^'/iiH'«-» tii^CtiiX'^i -^&&^ ■ws^;^- .-X fllHlngUE ^H 5!^- « ^Vl\CE L/S7. AN D Barbers' Purchasing Guide OF Barbers' Chairs, Furniture, AND Barbers' Supplies, I LLUSTRATED. Theo. a. Kochs, Manufagturrr and Importer No. 217 Fifth Avenue, Chicago"' Factory: 158-160 Wells St., cor. Erie. « '^ *■ ,.^^ Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1884, by THEO. A. KOCHS, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. i\ . ijt^ . y\ M N ^PRINTED BY Z- «i JSKEEN & STUART STATIONERY CO. L T 77 MADISON STREET, T "• y CHICAGO. ^:^ — •" ®— : ®i * * 3ntrobuctori}. Chicago, SepterT]ber I5tl^, 1884. E trust you will excuse our being a little late with the issue of our Catalogue for 1884, the cause of the delay being due to the moving of our Factory, our entire time and attention having been required in placing machinery and getting things in running order. The increased demand for our Chairs, which have become the recognized STANDARD of this Country, has made it necessary for us to erect a building to be specially devoted to the manufacture of Barbers' Chairs, Furniture and Supplies. In issuing this edition every care has been taken to make it thorough and complete in all its parts, and a standard book of reference for the trade. We have added to our list of Barbers' chairs three new ones, the Windsor and Two Reclining Chairs, one of the latter being automatic in its action. We desire to draw special attention to our Dressing Cases, designed by us for barbers' use ; also to our entirely new line of Mug Cases. Within the past few months we have been fitting up quite a number of shops with elegant Cabinet Cases. We get up these cases in several handsome styles, and for any number of chairs. We also make some beautiful Mirror Cases, rich in ornamentation, and with turned pil- lars. Photographs of these will be cheerfully sent to parties who desire to have them made. We regret that our time is too limited to permit us to have the engravings made for use in this catalogue. We are prepared to give figures and Estimates on any style of Cabinet or Combination Dressing Cases, made by other houses, if you will send us an illustration of same. Our facilities for doing this class of work are unsurpassed ; we can make these cases in cherry or walnut, or, if desired, a combination of hard woods can be employed to suit the taste of each customer. Owing to the increased amount of room, the capacity of all our departments has been increased ; notably, that of our grinding shop, in which we employ the largest force of skilled grinders in this city. We give the same care and attention as formerly to china decorating. Besides our Toilet Preparations, already so well known, we have added a branch for the manufacture of Toilet and shaving soaps. Sweeping reductions in prices have been made in many depart- ments, especially in glassware. It is our intention to move our office and salesroom, on or about October 15th, to the store floor of our factory. Provided with more commodious quarters, it will enable us to display our manufactures to better advantage, thus making selection of goods easier for customers, besides increasing our facilities for shipping goods. It will be our constant aim to retain the confidence of our customers by supplying them with the BEST of goods at the lowest market rates. Gratefully acknowledging past favors, and soliciting your future patronage, we are Respectfully yours, THEO. A. KOCHS. THIS PRICE LIST CANCELS ALL FORMER LISTS AND PRICES. ■^ ^ ■® THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. DIAGRAM SHOWING OUR OLD, ALSO OUR NEW LOCATION. V.Jt i\.\V. □ □ □□ CDLJ □□ □ □□ □ □□□ □ □□□. annanna Like St. aanDDDD □andaDD MMliijn St. naDQDDDD Mooroe ^ _y ? 8t. . A.iam3 OLD LOCA TION st. ^^ tz:] »^ ^^ ^f t c^:^ 1 f izzi czn dJ Ezn ™' c^ I I n n n n □ V^ 1 U^rS.lv.M.S.i The above diagram shows our old location, at 217 Fifth avenue, also our new location, on the corner of N. Wells and Erie streets. It will be noticed that N. Wells street is only a con- tinuation of Fifth avenue, it being divided by the Chicago river. By taking the Wells street cars on the corner of Fifth avenue and Randolph street, our patrons can ride directly to the corner where our new quarters are located, within a few blocks of the North- Western Rail- way depot, and but a short distance from the business center. After October (5th, our address will be 158 and I60 Wells street, to which place all letters should be addressed. « ^i ^ m THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. ^, TERMS. TERMS, CASH, C. O. D. We pay the return charges on orders of 15.00 and over. On orders of $2.00 and less, please remit money with order. On hills of $20.00 and over, we allow a discount of 5 per cent. Estimates on outfits cheerfully sent on application. No charge for boxing or cartage. Wo goods will be shipped to the far off States and Territories^ and to points lying outside the United States, unless the money is sent with the order. SPECIAL. — After strenuous efforts on our part, we have succeeded in getting Barbers' Chairs shipped by us, rated as first-Glass.^ the regu- lar rates beijig double first-class, this concession to us being made on account of our large shipments. Parties ordering from us will appreciate this saving in freight charges. All orders for Barhers' Chairs^ Furniture and Pluinbing Goods must he accompanied hy a deposit sufficient to cover transportation charges hoth ways., as a guarantee that the goods will he taken upon arrival. *■ -i «- -69 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. KOCHS' BARBERS' CHAIR, No. 9. Pat. Feb. 17. 1880. Front View. Grand and stately in appearance, its graceful outlines suggestive of luxury and comfort, our No. 9 chair stands to-day without a rival. The higli degree of development and skill attained in the various branches of Wood Worlting could nowhere find a more fitting example than is afforded by this chair. It is made of Black Walnut or Cherry; the carving is of the most elaborate description ; the inlaid work is exquisitely designed, the effect produced by the artistic arrangement of the various colored and natural woods being at once effective and charming. This chair can be adjusted to every desired position for shaving or hair cutting. The back view of this chair, which is shown on the opposite page, is also very striking. Among the establishments who have fitted up their shops with these chairs mention may be made of the Ebbitt House, at Washington, D. C, where fourteen of them are in use ; the Plankington House Barber shop at Milwaukee, Wis., where eleven of our No. 9 chairs have been placed, through our agents, Messrs. Ladwig & Schranck ; the Grand Hotel Barber shop, at Cincinnati, Ohio, where we have put in eight of them ; besides this, hotel shops at Council Bluffs, Iowa; Portage, Wis.; Peoria, 111., and numerous other places. PRICE: Covered with Best Mohair Plush, Olive, Maroon, Green or Crimson $70.00 It may also be had covered in Embossed Maroon or Olive Plush without extra charge. *- -« THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. ■^ KOCHS' BARBERS' CHAIR, No. 9. Pat. Feb. 17, 1880. Back View. *- -* *- * 10 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. KOCHS' BARBERS' CHAIR, No. 4. Pat. Feb. 17, 1880. Front View. An elegantly modeled and admirably proportioned chair. The frame is made of Black Walnut or Cherry, as preferred, and is handsomely ornamented with French walnut veneered panels, rich carving and fine engraving. The upholstering, as well as every detail on this chair, is finished in the best possible manner. These chairs are used in some of the finest shops in the country, the back is also covered with plush which adds materially to its appearance. It is adjustable to every position for shaving or hair cutting. The opposite page presents a back view of this chair. PRICE: Covered with best Mohair Plush, in Crimson, Green, Maroon, or with Moquette $55.00 *- THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -* 11 KOCHS' BARBERS' CHAIR, No. 4. Pat. Feb. 17, 1880. Back View. ■* *- 12 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. KOCHS' BARBERS' CHAIR, No. i Patented Feb. 17, 1880. Made of solid Black Walnut, handsomely carved, with French Walnut veneered panels • finely polished and oil finished. This chair has a very wide seat, and is yet so arranged that the operator will experience no difficulty or inconvenience in reaching the face of the occupant from the side. It is decidedly one of the most comfortable chairs in the market, and is adjustable to any desired position for shaving or hair cutting. The platform and cross- bar of the foot-stool are covered with sheet brass. PRICE: Covered with best Mohair Plush, Green, Crimson or Maroon, or with Moquette $45.00 -* ^ THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -* 13 KOCHS' BARBERS' CHAIR, No. 2. Pat. February 17, 1880. Made of Black Walnut or Cherry, and finished in oil. This chair possesses all those qualities so desirable in a chair. It is handsome in appearance, is finely upholstered and is substantially made. The platform and cross-bar of the foot-stool are covered with sheet brass, studded with brass nails. Adjustable to all positions' for shaving and hair cutting. The extraordinary demand for this chair is due as much to its handsome and symmetrical appearance as to its moderate cost. Over 3,000 of them are now in use. PRICES: Covered with best Mohair Plush, Green, Crimson or Maroon, or with Moquette $40.00 Covered with Crimson Tapestry Brussels Carpet 32.00 This chair may also be had in Cherry without any extra charge. ^- ■« ©- ■* 14 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. KOCHS' WINDSOR BARBERS' CHAIR, Covered by Patents of Feb. 17. 1880. This is a well-constructed, showy-looking chair, having an open back ; it is made of the best material, by the best of workmen and with the same perfection of detail that has won for our chairs a wide-spread reputation. The frame is made of solid Black Walnut, finished in oil, and is ornamented with veneered panels ; finelj' carved elephant heads adorn the arms. The machinery, which is strong and durable, is similar to that used on our Eureka chair, except that it is attached to both sides of the chair ; a slight pressure on the pedal at the rear permits the chair to be adjusted to all the necessary positions for shaving and hair cutting. The foot-stool is provided with an iron platform and cross-bar, neatly japanned. PRICE: Covered with Mohair Plush, in Green, Maroon or Crimson, or with Moquette $35.00 ^- -i *- ■* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 15 KOCHS' GARDEN CITY BARBERS' CHAIR. Put. Oct. 12, 1880. Made of solid Black Walnut, well finished. This chair is similar in appearance to the No. 2 ; a prettier and more durable chair for the money is not made. It is adjustable to any desired position for shaving or hair cutting by the simplest device for that purpose ever invented. The platform of the foot-stool is covered with sheet brass. PRICES: Covered with Mohair Plush, Maroon, Crimson or Green, or with Moquette $33.00 Covered with Tapestry Brussels Carpet 28.00 fr ■* *■ -^^ 16 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. KOCHS' EUREKA BARBERS' CHAIR. Covered by Patents of Feb. 17th, 1880. This chair is the prettiest, cheapest, strongest built and best chair for the money ever manufactured. So popular has this chair become that it has taxed our capacity to its utmost to keep pace with the demand for them. It is made of solid black vralnut ; the platform and cross-bar of the foot-stool are covered with sheet brass, studded with brasa nails. The machinery for adjusting this chair is a new device, and is strong, simple and durable. Adjustable to every desired position for shaving or hair cutting. The seat of this chair can be taken out. PRICES: Covered with Mohair Plush, Maroon, Green or Crimson, or with Moquette $30.00 Covered with Tapestry Brussels Carpet 25.00 5f- fr THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -^3 17 KOCHS' BARBERS' CHAIR, No. 3. Patented Feb. 17, 1880. Made of solid Black Walnut, well finished. The object in view when designing this chair was to make a very durable, cheap chair, and, though a handsome chair in appearance, dura- bility was intended as its chief merit. The exterior is not elaborate, on account of the very low price at which it is sold. It is adjustable to any desired position for shaving or hair cutting. PRICE. Covered with Mohair Plush, Green or Crimson, or with Mbquette $33.00 Covered with Tapestry Brussels Carpet 25.00 fr ■* ^ 18 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. KOCHS' MODERN RECLINING BARBERS' CHAIR, No. Covered by our Patents of Feb. 17, 1880. Frequent and repeated inquiry for a good Reclining Barbers' Chair has induced us to bring out this chair. It is the result of long and careful study, as to the particular wants of the trade, and is put upon the market with the conviction that it is just such a chair as has long been demanded. Its shape, as will readily be seen, is an improvement over all other re- clining chairs made, the outlines being natural and pleasing. Another improvement is the strong front and rear brace, which we have introduced in the lower frame, and which strengthens it materially. A distinctive feature is the simple mechanism for placing and re- taining the chair in any desired position. The nicety with which the different parts are bal- anced and their entire freedom from friction, permits this chair to be adjusted from an upright to a perfectly horizontal position, by a light pressure upon the foot pedal at the rear. Securely attached to the upper part of this chair, on either side, is a strong ornamental iron plate, the same being pivoted to the lower frame. This construction permits the back to be easily removed, and allows the chair to be shipped in a small box. We make this chair in black walnut, engraved with gilt lines ; the foot rest is covered with sheet brass and can be adjusted to suit the length of legs of different persons. PRICE. Upholstered in carpet, with bronze trimmings $25,00 " in best plush, green, maroon or crimson, with nickel-plated trimmings. . . 35.00 S 15 *- THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. H5Jf 19 KOCHS' MODERN RECLINING BARBERS' CHAIR, No. Covered by our Patents of Feb. 17, 1880. ..ucs^ -.«KS3«^ "*^r "?^''^" RECLINING POSITION. ■* ^:^ 20 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. CLOUGH'S AUTOMATIC RECLINING BARBERS' CHAIR. Manufactured solely by Theo. A. Kochs, under Patents of June 15, 1880. This chair is the invention of Mr. Joseph Clough, a barber at Providence, R. I. Mr. Clough is very ingenious, and a man of practical ideas. His chair was brought to our notice by one of our agents, while on an eastern trip, and so impressed were we with its mechanical merits that negotiations were entered into by which we have acquired the sole and exclusive right to manufacture these chairs, four hundred (400) of which are already in use. It is simple and substantial in its construction, and not liable to get out of order. It is called automatic because the occupant can adjust the chair to its different positions ; it can also be operated by the workman, by moving the foot-rest up or down with his hand or foot. It is limited to two positions, viz., for hair cutting and shaving. In either position it is firmly locked and held by springs under the seat. The above engraving shows the position for hair cutting, the position for shaving being illustrated on the opposite page. The frame of this chair is made of black walnut, strongly bolted and screwed to an iron frame under the seat. The automatic foot rest, described on page 21, is of brass. The seat, back and leg-rest are cov- ered with cane, making a very cool and comfortable chair, particularly adapted to warm climates. Price, $28.00. *- -® *- * THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 21 CLOUGH'S AUTOMATIC RECLINING BARBERS' CHAIR. Manufactured solely by Theo. A. Kochs, under Patents of June 15, 1880. RECLINING POSITION. The above illustration shows the Automatic Reclining Barbers' Chair, in position for shaving. To change from the upright to the reclining position the occupant has but to raise the brass foot-rest vpith his foot, when the chair immediately takes the desired position. In doing this, the leg rest raises, the seat slides smootlily forward in a groove, about three inches, and the back, which is pivoted, recedes. After shaving, the customer raises up and leans for- ward, when the chair resumes its first position. All of this is accomplished without the slightest noise or jar. The rod forming the pivot, on which the foot rest is hinged, is sur- rounded with two spiral springs ; the action of these springs hold the foot-rest against the leg rest (see illustration on opposite page). The crossbar can then be reached by a person with very short legs, and can be pushed into any desired position against the resistant pres- sure of the springs, to the length of the legs of any person. The above illustration shows the foot-rest as it appears when pressed downward. *- *■ 22 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -^ BARBER CHAIR MACHINERY. EUREKA MACHmERY. The machinery used on our Eureka Chairs, as shown in illustration, is simple, yet strong and durable. It' permits the chair to be adjusted to any position, where it is firmly and immovably held. Covered by patents of Feb. 19, 1880. KOCHS' IMPROVED HEAD-REST ATTACHMENT. It is put on the chair in such a manner as to leave no portion of it in view except a small silver - plated button under the Head-Rest, which, if pressed upon, will allow the Head- Rest to slide down. Its advantages over the old style which are used on all other chairs are as follows : 1st. It cannot break. 2d. The spring cannotfall out of place. 3d. The levercannot bend out of shape. 4th. It is not an obstruction. 5th. Itwillnot let the head-rest slip out of position. 6th. It need never be replaced. This arrangement for adjusting Barbers' Chairs has become so well known and has been so universally endorsed by Barbers that there does not now remain any doubt whatever of its superiority over all others. The points pre-eminently in its favor, and upon which its merits are based, may be summed up as follows : 1st. Perfect safety, which is a positive necessity. The chair cannot possibly slip out of place and alarm the occupant, be- cause the machinery forms a perfect lock. 2d. Strength, since the chair is sup- ported at both sides and directly from the back, where the greatest weight rests, thereby overcoming the objection to chairs supported from the front. 3d. Absence of friction, because when the foot lever is pressed down and the wheels become disengaged, the chair moves perfectly free and with the great- est ease. The springs which are now used in this machinery, are made of one-quarter (i) inch round English steel wire, finely tem- pered, and removes all danger of break- *- THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -® 23 DRESSING CASE, No. I. Our Design of 1884. Made of Black Walnut, veneered, carved and enojraved; with gilt trimmings. French plate mirror, 24x72 inches ; Tennessee marble slabs (4 pieces). Height of Dressing case, 9 ft. 10^ inches ; width of Dressing case 5 ft. 2 inches. Price, $135.00. -* *- 24 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. DRESSING CASE, NO. 2. Our Design of 1884. Made of Black Walnut, veneered, carved and engraved ; with gilt trimmings. French plate mirror, 44x50 inches ; Italian marble slab. Height of Dressing Case, 9 ft. 2 inches ; width of Dressing Case, 4 ft. 8 inches. Price, $100.00. i^- THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -* 25 DRESSING CASE, No. 3. Our Design of 1884. Made of Black Walnut, veneered, carved and engraved ; with gilt trimmings. French plate mirror, size, 26x40 inches ; Italian marble slabs (3 pieces). Height of Dressing Case, 8 ft. i inch ; width of Dressing Case 4 ft. 2 inches. Price, $60.00. ■* *■ 26 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. DRESSING CASE, No. 4. Our Design of 1884. ^ ■S ^ .fi u Tl c« s .2 « cS O M fl is ••\ S a o o © ^s Ci d U CD < O o o ^ o TO . O ^ © © 1—1 o *- THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -* 35 (0 6 < I- I o rrt CO S be ^ GO pq Sue o ci 2 ^ S u o Q. o © o o »1 1« 1— I 1— ( H H vT " ^ s CI ■ o Q Z < I- (0 o CO o © o © A bD o © -^ © ^ Wk .5 =^T^=T7T ^^B ee- 'C3 i- ^ 9^B ^r 5 ■n rii .^ ^H ^ i* ■ ■ .2 g wM ^ § ^B 3 n IS S III t3 a e3 O H is 03 -3 o a ^H ■ ^ ae 2 =3 g ■ ^ o o Q. c l_ s -id o o a) I ^m «4-l o z> o o o o o '3 JS CD 5- ^ — -- J 3 « ^ 5 o z < H (0 K O bj] 53 W ill O S 0. ^ ^ -* «- Hi J 36 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. FOUR-BOWL CENTER WASH-STAND. Made of Black Walnut, carved and veneered; fitted with Italian marble slab, IJ inch thick, and countersunk. 14 inch patent overflow basins, with nickel-plated plugs and chain ; best nickel-plated Fuller basin cocks with drop handles for hot and cold water ; a center combination hot and cold water shampooing cock, and nickel-plated shampoo sprinkler. Price Reduced to $115.00. We wish to draw particular attention to the style and finish of this wash-stand, which is intended for first-class shops only. Finely turned pillars with ornamental caps are used, and all trimmings and fittings are of the best quality. Intending purchasers should not be misled by the apparently lower prices (Juoted by other dealers, who furnish a flashy and cheaply gotten up wash-stand, with ordinary compression cocks. *- -« THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 37 THREE-BOWL CENTER WASH-STAND. Made of Black Walnut, carved and veneered ; fitted with Italian marble slab, li inch thick, and countersunk ; 14 inch patent overflow basins, with nickel-plated plugs and chains, best nickel-plated Fuller basin cocks, with drop handles for hot and cold water ; a center combination hot and cold water shampooing cock, with hose and nickel-plated shampoo sprinkler. Price Complete, $90.00. Furnished with three nickel-plated compression cocks, for cold water only, with hose and nickel-plated shampoo sprinkler, and without the center shampooing cock, for $70.00. -* *- 38 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -^ ^ ^ i fl ^ '% .9 ■| TS -^ a Ti a) a; t; •' Ul ^ I- ■ z < u H Z U o Jk o m 6 t, TJ &, o s a -S a, Fi 03 ^ 3 ^ -^ X2 OJ pd oz; ^ ^ « ^ "i o -* f^ .3 "C 4i! o a g _2 03 O to .-i J eq o o H^ « •n ^ fp x> ^ « *- cB 03 • fer ' — ' ^ — "Q. ^ ^ ^ O Sa-^ ^ .- ^ a .a CO o o US THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -* 39 >- < !i i I 6 I- ^ ra ^ > a o g 9 ^^ s; 'o _- O tc O « p ii -^ -S -E 2 -i Ph -* *- 40 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. TWO-BOWL PORTABLE WASH-STAND. WITH MIRROR. Combining Wash-Stand, Water-Tank and Lool iiKhew. Price, !»9.a5 ENAMELED IRON WASH-STAND Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug and Bra(*8 Couplings. Size. 20x30 iiiolies. Price. iftO.aS SQUARE SLAB— With Back for two Bowls. Size, 30x4H inches. Price. *13.00 SQUARE MARBLE SHELF FOR LOOKING GLASSES Size, 12X.30. One inch thick. Price, each, !»9.50 Italian Marble, Including Enameled Iron Brackets. Price, S13..50 SCOLLOPED MARBLE SHELF FOR LOOKING GLASSES. Size, 12x30. One inch thick. Italian Marble. Inclndine Enameled Iron Brackets. Price. »a..50 ^■ -* *- -® THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 57 Common Overflow. MARBLED WASH BASINS. Patent Overflow, for Metal Plug. Patent Overflow, for Rubber Plus 14 inch, price, each. !jS1.75 14 inch, price, each. SiJJ.OO 14 inch, price, each, Sl.^S Ping, Extra. Plug, Extra. Including Rubber Stopper. FULLER'S PATENT BASIN COCK. COMPRESSION BASIN COCK. »iiUB}]>KIKS«. Double Chain for Basin, Plated, per foot 10c. Rubber Hose for Shampoo Sprinklers, per fool. . . 15c. Nickel Plated. Price, each. a>l.!45 CHAIN STAY. FULLER'S PATENT COMBINATION SHAMPOOING COCK. Nickel Plated. Price, each. !S*..»0 Nickel Plated. Each 25c. BASIN PLUGS. Common Overflow. Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated. Price, each. .'iOc. Nickel Plated. Price, each. 60e. SHAMPOO SPRINKLER. Nickel Plated. Price, plain. - ySc. " with handle. Sil.OO Telegraph BASIN COCK. (Self-closing.) Nickel Extra heavy plated with Ho.-ie and Sprinkler. Price. iftilO.OO Plated Price, each. S1.7.> ^- *- 58 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. No. 1 2 4 6 7 8 10 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 DECORATED SHAVING MUGS. PRICES TO BARBERS ONLY. , ^. Medium Size. Gold Letters, stroke and band $0 45 Gold Letters and Wreath 55 Made in any color 1 00 70 70 50 00 GO 10 80 1 25 60 75 00 75 65 80 90 Blue Letters, gold shade and gold wreath Gold Letters and Band, with flower wreath Gold Letters and Strokes, colored bands Gold Letters, with flower decoration on sides 1 Gold Letters, Card Mug, flower decoration 1 Gold Letters, with boquet in centre 1 Gold Letters, Colored Band at foot, black shading Gold Letters, with rich flower decoration and gold lace work Gold Letters and Scroll, white ribbon with black folds and red ends Gold Letters, colored band and unburnished gold leaves Gold Letters, tulip cups, pink ribbon, colored band 1 Gold Letters with beautiful bouquet Gold Letters, buff scallopped top with gold decoration, black foot Gold Letters, red, white and blue bands, with gilt lines Gold Letters, narrow blue band between black lines, and fine scroll-work at top ,. . Gold Letters, fancy gold border, with fine green line at top, buff band on bottom, scroll-work through name 1 00 Gold Letters, forget-me-nots at top, maroon foot 70 Gold Letters, rye flowers on one side, ears of rye on the other side of name, gold foot 1 00 Gold Letters, broad pink baud, with bunch of pansies at top 1 10 Gold Letters, very rich flower decoration on maroon back-ground, name on white ribbon with blue ends 1 25 Gold Letters, red and white clover, bright colored butterfly, and gold foot 1 25 Gold Letters, bird of bright plumage perched on a sprig of berries and leaves, extending around name " | 25 Gold Letters, Violets and leaves with gold decoration running througli same ; buff foot 75 Gold Letters, blue band ai top, strawberries and gold scalloped decoration beneath 1 00 Gold Letters, Antique Pitcher in yellow, purple and green, witli moss and forget-me-nots extending around name 85 Gold Letters, flying bird holding gold ribbon in its bill, on light-green back-ground 1 10 Gold Letters, Flower decoratior.-i at side of name 50 Olass-Iiabeled Mugs furnished very Tiow Prices, Large Size. $0 55 65 1 25 90 90 60 1 20 1 25 1 30 1 00 1 50 70 90 1 25 1 00 80 95 1 05 1 15 85 1 15 1 30 1 50 1 50 1 50 90 1 20 1 00 1 30 60 NUMBERED MUGS. Medium ' Size. Gold Stripud, per dozeu $4 00 Gold Banded, per dozen 5 00 Gold Banded, per dozeu, with gold wreath 5 50 For Monograms of two letters there will be an additional charge of 25c. For Monograms of three letters there will be an additional charge of 35c. For Script letters and fac-similes there will be an additional charge of 25c. Cups and Saucers furnished at an additional cost of 25, 35 and 50 cents, according to design. ]^"A11 Mugs will be made luediniii sixe unless otherwise ordered. The name will be placed opposite the handle unless specially ordered to be put on the side. Large Size. $5 00 6 00 6 50 ISOTICK. — On account of showing new designs of mugs, illustrations of some of the old styles have been omitted; we will fill orders for any number of mugs shown in former catalogues. We can also make any style of mug shown in other dealers' catalogues, or mug sheets. All mug decoration turned out by us is strictly first-class. If you have never seen any of our work, a trial will convince you of its superiority. We send with this Catalogue a mug sheet containing all of the designs of mugs shown in this catalogue. The prices printed under each mug is just double what we ask barbers for them. The display of this sheet on your wall will undoubtedly assist you in making remunerative sales. For Lather Brushes see page 72. For Cup Sponges see page 91. *- ^- * THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 59 DESIQNS. The prices here given are for designs only, and will be added to the regular price of the Mug upon u'hich it is placed. Ttie No. 1 Mug, especially the large size, is best adapted for the larger designs, because more space is available. The designs which are printed in heavy type will be found illustrated on f/ie following two pages. Accordion 3 Anvil and Hammer Architect Emblem Baker at Work Baker Shop Baker's Wagon and Horse Baker's Emblem, Two Lions and Pretzel Barber Shop Base Ball and Bats Beer Glass Bicycle and Rider Billiard Table. Balls and Cue»$ Blaeksinitli!!thoeiiis Horse Boots and Shoes Bricklayer's Emblem, Trowel and Square Buggy and Two Horses, and Hriver. .. Bunch of Grapes Buggy Bull's Head and Tools Butcher Shop Butcher Killing Steer Butcher Standing by Steer Butcher Chopping Meat Butcher's Emblem, Knife, Cleaver, Saw and Steel Caboose Camera with Stand Carpenter at Work Carpenter's Tools, Saw, Planer and Square Carriage Carriage with Horses Chicken Clarionet Clock Clerk at Desk ■ Clothing Store Coal Cart Coffin or Casket Conductor's Punch Confectioner's Emblem Cooper at Work Cornet Cow . Cylinder Press Danish Brotherhood Emblem Dentist's Emblem, set of Teeth. Dog Dog and Safe Dray I>ruggist*s Mortal* and Pestle . . . Drum Druid Emblem Dry Goods Store Eagle Eagle with Two Flags » Express Wagon, Horse and Driver Farmer Ploughing Fish Fire Engine (Steam) Fire Engine with Horses Fireman's H'lt . Flag of any Nation Flour and Feed Emblem Flour and Feed Store Fluie Forester's Emblem Freight Car Furniture Emblem, Sofa and Chairs Ganibrinus and Keg riviiig Horse Key Stone ( Masonic ) Knights of Honor Emblem Kniglits of Py tliiaM Emblem Lager Beer Wagon, Horses and Driver Ledger Livery Stable Locomotive and Tender Lyre Maltese Cross Man on Horseback Masonic Emblem, Square and Compass Mechanic's Emblem, Hand and Hammer. . . . Milk Wagon and Horses Mule Oil Derrick Owl Oyster Basket Painter's Palette Paint Pot and Brush Paper Hanger at Work Parlor Organ Passenger Coach Photographer at Camera Piano Plasterer's Trowel and Hock Plow .$50 .50 .25 1.00 Plumber's Emblem Portable Engine Printer at Case Printer's Stick Propeller Razor and Shears Red Men Emblem Roller Skate Rooster Saddle Saloon Ko. 1. Bartender and Customer Saloon No. 2. Fancy, Bartender and Four Cus- tomers Schooner Sailing Scotch Thistle Sewing Machine Sheep Sheep's Head Skull and Cross Bones Sons of Herman Emblem Sons of Temperance Emblem Sportsman and Dog Stage Coach with Four or Six Horses Stationary Engine Steamboat Stone Cutter at Work Stove 1.00 .75 1.00 .40 1.00 .25 .50 ..50 1.00 .50 1.25 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 .25 .35 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .35 .35 1.00 1.00 I'oi) 1.00 .35 .50 .60 1.00 1.00 .25 .75 .35 ..50 .50 .50 1.00 Street Car, Horses, Driver and Conductor. . Sulky and Driver Tailor at Work Tailor's Shears Telegraph Key Telephone Three Links Tinner's Emblem, Shears, Iron and Soldei;. Tinsmith at Work Tinsmith's Furnace and iron Trunk Umbrella, Open U. S. Flags Crossed '. . Violin and Bo^v Wagon, One or Two Horses and Driver . . . Watch Whisky Barrel Wind Mill 2..'50 1.00 .35 .75 .50 .50 .25 .50 .50 l.X'5 1..50 .75 1.00 1.00 ..50 1.50 1.00 1.00 .35 .40 .10 .50 1.50 .35 .35 .40 .50 .50 1.00 .75 .50 1.00 *- ->^ *- -^ THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 61 DESIQNS FOR MUGS. *- -* 62 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. Ko. 1, No. a. No. 4. No. «. No. 7. No. 8. *- THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -* 63 Xo. lO. IV O. IH. Ko. 19. No. SSO. No. Hi. No. '^4. -* *- 64 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. Ao. '£». %o. 2G. xo. ay. Ko. ?JH. Wo. ao. Xo. 30. *- THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -* 65 No. 31. Xo. 3S. So. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 3«. -* *■ 66 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. ]¥o, 37. Wo. 38. Xo. 39. Xo. 40. *• No. 41. ]Vo. 4%. -1^ THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 67 POWDER OR SPONGE BOWLS. PLAIN BOWL. RUBY ENGRAVED BOWL. Plain Bowls, in green, blue or flint. Price, each, 35c. Price, reduced to 30c. Ruby Engraved Bottles to match, see page 70. CRACKLED BOWL. FLUTED BOWL. Price, Pink, reduced to 35c. " Blue, " " 35c. " Amber, " " 45c. " Canary green, reduced to •.45c. Kept in amber, pink and blue. Price, reduced to 40c. DEEP CRACKLED BOWL. CRACKLED PAINTED BOWL. Kept in pink and blue. Price, reduced to 40c. The flower decoration on this Bowl is burnt in. Kept in blue and pink. Price, reduced to 75c. ■* *- 68 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. o a> a > v« wie ^°,'^ us* ---° £ -, ^ an( int ppe ttle per c*|io 2.2 in fl The etal een lass 8 a be o Kept glass, have m the gr green g « o O a m CO UI O rii 111 J tt H Q H J HI CO ^ X CO ■o-d 1 c c w 2u S.Q "3.2 ^ >> •^ Ji • j: — V- CI, rt «fl^ V -M ^ "^ « fa sa k CO CO UI ui 2 UJ I- tt o < CO 3 o- CO cq W * S *- *- -* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 69 etal jot- ing and s ;; V OMJ© aogp^o w"*'* - ° o =i' S s ■= 2 — t. xS ^■-^ = ^fcS •• o c 3 « "3 *^ o V ^-2 «-2 So t«' 2 "1 ^ o-S-= ta b u 2l"t 3;5D36 .5 la Z^ii' f^-2 a>^ ao X S c'S. .5© *■ -^ *- 70 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -$ 4> K'' raws 4^ O) fa fa » V « V « V «^ "WW©©© 5s 3M«««M Mo ^ ... ^ £> ■ ■ ■ »'; « * d 5? • sa -* *- ■* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 71 HAND -MADE COMBS. HANDMADE HAIR CUTTING COMB. HAND-MADE HAIR DRESSING COMB. HANDMADE CLIPPING COMB. HAND-MADE NECK COMB. HAND-MADE DYE COMB. POCKET COMB. PRICES : PER DOZ. EACH. Chicago Hand-Made Hair Cutting Combs $4.00 $0.35 " " Hair Cuttint; Combs, narrow 3.50 .30 " " Hair Dressing Combs 2.75 .25 " " Hair Clipping Combs 2.75 .25 Neck Combs 2.75 .25 " " Dye Combs 1.65 .15 New York Hand-MadeHair Cutting Combs 2.75 .25 " " Hair Cutting C()nil)s, narrow • 2.40 .20 " " Hair Dressing Combs 2.25 .20 " " Hair Clipping Combs 2.25 20 Neck Combs 2.25 .20 DyeCombs 1-00 .10 The above lines of combs are made especially for barbers' use. The Chicago Hand-Made Hair Cutting Combs for which we are sole agents, are the best combs in the market. They cost a little more than the others 'but are worth all we ask for them. We would also draw your attention to the low prices on New York Hand-Made Hair Cutting Combs, which are sold by most dealers at the same price for which we sell the Chicago Hand-Made. PER DOZ. EACH. Celluloid Combs, red, white or blue ^^"cS $0.20 Horn Pooket Combs, in cases 50 Machine-Made Dressing Combs, O'/i inch .75 " " T'/j inch 1.00 1,2 -« *- Y2 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. OCJMCM'-'-tOI*- 111 z I- < M ; tm . : ^ aj a a _, "" = 3S.2 ■°S a> • a c Si f^ „^ :a*"*-^ij' ^ ja 5 M bo's -d S * -^ a a 5 a S3 a rt '7 -r. 2 « Jlf-"-^ o o « a, « -^ a x3 -a £ a ^ 0) g o o^ o MM 1313 ^'^»i:;SJ3;j5 o3 03 ^; O O IfllO O 10 5 S = § s t- cc *-< 03 G) OJ s] a o; ^ S '*- -^ -^ •in o 10 10 o 10 gcM ir>r--cvioeJ .H ;z *■ ^^ . • >» N ^ a a : : « " a en ^^ : :5aS « und und size und und nd, nd, t4 !- a a ^ p J:^^ a «l ine me larg ine ine re b re b c«.S PS' g L^ g i^'g '^28g i! *■ -* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 73 «- Y4 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -^ NECK DUSTERS. Xo. 3. Xo. 52. Xo. 1. EACH. 60c. 3. French Bristles, lar^e 2. Enameled Handle, French Bristles 50c 1. Plush Covered Back, Horse Hair 40c TOOTH BRUSHES. Illikiilillf Per dozen, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 WHISKS. FACE BRUSH-( Very Soft.) PUFFS. ^jv^r Each, 25c., 40c. and 50c. Nail or Hand Scrub Brushes *- ■illiiimwWB* Each, $10c., 25c., 35c. and 50c. First-class Barbers" ^Vhisks, Price per dozen, $2.50 Each 25 -« ^ ^ * THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 75 GRINDING. In Sending unsealed packages of Razors or other Tools for grinding, by mail, do not en- close any writing in them, but write your name and address on the outside of package and send directions for grinding by letter. The safest way to send is by Express, when full directions may be enclosed. Razors ground plain • ^^'oc " re-ground |5 " half-concave 35 " three-quarter concave • • • -^^ " full concave |^ New black handle 30 " bone " 50 " ivory " (o Shears ground ' ^ Nevir screws in Shears ^0 Clippers ground -J"! Horse Clippers, with wooden handles, ground ' -00 TAILORS' SHEARS-Cround. Largest Size, down to No. 7 • • 50c. Nos. 5 and 6 '^5c. Nos. 3% and 3 40c. BENT TRINIMERS-Cround. 13 inch down to 11 inch 25c. 10 inch and lO'A inch 20c. For reducing large Razors to smaller size, also for grinding Razors that have been purposely hacked or broken, there will be an extra charge of 10 to 15 cents, considerable time and attention being required for this class of work. We have had occasion already to refer in our description of Factory, (page 5) to our improved methods in grinding Razors. Like in every other branch of industry, improve- ments have been made in this department. Keeping pace with the times,_ we have dis- carded old methods of Grinding, methods which still seem to possess attractions for the old fogies who are striving to retard the march of progress. No further proof of our success in turning out satisfactory work is required, than is evidenced by the steady increase in the amount of Grinding we receive. A visit to this department will only give emphasis to our assertion that we have the largest Grind Shop in this City. BARBERS' SHEARS. THEO. A. KOCHS' STANDARD SHEARS. ^,^^^ ^.^^^^ Handle. Plated. 7y~ inch, reduced to ^]-99 ^]'?5 81^ " " 1. 10 1.35 Q^' « .. ■• 1.20 1.45 91^ >. .. '.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.v.'.'.'.'.'.'.'....'..'. 1.30 1.55 THEO. A. KOCHS' ALL STEEL SHEARS, . Polished Steel, Nickel-platud Handles. 7y2 inch, reduced to ^!"lf Q ti ti 1 .do 8% " " ^■.'.'.'..'. ' 9 " " 9^ " " Left Handed Shears same price as Right Handed. 1.35 1.45 1.50 '^ ■ * ^ 76 -* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. CLIPPERS. NEW FRENCH TOILET CLIPPER, No. 2. Nickel Plated, $3.00 COATES' ADJUSTABLE CLIPPER. Price reduced to $4.25 CLARK'S CLIPPER, No. 2. Price reduced to $3.50 These were the lirst Clippers that were introduced to the trade in this country. A favorite with all who have ever used them. BROWN & SHARPE'S CLIPPERS. No. Each. 1. To cut hair ig of an inch long $3.50 2. " " 14 " " " 4.00 3. " " 5-16 " " " 4.50 0. Clipper to he used only for cutting the hair very short ahout the neck, equal to shav- ing 3.00 UNIVERSAL CLIPPER SHARPENER. A new article, just introduced, about whose merits there is a diversity of opinion. We withhold our judgment until we have positive proof of its practicability. We can furnish same for $1.00. *- * THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 77 CLIPPERS. THE GEM CLIPPER. (Not illustrated.) A uew clipper, of whose merits it is yet too early to speak, it having been in- troduced only this spring. Price, $2.00 COATES' TOILET CLIPPER. Price $3.25 COATES' SHAVER. Price $3.25 FRENCH HORSE CLIPPER. A flrst-class machine. Price, $2.00 PERFECTION CLIPPER. Price $4.50 X. L. N. T. CLIPPER. Price $3.50 REQUISITE CLIPPER. Price $4.00 -* ^- -« 78 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. HONES. BRAZILIAN HONES. $1.50 . 1.75 . 2.00 . 2.25 In reply to numerous inquiries about the Brazilian Hone, we wish to say that this hone is of the order of the Water Hones. Of finer grain and softer than any other hone, it is unequaled in its cutting powers, giving razors a Iteener edge in less time than can be done by any other hone in the market. Though no rubber accompanies them, we furnish one free of charge with every hone. Use with rubber and water, or apply lather. • BELGIAN OIL HONES. 6 inch "... $0.75 to $1.00 fine quality 1.25 175 2.50 3.50 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 We have a limited stock of 13, 14 and 15 inch Belgian Hones, ranging in price from $10.00 to $15.00. ITALIAN OIL HONES. For taking off Wiry Ed§^. 6 inch .$0.50 . .75 . 1.00 1.25 2REEN WATER HONES. Best quality. 7'/4 inch, including rubber $1.00 S'i " " " 1.15 9!^ " " " 1.30 10i4 " " " 1.45 STROPS. Kraft's Berlin Hose Strop, fiiiishcd $1.00. unflnished, $0.75 This strop is manufactured by Aug. Kraft, in Berlin; it is made from Linen Hose and is in one piece; it can, therefore, be used on both sides. Russia Leather Strops, finished $1.00; extra heavy, $1.25 Canvas Strops, plain, linen or duck... 25; trimmed 50 Horse-Hide Strops (genuine) .50 Eichner's Patent Swing Strop, 1 Leather and 1 Canvas, per pair 1 .50 Double Bow Strop -. 75 Single Bow Strop 50 Briggs' Pat. Strop, one side Russia Leather, other side Canvas 1 .00 Emerson Strop (genuine) 50 Goldschmidt's Strop, Iron Frame medium, $1.25; large 1.50 Torrey Belt Strop 35 ®- ■* *- ■* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. T9 RAZORS, We keep the following brands of Razors THEO. A. KOCHS, ROBERT KNIQHT WADE & BUTCHER (Bow Brand). DIAMOND STEEL, JOHNSON (Hammer Brar^d,) BENGtAL. Kept in stock in the following sizes : 4 5 6 7 "5"' ■S? ■g'? ■§■• I^I^IOE Per single Razor $1.35 *' quarter dozen 3.50 Per half dozen $ 6.50 '* dozen 12.00 Ivory Handle Razors kept in stock in the Diamond Steel brand only. Price, each, $1.75; per half dozen, $9.00 We confine our sales to the above brands of Razors, having made it a rule to drop such Razors as have not proved uniform in quality and satisfactory to our customers. We are always on the look-out for anything new in this line, and have at the present time a representative in Europe, with special instructions to buy for us such Razors as will meet the requirements of the American trade. I^E3yL.A.:E^ICS. The two trade marks here shown represent the two brands used on the "Diamond Steel" and "Robert Knight" Razors. These Razors are manufactured from the very best English Steel, are exquisitely tempered, and are ground with the greatest of care by the most skillful grinders. Their sLcrling qualities have gained for them ROBERT KNIGHT, among barbers a merited reputation. ^ A M o A. If Razors sent out by us should not meet the peculiar wants of our customers, they will be exchanged for others, if returned to us free of charge, in good order. The safest way to send is either by registered mail or by express. For Razor Pockets see Page 94. -^ *- 80 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. SIZE 4-8. For Razor Pockets see Page 94. *- * 82 -* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. SIZE 6-8. -* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 83 SIZE 7-8. For RAZOR POCKETS, see Page 94. -* *- -* 84 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. BAY KOCHS' STANDARD BAY RUM. RUM. PRICE Per gal. Full Proof iRS.OO PUT UP IN SPRINKLE-TOP BOT- TLES SEE CUT) AT THE FOLLOWING prices: Per doz. Reduced to 4 Ounce Bottles. ...$1.75 8 " " . ... 3.00 1 Pint • ... 5.00 WE FURNISH CANS AND BOTTLES AT COST AS follows: Charges for Cans. Furnished at Cost Price. Each. I Gallon Cans 10c. 1 " " 15c. 2 " " 25c. 3 " " 35c. 5 " " 55c. Quart Bottles 5c. IMPORTED BAY RUM. PUT UP IN ISOZ. BOTTLES. PRICE. Reduced to Per Doz $4.50 Single Bottle 40 In ordering other gooc not forget to order a bottle for trial. HAIR O IK. PRICE. Per gal. Perfumed Hair Oil $2.00 Best Hair Oil, e.xtra perfumed . . 2.50 Per doz. 2 Ounce Bottles, fancy label.. . l.Oo 4 " " " •" ... 1.75 POT UP IN SPRINKLE-TOP BOTTLES, (See cut.) ■ Per doz. 4 Ounce Bottles $1.75 3.00 1 Pint " 5.00 BRILLIANTINE HAIR OIL. BOTTLES HOLDING 2'A oz- Price per doz $1.50 Do not confound this article with the Brilliantine which is used for glossing the mus-tache, quoted on page 90. This is a first-class prepara- tion of hair oil, and will retail readily for twenty-five cents. IMPORTED FRENCH OIL. (HYGIENIQUE.) PRICK. Per doz. (see cut), $5.00 lE.COUDRAi PARIS. -* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. — * 85 KOCHS' Sea Foam or Dry Shampoo. PRICE: Per Gallon $2.00 Put up in Sprinkle-Top Bottles (see cut), at the following Reduced Prices : 4 Ounce Bottles Per doz., $1. 75 8 " " " 3.00 16 " " " 5-00 ATHENIAN HAIR TONIC. Highly recommended, and sold in all leading Barber Shops in this city and the northwest. It is no Restorative, as it contains no lead, sulphur, or any other poisonous substances, but it invigorates the roots of the hair and removes dandruff from the scalp, at the same time keeping the head clean and cool, and the hair soft, glossy and of a silky appearance. PRICE: 8 Ounce Bottles, per dozen (see cut) $3.50 Per gallon 3.00 Also in sprinkle- top bottles, at the following reduced prices : 4 Ounce Bottles, per dozen $2.40 8 " " " 3.75 16 " " " 6.00 CANTHARINE HAIR TONIC. A very cooling and refreshing preparation. Being less oilj^ than our Athenian Hair Tonic, it can be used more freely. It will keep the hair and scalp in good condition. Price, per gallon $2,40 ' ' per dozen bottles 2.50 *- -^ THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. GAMPBELLaLa'S HAIR LUXURIANT, UNEaUALED AS A DEESSINQ FOE THE HAIE. FOR RENDERING THE HAIR SOFT, GLOSSY AND ABUNDANT. We can speak of the merits of Campbell's Hair Luxuriant from personal experience, and can heartily commend it to those wishing to purchase a first-class article. Campbell's Hair Luxuriant is no restorer and will not change the color of the Hair ; it is guaranteed to be entirely free from drugs or other injurious substances. It is cooling, imparts vigor to the scalp and will cure dandruff. It is put up in attractive shape, sells readily, and at the price at which we offer it, will enable the barber to realize a good profit. PRICE. Per dozen bottles $5.50 Single bottles 50 HAIR DTES AND RESTORATIVES. KOCHS' HAIR DYE. This Dye is put up in a box containing two bot- tles, viz., No. 1 and No. 2, and has been manufac- tured by us for the past ten years, giving universal satisfaction among barbers. It dyes the hair in- stantaneously to a jet black color. It is easily re- moved from the skin by the use of soap and water; should this fail to take away the stain entirely, a solu- tion of Sulphurate of Potash, which can be obtained from any druggist, will remove it immediately. Box containing two ounces No. 1 and one ounce No. 2, also full directions $0 50 Per dozen boxes 5 50 CAMPBELL'S ATMOSPHERIC HAIR DYE. As its name implies, Campbell's Atmospheric Hair Dye does not dye the hair immediately after being applied, but gradually changes the color upon exposure to the atmosphere. According to the number of applications, the color of the hair can be varied from a light brown to a jet black. PRI CE. Put up in four ounce bottles, per dozen $5 50 Put up in single bottles 50 Put up in two ounce bottles, each $0 25 Tebbett's Hair Restorer, per dozen 6 00 Woods' Hair Restorer, per dozen 5 50 *- -* ^ -* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 87 SHAVING AND TOILET SOAPS. Kochs' Barbers' Bar Soap, per box of 10 bars, round or square $2.00 Economy Shaving Soap, per box of 10 square bars 1.80 Heckman's Kentucky Shaving Soap, per box 10 bars, round or square 2.00 Williams' Barbers' Bar Soap, per box 10 bars, round or square 3.00 Graham's Barbers' Bar Soap, per box 13 bars, round or square 2 '50 Williams' Yankee Shaving Soap, per dozen 1.00 Williams' Barbers' Favorite Shaving Soap, per dozen ,65 Pioneer Round Cake Shaving Soap, per dozen 40 Pioneer Round Cake Shaving Soap, 3 dozen 1.15 Koclis' Cocoa Bath Soap, per box of four dozen, per dozen 2.25 Kochs' Turkish Bath Soap, per dozen ,00 Kochs' Toilet Soap, per dozen 40 Colgate's Reliable Toilet Soap, per dozen ^0 Pure Cocoa Soap, for shampooing, per dozen 40 Castile Soap, cut in \ pound cakes, per box of 20 pounds 2 .00 * *- THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -* POM AD ELS. Kochs' Ox Marrow Pomade, i pound tin cans, pink color per dozen, " " " 1 " " " each 9 " " " " Humoliiie Pomade No. 80, white label, per pound — "30, " 2 pound can. 30, " 5 " . " " 24, pink label, per pound.... " " 24, " 2 pound can. 24, " 5 " .. Humoline Pomade, iu Bottles, 2 ounce, per dozen.. 4 " $2.25 .30 .60 1.40 .49 .75 1.75 .30 .60 . 1.50 . 1.25 , 2.00 The Humoline Pomades have come to be recognized as the Standard Pomades, having already superseded all other kinds. The difference between the No. 24 and No. 30 is principally in the perfume. They will keep in any climate and never become rancid. f^NE POUND ^^ jJUETPowncR J MANra 01 |NEO A KOCH| 1 in"'*' ! I KOCHS' EXTRA PERFUMED TOILET POWDER. This powder has gained a high reputation among Barbers and Hair Dressers all through the Western States for its purity, and delightful and very lasting perfume. It is saturated with the finest odors, extracted direct from the flowers, and as it is put up in tin cans it retains its strength, and is, therefore, much preferred to the French Powder put up in packages. Pound Cans $0.50. Half Pound Can.s .25. LUMP MA(JNESIA. Rose Perfumed, per dozen $0.40 Rose Perfumed, per box of 2 dozen 75 ■* *- -^Jf THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 89 COSMETIQUES. /cosM£r/()U£ r//v/ » tA nosr / « L A N C No. 120. Kochs' make, black label Per dozen, $0.60 .i)0 .90 1.00 2.00 1.20 1.26 1.75 1.25 No. 340. Pink or White, fine flower odor Oriental Cosmetique, pink Italian Cosmetique, small, rose or jasmine Italian Cosmetique, large, rose or jasmine Smith's Turkish Cosmetique Imperial Cosmetique Imported French Cosmetique, large oval sticks. Pinaud's Cosmetique KOCHS' MUSTACHE WAX. Per dozen. .$0.90 COUDRAY'S HUNGARIAN POMADE. IN BOTTLES. Per dozen ii52.50 |P0MMflDCHONGBOl3E j c^ouDRAV i| Per bottle. COUDRAY'S HUNGARIAN POMADE. IN POTS. Per dozen $3.t»0 Per pot. :)o -* ^ 90 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. -* dOLOI^WE, TOILET WATEI^^ AMD pEpiV[EI(Y. Fine Cologne, for use in Atomizers Per gallon, !tS3.50 Murray & Lanman's Florida Water.. Colgate's Lavender Water Coudray's (Ambree) Lavender Water Lubin's Distilled Lavender Water Extracts for the Handkerchief. EXCELLENT STRENGTH AND QUALITY. ALL LEADING ODORS. Jockey Club, ^Vest £nd. White Rose. Ylang Ylang;, etc., etc. Price, half-pound bottles iSl.y.'i 1 oz. bottles, with ball stopper, neatly ) „ ^ ^ ac- packed, three in a box, J- perdoz. 4.8.'; 14 oz. glass stoppered bottles " 2,75 HUMOLINE. USED AFTER SHAVING. 2 OZ. bottles, per dozen, $1.25 KOCHS' BENZOATED CAMPHOR ICE, WITH GLYCERINE. Per dozen $1.20 jHEOnOBgJji.KCICHS I M in. high. FUNK'S CREAM OF ROSES. AN EXCELLENT PREPARATION. USED AFTER SHAVING. Per dozen $1.50 COMPRESSED ALUM. FOR BARBERS USE. Per stick, (weighing 3 oz.) lOc. The neat and compact shape in which this article is put up will commend it to Barbers as superior to the ordinary lump alum. Kochs' Cream for the Face. A MERITORIOUS PREPARATION. For CHAPPED FACE, CHAPPED HANDS, SORE LIPS, Etc. Now recognized by barbers as the finest preparation for use after shaving. It keeps the skin cool, allays all irritation, and is bland and soothing in its action. We can recommend it as a superior article. It is not sticky or greasy. PRICE. Per dozen $1.25 Pinaud's Brilliantine. FOR GLOSSING THE MUSTACHE. This is the genuine imported Brilliantine. PRICE. Per dozen.... $3.50 -* *- -^^ THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 91 SUNDRIES. TOWELS. Linen Face Towels, 16 x 30, per doz $1.30 16 x27, 14| X 27, 14i X 24, Cotton Face Towels Damask Towels Bath Towels 1.20 1.10 1.00 50 1.30 and upward. 2.00 The linen-face towels above quoted are heavy huck towels, and are imported direct by us. Our customers can count on always getting a uniformly reliable article. SPONGES Small Bath Sponges, for cups per doz. $ .50 " 1.00 " 1.00 '. " 1.60 per lb., 1,25 " 2.25 Surgeon Toilet Sponges Sheep Wool " good size. Akmar (or formed) Sponges Reef Sponges Bath " (5 to 8 to pound). . . . ESSENTIAL OILS AND CHEIVilCALS. Castor Oil per gallon, $1.50 Union Salad Oil " 1.00 Oil of Bay, pure per ounce, .60 " Bergamot " .30 " Lemon " .30 " Rose Geranium " 1.00 " Cassia " 1.00 " Citronella " .15 " Lavender Flowers " .25 Oil mixed for Pomade or Hair Oil " .50 Aqua Ammonia lb. bottle, .20 Pyrogallic Acid per ounce, . 75 Nitrate of Silver " 1.00 Glycerine, inodorous, in pound bottles per pound, .40 Sal. Tartar " .30 Coloring, red or yellow per ounce, .05 Bottles, Corks, Labels, Split Skins, for covering bottles. Tin Foil, etc. sold at the lowest prices. *- ^- ■* 92 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. SUNDRIR© -Continued. HANGING SOAP DISHES. French China. PRICE, 50 Cents Each. TICKET PUNCHES. Conductor Punches, each — %'Z OO Plain, each 75 CENTENNIAL ATOMIZER, PRICE, «1.00 BATH SPONGE BASKET. PRICE, SO Cents Each. MILES' PATENT HAIR BRUSH CLEANER. PRICE, 15 Cents Each. "THE FAVORITE " ATOM IZ E R. PRICE, 50 Cents. HAND CLASSES, A new and practical Mirror, made of Frencti Plate Glass, and beveled. By adjusting the handle this Mirror may be placed in anj' desired position or hung on any object. Price #1.«5 Each. ^ -* -* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 93 SUKDRIRS.-GontinUGd. Cuspidors. Nickle plated. Price $1 .00 Silver Plated Tubes. 15 cents each, $1.50 per dozen. Flowered China. Price $1.00 ^^vx\v,v\vuuu\\\\w Britannia Tubes. 10 cents each, 80 cents per dozen. Rattan Waste Basket. Price— small, each, (JOc. " large, " 75c. Economical Barbers' Mug. Silver plated. Price $1.25 *- ■* ^ 94 -« THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. ©UNDRIRS.-Gontinued. BARBERS' CASTER. Heavily Silver Plated. Price $4.50 CALF-SKIN RAZOR-POCKET. USEFUL! HANDY! ALWAYS READY! An Article every Sarber should have. One of the most useful and practical articles ever devised for barbers' use, making a neat, compact and safe receptacle for razors. They are manufactured from calf-skin, are strong, durable and well made. They are provided with rings, by means of which they can be hung up against the wall, also with a strap to securely fasten the pocket when rolled up. We keep them in three sizes, holding six, nine, and twelve razors respectively. PRICE. Razor Pocket for holding 6 Razors $1.50 " " " 9 " 1.75 Razor Pocket for holding 12 Razors 2.00 -* *- ■* THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. 95 OXJO? OF Modern Barber Shop F0R 7|rlE ySE 0|7 B=^RBER8 ijD^E{(TI^I]4(| PUI(P0^E^, [}lI([3ULAI(^, Bu^IWE^^ C!aI(D^, ETC. Electrotypes, same as above, sent by mail, • $1.00 each. *- ■* 35- -* 96 THEO. A. KOCHS, CHICAGO. iisriDEix:. PAGE. Alum, Compressed 90 Ammonia.... 91 Atomizers 92 Barbers' Chairs 8-21 Barber Chair Machinery 22 Barbers' Poles 52 Bath Brushes 73 Bath Cocks, Combination 55 Bath Heater 54 Bath Room Fixtures 54-55 Bath Tubs 55 Basins 57 Basin Cocks 57 Basin Plugs 57 Bay Rum 84 Bibbs 55 Boot Black Rests 53 Bottles ■ 68-70 Bottle Tubes 93 Bowls 67 Brilliantine 90 Brilliantine Hair Oil 84 Brushes 72-74 Cabinets 34 Camphor Ice 90 Cans 84 Caster 94 Castor Oil 91 Chain 57 Chain Stays ■ 57 Chemicals 91 Children's Hair Cutting Chair 53 Clippers 76-77 Cloth Brushes 73 Coat Rack 51 Cologn e . . . . 90 Combination Bath Cock 55 Combination Fixture 27 Combs 71 Cosmetiques 89 Cuspidors 93 Daubers 73 Designs for Mugs 59-61 Dressing Cases 23-26 Electrotype of Barber Shop 9o Essential Oils 91 Extracts 90 Face Brushes % 74 Face Powder 88 Feather Dusters 74 Flesh Brushes 73 Florida Water 90 French Oil 84 Funk's Cream of Roses 90 Glycerine 91 Grinding 75 Hair Brushes 73 Hair Brush Cleaner 92 Hair Dye 86 Hair Oil 84 Hair Restoratives 86 Hair Tonic 85 Hand Brush, see Nail Brush 74 Hand Glass 92 Hat Brushes 73 Hones 78 Humoline 90 Hungarian Pomade 89 Index Hand 52 * PAGE. Kochs' Cream 90 Lather Brushes 72 Lavender Water 90 Looking Glasses 46-47 Looking Glass Brackets. 50 Magnesia, Lump. 88 Mantel Glasses. 48-49 Marble 56 Marble Shelves 56 Mugs 58-66 Mugs, Silver Plated 93 Mug Cases 31-32 Mug Cases, with Bases 28-30 Mustache Wax 89 Nail or Hand Scrub Brush 74 Neck Dusters 74 Nitrate of Silver 91 Perfumery 90 Pier Glasses ". 44 45 Pipe, Wrought Iron 55 Pipe, Lead 55 Poles, see Barber Poles 52 Pomades 88 Powder, see Face Powder 88 Powder Bowls 67 PoAvder Stands 70 PufEs 74 Pyrogallic Acid 91 Razors 79-83 Razor Pockets 94 Recliniuir Chairs 18-21 Rotary Hair Brush 73 Rubber Tubing 57 Salad Oil 91 Sal Tartar 91 Sea Foam 85 Shampoo Cock 57 Shampoo Sprinklers 57 Shaving Soaps, see Soaps 87 Shears 75 Shelf Cases 32-33 Shoe Brushes 73 Silvered Powder Stands 70 Soaps 87 Soap Dishes 92 Sponges 91 Sponge Baskets 92 Sponge Bowls 67 Straps 78 Summer Seats 51 Swing Stool, Kammerer's 58 Tanks, Galvanized Iron 54 Tanks, Wooden 55 Tank Stands 54 Terms 7 Ticket Boards 51 Ticket Punches 92 Toilet Waters 90 Tool Brackets 51 Tooth Brushes 74 Towels 91 Towel Rack, Three- Arm 51 Wash Stands 36-43 Wash Stand, Enameled Iron 56 Wash Stand Slabs 56 Waste Baskets 93 Whisks 74 Work Stands 35 -* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS i(tfa« ? 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