'^^ICIAL Glass FK)-^ Book . A^ R5 OFFICIAL SOUVENIR AND PROGRAM Ol" TIIK DEDICATION Soldiers' Monument, New Britain, Conn., Sept. 19, 1900. c<»Mi'ii,i;i) AND i'r'lJi*i,{;i>HD* i'.v I. W. RIXGROSE."" Nku HkiiaIS Ki:(iii;|i I'KINT. Kngniviniis by C. H. Davis, New Britain. Conn. Photos by J. .-\. Lewis and S. KNiiiii'i . KmbossinR I^hites en^ravi:-d by I'inuak i*t Co.. Harttord, Conn. . Slanlry. who was afterwards killed at the Battle of Irish Bend, La., heaih'd the list. The enthusiasm increased and enlistments continued until Monday, April 22, when the volunteers organiz<'d into Comi)any (J, First Regiment, Connecticut \dliinteers. Vonng men from New Britain enlisted in other eomi)anies in this regiment, and among others, two enlisted in (ieneial Jos<'pl' h'. Ilawley's comi)any in Hartford. Therealter enlist- ments from New Britain became lVe■ < ► < CAPITAL $250,000.00 ► t^^/-f-t?-<^^€^ Collectors, Adjusters, Mercantile Ratings. Largest, Most Successful and Effectual Agency in the East. < Members of " The Bonded Attorney, " " Clearing House|Quarterl3', " Etc. ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ^ L. B. NORTON, Pres't and Treas. ► ^ Office: 66 State St., Rooms 12, 13, 14 and 16, Hartford, Conn. ^ •< Best National Bank References. ^ < ► EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE. AMPLE CAPITAL. CONTRACTS WITH OVER 10,000 ATTORNEYS. Ilciirv I,. r>i (."aptiiiii, ami lillN New llritaiii hoys were on I he iimstcr roll. ( '(>iii|i:iiiy F, ol llif I''omti'<'iitli KN'uiiiu'iit liad sixty li\»' iiicii. ami iiiosi ol' its olVicris iVoiii New Iliilaiii. Thus the culisl iiiciits went on. No ic^inicnl went nul of llic slalt' lull New I>iilain was icprcsciitrd liy il> hcst l)l(>o(l. Tlic oriii-ial i-ccor«ls. wliicli appear cUcw line. n1h>\\ llic RKV. SAMIKI, ROCKWKI.I,. uiMultci' of (Milisi nicnts lor lliicc nit)ntlis to liaxc l)ccn sixty, and tln' nninliri' of tiuc*' year men. six iiiunlicd and I'orly live, l)(Mii<; one linndrcd and five nioie than the (piota ai)i>ortion('d to the tow n. Lar^^e sums of money were <'X|>ended l»y the citizens of Xew Britain foi- henetits and piemiiims and support of families of soldiers. I There are Many Pianos Not So § I Good as the .... | I Stultz & Bauer 1 I There Are None Better. | « Their popularity rests upon tlip simple fact g 8 that they are possessed of a superior degree 8 g of musical quality, and that they are built « » in such a conscientious manner as to defy 8 g the assaults of ordinary wear and tear. g « You are cordially invited to look over g « our pianos— that privilege is always yours. S I Woods Piano House, | I 227 Asylum St., Hartford. | STflntEY RULE S tEVEL GO. .MAXUFACTURICKS OF Improved - Carpenters' - Tools. NEW BRITAIN, CONN. Wareroottis, 1G7 Chambers St., New York. 10 1 " r 7 i:ast vri;\v oi- MoNr.MiiNT u F>. &> K. CORBIN, ""Vo^j;*" MANUFACTURERS OF EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS' HARDWARE. p. & F. CORBIN OF New York, 11-13-13 Murray St. Philadelphia. Chicago, 92.5 Market St. 101-106 Lake St. Corbin Paaiocki Strong, Secure, Reliable, Attractive, Low Priced. J ^,-S SIZtS AND KINDS ^iD' For ALL PURPOSES THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF HIGH CLASS PADLOCKS MADE. CoRBiN Cabinex Lock Co., New York NEW BRITAIN, CONN. Chicago. 12 Ph iladelphia. Cost of llu' Slave Holders" Kehellimi to this tuwn aiir> of (he Keliellioii. and cost to tctwiis in ( '(»nneet icut : the facts lia\ in.u' ix'cn irathefcd by Alfred .Vndrews in the months of < >ctol>er and Xoxeinltcr. lS(i(), front the 1 test .sources of information in this town, and is entereil hei'e for the henelit of fntiii'e j;-enerations. to show tlie- j>atriotism of the loyal in New Itritain. i:i XLbc Bbkine BbvintinG Co, Printing Knibossin;a^ Color Printing Label Printing Rubber Stamps 1^ Cfi^9 Modern Type Effects Good Press Work Standard Papers 320|VIainSt. Neui Britain, Conn. The Stanley Works, MAKERS OF WROUGHT STEEL BUILDERS'- HARDWARE, Butts, Hinges, Door Bolts. Blind Trimmings. Etc. AND COLD ROLLED STEEL Factories Warehouse NEW BRITAIN, CT. 79 CHAMBERS ST., N. Y. 14 HKNRY E. RUSSELL. 15 DAii.v. \vi;kki.v. T"E RECORD THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. \ /^^ RI/NTING ENGRAVING. ELECTROTYPING. BINDING. . . . New Britain, Conn Ki W'liat were tln' results .' Hi,iilit\ tlic iVoiit iVoiii Nt'w Britain, fell in liuf ol liatlic, oi' jteiislicd tVoiii woiiiuls or disease in Sontiiein |)i isoiis oi Sontliern s\vanij)s. Most of these were yon n,u. just enteiin^ on life's act i\ity, witli hiiili hopes foi' future sueeess in life. Many, wlio went to th(^ front, were ])roniote(l foi' luaxcry and icturiied to rea)> the honoi- and esteem of ihrir fellow citizens. Kead oxer the lon,u list of naniesof New liritain lieioes, who served in tin' internecine strniiiile, and look around you an«l see where they are toda\. I low many are alive, and wiiere d(» tlie dead lie .' It is useless to ji'o over the battle fields from liull Run to tlu- surrender at Ai)pomattox, describing the knightly deeds done in behalf of the I'nicui by New Uritain soldiers. They fonght the good tight and New Britain and its public-si)irited citizens are. not forgetful of their braxery. Today New Britain raises a IMonnment to hei- heioesv Their names are carved on it to perpetuate their xaUn- and to- commemorate their saci'ifice. Let us turn aside from the acts and lives of men whose names are written in the martial history of the country, and. glance at the effoits made b> the i)nblic-s])irited citizens of New Britain to secuie the election of this ^lonument. After the Wai- of the Kebellion the Legislature jtassed an act authorizing tow ns nndei- ceitain conditions to erect a Soldiers' Monument to commemoiate the acts of the Soldiers and Sailois of the Wai- of the K'ebellion. On October 1L>. 186.S, a Town Meeting was held in the old Stric-kland Hall, and the subject of making an approi>i'iation foillie erection of a Soldiers' Monu- nnMit was consifhMed and ri'ferred to a committee. Subse- quently this comniittee rcjjorted to a Special Town Meeting held at the same hall on January 1 1, lS(i!>, adxising the election of a. Soldiers' Monument in the |»nblic [)ark, now ^^'alnnt Hill Park, after authority should be obtained from tlie Legislat nr<'. The Legislatuie. at its May session in L.S()1>, pas.sed the fol- lowing act: " If the Free Men of the Town, in legal .Meeting- called foi- thai i)urpose within one year, decide by a majoiity vote of those jncseut, to erect in the park hereby autintrized, or in the pai'k neai- the center of the Bt)rough of New Bi-itain, a Monument to the memory of the deceased Soldiei'S. who enlisted from said Town during the late war. it shall l)e lawful to api»ropriate from the |)rocee(ls of the bonds lieiein anthoiized a sum not e\cee(liiin in amount I*'ifleeii Thousand 1 )»)llais."" lit 17 MINOR, CORBIN BOX CO., MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER BOXES. FACTORY, ARCH ST., NEW BRITAIN, CONN. Established 1853. Incorporated 1863 HUMASON & BECKLEY MFG. CO., HARDWAREand FINE POCKET CUTLERY. New Britain, Conn. New York Office, 80 Chambers Street Amehicam HoisERy Co., MANUFACTURERS OV Fine Knit Underwear and Hosiery fOR JVIEN, WOJS/IEN /cND ©HlbDREN. Suited to all Climates and Seasons. " NO BETTER IN THE WORLD." Factories, New Britain, Conn. Salesrooms, 108-1 lo Franklin St., N. Y. the Uwipersal Tood gbopper . CHOPS EVERYTHING. It is a machine that will be used ever}' day in the kitchen, and will last a life time in family use. Simple, durable, and easily cleaned. . . . FOR SAI.E BY H. L MILLS. A. H. 3c E. W. ABBE. J8 WICST VIKW ()!•■ MONI'MKNT I'J Leyden Flemish. RUSSELL XERWIN MFG. CO. NEW BRITAIN CONN. T^uilders* DAYTON, OHIO. ^^^^^^^«' ...Hardware. Fine Bronze House Trimmings in strict conformity with all prominent styles of architecture. COLUMBIA AND RUSSWIN CYLINDER LOCKS, EASY SPRING WROUGHT STEEL LOCKS, DOOR CHECKS, DOOR HOLDERS, WOOD AND MACHINE SCREWS BOLTS, WIRE NAILS, JACK CHAIN. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. LONDON, ENG. BALTIMORE. SAN FRANCISCO. J. B. TALCOTT, Pres. Began Business April 11, 1887. W. E ATTWOOd, Cflshler — H. B BoAKDMAN. Asst. Cashier. e^/iauie^ '/ ^c>fr/i£. JNew Brit-ain, Gonn. CAPITAL. S/00,000. - - SURPLUS, S50,000. DIRECTORS .J B. TALCOTT. J. A. I'ICKETT, F. N. STANLEY, M. c. Swift, L. A. ViBBERTS. F. L. WILCOX, L. H. PEASE, PHIMP CoilBrN, W. E. ATTWOol). Safe D eposit V aults. Open from 9 A. H. to 3 P. M. Except Saturdays. 9 A. M. to 12 M. 20 :i('( oidaiice wifli this rcsolutioD, a Special Town M«'«'fiii,u- was 1k'1<1 !May .U, lS()!t. at the same liall and the resolutions of the Le<;islatnri' anthori/inii' the erect i(»n of a Soldiers' Moniiuieiit "\ver«' accepted. In I'nion Hall, whicli was then neai' the South Church, on October 13, 1S7.S, at a Special Town Meeting, Samuel W. Hart, Oeorjic ^[. Landers and ()li\'er Stanley, men eiuiueut in the his- tory of the town, were aitpointed a committee to investii;ate the cost of a Soldiers' and Seamen's Monument. This committee reported to a Special Town ]\[eetinji at the same hall, October 27, IST.'i, that it was then inexpedient, owing to the geneial bnsines.s depression. tt» take any steps with reference to the 4'rection of a ^Fonumeut. l)i\ S.W. Hart, Tinn)thy W. Stanley and N'alenline H. Chaml>eilaiu were ai)p(»inted a committee to investigate designs, mateiials and c<»st for a Soldiers" ^louumeiit, and report to a Town Meeting. Any vacancy in the committee was to lie tilled by the Selectnuui. Tin* committee never made a report. In issi there was a meeting of some citizens of New IJritain at the High School room, now known as the Centi-al (irammar School, for the purptise of considering the maltei- of a Soldiers' Monument. A committee of thirteen was appointed to consider the subject of a building for the New Britain Institute, and in commemoration of the soldiers and sailois wlio fell in the War of the Rebellion. This committee was com}>osed of the follow- ing i)rominent citizens of New liiitain : John B. Talcott, C. B. Krwin. Ambrose Beatty, Ira E. Hicks, Oliver Stanley, J, A- Pickett, Thos. H. Brady. K. (i. Piibbard. Charles Peck. D. N. Camp. Valentine B. Chamberlain. W. L. Hnmason and A. J. Sloper. This committee formed a i)eiinanent orgaiiization. with by laws, but nothing appears to have been done by them as a wlnde. Tiie inspirati(»n created by this gathering had its mani- fest results in the will of C B. Eiwin. who died .March L>L>, 1885. The will was dated .Alarch 14, 1S.S4, and it is ai)par«'nt that the purpo.se of this committee was in his mind when he drafted the will, for he remembered the needs of the New Britain Institute in it. and al.so the matter of a Soldiers' and Sail<)rs' :\Ionument. He gave the sum of ten thousand dollars to the Town of New Britain for the election of a "suitable monument in conimeuKua- ti(Mi of the .soldiers from our town, who served in the^\'al• of the Rebellion, provided. h<»wever. and ujjou conditimi that said town shall within one Near after his decease or the decease of iiis wife. 21 FRANCIS DOBSON, 31-35 Spring Street, Wholesale Liquor Dealer THE ONLY DIRECT RECEIVER OF PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND AND KENTUCKY WHISKIES IN NEW BRITAIN. ALSO AGENT FOR FOLLOWING ALES : Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H. Ruter & Co., Boston, Mass. Highland Spring. True W. Jones Brewing Co , Manchester. N. H. 22 NORTH VIKW ol" M()NI:MKNT. 23 € rown .Jewell Hmn, Sold in New Britain for the past Forty Years. H^'L FRANK H. CRYGIER, EF- M ST., The Lyceum ...Pharmacy, Opp. Post Office. Geo* E. Bunny & Co* J. M. GAFFNEY J. R. GAFFNEY. GAFFNEY BROS., Choice Groceries and Meats. Fine Teas, Coffees, Spices. Etc. Fruits and Vegetables in Season. 98 WASHINGTON ST., NEW BRITAIN. S. KNIGHT. .^.^ Photographic Studio. 125 Main Street, New Britain Conn. BRANCH STUDIO : 42 East Main St., Plainville, Conn. 24 3, the lion. N'alentine IJ. ('liand)ei'laiu died. lea\in<:; a xacancy in the monument committee, and on theL*.~)tli day of October, ISii.i, Iru E. Jlicks was appointcnl to till tlu' \acancy, l)y the Board of Selectmen. Some attempt was made after this to ha\e the site chanued to Walnut Hill Park, but this was im- possible owing to the approi)riation having been made for the erection of the monument upon Central Park. In 1S97, Ira E. Hicks resigned as a member of the committee, aiul the IJoard of Selectmen ai)pointe(l Y. N. Stanley to fill the vacancy, and soon thereafter a design was selected and work was commenced under the peisonal su])er\ision of the Mr. Henry E. Russell and it is in a great measure, owing to his untiring vigilance that Xew Britain has liie Ix'antiful structure, which is an ornament to the city, and will forever honor the men who did tlieii' duty in the great War of the Kebellion. On May 11, l!tOO, Henry E. Kusscll. Ambrose Beatty, and F. X. Stanley of tlie Soldiers' Monument Committee reixtrteil to llu' Board of Selectmen the roinplet ion of t heii' work. 25 Ever^bob^ jfavovite digars Seal of Cuba and Fire Fly LOUIS J. nULLER. MANUFACTURED BY Hubert Fischer, President. C. E. Johnson, Secretary. Camillo L. Fischer, Vice-President and Treasurer. Cbe * Bubert * fiscber * Brewery, Cor. Park and Lawrence Streets, HARTFORD. CONN. Extra Bottling Lager for Hotel and Faniil}' Use a Specialty. George M. Parsons, Newsdealer, - Books, - Stationery, - Etc. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Daily Papers Delivered to all Parts of the City. RUSSWIN BUILDING. Zhc BuiTitt Savinge :!Bank. 261 Aain 5t., New Britain, Conn. Deposits. $482,509.34 Surplu? aod Profits. $ 1 0.000.00 L. Hoyt Pea.se, Preident. W. E. Attvvood, Treasurer. T. B. Wilcox, Vice-President. H. B. Boardnian, Secretary. 26 SOUTH VIKW OK MONUMKNT. 27 Zbc Ipark Stables, New Britain, Conn. HOWARD M. STEELE, Prop. Telephone 186-3 r^^r Park Hotel. DENTIST. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 259 Main St., New Britain. Do vou "PlaT Golf? "" B. Q. I. Clubs. SOLD BY A. H. & E. W. ABBE, Hardware Dealers, 279 MAIN STREET, NEW BRITAIN. ^Imep B./fbbey, Room 77, Sage-Allen Building, HARTFORD, CONN. Office Hours: 8. 30 to 12.30 a. ni., 2 to 5 p. m. 28 Tlif tollow illi; is ;i stMtcliifiit (if I lie rrcripls ;UI(1 disWiiise- liit'iits : April 24, 1890. To cash received from town of New Urilaiii, from C. B. Krwiii estate, ...... 510,000.00 August 18, 1900 To cash received from town of Now Hrilain, from taxes ami interest, ...... 10,138.39. July I, 1899. To cash received from town of New Hrilain, by note, ........ 2,000.00 May 5, 1900. To cash received from interests on dc])osits to date, ........ 6,022.39 To cash received from interest, . 4.55 128,165.33. Paid for stone work, fonmlations and excavation, Paid for metal work, .... Paid for cutting names of soldiers and battles, Paid for flagging, grading and turf. Paid for Engineer' fees an00, to (Mtiisidn- the (jncstion of tlic acceptance and flic proper dedication of t he Soldiers' .Monnnieiit . It \\ as 1 here \ oted. that Sei)tend»er l!». l!»ii(i. t lie annivei'sary of the second l»attle «d" Winchester, would he the dav foi- the dedication, and fifteen hiindreil dollars w as ;ippropii;iicd to defray the expenses of tlie celeltrat ion. .\ conuiiittee of sixty li\c citi/ens of the town was ap|»oint- e(l to prepare and conduct the celebration incident to tiie dedication of the .MonnnienI . Tin- conrract for tlie Wuildinu of the .MonnnienI was let {i> y\ .1. ( >'( 'oiiiioi' of IIartfor. He was jn'csident of this corporation, from its organiza- tion as a corporation in l.s.")l, up to the time of his death. He was president of the Xew Britain X'ational Bank iVom its organ- ization in lS(i(). He was a director of the Sa\ iiigs Bank of X'ew Britain, and also in many of t he manufactniing comi»anies of the city, and of many other ci)rj>oiatioiis outside of the city. He was a (piiet, uiiol»t insi\ e man, ne\<.'r seeking pui>lic notoriety, but always acti\(' in foiwarding the interests ol' Xew Britain. In great measure, thiough his instrumentality, the Berlin Bram-h road and the jniblic \\'aler Wdiks, the State Normal Scho(»l and ;h Baths for Rheumatism, Colds, La Grippe, to equalize the circula- tion of the blood, prorr]ote sleep; in all nervous diseases, our TurKish Baths Massage and Psychic Treatnnents have no parallel Open all Night. ROBERT MAGONIGAL, Proprietor. 207 Pearl Street, Hartford, Conii. Fire Insurance, Wa Booth's Real Estate Bought Best m P ^ ^ and Sold. Companies. ^ ,1 ' ? Surety Bonds Lowest Rates. © t Furnished. Prompt S Rents Collected. and Fair in Loans Settlement. <• Negotiated. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. H. DAYTON HUMPHREY, 201-203 MAIN ST., NEW BRITAIN, CONN. HONEST GOODS. ONE PRICE. ALL TROLLEY CARS MEET HERE! MAKE THIS YOUR WAITING PLACE. House Furnishing Goods. Flags, Bunting and Decorationt Dry Goods* Carpets and Window Shades. = agent for Standard Patterns. Staten Island Dye Works. Domestic and Standard Sewing Machines. Savings Bank of IRew Britain* IXCORI'ORATF.n 1862. DEPOSITS. S3, 795. 451. 30. President, Levi S. Wells. Vice-President, Philip Corbin. Treasurer, W. F. Walker. Secretary, C. B. Oldershaw. Deposits draw Interest from the First of each Month. Loans on Real Estate made on Favorable Terms. TEMPORARY QUARTERS IN RUSSWIN BUILDING. 32 the Xew Britain lnsiltiitc Itccaiiic lactors in Ihr jiiowth (tf N«'w IJritain. He was manictl lo Maria, daniilitcr i»r .Jani«'s Nuith. in 1S31), in Xcw Hiitain. hut llicif w err no olV spiin^-. an*l wlirn he (lied in ISS") lu' U-I't an estate wliieii in\ cnluiied n«'ail_\ ele\en Imndred thi»nsand didlars. most of \vlii<-h was <,fi\en to the cansc of ('(hication and to pultli*- and «liaiital>lr |>nr|>oscs. His iiaiuc is linked with the City of New liiilain and the Sohlieis" Monn ineut, and, as it now stands, is a memorial to his j^eneidsit \ and wisdom. His total .uil'ls to |>nl»lie institnlions in N<'\\ Ihilain amounted to oxer t'onr hundrrd and (it'l\ thousand dollars. HENRY H. RUSSELL. Mr. Henry E. Hnssell. Chairman Soldiers" ^lonument Coni- niittee, and wh<» has had the sn])«'i\ ision of the work, as well as the selection of the Architecl, has been promineiilly identilied with the business interests ot" Xew Britain, since ISO"). H<' wa.s boiMi in Xew York City in IS.'JS. and in IS."):"), entered the em- jdoy otthe Russell v\; lOiwin Manut'aet ut in^' Co., as inxoiee clerk. He made himself thoi'ou.uhly ac(|uainte t ime tra\ellin,u'. He has t ra\'elled oxci- Enjiland and ('onti- nental l->uro|>e sexcial times, and his opporl unit ies for wide ohser\ at ion and familiarity with the best architectural work in Kuiope <|ualilied him. ])art icularly. for his position as Chairman of the Monument committee. He is a trustee uinler the will of ( '. B. I-jwin. and at Mi-. I"j\\ in's reipiest was appointed (haiiinau of the committee in- trusted with the erc'-tioii ot' theChapel at ^^lir\ iew Cemetery. PETER SCHUKLER. PERFECTO Contractor AND Builder. Plans and specifications furnished at short notice. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop, 165 Hartford Ave , Residence, 104 Winter St , New Britain, Conn. TREASURER, G. A. O'Connor, 1542 Broad St., Hartford, Conn SECRETARY, James Cleary, East Windsor Hill, Conn. Windsor... Red Stone Company. President, M. J. O'CONNOR, Hartford, Conn. Contractor for all kinds of STONE WORK. 34 AMBROSE HEATTV. Aiiihrose Rt'titty was horn jn ('(Miiitv Loii^foid. Iiflaiid, Jiiiic, IS.Sl. A ftci- three years s(M\ ice ill tlie J?iilisli Aiiiiy he eaiiie to this eouiitry in IS.")!.* and enjiaj^^ed in farming al ("iien-y Valley, N. V. He later went to Ali>any and en-:a' A. D. 1V20. Booth's Block, Room lo, New Britain, Conn. And other first-class companies. Headquarters for SPRINGFIELD BREWERIES COMPANY TIVOLl BEER 300 Main Street. y p LEE Distributer. 31- ISSli t(» 1SS«;. Hr Ik'ciiiiic Post mallei- in 1SS7, ainl In- smirctl the iiiaii.miiatioii of the Postal Delivery System in New P>ritain. He was the Repiesental ive iVoni the town tt» the llnjise of Ke]»- resentalives lor three ternis. lie has aiwa_\s been aclixe M|)on the Soldiers" Monument Coininiltee He is a bioacl minded, sym|»a1het ic man, and cheiished by the people foi" his kiinliiess towards the poor and nnrorl niiale. KRKDKRICK N. STANLEY. FREDERICK N. STANLEY. Fretleiiek N. Stanley, who is a mendter ot ihe .Moimnient Coiiimitlee. was l»(»in in New P>ritain, .March 17, \S\A. Jle is a son of Henry and Catherine A. Stanley and 1 1 aces li is ancestry Itaek to .I was made Secretary of the company. On October 6, 1S!»!», he was elected presier of the Loyal Legion, of tlie G. .\.. H., and of the .\iniy and Navy Clnb id" Connecticut. Though a man of native modesty and let iiini; (lis]»ositioii, he has devoted liimself to the l)nsiiiess he has heeii connected with, and given credit to the name that is already illustrious in the town and the country. lieutp:x.axt theodorb a. staxli.y. Lieutenant Theodidc .\. Stanley, son of Henry Stanley, was born in New Britain, July L'L', is;3;j. He early went to New York to engage in itnsiness. He returned to New Britain where lie continued to work until his eiilistnient. .Iul> 1."), lS(i2. He was Lieutenant in one of the coinpanies of the ^^turteenth Keg- ulai" Connecticut \'(dunteeis. W the hat tie of .Viitietaiii. Stanley distinguished himself by his coolness in discharg*- of his duties after the wounding of Ca|»tain Blinn (d" his <'oinpany. fJeiiti'iiant Stanley was wounded at the itattleof Fredericks- burg while leading his conipanx in a charge on the rebcd bat- teries at Marx's Heights. He only survived eighteen days and died on the .list of December, 18()2. His body was renio\ cd \{y New Britain, where he xvas buried with inilitarx Ikuiois. He xvas a xolunteer from a .sense of duty, and his iuaxery x\ as show II l>x the xvords of his ("oloiiel. who said, ••jlr xvas alxvavs found to I he front .' " 39 Fancy (Eake Baker and Caterer. The Old Vet's will find refreshments at our store opposite the Monument where the exercises will take place. HALLINAN b^ ^ Sandv^Iches, Hot Coffee and Rolh i^iM^^A^ ID. ^. Qmrnctty J). J). 3-» Dentist. 57 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn. P^actories and Main Office, New Britain, Cr. New^ York Office, 127 Duane St. I North &Iudd m i\ /r r . . /^ _ M fg. Co. Saddlery Hardware. 40 vALi:xTixH H. ciiamiu:rlaix. \'al«'iil iiH' I>. ('liairilni htiii was huin :it Colt'ltrook IJi\fr. liilclifit'ld County. ( 'oiiii.. tm Aumisi 1.?. is;>;>. lie ath'inli-d the district sclionl and a prixatc acadi-niN. and al'lcrwards went lo tlieSnftield Literary Institute. I'roin i liric lie passi'd to Williams CoUcire and was jiraduated in 1S.">7. Alter recei\in^ Ins ilipioina iVom Williams Collejie he came to New l>iitain. whitlier VAI.ICNTI.N"!-; H. chami!i-:ki..\in. Ills parents had nu>\-ed. and Ix'^aii the study of hiw with Seth E. Case. He was adniilted to thehar in lS.")«t. He es- tablished "The New Britain N<-ws"' in JSdO. which he edited and i)ublished loi- a year. In isdl lie was assistant (lerU of the I ItMise of li«'pi'esentali\ es. When the w ar Inoke out he w as verj' active in the snpport of tiie liiion, and heinu' :• \ i.Lioioiis and 41 Hotel Bronson.... Formerly Strickland House. JUST o OPENED. The above house, has been entirely renovated and newly furnished, all rooms are furnished with steam heat and the telephone system, thus making it an up-to-date hotel. I take pleasure in announcing to all my former patrons and their friends that I am ready to give first-class service at reasonable rates. C. C. BHOflSOH Seasonable Hardware. Fruit Pickers, Oak Kegs, Baskets, ^" ^'"'^^' Fruit Presses. HERBERT L. MILLS, 336Main St. 42 tlirilliiiii s]M':iUcr w licii liis licart was in tlic taiisc. lie crcaled j^icat eiitliusiasiii at tlu* war iiKM'tin<;s licUl in ApiiJ, 1S(H. He f'lilistcd in ("t>ni]>any A. Seventh Connect icnt Volunteers, of wiiieli coMiiiaiiN he was lienlenaiit lie was in the seirisoiuM' of war tor nearly a year and a half at Chaileslon and (' as a linancier. He organized the Mt'chanics National Bank of which he was President at the time (»t" his death. He was acti\'e in the interest of education^ being a member of tlu' school b(»ai'd tor many years. He was a l)i-ondnent nuMuber of the (irand Army (»f the Kepul)lic. and took gicat int<'rest in the organization. He died June 2"), l.S{)3, and his funeral was public ami attended by all classes of j)eople, all business being suspended in the town for that puii)ose. His- early death was a calamity for New Britain, where he was hon- oied ami respected and w here his niemoiy is stiU held in venera- tion. CAPTAIN IRA 1-:. HICKS. Captain Ira K. Hicks, who was a nuMnber of the .Monument ('onimittee. was born at Peholtoth. Mass., Septembei- 22, 1S40. He was educated in the common schools and Bristol Academy at Bristol. County, .Mass. (iiadnating fiom theie, he went to- Taunton. Mass., as an <'mplo\ee of a posi utlice tbi- four years. He then moveil to Bridgepoit, Conn., and engag<'d in the manu- factuiing business. \\ the ojx'ning of the war, although in a l)i"os|>i'i'ou> biisini'^s, he eidisted ScplemlMT !•. ls<»i. in Company 43 D. J. D. 5C Cigar Largest Sale of Any Brand In the City. ^.^:^![^^^^Jm Post Mark, 5c. Sunset Rock, 10c. Slvr F-i,e^^ D. J. DONAHUE, ^^ N^ew'^BrlLi^^^^ JOHN A. LEWIS PORTRAITS. Studio, 173 Main St., New Britain. HERMAN SALSTRUM, DEALER IM CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, RUBBERS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 40-44 Church Street. 44 T, Scxt'iith Kc^imnit. ('omi('(tiland, S. (\, June Hi. 1S(>L*. lie was Act ini:- Adjutant when toui- companies of his i«'_<;iment led the assault on Fort \\'a^n«'i-. July 11, 186.S. Their were L'O.s mrn and 11 ollieeis in this assaidt, and only 7.{ men ani a]>i»oint«'d him l*ro\irne>, w ho eunimand<'d the Tenth Army Corjjs. He acted upon the stall of (ieneral l>iiiie\ until the latt<-i"s death. He was recommended l(»r promotion hecaiise of hrilliani ser\ ice at tlie battle (»f Deep l>ot1\ (Ieneral Hiruey. hut owin.u 1<» impairment of health caused 1)\ the wounds reeeixcd in halt le. Lieutenant 1 1 i<-ks w as Imced lu decline. .\fler l»einir 45 J79 to 185 Arch Street. 117 Hartford Avenue. Telephone Call, 106-2. Telephone Call, 181-2. BHROEeK & ZIPF. BOTTLERS AND WHOLESALERS OF Lager Beer, ZZ' Wines and Liquors for Family Use. SOLE AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES F. & M. Schafer Brewing Company, New York. Bergner & Engel Brewing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. C. Feigenspan Brewing Company, Newark, N. J. FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY. Bottled Goods, Beers, Ales, Etc., Delivered Free to any part of the City. The Hotel Columbia New Britain, Conn. Opposite the Depot. Under New Management. Weeden & BigelOWt Propr ietors. Rates, $2.00 per day. 4t) ai>}ti>iiil»M| < 'aptaiii ut I nt'aiil i> . liiciitniaiit Hicks was iiiiistricd out of s(M\ ice Dccciiilx'r I. isiil. Captain Hifkswasa cliartrr ineiiilMM' of Stanley Pttst. (i. A. li., and has Ix'cn ("oniinandci' of tlifPosI lor four trims. He has been State Coininander, and also Junior Coniniandci- in ( 'liict' ot' t lie ( i. A. R. of Hit- I'liilcd Stat«'s. lit' was appointed Tosl master l»y President Harrison in 1s;M», anoMe(>l ihelirst names in connec- tion with the Soldiers" Monument in this town. He was hoi'U in .New Hritain. .May L*'J. ISl'."». His latln-r was a well known 47 CHAS. H. MOORE & CO., Insurance. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Steam Boiler. REAL ESTATE AND SURETY BONDS. 163 Main Street, NEW BRITAIN, CONN. H. A. HALL. The Cash Grocer and Marketman. 212 MAIN STREET. NEW BRITAIN. CONN. MANUFACTURERS OF Suspenclers and Garters, METAL TRIMMINGS FOR Adams' Patent Fasteners. New York Office, 107 Fi;uiklin vStrcct. lioston Office. 100 Cbauiicey vStrect. Chicago Office. 33 P'ranklin Street. John B. Taloott, Pres J. Fuedeiuck T.alcott. Treas. NEW PKITflIN KNITTINQ QOHP/INT MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE HEN'S Knit Underwear. Fine AUSTRALIAN WOOL GOODS, in inediinn or .super weight ; heavy or winter ■ weiglit ; in all qualities and colors. Ralbriggan.s in all weights, plain and fancy colons. .Silk and .Silkateen Mixtures. Linen .Me.sh of finest quality. MILLS, ELM STREET. IN E W YORK OFFICE. DAVID M. RANKEN, SUFT. 256 AND 258 CHURCH ST. 4S ]>li v>iri;iii in the town hrlorc liiin, mid his mollici- was ( )ipli;i Noitli, still plcasaiilly rt'inciiihcrt'd fui- Imt iiiaiiy \irtii<'s. lit* was rally sent lo sch7. and lor a year att«'nded the leadinj;' hospitals there, lie »-oiniiienceil jtractice in his native town ui)on hi.s return ami met with merited .success. 80 i»opular was he that, he was elect eser\ at ions. His letters from abroad were entei-laiiiiiii: inasmuch as he was a master of Euiilish descri])ti\e style. A man of unWlemished chaiacter. a keen sense of liuimu'. a. sympathetic mind and of retirinj;" disposition, he left a maik of his character upttn the city of New Britain, where his mem- ory is still fondly cheiished iiy all who were ("(Utuiiate <'noiu:li t<> know him. CAFTAIX I.\KVIS E. BLINN. Captain Jai'\ is K. Hlinii was horn in liocky lllll. .Iiil\ L'S^ \s:U',. He i-emoved to New Biitain in IS.").";, where In- c(Uitinue(l to li\«' until he enlisted in the Fourteenth Ke^ular Connecticut Volunteer.s, on Auj^usl S. 1S02. He was clio.sen Captain cd' hi.s company. 49 THE BEST LEHIGH COAL IN THE CITY FOR SALK BY J. P. SULLIVAN. EVENING OFFICE AT CURRAN BROS.' DRUG STORE. CONRAD WAHRENBERGER, 112-114-116 Arch Street, New Britain, Conn. Wholesale Dealer and Authorized Bottler of Piel Bros.' Lager, Anhauser Buscli, Imported Pilsner, HARVARD $1000 PURE BEER. Ales and Lager. A specialty is made of the Family Trade of Bottled Ales, Wines, Liquors and Lager delivered Free to all parts of the City. TELEPHONE CALL, 45-2. THE SKINNER -". CHUCKS Are used largely in all the U. S Navy Yards and by the leading manufacturers the world over. THE SKINNER CHUCK CO., New York Office, 94 Reade St. Factory, NEW BRITAIN, CONN. 50 lie \\ ;is iiislaiitl\ killrd l»\ ;i Itiillcl i>;issiii^ lliruii^li his heart (Ml tlic lirli;istie address, an, was a pioneei- in the HON. c. i;ok(;i-; m. i,andi<;ks. matter of the Soldiers' _ Monunn-nl. He was Ixtrn at L<'nox, I\Iass.. l''el»rnar\ L'L'. \S]:\. Ilislatiier, Marcellns Landers, was ii teaciier in llailford, whilhei- he brought his son (ieorul, with <'baraeterist ie toresii;lil, lie anticipated that Xew IJiitain was to l)e a inannlact niin^' center. He soon ennaued in thai Inisiness, lirst with a partner. .losiali Dewt'v. then l)y hiinselt" in a shop he Iniilt on East ]\[aiii Street. The success deinandeerlin Branch Road was incorporated and built. The s[)lendid water works of the city (d" New Britain was als(» establish(Ml in the main by him, and for a long time he was a Water Conimis- .sioner of the city. He was an ori«;inal member of the F>oai(l of Sewer Commissioners, and he ser\ cil for sexcral terms npon (he School Board. He was ele;'ted to the House of Representatives tliice terms and to the State Ssnate three teiaiis. He was twice appointet! Bank Commissioner est companions and associates that could be desired. OLIVER STANLEY. Oliver Stanley was tlie scni of .John and Charlotte North Stanh'y. He was born in this city .^larch L*4. ISi'T. .Vftei' re- eeivinj;- a common school education, he enteicd the eniplo\ of liis <,M-andfathei\ Setli J. Noitli. He afterwards became a part- ner of F. H. North and Joiin B. Talcott under the firm name of North, Stanley ^S: Co., and en«>a<^ed in the manufacture of hooks and eyes. This business was successfully conducted for twenty- five years. \Yhen the Rebellion Inoke out he was very acti\e in e(|nii)- ping the soldiers of New Biitain. and it was at his factory that tlie patriotic women of the town made tlie soldiers' clotiiin.u-. 5:3 W. J. bUNL/lT & CO., parnitare - Dealers AND UNDERTAKERS. Honest Goods. Reasonable Prices. 377-379 MAIN ST., NEW BRITAIN. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Zhc ^ IDotcl ^ 1Ru66\vin, NEV4 BRITAIN, CONN. FRANK A. WISE. Full Modern Equipment including Spacious and Convenient Sample Rooms. One of the Very Best Hotels in Connecticut. i^*^^^^*^*^^*^^^^****^^*^**^^ T. H. BRADY MANUFACTURER OF Mast Arms and Electric Construction Specialties. OrnCE. 351 MAIN ST. 54 He also advaiiced larjjc siiins of inoiicy iVotii his own r<'- somccs to aid liu' soldii'is. He was always interested in the ]>ul»lic nlVaiis of liie town, lait he iie\(^'r sought pultlic ofliee. He represented the town in t he Stat*' Lejiislat me. He w:is in- eoi-poiatoi- of the Edneational Fnnd Co. and of the New Britain Institute, and wiis director of the Institute u|> to the time of his (h'alh. I le w;is \ crv act i\ «' in (Minrcli matters, itein.u eon- 01.I\Kk STANLEY, nected wiiii the Soutli Congregational Church Society. He was a director of many manufacturing corporations of the city, and was secietary of the P. iK: F. Corl)in Co. :\rr. Stanley was :i man to whose devotion and energ\ the growtii of New Britain in its early days was in a great nie:isni-e «lue, and the stamp of his character has been left upon the tow n. 55 CHARLES L. BARNES ni'AI.l'R IN Goal, Wood, LumbGr and Charcoal manufacturer of railroad ties, telf;phoxe poles. f;tc. Yard. Commercial and Elmi Streets. OFFICE, 141 ELM STREET. (^"Telephone in House and Office, 169-12. Darttor^ - S^ccoi^attng - Co., 177 ASYLUM ST,. HARTFORD. CONN. - DECORATIONS - For Fairs, Balls, Festivals, and Public Celebrations. FLAGS, BUNTING, ETC. United ■ States - Bunting - Flags. GET OUR PRICES. J. ALEX. McCLUNIE. H. H. CORBIN & SON, Manufacturer.s of all kinds of paper Boxes, patent poldi9(5 Boxes, N. B. STAR AASTE. DEALERS IN PAPER AND PAPER BAGS. Paste for Paper Hangers a Specialty. Factory, 11 9 to 127 Church Street, NEW BRITAIN, CONN. 56 TIMOTHY W. STANLEY. Tiinolliy \Y. Si inlry \\a^ 1> nii in New lliilain in IMT. Hr rceeivecl his ediicatloii in tlic scIkmiIs of New niitain. and was one of the first to en»:;aj;e in inaiiut;K'tiiiin. Ilr was l)resi(hMit ol" the I'nion Woi'ks and was coiincc trd willi otlu-r inanufacl mini;- (•(Hiccnis in this r\\\. TtMoTHV \V. ST.VNT.KY. He was piesidcn! of the S>i\in<;s Bank of New Liilain, and Mas also one of the iii('oij)orators of the New Britain Insiilnte. The latter i)arl of his lite lie retired from active Imsiness ]»nrsnils and mule his home in Granby, Conn., wiieic he died Fehrnaiy LS, 1S97. He was a man mnch res]>ected in the commnnity, where his inlluence was always nscd with much fer\"or foi' the best interests of New Britain and his fellow citizens. 57 F. M. ZIMMERMAN & Qo,, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, LIGHTNING AND TORNADO I nsurance. ^"^ Real Estate and Loans. Office : Room ii, Stanley Bld'g, 330 Main St. Tel. Call, 197-5. Low Rates. WELD &TlARDlNG, WHOLESALE DEALERS Butter, Cheese, Eggs and Fruit, Selling Agents for the Goetz Biscuits. Telephone, 57-2. :f^:s^ Rcar 211 Malii Street. The Connecticut Lighting & Power Co. F 1 1 r-rt «c KckC! perfect service on all its LiiLJl'^"^^ trolley lines. OnPP^t'PS its cars always on schednle PpOVIcIp^ abundant and comfortable seating *J^' accommodations. p mr^lov*. (^ffi^'ient, careful and courteous motormen L mpiuy?> .^^^ conductors. ^iir\r\lipkc tlie public with safe and frequent means ^ "J^ »J" ^^ of tra vel . Cr\rya£\fi.T£:kt^ 'jcst interests of all in manageinent onserves ^^ j^^ ^^^^^^.^^ 58 XnVVTOX R. IirRLIU-RT. Ml. IIiirllxTt was Itoni in Wet licisfirld. ( "niiii .. .laniiaiy 2H^ lt>o7. He icc«'i\«'(l liis (Mliicatioii in I lie coimiion scliools ol" that town, and Idt WrtlKMslicld in IS.") I, .u(»in«; to Wavcily. N. Y., where lie loai-ned the trade ul" i iiisinitli. From iIktc he caiiu' to New Britain in lS«;i, whcic lie has lived ever since. He has been occnpit'd in his trade dnrint New IJritaiii, wnslxuii in New NOik City, !S«'|»l«'nil»('i- •_'■>. isil. lie was (Mliicatt'd in priviitt* seliools and j^radiialfd fnuiitlic Insliiulr at Portclicstcr in lS(i(). He lluMi enlislt'd i!i tin- One Ihnidrcd and 'i'liiil \ - I'ilt li New ^'ol•k lntaidi>\ atUTwards tht- iSlxlli Heavy Ait illcry, New York. Aliei' tlie wai' lie came (<• Xew liritaiii, and was paymaster at P. A: l'\ Corltin's lor sixteen xcars. Then ln' was elei-ted l>'iist SAMIEF. BASSKTT. Mayor. Selectman ol' the t >wn of Xew I>rit lin. whii-li ol'tiee he iield siv years. In 1S!>;}, he was appointed Postmaster and in IIIOO he- w;is elected Mayor lor two yeais. Ml". Bassett lias l»een chairman of Hie eonnnitlee of the Soldiei's' Monument. I!e is \er\ jiopidar in Ihe town with liis tellow-cit i/.ens. and ainoad li\ all who know him. 61 JOHN F. REYNOLDS, DHALER IN Wood, Lehigh and Lackawanna Coal. ALL SIZES AND OF THE FIRST QUALITY. Orders left at 361 Main St. Yard on Myrtle Street, Office Hours, 7 to 9 p. m. near Stanley Works. Telephone Calls, 177-6, 177-12. ANDERSON & ANDREWS, Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Stoves, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Etc. 34 and 36 Church Street. Telephone 72-2. ^^Park Hotel, Where all Electric Cars stop and start from. 30 Rooms all newly furnished. European and American plan. First-Class Cafe and Livery Attached. PRICES MODERATE. 62 COLONEL SAMll-L A. MoORi:. Saiiiiirl A. .Mi>tut> was l»i>ni in Nrw llrilaiii, and rt'ct'i\ cd an e(luc4ition in llu' foumioM si'liools. H<' «'nlislf«l in Ilic SfvcnHi Regiment, ('onncclicut \(»lnnl(M'is. Jnl> Hi. IsiiJ, and Vas nmstered in at llaitloitl, lia\inLi hren rlcctcd Sccoml lamlcnant of his <'Oini»an\ , and was at onct- 1 lanst'crird to tiic Ariii\ ot' the I'otouiac. COI.ONKI, SAMIKI. A. MOORK. Iiiri<;adiei-( icneral. He was in eighteen Wattles of llie("ivil wai". an, I si;:,, mid sint-e then lias l)een a i-esident of New I'.ritain. as irUoro L Davis, Chas. Davison Julius Frank. John R. Fish- er. James W Graham. Ernest (russman. Joel E. Hunt. Leander Hotch- ki s, Jr.. Edward Hinsdale, Wni. Kenyon. D. D. Keyes, Henr\ Leible. Michael Mirier, Michael McMahon, Joseph March, C. O. Mc- Lean. Raphael Mancho, Thomas O'Brien. Aviolpheus D. Perry. De Witt Parkington, ICdwaid P. Pinks. Chas. Rossberg. John B. Ryder, James Reynolds. Joseph J. Ruff. Anthony Snyder, Adolphus Stoudt, Frank hi. vStanley. James F. .Smith, Conrad Post. FIRST SQUADRON CAVALRY. CO^H'ANY A. Sergeant. Chas. McClusky ; Corporal. John S. Kelly ; Musician. A. H Claik ; Privates. F'dvvard Fitzpatrick. 1U\- ward C. Hayes, Patrick Myeis, William Mullen, August Ros.sberg„ Dennis M\ers. FIRST REGIMENT CAVALRY. COMPANY B. Corporal. Lewis J. Welton ; Privates, John Par- rell, Patrick ^Lllonev COMPANY C' Mathew Peck. COMPANY F. Thomas H. Lynch. CO.NH'ANY G. Patrick Fagaii, Thomas Hickton. C()>n*ANY K. William Doyle. COMPANY L. Thomas W. Lesley. UNASSIGNIU). Cornelius >L Abbe. FIRST LUiHT BATTERY. Chas. N. ]"*llis, Stephen H. Peck, Truman C. Kelsey. SECOND li<;ht hatti:r\'. Frederick W. Porter. 05 iP^lamviUe ITnn Newly Renovated and Newly Furnished under New Management. _ _ _ Cafe and Pool Room Connected. IDoc. Ikeenc, Iproprictor. 'rw'/i4 C/c/ ' TELEPHONE 'Es ^iPANY D. Sergeant, John O'Brien; Privates. Daniel O'Brien. E iward Pritchel COMPANY H Steward. Edward Babcock. CO>n'ANY L Sergeant, Wm. H. Clements ; Privates, John L. Dutton, Jared Hills. Robert Nichols. COMPANY K. Corporal, John W. Dontl.son. UN ASSIGNED. Peter Cahili. <• . ©rtcntal TLcn Co,, HIGH-GRADES TEAS, - COFFEES, - SPICES - AND - EXTRACTS Also Headquarters for Crockery,. Tinware, Enameled Ware and Glassware, HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS, FANCY LAMPS AND BRIC-A BRAC. Goods Delivered Anywhere Free of Charge. 413 MAIN STREET, Strickland Corner. LOOK for our Adv. in the Record every Saturday C9 MPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND, OF HARTFORD. 6S SIXTH KEGIMHXT C. \. INFANT i;\. COMPANY H William Sullivan. COMPANY C C.iptaiii. l)\vi.i,rht A. Woo.iruir. COMPANY 1",. Captain, Ji.liii P Council ; Musicians. Wiliiani II. Casliin.in, Oliver I). I'eck. ., COMPANY (i. Captain. John Tracy. P'irst Lieutenant. Jauies W'iiitely ; Second Lieutenants. Norman Iv Hough. \V. O. Kinlock ; Commissary Sergeant. Frederick l\. Callender ; Sergeants. \Yilliam Burria. Ch.is C. Callender, Dwight C. Callender. J. O. Dtuiiug. Mathew MoMahon ; Corporals, John P. Cmiiull, |;is. Cuiuiuings, THOM.VS H. liK.VDV. liepresentallve In lust Legislature. Karnest Gussman, Willis A. Hart, William Horsfall, Wm. Kenyon, Solomon F. Lindsley, Mathew McMalion. 2(1. Joseph March, Joseph J. Ruff, Rdward Yates; Hosj)ital Steward, Chas. A. Dorman ; Musicians. Henry (iussman. Irwia V,. Hubbard, J. Willard Par.sons ; Wagoner Ralph IC. Cross ; Privates, Geo. A. Aslnvorth, John Alt, Edward A. Allpress, I. F. Andrews, Valentine Holkrer, Jacob Bollerer, Chas. H. Hrown, Isaac A. Bragfion, Henry M. Burckhardt, Bernard Burns, Frederick Bollerer, Patrick Connelly, John Costello, William 69 DO YOU USE THE WELSBA CH INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP ? IF NOT, WHY NOT ? READ AND CONSIDER. The old fashion Gas Burner will burn 8 to 10 feet of Gas per hour and you will receive 18 Candle Power Light costing 1 1-2 cents per hour. The Welsbach Lamp will burn 3 feet of Gas per hour from which you will receive 60 Candle Power Light costing less than 1-2 cent per hour. GEr THE BEST, The genuine WELSBACH LAMP. Orders left at the Lyceum Drug Store, opposite Post Office, or the New Britain Gas Light Co. will receive prompt attention J. W. RiNGROSE. 70 C. Cobleijjh, Lewis R. Cook Lewis W. Dunham, Michael Dougherty, Maitin \'. B. Kddy, Julius l-Viuik. Patrick K. Fitzgerald. William Gussman, Joel E. Hunt. Bernard Hafley. Ciotleih Hartman. Chas. Irle, John R. Jones, Thomas Keough, Merrill A. Loomis. Geo Livingston, Raphael >Lincho, Henr}- Moses, Michael Mier, Christian L. Mack, Bryan Madden, Thomas Mclvnroe, Patrick McMahon. Thomas O'Brien, Jas. O'Shea. Conrad Post, Michael Robinson, Albert Ran- decker, Chas Riley, Amos T. Rogers, Philip IL Recor, John H. Recor, Henry Smith. Michael Sullivan. Geo. Southergill, Thomas E. Tracy, John Weir, D wight .A Woodrufl". COMPANY H. Private. William Gammerdinger. CO^n^ANY K P^irst Lieutenant, Sidnev .S. Hicks. UNASSIGNED. Thomas I'lynn, p:dward Moran. SEVENTH REGIMENT C. V. INFANTRY. COMP.\NY A. Captain, Valentine B. Chamberlain ; Sergeant, Thaddens K. Butler; Privates. J ud.son Dickinson, Lvman S. Johnson, Albert W. Pierce, Henrv M. Walker. CO>H»ANY B. A'lvin W. Bunnell. John Flannigan. COMPANY C. Albert J. Brewer. Garrett Connell, Jas. H. Sanford. COMPANY D. William Lyons. CO^^^.•\NY F. Sergeant. Hiram Upson ; Privates, Thomas Dunn, Michael Hogan. Chas. S. Keith, Daniel Sullivan, Geo. Wix. COMPANY G. John Waples CO^IPANY I. First Lieutenant. Jiihn Yan Kurem ; Privates, Nicholas Brown. Patrick Collins, Robert Covle, Jo.seph Longstein. UNASSIGNED. Alex Noble, Harry 'Stratton, Geo H.Smith. Thomas Thompson. EIGHTH REGIMENT C. V. INFANTRY. COMPANY A. Sergeants, P'rancis Hart. Edwin We.stover ; Privates, Nathan G. Birnum, Chas. Rossberg, Geo. Root. Henry Po}er. COMPANY C. Musician. Theodore Brockway ; Private, George Clapp. COMPANY D. Frank H. Clark. COMPANY F. (ieo. F. Beach. COMPANY G. Jonah Little. CO^^''\NY'' I. Second Lieutenant. P'rwin D. Hall ; Corporal, Peter Burns; Musician, Wm. H. Cushman. NINTH REGIMENT C. V. INFANTRY. COMPANY B. Stephen Durning, Thomas Dunn, Patrick L. Dunn, Bernard Murry. COMPANY E. John Coleman, John OMara. CO>n'ANY G. Corporal, Robert O'Brien. TENTH REGIMENT C. V. INFANTRY. COMPANY A. Terrance O'Neil. COMPANY D. Henrv Johnson. COMPANY F. Daniel Durgin. UNASSIGNED. Jo.seph Green. 71 How Re-Opened Under New Maoa^erDent. ^ Parson's Cbcatrc Cafe. LAblE5' Ail3 QENT5' KE5TAaRAMT. Foniierlv of J. B. RYflW, proprietor, Ka„ni„gtrKh-nTr.eIn„ SWIFT'S BESTS If you want the best stock prepared the best with the best care, order Swift's Preiuiuin Hams, Swift's Premium Breakfast Bacon, vSwift's Silver Leaf Lard, Swift's Cotosuet, Swift's Beef Extract, for sale by ANDREWS, SWIFT & CO. p. J. MARKLEY, Attorney at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC. ROOMS, 6 AND 7, BOOTH'S BLOCK NEW BRITAIN, CONN. B. r. GAPFNEY. Attorney at La\A/. NOTARY PUBLIC. Rooms 2 and 4, Stanley Building. 338 MAIN ST., NEW BRITAIN. W. F. DELANEY,— ^ ATTOI^NeV AT LfiW. Notary Public. T^ZVrcV^i'^h^, NEW BRITAIN. CONN. John Walsh. James Roche. J. T. Mesklll. WALSH. ROCHE d MESKILL. Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Rooms 1 -4, 319 Main St., lie\AJ Britain. 72 IvLHVHXTH Ki:r.I\IEXT C. V. IXI-ANTRV. COMPANY C. JdIhi l-"clir. COMl'ANV D. l-'irst Lit- iilt-iianl, Frcck-rick l'. CatnpbL-U ; First vSctjieant, Peter Hums ; Private. Conrad Fritz. COMPANY H. Corporal. Pc-ter McF:nroe. TWHLI-TH RBGIMBXT C. V. INFANTRY. COMi'.ANY II. Serjieaiit, Patrick Au.stiti ; Privates, Samuel M(-F21raih. Stiles vS. Squires. COMPANY I. Stephen Iluhbard. Aaron Jones. THIRTEEXTH REGIAIEXT C. V. INFANTRY. Major. Newton \V. Perkins ; Adjutant, F'red N. Stanley ; vSur.iieon, Benjamin N. Cummings. COMPANY A. Captains, Newton \V. Perkins. Charles H. Corn- well ; First Lieutenant. John E. Woodruff : vSecond Lieutenants. Mor- timer H. Stanley. Frederick N. Stanley ; First Sei.i;eant. Frank E. Stanley ; Sergeants. Christopher F\agan. Charles R. (iladden. Thomas Riley, Nelson W Steele. Frank W. Stanley. Francis J. Wolff; Cor- porals, John F. Ackley, Wni. G. Carpenter. Bernard Fagan, Alverda S. Hart. Thos. Hurley. Deveroux Jones. Jolin Mc(Uiire, Loren D. Penfield Norman W. Warren ; Wagoner. John C. North ; Privates, Frederick H. Bassett. Milton IL Basselt, William C. Bronson, Cor- nelius Connelly, Barney Boyle, Joel Curtiss. Walter F:gan, John Fagan, F'rancis J. OatTney, Orin C. Gilbert, Wm. H. Gladden, Henry P. (iangloff. James Haffey. Jas. Hanson, Wm. Keany, Jas. C. Lewis, Jos. L. Mack, John Martin, Henry Norton, John McGuire, John Northend. John O'Brien, John O'Keefe, Robert Robinson, John Smith, John E. Tubbs, Chas. E. Warner. Horace W Stoddard. COMPANY ]}. Daniel Hector, Joseph Monahan, Thomas Mead, August Simon. COMPANY C. Second Lieutenant, Leonidas R. Hall ; Privates, Michael Hefferman, Thomas Holmes, Thomas Strich. COMPANY D. Charles H. Dunton. Michael Sloan. COMPANY E. Captain. F:ugene Tisdale : Sergeant. Richard Crowley ; Corporal, Chas. H. Belden ; Privates, Elbridge vS Capen ; Patrick Gaffnev. COMPANY H. Richard Hart, John McNeil. COMPANY K. Patrick Dalton, Charles Rhodes, John Storey. THIRTEENTH BATTALION. CO^H'ANY I). Joseph Hackney. FOURTEENTH KE(;niENT C. V. INFAXTL'V. Lieutenant-Colonel, S. A Moore; Chiplain, F^mmons P. Bond. COMPANY C. Alonzo C. Lipincott. COMP.ANY D. Thomas Jackson. C()^^^ANY F:. Musician F/lgar B. Jones. C()NH'A.NY V. Captain, Jarvis F:. Blinn ; F'irst Lieutenants, S. A. Moore Theodore A. Stanley, Wilbur D. Fisk ; Stcond Lieu- tentant. Lucius F. Norton : Quartermaster Sergeant, Russell L. Perkins; F'irst Sergeant Leverett Howell ; Sergeant, Chas N. \'en- sel, Geo. FL Lewis, Henrv Lydall, Charles McAlhatten, Michael 73 Drink frothing But Manilla The IWanilla JlDehor c Brew BFeoiing Go.'s Pure Iiager Beer. 74 Myers. John W. Post. Fredericks. Seymour, Charles M. Scoville, Edward H. Wade ; Corporals. Charles R. Bunnell. IClisha S. Booth. Ralph Cowles. Thomas Finn. Henry B Goodrich. Thomas Hart. Henry K. Talcott. Michael McMahon. James A. Stroazze. Dwifjlit H. Wrii^ht ; Musicians. Jolm Inman. J. Willard Parsons; Privates. Henry Alcott, Geo. F. Beach, Henry Beach, Geo. B. Booth. Charles F. Bufleh, John L. Bartholomew. Francis Cavanauyh. Henry M. Colnirn. Wil'iam Cavanaujjh, Albert S. Frost, Charles Frost, Jr., Loren H Goodrich. Edward L. Goodwin, Edwin A Howell, Geo. A. Hunn, Ralph Kent. Jr John Mauderville, Wm. M. Marvin Reynolds T. Moore, Michael LIKI'T. COI.. CHAS. H. MOORR, Keprfiseiitiitlvc' liri.-^st Logl.slaturo. O'Connell, David Packard. Elephalet S. Packard, ChaiincL-y T. Park, Hiland H Parker, Geo. H. Penfield, John L. Perkins. Geo. P. Rock- well, Fred W. Rossberjr. W. H. Scoville, Geo. H. Smith. Jas. W. Snow. Frederick B. Tatcher, Lucius Wadsworth, William Westover, Edgar L. Williams. CO^^^\NY G. Henry Morgan. COMPANY I. First i.ieutenant, I'rederic S Seymour; Private. Chas. Slessenger. 75 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT .^^ SOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED. NOTARY PUBLIC. ^ ^ ^ :^M^^lC;....r.... CHAS. H. FAULKNER. P. H. CONDON & CO., TRUCKING. BUSSING and GENERAL JOBBING. Dealers in Wagons, Carriages, Sleiglis and Veliicles of all Kinds. BRISTOL, CONN. PLAINYILLE MANUFACTURING CO. MANUFACTURERS OF KNIT -- UNDERWEAR. FACTORY, PLAINVILLE, CONN. Soby^s Our Bachelors^ .^ f^. Sob\?'8 Ci Qars ar e Solb^^^ lEveii^wbere in flew Britain, Factory and Store, O t f /^ T 867 Main St , Hartford. oobys Cjermaii Lovers. 76 Fii"ri:i:NTii i:i:<;imi:n r c w iNr.\N'n:v. COMTANV I'. I'Mwiinl V. I'iiiks. COMPANY K. I,".eutenaiit, Solomon I". I.iiidslfv. SIXTEKXTH HEiil.MFAr ('. V. INFAMIJV. Hospital Steward. Itliaiuar W. Butler. COMPANY A. Owen l''lannagan. COMPANY F. Patrick Shaiinaliaii. COMi'ANY G. John S. Kent. COMPANY 1. Orderly vSergeant. Orville Canii)bell. COMPANY K. I'lanci.s \V. Harnuni, \Valter A. Judd. SEVENTi:FN'riI KEdlMENT ('. V. LNFANTKY. COMPANY I. l.uiies Gallao^han. EIGHTEENTH IM'JH.MENT ('. V. INFANTRY. A^sistantSwrgeon. Win H. Nortli. TVVEXTIETH IH:( H.M lON'l" ('. \. INFANTRY. Adjutant. C Mvran Talcotl COMPANY G.' John F. Kelly. COMPANY K. First Lieutenants, Edward J. Murray, Charles W. Norton; Sergeants, Hiram G. Perkins, Albert Stillman, C. Myrart Talcott ; Corporals, William A Coleman, James Dunn, Andrew U. Hart, James \Ylnte, Thomas O Dell : Musician, Luther M Penlield : Privates, Patrick Coby, Michael Dunn, Henry Deming, Thomas Donohue. Lewis F. Dunn, Alex Flynn, John H. F'arley, Lettvin Grecco, ^lichael Crleason, Michael Gilbert, Lawrence Gavin, John Ciriffin, Julius B. Howd, James Hughes, Geo. Klympf, Wm. Kenna, James Lane, John Lawlor, (iuissippe Lavelli. Charles W. May, Patrick Maloney, James McCrOvern, John G. Front, Robert Payne, Horace Penfield. Salvatove Raineri. Jas. Royston, Peter Rogan, John G. Skelly. Alfred C. Stevens, Henry F. Wright, John G. ^Vilson. TWENTY FIRST RECiFMENT ('. Y. INFANTK'Y. COMPANY B. (ieo. W. Wood. TWENTY SECOND REGIMENT (". Y. INFANTin. COMPANY C. First Serge/lilt, R)l)ert Kenvon. COINIPANY F. Buriitt N. Birge. TWENTY-FIFTH RFJH.MFNT (\ Y. INFANTRY. COMPANY B. Robert Ilenii. TWEXTV-XINTH KECilMENl C. \. JNF.XNTRY. COMPANY A. Hiiiiv Peters. CO>H'ANV B. William Smith. COMPANY G. First Lieutenant, Leonidas R Hall. COMPAN\' H William H. Smith. COMPANY I. Bra(liufaciurers. If you are open to conviction call and see for yourself. Information as free as air. JOHN r. MEEHAN, 565 Main St. New Britaiu. Household Ranges. Richardson & Boynton Hot-Air Furnaces, GEORGE RAPELYE, 250 Main St., New Britain. Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty. \ Before You Have Any Engraving Done 5 Get our prices, we will be sure I \ to please you both in price j J and Quality. am work done on the Premises . J New Britain, Conn. C, H. DAVIS, 176 Main Street. )CeC8»:>C8aC83C8»DeOC8SC85C8»»:>C83Ce3C8:^ so Description of the Soldiers' inonument. By ERNEST FLAGG, the Architect. CHE Memorial belonjjs to a class of which the Choragic MonunuMil of Lysiciates at Athens and the Ko- niaii Monument at St. Reniy in Sontliein France are typical examples. While partaking somewhat of the char- acter of both these celebrated structnres, it cannot be said to reseml)le eitlier of them very closely, except that the dimen- sions are very similar to ihose at the ERNEST KLAcc, monument at St. Remy. This latter ! structure consists of a solid square base, (•n\('ic(l on eacli face with a large bas relief, somewhat less in height than it is in width ; on this base stands the principal story, having an optn aich on each of the four sides, tlank«Ml l)y Corinthian columns at the corners. These support the main entablature, above which stands a small circular lantern-like structure, the roof of which is supported by a colonnade, also of the Corinthian order. The monument of Lysicrates is considerably smaller, and con.sists of wiiat may l)e called a circular lantern standing on a solid square base of almost equal height with it, and having built against its wall six engaged columns of th«» most beautiful design which support the entablature. In the tiic/.<'s arc bas reliefs. The roof is covered with scales, upon which lie richly carved .scrolls supporting a finial of acanthus leaves. The interior of the Soldiers' Monument consists of a single cell which extends throughout almost the whole height of t lie monnmcnt. Architecturally speaking, the exterior may be said to be divided into three stories ; that is to say, the base, the main story and the attic. Tlu* base is bold and simple in design. It has fountains built against two of its faces, one on each side. There is a doorway in each of the other sif the United States aud surmounted by an eagle. The obelisks are capped by a coi-nice with dentils. On each face of the main story is a projecting frontispiece composed of two Pompeian Ionic columns beaiiiig an entabla- ture with a pediment. In each re-entering angle thus formed, at the corners, stands a cube having on each face the classic palmetto leaf. The frieze of each frontispiece is enriched with low relief, and in the center a raised tablet bearing an inscrii^tion extends over the architrave. The sloping edges of the pediments are terminated by richly wrought antifixae which are Joined by flat scrolls to the acroteria, each of which has in its center a blazing torch. Between the columns and beneath the entablature, is a win- dow, one on each side, the architrave of which is ornamented by sculptured discs. The openings are tilled with clatrata or pieiced plates of stone. The attic story rests on a massive plinth. On each of the four sides tiiere is a projecting face decorated with an inscribed tablet with an architrave in the form of a garland of oak leaves bound together by ril)bons and supported by scrolls of stone. Flanking this tabled on each face are pilasteis or anta^ sui)port- ing the architrave cornice, which is oinamented with dentils and bears a richly sculptured eheneau, in which are woiked chimera- heads ; in the center of each face of it is a cartouche-like shield. The re-entering angles formed by the projecting faces of the attic are occupied by four gilded tiipods, one at each cornei', the blazing bowls of which are enriched by a fret, and festoons hang- between the upper ends of the supports ; the latter are terminated by claws. 82 AI>(»\t' flic attic a low circular wall siii)])()rts the rool", foniuMi b> a (Iniiir of sluiH' c(»\cictl with scait-s. and tcnninatcd at the l>as«' with a rminiiiL; (iicrk sridll. At the top of thedoiiie four I'cvcised mo(lilli(»iis support the the liiackets which, with a vase and l>all, lorni the tinial, serving as a pe(lfstal for the gilded limine o|' winded X'ictoiy, which ci-ownsthe inoiiunieiit . This li<;nie is iiiodelled attei- the cclc- luatcd statuette found at l*oni|>eii, now in the museuni at Xajdes. The style of ai chileet nie used t hroui;hout is a uiodeni atlapt - atiou of the(ireek Ionic as used at Pompeii. The dimensions of the monument are: ^\'idth of itase. Hi tt . I in. : radius of lower l»asin. 7 It. 7 in. ; distance het ween centeis of columu.s, 8 ft. .") in. : height of base, S ft. ; height of columns, IL' tt . 7 in. : height ft. 10 in. ; heij^ht • d' attic. 7 ft. !» in. : t.-tal hei^ld t(» top <»f tinial. 4t tt . The w hole structure is intended to he hifjhiy symholic. both in its ueneial coiU'epti<»n and in the detail. As the monument is commenioiat i\ e of t hose who tbunht in a \ictoiious cause, it has naturally taken the t'orm of a temple to \ ictory. it serves as a shrine, within which are insciibed the names of tho.se who.se heroism it commemorates. The sentiment which it typilies is patriotism. The winded fiiiureof \'ictory, bearing a palm branch for the \an(piished. tells the st(uy of war and ty])ilies the recon- ciliation between the tw(» sections which were at strife. Below the linure the tripods blaze with the et«'rnal fire of patriotism. The bla/in.u" torch of the acroterium. which crowns each tVontis- piece .signilies the eidiiihteninu intlnence of Idwrty. The (tbclisks at the base (d the monunu'Ul suj;tiate tli.- iii<-aniim -d' the | The Epglneer. .Memorial. 83 Programme of Dedication. 1. Ringing of Church Bells at 9 a. m. 2. Grand Parade at 11.30 a. m., line to form at 11 a. m. as directed by Grand Marshal. Col. S. a. Moore, Grand Marshal. DEDICATION SERVICES AT MONUMENT. Presiding Officer, Mayor Bassett. Prayer by Rey. Dr. Russell T. Hall, Chaplain of First Regiment, C. JV. G. Presentation of the Monument to the Town By Soldiers' Monument Committee. Acceptance of Monument on behalf of Town By Selectmen. Music by jNIale Chorus, accompanied by Colt's Band, To Thee, O Country. 5. Address by His Excellency Gov. Lounsbury. 6. Oration by Gen. Joseph R. Hawley. Music by ]\Iale Chorus, accompanied by Colt's Band, Soldiers' Chorus. Address by Judge A. B. Beers Pres. Army and Navy Club of Conn. Music, "America," led by Chorus and Colt's Band. Collation to Guests, visiting Military Companies and Members of Grand Army and Veterans, as follows : Invited Guests at Hotel Russwin. Grand Ami}- and Veterans at Casino, Church St. First Regt., C. N. G., at State Armory. Arch St. Putnam Phalanx at Junior O. U. A. M. Hall. Arch St. Governor's Guards at Vega Hall, Arch St. Band Concert at Monument by Colt's Band, 3.30 pm Band Concert at Monument, 8 to 10 p. m. COL. S. A. MOORE, Grand Marshal. Marshals— Col. Erichson Lieut -Col. Thompson, Lieut. Col. C. H. Moore, Capt. J. R. Andrews, Capt. C H. Faulkner. Lieut F. M. Stanley. Marshal and Chief of Staff. Aids — Capt. Fleischer for German Battalion, and N. N. Lind for Swedish Battalion. LINE OF MARCH. Line forms on Commercial, Center, Myrtle and Washington Streets, right resting on Elm Street. March from Elm to East Main to .Main to Cor. Broad and North. Countermarch Main to West Main to Vine, Countermarch to Main, (west side Park), to Arch to Webster to Kensington to Franklin Square (east side). Main to Monument. 84 Froqramme; (^ontinued. Meet at 10 o'clock Turner Hall. Hkkman Flkischkk, Grand Marshal. Grand Concert in the evening at 8 o'clock in Turner Hall, free to all Germans, with following program : 1. Blue and Gray. By Chitfau-av Bicch's Orchestra. 2. Fruehlingslied. By Pfit'ffey T E UTON I A M A EN N E R C H O R . 3. Schulblatte. Waltz. II.\RM()NV Zither Ci.ub. 4. Saengers Heiniath, By E. Kollnei New Brit.vin Quartette Clib. 5 Land Kennung. By E. Grieg Mcasasscuchor Baritone Solo .\nd Orchestr.\. 6. AnoRESS. By Charles Ki'per 7. Overture. Queen of Autumn. By Ciirl Bigge Orchestra. 8. Es Steht eine Lnide, By E. Fouschnier New Britain Qiartette Chu. 9. Fruehling in Walde. By Bnldonus Teitonia M.vennerchor. 10. Fuerst Bisniark March, H.VRMONV Zither Clih. 11. Grand American Fantine, By Theo. Moses Orchestra. The evening's entertainment to conchide with a Grand Ball. 85 GENERAL COMMITTEE Samuel Bassett, Chair)na>i Newton R. Hurlburt C. L. Frisbie J. O. Deniing Philip Corbin J. B. Talcott Will. H. Hart C. S Landers F. L. Hungerford R. J. Vance M. C. Webster A. J. Sloper John Walsh George W. Corbin J. A. Traut T. H. Brady John Coats J. A. Pickett Andrew Corbin P. J. Marklev H. S. Walter' H. C. Noble William E. L. H. Pease M. C. Swift Lyman S. Burr Ira E. Hicks C. E. Wetmore W. P Bacon F. G. Piatt R. G. Hibbard James Roche W. H. Cad well Thomas McCabe A. W. Rice W. L. Humason C. B. Erichson A. L. Thompson Lawrence Crean H. D. Humphrey C. B. Stanley Patrick McCabe Geo. M. Landers L. D. Penfield Attwood, Secretaty W. L. Hatch E. N. Stanley A. H. Abbe August Burckhardt Isaac D. Rus.sell Win. F. Walker W. W. Pinks H. B. Hunia.son C. PL Moore F S. Cliamherlain T. H. Kehoe Francis Atwater John F. Storey Win. H. Gladden Francis Dobsoii A. N. Abbe George W. Klett H. S. Hart J. L. Doyle J. E. Cooper W. F. Delaney EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Samuel Bassett, Cfiairinatt A. J. Sloper N. R. Hurlburt L. D. Penfield James Roche W. E. Attwood, Secretary W. L. Hatch H. D. Humphrey COMMITTEE ON SPEAKERS C. S. Landers A. J. Sloper, Chainnati. P. J. Markley John Coats RECEPTION COMMITTEE H. E. Russell Ambrose Beatty F. N. Stanley Prof. D. N. Camp Philip Corbin J. B. Talcott R. J. Vance Wni. H. Hart Chas. S. Landers L. H. Pease F. L. Hungerford M. C. Webster John Walsh Geo. W. Corbin J. A. Traut Thos. H. Brady Samuel Bassett, Chair man John Coats J. A. Pickett Andrew Corbin H. S. Walter H. C. Noble M. C. Swift W. P. Bacon R. G. Hibbard B. F. Gaffney Thomas McCabe A. W. Rice W. L. Humason Lawrence Crean Francis Dobsoii Albert Morton Isaac D. Russell Henry Burckhardt August Burckhardt C. B. Stanley Patrick McCabe George M. Landers L. D. Penfield Ira E. Hicks A. N. Abbe James Roche A. J. Sloper W. G. Kinlock Ernest F. Wann John B. Brink Richard Cassady W. H. Gladden E. A. Alpress Abram Howell 86 INVITATION COMMITTEE L. U. Pfiificld, ChiuiiHiin A. N. Ahbe, Seirttary Ira v.. Hicks W. l". Walker Geo. W. Corhiii T. 11. Brady J. A. Traut COMMITTEE ON MUSIC C. K. Wetniore, C/iairinatt k. I'. I'aiiR- J. G. Sk'pheiisoii H. J. Brown !•;. L. Morey K. V . Lauhiii B. J. /olltier Charles Swcnson .\. H. Godanl COMMITTEE ON PARADE Col. C. B. Erich.son, Chainnan Lieut. Col. S. A. Moore Lieut. Col. A. L. Thompson Capt. J. R. Andrews Lieut. Col. C. H. Moore C^apt. C. H. Faulkner COMMITTEE ON DECORATIONS II. I). Huni])hrey, Chair))taii \V. H. Hart W. H. Cad well W. L. Hatch P. F. O'Dav W. L. Weld E. N. Stanley COMMITTEE ON COLLATION M. C Webster, Chairman V. H. Ward A. T. DeWolf Alonzo J. Hart Geo. W. Klett W. W. Pinks Wm. H. Gladden COMMITTEE ON PRINTING L. H. Pease, Chainnan. H. B. Huniason J. V,. Cooper COMMITTEE ON PRESS L. S. Burr, Chairman Hon. R. J. \ance H. A. Stocking J. L- Doyle Francis Atwater M H. Canij) John F. Storey Thomas H. Kehoe COMMITTEE ON PLATFORM AND TABLES F. G. Piatt, Chainnan W . H. Cadwell R. G. Hibbard COMMITTEE ON ARTILLERY Ira !•;. Hicks. Chainnan W. H. Gladden T. H. Kehoe COMMITTEE ON FINANCE N. R. Ilurlburt, Chairma)i C. L. Frisbie J. (). DcmiuK W. F. Delancy COMMITTEE ON CARRIAGES A. H. .•Xbbe, I'hainnan F. S. Chamberlain W. F. Delaney Eugene J. Porter Harrie E. Hart 87 new etidland Brewing Company's eager Beers, ]\k% and Pomr$» STRICTLY PURE. RTNN 6^ F/qRR, GENERAL AGENTS FOR NEW BRITAIN. CALL FOR BOTTLING GOODS. We Lead as Illustrators in all Processes Embossing, Designing, W^ood Engraving, ESTIMATES FURNISHED. A. PINDAR & CO., HARTFORD, CONN. We Make a Specialty of Illustrating Manufacturers' Products. Half-Tone, Line Work. Electrotyping. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 88 M. T. WHITE, 2 Railroad Arcade, and by the most wide-awake retail saloons all around the town Meriden Brewing Qo, James R. Halloran, PHARMACIST. 366 MAIN STRCCT. New Britain, Conn.