Class _IPSi^Oe Book \n3 '^ b. COPYRIGHT BY MARY MATHEWS BARNES ILLUSTRATIONS Illustrated Title 4,/ O Sun F"rom out whose gracious rays ........ 61/^ O Moon From out whose peaceful life ......... lO"^ O Stars From out whose twinkling beam , , , , , . . . 14 "^ O Flowers Whose censers swinging slow . . . , , , . , . iS^' O Music Born upon celestial lyres . . . , , , , , , . 22 O Love From out whose very heart she came .....,, 26 y^ And Ye O favored ones and blest ......... 30 ' (3) B<^»o«nv.MftTMe( ® Sun Ifroiii out wbose gracious rava O Sun, From out whose gracious rays Came forth the day of days, When my dear Love was born, Shine out ! And with your brightest ray Bring gift divine to mark her wedding day. A gift, a golden gleam, A prophecy of good in every beam, Rejoice with so much of yourself that in her lives, Which she with loving joy to others freely gives. (7) ® fIDoon ffrom out wbose peaceful life O Moon, From out whose peaceful life, A portion came to guard her own from strife, Shme out ! And with your softest light, Make happy Peace to rule her wedding night ; Let all your rays in silvery sheen, Whisper of coming nights serene. Rejoice with so much of yourself that in her lives, Which she with loving joy to others freely gives. ("J © stars ifioiii out \vbo5c twinhliiiii beams O Stars, From out whose twinkling beams Came radiant orleams To dwell, and find within her soul an added elow, A sunnier warmth than ever stars do know, Catch from unsettino- suns to-ni^ht A ruddier tint a hint of Heavenly light. Reflect her eyes And make new beauty in the skies. Rejoice with so much of yourselves that in her lives. Which she with lovmg joy to others freely gives. (15) ® jf lowers imbosc censers swinging slow J O Flowers, Whose censers swinijinor slow, Exhaled rare perfume drenched in mornmg dew To touch the breath that first she drew, Lift loyally your heads, and gayly smile With Joy the while Her bridal blossoms bloom. Cull sweet perfection from her face, And then give back your borrowed grace. Rejoice with so much ot yourselves that in her lives, Which she with loving joy to others freely gives. (19) ® fIDusic JSorii upon celestial Igres O Music, Born u|)on celestial lyres, And thrilling 'mid angelic choirs, Come nearer earth to-day, Whisper in my lay ; Repeat the melody you sent. When to the world her voice you lent. Swell in the air that tells The echoes of the bells ; Be like her Lover's heart, Of her own a part. Rejoice with so much of yourself that in her lives, Which she with loving joy to others freely gives. (23) ® %ovc Jfrom out wbosc verg beart sbc came J- 1 I O Love, From out whose very heart she came, Born from thy glowing flame, Look down, And in thy glorious way Crown thou her wedding day. Oh, nearer come — make thou her bridal bed, Close by her side all future pathways tread, Help her to see thy face In every clime and place ; Rejoice with so much of thyself that in her lives, Which she with loving joy to others freely gives. (27) © favorcD ones anO blest **'' ^ 'r tBUB/TT ri" ff-^rwg.fl And Ye, O fax'ored ones and blest, Whose hearts have been her rest Since hfe began. Ye hsten now — and hear, with all Love's pain, Her marriage vow ; Giving, where most ye long to keep, Smiling, where most ye long to weep ; Repress your tears, Banish your fears, Rejoice with so much of yourselves that in her lives, Which she with loving joy to others freely gives. (31) LRBJe"^ Z^ "? ^o. <$ > s>>l