T4A5 1917 BULLETIN OF THE STATE BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION In Co-operaiion with the Federal Board for Vocational Education Federal Aid for Vocational Agriculture in Texas, under the Smith-Hughes Law W. F, DOUGHTY State Superintendent of Public Instruction and Secretary State Board for Vocational Education J. D. BLACKWELL Director of Vocational Agriculture BULLETIN 68 AUGUST 1. 1917 THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE OF TEXAS jjotio**^^ BULLETIN OF THE STATE BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION In Co-operation with the Federal Board for Vocational Education Federal Aid for Vocational Agriculture in Texas, under the Smith-Hughes Law W. F. DOUGHTY State Superintendent of Public Instruction and Secretary State Board for Vocational Education J. D. BLACKWELL Director of Vocational Agriculture BULLETIN 68 • AUGUST I. 1917 THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE OF TEXAS ' . ; A176-1017-5m D." of D. UtC 4 I9I7 FOREWORD. The Smith-Hughes Bill, providing Federal grants to the respective states for the promotion of Vocational Education, was passed by the Sixty-fourth Congress, signed by President Wilson on February 23, 1[)17, and became operative as a law on July 1, 1917. The Thirty-fifth Legislature of the State of Texas accepted the pro- visions and benefits of this law and designated the State Board of Education as the State Board for Vocational Education to administer this law in Texas. The following approximate amounts of Federal aid are available to the State of Texas, during the next ten years, provided such aid is duplicated from State or local funds, or by both: Purpose. 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 Salaries of teachers, supervisors and directors of agricultural subjects.. Salaries of Instructors in teacher- training in aericultural, trade and industrial and home economics subjects Salaries of teachers of trade and industrial and home economics subjects Total $ 29,950 21,200 11,000 $ 43,903 31,076 16,126 S 57.857 40,953 21,250 S 69,767 49,384 25,624 $ 79,634 56,368 29,248 $ 89,501 63,352 32,872 $ 62,150 $ 91,105 $120,060 $144,775 $165,250 $185,725 Purpose. Salaries of teachers, supervisors and directors of agricultural subjects.. Salaries of instructors in teacher- training in agricultural, trade and industrial and home economics subjects .. Salaries of teachers of trade and industrial and home economics subjects Total. 1923-24 $ 99 , 368 70,336 36,496 $ 206,200 1924-25 $ 119,102 84,305 43,743 $ 247,150 1925-26 $ 138,835 98,273 50,992 $ 288,100 1926-27 $ 138,835 98,273 50,992 $ 288,100 Total for 10 years. 866.752 613,520 318,343 $ 1,798.615 Application for all Federal aid must be made by the Local Board of Control (school board, school committee or special board appointed for the purpose) in regular session, on forms provided by the State Board for Vocational Education. The purpose of this bulletin is to outline briefly the conditions govern- ing Federal aid for vocational agriculture in Texas, under the provisions of the Smith- Hughes Law, to explain the method of applying for such aid, and to give such extracts from the Smith-Hughes Vocational Law as effect vocational agriculture. Similar bulletins for trade and indus- try, and home economics will be available at a later date. W. F. Doughty, State Superintendent of Public Instruction and Secretar}', State Board for Vocational Education. Austin, Texas, October 1, 1917. CONDITIONS GOVERNING FEDERAL AID FOR VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE IN TEXAS, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE SMITH-HUGHES LAW (Based on the plan approved by State and Federal Boards for Vocational Education) I. General conditions. A. Supervision and control. 1. All vocational agricnltnre, for which Federal aid is given, shall be under the direct supervision and control of the State Board for Vocational Edu- cation. ISToTE. — 'No teacher, supervisor or director of vocational agriculture shall be employed or dismissed without the approval of the State Board for Vocational Education and the Board of Control. B. Purpose of act. 1. The purpose of the Smith-Hughes Law is to pre- pare for useful employment. a. The purpose of Section Two of the Law is to train agricultural workers. C. Grade of work. 1. All vocational agriculture taught under the provi- sions of this Law shall be of less than college grade. D. Age of students. 1. All courses in vocational agriculture shall be de- signed to prepare persons over 14 years of age for useful or profitable employment in agriculture. E. Duplicating of Federal funds. 1. All Federal funds for vocational agriculture must be duplicated by local funds, F. Expenditure of funds. 1. All Federal funds for vocational agriculture must be used for salaries of teachers, supervisors and directors of vocational agriculture. II. Kinds of schools which may receive Federal aid for vocational agriculture. A. Vocational agricultural departments in high schools clas- sified by the State Department of Education. (See Standards of Classification in Department Bulletin 64.) B. Special vocational agricultural schools. C. Part-time schools or evening classes for vocational agri- culture. — 6— III. Plant and equipment. A. Yocational agricultural departments in classified high schools. 1. The Communit}- Board of Control shall, previou? to receiving aid for vocational agriculture, pro- vide a $200 equipment as a minimum. Such ad- ditional equipment as may be necessary for sat- isfactory work will be required by the State Board for Vocational Education. 2. Land suitable for agricultural purposes, and con- veniently located, of sufficient area to provide each person enrolling for plant production proj- ects in vocational agriculture, at least one-tenth acre; must be provided, either by lease or pur- chase, by the Local Board, when provision for such land cannot otherwise be made. (A mini- mum of one acre must be provided to meet this emergency.) B. Special schools for vocational agriculture. 1. In addition to the requirements for departments of vocational agriculture, the Community Board of Control of special schools for vocational agri- culture shall, previous to receiving Federal aid, provide a $500 equipment as a minimum, ten acres of suitable land, the necessary buildings, and such additional equipment as the State Board may require for satisfactory work. C. Part-time and evening classes in vocational agriculture. 1. Schools establishing part-time or evening classes in vocational agriculture shall provide such equip- ment as may be required by the State Board for vocational agriculture. Note. — If these classes are organized in con- nection with departments of vocational agri- culture or special schools of vocational agri- culture, only such additional equipment as may be necessary for satisfactory work will be re- quired. IV. Minimum of maintenance. A. Salaries. A minimum salary of $1200 for 12 months work will be paid all teachers of vocational agriculture, pro- vided their entire time is given to the vocational agricultural work. If any portion of their time is devoted to subjects other than vocational agriculture, a division of the time must be made before the ap- — 7— jjlication is approved, and Federal, and. local and state funds, duplicating Federal funds for vocational agriculture, used for only that portion of the time devoted to vocational agriculture. All teachers of vocotional agriculture must be employed on a twelve months' basis. B. Additional maintenance. All Local Boards shall, prior to the approval of the application, furnish evidence that such conveyance as may be necessary for the personal supervision of all project work, will be provided the teacher, supervisor or director of vocational agriculture. Evidence that provision will be made for such equipment, clerical help, stationery, etc., as may be necessary must be furnished by the Local Board, prior to the approval of the application. V. Courses of study for: A. Departments of vocational agriculture in classified high schools, and special schools for vocational agriculture. The courses of study for departments of vocational agri- culture in classified high schools and in special schools of vocational agriculture shall consist of four years' work, fifty per cent of which time each year shall be devoted to vocational work, including instruction in agriculture, demonstrations, supervised agricultural projects and supervised study in agriculture and project work. Fifty per cent of time each year shall be devoted to such subjects as will give additional cultural and good citizenship training, B. Part-time schools and evening classes. The course of study for part-time schools or evening classes shall be planned to meet local needs. Note. — Details of all courses of study must be outlined by the respective schools and submitted for approval with appli- cation to State Board for Vocational Education. VI. Methods of instruction. The methods of instruction in vocational agriculture will vary with the type of school, but must be based upon : A. The teaching of vocational agriculture through both in- struction and supervised study. B. Supervised projects in vocational agriculture. (See super- vision of project work.) C. The abundant use of illustrative materials from the farm, lantern slides, charts, etc. — 8— yil. Supervision of project work. A. Essentials of a successful project. The essentials of a project are set forth in Bulletin 346, United States Department of Agriculture. The term "home project" applied to instruction in secondary agriculture in- cludes the following requisites: 1. There must be a plan for work at home covering a season or a more or less extended period of time. 2. It must he a part of the instruction in agriculture of the school. 3. There must be a problem more or less new to the pupil. 4. The parents and pupil should agree with the teacher upon the plan. 5. Some competent person must supervise the home work. 6. Detailed records of time, method, cost, and income must be honestly kept. 7. A written report based on the record must be sub- mitted to the teacher. This report may be in the form of a composition or a booklet. B. Administration of project work. 1. Selection of project. All projejcts must be selected by the student with the advice and consent of the teacher and parent. The parent must sign a written statement to the effect that he will (a) provide the necessary equipment for the project; (b) allow the student sufficient time for the work for the project; (c) allow the student the net profits accruing from the project. 2. Equipment.- — The equipment required will vary widely with the type of project. For the plant production projects at least one-tenth acre of land will be necessary. For animal husbandry projects, pigs, poultry, baby beeves, with neces- sary feeds, buildings, etc., will be required. For those students who are unable to furnish a sat- isfactory equipment at home, the Local Board may arrange to supply, at the school, such of the equipment as may be found desirable and neces- sary. It is advised, however, that school projects be substituted for home projects only under un- usual circumstances. 3. The supervisor in charge shall visit each project at least once each month for the purpose of direct- ing and giving such advice as may be needed. — 9— 4. Eeports. a. Each student must submit a written report upon the progress of the project at least once each month. b. Upon the completion of the project a com- plete report shall be made to the super- visor in charge. ISTOTE. — Each student must do six months supervised project work each year. VIII. Qualifications of all teachers, supervisors or directors of voca- cational agriculture. 1. Man, at least 21 years of age. 2. Graduate of a standard agricultural college, or its equiv- alent. 3. At least two years actual working experience on a farm, after his twelfth birthday. 4. One full year's course in education, or its equivalent. 5. One-half year's agricultural teaching experience in a sec- ondary school, or its equivalent. 6. Satisfactory evidence of good moral character, strong per- sonality and ability to co-operate with farmers. 7. After July 1, 1921, eligibles for positions as teachers, supervisors, and directors of vocational agriculture shall have completed a four years' college course in Voca- tional Agricultural Education. Candidates for admis- sion to this course must have presented upon entrance to the course fourteen units of high school work. Such a course will provide for 144 semester hours work, at least 40 hours of which must be technical agricudture and 15-24 professional training, including supervised practice teaching in secondary agriculture. Upon the completion of this course, a permanent teacher's certifi- cate will be granted by the State Department of Edu- cation. METHOD OF APPLYING FOR FEDERAL AID FOR VOCA- TIONAL AGRICULTURE. All applications for Federal aid for vocational agriculture must be made on Form D 121, copies of which may be obtained by addressing the State Board for Vocational Education, Austin, Texas. The application must be made in duplicate, one copy forwarded to the State Board for Vocational Education, and the other filed with the secretary of the Local Board of Control. Upon receipt" of the appli- cation, the Director will inspect the school applying for aid, and report to the State Board for Vocational Education, who in turn will pass upon the application. —10— EXTRACTS FROM THE SMITH-HUGHES LAW, RELATIVE TO THE TRAINING OF AGRICULTURAL WORKERS. An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational education; to pro- vide for cooperation with the states in the promotion of such education in agriculture; * * * -j-q provide for cooperation with the states in the preparation of teachers of vocational subjects; and to appropriate money and regulate its expenditure. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That there is hereby annually appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sums provided in Sections 2 and 4 of this Act, to be paid to the respective States for the purpose of cooperating with the states in paying the salaries of teachers, supervisors and directors of agricultural subjects * * * an(j jj^ the preparation of teachers of agricultural subjects. * * * g^nis shall be expended as herein- after provided. Sec. 2. That for the purjjose of cooperating with the states in paying the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural sub- jects there is hereby appropriated for the use of the states, subject to the provisions of this Act, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, the sum of $500,000; for the fiscal year "ending June 30, 1919, the sum of $750,000; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, the sum of $1,000,000: for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, the sum of $1,250,000: for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922, the sum of $1,500,000 : for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, the sum of $1,750,- 000 : for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1924, the sum of $2,000,000 ; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, the sum of $2,500,000; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, and annually thereafter, the sum of $3,000,000. Said sums shall be allotted to the states in the pro- portion which their rural population bears to the total rural population of the United States; not including outlying possessions, according to the last preceding United States census. Sec. 4. That for the purpose of cooperating with the states in pre- paring teachers, supervisors, and directors of agricultural subjects and teachers of trade and industrial and home economics subjects there is hereby appropriated for the use of the states for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, the sum of $500,000; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, the sum of $700,000: for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, the sum of $900,000; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, and annually thereafter, the sum of $1,000,000. Said sums shall be allotted to the states in the proportion which their population bears to the total population of the United States, not including outlying possessions, according to the last' preceding United States census. —11— Sec. 5. That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriations provided for in Sections 2 and 4 of this Act, any state shall, through the legisaltive authority thereof, accept the provisions of this Act and designate or create a state board, consisting of not less than three mem- bers, and having all necessary power to cooperate, as herein provided, with the Federal Board for Vocational Education in the administration of the provisions of this Act. The State Board of Education, or other board having charge of the administration of public education in the state, or any state board having charge of the administration of any kind of vocatinal education in the state may, if the state so elect, be designated as the state board, for the purposes of this Act. ********** Any state may accept the benefits of any one or more of the respective funds herein appropriated, and it may defer the acceptance of the benefits of any one or more of suich funds, and shall be required to meet only the conditions relative to the fund or funds the benefits of which it has accepted, Provided, that after June 30, 1920, no state shall receive any appropriation for salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects until it shall have taken advantage of at least the minimum amount appropriated for the training of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, as provided for in this Act. Sec. 6. That a Federal Board for Vocational Education is hereby created, to consist of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the United States Commissioner of Education, and three citizens of the United States to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. One of said three citizens shall be a representative of the manufactur- ing and commercial interests, one a representative of the agricultural interests and one a representative of labor. The board shall elect an- nually one of its members as chairman. In the first instance, one of the citizen members shall be appointed for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, and thereafter for three years each. The members of the board other than the members of the Cabinet and the United States Commissioner of Education shall receive a salary of $5000 per annum. The board shall have power to cooperate with state boards in carry- ing out the provisions of this Act. It shall be the duty of the Federal Board for Vocational Education to make, or cause to have made studies, investigations, and reports, with particular reference to their use in aiding the states in the establishment of vocational schools and classes and in giving instruction in agriculture. * * * Such studies, in- vestigations, and reports shall include agriculture and agricultural processes and requirements upon agricultural workers; * * * and problems of administration of vocational schools and of courses of study and instruction in vocational subjects. —12— The Federal Board for Yocational Education shall have power to employ gnch assistants as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. Sec. 8. That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriation for any purpose specified in this Act, the state board shall prepare plans, showing the kinds of Vocational Education for which it is pro- posed that the appropriation shall be used; the kinds of schools and equipment; courses of study; methods of instruction; qualifications of teachers; and, in the case of agricultural subjects, the qualifications of supervisors or directors ; plans for the training of teachers, and, in the case of agricultural subjects, plans for the supervision of agricultural education, as provided for in Section 10. Such plans shall be submitted by the state board to the Federal Board for Vocational Education, and if the Federal board finds the same to be in conformity with the pro- visions and purposes of this Act, the same shall be approved. The state board shall make an annual report to the Federal Board for Voca- tional Education, on or before September first of each year, on the work done in the state and the receipts and expenditures of money under the provisions of this act. Sec. 9. That the appropriation for the salaries of teachers, super- visors, or directors of agricultural subjects. * * * shall be devoted exclusivelv to the payment of salaries of such teachers, supervisors, or directors having the minimum qualifications set up for the state by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Education. The oost of instruction supplementary to the instruction in agriculture, provided for in this Act, necessary to build a well-rounded course of training, shall be borne by the state and local communities, and no part of the cost thereof shall be borne out of the appropriations herein made. The moneys expended under the provisions of this Act, in cooperation with the States, for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, * * * shall be conditioned that for each dollar of Federal money expended for such salaries the state or local community, or both, shall expend an equal amount for such salaries ; and that appropriations for the training of teachers of vocational subjects, as herein provided, shall be conditioned that such money be expended for maintenance of such training and that for each dollar of Federal money so expended for maintenance, the state or local communitv, or both, shall expend an equal amount for the main- tenance of such training. Sec. 10. That any state may use the appropriation for agricultural purposes, or any part thereof allotted to it, under the provisions of this Act, for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects, either for the salaries of teachers of such subjects in schools or classes or for the salaries of supervisors or directors of such subjects under a plan of supervision for the State to be set up by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Education. That in order to receive the benefits of such appropriation for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects the state —13— board of any state shall provide in its plan for agricultural education that such education shall be that which is under public supervision or control; tliat the controlling purpose of such education shall be to fit for useful employment; that such education shall be of less than college grade and be designed to meet the needs of persons over fourteen years of age who have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon the work of the farm or of the farm home; that the state or local com- munity, or both, (1) shall provide the necessary plant and equipment determined upon by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, as the minimum requirement for such education in schools and classes in the State; (2) that the amount expended for the maintenance of such education in any school or class receiving the benefit of such appropriation shall be not less annually than the amount fixed Iw the state board, with the approval of the Federal board as the minimum for such schools or classes in the state; (3) that such schools shall provide for directed or supervised practice in agriculture, either on a farm provided for by the school or other farm, for at least six months per year; (4) that the teachers, super- visors, or directors of agricultural subjects shall have at least the mini- mum qualifications determined for the state by the state board, with the approval of the Federal Board for Vocational Education. Sec. 12. That in order for any state to receive the benefits of the appropriation in ihis Act for the training of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects. * * * ^]-,g state board of such state shall provide in its plan for such training that the same shall be carried out under the supervision of the state board ; that such training shall be given in schools or classes under public supervision or control; that such training shall be given only to persons who have had ade- quate vocational experience or contact in the line of work for which thev are preparing themselves as teachers, supervisors, or directors, or who are acquiring such experience or contact as a part of their training : and that the state board, with the approval of the Federal board, shall establish minimum requirements for such experience or contact for teachers, supervisor's, or directors of agricultural subjects, and for teach- ers of trade, industrial and home economics subjects; that not more than sixty per centum nor less than twenty per centum of the money appropriated under this Act for the training of teachers of vocational subjects to anv state for anv year shall be expended for any one of the following purposes: For the preparation of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural subjects or the preparation of teachers of trade and industrial subjects, or the preparation of teachers of home economics subjects. Sec. 13. That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriations for the salaries of teachers, supervisors, or directors of agricultural sub- jects, * * * Q^, ff^j. flip training of teachers as herein provided, any state shall ,through the legislative authority thereof, appoint as cus- todian for said appropriations its State Treasurer, who shall receive —14— and provide for the proper custody and disbursements of all money paid to the state from said apxjropriations. Sec. 16. That the Federal Board for Vocational Education may with- hold the allotment of moneys to any state whenever it shall be deter- mined that such moneys are not being expended for the purposes and under the conditions of this Act. Sec. 17. That * * * j^q portion of any moneys appropriated under this Act for the benefit of the states shall be applied, directly or indirectly, to the purchase, erection, preservation, or repair of any building or liuildiugs or equipment, or for the purchase or rental of lands, or for the support of any religious or privately owned or con- ducted school or college. Approved, February 23, 1917.