. 31. Godfrey Deringer. 32. Henry Fredrick. 33. Henry Fisher. 34. William Buttler. oo. George Witman. 36. Henry Leffler. 37. Nicholas Homm, Deserted 25th Sept. 38. Michael Groff. 39. Adam Strecdefinger, Deserted 20th Sept. 40. Francis Keehl, Deserted 25th Sept. 41. John Long. 42. Michal Arnold. 43. Henry Wise, Deserted 25th Sept. 44. George Heffner. 45. John Notstein, Deserted 25th Sept. 46. Jacob Heckman. 47. Michal Hienerleiter. 48. David Sebolt. 49. Jacob Rigle. - 50. Melcher Close, Deserted 25th Sept. 51. Michael Wisler. 52. Harmon Gyse. 53. Francis Fisher. 54. Adam Christ. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 1 2 5 £ 3 Present, Absent, 1 2 2 28 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 52 I do certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commiss'd Officers and privates who appeared this day on the parade in camp near Harlem, N. York — under my command were bona- fide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also certify on honour that the Drum'r & Fifer and twenty four privates absentees for different reasons were all effective. HENRY CHRIST. Mustered on parade in camp near Harlem, N. York — Capt, Henry Christ's Company — One Captain, two Lieuten'ts, two Sergeants, and twenty eight privates — This Muster taken from 1st September 1776 to 1st Octo'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. G. of P. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT'N HENRY CHRIST COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REGI- MENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENN'A. COMMANDED BY SAMUEL MILES ESQ. &C. (c.) Captain. Henry Christ. Lieutenants. Daniel Topham. .Tacob Mase. Abner Davis. COL. SAMUEL MILES. Serjeants. June 1. George Gyer. do. Matthew Whitlow. do. Jeremiahj Geiss. do. Joseph Starke. Drummer. June 21. Samuel Keiser. Privates. 1. June 1st. Simon Crysher. Fredrick Poust (deserted 7 July). Daniel Housknecht. Yost Fucks. John Hummel. George Kettner. Peter Trayer. Abraham Lansert. William Albert. Yost Heck. Emanuel Lippert (deserted 6 July). George Jones. John Weaver. Henry Atler. Daniel Nitterhous. Simon Madeira. Mathias Rehrer. Joha Weidman (deserted 5th July). George Lehnig. Charles Keichard. George Mengle. Adam Scheffer. Philip Lott. John Luts (deserted 8th July). Godfry Fister. John Harmon (deserted 8th July). Frederick Struble. Yost Syler. Christ'n Kemerer. John Green (sick). Paul Fredrick. Christ'n Creamer (sick). 2. do. 3. do. 4. do. 5. do. 6. do. 7. do. 8. do. 9. do. 10. do. 11. do. 12. do. 13. do. 14. do. 15. do. 16. do. 17. do. 18. do. 19. do. 20. do. 21. do. 22. do. 23. do. 24. do. 25. do. 26. do. 27. do. 28. do. 29. do. 31. do. 32. do. 33. do. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 34. June 1st. 35. do. 36. do. 37. Do. 38. do. 39. do. 40. do. 41. do. 42. do. 43. do. 44. do. 45. do. 46. do. 47. do. 48. do. 49. do. 50. do. 51. do. 52. do. 53. do. 54. do. 55. do. 56. do. 57. do. 58. do. 59. do. 60. do. 61. do. 62. do. Peter Groff (deserted 6th July). Christ'n Wallick. Godfry Deringer. Henry Fredrick. Nathan Hinkel. John English (deserted 6th July). Henry Fisher (deserted 7th July). William Buttler. George Whitman. Henry Leffler. Nicholas Homm. Michael Groff. Adam Strectefinger. Francis Keehl. John Long. Michal Arnold. Henry W^eiss. Gittlieb Mock (deserted 9th July.) George Heffner. John Nothstein. Jacob Hickman. Michael Hienerleiter. David Sebolt. Jacob Rigle. Melcher Close. Michal Wissler. Harmon Gyse. Francis Fisher." Adam Christ. 1 3 4 1 Absent 2 3 4 1 I do Certify on honour that the Officers, Noncommissioned Officers and privates who appeared on the parade at the Bar- racks in Philadelphia, under my command, are bonafide en- COL. SAMUEL MILES. 391 gaged in the service of the Province of Pennsylvania and receive pay from the time mentioned opposite to their Names and according to the Rank they hold in this Roll— I do also certify on honour that the Nine Deserted- were effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names and the two sick were also effective. HENRY CHRIST, Capt. Note. — The Doctor declined giving his Certificate as he could not do it with exactness on acc't of the Battalions being so divided these several weeks past and his Books &c. being sent to Brunswick. Muster'd on the Parade at the Barracks in the city of Phila- delphia. Henry Christ's Company of the second Battalion of the Rifle Rigement in the Service of the Province of Pennsyl- vania, commanded by Samuel Miles Esq. Col. — One Captain, three Lieutenants — four Sergeants — one drum & fifty one pri- vates. This Muster taken from 1st June 1776 to 1st July following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH ERWIN'S COMPANY, (a.) This company was raised in Westmoreland county, joined the regiment at Marcus Hook, subsequently included in the Thirteenth Penn'a regiment, then in the second, and finally discharged at Valley Forge, January 1, 1778, by reason of expiration of term of enlistment. Engagements were Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Quibbletown, Bran- dywine, and Germantown. Captain. Erwin, Joseph, Westmoreland county, appointed March 9, 1776; commission dated April 6, 1776; promoted captain in Ninth ^enn'a. First Lieutenant. Carnighan, James, from second lieutenant; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776; after release he repaired to head- quarters in December, 1776, and served as a volunteer at Trenton and Princeton; promoted first lieutenant in Eighth Penn'a, on January 15, 1777. 392 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Second Lieutenants. Carnaghan, James, appointed Marcli 16, 1776; promoted first lieutenant, October 24, 1776. Sloan, David, from third lieutenant August 9, 1776; killed in battle, August 27, 1776; left a widow Mary, and daughter Ann, aged eleven, in 1789, residing in Westmoreland county. Sloan, David, appointed March 19, 1776; promoted second lieu- tenant, to date from August 9, 1776. Brownlee, Joseph, commission dated April 15, 1776; promoted second lieutenant October 24, 1776; missing since the battle August 27, 1776. Sergeants. Lindsay, William. Roddy, Samuel. Dugan, James. Justice, John. Drum and Fife. Howard, George. Gunnon, John. Geyer, John, drummer boy (eleven years of age), son of Peter Geyer, below; wounded in the heel at Germantown; dis- charged January 1, 1778, at Valley Forge; was a stone mason, residing in Metal township, Franklin county, in 1821. Privates. Anderson, Martin. Bentley, James. Brown, Andrew. Brownfield, Daniel, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Brownlee, John, April 1, 1776; discharged January 1, 1778; re- sided in Donegal township, Washington county, in 1814. Bryson, Andrew, April 1, 1776; drafted into the artillery at Brandywine; discharged January 1, 1778; resided in Bed- minster township, Bucks county, in 1816. Carnahan, Joseph. Dunnough, William. Doyle, Sylvester. Fitzgerald, Henry. Forsyth, James. Gunnon, Jeremiah, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Guthry, John, missing since the battle August 27, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 393 Guthry, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Geyer, Peter, enlisted at Hannastown; discharged at Valley Forge January 1, 177S; wounded by a bayonet in the groin, and by a ball in the leg at Germantown. His wife, Mary, went with his company as washer-woman, with her son John, above mentioned, and accompanied the regiment in all its marches; she was eighty-six years of age in 1821, then residing in Cumberland county; she had three other children, Jacob, Mary, and Catharine. Henderson, Edward. Hennan, David. Henuan, John. Henry, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Heslet, Robert. Holiday, William. Johnston, Robert. Kelly, Philip, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Leech, Archibald, discharged January 1, 1778; resided in Arm- strong county in 1811. Leech, James. Leonard, James, discharged January 1, 1778; resided in Warren cotinty, Ohio, in 1831, aged eighty-seven. McClelland, David. McCollister, James. McCord, Willi^. McKenzie, Andy, "a volunteer," missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Miller, Peter, resided in Bedford county in 1819. Moor, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Mull, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Nail, James. Nelson, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Nelson, William, wounded in the left knee; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776; resided in Westmoreland county in 1789. Orr, David. Riddle, John. Riddle, Robert. Roddy, Patrick. Sims, John. Singlewood, Stephen, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Stamper, Charles, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Stone, Allen. Stoops, John, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. 394 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Twifold, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Waddle, William, April, 1776; discharged January 1, 1778; re- sided in Westmoreland county in 1819. Watterson, John. Wead, Maurice. Wilkinson, Angus, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Three sergeants were also captured, but the roll does not indi- cate which. A MUSTER ROLL OP CAPTAIN JOSEPH ERWIN'S COM- PANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REGIMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA COMMANDED BY COL. SAM'L MILES ENCAMPED NEAR KINGS BRIDGE SEPTEMBER YE 4TH 1776. (c.) Joseph Erwin. James Carnahan. David Slone. Joseph Brownlee. George Howard. John Gunnon. Wil'm Lindsey. Samuel Roddy. James Dugon. John Justice. Captain. Lieutenants. Drum and Fife. Serjents. Privates. 1. David Heman. 2. David Orr. 3. John Stoops, missing. 4. Wil'm Nelson, missing. 5. John Henry, missing. 6. James Leech. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 395 7. John Waterson, Hospital. 8. Heslet Robert. 9. Henry Fitz Gerald. 10. John Sims. 11. Robert Riddle. 12. John Riddle. 13. Wil'm Moor, missing. 14. Peter Giiyher. 15. James Nelson, missing. 16. Wil'm Holiday, missing. 17. William McCord. 18. Silvester Doyle. 19. Patrick Roddy. 20. Charles Stamper, missing. 21. James Forsyth, Sick at Phila. 22. John Brownie. 23. Allen Stone. 24. Jeremiah Gunnon, mising. 25. Will'm Guthry, mising. 26. William Darrough. 27. James Lynard. 28. James McCallister. 29. Peter Miller. 30. William Mull, mising. 31. Brownfield Daniel, mising. 32. Philip Kellj% mising. 33. David McClelland. 34. John Guthry, mising. 35. Martin Anderson. 36. Angus Wilkison, mising. 37. James Nail. 38. John Herman, Hospital. 39. Archibald Leech. 40. Andrew Bryson. 41. Joseph Carnahan. 42. James Bently. 43. Edward Henderson. 44. Stephen Singlewood, mising. 45. Robert Johnson. 46. William Twifold, mising. 47. Maurice Wead. 48. William Waddle. Andy McKendzey, Volintear, missing. 396 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. m G C 5 3 a 3 a; & 2 ^ P E 1 -'z \ 1 1 19 & 1 Vol ' Total 1 3 4 1 1 4S & 1 Vol I do Certify on honour that the Officers, Non-commiss'd Offi- cers and privates who appear'd on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York, under my Command were bonafide, raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania and now engaged in Continental Service, and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also Certify on honour that the three Lieutenants, three Sergents, sixteen privates & one Volunteer Missing and two privates sick were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. JOSEPH ERWIN, Captain. Mustered on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York Capt. Joseph Erwin's Company — One Captain, One Ser- gent One Drum One fife and twenty nine privates. This Muster taken from 1st August 1776 to first September following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER GRUBB, JR'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Grubb, Peter, Jr., Lancaster county, March 12, 177( First Lieutenants. Bowen, Thomas Barth. (adjutant), April 6. 1776; promoted cap- tain Ninth Penn'a, November 28, 1776. Carpenter, John, from second lieutenant, August 9. 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 89? Second Lieutenant. Carpenter, John, promoted first lieutenant, August 9, 1776. Third Lieutenants. Smith, Abraham, resigned January 6, 1776. Moore, William, from sergeant; promoted first lieutenant Penn'a State Regiment. Sergeant Major. Frith, John. Sergeants. Ashton, Jacob, March 21, 1776; promoted ensign of Ninth Penn'a. Bower, Jacob, March 30, 1776; promoted July 15, 1776. Moore, William, March 26, 1776; promoted third lieutenant. Boyle, Peter, from private July 16, 1776. Crawford, Benjamin, from private July 24, 1776. Everett, Thomas, March 22, 1776; discharged July 23, 1776. Young, William. Grandison, George. Drummer. Reinald, Christopher, April 20, 1776. Fifer. Miller, Michael, March 18, 1776. Privates. Alcorn, James, March 24, 1776. Ansht [Uncts], Nicholas, April 25, 1776. Baker, Francis, May 13, 1776. Bowman, Abraham, April 1, 1776. Boyle, Peter, promoted sergeant July 16, 1776. Bradshaw, George, March 22, 1776. Brown, George, March 25, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Butt, Henry, July 7, 1776. Campbell, John, April 2, 1776. Chambers, John, April 6, 1776. 398 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Chapman, George, March 26, 1776; transferred to second Penn'a. Chapman, James, April 30, 1776. Crawford, Benjamin, March 25, 1776; promoted sergeant July 24, 1776. Cromer, Martin, May 10, 1776. Dale, Richard, March 28, 1776. Daniel, Jacob, April 28, 1776. Eichelberger, Jacob, April 6, 1776. Eichelberger, John. Eisehaver, Fred, April 15, 1776. Elliot, William, April 14, 1776. Gohean, Edward, April 1, 1776. Grace, Andrew, April 13, 1776. Greaves [Graves], Jacob, March 23, 1776. Grove, John, March 19, 1776. Grove, Samuel, April 8, 1776. Hall, Robert, May 8, 1776. Hall, William, May 12, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Helm, John, April 22, 1776. Helm, Fred., April 20, 1776. Henderson, Robert, July 5, 1776; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Henry, James. Henry, Joseph, July 28, 1776. Henry, William. Hill, John, May 21, 1776. Johnston, James, April 30, 1776. Kennedy, John, March 27, 1776. King, Peter, March 27, 1776. Kline, Conrad, April 9, 1776. Kline, John, April 8, 1776. Kremer, John Adams, April 28, 1776. Leab, Michael, March 19, 1776. Logan, William, March 23, 1776. Long, Benjamin, enlisted at Lebanon, April 9, 1776; discharged January 1, 1778; in Franklin county, in 1827. Lowden, Stephen, April 26, 1776. Lutz, Henry, March 31, 1776. Mansfield, James, April 30, 1776. McAfee, Neal, April 15, 1776. McConnomy, William, July 12, 1776. McCormack, Charles, March 24, 1776. McDonald, James, July 12, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 399 McFarlan, Joseph, April 13, 1T7G; missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. McNeal, Laughlin, March 22, 1776. McQuaide, John, April 8, 1776. Messersmith, Andrew, April 11, 1776. Miller, Jeremiah, March 30, 1776; his wife Betty accompanied him, and November 27, 1776, escaped from the enemy at Brunswick. Miller, Michael. Miller, Peter, April 1, 1776. Nevin, Patrick, March 25, 1776. Newman, Walter, March 29, 1776. Pontius, John, April 28, 1776. Powell, Fred., March 31, 1776. Robinson, William, May 9, 1776. Ross, John, March 26, 1776. Schreiber, Sebastian, March 21, 1776. -Scott, James, March 25, 1776. Scott, John March 26, 1776. Sewalt, Jacob, March 22, 1776. Schott, Ludwig, March 25, 1776. Sell [Sull], John, March 29, 1776. Sipples, John, April 20, 1776. Slotterbach, George, April 9, 1776. Smith, John, April 8, 1776. Smith, Robert, March 25, 1776. Snelbecker, George, June 27, 1776. Snelbecker, John. Springer, Philip, April 5, 1776. Stewart, Richard, May 4, 1776. Stone, John, April 22, 1776. Vancourt, Jacob, April 9, 1776. Wolfe, Daniel, April 11, 1776. Wolfe, Mathias, April 28, 1776. Walborn, Andrew, March 21, 1776. Walborn, Mardinous, March 21, 1776. Weyland, Michael, May 16, 1776; re-enlisted iu Thirteenth Penn'a. Wickle, John. May 3, 1776. Young. William, July 3, 1776. 400 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. •anp Xb<3 jo SDUBiiBji ■Suiqioio suiiv joj eSBadojs ■iljuoui jad XBd anx •XBd JO }UaiU30U8tUUI00 - o T . 3; CO O r; M O rt !5 E S£| dJ ^- C g -• c :g^^g E ^ £ a. S K ^ ^ s|is^|p||5 I'^to'^ COL. SAMUEL MILES. 401 o o ! ! ° \ - ^ 1 i ; :f iili; ;N ■• ^A^\ :Ib^ e : :^^-^, •^-•= : g 5~ • . £ Si ^, oT « 5 : ^ 3 g;^o«:P.§-«-5^5a;£5S-g^;-aww5g|Si|fc «fS|3i^S5^dHc^|sS£-H'Sis«c^^-g-oE|fg.t« ,1! P :§ o rt « « 3 .0., o ,f ;F- S # « « ,■;; o o a; C 5 o o ,f .^ ;p 5 .« .«> P .^ P o 26— Vol. II— 5th Sor PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. missing, missing. •anp Xbj; jo aouBiiua omoo^cc-. cc.ccT.rr, c=a-. 0-. c=«cnu= ■Suiq^oiD ry SUIJB JOJ aSBddOiS ■U1U0UI jad ABd aUi •X»a JO ^uauiaouauiiuoo •SUOIJB^S ::::::::::::::::: E :::::::::::::::::£ ::::::::::::::::: 3 ::::::::::::::::: z John Adam Kremer Matthias Wolfe John Chambers, Neal McAfee, ...' John Helm John McWaide William Robinson Robert Hall William Hall Michae4 Veland John Hill, Robert Henderson William McConnomy John Schnelbecker Henry Butt James Henry Michael Millar Stophel Reinald COL. SAMUEL MILES. 403 S : : : : « • g tc o g 01 j; t. o 5i •= ? •? g 404 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER GRUBB'S COMPANY, OF THE SECOND BATT. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT COMMANDED BY COL. SAMUEL MILES ESQR.— MUSTERD IN CAMP NEAR KING'S BRIDGE, 1ST SEPT'R, 1776. (c.) Peter Grubb. Captain. Lieutenants. 1. Tho. Bart. Bowen. 2. John Carpenter. 3. Abraham Smith. Tho. Bart. Bowen, Adjutant. John Frith, Sergeant Major. Drum and Fife. Michael Millar, fifer. Christopher Reinald, Drum 1. William Moore. 2. Peter Boyle. 3. Benjamin Crawford. 4. William Young. Sergeants. Privatss. 1. John Grove. 2. George Br;.dshaw. 3. William Logan. 4. John Eichelberger, Hospital. 5. Hobert Smith, Hospital. 6. Patt. Neivin. 7. Geoi-ge Chapman. 8. John Ross. ■' 9. John Scott. 10. John Kennady. 11. Jacob Sewalt. 12. Laughlin McNeal. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 405 13. Peter King. 14. Ludwig Shott. 15. Sebastian Shrinber. 16. John Sell. 17. Fred. Powell. IS. Charles McCormack, sick at Amboy. 19. Jeremiah Millar. 20. Henry Lutz. 2L Peter Millar. 22. Jacob Eichelberger. 23. George Slotterbach. 24. John Kline. 25. Conrad Kline. 26. Benjamin Long. 27. Andrew Messersmith. 28. Edward Gohean, G. 29. John Smith. 30. Philip Springer, Hospital. 31. John Campbell, Hospital. 32. P^red. Eisehaver. 33. Fred. Helm, sick. 34. Andrew Grace. 35. Nicholas Ansht. 36. James Chapman. 37. James' Johnston. 38. John Sipple. 39. Stephen Lowden. 40. Joseph McFarling, missing. 41. John Pimtzius. 42. John Adam Kremar. 43. Matthias Wolfe. 44. John Chambers. 45. William Elliot. 46. Neal McAfee, G. 47. John Helm, missing. 48. John McWaide. 49. William Hall. 50. William Robinson. 51. Robert Hall, G. 52. Daniel Wolf, sick. 53. Michael Veland, Hospital. 54. John Hill. 55. John Snelbecker. 56. Robert Henderson, missing. 406 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 57. William McConnomy. 58. Henry Butt, G. 59. William Henry. 60. James McDonnald. 61. John Stone, absent. 62. George Brown, missing. ft o 1 in E 3 E < 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 ' I do Certify on honour that the Officers Non Commiss'd Officers and privates who appear'd on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York, under my Command, were bonfide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania, and now engaged in Continental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also Certify on honour that the eight privates sick, four missing and One absent were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. PETER GRUBB, Capt'n. Muster'd on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York — Capt. Peter Grubbs Company One Captain, three Lieu- tenants, four Sergeants, One Drum, One fife; One Adjutants, One Sergeants Major and fifty privates — This Muster taken from 1st August 1776 to 1st Septem'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 407 MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER GRUBBS COMPANY OF THE SECOND BATTALION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT COMMANDED BY COL. SAMUEL MILES, ESQR. MUSTER'D AT CAMP NEAR KINGS BRIDGE, 1ST SEPT'R 1776. (c.) Captain. Peter Grubb. Lieutenants. 1. Tho. Bart. Bowen. 2. John Carpenter. 3. Abraham Smith. Tho. Bart. Bowen, Adjutant. John Frith, Serj't Major. Michael Miller. Christopher Reinold. 1. William Moore. 2. Peter Boyle. 3. Benjamin Crawford. 4. William Young. Fifer. Serjeants. Privates. 1. John Grove. 2. George Bradshaw. 3. William Logan. 4. John Eichelberger, Hospital. 5. Robert Smith, Hospital. 6. Patrick Neivin. 7. George Chapman. 8. John Ross. 9. John Scott. 10. John Kennady. 11. Jacob Sewalt. 12. Laughlin McNeal. 13. Peter King. 408 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. 14. Ludwig Shott. 15. Sebastian Schreiber. 16. John Hill. 17. Fred. Powell. 18. Charles McCormack, sick at Amboy. 19. Jeremiah Miller. 20. Henry Lutz. 21. Peter Millar. 22. Jacob Eichelberger. 23. George Slotterbach, 24. John Kline. 25. Conrad Kline. 26. Benjamin Long. 27. Andrew Messersmith. 28. Edward Gohean. 29. John Smith. 30. Philip Springer, Hospital. 31. John Campbell, Hospital. 32. Fred, Eischaver. 33. Fred, Helm, sick. 34. Andrew Grace. 35. Nicholas Ansht. 36. James Chapman. 37. James Johnston. 38. John Sipple. 39. Stephen Lowden. 40. Joseph McFarling, missing. 41. John Puntzius. 42. John Adam Kremar. 43. Matthias Wolfe. 44. John Chambers. 45. William Elliot. 46. Neal McAfee, G. 47. John Helem, missing. 48. John McWaide. 49. Robert Hall, G. 50. William Robinson. 51. William Hall. 52. Daniel Wolfe, sick. 53. Michael Veland, Hospital. 54. John Hill. 55. John Snelbecker. 56. Robert Henderson, missing. 57. William McConnomy. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 58. Henry Butt, G. 59. William Henry. 60. James M. Donnald. 61. John Stone, absent. 62. George Brown, missing. s m oj *i •3 a a B 3 Si nl 2 3 u J m u. P^ < 1 3 4 1 1 50 13 1 1 nt ' ' Total 1 ' 4 1 1 63 1 1 I do certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commiss'd Officers and privates who appear'd on the parade in Camp near Kings Bridge New York, under my Command, were bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania, and now engaged in Continental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold on this Roll — I do also Certify on honour that the eight Privates Sick, and four Privates missing & one absent were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. PETER GRUBB Captn. Mustered on the parade in Camp near Kings Bridge New York — Captn. Peter Grubbs Company One Captain, three Lieu- tenants, four Serjeants, One Drum, One fife. One Adjutant, One Sergent Major, and fifty privates— This Muster taken from 1st August 1776 to 1st Septem: following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. 410 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. MUSTER RULL OF CAPT'N PETER GRUBB'S COMP'Y OF THE 2D BATT. OF THE PENNSYLV'A RIFLE REGIMENT COMMAND BY DANIEL BROADHEAD, ESQUIRE, FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1776— STATIONED NEAR N. YORK, (c.) 1. Peter Grubb, Captain. 2. Thomas Bartw. Bowen, Lieutenant. 3. Abraham Smith, Lieutenant. 4. William Moore, Lieutenant. 1. John Frith, Serj't Major. 2. Peter Boyle, Serj't. 3. William Young, Serj't (Des'd 22 Sep.). 4. Benjamin Crawford, Serj't. 5. Michael Miller, Fifer (des'd 22 Sep.). 6. Stophel Recinald, Drummer. 1. John Grove, Private. 2. George Bradshaw. 3. William Logan (Des'd 22d Sep.). 4. John Eichelberner. 5. Robert Smith. 6. Patrick iNeivin. 7. George Chapman (Des'y 20th Sep.). 8. John Ross. -' 9. John Scott. 10. John Kenedy. 11. Jacob Seevalt. 12. Laughlin McNeal. 13. Peter King (Des'd 20th Sep.). 14. Ludwig Shott (Des'd 22d Sep.). 15. Sebastian Schuber. 16. John Sell (Des'd 20th Sep.). 17., Frederick Powell (Des'd 22d Sep.). 18. Charles McCormack. 19. Jer. Millar. 20. Henry Lutz (Des'd 22d). 21. Peter Millar (Des'd 22d Sep.). 22. Jacob Eichelberner. 23. George Slotterback (Des. 22d Sep.). 24. John Kline (Des. 19th Sep.). 25. Conrad Kline. 26. Benjamin Long. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 411 27. Andrew Messersmith (Des'd 22d Sep.). 28. Edward Coheau. 29. John Smith. 30. John Campbell (Des'd 21st Sep.). 31. Fred. Eischaver (Des'd 20th Sep.). 32. Frederick Helm. 33. Nicholas Ansht (Des'd 22d Sep.). 34. Andrew Grace. 35. James Chapman. 36. John Sipple. 37. Stephen. 38. John Puntzius (Des'd 22d Sep.). 39. John Ad. Kremer (Des'd 19th Sep.). 40. Mathias Wolfe (Des'd 22d Sep.). 41. John Chambers. 42. William Elliot. 43. Neal McA Fee. 44. John McWaide. 45. William Robinson. 46. Robert Hall. 47. William Hall. 48. Michael Veland. 49. John Hill. 50. William McConnomy (Des'd 22 Sep.). 51. John Snelbecker (Des. 22 Sep.). 52. Henry Butt. 53. Joseph Henry. 54. James McDonnald. 55. John Stone. John Ashton, Serj't, sick in Philada. Thos. Bart. Bowen, Adjutant. c c c a •JJ E 3 A . C k Ch 2 2 1 1 1 1 Mustered in Camp near Correll's ferry Capt. Peter Grubb's Comp'y of Col. Miles' Rifle Reg't — two Lieut's, One Serg't sick in Camp, five privates on Guard and one wt. Capt'n Grubb to be effective certified on the back of this Roll— This Muster taken from 1st Octo'r 1776 to 1st Decem'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. of P. ROLL OF CAPTAIN LEWIS FARMER'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Farmer, Lewis, of Philadelphia, commissioned April 6, 1776; wounded on Long Island August 27, 1776; promoted major March 14, 17/7. First Lieutenant. Davis, John, April 6, 1776; taken August 27, 1776; promoted captain in Ninth Penn'a. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 415 Second Lieutenants. Wirt, George, promoted first lieutenant in Capt. Shade's com- panj'. May 28, 177G. Jacquet, Joseph, from third lieutenant; killed in battle August 27, 1776; left a widow residing in Philadelphia in 1791. Third Lieutenants. Jacquet, Joseph, commissioned April 6, 1776; promoted second lieutenant May 28, 1776. Brodhead, Luke, appointed May 28, 1776; taken prisoner Au- gust 27, 1776; exchanged December 8, 1776, for Lieut. Wel- lington, of the Twenty-sixth British; appointed second lieutenant from October 24, 1776. Sergeants. Swartz, Christian Gotfried, first sergeant, April 12, 1776. Hoffner, George, second sergeant, (sergeant major). May 8, 1776. ShefHer, Valentine, third sergeant, April 16, 1776. Gorman, Joseph, fourth sergeant, March 29, 1776; in 1777, pro- moted ensign of Thirteenth Penn'a. Murphy, John, from private, July 17, 1776. Drum and Fife. Garrett, Robert, March 19, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Wolff, Frederick, March 14, 1776; discharged May 29, 1776. Privates. Adam, Christian, May 11, 1776. Adams, Christopher. Adams, William, April 21, 1776. Alspaugh, David, March 23, 1776. Alspaugh, John, March 23, 1776. Alstot, John, April 20, 1776. Anderson, Alexander, April 12, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Anderson, John, April 25, 1776. Barry, John, April 4, 1776. Bathorn, Hugh, March 22, 1776; discharged June 12, 1776. Bidy, John, May 6, 1776. Bikle, Jacob. 416 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Brenner, John, April 10, 1776. Broxen, Benjamin, April 29, 1776. Bryan, George, May 5, 1776. Baum, Bardie, May 11, 1776. Burger, John, April 20, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Butterwork, Isaac, April 17, 1776; discharged June 28, 1776. Cordier, Henry, May 11, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Carlick, George, April 10, 1776. Coone, Matthias, April 29, 1776. Craige, David, April 18, 1776. Creewas [Graywas], Bastian, April 9, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Daniel, Cornelius, April 19, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Dehart, Samuel, April 12, 1776. Oilman, Andrew, April 11, 1776. Oilman, George, April 9, 1776. Dunkelberger, John, March 23, 1776. Durland, Jacob, April 12, 1776. Edwards, John, May 8, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Emrish, John, April 4, 1776. Englehard, Jacob, missing since August 27, 1776. Feeser, John, May 8, 1776. Flanigan, Timothy, May 8, 1776. Foey, Christian, May 2, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Frederick, Abraham, May 10, 1776. Freese, Philip, April 1, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Garling, George, missing since August 27, 1776. Gigher [Gyeger], John, May 2, 1776. Haas, John, May 6, 1776. Hackett, Benjamin, April 29, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Hagar, Jonathan, April 4, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Hamans, Lawrence, April 5, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Harris, Francis, April 27, 1776; discharged June 22, 1776. Hass, Peter, April 10, 1776. Hause, Nicholas, April 13, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Haynes, John, April 30, 1776. Haynes, Martin, April 30, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Hettrick, George, April 1, 1776. Hettrick, Adam, April 12, 1776. Heartman, Henry, April 19, 1776. Hering, Christopher, April 10, 1776. Hill, Frederick, May 1, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 417 Hingle, Leonard, March 23, 1776. Holder, Jacob, April 7, 17:(i. Houser, Ludwig, April 12, 1776; resided near Strasburg, Frank- lin county, 1818. Inglehart, Jacob, April 2S, 1776. Isenhauer, Philip, April 4, 1776; residsd in Mercer county in 1826. Jones, Race [ReeseJ, April 4, 1776. Keasper, Samuel, May 11, 1776. Keating, John, April 13, 1776; transferred to Capt. Peebles' company, July 3, 1776. Kecht, Jacob, April 14, 1776. Keither [Kydle], Adam, April 19, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Kirkpatrick, George, May 2, 1776; died July 8, 1776. Knode, Henry, May 2, 1776. Koppenhaver, Jacob, May 8, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Latcha, John, April 5, 1776. Lederman, Michael, May 2, 1776. Lehman, Henry, April 20, 1776; re-enlisted in Capt. John Cobea's company, Second Penn'a. Leidy, Valentine, May 3, 1776. Loch, George, April 24, 1776. Lonsiscus [Lanciskis], Jacob, April 1, 1776. Mace, Paul, April 10, 1776. Mahoney, Thomas, May 2, 1776. McCalpene, Thomas, May 21, 1776. Mecum, Frederick, April 18, 1776. Meserly, Conrad, May 11, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Miller, Frederick, Jr., April 1, 1776. Miller, Frederick, Sr., July 5, 1776. Miller, George, Jr., May 2, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Miller, George, Sr., July 5, 1776. Moore, William, April 18, 1776. Murphy, John, May 8, 1776; promoted sergeant July 17, 1776. Mease, Balser, April 14, 1776; see Second Penn'a. Onglebeck, Matthias, April 20, 1776. Pelser, Anthony, May 9, 1776. Piggle, Jacob, April 9, 1776. Resler, George Hendrick, May 1, 1776. Rouse, Jacob, April 10, 1776. 27— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 418 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Salada, Melchior (armorer), May 2, 1776; discharged by order of Congress in December, 1776, to enter the service of D. & S. Hughes, in mailing cannon. Swager, Adam, April 9, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Segler, Peter, April 29, 1776. Seiginger, Nicholas, May 1, 1776. Shifle, Jacob, April 4, i776; wounded August 27, 1776; re- enlisted for three years; resided in Montgomery county in 1813. Sheetz, Francis, April 29, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Shutt, Jacob, April 1, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Simon, Samuel, April 1, 1776. Slotterer, Jacoo, April 6, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Smith, John, May 9, 1776. Snatterly, Henry, April 5, 1776. Stargar, Justis [Youst], March 14, 1776; transferred to Capt. Long's Company. Straupe, Adam, April 10, 1776. Stump, Christopher, April 5, 1776. Stump, George, March 26, 1776. Unklebach, Matthias. Vanemogher, Philip, April 20, 1776. Voolever, Godlip, April 8, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Ward, William, April 29, 1776. Wert, Christian, March 23, 1776. Wetsteine [Wetstone], Balser, April 30, 1776. Wise, Henry, April 30, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Young, John, May 4, 1776; missing since August 27, 1776. Zeister, Daniel, May 2, 1776. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 419 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN LEWIS FARMER'S COM- PANY OF THE REGIMENT OP RIFLE MEN IN THE SER- VICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COM- MANDED BY SAMUEL MILES, ESQR., COLONEL, QUAR- TERED AT MARCUS HOOK, (c.) I g I v< O O 1) O rt 2 a April 12, 1776, May 8, April 16, Mar. 29, Mar. 19, Mar. 14, June 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, Captain. I^wis Farmer, EEq'r. Lieutenants. John Davis, ith. George Werb 2cl promoted May 20th, 1st Lt., in Capt. Shad's Co. promoted May 2Sth, 2d Lt., in Capt. Farmer's Co. appointed May 2Sth, 3d Lt., in Capt. Farmer's Co. 1st. 2d. 3d. ■Ith. Discharged May 29th, 1776 Joseph Jacquet. 3th Serjants. Christian Godfried Swartz, Valentine Shofler Drummer. Robert Garret. Fifer. Frederick Wolf Privates. transferrd to Capt. Long's Co. Discharged June 12th. on Furlow 24 June. i 5 6 7 8 q Leonard Hingle. Jcihn Duncalbagger. John Alspach. David Alspach. Christian Wert. George ?tiimp. 10 11 12 13 14 Jacob Shutt. Samuel Simon. George Hedrick. Frederick Miller. Phillip Freese. 420 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. CAPT. LEWIS FARMER'S MUSTER ROLL— Continued. 15 John Barry. 16 Philip lisinhovei-. 17 Jacob Hecht. 18 Rice Jones. 19 Jacob !~hively. 20 John Latcha, deserted 7th July. 21 Lawrence Hamman. 22 Jacob Slotterer. 23 Jacob Holder deserted 6th July. 24 Godlib Voolever. 25 Bostian Creeuas. 26 Johanes Rouse. 27 Jacob Piggle. 28 George Dilman. 29 Paul Maise, deserted 7th July. 30 31 Christopher Hooron. Adam Stroup. 32 John Brenner. 33 Jacob Rouse. 34 George Garlick. 35 Peter Hass. 36 Andrew Dilman. 37 Adam Hedrick. 38 Jacob Durland. 89 Samuel Deheart. 40 Ludwick Houser. 41 l[ Alexandr. Anderson. 42 Nicholas Hass. 43 John Ceakton Transferred to Cap t. Peble's, 3d July. 44 Balser Meese. 45 Is^aac Butterwork dischargd June 2Sth. 46 William Moore. 47 David Craige. 48 Frederick McCum. 49 Henry Hartman. 60 Adam Swager. 61 Cornelius Daniel. 62 Adam Kidle. 53 John Alstot. E< Johanes Burger. 55 Henry I.enian, Sick at Marcus Ilcck. 56 Phili)) Vai emogher. 57 Mathias Ongleback Sick at Marcus Hook. 58 William Adams. 59 George Loch. 60 John Anderson. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 421 CAPT. LEWIS FARMER'S MUSTER ROLL— Continued. 61 Francis Havris, dischrgd June 22d. 62 Jacob Ingleheart. 63 Peter Segler. 64 Benjamin Hacket. 6.-1 William Ward. 66 Francis Shits. 67 Mathias Coone. 6S Benjamin Broxen Sick at I...c o Z Q 14 April,... Arch, Murphey. 15 4 Do. ... Sam'l Smalley. 16 5 Do. ... Wm. Mclntire. 17 28 Mar VCm. Powers. IS 9 April John Hurley. 19 10 Do. ... Henry Fitner. 20 Do. ... Jacob Fiock. 21 Do. ... John McKinney. 22 Do. ... Wm. Myler. 23 12 Do. ... Thos. Higinbotton. 21 12 Do. ... Jacob Stretch. 25 15 Do. ... Jas. Barnet. 26 Do. ... Howel Griffith. _ — 27 Do. ... Wm. Perry. 28 16 Do. ... John Shilton. 29 Do. ... John Williams. 30 17 Do. ... John Roddy. 31 32 IS Do. ... Do. ... Andrew Lynch. Daniel McCean. 33 Do. ... Hugh Haggerty. 34 Do. ... John KUiott. 35 8 Do. ... Wm. Rich. 36 20 Do. ... Thos. Christophsr. 37 22 April John Fitzgerrel. 38 Do. ... John Barliley Discharged unfit for service. 39 23 Do. ... John Emanuel Petlliet. 40 Do George Tempels. 41 23 Do. ... Joseph Griffith.^ Tho's Murry. t/^ 42 Do. ... 43 Do. ... Patrick Kelley. 44 Do John Cunningham. 45 Do. ... Thos. Kelley. 46 Do. ... Thos. Fullum. 47 Do. ... Patrick Fotrel. 48 24 Do. ... Patrick McGlachlin, Deserted April 25. 49 25 Do. ... John Slope. 50 3 Mar Jas. Duffleld. 51 4 Do. ... Adam Teat. 52 8 April,... Matthias Cepler. 53 17 Do. ... Jehu Burket. 54 29 Do. ... John Morland. 55 Patrick Ried Deserted May 14. 56 Jas McGargy Not yet joined the Comp'y. 57 Robt. McDowel, do. do. do. 58 Jas McDowel Discharged. 59 Jacob McCean Deserted May 18. 60 21 Mar.,... Hugh Dougherty .Absent not yet joined Comp'y. 438 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Mustered on the Parade at Marcus Hook. Capt. Andrew Long's Company of the first Battallion of the Rifle Regiment in the service of the province of Penna. Commanded by- Samuel Miles Esqr. Col. — One Captain, three Lieutenants, two Sergeants, One Drummer and fifty-two Privates — The Muster taken to the 4 June 1776. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. 2 s^ fl t a! CJ ►4 m fl h 1 3 2 1 52 Absent 1 3 1 I do certify on honour that the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, who appeared this day on the Parade at Marcus Hook, under my Command, are bona fida engaged in the Service of the Province of Pennsylvania, and received pay from the times mentioned (opposite to their names,) and according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also Certify on honour that the three absentees are effective but not yet joined the Company, and the three Deserters were also effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. — June 6th, 1776. ANDREW LONG, Capt. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 439 PAY ROLL OF CAPT. ANDREW LONG'S COMPANY OF YE FIRST BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REG'T IN THE SER- VICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA COM- MANDED BY DANIEL BROADHEAD ESQR. COLONEL, (c.) Pay Due on the first day of Sept. 1776. Andrew Long Jno. Spear Jos. L. Finley, Abraham Hagus, .. Jno. Vanpelt, Arch'd Murphey, ... Thos. Haginbottom, Henry Donely, Jos. Nelson 1. Jno. Lawson 2. Jno. Elliott 3. Jno. Beatty 4. David Levingston, . 5. Simon Ruffcorn, ... 6. Benjamin Havind, . 7. Sam'l Smith, 8. Bex Dean 9. Sam'l Smalleg 10. Abraham Stretton, . 11. Owen Griffith 12. Wm. Powers 13. Enoch Allen, 14. Abraham Dunlap, . 15. Henry Fitner 16. Jacob Fiock 17. Jno. McKinney 18. Wm. Myler 19. Jacob Stretch 20. Jas. Barnet 21. Howel Griffith 22. Wm. Perry 23. Jno. Williams 24. Andrew Lynch 25. Daniel McCean, ... 26. Hugh Hagerty, .... 27. Jno. Elliott, Sr 28. Jno. Hurley 29. Jno. Fitzgerald, ... 30. Jno. Pettilicad i^ H g s: < S u fe 0. p. o h U2 M. W. D. 10 10 10 1 3 4 1 2d Do 3d Do Do Do Fifer, Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do . . Do . . Do Do Do . .. . Do . . Do Do 440 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. PAY ROLL OF CAPT. ANDREW LONG'S COMPANY- tinued. Pay Due on the first day of Sept. 1776. -Con- m ■t; < g ^ u n-, ^ >• 1 Geo. Temples Jos. Griffith, Thos. Murrey Patrick Kelley, ... Jno. Cunningham, Thos Kelley Thos. Fullam Patrick Fotteral, . Jno. Stope Adam Teat Jno. Moreland, Hugh Mulholon, ... Thomas Christopher M. W. D. Do Do .... Do Do Do Do MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. ANDREW LONG'S COMPANY OF THE FIRST BATTALLION OF THE RIFLE REG'T IN THE SERVICE OP THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA COMMANDED BY DANIEL BROADHEAD ESQR. COLONEL QUARTERED AT CAMP NEAR KING'S BRIDGE, (c.) Andrew Long, Sick. John Spear. Joseph L. Finley. Benjamin Hargus, Captain. Lieutenants. Recruiting. Serg't. Jno. Vanpelt. Arch'd Murphey, Missing. Thos. Higinbotton. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 441 Drum. & Fifer. Henry Douely, Missing. Jas. Nelson, Missing. Privates. Jno. Lawson. Jno. Elliott, Juu'r, Missing Jno. Beaty, Missing. David Levingston. Simon Ruffcorn. Benj'n Haverd, Missing. Sam'l Smith. Rex Dean. Sam'l Smalley, Sick. Abraham Stretton. Owen Griffith. Wm. Powers. Enoch Allen. Abraham Dunlap, Missing, John Hurly, Deserted. Henry Filuer. Jacob Fiock. Jno. McKinney. Wm. Myler. Jacob Stretch. Jas. Barnet. Howel Griffith. "Wm. Perry. 7. Jno. Williams, Missing. S. Andrew Lynch. 29. Dan'l McCean, Missing. 30. Hugh Hagerty. 31. Jno. Elliott, Sen'r, Missing. 32. Jno. Fitzgerald, Deserted. 33. Jno. Pittilead. 34. Geo. Temples. 35. Jos. Griffith. ''36. Thos. Murrey. 37. Patrick Kelly, Missing. 38. Jno. Cunningham. 39. Thos. Kelly. 40. Thos. Frillam. 41. Patrick Fotrel. . 42. Jno. Stope. 43. Adam Teat. 44. 45. 46. Jno. Moreland. 47. Hugh Mulholan. 48. 49. 50. 51. Thos. Christopher, Missing. o. D & b 6 u J Ul « fa Present, Absent, 2 2 1111 3 S 1 1 442 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Mustered on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York, Capt. Andrew Long's Company — One Captain, two Lieu- tenants two Sergeants and Thirty-one privates— This Muster taken from 1 August, 1776, to 1 Sept. following. I do certify on honour that the officers non Commissioned officers and privates who appeared on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York, under my command, were bona- fide raised for the defence of the State of Pennsylvania, and now engaged in Continental Service, and receive pay accord- ing to the Rank they hold in their Roll. I do also certify on honour that one Lieut. Recruiting, one Sergeant, one Drum & Fife and nine privates Missing — Also one private sick and two Deserted, were all effective to the times mentioned oppo- site to their names. ANDREW LONG, Capt. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. ANDREW LONG'S COMPANY OF YE FIRST BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REG'T IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA COM- MANDED BY DANIEL BROADHEAD, ESQR. COLONEL. IN CAMP NIGH HEAD QUARTERS, (c.) Captain. Andrew Long, absent without leave from Sept. 26, '76. Joseph L. Finley. Abraham Hargis. John Vanpelt. Archibald Murphey. George Gordon. Lieutenants. Sergeants. Drum and Fife. COL. SAMUEL MILES. Privates. 1. John Moreland. 2. Jas. Barnet. 3. Geo. Temples. 4. Sam'l Smith. 5. Abraham Stratton. • 6. Thos. Murry. 7. Jos. Griffith. 8. Thos. Kelley. 9. Jno. Cunningham, Desert. 10. David Levingston. 11. Jacob Stretch. 12. Simon iiuffcorn, Desert. 13. Owen Griffith, Desert. 14. V/illiam Perrey. 15. Rex Dean. 16. Jno. McKiuney. 17. Hugh Haggerty. IS. Henry Fitner, Desert. 27. Jno. Stope. 28. Enoch Allen, Discharged. 29. Thos. Fullam. 30. Jonathan Wright. 31. Jas. Becket. 32. Wm. Hall. 33. Rob't Linn. 34. Phillip Gates. 35. Hugh Mulholon, Sick. 36. Howel Griffith, Sick, 37. Sam'l Smalley, Sick. Rank. m . c a 3 be > o J «5 2 S 30 Ah^ 1 1 6 ' Total .. 2 3 36 I do certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commiss'd Officers and privates who appeared on the parade in Camp near Harlem N. York under my Command were bonafide raised for the Defense of the State of Pennsylvania and now in Continental service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll— I do also certify on honour that the Captain is absent without leave and six Privates absenteees were all effective. JOSEPH L. FINLEY, Lt. Mustered in Camp near Harlem N. York— Capt. Andrew Long's Company — two Lieutenants — three Sergeants and Thirty privates. This Muster taken from 1 Sept. 1776 to 1 October following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. G. of P. PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. ANDREW LONG'S COMPANY OF THE FIRST BATTALION OF THE RIFLE REGIMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA COMMANDED BY DANIEL BROADHEAD ESQR. COLO- NEL. IN CAMP NEAR KINGSBRIDGE. (c.) Andrew Long. John Spear. Joseph L. Finley. James Hagus. Captain. Lieutenants. Sergeants. Jno. Vanpelt. Archibald Murphey. Thos. Higginbotton, Missing. Drum and Fife. Henry Donely, Missing. Jas. Nelson, Missing. Privates. 1. Jno. Lawson. 17. Jno. Hurley, Deserted. 2. Jno. Elliott, Jun'r, Missing. 18. Henry Fitner. 3. Jno. Beaty, Missing. 19. Jacob Fiock. 4. David Levingstone. 20. Jno. McKinney. 5. 21. Wm. Myler. 6. Simon Ruffcorn. 22. Jacob Stretch. 7. Benjamin Havird, Missing. 23. Jas. Barnet. 8. Sam'l Smith. 24. Howel Griffith. 9. Rex Dean. 25. Wm. Perry. 10. Sam'l Smalley, Sick. 26. 11. 27. Jno. Williams, Missing. 12. Abraham Stretton. 28. Andrew Lynch. 13. Owen Griffith. 29. Daniel McCean, Missing. 14. Wm. Powers. 30. Hugh Hagerty. 15. Enoch Allen. 31. Jno. Elliott, Sen'r, Missing. 16. Abraham Dunlap, Missing. 32. Jno. Fitzgerald, Deserted. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 445 33. Jno. Pittilead. 34. Geo. Temples. 35. Jas. Griffith. 36. Thos. Murry. 37. Patrick Kelly, Missinj 38. Jno. Cunningham. 39. Thos. Kelley. 40. Thos. Fullam. 41. Patrick Fotrel. 42. Jno. Stope. 43. Adam Teat. 44. 45. 46. Jno. Moreland. 47. 48. Hugh Mulholon. 49. 50. 51. Thos. Christopher, Missing Present, Absent, C C C o iJ t/. O fc, 1 2 2 Ill 13 3 1 Mustered on the Parade in Camp near Kings Bridge New York Capt. Andrew Long's Company — One Captain, two Lieu- tenants and Thirty-one Privates — This Muster taken from 1 August 1776 to 1 Sept. following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. I do certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commissioned Officers and privates who appeared on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York under my Command were bona fide raised for the Defense of the State of Pennsylvania, and now engaged in Continental Service and receive pay accord- ing to the Rank they hold in his Roll — I do also Certify on honour that the One Lieut. One Sergeant, One Drum & Fife Missing & Nine privates Missing — Also one private Sick and two Deserted — were all effective to the times mentioned oppo- site to their names. 1 Sept. 1776. ANDREW LONG, Capt. 446 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. LONG'S COMPANY BELONG- ING TO THE PENNSYLVANIA REG'T OF RIFLE-MEN, COMMANDED BY COLONEL DANIEL BROADHEAD ESQ. DEC. 17. 1776. (c.) Lieut. Finley, Recruiting. Serg'ts. Jno. Vanpelt, Sick G. Hospital. Arch'd Murphey. Geo. Gordon. Privates. Sam'l Smith. Abraham Stratton, Siclv in Gen. Hospital. Hugh Mulholon. Geo. Temples. v/Thos. Murry. Jos. Griffith. Thos. Kelley, Sick G. Hospital. Jacob Stretch, Sick G. Hospital. Rex Dean, Sick G. Hospital. Jno. McKinney, Sick G. Hospital. Jno. Lawson, Command. Hugh Haggerty, Desert. 15 Nov. Patrick Fotrel, Sick G. Hospital. Adam Teat, Sick in Hospital. Wm. Myler, Sick in Hospital. Wm. Perry, Sick in Hospital. Thos. Fullum, Sick in Hospital. Andrew Lynch, Sick in Hospital. Jacob Fiock, Sick in Hospital. Jno. Pittiliead, Command. Jno. Stope, Sick G. Hospital. Jonathan Wright, Guard. Jas. Becket. Wm. Hall, Sick G. Hospital. Robt. I>inn, Sick in Camp. Phillip Gates, Dead. Jas. Barnet, Sick in G. Hospital. Wm. Powers, Sick in G. Hospital. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 447 Howel Griffith, Sick in G. Hospital. David Levingston, Sick in G. Hospital. Sam'l Smalley, Sick in G. Hospital. I do certify on honour that the Officers Non-Commissioned Officers and privates who appeared this day on the parade in Camp on Corryells Ferry were bonafide raised for the defense of the State of Pennsylvania now in Continental Service, and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also certify on honour that the Sergeant and twenty pri- vates at Gen. Hospital, two on Command, One on Guard, One Sick in Camp, One dead and One deserted were all effective. 2 1 1 1 3 Mustered in Camp near Corryell's ferry, late Capt. Long's Company of Col. Miles Rifle Regt. two Sergeants and Six pri- vates — Allowing the Lieuts. a Recruiting — two privates on Command, One on Guard, one Sick in Camp to the effective being Certified by the Truth. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. of P. CAPT. LONG. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN McGOWANS COM- PANY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT COM- MANDED BY MAJOR ENNION WILLIAMS ESQR. NO- VEMBER 1776. (c.) Captain. John McGowau. Andrew Lytle. Ensign. 448 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Sergeants. Jacob Wall. Henry Weaver. Hugh Webster. Godliep Ammore. Drum. Fifer. Privates. William Dennis, S'k abs't. Casimer Grenemyer, S'k abs't. John Fry, S'k abs't. Henry Doll, S'k abs't. Philip Fry. John Treese, S'k abs't. Peter Bernard, S'k absent. James Sloan, S'k abs't. Jacob Ettinger, S'k abs't. Mich'l Kayne, S'k abs't. John Beevyhouse, S'k abs't. David Alshouse, S'k abs't. George Swoope, S'k abs't. Nicholas Marsteller, S'k abs't. Christian Kough, S'k abs't. Daniel Black, S'k abs't. Henry Miller, S'k abs't. Henry Weiss, S'k abs't. Martin Rehr, S'k abs't. Andrew Heslet, S'k abs't. John Pigot, Left in Prov't G'd N. York. Isaac Miller, Sick absent. Adam Moody, S'k absent. John Plyley, S'k absent. Leonard Sebold, Left in G'd Brunswick. Fred'k Swank, Deserted. Stoffel Fosseler, Deserted. Mich'l Mersteller, Deserted. Nichol's Grenewalt, Deserted. Jacob Delp, on Command. Jos. Trevis, on Command. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 44i) Stoffel Beaver, on Command. Conrad Hyne. Leonard Myer, S'k absent. Cornel's Hughes, S'k absent. Jacob Tennis, S'k absent. John Weaver. Peter Dunn. Jacob Hatmacher. Bernard Slough. Lawrence Miller, Sick absent. George Weebley. Martin Doll. I do Certify on Honour that the officers Non Commissioned officers and Privates who apepared on the parade in Camp rear Corryell's Ferry Were Bona Fide; Raised for the Def- fence of the State of Pennsylvania now in the continental Ser- vice and Received pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also Certify On honour that two Serjeants and Twenty seven Privates sick absent at Gen'l Hospital One private left at New York One at Brunswick Four Deserted three on command. One on Guard and the fifer sick absent were all effective. JOHN McGOWAN, Capt. c c p c« M Si s ■J C 2 £i u W cc Q h Absent. .. Tutal Mustered On the parade near Corryells Ferry Captain John McGowans Company of Col. Miles Rifle Regiment, One Cap- tain One Ensign One Drummer and seven Privates Also allow- ing three On Command One on Guard and one fifer sick absent to be effective Being Certifyed on the Back of this Roll.— This Muster taken from 1st October 1776 to 1st De- cern, folly. LOD'K SPROGELL M. M. of P. 29— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 450 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. List of the names of such of the Officers of the three Penn- sylvania Battalions, as are Prisoners and Missing — those that are prisoners have by a Flagg of Truse, sent for their Bag- gage and Cash. Their friends are desired to send to the House next door to General Putnam in New York, their trunks etc — properly directed and to leave their Cash at the General's that they may be sent by the first Flag, (c.) FIRST BATTALL'N OF RIFLE REGIMENT. Samuel Miles Esqr. Coll. Commandant, Prisoner. James Piper, Esqr. Lieut. Col., Prisoner. Capt. Rich'd Brown, Prisoner. 1st Lieut. Wm. Gray, Prisoner. 1st Lieut. Jno. Spear, Prisoner. 1st Lieut. Jno. Davis, Prisoner. 1st Lieut. Geo. Wert. 2d Lieut. Jos. Friesbaeh, Prisoner. 2d Lieut. Wm. McPherson, Prisoner. 2d Lieut. Jos. Jacquet, Missing. 2d Lieut. Luke Brodhead, Prisoner. Doctor John Davis, Prisoner. Doctor Jos. Davis, Prisoner. Sergts. Drum. Privates. Farmers, Browns, Longs, . . Albrights, Shades, . Weitzells, 2 1 2ii 2 1 18 2 1 2 9 26 13 2 15 107 SECOND BATTALION OF RIFLE REGIMENT. Capt. Wm. Peeble's, Dead. Prisoner. 1st Lieut. Matthew Scott, Prisoner. 1st Lieut. Dan'I Topham, Prisoner. 2d Lieut. James Carnagan, Missing. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 451 2d Lieut. David Sloan, Missing. 3d Lieut. Charles Taylor, killed. 3d Lieut. Jos. Brownlee. Prisoner. Sergts. Drum. Privates. Murry, . Peebles', Marshall, Erwin, . . Grub, . . , Christ, . 4 i2 2 1 Volunt. 16 4 2 1 Vol'n. BATTALLION OF MUSQUEIKY. Sam'l Atlee, Esqr.. Col., Prisoner. Parry, Esqr., Lieut. Col. killed. CapL Francis Murry, Prisoner. Capt. Thomas Herbert, Prisoner. Capt. John Nice, Prisoner. Capt. Joseph Howell, Prisoner. Lieut. Walter Finney, Prisoner. Lieut. Josepn Moore, killed. Ensign Wm. Henderson, Prisoner. Ensign Alex. Huston, Prisoner. Ensign Mich'I i-^pp, Missing. Ensign Septmus Davis, Prisoner. Anderson, . . Herbert, . . . Dehoff, .... Nice, Howell, McClelland, Late Lloyd's, Sergts. 1 Drum. Privates. 75 (Roll mutilated.) 452 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. PROOF OF THE EFFECTIVE. 1 5 1 3 3 S c o 1 1 B 3 1 1 Pi-isdnei-s Killed & Missing Total u •■ 5 16 4 2 16 6 1 222 16 6 1 222 This Account taken from a Muster of the three Battalions before mentioned and afterwards carefully compared with the Accounts which came by a Flag of Truce from the Enemy to His Excellency General Washington the 5th Instant. By LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. to the Pennsy'a Regulars. Philad'a Sept. 8, 1776. RIFLE REGIMENT— 1776. (a.) Return of the Officers of the 2d Battalion. Penna. Rifle Regt. Octr. 4th, 1776. Present Fit for Duty. Major Jno. Patton. Captn. Jno. Murray. Captn. Jno. Marshall. Captn. Petr. Grubb. Capt'n Henry Christ. 1st Lt. T. B. Bowen. 2d Lt. Robt. Burns. 2d Lt. Jacob Maise. 3d Lt. Abner Davis. 3d Lt. Wm. Brown. Adjt. Bowen. Q. M. Power. Surjn Reiger. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 453 Sick Present. Lt. Col. Broadhead. 1st Lt. Jno. Clark. 1st Lt. Jno. Carpenter. 2d Lt. Jas. Hamilton. 1st Lt. Jno. Stoner. 3d Lt. Robt. Campble. Lt. Stephen Hanna. 3d Lt. Wm. Moore. Sick Absent. On Command after Deserters. Capt. Jos. Erwin. 2d Lt. Thos. Gourley. Surgns Mate Buck, tendg sick absent. [Endorsed] Return of officers, 2d Batt'n Regt. Return of officers 2d Batt'n Penna. R. Regt., Oct. 4th, 1776. RETURN OF THE OFFICERS OF THE SECOND BATTAL- ION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT, OCTO- BER 4, 1776. (a.) Officers Present Fit for Duty: Major. — John Patton. Captains. — John^ Murray, John Marshall, Peter Grubb and Henry Christ. ^ First Lieutenant. — T. B. Bowen. Second Lieutenants. — Robert Burns and Jacob Maess. Third Lieutenants. — Abraham Smith, Abner Davis and Wil- liam Brown. Surgean. — Reiger. Quarter-Master. — Power. Sick Present: First Lieutenants. — John Clark and John Carpenter. Second Lieutenant. — James Hamilton. Sick Absent: First Lieutenant. — John Stoner. Third Lieutenants. — Robert Campbell, Stephen Hannah and William Moore. 454 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. On Command: Captain. — Erwin. Second Lieutenant. — Thos. Gourly. Surgeon's Mate. — Buck. Murray's Company.— Present, three sergeants, two musicians, forty-six privates; four sick absent; fourteen absent with- out leave. Peebles' Company. — Three sergeants, forty-three privates; thirteen sick absent; eleven absent without leave. Marshall's Company. — Four sergeants, one drum, forty-six privates; five sick absent; fifteen absent without leave. Erwin's Company. — Two sergeants, one drum, twenty-five privates; two sick absent; four absent without leave. Grubb's Company. — Two sergeants, one drum, thirty-six pri- vates; nineteen absent without leave. Christ's Company. — Four sergeants, one drum, forty-one pri- vates; eleven absent without leave. Total present fit for duty, four captains, nine lieutenants, eighteen sergeants and corporals, six drums, two hundred and thirty-seven rank and file. MUSTER ROLL OF THE COMPANY UNDER THE COM- MAND OF LIEUT. JAMES LONG IN COLL'N MILES BAT- TALION COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COLL'N DANIEL BROADHEAD ESQR. ENCAMPED NIGH HEAD QUAR- TERS ON YORK ISLAND FOR THE MONTH OF SEPT. TAKING OCT. 11, 1776. (c.) .lames Long. Vacant. Captain. Lieutenant. Ensign. Serjeant. William Nemick, at Philad'a. Wounded. Patrick Mooney, absent without lave. COL. SAMUEL MILES. Henry Moore. Andrew McCalla. Corporal. Drums and Fifers. Isaac i.olloway, Drum Maj'r. John Groff, absent without lave. Privets. 1. John Blackford, absent wt. lave. 2. John Bell. 3. Michael Bradly, Died Oct. ye 1st. 4. Thomas Caryel. 5. David Evens. 6. Robt. Gore, sicK at Amboy. 7. Samuel Harvy, Deserted Oct'r 2th. 8. William Lisenar, Attending the Hospt. at Amboy. 9. Hugh McClain. 10. John Riddle. 11. James Sharpies. i2. Robt. Vernon. 13. Robt. Williams, Philada. goal. 1 u fe Rank. i =a p. 3 1 » 2 S 3 1 O J a U} O Q a Ph Present 1 2 1 1 „ 2 Tnttle Effectives ' 2 2 ' 1 '■ I do Certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commissioned Officers and privates who appear'd on the parade in Camp near Harlem N. York under my Command were bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsyl'a, now in Continental Service & receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also Certify on honour that the two Sergeants Sick & wounded, Drum'r Abs't without leave, One private Absent with leave. One Deserted, One Dead, One 456 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. in Philad'a Joal, One Sick and one attending Sicli at Amboy were all Effective to the times mentioned opposite their names. LIEUT. JAS. LONG. Muster'd on the parade near Harlem N. York — Lieutenant Long's Company — One Lieutenant two Corporals, One Drum Major and Seven privates — This Muster taken from 1st Sep- tem'r 1776 to 1st Octo. foll'g. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. G. of P. COL. SAMUEL MILES. 457 -; ■aJH ^ lun.iQ ■s^uBafaag fi ■sjuBuajnaiq •UIBJdBO •sajBAjJd: ajy ^ mnja 1 5 •s^uBapag •s^uBua^najT •UtBJdBO •Sa^BAUJ •a;B :y mnaa J •sjuBafJas ■sju-BuajnajT •UIBJdBO ■SajBAUd u ■ajU ^ xun.ia g ■sriuBafjas s s^uBuainaiT •UIBJdBO 5 - 4? CD M r c « i; .t: m feooooMco<;<;oe4 458 PENNSYLVANIA RIPPLE REGIMENT. " i '■ '• ^ '■ 05 1 •siuBua;na!T «=::::: : : 1 : : a, ■UIEJdBO " " : : : : - ^ : : ■ : ■" g •saiBAi-id c. « t, ^ : ^ ' ■'•.:'-': a •a;H ^s- uin.ia •S}UBar.ias '=^ : : : : : MMH- 1 •sniBua^nan «::::: : : : : : j ■UIB^dBO -::::: SaiBAKId ~ : : : : '^ I .... •ajy :>^ mn.ia "::::: M M^ ^ i siuBafJas ^ ; ; M - 1 •s^uBua^naji 1 •UtBlClBO : ; M ; : : : : : „ 1 Fit for Duty On Guard On fatigue On Command On furlough Sick present Sick absent Absent with leave Absent without leave On Duty in Camp, Prisoners 3- o E 2 COL. SAMUEL. MILES. < Q > z Hi W H CQ < ^ w H fa O H O o •sajBAUd j •ajH jy lunaa | ■siu«afj»s siUBuainan ■5 •sajBAua ajy ?s> uinaa | •S?UB3fJ3S siuBua^naii •ure^d'Bo 1 •SaJBAUd •8;y :5> uiruQ •siuBafjag s^UBUainaii •UlBlCl-BO >> 2 •sajBAUd •ajy 2? uitwa •sjuBafJag S s^uBuainan •urejd'Bo "S S E II £ ■" O -2 o _^ _^ o •ti c = C i; .i "C fc O C O M; M Ph 460 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. H < Q W ai w H tf -< p a H o w -o rt S TtI fl J a fc o tf u 1 hJ 1—1 ^ Q 2 2 z cq w K H H K rri H w fc CO O s i^, w k H n Z CQ ^ Q u 2 ^ r/; w 2 ffi t3 H Pi fcn CQ o H cd o cu w tf C3 2 2 oi o ■ajy ^ uin.ia siuBusinsn a;U ^ lunaa •s^uBuajnaii "9JU ^ uinja 3juBua:tnaiT: COL. SAMUEL MILES. £ g e o g o g •s,i3J0 ^^ uinja ['" i'^ C4 •}UB3fJ3S ^COMrtNWrirH CO '■ <-! s 1 •aiBK •uoagjns •J3JSBK JB^JBnC) - -^ •jUB^nfpv UlBldBlJO 1 1 e s o •suaisug ,-. r- rH rt IH • la si.inaiT puj '^ -^ w :w ' •s^.^najT isJi^ -' '^ '^ : « ■SUIB}dBO ^ w ^ w^ i» •jorBM -^ -^ lauoioo iT lauoioo 1 1 c 1 3 5 1 c 5 66 1 6 f O 6 2 1 o 6 55 H 462 PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. n m H 2 a Ui o w 1 X H c . ■!^ s 3 < •pa^isssa t- - c.«^^„^^ ?•■ •pSa-BqosiQ •pcaa '^ ^ •p9}S!iui 2 ^. |5 •sajBAiJa •SJ3JU -^ mnJQ •s;uBaf.i9S ii c •IBJox s s a s s 3 §3 f; 5! s g s i ■usnoijnj: uo •puBuiuioo uo --'S"?3S-*S;5,--- g •juasqB MOTS S S 2 S§ 2 S - S ;^ ^ S ■" I ~ •^uasaad x^lS =o " - -""- •Xjna Joj IB issjd S S " S 13 S S S S =" -^ S o 1 1 J 2 1 i 2 ,5 1 1 1 c 1 c 1 i c COL. SAMUEL MILES. 463 i 1 i\ of tl & St rent f.i B 3 ^ Care gage diffe i^ c .s = (2 E ,„ 41 Ul C c absent, ditto. do. do. & : £ 6 ^ ♦J 4> isist & tak th the Ba on Duty i •^ Va\ :omp'y Do. Do. Do. nt off rs sen return 55 abs ^ Si ^ ^ •.- Farmer's Murray's Long Peebles 1 a Christ's Grubbs o McGowan Long's pr ime were hilada. ot ave not y Waggoneri Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. a 6 Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. i\{v. jt. ot jt. of jt. of it. of o 'o "5 'S'S'S omma Newt Eastoi lada. Cam 1 t- 1- u t. 'F 'u i: ^ i^ ^ ^ - S - o »^ /}o ^ f / ir'unty. Penn'a. He was educated at fy J^n/ ^'■yj oZ/J j^-fA.'x^ Philadelphia, and for sometime taught [j/iy/'^^lrfyM ^'W^f^ !^ school, but subsequently located on his *^**0^ '^^^^^=^ ^* father's farm, about two miles from Valley Forpre. He was in service dur- ing the French and Indian war: and at the commencement of the Revolution was a member of the Chester county committee. In March. 1776, he was commissioned captain in the musketry battalion, and his services in the war were those connected therewith. He served as a member of the Assembly from 1778 to 17S0. In 1781, he was appointed one of the board of commis- sioner.s in charge of the navigation of the Schuylkill. He was Ihrlce married and left a large family. He died in March, 179.'!. His son Isaac, who was an officer of the militia in the Keviikition, was a presidential elector in the Monroe campaign, anci a member nf Congress from isn:i to 1S07. 468 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Lieutenant. Davis, Jolin, appointed March 19, 1776. Ensigns. Kirt, John, appointed March 20, 1776. Davis, Septimus, August 9, 1776; captured August 27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776, for ensign McLeod; removed to Kentuclvy after the war. Sergeants. Beaton, Philip, missing since August 27, 1776. Miller, Jacob. Beaton, Daniel, died October 3, 1776. Gratsinger, John. McCord, Alexander. Blink, Robert. Corporals. Drum and Fife. Privates. Brown, William, enlisted at New London x Roads; resided in Chester county, 1815. Cain, Patrick. Cook, 'ihomas. Davis, Alexander. Derling, William. Devlin, Robert. Dowlar, George. Edgar, James. P^erguson, Francis, missing since August 27, 1776. Gibson, John. Goodwin, Lawrence. Grace, George. Grimes, Thomas. Griffith, John, served one year and nine months; in 1778, re- enlisted in Fifth Penn'a, Capt. Ziegler's company. Harper, James. Harper, William, missing since August 27, 1776 . Healy, Martin. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 469 Howell, James. Humes, William. James, Owen. John, Philip. Jones, William. Madden, John, missing since August 27, 1776. McCormick, Henry. McCormick, William, missing since August 27, 1776. McCoy, James. McDonald, John. McGowan, Hector, missing since August 27, 1776. McKee, William, enlisted at New London x Roads. Miller, Matthew. Miffit, William. Moore, John, missing since August 27, 1776. Nain, Benjamin, missing since August 27, 1776. Nicholson, Andrew. Noblet, Samuel. Rigg, Eleazer. Rigg, Hosea, missing since the battle at Long Island, August 27, 1776. Shields, John. Stewart, William, enlisted at New London x Roads. Whealen, John. Wood, Edward, missing since the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. PATRICK ANDERSON'S COM- PANY, COMMANDED LATE BY SAM'L ATLEE BSQR. COLONEL, NOW BY DAN'L BROADHEAD ESQR. COL. IN CAMP NEAR HEAD QUARTERS FOR SEPT. 1776. (c.) Patrick Anderson. John Davis. Captain. Lieutenant. Insign. 470 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Sergeants. Jacob Miller. Daniel Beaton, Died Oct. od. Corporals. John Gratsinger. Alax'r McCord, absent without Leave. Drummer & Fifer. Privates. William Stewaro. Wm. Humes. Thos. Grimes. Wm. Brown. Wm. Moffit. Pat'k Cain. Lawrence Goodwin. Wm. McKee, absent without Leave. Alax'r Davis. Sam'l Noblet. Geo. Grace. Wm. Dirling, absent without Leave. Philip John. Owen James. John Griffith. Jas. Howell, Hospital. Wm. Jones. John Shield, Hospital. Henry McCormick, Hospital. James Harper, Hospital. Eleazar Rigg, Hospital. James Edgar, Hospital. John McDonnel, Hospital. Mathew Miller, Hospital. John Whalen, Hospital. And'w Nichelson, absent without Leave. Geo. Dowlar, absent without Leave. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 471 Absent, ... Total, 1 ' 1 " 2l I do certify on licnom' that the Officers, Non Commiss'd Officers and Privates who appeared this day on the parade in Camp near Harlem N. Yorlv, under my Command were bonafide raised for the Defense of the State of Pennsylvania, now in Continental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also certify on honour that the Captain and nine privates sick, One Sergeant dead, the Cor- poral and four privates absent without leave were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. JOHN DAVIS, Signed in behalf of Capt. Anderson. Mustered on parade in Camy near Harlem N. York — Capt. Patrick Anderson's Company, One Lieutenant, One Sergeant, One Corporal and fourteen privates — This Muster taken from 1 Sept. 1776 to 1 October following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. of P. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PETER Z. LLOYD'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Lloyd, Peter Z., appointed March 15, 1776; promoted brigade major to Gen. Ewing, August 11, 1776. Lieutenant. Lang, James, from ensign, July 15, 1776. Ensign. Lang, James, appointed March 19, 1776; promoted lieutenant. 472 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Sergeants. Crofts, Benjamin, discharged for deafness, August 19, 1776. Nemick, William, wounded, and in hospital September 4, 1776. Mooney, Patrick, from corporal, August 20, 1776. Corporals. Mooney. Patrick, promoted August 20, 1776. Moore, Henry. McCalla, Andrew, appointed August 20, 1776, Drum Major. Holloway, Isaac. Drummer. Graff, John. Fifer. Moore, Jesse, missing since August 27, 1776. Privates. Beil, John. Blackford, John. Bradley, Michael, died October 1, 1776. Carryl, Thomas. Cleary, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776. Denny, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776. Evans, David. Ffolk, Matthias, missing since August 27, 1776. Gore, Robert. Graham, Archibald, missing since August 27, 1776. Harvey, Samuel. Hendry, John, died August 31, 1776. # Hidden, James, missing since August 27, 1776. Kinen, Robert, missing since August 27, 1776. Kingfield, Adam, missing since August 27, 1776. Lisener, William. McCalla, Andrew, promoted corporal August 20, 1776. McClean, Hugh. McCullough, Patrick, missing since August 27, 1776. Moore, James, missing since August 27, 1776. Murphy, Edward, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 473 Powell, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Riddle, John. Sharpless, James. Tyrer, James, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Vernon, Robert. Wallace, Richard, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Watson, William, missing since the battle, August 27, 1776. Williams, Robert. MUSTER ROLL OF COMPANY LATELY CAPT. LLOYD'S IN THE PENNSYLVANIA PROVINCIAL BATT'N OP MUS- QUETRY NOW ANNEXED TO THE RIFLE REG'T, LOMMANDEu by LIEUT. COLN. DANIEL BROADHEAD ESQ. IN CAMP NEAR KINGSBRIDGE SEPT 4, 1776. (c.) Captain. Peter Z. Lloyd, Promoted to Major of Brigade Aug. 17. Lieut's. James Lang. Ensign. Vacant. Sergt's. Benj'n Crofts, Disch'd for deafness Aug. 19. Wm. Nemick, wounded and in Hospital. Patrick Mooney, appointed 20 Aug. Now sick in Hospital. Corp'l. Patrick Mooney, Promoted Serg't Aug. 20. Henry Moore. Andrew McCalla, appointed Aug. 20. Drum's & Fifers. Isaac Hollaway, Drum Major. John Graff, Drummer. Jesse Moore, Fifer — Missing & returned 1 Sept. 474 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Privates. 1. John Blackford. 2. John Bell, Sick at N. York. 3. Michael Bradley. 4. Michael Cleary, Missing. 5. Thomas Carryl. 6. Michal Derry, Missing. 7. David Evans. 8. Matthias Hoik, Missing. 9. Rob't Gore, Sick in Hospital. 10. Arch'd Grahame, Missing. 11. John Hendry, Died 31 Aug. 12. James Hidden, Missing. 13. Samuel Harvey, absent without leave. 14. Rob't Kinen, Missing. 15. Adam Kingsfield, Missing. 16. William Liseuer, absent with Leave. 17. Patrick McCullough, Missing. 18. Hugh McClean. 19. James Moore, Missing. 20. Andrew McCalla, Promoted to Corp. Aug. 20. 21. William Powel, Missing. 22. John Riddle. 23. James Sharpless. 24. James Tyrer, Missing. 25. Rob't Williams, absent with Leave. 26. Wm. Watson, Missing. 27. Rob't Vernon. 28. Richard Wallace, Missing. 29. Edward Murphy, Missing. N. B. — The Missing are all in the Return of the 1 Sept. 1776. Sept. 17 — Paid Wm. Nemick a wounded Sergeant in the Hospital Philad'a Barniks: 1 2. Paid Patrick Mooney a sick Sergeant Philad'a Barniks: 1. Paid Eleanor Moore wife to James Moore on acco't of hus- band Jesse Moore: 2. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLKE. 475 ^ S c z. 3 0) c 'S E ^ E '-> H ■J. O t. C 1 1 ,...!. g Ab'^ent 2 19 1 __.,.__ 1 2 2 I do certify on honour that the Officers, Non Commiss'd officers and privates who appeared on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York, under my Command, were bonafide raised for the Defense of tlie State of Pennsylvania and now engaged in Continental Service, and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also Certify on honour that the Captain promoted, Sergeant Crofts disch'd, the fifer & fourteen privates missing — Also two Sergeants sick, two privates sick, one died and three absent were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. JAS. LONG, Lieut. Mustered on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York — a Company Commanded by Lieut. James Long. One Lieutenant, two Corporals. One Drum, One Drum Major and eight privates. This Muster taken from 1 Aug. 1776— to 1 Sept. following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. ROLL OF CAPTAIN FRANCIS MURRAY'S COMPANY, (a.) Captains. Murray, Francis, appointed March 15, 1776 from Bucks county; captured August 27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776, for Capt. Anstruther; promoted major. Garret, Morton, from first lieutenant of Capt. Nice's company October 25, 1776; resigned February 12. 1777. 476 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Lieutenant. Finney, Walter, appointed Marcli 20, 177G; captured August 27, 1776; promoted captain Sixtli Penn'a, to rank from August 10, 1776. Ensign. Henderson, William, appointed March 20, 1776; captured Au- gust 27, i776. Creely, John. Dick, Thomas. Lowry, Thomas. Lucas, Samuel. Sergeants. Corporals. Drummer and Fifer. Christie, Alexander. Mitchel, William. Privates. Atkinson, Joseph, missing since August 27, 1776. Brogan, Michael. Coffie, James. Cowan, James. Davis, James, missing since August 27, 1776. Dilyel, William. Dwyer, James. Fenton, John, discharged October 4, 1776. Fluke, John. Fullerton, Thomas, discharged, and re-enlisted in Capt. Walter Finney's company. Sixth Penn'a. Gillaspy, William, missing since August 27, 1776. Guthrie, John, missing since August 27, 1776. Haines, John. Harper, Samuel. Johnson, David. Johnson, George. Kampton, William. Knowles, Charles. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 477 Logan, Thomas, missing since August 27, 1776. Maiseed, James. McClanagan, Hugh. McConnel, Thomas, missing since August 27, 1776. McEnrue, John, Missing since August 27, 1776. McEnulty, Neal. McGinnes, Robert. McGloglan, Charles. McGuire, Patricia. McMeans, Anthony. Moody, John, missing since August 27, 1776. Mullan, Patrick, missing since August 27, 1776 Murfits, John. Murfit, William. Murray, Daniel. O'Neal, Richard. Owens, Simon. Robinson, David, missing since August 27, 1776. Short, William. South, John, died October 1, 1776. Todd, John. Young, George. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN FRANCIS MURRAY'S COM- PANY COMMANDED LATE BY COLONEL SAM'L J. ATLEE ESQ. NOW BY COLONEL DANL BROADHEAD ESQR. AT CAMP NEAR KING'S BRIDGE IN WEST CHES- TER, (c.) Francis Murray, missii Captain. Lieutenant. Walter Finney, Missing. Insigns. William Henderson, Missing. Sergeants John Creely, absent. Thos. Dick. 478 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Thos. Lowry. Sam'I Lucas. Alex'r Christie. Wm. Mitchel. Corporals. Drummer & Fifer. Privates. James Malseed. Richard Oneal. John Todd. Sam'I Harper. Hugh McClanagan. Charles McGlaglan. John Fluke. John Fenton. James Cowan. James Cafhe. Neal McEnulty. William Dilyel. John Murflts. Chas. Knowles. David Johnson. Wm. Murfits. Dan'l Murray. John Haines. James Dvs^yer. Rob't McGinnis. Michael Brogan. Simon Owens, absent. William Kampton, absent. William Short, absent. John South, Hospital. Geo, Johnson, Hospital. Geo. Yourg, Hospital. Patrick McGuire, Hospital. Thos. Fullerton, Hospital. Anthony McMeans, Hospital. John Moody, Missing. Patrick Mullan, Missing. James Davis. Missing. Thos. McConnel, Missing. John Guthrie, Missing. Thos. Logan, Missing. John McEnrue, Missing. David Robeson, Missing. Joseph Atkinson, Missing. William Gillosby, Missing. I'resent, -Absent, a c o B a S Oj ■-• J a 05 o ^ ^ 1 2 1 1 ?: — — 2 1 1 40 Mustered on the parade near King's Bridge New Yorke— Capt. Francis Murray's Company — One Sergeant, two Cor- COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 479 porals, One Drum, One life, and Twenty One privates — This Muster taken from 1st August 1776 to 1st Septem'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. George Young paid him a man who had a Furlough was Sick but getting well and on his Return to the Battalion. Lt. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. FRANCIS MURRAY'S COM- PANY COMMANDED BY SAM'L J. ATLEE ESQR. COLONEL NOW BY DAN'L BROADHEAD ESQR. COL. NOW IN CAMP NEAR HEAD QUARTERS FOR SEPT'R 1776. (c.) Capt. Lieutenant, lusign. Sergeants. John Creely, absent without leave. Thos. Dick. Thos. Loury. Sam'l Lucas. William Mitchel. Alex'r Christie. Corporals. Drummer & Fifer. Privates. 1. James Malseed. 2. Ric'd Oneal. 3. John Todd. 4. Sam'l Harper. 5. Hugh McClenegan, absent without leave. 6. Chas. McGIoglin. 7. John Fluke. 480 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. 8. John Fenton. 9. James Cowan. 10. James Coffie. 11. Neal McEnuIty, absent wilhciit leave. 12. William Dilzer. 13. John Murfits. 14. Dan'l Murray. 15. John Haines, In hospital. 16. James Dwyer. 17. Robt. McGennis. 18. Mich'l Brogan, absent without leave. 19. Simon Owens, absent without leave. 20. Wm. Hampton, absent without leave. 21. Wm. Short. 22. John South, Dead Oct. 1st. 23. Geo. Johnson, absent without leave. 24. Geo. Young. 25. Pat'k McGuire, Hospital. 26. Thos. Fullerton, Discharged. 27. Anthony McMeans, Hospital. 28. Cha. Knowles. 29. David Johnson, Hospital. 30. William Murfits. V tc c c S s <*! 3 to c. o ■^ W K o - Present, Absent, 1 2 2 16 2 2 2 29 I do Certify on honour that the Officers, non commiss'd officers & privates who appeared on parade in Camp near Harlem, N. York, under my Command are bonafide raised for the defence of the State of Pennsylvania, now in Conti- nental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll.— I do also Certify on honour that Sergeant & Seven privates abs't without leave, two DIschar'd, One COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 481 Dead and four in Hospital were all effective to the time men- tioned opposite to their names. Signed in behalf of Francis Murray, JOHN DAIR. Muster'd on the parade in Camp near Harlem N. York. Capt. Francis Murry's Company — One Sergeant, two Corporals, Drum. & fife and Sixteen privates— This muster taken from 1st Septem'r 1776 to 1st Oct'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL M. M. G. of P. ROLL OF CAPTAIN ABRAHAM MARSHALL'S COM- PANY, (a.) Captains. Marshall, Abraham, appointed March 15, 1776; commission dated April 6, 1776; resigned July 12, 1776. McClellan, Joseph, appointed July 15, 1776; promoted captain in the Ninth Penn'a. Lieutenants. McClellan, Joseph, appointed March 20, 1776; promoted July 15, 1776. Ward, Bernard, appointed March 20, 1776; captured at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776; exchanged January 20, 1779; supernumerary 1779. Ensign. Davis, Joseph, appointed March 27, 1776. See Ninth Penn'a. Sergeants. Mitchell, James, wounded August 27, 1776. Fullerton, Patrick. Corporals. Beggs, Thomas. Moor, Joseph, killed August 27, 1776. 31— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 482 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Drummer and Fifer. Cooper, Hans. Boose, Jacob. Privates. Beard, James. Bleakley, John. Burnell, John. Carson, John. Colhoon, John, missing since August 27, 1776. Colter, James. Cross, Patrick. Davis, William. Divit, James. Dixon, Richard. Dunlap, Robert. Elder, James, missing since August 27, 1776. Fling, Isaac. Fullerton, Nathaniel. Gordon, John. Hanover, Joseph. Heavron, Hugh. Jack, Andrew, of Sadsbury, Chester county, enlisted from Capt. Waliis' company of militia at Fort Lee. in 1776; in the battles of Trenton and Princeton; discharged at Valley Forge; resided in Half Moon township, Centre county, in 1832. Kenady, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776. Laughlin, Waitman. Lewis, Jehu. Lewis, Thomas. Lovegrove, William. Love, Robert, missing since August 27, 1776. McCarty, Justin, missing since August 27, 1778. McCarty, Timothy. McCoy, Daniel. McClure, James, missing since August 27, 1776. McCord, Robert, died August 20, 1776. McCormick, james. McElroy, Adam. McElroy, Daniel, missing since August 27, 1776. McElvey, James, misisng since August 27, 17 lo. McElvain, William, missing since August 27, 1776. Miller, John. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 483 Mitchel, Thomas, missing since August 27, 1776. Moore, Thomas, wounded August 27, 1776. Murray, William, wounded in the arm August 27, 1776; ser- vant to Joel Bailey, West Bradford, Chester county. Noll, John. O'Fraill, Morris, missing since August 27, 1776. Truste, George. Waddle, George. Ward, John. ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS HERBERTS COMPANY, (a.) [Raised in Lcacock and Salisbury townships, Lancaster uuunty.] Captain. Herbert, Thomas, appointed March 15, 1776; captured August 27, 1776. Liuetenant. Caldwell, Robert, captured at Fort Washington; exchanged January 20, 1779; appointed March, 1779, captain of the marines, on board of ship General Greene. Ensign. Sutter, James, appointed March 28, 1776; promoted lieutenant in command at Penn'a Salt Works, August 25, 1777. Evans, William. Cain, Hugh. Colter, William. Forbes, James. Thompson, John. Royal, David. Sergeants. Corporals. Drummer and Fifer. 484 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Privates. Bacon, William. Barry, Bartholomew. Bennet, Isaac. Blair, Samuel. Bowen, Noah. Carver, George. Cook, John. Crain, Eleazer, missing since August 27, 1776. Dickson, William. Dougherty, Anthony. Eston, James. Everhart, John, missing since August 27, 1776. Gallagher, Patrick. Gaughby, James, "re-enlisted in Thirteenth Penn'a. Gerhart, Adam. Gerhart, George. Ingram, John, Missing since August 27, 1776. Kelly, Barney. Ketz, Valentine. Kryder, David. Lyon, Robert. Martin, Samuel. McGahegan, Philip. McLaughlin, Patrick. Miller, Henry. Moore, Hampton. Nagle, Philip, enlisted in Philadelphia; re-enlisted in Capt. Gray's company; discharged at Annapolis; resided in Guil- ford township, Franklin county, in 1819, aged sixty-seven. O'Bryan, Sylvester. Peelin, Joshua. Peelin, Kershaw. Quindlen, John. Ridge, George, missing since August 27, 1776. Ryan, Andrew. Sheets, Henry. Terry, Daniel. Wagoner, Bastian, missing since August 27, 1776. Wagoner, Daniel. Walker, Patrick. Weaver, Michael, missing since the battle at Long Island, August 27, 1776. Wilson, Benamin. yeagler, Hepry. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 485 A MUSTER ROLL OP CAPT. THOS. HERBERT'S COMPANY NOW ENCAMPED NEAR KING'S BRIDGE SEPT'R 4TH, 1776. (c.) Captain. Thos. Herbert, missing pr. return Sept. 1st. Lieutenant. Robt. Caldwell. Ensign. James Sutor, absent. Serjeants. 1. William Evans. 2. Hugh Cain, Hospital. Corporals. 1. Wm. Colter. 2. James Forbes, Hospital. Drummer & Fifer. John Thompson. David Royal. Privates. 1. Kershaw Peelin. 2. Joshua Peelin, Hospital. 3. Philip Nagle. 4. Philip McGahegan. 5. Sam'l Martin, Hospital. 6. Benj'n Wilson. 7. Adam Gerhart. 8. Valentine Ketz. 9. John Ingram, missing pr. return Sept. 1st. 10. Barthm'w Barry. 11. James Eston, Hospital. 12. Boston Wagoner, missing pr. return Sept. 1st. 486 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. 13. George Carver, Hospital. 14. John Cook. 15. David Kryder, missing pr. return Sept. 1st. 16. Andrew Ryan. 17. Pat'lt Walker, Hospital. 18. James Gaugby. 19. Sam'l Blair. 20. Anthony Dougherty. 21. John Everhart, missing pr. return Sept'r 1st. 22. Michael Weaver, missing pr. return Sept'r 1st. 23. George Ridge, missing pr. return Sept'r 1st. 24. Robt. Lyon. 25. Patfk Gallagher. 26. Henry Miller. 27. Henry Sheets. 28. William Dickon, missing pr. return Sept. 1st. 29. Sylvester Obryan. 30. Barney Kelly, Hospital. 31. Patt'k McLaughlin. 32. John Quindlen. 33. William Bacon. 34. Dan'l Ferry, Hospital. 35. Noah Bowen. 36. Isaac Bennet. 37. Elezer Grain, missing pr, return Sept. 1st. 38. Hampton Moore. 39. George Gerhart. 40. Dan'l Wagoner. 41. Henry Yeagler. 5 3 5 to 1 p, E 2 Q E Present, Absent, 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 do certify on honour that the Officers, non commiss'd & Officers and privates, who appeared on the parade in Camp COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 487 near Kings Bridge, New York under my command were bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania & now engaged in Continental Service & receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll— I do also certify on honour that the Captain & eight privates missing, the En- sign absent, the Sergeant, corporal & Eight privates in the Hospital were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. ROBT. CALDWELL. Muster'd on the parade in Camp near King's Bridge New York — Capt. Thomas i^erberts Company — One Lieutenant, One Sergeant, One Corporal, One Drum., One fife and Twenty five privates — This Muster taken from 1st August 1776 to 1st Septem'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS HERBERT'S COMPANY ENCAMPED NEAR HEAD QUARTERS OCTO- BER lOTH 1776. (c.) Thos. Herbert. Robt. Caldwell. James Sutter. 1. William Evans. 2. Hugh Cain. Captain. Lieutenant. Ensign. Sergeants. Corporals. 1. William Colter. 2. James Forbes, Hospital. Drummer & Fifer. John Thompson. David Royal, Hospital. Privates. 1. Kershaw Peelen. 3. Philip Nagle. 2. Joshua Peelin, Hospital. 4. Philip McGahegan. 488 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Sam'I Martin, Hospital. Benj'n Wilson, Hospital. Adam Gerhart. Valentine Ketz, absent. Bartholomew Barry. James Eston, Hospital. George Carver, Hospital. John Cook. Andrew Ryan. Patt'k Walker, Hospital. James Gaughby. Sam'I Blair. Anthony Dougherty. Robt. Lyon. Patt'k Gallagher. 20. Henry Miller. 21. Henry Sheets, absent. 22. Sylvester Obryan. 23. Barney Kelly, Hospital. 24. Patt'k McLaughlin. 25. John Quindlen. 26. William Bacon. 27. Daniel Terry, Hospital. 28. Noah Bowen, Hospital. 29. Isaac Bennet, Hospital. 30. Hampton Moore. 31. George Gerhart, absent.- 32. Dan'l Wagoner. 33. Henry Yeagler. "5 te s? s 3 a ft 5 S 1 1 6 c oi Present 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 20 Absent 13 Total 1 1 2 2 1 1 33 I do certify on honour that the Officers, non commiss'd Officers and privates w^ho appeared on Parade in Camp near Harlem, New York — under my Command are bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania now in Conti- nental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also certify on honour that the Ensign absent without leave. Corporal & fifer and ten privates in Hospital and three Privates absent were all effective to the time mentioned opposite to their names. ROBT. CALDWELL, Lieut. Muster'd on the parade near Harlem in Camp. Capt. Thomas Herbert's Company — One Lieut., two Sergeants, One Corporal, One Drum, and twenty Privates — This Muster taken from 1st Septem'r 1776 to 1st Octo'r following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. COL. SAMUEL J. Al LEE. 489 ROLL OF CAPTAIN ABRAHAM DEHUFF'S COMPANY, (a.) [Raised in Lancaster county.] Captain. Dchuff, Abraham, appointed March 15, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November IG, 1776; exchanged April 20, 1778. Lieutenants. Schaffner, Peter, appointed March 20, 1776. Menges, Francis (supernumerary). Ensign. App, Michael, appointed March 20, 1776; taken prisoner August 27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776, for Ensign Thomas. Sergeants. Eicholtz, Jacob, of Lancaster, Penn'a, sergeant and quarter- master, wounded in the groin with a musket ball; pen- sioned March 5, 1804. Druchenbrod, Andrew. Schaffner, George, promoted ensign August 29, 1776. Kuntz, Christian. Forey, Martin. Becker, Philip. Remly, John. Wial, Daniel. Melenor, Frederick. Appley, John. Arter, Peter. Ass, David. Corporals. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. 490 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Baylor, Jahn. Becker, Philip. Balsback, Andrew. Brand, Daniel. ■ Brungard, Peter. Ganger, Daniel. Decker, Jeremiah, discharged August, 1776. Drimlee (or Remley), John. Eicholtz, George. Eringer, Daniel. Eirich, Andrew. Epplie, John. Fox, Adam. Franciscus, Jacob. Frey, Martin. Fultz, George. Gighmiller, Frederick. Harmonlee, Henry. Hermantie, Henry. Hartaffell, Frederick. Hock, Henry. Hollenbach, Melchior. Keller, Frederick. Kelly, Timothy. Koch, Ludwick. Kuntz, Christian, promoted corporal. Layman, Andrew. Layman, Henry. Lindensmith, Jacob. Loy, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776. Marks, Jacob, missing since August 27, 1776. Mentzer, Christian, missing since August 27, 1776. Messersmith, Peter. Minaugh, Philip. Mulvaney, Patrick, missing since August 27, 1776. Musketmuze, John. Musketmuze, Adam. Nogel, Joseph. Oswald, John. Powel, Adam. Quast, John. Quirk, Gilbert. Raimly, John, promoted corporal. Row, Adam, deserted August, 1776. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 491 Sekmiller, Frederick. Siemor, Joseph. Shaffer, George. Sheafer, Michael. Shrot, Samuel. Stevenson, Joseph. Stineheuser. Christopher. Sullivan, Thomas, enlisted one year and nine months; wounded in the left leg at Fort Washington; re-enlisted at Mud Island, under Capt. Clark; resided near Shippensburg, Penn'a, in 1821. Unrugh, George. Wentzel, John. Wile, Peter, missing since August 27, 1776. Wilie, Frederick. Wilson, John. Wiseman, Godlip, missing since August 27, 1776. PAY ROLL OF CAPT. ABRAHAM DEHUFFS COMPANY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA BATTALION OF MUSQUETRY COMMANDED BY bAMUEL JOHN ATLEE ESQR. EN- CAMPED NEAR KING'S BRIDGE, (c.) Pay due from the first August to first Sep* r. 3776. Captain. Abraham Dehuff. Lieutenant. Peter Shaffner. Ensign. Michael App. Serjeants. Jacob Eigholtz, Q. M. Andrew Druchenbred . George Shaffner. Corporals. Christian Kuntz. Martin Forey. 492 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Drum Fife. Daniel Wial. Fred'k Milenor. 1. George Shafner. 2. Michael Loy. 3. Michal Shafner. 4. Daniel Ganger. 5. Peter Mesersmith. 6. Philip Becker. 7. Gilbert Quirk. 8. Fred'k Wilie. 9. Joseph Stevenson. 10. Andrew Bolchbock. 11. George Unroe. 12. John Oswald. 13. Thos. Sulivan. 14. Timothy Kelly. 15. Samuel Shock. 16. Ludwick Coch. 17. Adam Musketnuze. 18. John Baylor. 19. Peter Arter. 20. Adam Fouks. 21. Andrew Layman. 22. Henry Layman. 23. Pat'k Mubraney. 24. Henry Harmonlee. 25. Joseph Seemer. 26. George Fultz. Privates. 27. John Drimlee. 28. David Ass. 29. Henry Hoch. 30. Christian Mentser. 31. George Echoltz. 32. John Musketmaze. 33. Godlip Wiseman. 34. Adam Powel. 35. Jacob Marks. 36. Jacob Lintersmith. 37. Christian Stinchez. 38. Peter Wile. 39. Fred'k Keller. 40. Meitner Hulinburgh. 41. John Appley. 42. Andrew Erlich. 43. John Wilson. 44. Fred'k Hartaffel. 45. John Wentzel. 46. Joseph Nagle. 47. John Quast. 48. Daniel Brant. 49. Frederick Scknuler. 50. Philip Mincoch. 51. Peter Bromgold. 52. Jacob Frandisher. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAP'N ABRAHAM DEHUFFS COM- PANY COMMANDED BY SAMUEL J. ATLE ESQ. COLONEL NOW BY DAN'L BROADHEAD ESQR. COLONEL IN CAMP NEAR HEAD QUARTERS FOR SEPTEMBER 1776. (c.) Captain. Abraham Dehuff, On furlow. Lieutenant. Peter Shaffner, On furlow. Francis Menges, Supermanum. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 493 Insign. Sargants. Jacob Eigholtz. Andey Drukenbrod, George Shaffner. Philip Becker. John Remby. Corporals. Drummer & Fifer. Daniel Wehal, without leave. Frederick Melingar, without leave. Privates. Joseph Slivenson. Frederick Huck. Michael Sheffer. George Unrough. Peter Mesersmith. John Seller. George Foltz. Henrich Hormity. David Ass. Christophel Stenhiser. Melgert Hollenbough. Peter Brungard. Gilberd Quirk. Jacob Franciskes. Thimoly Kelly. Daniel Brand. Audry Eirich. Philip Minoch. Audry Boulspough. George Eicholtz, Hospital. Martain Tray, absent without leave. Christian Kuntz, absent without leave. Frederick Witle, without leave. Frederick Seckmiller, without leave. Frederick Hardtafel, without leave. John Epple, without leave. Joseph Semer, without leave. Ludwick Koch, without leave. 494 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. John Musgetraus, without leave. Adam Musgetmus, without leave. John Wilson, without leave. John Wilson, without leave. Joseph Nogal, without leave. Frederick Keller, without leave. Samuel Shrod, witout leave. Audrey Lemon, Hospital. Daniel Eingar, without leave. Thomas Sulivan, without leave. Adam Fox, without leave. Henry Leman, without leave. Jacob Lindensmith, without leave. John Quash, without leave. Adam Paul, without leave. John Wensel, without leave. John Oswald, without leave. Peter Eiter, without leave. Andry Leman. Hospital. c s. a r I 3 O ^q a rjl o Q Present, Absent, 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 Mustered on the parade in Camp near Harlem New York — Capt. Abram. Dehuffs Company — One Lieutenant, three Ser- geants, two corporals and nineteen privates — This Muster taken from 1st Septem. 1776 to 1st October following. LOD'K SPROGELL. M. M. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN NICE'S COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Nice, John, appointed March 15, 1776; captured August 27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776, for Capt. Gordon. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 495 Lieutenant. Garret, Morton, appointed March 20, 1776; promoted captain of Francis Murray's company. Ensign. Valentine, Henry, appointed March 20, 1776; resigned October 10, 1776. Sergeants. Whitehead, James, promoted ensign August 29, 1776. Roberts, Richard. Williams, William. Felty, Ernest. Hall, Joseph. Marks, John. Corporals. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. Adams, Matthias. Ballmor, Jacob. Barnhouse, Edward, missing since August 27, 1776. Baxter, Edward, missing since August 27, 1776. Cain, Michael. Cowen, Charles. Davis, David. Denormandie, Andrew. Domiller, Michael, missing since Augi'.t 27, 1776. Fensoy, Michael. Fisher, George. Fisher, Richard. Flint, William. Gee, John, missing since August 27, 1776. Grover, Henry. Harrold, James. Harrington, Thomas. Harvey, David. Hill, Alexander. Huston, John, missing since August 27, 1776. 496 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Jardin, Thomas. Jones, Robert, missing since August 27, 1776. Justice, Edward, missing since August 27, 1776. Knible, Christopher. Langanbah, Yost. Lloyd, John. Mecarty, William. Motzell, John. Moyer, Jacob, re-enlisted in Second Penn'a. Pugh, John. Robeson, Richard, missing since August 27, 1776. Sidney, Ezekiel. Smith, William, discharged September 22, 1776. Snoble, John. Spelesey, Michael. Steward, Alexander. Stucke, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776. Watts, Daniel. Wood, John. Yarnall, Joshua. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN NICES COMPANY NOW LYING IN CAMP ON NEW YORK ISLAND NEAR KINGS BRIDGE FOR THE MONTH OF SEPT. (c.) Captain. John Nice, prisinor. Lieutenant. Morton Garrett, absent & sick. Ensign. Henry Vallentine, Resigned Sept. the 26th. Serjeants. James Whitehead. Rich'd Roberts, absent without leave. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 497 Corporals. Will'm Williams, absent without leave. Arnst Felty, absent without leave. Joseph Hall (Drum), absent without leave. John Marks (Fifer), absent without leave. Privates. 1. Michael Spelesey, absent without leave. 2. David Davis, absent without leave. 3. John Lloyd, absent without leave. 4. Mathias Adams, absent without leave. 5. Michael Fensoy, absent without leave. 6. Joshua Yarnall, absent without leave. 7. Micheal Cain, absent without leave. 8. George Fisher, absent without leave. 9. James Harrald, absent without leave. 10. David Harvey, absent without leave. 11. Charles Cowen, absent without leave. 12. Thomas Tardin, sick in Hospital. 13. John Snoble, sick in Hospital. 14. Kich'd Robeson, left provo Guard Sept. 15. York. 15. William Flint, absent without leave. 16. John Motzell, absent without leave. 17. Rich'd Fisher, absent without leave. 18. Andrew Denormandie, sick in Hospital. 19. Thos. Harrington, absent without leave. 20. Will'm Smith, Discharged by the Doctor, Sept. 22, 21. Yost Langanbah, absent without leave. 22. Henry Grover, absent without leave. 23. Christopher Krible, absent without leave. 24. Will'm Mccarty. 25. John Pugh, absent without leave. 26. John Wood, absent without leave. 27. Jacob Ballmor. 28. Alexander Steward, sick in Hospital. 29. Daniel Watts, absent without leave. 30. Alexander Hill, absent without leave. 31. Ezekiel Sidney, absent without leave. 32. Jacob Moyer, absent without leave. 33. Edward Justice, left at the provo Guard Sept. 15, York. 32— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 498 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. i 1 c c 1 o Present 1 1 Absent . . .. 1 1 Total ' 2 1 1 I do certify on honour that the Officers non-commiss'd Offi- cers & privates who appear'd on the parade in Camp near Harlem, N. York, under my command were bonafide raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylv. and now in Conti- nental Service and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also certify on honour that ye Lieut. & Ensign abs't 27 Aug't, One Serg't, two Corporals, One Drum, One fife and twenty four privates abs't without leave, two privates left in Provo Guard N. York one Discharg'd by Doctor & two sick are all effective to ye time mentioned opposite their names. BERNARD WARD, Lieut. Muster'd on the parade in Camp near Harlem N. York. Capt John Nice's Company. One Sergeant & two privates — This Muster taken from 1st Septemb'r 1776 to 1st October following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. G. of P. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH HOWELL, JR'S, COM- i'ANf. (a.) Captain. Howell, Joseph, Jr., appointed March 15, 1776; captured Au- gust 27, 1776; excvhanged December 9, 1776, for Capt. Liv- ingston. Capt. Howell was subsequently paymaster gen- eral U. S. Army. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 499 Lieutenant. Weidman, Matthias, appointed March 20, ]77(j; captured No- vember 16, 1776; exchanged August 26. 1778. Ensign. Huston, Alexander, Jr., appointed March 20, 1776; captured August 27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776, for ensign Saunders of the Twenty-ninth; promoted Lieut.; killed at Brandywine, September 11, 1777. Warner, William. Scannell, John. Reese, Daniel. Cooper, Roger. Grose, Conrad. Hart, George. Sergeants. Corporals. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. Baker. William. Bennet, Zebedee. Bradley. John. Brown, John. Carmodey, Michael, missing since August 27, 1776. Creely, Daniel. Dimer, Casper. Elton, Peter. Ervine, John, lost in battle. Gallager, James, missing since August 27, 1776. Gilkey, John, missing since August 27, 1776. Groves, William. Hearn, John. Holm, Jacob. Honson, John. Jones, William, missing since August 27. 1776. Johnston, William. Junkins, Joseph. Kelly, James. 500 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Knowland, Miles. Low, Thomas. McCoy, Michael. McGee, Thomas. McGrogan, William. McMonnagel, William, missing since August 21, 1776. Nagington, Robert. Olleman, Frederick. Paulfrier, George. Pool, John. Price, John. Quin, Edward. Sanderson, Edward. Shehen, Patrick. Smith, Joseph. Sorg, Michael. Tweedy, William, missing since August 27, 1776. Wilks, Timothy. Wise, Edward. Worms, Peter. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JOSEPH HOWELL COMPT. COMMANDED BY COLONEL SAMUEL JOHN ATLEY ESQ. OF THE MUSQUETRY BATTALION OF PENNSYLVANIA. NOW COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COLONEL DANIEL BROADHEAD ENCAMPED NEAR KING BRIDGE IN WEST CHESTER COUNT vr. (c.) • Captain. Joseph Howell, Lost in Battle. Lieut. Matthias Weidman. Ensine. Alexander Huston, Lost in Battle. Serjants. William Warner. John Scannell. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. oOl Corporals. Dannial Reece, In the ospital. Roger Cooper. Drum & Fife, Conrad Groce, Sick in the ospital. George Hart, Sick in the ospital. Privates. 1. Thomas Low. 2. William McGrogan. 3. Zebedy Bennet. 4. Casper Dimer. 5. Platter Elton. 6. Michael Carmodey, Lost in Battle. 7. John Brown. 8. William Jones, lost in battle. 9. Miles Knowland. 10. John Gilkey, lost in battle. 11. Platter Worms, in the ospital. 12. George Paulfrier, In the ospital. 13. Daniel Creely, Deserted 2nd of September 14. James Gallagher, Lost in Battle. 15. Robert Nagonton. 16. Joseph Junkin. 17. Michael Sorg. 18. William Jonston. 19. Michael McCoy, absent. 20. John Ervin, Lost in Battle. 21. Pattrick Shehen. 22. William Tweedey, Lost in Battle. 23. William Grover. 24. Edward Quin, In the ospital. 25. Timothey Wilks. 26. Frederick Oleman, In the ospital. 27. Jacob Holm, absent without Leave. 28. Joseph Smith. 29. Edward Wise. 30. Thomas McGee, absent. 31. William McMonnogeal, Lost in Battle. 32. John Pool. 33. Edward Sanderson, Deserted the 1st of September. 34. John Price. 502 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. 35. James Kelley, In G. House. 36. John Hearn, In the Ospital. 37. John Honson. 38. William Baker, Deserted the 2n(l of Eeptember. 39. John Brdley. . a s s a M £, u J ^ 6 u. Present, Absent, 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1112 2 11 I do Certify on honour that the officers, Non Commissioned Officers and Privates who appeared on the parade near Kings Bridge New York, under my Command were bonafide raised for the defence of the State of Pennsylvania, and now engaged in Continental Service, and receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll — I do also Certify on honour that the Captain, Ensign and seven privates missing. Also One Corporal, Drum, fife and five privates with Hospital, three privates Deserted, three absent and one in Guard house, were all effective to the times mentioned opposite to their names. LIEUTENANT MATTHIAS WEIDMAN. Mustered on the parade in Camp near King Bridge, New York — Capt. Joseph Howells Comp'y. One Lieutenant, two Sergeants, One Corporal and Twenty privates — This Muster taken from 1st August 1776 to 1st Septem. following. LOD'K SPROGELL. M. M. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 503 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH HOWELLS COM- PANY OF PENNSYLVANIA LATE COLN. SAMUEL AT- LEY'S NOW COLN. DANIEL BROAUHEADS ENCAMPT AT HEAD QUARTERS YORK ISLAND OCT. 1776. (c.) Captain. Joseph Howell. Lieutenaxat. Mathias Weidman. Ensign. Alexander Huston. Serjents. William Warner. John Scannell, absent without leave. Corporals. Daniel Rese, absent without leave. Roger Cooper, absent without leave. Conrad Grose. George Hart. Drum & Fife. Privates. 1. Thomas Low. 2. Zebedy Bennet. 3. Timothy Wilks. 4. Edward Wise. 5. Thomas McGee. G. John Brown, absent without leave. 7. Peter Ellon, absent without leave. 8. Joseph Junkin, absent without leave. 9. Micael Sorg, absent without leave. 10. William Jonson, absent witout leave. 11. Micael McCoy, absent without leave. 12. Patrick Shehen, absent without leave. 13. John Bradley, absent without leave. 14. Joseph Smith, absent without leave. 504 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. 15. John Price, absent without leave. 16. James Kelley, absent without leave. 17. John Honson, absent without leave. 18. Robert Nagington, Hospital. 19. Casper Dimer, Hospital. 20. George Paulfrier, Hospital. 21. William Groves, Hospital. 22. Miles Knowland, Hospital. 23. John Hearn, Hospital. 24. Jacob Holm. 25. Frederick Olleman. 26. John Pool. 27. Ladnard Quin. 28. Peatter Worms. 29. William McGrogen, Prisoner. c M 01 3 S) a £ 2 1 " Q E Present, Absent, 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 I do certify on honour that the officers Non Commiss'd Officers & privates who appeared on parade in Camp near Harlem N. York — under my Command, were bonaflde raised for the Defence of the State of Pennsylvania & now in Conti- nental Service— and received pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll— I do also certify on honour that the twenty five privates, One Sergeant & two Corporals absent without leave were all effective. In Behalf of Capt. Howell, MATTHIEUS WEIDMAN, Lieut. Mustered in Camp near Harlem N. York — Capt. Joseph Howells Company — One Lieuten't, One Sergent, One Drum, One Fife and five privates — This Muster taken from 1st Sep'r 1776 to 1st October following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. G. of P. COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 505 A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT'N JOS. McCLELLAN'S COM- PANY OF PENNSYLVANIA MUSQUETRY LATE COM- MANDED BY SAM'L JOHN ATTLEE, ESQ. COLONEL NOW COMMANDED BY LIEUT. COLONEL DANIEL BROADHEAD ESQ. ENCAMPT NEAR KINGSBRIDGE. (c.) Captain. Joseph McClelland, Sept. 1st. Lieutenant. Barnard Ward, Sept. 1st. Ensign. Joseph Davis, Sept. 1st. Sergeants. James Mitchell, In Hospital wounded Sept. 1. Patrick FuUerton, Sept. 1. Corporals. Thomas Beggs, Sept. 1st. Joseph Moor, Killed 27 August; Sept. 1st. Drummer & Fifer. Hansy Cooper, absent without leave Sep. 1. Jacob Boose, Sept. 1st. Privates. 1. Sept. 1. Patrick Cross. John Carson. Michal Kenady, Mising 27th Aug. Thomas Moore, Hospital, wounded. John Miller. Jas. Colter. James Divit. Robert Love, Mising 27th August. William Davis, 27th August. 2. Do. 3. Do. 4. Do. 5. Do. 6. Do. 7. Do. 8. Do. 9. Do. 506 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. 10. Do 11. Do 12. Do 13. Do 14. Do 15. Do 16. Do '17. Do 18. Do 19. Do. 20. Do. 21. Do. 22. Do. 23. Do 24. Do 25. Do. 26. Do 27. Do. 28. Do 29. Do. 30. Do. 31. Do. 32. Do. 33. Do. 34. Do. 35. Do. 36. Do. 37. Do. 38. Do. 39. Do. 40. Do. 41. Do. 42. Do. John Lewis. James McElvey, Mising 27th August. William Murry, Hospital, wounded. John Colhoon, Missing 27th August. James Beard, Hospital. Morris 0. Frail, Missing 27th August. Joseph Hanover, Hospital. Robert McCord, Dead 20th August. John Bleakley. William Mcllraiu, Missing 27th August. Daniel McElroy, Missing 27th August. Hugh Heavron, Hospital. Adam McEIroy, absent without leave. Timothy McCarty. George Truste. John Burnell. Nathni. Fullerton. John Noll, Hospital. John Gordon, Hospital. George Waddle. John Ward, Hospital. Thomas Mitchell, Missing 27th August. James Elder, Missing 27th August. Daniel McCay, Hospital. James McClure, Missing 27th August. William Lovegrove. Thomas Lewis. Jestin McCarty, Missing 27th August. Waitman Laughlin. Isaac Fling, Hospital. Richard Dixon, Hospital. James McCormick, Hospital. Robert Dunlap. h . c ^ =« •s f ^ E o k) w & ^ ^ 1 1 nt 1 ' COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 507 I do certify on honour that the officers, Non Commissioned Officers and privates, who appeared on the parade in Camp near Kings Bridge, New York, under my Command, were bonafide raised for the defence of the State of Pennsylvania, and now engaged in Continental Service, and received pay according to the ranlc they hold in this Roll — I do also certify on honour that the Sergeant wounded. Corporal kill'd and twelve privates missing also Drum absent and twelve privates in Hospital, one Dead and one absent were all effective to the times mentioned opposite these names. JOSEPH McCLELLAN, Capt., D. B. M. Mustered on the parade in Camp near Kings Bridge, New York, Capt. Joseph McClellan's Company — One Captain, One Lieutenant, One Ensign, One Sergeant, One Corporal, One fifer and sixteen privates. This Muster taken from 1st August 1776 to 1st Septem. following. LOD'K SPROGELL, M. M. 1776. Sep. 16. Paid Wm. Murray a wounded soldier now in Philad. at Betty Churches, £1 Paid Thomas Moore a wounded soldier now in Philad. at Betty Churches, 1 19. Paid Joseph Hanover a sick soldier at Ewings, near Barracks 1 508 THE MUSKETRY BATTALION. Philadelphia January 1 1777. I do Certify on honour this is a true List of Clothing want- ing for Col. Atlee's Battalion now present in Philadelphia, (c.) MORTON GARRETT, Capt. lil I O! 02 CQ 1 •• 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Philin TSTflE-lp j 1 Edward Wise 1 1 1 1 1 1 William Murfet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fredrick Widle .. Hugh McLean . ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Joseph Hall 1 Mical Clary 1 i ' 1 J 1 1 1 ' 1 1 John Bell Allexander Elison ' William McElvan 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 28 2 1 1 2 2 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 J William Jones 1 1 Samuel Wood . ... 1 15 ! 1 AVilliam McMinaRan 1 Tol'll « 25 37 28 COL. SAMUEL J. ATLEE. 509 LIST OF PRIVATES OF COL. MILES' AND ATLEE'S BAT- TALION, EXCHANGED DECEMBER 9, 1776. Barclay, Hugh. Brooks, Cornelius. Carothers, Robert. Clurey, Michael. Coleman, William. Derry, Michael. Dixson, Samuel. Dugan, James. Elliot, John. Erb, Lawrence. Gallagher, James. Gordon, John. Hodge, John. McCurdy, William. McCoy, Daniel. McElney, John. McElvain, William. McMichael, Christopher. McVay, Patrick, Moody, John. Mulvany Patrick. Noland, Miles. Ocker, Caleb. Pettigrew, James. Pettigrew, William. Toomy, John. -Wallace, Richard. ( 510 ) THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. Cols. Jolin Bull, Walter Stewart. MARCH 1, 1777— NOV. 12, 1777. (a) (511) 512 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT, THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT, (a.) A list of the captains and subalterns of the Pennsylvania State Regiment, February 13, 1777: Captains. John Murray, recruiting; Patrick Anderson; John 1777. Marshall, at Camp; Abraham Dehuff, prisoner; Henry Christ, sick at home; John McGowan, recruiting; James Francis Moore, recruiting; eight, nine and ten wanting. First Lieutenants. Bernard Ward, prisoner; Peter Shaffner, in command at Lancaster; John Clark, recruiting; Robb, at camp; Carnahan, recruiting; Joseph Lewis Finley, recruiting; Thomas John- ston, recruiting; nine and ten wanting. Second Lieutenants. Jacob Maess, recruiting; Thomas Boyd, sutler, sick in the city; Brownlee, recruiting; Luke Brodhead, at home; James Whitehead, prisoner; seven, eight, nine and ten wanting. Third Lieutenants and Ensigns. William Moore, recruiting; George Hoffner, at camp; An- drew Lytie, Jacob Snider, in camp; Casper Weaver, in com- mand; Thomas McComb, sick; George Guyger, recruiting; James Wiley, in command; nine and ten wanting. Mr. Spear has applied for a company in the regiment, being the eldest first Lieutenant. Mr. Wert applies for his place in the regi- ment. Mr. Triesbach applies for a company of riflemen. Mr. App for his rank in the regiment. Doctor Davis for the sur- geon's place. Doctor Buck is in Philadelphia. An adjutant and paymaster are wanting. (Signed) JOHN McGOWAN, Captain. In April, 1777, the Pennsylvania State regiment of foot, formed upon the remains of Miles' and Atlee's battalions as a nucleus, was supplied with field and staff officers. COLS. JOHN BULL. WALTER STEWART. 513 Pennsylvania War Office, Philadelphia, April 24, 1777. These are to certify, that the Rev. Mr. Henry Miller, is ap- pointed chaplain to the Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot. JACOB S. HOWELL, Secretary. Pennsylvania War Office, April 28, 1777. Please to fill commissions for Lewis Farmer, Esq., first major, and Francis Murray, Esq., second Major of the Pennsylvania State regiment of foot, and date them the 15th of March, 1777. JACOB S. HOWELL, Secretary. To Timothy Matlack, Esq., Pennsylvania War Office, Philadelphia, May 2, 1777. John Bull, Esq., was this day appointed colonel, Lewis Far- mer, Esq., lieutenant colonel, and John Murray, first major, of the Pennsylvania State regiment of foot; please to grant them com- missions, agreeable to the ap- pointment. JACOB S. HOWELL, Secretary. To Timothy Matlack. Issued accordingly. May 8, 1777. (T. M.) On tne 2d of June. 1777, the regiment was stationed at Fort Mercer, under the command of Col. Bull, and its strength was as follows. Field and staff, forty-four; sergeants, thirty-nine; drums and hfes, twenty-two; total rank and file, four hundred and sixty-three. On the 3d of June the field staff, and com- pany officers (see Pa. Arch., N. S., vol. i, page 745) remon- strated against the appointment of Col. Bull, and threatened to quit the regiment; as Col. Bull was not an officer in either of the battalions, they claimed his appointment ruined their rank. On the Gth, the Supreme Executive Council presented a me- morial to the Assembly stating that "as Congress has allotted twelve regiments to be raised in Pennsylvania, and has called for a return of the regiments, it was their opinion that it would be prudent to put into the Continental service and pay the oattalion now called the State battalion, which has been raised chiefly out of the remains of the battalion lately under .33- Vol. U—^th Ser. / 514 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. the command of Col. Miles and Col. Atlee, also, the regiment of artillery, under the command of Col. Procter, and a company under the command of Captain Pugh, raised for guarding the powder-mill." In compliance with this memorial, the Assem- bly, on the 10th of June, 1777, transferred this regiment, with artillery regiment and company mentioned, lo the Continental Congress. On the 17th the Council ap- pointed Col. Bull, adjutant gen- eral of militia of the State, and appointed Col. Walter Stewart colonel in the room of Col. Bull, promoted. Capt. Pugh's company enlisted for the war, was added to the regiment, and on the 19th the state of the regi- ment was: number of men enlisted for the war 185, num- ber of men enlisted to the 1st of January, 1778, 354; sergeants enlisted for the war, 9; sergeants to the 1st of January, 1778, 31; 3 drummers for the war, 8 as above; 2 fifers for the war as above. On the 20th of June, 1777, Ludwick Sprogell, Com. Gen. of Musters, made a return of the Penn'a State regiment, commanded by Walter Stewart, Esq., colonel, as consisting of eleven companies: No. 1, Capt. Patrick Anderson; No. 2, John Mar^aall; 3, John Nice; 4, Matthew Scott; 5, James F. Moore; 6, John Spear; 7, John Clark; 8, Robert Gray; 9, John Robb; 10, James Carnahan; 11, John Pugh. Field and staff, 52; non- commissioned officers, etc., 79; privates present fit for duty, 477. He adds "there is a number of men still out, not in- cluded in this return, nor any account kept of them by the officers, some of which are wagoners in Continental service since July last. The wagoners that return to join their regi- ment cavil about their regimental pay, notwithstanding they have received £6 per month of the Continent." Col. Walter Stewart took command of the regiment July 6. 1777, and commanded at Brandywine and Germantown, where its losses were sixteen killed and missing, and twenty-two wounded. See his letter, Penn'a Archives, O. S. vol. v, page 713. "By resolution of Congress," November 12, 1777, "Col. Stewart's regiment was to be annexed to the Penn'a line, and form the Thirteenth regiment." COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART. 515 ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS, (a.) Colonels. Bull. John, appointed May 2, 1777; promoted adjutant general June 17. 1777; died at Northumberland, Penn'a, August 9, 1824, aged ninety-four. See notice of him in vol. I, 2d series, page 12. Stewart, Walter, appointed June 17, 1777; vice Colonel Bull promoted. Lieutenant Colonel. Farmer, Lewis, appointed May 2, 1777. First Majors. Farmer, Lewis, commission datea March 14, 1777; promoted lieutenant colonel. May 2, 1777. Murray, John, appointed May 2, 1777; promoted lieutenant col- onel Second Penn'a, December 10, 1778. Second Major. Murray, Francis, commission dated March 14, 1777. Major Murray, while on a visit to his family at Newtown, in p-ebruary, 1778, was captured by the Tories, carried to the enemy, and was ^^ ^ still a prisoner ^^m^rt^U^ C/<^^^^2:^7 April 18, 1780; — ""'^ Martha, who, to support herself and six small children, kept a retail shop at Newtown, Bucks county, applied to the Council to be re- lieved of some excise difficulty. He was exchanged Octo- ber 25, 1780; afterwards, 1783, lieutenant of the county, and general of the militia. He died at Newtown, November 30, 1816, aged eighty-four years, and is buried in the Presbyterian graveyard at that place. His wife died Feb- ruary 22, 1794, aged forty-seven. 516 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. Chaplain. Miller, Rev. Henry, appointed April 24, 1777. Adjutant. Ruth, Francis, appointed April 28, 1777; commission to date from April 18, 1777; transferred to Fifth Penn'a, October 28, 1778. Quarter-master. Lytle, Andrew, appointed April 28, 1777, commission to date from April 18, 1777. Surgeon. Lisener, William. Paymaster. Laverswyler, Capt. Jacob, appointed February 13, 1777. Sergeant Major. Miller, Jacob. Drum Major. Holloway, Isaac. Fife Major. Boss, Jacob. ROLL OF CAPTAIN PATRICK ANDERSON'S COMPANY, (a.) (M{irch 1, 1777. to May 1, 1777.) Captain. Anderson, Patrick. See Atlee's Battalion. First Lieutenant. Maess. Jacob. Second Lieutenant. Crain, AmbroKe, of Lancaster, now Dauphin county; appointed April, 17/7. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART. Fiillerton, Patrick. Ensign. Sergeants. Miller, Jacob, promoted sergeant major. Moody, John. Baggs, Thomas. McDonnell, William. McCalley, Andrew. Cooper, John. Holloway, Isaac, Jr. McNeil, Daniel. Drum and Fife. Adam, Stophel. Arnold, Michael. Butler, William. Cameron, Christian. Close, Michael. Cotter, George. Crist, Adam. Crister, Simon. Deary, Godfrey. Devillin, Robert. Durliu, John. Fisher, Francis. Fisher, Godfrey. Frederick, Henry. Feezer, Henry. Feezer, John. Grove, Michael. Halfnor, George. Harper, James. Heck, Yost. Hinelider, Michael. Isenhour, Philip. John, Philip. Keel, Francis. Lanser, Abram. Leany, George. Lidey, Voluntine. Long, John. Lott, Philip. Mease, Balser. Medary, Simon. Miller, Frederick. Miller, James. Miller, John. Mingle, George. Moffet, William. Monomocker, Phliip. Nitterhouse, Daniel. Noblit, Samuel. Notstan, John. Older, Henry. Rife, Jacob. Riggle, Jacob. Seepolt, David. Spangle, Charles. Spoust, Frederick. Trayer, Peter. Wason, James. Weaver, John. 518 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. PATK. ANDERSONS COMPY. OF THE PENNSYLVA. STATE REGT. COMMANDED BY MAJuR LEWIS FARMER, ESQR. (c.) Patrick Anderson. Jacob Meaze. Ambrose Crane. Pat'k Fullerton. Captain. Lieutenants. Ensign. Serjeants. Jacob Miller, Sergt. Major. Jonn Moodey, Serjt. Thomas Baggs, Serjt. Wm. McDonnell, Serjt. Andrew McCalley, Serjt. Drum & Fife. Isaac Holloway, D. Mjr. John Cooper. Isaac Holloway, Jun'r. Jacob Ross, Fife Maj'r. Daniel McNeil. Privates. 1. Samuel Noblit, Clk. 2. Frederick Spoust. 3. John Weaver. 4. John Long. 5. David Seepolt. 6. Michael Close. 7. Jacob Biggie. 8. George Mingle. 9. Simon Medeary. 10. Francis Fisher. 11. George Cotter. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART. 519 12. Michael Arnold. 13. George Leany. 14. George Halsner. 15. Youst Heck. 16. Godfry Fisher. 17. John Nostan. 18. Abram Lanser. 19. Simon Crister. 20. Henry Older. 21. Henry Feezer. 22. Michael Grove. 29. Adam Crist. 24. Henry Frederick. 25. Christian Cammeron, G. house. 26. Philip Lott. 27. Wm. Butler. 28. Jacob Rife. 29. Michael Hinelider. 30. Frederick Miller. 31. Philip Monomocker. 32. Philip Isenhour. 33. John Miller. 34. John Feezer. 35. Balser Meaze. 36. Dan'l Nitterhouse. 37. Voluntine Lidey. 38. Stophel Adam. 39. Robt. Devillin. 40. William Moffit. 41. Godfry Deary. 42. Peter Frayer. 43. James Wason, Hosp'l. 44. Charles Spangle. 45. James Miller, Hosp'l. 46. Francis Keel. 47. Philip, John. 48. James Harper. 49. John Durlin. 520 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. o ! i Etc Present 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 1 45 say 46 Total 1 1 5 1 ' 2 1 48 say 49 I do certify on rionour that the Officers, Non Commission'd Officers & privates who appear'd this 9th of May, 1777 on the parade at Red Banlt, are bonafide engaged in the Service of the State of Pennsylvania, and are Intituled to receive pay according to the Rank they hold in this Roll. I do also Certify on Honour that one private in G'd House and two Sick in Hospital are Effective. PAT'K ANDERSON, Capt. Mustered then Capt. Patrick Anderson's Company — One Capt., two Liieutent's, One Ensign, four Sergeants, One Ser- geant Major, One Drum Major, One fife Major, two Drums, One fife and forty Six privates. Also following One in G'd house & two Sick to be Effective. This Muster taken from 1st March 1777 to 1st May following. LOD'K SPROGELL, Com'y Gen'l of Muster. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN MARSHALL'S COMPANY, (a.) (March 1, 1777, to May 1. 1777.) Captain. Marshall. John. Finlpy, Joseph L. First Lieutenant. Harris, William. Van Winkle, Jonn. Second Lieutenant. Third Lieutenant. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWAJIT. 521 Pelan, Robert. Johnston, WillianA Linn, Robert. Sturgeon, Robert. Groce, Conrod. Moore, Jesse. Lever, William. Ludwic, Conrod. Sergeants. Drum and Fife. Privates. Awl, John. Daily, Thomas. tjellshoover, Ludwick. Carlton, Edward. Ciiambers, David. Chambers, John. Chambers, John, 2(1. Coleman, Nicholas. Colter, George. Crowly, David. Delany, John. Donnely, Peter. Uuffee, James. buncan, Robert. Fottrell, Patrick, armorer at the factory. Gallaher, Hugh. Hall, William. Henney, Samuel. Humphries, Robert. Jones, Joshua. Kelly, James. Lackey, ihoma.-. Lewis, Joseph. McCay, John. McClellau, Hen-.;. McClure, Samuel. McCord, William. McCormick, Charles. McGinnes, Patrick. McMichael, Christopher. Morans, William. 522 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT, Myers, Joseph. Neeley, Joseph. Nylson, Jno. Peelan, Joshua. Patitiate, John. Price, William. Siemens, Robert. Steen, James. Stever, Daniel. Stocdale, Terence. . Veesey, John. Waterson, John. Welshance, William. Whitmore, John. Wilson, John. Wood, Samuel. Wright, Jonathan. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN MARSHAL'S COMPANY OF LIGHT INFANTRY P. S. R. COMMANDED BY MAJOR LEWIS FARMER, ESQR. (c.) John Marshal. 1st. Joseph L. Finley. 2d. William Harris. 3d. Van Winkle. Captain. Lieutenants. Serjeants. Robert Pelan. William Johnston. Robert Linn, Guard. Robert Sturgeon. Drums & Fifes. Conrod Grace. Jesse Moore. William LevBr, Hosp'l. Conrod Ludivic. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART. 523 1. Christopher McMichael. 2. James Kelley. 3. William Hall. 4. John Versey, Fiirlow. 5. Jonathan Wright. 6. John Wilson. 7. John Uelany, Hosp'l. S. Sam'l Henney. 9. Joshua Jones. 10. Nicholas Coleman. 11. Robert Siemens. 12. John McCay. 13. Ludwic Belshoover. 14. Thomas Daily. 15. John Chambers. 16. David Chambers. 17. James Steen. 18. William McCord. 19. Edward Carlton. 20. John Awl. 21. William Welshanee. 22. Joseph Myres. 23. Daniel Stever. 24. Samuel McClure. 25. Joseph Neeley. 26. Joseph Lewis. 27. William Morans. 28. Robert Duncan. 29. Terence Stocdale. 30. Peter Donnely. 31. George Colter. 32. Robert Humphries. 33. David Crowely. 34. James Duffee. 35. Patrick McGinnes. 36. Heery McClellan. 37. Samuel Wood. 38. Charles McCormic. 39. Thomas Lockey. 40. John Waterson, Hosp'l. 41. John Whitmore. 42. William Price, Hosp'l. 43. John Peelan. 524 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. 44. Jno. Chambers, Furlow. 45. Hugh Gallaher, F'urlow. 46. Jno. Nylson, Puiiow. 47. Jno. Patitiate, Com'd F. Gen. 48. Pat'k Fottrell, C. Armorer at Factory. m „• C be 3 a 1 C t' p. Vernon, Robert. Weldon, Patrick. Winters, Christ'r. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT GRAY'S COM- PANY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE RAGMENT COM- MANDED BY MAJOR LEWIS FARMER ESQR. (d.) Robert Gray. Francies Ruth. Thomas Johnston. Joseph Gorman. Captain. Adjt. Lieutenants. Ensigns. Serj'ts. Jacob Durland, Qr. Mr. St. John Murphy. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART 545 Tho's Lowrey. Sam'l Lucas. Pat'k Collins. Robert Garrett. Charles Richard. Drums & lifos Privates. 1. Thos. Kenuey. 2. Jno. Mioquade. 3. Jno. Riely. 4. Fred'k Foul. 5. Fred'k Leonard. 6. Ludwig Shotts. 7. Jeri Miller. S. Jacob Daniel. 9. Math'w Lyddy. 10. Hugh Mic Clanahan. IT Owen James. 12. Chas Miclaughlin. 13. Philip Neagle. 14. Rich'd O'Neale. 15. Jno. Kenedy. 16. Dan'l Murray, unfit for Service 17. Pat'k Weldon. 18. Wm. Micilvain. 19. Rob't Vernon. 20. James Sharpies. 21. Jams Tyrer. 22. Joseph Naugle. 23. Thos. Bradshaw. 24. Rob't Smyih, unfit for Service 25. Jno. Mickone. 26. Alex'r Cristy. 27. Jno. Keeler. 28. Alex'r Burke. 29. David Johnston. 30. Luke Cunningham. 31. Mich'l Erogan. 32. Jeri Rairdon. 33. Chris'r Winters. 34. Wm. Robinson. 35. Jams Cowen. 35— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 546 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. 36. Wm. Stuart. 37. Pat'k Kane. 38. Fred'k Burd. 39. Wm. Mallick. 40. Leonard Seepole. 41. Mich'l Spellesy, sick in Phil'a. 42. Wm. Desall, sick in Phil'a. 43. Math'w Smyth, sick in Phil'a. 44. Rob't Mic Clintock, sick in Phil'a. 45. Philip Smyth. 46. Joseph Ledgard. 47. John Fritz. rn vi '5 3 .5f C I S 1 J w M O cC Oi 5 1 1 43 4 1 5 1 1 47 I do Certifie on Honour that the Officers Non Commissioned officers and privates who appeared this 9th day of May 1777 on the Parade at Red banck are bonafide engaged in the Service of the State of Pensylvania and are Intitled to Receive pay according to the Rank the hold in this Roll I do also Certifie on Honour that one Lieutenant recruiting & four privates sick are effective. ROBT. GRAY, Capt. Mustered then Captain Robert Grays Company one Captain one Ensign five Serjeants one Drummer one fife forty three privates and one Adjatant also allowing one Lieutenant Re- cruiting and four privates Sick to be effective they being Certefied by the Captain this Muster taken from the 1st of March 1777 to the 1st day of May following. LOD'K SPROGELL, Com'y Gen'l of Musters. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART. 547 ROLL OF CAPi AIN JOHN ROBE'S COMPANY, (a.) (March 1, 1777, to May 1, 1777. Mustered at Red Bank, May 9, 1777.) Captain. Robb, John, April 18, 1777. First Lieutenant. Snyder, Jacob. Second Lieutenant. Sutter, James, from Atlee's battalion, commission to date from April 18, 1777. Ensign. Boemper, Abraham, appointed April 28, 1777. Sergeants. Watt, James. Cain, Hugh. Smyth, John. Chisnal, James. Stereger, Justice. Brand, George. Aumiller, John. Brant, Daniel. Burck, Michael. Carson, William. Carter, Andrew. Carter, Charles. Clarck, William. Cline, Conrad. Conrad, George. Evick, Christian. Fifer. Privates. 548 THE STATE R^:GIMENT OF FOOT. Fink, Michael. Fouls, George. Gerhart, Henry. Glenn, Patrick. Gresly, John. Harmandy, Henry. Harper, William. Hellem, George. Herron, John Hook, Henry. Irwin, James. Kieller, Frederick. Killon, Michael. Knee, Thomas. Lafland, Whitman. Leisher, William. Linn, John. Little, Thomas. Long, Benjamin. Macob, John. Marrick, Jacob. McLain, Charles, discharged January 1, 1778, at Valley Forge; died in 1823, in Milesburg, Centre county, Penn'a. McManis, Patrick. McVay, Patrick. Muskelnay, John. Nowland, Michael. Paul, Adam. Quest, John. Ralston, Andrew. Rougn, Lowdwick. Shroat, Samuel. Stump, Charles. Train, George. W^ard, John. Whilley, Frederick. Wilcot, Silvus. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN ROBBS COMPANY OF THE PENNSYA. STATE REGT. COMMAND BY MAJOR FARMER, ESQR. (d.) John Robb. Jacob Snyder. Abraham Bampa. Jas. Watt. Hugh Cain. Jno. Smith. Jas. Chisnal. Justice Stereger. George Brand. Capt. Lieuts. Ensigrs. Serjts. Drum & Fifes. 1. Wm. Carson. 2. Pattrick McManis. 3. Michal Killon. 4. Wm. Clarck. 5. Siles Wilcot. C. Michal Finck. 7. Michal Burck. 8. Pattrick Glenn. 9. Andrew Ralston. 10. W^m. Harper. 11. Christan Evick. 12. Pattrick McVay. 13. Fredrick Killon. 14. George Fouls. 15. Lowdick Rough. 16. Fredrick Whitley. 17. Henery Hook. 18. Adam Paul. 19. George Troin. 20. Charlis Stump. 21. Thos. Little. 22. Jno. Quest. 23. Henery Harmed:^/. 24. Danial *3rant. 25. Jacob Merrick, 26. Conrod Cline. 27. John Owmiller. -28. Henery Gerhart. 29. Benja. Long. 30. Thos. Knee. 31. George Conrad. 32. George Hillem. 550 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. 33. Jno. Greasly. 39. Charlis Carter. 34. Sam'l Shroat. 40. Jno. Muskitnay. 35. Michal Nowland. 41. Jno. Linn. 36. Jas. Irwin. 42. Jno. Macol. 37. Whitman Loftland. 43. Jno. Ward. 38. Andrew Carter. O 1 ►3 1 1 1 B 2 ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 1 1 4 1 ' 45 I Do Certify on Honour the Officers Non Commis'd Officers and privates who app'd this 9th May 1777 on the parade at Red Bank are Bonafide engaged in the service of the State of Pennsylv'a and are Intitled to receive pay according to the rank the Hold In this Roll. JOHN ROBB, Capt. Mustrd. then Capt. John Robbs Company One Capt. One Lieut. One Ensign four Sergeants, One Drum One fife and forty-five Privates this Muster taken from the first of March 1777 to 1st May following. LOD'K SPROGELL, Com'y Gen'l of Musters. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES CARNAHAN'S COMPANY, (a.) (March 1, 1777, to May 1, 1777. Mustered at Red Bank, May 9, 1777.) Captain. Carnahan, James, lived in Washington county, Penn'a, for many years after the war. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART. First Lieutenant. Hoffner, George. Ensign. Dugan, James. Sergeants. ritzgerald, Henry. Waddle, William. Justice, John. Drummer. Guyher, John. Fifer. Macklen, John. Privates. Brownlee, John. Kenny, Thomas. Bryson, Andrew. Leech, Archibald. Carnahan, Joseph. Leech, James. Chapman, George. McClelland, David. Colter, William. McGaughey, Philip. Cooke, John. Miller, Peter. Deen, Rex's. Mills, Andrew. Doherty, Andrew. Moore, William. Dolen, Charles. Mulvaney, Patrick. Gagger, John. Murphy, Arthur. Grea, James. Riddle, John. Gunnon, Jeremiah. Scuse, John. Guthry, William. Sims, John. Guyher, Peter. Singlewood, Stephen. Hartsgrove, Samuel. Smith, Thomas. Heslet, Andrew. Southerland, William. Heslet, Robert. Stewart, James. Horseck, Daniel. Swerths, Ferdinand. Howard, John. Tryne, Peter. Hunter, James. Weeble, George. Johnson, Robert. Wilkison, Angus. Kennan, Roger. r52 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. A MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JAMES CARNAHAN COM- PANY IN THE PEN'A STATE REGT. COMMANDED BY MAJOR LEWIS FARMOR ESQR. NOW STATIONED AT RED BANK FOR 1777. (d.) Capt. James Carnahan. Lieut. George Huffner. Ensign. Jas. Dugon. Serj'ts. Henry Fitz Gerald. William Waddle. John Justice. Drum & fife. John Guyher. John Macklen. Privates. 1. Joseph Carnahan. 18. Andrew Heslet. 2. William Guthry. 19. John Sims. 3. Robert Heslet. 20. John Cooke. 4. Stephen Singlewood. 21. John Gagger. 5. Andrew Bryson. 22. Thomas Kenny, Disarted 6. James Leech. 23. 7. Robert Johnson. 24. Philip McGaughey. 8. Archabald Leech. 25. William Colter. 9. David McClelland. 26. Rexs Deen. 10. John Riddle. 27. Charles Dolen. 11. William Moore. 28. James Hunter. 12. Peter Guyher. 29. Roger Kennan. 13. John Howard. 30. James Grea. 14. Jeremiah Gunnon. 31. Patrick Mulvany. 15. Angus Wilkison, S. H . P. 32. Anthony Doherty, H. 16. 33. Daniel Hosneck, H. 17. George Chapman, H. 34. George Weeble. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART. S5. Peter Tryne, Disarted. 36. Arthur Murphey. 37. William Southerland. 38. John Brownlee. 39. Samuel Hark Grove. 40. Peter Miller, furlow. 4L Andrew Mills, absent. 42. Jas. Stewart. 43. John Scuce, Hosp'l. 44. Thos. Smith, Baker on Dis. 45. Ferdinand Swerths. i 3 3 C 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 :!2 Absent 1 1 Total 1 3 1 41 I Do Certify on Honour that the Officers Non Commissioned officers and Privats who app'd the 9th of May 1777 for Bon- afyd engaged in the Service of the State of Pen'a and are lulisted to receive pay according to the Rank the hold in this Roll — I do also Certify on honour that nine absentees for Diferent Reasons are effective. JAS. CARNAHAN. Capt. Mustred then Capt. James Carnahan Company, one Capt, one Lieut, one Ensign, three Serj'ts one Drum one fife and thirty-two Privats also Nine Privats Abents. for Defect rea- son to be — ^the being Certifyed by the Capt. this Muster taken from 1st March 1777 to 1st May following. LOD'K SPROGELL, Com'y Gen'l of Musters. 554 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. CAPTAIN JOHN PUGH'S COMPANY, (a.) [No Rolls to be found.] Captain. Pugh, John, appointed May 1, 1777; commission datec" March 18, 1777. First Lieutenant. McFall, Patrick. Second Lieutenant. Williams, Samuel, commissioned April 23, 1777. Ensign. Evans, Samuel, commissioned April 8, 1777. Company Unknown. McLaughlin, John, served afterwards on board the Holker, and after that as a butcher in the service, but did not re- enlist; living in 1794. Robinson, William, sergeant; died in Bracken county, Ken- tucky, February 15, 1835. LIST OP RECRUITS OBTAINED BY LIEUTENANT THOMAS BOYD, PENNSYLVANIA STATE REGIMENT, 1777. (c.) Andrew Mills, April 25. William Spencer, April 28. John Simmons, April 29. John Stewart, April 30. Archibald Dougherty, April 1. John King, May 1. I^erdinand Swartz, May 5. Philip Smith, May 5. Baltzar Hartzouth, May 18. COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART. 555 O fa H <5 P O H H m O :^' m •uoaSang M M M M ;i ^NNIMM 1 ^ •ja^sBiv Jt) ^HMMMi - ■4fPV '^ :::::::: : •J3JSBIM ABd ^ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - ■uiBiclBqo '"'■'■'■:::•.■.■. - ■suSisua « •sjnajT p2 rH .H ^ rt ^ rt rH \ \ \ - •sinaci jsi ; ^ ; rt rt W rH . rt ^ t- •SUJBjdBO 2 •S.IOfBK *^ :::::::: : M •uioo n ^ : : i ; : : : ; ; - ■uioo "^ .::::::: : ^ t. Anderson . Marshall . Nice . Scott . Moore, .' . Spear . Clark . Gray . Robb . Carnahan i aaaaaftftSaa 556 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. £ g G in S o •pajaassQ : - : 1 rH 1 E O i > ?i •pajuiJoaH i 5 •paS.iBiIosia •pBaa s 5 o 1 t3 ^ i 1 •IB^Oi -:g!5^S55'^!S^ 1 E 1 0. : .c bb 1 ■Mojan^ UQ : ; ^ > " w ,., „ t- ■}sqv 310IS |. •isajj JiO!g ^ - " - --= - o c. ; o w ' ' ■A ^ "H Sine May ye 13 April ye 12 March yet May ye 22( •^ ^ a ^.^.l^c^c^^c. ^ •sjuBafja.s ,^^^^^^^„^ fa 1 ? •joCbr -^faes '-' '. 1- 1 1 1 : ^ilj H Id 56 o o g 1 15 1 : M : 5 55c n ?5 ^ " " -s COLS. JOHN BULL, WALTER STEWART. 557 "S •a Si >^ ^ p . is !3 ^ c P il ?i •^ ^ (u ! H Sd a 2 Q o M o i-j iico- E E f2 £ 1 oQ nS '^' £ ^ z .- Q M ^ i Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Anderson, Marshal. Nice, ... Scott Moorp, .. Spear. ... Clarke, .. Gray Robb Carnahan, Pugh. ... Total 4 41 10 37 10 3S 1!.^. 2!) :;i li> r, 4.'. 32 17 - 12 11 31 ."0 S5 354 2 ' 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 3 8 2 9 Philadelphia June ye 13th, 1 FRANCIS RUTH, Adjutant. P. S. R. (c.) 558 THE STATE REGIMENT OF FOOT. a in A! C IBJOi fggggg^SggfS^ |g •pajjasaa ..,...,. >..|. •Moian^ uo :>.._|.;:|, •pu-Biuuioo uo ; : > : ; :---t- [ ^ P3 •idsoH VS >lois - >-"- : — — Is •sa© iB 310IS : ; >...„ ;^ ; |jc. < •Xjna Joj ly isajcl S^S5S5:5!55§g If; i 1 § ■ajy J? uinja «^., ccc^ccOM^^ |?1 •siBJOdaoo : '■.'^^ : ; ; " ; ; '^ i "^ •s;uBaS4as "*''"""""' i- •JofTJK aJB Ml" aoCBjv uirua -;:;:;;: MM •saofBpi -^Saas " ; ; ; M ; ; ; ; M 22 •iSjaS -JW -Jb -::::::: MM 4i •ja^sBH 'JO -;::;;:; : : M •lUBinCpv -;;;;;:; M: M tx5 ^ 3° ■8^-BM s.Sjng -:::;::: ; ; M •ja:|SBj\[ XBd -;;;;:;; MM H o. •uoaaang -:;;;;;; ; ; M n^' •uiBidBqo -::;;::: : M " 1 5^ H 'I S g o ■susisua _._._,__l_._._<_,__, 1 -- hZ -^^ '^"^"^ 1- "" •s^uBuainajT ----------- h 2 C) •SUlBjdBO •SJOfBW -■_I_,_J_I_.___,_,^ 1^ ?^ '-' """ '^ "^ i - > "MM;;; : : 1 c^ >1 ■Iioo -^nan -;;;;;;; MM 2 •lauoioo -;;;;;;; MM O c D. plllllll 1 s • ; rt o >-! 1-3 O •-< I -a w s a: O g o ►^< .5 r o n fc Ml 3 "" =" IM ^:5 is = 4 THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE FROM JULY 1, 1776, TO NOVEMBER 3, 1783. (559) (560) JULY ], 1776, TO NOVEMBER 3, 1783. 561 EXPLANATORY NOTE, (a) Where any rolls could be found, they are printed in full with their respective regiments. The dates attached to the names in the general lists of the regiments are derived prin- cipally from the bool;.s of James Stevenson, Abram du Bois and William Goforth, auoitors, appointed by ihe Supreme Executive Council to settle the depreciation of officers and privates of the Pennsylvania Line from January 1, 1777, to August 1, 178'J, under the act of December 18, 1780 (Mcrvean's Laws, page 410,) discovered within the past few years in the Auditor General's office. Th?y were in a bundle which apparently had not been opened since it was packed for removal from Philadelphia to Lancaster, in 1799. Many an applicant for pension lost his claim for waiit of these books, as is apparent from the list of the rejected claims published by the Secretary of War. The original rolls and papers re- lating to the service of the Pennsylvania Line, as well as those of other States, having been burned by the fire which consumed the records of the war office in 1800, in a temporary building in which they were placed after their removal from Philadelphia, necessarily the requirements of the acts of March 18, 1818, and June 7, 1832. granting pensions were very stringent, in order to prevent fraud upon the United States, requiring such evi- dence as would satisfy the Secretary of War as to the genuine character of the claims. To do this at the latter dates, with the failing memory of the aged applicants, was an impossibility. The dates "January 1, 1777-1781," and any other date to which is attached 1781, indicate that these names are found upon the books of settlement referred to, and therefore those soldiers were still in service up to January 1, 1781, when the revolt took place; though the entry runs generally "paid to August 1, 1780." Those marked "E" were found in a book marked "List of Soldiers whose depreciation of pay escheated to the State." It appears by the minutes of the Supreme Executive Council April 3, 1778 (Col. Records vol. xi, page 456), "it was ordered that the Thirteenth, Twelfth, and Eleventh regiments be joined with some other regiments; that the Thirteenth be incorpo- rated with the Second, and Col. Walter Stewart take the com- mand in place of Col. Bicker; that the Twelfth be incorporated with the Third; that the Eleventh be incorporated with the Tenth, being the next youngest, and that Col. Humpton take 36— Vol. TI— 5th Sor. 562 THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE FROM command in the room of Col. Nagel." This arrangement went into effect July 1, 1778, immediately after the battle of Mon- mouth. Shortly after a new Eleventh was formed, under Col. Hartley, composed of the remains of his regiment. Col. Pat- ton's, and of independent companies of the State serving in the Lines of other States. Another arrangement followed the resolutions of Congress of 3d and 21st of October, 1780, reducing the quota of Pennsylvania to six regiments of infantry, one of artillery, one of cavalry, and one of artificers; which went into effect January 17, 1781, after the Revolt of the Pennsylvania Line. This included the reduction of the German regiment. A further consolidation went into effect January 1, 1783, re- ducing the infantry to three regiments, and an arrangement of officers accordingly. Very few records remain of these or- ganizations, none to show who re-enlisted generally. This will account for the names of many soldiers being repeated in the different regiments. To avoid complication and error as far as possible the roster of officers are only carried in full from Janu- ary 1, 1777, to January, 1781, and after that the respective ar- rangements are inserted. The remarks attached are derived from pension applications found in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and in the prothonotary's office of some counties, and the records of the Pension Office and War Department at Washington. It is also to be noted that subsequent arrangements vary dates and orders of promotion recommended by commanding officers and by the Supreme Executive Council (e. g. some of those found on pages 356 and 357, vol. xii, Colonial Records). This probably arose from the fact that the promotions were made in the whole Line by seniority, which was not taken in account when promotions were made, or recommended by com- manding officers, &c., but discovered upon the different meet- ings of ofl[icers of the whole Line to arrange. Accordingly the duplicate dates are given as indicated by the official papers copied. The dates of officers' commissions sometimes differ from the times they were assigned to regiments, the latter in some instances cannot be indicated. For further explanation, reference is made to several "estab- lishments" made by Congress, to be found in its journals. That of September 16, 1776, assigned twelve regiments as the quota of Pennsylvania. Thompson's Rifle Battalion, then Hand's was claimed by the State, and counted as the First of the Line, De Haas' First battalion as the Second, St. Clair's Second Bat- JULY 1, 1776, TO NOVEMBER 3, 1783. 563 talion as the Third regiment, &c. Eight companies composed a regiment, each company, to have one captain, first and second lieutenants, and ensign, four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer, one fifer, and seventy-six privates. Pennsylvania took early measures to re-enlist her officers and men under this establishment. (See the committee's letter, dated October 9, 1776, Penn'a Arch., second series, vol. i, page 630.) A second establishment was made by Congress, May 27, 1778, by which the regiments were required to consist of nine com- panies, one of which was to be light infantry; each of the field officers to command a company; the lieutenant of the colonel's company to have the rank of Captain Lieutenant; one surgeon and one surgeon's-mate were added to the field and staff; one sergeant major, one quarter-master sergeant, one drum major, and one fife major made the non-commissioned staff; and six captains, one captain lieutenant, eight lieutenants, nine en- signs, twenty-seven sergeants, twenty-seven corporals, eighteen drummers and fifers, and four hundred and seventeen privates formed the balance of the regiment. This roll of the Pennsylvania Line of course falls far short of doing justice to the patriotism of Pennsylvania. It is in fact a mere roll of the Lines as discharged in January, 1781. The hundreds who fell in all the battles of the Revolution, from Quebec to Charleston are not here: — the wounded, who dragged their torn limbs home to die in their native valleys, are not here. The heaths of New Jersey, from Paramus to Freehold, by a line encircling Morristown and Bound Brook, were in the summer of 1777, dotted with the graves of the Eighth and Twelfth Pennsylvania. These regiments, from the frontier counties of the State, Westmoreland and Northumberland, were the first of the Line in the field, though they had to come from the banks of the Monongahela and the head-waters of the • Susquehanna. At Brandywine the Pennsylvania troops lost heavily, the Eighth and Twelfth, and Col. Hartley's additional regiment, in particular, in officers and men; and Col. Patton's additional regiment, after the battle of Germantown, could not maintain its regimental organization. Again, we have no regimental returns of the regiments after they were reduced to six, January 1, 1781, and re-enlisted. These with the rest of the records of the Pennsylvania Lin?>, were placed beyond the reach of historical research by the fire before alluded to, and the torch of the British in 1814. On the 5th of April, 1781, ordere were issued for a detachment of the six regiments to hold themselves in readiness to march 564 THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE FROM to York, Penn'a, immediately. The proportions of oflBcers aiad men each regiment was to furnish, will be found in Gen. St. Clair's order. (Penn'a Archives, O. S., vol. ix, page 60.) It was to amount to nine hundred and sixty men, besides officers. Lieut. Col. Robinson of the First, Col. Walter Stewart of the Second, Lieut. Col. Harmar of the Third, Col. Richard Butler of the Fifth, and Col. Humpton of the Sixth, and other officers whose names may be gathered from Feltman's journal, printed postea, were of Wayne's subordinates in the southern campaign. Sixty aragoons, under Major Fauntleroy Moore, accompanied Col. Moylan, following July 10. The detachment of artillery had one major, three captains, three captain lieu- tenants, and three lieutenants with it. Col. Thomas Craig fol- lowed, with a detachment composed mostly of eighteen months' men.* When Wayne was about leaving York May 26, 1781, there was some insubordination, which he promptly quelled by shooting down the offenders, as alluded to in his letter to Prest. Reea (Penn'a Archives, 0. S., vol. ix, page 173.) Leonard Dubbs, who died at Harrisburg in 1840, and had been a drummer through- out the war, often related that one Jack Maloney, an English- man, one of the sergeants in command of the men at the Re- volt of the Line, and whom he believed to be a true man, as he had advised the hanging of the British spies, started the diffi- culty, and called upon all true soldiers to help him, a man named Smith and two other men rushed from the ranks. (See Lieut. Denny's account of the execution, Penn'a Hist. Soc. Publications, vol. vii, page 238.) Wayne's command joined Lafayette at Raccoon ford, on the Rapidan, on the 10th of June, fought at Green Springs on the 6th of July, opened the second parallel at Yorktown, October 12, which Gen. Steuben, in his division orders of October 21. says '"he considers the most important part of the siege." After the surrender Oi. Cornwallis, three regiments and a detachment of artillery were ordered to the southward, under Gen. St. Clair, and with Wayne, closed the battles of the Revolution aL Sharon, Georgia, and only when their services were no longer needed, in the summer of 1783, returned from James Island. South Carolina, to Philadelphia. Discharged 3d, September, 1783, at the barracks on Third street, south of Green, known long after as the Hall of the Commissioners of the Northern Liberties. *See Col. Craig's letter Penn'a Archives, O. S., vol. ix, page 503. This is probably the new regiment alluded to in Denny's Journal, page 249, that reached Yorktown October 30: "the officers hastened to partake of the siege, but were too late."— Ibid. JUL.Y 1, 1776, TO NOVEMBER 3, 17.S3. REMINISCE:NCES. (a) Some reminiscences of the fidelity, grit, and morale of the Pennsylvania Line taken from contemporary sources should perhaps enliven these statistical details. Winthrop Sergeant in his unique "life and career of Major John Andre, relates that Gen. Washington, having arrived in camp on the evening of 28th October, 1780, caused a board of every general officer present with the army to be convened to decide Andre's fate, and in a footnote inquires, "yet where were Wayne and Ir- vine?" Dr. W. A. Irvine, of Irvine, Warren county, Penn'a, settles that question very satisfactorily by two letters taken from his grandfather Gen. William Irvine's portfolio of manu- scripts: General Wayne to General Washington. Smith's White House,* September 27, 1780. Dear Sir: Your letter of yesterday, from Robinson House, came to hand between seven and eight o'clock last evening. As the troops were much fatigued on account of loss of sleep, no prospect of any movement of the enemy up the river, and being in possession of and commanding the pass by Storm's toward West Point, with a squad in our rear to file off our ar- tillery toward Haverstraw forge, under the mountain, to Suf- fren's, General Irvine and myself thought it best to remain in this position until morning, or until a move of the enemy should take place; in the latter case to make a rapid march for West Point, sending our artillery and baggage the route al- ready mentioned, as soon as the latter should arrive. I forgot to mention to your Excellency that the First and Second brig- ades marched at a moment's warning, leaving our tents stand- ing, guards and detachments out, pushed with rapidity, to secure this pass, where it would be in our power to dispute the ground inch oy inch, or to proceed to West Point, as occasion might require, v/hich was effected in as little time as ever so long a march was performed in.' Gen. Wayne in another letter says: "The detached and debilitated state of the garrison at West •Near Haverstraw, on the west side of the Hudson below Stony Point, where Arnold and Andre had their last interview.— Losslng's American Historical Record, vol. 1, page 436. 566 THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE FROM Point insured success to the assailants; the enemy were in per- fect readiness for the enterprise, and only waited the return of Andre to carry it into execution. The 26th was the d??y fixed on for this exploit, and the discovery of Arnold's treachery was not made until late on the 25th. At twelve, on the morning of the 26th, an express reached Gen. Greene from his Excellency, who had fortunately arrived from Hartford, to push on the nearest and best disciplined troops, with orders to gain the defile, or pass under the Dunder-Bargh, before the enemy. The First Pennsylvania brigade moved immediately, and on the arrival of the second express, I was speedily followed by our gallant friend Gen. Irvine, with the Second brigade. Our march of sixteen miles was performed in four hours, during a dark night, without a single halt or a man left behind. When our approach was announced to the General, he thought it was fabulous; but when assured of his Tenth Legion being near him, he expressed great satisfaction and pleasure." Accordingly, Wayne and Irvine were holding West Point, where hard fighting and cool sagacity would probably be re- quired, while the court determined the fate of Andre. Gen. Harry Lee, afterwards Governor of Virginia, in his "Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department," (published in 1808, vol. 2, page 203), makes the following reference to the Pennsylvania Line: "Wayne had a constitutional attachment to the decision of the sword, and this cast of character had acquired strength from indulgence, as well as from the native temper of the troops he commanded. They were known by the designation of the Line of Pennsylvania, whereas they might have been with more propriety called the Line of Ireland. Bold and dar- ing, they were impatient and refractory, and would always prefer an appeal to the bayonet to a toilsome march. Restless, under the want of food and whisky; adverse to absence from their baggage, ana attached to the pleasures of the table, Wayne and his brigade were more encumbered with wagons, than any equal portion of the army. The General and his soldiers were singularly fitted for close and stubborn action, hand to hand in the center of the army. Cornwallis therefore did not miscalculate when he presumed that the junction of Wayne would increase rather than diminish his chance of bringing his antagonist, Lafayette, to action, &c." Matthews, in his manuscript journal, says: "they are of the long-legged make, most of them without shoes and stockings, and without coats and sometimes they throw away their arms when closely pursued." JULY 1, 1776, TO NOVEMBER 3, 1783. 567 Of Col. Richard Butler, Lee, in his "Memoirs," speaks as "the renowned second and rival of Morgan in the Saratoga encoun- ters." On the 26th of June he encountered Simcoe with a loss to the latter of three officers and thirty privates killed, and on the 6th of July, the battle of Green Springs, a fiercely contested action was fought; but it is in the final scenes about Yorktown that esprit de corps of the Pennsylvania troops shines out. Steuben commanded in the trenches when the flag came out with proposals of capitulation. Lafayette's tour of duty ar- rived while the negotiations went on, and it was a point of honor who nad the right to plant our flag on the captured cit- adel. Lafayette marchea with his division to relieve Steuben, but the latter would not be relieved. Ensign Ebenezer Denny was detailed to erect the flag. While he was in the act of planting it, Steuben galloped up, took the flag, and planted it himself. Col. Richara Butler resented the supposed affront to the Pennsylvania troops, and sent a challenge to Steuben and it required all the influence of Washington on one side, and Rochambeau on the other, to prevent a duel. (Memoirs of Ebenezer Denny, Hist. Soc. Publications, vol. vii, page 214.) We may add to these reminiscences, that it was among the last requests of Baron de Kalb, who fell at the battle of Cam- den, gallantly fighting for the American cause, that his sons should bear commissions in the American service, in the Penn- sylvania Line. This being communicated to the Supreme Ex- ecutive Council by Lieut. Col. Dubueson, his aide-de-camp, it passed a resolution September 10, 1781, requesting the board of war to issue commissions of ensign to Pierre Baron de Kalb and to John Baron de Kalb, out of respect to the memory of their father, and as a tribute of esteem to his family. The attack at Block House Point, July 21, 1780, was made solely by Pennsylvania troops, the first and second brigades, under Col. Humpton and Gen. William Irvine, with four pieces of artillery, belonging to Col. Proctor's regiment and Col. Moy- lan's dragoons, and was the occasion of the following incident related by Gen. Wayne, showing the irrepressible character of his troops. He says, "We found that our artillery had made but little impression, although well and gallantly served; but when the troops understood they were to be drawn off, such was the enthusiastic bravery of all ranks, officers apd men, that the First regiment, no longer capable of restraint, rather then leave a post in the rear, rushed with impetuosity over the 568 THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE FROM abatis and advanced to the stockades, from which they were with difficulty withdrawn, although they had no means of forcing an entrance. The contagion spread to the Second; but by very great efforts of the officers of both regiments, they were at last restrained, not without the loss of some gallant officers wounded and some brave men killed. Happy it was that the General would not admit of the further advance of the Tenth regiment, and thus the situation of Gen. Irvine's brigade pre- vented them from experiencing a loss proportioned to those immediately engaged (as the same gallant spirit pervaded the whole").— Letter to Gen. Washington, July 22, 1780. GENERAL OFFICERS PENNSYLVANIA LINE, (a) ( 570 ) PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 571 GENERAL OFFICERS PENNSYLVANIA LINE, (a.) Major Generals. Mifflin, Thomas, from brigadier, February 19, 1777; resigned November 7, 1777; subsequently President, and afterwards Governor of Pennsylvania; died at Lancaster, January 20, 1800, aged fifty-seven years; buried in Trinity Lutheran church-yard, Lancaster. St. Clair, Arthur, from brigadier, February 19, 1777; died in Westmoreland county, August 31, 1818, aged eighty-four; buried in the cemetery near Greensburg. Wayne, Anthony, from brigadier, September 30, 1783, died at Presqu' Isle, Lake Erie, December 14, 1796, aged fifty-one years, eleven months, eleven days. Hand, Edward, from brigadier, September 30, 1783; died near Lancaster, September 4, 1802, aged fifty-eight, of cholera morbus, after a few hours illness; buried in the Episcopal church-yard in Lancaster city. Brigadier Generals. Armstrong, John, March 1, 1776; resigned April 4, 1777; died at Carlisle, March 9, 1795. Thompson, William, from colonel First U. S. Continental Line, March 1, 1776; captured at Three Rivers, Canada, June 8, 1776; exchanged October 25, 1780, for Major Gen. De Riedesel; died at Carlisle, September 3, 1781, aged forty- five. Mifflin, Thomas, May 16, 1776; promoted major general, Feo- ruary 19, 1777. St. Clair, Arthur, from colonel of Second battalion, August 19, 1776; promoted major general February 19, 1777. Wayne, Anthony, from colonel of Fourth battalion, February 21, 1777; promoted major general September 30, 1783. De Haas, John Philip, from colonel of First battalion, February 21, 1777. Gen. De Haas commanded Second brigade, Sep- tember, 1777, but seems to have retired shortly after. He died in Philadelphia, June 3, 1786. Hand, Edward, from colonel of First Penn'a, April 1, 1777; ad- jutant general U. S., January 8, 1781; promoted major general September 30, 1783. 572 GENERAL OFFICERS Irvine, William, from colonel of the Seventh Penn'a, May 12, 1779; died in Philadelphia, July 29, 18G4, aged sixty-three; buried in the First Presbyterian church-yard; subsequently removed to Ronaldson burying-ground, South Ninth street. Humpton, Richard, by brevet, 1783. Moylan, Stephen, by brevet, September 30, 1783; died at Phila- delphia, April 11, 1811, aged seventy-four. Staff of the Commander-in-Chief. Mifflin, Thomas, aid-de-camp, June 20, 1775, and quarter-mas- ter general, July, 1775; promoted brigadier general May 16, 1776. Reed, Josef)h, aid-de-camp, June 20, 1775, and secretary, July 4, 1775, to May 16, 1776; commissioned adjutant general of United States Army, June 5, 1776; promoted brigadier gen- eral March i2, 1777; refused to accept; subsequently Presi- dent of the State of Pennsylvania; died at Philadelphia, March 5, 1785, aged forty-four. Moylan, Stephen, quarter-master general, June 5, 1776; pro- moted colonel Of cavalry January 8, 1777; promoted briga- dier general by brevet September 30, 1783. Tilghman, Tench, from captain in the flying camp, August — , 1776, aid-de-camp and secretary; promoted lieutenant col- onel April 1, 1777; died at Baltimore, April 18, 1786, aged forty-tw^o. Deputy Commissary Generals. Taylor, John M., resided in Philadelphia in 1833, aged eighty- two; aid-de-camp to Major Gen. Thomas Mifflin. Keene, Lawrence, captain, 1777. Aides-de-camp to Major General Arthur St. Ciair. Keene, Lawrence, captain of Eleventh Penn'a, temporary, vice Giles, captured, August 5, 1779. Macpberson, William, major, January 31, 1780; died near Phila- delphia in 1813. Dunn, Isaac Budd, captain Third Penn'a, April 25, 1781. Aides-de-camp to General Anthony Wayne. Fishbourne, Benjamin, captain of Fourth Penn'a. Lennox, David, major, formerly captain in Third battalion, May 15, 1778-1779. PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 573 Archer, Henry W., volunteer aid, 1778-1779. He was an Eng- lishman, educated in a military school; arrived in Phila- delphia, October 23, 1778, and joined the army as a volun- teer, October 2, 1784, appointed lieutenant of Northampton county. Aides-de-camp to Gen'I Wm. Irvine. Kose, John, Lieut. ?,d Penn"a Reg't; also surgeon. Aides-de-Camp to Major General Horatio Gates. tewart, Walter, captain Third Penn'a battalion, May 26, 177G; promoted colonel of Penn'a State battalion June 17, 1777. See Thirteenth regiment. Armstrong, John, junior, afterwards Secretary of the Com- monwealth, United States Minister to France, &c., died April 1, 1843, at Red Hook, Dutchess county, N. Y. Aid-de-Camp to General Arnold. Frank, David S., major, 1778-1780. Inspector General, Wayne's Division. Ryan, Michael, March 20, 1778, to June 12, 1779. FIRST BRIGADE, (a.) Brigade Major. McCormick, Henry, 17? 7. Assistant Commissary of Issues. Ramsey, Thomas. Chaplain. Jones, Rev. David, from chaplain of Fourth battalion, Jan- uary 1, 1777; transferred to Third Penn'a, January 1, 1783; chaplain for the Northern army under Gen. Wayne, in 1794; chaplain in the war of 1812; died February 5, 1820, aged eighty-four; buried in the Great Valley church-yard, Ches- ter county. 574 GENERAL OFFICERS SECOND BRIGADE, (a.) Aid-de-Camp to General Irvine. Gibbons, James, captain of Sixtli Penn'a. Brigade Major. Seely, Isaac, captain of Fiftli Penn'a. Brigade Inspector. McGowan, John, captain of ttie Fourth Penn'a. chaplain. McMordie, Rev. Robert, from chaplain of Eleventh Penn'a, July — , 1779; appointed in the First Penn'a, July 12, 1780, to rank from May 17, 1777. THIRD BRIGADE, GEN. EDWARD HAND, (a.) Chaplains. Rogers, Rev. William, formerly of Miles', December 15, 1778; ordered to garrison at Philadelphia, June 1, 1779; left Phil- adelphia to join the brigade on Sullivan's expedition; re- tired January 16, 1781; died in Philadelphia, April 7, 1824, aged seventy-three. Blair, Rev. Samuel, formerly chaplain of First regiment, March ], 1779; subsequently transferred to the artillery, and to rank from March 1, 1777. PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 575 GENERAL WAYNE'S DIVISION, (a.) First Brigade, November 1, 1777. Present or on command. 1. Chambers, James, 359 2 125 7 154 10. Hubley Adam, lieutenant colonel, 154 Second Brigade, November 1, 1777. 4. Butler, William, lieutenant col- onel commanding, 188 5. Johnston, Francis, 258 8. Brodhead, Daniel 332 11. Humpton, Richard 139 sick absent. 60 17 65 44 34 57t GENERAL STERLING'S DIVISION, (a.) Conway's Brigade. 9. Nagel, George, lieutenant colonel. 3. Craig, Thomas. 6. Bicker, Henry, lieutenant colonel. 12. Cooke, William. De Borre's Brigade. German regiment; Haussegger, Nicholas. tPrisoners of war. 576 GENERAL OFFICERS •sojy ^ siuniQ o m W 3 I l\ S ! Pi I u c 2: •S1UE3C.13.J •saiBK "suoaSjng it! ■S.I9JSBIM Jf) ^ •saaiSBM XBd •sjuBinCpv •SU!BldB40 s:^ a ^ s. ■•5 E f3 m p3 a ►« « PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 577 •aiu ^ >luBa c o ■sajid ^ smnaa i ■sjuBaaaag •JBAi JO saauosiaa < ■pa^aasaa •paSJBixosia •pB3a •ib;ox •AvoiJnj uo ^ •puBtuiuoo uo c ■juasqc iiois •)uas3Jd M3IS •Xjnp joj m juasaJd ^ : ~ is i'^ -• w m pq n S w W z rn P. ^ H n '4. u O H (li O H CJ r/3 It W fe ^ o Ph •?■ S o < t ; f>; rri > P < o < g > tf J P ^-i ffi «2 H Z Pi Z . W C O 11 w 5 "5 7 . 5 .1 J J b c C (1 it J 1 c 1 PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 583 •pajjajsuBJX •paaidxa S3tu!x •X^iliqBUi JO^ ■3l!J V 51UBU ■saj!^ 5? siunaa fe 3 K . „• v^ c o ilSnoiJn^ uo ■puBuiuioo uo ■juasajd Jjoig •jCma Joj 5H luasajj ts c "^ 61) o c c ^ c '2 (0 C ^ O ^ S fc g t 534 GENERAL OFFICERS •^UBsq'B 510IS M =' =■ S W W -3 S — o o . .2 a! 15 o is!^' 5 r^ " 9 '^ W O CO O -j;; O O "C H c M O! O f rt ««>owjH«^u, : j :« a S .i?i. £^3."* .2 So PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 686 SUIJB 3.iUB,\i •samop S.IUBM •SJ9U033B.W •UOpOB Joj 4!^ K Si 5 i •° 586 GENERAL OFFICERS H Q o t2 K ^ S (^ O Q lNlv 58/ •sAnoaaa "om £ •sJBai aaanx H UBM. •IB^Oi 1 •SajBAUd sejij ^ suirua siBJodJoo ■s}UB93jas uoijoadsui JO a^BQ I "" : ; ' siiS 1 ggg^ s gsg? i S 3 S S s ^SS^|fi S?3SS ^ •sjuoiuiSaH JO -OM c g c i s lie, 588 GENERAL. OFFICERS ■9\n^->su3. uoN ^ IT- M a. s g H •saeai aaai-ii « CO rH ; o ^ -IT3A\. Sill s s in it: H IBIOX isii 1 •S3}E.VUtI iSSS g 1 1 s •aj!^ puB uiiiJH s ;5 ss 1 s •, t-; " s s s o ■siuBaS.ies SSSS i ^ So •.unsnjM puB uon.)'JJ^ui JO ajBG April 4th. do. do. do. S 1 1 t i t 1 ■< a 3 'I i 1 1 1 s j 3 •suiauiiSsH Ji) -UN 3rd,... 6th.... 9th,... 5th,... ■sjpBSu-a • P 1 a °" 3 «| si 5-1 4-1 ft O tS O ■^ li •r O EQ o >: <: I, 0^1 = rt 5 «3^ g TO Q) I - "2 § .2 o 5 C O c! *j 'S *j C 6SE§ c o _e c * « *! '•SIS V 3 a c4 « c .c 2 . 'OS •Ss PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 589 6 Q 1 1 o s ■sajl.a ^ mnja 5 ? . --~i s 1 •s;uBa3jas St? 1 !«.,„„ s § -" t- " r sjofBK lunaa *« t- " r •juBafjas -JW ■& .«|. -■ I* ■joCBK lUBaaaag CO ■»• I- '^ CO 4i •sajBiv 1 '^ : oo •suoaSans "- il - c •sjaisBpi J3iaBn5 CO 00 •s.ia^sBH Abj TP « t- '^ : 00 •s^uBinfpv i ^ 00 ■suiBidBua : ^ 1 r^ s |e ■suSisua -l^lh"-- > sjuBuainan ^g js ||---«-s " 's •siUBua^nan u.^cIbo •SUIBjdBO -« i" |!: :"- :- : ," -S |g3|i------ ^ 5 •SJOfBIM -"i-ll :"" : i W 00 •siauoioo iinajT -I'll - - :^ - « •siauoioo -hi! „^ r- 1 E 1 i ii. m 5 1 8 5 i 1 1 1 c c cc 1 is 1 590 GENERAL OFFICERS •suiaB 5 W^M. •samoio -v It ■UOnOTB JOJ IIjI 2 « ~ « 3 C •O C m 01 ^.^^ E E S-g E •S *" * 2 ■<--■« fi Ei5 £ S5 g a g i; :2 ^O 1-1^3 5 E-aS • - g "O ^ •:; ^- p: 1 &£.= m PENNSYLVANIA LINE. •ai!^ ^ >luBa s;3 1^ "S • •-> ■S3jt^ ^ siunaa : •s}u-B3Cjas :« 1 „ «' ■SJauosjjj uaijBX 00 t- ^ 2 •paonpaa N ; « v ^ ■paioiuojj •p,jajsuBJi « U, <£> C ■d 1 •pauasaa 5i3 f2 s - ^ 5 !5 j= •pajjdxa sstaix l^ •XjuiqBui jod rH : •pBaa .<» 1- ^ f2 CO •311^ pUB 51UBH '^. ■" l- Becker Wm. Henderson, .. A. Claypole J. Sweyney H. Carbury D. Zeigler Jno. Cobea, Jno. Steel E'r Carson Jo. (?) Henderson, Wm. Lusk Job Vernon Jno. Marshall, ... Jno. McClelan Wm. Van Lear, .. , Rob. Patton J. Jackson J. Kennaby J. Irvine, Captains. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Date of Commls'n. Captain, ditto. Ocfr 10. 1776. Oct'r 23, 1776. Ocfr 24, 1776. Nov'r 15, 1776. Dec'r 1, 7176. Dec'r 4. 1776. Jan'y 1, 1777. Jan'y 3, 1777. Jan'y 3, 1777. Jan'y 13, 1777. Jan'y 16, 1777. Feb'y 13, 1777. Feb'y 13. 1777. Feb'y 15, 1777. Feb'y 15, 1777. March 1, 1777. March 1, 1777. March 20. 1777. March 20, 1777. March 20, 1777. Sep'r 7, 1777. Sep'r 20, 1777. Sep'r 23. 1777. Oct'r 20. •77.* Oct'r 10. '77. Nov'r 12. '77. Jan'y 1. '78. Jan'y 23, '78. Feb'y 2, '78. May 15, '78. May 16. '78. June 10. '78. July 23. '78. Nov. 30. '78. Dec'r S. '78. March 11, '79. March 23, '79. Ap'l 1, '79. May 12. May 12. June 13. Aug't 13. Ocfr 21st. '79. Ocfr 10. 1779. March 1. 1780. March 16. Ap'l 17. May 16. Notice.* And'w Irvine Captain Sep^r 25. 1777 The eighth Regt. Is not included. s^B^'s (636) ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. (C37) (638) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 639 FIRST REGIMENT— 1776. Return of the officers present and absent of the first Regiment of Foot in the Service of the United American States, Com- manded by Col. Edw'd Hand. West Chester, Oct. 5, 1776. (a.) Edw'd Hand. James Chambers. Jas. Ross. Robt. Cluggage. Henry Miller. Chas. Craig. Jas. Grier. David Harris. Jas. Parr. Jas. Hamilton. Jno. Holloday. Sam'l Craig. Jno. Matson. Matt. McConell. Ben. Chambers. Mich'l Simpson. Jas. Wilson. Fred. Hubley. Willm. Wilson. Thos. Buchanan. Jasper Ewing. Thos. Armor. Wm. Cross. Ben. Bird. Peter Wiser. Present and Fit for Duty. Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel, Major. Captains. First Lieutenants. Second Lieutenants. 640 Jno. Dick. Jno. Dougherty. Wm. Magaw. Abrm. Skinner. Alex'r. Wilson. Jas. Holliday. Sam'l Blair. Jasper Ewing. Fred. Hubley. Wm. Magaw. Chris. Reinick. CONTINENTAL LINE. Third Lieutenants. Chai:I-un. Adjutant. Quartermaster. Surgeon. Mate. Officers Absent and how Long. 1st Lieut. Archibald Steel. | Prisoners of War, 31st December, 2d Lieut. Francis Nichols, j" 1775. 3d Lieut. David Ziegler, wounded 26th Aug., 1776. Officers Fit for Duty, v'apt. Nathan Smith, recruiting 1st July, 1776. Vacant Officers and by What Means. I Promoted. Capt. James Ross, 3d Lt. John Clark, 2d Lt. Jacob /ank, ) r, ■ , I Resigned. 3d Lt. George 1< rancis, 1 [Endorsed] Return of officers of Col. Hand's Regt., Oct. 5, 1776. EDWD. HAND, Colonel. ilcturn of the officers of the 1st Regim't of Foot, 5th October, 1776. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. ROLL OF CAPT. ROBERT CLUGGAGES COMPANY, (a.) Captain. Cluggage, Robert, resigned October 6, 1776. First Lieutenants. HoIIiday, John, promoted captain of Ross' company, Septem- ber 25, 1776. burd, Benjamin, from second lieutenant. September transferred to Fourth Pennsylvania. Second Lieutenant. Burd, Benjamin, promoted first lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Ensign. Holliday, James, from sergeant; killed September 11, 1777. Sergeants. Holliday, James, promoted ensign, July 27, 1776. Simonton, Alexander, discharged 1781; wounded in the battle of Brandywine; resided in Washington county, in 1803. Privates. Bainbridge, Charles, June 6, 1776; discharged July 13, 1776. Bone, Joseph, May 8, 1776; discharged June 24, 1776. Butler, Edward, May 18, 1776. Campbell, Larison, May 18, 1776; discharged July 18, 1776. Connor, Philip. Corbitt. Patrick, May 8, 1776; discharged August 8, 1776. Denmark, John, August 1, 1776. Donelin, William. Dougherty, Matthias. Drew [Dreis], Thomas, July 16, 1776. Gorman, Samuel, June 4, 1776. Hailey, David, July 24, 1776. Humphries, David, July 20, 1776. Irwin, James, July 16, 1776. Irwin, William. Kent, William. 41^Vol. II— 5th Ser. 642 CONTINENTAL LINE. Kerney, James, May 8, 1776; discharged August 15, 1776. Kerney, Nicholas, May 8, 1776; discharged August 15, 1776. Kirbey, James, June 6, 1776; taken prisoner August 28, 1776. Laird, William. Leonard, Patrick. Lewis, Robert, June 6, 1776; discharged July, 1776. Long, James, July 21, 1776. McCartney, Henry, July 12, 1776. McClean, Daniel. McCord, Ezra, July 21, 1776. McCune [McEwen], John. McDonald, David, May 8, 1776; discharged July 18, 1776. McNinch, John, May 11, 1776. McRoberts, David, May 18, 1770. Magee, Thomas. May, William, June 18, 1776; discharged August 15, 1776. Miller, Michael. Morrison, John, August 1, 1776. Plumb, Samuel. Pughe, Thomas, June 15, 1776. Reynolds, Michael. Richardson, James, June 6, 1776; discharged August 28, 1776. Richie, Philip. Richie, Charles, June 15, 1776; discharged July 13, 1776. Robinson, Thomas, June 6, 1776; discharged June 24, 1776. Ross, Charles, July 14, 1776. Rock, Thomas, July 14, 1776. Sheehan, Thomas, July 21, 1776. Sloan, Alexander. Smith, John, July 21. 1776. Steel, Francis, May 18, 1776. Stevens, John, July 18, 1776. Taylor, Hugh, July 20, 1776. Vanderslice, Daniel. Wallace, Samuel. Ward, Thomas. Warren, Edward, July 20, 1776. Whitman, George. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 643 CAPTAIN CHARLES CRAIG'S COMPANY, (a.) [This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. Craig, Charles, -yvounded at Brandywine. First Lieutenant. Craig, Samuel, promoted captain October 1, 1776 Sergeants. Norcross, Aaron, promoted ensign. Anderson, Enoch. James, David. Adams, Peter. Corporal, Drummer, Private;. Adams, Samuel. Anderson, James, July 12, 1776. Burger, Jost. Carey, Martin. Clifton, Robert. Coburn, William, July 18,1776. Concklin, Richard. Cooker, Nicholas. Crook, William. Daley, William. Dean, Samuel. Decker, Benjamin. Dilling, Amos, June 3, 1776. Duke, John. May 5, 17/6. Ferguson, William. Forster, William, May 10, 1776. Frye, Conrad, May 17, 1776. Ilardy, Elijah, flarvey, John, tlichman, George, tlichman, John Adam. May 17, 1776 644 CONTINENTAL LINK Hill, William, July 20, 1776. Horter, Peter. Johnston, Robert. Jones, Peregrine, May 10, 1776. Kane, Bartholomew. Karich, William. Matthews, Samuel, May 8, 1776. Mattingly, Alban. Miller, John. Montgomery, Thomas, June 17, 1776. Moeser, John. Nousted, Peter. Pierce, Zachariah, April 11, 1776. Price, Rees. Richart, Thomas. , Road, Valentine, May 16, 17v6. Roy, Patrick. Scribner, David, July 18, 1776. Smith, Nicholas. Sonn, David. Speering, John, July 12, 1776. Wagner, Adam. I Newark, November 24, 1776. Recruits who have joined 25 Recruits that have not joined 12 Lost at Fort Washington 22 ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES GRIER'S COMPANY, (a.) [This Ron is incomplete.] Captain. Grier, James, March 7, 1776; promoted major Tenth Pennsyl- vania, October 23, 1777. First Lieutenant. McConnell, Matthew. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 645 Second Lieutenant. Buchanan, Thomas. Crawford, Edward. Hay, David. Andrews, Arthur. Crawford, Alexander. Ensign. Sergeants. Privates. Benker, Michael.* Beally, Thomas,* deserted July 4, ITTti. Beven, John.* Biddle, David.* Black, James.* Boyd, David.* Brandon, John.* Brown, Black.* Campbell, William.* Coneway, Patrick, May 9, 1776. Davis, Thomas, May 13, 1776. Dougherty, James.* Everly, John.* Eaton, Joseph.* Finley, William, May 10, 1776. Fisher, George.* George, Evan, May 12, 17776. Grady, Thomas, June 14, 1776. Guy, Joseph, May 7, 1776. Hogan, Peter.* Henderson, John. Hutchinson, John.* Hutchinson, Thomas.* Johnston, Andrew.* Justice, George.* Kelley, Michael.* Kettling, Lewis. Kinkaid, Alexander, June 9, 1776. Kline, Daniel, June 6, 1776. Likins, David.* Logue, Patrick.* Lowrie, Nicholas.* (J46 CONTINENTAL LINE. 7 Lynch, John.* McCosh, John.* McCune, James, May 19, 1776. McElwee, James.* McGiiire, Redmond, May 30, 1776. McHaffey, James. McKinney, Henry, May 27, ^776. McMurtrie, John. McNaily [McEnnally], John, May 10, 1776. Magaw, Patrick.* Neel, James.* Owen, Michael, May 7, 1776. Owens, Richard, May 7, 1776. Paine, Robert, June 1, 1776. Prig, Thomas. Reynolds, Alexander, June 14, 1776. Reynolds, William, June 12. 1776. Rodgers, Thomas.* Rumphey, Richard, July 6, 1776; deserted July 26, 1776. Sawyer, Nicholas.* Saylor, Michael, June 7, 1776. Scott, Joseph.* Shute, Jacob.* Skinner, Moses.* Sloan, Allen, June 3, 1776. Stewart, John, May 25, 1776. Sweeney, John, July 16, 17'* 6. Sweeney, James.* Sullivan, Patrick.* Todd, Randle, June 3, 1776. Walker, William, May 17, 1776. Wallace, William. Weatherby, Matthew, May 13, 1776. Wilson, Edward, June 11, 177fi FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 647 ROLL OF CAPTAIN DAVID HARRIS' COMPANY, (a.) [This Roll is incomplete.] Captain. Harris, David. First Lieutenant. Chambers, Benjamin, Sr. Second Lieutenant. Cross, William. Third Lieutenant. Wilson, Alexander. Sergeants. Brannon, Alexander. Gibbons, Philip, promoted ensign Sixth Pennsylvania. Corporal. Senevely, Henry. Privates. Awbird, Thomas, May 10, 1776. Berks, George. Brown, James. Coleman, John. Creed, Robert, May 10, 1776. Ebright, Jacob. Elgert, Jacob. Felgat, James. Felix, Michael. Flora, Daniel, May 10, 1776. Flora, John, May 12, 1776. Fought, Christopher. Gorman, Daniel. Henry, Michael. Hilton, David, May 10, 1776. Klinger, Henry, May 19, 1776. 648 CONTINENTAL. LINE. Lewis, John, June 6, 1776. McCealy, John. McFarland, Samuel. McKeen, Henry. Madeira, Christian, May 27, 1776. Martin, Christopher, June 15, 1776. Myer, Christopher. Nibber, Ernst, June 18, 1776. Nipple, Frederick, May 20, 1776. Parks, Samuel. Pickle, Adam, May 29, 1776. Reilly, Thomas. Robinson, James, May 10, 1776. Robinson, "William, May 20, 1777. Ready, Barney. Shanefelt, John, May 27, 1776. Shanefelt, Nicholas, June 6, 1776. Strieker, John. Wander, Christian, June 12, 1776. Willey, Isaac. Windfield, Jacob. Wright, James, May 10, 1776. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES PARR'S COMPANY, (a.) [This Roll is incomplete.] It appears from a paper in the Hand Collection, that thirty- two of Parr's company, were enlisted out of the old battalion for the war, and fourteen from the flying camp. Four were captured at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776. The strength of the company in August, 1776, was reported: One captain, two lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, one drum and fife, and fifty-two privates; all for three years, except where specified for the war. Captain. Parr, James, promoted major, August 9, 1778. First Lieutenant. Wilson, James, promoted captain, January 6, 1777. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 649 Second Lieutenant. Wilson, William, promoted first lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Ensign. Dougherty, John, promoted third lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Sergeants. Hammond, David, afterwards promoted second lieutenant. McCormick, Alexander. McMurray, William. Dougherty, Cornelius. Pi-ivates, Allen, David, May 26, 1776. Bacher, Michael, war. Bradley, John, June 13, 1776. Callihan, Daniel, May 19, 1776. Campbell, Daniel, August 20, 1776; war. Chapman, James, June 24, 1776; deserted August 10, 1776. Condon, Peter, war. Connor, James, August 20, 1776. Coons, Mansfield, June 18, 1776; war. Currey, James, May 15, 1776; war. Davis, David, war. Deatevoise [Dubois], Richard, August 22, 1776. Delling, Cornelius, war. Donahue, Patrick, August 17, 1776; war. Edwards, William, war. Griffin, John. -Griffin, Patrick, August 15, 1776. Hagerty, William, May 12, 1776. Hammond, John, May 18, 1776. Henry, Philip, June 27, 1776; war. Hinson, Aquila, May 26, 1776; war. Hutchinson, John, war; transferred to General Wayne's com- mand; wounded at Long Island and Paoli; discharged January, 1781, at Trenton; resided in Huntingdon county, in April, 1818. Jones, Lewis. Leech, William. Lochry, Michael, May 19, 1776. 650 CONTINENTAL LINE. Loughrey, James, August 9, 1776. McCleary, James. McConnell, Cornelius, war. McConnigal, Patrick. McCormick, Henry, May 12, 1776. McGaughey, Hugh, May 15, 1776. Malone, John, war; wounded at Brandy wine. Meloy, Charles. Moore, James, May 15, 1776; war. Moore, William, May 20, 1776. Morgan, "William, August 27, 1776; war. Murphy, John, war. Murray, Patrick, June 3, 1776; war. Noishen, John, June 6, 1776. Norton, George, October 15, 1776. Oliver, John, war. Paine, Thomas, July b, 1776; deserted August 13, 1776. Peltson, Thomas, war; killed by Joseph Blackburn, in Jan- uary, 1777. Blackburn was tried by court martial, and acquitted in 1777. Peters, Philip, war. Rankin, John, war. Ray, John, war. Ryan, William, May 18, 1776. Saltman, George. Scott, Samuel, May 18, 1776; war. Scott, William, May 15, 1776; war. Sprigg, James, May 20, 1776. Speedy, James, war. Stewart, Thomas, August 21, 1776. Sullivan, Maurice. Thompson, Alexander, May 19, 1776; war. Toner, John, June 13, 1776; war. Warren, George, October 4, 1776. Washburn, Jonathan, July 28, 1776. Wilson, Matthew, May 15, 1776. Wilson, Samuel, August 22, 1776. Wilson, George, wounded January 2, 1777. Whiteneck, Joseph, war. Youse, John, war. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. CAPTAIN JAMES ROSS' COMPANY, (a.) [This Roll is incomplete.] Captains. Ross, James, promoted major September 25, 1776. Holliday, John, from first lieutenant of Cluggage's company, September 25, 1776. First Lieutenant. Zanck, Jacob, resigned October 1, 1776. Second Lieutenant. Hubley, Frederick, promoted first lieutenant. Sergeants. Franey, James. Ward, John. Privates. Anderson, Adam, May 1, 1776. Allison, Thomas, July 23, 1776. Allsworth, Ludwig, July 14, 1776. Barnett, Joseph, May 1, 1776. Beilor, George, re-enlisted May 1 1776, for three years; wound- ed at Paoli in the shoulder; residing at Marietta in 1835, aged eighty-seven. Cameron, Angus, February 14, 1777. Carroll, John, March 4, 1777. Collins, Robert, May 4, 1776. Connelly, John, May 6, 1776. Decker, Henry, May 1, 1776. Delwich, Casimer, May 1, 1776. Dilliner, William, May 5, 1776. Dorsh, Frederick, July 11, 1776. Dugan, Michael, May 9, 1776. Foulke, Solomon, July 17, 1776. Franey, John, May 6, 1776. Galbraith, Hugh, February 12, 1777. Gamble, Michael, February 15, 1777. Gorman, James, March 4, 1777. 652 CONTINENTAL LINE. Gribben, James, May 1, 1776. Grimes, William, May 6, 1776. Hagen, William, March 4, 1777. Hagerty, Henry, July 16, 1776. Hartnes, James, February 1, 1777. Hoover, Albright, May 10, 1776. Hoover, Felix, March 4, 1777. Keller, Andrew, March 4, 1777. Kissinger, John, March 4, 1777. Kuhns, Daniel, July 26, 1776. Lock, Conrad, May 6, 1776. Long, Robert, March 4, 1777. Lutis, John, May 11, 1776. Lutz, John, May 5, 1776. McCay [McCoy], John, May 1, 1776. McGee, Charles, July 21, 1776. McHaffey, James, May 1, 1776. McLane, James, March 4, 1777. McLane, William, March 4, 1777. McWilliams, Ephraim, May 1, 1776. Matthews, Henry, May 4, 1776. Metz, Elias, July 19, 1776. Miller, Frederick, May 5, 1776. Morrison, John, May 8, 1776. Moskell, Lawrence, May 1, 1776. Naglee, Anthony Henry, March 4, 1777. Neusorper, Christopher, May 4, 1776. Newcomer, Christopher, May 14, 1776. Newman, John, May 4, 1776. Ogelby, Charles, May 6, 1776. Porter, William, May 3, 1776. Reese, Ambrose. Reese, David, May 1, 1776. Reimer, William, May 1, 1776. Scannels, John, February 2, 1777. Seamis, Stephen, May 4, 1776. Shafer, Jacob, May 9, 1776. Silvers, Amos. Smith, George, May 12, 1776. Stamford, Robert, March 4, 1777. Stratton, John, May 1, 1776. Summers, Matthias, May 1, 1776. Tegan, James, March 4, 1777. Thompson, Charles, May 6, 1776. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 653 Todd, Thomas, February 2, 1777 Veese, David, March 4, 1777. Ward, John, February 15, 1777. Weaver, Albright, May 3, 1776. Welsh, Thomas, May 1, 1776. Weyland, Michael, May 7, 1776. Williams, John, March 4, 1777. Winegarden, Henry, May 7, 177( 654 CONTINENTAL LINE. o u rn W Z O -1 o u Q w [-1 2 P W K ^ H fe to O t- M . u CO > ed o w Q ffi Z H <1 J^ K . W H O J O o ta o fc >^ O m H Q Z H H Q ^ J5 lurua w >^^^=. - |i| •s^uBafJas c =<■..., ^ .-, ^ - ^ - . •ja;sBH ^^a 1 ;■ £ •ai^iM -sans : i 1 ; e ■uoaSjns k t •J9JSBW -Jb -^ ; 1- 2« •^uBinfpv ! ; ureidBiio 1 •: O m "siu-Bua^nan c, ^ ^ .. ^ ^^ « I2; •SUIBldBO - w^ w j ^ Is ■joCbk - ; I- •lauoioo -^T i : " •lauoioo t i 1 1 c c. c 55^ 1 s 'I ? c " 1 i 5 3^ c H CONTINENTAL LINE. . ^q 'C 0. s y" C o M .5f So c J v^^ ■^ ^- ^ S-S ?/t " § « < g s ° i^-c ross. y. on. Sick witl o ^^« sli^l ^ P3 ffi K !« s-£ S^ S- ^- ^ *J ^ -< o o o eJ Ja^:i - cl 3 't. oj" s: ' ^ p „=« s FIRST REGlIVIENT-1778. (6G3 ) (664) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. ARRANGEMENT IN 1778. (a) FIRST REGIMENT, PENNSYLVANIA LINE. Colonel. James Chambers, September 28, 1776. Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas Robinson. June 7. 1777. Major. James Moore, September 20, 1777. Captains. James Parr, March 9, 1776. James Hamilton, March 10, 1776. • Samuel Craig, October 1, 1776. Michael Simpson, December 1, 1776. James Wilson, January 16, 1777. William Wilson, October 2, 1777. Captain Lieutenant. Thomas Buchanan, rank as captain; October 1, 1777. Lieutenants. John Daugherty, October 1, 1776. David Ziegler, January 16, 1777. Abraham Skinner, May 13, 1777. Benjamin Lyon, July 6, 1777. John McClellan, September 11, 1777. Aaron Norcross, September 14, 1777. Thomas Boyd, January 14, 1777. John Hughes, March 28, 1777. Ensigns. James McFarland, ranks as second lieutenant; May 13, 1777. William McDowell, ranks as second lieutenant; July G, 1777. Edward Crawford, ranks as second lieutenant; September 11, 1777. 666 CONTINENTAL LINE. David Hammond, ranks as second lieutenant; September 11, 1777. Andrew Johnson, quartermaster; ranks as second lieutenant; March 24, 1778. Joseph Collier, April 18, 1777. Samuel Beard, June 2, 1778. Benjamin Chambers, June 2, 1778. RETURN OF THE OFFICERS OF THE FIRST PENNSYL- VANIA REGIMENT OF FOOT, WITH THEIR NAMES, RANK AND DATE OF COMMISSION, FROM THE FIRST OF JANUARY, 1777, UNTIL THE 31ST AUGUST, 1778. (a.) Edward Hand, Colonel, March 7, 1776; prom. 1777. James Chambers, Colonel, September 28, 1776. Richard Butler, Lieutenant Colonel, February 22, 1777; prom. 1777. Thomas Robinson, Lieutenant Colonel, June 7, 1777. James Ross, Major, September 25, 1776; prom. 1777. Henry Miller, Major, September 28, 1776; prom. March 1, 1777. James Moore, Major, September 20, 1777. James Grier, Captain, March 7, 1777; prom. Oct. 23, 1777. David Harris, March 7, 1777; res. Oct. 1, 1777. James Parr, August 10, 1776. James Hamilton, August 10, 1776. John Holliday, September 25, 1776; res. March 1, 1778. Samuel Craig, January 16, 1777. John Matson, January 16, 1777; res. Jan. 1, 1778. Michael Simpson, January 16, 1777. Jas. Wilson, February 12, 1777. William Wilson, October 1, 1777. Thomas Buchanan, October 23, 1777. Thomas Armor, First Lieutenant, September 25, 1776. Peter Wiser, September 25, 1776; on parole. John Dick, September 25, 1776; res. August 3, 1777. John Dougherty, September 25, 1776. David Zieglar, September 25, 1776. Abraham Skinner, May 13, 1777. James Holliday, May 13, 1777; killed, Sept. 11, 1777. Benjamin Lyon, August 3, 1777. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 667 John McClelan. September 11, 1777. Samuel Smith. Second Lieutenant, May 13, 1777; res. March 20, 1778. George Stevenson, May 13, 1777; res. Sept. 14, 1777. Aaron Norcross, May 13, 1777. Thomas Boyd, May 13, 1777. John Hughs, May 13, 1777. James Magill, May 13, 1777; res. Jan. 1, 1778. James McFarlane, May 13, 1777. William McDowell, February 14, 1778. Edward Crawford. January 1, 1778. David Hay, Third Lieutenant, May 13, 1777; res. Dec. 1, 1777. David Hammond. May 13, 1777. Robert Clifton, May 13, 1777. William Bayard, August 17, 1777; dead. Captain John Doyle's Independent Company Joyn'd this reg- iment the 28th November, and has continued to do duty in the Reg't to this date. John Doyle, Captain, Date of Commission July 16, 1776. Samuel Brady, First Lieutenant, July 16, 1776. William McMurray. Second Lieutenant, July 16, 1776. Thomas Doyle, Third Lieutenant, January 7, 1777. Henry McCormick, Adjutant, Appointed April IG, 1777. Pro- moted December 26, to Major Brigadier. Andrew Johnston, Quartermaster, January 1, 1778. N. B. — Lieutenant Norcross doing the duty of Adjutant since ye 27th December, 1777. [Endorsed] Return of the Officers in the First Pennsylvania Regiment, 1778. I certify the within Return contains a true State of the ofla- cers of the Regiment from the 1st January, 1777, to this Date, to the best of my knowledge. JAMES CHAMBERS, Colonel First Regiment. CONTINENTAL LINE. FIRST PENiVSYLVANIA REGIMENT— 1778. (a ROLL OF THE COLONEL'S COMPANY. [Dates given are those of expiration of enlistment.] Sergeants. Alexander Crawford, July 1, 1779. James Sweeny. Andrew Keith, June, 1779. James Lamb, June 22, 1780. Corporals. Alexander Simenton, July 1, 1779. Benjamin Carson, July 1, 1779. Joseph Eaton, Nov. 1, 1778. Drum and Fife. William Holliday. George McGehan. Privates. John McMahen. Thomas Vaughn. Mathies Crotoley. James Rusk. James Moon. Christopher Finnager. Michael Sexton. Patrick Newell. Mathies Long. Charles Bayle. James Black. John Bellons. James Boreland. Thomas Murray. Patrick Conaway, Feb. 1, 1779. David McCarter. William Walker. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 669 Thomas Kelly. Archibald Brown. Frederick Victorious. John Early. James Mcllven, July 1, 1779. Joseph Norton. George Housman. John Tidd. James Carle. Pater Hagen. Edward Maddin, July 1, 1779. Michael McGehan. Samuel Dinn. William Wallace. James Formoyle. John Lynch. John McMurtrie, Sergeant Major, July 1, 1779. ROLL OF THE LIEUTENANT COLONEL'S COMPANY, (a.) Sergeants. John Lei per, May 10, 1779. Thomas Fannery. Corporals. John Ferguson. William Douglass. John McCoUough, July 1, 1779. Drummer. Fifer. Jacob Tanner. William Morris. Timothy Winters. Murdough Patterson. John Patton. John Spavin. John Mclntire. Samuel Silas. Robert Conyen. John Gran. 670 CONTINENTAL LINE. William Fitzpatrick. Richard Kennady. Charles Linn. Patrick Preston. Patrick Grant. Robert Minor. Christopher Bettinger. John McCloskey. Francis Bnnis. Thomas Brown. Edward Moore. James McClane. Thomas Kennady. i Able Evans. '; John Daugherty. William Carnahen. Joseph Armstrong. Redman Roach. Barney McQuire. Rodger Caskey. Alexander Burns. ^Francis Murray. John Williams, Drum Major. ROLL OF THE MAJOR'S COMPANY. Sergeants. John Griffiths. William Donalen. Andrew Sands, June 1, 1781, John Denmark. Corporals. Mathew Sampson. John McCarty, February 20, 1780. Joseph Campble. Samuel Leonard. George Dickson. Fifer. Privates. Joseph Johnston. Robert Jones. John Bailey. Abraham Bryan. Robert Magee. Daniel McMullen. William Sparrow. Patrick Ambrose. John Kelly. Nicholas Smith. Anthony Grenade. Thomas Rock. Samuel Gorman. John Canapble. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. Edward Oneal. Charles Loid. Patrick Leonard. Samuel Willis. Thomas Shahen. Ralph Willis. Andrew Burns, May 16, 1780. Samuel Plumb. Martin Obrian. Martin Reynolds. Mathew Dougherty. Asia McCord. George Whitman. William Irvine. Thomas Davis. John Ward. .James Fruit. Thomas Fletcher, P'ife Major. Dr. The State of Penn'a. To Lieut. Joseph Collier for recruiting for the 13th Reg't of said State likewise for the 1st Reg't in the year 1778. (c.) 1. Jacob Herst, 2. Martin Brahel, . 3. Thomas Bigley, . 4. James Christey, . 5. Arthur McCue, . . 6. John Twener 7. John Anderson, . S. John Coghran, ... 9. Will'm Stewart, 10. Alex'r Ewing, ... 11. Robt. Sternon, .. 12. John McCleand, . v.. Jacob Sligal 14. Jacob Hardy l.i. William Burns, . 16. Robt. Hurst 17. Wm. McMun 15. Andrew Kays, ... 10. John Cleggs 20. John Wilcott 21. James Learney, . 22. Roht. Squires. ... 23. John Solsnian, ... 24. James McCartney 25. James Jones 16 Jan'y 13 do 26 do 6 Feb'y 12 do 2 Mar 3 do 7 do 19 do 19 do 28 do 20 Ap'l 3 do 14 Ocfr 24 do 26 do 9 Nov'r, ... 16 do 28 do. ... 7 Dec'r S do 20 do. 29 do 5 Jan'y, 1779, 20 Dec'r, 1781, War, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 120 do. 120 do. 120 do. 120 do. 120 do. 120 do. 120 do. 120 1,224 13th Regt. Personally appeared Lieut. Joseph Collier of the 1st Reg't of Penn'a and made Oath that the recruits mentioned in the 672 CONTINENTAL LINE. foregoing Acco't were each and every of them Inlisted by him at the times Specified Opposite to their respective names, and that the several sums affixed thereto amounting to two Thousand Six Hundred & four Dollars were actually paid them by him on acco't of their Bounty — and that the sums he has charged within are the whole of the monies he rec'd on that Account. JOSEPH COLLIER, Lieutt. Sworn and Subscribed July 10th, 1783. JNO. NICHOLSON. ROLL OF CAPTAIN CRAIG'S COMPANY, (a.) Daniel Humphry. John McCartney. Valentine Baker. Benjamin Decker. Elijah Hardy. William Ferguson. Michial Frederick. Sergeants. Corporals. Fifer. Privates. David Son. Cristian Hoffman. Dennis Marraty. Joel Borger. Robert Bradly. John Collins. Mathew Hughes. John Harvey. John Dockings. David Scribner. William Hill.- Thomas Richart. John GilJan. Samuel Mathes, FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 673 ROLL OF CAPTAIN HAMILITON'S COMPANY, (a.) James Franer. James Welch. Charles Ogelby. Jacob Shoner. Michael Foust. Sergeants. Corporals. Privates. John Ward. Michael Gamble. Philip Murphy. John Hopkins. Lodwick Ormagust. John Patton. Amos Silvers. John Gower. John McNear. Joseph Barnet. Timothy Danagen. John Kerr. John Hill. John Shearer. N. B. No account can be given of the men's Enlistments, as the Papers were Lost on Long Island, & the Captain absent. William Danlinger. John Condner. John Dougherty. David Reese. Elias Metz. Henry Heagy. Thomas Allison. Henry Winegardner. Daniel Countz. Charles McGee. William Porter. Henry Mathias. Frederick Miller, Patrick Stacks, ROLL OF CAPTAIN PARR'S COMPANY, (a.) John Me Lone. Michael Lougherty. Joseph Lougherty. John Curry. 43— Vol. II— 5th Ser. Sergeants. Corporals. 674 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Thomas Stuart. Thomas Wilson. Hugh Fleming. Patrick Quinn. Peter Wildrick. John Hutchinson. Cornelious McConnel. Alberd Law. Jonathan Washburn. Philip Henry. George Horner. James Currey, John Simpson. MISCELLANEOUS LIST. 1ST PENNSYLVANIA LINE. (c). John Pratt. A. M. Dunn. Henry Henley. William Feltman. Captains. Lieutenants. Benjamin Lodge. Lieut'ant and Paymaster. Richard Allison. John Rague. Charles Reily. Sergeant Privates. Barnet Schlanck. John Hughes. Edward Wells. Richard Barrance. Alexander McClean. Daniel Calligan. Wm. Burns, Enlisted 24th Oct., 1778. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 675 ROLL OF CAPTAIN SIMPSON'S COMPANY, (a.) Stephen Sims. John Armstrong. John Rhea. John Ryan. William Kerr. Sergeants. Corporals Privates. Daniel Campble. Michael Parker. David Davis. John Jost. Peter Conoton. Philip Peters. Alexander Thompson. John Murphy. Patrick Magaw. John Kelly. William Linn. John Moseye. N. B.— All the above men are under the Command of Cap- tain Parr, with Colonel Butler to the Northward. Nicholas Cocker. Albright Weaver. Felix Honor. George Baylor. John Clark. John Stephens. John Rheim. William English. John Salmon. Peter Felix. James Elliot. ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES WILSON'S COMPANY. (a.J John Ward. Philip Gates. Joseph Finch. Cornelius Lauderskiu. Sergeants. Corporal. Drummer. 676 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Jacob Bower. Richard Francis. Daniel Johnston. Daniel Dougherty. James Artness. Robert Stanford. John Dongan. Pet-er Provo. Francis Lucas. James Smith. Charles Smith. The above are all during Arthur Williams. Hugh Henderson. Peter McBride. Michael Kelly. William McCorraick. John Rogers. James Fagen. Jacob Kigher. David Moore. James Baxter. Dennis O'Bryan. the War. ROLL OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM WILSONS COMPANY, (a.) John McKenly. Jacob Albright. Samuel Parks. Thomas Hambeard. James Reed. William Kelly. Hugh Melligan. Robert Cample. Joseph Kincaid. Andrew Kincaid. Abram Boyd. Barney Roody. Cristian Evick. Cristian Moyer. Daniel Callahan. John Flora, March, 1779. Sergeants. Corporals. Fifer. Drummer. Privates. Isaac Willey, September, 1779. James Brown, September, 1779. Anthony Hinkle, March, 1779. Jacob Pinkly. James Gibbons. James McCready. James Bro^dwpd, FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 677 Jacob Wenfield. John Coleman. John Bough. John Crowley. Nicholas Sheinfelter. Samuel Cline. John Mackey. James Filgret. William Henderson. George Barrack. William Robeson. James Robeson. Michael Kenny. Robert Little. John Strucker. LIST OF UNPROVIDED OFFICERS, (a.) First Lieutenants. Daniel Topham, late Miles, will go to join Nichola's In. T. April 6. 1776. John Grier, Seventh regiment; January 9, 1776. William Davidson, Fourth regiment; January 5, 1776. John Morgan, Fifth regiment; January 5, 1776. William Felton, Thirteenth regiment; July 13, 1776. Captains. Thomas Byles, late of Shea's, to have a brevet commission for major, dated the ninth day of June, 1777. William McKissick, in the Eleventh regiment; November, 1776. [Endorsed] Rank, Regiment and Officers in the Pennsylva- nia Line, September 2, 1778. 678 CONTINENTAL LINE. RECRUITING OFFICERS DETAILED FOR GENERAL WAYNE'S DIVISION PENNSYLVANIA LINE— OFFICERS NAMES AND THE PLACES THEY INTEND TO RECRUIT IN FOR GEN. WAYNE'S DIVISION, 1778. (d.) 1st Penna. Line. Capt. Thomas Buchanan, Cumberland Co. Capt. John Bankson, Lancaster Co. Lieut. Henry Piercey, Lancaster Co. Lieut. Thomas Campbell, York Co. Lieut. Samuel Gray, York Co. Lieut. James McCullogh, York Co. Lieut. James Forbes, Lancaster Co. Lieut. Thomas McCoy, Cumberland Co. Capt. Michael Huffnagle, Lancaster Co. Capt. Nehemiah Stockley, York Co. Capt. John Harris, Northumberland Co. 2d do. 2d do. 4th do. 4th do. 5th do. 5th do. 7th do. 8th do. 8th do. 11th do. REGIMENTAL ORDER, SEPTEMBER 7, 1778. (a.) The following arrangement of regiment to be immediately observed:* 1st, Colonel's company, late Grier's — Capt. Buchanan, Lieut. McFarlane. 2d, Lieutenant colonel's company, late Buchanan's — Lieut. Dougherty, Lieut. McDowell. 3d, Major's company, late Holliday's — Lieut. Ziegler, Lieut. Crawford. 4th, Captain Simpson to command the detachment now under Capt. Parr, which is to act as the infantry company — Lieut. Boyd, Ensign Collier. 5th, Capt. Parr, Lieut. Skinner, Lieut. Hammond. 6th, Capt. Hamilton, Lieut. Lyon, Ensign Johnston. 7th, Capt. Craig, Lieut. Norcross, Ensign Chambers. 8th, Capt. J. Wilson, Lieut. McClelan, and Ensign Beard. 9th, Capt. William Wilson, Lieut. Hughes. *This was according to the establishment of the army by a resolution of Congress, of May 27, 1778. See Journal of Congress, vol. iv, page 223. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 679 Front. Infantry. Lieut. Cols. Hamilton. J. Wilson. Major. W. Wilson. Craig. Parr. Colonel's. Infantry. The companies are to take post agreeable to the above on the parade, till further orders. JAMES CHAMBERS, Colonel First Regiment. COL. CHAMBERS, WRITING TO PRESIDENT REED, OF PENNSYLVANIA, FROM 'CAMP NEW POINT, OCTOBER 7, 1779," SAYS: (a.) "Sir: Enclosed I send your Excellency a return of the Cap- tains and Subalterns in the 1st Penn'a Reg't, by which you will find the time of Captain Buchanan's resignation. (See this return printed in Penn'a Archives, O. S., vol. vii, page 726). Your Excellency will exceedingly oblige me by granting an order to the Board of war to issue a captain's Commission for Capt. Lt. McClellan and a Lieutenancy for Ensign Cham- bers, who follows in regular succession. I would beg leave to recommend the three gentlemen at the bottom of the return for Ensigns (John Hamilton, John McMurtrie, and John Scott) '• in the 1st Pa. Regt., and request your Excellency to include them in your order to the Board of war for that purpose." (680) FIRST REGIMENT— 1780. (681) (682) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 683 akkan(jp:mkxt in itso. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, (a ) Colonel. James Chambers, September 28, 1776. Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas Robinson, June 7, 1777. Major. James Moore, September 20, 1777. Captains. James Hamilton, March 10, 1776. William McKissaick, September 30, 1776. Samuel Craig, October 1, 1776. Michael Simpson, December 1, 1776. James Wilson, January 16, 1777. William Wilson, January 2, 1777. Captain Lieutenant. Thomas Buchanan, October 1, 1777. Captains. John Dougherty, October 1, 1776. David Ziegler, January 16, 1777. Abraham Skinner, March 13, 1777. Benjamin Lyon. John McClelen, September 11, 1777. Aaron Narcross, September 14, 1777. Thomas Boyd, January 14, 1778. John Hughes, March 20, 1778. 684 CONTINENTAL LINE. Ensigns. John McFarland, rank as second lieutenant; May 13, 1777. William McDowell, rank as second lieutenant; July 6, 1777. Edward Crawford, rank as second lieutenant; September 11, 1777. David Hammond, rank as second lieutenant; September 14, 1777. Andrew Johnston, rank as second lieutenant; March 24, 1778. Joseph Collins, rank as second lieutenant; April 18, 1779. Samuel Beard, June 2, 1778. Benjamin Chambers, June 2, 1778. FIRST REGIMENT-1781 (685) ( 086 ) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 687 ARRANGEMENT OF THE FIRST REGIMENT, JANUARY 17, 1781. (a.) Colonel. Broahead, Daniel, from Eighth Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Colonel. Robinson, Thomas, transferred to Second Pennsylvania Jan- uary 1, 1783. Major. Moore, James, transferred to Second Pennsylvania January 1, 1783. Captains. Davis, John, of the Ninth, commission dated November 15, 1776; retired January 1, 1783; in 1800, brigadier general; in 1803, associate judge of Chester; died July 10, 1827, aged seventy-four, near Paoli; buried in Chester Valley Pres- byterian church-yard. Clark, John, of the Eighth; commission dated February 28, 1777; transferred to the Third January 1, 1783. Wilson, William, commissioned March 2, 1777. Stake, Jacob, of the Tenth; commission dated November 12, 1777; transferred to Third Pennsylvania January 1, 1783. Ziegler, David, retired January 1, 1783. Steele, John, of the Tenth; commission dated March 23, 1779; retired January 1, 1783; afterwards collector of port of Philadelphia; died February 27, 1827. Carson, Ebenezer; commission dated April 1, 1779; resigned May 18, 1781. MeClelan, John, retired January 1, 1783. Burke, Edward, of the Eleventh; commission dated October 2, 1780; retired January 1, 1783. Feltman, William, of the Tenth; commission dated November 2, 1777; resigned in South Carolina. McFarlane, James. McDowell, William. Crawford, Edward. Banks, Joseph, of the Tenth. Hammond, David. 688 CONTINENTAL LINE. Johnston, Andrew, retired January 1, 1783. Collier, Joseph. White, Francis, of the Tenth, August 2, 1779; retired January 1, 1783. Martin, Robert, of the Tenth, April 1, 1780; retired January 1, 1783. Everly, Michael, of the Tenth, April 1, 1780; retired January 1, 1783; resided in Franklin county in 1787. Campbell, James, July 18, 1780. Ensigns. Nesbit, Robert, of the Tenth, September 15, 1780. Brooke, James, of the Tenth, September 15, 1780. Surgeon. Rodgers, John R. B. Surgeon's Mate. Rague, John, of the Tenth, April 19, 1778. Captain. McCurdy, William, from captain lieutenant, May 18, 1781, vice Ebenezer Carson, resigned. PROMOTIONS IN THE FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGI- MENT, (c.) Capt. Lieut. Wm. McCurdy promoted to a captain 18th May, 1781, vice Capt. Ebenezer Carson, resigned. Second Pennsylvania Regiment. Capt. Lieut. "Van Horn [Isaac], promoted to a captain 10th June, 1781, vice Capt. Joseph McClelland, resigned. Third Pennsylvania Regiment. Capt. Lieut. John Bush, promoted to a captain 11th December, 1781, vice Captain John Henderson, resigned. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 689 Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment. Capt. Lieut. Stephen Stephenson, promoted to a captain llth July, 1781, vice Captain John Alexander, resigned. Ensign Andrew Henderson, promoted to a Lieutenancy 29th January, 1781, vice Lieut. George Boss, transferred to the Invalids. Ensign John Rose promoted to a Lieutenancy Ap'l 1st, 1781, vice Lieut. Peter Summers, resigned. Ensign Ebenezer Denny promoted to a Lieutenancy 23d May, 1781, vice Lieutenant Garret Steddiford, resigned. Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment. Second Lieut. Edward Spear promoted to a First Lieutenant, 16th May, 1781, vice Lieut. James Gibbons, resigned. Lieut. John Crawford, late of the 8th, to receive his commis- sion in the Second Pennsylvania Regiment Dated 18th Apr'l, 1777. Philadelphia, Feb'y 22d, 1782. I do certify that the several officers as stated in the foregoing return are entitled to pro- motion agreeable to the dates set forth therein. WM. IRVINE, B. Gen'I. 44— Vol. II— 5fh Scr, (690) FIRST REGIMENT-1782. (691) (692) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 693 [Fur tlie folluwing rolls of Caiit. Andrew Irvine's Company, the Editors are indebted to Dr. W. A. Irvine, o£ Irvine, Warren county, Pennsylvania.] ROLL AND MUbTER OF FOURTH COMPANY, SECOND BATTALION, APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE, 1782. (a ) Captain. Irvine, Andrew, on command. Lieutenant. Milligan, James. Ensign. • Denny, Ebenezer, sick present. Sergeants. Nicholson, John, war; on commanc Winn, John, war. Roberts, Will'm, war. Cochran, George, war. McClane, James, war. Patrick, George, war. Wann, John, war. Walker, Samuel, war. Corporal. Fifer. Drummer. Privates. Allen, John, war; three months since last mustered, Frank ford to Pennsylvania. Baseter, James, war; sick. Berry, James, war; deserted June 11, 17S2. Bhonohas, Thos., war; on command. Blake, Michael, war. Brown, Cornelius, eighteen months. Burk, Francis, war. Burrage, John, war. 694 CONTINENTAL LINE. Caldwell, Tho's, war; sick present. Cain, Thomas, war. Camp, Gasper, eighteen months. Carty, Francis, war; Frankford to Pennsylvania. Cockinoal, George, war. Coy, Wil'm N., war. Grain, John, war. Cunningham, Math'w, war. Davidson, James, war. Dinnison, Tho's, war; deserted June 11, 1782. Donnald, Martin, war; deserted June 6, 1782. Elliot, Rob't, war. Finley, John, war. Gregg, Rob't, war. Hazlehurst, John, eighteen months. Hederick, Jacob, eighteen months. Higgins, James, war. Himley, Henry, eighteen months. Jones, Isaiah, eighteen months. Jones, Will'm, eighteen months. Justice, Jacob, war. Kelly, Will'm, war. Ktnley, Peter, war. Kinley, Sam'l M., war. Lee, James, war. Loyd, Peter, war. Mackey, John, eighteen months. Matthews, John, war. McClain, Jacob, eighteen months. McDonald, Pat'k, war. Moore, Tho's, war. Moorland, Hugh, war. Murray, Pat'k, war. Nicholson, Will'm, war; wagoner. Parry, Sam'l, war; three months since last mustered; Frank- ford to Pennsylvania. Pinkerton, Andrew, war; wagoner. Rayner, Philip, eighteen months. Reed, Albert, war. Ryan, James, eighteen months. Ryan, Pat'k, war; on command. Sheriff, Conrad, eighteen months. Smith, Christian, eighteen months. Smith, Jacob, war. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 695 Smith, Matth'w, war. Todd, John, war; G. Hospital. Trible, John, war; sick, present. Waggoner, Garret, war. Walker, James, eighteen months; Frankford to Pennsylvania. Wann, Michael, war. Ward, John, war. Wills, Edward, war. Woods, Sam 1, war. Wright, John, war. JOSIAH HARMAR, Inspector of the Southern Army. 12th day of July, 1732. (696) FIRST REGIMENT— 1783. (697) ( r.9K ) FIRST PENNS\LVANIA. G99 ARRANGEMENT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE, FIRST REGIMENT. JANUARY 1. 1783. (a.) Colonel. Brodhead, Daniel. September 29. 1776. Lieutenant Colonel. Harmar, Josiah, June 6, 1777. Major. Vernon, Frederick, June 7, 1777; died in 1807. Captains. Doyle, John, July 16, 1776. Bowen, Thomas B., Sept. 2, 1776; printer in Charleston, S. C, 1804. Bankson, John, September 25, 1776. Fishbourne, Benjamin, January 3, 1777. Humphrey, Jacob, February 15, 1777. Wilson, William, March 2, 1777. Irvine, Andrew, March 20, 1777; died at Carlisle, May 4, 1789. Finley, Joseph L., October 20, 1777; resided in Adams county, Ohio, in 1833, aged seventy-three. Lieutenants. Lytle, Andrew, January 20, 1777; died of camp fever in 1784. Jones, James M., March 12, 1777. Moore, William, April 10, 1777; discharged at Philadelphia, November, 1783. McMichael, James, June 20, 1777. Herbert, Stewart, January 9, 1778; appointed in United States service in 1784. McFarlane, James, March 21, 1778. Blewer, George, May 16, 1778. Blackall, William Ball, November 5, 1778. McPherson, James F., January 15, 1779. Ward, John, April 1, 1779. Milligan, James, April 16, 1779. Fullerton, Richard, May 12, 1779. 700 CONTINENTAL LINE. Collier, Joseph, May 17, 1779. Davis, Llewellyn, August 10, 17v9. Weitzel, Jacob, March 11, 1780. Martin, Robert, April 1, 1780. Campbell, James, July 11, 1780, McKnight, David, July 23, 1780. Spear, Edward, January 1, 1781; killed at St. Clair's defeat, November 4, 1791. Le Roy, George, January 2, 1781. Irvine, Joseph, May 12, 1781. Quarter-master. McFarlane, James. Adjutant. Fullerton, Richard. Surgeon. Magaw, William, resided many years after the war at Mercers- burg, Pennsylvania; died at Meadville, May 1, 1829, aged eighty-five. Surgeon's Mate. Wilkins, John, or Rague, John, not known which is the eldest. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 701 RETURN OF THE OFFICERS IN THE 1ST PENNSY'A REGIMENT, FOR ONE MONTHS PAY. SEPT. 23D, 1783. (c.) E . u E Daniel Brodhead, Josiah Harmar, ... James Moore, John Doyle Walter Finney, ... Thos. B. Bowen, John Bankson Jacob Humphrey, Wm. Wilson, Thos. Boude And'w Irvine, Benj. Fishbourne, James M. Jones, .. Wm. Moore Perc'l Butler Benj'n Lodge Enos Reeves. James McFarlane, David Hammond, . James McPherson, Thomas Doyle James Miligan, ... John McCullum, .. Wilder Bevins, .... A. M. Dunn Rich'd Fullerton, . John Markland, ... Francis White Henry Henley Jacob Whitsel Sam'l Read Ehen'r Denney, ... John McDowell, .. Roh't Wharry Colonel Lt. Colonel, Major Captain, ... do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Lieut do do Pay M. do., Lieut., Q. M'r. do., Lieut do do do do do do Lt. & Adj., Lieut do do do do do Surgeon. ... Surg'n Mate 75 60 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 26 60 26 60 26 60 56 60 26 60 39 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 39 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 59 42 BENJ. LODGE, Lt. & P. M. 1st P. R. 702 CONTINENTAL LINE. RETURN OF OFFICERS IN THE FIRST PENNSYLVANIi REGIMENT, DATED SEPTEMBER 23, 1783. (a.) Colonel. Brodhead, Daniel. Haimar, Josiah.* Moor, James. Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Captains. Doyle, John. Finney, Walter. Bowen, Thos. B. Bankson, John, resided in Baltimore, 1810. Humphrey, Jacob. Wilson, William. Boude, Thomas. Irvine, Andrew. Fishbourne, Benjamin, resided in Savannah, Georgia in 1789. (See Benton's Debates, vol. i, page 17, for Gen. Washing- ton's letter on the rejection of him for naval '^**'*'.er.) Lieutenants. Jones, James M. Moore, William. Butler, Percival. Lodge, Benjamin. Reeves, Enos. McFarlane, James. Hammond, David. McPherson, James F. Doyle, Thomas, Jr., first lieutenant; March 1, 1779, captain by brevet. Milligan, James. McCallum, John. *Lieut. Col. Josiah Harmar commanded the quota from Pennsylvania in service after the war in defense of the frontiers, until he was made general- In-chief of the United States army, in 17S9. He was Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, 1793-1799; ^n^ flled In Philadelphia, ./^VKVPt 80, 1813. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 703 Bevins, Wilder. Dunn, A. M. Marckland, John. White, Francis. Henley, Henry. Weitzel, Jacob. Read, Samuel. Denny, Ebenezer. Adjutant. P'ullerton, Richard, died at Philadelphia, June 16, 1792, aged thirty-five. Surgeon. McDowell, John, resided in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, after the war. Surgeon's Mate. Wharry, Robert. ROLL AND MUSTER OF THE FOURTH COMPANY, FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, FROM JANUARY, TO THE 1ST MARCH, 1783. (a.) Captain. Irvine, And'w. Lieutenants. Reeves, Enos. Milligan, James, transferred to Capt. Fishbourne's company. Sergeants. Bignell, Tho's, war. Blake, Edward, war. Clark, John, war. Dalton, George, war; safe guard, Mrs. Fuller's. Neil, James, war. Cochran, George, war. Upton, Michael, war. 704 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporals. Cavanaugh, John, war. Butler, Patt, war. Gilbreath, Josiah. war; sick, present. McCay, Roorey, war. Patrick, George, war. Reed, Will'm, war. Summerwell, John, war; sick, present. Jeffreys, John, war. Heany, Henry, war. Drummer. Fifer. Privates. Allen, John, war. Baxter, John, war; sick, present. Beatty, John, war. Benson, John, war. Bird, And'w, war. Blake, Mich'l, war. Branagan, George, war; ash fever in camp. Burns, Alex., war. Bushwald, Jacob, war. Cadwell, Tho's, war; sick, present. Callachan, Daniel, war. Cookendale, George, war; died 17th January, 1783. Cuningham, Math'w, war. Elliot, Robert, war; died 25th January, 1783. Fox, Will'm, war, sick, present. Gregg, Robert, war. Higgins, James, war. Hopkins, John, war; waiter with inspector. Jones, Robert, war. Justice, Jacob, war. Kelley, Will'm, war. Keton, Tho's, war. Lee, James, war. Lowman, Philip, war. Loyd, Peter, war. Lyons, Moses, war. Matthews, John, war, McBride, Peter, war, FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 705 McCay, Will'm, war. McCuen, James, war. McDonald, Mich'l, war. McHose, Isaac, war. McKinley, John, war. McKinley, Peter, war. McKinley, Sam'l, war. Morland, Hugh, war; sick gen'i hospital. Moore, Thos., war. Murry, John, war. Murry, Patt, war. Nicholson, Will'm, war; waggoner, gen'l hospital. O'Brian, Daniel, war. Perry, Samuel, war. Quire, John, war. Reed, Alex., war; sick, present. Reynolds, Martin, war; ash fever, camp. Riley, Christ., war. Ryan, Patt, war. Smith, Jacob, ash fever, camp. Smith, Matthew, war. Steigifuse, John, war. Thompson, John, war; sicK, present. Todd, John, war; died, 14th January, 17S3. Trible, John, war. Varden, Tho's, war; safe guard, Mrs. Reeves. Waggoner, Garret, war; on guard Ch's Town. Walcot, Clement, war. Wills, Conrod, war. Wills, Edward, war. Winghart, Adam, war. Woods, Sam'l, war. Inspection 12th day of March, 1783. FRANCIS MENTGFS. Colonel, Inspector of the Southern Army. This 12tti dfiy of March, 1783. ANDREW IRVINE. Captain, 45— Vol. ll-5th Ser. (706) Non-Commissioned Officers and Pri- vates of First Pennsylvania Regiment Continental Line. (707) m (708) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 709 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE, (a.) [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office, of soldiers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Sergeant. Armstrong, John. Corporal. Ambrose, Patrick, discharged Jan. 27, 1781. Privates. Adams, Peuer, Craig's company; ill in Philadelphia, in De- cember, 1776. Aikens, Robert. Albert, Jacob, died in Washington county, Maryland, May 4, 1830, aged seventy-three. Albertson, George. Albright, John. Alexander, James. Allen. John, wounded at Yorktown; discharged January 22. 1782. Allen, Samuel. Allison, James. Allison, John. Anderson, James, resided in Bedford county, 1822. Andrew, John, resided in Jefferson county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-six. Arbogast, Ludwig (e), October 13, 1776; wounded at Block- House; discharged March 23, 1783; resided in Philadelphia, 1835. Armor, Robert, killed in action. July 21, 1780. Arnold, John. Sergeants. Barney, Nicholas, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. Bradley, Robert, June 1, 1778— January. 1781. Burns, William, McClelan's company. 710 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporals. Bauer, John. Bierly, Frederick. Drummer. Biggies, John Adam. Fifer. Bryan, Jacob, May 1, 1777— January, 1781. Privates. Bailey, George. Baker, Christian. Barge, Balzer. Barnhart, Daniel (e), May, 1777; discharged 15th August, 1783; resided in Heidelberg township, Berks county, in 1813. Barnet, Joseph. Barns, Richard. Bateham, Jacob. Bateman, Levi. Bates, Charles. Bauer, John Jacob, Captain James Wilson's company, wounded in left hand by bayonet, and sabre wound in head; resided in York county, 1824. Baxter, James, March 4, 1778. Bayley, John, June 15, 1777— January, 1781. Baylor, George, living at Marietta, in 1837, aged eighty-seven. Beamer, George. Bearsticker, Andrew. Beasely, William. Beatty, John, died August 30, 1829, aged seventy-four, in York county. Beatty, Thomas, from Thompson's rifles. Chambers' company; discharged July, 1778; resided in Derry township, West- moreland county, 1814. Beck, Daniel, resided in Philadelphia, 1818. Beggs, Thomas. Bellow, John, January 1, 1777— January, 1781; paid at Carlisle, April, 1781. Bentley, Henry, from Third and Twelfth regiments; resided in Chester county in 1813. Bentley, John. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 711 Berger, Yost, from Thompson's rifles; drafted into Morgan's rifle corps; served at taking of Burgoyne; discharged Jan- uary, 1781, at Trenton; resided in Macungie township, Le- high county, 1816. Berry, Bartholomew. Berry, Edward. Berry, James, resided in Russell county, Virginia, 1820. Bery, Edward. Bignall, Thomas. Bettinger, Christian, January 1, 1777— January, 1781. Black, James, January 1, 1777— January, 1781. Blackburn, Samuel, resided in Washington county, 1785; died in Nicholas county, Kentucky, in 1834, aged seventy-nine. Blackwood, John. Blake, Edward. Blake, Michael, from Seventh regiment. Blakeney, John. Blanchard, Joseph, September 1, 1778, to January, 1781; resided in Saratoga county. New York, 1818, aged sixty-seven. Bleak, Michael. Bloomershine, Martin, April 15. 1780. Bough, John. Boughter, Martin. Bower, John, Captain J. Wilson's company, September, 1777— 1781. Bower, William, enlisted at Fishkill, New York; served five years; resided, in 1826, in Washington county, Maryland. Boyd, Abraham April 1, 1778— January, 1781. Boyd, Thomas, February 28, 1777— January, 1781. Boyd, William. Boyle, James, died in Philadelphia, June 28, 1825, aged seventy- one. Boyles, Charles, January 1, 1777— January, 1781. Bradley, James, resided in Otsego county. New York, 1822, aged seventy-three. Brady, Michael. Branahan, George. Brant, Zachariah. Brayle, Philip. Brinks, Benjamin. Broadwood, James. Brookhouse, Rudolph. Brooks, James. Brooks, William. 712 CONTINENTAL LINE. Brown, Archibald, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. Brown, James, died in Phila. April 17, 1780, while on furlough. Brown, Thomas, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. Brown, Samuel. Burd, Andrew, from Eleventh Penn'a, 1781—1783; resided in Cumberland county, in 1835. Burney, Nicholas. Burnett, George. Burke, Edmund. Burnham, John. Burns, Alexander, August 15, 1778, to January, 1781; resided in Washington county, 1819. Burns, John, resided in Nicholas county, Kentucky, 1834, aged eighty-five. Burns, Lawrence. Burns, Levi. Burns, Thomas. .' Burns, Michael. ' Barridge, John. Bushwald, Jacob. Butler, Edward. Butler, Patrick, died April 3, 1819, in Dauphin county. Eutler, William, resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged ninety- one. ■ |;f j Sergeants. Crawford, Alexander, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. Carson, Benjamin, Captain Ziegier's company, wounded in the neck at Piscataway, New jersey, and at Brandy wine in the right thigh; discharged January, 1781; resided in Clearfield county in 1813. Cline, Peter. Corporals. Campbell, Joseph, January 1, 1777— January, 1781. Cavanagh, John, wounded in left shoulder at Brandy wine; re- sided in York county in 1835, aged eighty-three. Drummer. Campbell, Robert, April 15, 1778— January, 1781, in Captain William Wilson's company; resided in Lycoming county in 1820. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 713 Fifer. Campbell, William. Privates. Cables, Jacob. Caldwell, Thomas. Calahan, Daniel, January 1, 1777 — January, 17S1, in Captain William Wilson's company; resided in Lycoming county, 1820, aged ninety-four. Calahan, John. Callen, Edward. Campbell, Daniel, January 1, 1777— January, 1781. Campbell, James. Campbell, Jeremiah. Campbell, John; resided in Franklin county, 1824. Campbell, Matthew, December 15, 1778, to January, 1781. Campbell, Robert, resided in Washington county, 1835, aged ninety-two. Can, Matthew. Cannon, Sterling. Capps, William. Carney, Barnabas. Carr, John. Carr, William. Carroll, James (e), in Captain Grier's company before Septem- ber, 1777; in Captain John Hughes' to 1781. Carson, Samuel, resided in Licking county, Ohio, 1820. Cary, Aiken. Casey, Roger, August 15, 1778, to January, 1781. Castor, Philip, January 1, 1777, to January, 1781. Cavenaugh, Edward, from Thompson's Rifles, served two years, and discharged for disability; resided in York county in 1808. Cavenaugh. Patrick, died in Washington county, April 25, 1829, aged eighty-three. Chambers, William. Chrisler, Elias. Clark, John, drafted in 1777, under Captain Parr, into Morgan's rifle regiment; wounded at Saratoga; discharged, 1873; re- sided near Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, 1816. Clendennin, Adam. Clifton, Benjamin. Clifton, William. Clinton, Matthew. See Third Penn'a. 714 CONTINENTAL LINE. Clouse, Jacob. Cochran, George. Cod, Philip. Coffee, John Coker, Nicholas, killea in action. Coldwater, Philip. Coleman, John, died in Fairfield county, Ohio, June 13, 1829, aged seventy. Colgon, Barnabas. Colkendale, George. Collier, Richard. Collins, John. Collins, Thomas. Colter, James. Coneway, James. Condiner, Jonn, January 1, 1777, to January, 1781. Condon,- Peter, Parr's company January 1, 1777, to January, 1781. Connelly, Patrick, resided in Warren county, Ohio, in 1834, aged eighty. Connel, lerrence. Conner, Charles. Conner, John. Cook, Peter. Cook, Philip. Cooley, James. Cooney, John. Cooper, Charles, January, 1777; dicharged, 1783; resided in Newton township, Delaware county, 1835, aged seventy- four. Coyle, Alexander, November 5, 1778. Craig, James, resided in Monroe county, Ohio, 1833. Craig, Matthias. Crawford, Samuel. Crone, Henry. Cross, Patrick. Crotty, Andrew. Crout, Matthias, Yorktown. Crow, Christian, resided in Sandusky county, Ohio, in 1834, aged seventy-two. Crowley, Lawrence, from Chester county, died in service in 1779. Crowly, Miles, from Fifth Pennsylvania, died in Chester coun- ty June 6, 1823. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 715 Cull, Hugh. Cummings, Eoward. Cunningham, David. Cunningham, Matthew. Cupps, Peter. Curley, Barnabas. Curry, James (e), enlisted May 17, 1777; discharged July 12, 1780; in Parr's company in 1777; in McClelan's, 1780. Curry, Samuel. Curry, William. Curtz, Michael, died in Mercer county, Ohio, October 10, 1818, aged sixty-six. Sergeants. Dalton, George. Denmark, John, Sr., January 1, 1777. Donlin, William, disabled at Stony Point, July 16, 1779; killed by the Indians, in 1789, leaving a widow residing in West- moreland county. Douglass, William, Sr., January 1. 1777— January 18, 1781. Corporals. Dacker, Benjamin, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Davison, Robert. Drummer. Dicks, George, April 15, 1778— January, 1781. Fifer. Denmark, John, Jr., April 13, 1778— January, 1781. Privates. Daily, Joseph. Daily, William, Craig's company, December 16, 1776; very ill in Philadelphia. Dalton, Richard. Darlington, John, January 1, 1777 — January 18, 1781; resided in Chester county, 1833, aged seventy-six. Davidson, David. Davidson, Edward. Davidson, James. Davis, David, January 1. 1777— January 18, 1781. Davis. Peter. 716 CONTINENTAL LINE. Davis, Thomas, June 9, 1777 — January IS, 1781; resided in Greene county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Dawson, William, resided in Bourbon county, Kentucky, in 1834, aged ninety-six. Day, John. Dean, William, discharged Oct. 17, 1783. Decker, Benjamin, died December 7, 1827, in Luzerne county, aged eighty-one. Dehart, Abraham, resided in Monroe county, Virginia, in 1834, aged seventy-nine. Delany, Martin, died in Greenbrier county, Virginia, July 10, 1827, aged sixty-six. Delany, Murdoch. Delote, Niciiolas. Dempsey, Charles. Dempsey, Sampson, resided in Botetourt county, Virginia, 1834, aged eighty-six. Dempsey, Timothy. Derninger, William. Dersh, Thomas, Lancaster county, one year and nine months, 1775 and 1776. Derumple, Robert. Desprit, Henry. Devinney, John, from Fourth battalion; served until end of the war; died in York county February 15, 1825, aged sixty- nine. Dewitt, James. Diete, William. Digby, Simon. Dillman, William. Dixon, George. Dodson, Thomas, died in Shenandoah county, Virginia, April 10, 1825, aged seventy-seven. Dombaugh, John, died January 24, 1819, in Columbia county. Donnell, John, resided in Campbell county, Virginia, 1834, aged seventy-seven. Donahoo, Timothy. Donovan, John, resided in Philadelphia, 1835. Donovan, Timothy, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Doran, James. Dorsey, Matthew. Dothor, John, September 1, 1776; transferred to chief's guards; re-enlisted November 28, 1781, and remained in chief's guards. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 717 Dougherty, Daniel, resided in Butler county, 1812. Dougherty, James, Sr., November 28, 1781; in chief's guards; re-enlisted. Dougherty, James, Jr., enlisted at Downingtown in 1776; lost an eye at Brandywine; furloughed by Col. Harmar at Charleston, in 1783; resided in Allegheny county, in 1813. Dougherty, Matthew, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Doughty, William. Douse, John. Downing, Jeremiah. Dowther, John. Doyle, John. Doyle, Morris. Doyle, Samuel. Drew, Thomas, Holliday s company. Drummond, Charles. Dubois, John. Dugan, Charles. Dull, William, enlisted 1779, Fishbourne's company; discharged 1783. Dunahoo, Patrick, Parr's company. Dunn, John. Dutton, Richard. Dwier, Cornelius, discharged at Fishkill hospital. New York, May 10, 1779. Sergeant. Ehrenfight, Jacob, resided in Warren county, Ohio, 1834, aged ninety. Earle, John, April 21, 1777— January 18, 1781. Early, Michael, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Eaton, Henry. Eberhart, Philip, January 1, 1777— November, 1783. Ebersole, Peter. Ebrighi, John. Egle, Valentine, died at Harrisburg November 23, 1820. Elliot, James, in Sullivan's campaign. Elliot, Robert. English, James, from Third Penn'a, discharged August 13. 1783; resided in Lycoming county, 1835, aged ninety-nine. English, Michael. English, William, April IG, 1778— January i8, 1781. Ennis, Francis. 718 CONTINENTAL LINE. Enos, Francis, May 19, 1777 — January 18, 1781. Evans, James. Ewig, Christian, Captain James Wilson's company; resided in Mercer county in 1820. Sergeants. Fannery, Thomas, July 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Fruiney, James. Ferguson, John (e), in Matson's company before June, 1777; afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel Robinson's. Corporal. Faust, Michael, January 1, 1777 — January 18, 1781. , Privates. Falkner, Uriah. Farrall, Patrick. Faw, Matthias. Feagan, James, January 14, 1777 — January 18, 1781. Feagan, William. Federa, Jacob. Felix, Peter, died September 25, 1825, in Berks county, aged seventy-four. Felty, Henry. Fennell, Patrick. Fenton, John, died in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, 1834. Ferroll, Michael. Filgate, James, January 1, 1777 — January 18, 1781. Filsin, George, Captain William Wilson's company; shot through the left leg at Trenton, January 2, 1777; trans- ferred from general hospital at Bethlehem to Lititz, 20th December, 1777; from Lititz to Yellow Spring hospital; latter hospital broken up in 1781; resided in Chester county in 1785. Finch, James. Finch, Joseph. Fink, Adam. Finley, Robert. Finnegan, Christopher, June 30. 1777— January 18, 1781. Finney, Roger. Fitzpatrick, William, February 15. 1777 — January 18. 1781. Fleming, Hugh. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 719 Fletcher, Thomas. Flower, Benjamin, killed in action. • Floyd, Frederick. Formoile, james, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Fortener, Uriah. Fossett, Robert. Foutz, Michael. Fowler, James. Fowler, John. Fowler, Patrick. Fox, Samuel. Fox, William. Francis, Richard, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Franklin, Samuel. Frazier, James. Freech, Christian. Frederick, Jacob. Frederick, Michael (e), in Craig's company before June, 1777; afterwards in Simpson's, to 1781. Frey, Conrad, Capt. S. Craig's company; discharged at Valley Forge, June 19, 1778; resided in Northampton county in May, 1819. Sergeant. Griffey, John, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Corporals. Golv^r, John, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Grimes, James, resided in Oakland county, Michigan, 1833, aged seventy-nine. Fifer. Goss, George, formerly of Second and Third regiments; resided in Clearneld county, 1835, aged sixty-nine. Privates. Gable Jacob. Gable, Peter, died ante 1792. Gabriel, Peter, July 13, 1776. Galbraith, Josiah. Gamble, Michael, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Garret, Abraham. 720 CONTINENTAL LINE. Garret, Robert. Garrigues, John (e), McCleian's company, to 1781. Garvey, John. Gowen, Henry. Gass, Henry. Geese, Nicholas. Gehan, Peter. Geiger, Nicholas. Gibbon, James, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Gilby, Thomas. Golding, William. Gordon, William. Gorman, Laurence. Gorman, John, Captain James Wilson's company, 1778. Gorman, Samuel. Gowen, Francis. Graham, George, killed July 21, 1780, at Block-House. Gray, John. Gray, William, resided in Montgomery county, Kentucky, 1833, aged seventy-nine. Green, James. Green, John, sergeant in sappers and miners; re-enlisted De- cember 26, 1781. Greenfield, William. Greer, Hugh. Greer, John. Gregg, Robert. Griffey, Wiliiam. Griffith, Abraham, served seven years. Griffith, John, died in Delaware county. August 19, 1821, aged seventy-three. Griffith, William, resided in Bedford county, 1833, aged seventy- five. Grimes, John, server three years, four months; deserted Jan- uary, 1781; resided in Mifflin county, 1832. Grund, Nicholas. Guest, Albin. Sergeants. Hambard, Thomas, January 1 1777 — January 18, 1781. Hambright, Abraham. Hefferman, Thomas, from Fifth Penn'a, discharged in Novem- ber, 1783; he was a school-master, residing in Rockingham, Virginia, in 1814. Humphrey, Daniel, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 721 Corporals. Hardy, Elijah, Nichol's company, January 1, 1777— January €S, 1781. Harman, William. Drummer. Henley or Hemley, Samuel (e), Capt. Simpson's to 1781. Fifer. Holliday, William. May 15, 1777— January 8, 1781. Privates. Hagan, Peter (e), in Capt. Buchanan's company before June, 1777, afterwards Hughes; transferred to sappers and mi- ners in 1780. Haggerty, Archibald, sick in Philadelphia, December, 1776. Hagey, Henry. Haite, Christopher. Haley, Michael. Hamilton, Cumberland. Hamilton, Henry. Hamilton, Thomas, Sr. Hamilton, Thomas, Jr., resided in Dauphin county, 1820, aged sixty-three. Hanley, Hugh, September 1, 1778— January 18, 1781, Hanlon, Marmaduke. Handy, John, see History of Chemung County, New York, page 74. Hardesty, Obediah, died in Belmont county, Ohio, July 29, 1830. Harding, John. Hardy, Abraham. Hardy, Elijah, Craig's company. Harmar, Samuel. Harrington, Jacob. Harris, Robert. Harris, Simpson, of Lancaster, now Dauphin, died at Pennsyl- vania Hospital near Ashley Hill, South Carolina, November 12, 1782. Harper, Henry. Harpole, Henry. Hart, George, died February 28. 1833, in Tioga county, aged seventy-six. 46— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 722 CONTINENTAL LINE. Hart, Martin, died October 7, 1825, aged sixty-eight, in Colum- bia county. Harvey, George. Harvey, John. Harvey, Thomas. Hazelton, Isaac. Heagey, Henry. Heaney, Henry, T Heckman, George, from Thompsons rifle battalion; enlistea 1775, Capt. Charles Craig's company; discharged in 1778 at Valley Forge; resided in Northampton county in 1819. Heflinger, George. Heimer, David. Henderson, Alexander. Henderson, Henry. Henderson, Hugh, March 4, 1778 — January 18, 1781. Henley, Charles. Henley, Henry. Henley, John. Henry, Hugh. Hening, Patrick. Henry, Philip, wounded in the thigh in 1777, and transferred to tne Invalid corps. Herch, Jacob. Heron, Patrick. Hickey, Michael. Hicks, Gershom. Higgins, James. Hight, Christopher, from Ninth Penn'a, 1781. Hill, Adam, resided in Mercer county, 1816. Hill, JacoD, Fel)ruary 1. 1776; discharged August 21, 1783. Hill, William. Himmelright, John. Hinman, David, from Thompson's rifles, killed in battle. Hitehings, John. Hoffman, Christian (e), in Simpson's company before August, 1778, to 1781; resided in Berks county, 1825. aged seventy- nine. Hogan, Sylvester, Bowen's company. Hoker, Nicholas. Holt, Evan, resided in Knox county. Ohio, in 1834. Hopkins, John, January 1, 1777 — January 18, 17S1. Hornick, Abraham. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA 723 iiorner, George (e), sergeant in Parr's company, then private in McClelan's to 1781. Housman, George. Howell, Thomas. Ruber, Felix (e), in Hamilton's company before August, 1773, afterwards in Capt. Samuel Craig's to April 1, 1780. Huber, George, resided in Lebanon county, 1820, aged sixty- eight. Huff, Benjamin, afterwards in Third New Jersey; died in War- ren county, Pa., 1828. Huffman. Cornelius. Huffner, Matthias. Hughes, Matthew, April 1, 1778— January 18, 1781. Humphries, Daniel. Humphries, Joseph. Humphries, Robert. Hunter, Vvilliam. Hutchison, John, wounded in service; discharged November 3, 1783. Hutton, John, January 15, 1778; resided in Cumberland county, 1821. Privates. Irvine, Charles, January 1, 1777 — January 18, 1781. Irvine, William (e), in Major James Moore's company before April, 1777. Drummer. Jones, James (e), in Captain Hamilton's company before De- cember, 1W7; afterwards in Capt. Ziegler's to 1781. Privates. Jackson, Isaac. Jackson, Joseph. Jamison, Francis, from Thompson's rifles; discharged in 1778; resided in Westmoreland county in 1818. Jamison, Richard. Jeffries, John, resided in Cumberland county. 1787. Jeffries, Jonathan. Jigney, John. Johnson, Cato. Johnston, Daniel (e), in Captain James Wilson's company be- fore May 1, 1777. 724 CONTINENTAL LINE. Johnston, James, resided in Fredericl^ county, Virginia, 1834, aged seventy-four. Jolmston, John, resided in Westmoreland county, 1833, aged eighty-five. Johnston, Joseph, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781; wounded in the service. Johnston, William, resided in Adams cornty, 1835, aged sev- enty-six. Jones, Hugh. Jones, John. Jones, Joseph. Jones, Josiah. Jones, Philip, invalid August 2, 1779. Jones, Robert, senior, June 15, 1777 — January 18, 1781. Jones, Thomas. Judges, John, killed at Wyoming, in Major Moore's party, in 1783. Judges, William. Justice, Jacob, resided in Beaver county, 1820, aged seventy- one. Sergeant. Kelly, John, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Corporal. Kinkaid, Andrew, March 15, 1778— January 18, 1781. Kelley, William, died in Lancaster county June 8, 1824, aged sixty-seven. Drummer. Kinkaid, Joseph (e), in Capt. William Wilson's company before August, 1778; Captain McClelan's afterwards. Privates. Kain, John. Kain, Michael. Kearhart, vVilliam. Kearn, Luke, Captain Craig's company; taken August 27, 1776; enlisted with the British; deserted to our lines, November 23, 1776. Keary, Arthur. Keaton, John. Keaton, Thomas. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 725 Keeland, John, senior. Keeland, John, junior. Keeland, Thomas. Keenan, Lawrence. Keenon, John. Keenon, Roger. Keith, Andrew, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781, Keller, Conrad. Kellons, Edward. Kelly, Alexander. Kelly, Edward, January 2, 1779— January 18, 1781. Kelly, Hugh, Captain James Wilson's company. Kelly, James, killed in action. Kelly, John. Kelly, Killian. Kelly, Patrick. Kelly, Thomas, wounded in the head by shell August 27, 1776; re-enlisted August 29, 1781; resided in Philadelphia in 1788. Kelly, Timothy. Kelly, William, died in Lancaster county, June 8, 1824, aged sixty-seven; corporal. Kelso, John. Kemplin, William, January 1, 1777 — January 18, 1781; resided in Franklin county, Virginia, in 1834, aged eighty-one. Kempsey, Patrick. Kenley, Samuel. Kennaghan, Richard. Kennedy, Dennis. Kennedy, Richard. Kennedy, Thomas, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Kernishon, William, wounded in the face; transferred to chief's guards; re-enlisted December 1, 1781; resided in Bucks county, 1835, aged eighty-five. Kerr, John, January 12, 1777— January 18, 1781; died June 14, 1826, in Allegheny county, aged ninety-four. Kerr, William, May 1. 1777— January 18, 1781. Keys, William. King, Christian. King, Francis, died in Berks county, July 3, 1825, aged eighty- five. King, Peter, enlisted 1777; died at Quaker Hill hospital. New Jersey, 1778. Kinney, Michael. Kirk, James, resided in Bucks county, 1835, aged eighty-one. 726 CONTINENTAL LINE. Kitty, John. Kline, Samuel, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781; resided in Berks county, 1834, aged seventy-four. Knight, John, invalid August 2, 1779. Kurtz, Michael. Kuyger, Jacob, January 1, 1777—1781. fcergeants. Lamb, James (e), June 10, 1777, Grier's company; afterwards in Capt. Hughes' company. Lochery, Michael, January 1, 1777 — August 1, 1780; re-enlisted September 20, 1780. Lyles, Samuel. Lee, Joseph, killed in action. Corporal. Leonard, Samuel, Capt. Simpson's company; enlisted in 1776, discharged 1781; resided in Greenwood township, Mifflin county, 1813. Letford, Rober., wounded in the rightarm at Monmouth; dis- charged November 4, 17d3. Privates. Lackey, Philip. Ladley, William. Lafferty, Edward. Lamb, Joseph. Landesmith, George. Larner, Edward. Lavering Wychael. Lavridge, William. Law, Albert. Leaman, Michael. Leamy. James, December 8, 1778 — January 18, 1781. Lee, James. Lagasure, John. Leonard, John. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 727 Leonard, PatriCK, born in Ireland, 1740; came over with Gen. eral Amherst; joined First rifles. Captain Craig's company (and served in Procter's artillery), at Bunker Hill, Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, Stony Point. Served in Captain Ziegler's company, at Block House, where he carried off Lieut. David Hammond, who was badly wounded. Discharged at Pittsburgh, 1783. Served under Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne, 1791-1796; resided at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1817. Leonard, Richard. Leonard, Roger. Lester, Jesse. Lillycrop, John. Linn, John, killed in action. Linn, William, January 1, 1777— January, 1781. Lisk, Peter. Lloyd, Charles. Long, Matthew. Long, Michael. Loudon, Philip. Lowman, Philip. Lucas, Francis. Lynch, John, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. Lyons, Edward, died May, 1799. Lyons, Moses. Sergeant Major. McCartney, John, January 1, 1777 — January IS, 1781. Sergeants. McCartney, Henry, September 15, 1778 — January, 1781. McCartney, James (.e), in Captain James Wilson's company. Maloney, John, clerk, January 1, 1777-1781; wounded in the thigh, at Long Island; knee dislocated at Brandywine; re- sided in Lancaster county, 1808. McDonald, John. McMurray, William, wounded at Paoli; resided in Centre county, 1816. McKinley, John. Mellen, Atchison, clerk for Capt. Simpson's company; wounded at Paoli, Sand Hill, and Monmouth; taken in the privateer Luzerne, and carried to Bermuda; resided in Lycoming county in 1813. 728 COiNTlNENTAL LINE. Corporals. McGuire, Barney, August 15, 1778— January, 17S1. Madden, Edward. McDonald, Alexander, killed at Green Spring, Virginia, July (j, 1781. McMurtrie, John, July 1, 1776; promoted ensign, October 1, 1779. Drummers. McDonald, Archibald, resided in Ohio county, Virginia, in 1834. McGehegan, George, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. Mitchell, William. Fifer. Murphy, William. Privates. McAllister, John. McBride, Peter, resided in Somerset county, 1812. McCann, Daniel. McCarrol, John. McCartney, Felix. McCarter, David, January 1, 1777— January, 1781. McCarty, John. McCaslin, Patrick. McClane, Archibald. McClane, James, March 15, 1777— January, 1781. McClane, Thomas. McClecken, Samuel. McClester, John. McClellan, David, died in Warren county. Mississippi, March 4, 1824, aged sixty-eight. McCloskey, John. McCloskey, Neil. McCloskey, William. McCIoud, John. McClurghan, Samuel, Capt. Wilson's company; drafted into Major Parr's detachment of riflemen; wounded at Still- water, 1777, in the groin; died May 31, 1825, in Westmore- land county. McConnell, Charles, from Seventh Penn'a: resided in Philadel- phia, 1795. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 729 McConnell, Cornelius, Parr's company. McConnell, William, October 18, 1778— January, 1781. McCord, Isaiah, January 1, 1777—1783. McCord, Thomas. McCormick, John. McCormick, Hugh, died in Scott county, Kentucky, May 22, 1822. McCormicK, Patrick. McCormick, William, taken at Paoli. McCortley, Michael. McCoy, Michael. McCoy, Rory. McCoy, William. McCreedy, James, January 1. 1777— January 18, 1781. McCrossan, Patrick. McCullum, John. McCune, James. McCurdy, James. McCurdy, Robert, died in Wayne county, Ohio, December 12, 1824, aged sixty-nine. McCurdy, William. McCuUough, John. McDonald, Francis, from Seventh Penn'a. McDonald, Jonn. McDonald, Malcolm. McDonald, Michael. McDonald, Robert, died in Hunterdon county. New Jersey, June 23, 1823, aged eighty. McDonald, William. McDonnagh, James. McDowell, Andrew, from Thompson's rifles; marched to Can- ada, assisted in rescuing Col. Biddle from the British; re- enlisted 1781; discharged at Philadelphia, in November, 1783; resided in Greene county, 1814. McEIhone, Isaac. McEIvey, James. McEnnally, Matthew. McFatridge, Daniel, died in Philadelphia, June 5, 1821, aged sixty-five. McGakey, Andrew. McGaw, Patrick. McGee, Ro])ert. McGinnis, Daniel, died in London county, Virginia, January 13, 1831. McGinnis, Robert. 730 CONTINENTAL LINE. McGinness, Owen, Smith's company. McGlaughlin, Felix. McGIaughlin, Samuel. McGowan, John. Capt. J. Hughes' company; deserted April, 1780. McGraw, John. McGuire, John. McHaffy, James. McHose, Isaac. Mcllvaine, James. Mcllvaine, Thomas. Mcllwee, James. Mclntire, John. McKeen, Edward, Harris' company. McKelvey, Thomas. McKenley, Samuel. McKendrick, Archibald. McKenzie, James, died in Newcastle county, Delaware, 1793. McKimmins, John. McKinley, Alexander. McKinley, Peter. McKinney, James. McKinney, John, resided in Hunterdon county. New Jersey, 1820, aged seventy-three. McKnight, Dennis, Capt. Dunn's company; died June 3, 1819. in Somerset county. McLean, Jacob. McMahon, John, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. McManus, John. McMullan, Daniel, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McMullan, Michael. McMullen, John. McNair, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McNorton, Michael, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McOnally, Michael. McPherson, James F. McPike, Richard. McSwine, George, resided in Philadelphia, 1835, aged eighty. Mackey, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Madden, Michael. Madden, Thomas. Madeira, Christian, died in Monongalia county, Virginia, March 15, 1822, aged sixty-five. Magee, James. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 731 Magrath. Thomas. Doyle's company. Mahoney, James, died in Montgomery county. August 14, 1823. aged eighty-seven. Mahoney, Arthur. Maloney, William. Marshall, David. Marshall, John. Marshall, Thomas. Martin, Claudius. Martin, Edward. Martin, William, died in Mifflin county, April 4, 1820, aged seventy. Matthews, James. Matthews, John. Matthews, Samuel (e), in Capt. Samuel Craig's company before June 1, 1777 Mattingly, Alban, Craig's company. Maubly, William. Maud. \\ illiam. Maxim, William. Maxwell, Henry. " Mayer, Christian. Means, Thomas. Meawls, Thomas. Mellon, John. Meltz. Elias. in Capt. Hamilton's company before June, 1777, afterwards in Capt. Ziegler's. Mentges, Christian. Melvin, James. Menzell, John, Capt. James Wilson's company. 1778. Metz, John, died in Schuylkill county; June 14, 1821. aged sev- enty-one. Michael, Philip. Miles. Edward. Miller, Conrad. Miller, Henry, resided in Franklin county, Ohio, 1833. aged seventy-six. Miller. John, resided in Fleming county, Kentucky. 1832. aged sixty-nine. Miller. William, resided in Fleming county. Kentucky, 1832, aged seventy-seven. Millham, Joseph. Milligan, James. 732 CONTINENTAL LINE. Mulligan, Hugh, died in Hardy county, Virginia, January 2, 1825, aged ninety. Montgomery, James. Montgomery, Johin, resided in Franklin county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Moody, William. Moon, James. Morney, Henry. Moore, Anthony, Simpson's company. Moore, Edward, January, 1777—1781. Moore, James, enlisted in 1777, Capt. William Wilson's com- pany; wounded at Green Spring, Virginia; discharged No- vember, 1783; resided in Washington township, Fayette county, in 1813; died February 4, 1820. Moore, Jesse. Moore, John. Moore, Thomas. Moore, William. Moriarty, Dennis, April 9, 1778; transferred to chief's guards. Moreland, Hugh. Moreland, Moses. Morgan, George, resided in Guernsey county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-five. Morgan, John. Morris, William, May 19, 1777— January, 1781; resided in Dau- phin county, 1813. Morrison, James. Morrow, Thomas. Morton, Reuben, 1780. Mosier, John (e), in Capt. Samuel Craig's company before June, 1777; afterwards in Capt. Simpson's. Munday, Thomas. Mulholland, Hugh. Mullen, John. Mullen, Patrick. Mullen, William, resided in Montgomery county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Mulvany, Patrick. Murphy, Archibald. Murphy, Dennis. Murphy, James. Murphy, Peter. Murphy, Philip. Murphy, Timothy. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 733 Murray, Daniel. Murray, Francis, Matson's company, 1777; killed Oct. 21st, 1778. Murray, Jeremiah. Murray, John. Murray, Patrick, d. July 23, 1854, in Ashland co., 0., aged ninety-nine. Murray, Thomas. Murray, William, wounded on piquet on Long Island; wounded in the ankle at Green Spring, Virginia; discharged Novem- ber 4, 1783; resided in Philadelphia, 1786. Musician Anthony. Myers, Peter, resided in Holmes county, Ohio, 1833, aged sev- enty-nve. Nace, George. Nagle, Philip, resided in Berks county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Nail, Nicholas, wounded at Brandywine, and lost his fingers. Nau, George. Needham, Francis. Neill, James. Nelson, Edward. Nesbit, Robert. Netherhouse, Daniel. Newan, Nehemiah. Newcomer, Christian (e), Capt. Hamilton's company before August, 1777; afterwards in Capt. Ziegler's company. Nicholson, George. Nicholson, William, resided in St. Francis, Missouri, 1833, aged seventy-nine. Nick, Henry. Noe, John, died in Richmond county, New York, February 2, 1S29, aged seventy-five. Norton. Joseph, January 1, 1777—1781, Norton, Henry. Norton, Patrick. O'Bryan, Daniel. O'Bryan, Dennis, invalid in 1777. O'Bryan, Martin. O'Bryan, William. Ogleby, George. Okerman, Jacob, October 15, 1778— January, 1781. Oldwine, Bernard, died in Washington county, Maryland, May 7, 1823, aged sixty-five. O'Neal, Edward, January 1, 1777; wounded at Green Spring, Virginia; died March 20, 1789, in Cumberland county. Pa. 734 CONTINENTAL LINE. O'Neal, James, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. O'Neal, John, resided in Ohio county, Virginia, in 1834, aged eighty-nine. O'Neal, Richard. Organ, Matthew, from Ninth Penn'a, 1781; resided in Tuscara- was county, Ohio, in 1824. Sergeant. Preston, Patrick, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. Corporal. Pillmore, William. Privates. Page, James. Painton, Aaron. Parker, George. Parker, John. Parker, Joseph. Parker, Michael, killed by Indians in Sullivan's expedition, September 13. 1779. Parker, Thomas. Parsons, John. Patrick, George. Partridge, John, resided in Beaver county, 1835, aged eighty- three. Patterson, Murdock. Patten, John (e), July 27, 1777; wounded at Kingsbridge; transferred to chief's guards; re-enlisted November 29, 1781, and remained in chief's guards. Peacock, Thomas. Peak. James, February. 1777; discharged Aug. 13, 1783. Perry, Samuel. Peters, Arnold. Peters, Elias. Peters, Philip. Phelan, Peter. Philgot, James. Philips, William. Phreamer, William. Pickle, Adam. Polston, Robert, FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 735 Porter, James, resided in Smith county, Tennessee, 1834, aged eighty-one. Postle, Henry. Pouge, Andrew. Powell, Thomas. Power. John (e). Powers, Robert. Prawl, David. Pugh, Thomas (e). Major John Moore's company. Quigley, James. Quin, Francis. Quinn. Michael, from Cumberland county, Capt. Henry Miller's company; captured August 27, 1776; enlisted in Col. Roger's rangers; deserted to our lines November 23, 1776. Quinn, Patrick, January 1, 1777— January 18, 1781. Sergeants. Reed, James, served until 1780; wounded and captui'ed at Par- amus, and sent to Engiana; resided in Lancaster county, 1806. Roark, Andrew. Ross, John, resided in Morris county, New Jersey, 1828. Corporals. Ray, John, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. Ryan, John, of Philadelphia, Capt Simpson's company; wound- ed at Miles' Square; 1777-1781; resided in Lycoming county in 1820. Privates. Rack, John. Ralston, Andrew, died August 1, 1819, in Westmoreland county. Rampson, Philip. Read, Alexander. Read, Samuel. Reddick, Adam. ^ Redman, Michael. Redman, John. Reed, William, from Nninth Pennsylvania; discharged 1783. Rees, David (e), drafted into artillery artificers; in Capt. Ham- ilton's company before July, 1777, afterwards in Captain Ziegler's. Reeves, Enos. ■736 CONTINENTAL LINE. Reigles, William. Reiley, Bernard. Reiley, Christopher, died in Fayette county, Kentucky, Jan- uary 13, 1829, aged seveuty-four. Reiley, Job. Reily, John, resided in Orange county, Indiana, 1834, aged seventy-five. Rey, Adam. Reynolds, John. Reynolds, Martin. Reynolds, Joseph. Richards, William. Richardson, James. Ricroft, George. Riguall, Thomas. Riley, Christian. Roberts, George. Roberts, Jacob. Roberts, Patrick. Roberts, Wiiiiam. Robinson, Aiexauuci. Robinson, Henry. Robinson, James. Robinson, John, of Capt. SimptOii's company, reside., in Mifflin county, 1815. Robinson, William (e). Karris' company, afterwards in Capt. William Wilson's company, 1781. Rock, Thomas, January 1, 1777, to January, 1781. Rodgers, Andrew. Rogers, Alexander. V Ross, Jacob. Ross, John, resided in Clark county, Ohio, 1834; aged ninety- one. Roswell, Jacob. Rouse, Jacob. Rowan, John. Rowland, James. Royal, Thomas. Rudy, Barney, Harris' company, January 1. 1777 — January, 1781. Rudy, Patrick. Ruggles, William. Rupert, Adam. Rush, James. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 737 Rush, Thomas. Rusk, James, July 1, 1777- January, 1781. Ryland, John. Ryan, Patrick. Sergeants. Sands, Andrew (e), June 7, 1777, Capt. Holliday's company; discharged August 13. 1783; engaged in all the battles from Brandywine to Yorktown; resided in Dublin township, Huntingdon county, in 1818, aged sixty-six. *Shover, Jacob. Sweeney, James, January 1, 1777 — January, 1781. Stevens, John, in Holliday's company before April, 1777; in Major Moore's company, 1780. Corporals. Simonton, Alexander, January 1, 1777 — 1781; wounded at Brandywine; died in Mercer county, July 3, 1821. Smick, Reynold. Solomon, John, April 15, 1778—1781. Drummer, Spade, John. Privates. Sailor, Peter. Sands, Thomas. Savage, Richard. Schlaugh, Benjamin, wounded and lost a leg at Princeton; resided in Northampton county, 1788. Scotland, Thomas. Scott, William, died in Venango county, July 19, 1824, aged seventy-four. Scribner, David (e), in Capt. Samuel Craig's company before June, 1777; deserted April, 1780, from Capt. Simpson's com- pany. Sedgwick, Joshua. Sexton, Michael, Matson's company, 1777. •Enlisted May 1. 177": corporal July 1, 177S; sergeant Mar. 1, ■71>. Killeii at Bl'^ck house July 21, 1780. 47— Vol. II— 5th Ser. -imi" 738 CONTINENTAL LINE. Shanefelt, Nicholas (e), 1776, Capt. D. Harris's company before May 1, 1777; wounded afterwards in Capt. William Wilson's company, and captured in attack on Block House, July 20, 1780; died in Haines township. Centre county, August 30, 1825, aged sixty-six. Shaak, Thomas. Shaw, John. Shaw, Michael. Sheaffer, Andrew. Shear, George. Shehan, Thomas, January 1, 1777—1781. Shehan, Daniel. Shelcut, Ephraim, died in Allegheny county. Shelcothe, Jackson. Sherridan, Henry. Shilcut, Ezekiel. Shockey, Christian, died April 18, 1829, in Somerset county. Shott, Richard, resided in Augusta county, Virginia, in 1820, Short, Richard. Short, William. Siggerson, James. Silas, Samuel. Silvers, Amos. Simmons, John. Simmons, James, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Simms, Stephen. Simpson, (e), 1776; discharged 1783. Sing, Abraham. Sinn, George. Skelton, John. Skelton, Jonathan. Sloane, Lawrence. Smeltzer, John. Smith, Charles, January 1, 1777—1781. Smith, Conrad, died in Franklin county, 1833, aged eighty-one. Smith, Francis. Smith, Jacob. Smith, James, shot through the head at Germantown, and wounded in the knee with a bayonet; living in Philadel- phia in 1788, a Pennsylvania pensioner. Smith, John, resided in Woodford county, Kentucky, 1833, aged eighty-one. Smith, Leonard. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 739 Smith, Nicholas, Craig's company; siclv at Philadelphia, De- cember, 1776. Smith. Thomas, died March 5, 1826, in Mercer county. Smith, William, died in York county, July 4, 1821, aged seventy- one. Sneevly, Henry, Harris' company. Snyder, Frederick. Sohn, David. Miller's company, Thompson's rifles, 1776; served three years nine months; died at White Hall, Lehigh county, October 5, 1826. aged seventy two. Sommerville, John, died in Garrard county, Kentucky, May 4, 1831, aged seventy-seven. Spalding, John. Sparrow, John, in Capt. Buchanan's company before April, 1777; afterwards in Lieut. Col. Robinson's. Sparrow, William (e), January 1, 1777 — 1781; in Moore's com- pany, October, 1778. Spavior, John (e). Spence, David. Squires, Robert, October 15, 1778—1781. Stanford, Robert, February 15, 1777—1781. Steel, trancis (e), in Holliday's company before June, 1777, afterwards in Major James Moore's. Stein, Edward, residea in Montgomery county, Kentucky, 1834, aged sixty-eight. Stev/ard, Hugh, from Ninth Penn'a; January, 1781—1783. Stevent, John (e), promoted sergeant. Steward, John. Stewart, Philip W. Stewart, Thomas, January 1, 1777—1781. Stigifuse, John. Stone, John, resided in Northampton county, 1835, aged sev- enty-four. Stonykin, Jacob. Stover, Nicholas. Stowers, John. Strieker, John, in Capt. William Wilson's company before May 1, 17/7, ana to 1781. Strieker, Jacob. Stroul, Jacob. Strunk, John, resided in Pike county, 1835, aged eighty-three. Stubbs, Robert. Sullivan, Murty. I 740 CONTINENTAL LINE. Sullivan, Patrick, rifle regiment, 1776, for two yearc; wounded in leg at Germantown; discharged, 1778; re-enlisted in Sec- ond Penn'a; resided in Millstone, New Jersey. Summers, Matthew. Sunckel, Jacob, six years six months; discharged, 1783. Sutherland, John. Swartzwood, Moses, resided in Northampton county, 1835, aged seventy-eight. Sweeney, Hugh, died in Cumoerland county, December 13, 1823, aged eighty-six. Syles, Samuel. Drummer. Tanner, Jacob. Privates. Taggert, Dennis. Teal, Jeremiah. Teal, Leonard. Ternay, Matthew, May 1, 1778—1781; died in Steuben county. New York, August 30, 1829, aged seventy-nine. Thomas, William. Thomas, Peter. Thompson, Alexander, January 1, 1777—1781. Thompson, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Thompson, Hugh. Thomson, John. Todd, John. Toops, Leonard, resided in Huntingdon county, ISoo. Tom, John. Traverse, Andrew. Trebell, John. Tripner, George. Trueby, Adam. Upton, Michael. Unkey, John, Ultz, George. Vandercrimel, John. Vankirk, John. Varden, Thomas. Sergeant. Privates. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 741 Vaughan, Thomas, Capt. Hughes' company; resided in 1818, in Allegheny county. Vernon, John. Vernor, John, enlisted, 1777, Capt. Doyle's company; discharged 1783, resided in Luzerne county, 1821, aged sixty-iour. Vernor, Philip, resided in Fayette county, 1835, aged eighty- one. Victorious, Frederick, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Sergeants. Ward, John, Sr., January 1, 1777—1781. Welsh. Thomas. January 1, 1777—1781. Whitlow, Benjamin. Fife Major. Williams, John. Fifer. Ward, George (e), of Capt. James Wilson's company, to 1781. Privates. Wagoner, Garret. Walcot, Samuel. Walker, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Walker, Samuel. Wallace, Ralph, killed in action. Waltz, Michael, resided in Dauphin county, 1835, aged eighty- one. Wann, Michael. Ward, John, junior, January 1, 1777— 178L Ward, Thomas, killed in action. Warner, Ludwick. Warner, Michael, resided in Yoriv county, 1835, aged seventy- five. Warner, Martin. Warner, William. Warren, Edward, wounded in the hand at White Plains, New York; resided in Bedford county, 1787. Washburn, Jonathan. Watson, John, wounded in the service; resided in Chester county, 1811. Watts, Michael. 742 CONTINENTAL LINE. Weaver, Albright H., January 1, 1777 — 1781; wounded at Bruns- wick in right hand; Pennsylvania pensioner, in Philadel- phia, 1808. Weaver, John D. Webb, William. Weirick, Valentine, Capt. Simpson's company. Welsh, James. Welsh, John. Welsh, Michael. Whitecreek, Joseph. Whiteman, Wollery, enlisted in 1776; served to nearly the end of the war, when he took sick, and was furloughed; resided in Germantown, 1819, aged ninety; lived in Philadelphia in 1835, aged one hundred and five; he had served in Brad- dock's campaign, 1756. Whitman, George, from rifle regiment; re-enlisted, 1776; dis- charged, July, 1781; resided in Berks county in 1813. Whitman, John. Widdows, Abraham. Wilcocks, Peter. Wilcort, John (e), Capt. McClelan s company, to 1781. Wildrick, Peter. Wilhelm, Balzer, January 1, 1777—1781. Wiley, Edward. Willett, Francis. Willett, Thomas. Williams, Arthur. Williams, Enoch. Williams, Isaac, Jr. Williams, James, died in Coshocton county, Ohio, November 9, 1824, aged seventy-nine. Williams, Richard. Williams, Thomas, died m Berks county, 1792. Williams, William. Williamson, John. Willis, Isaac, January 1, 1777—1781. Willis, Samuel. Wilrick, Jacob. Wilselman, George, Capt. James Wilson's company. Wilshans, William. Wilson, James, wounded in service; resided in Lancaster coun- ty, 1810. Wilson, Thomas, January 1, 1777—1781. Winfield, Jacob, Harris's company. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 743 Winghard, Adam. Winn, John. Winstaff, Matthew. Winters, Timothy, January 1, 1777—1781. Wolcemance, George. Woods, John, died September 2, 1819, in Allegheny county. Woods. Samuel, resided in Bath county, Virginia, 1834, aged sixty-five. Worley, George. Worlin, John. Wosselman, George, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Wright, George, in Capt. Patterson's company before May, 1777; Captain McClelan's company, 1781. Yengst, Peter, resided in Armstrong county after the war. Yost, John. Yost, Martin. Young, Christian, widow Mary pensioner in Lebanon county, 1823. Young, George, died in Rockbridge county, Virginia, Decem- ber 1, 1829, aged seventy-five. Youse, Michael, from Lowdon's company, Thompson's rifles; 1776—1783; resided in Maxatawny township, Berks county, 1817. Yourty, John, dis. August 15, 1783. (744) EIGHTEEN MONTHS' MEN, (745) (74t>) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 747 N >> a c B 2 S i H tf B-y o ^ 0) o 2 r" C 1-1 .Si M £^ fcr I-Im ;-;ooo>rti:coooo*'ooiii'3^'Oe!i«a 748 CONTINENTAL LINE. 00 P p:; O Q H H CQ J H OS ss^ ^ O O ,3. O 3 E 5 ««? 01 c K fc m ■ ■:: X X s c. i ^ g g 'o g E oi I fa P3 m is ce cJ o IPPo <;oPHeL2 w C m C S o g •3 K C fc O E S 5 ; s sj ■r •a « E^-;C 3 O Sigl I i E »■• 2 K < ^ H 1 H ts E ;<'. 750 CONTINENTAL LINE. i Not mustered after Dec. 1781. Not mustered after Dec. 1781. Deserted Oct. 7, 1781. Not mustered after Dec. 1781. Deserted Dec. 3, 1781. Deserted Oct. 8, 1781. a . E g c S ■a ■u. c 1 t a Stotsburys. Bickers. McCuUys. Davis's. Finneys. Finneys. Marshalls. Lusks. E ^- i s .^ ■S -^ 's ^ Comp'y ent'd in 1781. i : |2 : 3^ c stotsburys, Claypooles, do. Pattersons, Marshalls, . Campbells, . do. Bowers do. do T.iisUs ■c 1 ^ K / ■a c E a! i 11 ■3 : 1 i o \ u, : 3 Is c c >^ hi S 1 ii -1 t 1 < X 1 ii 1 c 1 1 I c 1 ■ E C £ ■ o c c £ o X FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 751 Jl II III 025 S a a 3 f 1 c 0. 3 1 ^ do. do. Davis's. do. McCullys. Stotsburys. Davis's Finneys. Bickers. '? .: 5 McCullys,. Marshalls. do. Davis's. Zeiglers. Steeles. Davis. do. Zeiglars. Finneys. a > s "s s ' i i i s s s "s ^- „- „• „- ^ 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2d ' T s s s « b l "s i > 1 s d d c J .« o ^ d d d d 'O 'd 'O *© t? 'O 752 CONTINENTAL LINE. < a ^ 8 S A fo m fQ 'lllllillllif .£5 -iT -O o £ " .5 S ^ o c - ■« i^. ^ ^ is £ oj X) .5 — "c.^ E « FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 753 01 0) -o (u Hi i! Si £ u 1 "Si o ai 5 w S ^ C ^ C K CC (B « ^1 ^5 s^^^sss, "« 'o & S 1 o S to K . . .Q a . S •^ J= D. • : : E : . ■ to • cs : C m c d) C oj , J ^«« « c r c |~ .c j: £ .2 ~ ij hj ►J EgvWW^|HS-3 -Voirn— 5th' Ser." & o c c ts J M J S' C <1> — ^ tm ■ ^ "^ 2 p 5 c cs : ? £ 754 CONTINENTAL. LINE. i| PPQOi^OQ^ <(? b \ FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 755 E E £ 01 V V o o u • (D 0) 4) SQOQ B t t. :?; o Hendersons. Hendersons, Hendersons, Hendersons, Hendersons, McCullys. Marshalls. Zeiglers. nil 03 PQ PQ PC McCullys. Marshalls. Marshalls, . Finneys. Finneys. ... Stotsburys. Stotsburys, Stotsburys. Stotsburys. McCulleys. Pattersons. Hendersons. do. Irvines. Bickers Davis's. McCullys. 1 Hit ii Sss 1st 1st sss S sis s s's 13 2 ■ ■; i & = .:i >^ iJ cc S ►J -^ o 0, E M .2 ic ?i c i; c c 0. c Ifco^^Ss ij -a tf •riS-S 756 CONTINENTAL LINE. g g ' < t I. la t: t 1 >■ t E c • stotsburys. Pattersons. Lusks. do. Irvines. do. Finneys. Stotsburys. Irvines. TrvinPB i Bickers Smiths. Bouds. Stotsburys. Stotsburys, 1 "s J ? ? ._ 1 ^ 1 1 s" Claypooles, Pattersons, do. do. do. Marshalls, . do. ■c X ■c ■c % Stotsburys, do. Claypooles, do. 1 I 1 ■z X5 'C |5 1 1 t: i c J 1 •5 1 c :5 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 ir c £ 1 1 1 1 1 £ '1 1 I ■i > i V i ■I 1 J t 1 i 1 1 1 1 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 757 B B S S £ £ o o ' 9 II I fe I £ S I 1 1 1 5' s s"s s H S 2 s H s s"s s s s s S 2lsgs. '^M ons, lis, . !fi" '?|i: : m — -o -o IS •a E-o ^•o'O'O'O'a'O ^-OT^g^- I « « WOO* CO J 1^ - - S -a" ^ a M -o' — ? = £ 2 £ - 5 S ?E M 03 ■ C C ■ o o • l||ii;§^g (758) ENLISTMENT PAPERS. (759) wm (760) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 7C1 ENLISTMENT PAPERS. These are to certify that the bearer hereof James Bradley, Soldier in the 1st Pennsylvania regiment, having faithfully served the United States from May 1778 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 13th August 1783. By order of the secretary at war. B. LINCOLN. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON. adjutant, (d.) War Office, August 13th, 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Henery Gibson, Soldier in the third Pennsylvania regiment having faithfully served the United States four years and two months and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at Fort Pitt, Sept. 30, 1783. WM. IRVINE, B. Gen'l. Registered in the books of the detachment. J. Crawford, Lt. 9d Penn'a. Reg't. 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. WM. IRVINE, B. Gen'l. I, Henry Gibson soldier do hereby for a vallable considera- tion received from Heirony, Miss Eckman transferd assign and 762 CONTINENTAL LINE. make over all my Height Title Claim and Interest of the Land to me granted by the State of Pennsylvania and the United States unto Heirony Miss Eckman or to his heirs or assigns in witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this four- teenth day of Feb. A. D. 1796. HENRY GIBSON. (Seal.) Being present John McClelling. William Ramsey. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Arthur Mahone, Corporal in the 1st Pennsylvania regiment, having faithfully served the United States from 4th November 1776 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Oiven at the war office the 13th August, 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, adjutant. War Office, August 13, 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Robert Darumple, Soldier in the 1st Pennsylvania regiment, having faithfully served the United States from August, 1781 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 14th Aug. 1783. B. LINCOLN. JOS. CARLETON, Sec'y. By order of the secretary at war. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, adjutant, (d.) War Office, Aug. 14, 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 763 previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Cornelious Huff- man, Soldier in the 1st Pennsylvania regiment, having faith- fully served the United States from March 1777 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from 'he American army. Given at the war office the . B. LINCOLN. By order of the Secretary at War. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, adjutant. War Office, 15 Aug. 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to oe considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Henry Gable Mat- rass in the Pennsylvania Artillery regiment having faithfully served in the United States since 17 August 1782 and being Inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 30th June 1783. By order of the secretary at war. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. JOSEPH ASHTON, Capt. Lt., for ROBERT PARKER, adjutant. War Office, 30 June, 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. 764 CONTINENTAL LINE. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Charles Dugan Soldier in the 1st Pennsylvania regiment, having faithfully served the United States from May 1777 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 18th August, 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary of war. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, adjutant. War Office, Aug. 18, 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof John Devaney, Soldier in the Pennsyl'a regiment, having faithfully served the United States from February 1777 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 20th September, 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the Regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, adjutant, (d.) War Office, Sept. 20th, 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to b-3 considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. I, William Waide do acknowledg myself to be fairly and truly inlisted in the service of the united states in the regiment of the Pennsylvania line, during the present war. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 765 In witness whereof I have set my hand, this twenty eight day of September Anno Domini 1782. WM. WAIDE. Witness, Jacob Kagey. Received of the State of Pennsylvania, by the hands of Cap- tain John Doyle the sum of nine pounds specie, being the bounty for my inlistment to serve during the war. Witness my hand, this 28 day of September Anno Domini 1782. WM. WADE. Witness, Jacob Kagey. I, William Waide do swear, that I am not a deserter from British army, or from the army or navy of the United States: That I renounce, refuse and abjure any allegiance to the king of Great Britain his heirs and successors; and that I will be be true and faithful to the united states of America; and that I will faithfully serve them in the Pennsylvania line during the present war; and that I will be obedient to the orders of congress, and the officers by them to the conti- nental articles of war, and the establishment of the corps in which- I am now inlisted. So help me God. Sworn before me this day of 178. JACOB KAGEY. Lancaster County Lt. These are to certify that 'the bearer hereof Christian Baker, Soldier in the 1st Pennsyl'a regiment having faithfully served the United States from April 1776 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 16th August, 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, adjutant. War Office, August 16, 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; 766 CONTINENTAL LINE. previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Moses Moreland, Soldier in the 1st Pennsylv'a regiment, having faithfully served the United States from May 1777 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 21st August 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. Jos. Carieton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, adjutant, (d.) War Office, August 21st. 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. I, John Spohn do acknowledge the United States of America to be free independent & sovereign States & declare that the People thereof owe no allegiance of obedience to George the third King of Great Britain & I renounce refuse and abjure all allegiance of obedience to him & I do swear that I will to the utmost of Power support, maintain & defend the said United States against the said King George his heirs & succes- sors & his & their abettors assistants & adherents & I do swear that I will serve the said United States in the office of Ass't to the Qu'r M'r Gen'l which I now hold with fidelity, according to the best of my skill & understanding. "So help me God." I, John Spohn, do swear that I will faithfully truly and impartially execute the office of Ass't to the Q'r M'r Gen'l to which I am appointed & render a true account when there unto required, of all public monies by me received or ex- pended & of all stores or other Effects to me entrusted which FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 767 belong to the United States & will in all respects discharge the Trust reposed in me with Justice & Integrety to the best of my skill & understanding. ^Reading in Pennsylvania April 15, 1778. JOHN SPOHN. Sworn & Subscribed before Thomas Mifflin. These are to certify that the bearer hereof James Douglass Soldier in the 1st Pennsylvania regiment having faithfully served the United States from October 1776 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 21st August, 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, adjutant. See former discharge signed by B. Lincoln. These are to certify that the bearer hereof John Hoskin Soldier in the 2d Penn'a regiment having faithfully served the United States from 1st August 1782 to the present date & being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 20th June, 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. WM. HUSTON, adjutant. See former discharge signed by B. Lincoln. I do hereby certify that Doctor George Glentworth Senior Surgeon ol the General Hospital hath voluntarily taken the Oath of Allegiance & fidelity, 'as directed by Resolutions of congress passed the Third day of February instant. Witness my Hand & Seal the twenty third day of February A. D. 1778. (S. S.) JNO. CRD. No. 1. 768 CONTINEN'iAL L-'In^E. "^ These are to certify that the bearer hereof Michael Wann, Soldier in the 1st Pa. regiment, having faithfully served the United States from February 1777 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 21st Aug. 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. Jos. Carleton, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, adjutant, (d.) Ste former discharges signed B. Lincoln. Dauphin Co. Before me the subscriber one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas lor the said county personally appeared Michael Wann and on his solemn oath deposeth and saith that he is the same Michael Wann in the above discharge or instru- ment of writing (signed B. Lincoln, dated 21st Aug. 1783), mentioned that he served in the above discharge mentioned, that he now lives in Heidelberg township, Dauphin county and that he never sold aliened or otherwise disposed of his land or arrearages of pay to which he is or may be entitled to as soldier for his services in the army aforesaid or of any part thereof. Sworn and subscribed the 10th day of Mar. A. D. 1805. MICHAEL WANN. Before me. Jno. Gloninger. Received of the state of Penn'a by the hands of Capt. John Doyle the sum of nine pounds specie, being the bounty for my inlistment to serve during the war. Witness my hand this 6th day of Aug. A. D. 1782. JOHN DOYLE. Witness, Jacob Kagey. I John Stewart do swear, that I am not a deserter from the British army, or from the army or navy of the United States: That I renounce, refuse and abjure any allegiance to the king FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. 769 of Great Britain, his heirs and successors; and that I will be true and faithful to the United States of America; and that I will faithfully serve them in the Pennsylvania line, during the present war; and that I will be obedient to the orders of Congress, and the officers by them set over me, according to the continental articles of war, and the establishment of the corps in which I am now inlisted. So help me God. Sworn before me this 6th day of Aug. 1782. JACOB KAGEY. Lancaster Co. 49— Vol. II— 5th Ser. m^ ( 770 ) ^-^ CONTINENTAL LINE. FOITKT'H PENNSYLVANIA, OCT., 1776— NOV. 3, 1783. (a) ( 771 ) (772) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 773 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA, (a.) From the First Battalion, under Colonel de Haas, who re- mained in command until his promotion to brigadier general, the Second Pennsylvania was organized. A return, signed by William Williams, major, of the number of men enlisted, passed muster, and brought into the field, from December 24, 1776, to June 30, 1777, is as follows: Passed Brought Enlisted, muster, to field. Capt. Joseph Howell, 45 45 25 Capt. John Patterson 36 36 24 Capt. Jacob Ashmead, 33 33 22 Capt. John Bankson, 45 44 27 Capt. George Jenkins, 41 41 36 Capt. Roger Stayner, 52 52 34 Capt. Christian Staddel, 44 44 22 Captain Samuel Tolbert, 44 44 29 340 339 219 The embarrassments resulting from change and resignation of field officers acted unfavorably upon the efficiency of the reg- iment in organization, and with the fusion of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania with it on the 1st of July, 1778, and. change of commanders complicates and confuses what few records the ravages of fire have left of it. Only two general returns can be found, the one mentioned in the subsequent letter of Major Williams, and one signed by Benjamin Boyer, adjutant, which seems to have been made immediately after the battle of Ger- mantown, October 4, 1777. By the first mentioned return of August, 1777, there were present one major, five captains, two first lieutenants, four second lieutenants, four ensigns, adju- tant, quarter-master, paymaster, and surgeon, thirteen ser- geants, nine drums and fifes, one hundred and six rank and file, fit for duty, four sick present, nineteen sick absent, nine- teen on command; total one hundred and forty-eight. Absent by leave, Ensign de Haas, since November 3, 1776, Capt. Stay- ner, August 9, 1777, Capt. Jenkins, August 10, 1777. Absent and wounded, Capt. Ashmead, Lieuts. Cobea, Clumberg, Gos- ner. Canon, Boyer, Ensign Purcell; the six last named at Phil- adelphia; Ensign Strieker, at Germantown; on command, En- sign Burton. Vacant commissions. Col. Irvine, resigned; Lieut. 774 CONTINENTAL LINE. Col. Jones, resigned; First Lieut. John Ellis, cashiered; First Lieut. William Moore, resigned; First Lieut. Ziegler, resigned; Second Lieut. Stoy, promoted; Ensign Abel Morris, promoted; two sergeants and fourteen men on command with the artillery. The fife major confined for re-enlisting. Major William Williams, from "Camp at Cross Roads, August 11, 1777," writes to the Supreme Executive Council, as follows: "Gentlemen: I enclose you a weekly return of the Second Pennsylvania. You will find there are three first lieutenants, two second lieutenants, and one ensign wanting to complete the subalterns. In a letter to the Hon. Board of War, I gave my reasons for not promoting the second lieutenants and ensigns in rotation. I should be glad if you would appoint gentlemen that would be fit to fill the place of first lieutenants, as those that come in rotation are too young. I think Gen'l de Haas' son should be left out, as I know no reason why he should re- ceive pay, when he is not fit to take from school; he has been near a year appointed, and has never seen the regiment. I should be exceeding glad if a colonel could be appointed soon, as the regiment has suffered much by the different changes and intervals of commanding officers. The regiment no doubt suffered heavily at Brandywine and Germantown, as the October return says the regiment com- manded by Capt. Joseph Howell and only one other captain, Staddel, present; one first lieutenant, three second lieutenants, five ensigns, pay-master, quarter-master, surgeon, eight ser- geants, ten drums and fifes. Rank and file, fifty-six present, fit for duty; thirteen sick present; seventeen sick absent; twenty-four on command; total rank and file, one hundred and ten. Major Williams taken at Germantown, one captain in arrest, one prisoner in Philadelphia, one sick at Burlington, four subalterns sick absent, and one sick present. Maj. Williams subsequently escaped, and from the following letter to Pres- ident W h a r- ton, of Penn- '<^'5^^*^-x^ ed at "White Horse, May 2, 1778," some idea may be had of the trials and vexation of 'an officer of the Revolution, by the numerous re-arrangements of the PennsylvaniaLine: "Sir: During my confinement as a prisoner of war, several promotions took place, among which number I expected to have been placed. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 775 "Since my escape, I found I was neglected; I mentioned it to his Excellency General Washington, who told me it should be rectified, and that it was General Wayne who gave in the re- port of the officers for promotion. "I sometime after called on General Wayne for the reasons; he told me he knew of no other, that it was not customary lo promote those who were prisoners. Sometime since I waited on his Excellency General Washington, to know if there was any likelihood of my being restored to my rank, he again in- formed me that it was thro' General Wayne I was left out, and desired me to inform General Wayne to let him know the reasons why there was not a vacancy left in the promotions for me. (I have since wrote to General Wayne to that pur- pose;) his Excellency, at the same time, informed me that the State has taken upon to settle the rank of the army; upon this information, I trouble your Excellency with my situation, that I cannot serve in my present commission on account of a num- ber of junior oflJicers, who would command me. I have the sat- isfaction to inform your Excellency, that I have not been charged, since I have been in the service, with the least neglect of duty or disobedience of orders, and I am conscious I never turned my back on the enemy without orders, nor never feared to face them when I had orders. I was the second captain in the First Pennsylvania battalion, and by different rules for promotion, numbers of junior officers now command me. I shall be happy when my country has no further occasion of my services, yet am willing to serve, but would not chuse to hold a commission at the will of an individual." By the arrangement which took place July 1, 1778, the Thir- teenth Pennsylvania was incorporated with the Second Penn'a, and Col. Walter Stewart became colonel of the Second. Route of Second Penn'a, November 25, 1778: Doct. Hambleton, 15 Peekskill 15 King's Ferry 4 Rohargate 10 Paramus 12 Aquaknock B 14 Newark, 9 Springfield 9 Middlebrooke 19 107 776 CONTINENTAL LINE. From the journal of Capt. Joseph McClellan, of the Second Penn'a, we have the following information relative to the regi- ment under the new arrangement, January 1, 1781: "Feb. 11, [1781], Orders by Col. Stewart for Capt. Jos. Mc- Clellan to March on Tuesday next, with the first part of the 2nd Regiment, to the Yellow Springs. [On Pickering creek, in West Pikeland township, Chester county, now known as Chester Springs.] "Feb. 13. Marched from Philadelphia at 1 p. m., with Capt. Walker, Lieut. Pierce, Lieut. Moore, and Dr. Harris, and 37 non-commissioned officers and privates. Halted at the Black Horse. "Feb. 14. Breakfasted at the Sorrel Horse, and marched from thence to the White Horse. "Feb. 15. Marched from the White Horse at 8 o'clock a. m.. and arrived at the Yellow Springs at 11. Found good quar- ters for the men, and everything agreeable. "Feb. 21. Col. Stewart and Major Hamilton arrived at the Yellow Springs. "Feb. 24. Took up a deserter, John Haslan, and delivered /him to Lieut. Andrew Willson, who carried him to the Yellow Springs. "March 3. Came to Yellow Springs, and brought Robert Han- nah, a soldier for my father's class. "March 5. Went to Squire Moore's with Robert Hannah. Got him enlisted for James McClellan's class in Chester county. "March 6. Wrote Colonel North the state of the regiment and the men's enlistments. "March 8. 5th and 9th Penn'a to attend at Reading from 23 March to 27 to settle their depreciation with the Auditors. "March 10. Esq. Moore came to Yellow Springs, and paid the men their second Bounty. "March 13. Mr. Nicholson, Esq. Hannah and Major Benton, auditors for settling the accounts of the Penn'a Line, came to this place, and began the settlement of the 2nd Regt. James Moore, Esq., attending in order to enlist the men. "March 14. Continue enlisting men fast. "March 20. Marched from Yellow Springs, with a detachment of 30 men, to Downingtown. Cleaned out the Quarters, and began to put up bunks. Took up my quarters at Richard Downing, Jr. "March 21. The remainder of the 2nd Regiment marched into Downingtown. "April 11. Went to Philadelphia, with Doctor Perry and SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 777 Lieut. Strieker, to procure summer clothing. Cal. Stewart was married to Miss McClanachhan tliis clay. 'April 29. The Auditors began to pay the Penn'a Line one- third of depreciation. "April 30. Auditors left Downingtown for Lancaster. ■'May 1. Esq. Moore came, and paid off the men of the 2nd Regiment tne remainder of their Bounty. Lieut. Piercy marched, with a detachment of 30 men, for Newport. "May 5. A detachment of 3 companies of the 2nd Regiment marched from Downingtown for York. "May 11. Set out from Lancaster, with Captain Stake, and got to York at 5 p. m." (778) Roster of Field and Staff Officers Second Regiment. ( 77!) ) (780) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 781 ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF. Colonels. DeHaas, John Philip, from First battalion; promoted briga- dier general February 21, 1777. Irvine, James, from Ninth Penn'a, March 12, 1777; resigned June 1, 1777; died in Philadelphia, April 28, 1819, aged eighty-four years; buried in Christ church-yard. Bicker, Henry, from lieutenant colonel of Sixth Penn'a, June 6, 1777; became supernumerary, July 1, 1778. Stewart, Walter, from Thirteenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; retired January 1, 1783; died at Philadelphia, June 14, 1796. Lieutenant Colonels. Morris, Anthony James, from major of First Battalion, October 25, 1776; promoted colonel Ninth Penn'a, March 12, 1777. Jones, Jonathan, from major, March 12, 1777. he was in com- mand of the regiment for a short time after Col. Irvine's resignation, but his health had been shattered in the Can- ada campaign, and his ill-health increasing, compelled him to resign sometime in latter part of July, 1777. He was a member of the Assembly from Berks county in 1778- 1779, but was soon after stricken with paralysis, and died September 26, 1782, aged forty-four years; buried at Churchtown, Lancaster county. Miller, Henry, from major, First Penn'a, July 1, 1778, ranking from March 1, 1777; resigned December, 1778; died at Car- lisle April 5, 1824, aged seventy-three. He had two horses killed under him at Monmouth; he was afterwards quarter- master general of western expedition, and commanded a brigade of militia in the defense of Baltimore in 1814. — See Dr. Egle's Notes and Queries. Murray, John, from major, December 10, 1778; retired January 1, 1781; died February 3, 1798, aged sixty-eight; buried in the cemetery at Dauphin, Pennsylvania. Majors. Jones, Jonathan, from captain, First battalion, October 25, 1776; promoted lieutenant colonel, March 12, 1777. Williams, William, from captain, Second battalion, March 12, 1777, ranked from September 29, 1776; in command of the regiment from June 1, 1777; until his capture at German- town, October 4, 1777; exchanged April 20, 1778; promoted lieutenant colonel and transferred to Third Penn'a. 782 CONTINENTAL LINE. Murray, John, from Thirteenth Penna., July 1, 1778. Hamilton, James, from captain First Penn'a, December 10, 1778; retired the service January 1, 1783; resided in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1834. Captains. Howell, Joseph, from Atlee's; appointed paymaster August 27, 1778. Patterson, John, from first lieutenant First battalion, January 1, 1777; retired the service January 1, 1783; died in 1790. Ashmead, Jacob, September 6, 1776; he is carried on several rolls, postea, as commissioned January 1, 1777, which arose from Col. DeHaas reporting Capt. William Jenkins' (of old First battalion) resignation as of January 1, 1777; Capt. Ashmead resigned May 16, 1780. Bankson, John, from First battalion, commissioned September 25, 1776; appointed paymaster October 14, 1778; transferred to First Penn'a; mustered out November 3, 1783. Stayner, Roger, from lieutenant, First battalion; taken prisoner in Philadelphia in September, 1777; exchanged October 25, 1780; died near Academia, Juniata county, in 1839, aged eighty-eight; buried at Academia. Jenkins, George, from first lieutenant, First battalion. Staddel, Christian, from first lieutenant. First battalion. Tolbert, Samuel, from first lieutenant, First battalion, com- missioned October 2, 1776, succeeding Capt. John Robb, on re-enlistment of company in Second Penn'a. Gosner, Peter, from first lieutenant, January 1, 1778; retired the service, January 1, 1781. Cobea, John, from first lieutenant, March 11, 17'/9; retired the service, January 1, 1781. Irwin, John, commissioned May 16, 1780, vice Capt. Jacob Ash- mead, resigned; commissary of commanding general and staff, at New Windsor, New York, in March, 1781; retired the service, January 1, 1781; died at Pittsburgh, May 11, 1808, and is buried in the First Presbyterian church-yard. Captain-Lieutenants. Irwin, John, from first lieutenant, January 1, 1779; promoted captain May 16, 1780. Stoy, John, from first lieutenant, May 16, 1780; retired the service, January 1, 1781. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 783 First Lieutenants. Ellis, John, cashiered, August, 1777. Gosner, Peter, promoted captain, January 1, 1778. Cobea, John, promoted captain, March 11, 1779. Clumberg, Philip, Jr., resigned January 1, 1777. *Zieglcr, Jacob, resigned. See Vol. X, Second Series, page 407 H. *Moore, William (1st), of DeHaas' First battalion, resigned. Irwin, John, badly wounded at Paoli; promoted captain-lieu- tenant, January 1, 1779. Walbron, Major, from ensign of De Haas'; killed at Paoli, Sep- tember 20, 1777. Stoy, John, promoted captain-lieutenant, May 16, 1780. Piercy, Henry, from second lieutenant, March 12, 1777; trans- ferred to Third Penu'a, January 1, 1783. Whitehead, James, March 12, 1777. — See Biddle's Autobiog., p. 172. Jones, James Morris, ranking from March 12, 1777, though carried on subsequent roll as second lieutenant; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Moore, William (2d), from Thirteenth, July 1, 1778; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Waggoner, Henry, from second lieutenant, March 11, 1779, re- signed May 3, 1779. Gregg, John, from second lieutenant, March 12, 1779; resigned; resided in Greene county, Ohio, 1834. Norton, Thomas, from second lieutenant, March 13, 1779; re- signed September 3, 1779. "Park, John, from second lieutenant, April 15, 1779; died July 23, 1780, of wounds received at Block House. Strieker, John, from second lieutenant. May 1, 1779. De Purcell, Henry, from second lieutenant, September 3, 1779. De Hart, Jacob M., from ensign. May 16, 1780, vice Stoy, pro- moted; died of his wounds July 25, 1780. Second Lieutenants. De Haas, John Philip, Jr., from first battalion; absent from November 3, 1776; died at Beech Creek, Clinton county, August, 1826; buried in Hays' grave-yard. Boyer, Benjamin. Canon, John. *In August return, 1777, marked resigned; no dates given. 784 CONTINENTAL LINE. Honeyman, William, February 5, 1777; wounded in the chin and right shoulder at Iron Hill, and transferred to Invalid regiment July 1, 1777. Piercy, Henry, of Philadelphia, appointed from flying camp, February 5, 1777; promoted first lieutenant March 12, 1777. Waggoner, Henry, promoted first lieutenant March 11, 1779. Gregg, John, from Thirteenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; promoted first lieutenant March 12, 1779. Norton, Thomas, of Philadelphia, April 24, 1777; promoted first lieutenant March 13, 1779. Park, John, from Thirteenth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; promoted first lieutenant April 15, 1779. Strieker, John, from ensign, October 1, 1777; promoted first lieutenant May 1, 1779. De Purcell, Henry, from ensign, October 4, 1777; promoted first lieutenant September 3, 1779. Murran, William, from ensign, vice Park, July 23, 1780. Morris, Abel, of Berks county, from lieutenant of flying camp, 1777; became supernumerary. Tilden, John B., from ensign; rank from July 25, 1780, to Feb. ruary 19, 1781; resided in Frederick county, Virginia, 1820. Darraugh, Charles, became supernumerary, 1778. Harper, John, lieutenant and brigade major; returned from captivity November, 1780. Ensigns. Whitehead, James, January 21, 177 — . Morris, Abel, promoted lieutenant, 1777. De Purcell, Henry, promoted second lieutenant October 4, 1777. Keays, John, from sergeant, First battalion, February 5, 1777. Dietrick, Peter, February 5, 1777; killed in action May 18, 1780, at Paramus. Burton, John, February 12, 1777. Condy, Jacob, from corporal, February, 1777. Darraugh, Charles, February, 1777; former clerk to Com. Sey- mour; promoted lieutenant. Norton, Thomas, from sergeant, March 12, 1777; promoted second lieutenant April 24, 1777. De Hart, Jacob Morris, June 2, 1778; promoted first lieutenant May 16, 1780. Strieker, John, promoted second lieutenant October 1, 1777. Murran, William, May 19, 1779; promoted lieutenant July 23, 1780. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 785 Stewart, Walter, Jr., May 27, 1779; retired January 1, 1783. Tilden, John Bell, May 28, 1779; promoted lieutenant July 25, 1780. DeMarcellin, Antoine Claude, July 28, 1779; promoted lieuten- ant January 1, 1781; afterwards in Third Penn'a. Leroy, Nicholas George, July 28, 1779; promoted lieutenant January 2, 1781. Paymasters. Johnston, James, January, 1777— August, 1778. Howell, Capt. Joseph, August 27, 1778; resigned October, 1778. Bankson, John, October 14, 1778-1781. Quarter-master and Inspector. Norton, Thomas, lieutenant 5th September, 1778— August 8, 1779. Murran, William, ensign, appointed August 8, 1779, vice Nor- ton, sick. Adjutant. Boyer, Benjamin, lieutenant, April 10, 1779; applied for cap- taincy in marines. Whitehead, Jacob, lieutenant. Surgeon. Perry, Benjamin, July 10, 1777. Surgeon's Mate. Harris, Robert, of now Dauphin county, November 1, 1777; died at John Phillips, Blue Ball tavern, Tredyffrin town- ship, Chester county, March 4, 1785, from quinsy, while on his way home from Philadelphia. 50— Vol. II— 5th Ser. (786) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT-1777. (787 ) (788) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 789 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, (a). Colonel. Walter Stewart, June 17, 1777. Lieutenant Colonel. Henry Miller, March 1, 1777. Major. John Murry, February 5, 1777. Captains. John Marshall, rank disputed; July 13, 1776. George Tudor, rank disputed; July 13, 1776. Jacob Ashmead, September 6, 1776; date not settled. John Bankson, September 25, 1776; date not settled. John Patterson, January 1, 1777; date not settled. Samuel Tolbert, date not settled. Captain Lieutenant. Peter Gosner, ranks as captain; January 1, 1778. Lieutenants. John Cobea, January 1, 1777. John Irvine, January 1, 1777. John Stoy, January 1, 1777. Jacob Snyder, January 1, 1777. Henry Piercy, March 12, 1777. James Morris Jones, March 12, 1777. William Moore, April 18, 1777. James Whitehead, June 2, 1777. Second Lieutenants. Philip Waggoner, March 12, 1777. John Gregg, from Thirteenth regiment; April 18, 1777. James Bickham, April 18, 1777. Thomas Norton, quartermaster; April 24, 1777. John Strieker, October 1, 1777. 790 CONTINENTAL. LINE. Henry Purcell, October 4, luH. John Park, August 1, 1777. Patrick Fullerton, April 13, 1777. Jacob Mausier De Hart, June 2, 1778. Surgeon. Benjamin Parry. Surgeon's iviate. Robert Harris. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT Arrangement of the Officers of the Second Rsciraent of Paun sylvania. (a.) Major. William Williams, February 13, 1777. Captains. Joseph Howell, Junior, December 30, 1776. John Patterson, December 31, 1777. Jacob Ashmead, January 1, 1777. John Bankson, January 1, 1777. Roger Stayner, January 1, 1777. George Jenkins, March 3, 1777. Christian Staddle, March 12, 1777. Samuel Tolbert, March 31, iW7. First Lieutenants. Peter Gosner, January 1, 17<7. John Cobea, January 1, 1777. Philip Clumberg, Junior, January 1, 1777. John Stoy, AprL 24, 1777. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. TUJ Second Lieutenants. John Philip Deuaas, January 1, 1777. James Morris Jones, January 1, 1777. Henry Piercey, January 15, 1777. William Honeyman, January 15, 1777 Benjamin Boyer, March 12, 1777. Abel Morris, March 12, 1777. Adjutant. John Erwin, January 1, 1777. Paymaster. James Johnston, February 15, 1777. Quartermaster Andrew Bankson, March 29, 1777. Surgeon. Samuel Cunningham, April 16, 1777. Ensigns. Philip Wagoner, February 5, 1777, John Burson, February 5, 1777. Berand Cicaty, Pebruary 5, 1777. Charles Darragh, February 5, 1777. Thomas Norton, March 12, 1777. John Strieker, April 17, 1777. Henry Purcell, April 18, 1777. ROLLS OF CAPTAIN JACOB ASHMEAD'S COMPANY. Muster roll of Capt. Jacob Ashmead's company, in the Second Pennsylvania regiment, in the service of the United States of America, commanded by Col. James Irvine, Philadelphia, May 3, 1777. (a.) Captain. Ashmead, Jacob, commissioned January 1, 1777. 792 CONTINENTAL LINE. Second Lieutenant. Jones, James Morris, commissioned January 1, 1777. Ensigns. Dietrick, Peter, commissioned February 5, 1777; prisoner. Striclier, John, commissioned April 17, 1777 (muster roll June 1, 1777). Sergeants. Parker, Thomas, enlisted January 1, 1777; promoted sergeant- major, May 1, 1777. McElroy, Jonn, enlisted December 12, 1776; died January 19, 1777. Kean,. Richard, enlisted December 12, 177G; died January 19, 1777. Corporal. Dunlap, Joseph, enlisted January 8, 1777, during the war. Drummer. Marks, John (muster roll of June 1, 1777), enlisted for the war. Privates. Bomer, John, enlisted December 24, 1776; deserted. Bridaman, Oliver ,or Bridgman), prisoner with the enemy. Brown, Thomas, enlisted January 3, 1777; deserted. Capel, William, emisted December 28, 1776; deserted. Christie, John, enlisted February 10, 1777; deserted in May. Conkey, John, enlisted December 26, 1776; deserted. Delany, John, enlisted December 16, 1776; deserted. Eyers, Nathaniel, prisoner with the enemy. Gray, George, enlisted January 1, 1777; deserted. Hall, George, enlisted April 20. 1777. Higgins, Barney, enlisted December 16, 1776; deserted. Jones, Joseph, enlisted January 1, 1777; during the war. Johnson, Titus, enlisted December 29. 1776; dead. Knight, John, enlisted December 30, 1776; deserted May 25, 1777. Lester, Thomas (muster roll June 1, 1777), during war. McClan, Daniel, enlisted December 24, 1776; deserted. McGill, James, enlisted December 29, 1776; dead. McMahon, Richard, enlisted December 25, 1776; for during the war. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 793 Martin, James, enlisted December 24, 1776; daring the war. Merlin, Edward, Enlisted December 14, 1776; deserted. Nelson, William, enlisted November 20, 1776. O'Foy, Philip, enlisted during the war. O'Neal, James, enlisted November 10, 1776; during the war. Regley, John, enlisted May 3, 1777. Rock, Henry, enlisted December 18, 1776. Robinson, Matthew, deserted. Ryan, James, Sr., enlisted December 26, 1776; during the war. Sellers, William, enlisted January 21, 1777; deserted; mustered May 6, 1777. GEORGE NORTH, D. M. M. G. 794 CONTINENTAL LINE. s c •paa.iBqosja M 2 ^ •pa;j9saa 2d •pBaa ■310 ^ 5tUT3H IBlOi SS'^SSJjS?^ S a •qSnoianj uq h "^ •p.tuuioo uo ■juasqv >P;S «^^CO^^^M S X -"-"""-- S c •saaj Jioig >"--- > ^ •X;np joj d O « .. CO o. c. * t- s s 5 •ajH ?? umaa ^ N M ,H M •sjuBafJas : "^ M ^ ^ « CO d 1 ■a;-BH Sans •uoaSang '^ - •J9;sBK ■-■& - - •aa^sBH ^BcT - - •?.CPV •uiBidBqo 1 o 1 £ 6 •uSisua -- - ^.H - « •jnan PS ^^ - „ ■}no!T: isi :- - •id-BO :- - - •JOfBM •lauoioo -^T •lauoioo : 1 1 8 f ? 1 c 1 t 1 i ■5 w t s SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGlMENT-1778. ( /96) (796) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 797 MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JACOB ASHMEAD'S COMPANY, IN THE SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, COM- MANDED BY COL. HENRY BICKER, FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1778. (a.) Captain. Ashmead, Jacob. Second Lieutenant. Jones, James Morris, on command at Radnor. McElroy, John. Diinlap, Joseph. Marks, John. Sergeant. Corporal. Drummer. Privates. McMahon, Richard. Ryan, James, Sen. Jones, Joseph. O'Foy, Philip. Liester, Thomas. O'Neal, James. Martin, James. May 2, 1778, mustered then Capt. Jacob Ashmead's company, as specified in the above roll. LEWIS WOODRUFF, D. C. M. N. B. The whole enlisted during the war. 798 CONTINENTAL LINE. X g ■§ d . • X A t« J H o o ■pajsiiua u^o^A\ ^a en o d d d d d *^ ft Q Q fi fl 1 ^ >^ Q £ W m O c ■S5iJKiuea ::::::: ClH c _ c c s o w O ^ < w < c H O ■^" ■ C ■^ tS ' ^ 01 w •xaidiuoo Ifi^llal ^^ tf > Q ^ o o ■JiBH 5 Q .S iS 5 ^ d cq ^j pq i2 K Q o E M ■3Z!S >C l^ S »D t- * GO £ w ■" -o' ui ^ >^ u=' ./:; ffl d I H w 3 § Pi pi c >.' ' >^ S p o w S ta'e -c . fe ^ •spoqu JO aoBid S^g^g^S >> q2 -«" s^s s 'C H P3 S 2 -S c ^ S S c ^w^^^^^ 3 > 2 •aSv g^SSiSSS w ■o •Xajunoo ~ O 0) C Oi — o E Ph ^ fc H O ^ CU > o o w oo" • oo" oo' : • • Xi Pi EsES - - - c rr i2 fS E2 o £:i-£5-^- E J •ISHua JO ajBu c5 g a S ^" ^"^ gi £ J C >'>'>>>>>■ >• „ § <^^^^i^ -S' >|, '^ z s >^ o t. o! : c ' ■ . Ej" SS Pi i - E 5 - s s 5 S ~ g 5 1 1 .§ ^ "^ E ^ £ s ^ o II Q 1 5|seS^5 t-l „ <1 1 ^J?^ >2 ts •s SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 799 S 5 o *" P o H S •}uaiu}S!iui JO aiBQ I' !P^g'f!|g May 14, May 20, May 20, June 1, June 1, May 22, June 5, ] 1 '3 Broken English Very little English, Very little English Very little English Very little English, has the brogue on his tongue, .. Broken English good English good English •aav ?tl?SS3SSSSS •azis Jtaiix tocotoot-oit-sooj '"'=""«"="'-""« ■uoixaidiuoo Jioqx x B Bii •Ul UJOq ST3.\\ Xaq; XJiunoa ;Bq.\i. c E o X Ph s « § .£ Ill u o < '111 ^11 c" c E ^ •3 E S 11^ 'III in 11 II 800 CONTINENTAL LINE. •iuaiujsuui JO SJT3a May 4th. 1778. May 14th, 1778. May 14th, 1778. May 20th, 1778. May 20th, 1778. June 1st, 1778. June 1st, 1778. May 22d, 1778. June 5th, 1778. 1 1 ■~ w •^ do. do. Has the brouge on his tongue,.. Broken Eng., Good Eng do •SJ-83i •9SV s:J ?? ? S3 S3 g S S S to ■ui "^ cc<.o.o-.^^„ 1 •w --'"'"---"' •uoixaiduioD Jieiii dark do do fair dark dark do do do •UIO.IJ a.idM I ■c ■0 1 E < ■c 1 £ < i S g d is I -1 t c 1 2 c I 1 1 1 1 El m g ■a ■ON ft; J SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 801 UEtu noTja -P. ScccccocecDcnScocDcDcocDcoSSS •piBj^ sjBi SSSSSSSSSSsSSsSSSS B 2; J o o o o o o , iB-o'a 5f ft n-a p, g. ft ft ft 3' 3' 3' •a «■ 2 SS 51— Vol. II— 5th Set. 6 b>^o 802 CONTINENTAL LINE. to <£ to s to S S s s s ;5 s s s 2 s s s s s s t ■jna II '-^i § = § as Q ■piBa as iia"S||||s|g§sg§s§§ -=niu uioqAi iJa 6 d d d d d d d d o d o d o d 6 d d o ■O'O'd'O'O'a'O'a'a'O'a'O'O'O'a'a'O'O'O v.ojsonB uioiiAi xa §1 ^ c ■c •c 1 H 11^ C ■Jll -^ e1 iei w cu i« m d ■iw;suui 9aaqAi S : : '3 r ^^^•^^^^^^^^^^•^^5^ luauiisuui JO a^BQ s ■c "^ ' £ 'f ' X 1 ' .^ b. t: 1 1 "1 '1 ■ S I s j 1 c 1^ c t ''h 1 1 i 1 1 I E I 1 r c c 'i p: SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. «o«a Michael Lemon. John Murphy. Francis Murphy, sick, present. William Magraw. Patrick Mooney. Henry Miller. Daniel LafEerty. Neal McAffee. Arthur McCue. Job iieily. David Ritchey. George Raynor. Patrick Shaw. William Stewart, Junior. William Cumpton, sick, present. John Harrison, sick, present. Adam Strope, sick, present. Charles Adams, sick at Valley Forge. William Stewart, sick at Valley Fcrge. John Cochran, sick at Valley Forge. 814 CONTINENTAL LINE. Thomas Sullivan, sick at Lancaster. John Mellan, on 1 week's command. John Christy, on command with the light infantry. Peter Messersmith, on command with the light infantry. Martin Dull, on command with Artillery. John Dougherty, waggoner in the Regiment. Elias Sheetz, on command with Commissary General. Daniel Eichenger, on.command with Marquis La Fiet. John Eichilberger, time expired. Richard Allen, deserted September 4, 1778. JOHN BANKSON, Captain Second Regiment Pennsylvania. [Endorsed] Roll of Captain John Bankson's Company, Sec- ond Regiment Pennsylvania From September 9, 1778. A ROLL OF LIEUTENANT COLONEL HENRY MILLER o COMPANY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1778. (a.) Gerald Riddle. Robert McKillip. Andrew Ralston. George Roberts. Robert Herring. Robert McLoughlin. John Bayies. William Johnston. Sergeants. Corporf Drummer. Fifer. Andrew Diiman. James Martin. John Frazer. Thomas Zermins. Michael Regan. Francis Regan. Privates. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 815 "William Butler. Robert Young. Thomas Malser. Hugh Twik. John Notestain. George Limrecks. Leonard Hinkel. Lewis Carpenter. _Michael Fink. Balser Maze. William Gristock. Godfrey Devey. David Alspaugh. Patrick McNay. John Winsley, two days command. Thomas Knee, one week's command. Cornelius Dwyer. Michael Wheelant. Henry Musketnough, on command. Thomas Smith. James McQuillen. Michael Curts. Philip Smith, on command at ye commissaries. Francis Keel, waiter. George Conrad, on command at Beaker. Stophel Stainhighel, on command in ye infantry at ye lines. John Burney, on command in ye infantry at ye lines. Andrew Brock, on command in ye infantry at ye lines. Peter Messersmith, on command in ye infantry at ye lines. Jacob Shrifley, on command; waggoner. Adam Musketness, on command; waggoner. John Gracely, on command; waggoner. Benjamin Bagg, on command in ye artillery. William Wilkens, sick at a harry one mile from camp. Hugh Hughs, sick; absent at ye Yellow Springs. John Faraday, sick at Princetown. James McClay, sick at Lancaster. Michael Redman, pioneer for ye above company. JOHiN COBEA, Lieutenant Second Pennsylvania Regiment. 816 CONTINENTAL LINE. A ROLL OF MAJOR JOHN MURRAY'S COMPANY, SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, COMMANDED BY COL- ONEL WALTER STEWART, SEPTEMBER 9, 1778. (a.) Jacob Murphy. John Justice. James Winning. John Ross. John Scannel. John Saise. John Moore. George Coats. Sergeant Corporals. Drum and Fife. Privates. Stephen Singlewood. James Lynch. George Weihle. Roger Kennon. Andrew Swartz. George Snyder, on command. Conrad Kenney. Andrew Ryan. Stephen Lewis, on command. Patricli Mulrany, sick, present. James Moore. Robert Guess. Jacob Walter, on command. James De Vitt. Patrick Kelly. William Powers. John King. John English, on duty. John Francis, on duty. John Callaghan, on duty. Thomas Jones, on duty. Jacob Baker. Owen James, on command. Ludwig Houser. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 817 Peter Rice, sick; Valley Forge. Michael SuUivau, sick, Brunswick. Patrick Richard, sick, present. • Henry Guess. William Johnston, on command. John Ingle. James Price, sick, Valley Forge. James Ellison, on command. Robert Maginton. Frederick Hull. David Hannah. Andrew McCartney, on cijininand. Philip Vanamaker. John Lynch. Michael Derry. Philip Jones. Patrick Themsey, confined. Barry Cunningham. Samuel Leaccant. A ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOSEPH HOWELL'S COMPANY, SEP- TEMBER 9TH, 1778. (a.) Jacob Weidman, Sergeant. John Dallis, Sergeant. Patrick Deady, Sergeant. James Glover, Corporal. Joseph Dunlap, Corporal. Darby Cunningham, Corporal. John St. John, Drummer. John Williams, Fifer. Privates. Thomas Madden. Jacob Waggoner. John Murphy. Thomas Croiv, on command at Tarrytown. Henry Milton, on command at the Lines. David Bayne. Laurence Gannon. Richard McMahon. 52— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 818 CONTINENTAL LINE. James Ryan, on Command at Hackensack. Joseph Jones. Philip O'lf'oy. James Martin, with the Infantry at the Lines. James O'Neal. Daniel Laing. Isaac Garrison, on command at the Lines. John Vaughen, sick at the Regimental Hospital. Nicholas Horn. Frederick Brown. John Coon, with the Infantry at the Lines. John Abbett, with the Infantry at the Lines. Frederick Hiesler, on command at Philadelphia. Edward Cook. Simon Trayner, sick at the Regimental Hospital. John Davis. John Mullin, Senior. George Miller. Philip Kepps. Samuel Dundy, waiter for General Wayne. Edward Williamson, waggoner. Philip Clein. John Ponseller. Michael McCalester. Edward Jones. William Bowman. Thomas White. Edward Butler. James Robinson. William Peterson. John Mullin, Junior. Noble Crone, with tlio Ai'tillTv. Arthur tttewart. Daniel Godsgrave. Robert Hope. Daniel Shay. John Norton. Thomas Leister. Richard Lewis. Thomas Harnett, taken Prisoner at ye Lines, August 22, 1778. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 819 A ROLL OF CAPTAIN JOHN PATTERSON'S COMPANY, SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, COMMANDED BY COLONEL WALTEK STEWART, SEPTEMBER 9, 1778. (a.) Sergeants. William Phrener. Robert Fassell. Charles Charlton, sick, present. Corporals. Henry Benner. William Butler. John Squibb. Drum and Fife. Jacob Piercy. Thomas Hanney, sick, Regimental Hospital. Privates. Samuel Allen. David BoUand. Benjamin Clifton. John Graham. William Judges. Michael Martin. Jacob Musser. Thomas Ford. William Sample. Nathaniel Williams. Henry McKinzie. James Ratcliff. Bal'r Barge. John McCieod. John Kelly. Christian New. Frederick Levinburg. John Sullivan. Abraham Evans. Charles Chambers. Jas. Porter. John Patterson. 820 CONTINENTAL LINE. Jacob Reddheffer. John Turner. John Stout. William Rutledge. Thomas Gilby. John Shields, with the Light Infantry. William Williams, with the Light Infantry. Francis Mason, witn the Light Infantry. Adam Foutz, baking for the army. Paul Pemple, baking for the army. Robert Finley, command, Yellow Springs. Jacob Hood, making coals. Daniel Stevenson, waggoner. John McCourts, waggoner. Peter Jacobs, waggoner. -John Collins, on two days command. Christian Marlow, sick, present. Edward Walker, sick, Trenton. Thos. Butler, sick, Trenton. James Crosby, sick. Yellow Springs. William Ledley, sick, Valley Forge. Ludwig Whitman, sick, Princeton. JOHN PATTERbON, Captain. A ROLL OF COLONEL WALTER STEWART'S COMPANY OF THE SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, COM- MANDED B^ CAPTAIN PETER GOSNER, 1778. (a.) Sergeants. John Mcltay. Kershaw Peeling. James Pegnam. Thomas Kennedy. Jesse Moore. Michael O'hagan. Corporals. Drum and Fife. SECOND I'ENNSYLVANIA. 82i Privates. John Cochran. George Unroa. Thomas Kullin. Hugh Mulhollin. Patrick Cross. Richard Wallace. Henry Bole. John Null. Detrich Ourtrand. Patrick Walker. William Mcllvain. Patrick Collins. William O'bryan. Jacob Delph. Conrad Stone. William Barber. Richard Burns. James Steel. William Warner. Joseph Maddon. Andrew Carter. Walen Lydy. Matthew Hoerner. James Sedt. Thomas Murry. Israel Pifer. Christopher Cackler. Andrew Drukabrod, on command. Patrick Sullivan. Matthew Dolton. John Harman. Charles Carter. Stout Branson. Godfrey R«drick. i William Mitchell. Thomas Brady, on detachment, y William Murray, on detachment. John Blakely, on detachment. William Elliot. George Biddleson, waggoner. Thomas Smith, foraging. Daniel Godshall, drafted to artillery. PETER GOSNER, Captain. (822) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT— 1779. (824) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 825 MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN JACOB ASHMEAD'S LIGHT INFANTRY IN THE SECOND REGIMENT OF PENN'A. COMMANDED BY COL. WALTER STEWART. IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL. 1779. (a.) Captain. Ashmead, Jacob, commission dated September 6, 11", Lieutenant. Park, John, commissioned August 1, 1777. Ensign. De Hart, Jacob M., commissioned June 2, 1778. Sergeants. MteDonald, William. Hurley, John. Squib, John (prisoner of war August 0, 1778). Davis, Levi. Long, Fredericlc. Hannah, William. Corporals. Drummer and Fifer. Herang, William. Murray, William. Reynhold, Christian (July roll). Privates. Armstrong, Thomas. Brogan, Michael. Brown, Christian. Coleman, Nicholas. Coon, Jacob. Crowley, David. 826 CONTINENTAL LINE. Curtis, Henry. Davis, Daniel. Douglass, Halbert. Edgar, James. Everhart, John. Fielding, Elij (July roll). Fitzgerrakl, William, deserted July 6, 1779. Fritz, Joseph (Fitch on July roll). Fullerton, John. Garrett, Robert. Hamilton, Henry. Harding, Richaru. Harvey, Samuel. Havelots, CUarles. Kinsell, Frederick. Laird, John. Larkins, David. Leonard, Frederick. Lewis, Joseph. McCormick, John. McCormick, William. McCowen, William. McEntire, Daniel. McGachen, Michael. McGinnes, Roger. McKinney, John. McQuilling, Robert. McWade, John. Malloch, William. Miller, Conrad. Morne, William. Neatherhouse, Daniel. Organ, John. Raredon, Jeremiah. Ring, David (July roll). Ryan, Miles, deserted July 16, 1779. Scion, John. Shields, William. Slyder, Jacob. Smith, James. Smith, William. Stambaugh, Jacob. Tague, Patrick. Thompson, James. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 827 Thompson, John. Wall, George. Watson, James (deserted July 3, in July roll). Williamson, Daniel. Wisse, Henry. Mustered May 5, 1779. N. WADE, D. C. M. Mustered at West Point, August 6, 1779. LEWIS WOODRUFF, Commissary of Musters. Mustered at West Point August 31. ABM. THOMAS, D. M. C. M. M., Commissary of Musters, (828) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT— 1780. (829) p& SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. t»31 ROLL OF MAJOR JAMES HAMILTON'S COMPANY (a ) [To the month of May, 17S0.1 Lieutenant. Piercy, Henry, March 12, 1777. Ensign. Murran, William, May 19, 1779. Murphy, Archibald. Justice, John. Singlewood, Stephen. Jones, Philip. Johnston, William. Sergeants. Corporals. Drummer and Fifer. Moore, John. Coas, George. Privates. Allison, James. Baker, Jacob. Broyle, Philip. Callagan, John. De Vifet, James. Derry, Michael. English, John. Engle, John. Flanagan, Timothy. Frances, John. Gass, Henry. Glass, Robert, killed at Paramus, May 19, 17^f Halter, Jacob. Hannah, David. Hise, John. « Houser, Ludwick. James, William. CONTINENTAL LINE. s/ Kelley, Patrick. Kennon, Roger. Kinsey, Patrick. King, John. Le Count, iSamuel. Leech, James. Lewis, Stephen. Maxwell, Robert. . Moore, James. Mulvaney, Patrick. Nagginton, Robert. Powers, William. Reamey, Conrad. Rice, Peter. Ross, John. Seehan, John. Scannall, John. Scuse, John. Snyder, George. Stull, Frederick. Sullivan, Michael. Swartz, Ferdinand. Wibble, George. "Whealon, William. Winning, James. RETURN OF THE OFFICERS OF THE SECOND PENN'A WITH THE NAMES AND RANK, MARCH 25. 1780. (a.) Stewart, Walter. Murray, John. Hamilton, James. Bankson, John. Tolbert, Samuel. Patterson, John. Gosner, Peter. Cobea, John. Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel. Major. Captains. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. Captain Lieutenant. 833 Irwin, John. LiP'Uenants. Stoy, John. Piercy, Henry. Whitehead, James. Jones, James M. Moore, William. Park, John. — Strieker, John. De Purcell, Henry. De Hart, Jacob M. y Murran, William. Tilden, John B. De Marcellin, Antoine. Leroy, George. Ensigns. Perry, Benjamin. Harris, Robert. (Signed,) Surgeon. Surge' m's Mate. JOHN MURRAY, Lieutenant Colonel, Second Penn'; MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN BANKSON'S COMP'Y OF FOOT, IN THE SECOND PENNS'Y REG'T IN THE SER- VICE OF THE UNITED STAlES, COMMAN'D BY COLL. W. STEWART FOR APRIL 1780. (d.) Captain. John Bankson, Commiss'd September 25, 76. Lieut. John Strieker, Commiss'd May 1, 79. 53— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 884 CONTINENTAL LINE. Ensign. John B. Tilden, Commiss'd May 28, '7», 1. Hugh Mulhollin. 2. George Coznall. 3. John Burnie. 1. James Pegnam. 2. Thomas Kennedy. 3. Thomas Webb. Serjeants. Corporalfc. Drum'r and Filer. 1. James Christy. 2. Jesse Moore. Privates. 1. George Alberson. 2. Detrick Aurand. 3. Thomas Aukard, on Duty. 4. Stout Branson. 5. Alexd. Burke, on Comm'd at Paramus. 6. Henry Bole. 7. Will'm Barber. 8. George Biddleson, Duty at Brigd. Comssys 9. John Blakely, Sick in Quarters. 10. Patrick Cross, Sick in Quarters. 11. Andrew Carter. 12. Patrick Collins, Sick Somerset May 29, 'VJ. 13. And'w Drukabrod. 14. Ganit Fegan, Sick in Quarters, ^ 15. Michael Fink. IG. Daniel uodshalk. 17. Matthew Horner. 18. Thomas Kullen. 19. Michael Kurtz. 20. James Kelly. 21. George Linnix. 22. Valentine Lydy, Comm'd at Paramus. 23. Leonard Myers. 24. Will'm Murray, Sick in Quarters. 25. George Marshall. 26. Thomas Murray. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. i,ii 27. Joseph Maddin. 28. John Null, on Furlough received by L. Coll. Murry. 29. Charles Carter. 30. John Ponseller, Comm'd at Paramus.. 31. Patrick Sullivan. 32. Thomas Sullivan, Comm'd at Paramus. 33. Thomas Smith, on Duty at Mr. Lotts. 34. Phil. Vanimagher. 35. George Unrow. 36. Edw'd Williamson. * 37. Richard Wallace. 38. Will'm Warner. 39. John Cochran, Siclt in Quarters. 40. Kershaw Peiling, Deserted April 1, '80. 41. Will'm Stewart, Deserted March 25, 80. 42. George Howard, Deserted April 22d, '80. May 2, 1780— Mustered then Capt. Bankson's Comp'y as specified in the above Roll. JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Insp. Penna. Division. Examined — W. Alexander, N. B. Proof of the Effectives. k c m Ifi «a 1 f- s s I- p. M •r c, B o ^ H cc o Present 1 1 1 S 3 2 2.5 ' 1 1 1 ' 2 39 I do swear that the within Muster Roll is a true states of the Comp'y, without fraud to the United States, or to any indi- vidual, according to my best knowledge. JNO. BANKSON, Capt. 2d R. Penna. Sworn before me this 4 Day of May 1780. W. STEWART, Colo. Com'g 1st Penna. Brig. 836 CONTINENTAL LINE. RETURN OF VACANCIES WHICH HAVE HAPPENED IN THE 2ND REG'T PENN'A SINCE MAY 1ST, 1780. (c.) Capt. John Irwin, vice captain. Jacob Ashmead resigned May 16tli. Lieut. John Stoy, Capt. Lieut, vice Capt. Lieut John Irwin promoted May 16th. Ensign Jacob M. De Hart, Lieut, vice Lieut. John Stoy pro- moted May 16th. WALTER STEWART. Camp, May 21, 1780. Wm. Irwin, B. Gen'l. RETURN OF THE PROMOTIONS THAT ARE TO TAKE PLACE IN THE 2ND PENNSYLV'A REGIMENT COM- MANDED B^ COL. WALTER STEWART. MAY 6TH 1780. (d.) Lieut. John Striclver, May 1st, '79, Vice Lieut. Waggoner, re- signed. Lieut. Henry D. Purcell, Sept'r 3d, 1779, vice Lieut. Norton, Resigned. W. STEWART, Col. MUSTER ROLL OF LATE CAPTAIN ASHMEAD'S COMPANY IN THE SECOND PENNA. REGT. IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMMANDED BY COL. WAi^TER STEWART FOR THE MONTH MAY, 1780. (d.) Captain. Jacob Ashmead, commissioned Sept. 5th, 1776; resigned May 16th. Lieutenant. James Whitehead, commissioned Mar. 12th, 1777. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 837 Serjeants. 1. Sam'l riurns, Sick in Camp. 2. James Devine, with Mr. Lytle State Comp'y- 3. Thomas Garvin, Com'd afcer Deserters Penns'a. 1. Jno. McC.ollum. 2. James McLure. 1. Philip Springer. Corporals. D. & Fife. Privates. 1. Miclial Brady. 2. Wm. Carr, sick in Camp. 3. Philip Clim, on Com'd after Deserter's Penns'a. 4. Henry Cook, on Duty. 5. John Crosson. 6. Jno. Everhart, Join'd 29th May. 7. Jno. Fritz, waiting on Maj'r Hammilton. 8. Jno. Frazer, on Duty. 9. Joseph Harris. 10. Corn's Hutchinson. 11. Jno. Hammilton, on Com'd at Paramus. 12. George Kettle, sick in 13. George Lough, on Duty. 14. Andrew Mills, Joined 29th May. 15. Valentine Miller. 16. Thomas Mages. 17. Jno. Malony. 18. Wm. Robinson. 19. Joseph Reed. 20. Isaiah Riggs, Joyn'd 29th May, absent without leave. 21. Richard Slight, on com'd at Paramus. 22. William Stewart, on duty. 23. Robert Vernon, sick in Camp. June 1st 1780. Then mustered late Captain Ashmead Comp'y as specifieu in the above roll. JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Insp. Penna Division. CONTINENTAL LINE. Proof of the Effectives. 61 ft s 1 o kJ w i T I do swear that the within Muster Rool contains a Just and True State of the Con-pany without Fraud to the United States or any individual according to the best of my knowledge. JAMES WHITEHEAD, Lieut. 2d Regt. Pennsylvania. Sworn before me this 5th day of June, 1780. RICH'D HAMPTON, Col., Command 1st P. Regt. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN COBEAS' COMP'Y IN THE 2D REGT. OP PENNS'A IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, COMMANDED BY COLO. WALTER STEWART FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1780. (d.) Captain. John Cobea, commissioned March 11th, 1779. Lieutenant. William Moore, commissioned April 13th, 1777. Serjts. 1. John Jacobs, on command. ?.. Jacob Myars, 3 years. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 839 Corporals. 1. Joshua Wisnam. 2. Patrick Dugan. 1. Will'm Mitchel. 2. Abraham Goss. Drum and Fife. Privates. 1. John All. 2. John Burgar. 3. James Brannon, on Guard. 4. Wm. Broadstock, on Commaiia. 5. Edward Beavey. 6. Charles Cowen, on Guavd. 7. John Campbell. 8. James Colter. 9. Patrick Casidy, on Guard. 10. And'w. Cashburgar. 11. James Duffey. 12. Conrad Franks. 13. Jonathan Guy, on extra Duty. 14. Philip Hope, on command. 15. Charles Holder. 16. Alexander Hill. 17. Robert Justice, on command. 18. John Keaton, on guard. 19. Mathen Kelley. 20. Henary Leamon. 21. Joseph Lewis, on comdiand. 22. James Morrison. 23. Archd. McLean, on command. 24. Daniel McVey. 25. Henary Miller, on guard. 26. John Newcomb. 27. Silvester Obryan. 28. Jacob Riffe, on guard. 29. John Salter. 30. John Smith, sick present. 31. Clemon Shire, on guard. 32. Patrick Shan. 33. And'w Traviee, on command. 34. Samuel Warton. 35. Wm. Weatherspoon, deserted 30 May. June 1st 1780 then mustered Capt. John Cobeas Compy. as specified in the above Roll. JOS. HARMAR. Lt. Col. & Insp. Penn. Division. CONTINENTAL LINE. Proof of the Effectives. fa 3 ^ V a ^ Q J w m u P Tres, Absent nt 1 1 1 Total ^ 1 2 12 2 1 2 2 2 I do swear that the within muster Roll is a true State of the Compy's without fraud to the United States or any indi- vidual according to my best Knowledge. JNO. COBEA, Capt. Sworn before me this 5th day of June, 1780. RICH'D HUMPTON, Col. Comm'd 1st Pen. Brigade. MUSTER ROLL OF COL. STEWART'S CO. IN THE 2NU PENNA. REGT. IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COMMANDED BY CAPT. LIEUT. IRWIN, (d.) Commis'd Jan. 1st 1777 John Irwin Capt. Lieut. Commis'd Oct. 4th 1777 Henry D. Pursell 2nd Lt. on comm'd. Sergeants. 1. John Adams. 2. Joseph Miller, Deserted 30 Api-. 3. Roger Moore, Sick Present. Corporals. 1. Stephen Landen, On guard. 2. Wm. Cadwell, On guard. 3. James Smith, On extra duty. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 841 Drum & Fife. Richard Grcsvenor. Privates. 1. David ALslious, On guard. 2. John Bellow. 3. Andrew Criswell, On guard. 4. Nicholas Coleman. 5. George Campbell, On guard. 6. John Christy. 7. Wm. Compton, On comm'u. 8. Paul Dunmire, On guard. 9. John Dougherty. 10. Marton Dull. 11. Dan'l Echinger, On comm'd extra duty. 12. Peter Fritz. 13. James Glinn. 14. \Vm. Jeffries. 15. Richard Johnston. 16. Dan 1 Laferty, On comm'd. 17. Mich'l Leman, On comm'd. 18. Arthur MoCue. 19. John Murphey. 20. Neal McAffee, On comm'd. 21. V7m. Megrah, On guard. 22. John Mullon, On guard. 23. Wm. Bryan. 24. Joseph Roberts. 25. David Richey. 26. Job Regley. 27. George Reiner, Deserted 19th May, 1780. 28. John Stone, On comm'd. 29. Adam Stroup, On guard. 30. Matthew Tarney. 31. Thos. Tull, Sick absent. 32. Dan'l .0 Bryan, joined 28th May 1780 Sick pres. June 1st 1780 Then mustered Col. Stewart's company as specified in the above Roll. JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Ins. Pa. Div. 842 CONTINENTAL LINE. Proof of the Effectives. 'i^ 3 =y 1 J J 1 ^ a 3 P Fres Abs 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 16 15 ' 1 1 »1 I do swear that the within muster Roll is a true state of the company without fraud to the United States of America or to any individual according to my best knowledge. JNO. IRWIN, Capt. Lt. 2nd R Sworn before me. Camp near Morristown, June 6th, 1780. Rich'd Humpton Col. Com. 1st Pa. Brig. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. ^U " (S^ ■o ^ o t- oo :S :S ;:? «oo>" „ ^ .. E ■? i . ^ „ !2 ri K '-' f:p 2 c . ^ O H h 844 CONTINENTAL LINE. • Town. Country. ill q3< It 1 ■a 1 1 "5 1 ° It! C S5 t Limericl<, Philarlelphia. Lancaster. Morristown. 1 1 3 ^ 1 o 1 ti ii U II 1 1 (1 'it t: c 1 c 2 2 (1 I 1 1 Ik ^1 c £ >1 c I I 1 1 1 ^ ■c 1 1 1 1 1 t 5: ■SSllJUl K ■iSBA U,« U,>OU=U,^K,U,U,.0.,.= .0^^>«>«^U, .o •eSy g?j ^SS^ISSKSE3?3§S3^S5|:3gg ?3 Ha 1 1^ < C£ t J 1 s 1 I I c .E .E I £ £ C £ 1 c £ 1 ~ ^ II SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 845 THE STATii; OF PENNSYLVANIA IN ACCOUNT WITH CAPT. ALEX. PARKER FOR RECRUITING THE FOL- LOWING RECRUITS, VIZ: (e.) John Hackeburg. John McGinniss. John Biddle. James Juson. Patrick Handly. George Gee. Ed. Price. John Merson. Adam Clealand. James O'Neii. John Hanah. John Jiirden. Thomas Gelty. James Robin.son. ALEX. PARKER, Capt. 2d Penna. Regt. (84G) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT-1781. (847 ) w (848 ) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 849 ARRANGEMENT OF THE SECOND REGIMENT. JANUARY 17, 1781. (a.) -^oMjy^::^ Colonel. Stewart, Walter, commission dated June 17, 1777. Lieutenant Colonel. North, Caleb,* of the Ninth, October 13, 1777; retired January 1, 1783. Major. Hamilton, James, retired the service, January 1, 1783. •Lt. Colonel Caleb North, was born in Chester county, July 15, 1753, and commenced business as a merchant, in the town of Coventry. When the war broke out he hired a British deserter to teach him the manual and was chosen captain in the Fourth battal- ion, Col. Wayne. After the term of service expired, and the battalion re- turned from Ticon- deroga, he was promoted major of the Tenth regiment, and as such rendered important services. At Brandywine, he was alongside of Major Lewis Bush, of Hartley's regiment, when the latter was mortally wounded. He had been re-mounted, and when he fell off dead, had his body carried along in the retreat. At Paoli, it was by the particular exertions of Gen. Wayne, Maj. North, and Capt. Herman Stout, of the Tenth, that a rear guard was formed by which two pieces of cannon and the remains of the brigade were saved. He was detached the same night to direct the retreat of Gen. Smallwood, and had a vidette killed by his side. After taking a prominent part at Germantown, he was promoted lieutenant colonel of the Eleventh. At the battle of Monmouth, as he was ascending a hill from which the British were driven, with Lt. Col. Henry Miller, then of Second Penn'a on one side of him, and Lt. Col. Rudolph Bunner, of the Third, on the other. Col. Miller had two horses shot under him and Lt. Col. Runner was killed. On the 1st of July, 1T7S, he was transferred to the Ninth Penn'a, and on the 17th of January, 1781, arranged in the Second and took part in the southern campaign. After the surrender of Cornwallis, he had charge of the British prisoners, on their march from Virginia to York and Lancaster, conducting Tarleton's celebrated legion to Philadel- phia. He retired from the army July 1, 1783, resumed business at Coventry, and connected himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was a very prominent and consistent member during life. After residing at Coventry some years he removed to Philadelphia, and was elected high sheriff by a large majority, on the 12th of October, 1819. From 1S2S until his death he was President of the State Society of the Cincinnati. He died November 7, 18-10, the last field officer of the Pennsylvania Line, and Is buried In a iirivate burying-ground adjoining Coventryville, In Chester county. 54— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 850 CONTINENTAL LINE. Captains. McClellan, Joseph, of the Ninth, July 15, 1776; resigned June 10, 1781; died October 24, 1834, buried in Octoraro church- yard, Chester county. Bankson, John. Tolbert, Samuel. Patterson, John, retired the service, January 1, 1783. Pearson, John, of the Ninth, September 7, 1777. Finley, Joseph L., of the Eighth, October 20, 1777; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Wallver, Andrew, of the Eleventh, January 23, 1778. Lusk, William, of the Seventh, May 12, 1779, retired January 1, 1783; died August 25, 1799, at Newville, Cumberland county. Kennedy, Samuel, of the Seventh, April 17, 1780; retired Jan- uary 1, 1783. Lieutenants. Piercy, Henry. Whitehead, James. Jones, James Morris. Moore, William, April 10, 1777. Reeves. Enoch [or Enos], of the Tenth, March 1, 1778. Ward, John, of the Eighth, April 2, 1779. Strieker, John. De Purcell, Henry. Ensigns. Murran, William, May 19, 1779. Tilden, John B., May 28, 1779. De Marcellin, Antoine, September 21, 1779. Leroy, George, September 21, 1779. Stotesbury, John, from old Eleventh; promoted captain in the Sixth in 1781. Surgeon. Perry, Benjamin. Surgeon's Mate. Harris, Robert, August 1, 1777; retired January 1, 178J. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 851 Subsequent Promotions. Captains. Van Home, Isaac, from captain-lieutenant, vice Capt. Josepa McClellan resigned, June 10, 1781. Crawford, John, late of Eighth, to receive his commission in the Second as of April IS, 1777. CAPTAIN JOSEPH McCLELLAN'S COMPANY, (a.) Names taken from his journal, of his company in Second Penn'a, which left York, Pennsylvania, under Gen. Wayne, May 26, 1781, for the Southern campaign. Allison, James. Lacount, Samuel. Briulls, Philip. Miller, Valentine. Davis, John. Netherhouse, Daniel. Farmer, John. Sedwick, James. Howe, Nicholas. Turney, Matthew. CONTINENTAL LINE. 1781 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA TO JAMES MOORE ESQR., DR. FOR PAYMENT MADE TO THE SOLDIERS OF THE 2D PENNA. REGNT. OF THEIR BOUNTY &CA. (c.) £ s. 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 Hugh Turk, Abraham Lewis, . , Conrad Millar, John Clack, Christ'n Baker, . . , Evan Holt, , Michael Brady, Joseph Dunlap, . . , John Smith, Henry Hamilton, . . John Campble, Thomas Wallace, . James Adams, John Ross, Micnael Kurtz, James McLoney, . . Michael Lemon, . . . James Allison, William Power, . . , Abraham Price, . . . John Whitman, . . . John Leonard, George Aibertson, , Peter Mires, John Battersby, . . , George Linn, Christopher O'Neal John Inquinton, . . . Arthur Stewart. . . . William Freiner, . . Samuel Allen, Balsee Barge Philip Smith, Robert Anderson, . Eli Fielding, Wm. McDonald, . . . SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. PAYMENTS OF BOUNTY— Continued. 853 Thomas Smith Thos. Armstrong, . . . Rodger Keenan, James Doherty, Mathew Vanstocii, . . Joshua Fawlaw, George Young, Robert Hannah. Patrick Cross, Thomas Malzer, James Morrison Robert Garret, Arch'd McCIean, Jacob Waggoner, . . . . Patrick Kelly, James Cannon, James Carry, John Davis, Wm. Maxham, Peter Gable, John Giffen, John Harlin. Alexander McClean. George Francis, Jacob Vaughan, Francis Vaughan, . . . John Smith Philip Keaze, Benjamin Clifton. David Jones. Robert Ramsey. Israel Shrieder Edward Steen, John Farrner, Daniel McFeeteridge, Robert Ramsey. James Porter, ....*... Robert Fansett John Sulivan £ S. 2 ' 10 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 ' 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2i 10 2 ! 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 I 10 2 10 2 10 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 854 CONTINENTAL LINE. PAYMENTS OF BOUNTY— Continued. John Hitchins, George Harrison, . . Christian Wintster, John Mitxan, William Murry, Henry Glass, Hugh Mulhallon, . . . John Mctt Joseph Mott, John Mills, John Keaton William Rute, Joseph Roberts, . . . John Ingle, Nicholas Stover, . . . Paul Dunmeyer, Jerimiah Murry, . . . Isaac Garrison, Stephen Louden, . . . James Williams, . . . Allexander Ralston, Samuel Walker, Radkin Moore, . . . . Mathew Tarney, . . . William Judges, John Kelly Nicholas Storn William Johnson, . . Jesse Moore, John Johnson, John Moore, William Patterson, James Moore Charles Carter, .... Daniel Obrian John McCloud, Valentine Millar. . . Peter Gabriel, Philip Broyl, SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 855 PAYMENTS OF BOUNTY— Continued. Allexander Brooks, William Williams, . Joseph Dayly, Patrick Sullivan, . . . William Ladly Thomas Madiu. James Neal, William Harran, . . . Benjamin Tagg, Job Riely, David Ballard, Thomas Gennings, . Daniel Netherhouse, Archibald Murphy, . William Warner, . . . Phillip Springer, . . . John Ys. John, George Welty Mathew Reynard, . . John Newcombe, . . . Christ'r Stonehygs, . Thomas Gilby, Duplicate Inlistments That I paid Bounty on and taken away by the Officers in a mis- take. Absolem Evans Philip Shearer, Henry Donnely James Deffit. George Roberts. Patrick Kemey Thomas Kennedy, Thomas Prichard Philip Jones, John Thompson, Robert Naginton, John Organ. CONTINENTAL LINE. PAYMENTS OB' BOUNTY— Continued. Patrick Molvany, James Porter, Ball, due the State, 1781. Contra. Jan'y 30th. By Cash received at sundry timet the amount of an order of the date on the Collector of Chester county March. By Cash received of David Rittenhouse. Esqr. By the hands of Col. William Evans April 29th. By Cash Received of John Nichol- son, Ballance due to the State, Allov^rance for Mr. Moore's trouble, Ball, due to the State £ S. 3 3 1,0S6 17 203 2 1,300 Cr. 500 500 300 1,300 209 2 27 10 £175 12 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT— 1783. (857) ( aha ) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. ARRANGEMENT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE, SECOND REGIMENT, JANUARY 1, 1783. (a.) Colonel. Hunipton, Richard, October 1, 1776. Lieutenant Colonel. Robinson, Thomas, June 7, 1777. Major. Moore, James, September 20, 1777. Captains. Chrystie, James, August 9, 1776. Tolbert, Samuel, October 2, 1776. Wilkins, Robert, October 10, 1776. Keene, Lawrence, January 13, 1777. Bower, Jacob, February 15, 1777; died in Berks county, 1822; left widow Rebecca. Parker, Alexander, March 20, 1777; moved to the mouth of Little Kanawha, and founded the town of Parkersburg, now in West Virginia.* Carnahan, James, April 18, 1777; drowned in the Allegheny river 1786-7; father of the late Dr. Carnahan, President of Princeton College. Boude, Thomas, September 23, 1777; died at Columbia, Oct. 24, 1822. Finley, John, October 22, 1777; resided in Fleming county, Kentucky, in 1834, aged eighty. Lieutenants. Glentworth, James, February 11, 1777; resided in Philadelphia in 1835; after the war was surveyor of the port of Phila- delphia. Bryson, Samuel, March 20, 1777; afterwards associate judge of Mifflin county; died December 19, 1799; buried at Mifflin- town. •See Memoirs of Hist. Soc. Pa., vol. vil, page 208. 860 CONTINENTAL LINE. Peterson, Gabriel, April 10, 1777. Butler, Percival, September 1, 1777. Reeves, Enos, March 1, 1778. McDowell, William, March 22, 1778. Mahon, John, June 1, 1778. Marshall, David, November 5, 1778. Butler, Edward, January 28, 1779; was a captain at St. Clair's defeat in 1791. Pettigrew, James, April 13, 1779. McCullom, John, April 16, 1779; died in Hunterdon county. New Jersey, 1834. Bevins, Wilder, May 11, 1779; died August 3, 1809. Dunn, Abner, May 31,' 1779. De Purcell, Henry, September 3, 1779. Huston, William, February 24, 1780. Henley, Henry, April 17, 1780. Murran, William, July 23, 1780. Tilden, J. B., July 25, 1780. Dungan, Thomas, January 1, 1781. Henderson, Andrew, of Fourth Penn'a, January 29, 1781; brother of Capt. William Henderson; resided in Hunting- don county, and prothonotary of the county in 1799. Dixon, Sankey, May 12, 1781; died in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1814. Quarter-Master. De Purcell, Henry. Adjutant. Huston, William. Surgeon. McDowell, John. Surgeon's Mate. [Either John Rague or John Wilkir, not kr.o^xn whii'i ir the eldest] Non-Commissioned Officers and Pri- vates for the Second Pennsylvania Regiment, Continental Line. (861) (862) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES FOR THE SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTI- NENTAL LINE, (a.) ''hose marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's office of soldier* whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.] Adams, John. Albertson, George. Alexander, Joseph. Sergeant. Corporal. Fife Major. Privates. Abbott, John. Ahanger, , died of wounds. All, John. Allison, James. Allison, Richard. Alsbaugh, David. Alshouse, David. Alter, Jacob. Anderson, John, resided in York county, 1787. Anderson, George, served nine months in rangers; under Capt. Thomas Campbell, three years, nine and a half months; discharged at Fort Pitt, September 30, 1783; resided in Westmoreland county, 1813. Anquelin, John, February 6, 1778—1781. Armstrong, Thomas, February 8, 1778—1781. Appleby, Thomas. Ashton, Benjamin. August, John (e), March 30, 1777, in Stayner's; afterwards in Capt. John Patterson's. Aurand, Dietrick, from Weitzel's company. State regiment; in Bankson's grenadiers; joined at Valley Forge; dis- charged January, 1781; afterwards minister in German Reformed Church; died at Water Street, Huntingdon county, in 1818, aged sixty. Awkard, Thomas, in Ashmead's until August, 1778; afterwards Bankson's. 864 CONTINENTAL LINE. Sergeants. Baker, Jacob, in Murray's to 1778; afterwards in Major Hamil- ton's company. Butler, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Burns, Samuel, enlisted in 1777, in Capt. Payne's company; discharged April 23, 1781, at Downingtown, on Gen. St. Clair's order, after furnishing a substitute; resided in Montgomery county in 1814. Burme, John, April 19, 1778—1781. Corporals. Broadley, William, January 1, 1777—1781; resided in Georgia in 18b4. Banimes, Lambert. Privates. Baiseley, William. Baker, Christian, January 1, 1777—1781. Baker, John (e). Baker, William. Bayley, Edward. Ballard, David, January 1, 1777—1781. Baltis, Manasseh. Baltzoher, Ignatius. Bannon, Jeremiah, discharged April 1, 1783. Barber, William. Barge, Balzer. Barrison, Peter. Bates, George. Batley, Thomas. Battersby, John. Battomar, John. Bayne, Davin, May 10, 1777 — 1781. Baxter, Alexander. Beaufort, Casper. Beeby, Edward, January 1, 1777— 1 781. Beggs, Moore. Bell, John, resided in Clearfield county, 1835, aged eighty-two. Bell, William, discharged at Fishkill hospital. May 7, 1779. Bellow, John, October 11, 1778; transferred to chief's guards. Benner, Henry, May 1, 1777—1781. Berry, Michael, wounded and transferred to Invalid corps, April 2, 1779; discharged 10th April, 1783. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 865 Bettimeo, Francis. Bevy, Edward. Biddleson, George. Blakely, John. Blakeney, John, August 2, 1777; transforred to Invalid Corps. Bluden, John P. Bole, Henry, December 21, 1777. Boon, Samuel. Bonser, Detner, (Betmire), from German regiment; discharged January 14, 1781; died in Brecknocli township, Berks coun- ty, 1790. Borgar, John. /Bottimore, Jacob, wounded January 4, 1777, two ribs broken by musket ball; served four years eight months; died in West- moreland county in 1820. Bower, Jacob, discharged in 1780; resided in Bedford county, 1810. Bowden, James. Bowman, William. Boyce, Joseph. Boyd, Abraham. Boyle, Philip. Braddock, William. Bradley, Hugh. Bradley, Robert. Brady, Michael, May 1, 1777—1781. Brandon, Nathaniel, March 28, 1777—1781. Brannon, James (e), wounded in the groin at the Block House; paid from August 27, 1777; in Ashmead's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Cobea's. Brannon, John, resided in Harrison county, Ohio, 1834, aged eight-nine. Brizonquille, John. Brodstock, William. Brogan. Michael, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Brookhouse, Rudolph, January 1, 1777—1781. Brooks, William. Brown, Christian. Brown, Cornelius. Brown, Frederick, Howell's company to July, 1778, afterwards in Gosner's; quit the service April, 1780. Brown, John, resided in York county, 1834, aged eighty-four. Brown, Sylvanus. Brownson, Steel. 55— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 886 CONTINENTAL LINE. Broyle, Philip, August 6, 1778—1781; resided in Queens county, New York, 1828, ageu sixty-four. Bryan, William (e), in Tolbort's company to July, 1778; after- wards in Ashmead's; left the service March 28, 1780. Bryson, Samuel. Bumbaugh, John Henry. Burke, Alexander. Burney, Nicholas. Burns, Carherry. Butler, Edward (e), of Howell's company to July, 1778; after- wards in Gosner's. Butler, John, died in Williams county, Ohio, November 12, 1830. Butler, William, served four years, and re-enlisted in artillery; resided in Crawford county in 1813; Captain James Chrys- tie's company. Byer, Charles. Byrg, John. Sergeants. Coggswell, . Caldwell, William. Cline, Peter, August 19, 1778—1781. Close, John, February 1, 1777; re-eniisted in 1781. Chrisler, Elias. Corporal. Cunningham, Darby. Fifer. Coss, George. iTivates. Calahan, Patrick. Callagan, John (e), Murray's company to July, 1778; after- wards in Major Hamilton's. Campbell, George. Campbell, John, September 15, 1778—1781; died May 23, 1822, in Northumberland county, aged sixty-nine. Carbough, David. Carleton, Joun. Carney, Barney. Carr, John. Carr, William, in Tolbert's until July. 1778; afterwards in Ash- mead's. Carsou, Thomas. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 867 Carter, Andrew (e), Bankson's company from 1778. Carter, Charles, January 1. 1777 — 1781. Carter, Philip. Casey, Richard. Cashon, Abraham. Casper, Andrew. Cassaday, Patrick (e), Ashmead's company to 17''8; afterwards in Cobea's. Caul, Alexander, resided in Washington county in 178S. Ceorls, Frederick. Charles, James. Charleton, Charles, enlisted July IS, 1777; sergeant, 1779; dis- charged, 1781. Cherry, Henry. Chesney, Thomas. Christie, John, discharged at Trenton, 1781. Clack, John, September 2, 1778—1781. Clendenning, Adam. Clifton, Benjamin, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Cline, Conrad, resided in Pickaway county, Ohio, 18C4, aged seventy-seven. Cline, Philip. Clyde, Philip. Cochran, John. Coleman, Nicholas (e), in Marshall's to August, 1778; after- wards in Colonel's. Collins, John. Collins, Joseph, died in Salem county. New Jersey, October i:8, 1825, aged sixty. Collins, Thomas. Collins, Patrick, in Colonel Stewart's to 1778; afterwards in Bankson's. Compton, William (e), in Bankson's to July, 1778; afterwards in Colonel's. Connely, James. Conner, Matthew. Conrad, George, January 1, 177?— 1781; paic at Carlisle in April, 1781. Cook, Edward. Cook, Henry, resided in Lebanon county, 1835, aged eighty. Cooley, John, January 1. 1777—1781. Coon, Jacob, March 21, 1777—1781. Coon, John. Cooney, James, died May 25, 1818, in Cumberland county. &68 CONTINENTAL LINE. Copea, Peter. Copier, Barnabas. Cosgrove, Henry. Cotter, JarSes. Coulter, James, March 13, 1777— 178L Coulter, John, died in Adams county, Michigan, M^ch 16, 1831, aged ninety. Coulter, William (e). Cowan, Charles, killed 21st July, 1780. Cowhick, James. Crane, John. Crawford, John. Creamer, George. Cresswell, Andrew. Crone, Noble, January 1, 1777—1781. Crosby, James. Cross, Patrick, January 1, 1777—1781. Crossan, John, died March 4, 1830, in Bedford county, aged sev- enty-nine. Crotty, Thomas. Crow, Thomas (e), Howell's Company to July, 1778; afterwards in Gosner's. Crowley, David, January 1, 1777; wounded in the wrist, and transierred to Invalid corps; discharged November 1, 1783. Cull, Hugh. Cullen, Thomas. Cummings, James, killed in attack at Block-House. Cune, William (e). Cunias, John, discharged November 1, 1778; resided in Mont- gomery county, Ohio, 1834, aged sixty-nine. Cunnias, John, from Hartley's regiment; a tailor; resided in Lycoming county, 1823. Curtin, John, January 7, 1777; transferred to Invalid corps, June, 1777. Sergeants. Dailey, Joseph, March 2, 1777—1781. Dallas, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Devine, James (e), Capt. Ashmead's company. Duggan, Patrick, discharged January, 1781. Dunlap, Joseph, January 8, 1777—1781. Corporal. Davis, Levi, enlisted 1776, in Captain Pugh's, afterwards Robb's company; discharged January, 1781; resided at Danville, Pennsylvania, 1816. I SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 869 Privates. Danier, Godlip. Darby, John. » Dato, Francis. Davidson, Alexander, resided in Northampton county, 1818. Davidson, Jfcraes..^.^* Davis, Daniel. • . Davis, John, wounded in left leg at Brandy wine; captured and exchanged; wounded again at Monmouth; discharged January 22, 1780, unfit for duty. Day, Andrew. Deady, Patrick. Deering, Godfrey. Delenors, Frederick. Denver, Casper. Derry, Michael. Dewitt, James, January 1, 1777. Dexter, Robert. Dicks, George. Diliman, Andrew, resided in Bracken county, Kentucky, 1820, aged sixty-seven. Dobson, Thomas, resided in Northumberland county, 1824. Dodkins, Edward, killed in action. Dominick, Henry, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Donahoo, John. Donahoo, Patrick. Donovan, James. Dougherty, John, resided in Barnwell district, South Carolina, 1834, aged ninety-one. Dougherty, James, resided in Somerset county, 1835, aged seventy-seven. Douglass, Halbert. Driver, Hopkins. Drushabud, Andrew. Duhammill, John B. Duhl, Martin, resided in York county, 1835, aged stventy-nnie. Dundy, Samuel. Dungan, Thomas. Dunmore, Paul, May 1, 1779. Duncombe, Samuel. Dwire, Cornelius. Eagan, John. Ebberman, Christopher. Ebling, John. 870 CONTINENTAL LINE. Echinger, Daniel (e), in Bankson's to August, 1778; afterwai'ds in Colonel's. Edgar, David, died January 15, 1822, in Berks county, aged seventy-one. Edgar, James, resided in Cecil county, Maryland, 1834, aged eighty-four. Engle, John, September 1, 1777 — 1781. Eugleds, Thomas. English, John, Capt. Piercy's company; resided in Lycoming county, 1835, aged seventy-one. Enos, Francis. Etter, Daniel. Ettinger, William. Evans, Absalom, April 15, 1777—1781. Everhart, John, June 8, 1777; died in Philadelphia, October 30, 1820, aged seventy. Sergeants. Fossett, Robert, January 1, 1777 — 17S1. Francis, George, died in Butler county, Ohio, February 3, 1823, aged seventy-five. Fifers. Faulkner, Peter. Fry, Laurence. Privates. Fackary, — — Fagan, Garrett, January 1, 1777; transferred to Invalid corps, January 28, 1778; pensioner in 1789. Fagge, Patrick. Fagony, James. Farevi^ell, James, June 2, 1777 — 17S1; died in Lincoln county. North Carolina, September 3, 1825, aged seventy-nine. Farmer, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Fasener, John. Faugh, Michael. Fell, William Ferguson. ' Fielding, Eli, April 12, 1779—1781. ^^i Fink, David. Fink, Michael, served three years, Bankson's company; dia. charged January, 1781; blacksmith; resided in Huntingdon county in 1835, aged seventy-six. Finley, John. Finley. Joseph SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 871 Fiuley, Robert, December 28. 1776; transferred to chief's guards; re-enlisted November 30, 1781, and remained in guards. Finley, Peter. Fisher, John A. Fitch, Joseph (e), January 1, 1< 77— 1781; Marshall's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Tolbert's. Fites, John. Fitzgerald, Edward. Fitzgerald, John. Flanagan, Timothy. Flock, Matthew. Flushe, Christian. Foltner, Peter. Ford, Thomas, May 1, 1777—1781. Foutz, Adam, December 1, 1777; transferred to chief's guards. Francis, John. Francis, Simon, Jenkins' company. Frayner, Simon. Frazer, John (e), December 22, 1777—1781; Miller's company, July, 1778; afterwards in Lt. Col. Murray's. Freaner, William. Fredericks, Jacob. Fritz, John, May 4, 1777—1781. Fritz, Peter, resided in Berks county, 1833, aged seventy-seven. Frusler, Frederick. Fry, Michael. FuUerton, John. Funk, George, resided in Lancaster county, 1802. Sergeants. Gabriel, Peter, January 1, 1777—1781. Garvin, Tnomas, January 1, 1777—1781. Goznall, George, September 1, 1778—1781. Guy, Jonathan, re-enlisted April 29, 1778; discharged January 16, 1781; died in Montgomery county, October 1, 1823, aged eighty-two. Corporals. Gannon, Lawrence, April 30, 1777. Glover, James, January 1, 1777; wounded in the side; dis;- charged January 1, 1781. Griffey, David. Guess, Henry, January 1, 1777—1781. 872 CONTINENTAL LINE. Drummers. Garrett, Robert, January 1, 1777—1781. Goss, Abraham (e), in Cobea's company. Privates. Gabel, Peter, January 1, 1777—1781. Gable, Henry. Galbraith, James, resided in Cumberland county, 1785. Galley, Peter. Galliger, Francis. Garrison, Isaac, Jr. (e), July 1, 1777 — 1781; Howell's company August, 1778; Gosner's company afterwards. Gates, Adam. Gelty, Thomas. Gearhart, Conrad. Genita, Lewis. Gest, Henry. Gettrick, George. Gibbons, James. Gilbert, John, resided in Westmoreland county, 1814. Gilby, Thomas, January 1, 1777—1781. Gillespie, George. Glass, Robert (e), Murray's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Major Hamilton's. Glassmire, Jacob, resided in Berks county, 1835, aged eighty- one. Glencer, John. Glenn, James. "^ Godsgrace, Daniel, January 1, 1777—1781. Godshalk, Daniel. Golding, William. Gorasley, John, Miller's company to 1778; afterwards Col. John Murray's. Gordon, Daniel. Gordon, John, died in Cumberland county, December 18, 1819, aged sixty-six. Gorrell, John. Gossner, George. Graham, John, resided in Mifflin county, 1833, aged eighty-six. Gray, Alexander, resided in Allegheny county, 1835. aged eighty-eight. Greenawalt, Nicholas (e) Bankson's company, July, 1778; afterwards Col. Murray's; resided in Franklin county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 873 Griffin, David. Griffith, John. Gristock, William. Grossly, John (e). Grosvenor, Richard. Giiibel, Peter. Guina, Andrew. Guyer, Cornelius. Sergeants. Harris, Joseph, enlisted March 23, 1777; discharged January 14, 1781; resided in Sunbury in 1813. Hurley, John. Drum Major. Herring, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Drummer. Holt, Evan, June 24, 1778—1781. Privates. Hagan, Peter. Hagerthy, Dennis. Hagginson, Robert. Hague, Christian, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Hale, John. Haley, Morris. Hall, George. Halter, Jacob. Hamer, Moses. Han-iliton, Henry, April 25, 1777—1781. Hamilton, Isaac. Hamilton, John, in Tolbert's company, 1771, afterwards in Ash- mead's: Hanna, Robert, April 10, 1777—1781. Hannah, William, re-enlisted in United States army, died in service in 1805. Hannah, David, May, 1778; at the siege of Yorktown. Hanney, Thomas, in Patterson's to September, 1778; after- wards in same. Harding, John. Harlan, John. Harmar, John. 874 CONTINENTAL LINE. Harper, Jacob. Harpole, Heury, March 15, 1777—1781. Harrell, Thomas. Harrington, John. Harrington, Thomas. Harris, John, died August 3, 1826, in Chester county, aged seventy-one. Harrison, George. Hart, John. Hartman, Peter, January 1, 1777 — 17:>1. Hartzog, Valentine. Harvey, John. Harvey, Thomas. Harvey, Samuel (e), in Marshall's to July, 1778; afterwards in Tolbert's. Haskins, John, resided in Allegheny county, 1818. Havolots, .Charles. Havenny, Hugh. Hawkins, Edward. Held, James. Helm, George. Helmer, William. Henderson, Andrew. Herbst, George. Herring, Robert. Hetton, Joseph, November 16, 1776; transferred to chief's guards. Hicks, Gershom. Hilcherick, Philip. Hill, Alexander, September 1, 1777—1781. Hillman, William. Hilton, Joseph. Hink, John. Hise, John (e), Major Hamilton's company. Hitchings, John, May 7, 1779—1781. Hoffman, Henry. Holder, Charles. Holder, Jacob, wounded at Brandy wine; resided in Berks county, 1820, aged seventy-five. Holmes. John, killed June 7, 1780. Home, Nicholas, January 28, 1777 — 1781. Hood, Jacob. Hoover, John. Hope, Philip, March 23, 1777—1781. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 875 riopkins, Jeremiah, joined Procter's artillery March, 1780. Horner, John. Horner, Matthew. Householder, Jacob. Houseman, Matthew. Houser, Ludwig. Howard, George (e), in Bankson's; left the service April 22, 1780. Hunt, William. Hurst, Frederick. Huston, William, resided in Columbiana county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy two. Hutchinson, John, wounded in the leg at Green Spring. Hutchinson, Richard. Hutton, James. Hutton, John, wounded at Bound Brook; resided in Juniata township, Cumberland county, in 1809. i^rivates. Ingledo, Thomas. Irwin, Jared. Sergeants. Jacobs, John (e), in Ashmead's to July, 1778; afterwards in Cobea's. Johnston, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Justice, John, May 1, 1777; transferred to chief's guards. Corporals. Johnston, William, Jr., January 1, 1777-1781. Jones, Philip, from Atlee's; discharged 1781. Fifer. Johnston, William, Sr. Privates. Jackson, James. Jacobs, David, resided in Tyler county, Virginia, 1834, aged seventy-five. Jacobs, Peter, servant of John Lobach, of Chester county, en- listed in Capt. Tolbert's company in March, 1777; served until the end of the war; wounded in the side at Paoli; resided in Sherman's Valley, 1818. 876 CONTINENTAL LINE. James, William (e), in Murray's to August, 1778; afterwards in Major James Hamilton's company. Jeffries, William. Jennings, Thomas, January 1, 1777—1781; died March 14, 1790. Johnston, Cato. Johnston, Daniel, January 1, 1777 — 1781; died in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, August 25, 1822, aged seventy-four. Johnston, Nicholas. Johnston, Richard, February 1, 1777—1781. Jones, Edward (e), in Howell's to July, 1778; afterwards in Gosner's. Jones, Joseph, in Howell's to July, 1778; afterwards in Gosner's. Jones, Robert, resided in Mercer county, Kentucky, 1834, aged seventy-six. Jones, William. Sergeant. Kerney, Barnet. Corporal. Kennedy, Thomas, March 1, 1777—1781. Drummers. Kennedy, Robert. Kerbaugh, David, April 1, 1777. Privates. Kallahan, John. Keaton, John, April 9, 1777—1781. Keating, Ignatius, resided in Northumberland county, 1788. Keating, John. Kease, Philip, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Keele, Francis, January 1, 1777—1781. Keene, Francis. Keenan, Roger, January 7, 1777 — 1781. Keisler, Frederick, April 17, 1777—1781. Kelly, James, died in Westmoreland county, April 21, 1S20, aged seventy. Kelley, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Kelly, Matthew (e), in Ashmead's to July, 1778, afterwards in Cobea's; transferred to Invalid corps, December, 1780. Kelly, Patrick. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 877 Kelly, Thomas, died in Bourbon county, Kentucky, December 30, 1822, aged eighty-four. Keller, Francis. Kelp, Andrew. Kempsey, Patrick, January 1, 1777—1781. Kennard, Joseph. Kennedy, Andrew. Kennedy, Samuel. Kenny, Neal. Kentzell, Frederick, February 14, 1778—1781. Keppard, John. Kepps, Philip, January 1, 1777—1781. Kershaw, Abraham. Kepler, Henry. Kettle, George, enlisted August 17, 1778; disabled at West Point 1779, by stone rolling upon him; transferred to Invalid corps, October, 1780. Keys, Daniel. Keys, Philip. Kelbey, David. King, David, in Tolbert's company. King, John, resided in Bracken county, Kentucky, 1833, aged seventy-three. Klein. Thomas. Knee, Thomas, in Miller's company, July, 1778; afterwards in Lt. Col. Murray's; left service April 26, 1780. Knepping, Frederick. Knight, Michael. Knotstine, John. Koons, Daniel, enlisted 1777, Capt. Hamilton's company; served until 1782; resided in Lycoming county in 1825, aged seventy. Kough, Ludwig. Kughn, Jacob, Ashmead's company; discharged 1781; resided in Philadelphia, 1810. Kurtz, Michael, March 24, 1778 — 1781; died in Mercer county, Ohio. October 10, 1818, aged sixty-six. Kusick, John. Kyser, John. Sergeant. Long, Frederick, February 22, 1778—1781. Corporal. Loudon, Stephen, January 1, 1777—1781. 878 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Lackey, Robert. Lacoon, John, discharged April 1, 1783. Lares, Henry. Latterly, Daniel, January 1, 1777—1781. Laidley, William, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Laird, John, died in Sussex county, New Jersey, April 12, 1827, aged ninety-seven. Landan, William. Lamoine, Elim. Lamoine, Etione. Lane, John, ruptured at Fort Patterson; discharged January 12, 1780. Larkins, David, January 1, 1777—1781. Lary, Daniel. Lasley, John. Law, Ezekiel. Lawrence, John. Layman, William. Leaman, Michael, June 6, 1778—1781. Leary, Daniel (e), Howell's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Gosner's. Lecount, Samuel. Leech, James. Leech, John. Legar, Peter. Lehman, Henry. Leaster, Thomas. Lemoine, Anthony. Lennox, George, resided in Union county 1835, aged seventy- seven. Leonard, Adam. Leonard, Frederick. Leonard, John. Lestis, Philip. Leuse, John (e). Lewis, Abraham. Lewis, James. Lewis, Joseph (e), Marshall's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Tolbert's; died in Franklin county, Ohio, August 10, 1820, aged seventy-seven. Lewis, Samuel, resided in Huntingdon county, 1835, aged ninety-two. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. S79 Lewis, Stephen, January 1, 1777, transferred to sappers and miners; re-enlisted December 3, 1781. Lick, Harmon. Linderman, Frederick. Linn, George, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Loardan, George,. Lough, George. Ludwick, Nichols. Luft, George. Lusk, William. Lydy, Valentine, in Col. Stewart's, July, 1778, afterwards in Bankson's. Sergeant-Major. Mitchell, James, had been wounded at Long Island, under Col. Richard Butler; discharged at Yorktown, October, 1781; resided in W^ashington county, 1835, aged eighty-two. Sergeants. McCastleton, Samuel. McCuIlam, John. McDonald, William, March 1, 1777. McGilton, William. McKilloh, Robert, January 1, 1777; killed at the storming of the Block-House, July 21, 1780; his widow, Mrs. Agnes Hurst, resided in Allegheny county, in 1816. McMurdy, John, Capt. Patterson's company, from Thompson's. McPike, James. Moore, Roger. Mulhalon, Hugh, January 1, 1777, from Long's company, Miles' regiment; in Bankson's company, served to the end of the war, receiving four wounds, one through the knee, a printer, resided in Bellefonte, in 1813. Murphy, Archibald, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Myers, Jacob, January 1, 1777, discharged May 17, 1781, at Y'ellow Springs, on account of ill health; resided in Lan- caster county in 1819. Miller, Joseph, in Bankson's company to July, 1778; in Colonel's company afterwards. Corporals. McClure, James. McLaughlin, Robert. 880 CONTINENTAL LINE. Fife Major. McCarty, Daniel (e), August 1, 1778—1781 Fifers. Moore, Jesse, January 1, 1771 — 1781. Murray, William, September 1, 1778—1781. Drummers. Mitchell, William, July 1, 1777. Moore, John, June 28, 1777. * Privates. McAfee, Neil, enlisted 1776, under Col. Miles, discharged a,t Trenton. McAllister, James. McAllister, John, resided in Montgomery county, 1827. McCahan, Richard, January 1, 1777—1781. McCalla, Daniel (e), in Tolbert's before July, 1778; afterwards in Ashmead's company. McCarty, Richard. McCay, Daniel, wounded in the head at Germantown, and discharged at Valley Forge, 1778; died in Indiana county, June 30, 1821, aged sixty-eight. McChord, Isaiah, died February 8, 1791. McClane, Alexander, died in Westmoreland county, February 26, 1826, aged ninety-two. McClane, Jacob. McClean, Archibald, January 1, 1777—1781. McClosky, John. McCollum, John. McConnell, William, resided in Armstrong county, 1818. McCormick, John (e), in Marshall's before July, 1778 after- wards in Capt. Tolbert's. McCormick, William. McCourt, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McCowen, John, enlisted 1776; served four years ten months. McCue, Arthur. McDowell, William. McElroy, John. McElvaine, John. McElvany, Patrick. McFatridge, Daniel. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 881 McGahan, John. McGahy, Andrew. McGaughin, Michael. McGeary, Neal. McGinnis, Roger (e), enlisted 25th September, 1778, from Mar- shall's, in Capt. Tolbert's. McGrath, William (e), Bankson's to August, 1778; afterwards in the Colonel's company. McGraw, John, sutler in 1778. McGraw, William, July 1, 1778. Mclntire, Daniel. Mclntire, William. McKee, Andrew, resided in Armstrong county, 1835, aged eighty-eight. McKever, Angus. McKillin, Edward. McKinney, John (e), from Marshall's, August, 1778, to Tolbert's to 1781. McKinsey, James. McLeod, John, April 1, 1777 — 1781; resided in Butler county, 1835, aged seventy-six. McMahon, Richard (e), in Howell's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Gosner's. McManus, Hugh. McQuead, John. McQuillin, James. McQuillon, Robert (e), from Marshall's in July, 1778, into Tol- bert's to 1781. McVeagh, Patrick, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McVey, Daniel. Mackey, Daniel. Madden, Joseph, Bankson's company; discharged at Trenton, 1781; resided in Chillisquaque township, Northumberland county, 1813. Madden, Thomas, January 1, 1777—1781. Magee, Thomas. Mahon, John. Malony, John (e). Ashmead's company. Maloy, James. Malson, Thomas, May 23, 1778—1781. Malger, Thomas. Mames, William. Manning, Christopher. r,6— Vol. IT— 5th Ser. 882 CONTINENTAL LINE. Manson, John; widow, Elizabeth, resided in Washington county in 1823. Marlow, Christian. Marshall, George (e), in Ashmead's to July, 1778, afterwards in Bankson's. Martin, Cnristian. Martin, James, Sr. Martin, Michael (e), Capt. John Patterson's company, July, 1778—1781. Martin, Robert. Mason, Francis. Maxim, William. Mease, Balzer, enlisted 1776; discharged, 1781; resided in Som- erset county, 1835, aged seventy-four. Mellen, John. Melville, James. Messersmith, Peter. Miller, Charles. Miller, Christian, died iu Luzerne county, April 21, 1821, aged ninety. Miller, Conrad, May 5, 1778 — 1781; resided in Beaver county, 1835; aged eighty-two. Miller, George, died in Franklin county, Missouri, June 15, 1834. Miller, Henry, resided in Franklin county, 1823. Miller, Jacob, died March 4, 1824, in -Northumberland county, aged seventy-nine. Miller, Miller, resided in Cumberland county, 1821. Miller, Valentine, June 5, 1778—1781; resided in Bradford county, 1835, aged eighty. Mills, Andrew. Minger, Christian. Mitchell, Robert. Mitchell, John, justice of the peace in Cumberland county, 1820. Moast, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Moast, Joseph, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Montgomery, John. Moore, James, January 1, 1777 — 1781; resided in Rutheford county, Tennessee, 1833, aged eighty-three. Moreland, Moses, May 1, 1777 — 1781; resided in Greene county in 1833, aged seventy-five. Mornes, William. Morris, David. Morrison, James, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Morrison, Michael. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 883 Moser, Henry. Moyer, John. Moyer, Peter, May 20, 1777—1781. Moyer, Peter (2d), Capt. Bankson's company; enlisted 1778; discharged after Cornwallis's surrender; resided in Leba- non county, 1818. Moyne, John. Mullen, John, February 27, 1777—1781. Mulloney, John. Mulvany, Patrick, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Murdock, Robert, from De Haas's; served three years; resided in Finley township, Washington county, 1820, aged sixty- six. Murphy, Andrew. Murphy, Christian. Murphy, John, died December 19, 1830, in Bucks county, aged seventy. Murphy, Philip. y Murray, Jeremiah, May 10, 1779. / Murray, Thomas, resided in Floyd county, Kentucky, 1834, aged eighty. Murray, William, Jr. Musketmuss, Adam. Musketnough, Henry (e). Miller's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel's. Myers, Leonard, May 9, 1777—1781. Sergeants. Norton, Thomas, January 1, 1777; promoted ensign March 12, 1777. Neill, James, January 1, 1777—1781. Privates. Naggington, Robert, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Neible, Adam. Neill, John, Col. Stewart's company, July, 1778, afterwards in Bankson's. Netherhouse, Daniel, March 1, 1777—1781. Nevil, John. New, Christopher, April 1, 1777, to January 1, 1781; in Capt. Patterson's company; resided in York county, 1818, aged sixty-five. I 884 CONTINENTAL LINE. Newcomb, John (e), in Ashmead's company, July, 1778; after- wards in Cobea's, transferred to Invalids, June, 1781. Newell, John, resided in Trumbull county, Ohio, 1834, aged sev enty-nine. Nice, Christopher. Nicholson, John. Nolstein, John. Norton, John, March 25, 1777—1781; died in Sussex county. New Jersey, January 15, 1822, aged sixty-seven. Norton, Henry. Null, John (e). Nusser, Jacob, March 16, 1777—1781. Privates. O'Brien, Daniel, May 18, 1780. O'Bryan, Martin. O'Bryan, Sylvester (e), Ashmead's, July, 1778; afterwards in Cobea's. O'Bryan, William. O'Foy, Patrick, March 1, 1777—1781. O'Neal, Christopher, August 13, 1778—1781. O'Neal, Edward. O'Neal, James. Olenberger, George. Oliver, Richard. Orand, Patrick. Orchard, John, March 26, 1777—1781. Organ, John. Orr, John. Sergeants. Parks, Thomas, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Phraner, William, January 25, 1777—1781. Porter, James, January 1, 1777—1781. Corporal. Piercy, Jacob, January 1, 1777—1781. Pegnam, James, enlisted Dec, 1776, discharged at Trenton. Privates. Parker, Alexander. Parks, John, wounded in right arm, and transferred to In- valid corps. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 885 Parsons, Johu. Patterson, James, January 1, 1777, to May 24, 1780, when he died. Patterson, Murdock, resided in Beaver township, Northumber- land county, in 1793. Peeling, Kershaw (e). Pegnon, William. Pennington, Bartholomew. Pensler, John. Perry, William, transferred to Invalid corps, March, 1780. Peterson, William, March 4, 1777 — 1781. Pettigrew, James. Phillips, William. Pimple, Paul. Powers, William, Januray 1, 1777—1781. Price, Abraham, January 1, 1777—1781. Privates. Quick, John. Quigley, Edward, died in Centre county, April 13, 1819, aged eighty-two. Quimby, Zachariah. Corporal. Roberts, George (e), Miller's company to July, 1778; after- wards in Lieutenant Colonel's. Drummer. Reinhold, Christopher. Privates. Radabaugh, Peter. Rainey, George (e), Bankson's to 1778; afterwards in Col. Stewart's. Rambo, John Henry, resided in Luzerne county, 1792. Ramsay, Robert. Rarick, Godfrey, April 1, 1777—1781. .^atcliff, James, died in Baltimore county, Maryland, aged sixty-three. Reagan, James, killed in action. Reagan, Michael. Reany, Conrad, May 25, 1777—1781. 886 CONTINENTAL LINE. Reardon, Jeremiah. Record, Patrick. Redheffer, Jacob, April 28, 1777— 178L •Redman, John, died November 1, 1790. Redman, Michael (e). Miller's company; transferrer! to Invalid corps May 4, 1778. Rebolt, Frederick. Reed, Joseph, died in Harrison county, Indiana, August 28, 1826, aged sixty-six. Reily, Job, January 1, 1777—1781. Remair, Philip. Reynall, Christopher. Rhode, John. Rice, James. Reiss, Peter, Paxton township, Dauphin county. Richey, David, resided in Washington county, 1S35. Rickard, Patrick. Richcreek, Philip, April 1, 1781, Capt. Pearson's company; discharged June 28, 1783; resided in Muskingum county, Ohio, 1834. Riddle, Gerard (e), Miller's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel's. Riffe, Jacob. Rifford, Christopher. Rigby, James. Rigley, James. Rinehart, George, from Thompson's; resided in Cumberland county, 1828. Rinehart, Matthias, January 1, 1777—1781. ' Rishley, Lewis. Rively, Frederick. Roarman, David. Roberts, Joseph, died in Montgomery county, February 5, 1831, aged eighty-six. Robinson, James, resided in Blount county, Tennessee, 1834, aged eighty-one. Robinson, Matthew. Robinson, Thomas. Robinson, William (e), Tolbert's company, July, 1778; after- wards Ashmead's. Rook, Ternan. Roop, Nicholas. Ross, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Ross, Oliver. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 887 Rough, Ludwig. Rowling, George. Rule, William. Ramble, Philip. Russell, John. Ryan, James, January 1, 1777; discharged January 15lh, JTSl; resided in Montgomery county. Sergeants. Singlewood, Stephen, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Tunisou, Anthony. Corporals. Smith. James. Sloan, John, wounded at Green Spring in left thigh, and tran.s- ferred to Invalid corps; resided in Cumberland county, 17S9. Fife-Major. Spencer, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Drum-Major. St. John, John, January 1, 1777; discharged November 4, 1733. Drummer. Steen, Edward, May 6, 1777— 17S1. Fifor. Springer, Philip, May 1, 1778—1781. Privates. Sadler, Benjamin, Invalid corps, October, 1777. Sally, John. Salter, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Sample, William, killed in action. Sampson, Aaron, resided in Dauphin county, 1794. Scammell, John, December 16, 1777 — June 6, 1780; certificate issued to his wife and children, March 17, 1781. Scarlet, William. Scott, James. 888 CONTINENTAL, LINl^. Scott, Thomas, resided in Middleton, Bucks county, 1789. Schrawder, Philip, served three years; discharged at Trenton, January 18, 1781. Schroter, Israel. Schnyder, George. Scosse, John (e), in Murray's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Major's. Seahon [Seehann], John (e), in Marshall's company until Au- gust, 1778; afterwards in Major Hamilton's. Sedgwick, Joshua. Seely, Isaac. Settlemire, Godfrey. Shafer, Philip. Shaw, Michael. Shaw, Patrick, December 4, 1776—1781. Shea, Daniel, February 1, 1777—1781. Shearer, Philip, January 1, 1777—1781. Sherrick, Isaac. Shields, John (e). Shields, William. Shire, Clement. Shively, Jacob, from Farmer's company, Miles' regiment; served three years; died in Montgomery county, October 20, 1824, aged sixty-six. Shoap, Louis, resided in Northampton county, 1835, aged seventy. Shuler, Henry. Shuttle, David, 1776—1780; resided in Philadelphia, 1829 Shultz, John, Captain Patterson's company to 1781. Shynder, Andrew. Siggerson, James. Slight, Richard, Ashmead's company. Sloker, Christian. Slyder, Jacob, mith, George. Smith, John, served seven years and one month; discharged at Fort Pitt, October 30, 1783; promoted to wearing the honorary badge of distinction, agreeables to Gen. Wash- ington's order of August 7, 1782; resided in Washington county, 1786. Smith, Philip, August 5, 1777—1781. Smith, Thomas, February 14, 1777—1781; resided in Mifflin county, 1815. Snyder, Andrew. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 889 Snyder, George, Murray's company to July, 1778, afterwards iu Major's. Snyder, Henry, resided in York county, 1835, aged seventy- eight. Solomon, Henry. Solomon, Michael. Spearing, John. Speer, Edward. Squib, John. Staght, Richard. Stambaugh, Jacob. Stanley, Peter. St. Court, Samuel. Steed, James, from Thirteenth Penn'a; discharged November, 1781; resided in Huntingdon county, 1820, aged eighty; chairmaker. Steel, Andrew. Steel, James, Col. Stewart's to July, 1778, afterwards in Lt. Col. Murray's. Steel, John P. Steddelman, John, died October 9, 1826, at Germantown, aged seventy-nine. Steinbach, Jacob. Steinheiser, Christian, January 1, 1777 — 1781; resided in Lan- caster county, 1836, aged seventy-nine. Stephens, Alexander. Steltinger, John, resided in Washington county, 1835, aged seventy-six. Stevenson, Daniel. Stevenson, Stephen. Stewart, Arthur (e), January 1, 1777—1781; Howell's company to July, 1778, afterwards in Gosner's. Stewart, William, died in Washington county, Maryland, March 4, 1831, aged seventy-five. Stone, Conrad. Stolle, Frederick, 1776, Capt. Pugh's; discharged at Trenton, January 17, 1781; resided in Northampton county, 1818. Storne, John (e). Col. Stewart's company. Stout, John. Stover, Nicholas, January 1, 1777—1781. Stoy, Charles. Stowers, John. Strobach, John. Stroup, Adam. 890 CONTINENTAL, LINE. Stubart, William (e), in Capt. Banksou's company, 1778, afterwards in Ashmead's. Stud, James (e). Stull, Andrew. Sullivan, James. Sullivan, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Sullivan, Michael, in Murray's company to July, 1778, after- wards in Major's. Sullivan, Patrick, from First Penn'a; enlisted January 1, 1777, in Bankson's grenadiers, at Reading; wounded in the groin, at Yorktown; discharged, 1783; resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1818. Sullivan, Thomas (e), July, 1778, Bankson's company. Sullivan, William. Swartz, Frederick. Sergeant-Major. Thompson, John, disabled by cold weather, 1777; 1778, trans- ferred to Invalid corps; in the hospital, at West Point, 1785, aged 50 years, Oct., 1785. See pension paper. Privates. Tagg, Benjamin, April 24, 1778—1781. Tague, Patrick (e), September 25, 1778, in Marshall's, after- wards in Tolbert's. Taylor, George, died in Schuyler county, Illinois, February 10, 1833, aged seventy-two. Taylor, Samuel. Tamar, Henry, Finley's company; and discharged April 1, 1783. Tamor, Thomas. Terney, Matthew. Thompson, George. Thompson, James, died in Scioto county, Ohio, August 9, 1825, aged sixty-eight. Thompson, John, resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged eighty- five. Thomas, Evan. Thornton, James. Todd, Randall, killed in action. Tompkins, John. Tracey, John. Travis, Andrew, re-enlisted in 1781, in Fourth Peun'a, from which he deserted in April, 1781. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 891 Treauer, Simon. Tresler, Ludwick. Trett, Thomas. Trexler, David, January 1, 1777— 17S1. Tull, Thomas. Turk, Hugh. Unroe, George. Vanemaker, Philip. Vankelner, John, yankelner, Philip. Vansdurff, Matthew. Vaughan, John. Vaughan, Nicholas. Verkurius, Joseph. Vernon, Robert, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Vernon, Robert, 1776, wounded in right arm, at Monmouth; re- sided in Mifflin county, in 1809. Sergeant-Ma jor. Weidman, Jacob, April 1, 1777 — 1781. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Wallace, Thomas, January 1, 1777—1781. Fife-Major. Williamson, James, July 5, 1777—1781. Drummer. Walker, Samuel, June 1, 1778—1781. Fifer. Williams, John, April 20, 1777—1781. Webb, Thomas. Weble, Thomas. Woods, Samuel. Wade, Thomas. Wade, William. Corporals. Privates. 892 CONTINENTAL LINE. Waggoner, Jacob, May 14, 1777—1781. Waldron, Benjamin. Wall, George, January 1, 1777—1781. Wallace, Richard, January 1, 1777—1781. Walter, Christopher, resided in Guernsey county, Ohio, in 1820. Ward, John. Warner, John, resided in Allegheny county, 1835, aged seventy- five. Warner, William, January 1, 1777— August, 1781. Weidman, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Wells, Richard. Wentz, Jacob. Wesley, Jared. West, Thomas, resided in Fayette county, 1835, aged one hun- dred and two. Wharton, Samuel, died in Mifflin county, August 18, 1823, aged eighty-one. Whelin, William. Wheeler, Thomas. White, Thomas, March 21, 1777—1781. Whipple, George. Whitman, John. Whitmore, Everhard. Wilkins, William, in Miller's to July, 1778; afterwards in Lieu- tenant Colonel's. Wilkinson, William, Finley's company; discharged April 1, 1783. Willard, William. Williams, James. Williams, Joshua. Williams, Nathan. Williams, Thomas, died in Hamilton county, Ohio, January 25, 1826, aged eighty-one. Williams, Stacy. Williams, William, August 2, 1777—1781. Williamson, Daniel (e), in 'Marshall's to July, 1778; afterwards in Cobea's. Williamson, Edward. Williamson, Jesse. Williard, John. Willson, Robert. Windsley, John (e), in Miller's to July, 1778; afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel's. Windolph, Jacob. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 893 Winning, James. Wise, Henry. Wiser, Solomon. Wisnam, Joseph. Witherspoon, William (e), in Ashmead's to July, 1778, after- wards in Cobea's. Woolsey, Isaac. Work, William. Worsham, Joshua, resided in Chesterfield county, Virginia, in 1834, aged eighty-six. Wright, Charles. W^right, Henderson. Wyndoff, Matthias. Privates. Young, Andrew (e), Tolbert's company, July, 1778; afterwards in Ashmead's; left the service March 15, 1780. Young, George. Young, John. Young, Robert, January 1, 1777; re-enlisted in Procter's ar- tillery. '^m (894) ENLISTMENT PAPERS. (895) (896) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. ENLISTMENT PAPERS. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Thos. Chesney Soldier in the 2d Pennsy. regiment, having faithfully served the United States from 2Sth March 1782 to the Present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 28th June 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. JOS. CARLETON, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. WM. HUSTON, (d.) War Office 28th June 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. Harford County State of Maryland. June 9th Day 1804. Came Before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for said county Sam'l McKisson and on his solemn oath Deposeth and saith that he was well acquainted with Philip Cod and his Wife Jean some years Before the Inlistment of the said Philip and that he saw the said Philip Cod when he was inlisted with an officer who went by the name of Captain Leaper of the Pennsylvania Line and like- wise he this Deponent further saith that he saw Philip Cod's name with his mark afixed to an Inlistment Paper in Custody of the aforesaid Capt. Leaper and likewise this De- ponent saith that he saw the said Philip Cod in the Service of the United States in the year 1777, the said being inlisted for three years or during the War Before the Battle of Brandy- wine and further saith not. Sworn and Subscribed Before JOHN SMITH. Harford County to wit. I hereby certify to all whom it doth or may concern that John Smith Gentleman before whom the within Deposition 57— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 898 CONTINENTAL LINE. was taken and who hath thereto set his hand and affixed his seal was at the time of so doing one of the State of Mary- land's Justices of the peace in and for Harford County duly Commissioned and sworn and to all whose acts as such due faith and credit is and ought to be given as well in Courts of Justice as thereout. On Testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office this eleventh day of June in the year eighteen hundred and four. HENRY DORSET, Clk. These are to Certify that the bearer hereof Jacob Smith Soldier in the 1st Pennsylvania regiment having faithfully served the United States from January 1777 to the present date and being inlisted lor the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 14th of August, 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. JOS. CARLETON, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, Adjutant. War Office, August 14, 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- cnarge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time and until the proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof John Hoskin, soldier, in the 2nd Penna. regiment, having faithfully served the United States from 1st Aug. 1782 to the present date and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 20th June 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. JOS. CARLETON, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. WM. HUSTON, Adjutant, (d.) SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 899 War Office 20th June, 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be confined as being on furlough. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Isaac Hartinter, Soldier, in the 3d Penna. regiment, having faithfully served the United States from Mar. 1782 and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 27th June, 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. JOS. CARLETON, Secy. Registered in the books of the ragiment. EDW. BUTLER, Adjutant. War Office Jan. 1783. The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be confined as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Christian Finni- gan, soldiers in the Penna. regiment, having faithfully served the United States from May 1777 to the present date and being Inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war oflTice 17th Aug. 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at war. JOS. CARLETON, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICH'D FULLERTON, Adjutant. War Office Aug. 14th 1783. The within certificate shall' not avail the bearer as a dis- charge, until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time, and until proclamation thereof shall be made, hp is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. 900 CONTINENTAL LINE. LIST OF MEN BELONGING TO THE 2D REG'T PENNA. THAT ARE ENGAGED FOR THE WAR, WHOSE EN- LISTMENTS ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE COMMAND- ING OFFICER OF S'D REGT. (c.) Date of Enlistment. John Mellan, in the first Feb. 27, 1777. Jacob Frederick, Jan. 4, 177S. Nicholas Coleman, ' Feb. IS, 1778. James Duffy I Mar. 11, 1777. Wm. McConomy i Aug. 21, 1777. Wm. Brodstock, 'Mar. 25,1777. Joshua Wisnom Mar. 19, 1778. Alex Hill I July 31, 1777. John Christy I Feb. 10, 1777. John Bailes, Drum., Mar. 29, 1777. Wm. Johnston, fifer | Nov. 10,1778. Mich'l Reagan i Mar. 29, 1777. Wm. Gristock ', Apr. 27, 1777. Wm. Butler, Mar. 15,1777. Andrew Muck Mar. 24, 1777. Jacob Shevely (settled) Aug. 3, 1777. Silvester O'Bryan, Jan. 1, 1777. Conrad Franks (Mar. 28) Mar. 28, 1778. James Coulter (Settled in 1st) Mar. 13, 1777. Sam. Woods, Mar. 17, 1777. James Leech (settled) May 2, 1777. Stephen Lewis, ^ Apr. 29, 1777. John English Jan. 7, 1778. Fred'k Stull Mar. 29, 1777. Mich'l Sullivan, Jan. 4, 1777. John Francis May 10, 1777. Jacob Halter \ July 24, 1777. James Pegnam (Copl.) ! Dec. 26, 1777. John Funt, ' Mar. 12, 1777. Timothy Flanaghan, ' Mar. 12, 1777. Wm. Whcalon Jan. 17,1777. George Whibble I Aug. 23, 1777. Philip Broyle Aug. 27, 1778. Ludwick Houser \ Jan. 3, 1778. John AuU Mar. 17, 1777. Edw. Beaby (settled in 1st) t Jan. 29, 1777. Patrick Richard Oct. 16, 1778. Wm. James, | Mar. 12, 1777. Michael Derry { Mar. 15, 1777. James Price | Apr. 2, 1777. John Hurley (Serg.), June 22, '77. Leni Davis (Corp' 1) Mar. 20, '77. Nathan Williams ' Dec. 12, '76. Rob't Finley 1 Dec. 27, "76. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 901 LIST OF MEN BELONGING TO THE 2D REG'T PENNA. THAT ARE ENGAGED FOR THE WAR, WHOSE EN- LISTMENTS ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE COMMAND- ING OFFICER OF S'D REG'T. (c.)— Continued. Date of Enlistment. Jacob Redheiffer John William, flfer David Bryan Fred' k Brown, John Abbett 1 Fred. Keizler (settled), j Edw. Cook I Simon Frayner Wm. Bowman I Thos. Crow Jas. Robinson, William Hannah Wm. McCormick Wm. Mernes, Jeremiah Randon Christ. Brown Henry Hamilton Danl. Mclntire John McCowan, Mich'l Brogen Joseph Fitch John McKenny Rob' t McQuillen Fred'k Leonard David Ring Thos. Webb (settled) Dani'l Godshalk Henry Bole Thos. Smith Geo. Marshall, Wm. O. Brian Sam'l Burns, Serg't Nathaniel Brandon, Corp Joseph Hanes Dan' 1 McCalla, Chas. Cowen Thos. Aukard Henry Leamon Jno. Crosson , Philip Hope, Chas. Charleton, Serg't Rob' t Fossett, Wm. Butler (settled) BenJ. Clifton Thos. Gllby . Wm. Ru Hedge Apr. 28, '77. Apr. 26, '77. May 10, •77. Dec. 16. '76. Apr. 27. •77. Apr. 17. •77. May 2, •77. Dec. 30. •76. Dec. 28. •76. Dec. 29. •76. Dec. 10, •76. Jan. 10. 1778. Jan. 21, 1777. Mar. 11, 1777. Jan. 12. 1777. Feb. 19. 1777. Apr. 25. 1777. Mar. 11, 1777. Mar. 14. 1777. Oct. 28, 1777. Nov. 12. 1776. Mar. 12, 1777. Feb. 4, 1777. Feb. 20, 1777. Apr. 23. 1777. Mar. 23, 1777. Jan. 1_ 1777. Dec. 4. 1777. Feb. 4, 1777. Mar. 17. 1778. Jan. 11, 1777. Mar. 20, 1777. Mar. 25, 1777. Mar. 23, 1777. Mar. 26, 1777. Mar. in, 1777. Mar. 26. 1777. Mar. 12, 1777. Apr. 2-,. 1777. Mar. 19. 1777. July 18, 1777. Dec. a, 1776. Feb. 6 1777. Dec. 17. 1776. Jan. 2 1777. Jan. 80. 1777. CONTINENTAL LINE. LIST OP MEN BELONGING TO THE 2D REG'T PENNA. THAT ARE ENGAGED FOR THE WAR, WHOSE EN- LISTMENTS ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE COMMAND- ING OFFICER OF S'D REG'T. (c.)— Continued. Date of Enlistment. Geo. Hall John Collins, John Bomer Michael Martin John Holmes John Hitchen John Shields Adam Foutz, Thos. Ford, Laurence Gannon Rich'd Lewis Jeremiah Murray Henry Milton, James O. Neal John Vaughn I>anlel Leary Joseph Jones Rich'd McMahon, Geo. Meller, David Kerbauch (Drum.), Apr. 20, 1777. Dec. 2A, 1776. Feb. 24. Dec. 23, 1776. May 7, 1779. May 7, 1779. Dec. 24, 1776. Dec. 1, 1776. Dec. 11, 1776. Apr. 30, 1777. Apr. 21, 1777. May 10, 1779. Jan. 30, 1777. Dec. 10, 1776. Dec. 29, 1776. Jan. 4, 1777. Jan. 1, 1777. Dec. 25 1776. May 1 1777. Apr. 1 1777. MISCELLANEOUS LIST 2ND PENNA. LINE, (c ) Robert Allison, Lieut. Philip Schneider, Private. Michael Linden, Private. Zacharias Brant, Private. John St. John, Private. John McGlaughlin, Private. Patrick Ambrose, Private. Patrick Quinn, Private. Geo. Chapman, Private. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 903 •ajBW \ ; : i 1 ■uoaSjns '^ : : : : '" •ja^BBpi itBd tH -^ •jajsBW -JO - : - ■;uB}nfpv -- i -^ i •uiBidBqo 1 •suSisua '^ : ^ „ ^ : : ^ ■;nan P3 '^ r. W : '^ - •}nsn isi r^ : -- « •SUIB^dBO -- :- ^w - •JOfBIM - : - •lauoioo i.T 1 •puoioo ii B t I I u 5 : III -su)e idB 1 i 5 CONTINENTAL LINE. 13 •pa^siiui ~ P ■3ig ^ JiUBa •9ji} ^ uinaa ■siuBaaaag c •I'Bloi, sssgsass s •ilSnoiJnj uo •p.uiiuoD uo =^ ^ * c, ^ c. ^ o> •;uasqi3 Jioig ^ "«- ., OJ •^uasaJd Jiojs « '-' * •iCinp aoj :»o l.saJd -s»>ss?sss 1 5 g •ajB 7? lunaa -^ c, ^ w w * •s}UB^S.ias c^w^^^^w., 2 1 1 B o 1 i, II £ •< •8 1 1 c "1 1 SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. 905 .a' ■a 1 3 E •O c c 1 Capt. 1st Lt. Cobea at Phila. 1st Lt. Clumberg at Phlla. 1st Lt. Gosner at Phlla. 2nd Lt. Cannon at Phlla. 2nd Lt. Buyer at Phlla. Ensign Stricl o JS^ ^Sw c tf E S € o ■a "e E O c o si e 2 K o c W t. d C m k, .r»-»-> <*<# l^-^Ay ^^ obeying the com- y maud of the offi- cers, continued to fire from the windows. The enemy up- braided them with the perfidy of asking for quarters, and persisting in resistance. Major Byles denied, in a determined tone, that he had called for quarter; but his resolution did not avail. A surrender took place, and, in the act, the Major received a mortal wound, with which he expired. Lieuts. Glentworth and Sherman had thrown themselves into the Major's quarters, and assisted in the defense. The latter was wounded. Lieut. Bryson, being a few days before detached by Major Byles to the new Bridge, defended that post with great gallantry, out, overpowered, he surrendered. He received great attention from the enemy on account of his bravery. Such of the detachment as could be collected, aided by a few militia, hung on the rear of the enemy, retaking four wagons and nine- teen horses. The enemy made their boasts that as Major Byles did not present the hilt of his sword in front when surrendering, they shot him." General Hand, on the 22d of April, recommended George Tudor, of the Fourth, "as an old and experienced officer, and one in every respect qualified to fill the vacancy with credit to the Line, but the rank was accorded to Capt. William Alex- ander, of the Seventh Penn'a. In July, 1778, the Twelfth Penn'a, which had been reduced to a skeleton regiment by exposures as a picket regiment, being largely composed of riflemen, was incorporated with the Third; and, on January 17, 1781, the Third was reorganized, under Col. Craig, and, after recruiting at Easton, accompanied Gen. Wayne upon the Southern campaign, or, at least, the largest portion of it, being detached for that purpose. Capt. James Chrystie was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1750. Came to Pennsylvania in 1775. On the discovery of Arnold's plot at West Point, he was detailed specially by Gen. Washington to visit all the posts. He served until the end of the war, and was said to be the oldest captain in service, ex- cept one. He was the father of Lieut. Col. James Chrystie, of Fifteenth United States infantry, who distinguished himself at Queenstown in the war of 1812 — 1814. They were both dead THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 911 in 1824. Capt. Thomas Butler, at the battle of Brandywine, received the thanks of Gen. Washington on the field for rally- ing a detachment of retreating troops. He was a major at St. Clair's defeat, and had his leg broken by a ball, and it was with difficulty that his surviving brother, Capt. Edward Butler, got him off the field. In 1794, he was promoted lieutenant colonel commandant to sub-legion, and, in 1802, on reduction of the army, he was continued as colonel. He died September 7, 1805, aged fifty-one. ROSTER OF FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS, (a.) Colonels. Wood, Joseph, September 30, 1776; resigned July, 1777. Craig, Thomas, from lieutenant colonel, August 1, 1777; retired January 1, 1783. Lieutenant Colonels. Craig, Thomas, September 29, 1776; promoted colonel August 1, 1777. Bunner, Rudolph, from major, August 1, 1777; killed at Mon- mouth, June 28, 1778. Williams, William, from major Second Penn'a, June 28, 1778; resigned April 17, 1780.* Stuart, Christopher, from Fifth Penn'a, April 17, 1780.* [Died May 31, 1709, at Norriton, Pa.] Majors. Butler, William, September 7, 1776, promoted lieutenant colonel Fourth Penn'a, September 30, 1776. Harmar, Josiah, from captain First battalion, October 1, 1776; promoted lieutenant colonel Sixth Penn'a June 6, 1777. Bunner, Rudolph, June 6, 1777, promoted lieutenant colonel, August 1, 1777. Huling, John, from Captain, August 1, 1777; became supernu- merary July, 1778; resided at Silver Springs, Cumberland county, 1785. •Quere? Whether these dates are correct. In a letter dated May 13. 17S0, Capt. Wimam Alexander states that Lieut. Col. Williams' reBlgnatlon and Majur Hyles d.ath happen-) 1^ H^ 2 3 S? £ ? B .C .6 JS .C ^ ^ V i: .M m g 8 0} go 00 00 CO i: ^- S •d CO 525 1 5 i Si- 5 § 1 c 5? 6 1 pi^ o 01 c " O •3 •§? ^^2 1 i w O cj Q^ A OO Q % 1 s' fa O < ^ i ;z: ^ e* * ^ c 1: ^ s a -< 1 ■0 i Colonel. Lieut. Lieut i °- 3 -rj .Q 4) «i oi 0! to LI to M ted t omot .M C > 'o'Se^ 4< g E ft§ i 1 Capt. Oral Capt. Butl Ensign Mc Enelgn G( u i &24) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT— 1777. (925 ) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 927 A RETURN OP^ THE OFFICERS AS THEY RANK IN THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMT COMMANDED BY COLLONEL JOSEPH WOOD, MARCH 6TH, 1777. (c.) Collonel Wood. Lieut. Collonel Craig. Major Butler (Lt. Col.) Capt'n Brisban. Capt'n Bonner. Capt'n Bayard. Capt'n Hullings. Capt'n Reese. Capt'n Thomas Lloyd Moore. Capt'n Samuel Moor. Capt'n Christie, Now Com'n 11th Nov., '!( 1st Lieut. Bird. 1 Lieut Gross. 1 Lieut. Butler. 1 Lieut. Montgomery. 1 Lieut. Budd Dunn. 1 Lieut. Ross Cuney, Prisnor. 1 Lieut. John Craig. 1 Lieut. John Epple. 2d Lieut. Sittegs. 2 Lieut Miller, Resigned. 2 Lieut. Will'm Craig. 2 Lieut. Black. 2 Lieut. McCulley. 2 Lieut. Armstrong. 2 Lieut. Hopner. 2 Lieut. Marshall. Ensigns. Ensign Bass, Vacant. Ensign St. Clair. Ensg. McMullan. Ensg. Englis. Ensg. Dull. 928 CONTINENTAL LINE. Ensign Dunn, Vacant. Ensign Otis. Ensgn. Robt. McCulley, Dead. Staff Officers. The Rev'd Doct'r McCalla. Adjutant Boss. Doct'r McTeinzie. Quarter Master Smith. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT-1778. (929) 5»— Vol. II— 5th Ser. (930) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 931 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, (a.) Colonel. Thomas Craig, August 1, 1777. Lieutenant Colonel. William Williams, June 5, 1777. Major. Thomas L. Byles, June 8, 1777. Captains. Thomas L. More, May 21, 1776. James Christie, August 9, 1776. Thomas Butler, October 4, 1776. John Reily, May 20, 1777. Isaac Bud Dunn, June 1, 1777. William Craig, July 4, 1777. Captain Lieutenant. John Henderson, October 1. 1776. Lieutenants. James Black, October 3, 1776. George McCullock, October 4, 1776. James Armstrong, October 4, 1776. John Marshall, January 4, 1777. Daniel St. Clair, April 1, 1777. Robert King, May 20, 1777. John Boyd, May 20, 1777. Percival Butler, September 1, 1777. Ensigns. Blackwell W. Ball, rank as second lieutenant; October 17, 1776. Andrew Engle, rank as second lieutenant; January 11, 1777. John Armstrong, rank as second lieutenant; September 11, 1777. John Wigdon, June 2, 1778. 932 CONTINENTAL LINE. Peter Smith, June 2, 1778. Richard Fullerton, June 2, 1778. Thomas Hewlings, June 2, 1778. John Wigdon. Peter Smith. Thomas Tate. Paymaster. Quartermaster. Surgeon. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, (a ) Colonel. Thomas Craig, August 1, 1777. Lieutenant Colonel. William Williams, June 5, 1777. Major. David Lenox, June 8. 1777. Captains. Thomas Lloyd Moore, May 21, 1776. James Christie, August 9, 1776. Thomas Butler, October 4, 1776. John Reily, May 20, 1777. Isaac Budd Dunn, June 1, 1777. William Craig, July 4, 1777. Captain Lieutenant John Henderson, October 1. 1776. Lieutenants. James Black, October 3, 1776. George McCulloch, October 4, 177€. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 933 James Armstrong, October 4, 1776. John Marshall, January 10, 1777. Daniel St. Claire, April 1, 1777. Robert King. May 20, 1777. John Boyd, May 20, 1777. Persival Butler, September 1, 1777. Ensigns. Blackwell William Ball, ranks as second lieutenant; October 1, 1777. Andrew Engle, ranks as second lieutenant; January 11, 1777. John Armstrong, ranks as second lieutenant; September 11, 1777. John Wigdon, paymaster; June 2, 1778. Peter Smith, quartermaster; June 2, 1778. Richard Fullerton, June 2, 1778. Thomas Hewlings. Surgeon. James Tate. COLONEL THOMAS CRAIG'S THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, (a.) A List of Officers who have Served in the Third Pennsylvania Regiment since ye First Day of Januarj', 1777, to the Present Day, with their Rank, Dates of Commissions, Promotions, Dates of Vacancies, Removals and Casualties, August 9, 1778. Colonel. Joseph Wood, September 7, 1776; resigned October 4, 1777. Lieutenant Colonels. Thomas Craig, September 7, 1776; promoted Colonel, August 1, 1777. Rudolph Bunner, August 1, 1777; killed at the Battle of Mon- mouth, June 28, 1778. 934 CONTINENTAL LINE. Major. Josiah Harmar, March 6, 1777; promoted Lieutenant Colonel January 1, 1778. Adjutant. George Boss, April 1, 1777; resigned July 31, 1777. Captains. John Brisban, January 5, 1776; resigned September 1, 1777. John Huling, January 5, 177G; promoted Major June 6, 1777. John Reese, January 5, 1776; resigned December 31, 1777. Thomas L. Moore, May 21, 1776. James Moore, November 11, 1776; vac. July 20, 1776. James Chrystie, November 11, 1776; vac. Aug. 9, 1776. John Gross, April 1, 1777; cashiered July 4, 1777. Thomas Butler, April 1, 1777; com. October 4, 1776; by Captain Bayard's promotion in another regiment. First Lieutenants. Henry Epple, November 11, 1776; to Captain July 4, 1771; June 6, 1777; Resigned April 9, 177S. William Craig, April 1, 1777; to Captain September 7, 1777; July 4, 1777. James Black, April 1, 1777; vac. October 3, 1776. George McCulley, April 1, 1777; vac. October 4, 1776. James Armstrong, April 1, 1777; vac. October 4, 1776. John Marshall, April 1, 1777; vac. January 10, 1777. Jacob Drake, May 1, 1777; resigned November 23, 1777. James Montgomery, April 1, 1777; resigned September 1, 1777. Second Lieutenants. Mathias Lukens, April 1, 1777; died March 21, 1778. James Bird, April 1, 1777; resigned November 3, 1777. Percival Butler, April 16, 1777; November 23, 1777, to First- Lieutenant by Lieutenant Drake's resignation. James Otis, April 1, 1777; resigned May 31, 1777. Daniel St. Clair, April 1, 1777; promoted to First Lieutenant September 1, 1777. Nathaniel McMullan, April 1, 1777; died of his wounds October 18. 1777. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 935 Ensign. Samuel Coulter, April 1, 1777; resigned October 31, 1777. John Goldsmith, April 21, 1777; deserted October 31, 1777. William Russell, April 21, 1777; lost a leg at Brandy wine Battle. Daniel Campbell, April 29, 1777; killed in June, 1777. James Lowes, April 1, 1777; resigned October 31, 1777. John Young, April 20, 1777; resigned July 31, 1777. Daniel McDonald, April 1, 1777. John Newly, April 20, 1777; resigned July 31, 1777. Captain. John Reily, May 20, 1777, from Captain Lieutenant; June 1, 1778, removed from the Twelfth Regiment. First Lieutenant. John Henderson, October 1, 1776; removed from the Twelfth Regiment. Second Lieutenant. Blackball William Ball, May 20, 1777; vac. April 4, 1777; re- moved from the Twelfth Regiment. Ensigns. Andrew Engle, October 1, 1776; May 20, 1777, removed from the Twelfth Regiment. John Armstrong, May, 1777; removed from the Twelfth Regi- ment. Peter Smith, appointed, the late arrangement. John Wigton, appointed, the late arrangement. Richard Fullerton, joined February, 1778; appointed, the late arrangement. Thomas Huling, joined February, 1778; appointed, the late arrangement. N. B. — Captains Samuel Moore, Christye and Butler were allowed Ranks according to the date of the above vacancies by a Board of Field Officers who sat at Valley Forge. Likewise a vacancy happened for Lieutenant Black to be promoted to Captain September 1, 1777; for Lieutenant McCully October 20, 1777; for Lieutenant Armstrong April 9, 1778. THOMAS L. MOORE, Captain Commanding Third Pennsylvania Regiment. [Endorsed] Return of Officers of the Third Pennsylvania Regiment, August 29, 1778. 936 CONTINENTAL LINE. A Roll of Captain William Craig's Company in the Third Pennsylvania Regiment, Commanded by Colonel Thomas Craig, August 10, 1778. (a.) Sergeants. William Carman, sick, present. Andrew McLean, October 16, 1776. Ulrick Whiteman. George Cline, November 4, 1776. Corporals. Dinnis Furlew. Edward Cummings. Terrance Bennit, on bullock guard. James Brown. Privates. Patrick McAnalley. Neal McKinsey. John McGuire. Lawrence Slown. James McAnalley. Nathaniel Simson. William Barratt, November 1, 1776. Dimnack Hann. James Peck. James Darrety. George Salmones. Conrod Smith. Lenard Milles. Adam Wilhalm. Jacob Naughoyle. John Willard. John Hagan. William Hulet. John Reily, fifer, November 2, 1776; sick, present. Richard Shortt, sick, present. James Montgomery, on a week's command. Frederick Deemes, in the infintry. Christopher Mannan, in the infintry. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 937 James McCormack, in the infintry. John McGill, on command in rifle regiment. John Gosper, on command at Sunbury. William Demm, in hospital. William Mateer, fifer, in hospital. James Toner, in hospital. Francis Coonce, in hospital. Thomas Johnson, in hospital. Christian Evenott, in hospital. Isaac Goble, in hospital. John Robertson, on furlough. George Campbell, on furlough. Chris. Pimberton, on furlough. John Jameson, sick, present. THOMAS L. MOORE, Captain, Third Pennsylvania Regiment. A Roll of the Major's Company in the Third Pennsylvani£ Regiment, Commanded by Colonel Thomas Craig, (a.) Sergeants. Richard Collins, November 14, 1776; sick present. Peter Mack, February 4, 1777. William Tunks, December 24, 1776. Corporals. William Offy. Abraham Dehart, on the line. Samuel Doyl. William Briggs, April 26, 1776. Drum and Fife. John McClalen. William Tunks, May 26, 1777. Privates. William Darlington. Henry Wimer, on the line. John Rees. Daniel Lafferty. 938 CONTINENTAL LINE. Thomas Gibson. Robert Cunningham, December 26, 1776. James Robeson. Daniel Galicar; with Gen. St. Clair. William Welch. Edward Coller. Marmaduk Berwick, January 9, 1777. Barry Curly. Frederick Shaffer, on the line. William Works. Ephraim Nunn, waggoner. John Buxton, March 10, 1777. John Jordon. James Dagley, waggoner. James Flinn. William Rabb, rifle regiment. William Deggon, Lord Sterling's waggoner. Francis Ferril. John Henderson, sick at the Yellow Springs. John McManness, sick at the Yellow Springs. Phillip Verner, sick at the Yellow Springs. Henry Doyle, commissary general, waggoner. Alexander Craig, on furlough. Pattrick Flennigon, sick at French Creek. William Cornet, sick at French Creek. Conrad Crabner, sick at French Creek. John McKlewain, on furlough. Thomas Benston, rifle regiment. William Shields. Matthew Kelgner. Hugh Boyle, at the Black River. Peter Egnew, sick at Yellow Springs. THOMAS RULING, Ensign Third Pennsylvania Regiment. [Endorsed] Company Rolls of the Third Pennsylvania Regi- ment, September 10, 1778. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 939 A List of Names of Men in Captain John Reily's Company of the Third Pennsylvania Regiment, September 10, 1778. (a.) Daniel Graham. Nicholas Riem. George Stephens. Arod Sutton. John Klinger. John Weimer. James Graham. Peter Berry. Sergeants. Corporals. John Haynes. Robert Kennedy. Drum and Fife. Privates. Charles Dempsey. Charles McDonald. Samuel McFarling. Joseph Pomroy. Charles English. Henry Keiger. James Mahinley. John Rowan. Patrick Bryan. John Lemons. John Brandon. Christian Evans. Godfrit Whitman. Daniell Delany, waggon camp. William O'Hara, waggon camp. James English, sick, present. Samuel Jennings, sick, present. Thomas Snodgrass, sick, present. Patrick McDonald, sick, present. Abraham Stickerworth, sick, present. Daniel Shehan, Bradford hospital. 940 CONTINENTAL LINE. Joseph McQuilkins, sick, Lancaster. James Cummins, sick, Lancaster. Richard Hews, sick, Lancaster. Richard Rylands, sick, Lancaster. Addam Burtnett, sick, Lancaster. John Gross, sick, Red Lyon. Solomon Green, sick, Sunbury. James Walters, on furlough. Alexander Irvin, on furlough. Arthur Mahan, light infantry. Samuel Knap, waiting on Captain Chambers, Sunbury. Patrick Pry, rifle regiment. B. W. BALL, Lieutenant, Third Pennsylvania Regiment. A Company Roll of Captain Thomas Butler's Company of I h' Third Pennsylvania Regiment, September 10, 1778. (a.) John Kelse. Abraim Bennett. Thomas Jack. John Rice. Sergeants. Privates. Robert Vernon, wounded and prisoner John Beaty, James Everingham. James McConnell. James McGill. Pattrick McDonald. Robert Dixon. James Craig. John Chambers. Christian Byarly. Jacob Switzer. John Painter. William Webb. Thomas McFadden. Hopkins Driver. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 941 John Ferris. James Clark. James Kirkondalpt. Robert Powell. Daniel Kinkton. William Cawley, Nicholas Beazs, wounded at Monmouth. John Bedman, present and not fit for duty. Jeremiah Vangoroten, present and not fit for duty. Adam Dennis, on command. Hugh Jones, on command recruiting. Matthew Coleman, infantry. John McMillan, infantry. Samuel Mills, on command, Bedford. Benjamin Custard, waiter, L. Sterling's. Jeremiah Kell, rifle corps. Thomas Collins, waggoner to ye regiment. John Lemon, waggoner. General Lee. Staford Smith, sick, Bedford hospital. Michael Conway, sick, Bedford hospital. Henery Fleming, sick, Bedford hospital. Pattrick Herron, Flying hospital. John Dunwar, sick, Yellow Springs. William Calaghan, sick. Yellow Springs. Hugh McCormick, sick, Princetow-n. William Lee, fifer, on command, Valley Forge; with the sick. THOMAS BUTLER, Captain, Third Pennsylvania Regiment. A Company Roll of Captain Samuel Moor#s Company of ye Third Pennsylvania Regiment, Sept. 10, 1778. (a.) Sergeants. Nicholas Neil. Joseph Cunningham. James Buchanan, on command. George Campbell, sick at Valley Forge. Corporals. Michael Kerr. William Kirkpatrick. -James Burns. Robert Carson, sick at Bethlehem. 942 CONTINENTAL LINE. Drum and Fife. Peter Williams. John Tuncks. Privates. John Stump. James Duff, on command. William Dixon. Christian Miller, sick in flying hospital. Josias Crane. William McGowen. Michael Seily. William Ruggles. Daniel McMath. Godfrey Evick, sick in flying hospital. John Shsiak. John Milligan, sick in flying hospital. Martin Yost. John Burk, on command. Lawrence Griffy, sick in flying hospital.' Martin Perry. Joseph Gordon. Angus McKeever, sick, present. John Butler. Richard Nixon. Michael Carmody, sick in flying hospital. Benjamin Wheeler, Second rifle corps. John Solomon, Second rifle corps. Charles McClane, sick at ye Yellow Springs. Thomas Harper, sick at Valley Forge. John Griffith, sick at Valley Forge. Phineas Comes, sick at Valley Forge. David Collins, waiter on General Wayne. Samuel Wall. Henry Himminger, wounded and at Princetown. Edward Gating. PERCIVAL BUTLER, Lieutenant. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 943 A Roll of Captain James Chrystie's Company, Third Pennsyl- vania Regiment, Commanded by Colonel Thomas Craig, Sep- tember 10, 1778. (a.) Sergeants. Thomas Boyd, light infantry. "William Martin. Daniel Leary. John Brigs, on command after deserters. Pattrick Brown, light infantry. John Smith. Drummer. Philip Dairt, sick. Valley Forge. Corporal. Robert Nettles. Privates. John Duffule. William Dockerty. Robert Coil. Thomas Woods. Francis Hamilton. John Batton. Andrew Colter. John Green. Cinotan Hoffman. Henry Hugarmers. Moses Moreland. John Lavery. Charles McCane. Robert Polston, sick, present. Michael Darcery. Cornelius McClosky. Laurance Burns. George Greer. Daniel Smith. James Sweeny, light infantry. Thomas Bachus. light infantry. Pattrick Johnson, light infantry. 944 CONTINENTAL LINE. Timothy Murphy, Morgan's rifle regiment. Samuel Porter, Morgan's rifle regiment. William McQune, Morgan's rifle regiment. John McKune, Morgan's rifle regiment. Pattrick McMachon, Morgan's rifle regiment. Edward Lee, Morgan's rifle regiment. Patrick Ferel, with the surveyors. William Dick, waggoner with General Conway. Henry Bently, waggoner with Commissary Lewis. Robert Wiley, sick, quartermaster's house. Edward Meloy, sick. Valley Forge. Pattrick Leland, sick, Princetown. George Losback, sick, Valley Forge. William House, sick, Kingstown. William Alegan, sick. King's Ferry. JAMES CHRYSTIE, Captain, Third Pennsylvania Regiment. A Roll of Captain Thomas L. Moore's Company, Third Penn- sylvania Regiment, Commanded by Colonel Thomas Craig, September 10, 1778. (a.) Sergeants. Thomas Kelly. Thomas Collins, September 22, 177(5. John Page. John Toy. Corporals. John Clendenning. James Houston, January 1, 1776. Godfreye McDonnald. Privat( James Anderson. James Arthers. John Madole. Michael Dinger. Benjamin Kennard. Duncane McKinley. John Shenings. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 945 John Battersby, Robert Wilson. John Green. Morgan Mcintosh. Philip Evage. James Douglass. Barney Aston. Mathew Thompson. John Ford. John Hammond. William Morrow, infantry. Thomas Gardner, infantry. William Bell, General Sinclear's guard. William English, Morgan's rifle regiment. Daniel Armstrong, Morgan's rifle regiment. Joseph King, Morgan's rifle regiment. James Hagerman, bullock guard. Thomas Hardy. William Truman, waggoner, Commissary Lewis's Samuel Thompson, waggoner, brigade. Judiah Lepincot. William Welch. Abraham Gordon. William Gordon. James Harley, general hospital. Mathias Little, general hospital. John Logan, general hospital. Mathew Clinton, Yellow Springs. James Hagerty, Yellow Springs. THOMAS L. MOORE, Captain, Third Pennsylvania Regiment. A Roll of Colonel Thomas Craig's Company of ye Third Penn- sylvania Regiment, September ye Kith, 1778. (a.) Sergeants. John Delong, December 5, 17T6. Charles Ford. John Henderson. Samuel Seely, sick, absent. 60— Vol. II— 5th Sfr. 646 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporals. Thomas Orms. John Minor, with infantry. Conrad Shiar. Privates. Edward Long. John McGinness. John Gray. Samuel Moody. Jacob Rause. Christian Miller. Baltis Crist. Andrew Mallin. Philip Michael, two weeks command. Henry Labarr. Henry Humell. Patrick Cambel. George Fisher. Archibald Parker. Richard Curren. David Logan. John Marrs. Neigal Parock. Casper Cool. • Daniel Crownover. Patrick McGinness. John Martin. Petter McGregor. Berth. Canning, att hospital. John White, att hospital. Aaron McDonnell, att hospital. James Wilson, att hospital. Josiah Huffman, att hospital. Thimothy Burns, att hospital. Barny McGloclin, att hospital. James Franney, att hospital. Hugh Gowans, with infantry. Thomas Shafer, with infantry. Moses Greer, with infantry. George Byars, waggon conductor. John Johnson, waggoner, with Commissary Ramsey. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 94? John Tool, with surveyors. Nicholas Lazer, deserted. Ezekiel Richsson, drummer. William McCalrey, fifer. THOMAS L. MOORE, Captain Commander. A Roll of the Lieutenant's Company of the Third Pennsylvania Regiment, Commanded by Colonel Thomas Craig, September 10, 1778. (a.) John Gordon. John Hide. James Mitchel. Philip Everhart. Sergeants. Corporals. Adam Rex, sick, French Creek. James Moore, surveying. Thomas Mcllwayne. Privates. Mathevv Dair. Nathaniel Fagan. John Cain. Thomas Shields. Edward Shippey. Michael Dowd. Thomas Cox. Nicholas Ulaman. George Taylor. Edward Leo. William Williams. Michael Wildgoose. James O'Neal. Anthony Dunlevy. Michael Walters. William Ricketts. Peter Eversole. Benjamin Byoran. 948 CONTINENTAL LINE. Philip Micks. John Quirick. John Smith. Jery Deal, light infantry. Nathaniel Dickey, light infantry. John McHearr, two weeks command. Henry Rorck, sick, Yellow Springs. Jacob Hough, sick. Yellow Springs, Peter Keese, sick, Yellow Springs. John Johnston, sick. White Plains. John Evans, sick. Yellow Springs. Thomas Reacrofft, sick. Yellow Springs. Lambert Moore, absent without leave. Thomas Marshall, sick. White Plains. Wendle Lawrence, furlough. Michael Mayse, sick, Yellow Springs. Ephraim Harmer, sick, unknown here. James Hammilton, with the rifle men. Adam Strieker, sick, Princetov/n. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT-1779. (950) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 951 RETURN OF THE NAMES OF THE SURGEON AND MATE OF THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REG'T COMMANDED BY COL. THOS. CRAIG. SEPT. 14TH, 1779. (c.) Dates of Appointments Aug't 1st James Tate, Surgeon. Aug. 15th James Enos, Surg'n Mate. W. WILLIAMS. Lt. Col. Com. 3rd Penna. Regt. (952) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT-1780. * (953 ) (954 ) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 955 MUSTER ROLL OF THE L'T COL'S CO., 3D PENNA. REG'T IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COM- MANDED BY COL. THOMAS CRAIG, FOR THE MONTH OF APR., 1780. (d.) Comm'd Sept. 15th. 1778, Blackall William Ball, Lieut. Sergeants. 1. Jno. Gordon, Pris. of war Ap'l, 1776, 2. James Mitchel. 3. Uirich Whitman, Sick Present. Corporals. 1. James Hamilton, command Pararaus. 2. Wintle Lawrence. 1. James Aston. 2. Thos. McElwayon. Drum and Fife. Privates. 1. Benj'n Byoran, comm'd Gen. Wayne. 2. Jno. Cain. 3. John Cusick. 4. Thos. Cox. 5. Mich'l Dowd. 6. Anth'y Donlivy. 7. Mathias Darr, Waggoner Camp. 8. John Evans. 9. Peter Eversole. 10. Philip Everhart. 11. Mich'l Fegan. 12. Joseph Fenton, Excellency's guard. 13. David Frederick, Prisoner of War Ap'l 16. 14. Christ'n Haws. 15. Jno. Johnston. 16. Edmond Leo, corps of Invalids. 17. Thos. Marshall, comm'd Paramus. 18. Jno. McElgar. 956 CONTINENTAL LINE. 19. James O'Neal. 20. Thos. Rycroft, extra duty MorristowD. 21. Wllm. Rickets. 22. Wm. Rugles. 23. Thos. Shields. 24. Rob't Stewart, command Paramus. 25. Edw. Shippey. 26. John Smith, State Store Guard. 27. Jeremia Teel. 28. Geo. Taylor, extra duty Qr. Mr. Genl's. 29. Mich'l Walter. 30. Mich'l Wildgoose, Deserted. 31. Ephram Workman. 32. John Willard. 33. Adam Wilhelm, Deserted. 34. Abr'h Strieker, Supposed to be dead. May 2d, 1720. Then mustered the Lieut. Col's Co., 3d Penn'a Reg't. as specified in the above Roll. JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Ins. Penna. Div. Proof of the Effectives. fe «« 3 c > -ft E o hI m O Preg. Abs. 1 ' ' Total 1 2 I do swear that the within muster Roll is a true state of the company without fraud to these United States or to any Individual according to the best of my knowledge. B. W. BALL, Lieut. 3d Pa. Reg't. Sworn before me this 5th day of May, 1780. FRA. JOHNSTON, Col. Comm. 2nd P. Brigade. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 967 MUSTER ROLL OF CAPTAIN THOMAS BUTLER'S COM PANY IN THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COMMANDED BY COLONEL THOMAS CRAIG FOR THE MONTH OF AP'L, 1780. (d.) Captain. Thomas Butler, commissioned. Lieut. John Wigton, commissioned. Doing duty of Pay Master. Serjeants. 1. Thos. Jack. 2. Jno. Kelso. 3. George Cline. 1. Rob't Verner. 2. Hugh Jones. 3. Angus McFaddon. 1. David Lock. 2. Samuel Collins. Corporals. Drum & Fife. Privates. 1. James Brown. 2. John Bender. 3. Wil'm Barret. 4. Jas. Craig, camp guard. 5. Michel Conway. 6. Wil'm Calaghan. 7. Thos. Collins. 8. Jno. Chambers, sick absent 9. Jno. Dunavin. 10. Rob't Dixon, on Furlough. 11. Hopkins Driver, on Guard. 12. Henry Fleming. 13. Jerema. Hill, on command. 14. Pattr. Herren. 958 CONTINENTAL LINE. 15. Dan'l Kinkton, on command. 16. Jno. Lemon, sick absent. 17. Jas. McConnel, on camp guard. 18. Jas. McGill. 19. Jno. McMullen, Prisoner of war. 20. Patt McDonald. 21. Jas. Montgomery. 22. Sam'l Mills, on furlough. 23. Jno. O'Neil. 24. Rob't Powel. -25. Jno. Redman. 26. Jeremiah Vangorden, Prisoner of war. 27. William Webb. May 2d, 1780, Then musterd Capt. Butler's Comp'y as speci- fied in the above Roll. • JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Insp. Penna. Division. Proof of the Effectives. t^ i2 3 i .■2 ^ O hJ w O Q Pres 1 1 3 3 2 16 ...: 2 1 1 3 3 M I do swear that the within Muster Roll is a true state of the company without fraud to the United States or any individual according to the best of my knowledge. THOS. BUTLER, Capt. 3d P. R. Sworn before be this 5th day of May, 1780. ERAS. JOHNSTON. Col. Comm. 2d P. Brigade. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 959 MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JAMES CHRYSTIE'S COMP'Y OF THE THIRD PENN'A REGT IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COMMANDED BY COL. THOS. CRAIG FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1780. (d.) Captain. James Chrystie, Commission'd August 9th, 1776. Lieutenant. Pierc'I Butler, Commission'd Sept. 1st, 1777. Serjeants. 1. John Hyde, This Furlough expired the 5th of Ap'l, 1780. 2. John Toy. 3. Nich's Neal. Corporals. 1. Wm. Kilpatrick, On Comm'd Paramus. 2. John Smith. 3. John Beaty. 1. Phil. Dair. 2. Jos. McFadeu. D. & Fife. Privates. 1. Thos. Bauhus, Prisoner with the British Ap'l 16, '80. 2. Pat. Bryan. 3. John Battersby. 4. Wm. Brigs. 5. Chr'n Byarly, sick present. 6. Pat. Campbell. 7. Rob't Coil. 8. Wm. Dixon. 9. Jas. Duff. 10. Fred'k Deimer. 11. Wm. Durham, On Command at Phila. after Deserters. 12. John Ford, on Fatigue pluckem in. 13. Moses Greer. 14. Dan'l Gallougher. 15. Wm. Howey, Deserted April 9th, '80. IQ. Jno. Harris, On Comm'd Paramus. 960 CONTINENTAL LINE. 17. Sam'l Hale, On Comm'd Paramus. 18. Barney Hasson. 19. Pat. Johnson, on Comm'd Paramus. 20. John Jameson, Joined March 1st. 21. Benj'n Kennard, on Command Paramus. 22. Jam Knap. 23. Edw'd Long. 24. Chr. Manning. 25. Hugh McCormeck. 26. Phil Meiks. 27. Leon'd Miller. 28. Wm. McKelvy. 29. Angus McKever. 30. John McGile. 31. Thos. Rutton. 32. Peter Reese. 33. Thos. Shafer, On Comm'd Phila. after Deserters. 34. Fred. Shafer. 35. Jas. Swiney. 36. Henry Winoe. May 2d, 1780. Then Muster'd Capt'n Chrystie's Co'y Specified in the above Roll. JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Insp. Penna. Division. Proof of the Effectives. fc G 3 c "S o, o =a o hj W w O Pres'l Ads't 1 1 1 Total 1 I do Swear that the within Muster Roll is a true State of the Comp'y without fraud to these United States or any In dividual according to the best of my Knowledge. PIERC'L BUTLER, Lt. Sworn before me this Day of May, 1780. ERAS. JOHNSTON, Col. Comm't 2d P. Brigade. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS, NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS PRIVATES OF CAPT. JAS. CHRYSTIE'S CO. OF PENNA. INF. & ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE REC'D OF CAPT. SHRAWDER THE SUMS ANNEXED TO OUR NAMES BE- ING ONE MONTH'S PAY IN SAID COMPANY, (c.) Names. James Duffy Christian Freez, John Wright, Thos. Hussler, Jno. Hancock, Jacob Gable Wm. McDonald Casper Sheitz Wm. Beasley Peter Barrisong, John Biddle, Peter Condon Jacob Beetam, John Champee, Wm. Cassady, Mathew Carr, Mathew Craig, Edward Dolan, Wm. Dean, Peter Gulley, Wm. Griffey, Jas. Hegerman, Andrew Higgins Chas. Joice, Joseph Jackson, James Kayton Wm. Ladley, Patrick Mullen Peter McKinley, Thos. Marshall John Mulveny Garvin Miller, Mich'l McCoy, 61— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 962 CONTINENTAL LINE. WE THE SUBSCRIBERS, NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, PRIVATES OF CAPT. JAS. CHRYSTIE'S CO. OF PENNA. INF. & ACKNOWLEDGE TO HAVE REC'D OF CAPT. SHRAWDER THE SUMS ANNEXED TO OUR NAMES BEING ONE MONTH'S PAY IN SAID COMPANY, (c)— Continued. Mich'l McCortley, . . Mich'I Norton, John Rob't Shaw, . . John Stickafoose, . . Edward Stein, John Vanliirli Jacob Windolph, . . . John Witram, Mich'I Welsh, Edward Wills, John Welsh, Robert Vickars, James Murphy, .... B. B. Ball, Lieut, B. W. Ball, Lieut Sam'l Reed, Lt., David Morris, . . John Purcel, . . . Wm. Pellman, . Witness Present. B. W. Ball, Lt. s. D. 10 10 10 10 10 10 77 19 13 13 £122 1 1 125 1 125 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 963 MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. ISAAC BUDD DUNN'S COMP'Y IN THE THIRD PENN'A REGIMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COMMANDED BY COLL. THOS. CRAIG FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1780. (d.) Capt. Isaac Budd dimn, Commiss'd 4th of Oct., 1776. Aid to Gen. St. Clair. Lieut, on Command. John Armstrong, Commiss'd 12tli of May, 1779. Ensign. Peter Cunningham, Commiss'd 1st of July, 1779. Serjeants. 1. James Buchanan. 2. Jos. Cunningham. 3. Adam Rex, on Com'd Paramus. Corporals. 1. Mich'l Carr. 2. Mich'l Seely, on Command Pluckin. 3. George Gamble. 1. John Tunks. 2. Peter Williams. Drum & Fife. Privates. 1. John Burk. 2. John Butler. 3. Terence Bennet. 4. Jam's Burns. 5. Jam's Barber, on Com'd Paramus. 6. John Buxton, on Furlough Unlimited. 7. Josiah Crane. 8. John Carr, died 22d of April, 1780. 9. David Collins, on duty Coll. VV^illiam. 964 CONTINENTAL LINE. 10. Edw'd Ceating. 11. John Griffith, on duty Capt. Dunn. 12. Jos. Gorden. 13. Lawrence Griffy, on Furlough. 14. Doman'r Haund. 15. Thos. Harker. 16. Christ'n Miller. 17. Wm. McElhone. 18. Charl's McClane. 19. Dan'l McMath. 20. Rich'd Noxen. 21. Martin Perry. 22. John Stump, on Com'd Paramus. 23. John Shreik. 24. Rich'd Shott, on Com'd Paramus. 25. Godfry Wheitman. 26. Martin Yost. 27. May 2d, 1780. Then Mustered Capt. Budd Dunn's Comp'y Specified in the above. JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. Insp. Penna. Division. Proof of the Effectives. c . 1 fa ^ 3 '%. ^ ■ft =« o ^ « ^ O Q Presont, Absent, 12 2 2 1 1 1 1 1113 3 2 I do Swear that the Within Muster Roll is a true State of the Comp'y without Fraud to the United States or any Indi- vidual according to the best of my knowledge. PETER CUNINGHAM. Ensign 3d Penna. Regt. Sworn before me this 5th day of May, 1780. ERAS. JOHNSTON, Col. Commit. 2d P. Brigade. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN MARSHALL'S COMPANY OF THE THIRD PENNS'A REGIMENT COMMANDED BY COLONEL THOMAS CRAIG FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1780. (d.) Capt. John iviarshall, Conimiss'd June 18, 1779. Lieut. Peter Smith, Commiss'd July 23d, 1779, doing the duty ot Q'r Master. Ensign. Rob't Hamilton, Commiss'd May 12, 1779. On Furlough. Col. Cray Unlimited. Serjeants. 1. Dan'l Graham. 2. Geo. Stevens, Sick Philad'a. 3. John Watson. Corporals. 1. Peter Berry, Bakeing. 2. John Kingler. 3. John Wemmor. 1. John Hains. 2. Rob't Kenedy. Drum & fife. Privates. 1. John Brannon, Sick Pluckimin. 2. Charles Dempsy. 3. Dan'l Delaney, Furlough Unlimited. 4. James English. 5. Solomon Green. 6. Sam'l Jennings. 7. Henry Keiger, Furlough Over Staid. 8. Charles Loniox. 9. James Lyons. 10. Patt. McDonald. Sick Present. 966 CONTINENTAL LINE. 11. Sara'l McFarling, Com'd Paramus. 12. Arthur Mahon. 13. Patt McAnally. 14. Charles McDonald, Sick Present. 15. Neil McKinzie. 16. Will'm McGowan, On Com'd Paramus. 17. Wm. O'Harra. 18. Nich's Rheam, Com'd Paramus. 19. John Rowan, On Duty. 20. Axrod Sutton, Gen'l St. Clair's G'd. 21. Dan'l Shehan. 22. Ab'm Streckerworth. 23. Jas. Watt. 24. Mich'l Waltz. May 2d, 1780. Then Muster'd Capt. Jno. Marshall's Comp'y as Specified in the above Roll. JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Insp. Penna. Division. Proof of Effectives. I I i i I ■" u hJ w cc a Q Pre Abs't ^ 1 1 I 1 Total 1 I do Swear that the within Muster Roll is a true State of the Comp'y without fraud to these United States or any Indi- vidual according to my best knowledge. JNO. MASHALL, Capt. 3 P. R. Sworn Befoie me this 6th Day of April, 1780. FRAS. JOHNSTON. Col. Comm'g 2d P. Brigade. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 967 MUSTER ROLL OF THE COLO. COMPANY IN THE THIRD PENNSY'A REGT. IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COMMANDED BY COL. THOS. CRAIG FOR MAY 1780. (d.) Capt. Lieut. John Boyd, commissioned. Serjeants. 1. Charles Foard, on Command. 2. John Henderson, Forrage Yeard. 3. Wm. Carman, On Fiirlow. 1. Hugh Gowan. | 2. John Minor. 1. Daniel Etter. 2. John Reily. Corporals. Drum & Fife. Privates. 1. Auchmuty, Samuel, on Comm'd Paramus 2. Burns, Timothy, Sick present. 3. Bowerman, Peter, Excellency's Guards. 4. Christ, Baltis. 5. Curran, Richard. 6. Fisher, George, Col. Johnston's Guard. 7. Gobble, Isaac, On Comm'd Paramus. 8. Gray, John. 9. Hummel, Henry. 10. Johnston, John. 11. Logan, David, on Guard. 12. MuUon, Andrew. 13. Miller, Christian, on Comm'd Potsgrove. 14. Mock, John. Sick Present. 15. Morrs. John, on Guard. 16. McGinnis, John. 17. McGreegar, Peter. 18. Orme, Thomas. 19. Parker, Archilas. on Duty in Camp. 968 CONTINENTAL LINE. 20. Rowe, Jacob. 21. Slone, Lawrence, on Comm'd Paramus. 22. Stanley, Peter, on Guard. 23. Tool, John, with ye surveyers. 24. Toner, James. 25. Cool, Casper, Discharged May 6th, 1780. June 1st, 1780, then mustered the Col. Company as specified in the above Role. JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Insp. Peun. Division. Proof of the Effectives. o d c (M 6 Pre Abs't, 1 1 2 2 J' ' 1 ' Total .. .. 3 ' 2 I do swear that the within muster Roll is a true state of the company without fraud to these United States or any indi- vidual according to the best of my knowledge. JNO. BOYD, Capt. Lt. 3d Penna. Regt. Sworn before me this 6th day June, 1780. ERAS. JOHNSTON, Col. Comm'd 2d P. Brigade. THIRD PENNSYLVAxNlA. MUSTER ROLL OF CAPT. JNO. MARSHAL'S COMFY OF THE THIRD PENN'A REGIMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES, COMMANDED BY COLO. THOS. CRAIG, TAKEN FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1780. (d.) Commis'd: June 18th, 1779, John Marshall, Capt.; July 23d, 1779, Peter Smith, Lieut. & Qr. Master; May 12th. 1779, Rob't Hamilton, Ens., Furlough Col. Cray. Serjeants. DanT Graham. John Watson, on guard. Geo. Stevens, Sick Phila. Corporals. Peter Berry, Baking. John Klingler, on guard. John Wemmd, Orderly. Drum & Fife. John Hains, absent with leave. Rob't Kennedy, Transfer'd. Dan'l Mitchael, Joined May 26th, 1780. Privates. 1. John Brannon, Sick. 2. Charles Dempsy. 3. Jas. English. 4. Dan'l Delaney, Furlough unlimited. 5. Solomon Green. 6. Sam'l Jennings. 7. Charles Lomox, On duty. 8. Josh. Lyons, On guard. 9. Patt. McDonald. 10. Sam'l McFarland. 11. Arthur Mahan. 12. Patt. McAoally, On guard. 13. Charles McDonald. 14. Neil McKinzie. 15. Wm. McGowan. 970 CONTINENTAL LINE. 16. Will'm O'Harra. 17. Nich's Rheam. 18. John Rowan, On duty. 19. Arod Sutton, guard Morristown. 20. Dan'l Shehan. 21. Wm. Strickerworth, comm'd Paramus. 22. Clirist'n Farns, Join'd May 6tli, com'd Paramus. 23. Henry Kugher, Deserted May^ 31st. 24. Jas. Watt. 25. Michel Watts, cornm'd Paramus. June 1st. Then mustered Capt. Marshall's Co. as specified in the above Roll. JOS. HARMAR, Lt. Col. & Ins. Pa. Div. Proof of the Effectives. ■ 6 1 3 1 1 1 4) 1 1 1 1 2 Abs.,' 3 1 Total 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 I do swear that the within muster Roll is a true state of the comp'y without fraud to these United States or any indi- vidual according to my best knowledge. JNO. MARSHALL, Capt. 3 R. Sworn before me this 6th day of June, 1780. Col. Com, 2nd Brig Pa. ERA. JOHNSTON, THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 971 RETURN OF THE VACANCIES IN THE 3D PENN'A REGI- MENT COMMANDED BY COLO. THOS. CRAIG, (d.) May 5th, 1780. Lt. Colo. Wm. Williams, Resigned to Congress. Maj'r Thos. L. Byles, Died Paramas April 17th, 1780. Lt. Marshall to be Capt. Lt. Vice Capt. Lt. Henderson pro- moted May 12th, 1779. Ensign Fullerton to be Lieut, vice Lieut. Marshall promoted Aug. 13th, 1779. Capt. Lt. Marshall to be Capt'n vice Capt. Reily, left out by order of Gen'l St. Clair in consequence of his telling me he would never join the Regt. Lt. Boyd to be Capt. Lt. vice Capt. Lt. Marshall. Ensign Wigton to be Lieut, vice Lt. Boyd. Ens'n Smith to be Lieut, vice Lt. King left out by order of Gen'l St. Clair, in consequence of his being absent from the Reg't above 3 years Aug't 13th, 1779. F. CRAIG, Colonel 3d P. R. (9?^) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIIVIENT-1781. (978) (974) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 975 ARRANGEMENT OF THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. JAN- UARY 17, 1781. (a.) Colonel. Craig, Thomas, retired January 1, 1783. Lieutenant Colonel. Harmar, Josiah, from Sixth Penn'a; commission dated June 6. 1777. Alexander, William. Major. Captains. Chrystie, James. Dunn, Isaac B. Keene, Lawrence, of Eleventh, January 12, 1777; see note to Patton's. McCulIy, George. Claypoole, Abraham G., of the Eleventh, June 10, 1778; retired January 1, 178S. Sproat, William, of the Fourth: retired January 1, 1783. Henderson, John, resigned December 11, 1781; captured on the way from Charleston to Philadelphia; exchanged after the war; died in Washington county, Pennsylvania. Marshall, John, retired January 1, 1783. Brady, Samuel, of the Eighth, August 2, 1779; retired January 1, 1783; died near West Liberty, Virginia, December 25. 1795, aged thirty-nine. Lieutenants. St. Clair, Daniel. Butler, Percival. Ball, Blackall W. Engle, Andrew. Pettigrew, James, of the Eleventh, April 13, 1779. Armstrong, John. Fullerton, Richard. Wigton, John, retired January 1, 1783. Smith, Peter, retired January 1, 1783. Weitzel. Jacob, of the Eleventh, March 11, 1780. 97G CONTINENTAL LINE. Allison, -Robert, of the Eleventh, March 16, 1780; died in Franklin county, April 24, 1836. Thornbury, Francis, of the Eleventh, May 25, 1780. Read, Samuel, of the Eleventh, October 2, 1780. Ensign. Cunningham, Peter. Surgeon. Stewart, Alexander, retired January 1, 1783. Surgeon's Mate. Wharrey, Robert, transferred to First in September, 1783. Subsequent Promotions. Captain. Bush, John, from captain lieutenant, December 11, 1781, vice Capt. John Henderson, resigned. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT-1783. ( ••• . 7 ) -Vol. II— 5th Ser. (978) THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 979 ARRANGEMENT OF THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA, JAN- UARY 1, 1783. (a.) Colonel. Butler, Richard, June 7, 1777. Lieutenant Colonel. Bayard, Stephen, September 23, 1777. Major. Grier, James, October 23, 1777. Captains. Finney, Walter, August 12, 1776; served through the Southern campaign; afterwards associate judge of Chester county, and died April 20, 1820. Dunn, Isaac B., October 4, 1776; aid and brevet major. Christie, John, October 23, 1776. Bush, George, January 13, 1777. Clark, John, February 25, 1777, from First Penn'a.; resided in Allegheny county, 1813. Montgomery, Samuel, March 20, 1777. Pearson, John, September 7, 1777. McCully, George, September 20, 1777; his widow resided in Allegheny county in 1822. Stake, Jacob, November 23, 1777. Lieutenants. Piercy, Henry, March 12, 1777. St. Clair, Daniel, April 1, 1777. Crawford, John, April 18, 1777. Lodge, Benjamin, October IL 1777. McKinney, John, March 18, 1778; died in Campbell county, Kentucky, November 25, 1833. Crawford, Edward, March 23, 1778. Beatty, Erkuries, June 2, 1778. Hammond, David, December 8, 1778. 980 CONTINENTAL LINE. Doyle, Thomas, March 11, 1779; died February 6, 1802; his daughter Mrs. Weathers, lived near Vincennes, Indianna, in 1830. Peebles, Robert, April 15, 1779; mustered out as captain; re- sided in Shippensburg, in 1791. Strieker, John, May 1, 1779. Armstrong, John, May 12, 1779; promoted captain by brevet. Markland, John, July 1, 1779; died February 25, 1837, aged eighty-two; buried in Christ churchyard, Philadelphia; was one of the commissioners of Philadelphia in 1823. See Penn'a Hist. Mag., 1885, p. 102. Pratt, John, January 1, 1780. Allison, Robert, March 16, 1780. Thornbury, Francis, May 25, 1780. Smith, Nathaniel, July 23, 1780. Read, Samuel, October 2, 1780. DeMarcellin, A., January 1, 1781. Rose, John, from Fourth, April 1, 1781. Denny, Ebenezer, from Fourth, May 23, 1781; died at Pitts- burgh, July 22, 1822; buried in First Presbyterian church- yard. N. B. — Capt. Pearson has retired since the arrangement was made out, which brings in Captain Walker, and Col. Humpton says some alterations will probably take place. S. MONTGOMERY, Capt. Third Penna. Regt. Beatty, Erkuries. Pratt, John. Rodgers, John R. B. Allison, Richard. Jones, David. Paymaster. Quarter-master. Surgeon. Surgeon's Mate. Chaplain. A pay-roll, signed by E. Beatty, lieutenant and pay-master of Third, of probable date September, 1783, drops the name of THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 981 Cayt. John Pearson, and has, in addition to the foregoing staff and Lfficers, the names of Finley, Jos. L. Walker, Andrew. Captains. Lieutenants. Lytle, Andrew. Herbert, Stewart. McMichael, James. Ball, Blackall W.; was living in 1811. Davis, Llewellyn. Campbell, James. Butler, Edward. McKnight, David. Erwin, James. PAY ROLL OF CAPT. JAMES CHRYSTIE'S CO. IN THE CORPS OF PENNSYLVANIA INFANTRY COMMANDED BY MAJOR JAMES MOORE COMMENCING THE DATE OF APPOINTMENTS AND INLISTMENTS AND ENDING THE 31ST DAY OF OCT. 1783. (c.) i a K Time in Service. Mo. Days. James Chrystie Blackall Wm. Ball, Samuel Reed John Wright Thos. Husler John Hancock, Jacob Gable Casper Sheitz, ... James Roblson, .. Wm. Beasley Edw. Beavy, Peter Barrisong, .. John Blddle Jacob Beetam Peter Condon John Champee, ... Capt.... Lieut.,. Lieut.,. 1 1 1 6 6 6 Sfi 29 1 2fi 27 27 27 25 1 27 30 do. do. Corp'l,. l" do. . Drum. , flfer.... Priv . . 1 1 do do. .. do 1 do. .. 982 CONTINENTAL LINE. PAY ROLL OP CAPT. JAMES CHRYSTIE'S CO.— Continued. Time In Service. Wm. Cassady, Matliew Carr, Mathew Craig-, . . . Edward Doling, . . Wm. Dean, Peter Gully, Wm. Griffy Wm. Gawl James Hegerman, Andrew Higgans, . Chas. Joice Joseph Jackson, .. Wm. Judges Jas. Kayton, Wm. Ladley Wm. McDonald, . . . Patrick Mullen, .. Peter McKinley, .. Thos. McElvey, ... John Mulvaney, . . . Thos. Marshall, ... Wm. Mitchel Garvin Miller Michael McCoy, . . James Murphy, . . . Michael McCortley Wm. Mullen David Morris Michael Norton, Wm. Pilmore, John Rob't Shaw, John Stickafoose, Edw. Stein Rob't Vickars, Jahn Vankirk, ... Jacob Windolph, ., John Witram, Michael Welsh, .. John Welsh Edw. Wills do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. do. .. do. .. do. .. do. .. do. .. do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. 1 do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. 1 do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. 1 do. .. do. .. do. .. JAS. CHRYSTIE, Capt. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 983 : -o 5? V ^ : S c m Gable, r Sheitz. m McDo Robinso Beasley. rd Beavy P. Barrls Biddle. 6^ w Craig, d Doling m Dean, Gulley. 1^ iss :°^i^ n^^ fc e |?iS ^M M.?H \^5'^^ tsw^^ (i;.? is^s • o 5 j=- £ g S 5 £ £ i £ 1 1 5 1^' 5 a*'*'-e-e--"*j OOwOOOtncoOOOwOOOOOOOO .£ . .1 i; 5o.2S»-fi'nooooooooooo 984 CONTINENTAL LINE. < eu > ^ ^ ;^ ^ < o Hi D ^ o w u « o m o W § H r/3 r« W m ^ 02 o S <1 < t-5 S z; <5: n H H Q fc ^ o ^ § H t^i S Z Q fa J <; , 1 O A ttJ 1 > 1 1 i William Griffey. William Gawl. James Hegerman. Andrew Higgins. Charles Joice. Joseph Jackson. James Kayton. Wm. Ladley. Wm. McDonald Patrick Mullen. Peter McKinley. Thomas McElvey. John Mulveny. Thos. Marshall. William Mitchel. Garvin Miller. James Murphy. Michael McCortley. William Mullen. David Morris. ?. Sick Present. Dead Dec. 4th. Sick Present. K- c Oct. 14th. Oct. 13th. Sept. 30th Oct. 3d. Oct. nth. Oct. 10th. Oct. 1st. Oct. 5th Oct. 13th. Sept. 30th. Oct. nth. Oct. 5th. Oct. 1st. Sept. 30th. Sept. 30th. Oct. 3d. Oct. 13th. Oct. 6th. Oct. 1st Oct. 1st. Sep. 30th. Oct. 12th. Oct. 1st. 1 1 William Griffey, ... William Gawl John Hancock James Hegerman, .. Andrew Higgins, ... Charles Joice Joseph Jackson William Judges James Kayton William Ladley William McDonald,.. Patrick Mullen Peter McKinley Thos. McElvey, John Mulveny Thos. Marshall William Mitchel, ... Garvin Miller Michael McCoy James Murphy, Michael McCortley,.. William Mullen David Morris •Mui;n ■r 6666606066666666666666 j^.O'O'O'O'O'O'o.'O'O'O'O'O'O'a'a'a'O'a'O'a'o ■ON 2Si3S^?3SSJ3SS5S;SSK?SSgS?3gSt!5 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 985 f ^ I 5 & 'o Soo St) S'tJoo OMOOcoOtcOCO c 5 ^ i .- a ■ i 2^:1^ g ^ ^ ,° § « ,? 4? ^ S ^ W E I 4) a. > c w if- 986 CONTINENTAL LINE. PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES CHRISTIE'S COMPANY IN THE CORPS OF PENNA. INF. COMMANDED BY MAJOR JAMES MOORE FOR THE MONTH OF DECEM- BER, 1783. (c.) Time of ser- vice. * o oi ^ y K James Chrystie Blackall Wm. Ball, . Samuel Read Thos. Hussler John Wright Jacob Gable, William McDonald,. Edw. Stein Wm. Beasley Edw. Beaveny, Peter F. Barrissong, John Biddle 1 1 Jacob Beetam 1 Peter Condon 1 John Champee Wm. Cassady Mathew Carr Mathew Craig Edw. Dowling Peter Gulley Wm. Griffey 1 Wm. Gawl John Hancock Jas. Hegerman, Andrew Higgins, .. 1 Chas. Joyce, Joseph Jackson, — James Kayton 1 Wm. Ladley 1 Fat'k Mullen Peter McKinley, ... David Morris Thos. McElvey John Mulveny Thos. Marshall, .... Wm. Mitchel Garvin Miller Michael McCoy Capt. Lieut. Lieut. Serjt. do. Corp'l. do. 15 do. 13 Drum. 17 do. 1 flfer. Priv. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 29 do. do. do. do. do. do. 4 do. do. do. do. do. do. 2it do. do. do. 13 do. do. do. Reduced to private Dec. 15, 1' Deserted Dec. 13th. Raised from private Dec. 13. Deserted Dec. COth. Dead Dec. 4. Deserted 29th Dec. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 987 PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN JAMES CHRISTIE'S COMPANY Continued. Time of ser- vice. James Murphy, ... Michael McCortley, Wm. Mullen Michael Norton, .. Wm. Fillmore John Pensil Casper Shcitz John Rob't Shaw, . John Stickafoose, . Edward Stein, Rob't N'lckars, John Vankirk Jacob Windolph, .. John TVittram Michael Welsh John Welsh Edw. Wills, Priv. do. do. do. do. 20 do. 15 ao. do. do. 13 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Inlisted Dec. 11th. Reduced from Corp'l Dec. l.=ith. Raised to a Drum Oct. 13th. W. BALL. L't r NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, CONTINENTAL LINE, (a.) [Those marked (e) are taken from a list in the Secretary's ofllce, of sol- diers whose depreciated pay escheated to the State.) Sergeant. Anderson, James, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Privates. Adams, Parmer, T. L. Moore's company, January 1, 1777. Agnew, Edward. Ahorn, Philip. 988 CONTINENTAL LINE. Allen, Patrick, killed in action. Alligan, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Anderson, John, March 1, 1777 — 1781; wounded in knee and ankle, and transferred to Invalid corps. Anderson, William. Armstrong, Daniel. Armstrong, James, resided in Franklin county. Ohio, 1833, aged seventy-three. Arthurs, James. Asheton, James, January 1, 1777 — 1781; re-enlisted January 1, 1783; discharged June 28, 1783; resided in Philadelphia, in 1813, aged seventy-three. Ashmead, Samuel. Atcheson, Timothy. Auchmuty, Samuel, from Twelfth Penn'a, discharged January 25, 1781; resided in Augusta township, Northumberland county, in 1835, aged eighty-two. Sergeants. Buchanan, James, Dunn's company; living in Allegheny county, 1813. Boyd, Thomas (e), in Chrystie's to August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Henderson's. Corporals, Beatty, John. Benson, Thomas, May 1, 1777—1781. Berry, Peter, January 1, 1777—1781. Brown, Patrick. Privates. Bachus, Thomas. Bailey, James. Baisley, William. Baker, John, resided in Dearborn county, Indiana, 1834, aged eighty-two. Baisley, John. Banquet, William. Barber, James (e), in Moore's to April, 1777; aftorw;irds in Dunn's. Barnett, George, resided in Tuscarawas county, Ohio. 1S3J. aged seventy-four. Barrett, William. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 989 Bartle. George. Bates, Casper. Battersby, John. Batton, John, resided in Philadelphia, 1S32, aged eighty-two. Baumgartner, George, 177G— 1783; served in Capt. Rupp's com- pany, St. Clair's campaign; resided in Somerset county, in 1815. Bean, Henry. Beaver, Benjamin, resided in Franklin county, 1835. aged sev- enty-seven. Beazo, or Beyerzee, Nicholas, January 1, 1777; transferred to Invalid sorps. May, 1778. Bell, James. Bellows, John. Bender, John, May 1, 1778—1781. Bennet, Terence (e), in Butler's company to August, 1777; afterwards in Dunn's. Bentley, Henry, transferred from Twelfth, 1778; transferred to First Penn'a, 1781. Bevins, James. Biddle, Adam. Biddle, John. Bioren, Benjamin, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Bishoff, Richard. Blair, John, enlisted near London X Roads; resided in Lancas- ter county, 1817. Bloomenshine, Martin. Bonnel, Paul, from Fourth Penn'a; died in Butler county, Ohio, Augus,t 26, 1820, aged fifty-nine. Borland, James. Bough, Joseph. Bow^ers, William. Bowerman, Peter (e). in Gross's company to April, 1777; after- wards in the Colonel's company. Boyd, Thomas, living in 1789. Boyle, Neal. Boyles, Charles. Bradley, James. Brady, Thomas. Brannon, John (e). January 1, 1777; Reily's company to Au- gust, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Marshall's, Septem- ber, 1780; transferred to Invalid corps. Briggs, Joseph. January 1, 1777. Briggs, Richard. 990 CONTINENTAL LINE. Briggs, William, transferred to sappers and miners; resided in Bergen county, New Jersey, 1818, aged seventy-three. Brooks, Joseph. Brown, James, from Twelfth Penn'a; discharged April 1, 1780; died December 6, 1820, in Armstrong county, aged ninety- two. Brown, John, died December 20, 1800. Brown, William, resided in Pickaway county, Ohio, 1833, aged seventy-five. Bryan, William. Bryan, Patrick. Buckley, Philip. Bulff, John, enlisted January 27, 1781. Bunch, John. Bunel, John. Burk, John, May 3, 1777—1781. Burns, James, resided in Adams county, Mississippi, 1819, aged sixty-five. Burns, Lawrence (e), Chrystie's company to August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Henderson's. Burns, Timothy. Burns, William. Butler, John, transferred to sappers and miners; re-enlisted December 3, 1781, then at West Point. Buxton, John, March 10, 1777; served seven years eleven months; resided in Montgomery county, 1788. Sergeants. Carman, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Clendenin, John. Cunningham, Joseph, from private June 1, 1777; discharged January 17, 1781, resided in Lack township, Mifflin county, 1817. Collings, Thomas, from private. Corporal. Campbell, George. Fifers. Collins, Samuel, October 1, 1779—1781. Cook, Ebenezer, April 10, 1778; absent July 1, 1778, to February 1, 1779. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 991 Privates. Cain, John. Calligan, Jolm. Calligan, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Camp, Casper, enlisted 1781, Capt. Bower's company; served eighteen months; re-enlisted, in 1783, in Capt. John Craig's company of dragoons; discharged September, 1783, resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged eighty-four. Campbell, James. Campbell, Jeremiah. Campbell, Patrick. Carr, John, died in service. Carr, Michael, resided in Cook county, Tennessee, 1837, aged seventy-seven. Carshay, Michael. Cashberger, Andrew, February 18, 1777 — 1781. Casling, George. Casper, John, January 1, 1777; discharged at Trenton, January 19, 1781; resided ini Columbia county in 1835. Ceely, George, transferred to Invalid corps, September, 1777. Chambers, John (e). Christ, Balthus. Chambers, James, enlisted in Northampton county, 1776; re- sided in Allegheny county, Maryland, 1827. Chambers, John, in Butler's company, to May, 1778; afterwards in same. Clark, John, died in Brown county, Ohio, June 12, 1825, aged seventy-seven. Clark, Robert. Cleag, John, T. L. Moore's company, January 1, 1777. Cleland, Adam. Clements, Peter, resided in Union county, 1835, aged seventy- four. Clemons, John. Clinger, Philip, resided in Preble county, Ohio, in 1833, aged eighty. Clinton, Matthew (e), of Chrystie's company, January 1, 1777 — 1781; resided in Lancaster county in 1780. Clyon, Philip. Cochran, Blaney, from Miles'; died in Milton, January 23, 1829. aged sixty-seven. Collier, Richard, January 1, 1777—1781. Collins, David, January 1, 1777—1781. Collins, Richard. 992 CONTINENTAL LINE. Collins, William, died March 3, 1819, aged eighty-two, in Dau- phin county. Colter, Andrew. Colter, John. Connell, Terrence. Conner, Patrick. Conroy, James. Conway, Michael, January 1, 1777; discharged at Trenton, Jan- uary 15, 1781; re-enlisted; resided in Oneida county. New York, 1822, aged sixty-five. Cool, Casper (e). Cooley, William, January 1, 1777. Cooling, George. Coon, Phineas, died at Valley Forge, July, 1779. Coontz, Francis, transferred to Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Cotter, Edward, January 1, 1777—1781. Courtney, Cornelius. Courtney, William. Coyle, Mark, resided in Washington county, Indiana, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Coyle, Robert. Cox, Thomas, June 1, 1777—1781. Crager, John. Crager, Rohert. Craig, Andrew. Craig, Alexander (e). Major Byles' company, 1777. Craig, James, January 1, 1777 to 1781. Crain, Josiah. Craven, John, discharged 1781; resided in western part of the State in 1818.^ Creamer, Francis. Crole, Casper, Colonel's company, 1778. Cummings, Edward, paid as corporal January 1, 1777, to Au- gust 1, 1779; then as private to August 1, 1780. Cunam, Richard, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Cunningham, Alexander. Cunningham, Robert, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Cushing, Henry. Curley, Barney, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Curtin, John, transferred to Invalid corps. Curtis, Francis. Cusick, John, March 1, 1777—1781. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 993 Sergeants. Dehart, Abraham, January 1, 1777—1781. Delang, John, January 1, 1777— 17S1. Corporal. Doyle, . Fife-IMajor. Dougherty, George, fifer, January 1, 1777— August, 1778, and as fife major, to 1781. Drummer. Carl, Philip (e). Lieutenant Colonel's company to August, 177S; afterwards in Capt. Chrystie's. Privates. Dagley, James. Dagon, William, P'ebruary 1, 1777 — 1781. Darley, John. Darlington, William, April 23, 1777—1781. Daubert, Christopher. Daugherty, William. Davidson, James - Davis, James, Stake's company. Davis, John, Capt. Butler's company, 1777; transferred to Capt. McClellan's; discharged 1781; wounded in left foot, at Block-House; resided in Franklin county, Ohio, 1829. Davis, Thomas, resided in Greene county, 1835, aged seventy- nine. Day, John. Day, Moses, resided in Morris county. New Jersey, 1818, aged sixty. De Dier, John, enlisted 1778; appointed wagon-master of regi- ment; served until 1783; died near Germantown, June 14, 1824, aged seventy-seven. Deemer, Frederick, resided in Indiana county, 1811. Delaney, Daniel. Dempsey, Charles, October 1, 1776— August 1, 1783; resided in Allen township, Cumberland county, 1813. Denmark, John. Denison, John. Derr, Matthias, resided in Lebanon county. 1834. aged ninety. 63— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 994 CONTINENTAL LINE. Dewees, Samuel, resided in Baltimore county, Maryland, 1834; aged seventy-one. Dewees, William. Dick, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Dickey, Nathaniel, January 1, 1777—1781. Dieli, Daniel, old Third battalion; January 1, 1776—1777; re- sided in Lehigh county, 1S14. Dinger, Michael. Dixon, Jacob. Dixon, Robert. Dixon, William. Donely, William. Donohoo, Patrick. Donavan, John, January 1, 1777-— 1780; killed in action. Doody, James. Dorman, William. Doyle, Henry (e), Major's company, to 1778; left the army April 30, 1780. Doyle, Samuel. Doud, Michael, January 1, 1777; transferred to Invalid corps, July, 1779; died February 12, 1791. Dougherty, John. Dowling, Lambert. Downey, Patrick. Driver, Hopkins, February 15, 1777—1781. Druery, Michael, wounded in the head and invalided, August 2, 1779; died August 25, 1817, in Somerset county. Duff, James, from Capt. James Work's company. Flying camp; discharged 1781; resided in Washington county, 1834, aged eighty-seven. Duffield, John. Dunivan, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Dunleavy, Anthony. Durham, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Sergeants. Efright, Jacob. Eyerhart, Philip, January 1, 1777— December, 1778; private to 1781. Drummer. Edwards, John. Fife-Major. Evans, Anthony, died in Washington county, Ohio, February 19, 1822, aged sixty-seven. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 995 Privates. Earns, Christian, Januarj-^ 1, 1777—1781. Ebersole, Peter, January 1, 1777 — 1781; resided in Wythe county, Virginia, 1834. Eicholtz, John. English, James, from Twelfth Penn'a; transferred to First Penn'a. English, Joseph, April 1, 1777—1781. Enoch, Abraham. Etter, Daniel. Ettinger, Conrad. Evans, Christopher, to Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Evans, Evan, of West Vincent, Chester county. Everly, George. Everj^ Thomas. Sergeants. Ferall, Patrick, killed in action. Fitsimmons, Philip, Byles' company, 1777 — 1781; resided in Dauphin county, 1810. Ford, Charles, January 1, 1777—1781; died in 1781. Frazer, James, February 1, 1777; transferred to chief's guards; re-enlisted November 28, 1781. Funks, W^illiam, Sr. Corporal. Furlieu, Dennis (e), in Craig's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. John Henderson's. Privates. Fagan, Garrett. Fagan, James. - Fagan, Michael, paid January 1, 1777—1781; died in Washing- ton county, Kentucky, 1820, aged ninety. Farren, Francis. Farroll, Patrick, January 1, 1777—1781. Fenton, Joseph, November 1, 1778—1781; resided in Yates county, New York, 1832, aged seventy-two. Ferguson, William. Finley, Peter. Fischer, George, March 1, 1777; transferred to chief's guards; re-enlisted November 30, 1781. 996 CONTINENTAL LINE. Fisher, Henry, died in Columbiana county, Ohio, May 1, 1826, aged sixty-two. Fisher, James, died February 1, 1798. Fitzgerald, Edward. Fitzgerald, John. P'itzgibbon, James. Fleming, Henry. Flinn, James. Flowers, Thomas, resided in Washiugton county, Maryland, 1834, aged seventy-three. Ford, John. Francis, Richard. Frapwell, William. Frederick, David (e), Lieutenant Colonel's company 1777 — 1781. Fultz, Frederick, wounded in the head; resided in Centre county, 1835. Futhey, Robert. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Gowen, Hugh, discharged in 1783; enlisted in Cook's company, 1792; served three years in Wayne's campaign; resided in Northumberland county, 1820. Sergeants. Gordon, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781; resided in Dauphin county, in 1786. Graham, David. Grcsvencr, Richard. Corporal. Drummers. Grosvenor, Richard, died in Nicholas county, Kentucky, No- vember 10, 1819. Gordon, William (e), in Chrystie's company to August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Henderson's. Fifer. Gordon, Abraham, May 1, 1778—1781. Privates. Gable, Isaac. Galliraith, Alexander, enlisted March, 17S1; discharged June 27, 1783. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. »97 Gallagher, Daniel. Gallagher, James. Gardner, Thomas. Garret, Abraham. Garret, Robert. Gates, Philip. Geese, Nicholas. Gibbs, William. Gibson, Thomas (e), Major's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Major's; left the army April 30, 1780. Gilbert, Stephen, died November 8, 1819, in Berks county, aged sixty-three. Gilling, Daniel. Gilman, Benjamin, January 1, 1777. Good, Joseph. Gordon, Joseph, resided in Madison county, New York. 1835, aged eighty. Gould, John. Gowen, Hugh, from Twelfth Penn'a; resided in Northumber- land county, 1820, aged sixty-six. Gray, Alexander. Gray, John, July 1, 1777—1781. Gray, Nathan. Green, John, in Chrystie's company to August, 1778, afterwards in Capt. John Henderson's; resided in Butler county, 1835, aged eighty-one. Green, Solomon, in Rally's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. John Marshall's. Greer, Moses, Colonel's company to August, 1778; afterwards in Chrystie's. Gregory, William. Grier, George. Grier, James. Grier, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Griflath, John, Major Dunn's company, died at West Point, October 17, 1779. Griffith, John, Paid February 1, 1779, to August 1, 1780. Griffy, Lawrence (e), in Moore's company to 1778; afterwards in Capt. I. B. Dunn's. Grimson, Samuel. Groce, Alexander. Guest, Thomas. 998 CONTINENTAL LINE. Drum-Major. Hale, Joseph, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Sergeants. Hendersou, John, Moore's company to August, 1778; afterwards in Colonel's company. Hyde, John (e), in Lieutenant Colonel's company to August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Chrystie's company. Huston, James, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Corporals. Hamilton, John. Hutton, James, enlisted 1778; discharged 1783; resided near Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1813. Drummer. Hains, John. Fifer. Howard, Daniel, May 26, 1780—1781. Privates. Hackett, Nicholas. Hagerman, James, May 20, 1777; discharged 1783; resided in Merlon township, Montgomery county, 1814. Haggerty, James, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Hall, Samuel, January 1, 1777—1781. Hamilton, Francis. Hamilton, James. Hamilton, Thomas, resided in Philadelphia in 1792. Hand, Dominic. Hand, Patrick, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Hanlin, Patrick, died in Tyler county, Virginia, February 28, 1826, aged eighty-two. Harberson, Thomas. Hannon, John. Harbolt, Adam, resided in Bedford county, 1823. Margin, John. Hardy, Thomas, June 1, 1777—1781. Harper, Nathaniel, killed in action. Harper, Thomas, resided in Jefferson county, Tennessee, 1834. aged eighty-nine. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 999 Harper, William, resided in Morgan county, Tennessee, 1831. aged seventy-seven. Harris, John, resided in Lancaster county, 1835, aged seventy- two. Harris, Samuel, resided in Mercer county, Kentucky, 1833, aged seventy. Harris, William, wounded at Stony Point; discharged Novem- ber 4, 1783. Hart, Nicholas, died July 10, 1821, in Philadelphia, aged eighty- three. Hartlinger, Isaac. Hartney, Patrick, died November 19, 1819, in Philadelphia. Hasson, Barnabas, from Twelfth, July 1, 1778; Capt. Chrystie's company; after his discharge, entered naval service; re- sided in Centre county, 1814. Hastings, John, died in Essex county, New Jersey, March 1, 1823, aged seventy-one. Haus, Christian. Havericker, George. Heller, John, enlisted 1776, from Allice's company, served one year four months; resided in Penn township, Northampton county, 1818. Henning, George. Henry, George, resided in Lebanon county, 1835, aged eighty- one. Herrington, Isaac. Herron, Patrick, January 1, 1777—1781. Hickley, Thomas. Hill, Alexander. Hill, Jeremiah, January 1, 1777—1781. Hill, John. Hinkle, William. Holman, George, resided in Montgomery county, 1835, aged ninety-one. Holt, Lewis. Hooker, William. Hoskins, Isaac. Houghey, Patrick. Howard, Joseph. Howey, William (e), Capt. Chrystie's company to September, 1778; and afterwards left the army, April 9, 1780. Huffman, Charles. Hugerman, Henry. Huggins, John, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. 1000 CONTINENTAL LINE. Hughes, James, November 13, 1776; transferred to chief's guards. Hughes, William. Hugus, William. Hulet, William, Invalid corps, June, 1779. Hummel, Henry, May 7, 1777—1781; wounded in the right leg; Pennsylvania pensioner, 1813. Hunter, Benjamin, resided in Pickaway county, Ohio, 1832, aged eighty-two. Hurley, James, January 1, 1777—1781. Husler, Thomas. Hussett, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Hutchinson, Richard. Hutchinson, William. Ingledo, Thomas. Irwin, Charles. Isephise, George. Ivery, Thomas, Stake's company. Sergeants. Jack, Thomas, died in Adams county, Ohio, August 8, 1831, aged eighty-five. Jackson, Isaac, resided in Columbiana county, Ohio, 1834. Corporal. Jones, Hugh, February 18, 1780. Privates. Jacobi, Michael. Jacobs, Joseph. Jacobs, Philip, enlisted 1781; discharged 1783; resided in Le- high county, 1813. Jacoby, Nicholas, died November 1, 1832, in Adams county, aged seventy-one. Jamison, John, January 1, 1777; wounded in service; dis- charged 1783. Jennings, Edward, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Jennings, John. Jennings, Samuel. Jemmison, John, paid January 1, 1777 — August, 1780; resided in Butler county, 1835, aged eighty-four. Johnston, Hugh, resided in Cumberland county, 1820, aged sixty-eight. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1001 Johnston, James, died in Tioga county, New York, August 17, 1825, aged seventy-three. Johnson, John, wagoner, January 1, 1777—1781, Colonel's com- pany. Johnston, Joseph, resided in Beaver county, 1835, aged seventy- nine. Johnston, Matthew. Johnston, Patriclv, in Chrystie's company to August, 1778; afterwards in same. Johnston, Richard. Johnston, Samuel, resided in Cumberland county in 1820. Johnston, Thomas, died in Jefferson county, Virginia, October 19, 1831, aged eighty-two. Jolly, Luke. Jones, Francis. Jones, Hugh, January 1, 1777; promoted corpural February 18, 1780. Jones, James, resided in Scott county, Kt-.^.tucky, 1833, aged sixty-eight. Jordan, Garret, killed in action. Jordan, John, Westmoreland county. Jouce, John. Joy, Francis. Joyce, Michael. Sergeants. Kelson, John, January 1, 1780, from corporal. Kelly, , Moore's company. Kennedy, , Huling's. Klaine, George, January 1, 1777—1781. Corporals. Kelso, John, from private, November 1, 1778. Kilpatrick, William. King, Joseph. Drummer. Kennedy, Robert, January 1, 1777—1781. Privates. Kankton [or Kinkan], Daniel, February 1, 1777—1781. Kating, Ignatius. Kearsey, John. 1002 CONTINENTAL LINE. Keenan, Nicholas. Keens, Lewis. Keigar, Henry (e), in Reily's company to August, 1778, after wards in Capt. John Marshall's. Kelchner, Matthias. Kellar, Conrad. Kelly, George. Kelly, Thomas. Kelso, John, May 1, 1777; promoted corporal, November 1, 1778 Kennard, Benjamin. Kerr, Michael. Keymer, Nicholas. Kilbourne, Benjamin. Kilp, John. Kincaid, John, resided in Shelly county, Kentucky, 1834. Kirkpatrick, William. Kline, Nicholas. Klinger, Philip. Klingler, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Knap, Samuel, resided in Tompkins county. New York, m 1834. Kusick, John. Kuhn, Frederick, Capt. J. Boyd's company; died in service. Sergeants. Lorentz, Joseph, Craig's company; transferred from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; died January 30, 1824, in Northumber- land county, aged seventy-eight; left widow, Mary. Lorentz, Andrew, from Twelfth Penn'a; discharged at Smith's Cove, New Jersey; keeping hotel in Sunbury, in 1813. Corporal. Lorentz, Wendell, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; dis- charged January 17, 1781; died in Milton, 1821; left a widow. Eve. Drummer. Lock, David (e), in Moore's company to July, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Thomas Butler's. Privates. Lackey, Philip. Lafferty, Daniel, February 2, 1777—1781. Lane. Edward, killed in action. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 10U3 Lavery, John, January 1, 1777—1781; died in Chester county, June 17, 1819, aged sixty-nine. Lazarus, Frederick. Learner, Robert. Leary, Daniel. Leary, William, resided in Allegheny county, 1835. Leaveringhouse, Christian. Lee, Edward, January 1, 1777—1781. Lee, John. Leland, Patrick, April 26, 1777; Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Lemmon, John, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778—1781; re- sided in Armstrong county, 1835, aged seventy-five. Lessley, William. Levy, Alexander, drafted into Capt. Rice's artillery; wounded in the ankle, near Valley Forge, in 1778, by upsetting of gun-carriage; died October 27, 1801, in Lancaster county. Lewis, Samuel, served six years and four months; resided in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, 1821, aged sev- enty-nine. Ligonier, James. Ligonier, John. Lipner, Jacob. Lippincott, Jedediah, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Little, Matthew, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778—1781; re- sided in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, 1813. Logan, David, January 1, 1777 — 1781; died in Northumberland county, February 14, 1826, aged seventy-five. Lomax, Charles (e), Capt. John Marshall's company. Long, Edward. Lynch, Lawrence. Lyon, Joseph. Sergeant-Major. Mitchell, James, January 1, 1777—1781. Quarter-Master Sergeant. McClean, Andrew. Drum-Major. Milton, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Sergeants. Martin, Charles, January 1, 1777—1781; re-enlisted in Ar- mand's. 1004 CONTINENTAL LINE. Martin, William, from Second battalion, January 1, 1777—1781; re-enlisted in First Partisan legion, Armand's. Mack, Peter, from corporal, January 1, 1778 — 1781. McCrea, Arthur, from corporal, August 1, 1780. McMeehan, John, disabled by rupture; resided in York county, in 1789. McLaughlin, , Moore's company. Corporals. Mustard, Henry, killed in action. McFaddin, Angus. Mack, Peter, from private, July 15, 1777; promoted sergeant, January 1, 1778. McCrea, Arthur, from private, November 1, 1777; promoted sergeant, August 1, 1780. Minor, John. Moore, James (e). Lieutenant Colonel's company before 1778, and in the same afterwards. Drummers. McClelland, John. Mcllvaine, Thomas, March 21, 1777—1781. Fifer. McFaddin, Joseph, of Capt. James Chrystie's company, 1777 — 1781. Privates. McAnarmey, Patrick. McAnnelly, James, January 1, 1777—1781. McAnnelly, Patrick, January 1, 1777—1781. McCarr, John, discharged January 16, 1781; resided in Fannet township, Franklin county, 1835, aged ninety. McCartney, Dennis, transferred to Invalid corps; died May 23, 1786. McCaspy, John. McClarren, Thomas, February, 1782, Capt. McCully's company; discharged 1783; resided in Westmoreland county, 1820. McClean, Andrew, 1777; discharged December 3, 1780; resided in Washington county, 1824. McClean, Charles, January 10, 1777—1781; died December 21, 1822, in Centre county. McCloskey, Cornelius, April 1, 1778— August 1, 1780. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1005 McCloskey, John. McClung, William. McConnel, James. McCormick, Hugh, January 1, 1777—1781. McCormick, Timothy. McCoy, Nicholas. McCoy, William, January 22, 1777—1781. McCrea, Arthur, January 1, 1777; promoted corporal November 1, 1777. McCummings, John. McCune, William. McCurdy, Robert. McCutcheon, Forest. McDermot, John, of Capt. Stake's company; wounded at Bound Brook, and lost his right arm. McDonald, Charles (e), Reily's company until August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Marshall's; Invalid corps, July, 1780. McDonald, Godfrey, January 1, 1777; transferred to Invalid corps, July, 1780. McDonald, John. McDonald, Patrick, July 1, 1777—1781. McDonald, William. McDowell, John, died January 22, 1819, in Allegheny count>. McElevy, William. McElhone, William. McElroy, John. McElvay, Hugh. McEntire, Thomas. McFarlane, Samuel, discharged at Trenton, 1781; served three years; resided in Juniata township, Cumberland county, 181S. McFatridge, Daniel, resided in Philadelphia, 1818. McGahy, William, died in Putnam county, Indiana, September 4, 1829, aged sixty-nine. McGary, Neal, from new Eleventh Penn'a; discharged June 28. 1753; resided in Beaver county, 18111. McGeary, Hugh. McGill, Henry. McGill, James, January 1, 1777—1781. McGill, John, January 1. 1777—1781. McGinnis, Daniel. McGinnis. John. (1st,) Jraiuary 1. IV,' "'ni; r'.-i^ird m Adams county, 1814. 1006 CONTINENTAL LINE. McGinnis, John, (2d). McGowen, William, January 1, 1777—1781. McGreggor, Peter, January 1, 1777—1781. McGuighan, Andrew, resided in Bucks county, 1788. Mcllgar, John, January 17, 1777—1781. Mcllvaine, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Mclntire, Daniel. Mclntire, William, died in Gibson county, Indiana, July 8, 1821, aged seventy-six. Mcintosh, Morgan, paid at Carlisle in April, 1781. McKann, Charles. McKeever, Angus, from Twelfth Penn'a; Capt. James Chrys- tie's company; discharged July 28, 1783; lost thumb and forefinger by musket ball, and wounded in the thigh with grape shot; resided in Martinsburg, Virginia, 1827. McKinley, Duncan. McKinley, John, April 26, 1777—1781. McKinney, John, died in Bucks county, June 10, 1833, aged eighty-five. McKinsie, Neal, January 1, 1777—1781. McKnight, David. . McLaughlin, George, discharged April 23, 1782; resided in Lan- caster, 1786. McManus, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McMath, Daniel, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; discharged January, 1781; died in Westmoreland county, March 10, 1824, aged sixty-eight. McMichael, James. McMichael, John, January 1, 1777—178:^. MeMullen, Michael, died April 4, 1823. McMullen, John, from Second battalion, January 1, 1777; in the battles of Germantown, Monmouth, and at the storming of Stony Point; at Newark he and thirty-three other Scotch- Irishmen and other soldiers were captured; was a prisoner nine months and ten days; rejoined the company com- manded by Capt. Thomas Butler; then marched south in the company commanded by Capt. Henderson; at Green Springs and surrender of Cornwallis; died in Mifflin coun- ty, January 3, 1832, aged eighty-one. McMullen. William, resided in Mifflin county, 1835, aged eignty- four. McQuin, Daniel. McVikers, Archibald, Stake's company. Madeira, Samuel. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1007 Mahan, Arthur, January 1, 1777—1781. Malone, Richard. Malony, Archibald, resided in Tazewell county, Virginia, in 1834, aged eighty-three. Malony, Richard. Manning, Christopher, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Manuel, Paul. Marr, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781; resided in Columbia county, 1815. Marsh, John. Marshall, James. Marshall, Thomas (e), August 1, 1777—1781; Lieutenant Col- onel's company. Martin, John, died in Franklin county, June 13, 1824, aged eighty. Martin, Samuel. Martin, William, Capt. Chrystie's company, January \, 1777. Maxfield, Henry. May, Enoch. Maypowder, William. Meagles, John. Meek, Philip, January 1, 1777—1781. Melton, Richard. Mersheimer, Boston. Messersmith, Peter. Miller, Christian, January 1, 1777—1781; resided in Berks county, 1835. Miller, Conrad. Miller, Daniel. Miller, Gavin. Miller, George. Miller, Samuel. Millrock, August. Mills, Samuel. Moch, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Montgomery, James, January 1, 1777—1781. Moreland, Moses, enlisted in Lancaster county, 1777, under Lieut. Thomas Marshall; joined at Bound Brook, in Chrystie's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. Henderson's; served five years; resided in Greene county, 1825. Morgan, John, resided in Greene county, Tennessee, aged seventy-four. Morris, George, resided in Allegheny county, 1835. aged sixty- eight. 1008 CONTINENTAL LINE. Morrison, John. Moser, Samuel. Moy, Jacob. Moyer, Jacob. Mucks, Philip. Mullen, Andrew. Mulvany, John. Murphy, Christian. Murphy, Timothy (e), Chrystie's company to August, 1778; afterwards in Capt. John Henderson's to 1781. Murphy, Thomas. Murray, Thomas, resided in Franklin county, 1835, aged eighty. Myers, John. Sergeants. Nagle, Christian, resided in Berks county, 1811. Niel, Nicholas. Corporal. Nettles, Robert. Privates. Nace, George. Nagle, Jacob, February 6, 1777—1781. Nap, Samuel, January 1, 1777—1781. Nargin, John. Nelly, George. Nelson, Andrew. New, Christopher, died in York county, December 1, 1S2C, agec seventy-three. Newingham, Daniel. Newman, Nehemiah. Nixon, Marion. Northbush, William. Nowland, John, died in Cumberland county, September 12, 1827, aged seventy-six. Noxen, Henry. Noxen, Richard (e), in Moore's company to August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. Dunn's. Sergeants. O'Neal, Nicholas. Otty, William (e), Major's company, August, 1778; afterwards in Major Byles'. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1009 Privates. O'Hara, Patrick. O'Hara, William (e), Reily's company until August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. John Marshall's. Oliver, Richard. O'Neal, Daniel. O'Neal, James. O'Neal, John. January 1, 1780. Owine, Thomas (e), in Colonel's company, 1777— ITSl. Privates. Painton, Aaron. Paitsel, Jacob, resided in Botetourt county, Virginia, 1829. Palmer, Andrew. Parker, James. Peak, James, February 28, 1777—1781. Pemberton, Christian, wounded at Germantown; died in Philadelphia, May 24, 1825. Perkins, Samuel, Captain John Henderson's company. Perry, Martin. Peters, Arnold. Peters, Henry. Peterson, Gabriel. Petre, Anthony, resided in Centre county, 1835, aged seventy- two. Pierce, Thomas. Pomeroy, Joseph, killed December 23, 1779. Ponton, Thomas. Popps, Christopher, died in Lancaster county, June 30, 1821, aged seventy. Porter, Samuel, from Twelfth Penn'a; detached with Morgan's Rifles at capture of Burgoyne; served through Sullivan's campaign; he participated in twenty engagements or skir- mishes; discharged January 24, 1781; died in Lamar town- ship (now Clinton County), 10th January, 1825; aged sev- enty-nine. Powell, Robert, May, 1777—1781. Poulston, Robert, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; Invalid corps February 2, 1779. Pree, John. Price, John. Quigley, Edward. Quinn, Francis. 64— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 1010 CONTINENTAL LINE. Drum-Major. Richardson, Ezekiel, January 1, 1777—1781. Quarter-Master Sergean. Robinson, John, from Twelfth, July 1, 1778; July 13, 1779, bri gade conductor; Second brigade, January 1, 1780. Sergeant. Rex, Adam, from corporal, February 18, 1780. Corporal. Rex, Adam, January 1, 1777; promoted sergeant. Fifer. Reil, John. Privates. Ramsey, William. Read, Charles. Reading, Nicholas, Invalid corps. May, 1780. Reese, John. Reese, Peter, resided in Lykens, Dauphin county, 1818. Redick, William, died in Claremont county, Ohio, October 3, 1831, aged seventy-one. Redman, John, wounded in thigh and arm, and transferred to Invalid corps. Reily, William, November 18, 1777; transferred to chief's guards. Rheam, Nicholas, from Twelfth Penn'a, July, 1778; discharged 1781; was wounded in the service; died in Union county, 1829. Rice, John, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; discharged 1783; in 1799, enlisted in Tenth United States regulars. Richardson, Nightingale. Ricketts, William. June 1, 1777—1781. Riecraft, Thomas, May 1. 1777—1781. Riffett. John. Rock, Patrick. Robb. William. Robinson, Hugh. Robinson, John, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; resided in Fayette county, 18H. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1011 Rodman, Christopher, enlisted in Scull's company, from Read- ing; in the poor house at Montgomery, Adams county. New York, 1819. Rodman, William. Roe, Joseph. Roland, James. Rosgrove, Henry. Rowan, John, enlisted 1780; discharged 1783; wounded in right knee and left leg; died near Mercersburg, January 13, 1823, aged sixty. Roush, Jacob, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Roush, John. Ruggles, William. Rush, Thomas. Rutton, Thomas, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Ryan, James. Stevens, George. Springer, Philip. Sergeant. Fifer. Corporals. Seely, Michael (e), in Moore's company to Septemh^f^lll^ afterwards in Capt. Dunn's. Shire, Conrad. Smith, John (e), Lieutenant Colonel's company to August, 1778, afterwards in Capt. Chrystie's. Shields, William, February 18, 1780. Privates. Sallada, Daniel, resided in Mifflin county, 1835, aged ninety- six. Sankey, Ezekiel, of York county. Seaton, Michael. Seely, Samuel (e). Colonel's company to August, 1778; left the army April, 1780; resided in Wayne county, 1835, aged sev- enty-five. Shafer, Frederick, paid March 12, 1778—1781; died in Lycoming county, July 29, 1832, aged ninety-one. Shafer, Thomas, in Thomas Craig's company to 1778, after- wards in Chrystie's; served four years; resided in Fallow- field township, Washington county, 1835, aged seventy- nine. 1012 CONTINENTAL LINE. Shaw, Abraham. Shaw, John Robert, Sheets, William. Shehan, Daniel. Sherman, Adam. Shields, Thomas. Shields, William, January 1, 1777; promoted corporal February 18, 1780. Shinings, John, February 18, 1777—1781. Shippey, Edward (e). Lieutenant Colonel's company, August, 1778. Shire, Clement. Shockey, Christian, 1781; from new Eleventh; wounded at Yorktown; died in Somerset county, April 18, 1829, aged seventy-six. Shoeman, Adam. Shott, Richard, aJnuary 1, 1777—1781. Schreck, John, alias Rex and Lex, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; resided in Hunterdon county, New Jersey, 1813. Shuttle, Daniel. Sickfret, Andrew. Simpson, Nathaniel. Slaughter, Henry. Slauterbach, Michael. Sloan, Lawrence, January 1, 1777 — 1781, Slockerman, Christian. Slone, William. Smith, Conrad, February 29, 1777; died October 15, 1778; left a widow Elizabeth residng in Reading, 1794. Smith, George, June 27, 1781; resided in Bedford county, 1813. Smith, John, transferred to Eighth. Smith, Nathaniel. Snowden, Thomas. Snyder, Frederick. Sommers, George. Spear, John. Springer, Philip. Stackpole, John. Standley, Peter. Steel, Davi«l, Capt. Chrystie's company; resided in Middleton township, Cumberland county, 1793. Steer, Adam. Stewart, Robert, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Stone, Richard. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1013 Strickworth, Abraham (e), in Reily's to August, 1778; after- wards in Capt. John Marshall's. Strieker, Adam (e), in Lieutenant Colonel's company. Strouss, George, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Stump, John, died December 16, 1810, in Philadelphia. Sullivan, Daniel, died in Clarke county, Indiana, 1822, aged eighty-two. Sullivan, Owen. Sweeney, James, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Sweeney, Hugh, 1776—1783. Symonds, Isles. Sergeants. Thomas, Martin, died January, 1804, in Cumberland county. Toy, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Tuncks, William, Sr., January 1, 1777; discharged January 24, 1781; re-enlisted September 12, 1781. He and his two sons below, resided in the State of Delaware, in 1793. Fifers. Tuncks, William, Jr., June 1, 1777; discharged January, 1781. Tuncks, John, June 1, 1777—1781. Privates. Tackey, Thomas. Taylor, George, January 1, 1777—1781. Teal, Leonard. Templer, Thomas. Tennant, William, resided in Lancaster county, 1835, aged eighty. Thompson, James. Thompson, Matthew. Thompson, Nathan. Thompson, Samuel, April 1, 1778—1781. Tie!, Jeremiah, April 29, 1777—1781. Toner, James. Toner, John. Toole, John. Totten, John. Tripner, George, Sr. Tripner, George. Jr., resided in Philadelphia, 1835, aged eighty- two. Trueman, William. Turner, James. 1014 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporal. Verner, Robert, January 1, 1777 — 1781; resided in Westmore- land county, 1813. Privates. Vangorden, Jeremiah. Varner, Pliilip, May 15, 1778—1781; also served in Southern campaign, Capt. Finley's company, discharged at Phila- delphia, 1783; resided in Fayette county, 1816. Vernor, John. Vinegardner, John, resided in Allegheny county, 1835, aged eighty-five. Sergeants. Watson, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Whitman, Uriah. Whitesides, James, Capt. Wilkins' company; killed at Green Springs, Virginia, July 6, 1780. Winand, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Corporal. Wimmer, John. Drummer. William, Peter, pensioned, act February 2, 1802. Fifer. Williams, William, May 1, 1777 — October 1, 1778; as private then to 1781. Privates. Wallizer, Michael, from Miles' regiment; discharged at Lancas- ter, 1782; resided in Derry township, Columbia county, in 1830. Walker, Andrew^. Walker, John, resided in Oneida county. New York, 1835, aged seventy-nine. Walter, Michael (e). Lieutenant Colonel's company, 1777 — 1781. Waltman, Frederick, died in York county, August 23, 1825, aged seventy-one. Walton, George. Waltz, Michael. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1015 Way. Samuel. Wear, Cornelius. Weary, John. Weaver, John. Weaver, Henry, resided in Lebanon county, 1S35, aged seventy six. Webb, Andrew, January 1, 1777— 178L Webb, William, January 1, 1777— 178L Wegel, John, May 17, 1781. Weiss, John, resided in Northampton county. 1791. Welsh, William. Werner, Robert. Wernor, John. White, Charles. White, Joseph. Whitesides, James, from the Sixth; promoted sergeant. Whitman, Godfrey, January 1, 1777—1781. Whitman, Ulrich. Wildgoose, Michael (e). Lieutenant Colonel's company, 1777 — 1780; from Buffalo township, Northumberland county. Wilhelm, Adam, Craig's to September, 1778; afterwards in Lieutenant Colonel's company. Wilhelm, Henry, resided in Berks county, 1813. Williard, John, June 1, 1777— 1781. W^illet, Richard, enlisted May 30, 1781. Williams, John, died in Hamilton county, Ohio, December 25. 1823, aged seventy. Wills, Enoch, February 1, 1777; transferred to chief's guards; re-enlisted December 3, 1781. Wilson, James. Wilson, Robert, from Twelfth Penn'a, July 1, 1778; died in Beaver county, October 20, 1824, aged eighty-six. Wilson, William, 1777—1780; resided in Allegheny county. 1826 W^iner, Henry. Wismore, Abraham. Witheram, John. Wolfe, John. Woodolph, James. Woods, Christopher. Woods, Thomas (e), in Chrystie's company, August, 1778: after- wards in Henderson's; died in Brown county, Ohio, De- cember 20, 1833, aged seventy-five. Wolfang, David. Work, William, May 6, 1777—1781. 1016 CONTINENTAL LINE. Wortman, Ephraim. Wren, Joseph, from Seventh Penn'a; discharged September 2, 1783; died in York county, July 9, 1827, aged eighty-nine. Wylie, Robert. Wyner, Henry. Yost, Martin. Young, Jacob. Young, Robert. Zane, John. Newtown, Sept. 3d, 1781. (d.) Received William Adair of Thomas Stewart for Class No. 4 Nockamixon Township an able-bodied Recruit, to serve in the Pennsylvania Line for the Term of eighteen Months; agreeable to an Act of Assembly, passed the 25th Day of June last. A. G. CLAYPOOLE, Capt. 3d P. R. Newtown, Sept. 2d, 1781. Received Philip Fitzsimmons of Mr. Andrew McMinn for Class No. 5 — Newton Township an able-bodied Recruit, to serve in the Pennsylvania Line for the Term of eighteen Months; agreeable to an Act of Assembly, passed the 25th Day of June last. A. G. CLAYPOOLE, Capt. 3d P. R. Newton, Sept. 3d. 1781. Received John Plumerfelt of Moses Kelly for Class No. 4— Tinnium Township one able-bodied Recruit, to serve in the Pennsylvania Line for the Term of eighteen Months; agreea- ble to an Act of Assembly, passed the 25th Day of June last. A. G. CLAYPOOLE, Capt. 3d P. R. I do certify that James Sharp Surgeons Mate in the General Hospital hath voluntarily taken and subscribed the Oath of Allegeance and Fidelity, as directed by the Resolves of Con- THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1017 gress passed the third day of February hist. Witness my hand & seal this 2d day of March A. D. 1T7S. JNO. ORD. These are to Certify that the bearer hereof John Getsinger Mattross in the Pennsylvania Art'ly regiment, having faith- fully served the United States Six years, Eight months and Six Days and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American Army. Given at Fort Pitt Sept. the 30th 1783. WM. IRVINE, B. Gen'l. Settled W. B. R. Registered in the books of the Detachment. EZRHL. HOWELL, Lt. and Adjutant, 1783. The within Certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. IRVINE, B. Gen'l. I do certify that Samuel Samson has served as a soldier in Capt. John Boyd's company of the Pennsylvania Rangers from the third Day of April 1782 to the thirtieth Day of June 1783 both Days included and is hereby honorably Discharged Agreeable to the Order of Council dated the 6th June last. Given under my hand at Bedford the 1st July, 178(?). RICH'D JOHNSTON, Lt. P. R. Discharge July ls.t 1783 Discharge Samuel Samp, from Rich'd Johnson Soon to Sam'l Samson. (d.) These are to certify that the bearer hereof Andrew Web, soldier, in the 3d Penna. regiment, having faithfully served the United States from the year 1777 by his late inlistments from the 10th of Jan., 17(7) and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 28th June, 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary at. JOS. CARLETON. Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. EDW. BUTI^R, Adjutant. 1018 CONTINENTAL LINE. War Office, 28th June, 1783. The within Certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof George Morgan, soldier, in the 1st Penna. regiment, having faithfully served the United States from July 1780 to the present date, and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 18th Aug. 1783. B. LINCOLN. By order of the secretary of war. JOS. CARLETON, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the regiment. RICHARD FULLERTON, Adjutant. Penna. Land Drawn. War Office, Aug. 15th, 1783. The within Certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. These are to certify that the bearer hereof Nicholas Jacobs, soldier, in 3rd Penna. regiment, having faithfully served the United States from Feb. 1783 and being inlisted for the war, is hereby discharged from the American army. Given at the war office the 27th June 1783. By order of the secretary at War. JOS. CARLETON, Sec'y. Registered in the books of the reg't. EDW. BUTLER, Adjutant. War Office 27th June, 1783. The within Certificate shall not avail the bearer as a dis- charge until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace; previous to which time and until proclamation thereof shall be made, he is to be considered as being on furlough. B. LINCOLN. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1019 MISCELLANEOUS LIST OF 3RD PENNA. LINE, (c.) Lieutenant. Thorntury, Francis. Sergeant. Baker, Michael. Drummer. Scott, William, "Wounded at Fort Washington through both shoulders, Nov. 16, 1776. Privates. ,Eckley, John. Grissinger, Carl. McGlaughlin, George. McMillen, Thomas, Taken Prisoner at Fort Washington, 16 Nov., 1776. Rex, John. Settlemeir, Godfrey. Wasey, John. White, John. SEVEN MONTHS' MEN. (a.) [See similar list to First Penn'a for explanation.] Capt. George McCully's Company. Ayres, Isaac. Burnis, Michael. Davis, Morris. Frederick, John. Fulmer, Joseph. Goff, John. Gray, Samuel, joined Major Lee's corps. Griffy, Howard. Hanley, John. Hanusey, William. Irvine, John. McMillen, James. 1020 CONTINENTAL LINE. Marks, William. Maus, Alexander. Myers, Adam. Nice, George. Olin, Andrew. Shirtle, John. Spence, John. Stump, George. Watt, William. Weaver, Adam. Weaver, John. Wilson, William. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. 1021 PAY ROLL OF THE OFFICERS OF THE 3D PENNSYLVA- NIA REGIMENT COMMANDED BY COLL. RICH'D BUT- LER FOR ONE MONTH, (c.) ^ Richard Butler, Stephen Byard James Greir John Rodgers John Wilkins Isaac B. Dunn, John Christie George Bush Sam'l Mo-ntgomery Joseph Finley, Jacob Stake And'w Walker George McCully John Clark Andrew Lytle Stewart Herbert Edward Crawford James McMicliael John McKenny Erkurius Beatty (P. M.) Blackball W. Ball John Pratt (Q. Mr.), ... John Armstrong Robert Peebles Lleywillin Davis James Cambill, Edw'd Butler (Adj.), .. David McKnight Nathaniel Smith Fran' s Thornbu ry Robt. Allison John Crawford James Erwin Daniel St. Clair John Rose dolls. ch. 90 i Colonel, .. 75 Lu. Coll... 60 Major, ... 50 Surjeon, .. 50 Mate 42 Captain, . 40 ."... ditto .. 40 ditto .. 40 ditto .. 40 ditto .. 40 ditto .. 40 ditto 40 ditto .. 40 ditto 40 Leut 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 56 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 30 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 30 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 ditto 26 60 1 1 1,262 At Fort Pitt. at Camp to E. St. Clair. At Pittsburr At Pittsburg A. D. C. K. BICATTY. Lt. P. M. 3rd P. nt. ( 1022 ) CONTINENTAL LINE. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. JAN. 1, 1777— NOV. 3, 1783. (a) (1023) ^ )^m ( 1024 ) I FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1025 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA, (a.) Col. Shee's Third battalion, under Col. Cadwalader, by re- enlisting, formed the Fourth Pennsylvania regiment; but as nearly his whole battalion was captured at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776, it really became a new regiment, recruited in January and February, 1777. A return dated June 30, 1777, shows the number recruited and brought into the field, as follows: Recruits. Capt. Scull's company 55 46 Capt. Gray's company, 42 42 Capt. Fishbourne's company, 55 47 Capt. McGowan's company, 58 49 Capt. Burd's company, 43 38 Capt. Cross' company, 26 24 Capt. Connelly's company, 97 88 Capt. Mears' company, 63 53 439 387 Of these one hundred and ninety-six are reported present, fit for duty; two sick, present; thirty-eight sick, absent; twenty- eight on command; one hundred and twenty-one deserters; five discharged; eighteen claimed; seventeen dead; fifteen prison- ers of war; commissioned officers and staff, thirty-three. A return, dated June 6, signed by Marien Lamar, major, gives the strength as present at the lines, fourteen officers, twelve sergeants, fourteen drummers, and two hundred and thirty- eight rank and file; recruiting, ten officers, three sergeants, and drummer; total strength, thirty-six line officers, eighteen sergeants, sixteen drums and fifes, two hundred and forty-five rank and file. Another, dated November 1, 1777, shows of the rank and file present, fit for duty, sixty-nine; on duty, eleven; sick at Morristown, five; at Trenton, nine; at Reading, eight; Bethlehem, nine; sick, present, nine; on command. &c.. fifty; Capt. Gray, on command with infantry; Lieuts. Calhoun, Lewis, and Blewer, prisoners of war; Lieuts. Campbell and Beatty wounded, &c. 65— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 102« CONTINENTAL LINE. The regiment, during all of its active service, was under the command of Lieut. Col. William Butler, Col. Cadwalader being a prisoner on parole. Shortly after the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778, Col. Butler was ordered to Schoharie, New York, with his regiment, and a detachment from Morgan's rifles, under Major James Parr, late of First Pennsylvania, and Capt. Long, of the Maryland line, to defend the frontiers of New York, and to chastise the Indians. A return among the Hand Papers, dated at Schoharie, October, 1778, gives the strength of the Fourth, present, as one lieutenant colonel, major, five captains, six lieutenants, adjutant, pay-master, and quarter- master; present, on duty, one hundred and twenty-four; sick, present, eleven; sick, absent, forty-three; on command, twelve. Rifle corps, one major, four captains, four lieutenants, one en- sign; total strength, one hundred and twenty-two. The fol- lowing letter, details one of their, expeditions: Col. Butler to Gen. Stark. Schoharie, October 16th, 1778. "Dear General: Last evening, greatly fatigued, I returned from our Indian expedition, and embrace this early opportunity to give you a sketch of it, extracted from my journal. "Oct. 1st. As I intended marching the next day, I detached Lieut. Stevens, with twelve men, a subaltern, and the privates of the militia to the frontiers of the settlement, to guard the roads and passages leading to the enemy to prevent any intel- ligence being carried. "2d. P. M. I marched the troops, consisting of the rifle corps, Fourth Pennsylvania regiment, and twenty rangers, with six days' provisions on their backs, and five on the pack-horses. We moved this day twelve miles, to one Matthias's, without anything material happening. "3d. Marched early this morning; arrived at Mr. Sawyers', on the head of Delaware, being fifteen miles. Rainy, disagreeable weather, and very bad road. "4th. The weather being clear, about ten o'clock A. M., pro- ceeded to Cowley's, down the Delaware, ten miles. "5th. Continued down the course of the Delaware fifteen miles further; we then left it and struck across the mountains for the Susquehannah. This day we marched eighteen miles. "6th. Began our march early this morning, and at dusk ar- rived within eight miles of the Unadilla settlement. I here de- tached Lieuts. Stevens and Long with small parties to make prisoners of some inhabitants who lived within four miles of FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1027 the Unadilla. I then continued my road in the night, in order to be better concealed, and within a smaller distance from the settlement, from whence I might make the attack early in the morning. But after having marched about seven miles, I met the parties who were detached with one prisoner; he told me that the enemy had left the place some days before, and were gone for Anaquago. This day marched twenty-four miles. "7th. Early this morning detached Lieut Stevens with a few men to Unadilla, to make a prisoner of one Glagford, who I in- tended should guide me to Anaquago. This he effected, and after the troops had cooked their provisions and rested them- selves a little, we marched five miles beyond the Unam Northampton county. I^ainar township, in Centre (now Clinton), was named for him in August. 1817, by Judge Jona. Walker. CONTINENTAL LINE. Captains. Scull, Edward, of Reading, from adjutant of Col. Henry Hal- ler's battalion. Flying Camp, January 3, 1777. Gray, William, from lieutenant of Miles', January 3, 1777; re- tired January 1, 1781. Fishbourne, Benjamin, from Second battalion, January 3, 1777; aid-de-camp to Gen. Wayne. McGowan, John, from Miles' January 3, 1777; brigade major, October, 1777; wounded at Germantown; transferred to In- valid corps, February 3, 1781, aged 44 years. Jan. 1786, see pen. papers. Burd, Benjamin,* from First Penn'a, January 3, 1777. Cross, William, from Moylan's January 3, 1777. Connelly, Robert, from lieutenant Third battalion, January 3, 1777; became supernumerary July, 1778; resided in Lycom- ing county, 1810. Mears, John, of Reading, July 3, 1777; served until May 26, 1778; wounded at Brandy wine; founder of the town of Catawissa, where he died in 1819. Williams, Joshua,t joined October 21, 1777; became supernu- merary July, 1778. Tudor, George, from Third battalion, joined after his exchange in May, 1778, at Schoharie; promoted major of Fifth, to date from April 17, 1780. Bettin, Adam, from Third battalion, joined after his exchange in April, 1778; transferred to Tenth Penn'a, as captain lieu- tenant. Bicker, Henry, Jr., from Third battalion, May 15, 1778; joined after his exchange. Duguid, John, from first lieutenant, Third battalion, was not exchanged until October 25, 1780; died in August, 1787. Brown, David, from first lieutenant; resigned April 17, 1779. Henderson, William, from lieutenant. May 16, 1778, succeeding Capt. Edward Scull. *NOTE.— From his statement, it appears "he participated in the battles of Trenton and Princeton (as lieutenant of First Penna); commanded the left platoon of Gen. Wayne's division at Brandywine; acting as major after Major Lamar fell at Paoli; acting as such at Germantown. After the battle at Monmouth, he was detached with the rest of the regiment to New York, after which he retired from the army." He settled at Fort Littleton, then moved into Bedford, where he died October 5th, 1823, aged seventy. tCapt. Williams was commissioned May 25, 1775, adjutant of Fifth bat- talion of associators of York county, and captain of a company in the Flying Camp, September, 1776. He then raised an independent company of which Alexander Ramsey was a lieutenant, which was annexed to Fourth Penn'a, October 21, 1777. Capt. Williams died at Bellefonte, De- cember 12, 1825, aged eighty-one. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 103S Sproat, William, from captain lieutenant. April 17, 1771); trans- ferred to the Third Penn'a, January 17, 1781. Campbell, Thomas, from captain lieutenant, January 1, 17S1. Captain Lieutenants. Brown, David, from first lieutenant; promoted captain. Sproat, William,* to be captain, vice Capt. David Brown, re- signed, April 17, 1779. Campbell, Thomas,* from lieutenant; promoted, vice Capt. Lieut. Sproat, promoted. First Lieutenants. Fitz, Randolph, Edward, January 3, 1777; resigned May 10, 1779. Calhoun, William, January 3, 1777; prisoner of war, November 1, 1777. Henderson, William, from ensign of Atlee's, January 3, 1777; promoted captain, May 16, 1778. Lewis, Abraham, January 3, 1777; prisoner of war, November 1, 1777; became supernumerary, July, 1778. Brown, David, February 18, 1777; first lieutenant of Capt. Burd's company. Campbell, Thomas, January 3, 1777; wounded at Germautown; promoted captain lieutenant vice Sproat. Sproat, William, from ensign of Maryland associators, January 3, 1777. Dover, John, from Third Battalion, January 3, 1777; resided in Philadelphia, 1835. Ramsey, Alexander, of Capt. Williams' independent company; resigned May 26, 1779, on account of promotions over him. Stediford, Garret, from Third battalion; joined after his ex- change in 1778; resigned May 23, 1781. Blewer, George, from second lieutenant. May 16, 1778; a pris- oner of war, October 4, 1777, to January 29, 1781. Beatty, Erkuries, from second lieutenant, June 2, 1778. Summers, Peter, from second lieutenant, June 2, 1778; resigned April 1, 1781. Boss, George (adjutant), June 4, 1778. Potan, Matthew, from second lieutenant. May 11, 1779; re- signed December 31, 1779. Bevins, Wilder, May 11, 1779. •See. Col. Records, vol. xil. page 356. 1034 CONTINENTAL LINE. Pratt, John, vice Lieut. Thomas Campbell, promoted. Henley, Henry, from ensign, vice Lieut. Fritz Randolph, re- signed. Second Lieutenants. Blewer, George, captured at Germantown, October 4, 1777; pro- moted first lieutenant. May 16, 1778. Gray, Samuel, became supernumerary, July, 1778. Lewis, John, January 3, 1777; became supernumerary, July, 1778. Simms, William, January 3, 1777; resigned November, 1777. Elliott, John, on return of June 30, 1777; retired the service, February, 1778; died in Stark county, Ohio, August 29, 1826, aged eighty-one. Ccates, Isaac, of Philadelphia, on return of June 30, 1777. Armor, James, of Salisbury township, Lancaster county; on return of June 30, 1777. Beatty, Erkuries, May 2, 1777; wounded at Germantown; pro- mote first lieutenant, June 2, 1778.* Summers, Peter, from ensign, October 18, 1777; promoted first lieutenant, June 2, 1778. Potan, Matthew, from ensign; promoted first lieutenant May 11, 1779. Ensigns. Beatty, Erkuries, January 2, 1777; promoted second lieutenant, May 2, 1777. Summers, Peter, of Philadelphia, January 2, 1777; promoted second lieutenant, October 18, 1777. Wilson, James, January 3, 1777; resided in Trumbull county, Ohio, 1834, aged eighty-seven. Steel, Robert, from Hendricks' company, Thompson rifies, January 3, 1777. Carpenter, Samuel, January 3, 1777. Potan, Matthew, January 3, 1777; promoted second lieutenant. Bevins, Wilder, promoted lieutenant May 11, 1779. Gamble, James, entitled to first lieutenant's commission from January 1, 1781; transferred to second lieutenant in artil- lery January 1, 1783. Pratt, John.t to be lieutenant, vice Campbell, promoted; re- turn of August 1, 1780, makes him ensign, July 1, 1779 — lieutenant, January 1, 1780; paid as lieutenant from April 11, 1779. *See Col. Recoid.s, vol. xii. S.57. tCol. Records, vol. xii, 357: ibid.. 427. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1035 Henley, Henry,* to be lieutenant, vice Lieut. Fritz RaudcHijh resigned, May 10, 1779; a return of August 1, 1780, makes him ensign, July 2, 1779— lieutenant, April 17, 1780. Henderson, Andrew, July 4, 1779. Smith, Nathaniel, of Carlisle, appointed July 5, 1779, by Gen- eral Sullivan; promoted lieutenant, July 23, 1780. Rose, John, from Seventh Penn'a; returned August 9, 1781, as in the Fourth Penn'a, transferred to Third as lieutenant, January 1, 1783. Adjutants. Boss, George, January 3, 1777, to June 30, 1777. Sproat, William, June 30, 1777, to December 17, 1777. Boss, George, December 17, 1777 — May 17, 1780. Beatty, Erkuries, May 17, 1780. Barton, Benjamin, acting adjutant, August 15, 1780. Paymasters. Hunter, James, of East Whiteland township, Chester county, from January 31, 1777, to June 1, 1779; rank of captain. Beatty, Erkuries, June 1, 1779, to May 17, 1780. McGowan, John, May 17, 1780. Quarter-Masters. Davis, John. Summers, Peter, from March 9, 1778, to May 18, 1780. Surgeons. McCarter, Charles, from January 1, 1779; return of August 1, 1780. Jones, James, from surgeon's mate of Sixth Penn'a; resided in Kent county, Delaware, 1828. Surgeon's Mates. Jones, James, appointed February 16, 1778; acting as surgeon from 1777 to 1779; transferred to Sixth Penn'a, May 1, 1779. Wilkins, John, April 8, 1780. •Col. Records, vol. xil, 357; ibid.. 427. 1036 CONTINENTAL LINE. 1 CLOATHING RETURN OF THE 4TH P. R. OF FOOT COM'D BY COL. BUTLER. 1ST NOVEMBER, 1777. (c.) Compani .ill . ^ t ^ 5 ^l« illllis w Capt. Sculls, ... Grays, Flshbourn, McGowen, Burd Cross, Connelly, Means, ... Total 4 :s| 6 10 12 ' 10 10 11 12 1 3 6 13 10 18 5S 94 10 19 I 15 IS 8 S 13 15 10 10 14 14 4 3 18 20 18 19 98 107 10 1 5 7 14 12 16 3 2 11 11 5 20 1 3 90 8 12 S. SCULLS, Capt. Comm'd 4th P. Reg't. A RETURN OF THE 4Tn PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, COMMANDED BY COLONEL LAMBERT CADWALADER, JUNE 6, 1777. (c.) s:: 1 o U 6 E 1 g 1 1 1 1 . R bo 13 u X. c5 1 >> 1 i .2 I 1 E E S o O ^ w <; «a 1 a •a "C c ■c c c •c ■a 'z •c 1-3 o t: W B ■o 1 ii 1 ■c i: ■a •paisaiiv tuoq.Vl Xa c c 1 1 Plunket Fleeson, Benj. Paschall,.. Phillip Boehm, .. Plunk't Fleeson, c c V 6 c c o c i ; c •sjBiioa -ana X^unoa t :::::::: : •sjBiioa -pfBa Aiunoa i§§§§ias§iii§aiii§ •JBAi. eqi Suuna -JO saBai eajqx aojAaag jo aiuix During the war, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. •;uaui}snna jo s^va 8th Sept'r, .. 9th do. 7th do. 10th do. 11th do. 14th do. 13th do. 17th do. 17th do. 12th do. 17th do. 21 do. 27 do. 9th Octob'r,.. 10th do. 10th do. 11th do. 15th do. n's Names. 1 "a 1 < 1 c 1 w 'Si ^ 1 £ 1 ! c < £ i c-c«5c5& = S ^iQlls-SaiS^I £ I i ^ I ^ FOURTH PENxNlSYLVANIA. 1051 SeSSSIeSSiSSSSiSic'iSicSMNcSri :::::: O :: t; ::::::: : M M i 15 i ;^ ; : M ; M ; ::::::-::§:::::::: :::::: "3 :: "o ::::::: : ; : ; M i I ! ; 2 M ; M ; : ; ; : i i ! i'^ : :« : : i : i M : :'■:■■■■ "o" :: ■ ■ ' ° ' ' a : : 1 Ml 6 6 6 6 6 6 : 6 6 : o o c o (3 : : ji 'O'O'O'O'O'O .'O'O •'O'O'O'O ■ • • S Oi O c3 oi "P W -. .- ^ - _ M & & 5 b b ^ E o n^ rt ', ° % 6 o u ^S ^ ^ ss§3S3Si3asaags??s?ssss ' E " -o 5 Qfe g ^ d d ^ 3 O O O < H H H o o ■2 > a! > c fc o " o tc c ♦; =: a 15 1052 CONTINENTAL LINE. a fQ CQ O ^ . I" 8S fa z O Q ^§ tl' o o u <3 . H O Q U fa O H fa >^ X H O £ S o c •69J!^ ? siurua ::j ^ •S;UB3CJ3S Sg ^ •SJOf-BK ajijl '^ '^ UofBH uinja -l-l •;3jas -JK ••■& c, I •JOfBIV ?,P3S c, a iti 1 •suoaSiiis -^ M c •sjjM f) TH W ,M s £: •SJ.TO iC-BJ " - tu •s,;nfpv rH w o •susisua -< ^ 9> ■s.:)n9tT: -- . . m Ig •pajaajsu-BJX ^ •paijasaa 1^ §« . >* n ■paSa^qosia "^ < : ^ ^ Q •pBsa w p o ■aiU ?y MUCH i" |S sajsj ?y stutwa :« » S 1^ .8 •sjuBsfjas : -' " S •IBJOi Is M o Ix, ■qSnoiJnj uq -< : - ta B O H 1 ■puBUiiuoo uo ^S 5K 3 •juasqB HOIS -1-1! : K •luasajd Jisjs CO ire |"IM H Q •X4na JOJ lU 1,S3Jd g| § 1 ; H ffi H fa O z tf £ t3 s H g W bfi tf £ "mi : JH a hJ £ d _• £ ffi 5=5 2 . H S £ f L s J5 O 1* ts S i if jfi '•^ CONTINENTAL LINE. ^ s •a C d^^ 5 H « W =. 1 » ^ U5 ' .ccw. |- m • . tc • a X ¥ c bo .s - m tT >- >" J3 & ° "^ S m g cc ^ ^ 3 .^^& W w II li d >><'^< » . c 1 ^gggg m f £>:.■.-.- .Q § c c; 13 O S o|-^ E . si JS xi si '■" ■^ ^ rH r-l rt ,H oT •' ■ d : 1 <^ o • p If 11 a a ci^ i E E E = ~ E E E 5<55| ^ E E E 1 ® » ^ = j656 <<< c .. . c it ii& i^ >, >> s c" g c coo o U "S ■§ ■5, CC «2 CC m d d « „ c ' ' fc - ■

^a ►J J ^ l§l c S 5 E g § 6qo (= c^ OoO lie t; t- ? S aJ i; w M fi FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1055 LIST OF SOLDIERS KILLED ON GENERAL SULLIVAN'S EXSPEDETION TO THE WESTERD IN THE YEAR 1779. BELONGING TO THE FORTH REGIMENT OF PENNSA. COMMANDED BY COL. WILLIAM BUTLER ON THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1779. (c.) In the Jennesee Countrey. Thomas McEllwayn. Co. William Faughey. William Hervey. Jamas McElboy. John Correry. John Miller. Killed at the Battle of the Greensprings in the State of Vir- ginia on the fifth Day of July, 1781. Joseph Tayler. Patt. McGaw Wounded and Died at Williamsburg. THOS. CAMPBELL, Leat. Capt. 4 Regt. P. 1056 CONTINENTAL LINK. sXBa t- XJ ,Q ^ ^ fo ft fe 5 -_ " o o o = -■3 S S E ■jj CO a o o o s5 q £ £ li; '■S'S : iSS ssss 00»u, l§" : '•■'S 3^S •^ CT> f .c^^^c ^ M^ :«, ^C4 rH « (M : ^ V ""' -0. '1 1 < 1 1 Serjt do do do Corpl do do Private, do do do do do do do do do do Drum Fifer i E £ t "1 5 C C ■- "e -1 £ 1 c > 11 1^ £ 1 1 ? C c 1^ 1 £ 5 K s. is C c FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1059 CAPT. ADAM BETTIN'S COMPANY, (a.) Sergeant. Beggs, Thomas, June 1, 1778; sergeant from January 1, 177' the Third regiment. Corporals. Lynch, Michael, May 13, 1777. Lillicrop, John, March 2, 1778; corporal February 1, 1780. Privates. Antrum, John, March 6, 1778. Boyer, Philip, April 3, 1777. Leavitt, Christian, March 5, 1777. Lewis, Samuel, May 7, 1777. Page, James, March 21, 1778. Stone, Hugh, May 7, 1777. CAPT. GEORGE TUDORS COMPANY, (a.) Sergeant. Jones, Thomas, February 7, 1777; corporal to February 28, 1780. Corporals. Sloan, John, May 1, 1779; private from February 7, 1777. Hunter, Samuel, February 8, 1780; private from February 7, 1777. Keenan, Nicholas, February 8, 1780; private from February 7 1777. Privates. Farrol, William, April 1, 1777. Hartney. Patrick, February 8. 1777. McNamara, Dennis, May 13, 1777. Maloney, William, March ], 1777. 1060 CONTINENTAL LINE. Nixon, John, August 1, 1777. Patterson, Daniel, July 4, 1777. Roach, Sadler, May 20, 1777. Sullivan, Owen, March 10, 1777. Wilmott, John, April 23, 1777. ROLL OF CAPT. FISHBOURNE'S COMPANY, (a.) (This Roll is incomplete.) Sergeants. Ogleby, George, March 15, 1777. Knox, George, March 15, 1777; discharged January 1, 17S0. McPike, James, January 1, 1777. Marford, John, February 15, 1777; died May 1, 1778. Stett, Isaac, February 15, 1777; promoted February 11, 1780. Corporals. Johnston, George, March 6, 1777; promoted February 11, 1780 Maiz, John, May 1, 1777; promoted February 11, 1780. Drummer. Bouden, John, April 14, 1777. Privates. Brown, John^ March 18, 1777. Brown, William, May 1, 1777. Campbell, James, March 22, 1778. Colts, John, April 25, 1777; died November 16, 1777. Disman, John, January 15, 1777. Divine, Hugh, August 8, 17/7. Harman, Michael, May 5, 1777. Harrigan, Cornelius, April 1, 1777; discharged April 1. 1778. Isanogle, Thomas, June 1, 1778. Keef, Benjamin, June 1, 1777; Invalid corps. August 17, 1778. Keenan, John, August 1, 1778. Lyons, William, May 2, 1777; Invalid corps, July 4, 1778. McGee, James, January 1, 1777. Martin, Claudius, March 1, 1778. Miller, Charles, January 1, 1777. Miller, Daniel, April 7, 1777. Moore, John, June 1, 1777; died March 2, 1778. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1061 Moser, Christopher, March 31, 1777. Oldwine, Bernard, June 1, 1778. Parks, Thomas, May 5, 1777. Patterson, Christopher, January 15, 1777. Rice, David, May 2, 1777; died April 3, 1778. Saunders, Abraham, June 2G, 1777. Stanford, Henry, July 4, 1778. Stoner, Casper, April 15, 1777. Teats, Martin, April 11, 1777. Warner, Peter, April 25, 1777; Invalid corps. June 4, 1777. Wice, James, July 14, 1777. ROLL OF LATE CAPT. GEORGE TUDOR'S COMPANY, (a.) (This Roll is incomplete.) [This company was commanded by Capt. Mears until Capt. Tudor's return from captivity, which accounts for the retire- ment of Capt. Mears, May 26, 1778.) Sergeants. Smith, William, February 7, 1777. Cochran, John, February 25, 1778. Jones, Thomas, February 17, 1777: corporal to February 24, 1780. Richard, James, May 10, 1777. Corporals. Sloan, John, February 7, 1777; promoted May 1, 1779. Hunter, Samuel, February 7, 1777; promoted February 8, 1780. Keemer, Nicholas, April 23, 1777; promoted February 8. 1780. Drummer. Baker, John, April 9, 1777. Fifer. Brown, Sylvanus, February 6. 178(i. 1062 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Devolt, John, March 2, 1778. Farrall, "William, April 1, 1777; re-enlisted in artillery, 1781; discharged July 13, 1783; in the battles of Trenton, Brandy- wine, and Paoli; wounded in the head and arm at Paoli; resided in Mercersburg in 1818. Hartney, Patrick, February 8, 1777. Maloney, William, March 1, 1777. McDonark, James, April 1, 1777. McNamara, Dennis, May 13, 1777. Nixon, John, August 1, 1777. Patterson, Daniel, July 4, 1777. Roach, Sadler, May 20, 1777. Sullivan, Owen, May 10, 1777. Wilmot, John, April 23, 1777. CAPT. BENJAMIN FISHBOURNE'S COMPANY, (a.) Corporals. Brown, John. Maiz, John. Harmand, Michael, corporal from March 1, 1780. Privates. Keenan, John. Martin, Claudius. Miller, Charles. Parkes, Thomas, absent. Teats, Martin. Stanford, Henry. LIEUTENANT COLONEL BUTLER'S COMPANY, (a.) (This Roll is incomplete.) Sergeant-Major. Allison, John, April 15, 1778. Quarter-master Sergeant. Cook, Thomas, January 22, 1777. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1063 Drum-Major. Spauling, Johu, September 7, 1778. Fife-Major. James, William, February 10, 1777. Sergeants. Faulkner, Alexander, May 28, 1777. Eaton, Henry, March 17, 1777. Lower, Joseph, January 16, 1777. Corporals. Rogers, Andrew, May 2, 1778. Stewart, James, February 10, 1777; taken by the enemy, March 4, 1780. Privates. Davisheiter, Henry, May 6, 1778. Good, Daniel, January 2, 1780. Granger, George, January 2, 1780. Hazelhurst, John, March 2, 1778. Henise, John, October 21, 1779; taken prisoner, April 25, 1780. Hutchison, John, February 7, 1777; taken prisoner, April 25. 1780. Jones, Thomas, January 2, 1780. Lesbeck, Anthony, March 1, 1777. McSwine, George, February 17, 1777. Noble, William, September 17, 1778. Seebrook, Nathan, February 1, 1777. Lieut. Col. Butler's company. Major Parr's, Capt. Bicker's, and Capt. Bettin's companies have been returned, the others cannot be had at this time. August 15, 1780. BENJAMIN BARTON. Acting Adjutant. 1064 CONTINENTAL LINE. 5ig to M mO ^ *0 "O "O 'O o 5 o 5S5 'e&va 5^- S" S" » §f S ^- '^- S" ;2; S" ?f "E^ff c3 •Sg'<3c3c5p,c5c.«S"Sp.dac.t3 S fe tc S S S <: S <; S i^fa <; S <: <: ^ V rH- C) ?3 s - "■ ^ S S « 5 ..rsgoi oog'3>oooooooooooooooo O Q CM ^ ; i ■ - j ^ - ■ : - 1 ■ - ■ • - ■ : &fc 1 ^lllllll^ ' o -S I § « i ° 2 S € = 2 I ^ ,S^P«^^2wSfc^ S -«*P FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1065 ^ (U u :: .i: .X .a: ;- cs so u: h h H s«sa?3' 'S'^SSJSSS : iass c»s.oj5o . » r- e, o u, «, «> u, ^ g « ^.c^«„. '"-""""""--" E; f: ,-- f- Ef - f2 ^- ff ^- p Ef |! £ f2 • . ^J u ,■ ^ a> C ^ iS u t^ C ,■ ,■ ^^ ^ S S S ^ ^- o- g. d d > ct C Q fc CC O Oh d d d d d d "O -O "O "O -C "O c|^"«"«r = ,°, S = W b o '-' « g "2 5 t?. 'J -5 = C d o C :F bix: 1066 CONTINENTAL LINE. Hp: o . S S g 1-5 -< .° S S H S JJ o p o p S £ fe £ [li 5-c - c c c Ki rt cfi a c a '^^ ^^[i rt 3 I: I § c. 2 O << l2 m S D § § I " " ^' S" =5 * 5^ .2 .2 .2; .2 ^- ^ «• .2 -a c c c c c — ■o FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1067 ARRANGEMENT OF THE FOURTH REGIMENT, JANUARY 17, 1781. (c.) Lieutenant Colonel Commandant. Butler, William, retired the service January 1, 1783; died at Pittsburgh, 1789; buried in Trinity church-yard. Majors. Vernon, Fredericl<, of the Eighth, commissioned June 7, 1777; transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Edward, Evan, of Eleventh, December 16, 1778; retired the ser- vice January 1, 1783. Captains. Fishbourne, Benjamin, transferred to the First, January 1, 1783. Alexander, John, of the Seventh, March 20, 1777; resigned July, 1781; died August 4, 1804, at Carlisle, aged fifty-one. Parlier, Alexander, of the Seventh, March 20, 1777; transferred to the Second, January 1, 1783. Montgomery, Samuel, of the Seventh, March 20, 1777; shot through the foot July 6, 1781, and returned home; trans- ferred to Third Penn'a January 1, 1783. Irvine, Andrew, of the Seventh, March 20, 1777; transferred to the First, January 1, 1783. Carnahan, James, of the Eighth, April 18, 1777; transferred to the Second, January 1, 1783. Becker, Henry, retired January 1, 1783. Henderson, William, retired January 1, 1783; resided in Chester county. Campbell, Thomas, January 1, 1781; retired January 1. 1783; senator from York county, 1810; died at Monaghan, York county, 1815. Lieutenants. Bryson, Samuel, from the Seventh, March 20, 1777; wounded in right leg at Germantown; transferred to the Second. January 1, 1783. McMichael, James, of the Seventh, June 20, 1777; transferred to the First, January 1, 1783. 1068 CONTINENTAL LINE. Stediford, Garret. October 12, 1777; retired May 23, 1781; resided in New York city in 1817. Blewer, George, transferred to First Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Beatty, Erliuries, transferred to Tliird Penn'a, January 1, 1783 Summers, Peter, resigned April 1, 1781. Boss, George, transferred to Invalid corps, January 29, 1781. Peebles, Robert, of the Seventh, April 15, 1779; transferred to the Third, January 1, 1783. Milligan, James, of the Seventh, April 16, 1779; transferred to the First, January 1, 1783. McCullom, John, April 16, 1779; transferred to Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Hughes, John, of the Seventh, April 25, 1779. Bevins, Wilder, transferred to Second Penn'a, January 1, 1783. Pratt, John, no date of commission inserted; transferred to Third, January 1, 1783. Henley, Henry,* January 1, 1780; transferred to the Second, January 1, 1783. Ensign. Henderson, Andrew, July 4, 1779; promoted lieutenant July 29, 1781; transferred to Second Pennsylvania, January 1, 1783. Surgeons. Magaw, William, of Thompson's, transferred to First. Jones, James, from surgeon's mate of Sixth; retired January 1, 1781; resided in Kent county, Delaware, December, 1818. Surgeon's Mates. Jones, James, transferred to Sixth. Wilkins, John, transferred to First Penn'a. I ROLL OF MAJOR THOMAS CHURCH'S COMPANY, FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA LINE, WITH DATES OF ENLIST- MENT, (e.) Sergeants. Michael Redman, January 15, 1777; Promoted Sergeant October 5, 1777. ♦Written in, not printed, as the rest are. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 10C9 Alexander King, February 10, 1777; Corporal to February 11 1780. George Donnelly, June 17, 1777; Corporal to June 7, 1780. Corporals. Mathew Hamilton, February 11, 1777. Johu Ward, March 5, 1778; Promoted Corporal July G, 1780. Fifer. Abraham Vanbrimer, March 1, 1779. Privates. Joseph Camp, January 1, 1777; Promoted Corporal May 2, 1778; Sergeant June 19, 1780. John Chickney, October 28, 1778. John McCormack, August 1, 1777. John Garvey, January 1, 1777. Thomas Harvey, February 25, 1777. Stophel Mingle, May 11, 1778. Henry Harmody, June 28, 1778. Mauns Shank, May 12, 1778. Frederick Hill, May 12, 1778. Casper Slicker, March 10, 1778. Abraham Hodge, January 1, 1777. Edward Lafferty, March 11, 1778. Christian Beagle, May 12, 1778. John Martin, February 10, 1777. William Reed, October 15, 1778; Promoted Corporal Feb. 1. 1781. THE FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, AS IT STOOD WHEN PAID AT CARLISLE IN APRIL, 1781. (a.) CoL William Butler's Company. Sergeant-Major. Allison, John, April 15, 1778. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Cook, Thomas. aJnuary 22. 1777; in the Second regiment from the 1st of January. 1070 CONTINENTAL LINE. Drum-Major. Spalding, John, September 7, 1778; drum major all the time. Sergeant. Eaton, Henry, March 17, 1777. Corporals. Rodgers, Andrew, May 2, 1778. Stewart, James, February 7, 1777; not here. Privates. Davisheiter, Henry, May 6, 1778. Noble, William, September 17, 1778. McSwine, George, February 16, 1777. RETURN OF DESERTERS FROM FOURTH PENN'A, COM- MANDED BY WILLIAM BUTLER, CARLISLE, JUNE 6, 1781. (a.) Closs, John, sergeant; age thirty; bricklayer; Ireland; sprained. Carcass, Conrad, age forty-nine; shoemaker; Pennsylvania; German descent. Carney, John, age twenty; tobacconist; Ireland. Conway, James, age twenty-nine; Ireland. Cashedy, William, age twenty-two; Ireland; pox-marked. Daily, John, age thirty; tailor; Ireland; Lancaster. Hendry, John, age twenty-five; Ireland. Hunt, Thomas, age twenty-seven; shoemaker; ruptured. Leed, Jacob, age twenty-five; Pennsylvania; Lancaster. McCann, William, age thirty; tailor; Ireland; squints and ad- dicted to strong drink. McLau, David, age thirty; Ireland; addicted to strong drink. Malcolm, Charles, age twenty-two; Ireland. Martin, Patrick, age thirty-one; tailor; Dublin, Ireland; ad- dicted to strong drink. Marshall, William, shoemaker; Ireland. O'Narra, Francis, Ireland; very much of a blackguard. Pew, Eli, shoemaker; Pennsylvania. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1071 Shoemaker, John, tailor; Pennsylvania; Easton; German. Smith, John, age twenty-nine; shoemaker; England. Smith, Peter, age thirty; Ireland; pitted with smallpox. Spinkhouse, Anthony, age twenty-eight; tailor; Spain; has a great turn for dealing. Travis, Andrew, age twenty-five; Dublin; formerly of Second Penn'a. Tronzo, Jacob, age forty; Germany. Walker, Samuel, age sixteen; drummer; of Lancaster, Penn- sylvania. Wilkinson, Christopher; age twenty-five; England. SUBSEQUENT PROMOTIONS OF FOURTH PENNSYLVA- NIA, (a.) Captain. Stephenson, Stephen, from captain lieutenant of Ninth, July 11, 1781, vice Capt. John Alexander, resigned. Lieutenants. Henderson, Andrew, from ensign, January 29, 17S1, vice Lieut. George Boss, transferred to Invalid corps. Rose, John, from ensign, April 1, 17S1, vice Peter Summers re- signed. Denny, Ebenezer, from ensign in the Seventh. May 23, 1781, vice Lieut. Garret Stediford resigned. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES OF THE FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. CONTINENTAL LINE, (a.) Sergeant-Major. Allison, John, enlisted in 1776. attached to Capt. Thomas Camp- bell's company; served during the war; resided In Adams county, in 1835, aged eighty-seven. 1072 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Adams, John, February 7, 1777—1781; resided in Northumber- land county, 1820. Allen, Daniel, taken at Fort Washington; on his return home enlisted in Fourth Penn'a by Lieut. S. Gray; petitioned the council for his discharge in December, 1776, being an old man, &c. Allen, James. Allen, John, resided in Columbia county, 1833, aged seventy- seven. Allwine, Barney, May 11, 1778. Anderson, James. Antrim. John, March 6, 1778—1781. Appleby, Thomas, January 1, 1777—1781. Ackley, John, resided in Mifflin county, 1835, aged seventy-one. Atchison, Timothy. Sergeants. Beggs, Moore, March 19, 1777—1781; resided in Harrison coun- ty, Kentucky, 1834, aged ninety-two. Beggs, Thomas, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Buchter, Matthias, enlisted 1777, in Capt. Scull's company; discharged January, 1781; resided in Berks county, 1814. Brown, Isaac, enlisted February, 1776, at Reading, Capt. Scull's company; wounded at Germantown, in left side; seven months prisoner in Jersey prison ship; discharged January, 1781; resided in Bald Eagle township. Centre county, Jan- uary 1821, aged seventy-one. Boyle, John, enlisted in Capt. Campbell's company; after- wards Burd's; resided in Huntingdon county, 1812. Broom, Isaac. Corporals. Bell, John, April 28, 1777. Brown, John, March 18, 1777—1781. Bradshaw, William, February 18, 1777. Boyer, Leban. Butler, Patrick, April 2, 1778. Drummers. Bouden, John, April 14, 1777—1781. Brown, Sylvanus. Baker, John, April 9, 1777—1781. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1073 Privates. Baletz, George, died in Champaign county, Ohio, July 19, lb25, aged ninety-seven. Balsley, John. Bannou, Jeremiah. Bartle, George. Baxter, James, May 4, 1778 — 1781. Beach, Roswell. Beagle, Christian (e), in Henderson's company to September, 1778; afterwards in Major Church's. Beamer, Andrew, April 17, 1777—1781. Been, Henry, April 6, 1777—1781. Bell, Thomas. Benson, John, January 1, 1777—1781; died in Guilford county. North Carolina, November 26, 1828, aged eighty-eight. Berry, James (1st), died in Cumberland county, November 7, 1820, aged seventy. Berry, James (2d), enlisted January 1, 1777. Bidden, John. Bishop, Richard. Blain, John, drafted into Col. Morgan's rifle regiment; wound- ed at Monmouth, in the right leg; resided in Venango county, 1814. Blake, Michael, February 21, 1777—1781. Bodin, John. Bonnel, Paul, transferred to Third Penn'a. Boreland, John. Bower, Frederick. Bowes, William. Boyd, Thomas (e). Boyer, Frederick, resided in Schuylkill county, 1835, aged eighty-five. Boyer, Philip, April 5, 1777—1781. Boyle, John, served two y^ars in Capt. Cross's company, two years and three monthr, in Capt. Fishbourne's; resided in Huntingdon county, 1818, aged sixty-nine. Boyle, Neal. Bradley, John. Bradley, William, resided in Allegheny county. 1822. Brannon, Darby, January 1, 1777—1781. Briggs, John, May 26, 1777—1781; resided in Greene county, Tennessee, in 1833, aged eighty-two. Brown, Archibald. 68— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 1074 CONTINENTAL LINE. Brown, Michael, from Seventh; in sappers and miners; re-en- listed December 3, 1781. Brown, Philip, May 3, 1777—1781. Brown, Thomas, killed in action. Brown, William, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Bruner, John. Brunner (Van) Abraham (e). Bryan, William. Buchanan, George. Bunch, John. Burchell, John. Burchell, William, April 17, 1777—1781. Burke, Francis. Burridge, John. Butler, John (e), in Col. William Butler's company. Byrns, James. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Cook, Thomas, January 22, 1777—1781. Sergeant. Close, John (e), in Scull's company to September, 1778; after- wards in Capt. Lieut, Sproat's. Corporals. Christie, John, April 1, 1777—1781. Clark, Thomas, March 18, 1777—1781. Cochran, George, March 20, 1777—1781. Crawford, Henry. Conroy, James, May 8, 1778. Drummer. Connor, Patrick, March 9, 1777—1781. Fifer. Cogdail, Daniel, March 10, 1777— ir8I. Privates. Caldwell, Thomas. Callaghan, John. Camp, Joseph. Campbell, James. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 107D Carman, William, January 1, 1777 — 17S1. Carnaghan, Richard. Carnalian, James. Carroll, Thomas, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Cassady, William. Cavanaugh, John, resided in York county, 1835. Chambers, James, resided in Allegheny county, Maryland, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Charles, James. Chigney, John, October 28, 1778—1781. Chrisman, Felix, resided in Chester county, 1835, aged seventy- four. Clarke, George, of Capt. Thomas Campbell's company; died at Ashley Hill, South Carolina. Clarke, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Clarke, Robert, March 7, 1777—1781. Clayton, Thomas, September 12, 1778. Cleland, Adam. Clemens, Peter. Clinger, Philip— see Third Penu'a. Clinton, James. Cloase, Jacob. Cochran, Blaney. Cochran, John, February 25, 1778—1781. Cody, William, March 2, 1777—1781. Cole, David. Coleman, Patrick, resided in State of Delaware, 1835. Colkendoll, George. Coilings, John. CoUings, Richard. Coilings, Robert. Coilings, William. Conn, Adam, January 5, 1777—1781. Conner, Charles, January 1, 1777—1781. Conner, Martin. Connelly, Andrew. Cooling, George. Coulter, John. Courtney, Cornelius. Cowey, John. Crain, John, 1776—1781. Creamer, Francis. Creamer, Jacob, resided in New Castle county. Delaware. 1818. Cremer, William. lOfe CONTINENTAL LINE. Crotty, Andrew, enlisted 1776; wounded at Stony Point in the hip; discharged August 18, 1783; resided in Yorlv county, 1812. Crow, Christian — see First Penn'a. Cunningham, Matthew, May 24, 1777—1781. Curty, Francis, June 12, 1777—1781. Cushing, Anthony. Sergeant-Major. Donnell, John, April 4, 1777—1781. Sergeants. Dunbar, John, Icilled in action. Davidson, Edward, January 1, 1777—1781. Corporals. Deal, Jacob, January 1, 1777—1781. Dickenson, James, March 17, 1777—1781. Donnelly, George. Privates. Dailey, John, resided in Mercer county, 1835. Davidson, James, January 1, 1777—1781. Davis, David, January 1, 1777— 178L Davis, Thomas — see Third Penn'a; June 9, 1777; paid off at Carlisle, April, 178L Davisherter, Henry, May 6, 1778—1781. Day, William. Dehomet, Valentine (e), in Henderson's company to 1778; after- ward in Maj. Thomas Church's. Deitz, Martin. Demond, Peter. Dempsey, Patrick, April 16, 1777; Invalid corps, July 2, 1778. Denize, Timothy, 1781. Denmark, John. Derumple, Robert. Dennison, Thomas, October 5, 1778—1781. Desmond, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Detrick, George, died in Lebanon county, August 10, 1826, aged sixty-eight. Devater, John, April 15, 1778. Deveney, Hugh. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1077 Devine, Bernard. Devine, Hugh. Devolt, John. Dewees, William (e), In Edwards' company to 177S; afterwards in Capt. Lieut. Sproat's. Dixon, William, died December 26, 1S26, in Philadelphia coun- ty, aged eighty-three. Drinnen, Arthur. Drudge, John, May 2G, 1778. Donahoo, Patrick. Douglass, Jonas (e), Church's company 1778; afterwards in Capt. William Henderson's. Dougan, John, of Cumru, Berks county; died in 1787; left a widow, nee Mary Evans. Downey, Patrick. DufReld, Felix. Duffield, John. Sergeants. Eaton, Henry, March 17, 1777—1781; died in Gallatin county, Kentucky, June 7, 1829, aged ninety five. Evans, James. Corporals. Evans, John, April 27, 1777—1781; died in Jefferson county, Ohio, May 9, 1826, aged seventy-seven. Estes, Clement, died in Bourbon county, Kentucky, July 30, 1829. Privates. Eckley, Thomas. Ecor, Philip, 1778. Edgar, David, re-enlisted from Ninth, in January, 1781; died in Bucks county, January 15, 1822, aged seventy-one. Eicholtz, John. Elliot, Robert. Ellis, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Elmore, Daniel. Engleth, George, April 25, 1777—1781. English, William, died in Harrison county, Kentucky, May 2, 1827. Entrican. William. March 20, 1777; died in service. Epler, Aaron. Estell, William, resided in Fleming county, Kentucky, 1831. aged seventy-two. 1078 CONTINENTAL LINE. Sergeants. Faulkner, Alexander, May 28, 1777; term expired May 28, 1780; continued in service until 7tli November, 1780, at request of Col. Butler; discharged at Camp Totowa. Frick, Christian. Privates. Fagin, James. Fair, Robert (e), in Church's company, 1778; afterwards in Capt. William Henderson's; resided in Pickens district, South Cadolina, 1834, aged eighty-two. Foulkner, William (e), in Gray's company to 1778; afterwards in Major Church's; resided in Adams county, Ohio, 1834, aged seventy-nine. Fau, Matthew. Felton, Henry, May 12, 1777—1781. Fenton, John, chief's guard; re-enlisted December 19, 1781. Fisher, Henry. Fitzgerald, Edward. Forster, Edward, February 28, 1777—1781. Foster, Charles, Invalid corps, June, 1780. Frapwell, William. Fullerton, Thomas, wounded at Boundbrook in 1778; resided in Crawford county, 1835, aged eighty-four. Sergeants. Gibb, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Gray, William, April 11, 1777—1781. Gregg, Robert, January 1, 1777—1781. Gulford, Thomas. Corporals. Galbraith, Joseph, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Garvin, Henry, January 1, 1777—1781. Glbbony, John, January 20, 1777—1781. " Good, John, April 27, 1777—1781. Privates. Gable, Peter, January 1, 1777—1781. Galbraith, James. Galagher, Daniel. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1079 Galagher, James, April 4, 1777, to Invalid corps; in Hendersou's company to 1778; afterwards in Major Church's October, 1779. Garvey, John, in Henderson's company to 1778; afterwards in Major Church's. Gastmyer, Peter. Gates, Philip. Germain, Henry. Gigney, John. Gilbert, Stephen. Gilbert, William. Gilles, Daniel, killed in action. Glouse, Jacob, January 1, 1777—1781. Gogehan, Joseph, Invalid corps, September, 1777. Gordon, Alexander. Gould, John. Granger, George, enlisted January 2, 1780; resided in LiChigh county, 1833, aged seventy-five. Griffey, "William. Groce, Alexander. Sergeants. Hungerman, Nicholas, of Capt. Mears' company; killed Decem- ber 13, 1779, on the Western expedition. Howe, William Robert, June 4, 1778—1781. Hunter, William, March 11, 1777; transferred to chief's guards; re-enlisted November 3, 1781. Corporals. Hamilton, Matthew, February 11, 1777—1781. Harman, Michael, May 5, 1777—1781. Harrison, Henry. Heister, Jacob. Help, Ludwick, February 6, 1777—1781. Hunter, Samuel, February 7, 1777—1781. Drummers. Heft, George, January 1, 1777—1781. Home, Abraham, April 17, 1777—1781. Hundley, Michael (e), Capt. Bettln's. Privates. Hagan, Patrick, discharged January, 1781; re-enlisted February 23, 1781. 1080 CONTINENTAL LINE. Haires, Samuel. Hamilton, Cumberland, January 1, 1777—1781. Hamilton, James. Hanlin, Patrick. Hannah, Robert (e). Scull's company to 1778; afterwards in Col. Butler's. Harbison, Thomas. Hardy, John (e), in Capt. William Gray's company. Harmody, Henry (e), in Major Church's company. Harding, William. Harper, Richard. Harpham, William. Harris, Simpson, June 15, 1777; died in South Carolina, 1781. Harris, John, resided in Lancaster county, 1813. Harris, William. Harrison, Henry. ^ Hartinger, Isaac. Hartney, Patrick, February 8, 1777—1781. Harvey, Thomas, January 1, 1777 — 1781; paid at Carlisle April, 1781. Harvey, Y/i!liam, killed in action. Hastings, John, January 2, 1777—1781. Havernicker, George. Hazlehurst, John, May 2, 1778, to 1781. Hawkins, John (e), Capt. Connelly's company to July, 1777; afterwards in Capt. Bettin's. Heisler, Jacob. Henise, John, October 21, 1779; taken prisoner April 25. 1780; died June 10, 1819, aged seventy-six, in Franklin county. Henley, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Herter, Henry Davis. Hlggins, James. Hight, Christopher, March 15, 1777, from Col. Spencer's regi- ment. Hill, Alexander. Hill, Frederick, May 10, 1778. in Capt. Robert Connelly's com- pany; resided in Lycoming county, 1833. Hine, Conrod, May 6, 1778—1781. Hodge, Abraham, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Holtman, George. Hughes, James, killed in action. Hunt, William. Hunter, Benjamin. Hutchison, John, March 7, 1777—1781; resided in Ontario coun- ty, New York, 1835, aged seventy. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1081 Hutchinson, William. Hutton, James, May 1. 1778—1781. Hyner, Daniel, January 9, 1777; transferred to chief's guards; written "Himer" in signature to guards, with cross for sig- nature; re-enlisted November 30, 1781. Isonogle, Thomas (e), of Fishbourne's company. Sergeants. Jones, Thomas, February 7, 1777 — 1781. Jones, Edward (e), Capt. McGowan's company. Corporals. Johnston, George, Fishbourne's company, 1777 — 1781. Jones, Thomas, February 7, 1777; promoted sergeant. Privates. Jeffeson, Jestinal, re-enlisted December 19, 1781. Johnston, Hugh, October 20, 1777 — 1781; died in Mason county, Kentucky, April 4, 1823, aged seventy-four. Johnston, James, May 15, 1777—1781. Johnston, John, April 3, 1777 — 1781; died in New York city, February 11, 1828, aged seventy. Johnston, Joseph, lost his left hand; transferred to Invalid corps. Johnston, Samuel, 1777—1783; resided in Cumberland county in 1820. Jones, Thomas, from corporal, February 28, 1780. Justice, Jacob, January 1, 1777—1781; see First Penna. Sergeants. Kain, Michael, February 14, 1777—1781. King, Alexander, served in Capt. Darby's company one year; re-enlisted in Capt. Fishbourne's February 1, 1777; dis- charged January, 1781 ; resided in Huntingdon county, 1813. Corporal. Keimer, Nicholas, April 23, 1777—1781; resided in Fayette county, Indiana, in 1834. 1082 CONTINENTAL LINE. Privates. Kain, Henry. Kearsey, John. Kealing, Thomas. Keelands, John. Keenan, John, August 1, 177S— 1781. Keilan, John. Kelly, Barnabas.. Kelly, Charles. Kelly, Thomas. Kelly, William, January 15, 1777—1781; died in Morris county. New Jersey, April 14, 1820. Kenley, Samuel. Kennedy, Andrew, March 3, 1777—1781. Kenaghan, Richard, March 26, 1777 — 1781. Keys, William, January 12, 1777—1781. Keyser, George. Knox, George, enlisted in 1776; promoted sergeant-major Octo- ber 5, 1777; shot through the body accidentally on the march, at Albany, July 13, 1778; discharged in 1779, and in the commissary department until December 31, 1781; resided in New York city in 1834. Knox, John B., son of Andrew. Sergeants. *Lohr, Joseph, January, 1777 — 1781; in Capt. Connelly's com- pany; resided in Frederick county, Maryland, 1834, aged seventy-five. Lee, James, February 28, 1777—1781. Corporals. Lynch, Michael, May 13, 1777—1781; resided in Delaware coun- ty, 1809. Lillycrop, John, March 2, 1778—1781. Privates. Lackey, Robert, resided in Cumberland county, 1835, aged sev- enty. Lafferty, Edward, March 11, 1778—1781. Laird, John, resided in Sussex county. New Jersey, 1823. •From Capt. Peter Scull's Co. 3rd Penna. Batt., Col. Shee. Taken pris- oner at Fort Washington and confined In New York jail 9 weeks, then paroled. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1083 Larkins, James, died in Harrison couuly, Oliio, July 13, 1S28. aged seventy. Laruer, Robert. Lazarus, Fredericlv. Leabeck, Anthony, November 1, i777— 1781. Lecon, John, April 1, 1777 — 1781. Leverick, Michael. Lewis, Charles, died in Perry county, Ohio, Feliruary Ifi, 1825 aged seventy-eight. Lewis, Samuel, May 7, 1777 — 1781. Leynick, Michael. Lina, John. Little, Thomas. Lloyd, Peter, January 1, 1777—1781. Loudon, Richard, re-enlisted from Seventh Penn'a; dropped dead at his post, at Col. Butler's door. May 3, 1781. Love, Joseph. Lymon, James. Lynch, Lawrence. Lyon, William, Invalid corps, January, 1779. Quarter-Master Sergeant. Morrison, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Sergeants. Mclntire, William, January 14, 1777—1781. Mackey, John. McPike, James. Corporals. McMullen, William, April 4, 1777—1781. McDonald, Alexander, January 1, 1777—1781. Mcllvaine, Thomas, killed in action. Maiz, John, May 1, 1777—1781. Drummer. Murphy, James, March 1, 1777—1781; resided in Nelson county, Kentucky, in 1834, aged seventy-two. Privates. McBride, James (e). Capt. William Gray's company. 1777— 17S0. McCarty, Dennis. McClellan. David. 1084 CONTINENTAL LINE. McClelland, John, resided in Columbia county, 1835, aged sev- enty-seven. McColly, Rooert. McConnell, Charles, January 1, 1777— 178L McCormick, John, August 1, 1777—1781. McCormick, Patrick, April 8, 1777—1781. McCoy, James, killed in action. McCoy, Rory, January 7, 1777—1781. McCune, John, March 4, 1777—1781. McCurdy, James. McDonald, Francis, January 14, 1779 — 1781; died in Philadel- phia county, April 21, 1822. McDonald, Patrick, April 9, 1777—1781. McDonough, James. McElroy, Hugh, Capt. Gray's company; served four years; resided in Cecil township, Washington county, in 1820, aged eighty-nine. McEllevey, Hugh, 1778, in Capt. Campbell's company, dis- charged 1783; resided in Cumberland county, 1813. McFarland, James. McGahy, Andrew. McGarrigan, Daniel, January 1, 1777—1781. McGlaughlin, Bryan. McGuire, John, leg broken in service; died March 10, 1816, in Bucks county. Mclntire, James. Mcintosh, Morgan, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McKevey, Hugh, transferred to Invalid regiment. McKelvey, Thomas, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McKinley, Peter, February 17, 1777—1781. McLain, Charles. McLean, James, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McLean, Thomas. McMahon, Timothy. McManus, Hugh, April 30, 1777—1781. McNamara, Dennis, January 1, 1777 — 1781. McPike, Thomas. McQueen, Daniel. McQueen, John. McSwaine, George, January 16, 1777—1781; see First Penn'a. Madden, Michael. Maddis, John. Magan, Patrick, 1776—1781; paid at Carlisle, April. 1781. Magee, Daniel, April 25, 1777—1781. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1085 Maloney, William, March 1, 1777—1781. Maloney, Archibald, April 2, 1778. Maloy, James. Martin, Claudius, March 1, 1778 — 1781; died in Bucks county, August 19, 1821, aged eighty-three. Martin, John, February 10, 1777—1781. Martin, Patrick, wounded at Brandywiue; died January 2, 1825, in Greene county, aged eighty-four. Matthews, James, March 12, 1777—1781. Matthews, John. Maxfield, Henry. Means, Thomas, February 12, 1777—1781. Mellon, Richard. Mercer, Robert, killed in action. Miller, Charles, January 1, 1777—1781. Miller, Daniel, transferred to sappers and miners. Miller, John, January 12, 1777; killed in action. Miller, Henry. Mingle, Stophel, May 1, 1778—1781. Montgomery, John. Montgomery, William, killed in action. Moore, Gilbert, May 16, 1777—1781. Moore, John, resided in Mercer county, Kentucky, in 1833, aged seventy-seven. Moore, Thomas, September 18, 1778—1781. Moreland, Hugh. Morris, John, discharged 1780; re-enlisted in Capt. Von Heer's troop of horse; resided in Blount county, Tennessee, in 1820, aged seventy-one. Moser, Christian, March 31, 1777 — 1781; resided in Montgomery county, 1834, aged seventy-eight. Moyer, Jacob. 1777, Bicker's company; discharged 1782; resided in Huntingdon county, 1818. Mulholm, Charles. Mullen, Manus (e), McGowan's company to 1778; afterwards in same. Murdoch, Thomas, March 13, 1777. Murphy, Peter. Murray, Daniel, January 1, 1777 — 1781; died in Fairfield county. Connecticut, June 8, 1826, aged seventy-three. Murray, Patrick, January 1, 1777—1781. Sergeant. Nicholson, John, March 15, 1777—1781; resided in Franklin county, 1835, aged seventy-nine. 1086 CONTINENTAL LINE. Corporal. Nation, Daniel, killed in action. Privates. Neeson, George, February 14, 1777 — 1781. Nicholson, William, January 1, 1777—1781; resided in St. Fran- cois county, Missouri, 1833, aged seventy-nine; see First Penn'a. Nixon, John, August 1, 1777—1781. Noble, William, September 17, 1778—1781; afterwards sergeant in Col. Gibson's regiment, and killed at St. Clair's defeat. Noe, John, died in Richmond county. New York, February 2, 1829, aged seventy-five. Noglan, William. Nowey, John. Sergeants. Ogleby, George, 1776—1781; paid at Carlisle, April, 1781. O'Neal, John, 1776—1781. Corporals. Organ, John, from Col. Spencer's regiment, April 1, 1777—1781. Organ, Matthew, enlisted at Bedford January 1, 1777; dis- charged, 1783, at Charleston, South Carolina. He was at the siege of Yorktown, where his father was killed; re- sided in Washington county, 1820, aged sixty-two. Privates. O'Hara, Patrick. Oldwine, Bernard — see First Penn'a. Oldwine, Charles, died in Washington county, Maryland, No- vember 19, 1830, aged seventy-six. O'Neal, Richard. Over, Jacob, April 29, 1777—1781. Owens, John (e), Capt. Mears' company to July, 1777; after- wards in Capt. Lieut. Sproat's; transferred to Invalid corps. May 11, 1779. Sergeants. Prosser, William, March 28, 1777—1781. Pulford, Thomas (e), 1777; left the army April 1, 1780. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1087 Corporal. Piggott, Francis, January 1, 1777—1781. Fifer. Porter, Alexander, April 4, 1777—1781. Privates. Page, James, March 21, 1778—1781. Palmer, Andrew. Parkes, Thomas (e), of Fishbourne's company, 1777 — 1781. Partridge, John — see First Penn'a. Parkinson, Abraham, Capt. Campbell's company; resided at Printer's Retreat, Indiana, 1827. Patterson, Christopher. Patterson, William, February 12, 1777—1781. Patrick, George, February 5, 1777—1781. Payton, James, Invalid corps. May, 1779. Peffenberger, John, Bicker's company. Pensinger, Henry, from Fourth battalion; lost his leg at Ticon- deroga from intense cold, in 1777; resided in Franklin county in 1820, aged sixty. Pepret, Christian, Bush's company, 1777 — 1783; resided at York in 1818, aged sixty-seven. Perry, Samuel. Perry, Thomas, February 28, 1777—1781; resided in Washington county, Ohio, in 1833, aged eighty. Peterson, Daniel, July 4, 1777—1781. Philips, Lewis, April 1, 1780. Pierce, Thomas, w^inkerton, Andrew, February 5, 1777—1781. Popps, Christopher. Postel, Henry. Powell, Lloyd, enlisted in 1778; injured at Monmouth by a fall after the battle; transferred to Invalid corps; died Septem- ber 6, 1804. Free, John. Sergeants. Redman, Michael, January 15. 1777—1781. Reily. Charles, January 6, 1777—1781. Roberts. William. February 21, 1777—1781. Rourk, Andrew. March 28, 1777—1781. 1088 CONTINENTAL LINE:. Corporals. Read, William, October 15, 1778—1781. Rodgers, Andrew, May 2, 1778. Fifer. Robinson, David, May 26, 1777. Privates. Ramsay, William. Ream, David. Reed, Alexander, January 1, 1777. Reed, William, March, 1777—1781, from Spencer's regimeni. Rice, James. Riffett, John. Rion, John, 1778. Ripton, John, died in Virginia, of wounds received at the siege of Yorktown, October 19, 1781. Roach, Sadler, May 20, 1777—1781. Roark, William. Robinson, Alexander. Robinson, James. Rollan, Edward, Capt. Lamar's company, resided in Centre county, 1818. Roseman, David. Rose, John. Rosgrove, Henry. Ruple, Martin (e), wagoner of Burd's company to September, 1778; afterwards in Capt. George Tudor's company. Russell, John. Ryan, Michael. Ryan, Patrick. Rylands, John, Drum-Major. Spaulding, John, September 7, 1778—1781. Fife-Major. Stack, Richard, January 1, 1777. Sergeants. Smith, William, from Second battalion, January 1, 1777—1781; paid at Carlisle in April, 1781; resided iii York county, 1818, aged sixty-nine. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1089 Steel, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Stewart, Charles. Stitt, Isaac. Sullivan, Thomas. Corporals. Sloan, John, February 7, 1777—1781. Sommerville, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Sutherland, William (e). Privates. Saine, John, January 1, 1777 — 1781. Sappinglar, Thomas, 1781. Satwell, Solomon. Saunders, Abraham. Scandridge, Jacob. Sheetz, William. Seabrook, Nathan. Seavolt, Christian, March 4, 1777—1781. Seitel, George, resided in York county, 1822. Shaffer, Andrew, resided in Stark county, Ohio, 1820, aged sixty-three. Shaffer, George, March 4, 1777—1781. Shank, Manus, May 12, 1778—1781. Shannon, James, March 6, 1777—1781. Sharps, George. Shaw, John R. Sherwood, William. Shee, Edward, of Capt. Joshua Williams' company; transferred to Capt. Campbell's, 1776—1783; resided in Chester county, 1814. Shilcut, Ezekiel. Shipe, Casper, May 1, 1777—1781. Shipe, William, April 23, 1777; discharged January, 1781. Shoeman, Andrew, 1776—1783; died in York county, May 16, 1832, aged eighty. Simonds, Isles. Simson, John, Invalid corps, August 2, 1779. Sliker, Casper, March 10, 1778—1781. Slockerman, Christopher. Smeltzer, John, March 17, 1779. Smith, Daniel, April 1, 1777—1781; from Spencer's regiment. Smith, Jacob. 69— Vol. II— 5th Ser. 1090 CONTINENTAL LINE. Smith, Matthew. Smith, Nathaniel. Smith, Samuel, January 1, 1777, transferred to Invalid corps; died April 16, 1800. Smith, Thomas, died March 5, 1826, in Mercer county, aged seventy-six. Snyder, Detrick. Stanford, Henry, September 14, 1778—1781. ^Stewart, James, resided in Dauphin county, 1835, aged seventy- nine. Stewart, Hugh, April 1, 177/ — 1781; from Spencer's regiment; died in Franklin county, January 20, 182-3, aged seventy- four. Stone, Hugh, May 7, 1777—1781. Stone, Casper, April 25, 1777; wounded at Germantown; dis- charged January, 1781; resided in Berks county, 1810; in Stark county, Ohio, 1820, aged sixty-one. Socks, Andrew, May 15, 1777 — 1781; Capt. McGowan's company; resided in Montgomery county, 1822. Soobley, Stephen. Spalding, John. Speigle, Laurence, died May 21, 1824, in Columbia county. Stephenson, Stephen. Sullivan, Daniel. Sullivan, Murty, January 12, 1777—1781. Sullivan, Owen, March 10, 1777—1781. Privates. Tachey, William, killed in action. Taylor, John. Teats, Martin, April 1, 1777—1781. Templer, Thomas. Thackery, Thomas. Thompson, James. Thompson, Nathan. Thomas, Martin, October 7, 1778—1781. Todd, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Travish, Andrew. Trebell. John, May 3, 1777. Updegrove, John (e), in Butler's company to September, 177 afterward's in Capt. Lieut. Sproat's. Upton, Michael. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. Sergeant. Van Kirk, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Corporal. Vernon, Robert, January 1, 1777—1781. Drummer. Vincent, Jolm, July 13, 1778. Van Brimer, Abraham, of Capt. William Henderson's company, 1777—1781. Fife-Major. Williams, James (e), February 10, 1777; in Scull's company to September 1, 1778; afterwards in Col. Butler's. Sergeant. Winn, John, January 7, 1777—1781. Corporals. Ward, John, March 5, 1778—1781. Woodsworth, Richard, February 1.3, 1777—1781. Fifers. Wann, John, January 1, 1777—1781. Wisner, Jacob, Capt. Scull's company, of East Pikeland, Ches- ter county; died December 26, 1846. Privates. Waggoner, Garret, from Seventh Penn'a. Walker, Samuel. Wallizer, Michael, enlisted at Reading, in Scull's company; he was an apprentice of Nicholas Larich. of Heidelberg town- ship; transferred to Third Penn'a, 1781. Walter, Christopher, resided in Guernsey county, Ohio, in 1831. Walter, John, resided in Allegheny county, 1835, aged seventy- eight. Wann, Michael. 10S2 CONTINENTAL LINE. Warner, Martin. Weaver, Henry. Weaver, Jacob, March 28, 1777—1781; resided in Adams county, 1835, aged eighty-five. Weiss, Jacob. Welch, Edward, January 1, 1777—1781. Welsh, James. Welsh, Patrick. Welsh, William, March 9, 1777—1781. Werner, Peter, of Capt. Fishbourne's company; w^ounded in the leg at Brunswick, New Jersey, and transferred to In- valid corps; discharged November 4, 1783. White, Charles. White, Joseph. White, Samuel. White, William. Whitmocknas, George. Wier, Andrew. Wier, James. Wilkinson, William, January 1, 1777—1781. Williams, John. Wills, Edward. Wilson, William (e), in Moore's company to July, 1777; after- wards in Col. Butler's; resided in Mercer county, 1833, aged seventy-four. Winnott, John, April 23, 1777—1781. Witheram, Christ. Wolfgang, David. Woorley, George. Woods, Hugh, wounded in the wrist; transferred to Invalid corps, August 2, 1779; discharged September 15, 1782. Woods, Samuel. Wright, John, January 21, 1779. Wynott, John-. Zubley, Stophel. MISCELLANEOUS LIST 4TH PENNA. LINE. (c.) Anthony, Philip, private. Burragh, Wm., private. (^ull, Hugh, Enlisted Nov. 28, 1781, fur the War. Hamilton, Matthew, private. Hindly (or Findly), Patrick, private. Wooder, Jno., private. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1093 ACCOUNT OF CASH PAID TO THE OFFICERS AND PRI- VATES OF THE 4TH PENNA. REG'T AT CARLISLE IN PART OF THE DEPRECIATION OF THEIR PAY. (c.) £ I Specie. Cap'n Alex. Parker Lt. John Hughes Henry Henley, Doctor William Magaw, . . . Capt'n Wm. Henderson Gen'l Wm. Irvine, Esq Lt. John McCullam, Capt'n And'w Irvine, Lt. John Pratt, Erecurius Beatty Wilder Bevins, Lt. Geo. Blewer (on acco), Capt. Henry Bicker, Lt. Robert Peebles Doct. John Wilkins, Capt'n John Alexander, Lt. Idones McMichael, Ensign And'w Henderson, . Capt'n Geo. McCully, 3d reg., Capt'n I. Campbell, John Gibbony, Corp'l, Patt. Murray, private Henry Stanford, private, . . John Ward, Corp'l Dan'l Murray, priv Mathew Smith, private Morgan Mcintosh, Peter Loyd Capt. S. Montgomery Capt. S. Kennedy Lt. Benj'n Chambers Capt'n Wm. Lusk John Crane, private, Wm. Butler, Lt. Colo. Comdr, 169 , 5 152 33 15 258 5 155 398 10 148 5 162 15 44 15 156 15 72 15 100 127 15 128 9 15 249 10 122 23 163 10 110 10 31 5 29 17 3 3 21 5 29 10 19 16 29 10 29 11 169 11 5 116 68 10 101 15 29 10 293 10 1094 CONTINENTAL LINE. ACCOUNT OF CASH PAID TO THE OFFICERS AND PRI- VATES OF THE 4TH PENNA. REG'T— Continued. John Agnew, Esquire, adv'd to pay the residue of bounty money, Thomas Appleby, priv., Cha. Reiley, priv., Geo. Patricia, John Drugde, Joseph Galbraith, Corp'l, Hugh McManus Patrick Ryan, Francis McDaniel, James Conroy, John Morrison, Qrm. Serj., Wm. Carman, John O'Neal, Serj., Henry Garvin, Corp'l - Wm. Bradshaw, Corp'l, John Todd, John Sloan, Corp'l, Wm. Nicholson Geo. McSw^ine Wm. Wilkinson, Wm. Noble David Davis, Jacob Justice, Andrew Cratty, John Bell, Corp'l Simpson Harris, Wm. Kelly Francis Pickett, Thomas Moon, Corp'l, Robert Gregg, Serj., Thos. Cayton Cumberland Hamilton Alex. McDonald, Corp'l, Jacob Weaver Specie. 250 4,021 16 8 18 15 35 10 29 19 10 22 10 20 5 17 5 14 5 20 5 41 15 29 10 41 10 29 15 29 5 29 10 30 29 10 28 15 29 10 17 5 29 10 29 10 29 10 41 25 5 29 10 29 15 17 15 41 5 17 5 29 10 30 5 28 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1095 ACCOUNT OF CASH PAID TO THE OFFICERS AND PRI- VATES OF THE 4TH PENNA. REG 'T— Continued. John McCormick, Wm. Mclntire, John Johnston More Beggs, Serj., John Smeltzer Hugh Johnston, John Wright Henry Davishiter, James Baxter Sam'l Perry Edw'd Davidson, Serg., Geo. Cochran, Corp'l, ■ Morthey Tomey Mathe\\* Cunningham, Mich'l Kain, Serg ! Wm. Read, Corp'l, John Treble, Charles McConnell Thomas Beggs, Serg., Philip Brown John Milton, Drum Major John Allen Garrett Waggoner, Mich'l Blake, Thos. Dennison, Wm. McCoy, John McKinley, John Donnell, Serj. Maj Peter McKinley, Manus Shank, Robert Vernon, Corp'l John Vincent, Drummer Patt. Butler, Corp'l Hugh Moreland John Benson, Darby Bannon Patt. McDonald 25 15 34 5 28 39 15 12 10 7 29 19 15 20 5 CONTINENTAL LINE. ACCOUNT OF CASH PAID TO THE OFFICERS AND PRI- VATES OF THE 4TH PENNA. REG'T— Continued. Specie. Alex. Reed Henry Eaton, Serj., John Alison, Serj. Major, Wm. Gray, Serj., Fred. Hill, Andrew Rodgers, Corp'l, Thos. Means, John Lillicrop, Corp'l John Ellis Patt Roberts, Cha. Connor, John Nicholson, Stophle Mingle, John Anbrim, Patt McGaw, James Welsh, Sadler Roach, James Johnston, Arch'd Meloney, not sett'd before, Rich'd Harper, Lewis Philips, Patt McCormick Joseph Wren, Thos. McCelvey Rich'd. Loudon, Rorey McCoy, Serj. Edw'd Welsh, Wm. Roberts, Dan'l Cogdail Chas. Duggan, Francis Curtie Murty Sullivan, James McClean, Corp'l. .•. Rich'd Stach, Fife Major, John Wann, Fifer, Jacob Glouse, 29 10 39 15 30 10 39 10 19 15 20 5 28 15 21 10 29 10 28 29 10 29 10 19 15 21 5 29 10 28 15 27 27 5 20 15 27 10 7 6 27 15 29 5 27 10 20 5 29 10 29 10 39 10 31 5 29 26 15 29 5 30 10 39 32 10 29 10 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1097 ACCOUNT OF CASH PAID TO THE OFFICERS AND PRI- VATES OF THE 4TH PENNA. REG'T— Continued. John Hasting, Patriclv Connor, Drum. James Hutton, in part. James Hutton. in part, Dan'l McGarrigan Caspar Slili..nw S5!SS5ISS;S g •prfJinJOrfU *J5Sfg25gfe2 8 ■l«J'JJ. H?:;:ss5^s:3 § ■J^M JO BJ.U08IJJ : ;- : :"S poaa -« : : :-« 1 " ■pauiiBio .H V ^ (M u: e4 n 1 ^ . . . 1 "■ •pa8jBq.)S((I : " : : : "" ■paiJasea s'^'sssss 1 ?3 M •a.\B#i m|M juasqv PUWUIUK.O UO ~ooXT« « : « '- 1 a" juasqv 5ii|S " 1 s •juasojd j|.>is : I !- ; : ; M- •uimilBq.) ji s s a ?. "■- a 1 s ■eiBW uoaSJOg 1 " 1 " 1 '^ ^ c c; ..-> - g ^- - C l- H I '' 111 i- .- ■^ C - '• •- C C 1 ; FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. 1103 Col. I.aniliert Cadwalader on Parole of Honor. Lieut. Col. Wm. Butler. Major Marian Lamar. Edward Scull. William Gray. Benjamin P^ishburn. John McGowan. Captains. Benjamin Bird. ^ William Cross. John Weaver. Connely. 1st Lieut. Edward Fitzrandolph. Wm. Colhone. Wm. Henderson. Ab'm Lewis. David Brown. Thomas Campble. William Sproat. John Dover. Georges Biuver. Samuel Gray, (mutilated) I.,ewls. William Sims. John Elliott. Coates. James Armourer. Arch'd Beaty. Ensign. Vacant. Vacant. Sommers. James Wilson. Strell. Sam'l Carpenter. Pobb. Vacant. Pay Master, James Hunter. Qr. Master. John Davis. Sumcon. Jones. WM. m'TLKK. Lieut. Col. 4th Pa. R. ( 1104 )