IP F ROM COURT TO COURT V / Qass. Book. l+^ATue^ , GA^udju^ xJ^mA^^ »i From \i Court ^o Court A COLLECTION OF VERSES TOUCHING UPON THE ANCIENT, POPULAR AND SACRED RITE OF DIVORCE SIOUX FALLS, S. D. 4TH OF JULY, 1905 1 » J J a Ft 1905 Press of Will A. Beach Sioux Falls ^^M =t^''^' Tk ^^m It f^^JjM \ ^^w^n HIS book is dedicated to everyone except Pharisees, Gossips, Self- constituted Judges of others and those -who have never loved, have never been loved, and never will be loved V Stunts Listen to My Tai.e of Woe ^4 ^ , i6 Boo! The Song of My Native State i7 What Couinh -vn^