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He came from Inverness, Scotland, to Salisbury, Mass., and later removed to Lyme, Conn. He married (ist), April 5, 1681, Sarah Bagley (daughter of Orlando Bagley and Sarah Colby, daughter of Anthony and Susannah Colby, of Salisbury, Mass.). SECOND GENERATION. 240020. JosiAH Mack. (John.) 11840. He married Abigail Peterson (daughter of Henry and Marah Peterson). THIRD GENERATION. 240050. JosiAH Mack. (Jonathan^ John'.) 11856. He was born Jan 25, 1741. He married. Residence, Lyme, Conn. Child : 240051. Lydia. Married Darius Peck. 240500. 240100. Mack. (Jonathan^, John',) He married. Children : 240101. George. He removed from Lyme, Conn., to Phelps, N. Y., and later to Vineland, N. J. He married. 240102. Flavel. He removed from Lyme. Conn., to Phelps, N. Y., and later to Vineland, N. J. 240103. Harriet. 1098 History of the Mack Family. 240150. Elisha Mack. (Josiah^ John'.) 12500. He was born May 25, 1728. He married Mary Ellis (daughter of John Ellis and Rose Jennings). Child : 24015 1. Abigail. Born Aug. 17, 1756. Married David Tarbox. 12503. 240850. FOURTH GENERATION. 240500. Darius Peck. (Darius Peck and Elizabeth Beck- with, Samuel Peck and Alice Way, Samuel Peck and Elizabeth Lee, Joseph and Sarah Peck, Jeremiah Peck and Johanna Kitchell, daugh- ter of Robert Kitchell, William Peck.) He was born Feb. 2, 1764. He married, July 20, 1786, Lydia Mack. 240051. He removed from Lyme, Conn., to Conway, Franklin Co., Mass., in 1789, and from there to Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., in 1804. He died July 31, 181 4. Children : 240501. Betsey. Born Oct. 29, 17S7, at Lyme, Conn. Married Isaac Bigelow. She died in 1850 at Phelps, N. Y. 240502. Elisha. Born April 11, 1789, at Conway, Mass. 241500. 240503. Horace. Born Jan. 10, 1790, at Conway, Mass. 241520. 240504. Lydia. Born Oct. 15, 1792, at Conway. Married William Ottley. 241530. 240505. Darius. Born Nov. 20. 1794, at Conway. 241540. 240506. Elijah. Born Oct. 21, 1796. Died Nov. 26, 1798. 240507. Fanny. Born Aug. 20, 1798. Married William Crittenden. She died in 1850 at Phelps, N. Y. 240508. Enoch. Born Aug. 22, iSoo. 241550. 240509. Ira. Born July 20, 1S02. 241570. 240510. Ann. Married Daniel Stuart. Residence, 1869, Phelps, N. Y. 24051 1. Charles. Born in Phelps, N. Y. Unmarried. Died. 240600. Hon. John Mack. (Elisha^, Josiah-, John'.) 125 16. 45340. He was born April 27, 1779. He married Sarah Richards. Merchant. Residence, Plainfield, Mass. 240700. Col. Stephen Mack. (Solomon', Ebenezer-, John'.) 20830. They had ten children. Fourth Generation. 1099 Children : 240701. Stephen. 140225. 240702. Lovicy. Born Sept. 13, 1795, at Tunbridge, Vt. Married David Cooper. 242250. 240703. Lavinia. Married Judge Whittemore of Pontiac, Mich. 240704. Ruth. Married a Buckland. 240705. Rhoda. Married a Stanley. 240706. Almon. Born April 28, 1805, at Tunbridge, Vt. 240240. 42220. 240707. Almira. Married a Covey of Salt Lake City, Utah. 240708. John. He married. His descendants reside in Detroit, Mich. 240800. Jeremiah Mack. 38180. (This name some claim should be Jeremiah instead of Josiah.) Jeremiah Mack was a soldier in Rev. War at Valley Forge. 240850, David Tarbox. (Capt. David Tarbox of the 17th Co., 1 2th Regt. of Conn. Militia in Rev. War, and Abigail Taylor, Capt. Godfrey Tarbox and Hannah Leighton, Jonathan and Eleanor Tarbox, Samuel Tarbox and Rebecca Armitage). He married, Aug. 28, 1775, Abigail Mack. 12503. 240151. Child : 240851. Henry. 242325. 241000. Rev. Joseph Smith. (AsaeP, SamueP, SamueP, Robert'. Smith History. Robert' Smith. Born 1644. Residence, Topsfield, Essex Co., Mass. Died Aug. 30, 1693. Married Mary. Child: SamueP Smith. Born Jan. 26, 1666. Died July 12, 1748. Married Jan. 25, 1707, Rebecca Curtis. Died March 2, 1753. Residence, Topsfield, Essex Co., Mass. Child: SamueP Smith, 2nd. Born Jan. 26, 1714. Died Nov. 14, 1785. Married May 27, 1734, Priscilla Gould. Died Sept. 25, 1744. Married (2nd) Oct. 8, 1745, Priscilla Gould. Died May 27, 1794. Residence Topsfield, Essex Co., Mass. Child : Asae^ Smith. Born March 7 1744. Died Oct. 31, 1830. Married, Feb. 12, 1767, Mary Duty Born Oct., 1743, at Wanham, N. H. Died May 27, 1836. Children I. Jesse. Born April 20, 1768. 2. Priscilla. Born Oct. 21, 1769 3. Joseph. Born July 12, 1771. 4. Asahel. Born May 21, 1773 5, Mary. Born June 4, 1775. 6. Samuel. Born Sept. 15, 1777 7. Silas. Born Oct. i, 1779. 8, John. Born July 16, 1781. 9 Susanna. Born May 18, 1783. 10. Stephen. Born April 23, 1785 II. Sarah. Born May 16, 1789.) Joseph Smith, second son and iioo History of the Mack Family. third child of Asael and Mary Duty Smith, was the first Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was married to Lucy Mack, daughter of Solomon Mack, Jan. 24, 1796, and died Sept. 14, 1840, at Nauvoo, 111. Born July 12, 177 1, at Topsfield, Essex Co., Mass. Lucy Mack was born July 8, 1776, at Gilsum, Cheshire Co., N. H., and died May 5, 1855. Children : 241001. Alvin. Born Feb. 11, 1798. Died Nov. 19, 1824. 241002. Hyrum. Born Feb. 9, 1800, at Tunbridge, Orange Co., Ver- mont. 242500. 241003. Sophronia. Born May 16, 1803, at Tunbridge, Orange Co., Vermont. Married Calvin Stoddard. 242525. 241004. Joseph. Born Dec. 23, 1805, at Sharon, Windsor Co., Ver- mont. 242540. 241005. Samuel Harrison. Born March 13, 1808, at Tunbridge, Wind- sor Co., Vermont. 242560. 241006. Ephraim. Born March 13, iSio, at Royalton, Windsor Co., Vermont. Died March 24, 18 10. 241007. William. Born March 13, 1811, at Royalton, Windsor Co., Vermont. 242580. 241008. Catharine. Born July 8, 181 2, at Lebanon, N. H. Married Wilkins Jenkins Salisbury. 35050. 242600. 241009. Don Carlos. Born March 25. 1816, at Palmyra, N. Y. 242625. 241010. Lucy. Born July 18, 1821. Married Arthur Milliken. 242640. FIFTH GENERATION. 241500. Elisha Peck. (Darius*, Samuel^, SamueP, Joseph^, Jere- miah"" William'.) 240502. He was born April 11, 1789. He married (ist), Lucinda Warner. She died in 1813. He married (2nd), Percy Scott. She died in 1836. He married (3d), Sarah L. Crouch. He died May 6, 1868, at Phelps, N. Y. Children : 241501. Alvira. Born March 24, 1S14. Married, April 10, 1834, Rich- ard Hallett. Residence, 1869, Hillsdale, Mich. 241502. Hon. Lewis. Born May 13, 1816. Graduated at Colgate Uni- versity, 1844. He married, Oct. 27, 1854, Sarah Long. Mem- ber of Assembly, i860. 241503. Lydia. Born Feb. 6, 1818. Married, in Oct., 1844, Daniel Crouch. She died Aug. 11, 1850, at Phelps, N. Y. 241504. John. Born Nov. 29, 1819. Married, in 1849, Amanda Gates. Residence, 1869, Hillsdale, Mich. Fifth Generation. iioi 241505. Hon. Ira. Born Nov. 18, 1821. Married, Dec. 18, 1845, Mar- cia E. Dixon. Member of Assembly, 1858. Residence, 1S48, E. Bloomfield, N. Y.; 1S69, Port Byron, N. Y. He died April 12, 1887, at Syracuse, N. Y. 241506. Jesse. Born Feb. 29, 1824. Married, in July, 1861, Hattie Walthart. Residence, 1869, Brownsville, Pa. 241507. Sarah. Born Dec. 13, 1825. Married, in Jan., 1S46, Luther Worden. She died Sept. 14, 1853. 241520. Horace Peck. (Darius^ Samuel^, SamueP, Joseph^, Jeremiah", William'.) 240503. He was born Jan. 10, 1790. He married Sebe Chapman. He died Aug. 3, 1867, at Phelps, N. Y. Children : 241521. Damaris. Born May 4, 1815. Married A. Frank Ranney. She died Jan. 12, 1847, at Hillsdale, Mich. 241522. Hiram. Born June 30, 1S17. Married Louisa Whittemore. Sheriff of Ontario Co., N. Y., 1882-5. Residence, 1869, Phelps, N. Y. 241523. William. Born Nov. 26, 1819. Married Ellen Case. Resi- dence, 1869, Phelps, N. Y. 241524. Dorothy. Born Feb. 13, 1823. Married John Green. She died Aug. ig, 184S, at Genoa, N. Y. 241525. Clarissa. Born Nov. i, 1824. Married Rev. Jacob A. Wader. School Commissioner of Ontario Co. , N. Y. Residence, 1869, Orleans, N. Y. 241526. Horace. Born Oct. 28, 1832. Married Elizabeth Reals. Resi- dence, 1869, Phelps, N. Y. 241527. Ellen. Born June 27, 1835. Unmarried. Died March 6, 1851, at Phelps, N. Y. 241528. Charles D. Born Jan. 28, 1838. Married Mary Homan. Resi- dence, 1869, Phelps, N. Y. 241530. William Ottley. He was born in 1785. He mar- ried Lydia Peck. 240504. He died in 1857. Residence, Phelps, N. Y. Children : 241531. William. Died. 241532. William. 241533. Mary. 241534. Lydia. 241535- Caroline. 241536. Elizabeth. 241537. Thomas. Member of New York Assembly, 1831. 241538. Enoch. 241539. Sophia. Married Theron VanAuken. 244000. II02 History of the Mack Family. 241540. Darius Peck. (Darius*, Samuel^ SamueP, Joseph^, Jeremiah^ William'.) 240505. He was born Nov. 20, 1794. He married (ist), Betsey Raymond; (2nd), Phebe Williams. Residence, 1869, Throopsville, N. Y. Children : 241541. Mortimer. Born in 1S20 at Barre, N. Y. Married Ursula Sage. Residence, 1871, Benton, Mo. 241542. Mary Ann. Born June 12, 1S23. Married Eli Dixon. She died in 1865 at Aurora, 111. 241543. Darius. Born Jan. 20, 1831, at Fairport, N. Y. Married Susan Wilson. Residence, 1871, Benton, Mo. 241544. Martha. Born Dec. 8, 1833, in Metz, N. Y. Married J. V. White. Died in 1870 at Port Byron, N. Y. 241545. Sarah. Born Dec. 30, 1836, in Metz, X. Y. Married W. A. White. Residence, 1871, Auburn, N. Y. 241550. Dr. Enoch Peck. (Darius®, Samuel^ SamueP, Joseph^ Jeremiah", William\) 240508. He was born Nov. 20, 1794. He mar- ried (ist), Julitta Jones. Shedied April 17, 1835. He married (2nd), Cornelia Ann Swan. She died Aug. 20, 1848. He married (3d), Almira Dixon. Physician. He died Jan. 10, 1886. Residence, Phelps, N. Y. Children : 241551. Ezra Jones. Born Dec. 19, 1830, at Castleton, N. Y. Gradu- ated at Williams College, 1851. Married, March 31, 1856, Annie L. Bartlett. Principal of Owego, N. Y., Academj' for many years. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Hobart College, 1900. Inspector in Latin, Universitj- State of N. Y. Residence, 1902, Albany, N. Y. 241552. Henry J. Born July 20, 1834, at Castleton. Residence, 1902, Phelps, N. Y. 241553. Harriet C. A. Born Nov. 9, 1846, at Baidwinsville, N. Y. Married Alexander J. Weston of Oaks Corners, N. Y. 241554. Mary J. Born Dec. 21, 1849, in Canoga, N. Y. Married, Sept. 17, 1885, Edward P. Mills of Buffalo, N. Y. 241570. Ira Peck. (Darius*, Samuel^ SamueP, Joseph^, Jere- miah-, William'.) 240509. He was born July 20, 1802. He married Polly Porter. Residence, 1869, Phelps, N. Y. Children : 241571. Charles. Born Sept. 6, 1S30. Married, Nov. 29, i860, Harriet N. Pierson. Residence, 1869, Seneca, N. Y. Fifth Generation. 1103 241572. Betsey E. Born April r, 1S33. Married, Sept. 22, 1S52, Alonzo Carson. Residence, 1S69, Hudson, Mich. 241573. Esther A. Born Nov. 5, 1837. Married (ist), Aug. 22, 1853, Jerome Guilford ; (2nd), in March, 1863, Enoch Hallett. Resi- dence. 1869, Hudson, Mich. 241574. Henry H. Born Aug. 31, 1840. Married, July 3, 1862, Ophelia Dibble. Residence, 1869, Seneca, N. Y. 242100. Amos Mack. 23320. Residence, Elbridge, N. Y. Children : 242 10 1. Amos. Died about 1830. 242102. Elisha Hutchinson. Born May 19, 1817, at Elbridge, N. Y. 244100. 242103. Maria. Married a Copeland. She died. Their son, Leonard Copeland, resides, 1902, Oswego, N. Y. 242104. Betsey. Married. They had children. She died. 242105. Laura. Married. They had children. She died. 242106. John J. Residence, 1902, Weedsport, N. Y. 242107. Samuel J. Residence, 1902, Weedsport, N. Y. 24210S. Frank M. Residence, Weedsport, N. Y. 242109. Roj-al L. Married. Child : Mrs. J. Lee Judson. Residence, 1902, 148 Lake Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 2421 10. W. W. Married. Child: W. R. Mack. Residence, 1902, iS Brown's Race, Rochester, N. Y. 242225. Stephen Mack. (Stephen.) 42210. 240701. Stephen Mack's wife was a bright, beautiful Indian girl who was a great help to him in various treaties with the Indian tribes near his home at Rocton or Pecatonic, 111. In a letter to his sister Lovicy, after the death of this dearly beloved wife in September or October, 1847, he pays the highest tribute to her worth. He says : "You say you perceive by the notice in the paper that my wife died a Christian. Lovicy, if I know what a Christian is, she was one. She not only died a Chris- tian but she lived one. Not by profession, but by her every act, her every deed proclaimed her a follower of Christ. In her the hungry and naked have lost a benefactor, the sick a nurse, and I have lost a friend who taught me to reverence God, by doing good to his creatures." Children : 242226. Rosa. Born Nov. 14, 1830. Married. They had children. She died. 242227. Mary. Born July 15, 1832. II04 History of the Mack Family. 24222S. William H. Born July 27, 1S34. Soldier in Civil War. Died. 242229. Louisa. Born May 6, 1836. Married. They had children. She died. 242230. Thomas H. Born Feb. 9, 1838. Soldier in Civil War. Resi- dence, 1902, Wisconsin. 242231. Henry C. Born Dec. i, 1839. Died Jan. i, 1849. 242232. Edward. Born Dec. 3, 1841. Soldier in Civil W^ar. Died from injuries received in camp. 242233. Matilda. Born Nov. 26, 1843. Married. They had children. She died. 242234. Caroline. Born Oct. 16, 1845. 242240. Hon. Almon Mack. 42220. 240706. When six- teen years of age he accompanied his father, Col. Stephen Mack, in his removal to the territory of Michigan. His ancestors were of good English stock and several of the connection made honorable mark in our Revolutionary history. Young Almon was his father's principal assistant in his business enterprises, and with the advantage of a thorough business and parental training, he settled in what was then the little hamlet of Rochester, and began business as a merchant on September i, 1830. He was married to Elvira Jamieson in 1827, who had been a ward of his parents. Although themselves childless, Mr. and Mrs. Mack performed the duty of parents to three orphaned children. He represented Oakland County in the legislature in 1848. He was tendered the secretaryship of the first Legislative Council but declined on account of ill health. He also from time to time held various other local offices. Mr. Mack was a type of the true old fashioned gentleman. For twenty-five years before his death he was almost totally blind. Courteous to all, generous and kindly ever. He died at a ripe old age, Jan. 20, 1885, and would have been in the April following 80 years of age. The sermon he preached was his life, its application his death. 242250. David Cooper. He was born Nov. 24, 1789, at Montreal. He married, in 1820, Lovicy Mack. 240702. They had five children two of whom died in infancy. He died June 27, 1876. She died Jan. 6, 1874. Residence, Detroit, Mich. Children : 242251. George. Born Nov. 16, 1822. Unmarried. Died July 7, 1864. 242252. Adeline L. Born March 28, 1821. Married, Oct. 24, 1839, Dr. Rollin Sprague. 27675. 242253. David Mack. Born .\pril 18, 1S27. 244200. Fifth Generation. 1105 242325. Henry Tarbox. (David^, Davids Godfrey^ Jona- than^ Samuel'.) 240851. He married Julia Brainerd (daughter of Calvin Brainerd and Sarah Brainerd, Ezra Brainerd and Jerusha Smith, Ensign Josiah Brainerd of ist Co., 4th Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade in Rev. War, and Hannah Spencer, Hezekiah Brainerd and Dorothy Hobart, daughter of Jeremiah Hobart and' Elizabeth Whit- ing, daughter of Rev. Samuel Whiting and Elizabeth St. John, daugh- ter of Rt. Hon. Sir Oliver St. John and Sarah Bulkley. Jerusha Smith was the daughter of Lieut. David Smith of the 7th Regt. Conn. Line in Rev. War, and Dorothy Brainerd, daughter of Hezekiah Brainerd and Dorothy Hobart). Child : 242326. Henry Fisk. 244350. 242500. Rev. Hyrum Smith. (Joseph^, Asael", SamueP, Samuel", Robert'.) 34830. 241002. He married (ist), Jerusha Barden, Nov. 2, 1826, at Manchester, N. Y. She was born Feb. 15, 1805. She died Oct. 13, 1837. He married the second time Mary Fielding, Dec. 24, 1837. She was born July 21, 1801, at Honidon, Bedford- shire, England. She died Sept. 21, 1852. He was the successor of his father as Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and was cruelly murdered June 27, 1844, in Carthage Jail, Hancock Co., 111., by a mob while under the protection of the state. Children : 242501. Lovina. Born Sept. 16, 1827, at Palmyra, N. Y. Married Lorin Walker. 244500. 242502. Mary. Born Tune 27, 1829, at Palmyra, N. Y. 242503. John. Born Sept. 22, 1832, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. 36245. 244520. 242504. Hyrum. Born April 27, 1834, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. Died Sept. 21, 1841. 242505. Jerusha. Born Jan. 13, 1836, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. Married William Pierce. 244540. 242506. Sarah. Born Oct. 2, 1837, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. Married Charles E. Griffin. 244560. 242507. Joseph Fielding. Born Nov. 13, 1838, at Far West, Caldwell Co., Missouri. 36300. 244600. 242508. Martha Ann. Born May 14, 1841, at Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois. Married William J. Harris. 244700. iio6 History of the Mack Family. 242525. Calvin Stoddard. 34850. He married, Dec. 2, 1827, in Palmyra, N. Y., Sophronia Smith. 241003. Children : 242526. Eunice. Born March 22, 1830. 3485 r. 242527. Maria. Born April 12, 1832. 34852. 242540. Rev. Joseph Smith. (Joseph^, Asael", Samuel^ Sam- ueP, Robert'.) 34865. 241004. He married Emma Hale, Jan. 18, 1827. He was the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints organized April 6, 1830, at Fayette, Seneca Co., N. Y., and was murdered June 27, 1844, in Carthage Jail, Hancock Co., 111. Children : 242541. Joseph. Born Nov. 6, 1832, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. 242542. Frederick G. W. Born June 20, 1836, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. Died in 1862. 242543. Alexander. Born June 2, 1838. 242544. Don Carlos. Born June 13, 1840. 242545. David H. Born Nov. 18, 1844. 242560. Samuel Harrison Smith. (Joseph^, Asael", Samuel^ SamueP, Robert'.) 34950. 241005. He married (ist), Mary Bailey, Aug. 13, 1834. She was born in 1811 at Boston, Mass., and died Jan. 25, 1841. He married (2nd), Levira Clark, May 30, 1842. She was born July 30, 18 15, at Levonia, Livingston Co., N. Y. He died July 30, 1844, at Nauvoo, Hancock Co., 111. Children : 242561. Susanna Bailey. Born Oct. 27, 1835. Married Alonzo Hunt. 244720. 242562. Mary Bailey. Born March 27, 1837. Married John Joseph Norman. 244740. 242563. Samuel H. B. Born Aug. i, 1838. 244750. 242564. Lucy B. Born Jan. 31, 1S41. 242565. Levira A. C. Born April 29, 1842. Married Rev. Joseph Fielding Smith. 244600. 242566. Lovisa C. Born Aug. 28, 1843. 242567. Lucy J. C. Born Aug. 20, 1844. 242580. William Smith. (Joseph^, AsaeP, Samuel\ SamueP, Robert'.) 34990. 241007. He married Caroline Grant, Feb. 14, 1833. He was a member of the first Quorum of Twelve Apostles of Sixth Generation. 1107 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He died Nov. 13, 1893, in Osterdock, Clayton Co., Iowa. Caroline died May 22, 1845. Children : 242581. Mary Jane. Born in Jan.. 1S35. 242582. Caroline L. Born in Aug., 1S36. 242600. WiLKiNS Jenkins Salisbury. 35050. He married Catharine Smith. 241008. He was born in 1810. He died Nov. 27, 1853. Catharine died Feb. i, 1900. Children : 242601. Elizabeth. Born April 12, 1832. 242602. Lucy. Born Oct. 3, 1834. 242603. Solomon J. Born Sept. 18, 1835. 35053. 244300. 242604. Alvin. Born June 7, 1838. 244320. 242605. Don Carlos. Born Oct. 25, 1841. 35055. 242606. Emma C. Born March 25, 1844. 242607. Lorain C. Born May 2, 1847. Died Nov. 14, 1847. 242608. Frederick. Born Jan. 27, 1850. 242625. Don Carlos Smith. (Joseph^, AsaeP, Samuel^ Sam- uel", Robert'.) 35070. 241009. He married Agnes Coolbrith. She was born July 11, 181 1, at Scarboro, Maine. He died Aug. 7, 1841. Children : 242626. Agnes C. Born Aug. i, 1836, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. 242627. vSophronia C. Born 1838, at Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. 242628. Josephine D. Born March 10, 1841, at Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois. 242640. Arthur MiLiKEN. 35080. He married, June 4, 1840, Lucy Smith. 35080. 241010. Child : 242641. Don Carlos. SIXTH GENERATION. 244000. Theron VanAuken. He was born in 1832. He married Sophia Ottley. 242009. He died in 1889. Residence, Phelps, N. Y. iio8 History of the Mack Family. Children : 244001. Ida B. Residence, 1902, Ithaca, N. Y. 244002. Millicent. Married Ambrose L. VanDusen. 244775. 244003. Charles Sumner. 244778. 244100. Elisha Hutchinson Mack. (Amos.) 27250. 242102. He was born May 19, 181 7, at Elbridge, N. Y. He married, April 21, 1845, Emma E. Filley. She was born March 30, 1830. Children : 244101. Emma Cora. Born March 7, 1846. 244102. Eugenia Josephine. Born Jan. 24, 1848. Married, April 29, 1874, Ewing U. Smith. Child : pmma E. Smith. Born May 24, 1874. 244103. Ida. Born Aug. 21, 1856. Teacher. Residence, 1902, Batavia, Illinois. 244104. Elisha Hutchinson. Born July 21, 1858. Married, Sept. 10, 1891, Sarah E. Crouch. Merchant. Residence, 1892, Erie, Pa. 244200. Rev. David Mack Cooper. (David.) 242253. He was born April 18, 1827, at Detroit, Mich. He married (ist), May 6, 1 85 1, Arabella Baldwin. She was born Aug. 16, 1827. She died Nov. 5, 1 88 1. He married (2nd), Oct. 9, 1883, Carrie E. Skinner. She was born Oct. 10, 185 1. Children : 244201. David Lindsley. Born April 9, 1854. 244780. 244202. Mary Lovicy. Born July 31, 1858. Married Dr. Charles L. Babcock. Physician. He died Jan. 7, 1886. 244203. Mattie Almeda. Born May 23, 1873. Married Walter E. Winckler. 244204. Williams. Born Aug. 25, 1884. 244300. Rev. Solomon Jenkins Salisbury. (Wilkins Jen- kins.) 35053. 242603. He was born Sept. 18, 1835, ^^ Lake County, Ohio. He married (ist), Feb. 19, 1856, Eliza Swisher of Hancock Co., 111. She died Feb. 17, 1865. He married (2nd), Sept, 17, 1865, Margaret Swisher. Children : 244301. Ella. Born Feb. 20, 1859, in Hire Township, McDonough Co., 111. 244302. Robert. Born Oct. 27, i860, in McDonough Co., 111. 244303. James. Born April 5, 1862. r-ffj .* f REV. DAVID MACK COOPER Sixth Generation. 1109 244304. Mary. Born Aug. 19, 1867, in Hancock Co., 111. 244305. William Henry. Born July 16, 1869. 244306. Don Carlos. Born April 13, 1871. 244320. Alvin Salisp.ury. (Wilkins Jenkins.) 35054. 242604. He was born June 7, 1837. He married, Oct. 31, 1861, Mahala Aldrich of Macomb, 111. She was born April 18, 1835. He died in Aug., 1880. She died Jan. 3, 1901. Children : 244321. Don C. Born Aug. 23, 1862. Died July 19, 1863. 244322. Franklin W. Born Jan. 18, 1867. Died March 12, 1867. 244323. Alexander. Born April iS, 1S66. 244783. 244324. Horace A. Born March 5, 1868. 244786. 244325. Mary A. Born Sept. 19, 1S69. Married L. G. Miller. 244787. 244326. Solomon J. Born July 3, 1871. Died June 29, 1872. 244327. Catharine. Born June 25, 1873. Married Frank Groom. 244790. 24432S. Charles J. Born March 23, 1875. Died May 5, 1875. 244350. Hon. Henry Fisk Tarbox. Born March i, 1839. Lawyer. He married Elizabeth Lord. He received the degree of A.M. from Genesee College (now Syracuse University). Brevet Major, 1 08th Regt. N. Y. Inft. Vols, in Civil War and participated in battle of Antietam. Republican. Member of Assembly, 1867-8. Collector of Internal Revenue. Presidential Elector, 1880. Member of G. A. R. Postmaster of Batavia, N. Y. Residence, 1899, Bata- via, N. Y. Child : 244351. Russell Lord. He was born Jan. 15, 1872, at Batavia, N. Y. Educated at Williams College. Lawyer. Member of firm of Bird & Tarbox. Member of Madison Square Republican Club, Society of the Genesee, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa college fraternities and Williams Alumni Asso- ciation. Unmarried. Office, 34 Pine St. Residence, 1901, 144 West 34th St., N. Y. City. 244360. Charles H. Eddy. 38650. He married Nancy Hathaway. 244400. Royal Lyman Mack. (Elisha H.^, Josiah^ Josiah^ John^John^) 14454. He was born June 7, 1819. He married, Sept. 6, 1848, Mary Cunningham Tiebout. She was born Nov. 20, 1827. mo History of the Mack Family. He died March lo, 1888. She died Oct. 13, 1899. Residence, Oswego, N. Y. Child : 244401. Mary Campbell. Born Aug. 25, 1849. Married John Lee Judson. 244799 — lo- 244500. LoRiN Walker. He married, June 23, 1844, Lovina Smith. 242501. He was born July 25, 1822, at Peacham, Caledonia Co., Vermont. She died Oct. 8, 1876. Children : 244501. Hyrum. Born Sept. 26, 1845. 244800. 244502. Isabell R. Born Dec, 1847, at Nauvoo, Hancock Co., 111. Died Dec, 1847. 244503- Jerusha C. Born July 6, 1849, ^t Nauvoo, Hancock Co., 111. Married William Blanchard. 244820. 244504. Edwina M. Born Nov. 26, 1851, at Webster, 111. Married George H. Young. 244850. 244505. Emma I. Born July 28, 1854, at Webster, 111. Died Sept. 5, 1893. Married Calvin W. Richards. 244870. 244506. William A. Born March 16, 1857, at Florence, Neb. 244890. 244507- John Lorin. Born April 11, 1864, at Farmington, Davis Co., Utah. 244900. 244508. Joseph F. Born March 26, 1867, at Farmington, Davis Co., LTtah. 244920. 244509. Don Carlos. Born May i, 1870, at Farmington, Davis Co., Utah. 244940. 244510. Charles H. Born Nov. 18, 1872, at Farmington, Davis Co., Utah. 244950. 244511. David F. Born Oct. 8, 1876. at Farmington, Davis Co., Utah. Died Aug. 26, 1877. 244520. John Smith. (Hyrum*, Joseph^, AsaeP, Samuel^ SamueP, Robert'.) 36245. 242503. He married, Dec. 25, 1853, Hellen Maria Fisher. Born Sept 20, 1835, in Beaver Co., Pa. He married (2nd), Feb. 18, 1857, Nancy Melissa Lemmon. Born Sept. 6, 1832, near Payson, Adams Co., 111. Children of Hellen M.: 244521. Ehzabeth M. Born Oct. 8, 1854, at Sugar Ward, S. L. Co., Utah. Married Charles H. Evans. 244960. 244522. Hyrum. Born Jan. 10, 1856, at Sugar Ward, S. L. Co., Utah. 244980. Sixth Generation. iiii 244523. Luc3'. Born July II, 185S, at Sugar Ward, S. L. Co., Utah. Married Ray L. Davis. 245000. 244524. Don Carlos. Born June 7, 1861, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245020. 244525. Joseph. Born Sept. 10, 1S65, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245040. 244526. Alvin. Born Oct. 13, 1S67, at Salt Lake Citj^ Utah. 244527. Evaline. Born Oct. 13, 1867, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Nov. 4, 1878. 244528. John David. Born May i, 1S70, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Sept. 16, 1878. 244529. Hellen J. Born Oct. 26, 1S72, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died July 30, 1 88 1. Child of Nancy M.: 244530. John. Born March 16, 1858. Died May i, 1867. 244540. William Pierce. He married, Dec. 28, 1854, Jerusha Smith. 242505. He was born April 2, 1833, at Chester Co., Pa. Children : 244541. Hannah E. Born Sept. 17, 1S55, at Cottonwood, S. L. Co., Utah. Married Aaron Beckstead. 245050. 244542. Hyrum R. Born April 9, 1S57, at Brigham City, Utah. 245070. 244543. Martha L. Born Aug. 23, 1S60, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Mar- ried John H. Green. 245080. 244544. Margaret J. Born Jan. 10. 1863, at North Ward, Box Elder Co., Utah. Died Oct., 1864. 244545. Sarah M. Born Oct. 20, 1865, at Brigham City, Utah. Mar- ried Joseph S. Egbert. 245100. 244546. William H. Born :\Iay 26, 1S6S, at Brigham City, Utah. Died Ma}- 21, 1880. 244547. Eli Thomas. Born Jan. 27, 1S70, at North Ward, Box Elder Co., Utah. 245120. 244548. Edith Irene. Born Jan. 30, 1872. Married Erastus R. Barn- ard. 245140. 244549. Lucy L. Born Jan. 22, 1877. Died June 18, 1880. 244560. Charles E. Griffin. He married, Jan. 16, 1854, Sarah Smith. 142506. He was born May 10, 1836, at Essex, Chit- tenden, Vermont. She died Nov. 6, 1876, Children : 244561. Charles. Born Jan. 18, 1S56, in S. L. Co., Utah. Died Jan. iS, 1856. 244562. Alice Lovina. Born Nov. 21, 1856, in S. L. Co., Utah. Mar- ried Jared R. Porter. 245160. III2 History of the Mack Family. 244563. Sarah. Born in J858 in S. L. Co., Utah. Died in 1858. 244564. Joseph E. Born Jan. 30, 1859, in S. L. Co., Utah. 245180. 244565. Ernest A. Born March 3, 1863, in S. L. Co., Utah. 245200. 244566. Hannah. Borfl Feb. 17, 1865, in S. L. Co., Utah. Married Alonzo Shirts. 245220. 244567. John M. Born Jan. 28, 1868, at Coalville, Utah. Died Feb. 16, 1868. 244568. Martha A. Born April 26, 1870, at Coalville, Utah. Died May 5, 1870. 244569. Hyrum. Born Jan. 13, 1871. Died Jan. 13, 1871. 244570. Abigail. 244571. Hellen J. Born Oct. 16, 1876, at Ogden, Utah. Died Jan. 9, 1877. 244600. Rev. Joseph Fielding Smith. (Hyrum*, Joseph^ AsaeP, SamueP, Samuel-, Robert'.) 36300. 242507. He married (ist), April 5, 1859, Levira A. Smith. 242565. He married (2nd), May 5, 1866, Julina Lambson. Born June 18, 1849, at Salt Lake City, Utah. He married (3d), March i, 1868, Sarah E. Richards. Born Aug. 25, 1850, at Salt Lake City, Utah. He married (4th), Jan. I, 1871, Edna Lambson. Born March 3, 1851, at Salt Lake City, Utah. He married (5th), Dec. 6, 1883, AUce A. Kimball. Born Sept. 6, 1858, at Salt Lake City, Utah. He married (6th), Jan. 13, 1884, Mary T. Schwartz. Born April 30, 1865, at HolUday, Utah. Children of JuUna : 244601. 244602. 244603. 244604. 244605. 244606. 244607. 244608. 244609. 244610. 24461 1. Died Mar- Mar- Mercy J. Born Aug. 14, 1867, at Salt Lake City, Utah. June 6, 1870. Mary E. S. Born Oct. 7, 1869, at Salt Lake City, Utah, ried Alfred W. Peterson. 245230. Donnette. Born Sept. 17, 1872, at Salt Lake City, Utah, ried Alonzo P. Kesler. 245235. Joseph F. Born July 19, 1876, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245240. David A. Born May 24, 1879, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245250. George C. Born Aug. 14, 1881, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Juhna C. Born Feb. 10, 1884, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Elias W. Born April 21, 1886, atLaie Oahu, Sandwich Islands. Emily. Born Sept. 11, 1888, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Rachel. Born Dec. 11, 1890, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Edith E. Born Jan. 3, 1894, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Children of Sarah E.: 244612. Sarah E. Born Feb. 5, 1869, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Feb. II, 1869. 244613. Leonora. Born Jan. 30. 1871, at Salt Lake City, Utah, ried Joseph Nelson. 245260. Died Mar- ^^^^^H ■^^^■1 ^HV ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 f/zm^^^ ^^^^^1 f^^^H W /"^t ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M fll^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HnA. ' JOSEPH FIELDING SMITH Sixth Generation. 1113 244614. Joseph R. Born Feb. 22, 1873, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244615.' HeberJ. Born July 3, 1876, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died March 3, 1877. 244616. Rhoda A. Born July 20, 1878, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died July 6, 1879. 244617. Minerva. Born April 30, 1880, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244618. Alice. Born July 27, 1882, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died April 29, 1 901. 244619. Willard R. Born Nov. 20, 1884, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244620. Franklin R. Born May 12, 1888, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244621. Jeannetta. Born Aug. 25, 1891, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244622. Asenath. Born Dec. 28, 1896, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Children of Edna : 244623. Hyrum Mack. Born March 21, 1872, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245270. 244624. Alvin F. Born Aug. 7, 1874, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244625. Alfred J. Born Dec. 13, 1876, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died April 6, 1877. 244626. Edna M. Born Oct. 6, 1S79, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244627. Albert J. Born Sept. 16, 1881, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Aug. 25, 1883. 244628. Robert. Born Nov. 12, 1883, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Feb. 4, 1886. 244629. Emma. Born Aug. 21, 1888, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244630. Zina. Born Oct. 11, 1890, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244631. Ruth. Born Dec. 21, 1893, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died March 17, 189S. 244632. Martha. Born May 12, 1897, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Children of Alice A.: 244633. Lucy Mack. Born April 14, 1890. 244634. Andrew K. Born Jan. 6, 1893. 244635. Jesse K. Born May 21, 1896. 244636. Fielding K. Born April 9, 1S98. Children of Mary T.: 244637. John S. Born Aug. 20, 1888. Died Aug. 3, 1889. 244638. Calvin S. Born May 29, 1890. 244639. Samuel S. Born Oct. 26, 1892, at Franklin, Idaho. 244640. James S. Born Nov. 13, 1894, at Franklin, Idaho. 244641. Agnes. Born Nov. 3, 1S97, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244700. William J. Harris. He married, April 21, 1857, Martha Ann Smith. 242508. He was born Oct. 25, 1836, at Geneva, Morgan Co., 111. 1 1 14 History of the Mack Family. Children : 244701. William J. Born Aug. 4, 1S59, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 2452S0. 244702.. Joseph A. Born Aug. 19, 1S61, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245320. 244703. Hyrum Smith. Born Aug. 15, 1863, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245300. 244704. Mary E. Born Oct. 23, 1865, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Mar- rie(i Walter S. Corbett. 245340. 244705. Franklin H. Born Sept. 11, 1S67, at Salt Lake Cit}-, Utah. 245370. 244706. Lucy Smith. Born March 10, 1870, at Provo, Utah. Married Jonathan Simmons. 245380. 244707. John Fielding. Born June 28, 1872, at Provo, Utah. 245390. 244708. Mere}' A. Born March 30, 1874, at Provo, Utah. 244709. Zina Christeen. Born May 13, 1876, at Provo, Utah. Married George T. Turner. 245400. 244710. Martha A. Born June 27, 1879, at Provo, Utah. 24471 1. Sarah L. Born Dec. 8, 1882, at Provo, Utah. 244720. Alonzo Hunt. He married Susanna Bailey Smith. 242561. 244740. John Joseph Norman. He married Mary Bailey Smith. 142562. He was born in Staten Island, N. Y., about 1832 and died Jan. 24, 1900, at Utah. 244750. Samuel H. B. Smith. (Samuel Harrison*^, Joseph^, AsaeP, Samuel\ SamueP, Robert'.) 242563. Married (ist), April 17, i860, Mary Catharine Smith. Born March 22, 1842, at Quincy, Franklin Co., Penn. He married (2nd), May 2, 1870, Julia A. R. Winter. Born Feb. 8, 1854, at Salt Lake City, Utah. He married (3d), Oct. 19, 1886, Rachel A. Tuttle. Born Oct. 27, 1858, at E. Bountiful, Davis Co., Utah. He married (4th), Oct. 19, 1886. Clara M. Tuttle. Born Feb. 12, 1865, at Bountiful, Davis Co, Utah. Children of Mary C: 244751. Samuel B. Born Aug. 6, 1864, at St. Charles, Idaho. 245420. 244752. Mary E. Born Dec. 6, 1866, at vSalt Lake City, Utah. Died April 27, 1867. 244753. Florence M. Born April 30, 1S67, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Married John L. McKenna. 245440. 244754. Joseph Bailey. Born Aug. 9, 1S70, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245450. 244755. Alvin B. Born Oct. 7, 1872, at vSalt Lake City, Utah. 245460. Seventh Generation. 1115 244756. Jenta K. Born April i, 1875, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Mar- ried Harry E. Melton. 245470. 244757. Cumorah J. Born Sept. 22, 1S77, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Married George Burns. 245480. 24475S. Don Carlos B, Born Oct. 22, 18S0, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Aug. 18, 1881. 244759. Junius B. Born Sept. 29, 1883, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Children of Julia A. R.: 244760. Lucy W. Born Dec. 30, 1875, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Dec. 30, 1875. 244761. Harrison W. Born Aug. 3, 1877, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Aug. 16, 1877. 244762. Albert W. Born March 3, 1879, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244763. Jesse W. Born Dec. 5, 1880, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244764. Julia L. W. Born March 13, 1883, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Dec. 8, 1888. 244765. David W. Born Jan 12, 1885, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244766. Mary L. W. Born June 29, 1886, at Bountiful, Davis Co., Utah. Died Aug. 10, 1887. 244767. Ruby K. Born June 25, 1888, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244768. vSusan B. Born June 7, 1890, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 244769. Alonzo W. Born Sept. 14, 1891, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died July 29, 1892. 244770. Irvin W. Born March 19, 1893, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Oct. 7, 1893. 244771. Grace L. Born Nov. 17, 1894, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Child of Rachel A.: 244772. Heman T. Born Aug. 6, 1895, at Bountiful, Utah. Children of Clara M.: 244773. Newton T. Born Jan. 2, 1891, at Ogden, Utah. 244774. Clarence T. Born Dec. i, 1896, at Bountiful, Utah. SEVENTH GENERATION. 244775. Ambrose L. VanDusen. He married Millicent Van Auken. 244002. Residence, Seneca Castle, Ontario Co., N. Y. Children : 244776. Alice. 244777. Harold. iii6 History of the Mack Family. 244778. Charles Sumner VanAuken. (Theron.) 244003, He graduated at Hamilton College, 1886. He married Lillian How- ard. Residence, 1902, LaCrosse, Wis. Child : 244779. George. 244780. David Lindsley Cooper, (David Mack^, David',) 244201. He was born April 9, 1854. He married Sarah Challoner. He died March 13, 1887. Child : 2447S1. Challie A. 244782. Albert H. Peterson, 50230. He married, Sept. 7, 1901, Emma H. Salisbury. 50230. 244783. Alexander Salisbury. (Alvin.) 244323. He was born April 18, 1866. He married, March 27, 1890, Lucy Davis of Norton Co., Kan. She died Oct. 8, 1894. Children : 2447S4. Mahala A. Born Dec. 31, 1892. 244785. Hazel Katherine. Born June 30, 1897. 244786. Horace A. Salisbury. (Alvin.) 244324. He was born March 5, 1868. He married, in April, 1895, Lizzie Treffer of Jewell City, Kan. No children. 244787. L. G, Miller, He married, in Sept., 1897, Mary A. Salisbury. 244325. Residence, Jewell City, Kan. Child : 244788. Gilbert L. Born Aug. 2, 1899. 244790. Frank Groom. He married, Dec, 24, 1890, Cathar- ine Salisbury. 244327, Residence, Jennings, Kan. Children : 244791. Alvin F. Born Aug. 14, 1897. 244792. Glenn L. Born June 18, 1901. 244793. Charles May. 48332, He was born Feb. 20, 1829. He married, Nov. 28, 185 1, Catharine Lindsay, Residence, 1902, Casselton, N. Dak, Seventh Generation. nr Children : 244794. Anna Elizabeth. Born Aug. 14, 1853. Married James A. Mitchell. 247020. 244795. Amelia Louise. Born .\pril 24, 1S56. Married Avery L. Bil- lings. 247030. 244796. Henrietta Charlotte. Born May 14, 1863. Residence, 1902, Casselton, N. Dak. 244797. Alex. Born May 28, 1S66. 247050. 24479S. Charles Ivouis. Born Oct. 12, 1871. 247000. 244799. Asa M. Eddy. 39115. He married Nellie Lettes. 244799 — 1°- John Lee Judson. He was born July 14, 1846. He married, Sept. 20, 187 1, Mary Campbell Mack. 244401. He died Oct. 5, 1901. Residence, Rochester, N. Y. Children : 244799 — !!• Mary Larenda. Born Aug. 28, 1872. 244799 — 12. Royal Mack. Born Dec. 15, 1873. Died July 31, 1874.. 244799 — 'S- Lee Mack. Born April 16, 1875. Died July 25, 1892. 244799 — 14. Junius Roj'al. Born June 10, 1876. 244799 — 15. Grace Augusta. Born Aug. 3, 1879. 244799 — 16. Charles Bushnell. Born Feb. 10, 1881. Died March 31, 1881, 244799 — 17- Josephine Louise. Born May 2, 1884. 244799 — 18. Marjorie Elizabeth. Born July 25, 1885. 244800. Hyrum S. Walker. (Lorin.) 244501. He married (ist), Nov. 6, 1869, Lucetta K. Clark. Born Oct. 9, 1848, near Council Bluffs, Iowa. Died May 26, 1900. He married (2nd), Jan. II, 1902, Mary Ann Clark. Born April 5, 1852, at Bethlehem, Iowa. Children : 244801. Mark E. Born Oct. 11, 1870, at Farmington, Utah. 248000. 244802. Maud V. Born Oct. 19, 1872, at Trenton, Utah. 244803. William G. Born March 18, 1875, at Trenton, Utah. 248020. 244804. May Eliz. Born Aiig. 6, 1877, at Farmington, Utah. Married John C. Howard. 248040. 244805. Hyrum Smith. Born Aug. 14, iSSi, at West Weber, Utah. 244806. Lucetta I. Born Feb. 13, 1884, at Rockland, Idaho. 244807. Pearl L. Born Aug. 17, 1886, at Rockland, Idaho. 244808. Leland L. Born April 28, 1889, at Rockland, Idaho. 244820. William Blanchard. He married, Oct. 12, 1867, Jerusha C. Walker. 244503, He was born June 18, 1848, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. iii8 History of the Mack Family. Children : 244821. Wm. Perry. Born May 22, 186S, at Farmington, Utah. 248200. 244822. Margaret C. Born Jan. 16, 1S70, at Farmington, Utah. Mar- ried Ezra T. Campbell. 248220. 244823. Lovina I. Born Jan. 20, 1872, at Farmington, Utah. Married Alfred Lee. 248240. 244824. Bertha I. Born Jan. 24, 1874, at Clarkston, Utah. Married William H. Kenington. 248250. 244825. Lorin J. Born Nov. 4, 1875, at Clarkston, Utah. Died Jan. 15, 1887. 244826. Helen J. Born Oct. 18, 1878, at Clarkston, Utah. Married Reuben M. McBride. 248260. 244827. Hyrum F. Born Sept. 5, 1S80, at Centre Ward, Utah. 244828. Don Carlos. Born Nov. 3, 1882, at Montpelier, Idaho. 244829. Gilbert L. Born April 30, 1887, at Montpelier, Idaho. 244830. Jesse L. Born July 23, 1S89, at Montpelier, Idaho. 244831. Clarence E. Born Dec. 21, 1892, at Afton, Wyoming. 244850. George H. Young. He married, Jan. i, 1872, Ed- wina M. Walker. 244504. He was born May 3, 1847, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Children : 244851. George L. Born Sept. 24, 1872, at Farmington, Utah. 244852. Calvin N. Born Jan. 23, 1875, at Farmington, Utah. 244853. Hyrum Smith. Born March i, 1S77, at Randolph, Utah. 244S54. Constantina C. Born June 29, 1879, at Coakville, Wyo. 244855. Edwina M. Born Dec. 26, 1S81, at Preston, Utah. Died May I, 1882. 244856. David L. Born Oct. 26, 1883, at Rockland, Idaho. 244857. Robert B. Born Dec. 18, 1885, at Woodside, Utah. 244858. Burton E. Born July 31, 1888, at Woodside, Utah. 244859. William Wallace. Born Oct. 3, 1890, at Woodside, Utah. 244860. Joseph F. Born July 9, 1894, at Woodside, Utah. 244870. Calvin W. Richards. He married, Dec. 24, 1873, Emma I. Walker. 244505. He was born Oct. 7, 1852, at Salt Lake City, Utah. She died Sept. 5, 1893. Children : 244871. Calvin W. Born April 28, 1874, at Farmington, Utah. 244872. Effie Irene. Born Feb. 13, 1876, at Farmington, Utah. Mar- ried Joseph H. Welling. 248270. 244873. Sarah B. Born March 10, 1878, at Farmington, Utah, ried William H. Welling. 248280. Mar- Seventh Generation. iiig 244874. Rhoda H. Born Nov. 6, 1879, ^t Farmington, I'tah. 244875. Hyrum Smith. Born Dec. 23, 1882, at Farmington, Utah. 244876. Ezra Carter. Born Oct. 9, 1884, at Farmington, Utah. 244877. Bertie L. Born Nov. 4, 1886, at Farmington, Utah. 244878. Ruby L. Born Sept. 6, 1888, at Farmington, Utah. 244879. Horace Leroy. Born Nov. i, 1891, at Farmington, I'tah. 244890. William A. Walker. (Lorin.) 244506. He mar- ried, Jan. 31, 1883, Phebe Ann Wight. Born Nov. 25, 1863, at Brigham City, Utah. Children : 244891. Lorin L. Born Oct. 22, 1883, at Brigham City, Utah. 244892. William H. Born March 21, 1885, at Rockland, Idaho. Died .\pril 7, 1885. 244593. Harriet. Born Aug. 9, 1886, at Rockland, Idaho. 244594. Thaddeus. Born Jan. 9, 1889, at Rockland, Idaho. 244895. Wallace A. Born Feb. 3, 1893, at Rockland, Idaho. 244896. Lucy L. Born July 28, 1895, at Rockland, Idaho. 244900. John Lorin Walker. (Lorin.) He married, Oct. 12, 1892, Martha Eliz. Wilkes. Born Aug. 17, 1876, at St. Charles, Idaho. Children : 244901. Martha L. Born Dec. 5, 1893, at Afton, Wyoming. Died Sept. 28, 1896. 244902. Sarah I. Born Oct. 12, 1895, at Afton, Wyoming. 244903. John L. Born Nov. 16, 1897, at Rockland, Idaho. 244904. Frank L. Born April i, 1900, at Rockland, Idaho. 244920. Joseph. F. Walker. (Lorin.) 244508. He married (ist), Dec. 5, 1889, Jessie L. Mayfield. Born March 12, 1867, at Farmington, Utah. She died Feb. i, 1900. He married (2nd), Sept. 10, 1900, Roselee Elvira Allen. Born June 8, 1877, at Calls Fort, Utah. Children : 244921. Joseph F. Born Sept. 11, 1900, at Farmington, Utah. Died Feb. 15, 1896. 244922. Rose N. Born Nov. 18, 1892, at Rockland, Idaho. 244923. Oscar L. Born Sept. 16, 1896, at Rockland, Idaho. Died Jan. 12, 1898. 244924. Ettie E. Born March 14, 1899, at Rockland, Idaho. Died May 19, 1900. 244925. David W. Born Dec. 7, 1901, at Rockland, Idaho. II20 History of the Mack Family. 244940. Don Carlos Walker. (Lorin.) 244509. He mar- ried, Dec. 3, 1894, Martha E. Lasley. Born Feb. 24, 1876, at Calls Fort, Utah. Children : 244941. Effie L. Born Nov. 15, 1895, at Rockland, Idaho. 244942. Heber L. Born July 24, 1897, at Rockland, Idaho. 244943. Ray Edwin. Born July 5, 1899, at Rockland, Idaho. Died Aug. 17, 1900. 244944. Jesse Carlos. Born Jan. 21, 1901, at Rockland, Idaho. 244950. Charles H. Walker. (Lorin.) 244510. He mar- ried, Feb. II, 1896, Harriet L. Allen. Born Sept. 24, 1878, at Lo- gan, Utah. He died Dec. 26, 1900. Children : 244951. Orilla I. Born Dec. 27, 1S96, Rockland, Idaho. 244952. Virnus L. Born May 15, 1898, at Rockland, Idaho. 244953. Charles F. Born Aug. 26, 1900, at Rockland, Idaho. 244960. Charles H. Evans. He was born March 27, 1852, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married, April 18, 1873, Elizabeth M. Smith. 244521. She died April 8, 1891. Children : 244961. Mary E. S. Born March 29, 1874, at S. L. City, Utah. Mar- ried William T. Yates. 248350. She died Dec. 5, 1882. 244962. Laura S. Born Feb. 14, 1876, at S. L. City, LTtah. Married Ernest Dudler. 248360. 244963. Lillian S. Born Sept. 6, 1877, at S. L. City, Utah. Married John Neff. 24S370. 244964. Charles J. S. Born Sept. 3, 1879, at S. L. City, Utah. 244965. Sidney S. Born Sept. 24, i88r, at S. L. City, Utah. Died April 23, 18S3. 244966. Florence S. Born vSept. 6, 1883, at S. L. City, Utah. 244967. Hyrum S. Born July 22, 1886, at Teton, Idaho. 244968. Helen J. S. Born April ri, 1889, at Teton, Idaho. 244969. Eva S. Born Feb. 24, 1S91, at S. L. City, Utah. Died Sept. 23, 1891. 244980. Hyrum Smith. (John^, Hyrum^ Asael^ Joseph'', SamueP, Samuel^, Robert\) 244522. He married Annie M. Gibbs. Seventh Generation. 1121 Children : 244981. Hyrum G. Born July 8, 1879, at South Jordan, Utah. 2449S2. Mary H. Born June 5, 1881, at Lake Side, Utah. Died Nov. 8, 1897. 244983. John G. Bom Sept. i, 1883, at Lake Side, Utah. 244954. Gertrude. Born April 16, 1886, at East Portage, Utah. 244955. Evaline. Born Feb. 14, 1S89, at Hoytsville, Utah. 244986. Wilford. Born Sept. 9. 1891, at Hoytsville, Utah. Died April II, 1892. 244987. Ruby. Born Feb. 11, 1895, at Hoytsville, Utah. Died March 7, 1897. 244988. Ralph. Born Oct. 17, 1899, at Hoytsville, Utah. 245000. Ray L. Davis. He was born Nov. 8, 1858, at Craton, Cox Co., Iowa. Married, Sept. 25, 1879, Lucy Smith. 244523. Children : 245001. Gracie. Born Jul}- 30, 1880, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245002. Ray Smith. Born Dec. 20, 1882, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245003. Hazel. Born Maj' 15, 1886, at Portage, Utah. 245020. Don Carlos Smith. (John', Hyrum*, Joseph^, AsaeP, Samuel-^ Samuel-, Robert'.) 244524. He married (ist). Gertrude Richardson. He married (2nd), Martha Spencer. Children of Gertrude : 245021. Don Carlos. Born Jan. 27, 1888, at South Jordan, Utah. 245022. Ermel. Born Feb. 8, 1890, at South Jordan, Utah. Died March 26, 1896. Children of Martha : 245023. Lester M. Born Jan. 10, 1899, at South Jordan, Utah. 245024. Leon F. Born Jan. 10, 1899, at South Jordan', Utah. 245025. Inez. Born Jan. 5, 1901. Died Jan. 16, 1901. 245040. Joseph Smith. (John', Hyrum*, Joseph^, AsaeP, SamueP, Samuel', Robert'.) 244525. He married Alice Streets. Child : 245041. Joseph Alvin. Born April 27, 1901, at Hoj'tsville, Utah. 245050. Aaron Beckstead. He was born May 12, 1858. He married, Nov. 12, 1876, Hannah E. Peirce. Children : 245051. Jerusha A. Born Aug. 14, 1877, at West Jordan, Utah. 245052. Anah D. Born April 9, 1879, at West Jordan, Utah. 1 122 History of the Mack Family. 245053. Sylvester. Born May 26, 1881, at West Jordan, Utah. 245054. Almira. Born Feb. 4, 1884, at West Jordan, Utah. 245055. Violet M. Born Nov. 26, 1886, at West Jordan, Utah. 245056. Evelina I. Born Nov. 14, 1888, at West Jordan, Utah. 245057. Edith H. Born Feb. 5, 1895, at West Jordan, Utah. 245070. Hyrum R. Peirce. (William.) 244542. He mar- ried Nellie Hale. Child : 245071. NelUe. Born May 14, 1892. 245080. John H. Green. He was born Feb. 7, 1858, at Kays- ville, Utah. He married, Nov. 30, 1882, Martha L. Peirce. 244543. Children : 245081. John William. Born Dec. 28, 1883, at Kaysville, Utah. 245082. Matilda G. Born Nov. 8, 1885, at Kaysville, Utah. 245083. Leo Peirce. Born Jan. 20, 1888, at Kaysville, Utah. 245084. Jerusha A. Born Dec. 14, 1889, at Kaysville, Utah. 245085. Vessa L. Born Dec. 31, 1891, at Kaysville, Utah. Died Jan. 4, 1900. 2450S6. Robert E. Born March 20, 1895, at Kaysville, Utah. 245087. Lavon. Born July 19, 1900, at Kaysville, Utah. 245100. Joseph S. Egbert. He was born Jan. 10, 1854, at West Jordan, Utah. He married, Aug. 31, 1882, Sarah M. Peirce. 2 44545- Children : 245101. Joseph P. Born May 27, 1885, at West Jordan, Utah. Died Sept. 26, 1896. 245102. Mabel Pearl. Born May 15, 1892, at Brigham City, Utah. Died Oct. 14, 1901. 245103. Reuel W. Born March 2, 1894, at Brigham City, Utah. Died Oct. 15, 1901. 245104. Harvey A. Born Nov. 17, 1898, at Brigham City, Utah. 245120. Eli Thomas Peirce. (William.) 244547. He mar- ried, Feb. 14, 1890, Annie M. Olson. Children : 245121. Annie E. Born July 8, 1891. 245122. Leonard E. Born May 14, 1893. 245123. Leslie W. Born Jan. 21, 1895. 245124. Harvey C. Born Feb. 19, 1897. Seventh Generation. 1123 245140. Erastus R. Barnard. He was born April 16, 1868, at Calls Fort, Utah. He married, Oct. 12, 1888, Edith Irene Peirce. 244548. Children : 245 141. Maria L. Born May 23, 1889, at North Ward, Utah. 245142. Erastus A. Born July 28, 1891, at North Ward, Utah. Died Aug. 20, 1893. 245143. Ivon Peirce. Born Dec. 19, 1893, at Rockland, Idaho. 245144. Eugene. Born July 3, 1896, at Rockland, Idaho. 245160. Jared R. Porter. He was born Oct. 8, 1848, atPot- tawattamee Co., Iowa. He married, Jan. i, 1872, Alice Lovina Griffin. 244562. Children : 245161. Charles R. Born Nov. 17, 1872, at Coalville, Utah. Died March 15, 1873. 245162. Sarah Inez. Born April 26, 1874, at Coalville, Utah. Married Wallace Shirts. 248300. 245163. Ernest. Born March 31, 1875, at Coalville, Utah. Died March 31, 1S75. 245164. Joseph J. Born Dec. 8, 1877. at Coalville, Utah. 248320. 245165. Emily C. Born April 2, 1880, at Escalante, Utah. Married Thomas Alvey. 248330. 245166. Hyrum A. Born July 28, 1882, at Escalante, Utah. 248340. 245167. Edith. Born Sept. 2, 1884, at Escalante, Utah. 245168. Alice. Born Sept. 10, 1886, at Escalante, Utah. 245169. Adeha. Born Dec. 28, 18SS, at Escalante, Utah. 245170. Parley P. Born Nov. 2, 1890, at Escalante, Utah. 245171. Wilford E. Bom Nov. 14, 1892, at Escalante, Utah. 245172. Leland. Born Aug. 9, 1894, at Escalante, Utah. 245173- Roland. Born Sept. 2, 1896, at Escalante, Utah. 245180. Joseph E. Griffin. (Charles E.) 244564, He married, Sept. 23, 1880, Emma L. Riggs. She was born Dec. 4, 1864, at Kanarra, Utah. Children : 245181. Sarah L. Born July 11, 1881, at Escalante, Utah. Married Amos W. Hall. 248380. 245182. Alice F. Born April 23, 1883, at Escalante, Utah. 245183. Joseph A. Born Oct. 23, 1886, at Escalante, Utah. 245184. William E. Born Jan. 16, 1889, at Escalante, Utah, 245185. Hyrum S, Born July 4, 1891, at Escalante, Utah. 1 1 24 History of the Mack Family. 245186. Kenneth. Born Oct. 24, 1893, at Escalante. Utah. 245187. Ray. Born Dec. 31, 1S96, at Escalante, Utah. 245188. Theron. Bom June 20, 1898, at Escalante, Utah. 245189. Ivavon. Born Nov. 30, 1900, at Escalante, Utah. 245200. Ernest A, Griffin. (Charles E.) 244565. He married (ist), Oct. 28, 1885, Christinia Adams. She was born April 3, 1868, at Adamsville, Utah. She died June 9, 1887. He married (2nd), March 21, 1888, Amanda E. Riggs. She was born Oct. 15, 187 I, at Kanarra, Utah. Children : • 245201. Sarah R. Born Dec. 25, 1889, at Escalante, Utah. 245202. Ella May. Born Dec. i, 1891, at Escalante, Utah. 245203. Vannie. Born Jan. 26, 1896, at Escalante, Utah. 245204. Ernest D. Born Feb. 4, 1898, at Escalante,' Utah. 245205. Mildred. Born Aug. 10, 1900, at Escalante, Utah. 245220. Alonzo Shirts. He was born Feb. 2, 1863, at Vir- gin City, Utah. He married, March 8, 1882, Hannah Griffin. 244566. Child : 245221. Sarah Edith. Born Jan. 28, 1886, at Escalante, Utah. 245230. Alfred W. Peterson. He was born Jan. 29, 1870, at Salt Lake City, Utah. He married, Dec. 17, 1901, Mary S. Smith. 244602. 245235- Alonzo P. Kesler. He was born Jan. 29, 1868, at Salt Lake City, Utah. He married, Dec. 26, 1900, Donnette Smith. 244603. Child : 245236. Donnette. Born March 13, 1902. 245240. Joseph F. Smith, Jr. (Joseph Fielding^ Hyrurn*, Jo- seph5, AsaeP, Samuel', Samuel", Robert'.) 244604. He married, April 26, 1898, Louie Shurtliff. She was born June 16, 1876, at Plain City, Utah. 245250. David A. Smith. (Joseph Fielding?, Hyrum'', Joseph^ Asael", SamueP, SamueP, Robert'.) 244605. He married, Jan. 24, Seventh Generation. 1125 1901, Emily Jenkins. She was born Nov. 17, 1878, at Salt Lake City, Utah. ' Child : 245251. David J. Born Nov. lo, 1901, at vSalt Lake City, Utah. 245260. Joseph Nelson. He was born Dec. 30, 1861, at Moroni, San Pete Co., Utah. He married, June 14, 1893, Leonora Smith. 244613. Children : 245261. Joseph. Born Feb. 22, 1897, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245262. George. Born Oct. 20, 1898, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245263. Alvin. Born Aug. 7, 1900, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245264. Alice. Born Oct. 7, 1901, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245270. Hyrum Mack Smith. (Joseph Fielding', Hyrum^ Josephs, 'Asael", SamueP, SamueP, Robert'.) 244624. He married, Nov. 15, 1895, Ida Bowman. She was born April 19, 1872, at Og- den City, Utah. Child : 245271. Joseph F. Born Jan. 30, 1898, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245280. William J. Harris, Jr. (William J.) 244701. He married, Dec. 28, 1882, Jessie L. Freckleton. She was born Sept. 22, 1865, at Deseret, Millard Co., Utah. Children : 245281. William Ray. Born Dec. 30, 1883, at Provo City, Utah. Died Aug. 14, 1892. 245282. Joseph F. Born July 4, 1884. at Eureka, Utah. 245283. John E. Born April 19, 1886, at Provo City, Utah. 245284. Ruby L. Born Jan. 2, 1888, at Provo City, Utah. 245285. Delia J. Born Oct. 20, 1890, at Provo City, Utah. Died Dec. 26, 1890. 245286. Wilford L. Born Aug. 17, 1892, at Provo City, Utah. 245287. Emily. Born April 23, 1894, at Elko Co., Nevada. Died April 23, 1894. 245288. Bessie I. Born May 27, 1895, at Eureka, Juab Co., Utah. 245289. Reuel S. Born Oct. 29, 1897, at Robinson, Utah. 245290. Ada F. Born July 28, 1899, at Robinson, Utah. 245291. Viola M. Born Aug. 5, 1901, at Robinson, Utah. 1 1 26 History of the Mack Family. 245300. Hyrum Smith Harris. (William J.) 244703. He married, April 9, 1890, Delia Tweede. She was born Nov. 23, 1870, at Provo City, Utah. Child : 245301. Mercy R. Born March 14, 1891, at Provo City, Utah. Died July 29, 1891. 245320. Joseph A. Harris. (William J.) 244702. He mar- ried, Sept. 13, 1878, Joanna Patten. She was born April 18, i860, at Provo City, Utah. Children : 245321. Joseph A. Born Aug. 9, 1879, ^t Provo City, Utah. 245322. Joanna. Born Nov. 25, 1881, at Provo City, Utah. Died Dec. 2, 18S1. 245323. Ernest F. Born March 7, 1883, at Provo City, Utah. 245324. Sterling P. Born vSept. 28, 1885, at Provo City, Utah. 245325. Maud. Born May 15, 1887, at Provo City, Utah. Died March 20, 18S8. 245326. Zella. Born July 9, 1889, at Provo City, Utah. 245327. Emily. Born March 16, 1891, at Provo City, Utah. 245328. Alva R. Born Dec. 28, 1894, at Provo City, Utah. 245340. Walter S. Corbett. He was born Sept. 15, 1857, at Jacksonville, Morgan Co., 111. He married, Nov. 12, 1884, Mary E. Harris. 144704. Children : 245341. Walter H. Born Oct. 28, 1885, at Provo City, Utah. 245342. Josephs. Born Jan. 29, 1887, at Provo City, Utah. Died Jan. 31, 1887. 245343- William M. Born Feb. 26, 1888, at Provo City, Utah. 245344. Hyrum S. Born Dec. 2, 1889, at Provo City, Utah. Died Dec. 8, 1889. 245345. Mary E. Born Feb. 15, 1891, at Provo City, Utah. 245346. PVanklin N. Born Feb. 17, 1893, at Provo City, Utah. Died Oct. 30, 1895. 245347- Martha. Born Jan. 5, 1895, at Provo City, Utah. 245348. John A. Born Jan. 4, 1897, at Provo City, Utah. 245349. Lucy J. Born Jan. 28, 1899, at Provo City, Utah. Died March 21, 1901. 245350. Piercen. Born Oct. 22, 1900, at Provo City, Utah. Seventh Generation. 1127 245370. Franklin H. Harris. (William J-) 244705. He married, Jan. 26, 1898, Josephine Robinson. She was born Aug. 9, 1868, at Payson, Utah. Children : 245371. Franklin H. Born Dec. 4, 1898, at Mammoth, Utah. 245372. Richard P. Born Nov. 6, 1900, at Mammoth, Utah. 245380. Jonathan Simmons. He was born Sept. 30, 1868, at Spanish Fork, Utah. He married, June 15, 1898, Lucy Smith Har- ris. 244706. Children : 245381. Edna May. Born April r, 1899, at Robinson, Utah. 245382. John A. Born Dec. 17, 1900, at Eureka, Utah. 245390. John Fielding Harris. (WiUiam J.) 244707. He married, June 9, 1897, Mary J. Boyle. She was born Aug. 11, 1876, at Santaquin, Utah. Children : 245391. Uavern. Born Nov. 13, 1898, at Eureka, Utah. Died Nov. 16, 1898. 245392. John C. Born Feb. 5, 1900, at Eureka, Utah. 245400. George T. Turner. He was born June 3, 1868, at Nephi City, Utah. He married, Oct. 18, 1883, Zina Christeen Harris. 244709. Children : 245401. Murilla. Born Feb. 14, 1895, at Provo City, Utah. 245402. Zuna May. Born June 17, 1897, at Provo City, Utah. 245403. Vera. Born Feb. 25, 1S99, at Mammoth, Utah. Died Feb. 25, 1^99- 245404. Pearl Irene. Born Jan. 27, 1900, at Mammoth, Utah. 245420. Samuel B. Smith. (Samuel H. B.^ Samuel Harrison^ Joseph^, Asael^ Samuel^, SamueP, Robert'.) 244751. He married, Sept. 10, 1884, Ehza James. She was born April 28, 1864, at Hali- fax, Eng. Children : 245421. Madonna J. Born April 26, 1S85, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died July 17, 1885. 1 128 History of the Mack Family. 245422. Aurora J. Born June 25, 1887, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245423. Lawrence B. Born July 23, 1890, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245424. Eugene. Born April 28, 1894, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245425. Irvine. Born Feb. 14, 1898, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Feb. 14, 1898. 245426. Bertha Kate. Born June 29, 1899, at vSalt Lake City, Utah. 245440. John L. McKenna. He was born in Ireland. He married, Dec. 16, 1897, Florence M. Smith. 244753. 245450. Joseph Bailey Smith. (Samuel H. B.', Samuel Har- rison^ Joseph^, Asael", SamueP, SamueP, Robert'.) 244754. He married, May 25, 1893. She was born Dec. 23, 1869, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Children : 245451. Gladys. Born July 6, 1895, at Loveland, Iowa. Died July 6, 1895. 245452. Laura J. Born Dec. 16, 1897, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245453- Orinetta. Born April 27, 1899, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died June 24, 1900. 245454. Joseph. Born Nov. 6, 1900, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Nov. 6, 1900. 245460. Alvin B. Smith. (Samuel H. B.', Samuel Harrison*, Joseph^, Asael*, Samuel^, SamueP, Robert'.) 244755. He married, April 15, 1893, Lucy Wood. She was born March i, 1875, in England. 245470. Harry E. Melton. He was born at Laffetta, Indi- ana. He married, June 26, 1895, Jenta K. Smith. 244756. 245480. George Burns. He was born May 31, 1865, at Salt Lake City, Utah. He married, Dec. 23, 1895. Cumorah J. Smith. 244757- Children : 245481. George C. Born July 27, 1898, at Salt Lake City, Utah. 245482. Melton B. Born July 12, 1900, at Salt Lake City, Utah. EIGHTH GENERATION. 247000. Charles Louis May. (Charles.) 244798. He was born Oct. 12, 187 1. He married, in June, 1894, Zoa Brown. Child : 247001. Frances Elvira. Born in May, 1897. Eighth Generation. 1129 247020. James A. Mitchell. He married, in Sept., 1872, Anna Elizabeth May. 244794. Children : 247021. Charles McBurney. Born May i, 1876. 247022. James A. Born March 8, 1878. 247030. Avery L. Billings. He married, in April, 1877, Amelia Louise May. 244795. Children : 24703T. Kathryn May. Born in Feb., 1878. 247032. Leeds Avery. Born in Aug., 1882. 247033. Charles. Born in 1884. 247034. Ralph. Born in 18S9. 247035. Ida May. Born in 1S96. 247050. Alex May. (Charles.) 244797. He was born May 28, 1866. He married, in 1888, Nellie Alexander. Child : 247051. Kathryn Charlotte. Born in 1890. 248000. Mark E. Walker. (Hyrum S.-, Lorin'.) 244801. He married, Dec. i, 1897, Laura Walker. She was born Feb. 30, 1877, at Little Cottonwood, Utah. Children : 248001. Enid R. Born Aug. 21, 189S, at Rockland, Idaho. 248002. Ona. Born June 25, 1900, at Rockland, Idaho. 248003. Ora. Born Oct. 4, 1901, at Rockland, Idaho. 248020. William G. Walker. (Hyrum S.^, Lorin'.) 244803. He married, April 12, 1898, Edith Wood. She was born Nov. 30, 1879, at Bountiful, Utah. Child : 248021. Guy Leo. Born Feb. 28, 1899. 248040. John C. Howard. He was born Jan. 18, 1875, ^^ Deweyville, Utah. He married, Feb. 15, 1898, May Eliz. Walker. 244804. Children : 248041. Etta May. Born Aug. 31. 1898, at Rockland, Idaho. 248042. Frank C. Born Dec. 14, 1900, at Rockland, Idaho. 1 130 History of the Mack Family. 248200. William Perry Blanchard. (William.) 244821. He married, Oct. 21, 1890, Mary Effie Rogers. She was born Nov. 14, 1872, at Draper, Utah. Children : 248201. Wm. Perry. Born Aug. i, 1891, at Afton, Wyoming. 248202. Reuel M. Born June 11, 1893, at Afton, Wyoming. 248220. Ezra T. Campbell. He was born July 10, 1863, at Bloomington, Idaho. He married, July 12, 1888, Margaret C. Blanchard. 244822. Children : 248221. Margaret I. Born March 21, 1890, at Fairview, Wyoming. 248222. Ezra D. Born Dec. 19, 189 1, at Fairview, Wyoming. 24S223. Ines J. Born April 23, 1894, at Fairview, Wyoming. 248224. Leslie F. Born Nov. 27, 1895, at Fairview, Wyoming. 248225. Lorin E. Born May 2, 1897, at Fairview, Wyoming. Died Sept. 22, 1897. 248240. Alfred Lee. He was born Sept. 10, 1870, at Tovele City, Utah. He married, Oct. 12, 1892, Lovina I. Blanchard. 244823. Children : 248241. Mary C. Born July 13, 1894, at Bowler, Montana. 248242. Josie L. Born June 8, 1897, at Clarks Fork. Died Sept. 3. 1897. 248250. William H. Kenington. He was born July 20, 1869, at Tovele, Utah. He married, Oct. 21, 1890, Bertha I. Blanchard. 244824. Children : 248251. Wm. Hugh. Born Aug. 3, 1891, at Afton, Wyoming. 248252. Bertha R. Born July 31, 1893, at Afton, Wyoming. 248260. Reuben M. McBride, He was born in 1863 at Hy- rum, Utah. He married, Dec. i, 1896, Helen J. Blanchard. 244826. 248270. Joseph H. Welling. He was born June 22, 1870, at Farmington, Utah. He married, Feb. 5, 1896, Effie Irene Richards, 244872. Children : 248271. Herald J. Born Feb. 16, 1897, at Farmington, Utah. 24S272. Tracy R. Born Oct. 25, 1898. 248273. Karl G. Born Jan. 30, 1901. Eighth Generation. 1131 248280. Milton H. Welling. He was born Jan. 25, 1876, at Farmington, Utah. He married, Dec. 26, 1900, Sarah B. Rich- ards. 244873. Child : 248281. Emma Irene. Born Jan. 21, 1902. 248300. Wallace Shirts. He was born March 17, 1871, at Kanarra, Utah. He married, Jan. i, 1891, Sarah Inez Porter. 245162. Children : 248301. Leander. Born March 25, 1S91, at Escalante, Utah. 248302. Reuben. Born Nov. 8, 1893, at Escalante, Utah. 248303. Ellis. Born Feb. 15, 1895, at Escalante, Utah. 248304. Idonah. Born July i, 1898, at Escalante, Utah. 248305. Calvin. Born March 20, 1901, at Victor, Idaho. 248320. Joseph J. Porter. (Jared R.) 245164. He mar- ried, July 26, 1899, Mary A. Schow. She was born Aug. 7, 1878, at Escalante, Utah. 248330. Thomas Alvey. He was born June 21, 1878, at Ar- nold, Nottingham Co., England. He married. Sept. 21, 1899, Emily C. Porter. 245165. Child : 248331. Leva. Born July 21, 1900, at Escalante, Utah. 248340. Hyrum a. Porter. (Jared R.) 245166. He mar- ried, Oct. 23, 1901, Sarah A. Roundy. She was born April 7, 1881, at Snowflake, Apache Co., Arizona. 248350. William T. Yates. He married Mary E. S. Evans. 244961. 248360. Ernest Dudler. He married Laura S. Evans, 244962. 248370. John Neff. He married Lillian S. Evans. 244963. 248380. Amos W. Hall, He was born Sept, 12, 1878, at Hebron, Utah, He married, Aug, 12, 1898, Sarah L. Griffin. 245181. Children : 248381. Lodema. Born April 27, 1899, at Escalante, Utah. 248382. Preston. Born Oct. 21, 1901, at Escalante, Utah. ]Mack History NEW HAMPSHIRE BRANCH. THIRD GENERATION. 248500. Nathaniel H. Mack. (DanieP, John'.) 47550. He was born Dec. 11, 1780. He married, May 14, 1803, Nancy More- house. She was born Sept. 17, 1785. He and his brother, Deacon John Mack, owned 640 acres of land on the west shore of Cayuga Lake, about four miles north of Ithaca, N. Y., which included the present pleasure resort "Glenwood." He died Oct. 10, 1827. She died Oct. 5, 1857. Children : 248501. Andrew. Born March 2, 1804. Married Dec. 21, 1S25. 47800. 248502. Lydia A. Born Oct. 5, 1805. Married Maj. John M. Miller. 249000. 248503. Daniel. Born July 28, 1807. 47850. 249010. 248504. William. Born June i, 1809. Married Oct. 5, 1835. 47890. 248505. Sally J. Born May 27, 181 1. Married April 10, 1833. Died Nov. 9, 1845. 248506. Elizabeths. Born March 12, 1S13. Married ( ist), John Van Order. 47830. 249015. Married (2nd), a Jones ; (3rd), Will- iam Jennings. She died Dec. 15, 1887. 248507. Mary C. Born March 12, 1815. Died Aug. 30, 1847. Married Gideon Colegrove. 249030. 248508. Electa. Born Feb. 27, 1817. 47555. Married, Nov. 13, 1839, Smith Gillett. They are both dead. The}^ had one son who died. Residence, Palmer, Mich. 248509. Nathaniel H. Born Jan. 19, 1819. Married April 30, 1844. No children. Died April 21, 1845. 248510. John A. Born Dec. 22, 1820. Died March 12, 1834. 248511. Martha A. Born Nov. 22, 1822. Married, June 9, 1841, a Nicholson of Pony Hollow^ N. Y. 248512. Esther. Born Feb. 7, 1827. Married, Sept. 24, 1846, Joel Caryl, Jr. They had one daughter Anna. Fourth Generation. 1133 FOURTH GENERATION. 249000. Maj. John M. Miller. He married, March 16, 1822, Lydia Ann Mack. 47554. She died Feb. 15, 1893. Children : 249001. Holmes. 249150. 249002. James. 249160. 249003. W. Harvey. 249170. 249004. Robert. 249200. 249005. Silas. Officer in Civil War. He -was wounded in battle and returned home and died soon afterwards. Unmarried. 249006. Maria. Married Barr, Esq. Lawyer. 249220. 249010. Daniel Mack. (Nathaniel H.^, DanieP, John'.) 47850. He married, March 20, 1828, Eliza VanOrder. He died May 10, 1863. Children : 24901 1. William. 48030. 249100. 249012. Daniel. Soldier in Civil War. Married. Died in St. Louis,. Mo. They had two children. 249013. Caroline. Married Matthew Matthews. Residence, 1902, Ipsilanti, Mich. Children : i. Edward. Married. 2. Jennie. Married Charles Brown. No children. 249014. Mary. Married Wilson Cox. Residence, Palmer, Mich. Children : i. Jennie, Married. Residence, Chicago, 111. 2. Fred. Unmarried. 249015. John VanOrder. He was born Feb. 7, 1811. He married, Feb. 15, 1832, Elizabeth S. Mack. 248506. She was al- ways known as Eliza (a short form for Elizabeth). He died Sept. i, 1S44. She died Dec. 15, 1887. Children : 249016. Charles George. Born Feb. 18, 1833. 48020. 249300. 249017. Friend. Born Dec. 31, 1S36. 249320. 249018. Susan Melvina. Born April 11, 1835. Died July 19, 1836. 249019. Electa Jane. Born Dec. 17, 1838. Married Joshua Jennings. 249340. 249030. Gideon Colegrove. He married, March 5, 1833, Mary C. Mack. 248507. They had two or three sons and two 1 134 History of the Mack Family. daughters. He died. Residence, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins Co., N. Y. Children : 249031. Daughter. Married Gideon Lanning of Ithaca, N. Y. They have a daughter who is married. 249032. Daughter. Married a Cafferty of Union, N. Y. FIFTH GENERATION. 249100. William Mack. (DanieP, Nathaniel^ DanieP, John'.) 48030. 249011. Children : 249101. Fanny. 48031. 249102. Maria. 48032. Married Walter Earle. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. Children : i. Charles. Student at Epsom School, England. 2. Harold. vStudent at Cascadilla School, Ithaca, N. Y., 1902. 249103. Mary. 48033. Married Charles W. Major. 249104. Grace M. 48034. 249150. Holmes Miller. (John M.) 249001. He married a Tubbs. She died. Residence, 1902, Aurora, 111. Children : 24915 1. Jennie. Unmarried. 249152. Milton. Married. They have one child. Business man. Of- fice, Chicago, 111. Residence, 1902, Aurora, 111. 249153. William. Secretary of Bush & Gerts Piano Co., of Chicago, 111. Married. They have one child. 249160, James Miller. (John M.) 249002. He married a Barr (sister of Barr, Esq., of Aurora, 111. 249006.). He died in Cal. She died in Cal. Residence, Aurora, 111. Child : 249161. Daughter. Died many years ago. 249170. W. Harvey Miller. (John M.) 249003. He mar- ried. Cashier of Bank of Harvey, 111. Residence, 1902, Harvey, 111. Child : 2491 71. Alfred. Assistant Cashier of the Bank of Harvey, 111. Married. Fifth Generation. i 135 249200. Robert Miller. (John M.) 249004. He married. Superintendent of Michigan Central R. R. for many years ; now re- tired from business. Residence, 1902, Detroit, Mich. Children : 249201. Edward. Graduated at Michigan University. Professor of Languages in a Chicago school. Unmarried. 249202. Guy. Graduated at Michigan University. Lawyer. Married. Residence, 1902, Detroit, Mich. 249220. Barr, Esq. He married Maria Miller. 249006. Lawyer. He died. She died. Residence, Aurora, 111. Children : 249221. Oliver. Lumber merchant. Residence, River Forest, near Chicago, in. 249222. Charlotte. Unmarried. Residence, River Forest, 111. 249223. Silas. Insurance agent. Residence, 1902, Chicago, 111. 249224. Charles J. Graduated at Michigan University and at New York State Library School, Albany, N. Y., 1902. 249300. Charles George VanOrder. ("John.) 249016. He was born Feb. 18, 1833. He married, Nov. 10, 1853, Mary Eliz- abeth Vann (daughter of Thomas Vann and Sophronia Ganoung). Residence, 1902, Ithaca, N. Y. Children : 249301. Carrie Melvina. Graduated at Ithaca Academy. Married Charles Aaron Phillips. 249600. 249302. Avonia M. Student in Ithaca High School. 249303. Luella Maud. Graduated at Ithaca High School, 1887. 249320. Friend VanOrder, (John.j 249017. He was born Residence, 1902, Kan- Dec. 31, 1836. He i narried Sarah Ke} sas City, Mo. Children : 249321. Frank. 249322. Ludwig. 249323. Daughter. Died in childhood 249324. Daughter. Died in childhood 249325. Blanche. Married a Keith. 1 136 History of the Mack Family. 249340. Joshua Jennings. (William.) He was born in Lan- sing, N. Y. He married, Dec. 9, 1864, Electa Jane VanOrder. 249019. She died Nov. 20, 1870. Residence, Clay Centre, Kan. Children : 249341. Lizzie. Married. 249342. Nellie. Married Ed. Rice. Graduate in Osteopathy. Resi- dence, 1902, Kirksville, Kan. 249343. Anna. Twin with Alice. Married. 249344. Alice. Married. 249350. John Mack Gillett. (Smith.) 47841. He mar- ried Electa VanOrder. He died many years ago. SIXTH GENERATION. 249600. Charles Aaron Phillips. (Aaron and Charlotte Phillips.) He married, Sept. 10, 1884, Carrie Melvina VanOrder. 249301. He died in Nov., 1895. She resides, 1902, Ithaca, N. Y. Child : 249601. Charles Lester. Born Nov. 17, 1891. i^PI>E]SrDIX RECORDS OF VARIOUS PERSONS BEARING THE NAME OF MACK. 249700. Dr. VV. M. Mack. Physician. He married Ida M, He was Mayor of Elizabeth, N. J. He died. She resides, 1902, EUzabeth, N.J. 249710. Kate Claxton Stevenson. Address, 1902, care Professional Women's League, 108 West 45th St., N. Y. City. 249715. Peter VanSchaack. (Hon. Henry C. VanSchaack of the New York City Bar, author of "Memoirs of the Life of Major Henry VanSchaack" his uncle.) Child : 249716. Henry C. " 'The Law of Bank Checks,' by Henry C. Van Schaack of the Denver Bar, son of Mr. Peter VanSchaack of Chicago, is one of the most useful pubUcations of the year. The author has presented a comprehensive statement of the law relating to bank checks as determined by the leading American and Enghsh courts. The application of legal principles to this department of business is clearly and briefly explained, and is accompanied at every point by reference to authorities, which shows the exhaustive research of the writer. When it is remem- bered that not less than ninety-five per cent of the banking busi- ness of the present time is carried on by means of checks the value of a thoroughly reliable and comprehen.sive work of reference to bank officials and employes will be appreciated. Mr. Van Schaack's book should find a welcome in every financial insti- tution." — The Chain and Hardy Company, Denver. 249720. William Mack. He married Jane Peck (daughter of Enos Peck;. She was born May 28, 1820, in Camillus, N. Y. Resi- dence, 1875, Davenport, Iowa. 1 1 38 History of the Mack Family. 249730. William Mack, Author of a Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of Last Resort of the Several States, 1887-92. San Francisco. Bancroft-Whitney Co., 1892. 249740. Hugh Montgomery, 4TH. (Hugh^ Montgomery, sol- dier in Rev. War, Hugh= Montgomery, soldier in French War, and Jean McGregor, Hugh' Montgomery of Londonderry, Ireland.) He married Hannah Mack. Soldier in War of 181 2. Child : 249741. Hugh. 249750. 249750. Hugh Montgomery, 5TH. (Hugh^ Hugh^ Hugh% Hugh'.) 249741. He married Irene Southworth. Child : 249751. Mack. 249800. 249800. Mack Montgomery. (Hugh^ Hugh^ Hugh^ Hugh% Hugh'.) 249751. He married Jane Elizabeth Warren. Residence, Silver Creek, N. Y. Child : 249801. Frank Warren. Born Sept. 19, 1850, at Silver Creek, N. Y. Broker. Ivieutenant in Militia. Member of Colonial Club, Society of Sons of American Revolution and Mayflower Society. Residence, 1899, N. Y. City. 249810. Adolph Mack, Office, 14 W^hite St., N. Y. City. Residence, 1892, Somerville, N. J. 249815. Alex. Mack, Address, 1902, 420 East 120th St., N. Y. City. 249820. Alfred Mack. Residence, 1892, 235 West 41st St., N. Y. City. 249825. Alfred W. Mack. Importer. Office, 137 Eighth Ave. Residence, 1892, no West 69th St., N. Y. City. 249830. Alice Mack. Widow of P. Mack. Residence, 224 East 29th St., N. Y. City. 249835. Andrew Mack. Address, 1892, 216 East 80th St., N. Y. City. Appendix XX. 1139 249840. Ann Mack. Residence, 1892, 54 Carmine St., N. Y. City. 249845. Ann Mack. Widow of Joseph Mack. Residence, 1892, 104 Park Ave., N. Y. City. 249850. Anna Mack. Widow of William Mack. Residence, 1892, 304 East 25th St., N. Y. City. 249855. Anne Mack. Residence, 1892, 44 Rivington St., N. Y. City. 249860. Arthur J. Mack. Clothing. Office, 652 Broadway. Residence, 1892, 47 W. 84th St., N. Y. City. 249865. Barbara Mack. Widow of Robert. Residence, 1892, 168 Broome St., N. Y. City. 249870. Bebbi Mack. Widow of Ansel. Residence, 1892, 61 E. 1 20th St., N. Y. City. 249875. Belinda Mack. Widow of Thomas. Residence, 1892, 187 E. 117th St., N. Y. City. 249880. Catherine Mack. Widow. Residence, 1892, 236 E. 109th St., N. Y. City. 249885. Catherine Mack. Widow of John. Grocer. Office, 1446 Ave A, N. Y. City. 249890. Catherine Mack. Widow of Peter. Residence, 1892, 46 Carmine St., N. Y. City. 249895. Catherine A. Mack. Widow of James. Residence, 1892, 225 E. 83d St., N. Y. City. 249900. Chas. Mack. Residence, 1892, 521 E. 12th St., N. Y. City. 249905. Chas. Mack. Residence, 1892, 159 E. 109th St., N. Y. City. 249910. Chas. Mack. Residence, 1892, 470 7th Ave., N. Y. City. 249915. Chas. Mack. Residence, 1892, 340 W. 53d St., N. Y. City. II40 History of the Mack Family. 249920. Chas. W. Mack. Real estate. Office, 1237 Broad- way. Residence, 1892, 159 Waverley Place, N. Y. City. 249925. Daniel C. Mack. Residence, 1892, 248 W. 47th St., N. Y. City. 249930. Daniel J. Mack. Superintendent. Residence, 1892, 604 W. 48th St., N. Y. City. 249935. David Mack. Residence, 1892, 61 E. 120th St., N. Y. City. 249940. David Mack. Residence, 1892, 34 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. 249945. Edward F. Mack. Residence, 1892, 441 W. 30th St., N. Y. City. 249950. Ellen Mack. Widow of James. Residence, 1892, 197 loth Ave., N. Y. City. 249955. Francis W. Mack, Reporter. Office, 120 Nassau St., N. Y. City. 249960. Frank Mack. Residence, 1892, 330 E. 6ist St., N. Y. City. 249965. Frank Mack. Office, 43 Park St. Residence, 1892, 191 Jerome St., Brooklyn. 249970. Frank Mack. President. Office, 26 Union Square E. Residence, 1892, O St., N. Y. City. 249975. Fred Mack. Residence, 1892, 232 E. 26th St., N. Y. City. 249980. Fred Mack. Residence, 1892, 28 Ave. B, N. Y. City. 249985. Fred Mack, Office, 1009 6th Ave. Residence, 1892, 100 W. 52nd St., N. Y. City. 249990. Geo. Mack. Residence, 1892, 1023 Ave. A, N. Y. City. 249995. Geo. Mack. Shoes. Office, 21 Dominick St., N. Y. City. 250000. P. T. Mack. Member of Kalurah Temple of Nobles of Mystic Shrine. Residence, 1902, Binghamton, N. Y. Appendix XX. 1141 250005. Geo. D. Mack. Residence, 1892, 846 Columbus Ave., N. Y. City. 250010. Hannah Mack. Widow of Charles. Residence, 1892, 231 E. 52nd St., N. Y. City. 250015. Harry Mack. Lawyer. Office, 115 Broadway. Residence, 1892, 231 E. 52nd St., N. Y. City. 250020. W. Mack. Member of Kalurah Temple of Nobles of Mystic Shrine. Residence, 1902, Binghamton, N. Y. 250025. Harry W. Mack. Vice-President. Office, 41 Maiden Lane. Residence, 1892, no W. 69th St., N. Y. City. 250030. Helen Mack. Widow of P. Residence, 1892, 17 Oliver St., N. Y. City. 250035. H'y J. Mack. Residence, 1892, 2274 2nd Ave., N. Y. City. 250040. H'y S. Mack. Residence, 1892, loi W. 85th St., N. Y. City. 250045. Hugo S. Mack. Lawyer. Office, 5 Beekman St. Residence, 1892, 69 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. 250050. Isaac S. Mack. Clothing. Office, 86 Bowery. Resi- dence, 1892, 124 W. 78th St., N. Y. City. 250055. Jacob Mack. Residence, 1892, 451 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. 250060. Jacob W. Mack. Secretary. Office, 92 Liberty and 416 E. io6th St. Residence, 1892, 153 W. 74th St., N. Y. City. 250065. James Mack. Books. Office, 100 W. 34th St. Resi- dence, 1892, 157 W. 33d St., N. Y. City. 250070. James Mack. Office, 1345 Broadway. Residence, 1892, 675 W. 48th St., N. Y. City. 250075. James Mack. Residence, 1892, 179 E. 107th St., N. Y. City. 250080. James C. Mack. Office, 542 W. 47th St. Residence, 1892, 406 W. 51st St., N. Y. City. 1 142 History of the Mack Family. 250085. John Mack. Residence, 1892, 185 E. 122nd St., N. Y. City. 250090. John Mack. Residence, 1892, 96 Park Ave., N. Y. City. 250095- John Mack. Residence, 1892, 300 ist Ave., N. Y. City. 250100. John Mack. Residence, 1892, 411 W. 48th St., N. Y. City. 250105. John Mack. Residence, 1892, 29 Lewis St., N. Y. City. 250110. John Mack. Residence, 1892, 777 2d Ave., N. Y. City. 2501 15. John Mack. Residence, 1892, 1197 ist Ave., N. Y. City. 250120. John Mack. Residence, 1892, 413 E. 70th St., N. Y. City. 250125. John Mack. Residence, 1892, 138 Ave. D, N. Y. City. 250130. John Mack. Residence, 1892, 503 W. 56th St., N. Y. City. 250135- John H. Mack. Residence, 1892, ^^t, W. 53d St., N. Y. City. 250140. John J. Mack. Residence, 1892, 450 W. 50th St., N. Y. City. 250145- Joseph Mack. Clerk. Residence, 1892, 429 E. 70th St., N. Y. City. 250150. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1892, 726 6th St., N. Y. City. 250155- Joseph Mack. Residence, 1892, 424 6th St., N. Y. City. 250160. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1892, 40 Oak St., N. Y. City. Appendix XX. 1143 250165. Joseph Mack. Trucks. Office, 652 W. 51st St. Residence, 1892, 604 W. 48th St., N. Y. City. 250170. Lawrence Mack. Office, 585 Broadway. Residence, 1892, 50 E. 83d St., N. Y. City. 250175. Lawrence W. Mack. Office, 171 Spring St. Resi- dence, 1892, 133 W. 126th St., N. Y. City. 250180. Lewis S. Mack. Clerk. Residence, 1892, 137 W. 64th St., N. Y. City. 250185. Louis Mack. Clerk. Residence, 1892, 170 W. 121st St., N. Y. City. 250190. Louis Mack. Residence, 1892, 236 Ave. A, N. Y. City. 250195. Louisa Mack. Widow of Charles. Residence, 1892, 133 W. 15th St., N. Y. City. 250200. Margaret Mack. Widow of John. Residence, 1892, 269 Water St., N. Y. City. 250205. Mary Mack. Widow of Jacob. Residence, 1892, 68 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. 250210. Mary Mack. Widow of James. Residence, 1892, 26 Sutton Place, N. Y, City. 250215. Mary Mack. Widow of John. Residence, 1892, 144 E. 32d St., N. Y. City. 250220. Mary A. Mack. Widow of Charles. Residence, 1892, 512 E. 148th St., N. Y. City. 250225. Mary A. Mack. Widow of Kieran. Residence, 1892, 321 E. 34th St., N. Y. City. 250230. Mary M. Mack. Widow. Residence, 1892. 36 E. 22d St., N. Y. City. 250235. M. Mack. Residence, 1892, 410 Water St., N. Y. City. 250240. M. Mack. Residence, 1892, 207 W. 29th St., N. Y. City. 1 144 History of the Mack Family. 250245. M. Mack. Residence, 1892, 513 E. 83d St., N. Y. City. 250250. Otto Mack. Residence, 1892, 532 6th St., N. Y. City. 250253. P. Mack. Coal. Office, 1448 2d Ave. Residence, 1892, 304 E. 70th St., N. Y. City. 250255. P. Mack. Residence, 1892, 303 E. 52d St., N. Y. City. 250260. P. Mack. Residence, 1892, 3363 3d Ave., N. Y. City. 250265. P. Mack. Residence, 1892, 94 Greenwich St., N. Y. City. 250270. P. Mack. Residence, 1892, 397 Water St., N. Y. City. 250275. Peter Mack. Residence, 1892, 1327 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. City. 250280. Peter D. Mack. Residence, 1892, 118 W. 3d St., N. Y. City. 250285. Philip Mack, Jr. Office, 43 Park St. Residence, 1892, 61 Stagg St., Brooklyn. 250290. Samuel D. Mack. Real estate. Office, 177 Broad- way. Residence, 1892, 1087 Park Ave., N. Y. City. 250295. Samuel J. Mack. Clerk. Residence, 1892, 778 2d Ave., N. Y. City. 250300. Simon Mack. Residence, 1892, 183 Chrystie St., N. Y. City. 250305. Simon Mack. Glass. Office, 43 Barclay St. Resi- dence, 1892, 69 W. 46th St., N. Y. City. 250310. Susan J. Mack, Widow of John. Residence, 1892, 142 W. 45th St., N. Y. City. 250315. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1892, 412 W. 53d St., N. Y. City. Appendix XX. 1 145 250320. Thomas C. Mack. Real estate. Office, 420 W. 37th St., N. Y. City. 250325. U. S. G. Mack. Residence, 1892, 209 E. 97th St., N. Y. City. 250330. Walter C. Mack. Actor. Residence, 1892, 204 W. 30th St., N. Y. City. 250335. Walter S. Mack. Trimmings. Office, 137 8th St. Residence, 1892, no W. 69th St., N. Y. City. 250340. Wm. Mack. Fancy goods. Office, 634 Columbus Ave. 250345. Wm. Mack. Actor. Residence, 1S92, loi W. 8th St., N. Y. City. 250350. WxM. A. Mack. Superintendent. Office, 26 Union Square E. N. Y. City. 25035.^- Wm. L. Mack. Office, 171 Spring St. Residence, 1892, 133 W. 126th St., N. Y. City. IMivcK History. JOHN MACK OF LYME, CONN. (1680.) ADDITIONS. SIXTH GENERATION. 251000. Rev. Alexander Hale Smith. (Joseph"^, Joseph^, AsaeP, SamueP, Samuel", Robert'.) 34868. He was born June 2, 1838, in Caldwell Co., Mo. He married, June 23, 1861, Elizabeth Agnes Kendall of Nauvoo, 111. She was born June 16, 1843, at Maryport, England. He has been President of Quorum of Twelve Apostles and First Counselor to President, and is now Presiding Patriarch and Evangelical Minister of Reorganized Church of L. D. S. Residence, 1902, Lamoni, Iowa. Children : 251001. Frederick Alexander. Born Jan. 19, 1S62, at Nauvoo, 111. 252100. 251002. Vida Elizabeth. Born Jan. 16, 1865, at Nauvoo. Married Heman C. Smith. 252120. 251003. Ina Inez. Born Nov. 27, i856, at Nauvoo. Married Sidney G. Wright. 252140. 251004. Emma Belle. Born March 17. 1869, at Piano, 111. Married William F. Kennedy. 252160. 251005. Don Alvin. Born May 17, 1871, at Nauvoo. 252180. 251006. Eva Grace Born March i, 1874, at Nauvoo. Married Forest Lamout Madison. 252200. 251007. Joseph George. Born March 7, 1877. 251008. Arthur Marion. Born Feb. 8, 1880. 251009. Coral Cecile Rebekah. Born Oct. 29, 18S2. Seventh Generation. 1147 SEVENTH GENERATION. 252000. Dr. Alexander McCallum. He was born April 4, 1848, at North Gower, Ontario. He married, Jan. i, 1875, Emma J. Smith. 36231, Dentist. City Marshal one year, City Collector four years. School Director three years at North Gower. High Priest and member of High Council, Independence Stake, Reorganized Church of L. D. S. Children : 252001. Joseph Alma. Born Sept. 19, 1878. Married, Dec. 19, igor, Corlie Montfort of Kansas City, Mo. 252002. Arthur Alexander. Born June 2, 1882. 252003. William James. Born Aug. i, 1890. 252004. Oscar Maceo. Born June 12. 1S96. Died Feb. 20. 1S98. 252020. Hon. Francis M. Weld, He was born Sept. 9. 1858, in LaSalle County, 111. Educated at Oberlin College. He married, Sept. 14, 1887, Carrie L. Smith. 36233. Mayor of Lamoni, Iowa. Secretary of Board of Education. High Priest and member of Bishopric of Lamoni Stake of Reorganized Church of L. D. S. Child : 252021. Emma Rebecca. Born July 3, 1889. 252040. Rev. Richard S. Salyards. He was born June 16, 1857, at Steubenville, Ohio. He married, June 19, 1883, Zaide V. Smith. 36234. Mayor of Lamoni, Iowa. Member of Board of Education. Trustee of Graceland College. Assistant Editor of Saints' Herald, 1 888-1 900. Secretary of Reorganized Church of L. D. S. High Priest and member of High Council of Lamoni Stake. She died Jan. 8, 189 1. Children : 252041. Emma Marie. Born Aug. 8, 1884. Died Sept. 16, 1886. 252042. Zaide Aileen. Born Jan. 11, 1887. 252043. Joseph Richard. Born Aug. 18, 1888. 252044. Richard Savary. Born June 21, 1890. 252060. Benjamin M. Anderson. He was born Oct. 17, 1869, at Norway, LaSalle Co., 111. He married, Feb, 24, 1891, Mary A. Smith. 36237. Superintendent of mechanical department of 1 148 History of the Mack Family. Herald Publishing House of Reorganized Church of L. D. S., 1887- 1902. Secretary of Lamoni Stake (formerly the Decatur District) of Reorg. Ch. of L. D. S., since 1896. Residence. 1902, Lamoni, Iowa. Children : 252061. Bertha Audentia. Born Jan. 4, 1892. 252062. Doris Zuleika. Born Oct. 6, 1894. 252063. Eugera Viola. Born Sept. 21, 1896. Died July 29, 1899. 252064. Azul. Born Nov. 14, 1898. Died Nov. 14, 1898. 252065. Benjamin Meredith. Born Nov. 21, 1901. Died Nov. 23, 1901. 252080. Rev. Frederick M. Smith. (Joseph^ Joseph^, Asael*, SamueP, Samuel', Robert'.) 36238. He was born Jan. 24, 1874. He married, Aug. 3, 1897, Ruth L. Cobb. Graduated from Iowa City Academy in 1894; attended State University, Iowa, 1894-5; next three years at Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa, graduating with degree B.S. in 1898. Professor of sciences, Graceland College, 1899-igoo; from January, 1900, to April, 1901, editor College City Chronicle, now Famoni Chronicle. In May, 1900, appointed Assist- ant Editor Saints' Herald; in 1902 made Associate Editor of same; Church Librarian from 1897-1900; Church Historian from 1896- 1897. Assistant Church Historian from 1897-1901. From 1900- 1902 Second Counselor to Bishop of Lamoni Stake; in April, 1902, made First Counselor to President Joseph Smith in First Presidency of Church. Residence, 1902, Lamoni, Iowa. Child : 252081. Alice Myrmida. Born March 29, 1899. 252100. Rev. Frederick Alexander Smith. (Alexander Hale", Joseph", Joseph^, AsaeP, Samuel^, Samuel-, Robert'.) 251001. He was born Jan. 19, 1862. He married, Nov. 16, 1884, Mary A. Walker, of Tifhn, Ohio. Member of Quorum of Twelve Apostles of Reorganized Church L. D. S. Children : 252101. Alexander David. Born Aug. 18, 1S85. Died Oct. 20, 1891. 252102. Gladus Inez. Born Dec. 17, 1886. 252103. Joy May. Born July 13, 1889. 252104. Claude Leslie. Born Jan. 19, 1891. 252105. Freda Silome. Born Dec. 3, 1892. 252106. Winsome Livinea. Born Aug. 20, 1896. 252107. Frederick Agenstein. Born March 9, 1899. 252108. Harold LeGrand. Born Jan. 12, 1902. Seventh Generation. 114.9 252120. Rev. Heman C. Smith. He was born Sept. 27, 1850. He married, June 2, 1886, Vida Elizabeth Smith. 251002. Member of Quorum of Twelve Apostles ; Secretary of same ; Historian of Reorganized Church of L. D. S. Residence, 1902, Lamoni, Iowa. Children : 252121. Heman Hale. Born April 28, 1887. 252122. Vida Inez. Born Jan. 16, 1889. 252123. Anna Earlita. Born Nov. 28, 1890. 252124. Lois Elizabeth. Born Nov. 3, 1892. 252140. Sidney G. Wright. He married, April 22, 1891, Ina Inez Smith. 251003. Residence, 1902, Australia. Children : 252141. Claude Kendall. Born Alarch 21, 1892. 252142. Vida Grace. Born April 22, 1893. 252143. Leland Eric. Born Dec. 30, 1894. 252144. Mavis Myra. Born Dec. 30, 1896. 252145. Alfred Warren. 252146. Edgar Milton. 252160. William F. Kennedy. He married, Oct. 5, 1887, Emma Bell Smith. 251004. Residence, 1902, Independence, Mo. Children : 252 161. Arthur Forester. Died. 252162. Joseph Douglas. Died. 252163. Cecile Grace. Born in June, 1894. Died. 252164. Roger Alexander. Born Nov. 4, 1897. 252165. Glenna Marie. Born Nov. 3, 1900. 252180. Don Alvin Smith. (Alexander Hale', Joseph^ Jos- ephs, AsaeP, Samuel^, SamueP, Robert'.) 251005. He was born May 17, 1871. He married, April n, 1893, Susan Z. Pearsall. Residence, Lamoni, Iowa. Children : 252181. Velora Belle. Born Dec. 13, 1893. 252182. Carlos McAllaster. Born May 22, 1895. 252183. Beatrice Adell. Born Aug. 19, 1896. 252184. Lajune Harriet. Born July i, 1899. 252185. Don Marion. Born Oct. 28, 1901. 252200. Forest Lamont Madison. He married Eva Grace- Smith. 251006. Child : 252201. Lamont Kendall. Born March 18, 1893. Died March 26, 1893. i^PFENDIX ADDITIONS. 253000. John Lee Judson. Pres. Judson Governor Co. Pres, Rochester Gas and Electric Co. Office, 84 Andrews St. Residence, 1902, 282 Lake Ave., Rochester, N. Y. 253005- Charles B. Judson. Vice-Pres. Jud. Gov. Co. 253010. Agnes Mack. Widow of Daniel Mack. Residence, 1901, 73 Kent St., Rochester, N. Y. 253015. Amos P. Mack. Office, 18 Brown Race. Residence, 1901, 20 Cumberland St., Rochester, N. Y. 253020. Mrs. Catharine Mack. Residence, 1902, 46 Frank- lin St., Rochester, N. Y. 253025. DrcKE Mack. Address, 1902, 204 Clinton Ave. N., Rochester, N. Y. 253030. Dorr L. Mack. Residence, 1902, 4 Erie St., Roch- ester, N. Y. 253035- Elizabeth Mack. Born in 1833. Died in 1900. Residence, Rochester, N. Y. 253040. Ella B. Mack. Widow of John Mack. Residence, 1 90 1, 64 South St., Rochester, N. Y. 253045- George Mack. Address, 1902, 5 Lawrence St. and 91 Charlotte St., Rochester, N. Y. 253050. George Mack. Removed in 1900 from Rochester, N. Y., to Kingston, Can. 253055- Hemen D. Mack. Residence, 1901, 27 Swan St., Rochester, N. Y. Appendix XXI. 1151 253060. Jacob Mack. Address, 1901, 18 Rhine St., Roches- ter, N. Y. 253065. Jennie A. T. Mack. Address, 1901, 66 Alexander St., Rochester, N. Y. 253070. John Mack. Address, 1901, 36 N. Water St. and 18 Market St., Rochester, N. Y. 253075. John F. Mack. Address, 190 i, 28 Adams St., Roches- ter. N. Y. 253080. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1901, 11 Whitmore St., Rochester, N. Y. 253085. Josephine L. Mack. Address, 1901, 28 Adams St., Rochester, N. Y. 253090. Katie Mack. Address, 1901, 456 State St., Roclies- ter, N. Y. 253095. Martin J. Mack. Address, 1901, 28 Adams St., Rochester, N. Y. 253100. M. J. Mack. Residence, 1901, 287 Gregory St., Rochester, N. Y. 253105. Minnie E. Mack. Address, 1901, 28 Adams St., Rochester, N. Y. 253110. Philip Mack. Residence, 1901, Brighton, Monroe Co., N. Y. 253115. William Mack. Residence, 1901, 92 Carohne St., Rochester, N. Y. 253120. William Mack. Address, 1901, 73 Kent St., Roch- ester, N. Y. 253125. William R. Mack. Address, 1901, 22 Cumberland St., Rochester, N. Y. 253130. William W. Mack. Residence, 1901, 22 Cumber- land St., Rochester, N. Y. 253135. Abbie E. Mack. Address, 1890, 145 Robinson St., Binghamton, N. Y. 253140. Alexander Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N.Y. 253145. Archie H. Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, X. Y. 253150. BuRDELL W. Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 1 152 History of the Mack Family. 253155- Chas. Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 253160. Chas. Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 253165. Daniel H. Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 253170. Elmer E. Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 253175- James Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 253180, Jane Mack. Widow of Elias Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 253185. Jonas Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 253190. Nora Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 253195. Ovid J. Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y. 253200. P. T. Mack. Residence, 1890, Binghamton, N. Y, 253205. Agnes Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253210. Ann Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253215. Mrs. Ann Mack. Born in 1817. Died Aug. 15, 1900. Residence, Syracuse, N. Y. 253220. Mrs Anna B. Mack. Residence, 1901, Fairmount, N. Y. 253225. Mrs. Catharine Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253230. Catharine Mack. Residence, 190 i, Syracuse, N. Y. 253235- Catharine Mack. Widow of Thomas Mack. Resi- dence, 1 90 1, Syracuse, N. Y. 253240. Chas. E. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253245. Daniel Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253250. Edgar C. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253255. Edward Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253260. Edward D. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y 253265. Eugene J. Mack. Residence, 190 i, Syracuse, N. Y. 253270. Francis Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253775- Frank Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253780. George L. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253785, Henry Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. Appendix XXI. 1153 253790. James Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253795. James B. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253800. James J. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253805. James L. Mack. Residence, 1 901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253810. Jane M. Mack. Residence, igoi, Syracuse, N. Y. 253815. John Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253820. John Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253825. John Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253830. John E. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253835. John J. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253840. Mary Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253845. Mary Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253850. Morris J. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253855. Nellie Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253860. P. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253865. Peter J. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253870. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253875. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse. N. Y. 253880. Thomas A. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253885. Thomas F. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253890. Thomas F. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253895. Thomas H. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253900. Wm. Mack. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 253905. Barbara Mack. Widow. Residence. 1901, Albany, N. Y. 253910. Chas. E. Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 253915- Edward F. Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y 253920. Frank Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 253925. Fred Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 253930. James Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 253935. John Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 253940. John W. Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 253945. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 1 154 History of the Mack Family J. Edward Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. Louisa Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. Mrs. Margaret Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, M. Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. M. Mack. Residence. 1901, Albany, N. Y. Russell L. Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. Theodore Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. Wm. Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. Wm. Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. Wm. Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. Wm. M. Mack. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. Lizzie Mack. Residence, 1901, Waverly, N. Y. Mame Mack. Residence, 1901, Waverly, N. Y. Mary Mack. Residence, 1901, Waverly, N. Y. James L. Mack. Residence, 1901, Sayre, Pa. Anna Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. B. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. B. B. Mack. Widow of Peter Mack. Residence, N. Y. 154040. Mrs. Catharine Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira 253950- 253955- 253960. N. Y. 253965- 253970- 253975- 253980. 253985- 253990- 253995- 254000. 254005. 254010. 254015. 254020. 254025. 254030. 254035- 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254045. Catharine Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254050. Catharine E. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254055. Daniel Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254060. Daniel Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254065. Helen E. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254070. James Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254075. James Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254120. 254125. 254130- Elmira, N. Y, Appendix XXI. 1155 254080. James Mack. Residence, i8g8, Elmira, N. Y. 254085. James Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254090. Dr. James P. Mack. Dentist. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254095. John Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254100. John Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254105. John Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 2541 10. John Mack, Jr. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 2541 15. John P. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. Kate Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. Lucinda Mack. Widow of Robert. Residence, 1898, 254135. Margaret Mack. Widow of P. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254140. Maria V. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254145. Martin Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254150. Mary Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254155. Mary Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N, Y. 254160. Mary Helen Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254165. Mame L. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254170. M. Mack. Residence. 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254175. M. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254180, M. Mack, Jr. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254185. Nellie Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254190. P. H. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254195. Robert Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254200. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254205. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 254210. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. 1 156 History of the MAck Family. 254215 254220 254225 254230 254235 Elmira, N. Y Thomas Mack, Jr. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. Thomas J. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. Timothy Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. Wm. H. Mack. Residence, 1898, Elmira, N. Y. B. Mack. Widow of M. Mack. Residence, 1901, 254240. Daniel Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254245. Edward Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254250. Gertrude C. Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254255. James Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254260. Margaret Mack. Widow of Timothy Mack. Resi- dence, 1 90 1, Elmira, N. Y. 254265. Mary Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254270. Mary A. Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254275. Mary E. Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254280. Mary V. Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254285. Matthew J. Mack. Residence, 190 i, Elmira, N.Y. 254290. M. H. Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254295. Nora Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254300. Thomas W. Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N.Y, 254305. Anthony Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254310. Wm. G. Mack. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 254315. Mrs. Winifred R. Mack. Residence, 1901, El- mira, N. Y. 254320. Bertha Mack. Residence, 1901, Corning, N.Y. 254325. Enoch Mack. Residence, 1901, Corning, N. Y. 254330. Ezra Mack. Residence, 1901, Corning, N. Y. Appendix XXI. 1157 254340. Herbert T. Mack. Residence, 1901, Corning, N. Y. 254345 254350 254355 254360 254365 tion. Pa. 254370- tion, Pa. Thomas J. Mack. Residence, 1901, Corning, N. Y. James B. Mack. Residence, 1899, Wellsboro, Pa. Minnie M. Mack. Residence, 1899, Wellsboro, Pa. Russell L. Mack. Residence, 1899, Wellsboro, Pa. James H. Mack. Residence, 1899, PhJUips Sta- Orrin L. Mack. Residence, 1899, Phillips Sta- 254375- Sophia Mack. Residence, 1899, Westfield, Pa. 254380. John C. Mack. Clerk in Pension Office. Resi- dence, 1899, Washington, D. C. 254385. I. Johnson Mack. Residence, 1899, Keeneyville, Pa. 254390. Benjamin F. Mack. Married Eliza. Residence, 1899, Elkland, Pa. 254395- C. Delbert Mack. Residence, 1899, Elkland, Pa. 254400. B. Mack. Residence, 1899, Antrim, Pa. 254405. Daniel B. Mack. Residence, 1899, Little Marsh, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. 254410. Levi Mack. Residence, 1899, Little Marsh, Pa, 254415. Henry S. Mack. Residence, 1899, Purple Brook, 254420. I. Wilson Mack. Residence, 1899, Austinburg, Pa. 254425. Adolph Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254430. Charles Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa, 254435. Charles E. Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, 254440. Christian Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, 1 158 History of the Mack Family. 254445. Mrs. D. Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254450. Edward L. Mack, Jr. Residence, 1896, Philadel- phia, Pa. 254455. Frederick Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254460. George Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254465. Harry Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254470. Irvin H. Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254475. James M. Mack. Vice-President of Mack Paving Co. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254480. John M. Mack. President of Mack Paving Co. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254485. John M. Mack. Merchant. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254490. Samuel F. Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 254495. Sarah Mack. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. ]Vd:ACK History. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 254500. Maj. John Chandler. (John.) He was born Dec. 31, 1758. He married, Jan. 12, 1786, Pegg (Margaret) Mack of Salem, Mass. 47026. She was born in 1766. He removed from Salem to Lexington, Mass. He was a member of Captain Parker's Company, and was on the Common on the 19th of April, 1775. He was also in a detachment of the company which was called to Cam- bridge on the loth of May, and in another detachment which marched to Cambridge on the 17th of June, 1775. He entered the marine service under Commodore Tucker in 1779. He was taken prisoner at the surrender of Charleston by Gen. Lincoln in 1780 and confined until exchanged. He reached home after an absence of about a year. Captain, 1790. Major, 1796. Selectman, 1796-8. He died Oct. 19, 1804. She died April 27, 1853. Residence, Lexington, Mass. Children : 254501. John. Born Nov. 6, 1786. 254520. 254502. Daniel. Born Oct. 14, 1788. 254530. 254503- Sally. Born April 20, 1 79 1. Unmarried. Died March 15. 1815. 254504. Peggy. Born Jan. 15, 1793. Married, May 9, 1833, Joseph Eaton. No children. 254505. Mary. Born Feb. 20, 1794. Unmarried. Died Oct. 19, iSiS. 254506. Samuel. Born Oct. 26, 1795. 254540. 254507. Jonas. Born June 23, 1797. Died April 5, 1814. 254508. Abiel. Born March 21, 1799. Died about 1862, in Taunton, Mass. 254509. Thomas. Born May 9, 1 801. Died Sept. 2, 1838. 254510. Leonard. Born June 9, 1803. Died July 6, 1825. 1158(5 History of the Mack Family. 254520. Col. John Chandler. (John-, John'.) 254501. He was born Nov. 6, 1786. He married, June 7, 1815, Susanna Whit- more Reed (daughter of Nathan Reed and Mary Page). She was born in 1786. Captain, i8og. Lieutenant Colonel. Honorably discharged, in 18 14. He died Feb. 28, 18 17. She died in Dec, 1863. Residence, Lexington, Mass. Child : 254521. Sarah. Born Feb. 27, 18 16. Unmarried. 254530. Lieut. Daniel Chandler. (John% John'.) 254502. He was born Oct. 14, 1788. He married. May 19, 18 17, Susannah Downing (daughter of Samuel Downing and Susanna Brown). She was born in 1789. He entered the U. S. service as an Fnsign in March, 18 12, and marched in Aug., 181 2, to the frontier in Col. Tuttle's Regt., wintered in 1812-13 at French's Mills, and was at Plattsburg in 18 13. He was promoted to Lieutenant. Superintend- ent of the Farm School on Thompson's Island in Boston harbor for five years. Superintendent of the House of Industry and also of the House of Reformation in Boston. He died June 16, 1847. She died April 15, 1866. Children : 254531. Mary Jane Mack. Born March 6, 1S18. Married Hamilton Hutchins. 254532. Susan D. Born Dec. 6, 181 9. Unmarried. Died Nov. 23, 1843. 254533. Daniel. Born Sept. 8, 1822. Residence, Buffalo, N. Y. 254534. Delia. Born Sept. 8, 1822. Married Ansel W. Putnam. 254560. 254535. Patrick Henry. Born March 9, 1824. Residence, Boston, Mass. 254536. Sarah R. Born Sept. 20, 1826. Unmarried. Died Aug. 27, 1846. 254537. Leonard. Born Aug. 4, 1828. He married, in Jan., 1848, Lucy LeBaron. He died March 22, 1848, in SanFrancisco, Cal. 254538. Col. John G. Born Dec. 31, 1831. Graduated at U. S. Military Academy, 1854. He entered the U. S. Army as Lieut, of Artillery and rose to the rank of Colonel. He served through the Civil War. Previous to Civil War was in Indian engagements at Rogue River, Oregon. Member of Loyal Legion. 254540. Gen. Samuel Chandler. (John^ John'.) 254506. He was born Oct. 26, 1795. He married (ist), Oct. 29, 1818, Lydia Muzzey (daughter of Amos Muzzey and Lydia Boutelle). She died Additions and Corrections. 115SC Aug. 12, 1830. He married (2nd), Sept. 11, 1834, Abigail Muzzey (sister of his first wife). Ensign and Lieutenant in U. S. Army in the War of 18 12. He was engaged in two desperate battles when the British General Drummond attacked Fort Erie. He was subse- quently a Major General in the Militia. Sheriff ten years. Justice of the Peace and Trial Justice. State Senator. He died July 20, 1867. Residence, Lexington, Mass. Children : 254541. Col. John Iv. Born Oct. 6, 1820. Married Abby M. Kimball (daughter of Porter Kimball of Fitchburg, Mass.). He entered Union Army in Mo. He rose from Lieutenant to Lieut. Col. in Civil War, was on Gen. Fremont's staff and afterwards Provost Marshal at Little Rock, Ark. Residence, Memphis, Tenn. Amos M. Born Nov. 26, 1821. Died Oct. 10, r825. Almira M. Born Feb. 12, 1824. Amos M. Born Dec. 21, 1S25. Died Aug. ir, 1836. Joseph. Born July 29, 1S29. Married Eleanor Ball. Soldier in Civil War. He was taken prisoner at the second I)attle of Bull Run. 254546. Henry L. Born Oct. 31, 1835. He went to Calcutta where he remained eight years. He was there during the rebellion against British authority. Samuel E. Born Sept. 2, 1837. Married, in 1864, Laura J. Alley. He w'as wounded and taken prisoner at first battle of Bull Run and was confined in Richmond for six months. Quar- termaster Sergeant, 1 2th Regt., and was honorably discharged to accept office of ist Lieutenant, 7th Mo. Cavalry, and served as Adjutant. Edward T. Born Feb. 28, 1840. Civil War. 254542. 254543- 254544- 254545- 254547- 254548. Soldier in Union Armv in He married Delia Chandler. Mary H. Clara D. Born Sept. 20, 1847. Born March 4, 1849. 254560. Ansel W. Putnam. 254534. She died Oct. 15, 1850. Children : 254561- 254562. 254570. J. W. Mack. Residence, 1893, Albion, N. Y. 254575- John Freeman Mack. He received a bequest by the will of his grandfather, Andrew Freeman, dated Feb. 13, 1815, and recorded in Sussex Co., N. J. Andrew Freeman was born at Wood- bridge, N. J., removed to Wyoming, Pa., and later to Hope, N. J. 1158^ History of the Mack Family. 254600. Daniel A. Mack. Chaplain, 3d Regt. Vt. Infantry. Expiration of term of service July 27, 1864. Re-commissioned June 2, 1865. 254601. Albert G. Mack. Captain, i8th Battery, N. Y. Light Artillery, Sept. 13, 1862. 254602. James Mack, ist Lieut., 156th Regt., N. Y. Infantry, Dec. 25, 1864. 254603. James W. Mack. 2nd Lieut., 144th Regt., N. Y. In- fantry. Killed at Harry Hills, S. C, Nov. 30, 1864. 254604. Valentine Mack. 2nd Lieut., ist Regt., N. Y. Cav- alry, Dec. 27, 1864. 254605. Warren Mack, Jr. ist Lieut., 34th Regt., N. Y. Infantry. Resigned Dec. 2, 1861. 254606. Samuel A. Mack. Captain, 13th Regt., Pa. Infantry Reserves, June 14, 1863. 254607. Roan E. M. Mack. Captain, ist Regt., Ark. Cavalry. Killed in action in Washington Co., Ark., May 28, 1864. 254608. Robert Mack, ist Lieut., ist Regt., Ark. Cavalry. Honorably discharged, Dec. 6, 1863. 254609. Henry Mack. 2nd Lieut., 29th Regt., Ohio Infantry. Resigned, May 2, 1862. 254610. Henry O. Mack. Surgeon, 64th Regt., Ohio Infan- try. Resigned, Aug. 25, 1862. 25461 1. Alonzo W. Mack. Colonel, 76th Regt., 111. Infantry. Resigned, Jan. 7, 1863. 254612. Erastus Mack, ist Lieut., 21st Regt., 111. Infantry, March 12, 1865. 254613. Horace Mack. 2nd Lieut., 23d Regt., 111. Infantry. 254614. Joel M. Mack. Surgeon, 113th Regt., 111. Infantry. Resigned, April 26, 1864. 254615. Thomas W. Mack, ist Lieut., 52nd Regt., 111. In- fantry. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, Oct. 31, 1864. Additions and Corrections. ii58(? 254616. UziAH Mack, ist Lieut., looth Regt., 111. Infantry, Feb. 5, 1865. 254617. John W. D. L. F. Mack, ist Lieut, and Adjutant, 46th Regt., Mo. Infantry, Aug. 23, 1864. 254618. Michael H. Mack. Captain, ist Regt., Kan. Infan- try. Resigned, July ig, 1865. 254619. RuFus H. C. Mack, ist Lieut., 6th Regt., Mo. Cav- alry. Killed in action at Spring River, Ark., March 13, 1862. 254620. David S. Mack, ist Lieut., 7th Regt., U. S. Colored Infantry. Promoted April 25, 1865, to Captain, ii6th Regt., U. S. Colored Infantry. 254621. Daniel B. Mack. Private, Co. B., 9th N. Y. Artil- lery; enlisted Feb. i, 1864, for three years ; in battles before Peters- burg and Weldon Railroad ; was taken prisoner and kept eight days ; honorably discharged in 1865. 254622. George Mack. Residence, 1902, Ludlowville, N. Y. 254623. Andrew M. Fenner. Private, Co. D., 35th N. Y. Infantry; enlisted Dec. 7, 1 861, for eighteen months; in battles of Rappahannock Station, Sulphur Springs, Gainesville, Manassas, second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam and Fredericksburg ; honorably discharged in 1863. 254624. William Henry Myers. Private, Co. H., 9th N. Y. Artillery; enlisted Dec. 24, 1863, for three years ; in battles of Peters- burg and surrender of Gen. Lee; honorably discharged in 1865. 254625. George Myers. Priva:te Co. D., 143d N. Y. Infantry; enlisted Sept. 16, 1863, for three years; in battles of Dallas, Pine Hill, and Peach Tree Creek; honorably discharged in 1865. 254626. William Mack. Killed in mill at Ludlowville, N. Y., about 1850. 254627. Daniel Mack, Jr. Private, Co. G., 109th N. Y. Regt.; enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Residence, Town of Ulysses, Tomp- kins Co., N. Y. 254628. George Mack. Residence, 1902, Ludlowville, N. Y. 1158/ History of the Mack Family. 254630. Eliza Mack. Born in 1807. Died March 28, 1837, in Rockingham, Vt. 254631. Lieut. Mack. Lieut., 8th Conn. Regt., Conti- nental Line, 1777-81. 254632. Abner Mack. Corporal, Capt. Henry Champion's Co., Col. Samuel Wylly's Conn. Regt., Dec. 7, 1779. 254633. Benjamin Mack. Soldier, Col. Parson's Conn. Regt. in Rev. War. 254634. Joel Mack. Soldier, ist Regt., Conn. Continental Line. Enlisted May 27, 1782. Discharged Jan. i, 1783. 254635. John Mack. Soldier, Conn. Regt. in Rev. War. (See Conn. Men in Revolution. Pages 345 and 664.) 254636. JosiAH Mack. Soldier, Capt. Well's (8th) Co., 12th Conn. Regt. Marched to Westchester in Sept., 1776. 254637. Lieut. Orlando Mack. Lieut, in Conn. Regt. Con- tinental Line. Residence, Hebron, Conn, 254660. Rev. Levi M. Mack. He was born Jan. 29, 1810, in Lebanon, Madison Co., N. Y. Student in Colgate University, 1829-30. Ordained, Sept. 14, 1831. Baptist. He married, in 1827, Elizabeth J. Potter of Smyrna. Residence, Rural Dale, Mo. 254670. Elisha Mack. Residence, Plainfield, Mass. 254675. Charles Mack. Residence, Plainfield, Mass. 254680. John Mack. Merchant. First P. M. Residence, Plainfield, Mass. 254685. John Mack, Jr. Merchant. Second P. M. Resi- dence, Plainfield, Mass. 254690. Mrs. Grove E. Barber. (Her mother was a Mack of Omaha, Neb.) Residence, 1902, Lincoln, Neb.. 254700. Clarence N. Mack. Residence, 1902, Cortland, N. Y. 254701. David Mack. Residence, 1902, Cortland, N. Y. 254702. Harold J. Mack. Residence, 1902, Cortland, N. Y. Additions and Corrections. 1158^ 254703. James Mack. Residence, 1902, Cortland, N. Y. 254704. Lena Mack. Residence, 1902, Cortland, N. Y. 254705. Mary Mack. Residence, 1902, Cortland, N. Y. 254706. Mary Mack. Residence, 1902, Cortland, N. Y. 254710. Lieut. Aleck W. Mack. 2nd Lieut., Co. H., 3d Regt. N. J. Militia, 1889. 254711 254712 N. Y. City. 254713 2547U City. 254715 City. Francis Mack. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Jacob Mack. Dry goods merchant. Residence, 1842, John Mack, Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Lewis F. Mack. Merchant. Residence, 1842, N. Y. Sarah Mack. Teacher. Residence, 1842, N. Y. 254716. Thomas C. Mack. Residence. 1842, N. Y. City. 254717. Thomas H. Mack. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 254718. D. Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254719. D. Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254720. Edward Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254721. James Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254722. James Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254723. John Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254724. John Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254725. John Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254726. John Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254727. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254728. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254729. William Mack. Residence, 1852, Boston, Mass. 254730. J. C. Mack. Director, Kansas Historical Society, 1901 — . Residence, 1902, Newton, Kan. iiSS/i History of the Mack Family. 254731. George Mack. First Postmaster at Macksville, Staf- ford Co., Kan. The village was named after him. 254732. John Mack. He was a prominent Free State man in the Kansas troubles in 1856. (See Kansas Historical Collections, Vol. VII.) 254733. Solomon Mack. Soldier in Capt. Israel Putnam's Company from Pomfret and adjoining towns in Windham Co., Conn., in Old French and Indian War, 1757. 254734. John M. Mack. Receiver of Asphalt Trust, 1902. Residence, Philadelphia. 254735. Philander Mack. He married Asenath Chandler (Benjamin*, Stevens^ William'', Thomas^ William'', William"). She was born about 18 10. Residence, near Rochester, N. Y. Children : 254736. Harriet. 254737- Daniel. 254738. George W. Mack. He was born in 1838. He mar- ried, July 9, 1867, Emma Jane Chandler (William H.^ William^ John^, Joshua^, Joshua-*, John^, John^, William'.) He died Jan. 10, 1876. Residence, Whitesboro, N. Y. Children : 254739- George \V. Born July 13, 186S. 254740. Emma J. Rorn Sept. 3, 1871. Died Nov. iS, 1S71. 254741. Charles B. Born Dec. ir, 1872. Died Jan. 11, 1873. 254742. Georgiana O. Born May 23, 1875. 254743. Daniel L. Mack. He married, Aug. 25, 1902, Fran- ces A. Mead of Owego, N. Y. Residence, Peruville, N. Y. 254745. John Alex Mack. Graduated at University of Vt., M.D., 1895. 254750. Edward R. Mack. Born Nov. 19, 1876, at Hard- wick, Vt. Graduated at University of Vt., B.S.M.E., 1898. Resi- dence, 1900, 1 1 15 5th Ave., Seattle, Wash. 254755. Alonzo Shaw Mack. He married Sarah Maria Pel- ton. Residence, Woodstock, Vt. Child : 254756. William Elwin. Born Feb. 23, 1836. 254760. Additions and Corrections. 1158^' 254760. William Elwin Mack. (Alonzo Shaw.) 254756. He was born Feb. 23, 1836. He graduated at Tufts College, 1881. He married, Dec. 25, 1883, Clara May McKenzie. Justice of the Peace. Auditor. Register of Deeds. Member of Zeta Psi college fraternity. Residence, 1883-1900, Long Prairie, Minn. Children : 254761. Pamela Mary. 254762. Alice Maria. 254763. Jay McKenzie. 254764. Harold Alonzo. 254770. Arthur Julius Mack. Student in College of City of New York, 1882. 254775. Alexander Wolfgang Mack. Student in Stevens Institute of Technology, 1884-5, ^nd Cornell University, 1886-8. Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Registered from Elizabeth, N. J. Residence, Somerville, N. J. 254780. David Mack. Graduated at Miami University, 1841. Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Lawyer. Residence, Car- thage, 111. 254785. Lewis Charles Mack. Student in Stevens Institute of Technology in class of 1889. Member of Beta Theta Pi frater- nity. Residence, Somerville, N. J. 254790. William H. Mack. He married Clara Hinckley (daughter of Gen. Hinckley). Residence, Eastport, Me. Child : 254791. Lizzie. Married John Tliacher Vose. He was born May 2, 1853. No children. Residence, Dennysville, Me. 254800. Albert F. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254801. Alice S. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254802. Andrew Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254803. Mrs. Ann Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254804. Cordelia S. Mack. Widow. Residence, 1892, Bos- ton, Mass. 254805. Delia Mack, Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 1 158/' History of the Mack Family. 254806. Francis Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254807. Francis H. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254808. Frank Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254809. Frederick O. Mack, Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254810. George Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 25481 1. Henry Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254812. Hugh Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254813. Jacob Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254814. James Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254815. James Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254816. James Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254817. James Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254818. James Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254819. James W. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254820. John Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254821. John Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254822. John Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254823. John Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254824. John Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254825. John Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254826. John Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254827. John Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254828. John Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254829. John A. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254830. John P. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254831. John T. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254832. J. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254833. J. Dean Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254834. Madge A. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Additions and Corrections. ii^Sk 254835. Margaret Mack. Widow of John. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254836. M. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254837. M. T. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254838. P. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254839. P. C. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254840. P. H. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254841. Robert W. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254842. Samuel J. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254843. Thaddeus E. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254844. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254845. Thomas H. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254846. Thomas J. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254847. Thomas W. Mack, Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254848. William Mack, Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254849. William B. Mack. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 254850. Orland Mack, 2nd Lieut. 8th Conn. Regt., Conti- nental Line, Jan, i, 1777. ist Lieut., Feb. 16, 1777. Retired, Nov. 15' 1778. 254851. Hon. Sewall G. Mack. Mayor of Lowell, Mass., 1853-4. Alderman, 1857-8. Member of Common Council, 1843-4. 254852. John F. Mack. Born in Ky. Employe of Treas. Dept., 1901, Washington, D. C. 254853. John J, Mack. Born in Pa. Employe of custom house, 1901, Philadelphia. 254854. John J, Mack, Residence, 1901, Washington, D. C, 254855. Joseph Mack. Employe of Naval Proving Grounds, Indian Head, Md., 1901. 254856. Joseph Mack. Born in Nevada. Agent and expert, irrigation investigations, U. S. Uept. Ag., 1901. Residence, Chey- enne, Wyo. 1158/ History of the Mack Family. 254857. Lee Mack. Employe of Naval Proving Grounds, 1 90 1, Indian Head, Md. 254858. Miss Louise Mack. Born in D. C. Employe' Treas. Dept., 1 90 1, Washington, D. C. 254859. Miss Louise Mack, Residence, 1901, Washington, D. C. 254860. LoviLLA L. Mack. Teacher. Residence, 1901, Has- kell, Kan. 254861. Miss Mary Mack. Residence, 1901, Washington, D. C. 254862. T. C. Mack. P. M., 1901, Armagh, Pa. 254863. Thomas Mack. P. M., 1901, Bend, Minn. 254864. Alexander Mack. Born at sea. Boatswain, U.S.N., 1901. 254865. Mrs. C. B. Mack. Employe' of general P. O., Wash- ington, D. C, 1901. 254866. Charles Mack. Born in Germany. Employe' of U. S. custom house, N. Y. City, 1901. 254867. Mrs. Ella S. Mack. Born in D. C. Employe' U. S. Dept. Ag., 1901, Washington, D. C. 254868. Jacob A. Mack. Born in S. C. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, third class, 1901. 254869. James W. Mack. Born in Pa. Clerk in Census Office, 1901, Washington, D. C. 254870. Jason M. Mack. Born in Nova Scotia. U. S. Con- sular Agent, 1 901, Liverpool, Eng. 254871. Jeremiah Mack. Born in England. Employe' Bos- ton Navy Yard, 1901. 254872. H. E. Mack. Born in N. J. Asst. Div. Supt. Rail- way Mail Service, 1901, N. Y. City. 254873. Horatio Mack. Postmaster, 1 901, Montezuma, N. Y. 254874. Hugh Mack. Postmaster, 1901, Clyde, Pa. Additions and Corrections. ii^Sm 254875. Jacob F. Mack. P. O. Clerk, igoi, N. Y. City. 254S76. James C. Mack. Postmaster, 1901, Chipola, La. 254877. J. B. Mack. Mail messenger, 1901, Swanton Junc- tion, Vt. 254878. J. H. Mack. Mail messenger, 1901, Chase City, Va. 254879. J. J. Mack. Postmaster, 1901, Kattelon, Pa. 254880. John G. Mack. Postmaster, 1901, Harlan, Ind. 254881. John Mack. Mail messenger. 190 i. Amity ville, N. Y. 254882. John L. Mack. Postmaster, 1901, Messmore, Pa. 254883. John R. Mack. P. O. Clerk, 1901, Athens, Ga. 254884. Louis Mack. P. O. Clerk, 1901, Cleveland, Ohio. 254885. Robert Henry Mack. Letter carrier, 1901, Newark, N.J. 254886. Simon Mack. Mail messenger, 1901, Graniteville, S. C. 254887. Cornelius J. Mack. Postmaster, 1901, Reynales Basin, Niagara Co., N. Y, 254888. Alexander Mack. Born in New York. Railway Postal Clerk, 1901. Route from N. Y. City to Point Pleasant, N. J. 254889. A. T. Mack. Postmaster, 1901, Tuckahoe, Ga. 254890. Mrs. Bird A. Mack. Born in Ind. P. O. Clerk, 1 90 1, Newton, Kan. 254891. Mrs. C. B. Mack. Born in Md. Employe of General Postoffice, 1 90 1, Washington, D. C. 254892. C. C. Mack. Mail messenger, 1901, Lament, Okla- homa Ter. 254893. Charles T. Mack. Born in 111. Letter carrier, 1901, Sterling, 111. 254894. Edmund J. Mack. Born in Ohio. P. O. Clerk, 1901, Canton, Ohio. 254895. Frank D. Mack. Letter carrier, 1901, Detroit, Mich. ii^Sn History of the Mack Family. 254896. Fred A. Mack. Born in Pa. P. O. Clerk, 1901, Montrose, Pa. 254897. GEORfJE A. Mack. Born in Mich. P.O. Clerk, 1901, Detroit, Mich. 254898. Miss Millison Mack. Clerk in U. S. Pension Office, 1901, DesMoines, Iowa. 254899. Miss M. L. Mack. Stenographer. Residence, 1901, Omaha, Neb. 254900. Miss Nellie M. Mack. Teacher. Residence, 1901, Washington, D. C. 254901. T. Mack. Born in Vt. Employe of Springfield, Mass., Arsenal, 1901. 254902. Thomas Mack. Born in Ga. Employe' of Custom House, Boston, Mass., 1901. 254903. William R. Mack. Born in Mich. Clerk to Inter- state Commerce Commission, 1901, Washington, D. C. 254904. Albert Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254905. Alexander Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254906. Alfred Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 25^907. Andrew C. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254908. Annie Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254909. Anthony C. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254910. Anton Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 25491 1. Anton Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254912. August Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254913. Augusta Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254914. Augustus Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254915. Mrs. Bernice Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254916. Bradley J. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254917. Burton W. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Additions and Corrections. 1158^ 254918. Carl Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254919. Charles Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254920. Charles Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254921. Charles Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254922. Charles C. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254923. M. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254924. R. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254925. Christian Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254926. Clara Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254927. Clyde E. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254928. Cornelius Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254929. Edward Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254930. Edward W. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254931- Egbert B. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254932. Emma M. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254933- Etta Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254934. Everett S. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254935- E. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254936. Francis Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254937- Francis E. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254938. Herman Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254939- Jacob Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254940. Jacob Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254941. James Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254942. James Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254943. James Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254944. James E. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254945. James T. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 1 158/. History of the Mack Family. 111. 254946 254947 254948 254949 254950 254951 254952 254953 254954 254955 254956 254957 254958 254959 254960 254961 254962 254963 254964 254965 254966 254967 254968 254969 254970 254971 254972 254973 Jay D. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Jessie C. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John H. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John J. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John P. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John W. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Joseph Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Joseph J. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Josephine Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Rev. Josiah A. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, Julia Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Additions and Corrections. 115^^/ 254974, Julia M. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254975- Julian W. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254976. J. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254977. Mrs. Kate Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254978. Mrs. Kathie Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254979. Kitty Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254980. Laura Mack. Widow of Charles. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254981. Lauretta K. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254982. Mrs. Lizzie Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254983. Louis H. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254984. Louis H. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254985. Lulu Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254986. Maggie Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254987. Maggie Mack. Widow of John. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254988. Margaret Mack. Widow of Charles J. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254989. Mary Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254990. Mary Mack. Widow of D, Residence, 1894, Chi- cago, 111. 254991. Mary Mack. Widow of John. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254992. Mary Mack. Widow of John. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111, • 254993, Mary K. Mack. Physician. Residence, 1894, Chi- cago, 111, 254994. Matthew Mack, Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254995. M, Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254996. M. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. ii58r History of the Mack Family. 254997. MoLLiE J. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254998. MoRiTz Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 254999. Nancy J. Mack. Widow of Benjamin R. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255000. Oscar L. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255001. Peter Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255002. P. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255003- Robert Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255004. Robert W. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255005. Rose C. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255006. Sofie Mack. Widow of James. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255007. S. Mack. P. O. Clerk. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255008. Theodor Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255009. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255010. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 25501 1. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255012. Thomas Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255013. Thomas W. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255014. William Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255015. William Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255016. William B. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255017. William C. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255018. William C. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111, 255019. William E. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255020. William J. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255021. William M. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255022. William S. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Additions and Corrections. 1158s 255025. Prof. Ezra Jones Peck. He was born Dec. 19, 1S30. He married, March 31, 1856, Annie L. Bartlett (daughter of Dr. John Bartlett and Ann Lingan of Hartford, Conn.). She was born July 31, 1830. Mason. Member of G. A. R. 1st Lieut., Troop D., 8th Regt. N. Y. Cavalry Vols. They have one son and five daughters. One daughter married a VanHeusen. my, 255030- 1855-8- 255931- Eli T. Mack. Principal of Guilford, Conn., Acade- Frank Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255932. Frank Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255933. Frank D. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255934- Frank P. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255935. Franz Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255936. Frederick D. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255937. Frederick VV. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255938. Frederika Mack. Widow of Gottlieb. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255939. George Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255940. George L. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago. 111. 255941. George W. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255942. Gottlieb H. Mack, Jr. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111- 255943. Gustavus F. Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, Jll. 255944. Harry Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255945. Harry Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255946. Henry Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255947. Henry Mack. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 255950. John Mack. He settled at Irving, N. Y., in 1804. -55952- Willis John Abbott. (Waldo Abbott and Julia Holmes, John S. C. Abbott, historian.) He was born March 16, 1863, in New Haven, Conn. He graduated at University of Michi- gan, 1884. He married, in 1887, Marie A. Mack of Ann Arbor, Mich. Managing editor of Chicago Times, 1892-3. Writing editor 1158/ History of the Mack Family. of New York Journal, 1896-8. Democrat. Chairman Henry George Campaign Committee, New York, 1898. Manager Democratic Na- tional Press Bureau, presidential campaign, 1890. Magazine editor. Author. Address, 1901, Lotus Club, N. Y. City. 255954. Hon. George Washin(;ton Aldridge. He was born Dec. 28, 1856, in Michigan Citv. Ind. He was educated in Roches- ter Public Schools and Cary Military Institute. He married Mary Mack. As chairman of executive board had charge of fire and street departments of Rochester, 1884-94. Mayor of Rochester, N. Y., 1894. State Superintendent of Public Works by appointment of Gov. Morton and was re-appointed by Gov. Black. During second term had charge of construction, and brought to completion, new New York State Capitol. Member of Republican State Committee twelve years. Thirty-second degree Mason. 255955. Hon. James Edward RiDDiCK. (Edward Garrett and Harriet Ann Riddick.) He was born Aug. 29, 1849, in Fayette Co., Tenn. He graduated at Macon, Tenn., Academy, 1868, attended Lebanon, Tenn., Law School, and graduated at Michigan University Law School, 1872. He married, May 29, 1879, Emma Wade Mack of Gainesville, Ark. Lawyer at Gainesville, Ark. Prosecuting At- torney, 2nd Circuit Arkansas, 1876-8. Member of Arkansas Legis- lature, 1879. J"dg^ 2nd Circuit x'\rk., 1886-94. Judge of Supreme Court, Ark., since 1894. Address, 1901, Little Rock, Ark. 255960. Bazall Mack. Private, Lt. Col. Ebenezer Stevens' N. Y. Artillery Regt. in Rev. War. 255965. John Mack. Private, Col. Albert Pawling's N. Y. Regt. of Levies in Rev. War. 255970. John Mack. Private, Col. Levi Pawling's 3d Ulster Co., N. Y., Regt. in Rev. War. 255975. Daniel Mack. He married Agnes Holmes (daugh- ter of Nathaniel Holmes of Londonderry, N. H.). She was born June 4, 1755. She died Oct. 10, 1802. 255978. Rev. Sanders Mack. (Rev. Alexander.) Pastor of Dunker Church at Germantown, Pa., 1747. 255980. Mrs. R. E. Mack. Author of Court Circles of the Republic (Hartford, 1869). Dey History. LAWRENCE DEY OF NEW YORK CITY. (1639. FOURTH GENERATION. 261000. James Dey. (James^, John^ Lawrence'.) 85450. He was born July 12, 1706. Dinah Tillyer was born Dec. 2, 1703. (It was another James Dey whose will is mentioned as of 1744 in 85450. The names of children after his name are not the children of 85450.) Children : 261001. James. Born Sept. 15, 1728. 85800. 261002. Dinah. Born Oct. 25, 1730. 261003. William. Born Dec. 17, 1732. 264000. 261004. Mary. Born Feb. 19, 1734. Died. 261005. Peter. Born Sept. 10, 1736. 261006. Sarah. Born Sept. 20, 1739. 261007. John. Born Dec. 28, 1741. 261008. Benjamin. Born May 9, 1744. Died. 261009. Elizabeth. Born March 11, 1747. Died April 4, 1747. FIFTH GENERATION. 264000. William Dey. (James'', James^, John^ Lawrence'.) 261003. 105880. He was born Dec. 17, 1732. He married (mar- riage license July i, 1756) Hannah Perrine. Child : 264001. William. Born in 1757. 268100. ii6o History of the Dey Family. SIXTH GENERATION. 268000. Lewis Dey. (James^, JamesS James^ John% Law- rence'.) 90000. The baptismal records of Christ Church, Shrews- bury, N. J., state that he was baptized May 7, 1758. He owned a splendid farm in Princess Anne Co., Va. He had three children by his first wife, William Bates, Mary and Diana, and five children by his second wife. He died Oct. 25, 1816. Children : 268001. William Bates. 95000. 270000. 268002. Mary. Unmarried. 268003. Diana. She did not accompany her father to Virginia but re- mained with her aunt, Miss Sail}- Bates, at Middletown, N. J. Unmarried. 268004. Fanny. 268005. Catherine. 268006. Sally. 268007. John H. 268008. James. 268100. William Dey. (William^, James", James^ John-, Law- rence'.) 264001. He was born in 1757. He married, during Rev. War, Margaret Perrine (daughter of Capt. Peter Perrine and Sarah Scanlen). Private, Capt. Peter Perrine's Company in Rev. War. Their three children were baptized in Christ Church, Shrewsbury, N.J. Children : 26810 1. Dinah. Born Nov. i, 1761. 106260. 268102. John. Born June 9, 1765. 268103. Rebecca. Born June 21, 1767. SEVENTH GENERATION. 270000. William Bates Dey. (Lewis*, James^, James"*, James^ Jan^, Laurens'.) 95000. 268000. He was born April 11, 1780, at Shrewsbury, N. J. He married, April 9, 1807, Susan Sprathey (daughter of Richard Sprathey, born in 1741, died July 3, 1844, and Sarah Sprathey, born in 1755, died in 1828). She was born March 15, 1790. He died between 1828 and 1833. She married (2nd), May 20, 1834, Willoughby Whitehurst of Princess Anne Co., Va., who died May 31, 1835. Eighth Generation. ii6i Children : 270001. Lewis. Born Jan. 22, 180S. Died before April 11, 1816. 270002. William. Born Dec. 22, 1S09. 275000. 270003. David. Born Feb. 28, 1812. 270004. Josephs. Born Jan. 28, 1814. 275020. 270005. Lewis R. Born April 11, 1816. Died before March 22, 1824. 270006. Benjamin Sprathey. Born April 28, 1818. 275030. 270007. John Bates. Born March 12, 1820. 275050. 270008. James W. D. Born Feb. 25, 1S22. 270009. Lewis C. Born March 22, 1824. 275060. 270010. Charles S. Born Nov. 7, 1826. 270011. Ira C. Born March 20, 1828. EIGHTH GENERATION. 275000. William Dey. (William Bates", Lewis*, James=, |ames\ James^ Jan^ Laurens'.) looooo. 270002. He married, Dec. 20, 1832, Margaret Walters (daughter of Capt. George Walters, a sea captain, and Frances his wife. The Walters family were Huguenots.). She was born July 19, 18 16. He died Jan. 4, 1857. She died June 4, 1890. Children : 275001. Mary Frances. Married Charles Elliott Wortham. 280000. 275002. George Walters. 280020. 275003. William B. Born Sept. 23, 1838. Died Aug. i, 1849. 275004. James B. 280040. 275^05. Margaret Walters. Married Nathaniel Burrus. 103000. 275006. Walter Howell. Born in 1848. Died in 1S65. 275007. William Tiberius. 280050. 275008. Emma. Married Col. Camillus Albert Nash. 280060. 275020. Joseph S. Dey. (William Bates', Lewis^ James^, James'*, James^ John% Lawrence'.) 270004. He was born Jan. 28, 181 4. He married, in 1836, Elizabeth Robinson of Currituck Co., N. C. She died in 1865. He died Nov. 11, 1868. Children : 275021. Appolos O. 280080. 275022. David. 280100. 275030. Benjamin Sprathey Dey. (William Bates^ Lewis* James^, James"*, James^ John"", Lawrence'.) 270006. He married 1 1 62 History of the Dey Family. in 1828, Mary Ballentine of Currituck Co., Va. He died in 1865. She died in 1896. Residence, Currituck Co., Va. Children : 275031. Alice H. Married ( 1st), Caleb White. 2S0150. Married ( 2nd), in 1874, Ryland C. White. 275032. Mary Louisa. Married William Baxter. 280160. 275033. W^illiani. Married Mar}- C. Whorf of Philadelphia, Pa. 275034. Benjamin S. 280180. 275035. Elizabeth Ann. Married Joshua A. Moore. 280200. 275036. Stella R. Married Charles H. Ferribee. 280220. 275050. John Bates Dey. (William Bates^ Lewis*, James^ James^ James^ John'', Lawrence',) 270007. He was born March 12, 1820. He married Ellen Clarke. 275060. Lewis C. Dey. (William Bates", Lewis*, James^, James", James^ John"", Lawrence'.) 270009. He married, in 1850, Lucy Armistead of Matthews Co., Va. Children : 275061. Lewis C. Married Georgie Barnard. He died in Texas. 275062. Charles A. Died in 1886. 275063. Charles J. 275064. Lucy C. Died young. 275065. W^adsworth. 280240. 275066. William Walters. 280260. 275067. Caroline. Died in 1900. NINTH GENERATION. 280000. Charles Elliott Wortham. 100002. He married Mary Frances Dey. 100002. 275001. She died Jan. 13, 1886. Residence, Richmond, Va. Children : 280001. Charles E. 280002. Fannie B. 280003. Margaret D. 280004. Lillie. 280020. Capt. George Walters Dey. (William^ William Bates^, Lewis*, James^ James'', James^ John=, Lawrence'.) 100003. CAPTAIN GEORGE WALTERS DEY MRS. EMMA DEY NASH Ninth Generation. 1163 275002. He married, Nov. 7, 1859, Mary Jane Toy of Norfolk, Va. Residence, 1902, Norfolk, Va. Children : 280021. George D. 280022. Fannie L. 280023. Mary W. 280024. Annie W. 280025. Walter H. Deputy Collector of Customs. (No. 100006 did not hold the office. ) 280026. Calvert R. 280027. Margaret C. 280028. William M. 280040. James B. Dey. (William^ William Bates', Lewis^ James^ James\ James\ John-, Lawrence'.) 100004. 275004. He married, Oct. i, 1867, Georgie Powell Hill (niece of Gen. A. P. Hill, C. S. A.). Children : 280041. Walter R. 285000. 280042. Louise W. Married, April 15, 1896, Joseph E. Norsworthy of Petersburg, Va. 280043. William. 280044. Ella. Died in 1891. 280045. Clarence M. 280046. James B. 280050. William Tiberius Dey. (William*, William Bates^ Lewis^, James^, James"*, James^ John-, Lawrence'.) 100005. 275007. He married, Jan. 10, 1882, Sally C. Borum of Portsmouth, Va. He died April 25, 1894. Children : 280051. Sue C. 280052. Sally. 280053. Margaret. 280054. William. 280060. Col. Camillus Albert Nash. He married, June 8, 1876, Emma Dey. 100007. 275008. Colonel, 4th Regt. Va. Vols., C. S. A., in Civil War. Residence, 1902, Norfolk, Va. 1164 History of the Dey Family. Children : 280061. Camillus Albert. Born April 26, 1877. Died April 11, 1899. 280062. Emma Dey. 280063. Daisy Camilla. 280064. William Herbert. 280080. Appolos O. Dey. (Joseph S.^ William Bates", Lewis^ James^ James^ James^, John^ Lawrence'.) 275021. 106395. 107285- He married, in 1862, Missouri Ferribee of Currituck Co., N. C. Children : 280081. Elizabeth. Married, in 1881, A. B. Williams. 280082. Mary J. Married Samuel F. Williams. She died in 1892. 280083. Lulu A. Married Rev. J. C. Jones. 280084. Maud E. Married, in 1896, S. A. Doxey. 280085. Joseph. 280086. Alice. 280087. Rosalie. Died in 1896. 280100. David Dey. (Joseph S.^ William Bates', Lewis^ James^, James^ James^ John^ Lawrence'.) 275022. He married Mrs. Mary B. (Daneker) Dameron of Baltimore, Md. He died Nov. 27, 1872. She died April 21, 1883. Child : 280101. David. 285020. 280150. Caleb White. He married, in Sept., 1866, Alice H. Dey. 275031. Children : 280151. Lilly. Born in 1S67. Died in 1867. 280152. Benjamin Dey. 280160. William Baxter. He married, in 1867, Mary Louisa Dey. 275032. Children ; 280161. Eva. Died in 1890. 280162. Joshua. 280163. Jerome. Died June r, 1894. 280164. William. Married, in 1896, Louisa Hudgins. 280165. Catharine. 280166. Benjamin. Died in May, 1878. Ninth Generation. 1165 280180. Benjamin S. Dey. (Benjamin Sprathey^ William Bates", Lewis*, James^, James^ James^, John^ Lawrence'.) 275034. He married, in 1873, Elizabeth Mercer of Currituck Co., N. C. He died in Nov., 1879. She married (2nd), H. T. Philpots of Norfolk, Va. She died in 1888. Children : 280181. John. 280182. Thomas. 280183. Mary. 280184. Son. Died in Nov., 1879, and was buried with his father. 280200. Joshua A, Moore. He married, in 1878, Elizabeth Ann Dey. -275035. Residence, Princess Anne Co., Va. Children : 280201. Meta. 280202. Stella. 280203. Joshua. 280220. Charles H. Ferribee. He married, in 1878, Stella R. Dey. 275036. Children : 280221. Frank. 280222. Frederick 280223. Mary. 280224. Child. 280240. Wadsworth Dey. (Lewis C.^ William Bates^ Lewis^ James^ James^ James^ John^, Lawrence'.) 275065. He married, in 1879, Susan Lovitt. Children : 280241. William W. 280242. Edna. 280260. William Walters Dey. (Lewis C.^ William Bates^ Lewis*, James^, James^ James^ John^', Lawrence'.) 275066. He married, in 1888, Janie Whyte of Petersburg, Va. Children : 280261. Elizabeth W. 280262. Armistead. ii66 History of the Dey Family. TENTH GENERATION. 285000. Walter R. Dey. (James B.^, William", William Bates'', Lewis^ James^ James'', James^ John*, Lawrence'.) 280041. He married Linda Wright of Suffolk, Va. He died April 13, 1891. Child : 285001. Linda R. 285020. David Dey. (David', Joseph S.^ WilUam Bates^ Lewis^ James^ James^ James^ John-, Lawrence'.) 280101. He married Annie Daneker of Baltimore, Md. Children : 285021. Jessie. 285022. Margaret Frances. Appendix x:xi.--A. RECORDS OF VARIOUS PERSONS BEARING THE NAME OF DEY. 285100. Lawrence Dey, 1669. Jan Laurens Duyts, who left the town this year, was the son of Laurens Duyts, nick-named Great Shoe, a Dane, b. in Holstein in 1610. The father was banished by Stuyvesant, an easy thing for him to do, and seldom wisely done, but Duyts' case would seem to have been an exception. He died at Bergen, Jan. 14, 1668, leaving two sons, Jan and Hans. Kuyter stood as godfather for both at their baptism. Hans was born in 1644 and lived at Harlem in 1667. His daughter Catharine, born in 1674, married, in 1688, Joost Paulding from Cassant, Holland, who went to Westchester and was the ancestor of John Paulding, one of Andre's captors ; also of Gen. William Paulding, formerly Mayor of New York. Jan Duyts bore a good name at Harlem and did not deserve the taunt uttered one day by Jeanne de Ruine in presence of Morris Peterson, "You schelm, loop by you vaar Deen." "You villain, run to your father Dane." Morris testified that Jan said nothing to provoke it. He was then twenty years old and the same year, Nov. 22, 1662, bought of Lubbert Gerritsen the house and bouwery formerly of Matthys Boon, engaging to pay for it 300 gl. He sold out the next year and Resolved Waldron soon after got this property. In 1667 Duyts was working for Gerritsen aforesaid and married that year; but on Jan. 8, 1669, he leased a farm at Dutch Kills from John Parcell and lived there when he married a second time in 1673. His wives were Jeannetie Jeuriaens, from Bois le Due, and Neeltie Adriaens, from Breda; the last married, in 1679, Hen- drick VanDyck of New Utrecht. Duyts left some property to his two children, Laurens and Annetie. 1663, Jan Laurens and others ii66b History of the Dey Family. signed address to Director General and Council of New Netherlands about payment for lands. Jan Laurens Duyts, Dane. Residence, 1 66 1, Harlem, Manor of Morisvania, New York. Dec. 14, 1666, Jan Duyts, defendant with Lubbert Gerritson ; Johannes Buys, plain- tiff. 1667, Jan Lourens Duyts paid excise on beer. Nov. 22, 1662, Jan Laurens Duyts bought land of Hubbert Gerritson. 1667, Hans Lourens paid excise on beer. 1667, Hans Laurens cited to appear in court. (All the above is from Riker's History of Harlem.) 285105. DiRCK SiECKEN, ALIAS Dey. April 18, 167 1, appointed Overseer of Highways by Mayor's Court on this and the other side of the French water. 285110. PiERSON Dey. Married, Jan. 31, 1803, Ann Kings- land. 285 1 1 1. Asa Dey. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 2851 15. Capt. Peter Perrine. (Peter.) He married Sarah Scanlon. Captain, 3d Battalion, Middlesex Co., N. J., Militia in Rev. War. Child : 2851 16, Rebecca. Married Captain John Dey. 285120. 285120. Capt. John Dey. He married Rebecca Perrine. 285 1 16. Captain, 2nd Regt. Middlesex Co., N. J., Militia in Rev. War. Child : 285121. Mary. Married David Baird Dey. 285140. 285140. David Baird Dey. (John Dey and Mary Baird.) He married Mary Dey. 285 121, Child : 285141, Enoch. 285160. 285160. Enoch Dey. He married Rebecca Ogborne. Child : 285161. Mary EHzabeth. Born in New Jersey. Married Harry Jenkin- son. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Hevolution. Appendix XXI. -A. ii66(: 285170. James Dey. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 285 17 1. Thomas Dey. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 285172. Ann Dey. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 285173. Anthony Dey. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 285174. Elias E. Dey. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 285175. Paul Dey. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 285180. Capt. Harry M. Dey. ist Lieut., 4th Regt. N. J. Infantry, June 30, 1898. Captain, Nov. 30, 1898. Honorably mus- tered out April 6, 1899. I St Lieut.. 43d Regt. U. S. Infantry, Aug. 17, 1899. Accepted, Aug. 26, 1899. Captain, Aug. 17, 1899. Ac- cepted, Sept. 18., 1899. 285185. Dr. Richard A. Varick. Physician. Bank Presi- dent. Residence, 1868, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 285190. Richard Dey. Private Secretary to John VV. Mackay, financier. Residence, 1902, SanFrancisco, Cal. 285200. Hon. Charles E. Wortham. He was born about 183 1 in Amherst Co., Va. He removed to Richmond, Va., when quite a young man. He was clerk in a book store and then entered the insurance business for himself. Secretary of Old Dominion In- surance Company. Member of Ambulance Corps during entire Civil War. After the war he returned to Richmond and entered the bank- ing and insurance business. Director in First National Bank and Union Savings Bank. He was a prominent Mason. President of Westmoreland Club. State Senator, 1873. He married (ist), Dey. He died May 27, 1896. 285210. Joseph A. Dey. He married, Jan. 30, 1890, Caroline Goldsmith Bostwick (daughter of Herman Bostwick and Hannah Bailey of Palmyra and Seneca, N. Y.). 285220. Herman VanVechten Bostwick. He was born Dec. I, 1841. He married, Sept. 25, 1867, Jane Dibble. She was born Sept. 28, 1847. Residence, 1902, Ithaca, N. Y. Children : 285221. Hermione Louise. Born Dec. 16, 1868. Died Jan. 13, 1869. 285222. Son. Born and died Dec. 16, 1868. ii66d History of the Dey Family. 285223. Charles Dibble. Born April 30, 1870. 285224. Sarah Isabel. Born June 15, 1873. 285225. Henry Montgomery. Born Dec. 6, 1877. 285230. Linden D. Dey. Born in Florida. Clerk in War Dept., U. S., at Chicago, 111., 1901. Appointed from Chicago. 285235. Miss Mary L. Dey. Born in Va. Employe of Freed- man's Hospital, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Norfolk Co., Va. 285240. Walter H. Dey. Born in N. J. Employe U. S. War Dept. on U. S. S. Gedney, 1901. Appointed from Middlesex Co., N. J. 285245. Col. John Paulding. He was born Dec. 30, 1819. 285250. Richard V. Dey. Postmaster, Wyocena, Columbia Co., Wis., 1901. 285251. Adam Dey. Postmaster, Spirit Lake, Ottertail Co., Minn., 1901. 285252. Cornelius Dey, Jr. Postmaster, Fairfield, Essex Co., N. J., 1901. 285253. Edwin J. Dey. Born in State of New York. Letter Carrier, Johnstown, Fulton Co., N. Y., 1901. 285254. George H. Dey. Born in Ohio. Clerk in Postoffice, Cleveland, Ohio, 1901. Appointed from Cleveland. 285255. Henry Dey. Postmaster, Varick, N. Y., 1901. 285256. John H. Dey. Postmaster, Belpre, Kan., 1901, 285257. A. O. Dey, Born in N. C. Employe Norfolk Navy Yard, 1901. Appointed from Carrituck Co., N. C. 285258. Miss Laura M. Dey. Born in N. J. Messenger, U. S. Weather Bureau, New Brunswick, N. J., 1901. 285260. Teunis Dey. Dec. 17th, 1777, N. J. Legislature ap- pointed commission to procure clothing for the N. J. Regiment Con- tinental Establishment. The two on commission from Bergen Co. were David Board and Teunis Dey. Appendix XXI. -A. ii66e 285270. Theunis Dey. Theunis Dey related to Ryerson family of Wayne, N. J., was an early arrival but later went to New York and became an influential citizen. (Clayton's Bergen and Passaic Counties, N. J.) 285280. William Dey. William Dey was one of the early names of Raritan, N. J. (Messler's Memorial Sermons.) 285290. John Dey. He and Daniel Van Ripen were sued in 1784 by the Earl of Casselis (son of Archibald Kennedy), for carry- ing away a frame and building material. They justified in the name of the corporation of Bergen. (See Winfield's History of Hudson County, N. J., Page 313.) 285300. Amos Dye. Soldier Middlesex Co. Regt., N. J., in Rev. War. 285301. Daniel Dye. Soldier Middlesex Co. Regt.. N. J-, in Rev. War. 285302. James Dye. Soldier Middlesex Co. Regt., N. J., in Rev. War. 285303. John Dye. Soldier Middlesex Co. Regt., N. J., in Rev. War. 285304. Joseph Dye. Soldier Middlesex Co., N. J., in Rev. War. 285305. Lawrence Dye. Soldier Middlesex Co. Regt., N. J., in Rev. War. 285306. Thomas Dye. Soldier Middlesex Co. Regt., N. J., in Rev. War. 285307. W. R, Dey. Private, Light Artillery Blues of Norfolk, Va., 1889. 285310. Joseph Dye. He gives deed May i, 1775, to William Conover of land in East Windsor, N. J. Residence, South Amboy, N.J. 285320. John Dye, He and Mary Dye were among the seven- teen original members of Baptist Church at Cranbury, N. J., in 1745. -85325- Nehemiah Dey. He was one of Trustees of Baptist Church at Cranbury, N. J., 1786. 1166/" History of the Dey Family. 285330. Thomas Dev. Ruling elder of Baptist Church at Cranbury, N. J., elected June 8, 1798; Deacon, elected April 16, 1785- 285335. Thomas M. Dey. Deacon of Baptist Church at Cranbury, N. J., elected May 27, 1876; Trustee, 1882. 285340. Dr. a. H. Dey. Physician. Residence, 1882, East Windsor, N. J. 285345. J. Dey. Residence. 1857, Hightstown, N. J. 285350. E. Dey. Residence, 1857, Hightstown, N. J. 285360. Henry Dye. Chosen Freeholder, 1823-4, at West Windsor, N. J. 285365. Vincent Dye. Chosen Freeholder, 1825, at West Windsor, N. J. 285370. Eli Dye. Chosen Freeholder, 1837-43; 1851-9, at West Windsor, N. J. 285375. David S. Dye. Assessor, 1840-2; 1844, at West Windsor, N. J. 285380. Henry Dye. Collector, 1803-37, at West Windsor, N.J. 285385. David S. Dye. Member of School Committee, 1832- 45, Superintendent of Schools, 1856, at West Windsor, N. J. 285390. Ralph Conover. He married Rachel Dye of West Windsor, Mercer Co., N. J. Residence, 1882, Trenton, N. J. 285395. Richard Conover. He married Margaret Dye of West Windsor, N. J. Residence, 1882, Cranberry, N. J. Children : 285396. Dye. 285397. Disbrow. 285398. Baxter. 285399. Voorhees. 285410. Eli Dey. Director in West Windsor, N. J., Mutual Fire Insurance Association, 1857. 285415. Thomas F. Dye. Member of Township Committee, 1852-4; 1856, Hamilton Township, Mercer Co., N. J. Appendix XXI. -A. ii66^ 285420. George C. Dye. Member of Township Com., 1873, Hamilton, N. J. 285425. Dye. Thie Dyes of Hamilton, N. J., are descendants of Henrv Dye who lived on the farm owned in 1882 by Joseph Bowers. 285430. Enoch Dey. Councilman, 1858-60; 1864-5; 1868- 9, E. Windsor Township, Mercer Co., N. J. 285435. Henry Dey. Councilman, 1874 and 1876, E. Wind- sor, N. J. 285440. Lt. Voorhees Dye. Lieut., Co. B., ist Regt. N. J. Cavalry Vols. Residence, E. Windsor, N. J. 285450. John Dey. Assessor, 185 1-3, E. Windsor, N. J. 285455. Amos Dey. He married, Feb. 2, 1778, Mary Cham- berlain. Residence, Monmouth Co., N. J. 285456. David Dey. He married, Feb. 2, 1778, Sarah Neafie. Residence, Bergen Co., N. J. 285457. James Dey. He married, Nov. 24, 1760, Margaret Rue of Middlesex Co., N. J. Residence, Monmouth Co., N. J. 285458. Philip Dey. He married, Sept. 7, 1780, Jane Post. Residence, Bergen Co., N. J. 285459. Tunis Dey. He married, Dec. 12, 1749, Hester Schuyler. Residence, Bergen Co., N. J. 285460. William Dey. He married, July i, 1756, Hannah Perine. Residence, South Amboy, N. J. 285461. William Dey. He married, Jan, 16, 1764, Jane Mason of Monmouth Co., N. J, Residence, Middlesex Co., N. J. 285462. Vincent Dey, He married, Oct, 12, 1775, Phebe Hoogland of Sussex Co., N, J. Residence, Middlesex Co., N.J. 285463. John Duncan. He married, Jan. 15, 1773, Ann Dey. Residence, Middlesex Co., N. J. 285464. James Jobs. He married, Oct, 16, 1762, Barshabe Dey, Residence, Monmouth Co., N. J. ii66h History of the Dey Family. 285465. William Hillyer. He married, April 21, 1755, Dinah Dey of Monmouth Co., N. J. Residence, New York. 285466. Aaron Schuyler. He married, Oct. 9, 1784, Esther Dey. Residence, BurHngton, N. J. 285467. John Neafie. He married, June 18, 1762, Lena Dey. Residence, Bergen Co., N. J. 285468. Lewis Pearces. He married, March 29, 1759, Mary Dey. Residence, Cranberry, N. J. 285469. JoRis BusKiRK. He married, March 29, 1748, EHza- beth Die. Residence, Bergen Co., N. J. 285470. John Varick. He married, May 23, 1749, Jain Die. Residence, Bergen Co., N. J. 285471. William Johnson. He married, Aug. 5, 1775, Han- nah Perrine. Residence, Perth Amboy, N. J. 285472. James Dye, Jr. He married, Jan. 17, 1750, Margaret Perrine. Residence, Monmouth Co., N. J. 285500; Walter Dey. (His Dey ancestors resided on the Dey road near Cranberry, N. J. He had three brothers, George, Charles and Isaac Dey.) He married Maggie Gleason. Children : 285501. Lizzie. 2S5502. Maggie. 285.503. Walter. 285504. Frank. 285505. Charles. 285506. Isaac. 285520. George Dey. (Brother of Walter Dey.) He married Annie Carson. Residence, 1902, Princeton, N. J. Children : 285521. Bessie. 285522. Alice. 285523. Mildred, 285524. Helen. 285525. Lester. Appendix XXI. -A. ii66z 285530. Charles Dey. (Brother of George and Walter Dey.) He was born in 1837. He married Cornelia Barnes. She died in Aug., 1887. Residence, 1902, York, Pa. Children : 285531. Virginia. 2S5532. Enoch. 285533. WilHani. Residence, 1902, York, Pa. 285540. Isaac Dey. (Brother of Charles, George and Walter Dey.) Soldier in Civil War. Died from wounds received in the service. 28555°- Dey. Descendant of Richard' Dey of New York City. His Dey ancestors removed from New Jersey to New York City, and from there to New Pakz, Ulster Co., N. Y. Among his near relatives was an Andrew Dey or Deyo. He married. His will was witnessed by Hezekiah Mount. Children : 285551. Daniel. Born in 1778. 285580. 285552. Clarissa. Born April 3, 1782. Married Thomas Prnyn. 285600. 285580. Daniel Dey. 285551. He was born in 1778. He married, April 30, 1798, Nettie Quackenbush of Fonda, N. Y. Children : 285581. William. Born Nov. 22, 1800. Sponsors William Dye and Lawrence Ouackenbnsh. 285582. Lydia. Married J. Davis. 285583. Susan. 285584. Rachel. Married Peter Prnyn . 285602. 2855S5. Peter. 285586. Pruyn. 285600. Thomas Pruyn. He married, Nov. 16, 1796, Clarissa Dey. 285552. Residence, Fonda, Montgomery Co., N. Y. Children : 285601. David. Born July 31, 1797. Sponsors Henry Salsburg and Elizabeth Pruyn, his wife. 285602. Peter. Born March 25, 1799. Married, Sept. 15, 1825, Rachel Dey. 285584. 285603. John D. Born June 18, 1801, at Fonda, N. Y. 285604. Daniel Dey. Born Oct. 16, 1804. Bapt. June 16, 1805, in Dutch Church in Glen, Montgomery Co., N. Y. 285620. ii66/ History of the Dey Family. 285620. Daniel Dey Pruyn. (Thomas.) 285604. He was born Oct. 16, 1804. He married, at Utica, N. Y., Ann J. Ward of Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y. She was born April 18, 1816. She died there April 28, 1884. Residence, Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y. Children : 285621. William Thomas. Born April 11, 1S31. Married, in 1853, Hattie Cossett, of Vernon, N. Y. 285622. Elizabeth. Born March 15, 1S36, at Vernon. Married, in 1857, Warren Lony, of Cleveland, Oswego Co., N. Y. She died Nov. 24, 1S82, at Little Falls, N. Y. 285623. Ella J. Born Dec. 8, 1845, in Verona Township, N. Y. Mar- ried William Motsiff. 285640. 285640. William Motsiff. (George and Affie Motsiff.) He married, Jan. 6, 1868, Ella J. Pruyn. 285623. She resides, 1902, 311 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y. ChUd : 285641. Frederick Pruyn. Born Sept. i, 1869, at Vernon, N. Y. 285650. Benjamin Dey. (James.) 105675. He married. Children : 285651. John B. Born June 13, 1775. 285652. Dinah. 106260. 285653. James. 285700. John B. Dey. (Benjamin.) 106270. He married Hannah Dey. 106285. (John Dey had no daughter Sarah.) He died in 1828. Residence, Englishtown, Middlesex Co., N. J. Children : 285701. Benjamin. Born Jan. i, 1797. 285702. John Woodhull. Born March 7, 1799. 285703. Elias Covenhoven. Born June 14, 1S03. Residence, 1827, N. Y. City. 285704. Maria Baird. Born June 14, 1803. 285705. Dinah. Born Oct. 7, 1815. Residence, 1827, Dorset. 285750. John Woodhull Dey. (John B.=, Benjamin'.) He was born March 7, 1799. He married, Nov. 10, 1823, Mary Ayres. Residence, Englishtown, N. J. Child : 285751. John Henry. Born Feb. 2, 1828, Residence, 1902;. Belpre, Edwards Co., Kan. Appendix XXI. -A. ii66k 285760. Hon. William Irving, M.C. (William Irving and Sarah Saunders, daughter of John Saunders, Esq., of Falmouth, England. Magnus Irving.) 90625. He married Julia Paulding. 286523. Merchant in New York City. He was concerned with his brother, Washington Irving, and James K. Paulding, in writing for Salmagundi. Residence, N. Y. City and Tarrytown. N. Y. Children : 285761. Lewis Graham. State Inspector of Sing Sing Prison, 1S40. Married a Hale. Children: r. Lewis. 2. Charles. 285762. Rev. William Saunders. Protestant Episcopal minister. Died in 1823. 285763. Oscar. Married (ist), Miss Dayton ; (2nd), Eliza Romeyn, a widow. Residence, Tarrytown, N. Y. 285764. Pierre Munroe. 285800. 285765. Henr}- Ogden. Residence, Tarrytown, N. Y. 285766. Julia. Married Moses H. Grinnell. 285840. 285800. Pierre Munroe Irving, Esq. (William% WilHanr, Magnus'.) 285764. He was born in 1803. He graduated at Col- umbia College, 1821. He married (ist), Miss Berdau ; ((2nd), his cousin, Helen Dodge (daughter of Gen. Richard Dodge). Lawyer. Author of Life and Letters of Washington Irving. He died Feb. 1 1, 1876, in New York City. 285840. Hon. Moses Hicks Grinnell, M.C. (Cornelius.) He was born March 3, 1803, in New Bedford, Mass. He went to New York City at age of eighteen years. He married, in 1836, Julia Irving. 285766. Shipping merchant in New York City. His firm owned fifty vessels prior to Civil War. Member of Congress, 1839- 41. Presidential Elector, 1856. Collector of Port of New York, 1869-70. Member of Union Defense Committee of New York City. President of New York Chamber of Commerce, 1843-53. President of Phoenix Bank, 1838, and several years after. President of Union League Club, 1867-73. President of New England Society. Com- missioner of Charities and Correction. Commissioner of Central Park. Member of LT. S. Sanitary Commission. He was a generous contribi'.or to Kane's Arctic Expedition in 1853. Trustee of New York University. He died Nov. 24, 1877. in N. Y. City. ii66/ History of the Dey Family. Children : 285841. Irving. Born Aug. 9, 1839. Graduated at Columbia College, 1859. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Treasurer of Church Temperance Society. Married Joanna Dorr Rowland (daughter of Gardiner G. Rowland and Louisa Meredith). Member of New York Yacht Club and Hudson River Ice Yacht Club. Residence, N. Y. City. 285S42. Daughter. Married George Sullivan-Bovvdoin. 285843. Daughter. Married Thomas F. Cushing of Boston. 285900. George Sullivan-Bowdoin. (George Richard Suhi- van, who assumed the name of George Richard James Bowdoin, and Frances Hamilton, daughter of James Alexander Hamilton, son of Hon. Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of U. S. Treasury, and Eliza Schuyler, daughter of Gen. Philip Schuyler of Rev. War. G. J. Sulli- van, who graduated at U. S. Military Academy, 1825, was son of Gov. James Sullivan of Mass. G. S. Bowdoin is a descendant of both Govs. Winthrop, Gov. James Bowdoin and Sir William Temple.) He was born Sept. 25, 1833, in New York City. He married Julia Irving Grinnell. 285842. Banker. Member of firm of Morton, Bliss & Co., and later of J. P. Morgan & Co. President of several railroads. Member of New York Stock Exchange. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Treasurer and Director of Metropolitan Opera and Real Estate Company. Member of Chamber of Commerce, Society of Sons of American Revolution, Union, Union League, Metropolitan, Tuxedo, Knickerbocker and other clubs, American Fine Arts Society and Metropolitan Museum of Arts. Office, 23 Wall St. Residence, 39 Park Ave., N. Y. City. Children : 2^5901. Daughter. 285902. Temple. Born July 24, 1S63. 286000. 286000. Temple Bowdoin. (George Sullivan-Bowdoin.) 285902. He was born July 24. 1863, at Irvington, N. Y. He graduated at Columbia College, 1885. Member of firm of J. Pierpont Morgan & Co., bankers. Member of Metropolitan and University Clubs, New England Society, New York Yacht Club, and Society of Sons of American Revolution. Office, 23 Wall St. Residence, 139 East 37th St., N. Y. City. Appendix XXI. -A. ii66m 286200. Charles Dey Johnson. (Ben.) He died March 31, 1903, in tlie City of Mexico. 286300. JoosT Paulding. 85125. He came from Cassant, Holland. He married (ist), March 16, 1688, Catharina Jans Duyts. 85023. He married (2nd), in 1709, Sophia, widow of Theunis Krankheit, at Phillipse Manor, N. Y. He resided for a time at East- chester, Westchester Co., N. Y., and removed to Phillipse Manor. In August, 1 7 10, he expressed to the Dutch Church of Tarrytown — the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow — a desire to remove with his family to New York City, which was granted, with a commendation of his record as Deacon and Treasurer, both of which offices he held in 1 7 12 and 17 13. His children were all baptized at the Dutch Church of New York City. Children : 2S6301. Abraham. Bapt. April 7, 16S9. Died young. 286302. Lysbetb. Bapt. April 24, 1692. 2S6303. Maria. Bapt. Feb. 24, 1695. Married, April 29, 1713, William Forbosch. >'^5520. 286304. Abraham. Bapt. May 23, 1697. Married, March 25, 1720, Maria Cousyn. 85500. 286305. Catharine. Bapt. June 11, 1699. Married, Nov. 26, 1720, Gys- bert Uitenbogert. S5530. 2S6306. Margarita, Bapt. Oct. 12, 1701. Died young. 286307. Margarita. Bapt. Sept. 5, 1703. Married, Nov. 13, 1726, Jan Uitenbogert. 85540. 286308. Joseph. Bapt. Nov. 3, 170S. 286400. 286400. Joseph Paulding. (Joost.) 85575. 286308. He was baptized Nov. 3, 1708. He married Susanna White. He re- sided in New York until about 1753, in which year he and his wife were entered as members of the Tarrytown Church. His homestead was at the present East View, some two miles east of Tarrytown, N. Y. His will was executed Sept. 17, 1782 ; proved Feb. 12, 1787 ; mentions sons, William, Joseph, Peter and John. Children : 286401. Joseph. Bapt. .\pril 22, 1733. 286500. 286402. William. Bapt. Dec. 7, 1735. 286520. 2S6403. Abraham. Bapt. Sept. 24, 1738. 286404. Peter. Bapt Nov. 3, 1742. Died young. 286405. Catharine. Bapt. Sept. 30, 1744. 2S64(j6. Peter. Bapt. Nov. 9, 1746. Died young. ii66n History of the Dey Family. 286407. Peter. Bapt. Nov. 8, 1749. 286540. 286408. John. Born Jan. 28, 1755. Private, Capt. Glode Requa's Co. in Rev. War, stationed at Bedford, Yorktown and Phillipsburg. Unmarried. Died in 1847 at Mt. Pleasant. 286500. Joseph Paulding. (Joseph-, Joost'.) 85900. 85940. 286401. He was baptized April 22, 1733. He married, Nov. 12, 1757, Sarah Gardenier. Supervisor of Phillipsburg. 1778. Private, Capt. George Comb's Co. in Rev. War. Children : 286501. John. Born Oct. 16, 1758. 286800. 286502. William. Bapt. Feb. 4, 1761, in New York. 286503. Susanna. Bapt. Oct. 5, 1763, in New York. Married, Jan. 11, 1 789, Henry King. 286504. Abraham. Bapt. April 16, 1771, at Tarry town. 286505. Peter. Born May 12, 1774. Bapt. July 7, 1774. 286506. Joseph. Married, July 20, 1795, Sarah Seeley. 286520. Hon. William Paulding. (Joseph-, Joost'.) 85925. 90500. 286402. He was baptized Dec. 7, 1735. He married, July 25, 1762, Catharine Ogden of New Jersey. He died Feb. 10, 1825, at Tarry town, N. Y. Children : 286521. Catharine. Born June i, 1764. 286522. Henrietta. Born Oct. 9, 1766. Married Captain John Requa. 286900. 286523. Julia. Born Aug. 10, 1768. Married William Irving. 90625. 285760. 286524. William. Born March 7, 1770, at Tarry town. Mayor of New York City. Adjutant General of New York State. Brigadier General of Militia. Member of Congress. He was at one time owner of L3-ndhurst. Miss Helen Gould's estate at Irvington, N. Y. Died Feb. 11, 1854, at Tarry town. 95350. 286525. Joseph. Born Feb. 29, 1772. 286526. Susanna. Born Feb. 28, 1774. 286527. Nathaniel. Born May 18, 1776. 28652S. James Kirke. Born Aug. 22, 1778, at Nine Partners, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Married Gertrude Kemble. U. S Secretary of Navy. Author. Died April 6, i860, at Hyde Park, N. Y. 90600. 286529. Euphemia. Born July 9, 17S1. Married, Dec. i. 1799, Leonard Decline. 286540. Peter Paulding. (Joseph^, Joost'.) 286407. He was baptized Nov. S, 1749. He married, Aug. 19, 1787. Jane Fow- Appendix XXI. -A. ii66c' ler (daughter of Reuben Fowler of Peekskill, N. Y.). Private and Ensign in Rev. War. The joint will of Peter Paulding and his brother, John Paulding, dated June 3, 1835, described the testators as of Mt. Pleasant, N. Y., and gave their estate to Jane, wife of Peter Paulding, and to John Paulding and Susanna E. Conway, the children of Peter Paulding. The will was probated Nov. 10, 1847, and the citation which was served on the following, as "heirs of and next of kin to John Paulding, late of Mt. Pleasant, deceased :" William Paulding, Jr.; Henrietta Requa, widow; Henry Ogden Irving ; Maria, wife of Frederick Paulding ; Catharine and Alexander Paulding of Greenburgh ; James C. Hale; Josephine, wife of William Woods; Joseph Paulding ; Samuel Paulding ; William Conway and Charles W. Conw^ay, the latter minors, of Mt. Pleasant, N. Y.; Caleb Pauld- ing of Peekskill ; Lewis G. Irving and Maria, his wife, of Yonkers, N. Y.; Nancy, wife of Robert Palmer, of White Plains, N. Y.; Na- thaniel Paulding; James K. Paulding; Oscar Irving ; Pierre Irving ; Julia, wife of Moses H. Grinnell ; Euphemia, wife of Jotham Foun- tain ; Euphemia Decline; Euphemia, wife of John Cashion, and George W. Paulding of New York ; Charlotte, wife of John Chaddle of Albany, N. Y.; Abraham Paulding of Dutchess Co., N. Y.; Hiram Paulding; Joseph Paulding; John Paulding, Jr., and Joseph Pauld- ing, sons of John Paulding, deceased. The will of Jane Paulding, widow, probated Aug. 16, 1845, mentions only grandsons named below, children of deceased daughter. Children : 286541 . John. 286542. Susanna. Married a Conway. Children : t. William Henry Conway. 2. Charles W. Conway. 286800. Maj. John Paulding. (Joseph^ Joseph^ Joost'.) 90525. 286501. He was born Oct. 16, 1758, at the Paulding homestead near Tarrytown, N. Y. He married (ist), April2i, 1781, Sarah Tidd of Salem, N. Y. She was born April 5, 1767. She died Oct. 23, 1789. He married (2nd), Nov. 18, 1790, Esther Ward (daughter of Caleb Ward). She was born April i, 1768. She died March 6, 1804. He married (3rd), Hester Denike (daughter of Isaac Denike of Peekskill). She was born in 1784. She married for her second husband, Elisha Serrine of Scrub Oak. She died Oct. 27, 1855. He, with David Williams and Isaac Van Wart, captured Major 1166/) History of the Dey Family. Andre in the Rev. War. For some years after his marriage he re- sided on a farm on the Crompound road, three miles east of Peeks- kill. He later removed to Lake Mohegan, Westchester Co., N. Y., where he died Feb. i8, 1818. Children : 286801. Sarah. Died young. 286802. Nancy. Born Sept. 12, 1786. Married, Sept 15, 1805, Nathan Dusenbury. She died Aug. 30, 1863. 286803. Elizabeth. Born Sept. 12, 17S6. Died Sept. 13, 1792. 286S04. George Washington. Born in 1789. Died young. 286805. James. Mentioned in father's will. Removed to Louisiana. 2S6806. Sarah. Married John Hyatt. 286S07. Hiram. Born Dec. 11, 1797, in N. Y. City. Rear-Admiral U. S. Navy. Died Oct. 20, 1878. 95400. 286808. George. Married twice. Residence, N. Y. City. 286809. John. Mentioned in father's will. Removed to Louisiana. 95425- 286810. Susanna. Mine when father executed will. 28681 1. Mary. Born April 19, 1802. Died March 23, 1803. 2S6812. Caleb. Born Feb. S, 1804. Married Cornelia A. Conklin (daughter of John Conklin of Yorktown). Died May 3, 1890. 286813. Joseph. Married Martha Ehnendorf of Kingston. 286814. Isaac. 286815. Phebe. Born in Oct., 1808. Married Thomas J. Darling. She died June 16. 1843. 286816. Mary. Born March 31, 1812. Married Henry J. Hallock of Yorktown. She died March 20, 1S83. 286817. Hannah A. Born in July, 1S12. Married Henry W. Ingersoll. She died Feb. 27, 1850. 286818. Elijah. Born Feb. 8, 18 1 4. Died June 26, 1832. 286819. vSamuel. Married Elizabeth Cooper of Kingston. 286820. Leonard. Unmarried. Died. 286821. Pierre VanCortlandt. Born Sept. 2, 181S. Married Susan Travis (daughter of John Travis of Peekskill, N. Y.). 286900. Capt. John Requa. (Gloade^ Gloade=, Daniel Requa', who came from LaRochelle, France, to New Rochelle, N. Y., and removed afterwards to Tarrytown, N. Y.) He was born June 3, 1758. He married Henrietta Paulding. 286522. Lieutenant, Col. Drake's ist Regt. Westchester County Militia ; Captain and Adjutant, Col. Malcolm's Regt. Westchester Co. Levies in Rev. War. He died before Nov. 10, 1847. She was living Nov. 10, 1847. 286950. Hon. John Cashew. He married Euphemia Pauld- ing. 286540. Harbor Master of Port of Ne«v York, 1857-70. Appendix XXI.- A. ii66q 287000. William H. Paulding. He was born Aug. i, 1833. He married Anna Depew (daughter of Isaac Depew and sister of Senator Chauncey M. Depew). He died Dec. 4, 1897. Child : 287001. Annie Depew. 287100. Capt. Peter Perrine. (Peter% Daniel'.) 85480. 285 1 1 5. He married Margaret Dey. 85105. Children : 2S7101. Peter. Born in 1731. 287102. Margaret. Born June 20, 1733. 287200. Capt. Peter Perrine. (Peter% Peter-, Daniel'.) He married Sarah Scanlan. Captain, 3d Battalion Middlesex County, N. J., Militia in Rev. War. He died in 18 17. Child : 287201. Rebecca. Married John Dey. He was born in 1741. Captain in N. J. Regt. in Rev. War. He died in 1829. 285120. 287300. Andrew Perrine. Private, Middlesex Co., N. J. Regt. in Rev. War. 287301. Daniel Perrine. Private, Middlesex Regt. 287302. Henry Perrine. Private, Middlesex Regt. 287303. James Perrine. Private, Capt. Morgan's Co., 2nd Middlesex Regt. 287304. John Perrine. Private, Middlesex Regt. 287305. Joseph Perrine. Private, Middlesex Regt. 287306. Matthew Perrine. Private, Middlesex Regt. 287307. William Perrine. Private, Middlesex Regt.; also Continental Army. 287308. Capt. John V. B. Varick. Brevet Captain ist Regt. New York Artillery, Oct. 22, 1810. Captain commanding company, Nov. 21, 18 1 2. 287309. Richard Varick, Esq. He graduated at Union Col- lege, 1837. Lawyer. Residence, N. Y. City. ii66r History of the Dey Family. 287310. Hon. Henry D. Varick. Graduated at Union Col- lege, 183 1. Lawyer. Mayor of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1856-7. He died in 1877. 287315. Joseph Varick. Graduated at Rutgers College, 1844. Merchant. Died in 1858. Residence, N. Y. City. 287320. John Leonard Varick.. Graduated at Yale College, 1868. 287325. John B. Varick. Secretary. Office, 78 Cortlandt St. Residence, 1892, Union Hill, N. J. 287330. Theodore Varick. Residence, 1892, N. Y. City. 287340. John L. Varick. Asst. Treas. Office, 107 Chambers St. Residence, 1892, N. Y. City. 287345. Martha E. Varick. Widow of Daniel. Residence, 1892, N. Y. City. 287350. John Remsen Varick. (Grand-nephew of Colonel Richard Varick.) He married Susan Storm. Residence, Pough- keepsie, N. Y, Child : 287351. Maria Remsen. Born Aug. 13, 1833. Married Thomas Dore- mus Messier. 287380. 287380. Thomas Doremus Messler. (Abraham', Cornelius^ Cornelius^ John", Abraham^, John Abraham-, Anthony Thomas'.) He was born May 9, 1833, at Somerville, N. J. Vice-President of Pennsylvania Company, controlling and operating lines of Penn. R. R. Co. west of Pittsburg ; President of several auxiliary corporations controlled by that company. Member of Holland Society. He mar- ried, June 3, 1857, Maria Remsen Varick. 287351. 287400. Peter Elting. 62619. He married Ann Varick. He removed in 1776 from Hackensack, N. J., to N. Y. City. Mer- chant. Alderman, 1787-8. Member of Assembly, 1802. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 2S7401. John. 287402. Peter. 287403. Abraham. Born Jan. 25, 1785. Bapt. Jan. 30, 1785. 287404. Anna Maria. Born Ang. 18, 1790. Bapt. Sept. 3, 1790. 287405. James. Born Feb. 17, 1792. Bapt. March 25, 1792. Appendix XXI.-A. ii66s 287420. John Eltinc;. (Peter.) 287401. He married (ist), Rachel Salisbury, by whom he had John and John 2nd. He married (2ndj, Sarah Salisbury, by whom he had a daughter Anna Maria. Children : 287421. John. Born May 14, 1795. Bapt. June 14, 1795. Died in infancy. 287422. John. Born Dec. 3, 1796. Bapt. Feb 12, 1797. 287423. Anna Maria. Born Nov. 7, 1798. Bapt. Dec. 9, 1798. 287460. Peter Elting. (Peter.) 287402. He married Leah Elmendorf. Child : 287461. Peter. Born April 18, 1800. Bapt. May 16, 1800. 287800. Garrit Gilbert. 62624. He married Maria Varick. Children : 287801. Catharine Cozine. Born May i, 179S. Bapt. June i, 1798. 287802. Richard Varick. Born Dec. 18, 1799. Bapt. Jan. 17, kSoq. 287820. Robert Wilson, Married, Nov. 21, 1763, Elinor Paulding. Child : 287821. William. Born Aug. 29, 1769. 287830. Jo.SEPH Paulding. Married, April 23, 1761, Judith Shields. « 287840. John Varick. He gives receipt to Gen. James Clin- ton dated July 6, 1777, at Ramapough Clove, for 51 guns and bar- rels, 42 gun ramrods and 10 gun stocks, without barrels, which were hid by Peter Cortenis at Hackensack, N. J., to prevent their falling into the enemies' hands, and taken up by Capt. Daniel Tier, agreea- ble to Gen. Clinton's orders, etc. Captain Tiers' bill dated July 6, 1777. P;iid July 10, 1777. (See New York in Revolution Supple- ment.) 287850. Abraham Paulding. Gives deed March 23, 1761,10 William Leahey and others, of a house and lot of ground, lying in Montgomery's Ward in the City of New York. 287860. Samuel Ed.sall. (John Edsall, b. 1660, d. 17 14, Hon. Samuel Edsall. who was born in Reading, in Berkshire, Eng., ii66/ History of the Dey Family. came to New York City, married in 1655, Jannettie Wessels from Arnheim, and removed to Bergen, N. J., where he became a member of the Governor's Council in 1688.) 105400. 287865. Adrian Brinkerhoff. (John Brinkerhofif and Love Graham.). Residence, 1785, Fishkill, N. Y. (See Riker's Annals of Newtown.) 287870. Joseph Varick. Trustee of Rutgers College, 1840. 287875. Theodore VanWyck Varick. Adjutant, Col. Jona- than Varian's Regt. N. Y. Militia in War of 18 12. 287880. John Bogart. (John.) Justice of the Peace, 1763. Alderman, 1766-g. Residence, N. Y. City. Child : 2S7881. John. 285890. 287890. John Bogert. (John% John'.) 285880. Merchant. Assistant Alderman, 1797. Alderman, 1 798-1802. Member of Assembly, 1806. Residence, N. Y. City. 287900. Hamilton Schuyler. College Education. Postmas- ter of a town in Ohio in 1902. 287910. Lewis Perrine. He married Mary Woolsey (daugh- ter of Jeremiah Woolsey of Pennington, N. J. She was born July 27, 1759. They had five children. Residence, Freehold, N. J. 287920. Lawrence Moore. He married Jane Dey. Child : 287921. vSamuel. Born Nov. 13, 1798. Bapt Dec. 7, 1798. 287930. Franz (Martense) Ryerson. 62215. 287940. William Perrine. (Capt. Peter Perrine of Rev. War.) Private, CajDt. Peter Perrine's Co., 3d Regt. Middlesex Co., N. J., Militia in Rev. War. Also Private, Continental Army. He married. 287950. William Woodward Perrine. (Great-grandson of William Perrine, soldier in Rev. War, N. J.) He was born May 8, 1843, at Lyons, N. Y. First Lieutenant 13th Regt. Wisconsin Light Artillery in Civil War. Manufacturers' agent. Member of Loyal Legions and Sons of Revolution. Office, 97 Chambers St. Resi- dence, 1 90 1, 820 West End Ave., N. Y. City. api^endix xxini. RECORDS OF VARIOUS PERSONS BEARING THE NAME OF DEY. 295000. S. L. F. Dey. Chief Engineer of Rapid Transit Sub- way Construction Company, N. Y. City, 1902. 295005. Charles Dey. Residence, Cranberry, N. J. 295010. Dey, (Brotlier of Charles Dey.) He married Mary Ann Virginia Ruding. Children : 295011. William. 295025. 295012. Walter. 29501 3- George. 295025. William Dey. 29501 i. He married. Residence, New Brunswick, N. J. Child : 295026. William S. Residence, 1902, 712 West King St., York, Pa. 295050. Mary Dey. There is a letter preserved in the family dated in 1843, from Mary Dey to her nephew, David Dey, of Ports- mouth, Va. 295150. Peter Perrine. (Peter^ Daniel'.) 85480. 295160. Montgomery Schuyler, Jr. 78651. Second Secre- tary of Legation, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1902. 295170. Miller. He married Nancy Dey. 63004. Children : 295171. Richard D. 295172. Anthony D. 295173- William. 295174. Isaacs. 295175. Edgar. 295176. Isaiah. 300000. Catharine Dye, She married (license Aug. 25, 1764) William Covenhoven of Middlesex Co., N. J. Board History, DUBUQUE, IOWA, BRANCH. FIRST GENERATION. 310000. Ferdinand Board. He was born in Burnham Par- ish, England, July 15, 1803. He came to America in the spring of 1849 and settled in Dubuque County, Iowa. He married, in 1827, Jane Durston. She was born in Huntsville, England, Feb. 12, 1805. Child : 310001. Ferdinand John. 310020. SECOND GENERATION. 310020. Ferdinand John Board. (Ferdinand.) 310001. He was born Julv 10, 1828, in Burnham Parish, Eng'land. He came to America with his parents in 1849. He married. May 23, 1854, in Dyersville, Dubuque Co., Iowa, Mary Rigg. He died Aug. 13, 1855. Mary Rigg was born in Parish of Shap, County of Westmoreland, England, March 19, 1832. She came to America with her parents, Thomas and Elizabeth (Forsyth) Rigg, in July, 1834, and settled near Skaneateles, N. Y. They moved to Iowa and settled in Dubuque Co., Nov. 13, 1837. Elizabeth Forsyth was born in Jan., 1809, in Parish of Shap, County of Westmoreland, England. She married, in 1830, in Shap, Thomas Rigg. She died April 8, 1872. Thomas Rigg was born March 4, 1800, in the County of Cumberland, England. He emigrated to America in July, 1834, and settled near Skaneateles, N. Y. Moved to Iowa, Nov., 1837, and settled in Dubuque County. Went to California overland in 1852 (left April 17). Died in Cali- fornia Nov. 30, 1852, at Marysville, Cal. Child : 310021. Thomas Rigg. Born at Dipersville, la., March 17, 1S55. Auditor and Assistant Treasurer of Keokuk & Western Rail- road. Residence, 1902, Keokuk, Iowa. BoiviiD History. RECORDS OF VARIOUS PERSONS BEARING THE NAME OF BOARD. 311000. Cornelius Board. In 1732 Cornelius Board bought 157 acres near Little Falls, N. J., for manufacturing purposes. After a few years he went to Pompton. 31 10 10. Col. — — Board. Col. Board, of Boardville, gave land for Reformed Church of the Wanaque and Ringwood District of the Pompton congregation. (Clayton's History of Bergen and Passaic Counties, N. J.) 31 1020. Nathaniel Board. Freeholder, 1837-42. Resi- dence, Pompton, N. J, 3 II 030. George Ellsworth Kones. Secretary of Society of Colonial Wars, New Jersey, 1895. 311040. BuRGiN Board. He married, April 2, 1734, Mary Robinson of Hopewell, N. J. Residence, Somerset Co., N. J. 31 1045. Cornelius Board. He married, Aug. 27, 1785, Annas Board. 31 1050. Joseph Kees. He married, April 30, 1762, Ann Board. Residence, New Jersey. 31 1055. Peter Dey. He married, May 9, 1786, Elinor Board. Residence, Bergen Co., N. J. 31 1060. Henry Post. He married, June 12, 1780, Elizabeth Board. Residence, Pompton, N. J. 31 1065. Hon. David Board. Member of Assembly of New Jersey, 1776. 1 1 68/^ History of the Board Family. 31 1068. William Board. Residence, 1903, New Brunswick, N.J. 31 1070. Alfred Board. Marshal. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 31 107 I. David Board. Builder. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 31 1072. Horace Board. Accountant. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 31 1073. James D. Board. Flour merchant. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 31 1074. John H. Board. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 31 1075. John H. Board. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 31 1080. Buckner Board. Ganger, Internal Revenue, Louis- ville District, 1901. 311081. James G. Board. Postmaster, 1901. Residence, Chamblissburg, Bedford Co., Ya. 31 1082. John D. Board. Born in N. J. Clerk in Postoffice, Jersey City, N. J., 1901. 31 1083. Oakey J. Board. Postmaster, 1901. Residence, Louther, Jackson Co., W. Va. 31 1084. S. A. Board. Born in England. Clerk in Postoffice, 1901. Residence, Union Centre, Wis. 31 1 100. George Board. He married. He came from England and settled in Pennsylvania. Child : 311101. Stephen. 31 1120. 311120. Stephen Board. (George.) 311101. He married. Residence, Wisconsin. Child : 31 1 121. Chauncey E. Residence, 1902, Davenport, Iowa. 311125. James Durland. 127221. Drowned June 10, 1802. 311130. Charles B. Durland. 127222. Married, Feb. 24, 18 1 4, Maria Youngs. She was born Sept, 14, 1792. They had eight children. Residence, Chester, N. Y. Additional Records. ii68<: 311140. Thomas DuRLAND. 127223. Drowned June 10, 1802. 31 1 150. Elizabeth Durland. 127224. She died Oct. 22, 1843. 31 1 160. W. S. Board. He married Mary Durland (daughter of Nelson Durland and Phoebe Kellogg, grandson of Joseph Durland (127220) and his second wife, Sarah Satterly.) 31 1 161. Dr. Gilbert Board Lawrence. Born Oct. 6, 1824, in N. Y. City. Graduated at Wesleyan University, A.B., 1844, and New York University, M.D., 1852. Druggist, 1857-81, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Married, June 22, 1857, Cornelia J. Board of New York City. Child: 311162. Frederick Clarke. Born May 10, 1S59. Died March 26, 1863. 311170. Joseph Durland. 140150. He was born March 16, 1832. He married, Feb. 25, 1857, Nancy Kingsland Board. 135085. She was born Nov. i, 1835. Children : 311171. James Board. Born April 28, 1858. Married, Nov. 12, 1884, Sarah Andrews. She was born in March, 1S61. Residence, 1902, Chester, N. Y. 311172. Frank. Born March 25, i860. Married, April 22, 1891, Mary Burt Sanford. 311173. Amelia Vernon. Born July 15, 1862. 31 1 174. Marion. Born Oct. 22, 1865. 311175. Nettie Eugenia. Born Feb. 14, 1878. BOARD FAMILY IN ENGLAND. Memorandum on the family of Boord, Board, Bourd, Borde, by Harry Percy Boord, M.A., Cambridge: The name is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word Bord which had an extensive original meaning. (I.) a board, table ; (H.) a ship ; (HI.) and at one time a wooden cottage. It is from the last that the name is directly derived. The term Bordarii was used down to the end of the Xlllth. century for a particular class of tenant. Dr. Bar- ber in "British family names" mentions one Borda as among those holding land in time of King Edward, the confessor. The earliest forms of spelling the name with earliest date: Borde, ii8g; Bourd, 1 1 68^ History of the Board Family. 1327 ; Boord, 1413 ; Board, 1597. Important members of the family : Dr. Andrew Boorde. "poet, physician, courtier and priest," as Lower styles him, was born about 1490 in Sussex, chiefly known as the original 'Merry Andrew." Dr. John Boord, LL.D., senior fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and Kings Professor of Laws there. Born at Bats- combe Co., Somerset, 1634: died before 1686. My branch of the family descended from his brother Samuel. Sir Stephen Boord, Knight, born in 1563; built Boord Hill in the parish of Cuckfield, Sussex. Subscribed, 1588, ;^3o for defense of the country against Spanish Armada. Sheriff for County Sussex, 1628. Knighted, July 23, 1603; died, 1630. Sir William Boord, Baronet (my father), present head of our branch of the family, born 1838. M.P. for Greenwich, 1873-1895. Created a baronet by her late majesty, Feb. 18, 1896, "to hold to him and the heirs male of his body." The family from whom I descend came from Batscombe in Somersetshire, where they have been land owners since a very early date. In I. Ed. III., Robert Bourde was holding land at Batscombe (1327). My father still holds land there as trustee for an Australian branch of the family. The Sussex branch appears at Cuckfield in one Stephen Boord, 1528, who appears 32 Hen. VIII. (1540), as a collector of the rape of Lewes. I have traced a branch of the family to Devon- shire. On Feb. 27, 183 1, William Bord left for New York (I have a note, 69 Federal St.), with his wife and family, he had previously lived at Bruton, Co. Somerset. He had married the granddaughter of Thomas Southcot, of Brewham Lodge, Esq. He had three sons and two daughters. A branch of the family appears for a short time in Suffolk but are now extinct. The pedigree I give is duly proved and recorded in the College of Arms, London. I inclose a book plate to show the arms of the family as now used. (Signed) Percy Boord. Feb. 1 1, 1903. Richard Boord of Batscombe, County Somerset, had issue, Robert Boord, married, in 1595, Annie Biggs, died in 1640; had issue, William Boord, married, in 1630, Hester Bond, sister to Dennis Bond, M. P., and had issue, I. John Boord, LL.D., Kings Professor of Law at Cam- bridge University. Additional Records. iiGSe 2. Samuel Boord, died in 17 12, married Jane Pitman, died in 1712; had issue, Samuel Boord, born in 1690, died in 1769, married, in 1717, Ann Adams, born in 1686, died in 1775 ; had issue, Samuel Boord, born in 1722, died in 1801, married, in 1760, Sarah Board, died in 1807 ; had issue, Samuel Boord, born in 1764, died in 1824, married, in 1796, Ann Savage, died in 1833 ; had issue, Joseph Boord, J. P. Co. Bucks, born in 1804, died in 1875, mar- ried, in 1837, Mary Ann Newstead, died in 1852 ; had issue. Sir William Boord, ist Baronet, born in 1838, married, in 1861, Margaret d'Almaine Mackinlay, and had issue, Three sons, among whom is Percy Boord. 57, Redcliffe Gardens, S. W. 9th, Apr., 1903. Dear Sir : — I have been in correspondence with a Mr. Buckner Board of 107 E. College St., Louisville, Kentucky, on the history of the Boord, Board or Borde family, and he has sent me a circular letter issued by you, I have a large quantity of mss. on this subject and if, as I understand is the case, you are writing a history of this family, I have a large mass of material collected by two mem- bers of my family, 1684 and 1836, myself and several eminent gene- alogists, the late Mr. M. A. Lower, of Lewis, and others. Should you care to write to me I should be very pleased to hear from you. Yours faithfully, Percy Boord. N. B. I am M.A. of Cambridge (England) University, a part- ner in a well known London firm and 2nd son of Sir William Boord, Baronet (creation V. K. 1896). Ayres History. In Thorpe's catalogue of the deeds of Battle Abbey we find the following : "Ayres, or Eyre. The first of this family was named Truelove, who was one of the followers of William the Conqueror. At the battle of Hastings, A.D, 1066, Duke William was thrown from his horse and his helmet beaten into his face ; which Truelove ob- serving, pulled it off and horsed him again. The Duke told him, 'Thou shalt be from Truelove called Eyre (or air), because thou hast given me the air I breathe.' After the battle the Duke, on inquiry respecting him, found him severely wounded (the leg and thigh hav- ing been struck off). He ordered him the utmost care, and on his recovery gave him lands in Derby in reward for his services, and the leg and thigh in armor cut off for his crest, an honorary badge yet worn by all the Eyres in England." In Volume 10, ist series of Notes and Queries, is the following, taken from Rhodes' Peak Scen- ery, page 244: "The Eyres is one of the oldest families in Derby- shire, where they have continued to reside more than seven hundred years, as appears from the following curious extract from an old pedigree which is preserved at Hassop" — (here follows the preceding matter down to the word Derby, when follows) : "and the seat he lived at he called Hope, because he had hope in the greatest extrem- ity." Coat of Arms of the family now at Rampton Arms : Arg. on a chev. sa. three-quarter foils ; or. Crest : a leg in armour, couped at the thigh and spur. Seat : Rampton. Mr. Carman says : "I have the coats of arms of all the families in England, but they vary but little from the above, and I am inclined to believe, for reasons which I will give, that the original Derby family now represented at Ramp- ton is the one from which our Ayer is descended. From the com- iiyo History of the Ayres Family. parison of coats of arms, and some tedious researches in the old country histories of England, I am convinced a family of Eyre of Wiltshire, England, is a branch of the Rampton family, and I give you Eyre of Wiltshire : The old Wiltshire family of Eyre enjoyed for several centuries the highest distinction within its native county, and was of consideration in the State, most of its chiefs having had seats in Parliament, and two of them learned in the law, upon the bench, one a Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. A branch, too, which emigrated to Ireland attained the peerage of that country, i . Thomas Eyer, Esq., of New Sarum, lineally descended from Hum- phrey LeHeyer, of Bronham, Wilts., held lands in Wimborn, County of Dorset, in 21st year of the reign of Elizabeth. He married Eliza- beth, daughter of John Rogers, Esq., of Poole, and had issue: 2. Robert, his heir, born 1559. 3. Giles, of Brickworth in Wiltshire, from whom came the family of the extinct Lord Eyer of Ireland. (He obtained the peerage of Ireland.) 4- Christopher, born 1578, foun- der of Eyre's Hospital at Sarum. 5. Thomas, born 1580. Mayor of Sarum, 1620. 6. WilUam, born 1585. Barrister at Law. 7. John, born 1587-90; moved to New England and settled at Haver- hill, 1636-8. 8. Elizabeth. Married G. Tooker. 9. Catherine. Married Thomas Hooper. 10. Rebecca. Married John Love. n. Anne. Married John Swan." FIRST GENERATION. JOHN AYRES OF SALISBURY, IPSWICH AND HAVERHILL, MASS. (1635.) 320000. John Ayer. 160000. 198000. He was the sixth child and youngest son of Thomas Eyre of Wiltshire, England, and his wife Elizabeth Rogers, which Thomas was 5th in descent from Galpedus LeHeyer in the time of Edward II. Among the emigrants arriving in Massachusetts Bay Colony from England during the time that Charles I. ruled without a Parliament, 16-1640, were large num- bers from the vicinity of Ipswich and Haverhill in Suffolk, Salisbury in Wiltshire and Newbury. In establishing themselves in the new country, they named their settlements after their English home towns. Thus Ipswich in Massachusetts was founded in 1633, Newbury in 1635, Salisbury in 1639, and Haverhill in 1640. Conspicuous First Generation. 117 i among these early settlers was John Ayer, who was born in Wiltshire England, possibly in Suffolk in 1592. He died March 31, 1657, at Haverhill, Mass., leaving a wife named Hannah (?) who died July 13, 1686, aged 88. He is thought to have reached New England in 1637. He brought with him eight children and settled probably first at Salisbury as he was living there in 1640; he removed to Ipswich prior to 1645 and in that year became a resident of Haver- hill, where he remained until his death in 1657. John's name gen- erally appears in the Massachusetts record as Ayer, but is also fre- quently inscribed Eyres. He and his three brothers, Robert, Thomas and Peter were leading men among the earliest settlers of Haverhill. The descendants of these four brothers are very numerous (5000). In 1700 it was supposed that nearly one-third of the inhabitants of Haverhill township were Ayers. John built a house which together with its land was valued in 1646 at ;^i6o. The plot faced the main highway on the north, its southern boundary being the Merrimac river. Since that time it has been continuously occupied by his de- scendants, the late Captain John Ayer, its last owner, having been of the sixth generation. In 1645 John Ayer was among Haverhill's thirty-two land owners; on Feb. 13, 1647, he was fined for not attending the town meeting in season; on June 7, 1652, he received eight acres as his proportion of the second distribution of town lands ; on March 12, 1657, nineteen days before his death he executed his will which mentions six sons and three daughters all living at Haver- hill. The will was attested by Henry Palmer, the father of the wife of John's son Robert and a fairly equitable division was made among the children of the real estate, which comprised two dwellings and a number of outlying parcels of land. His wife was given the homestead during her life and the major part of his cattle and per- sonal property. The estate was appraised at ;^248-5-o. The items of the inventory are here given to show the character of goods and chattels possessed by a well-to-do New England Yeoman of two hun- dred years ago : A true inventory of ye goods and cattell of John Eyers, Sr., of Haverhill, lately deceased, as it was prized by us, Robert Clement and James Dennis, Sr., and Henry Palmer, ye tenth of ye second month one thousand six hundred and fifty -seven. 1 172 History of the Ayres Family. WILL OF JOHN AVER. oo oo Impremis — Fower oxen, ^^^25 " fower cows, 2 steers and calf, 20 00 00 " twenty swine and fower pigs, 18 " one plough, 2 plough irons, one harrow, one yoake and chayne and a coil rope, 04 " two howes, two axes, two shovels and spade, 01 " two wedges, two betell rings, two sickels and a scope hook hangers in the chimneys, tongs and pot hooker, " two pots, three kettles, one skillit and fryry pan, " in pewter, (( three flock beds and bedclothes, 12 yds. of cotton cloth and cotton wool, and hemp and flax, two wheels, three chests and a cupboard, [^wooden stuff belonging to house, two muskets and all that belong to ye, in hooks, " in flesh meats, " about fortie bushells of corne, ** his waring apparill, " about six or seven acres of graine in and upon the ground, 9 " the dwelling house and barns and lands broken and unbroken with all appurte- nances, 120 " forks, rakes and other small implements about the house and barne, i " in debt owing to him, i " between two or three bushels of salt and so mayls. 03 03 00 01 00 00 £i^ 16 00 18 00 00 04 00 00 01 03 00 01 16 00 02 10 00 00 15 00 00 18 00 7 8 00 00 00 ;^248 05 00 Second Generation. 1173 The homestead at the death of the widow was to go to the testator's oldest son John chargeable with certain cash payments to his brothers and sisters. In the above inventory no mention is made of a second house and house lot which by the will was given to his son Nathaniel when his apprenticeship is out with his master French, and during Hannah Ayres' widowhood she appears to have been active in affairs, purchased and sold land, and previous to 1675 built a new house "on the commons". SECOND GENERATION. 320100. John Ayer. (John.) 160001. He was born in England in 1623 and died after 1700; married first time May 5, 1646, Sarah, daughter of John Williams ; married second time March 26, 1663, Mary, daughter of John Wooddam. In 1645 he was one of Haverhill's thirty-two land owners and in 1650 his property was valued at £80. His name repeatedly appears in Haverhill records in connection with lands and in 1660 he built a new house. He was a famous hunter and trapper and his skill and sagacity in woodcraft equalled that of the Indians, with whom he was in constant rivalry that not infrequently it amounted to an open warfare. About 1665 a serious trouble with the natives obliged him in order to save his life to remove secretly and without his family to Connecticut, where he settled in what is now known as Ayers' Gap, in the vicinity of Frank- lin, where he lived by himself pursuing his favorite vocation and many traditions of his adventures with Indians and wild beasts form the theme of stories related of him by his posterity. These tales delineate him as a man of great endurance, heroic fortitude and striking eccentricities. Just before his death his son Joseph joined his father in Connecticut bringing with him his children Joseph and Timothy. Their descendants still remain in Franklin. He was killed by the Indians when they destroyed the town of Brookfield, Mass., Aug. 3, 1675. Their children were all born at Haverhill, Mass. Children : 320101. John. Unmarried. Died in 1683. 160026. 320102. Zecheriah. 160027. 321000. 320103. Nathaniel. Married Ann Swann (daughter of Robert Swann). They had four children. 160028. 1 174 History of the Ayres Family. 320104. Joseph. Married in 1686, Sarah Corliss (daughter of George Corliss). He removed before 1707 to Ipswich, Mass. They had five children. 160029. 320105. Sarah. 160030. 320106. Samuel. 160031. , 320120. Robert Aver. (John.) 160040. He was born in England in 1625. He married, Feb. 27, 1650, Elizabeth Palmer (daughter of Henry Palmer). He died at Haverhill in 171 1. He was a farmer and his house and land the year of his marriage was valued at ^^40, and in 1666 he was a "freeman". In July, 1667, he was apportioned four acres of the town accommodation lands, and in 1685 was one of Haverhill's selectmen. Children : 320121. Elizabeth. Born in 1652. Married John Clement. 320122. Samuel. Born in 1654. Married, in 1681, Mary Johnson. He died in 170S. They had ten children. 320123. Mehitabel. Born in 1656. 320124. Timothy. Born in 1659. Married, in 1682, Ruth Johnson. He died in 1689. They had three children. 320(25. Daughter. Born in 1662. Died in infancy. 320126. Hannah. Born in 1663. Died in 1676. 320127. Mary. Born in 1667. Died in 1668. 320130. Lieut. John Aslebe (or Aslett). He was born about 1614. He married (2nd), Oct. 8, 1648, Rebecca Ayer. 160003. Sergeant, 1692. Ensign, 1700. Lieutenant, 1704. Selectman, 1699. Representative, 1 701-3 and 1 709-11. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 320131. Hannah. Married a Brown. 320132. Rebecca. Born May 6, 1652. Married Dec. 15, 1674, Timothy Johnson. 320133. Mary. Born April 24, 1654. Married Samuel Frye. 321050. 320134. John. Born Feb. 16, 1656. Married, July 8, 1680, Mary Os- good (daughter of John Osgood and Mary Clements). She was born in 1656. She died in 1740. 320135. Sarah. Born Jan. 14, 1658. Died in or before 1662. 320136. Ruth. Born Aug. 8, 1660. 320137. Sarah. Born Aug. 14, 1662. Married a Cole. 320138. Elizabeth. Born May 26, 1666. Died March 15, 1668. 320139. Samuel. Born Dec. 20, 1669. Died in infancy. Second Generation. 1175 320150. Thomas Aver. (John.) 160060. He was born in England in 1630. Married, April i, 1656, Elizabeth Hutchins (daughter of John Hutchins of Newbury). He died Nov. 9, 1686. In 1650 he was a freeman and land owner in Haverhill. In 1652 he was granted nine acres of the town's plough lands and before 1675 he had built a new house. His wife Elizabeth was of a family of some substance, as we find that in 1653 her mother, the wife of John Hutchins, was presented to the Court for wearing a silk hood, but upon testimony of her being brought up above the ordinary way she was discharged. Children : 320151. John. Born in 1657. Married Hannah Travis. He died in 1743. He removed to Connecticut in 1694, settlincj first at Stonington and later at Groton. He had nine children, five born in Massachusetts and four born in Connecticut. 320152. Elizabeth. Born in 1659. 320153. Mary. Born in i66r. 320154. Love. Born in 1663. Married, in 1679, Joseph Kingsbury and removed with him in 170S to Norwich, now Franklin, Conn. They had six children. 320155. Son. Born in 1665. Died in infancy. 320156. Son. Born in 1665. Died in infancy. 320157. Thomas. Born 1666. Married Ruth Milford who was killed by the Indians together with her child Ruth of three years, at the Haverhill massacre in 170S, when Captain Samuel Ayers lost his life. She was teaching school there. He married (2nd), in 1 7 10, widow Dorothy Blasedale of Amesbury. He had six children, five by his first and one by his second wife. 320158. Samuel. Born in 167:. Died in 1672. 320160. Hon. Peter Ayer. (John.) 160080. He was born in England in 1632. He married, Oct. 8 (o. Nov. i), 1659, Hannah Allen (daughter of WilUam Allen). He died at Boston Jan. 3, 1699. Freeman, 1666. Representative, 1683. 5, 9 and 10. He was a farmer and possessed considerable estate. In 1670 he was one of a committee to build a school house, and in 1675 ^ committeeman to designate what Haverhill houses should be garrisoned against the Indians. Feb. 17, 1692, his servant Richard Paseley died. Cornet in the military forces. 1 176 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 320161. Ruth. Born in 1660. Married John Dennison and had three children. 320162. Hannah. Born in 1662. Married, in 1681, John Osgood. 320163. Abigail. Born in 1664. Married, in 1683, Dea. Robert Lord, of the 1st Church. They had seven children. ^ ./ 320164. Mary. Born in 1666. Married Joseph Cdlfe.-^T^ / 320165. Martha. Born 1668. Married, in 1690, Peter Osgood. ' 320166. Samuel. Born in 1669. Married, in 1693, Elizabeth (daugh- ter of Simon Tuttle). He died in 1743. He was a lieutenant in the militia. They had seven children. 320167. William. Born in 1673. Died in 1675. 320168. Rachel. Born in 1675. Died of smallpox in 1678. 320169. Ebenezer. Born in 1678. Died in 1695. 320170. Obadiah Ayer. (John.) 160100. He was the founder of the Ayers family of New Jersey. His father, John Ayer, came from Hampton on ship James for Newbury, April 5, 1635. Obadiah married, March 19, 1660 (o. 1661), Hannah, daughter of John Pike of Newbury, Mass., removed to New Jersey some time be- tween the years 1665-9 ^"*^ ^\t^ there Nov. 14, 1694. His wife was born April 26, 1643, ^t Newbury, Mass. She died May 31, 1689. Hannah Pike, the wife of Obadiah Ayers, was the daughter and third child of John Pike of Newbury, Mass., he being the son and second child of John Pike who emigrated from Langford, Eng., and died in Salisbury, Mass., in 1654. John Pike married (ist), Mary (?), by whom he had nine children. He married (2nd) (1685), Elizabeth Randolph of Piscataway, N. J. He died in Jan., 1689, and was the ancestor of Major Zebulon Pike of the Revolutionary War, and of his son, Gen. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, who wrote his name among the clouds on one of the loftiest peaks of the Rocky Moun- tains. Gen. Pike was born at Lamberton, Mercer Co., N. J., in 1779, of Woodbridge parents. Distinguished himself in the War of 1812 and was killed in action at York, Canada, April 27, 18 13. Between 1665 and 1667 John Pike removed from Newbury, Mass., to Middle- sex Co., N. J. The occasion and manner of his migration being as follows : When Charles II. ascended the throne of England he was lavish in his rewards to those who had been faithful to the cause of the Stuarts during the time of the Commonwealth. Among such persons were Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, to whom Second Generation. 1177 through his brother James, the Duke of York, he granted all that portion of the brown lands in North America, lying between the mouth of the Hudson and Delaware rivers embracing what has since been known as New Jersey. These lords-proprietors dispatched to their new possessions as Governor, Philip Carteret a fourth cousin of Sir George Carteret. He arrived in August, 1665, establishing his seat of government at Elizabethtown which he named in honor of the lady Elizabeth, the wife of his cousin Sir George. Four families at his capitol, together with the small Dutch settlement of Bergen, con- stituted about all his people he had to govern. In order to secure a population for his wilderness provinces he sent agents to New Eng- land, who published what was known as the ''Concessions and agree- ments of the Lords-proprietors" which offered liberal inducements to settle such as property in estates and liberty in religion. The imme- diate result of these publications was the establishment of Wood- bridge, Piscataway and Newark. Among the earliest arrivals in New Jersey were John Pike, Daniel Pierce and seven associates from Newbury, Mass. They entered into an agreement on Dec. 11, 1666, whereby on Dec. 3, 1667, they received a grant of land including what is now the township of Woodbridge. They, as representatives of at least sixty families which they induced to move to New Jersey, on the I St of June, 1669, were granted a charter creating a town- ship covering six miles square. The name of the new settlement was derived from their late pastor, John Woodbridge, of Newbury, Mass. John Pike appears to have been the patriarch of the new settlement. In the division of the town lands in Dec, 1667, he received 308 acres among the largest grants made. He was president of the town before 1671. In that year he was chosen one of Gov. Carteret's counsel and in 1675 he was appointed captain of the militia. Among the sixty families that John Pike brought to Woodbridge from that of Newbury was that of his son-in-law, Obadiah Ayers, which besides the father embraced the wife Hannah and two children, John seven years old and Samuel less than two. Obadiah Ayers probably reached Woodbridge in the summer of i66g as he sold his homestead in Haverhill, Mass., to his brother Nathaniel, May 5, 1669, and on the 8th of Aug. of the same year he received a grant of 171 acres. These lands embraced 120 acres of upland to the northward of Langston's plains or farms, 30 acres of marsh on the Raritan mead- 1 178 History of the Ayres Family. ows, 5 acres of meadow on the north side of the mouth of the Papiack creek and a house lot of 16 acres, bounded on the south by the house lot of his brother-in-law, Richard Worth, on the west by the highway and on the east by a "fresh brook running at the foot of Strabara Hill", This Strabara Hill is the place now owned by Hampton Centre in Woodbridge and a small creek divides it from the former house lot of Obadiah Ayers. The certificate of survey of these lands recites that the several parcels were laid out "By virtue of the Governor's warrant" for "Obediah Heirs". In like manner his name is spelled on several legal documents though generally he is mentioned as Ayers. He seems to have been a man of affairs, his name frequently appears as grantee and grantor in conveyances of land; in 1684 he was a member of the Grand Jury and in the same year the town authorities laid out for him an addition of 8 acres of upland at Shingle Hill. In this survey his name is inscribed "Oba- diah Hayres". On the 30th of July, 1673, ^ Dutch squadron ap- peared at New York and with but little or no opposition from the English secured the submission of that city and all its dependencies. New Jersey in common with all the territory formerly known to the Dutch as New Netherlands again became tributary to Holland. An- thony Colve was appointed Governor with Peter Alricks as deputy who held their offices till the country was restored to England on the 31st of Oct., 1674, in consequence of the treaty of Westminster, 19th of Feb., 1674. The people of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Dela- ware were required to send deputies to New York to make a declara- tion of submission to the Dutch. On the ist of Sept., 1673, the inhabitants of Woodbridge submitted to the Dutch council of war at Fort William Hendrick the names of six leading citizens from whom schepens or magistrates were to be selected as representatives of the new government. The three men chosen on Aug. 24 and sworn in on Sept. I, 1673, were recorded as "Samuel Dennis, Obediah Hoits, and Stephen Kent". The name of Hoits was the Dutch rendering of Haires, which was the equally erroneous manner that the name Ayers was submitted to the council. On Jan. 16, 1686, "Obediah Hayres" was chosen constable, and on th^ loth of Nov., 1694, four days before he died, he executed his will. The signature is not auto- graphic, but is inscribed "Obediah Aires (4-) mark". As he had held public offices of importance we may conclude that he made his Second Generation. 1179 mark because of infirmity and not from lack of education. It must be acknowledged, however, that in several other instances he signed legal documents in this manner. The history of the "Ayres" family cannot be completed without reference to the settlement of Wood- bridge, N, J. Lord Carteret having obtained grant and power over this part of New Jersey, sent hither his brother, afterwards Governor Carteret, to manage the same in his own way. Carteret arrived here from England in the fall of 1665. A large number followed him, chiefly from two places in New England. The original settlers, therefore, came from the town of Newbury, Mass., thirty-four miles northeast of Boston. The graves of the ancestry of the Ayres family may still be found there, and these are the people from whom came the original settlers of Woodbridge and Piscataway townships. In accord with an agreement made Dec, 1666, there was included an area of six miles square. Titles for lands within the bounds of the townships were given principally in the year 1670. Among the seventy who acquired titles for land we find the name of "Ayres". Obadiah Ayers was in Newbury, Mass., in 1663; probably died in Woodbridge, N. J., Nov. 14, 1694, whither he had removed; in 1671 he was a juryman in the first court in Woodbury township. Obadiah Hoiis was one of six schepens in a council of war at Fort William Hendricks, Aug. 24, 1673. Obadiah Hayers was a constable. Children : 320171 320172 320173 320174 320175 320176 320177 320178 320179 320180 John. Born March 2, 1663, at Newbury, Mass. Sarah. Born March 5, 1665, Died in infancy. Son. Born Nov. i, 1666. Died in infancy. Samuel. Born Sept. 13, 1667, at Newbury, Mass. Obadiah. Born in Oct., 1670, at Woodbridge. Joseph. Born April 4, 1674. Thomas. Born Dec. 17, 1672. Died Oct. 13, 1675. Mary. Born Feb. 16, 1680, at Woodbridge, N. J. Married William Ilsley. Hannah. Born Sept. 7, 1685. Sarah. Born Sept. 7, 1685. Died in infancy. 320190. Nathaniel Aver. (John.) 160120. He was born in England in 1638. Married, May 10, 1670, Tameson Turloar. He died Nov. 17, 1717. ii8o History of the Ayres Family. Children : 320191. Hannah. Born in 1671. Died in infancy. 320192. Hannah. Born in 1672. Died in 1679. 320193. Elizabeth. Born in 1674. 320194. Nathaniel. Born in 1676. 320195. Abiah. Born in 167S. 320196. Ruth. Born in 1681. Died in 1689. 320197. Child. Born in 1683. 320198. Benjamin. Born in 1684. 320199. Marie. 320200. Ruth. Born in 1689. 320205. Stephen Webster. He married, March 22, 1662, Hannah Ayer. 160009. She was born at SaUsbury, Mass. She died in June, 1676. No children. THIRD GENERATION. 320900. John Ayer. (John^, John'.) 160026. He married Mary. He removed from Haverhill to Ipswich, Mass., in 1679. 321000. Zachariah Ayer. (John"", John'.) 160027. 320102. He was born Oct. 24, 1650, at Haverhill, Mass. He married, in 1670, Elizabeth Chase (daughter of Aquila Chase). In 1646 Zacha- riah Ayer was presented to the court for gathering peas on the Sabbath, 321050. Lieut. Samuel Frye. (John and Ann Frye.) He was born about 1650. He married, Nov. 20, 167 1, Mary Aslett or Aslebe. 320133. Lieutenant, 1698. Selectman, 1712. Mill owner. He died Nov. 9, 1693, aged 76 years. She died Aug. 12, 1747. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 321051. John. Born Sept. 16, 1672. 324000. 321052. Samuel. Born in 1675. Died in Aug., 1689. 321053. Mary. Born Feb. 22, 1678. Married, Dec. 22, 1696, Joseph Stevens. 321054. Phebe. Born May 28, 1680. Married, Dec. 15, 1698, Samuel Peters. 321055. Hannah. Born April 12, 1683. Married, June 4, 1701, Capt. John Chandler of Andover. Lieutenant, 1696. Captain, 1711. Representative, 171 1. Third Generation. ii8i 321056. Ebenezer. Born Feb. 16, 1686. 324020. 321057. Nathan. Born June 15, 16SS. 324040. 321058. Deborah. Born Feb. 26, 1692. 321059. Samuel. Born April 26, 1694. 324060. 321060. Benjamin. Born Oct. 8, 1698. Residence, Feb. 13, i72i,Mar- blehead, Mass. 32 1 100. Samuel Ayer. (Robert^ John'.) 160042. He was among the most worthy and intelHgent citizens of Haverhill, serving as constable, member of prov.-assembly, selectman, tithing-man, deacon and captain of militia. He performed valiant service against the Indians in King Philip's War. On the 27th of August, 1708, Haverhill, then a compact village of about thirty houses, was at- tacked and almost entirely destroyed by Algonquins, St. Francois and the Penobscot Indians under the direction of the French forces from Canada. Sixteen of the inhabitants were massacred, including the pastor. Rev. Benjamin Rolfe and family, many made captives and when the enemy retreated they were followed by Captain Samuel Ayer with a company of twenty men who, though outnumbered thir- teen to one, attacked them fearlessly killing nine of their number and retaking several prisoners. The Captain was shot in the groin and died just as his son reached the scene with reinforcements. He married Elizabeth Tuttle (daughter of Simon Tuttle). Children : 321 loi. Obadiah. Born in 1689. Graduated at Harvard College, 1710. He died in 1 768. He was one of the thirty-six Haverhill men who first settled in Concord in 1726, though he did not become a permanent resident there. He was a particular friend of Tohn Hancock. John also settled at Concord without perhaps re- maining permanently. Some of these descendants are at Con- cord, the first land of which was ploughed by Samuel, son of James Ayer. 321 102. John. 321 103. James. 321 1 10. Joseph Kingsbury. (Henry K. and Susannah Kings- bury, Henry and Margaret Kingsbury.) He was born about 1656. He married, April 2, 1679, Love Ayers. 160064. Deacon. He with his children removed about 1708, from Haverhill, Mass., to Norwich (afterwards Franklin), Conn. His great-great-grandson was Jacob Kingsbury. 343000. He died in 1741. 1 1 82 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 321111. Joseph. 32 1 1 12. Nathaniel. 321113. Mary. 321114. Elizabeth. 321115. Susannah. 32 1 1 20 — I. Capt. John Osgood. (John-, John'.) He was born Sept. 3, 1654. He married, Oct. 17, 1681, Hannah Ayres. 320162. Freeman, April 18, 1691. Deacon, 17 19. Selectman. Representative, 1689-90, 1697, 1702, 1716. He died in 1725. She died in 1735. His will dated Feb. 2, 1725; proved May 11, 1725. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 321120 — 2. John. Born June 28, 16S3. 324500. 321 120 — 3. Ebenezer. Born March 16, 1685. 324520. 321 120 — 4. Nathaniel. Born Jan. 6, 1687. 324540. 321 120 — 5. Jeremiah. Born Jan. 16, 1689. Died April 7, 1689. 32 1 120 — 6. Jeremiah. Born Jtily 11, 1691. 324560. 321 120 — 7. Daniel. Born July 19, 1693. 324580. 321 1 20 — 8. William. Born in 1697. 324600. 321 120 — 9. Hannah. Born June 24, 1699. Married (ist), April 30, 17 17, Theodore Barnard. Child : Theodore Barnard. Bap. Oct. 28, 1722. Married (2nd), Nov. 9, 1727, Samuel Osgood. He was born — 13, 1702. He died in 1748. No children. Married (3d), Jan. 24, 1 75 1, Capt. Nathaniel Frye. Representative, 1743-5, 1746-9- 321 120 — 10. Benjamin. Born Aug. 28, 1700. Died young. 321120 — II. Samuel. Born July 8, 1704. Died young. 321120 — 12. Josiah. Born July 13, 1706. 324620. 32 II 20 — 60. Hon. Peter Osgood. (John=, John'.) He was born Aug. 30, 1663. He married, May 19, 1690, Martha Ayres. 320165. Tanner. Deacon of the ist Church, Dec. 15, 1718. Repre- sentative, 7 years. He died Sept. 24, 1753. She died Sept. 10, 1762, aged 92 years. Residence, Salem, Mass. Children : 321120 — 61. Mary. Born April 15, 1691. Married, Sept. 9, 1714, Ben- jamin Woodbridge. They had 11 children. 321120 — 62. Samuel. Born Nov. 6, 1695. 324800. 321120 — 63. Peter. Born June 2, 1697. Died before 1 753. Third Generation. it 83 321120 — 64. John. Born June 16, 1700. Died before 1753. 321 120 — 65. William. Born Dec. 23, 1702. Graduated at Harvard College, 1 72 1. Died in 1745. 321120 — 66. James. Born Aug. 6, 1705. 324820. 321 125. John Ayer. CObadiah^ John'.) 160500. He was born at Newbury, Mass., March 2, 1663. He married, Feb. 24, 1690 (o. 1689), Mary Walker. She died at Basking Ridge, N. J., in 1732. He received by his father's will sixty acres of farm land at Wood- bridge, N. J., together with his right of commonage and ten acres of land the father had bought of John Clement. On Feb. 28, 1708, John Ayres was admitted to membership in the Presbyterian Church at Woodbridge, under the pastorate of Nathaniel Wade, his wife be- coming a member on Dec. 26 of the same year. In 17 17 he pur- chased land in Somerset Co., N. J., and within three years he removed to and permanently settled at Basking Ridge in Bernard's township in that county, where he undoubtedly was among the very early settlers. He was accompanied by all his children excepting his second son Thomas, who had married and remained at Woodbridge. John Ayers and his sons became active and leading men in that vicinity, especially in affairs connected with the Basking Ridge Pres- byterian Church. In 1731 he conveyed to seven trustees of that congregation, one of whom being his son Obediah, one and one-half acres of land in the center of which, surrounded by a grove of trees, stood a log meeting house. This primitive structure was superseded in 1747 by a frame edifice that remained for 90 years. For 120 years John Ayers' descendants were identified with the interests of the congregation, as late as 18 18 four families being members thereof. Rev. John C. Rankin in an historical address, preached Aug. 11, 1872, in speaking of John Ayers and his posterity, says: "Now the very name has passed away from us ; though many of the descend- ants are doing good in other places. We owe them a debt of grati- tude which should never be forgotten." John Ayers died without a will, letters of administration having been granted to Andrew Wood- man, Nov. 30, 1732, "on estate of John Eyers". The Basking Ridge descendants seem generally to have adopted the spelling of Ayres. Children : 321126. John. Born April i, 1691, at Woodbridge, N. J. 325000. 321127. Thomas. Born Jan. 21, 1693, at Woodbridge, N. J. 325020. II 84 History of the Ayres Family. 32 1 128. Obadiah. Born in 1695, at Woodbridge, N. J. 325030. 32 1 1 29. Patience. Born April 22, 1697. 321 130. Francis. Born March 15, 1698. 321131. Nathaniel. Born March 4, 1700. 325050. 321132. Benjamin. Born June 19, 1703. 321133. Moses. Born Jan. 3, 1706. 325100. 321134. Aaron. Born July 14, 1708. 321150. SamuelAyer. (Obadiah", John'.) 160104. He was born Sept. 13. 1667, at Newbury, Mass. He married, in 1694, Ehzabeth, of Woodbridge, N. J. He was Hving in March, 1740. By his father's will in 1693 he received 120 acres of land at Woodbridge, N, J., and in 1694 six additional acres of town lands were laid out for him. He was one of a committee of three to have the "special care of the school lands". (He did not die Dec. 26, 1667, as stated in 160104.) Children : 321 151. Rhoda. Born April 12, 1700. 321152. David. Born May 25, 1702. 321153. Elizabeth. Born Sept. 10, 1703. 321 154. Samuel. Born Oct. 25, 1707. 321155. Rachel. Born June 19, 1710. 321156. Jacob. Born June 19, 1710. 321157. Benjamin. Born Oct. 31, 17 12. 321158. James. Born May 2, 1716. 325200. 321200. Obadiah Ayres. (Obadialv, John'.) 160105. He was born Oct. 20, 1670 (o. 167 1), at Woodbridge, N. J. He mar- ried, April 28, 1694, Joanna Jones (daughter of Benjamin Jones). In 1694 he received from his father, Obadiah, "ye house lott with all ye housing orchards, and 16 acres of additional land at Shingle Hill ■ also 6 acres he bought of Jonathan Clements and one yoke oxen." In 1699 Obadiah Ayres was one of the two town constables; on Nov. 6, 1709, he was admitted to membership in the Presbyterian Church, his wife being admitted Jan. i, 1710. He became a very considera- ble land owner buying as much as 420 acres at one time. He made his will on the 27th of Oct., 1728, naming his wife Joanna as sole executrix, it being proved before Michael Kearney, Surrogate, May 27, 1729. He died in 1S28. Residence, Strawberry Hill, Wood- bridge, N. J. Third Generation. 1185 Children : 321201. Hannah. Born Jan. i8, 1695. 321202. Sarah. Born Jan. 8, 1697 (o. 1696). Died in infancy. 321203. Mary. Born Feb. 23, 1699 (o. 1698). Died in 1704. 321204. Rachel. Born May 23, 1701. 321205. Obadiah. Born Dec. 25, 1703. 321206. Joanna. Born Dec. 25, 1703. 321207. Robert. Born July 18, 1706. 321208. Mary. Born Sept. 29, 1708. 321209. Rebecca. Born Nov. 14, 1710. 321210. Benajah. Born Nov. 17, 1715. 321225. William Ilsley. (Elisha^ Ilsley, WillianV Ilsley who emigrated from Wiltshire, England, to Newbury, Mass., in 1635. EUsha, his son, was one of the original settlers of Woodbridge, N. J.) He married, June 18 (o. 10), 1700, Mary Ayres. 160108. Child : 321226. Hannah. Born June 18, 1701. Married Nugent Kelly. 325275. 321300. Joseph Ayers. (Obadiah^, John'.) 160550. He was born April 4, 1674, at Woodbridge, N. J. He married, Jan. 5, 1698, Phebe Camp. Residence, Woodbridge, N. J. Children : 321301. Phebe. Born March 5 (o. 3), 1699. 321302. Joseph. Born March 18, 1701. 325300. 321303. Jonathan. Born May 29, 1704. Died in 1777. 325310. 321304. David. Born Jan. 2, 1707. Died in 1743. 325325. 321305. Zebulon. Born Aug. 4, 1708. 325335- 321306. Daniel. 321307. Enoch. 321308. Dilloy. 321309. Phineas. 321310. Reuben. Born in 1729. Married (2nd), Ann Hull. 197290. 321340. Thomas Ayres. (Obadiah^ John'.) 160107. He was born Oct. 13, 1675 (o- Dec. 17, 1676). He married Mary. His will is dated April 25, 1732, probated June 12, 1732, names wife Mary and brothers John and Obadiah Ayres and children below. Residence, Woodbridge, N.J. Children : 321341. Abraham. Eldest son. 321342. Sarah. Eldest daughter 321343- Peter. 321344. Mary. 321345. Levi. 325400. ii86 History of the Ayres Family. FOURTH GENERATION. 324000. Hon. John Frye, rSamuel*, John'.) 32T051. He was born Sept. 16, 1672. He married, Nov. i, 1694, Tabitha Farnam (daughter of Thomas Farnam and EUzabeth Sibbons, Ralph Farnam and Elizabeth Holt, daughter of Nicholas Holt). She was born Oct. 17, 1678. Quartermaster, 1696. Representative, 1692. He died April 7, 1737. She died May 17, 1755. Residence, Andover, Mass, Children : 324001. John. Born Feb. i, 1698. Died Oct. 17, 1718. 324002. Isaac. Born March 11, 1699. 329000. 324003. Joshua. Born April 10, 1701. 329020. 324004. Abiel. Born May 30, 1703. 329040. 324005. Mehetabel. Born in 1705. Married, Feb. 2, 1738, Samuel Austin. 324006. Anne. Born about 170S. Died July 30, 1717. 324007. Phebe. Born in 1709. 324008. Joseph. Born in April, 1711. 329060. 324009. Samuel. Born in 1715. Died March 6, 1728. 324010. Anne. Born June 29, 1718. 32401 1. John. Born July 28, 1720. 324012. Tabitha. Born July 12, 1738. 324013. Hannah. Married Jonathan Parker of Tewksbury. 324020. Ep.enezer Frye. (SamueP, John'.) 321055. He married, Dec. 23, 1708, Elizabeth Farnam. He died May 16, 1725. Children : 324021. Joseph. Died Sept. 14, 1709. 324022. Elizabeth. Bornini7ii. 324023. Mary. Born in 1712. 324024. Ebenezer. Born Oct. 12, 1714. Soldier. Died Sept. 27, 1755, in camp near Lake George. 324025. David. 324026. John. Born April 7, 1719. 324027. Deborah. Born April 20, 1722. Died July 18, 1738. 324028. Jonathan. 324029. Hannah. Born July 4, 1725. 324040. Nathan Frye. (SamueP, John'.) 321056. He was born June 15, 1688. He married Sarah Bridges (daughter of Hon. James Bridges, Representative, and Sarah Marston). He died March 19, 1758. Fourth Generation. 1187 Children : 324041. Sarah. Born in May, 1717. Married Benjamin Holt. She resided, 1750, at Suncook, N. H. 324042. Nathan. Born April 7, 1719. Died March 20, 1733. 324043. Phebe. Born March 19, 1721. Married, Jan. 6, 1743, Timothy Osgood. 324044. Lydia. Born March 3, 1725. Married, March 20, 1746, Fran- cis Swan of Methuen. 324045. Hannah. Married, in Feb., 1740, Moses Perley of Boxford. 324046. Priscilla. Born May 8, 1729. Married a Bailej'. 324047. Bethia. Married March 23, 1748, William Johnson. 324048. Nathan. Born Oct. 2, 1736. Died Oct. 28, 1736. 324049. Abiah. Died Feb. 7, 1737. 324060. Col. Samuel Frye. (SamueP, John'.) 321058. He was born April 26, 1694. He married, March 26, 1719, Sarah Os- good (daughter of Timothy Osgood). She was born in i6g6. He died Oct. 17, 1761. She died April 6, 1760. Children : 324061. Samuel. Born Jan. 9, 1720. Died in May, 1725. 324062. Sarah. Born March 25, 1721. Married Capt. John Farnam. 329075- 324063. Peter. Born Jan. 3, 1723. 329080. 324064. William. Married (ist), Dec. i, 1748, Mar)' Carlton. She died Sept. 28, 1763. Married (2nd), Nov. 24, 1769, Mrs. De- borah Colburn. 324065. Susannah. Born May 4, 1728. 324066. Samuel. Born Dec. 22, 1729. Married, June 14, 1753, Eliza- beth Frye (daughter of Col. James Frye). He died in 181 2. 324067. James. Born Sept. 13, 1731. Married, Dec. 13, 1753. Sarah Chickering. 324068. Timothy. Born May 8, 1735. Married, Nov. 21, 1758, Hannah Carlton. 324069. Daniel. Born April 14, 1738. Died Aug. 30, 1738. 324070. John. Born Jan. 23, 1741. 324500. Maj. John Osgood. (J ohn^, John^, John'.) 321 120-2. He was born June 28, 1683. He married, Sept. 16, 1708, Hannah Abbott. Representative, 1741-2, 1757-8. Justice of the Peace, 1761. He died Nov. 22, 1765. ii88 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 324501. John. Justice of the Peace, 1764. 324502. Elizabeth. 324503. Joseph. 324504. Dorcas. 324505. Mary. 324520. Ebenezer Osgood. (John^ John-, John'.) 321120-3. He was born March 16, 1685. He married, Dec. 20, 1710, Rebecca Symmes of Bradford. He died in 1766. Children : 324521. Ebenezer. 324522. Rebecca. 324523. Susannah. 324524. Ruth. 324540. Nathaniel Osgood. (John^ John^ John'.) 321 120-4. He was born Jan. 6, 1687. He married, March 27, 17 10, Hannah Buttolph (grand-daughter of John and Alice Pickering). He died in 1756. Residence, Salem, Mass. Children : 324541- Hannah. 324542 Nathaniel 324543- John. 324544 Benjamin 324545 Mary. 324546 Jeremiah. 324547 William. 324548 Sarah. 324560. Jeremiah Osgood. (John^, John^, John'.) 321 120-6. He was born July 11, 1691. He married. Carpenter. He died in 1737, Residence, Haverhill, Mass. Children : 324561. Hubbard. 324562. Jeremiah. 324580. Daniel Osgood. (John^, John^ John'.) 321120-7. He was born July 19, 1693. He married, June 23, Sarah Ingalls. He died in 1754. Fourth Generation. 1189 324600. William Osgood. (John^, John=, John'.) 321 120-8. He was born in 1697. He married (ist), Sarah. She died in 1728. He married (2nd), Mary Appleton of Ipswich, Mass. He removed to Pomfret, Conn., 1747. His children were all born at Andover, Mass. Children : 324601. Mary. 324602. Zachariah 324603. Hannah. 324604. Sarah. 324605. WilUam. 324606. Appleton. 324607. Susan. 324620. JosiAH Osgood. (John', John% John'.) 321120-12. He was born July 13, 1706. He married (ist), Abigail Day by whom he had Abigail, Josiah, Abigail and Solomon.. He married (2nd), Hannah Kittredge. He died May 8, 1780. Hannah Kittredge died Oct. 20, 1780. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 324621. Abigail. 324622. Josiah. 324623. Abigail. 324624. Solomon. 324625. Jacob. 324626. Benjamin. 324627. Daniel. 324628. Jonathan. 324800. Samuel Osgood. (Peter\ John=, John'.) 321120-62, He was born Nov. 6, 1695. He married, Jan. i, 1720, Abigail Walk. Tanner. He died in 1741. Administratrix, Sept., 1741, his widow Abigail. Residence, Salem, Mass. Children : 324801. Abigail. Married a Calley. 324802. Martha. Unmarried in 1 762. 324820. Rev. James Osgood. (Peter^, John^ John'.) 321120- 66. He was born Aug. 6, 1705. He graduated at Harvard College, 1724. He married. He settled in the ministry at Stoneham, Mass. II90 History of the Ayres Family. He is said to have been the only minister who remained with his people in Stoneham until his death. He died in 1745. Children : 324821. John Fisk. He was living in Boston in 1773 and had two chil- dren, both daughters. 324822. Abigail. 325000. John Ayres. (John^, Obadiah^ John'.) 160501. 321126. He was born at Woodbridge, N. J., April i, 1691. He married, Jan. 17, 1717, Mary Creshon. He died at Basking Ridge, Oct. 4, 1759. His wife died Oct. 24, 1759, aged 76. On Oct. 3, 1 7 10, he was admitted to membership in the 2nd Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge located at Metuchen. Removed to Somerset County with his father and in 1737 leased from James Alexander, the father of Lord Stirling, and John Bird, land at Basking Ridge with privilege of buying. In 1755 he appears to have been a trustee of the Bask- ing Ridge congregation, as in that year James Alexander conveyed lands to him in trust for the Presbyterian Church. Children : 325001. John. Born in 17 19. 330000. 325002. Silas. Born in 1724. Died in 1748. 325003. Stephen. Born in 1745. Died in 1768. 325020. Thomas Ayres. (John^, Obadiah-, John'.) 160502. 321 127. He was born at Woodbridge in 1693. He married Mary. He died May 3, 1732. He was a carpenter and did not remove to Basking Ridge with his father. He executed his will April 23, 1732, eight days before his death. A small brown headstone in the old burying ground at Metuchen marks his grave. His wife survived him. Children : 325021. Abraham 325022. Sarah. 325023. Peter. 325024. Mary. 325025. Loid. 325026. Mary. 325027. Rachel. 325030. Obadiah Ayres. (John^ Obadiah=, John'.) 160503. 321 128. He was born in 1695 at Woodbridge, N. J. He married Fourth Generation. iigi (ist), Feb. 15, 1717, Elizabeth Compton (daughter of John Comp- ton). She was born at Basking Ridge, N. J. She died before 1730. He purchased there in 1728 one hundred and fifty-three acres of James Alexander, and in 1731 his father conveyed to him as one of the seven trustees of Basking Ridge Presbyterian congregation land for church purposes. He removed to Warren Co., then Sussex Co., N. J. He was one of the Justices of the Peace at the organization of the county, Nov. 20, 1753. His will, dated at Hardwick, May i, 1779, probated Dec. 2, 1780, names wife Deborah and three children. He deeds land to Presbyterian Church at Helm's Mills (Hacketts- town), N. J., March 8, 1764. Child : 325031. Ezekiel. Born May 23, 1730. 334200. 325050. Nathaniel Ayres. (John^, Obadiah=, John'.) 160506. 321131. He was born March 4 (o. May 29), 1700. He married. He died Feb. 12, 1777, at Basking Ridge, N. J. Child : 325051- Jonathan. Born in 1739. 333 200. 325100. Moses Ayres, (John% Obadiah", John'.) 164000. 198057. 1 98 1 00. 32 1 133. Letters of administration on Moses Ayres late of Somerset Co., N. J., were granted to Nathaniel Ayres of Somerset Co., N. J. Children : 325101. Nathaniel. Born in 172S. Private, Sussex Regt., N. J. in Rev. War. 170000. 197270. 325102. John. Born July 19, 1740. 333400. 325103. Mary. Born May 8, 1742. 325104. David. Born April 8, 1744. 198200. 325105. Lydia. Born in March, 1746. 325106. Phebe. Born Jan. 18, 1748. 325200. James Ayres. (SamueP, Obadiah=, John'.) 321158. He was born May 2, 17 16. He married, in 1752, Hope Bloomfield. Children : 325201. Jacob. Married Eunice Ayres. 325338. Soldier in Rev. War. She died Oct. 19, 1823. 325202. James. Married (ist), Hannah Ayres. 334001. Married (2nd), Hannah Boles. 1 192 History of the Ayres Family. 325203. Samuel. Married Susan Gross. 325204. Nathan. Married Elizabeth Ayres. 325343. She died in 1 85 1. 325205. Huldah. Married Phineas Carman. 325206. Benjamin. Married Rebecca Ayres. 325207. Rhoda. Married Jeremiah Randolph. 325208. Rachel. Married Robert Ross. 325209. Arista. Married Jonathan Allen. 325225. Obadiah Ayres. (Obadialv, Obadiah", John'.) 321205. He was born Dec. 25, 1703. He married (ist), Mary Bloomfield (sister of Ezekiel Bloomfield). He removed to Perth Amboy and in 1730 purchased there of Alexander Barnes the Long Ferry Tavern which he kept a number of years. In 1750 his wife w^hile sitting at the window of this inn was shot dead by two of her husband's negro slaves, who were burned at the stake on the 5th of July of that year in a ravine just north of the town (see Story of an Old Farm). After the murder of his first wife he married (2nd), Mary, who was living in 1754. Obadiah made his will on the 7th (o. 17th) of April of that year, probated Feb. i, 1760. He died in 1760. Children : 325226. David (o. Daniel). 325227. Joanna. 325228. Susannah. 325250. Robert Ayres. (Obadiah^ Obadiah^ John'.) 321207. He was born July 18, 1706. He married Hannah (o. Humers). He died in 1741. They had at least six children of whom two were sons. His will was dated Sept. 5, 1740. Residence, Woodbridge, N. J. Children : 325251. Frazee: Born April 19, 1729. 333800. 325252. Robert. 325253. Child. (Not named in will.) 325275. Nugent Kelly. He married, m 1729, Hannah Ilsley. 320226. Children : 325276. Elisha. Born in 1730. 325277.. Katharine. Born in 1731. 325278. Mary. Born in 1734. 325279. Elizabeth. Born in 1734. 325280. William I. Born in 1735. 325281. Richard. Born in 1738. Fourth Generation. 1193 325300. Joseph Ayres. (Joseph^, Obadiah', John'.) 321302, He was born March 18, 1701. He married Hannah. He died after 1785-7. He had at least three children who are mentioned in his will. Children : 325301. Dougal. 334000. 325302. Margaret. Married William Compton. 325303. Mary. Married David Conger. 325310. Jonathan Ayres. (Joseph^ Obadiah", John'.) 321303. He was born May 2g, 1704. He married Ann. His will is dated March 21, 1775; probated April 14, 1777. He died in 1777. Resi- dence, Bernardstown, N. J. Children : 32531 1 Joan. 325312 Jonathan. 325313 Phebe. Married Henry Allen. 325314 Siles (0. Liles). Married James Moore 325315 Stephen. 325316 Joseph. 325317 David. 325318 Gershom. 325319 Enos. 196400. 325325. David Ayres. (Joseph', Obadiah-, John'.) 321304. He was born Jan 2, 1707. He married. His will mentions two sons, they being under fifteen and who on arriving at that age were to be apprenticed. Children : 325326. Martin. Married Hannah Carpenter. He settled in Essex Co., N. J. 325327. Enoch. 325335. Zebulon Ayers. (Joseph^, Obadiah", John'.) 321305. He was born Aug. 4, 1708, at Woodbridge, N. J. He married, in 1750, Temperance Bonham, a direct descendant of Nicholas Bonham the founder of the village of Bonhamtown, which was the point where he located the 120 acres that were allotted to him previous to 1690 at the time of the settlement of Piscataway township. There is no record of his death. 1 194 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 325336. Ezekiel. Born Dec. 6, 1755. 334200. 325337. Zebulon. Born in 1756. Married Sally Scudder. 32533S. Eunice. Born in 175S. Married Jacob Ayers. 325201. 325339. Mary. 325340. Temperance. 325341. vSally. 325342. Isabel. 325343. Elizabeth. Born in 1765. Married Nathan Ayers. 325204. 325400. Levi Ayres. (Thomas^ Obadiah'', John'.) 321345. He married Temperance Week. He died before April 22, 1803. Elder in ist Church of Wantage, 1799. Soldier in Sus.sex Co., N. J, Regt. in Rev. War. 197230. Residence, 1755, Wantage Township, Sussex Co., N. J. Children : 325401. Levi. 334400. 325402. Edward. 334420. 325403. Israel. 334440. 325404. Enoch. 334450. FIFTH GENERATION. 329000. Isaac Frye. (John^, Samuel-, John'.) 324002. He was born March 11, 1699. He married Naomi. He died May 31, 1741. She died in 1740. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 329001. Naomi. Born Nov. 5, 1727. Married Captain Moody Bridges. 329002. Martha. Born Nov. 10, 1728. 329003. Dorothy. Born Jan. 23, 1731. 329004. Dorcas. Born March i, 1733. 329005. Hannah. Born June 18, 1735. 329006. Huldah. Born May 13, 1737. 329007. Tabitha. Born March 31, 1740. 329020. Hon. Joshua Frye. (John% Samuel-, John'.) 324003. He was born April 10, 1701. He married (ist), July 14, 1724, Mary Dane. She died Dec. 24, 1729. He married (2nd), Nov. 4, 1731, Sarah Frye (daughter of James Frye). Representative, 1755-6. Residence, Andover, Mass. Fifth Generation. 1195 Children : 329021. Jonathan. Born March 6, 1729. Died Aug. 28, 1738. 329022. Joshua. Died Sept. 5, 1738. 329023. Phineas. Born in 1735. Died Aug. 26, 1738. 329024. Alford. Born Aug. 14, 1737. Died Aug. 26, 1737. 329025. Joshua. Born Dec. 28, 1738. Died Jan. 23, 1748. 329026. Joshua. Born June 27, 1748. 329027. John. Born May 9, 1750. 329040. Capt. Abiel Frye. (John^, Samuel', John'.) 324004. He was born May 30, 1703, at Andover, Mass. He married, Feb. 10, 1732, Abigail Emery (daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Emery). Selectman, 1748-9. Town Treasurer, 1755. Captain in the expedi- tion to Crown Point and at the battle of Lake George. He died March 22, 1757. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children 329041 329042 329043 329044 329045 329046 Abigail. Born Feb. 19, 1733. Died in or before 1740. Abiel. Born Nov. 8, 1734. 339000. Simon. Born Sept. 29, 1737. 339020. Abigail. Born Nov. 16, 1740. Sarah. Major Isaac. Born Feb. 6, 1748. Quartermaster of Colonel Reed's Regt. at Battle of Bunker Hill, then Capt. of ist Co., 3d Battalion N. H. Continental Line. 329060. Gen. Joseph Frye. (John^ SamueP, John'.) 324008. He was born in April, 17 11. He married, March 20, 1733, Meheta- bel Poor. He was at the siege of Louisburg, and was a colonel at the unfortunate capture of Fort William Henry, by Montcalm, in 1757. On the 2 1 St of June, 1775, he was appointed Major General by the Provincial Congress. He with his family, removed to Frye- burg. Me., with the early settlers, from whom the town received its name. Representative. He died in 1794. Children : 329061. Joseph. Died Aug. 27, 1738. 339400. 329062. Samuel. Born Jan. i, 1736. Died Sept. 10, 1738. 329063. Mehetabel. Born April 16, 1738. Died Sept. 9, 1738. 329064. Mehetabel. Born May 12, 1739. Died early. 329065. Mehetabel. Born April 8, 1741. Married Dr. Josiah Chase. 339500. 329066. Joseph. Born July 10, 1743. 329067. Tibitha. Born Oct. 11, 1746. 1 196 History of the Ayres Family. 329068. Hannah. Born May 23, 1749. 329069. Richard. Born Aug. 5, 1751. 329070. Nathaniel. Born April 22, 1753. 339^00. 329071. Samuel. Born July 5, 1758. 329075. Capt. John Farnam. (John.) He married, Dec. 26^ 1738, Sarah Frye. 324062. Lieutenant, 1754. Captain in the French and Indian War. Member of Committee of Safety, 1774. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 329076. Nathan. Soldier under Col. Preble in his expedition to Cana- da in the Old French War, 1757. 329077. Hon. John. Graduated at Harvard College, 176 1. Masterofthe Grammar School at Andover, Mass., 1764. Member of State Constitutional Convention, Sept., 1779, at Cambridge, Mass. 329080. Col. Peter Frye. (SamueP, Samuel-, John'.) 324063. He was born Jan. 3, 1723, at Andover, Mass. He graduated at Har- vard College, 1744. He married Love Pickman (daughter of Benja- min Pickman and Love Rawlins). Justice of the Peace, 1769. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1772-5. Register of Probate, 1772-5. Colonel of the militia in Essex County, Mass. He was a loyalist. He died Feb. i, 1820, in London, England. Child : 329081. Love. Married (ist), Dr. Peter Oliver. (Lieut. Gov. Andrew Oliver and Mary Sanford. ) He was born Sept. 17, 1749. He was a Massachusetts loyalist. Graduated at Harvard College, 1769. M. D., Aberdeen, 1790. Surgeon in the British Army. He was one of the eighteen country gentlemen who addressed Governor Gage on his departure in 1775, and was proscribed under the act of 1778. He died in 1795. Married (2nd), Ad- miral Sir John Knight, Jr., K. C. B. (Rear Admiral John Knight, Sr. ) He was born about 1748 at Dundee, Scotland. He entered the British navy in 1758. Lieutenant, 1770. In 1775 went out to North America as second lieutenant of the Falcon sloop with Captain John Linzee. The Falcon was one of the vessels that covered the attack on Bunker's Hill. He was taken prisoner at Cape Ann in the following year. He was exchanged in Dec, 1776. He returned to England in Oct., 1778. Captain, Rear Admiral, Jan. i, 1800. Vice Admiral, Nov. 9, 1805. Admiral, Dec. 4, 1813. Knight Commander of the Bath, Jan. 2, 1815. He died June 16, 1831. He was twice married and had a large family. Lady Knight died at her seat near London in 1839. Fifth Generation. 1197 329200. Samuel Ayer. (James^ SamueP, Robert^ John'.) 32101. He married Ann Hazen (daughter of Lieut. Richard Hazen, Edward Hazen). She was born May 4, 17 17. Residence, Haver- hill, Mass., and Concord, N. H. Child : 329201. Richard. 339700. 329300. Rev. Andrew Peters. (SamueP, Andrew'.) He was the son of Samuel Peters and Phebe Frye. 321054. He gradu- ated at Harvard College, 1723. Teacher of the Grammar School at Andover, Mass. Ordained as the first minister of Middleton, Oct., 1729. He died in 1756. 329400. Daniel Chandler. (John', Thomas', William',) He was the son of John Chandler, born 1680, died 1740, and Hannah Frye. 321055. He married Sarah Merrill. Child : 329401. Abiel. Born Feb. 26, 1777. 339800. 329420. Capt. John Chandler. (John^, Thomas^ William'.) He was the son of Capt. John Chandler, born in 1680, died in 1740, and Hannah Frye (321055), who was one of the original proprietors of Concord, N. H., in 1725, to which town he removed from Andover, Mass. He married. Selectman, 1732, 1737, 1740 and 1744-9. Representative from Town of Rumford (Concord), N. H., 1748. He was the first Grand Juror called from Concord ; appointed Feb. 23, 1773. Residence, Concord, N. H. Child : 329421. John. 339900. 329440. Capt. Abiel Chandler. (John^, Thomas', William'.) He was the son of John Chandler, born 1680, died 1740, and Han- nah Frye. 321055. Captain of a company and went to Cambridge in 1775. Second Lieutenant in Capt. Joshua Abbott's Company at Bunker's Hill. Also in Continental Army. Died. Residence, Con- cord, N. H. Child : 329441. Rev. Joshua. Graduated at Harvard College, 1S07. Ordained at Swanzey, N. H. Pastor at Bedford and Pembroke. Died in 1S54. iigS History of the Ayres Family. 329460. Peter Chandler. (John^, Thomas-, William'.) Pri- vate, Capt. Joshua Abbott's Company at Bunker's Hill. Also in Continental Army. Residence, Concord, N. H. 329480. Thomas Chandler. (John^, Thomas^ William'.) Private, Captain Gordon Hutchinson's Company in Rev. War. Resi- dence, Concord, N. H. 329500. Capt, William Johnson. He married Bethia Frye. 324047. Lieutenant in Rev. War. Children : 329501. William. Born in 1777. Representative seven years, State Senator ten years. Unmarried. Died in 1857. Residence, N. Andover, Mass. 329502. Daughter. Married a Dale. Their son was Gen. William John- son Dale, Surgeon General of Massachusetts. Residence, N. Andover, Mass. 329600. Benjamin Holt. (Nicholas^ Nicholas-, Nicholas'.) He was born July 23, 1709, at Andover, Mass. He married, April 7, 1737, Sarah Frye. 324041. He died in 1784 at Suncook, N. H. Child : 329601. Daniel. Born at Pembroke, N. H. 339950. 330000. John Ayres. ('John^ John^, Obadiah=, John'.) He was born June 4, 1719. He married (ist), Joanna; (2nd), Jan. 17, 1754, Sarah Bailies or Bayley. His will, Morristown, April 14 and May 3, 1777. He died April 22, 1777, at Morris Plains, N. Y. Children : 330001. Enos. 330002. Sarah. Married Silas Stiles. 330003. Isaac. Born in 1737. 340000. 330004. John. 330005. Hannah. Born in 1740. Married, Dec. 25, 1770, Epenetus Beach. She died April 14, 1771. 330006. Mary. Born Sept. 21, 1744. Married Frederick King. 340015. 330007. Silas. Born Dec. 29, 1749. 340025. 333100. EzEKiEL Ayres. (Obadiah\ John^, Obadiah=, John'.) 325031. He was born May 23, 1730. He married (ist), Anna Stack (daughter of Amos Stack). She was born Jan. 25, 1731. She died Nov. 27, 1778. He married (2nd), Mrs. Effie (Van Wyve) Long- street. He died Aug, 5, 1796, Fifth Generation. 1199 Children Obadiah. Born March 10, 1753. Ezekiel. Born Nov. 25, 1754. 340050. Sarah. Born March 9, 1757. Amos. Born Jan. i, 1761. Margaret. Born Oct. 2, 1763. Married Daniel Stuart. He removed from Hackettstown to Newton, N. J., about 1780. He died in 1822. She died in 1842. Aaron. Born Aug. i, 1767. Anna. Born April 4, 1773. Archibald. Married Elizabeth Sutton (daughter of Joseph Sutton). 333200. Jonathan Ayres. (Nathaniels John^ ObadiahS John'.) 325051. He vi'as born in 1739. He married (ist), Anne. He died Sept. (o. April) 6, 1814. His wife died in 1784. 333101 333102 333103 333104 333105 333106. 333107. 333108. Children : Anne. Married Reuben Moore. Elizabeth. Married Joseph Frazee. John. Jonathan. Moses. Born in 1776. 340200. 333201 333202 333203 333204 333205 ObadiahS John'.) He married (ist), 333400. John Ayres. (Moses\ John', 198102. 325102. He was born July 19, 1740. July 5, 1763, Phebe Dalglish. She was born in 1744. She died June 29, 1795. He married (2nd), Jan. 19, 1796, Anna Rhodes. He died Feb. 20, 1807, at Flanders, N. J. Residence, 1763, Mend- ham and Roxbury, N. J. Children : He 333401. Mary. Born in 1764. Died in or before 1768. 333402. Keziah. Born Feb. 11, 1766. 333403. Mary. Born in Feb., 1768. (2nd), Captain Jonathan OUiver. 333404. David. Born May 21, 1771. died June 9, 1806. Moses. Born April 28, 1772. Samuel. Born March 4, 1776. Died in or before 1780. Sarah. Born July 12, 1780. Samuel. Born July 12, 1780. John. Born Oct. 20, 1782. 340400. Elizabeth. Born Nov. 2, 1786. Married Rhese Nicholas. vShe died Nov. 16, 1855. 333405- 333406. 333407. 333408. 333409. 333410. Married (ist), Samuel Hall; She died Jan. 21, 1845. Marrietl Mary Jennings. Died Sept. 7, 1796. I200 History of the Ayres Family. 33341 1. Anna. Born Oct. 21, 1796. Married Lunn Foster of Newton, N.J. 333412. Jane. Born Jan. 3, 1799. 333800. Frazee Ayres. (Roberf, Obadiah\ Obadiah-, John'.) 325251. He was born April ig, 1729. He married, in 1750, Phebe Bloomfield. She died in 1760 near Oak Tree in the vicinity of Plainfield, N. J. They had four daughters and one son. He died Oct. 21, 1760. She died Oct. 21, 1815. Child : 333801. Ellis. Born in 1757. 340600. 334000. DouGAL Ayers. (Joseph'*, Joseph^, Obadiah^ John'.) 325301. He married ( I st), Elizabeth Bishop ; (2nd), Susan, whose will was proved May 9, 1827. Children : 334001 334002 334003 334004 334005 334006 Hannah. Married James Ayres. 325202. Mary. Married a Noe. Rachel. Married a Mundy. Susannah. Married a Wooding. Joseph. Married. They had a son Eli Ayers. Abner. Married Sarah. 334200. Capt. Ezekiel Ayres. (Zebulon*, Joseph^ Obadiah'^, John'.) 164500. 325031. He was born Dec. 6, 1755. He mar- ried (ist), Charlotte Freeman. She was born in 1757. She died June 12, 1793. He married (2nd), Meribeh Manning of Metuchen, N. J. She was born Oct. 16, 1759. She died July 13, 1816. Children : 334201. Asher. Born Feb. 9, 1781. Married Fanny Potter. He died Jan. 18, 1818. 334202. Margaret. Born Sept. 2, 1783. Married Jeremiah Freeman. 334203. Josiah. Born vSept. 20, 1785. Married Mathilda Coddington. He died Oct. 5, 1S19. 334204. Simeon. Born Jan. 3, 1788. He died Sept. 5, 1828. 171100. 334205. Ezra Rodolph. Born July i, 1791. 340650. 334206. Charlotte. Born Sept. 18, 1795. Married Absalom Campbell. She died Sept. 16, 18S7. 334207. Jarvis. Born Feb. 16, 1797. Married Mary B. FVeeman. 334208. Louisa. Born March 15, 1801. Died June 6, iSio. 334209. Albert. Born Oct. 4, 1S02. Married Lydia Viles of New Brunswick, N. J. Sixth Generation. 1201 334400. Levi Ayres. (Levi", Thomas^ Obadiah^ John'.) 325401. He married, March 18, 1787, Phebe Russell. They were both members of the ist Church of Wantage near Deckertown, Sus- sex Co., N. J., April 22, 1803. Children : 334401. Levi. 334402. Edward. 334403. Israel. 334404. Isaac. 334405- David. 334406. Caleb. 334420. Edward Ayres. (Levi", Thomas^ Obadiah", John'.) 325402. He married. Children : 334421. Enoch. 334422. John. 334423- Jehiel. 334424- Edward. 334440. Israel Ayres. (Levi", Thomas^ Obadiah-, John'.) 325403. He married, Feb. 11, 1794, Margaret Hoppah. Children : 334441. Elisha. 334442. Selah. 334443- Israel. 334450. Enoch Ayres. (Levi", Thomas^, Obadiah". John'.) 325404. He married. Children : 334451. John. 334452. William. 334453. Thomas. 334454- Squire. 334455. Enoch. 334456. Jefferson. SIXTH GENERATION. 338500. Capt, Moody Bridges. (James", James\ John=, Ed- mund'.) He married, Nov. 5, 1747, Naomi Frye. 329001. Adju- tant of the Regiment which went from Andover and vicinity to Fort William Henry in the French and Indian War, 1757. Representa- I202 History of the Ayres Family. tive, 1773-4. Member of Provincial Congress, Oct., 1774-March, 1775. He was one of the grantees of Bridgeton, Me., which town is said to have been named for him. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 338501. Naomi. Born Sept. 7, 1748. Married Jedediah Jewett of Pittston, Me. 338502. Sarah. Born June 14, 1750. Died Feb. 16, 1754. 338503. James. Born Nov. 4, 1751. Died Nov. 23, 1789. Married. They had two children, one of whom was Henry G. Bridges. 338504. Isaac. Born Feb. 3, 1753. 33S505. Sarah. Born about 1754. Married John Dean of Exeter, N. H. She died March 6, 1809, at Readfield, Me. 338506. Abigail. Born Sept. 25, 1756. 338507. Eleanor. Born Oct. 8, 1758. Married James Varnuni. She died Feb. 22, 1801. 338508. Susannah. Born May 3, 1760. 338509. Enoch. Born Aug. 23, 1762. Died June 7, 1764. 338510. Hannah. Born Sept. 17, 1764. Married a Hall. She died in 1843. 338511. Martha. Born April 30, 1767. Died young, 338512. Dorcas. Born May 23, 1769. Married James Tyler. She died Aug. 26, 1839. 338513- Ruby. Born April 30, 1 77 1. Married James Jewett of Portland. 339000. Ariel Frye. (AbieP, John^, SamueP, John'.) 329042. He was born Nov. 8, 1734. He married, Feb. 2, 1784, Abigail (Far- nam) Owens (widow of Eleazer Owens and daughter of Capt. Eliab Farnam and Abigail Killum). He served in the French and Indian Wars, was in 3d Co. of Fort Alarm Ust, 1757, at Fort William Henry, 1757, in Capt. Asa Foster's Co. from April to Nov., 1758, Lieut, in Capt. Benjamin Edward's Co. from June to Dec, 1760. He removed to Province, Pa., 1763, to Chemung Co., N. Y., 1794. He died in Goshen, N. Y. Children : 339001. Charles F. Born Nov. 20, 1784, at Goshen, N. Y. 343100. 339002. Henry Laurens. 339003. Alfred. 339020. Hon. Simon Frye. (Abie^, John^, SamueP, John'.) 329043. He was born Sept. 29, 1737. He married, Dec. 9, 1762, Hannah Johnson (daughter of John Johnson of Andover, Mass.). Sixth Generation. 1203 Representative. State Senator or Councillor for nearly twenty years. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas in York County, Me., and Chief Justice of the same Court in the County of Oxford (Abbott). He died Oct. 10, 1822, in Fryeburg, Me. Child : 339021. John Hancock. Born Dec. 19, 1777. 343200. 339400. Joseph Frye. (Joseph", John^, Samuel^ John'.) 329061. He was born July 10, 1743. He married Mary Robinson. Child : 339401. Dean. 343300. 339500. Dr. Josiah Chase. He married Mehitable Frye. 329065. Child : 339501. Thomas. 343400. 339600. Lieut. Nathaniel Frye. (Joseph*, John^, Samuel", John'.) 329070. Lieutenant and Paymaster, Col. Wesson's Mass. Regt., 1780, in Rev. War. He married Dolly Swan. Residence, Fryeburg, Me. Child : 339601. Mehitable. Married John Hancock Frye. 343200. 339700. Capt. Richard Aver. (Samuel^, James'', Samuel^, Robert-, John'.) 329201. He was born at Haverhill, Mass. He married. Selectman, 1797-8. Representative, 1814-15. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 339701. Richard H. Born Jan. 12, 177S, at Concord, N. H. 343500. 339702. Samuel. Born Aug. 31, 1786. 343520. 339800. Abiel Chandler. (DanieP, John'.) 329401. He was born Feb. 26, 1777, at Concord, N. H. He prepared at Phillips Exeter Academy and graduated at Harvard, 1806. Teacher twelve years. Commission merchant in Boston, Mass., and acquired great wealth and distinction. He retired in 1845. In his will, after pro- viding generously for his immediate family, and bequeathing legacies to more than fifty nephews and nieces, he left fifty thousand dollars I204 History of the Ayres Family. to Dartmouth College to establish the Chandler Scientific School, and the residue of his estate, amounting to twenty-five thousand dollars, to the asylum for the insane in New Hampshire. He died March 22, 1 85 1, in Walpole, N. H. 339900. John Chandler. (John^, John'', John^, Thomas", William'.) 329421. Selectman, 1766 and 1780. Residence, Con- cord, N. H. 339950. Daniel Holt. (Benjamin^ Nicholas^, Nicholas^ Nicholas'.) 329601. He married Abigail Lovejoy. He died Dec. 5, 1813, at Pembroke, N. H. Child : 339951. Jedediah. Born Aug. 12, 1774. 340000. Isaac Ayres. (John^, John^ John^, Obadiah^, John'.) 330003. He was born in 1737. He married (ist), Feb. 8, 1769, Johannah Coe. She was born in 1746. She died April 10, 1770. He married (2nd), Dec. 27, 1770, Mary Cooper. She died June 30, 1809. He died in June, 1794. Children : 340001. SamueL Born Oct. 29, 1773. 340002. Mary. Born Oct. 19, 1776. Married John Briant. 340003. Anne. Born Juh- 8, 1779. 340004. Stephen Cooper. Born Ma)^ 16, 1782. 340005. Enos. Born May 17, 1785. 340006. Isaac. Born April 11, 1791. Died Jan. 30, 1807. 340015. Frederick King. (Constant King and Phebe Hor- ton, John King and Catharine Osborn, Samuel King and Frances Ludlani, William King and Dorothy Hayne of Salem, Mass.) He was born Oct. 6, 1738. He married, Nov. 23, 1762, Mary Ayres. 330006. She was born Sept. 21, 1744. He was the first postmaster of Morristown, N. J., having received his commission from Hon. Benjamin Franklin, first Postmaster General of U. S., which ofiice he held until 1792, when his son succeeded him. He died April 4, 1796. She died Sept. 28, 1825. Children : 340016. Henry. Born Dec. 27, 1765. 343240. 340017. Sarah. Born Sept. 4, 1767. Died March 10, 1774. Sixth Generation. 1205 340025. Silas Ayres. (John^, John\ John^, Obadiah", John'.) 1973 10. 330007. He was born Dec. 29, 1749. He married, Dec. 23, 1 77 1, Mary Byram. He died Dec. 29, 1826. She died Oct. 30, 1819. Children : 340026. Abigail. Born Nov. 28, 1772. Died Feb. iS, 1S12. 340027. Ebenezer Byram. Born May 11, 1774. Married. Nov. 3, 1791, Abigail Byram (daughter of Xaphtali Byram). He died March 20, 1853. 340028. Sarah. Born Nov. 38, 1776. Died Jan. 8, 1S47. 340029. Mar}' King. Born March 2, 1779. Married, Jan. 12, 1799, John Da}'. She died Dec. 29, 1852. 340030. Hannah. Born May 12, 17S1. Married Jan. 3, iSoi, Isaac Pierson. She died in March, 1834. 340031. Huldah. Born July 17, 17S3. Died Nov. 15, 1783. 340032. Huldah. Born Sept. i, 1784. Married, Feb. 26, 1829, John A3-res. 340400. 340033. Silas Condict. Born Feb. 12, 1787. Died Oct. 6, 1842. 340034. David. Born Aug. 10, 1793. Died in i88r. 340035. Phoebe. Born June 18, 1796. Died July 29, 1796. 340036. Lewis. Born Oct. 6, 1798. 344000. 340050. EzEKiEL Ayres. (Ezekiel^, Obadiah", John', Obadiah-, John'.) 333102. He was born Nov. 25, 1754. He married Lena Eick. Residence, between Hackettstown and Danville, N. J. Children : 340051. Robert. Born Nov. 8, 178S. Married Katie Olliver. 340052. William. 340053. Abraham. Married Mary Rorick (daughter of John Rorick). 340054. John. 340055. Ezekiel. Born May 15, 1799. 345ooo. 340200. Moses Ayres. (Jonathan^, Nathaniels John^, Oba- diah-, John'.) 333205. He was born in 1776. He married Phebe Smalley (daughter of Jacob Smalley). He died Oct. 7, 1845. ^hey had four children. Children : 340201. Julia A. 340202. Sylvanus. Born May 7, 1S07. 345500. 340203. Ezekiel. 340204. Jonathan. i2o6 History of the Ayres Family. 340400. John Ayres. (John^ Moses^ John^, Obadiah", John'.) 333409- He was born Oct. 20, 1782. He married (ist). April 7, 18 17, Abigail Coe (daughter of Ebenezer Coe). She was born in 1783. She died Dec. 26, 1827. He married (2nd), Feb. 26, 1829, Huldah Ayres. 340032. She was born Sept. i, 1784. She died Aug. 19, 1858. 340500. Richard Ayres. (Nathaniel^ Moses^ John\ Oba- diah=, John'.) 175000. He died in 1844 at Homer, Ohio. 340600. Ellis Ayres. (Frazee^, Robert", Obadiah^, Obadiah=, John'.) 333801. He was born in March, 1757 (o. 1751). He mar- ried Sarah Mundy (daughter of Gershom Mundy). Soldier in Mid- dlesex Regt., N. J. in Rev. War. 197330. He died in 1831. Children : 340601. Elizabeth. Born Nov. 2, 1775. Died in 1777. 340602. Payer. Born March 28, 1779. Married Catharine Pitney. 340603. Ichabod. Born Nov. 28, 1780. Married Elizabeth Kelly. 340604. Samuel. Born in 1783. Married Sophia Marshall. 340605. David. Born in 1785. Married Phebe Force. 340606. Phebe. Born in 1787. Married Henry Mundy. 340607. Ezra. Born Dec. 10, 1788. 346000. 340608. John. Born in 1792. Died in 1793. 340609. Betsey. Born in 1797. Died in 1800. 340610. Sarah. Born in 1805. Married Philip Quick. 340650. Ezra Rodolph Ayres. (Ezekiel^, Zebulon-*, Joseph^, Obadiah', John'.) 334205. He was born July i, 1791, at Metuchen, N. J. He married, Feb. 18, 1813, Jane Lyle Lawson. She was born May 19, 1792. He died Aug. 13, 1829, in New Orleans, La. She died Nov. 18, 1875, and was buried at Federalsburg, Md. Children : 340651. William Lawson. Born Nov. 8, 1813. 340652. Ezra Rodolph. Born April 12, 1815. 340653. Henry Romeyn. Born June 20, 1817. 346500. 340654. George Dunham. Born Dec. 8, 1819. 340660. David Ayres. (David^, Moses^ John^, Obadiah% John'.) 198201. He married. He removed to Mansfield, Ohio. Children : 340661. William. 340662. Daughter. Married an Evans. Seventh Generation. 1207 340670. Moses Ayres. (Davids Moses-*, John^, Obadiah'', John'.) 198400. He married Mary Brittain (daughter of Robert Brittain of Lower Mount Bethel, Pa.). Children : 340671. Rev. Samuel Brittain. 198408. Graduated at Princeton Theo- logical Seminary. He married Sarah Roy (daughter of Sarah Roy of Sussex Co., N. J.). Pastor at Ellenville, N. Y., and Bloomfield, Ohio. 340672. Sarah. 19S407. Married (ist), Harmon Dildine ; (2nd), Robert Ross. SEVENTH GENERATION. 343000. Gen. Jacob Kingsbury. (Great-great-grandson of Dea. Joseph Kingsbury. 321 no.) He married. His military ser- vice covered a period of over forty years. Residence, Franklin, Conn. Child : 343001. Capt. James. Born Sept. 28, 1801, at Franklin, Conn. Gradu- ated at U. S. Military Academy, West Point, 1823. He was for many years attached to the Commissary Department of the Army. At one period while in the service as a Lieutenant, he sustained the same relation to Gen. (then Col. ) Zachary Taylor, as Taylor had formerly done to Gen. Jacob Kingsbury, his father. At the capture of Black Hawk in the spring of 1833, he commanded the steamer Warrior, and it was owing chiefly to his military skill and judicious management, that the enemy were made prisoners, and the war ended. Some years before his death he withdrew from the service and retired to private life ; and as a citizen he was much respected. He died June 25, 1853, at St. Louis, Mo. 343100. Charles F. Frye. (Abiel^, Abie^, John^, SamueP, John'.) 339001. He was born Nov. 20, 1784. He married, Jan. 8, 1809, Matilda Buck (daughter of Elijah Buck of Wyoming Valley, Pa.j. He died Oct. 20, 1845, ^^ Jacksonville, 111. Children : 343 10 1. Abiel. 343102. Dewitt Clinton. 343103. Merritt Harmon. 343104. Phebe Russell. Born July 21, 1S16. Married Aaron Parker. 348000. i2o8 History of the Ayres Family. 343200. John Hancock Frye. (Simons, AbieP, John^, Sam- ueP, John'.) 339021. He was born Dec. 19, 1777. He married, Dec. 25, 1817, Mehitable Frye. 339602. Justice. He died March 14, 1835. Residence, Fryeburg, Me. Children : 343201. Caroline Johnson. Married, in 1846, Henry Walker (James Walker, descendant of Elder William Brewster.) 343202. Cordelia Chadwick. Married George Shattuck Farnswortli. 348200. 343240. Henry King. (Frederick^, Constant^ John^ SamueP, Wilham'.) He was born Dec. 27, 1765. He married, Feb. 14, 1789, Charlotte Morrell (daughter of Jacob Morrell of Chatham, N. J.). Postmaster, June 14, 1792. Residence, Morristown, N. J. Children : 343241. Jacob Morrell. Born Nov. 21, 1789. 348010. 343242. Marj- Ayres. Born Feb. 27, 1791. 343243. Frederick. Born Sept. 11, 1792. 348020. 343244. Henry H. Born June 20, 1794. 348030. 343245. Charles Morrell. Born May 3, 1796. 348040. 343246. Sarah Ann. Born Feb. 26, 1799. Unmarried. Died Jan. 8, 1833. 343247. Eliza Caroline. Born March 18, i8or. Married John M. Can- tine. 348050. 34324S. Cornelia. Born Sept. 3, 1803. Married Dr. John Steele. 348060. 343249. William Lewis. Born Jan. 30, 1806. 348080. 343250. Hannah Morrell. Born June 14, 180S. Unmarried. Died Oct. 13, 1834. 343300. Dean Frye. (Joseph^, Joseph*, John^, Samuel-, John'.) 339401. He married Joanna March. Residence, Maine. Children : 343301. John March. 348100. 343302. William R. Married. They had a family. 343303. Joseph. L^nmarried. Died. 343400. Thomas Chase. (Josiah.) 339501. He married Mary Spring. Child : 343401. Samuel Frye. Born Aug. 21, 1827. 348300. Seventh Generation . 1 209 343500. Hon. Richard H. Ayer. (Richard*, Samuel^, James\ SamueP, Robert^, John'.) 339701. He was born Jan. 12, 1778. He married Susannah McClary (granddaughter of Rev. Christopher Sar- gent of Methuen, Mass.). Sheriff of Merrimac County, N. H., 1823. Representative several years. State Senator, 1818-23. Member of Governor's Council. They had eleven children. He died Feb. 3, 1853. Residence, Manchester, N. H. Children : 343501. Susan. ]Married Hon. Isaac Hill. 348500. 343502. Mary. Married Dr. Amos Gilman Gale. 34S520. 343520. Dr. Samuel Ayer. (Richard^ Samuel^, James'', Samuel', Robert^, John'.) 339702. He was born Aug. 31, 1786. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1807. M.B., 1810. M.D. Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 181 1. Tutor in Dartmouth College, 1808- 10. He practiced his profession at Portland, Me., for some time and then removed to Eastport, Me. Surveyor of Port of Passamaquoddy. Overseer of Dartmouth College, 182 1-4. He married. Child : 343521. Samuel Hazen. Born Dec. 19, 1819, at Portland, Me. Gradu- ated at Bowdoin College, 1839. He studied law with President Franklin Pierce. He began practice at Hillsboro, N. H. He removed to Manchester, N. H. Speaker of New Hampshire House of Representatives. 1S4S-9. Died Oct. 4. 1853. 343600. Jedediah Holt. (Daniel\ Benjamin\ Nicholas^, Nicholas-, Nicholas'.) 339951. He was born Aug. 12, 1774, at Pembroke, N. H. He married, May 12, 1804, Mary Noyes (daugh- ter of John Noyes). He died Oct. 25, 1850, at Dorchester, N. H. She died April 25, 1868. Child : 343601. Franklin. Born Jan. 8, 1818, at Dorchester, N. H. 344000. Lewis Ayres. (Silas^ JohnS John^ John\ ( Jbadiah-, John'.) 340036. He was born Oct. 6, 1798. He married, Nov. 2, 1824, Rebecca Osborn. She was born Jan. 6, 1804. He died Oct. 11, 1866, in Mobile, Ala. She died April 10, 1876, in Detroit, Mich. They had four children who died in infancy, besides those named below. I2IO History of the Ayres Family. Children : 344001. Helen Louise. Born Nov. 12, 1829. Died Jan. 8, 1896. 344002. Cornelia. Born Jan. 16, 1832. 344003. Lewis H. Born Dec. 24, 1837. 349000. 345000. EzEKiEL Ayres. (EzekieP, Ezekiel^, Obadiah", John^ Obadiah^ John'.) 340055. He was born May 15, 1799. He mar- ried Ehzabeth Rorick (daughter of John Rorick). She was born Oct. 24, 1801. He died Sept. 22, 1849. Residence, Whitehall, Warren Co., N. J. Children : 345001. David. Born in 1818. LTnmarried. 345002. John Rorick. Died young. 345003. William. Born in 1823. Married Emily Smith (daughter of George Smith). 345004. James. Born in 1825. Married Merilda Trimmer (daughter of Morris Trimmer). 345005. Stewart B. Born in 1827. Married Ann Day (daughter of Jacob Day). 345006. John. Born in 1831. Married Margaret Hann (daughter of William Hann). 345007. Elizabeth. Born in 1833. Married Andrew Cummins (Jacob). 345500. Sylvanus Ayres. (Moses*, Jonathan^, NathanieP, John^ Obadiah% John'.) 340202. He was born May 7, 1807. He married Eliza Ellen Fisher (great-granddaughter of Hindrich Fisher of Revolutionary fame). He died Nov. 28, 1885. Residence, Bound Brook, N. J. Children : 345501. Julia Jane. Born Nov. 19, 1S31. Married Ferdinand D. Rockefellow. 350000. 345502. Theresa S. Born May 15, 1835. Married Abner V. Nelson. 350025. 345503. William Henry. Born April 22, 1840. 350040. 345504. Eugene B. Born July 3, 1842. 350060. 345505. John B. Born May 15, 1846. Died March 4, 1861. 345506. Sylvanus. Born Dec. 17, 1848. 3500S0. 345507. Robert L. Born June 4, 1850. Unmarried. Residence, 1902, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 345508. Arthur A. Born April 30, 1854. Died Aug. 28, 1854. Seventh Generation. 121 i 346000. Ezra Ayres. (Ellis^ Frazee^ Robert^ Obadiah^ Obadiah^ John'.) 340607. He was born Dec. 10, 1788. He mar- ried Jane Lott (daughter of Lin Lott and Euphenia Cazart). He died Oct. 30, 1863. She died July g, 1877. Children : 346001. Ann Maria. Born May i8, 1813. Married M. F. Carman. I 96000. 346002. Lebbens. Born Dec. 21, 1814. Died Aug. 17, 1S27. 346003. David. Born Oct. 12, 1816. Married Harriet Baber. 346004. Jane. Born Sept. 15, 18 iS. 346005. Sarah. Born Oct. 29, 1S20. Married Thomas Alfriend. 346006. Samuel. Born Nov. 11, 1822. Married (ist), Mary Campbell ; (2nd), Margaret Vail. 346007. Lebbens. Married Ellen V. S. Groyer. 346008. Caroline. 346009. Emma. Born March 18, 1829. Married E. M. Hunt. 346010. Mary. Born July 27, 1881. Married Thomas M. Martin. 346500. Henry Romeyn Ayres. (Ezra Rodolph*, Ezekiel^ Zebulon-*, Joseph^ Obadiah% John'.) 340653. He was born June 20, 18 1 8, at Easton, Pa. He married, Aug. 22, 1839, Mary Bartle- son. She was born Dec. 31, 1812. She died March 7, 1846, and is buried at Doylestown, Pa. Children : 346501. Louisa Jane. Died young. 346502. Louisa. Born May 3, 1842, in Philadelphia, Pa. Married George De Neale Patten. 350500. 346600. Nathaniel Ayres. (Richard^ Nathaniel^, Moses^ John^, Obadiah'', John'.) 180000. Susannah Coddington died May 22, 18 13. He married (2nd), Lucretia Beckwith (daughter of Stephen and Hannah Beckwith). He married (3d), Aug. 30, 1833, Harriet Thompson Bryant. She was born Dec. 17, 1803. She died Dec, 8, 1887, at Leavenworth, Kan. Children : 346601. Lewis Smalley. Born Jan. 29, 1811. Married, Sept. n, 1832, Esther McLallen. She was born Dec. 9, 1810, at Johnstown, N. Y. He died May 14, 1878, at Penn Van, N. V. She died Sept. 10, 1879, at Johnstown, N. V. They adopted Helen M. Turner, 351041, I2I2 History of the Ayres Family. 346602. Jeremiah JeflFrey. Born Dec. 27, 181 1. 346640. 346603. Socrates. Born Oct. 24, 1814. 185025. 351020. 346604. Susannah. Born Feb. 26, 1818. Married John R. Turner. 351040. 346605. Stephen Beckwith. Born Nov. 6, 1819. 351060. 346606. Nicoll Halsey. Born Aug. 6, 1821. Died Dec. 3, 1855. 346607. Robert Emmett. Born March 2, 1825. 351080. 346608. Carlton. Born Feb. i, 1827. 351100. 346609. Lucretia. Born June 20, 1S34. Married Hon. Henry Matthew Aller. 35 1 1 20. 346620. Thomas Spaulding. 180020. He married^ in 1807, Elizabeth Ayres. 175002. She was born Oct. 27, 1789. She died July 30, 1850. He died Oct. 16, 1852, Residence, Hector, Seneca Co., N. Y. Children : 346621. William Blackford. Born Dec. 9, 181 2. 351 140. 346622. Samuel E. Born May 5, 1814. 351160. 346623. Mary Ayres. Born June 6, 1S17. Married Jacob Stillwell. 351 180. 346624. Elmer C. Born April 30, 1819. 351200. 346625. Lovina Jeffreys. Born July 5, 1822. Married David Gold- smith. 351220. 346626. Harry. Born July 28, 1825. Died Dec. 11, 1845. 346627. Daniel Ayres. Born Oct. 12, 1826. 351240. 346628. Elias Jeffrey. Born Feb. 24, 1834. 351260. 346640. Jeremiah Ayres. (Richard^ Nathaniel^, Moses\ John^, Obadiah", John'.) 175003. He was born Oct. 18, 1791. He married (ist), Lucinda Treman. 306. She died. He married (2nd), Feb. II, 1849, Rachel Baker of Anglaize Co., Ohio. He died July 2, 1863. She died Oct. 14, 1844. Children : 346641. Matilda. Born March 15, 1816. Married Benjamin F. Lan- ning- 35130^)- 346642. Grover. Born May 20, 181S, at Mecklenburg, N. Y. 341320. 346643. Mary. Born Oct. 21, 1820. Married Dr. Littlefield. She died July 22, 1846. They had two children who died in infancy. 346644. Henrietta. Born July 6, 1824. Married (ist), Dr. S. A. Stan- ert. 351340. Married (2nd), Robert D. Martin. He died March 12, 1856. 346645. Sylvanus Brown. Born March 30, 1827. 351360. 346646. Stephen Decatur. Born May 20, 1S29. 3513S0. Eighth Generation. 1213 346647. David. Born July 27, 1832. Married, March iS, 1856, Sophia H. Day (daughter of George and Henrietta Day of Springfield, 111.). She was born March 15, 1836. He died May 27, 1866. No children. 346648. Irene. Born Jan. 16, 1851. Married. Oct. 26, 1S71, Dr. Albert T. Wilson. 1 85 1 70. 346649. Herman C. Born Sept. 8, 1854. 180038. 346660. Elias J. Ayres. (Richard*, Nathaniel^, Moses\ John^ Obadiah=, John'.) 180050. He married, Dec. 28, 1820, Mary Jones (daughter of WilHani and Jane Jones). Child : 346661. Lieut. Oliver C. .Active Aide-de-Camp to Gen. John Corse. Killed Oct. 5, 1S64. 180057. 346680. Daniel Blackford Ayres. (Richard*, Nathaniel', Moses-*, John^ Obadiah^, John'.) 180070. He was born Feb. 6, 1798. Phebe Farrington was born Oct. 31, 1801. She died Oct. 5, 1832. He had no children by his second wife. Children : 346681. Rebecca. Born Nov. 16, 1821. Married March 16, 1842, Sam- uel Huson. She died May 6, 1843. 346682. Nelson. Born Jan. 28, 1824. Married (ist), June 11, 1845, Maria S. VanKirk ; (2nd), Sept. 7, 1865, Sarah E. Curry. Residence, 1902, Almond, N. Y. 346683. Mary Ann. Born May 15, 1826. Married, March 22, 1848, Sylvester Rappleye. They have children. 346684. Daniel Hollister. Born May 18, 1848. 351580. EIGHTH GENERATION. 348000. Aaron Parker. He married Phebe Russell Frye. 343104. Soldier in War of 18 12. He died May 31, 1849, at Jack- sonville, 111. Child : 348001. Matilda. Married Hon. David Gillespie. He was born Sept. 28, 1828, at Edwardsville, 111. He attended ShurtleflF College. Admitted to the Bar, 1849. Master in Chancery. County Judge. Residence, Edwardsville, 111. 1 2 14 History of the Ayres Family. 348010. Jacob Morrell King. (Henry", Frederick^ Con- stant", John'.) 343241. He was born Nov. 21, 1789. He married Francis Holt Parson. Residence, 1857, Morristown, N. J. Children : 34801 1. Josephine. 348012. Francis Guichard. 348013. George Parson. 348014. Vincent Boisanbin. 348020. Frederick King. (Henry", Frederick^, Constant", John'.) 343243. He was born Sept. 11, 1792. He married, Aug. 26, 1816, Abigail LaRue Penine (daughter of John Penine, Esq.). Residence, 1857, Rahway, N. J. Children : 348021. John Kenry. 348022. Sophia Lewis. 348023. Rev. Frederick LaRue. Graduated at Princeton College, 1844. Tutor at Princeton College. Minister. Died. 348024. Caroline Louisa. 348025. Rev. Albert Barnes. Graduated at Princeton College, 1855. Presbyterian Minister. Residence, 1872, Wyoming, Pa. 348030. Henry H. King. (Henry", Frederick^, Constant^ John'.) 343244. He was born June 20, 1794. He married, Aug. 8, 1827, Nancy Hays. Merchant. Address, 134 Front St. Resi- dence, 1857, 264 West 22nd St., N. Y. City. Children : 348031. Caroline Parson. 34S032. Dr. Oliver Richardson. Graduated at Princeton College, 1849, and College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, 1852. Residence, N. Y. City. 348040. Charles Morrell King. (Henry", Frederick^ Con- stant^ John'.) 343245. He was born May 3, 1796. He married, Aug. 28, 1827, Caroline E. N. Parson. Residence, 1857, Newark, N. J. Children : 348041. Caroline Augusta. 348042. Mary Montgomerie. Died in or before 1857. 348043. Augustus Montgomerie. Died in or before 1857. Eighth Generation. 12 15 348050. John M. Cantine. He married, Oct. 25, 1830, Eliza Caroline King. 343247. Children : 348051- Francis Cart. 348052. Charlotte. 348053- John. 348054- Sarah. 34S055 Sophia. 348056. Henry. 348060. Dr. John Steele. He married, Oct. 30, 1S23, Cor- nelia King. 343248. Residence, 1857, Dayton, Ohio. Children : 348061. Henry King. 348062. Mar}' Caroline. 348063. Agnes Coulter. 348064. Clara Pierson. 348065. James. 348066. Augusta. 348067. Charlotte King. 348068. Cornelia. 348069. John. 348070. Samuel. 348071. William. 348080. William Lewis King. (Henry^ Frederick^, Con- stant\ John', SamueP, William'.) 343249. He was born Jan. 30, 1806. He married, June 2, 1840, Mary Dabney Hallem (daughter of Edward Hallem and Mary Dabney of Richmond, Va.). He re- moved in 1824 to Richmond, Va., where he associated with his brother, Henry H. King. In 1843 he became a member of the firm of Naylor & Co., the American branch of the famous steel manufac- turers of Shefifield, England, and remained a partner until 1862 when he retired from active business. He removed in 1867 to Morristown, N. J. He was for many years connected with the National Iron Bank and Morris County Savings Bank, and was a trustee of the South Street Presbyterian Church ; he was also Vice-President of the Washington Association ; a trustee of the Old Ladies' Home, which he founded and the Charities' Aid Association of New York City. I2i6 History of the Ayres Family. He founded the Morristown Library and Lyceum and was its Presi- dent until his death. He died March i8, 1897, at Morristown, N. J. Children : 348081. Harriet Lincoln. Died without issue. 348082. Mary Virginia. Died without issue. 348100. Col. John March Frye. fDean*, Joseph^, Joseph\ John^ SamueP, John'.) 343301. He married Alice M. Davis. He was one of the early settlers of Lewiston, Me. Residence, Lewiston. Children : 348101. Mary D. Married Dr. Pearl Martin. 354100. 348102. William Pierce. Born Sept. 2, 1S31. 354000. 348103. Sarah C. Unmarried. 348104. Dr. Albert S. Unmarried. Died about 1882. 348105. Addie F. Married Silas C. Dawes. He died in 1897. They had one son who died in Feb., 1902. 348200. George Shattuck Farnsworth. He married Cor- delia Chadwick Frye. 343202. Child : 348201. Virginia Harris. Rorn in Maine. Married Edwin P. Wilson. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 348300. Samuel Frye Chase. (Thomas^, Josiah'.) 343401. He was born Aug. 21, 1837, at Saco, Me. He graduated at Bowdoin College, 1858. He married Elizabeth Mary Pierson (daughter of Samuel Pierson and Sarah Hill, daughter of Jeremiah Hill and Marv Emery). Lawyer. He died May 5, 1889. Residence, Saco, Me. Child : 348301. Mary. Born in Maine. Married Henry Gannett. vShe is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 348500. Hon. Isaac Hill. (Isaac Hill and Hannah Russell.) He was born April 6, 1788, at Somerville, Mass. He married, Feb. 2, 1814, Susan Ayer. 343501. Editor of New Hampshire Patriot for many years. State Senator, 1820-22 and 1827. Second Comp- troller of the United States Treasury, 1829-30. United States Sen- ator, 183 1-6. Governor of New Hampshire, 1836-g. Sub-Treasurer of the United States at Boston by appointment of President Van- Eighth Generation. 121 7 Buren. He died March 22, 1851, in Washington, D. C. They had three sons and one daughter. Child : 348501. John McClary. Born Nov. 5, 1821, at Concord, N. H. Jour- nalist. He aided his father in the publication of Hill's New Hampshire Patriot till 1847, when it was merged in the New Hampshire Patriot, with which journal he was connected till 1S53, and again in 1868-73. In 1884 he was the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Governor of New Hampshire. 354150. 348520. Dr. Amos Gilman Gale. (Dr. Anlos^ Dr. Amos^ Jacob'.) He was born Feb. 17, 18 17. Graduated at Dartmouth College, M.D. He married Mary Ayer. 343502. He removed from Hooksett to Manchester, N. H. Child : 348521. Daughter. 348600. Nathan S. Chandler. (Great-great-grandson of Capt. John Chandler, born 1680, died 1740, and Hannah Frye. 321055.) He married Mary A. He died in 1862. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 348601. William Eaton. Born Dec. 28, 1835. 354200. 348602. John K. Merchant in Boston and the East Indies. Residence, 1882, Canterbury, N. H. 348603. Col. George Henry. Born in 1839. Graduated at Dartmouth College, i860, at Harvard Law School, 1867. Adjutant and afterwards Major and Lieut. Colonel of the Ninth New Hamp- shire Regiment in the Civil War. Lawyer. He studied law with Hon. Asa Fowler and his brother, Hon. William E. Chand- ler, 1860-62. Deputy Secretary of the State of New Hamp- shire, 1861-2. Adjutant of the 9th Infantry Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, 1862-3 ; Major, 1863-4 ; Lieutenant Colonel, 1865. President of Court Martial, Washington, I). C, 1864. Detailed to aid the Navy Department in special Investi- gation, Philadelphia, Pa., 1864-5. Secretary of the United States Commission to codify the Statutes, Wa.shington, D. C, 1866-7. Counsel of the United States in suits against England, 1867-8. Practiced law Baltimore, Md., in 1868-83. He died Aug. 12, 1883, at Concord, N. H. I2i8 History of the Ayres Family. 348700. Franklin Holt. (Jedediah^ Daniel^, Benjamin-', Nicholas^ Nicholas^, Nicholas'.) 343601. He was born Jan. 18, 1818. He married, Oct. 17, 1841, Eliza Sanborn (daughter of Ezra Sanborn). She died Dec. 5, 1880. Residence, Lyme, N. H. Child : 348701. Henry H. Born Feb. 28, 1843. 354500. 349000. Lewis H. Ayres. (Lewis', Silas^ John^, John-*, John^ Obadiah=, John'.) 344003. He was born Dec. 24, 1837. He mar- ried, Dec. 5. 1864, Mary Riker. Broker and sales agent. Address, 1902, 100 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Children : 349001. Charles H. Born Feb. 8, 1866. 349002. Katharine. Born Dec. 5, 1S69. 350000. Ferdinand D. Rockefellow. He married, July 7, 1850, Juha Jane Ayres, 345501. Residence, 1902, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Children : 350001. Charles Frederick. Born Aug. 21, 1851, at Bound Brook, N. J. 350002. Grace Ferdinand. Born Oct. 12, 1S70, at Wilkesbarre, Pa. 350025. Abner V. Nelson. He married, Sept. 19, 1865, Therese S. Ayres. 345502. Residence, 1902, Newark, N. J. Children : 350026. Julia Theresa. Born Oct.' 15, 1867. Married Albert Vanderberg. 350027. Eugene Voorhees. Born April 5, 1S70. Died Oct. 11, 1S75. 350028. Mary Eva. Born Sept. 3, 1877. 350040. William Henry Ayres. (Sylvanus', Moses^ Jona- than^, Nathaniel^ John^ Obadiah', John'.) 345503. He was born April 22, 1840. He married, June 13, 1866, Anna D. Staats. Resi- dence, igo2. Bound Brook, N. J. 350060. Eugene B. Ayres. (Sylvanus^ Moses*, Jonathan^, Nathaniel, John^ Obadiah% John'.) 345504. He married Mary S. Butler, of Wilkesbarre, Pa. Residence, 1902, Audenried, Pa. 350080. Sylvanus Ayres. TSylvanus^ Moses®, Jonathan^, Nathaniel", John^, Obadiah^ John'.) 345506. He married, Oct. 18, 1883, Emma Lilly Coryell of Lambertsville, N. J. Residence, 1902, Bound Brook, N. J. Eighth Generation. 12 19 350500. George DeNeale Patten. He was born March 7, 1 84 1, in Philadelphia. He married, Oct. 8, 1868, Louisa Ayres. 346502. Residence, 1902, Plainfield, N. J. Children : 350501. Henry Ayres. Born March 16, 1871. 355000. 350502. Mary Sumner. Born April 30, 1S73. Died Nov. 29, 1891. 350503. Louisa. Born Dec. 17, 1S75. 351000. Capt. Jeremiah Jeffrey Ayres. CNathaniel', Rich- ard*, Nathaniel^, Moses-*, John^, Obadiah^ John'.) 185000. 346601. He was born Dec. 27, 181 1. He married, Jan. i, 1839, Cordelia Derby. She was born Nov. 2, 18 19, at Spencer, Tioga Co., N. Y. He died Aug. 24, 1880. She died Feb. 11, 1893. Residence, Will- iamsport. Pa. Children : 351001. Jane S. Born July 7, 1840, at Ithaca, N. Y. Married Albert D. Ivundy. 356000. 351002. Mary Abigail. Born March 5, 1843. Married Thomas Bennet. 356020. 351003. Lewis C. Born June 4, 1844. 356040. 351004. Chester Derby. Born Jan. 10, 1848. 356060. 351005. Cora Maria. Born May 3, 1850. 351006. Amy Lucretia. Born June 28, 1854. Married, Oct. 4, 1S88, Albert York Smith. They had one child. 351020. Socrates x\yres. (Nathaniel, Richard^ Nathaniel^, Moses^ John^, Obadiah^, John'.) 185025. 346602. Susan Harris was born Oct. 19, 18 15. 351040. John R. Turner. He married Susannah Ayres. 346603. She died May 19. 1839. Child : 351041. Helen M. Born Oct. ir, 1840. Graduated at Elmira College. She was adopted by her uncle, Lewis Smalley Ayres. 346601. (She was not the daughter of Stephen B. Ayres, Sr., as stated in 190510.) She died. 351060. Stephen Beckwith Ayres. (Nathaniel", Richard*, Nathaniel^, Moses^ John^, Obadiah=, John'.) 185050. 346605. He was born Nov. 6, 1819. He married (ist), in 1855, Artemisia Dun- lap of Ovid, N. Y. She died in 1865. at Ft. Dodge. Iowa. He I220 History of the Ayres Family. married (2nd), in 1869, Louise Bannister (daughter of Caleb Bannis- ter of Phelps, N. Y.). She was born Aug. 10, 1835. He resided in Penn Yan, N. Y., 56 years, except a short residence in the West. He died Nov. 23, 1887. Louise Bannister died April 26, 1899. Stephen Beckwith Ayres was born at Trumansburg, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1819, and lived more than sixty-eight years. While yet a boy he moved from the old home and entered the employ of his older brother, Lewis, who was in business in Penn Yan and postmaster there a considera- ble time. Later he entered upon a business career for himself, hav- ing accumulated sufficient capital by careful savings. After being a merchant in his adopted village for a time, with varying success, he removed to Fort Dodge, Iowa, then a real frontier town. There he met with great financial prosperity, but was saddened by the death of his wife in 1865. His loneliness induced a sale of his western prop- erty and a return to the State of New York. For a time he was con- nected with his brother Socrates in Elmira, but finally returned to his earlier home in Penn Yan in 1868, living there the remainder of his days. Mr. Ayres was a man of strong convictions, a good man and a public spirited citizen. His literary attainments were considerable. He had educated himself and was fond of the best in both poetry and prose. He collected an excellent library and enjoyed it. While having no political aspirations for himself, he took an interest in all the questions of the day. Like many Free-Soil Democrats he joined the Republican party at its inception. He declined a nomination for Congress by the Republicans in a reasonably sure district, and later accepted one from the Prohibitionists, when it seemed his duty to do so. In 1855 he was married to Artemesia Dunlap of Ovid, N. Y., who died ten years later. In 1869 he was married for a second time to Louise Bannister of Lima, who survived him. Both of his wives were exceptionally intelligent and excellent women, and his married life was in each instance happy in the extreme. He possessed an affectionate, lovable disposition, taking his greatest pleasure in mak- ing his family content. Mr. Ayres would have been the last to wish himself made the subject of panegyric, but it would seem that in such characters as his, conscientious, industrious, moral and sympathetic, are all the qualities which make the good citizen. Of such men our country can never have too many. Eighth Generation. 1221 Children : 351061. Henr}'. Born April 7, i860. Died Jan. 6, 1861. 351062. Ida Arte. Born April 11, 1858, at Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Married (ist), Francis Marion Johnson. 356080. Married (2nd), M. Walter Welch. 356100. 351063. Stephen Beckvvith. Born Oct. 27, 1S61, at Ft. Dodge, Iowa. 356120. 351064. Dewitt Clinton. Born Jan. 27, 1864, at Ft. Dodge. 356140. 351080. Robert Emmet Ayres. (Nathaniel', Richard^ Na- thaniel=, Moses", John^, Obadiah-, John'.) 185060. 346607. He was born March 2, 1825. He married Phoebe Ann Updike. She was born March 14, 1838. He died Dec. 16, 1865, in U. S. Army, at Fort Collins. She died Dec. 27, 1893. Children : 351081. Clinton. Born Aug. 18, 1857. 190600. Cora Lyman Schutt, his wife, was born Nov. 12, 1869. 351082. Esther Lucretia. Born Aug. 28, 1859. Married, Jan. 31, 1889, Clayton Bushnell. 190610. Children : i. Frederick Ayres. Born Dec. 14, 1S90. 2. Robert Emmet. Born March 28, 1898. 35 1 100. Carlton Ayres. (Nathaniel", Richard^ Nathaniel^ Moses", John', Obadiah-, John'.) 346608. He was born Feb. i, 1827. He married Sarah Stevens. Merchant for many years in N. Y. City. He died in Aug., 1885. Residence, Brooklyn, N. Y. Child : 351101. Mary Stevens. Born Jan. 20, 1864. 35 1 1 20. Hon. Henry Matthew Aller. 185070. He mar- ried Lucretia Ayres. 346609. Children : 351 121. Hattie A. Born April 8, 1856. Married William Nealy Todd. 356160. 351 122. Susan E. Born Jan. 25, 1859, at Dundee, N, Y. Died Sept. 14, 1882, at Leavenworth, Kan. 185073. 351123. Henry Nathaniel. Born July 5, 1867. 356180. 351 140. William Blackford Spaulding. (Thomas.) 185080. 346621. He was born Dec. 9, 1812. He married, Oct. 31, 1839, Clarissa S. Howell. 122 2 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 351141. David H. Born Aug. 19, 1S42. Married, March 9, 1S68, Ma- linda Deval. 35 1 142. Francis E. Born June i, 1852. Married, Sept. 9, 1874, Lyman R. Stillwell. 35 1 160. Samuel E. Spaulding. (Thomas.) 346622. He was born May 5, 1814. He married (ist), May 9, 1844, Mary Ann Traill of Seneca Co., Ohio. She died April 17, 1864. He married (2nd), June 13, 1867, Francis Ann McLillan. Children : 35 1 161. Mary E. 351162. Ehner. 351 163. Alfred. 351164. Avada. 35 1 180. Jacob Stillwell. 180023. He married, Oct 31, 1839, Mary Ayres Spaulding. 346623. Residence, 1902, Trumans- burg, N. Y. Children : 351181. Harry. 351 1S2. Emily. 351183. Charles C. 351200. Elmer C. Spaulding. (Thomas.) 185090. 346624. He was born April 30, 18 19. He married, June 17, 1845, Tenny Jones. He died June 12, 1874. Children : 351201. Oliver C. 185091. Residence, 1902, Burdette, N. Y. 351202. Annetta H. 185092. 351220. David Goldsmith. 185100. He married, Sept. 17, 185 1, Lovina JelTreys Spaulding. 346625. Children : 35 1 22 1. Herman C. Schuyler. 351222. George S. Residence, 1902, Mecklenburg, N. Y. 351240. Daniel Ayres Spaulding. (Thomas.) 346627. He was born Oct. 12, 1826. He married, Dec. 19, 1849, J^'^^ ^- Still- well. She died Dec. 28, 1855. Residence, 1902, Mecklenburg, N. Y. Children : 351241. Ira. 351242. George. Eighth Generation. 1223 351260. Elias Jeffrey Spaulding. (Thomas.) 346628. He was born Feb. 24. 1S34. He married (ist), May i, i860. Laura Ann Davis of Iowa. She died Jan. 25, 1865. He married (2nd), Oct. 26, 1865, Mary E. Madden. Child : 35 1 26 r. Charles Henry. 351300. Benjamin F. Lanning. He married, Dec. 25, 183 1, Matilda Ayres. 346641. He died Sept. 16, 1835. Children : 351301. Philancy. Born Sept. 14, 1832. Died Jan. 19, 1845. .351302. Harriet. Born March 6, 1835. Married Isaac Elder. 356190. 351320. Grover Ayres. (Jeremiah", Richard*, Nathaniel^, Moses^ John\ Obadiah", John'.) 346642. He was born May 20, 18 18, at Mecklenburg, N. Y. He married, Feb. 14. 1S39. Jane Stockdale (daughter of William and Elizabeth Stockdale). She was born Aug. 5, 18 19, in Skelton, Yorkshire, England. She died April 4, 1880, at Vermont. 111. Children : 351321. .A.lbert Treman. Born March 7, 1840. Died March 24, 1840. 351322. Laura Jane. Born March 7, 1840. Died Aug. r, 1S40. 351323- Byron William. Born Aug. 19, 1S41, at Waupakonetta, Ohio. 356200. 351324. Adriana. Born Oct. 4, 1843. Married George Franklin Whitney. 356220. 351325- Sylvanus Decatur. Born May 2, 1846, at Springfield, 111. 356240. 351326. Mortimer. Born June 25, 1847. 356260. 351327. Helen Jane. Born June 16, 1851. Died Dec 20, 185 1. 351328. Mary Jane. Born June 17, 1873. Died Aug. 13, 1854. 351329. Grover. Born Nov. 2, 1856, at Springfield, 111. Died Sept. 4> 1S79- 351340. Dr. S. a. Stanert. He married, March 24, 1841, Henrietta Ayres. 346644. He died July 27, 1846. Child : 351341- Alice. Married W. Harry Roadnight. 356280. 351360. Sylvanus Brown Ayres. (Jeremiah^ Richard', Na- thaniel^, Moses\ John^ Obadiah=, John'.) 346645. He was born 12 24 History of the Ayres Family. March 30, 1827. He married, April 18, 1850, Emma Pickrell (daughter of John and Eliza Pickrell of St. Mary's, Ohio). She was born May 27, 1833. He died Sept. 18, 1872, at Waupakonetta, O. Children : 351361. Eliza Ivucinda. Born Nov. 9, 1851. 35 [362. Gertrude Adelia. Born July 26, 1854. 351363. Carrie Pickrell. Born July 26, 1858. 351364. Mary B. Born Jan. 23, 1865. 351380. Stephen Decatur Ayres. (Jeremiah^ Richard*, Nathaniels, Moses^ John^, Obadiah=, John'.) He was born May 20, 1829. He married, March 17, 1858, Adaline Lewis (daughter of Thomas and Margaret Ann Lewis. She is of Ayres descent). She was born Sept. 12, 1833, at New Brunswick, N. J. Residence, 1902, Kansas City, Mo. Children : 351381. William Judson. Born Sept. 17, i860. 351382. Nettie. Born Dec. 9, 1861. 3513S3. Lewis Clifford. Born Nov. 29, 1869. 351384. Stella. Born May 3, 1867. 351385. Albert Treman. Born Aug. 14, 1 871. 351386. Olive. Born Jan. 3, 1873. 351400. Jonas Rappleye. 2025. He married, Jan. 29, 1856, Mary Ann Treman. 536. 351420. William G. (o. R.) Goldsmith. 2030. He married. May 2, 1854, Emily A. Treman. 537. She died Jan. 27, 1883. 351440. William W. Wheeler. 538. He married, March 20, 1867, Ellen M. Treman. 538. 351460. Thomas B. Raymond. He married, Oct. 9, 1842, Lydia H. Ayres. 1 80051. Residence, Saginaw, Mich. Child : 351461. Mary E. Born July 12, 1843. Married James E. Thomas. They had three children. 351480. James C. Ayres. (Elias J.^ Richard*, Nathaniel^, Moses^ John^, Obadiah°, John'.) 180052. He was born Nov. 30, 1823. He married, Nov. 18, 1849, Sally Ann Raymond. She was Eighth Generation. 1225 born Dec. 9, 1829, in Reading, Steuben Co., N. Y. He died April 13. 1867. She married (2nd), Dec. i, 1870, William D. Duncan. Residence, Ottawa, Kan. Children : 351481. Elias W. Born Sept. lo, 1S50. 35(482. Victor Newell. Born Nov. 19, 1853. 356300. 351453. Charles S. Born Feb. 28, 1857. 351454. Carrie H. Born July 5, 1866. 351500. William W. Ayres. (Elias J.^ Richard*^, Nathaniel^ Moses\ John^, Obadiah-, John'.) 185 180. He married, April 22, 1852, Elizabeth Gillett (daughter of John and Mary Gillett of New- field, N. Y.). Children : 351501. Mary Francis. Born July 7, 1856, at West Danby, N. Y. 1851S1. 351502. Jennie W. Born March 6, 1866. 351520. Nathaniel A. Ayres. (Elias J. ^ Richard*, Nathaniel^, Moses-*. John^, Obadiah', John'.) 180054. He was born Nov. 6, 1S27. He married, April 26, 1855, Sarah Ellison of Lodi, N. Y. She was born Sept. i, 1835. He died Nov. 28, 1897, at Dawson, Nebraska. Children : 351521. Olive. Born Aug. 3. 187T. 351522. William. Born Dec. 22. 1874. 351540. Stephen Young. He married, March 24, 1863, Jane F. Ayres. 180055. ^^^ ^^^d June 27, 1870. 351560. Elias J. Ayres. (Elias J.-, Richard^ Nathaniel', Moses-*, John'', Obadiah-, John'.) 185200. He was born Oct. 6. 1831. He married, Dec. 14, 1858, Sarah Adelia Wheelock of Graf- ton, Mass. She was born March 31, 1841. Residence. 1902, Villa Ridge, 111. Children : 35i56r. Philip Wheelock. Born May 26, 1861, at Wintersett, Iowa. ^Married. 190700. 351562. Minnie Ruth. Born Oct. 13, 1865, at Wintersett. 35 '563. Jennie Young. Born Jan. 16, 1869, at Villa Ridge. / 1226 History of the Ayres Family. 351580. Daniel HoLLiSTER Ayres. (Daniel Blackford', Rich- ard*, Nathaniel^, Moses\ John^, Obadiah-, John'.) 346684. He was born May 18, 1848. He married (ist), Jan. 10, 1883, Mary Conde. She was born Feb. 13, 1849. She died Oct. 26, 1899, at West Troy, N. Y. He married (2nd), Jan. 29, 1902, Sarah Gregg of Trumans- burg, N. Y. Child : 35r58i. Treman Conde. Born May 9, 1887. Died Jan. 22, 18S8. NINTH GENERATION. 354000. Hon. William Pierce Frye. (John March', Dean*, Josephs Joseph''. John% Samuel', John'.) 343302. He was born Sept. 2, 183 1. He married Caroline Frances Speare (daughter of Archibald and Angelica Speare, William Speare and Mary Gregory, Jonathan Speare, Captain under Col. Mason Wheaton and also served in the 4th Lincoln Regt. in Rev. War, and Margaret McDougal). She died Dec. 21, 1900. He graduated at Bowdoin College, 1850. (LL.D., 1889; also LL.D., Bates College. 1881.) He studied law with Hon. William P. Fessenden, U. S. Senator and Secretary of Treasury. Lawyer. Member of Maine Legislature, 186 1-2. and 1867. Mayor of Lewiston, 1866-7. Attorney General of Maine, 1867-9. Presidential Elector, 1864. Member of Congress, 187 1-81. United States Senator since 1881. Chairman of Commerce Com- mittee of Senate. Member of Peace Commission, Paris, 1898. President Pro Tem. of the United States Senate, since 1896. Acting Chairman of Committee on Foreign Relations. Trustee of Bowdoin College. Residence, 1902, Lewiston, Me. Child : 354001. Helen. Born in Lewiston. Married Wallace Humphre}- White. She is a member of Society of Daughters of .\nierican Revolution. 354100. Dr. Pearl Martin. He married Mary Frye. 348102. He graduated at Bowdoin College, M.D., 1855. Residence, Med- ford, Mass. Child : 35410 1. Mary P. Married Charles Holyoke. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. HON. WILLIAM P. FRYE Ninth Generation. 1227 354150. Hon. John McClary Hill. (Isaac', Isaac% soldier of Revolution, Abraham', Soldier of Revolution.) 348501. Member of Board of Managers of New Hampshire Society of Sons of Revolu- tion. He married. Child : 354 15 1. Rev. Howard Fremont. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1867, and Protestant Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass. Member of of N. H. Society Sons of Revolution. Resi- dence, 1890, Amesbury, Mass. 354200. Hon. William Eaton Chandler. (Nathan S.) 348601. He was born Dec. 28, 1835, at Concord, N. H. He grad- uated at the Harvard Law School, 1855. Lawyer. He married (ist), in 1859, a daughter of Governor Joseph A. Gilmore ; (2nd), a daugh- ter of Hon. John P. Hale, U. S. Senator. Lawyer. Speaker House of Representatives of New Hampshire, 1863-4. Asst. Secretary Treasury U. S., 1865-7. Secretary of Navy U. S., 1882-5. U. S. Senator, 1887-9, 1889-. Residence, 1901, Concord, N. H. Children : 354201. Joseph Gilmore. Born in iS6o. Graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, r882. Journalist. Residence, Boston, Mass. 354202. William Dwight. Born in 1S63. 354203. Ivloyd Horwitz. Born in 1869. 354500. Henry H. Holt. (Franklin^ Jedediah*, Daniel^, Benjamin-', Nicholas\ Nicholas", Nicholas".) 348701. He was born Feb. 28, 1843, ^t Dorchester, N. H. He married, Dec. ig, 1866, Martha A. Warren (daughter of Asa and Mary A. Warren). Post- master. Selectman. Merchant. Justice of the Peace. County Commissioner. Residence, 1892, Lyme. N. H. Children : 354501. Clarence E. 354502. Sarah \V. 354503. Alice M. 355000. Henry Ayres Pati'en. (George DeNeale.) 350501. He was born March 16, 1871, in Philadelphia. He married, April 25, 1890, Frances Whiting Morse of Rochester, N. Y. Cashier of Astor Place Bank, N. Y. Citv. 1228 History of the Ayres Family. 356000. Albert U. Lundy. He married, June 7, i860, Jane S. Ayres. 351 001. Residence, Williamsport, Pa. Children : 356001. Ayres Derby. Born May 25, 1 86 1, at Ft. Dodge, Iowa. 359000. 356002. Cordelia Mercy. Rorn Feb. 15, 1864, at Williamsport, Pa. Married William M. Baker. 359020. 356003. Mary Bennet. Born Aug. 2, 1877. 356004. Frederick Kennedy. Born Aug. 2, 1877. 356005. Ethel Ayres. Born .A.pril 7, i88r. 356020. Tho.mas Bennet. He married, Nov. 5, 1878, Mary- Abigail Ayres. 351002. He removed from Williamsport, Pa., to Oakland, Cal. He died. She afterwards resided at Williamsport. Children : 356021. Cordelia Louise. Born July 28, 1872, at Williamsport. 356022. Eleanor Vanderbilt. Born Nov. 28, 1874, at Williamsport. Residence, 1902, California. 356040. Dr. Lewis C. Ayres. (Jeremiah Jeffrey^ Nathaniel^ Richard^ Nathaniel^, Moses^ John^, Obadiah", John'.) 351003. He was born June 4, 1844. He married, Nov. 2, 1871, Mary Doane. Physician. He died June 5, 1901. Residence, Williamsport, Pa. Children : 356041. Chester Terrill. Born Dec. 10, 1872. Residence, 1902, Chi- cago, 111. 356042. Albert Doane. Born Sept. 29, 1875. Residence, 1902, Chi- cago, 111. 356060. Dr. Chester Derby Ayres. (Jeremiah Jefifrey**, Na- thaniel^ Richard^ Nathaniel^, Moses\ John^ Obadiah=, John'.) 351004. He was born Jan. 10, 1848. He married Mary C. Ostrom. Druggist. Residence, 1902, Bayonne, N. J. Child : 356061. Louis D. Born Aug. 25, 1874. Architect. Address, 1902, 156 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City. 356080. Francis Marion Johnson. He married Ida Arte Ayres. 351062. He died. Residence, Savannah, Wayne Co., N. Y. Children : 3560S1. Margaret Louise. Born July 24, 1883. Died July 25, 1899. 356082. Lawrence Ayres. Born April 3, 1S89. Ninth Generation. 1229 356100. M. Walter Welch. He married Ida (Arte) Ayres Johnson. 351062. Residence, 1902, South Butler, N. Y. Child : 356101. Donald Walter. Born Feb. i, 1895. 356120. Steven Beckwith Ayres. (Stephen Beckwith^ Na- thaniel', Richard^ Nathaniel^, Moses-", John^, Obadiah=, John'.) 190500. He was born Oct. 27, 1861. He married, Feb. 6, 1884,. Harriet E. Bower. Proprietor of Ayres' Advertising Agency. Ad- dress, 1902, 1 1 23 Broadway, N. Y. City. Child : 356121. Malcolm Beckwith. Born Aug. 15, 1886. Student at Peekskill Military Acadeni}-. 356140. Dewitt Clinton Ayres. (Stephen Beckwith®, Na- thaniel" Richard*, Nathaniel^, Moses\ John^ Obadiah-, John'.) 190520. He was born Jan. 27, 1864. Student at Cazenovia Sem- inary. He married, June i, 1888, Minnie Luella Lake. She also attended Cazenovia Seminary. Member of Board of Education. Republican. Residence, 1902, Penn Yan, N. Y. Children : 356141. Marguerite Amelia. Born Feb. 6, 1890. Died Feb. 7, 1890. 356142. Carleton. Born March 30, 1S91. Died March 30, 1891. 356143. Alvine Muriel. Born July 2, 1895. 356144. Sidney Elliott. Born July 11, 1900. 356160. William Nealy Todd. He married, Dec. 12, 1882, Hattie A. AUer. 351121. Wholesale merchant. Residence, 1902, Leavenworth, Kan. Children : 356161. Thomas Leeman. Born June 2, 1884. 356162. Henry Aller. Born Nov. 22, 1885. 356163. Sue Aller. Born March 27, 1891. 356164. Josephine Harriet. Born Jan. i, 1894. 356165. William Nealy. Born Sept. 8, 1895. 356180. Henry Nathaniel Aller, Esq. (Henry Matthew.) 185071. 351124. He was born July 5, 1867. He married Sarah Virginia Buckingham. Lawyer. He died in 1898. Residence, Leavenworth, Kan. Child : 356 18 1. Ruth. Born Aug. 31, 1895. 1230 History of the Ayres Family. 356190. Isaac Elder. He married Harriet Lanning. 351302. Residence, Springfield, 111. Children : 356191. Charles. 356192. Edwin. 356193. Newton. 356200. Byron William Ayres. (Grover^ Jeremiah^ Rich- ard^ Nathaniel^, Moses^ John^, Obadiah', John".) 351323. He was born Aug. 19, 1841, at Waupakonetta, Ohio. He married M. Augusta McGrillis (daughter of Colonel McGrillis of Springfield, 111.). Children : 356201. Mary Jane. Married C. B. Hall at Springfield, 111. 356202. Edilh Marie. 356203. Gertrude. 356204. Ada. 356205. Augusta Helen. Died. 356206. Annie. 356220. George Franklin Whitney, He was born Nov. 7, 1835. He married, Oct. 23, 1864, Adriana Ayres. 351324. He died Feb. 3, 1892, at Springfield, 111. Child: 356221. Charles Morgan. Born Aug. 11, 1866. Married, Feb. 6, 1890, Laura Freeman of Vermont, 111. 356240. Sylvanus Decatur Ayres. (Grover^. Jeremiah", Richard*, Nathaniel^, MosesS John^, Obadiah=, John'.) 351325. He was born May 2, 1846, at Springfield, 111. He married (ist), April 5, 1866, Allie L. Rush. She died Nov. 3, 1870. He married (2nd), Sept. 20, 1872, Emma Johnson (daughter of William Johnson of Jacksonville, III). Residence, Quincy, 111. Children : 356241. Frederick Mortimer. Born Nov. 2, 1866. 359035. 356242. Allie E. 356243. William Grover. 356244. George. Tenth Generation. 1231 356260. Mortimer Ayres. (Grover^ Jeremiah', Richard*, Nathaniel^, Moses^ John\ Obadiah% John'.) 351326. He was born June 25, 1846, at Springfield, 111. He married, July 15, 1874, Dora Hill (daughter of Major Hill of Rushville, 111.). She was born May Children : 356261. Ethel. 356262. Olive. 356280. W. Harry Roadnight. He married Alice Stanert. 351341- Children : 356281. Harry S. ■ 356282. Jessie Ayres. 356300. Elias W. Ayres. (James C.^ Elias ].', Richard*, Nathaniel^, Moses\ John^, Obadiah^ John'.) 351 481. He was born Sept. 10, T850. He married, in 1872. Kate Campbell. Child : 356301. Carlton Nathaniel. Born July 26, 1872. TENTH GENERATION. 358000. Charles H. Ayres. (Lewis H.**, Lewis", Silas*, John^, John\ John^ Obadiah", John'.) 349001. He was born Feb. 9. 1866. He married, Nov. 5, 1889, Mary DeNormandie. Broker and Sales Agent. Address, 1902. 100 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Child : 358001. Katharine Lockwood. Born Nov. 18, 1890. 359000. Ayres Derby Lundy. (Albert D.) 356001. He was bom May 25, 186 1. He married, Aug. 5, 1888, Mary Thompson, Residence, 1902, Chicago, 111. Child : 359001. Esther Ayres. Born Oct. 25, 1889. 1232 History of the Ayres Family. 359020. William M. Baker. He married, Dec. 20, 1894, Cordelia Mercy Lundy. 356002. Residence, 1902, Englewood, N. J. Children : 35902 r. Albert Lundy. Born Dec. 27, 1897. 359022. Geoffrey Ayres. Born Aug. 27, 1S99. 359023. Jane Ayres. Born Dec. 27, 1900. 359030. Dr. Harris Ayres Houghton. (Oscar Allen.) 1 9000 1. Physician. He is connected with the Post Graduate Hos- pital, N. Y. City. 359035. Frederick Mortimer Ayres. (Sylvanus Decatur', Grover^ Jeremiah', Richard*^, Nathaniel^ Moses"*, John^, Obadiah^ John'.) 356241, He was born Nov, 2, 1866, He married, Feb. 2, 1892, Nell Swartz of Vermont, 111. Children : 359036. Hugh. 359037- Whitney. Ayres History. CAPT. JOHN AYRES OF BROOKFIELD, MASS. (1648.) FIRST GENERATION. 360000. Capt. John Ayres, He married Susanna S3'monds (daughter of Mark Symonds). He was killed by the Indians, Aug. 3. 1675. Residence, 1648-1672, Ipswich and Brookfield, Mass. Children : 360001. John. Born in 1649. 360020. 360002. Samuel. 360060. 360003. Thomas. 3600S0. 360004. Joseph. 360100. 360005. Edward. Born Feb. 12, 1658. 360120. 360006. Mark. Born Dec. 14, 1661. Residence, 1711-16, Portsmouth, N. H. 360007. Nathaniel. Born July 6, 1664. Blacksmith. Residence, 171 1, Portsmouth, N. H.; 17 16, Boston, Mass. 360008. Susannah. Married a Day. Their son, Robert Day, resided, 1716, New Roxbury. SECOND GENERATION. 360020. John Ayres. (John.) 360001. He married Mary, He died Aug. 12, 171 1, at Boston, Residence, Ipswich, Mass. Children : 360021. Child. Born in Sept., 1677. 360022. Abigail. Born May 14, 1680. Married Joseph Moulton. 360900. 360023. Ruth. Died Dec. 24, 1685, 1234 History of the Ayres Family. 360060. Samuel Ayres. (John.) 360002. He married, March 21, 1677, Abigail Fellows (daughter of William Fellows). Residence, Newbury, Mass. Children : 360061. Mary. Born Jan. 13, 1678. 360062. John. Born March 16, 1679. 360063. William. Born Jan. 26, 1682. 360064. Ephraim. Born Feb. 13, 16S7. 360065. Stephen. Born March 13, 1689. 360066. Jabez. Born Dec. 27, 1690. 361000. 360067. Samuel. 361020. 360068. Joseph. 360069. Ebenezer. 360070. Edward. 361040. 360080. Thomas Ayres. (John.) 360003. He married, March 21, 1677, Hannah Errington. Residence, Newbury, Mass., and 1 7 16, Portsmouth, N. H. Children : 360081. Thomas. Born Jan. 25, 1679. 361100. 360082. Hannah. Born Aug. 2, 1680. Married Edward Toogood. 361 120. 360083. Rebecca. Born May 27, 1682. Married Joseph Moses. 361140. 360084. Daughter. Born in June, 1686. 360085. Abraham. Born June 18, 1688. . 361 160. 360086. Sarah. Born Aug. 29, 1690. 3600S7. Mehitable. Born April 5, 1697. Married Abraham Senter. 361 180. 360100. Joseph Ayres. (John.) 360004. He married (ist), June 9, 1684, Sarah Caldwell. He married (2nd) (published April 21, 17 14), Hannah Dutch. Children : 360101. Sarah. Born Aug. 5, 1685. 360102. Elizabeth. Born Jan. 28, 1687. Married, Feb. 5, 1717, Aaron Kimball. 360103. John. Born Feb. 26, 1693. 360104. William. Born Sept. 13, 1696. 360105. Benjamin. Born Dec. 16, 1700. Third Generation. 1235 360120. Edward Ayres. (John.) 360005. He was born Feb. 12, 1658. He married. Residence, 1711-16, Portsmouth, N. H. Child : 360121. Elizabeth. Married Caleb Griffith. 361200. 360140. Nathaniel Ayres. He was born June 4, 1674. Blacksmith. He joined the 2nd Church in Boston, Mass., 1684-5. Dec. 13, 1708, Nathaniel Ayres and wife Amy deed lands to cancel bonds given Goodwin and to Hannah Jeffrey, of Portsmouth, widow. Nov. 28, 1711, he mortgaged lands to his son-in-law, Samuel Swasey. Land mortgaged to Samuel Swasey debt due Elonathan Ayres. He died Dec. 4, 1737. "Feb. 28, 1738, his widow was old and infirm." Children : 360141. Nathaniel. 361220. 360142. Amy. Married, Jan. 16, 1711, Samuel Swasey. 360900. Joseph Moulton. He married, Dec. 15, 17 13, Abi- gail Ayres. 360022. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. Children : 360901. Joseph. Born Sept. 29, 171-. 360902. John. Born Dec. 15, 1713. 360903. Alice. Born June 4, 1715. THIRD GENERATION. 361000. Jabez Ayres. (Samuel^, John'.) 360066. He was born Dec. 27, 1690. He married, Dec. 8, 17 18, Rebecca Kimball (daughter of Henry Kimball and Hannah Marsh, daughter of Onesi- phorus Marsh of Haverhill, Mass.). She was born Oct. 12, 1694. He removed from Rowley to Brookfield, Mass. Children : 361001. Stephen. Born Aug. 3, 1719. 361002. Eliphalet. Born March 4, 1722. 361003. William. Born Feb. 28, 1724. 361004. Micajah. Born Sept. 24, 1729. 361005. Onesephorus. Born April 7, 1733. 362000. 361006. Stephen. Born Feb. 12, 1736. 361007. Jabez. Born April 26, 1737. 362040. 1236 History of the Ayres Family. 361020. Samuel Ayres. (SamueP, John'.j 360067. He mar- ried (ist), June 7, 1 7 15, Eliner Randall of Ipswich, Mass. She died Oct. 31, 1734. He married (2nd) (published Dec. 31, 1737), Han- nah Gold. They were both members of the church at Greenland, N. H., 1741. Children : 361021. Martha. Born March 2, 1718. 361022. John. Born Nov. 22, 1719. Died Feb. 20, 1721. 361023. John. Born Sept. 17, 1721. 361024. Elizabeth. Born Oct. 6, 1723. Died Oct. 9, 1723. 361040. Edward Ayres. (Samuel-, John'.) 360070. He married (ist), Oct. 2, 1718, Hannah Jose. She died in Jan., 1719. He married (2nd), Feb. 23, 1720, Margaret Williams. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. 361 100. Thomas Ayres. (Thomas-, John'.) 360081. He was born Jan. 25, 1679. He married Mary. Residence, Greenland, Rockingham Co., N. Y. Children : 361101. Edward. Member of Church, 1716. 362200. 361102. Thomas. Member of Church, 1719. 362220. 361 103. Mary. Member of Church, 172S. 361104. Olive. Member of Church, 1734. 361105. Olive. Member of Church, 1741. 361106. Dependence. Member of Church, 1750. 362300. 361107. Stephen. Member of Church, 1751. 362320. 361 120. Edward Toogood. He married, Oct. 16, 171 1, Han- nah Ayres. 360082. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. Child : 361121. Mary. Born April 17, 1713. 361 140. Joseph Moses. He married, Aug. 17. 17 12, Rebecca Ayres. 360083. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. Child : 361 141. Joseph. Born Sept. 9, 17 13. 361 160. Abraham Ayers. (Thomas-, John'.) 360085. He married, Oct. 18, 17 16, Mary Jackson. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. Fourth Generation. 1237 361 180. Abraham Senter. He married, April 29, 1718, at Portsmouth, N. H., Mehitable Ayers. 360087. He formerly resided at Ipswich, Mass. 361200. Caleb Griffith. He married, Oct. 30, 1701, Eliza- beth Ayers. 3601 21. Residence, New Hampshire. Children : 361 201. Caleb. Born Aug. 8, 1702. 361202. Edward. Born Feb. i, 1703. 361203. Joshua. Born Feb. i, 1704. 361204. Gershom. Born Sept. 23, 1707. 361220. Nathaniel Ayres. (Nathaniel.) 360141. He mar- ried, Nov. 5, Elizabeth Kitts. Feb. 28, 1738, he adm. on his father's estate. Children : 361 22 1. John. Bap. March 12, 1726. 361222. Joseph. Born Jan. 24, 1727. 361223. Margaret. Born Aug. 31, 1729. 361224. Nathaniel. Born Aug. 31, 1734. FOURTH GENERATION. 362000. Onesephorus Ayres. (Jabez^ SamueP, John'.) 361005. He married, in 1759, Anna Goodale (daughter of Solomon Goodale and Anna (Hinde) Walker, widow of Samuel Walker, John Goodale and Elizabeth Witt, daughter of John Witt, Zecheriah Goodale and Elizabeth Beauchamp, Robert and Katherine Goodale). They had ten children. Residence, 1 750-1 774, Brookfield, Mass. Child: 362001. John. Born April 10, 1779. 365000. 362040. Jabez Ayres. (Jabez^, Samuel", John'.) 361007. He was born April 26, 1737. He removed in 1792 from Braintree, Mass., to the town of Salisbury, Herkimer Co., where he died. Child : 362041. Stephen. Born Feb. 16, 1770. 365080. 1238 History of the Ayres Family. 362200. Edward Avers. (Thomas^, Thomas^ John'.) 361 loi. He married, Nov. i, 1742, Mary Row at Newington, N. H. Child : 362201. Ruth. Bap. Aug. 14, 1743. 362220. Thomas Aver. (Thomas^, Thomas^ John'.j 361102. He married Hannah. Residence, Newington, N. H. Child : 362221. Mehitable. Bapt. May 9, 1725. 362300. Dependence Avers. (Thomas^ Thomas% John'.) 361 107. He married, Jan. 9, 1772, Elizabeth Nutter of Newington, N. H. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. 362320. Stephen Avers. (Thomas^, Thomas', John'.) 361 108. He married, Sept. 2, 1773, Sarah Hogdon of Newington, N. H. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. FIFTH GENERATION. 365000. John Avres. (Onesephorus^ Jabez^, SamueP, John'.) 362001. He was born April 10, 1779. He married, Nov. 5, 1803, Rebecca Lombard. He died Aug. 22, 1830. Residence, Brooktield, Mass. Children : 365001. John. ., 365002. Lovice. Married Charles O. Whitmore. 365500. 365003. Mary. 365004. Rebecca. 365080. Hon. Stephen Avres. (Jabez", Jabez^, Samuel", John'.) 362041. He was born Feb. 16, 1770, at Braintree, Mass. He removed with his father to the town of Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1792, where his father died. He purchased land in the then town of Norway, now Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he settled and lived till his death. Surveyor. Member of Assembly, 1836. He died Sept. 17, 1850, Children : 365081. Hiram. Surveyor. 365082. Daughter. Married Dr. A. A. Moore. 365550. Sixth Generation. 1239 SIXTH GENERATION. 365500. Charles Octavius Whitmore. He was born Nov. 7, 1802, at Bath, Me. He married Lovice Ayres. 365002. Mer- chant. President Market National Bank of Boston, Mass., 1860-85. He died Nov. 14, 1885, in Boston. She died Sept. 27, 1849. They had two sons and three daughters. Child : 365501. Daughter. Married Philip Livingston Van Rensselaer, Esq. He graduated at Princeton College, 1S60, and Columbia Law School, 1867. Lawyer. He died in 1873. Residence, N. Y. City. 365550. Dr. a. a. Moore. He married a daughter of Hon. Stephen Ayer. 365080. Physician. She died about 1885. Resi- dence, West Wintield, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Children : 365551- Dr. Atwood. He married Nettie Palmer (daughter of Vose W. Palmer). Physician. He died about 1898. No children. 365552. Maud. Married a Williams. He is a business man in LTtica but resides, 1902, at West Winfield, N. Y. They have children. Ap»FE]srDix x:x:iii. RECORDS OF VARIOUS PERSONS BEARING THE NAMEOFAYRES. 370000. Samuel Ayres. He married twice. He married (2nd), Dec. 14, 1 68 1, Mary Johnson of Hampton. He died Feb. 17, 1697. Children : 370001. Samuel. Born Sept. 14, 1658. 370030. 370002. John. Born in May, 1661. Cordwainer. Unmarried. Died Nov. 23, 1690. 370003. Joseph. Born Oct. 29, 1664. 370050. 370004. Mary. Born June 22, 1667. 370005. Susan. Married, Nov. 21, 1677, Thomas Wait. 370030. Samuel Ayres. (Samuel.) 370001. He was born Sept. 14, 1658. He married (published June 23, 1721), Mary Fuller, a widow. He died Oct. 21, 1743. He left his property to his brother Joseph's children. Resideilce, Ipswich, Mass. Children : 370031. Samuel. Born Feb. 17, 1723. Died Dec. 5, 1723. 370032. Lydia. Born July 31, 1728. Died Aug. 10, 1728. 370033. Samuel. Born Feb. 8, 1730. Died March 12, 1730. 370034. Susannah. Born Oct. r, 1732. Died Nov. 12, 1732. 370050. Joseph Ayres. (Samuel.) 370003. He was born Oct. 29, 1664. He married Margery. Tailor. He died March 4, 1730. Residence, Ipswich, Mass. Children : 370051. Mary. Born Aug. 10, 1694. 370052. Sarah. Born May 6, 1696. 370053- Elizabeth. Born Sept. 21, 1699. 370054. Deborah. Born April 8, 1701. 370055. Joseph. Bap. Nov. 4, 1705. Appendix XXIII. 1241 370100. Elnathan Ayres. (He was probably a relative of Nathaniel Ayres of Boston as he is mentioned in Nathaniel Ayres' will.) He married, July 4, 1720, Mary Jones. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 370101. Nathaniel. Born Jan. 5, 1723. 370102. Amy (o. Ammi). Born Feb. 29, 172S. 370150. Nathaniel Ayres. He married widow Anne Tolman of Needham, Mass. In 1742-3 their children were to receive their portion of their mother's property from their half-brother, Nathaniel Tolman. Child! ren : 370151- John. 370152. Aaron. 370200. Edward Ayres. He married (ist), April 26, 17 16, Rebecca Marshall. He married (2nd), Nov. 5, 1724, Hannah Eve- leth. Shipwright. His will was proved by his widow Hannah, Nov. 8, 1845. Residence, Boston, Mass. Died before Aug. 19, 1725. Children : 370201. Mary. Born Feb. 16, 1717. 370202. Edward. Born Jan. 14, 172 1. 370203. Edward. Born Aug. 19, 1725. 370204. Hannah. Born May 15, 1727. 370205. Sarah. Born Oct. 2, 1729. 370206. John. Born April 12, 1733. 370207. Joseph. Born April 11, 1743. 370250. John Ayer. Sept. 19, 17 14, John Ayer of Groton, alias Stonington, Conn., and Hannah his wife, ''only surviving daugh- ter of Daniel Travis of Boston," sign a deed. 370260. Hannah Ayer. 1720, Hannah Air, executrix and late wife of John Shaw of Swansey, Co. Bristol, "who left a son, John Shaw, who went to sea and died a minor," leaving his property to his mother, gives land to grandson, Samuel Jackson, son of "my daughter Hannah Jackson, whose maiden name was Hannah Mair". 1242 History of the Ayres Family. 370270. S. Ayres. He joined 2nd Church of Boston March 3, 1678. 370280. Mary Ayres. (Daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Ayres.) Bap. Oct. 12, 1707, in 2nd Church of Boston. 370290. John Ayres. He joined 2nd Church of Boston Nov. 5, 1 7 10. He made his will Aug. 10, 171 1, giving all of his property to his wife Mary. He died Aug. 12, 181 1, aged 62. 370300. Abigail Ayres. She died Jan. 2, 1677, aged 27. 370310. Ann Ayres. She married, Dec. 28, 1699, John Law- son of Boston. 370320. John Ayres. He married, Dec. 20, 1706, Elizabeth Halsie of Boston. 370330. Mary Ayres. She married (published Feb. 27, i 7 12), John Foster of Portsmouth. 370340. Elizabeth Ayres. She married, March 8, 17 15, Capt. Thomas Allen of Truro. 370350. Sarah Ayres. She married, July 4, 1720, Thomas Allen. 370400. Moses Ayres. He married, Aug. 3, 1666, Bethiah Millet. The Dorchester, Mass., town records say: "1680, Sept. 24, a contribution was taken up for Moses Ayres, being a captive." She died April 15, 1669. Child : 370401. Moses. 370500. 370500. Moses Ayres. (Moses.) 370401. He married Eliza- beth. 1693-9, Moses Ayres and wife, Elizabeth, of Dorchester, Mass., sign various deeds recorded at Boston. May 11, 1704, Moses Ayres "late of Dorchester now of Boston," signs a deed his wife probably then being dead. Children : 370501. Moses. 370800. 370502. Elizabeth. Married, June 18, 1713, David Franklin, mariner, who is styled in notice of marriage "of Hull". Appendix XXIII. 1243 370800. Moses Ayres. (Moses^ Moses'.) 370501. He mar- ried, Sept. 4, 1 7 18, Elizabeth Souther. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 370801. Moses. Born July 12, 1723. 370820. 370802. William. Born Feb. 7, 1725. 370803. John. Born Nov. 20, 1726. 370804. Solomon. Born Feb. 6, 1728. 370820. Moses Ayres. (Moses% Moses^ Moses'.) 370801. He married Mary. 1760, Mary, widow of Moses Ayres, housewright, was made guardian of her children, Moses and Anne, aged fourteen and over. Children : 370S21. Moses. 370822. Anne. 370830. John Ayres. He married Bridget. Residence, Boston. Children : 370S31. Bridget. Born June 20, 1679. 370832. Elizabeth. Born Sept. 28, 1683. 370840. Joseph Calef. He married, by Rev. James Allen, March 24, 1693, Mary Ayer. Residence, Boston. 370845. Moses Ayres. He married Eliza, Residence, Boston. Child : 370846. Moses. Born Aug. 12, 1697. 370850. Thomas Ayres. Residence, 1739, Boston. 370851. Samuel Swasey. He married, Jan. 16, 1710, Annie Aires, Boston. 370852. Hugh Aire. He married, March 23, 1703, Hannah Shaw, Boston. 370853. David Frankling. He married, June 18, 1713, Eliza Ayres, Boston, 370854. Thomas Payn, Esc). He married, March 8, 17 15, Eliza Ayres, Boston. 1244 History of the Ayres Family. 370855. James Aires. He married, July 7, 17 15, Sarah Despa, Boston. 370856. Elnathan Aires. He married, July 17, 17 18, Mercy Jones, Boston. 370857. Thomas Allen. He married, July 4, 1720. Sarah Aires, Boston. 370858. John Foster. He married, Feb. 27, 171 1, Mary Aires, of Portsmouth, N. H. 370859. Nathaniel Ayres. He married, Nov. 5, 1724, Eliza- beth Kitt, Boston. 370861. John Niles. He married. May 28, 1733, Ann Ayres, Boston. 370862. Peter Ayres. He married, Aug. 17, 1747, Sarah Churchill, Boston. 370863. Elnathan Ayres. He married, April 2, 1746, Esther Hall, Boston. 370864. Benjamin Clough. He married, Oct. 17, i75i> Margaret Ayres, Boston. 370865. James Ayres. He married, March 12, 1745, Jane Coyle, Boston. 370866. LuAK Shipey. He married, Jan. 15, 1749, Hannah Airs, Boston. 370868. John Aires. He married, Dec. 20, 1706, Elizabeth Halsie. Child : 370869. Mary. Born Sept. 14, 1707. 370880. John Ares. Taxpayer, 1687-9, Boston, Mass. 370882. John Ayre. Married a daughter of Thomas Brattle who died in 1683. 370884. Solomon Ayers. Married, April 10, 1757, Elizabeth. Children : 370SS5. John. Bap. April 10, 1757, at Roxbury, Mass. 370886. Solomon. Bap. April 10, 1757, at Roxbury, Mass. Appendix XXIII. 1245, 370890. Nathaniel Ayers. Grocer. Residence, 1796, Bos- ton, Mass. 370892. Thomas Ayers. Residence, 1796, Boston, Mass. 370S94. JosiAH Ayers. Residence, 1796, Boston, Mass. 370896. Henry Ayers. Residence, 1796, Boston, Mass. 370900. Simon Ayers. Married Martha. Residence, Boston,, Mass. Children : 370901. Maria. Born Jan. 26, 1652. 370902. John. Born Nov. 22, 1653. 370904. Simon Ayres. (Simon.) Married Lydia. Residence, Boston, Mass. Child : 370905. Simon. Born Aug. 6, 1652. 371000. Samuel Ayers. He married (ist), Abigail, by whom he had a son Stephen ; (2nd), Sarah, by whom he had a daughter Sarah. Residence, Newbury, Mass. Children : 371001. Stephen. 371002. Jabez. 371020. Henry Ayres. He married Ann. Freeman, 1665. He and wife Ann, March 20, 1660, sold to Thomas Fish, house and land in consideration of fencing of two acres, effected by Thomas Fish. Said Henry and Ann to enjoy said house and land for their lives, without rent. Residence, Portsmouth, R. I. 371050. Thomas Ayres. He married Sarah. Residence, 1696, Kings Town, R. I. Children : 37 105 1. Daughter. Born Nov. 28, 1696. 371052. Sarah. Born May 8, 1698. 371070. William Ayers. Residence, 1651-9, Hartford, Conn. 1246 History of the Ayres Family. 37 1 100. Dr. Simon Eyre. He was born in 1587. He came in the Increase in 1635 from London, embarking April 15, with wife Dorothy, aged 38, and children, Mary, 15 ; Thomas, 13 ; Simon, 11 ; Rebecca, 9 ; Christian, 7 ; Ann, 5 ; Benjamin, 3 ; Sarah, 3 months old. He settled at Watertown, Mass. Freeman, April 17, 1737. Select- man, 1636-43. Representative, 1641. Clerk, 1641-5. He soon thereafter removed to Boston, Mass. Dorothy, his wife, died Aug. II, 1650, in Boston. He married C2nd), about 1651, Martha Hub- bard (daughter of William Hubbard, sister of the historian, and widow of John Whittingham of Ipswich). Martha Hubbard died July 13, 1687. Abstract of his will of July 5, 1658, was published in New Eng. Hist. Gen. Register IX. 39. He died Oct. (o. Nov.) 10, 1658. Children : 371101. Mary (o. Maria). Born in 1620. Married Richard Mosely. 371140. 371 102. Thomas. Born in 1622. Unmarried. Died in 1666 in Virginia. 371103. Simon. Born in 1624. 371 150. 371 104. Rebecca. Born in 1626. 371 105. Christian. Born in 1628. 371106. Ann. Born in 1630. Married March 5, 1652, John Checkley. 371 107. Benjamin. Born in 1632. Died young. 371108. Sarah. Born in 1635. Died young at Watertown. 371 109. Jonathan. Born March 20, 1638. 371160. 371110. Dorothy. Born June 14, 1640. 371111. Maria. Born March 26, 1652. 371112. John. Born Feb. 19, 1654. 371170. 371140. Richard Mosely. He married Maria Eyre. 371101. Residence, Boston, Mass. Child : 371141. Martha. Married John Ruggles. Oct. 12, 1696, John Ruggles and his wife "Martha, only child and heir of Richard Mosely, late of Boston, deceased, and Maria, his wife, daughter of Simon Eyre of said Boston" signed a deed of land to their uncle, John Eyre, who was heir to the other half. John Eyre's will men- tions his niece, Martha, wife of John Ruggles. 371150. Simon Eyre. (Simon.) 371103. He was born in 1624. He married Lydia Starr (daughter of Comfort Starr). His grandfather Appendix XXIII. 1247 Starr made to him a bequest "to help him to learning". He died Aug., 1653. She died Aug. 10, 1653. Residence, Boston, Mass. Child : 371151. Simon. Born Aug. 6, 1652. 371200. 371 160. Dr. Jonathan Eyre. (Simon.) 371109. He was born March 20, 1638. He was educated for a surgeon, 1656. 371170. Hon. John Eyre. (Simon.) 371112. He was born Feb. 19, 1654. He married. May 20, i68o, Catharine Brattle (daughter of Thomas Brattle). Member of Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Member of Committee of Safety, 1689. Repre- sentative, 1693 and 8. He died in June, 1700. His widow married, Nov. 13, 1707, Waitstill Winthrop. They had five children who died young besides those named below. Children : 371 171. Catharine. Born July 20, 1694. Married David Jeffries. 371 172. Bethia. Born July 24, 1695. Married, March 18, 1714, John Walley. 371 173. John. Born Aug. 7, 1 7CO. 371370. 371200. Simon Eyre. (Simon-, Simon'.) 371 151. He was born Aug. 6, 1652. He married, July 22, 1679, Elizabeth (AUerton) Starr (daughter of Isaac Allerton, Jr., and widow of Benjamin Starr). Residence, New Haven, Conn. Children : 371201. Simon. Born Sept. 5, 1682. 371202. Isaac. Born Dec. 23, 1684. Died in 1685. 371203. Elizabeth. Born Oct. 30, 1690, at Boston. 371370. John Eyre. (John", Simon'.) 37 11 73. He was born Aug. 7, 1700. He graduated at Harvard College, 1718. He married Anne. He removed from Boston to Portsmouth. Child : 37 1 37 1. John. Born Sept. 14, 1733, at Boston. 371400. Thomas Eyre. He married Anne. Residence, Bos- ton, Mass. Children : 371401. Savile. Born Dec. 13, 1691. 371402. Thomas. Born July 13, 1694. 371420. 1248 History of the Ayres Family. 371420. Thomas Eyre. (Thomas.) 371402. He married, Feb. 12, 17 15, Deborah Shelton. They had several children who died besides those named below. Children : 371421. Thomas. Born March 31, 1728. 371422. Savile. Born May 18, 1730. Administration granted Dec. 15, 1752, on his estate to his brother-in-law, Doble. 371423. Hannah. Born Oct. 13, 1720. Married a Hunt. 371424. Deborah. Born July 24, 1726. Married, Dec. 24, 1747, John Dobell or Doble. 371450. Susannah Ayre. She married, April 16, 1656, Jona- than Stanhope at Sudbury, Mass. 371460. IsABELL Ayres. She married, Aug. 16, 1724, Thomas Lloyd. (See Prince's Subscribers.) 371480. Samuel Ayers. He came from Norwich in May, 1637, in the Mary and Ann of Yarmouth, aged 15 years. Residence, Ipswich or Lynn, Mass. 371485. Henry Ayers. Freeman, 1655. Residence, Ports- mouth, R. L 371490. James Ayers.. Residence, 1658, Dover, N. H. 371500. Joseph Ayer. Letters of administration were granted in 1794 on the estate of Joseph Ayer, late of Metuchen, N, J., yeo- man, to Elizabeth, widow, and Joseph Ayer, eldest son of Joseph Ayer. 371520. Michael Ayres. He removed from Dover to Still- water Township, Sussex Co., N. J., where he was living in 1757. Letters of administration were granted on his estate April 29, 1769, to David Prudence and Ben Griggs. Children : 371521. Lydia. Feb. 23, 1797, Ben. Griggs was her guardian. She married James McMahon of Ohio. 371522. Anna. Married James Thompson. She was a widow at time her father made his will. 371523. Susannah. Married David Layman. She was a widow at time her father made his will. 371530. Moses Ayres. Freeholder in Sussex Co., N. J. 1764-9. Appendix XXIII. 1249 371540. JosiAH Ayres. Letters of administration of Sussex Co., N. J., were granted Oct. 24, 1781, to Elias Ayres and Stephen Conkling. 371550. Peter Ayres. Member of ist Church of Wantage near Deckertown, N. J., 1786. 371560. Katie Ayres, Widow of Jack Cohn. Member of ist Church of Wantage, April 22, 1803. 371570. Hannah Ayres. Wife of Solomon Cortwright. Mem- ber of ist Church of Wantage, April 22, 1803. 371580. Phebe Ayres. Wife of John Drake. Member of ist Church of Wantage, April 22, 1803. 371590. Richard Ayres. Married in March, 1803, Amy Crowell. Recorded in ist Church of Wantage, N. J. 371600. Jacob Ayres. Elder in Wantage Church, 1803. 371610. C. Ayres. Descendant of Richard Ayres. Address, 396 Broadway, N. Y. City. 371620. Simeon M. Ayres. (Great-grandson of Ellis Ayers. Residence, 491 Central Ave., East Orange, N. J. 371700. Thomas Ayres. He married Margaret. Residence, New Lebanon, Columbia Co., N. Y. Children : 371701. Peter. Born in 1789. 371702. Andrew. Born in 1792. 371703. Susan. Married Jeremiah Millspaugh of Gotham, N. Y. He removed to Perry, N. Y. Children : i. Miranda. 2. Jane. 371750. Peter Ayres. (Thomas.) He was born in 1789. He married Harriet Capell (daughter of John Capell). She was born in 1801. He removed in 18 19 from New Lebanon, N. Y., to Milo, Yates Co., N. Y. He died in 1853. She died in 1869. Children : 371751- John. 371752. Sarah M. Married Frank Beals. Children : i. Frank. 2. Louisa. Residence, 1873, Northville, Mich. 371753. Harriet P. Married James Reynolds (Jesse) of Milo, N. Y. 1 250 History of the Ayres Family. 371760. Andrew Ayres. (Thomas.) He was born in 1792. He married (ist), in 1816, Emeline Babcock of New Lebanon, N. Y., by whom he had a daughter Lucy. She died in 1838. He married, in 1839, Sarah Ann Baldwin of Penn Yan, N. Y. He removed in 18 15 from New Lebanon, N. Y., to Milo, N. Y. After his marriage he resided at West Benton, N. Y. Residence, 1873, ^t foot of Keuka Lake, N. Y. Child : 371761. Lucy D. Married George Graves. He removed from Dresden, N. v., to Sparta, Wis. 371800. John Ayres. (Peter=, Thomas".) He married Sarah Miller of Milo, N. Y. Residence, 1873, Milo, N. Y. Children : 371801. Harriet. 371802. Jane. 371850. Samuel (o. Saul) Ayres. It is said the Ayres family of Mt. Bethel, Pa., are descended from Samuel (o. Saul) Ayres of Ulster County, Ireland (Scotch Covenanters) who came to Philadel- phia, with his wife and daughter, to the Scotch-Irish settlement or Deep Run, Bucks Co., Pa., where he died in 1747. They had three daughters and two sons. Children : 371851. John. Died young. 371852. William. 371860. William Ayres. (Samuel or Saul.) He removed in 1773 to Middle Paxtawney, Dauphin Co., Pa. He married. They had three sons and two daughters. Children : 37 1 861. Samuel. Born in 1749. 371862. Charles. Born in 1750. 371863. John. Born in 1752. 371900. Samuel Otis. (Joshua Otis and Lydia Meader.) He was born Dec. 16, 1792, at Barrington, Vt. He married Lucy Ayres. They had fifteen children. Several died young. Residence, Parish- ville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Appendix XXIII. 1251 Children : 371901 Jerome. 371902 Stephen 371903 Carlisle. 371904 Lucy. 371905 Marie. 371906 Susan. 371907 Lydia. 371908 Samuel. 371909 Darius. 371920. David Ayres. He married. Merchant. He removed from New York City to Ithaca, N. Y. In 1820 he advertised for sale 340 acres of land, four miles northwest of the "famed village of Ithaca, N. Y." Member of Fire Company, 1828. Clerk of School Board, 1818. Collector of school taxes, 182 1. Founder of the Methodist Church in Ithaca, 18 18. 371940. Frank D. Ayres. Address, 1902,505-7 Chamber of Commerce Building, Chicago, 111. 372100. John Ayres. He married Mary. Residence, And- over, Mass. Child : 372101. Samuel. Died Sept. 5, 1670. 372150. Rev. Henry True. He was born in 1725, at Salis- bury, Mass. He prepared at Dummer Academy and graduated at Harvard College, 1750. He studied Divinity with Rev. Mr. Bernard of Haverhill, Mass., and in 1752 he was settled in the ministry at Haverhill, Mass. In the Old French War he served as chaplain to one of the colonial regiments at Ticonderoga at Fort Edward. He married Miss Ayers of Haverhill, Mass. He prepared many young men for college. Child : 372151. Jabez. 372200. 372200. Dr. Jabez True. (Henry.) He was born in 1760 at Hampstead, N. H. He studied medicine with Dr. Flagg of Hampstead. Surgeon of a privateer fitted out at Newburyport in 1252 History of the Ayres Family. Rev. War and sailed for Europe. The vessel was wrecked on the coast of Holland. He returned and settled at Gilmanton, N. H. He afterwards removed to Marietta, Ohio, in 1788. Surgeon's mate to the infantry and rangers in the Indian War in January, 1791. He married, in 1806, Mrs. Sarah (Boardman) Mills (widow of Capt. Charles Mills). She was born at Wrentham, Mass. Deacon in Congregational Church of Marietta, Ohio. County Treasurer for many years. He died in 1823. No children. 372250. Lucius Avers. He married, in 1849, Ann M. Dean. Residence, Boston, Mass. 372260. Robert Aver. Freeman, 1666. Residence, Haver- hill, Mass. 372270. Thomas Ayer. Freeman, 1666. Residence, Haver- hill, Mass. 372280. Peter Ayer, Freeman, 1666. Residence, Haver- hill, Mass. 372290. hill, Mass. Samuel Ayer. Freeman, 1683. Residence, Haver- 372300. John Aires. Freeman, 1690. 372320. Edward Ayers. Witness to will of John Shapleigh of Kittery, Me., July 14, 1685. 372330. Norman Peck. He was born Aug. 14, 1S32, at Reading, N. Y. He married, P'eb. 6, 1857, Sally Ann Ayres. Resi- dence, 1869, Watkins, N. Y, 372335. Hon. Melanchon S. Ayers. A local newspaper says of him : "Adjoining Hudson County is the borough of Fairview, whose chief executive is Dr. Melanchon Sayre Ayers. Though having a large and lucrative practice, he has found time for real estate specula- tion, and also devotes a good portion of his time to politics. Rarely does one find a man who can successfully combine a profession, poli- tics and general business together. This the subject of our sketch has done for many years. Appendix XXIII. 1253 "Dr. Ayers was born at Beemerville, N. J., Oct. 23, 1846. His maternal ancestors were of Holland and French descent. His father, however, was of Scotch descent. After graduating from the public schools, he prepared for college at Suffield, Conn., and for a time taught school in his native village. In 1868 he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, and desiring to procure a practical knowledge of medicine he purchased a drug store in New York and conducted the same during the first year of his college career. When graduated as an M.D., he secured an appoint- ment as surgeon on board one of the Black Ball Packet line of steam- ers plying between New York and Liverpool. Upon severing his connection with the steamship company he began the practice of medicine in New York, and in 1872 he moved to Fairview. In 1873 he was appointed First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon to the Second Battalion, National Guard, and in 1876 was promoted to Major and Surgeon. "Dr. Ayers was one of the leaders in the organization of the Fairview Borough, which occurred in 1894, and was elected its first mayor and has continually held the office since that time being re- elected again this spring. Dr. Ayres has been president of the Ridgefield Township Protective Association since 1882, and was appointed special police justice by Governor Abbett. He is a promi- nent member of the Bergen County Medical Society and an ex-presi- dent of that organization. He also devotes considerable time to real estate and was one of the founders of Grantwood and Grantwood Heights, two rapidly growing villages on the Palisades overlooking the Hudson river. He is president of both the Cliffside and Grant- wood Heights Land Companies." 372340. George Hamilton Ayres. Student at Lehigh Uni- versity, 1883-4. Member of Psi Upsilon College fraternity. Farmer and stock-raiser. Residence, 1888, Fort Bidwell, Modoc Co., Col. 372350. Joseph Sutton Ayres, Esq. (Probably descended from Archibald Ayres.) Graduated at University of Michigan, 1877. He studied law and was admitted to the bar and practiced his pro- fession, 1880-2. Real estate dealer. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Residence, 1888, Detroit, Mich. 372360. Gen. Romeyn Beck Ayres. He was born Dec. 20, 1254 History of the Ayres Family. 1825, in East Creek, N. Y. He served during the Civil War, and in 1864 was made Major-General of Volunteers, for conspicuous gal- lantry in the battles of the Virginia campaign. He died Dec. 4, 1888, in Fort Hamilton, N. Y. 372370. Darius Aver. Sheriff of Clinton County, N. Y., 1868-71. 372380. Alexander H. Ayers, Esq. Lawyer. District At- torney of Fulton County, N, Y., 1849-50. 372390. Dr. Edward A. Ayers. He was born at Jackson- ville, 111. He was educated at Illlinois College and New York University. Physician. He married. Professor of Obstetrics, New York Polyclinic. Attending physician. Mothers' and Babies' Hos- pital. Editor of Obstetrics. Member of Academy of Medicine and Salmagundi and Monmouth Beach Country Clubs. 372400. John A. Ayer. He was born Aug. 2, 1847, ^t Jack- sonville, 111. He attended Illinois College. Banker. Residence, 1898, Jacksonville, 111. 372410. Alfred Ayres. He was born Feb. 20, 18 — , at Mon- trose, Ohio. Author of the Orthoepist ; the Verbalist ; the Mentor ; Acting and Actors ; and the Essentials of Elocution. He has also attained success as a dramatist and actor. 372420. Anne Ayres. She was born in 1816 in England. She was the first member of an American sisterhood in the Protestant Episcopal church, becoming a sister of the Holy Communion in 1845. She was the author of Evangelical Sisterhoods ; and Life of W. H. Muhlenberg. See died in 1896. 372430. Dr. Daniel Ayres. Student at Wesleyan University, 1838-41. Graduated at Princeton College, A.B., 1842, and New York University, M.D., 1845. Professor of Surgery in Long Island Medical College, 1857-75. Professor Emeritus since 1875. Founder of the Ayres Prize at Wesleyan University, 1863. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Wesleyan University, 1856. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. 372440. Rev. Rowland Ayres, D.D. Graduated at Amherst College, 1 841. Member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa college Appendix XXIII. 1255 fraternities. Principal of the Academy, Southampton, Mass., 184 1-2 and 1843-4. Tutor in Amherst College, 1844-6. Student at Andover Theological Seminary, 1842-3, and Princeton Theological Seminary, 1846-8. Pastor of First Church, Hadley, Mass., 1848-85. Pastor Emeritus after 1885. Member of Board of Education of Hadley from 1848. Overseer of the Charity Fund, Amherst College from 1885. Member of Massachusetts Legislature, 1862. Author of several pub- lished sermons. Amherst College gave him the honorary degree of D.D., 1878. Child : 372441. Edward. Graduated at Amherst College, 1878. Member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa college fraternities. Principal of the Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Mass., 1878-S0 ; of the High School, Orange, 1880-2. Instructor in Latin, Lake Forest Academy, 111., 1882-3 ; in Latin at Amherst College, 1883-4. Superintendent of Schools and Principal of the High School, Warren, Mass., 1884-8. 372450. Arthur Burrill Aver. Student at Bowdoin Col- lege. 1868-70. Member of Psi Upsilon College fraternity. Farmer. Resided in 1879 ^^ Methuen. Residence, 1888, Lawrence, Mass. 372460. Dr. James McMillan Aver. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, A.B., i860, and Columbia University, M.D., 1866. Member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa college fraternities. Instructor at Swanton, Vt., 1 860-1 ; at the Academy, Danville, 1861-2, at the same time studying medicine. Private, 15th Regt. Vt. Inft. Vols., 1862 ; Captain, 1862-3. Engaged in sheep raising at Buenos Ayres, S. A., 1863-5. Student of Medicine at Burlington, Vt., 1865 5 at Columbia University, 1865-6. Naval Cadet in the U. S. Army at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., 1865. Assistant Physician at St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y. City, 1866-7. ^^^ practice at Buenos Ayres, S. A., since 1868. 372470. Prof. Jereml\h Emery Avers. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1863. Member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa college fraternities. Associate Principal of the Boys' High School, Portsmouth, N. H., 1863-5. Principal of the Preparatory Depart- ment of the Western University of Pennsylvania, 1865-9; Adjunct Professor of Latin, 1869-70. Principal of Ayers' High School, 1256 History of the Ayres Family. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1870-3. Farmer since 1873. Address, 1888, P.O. Box 2826, Denver, Col. 372480. Hon. Benjamin F. Aver. He was born April 22, 1825, at Kingston, Rockingham Co., N. H. He graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1846, and attended Harvard Law School. Admitted to N. H. Bar, 1849 ^ practiced at Manchester, N. H., 1849-57 ; since then at Chicago. Member of N. H. Legislature, 1853. Prosecuting Attorney of Hillsborough Co., N. H., 1854-7. Corporation Counsel, Chicago, 186 1—3. General solicitor, Illinois Central R. R. Co., 1876-90; director in same since 1877; general counsel of same since 1890. He received the honorary degree of LL.D. from Dart- mouth College, 1878. He married, in 1868, Janet H. Hopkins (daughter of Judge James C. Hopkins, U. S. District Judge of Madi- son, Wis.). Office, 111. Central Station, Chicago. Residence, 99 Lincoln Park Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 372490. Edward E. Aver. He was born at Harvard, 111. Capitalist. For many years at head of Ayer & Lord, manufacturers of railroad ties, from which he retired ; has extensive lumber interests in the south and southwest ; was president of Field Columbian Mu- seum, 1893-8. Member of American Historical Association. He has one of the largest private libraries in the United States and an especially noteworthy collection of Americana. 372500. Herbert Copeland Ayer. He married Harriet Hubbard (daughter of Henry G. and Juliet Elvira Hubbard). She was born in 1854 in Chicago. Graduated at Sacred Heart Convent, Chicago, 1869. Journalist, extensive traveller and linguist. On editorial staff of New York World. Author of Harriet Hubbard Ayer's book, 1900. He died in 1S99. They had daughters. She resides, 1901, 129 East 17th St., N. Y. City. 372510. Rev. Joseph Cullen Ayer, Jr. (Joseph Cullen Ayer and Ehza Roberts.) He was born Jan. 7, 1866, at Newton, Mass. Educated at Universities of Harvard, Berlin, Halle and Leipzig. Graduated at Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass., 1887 ; Ph.D., Leipzig, 1893. He married, Jan. 11, 1894. Cora Julia Whit- taker of Groveland, Mass. Fellows by courtesy, Johns-Hopkins Uni- versity, 1 899- 1 900. Lecturer on Canon Law, Episcopal Theological Appendix XXIII. 1257 School, Cambridge, 1901. Member of American Historical Society. Author and writer. Address, 190 1, Sandwich, Mass. 372520. Prof. Howard Ayers. He was born May 21, 1861, at Olympia, Wash. He graduated at Harvard University, B.S., 1883, University of Freiburg, Germany, Ph.D., 1885, and attended univer- sities of Strasburg and Heidelberg. Director Lake Laboratory, 1889-93 ! Member of staff of instruction Marine Biol. Laboratory, Wood's Hall, Mass.. since 1889. Instructor in Biology, Harvard and Radcliffe Coll. Professor of Biology, University of Mo., 1894-9. Pres. Scientific Asso., Univ. of Mo., 1894-9. Member of American Soc. Naturalists, Am. Morp. Soc; Fellow A.A.A.S.; Cor. Mem. Phila. Acad, of Sciences. Author. University of Mo. gave him degree of LL.D., 1S99. President University of Cincinnati since 1899. Resi- dence, 1 90 1, 3240 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 372530. Prof. Brown Ayres. (Samuel W. Ayres and Eliza- beth Cook.) He was born May 25, 1856, at Memphis, Tenn. He attended Washington and Lee University and graduated at Stevens Institute of Technology, B.Sc, 1878 (Ph.D., 1888). Fellow of Johns- Hopkins University, 1879-80. Dean of College of Technology, Tulane University, 1894- 1900. Vice Chairman of Faculty of Tulane University of La., 1890. Prof. Physics in same since 1880. He married, July 5, 1881, Katie A. Aderson of Lexington, Ky. Fellow A.A.A.S. Member of American Institute Electrical Engineers. Am. Phys. Soc, Ass'n Promotion Engineering Education ; Sec. Physics Sect. A.A.A.S., 1892 ; memb. elec. jury, World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 1893, Atlantic Exp'n, 1895, Nashville Exp'n, 1897. Address, 1901, 4206 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. 372540. Rev. Milan Church Ayres. (Lorenzo Dow Ayres and Lucy Trowbridge.) He was born May 17, 1850. He attended State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan., 1864-6, and graduated at Yale Theological School, 1879, ^.nd National School of Elocution and Oratory, Philadelphia, 1876, and took a post-graduate course at Yale Theological School, 1880-1. He married, Dec. 24, 187 1, Georgiana Gall of Wetmore, Kan. Teacher. Home missionary preacher in Kansas, 1872-6. Pastor of Congregational Church at Southington, Conn., 1880-4. Journalist and stenographic law re- porter, Boston, 1884-90. Rep. mem. and one of founders of Twen- 1258 History of the Ayres Family. tieth Century Club, Boston. Author. Editor of Boston Daily Ad- vertiser since Sept., 1890. Office, 246 Washington St. Residence, 1 90 1, 32 Copeland St., Boston, Mass. 372550. Samuel Gardiner Ayres. He was born April 25, 1865, at Peru, N. Y. He graduated at Burlington, Vt., High School. 1885, and Drew Theological Seminary, 1888 (D.B., 1891). He mar- ried, April 25, 1889, Ollie Reynolds of Keeseville, N. Y. Librarian of Drew Theological Seminary since 1888. Author. Residence, 1901, Madison, N. J. 372600. George Eyre. George Eyre of Keveton Co., Notting- ham, England, came to New Jersey in 1727 and settled there. He was the great-grandson of Sir Gervaise Eyre of Newbold Co., Derby and Keveton Co., a direct descendant of Baron William L. Eyr of Hope Cotemp Henry HI. There is another family of Eyres whose founder in America, John Eyre, came over in 17 18. There is extant a letter of his with a seal reproducing the following devices : Arms, Argent a chevron ermine between three escallops gules. Crest A. demi lion rampant. These arms are attributed by Burke to the Eyres, Co. Norfolk, a family not connected with the ancient family of Co. Derby. 372610. Dr. Joseph Cullen Ayer. Born Aug. 24, 181 1, at Newfield, Conn. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1832, and Har- vard, M.D., 1836. Died Jan. 22, 1846. Residence, Boston, Mass. 372620. Dr. Royal Masten Ayer. Born Sept. 18. 181 1, at Newfield, Conn. Graduated at Dartmouth Medical College, 1835. Died in April, 1878. Residence, Danville, Vt. 372650. Rev. Thomas Ayer. Born Dec. 27, 1796, at Plais- tow, N. H. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1S25. Pastor at Al- bany. Farmer at Litchfield. Died Feb. 7, 1863. 372660. Rev. Nelson Ayres. Minister P. E. Church. Resi- dence, 1880, Brownsville, Tex. 372670. Rev. C. L. Ayer. Congregational minister. Resi- dence, 1872, Plainville, Conn. 372680. Rev. F. D. Ayer. Congregational minister. Resi- dence, 1872, Concord, N. H. Appendix XXIII. 1259 372690. Rev. J. Aver. Congregational minister. Residence, 1872, Ekonk, Conn. 372700. Rev. R. Ayres. Congregational minister. Residence, 1872, Hadley, Mass. 372710. Rev. F. H. Ayres. Congregational minister. Resi- dence, 1872, Long Ridge, Conn. 372720. Rev. W. H. Ayres. Presbyterian minister. Resi- dence, 1872, Canterbury, N. H. 372730. Dr. Joseph Gerrish Avers. Graduated at Vermont Medical School, 1864. 372740. Dr. Arthur Spencer Avers. Graduated at Vermont Medical School. 188S. 372750. James Seymour Ayres. Graduated at Williams Col- lege, 1 86 1. 372760. Rev. Oliver Aver. Born in 1765. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1788. A.M., Williams, 1796. Died in 1832. 372770. Dr. Otis Aver. Born in 1818. Graduated at Dart- mouth Medical School, 1842. M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1842. Asst. Surgeon 2nd Minn. Vols. Died in 1889. 372780. Hon. Phineas Ayer. Graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, 1852. Lawyer. Judge of Probate. Residence, Minnesota. 372800. Prof. Jeremiah Emery Ayers. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1863. Adjunct Professor of Latin Language and Literature in Western University of Pennsylvania, 1869-70. Resi- dence, 1890, Denver, Col. 372810. Henry Clinton Avers. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1864. Business man. Residence, 1890, Pittsburg, Pa. 372820. Rev. William Howard Ayers. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1868, and Union Theological Seminary, 1871. Resi- dence, 1890, Belvidere, N. J. 372830. Benjamin Ayer. Graduated at Bowdoin College, 1826. Residence, Alna, Me. i26o History of the Ayres Family. 372840. Dr. James Aver. Born Oct. 4, 18 15, at Newfield, Conn. Graduated at Bowdoin College. 1834, M. D., 1839. Resi- dence, Boston, Mass. 372850. Rev. William Warren Ayres. Graduated at Col- umbia College, A.B., 1856. Minister of Prot. Episcopal Church. Residence, 1888, Arkansas City, Kan. 372860. Dr. David Stewart Ayres, ]r. Graduated at Colum- bia. M.D., 1870. 372870. Dr. Morgan Wilcox Ayres. Graduated at Colum- bia, M.D., 1875. 372880. James Anan Ayres. Student at Hamilton College, 1893. 372890. Sylvester W. Ayres. Graduated at Rutgers College, 1843. Residence, 1885, Plainfield, N. J. 372900. Alanson F. Ayres. Graduated at Rutgers College, 1856. 372910. Clarence L. Ayres. Student at Rutgers College, 1859. 372920. Samuel Ayres. Student at Rutgers College, i860. Died. Residence, Ovid, N. Y. 372930. E. R. Avars. Student at Rutgers College, 1847. 372940. William Henry Harrison Ayars. Student at Rut- gers College, 1862. Appointed to Revenue Service in Feb., 1881. Lieut. Col. "Louisville Legion," 5th Ky. Vols. Entered Private, July 4, 1 86 1. Promoted Sergeant, Sept. 20, 1861. 2nd Lieut. Jan. i, 1862. Capt., Feb. 22, 1863. Major, Nov. 18, 1863. Lieut. Col., Dec. 2, 1864. Honorably discharged, May 27, 1865. 372950. Hon. Enos Ayres. Graduated at Princeton College, 1748. Died in 1765. 372960. Theodore Ayres, Jr. Graduated at Princeton Col- lege, 1879. 372970. William Eugene Ayres. Graduated at Princeton College, 1884. Appendix XXIII. 1261 372980. John Rogers Aver. Graduated at Amherst College, 1883. 372990. Edward Ayres, Graduated at Amherst College^ 1878. Instructor in Latin at Amherst College. 373000. Rev. Rowland Ayers. Graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1 841. Tutor at Amherst College. Overseer of Charity Fund at Amherst. Minister. He received degree of D.D. from Amherst, 1878. 373010. Dr. Disosway Gabriel Ayres. (Brother of Dr. Daniel Ayres.) He was born in 1825 in New York. Student at Wes- leyan University, 1842-3. Graduated at Albany Medical College, 1853. Died Oct. 19, 1876, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 373020. Darius Aver. Graduated at Brown University, 1833. Died in 1838. Residence, Plaistow, N. H. 373030. Rev. Joseph Ayer. Born May 19, 1793, at Stoning- ton. Conn. Graduated at Brown University, 1823. Congregational minister. Pastor, North Stonington, Conn., 1825-37 ; Lisbon, Conn., 1837-49; South Killingly, Conn., 1849-57; East Lyme, Conn., 1857-68; Voluntown, Conn., 1868-75. Died Dec. 26, 1875, ^t Somers, Conn. 373040. Nathan Wheeler Ayer. Graduated at Brown Uni- versity, 1840. Died in 1872, at Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, Pres- ton, Conn. 373050. Rev. Oliver Ayer. Graduated at Brown University, 1834. Baptist minister. Principal of Rockingham Academy, Hamp- ton Falls, N. H., 1834-36. Pastor, Littleton, Mass., 1836-43; Dover, N. H., 1844-51; Claremont, N. H., 1851-64; Deerfield, N. H., 1864-6; Groton, Mass., 1866-74; North Oxford, Mass., 1874-80. Address, 1894, 6 Burgess St., Providence, R. I. 373060. Benjamin Franklin Ayer, Esq. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1846. LL.D., 1878. Lawyer. Residence, Chicago, 111. 373070. Caleb Robinson Ayer. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1834. Lawyer. President of State Senate of Maine, 1848. Secretary of State of Maine, 1856. 1262 History of the Ayres Family. 373080. Dr. Day Fayette Ayer. Born in 1825. Graduated at Dartmouth Medical College, 185 1. Died in 1856. 373090. Frank Hamilton Ayer. Graduated at Yale, A.B., 1880. 373100. Charles Henry Ayer, Esq. Graduated at Yale, LL.B., 1883. Died in 1898. 373110. Nelson Maitland Ayers. Graduated at Yale, Ph.B., 1898. 373120. Dr. Chauncey Ayres. Graduated at Yale, M.D., 1831. 373130. Jared Augustus Ayres. Graduated at Yale, A.B., 1835. Died in 1886. 373140. Dr. William Orville Ayres. Graduated at Yale, A.B., 1837, M.D., 1854. Professor of Theory and Practice of Medi- cine, Tolland Medical College. Lecturer on nervous diseases at Yale. Died in 1887. 373150. William Augustus Ayres. Graduated at Yale, A.B., 1864. 373160. Alvin Driggs Ayres. Graduated at Yale, LL.B., 1877. 373170. Rev. Milan Church Ayres. Graduated at Yale, B.D., 1879. 373180. Charles Rufus Ayres. Graduated at Yale, Ph.B., 1880. 373190. Frank. Oliver Ayres. Graduated .at Yale, A.B., 1884. 373200. Edward Francis Ayres, Esq. Graduated at Yale, A. B., 1888, and Columbian, LL.B., 1890. 373210. Fred Murray Ayres. Graduated at Yale, Ph.B., 1892. 373220. Wylie McLean Ayres. Graduated at Yale, A. B., 1897. 373250. Walter Ayres, Esq. Graduated at Columbia, LL.B., 1881. Appendix XXIII. 1263 373260. Samuel Ezra Ayers, Esq. Graduated at Columbia, LL.B., 1885. 373270. Obadiah Ayer. Graduated at Harvard College, 1710. Died in 1768. 373280. Dr. Joseph Cullen Ayer. Graduated at Bowdoin College, A.B., 1832, and Harvard Medical School, 1836. Died in 1846. 373290. Dr. Washington Ayer. Graduated at Harvard Medical School, 1847. 373300. Rev. Adams Ayer. Graduated at Harvard College, 1848, and Harvard Divinity School, 185 1. Died in 1882. 373310. Dr. James Bourne Ayer, Graduated at Harvard College, 1869, and Harvard Medical School, 1873. 373320. Dr. Frederick Eugene Ayer. Graduated at Har- vard Dental School, 1880. 373340. Dr. Silas Hibbard Ayer. Graduated at Harvard Medical School, 1884. 373350. Prof. Clarence Walter Ayer. Graduated at Har- vard College, A.B., 1885. Professor of English in Western Reserve University. 373360. Charles Carlton Ayer. Graduated at Harvard College, 1889. 373370. Dr. Richard Gilbert Ayer. Graduated at Harvard Medical School, 1891. 373380. Walter Ayer. Graduated at Harvard College, 1893. 373390. George David Ayers, Esq. Graduated at Harvard University, A.B., 1879, LL.B., 1882. 373400. Howard Ayers. Graduated at Harvard University, B.S., 1883. 373410. Marshall Ayres. Graduated at Harvard University, A.B., 1863. 373420. Russell William Ayres, Esq. Graduated at Yale, A.B., 1868, and at Harvard, LL.B., 1870. Died in 1873. 1264 History of the Ayres Family. 373430. Alexander H. Ayres, Esq. Graduated at Union College, 1846. Lawyer. He removed from Amsterdam, N. Y., to Parsons, Kan. He died in 1882. 373500. John Lamson. He was born June 3, 1760. He mar- ried, Oct. 17, 1790, Hannah Ayres. Residence, Weston, Mass. Children : 373501. John Ayres. Born July 18, 1791. 373520. 373502. Alvan. Born Nov. 18, 1792. 373540- 373503. Josiah. Graduated at Harvard College, 1S14. Died in 1870. 373520. John Ayres Lamson. (John^, John'', John'.) 373501. He was born July 18, 1791. He married, May 18, 1826, Mary Francis (daughter of John Francis of Boston, Mass.). Business man, 1835-47, in Boston, Mass. He died March 17, 1873, ^^ Weston, Mass. Child : 373521. Darius Francis. Born Dec. 7, 1832, at Weston, Mass. 373700. 373540. Rev. Alvan Lamson, D.D. (John.) 373502. He was born Nov. 18, 1792. He prepared at Phillips Andover Academy and graduated at Harvard College, 1814. (D.D., Harvard, 1837.) Tutor in Bowdoin College, 181 4-16. Student in Harvard Divinity School. Pastor of First Congregational Church, Dedham, Mass., 1818-1860. He married, July 11, 1825, Frances Fidelia Ward (daughter of Hon. Artemas Ward). Member of Mass. Historical Society, 1840. He died July 18, 1864, at Dedham, Mass. They had four children of whom a son and a daughter survived their father. (William Ayres Lamson, Harvard '81, was probably a descendant.) ■ Child: 37354'- Artemas Ward. Graduated at Harvard College, A.B., 1849, LL.B., 1852. 373700. Rev. Darius Francis Lamson. (John Ayres% Alvan'.) 373531- He was born Dec. 7, 1832. He prepared at Chauncey Hall School at Boston and attended Brown University, and Newton Theological Institution. Ordained in 1858. He married, Aug. 12, 1858, Martha S. Gregory (daughter of Uriah Gregory and Nancy Appendix XXIII. 1265 Damon, descendant of the McGregors of Scotland). Pastor of Baptist churches at Littleton, Ashland, Northboro, Worcester and Manchester. 374000. John Ayer. He married, about 1785, Elizabeth Thurston (daughter of Col. Moses Thurston of Deerfield, N. H.). She was born March 23, 1764, at Deerfield, N. H. Children : 374001. Elisha. Soldier in War of 1812. Residence, Ohio. 374002 374003 374004 374005 374006 374007 374008 Warren. Born July 25, 1788. 374020. John. Born July i, 1790. 374040. Lucinda. Married John Burke Isaac. Soldier in War of 1S12. Died in Ohio. Mary. Born Oct. 21, 1798. Married Amasa Wells. 3740S0. David. Died young. Elizabeth. Died young. 374020. Warren Ayer. (John.) 374002. He was born July 25 (o. 6), 1788. He married, in March, 1807, Esther Huldah Moody. He died in March, 1830. She died July 4, 1877. Resi- dence, Corinth, Yt. Children : 374021. Elizabeth Thurston. Born March 2, 1808. Married Erastus Merrill. 374200. 374022. Warren. Born May 28, 1810, in Corinth, Vt 37455o- 374023. Isaac. Born March 11, 1814, in Corinth. Vt. 37459°- 374024. Esther Pluma. Born April 11, 182 1, in Warren, Pa. Married Nathan Camp Kinney. 374600. 374025. John Elisha. Born Feb. 2, 1830. Died in 1835. 374040. John Ayer. (John.) 374003. He was born July i, 1790. He married, July 6, 1814, Mary George of West Fairlee, Vt. He died July 7, 1852. She died Sept. 25, 1850. Residence, New Albany and Pike Township, Bradford Co., Pa. Children : 374041. Micah George. Born Jan. 23. 1816. Married, June, 1843, Lydia L. .^llen. He died July 12, 1849, in Chicago, 111. 374042. John. Born June 25, 1818. Married, in Oct., 1844, Harriet Wood. Residence, LeRaysville, Pa. 374043. Lucy Ring. Born Sept. 3, 1819. Married, Jan 13, 1839, George W. Wells of LeRaysville. 1266 History of the Ayres Family. 374044. Elbridge Nelson. Born Nov. 13, 1820. Died July 14, 1849, in Chicago. 374045. Mary. Born Feb. 16, 1S22. Married, Oct. 29, 1846, Homer Wells. 374046. Elizabeth Thurston. Born Sept. 16,1823. Died Jan. 12, 1825. 374047. Martha. Born Feb. 22, 1825. Married, July 15, 1854, Alonzo Whitehead. Soldier in Civil War. Residence, LeRaysville. 374048. Samuel. Born July 26, 1826. Died Aug. 15, 1828. 374049. Warren. Born Aug. 4, 1828. Married, in July, 1858, Ann Eliza Wood. Soldier in Civil War. Residence, Albany, Pa. 374080. Amasa Wells. He was born Jan. 20, 1797, in Pike Township, Bradford Co., Pa. He married, Dec. 7, 1820, Mary Ayer. 374006. He removed in 1844 to Clinton, Wis. He died July 28, 1863. She died Sept. 17, 1861, in Chicago, 111. Children : 374081. Mary Adelia. Born Oct. 20, 1822. Married Solomon Moore. 374700. 374082. Sarah Elizabeth. Born Oct. 14, 1825. Married Stephen B. Perley. 374500. 374083. Judd Plumer. Born Aug. iS, 1827. 374555. 374084. Warren Ayer. Born July 22, 1830. 374560. 374085. Arabell. Born June 13, 1832. iviarried Josiah Batson. 374580. 374086. Polly Ann. Born Jan. 15, 1838. Married, in 1859, vSilas G. Cheever, editor of SanFrancisco Call. She died May i, 1885. 374087. George Harrison. Born March 3, 1841. 374650. 374200. Erastus Merrill. He was born in 180S in New Hampshire. He married, Jan. 11, 1831, Elizabeth Thurston Ayer. 374021. He died March 2, 1882. She died April 20, 1892. Resi- dence, Ulysses, Pa. Children : 374201. Warren Ayer. Born in 1831 in Warren, Pa. Died in May, 1 85 1, in Ulysses. 374202. Obadiah. Born July 22, 1833, in Warren, Pa. 374700. 374203. Harriet Elizabeth. Born May 7, 1836, in Warren, Pa. Mar- ried Nelson Kimball. 374740. 374204. George Washington. Born April 20, 1838, in Ulysses, Pa. 374760. 374205. Lyman. Born Feb. 16, 1840. Married March 27, 1870, Amelia A. Talbott. She was born May 25, 1848, in Lafayette, Pa. Corporal, 149 Pa. Regt. Vols, in Civil War. 374206. Esther. Born Jan. 13, 1845. Married Caleb Lewis Gridley. 374780. Appendix XXIII. 1267 374500, Stephen B. Perley. (Nathaniel Perley and Dorothy Bartlett.) He was born March 18, 1806, at North Sanbornton, N. H. He married, Sept. 16, 1847, Sarah Elizabeth Wells. 374082. He died March 31, 1880. She died April 14, 1880. Residence, Wasi- oja, Minn. Children : 374501. George Amasa. Born Nov. 18, 1S49, at Marquette, Wis. 374880. 374502. Mary Elizabeth. Born April 13, 1852. Married, William H. Lincoln. Residence, 1892. Gardner, N. Dak. 374503. Dorothy Fidelia. Born Jan. 14, 1854. Married George Allen Norton, Esq., lawyer of Mantorville, Minn. 374504. Charles Nathaniel. Born Nov. 2, 1856. Residence, Cheney, Minn. 374505- Itla Gertrude.' Born April 16, 1859. Unmarried. 374550. Warren Ayer. (Warren^, John'.) 374022. He was born May 28, 1810. He married, in 1832, Polly Ann Layton. He died June 24, 1890. Residence, Union, N. Y. Children : 374551. Emeline. Born Nov. 14, 1833. 374552. Esther. Born Nov. 6, 1S35. Married Thomas J. Ross of Ves- tal, N. Y. He died May 29, 1882. 374553. Caroline R. Born Jan. 9, 1838. Married, in 1867, Harry Adams. He removed from near Binghamton, N. Y., to San Francisco where she died Dec. 14, 1878. 374554- Josephine. Born Sept. 9, 1841. Died Oct. 4, 1851. 374555. JuDD Plumer Wells. (Amasa.) 374083. He was born Aug. 18, 1827. He married Jane Lamson. He died in 1858. She died in 1861. Residence, Clinton, Wis. Child : 374556. Guy L. Born in 1853. Married Julia Conant. Residence, 1892, West Point, Wis. 374560. Warren Ayer Wells. (Amasa.) 374084. He was born July 22, 1830. He married, April 28, 1855, at Janesville, Wis., Sarah Harper Harris (daughter of James and Margaret Harris of Watertown, N. Y.). She was born Jan. 28, 1831. Contractor and builder. Residence, 1892, Chicago, 111. Children : 374561. Addison E. Born Feb. 4, 1856, at Janesville, Wis. 375000. 374562. Fred A. Born July 26, 1859, at Mitchell, Iowa. 775020. 374563. Judd E. Born Aug. 14, 1865, in St. Paul, Minn. 1268 History of the Ayres Family. 374580. JosiAH Batson. He married, in 1854, Arabell Wells. 374085. She died March 15, 1884. Residence, Fair Water, Wis. Children : 374581. Josephine. Married Joseph Lockin of Aureha, Iowa. 3745S2. Warren. Married. 374583- Fay. Unmarried. 374584. Ivora B. Married Charles P. Tinkham. 374590. Isaac Ayer. (Warren^ John'.) 196100. 374023. He was born March 11, 1814. He married Mary Ann Thurber. He died Feb. 17, 1884. Residence, Apalachin, N. Y. Children : 374591. Adelaide. Born Dec. iS, 1839, in Little Meadows, Pa. Mar- ried James Finley Camp. 374800. 374592. Warren Leroy. Born June 6, 1843. 374820. 374600. Nathan Camp Kinney. He married, March 16, 1842, Esther Pluma Ayer. 374024. He died Jan. 21, 1873. Resi- dence, Owego, N. Y. Children : 374601. Dora E. Born Nov. 8, 1844. Married Frank B. Cafferty. 374850. 374602. Ida Josephine. Born Oct. 19, 1S57. Married James Washing- ton Mitchell. 374870. 374650. George Harrison Wells. (Amasa.) 374087. He was born March 3, 1841. He married, in 1863, Phebe Dresser of Clinton, Wis. Residence, East Portland, Ore. Children : 374651 Cora L. Born in 1865. 374652 Frank. 374653 Mary Alice. 374654 Lillian. 374655 Eva. Born in 1S81. 374675. Solomon Moore. He married Mary Adelia Wells. 374081. Teacher. He removed in 1845 to Wisconsin, and in 1866 to McKinley, Tenn. Child : 374676. Ella. Married Dr. Garner, physician of McKinlej', Tenn. Appendix XXIII. 1269 374700. Obadiah Merrill. (Erastus.) 374202. He was born July 22, 1833. He married Sarah Bradley. Residence, Ulysses, Pa. Children : 374701. Alexander. Born Nov. 8, 1873. Died July 9, 1S74. 374702. Arthur. Born May i5, 1S78. 374740. Nelson Kimball. He married Harriet Elizabeth Merrill. 374203. She died in June, 1883, in Ulysses, Pa. Child : 374741. Esther. 374760. George Washington Merrill. (Erastus.) 374204. He was born April 20, 1838. He married Amelia Kidney. Children : 374761. Henry. Born in Oct., 1868. Died Aug. 17, 1S79 374762. Herbert Leroy. Born Jan. 13, 1874. 374763. Maud. Born Oct. 24, 1882. 374780. Caleb Lewis Gridley. He married, Oct. 7, 1867, Esther Merrill. 374206. Children : 374781. Cora Bell. Born May 13, 1868. Died June 5, 1879. 374782. Warren Erastus. Born in 1874. 374783. Hattie Bell. Born in 1 88 1. 374784. Freddie Lyman. Born in 1887. 374785. Ivouis Caleb. Born in 1889. 374800. James Finley Camp. He married, March 3, 1861, Adelaide Ayer. 374591. Banker. Residence, 1892, LaPorte City, Iowa. Children : 374801. Margaret. Born Dec. 30, 1S61. Married Buson vS. Wasson. 375100. 374802. Leroy H. Born Feb. 19, 1863. Unmarried. 374803. Harry Finle^-. Born May 29, 1868. Unmarried. 374804. Robert Finley. Born Feb. 27, 1874. 374805. Anna Ayer. Born June 6, 1875. 1270 History of the Ayres Family. 374820. Dr. Warren Leroy Ayer. 196125. 374592. He married. Residence, 1902, Owego, N. Y. Children: 374821. Laura Dwight. Born Oct. 14, 1873. 374822. Bessie Amelia. Born Sept. 7, 1879. 374823. Helen Dwight. Born May 11, 1884. 374850. Frank B. Cafferty. He married, May 14, 1863, Dora E. Kinney. 374601. Residence, Owego, N. Y. Children : 37485'- Freddie L. Born April 28, 1868. Married, Feb. 18, 1890, Pharazina Bautch of Camden, X. J. Residence, Hornellsville, N. Y. 374852. Ida L. Born May 18, 1871. Died Aug. 16, 1871. 374853. Charles F. Born June 28, 1874. 374854- Nathan K. Born Sept. 5. 1879. 374870. James Washington Mitchell. He was born Aug. II, 1840, in New Haven, Conn. He married, Aug. 13, 1879, Ida Josephine Kinney. 374602. Alderman. Residence, 1892, Yonkers, N. Y. Child : 374871. Warren Kinney. Born June 30, 1886. Died July 26, 18S6. 374880. George Amasa Perley. (Stephen B.% Nathaniel'.) 374501- He was born Nov. 18, 1849. He married, in July, 1880, Emma Rosetta Irish. She was born Sept. 29, 1859, in Milton Town- ship, Dodge Co., Minn. Residence, 1892, Grovena, Flandran Co., Minn. Children : 374881. Iva Chrysoma. Born July 14, 1881. 374882. Stephen Elton. Born March 12, 1883. 375000. Addison E. Wells. (Warren Ayer^ Amasa'.) 374561. He was born Feb. 4, 1856. He married, Jan. i, 1877, Alice M. Conant. Contractor and builder. Residence, 1892, Chicago, 111. Children : 375oor. Arthur F. Born Nov. 26, 1877. 375002. Harry L. Born April 14, 1880. 375003. Percy A. Born March 15, 1S82. 375004. Warren M. Born Sept. 10, 1883. Appendix XXIII. 1271 375020. Fred A. Wells. (Amasa.) 374562. He was born July 26, 1859. He married (ist), Sadie L. Helton. She died Dec. 13, 1885. He married (2nd), in 1887, Ida Kerr of Grand Rapids, Mich. Contractor and builder. Residence, 1892, Chicago, 111. Child : 375021. Edith L. Born April 22, 1S85. 375040. JuDD E. Wells. (Amasa.) He was born Aug. 14, 1865. He married, Aug. 19, 1885, Jessie M. Jones. Contractor and builder. Residence, 1892, Chicago, 111. Child : 375041. Warren Ayer. Born May 6, 1890. 375100. BusoN S. Wasson. He married, June 5, 1890, Mar- garet L. Camp. 374801. Residence, LaPorte City, Iowa. Child : 375101. Harold Jesse. Born April 24, 1891. 376000. Thomas Philbrick. (James-, Thomas'.) He was born March 14, 1659. ^^e married Mehitable Ayres. He died Jan. I, 17 12. Residence, Hampton and Kingston, N. H. Children : 37600 [. Daughter. Born in 16S1. Died young. 376002. Son. Born in 1683. Died young. 376003. Jeremiah. Born Sept. 2r, 1684. Married and died in Kings- ton, 1 72 1. 376004. Elizabeth. Born Oct. 16, 1685. Married .\braham Bradley of Haverhill, Mass. 376005. Timothy. Born May 14, 1689. Died in 1711. 376006. Ann. Born March 12, 1691. Married, Jan. i, 1716, Stephen Berry of Rochester, Mass. 376007. Mehitable. Born March 26, 1693. Married Capt. Daniel Ladd. 376500. 37600S. Samuel. Born in 1695. D;ed in 1711. 376009. Jedediah. Born Aug. 9, 1700. 376600. 376010. Thomas. Born in 1704. Died in 1704. 376500. Capt. Daniel Lad. He married, April 29, 17 12, Mehitable Philbrick. 376007. She died Jan. 23, 1779. Residence, Kingston, N. H. 1272 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 376501. Mehitable. 376502. Elizabeth. 376503. Anna. 376504. Hannah. 376505. Mary. Born in 1722. 376506. Daniel. Born in 1725. 376507. Stephen. 376508. Joanna. Born in 1735. 376509. John. Born Oct. 21, 1737. 376600. Hon. Jedediah Philbrick. (Thomas^ James-, Thomas'.) 376009. He was born Aug. 9, 1700. He married, Aug. 25, 1721, Mary Taylor. Surveyor. Justice of the Peace. Deacon. Captain. Representative. He died March 20, 1754. Residence, Kingston, N. H. Children : 376601. Jeremiah. Born Feb. 2, 1722. 376620. 376602. Hannah. Born Feb. 6, 1724. Married Humphre}- Hook. 376640. 376603. Thomas. Born in Jan., 1726. Died in vSept., 1730. 376604. Benjamin. Born in July, 1728. Died in 1730. 376605. Thomas. Born in 1730. Died in 1735. 376606. Bonimion. Born in 1734. Died in 1735. 376607. Thomas. Born in 1738. Died in 1739. 376608. Samuel. Born Feb. 11, 1739. 376680. 376609. Jedediah. Born in 1742. Died in Dec, 1743. 376610. Joseph. Born Nov. 4, 1748. INIarried Mehitable and settled in Andover where he died in 1822. His wife died in Feb., 1838. They had five sons. 376620. Jeremiah Philbrick. (Jedediah-*, Thomas^ James-, Thomas'.) 376601. He was born Feb. 2, 1722. He married, Sept. 20, 1744, Mary Stevens. He died March 8. 1754. Children : 376621. Jedediah. Born in Feb., 1745. 376622. John. Born in April, 1747. Died in 1751. 376623. Elizabeth. Born Dec. 15, 1749. Married Jonathan Clough. 376624. Mehitable. Bap. June 21, 1752. Married Joseph Philbrick. 376640. Humphrey Hook. He married Hannah Philbrick. 376602. Appendix XXIII. 1273 Children 376641. Mary. Born in 174S. , 376642. Martha. Born in Aug., 1750. 376643. Jacob. Born July 30, 1752. 376680. Samuel Philbrick. (Jedediah-*, Thomas', James% Thomas'.) 376508. He was born Feb. 11, 1739. ^^ married, Feb. 9, 1767, Sarah Sanborn. Children : 376681. Jedediah. Born in 1767. 376682. Jeremiah. Born in 1769. 376653. Abraham. Born in 1771. 376654. John. Born in 1774. 376685. Sarah. Born in 1776. 3766S6. Samuel. Born in 1779. Died April 4, 1779. 376700. Dr. Emerson W. Avars. Graduated at College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, 1895. Residence, 1900, Rich- burg, Alleghany Co., N. Y. 376701. Dr. Henry E. Avars. Graduated at Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, 1882. Residence, 1900, Lindsay, Platte Co., Neb. 376712. Dr. Robert E. Avars. Graduated at University of Penn., M.D., 1894. Residence, 1900, Bridgeton, N. J. 376713. Dr. Sherman E. Avars. Graduated at Eclectic Med- ical College of City of New York, 1884. Residence. 1900, 720 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 376714. Dr. Alpha F. Aver. Graduated at University of Louisville, 1894. Residence, 1898, Glenville, McLean Co., Ky. 376715. Dr. Alvero D. Aver. Graduated at Indiana Eclectic College, Indianapolis, Ind., 1881. Residence, i8g8, Madison, New Haven Co., Conn. 376716. Dr. James B. Aver. Graduated at Harvard Medical School, 1873. Residence, 1898, 518 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 376717. Dr. Silas H. Aver. Graduated at Harvard Medical School, 1884. Residence, 1898, 318 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass. 376718. Dr. O. O. Aver. Graduated at Indiana Eclectic Medical Institute, 1876. Residence, 1898, Arlington, Fayette Co., Iowa. 1274 History of the Ayres Family. 376719. Dr. Thomas H. Aver. Graduated at Bowdoin College, M.D., 1893. Residence, 1898, Westboro, Worcester Co., Mass. 376720. Dr. Washington Aver. Graduated at Harvard Medical School, 1847. Residence, 1898, 1220 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. 376722. Dr. Charles A. Aver. Graduated at Hahneman Medical College, Philadelphia, 1888. Residence, 1900, 1643 ^• Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 376723. Dr. Delbert C. Avers. Graduated at Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, 1889. Residence, 1900, 1428 Dorr St.. Toledo, Ohio. 376724. Dr. Douglas Avers. Graduated at Albany Medical College, 1865. Residence, 1900, Fort Plain, N. Y. 376725. Dr. Edward A. Avers. Graduated at New York University, M.D., 1880, Residence, 1900, 23 West 53d St., N. Y. City. 376726. Dr. Lemuel D. Avers. Graduated at Buffalo Medi- cal College, 1897. Residence, 1900, 238 W. 129th St., N. Y. City. 376727. Dr. Samuel Avers. Graduated at New York Uni- versity, M.D., 1867. Residence, 1900, 55 E. nth St., N. Y. City. 376728. Dr. Winfield Avers, Graduated at Bellevue Hos- pital Medical College, 1893. Residence, 1900, 112 W. 94th St., N. Y. City. 376729. Dr. Emma F. M. Avers. Graduated at New York Medical College and Hospital for Women (Homeopathic), 1S88. Residence, 1900, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 376730. Dr. Frank D, Avers. Graduated at Baltimore Med- ical College, 1892. Residence, 1900, Sabula, Jackson Co., Iowa. 376731. Dr. Frank E. Avers. Graduated at Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio, 1898. Residence, 1900, Wabash, Mercer Co., Ohio. 376732. Dr. Joseph G. Avers. Address, 1900, U. S. Naval Hospital, Boston, Mass. Appendix XXIII. 1275 376733- DR- Merritt M. Ayers. Graduated at University of Michigan, M. D., 1894. Residence, 1900, Continental, Putnam Co., Oiiio. 376733 — I. Dr. Samuel F. Ayers. Graduated at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1872. Residence, 1900, Topeka, Kan. 376734. Dr. Thomas Ayers. Graduated at College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Baltimore, 1886. Residence, 1900, Anniston, Alabama. 376735. Dr. Victor B. Ayers. Graduated at Michigan Uni- versity, M.D., 1892. Residence, 1900, 182 Canfield Ave., Detroit, Mich. 376736. Dr. Albert R. Ayres. Graduated at St. Louis Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, 1870. Residence, 1900, Hanni- bal, Mo. 376737. Dr. Arthur S. Ayers. Graduated at University of Vermont, M.D., 1887. Address, 1900, 47 Baldwin Building, Indian- apolis, Ind. 376738. Dr. Belle S. Ayres. Graduated at Hahneman Medi- cal College, Chicago, 1890. Residence, 1900, Rockland, Me. 376739. Dr. Benjamin Ayres. Graduated at New York Uni- versity, M.D., 1872. Residence, 1900, 213 Jefferson Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. 376740. Dr. Mortimer Ayres. Graduated at Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri, St. Louis, 1868. Residence, 1900, Pasadena, Cal. 376741. Dr. Salathiel B. Ayres. Graduated at Rush Medi- cal College, Chicago, 1866. Residence, 1900, Louisiana, Mo. 376742. Dr. Samuel Ayres. Graduated at University of Louisville, M.D., 1883. Address, 1900, 302 N. Y. Life Building, Kansas City, Mo. 376743. Dr. Samuel Ayres. Graduated at Jefferson Medical College, 1876. Professor of Nervous and Mental diseases in Western Penna. Medical College. Member of American Medical Association, Address, 1900, 77 Westinghouse Building, Pittsburg, Pa. 1276 History of the Ayres Family. 376744. Dr. Stephen C. Ayres. Graduated at Medical Col- lege of Ohio, 1864. Professor of Ophthalmology and Othology in same. Member of American Medical Association. Office, 14 E. 7th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Residence, 1900, Vernon Place, Mt. Auburn. 376745. Dr. Wylie McLean Ayres. Graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1897, and University of Cincinnati, M.D., 1900. Office, 14 E. 7th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Residence, Vernon Place, Mt. Vernon. 376746. Dr. William A. Ayres. Graduated at University of Tennessee, Nashville, M.D., 1882. Residence, 1900, Kickapoo, Anderson Co., Tex. 376747. Dr. William W. Ayres. Graduated at Columbian University, Washington, M.D., 1890. Residence, 1900, 1730 Q. St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 376748. Dr. Wilmot Ayres. Graduated at Baltimore Medical College, 1883. Residence, 1900, Harrisburg, Pa. 376749. Dr. Rebecca J. Ayres. Graduated at New York College and Hospital for Women, 1894. Residence, 1900, 806 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 376750. Dr. Chauncey Ayres. Physician. Retired. Resi- dence, 1900, Stamford, Conn. 376751. Dr. Edward C. Ayres. Graduated at Iowa State University, M.D., 1894. Residence, 1900, Lorimor, Union Co., Iowa. 376752. Dr. E. Darwin Ayres. Graduated at New York University, M.D., 1852. Residence, 1900, Little Rock, Ark. Presi- dent of Board of Examining Surgeons appointed by Commissioner of Pensions. 376753. Dr. E. J. Ayres. Physician. Residence, 1900, Cali- fornia, Mich. 376754. Dr. George T. Ayres. Graduated at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1897. Residence, 1900, Ely, St. Louis Co., Minn. 376755. Dr. James N. Ayres. Graduated at University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College, 1889. Residence, 1900,. Kalamazoo, Mich. Appendix XXIII. 1277 376756. Dr. John H. Ayres. Graduated at University of Maryland Medical College, Baltimore, 1888. Residence, 1900, Ac- comac, Va. 376757. Dr. Joseph H. Ayres. Graduated at University of Louisville, M.D., 1891. Residence, 1900, Dyer, Ark. 376758. Dr. J. G. K. Ayres. Physician. Residence, 1900, Moore Park, St. Joseph Co., Mich. 376759. Dr. Morgan W. Ayres. Graduated at College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia) N. Y. City, 1875. Residence, 1900, Upper Montclair, N. J. 376760. Dr. H. Messenger Ayres. Graduated at Long Island College Hospital, 1880. Residence, 1900, Montclair, N. J. 376761. Willis Ayers. Residence, 1887, Willseyville, N. Y. 376762. Charles H. Ayres. Residence, 1887, Newark Valley, N. Y. 376763. James Ayres. Residence, 1887, Newark Valley, N. Y. 376764. John S. Ayres. Residence, 1887, Newark Valley, N. Y. 376765. Elmer Ayers. Residence, 1887, Owego, N. Y. 376766. Julia Ayers. Widow of Capt. Henry Ayers. Resi- dence, 1887, Owego, N. Y. 376767. Dr. Charles Ayers. Physician. Address, 1887, Owego, N. Y. 376768. LoREN F. Ayers. Address, 1887, Owego, N. Y. 376769. Angelo Ayers. Address, 1887, Owego, N. Y. 376770. Ralph Ayars. Bank Cashier, Residence, 1896, Moweaqua, 111, 376771. D, P, Ayars. Cashier of Miners' Savings Bank, Wilkesbarre, Pa,, 1896, 376772. Sheppard Ayars, Asst, Cashier of Miners' Savings Bank, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1896. 1278 History of the Ayres Family. 376773. CuLLEN Ayer. Vice President of Greenwood (Wis.) State Bank, i8g6. 376774. John Ayer. President of Cascade Savings Bank, Oakland, Mo., 1896. 376775. N. C. Ayer. President of Sec. Nat. Bank, Bangor, Me., 1896. 376776. G. M. Ayers. Bank Cashier. Residence, 1896, Gar- rison, Iowa. 376777. M. P. Ayers. Banker. Residence, 1896, Jackson- ville, 111. 376778. C. H. Ayres. Asst. Cashier Columbus (Miss.) Insur- ance and Banking Co. 376779. Edwin B. Ayres. Vice Pres. Huntington County Bank. Residence, 1896, Huntington, Ind. 376780. J. C. Ayers. Pres. Dixon (111.) Nat. Bank, 1896. 376781. John Ayers. Born in Mass. Employed in Quarter- master's Dept. at Santa Fe, N. Mex., 1883. Appointed from N. Mex. 376782. John E. Ayers. Born in New York. Clerk in Aud- itor's Office, Treasury Dept., Washington, D. C, 1883. Appointed from Ohio. 376783. Dr. Joseph G. Ayers. Born in N. H, Surgeon, U. S. N., 1883. Appointed from N. H. 376784. Hon. a. Reeves Ayres. Born in Iowa. Clerk of First District Court, Washington Ter., 1883. Residence, Walla Walla, Wash. 376785. Lieut. Charles G. Ayres, U. S. A. Born in New York, ist Lieut. loth Regt. Infantry, U. S. A., 1883. Appointed from New York. 376786. Capt. J. C. Ayres, U. S. A. Born in Wisconsin. Graduated at U. S. Military Academy. Assistant, U. S. Armory, Springfield, Mass., 1883. 376789. Miss S. C. Ayres. Born in Mass. Assistant in office U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C, 1883. Ap- pointed from Mass. Appendix XXIII. 1279 376791. Horace B. Ayres. Connected with U. S. Geological Survey. Member of American Forestry Association. Residence, 1892, Washington, D. C. 376792. M. O. AvRES. Banker. Residence, 1896, Dakota City, Neb. 376793. N. G. Ayres. Bank Cashier. Residence, 1896, N. Y. City. 376794. RuFUS A. Ayres. Banker. Residence, 1896, Big Stone Gap, Va. 376795. R. C. Ayres. Asst. Cashier of National Exchange Bank, Dallas, Tex., 1896. 376796. W. W. Ayres. Cashier of Merchants' Bank, Dans- ville, Va., 1893. 376797. Ira Ayer, Jr. Born in New York. Special Agent of the Treasury Department, 1883. Appointed from Va. Residence, 1883, N. Y. City. 376798. James E. Ayer. Born in Maine. Clerk in Custom House. New Orleans. La., 1883. Appointed from La. 376799. Waldo E. Ayer. Born in Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, Second Class, 1883. Appointed from Mass. 376800. Benjamin F. Ayers. Born in Arkansas. Employed in Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, 1883. Appointed from Arkansas. 376801. C. B. Ayers. Employed in Quartermaster's Dept. at Fort Custer, Mon., 1883. 376802. George P. Ayers. Born in New York. Gauger, Internal Revenue, at Pittsfield, Mass., 1883. Appointed from Mass. 376803. Isaac Ayers. Born in Maine. Gauger, Internal Revenue, at SanFrancisco, Cal., 1883. Appointed from Cal. 376804. Russell Willl-vm Ayres, Esq. Graduated at Yale College, 1868, and Harvard LL.B., 1870. Registered from Water- bury. Conn. Died Dec. 14, 1873, in Syracuse, N. Y. i28o History of the Ayres Family. 376805. Nathan Wheeler Aver. Graduated at Brown Uni- versity, 1840. A.M., Rochester University, 1859. Died in 187 1 at Philadelphia, Pa. 376806. James Seymour Ayres. Graduated at Williams Col- lege, 1 86 1. 376807. Walter Ayers, Esq. Graduated at Columbia Law School, 1881. 376808. Samuel Ezra Ayers, Esq. Graduated at Columbia Law School, 1885. 376809. Dr. Daniel Ayres. (Daniel.) (Brother of Gabriel Disosway Ayres.) He was born Oct. 22, 1822, in New York. Stu- dent in Wesleyan University, 1837-40. Graduated at Princeton Col- lege, 1842, and New York University, M.D., 1845. (LL.D., Wes- leyan University, 1856.) Professor of Surgery in Long Island Medical College, 1857-75. Professor Emeritus. He married, in 1845, Charlotte Augustus Russell, of Portland, Conn. Residence, 1 88 1, 168 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 376810. Dr. H. Messenger. Physician. 37681 1. Dr. Morgan Wilcox. Student at Cornell University, 1S70. Physician. 376820. Dr. Gabriel Disosway Ayres. (Daniel.) (Brother of Dr. Daniel Ayres.) He was born in 1825 in New York. Student at Wesleyan University, 1842-4. Graduated at Albany Medical Col- lege, 1853. Unmarried. Died Oct. ig, 1876. Residence, Brook- lyn, N. Y. 376821. John Roger Ayer. Graduated at Amherst College, 1885. 376822. Edward Ayres. Graduated at Amherst College, 1878. Instructor in Latin at Amherst College. 376823. Rev. Rowland Ayres, D.D. Graduated at Amherst College, 1841. (D.D., 1878.) Tutor. Overseer of Charity Fund. 376824. Dr. Joseph Gerrish Ayers. Graduated at Univer- sity of Vermont, M.D., 1864. Appendix XXIII. 1281 376825. Dr. Arthur S. Avers. Graduated at University of Vermont, M.D., 1888. 376826. Prof. A. W. Aver. Professor of Mechanical Engi- neering, University of Vermont, 1896-7. 376827. Prof. Clarence Walter Aver. Professor of Eng- lish and Librarian, College for Women, Cleveland, Ohio, 1896-7. 376828. Lieut. Waldo E. Aver, U. S. A. Professor of Mili- tary Science and Tactics, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1896-7. 376829. Prof. Brown Ayres. Professor of Physics and Elec- trical Engineering, Tulane University, 1896-7, 376830. Prof. Evelyn Benedict Ayres. Professor of Elocu- tion, Syracuse University, 1896-7. 376831. Mary Stevens Ayres. Teacher of Greek and Gym- nastics, Ferry Hall Seminary of Lake Forest University, 1896-7. 376832. Dr. Samuel Ayres. Professor of Insanity, Western LTniversity of Pa., 1896-7. 376833. Prof. Wilbur T. Ayres. Professor of Latin, DePauw University, 1896-7. 376834. John Aver. He settled at Norway, Me., in 1826. 376835. William Travis Ayres. Student in Sheffield Scien- tific School in the class of 1903. Residence, Saybrook, Conn. 376836. Robert Williams Ayres. Student in Sheffield Scien- tific School in the class of 1903. Residence, Cincinnati, Ohio. 376837. Edward Melvin Aver. Student in Lawrence Scien- tific School of Harvard University, class of 1903. Residence, Rox- bury, Mass. 376838. Fred Rollins Aver. Student in Harvard College, '02. Residence, Bangor, Me. 376839. Harry Morgan Ayres. Student in Harvard College, '02. Residence, Upper Montclair, N. J. 376840. James Bourne Ayer, Jr. Student in Harvard Col- lege, '03. Residence, Boston, Mass. 1282 History of the Ayres Family. 376841. Daniel Roe Ayres. Student in Harvard College, '05. Residence, Upper Montclair, N. J. 376842. Arthur Dean Hosea Ayers. Student in Harvard Dental School, '02. Residence, New Dorchester, Mass. 376843. Harold Winslow Ayres. Student in Harvard Medi- cal School, '03. Residence, W. Somerville, Mass. 376844. Charles Hamilton Ayres. Instructor in Physics, Harvard University, 190 1-2. 376845. Rev. Charles L. Ayer. He married, in 1849, Mary Bishop. She attended Mt. Holyoke Seminary in the class of 1848. He resided at South Killingly, Conn., at the time of his marriage. Residence, 1877, Somersville, Conn. 376846. Irvin Ayres. He married, in 1872, Annie L. Poor of Belfast, Me. She graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, 1866. Residence, 1877, Camp Bidwell, Cal. 376847. Dr. Dewitt C. Warner. He married, in 1868, E. Josephine Ayer of Manchester, N. H. She graduated at Mt. Holy- oke Seminary, 185 1. Physician. He practiced in Chicago, III, till 187 1. Residence, 1877, Atkinson Depot, N. H. 376848. Laura W. Ayer. Born in 1833. Graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, 1854. Died in i860 at Haverhill, N. H. 376849. B. P. (o. B. T.) Ayers, Esq. Lawyer. Prosecuting Attorney of Linn County, Kan., 1858. 376850. John Ayers. Town Clerk of Spring Hill Township, Jefferson Co., Kan., 1858. 376851. J. H. Ayres. P. O. Clerk, 1883, N. Y. City. 376852. John R. Ayres. Residence, 1883, Coburnville, N. H. 376853. Joseph R. Ayres. Postmaster, 1883, Woodmont, Conn. 376854. L. L. Ayres. Postmaster, 1883, Winchester, Tenn. 376855. Mary A. Ayres. Postmistress, 1883, Accomac, Va. 376856. M. O. Ayres. Postmaster, 1883, Dakota, Neb. Appendix XXIII. 1283 376857. R. S. Ayres. Postmaster, 1883. Pungoteague, Va. 376858. Samuel E. Ayres. Born in New York. P. O. Clerk. Residence, 1883, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 376859. T. C. Ayres. Postmaster, 1883, Cheever, Kan. 376860. T. J. Ayres. Postmaster, 1883, Cedar Hill, Tenn. 376861. William Ayres. Postmaster, 1883, Duane, N. Y. 376862. W. A. Ayres. Mail messenger, 1883, West Bloom- field, N. Y. 376863. E. H. Ayer. Postmaster, 1883, Delmar, Iowa. 376864. A. M. Ayer. Postmaster, 1883, Conw^ay, N. H. 376865. Benjamin Ayer. Residence, 1883, Little Silver, N.J. 376866. C. F. Ayer. Mail contractor. Residence, 1883, California. 376867. M. Ayer. Postmaster, 1883, Sunolglen, Cal. 376868. S. H. Ayer. Postmaster, 1883, Spring Mountain, O. 376869. W. Ayer. Postmaster, 1883, Mount Zion, Iowa. 376870. A. Ayers. Postmaster, 1883, Mount Carmel, Pa. 376871. Miss Anna Ayers. P. O. Clerk, 1883, Defiance, O. 376872. A. B. Ayers. Residence, 1883, New Market, N. J. 376873. A. H. Ayers. Mail contractor. Residence, 1883, Georgia. 376874. A. M. Ayers. Postmaster, 1883, Canton, Pa. 376875. C. J. Ayers. Mail contractor. Residence, 1883, Michigan. 376876. E. Ayers. Postmaster. Residence, 1883, Mt. Nebo, West Va. 376877. Jesse Ayers. Mail messenger. Residence, 1883, W. Windsor, Mich. 376878. J. W. Ayers. Postmaster. Residence, 1883, Trenton, Minn. 1284 History of the Ayres Family. 376879. Mrs, M. Avers. Postmistress. Residence, 1883, Ayer's Hill, Pa. 376880. Miss Maggie Ayers. P. O. Clerk. Residence, 1883, Waxahachie, Tex. 376881. Willis Avers. P. O. Clerk. Residence, 1883, Waxahachie, Tex. 376882. Peter B. Avers. Born in New Jersey. Letter car- rier. Residence, 1883, Wilmington, Del. 376883. M. A, Ayers, Postmaster, Residence, 1883, Smith- ville, W, Va, 376884. B, J, Ayres, Postmaster. Residence, 1883, Pitts- field, Pa. 376885. E. H. Ayres. Postmaster. Residence, 1883, Waxa- hachie, Tex. 376886. Jabez Ayres, He was born in Sussex Co,, N, J, He removed about 1825 to Richford, Tioga Co,, N, Y. 376887. Elias Avers. Residence, 1887, Richford, N. Y. 376888. Frederick A, Avers, Residence, 1887, Richford, N, Y. 376889. James W. Avers. Residence, 1887, Richford, N. Y. 376890. Jeptha L. Avers. Residence, 1887, Richford, N. Y. 376891. Job Avers. Residence, 1887, Richford, N. Y. 376892. John L. Avers. Residence, 1887, Richford, N. Y. 376893. Marietta Avers. Widow of Albert. Residence, 1887, Richford, N. Y. 376894. Rudolph Ayers. Residence, 1887, Richford, N. Y. 376895. Wavland B. Avers. Residence, 1887, Richford, N. Y. 376896. David N. Avers. Residence, 1888, Seneca Falls, N. Y. 376897. Lizzie C, Ayres, Residence, 1888, Waterloo, N, Y, 376898. Edward Avers, Residence, 1888, Geneva, N, Y, 376899. William Avers, Residence, 1888, Geneva, N, Y, Appendix XXIII. 1285 376900. William Ayers. Residence, 1888, W. Bloomfield, N. Y. 376901. A. F. Ayres. Residence, 1888, Hayt's Corners, N. Y. 376902. Augustus D. Ayres, Residence, 1888, Romulus, N. Y. 376905. John Ayres, Residence, 1898, Ithaca, N. Y. 376908. Gen. Romeyn Beck Ayres. He was born at North East, N. Y. Graduated at U. S. Military Academy, 1843. He married, Aug. 14, 1849, Emily L. G. Dearborn (daughter of Col. Greenlief Dearborn, U. S. A., and Pamela S. Gilman, his cousin, daughter of Judge Allen Gilman of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, and Pamela Augusta Dearborn, daughter of Gen. Henry S. Dearborn. U. S. A., and Mary Bartlett. Greenlief Dearborn was grandson of Simon Dearborn, brother of Gen, Henry S, Dearborn). He died in 1878. Child : 376909. Capt. Charles G. Born Feb. 26, 1854, at Amsterdam", N. Y. 376912. 376912, Charles G. Ayres. (Romeyn Beck,) 376909, He married twice. He married the daughter of R. H. Butcher and Vir- ginia Opie of Success, Va. He married Mary Elizabeth Fairfax (daughter of Col. John Walter Fairfax, C. S. A., and Mary Jane Rodgers of "Freestone," Prince William Co., Va.). She was born about 1855. Captain of Troop E, loth Regt. Cavalry, U. S. Army, 1 90 1. He was in action in various Indian engagements and in Spanish-American War was in all the fighting at Guasimas and San- tiago. Member of Loyal Legion and Aztec Club. Children : 376913. Emily. 376914. Fairfax. 376915. Waldo Emerson Ayer. Born in Mass, Graduated at U, S, Military Academy, 1884, 376916. Douglas Ayers, Born in New York. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, 1828, 376917. George W^ Ayers, Born in Pa, Graduated at U, S, Military Academy, 1837. 1286 History of the Ayres Family. 376918. James Cooper Avers. Born in Wis. Graduated at U. S. Military Academy, 1867. 376920. Rev. Dana Sherrill. (Joseph Allen^ Lewis'.) He was born June 5, 1842. He married, Dec. 23, 1873, Ludovoicea Ayres (daughter of William H. and Eliza Jane Ayres of Saratoga, 111.). She was born March 24, 1842. He enlisted July, 1861, in the 36th 111. Regt. and served three years and three months, participating in several battles. He graduated at Beloit College, 1870, and Chi- cago Theological Seminary, 1873. Ordained minister, June 24, 1873. Pastor of Congregational Church at Savannah, Ga., 1882. 376925. James Aires. He married, in 1798, Sally Goodwin at Winchester, N. H. 376930. Capt. Nathan Aver. He married, Feb. 24, 1794, Mrs. Martha Clark. Residence, Preston, Conn. 376935. Oliver Crary, Jr. He married, Feb. 24, 1802, De- sire Ayer. Residence, Preston, Conn. 376940. Samuel Coller. He married, Aug. 23. 1781, Han- nah Ayers. Residence, Needham, Mass. 376945. Benjamin Rand. He married, Jan. 3, 1782, Sarah Ayers of Needham, Mass. Residence, Weston, Mass. 376950. Moses Garfield. He married, March 2, 1785, Re- becca Ayers. Residence, Needham, Mass. 37^955- Eleazer Ayers. He married, April 13, 1795, Olive Weatherbee of Dedham, Mass. Residence, Needham, Mass. 376960. David Ayres. He married, April 9, 1801, Sally Seaverns of Weston, Mass. Residence, Needham, Mass. 376965. Henry Ayres. He married Ann. Freeman, 1655. Residence, Portsmouth, R. I. 376968. Hon. Richard S. x\yer, M.C. He was born Oct. 9. 1829, in Waldo County, Me. Private 4th Regt. Me. Vols. Promoted to Captain. He removed in 1865 to Virginia. Delegate to Va. Con- stitutional Convention. Member of 41st Congress from Va. 376970. Dr. Isaac Spofford. Born April 10, 1752. Mar- ried Mary Ayer of Haverhill. Studied medicine with Dr. Bricket, Appendix XXIII. 1287 Sr., of Haverhill, Mass. Physician. He was in the Army of the Revolution. He settled at Beverly, Mass. He died young. Child : 376971. Sophia. Bap. Jan. 21, 1776. at Georgetown. Married an Ela. 376980. David Haynes. (Joseph.) He was born Nov. 27, 173S. He married, in 1755, Lydia Ayres. He died in camp in June, 1775, after the Battle of Bunker Hill with camp fever. 376985. James Davis. (James-, John'.) He was born July 10, 1689. He married (ist), Ruth Ayer of Haverhill, Mass. She died April 28, 1730. Residence, Dover, N. H. Child : 3769S6. Ruth. Born Nov. 5, 1729. 376990. Richard Hubbard. Married Martha Ayer (sister of Peter Ayer). Residence, Ipswich, Mass. 376995- Obadiah Ayer. He was one of the original proprie- tors of the Town of Rumford, N. H., 1725. 377000. John Ayer. He was one of original proprietors of Rumford, N. H., 1725. 377005. Samuel Ayer. He was one of original proprietors of Rumford, N. H., 1725. 377010. Philip Ayres. He married, Nov. 27, 17 17, Margaret Moseman. Residence, Bedford, N. Y. Children : 377011. Margaret. Born May ii, 1719. 377012. Mary. Born Oct. 19, 1720. 377013. Philip. Born May 29, 1722. 377014. John. Born April 18, 1724. 377015. Benjamin. Born April 20, 1726. 377020. Robert Alexander, He married, Nov. 18, 1799, Ann Dunn Ayres in N. Y. City. 377025. Stephen Care. He married, Feb. 19, 1804, Deborah Ayres in N. Y. City. 377030. Frazer Ayres. He married, Oct. 27, 1804, Cathar- ine Pitney in N. Y. City. 1288 History of the Ayres Family. 377°3S- Robert Ayres. He married Anne Jackson. She was born Aug. lo, 1746. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 377036. Elizabeth. Born Sept. 22, 1764. 377037- Jackson. Born Feb. 14, 1766. 377038. Robert. Born Dec. 28, 1768. 377039. WiUiam. Born Aug. 31, 1769. 377040. Joseph. Born Sept. 13, 1772. 377041. Mary. Born April 10, 1775. 377050- Josephine Miller Ayre. A Memoir. Publislied by G. P. Putnam, N. Y, City. 377060. Dr. Benjamin P. Marsh. He was born Feb. 25, 1841, at Nunda, N. Y^. He married, Dec. 7, 1865, Mary Frances Ayres of Galesburg, 111. Physician. Residence, 1891, Bloomington, Illinois. Children : 377061. Edward Ayres. Born June 10, 1870. Died Feb. 17, 1880. 377062. Nathan Walworth. Born Feb. 27, 1872. 377063. Belle Cothren. Born Sept. 5, 1873. 377064. Catharine Childs. Born March 3, 1879. 377070. Bronk VerPlanck. (Abraham.) He was born Dec. 23, 1818, at Coeymans, N. Y. He married, May 17, 1859, Julia S. Ayer of Franklin, N. Y. She was born Nov. 29, 1829. He died Nov. 12, 1862. Residence, Brooklyn, N. Y. Child : 377071. Frederick Ayer. Born Feb. 9, i860. 377080. 377080. Frederick Ayer VerPlanck. (Bronk-, Abraham'.) 377071. He was born Feb. 9, i860, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He mar- ried, Aug. 27, 1890, Annie Noyes of Lebanon, Conn. She was born Nov. II, 1863. Child : 377081. Van Noyes. Born July 7, 1891. 377090. Kemp Ayres. He married Elizabeth Peckwell. Residence, N. Y. City. Child : 377091. Sarah. Born March 16, 1787. Bap. April 15, 1787. Appendix XXIII. 1289 377100. Frederick Ayer, He married, July 15, 1884, Ellen Borrows Banning of St. Paul, Minn. Residence, Lowell, Mass. Children ; 377 loi. Beatrice Banning. 377102. Frederick. 3771 10. John Kirkpatrick. (Alexander-, David'.) He was born about 1783. He married Mary Ayer of Liberty Corner, N. J. 3771 15. Peter Ayer. He was born in 1760 at Canterbury, N. H. Soldier in Rev. War. He was one of the founders of the Society of Shakers. He died in 1857. 377120. Prof. Howard Ayres. He was born May 21, 1861, at Olympia, Wash. He graduated at Harvard College, 1883, and University of Freiburg, Germany, 1885. Scientist. Director of Lake Laboratory, 1889-93. Instructor in Marine Laboratory, Wood's Holl, 1889. Instructor in Zoology in Harvard and Radclifife Col- leges. Professor of Biology in the University of Missouri, 1894-g. President of University of Cincinnati after July i, 1899. 377125. Richard Ayers. He married Mary. She died Jan. ig, 17 16. He was a land owner at Stamford, Conn., in 1680. Resi- dence, Stamford, Conn. Child : 377126. Richard. 377140. 377140. Richard Ayres. (Richard.) 377126. Hemarried, Dec. 18, 17 12, Abigail. He died. She afterwards married John Mott. Residence, Stamford, Conn, Children : 377141. John. Born in 1714. 377142. Ebenezer. 377143. Mary. 377150. Jeremiah N. Ayres.' He was one of the owners of the Stillwater and Roxbury Rolling Mills, near Stamford, Conn., in 1868. 377160. Joseph Lockwood. He married, May ig, 179^' Elizabeth Ayres. Residence, Stamford, Conn. 1290 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 377161. Joseph. Born May 15, i799- 377162. Hannah. Born March 24, iSor. 377163. John. Born Sept. 18, 1803. 377164. Nathaniel. Born April i, 1806. 377170. Bradley Ayers. Town official at Stamford, Conn.. 1800. 377175' Jonathan Ayers. He married Rebecca. She was member of church at Stamford, Conn., 1740. 377180. Rebecca Ayres. Member of Congregational Church at North Stamford, Conn., 1780. 377181. Alfred Ayres. Member of church at Long Ridge, Conn., 1840. 377x82. Isaac Ayres. Member of church at Long Ridge Conn,, 1840. 377183. Harriet E. Ayres. Member of church at Long Ridge, Conn., 1840. 377184. Rev. Frederick H. Ayres. Minister of church at Long Ridge, Conn., 1842-53. 377185. Mrs. Amzi Ayres. Member of Pres. Church at Stam- ford, Conn., 1853. 377190. Dr. Chauncey Ayres. He was born Aug. 14, 1790, at Canaan, Conn. He graduated at Yale Medical School, 1831. He married (ist), a daughter of Dr. Warren Percival of Stamford, Conn., by whom he had a son and three daughters. He married (2nd), Mrs. Julia A. Simpson of Brooklyn, N. Y., by whom he had three chiugh- ters. He practiced at Greenwich, later in N. Y. City and afterwards in Stamford, Conn., in 1834. President of Borough of Stamford three years. Child : 377191. Samuel L. P. Born in Conn. Chief Engineer with rank of Lieut. -Commander U. S. Navy, 1874. Entered the service July 21, 1858. 377200. Benjamin Ayers. Associator, 1775. Residence, E. Hampton, Long Island, N. Y. Appendix XXIII. 1291 377202. Dr. Joseph G. Avers, U. S. N. Passed Assistant Surgeon, with rank of Lieutenant U. S. Navy 1874. Entered service, Dec. 17. 1864. 377205. John Ayres. Private, Capt. Moses Pierson's Co. in the Louisburg Expedition. 377210. WiNTHROP Marcy. (William\ SamueP, John'.) He was born June 17, 1769. He married (2nd), Olive Ayers. Children : 37721 1. Winthrop. Married Maria Stone. 377212. Ithamar. Married Marv Smith. 377215. John Battles. (John Battles and Hannah Curtis.) He married (2nd), Catharine Ayres. He removed from Stoughton, Mass., to Vermont ; thence to the western part of New York where he died aged 73 years. Children : 377216. Polly. 377217. James. 3772 1 S. William. 377219. Joseph. 377220. Nancy. 377225. Stephen Ayres. He married Martha Caldwell. After his death she married, about 17 15, Daniel Rindge. 377230. Jesse Ayres. He married Mehitable. Residence, Stoughton, Mass. Children : 377231. Willard. Bap. May 30, 1802. 377232. Leonard. Bap. May 30, 1802. 377233. Martha Fisher. Bap. May 30, 1802. 377240. William Ayres. He married Deborah Weeks (daugh- ter of Capt. John\ John^, Joshua", Leonard'.) She was born about 1773 at Hampton, N. H. 377245. William West. He married Lydia Ayres of Salem, Mass. Residence, 1706, Salem, Mass. 377250. Hon. Josiah Mason Carter. (Ebenezer and Rhoda Carter.) He was born June 19, 1813. He graduated at Yale Col- 1292 History of the Ayres Family. lege, 1836. He married, in 1841, Julia A. Ayres of New Canaan, Conn. Attorney-at-law in N. Y. City and in Norwalk, Conn. Speaker of Conn. House of Representatives. State Attorney for Fairfield County, Conn. Candidate for Lieut. Gov. of Conn. He died March 22, 1868, at Norwalk, Conn. 377260. James Aver. Born Oct. 4, 1815. Died Dec. 31, 1891. 377270. Peter Avers. Private Capt. Joseph Heath's Co., 1725. Residence, Milton, Mass. 377280. Obadiah Ayer. He married, July 15, 1771, Hannah Swasey of Newburyport. Residence, Cumberland, Nova Scotia. 377290. Seth Woodward. He was born in 1747. He mar- ried (ist), Aug. 25, 1778, Ruth Ayers of Hardwick, Mass. She died about 1786. He died Sept. 16, 1829, at Dana, Mass. 377300. Moses Ayres. He married Abigail. Residence, Southampton, Long Island, N. Y. Child : 377301. Moses. Bap. Aug. 18, 1751. 377310. Samuel Ayres. He married (intention published June 23, 1 721) Mary (Jackson) Fuller of Ipswich, Mass., formerly of Rowley, Mass. 377320. Benjamin Avers. He married Elizabeth. She was born in 1727. She died April i, 1757. Residence, Easthampton, Long Island, N. Y. 377330. Nathan Chase Aver. He married Lucy Pierce Wellington. Residence, Bangor, Me. Child : 377331. Winslow Bartlett. Born Jan. 27, 1S60. Married July 11, 18S4, Helen Foster Thurston (daughter of Ephraim Goodale Thurs- ton of Bangor, Me.). She was born Oct. 3, i860. Residence, Portland, Ore. No children. 377340. Martin YanBuren Burdick. He was born July 8, 1834. He married, in 1857, Caroline Ayers. Residence, Almond, N. Y. Appendix XXIII. 1293 377350. James Madison Chadwick. He was born Oct. 3, 1836. He married, Oct. 30, 1865, Harriet Ayers of Bakersfield, Vt. 377360. Theodore Pearson Robinson, He was born July 27, 1830, at Nanticoke, N. Y. He married, May 10, 1853, Cornelia Maria Ayres of Detroit, Mich. He died Sept. 22, 1865, at Detroit, Mich. Children : 377361 377362 377363 377364 377365 377366 Kate Eugenia. Born Feb. 12, 1854. Rebecca Louise. Born April 2, 1S56. Theodore Edgar. Born Aug. 17, 1858. Died Dec. 20, 1858. Jennie Cornelia. Born May i8, i860. Mary Hull. Born Feb 28, 1862. Charles Henry. Born July 14, 1S64. 377380. Marquis De Lafayette Hull. He was born Aug. 15, 1846. He married, Oct. 3, 1869, Eva Ayers (daughter of Gilbert and Sally Ayers). She was born Oct. 11, 1855. Residence, Keene, Mich. 377335- William Erastus Hull. He was born Dec. 23, 1 83 1, in Elizabethtown, C. W. He married, May 30, 1852, Sarah Ayers (daughter of Isaac Ayers and Mary Sutphen). She was born Feb. 6, 1 83 1. Private, 6th Mich. Cavalry in Civil War. Residence, Keene, Mich. Children : 377386. Wealthy Alvira. Born May 6, 1854. Married, July 30, 1870, Alpheus Sparks. He was born in 1847 in Keene. 377387- Carrie. Born June 6, x86o. 377460. Ebenezer Aver. Soldier with Captain Lovewell, 1725. 377465. David Aver. He married Miriam, She was bap. in 18 1 5 at Goshen, Vt, Child : 377466. David. Soldier in War of 1812. 377470, John Aver, Soldier in War of 1812, Residence, Goshen, Vt, 377475. Rev. Joseph Ayers, Pastor of M. E, Church of Mid- dlebury, Vt., 1836-7 and 1841-2. 1294 History of the Ayres Family. 377480. James Ayer. He settled at Lyndon, Vt., in 1801. 377485. John Ayer. He and Ensign John Chandler, both of Concord, N. H., were on committee in 1726 to build road to Haver- hill, Mass., from Concord, N. H. 377490. Perley Ayer. Residence, Chester, N. H. 377500. Edward Ayers. Born in 1824. Died Aug, 11, 1855. Buried on French Island on Canton River, China. 377505- William Smith Woodbury. He married Mary Ayers. Residence, Berlin, Vt. Child : 377506. William Smith. Born in 1S17. 377520. 377520. William Smith Woodbury. (William Smith.) 377506. He was born in 18 17. He married, Dec. 18, 1842, Martha Logan Strong. She was born July 19, 1816. He died April 13, 1845. Residence, Berlin, Vt. Child : 377521. Charles Edward. Born Sept. 29, 1843. Died Dec. 2, 1862, at Pensacola, Fla. 377540. Cowper Swartz Ayer. He married, March 15, i860, Meredith Thurston Hancock. She was born May 16, 1831, at Otis- field, Me. Children : 377541- John Cowper. Born May 31, 1861. Died May 29, 1863. 377542. Flora Hepzibah. Born Feb. i, 1863. 377543. Thomas Herbert. Born June 18, 1S65. 377550. William Ayres. He married. Private, Capt. Joseph Trufant's Co. in Rev. War. Residence, Weymouth, Mass. Child : 377551. Annie. Married James Spencer. 377560. 377560. James Spencer. He married Annie Ayers. Child : 377561. Joseph. 3775S0. Appendix XXIII. 1295 377580. Joseph Spencer. (James.) 377561. He married Elizabeth Bonney. Child : 377581. Mary E. Born in Maine. Married Arthur H. Parsons. Mem- ber of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 377600. Nathaniel Ayers. Born in 1754. Died Aug. 10, 1800. Residence, Boston, Mass. 377605. Mark Ayers. Residence, 1689, New Hampshire. 377610. Ebenezer Ayers. He married, Oct. 5, 17 10, by Rev. Samuel Niles of Salisbury, Mass., Dorcas Getchell. Residence, Newbury, Mass. 377615. John Ayres. Private in Col. Rufus Putnam's Regt., 1779. 377620. William Ayres. Residence, 1726, Brookfield, Mass. 377625. Nathaniel Ayres. Residence, 1726, Boston, Mass. 377630. Ayer. He married Elizabeth Hale (daughter of Rev. Moses Hale, Harvard, 1699, John Hale, Thomas Hale of Newbury, Mass.). 377635. Ayer. He married Betsey Corliss of Haverhill, Mass. She resided about 1858 at Haverhill, Mass. 377640. Zach. Ayers. Tax-payer. Residence, 1688, New- bury, Mass. 377645. Samuel Ayers. Tax-payer. Residence, 1688, New- bury, Mass. 377650. Peter Ayer. He married, Dec. 4, 1751, Martha Hazen (daughter of Thomas^, Thomas^ Edward Hazen'). She was born July 3, 1725. Residence, Norwich, Conn. 377655. Peter Ayers. American prisoner at Forton Prison, England. 1 77 7-9. Prize of the Franklin. 377660. Elisha Ayer. He removed from Saco, Maine, and was one of the original grantees and pioneers of Washington Planta- tion, afterwards Newfield, Maine. He gave the first meeting house 1296 History of the Ayres Family. and school house to the people of that place. He married. Resi- dence, Newfield, Me. Child : 377661. James. 377670. 377670. Capt. James Ayer. (Elisha.) 377661. He removed when a mere lad, with his father, from Saco, Me., to Newfield, Me. Child : 377671. Caleb R. Born in 1813. 377680. 377680. Hon. Caleb R. Ayer. (James-, Elisha'.) 377671. He was born in 18 13. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1834. Lawyer. Admitted in 1838. He removed in 1841 to Cornish, Me. State Senator, 1847-8. President of State Senate, 1848. Secretary of State, 1856. County Attorney of York County, Me., 1868-70. He married. They had three children. He died Oct. 5, 1883, at Cornish, Me. Child : 377681. Daughter. Married Dr. W. B. Swasey of Cornish, Me. 377700. John Ayres. He married, Nov. 15, 1803, Rebecca Lombard (daughter of John Lombard and Jemima Atkins of Scituate, Mass.). She was born Sept. 24, 1783. She died Dec. 25, 1S52. 377705. Rev. Ayer. He married Fanny Rogers Tdaugh- ter of Rev. Zabdiel Rogers (Yale College, 1820) and Juliet S. Mitchell, Zabdiel Rogers, Zabdiel Rogers). She died early. 377710. Elisha Ayer. Born in 1786. Teacher of President Zachary Taylor and author of the Life of Gen. Taylor. He died Dec. 18, 1858, at Preston, Conn. 377720. Joshua Ayers. He married (marriage intention Feb. 15, 1 741) Mary Cole of Falmouth (now Portland), Me. 377725- Thomas Ayer. He married (marriage intention Dec. 29, 1749), Bathsheba Small of Falmouth, Me. 377730. James Chadbourne Dame. He was born Aug. 25, 1770, at Newington, N. H. He married, Jan. 11, 1795, Phebe Ayers (daughter of Mark Ayers). Teacher. He removed in 1846 to Con- cord, N. H. He died Oct. 10, 1859. She died Oct. 30, 1854. They had three sons and three daughters. Appendix XXIII. 1297 377740. Dr, Otis Ayer. He married Narcissa V. Smith (daughter of Joseph Smith and Esther Burnham). He removed from New Hampton, N. H., to Le Sueur, Minn., where he resided in 1861. 377745. Dr. Rollin Ladue Banta. He was born Nov. 13, 1846, in Buffalo, N. Y. He graduated at Buffalo Medical College. He married, Oct. 27, 1875, Sarah Moody Ayer. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in Niagara University. Residence, 1893, Buffalo, N. Y. 37775°- Benjamin Odiorne. (John.) He was born about 1815. He married. May 25, 1845, Louisa O. Ayers of New London, N. H, Residence, Lyndon, Vt. Children : 377751- Emma J. Born Feb. 11, 1851. Died June 26, 1870, at Little Sioux, Iowa. 377752. Lillian J. Born Aug. 15, 1859. 377753- Alvena. Born April 8, 1S64. 377760. Charles Octavius Whitmore. (William Dickman'*, John^ Francis-, John' of Medford, Mass.) He was born Nov. 2, 1807. He married, Dec. 22, 1830, Lovice Ayres. She died Sept. 27, 1849. Children : 377761. Charles J. 377762. William H. 377763. Martha H. 377764. Anna L. 377765. Charlotte R. 377766. Creighton. Born Dec. 16, 1845. Died April 25, 1848. 377780. Richard H. Ayres. He married Elizabeth H. Daw- son (daughter of Capt. Samuel Dawson of London Co., Va.). She was born about 1840. They had a daughter. Residence, Accomac Co., Va. 377785. William M. Ayers. He married Emily Colegrove (daughter of William Harrison Colegrove and Abigail Birt of Harri- sonville, Ohio). She was born July 2, 1842. Residence, Scioto Co., Ohio. 1298 History of the Ayres Family. 377790. Col. E. W. Ayres. He married a daughter of Hon. Lemuel Sawyer, M. C, of North Carolina. Residence, Washington, D. C. Child : 377791. Bena. Married Hon. Cabell Whitehead. 377800. 377800. Hon. Cabell Whitehead. (Edgar.) He was born Oct. 6, 1863, at Lynchburg, Va. He graduated at Lehigh Univer- sity, 1885. He married, Oct. i, 1888, Bena Ayres. 377791. As- sayer U. S. Mint Bureau at Washington, D. C, by President Harri- son. Residence, 1895, Washington, D. C. 377805. Davis Ayres, Esq. He married, March 15, 1865, Emma E. Cabell. She was born Nov. 3, 1843. She died July 23, 1877. Residence, 1895, Rocky Mount, Va. Children : 377806. Edward Cabell. Born in 1866. Died in 1870. 377807. Elizabeth Avery. Born in 1867. Died in 1867. 377808. Sallie Syme. Born Jan. 2, 1869. Married Rev. James Minor Holloday. Residence, 1895, Rocky Mount, Va. Child : Emily Cabell. 377809. Cabell Reed. Born in 187 1. Died in 1871. 377810. Samuel Cabell. Born July 15, 1872. Residence, 1895, Rocky Mount, Va. 377815. John Avers. He married Mary Brastow Messinger (daughter of Col. Daniel Messinger, Senior Colonel of the Boston Brigade in W^ar of 18 12, State Senator, and Susanna Hinckley of Boston, Mass.). Merchant. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 377816. William Austin. 377817. Katherine Downer, 377818. John. 377819. Nathaniel Henry. 377820. Lionel. 377825. Rev. Adams Ayer. Residence, 1863, Boston, Mass. 377830. Jonathan Stanhope. He married, April 16. 1656, Susanna Ayre at Sudbury, Mass. Appendix XXIII. 1299 377835. Thomas LoYD, He married, Aug. 16, 1724, Isabell Ayres. 377840. David Potts. (John.) He was born about 1746. He married Mary Ayers. Residence, Pottsgrove, in Bristol Township, Pa., opposite Burhngton, N. J., on the Delaware River. 377845. Thomas Aver, Jr. He married Ruth Wilford (daugh- ter of Gilbert Wilford of Merrimac). She was born Nov. 18, 1667. 377850. Hon. James H. B. Ayer. Alderman, 1849-50. Mayor of Lowell, Mass., 1851, 377^55- Frederick Ayer. Alderman of Lowell, Mass., 187 1. 377860. James C. Ayer. Alderman of Lowell, Mass., 1863. 377865. Abel M, Ayer. Alderman of Lowell, Mass., 1861. 377870. William Ayres. Born 1720. Died 1784. He mar- ried. Private, Capt. Richard Manning's Co., 4th Battalion, Col. James Burd, Lancaster Co., Pa., Militia, 1776. His great-great- grandsons were Henry Ayres and Louis Harlow Ayres, members of Pa. Society of Sons of Revolution, 1893. Child : 377871. John. Born in 173S. 377880. 377880. John Ayres, (William.) 377871. Born 1738, Died 1825. He married. Private, Capt. William Smith's Co., Col. Wm. Thompson's Pa. Battalion of Riflemen, 1775; Private, Capt. James Murray's Co., 4th Battalion, Col. James Burd, Lancaster Co., Pa., Militia, 1776. His grandson was William Ayres, member of Pa. Society Sons of Revolution, 1893. 377885. Daniel Ayer. Editor of Pulaski (N. Y.) Advocate, 1836. Founder and editor of Oswego Daily Advertiser, 1845. Ed- itor Oswego Co. Whig, 1843. 377890. Rev. Oliver Ayer, He was the first settled pastor at Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., N. Y., in 1822. He married. Child : 377891. Dr. John G. Physician. Residence, 1833, Sandy Hill, N. Y. 377895- James Scott. Married March 26, 1762, Mary Ayres, in N, Y, Colony, 1300 History of the Ayres Family. 377900. William Everitt. Married, May 12, 1768, Sarah Ayres, in N. Y. Colony. 377905. John Inness. Married April 8, 1771, Susannah Ayres, in N, Y. Colony. 377910. Enos Ayres. He petitioned in 1760 for 1000 acres of land situate in Evans patent, on the north side of the road leading from Goshen to the water side, aboVe the mountains of the Highlands, Orange Co., N. Y. (See Calendar of New York Land Papers.) 3,77915. John Drown. He married Sally Ayers. He removed in 18 13 from Parsonsfield, Me., to Rose, Wayne Co., N. Y. 377920. William Ayer. He was born in Oct., 1753, at Hav- erhill, Mass. He married, June 9, 1778, Molly Runnels. He died June 6, 1827, at Newbury, N. H. She died April 22, 1842. Resi- dence, Bow, Concord and Newbury, N. H. Child : 377921. James. Born May 12, 1788, at Concord, N. H. 377930. 377930. James Ayer. (William.) 377921. He was born May 12, 1788. He married, Feb. 19, 18 11, Lucy Brockway (daugh- ter of Jonathan and Mary Brockway). He died March 29, 1863, at Washington, N. H. Children : 377931. Hazen. Born June 5, 1813. 377940, 377932. Leonard. 377933- vSimon. 377934- Jonathan B. 377935- Cyrus. 377940. Hazen Ayer. (James-, William'.) 377931. He was born June 5, 18 13. He married, Jan. 10, 1838, Eliza A. Proctor (daughter of William, Isaac Proctor). Residence, 1891, Putney, Vt. 377945. John Ayers. He married Abia. Private, Capt. Daniel Livermore's Co., Col. Alexander Scammel's Regt., 1777. He died about 18 10 at Pembroke, N. H. Child : 377946. Mary. Married Samuel Goodhue. 377950. Appendix XXIII. 1301 377950. Samuel Goodhue. He married Mary Ayers. 377946. Child : 377951- William Thomas. 377960. 377960. William Thomas Goodhue. (Samuel.) 377951- He married Eliza J. Langley. Child : 377961. Julia E. Born in Wis. Married Norman Henry Goodhue. She is a member of the Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 377970, William Ayres. Private, Capt. Joseph Trufant's Co., 1775. Residence, Weymouth, Mass. Child : 377971. Annie. Married James Spencer. 3779S0. 377980, James Spencer, He married Annie Ayres, 377971- Child : 377981. Joseph M. 378000. 378000, Joseph M. Spencer. (James.) 377981. He mar- ried Elizabeth Bonney. Residence, Maine. Children : 378001. Mary E. Married Arthur H. Parsons. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 378002. Gierstein. Married Lemuel L. Stewart. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 378020, Dr, Silas Hibbard Ayer. He married Juliette But- terfield Davis (daughter of Nathaniel Davis and Julia Ann Woods, Alpheus Davis and Abigail Watts Davis, Aquilla Davis. Soldier of Revolution, and Abigail Watts Stevens). Physician, She is a mem- ber of Society of Daughters of American Revolution, 378030, David Ayers, Soldier in Rev. War. Residence, New Jersey. He married. Child : 378031. Elizabeth. Married Thomas Scudder. 378040. 1302 History of the Ayres Family. 378040. Thomas Scudder. He married Elizabeth Ayers. 378031. Child : 378041. Elizabeth. Married William Bishop Fisher. 378060. 378060. William Bishop Fisher. He married Elizabeth Scudder. 378041; Child : 378061. Ellen Drake. Married Manning Force Stires. 378100. 378100. Manning Force Stires, He married Ellen Drake Fisher. 378061. Residence, New Jersey. Child : 378101. Bessie Scudder. Married Rev. Albert Lincoln Mershon. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 378120. Joseph Van Eaton Aver. He married Isabel Demp- sey (daughter of Joseph Work Dempsey and Sarah Daniels). She was born in Ohio. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 378125. John Chambers Ayres. He married Mary Cryder Beach (daughter of George W. Beach and Susan G. Sturdevant). She was born in Pa. She is a member of Society of Daughters of Ameri- can Revolution, 378130. Thomas Ayer. He married Sarah Malone. Resi- dence, 1776, Marlborough, S. C, Child : 378131. Lewis Malone. 378150. 378150. Lewis Malone Ayer, (Thomas,) 378131, He mar- ried Rebecca Daniel Erwin. Children : 378151. Lewis Malone. 378200. 378152. Martha Anne. Married Hon. A. P. Aldrich. 378250. Appendix XXIII. 1303 378200. Lewis Malone Ayer. (Lewis Malone% Thomas'.) 3781 5 1. He married Lillie Moore. Residence, South Carolina. Child : 378201. Lulah. Married James R. VanDiver. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 378250. Hon. a. p. Aldrich. He married Martha Anne Ayer. 378152. Judge. Child : 378251. Sara. Married Henry Richardson. She is a member of So- ciety of Daughters of American Revolution. 378260. Benjamin F. Ayer. He married Janet Hopkins (daughter of James Campbell Hopkins and Mary Allen). She was born in New York. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 378265. Sylvanus Ayres. He married Eliza E. Fisher (daughter of Hendrick Fisher and Mary Brokaw). She was born in New Jersey. She was a member of Society of Daughters of Ameri- can Revolution. She died. 378270. Monroe Ayres. He married Louisiana Coburn StuU (daughter of Henry Stull and Susanna Coburn). Child : 37S271. Clara. Born in Ohio. 378280. John Ayres. Sergeant. Killed by the Indians in 1673 ^t Brookfield in King Phillips' War. 378285. Zechariah Ayres. Soldier under Capt. Brocklebank of Rowley, July 21, 1676. 378290. Samuel Aires. Soldier under Lieut, Benjamin Swett, June 24, 1676. Residence, Haverhill. 378295, William Ayres, Justice of the Peace, Worcester Co., Mass.; appointed Jan. 25, 1754, and Jan, 21, 1762. Coroner; ap- pointed Dec, 27, 1744. 378300, Samuel Ayres, Coroner, Essex Co,, Mass,; appointed Dec. 19, 1759, and Nov. 19, 1761, 1304 History of the Ayres Family. 378305. Eleanor Ayres. She removed from Boston to Hali- fax on its evacuation by the British troops in March, 1776. 378310, Ebenezer Ayres. Member of Boston Tea Party and appointed as one of the watchmen by the Tea Meeting, Boston, 1773. 378315. Joseph Eyres. Member of Boston Tea Party and appointed as one of the watchmen by the Tea Meeting, Boston, 1773. 378320. Arthur Burrill Ayer. Born Nov. 16, 1852, at CUnton, Mass. Student in Bowdoin College, class of 1872. Resi- dence, 1880, Lawrence, Mass. 378325. Dr. Benjamin Ayer. Born at Alna, Me. Graduated at Bowdoin Medical College, 1826. Died. 378330. Rev. Charles Ayer. Born March 16, 1826, at Charlestown, Mass. Minister at Brunswick, Me. President of Jack- son College, Jackson, Miss. Bowdoin conferred on him degree of A.M., 1856. 378335. Dr. Joseph CuLLEN Ayer. Born Aug. 24, 181 1, at Newfield, Me. Graduated at Bowdoin College, A.B., 1832, and Har- vard Medical School, 1836. Died Jan. 22, 1846, in Boston, Mass. 378340. Dr. Royal Mastin Ayer. Born Sept. 18, 181 1, at New^field, Me. Graduated at Bowdoin Medical College, 1835. Died in April, 1878, in Danville, Vt. 378345. Dr. Samuel Ayer. Overseer of Bowdoin College, 1821-4. 378350. Rev. Thomas Ayer. Born Dec. 27, 1796, in Plais- tow, N. H. Minister at Albany, Me. Died Feb. 7, 1863, at Litch- field, Me. 378355- Thomas Herbert Ayer. Born June 18, 1865, at Litchfield, Me. Graduated at Bowdoin College, A.B., 1888, and M.D., 1893. 378360. Dr. James Ayer. Born Oct. 4, 1815, at Newfield, Me. Graduated at Bowdoin College, A.B., 1834, and M.D., 1837. Member Mass. Medical Society. He married. Died Dec. 31, 1891, in Boston. Mass. Appendix XXIII. 1305 Child 37S361. Dr. James B. Graduated at Harvard Medical School, 1873. Residence, 18S0, Boston, Mass. 378370. Dr. Otis Aver. Born June 19, 1817, at New Hamp- ton, N. H. Graduated at Dartmouth Medical College. 1841, and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1842. President of Minn. State Medical Society, 1875 and 1877. Assistant Surgeon, 2nd Minn. Regt. Infantry, April to Dec, 1863. Examining Surgeon for pensions, 1865-75. He married in Jan., 1845, Narcissa Smith (daughter of Joseph Smith, Esq., of Shoreham, Vt.). Residence, 1880, LeSueur, Minn. 378375. Dr. Washington Ayer. He was born June 18, 1823, at Haverhill, Mass. He graduated at Harvard Medical School, 1847. He removed in Feb., 1849, from Lawrence, Mass., to San Francisco, Cal. President of San Francisco Medical Society, 1877. Member of State Medical Society of Cal. and Society of Cal. Pioneers. Mem- ber of Board of Education, 1865-70. He married Augusta Willard (daughter of Orin Willard of Cambridge, Mass.). Residence, 1880, San Francisco, Cal. 378380. Dr. Melancthon S. Ayers. He was born Oct. 23, 1846, at Beemerville, N. J. Educated at College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. City, and at Long Island College Hospital. Gradu- ated in 187 1. Surgeon in 2nd BattaHon, National Guard, N. J., 1873. He married, Dec. 9, 1874, Nellie Hill (daughter of A. M. Hill, Esq., of N. Y. City). She died Aug. 12, 1876. Residence, 1902, Fairview, Bergen Co., N. J. 378385. Dr. Daniel Ayres. He was born Oct. 6, 1822, in N. Y. City. He married, Oct. 6, 1849, Charlotte Augusta Russell (daughter of Daniel Russell, Esq., of Portland, Conn.). Residence, 1880, Brooklyn, N. Y. 378390. Dr. David Cooper Ayres. He was born Jan. 25, 1820, in Dayton, Ohio. His parents removed from Morristown, N. J., in 181 7 to Dayton, Ohio. He attended Louisville Medical Col- lege and graduated at N. Y. University Medical College, 1848. President Wis. Medical Society, 1835. Member of Assembly, 1868, 1306 History of the Ayres Family. 187 1 and 1872. Delegate to Republican National Convention, 1868. Surgeon, 7th Wis. Vols, in Civil War. Residence, 1880, Green Bay, Wisconsin. 378395. Rev. Edwin Irving Aver. Graduated at Michigan University, A.B., 1872, LL.B., 1875, ^"^ at Chicago Theological Seminary, 1883. Congregational minister. Residence, 1901, Man- istee, Mich. 378400. Dr. Ann Ayres. Graduated at Michigan University. M.D., 1872. Died March 17, 1876, at Fort Plain, N. Y. 378405. Henry H. Hoover. He married Carrie Ayers. She graduated at Michigan University, B.L., 1888. Residence, 1901, Fort Smith, Ark. 378410. Ida Ayers. Graduated at Michigan University, B.L., 1888. Residence, 1901, Fort Smith, Ark. 378415. Dr. George Byron Ayres. Graduated at Long Is- land Medical College, 1876, and Michigan University, M.D., 1877. Died Aug. 19, 1890, at Fort Omaha, Neb. 378420. George Edward Ayres. Graduated at Michigan Uni- versity, LL.B., 1892. Residence, 1901, Springfield, 111. 378425. George Washington Ayers. Graduated at Michigan University, LL.B., 1884. Residence, 1901, Adrian, Mich. 378430. Dr. James Nelson Ayres. Graduated at Michigan University School of Pharmacy, 1879, ^^^ Medical School, 1889. Residence, 1901, Kalamazoo, Mich. 378435. John Ayers. Graduated at Michigan University, M.E., 1880. Merchant. Residence, 1901, Fort Smith, Ark. 378440. John Bunyan Ayres. Graduated at Michigan Uni- versity, LL.B., 1891. Residence, 1901, Adrian, Mich. 378445. Joseph Sutton Ayres. Graduated at Michigan Uni- versity, A.B., 1877. Died Jan. 29, 1891, at Detroit, Mich. 378450. Dr. Merritt Moses Ayers. Graduated at Michigan University, M.D., 1894. Residence, 1901, Continental, Ohio. Appendix XXIII. 1307 378455. MuNSON Decker Ayres. Graduated at Michigan University, LL.B., 1870. Merchant. Residence, 1901, St. Joseph, Mo. 378460. Norman Brayman Ayers. Graduated at Michigan University, B.S., (E.E.), 1899. Residence, 1901, Colorado Springs, Col. 378465. Dr. Victor Bodine Ayers. Graduated at Michigan University, M.D., 1892. Residence, 1901, 182 E. Canfield Ave., Detroit, Mich. 378470. Sewell Prescott Ayer. Student in Michigan Uni- versity Medical School, 1869-71. Graduated at University of Vt., M.D.. 1873. Died June 21, 189S, at Orrington, Me. 378475. Warren Leroy Ayer. Student in Michigan Univer- sity Medical School, 1866-7. 378480. David Cooper Ayers. Student in Michigan Univer- sity Medical School, 1855-6. Surgeon 7th Wis. Infantry, 1862. Died Feb. i, 1890, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 378485. Frank Drew Ayers. Student in Michigan Univer- sity, 1874-5. 378490. Warren Langworthy Ayers. Student in Michigan University School of Pharmacy, 1872-3. 378500. Elizabeth M. Ayer. Student in Mt. Holyoke Sem- inary, class of 1880. Registered from Farmington, Conn. Died in 1885 at Hartford, Conn. 378505. Emily D. Ayer. Student in Mt. Holyoke Seminary, class of 1863. Died in 1894 at Danville, Vt. 378510. Fy Ayer. Graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, 1885. Registered from Rochester, Minn. Residence, 1895, Pomona. Cal. 378515. Laura W. Ayer. Graduated at Mt. Holyoke Semin- ary, 1854. Teacher in same, 1855-6. Died in i860 at Haverhill, N. H. 378520. Louise Ayer. Student in Mt. Holyoke Seminary, class of 1886. Registered from Saybrook, Conn. Residence, 1895, Olympia, Wash. 1308 History of the Ayres Family. 378525. Gertrude Aver. Student in Mt. Holyoke Seminary, class of 1882. Residence, 1895, Concord, N. H. 378530. Elizabeth A. Ayres. Student in Mt. Holyoke Sem- inary, class of 1879. Registered from Ithaca, N. Y. Married, in 1885, Dr. Robert P. Knight. Residence, 1895, Amenia, N. Y. 378535. Frances C. Ayres. Graduated at Mt. Holyoke Sem- inary, B.S., 1894. Registered from Peoria, 111. Residence, 1895, Bloomington, 111. 378540. Keziah Ayres. Student in Mt. Holyoke Seminary, class of 1877. Registered from Ithaca, N. Y. Married, in 1879, Morgan L. Rider. Residence, 1895, Berkeley, Cal. 378545. Dr. B. Ayres. Graduated at New York University, M.D., 1870. 378550. Dr. Henry P. Ayres. Graduated at New York University, M.D., 1846. Residence, Ft. Wayne, Ind. 378555. Dr. Samuel Ayres. Graduated at New York Uni- versity, M.D., 1867. 378560. Rev. Adams Ayer. Graduated at Philips Exeter Academy, 1843, ^"*^ Harvard College, 1848. Registered from Haverhill, Mass. Minister. Died in 1882 at Montreal, Can. 378565. Day Fayette Ayer. Graduated at Philips Exeter Academy, 1847. Died in 1856. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 378570. George Ayer. Graduated at Philips Exeter Acade- my, 1855. Business man. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 378575. George William Ayers. Graduated at Philips Exeter Academy, 1861. Residence, Stratham, N. H. 378580. Rev. Samuel Brittain Ayers. Born Aug. 13, 181 1, at Lower Mt. Bethel, Pa. Graduated at Princeton Theol. Sem., 1834. Residence, 1881, Williamsville, 111. 378585. Rev. Rowland Ayres. Born May i, 1817, at Granby, Mass. Graduated at Princeton Theol. Sem., 1846. Cong. Minister. Residence, 1 848-1 881, Hadley, Mass. Appendix XXIII. 1309 378590. Rev. Jesse Isaac Ayres. He was born May 30, 1861, at Russellville, Ky, Educated at Rich. College. Student in Roch- ester Theol. Sem., 1887. Ordained, 1888. Residence, 1899, Sumter, S. C. 378595. Rev. Walter Howard Avers. Born April 26, 1845, at Canterbury, N. H. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1868, and Union Theo. Sem., 1871. Ordained Congregational minister in 1872. Residence, 1897, Ardmore, Indian Ter. 378600. Thomas Nelson Ayres. Born March 20. 1848, at Kingston, N. Y. Graduated at Knox College, 1870. Student at Union Theo. Sem., 1870-1. Ordained Episcopal minister, 1873. Residence, 1897, New Orleans, La. 378605. Dr. William C. Ayres. (Brother of Prof. Brown Ayres.) Student at Washington and Lee University, C.E., M.E., 1873-4. Registered from New Orleans, La. Physician. Residence, 1888, N. Y. City. 378610. Dr. William Watson Ayres. Born in Pa. Gradu- ated at Columbian University, M.D., 1890. Residence, 1891, Wash- ington, D. C. 378615. Watson M. Ayers. Graduated at Boston University Theo. School, 1862. 378620. WiNFiELD Ayres. Graduated at Boston University, B.S., 1886. 378625. Dr. Samuel Furgison Ayers. Graduated at Belle- vue Hospital Medical College, 1873. Residence, Newcomerstown, Ohio. 378630. Oscar Walter Ayer. Born in 1849 in Ohio. Grad- uated at DePauw University, B.S., 1874. Deputy County Clerk, 1875. County Surveyor, 1876. Residence, 1887, Staunton, Ind, 378635. Samuel Day Ayers. Graduated at DePauw Univer- sity, A.B., 1869. Residence, 1887, Tulare, Cal. 378640. Wilbur Tandy Ayres. Born in Hillsboro, Ohio, Graduated at DePauw University, A.B., 1886. Instructor in Mathe- matics in same, 1885-7. Residence, 1887, Greencastle, Ind, 13 lo History of the Ayres Family. 378645. Jacob B. Ayres. Student in Dickinson College, class of 1840. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. 378650. Rev. William Francis Ayer. Born June 6, 1855, in Portland, Me. Student in Bowdoin College, class of 1877. Rector. Residence, 1894, Philadelphia, Pa. 378655. Dr. Lemuel D. Ayers. Born at Towanda, Pa. Graduated at Buffalo Medical College, 1897. He married Mabel Carey (daughter of Dr. Daniel Graham Carey and Louisa Conkling of Elmira, N. Y.). Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 378660. Dr. Alfred Ayres. Physician. He- practiced in and around Bradford, Pa., and Limestone, N. Y., his residence being between the two places. He died about 1873. 378665. W. M. Ayers. Merchant. Residence, i860, Bridge- port, Conn. 378670. J. E. Ayres. He married. Residence, i860. New Canaan, Conn. Child : 378671. Son. 378675. Rev. F. H. Ayer. Congregationalist. Residence, i860, Long Ridge, Stamford, Conn. 378680. Rev. Charles L. Ayer. Congregationalist. Resi- dence, i860, Sterling, Conn. 378685. J. N. Ayers. Grocer. Residence, i860, Stamford, Conn. 378690. J. R. Ayres. Jeweler. Residence, i860, Waterbury, Conn. 378695. William Ayer. Postmaster, i860. East Montville, Conn. 378700. Eben Ayer. Postmaster, i860. Brown's Corner, Me. 378705. Robert Ayer. Postmaster, i860, Winslow, Me. 378710. D. M. Ayer. Resident agent of Bates Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of sheetings and pants stuffs, i860, Lewis- ton, Me. Appendix XXIII. 131 1 378715- Joseph Locke. He was born April 23, 1719. He married Mary Ayres. Residence, Lexington, Mass. 378720. Dudley Edgerly. (Joseph^, Moses^ Moses', Samuel-, Thomas'.) He was born Oct. 29, 1812. He married (2nd), Sophia Ayers. Residence, Wolfboro, N. H. 378725. George B. Ayres. Cadet at Partridge Military Insti" tute, Hanisburg, Pa., 1868. 378730. John Holt. He married Hannah Ayer. She died April 28, 1848. Residence, Pembroke, N. H. Children : 378731. Daniel. 37S732. Amy. 378735. Hon. Joseph Ayer. Representative, 1837. Resi- dence, Haverhill, Mass. 378740. Jonathan Ayer. Born March 22, 1637. Student in Harvard College, 1653-6. Residence, Watertown, Mass. (See Sibley's Harvard graduates.) 378770. Jehiel Ayers. He married a Niles (sister of Hon. John M. Niles, Postmaster General under President VanBuren. Resi- dence, Carr's Creek, Delaware Co., N. Y. Child : 37S771. Benjamin H. Hatter and fur dealer. Residence, 1840, Una- dilla, N. Y. 378780 378784 378786 378788 378790 378792 378794 378796 Elias Ayers. Residence, 1872, Richford, N. Y. Job Ayers. Residence, 1872, Richford, N. Y. Mrs. Phebe Ayers. Residence, 1872, Richford, N. Y. Rudolph Ayers. Residence, 1872, Richford, N. Y. Thomas F. Ayers. Residence, 1872, Owego, N. Y. D. S. Ayers. Residence, 1872, Binghamton, N. Y. E. Ayers. Residence, 1872, Binghamton, N. Y. Dr. Ayers. Residence, 1738, Bedford, N. Y. I3I2 History of the Ayres Family. 378798. Capt. John Chandler. Commanded a company in 1754 at Concord, N. H. 378800. Richard H. Ayers. Presidential elector, 1848. 378805. Frye. Joseph, Simon, Richard, Nathaniel and Joseph Frye, Jr., founded Fryeburg, Me. 378810. Amos N. Ayers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 3 7 88 11. Daniel Ayers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378812. Ann Maria Ayers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378813. Elbert Ayers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378814. Ellis F. Ayers. Grocer. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378815 378816 378817 378818 378819 378820 378821 N. Y. City. 378822 378823 378824 378825 378826 378827 378828 378829 378830 Isaac Ayers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Levessa Ayers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Reuben Ayers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Thomas N. Ayers. Residence. 1842, N. Y. City. Abraham Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Albert Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Daniel Ayres. Iron manufacturer. Residence, 1842, David Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Edward Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Edward J. Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Edwin Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Elihu Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Erastus Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. George Willis Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Ithama Ayres. Residence, 1S42, N. Y. City. James Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Appendix XXIII. 1313 378831. Dr. James B. Ayres. Dentist. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378832. John Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 37^^33- Joseph E. Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378834. Lucius Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378835. Mary Ayres. Widow. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378836. Solomon Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378837. Theodore F. Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378838. Thomas Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378839. Thomas N. Ayres. Broker. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378840. William Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378841. William M. Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 378842. Albert Ayer. Residence, 1851, Boston, Mass. 378843. Benjamin Ayer. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378844. Christopher P. Ayer. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378845. D. C. Ayer. Residence, 1851, Boston, Mass. 378846. E. M. Ayer. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378847. George Ayer. Residence, 1851, Boston, Mass. 378848. Jane Ayer. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378849. John Ayer. Residence, 1851, Boston, Mass. 378850. Samuel Ayer. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378851. Thomas Ayer. Residence, 1851, Boston, Mass. 378852. Thomas P. Ayer. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378853. William C. Ayer. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378854. David Ayers. Residence, 1851, Boston, Mass. 378855. Edward Ayers. Residence, 1851, Boston, Mass. 378856. Ira Ayers. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 1 3 14 History of the Ayres Family. 378857. Lemuel Avers. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378858. M. B. Ayers. Residence, 1851, Boston, Mass. 378859. Oliver E. Avers. Residence, 1851, Boston, Mass. 378860. William Avers. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378861. William O. Avers. Master Eliot School. Residence, 185 1, Boston, Mass. 378862. G. E. Aver. Division road master, Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe R. R. Residence, 1896, Trinidad, Col. 378863. John Aver. President, Somerset Railway. Resi- dence, 1896, Oakland, Me. 378864. W. M. Aver. Superintendent and road master, Som- erset Railway. Residence, 1896, Oakland, "Me. 378865. C. D. AvRES. Train master, Kentucky and Indiana Bridge Cos. R. R, Residence, 1896, Louisville, Ky, 378866. R. A. AvRES. President, Big Stone Gap and Powell's Valley Railway Company, Residence, 1896, Big Stone Gap, Va. 378867. Albert C. Aver. Real estate, 2376, 3d Av. Resi- dence, 1892, 236 E. 128th St., N. Y. City. 378868. Caleb R. Aver. Pres., 13 Park Row. Residence, 1892, N. Y. City. 378869. Fred. Aver. Treas., 74 Worth St. Residence, 1892, Mass. St., N. Y. City. 378870. Fred F. Aver. Lawyer, 35 Wall St. Residence, 1892, 5 W. 57th St., N, Y, City. 378871. George A. Aver. Vice-president, 13 Park Row. Residence, 1892, N. Y. City. 378872. Harriet H. Aver. President, 305 5th Ave. Resi- dence, 1892, N, Y, City. 378873. Ira Aver. Agent, 402 Washington St., N. Y. City. 378874. Hester S. Aver. Residence, 1892, 771 E. 179th St., N, Y, City. Appendix XXIII. 1315 378875. Mary Ayer. Widow of Caesar. Residence, 1892, 294 Broome St., N. Y. City. 378876. William Ayer. Address, 315 West 20th St., N. Y. City. 378877. Alex. Ayers. Real estate. 258 Broadway. Residence, 221 W. 135th St., N. Y. City. 378878. Alfred Ayers. Teacher. Residence, 224 W. 15th St., N. Y. City. 378879. Alfred H. Ayers. Address, 316 W. 12th St., N. Y' City. 37S880. Caroline Ayers. Widow of Joseph. Residence, 221 W. 135th St., N. Y. City. 378881. Catherine Ayers. Widow of Obadiah. Residence, 105 Bank St., N. Y. City. 378882. Charles Ayers. Printer. Residence, 163 E. 103d St., N. Y. City. 378883. Clinton P. Ayers. Residence, 13 Waverley Place, N. Y. City. 378884. Edward A. Ayers. Physician, 151 E. 34th St., N. Y. City. 378885. Emil Ayers. Residence, 163 E. 103d St., N. Y. City. 378886. Frank Ayers. Clerk. Residence, 653 Boulevard, N. Y. City. 378887. Fred C. Ayers. Manager, 15 Cortlandt St. Resi- dence, Metuchen, N. J. 378888. George Ayers. Furniture, 517 9th Ave., N. Y. City. 378889. George A. Ayers. Residence, 100 E. 8ist St., N. Y. City. 378890. Henry Ayers. Grocer, 114 W. looth St., N. Y. City. 378891. Henry B. Ayers. Clerk. Residence, 172 W. 97th St., N. Y. City. 378892. Henry E. Ayers. Insurance, iii Broadway. Resi- dence, Metuchen, N. J. 1316 History of the Ayres Family. 378893. Henry F. Ayers. Superintendent, Pier 24 (new) N. R. Residence, Elizabeth, N. J. 378894. Horace F. Ayers. Real estate, 280 Broadway. Resi- dence, 203 W. 14th St., N. Y. City. 378895. John Ayers. Residence, 809 Washington St., N. Y. City. 378896. John H. Ayers. Clerk. Residence, 1784 Weeks St., N. Y. City. . 378897. Mary Ayers. Widow. Residence, 809 Washington St., N. Y. City. 378898. Michael Ayers. Residence, 961 E. 149th St., N. Y. City. ^ 378899. Oliver C. Ayers. Address 234 Spring St. Residence, 31 Clarke St., N. Y. City, 378900. Percy A. Ayers. Dentist, 87 Lexington Ave., N. Y. City. 378901. Samuel Ayers. Clerk. Residence, 105 E., 89th St., N. Y. City. 378902. Samuel Ayers. Physician, 62 E. i ith St., N. Y. City. 378903. Simeon M. Ayers. Storage, 302 Greenwich St. Resi- dence, 160 Harrison Ave., J. C. 378904. Thomas Ayers. Residence, 825 E. i6ist St., N. Y. City. 378905. Virginia Ayers. Widow of Isaac. Residence, 23 Clarke St., N. Y. City. 378906. William H. Ayers. Address, 41 White St. Resi- dence, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 378907. Caroline R. Ayres. Residence, 322 W. 17th St., N. Y. City. 378908. Charles Ayres. Musician. Residence, 1 19 Cannon St., N. Y. City. 378909. Charles Ayres. Residence, 44 Bank St., N. Y. City. Appendix XXIII. 1317 378910. Charles S. Ayres. Residence, 318 W. 32nd St., N. Y. City. 37891 1. David Ayres. Residence, 284 loth Ave., N. Y. City. 378912. Edward J. Ayres. Agent, 49 E. 133d St., N. Y. City. 378913. Elihu Ayres. Residence, 552 E. 85th St., N. Y. City. 378914. Frank O. Ayres. Lawyer, 18 Wall St. Residence, 173 5th Ave., N. Y. City. 378915. George L. Ayres. Grocer, 77 Dey St. Residence, 18 Herkimer St., Brooklyn. 378916. George P. Ayres. Clerk. Residence, 68 W. 99th St., N. Y. City. 378917. James J. Ayres. Manager, 69 West St. Residence, 315 W. 134th St., N. Y. City. 378918. John Ayres. Residence, 127 W. toist St., N. Y. City. 378919. John H. Ayres. Residence, 320 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. 378920. Marshall Ayres. Residence, 220 Lenox Ave., N. Y. City. 378921. Mary Ayres. Residence, 243 W. 50th St., N. Y. City. 378922. Nelson G. Ayres. Cashier, 122 Bowery. Residence, 235 Dean St., Brooklyn. 378923. Norman T. Ayres. Dry goods, 56 Worth St., N. Y. City. 378924. Phinny Ayres. Paints, 424 Broome St. Residence, 63 E. 80th St., N. Y. City. 378925. Samuel E. Ayres. Paints, 424 Broome St. Resi- dence, 63 E. 80th St., N. Y. City. 378926. Samuel J. Ayres. Residence, 242 E. 128th St., N. Y. City. 378927. Sereno N. Ayres. Micro photograph artist, i 1-2 Maiden Lane. Residence, 405 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. City. 1 \ 1318 History of the Ayres Family. 378928. Thomas J. Ayres. Residence, 414 W. 56th St., N. Y. City. 378929. William Ayres. Blankets, 19 Thomas St., N. Y. City. 378930. William J. Ayres. Importer, 32 Ferry. Residence, Brazil St., N. Y. City. 378931. William S. Ayres. Residence, 322 W. 17th St., N. Y. City. i 379000. Samuel Ayers. Residence, 1794, Huntington Co., Penn. J 379005. Dr. Douglas Ayres. Physician. Vice-President ;| Montgomery Co. Medical Society, 1868. Residence, 1868, Fort Plain, N. Y. 379010. Dr. Alexander Ayres. Physician. Residence, 1868, Fort Plain, N. Y. 379015. Daniel Ayers. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 379016. Edwin H. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 379017. George Ayers. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 379018. Nathaniel Ayres. Residence, 1901, Syracuse, N. Y. 379019. Erastus W. Ayer. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379020. William Ayer. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379021. Charles W. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379022. Cornelia M. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379023. EvALYN Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379024. Fred D. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N, ^. 379025. George F. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379026. Henry B. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379027. Henry P. Ayers. Residence. 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379028. John C. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. Appendix XXIII. 1319 379029. KiTTiE K. Ayers. Residence, 1 90 1, Rochester, N.Y. 379030. Mary C. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379031. Pearl E. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379032. Ruth A. Ayers. Residence, 1900, Rochester, N. Y. 379033. William M. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379034. George E. Ayres. Residence, 1901, Rochester, N. Y. 379035. Daniel W. Ayer. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y; 379036. Alfred Ayers. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379037. George Ayers. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379°38. John David Ayers. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379039. Mary Ayers. Widow of John D. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379040. Fred K. Ayres. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379041. Alden Ares. Student. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379042. Amee Ares. Residence, 190 1, Albany, N. Y. 379043- John E. Ares. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379044. Joseph A. Ares. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379045. Nelson Ares. Pres. of a corporation. Residence, 1901, Albany, N, Y. 379046. Nelson A. Ares. Vice-president of a corporation. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379047. Thomas A. Ares. Residence, 1901, Albany, N. Y. 379048. William J. Ares. Residence, 1901, Albany, N.Y. 379049. Harry G. Eyres. Florist. Residence, 190 1, Albany, N. Y. 379050. Frank W. Ayer. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379051. Mabelle G. Ayer. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379052. Sarah M. Ayer. Widow of William. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 1320 History of the Ayres Family. 379053. Albert M. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379054. A. W. Ayers. Marble dealer. Residence, 1901, El- mira, N. Y. 379055. Casad Ayers. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379056. Carl N. Ayers. Residence, 190 1, Elmira, N. Y. 379°S7- Decker E. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379058. James D. Ayers. Residence. 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379059. Mrs. James D. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379060. Mabelle Ayers. Widow of Frederick C. Residence, 1 90 1, Elmira, N. Y. 379061. Selaer E. Ayers. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379062. William Ayers. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379063. Ellison S. Ayres. Residence, 1901, Elmira, N. Y. 379064. Herbert Ayres. Residence. 1901, Athens, Pa. 379065. Austin M. Ayres. Residence, 1901, Sayre, Pa. 379066. Denton Ayres. Residence, 1901, Sayre, Pa. 379067. Fred D. Ayres. Residence, 1901, Sayre, Pa. 379068. M. May Ayres. Residence, 1901, Sayre, Pa. 379069. Samuel Ayres. Residence, 1901, Waverly, N. Y. 379070. Anna C. Ayres. Widow of Decator. Residence, 1897, Towanda, Pa. 379071. Bradley M. Ayres. Grocer. Postmaster. Resi- dence, 1897, Towanda, Pa. 379072. Edmond Ayers. Residence, 1897, Towanda, Pa. 379073. Fred Ayers. Residence, 1897, Towanda, Pa. 379074. J. Monroe Ayers. Builder. Residence, 1897, N. Towanda, Pa. 379075. Eugene L. Ayers. Residence, 1899, Jobs Corners, Tioga Co., Pa. 379076. Thomas Ayers. Residence, 1899, Millerton, Pa. Appendix XXIII. 1321 379077. George \V. Ayres. Residence, 1899, Jobs Corners, Pa. 379078. Lyman Ayres. Residence, 1899, Trowbridge, Pa. 379079. Eugene Ayers. Residence, 1899, Nauvoo. Pa. 379080. George Ayres. Residence, 1899, Nelson, Pa. 379081. Moses Ayres. Residence, 1899, Covington, Pa. 379082. Gates Ayers. Residence, 1899, Jobs Corners, Pa. 379083. M. M. Ayars. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia. Pa. 379084. Dr. Robert E. Ayars. Residence, 1S96, Philadel- phia, Pa. 379085. Ur. Sherman E. Ayars. Residence, 1896, Philadel- phia, Pa. 379086. Frank P. Aver. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379087. F. VVayland Ayer. President Merchants' National Bank and Religious Press Association. Advertising Agent. 379088. Henry C. Ayer. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379089. Andrew J. Ayers. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379090. Thomas W. Ayers. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379091. Charles R. Ayre. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379092. John Ayre. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379093. William Ayre. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia. Pa. 379094. Albert Ayres. Jeweler. Residence, 1896, Phila- delphia, Pa. 379095. B. Ayres, Jr. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379096. Charles Ayres. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379097. Charles H. Ayres. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379098. Edward S. Ayres. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379099. George E. Ayres. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379100. Harry Ayres. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379101. Louis H. Ayres. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 1322 History of the Ayres Family. 379102. S. TiCE Ayres. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379103. Thomas H. Ayres. Residence, 1896, Philadel- phia, Pa. 379104. William Ayres. Pres. Security Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Residence, 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. 379200. Christian Ayer. Residence, 1782, Lebanon Town- ship, Lancaster Co., Pa. 379201. Jacob Ayer. Residence, 1772, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. 379202. Charles Ayers. Residence, 1783, Bensalem Township, Bucks Co., Pa. 379203. David Ayers. Residence, 1781, Manahan Town- ship, York Co., Pa. 379204. James Ayers. Residence, 1782, Chanceford Town- ship, York Co., Pa. 379205. John Ayers. Residence, 1782, Upper Paxton Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. 379206. Samuel Ayers. Residence, 1780, Philadelphia Co., Pa. 379207. William Ayers. Residence, 1779, I'pper Paxton Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. 379208. William Ayre. Residence, 1774, Bethel Town- ship, Chester Co., Pa. 379209. Adam Ayres. Residence, 1779, East Pennsbury Township, Cumberland Co., Pa. 379210. Charles Ayres. Residence, 1780, Philadelphia, Pa. 379211. David Ayres. Residence, 1779, Warrington Town- ship, York Co., Pa. 379212. Eliza Jane Ayres. Residence, 1830, Dauphin Co., Pa. 379213. Elizabeth Ayres. Residence, 1795, Washington Co., Pa. 379214. Jacob Ayres. Residence, 1781, East Burmingham Township, Chester Co., Pa. Appendix XXIII. 1323 379215. Jane Ayres. Residence, 1794, Dauphin Co., Pa. 379216. John Ayres. Residence, 1794, Dauphin Co., Pa. 379217. Samuel Air. Residence, 178S, Northampton Co., Pa. 379218. William Ayres. Residence, 1834-8, Dauphin Co., N. Y. 379219. William Ayres. Residence, 1794, Dauphin Co., Pa. 379220. Mrs. Sallie (Sanford) Ayres. Bom in 1849. Died Feb. 2, 1899, at Columbus, Mich. 379221. James Ayers. Residence, i860, Ehnira, Mich. 379222. James Ayers. Supervisor, Bruce Township, Ma- comb Co., Mich., 1859-81. 379223. Jeremiah B. Ayres. He married Mary B. She was born in 1820 in Orange, N. J. They removed in 1840 to Romeo, Mich. He died in 1849. She died Feb. 18. 1896. 379224. Moses Ayres. Owner of salt wells sunk by his father. Residence, 1840, Duncan's Falls, Muskingum Co., Ohio. 379225. Mrs. p. C. Ayres. (Daughter of Chester and Polly Bennett.) Residence, 1896, Jackson, Mich. 379230. Alanson Green. (Abel Green and Achsah Booth.) He was born in 1804 in Hancock, Berkshire Co., Mass. He mar- ried, in 1827, Eliza Ayer in the Town of Amherst, Erie Co., N. Y. He removed in 1855 to Atlas, Genesee Co., Mich. He died July ig, 1894, at Goodrich, Mich. She died. Children : 379231. Lucy. Died about 1890. 379232. Myron. Soldier in Civil War. Died in 1864, and is buried at Arlington, Va. 379233- Oscar. Residence, 1895, Atlas, Mich. 379234. Frederick. Residence, 1895, Atlas, Mich. 379235. Helen M. Married Worden Delano. Residence, 1895, Had- ley, Mich. 379236. Matilda A. Married Jacob Metz. Residence, 1895, Erie Co., N. Y. 1324 History of the Ayres Family. 379240. Giles Ayers. Born in 181 5. Died Sept. 28, 1894, at Howell, Mich. 379241. Mrs. John Ayres. Died Feb. 19, 1894, at Battle Creek, Mich. 379242. Joseph Ayers. Born in 1812. Died Dec. 27, 1893, in Wayne Co., Mich. 379243. Dr. Ayres. Residence, 1850, Neenah, Wis. 379244. Rev. Frederick Ayer. Missionary. Residence, 1832, Mackinaw and LaPointe, Wis. 379245. Elbridge G. Aver. He married. Residence, 1835, Kenosha, Wis. Child : 379246. Mary. Born in 1S35. She was the first white child born in Kenosha. 379250. Abijah Ayers. He was the first settler at Foun- tain, Juneau Co., Wis., in 1844. 379251. A. P. Avers. Chairman of First Town Meeting, New Lisbon, Juneau Co., Wis., in 1853. 379252. Z. G. Avers. Member of Union Club. Residence, 1 86 1, San Bernardino, Cal. 379253. E. D. Ayres. Secretary of Union Citizens' Meet- ing at Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 8, 1864. 379254. Lewis Avers. Prisoner in Baltimore jail, 1862. Residence, Georgetown, D. C. Inquiry made in Congress about him. 379255. Marshall Avers. Residence, 1864, 9th Congres- sional Dist., 111. 379256. George S. Ayre. Residence, 1862, Thorough- fare, Va. 379257. Benjamin Ayres. Residence, 1775, Easthampton, Long Island, N. Y. 379258. Thomas N. Avers. Superintendent coal-oil manu- facturing Co., Camelton, Ohio, 1863. Appendix XXIII. 1325 379259. Hon. Lewis M. Ayer. Member of First Congress of Confederate States. Admitted March 6, 1862. Residence, South Carolina. 379260. Jeff. Ayers. Citizen prisoner at Camp Chase and WheeUng. Released on oath. Residence, Wirt Co., Va. 379261. Col. B. Ayres. Superintendent of Memphis and Charleston R. R. 379262. William Ayres. (Brother of Col. B. Ayres.) Citi- zen prisoner in Cary Street Citizens' Prison, Richmond, Va., April 10, 1862. 379263. Lambert P. Ayres. Prisoner in U. S. Military Prison at St. Louis and Alton, March 3, 1862. INIUSTER ROLLS. NEW YORK COLONIAL TROOPS. 390000. Robert Aires. Private, Capt. Joseph Seeley's Mili- tary Company of the South Side of Cohansey, N. J., 17 15. 390001. Joseph Aires. Private, Capt. Joseph Seeley's Mili- tary Company of the South Side of Cohansey, N. J., 17 15. 390002. Benjamin Airs. Born in 1732, in Bedford, N. Y. Private, Capt. Zebulon Crane's Co., Westchester Co., N. Y. Military Co., 1758. 390003. Timothy Airse. Born in 1733 in New Jersey. Pri- vate, Capt. William Gilchrist's Westchester Co., N. Y. Military Co., 1760. 390004. Andrew Avers. Born in 1738 in Bedford, N. Y. Private, Capt. James Holmes' Westchester Co., N. Y. Military Com- pany, 1759. 390005. Samuel Avers. Corporal, Capt. John Moore's Co., Col. Thomas Farmer's (3d) Regt. N. J. Militia, 17 15. (See Report N. Y. Historian, 1896.) 390006. John Avers, Jr. Private, Capt. John Moore's Co., Col. Farmer's N. J. Regt., 17 15. 390007. Thomas Ayers. Private, Capt. John Moore's Co., Col. Farmer's N. J. Regt., 17 15. 390008. Obediah Ayers, Jr. Private, Capt. John Moore's Co., Col. Farmer's N. J. Regt., 17 15. Appendix XXIV. 1327 390009. Francis Ayers. Private, Capt. John Moore's Co., Col. Farmer's N. J. Regt., 17 15. 390010. Obediah Ayers. Private, Capt. Col. Parker's Co., Col. Farmer's N. J. Regt., 17 15. 39001 1. William Ayers. Born in 1739 in East Jersey. Pri- vate, Capt. James Howell's Orange Co., N. Y., Military Co., 1760. REVOLUTIONARY WAR, 1775-81. MASSACHUSETTS. 391000. Adam Air. Boston. Matross, Capt. Thomas W. Foster's Co., Col. Richard Gridley's (Artillery) Regt.; muster roll dated Aug. I, 1775 ; enlisted May 16, 1775 ; service, 2 mos. 21 days ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money. 39 1 00 1. George Air. Dedham. Matross, Capt. William Treadwell's Co., Col. Crane's (3d Artillery) Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from May 5, 1777, to Dec, 31, 1780; cred- ited to town of Bridgewater ; enlisted by Lieut. Andrews ; enlistment during war; also, muster roll for Feb. and March, 1781, dated West Point ; reported on furlough at Boston ; also, muster roll for Aug., 1781 ; reported promoted to Gunner, Aug. i, 1781 ; also, Gunner; muster roll for Sept., 1781. 391002. John Air. Boston. Private, Capt. Hoffield White's Co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (5th) Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March 11, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; credited to town of Middletown ; also, muster return dated Albany, Feb. 9, 1778; also. Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; also, Capt. Joshua Benson's (Light Infantry) Co., Col. Putnam's Regt.; muster roll for Jan., 1781, dated Garrison at West Point ; reported transferred from Capt. White's Co., Feb. i, 1781. 391003. John Aire. Private, Capt. Hoffield White's Co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (5th) Regt.; muster roll for Feb. and March. 1781, dated West Point ; reported on command with Infantry. 391004. Adam Aires. Private, Lieut. Thomas Holland's Co.; enlisted Jan. 23, 1778; discharged May i, 1778; service, 3 mos. 9 days ; company drafted to serve as guards under Maj. Gen. Heath, on prison ship "Kingston" in Boston harbor. 1328 History of the Ayres Family. 391005. Asa Aires. Private, Capt. Samuel Cook's Co., Col. Wooclbridge's Regt.; enlisted Aug. 17, 1777; discharged Sept. 24, 1777; service, i mo. 8 days; company raised to reinforce Northern Army. 391006. Frederick Aires. Private, Capt. Elephalet Thorp's Co., Lieut. Col. John Brook's (7th) Regt.; muster rolls for Jan. and May, 1 78 1, dated West Point; reported on command at the Lines in Jan., 1781. 391007. George Aires. List of men in Capt. Wood's (5th) Co., Col. Baldwin's (38th) Regt., absent from muster; reported sick in quarters, Sept. 23. 1775. List dated Chelsea. 391008. George Aires. Private, schooner "Diligent" com- manded by Capt. John Lambert; engaged Aug. 3, 1776 ; discharged Sept. 20, 1776; service, i mo. 17 days. 391009. Adam Airs. Boston. Matross, Capt. Foster's Co., Co!. Gridley's (Artillery) Regt.; company return (probably Oct., 1775). 391010. Amos Airs. List of men in Capt. Reuben Dickinson's Co., Col. Porter's Regt.; credited with 3 mos. 7 days service. 391011. John Airs. Capt. Thaddeus Russell's Co., Col. Jonathan Brewer's Regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Camp at Cambridge, Oct. 26, 1775. 391012. John Airs. Private, Capt. Andrew Grant's Co., Col. Josiah Brewer's Regt.; enlisted Aug. 18, 1777; service, 30 days; marched to assistance of Machias. Roll dated Penobscot. 391013. John Airs. Private, Capt. Hoffield White's Co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (5th) Regt.; muster roll for April, 1781, dated West Point ; reported under confinement. 391014. John Airs. Hadley. Return of men enlisted into Continental Army from Capt. Samuel Cook's Co., 4th Hampshire Co. Regt., dated Nov. 7, 1777 ; enlistment, 3 years. 39 10 1 5. Joseph Airs. Drummer, Capt. John Walton's Co.; enlisted Dec. 9, 1776; discharged Dec. 13, 1776; service. 4 days, at Noddle's Island. 391016. Peter Airs. Lancaster. Private, Capt. Andrew Appendix XXI\\ 1329 Haskell's Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's (23d) Regt.; muster roll dated Aug. I, 1775; enlisted April 27, 1775; service, 3 mos. 12 days; also, company return dated Oct. 6, 1775. 391017. Samuel Airs. Manchester. Corporal, Capt. Hof- tield White's Co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (5th) Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. 19, 1777, to Dec. 3 i , 1779 ; reported as serving 25 months 22 days as Corporal, 8 mos. 20 days as Private ; enlistment, during war ; also, muster return dated Albany, Feb. 9, 1778; also, muster roll for Feb. and March, 1781, dated West Point. 391018. Moses Aiars. Order for wages due Nov. i, 1775, for service in Capt. Stephen Kent's Co., dated Gloucester ; also order for w^ages dated Watertown, Dec. 15, 1775 ; company raised for de- fence of sea coast in Fssex Co., and stationed at Newbury. 39 1 019. Samuel Aiers. Manchester. Corporal, Capt. Rich- ard Dodge's Co., Col. Loami Baldwin's (38th) Regt.; return of men absent from muster ; reported on sick leave, Sept. 19, 1775. 391020. Moses Aeors. Newbury. Private, Capt. Richard Dodge's Co., Col. Ebenezer Francis' Regt.; service, 3 days, in march- ing to camp and home again ; roll sworn to Nov. 29, 1776. 39 102 1. Amos Ares. Private, Capt. Reuben Dickinson's Co., Col. Porter's Regt.; roll for equipments dated Nov. 9, 1778. 391022. John Ares. Private, Capt. Andrew Woodbury's Co., Lieut. Col. Enoch Hallett's Regt.; enlisted June 25, 1778 ; discharged Oct. 29, 1780 ; service 3 mos. 4 days, on an alarm at Rhode Island ; enlistment, 3 months ; company raised to reinforce Continental Army. Roll dated Gloucester. 391023. Frederick Airs. Chesterfield. Private, Capt. Reed's Co., Lieut. Col. John Brook's (7th) Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780 ; also, Capt. Eliphalet Thorp's Co., Lieut. Col. Brook's Regt.; muster rolls for Feb., March and April, 1781, dated West Point; also, muster roll for June, 1781 ; also, muster roll for July, 1781, dated Phillipsburg ; also, muster rolls for Aug. and Sept., 1781, dated Peekskill ; also, descriptive list of enlisted men, dated Feb. 20, 1782; birthplace. i-^o History of the Ayres Family. JO Boston; age, 17 years; stature, 6 ft.; complexion, light; hair, light; occupation, laborer; enlisted, May, 1777; joined Capt. Eliphalet Thorp's Co., Lieut. Col. Brook's Regt.; enlistment during war ; also, Capt. Thorp's Co., Lieut. Col. Brook's Regt.; list of men court-mar- tialed ; tried Nov. 2, 1782, by regimental court-martial, Capt. King, President, for stealing or secreting leather ; sentence, 50 lashes ; also, list of men furloughed ; 40 days leave given by Col. Vose, to go from New Windsor to Boston, Feb. 17, 1783. 391024. George Airs. Charlestown. Private, Capt. John Wood's Co., Col. Baldwin's (late Gerrish's) 37th Regt.; company re- turn (probably Oct., 1775) ; also muster roll for Sept. and Oct., 1775 ; enlisted May 22, 1775; also receipt for bounty or its equivalent in money, dated Medford, Dec. 28, 1775. 391025. Nathaniel Ares. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Webber's Co.. Col, Ezra May's Regt.; enlisted Sept. 20, 1777 ; discharged Oct. 14, 1777 ; service, 29 days ; marched to Stillwater. 391026. John Fares. Private; list of men returned as serv- ing on main guard under Maj. Loami Baldwin at Cambridge, dated May 15, 1775. 391027. Henry Layers. Boston. Sergeant, Capt. Abner Cranson's Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's Regt.; company return dated Prospect Hill, Oct. 6, 1775; also. Sergeant, Col. Henry Jackson's Regt.; enlisted June 9, 1777 ; residence, Boston; term, 3 years; re- ported deserted May 9, 1778. 391028. John Layers. Boston. Sergeant, Capt. Donnell's Co., Col, John Crane's (Artillery) Regt.; Continental Army pay ac- counts from Jan. r, 1777, to April 10, 1779: reported as serving 12 mos. as Sergeant, 15 mos. 10 days as Quartermaster Sergeant; ap- pointed Conductor April 10, 1779; term, during war; also. Conduc- tor of military stores under Richard Frothingham, Field Commissary ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from April i, 1779, to Dec. 31, 1779. 391029. John Layers. Sergeant, Capt. James Tisdale's Co., Col, John Greaton's (3dj Regt.; muster rolls for Dec, 1781-Feb., 1782, dated Hutts, New Boston; enlisted April 9, 1781 ; enlistment, 3 years. Appendix XXIV. 1331 391030. George Avars. Boston. Capt. John Wood's Co., Col. Loami Baldwin's (26th) Regt.; order for advance pay dated Cambridge, June i, 1775; also. Private; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted May 21, 1775; service 2 mos. 12 days; also, list of men in Capt. Wood's Co., who agreed to serve the month of Jan., 1776, dated Medford ; also, pay abstracts for Feb. and March, 1776. 39 1 03 1. Aver. Sergeant, Capt. Drury's Co., Col. Nix- on's Regt. (Year not given.) 391032. Benjamin Aver. Buxton. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce Continental Army for the term of six months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780; age, 16 years; stature, 5 ft. 6 in.; complexion, dark ; residence, Buxton, Mass.; arrived at Spring- field, July 20, 1780 ; marched to camp July 20, 1780, under command of Capt. Benjamin Warren. 391033. Elijah Aver. Captain, schooner Nesquawoite (Col. Allen's department); engaged May 15, 1781 ; discharged Aug. 9, 17S1 ; service 2 mos. 24 days. 391034. Gilbert Aver. Capt. Butler's Co., Col. Nixon's (4th) Regt.; receipt for wages for Sept., 1776 ; also. Private, Lieut. Walk- er's (late Butler's) 8th Co., Col. Nixon's Regt.; return of men in ser- vice Sept. and Oct., 1776, dated North Castle; also, receipt for wages for Oct., Nov. and Dec, 1776. 391035. Jacob Ayer. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Belknap's Co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's Regt.; pay roll for service from Nov. i, 1778, to Jan. I, 1779, 2 mos. 4 days. 391036. James Aver. Haverhill. Sergeant, Capt. Daniel Hill's Co., commanded by Lieut. Samuel Clements, Col. Johnson's Regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cambridge ; service 6 days ; also Capt. Nathaniel Marsh's Co., Maj. Gage's Regt.; enlisted Oct. 2, 1777; discharged Nov. 6, 1777; service i mo. 7 days ; company raised to reinforce Northern Army. 391037. Jason Aver. Brookfield. Private, Capt. William Henry's Co., Worcester Co. Regt.; enlisted Oct. 2, 1779; discharged Oct. 28, 1779; service i mo. 1 day, at Castle and Governor's Islands. 1332 History of the Ayres Family. 391038. John Ayer. Boston. Private, Capt. Russell's Co., Col. Brewer's Regt.; company return (probably Oct. 1775). 391039. John Ayer. Private, Capt. Nathan Watkin's Co., Col. Edmund Phinney's Regt.; muster roll dated Garrison at Fort George, Dec. 8, 1776; enlisted Dec. i, 1775 ; reported on command at Ticonderoga. 391040. John Aver. Private, Capt. Thomas Romery's Co., Col. Storer's Regt.; enlisted Aug. 14, 1777; discharged Nov. 30, 1777 ; service 4 mos. 2 days; company marched from York County to Manchester to join army under Gen. Gates. 39 1 041. John Ayer. Private, Capt. Sylvanus Smith's (ist) Co., Lieut. Col. David Cobb's (5th) Regt.; muster roll for Feb., 1783 ; enlistment during war ; reported served in place of Joseph Brooks on furlough. 391042. Capt. Jonathan Ayer. Haverhill. Private, Capt. Joseph Eaton's Co., Col. Johnson's Regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cambridge; service six and one-half days; also, Captain, 14th Co., 4th Essex Co., Mass., Regt.; list of officers of Mass. militia; commissioned July 3, 1780; also Col. Na- thaniel Wade's (Essex Co.) Regt.; enlisted June 29, 1780; discharged Oct. 10, 1780 ; service 3 mos. 24 days; company raised to reinforce Continental Army. 391043. Joseph Ayer. Sergeant, Capt. Gilman's (6th) Co., Col. Nixon's (4th; Regt.; return of men in service Sept. and Oct., 1776, dated North Castle ; also, receipt for wages for Oct. and Nov., 1776. 391044. Joseph Ayer. Gunner, Capt. Philip Marett'g (5th) Co., Col. Thomas Craft's (Artillery) Regt.; pay roll for service from Mj^y 7 to Aug. I, 1777, 2 mos. 24 days, Boston. 391045. Lot Ayer. Capt. Gilman's Co., 4th Mass. Regt.; receipt for wages due Jan i (year not given) dated Camp Mt. Wash- ington, Oct. I, 1776. 391046. Moses Ayer. Pepperellborough. Private, Capt. John Elden's Co., Col. Lemuel Robinson's Regt.; return of men in service at Rogbury, Feb. 26, 1776: also, receipt for travel allowance, dated Dorchester, April i, 1776. Appendix XXIV. 1333 391047. Moses Ayer. Winthrop. List of men from Winthrop enlisted for 3 years "and not return to this town". (Year not given.) 39104S. Nathan Ayer. Haverhill. Private, Capt. James Sawyer's Co., Col. James Frye's Regt.; return of men in camp at Cambridge, May 17, 1775 ; also, Corporal ; company return (probably Oct., 1775); also order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Cambridge, Dec. 26, 1775. 391049. Nathan Ayer. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Marsh's Co., Maj. Gage's Regt.; enlisted Oct. 2, 1777 ; discharged Nov. 6, 1777 : service i mo. 7 days; company raised to reinforce Northern Army. Roll dated Haverhill. 391050. Richard Ayer. Haverhill, Captain of a company, Col. Johnson's Regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service seven and one-half days. 39105 1. Richard Ayer. Bradford. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Gage's Co., Col. James Frye's Regt. which marched on the alarm of April ig, 1775 ; service 7 days; also, return of men in camp at Cam- bridge May 17, 1775. 391052. Samuel Ayer, Jr. Haverhill. Private, Capt. Eben- ezer Colby's Co., Col. Johnson's Regt. which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cambridge ; service 2 days; also Capt. Samuel Merrill's Co., Maj. Gage's Regt.; enlisted Sept. 30, 1777 ; discharged Nov. 6,. 1777; service i mo. 9 days; company raised to reinforce Northern Army. 391053. Simon Ayer. Haverhill. Private, Capt. Richard Ayers' (2nd) Co., Col. Johnson's Regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service three and one-half days. 391054. Thomas Ayer. Capt. Nathaniel Warner's Co., Col. Moses Little's Regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Prospect Hill Nov. 25, 1775. 391055. Thomas Ayer. Seaman, sloop "Tyrannicide," com- manded by Capt. John Fisk ; engaged July 24, 1776; discharged Sept. 30, 1776. Roll dated Salem. 391056. William Ayer. Private, Capt. McFarland's (7th) Co., Col. Nixon's (4th) Regt.; return of men in service Sept. and 1334 History of the Ayres Family. Oct., 1776, dated North Castle; also receipts for wages for Oct., Nov. and Dec, 1776. 3^1057. Avers. Corporal, Col. Gerrish's Regt.; list of men stationed at Chelsea and Brookline, dated Aug. 3, 1775 ; re- ported ill at Chelsea of frequent hemorrhages from the lungs. 391058. Aaron Avers. Neeham. Private,* Capt. Robert Smith's Co., Col. William Heath's Regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service 14 days. 391059. Benjamin Avers. Buxton. List of men raised for six months' service and returned by Brig. Gen. Patterson as having passed muster, in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780; also, pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of Buxton for service in the Continental Army during 1780 ; marched July 14, 1780 ; discharged Jan. 30, 1781 ; service 7 mos. 4 days; rank, Corporal. 391060. Benjamin Avers. Freetown. Descriptive list of en- Hsted men; Capt. John Mills' Co., Col. Joseph Vose's (ist) Regt.; age, 17 years; stature, 5 ft. 6 in.; complexion, light; occupation, cooper ; birthplace, Freetown ; residence, Freetown ; enlisted July 29, 1780, by Lieut. Mason at West Point; enlistment, during war; also. Private, Capt. Mills' Co.. Col. Vose's Regt.; muster roll for Jan., 1781, dated Garrison at West Point; reported deserted Feb. 5, 1781. 39 1 06 1. David Avers. Private, Capt. Aguippa Wells' Co., Col. Samuel Brewer's Regt.; pay abstract for mileage, etc., sworn to at Deeriield, Dec. 10, 1777 ; company served at Ticonderoga, 3 mos.,^ from Sept. i, 1776. 391062. Ebenezer Avers. Granley. Sergeant, Capt. Reuben Dickinson's Co., Col. Ruggles Woodbridge's Regt.; pay abstract for travel allowance to and from Ticonderoga in 1776. 391063. Edward Avers. Private, Capt. Thomas Cushing's Co.; pay roll for service from Oct. 25, 1781, to April 24, 1782, 6 mos., at Castle and Governor's Islands ; also pay roll for service from Oct. 25, 1782, to Dec. 10, 1782, I mo. 16 days at Castle and Gov- ernor's Islands. 391064. Eli xA.vers. Private, Capt. Daniel Gilbert's Co., Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt.; service from Aug. 2, 1778, to Sept. 13, 1778,. I mo. 16 days, on an alarm at Rhode Island. Appendix XXIV. 1335 391065. Elijah Ayers. Machias. Sergeant and Courier, Capt. John Prebble's Co., Col. John Allan's Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Oct. 15, 1777, to June i, 1779; em- ployed at Machias in Indian affairs; also, Mate, schooner "Neash- quowoite," doing shore duty at Machias ; Capt. Ephraim Chase's Co., Col. John Allan's Regt.; pay roll for service from Dec. i, 1779, to June I, 1780, 6 mos. 391066. Elijah Ayers. Master's Mate, sloop "Defence," commanded by Capt. James Nivens ; engaged July 7, 1781; dis- charged Sept. 26, 1781 ; service 2 mos. 19 days. 391067. Elijah Ayers, Jr. Petition dated Boston, Dec. 2, 1782, signed by himself and others, asking to be commissioned as commander of the schooner "Hawk"; approved in council, Dec. 3, 1782. 391068. Elisha Ayers. St. Johns. Private, Capt. Reuben Dyar's Co., enlisted June 24, 1777 ; discharged July 18, 1777 ; ser- vice 24 days; company raised between Mt. Desert and Machias for expedition to St. Johns. 391069. Frederick Ayers. Chesterfield. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Webber's Co., Lieut. Col. Samuel Williams' Regt.; enlisted Dec. 17, 1776; discharged March 20, 1777; service 3 mos. 14 days, at the northward ; also, return of men enlisted into Continental Army from Capt. William White's (ist) Co., Hampshire Co. Regt., dated April 2, 1779; enlistment, 3 years from March, 1777; also, Capt. Day's Co., Col. Brook's (late Alden's) Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from May 22, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, muster rolls dated Cherry Valley, Feb. 24 and May 4, 1779; also, Capt. Eliphalet Thorp's Co., Lieut. Col. John Brook's (7th) Regt.; muster roll for Oct. and Nov., 1 781, dated York Hutts ; reported prisoner with the enemy. 391070. Henry Ayers. Boston. Return of men enlisted into Continental Army from Capt. Samuel Ward's and Capt. Thomas Nash's Cos., dated Weymouth, Jan. 2, 1778; residence, Boston; en- listed for town of Weymouth ; joined Capt. Brown's Co., Col. Henry Jackson's Regt.; enlistment, 3 years. 1336 History of the Ayres Family. 39 1 07 1. Jacob Ayers. Manchester. Private, Capt. Richard Dodge's Co., Col. Loami Baldwin's (26th) Regt.; pay abstracts for Jan.-May, 1776. 391072. James Ayers. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Gage's Co., Col. Jacob Gerrish's Regt.; service from Feb. 3, 1778, to April 3, 1778, 2 mos. 2 days, guarding Gen. Burgoyne's troops at Winter Hill ; roll dated Bradford. 391073. Jason Ayers. Private, Capt. Timothy Page's Co., Col. John Rand's Regt.; enlisted July 5, 1780; discharged Oct. 10, 1780; service 3 mos. 15 days, at West Point; enlistment, 3 months. 391074. Jedediah Ayers. Belchertown. Descriptive list of men raised agreeable to order of General Court of June 22, 1780 ; Capt. D wight's Co.; age, 16 yrs., stature, 5 ft., 5 in.; complexion, light ; residence, Belchertown ; enlistment, 3 months. 391075- Jesse Ayers. Private, Capt. Timothy Paige's Co., Col. John Rand's Regt,; enlisted July 5, 1780; discharged Oct. 10, 1780; service 3 mos. 15 days, at West Point; enlistment, 3 months. 391076. John Ayers. Private, Capt. Abel Holden'sCo., Col. Thomas Nixon's (15th) Regt.; muster roll for 1777 and 1778, dated Camp at Peekskill, Feb. 16, 1779; enlisted on or before Aug. 15, 1777 ; reported deceased Aug. 20 (year not given). 391077. John Ayers. Boston. Return of men enlisted in Continental Army, dated Feb. 14, 1778; residence, Boston; enlisted for town of Chelsea : joined Capt. Abraham Hunt's Co., Col. Patter- son's Regt.; enlistment, 3 years or during war. 391078. John Ayers. Hadley. Private, Capt. Aaron Hayne's Co., Col. Whitcomb's Regt.; muster roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga, Nov. 27, 1776; reported re-engaged Nov. 15, 1776, in Col. W^iggles- worth's Regt., but to remain in Col. Whitcomb's Regt. until Dec. 31, 1776. 391079. John Ayers. Boston. Return of men enlisted in Continental Army from Capt. Swan's Co., Col. Benjamin Gill's Regt., dated June 27, 1777 ; residence, Boston ; enlisted for town of Stough- ton ; joined Capt. Abraham Hunt's Co., Col. Joseph Vose's (also given Col. John Patterson's) Regt.; enlistment 3 years ; also. Private, Appendix XXIV. 1337 Capt. Hunt's Co., Col. Vose's Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 28, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779 ; reported as serving 27 mos. 13 days as Private, 7 mos. 20 days as Corporal ; also, mus- ter roll dated Camp near Valley Forge, Jan. 6, 1778; also, muster rolls for Nov., 177S. and March and xA.pril, 1779, dated Providence; promoted to Corporal, May i, 1779. 391080. John Ayers. Boston. Private, Capt. Edward Blake's Co., Col. Jonathan Brewer's Regt.; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enlisted May 23, 1775 ^ service 2 mos. 10 days. 39 1 08 1. John Avers. Hadley. Capt. Moses Harvey's Co., Col. Jonathan Brewer's Regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Cambridge, Oct. 26, 1775. 3910S2. John Ayers. Private, Capt. Noah Allen's (late Soul's) Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's Regt.; muster roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga, Nov. 27, 1776; enlisted Dec. [3, 1775. 391083. John Ayers. Capt. Barnabas Sears' Co.; receipt for ammunition dated Camp at Dorchester, Feb. 15, 1776. 391084. John Ayers. Braintree. Private, Capt. Seth Turner's (Independent) Co.; enlisted May 9, 1775 ; discharged Jan. 21, 1776 ; service 8 mos. 12 days; enlistment 8 months; reported company stationed at Braintree from Jan. i to May 22, 1776. 391085. John Ayers. Private, Capt. Daniel Gilchrist's Co., Col. Job Cushing's Regt.; pay roll for service from July 30, 1777, to Sept. 2, 1777, I mo. 3 days; marched from Brookfield to Half Moon and Bennington. 391086. John Ayer.s. New Braintree. Return of men en- listed into Continental Army from Col. Converse's (4th Worcester Co.) Regt., dated Brookfield, Sept. 15, 1777 ; joined Capt. Harwood's Co., Col. Nixon's Regt.; enlistment 3 years. 391086 — I. John Ayers. Dedham. Return of men raised agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780; enlisted March 20, 1781 ; en- listment 3 years. 391087. John Ayers. Boston. Return of men enlisted into Continental Army, dated Feb. 12, 1778; residence, Boston ; enlisted 1338 History of the Ayres Family. for town of Middleton ; joined Capt. White's Co., Col. Putnam's Regt.; enlistment during war. 391088. John Avers. Boston. List of men engaged for Con- tinental service from Col. Gill's Regt. (year not given); residence, Boston ; enlisted for town of Stoughton ; joined Capt. Foster's Co., ('ol. Greaton's Regt. 391089. Jonathan Avers. Buxton. Return of men enlisted into Continental Army from Capt. Caleb Low's (2nd) Co., dated Feb. 14, 1778; residence Buxton; enlisted for town of Danvers ; joined Capt. Lunt's Co., Col. Henley's Regt.; enlistment. 3 years. 391090. Jonathan Avers. Lieutenant, Capt. John Blanch- ard's Co., Col. Wesson's Regt.; Continental pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1777, to March i, 1779 : credited to town of Haverhill; reported a supernumerary March 1, 1779 (^'so given Oct. 10, 1778). 391090 — I. Jonathan Avers. 2nd Lieut., 9th Mass. Regt. Continental Line, Jan.'i, 1777; deranged Sept. 26, 1778. 39 1 09 1. Joseph Avers. Weymouth. Private, Capt. Joseph Trufant's (Independent) Co.; enlisted May 9, 1775; service, 8 mos.; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Weymouth, Dec. 30, 1775; also, pay roll for service from Jan. i, 1776, I mo. at Weymouth. 391092. Joseph Avers. Private, Capt. Abel Holden's (3d) Co., Col. Thomas Nixon's Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from April 30, 1777, to Aug. 20, 1777 ; reported deceased. 391093. Joseph Avers. Drummer, Capt. Edward Richard- son's Co., Col. Thomas Poor's Regt.; enlisted June 11, 1778; dis- charged Jan. 29, 1779; service, 8 mos. at North River; roll dated Watertown ; also pay roll dated West Point, Nov. 12, 1778; also, pay roll dated King's Ferry, Jan. 22, 1779. 391094. Joseph Avers. Private, Capt. John Spurr's Co., Col. Thomas Nixon's (6th) Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. 28, 1779, to Dec. 31, 1779; enlistment, 3 years; also, muster roll dated Highlands, June 12, 1779. 391095. Joseph Avers. Worthington. Descriptive list of enlisted men; Col. Israel Chapin's Regt.; age, 16 years; stature, 5 Appendix XXIV. 1339 ft. 5 in.; complexion, dark: residence, Worthington ; enlisted, July 5, 1780 ; joined Capt. Webber's Co.; enlistment, 3 mos. 391096. JosiAH Avars. Weymouth. Matross, Capt. Jona. W. Ede's (4th) Co., Col. Craft's (Artillery) Regt.; pay roll for service from Feb. i to May 8, 1777, 3 mos. 7 days. 391097. Lot Ayers. Haverhill. Private, Capt. John Blanch- ard's Co., Col. James Wesson's Regt.: Continental Army pay ac- counts for service from Feb. 17, 1777. to Oct. 3, 1777 ; reported died Oct. 3, 1777. 391098. MicAiAH Ayers. Private, Capt. Daniel Gilbert's Co., Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt.; enlisted Aug. 2, 1778 ; discharged Sept. 13, 1778; service, i mo. 16 days, on an alarm at Rhode Island. 391099. Nathan Ayers. Haverhill. Corporal, Capt. James Sawyer's Co., Col. James Frye's Regt. which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 (service not given); also, Capt. Timothy Eaton's Co., Col. Edward Wigglesworth's Regt.; pay abstract for travel allow- ance from Ticonderoga home, in 1776. 391100. Nathaniel Ayers. Private, Capt. Aaron Smith's Co., Col. Benjamin Gill's Regt.; enlisted Aug. 15, 1777 ; discharged Nov. 29. 1777: service, 3 mos., 27 days; marched to reinforce Northern Army. . 391 loi. Nathaniel Ayers. Private, Capt. Robert Smith's Co., Lieut. Col. Symm's detachment of guards, serving at Boston and Dorchester under Maj. Gen. Heath; enlisted Feb. 19, 1778: dis- charged April 26, 1778: service. 2 mos. 7 days. 391 102. Nathaniel Ayers. Needham. Private, Capt. Aaron Guild's Co., Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt.; enlisted June 2, 1776: rolls made up to Nov. i, 1776 ; service 4 mos. 29 days at Hull ; also, pay roll for i mo. 2 days service, from Nov. i, 1776, dated Hull; also, descriptive list of men enlisted from Suffolk Co., for the term of 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, June 13, 1778, dated Dorchester, June 29, 1778 ; Capt. Smith's Co., Col. Mcintosh's Regt.; age, 18 years; stature, 5 ft. 4 in.; hair, dark ; eyes, gray : nationality, American ; occupation, husbandman ; residence, Needham ; received from Maj. Stephen Badlam and delivered to Brig. Gen. Jonathan Warner at Ushkill. by Capt. Robert Davis. 1340 History of the Ayres Family. 391103. Nathaniel Avers. Corporal, Capt. Thomas Vin- son's Co., Col. Gerrish's Regt.; enlisted Oct. 25, 1779; discharged Nov. 23, 1779; service, i mo. 10 days, at North River; regiment raised in Suffolk and Essex Counties ; also, Sergeant, Capt. Thomas Newcomb's Co., Lieut. Col. Joseph Webb's Regt.; enlisted Aug. 25, 1781; discharged Dec. 5, 1781 ; service, 3 mos. 21 days at Peekskill. 391 104. Nathaniel Ayers. Private, Capt. Abraham An- drews' Co., Col. Cyprian How's (Middlesex Co.) Regt.; enlisted July 27, 1780; discharged Oct. 30, 1780; service, 3 mos. 7 days. 391 105. Peter Ayers. Lancaster. Private, Capt. John Pres- cott's Co., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cam- bridge ; service, 9 days. 391106. Peter Ayers. Manchester. Private, Capt. Richard Dodge's Co., Col. Baldwin's (38th) Regt.; return of men in service in Aug., 1775 ; also, Capt. Dodge's Co., Col. Loami Baldwin's (late Gerrish's) Regt.; company return dated Chelsea, Oct. 2, 1775 ; en- listed June 12, 1775 ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Chelsea, Dec. 27, 1775 ; also, pay abstract for Dec, 1775 ; enlisted Dec. 14, 1775 ; also, list of recruits for the new estab- lishment dated Cambridge, Dec. 30, 1775; also, pay abstracts for Jan., April and May, 1776. 391 107. Peter Ayers, Jr. Capt. Richard Dodge's Co., Col. Loami Baldwin's (26th) Regt.; list of men enlisted to serve in the new army dated Chelsea, Dec. 16, 1775 ; also, private, Capt. Dodge's Co., Col. Baldwin's Regt.; pay abstracts for Jan., Feb., April and May, 1776; also, order for travel allowance from Trenton to Man- chester in 1776, dated Manchester, Nov. 22, 1777. 391 108. Richard Ayers. Bradford. Private, Capt. Nathan- iel Gage's Co., Col. James Frye's Regt.; company return dated Cam- bridge, Sept. 6, 1775. 391109. Richard Ayers. Descriptive list of officers and crew of the ship "Lion," commanded by Capt. VVingate Newman, dated Boston, July 12, 1781 ; age, 19 years ; stature, 5 ft. 7 in.; complexion, dark. 391110. Samuel Ayers. Manchester. Capt. Richard Dodge's (3d) Co., Col. Loami Baldwin's (38th) Regt.; certificate dated Chel- Appendix XXIV. 1341 sea, July 28, 1776, signed by David Jones, surgeon, certifying said Ayers to be unfit for duty ; also, Corporal ; list of men absent from muster dated Chelsea, Sept., 1775 ; reported sick 2 days; also, Capt. Dodge's Co., Col. Baldwin's (late Gerrish's) Regt.; company return dated Chelsea, Oct. 2, 1775; enlisted May i, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Chelsea, Dec. 27, 1775. 391 1 1 1. Samuel Avers. Falmouth. Fifer, Capt. William Crocker's Co., Cumberland Co. Regt.; pay roll for service from March i to May 31, 1776; also, Capt. George White's Co., Col. Ebenezer Francis' Regt.; enlisted Dec. 13, 1776 ; roll made up for 3 rnos. 8 days, to time of arrival at Bennington. 391112. Samuel Avers. Fifer, Lieut. Joseph McLellan's Co., Col. Joseph Prime's Regt.; marched Dec. 6, 1780; discharged Jan. 16, 1781 ; service, i mo. 10 days, at the Eastward; company de- tached by order of Gen. Wadsworth to serve out balance of 8 months term. 391 1 13. Stephen Avers. Capt. Jonathan Bardwell's Co., CoL Rufus Putnam's (late D. Brewer's) Regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Belchertown, March 25, 1776. 391 1 14. Thoi^ias Avers. Gloucester. Private, Capt. Nathan- iel Warner's Co., Col. Moses Little's Regt.; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enlisted May 3, 1775 ; service, 3 mos., 6 days; also company return (probably Oct., 1775); age, 26years; discharged Oct. 8, 1775 ; also, Capt. William Pearson's (3d) Co.; enlisted Jan. 10, 1776; rolls made up to May 31, 1776; service 4 mos. 21 days, at Gloucester; also pay roll for i mo. 22 days service between June i and Aug. 31, 1776, at Gloucester. 391 1 15. William Ayers. Weymouth. Private, Capt. Joseph Trufant's (Independent) Co.; enlisted July 18, 1775; service, 5 mos. 14 days ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Weymouth, Dec. 30, 1775 ; also pay roll for service from Jan. i. to May 15, 1776, 4 mos. 15 days at Weymouth. 391 1 16. William Avers. Brookfield. ist Lieut., Capt. John Liscomb's (9th) Co., Col. John Converse's (4th Worcester Co.) Regt.; list of officers of Mass. militia ; commissioned May 31, 1776 ; also, list of officers; drafted to serve in Joseph Cutler's Co. (year not given). 1342 History of the Ayres Family. 391 1 17. William Ayers. Haverhill. Descriptive list of men enlisted from Essex Co. in 1779; age, 25 years; stature, 5 ft. 4 in.; complexion, light ; residence, Haverhill ; delivered to Lieut. Grace ; also, private, Capt. Adams Bailey's Co., Col. John Bailey's (later Lieut. Col. Sprout's) 2nd Regt,: muster roll for Jan., 1780-Dec., 1781 ; enlisted Sept. 4, 1779; discharged June 4, 1780; enlistment 9 months. 391 1 18. William Ayers. Private, Capt. Thomas Cushing's Co., pay roll for service from Oct. 25, 1781, to April 24, 1782, 6 mos., at Castle and Governor's Islands ; also pay roll for service from Oct. 25, 1782, to Jan. 20, 1783, 2 mos. 26 days, at Castle and Gov- ernor's Islands. 391 1 19. Aaron Ayors. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Cousin's Co., (late Maj. Littlefield's) Regt.; enlisted July 6, 1779 ; discharged Aug. 24, 1779; service, i mo. 19 days, on expedition to Penobscot; Company raised in York County. 391 120. James Ayr. Sergeant Capt. Daniel Scott's Co., Col. Joseph North's Regt.; service from Sept. 10 to Sept. 12, 1777, 2 days, defending and retaking a mast-ship in Sheepscot river. 391121. James Ayr. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Gage's Co., Col. Jacob Gerrish's Regt., of guards ; enlisted Dec. 19, 1777 ; roll made up to Feb. 3, 1778 ; service, i mo. 15 days at Winter Hill. 391 122. William Ayr. Private, Capt. Joseph Eaton's Co., Col. Samuel Johnson's Regt.; enlisted Aug. 15, 1777 ; discharged Nov. 30, 1777 ; service, 3 mos. 29 days, on expedition to the Northward. 391 123. Aaron Ayre. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Lakin's Co., Col. John Jacob's (Light Infantry) Regt.; pay abstract for 1 1 days service in Sept., 1779; ^^so, pay abstract for Oct., 1779. 391 124. Elijah Ayre. Petition dated Boston, Nov. 26, 1781, signed by Robert Sharp and others, asking that said Ayre be com- missioned as commander of the schooner "Rover" (privateer ; ordered in council, Nov. 31, 1781, that a commission be issued. 391125. John Ayre. Boston. Private, Capt. Christopher Woodbridge's Co., Col. Smith's Regt.: Continental Army pay ac- Appendix XXIV. 1343 counts for service from Jan. i, 17S0, to Oct. 6, 1780; reported de- serted Oct. 6, 1 780. 391 126. Samuel Ayre. Fifer, Capt. Joseph Noyes' Co.; en- listed July 14, 1775; discharged Dec. 31, 1775; service, 6 mos. 2 days, at Falmouth. 391 127. Nathaniel Ayree. Private, Capt. John Oliver's Co., Col. Nathan Sparhawk's Regt.; service, 67 days, in Jersey ; pay al- lowed in council, Aug. 12, 1777. 391 128. Aaron Ayres. Granby. Private, Capt. John Cowl's Co.. Col. Woodbridge's Regt., which marched April 20. 1775, in re- sponse to the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 27 days. 391129. Adam Ayres. Private, Capt. Thomas Bumstead's Co.. list of men detached agreeable to order of council of May 7, 1777, from the Boston Regt., to serve for 5 weeks under Maj. Gen. Heath. 391 130. Amos Ayres. Private, Capt. Reuben Dickinson's Co., Col. Flisha Porter's Regt.; service, 38 days ; marched to Moss Creek, in July, 1777. 391 131. Benjamin Ayres. Freetown. Private, Capt. Mills' Co., Col. Vose's Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from July 29, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780 ; enlistment during war. 391 132. Buenos Ayres. Brooktield. Descriptive list of men raised to reinforce Continental Army for the term of six months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780; age, 17 years; stature, 5 ft., 4 in.; complexion, dark ; residence, Brookfield ; arrived at Springfield, July I. 1780; marched to camp July i, 1780, under command of Ensign Joseph Miller ; also, pay roll for six months men raised by the town of Brookfield for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched June 30, 1780; discharged Dec. 7, 1780; service, 5 mos. 15 days. 391133. David Ayres. Guilford. Private, Capt. Moses Draper's Co., Lieut. Col. Bond's (late Gardner's) 37th Regt.; com- pany return dated Prospect Hill, Oct. 7, 1775. 391 134. Edw^^rd Ayres. Private, Capt. Theophilus Wilder's Co., Maj. Thomas Lathrop's Regt.; enlisted March 20, 1778; dis- charged April 4, 1778 ; service, 16 days, at Hull. 1344 History of the Ayres Family. 391 135. Edward Ayres. Private, Capt. -Lieut. William Bur- beck's Co., Col. John Hancock's Regt.; enlisted Dec. 11, 1779; rolls made up to Oct. 24, 1781 ; service, 22 mos. 15 days, at Castle and Governor's Islands ; also, Capt. Thomas Cushing's Co.; pay roll for service from April 25 to Oct. 24, 1782, 6 mos., at Castle and Governor's Islands. 391 136. Eleazer Ayres. Granby. Private, Capt. John Cowl's Co., Col, Woodbridge's Regt., which marched April 20, 1775, ^^ ^^- sponse to the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 57 days. 391 137. Eleazer Ayres. Corporal, Capt. Phineas Smith's Co., Col. Ruggles Woodbridge's Regt.; marched on an alarm at Ben- nington, Aug. 17, 1777; service, 4 days. 391 138. Eli Ayres. Private, Capt. John Bannister's Co., Col. Job Cushing's Regt.; enlisted Sept. 7, 1777; discharged Nov. 29, 1777 ; service, 3 mos. 2 days, at the Northward. 391 139. Frederick Ayres. Capt. Thorp's Co., Lieut. Col. John Brook's (7th) Regt.; list of men court-martialed; tried May 14, 1782 (or 3) by regimental court-martial, Capt. Lincoln, President, for disorderly behavior and insulting Sergeant Pike ; sentenced 100 lashes, remitted 50 ; also, list of men discharged ; discharged June 8, 1783, by Gen. Washington, term of enlistment having expired. 39 1 1 40. Jabesh Ayres. Sergeant, Capt. Francis Stone's Co., Col. James Converse's (Worcester Co.) Regt.; service, 3 days, on an alarm at Bennington in Aug., 1777. 391 141. Jabez Ayres. Private, Capt. Thomas Whipple's Co.; service, 5 mos., between April and Dec. 20, 1780; with guards at Rutland. 391 142. Jacob Ayres. Manchester. Capt. Kimball's Co., Col. Mansfield's Regt.; receipt for advance pay dated Cambridge, July I, 1775 ; also, private; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enlisted June I, 1775; service, 2 mos. 5 days; also, company return dated Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775. 391143. Jedediah Ayres. Belchertown. Private, Capt. Job Alvord's Co., Col. S. Murray's (Hampshire Co.) Regt.; enlisted July 19, 1780; discharged Oct. 10, 1780; service, 2 mos. 29 days; en- Appendix XXIV. 1345 listment 3 mos.; company raised to reinforce Continental Army ; also, Capt. Oliver Coney's Co., Col. Sears' Regt.; enlisted Aug. 12, 1781 ; discharged Nov. 15. 1781 ; service, 3 mos. 10 days; enlistment 3 months. 39 1 1 44. John Ayres. List of men mustered in Suffolk Co. as returned by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master, dated Boston, March 30, 1777 ; Capt. White's Co., Col. Francis' Regt. 391 145. John Ayres. Penobscot. Return of men enlisted into Continental Army from Capt. Green's (South Leicester) Co., Worcester Co. Regt., dated Leicester, Feb. 11, 1778; residence, Penobscot ; enlisted for town of Leicester ; joined Capt. Allen's Co., Col. Crane's Regt.; enlistment to expire Jan. i, 1781. 391 146. John Ayres. New Braintree. Private, Ma j. Allen's Co., Col. Rufus Putnam's Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March i, 1778, to Aug. 31, 1778; reported died Aug. 3I' 1778. 391 147. John Ayres. Hadley. Private, Capt. Harvey's Co., Col. J. Brewer's Regt.; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enlisted May -5' 1775: service, 2 mos. i week, 4 days; also, company return (probably Oct., 1775); also, return of men enlisted into Continental Army from Capt. Smith's Co., 4th Hampshire Co. Regt., dated South Hadley. May 28, 1777; joined Capt. Haynes' Co., Col. Wiggles- worth's Regt.; also, Capt. Woodbridge's Co., Col. Smith's (late Wig- glesworth's) Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. I, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779 ; also, Capt. Aaron Haynes' Co.; mus- ter roll dated Valley Forge, May 2, 1778 ; also, muster roll for June, 1778, dated Camp " Green age " ; enlistment during war; also, Capt. John K. Smith's Co.; muster roll dated Providence, May 5, 1779; reported transferred to Colonel's Co., commanded by Capt. -Lieut. Woodbridge ; also, muster roll dated May 5, 1779; reported trans- ferred to light infantry. 391 148. John Ayres. Boston. Corporal, Capt. Green's Co., Col. Vose's Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. I, 1780, to May i, 1780. 39 1 1 49. John Ayres. Boston. Descriptive Ust of enlisted men dated West Point, Jan. 10, 1781 ; Light Infantry Co.. Col. Put- 1346 History of the Ayres Family. nam's (5th) Regt.; age, 23 years, 10 mos.; stature, 5 ft. 10 in.; com- plexion, light ; hair, dark ; eyes, light ; residence, Boston ; rank. Private; enlisted March 11, 1777, by Capt. White; enlistment, during war. 39 1 1 50. John Ayres. List of prisoners on board the cartel "Hostage," to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary (year not given); taken in the sloop "Retrieve" (privateer), of Casco Bay, by the British ship "Milford". 391 15 1. John Ayres, Jr. New Braintree. Return of men enlisted into Continental Army from Col. Converse's (4th Worcester Co.) Regt., dated Brookfield, Sept. 15, 1777; joined Col. Bigelow's Regt.; enlistment 3 years. 391 152. Joseph Ayres. Cambridge (probably). Private, Capt. Samuel Thatcher's Co., Col. Gardner's Regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 3 days. 391 153. Joseph Ayres. Master Carpenter, Col. Richard Grid- ley's (Artillery) Regt.; return of the staff dated Cambridge, June 16, 1775- 391154. Joseph Ayres. Col. Craft's (Artillery) Regt.; list of men who refused to leave Boston, dated Boston, Sept. 22, 1777 ; also, Capt. Joseph Balch's Co., Col. Craft's Regt.; list of men who received bounty for 8 months service, from April 30, 1777, to Dec. 30. 1777. 391 155. Joseph Ayres. Sergeant, Capt. Thomas Whipple's Co., Col. James Converse's (Worcester Co.) Regt.; service, 3 days on an alarm at Rhode Island, in July, 1777 ; marched to Providence, R. I.; roll dated New Braintree ; also, Capt. Francis Stone's Co., Col. Converse's Regt.; service, 3 days, on an alarm at Bennington, in Aug., 1777. 391 156. Joseph Ayres. Private, Sergeant William Warland's Co., Col. Samuel Denny's (2nd) Regt.; enlisted Oct. 25, 1779; dis- charged Dec. 3, 1779; service, i mo. 9 days, at Albany. 391 157. Joseph Ayres. Private, Capt. John Spurr's Co., Col. Nixon's (6th) Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. I, 1780, to Jan. 20, 1780. Appendix XXIV. 1347 391 158. Joseph Ayres. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Sheldon's Co., Col. Seth Murray's Regt.; enlisted July 18, 1780; discharged Oct. 10, 1780; service, 3 mos.; enlistment 3 months ; company raised to reinforce Continental Army. 391 159. Jos'h Ayres. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Heath's Co. of guards ; enlisted Feb. 12, 1779; discharged May 11, 1779; ser- vice, 3 mos., at Boston, under Maj. Gen. Gates. 391 160. Kemp Ayres. Wagon Conductor, Quartermaster- General's department at Fishkill ; return of men in service Oct. 14, 1781. 391161. Mariner Ayres. List of men on board the sloop "Defence," commanded by Capt. James Nevins, dated July, 1781 ; reported a prisoner. 391 162. Moses Ayres. Brookfield. Private, Capt. Josiah King's Co., Col. D. Brewer's (9th) Regt.; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775; enlisted July i, 1775; service, i mo. 2 days; also, company return dated Oct. 7, 1775 ; also, Capt. King's Co., Col. Rufus Put- nam's (late Brewer's) Regt.; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Roxbury, Dec. 2, 1775. 391 163. Peter Ayres. Lancaster. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Belknap's (also given Capt. Nathan Fisher's) Co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's Regt.; enlisted July 21, 1778; discharged Jan. i, 1779; ser- vice. 5 mos. 15 days, on an alarm at Rhode Island; stationed at North Kingston, R. I.; enlistment to expire Jan. i, 1779; also, mus- ter roll for July.- Aug., 1778, dated East Greenwich; also muster roll for Jan. -Dec, 1778, dated North Kingston. 391 164. Samuel Ayres. Fifer, Captain William Crocker's Co.; pay roll for service from May 31, 1776, to Aug. 31. 1776, 3 mos.; stationed at Falmouth, Cumberland Co. 391 165. Samuel Ayres. Manchester. Private, Capt. Andrew Marster's Co., which marched on the alarm of April 19. 1775, to Medford ; service, 3 days ; also, descriptive list of enlisted men dated West Point, Jan. 10, 1781 ; Capt. Goodale's Co., 5th Regt.; age, 44 years, 4 mos.; stature, 5 ft. 8 in.; complexion, dark ; hair, dark ; eyes, dark; residence, Manchester; enlisted as Corporal, Dec. 11, 1348 History of the Ayres Family. 1779, by Lieut. Col. Newhall ; joined Capt. White's Co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (5th) Regt.; enlistment during war ; also, Corporal, Capt. Hoffield White's Co., Col. Putnam's Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; reported as serving 7 mos. as Private, 5 mos. as Corporal ; also, muster roll for Jan., 1787, dated West Point. 391166. Stephen Ayres. Belchertown. Private, Capt. Jona- than Bardwell's Co., Col. Jonathan Warner's Regt.; which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Cam- bridge ; service, 9 1-2 days; also, Capt. Bardwell's Co., Col. D. Brewer's Regt.; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775; enlisted April 28, 1775 ' service, i mo. 3 weeks, 2 days; reported died June 18, 1775. 391 167. Stephen Ayres. Seaman ; list of prisoners sent in the cartel "Silver Eel" from Halifax to Boston, Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged. 391 168. Thomas Ayres. Seaman, brigantine "Tyrannicide," commanded by Capt. John Fisk ; engaged Sept. 30, 1776 ; discharged Feb. 17, 1777 ; service, 4 mos. 17 days. 391 169. Timothy Ayres. Private, Capt. Aaron Hayne's Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's Regt.; muster roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga, Dec. I, 1776; enlisted Jan. 11, 1776; reported re-engaged Nov. 15, 1776, in Capt. Hayne's Co., Col. Wiggles worth's Regt. 391 1 70. William Ayres. Private, Capt.-Lieut. William Bur- beck's Co., Col. John Hancock's Regt. ; pay roll for service from Jan. 21, 1780, to Oct. 24, 1 78 1, 21 mos., 5 days, at Castle and Gov- ernor's Islands ; also, Capt. Thomas Cushing's Co. : enlisted April 25, 1782 : discharged Oct. 24, 1782 ; service, 6 mos., at Castle and Governor's Islands. 391171. Ayrs. Private, Capt. Richard Dodge's Co., Col. Baldwin's (6th) Regt. ; return of men for wages for March, 1776. 391 172. Buenos Ayrs. Brookfield. List of men raised for 6 months service and returned by Brig. Gen. Patterson as having passed muster, in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780 ; also. Private, Capt. John Cutler's Co., Col. Luke Dewev's Regt. ; enlisted Aug. 27, 1781 ; discharged Dec. 3, 1781 ; service, 3 mos. 14 days; arrived at West Point Sept. 3, 1781. Appendix XXIV. 1349 391 173. David Ayrs. Capt. Moses Draper's Co., Col. Wil- liam Bond's (late Gardner's) Regt. ; order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Prospect Hill, Dec. 27, 1775. 391 174. Frederick Ayrs. Boston. Descriptive list of en- listed men ; age, 19 years; stature, 5 ft. 11 in; complexion, light ; hair, light; occupation, farmer; residence, Boston; enlisted May, 1777 ; joined Capt. Thorp's Co., Lieut. Col. J. Brook's (7th) Regt.; enlistment, during war ; also, Capt. Thorp's Co., Lieut. Col. Brook's Regt.; list of prisoners; taken prisoner Oct. 17, 1781, at Croton River; exchanged June 20, 1782. 391 175. Jacob Ayrs. Private, Capt. Richard Dodge's Co., Col. Loami Baldwin's (26th) Regt. ; return of wages for March, 1776; also, order for travel allowance from Trenton to Manchester in 1776, dated Manchester, Nov. 22, 1777. 391 176. John Ayrs. Brookfield. Private, Capt. Edmund Hodge's Co., Col. Josiah Whitney's Regt.; enlisted May 5, 1777; discharged July 6, 1777 ; service, 2 mos., 7 days, at Rhode Island. 391177. John Ayrs. Private, Capt. Elijah Lewis' Co., Col. Christopher Green's Regt.; muster roll dated Dec. 24, 1777; en- listed Jan. I, 1777; enlistment, during war ; reported deserted Jan. I, 1777- 391 178. Joseph Ayrs. New Braintree. Private, Capt. John Granger's Co. of minute men. Col. Jonathan Warner's Regt. ; en- listed April 19, 1775 : service, 2 weeks, i day. 391 1 79. Joseph Ayrs. Private, Capt. Samuel Ward's Co., Col. Solomon Lovell's Regt. ; service, 2 days, subsequent to March 10, 1776. 391180. Joseph Ayrs. Drummer, Capt. John Walton's Co. ; list of men who went to Noddle's Island, Dec. 9, 1776 ; enlisted for York, Dec. 13, 1776. 391 181. Joseph Ayrs. Haverhill. Private, Capt. Samuel Johnson's Co., Col. Titcomb's Regt.; roll made up from time of arrival at Providence, R. I., April 27, 1777: discharged June 27, 1777 ; service, 2 mos. 10 days, on an alarm at Rhode Island; also, muster roll dated Bristol, June 27, 1777. I350 History' of the Ayres Family. 391 182. Peter Ayrs. Private, Capt. Richard Dodge's Co., Col. Loami Baldwin's (26th) Regt. ; pay abstracts for Feb., March and June, 1776. 391 183. Peter Ayrs, Jr. Private, Capt. Richard Dodge's Co., Col. Loami Baldwin's (26th) Regt. ; pay abstract for June, 1776, 39 1 1 84. Samuel Ayrs. Fifer, Capt. William Croaker's Co., Col. Mitchell's Regt.; discharged Nov. 23, 1776; service, 2 mos. 23 days, at Falmouth, Cumberland Co. 391 185. Samuel Ayrs. Corporal, Capt. Hafifield White's Co., Col. Rufus Putnam's (5th) Regt.; muster roll for April, 1781, dated West Point. 391186. Joseph Eayers. Capt. Marett's (5th) Co., Col. Craft's (Artillery) Regt. ; list of men entitled to a bounty dated Boston, Jan. 12, 1778. 391 187. Joseph Eayers. Major, Col. Fowler's Regt. of Artil- lery artificers stationed at Springfield ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779. 39 1 1 88. Peter Eayers. Manchester. Private, Capt. Rich- ard Dodge's Co., Lieut. Col. Loami Baldwin's (late Gerrish's) Regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775; enlisted June 12, 1775 ; service, 7 weeks. 391 189. Samuel Layers. Manchester. Corporal, Capt. Richard Dodge's Co., Lieut. Col. Loami Baldwin's (late Gerrish's) Regt.; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enlisted May i, 1775 ; ser- vice, 13 weeks, 1 day. 391 190. Samuel Layers. Fifer, Col. Benjamin Tupper's (loth) Regt.; service from Jan. 20, 1781, 10 mos. 10 days; reported died Nov. 30, 17S1. 391 191. Samuel Eayr. Falmouth. List of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from Col. Peter Noyes' (ist Cumber- land Co.) Regt.; dated Falmouth, Nov. 20, 1778; residence, Fal- mouth ; engaged for town of Falmouth ; joined Capt. John Skillen's Co., Col. Francis' Regt. ; term, 3 years. Appendix XXIV. 135 1 391 192. John Eayre. List of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston. Jan. 4, 1778 ; Col. Crane's Regt. 391 193. Henry Eayres. Salem. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Wade's Co.; return of men engaged for the year 1776, dated Jan. 17, 1776 ; enlisted Nov. 20, 1775. 391 194. Henry Eayres. List of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, June 22, 1777 ; Capt. Brown's Co., Col. Henry Jackson's Regt. 391 195. John Eayres. Roxbury. Private, Capt. Moses Whiting's Co. of Minute-men, Col. John Greaton's Regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; service, 13 days. 391 196. John Eayres. Private, Lieut. Andrew Gelman's Co., enlisted Oct. 12, 1776; discharged May 4, 1777; service, 6 mos. 22 days ; company stationed at Penobscot river. Roll dated Boston. 391 197. Henry Eayrs. Orderly Sergeant and Clerk, Capt. Abner Cranston's Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's Regt. ; receipt for car- tridge boxes for men in said Carson's company, dated June 18, 1775; also. Sergeant, same Co. and Regt. ; company receipts for wages for Aug. and Sept., 1775, dated Prospect Hill; also, receipt for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Prospect Hill, Nov. 2, 1775. 391 198. John Eayrs. Boston. Gunner, Maj. Thomas Pierce's Co., Col. Richard Gridley's (Artillery) Regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enlisted June 12, 1775 ; service, i mo., 3 weeks, I day; also, company return dated Roxbury Camp, Sept. 29, 1775; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master tor Suffolk Co., dated Boston, Jan. 8, 1777; Maj. Stevens' (Artillery) battalion ; also, Conductor of military stores, Field Commissary's department; appointed April i, 1779; reported stationed with main army. 391 199. John Eayrs. Roxbury. Private, Capt. Edward Payson W^illiams' Co., 36th Regt. ; company return dated Fort No. 2, Oct. 5, 1775 ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Cambridge, Dec. 22, 1775. 1352 History of the Ayres Family. 391200. John Eayrs. Seaman, State brig "Hazard," com- manded by Capt. John Foster Williams, engaged July 3, 1778; dis- charged Oct. 14, 1778; service, 3 mos. 13 days. 391201. John Eayrs. Petition dated Boston, Jan. 4, 1781, signed by Benjamin Cole, in behalf of Nathaniel Silsby and others, of Salem, asking that he be commissioned as commander of the schooner "Thrasher" (privateer) ; ordered in Council June 4, 1781, that a commission be issued; said Eayrs probably ist Lieutenant; age, 25 years; stature, 5 ft. 8 in. ; complexion, dark. 391202. John Eayrs. Descriptive list of men raised for Con- tinental service ; Capt. Tisdale's Co., Col. John Greaton's Regt. ; age, 24 years; stature, 5 ft. 9 in; complexion, dark; hair, dark; eyes, dark ; occupation, cordwainer ; engaged for town of Roxbury ; en- gaged April 9, 1781 ; term, 3 years; also, Sergeant, Capt. Tisdale's Co., Col. John Greaton's (3d) Regt.; muster rolls for Aug. and Sept., 1781, dated Camp Peekskill ; reported on command with Col. Scamil ; also, muster roll for Oct. and Nov., 17S1, dated Camp Highlands, also, muster roll for Jan., 1782. 391203. Joseph Eayrs. Major of Artificers. Return of men under David Mason, Lieut. Colonel of Artillery Artificers and Direc- tor of Ordnance, dated Springfield, Aug. 20, 1779 ; engaged for town of Boston ; term 3 years or during war. 391204. Samuel Eayrs. Falmouth. Fifer, Capt. Joseph Pride's Co., Col. Joseph Prime's (Cumberland Co.) Regt. ; joined May 16, 1780; discharged Dec. 6, 1780; service, 6 mos. 20 days, at the Eastward ; enlistment, 8 months ; also, same Co. ; list of men (year not given) ; said Eayrs reported dead. 391205. Thomas Eayrs. Clerk to the Major; return of men at Springfield under David Mason, Lieut. Col. of Artillery Artificers and Director of Ordnance, dated Springfield, Aug. 20, 1779; en- gaged for town of Boston; term, 3 years or during war; also. Clerk to Major Joseph Eayrs ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780. 391206. Samuel Eyars. Falmouth. Fifer, Capt. George White's Co., Col. Benjamin Tupper's Regt. ; Continental Array pay Appendix XXIV. 1353 accounts for service from Jan, i, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779 ; also, muster return dated Jan., 1778; mustered by Col. Varick, Continental Muster Master, and County Muster Master Ilsley ; also, muster roll for March, 1779, elated West Point; enlisted Dec. 13, 1776; en- listment, 3 years. 391207. John Eyers. Conductor of Military Stores ; Conti- nental Army pay accounts for service from Jan, i, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780, 391208. Jonathan Eyers. Letter from Col, Ebenezer Francis to the Council, dated Boston, Feb, 20, 1777, recommending certain ofificers in his regiment for commissions ; said Eyers recommended for 2nd Lieut. ; ordered in Council, Feb. 20, 1777, that said officers be commissioned ; also, 2nd Lieut., Capt. Nathaniel Eaton's Co., Col. Ebenezer Francis' Regt. ; list of Continental officers; commissioned Feb, 3, 1777 ; (name crossed out on list). 391209. John Eyre, Boston. List of men raised for Con- tinental service (year not given) ; residence, Boston ; engaged for town of Rehoboth, 391 2 10. George Eyres. List of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master for Suffolk Co,, dated Boston, May 11, 1777 ; Col, Crane's Regt. 391 2 1 1. John Eyres, New Braintree, Private, Capt. John Granger's Co., Col. Learned's Regt.; muster roll dated Aug, i, 1775; enlisted April 26, 1775; service, i mo. 2 weeks, 6 days; re- ported enlisted into the train June 12, 1775. 391212. Joseph Eyres, Late Major, Corps of Artificers stationed at Springfield ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan, i, 17S0, to Oct. 31, 1780. 391213. Solomon Eyres. Matross, Capt. Jonathan Stoddard's Co., Col. Thomas Craft's (Artillery) Regt. ; service from May 8, 1777' to July 81 i777» 2 mos. 391 2 1 4. Henry Eyrss, Private, Capt. Nathaniel Wade's Co., Col. Moses Little's (12th) Regt.; muster roll endorsed "1776." 1354 History of the Ayres Family. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 391300. Jeremiah Ayer. Soldier in Rev. War from Concord, New Hampshire. 39 1 30 1. Phineas Ayer. Soldier in Rev. War from Concord, ' New Hampshire. NEW YORK. 391400. Andrew Aiers. Private, 4th Regt. Ulster Co., N. Y., Militia in Rev. War. 39 1 40 1. Philip Airs. Private, 4th Regt. Ulster Co., N. Y., Militia in Rev. War. 391402. Felix Airs. Private, Col. Albert Pawling's Westchester Co. Regt., Levies in Rev. War. 391403. William Airs. Private, Col. Levi Pawling"s 3d Ulster County, N. Y., Regt. in Rev. War. 391404. William Eyres. Private, ist N. Y. Regt. of the Line, Col. Goose VanSchaack, in Rev. War. 391405. Reuben Aires. Private 4th Regt. Westchester Co., N. Y., Militia in Rev. War. 391406. Reuben Ayers. Private, 4th Regt. Westchester Co., N. Y., Militia in Rev. War. 391407. Reuben Ayres, Jr. Private, 4th Regt. Westchester Co., N. Y., Militia in Rev. War. 391408. Nathaniel Ayer. Private, 2nd Regt. New York Contiaental Line, Col. Philip VanCortlandt, in Rev. War. 391409. Thomas Ayers. Private, Col. Albert Pawling's Westchester Co., N. Y., Regt., Levies in Rev. War. 391410. Phelix Ayres. Private, Col. WiUiam Malcom's Ulster Co., N. Y., Regt., in Rev. War. 39 1 41 1. Thomas Ayres. Private, Col. William Malcom's Ulster Co., N. Y., Regt., Levies in Rev. War. 391412. Robert Ayres. Private, N. Y. Regt. Line or Levies. Appendix XXIV. 1355 391 413. Thomas Ayres. Private, Col. Morris Graham's N. Y. Regt., Levies in Rev. War. 39 1 41 4. William Ayres. Private, Col. Jesse Woodhuirs Orange Co., N. Y., Regt. in Rev. War. 39 1 41 5. Abijah Ayrs. Private, 4th Regt. Ulster Co., N. Y., Militia. (Land Bounty Rights). 39 1 41 6. Thomas Aires. Private, Col. Lewis DaBois' 4th N. Y. Regt. of the Line in Rev. War. OFFICERS CIVIL WAR 1S61-5. 395000. Don C. Ayer. 2nd Lieut., ist Regt. Vt. Heavy Artillery, July 29, 1865. 395001. Ellis W. Aver. 2nd Lieut., 2nd Regt. Me. Cavalry. Killed in action at Marianna, Fla., Sept. 27, 1864. 395002. Henry C. Aver. Captain, 3d Regt. N. H. Infantry, Killed in action May 16, 1864. 395003. James E. Aver, ist Lieut., 12th Regt. Me. Infantry. Expiration of term Dec. 7, 1864. 395004. James M. Ayer. Captain, 15th Regt. Vt. Infantry, Oct. 22, 1862. 395005. John Ayer. Captain, i6th Regt. Me. Infantry. Died Feb. 22, 1863, of wounds received in action at Fredericksburg, Va. 395006. Joseph C. Ayer. ist Lieut., i8th Regt. Mass. In- fantry. Resigned Dec. 18, 1863. 395007. Richard S. Ayer. Captain, 4th Regt. Me. Infantry. Resigned March 22, 1863. 395008. William H. Ayer. Captain, nth Regt. R. I. In- fantry. Jan. I, 1863. 395009. John C. Ayers. ist Lieut., 53d Regt. Mass. Infan- try. July 2, 1863. 395010. Joseph G. Ayers. ist Lieut., 15th Regt. N. H. In- fantry, March 1, 1863. 1356 History of thp Ayres Family. 39501 1. Charles L, Ayres. 2nd Lieut., 4th Regt. Mass. Heavy Artillery, Aug. 27, 1864. 395012. Henry Ayres. 2nd Lieut., 28th Regt. Conn. In- fantry. 395013. James H. Ayres. Captain, 17th Regt, Conn. Infan- try, March 5, 1864. 395014. James Ayer, Captain, ii6th Regt. N. Y. Infantry. Died May 22, 1863, of disease. 395015. Jonathan R. Ayer. ist Lieut., 24th Regt. N. Y. Infantry. Resigned Jan. 16, 1863. 395016. Charles B. Ayers. 2nd Lieut., io8th Regt. N. Y. Infantry. Honorably discharged April 9, 1864. 395017. Conway W. Ayers. Captain, 9th Regt. N. Y. Cavalry. Killed in action Sept. 19, 1864. 395018. David H. Ayers. Captain, 5th Regt. N. J. Infantry, April 13, 1864, 395019. David H. Ayers. Captain, 7th Regt. N. J. Infantry, April 13, 1864. 395020. Lewis Ayres. 2nd Lieut., 23rd Regt. N. J. Infantry. Honorably discharged Feb. 23, 1863. 395021. Henry Ayers. ist Lieut., ist Regt. N. Y. Infantry. 395022. David H. Ayres. ist Lieut., 27th Regt. N. J. In- fantry. 395023. Enoch I. Ayres. Lieut. Col., 25th Regt. N. J, In- fantry, Sept. 30, 1862. 395024. Ira Ayres. Officer in N. Y. Regt. 395025. James B. Ayres. Captain, 14th Regt. N. Y. Cavalry. Resigned Dec. 2, 1863. 395026. James B. Ayres. ist Lieut., 79th Regt. N. Y, In- fantry. Hon. discharged Aug. i, 1861. 395027. James M. Ayres. Captain, 22d Regt. N. J. Infantry, Sept. 22, 1862. Appendix XXIV. 1357 395028. Levi E. Ayres, ist Lieut. 6th Regt. N. J. Infantry, Sept. 21, 1863. 395029. Ira Ayer, Jr. Lieut. Col., loth Regt. Pa. Infantry. Reserves, Feb. 27, 1864. 395030. Joseph D. Ayers. Captain, i8th Regt. Pa. Cavalry, Hon. discharged Sept. 30, 1864. 395031. Peter B. Ayers. ist Lieut. 99th Regt. Pa. Infantry, Hon. discharged May 12, 1865. 395032. Hugh. A. Ayers. Captain, 78th Regt. Pa. Infantry. Mustered out on expiration of service, Nov. 4, 1864. 395033. William H. H. Avars. Captain, 5th Regt. Ky. In- fantry, April 25, 1864. 395034. Albert R. Ayers. Assistant Surgeon; 2nd Regt. Ark. Infantry, July 13, 1864. 395035. Michael A. Ayers, Major, nth Regt. W. Va. In- fantry, Feb. 14, 1865. 395036. Edward B. Ayres. ist Lieut., 2nd Regt. Ky. Cavalry, Resigned, R. C. S. Dec. 29, 1864. 395037. John W. Ayres. 2nd Lieut., 4th Regt. Ark. Cavalry. Resigned May 12, 1865. 395038. C. B. Ayers. 2nd Lieut., 8 ist Regt, Ohio Infantry. Resigned Sept. 30, 1862. 395039. John H. Ayers. Surgeon, 34th Regt. Ohio Infantry, Aug. 31, 1862. 395040. Samuel Ayers. ist Lieut., i68th Regt. Ohio In- fantry, May 12, 1864, 395041. Amos T. Ayres. Captain, loth Regt. Mich. Cavalry. Resigned Jan. 22, 1864. 395042. David Ayres. 2nd Lieut., 57th Regt. Ohio Infantry. Hon. discharged Jan. 4, 1865. Re-commissioned as ist Lieut., May 19, 1865. 395043. Eben R. Ayres. Captain 23d Regt. Mich. Infantry.. Resigned Aug. 16, 1864. 1358 History of the Ayres Family. 395044. Homer C. Ayres. ist Lieut., 84th Regt. Ohio In- fantry, June 4, 1862. 395045. Jonathan Ayres. ist Lieut, and Adjutant, 144th Regt. Ohio Infantry, May 11, 1864. 395046. Lyman N. Ayres. Captain, 20th Regt. Ohio Infan- try. Mustered out on expiration of service, Dec. 18, 1864. 395047. Oliver H. P. Ayres. ist Lieut., 6th Batter), Oliio Light Artillery. Died July 8, 1864, of wounds. 395048. Samuel D. Ayres. ist Lieut., 99th Regt. Ohio Infantry. Resigned May 12, 1863. 395049. Thomas C. Ayres. ist Lieut., 51st Regt. Ohio In- fantry. Mustered out on expiration of term, Jan. 23, 1865. 395050. Benjamin S. Ayer. ist Lieut., 12th Regt. Ind. In- fantry. 395051. Alexander M. Ayer. ist Lieut, and R. Q. M., 125th Regt. 111. Infantry, Aug. 29, 1862. 395052. Charles H. Ayers. 2nd Lieut., 133d Regt. 111. In- fantry, May 31, 1864. 395053. Homer W. Ayers. Captain, 76th Regt. 111. Infantry. Resigned Feb. 19, 1864. 395054. John H. Ayers. ist Lieut., 31st Regt. Ind. Infan- try, June 17, 1865. 395055- Joseph Ayers. ist Lieut., 9th Regt. Ind. Infantry, July 22, 1862. 395056. Theophilus Ayers. ist Lieut., loist Regt. 111. Infantry, Aug. 8, 1864. 395057- Charles H. Ayres. ist Lieut., 6ist Regt. 111. In- fantry, Aug. 10, 1865. 395058. Henry P. Ayres. ist Lieut, and Adjutant, 77th Regt. 111. Infantry, May 15, 1863. 395059. Myron D. Ayres. 2nd Lieut., nth Regt. 111. Infan- try, Dec. 6, 1864. Appendix XXIV. 1359 395060. Patrick H. Ayres. Captain, 31st Regt. 111. Infan- try. Mustered out on expiration of term of service, May 25, 1865. 395061. Edward E. Ayer. 2nd Lieut., ist Regt. N. Mex. Infantry. Resigned May 31, 1864. 395062. William Ayers. Captain, ist Regt. N. Mex. Infan- try. Resigned April 24, 1866. 395063. William Ayers. ist Lieut., 2nd Regt. N. Mex. In- fantry. 395064. Ira Ayer. Captain, 9th Regt. Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 19, 1865. (Brevet Lieut. Colonel, Feb. 20, 1865.) Hon. discharged Jan. i. 1868. 395065. Richard S. Ayer. Captain, 9th Regt. Veteran Re- serve Corps. Transferred Feb. 17, 1864, to 21st Regt. Veteran Re-' serve Corps. Resigned July 11, 1864. 395066. Warren L. Ayer. ist Lieut. 127th Regt. U. S. Colored Infantry, Sept. 21, 1864. 395067. Gideon H. Ayers. Captain, 17th Regt. U. S. Colored Infantry. Killed in action at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1864. 395068. Henry K. W. Ayers. 2nd Lieut. 19th Regt. Veteran Reserve Corps, March 18, 1864. Hon. discharged Jan. i, 1868. 395069. William H. Ayers. 2nd Lieut., 31st Regt. U. S. Colored Infantry. Killed in action at Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. 395070. John Ayers. ist Lieut., ist Regt. N. Mex. Cavalry, May 22, 1865. 395071. Lyman W. Ayer. 2nd Lieut., 2nd Battery Minn. Light Artillery, Sept. 18, 1864. 395072. Otis Ayer. Assistant Surgeon, 2nd Regt. Minn. In- fantry. Resigned Dec. 23, 1863. 395073. Benjamin F. Ayers. ist Lieut., ist Regt. Indian Homeguard Kan. Infantry, March 29, 1863. 1360 History of the Ayres Family. 395074. Byron P. Ayers. Captain, 2nd Regt. Kan. Cavalry. Resigned March 27, 1863. 395075. D. Cooper Ayres. Surgeon, 7th Regt. Wis. Infan- try, April 29, 1862. 395076. Henry K. W. Ayres. 2nd Lieut., 5th Regt. Wis. Infantry. Hon. discharged Dec. 23, 1862. 395077- Justin N. Ayres. 2nd Lieut., 15th Regt. Kan. Cavalry, July 9, 1864. Hon. discharged Feb. 8, 1866. ' 395078. Oliver C. Ayers. ist Lieut., 39th Regt. Iowa In- fantry. Killed in action at Alatoona, Ga., Oct. 5, 1864. 395079. Samuel N. Ayres. ist Lieut., 7th Regt. Kan. Cavalry. Resigned March 20, 1865. 395080. Samuel Ayres. Chaplain, 7th Regt. Kan. Cavalry. Resigned Aug. 31, 1862. SOLDIERS CIVIL WAR 1861-5. 395200. Lusus J. Ayers. Bornini83i. Enlisted April 24, 186 1, at Gouverneur, N. Y. ; mustered in May 15, 1861, private, Co. D., i6th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., to serve two years ; mustered out with company May 22, 1863, at Albany, N. Y. 395201. Charles H. Ayer. Born in 1840. Enlisted May 20, 1 86 1, at Warsaw, N. Y. ; mustered in May 24, 1861, as private, Co. K., 17th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., to serve two years ; dis- charged for disability, July 31, 1861, at Alexandria, Va. ; also borne as Agar. 395202. Artemus Ayers. Born in 1839. Enlisted May 10, 1861, at Newark, N. Y. ; mustered in May 22, 186.1, as private, Co. I., 17th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., to serve two years ; discharged for disability, July 31, 1861, at Alexandria, Va. 395203. Oscar C. Ayers. Born in 1839. Enlisted May 20, 1861, at Warsaw, N. Y. ; mustered in May 24, 1861, as private Co. K., 17th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., to serve two years; honorably discharged Jan. 9, 1862, at Hall's Hill, Va. ; subsequent service in Second Mounted Rifles. Appendix XXIV. 1361 395204. James Ayres. Born in 1842. Enlisted Nov. 13, 1861, at Staten Island, N. Y. ; mustered in same date as private, Co. A., 53d Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., to serve three years ; transferred to Co. G., 17th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., March 16, 1862 ; no further record. 395205. Clarkson D. Ayres. Born in 1832. Enlisted Sept. 18, 1861, at N. Y. City; mustered in same date as private, Co. H., 17th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., to serve three years; transferred to Co. K., 146th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., June 25, 1863. 395206. Lieut. Henry Ayres. Born in 1837. Enrolled April 23, 1861, in N. Y. City, ist Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., mustered in as 2nd Lieutenant, Co. E., April 23, 1 861, to serve two years ; ap- pointed ist Lieutenant, Co. C, Oct. 9, 1862 ; transferred to Co. I., Feb. 24, 1863; mustered out with company. May 25, 1863; com- missioned 2nd Lieutenant, July 4, 1861, with rank from April 23, 1861, original ; ist Lieutenant, Dec. 30, 1862, with rank from Oct. 9, 1862, vice Morris promoted. 395207. Alexander Ayres. Born in 1838. Enlisted Aug. 3, 1861, at Owego, N. Y. ; mustered in Aug. 3, 1861, private, Co. H., 3d Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., to serve two years. Honorably discharged Sept. 16, 1863. 395208. William Ayre. Born in 1824. Private, Co. G., 84th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols.; transferred June 2, 1864, to Co. A., 5th Regt. N. Y. Veteran Infantry Vols. ; wounded (date not stated) near Richmond, Va. Died Dec. 6, 1864, in hospital at Washington, D. C. 395209. Major A. Ayres. Born in 182 1. Enlisted Oct. 15, 1 86 1, at Buffalo, N. Y. ; mustered in as private, 12th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., unassigned same date, to serve three years ; no further record. 395210. Jackson Ayres. Born in 1831. Enlisted May 9, 1 86 1, at Geneseo, N. Y., to serve two years; mustered in May 22, 1 86 1, as private, Co. E., 33d Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols.; sick in hospital at Alexandria, Va., since March 23, 1862 ; no further record. 3952 1 1. Albert Ayer. Enlisted May 10, 1861, at Buffalo, 1362 History of the AyrEvS Family. N. Y., to serve two years. Private, Co. B., 21st Regt. N. Y. Infan- try Vols. ; name appears only on State pay-roll for two days pay ; no further record. 395212. Lieut. Jonathan R. Aver. Born in 1837. Enrolled May 7, 1 86 1, at Ellisburg, N. Y., to serve two years; mustered in as 2nd Lieut., Co. K., 24th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols., May 17, 1861 ; ist Lieut., Jan. 11, 1862; wounded Aug. 29 and 30, 1862, at Bull Run, Va. ; resigned Jan. 16, 1863 ; commissioned 2nd Lieut., July 4, 1861, with rank from May 7, 1861, original; ist Lieut., Jan. 27, 1862, with rank from Dec. 19, 1861, vice J. P. Buckley, promoted. 395213. Oliver Aver, Jr. Born in 1841. Enlisted May 17, 1 86 1, at Ellisburg, N. Y., to serve two years ; mustered in same date as private, Co. K., 24th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols. ; wounded Aug. 20, 1862, at Bull Run, Va. ; died of wounds Oct. 24, 1862, at N. Y. General Hospital, Washington, D. C. 395214. James Avers. Born in 1838. Enlisted May 4, 1861, at Fulton, N. Y., to serve two years ; mustered in May 17, 1861, as private, Co. E., 24th Regt. N. Y. Infantry Vols.; killed Aug. 30, 1862, at Bull Run, Va. 395215. Ira Ayer, Jr. Lieut. Col., loth Regt. Pa. Reserves, 1864. 395216. John H. Ayers. Surgeon, 34th Regt. Ohio Vols. Mounted Infantry, Division Medical Director. 395217. Henry P. Ayres. Lieut. 77th Regt. 111.; Acting Assistant Adjutant General on staff of Col. D. P. Grier, 77th 111. Vols., commanding ist Brig., 3d Div., 13th Army Corps, march 17-April g, 1865. 395218. Lyman W. Ayer. Lieut. 2nd Battery, Minn. Light Artillery, 1865. 395219. John Ayeres. Sergeant, Color Guard, 6th Regt. Tenn. Infantry. Killed Oct. 8, 1862, at battle of Perryville, Ky, 395220. Henry Ayers. Lieutenant, Reserve Detachment, Signal Corps, Department of the Cumberland under Gen. George H. Thomas, Aug. 31, 1864. Relieved temporarily from duty Oct. 27, 1864. Appendix XXIV. 1363 395221. Joseph C. Ayer. i st Lieut., Commanding Ambulance Corps, I St Div., 5tli Army Corps, May 7, 1863, 395222. L. E. Ayres. Lieutenant, Union Army. Wounded May 3, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Va. 395223. T. VV. Eayre. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, 3d Brigade, N. J. troops, at battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. 395224. John Aver. Capt., i6th Regt. Me. Inft. 395225. Ayres. Lieut., 20th Regt. Ohio Inft., with Lieut. Munson, commanded the mounted infantry, in skirmish at Bolivar, Tenn., Aug, 30, 1862. 395226. Alfred Ayers. Lieut., 78th Regt. Pa. Vols.,x\ide- de-Camp on staff of Col. John F. Miller 29th Ind. Vols., command- ing Brigade in Stone's River Campaign, Jan., 1863. 395227. Oliver H. P. Ayres. ist Lieut., 6th Ohio Battery, Stone's River Campaign Jan., 1863. 395228. Byron P. Ayers. Lieut., 2nd Regt. Kan. Vols., in battle of Old Ft. Wayne, Ark., Oct. 22, 1862. 395229. David Ayers. Sergeant, 57th Regt. Ohio Vols., 1863. 395230. David H. Ayers. Capt., 5th Regt. N. J. Vols., 1864. 395231. Ezra F. Ayers. Private, Co. C, ist Regt. U. S. Artillery, attached to Light Battery D. ist U. S. Artillery, severely wounded in the thigh, at Petersburg, Va., Sept. 9, 1864. 395232. Edward B. Ayres. Lieut., 2nd Regt. Ky. Cavalry. Wounded Sept. 13, 1863, at LaFayette, Tenn. 395233. Hugh A. Ayres. Captain, 78th Regt. Pa. Vols. 395234. James B. Ayres. Private, 14th Regt. N. Y. Cavalry. 395235- Robert Ayres. 2nd Lieut., ist Batallion, 19th Regt. U. S. Infantry. Wounded at battle of Chickamauga Creek, Sept. 19-20, 1863. 395236. James B. Ayres. Private Mo. Home Guards, private, Capt. McDonald's Co., U. S. Scouts. Killed at Stewartsville, Mo., in July, 1864. 1364 History of the Ayres Family. 395237. John G. K. Ayres. Private, Co. H., 8th Mo. Regt. in storming party in assault on Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 1863. 395238. Gideon H. Ayers. Capt., 17th Regt., U. S. Colored Troops. Killed or mortally wounded at battle of Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15-16, 1864. 395239. Thomas C. Ayres. Lieut., 51st Regt. Ohio Vols, in battle of Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15-16, 1864. 395240. Henry K. W. Ayers. Lieut., Co. K., 19th Regt. U. S. Veteran Reserve Corps. 395241. Conway W. Ayres. Captain, 9th Regt. N. Y. Cavalry. 395242. William H. Ayers. Lieut., 31st Lif., U. S. Colored Troops. Killed or mortally wounded, assault at The Crater, near Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. 395243. William H. H. Avars. Lieut., 5th Ky. Vols., 1863. 395244. Alvin D. Ayres. Baldwin, N. Y. Enl. Feb. 29, 1864. CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY. 1861-5. 395290. J. P. Ayres. Private, Ga. Mounted Dragoons, C. S. A. 395291. W. F. Ayer. Chief Quartermaster C. S. A. by ap- pointment of Gen. J. B. Hood, Sept. 23, 1864. 395292. D. W. Ayres. ist Lieut., 59th Regt. Va., C. S. A. 395293. Thomas H. Ayres. Major, commanding ist Bat- talion C. S. A. for local defense of Richmond, Va., Dec. 31, 1864. 395294. W. T. Ayres. Private, 2nd Regt. Miss. Infantry, C. S. A. Placed on Roll of Honor for services in battles of Talley Hill and Bethesda Church. OFFICERS, UNITED STATES NAVY. 395300. Capt. Joseph G. Ayers, U. S. N. Acting Assistant Surgeon, Dec. 17, 1864. Honorably discharged Sept. 24, 1866. Appendix XXIV. 1365 Assistant Surgeon, Oct. 18, 1866. Passed Assistant Surgeon. Oct. 12, 1869. Surgeon, Jan. 7, 1878. Medical Inspector, Feb. 25, 1895. Medical Director. Dec. 12, 1898. 395301. Dr. Samuel Ayre, U. S. N. Surgeon. Dec. 29. 1812. Resigned April 17, 181 7. 395302. Samuel L. P. Ayres, U. S. N. Third Assistant Engineer, July 21, 1858. Second Assistant Engineer, Jan. 17, 1861. Eirst Assistant Engineer, April 21, 1863. Chief Engineer, March 21. 1870. Retired List, July 29, 1897. 395303. Stephen T. Ayres, U. S. N. Mate, Sept. 22, 1864. Honorably discharged July 14, 1865. 395304. William P. Ayres. Acting Third Assistant Engineer, April 3, 1862. Acting Second Assistant Engineer, Oct. 22, 1863. Honorably discharged Dec. 29, 1865. OFFICERS, UNITED STATES ARMY. 395305. Marshall Ayers. 3rd Lieutenant, 43d Regt. U. S. Infantry, N. C, Aug. i. 1813. 395306. Lewis M. Ayer. 3d Lieut., 24th Regt. U. S. Infan- try, Aug. 15, 1813. 2nd Lieut., 2nd Regt. U. S. Infantry, La., March 9, 1814. 395307. Dr. Samuel Ayer, U. S. A. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass. Post Surgeon, Feb. 17, 18 17. Resigned March 9, 1818. 395308. Lieut. Thomas J. Ayer, U. S. A. Born in Tenn. Appointed from Tenn. 2nd Lieut, ist Inf., Jan. 28, 1820. Reg. Adj. Sept. 15, 1821, to Sept. 14, 1823. Died Sept. 14, 1823. 395309. Capt. Robert Ayres, U. S. A. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Army. PriYate, Corporal and Sergeant, Cos. A. and D., Batt. Eng., Dec. 20, 1855, to Dec. 19, 1862. 2nd Lieut., 19th Inf.. Nov. 29, 1862. ist Lieut., Nov. 25, 1862. R. Q. M., June 5, 1865, to July 28, 1866. Capt., July 28, 1866. Unassigned, March 31, 1869. Mustered out Jan. i, 187 1. Brevet Captain, Nov. 25, 1863, for gallant and meritorious service at the battle of Mission Ridge, Tenn. 1366 History of the Ayres Family. 395310. Gen, Romeyn Beck Ayres, U. S. A. Born Dec. 20,. 1825, at East Creek, Montgomery Co., N. Y. His father was a highly respected physician of Amsterdam, N. Y., and bred up a large family of successful sons, in the professions and business life. Graduated at U. S. Military Academy, 1847. Brevet 2nd Lieut., 4th Art., July I, 1847. 2nd Lieut. 3d Art., Sept. 22, 1847. ist Lieut., March 16, 1852. Capt., 5th Art., May 14, 1861. Brig. Gen. Vols., Nov. 29, 1862. Brevet Major, July 2, 1864, for gallant and meritorious service in the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Brevet Lt. Col., May 5, 1864, for gallant and meritorious service in the Battle of the Wilderness, Va. Brevet Maj. Gen. Vols., Aug. i, 1864, for con- spicuous gallantry in the Battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, Jericho Mills, Bethesda Church, Petersburg and Globe Tavern (Weldon Railroad), and for faithful service in the compaign. Brevet Colonel, Aug. 18, 1864, for gallant and meritorious service in the Battle on the Weldon Railroad, Va. Brevet Brig. Gen., March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Five Forks, Va. Brevet Maj. Gen., March 13, 1865. for gallant and meritorious service in the field during the war. Mustered out of Vol. service April 30, 1866. Lieut. Col. 28th Inf., July 28, 1866. Trans, to 19th Inf., March 15, 1869. Trans, to 3d Art., Dec. 15, 1870. Col., 2nd Art., Jan. 18, 1879. I^ied Dec. 4, 1888. 395311- Capt. Waldo E. Ayer, U. S. A. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. 2nd Lieut. 12th Inf., June 15, 1884. ist Lieut. 20th Inf., May 19, 1891. Trans, to nth Inf., July 20, 1891. Trans, to 12th Inf., April 16, 1894. Captain, Oct. 5, 1898. As- signed to i2th Inf., Jan. i, 1899. 395312. Capt. George W. Ayers, U. S. A. Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. 2nd Lieut., 3d, Art., July i, 1841. ist Lieut. Dec. 20, 1845. Killed Sept. 8, 1847, at Battle of Molino del Rey, Mexico. Brevet Capt., Sept. 23, 1846, for gallant conduct in the several con- flicts at Monterey, Mexico. 395313- Capt. Charles G. Ayres, U. S. A. Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. 2nd Lieut., 25th Inf., Oct. 31, 1S74. Trans, to loth Cavalry, Sept. 18, 1875, taking rank from Sept. 18, 1875. ist Lieut., Dec. 21, 1882. Capt., Jan. i, 1892. Major, 29th U. S. Vols., July 5, 1899 (declined). Appendix XXIV. 1367 395314. Lieut. Henry Ayres, U. S. A. Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. Ensign, 23d N. Y. Vols., April 23, 1861. ist Lieut., Oct. 9, 1862. ist Lieut., Signal Corps Vols., March 3, 1863. Brevet Capt. Vols., March 26, 1865, for faithful and meritorious service during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its de- fences. Mustered out May i, 1866. 2nd Lieut. 3d Cavalry, March 7, 1867. ist Lieut., July 29, 1868. Trans, to Supernumerary, Dec. 15, 1870. Mustered out Jan. i, 1871. 395315. Capt. James C. Ayres, U. S. A, Born in Wis. Ap- pointed from Wis. 2nd Lieut., 3d, Inf., June 12, 187 1. Trans, to Ord., Nov. I, 1874. ist Lieut.. Nov. i, 1874. Capt., March 15, 1883. Ayreb HCistohy. BROOKFIELD, MASS., BRANCH. SECOND GENERATION. 400000. Hatevil Nutter. He was born in 1603, "or there- abouts," as appears in a deposition of the Elders. He was an elder and occasional preacher. He was one of the Company "of good estates and of some account for religion" who were induced to leave England with Capt. Wiggans in 1635, and to found on Dover Neck, N. H., a "compact town." He took a lot in 1637, Freeman, Feb. 5, 1653. The Elder was rich and respectable, disliked the Quakers, and lived to a good old age. He married Ann Ayres. His will was dated Dec. 28, 1674; proved June 29, 1675. He gave to his "present wife Anne" use of dwelling house, orchard. Great Bay Marsh, etc., all of it to go to Anthony after her decease ; mentions children Anthony, Mary (Nutter) Wingate and Abigail (Nutter) Roberts. There were probably other children besides those men- tioned below. Residence, Dover, N. H. Children : ' 400001. Anthony. Born in 1630. 400100. 400002. Mary. Married John Wingate. 400120. 400003. Daughter. Married Thomas Leighton. 400140. 400004. Abigail. Married John Roberts. 400160. 400020. John Avers. (John). 360020. He was born in 1649. He married Mary. Child : 400021. John. Third Generation. 1369 400025. Edward Ayers. (John). 360120. He was born i^eb. 12, 1658. He married. Child : 400026. John. 400030. Mark Avers. (John). 360006. He was born Dec. 4, 1 66 1. He married. Children : 400031. Mark. 400032. George. 400033. Thomas. 400040. Nathaniel Ayres. (John). 360140. He was born uly 6, 1664. He married. Children : 400041. Nathaniel. 400042. Elnathan. 400043. Edward. THIRD GENERATION. 400100. Lieut. Anthony Nutter. (Hatevil). 400001. He vas born in 1630. He removed from Dover Neck to Welchman's "ove on Bloody Point side, Dover, N. H., where his home was a garrison house. Corporal, 1667. Lieutenant, 1683. Freeman, May 12, 1662. Selectman. Representative. Member of Governor's Ilouncil. He was the "tall big man named Anthony Nutter," who, ,vith Wiggin, in Cranfield's time, visited Mason when the latter got lis wig burned, his teeth knocked out and and met with other similar iccidents. He married Sarah Langstaff (daughter of Henry Lang- 5taffj. He died Feb. 19, i686. She survived him. Children : 400101. John. Born Dec. 27, 1663. 400500. 400102. Hatevil. 400520. 400103. Henry. 400540. 400104. Sarah. Married Capt. Nathaniel Hill. 400120. John WiNGAfiE. He was born in England. He settled at Dover, N. H., in 1658. He married (ist) Mary Nutter. 400002. She died in or before 1676. He died Dec. 9, 1687. I370 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 400121. Anna. Born Feb. 18, 1667. 400122. John. Born July 13, 1670. 400600. 400123. Caleb. Second son. He settled in Maryland and Delaware. 400124. Moses. Mariner. Made his will in London, En^;., Jan. 26, 1695 ; proved Aug. 7, 1705. 400125. Mary. 400140. Thomas Leighton. (Thomas). He married a daughter of Hatevil Nutter. 400003. Freeman May 15, 1672. He died in or before 1710. She died in or before 1674. Residence, Dover, N. H. Children : 400 I 41. Thomas. 400800 400142. Elizabeth 400143- John. 400S40. 400200. Samuel Ay: married. Child ; 400201. Samuel. 401 140. (Samuel-, John'). 361020. He 400210. Edward Avers. (Samuel-, John'). 361040. He married. Children : 40021 1. Jedediah. 400212. Ephraim. 400213. Stephen. 400220. John Avers. (Joseph^ John'). 360103. He was born Feb. 26, 1693. He married. Child : 400221. Moses. 401 150. 400230. William Avers. (Joseph", John'). 360104. He was born Sept. 13, 1696. He married. Children : 400231. William. 401 160. 400232. Benjamin. 40 11 70. Third Generation. 137 i 400260. Hon. John Roberts. (Thomas). He was born in 1629. He married Abigail Nutter. 400004. She was Hving in 1674 and is mentioned in her father's will. Sergeant. Delegate to the New Hampshire Convention which met in i68g. Marshal of the Province of N. H., 1679. ^^ died Jan. 21, 1695. Residence, Dover, N. H. Children : 400261. Joseph. 401000. 400262. Hatevil. 401020. 400263. Thomas. 401040. 400264. Abigail. Married (ist) John Hall. 401060. Married (2nd) Thomas Downes of Cocheco. He was killed by the Indians in 1711. 400500. John Nutter. (Anthony-, Hatevil'). 400102. He was born Dec. 27, 1663. He married Feb. 8, 1719, Abigail Whitten of Portsmouth, N. H. Residence, Newington, N. H. Children : 400501. John. He married. His will is dated Aug. 16, 1746. 400502. Matthias. 402000. 400503. James. 402020. 400504. Hatevil. 402040. 400505. Ann. Bap. Oct. 30, 1726. 400520. Hatevil Nutter. (Anthony-, Hatevil'). 400102. He married twice. He married May 16, 17 16, Leah Furber. He died in 1745. His will is datedNov. 12, 1745 ; proved Dec. 25, 1745. He gave to wife Sarah all movables, including "negro Caesar." His children by his iirst wife were Hatevil, Anthony, Eleanor and Sarah. Resi- dence, Newington, N. H. Children : 400521. Hatevil. 402200. 400522. Anthony. 402220. 400523. Eleanor. 400524. Sarah. Married a Walker. 400525. Joshua. Married Jan. 22, 1749, Sarah Richards. 400526. Abigail. Bap. Sept. 15, 171 7. Married a Dam. 400527. Elizabeth. Bap. Nov. 29, 1719. 40052S. Olive. Married Jan. 6, 1749, Jacob Rawlins. 400529. John. Born Feb. 24, 1721. Bap. March 12, 1721. 402300. 400530. Elizabeth. Bap. Sept. 21, 1723. Married Nov. 21, 1742, Edward Rawlins. 1372 History of the Ayres Family. FOURTH GENERATION. 400540, Henry Nutter, (Anthony=, Hatevil"). 400103. He married Mary, His will was dated Dec. 24, 1739; proved Jan. 19, 1740, Residence, Newington, N. H. Children : 400541. Henry. Bap. Sept. 2, 1736, at Greenland, N. H. 400542. Samuel. 402400. 400543. Valentine. 400544. Joseph. ' 400545. Elizabeth. Married a Crockett. 400546. Mary. 400600. John Wingate. (John). 400122, He was born July 13, 1670, He married Ann, He died in 1715. Children : 400601. Mary. Born Oct. 3, 1691. 400602. John. Born April 10, 1693. 402500. 400603. Ann. Born Feb. 2, 1694. 400604. Sarah. Born Feb. 17, 1696. Married Peter Hayes. 400605. Moses. Born Dec. 27, 1698. 400606. Samuel. Born Nov. 27, 1700. 400607. Edmond. Born Feb. 27, 1702. 400608. Abigail. Born March 2, 1704. 400609. Elizabeth. Born Feb. 3, 1706. 400610. Mehitable. Born Nov. 14, 1709. 400611. Joanna. Born Jan. 6, 1711. 400612. Simon. Born Sept. 2, 1713. 400800, Thomas Leighton. He married Susannah. Children : (Thomas-, Thomas'). 400 141. 400801. John. Born June 27, 1719. 400802. Sarah. Born Aug. 10, 1721. 400803. Dorothy. Born Oct. 18, 1723. 400804. Thomas. Born Nov. 13, 1725. 400805. George. Born Nov. 18, 1727. 400806. Samuel. Born Dec. 29, 1729. 400807. Gideon. Born Feb. 14, 1731. 400808. Joseph. Born April 23, 1733. 400809. Elizabeth. Born March 11, 1737. 400810. Theodore. Born March 23, 1739. 400811. Susanna. Born Dec. 6, 1742. Fourth Generation. 1373 400840. John Leighton. (Thomas", Thomas'.) 400143. He married Abigail. Residence, Newington, N. H. Children : 400841. Lydia. Born Feb. 19, 1703. 400S42. William. Born Aug. 20, 1729. 400843. Hatevil. Born May 13, 1731. 402800. 400844. Tobias. Born May 9, 1736. 400845. Paul. Born April 3, 1738. Bap. Oct. 7. 1739. 400846. Abigail. Born May 2, 1740. Bap. Sept. 14, 1740. 400847. Jonathan. Born Jan. 20, 1742. 40084S. Olive. Born Oct. 29, 1743. 400849. Mary. Born Feb. 19, 1746. 400850. Deborah. Born Oct. 3, 1747. Married Dec. 3, 1761, Layton Coolbroth. 400S51. James. Born Oct. 12, 1749. 401000. Joseph Roberts. (John% Thomas'.) 40016 1. He married Elizabeth. Children : 401001. John. Born Dec. 6, 1694. 401002. Joseph. Born Oct. 27, 1695. 401003. Elizabeth. Born March 13, 1697. 401004. Abigail. Born July 16, 1701. 401005. Stephen. Born Aug. 20, 1704. 403000. 401006. Ebenezer. Born Feb. 24, 1705. 401007. Benjamin. Born Sept. 20, 1709. 401008. Samuel. Born April ir, 1712. 401009. Lydia. Born April 11, 171 2. 491010. Mary. Born March 13, 1716. 401020. Hatevil Roberts. (John-, Thomas'.) 400162. He married Lydia. His will was dated Aug. 29, 1719; proved March 3^ 1735- Children : 401021. Samuel. Born Dec 12, 1686. 403500. 401022. Abigail. Born July 29, 1689. 401023. Joshua. Born Oct. 10, 1698. 401024. Mary. Born July 20, 1701. 401040. Thomas Roberts. (John-, Thomas'.) 400163. He married. He gave property to his son Love, April 5, 1707. Child : 401041. Love. 404000. 1374 History of the Ayres Family. 401060. John Hall. (John.) He first appears in 1650 at Dover, N. H. He is first called Deacon in 1657. Town Clerk. Selectman. Commissioner. He married Abigail Roberts. 400164. He died about 1693-4. Residence, Dover, N. H. Children : 401061. John. Born about 1649. 404200. 401062. Ralph. 404220. 401063. Hatevil. 404240. 401064. Nathaniel. 404260. 401100. William Avers. (Jabez^ Samuel", John'.) 361003. He was born Feb. 28, 1724. He married. Child : 401101. Jonas. 401110. MiCAjAH Avers. (Jabez^, SamueP, John'.) 361004. He was born Sept. 24, 1729. He married. Children : 401111. Jabez. 401112 Moses. 401 1 13. Joel. 401114. John. 401 120. Onesephorus Avers. (Jabez^ SamueP, John'.) 362000. He was born April 7, 1733. He married. Children : 401 121. Jason. 401122. Jabez. 401 1 23. Cyrus. 401 1 24. John. Born April 10, 1779. 365000. 401 130. Jabez Avers. (Jabez^, Samuel-, John'.) 362040. He was born April 26, 1737. He married. Children : 401 131. Stephen. Born Feb. 16, 1770. 365080. 401132. Henry. 401 133. Elijah. 401134. Sylvanus. 401 135. Daniel. Fifth Generation. 1375 401140. Samuel Avers. (Samuel^ Samuel", John'.) 400201. He married. Child ren : 401 141 John. 401 142 Aaron. 401143 Eleazer. 401 144 Amos. 401 145 Daniel. 401 146 Asa. 404300 401 150. Moses Ayers. (John\ Joseph', John'.) 400221. He married. Children : 40 1 1 5 1 . Moses. 401 r52. Eli. 401153- Jesse. 401154- Jude. 401155- Increase. 401 160. William Ayers. (William', Joseph-, John'.) 400231. He married. Child : 401 161. William. 401 170. Benjamin Ayers. (Willianv, Joseph-, John'.) 400232. He married. Children : 401 171. Buenos. Soldier in Rev. War. 401 172. Joseph. 401 173. Benjamin. FIFTH GENERATION. 402000. Mathias Nutter. (John^ Anthony-, Hatevil'.) 400502. He married Hannah. Residence, Newington, N. H. Children : 402001. Mathias. Bap. Oct. 24, 1736. 402002. Thomas. Bap. Oct. 24, 1736. 1376 History of the Ayres Family. 402020. James Nutter. (John^ Anthony^ HateviP.) He married Abigail. She was bap. Sept. 13, 1741. Residence, Green- land, N. Y. Children : 40202r. John. Bap. Oct. 26, 1729, at Newington, N. H. 402022. Temperance. Bap. Oct. 26, 1729, at Newington, N. H. 402023. Mary. Bap. Sept. 14, 1736, at Newington, N. H. 402040. Hatevil Nutter. (John^, Anthony^ Hatevil'.) He married June 28, 1727, Rebecca Ayres, at Newington, N. H. She died before Feb. 7, 1731. Children : 402041. Hannah. Bap. April 14, 1728. Married Sept. 13, 1753, Charles Dennett. 402042. Rosamond. Bap. Jan. 18, 1730. 402043. Mary. Bap. Oct. i, 1732. 402044. Mary. Bap. Oct. 6, 1734. 402045. Mark. Bap. Dec. 19, 1736. 402200. Hatevil Nutter. (HateviP, Anthony^, Hatevil'.) 400521. He married Hannah. Residence, Newington and Green- land, N. H. Children : 402201. Sarah. Bap. Nov. 19, 1732. 402202. Hannah. Bap. Feb. 3, 1734. 402203. Joseph. Bap. Oct. 17, 1736, at Newington, N. H. 402204. Mary. Bap. March 18, 1739, ^t Newington, N. Y. 402205. John. Bap. May 23, 1742, at Greenland, N. Y. 402220. Anthony Nutter. (HateviP, Anthonys HateviP.) 400522. He married May 18, 1740, Mary Downing. Residence, Greenland, N. H. Children : 402221. Alice. Bap. March 15, 1741. 402222. Elinor. Bap. June 6, 1743. 402300. Maj. John Nutter. (HateviP, Anthony^, Hatevil'.) 400529. He was born Feb. 24, 1721. He married Nov. 17, 1747, Anna Simms of Portsmouth, N. H. Major under Gen. Stark at Bennington and was in the battle of White Plains. She was born Fifth Generation. 1377 Oct. 20, 1727. He died Sept. 19, 1776. She died Aug. 11, 1793. Residence, Newington, N. H. Children : 402301. Hatevil. Born Dec. i, 174S. Married, Jan. i, 1781, Esther Dam. 402302. Mary. Born Aug. 25, 1750. 402303. Hannah. Born June 12. 1752. Died June 12, 1764. 402304. Dorothy. Born Aug. 5, 1754. 402305. John. Born March 5, 1757. 406000. 402306. Child. Born April 23, 1759. Died April 23, 1759. 402307. Anna. Born March 6, 1760. 40230S. Joseph S. Born Feb. 3, 1762. Died Feb. 2, 1764. 402309. Anthony. Born Feb. 17, 1764. 402310. Hannah. Born July 4, 1767. 402311. Abigail. Born April 21, 1769. Died Aug. 28, 1850. 402400. Samuel Nutter. (Henry^, Anthony-, Hatevil'.) He married May 18, 1725, Sarah Hoit. Residence, Newington, N. H. Children : 402401. Richard. Bap. Sept. 11, 1726. 402402. Miriah. Bap. Aug. 26, 1730. 402403. Samuel. Bap. April 8, 1733. 402404. Samuel. Bap. March 4, 1739. 402500. Hon. John Wingate. (John-, John'.) 400602. He was born April 10, 1693. He married (ist) Dorothy Tebbetts ; (2nd) Sarah Ricker. Selectman. Representative. Residence, Dover, N. H. He had 13 children. Children : 402501. Moses. Born Nov. 23, 1744. 407000. 402502. John. Twin with Aaron. 402503. Aaron. Judge of Court of Common Pleas. He died in Feb., 1822. Residence, Farmington, N. H. 402800. Hatevil Leighton. John^ Thomas-, Thomas'.) 400843. He was born May 13, 1731. He married Dec. 7, 1732, Sarah Trickey. Residence, Greenland and Newington, N. H. Children : 402801. Isaac. Bap. Sept. 30, 1736. 402802. Deborah. Bap. Sept. 30, 1736. 402803. Mark. Bap. Oct. 7, 1739, at Newington, N. H. 402804. Jemima. Bap. Oct. 7, 1739, at Newington, N. H. 402805. Thomas. Bap. Oct. 26, 1740, at Newington, N. H. 1378 History of the Ayres Family. 403000. Stephen Roberts. (Joseph^, John^ Thomas'.) 401005. He was born Aug. 20, 1704. He married. He died about 1757. Child : 403001. Joseph. Born in 1747. 408000. 403500. Samuel Roberts. (HateviP, John=, Thomas'.) 401021. He was born Dec. 12, 1686. He married Sarah. Children : 403501. SamueL Born July 16, 1717. Died. 403502. Benjamin. Born .Sept. i, 17 19. 403503. Lydia. Born May 16, 1721. 403504. SanmeL Born May 7, 1723. 404000. Love Roberts. (Thomas^ John-, Thomas'.) 401046. He married Elizabeth. Children : 4040or. Hannah. Born May 10, 1713. 404002. Love. Born April 21, 1721. 404200. John Hall. (John"", John'.) 401 061. He was born about 1649. He married Abigail Roberts. 400164. Repre- sentative, 1698. He died in 1698. Children : 404201. John. Eldest son and heir. 409000. 404202. Thomas. Married Mary. Administrator, Dec. 10, 1700, of his father's estate. 404203. Joseph. Married Esther. Administrator, Dec. 10, 1700, of his father's estate. 404204. Sarah. Married Gershom Downes. 404220. Ralph Hall, (John-, John'.) 401062. He is iirst mentioned Feb. i, 1685, when he received land from his father. Auditor, 1702. He married Mary Chesley (daughter of Philip Chesley). He died in or before 1706. Children : 404221. John. 404222. James. 404223. Jonathan. 404224. Isaac. Removed to Medford, Mass. 404225. Benjamin. Born in June, 1702. 404226. Ralph. 404227. Joseph. Born March 26, 1706. Sixth Generation. 1379 404240. Hatevil Hall, (John", John'.) 401063. He married Marcy. Child : 404241. Hatevil. Born Feb. 15, 1709. 409020. 404260. Nathaniel Hall. (John-, John'.) 401064. He married Hannah. He and wife Nov. 16, 1696, deeded land to Nathaniel Header, after which we have no trace of them. 404300. Asa Ayers. (SamueP. Samuel^ Samuel-, John'.) 401 146. He married. Children : 404301. A.sa. Died young. 404302. Polly. 404303- Asa. 410100. 404304. Pamelia. 404305- Sally. 404306. William Wait. 410120. 404307. Buenos. 410130. 404308. Franklin. 404309. Samuel. 410140. SIXTH GENERATION. 406000. John Nutter. (John\ HateviP, Anthony-, Hatevil'.) 402305. He was born March 5, 1757. He married, June 24, 1779, Elizabeth Dame. Child : 406001. Joseph Simes. 41 1000. 407000. Capt. Moses Wingate. (John\ John^ John'.) 402501. He was born Nov. 23, 1744. He married in 1780, Joanna Gilman Wentworth (daughter of Col. John Wentworth, Speaker of N. H. Colonial Legislature and Judge of Superior Court, and Abigail Millett, daughter of Judge Thomas Millett of N. H. Superior Court). She was born June 21, 1755. She died Dec. 24, 1806. Representative, 1798. He died April 29, 1829. Residence, Dover, N. H. Children : 407001. John. Born in May, 1782. 412000. 407002. Sally. Born in Aug., 1784. Married James Rollins. 412020. 407003. Abigail. Born in March, 1787. Married James Rollins. 412020. 407004. William Pitt Moulton. Born July 7, 1789. 412040. 1380 History of the Ayres Family. 408000. Joseph Roberts. (Stephen^ Joseph^ John-, Thomas'.) 403001. He was born in 1747. He married. He died June 26, 1813. Child : 408001. Hanson. Residence, 1854, Dover, N. H. 409000. John Hall. (John', John^ John'.) 404201. He married Esther Chesley. They had a multitude of descendants in- cluding Halls, Wentworths and others. 409020. Hatevil Hall. (Hatevil^ John-, John'.) 404241. He was born Feb. 15, 1709. He married Sarah Furbish. Among their descendants were John Neal (420200) and Gen. Neal Dow (420300) of Maine. 410000. Charles Octavius Whitmore. (William D. Whit- more and Rhoda Woodward.) 365500. 377760. He was born Nov. 2, 1807, at Bath, Me. He married (ist) Lovice Ayres. 365500. 377760. She died Sept. 27, 1849. Children : 410001. Charles J. Born April 27, 1834. Married June 8, 1858, Sarah Olcott Murdoch Drake (daughter of George Drake, Jr., of Boston). The}' had four children. 410002. William H. Born Sept. 6, 1836. Author and writer. 410003. Martha H. Born .Sept. 5, 1838. 410004. Anna L. Born Sept. 16, 1840. Married Nov. 7, 1867, Philip Livingston VanRensselaer, Esq. 365501. 410005. Charlotte R. Born March 9, 1843. 410006. Creighton. Born Dec. 16, 1845. Died April 25, 184S. 41 01 00. Asa Avers. (Asa,^ SamueP, SamueP, SamueP John'.) 404303. He married. Children : 410IOI. John. 4IOI02. Laura. 4IOI03. Salmon 410104. James. 4IOI05. Maria. 41 01 20. William Wait Avers. (Asa^, SamueP. SamueP, Samuel^ John'.) 404306. He married. Seventh Generation . 1381 Children : 410121. 410122. 410123. 410124. 410125. William Norton. Mary. Julia. Elvira. Alonzo. 412100. 41 01 30. Buenos Avers. (Asa^, Samuel'', SamueP, SamueP, John"). 404307. He married. Child ren : 410131 0. B. 410132 R. W. 410133 R. 0. 410134 Samuel P. 410135 John C. T. 4101 40. Samuel Avers. (Asas Samuel*, SamueP, SamueP, n'.) 4 ^04309. He married. Children : 410141 Lucinda M. 410142 Mary S. 410143 Nelson. 410144 Justin. 410145 Orville. 410146 John. 410147 Augusta. 410148 William. 410149 Percival. SEVENTH GENERATION. 41 1000. Joseph Simes Nutter. (John^, John\ HateviP, Anthony-, Hatevil'.) 406001. He married Phcebe Pickering. Children : 411001. Mary R. Married Augustus Walbach Odiorne. 415000. 411002. Charlotte Elizabeth. Married Rev. Massena Goodrich. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 412000. John Wingate. (Moses^ John\ John% John".) 407001. He was born in May, 1782. He married Mary Tom (daughter of Andrew Tom, Esq., of Dover, N. H.) He died Sept. 5, 1827, at Dover, N. H. 1382 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 41 2001. Mary. Born Feb. 13, 1806. 412002. Joanna. Born March 10, iSoS. 412003. Susan. Born May 5, iSio. 412004. John. Born Aug. 12, 181 2. 412005. George. Born in April, i8[4. 412006. Eliza. Born in Sept., 1816. 412007. Moses. Born in March, 1819. 412008. Andrew. Born in 1821. 412020. James Rollins. (John-, Ichabod'.) He married (ist) Sally Wingate. 470002. They had one son. She died April 19, 1827. He married (2nd) Abigail Wingate. 470003. No children. Child : 412021. James Wingate. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1845. Lawyer. Residence, Boston, Mass. 412040. William Pitt Moulton Wingate. (Moses^ John^, John=, John'.) 407004. He was born July 7, 1789. He married a daughter of Philemon Chandler, merchant, of Dover, N. H. Children : 412041. Moses. Born March 13, 1S23. 412042. Eliza C. Born Aug. 4, 1824. 41204*3. Joseph W. Born July 15, 1827. 412044. Sarah A. Born Oct. 17, 1829. 412045. Mary F. Born Jan. 27, 1835. 412046. Jeremiah Y. Born June 15, 1842. 412047. Henry M. Born March 27, 1845. 41 2 1 GO. William Norton Ayers. (William', Wait*, Asa^, Samuel, Samuel\ Samuel-, John'.) 410121. He married. Children : 41 21 01. Samuel. 412102. John. 415100. 412103. Walter. 412104. Howard. Born May 21, 1861, at Olympia, W^ash. 415120. 41 2 105. Ida. 412106. Carrie. Married. Children : i. Ida. 2. Herbert. 412107. William. Eighth Generation. 1383 EIGHTH GENERATION. 415000. Au(;usTu.s Walbach Odiorne. (George Beck.) He was born Jul}' 27, 182 i. He married April 9, 1845, Mary R. Nutter. 41 1 00 1. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. Children : 415001. Katherine Norrie. Born ^March 6, 1S47. Married George Frederick Evans. 41S000. 415002. Joseph Nutter. Born Jan. 12, 1S53. 415100. John Ayers. (William Norion,' William Wait^ Asa^, Samuel^ SamueP, Samuel", John'.) 41 2 102. He married. Children : 415101. Edith C. 415102. WilHani Walter. 415 120. Prof. Howard Ayers. (William Norton', William Wail", Asa5, SamueP, SamueP, Samuel^ John'.) 412 104. 372520. He was born May 21, 1861, at Olympia, Wash. He married. Children : 415121. Mabel. 415122. Ida. 415 1 23. Erna. 415124. Paula. 415125. Gladys. 415126. Sarah. 415127. Clio. 415 1 2S. Howard. NINTH GENERATION. 418000. George Frederic Evans. He married in Nov., 1868, Katharine Norrie Odiorne. 415001. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. Child : 418001. Mary. Married Francis Rollin Spalding. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 418100. Rev. Samuel Gardiner Ayres. (Ninth in descent from Capt. John Ayres of Brookfield, Mass.) Compiler of Alumni Record of Drew Theological Seminary. Author of Fifty Literary Evenings. Residence, 1902, Madison, N. J. Ar>i>Eisrr)ix DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. JOHN AYRES OF BROOKFIELD, MASS., WHOSE DIRECT CONNECTION WITH THE FAMILY CAN NOT BE AvSCERTAINED. 420000. Isaac Wentworth. (Thomas\ John'. EzekieP, Wil- liam'.) He married Abigail Nutter. Residence. Rochester, N. H. Children : 420001. Thomas. Born Feb. 7, 1779. Married Lydia Odionie. He died July i, 1867. 420002. Daniel. Born July 16, 1783. 420020. 420020. Rev. Daniel Wentworth. (Isaac=, Thomas^ John\ Ezekiel', William'.) 420002. He was born July 16, 1783, at Rochester, N. H. He married. He died Oct. 20. 1869. at Skowhegan, Me. Children : 420021. Rev. Selden. Residence, 1870, Lovell, Me. 420022. Mary Fletcher. Born in 1828. Died Sept. 5. 1S69. 420100. Rev. Jame.s Nutter. He was born 1775. He died in Oct., 1855. Residence, Newington, N. H. 420105. Isaac Newton Nutter. (Great-grandson of Lieut. Bethiah Orr of Rev. War.) Member of N. E. Hist. Gen. Society, 1 89 1. Residence, E. Bridgewater, Mass. 4201 10. Lieutenant Nutter. Officer in King Phillip's War. 4201 15. Margaret Nutter. Wife of Lemuel Nutter, March 29, 1767, joined church at Greenland, N. H. Appendix XXV. 1385 420120. Job Clements. Councilor. Married widow Joanna Layton, July 16, 1673. Residence, Dover, N. H. 420125. George Read Nutter. Graduated at Harvard College, A.B., 18S5, LL.B., 1889. Address, 220 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. 420130. Richard Winslow Nutter. Graduated at Harvard College, A.B., 1891. 420135. Charles Read Nutter. (Brother of George Read Nutter.) Graduated at Harvard College, A. B., 1893. 420140. David Robinson Nutter, Born in 1842. Graduated at Dartmouth College. 1865, and Columbia Law School 1867. Lawyer. Soldier in Civil War. Died in 1883. 420150. Alfred Nutter. He married Mary Elizabeth Blake (daughter of Samuel Blake and Betsey Fay of Boston, Mass.). 420160. Jacob Nutter. American prisoner in Old Mill Prison, England. Exchanged. Rev. War. 420170. Charles Peary Nutter. (Great-great-grandson of John Moore. Soldier of Rev. War.) Member of Society of Sons of American Revolution, Residence, 1899, Maiden, Mass. 420180. Henry G. Livingston. (Robert Gilbert Livingston and Catharine McPheadres, Gilbert Livingston and Catharine Beek- man.) He married Ann Nutter. Residence, Harlem, N. Y. Children : 420 181. Catharine. Married Palmer Cleveland. Residence, Roch- ester, N. Y. 420182. Valentine N. Unmarried. Died. 420183. Sarah. Married Hon. Daniel Dewey Barnard. 420190. 420184. Antoinette. Married John T. Talman. Teller of Bank of Rochester, 1S24. Residence, Rochester, N. Y. 420185. Henry G. Died young. 420190. Hon. Daniel Dewey Barnard, He was born July 16, 1797, at Sheffield, Mass, He graduated at Williams College, 18 18. He married Sarah Livingston, 420183, He studied law in Rochester, N. Y., where he was admitted to the bar in 1821. He 1386 History of the Aykes Family. won a wide reputation at the bar of western New York. District Attorney of Monroe Co., N. Y., 1S26. Member of Congress, 1827-9. He then went abroad and on his return made his home in Albany, N. Y. Member of Assembly, 1838. Member of Congress, 1839-45. United States Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary to Prussia by appointment of President Fillmore in 1850-3. He died April 24, 1 861, at Albany, N. Y. He received the degree of LL.D. from Hobart College and Brown University. 420200. John Neal. (Descendant of Hatevil Hall. 409020.) He was born Aug. 25, 1793, in Portland, Me. Author and poet. He was a once famous writer of Portland, Me. He was the author of "Keep Cool," a novel ; the Battle of Niagara, a poem ; Goldan and other Poems ; Rachel Dyer, a novel ; Downeasters, a novel ; True Womanhood ; Bentham's Morals and Legislation ; Great Mysteries and Little Plagues ; and Wandering Recollections of a Somewhat Busy Life. He died June 21, 1876, in Portland, Me. 420300. Gen. Neal Dow. (Josiah Dow and Dorcas Allen.) (Descendant of Hatevil Hall. 409020.) He was born March 20, 1804, in Portland, Me. He was of Quaker parentage ; was a mer- chant and manufacturer ; and was twice elected Mayor of Portland. About 1857 he became the champion of prohibitive legislation, which resulted in the passage of the celebrated Maine liquor law of 1 86 1, in honor of which he was called the father of the Maine Liquor Law. He was elected to the State Legislature ; served gallantly in the Union Army during 1861-4, rising to the rank of Brigadier General ; and was eight months in Libby prison. He several times visited England, lecturing on temperance. He died in 1897. He married. Residence, Portland, Me. Child : 420301. Frederick Neal. Born Dec. 23, 1840. 420320. 420320. Frederick Neal Dow. (NeaP, Josiah'.) 420301. He was born Dec. 23, 1840, at Portland. Me. Educated at Port- land Academy and Friends School, Providence. He married Oct. 22, 1864, Julia Dana Hammond. Member of Governor's Council. Chairman of Republican State Committee. Delegate to Republi- can National Convention, 18S0. Collector of port of Portland, Me., Appendix XXV. 1387 1883-5; 1890-5. Member of Legislature, 1887-8; 1889-90. Speaker of House of Representatives of Maine, 1889-90. Com- missioner, Philadelphia Exposition, 1876. Bank director. President of Evening Express Publishing Company. Residence, 1901, Port- land, Me. 420340. WiLLARD Nutter. He married Hannah F. Otis (daughter of Paul Otis of Sheffield, Vt.). He died in 1843. l"^esi- dence, Rochester, N. H. 420360. Thomas Jefferson Otis. (Micajah.) He was born Dec. 9, 1806. He married (ist) March 31, 1830, Susan Nutter of Farmington, N. H. She died in or before 1846. Children : 420361. Orin K. Born in 1S27. Married Sarah Garland. 420362. Melissa. Born in 1830. 420363. Lorenzo D. Born in 1836. 420364. Rosetta. Born in ]84o. 420365. George W. Born in 1843. 420370. Charles Copeland Nutter, Esq. Born Jan. 12, 1820, at Hallowell, Me. Graduated at Bowdoin College, 1838. Lawyer. Died June 16, 1884. Residence, Boston, Mass. 420375. Dr. William Dennett Nutter. Graduated at Ver- mont University, M. D., 1887. 420380. John Pickering. He married Aug. 28, 1740, Mary Nutter. 420385. John Nutter. He married Jan. 15, 1755, Miriam Nutter. 420390. James Nutter. He married Dec. 18, 1755, Esther Dam. 420400. Anthony Nutter. He married June 1, 1756, Sarah Nutter of Portsmouth, N. H. Residence, Newington, N. H. 420405. Samuel Trickev. He married Nov. 23, 1758, Alice Nutter of Newington, N. H. Residence, Dyrham, N. H. 420410. Joseph Moody. He married (-)ct. 30, 1760, Mary Nutter of Newington, N. H. Residence, Scarborough, N. H. 1388 History of the Ayres Family. 420415. James Mackdonald. He married Nov, 27, 1760, Sarah Nutter of Newington. Residence, Harrington, N. H. 420420. WiNTHROP Pickering. He married Sept. 8, 1761, Phebe Nutter. 420425. James Pickering. He married in 17 18, Mary Nutter. 420430. Joseph Peavey. He married July 16, 1764, Arabella Nutter. 420435, Daniel Walker. He married Sept. 27, 1764, Betty Nutter. 420440. Francis Mishnay. He married Oct. 22, 1767, Alice Nutter of Newington. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. 420445. JoTHAM Nutter. He married Feb. 9, 1769, Elizabeth Downing. 420450. Christopher Nutter. He married March 21, 1771, Mary Lay ton. 420455. Dependence Ayers. ' 362300. He married Jan. 9, 1772, Elizabeth Nutter, of Newington. 420460. Enoch Fogg. He married June 4, 1772, Louise Nutter of Newington. Residence, Scarborough, N. H. 420465. Jonathan Downing. He married Feb. 10, 1774, Alice Nutter. 420470. Benjamin Nutter. He married Dec. 19, 1778, Mercy Tasker of Barnstead, N. H, Residence, Newington. 420475. Ebenezer Nutter. He married Feb. 9, 1782, Tem- perance Coolbroth. 420480. William Nutter. He married Feb. 25, 1782, Anna Nutter. 420485. Mrs. Rosamond Nutter. Admitted to church Sept. 20, 1724, at Newington, N. H. Child : 4204S6. Rosamond. Bap. Jan. 31, 1725. Appendix XXV. 1389 420490. Nehemiah Furbur. Married Dec. 5, 1732, Abigail Layton, at Newington, N. H. 420495. Mrs. Deborah Layton. Married Oct. 9, 1735, Capt. William Collins of Portsmouth, N. H. 420500. Eleazer Coleman. Married Sept. 20, 1739, Keziah Layton, at Newington, N. H. 420505. Thomas Layton. Married Oct. 28, 1742, Mary Smithson, at Newington, N. H. 420510. Dependence Shapleigh. Married Nov. 17, 1768, Catherine Leighton, at Newington, N. H. Both were of Kittery. 420515. Thomas Layton. Married Deborah. Child : 420516. Thomas. Bap. May 13, 1720. 420520. Benjamin Ayer. Minute Man, 1774. Residence, Brooklield, Mass. 420525. MosES Ayres, Jr. Minute Man, 1774. Residence, Brooklield, Mass. 420530. William Ayres, 2nd. Minute Man, 1774. Resi- dence, Brookfield, Mass. 420535. John Ayers. Private, Capt. Peter Staples' Co. in Louisburg Expedition. 420/40. William Ayers. Tax payer at Brookfield, Mass., about 1750. 420545. Capt. Moses Ayers. Tax payer at Brookfield, Mass.^ about 1750. 420550. Lieut. William Ayers. Tax payer at Brookfield, Mass., about 1750. 420555. Deacon Benjamin Ayers. Tax payer at Brookfield, Mass., about 1750. 420560. Moses Ayers, Jr. Tax payer at Brookfield, Mass., about 1750. 1390 History of the Ayres Family. 420565. HoPLY Avers. He married Oct. 4, 1730, Mary Frost. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. 420570. Moses Ayers. Residence, 17 n, Portsmouth, N. H. 420575. Mark Ayer. He married Sept. 4, 1766, Elizabeth Walker at Newington, N. H. 420580. Ruth Ayer. Member of church at Greenland, N. H., 1735- 420585. Samuel Ayers. He married April 7, 1748, at New- ington, N. H., Phebe Neal of Portsmouth, N. H. Residence Ports- mouth, N. H. 420590. Joseph Sherbun. He married Feb. 15, 1722, Phebe Ayers. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. 420595. John Ayers. He married in 1722, Mary Hunking. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. 420600. John Cutts. He married Sept. 20, 17 15, Susanna Ayers. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. Children : 420601. Mary. Born Aug. 10, 17 [6. 420602. Susanna. Born Dec. 22, j 7 17. 420603. Sarah. Born April 9, 1720. 420604. Hannah. Born Jan. 26, 1721. 420605. John. Born June 6, 1724. 420640. Nathaniel Fellows. He married July 16, 1724, Hannah Ayers. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. 420650. Dr. Charles F. Nutter. Graduated at Bowdoin College, M. D., 1892. Residence, 1902, Nashua, N. H. 420660. Dr. George William Nutter. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, M. D., 1884. Residence, 1902, Salmon Falls, N. H. 420670. Dr. Mary E. Nutter. Graduated at Boston Uni- versity School of Medicine (Homeopathic), 1884. Residence, 1902, 144 Lexington Ave., N. Y. city. 420680. Dr. Tryphosa D. Nutter. Graduated at Univer- sity of Louisville, M. D., 1893. Residence, 1902, Shelly, W. Va. Appendix XXV. 1391 420690. Dr. William D. Nutter. Graduated at University of Vermont, M. D., 1887. Residence, 1902, Maiden, Mass. 420700. Col. Elephalet S. Nutter. (Great-grandson of both John Nutter, soldier of Revolution, of Barstead, N. H., and of John Nutter, soldier of Revolution, of Newington, N, H.). Member N. H. Hist. Society, and of Society of Sons of American Revolution. Resi- dence. 1895, Concord, N. H. 420705. John P. Nutter. Member N. H. Hist. Society. Residence, 1895, Concord, N. H. 420710. Silas Chase. (Amos.) He was born about 1805 at Thornton, N. H. He married Sarah Nutter. They have 2 chil- dren. Residence Campton, N. Y. Ayhes History. JOHN AVER OF HAVERHILL, MASS., (1635.) ADDITIONS. FIRST GENERATION. 450000. John Aver or Ayers. He was in Salisbury as early as 1640, thence to Ipswich, and finally settled in Haverhill, being on the list of those who held land in 1645. In list of freemen in 1646, the valuation of each man's estate is given, and we find "John Ayer ^160" — the largest but one on the list. He died March, 1657. Will made March 23, 1657, proved Oct. 6, following, names wife Hannah and several children. SECOND GENERATION. 451000. Robert Ayer. (John.) 160040. He was made freeman, May 23, 1666; selectman in 1685, also in 1692, at which time he was called "Sergeant," was one of a committee of three to settle Rev. Benj. Rolfe the 2nd minister of Haverhill. He married Feb. 27, 1650, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Palmer, of Haverhill, who died April 27, 1705. 45 1 1 00. Hon. Peter Ayer. 160080. Representative, 1683; 1685-6; 1689-90; 1695-6; 1698. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. THIRD GENERATION. 452000. John Clements. 32012 i. He was born in 1653. He married Feb. 22, 1676, Elizabeth Ayers. 160041. Private in Third Generation. 1393 Lieut. Benjamin Swett's Company in King Philip's war, 1676. He died in 1692. She died in 1676. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. Child : 452001. Job. Born in 1679. 456000. 452050. Capt. Samuel Aver. (Robert'-', John'.) 160042. He was born in Haverhill, Nov. 10, 1654; settled in his native town, and was one of those who "built cottages" in 1677. Was selectman, constable, deacon, and also captain of the Haverhill Company. Served in King Philip's war as a member of Capt. Benj. Swett's Company, and received 00-08-06, June 24, 1676, for service during spring of that year, probably on frontier towns of Essex County (Bodge's King Philip's Soldiers, 1896 Ed., p. 346). In 1695 he was chosen Haverhill's tirst Town Treasurer. In 1700 he was chosen to fill a vacancy on the committee for the "rights of any in the common land," said vacancy being caused by the death of his uncle, "Cornet Peter Ayer." Haverhill was attacked by In- dians Aug. 29, 1708, and after they began their retreat Capt. Ayer collected a body of twenty men, pursued and overtook them as they were entering the forest, when the Indians turned and gave battle. Capt. Ayer was soon reinforced by a party commanded by his son and after an hour's severe fighting, drove the enemy from the field. Capt. Ayer was killed before the arrival of the reinforcements, being shot through the groin, "and being a large, robust man, bled pro- fusely." He was buried near Rev. Benj. Rolfe, Capt. Wainwright and Lieut. Johnson, who were killed the same day. He married Dec. 14, 1681, Mary Johnson, who died Jan. 3, 1744-5. Their eldest daughter and second child was Mehitable ; born Feb. 5, 1683. Married Job Clement. Child : 452051. Mehitable. Born in 1683. Eldest daughter and second child. Married Job Clements. 45600U. 452100. Hon. Samuel Ayer. 160086. Representative, 1 70 1. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 452200. William Ilslev. He married June 18, 1700, by Samuel Haille, Justice, Mary Ayres. 160 108. Child : 452201. Hannah. Born June 18, 1701. 1394 History of the Ayres Family. 452300. John Osgood. (John-, John\) 32 11 20-1. He married Hannah Ayres. 320162. Children : 452301. Ebenezer. 452302. Clement. 452303. John. Born 16S3. 457000. 452304. Josiah. 457020. FOURTH GENERATION. 455000. John Avers. 325000. He married Jan. 17, 17 17. Mary Creshon by Rolph, Justice, Child : 455001. John. Born June 4, 1719. 455100. Obadiah Ayers. (John\ Obadialr, John'.) 325030. He married Elizabeth Compton. Children : 455 1 01. Patience. Born Dec. 10, 1715. 455102. Elizabeth. Born April 28, 1720. 455200. John Ayers. 330000. He was born June 4, 1719. 455300. Nathaniel Ayers. (John^, Obadiah^, John".) 325050. 160506. 321131. He married. Children : 45530 r. Nathaniel. 455302. Moses. 455303- John. Born July 27, 1765. 473000. 456000. Job Clements. (John.) 452001. He was born in 1679. He married Mehitable i\yers. 452051. He died in 1732. Child : 456001. Lydia. Born in 1702. Married Cornelius Johnson. 470000. 457000. Maj. John Osgood. (John^ John=, John'.) 324500. (452303.) He married Hannah Abbott. Children : 457001. Joseph. 457002. Dr. H. 457003. Col. John. 457004. Josiah. 472000. Fourth Generation. 1395 457020. JosiAH Osgood. (John\ John=, John".) 324620. 452304. He married (ist) Abigail Day; (2nd) Hannah Kittredge. Children : 457021. Josiah. 457022. Solomon. 457023. Jacob. 457024. Col. Benjamin. 457025. Westford. 457026. Jonathan. 457027. Rev. Daniel. 458000. Rev. James Osgood. 324820. He graduated at Harvard College, 1724. Pastor of the Congregational Church in Stoneham, Mass., 1 729-1 745. He married Sarah. He died in 1745- Children : 458001. Abigail. Born — 13, 1736. 458002. Abigail. Born March 11, 1737. 458003. John Fiske. Born Jan. 13, 1739. 459000. John Aver. (SamueP, Robert^ John'.) 321 102. He married Mary Johnson of Haverhill, Mass. He was one of the original proprietors of Concord, N. H. Children : 459001. Abigail. Born in Haverhill. Unmarried. 459002. Timothy. Born in Haverhill. Married Elizabeth White. Residence, Bradford, Vt. 459003. John. Born in Haverhill. Residence, Bradford, Mass. 460000. Ens. John Chandler. (John^, Thomas*, William'.) 321055. He was born March 14, 1680. He married June 4. 1701, Hannah Frye. 321055. Surveyor, 1716-20. Selectman, 1720. Selectman and Overseer of Poor, 1725, 6 and 8. Trustee of the Town of Andover, Mass., to receive money. Moderator of Town Meeting, Sept. 19, 1732. Corporal, Sergeant and Ensign. He died May 3, 1741, at Andover, Mass. She died Aug. i, 1727. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 460001. John. Born in May, 1702. 475000. 460002. Joshua. Born in 1705. 475020. 460003. Nathan. Born Jan. 31, 1708. 475040. 460004. Hannah. Born in 1709. Married Timothy Ballard. 475060. 1396 History of the Ayres Family. 4600x35. Mary. Bom in May, 171 2. Bap. May 11, 17 12. Died Dec. 28, 1728. 460006. Phebe. Born Jan. 2, 1715. Bap. Jan. 9, 1715. Married Jan. 1, 1735. Henry Lovejoy, Jr. 475o8o. 460007. Abiel. Born Nov. 14, 1717. Bap. Dec. r, 1717. 475100. 460008. Samuel. Born Nov. 14, 1717. Bap. Dec. i, 1717. Died Dec. 9. 1717- 460009. Lydia. Born Aug. 10, 1720. Bap. Aug. 14, 1720. Married Dea. Hezekiah Ballard, Jr. 475120. 460010. Samuel. Born Aug. 2, 1723. Bap. Aug. 18, 1723. Died Sept. 29, 1723. 46001 1. Isaac. Born Feb. 22, 1725. Bap. Feb. 28, 1725. Died March 10, 1725. 460012. Dorcas. Born July 18, 1727. Bap. July 23, 1727. Died Aug. 2, 1727. 460050. Dea. John Osgood. (John^ John'', John'.) 324500. He was one of the original proprietors of Concord, N. H. Child : 460051. James. 475200. FIFTH GENERATION. 470000. Cornelius Johnson. He was born in 1701. He married Lydia Clements. 456001. She died in 1742. Child : 47ooor. Anna. Born in 1737. Married Joseph Shattuck. 480000. 471000. John Chandler. (John.) 329420. He married Tabitha Abbott. Child : 471001. John. 481000. 472000. Josiah Osgood. (John^ John^, John^ John'.) He married. Children : 472001. Methuen. 472002. Josiah C. 472003. Joseph. 472004. John. 472005. Samuel. 472006. Nathaniel. 472007. Rev. Thaddeus. Born in 1776. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1802. Died in 1852. Fifth Generation. 1397 472500. Gen. Joseph Frye. (John', Saniuel=, John'.) 329060. He married March 20, 1732, Mehitable Poor (daughter of Daniel and Dorothy Poor). She was born April 4, 17 14. He died July 25, 1794, at Fryeburg, Me. Children 472501. 472502. 472503. 472504. 472505. 472506. 472507. 47250S. 472509. 472510. 472511. Joseph. Born July 17, 1733. Died Aug. 27, 1738. Samuel. Born Jan. i, 1735. Died Sept. 9, 173S. Mehitable. Born April 16, 1738. Died Sept. 10, 1738 Mehitable. Born May 12, 1739. Died May 28, 1739. Mehitable. Born April 8, 1741. Died Jan. 24, 1818. Joseph. Born July 10, 1743. 339400. 482000. Tabitha. Born Oct. 11, 1746. Died Aug. 10, 1795. Hannah. Born March 23, 1748. Died March 24, 1782 Richard. Born Aug. 5, 1751. Died Feb. 10, 1836. Nathaniel. Born April 22, 1753. Died April i, 1S33. Samuel. Born July 5, 1758. Died May 27, 1S27. 473000. John Ayers. (Nathaniel, John', Obadiah", John'.) 455303. He was born July 27, 1765. He married Mary Ennis. He died Sept. 4, 1815. Children : 473001. Ann. Married Vincent Lockerman. 473002. Juletta. Married James Simpson. 473003. David. Born Dec. 29, [793. 483000. 474000. Samuel Ayer. (James'', Samuel', Robert", John'.) 329200. He married Ann Hazen. He was one of the original proprietors of Concord, N. H. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. Children 474001. 474002 474003. 474004. 474005. 474006. 474007. Mary. Born Dec. 23, (O. S. ), 173S. Married Samuel Morri- son of Sanbornton. She died in April, 1782. Anna, Born Sept. 22, (O. S. ). Married Dea. John Kimball. 484000. Samuel. Born Nov. 29, 1742. Married Sarah Chase of Haver- hill. He died April 6, 181 1. Elizabeth. Died young. Elizabeth. Died young. Elizabeth. Born June 22, 1748. Married Jacob Ela. 384100. Hannah. Born Aug. 25, 1751. Married John Bradley. 484020. 1398 History of the Ayres Family. 474008. Ruth. Born Dec. 4, 1753. Married Dr. Peter Green. 484040. 474009. Lj'dia. Born in Dec, 1755. Died 3-oung. 474010 Richard. Born May 12, 1757. 484060. 474011. James. Born Jan. 1, 1761. Married Mary Brickett (daughter of Dr. James Brickett. ) 475000. Capt. John Chandler. (John", John^, Thomas% William'.) 329420. 460001. He was born in May, 1702. He married Jan. 5, 1727, Tabitha Abbott, of Andover, Mass. He was one of the original proprietors of Concord, N. H. He removed from Andover, Mass., to Concord, N. H., after the birth of his first child. Selectman at the organization of Penny Cook, N. H. Treasurer, 1732-8. In 1745, Capt. John Chandler was leader of a scout of ten men to repel their enemies, the French and Indians. Captain of a company of men in His Majesty's service, 1754. Rep- resentative from Rumford, N. H., 1748. He died July 26, 1774. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 475001. Hannah. Born in Andover. Died Aug. 4, 1728, in Andover, Mass. 475002. John. Born Aug. 15, 1730. 485000. 475003- Timothy. Born Aug. 15, 1733. 485020. 475004. Daniel. Born Feb. 15, 1735. 485040. 475005. Joshua. Born June 9, 1740. 485060. 475006. Hannah. Born Sept. 3, 1744. Married (ist) Jacob Worthen ; (2nd) an Austin. 475020. Joshua Chandler. (John", John^ Thomas', Wil- liam'.) 460002. He was born in 1705. He married Feb. 18, 1729, Sarah Chandler of Andover, Mass. They were first cousins. She was born in 1708. He died March 24, 1734. She died March 28, 1768. Residence, W. Andover, Mass. Children : 475021. Zebediah. Born Dec. 23, 1729. 485100. 475022. Joshua. Born July 23, 1732. 485120. 475040. Lieut. Nathan Chandler. (John", John^ Thomas^ William'.) 460003. He was born Jan. 31, 1708. He married May 14, 1729, Priscilla Holt (daughter of Oliver Holt and Hannah Russell). She was born about 1709. Lieutenant and commander Fifth Generation. 1399 of the Andover Company, in Col. John Osgood's Regt., and marched with his conipanv, Aug. 15, 1757, for the relief of Fort WiUiam Henry. He died July 31, 1784. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 475041. Nathan. Born Feb. 19, 1730. 485140. 475042. Isaac. Born April S, 1732. 485160. 475043. Hannah. Born May 20, 1735. Married Joshua Chandler. 485120. 475044. Mary. Born June 15, 1740 Married Jonathan Abbott, 3d. 4S5 1 So. 475045- Phebe. Bom June 4, 1742. Married Dea. Isaac Abbott, Jr. 4S5200. 475060. Timothy Ballard. He married June 4, 1729, Hannah Chandler. 460004. He died Oct. 30, 1773. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children 475061. 475062. 475063. 475064. 475065. 475066. 475067. 475068. 475069. 475070. 475071. Timothy. Born March i, 1730. Married in 1755, Sarah Abbott (daughter of Zebulon Abbott and Anna Lovejoy). She was born Aug. 14, 1733. He died July 12, 1768. She died in May, 1S09. They had 5 children. Mary. Born May i, 1732. Married (ist) Capt. David Chandler. 485250. Married (2nd) Nov. 10, 1779, David Parker of Reading, Mass. John. Born June 9, 1734. Died young. Joseph. Died Jan. 17, 1747. John. Born April 9, 1739. Lieut. Nathan. Born Nov. i, 1744. Married Hannah Holt (daughter of Jonathan Holt and Lydia Blanchard). She was born Dec. 19, 1745, at Andover. Lieut., Capt. Goss' Company, which was in the battle of Bennington, and he commanded the Company that day. They had 6 children. Hannah. Married an Abbott. Elizabeth. Phebe. Born Nov. 5, 1753. Joseph. Dorothy. 475080. Capt. Henry Lovejoy. (Henry.) He was born in 17 14. He married Jan. i, 1735, Phebe Chandler. 460006. He removed from Andover to Concord. Selectman, in Concord, N. H., 1749. He died March 15, 1792, at Concord, N. H. 1400 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 475081. Dorcas. Born Sept 10, 1739, in Andover, Mass. 475082. Chandler. Born Jan. 23, 1742. 485270. 4750S3. Henry. Died Oct. 22, 1745. 475084. Henry. Born Sept. 27, 1746. Died Aug. 18, 1747. 475085. Hannah. Born June 26, 1748. 475086. Phebe. Married Joseph Abbott. 485280. 475100. Aeiel Chandler. (John\ John', Thomas^ William'.) 460007. Hewasborn Nov. 14,1717. He married March 18, 1742, Rebecca Abbott (daughter of Nathaniel Abbott and Dorcas Hibbard). She was born in 17 17 in Andover, Mass. He died in 1768. She died in 1803. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 475101. Abiel. Born June 27, 1742, in Andover, Mass. Died young. 475102. Abiel. Born May 11, 1744, in Concord, N. H. 485300. 475103- Peter. Born Oct. 9, 1747. Soldier, Capt. Joshua Abbott's Co. at Bunker Hill, and at other places. Died June 25, 1776, in the army. 475104. Sarah. 475120. Hezekiah Ballard. (Hezekiah.) He was born in 1720. He married Nov. 30, 1741, Lydia Chandler. 460009. He died Dec. 31, 1801. She died Nov. 9, 1803. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 47512 1. Lydia. Born July 30, 1742. Married Dec, 13, 1763, Dane Holt. He was born April i, 1740. He died Dec. 15, 1818. She died Nov. 28, 1813. They had 5 children. 475122. Rebecca. Born May 16, 1744. Married Hon. Zebediah Abbott, Jr. He was born Oct. 8, 1739. Merchant. Member of Convention for forming the Constitution of Mass. He died Nov. 24, 1793. She died Sept. 15, 1821. They had 3 children. 475123. Lois. Born July 19, 1746. Married Joshua Phelps. She died Dec. 21, 1836. They had 3 children. Child: Hannah Phelps. Married, 1792, Nathan Abbott. 475124. Hannah. Born Dec. 6, 1748. Married (ist) Obadiah Foster. 485210. Married (2nd) Capt. Joshua Chandler. 485120. 475125. Mary. Born Feb. 27, 1751. Married Henry Phelps. 485215. 475126. Joshua. Born June 27, 1753. Died in 1756. 475127. Sarah. Born Jan. 27, 1756. Married Deacon Nathan Abbott. 485220. 475128. Dorcas. Born Oct. 16, 1757. Died Aug. 25, 1775. 475129. Lucy. Born April 4, 1760. Married Nathan Chandler. 475130. Hezekiah. Born July 18, 1762. Sixth Generation. 1401 475200. James Osgood. ' (John'', John^ John^ John'.) He married Hannah Hazen (daughter of Richard Hazen of Boxford, Mass.). Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 475201. Anna. Born July 18, 1732. Married Col. Thomas Stickney. 485360. 475202. Samuel. Born July 13, 1734. Married Jane Webster. Child: Susanna. Bap. Oct. 5, 1766. 475203. Elizabeth. Born May 12, 1736. Married. 475204. James. Born Aug. 12, 1738. Married Anna Webster. Child: Moses. Bap. Oct. 5, 1766. 475205 Benjamin. Born Sept. 29, 1740. Married Miriam Stickney. Residence, Conway, N. H. 475206. Hannah. Born Aug. i, 1743. Married Col. Andrew McMillen. 485380. 475207. William. Born Feb. 19, 1747. Died young. 475208. John. 485410. 475209. Richard Hazen. 485400. SIXTH GENERATION. 480000. Joseph Shattuck. He was born in 1731. He married Anna Johnson. 470001. He died in 1778. Child : 4S0001. Lydia. Born in 1765. Married Daniel Flint. 490000. 481000. Lieut. John Chandler. (John-, John'.) 339900. 471001. He was born Aug. 15, 1730, in Concord, N. H. He married Mary Carter. Member of Committee of Safety of Boscawen, N. H., 1778-9. He was also elected to other offices. He died March i, 1801, at Concord, N. Y, Child : 481001. John. 491000. 482000. Capt. Joseph Frye. (Joseph^ John^, SamueP, John'.) 339400. 472506. He was born July 10, 1743, at Andover, Mass. He married Feb. 12, 1763, Mary Robinson. She was born Sept. 11, 1743, at Andover. It is said they were the handsomest couple ever married in Andover. He removed in 1766 to Fryeburg, Me. He died Jan. 13, 1828, at Fryeburg. 1402 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 4S2001. Joseph. Born May 19, 1765, in Andover. 482002. Mary. Born Oct. 17, 1767, in Fryeburg. 482003. Mehitable. Born Dec. 27, 176S. 482004. John. Born Aug. 11, 1771. 482005. Nancy. Born April 20, 1773. 482006. Dean. Born May 20, 1775. 492500. 482007. Sarah. Born Oct. 8, 1777. 4S2008. William. Born Sept. 30, 1780. 482009. Sophia. Born Jan. 11, 1784. 483000. David Ayers. (John^, NathanieP, John^, Obadiah", John'.) 473003. He was born Dec. 29, 1793. He married Elizabeth Southard. He died Sept. 19, 1849. Children : 483001. John Henry. Born Nov. 8, 1822. Unmarried. Died l'"el). 24, 1853- 483002. Theodore. Born June 22, 1824. 493000. 483003. Ann Lockerman. Born Feb. 12, 1826. Unmarried. Died Sept. I, 1850. 483004. Eugene. Born Oct. 27, 1827. iNlarricd Rachel Ann Baldwin. Died Dec. 18, 1866. 2 children ; one died ; one living, un- nlarried. 483005. Gustavus. Born July 8, 1829. Unmarried. Died .\pril 2, 1851. 483006. Horace. Born March 3, 1821. Unmarried. Died Jan. 27, 1S98. 483007. Sarah Adaline. Born Oct. 22, 1837. Unmarried. Died Feb. 26, 1851. 483400. Ayre.s. He married Comfort Day (sister of Stephen Day, the first banker at Newark, N. J.) Residence. Mor- ristown, N. J. Child: 483401. Henry P. 493500. 483500. Andrew D. Mellick. 176025. Born April 7, 181 1. Merchant in New York City, 1844-57. He removed in 1856 to Bayonne, N. J. Keal estate owner and dealer. He married. Child: 483501. Andrew D. 493700. Sixth Generation. 1403 483520. Peter Pickman Frye. (Peter. 329080.) Private, ist Essex Co., Mass., Regt. Continental Line, 1777. Private, Capt. King's Co., Col. Marshall's Regt. Residence, Salem, Mass. 484000. John Kimball. He was born Feb. 16, 1739, at Bradford, Mass. He married Nov. 23, 1765, Anna Ayer. 474002. Deacon. He died Dec. 31, 18 17. She died March 5, 181 9. Resi- dence, Concord, N. H. Children : 484001. Hazen. Born Sept. S, 1767. Merchant. Died July i6, 1S19. Residence, Savannah, Ga. 484002. John. Born Oct. 3, 1769. Married Eunice White. They had II children. He died May 9, 1844. She died in May, 1840. Residence, Barton, Vt. 484003. Benjamin. Born June 4, 1771. 493800. 484004. Anna. Born June i, 1773. Married (ist) in 1793, Robert Parker, Esq., of Litchfield ; (2nd) in 1820, Deacon John True of Hampstead. She died Feb. 4, 1848. 484005. Hannah. Born June 24, 1777. Married Rev. Sylvester Dana. 493820. 484006. Sarah. Born Sept. 22, 1779. Unmarried. 484007. Samuel Ayer. Born March 3, 1782. 493840. 484020. Hon. John Bradley. (SamueP, Abraham'.) He was born Feb. 13, 1743, at Concord, N. H. He married Hannah Ayer. 474007. First Lieutenant, Capt. Benjamin Emery's Com- pany, N. H., in Rev. War. Representative several years. State Senator, 1804-8. He early became an extensive land owner in the Province of Maine, and in adjacent parts of N. H., and encouraged the settlement of towns in the Pigwacket country. His house was the abode of hospitality. He was enterprising and successful in business aiTairs. He died July 6, 1815. She died Aug. 15, 1817. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 484021. Robert. Born June 17, 1772. 493850. 484022. Samuel Ayer. Born Nov. 22, 1774. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1799. (A. M., Dartmouth ; also Harvard College, 1804.) Lawyer. He settled in practice at Fryeburg, Me. Rep- resentative several years from Fryeburg, He afterwards re- moved to Portland, Me. Candidate for Member of Congress. He was a gentleman of noble appearance and dignified manners. Unmarried. Died Sept. 24, 1844. 1404 History of the Ayres Family. 484023. Mary. Born Feb. 27, 1777. Died Jan. 3, 1796. 4S4024. John. Born Aug: 29, 1779. 493860. 484025. Moses Hazen. Bom March 15, 1782. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1S07. Lawyer. He settled in practice at Bristol in 1816. Representative, 1823. State Senator, 1824. Married Mary Green. 484045. No children. He died June 22, 1S34. 484026. George. Born Oct. 6, 17S4. Unmarried. Died Feb. 19, 1S12. 484027. Anna. Born June 17, 1787. Died Sept. 30, 17S9. 484028. Richard. Born Feb. 28, 1790. 493870. ' 484029. Anna Ayer. Born Jan. 6, 1793. iMarried John S. Barrows, Esq. 4938S0. 484040. Dr. Peter Green. (Peter.) He was born Oct. i, 1745, at Lancaster, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College, A. B., 1766. He commenced practice at Lancaster, where his first wife and their only child died in 177 1. He removed in 1772 to Concord, N. H. He married (2nd) Ruth Ayer. 474008. Surgeon in Rev. War. He was one of the original members, if not one of the found- ers, of the New Hampshire Medical Society. Honorary member of Mass. Med. Society. He died March 31, 1828. She died April 12, 1823. Residence, Concord. X. H. Children : 484041. Martha. Born Sept. 26, 1774. Unmarried. 484042. Peter. Bom June 24, 1776. Died in iSoo in New York. 484043. Samuel. Born Dec. 29, 1 77S. Married Fanny Harwood of Shrewsbury-, Mass. 484044. Abigail. Born May 3, 1781. Died young. 4S4045. Abigail. Born Aug. 9, 1782. Unmarried. Died in 1819. 484046. Mary. Born Dec. 26, 1784. Married (ist) Moses Hazen Bradley. 484025. Married (2nd) Nathan Stickney. No Children. 484047. Thomas. Born Jan. 12, 1787. Lost at sea in iSr2. 484048. William. Born Dec. 19, 1788. 493890. 484049. Anna. Born May 26, 1791. Married Thomas D. Merrill. 493900. 484050. Eliza. Born April 5. 1793. Married Asaph Evans. 484051. Charles Rufus. Born Feb. 11, 1795. Married. Residence, 1856, Georgia. 484052. Ruth Ayer. Born Sept. 13, 1797. -Died young. 484053. Clarissa Dwight. Born Nov. 17, 1799. Married Dr. Thomas Chadbourne. 493910. Sixth Generation. 1405 484060, Capt. Richard Ayer. (Samuel^ James\ Samuel^ Robert". John'.) 339700. 474010. He was born May 12, 1757, at Haverhill, Mass. He married in 1777 Susanna McClar}' Sargent (granddaughter of Rev. Christopher Sargent of Methuen. Mass.). He removed in 1777 to Concord, N. H. He was the first permanent settler and resident in Concord of the Ayer name. Soldier in Con- tinental Army. Selectman, 1797-8. Representative. 181 4-1 5. Member of School Committee, 1818. He possessed a vigorous and powerful frame, a sound judgment, and m the various offices which he held, and several relations of life, exercised a good share of dis- crimination. He was one of the incorporators of Concord Bank in 1806. He died Dec. 17, 1831. They had 13 children, 9 of whom sur\'ived their father. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 484061. Richard Hazen. Born Jan. 12, 1778. 343500. 484062. Samuel. Born Feb. 22, 1780. Died Jan. 3, 1785. 484063. Moses. Born April 28. 1782. Died in Dec, 1813. 484064. James. Born June 15, 1784. 484065. Samuel. Born Aug. 31, 1786. 343520. 49393°. 484066. Susanna. Born Feb. 24, 17S9. ^larried Isaac Hill. 348500. 493940. 484067. John J. Born May 27, 1791. 493950. 484068. Anna or Nancy H. Born Sept. 24, 1793. Married Levi Brig- ham. 493960. 484069. Elizabeth. Born March 14, 1796. Married Richard Bradley. 493870. 484070. Mary. Married Isaac F. Williams. 493970. 484071. Charlotte. Married Washington Williams. 493980. 484100. Jacob Ela. (Jacob\ John^ IsraeP. Daniel".) He was born Oct. 3, 1743, at Haverhill. He married July 28, 1763, Elizabeth Ayer. 474006. He died Nov. 8, 1815. She died May 18, 1794. Residence, Haverhill. Child : 484101. Joseph. Born May 14, 1771. 485000. Lieut. John Chandler. (John^, John\ John\. Thomas^ William".) 475002. He was born Aug. 15, 1730. He married (pub. Oct. 13), 1751, Mary Carter of Rumford, N. H. She was born in 1729. Selectman at Concord, N. H., 1766 and 1792. Surveyor, 1768. Member of Committee of Safety, 1778-81. He 1406 History of the Ayres Family. was one of the incorporators of the Concord Bank, 1806. He died March i, 1807. She died June 9, 1793. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 485001. John. Born Dec. 11, 1752, in Concord. 494000. 485002. Nathan. Born April 28, 1754. 494010. 485003. Isaac. Born April 18, 1758. 494oi5- 485004. Joseph. Born Nov. 18, 1760. 494020. 485005. Jeremiah. Bom March 31, 1763. 494040. 485006. Moses. Born Nov. 23, 1765. 494045- 485020. Timothy Chandler. (John^, John", John^, Thomas-, William'.) 475003. He was born Aug. 15, 1733. He married Elizabeth Copp (daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Davis, Solomon Copp). She was born April 16, 1740. He died March 24, 1770. She afterwards married in 1774 Stephen Ward of Concord. She died March 20, 1830. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 485021. Tabitha. Born June 17, 1760. Married Hugh Mclntire. 494065. 485022. Timothy. Born April 25,1762. 494080. 485023. Abiel. Born Oct. 20, 1765. 494100. 485024. Elizabeth. Born Jan. 28, 1768. Unmarried. Died Jan. 24, 1791. 485040. Daniel Chandler. (John^, John", John^ Thomas-, W'illiam'.) 475004. He was born Feb. 15, 1735. He married (ist), in 1755, Sarah Eastman. . (Ebenezer", Ebenezer^, Philip% Roger'.) She was born July 14, 1737, in Concord. She died. They had one child, Sarah Chandler. He married (2nd) Sarah Merrill (daughter of Dea. John Merrill and Lydia Haynes). She was born April 24, 1 741, in Concord. Soldier, Capt. James Osgood's Co.. Col. Timothy Bedell's Regt. at Fort Cedars in Canada, May 19, 1776; also, in Col. Gerrish's Regt. at Ticonderoga, July 5, 1777. He enlisted for 3 years or during the war, in Capt. Daniel Liver- more's Co., 3d Regt. N. H. He died Oct. 25, 1795. Sarah Merrill died July 25, 1810, at Fryeburg, Me. Residence, Concord, N, H. Children : 485041. vSarah. Born Dec. 15, 1756. Married Abner Flanders. 494110. 485042. Joanna. 485043. Mary. Born Jan. 27, 1760. Married (ist) Ebenezer West. 494125. Married (2nd) Richard Flanders. 494130. Sixth Generation. 1407 485044. Hannah. Born June 19, 1763. Married Joshua Graham. 494145- 485045. Lydia. Born June 22, 1765. Married Jonas Wyman. 494155. 485046. Abigail. Born July 4, 1767. Married Oliver Flanders. 494170. 485047. Paul. Born Mays, 1769. 494185. 485048. Ann. Born in 1771. Married Richard Walker. 494195. 485049. Abiel. Born Feb. 26, 1777. 494198. 485050. John. Born March 19, 17S1. 494200. 485060. Joshua Chandler. (John^, John^ John^, Thomas-, William'.) 475005. He was born June 9, 1740. He married (pub. April 10), 1768, Irene Copp of Concord, N. H. He died Dec. 3, 1816. She died Dec. 7, 1810. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 48506:. Daniel. Born Sept. t, 1768. 494210. 485062. Ruth. Born Feb. 20, 1770. Married March 24, 1 791, George Arlin. 494225. 485063. Ruhamah. Born May 4, 1772. Married John Simpson. 494242. 485064. Sarah. Born Feb 12, 1774. Married George Arlin. 494225. 485065. Josiah. Born in 1776. Died aged about 16 months. 485066. Hannah. Born April 2, 1779. Unmarried. Died Sept. 18, 1806. 485067. Joshua. Born Sept. 4, 1782. 494244. 485100. Lieut. Zebediah Chandler. (Joshua^, John"*, John^ Thomas-, William'.) 475021. He was born Dec. 23, 1729. He married June 19, 1750, Deborah Blanchard of Andover, Mass. She was born in 1725. Corporal, Capt. John Foster's (4th Foot) Co. in Andover, April 19, 1757. Lieut., Capt. Benjamin Ames' Co., 4th Regt. Militia, 1762. He died July 30, 1775. She died in May, 1799. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 485101. Sarah. Born May 8, 1751. Married ( ist) Ralph Holbrook. 494255. Married (2nd) Zebadiah Shattuck. 494260. 485102. Zebadiah. Born Nov. 11, 1752. 494265. 485103. Stephen. Born Oct. 26, 1754. Died Aug. 7, 1776. 485104. Deborah. Born April 26, 1757. Married Joshua Moar. 494280. 485105. Joseph. Born May 2. 1759. 494290. 485106. Lydia. Born May 18, 1761. Married Andrew Parkhurst. 494305. 4S5107. Mary. Born April 2, 1764. Married Hezekiah Ballard, Jr. 494310. 1408 History of the Ayres Family. 485120. Capt. Joshua Chandler. (Joshua^, John", John', Thomas", William'.) 475022. He was born July 23, 1732. He married (ist) Sept. 24, 1756, Hannah Chandler. 475043. She died Feb. 14, 1791. He married (2nd) June i, 1792, Hannah (Ballard) Foster. 475124. He died March 15, 1807. Her will was dated Dec. 15, 181 2. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 485 12 1. Joshua. Born Aug 18, 1758. 494320. 485122. AbieL Born Aug. 28, 1760. 494330. 485123. Hannah. Born Oct. 13, 1764. Married Joseph Shattuck, Jr. 494332- 485124. Hannah. Born in 1793. Married Jonathan Chandler. 485140. Nathan Chandler. (Nathan^, John'', John\ Thomas-, William'.) 475041. He was born Feb. 19, 1730, in Andover, Mass. He married April iS, 1754, Phebe Abbott (daughter of Capt. John Abbott and Phebe Fiske). She was born April 25, 1733. Soldier, Capt. Joshua Holt's Co., at the Lexington alarm. He died April 30, 1786. She died July 26, 1812. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 485141. Phebe. Born Oct. 18, 1754. Married Benjamin Ames, Jr. 494337- 485142. Nathan. Born June 16, 1756. 494350. 485143. Lucy. Born June 26, 1758. Married Zebediah Chandler, Jr. 494265. 485144. Ezra. Born June 20, 1761. Soldier in Rev. War. Died Sept. 10, 1784. 485145. Elizabeth. Born May 15, 1763. 485146. Mary. Born March 18, 1766. Married (ist) William Ballard. 494360. Married (2nd) Daniel Abbott of Andover. No children. 485147. Priscilla. Born June 30, 1768. Married David Abbott. 494370- 485[48. Chloe. Born June 30, 1771. Died .\iig. 24, 1821. 485149. Rhoda. Born March 2, 1774. Married Benjamin Abbott. 494380. 485160. Isaac Chandler. (Nathan^, John\ John', Thomas=, William'.) 475042. He was born April 8, 1732. He married April 14, 1757, Hannah Ballard of Hillsboro, N. H. Soldier, Capt. Joseph Holt's Co., at the Lexington alarm, 1775. He died March 6, 1817. She died Oct. 2, 1824. Residence, Concord, N. H. Sixth Generation. 1409 Children : 4S5161. Isaac. Born Jan. 28, 1758. 494390. 485162. John. Born Nov. 21, 1759. 494400. 485163. James. Born Nov. 28, 176 1. 494410. 485164. Samuel. Born Jan. 25, 1764. 494422. 485165. Henry. Born Julv 16, 1766. 494428. 485166. Benjamin. Born Jan. 17, 1768. 494437. 485167. Hannah. Born Jan. 12, 1771. Married Samuel Bradford, 3d. . 494447- 485168. Mar}-. Bap. Nov. 28, 1773. Married Abraham Andrews. 494452. 485180. Capt. Jonathan Abbott. (David Abbott and Hannah Danforth.j He was born Nov. 4, 1739. ^^ married Nov. ^3' ^759' Mary Chandler. 475044. He died Sept. 10, 1817. Residence, Merrimac Corners. Children : 485 181. Jonathan. Born March 3, 1760. Unmarried. Died in 1830. 4S5182. Mary. Born Jan. 10, 1762. Married Maj. Abiel Chandler. 494330. 485183. David. Born March 11, 1764. 494370. 485184. Phebe. Born Feb. 21. 1766. Married Joseph Shattuck, Jr. 484332. 485185. Nathan. Born May 17, 1768. Married Hannah Phelps. 485186. Benjamin. Born Tune 7, 1770. 494380. 4851S7. Solomon. Born Nov. i, 1772. Married in 1794, Lucy Frye. They had 5 children. 485188. Joshua. Born Nov. 22, 1774. Died young. 485189. Hannah. Born Oct. 4, 1776. 485190. Sarah. Born in July, 1778. 485 191. Priscilla. Born July 29, 1780. 485200. Lieut. I.SAAC Abbott. (Dea. Isaac Abbott and Phebe Lovejoy.) He was born Feb. 13, 1745. He married Oct. 28, 1765, Phebe Chandler. 475045. Lieut, at battle of Bunker's Hill, and was wounded there. First Postmaster at Andover. Town Clerk. Selectman. Deacon. He died in June, 1836. She died July 6, 1800. Residence, Andover. Mass. Children : 485201. Phebe. Born May 27, 1767. Died Nov. 8, 1772. 485202. Isaac. Born Dec. 9, 1768. 49438S. 4S5203. Priscilla. Born June i, 1770. Married in 1820 John Knee- land, Esq. She died in Feb., 1830. 1410 History of the Ayres Family. 485204. William. Born Oct. 30, 1772. Married in iSoi, Rebecca Bailey (daughter of Moses Bailey and Elizabeth Moar. daugh- ter of Timothy Moar). He died in 1856. They had 5 chil- dren. Residence, Concord, N. H. 485210. Obadiah Foster. He married Hannah Ballard. 475124- Child : 48521 1. Dorcas. Born in 1777. Married Oct. 18, 1798, Joshua Chandler, Jr. She died Dec. 26, 1830. 485215. Henry Phelps. (Samuel.) He married Mary Bal- lard. 475125. She died in 1835 in Andover, Mass. Children : 4S5216. Mary. Born in 1784. Married Joseph Chandler (Joseph Chandler and Mar)- King). Died Feb. 29, 1S32, at W. Andover. 485217. Chandler. Born March 5, 1786. 494390. 485220. Nathan Abbott. (Jacob). He married in 1777, Sarah Ballard. 475127. She died in 1825. They had 12 children. Child : 485221. Capt. Job. Born Aug. 7, 1782. Married Jan. 27, 1808, Lucy Chandler (daughter of Nathan Chandler and Lucy Ballard). 485250. Capt. David Chandler. (JosiaM, William^ William-, William'.) He was born Dec. 15, 1724. He married Aug. 30, 1750, Mary Ballard. 475062. Corporal, Capt. Jonathan Abbott's Co. at Andover, Mass., April 23, 1757. Ensign, -Capt. Benjamin Ames' Co., Militia, 1762. Lieut., Capt. Benj. Ames' Co., at battle of Bun- ker Hill, June 17, 1775. He died Feb. 11, 1776, in camp at Cam- bridge, Mass. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 485251. David. Bap. June 16, 1 75 1. Died young. 485252. David. Born July 9, 1754. 494470. 485253- Daniel. Born July 9, 1754. Bap. July 14, 1754. 494480. 485254. Hannah. Bap. June 22, 1755. 485255- Samuel. Born Nov. 4, 1754. 494490. 485256. Sarah. Born May 12, 1 761. 4S5257- Josiah. Born Jan. 22, 1762. 494495. 485258. Ballard. Born Jan. 23, 1765. Bap. Jan. 25, 1765. 485259- John. Born July 4, 1771. Bap. July 7, 1771. 494510. 485260. Mary. Born Oct. 27, 1773. Bap. Oct. 31, 1773. Married Daniel Foster. 494520. Sixth Generation. 14 ii 485270. Chandler Lovejoy. (Henry-, Henry'). 375082. He was born Jan. 23, 1742. He married (ist) Miriam. He married (2nd) Sept. 28, 18 1 4, Azubah Graham (daughter of Asa Graham and Sarah West, daughter of Ebenezer West and Mary Chandler. Asa Graham was son of George Graham). She was born in 1738. He died Nov. 20 (0.30), 1827. Azubah Graham died July 29, 1829. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children 4S5271 4S5272 4S5273 485274 4S5275 4S5276 485277 John. Born Jan. 2.^, 1766. 494530. Miriam. Born July 25, 1767 Phineas. Born July 16, 1770. Died Jan. 19, 1786. Ebenezer. Born Oct. 17, 1772. 494535. Peter Chandler. Born Dec. 17, 1776. Died Aug. 17, 177S. Sarah. Born June 27, 1783. Phineas. Born Feb. 29, 1788. 485280. Joseph Abbott. (George^ Thomas-, George'.) He was born Oct. 23, 1741. He married April 25, 1765, Phebe Love- joy. 475086. He died Jan. 19, 1832. She died Jan. 4, 1789. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 485281. Phebe. Born Feb. 22, 1766. Married Joseph Blanchard. She died May 3, 1837. 4852S2. Molly. Born July 20, 1767. Married May 22, 17S5, Isaac Houston. 494545- 485283. Hannah. Born Jan. 3, 1769. Married Capt. David Kimball. Director in Concord Bridge Company, 1795. She died Oct. 31, 1810. 485284. Sarah. Born Jan. 3, 1769. Married in Nov., 1787, Timothy Chandler. 485285. Lois. Born March 29, 1771. Unmarried. Died March 14, 1790. 485286. Rachel. Born March 2, 1773. Married Nov. 29, 1798, Jonathan Ward. She died March 2, 1837. 4852S7. Dorcas. Born Dec. 20, 1774. Died Oct. 6, 1788. 485288. Isaac. Born April 10, 1777. Died Jan. 7, 1800. 4S5289. Nathan. Born Aug. 27, 1779. Died Oct. 26, 1839. 485290. Ruth. Born May 9, 1782. 485300. Maj. Abiel Chandler. (Abiel^, John\ John^, Thomas*, William".) 475102. He was born May 11, 1744- He 141 2 History of the Ayres Family. married Judith (Walker) Rolfe (daughter of Rev. Timothy Walker of Concord, N. H., and Sarah Burbeen, daughter of James Burbeen of Woburn, Mass. Judith Walker's sister married Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford). She was born Dec. 4, 1744. Captain, 2nd Co. Militia of Concord, N. H., the 6th Co. in the Regt.. Feb. 26, 1774. He raised a company of 36 men and marched to Cam- bridge as soon as the news of the fight at Lexington reached Con- cord, and remained there a fortnight. He was in Capt. Joshua Abbott's Co. at Bunker Hill, and acted as Ensign in Stark's Regt. and that company was on the extreme left and had not the slight protection of rail fence or hay even in the fight. At Ticonderoga in 1776 he was Adjutant of Col. John Stark's Regt., under Gen. Sulli- van. He died July 12, 1776, at Crown Point. She died in 1806. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 485301. Sarah. Born Jan. 15, 1768. Married Peter Blanchard. 494550. 485302. Judith. Born Oct. 9, 1770. Married Timothy Carter. 494560. 485303. Rebecca. Born Dec. 17, 1773. Unmarried. Died. 485360. Col. Thomas Stickney. (Jeremiah.) He was born in 1829. He married Anna Osgood. 475201. Colonel of a New Hampshire Regiment under Gen. John Stark in the battle of Ben- nington. His regiment attacked the breastwork which the tories had thrown up. Representative, 1777. He died Jan. 26, 1809. She died Jan. 20, 1802. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 485361. Elizabeth. Born Dec. 7, 1753. 485362. Mary. Born June 28, 1756. Died in Dec, 1763. 485363. William. Born Dec. 8, 1758. 494565. 485364. Jeremiah. Horn Aug. 13, 1761. Died young. 485365. Jeremiah. Born in 1764. Died Jan. 6, 1850. 485366. Mary. Born (Jet. 30, 1766. Married John Souther. 494575. 485367. Thomas. Born July 18, 1769. 494585. 485368. James Osgood. Born June 9, 1775. Died Oct. n, 1778. 485380. Col. Andrew McMillan. He was born in 1730 in Ireland. He came to this country about 1754. He married Nov. 12, 1 761, Hannah Osgood. 475206. Lieutenant, Capt. Jonathan Burbank's Company of Rangers, at Lake George, June 26, 1758. Seventh Generation. 1413 Merchant at Concord, N. H. He removed in 1774 to Conway, N. H. Representative from Conway several years. He died Nov. 6, 1800. She died in 1827. Children : 485381. Sarah. 485382. Martha. Married Dr. William Chadbourne. 494595. 485383. Hannah. 485384. Lewis. 485385- James. 485386. Catharine. 485387. John. 485388. Jane. 485389. Nancy. 485390. Elizabeth. 485391. Sophia. 485392. Gilbert. Residence, Conway, N. H. * 485400, Richard Hazen Osgood. (James^, John\ John^, John-, John'.) 475209. He married Susanna Swan. Soldier in Rev. War. He died in 1796 at Conway. Child : 4S5401. Robert Parker. Born May 8, 1789. 485410. John Osgood, (James^, John\ John^ John"", John'.) 475208, He was born in 1745, at Concord, N. H. He married Sarah Danforth, Soldier, Capt. Levi Spaulding's Co., Col. James Reed's Regt. at Bunker Hill. He died in 1820 at Conway, N. H. Child : 485411. Isaac. 494600, SEVENTH GENERATION. 490000, Daniel Flint, He was born in 1767. He married Lydia Shattuck, 480001. He died in 1853. She died in 1843. Child : 490001. Amos. Born in 1801. 495000. 491000. Capt. John Chandler. (John\ John-, John',) 48 1 00 1. He married Naomi Farnum. Child : 49 1 00 1. Judith Hall. Married Reuben Johnson. 496000. 1414 History of the Ayres Family. 492000. Dr. William Johnson Dale. 329502. He gradu- ated at Harvard University, A. B., 1837, and M. D., 1840. 492200. Hon. Edwin Aver. He was born Oct. 15, 1824. He is of the seventh generation in direct Hne from John Ayer of Newbury, Mass. He married (ist) in Oct., 1852, Abbie M. Youngs of Farmington, Conn. She died in 1882. They had 3 sons and 2 daughters. Two of the sons and one daughter were residents in 1891 of the State of Washington. He married (2nd) in 1883 Carrie E, Youngs. Major, 6th Regt. Conn. Mihtia, 1849. ^^ ^'^^ one of the "Forty Niners" who went to Cahfornia. Selectman. Justice of the Peace. Chairman of School Board. Representative, 1872-3. Residence, 1891, Old Saybrook, Conn. 492500. Dean Frye. (Josephs Josephs John^ SamueP, John'.) 343300. He was born May 25, 1775, at Fryeburg, Me. He married Joanna March (daughter of Pelitier March and Mary Goodwin). He died April 18, 1834, at Lewiston, Me. She died June 13, 1850, at Lewiston. Children : 492501. John March. Born Nov. 28, 1802. 498600. 492502. Sophia. 492503. Sarah. 492504. William R. Postmaster at Lewiston, Me., 1S60 492505. Caroline. 492506. Mary. 492507. Joseph. 493000; Theodore Ayers. (David*, John^, Nathaniel, John% Obadiah-, John'.) 483002. He was born June 22, 1824. He married Oct. 6, 1853, Ann Elizabeth Bonsall. Children : 493001. Theodore. Born July 8, 1855. Unmarried. 493002. John Bonsall. Born Jnly 30, 1859. Married. They have four children. 493003- Horace Frederick. Born Oct. 27, 1862. Unmarried. Address, 1902, 203 W. 14th St., N. Y. City. 493500. Dr. Henry P. Ayres. 483401. He was born in Morristown, N. J. Residence, 1902, Fort Wayne, Ind. Child : 493501. Samuel C. 49S700. , Seventh Generation. 141 5 493600. Samuel Ayer. (Descendant of Samuel Ayer, who was killed by the Indians at Haverhill Indian Massacre, son of John Ayer of Haverhill, Mass., 1635.) He was born at Haverhill, Mass. He married. Child : 493601. Elbridge Gerry. 498800. 493700. Andrew D. Mellick. (Andrew.) 483501. He was born Oct. 23, 1844, in N. Y. City. Admitted to the New York Bar. Captain and Major in N. Y. National Guard, 1872-80. Author of "The Story of an Old Farm, or Life in New Jersey in the Eighteenth Century." He died Nov. 4, 1895, at Plainfield, N. J. 493800. Benjamin Kimball. (John.) 484003. He was born June 4, 177 1. He married (ist) Mehitable Foster of Canter- bury. She died Sept. 23, 1803. He married (2nd) in 1805, Rhoda Beman. He died Oct. 4, 1818. Rhoda Beman died May 14, 1852. Residence, Concord, N, H. Children : 49380 r. Harriet. Born March 16, 1799. 493802. Asa. Born Jan. i. 1801. 493803. Robert Parker. Born March 18, 1S06. 493S04. Mary Ann. Born Dec. 13, 1807. 493810. Dr. Samuel Morrill. (Brother of Gov. David L. Morrill of New Hampshire.) He was born in 1779. He married in Sept., 1802, Elizabeth Kimball. 484005. Physician. He practiced nineteen years at Epson, N. H., where he held important offices. He removed in 18 19 to Concord, N. H. Dartmouth College gave him the honorary degree of M. D., in 1826. Justice of the Court of Sessions of Rochingham County, N. H., 1821. Register of Deeds of Merrimac County, 1823-8. State Treasurer, 1828. Treasurer of N. H. Branch Education Society, 1829. Treasurer of New Hampshire Savings Bank, 1830-58. Deacon in Congrega- tional Church, 1837. He died in 1858. 493820. Rev. Sylvester Dana. (Anderson.) He was born July 4, 1769, at Ashford, Conn. He removed, with his parents, in 1772, to the Wyoming Valley in Pennsylvania, where his father was massacred by the Indians in 1778. He returned with his mother to Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1797. He united with the 141 6 History of the Ayres Family. college church in his Sophomore year. He studied divinity with Rev. Dr. Backus of Somers, Conn. He was employed in 1799 as a missionary by the Connecticut Missionary Society, in Western New York. In May, 1801, he was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church in Orford, N. H., where he remained twenty-one years. He married in March, 1802, Hannah Kimball. 484005. He preached four years in Thornton, and moved with his family to Concord, N. H., in 1837. While resident in Concord, he preached in various places, as he had opportunity. He was an able and faithful minister, a devoted Christian, and exemplary in life. He died June 9, 1849. She died Nov. 16, 1846. Children : 493821. Rev. Charles Backus. Born in 1807. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1828, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1833. Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in Mt. Hope College, 1833-4. D. D., Mt. Hope College. Protestant Episcopal minister. Died in 1873. Residence, 1856, Alexandria, Va. ; 1872, Natchez, Miss. 493822. Sylvester. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1839. Student at Harvard Law School, 1841-2. He studied law with Presi- dent Franklin Pierce. Admitted to the bar, 1S42. Police Justice. 1862-86. Residence, Concord, N. H. 493823. Anne K. Married Dr. Reuel Barrows. He was Ijorn in 1791 at Hebron. M. D., Bowdoin College (Honorary). 1848. He died Jul)' 18, 1857. Residence, Fryeburg, Me. 493824. Hannah. Married Rev. S. S. Tappan. She died April 19, 1855, at Providence, R. I., but was buried at Concord, N. H., by the side of her parents. 493840. Hon. Samuel Aver Kimball. (John.) 484007. He was born March 3, 1782. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1806. He married Eliza Hazen. Lawyer. Practiced a short time at Dover and then removed to Concord, N. H. Clerk of State Senate. Deputy Secretary. Representative. He died in 1858. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 493841. John Hazen. Born July 14, 1823. 493842. Samuel Sparhawk. Born March i, 1S25. President of New Hampshire vSavings Bank, 1884. Residence, Concord. 493843- Priscilla Hazen. Born March 2, 1827. 493844. George Leonard. Born Nov. 2, 1828. 493845. Ann Ayer. Born April 17, 1830. Seventh Generation. 14 17 493850. Robert Bradley. (John^ SaniueP, Abraham'.) 484021. He was born June 17, 1772. He married Abigail Bailey. He settled in Fryeburg, Me. Children : 493851. Samuel. Born March 29, 1802, in Fryeburg. 500120. 493852. Israel Bailey. Married Sarah Johnson of Fryeburg. 493853. Alexander Ramsay. Married Mary O. Barrows of Fryeburg. 493854. Mary .\nn. Born in 1814. Unmarried. Died July 25, 184 1. 493860. John Bradley. (John^, Samuel^ Abraham'.) 484024. He was born Aug. 29, 1779. He married (ist) Grace Stevens, by whom he had two sons. He married (2nd) Catharine J. Kittredge, a widow. Children : 493861. John Jay. 493S62. Thomas Stevens. 493870. Hon. Richard Bradley. (John'', SamueP, Abraham'.) 484028. He was born Feb. 28, 1790. He married Elizabeth Ayer. 484069. Representative. Residence, Concord, N, H. Children : 493871. John. Born Nov. 27, 1819. Drowned July 9, 1825. 493872. George. Born March 23, 1824. 493873. Susan .\. Born March 20, 1826. Married Harvey Jewell. 500120. 493880. John S. Barrows, Esq. He married Anna Ayer Bradley. 484029. He died July 5, 1845. Residence, Fryeburg, Me. Children : 493881. Hon. George Bradley. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1842. Lawyer. President of State Senate. Residence, Frye- burg. 4938S2. Dr. John Stuart. Born July 26, 1824. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, A. B., 1842, and Bowdoin Medical School, 1845. He died Feb. 2, 1849, at Fryeburg. Residence, Lovell, Me. 493890. William Green. (Peter^, Peter'.) 484047. He was born Dec. 19, 1788. He married (ist) Clarissa Harris (daugh- ter of Rev. Walter Harris, D. D., of Uunbarton). He married (2nd) Harriet Kimball of Concord, N. H. They had 4 daughters. 1418 History of the Ayres Family. 493900. Hon. Thomas D. Merrill. He was born in Salem, N. H. He married Anna Green. 484049. Merchant at Epson, N. H., for half a century. Town Clerk. Representative at Epson. He retired and removed in 1849, to Concord, N. H. He left by will several thousand dollars to charitable institutions. He died April 12, 1851. No children. 493910. Dr. Thomas Chadbourne. (Dr. William.) He was born in 1791, in Conway. Graduated at Dartmouth Medical Col- lege, 18 1 3. (M. D., Castleton Medical College, 1843). He settled at Concord, N. H., in 1814. He married Clarissa Dwight Green. 484052. Member of various medical societies. He was one of the Jurors at the World's Fair in London. He died in 1864. 493920. Hon. Richard Hazen Ayer. (Richard*, Samuel', James\ SamueP, Robert", John'.) 343500. 484061. He was born Jan. 12, 1778. He married the daughter of Col. Peter Green of Con- cord, N. H. He was a man of great strength of will and force of character. Representative of Dunbarton and Hooksett. Member of the State Council. Presidential Elector, 18 16 and 1848. First Sheriff of Merrimack Country, N. H. Naval Storekeeper at Ports- mouth, N. H., 1829. President of the Amoskeag Bank. He left $7000 to the Unitarian Society of Manchester, N. H., of which he was a member. Residence, Manchester, N. H. Children : 493921. Susan R. Married Dr. Enoch B. Barne.s. 4q3922. Mary G. Married Dr. Amos Oilman Gale. 34S520. 493930. Dr. Samuel Ayer. (Richard*, Samuel^ James*, SamueP, Robert", John'.) 343520. 484065. He was born Aug. 31, 1786. He married Sarah Connell. He settled in practice at Portland, Me. He removed to Eastport, Me. Representative at Portland. He died Nov. 12, 1832, at Eastport. She afterwards re- moved to Concord, N. H. She died May 7. 1835. Children : 493931. Sarah C. 493932. Samuel Hazen. 343521. 493933- Harriet O. Seventh Generation. 1419 493940. Hon. Isaac Hill. 348500. He married Susanna Ayer. 484066. Governor of New Hampshire. U. S. Senator. Ciiildren : 493941. William Pickering. Born Oct. i8, 1819. 500125. 493942. John McClary. 34S501. Adjutant, iithRegt.,N. H. Militia, 1841. 493943. Isaac Andrew. 493944. Georgianna T. Born in Oct., 1824. Died Sept. 16, 1825. 493950. John J. Ayer. (Richard^ Samuel^, Janies^ Samuel^ Robert", John'.) 484067. He was born May 27, 179 1. He married Harriet Fox of Jaffrey, N. H. He died Aug. 14, 1837, at Concord, N. H. Children : 493951- Richard Hazen. 493952. Harriet F. 493960. Levi Brigham. He married Anna or Nancy H. Ayer. 484068. He died. She died June 7, 1835. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 493961. Levi. Born May 2, 1822. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1843. Teacher. Died Oct. i, 1843, at Port Tobacco, Md. 493962. Ann S. 493970. Lsaac F. Williams. He married Mary Ayer. 484070. Treasurer of Natural History Society, 1846. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 493971. Mary Elizabeth. 493972. Susan Ayer. 493973. Georgianna Hill. 493974. Annette. 493980. Washington Williams. He married Charlotte Ayer. 484071. Children : 4939S1. Charlotte. 493982. Marianna. 493953. Josephine. I420 History of the Ayres Family. 494000. Capt. John Chandler. (John*, John^, John", John^, Thomas^ William'.) 485001. He was born Dec. 11, 1752. He married in March, 1780, Naomi Farnum (Ephraim'', Ephraim^, Ephraim^ Ralph' of Andover, Mass.). She was born April 28, 1760. Selectman, 1792. He died Jan. 24, 1825. She died March 20, 1832. Residence, Boscawen, N. H. Children : 494001. John. Born Oct. 25, 1780. 500200. 494002. Nathan. Born April 14, 1782. 500220. 494003. Ephraim Farnum. Born Sept. 4, 1784. 500230. 494004. Mary. Born Sept. 3, 1786. Married Jonathan Eastman, Jr. 500240. 494005. Susanna Farnum. Born Dec. 7, 17S8. Married Richard Gage. 500250. 494006. Judith Hall. Born March 19, 1793. Married Reuben John- son. 500280. 494007. Rhoda Carter. Born July 10, 1799. Married Josephus Chandler. 500350. 494010. Nathan Chandler. (John*, John^, John-*, John^ Thomas-, William'.) 485002. He was born April 28, 1754. He married (pub. March 4, 1775), Susan Ambrose (daughter of Robert Ambrose of Chester, N. H.). Signer of "The Association to oppose the British Fleets and Armies" in 1776. He died April 13, 1781. She afterwards married Enoch Brown. Residence, Boscawen, N. H. Children : 49401 1. Polly. Died aged 5 years. 494012. Judith. Born Feb. 10, 1778. Married in Feb., 1800, Enoch Gerrish. No children. Residence, Canterbury. 494013. Sally. Born March 30, 1780. Married in 1800, Joseph Ger- rish. 500300. 494015. Col. Isaac Chandler. (John*, John^, John^ John^, Thomas^ William'.) 485003. He was born April 18, 1758, He married Mary Kimball. Soldier, Capt. Webster's Co. at Ticon- deroga in 1777. Selectman, 1804-5. Moderator and Town Clerk, 1812. Representative, 1816. Colonel, 21st N. H. Regt., 1807. He died March 25, 1826. No children. Residence, Boscawen, N. H. 494020. Joseph Chandler. (John*, John^, John", John^, Thomas^ William'.) 485004. He was born Nov. 18, 1760. He Seventh Generation. 1421 married Hannah Farrington (daughter of Daniel Farrington). She was born in 1764. Selectman 13 years. Soldier, Capt. Ebenezer Green's Co., Col. Timothy Bedell's Regt. at Fort Cedars, May ig, 1776, in Rev. War. He died April 23, 1826, at East Concord, N. H. She died Nov. 29, 1825. Residence, North Fryeburg, Me. Children : 494021. Moses. Born March 13, 1786. 500310. 494022. Daniel. Born Nov. 20, 1787. Married Mehitable Colby (daugh- ter of David Colby and Sally Farrington, daughter of Daniel Farrington). He died in 1870 in Burlington, Iowa. No chil- dren. Residence. Howard and Shirland, 111. 494023. Hannah. Born July 7, 1789. Married Luther Richardson. 500320. 494024. Isaac. Born July 4, 1790. 500325. 494025. John. Born April 4, 1793. 500330. 494026. Nathan. Born Dec. 28, 1794. 500340. 494027. Josephus. Born Aug. 29, 1796. 500350. 49402S. Mary Carter. Born April 28, 179S. Married Myrick Wiley. 500360. 494029. Susan. Born May 6, 1801. Married Stephen Farrington. 500375- 494030. Jere. Born March 8, 1S03. 500390. 494031. Peter. Born Feb. 19, 1S05. 500394. 494032. Hazen. Born Feb. 4, 1807. 500395. 494033- George. Born Feb. i, 1810. Married Matilda Goddard (widow of Mr. Lisloff of Natchez, Miss.). 494040. Jeremiah Chandler. (John*, John^, John^ John\ Thomas^ William'.) 485005. He was born March 31, 1763. He married June 3, 1791, Judith Farnum of Concord, N. H. (sister of Naomi Farnum, wife of his brother John). She was born June 13, 1764. Soldier in Rev. War. Enlisted in 1781 for three months. He died Feb. 12, 1828. Residence, Lovell, Me. Children : /■ 494041. Infant. Died in 1793. 494042. John Carter. Born July 28, 1794. Married Mehitable Hazel- ton (daughter of Abraham Hazelton of Chatham, N. H.). Died in 1866, in Lovell. 494043. Mary. Born Oct. 18. Married Philip Carrigan Johnson. 500400. 1422 History of the Ayres Family. 494045. Dr. Moses Chandler. (John*, John^, John'', John% Thomas-, William'.) 485006. He was born Nov. 23, 1765. He married (ist) Sally Goodwin of Newmarket, N. H. She died Sept. 24, 1801. He married (2nd) July 4, 1802, Mary Langdon (daugh- ter of Paul Langdon (Harvard, 1770), Principal of Fryeburg Academy, Rev. Samuel Langdon, D. D., (Harvard, 1740). Presi- dent of Harvard College.) She was born March 21, 1782. Physi- cian. Soldier, Capt. Frye's Co., Col. Cilley's N. H. Regt., 1779-80. He died Sept. 10, 1822. Mary Langdon died May 10, 1863. Resi- dence, Fryeburg, Me. Children : 494046. 494047 494048 494049 494050 494051 494052 494053 494054 494055 494056 494057 494058 494059- 494060. Jeremiah. Born March 23, 1794, in Newmarket, N. H. 500410. Enoch Folsom. Born April 29, 1796, in Lee. 500420. Mary Ann. Born Nov. 16, 179S. Married Frederick Frj'e. 500430. Nathan. Born Feb. 15, 1801. 500440. David Sewall. Born June 27, 1804. Died Oct. 14, 1825. Sarah Goodwin. Born Dec. 27, 1S05. Died Oct. 26, 1823. Samuel Langdon. Born Oct. 7, 1807. 500450. Joseph. Born Nov. 27, 1809. 500460. Moses. Born Nov. 27, 1809. 500470. Betsey Chase. Born Feb. 9, 1812. Married Justus Charles. 500480. Isaac. Born July 27, 1814. Died Oct. 6, 1814. Judith. Born July 27, 1814. Died Oct. 21, 1814. Dr. Isaac. Born Sept. 27, 1815. Graduated at Colby Univer- sity, M. D., 1842. Married Dec. 6, 1849, Olive Bryant (daugh- ter of Walter L. BrN-ant). Residence, Lovell, Me. Paul Langdon. Born July 27, 18 18. 500490. .Anna Maria. Born June 7, 1821. Married James M. Gordon. 500495. 494065. Hugh McIntire. He was born in 1754. He married Dec. 7, 1789, in Plymouth, Tabitha Chandler. 485021. He removed about 18 12 from Merrimac, N. H., to Randolph,^ Vt. He died May 11, 1837. She died Sept. 22, 1835. Children : 494066. Mary. 494067. Eliza. Born March 9, at Plymouth. Born Dec. 7, 1791. Married Maj. John Poor (Samuel Seventh Generation. 1423 Poor and Ann Bridges, Joseph Poor and Margaret Bailey, daughter of Joseph Bailey and Elizabeth Boynton, Elder Rich- ard Bailey, Dea. Joseph Bailey, Richard and Edna Bailey). He was born April 26, 17S5. He removed in i82Sfroni Berlin to Middlesex, Vt. They had 3 children. 494068. Jacob. Born at Merrimac, N. H. Married Maria Culver. They had 3 children. Residence, Montpelier, Vt. 494069. Jane. Born April 8, 1797. Unmarried. Died Dec. 13, 1S62. 494070. Timothy Chandler. Born about 1800. Died Aug. 11, 1821. 494071. Nancy. Married May 4, 1S29, Howard Griswold of Water- bury, Vt. He died at Randolph, Vt. They had 4 children. 494072. James. Married Charlotte Blodgett. They had 5 children. 494080. Maj. Timothy Chandler. (Timothy*, John', John\ John^, Thomas'', William'.) 485021. He was born April 25, 1762. He married in Nov., 1787. Sarah Abbott (daughter of Joseph Abbott and Phebe Lovejoy). Business man. Major, nth Regt. N. H., 1799. Soldier in war of 1812. He died Aug. 9, 1848. She died Jan. 27, 1857. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 49:1081 494082 494083 494084 494085 494086 494087 494088 4940S9 494090 494091 494092 Peregrine White. Born July 10, 17SS. Died Aug. 28, 1792. Sarah. Born Feb. 11, 1791. Married Abel Blanchard East- man. 500500. Peregrine Hale. Born March 6, 1793. Died JuW 18, 1828. Infant Born Feb. 8, 1795. Died Feb. 18, 1795. Judith. Born F'eb. 16, 1796. Unmarried. Died June 4, 1S51. Timothy Jay. Born May 21, 179S. Unmarried. Dorcas. Born July 22, 1800. Died Aug. 22, iSoo. Isaac Abbott. Burn Oct. 2, 1801. Died Oct. 11, 1819. John Bradley. Born Feb. 13, 1805. 500510. Abiel. Born April 2, 1807. 500520. Seneca. Born Sept. 10, 1809. Died in Sept. 1810. Elizabeth. Born Feb. 4, 1812. Died Sept. 4, 1S44. 494100. Capt. Abiel Chandler. (Timothy^ John^, John\ John\ Thomas-, William'.) 485023. He was born Oct. 20, 1765. He married Dec. 25, 1788, Abigail Thomas of Sanbornton. Soldier in Rev. War. He was at White Plains, West Point and Saratoga. Honorably discharged in 1783. Pensioner. He settled at Sanborn- ton but removed about 1796 to Bridgewater, now Bristol, N. H. Captain in militia at Bristol. He moved to Stewartstown, N. H. He died March 5, 1854, at Bristol. She died at Stewartstown. 1424 History of the Ayres Family. Married Daniel 494102. 494103. 494104. 494105. 494106. 494107. 494108. 494109. 4941 10. Children : 494101. Eliza. Born July 28, 17S9, at Sanbornton. Kidder. 500530. Abigail. Born April 4, 1791. Died Aug. 17, 1791. Timothy. Born June 4. 1792. 500540. Tabitha. Born April 18, 1794, at Bristol. Married Stephen Caswell. 500550. Jonathan. Born May 14, 1795. 500560 George Washington. Born June 30, 1797. 500570. Azuba. Born Sept. 29, 1800, at Bridgewater. Married Seth Terrill. 500575. Solomon. Born Aug. 6, 1802. Died Nov. 7, 1802. Lucetta. Born Sept. 30, 1803. Married Caleb S. Dalton. 500585. Matilda D. Born Jan. 7, 1805. Married Joshua Terrill. 500600. 494111. Abiel Walker. Born Nov. 26, 1807. 500610. 4941 12. Abner Flanders. He married (pub. Aug. 14, 1773) Sarah Chandler. 485041. Soldier in Stark's Brigade in the battle of Bennington, Vt. Miller. She died in 1842. Residence, Con- cord, N. H. Children : 4941 13 Mary. Born Feb. 26, 1774. Married Jonathan Carter (John) of Concord. He removed to Maine. Charles. Married Nancy Shute (daughter of Moses Shute). Residence, Pembroke, N. H. Sarah. Born Nov. 7, 1779. Married Dec. 24, 1799, Abner Diamond (Ezekiel) of Concord. Nathan. Married Alice Cory. Residence, Pembroke, N. H. Samuel Wood. Born June 19, 17S5. Married a Farley. Resi- dence, Pembroke, N. H. Christopher Paige. Born May ii, 1788. Married Sarah Powers of Landaff, N. H. Residence, Groton, N. H. Abner. Born May 22, 1790. Married Deborah Hill of Buffalo. Residence, Illinois. Nancy. Born July 27, 1794. Married John Hannaford of Northfield, N. H. Their son, Franklin Hannaford, was a soldier, 5th Regt. N. H. Vols, in Civil War. Origen. Born March 10, 1797. Died about 1799. Aphia. Born Aug. 4, 1801. Died in Illinois. 494125. Ebenezer West. (Nathaniel West and Sarah Bur- bank.) He was born Dec. 25, 1754. He married in 1775, Mary Chandler. 485043. Residence, Concord, N. H. 494114 494115 4941 1 6 4941 1 7 4941 18 4941 19 494120 494121. 494122. Seventh Generation. 1425 Child 494126. Sarah. Married (pub. May 17, 1794) Asa Graham. (George.) Child : .\zubah Graham. Married April 28, 1814, Chandler Lovejoy. 494130. Richard Flanders. He married Nov. 20, 1777, Mary (Chandler) West. 485043. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 494131. Daniel. Born Dec. 17, 1778. Unmarried. Died Dec. 9, 1854. 494132. Hannah. Born July 29, 1781. Married in 1801, John Abbott. 5006 10- I. 494133. Ebenezer. Born Aug. 23, 1784. Died Dec. 24, 1788. 494134. John. Born Jan. 19, 1787. Married May 31, 1812, Rachel .\bbott (daughter of Samuel Abbott and Mary F. Story). They had 9 children. 494135. Ebenezer. Died. 494136. Jacob. Born March 22, 1791. Died young. 494137. Lydia. Born Feb. 7, 1796. Died in 1861. 494138. Jacob. Born Feb. 7, 1796. Married April 15, 1820, Huldah Abbott (daughter of Samuel Abbott and Mary F. Story). They had 7 children. 494139. Sarah. Born April 17, 1800. Married in 18 19 Dea. Henry Martin of Rumford, Me. 494140. Mary. Born Feb. 21, 1803. Married June 16, 1S25, Capt. Ezra Ballard of Concord, N. H. 494145. Gen. Joshua Graham. (George.) He married June 7, 1787, Hannah Chandler. 485044. She died March 31, 1828. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : Married March 21, 181 1, James Married June 7, 1810, Dea. Elijah Bartlett. He was born in 1788. He died March iS, i860. She died Oct. 16. 1866. Residence, Bethel, Me. Child: Hannah Chandler Bartlett. Married Abiel Chandler. 494150. George. Born F"eb. 24, 1795. Married March 21, 1818, Hannah Eastman. 494151. Gen. Asa. Married Feb. 7, 1817, Lucinda Farnum. 494152. Joshua. Married Dec. 27, 1S25, Hannah P. Goddard. 494153- Abiel C. Born Aug. 24, 1799. Died Jan. 12, 1802. 494154. John C. Born Jan. i, 1S02. Died young. 494146. Aaron. Born March 6, 17S8. 494147. Abiel. 494148. Sarah. Born May 31, 1790. F. Bragg. 494149. Nancy. Born May 30, 1792 1426 History of the Ayres Family. 494155. Jonas Wyman. He married March 4, 1784, by Rev. Zacheus Colby, Lydia Chandler. 485045. She died June 21, 1842. Residence, Chatham, N. H. Children : 494156. Mark. Born .\pril 30, 17S4. Married in June, 1807, Benjamin Baker of Salisbury, N. H. They had 3 children. 494157. Elizabeth. Born May 28, 17S6. Married in Sept., 183S, John Hobart of Franklin, N. H. She died in Salisbury. 494158. Reuben. Born July 22, 1789. Married April 15, 1811, Sarah Walker. He died in Bartlett, N. H. 494159. Jonas. Born Jan. 15, 1791. 500610-10. 494160. Sarah. Born May 14, 1793. Married Aug. 16, 1S16, Gardner Howe of Ogdensburg, N. Y. 494161. Lydia. Born May 16, 1795. Married Aug. 15, 1S20, Chandler G. Heath of Waldwich, Wis. 494162. Abiel Chandler. Born Feb. 20, 179S. Married Aug. 15, 1820, Hannah Stevens. 494163. Nancy. Born July 19, 1801. Married in Feb., 1830, Nathaniel Greeley. 494164. Merrill. Born July 4, 1804. Married Dec. 12, 1S44, Martha P. Meserve. 494165. Abigail. Born Sept. 20, 1809. Married in Sept., 1839, Hub- bard Stevens of Waldrich, Wis. 494170. Oliver Flanders. (Richard Flanders and Mary Fowler.) He married (pub. Jan. 18, 1784), Abigail Chandler. 485046. She died Jan. 2, 1841. Residence, Plymouth, N. H. Children : 494171. Peter. Born June 19, 1785. Married Oct. 22, 1808, Hannah Heath of Bow, N. H. She died in Plymouth. 494172. Moses. Born April 21, 1786. Married (ist) Ruth Bean. She died in Concord. Married (2nd) Sept. 29, 1813, Sarah Bean. He removed to Rumney, N. H. 494173. Richard. Born April 23, 1789. Married Sept. 29, 1814, Abigail Furber. He died March 16, 1833, in Concord. They had 2 children. 494174. Ebenezer. Born April 28, 1790. Married Nov. 11, 1815, Nancy Weeks. He died Feb. 13, 1837. 494175. Abiel Chandler. Born Jan. 7, 1793. Married May 11, 1818, Sarah Fellows. He died Feb. 13, 1834, in Plymouth, N. H. 494176. Martha. Born Feb. 13, 1796. Married March 20, 1816, Stephen Lang of Concord, N. H. Child : Moses Lang. Married Elizabeth Chandler of Tewksbury, Mass. Seventh Generation. 1427 494177. Susan. Born March 5, 1799. Married Feb. 16, 1S27, Nathaniel Lancaster of Lyme, N. H. 494178. Abigail. Born Feb. 24, i8or. Married Dec. 3, 1822, Samuel Morse of Plymouth, N. H. 494179. Col. Oliver. Born March 28, 1803. Married April 29, 1830, Hannah F. Green of Rumney, N. H. Colonel. Residence, Plymouth, N. H. 494180. Elizabeth. Born April 17, 1805. 494181. Anna. Born Oct. 5, 1807. Married Feb. 3, 1830, James R. Payne of Lebanon, N. H. 494182. Mary. Born Feb. 20, 1809. Died April 28, 1840. 494183. Orilla. Born March 5, 1811. Married (pub. Sept. 13, 1852), John R. West of Plymouth, N. H. 494185. Capt. Paul Chandler. (DanieP, John^, Johtr', John^, Thomas^ William'.) 485047. He was born May 5, 1769. He married Susan Hardy of Fryeburg. She was born Feb. 21, 1773. He died April 5, 1815. She died March 27, 1841. Residence, North Chatham, N. H. Children : 494186. Dorcas. Born March 23, 1796. Married John Leavitt. 500615. 494187. David Hardy. Born March 26, 1798. 500630. 494188. Daniel. Born .A.pril 19, 1800. 500635. 494189. Moses. Born Oct. 10, 1802. 500640. 494190. Abiel. Born Jan. 14, 1805. 500650. 494191. John. Born March 11, 1807. 500660. 494192. Susan Hardy. Born April 19, 1809. Married Henry S. Far- rington. 500670. 494193. Stephen. Born Dec. 27, 1810. Unmarried. Residence, No. I, Aroostock Co., Me 494194. Oliver Perry. Born Oct. 30, 1813. 500680. 494195. Richard Walker. He married Ann Chandler. 485048. She died Feb. 7, 1799. Residence, Chatham, N. H. Children : 494196. Hannah C. Born Dec. 29,1795. Married Otis Bent of Paris, Me. 494197. Daniel. Born in 1797. Died young. 494198. Ariel Chandler. (Daniel*, John^, John^ John^, Thomas^ William'.) 485049. He was born Feb. 26, 1777. He graduated at Harvard College, 1806. He married May 15, 1827, 1428 History of the Ayres Family. Dorcas Sargent (daughter of Epes Sargent, Esq., of Boston, Mass.). Merchant in Boston many years. He was very wealthy. Founder of the Chandler Scientific School at Dartmouth College. He died March 22, 1851, at Walpole, N. H. She died in 1837. No children. 494200. John Chandler. (DanieP, John^, John-*, John^ Thomas^ William'.) 485050. He was born March 19, 1781. He married Nov. 28, 1805, Mary Harriman (daughter of Amos Harriman). He died April 23, 18 15. Residence, Chatham, N. H. Children : 494201. Hannah. Born Jan. 30, 1S06. Married Lewis Eastman. 5006S5. 494202. Sarah MerriU. Born April 16, 1808. Married Jonathan S. Farrington, Esq., 500690. 494203. Charles H. 500695. 494204. John C. Born Aug. 18, 1S09. 500700. 494205. Paul. 500710. 494210. Daniel Chandler. (Joshua*, John', John-*, John^, Thomas-, William'.) 485061. He was born Sept. i, 1768. He married Feb. 3, 1794, Mehitable Arlin. She was born in North- field. Soldier in War of 181 2. He died in June, 1817. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 49421 1. Sarah. Died aged 12 years. 494212. Nathaniel L,. Married. He removed from Concord. 494213. Judith. 494214. Elizabeth. Married (ist) Moses Powell. 500715. Married (2nd) May 13, 1850, Jeremiah Quimby. 494215. Nancy. Married Jeremiah Arlin. 500720. 494216. Sarah. Married ( ist), in Grafton, John Sleeper of Pembroke, N. H. ; (2nd) a Prescott of Pembroke. She resided, 187 1, AUenstown, N. H. 494217. Jeremiah. Born March 18, 1810. 500725. 494218. Moses. Born May 7, 1812. 500740. 494219. Samuel. Born in April, 1814. 500750. 494220. Benjamin. Married (3d) Jan. 24, 1869, Alma Wiser (daugh- ter of Nathan Wiser and Sarah Nichols). She was born in 1846. 494225. George Arlin. He married March 24, 1791, Ruth Chandler. 485062. She died in May, 1792. Their only child Seventh Generation. 1429 died young. He married (2nd) (pub. Aug. 25, 1792) Sarah Chandler. 485064. Children : 494226. 494227. 49422S. 494229. 494230. 494231- 494232. 494233- 494234- 494235- 494236. 494237- Irene. Born April 19, 1793. Married David Gove of Weare, N. H. They had 9 children. Priscilla. Born June 7, 1795. Married ( ist) Francis La Banta of Three Rivers, Canada, and Concord, N..H.; (2nd) in June, 181 7, Amos Perry of Concord. Infant. Born Oct. 20, 1797. Died. Sarah. Born Jan. 5, 1799. Married Nathan Brown. They had 7 children. Zachariah. Born Nov. 30, iSoi. Married Harriet Daniels. They had 5 children. Hannah. Born July 8, 1804. Married (ist) Henry L. Emer- son ; (2nd) Joseph Wallace. She had 6 children. Abigail. Born May 22, 1S07. Married (i.st) John Dodge of Tunbridge, Vt. ; (2rv,d) a Paine of East Randolph, Vt. Mary. Born June 15, 1809. Married Ephraim Wentworth. She (lied March 18, 1S40. Their only child died March 18, 1840. Catharine. Married (1st) Nov. 24, 1831, Nathaniel Arlin. He died in April. 1S44. Married (2nd) David Eaton.- He died in Concord. Married (3d) Philip Clough of Fisherville. She had 5 children. Anna. Born May 5, 1814. Married (ist) John Tibbetts ; (2nd) Levi Connor (Abel) of Henniker. Elizabeth. Born July 6, 181 6. Married Jan. 23, 1834, Enoch Quimby. Soldier, Capt. Sturtevant's Co.. 5th Regt. N. H. Vols, in Civil War. Harriet. Born June 6, 1819. Married Feb. 7, 1839, Thomas Jefferson Barnes of Concord, N. H. 494242. John Simpson. He married Feb. 16, 1824, Ruhamah Chandler. 485063. He died at Pembroke, N. H., and she re- turned to Concord, N. H. She died at Pembroke. Child : 494243. Ruth Chandler. Married (ist) April 7, 1810, Thomas Bald- win ; (2nd) George Rives of Canterbury, N. H. 494244. Joshua Chandler. (Joshua^ Tohn=, John-', John^ Thomas% William'.) 485067. He was born Sept. 4, 1782. He married in Aug., 1802, Nancy Arlin (daughter of Samuel Arlin and Anna Hanson). She was born March 11, 1783. Residence, Concord, N. H. 1430 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 494245. Charles. Born about 1 Si i. Died in 1863. 494246. Sarah. Born Aug. ir, 1814. Married (ist) Sept. 17, 1S29, Warren Puffer. 500755. Married (2nd) in May, 1861, John ft Huse. 494247. Dorcas C. Married ( ist) Nov. 25, 1 841, Thomas Puffer, Jr. 500765. Married (2nd) June 4, 1848, Jesse S. Black. 500765. 494248. Mary. Born about 1S14. Died in 1821. 494249. Ann. Died in 1823, aged r year and 8 months. 494250. Susan. Born in Jan., 1818. Unmarried. 494251. Daniel. Married May 3, 1852, Adalina Diadomia Peck. He died in 1859. No children. 494252. Joseph. Born April ir, 1823. 500775. 494253. Mary. Married (ist) July 8, 1855, Daniel Brown of Grafton and Concord. Soldier in Civil War. He died. Married (2nd) an Emery. 494254. Samuel. 500780. i 494255. Ralph Holerook. He was born in 1748. He married Dec. 15, 1772, Sarah Chandler. 4851 01. He died in March, 1775. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 494256. Abiel. Born March 16, 1775. Graduated at Harvard College, 1800. Teacher in the family of a brother of Gen. George Wash- ington in Virginia. Unmarried. Died in Alexandria, Va. 494257. Ralph. Died. 494260. Zebadiah Shattuck. (Joseph Shattuck and Joanna Chandler.) He was born Oct. 22, 1736. He married (2nd) Dec. 25, 1 78 1, Sarah (Chandler) Holbrook. 485 loi. Soldier in Old French and Indian War. He died in April, 1826. She died in 1824. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 494261. Zebadiah. Married Nov. 27, 1806, Sarah Durant (daughter of Amos and Sarah Durant). He died Oct. 22, 1829, at Andover. They had 4 children. 494262. Sarah. Born Nov. 3, 1782. Married Richard Trow. They had 5 children. 494265. Zebadiah Chandler. (Zebadiah*, Joshua^, John% John^, Thomas-, William'.) 485102. He was born Nov. 11, 1752. He married Aug. 16, 1774, Lucy Chandler (daughter of Nathan Chandler and Phebe Abbott). She was born June 26, 1758. Selectman. He died Feb. 5, 1835. She died June 16, 1826. Seventh Generation. 1431 Children 494269 494270 494271 494273 494274 494266. Lucy. Born Feb. 8, 1775. Bap. Feb. 19, 1775. Married Feb. 18, 1793, Samuel Shattuck. 494785. 494267. Phebe. Born Ang. 29, 1776. Bap. Sept. i, 1776. Married Nov. 19, 1795, Benjamin Moar. 500795. 494268. Zebadiah. Born Sept. S. 1779. Bap. Sept. 12, 1779. Married June 19, 1809. Mary Moar of Bradford. He died Jan. 6, 1S35. No children. Fann}-. Born June 8, 17S1. Bap. June 24, 1781. Married (ist) Theophilus Frye, Jr. 500S05. Deborah. Born April 11, 17S3. Bap. .\pril 13, 1783. Married Nov. 4, 1S06, Richard Derby Hill. 500810. Ezra. Born June 7, 1785. Married Nov. 15, 1806, Dolly Chandler. 500820. Hannah. Born June 17, 1787. Married (ist) Oct. 6, 1S05, Ezra Clark. 500S30. Married (2nd) John Barnard. Stephen. Born Oct. 22, 1790. Married Mary Ripley. 500840. Rhoda. Born July 31, 1793. Married (ist) Jan. 21, 1812, David Bailey George. 500845. Married (2nd) Jacob Shattuck ; (3d) a Merrill. 494275. Elizabeth. Born May 19, 1796. Married Jacob Shattuck. No children. Residence, West Andover, Mass. 494280. Capt. Joshua Moar. (Timothy Moar and Elizabeth Abbott.) He was born June 3, 1751. He married Sept. 17, 1776, Deborah Chandler. 485104. He died in 1825. Residence. Mil- ford, N. H. Children ; 494281. Deborah. Born July 20, 1777. Married Simeon Gutterson. She died in 1805. 494282. Joshua. Born Nov. 2, 1778. Married in 1805, Beulah Blanch- ard. The}' had 8 children. 494283. Stephen Chandler. Born Aug. 17, 1780. Married Nov. 6, 1804, Elizabeth Sawyer Chase of Andover. She was born in 17S2. He died March 16, 1861. She died April 25, 1854. They had 3 children. 494284. Timothy. Born Jan. 9, 1783. Died Jan. 11,1783. 494285. Timothy. Born March 22, 1784. Married Betsey Hopkins. They had 7 children. 494286. Sally. Born Oct. 26, 1786. Married in iSoS, Luther Hutchin- son. They had 6 children. 494287. Betsey. Born Jan. 25, 1790. Married in iSio, Micah Jenkins of Mt. Vernon, N. H. She died in 1825. They had 3 children. 1432 History of the Ayres Family. 494290. Joseph Chandler. (Zebadiah^ Joshua^, John/ John\ Thomas-, WilUam'.) 485105. He was born May 2, 1759. He married in Nov. 1782, Mary King (daughter of Richard King and Lucy Butterfield of Wilton, N. H.). She was born in May, 1762. He died Nov. 3, 1815. She died Sept. 25, 1854. Residence, West Andover, Mass. Children : 494291. Joseph. Born Dec. 18, 1785. 500S65. 494292. Mary. Born March 27, 1787. Married Leonard Stevens. 500875. 494293. Joshua. Born Jan. 13, 1789. 500885. 494294. Ralph Holbrook. Born Feb. 17, 1791. 500895. 494295. Jonathan. Born Feb. 6, 1793. 500910. 494296. Lucy King. Born July 28, 1795. Married Oliver Barrett. 500920. 494297. Nathan. Born July 2, 1797. Died May 17, 1817. 494298. Sarah. Born March 10, 1800. Married Richard Emerson. 500930. 494299. Elizabeth. Born June 13, 1802. Died April 12, 1S21. 494300. Martha. Born July 4, 1804. Married Nov. 7, 1822, Jeremiah Hurd. (Timothy Hurd and Mary Dane). He was born Juh- 10, 1799. Wool merchant in Boston. She died May 29, 1867, at Worcester. No children. Residence, 18S3, Maiden, Mass. 494305. Andrew Parkhurst. He married March 2, 1784, Lydia Chandler. 485106. Residence, Wilton, N. H. Children : 494306. Andrew. Married Abiah Holt (daughter of Simeon Holt and Mary Dale, Joseph Holt and Dolly Johnson). 494307. Lydia. Born Oct. 4, 1789. Married Feb. 28, 1815, Chandler Phelps. She died Sept. 6, 1830. 49430S. Rebecca. Married Samuel King of Wilton. They had i child. 494310. Hezekl'VH Ballard. (Dea. Hezekiah Ballard and Lydia Chandler.) He was born July 18, 1762. He married Dec. 10, 1783, Mary Chandler. 485107. He died Oct. 4, 1847. She died March 30, 1834. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 49431 1. Capt. Joshua. Born Jan. 3, 1785. Married Nov. 13, 1810, Phebe Abbott (daughter of Jonathan Abbott Jr., and Dorcas Abbott, daughter of Stephen Abbott). He died Feb. 4, 1871. Seventh Generation. 1433 They had 7 children. Child : Phebe A. Ballard. Born Aug. 22, iSii. Married Feb. 17, 1831, Herman Phelps Chandler. 494312. Hezekiah. Born Feb. 19,1787. Died young. 494313. Mary. Born Feb. 13, 1789. Died in 1803. 494314. Hannah Frye. Born Aug. 2, 1791. Married May 8, 1834, Chandler Phelps. No children. 494315. Dorcas. Born Dec. 17, 1793. Died young. 494316. Sarah. Born Dec. 17, 1793. Died young. 494317. Hezekiah. Born Aug. 31, 1796. Married Susan Born. He died Dec. 21, 1837, in South Reading. She died Dec. 6, 1S52. 494318. Nathan. Died young. 494320. Hon. Joshua Chandler. (Joshua^ Joshua^, John\ John^ Thomas^ William'.) 485 121. He was born Aug. 18, 1758. He married Oct. 18, 1798, Dorcas Foster (daughter of Obadiah Foster and Hannah Ballard). She was born June 9, 1777. Repre- sentative, 1817. He died Nov. 26, 1817. She died Dec. 26, 1830. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 494321. Dorcas. Born April i, iboo. Married Dec. 26, 1820, Moses Parker (Enoch). He was born May 5, 1797. He died Jan. 14, 1841. She died Dec. 13, 1867. Child: Dorcas Caroline Parker. Died Oct. 15, 1822, aged 11 months. 494322. Joshua. Born March 19, 1803. 500935. 494323. John. Born June 20, 1806. 500945. 494324. Nathan. Born Feb. i, 1812. 500950. 494330. Maj. Abiel Chandler. (Joshua^ Joshua^, John\ John^ Thomas'^, William'.) 485122. He was born Aug. 28, 1760. He married Oct. 17, 1782, Mary Abbott (daughter of Capt. Jonathan Abbott and Mary Chandler). She was born Jan. 10, 1762. Major in the Militia. He died Nov. 2, 1833, in Boston. She died May 21, 1845. Residence, Andover and Boston, Mass. Child : 494331. Rev. Joshua. Born May 15, 1787. Graduated at Harvard College, 1807. Pastor at Swansey, N. H., Orange, Mass., and Bedford. Unmarried. Died May 31, 1854, in Boston. 494332. Joseph Shattuck. (Joseph Shattuck and Joanna Chandler.) He was born Nov. 8, 1757. .He married (ist) June 23, 17S4, Hannah Chandler. 485123. She died in 1785. No chil- 1434 History of the Ayres Family. dren. He married (2nd) March 7,0, 1790, Phebe Abbott. 485184. Soldier in Rev. War. He died July 8, 1847. Phebe Abbott died Dec. 20, 1848. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 494333. Hannah C. Born Aug. 5, 1791. Unmarried. Died Oct. 26, 1847. 494334. Hon. Joseph. Born Oct. iS, 1793. Married May 25, 1826, Hannah Bailey (daughter of James Bailey and Luc}' Brown). Selectman 15 years. Representative, 1838-9. Residence, W. Andover. 494335. Hon. Nathan. Born March 4, 1797. Married in 1S24, Mary Fiske Abbott (daughter of Dea. Isaac Abbott and Phebe Chandler). She was born July 9, 1S03. Representative, 1S34. Residence, W. Andover. 494336. Phebe A. Born Feb. 21, 1807. Married Feb. 4, 1836, William Merrill. Residence, Andover. 494337. Benjamin Ames. (Capt. Benjamin Ames and Hepzibah Chandler.) He was born Nov. 9, 1749. He married April 30, 1772, Phebe Chandler. 485141. He died Nov. 21, 1810. She died June 19, 1798. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 49433S. Benjamin. Born Feb. 24, .1773. Died Oct. 10, 1775. 494339. Phebe. Born April S, 1775. Married (ist) a Searls ; (2nd) Samuel Stevens, Jr. Child : Daniel Stevens. 494340. Hepzibah. Born Jan. 20, 1777. Married Nathaniel vStimpson. She died Jan. 2S, 1802, in Montreal. They had 2 children. 494341. Benjamin. Born April 30, 1778. 494342. Hannah. Born July 19, 1781. Married ( ist) June 30, 1801, Maj. Daniel Gumming of Andover. He was born Sept. 2, 1778. He died Dec. 26, 1827, at Maidstone, Vt. Married (2nd) June 21, 1842, Hon. Leonard White. Cashier of Merrimack Bank of Haverhill, Mass. He died. She had 4 children. Her daughter Mary E. married a Paine of Bangor, Me. 494343. Mary. Married Joseph Wilson of Charlestown, Mass. They had 3 children who died young. 494344. Ezra Chandler. Born Jan. 7, 17S5. Married (ist) Nov. 19, 1815, Joanna Eames (daughter of Deacon Eames). They had 4 children. She died Oct. 6, 1822. He married (2nd) March 4, 1824, Nancy Porter (daughter of Dudlej- Porter). She was born Oct. 11, 179c. They had 3 children. She died May 11, 1840. He married (3d) April 26, 1842, Elizabeth Marsh of Haverhill. Seventh Generation. 1435 494345. Nathan. Born Ma}- 7, 17S7. Married Nov. 24, iSri, Lydia Clark of .\ndover. Deputy Sheriff of Lincohi County, Me. They had 5 children. 494346. Elizabeth. Born Jan. 19, 1789. Married Nov. 29, 1810, David Boynton of Andover. He was born Jan. 19, 1784. He died March 25, 1S26. They had 5 children. 494347. Rhoda. Born Jan. 12, 1792. Died Jan. 31, 1792. 494348. Isaac. Born Nov. 13, 1794. Merchant. Unmarried. Died Nov. 5, 1818. Residence, Richmond, Va. 494350. Nathan Chandler. (Nathan^ Nathan^, John-*, John^. Thomas-, WiUiam'.) 485142. He was born June 16, 1756. He married Nov. 27, 1782. Lucy Ballard (daughter of Dea. Hezekiah Ballard and Lydia Chandler). She was born in 1760. Soldier. Capt. Joshua Holt's Co., at the Lexington alarm April 19, 1775. ^^ removed in 1794 to Concord, N. H. He died June 27, 1837. She died June 8, 1827. Children : 494351. Lucy. Born Nov. 3, 17S5. Married Jan. 24, 1S08, Capt. Job Abbott. 500955. 494352. Nathan. Born in 178S. Bap. March 30, 1788. Unmarried. Died Sept. 17, i860. 494353. Rebecca M. Born July 17, 1790. Bap. July 18, 1790. IMarried June 14, 1821, Jeremiah Abbott. 500965. 494354. Ezra. Bap. Sept. 30, 1792. 494355- Ezra. Born Oct. 8, 1794, in Concord. 500975. 494356. Dorcas Ballard. She removed in 1S54 to Ballardville. 494357. Hermon Phelps. Born Dec. 19, 1801. 5009S5. 494360. William Ballard. He married Nov. 11, 1783. Mary Chandler. He removed from Andover, Mass., to Peterboro, N. H. She died Sept. 12, 1819. Children : 494361. William. Married Temperance Downing (daughter of Palfrey Downing). They had 3 children. 494362. Mary. Married (ist) Charles Grant; (2nd) Nathan Kendall of Bedford, N. H. She had 9 children. Residence, Greenfield. 494363. Nathan. Married (ist) Sarah Clement; (2nd) Lorena (Dolliver) Small. 494364. Josiah. Died young. 494365. Ezra. Died aged 8 months. 494366. Ezra. Died aged 15 months. 1436 History of the Ayres Family. 494367. Phebe. Died young. 494368. Phebe Abbott. Born in June, 1802. Married Swasey Noyes (Aaron Noyes and Phebe Morse). They had 9 children. Residence, Blanchard's Plain, \V. Andover, Mass. 494369. Rev. Josiah. Born April 14, 1806. Prepared at Monson Academy and graduated at Yale College, 1833. Ordained in 1835. Congregationalist. He married Oct. i, 1835, Elizabeth D, Whiton (daughter of Rev. John M. Whiton, D. D., of Antrim, N. H. He died Dec. 12, 1863, at Carlisle, Mass. She died in Aug., 1862. They had 2 children. 494370. David Abbott. (Jonathan Abbott and Mary Chandler.) 485183. He was born March 11, 1764. He married in 1789, Priscilla Chandler. 485147. He died June 21, 1823. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 494371 494372 494373 494374 494375 494376 494377 494378 494379 Priscilla. Born June 10, 1790. Mary. Born June 20, 1791. David. Born Dec. 23, 1793. Married in 1823, Mary Grant. Capt. Jonathan. Born June 9, 1796. Married Lydia Phelps. Ezra. Born April 19, 1801. Phebe. Born Aug. 5, 1805. Married Elijah Wilson. Josiah. Born Sept. 8, 1806. Serena. Born Sept. 7, 180S. Hermon. Married Mary Gray. 494380, Benjamin Abbott, (Capt. Jonathan Abbott and Mary Chandler.) 485186. He was born June 7, 1770. He married Nov. 26, 1793, Rhoda Chandler. 485149. She died March 19, 1853. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 494381. Benjamin. Born March 27, 1795. Married in 1814 Rebecca Boynton (daughter of Thomas Boynton). He died Sept, 21, 1853. They had six children. 494382. Rhoda. Born Oct. 24, 1796. Married Daniel Knowlton. Residence, Concord, N. H. 494383. Phebe. Born Nov. 27, 1798. Married Nov. 25, 1824, Hon. Solomon Holt ( Dea. Solomon Holt and Mary Cummings, Dea. Joshua Holt and Phebe Farnum, daughter of Benjamin Far- num). He was born May i, 1799. Representative several years. They had six children. Residence, Andover, Mass. 494384. Jonathan. Born Nov. 15, 1801. Died March 8, 1838. Seventh Generation. 1437 4943S5. Nathan C. Born Jan. i6, 1807. Married in 1836, Hannah B, Grant. She was born Sept. 19, 181 r, in Greenfield, N. H. The)' had 7 children. 494386. Mary. Born Nov. 17, 1809. Married in 1836 Ebenezer Ricker of Acton. They had 5 children. Residence, Lyman, Me. 494388. Isaac Abbott. (Isaac-, Isaac'.) 485202. He was born Dec. 9, 1768. He married (ist) in 1798 Hepzibah Fiske. She died in 1800. He married (2nd) Mary Moulton. He had 4 children. Child : 494389. Mary Fiske. Born in March, 1800. Married in 1824 Nathan Shattuck. 494390. Chandler Phelps. (Henry^, Samuel'.) 485217. He was born March 5, 1786. He married (ist) Lydia Parkhurst (daughter of Andrew Parkhurst and Lydia Chandler, daughter of Zebadiah and Mary Chandler). He married (2nd) May 8, 1834, Hannah Frye Ballard (daughter of Hezekiah Ballard, Jr., and Mary Chandler, daughter of Zebadiah and Mary Chandler). Child : 494391- Jacob Sidney. Born in 181S. Married May 11, 1849, Rebecca Chandler (daughter of Joseph Chandler and Mary Phelps). He died Sept. 29, 1851. No children. 494392. Lieut. Isaac Chandler, (Isaac^ Nathan^, John*, John^ Thomas-, William'.) 485 161. He was born Jan 28, 1758. He married Dec. 10, 1783, Nabby Boutwell (daughter of Jonathan Boutwell, Jr., of Wilmington, Mass.). Lieutenant, Capt. Joseph Holt's Co. of Andover, Mass., at the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775. Pensioner. He died Jan. 30, 1838. She died Aug. 17, 1836. Residence, Concord, N. H., and Hamilton, Mass. Children : 494393. Abigail. Born Dec. 2, 1786. Married (ist) James Parker, Jr. 500990. Married (2nd) Jeremiah Morse. 500994. 494394. Isaac. Born Feb. 22. 501000. 494395. William. Born Jan. 28, 1792, at Hillsboro, N. H. 501005. 494396. Mary Boutwell. Born July 16, 1793. Married William Hogans. 501010. 494397- Samuel. Died in New York City. 494398- Orlando Dana. Born Oct. i, 1796, in Hillsboro. 501020. 494399. Harriet. Born in 1799. Died in 1816. 1438 History of the Ayres Family. 494400. John Chandler. (Isaac*, Nathan^, John^ John^, Thomas", William'.) He was born Nov. 21, 1759. He married April 17, 1783, Dorothy Ballard (daughter of Timothy Ballard of Andover). He removed from Andover, Mass., to Concord, N. H., and then to Bow, N. H., in 181 1. He died in Sept., 1819. Children : 494401. Dolly. Born July 28, 1783. Married (ist) Nov. 20, 1807, Ezra Chandler. Married (2nd) Sept. 2, 1S32, Alexander Albe. 494402. John. Born Sept. 29, 1785. 501025. 494403. Hannah. Born Sept. 20. INIarried Caleb Smart. 501030. 494404. Henry. Born March 27, 1789. Unmarried. Died Aug. 29, 1843. 494405. Betsey. Born Sept. 21, 1796. Married Manlj' Clough. 501035. 494406. Timothy. Unmarried. Died Sept. 21, 1823. 494407. Ballard. Married Abigail Clough (daughter of Jonathan Clough and Mary Emery). Died March 7, 1832. Residence, Hookset, N. H. Child : Sylvester. 494410. Maj. James Chandler. (Isaac^ Nathan^, John\ John^, Thomas^, William'.) 485163. He was born Nov. 28, 1761. He married April 27, 1783, Phebe Dane (daughter of Joseph Dane). She was born May 14, 1762. Fifer at age of 14 years in Rev. War and continued through entire war. He went June 27, 1777, to Bris- tol, R. I., for two months in Capt. Johnson's Company. Fife-major, Col. Titcomb's Regt. He died Dec. 2, 1835. She died Dec. 10, 1843. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 49441 1. Phebe. Born Aug. 28, 17S3. Bap. Aug. 29, 1783. Married Jacob Moar. 501045. 494412. Hannah. Born Dec. 28, 17S5. Married Joshua Griffin. 501055. 494413. James. Born May 16, 17S8. Bap. May 18, 1788. 501060. 494414. Benjamin. Born Jan. 27, 1790. 501070. 494415. Joseph. Born Dec. 18, 1792. Married Anna Kent. Sugar planter at New Orleans. Residence, Cincinnati, Ohio. 494416. Isaac. Born Feb. 5, 1795. Merchant. Died in 1829. 494417. Elizabeth. Born Nov. 17, 1797. Married Amos Clough Merrill. 5010S5. 494418. Dorcas. Born Jan. 13, 1800. Married April 29, 1823, George French. No children. Residence, N. Andover. Seventh Generation. 1439 494419. Henry. Born June 23, 1S02. Unmarried. Died in 1S29 in Washington, D. C. 494420. Hermon. Born July 11, 1805. 501100. 494422. Samuel Chandler, (Isaac^ Nathan^, John'', John^ Thomas-, William'.) 485164. He was born Jan. 25, 1764. He married April 21, 1790, Sarah Jacques of Dracut. She was born July 25, 1767. Soldier, Capt. Phineas Parson's Co. of x\ndover, Mass.. which marched from Springfield. Mass., July 2, 1780. Pensioner. He died Jan. 12, 1842, at Antrim. She died May 20, 1858. Residence, Hillsboro, N. H. Children : 494423. Reuben. Born July 21, 1796. Died July 2r, 1796, in Tyngs- boro, IMass. 494424. Sarah. Born March 17, 1799, in Hillsboro. Married John Kidder. 501 no. 494425. Samuel. Born July 7, 1803. 501 115. 494426. Hannah Colburn. Born Feb. 17, 1809. Married David Brad- ford Gould. 501 1 20. 494428. Henry Chandler. (Isaac^ Nathan^, John", John^, Thomas-, William'.) 485165. He was born July 16, 1766. He married March 11, 1798, Ruth Abbott (daughter of Reuben, Reuben, James Abbott). She was born April 2, 1777, in Concord, N. H. He died April 3, 1856. She died Feb. 20, 1849. Residence, Con- cord, N. H. Children : 494429. Phebe. Born Jan. 23, 1799. Married July 4, 1836, Daniel Dunlap. 494430. Henry. Born May 13, 1800. Died Jan. 16, 1810. 494431. Rebecca A. Born Feb. 14, 1S03. Married Dea. Jame.s Moul- ton, Jr. 501 125. 494432. Judith. Born Jan. 8, 1807. Married Abiel R. Crosby. 501135- 494433. Susan D. Born Dec. 31, 1810. Married William Pecker. 501 140. 494434. Maria. Born Nov. 28, 18 13. Married May 30, 1853, Joseph C. Tilton. 494435. Lucia. Born April 23, 1816. Married Feb. 16, 1858, Rev. James Dolt of Milton, N. H. 1440 History of the Ayres Family. 494437. Benjamin Chandler. (Isaac^ Nathan^, John-', John^ Thomas^ William'.) 485166. He was born Jan. 17, 1768. He married in Nov., 1802, Elizabeth Pratt (daughter of James Pratt and Zerviah Rugg). She was born Dec. 31, 1780. He died Feb. 24, 1847. She died June 3, 1857. Residence, Lancaster, Mass. Children : 494438. Henry Dana. Born Sept. 17, 1803. Unmarried. Died March 30, 1854, in Lowell, Mass. 494439. William Dexter. Born June 17, 1805. 501 145. 494440. Elizabeth Anset. Born April 12, 1807. Married (ist) Leonard Proctor. 501150. Married (2nd) Calvin Oak. 501154. 494441. Mary Augusta. Born March i, 1810. Address, Boston, Mass. Residence, 1883, Boston Highlands, Mass. 494442. Sarah Ann Goodwin. Born May 3, 18 12. Residence, 1883, 8 Glen wood St., Boston. 494443. James. Born Oct. 8, 1814. 501 155. 494444. Benjamin Edward Alonzo. Born Dec. 15, 1816. Married (ist) April, 18, 1S46, Jane Newhall of Sterling, Mass. She died May 10, 1849. Married (2nd) April 4, 1850, Harriet F. Blood of Sterling. She died Oct. 16, 1869. Their child Harriet died in infancy. Married (3d) Feb. 5, 1S77, Jane Thoroughgood. 2 children : i. Ethel. Born March i, 1878. 2. Mabel. Born Dec. S, 1880. 494445. Julia Louisa. Born Aug. 3, 1S22. Died May 8, 1842. 494447. Samuel Bradford. He was born Nov. 24, 1772. He married Oct. 18, 1791. Hannah Chandler. 485167. She died April 12, 1818. Residence, Hillsboro, N. H. Children : 494448. Clarissa. Burn March 28, 1792. Married Sept. 14, Timothy Gould (Stephen Gould and Lydia Fuller). He was born May 2, 1789. Merchant. Residence, Hillsboro, N. H. They had 5 children. 494449. Leonora. Born Feb. 7, 1796. Died July 7, 1815. 494450. Hannah. Born Dec. 11, 1801. Died Jan. 14, 1S05. 494452. Abraham Andrews. (Isaac.) He was born Jan. 25, 1772. He married Oct. 14, 1794, Mary Chandler. 485168. He died March 23, 1845. She died June 16, 1850. Residence, Hillsboro, N. H. Children : 494453. Isaac. Born in iSio. Married Sophronia Tolnian of Troy, N. H. He died Dec. 28, 1850, in Alstead, N. H. Seventh Generation. 1441 494454. Mary. Married Edward Herrick of Lyndeboro, N. H. Resi- dence, Lowell, Mass. 494455. Hannah. Married Calvin Ruggles. Residence, Lowell, Mass. 494456. Betsey. Married Hon. Joel Crosby Danforth. Repre.senta- tive. Residence, Concord, N. H. 494457. Clarissa. Born April 14, 1812. Married Samuel Jarvis Emer- son (Nathaniel). He was born in 1810. He died Dec. 4, 1S69, at Concord, N. H. Residence, Worcester, Mass. 494470. David Chandler. (David^, Josiah'', William^ Wil- liam-, William'.) 485252. He was born July 9, 1754. He married Hannah Peabody (daughter of Capt. William Peabody and Rebecca Smith, daughter of Samuel Smith). She was born April 2, 1754, at Amherst, N. H. Children 494471 494472 494473 494474 494475 David. Born June 28, 1775, in Milford. 501 170. John. Daughter. Married a Hammond. Nancy. Samuel. Died in Keene. 494480. Daniel Chandler. (David^ Josiah", William^ Wil- liam", William'.) 485253. He was born July 9, 1754. He married Joanna Stevens. She was born at Andover, Mass. Soldier in Rev, War. He removed in 1794 from Milford, N. H., to Putney, Vt. He died at Amherst. She died at the age of 74 years, at Coventry, Vt. Children : 494481. Joanna. Born Aug. 8, 1774. Married ist) Asa Spalding. 501 1 75. Married (2nd) Josiah Fletcher of Nashua. 494482. Daniel. Born March 4, 1777. 501 190. 494483. Samuel. Died in 1806 at Merrimac. 494484. Dorcas. Married (ist) Silas Spalding. 501 210. Married (2nd) Josiah Blood. 4941.85. Sally. Married March 21, 1805, George Cobb, at Walpole. Residence, Westmoreland, N. H. 3 children : i. George. 2. Joseph. 3. Sally. 494486. Josiah. 501220. 494487. Boadicea. Born April 29, 1789. Married Jesse INliller. 501230. 494488. Phebe. Born July 10, 1793. Married Amos Wilkins. 501240. 494489. John. Born Sept. 10, 1794. Died March 10, 1S13. 1442 History of the Ayres Family. 494490. Rev. Samuel Chandler. (David^, Josiah^ William^, Willianr, William'.) 485255. He was born Nov. 4, 1757. He graduated at Harvard College, 1779. Tutor in several colleges. He married Lucy. He traveled in Syria and visited Jerusalem. Chap- lain, U. S. Navy, 1801. Child : 494491. Joshua. Born March 17, 17S9, at Andover, Mass. 494495. JosiAH Chandler. (David=, Josiah^ WilUam', Wil- liarn^, William'.) 485257. He was born Jan. 22, 1762. He married Jan. 15, 1787, Margaret Aiken (daughter of John Aiken and Annis Orr, Nathaniel Aiken, Edward Aiken). She was born June 10, 1767, at Bedford, N. H. Soldier at Cambridge and at the taking of Gen. Burgoyne at Stillwater. He settled at Goffstown, N. H., but afterwards removed to Pomfret and later to Hanover, N. H. He died Oct. 22, 1837, at Pomfret. She died April 17, 1840. Children : 494496. Mary Ballard. Born Nov. 19, 1788, at Goffstown. Married (ist) Calvin Bugbee. 501250. Married (2nd) in Sept., 1832, Asa Cole of Mornstown, Vt. 494497. John A. Born in 1793. Unmarried. Died in 1S36, at Pom- fret. 494498. Annis Orr. Born in Jan., 1795. Married in Nov., 1834, Laban Chamberlain. He died in Aug., 1865. She died in Sept., 1865. Residence, Pomfret and Corydon. 494499. David. Born Sept. 28, 1798. 501255. 494500. Lucinda. Born in 1800. Married Seth Conant. 501265. 494501. Calvin. Died aged less than a year. 494502. Josiah. Born at Pomfret. 501270. 494510. Ens. John Chandler. (Davids Josiah'', William^ William", William'.) 485259. He was born July 4, 1771. He married Abigail Hay (daughter of Dr. John and Sarah Hay, Dr. John and Abigail Hay). She was born in 1771, at South Reading, Mass. Ensign in militia at Andover, Mass. He removed to South Reading, Mass. He died June 20, 1820. She died June 20, 1827. Children : 49451 1. Abigail. Born Jan. 3, 1794, in Reading. Married May 18, 1820, Dea. George Deland of Andover. She died June 10, 1825. Residence, Methuen, Mass. Child : .Abigail Deland. Seventh Generation. 1443 494512. Nancy. Born Oct. 17, 1795, in Andover. Married Timothy Farnum. 501275. 494513. John. Born Dec. 28, 1797, in Andover. Unmarried. 494514. Clarissa. Born Oct. 8, 1799. Married Gad Carter. 501 2S5. 494515- Samuel. Born Dec. 7, 1803. 501290. 494516. George. Born Oct. r6, 1805. Unmarried. 494520. Daniel Foster. He was born in 1777. He married Feb. 17, 1791, Mary Chandler. 485260. He died Oct. 15, 1811. She died Oct. 11, 1826. Residence, Andover, Mass. Children : 494521 494522 494523 494524 494525 494526. Mary. Married Jonathan Griffin. Sarah. Daniel. Married a Hayward. They had two children. Francis. Hon. George. Married (ist) Rebecca Abbott (daughter of Enoch Abbott). Married (2nd) Angeline Huzzey. Selectman, 1864. Representative. They had three children. Harriet. Married Timothy Denny of Methuen. They had 4 children. Child : Eveline Denn3\ 494530. John Lovejoy. (Chandler^ Henry^ Henry'.) 485271. He was born Jan. 23, 1766. He married Abigail Ambrose. She was born in 1768. He died Sept. 6, 1837. She died March 26, 1832. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 494531. Polly. Born May 19, 1792. 494532. Judith. Born May 24, 1794. 494533- Harriet. Born April 4, 1796. 494535- Ebenezer Lovejoy. (Chandler^ Henry=, Henry'.) 485274. He was born Oct. 17, 1772. He married Susanna. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 494536 494537 494538 494539 494540 494541 494542 Charlotte. Born Sept. 14, 1798. Henry. Born July 13, iSoo. John. Born May 20, 1802. Peter. Born April 12, 1S06. Joel. Born Feb. 21, iSoS. William. Born March 12, rSio. Abigail. Born Sept. 25, 1S13. 1444 History of the Ayres Family. 494545. Isaac Houston. He married Molly Abbott. 485282. She died Aug. 13, 1791 (0.5). Residence, Concord, N. H. Children: 494546. Sarah. Born Sept. 20, 17S6. 494547. Phebe. Born Feb. 24, 1789. Died young. 494550. Capt. Peter Blanchard. He was born Aug. 15, 1755, at Hollis, N, H. He married in 1786, Sarah Chandler. 485301. He removed from Concord, N. H., to Peacham and thence to Danville, Vt. He died May 25, 1810. She died Nov. 21, 1836. Children : 494551- Rebecca. Born Jan. 4, 17S7. Married Aaron Porter. 501300. 494552. Sophia. Born Sept. 7, 1790. Married Augustine Clark. 501320. 494553- Sarah. Born Nov. 6, 1792. Married Hon. William A. Pahner. 501330. 494560. Timothy Carter, Esq. (Ezra^ Daniel', Ephriam'.) He was born March 6, 1767. He married June 12, 1794, Judith Chandler. 485302. Minute man, 1797. Soldier in War of 181 2. He died Feb. 7, 1843. She died Dec. 28, 1852. Residence, Con- cord, N. H. Children : 494561. Abiel Chandler. Born Jan. 28, 1796. 501340. 494562. Ezra. Born Dec. 27, 1798. 501350. 494563. Sarah Rumford. Born Feb. 16, i8or. Married Maj- 15, 1826, Augustine C. Pierce. They had one child. She died July 22, [829. Residence, Concord, N. H., and Danville, Vt. 494564. Judith Walker. Born Dec. 4, 1S07. Married Ezra Carter, Jr. 501360. 494565. Lieut. Jeremiah Abbott. (Nathaniel, Nathaniel', George'.) 485361. He was born March 17, 1844, at Concord, N. H. He married Elizabeth Stickney. Sergeant, Capt. Joshua Abbott's Co. at Bunker Hill. Lieutenant at Saratoga. He was in the Continental Army at West Point in 1781. He died Nov. 8, 1823, at Conway, N. H. Child : 494566. Thomas S. Born Aug. 24, 1792. 501370. Seventh Generation. 1445 494567. William Stickney. (Thomas-, Jeremiah'.) 485363. He was born Dec. 8, 1758. He married Susanna Emerson of Haverhill. He died Aug. 5, 1828. She died in June, 1823. Resi- dence, Concord, N. H. Children : 494568. Susanna. Born Feb. 24, 17S3. Died Nov. 6, 1783. 494569. William. Born Feb. 10, 1785. 494570. Nathan. Born Sept. 26, 1787. 494571. Jeremiah. Born Jan. 4, 1690. Died in 1S55 in Haverhill, Mass. 494572. Harriet. Born June 5, 1792. Married Dea. William Gault. Treasurer of Concord Literary Institution, 1835. 494573- Col. John. Born Feb. 16, 179S. Col., nth N. H. Regt., 1S52. Died Feb. 16, 1854. 494574. Charles. Born March 26, 1802. 494575- Mary Emerson. Born July 16, 1807. 494577. John Souther. He was born in 1760. He married Mary Stickney. 485366. Soldier in Continental Army. Resi- dence, Concord, N. H. Children : 494578. Thomas Stickney. Born Jan. 3, 1786. Died in March, 1814, at Conway, N. H. 494579- Samuel. Born Sept. 17, 1787. 494580. Anna. Born Feb. 19, 1791. 494581. Elizabeth. Born Oct. 4, 1795. Died April 30, 1797. 494582. John. Born June 20, 1793. Died in March, 1835, at Charles- town, Mass. 494583- Elizabeth. Born Sept. 30, 1797. 494584. Joseph. Born Oct. 28, 1803. Died Oct. 27, 1804. 494585. Thomas Stickney. (Thomas^ Jeremiah'.) 485367. He was born July 18, 1769. He married Mary Ann Odlin (daugh- ter of Rev. Woodbridge Odlin of Exeter, N. H.). She was born Sept. 24, 1772. He died Jan, i, 181 1. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 494586. Charlotte. Born Sept. 4, 1793. Died Aug. 19, 1794. 494587. Woodbridge Odlin. Born Feb. 22, 1795. Died in 1820, in Augusta, Ga. 4945S8. Hon. Joseph Pearson. Born Oct. 9, 1796. Representative, 1834. 494589. George. Died in Oct., 1820, at Castine. 494590- Anna. Married Benjamin Boardman. 1446 History of the Ayres Family. 494595. Dr. William Chadbourne. He married Martha McMillan. 485382. Residence, Concord, N. H. Child : 494596. Dr. Thomas. 494600. Isaac Osgood. (John^ James^, John\ John^, John", John'.) 485411. He married Harriet Page. Child : 494601. Phebe R. Born in Maine. Married Merville R. Saunders. He died. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 494605. Joseph Ela. (Jacobs Jacob^ John\ IsraeP, Daniel'.) 4841 01. He was born May 14, 177 1. He married March i, 1795, Sarah Emerson. She was born Nov. 19, 1769. He died Feb. 22, 1825, at Portsmouth, N. H. She died Nov. 7, 1840. Child : 494606. George Washington. Born Jan. 18, 1S07. EIGHTH GENERATION. 495000. Amos Flint. (Daniel.) 490001. He was born in 1 801. He married Mary Stickney. She was born in 1802. He died in 1870. She died in 1850. Child : 495001. James Milton. Born Feb. 7, 1838. 500000. 496000. Reuben Johnson. He married Judith Hall Chandler. 49 1 00 1. Child : 496001. Lucy Jane. Married William Moody Kimball. 501000. 498500. Robert E. Avers. 185060. Enlisted Jan. i, 1863, in Civil War. Residence, Town of Ulysses, Tompkins Co., N. Y. 498550. Oliver C. Avers. 180057. ist Lieut., Co. A., 39th N. Y. Regt. ; enlisted Nov. 24, 1864; killed Oct. 5, 1864. 498600. Col. John March Frye. (Dean^ Josephs Joseph*, John^ SamueP, John'.) 348100. 492501. He was born Nov. 28, Eighth Generation. 1447 1802, in W'estbrook, Me. He married in 1828 Alice Davis (daugh- ter of David Davis). She was born May 10, 1804, in Lewiston, Me. Resident Agent of Lewiston Falls Company, i860. He died Jan. i, 18S5, in Lewiston, Me. She died in Nov., 187 1. Children : 495601. Mary. Born Dec. 31, 1828. Married Dr. Pearl Martin. 504200. 495602. William Pierce. Born Sept. 2, 1830. 504000. 495603. Albert. Born April 6, 1S34. 495604. Sarah. Born Oct. 4, 1837. 495605. John. Born in 1839. 495606. .Adeline. Born Nov. 11, 1842. Married Silas C. Dawes. 495607. Helen. Born Sept. 9, 1845. 498700. Dr. Samuel C. Ayres. (Henry P.) 493501. Ad- dress, 1902, 14 East 7th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Child : 498701. Dr. Wylie McLean. 498800. Elbridge Gerry Ayer. (Samuel.) 493601. He was born at Haverhill, Mass. Children : 498801. Mary A. Born in 1S36. 498802. Anna M. Born in 1839. 498803. Edward E. Born in 1841. Address, 1902, Old Colony Build- ing, Chicago, 111. 498804. Julia Ann. Born in 1843. 498805. Henry C. Born in 1845. 498806. Henriette L. Born in 1848. 498S07. Eva. Born in 1851. 498900. Robert Ayer. (Descendant of John Ayer of Haver- hill, Mass., 1635.) He married Louisa Sanborn. Child : 49S901. Benjamin Franklin. Born April 22, 1825, at Kingston, Rock- ingham Co., N. H. 505000. 500000. Rear Ad, James Milton Flint, U. S. N. 495001. He was born Feb. 7, 1838, at Hillsborough, N. H. He attended Pem- broke Academy and graduated at Harvard Medical School, i860. 1448 History of the Ayres Family. Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N., April 14, 1861 ; Surgeon, 1874 ; Medical Inspector, 1893; Medical Director, 1897-1900. Rear Admiral. Retired. Connected with U. S. Fish Commission, 1884-7, ^^''d at three different periods, in all about eleven years, with U. S. National Museum. Address, 1902, The Portland, Washington, D. C. 500120. Samuel Bradley, Esq. (Robert^ John\ Samuel", Abraham'.) 493851. He was born March 29, 1802. He gradu- ated at Dartmouth College, 1820. He married Jane Lane of Hollis, Me. He was one of the most talented and most distinguished lawyers in Maine. He died June 26, 1849, ^^ Saco, Me. Child : 500121. Samuel Aver. Born Nov. 27, 1836, in Fryeburg, Me. Gradu- ated at Dartmouth College, 1S58. Merchant in Chicago. He died June 3, 1874, at Hyde Park, 111. 500125. Hon. Harvey Jewell, LL.D. (Pliny.) He was born May 26, 1820, at Winchester. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1844. He married Dec. 26, 1849, Susan A. Bradley. 4^93^73- Speaker of Mass. House of Representatives, 1868-71. Judge of Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. LL.D., Dartmouth, 1875, and Williams College, 1880. He died Dec. 8, 1881. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 500126. Daughter. 500127. Daughter. 500130. William Pickering Hill. (Isaac.) 493941. He was born Oct. 18, 1819. Student at Harvard College two years, but graduated at Dartmouth College, 1839. Journalist. Co-partner in Hill's New Hampshire Patriot, 1840-7. He conducted the New Hampshire Gazette at Portsmouth, N. H., three years. In 1853 he received an appointment in the naval office department at the custom house in Boston. He married Oct. 26, 1843, Clara Anne West (daughter of John West of Concord, N. H.). Residence, 1856, Bos- ton, Mass. 500200. Dr. John Chandler. (John', John*, John^, John"*, John\ Thomas^ William'.) 494001. He was born Oct. 27, 1780, Eighth Generation. 1449 at Boscawen, N. H. He graduated at Dartmouth College, M.D,, 1805. He married Sept. 27, 1807, Priscilla Kimball of Boscawen. He died March 6, 1859, at Goffstown, N. H. Residence, Fryeburg, Me. Children : 500201. Roxana. Born March 7. Died Jan. 3, iSoS, in Boscawen. 500202. Priscilla. Born Sept. 27, 1S09. Married John S. Drake. 500203. Sarah Kimball. Born April 2, iSii. Died Sept. 30, 1832. 500204. John Sullivan. Born June 7, 1813. Died March 21, 1816. 500205. Isaac Wood. Born Oct. 14, 1815. 500206. Mary Ann. Born Dec. 14, 1817. Married Samuel E. Evans. 500207. John Rogers. Born July 30, 1820. 500208. Peter Kimball. Born July 4, 1823. Married Sept. 9, 1850, Maria E. Harville of Bedford, N. H. Merchant. She died April 26, 1S81. Residence, Manchester, N. H. 500209. George Parker. Born March 12, 1826. Died June 13, 1827. 500220. Ens. Nathan Chandler. (John^ John*, John^, John", John^ Thomas-, William'.) 494002. He was born April 14, 1782. He married April 16, 1804, Jane Rolfe (daughter of Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Henry, Benjamin, Benjamin, John, Henry, Honour Rolfe). She was born Jan. 21, 1782, at Concord, N. H. Selectman at Bos- cawen, N. H., 1812-13, 1816. He removed in 1829, to Concord, N. H. He died April i, 1835. She died June 5, 1863. Children : 500221. Abiel Rolfe. Born Aug. 25, 1805. 500222. Judith Walker. Born Aug. 5, 1807. Married Enoch H. Dow. 500223. Naomi Farnum. Born Dec. 5, 1S09. Married George H. Morrill. 500224. Nathan. Born June 12, 1812. 500225. Harriet. Born July 10, 1815. 500226. Sarah Blanchard. Born Aug. 10, 181 7. Died Feb. 16, 1841. 500227. Col. William Palmer. Born Oct. 27, 1820. Civil Engineer, 1845-53. Coal operator at Danville, 111. Lieut. Col., 35th Regt. 111. Inft. Vols., July, 1861, to Sept., 1864. He removed to Decatur, 111. He married Oct. 15, 1845, Sarah E. Kimball (daughter of John Kimball and Lucinda Fowler). She was born April 3, 1822. Surveyor. General of Idaho Territory by appointment of President Grant. Residence, 1S83, Boise City, Idaho. 500228. Son. Born Oct. 27, 1820. I450 History of the Ayres Family. 500230. Ephraim Farnum Chandler. (John", John^ John^, John", John^, Thomas-, WilUam'.) 494003. He was born Sept. 4, 1784. He married Tabitha Currier (daughter of Theophilus Currier and Sarah Hackett of Warren, N. H.) He died March 12, 1837. Residence, Boscawen, N. H. Children : 500231. Philip. Born Oct. 21, 1815. Died at sea. 500232. Sarah C. Born June 19, 1S16. Married Luke Eastman. 500233. Jonathan Eastman. Born Nov. 7, 1818. Died Sept. 12, 1S25. 500240. Hon. Jonathan Eastman. (Jonathan Eastman and Esther Johnson.) He was born Nov. 14, 1 781, at Concord, N. H. He married Aug. 9, 1804, Mary Chandler. 494004. Staff Officer, Paymaster and Quarter-master, Col. Eleazer Wheelock Ripley's Regt., two years, in War of 1S12. He was stationed at Sackett's Harbor, French Mills. He was in Stony Creek fight, near Niagara, June 6, 1813. Member of N. H. State Constitutional Convention, 1851. He died March 23, 1867. She died Feb. 27, 1872. Resi- dence, Concord, N. H. Children : 500241. Caroline. Born Sept. 29, 1806. Died Aug. 30, 1830. 500242. Annette. Born Oct. 30, 1S09. Married Aug. 10, 1S37, Jeremiah Fisher Daniel (Jeremiah). Paper manufacturer. They had 4 children. Residence, Franklin, N. H. 500243. Sarah Chandler. Born Dec. 16, 181 2. Married Nov. 12, 1840, Hon. James Fr^^e, Jr., of Concord, N. H. Representative, 1853. They had 2 children. 500244. Mary Lang. Born Dec. 22, 1815. Married (ist) in Aug., 1835, Jeremiah Pecker (Jeremiah Pecker and Ruth Kimball) ; (2nd) Joseph Smith of Boscawen. She had 4 children. Child : Jonathan Eastman Pecker. Graduated at Chandler Scientific School of Dartmouth College, 1858. Journalist. Residence, Concord. 500245. Harriet Stark. Born July 26, 1818. 500250. Maj. Richard Gage. (Thaddeus.) He was born March 11, 1776, at Methuen, Mass. He married Feb. 8, 1806, Susanna Farnum Chandler, 494005. Representative from Bos- cawen, 1833-9. Merchant. He died May 18, 1855, at Boscawen. Residence, Fisherville, Boscawen, N. H. Eighth Generation. 145 1 Children : 500251. 500252. 500253. 500254. 500255. 500256. 500257. 50025S. 500259. 500260. Hiram. Born Dec. i, 1S07. Died May iS, 1815. Luther. Born Aug. 19, 1809. Died Nov. 27, 1813. Calvin. Born Nov. 17, 1811. Married (ist) Sept. 21, 1S35, Rebecca Pearsons (daughter of Isaac Pearsons of Bosca wen). She was born Nov. 12, 1815. She died July 22, 1S44. Married (2nd) Elizabeth Ryan. Saw manufacturer, 1S65. Residence, Fisherville, N. H. John Chandler. Born April 11, 1814. Married (ist) Nov. 28, 1843, Elizabeth S. Sargent (daughter of Samuel Sargent of Canterbury, N. H.). She was born March 2r, 1S21. She died in 1853. Married (2nd) Dec. 27, 1853, Hannah Stevens (daugh- ter of Andrew Stevens of London). Saw manufacturer. Resi- dence, Fisherville, N. H. Hiram. Born Jan. 25, ]8i6. Married Miriam B. Fellows (daughter of Moses Fellows). They had 5 children. Luther. Born Jan. 5, 1820. Married (ist) Sarah Jane Cross. She was born in 1827. She died Sept. 18, 1857. Married (2nd) Priscilla Plumer. Merchant. They had 3 children. Resi- dence, Fisherville. Marion Maloon. Born Aug. 13, Nehemiah Butler, Esq. Clerk 1822. Married Nov. 15, 1S49, of the Courts of Merrimac County. Lawyer. They had 6 children. Residence, Fisher- ville. Infant. Died in July, 1824. Benjamin Franklin. Born Nov. 7, 1827. Married Amanda Lang (daughter of Beckford Lang). Richard. Born Sept. 13, 1835. Married Nancy Mansfield. She died in 1866. They had one child. 500280. Lieut. Reuben Johnson. (Jonathan Johnson and Rhoda Abbott.) He was born Jan. 12, 1792. He married April 16, 181 2, Judith Hall Chandler. 494006. He died March 16, 1852. She died Nov. 3, 1843. Residence, Boscawen, N. H. Children 500281. 500282. 500283. 500284. 1812. Married William M. Kim- Lucy Jane. Born Aug. 31, ball. They had 2 children. Luther Gage. Born Nov. 13, 1813. Married Cornelia Morrill of Canterbury. Residence, St. Paul and St. .\nthony. Twin with Luther Gage. Died young. Charlotte. Born Oct. 9, 1S15. Drowned July 23, 1824. Clarissa. Born Dec. 3, 1817. Married John C. Smith. Resi- dence, vSalisburv. N. H. Thev had one child. 1452 History of the Ayres Family. 500285. Susan Gage. Born July 5, 1820. Married Isaac K. Gage. They had one child. 500286. John C. Born Feb. 19, 1825. Died March 12, 1826. 500287. John Chandler. Born Feb. 23, 1827, at vSt. Anthony. Married Ann Tilton of Sanbornton. 500288. Charlotte. Born in Nov., 1S29. Married S. D. Hubbard. She died Feb. 9, 1852, in Boscawen. 500289. Mary Naomi. Born May 17, 1832. Married Jan. 31, 1846, William Barnes Cogswell. He was born Sept. 22, 1834, at Oswego, N. Y. She died July 28, 1877. Residence, Syracuse, N. Y. They had one child, Mabel Cogswell, born July 20, 1857- 500290. Annette E. Born March i, 1837. Died in March, 1838. 500300. Joseph Gerrish. He married in 1800, Sally- Chandler. 494013. She died Nov. 14, 181 1. Residence, Canter- bury, N. H. Children : 500301. Judith. Born Feb. 22, 1802. Died Sept. 24, 1820. 500302. Lucy. Born Jan. 24, 1804. Married Rev. Jacob Little, D. D. He was born in 1795. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1822, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1825. D.D., Mariette College, 1855. He died in 1876. She died Oct. 5, 1834, at Granville, Ohio. 500303. Mary. Born April 19, 1807. Married Rev. Henry Shedd. He was born in 1803. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1826, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1829. D.D., Ohio Cent. College, 1877. He died in 1886. She died March 12, 1835- 500304. Nathaniel Chandler. Born Oct. 28, 1811. Died June j, 1835. 500310. Dr. Moses Chandler. (Joseph", John^ John^, John-*, John', Thomas-, William'.) 494021. He was born March 13, 1786. He studied medicine with his uncle, Dr. Moses Chandler of Fryeburg, Me., and settled in the practice of his profession in 1816 at Concord, N. H. Surgeon on the privateer "Fox" which sailed in 1813 from Portsmouth, N. H. Member of Masonic fraternity. Child : 50031 1. Joseph Addison. 500320. Luther Richardson. (Rev. Zebadiah Richardson and Rebecca Snow.) He was born July 26, 1787. He married in Eighth Generation. 1453 Nov., 1814, Hannah Chandler. 494023. He died Feb. 27, 1864. She died Nov. 25, 1825. Residence, Fryeburg, Me., and Chatham, N. H. Children : 500321. Drusilla. Born April 4, 1815. Married Oct. 14, 1838, Charles Tebbetts (Samuel Tebbetts and Fanny Goldsmith). He was born Oct. 12, 1814. They had 3 children. 500322. Joseph Chandler. Born Jan. 28, 1S23. Married in June, 1 86 1, Esther Copp (daughter of Samuel Copp of Stowe, Me.). The}- had 2 children. 500325. Isaac Chandler. (Joseph^ John^ John^ John'*, John% Thomas^ William'.) 494024. He was born July 4, 1790. He married (ist) in May, 18 12, Judith Walker (daughter of James Walker and Olive Charles of Fryeburg). She was born in 1793. She died in Aug., 1842, at Union, Iowa. He married (2nd) Aug. 20, 1845, Jemima Decker (daughter of Isaac and Mary Decker and widow of Frederick Westfall of Minisink, N. Y.). She was born Jan. 31, 1803. He removed in 1842 to Union, Iowa, and in 1854 to Monroe, Wis. He died in 1879 at Union, Iowa. Children : 500326. Hall Chase. Born Oct. 12, 1815. Married in 1843 Miriam Brown of Missouri City, Mo. 500327. Olive Walker. Born Oct. 2, 1822. Married Lucius Wolcott. 500330. John Chandler. (Joseph^ John*, John^, John-*, John^, Thomas', William'.) 494025. He was born April 4, 1793. He married March 9, 1820, Hannah Wilson Barker (daughter of Wilson Barker and Margaret Gordon). She was born June 15, 1803. He died May 31, 1868. Residence, Fryeburg, Me. Children : 500331. Richard B. Born P'eb. 26, 1821. 500332. Moses. Born April 13, 1823. 500333. Daughter. Born Feb. i, 1826. Died young. 500334. Eliza Barker. Born Nov. 3, 1829. Married David Webster Day. 500335. Isaac. Born Aug. 12, 1831. Married Jan. i, 1853, in Lowell, Ruth P. Gallier (daughter of James and Nancy Gallier of Hal- lowell, Me.). He died Aug. 14, 1866, at Grand Rapids, Wis. 500336. Son. Born March 29. 1835. Died j'oung. 1454 History of the Ayres Family. 500337. Drusilla Richardson. Born July 15, 1S37. Married Marshall Walker. 500338. James Walker. Born Nov. 6, 1839. 500339. Henry Gordon. Born Aug. 11, 1845. Soldier, Co. K., 12th Regt. Me. Vols. Enlisted March i, 1865, for one year. Died Aug. 19, 1865, in Thomasville, Ga. 500340. Nathan Chandler. (Joseph', John^ John^, Joh^^ John^, Thomas-, WilUam'.j 494026. He was born Dec. 28, 1794. He married in Dec, 1818, Rhoda Tilton. He died Sept. 10, 1857. Residence, Wethersfield, N. Y, Children : 500341. George W. Born Dec. 15, 1819. Residence, Ouinc}', Cal. 500342. Clarinda. Born June 9, 1821. Married Aaron Warner. No children. 500343. Maria. Born Sept. 15, 1S22. Married Norman Randall. 500344. Josephus. Born Dec. ir, 1825. 500345. Thomas Jefferson. Born Feb. 19, 1830. Died. 500346. Perley S. Born Sept. 12, 1835. Died Aug. 7, 1878, at Bur- lington, Iowa. 500347. Benjamin Franklin. Born June 18, 1S39. 500350. Hon. Josephus Chandler. (Joseph^ John*, Tohn^, John", John^, Tliomas^ WilUam'.) 494027. He was born Aug. 29, 1796. He married (ist) Sally Colby (daughter of Joseph Colby and Elizabeth Evans of Fryeburg, Me.). She was born March 22, 1802. She died July 9, 1828. He married (2nd) in Nov., 1829, Rhoda Carter Chandler. He removed in 185 1, to Primrose. Selectman at Fryeburg, Me. Representative, 1834-5. Quarter-Master in the militia. Chairman of Board of Supervisors at Primrose six years. He died Feb. 17, 1859. Children : 500351. Joseph Colby. Born Nov. i, 1S24. 500352. Catherine Colby. Born Sept. 7, 1830. Married Charles F. Thompson. 500353- Caroline Eastman. Born Sept. 7, 1830. Student at Univer- sity of Wisconsin. Teacher. Died Sept 21, 1870, at Monti- cello, Iowa. 500354. John Adams. Born Jan. 13, 1833. 500355. Harriet. 500356. Sarah Colby. Born Dec. 12, 1S38. Died March 13, 1839. Eighth Generation. 1455 500357- George Washington. Born Aug. 13, 1840. Married Nov. ii, 1882, Alice Marcia Gurney (daughter of Marcus R. Gurnej- and Lydia N. Burton of Monticello, Iowa). She was born March 27, 1S54. Teacher. Private, 5th Regt. Wis. Vols. En- listed in June, 1S61. Honorably discharged Jul}^ 4, 1865. He was in government employ at Alexandria, Va.«, after the war. 500358. William Henry Harrison. Born April 3, 1842. Engaged in mining for \'ears. Residence, Milwaukee, Wis. 500360. Myrick Wyley. (Benjamin VVyley and Alice Kil- gore, daughter of Benjamin Kilgore.) He married Mary Carter Chandler. 494028. Residence, Fryeburg, Me., Gorham, N. H., and i860, Bangor, Me. Children : .500361. Moses. Married(ist) a Smiley; (2nd) Sarah Wilson. Lum- berman. Residence, Bangor, Me. 500362. Mary Ann. Born Sept. 16, 1819 Married May 22, 1837, Jonathan Barker Mitchell. They had six children. Residence, vStowe, Me. 500363. Hannah. Married Edward Green. They had 3 children. Residence, Berlin, N. H. 500364. Simeon Charles. Married March 6, 1847, in Milan, N. H., Rebecca W. Griffin of Gorham. Residence, Stowe. 500365. Harriet Starks. Married Sumner S. Thompson. Railroad contractor. They had two children. Residence, Lyndon, Vt. 500366. Susan Farrington. Married Joseph Palmer. Residence, Bangor. 500367. Drusilla Richardson. Married Joseph Danforth. Merchant. They had two children. Residence, North Strafford. 500368. Lot Davis. Born May 3, 1835. Soldier, 5th Regt. Me. Vols. Honorably discharged for sickness. Married May 3, 1858, Lucinda Olive Wilson (daughter of Evans Wilson of Gorham). 500369. Addison Hampton. Unmarried. Died in i860 in Utah. 500370. John Barker. Married Viana Watson. Soldier in Civil War. Enlisted from Charlestown, Mass. Killed at battle of Bull Run. 500375. Stephen Farrington. (Samuel Farrington and Betsey Dresser.) He was born Dec. 9, 1797. He married Jan. 4, 1819, Susan Chandler. 494029. Residence, Stowe, Me., and Milan, Gorham and Jackson, N. H. Children : 500376. Nathan Chandler. Born Jan. 4, 1S20, in Stowe. INIarried Betsey Parker. They had two children. Residence, 18S2, Whiskey Creek. Cal. 1456 History of the Ayres Family. 500377. Abigail. Born Oct. i, 1S21, in Stowe. Married John Colby Evans. They had six children. Residence, Milan Corners, N. H. 500378. James Webster. Born Dec. 25, 1823. Private, 3d Regt. N. H. Vols. Enlisted from Gorham. Married Livonia Leavitt. They had two children. 500379. Betsey. Born in Nov., 1825. Married John Currier. Select- man. They had three children. Residence, Gorham. 500380. Moses Chandler. Born June 10, 1828. Married Martha Smith. Residence, Gorham, Me. 500381. Robert Goodin. Born Aug. 3, 1830. Unmarried. Drowned Nov. 6, i860, at Boston Bar in Frazier River, British North America. 500382. Martha. Born Aug. 27, 1S32. Married Augustus Evans. They had four children. Residence, Gorham. 500383. Stephen. Born Aug. 20, 1834. Residence, California. 500384. Mary Ann Wyley. Born May 10, 1837. 500385. Daphne Chandler. Born Nov. 11, 1839. Married Levi Doll uff. Soldier in Civil War. Died Jan. i, 1862, in service at Wash- ington, D. C. They had one child. 500386. Susan Harriet. Born May 2, 1842. Married Levi Woodbury Jackman. Private, 5th Regt. N. H. Vols. 500387. Miranda Gannet. Born April 3, 1S46. Died June 13, 1853. 500388. Chandler Josepheus. Born May 22, 1849. 500390. Jere Chandler. (Joseph", John^ Johns, John^ John^, Thomas^ William'.) 494030. He was born March 8, 1803. He married April 25, 1830, Harriet Charles (daughter of Samuel Charles and Elizabeth Langdon of Fryeburg, Me., daughter of Paul Lang- don, Rev. Samuel Langdon, D. D., President of Harvard College). She was born April 28, 1810. He removed in 1828 to Wethers- field, N. Y., and in July, 1845, to Monroe, Wis. Merchant. He died June 18, 1874. Children : 500391. Hosea Ballon. Born Jan. 10, 1S32. Died July 8, 1832. 500392. Emma. Born Sept. 7, 1S34. Died July 9, 1835. 500393. Samuel Charles. Born July 8. 1836. 500394. Peter Chandler. (Joseph^ John^ John^, John\ John^, Thomas=, William'.) 494031. He was born Feb. 19, 1805. He married Sept. 7, 1843, Eliza Ann Wescott (daughter of John Wescott of Weathersfield, N. Y., and Eunice Reed, daughter of Eighth Generation. 1457 Samuel Reed of Milton, N. Y.). She was born Feb. 21, 1810. Merchant. He removed in 1844 from Weathersfield, N. Y., to Monroe, Green Co., Wis. 500400. Hon. Philip Carrigan Johnson. (Jonathan John- son and Rhoda Abbott.) He married Mary Chandler. 494043. Secretary of State of Maine. Chief Clerk of Bureau of Construction and Repairs in Navy Department. He died in 1845, ^^ Washing- ton. She died there. Residence, Augusta, Me., and Washington, D. C. Children : 500401. Reuben Chandler. Born May 9, 1819. Married Caroline Alexander of Philadelphia. Merchant. They had one child. Residence, Washington, D. C. 500402. Judith. Born Juh- 14, 1821. Married (ist) Hiram Jones of Augusta, Me. Merchant. Married (2nd) James G. Wilson of N. Y. City. She had one child. 500403. Jonathan Eastman. Born Jan. 28, 1824. 500404. ;Mary Kimball. 500405. Philip Carrigan. Born Nov. 20, 1828. 500406. Sarah Osgood. Born June 2, 1831. Married Feb. 28, 1856, William H. Newton. Manufacturer. She died. Residence, N. Y. City. 500407. Harriet Charles. Married Rev. Joseph May. 500408. Eleanor Maria. Born Nov. 23, 1839. Married Aug. 29, Samuel G. Sloan (John Sloan and Mary Harris). He was born June 29, 1834. Broker. They have one child. Resi- dence, St. Paul, Minn. 500430. Frederick Frye. (Lieut. Nathaniel Frye and Dorothy Swan, Col. Joseph Frye and Mehitable Poor, John Frye and Tabitha Farnum, daughter of Thomas Farnum, Samuel Frye and Mary Aslebe, Robert and Anne Frye, John Frye). He was born June 6, 1796. He married Jan. 7, 18 19, Mary Ann Chandler. 494048. He died Nov. 23, 1823. She died in May, 1880. Resi- dence, Fryeburg, Me. Children : 500431. Martha. Born Dec. 6, 1819. Died Feb. 18, 1S62. 500432. Caleb. Born Oct. 29, 1S21. 500433. Frederick. Born Feb. 23, 1822. 1458 History of the Ayres Family. 500490. Prof. Paul Langdon Chandler. (Moses', John^ Johns, John^ John^, Thomas-, WilHam'.) 494059. He was born July 27, 18 1 8, in Fryeburg, Me. He graduated at Bowdoin College, 1842. Lawyer. He married Aug. 28, 1846, Mary M. Dow (daugh- ter of Levi Dow, merchant, and Elizabeth M. Horton of Boston). She was born Feb. 29, 1820. He practiced in Waterville, Me. He was in California, 185 1-3. He was in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment in the Peninsular Campaign. Professor of the French Lan- guage in Oberlin College, 1872-82. Residence, 1889, Brookfield, Mass. Children : 500491. George Langdon. Born Jan. 25, 1849. 500492. Lizzie Langdon. Born Dec. 23. 1850. Died Sept. 28, 1851. 500493. Sewall Messenger. Born Dec. 23, 1853. 500494. Philip Marshall. Born April 27, 1856. 500805. Theophilus Frye, Jr. (Samuel.) He married Jan. 19, 1795, Fanny Chandler. 494269. Residence, Fryeburg, Me. Children : 500S06. Amos. Born April 4, 1797. Married (ist)in 1818, Laura Straw (daughter of James Straw and Elizabeth Buzzell, Jona- than Straw and Mary Carr). She was born in 1802. She died June 12, 1843. Married (2nd) in Nov., 1843, Nancy Straw (sister of his first wife). They had 11 children. 500807. Orren. Born July 23, 1802. Married Eliza Rand. They had 3 children. He died in 1835. 50080S. Fanny. Born Feb. 17, 1S04. Died in 1810. 500809. Gates Ford. Married (ist) a Liscom ; (2nd) widow Sever. He had i child. 501330. Hon. William Adams Palmer. He was born Sept. 12, 1781, at Hebron, Conn. He married Oct. 18, 1813, Sarah Blanchard. 494553. Lawyer. He removed to Danville, Vt. Governor of Vermont three years. LTnited States Senator, 1818-25, A. M., University of Vermont, 1817. He died Dec. 4, i860. She died Jan. 12, 1853. Residence, Danville, Vt. Children : 501331. William Blanchard. Born July i, 1814. 501332. Abiel Chandler. Born Oct. 22, 1816. 501333. Sarah Jane. Born May 6, 1819. Died May 7, 1S19. Eighth Generation. 1459 501334. Henry Wirt. Born July 25, 1820. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1840. Residence, L,owell, Mass., and North Danville, Vt. 501335. Edward Carter. Born Feb. 18, 1825. 501336. Sarah Jane. Born Dec. 12, 1827. Died May 16, 1828. 501337. Franklin Rolfe. • Born Oct. 19, 1S32. 501340. Capt. Abiel Chandler Carter. (Timothy\ Ezra^ Daniel^ Ephriam'.) 494561. He was born Jan. 8, 1796. He married in 18 19, Martha Farnum (daughter of Stephen Farnum and Susan Jacknian). Representative, 1840-1. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 501341 501342 501343 501344 501345 Timothy. Born April 17, 1820. Franklin B. Born Dec. i, 1822. Sarah Pierce. Born Feb. 23, 1827. Augustine Clark. Born Aug. 28, 1831. Martha Hall. Born Sept. 22, 1835. 501350. Dr. Ezra Carter. (Timothy\ Ezra', DanieP, Ephraim'.) 494562. He was born Dec. 27, 1798. He graduated at Bowdoin Medical College, 1824. He married May 8, 1830, Abby T. Clark of Portsmouth. Representative, 1836-7. Justice of the Peace, 1837. President of the Centre District Medical Society, 1844-5. President of New Hampshire Medical Society. He died in 1879. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 501351. Edward Pierce. Born May 12, 1834. 501352. Dr. William Gardner. Born Aug. 8, 1838. Graduated at Harvard Medical College, 1869. 501360. Hon. Ezra Carter, Jr. He married Nov. 3, 1837, Judith Walker Carter. 494564. Publisher. Collector of the Port of Portland, Me.. 1856. Children : 501361. Ann Elizabeth. Born Nov. 16, 1837. 501362. Sarah Rumford Pierce. Born July 16, 1844. 501363. Judith Augusta. Born Oct. iS, 1848. Died Aug. 23, 1849. 501380, George Washington Ela. (Joseph^ Jacob=, Jacob^ John^ IsraeP, Daniel'.) He was born Jan. 18, 1807. He married 1460 History of the Ayres Family. May 12, 1837, Mary Adelaide Lane (daughter of Dr. Robert Lane). Justice for New Hampshire over half a century. Editor and pro- prietor of the Dover Inquirer and New Hampshire Statesman for about twenty years. Assistant editor and publisher of Farmer's edition of Belknap's History of New Hampshire. Residence, Con- cord, N. H. Children : 501381. Maj. Robert lyane. Born April 17, 183S. Major, 6th Regt. N. H., and was severely wounded at the second battle of Bull Run ; was at the siege of Vicksburg, had command of his regiment and was again severely wounded. 501382. Capt. Richard. Born in Feb., 1S40. Admitted to the bar in 1861. Captain, 3d Regt. N. H. Vols. He was at the siege of Charleston, S. C, organized and commanded the corps of sharpshooters to attend to the batteries of Fort Wagner, which so largely contributed to its capture. He fell at Fort Darling, May 13, 1864. NINTH GENERATION. 503900. William Moody Kimball. He married Lucy Jane Johnson. 496001. Residence, Boscawen, N. H. Child : 503901. Hon. William Smith. Born March 30, 1837, at Boscawen, N. H. Educated at Rens.selaer Polytechnic Institute. At the be- ginning of the Civil War he became Master Mechanic in U. S. Navy, attached to South Atlantic Squadron. Resigned. Founded the Kimball Tobacco Works at Rochester, N. Y. Vice Presi- dent of American Tobacco Company. President of Union Bank. President of City Hospital. President of Board of Managers of State Industrial School. Vice President of Security Trust Company. Director in Rochester Railwa}-, and Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo R. R. Co. Trustee of Rochester Savings Bank. President of Post-Express Printing Co. Com- missioner, Columbian Exposition, 1893. Died March 26, 1895. 503910. Frederick Socrates Ayres. 185031. Graduated at Syracuse University, 1880. Member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Admitted to the bar in 1883. Residence, 1886, Syra- cuse, N. Y. Ninth Generation. 1461 503920. Henry Gannett. 348301. He was born Aug. 24, 1846, in Bath, Me. He graduated at Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard University, B.S., 1869, and Hooper Mining School, 1870. Geographer loth, nth and 12th U. S. Censues. Geographer, U. S. Geological Survey since 1882. Author. Address, 1902, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 504000. Hon. William Pierce Frye. (John M.^ Dean'', Joseph^, Joseph\ John^, SamueP, John'.) 354000. 498602. He was born Sept. 2, 1830, at Lewiston, Me. He married Feb. 27, 1853. Caroline Frances Speare. She died Dec. 21, 1900, in Wash- ington, D. C. Residence, 1902, Lewiston, Me. Children : 504001. Helen Elizabeth. Born Dec. 11, 1853, in Rockland. Me. Married Wallace Humphrey White. 510000. 504002. Alice Clifford. Born Aug. i, 1S59, at Lewiston. Married Frank H. Briggs. 510020. 504003. Em me Speare. Born Dec. 6, 1863. Died Nov. 6, 1876, at Stan- ford, Conn. 504100. Silas C. Dawes. He married in Nov., 1863, Adeline Frye. He removed from Harrison, Me., to San Francisco, Cal. Child : 504101. John Frye. Born Feb. 27, 1S65. Died Jan. 20, 1902. 504200. Dr. Pearl Martin. 354100. He married Mary Frye. 498601. Children : 504201. William P. 510050. 504202. Mar\- P. Married Charles Holyoke. Residence, 1902, Med- ■ ford, Mass. 505000. Hon. Benjamin Franklin Ayer. (Robert.) 498901. Lawyer. He married in 1868, Janet A. Hopkins (daughter of Judge James C. Hopkins, U. S. District Judge, of Madison, Wis). They had one son and three daughters. Residence, Chicago, 111. 505100. Eastman Johnson, N. A. (Philip Carrigan^ Jona- than".) 500403. He was born Jan. 28, 1824, in Lovell, Me. He 1462 . History or the Ayres Family. married June 29, i86g, Elizabeth W. Buckley (daughter of P. H, Buckley of Troy, N. Y.j. Artist. He studied in the Royal Academy at Dusseldorf two years. Member of National Academy of Design since i860, and Society of American Artists. Among many notable genre pictures are "The Kentucky Home," "Husking Bee," "The Stage Coach," "Pension Agent," Prisoner of State," and portraits "Two Men," Ex-Presidents Arthur, Cleveland and Harrison, W. H. Vanderbilt, Commodore Vanderbilt, Secretar}- Folger, Daniel Webster, John Quincy Adams, William B. Astor, John D. Rockefeller, W. D. Sloane, Mrs. Alexander Hamilton, Mrs. Dolly Madison (from life), Mrs. August Belmont, Mrs. Hamilton Fish, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bur- den, and many others. Exhibited and received medals at Paris, London, the Phila. Centennial and World's Columbian Expositions. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Lenox Gallery, White House and Treasury Building, Washington ; Capitol at Albany ; etc. Address, 65 West 55th St., N. Y. City. Child : 505101. Daughter. 505120. Com. Philip Carrigan Johnson, U. S. N. (Philip Carrigan^ Jonathan'.) 500405. He was born Nov. 20, 1828, in Maine. He married Emma Wansey. Midshipman, Aug. 31, 1846. Passed Midshipman, June 8, 1852. Master, Sept. 15, 1855. Lieu- tenant, Sept. 16, 1855. Lieut. -Commander, July 16, 1862. Com- mander, July 25, 1866. Captain, June 14, 1874. Commodore, July 28, 1884. He served as Chief Signal Officer of the Navy, and in 1884 was promoted to the rank of Commodore and placed in com- mand of Portsmouth Navy Yard. He was promoted to Rear Admiral in 1887. He died Jan. 28, 1887, at Portsmouth, N. H. She died. 505150. Rev. Joseph May, LL.D. He graduated at Harvard University, A.B., 1857, and B.D., 1865. LL.D., Jefferson College (Pa.), 1887. He married Harriet Charles Johnson. Unitarian min- ister. Residence, 1882, Yonkers, N. Y. 505220. William Blanchard Palmer. (William Adams.) 501331. He was born July i, 1814. He married (ist) July 16, 1840, Orpha L, Benton of Barton, Vt. She died May 25, 1841. He Ninth Generation. 1463 married (2nd) July 20, 1843, Harriet A. Baxter of Stonestead, Can- ada East. She died April 16, 1845. Residence, 1856, Danville, Vt. Child : 505221. Harriet Angelia Baxter. Born April 5, 1845. Died Dec. 30, 1851. 505240. Abiel Chandler Palmer. (William Adams.) 501332. He was born Oct. 22, 1816. He married Oct. i, 1846, Sophia J. Pope. Residence, 1856, Danville, Vt. Children : 505241. Calista Jane. Born July 17, 1849. Died Nov. 30, 1851. 505242. Carrie Amelia. Born July 14, 1853. 505260. Hon. Edward Carter Palmer. (William Adams.) 5°i335- He was born Feb. 18, 1825. He graduated at University of Vermont, 1850. Lawyer. Judge of Supreme Court of Minnesota, 1863. Judge of Circuit Court, 1865. He died in 1888. Residence, St. Paul, Minn. 505300. Hon. James A. Abbott. (Thomas SS Jeremiah\ Nathaniel, Nathaniel", George'.) He was born Oct. 6, 1820, at Conway, Mass. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1840, and Harvard La,w School, 1843. Lawyer. He married Hannah Kitt- redge of Andover, Mass. Librarian of Harvard Law School. Rep- resentative from Boston two years. He died Jan. 11, 1859, at Bos- ton, Mass. Child : 505301. Marshall Kittredge. Residence, 1889, Boston, Mass. 510000. Wallace Humphrey White. He married Aug. 13, 1874, Helen Frye. 504001. He removed in 1874 from Livermore, Me., to Lewiston, Me. Residence, 1902, Lewiston, Me. Children : 5 1 000 1. William Frye. Born Sept. 13, 1875. 510002. Wallace Humphrey. Born Aug. 6, 1877. 510003. John Humphrey. Born Dec. 15, 1878. 510004. Emme Frye. Born March 14, 1880. 510005. Thomas Carter. Born Sept. 8, 1881. 510006. Donald Cameron. Born Nov. 6, 1883, 510007. Harold Sewell. Born April 27, 18S9. 1464 History of the Ayres Family. 510020. Frank H. Briggs. He married July 31, 1879, Alice Frye. 504002. Residence, 1902, Auburn, Me. Children : 510021. Caroline Frances. Born July 26, 18S0. 510022. Helen. Born Jan. 27, 1882. Died June 22, 1S83. 510023. Benjamin B. Born Nov. 16, 1883. 510024. Eugene Hale. Born Nov. 6, 1885. 510025. Lee Stanford. Born July 2, 1891. 510150. William P. Martin. (Pearl.) 504201. He mar- ried. Residence, 1902, Medford, Mass. Children : 510151. William. 510152. Mary. 510153. Catharine. Ayi^es History. JOHN AVER OF HAVERHILL, MASS. (1635). In Volume 10, ist series of Notes and Queries, is the following taken from "Rhodes Peak scenery" page 244. "The Eyres is one of the oldest families in Derbyshire where they have continued to re- side more than seven hundred years. The seat of Humphrey Lee Heyr called Hope because he had hope in the greatest extremity. From Burke's "General Armory of England." Eyre. (Bromham. Wedhampton, Chalfield, New House, etc., County Wilts, descended from Humphrey LeHeyer of Bromham, whose great grandson, Gal- fridus de Eyre of Bromham, was living tempo Edward II. The de- rivative branches were the Eyres of Botley Grange, County Hants, the Eyres of Eyre Court Castle, County Galway, of whom was Lord Eyre, and Eyres of Macroom, County Cork.) The coat-of-arms of all the families in England vary but little and the original Derby family now represented at Rampton is the one from which John Ayer of Haverhill, Mass., descended. From comparison of coats-of-arms and some tedious researches in the old country histories of England it is certain that a family of Eyre of Wiltshire, England, is a branch of the Rampton family. The old Wiltshire family of Eyre enjoyed for several centuries the highest distinction within its native country and was of considera- tion in the State, most of its chiefs having had seats in Parliament, and two of them learned in the law, upon the bench, — one a Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, a branch to which emigrated to Ireland, attained the peerage of that Kingdom. Thomas Eyre, Esq., of New Sarum, lineally descended from Humphrey LeHeyer of Bromham, Wilts, held lands in Wimborn, 1466 History of the Ayres Family. County of Dorset, in 2 ist year of the reign of Elizabeth. He married EUzabeth, daugliter of John Rogers, Esq., of Poole, and had issue: Children : 1. Robert, his heir. Born 1559. 2. Giles, of Brickworth in Wiltshire, from whom came the family of the extinct Lord Eyre of Ireland. ( He obtained the peerage of Ireland. ) 3. Christopher. Born 157S, founder of Eyre's Hospital, at Sarum. 4. Thomas. Born 1580. Mayor of Sarum, 1610. 5. William. Born 1588. Barrister at Law. 6. John. Born 15S7-90, moved to New England, 1637. 7. Elizabeth. Married G. Tooker. 8. Catherine. Married Thos. Hooper. 9. Rebecca. Married John Love. 10. Anne. Married John Swan. FIRST GENERATION. 538000. John Aver. 160000. He was born in Nottingham, England, 1592. He died March 31, 1657, at Haverhill, Mass. Residence, Haverhill, Ipswich, and Salisbury, Mass. His wife Hannah was born in England, died in Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 8, 1688. He came to America in Brig Mary Ann, 1635, and was first in Newbury, then to Salisbury, Mass., his name appears m the records '-of Salis- burie"' along with those of the ist division of Colchester (now Salis- bury), in 1640-41. In the Archives of Boston, no date indexed 1639, we find "the names of those who have tolls and proportions granted for towne of Colchester, in first division" the name of John Eyers. "This is a true copie of the original list taken out of the old book of records for Salisbury as attests Vera Copia Atest. Thos. Bradbury sec. Edward Rawson Secretary." According to the first division of ye towne of Salisburie there was granted unto John Ayers, two acres more or less for a home lott lyinge between home of Daniel Ladd and John Stevens, also there was granted him six acres more or less for a planting lott, also there was granted him fower acres more or less of meddow lying upon the north side of the river Merrimack and joining Mr. Hood's meddow." (This was dated 1640, and is a record sent Oct. ist, 1899, by town clerk of Salisbury, A. D. Ayer.) John must have moved to Haverhill before 1644, for his daughter Second Generation. 1467 Hannah was born there Dec. 21, 1644. John's will was probated in Hampton, Mass., Oct. 6, 1657 ("says Savage''). Children : 538001. John. Born 1622-3. 538020. Married May 5, 1646. 535002. Rebecca. Born 1625-6. Married John Aslet, in Newbur}-; Oct. 8, 164S, was in Andover, Mass. He died there June 6, 1671. 535003. Robert. Born 1628-9. Married Feb. 27, 1650. 535004. Thomas. Born 1630. Married April i, 1656. 538005. Peter. Born 1632. Married Nov. i, 1659. 538100. 538006. Mary. Born 1634, was hving in Ipswich, 1668. Probably un- married. 53S007. Obadiah. Born 1635-6. 538008. Nathaniel. Born 1636-7. 538009. Hannah. Born Dec. 21, 1644, at Salisbury, Mass. She mar- ried Stephen Webster, March 24, 1662-3. He was son of John (ist) Webster. SECOND GENERATION. 538030. John Aver. (John.) 538001. He was born in England about 1622-3, was a farmer, lived in Haverhill until 1679. He moved to Ipswich between 1694 and 171 1. He died. He married ist Sarah Williams, May 5, 1646. She died July 25, 1662. He married 2nd, Mary VVoddam, March 26, 1663. She was living in 1694. He t-ook the oath of Allegiance and Fidelity in Hv. Nov. 1677. He with his brothers Peter and Nathaniel, sons of John de- ceased, quit claimed land in Dec, 1692, in Salisbury, to one Abram Clements, his mother, Hannah, also signed the deed so he was living- then. Children : 53S021. John. Born March iS, 1647-S, lived in Andover, Mass. Died July 19, 1683. Married Mary. Had one son Samuel, died at .\ndover, Sept. 5, 1670. 538022. Zachariah. Born Oct. 24, 1650. Husbandman. Married Elizabeth Chase (daughter of Aquilla Chase) June 27, 167S. Ser\-ed in King Philips' war July and .\ug., 1676. Residence, 1696, Newbury. 538023. Nathaniel. Born March r3, 1654-5. 538024. Joseph. Born March 16, 1658-9. 538500. 538025. Sarah. Born Jan. 17, 1671. Married Henry Collins of Lynn, Mass. 1468 History of the Ayres Family. 538100. Peter Ayer. (John.) 160080. 538004. He married, Oct. 8 (o. Nov. i), 1659, Hannah AUin. He died Jan. 2, 1698 (o. Jan. 3, 1699). Residence, Haverhill, Mass. Children : 538101. Ruth. Born Oct. 30, 1660. 538102. Hannah. Born Aug. 2, 1662. 53S103. Abigail. Born July 4, 1664. 538104. Mary. Born Aug. 6, 1666. 538105. Samuel. Born Sept. 28, 1669. 539000. 53S106. William. Born Sept. 23, 1673. Died Nov. 20, 1675. 538107. Rachel. Born Oct. 18, 1675. Died May 21, 1678. 538108. Ebenezer. Born May 22, 1678. Died Oct. 10, 1694. THIRD GENERATION. 538500. Joseph Ayer. (John^, John'.) 538024. He was born March 16, 1658. Married Nov. 24, 1686, Sarah Corliss. She was born Feb. 23, 1663, daughter ot John and Johanna Corliss. He took the oath Al. and Fid., Hv. Mass., Nov. 1677. Came to West Farms, Norwich, now Franklin, Conn., 1703. (His uncle John Williams, came same year to Norwich.) History of Franklin says he brought his two youngest sons with him, no doubt rest of family came soon after, for they married in that vicinity. (See Thomas Hazen.) Joseph Ayer bought a large tract of land of Uncas (a Mo- hegan Chief). At the foot of a Mt. known as Ayer's Mt. now, he built in a narrow place known as Ayer's Gap, the Ayer homestead, where among the hills and valleys bears, wolves and many other wild animals were plentiful. Joseph's will was dated Sept. 6, 1736, and was proved in 1747, probably he died about 1745 or 6. Children : 53S501. Joseph. Born May 8, 1688. Died May 30, 1688. 538502. Sarah. Born Oct. 15, 1690. Married Thomas Hazen. 53^503- Abigail. Born Sept. 8, 1693. Married Dennis Manough. She was living 1736. 538504. Joseph. Born Dec. 23, 1695. He was living in Norwich, 1736. 538505. Timothy. Born March 25, 1698. 540100. 539000. Samuel Ayer, (Peter^ John'.) 538105. He was born Sept. 28, 1669. He married Nov. 21, 1693, Elizabeth Tuttle. Fourth Generation. 1469 He died Jan, hill, Mass, Children 1743, She died Nov, 29, 1752. Residence, Haver- 539001 539002 539003 539004 539005 539006 539007 53900S Hannah. Born Nov. 29, 1694. Peter. Born Oct. i, 1696. 540500. Samuel. Born Aug. 31, 1698. William. Born Feb. 6, 1700, Ebenezer. Born Feb. 18, 1704, Elizabeth. Born Jan. 26, 1707. Simon. Born Dec. 26, 1709. Sarah. Born May iS, 171 1. 540000. Joseph Kingsbury, (Henry^, Henry',) 32 11 10. He was born in 1756 or 7 in Haverhill, Mass. He married April 2, 1679, Love Ayer. 320154. She was born April 15, 1663. He removed in June 1708, from Haverhill, Mass., to Norwich, Conn., in that part called Franklin. They had six sons, the youngest of whom was Nathaniel. He died April 9, 1741, She died April 2, 1735. Children : 540001 540002 540003 540004 540005 540006 540007 John. 541000. Joseph. Born June 22, 16S2. 541 100. Nathaniel. Born Aug. 23, 1684. 541 150. Elizabeth. Born May 10, 1686. Died May 24, 16S6. Mary. Born Oct. 19, 1687. Elizabeth. Born Oct. 16, 1693. Susannah. Born Sept. 24, 1695. FOURTH GENERATION, 540100, Timothy Ayer, (Joseph^ John', John'.) 538505. He was born in Haverhill, Mass., March 25, 1698, He died in Franklin, Conn., Sept. 18, 1771. He was married June 25, 1726, to Abigail Hartshorn, who was born Feb. i, 1705, died May i, 1789, and was the daughter of John and Mary Hartshorn, Residence, Frank- lin, Conn, Children : 540101. Lydia. Born Sept. 17, 1727. 540102. Peter. Born Sept. iS, 1729. 540103. Phebe. Born May 15, 1732, 540104. Joseph. Born July 25, 1734, Married John Squire. Married Martha Hazen, 542000, Haverhill, Mass. Childi :en : 540501. Jacob. 540502. Peter. 540503- Richard 540504- Pearley. 540505- John. ] 540506. Joseph. 540507. Lydia. 1470 History of the Ayres Family. 540500. Peter Ayer. (SamueP, Peter-, John'.) 539002. He was born Oct. i, 1696. He married Lydia Pearlee. Residence, Born Oct. 26, 172 1. Born Oct. 9, 1724. Born Jan. 23, 1726. Born Sept. 30, 1732. 543000. Born Feb. 27, 1735. Born Sept. 9, 1736. Born Dec. 26, 1737. 541000. John Kingsbury. (Josephs Henry% Henry'.) 540001. He married Deborah. Residence, Coventry, Conn. Children : 541001. John. Born Sept. 28, 1704. 541002. Irena. Born July 24, 173 1. 541003. Ennes. Born Feb. 17, 1734. 541004. Lydia. Born Oct. 10, 1737. 541100. Joseph Kingsbury. (Joseph^ Henry'.) 540002. He was born June 22, 1682, at Haverhill, Mass. He removed in June, 1708, to Norwich, Conn. He married Feb. 5, 1706, Ruth Dennison (daughter of John, son of John Dennison of Ipswich, Mass.). She was born in 1686. He died Dec. i, 1757, at Nor- wich, Conn. She died May 6, 1779. Children : 541 loi. Ephriatn. Born Jan. 4, 1707, at Haverhill, Mass. 544200. 541 102. Hannah. Born in March, 1708. Married Capt. Jacob Hyde. 544220. 541103. Love. Born in 17(0. Married Josiah Barker. 541104. Ruth. Born in 1712. Married Joshua Egerton. 541105. Joseph. Born in 1714. 541106. Ebenezer. Born in 1716. 544240. 541 107. Eleazer. Born in 17 18. 544300. 541 108. Eunice. Born in 1720. Married John Barker. 541 109. Daniel. Born in 1724. 541110. Tabitha. Born in 1726. Married a Waldo. 541111. Irene. Born in 1729. Unmarried. 541112. Nathaniel. Born Feb. 7, 1730. 544400. 541 150. Nathaniel Kingsbury. (Joseph^ Henry-, Henry'.) 540003. He was born Aug. 23, 1684. He married Hannah Denni- Fifth Generation. 147 i son (daughter of John Dennison of Ipswich. She was sister of his brother's wife). He removed in June, 1708, from Haverhill, Mass., to Norwich, Conn., and later to Coventry, Conn, Residence, Coventry, Conn. ^ Children : 541151. John. Born April 25, 1710. 541152. Nathaniel. Born Sept. 8, 171 1. 541153. Mary. Born Nov. 5, 1713. 541154. vSimon. Born July 25, 1715. 544500. 541155. Jabez. Born June 21, 1717. 544600. 541 156. Hannah. Born Jan. 23, 1719. 541 157. Priscilla. Born March 22, 1720. 541 158. Joseph. Born March 27, 1721. 544700. 541 159. Dennison. Born June 7, 1723. 541 160. Lemuel. Born Aug. 23, 1725. Married May 9, 1749, Elizabeth Loomis. 541161. Jeremiah. Born Dec. 2, 1726. Died in March, 1727. 541 162. Sarah. Born Jan. 13, 1728. 541 163. Phineas. Born May 9, I73r. 541164. Ruth. Born May 26, 1737. Died May 24, 1752. 541300. Thomas Hazen. (Thomas', Edward'.) He was bap. May 4, 1690, at Topstield, Mass. He married (ist) Sept. 30, 17 14, Sarah Ayer of Norwich, Conn, (daughter of John Ayer. 3201 51). He died in 1776 or 1777, in Norwich, Conn. Children : 541301. Sarah. Born Sept. 12, 1715. 541302. Joseph. Born June 30, 1717. 546000. 541303. Thomas. Born Sept. 30, 17 19. 546050. 541304. Alice. Born April 30, 1722. 541305. Martha. Born July 3, 1725. Married Dec. 4, 1751, Peter Ayer of Norwich, Conn. 541306. Hannah. Born April 20, 1729 Married July 5, 1753, Jacob Hyde (Jacob Hyde and Hannah Kingsbury). Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 541307. Moses. Born Dec. i, 1731. 546100. FIFTH GENERATION. 542000. Joseph Ayer. (Timothy*, Joseph^ John , John'.) 540104. He was born July 15, 1734. He married (ist) Nov. 20, 1730. He died May 6, 1763. His tirst wife was a daughter of 1472 History of the Ayres Family. Ebenezer and Elizabeth Wales. Sept. 6, 1764, he married for his second wife Mary Bailey, daughter of Joseph and Mary Bailey of Norwich, Conn. She was born March 20, 1739 and died 1814. Joseph (5th) was made a freeman in Franklin, Copn., Sept. 29, 1777, and died Oct. 17, 1793. Children : 542001. Timothy. Born Oct. 15, 1754. Died Sept. 29, 1814. 548000. 542002. Ebenezer. Born Jan. 17, 1755. Died June 1833. 542003. Sarah. Born July 12, 1756. Married Nov. 11, 1782, Amos Inghram. 542004. Nathaniel. Born Jan. 31, 1758. Died June i, 1842. (Settled in Madison Co., N. Y.) 542005. Cynthia. Born Sept. 24, 1759. Married Nathan Hazen. 542006. Peter. Born Aug. 23, 1761. Died Jan. 8, 1813. (Settled in Madison Co., N. Y. ) 542007. Elizabeth. Born April 11, 1763. Died Dec. 23, 1763. 542008. Rev. Oliver, Born Nov. 14, 1765. Was a Congregational clergyman of Richland, N. Y. 542009. Elizabeth. Born March 31, 1767. Died May 2, 1771. 542010. Bailey. Born June 19, 1769. Died Nov. 20, 1844. 54201 1. Mary. Born Nov. 8, 1774. Died Jan. 23, 1825. 542012. Clarissa. Born Sept. 4, 1779. Died Feb. 13, 1797. 542013. Lydia. Born Aug. 17, 1781. Died May 15, 1796. 543000, Pearley Aver. (Peter\ SamueP, Peter^, John'.) 540504. He was born Sept 30, 1732. He married Sarah Mitchell. He died April 11, 1781. She died June 6, 1776. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. Children : 543001. Joseph. Born May 19, 1755. 543002. Lydia. Born June 9, 1757. 543003. Phineas. Born Jan. 17, 1761. 543004. John. Born Dec. 17, 1761. 549000. 543005. Hannah. Born Sept. 17, 1766. 543006. Hezekiah. Born May 25, 1769. 543007. Pearley. Born July 18, 1772. 543008. William. 543009. Sarah. 544200. Ephraim Kingsbury. (Joseph", Joseph^ Henry", Henry'.) 541101. He was born Jan. 4, 1707. He married Phebe. Fifth Generation. 147, Children 544201. 544202. 544203. 544204. 544205. Oliver. Born June 13, 1761. William. Born Feb. 9, 1764. Phebe. Born March 22, 1766. Jabez. Born Oct. 22, 1769. Epbraim. Born June 18, 1775 Capt. Jacob Hyde. He married Hannah Kings- 54422 7. 544222. 550001. Kingsbury. (Joseph'', Jo.seph^, was born Feb. 11, 17 16. He 544220 bury. 541 102. Children : Joseph. Jacob. 544240. Hon. Ebenezer Henry-, Henry'.) 541 106. He married Nov. 28, 1743, Priscilla Kingsbury. She was born in 1721. Justice of the Peace. Ensign in Rev. War. Deputy to General Assembly of Conn., 1778-91. He died Sept. 6, 1801. She died in 1805. Residence, Coventry, Conn. Children : 544241. Ebenezer. Born Aug. 28, 1744. Died Sept. 4, 1744. 544242. Mary. Born March 31, 1746. Died Nov. 26, 1754. 544243. Ebenezer. Born Jan. 27, 1749 or 50. Died young. 544244. Priscilla. Born Dec. 26, 175 1. Died Jan. 5, 1752. 544245- Joseph. Born April 17, 1753. 550200. 544246. Priscilla. Born Jan. 21, 1756. Married Eleazer Pomeroy. 550300. 544247. Martha Edgerton. Born July 16, 1758. Betrothed of Capt. Nathan Hale, the "Martyr Spy," who was executed by Gen. Howe. His last words were "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Though she married another and was the mother of several children, on her dying lips was the name of Nathan Hale. 544245. Rev. Ebenezer. Born Aug. 30, 1762. Graduated at Yale College, 1783. Died in 1842. Residence, Jericho, Vt. 544249. Mary. Born in 1764. Died young. 544300. Eleazer Kingsbury. (Joseph', Joseph^, Henry^, Henry'.) 541107. He was born in 17 18. He married July 20, 1742, Freelove Rust. She was born in 1771. Children : She died in 1823. 544301 Freelove. 544302 Ann. 544303 Sarah. 544304 Eleazer. 544305 Samuel Rust 1474 History of the Ayres Family. 544400. Nathaniel Kingsbury. (Joseph^, Joseph', Henry'.) 541112. He was born Feb. 7, 1730. He married Sept. 4, 1755, Sarah Hill (daughter of Capt. Jacob Hill of Cambridge, Mass. He settled in Windham, now Hampton, Conn., until 1731 or 2, when he removed to Coventry, now Andover, Conn. They had nine chil- dren who lived to manhood, but all died in early life except John and Jacob. He died Dec. 15, 1784, at Norwich, Conn. She died Oct. 23, 1789. Children : 544401. Jacob. Born June 6, 1756. 550540. 544402. Sarah. Born in 1758. Married Dr. Benjamin E1H.S. Physi- cian. 544403. NathanieL Born in 1760. Unmarried. Died in 1785. 544404. John. Born in 1761 (or Dec. 30, 1762). 550500. 544405. Joseph. Born in 1764. 544406. Charles. Born in 1767. Student in Yale College. 544407. Tabitha Hill. Born in 1770. Died in 17S6. 544408. Bethia. Born in 1772. Died in 1790. 544409. William. Born in 1775. Died young. 544500. Simeon King.sbury. (Nathaniel, Joseph^ Henry-, Henry'.) 541154. He was born July 25, 17 15. He married De- liverance. Child 544501. Deliverance. Born Nov. 18, 1742. 544600. Jabez Kingsbury. (Nathaniel-', Joseph^ Henry^, Henry'.) 541155. He was born June 21, 1717. He married Sept. 13, 1749, Mary Phelps. Children : 544601 544602 544603 544604 544605 544606 544607 544608 Nathaniel. Born Oct. 4, 1751. 550S00. Ruth. Born May 27, 1753. Joseph. Born in Feb., 1755. Jeremiah. Born March 5, 1757. Died Dec. Jabez. Born May 20, 1758. 550900. Mary. Born Oct. 26, 1760. Amelia. Born Jan. 15, 1764. Anne. Born April 20, 1766. 10, 1761. 544700. Joseph Kingsbury. (NathanieP, Joseph^, Henry^ Fifth Generation. 1475 Henry\) 541 158. He married Mary Loomis. Residence, Enfield, Conn. Children : 544701. Lemuel. Born Sept. 14, 1752. 550700, 544702. Joseph. 550740. 546000. Joseph Hazen. (Thomas^ Thomas% Edward'.) 541302. He was born June 30, 17 17. He married Dec. 8, 1740, Elizabeth Durkee of Norwich, Conn. He removed about 1780, with his sons, to Grand Isle, Vt., where they were among the pioneer settlers, and where the family has been numerous and honored. Child : 546001. Mary. Born Sept. 11, 1754. Married Sept. r6, 1773, David Newton. He was born March 25, 1753, at Milford, Conn. Soldier, Capt. Joshua Hazen 's Co., Col. John Wood's Regt. Oct., 17S0. They had 16 children, born between 1774 and 1799, ^11 of whom lived to grow up. He died Dec. 29, 1839. She died Sept. 4, 1823. Residence, Hartford, Vt. 546050. Thomas Hazen. (Thomas,' Thomas-, Edward'.) 541303. He was born Sept. 30, 17 19. He married March 7, 1743 (o. 1742), Ann Tenny (daughter of Joseph Tenny and Abigail Anne Wood) of Norwich, Conn. She was born in 1727. He lived in Woodbury, Conn., where he was a large proprietor in the part of the town which is now Washington. He removed in 1774, to Hartford, Vt., where he and his children took up 3,560 acres of land. Most of his sixteen children married and settled there. Soldier, Capt. Joshua Hazen's Co., Col. John Wood's Regt., 1780. He died Aug. ig, 1782, in Hartford, Vt. Children : 546051. Joshua. Born Oct. 19, 1745. 546052. Asa. Born Nov. 16, 1749. 551300. 546053. Hezekiah. Corporal, Capt. Joshua Hazen's Co., Col. John Wood's Regt., and marched on alarm at Brookfield, Oct., 1780. 546054. Daniel. Soldier, Capt. Joshua Hazen's Co., Col. John Wood's Regt., and marched on alarm at Broofield, Oct., 1780. 546055. Solomon. Soldier, Capt. Joshua Hazen's Co., Col. John Wood's Regt., and marched on alarm at Brookfield, Oct., 1780. 546056. Thomas. Soldier, Capt. Joshua Hazen's Co., Col. John Wood's Regt., and marched on alarm at Brookfield, Oct., 1780. 1476 History of the Ayres Family. 546100. Moses Hazen. (Thomas^, Thomas-, Edward'.) 541307. He was born Dec. i, 1731. He married (ist) Nov. 13, 1755, Elizabeth Merrill of Norwich, Conn. She died Jan. 4, 1776. He married (2nd) Jan. g, 1783, Joanna Sampson of Norwich. She died May 29, 1813. His descendants reside at Norwich, Conn., and adjacent towns. SIXTH GENERATION. 548000. Timothy Aver. (Joseph^, Timothy^, Joseph^ John-, John'.) 542001. He was born Oct. 15, 1753, in Franklin, Conn. He married Nov. 4, 1774, Elizabeth Hazen, who was born Oct. 16, 1757. He died in Franklin, May 26, 1826. She was the daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Hazen of Franklin. Timothy Ayer was born in the house built by his grandfather, and served in the War of the Revolution under Col. Latimore, 1777. His business was that of attending a grist mill. He was prominent in church and town affairs, and was one of the first men to start a fund for procuring a bell for the church. In 18 16 order of Probate Court of Norwich reads, "Estate of Timothy Ayer, widow Elizabeth. Children : Eleazer, Uriah, Darius, Frederick, Charles, Joseph H., sons, and one daughter, Florinda. Of his sons, much will be seen further on. They scattered over a large part of the world. Residence, Frank- lin, Conn. Children : 548001. Eleazer. Born May 29, 1776. Died Oct. 24, 185 1. 555000. 548002. William. Born Feb. 11, 1778. Died Jan. 3, 1779, in Franklin. 54S003. Uriah. Born Oct. 20, 1779. Married Mrs. Sally Goodrich March 24, 1S15, at Schuyler Falls, who died Jan. 17, 1S69. He died Feb. 12, 1S59, in Schuyler Falls, N. Y. 548004. Darius. Born March 3, 1781. Died June 8, 1838, in Williams- ville. 548005. Phebe. Born Dec. iS, 17S2. Died Oct. 29, 1792, in Franklin, Conn. 548006. Frederick. Born June 17, 1785. Married Lucy Tozer. Died May 8, 1848, in Williamsville. 548007. Charles. Born Feb. 10, 1787. Married Anna Champlin. Died Dec. 2, 1879, in Wakarusa, Kan. 548008. Oliver. Born Oct. 29, 1789. Died Jan. 20, 1790, in Franklin. 54S009. Irenus. Born Jan 23, 1791. Died Feb. 11, 1791, in Franklin, Conn. Sixth Generation. 1477 545010. Joseph Hazen. Born May 18, 1792. Married Seba Ladd. Died Nov. 9, 1S70, in Schnyler Falls. 545011. Oliver (2nd). Born Dec. 14, 1795. Died Dec. 24, 1795. 548012. Florinda. Born Jan. 4, 1797. Married John Noyes Champlin. Died Sept. 1820. 548013. Elizabeth. Born July 10, 1799. Died Oct. 13, 1803, in Frank- lin, Conn. 548014. Philetus. Born Sept. 6, 1802. Died Oct. 20, 1802, in Frank- lin. 549000. John Ayer. (Pearley^, Peters SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 543004. He was born Dec. 17, 1761. He married June 9, 1785, Rachel Morse of Hampstead, N. H. He died Sept. 4, 1839. She died Aug. 20, 182 1. Residence, Haverhill, N. H. Children : 549001. Nancy. Born .\pril 14, 1786. Married April 23, 1805. Died April 19, 1827. 549002. Phineas. Born July 17, 1790. Married Oct. i, 1812. Died Feb. 28, 1823. 549003. John. Born May 23, 1792. 554000. 549004. Moses. Born May 3, 1795. Married Dec. 3, 1818. Died April 3, 1826. James. Born Oct. 11, 1797. Married June 7, 1S19, at Salem, N. H. Died vSept. 15, 1865. Betsey. Born Oct. 23, 1800. Married April 11, 1822. Died June 10, 1865. Pearley. Born Oct. 23, 1800. 554200. 549005. 549006 549007 550000. Joseph Hyde. (Jacob.) 544221. He married. Child : 550001. Rev. Lavius Hyde. Residence, 1859, Bolton, Conn. 550200. Joseph Kingsbury. (Ebenezer^, Joseph-*, Joseph^ Henry^ Henry'.) 544245. He was born April 17, 1753. He married Feb. 21, 1780, Lois Richards Porter (daughter of Jonathan Porter and Sarah Ladd). He died April 13, 1828. Residence, North Coventry, Conn. Children : 550201. Mar}'. Married Harlan Page. 550202. Addison. Born July 5, 1800. 555000. 147^ History of the Ayres Family. 550300. Eleazer Pomeroy. He married Priscilla Kings- bury. 544246. Child : 550301. Isaac Newton. 555200. 550500. John Kingsbury. (Nathaniel^, Joseph-', Joseph^ Henry^ Henry'.) 544404. He was born Dec. 30, 1762, at Nor- wich, Conn. He married Nov. 6, 1764, Marcia Bronson (daughter of Dea. Stephen Bronson of Waterbury, Conn.). He was prepared by his uncle, Rev. Charles Backus, D. D., of Somers, Conn., and graduated at Yale College, 1786. Student at Judge Reeves' Law School, Litchfield, Conn., 1788-90. Admitted to the bar 1790. He settled in 1791, at Waterbury, Conn. Town Clerk, 1793-18 18. Justice of the Peace, 1 796-1830. Representative, 1 796-1813. Judge of Probate, 1801-34. County Judge, 1801-20. Presiding Judge, 1819-20. He died Aug. 26, 1844. She died March 21, 18 1 3. Residence, Waterbury, Conn. Children : 550501. Charles Denison. Born Nov. 7, 1795. 555300. 550502. Julius Jesse Bronson. Born Oct. 18, 1797. 555320. 550503. John Southmayd. Born Nov. 18, 189 1. 555340. 550504. Sarah Susanna. Born Nov. 6, 1807. Married William Brown. 555360. 550540. Col. Jacob Kingsbury. (Nathaniel^, Joseph^ Joseph^ Henrys Henry'.) 343000. 544401. He was born June 6, 1756, in Norwich, Conn. He entered the Continental Army as a private in 1775, served in Wayne's Indian Campaign, and was appointed Lieutenant of infantry in 1789. He rose to the rank of Lispector General. He died July i, 1837. Residence, Franklin, Conn. Children : 550541. Capt. James W. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, 1819-23. 2nd Lieut., ist Inf., Aug. 19, 1823. ist Lieut., Aug. i, 1830. Capt., Oct. 3, 1837. Resigned Oct. 17, 1837. Military Store- keeper, Oct. 17, 1S37. Resigned, July 15, 1843. Died June 25. 1853- 550542. Thomas H. C. Residence, Franklin, Conn. 550700. Lemuel Kingsbury. (Joseph^ Nathaniel-, Joseph'.) 544701. He was born Sept. 14, 1752, in Enfield, Conn. He married Alice Terry. He marched from Enfield for the relief of Sixth Generation. 1479 Boston on the Lexington Alarm. Cornet, 5th Regt. Conn. Light Horse in 1776. He was afterwards member of Capt. Hutchinson's Co., 1 8th Regt. Conn. Militia. Member of Capt. Pettibone's Co., Col. Belden's Regt. in April and May, 1777, in service at Peekskill. Child : 550701. Solomon. 555400. 550740. Capt. Joseph Kingsbury, Jr. (Joseph^, Nathaniel-*, Joseph^, Henry', Henry'.) 544702. He married April 10, 1784, Ruth Benton. Children : 550741. Sophia. Born July 27, 17S4. 550742. Betsey. Born Feb. 16, 17S6. 550743. Polly. Born Nov. 16, 17S7. 550744. William. Born Aug. 13, 1789. 550745- Joseph. Born July 19, 1791. 550746. Harvey. Born Dec. 17, 1794. 550747. Royal. Born July 4, 1798. 550800. Nathaniel Kingsbury. (Jabez^, Nathaniel, Joseph^ Henry-, Henry'.) 544601. He was born Oct. 4, 175 1. He married March 5, 1778, Asenath Daggett. Children : 550801. Allen. Born Feb. 9, 1779. 550802. Wealthy. Born Oct 24, 1783. 550S03. Asenath. Born Oct. 7, 1785. 550804. Jabez. Born Oct. 9, 178S. 550900. Jabez Kingsbury. (Jabez^, Nathaniel-*, Joseph^ Henrys Henry'.) 544605. He was born May 20, 1758. He married (ist) Dec. 10, 1789, Freelove Kingsbury. He married (2nd) Chloe, by whom one child, Harriet Newell. Children : 550901. Anna. Born July 12, 1790. 550902. Elisha. Born Oct. 12, 1793. 550903. .\meniah. Born March 10, 1796. 550904. Ephraim. Born July 20, 1799. 550905. Alvin. Born March 9, 1803. 550906. Backus. Born Sept. 25, 1805. 550907. Nelson. Born April 3, 1808. 550908. Phebe. Born June 9, 1810. 550909. Erastus. Born April 29, 1812. 550910. Harriet Newall. Born May 25, 1825. 1480 History of the Ayres Family. 551200. Hon. Joshua Hazen. (Thomas'', Thomas^ Thomas', Edward'.) 546051. He was born Oct. 19, 1745. He married his cousin, Mercy Hazen of Litchfield, Conn., and removed about 1776, to Hartford, Vt. Member of Committee of Safety. Captain, Col. John Wood's Regt. and marched with his company on alarm at Brookfield, Oct., 1780. Member of Constitutional Convention at Windsor, Vt., July 2-6, 1777. They had 3 sons and 6 daughters. He died in April, 1796. She died Aug. 12, 1824. 551300. Asa Hazen. (Thomas^ Thomas^ Thomas-, Edward'.) 546052. He was born Nov. 16, 1749, in Woodbury, Conn. He married Dec. 7, 1780, Susannah Tracy (daughter of Thomas Wag Tracy and Elizabeth Warner). She was born Aug. 19, 1725, in Conn. He removed in 1769, to the N. H. grants and to Vt. He died March 12 (o. 10), i8ig, in Hartford, A^t. She died in Feb., 1822. They had ten children, 7 sons and 3 daughters. Sergeant, Capt. Joshua Hazen's Co., Col. John Wood's Regt., on alarm at Brookfield, Oct., 1780. Children : 551301. Allen. 555S00. 551302. Austin. Born in 1786. 555840. 551303. Son. 555880. 551304. Asa. Born in 1793. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 181 2. Lawyer. Died in 1866. 551305. Lucius. 555900. SEVENTH GENERATION. 552000. Eleazer Ayer. (Timothy^ Joseph^, Timothy", Joseph^ John=, John'.) 548001. He was born in Franklin, Conn., March 29, 1776. Eleazer was twice married, his first and second wives being daughters of Abner and Abigail Ladd of Franklin. He first married in Oct., 1802, Anna Ladd, who died Oct. 11, 1829. Later he married her sister Rebecca. Eleazer Aver, like the others born in the same old spot, lived there and brought up a large family. When the youngest daughter was 2 1 years of age. a reunion was held over all the children. They went over across the way and there weighed upon the old grist mill scales and the ten weighed just one ton. Eleazer was an active man and many transactions in real es- tate are recorded. We find leases and deeds as follows : Seventh Generation. 1481 May 29, 1805, Timothy deeded to Eleazer, land. April 22, 1807, Aaron Bailey leased to Eleazer, land, 999 years. Feb. 14, 181 2, Phineas Corwin deeded land to Eleazer Ayer. March 17, 18 17, Joseph H. Ayer deeded to Eleazer Ayer. March 18, 1818, John N. Champlin and Florinda Ayer deeded to Eleazer Ayer. June 23, 1818, Othiniel Gager deeded to Eleazer Ayer. April 2, 1825, Reuben Burgess deeded to Eleazer Ayer. March 27, 1834, Charles Ayer of Erie Co., N. Y., deeded to Eleazer Ayer. April II, 1842, Frederick Ayer of Amherst, N. Y., deeded to Eleazer Ayer. Sept. 5, 1844, Uriah Ayer of Plattsburg, N. Y., deeded to Eleazer Ayer. Sept. 18, 1844, Jason and Mary Roberts deeded to Eleazer Ayer. Nov. 22, 1834, Samuel C. Ladd deeded to Eleazer Ayer. In the house in which Eleazer Ayer was born, were also born 37 Ayers. Joseph 5th practically built the house as the previous one was only a small one. After Eleazer's death, this property passed out of the Ayer name, and only the cellar of the old house and part of the flume on the dam of the pond was left to tell where once was heard children's voices and the grinding of grain. A new house had been built near where the old one stood, bv the new owner, but that, too, was going to decay, and the name of Ayer in Franklin is now (1902), only to be found in two families, both of whom are descendants of Timothy (6th). Residence, Franklin, Conn. Children : 552001. Philetus Perkins. Born Aug. 30, 1803. Married May 4, 1830,, Margarette Frink. Died Feb. 12, 1879. 557ooo. 552002. Marinetta. Born Dec. ^, 1804. Married Benjamin Stead. 552003. Joseph Sumner. Horn March 15, 1807. Married Sept. 11, 1843, Alice Tubbs. Died Nov. 21, 1869. 557060. 552004. Wealthy Alvira. Born Nov. 23, 1808. Married Gideon Brown. 552005. Frederick Augustus. Born Dec. 3, 1810. Married Augusta Davis. 552006. Charles Nelson. Born July 26, 1812. Married Minerva Johnson. 552007. Chester Marcus. Born July 56, 1S14. Married Florinda Champlin. 1482 History of the Ayres Family. 552008. William Durkee. Born Sept. 13, 1S16. Married April i, 1843, (i) Abby Shoals. Died May 16, 1850. (2) Cornelia Spofford. Born July 24, 1B65. Died July , 18S9. 552009. Phebe Eliza. Born Sept. 28, 1S18. Married William Hinck- ley. Died Jan. 23, 1861. 552010. Wolcott Huntington. Born Sept. 9, 1820. 554000. John Aver. (John*, Pearley^ PeterS SamueP, Peter°, John'.) 549003. He was born May 23, 1792. He married Dec. I, 18 1 4, Susan Emerson of Methuen, Mass. She was born Nov. 21, 1794, at Methuen. He died May 24, 1874. She died June 16, 1865. Children : 554001. Monroe. Born July 15, 1817. Married Oct. 10, 1838, at Exeter, N. H. Died Aug. 16, 1898, at Yarmouth, N. S. Child : Ellen. Married a McAllister. 554002. Loretta. Born Sept. 11, 1819. Married in Sept., 1S39. She died May 3, 1891, at Ware, N. H. 554003. Washington. Born June 18, 1823. 554004. Adams. Born June 18, 1823. Married June 10, 1852, at Brookline, Mass. He died March 22, 1882, at Montreal, Canada. 554005. Day Fayette. Born Feb. 16, 1S25. Unmarried. Died June 13. 1S56. 554200. Pearley Ayer. (John^ Pearley^, Peter^ SamueP Peter=, John'.) 549007. He was born Oct. 23, 1800. He married Nov. 23, 1826, Catharine S. Kimball. She was born in July, 1802, at Salem, N. H. He died July 29, 1870, at Ayer's Village, Haver- hill, Mass. She died Sept. 14, 1893. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. Children : 554201. Phineas. Born Dec. 31, 1827. Married June 9, 1853. Died April I, 1 90 1, at Portland, Me. 554202. George. Born April 24, 1830. Married May i, 1S64. Died Feb. 23, 1895. 554203. Catharine. Born April 24, 1832. Married Sept. 6, 1857. 554204. Walter. Born March 9, 1835. 559000. 554205. Ainnette. Born June 27, 1837. Married Sept. 30, 1879, at Portland, Me. 554206. Helen. Born Feb. 18, 1842. Married Sept. 6, 1857. 555000. Rev. Addison Kingsbury, D. D. (Joseph*, Eben- ezer^, Joseph'', Joseph^, Henry-, Henry'.) 550202. He was born Seventh Generation. 1483 July 5, 1800. He was a student, graduated at Amherst College, 1S23-5, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1825-8. He married Aug. 20, 1832, Mary Farrer Price (daughter of Rev. Ebenezer Price and Lucy Farrer). She was born Dec. 26, 1804, in Bucksport, Me. Trustee of Marietta College 5 1 years and of Lane Theological Semi- nary, 31 years. D. D., Marietta College, 1854. He died Jan. 25, 1892, at Marietta, Ohio. She died Jan. 17, 1888. Child : 555001. Joseph A. Born Sept. 26, 1S40, in Putnam, Ohio. 560000. 555200. Isaac Newton Pomeroy. (Eleazer.) 550301. He married Anna Olmstead. Child : 555201. Horace. 560200. 555300. Charle.s Denison Kingsbury. (John*, Nathaniel^, Joseph^ Josephs Henry-, Henry'.) 550501. He was born Nov. 7, 1795, at Waterbury, Conn. He married March i (o. 5), 182 i, Eliza Leavenworth (daughter of Dr. Frederick, Jesse, Mark, Thomas, Thomas Leavenworth). She was born Dec. 17, 1798. She died Nov. 16, 1852. He read medicine. Merchant. Residence, Water- bury, Conn. Children : 555301. Frederick John. Born Jan. i, 1823. 560400. 555302. Sarah Leavenworth. Born April i, 1840. Married FrankUn Carter. 560420. 555320. Maj. Julius Jesse Bronson Kingsbury, U. S. A. (John^ Nathaniel-', Joseph", Joseph^, Henrys Henry'.) 550502. He was born Oct. 18, 1797. He graduated at U. S. Military Academy, West Point, 1823. He married Jane C. Stebbins of N. Y. City. 2nd Lieut., 2nd Inf., July i, 1823. ist Lieut., Sept. 13, 183 1. Capt., Feb. 13, 1837. Maj., 6th Inft., May 7, 1849. Dismissed Jan. 27, 1853. Brevet Major Aug. 20, 1847, for gallant and meritorious con- duct at Conterras and Churubusco. He died July 26, 1856. Children : 555321. JuHus K. Died in Cahfornia. 555322. Waher. 555323. Mary Jane. Married Gen. Simon B. Buckner. 560450. 1484 History of the Ayres Family. 555324. Col. Henry W. Born in Illinois. Appointed from New York. Graduated at U. S. Military Academy, 1861. Brevet 2nd Lieut., Ord., May 6, 1861. 2nd Lieut., May 6, 1S61. ist Lieut., 5tii Art., May 14, 1861. Col., nth Conn. Vols., April 25, 1862. Died Sept. 18, 1862, of wounds received at battle of Antietam, Md. 555340. John Southmayd Kingsbury. (John^ Nathaniel^, Joseph'', Joseph^ He.ndy-, Henry'.) 550503. He was born Nov. 18, 1801. He married Jan. 25, 1827, Abby H. Hayden (daughter of Daniel Hayden). Children : 555341- James D. Born Nov. 22, 1827. Died May 7, 1831. 555342. George B. Born Sept. 6, 1S29. 555343- Marcia A. Born May i, 1832. Married May I, 1856, R. Ware. 555344. Sylvia E. Born Sept. 7, 1834. Married May i, 1854, E. D. Griggs. 555345- James D. Born Sept. 7, 1836. Died Jan. 19, 1837. 555346. Harriet A. Born June 15, 1839. 555347- Abby S. Born June 20, 1842. 5.55348. John J. D. Born July 27, 1845. 555400. Solomon Kingsbury. (Lemuel\ Joseph^ Nathaniel^ Joseph'.) 550701. He married Caroline Fobes. Child : 555401. Henry Delos. 560600. 555500. John Kingsbury, LL.D. (John Kingsbury and Dorothy Leavens.) He was born May 26, 1 801, at South Cov- entry, Conn. He graduated at Brown University, 1826. Teacher. Commissioner of Public Schools of State of R. L, 1858-9. Presi- dent of Washington Insurance Company, 1859-74. President of American Institute of Instruction, 1855-7. Trustee of Brown Uni- versity, 1855-7. Fellow, 1853-74; Secretary, 1853-74. Member of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Trustee of Butler Asylum for the Insane. Died Dec. 21, 1874. Residence, Providence, R. I. 555520. Ezra Kingsbury. (John.) 551004. He married Eunice. Child : 555521. Dorothy Jane. Born Dec. 7, 1827. Seventh Generation. 1485 555800. Hon. Allen Hazen. (Asa^, Thomas**, Thomas^ Thomas-, Edward'.) 551301. He was born Aug. 6, 1795, in Hart- ford, Vt. Student at Dartmouth College in class of 181 7. Teacher in Wheeling, W. Va. Customs agent. New Orleans. He married Feb. 15, 1832, Hannah Putnam Dana (daughter of Israel Putnam Dana and Sarah Smith, John Winchester Dana and Hannah Put- nam, daughter of Gen. Israel Putnam of R^r War). She was born March 6, 1804, in Pomfret, Vt. Representative, 1845, 6, and 49. He died June 2, 187 1, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. Children : 555801. Charles Dana. 561000. 555802. Henry Allen. Born Dec. 27, 1832. 561040. 555840. Rev. Austin Hazen. (Asa^, Thomas'*, Thomas^ Thomas-, Edward'.) 551302. He was born in 1786. He graduated at Dartmouth College 1807. A.M., Dartmouth and Middlebury College, 1810. He married Frances Dana (daughter of Hon. Israel Putnam Dana, John Winchester Dana and Hannah Putnam, daugh- ter of Gen. Israel Putnam of the Rev. War). Pastor of Congrega- tional Church in Hartford and Berlin, Vt., for 40 years. He died in 1854. Children : 555841. Allen. 561080. 555842. Lucins Randolph. 561 120. 555843. Sophia. Graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, 1841. She was Associate Principal, 1849-50, and Acting Principal, 1865-7, Mt. Holyoke Seminary. Registered from Berlin, Vt. Married (ist) Rev. David Tappan Stoddard. Graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1837. Tutor there. He died in 1857. She was a mis- sionary in Persia some years with her cousin, Austin Hazen Wright. Married (2nd) William H. Stoddard of Northampton, Mass. 555844. Austin. 561 160. 555845. William Skinner. 561200. 555846. Azel Washburn. 561240. 555880. Hazen. ( *, Asa^ Thomas-*, Thomas^ Thomas% Edward'.) 55 1303- He removed in 1833, to Huron, Ohio. Child : 555881. William Babcock. Born Sept. 27, 1830. 561400. i486 History of the Ayres Family. 555900. Lucius Hazen. (Asa^ Thomas^ Thomas^, Thomas', Edward'.; 551305. He married Hannah B. Downer. Child : 555901. Lucius Downer. 561500. EIGHTH GENERATION. 557000. Philetas Perkins Ayer. (Eleazer^ Timothy^ Josephs, Timothys Joseph', JohnS John'.) 552001. He was born in WilUamsville, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1803. He married May 4, 1830, Margarette Stanton Frink of Voluntown, Conn. She was born Feb. 28, 1806, and died Feb. 12, 1879. Children : 557001. Matilda Orvilla. Born Aug. 11, 1832. Died Aug. 26, 1832. 557002. Eunice Ann. Born Aug. 11, 1834. Married (ist) Dr. Isaac Mettack Lewis. 565000. Married (2nd) Alexander Rose. 565020. 557003. Albert Dwight. Born Dec. 5, 1836. 565100. 557004. Eveline Abby. Born Feb. 18, 1838. Died Nov. 16, 1843. 557005. Sarah Jane. Born Dec. 22, 1842. 557060. Joseph Sumner Ayer. (Eleazer^ Timothy*, Joseph^, Timothys Joseplv, John% John'.) 552003. He was born in Frank- lin, Conn., March 15, 1807, and was married in Norwich, Conn., Sept. II, 1843, to Alice W. Tubbs, who died at Yantic, Ct., Feb. 25, 186 1. Joseph Sumner Ayer died at Gen. William's place on the plains in Norwich, The tombstones in Yantic Cemetery or reference to Charles W. Tubbs, Sr., of Greenville, Conn., may give more par- ticulars. Child: 557061. Julia Alice. Born June 6, 184S, in Norwich, Conn. She married at Hanover, Ct., June 2, 1S72, John A. Oldham, of Botany, Eng., and died in Yantic, Ct., Oct. 11, 1S79. 565200. 559000. Walter Ayer. (PearleyS John*, PearleyS PeterS Samuels PeterS John'.) 554204. He was born March 9, 1835. He married Sept. 3, 1862, Abby West Stevens of Boston. She was born April 25, 1839, at Haverhill. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. Eighth Generation. 1487 Children : 559001. Clarence Walter. Born May 29, 1862. Graduated at Harvard University, A.B., 18S6. Professor of English, Western Re- serve University. Married Sept. i, 1897. Librarian of Public Library. Residence, 1902. Brockton, Mass. 559002. Lizzie Gertrude. Born April 21, 1S65. Married Aug. ij, 1900. 559003. Frances May. Porn Sept. 27, 1870. 560000. Joseph A. Kingsbury. (Addison", Joseph*, Ebenezer^, Joseph\ Joseph^, Henr)-, Henry'.) 555001. He was born Sept. 26, 1840. He prepared at Philips Andover Academy and graduated at Marietta College, 1861. He married Jan. 18, 1866, Sarah Ehzabeth Shipman (daughter of Samuel Shipman and Lucina Bingham). She was born Sept. 29, 1839, in Marietta, Ohio. Business man. Deacon in Congregational Church. Elder in Presbyterian Church. Resi- dence, 1900, Pittsburg. Pa. Child : 560001. Prof. Samuel Shipman. Born Sept. 12, 1871, at Marietta. Student' in New York University, 1S91-3, and graduated at Marietta College, A.B., 1895, and Johns-Hopkins University, Ph.D., 1S9S. Professor of Greek, Fairmount College, Wichita, Kan. 560200. Horace Pomeroy. (Isaac Newton', Eleazer'.) He married Emma Pierce. Child : 560201. Louise. Born in Penn. Married Dr. Charles E. Inches. Physician. She is a member of Society of Daughters of Amer. Rev. 560400. Hon. Frederick John Kincsbury. (Charles Denni- son^ Jphn^, Nathaniel-*, Joseph', Henry-, Henry'.) He was born Jan. I, 1823, at Waterbury, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1846. (LL.D., Williams College, 1893, Yale 1899). He married April 29, 1 85 1, Althea R. Scovill (daughter of William H. Scovill). Admitted to Boston Bar, 1848. He practiced at Waterbury, 1849-53. He has been engaged in banking since 1850. President of Citizens' National Bank. Scovill Manufacturing Co., Union Brass Co., Ameri- 1488 History of the Ayres Family. can Optical Co., Scovill & Adams Co. and other large corporations. Director in several railroad and steamboat companies. Treasurer of Bronson Library and Waterbury Savings Bank. Representative, 1850. 8 and 65. President American Social Science Association, 1884-7. Member of Corporation of Yale University since 1881. Residence, 1901, Waterbury, Conn, Children : 560401. William Charles. Bom July 2, 1853. Died March 2, 1S64. 560402. Mary Eunice. Born June 9, 1856. 560403. Alice Eliza. Born May 4, 1858. 560404. Edith Davis. Born Feb. 6, i860. 560405. Frederick John. Born July 7, 1863. 560420. Prof. Franklin Carter, LL.D, He was born Sept. 30, 1837, at Waterbury, Conn. He graduated at Williams College, 1862. (Ph.D., 1877; LL.D., Union, 1881.) He married Feb. 24, 1863, Sarah Leavenworth Kingsbury. Professor of Latin, Williams College, 1865-72. Professor of German, Yale University, 1872-81. President of Williams College, 1881-91. Resigned. Acting Presi- dent since. Author. Residence, 1901. Williamstown, Mass. Children : 560421. Charles Frederick. Born Aug. 10, 1864, at Paris. 560422. Alice Ruth. Born Sept. 17, 1865, at Williamstown, Mass. 560423. Edward Perkins. Born April 13, 1870, at Williamstown, Mass. 560450, Lieut. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner, C, S. A. He was born in 1823 in Kentucky. He graduated at U, S, Military Academy, 1844. He married (ist) Mary Jane Kingsbury. 555323. Professor of Ethics at U. S. Military Academy, 1845-6; Assistant Instructor in Military Tactics, 1848-55. He was wounded at Cherubusco and promoted to Captain. Resigned from U. S. Army in 1855. He served in Confederate States Army of which he be- came one of the leading Lieutenant Generals. Governor of Ken- tucky, 1887-91. Candidate for Vice President of the United States of the National (Gold) Democrats, 1896. Address, 1902, Rio, Ky. 560600. Henry Delos Kingsbury. (Solomon^, LemueP, Joseph^, NathanieP, Joseph',) 555401. He married Malvina An- toinette Corning. Residence, Mentor, Ohio. Eighth Generation. 1489 Children : 560601. Capt. Frederick William. Born Sept. 7, 1847, at Mentor, Ohio. Captain, U. S. Army. Died June 13, 1897. 560602. Caroline. Born in Ohio. Married Arthur Kingston Allen. She is a member of Society of Daughters of Amer. Rev. 561000. Charles Dana Hazen. (Allen*, Asa^ Thomas", Thomas^ Thomas^ Edward'.) 555801. He was born Feb. 11, 1842. He married May 28, 1868, Abbie Maria Coleman (daughter of Horace Pinneo Coleman and Martha Louisa Dewey). She was born March 16, 1844. Residence, Hartford, Vt. Children : 561001. .\llen. Born Aug. 28, 1869. Graduated at Dartmouth College, B.S., 1888. Student at Mass. Institute of Technology. Civil Engineer. Chief Engineer of Albany Water Filtration Plant, 1898-9. Member of American Society of Civil Engineers. Author and writer. Residence, 1900, N. Y. City. 561002. Anna Putnam. Born Sept. 22, 1872. 561003. Louise Coleman. Born Jan. i, 1877. 561004. Charles Dana. Born Feb. 3, 1881. 561005. Richard. Born July 11, 1887. 561040. Rev. Henry Allen Hazen, D.D. (Allen*, Asa^ Thomas*, Thomas^ Thomas-, Edward'.) 555802. He was bom Dec. 27, 1832, at Hartford, Vt. He graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, 1854, Andover Theological Seminary, 1857. Congregational minister. He married (ist) July 9, 1863, Charlotte Eloise Green (daughter of Dr. George Barrett Green of Windsor, Vt.). She died Feb. 8, 1 88 1. He married (2nd) Aug. 31, 1889, Martha Bethia Heath (daughter of George Warren Heath of Boston). Clerk in Secretary's office, American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sions. Secretary of the National Council of Congregational Churches in U. S., 1883-1900. D.D., Marietta College, 1891. He died in 1900. Residence, Auburndale, Mass. Children : 561041. Mary. Born Nov. 23, 1S64. Died Sept. 30. 1865. 561042. Emily. Born Aug. 5, 1866. Graduated at Smith College, 18S9. Teacher in Newton, Mass. 561043. Charlotte. Born Nov. 6, 1868. Graduated at Posse Gym- nasium, Boston, 1894. Teacher. I490 History of the Ayres Family. 561080. Rev. Allen Hazen. (Austin*, Asa^, Thomas^ Thomas^ Thomas^ Edward'.) 555841. He was born Nov. 30, 1822, at Hartford, Vt. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1842, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1845. (D.D., Dartmouth, 1873). Congregational minister. He married Martha R. Chapin of Somers, Conn. She graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, 1842. She was a teacher in Mt. Holyoke Seminary. Missionary in India many years. Residence, 1890, Hartland, Vt. Children : 561081. William Oliver. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1871. Member of Psi Upsilon fraternity. Died July 28, 1871, en route to India, and was buried on Island of Malta. 561082. Henry Allen. Born Jan. 12, 1849, in Serur, India. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 187 1. Graduate student at Sheffield Scientific School. Asst. Instructor in Drawing four years and in Meteorology 4 years, Sheffield Scientific School. Junior Professor U. S. Signal Service Office, Washington, D. C, 1881-1900. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Died in 1900. 561 120. Lucius Randolph Hazen, (Austin^ Asa^, Thomas\ Thomas\ Thomas^ Edward'.) 555842. He graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1870. Merchant in Middletown, Conn., and Boston, Mass. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. He married in 1875, Maria B. Humphrey of Jericho Centre, Vt. She graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, 1874. Residence, Middletown, Conn. 561 160. Rev. Austin Hazen. (Austin^ Asa^, Thomas^ Thomas^ Thomas^ Edward'.) 555844. He was born .Feb. 14, 1835, at Berlin, Vt. He graduated at University of Vt., 1855, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1859. Congregationalist. Resi- dence, 1890, Richmond, Vt. Children : 561 161. Rev. Austin. Graduated at University of Vt., 1885. Resi- dence, 1890, Barre, Vt. 561162. Rev. Allen. Graduated at University of Vt., 1888. Teacher. Residence, 1890, Cheshire, Mass. 561163. Rev. Carleton. Graduated at University of Vt., 1SS8, and Hartford Theological Seminary, 1891. 561164. Rev. . Congregationalist. Eighth Generation. 1491 561200, Rev, William Skinner Hazen. "(Austin*, Asa^ Thomas^ Thomas^, Thomas^ Edward'.} 555845. He was born Aug. 18, 1836, at Hartford, Vt. He graduated at University of Vt., 1858, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1863. Congregationalist. Residence, 1890, Northfield, Vt. 561240. Rev. Azel Washburn Hazen. (Austin*, Asa^, Thomas\ Thomas^ Thomas^ Edward'.) 555846. He was born April 10, 1 84 1, at Berlin, Vt. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1863. Student in Hartford Theological Seminary, 1865-7. Gradu- ated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1868. (D.D., Dartmouth, 1888). Congregationalist. Member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa college fraternities. Residence, 1890, Middletown, Conn. 561400. Gen. William Babcock Hazen, U, S. A. ( \ *, Asa=, Thomas\ Thomas^, Thomas% Edward'.) 555881. He was born Sept. 27, 1830, at West Hartford, Vt. He graduated at U. S. Mili- tTLvy Academy, West Point, 1855. He married Mildred McLean (daughter of Washington McLean, Editor of Cincinnati Enquirer, son of Judge John McLean of U. S. Supreme Court.) After his death she married Nov. 9, 1889, Admiral George Dewey, U, S. N. Lieut., 8th Infantry, against the Indians. Assistant Professor of Infantry Tactics at U. S. Military Academy in Feb., 1861. Captain, May, 1861. Colonel, 41st Regt. Ohio Vols. Brig. Gen., Jan. 6, 1862. He was conspicuous at the battle of Shiloh. He drove the Confederates from Danville, Ky. At the battle of Lone River he saved the left wing from being turned. He commanded a brigade at Chickamauga and afterwards deprived the Confederates of the advantages they had gained by that battle, and relieved the army at Chattanooga. At Missionary Ridge he captured 18 pieces of artillery. He commanded a division in Sherman's March to the Sea and captured Ft, McAllister, Dec. 13, 1864, for which he was promoted Major General of Volunteers. He took part in the operations resulting in Johnson's surrender, and was appointed to the command of the Fifteenth Corps, May 19, 1865. Colonel, 6th Regt. Infantry, July, 1866, Chief Signal Officer U. S, Army, Dec. 8, 1880-7. He died Jan, 16, 1887, Child : 561401, John McLean. Born about iSSo. Died Sept. 24, 1898, at Tompkinsville, Staten Island, X. Y. 1492 History of the Ayres Family. 561500. Hon. Lucius Downer Hazen. (Lucius^ Asa^, Thomas'*, Thomas^ Thomas^ Edward'.) He was born Jan. 19, 1834, in Hart- ford, Vt. He married Orinda Griswold Kimball (daughter of Lloyd Kimball and Lois Griswold). Representative, 1869-88. State Senator, 1894, Director of the Vermont State Prison and House of Correction, 1894-1902. President of Merchants' National Bank of St. Johnsbury, Vt. Child : 561501. Prof. Charles Downer. Born March 17, 1868, at Barnet, Vt. Graduated at Dartmouth College, A.B., 1889, and Johns-Hop- kins, Ph.D., 1S9S. Professor of History, Smith College, since 1S94. Member of American Historical Association. Author. Residence, 1902, Northamton, Mass. NINTH GENERATION. 565000. Dr. Isaiah Mettack Lewis. He was born in Dela- ware Co., Pa. He married Eunice Ann Ayer. 557002. Physician. He died Feb. 2, 1875, ^^ Emporia, Kan. Child : 565001. Son. Born and died P'eb. 23, 1873, at Emporia. 565020. Alexander Rose. He was born April 2, 1828, in West Va. He married Feb. 23, 1876, Eunice Ann (Ayer) Lewis. 557002. Child : 565021. Albert Aj-er. Born Sept. 6, 1879, at Lake View, Kansas. 565100. Albert Dwight Ayer. (Philetus Perkins®, Eleazer^, Timothy", Joseph^, Timothy*, Joseph^, John'', John'.) 557003. He was born Dec. 5, 1836, in Williamsville, N. Y. He married Nov. 8, 1865, Geraldine H. Young, who was born Dec. 20, 1838, and was a daughter of J. B. and Eveline Young. Children : 565101. Howard. Born Aug. 30, 1866. Died Jan. 5, 1870. 565102. Elenor. Born Nov. 14, 1868. Died Jan. 5, 1870. Ninth Generation. 1493 565103. Dr. Charles Hobert. Born July 7, 1871, and is a graduate of a Veterinary College in Toronto, Canada. 565104. Jenne Saxon. Born March 17, 1S74. Married Sept., 1899, to Howard G. Britting, an Insurance Agent. 565105. Coleman. Born Nov. 21, 1S76. 565200. John A. Oldham. He was born in Botany, England. He married (2nd) June 6, 1872, Julia Alice Ayer. 557061. They had two sons born at Central Falls, R. I. Children : 565201. Edgar Clark. Born July 7, 1S74. Married Emma L. Mac- Pherson in Providence, R. I., April 26, 1S99. Railway Postal Clerk on route from New York to Boston. 565202. Joseph Ayer. Born March 23, 1S76. Eyhe History. REV. GEORGE EYRE OF BURLINGTON, N. J., AND PHILADELPHIA, PA. (1727). The first member of the Eyre family to settle in England was Humphrey le Heyr, who was a Knight of William the Conqueror and fought at the battle of Hastings, 1066, where he lost one of his legs. The old family of England from the time of William the Con- queror, were no doubt adherents of the Church of Rome until the Reformation, say, during the reign of Henry VHI. about 1534, but a large number of the branches from the original stock remained Roman Catholics, especially those who settled in Ireland. The Eyre's of England, with few exceptions, belonged to the established church of England and the Eyre's of Ireland were in every case strict Roman Catholics. Among the family in England there have been many who were titled and held positions of honor under the government. One a peer of the realm, who became Lord Eyre of Eyre Court Castle, Galway, Ire- land. One Lord Chief Justice of Wiltshire. One Lieutenant General. One Governor of Canada, another Governor of Jamaica. Several members of Parliament. Many Counts and Barons. Many of them admirals of the Royal Navy and officers in the army. One of the Wiltshire family, William Eyre of Wedhampton in Wiltshire, was chosen Prior of Christ Church in Hants, in 1502. Francis Eyre, 2nd son of Sir Samuel Eyre, was Canon of Sarum and died Oct. 28, 1738, aged 68 years. Samuel Eyre of Essex, 2nd son of the Right Hon. Sir Robert Eyre, Chancellor to the Prince of Wales, George II. and eventually Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, was a Doctor of Divinity and died Dec. 2, 1742. Q < O w o o t— I Eyre History. 1495 William Eyre, born 1626, in Holy Orders, Rector of St. Edmonds Sarum, author of "Vindicias Justifications," etc., was 2nd son of Colonel John Eyre who accompanied Gen'l Ludlow into Ireland and was a member of Parliament during the reign of Charles H. The Very Rev. Giles Eyre was Dean of Killoloe, Ireland, and died 1757, he was a son of John Eyre of Eyrecourt Castle, Galway, Ireland. The Dean's eldest son John was elevated to the Irish Peerage in 1768. Rev. Robert Hedges Eyre of Galway, was Rector of Innis- hannon, Co. Cork, about 1837. Rev. Charles Eyre was an Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland. He was born in England in 181 7. Revs. James Eyre and John Eyre, of Warrens, brothers, lived, each nearly a century. They were born about 1726, and died 182 1. Rev. Henry Eyre, M.A., 2nd son of John Eyre of Brickworth, was Rector of Landford and Brickworth and died in 1798, aged 43 years. John, Count Eyre, of Lindley Hall, married Aug. 11, 181 1, and had issue, besides daughters. Rev. Vincent William Eyre, Honorary Chamberlain to the Pope. Rev. John Lewis Eyre. Rev. Charles Peter Eyre, Honorary Chamberlain to the Pope, consecrated Jan. 31, 1869, Archbishop of Anazorla. Papal Delegate for Scotland and afterwards Archbishop of Glasgow. Rev. William Henry Eyre. Rev. Anthony Fountaine Eyre of Baronburgh, York, in Holy Orders, Canon of York Cathedral. He married ist Susanna, youngest daughter of the Rev. Kenzie Preston, D.D., Master of Catharine Hall, Cambridge, and 2nd, Honor, daughter of Rev. God- frey WooUey, M.A., Rector of Warnsworth and Thrunscoe, and sister of Admirals Thomas and Isaac WooUey. Rev. Anthony died Feb. 14, 1794, leaving by his first wife the Rev. Charles Wolfe Eyre in Holy Orders, born Jan. 3, 1768, died June 2, 1796. Rev. John Eyre in Holy Orders, born Feb. ig, 1758, was Rector of Babington, Notts, one of the Canons residuary of York and Archdeacon of Nottingham, married Apr. 12, 1790, Charlotte, 3d daughter of Sir George Armitage, Bart. Rev. John died aged 82 years. Rev. George Hardolph Eyre, Vicar of Beighton, born iSoi. Rev. Charles Wastneys Eyre, of Rampton, born 1802. 1496 History of the Ayres Family. Rev. Anthony William Eyre (father of Edward John Eyre, Gov- ernor of Jamaica, who crushed the negro rebellion in that Island) was a clergyman and held various cures and preferments, among others Stirling fleet near York and at a later period the Vicarage of Hornsea and the Rectory of Riston in the East Riding of Yorkshire. He died in 1848. Gervaise Eyre, a descendant of Humphrey Le Heyr, married Mary Nevill, daughter of George Nevill, who was lineally descended from Ralph Nevill, 2nd Lord of Raby, who was lineally descended from the ancient Saxon King. Etheldred H. Sir Gervaise Eyre, of Nottinghamshire, England, grandson of Gervaise Eyre, lost his life while Governor of Newark Castle. May 5, 1645, lighting for his King. Charles I. The local historians of the day speak of Sir Gervaise as a man of irreproachable character, the best horseman in King Charles' army and add : "That had the King had many such soldiers as Sir Gervaise Eyre, he had neither lost his crown nor his life.'' His son. George Eyre, of Worksop, England, in the Pilgrim Father District, was born in 1620. Married in 1659, Ehzabeth. He died March 16, 1708. She died Jan. 14, 1763. Children: i. John. Born June 30. 1660. 2. George. Born Dec. 19, 1662. 3. Eliza- beth. Born June 4, 1667. 4. Joshua. Born Nov. 2, 1669. 5. Joseph. Born June 30, 1671. 6. Benjamin. Born Dec. 24, 1672. George Eyre, Jr. Born Dec. 19. 1662. Married May i. 1694. Sarah. He died Jan. 14. 1761. Children: i. Sarah. Born Jan. 13, 1695. 2. Elizabeth. Born March 20, 1698. 3. George. Born Nov. 14(0.17), 1700. Removed in 1727, to America. 4. Martha. Born April 28. 1706. 5. Hannah. Born Dec. 19, 1708, The Eyre ancestry farther back is as follows : Nicholas Eyre. He was granted land in Hope Derby, in 1364. Direct descendant of William Le Eyre of Holme Hall. (1276). He married and had issue, Nicholas Eyre, married Joan Barbour, and had issue, Robert Eyre, married Joanna Padley, 1463, and had issue. Roger Eyre, lived during 1470, married Elizabeth Whittington, and had issue, Thomas Eyre, married Berwick, daughter of Alured. and had issue, Eyre History. 1497 Robert Eyre, died 15 15, married Elizabeth Barley,, and had issue, Edward Eyre, died 1552. married Elizabeth Reresby, and had issue, Anthony Eyre, died 1575, married Elizabeth Pole, and had issue, Gervaise Eyre, died 1626, married Mary Neville, and had issue, Anthony Eyre, died 1658, married Anne Markham, and had issue, Gervaise Eyre, married and had issue, George Eyre, married and had issue, George Eyre, removed in 1727, from Kenniton, Notts, England, to Burlington, N. J. The following account of a visit to the home of the Eyre family in England was written by Rev. William Elliott Grififis, D.D., L.H.D. : As is shown so clearly in Prof. Edward Arber's book '-The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606-1626, A. D., as told by them- selves, their friends, and their enemies," Worksop is in the south- western corner of the Pilgrim District in England, with East Retford on the southeast, Gainsboro in the northeast, and Scrooby in the northwest. For years, that is, since 1850, Scrooby has been the Mecca of the descendants of the Pilgrim fathers and mothers, and in Gainsboro, in July, 1902, the John Robinson Memorial Church and the ancient Guild Hall were the centres of the ter-centennary memorial celebration. More strictly speaking, "the Pilgrim District" in England is that inclosed by the two streams, or rivers, Ryton and Idle, which flow together and at Bawtry form the boundary of those three counties, York, Lincoln and Nottingham, "where they bordered closest together," which have furnished the world with the cradle land of a great nation. In the great movement of the human mind which we call the Reformation, some of the Nevilles and some of the Eyres took the old or Catholic side, and others the new or Reformed. After the shaking and sifting that went on from the time of the Tudors to the Hanoverians, some remained with the free churches and some with the political or state church of England. Large numbers of the 149^ History of the Ayres Family. English Eyres are to this day Roman Cathohcs and many of them have followed the military profession. Of the churches at Rampton and Babworth, where the graves, memorial stones, bronzes, mural tablets, and stained glass windows commemorating the life and works of the Eyres are numerous and beautiful, the writer will speak further on. When the ancient ideas of church government — so old that they seemed entirely new and dangerously novel — reached "the Pilgrim district," they were stigmatized by the ecclesiastics in power as "Brownism," and "the Separatists had not long to wait to see the bloodhound's teeth." One Gervase Nevyle, who was charged by the archbishop of York as being "one of the sect of Baroist or Brownist, holding and maintaining erroneous opinions and doctrines," and in March, 1607, the archbishop's messenger William Blanchard was sent to apprehend him. It is quite probable that this "Gervase Nevyle" was kinsman to the writer's ancestors, the Eyres. What follows is from the book "The Pilgrims in Their Three Homes, England, Holland and America," which contains the fullest account yet written of the life of the Pilgrims while in Holland. "For such schismatical obstinacy and irreligion he was to be de- livered by straight warrant 'to the hands, ward and safe custody of the Keeper of His Majesty's Castle of York.' The accused ap- peared and made answer, March 22. The entry is in these words, "Office against Jervase Nevyle of Scrobie dio: Ebor." (diocese of York). The names of the informers who demanded that Richard Jackson and William Brewster, of Scrooby, gentlemen charged with Brownism, and later for not appearing 'upon lawful summons at the collegiate church of Southwell,' are also given. In the first hunt the seekers were unable to find their game, probably because the men were at that hour in the jail at Boston. The second attempt failed likewise, for they were probably then in Holland. The war- rants issued for the arrest of Brewster are dated September 15 and December i, 1607. A 'ver}' dangerous schismatical Separatist, Brownist and irreligious subject' is the bishop's description of each gentleman." On the 26th day of May, 1897, the first American Ambassador to Great Britain, at the end of his official service, the Hon. Thomas Francis Bayard, also a distant relative of the writer, delivered to Eyre History. 1499 Governor Roger Wolcott of Massachusetts the original manuscript of Governor William Bradford's "History of Plymouth Plantation" in which the story of the Pilgrim Fathers is told by one of them- selves. It was in June, 1891, as the chosen delegate from the National Council of the Congregational Churches of America to the World's International Congregational Council meeting in London, that the writer made his second journey to England and Holland, this time to make researches into the history of the Pilgrim Fathers more par- ticularly, but also into the genealogy of the Eyre family. He spent several weeks in Amsterdam, Leyden, Delfshaven and many other places associated with Pilgrim history and in the archives where their names, as taxpayers, property owners, citizens, as betrothed and married, as living and dead, appear. He was armed in 1891 with letters from the secretary of state, the postmaster-general, the governor of Massachusetts and other prominent Americans, which opened many a door into the hospitalities of the homes of England and Holland. In the following year he went again to Holland and England, visiting Raynham Hall (the seat of the Townsends), Gainsboro, Cambridge, and other historic places. Yet it was not until 1895, in another visit to Holland and England, that apart from archives and libraries, the writer could cry Eureka ! He found the old home of the Eyres. He spent a night in Scrooby, where the Pilgrim Fathers had worshiped in the old Manor House of the Archbishop of York, when Sir Edwin Sandys was the owner of the estate, and William Brewster was the lessee. In 1898 he visited Newark and the ruins of the old castle on the Trent river, in which and from which Colonel Gervaise Eyrt commanded the cavalry for King Charles I. and near which place he was slain. Beautiful public gardens now cover the old site once so often stained with blood and long pestiferous with disease. Velvet- like grass, clinging vines and brilliant flowers make very lovely this place, so kindling to the imagination of the historical student. Ad- joining the garden, the traceried ruins and the deep underground rooms with their columns and arches, is the Gilstrap free library, where I found a rich collection of books of local history. Reading about the Eyres and the place where so many of them were buried, I500 History of the Ayres Family. and where once stood their ancestral halls, I determined to find them, even by the a^nbjilando method. From Newark, I took a rail- road run over to Southwell, saw the wonderful great Norman church, spared by the Parliamentary troops during the civil war, now erected into a cathedral, and having a chapter house which in the wonderful detail of the stone carving and tracery is unique in the world. After dinner at the Saracen's Head Hotel I rode over to Ret- ford and inquired from the men in the ticket ofifice where "Rampton" was. They did not know. Just as in a previous occasion, within fifty miles of Scrooby, I could not persuade the ticket agent that there was such a place. Happily, however, one of the station porters informed me that Rampton was a village a few miles beyond the railway station of Cottam. So riding to Cottam, I walked in paths over fields of wheat and oats, through pastures rich in cows and willows that bordered the streams, and at Rampton, a village con- taining 325 people, was courteously received by the rector Rev. Frank G. White. Not even Mr. Murray's "Hand-Book for Derby, Notts, Leicester, and Stafford shires" notices Rampton, though the "red book" is rich in everything that relates to other picturesque de- tails in Robin Hood's country. Nor do the other Gazetteers men- tion the charming place. The little church built back in Norman times, which badly needed repairs, was used for worship every Sun- day. It is lined on both sides of the choir with tablets to the Eyres, one of them, a very modest brass, being in honor of the dashing cavalry commander, the superb cavalier. Col. Gervaise Eyre. From the church I walked to the two gateways and dwellings, the old and the new, of the Eyres. One is a rather modest brick building going back to late Tudor times, when a brick house was a novelty and curiosity. The art of brick making having fallen into decay since Roman days, was reintroduced by the Dutch into Eng- land. Near by was an old stone gateway, still rather imposing, despite the mouldering of centuries and the gnawing of old time's tooth. One could easily recognize the Tudor roses, chiseled in stone, and also the heraldic sign of the Eyres, the greaved warrior's leg cut off near the thigh. Both these memorials of an earlier day were half hidden beyond trees and shrubbery, but hard by was an- other imposing stone gateway on the top of which cut in stone was again the decussated leg. This massive portal was the entrance to First Generation. 1501 the driveway leading into the park and the manor house, which is rather an elegant spacious modern dwelling, which, however, with its numerous servants' houses and out-buildings was empty and deserted. Indeed it often happens that these entailed estates are too costly in their maintenance for their owners. I took supper and spent all night at the Eyre Arms Inn, Mr. Quickfall, formerly coachman of Colonel Henry Eyre, proprietor, be- ing the keeper and host. To please his guest, he kindly took from their frames photographs of the interior of the church and of the Eyre mansion, which I brought away as trophies. After exploring the village again, in "the dewy call of incense-breathing morn," I walked over the fields with the postman from Rampton to Cottam, and thence rode to Retford, taking a run once again to Worksop, making my second visit to this ancestral seat. From Retford station, again I walked down to Babworth, find- ing a verv fashionable neighborhood, full of elegant houses, a very pretty church and a most hospitable and delightful rector, who not only took me into the church and showed me all the sights, the tablets and graves of the Eyres, but also the superb stained glass window set up m memoriam to one of the Eyre military men killed in the Ashantee war in South Africa. I went all over the rectory, where, according to Prof. Arber, the Pilgrim movement originated. After lunching with the genial rector, Rev. Edmund St. Aubyn, wife and two daughters, I spent an hour or so over the parchments and papers of the parish records, finding them however too modern for any special use, the older records having long ago disappeared. Thence I rode over to Scrooby for my fourth visit, spending several hours in the church, manor house, parish clerk's house (exactly like one built in Shakespeare's time and older than the immortal bard), meeting also two Yankee modern Pilgrims on bicycles. Then I went on to York, spending the night at the Black Swan Hotel, ex- ploring once more the old town where so much of English, Israelitish, Roman and Pilgrim Father history centers. FIRST GENERATION. 600000. Rev. George Eyre. He was born Nov. 14 (o. 17), 1700. He came to America in 1727 from Nottingham England, and I502 History of the Ayres Family. settled in Burlington, N. J. He studied for the ministry and took Holy Orders in the Church of England, but while on a visit to this country in 1727, he met and married (ist) about 1729-30, Mary Smith (daughter of Hon. Manuel Smith of Burlington, N. J. Smith History. William Smith, born about 1560, held land directly from the Crown. He married and had a son Richard Smith, born in 1593, married 1620, died 1647. His son, Richard Smith, born 1626, died 1688, married Anne Yates, a Quaker of Alborough. He was a yeoman, of Bramham, Yorkshire. He became a Quaker. Children : I. Emanuel. 2. Daniel. Married Mary Murfin. 3. Samuel. Married Elizabeth Lovatt. 4. Richard. Married Anne Marshall. Hon. Emanuel Smith, born 1670, died 1720, emigrated in 1691, to Burlington, N. J. He was a Friend. Married Mary Willis, daugh- ter of George Willis, a -Friend). Through this marriage the Eyres are made claimants to the mythical Jennings estate. A compara- tively long record of his ancestry is found in the famous Eyre Bible in the archives of the Pennsylvania Historical Society in Philadel- phia. She died in or after 1747. He married (2nd) Mrs. Rebecca Shreaves of Burlington Co., N. J., by whom he had a daughter, Ann. Assessor, 1751-60. Freeholder, 1745-7. He died Jan. 14, 1761. Residence, Burlington, N. J. Children : 6oooor. Samuel. Born Monday, — — 27, 1731. Died young. 600002. George. Born Sept. 24, 1732. Unmarried. Died young. 600003. Sarah. Born Feb. 2. 1734. Unmarried. Died at an advanced age. 600004. Samuel. Born Feb. 2, 1734. 600050. 600005. Manuel. Born Nov. 10, 1736. 600100. 600006. Jehu. Born Jan. 10, 1738. 600150. 600007. Mary. Born in Oct., 1739. Married Rev. John Colin Camp- bell. 600180. 600008. Martha. Born Oct. 28, 1741. Married William Gordon. 600200. 600009. Hannah. Born Aug. 7, 1743. Unmarried. Died. 600010. Elizabeth. Born June 10, 1746. Unmarried. Died. 60001 1. Benjamin George. Born June i, 1747. 600220. 600012. Ann. Born Sept. 10, 1756. Married Judge Thomas Adams. 500240. Second Generation. 1503 SECOND GENERATION. 600050. Samuel Eyre. (George). 600004. He was born Feb. 2, 1734. He married Elizabeth Folwell of Burlington Co., N. J. Assessor, 1777-8. Residence, Burlington, N. J. Children : 600051. George. Born June 5, 1765. 600500. 600052. Nathan. Born in 1767. 600520. 600053. Elizabeth. Born May 12, 1769. Married Uriah Wilkins. 500560. 600054 Mary. Unmarried. Died in 1794, 600055. Samuel Benjamin. 6006 jo. 600056. Hannah. Born Oct. 2S, 1780. Married ( ist) Capt. John Griflfis. 600620. .Married (2nd) Jesse Clark. 600640. 600100. Col. Manuel Eyre. (George.) 600005. He was born Nov. 10, 1736. He married Jan. 8, 1760, Mary Wright (daughter of Richard Wright, the leading ship-builder of Phila- delphia, Pa.). During the American Revolution he was a promi- nent member of the Penn. State Navy Board and did noble service through the war. He died Nov. i, 1805, at Kensington, Philadel- phia, Pa. She died April 18, 1798. They had thirteen children. When the Revolutionary war broke out these Eyre brothers, be- lieving that in this instance war was necessary and righteous, as being, "resistance to revolution from without," took up arms against King George IH. and in favor of the Continental Congress. Manuel Eyre built some of the first gunboats ordered by the Continental Congress on the site of his old industry now covered by the great yard of the Cramps, at Kensington, Philadelphia, in which are built the steel battleships of the United States Navy. The following is the official record of his military services : "Manuel Eyre. Born 1736. Died 1805. Member of Committee of Correspondence of Philadelphia, 1775 ; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, Jan. 23, 1775 ; Member of Pennsylvania Navy Board, 1777; Private, Capt. Jehu Eyre's Artillery Company, 1777 ; Captain of a Company of Artillery, First Brigade, Gen. John Cadwallader. 1777, Philadelphia Militia." Children : 600101. Mary, Born June 8, 1762. Married ( rst) Aug. 4, 17S8, Sir Isaac Coales. 600660. Married (2nd) Col. Thomas Robinson. 600680. 1504 History of the Ayres Family. 600102. George. Died young. 600103. Lydia. Born July 25, 1767. Married Ralph Hunt. 600700. 600104. Samuel. Died young. 600105. Hannah. Died young. 600106. Elizabeth. Born Jan. 5, 1771. Married a Quandrille. She died Sept. 12, 1S16. 600107. Sarah. Born in 1772. Married Christopher Little. 600720. 600108. Hetty. 600109. Anne. Born in 1775. Married Christopher IJttle. 600720. 600110. Manuel. Born Feb. i, 1777. 600760. 600111. Benjamin. 600 1 1 2. Harriet. 600113. Clarissa. 600150. Col. Jehu Eyre. (George.) 600006. He was born Jan. 10, 1738. He married Lydia Wright (daughter of Richard Wright, ship-builder, of Philadelphia). Colonel commanding the Philadelphia Artillery during the Revolutionary War, until his death, which occurred in July, 1 781, from exposure. They had nine chil- dren. Jehu Eyre carried on his boat-building enterprises as far west as the Ohio river. On the fall of the French power in America, and the surrender of Fort Pitt (which as a fortification commanding two rivers had been first begun by Washington and re-built and com- pleted on another site bv General Forbes in 1758), he accepted a commission, when but twenty-one years old, to build boats for the navigation of the Ohio river by the King's forces and by the new settlers. With a band of his ship-carpenters and boat-builders from Philadelphia he traveled across the whole length of the state of Pennsylvania, the western part of which was still mainly forests, and remained many months at Pittsburg. On one of his excursions he visited Braddock's battlefield then still strewn with the whitened bones of the unburied slain. While at Fort Pitt he learned all the details of guns and ammunition, and how to handle artillery, and afterwards perfected himself by study. When the Revolution broke out he raised a regiment of artillery, mainly from men of his own shipyard, and drilled them into a crack organization, which served during the war. Col. Jehu Eyre had charge of the boats at the crossing of the Delaware, on Christmas morning, 1776, when General Washington marched to attack Trenton, General Glover's Marble- head regiment of Massachusetts water men transporting the army Second Generation. 1505 across the Delaware. Besides being in tiie Princeton campaign, Col. Jehu x\yre garrisoned the forts on the Delaware, during Sulli- van's summer campaign of 1779 into Western New York, so that Proctor's artillery, of nine pieces and three hundred men, could be released for the great expedition against the Indians in the lake region. As we know, the heavy howitzers and cannon took part in and probably decided the battle of Newtown, near Elmira, August 29, 1779, and that at least two three-pounders were taken as far as Honeoye, N. Y. The reader will find in the Pennsylvania Maga- zine of Biography and Histor)^ an account of Manuel Eyre and Col. Jehu Eyre, with the printed journal of the latter which describes his journey to Pittsburg. In the story of General John Sullivan's great march against savagery, which opened western New York to civiliza- tion, entitled "The Pathfinders of the Revolution," are word pictures of Colonel Eyre's home in Philadelphia, both at the outset of the expedition and on its return. The following is the official record of his military services : "Jehu Eyre. Born 1738. Died 1781. Captain, Philadelphia City Guard, Aug. 30, 1775; Captain of Artillery, Philadelphia Brigade, Gen. John Cadwallader, June 5, 1777 ; Colonel, Philadelphia Artillery Battalion, Aug. 25, 1775; at Trenton, Princeton, Germantown and Valley Forge ; commanded the Forts at Mud Island and Billingsport, 1780. Died in service." Children : 600151. Sarah. Married a Yard of Trenton, N. J. They had one daughter who died unmarried. 600152. George. 6007S0. 600153. Richard. 600154. Hannah. 600155. Lydia. She was the last survivor of the grandchildren of George Eyre. She died in 1S57. 600156. Jehu. 600800. 600157. Hannah. Died young. 600 1 58. Mary. Died young. 600159. Franklin. 600840. 600180. Rev. John Colin Campbell. He married Mar}' Eyre. 600007. He was born in Scotland. On the loth of May, 1738, Rev. Colin Campbell arrived in Burlington, N. J., as missionary and minister of the parish of St. Mary's (Protestant Episcopal). In £5o6 History of the Ayres Family. 1742 he founded the church at Mount Holly and served it together with St. Mary's. His missionary rectorship continued until his death, Aug. 9, 1766, a period of nearly twenty-nine years. He was buried under the church. She died in 1794- Children : 600181. G. Eyre. Died young. 600182. Sarah. Married a Johnson. 600S60. 600183. Mary. 600184. Hon. Colin. Member of Committee of Observation, 1775. Member of Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May, June and Aug., 1775, from Burlington County. 600200. William Gordon. He married Martha Eyre. 600008. Residence, Burlington, N. J. Child: 600201. Mary. Married Samuel Fennimore. Farmer. 600880. 600220. Col. Benjamin George Eyre. (George.) 60001 1. He was born June i, 1747. He married (ist) Hester Boyle of Philadelphia. She died at the age of 22 years. They had one child. He married (2nd) in 1773, Mary Cheeseman (daughter of Thomas Cheeseman of New York), She was born May 22, 1756. They had two children. Benjamin George Eyre was a colonel during the Revolution, and enjoyed greatly the confidence of Washington. Although manu- script evidence is lacking for the statement, yet it is an unquestioned fact that he was aid de camp of General Washington at the battle of Princeton. Why documentary evidence does not exist, we shall show further on. John Trumbull the painter, as an officer in the American army, took part at Princeton, and in his superb picture of the battle, as well as in the four or five sketches which he made for the canvas, which are now in the possession of the School of Fine Arts at Yale University, Col. Benjamin Eyre is in every case repre- sented on horseback with his hat off and charging sword in hand. General Washington presented his aid with a handsome punch bowl and for years afterwards — as the writer has often heard from old members of the family relatives who remembered seeing it, — Col. Eyre was very proud of this token of his commander's esteem. The fatigues of the war finally undermined his constitution and he died Second Generation. 1507 July II, 1789. In those days, before telegraphs and railways, when his wife and other members of his family were at the eastern end of Long Island and it being mid summer, burial had to be made quickly. Then came the disaster to history. Those who have read Dr. Weir's "Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker," know how great was the division between those of the Friends who adhered to old traditions and those who threw off their Quaker coats and took up arms. In the preface to "The Romance of Conquest," the fact is referred to that the Free Quakers of Philadelphia inscribed on their new meet- ing house "Erected in the year of our Lord, 1783, of the Empire 8," and that in doing so they were not Jingos or "Imperialists," but be- lievers in God and in the growth of the United States of America. Washington and many of the Revolutionary fathers subscribed to this new house of worship, which stood on the southwest corner of 5th and Arch in Philadelphia, directly opposite to Christ's Church burying ground, in which Benjamin and Deborah Franklin are buried. Herein, also, rest the remains of Captain John Griffis, Col. Benjamin G. Eyre, Charles E., Esther, Nathan and Samuel G. Eyre. See Record of the Inscriptions of Tablets and Gravestones in the Burial Grounds of Christ's Church. Col. Jehu Eyre in making his will (probably as far back as be- fore the opening of the war which so divided the Society of Friends) had named two of his Quaker brethren, men of undoubted probity, as his executors. With the stern convictions of primitive Quaker orthodoxy, they proceeded immediately after the funeral to carry out the terms of the will. They were clothed with full power, but evi- dently Col. Jehu Eyre had not foreseen that he would die alone, when his family were absent and that the executors would be so ruthlessly literal. But these mighty men of God proceeded, even "as a shepherd divideth his sheep and the goats." They put on the lefthand, the warrior's chapeau, epaulettes, military coats, side- striped trousers, spurs, and every memento of war, even letters from Washington, Hamilton, Sullivan and other Revolutionary generals, indeed all that savored of what in their eyes was a Belial and Moloch. With strictest integrity, they appraised the value of all in cash, turning the amount over to the estate. Then they brought in two flour barrels, packed in them the pomp and glory of the soldier, 1508 History of the Ayres Family. and every article in metal, cloth or paper, or that with ink suggested war, and headed up the receptacles. Setting out in the night they found a soft place in the middle of a public road out in the country and digging a hole, buried the two barrels. They smoothed over the top and the wagon tracks soon left the precious records and relics in oblivion. History suffered, the members of Col. Eyre's family on their return were indignant, but tears and wrath were alike useless. The two Friends, executors, were as inexorable as they were honest. Hence, we must depend on the artist's testimony, and the unbroken and unanimous family traditions for Col. Benjamin George Eyre's part in the battle of Princeton. For several years the relics of Colonel Jehu Eyre were exhibited in glass cases in Inde- pendence Hall. He died July 11, 1789. Residence, Kensington, Philadelphia, Pa. Children : 600221. Thomas Boyle. Born in 1772. Unmarried. Died in 1850, in New Jersey. 600222. Eliza Ann. Born Oct. 13, 1775. Married Jacob H. Valentine. 600900. 600223. Harriet. Born July 27, 1777. Married Samuel Robbins. 600940. 600240. Hon. Thomas Adams. He. married Ann Eyre. 500012. Assessor, 1793-4; 1797-1804; 1815-19. Judge. Resi- dence, Burlington, N. J. Children : 600241. Margaret. Married a Grunnell. 500980. 600242. Rebecca. Married Samuel Myers. 501000. 600243. Sarah. Married Capt. Anthony Wayne Robinson. 501040. 600244. Mary. Unmarried. Died. 600245. Martha. Unmarried. Died. 600246. Ann. Unmarried. Died. THIRD GENERATION. 600500. George Eyre. (Samuel", George'.) 600051. He was born June 5, 1765. He married Mary Lippincott of Burlington Co., N. J. They had four children. Shipbuilder. He died Oct. 2, 1796. She afterwards married Patrick E. Wheeler. Residence, Kensington, Philadelphia, Pa. Third Generation. 1509 Children : 600501. Eliza L. Married John Ashburner of Philadelphia. They had one child who died young, in August, iSii. She died.six weeks later, in Oct., 181 1. 600502. Samuel. He was lost at sea, Pinang, Sumatra, in Sept., 1815, in China Sea. No issue. 600503. George L. 605000. 600520. Nathan Eyre. (SamueP, George'.) 500052. He was born in 1767. He married (ist) Sarah Kay of Gloucester Co., N. J., by whom he had one child. He married (2nd) Elizabeth Kay (sister of his first wife). He died July 6, 18 19. She afterwards married Samuel Potter, Esq., of Wilmington, N. C. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. Children : 600521. Anna. Married George Thompson. 605040. 600522. Maria. Married Benjamin Ashburner. 605080. 600523. Sarah K. Born in 1792. Married William E. Fotteral. 605100. 600524. Elizabeth. Married Maj. Samuel Babcock, U. S. A. 605120. 600525. Joseph Ka}'. 605140. 600526. Samuel George. Died young. 600527. Emma Louisa. Married Thomas Allibone. 605160. 600528. Charles Edward. Died young. 600560. Uriah Wilkins. He married in 1792, Elizabeth Eyre. 600053. She died June 15, 1807. Residence, Eversham, N.J. Children : 600561. Eleanor H. Married Farmar Burns. 605200. 600562. Jacob F. 600563. Samuel Eyre. 605220. 600564. Benjamin Eyre. 605260. 600565. Nathan Eyre. 600566. Elizabeth Eyre. Married Oct. 8, 1846, Amos Lanning of Tienton, N. J. No children. 600600. Samuel Benjamin Eyre. (SamueP, George'.) 600055. He married in 1800, Hannah Whitehead of England. He died in Oct., 1804. Children : 600601 . Lydia W. 600602. Nathan W. Born in 1S03. 605300. I5IO History of the Ayres Family. 600620. Capt. John Griffis. Of the ancestry of Captain John Griffis, beyond family tradition, Httle is directly known. The Griffiths were a Welsh clan spelling their name originally Cryffyd, and anglicizing it as Griffith, the word meaning literally "great faith." The variations of the name, both in Welsh and English, are many. Of the most common of fifty names in England and Wales, Smith Jones, Williams, etc., Griffiths stands as fiftieth in frequency. In 1840, 38,400 people in the island of Britain, or in other words, one out of 579 of the people in England and Wales in 1840 was a Griffith — in the original or variant form. In the cathedral at Bangor and in many Welsh churches, one can read the mortuary records of many members of this sturdy clan. The particular line of Griffiths in which we are interested went out of Wales, some into Hampshire, but most into Devonshire, England, and those in the latter county became seafaring men, so that for eight generations previous to the present writer, the Griffiths men — a John being in every generation — have followed the sea. Let us now look at the American Griffis, in which we are especially interested. According to family tradition, John Griffis was born in England in Devonshire, August 16, 1766, and from an early age followed the sea. In politics he was opposed to the policy of King George III. and to the coercion of the colonies during the Revolutionary war. Soon after peace was declared, he came to America, dropped the th out of his name, and engaged in the trade with the West Indies. He was on at least one voyage to China, and brought back a hand- some dinner set decorated to order. He commanded ships which sailed frequently from Salem and Newburyport, Mass. During the period of French spoliations of our commerce by the cruisers and privateers of the French Republic, and Directory, Captain Griffis suffered great losses at the hands of these commerce destroyers. His name appears frequently in the records and papers of the French spoliation claims, which by the convention between the United States and France ratified July 31, 1801, estimated the damages to our commerce at $20,000,000. After eighty-four years' agitation, for payment to American citizens. President Cleveland signed, January ist, 1885, a bill authorizing claimants to apply by petition to the Court of Claims for indemnity. On the records of pilotage, in the custom house, the city direc- Third Generation. 15 ii tories and newspaper notices and advertisements of Philadelphia the name of Captain John Griffis figures prominently, showing that he was a man of note in the commercial world. On the roll of the Society of Masters of Ships his name appears as having taken mem- bership liuly, 1799. The act incorporating this society, organized July 4th, 1765, and incprporated in 1770, bears the name of Thomas Paine as clerk of the assembly, and the supplementary act that of Governor Thomas Mifflin. When Captain Grififis who was a Presbyterian, married Hannah Eyre, a Friend, Nov. 28, 1802, she was "read out of meeting" by the Quakers for marrying outside her sect. Their home was then in the fashionable quarter of the city, first at No. 39 Penn and then at 260 South Front street, Philadelphia, in 1806 having but 13,000 people. Though of superb physical development, vigorous and active in his movements. Captain Griffis lost his life by overstrain. Finding his men not so spry in unloading the ship as he wished them to do, he seized a flour barrel and with both hands held it up over his head, ran along the wharf and deposited the barrel where it be- longed, and then — fell over dead. He was buried in Christ Church graveyard, a few yards south of Benjamin Franklin and among many of the fathers of the republic. He was born Sept. 20, 1766. He married Nov. 28, 1802, Hannah Eyre. 600056. He died April 2, 1807. They had two children. Children : 600621. John Linieburner. Born in 1S05. 605320. 600622. Elizabeth Eyre. Unmarried. Died. 600640. Jesse Clark. He married in Sept., 1840, Hannah (Eyre) Griffis. 600056. He died in April, 18 14. She died Aug. 27, 1830. Residence, Delaware. Children : 600641. Margaret Quandrell. Twin with Mary Eyre. Unmarried. 600642. Mary Eyre. Married John Bosler. They had ten children. Residence, Philadelphia. 600643. Sarah Ann. Married John C. Hunter of Philadelphia. They had two children. 600660. Sir Isaac CoATES. He married Mary Eyre. 600 loi. No children. He died. Residence, Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. Child : 600661. Harriet. 15 1 2 History of the Ayres Family. 600680. Col. Thomas Robinson. (Thomas Robinson of Naaman's Creek, N. J., and Sarah Sharp, Isaac Sharp, Judge of Salem N. J. Court and Member of Assembly, Anthony Sharp, an English merchant in Dublin, who came to New Jersey in 1702 or 3. His sister, Sarah Robinson, married Judge Richard Peters of Phila- delphia.) He married Mary (Eyre) Coates. 60010 1. Lieutenant Colonel, ist Pa. Regt. Continental Line, 1777. She died Dec. 19, 1833. Residence, Delaware. Children : 600681. Thomas. 605340. 600682. Mary. Died young. 600683. ManueL Died young. 600684. Sarah. Married Dr. James W. Thompson. 605360. 600685. Mary. ' Married Nalbro Frazier. 605380 600686. Dr. Manuel Eyre. Graduated at Princeton College, A.B., 1822, and University of Pa., M.D., 1826. He died. 600687. Anne. 600688. Louisa. Married C. Ogden. 600700. Ralph Hunt. (Daniel.) He married Lydia Eyre. 600103. Residence, Lebanon, N. J. She died in Feb., 1831. Children : 600701. Mantiel E. 600702. John or Jehu. 600703. William. 605400. 600704. Mary. 600705. Benjamin. 600706. Daniel. Married. They had children. 600707. Eleanor. Married D. Harris. They had children. 60070S. Ralph. 600709. Franklin E. Married. They had children. 600720. Christopher Little. He married (ist) Sarah Eyre. 600107. He married (2nd) Anne Eyre. 600109. By his second wife he had three children. She died Oct. 3, 1855, Children : 600721. Manuel E. 605440. 600722. Samuel S. 605460. 600723. William H. Third Generation. 1513 600760. Manuel Eyre. (ManueP, George'.) 6001 10. He was born Feb. i, 1777. He graduated at Princeton College, 1793. He married (ist) Dec. i, 1802, Juliet Phillips of Lawrenceville, N. J, She died in July, 1803. He married (2nd) July 10, 1806, Ann Connelly (daughter of Major John Connelly and Ann Little). Mem- ber of City Council. Director in U. S. Bank, 1816, 1824 and 1836. Owner of several farms. He died Feb. 9, 1845. She died April 19, 1832. Residence, Philadelphia. Children : 600761. Juliet Phillips. Born in 1807. Died in 1825. 600762. Mary. Born Nov. 6, 1808. Married Dr. Robert Egglesfield Griffith. 605480. 600763. Manuel. Died young. 600764. John Connelly. Born Sept. 27, 1811. Graduated at Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1832. Unmarried. Died Oct. 3, 1849. 600765. Anne. Born Sept. 24, 1813. Unmarried. Died June 21, 1849. 600766. Harriet. Born Feb. 13, 1816. Married John Ashurst. 605500. 600767. Ellen. Born Dec. 25, 1817. Married Dr. Charles Bell Gibson. 605510. 600768. Manuel. Born in 1819. 605520. 600769. Mahlon Dickinson. Born April 13, 1821. 605526. 600770. James Patrick Wilson. Born April 15, 1823. 605532. 600771. Joseph Nelson. 600772. Virginia. Born June i, 1825. Married Manning Kennard, Esq. No children. 600773. Richard Alsop. Died in childhood. 600780. George Eyre. (Jehu^ George'.) 600152. He married Martha HoUingshead of Burlington, N, J. Children : 600781. Dydia. Married (ist) Capt. Henry Harrison. 605540. Mar- ried (2nd) Tenas Flaring of New England. He died. Married (3d) Capt. George Lockyear of England. He died. 600782. Richard. 600783. Susan HoUingshead. Married Jonathan Wainwright. 605560. 600784. Mary. Married Andrew Donaldson. 605580. 600785. George. Died at Natchez, Miss. 600786. John. 600787. Harriet. 600788. Martha. Married Peter A. Keyser. 605600. 15 14 History of the Ayres Family. 600800. Jehu Eyre. (Jehu', George'.) 600156. He married Elizabeth Kraft. Children : 600S0I. Mary Ann. 600802. John W. 600803. Matilda. 600804. FrankHn. 605640. 600805. Richard. 600806. Abraham P. 605680. 600S07. Lydia W. Married Charles Webb. 600808. George Washington. 600809 Ann Maria. 600810. Marv Yard. 600840. Franklin Eyre. (Jehir, George'.) 600159. ^^ married Eliza Fennell (a relative of Benjamin West, F. R. S. of Eng- land). They had six children. Children : 600841. William Henr^^ 600S42. Richard. 600843. Franklin. 600844. Mary Fennell. 600S45. Eliza. Born in Penn. Married Dr. Theodore S. Williams. Physician. She is a member of Society of Daughters of Ameri- can Revolution. 600846. Lydia Virginia. 600860. Johnson. He married Sarah Campbell. 600182. They had three sons. Residence, Bristol, Pa. Child : 600861. George Eyre. 600880. Samuel Fennimore Farmer. He married Mary Gordon. 600201. Residence, Burlington, N. J. Children : 600881. Sarah. Married a Goshen, a German, and has children. 600882. Agnes. Married. Her husband is a portrait painter. Resi- dence, Baltimore, Md. 600883. Mary. Married a Taylor. They had one child. 600884. Susan. Married George Clinton. They have children. Resi- dence, Philadelphia. 600885. Thomas. Third Generation. 15 15 600900. Jacob H. Valentine. He married Eliza Ann Eyre. 600222. Builder. She died. Assistant Alderman, i8th Ward, 1852. Alderman, iSth Ward, 1856-7. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 600901. Beulah Sampson. Married (ist) Dr. Samuel Emlen. 605700. Married (2nd) Joseph Lloyd. 605720. 600902. Benjamin Eyre. 605740. 600903. William H. 605760. 600904 Elliott Died in infancy. 600905. Harriet Robbins. Died in infancy. 600906. Jane. Died in infancy. 600907. Eliza. Unmarried. 60090S. Morton. Residence, Wilmington. 600909. Robert Barcley. 605770. 600940. Samuel Robbins. He married in 1800, Harriet Eyre. 600223. She died Nov. i, 1828. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 600941. Samuel. Died young. 600942. Forman Cheeseman. 605780. 600943. Valentine. Unmarried. Residence, Jericho, Queen Co., L. I., N. Y. 600944. Elliot. 605S00. 600945. Elizabeth Ann. Married Eleazer Parker. 605S20. 600980. Grunnell. He married Margaret Adams. 600241. Residence, New Jersey. Child : 600981. Sarah McKay. 601000. Samuel Myers. He married Rebecca Adams. 600242. She died. Residence, New Jersey. Children : 60100 1. Son. 601002. Daughter. 601040. Capt. Anthony Wayne Robinson. He married Sarah Adams. 600243. Residence. Newman's Creek, Del. Children : 601041. Mary Ann. Married Prestly Blackston of West Philadelphia, Pa". 601042. Thomas. 601043. Abraham. Died. 151 6 History of the Ayres Family. FOURTH GENERATION. 605000. George L. Eyre. (George^ SamueP, George'.) 600503. He married Nov. 21, 1828, Ann Gushing of Southwark, Philadelphia. (She was a niece of Caleb Gushing, U. S. Senator from Mass.) Children : 605001. Capt. Caleb Gushing. Married in 1852. Captain, ist Regt. N. Y. Artillery Vols, in Civil War. 605002. Eliza Ashburner. Married a Rosette. They have two chil- dren. Residence, Philadelphia. 605003. George L. Died young. 605004. Amanda Bearing. 605040. George Thompson. He married Oct., 18 13, Anna Eyre. 600521. She died Jan. 28, 1850. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. Children : 605041. Mary Ann. Twin with Sarah K. Died. 605042. Sarah K. Died. 605043. Elizabeth K. Died. 605044. Emma Eyre. 605080. Benjamin Ashburner. He married Maria Eyre. 600522. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. Children : 605081. Algernon E. 610000. 605082. Benjamin Thomas. Married Julia Barry. He died in or be- fore 1882. Child : Harry. She resided, 1882, 4061 Sansom St., Philadelphia. 605083. Elizabeth Ka}'. Married George R. Blackston. 610050. 6050S4. Theophilus Augustus. Married. They have one child. Dry goods merchant. Residence, 1882, 3201 Baring St., Philadel- phia. 605085. John. 605086. Sally F. 605087. Emma Allibone. 605088. Maria h. B. 605089. Harriet Robbins. 605100. William E. Fotteral. He married Sarah K. Eyre. 600523. The Fotteral residence stood where Wannamaker's store now stands. Fourth Generation. 151 7 Children 605101. Marian C. Married Samuel Potter. 610060. 605102. Elizabeth K. Married Dr. Myers. 610080. 605103. Catharine L. Married Jan. 24, 1850, a Russell of Georgia, They had children. 605104. Sarah. Married a Russell, her brother-in-law. 605105. Emma A. 605106. Stephen B. Residence, 2001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 605120. Maj. Samuel Babcock, U. S. A. Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. 2nd Lieut. Engineers, U. S. Army, Feb. 23, 1808. ist Lieut., July i, 1812. Captain, Sept. 20, 1812. Major, March 31, 1819. Resigned, Dec. 22, 1830. He married Elizabeth Eyre. 600524. He died. She died. There is a stained glass window to her memory in St. Mary's Church, West Philadel- phia, Pa. Child : 605121. Maria Louise. 605140. Joseph Kay Eyre. (Nathan^, SamueP, George'.) 500525. He married a Hopkins of Philadelphia. Children : 605 14 1. Charles. 605142. Emily. 605160. Thomas Allibone. He married Emma Louisa Eyre. 600527. President of the Pennsylvania Bank. Director Pa. Steam- ship Co. They had ten children. Residence, West Philadelphia, Pa. She died at the home of a daughter in Maryland. Children : 605161. Emma Francena. 605162. Frances Bedell. 605163. Sarah. 605164. Elizabeth Eyre. 605165. Susan Constance. 605166. Maria Louisa. Died. 605167. Lt. Com. Charles Olden, U. S. N. Midshipman, July 24,. 1863. Graduated at U. S. Naval Academy, Sept. 1867. Ensign, Dec. 18, 1868. Master, March 21, 1870. Lieutenant, Nov. 2, 15 1 8 History of the Ayres Family. 1871. Lieut. Commander, May 28, 1892. Commander, July 3, 1898. He commanded the Columbia in Spanish-American War. He died in 1902. 605168. Mary. Died. 605169. Samuel H. 605170. Thomas. 605200. Farmar Burns. He married Sept. 28, 1815, Eleanor H. Wilkins. 600561. Child : 605201. Edward Farmar. Born March 11, 1817. Died May 14, 1S17. 605220. Samuel Eyre Wilkins. (Uriah.) 600563. He married in 18 18, Sarah French of Burlington Co., N. J. Both died. Children : 605221. Mary F. Died. 605222. Charles M. 605223. Elizabeth F. 605224. Eleanor Burns. Married Isaac Stiles. 610100. 605260. Benjamin Eyre Wilkins. (Uriah.) 600564. He married Sarah Yagers of Gloucester Co., N. J. Children : 605261. Uriah F. Died young. 605262. Hannah Ann. Married Joseph French. 610140. 605300. Nathan W. Eyre. (Samuel Benjamin"", SainueP, George'.) 600602. He was born in 1803. He married Mary Ann Wagner of Philadelphia. He died Jan. i, 1842. She resided 1882, Philadelphia. Children : 605301. Hannah. Died young. 605302. Robert W. 605303. George. 605304. Lydia W. 605305. Mary Ann. 605306. Hannah. 605307. Benjamin B. 2nd Lieut., 91st Regt. Pa. Inft. Vols. Honor- ably discharged Feb. 2, 1863. 60530S. Emma A. 605309, Elizabeth G. Fourth Generation. . 15 19 605320. John Limeburner Griffis. (John.) 600621. He was born in 1805. He married April 11, 1837, Anna Maria Hess of Philadelphia. (The Hess family of Philadelphia are believed to have emigrated from Zurich in German Switzerland not long after William Penn arrived in Pennsylvania. William Hess, son of George Hess, was born July ist, 1785, and died March 9th, 1825, in Phila- delphia. He married Margaretta (the youngest of three daughters of John Harby and wife Margaret) who was born July 3rd, 1782, at Whitemarsh near Philadelphia and was married in 1806. She was one of the little girls dressed in white who in 1789 welcomed Wash- ington into Philadelphia on his way to New York as President, and scattered flowers before his horse. It is believed that John Harby was of German origin, though he may have been of English descent.) John Limeburner Griffis, probably named after an English friend in Totnes, Devonshire, was carefully educated in the city of Philadelphia and at a school at Mount Airy, in preparation for West Point. Instead of this, however, he went to sea when but twelve years of age and thenceforth followed the ocean, making voyages to the West Indies, Europe, Africa, the East Indies, the Philippines, etc. On one voyage he and the whole crew were lost upon an island in the Pacific, and lived for six months among the natives, being kindly treated. Before reaching shelter, they lived in open boats on the sea at starvation point, catching flying fish and land birds. For want of food, they came very near being obliged to draw lots for a human victim. A ship sent by the United States government brought them all safely home. In time, John L. Griffis rose to be Captain and part owner of his own ship. In 1837, April nth, he married Anna Maria Hess of Philadel- phia, being united in the bonds of wedlock by the Rev. John Chambers, who was pastor of the same church for fifty-four years. On marrying. Captain Griffis gave up seafaring, settled at New Brunswick, N. J., and invested his money in a steamboat, towing canal boats loaded with Pennsylvania coal from the end of the Dela- ware and Raritan Canal to New York. Sometimes he went up the Hudson river, occasionally going with the boats as far as Buftalo, speculating on his own account by taking coal and bringing back the produce of the country to New York and Philadelphia. Once his freight of perishable material was caught by the frost and he lost his I520 History of the Ayres Family. cargo. He was one of the charter members in the formation of the 2nd Presbyterian church at New Brunswick. His bride attending the commencement of Rutgers College vowed that if ever she should \>e the mother of a son to study for the ministry, he should be edu- cated in Rutgers College. Captain Griffis all his life kept up his reading habits and accumulated a large library. Returning to Phila- delphia he embarked in the coal business in which he was very suc- cessful. He took especial interest in the building of the United States steam frigate Susquehanna in view of Commodore Perry's voyage to Japan, and on the occasion of her launching at the Phila- delphia Navy Yard he had a platform built for the accommodation of several hundred spectators. He died of pneumonia April 2, 1879, at midnight, aged seventy-four. His wife Anna Maria Griffis died January 17th, 1872. Children : 605321. Margaret Clark. 605322. Montgomery Patterson. He after education in the Philadel- phia Public and High Schools, made a vo3-age when but 16 years old on the ship Northern Crown to South America and the Philippine Islands. He followed the sea in the mercantile marine for several years and then enlisted in the United States Navy., voyaging to Mexico on the frigate Powhatan and then serving four years under Admirals Porter and Farragut. He was in the battles at the forts off the mouth of the Mississippi and in the long naval campaign in that noble river. After- wards commissioned as engineer officer, he had command of the U. S. steam tug Clover and was engaged in many stirring episodes, including the attempted capture of the blockade run- ner Ada, and the affair of the Uai Ching. He kept a journal of his daily life, which is now of high historic value. He belonged to the E. D. Barker Post, G. A. R., and to the Farragut Asso- ciation of Naval Veterans. He died February 22, 1902. 605323. Martha Chambers. 605324. William Elliot. Born Sept. 17, 1843. 610160. 605325. Mary Bosler. 605326. John Limeburner. Born Oct. 3r, 1847. Died May 7, 1856. 605327. Clarence Hess. 605340. Thomas Robinson. (Thomas.) 600681. He married Ellen Brackett of Boston, Mass. They had eight children, four of whom died young. Fourth Generation. 152 i Children : 605341. James. 605342. Mary. 605343. Thomas. 605344. William. 605360. Dr. James W. Thompson. He married Sarah Robin- son. 600684. They had ten children. Residence, Virginia. Children : 605361. Mary Rosalie. 605362. John Augustus. 605363. Juliet Adelaide. 605364. Lucy Eveline. 605365. James William. 605366. Sarah Robinson. 605367. Nalbro Frazier. 60536S. Ella Frazier. 605380. Nalbro Frazier. He married Mary Robinson. 600685. They had six children, three of whom died yomig. Resi- dence. 1882, 1 1 12 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Children : 605381. Nalbro. Born in 1S32. 610170. Residence, 1882, 11 12 Spruce St., Philadelphia. 605382. Anne. 605383. Louisa Ellena. Married C. Ogden. 610175. 605400. William Hunt. (Ralplr, Daniel'.) 60075)3. He married Mary McCord. Child : 605401. Katrine Elizabeth. Married Edward Biddle Cassily. 610180. 605440. Manuel E. Little. (Christopher.) 600721. He married Debby or Libby Monroe of Ohio. They had three children. Children : 605441. Sarah Ann. 605442. Mary Elizabeth. 605460. Samuel S. Little. (Christopher.) 600722. He married Margaret. Children : 605461. Nelico. 605462. Chris. 1522 History of the Ayres Family. 605480. Dr. Robert Egglesfield Griffith. He married Mary Eyre. 600762. Physician. She died July 17, 1873. Children : 605481. Robert. No issue. 605482. Anne. No issue. 605483. Manuel Eyre. 610190. 605500. John Ashurst. (Richard.) He married in 1835 Harriet Eyre. 500766. Director, Pa. Steamship Co. Member of Union League Club. He died in 1892. She died April 3, 1890. Residence, Philadelphia. Children : 605501. Manuel. 605502. Richard Lewis. Born in 183S. 610220. ^5503- John. Born in 1839. 610200. 605510. Dr. Charles Bell Gibson, C. S. A. He was born Feb. 16, 18 1 6, in Baltimore, Md. He married Ellen Eyre. 600767. Sur- geon General of the Confederate Army when the State of Virginia seceded and was the chief consulting surgeon and operator in Rich- mond, and died from heart disease induced by excessive labor and fatigue. He died April 23, 1865, at Richmond, Va. She died in 1887. Children : 605511. Mary Eyre. Married Dr. Edwin Samuel Gaillard. 610225-1. 605512. Anne. Unmarried. 605520. Manuel Eyre. (Manuel^, Manuel", George'.) 600767. He married Eliza Paynter of Chester County, Pa. He re- moved to California. Children : 605521. Manuel. 610225-20. 605522. Ellen. Married Lieut. Charles S. Coy, U. S. N. 610225-30. 605523. Mary. 605524. Frances. Married a Morgan. 610225-40. 605526. Mahlon Dickinson Eyre. (ManueP, ManueP, George.'J 600769. He was born in 1821. He graduated at Princeton College, 1838. He married Isabelle Olivia Lurville Fourth Generation. 1523 Sinythe, She was born in Ireland. He settled in Florence, Italy. Banker in Florence. He died about 1882. Children : 605527. Virginia. Married (ist) Charles O'Calligan. 610226-1. Married (2nd) Albert Hanaley. 610226-5. 60552S. Charles. Married Eva Blackbourne. No children. Resi- dence, 1902, Florence, Italy. 605529. Kate. Married Edgar Vicars of England. Member of firm of Vicars & Co., steamboat owners. Residence, 1902, Naples, Italy. 605530. Liby. Married Augustus Blackbourne. 610227. 605531. Arthur. Died. 605532. W1L.SON Eyre, Esq. (Manuel^ ManueP, George'.) 600770. He was born in 1823. He married in 1846, Louisa Lear (daughter of Benjamin Lincoln Lear). Lawyer. He resided much of his time abroad. He resided in 1892, at 438 W. 57th St., New York City. He died in 1901. Residence, Philadelphia. Children : 605533. Lincoln Lear. Born in July, 1857. 610228. 605534. Wilson. Born Oct. 30, 1858, in Florence, Italy. 610231. 605535. Manning K. Born in 1862. 610232. 605536. Richard. Born in 1S68. 610235. 605537. Louisa. Born in 1871. Unmarried. 605540. Capt. Henry Harrison, He married Lydia Eyre. 600781. He died. Residence, England. Children : 605541. George E. 605542. Martha Ann. Married Charles B. Wainwright. 610240. 605543. Richard M. 610260. 605544. Hannah Eliza. Married Richard Booth. 610280. 605545. Henry Leach. Died in Georgia. 605560. Jonathan Wainwright. He married Susan Hol- lingshead Eyre. 600783. ■ Residence, Kensington, Philadelphia. Children : 605561. Isaac Harrison. 610300. 605562. Matilda E. Married Harrison L. Withers. 610320. 605563. Martha. 605564. Richard S. Married Elizabeth Lisle. 1524 History of the Ayres Family. 605565. Susan Eyre. Married Henry Lenty Tripler. 610340. 605566. Jonathan E. Residence, 1882, 1916 N. 13th St., Philadelphia. 605567. George M. 60556S. Charles B. 610240. 605569. Chandler Price. Member of Union League Club. Member of Penn. Society of Sons of American Revolution. Lumber mer- chant. Residence, 1882, 1507 Green St., Philadelphia. 605580. Andrew Donaldson. He married Mary Eyre. 600784. She died at birth of last child. Children : 605581. William E. 605582. George E. 605583. Martha. 605584. Ann. 605600. Peter A. 600788. Children : 60560 1 . Eyre. 605602. Dr. Peter Dirck can Revolution. Keyser. He married Martha Eyre. Member of Penn. Society of Sons of .^meri- Married. They had a daughter. He died. Residence, 1630 Arch St., Philadelphia. 605640. Franklin Eyre, Esq. (Jehu^, Jehu"", George'.) 600804. He married Rebecca Faunce. Lawyer. Residence, 1902, Haddonfield, N. J. Children : 605641. John. 605642. George. 605643. Elizabeth. 605644. Franklin. 605645. Richard. 605646. Matilda. 605647. Anna Maria. 605648. Charles Fred. 605649. John Penrose. 605680. Abraham P. Eyre. (Jehu^ Jehu% George'.) 600806. He married Ann Boyce. He died in or before 1882. Children : 605681. Edwin Stephens. 605682. Juliet. 605683. Jehu. Fourth Generation. 1525 605700. Dr. Samuel Eimlen. He married Beulah Sampson Valentine. 600901. Secretary of College of Physicians of Phila- delphia, 1824. Corresponding Secretary of Philadelphia Medical Society, 1824. Residence, Philadelphia. Children : 605701. James Valentine. 605702. Elizabeth. 605703. Caleb. Lumber merchant. Office 1133 Beach St., Philadel- phia. Residence, 1882, Chester, Pa. 605704. Mary. Married Clement Smith. Residence, West Philadel- phia, Pa. 605720. Joseph Lloyd. He married Beulah Sampson (Valen- tine) Emlen. 600901. Residence, Wilmington, Del. Children : 605721. Samuel E. 605722. Sarah. 605723. Joseph. 605724. Isaac. 605725. Mariam B. 605740. Benjamin Eyre Valentine. (Jacob H.) 600902. He married (ist) Ann Cresson (daughter of James Cresson of Phila- delphia). They had two sons who died within a few days of each other, with their father, of ship fever. He married (2nd) Elizabeth Rhodes of Darby. They had two children. He married (3d) Eliza- beth Pope of Salem, Mass. They had two children. Children : 605741. Son. Died. 605742. Son. Died. 605743. Anna C. Married George Bailey. Removed from Philadel- phia to Boston, Mass. 605744. Samuel. 605745. Margaret Pope. 605746. Benjamin Pope. 605760. William H. Valentine. (Jacob H.) 600903. He married Marian Bedell of Hempstead, L. I., N, Y. No children. Residence, N. Y. City. 1526 History of the Ayres Family. 605770. Robert Barclay Valentine. (Jacob H.) 600909. He married Angeline Parry of England. Insurance. Residence, 1892, N. Y. City. Children : 605771. Louisa. 605772. Robert Barclay. 605780. FoRMAN Cheeseman Robbins. (Samuel.) 600942. He married Elizabeth Whitehead of Philadelphia. No children. 605800. Col. Elliot Robbins. (Samuel.) 600944. He married (ist) Anna Eliza Smith (daughter of Richard S. Smith, Esq., of Sinithtown, L. L, N. Y. Granddaughter of Gen. Nathaniel Wood- hull). She died at Mobile, but is buried at Smithtown. He married (2nd) Mary Isabel Regnault (daughter of James Regnault of New- Orleans, La., Francis Clair Regnault of Paris, France). She was born in New Orleans. She died at Mobile. He married (3) Julia S. Cox (daughter of Walter S. Cox, Esq., of Philadelphia, Pa.). Residence, New Orleans, La, 605820. Eleazer Parker. He married Elizabeth Ann Robbins. 600945. She died. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 605821. Laura. Twin with Louisa. 605822. Louisa. 605S23. Samuel P. Twin with Horace. 605824. Dr. Horace J. Dentist. Office 49 W. 33d St., N. Y. City. Residence, 1892, New Rochelle, N. Y. FIFTH GENERATION. 610000. Algernon E. Ashburner. (Benjamin.) 605081. He married Sally Blackiston of West Philadelphia. They had four children up to June 9, 1851. Residence, West Philadelphia. Children : 61000T. Harriet. 610002. Elizabeth. 610050. George R, Blackston. He married Feb. 4, 1847, Elizabeth Kay Ashburner. 605083. Residence, West Philadelphia. Children : 6 1 005 1. Maria. 610052. George. REV, WILLIAM ELLIOT GRIFFIS, D.D., L.H.D, Fifth Generation. - 1527 610060. Samuel Potter. (Samuel Potter, Esq., and Eliza- beth Kay). He married Marian C. Fotteral. 605 loi. Residence, Wilmington, North Carolina. Children : 610061. Sarah. 610062. William. 610080. Dr. Myers. He married Elizabeth K. Fotteral. 605102. No children. Residence, North Carolina. 6 1 01 00. Isaac Stiles. He married Dec. 7, 1S43, Eleanor Burns Wilkins. 605224. Residence, BurUngton Co., N. J. Children : 6IOIOI. Samuel H. 6IOI02. Sarah Elizabeth 610103. Isaac Stiles. 6IOI04. Gertrude R. 6IOI05. Martha M. 6IOI06. Mary Eleanor. 6IOI07. Jacob W, 6IOI08. Henry L. 610140. Joseph French. He married Jan. 17, 1846, Hannah Ann Wilkins. 605262, Children : 6IOI4I. Lydia Eyre. 6IOI42. Horace G. 6IOI43. Linda. Died. 6IOI44. Howard. Died. 6IOI45. Benjamin W. Died 6IOI46. Samuel F. 6IOI47. Charles. 6IOI48. Rebecca. 610160. Rev. William Elliot Griffis, D.D., L.H.D. (John Limeburner=, John'.) 605324. He was born Sept. 17, 1843. He was named after William B. Elliot, a coal merchant of Philadelphia and husband of Hannah Hess, sister of Anna Maria Hess. William B. Elliot afterwards under President Andrew Johnson became col- lector of Internal Revenue for the first district of Pennsylvania, which included the city of Philadelphia and counties of Bucks, Mont- 1528 History of the Ayres Family. gomery and Delaware for twelve years, collecting thirty million dol- lars. He died May 14th, 1879. He was married about October 24th, 1843. Foi" iTiany years he was a member and choir leader of the Presbyterian church at Fourth and Coates. of which the bride's mother was a charter member. He was educated in the Public and High Schools of Philadelphia, and then was for five years employed by Carrow, Thibault & Co., wholesale manufacturers of jewelry. He became a member of the First Independent Church of Philadelphia, Rev. John Chambers pastor, at the age of fourteen. Later he united with the Second Reformed (Dutch) Church, Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage pastor, and edited a monthly Sunday School paper, en- titled Our Messenger, during two years. Feeling called to the gospel ministry, he prepared under a private tutor for Rutgers College. At the breaking out of the war he desired to enlist in the Ad- derson cavalry, but yielded to his parents' wishes and remained in the Home Guard, joining the Spencer Miller Howitzer Battery, learnmg the artillery drill, and afterwards the Philadelphia Zouaves, under Captain John Sword, learning the infantry drill and camping out for part of a summer at Valley Forge. He visited Baltimore in 1863 to recruit his health, somewhat broken by chills and fever, and was on the farm of a relative when it was visited by the pickets of the Confederate army then marching into Pennsylvania. Upon this he immediately passed through the barricades around Baltimore and arriving in Philadelphia, enlisted the next morning in the 44th Penn- sylvania regiment of militia and proceeded to camp Curtin near Harrisburg, and later to the fords of the Potomac. He was made color corporal and served as secretary of the company, making the muster rolls which are still in Harrisburg. Entering Rutgers College in September 1865, he took in his course five prizes for English composition and Natural Science. He Avas sophomore, junior and senior orator, and member of the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. He gave much time to general reading, not forgetting athletics, and stood at graduation fifth in the class. He founded The Targum the college newspaper which still flourishes. His fraternity was the Delta Upsilon at whose conventions, as dele- gate or orator he has been often present. From the proceeds of money earned by making fraternity and society badge pins, he Fifth Generation. 1529 started for travel in Europe June 26th, 1869. He had studied colloquial German, with the view of taking his three years theological course at Halle, Gottingen, and Berlin, but was dissuaded from this purpose (by Dr. John R. Posey, of Philadelphia). With his sister he spent four months abroad including a trip into Italy and a pedestrian tour in Switzerland, where he visited the famous historian Merle D'Aubigne. Other famous personages seen were Gladstone and the Princess of Wales, now the Queen of England. He was at Paris at the Centennial Anniversary of the birthday of Napoleon Bonaparte. One of his traveling acquaintances in England was Miss Saxton, who became the wife of President McKinley. Returning to America he took one year of theological study at Hertzog Hall, New Brunswick, N. J. For several years, since 1867, Japanese students had been coming to America and he had taught some of those who first came. As he was about to enter upon the second year of his theological studies, a call came from Daimio or Baron of Echizen, Japan, for a teacher of the natural sciences and superintendent of education. He went to Japan arriving December 29th, 1870, and served nearly four years in the government educa- tional service. One year was spent in the city of Fukui, during which time he observed the workings of the feudal system, being the only white man now living who thus did so. Leaving Fukui January 22nd, 1872, he made an overland journey across the country to Tokio. Besides three years in the capital he traveled in many parts of the empire and made investigations into Japanese history and archaeology, having audience of the Mikado and receiving handsome presents on expiration of his term of service. Returning home in 1874 he spent two years in lecturing and in writing "The Mikado's Empire" now in its ninth edition. He then entered Union Seminary in New York City and completed his three years of theological study. He was licensed by the Manhattan Congregational Associa- tion and also by the Classis of Schenectady. His first charge was the First Reformed Dutch Church of Schenectady, which he served nine years. For one year he was professor in Union College which in 1883 conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. Mr. Griffis began early writing for the press, but his first im- portant contribution was an editorial in the New York Independent on The Japanese Students in America. While in Japan he issued I530 History of the Ayres Family. the Tokio Guide, the Yokohama Guide, and Map of Tokio with notes historical and explanatory. On the 6th of August 1876, his work The Mikado's Empire, consisting of two books, one on the his- tory of Japan, the other of personal experiences, studies, and obsena- tions, in Japan 1870-1874, was issued by Messrs. Harper & Brothers. It opened a new era in the average American's knowledge of Japan and is yet the standard authority and favorite with tourists and travelers. After nearly nine years' service in the ministry of the Re- formed Dutch Church, of which he had been a member since 1861, he was called to the Shawmut Congregational church of Boston, Mass., which he served seven years. In Boston he was honored with membership in the Congregational, Winthrop, Ministers', and Monday Clubs. From 1886 to 1902 he has contributed one or more sermons to the volume annually issued by the latter. While in Boston he was Dudleian lecturer at Harvard. In 1893 he accepted a call to the First Congregational Church of Christ in Ithaca, N. Y., beginning his ministry July ist, 1893. He married (ist) June 17th, 1879, Katharine Lyra (first daugh- ter of Professor Benjamin I. Stanton of Union College and Katharine P. Coffin of New Hampshire). The children born were Lillian Eyre, Stanton and John Elliot. She died in Ithaca, December 9th, 1898, and was buried in Schenectady. He married '(2nd) June 28th, 1900, by Rev. Jesse B. Felt in the Congregational church at Pulaski, N. Y., Sarah Frances King, daughter of Don Alonzo King, whose ancestors came from Northampton, England, to Northampton, Mass., whence they emigrated to Pulaski, N. Y. Mr. Griffis has six times visited Europe, his favorite haunts be- ing Holland and England, at the universities of which he has con- siderable acquaintance, and has preached in many of the Congrega- tional churches of England and Scotland, as well as in the English churches of Holland. Besides contributing to the periodical press and to several encyclopaedias, the list of his public works which re- late chiefly to Dutch, American and Japanese history and biography, is as follows : The Mikado's Empire, 1876; Japanese Fairy World, 1S80: Asiatic History: China, Korea and Japan, 1881 ; Corea : The Her- mit Nation, 1882 ; Corea, Without and Within, 1885 ; Matthew Cal- braith Perry, 1887; The Lily Among Thorns, 1889; Honda, the Fifth Generation. 1531 Samurai, 1890 ; Sir William Johnson and the Six Nations. 1891 ; Japan : in History, Folk-lore and Art, 1892 ; Brave Little Holland and What She Taught Us, 1894 ; The Religions of Japan, 1895 ; Townsend Harris, First American Envoy in Japan, 1895 ; Romance of Dis- covery, 1897; Romance of American Colonization, 1898; Romance of American Conquest, 1899 ; The Pilgrims in Their Three Homes, 1898; The Students' Motley, 1898; The American in Holland, 1899; America in the East, 1899; Verbeck of Japan, 1900; The Pathfinders of the Revolution, 1900; In the Mikado's Ser- vice, 1 90 1. While in Boston he was sent as delegate of the National Coun- cil of Congregational churches in America to the International Council of Congregational churches throughout the world meeting in London in 1891. The Shawmut church paid all expenses of himself and Mrs. Griflfis amounting to $1,700, and at the end of his ministry presenting him with a gold watch and the sum of $2,300. Mr. Griffis has been member of the American Geographical Society, being several times lecturer before that body, on Japan, Korea, and Holland, his papers being published in the Society's Bulletin ; and of the American Oriental Society, before which he read a paper on the Recent Revolutions in Japan, highly commended by Prof. Whitney and published in the North American Review. He has been made honorary member of several Japanese learned socie- ties and belongs to the Asiatic Society of Japan and the Asiatic So- ciety of Korea. In the Netherlands, his writings on Holland have won recognition by election to membership in the Netherlandish So- ciety of Letters at Leyden, and Zeenwsch (Zealand) Society of Sciences (elected, 1893). He is also a life member of the American Historical Association, of the United States Naval Institute and of the American Institute of Arts and Letters, and of the American Society of Comparative Religion. He has been president of the Central Congregational Club of Central New York and of the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County. He has been Morse lecturer (1894) in Union Theological Seminary and lecturer on the religions of Chinese Asia before the Theological Seminary at Bangor, Me., and on Missions before Yale University, and preacher to Yale, Rutgers and Chicago University. Residence, 1902, Ith- aca, N. Y. 1532 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 610161. Lillian Eyre. Born Dec. 31, 1S83. Student in Vassar College, 1901-2. 610162. Stanton. Born May 2, 1SS6. 610163. John Elliot. Born Jan. 28, 1893. 61 01 70. Capt. Nalbro Frazier. (Nalbro.) 605381. He was born in 1832. He graduated at University of Penn., 1850. He married Ella Jackson. Captain, 2nd Regt. Pa. Cavalry Vols., 1861-4. Residence, 1882, 11 12 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Child : 610171. Helena Carroll. Married Theodore Spencer. 614000. 610 1 75. C. Ogden. He married Louisa Ellena Frazier. 605383. Children : 610 1 76. Charles. 610 1 77. Louisa. 6 1 0180. Edward Biddle Cassily. He married Katrine Elizabeth Hunt. 605401. Child : 610181. Mary. Born in Ohio. Member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 6 1 01 90. Manuel Eyre Griffith. (Robert Egglesfield.) 605483. He married Mary Robinson. Member of Society of Sons of American Revolution. Residence, 1902, 1732 Pine St., Phila- delphia. Children : 610191. Mary. Married a Carter. They have one daughter, born in 1 901. Residence, Virginia. 610192. Anne. Unmarried. 610193. Robert Egglesfield. Born in 1S68. Married Elizabeth Fuller. They have two children. 610194. Ellen. Married in 1900, Roland Foulke. 610200. Dr. John Ashurst. (John^ Richard'.) 605501. He was born Aug. 23, 1839, in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduated at University of Pennsylvania, A.B., 1857, M.D., i860. (LL.D., Fifth Generation. 1533 Lafayette, 1895). He married Dec. 8, 1864, Sarah Stokes Wayne. Acting Asst. Surgeon, U. S. Army, 1862-5. Surgeon to numerous Philadelphia Hospitals. Professor of Clinical Surgery in University of Penna., 1888-1900. President of College of Physicians of Phila- delphia, 1898-1900. Manager of Episcopal Hospital, 1880-1900. Vice President of Surgical Section of International Medical Congress, Philadelphia,. 1876. Vice President of American Surgical Associa- tion, 1896. Vice President Philadelphia Academy of Surgery, 1898 . President of Pathological Society of Philadelphia, 1870-1. Member of Academy of Natural Sciences, 1860-1900 ; Pathological Society, 1861-1900; Centennial Medical Congress, 1876; Philadelphia Academy of Surgery, 1879-1900; American Surgical Association, American Philosophical Society, Historical So- ciety of Pa., Fellow of College of Physicians, Philadelphia. Member of Evangelical Alliance, Philadelphia. Member of Standing Com- mittee of P. E. Diocese of Pa., 1887 . Trustee and Overseer of several Philadelphia institutions. Author and editor of several medical and surgical works. Member of Union League Club. He died in July, 1900. Residence, 2000 West De Lancey Place, Phila- delphia, Pa. Children : 610201. John. Born in 1865. Lawyer. Unmarried. Residence, 2000 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. 610202. William Wayne. 614200. 610203. Mary. Born in 1869. Married Edward F. Leiper. 614240. 610204. Anna Wayne. Born in 1870. Married Rev. EHiston Perot. Protestant Episcopal minister. Residence, 1896, Wisahicon, Philadelphia. 610205. Sarah Wayne. Born in 1873 or 4. Unmarried. 610206. Dr. Astley Paston Cooper. Born Aug. 21, 1876. Graduated at University of Penn., A.B., 1896, and M.D., 1900. Unmar- ried. Residence, 1902, 2000 DeLancey Place, Philadelphia. 610207. Maud. Born in Nov., 1882. Unmarried. 610220. Maj. Richard Lewis Ashurst. (John-', Richard'.} 605503. He was born Feb. 5, 1838, in Naples, Italy. He gradu- ated at University of Pennsylvania, A.B., 1856, and LL.B., 1859.. (A.M., 1859.) Admitted to the bar in June, 1859. He married May 30, 1 86 1, Sara Frazer (daughter of Prof. John Fries Frazer, LL.D., of University of Pa., (Robert) and Charlotte Cave, da.ughter 1534 History of the Ayres Family. of Thomas Cave and Sarah HolHngshead). She was born Feb. 7, 1841. Mustered in Union Army, Aug. 11, 1826, ist Lieut, and Adjutant, 150th Regt. Pa. Vols. ; honorably discharged for wounds received at Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1863 ; Brevet Captain for services at Chancellorsville ; Brevet Major U. S. Vols, for distinguished gal- lantry at Gettysburg ; member of Phi Beta Kappa college fraternity, American Philosophical Society, Penn, Historical Society and Penn. Society Sons of Amer. Revolution ; Vice Dean of Shakespeare Society. Republican. Office, 225 S. 6th St. Residence, 1901, 321 S. nth St., Philadelphia. Children : 610221. Harriet. Born June 15, 1862. Unmarried. 610222. Richard Lewis. Born Dec. 20, 1865. Died in March, 1869. 610223. Frazer. Born July 31, 1869. Member of Penn. Society of Sons of American Revolution. Died Oct. 15, 1S92. 610224. Mabel. Born Dec. 20, 1869. Unmarried. 610225. Roger. Born June 21, 1876. Graduated at University of Penn., A.B., 1895, and LL.B., 1898. Lawyer. 6 1 02 25-1. Dr. Edwin Samuel Gaillard. He was born Jan. 16, 1827, in Charleston, S. C. In 1865 he established the Rich- mond Medical Journal, which he removed to Louisville in 1868, and published there under the title of the Richmond and Louisville Medi- cal Journal. In 1874 he also established the American Medical Weekly. He died Feb. i, 1885, at Louisville, Ky. He married Mary Eyre Gibson. 605511. She resided 1892, 102 W. 92nd St., N. Y. City. Children : 610225-2. Edwin W. Born about 1872. LTnmarried. Editor. Resi- dence, 1892, 102 W. 92nd St., N. Y. City. 610225-3. Ellen Eyre. Born in 1870. Married William Wayne Ashurst. 610225-4. Charles Bell Gibson. Born in 1874. Married Adelaide Erben (daughter of Rear. Ad. Henry Erben, U. S. N. ). Lawyer. Office 234 Broadway. Residence, 1892, 102 \V. 92nd St., N. Y. City. 610225-5. William Dawson. Born March 30, 1868. Educated at Charleston College. Lawyer. Unmarried. Member of Asso- ciation of the Bar of City of New York. Office 141 Broadway. Residence, 1900, 319 West 58th St., N. Y. City. 610225-6. Marion. Unmarried. 610225-7. Frank. Unmarried. Fifth Generation. 1535 610225-20. Col. Manuel Eyre. (Manuel^ ManueP, ManueP, Manuel", George'.) 605521. He married Jan. 15, 1866, Letitia Dale. Born in Pa. Appointed from Del. Sergt., Co. I., 3d Del. Vols., March 8, 1862. 2nd Lieut., Sept. 24, 1862. ist Lieut., Aug. 15, 1864. Mustered out June 3, 1865. Lieut. Col., 6th U. S. Veteran Vols., Sept. 22, 1865. Mustered out June 12, 1866. ist Lieut., 14th Inft., U. S. A., July 28, 1866. Dismissed May 18, 1869. Brevet Captain, March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. Brevet Major, March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in front of Peters- burg, Va., June 18, 1864. Brevet Lieut. Col., March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va. Brevet Colonel, March 2, 1867, for gallant and meritorious service during the war. He removed to California. Children : 610225-21. Manuel Gelach. Born Feb. 3, 1869. 610225-22. Ellen Dale. Born Feb. 15. 1870. 610225-23. Gerald Dale. Born July iS, 1874. 610225-30. Lieut. Charles S. Coy, U. S. N. He married Ellen Eyre. 605522. Mate, Oct. 15, 1861. Acting Ensign, Jan. 16, 1863. Acting Master, Jan. 27, 1864. Acting Volunteer Lieut- enant, June 12, 1865. Honorably discharged Oct. 12, 1866. No children. 610225-40. Morgan. He married Frances Augustine Eyre. 605524. Residence, Johnstown, Pa. Children : 610225-41. John Eyre. Born in 1S72. 610225-42. Robert Churchman. Born in 1873. 610225 43. Ellen Eyre. Born in 1877. 610225-44. Frances. Born in 1881. 610226-1. Charles O'Calligan. He married Virginia Eyre. 605527. He died in 1894. Child : 610226-2. Charles. 610226-5. Albert Hanaley. He married in 1898 Virginia (Eyre) Calligan. 605527. Residence, 1902, Naples, Italy. X536 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 610226-6. Child. Born in 1899. 610226-7. Child. Born in 1900. 610226-8. Child. Born in 1902. 610227. Augustus Blackbourne. He married Liby Eyre. 605530. Residence, 1902, Rome, Italy. Child : 610227-1. Charles Augustus. Born in 1893 or 4. 610228. Lincoln Lear Eyre, Esq. (Wilson^ Manuel^ Manuel^ George'.) 605533. He was born in July, 1857. He married Nina Binney (daughter of Hon. Horace Binney and Eliza Frances Johnson, Hon. Horace Binney, M. C, the famous Philadel- phia lawyer, and Elizabeth Cox, Dr. Barnabas Binney and Mary Woodrow). Lawyer. Office, 927 Chestnut St. Residence, Phila- delphia, Pa. Children : 610229. Lincoln Lear. 610230. Virginia. 6 1 023 1. Wilson Eyre. (Wilson^ Manuel^ ManueP, George'.) 605534. He was born Oct. 30, 1858, in Florence, Italy. Architect. Educated in Italy until 1869, Newport, R. I., 1869-72, Lenoxville, Can., 1872-4; and 1875, Woburn ; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1876. He was with James P. Simes, architect, 1876-81 ; since then in independent practice. He has built many buildings in Philadelphia and New York ; also several buildings for Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans ; the Detroit Club, etc. Member of Union League Club. Unmarried. Office, 929 Chestnut St. Resi- dence, 1902, 315 S. i6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 610232. Ens. Manning K. Eyre. (Wilson-*, ManueP, Manuel^, George'.) 605535. He was born in 1862, in Italy. He married Clara Klinck. Appointed at Large to U. S. Naval Academy. Cadet Midshipman, Sept. 22, 1876. Graduated at U. S. Naval Academy, 1882. Ensign, Junior Grade, March 3, 1883. Ensign, June 26, 1884. Resigned, June 30, 1894. Child : 610233. Wilson Lear. Fifth Generation. 1537 610235. Richard Eyre. (Wilson^ Manuel', ManueP, George'.) ^°553^- He was born in 1868. He married Elizabeth of Johnstown. Child : 610236. Elizabeth. 610240. Charles B. Wainwright. (Jonathan.) 605568. He married Martha Ann Harrison. 605542. She died March. 1902. They had two sons. Lumber merchant. Office, Beach Cor. Han- over St. Residence. 18S2, Richmond N. Shackamaxon, Philadel- phia. Pa. Child : 6 1 024 1. Henrj' Harrison. 610260. Richard M. Harrison. (Henry.) 605543. He married Susan Edward. Residence, New Orleans, La. 610280. Richard Booth. He married Hannah Eliza Harri- son. 605544. Children : 610281. Richard Harrison. 610282. Martha Harrison. 610300. Isaac Harrison Wainwright. (Jonathan.) 600561. He graduated at University of Penn., B.S., 1875. He married Elizabeth Seybert. Child : 610301. .\nne K. Married Frederick Wagner. 615000. 610320. Harrison L. Withers. He married Matilda E. Wainwright. 605562. Children : 6 1032 1. Harrison. 610322. Susan. 610340. Henry Leutz Tripler. He married Susan Eyre Wainwright. 505565. Children : 610341. Jonathan. 610342. Susan. Born in Penn. Married William Dunbar Hart Wil- son. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 1538 History of the Ayres Family. 610400. Dr. a. W. Mathews. He married Emma A. Eyre. 605308. Children : 610401. Katy. 610402. Maud. 610403. George. 610404. J.ames. 610405. William. 610420. Altemus. He married Hannah Eyre. 605306. Children : 6 1042 1. Howard. 610422. Kider. 610423. Robert. 610424. Henry. 610425. Roland. 610450. Benjamin B. Eyre. (Nathan-, Samuel'.) 605307. (His mother was born Aug. 2, 1800, and died July 25, 1885.) He married Anna G. Korst. Residence, 1899, 254 South 45th St., Philadelphia. Children 6I045I. George W. 610452. Jane W. 610453. Charles H. 610454. Horace. 6io46( D. Joshua 605309. Children : 610461. Charles. 610462. Imogene. 610463. E. B. 610464. Lydia. 610465. Emma. 610466. Rebecca. Residence, 1899, 254 South 45th St., Philadelphia. F. Baker. He married Elizabeth G. Eyre. 610480. Robert W. Eyre. (Nathan W"*., Samuel Benjamin^, Samuel", George'.) 605302. He died in Aug., 1861. 610485. George W. Eyre. (Nathan W-*., Samuel Benjamin^, Samuel", George'.) 605303. He died in Aug., 1861. Sixth Generation. 1539 610490. Mary Eyre. (Nathan W"., Samuel Benjamin^ Samuel", George'.) She died in infancy. 610495. Mary Ann Eyre. (Nathan W"., Samuel Benjamin^, Samuel-, George'.) 605305, SIXTH GENERATION. 614000. Theodore Spencer. (Theodore.) He married Helena Carroll Frazier. 610171. Child : 614001. Theodore. Born July 4, 1902. 614200. Dr. William Wayne Ashurst. (John^ John-, Richard'.) 610202. He married Ellen Eyre Gibson. Physician. Residence, 1902, Chihuahua, Mexico. Children : 614201. Mary. 614202. Harriet. 614240. Lieut, Edwards Faissome Leiper, U. S. N. He married in 1891 Mary Ashurst. 610203. Cadet Midshipman, June 25, 1875. Graduated at U. S. Naval Academy, 1882. Ensign, Junior Grade, March 3, 1883. Ensign, June 26, 1884. Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Feb. 25, 1893. Lieutenant, Nov. 18, i8g6. Children : 614241. Mary. 614242. Edwards. 614243. John Ashurst. 614244. Frances. 615000. Frederick Wagner. He married Anne K. Wain- wright. 6 1 030 1. Children : 615001. Harrison. 615002. Elizabeth Wainwright. Eyhe History. ROBERT EYRE OF CHESTER COUNTY, PA. (16S3.) 620000. Robert Eyre. He was born Jan. 30, 1648 (?), in England. He served his apprenticeship with William Rogers, a merchant of Bristow, a town on the borders of Somerset and Glou- cestershire. Here he acquired a ready use of the pen which fitted him for the duties he was subsequently called on to discharge. After the expiration of his apprenticeship he for some time followed the sea as supercargo, but eventually migrated to Pennsylvania, where he married Ann, daughter of Francis Smith, a gentleman of education and wealth, whose residence was Devizes, in the county of Wilts, and who was one of the original purchasers of land in Eng- land. He afterwards settled at Kennet, Pa. On the authority of tradition Robert Eyre first settled in Jersey. Part of the land pur- chased by Francis Smith was located in Bethel Township, Chester Co., Pa., and was conveyed at an early date to Robert Eyre and his wife. This doubtless caused Robert to change his place of resi- dence. In 1683 he was appointed Clerk of the Courts of Chester County, Pa., which office he held until 1690. He was not a Quaker but some of his descendants were. He was alive in 1697. (See Dr. George Smith's History of Delaware County, Pa.) Children : 620001. Robert. 620002. Ann. 620003. Jane. 620004. William. Married Mary David (daughter of Lewis David of Haverford, Pa.). Residence, 1722, Bethel, Chester Co. , Pa. 620005. Francis. Witness to contract between Thomas Penn and Richard Penn., 1732. (See Penn Magazine, Yol. 23.) Eyre History. 1541 621000. Jonas Eyre. He was born April 28, 1767. He married Susanna Pusey (descendant of Caleb Pusey.) She was born Oct. 17, 1766. He died March 21, 1836. She died Oct. 27, 1841. Residence, Chester, Pa. Children : 621001. Joshua Pusey. Born July 14, 1803. 622000. 621002. William. Born April 25, 1S07. 622000. Hon. Joshua Pusey Eyre. (Jonas.) 621001. He Avas born July 14, 1803. Merchant. Director in Delaware County Bank. RepresentatiYe, 1841. He died April i, 1872. 622020. William Eyre. (Jonas.) 621002. He was born April 25, 1807. Merchant. Director in Delaware County Bank. President of Delaware Mvitual Insurance Company. He married (ist) March 4, 1835, Anna Louisa Terrell (daughter of Dr. Job Ter- rell of Chester, Pa.). She died. He married (2nd) Nov. 26, 1844, Rebecca P. Churchman (daughter of Caleb Churchman of Darby, Pa.). He died March 6, 1863. Residence, Chester, Pa. 623000. Benjamin Eyre. Residence, 1779, Philadelphia, Pa. 623001. Isaac Eyre. Freeman. Residence, 1765, Chester, Pa. 623002. John Eyre. Residence, 1 761, Chester, Pa. 623003. Lewis Eyre. Freeman. Residence, 1766, Bethel, Chester Co., Pa. 623004. Lydia Eyre. Residence, 1781, Philadelphia. 623005. Richard Eyre. Residence, 1779, Philadelphia. 623006. Robert Eyre. Tanner. Residence, 1766, Upper Chichester, Chester Co., Pa. 623007. Samuel Eyre. Taxpayer, 1765, Philadelphia. 623008. Thomas Eyre. Residence, 1771, East Nantmell, Chester Co., Pa. 623009. William Eyre. Taxpayer, 1771, Bethel, Chester Co., Pa. 1542 History of the Ayres Family. 623010. Charles Eyres. Residence, 1785, Bensalem Town- ship, Bucks Co., Pa. 62301 1. Capt. Richard Eyres. Captain of the Schooner Delaware, Sept. 20, 1775, Pa. Navy in Rev. War. 623012. Christopher Eyres. Private, Nov. i, 1776, Schooner Delaware. 623013. David Eyres. Taxpayer, 1783, Manahan Township, York Co., Pa. 623014. Henry Eyres. Residence, 1769, Philadelphia. 623015. Jacob Eyres. Residence, 1782, Philadelphia. 623016. Sophia Eyres. Residence, 1781, Philadelphia. 623017. Abraham Eyres. Residence, 1772, Northumber- land Co., Pa. 623018. Martin Eyres. Residence, 1783, Haycock Town- ship, Bucks Co., Pa. 623019. Rudolph Eyres. Residence, 1804, Dauphin Co., Pa. Eyre History. THOMAS EYRE OF VIRGINIA. (1621. 630000. Thomas Eyres. The Virginia Company Nov. 21, 1 62 1, granted a patent of lands to Thomas Eyres and four others, who undertook to settle 200 persons in the Colony, 630100. Robert Eyres. He sold land to Tobey Smith. Residence, before or in 1657, Rapahannock Co., Va. (See Va. Magazine, Vol. V.) 630200. William Eyres, He receives a deed of 150 acres of land in the County of Warrosquoyacke, Va., on the Neau River, be- ing an island called the Long Pond ; due by order of Court, Dec. 6, 1634, and due for his personal adventure, and for the transportation of two persons. By West, July 14, 1636, Also was granted a deed June 30, 1635, for 250 acres in same county. 630250. Severn Eyre. Member of Va, Assembly, 1768. 630300, Col. Littleton Eyre, Student in William and Mary College, 1 776-1 781. Member of Phi Beta Kappa College fraternity. Member of Va, Convention, 1788. Member of Va. House of Burgesses 1742, 50, 53-4 and 1784-6. He died in May, 1789. 630320. Severn Eyre. Student at school of Rev, William Yates in Gloucester Co., Va., about time of Rev. War. 630340. Severn Eyre. Student at William and Mary College, 1752. 630360. Robert Eyres. Died before Feb. 16, 1652. (See Lower Norfolk Co., Va., Records). 1544 History of the Ayres Family. 630380. Samuel Chew, Esq, He married Sept. 12, 1672, Anne Ayres (daughter and heir of William Ayres, late of Nan- cemond). Residence, Herrington, Md. 630400. William Eyre, Appointed in 1822 Cadet in U. S. Military Academy from Va. 630500. Severn Eyre, Esq. Graduated at Princeton College 1850 and Harvard Law School, 1852. He married Margaret Andrews Parker (daughter of John Stratton Parker and Anne Floyd, daughter of John Kendall Floyd and Anne Stockley Teackle). She was born in Nov., 1840. Lawyer. Office, Monument St., Balti- more, Md. Residence, "Eyre Hall," Northampton Co., Va. Children : 630501. William Littleton. Born in May, 1871. Died April 23, 1S94. 630502. Grace T. Born in Sept., 1872. Married Nov. 19, 1897, Rich- ard B. Taylor (Dr. Robert Taylor and Leila Baker of Norfolk, Va.) 630503. Mary. Born in April, 1875. Married April 14, 189S, William H. DeCourcey Wright (Judge D. Geraud Wright of Baltimore, Md., and Louisa Wigfall, daughter of Gen. Wigfall, C. S. A.) 631000. George Parker. (George-, George'.) He married Margaret Eyre of Northampton Co., Va., by whom he had a son, Severn Eyre. Judge of the General Court of Va., Dec, 1815. He died in July 1826, in Baltimore, Md. Residence, "Poplar Grove," Northampton Co., Va. Child : 63 1 001. Severn Eyre. 632000. 632000. Gen. Severn Eyre Parker, M.C. (George^ George-, George'.) 631 001. He married (ist) Maria Teackle, by whom he had a daughter, Margaret Eyre. Maria Teackle died Nov. 7, 1815. He married (2nd) June 26, 1822, Catharine Gedden Prunell of Worcester Co., Md. She was born March 22, 1796. She died Nov. 21, 1848. They had one daughter, Catherine Prunell. Mem- ber of House of Delegates of Va. Member of Congress, 1819-21, Residence, "Kendall Grove," Northampton Co., Va. Eyre History. 1545 Children : 632001. Margaret Eyre. Married in 1S36, Lieut. George P. Upshur, U. S. N. He died at Spezia, Italy. No children. 632002. Catherine Prunell. Married Robert S. Costin. 633000. 633000. Robert S. Costin. He married Dec. 7, 1853, Catherine Prunell Parker. 632002. He died in 1S93. She re- sides, 1899, "Kendall Grove," Northampton Co., Va. Children : 633001. Margaret Eyre. Born March 29, 1S55. Died Sept. 21, 1S55. 633002. Dr. Severn Parker. Born May 5, 1857. Physician. Died Jan. 30, 1883. 633003. Catherine Prunell. Born July 12, 1859. Married Oct. 2, 1884, Madison Rush of Philadelphia. They have three daughters. 633004. William Francis. Born Oct. 17, 1862. Married Nov. 6, 1S93, Elizabeth Bradley Post of Baltimore, Md. 633005. Margaret Spady. Born Feb. 26, 1865. Married in Nov., 1888, Ridgely Duval, Jr. He died in June, 1895. Child : Severn Parker. Born March 2, 1893. 633006. Annie. Born April iS, 1S68. Died Aug. 6, 1883. ^Y^RS History. ROBERT AYARvS OF HOPKINTON, R. I. (1664), AND COHANSEY, N. J. {16S4). FIRST GENERATION. 650000. Robert Avars. Born in 1650. He settled at Hop- kinton, R. I., about 1660 or 1664. He married Hester Bowen. He removed and settled at Cohansey, Cumberland Co., N. J., about 1680. Robert Ayars, gentleman, first purchased of John Oilman's two daughters 200 acres of land in Shrewsbury Neck, later called Upper Back Neck, which they inherited from their father. Oct. 10, 1703, Robert Ayars, gentleman, of R. I., purchased of Restore Lip- pincott and wife Hannah of Burlington Co., N. J., 600 acres of land at Shrewsbury Neck, on South side of Cohansey Creek, now River, nearly opposite Greenwich, Cumberland Co., N. J., making 800 acres of land and salt marsh. Nov. 21, 1705, Robert Ayars, gentleman, bought of the agents of Dr. James, a physician, of London, 2,200 acres of land covering the present site of Shiloh, N. J., and the five avenues starting out of the village of Shiloh are nearly central of the tract. The Ayars were large landholders in the early settlement of the country. They purchased land about Shiloh in Hopewell and Stoe Creek Townships, Cumberland County, N. J., and Northerly, extending to Turniphill in Salem County and probably near two miles toward Friesburg. He died Jan. 24, 17 19. Children : 650001. Isaac. Born in 1673. 650040. 650002. Stephen. Died between Feb. 25 and April 12, 1726. He left by his will to his mother, Hester, his lands during her life. Second Generation. 1547 after her death to go to John and Joshua ; movables to Caleb and Robert. 650003. Judah. Report says Stephen and Judah returned to R. I. ; perhaps Judah did. From Stephen's will it is concluded he did not. 650004. John. 650100. 650005. Robert. 650120. 650006. Caleb. Born in 1692. 650140. 650007. Joshua. Born in 1695. 650160. 650008. Hester. Married before March, 1718, John Jarman. She was living Dec. 31, 1770. 650009. Ann. Unmarried. SECOND GENERATION. 650040. Isaac Avars. (Robert.) 650001. He was born in 1673. He married Hannah Barrett. Children : 65004 1 . Rebecca. Married Francis Hunt. 650042. Caleb. Born Nov. 5, 1697. 651000. 650043. Abigail. Born in 1700. Married Caleb Barrett. He was born in 1698. 650044. Hannah. Married Jeremiah Bacon. 650045. Catharine. Married John Jarman. She died April 6, 1760. 650046. Esther. Born about 171 1. Married Rev. Jonathan Davis. He was born about 1709. Ordained Nov. 26, 173S. He died Feb. 2, 1769. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. 650047. Anna. Born Nov. 9, 17 13. Married Oct. 13, 1735, Samuel Davis. (Brother of Rev. Jonathan Davis). He was born April 3, 1 7 13. He removed from Trenton to Shiloh, N. J. He died Sept. 20, 1773. 650048. Isaac. Born Feb. 3, 1716. 651140. 650049. David. Unmarried. 650100. John Ayrs. (Robert.) 650004. He married Ceciha Colwell. He died between Dec. 21, 1740, and March 18, 1741. Children : 650101. Samuel. Unmarried. 650102. John. Born in 1736. 651200. 650103. Stephen. Unmarried. 650104. Mary. Born Nov. 27, 1738. Married Isaac Ayars. 1548 History of the Ayres Family. 650120. Robert Avars. (Robert.) 650005. He married Sarah Burgin. He died in Dec, 1731. Children : 650121. James. Born in 1722. 651260. 650122. Burgin. 651280. 650123. Robert. 650124. Temperance. Married Henry Paullin. 650125. Sarah. Married Joseph Paullin. 650126. .\nn. 650140. Caleb Avars. (Robert.) 650006. He was born in 1692. He married Rebecca Bereman. She was born in 1699. He died Jan. 24, 1760. She died Sept. 18, 1774. Children : 650141. Aaron. Born Dec. iS, 1723. 651300. 650142. Stephen. Born in April, 1727. 651320. 650143. Sarah. Born Feb. 10, 1729. Married Dec. 14, 1749, Joseph Bivins. He was born Aug. 5, 1724. He died Oct. 20, 1794. She died Aug. 24, 1799. 650144. John. Born Feb. 19, 1731. Died in 1759. 650145. Bennajah. Born Jan. 11, 1733. 651340. 650146. Rebecca. Born Dec. 17, 1735. Married Enoch David. He was born in 1718. He died in Nov., 1793, in Fayette Co., Pa. She died in 1759. 650147. Halabege. Born Nov. 20, 1736. 651380. 650148. Rachel. Born Nov. 10, 1738. 650149. Caleb. Born Dec. 5, 1741. Died in 1756. 650150. William. Born Sept. 5, 1743. Died Jan. 4, 1760. 650151. Tabitha. Born Sept. 22, 1745. Married Thomas Francis. 650160. Joshua Avars. (Robert.) 650007. He was born in 1695. He married (ist) Keziah Brooks (daughter of Rev. Timothy Brooks of Bowentown). She died May i, 1749. He mar- ried (2nd) Anna Swinney (daughter of John Swinney and Deborah Smith). She was born Jan. 7, 1718. He died May 5, 1759. She died March 6, 1791. Deacon in Seventh Day Baptist Church, Nov. 26, 1738. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 650161. Esther. Born May i, 1724. Married Oct. 15, 1751, Jarman Davis. He was born Feb. 24, 1732. She died June 16, 1793. Third Generation. i549 650162. Philip. Born Feb. 14, 1729. 651450. 650163. Joshua. Born in 1744. Died April 17, 1759. 650164. Robert. Born March ir, 1754. 650165. Keziah. Born March 11, 1754. Married Valentine Swinney.-. He was born Jan. 11, 1752. He died Feb. 2, 1798. She died Sept. 21, 1811. 650166. Seth. Born Nov. i, 1755. Unmarried. He sold 260 acres of land to Job Tyler in Shrewsbury, now Back Neck, which he inherited from his father, Joshua, and he from his father, Robert Ayars. He was living Feb. 4, 1793. 650167. Deborah. Born July 26, 1757. Married Stephen Ayars. 650168. Ann. Born Aug. 29, 1759. Married James Wood. She died Aug. I, 1785. THIRD GENERATION. 651000. Caleb Avars. (Isaac^ Robert'.) 650 141. He was born Nov. 5, 1697. He married Patience Brooks (daughter of Rev. Timothy Brooks of Bowentown). She was born April 7, 1698. He died Aug. 7, 1771. Children : 651001. Nathan. Born Jan. 28, 171S. 652000. 651002. Joseph. Born April 13, 1720. 652040. 651003. Jonathan. Born Feb. 14, 1722. 652060. 651004. Abigail. Born Nov. 24, 1724. Married Oct. 17, 1741, James McPherson. He was born Aug. 29, 17 16. He died Sept. 26, 1799. 651005. Hannah. Born June 11, 1727. Married ( ist) James Ayars. Married (2nd) Thomas Parvin. 651006. Patience. Born June 16, 1730. Married (ist) Zachariah Bon- ham ; (2nd) Joseph Carll. She died Dec. 28, 1785. 651007. Caleb. Born Feb. 24, 1732. 651008. Isaac. Born Aug. i, 1734. 652080. 651009. Keziah. Born June 13, 1736. Married July 20, 1760, Elias Robbins (John and Mar}^ Robbins). He was born July 18, 1737. She was buried Feb. 12, 1803. 651010. Timothy. Born April 19, 1739. 651 140. LsAAC Avars. (Isaac-, Robert'.) 650142. He was born Feb. 3, 17 16. He married Nov. 26, 1738, Jane Phillips of Newtown Square, Pa. She was born Aug. 6, 17 19. He died May 26, 1761. I550 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 651141 651 142 65 1 143 651 1 44 65 1 145 65 1 146 Isaac. Born Feb. 29, 1740. Elizabeth. Born Sept. 15, 1741. EUis. Born Nov. 18, 1743. Died Feb. 27, 1803. Esther. Born Feb. 26, 1745. Died June 15, 17S2. Job. Born March 8, 1748. 652100. David. Born June 29, 1751. 652140. 651200. John Avars. (John^ Robert'.) 650102. He was born in 1736. He married (marriage license Nov. 17, 1757) Susannah Jarman. She was born July 31, 1741. He died May 5, 1802. She died July 28, 1824. Children : 65 1 201. Beriah. Born July 10, 1762. 651202. Mary. Born Nov. 17, 1764. Married (ist) Samuel Stathems ; (2nd) John Franklin. 651203. Susannah. Born March 16, 1767. 651204. Sarah. Born July 18, 1769. 651205. Phebe. Born Jan. 16, 1772. Married Dec. 11, 181 1, Benjamin Tomlinson. He died Sept. 26, 1813. She died Dec. 29, 1856. 651206. Margaret. Born Sept. 17, 1774. Married Nov. 13, 1802, Azel Wood. She died in 1815. 651207. John. Born Jan. 21, 1777. 652200. 651208. Levi. Born Dec. 21, 1779. 651209. Charles. Born Nov. 13, 17S2. 652220. 651260. James Avars. (Robert% Robert'.) 65012 1. He was born in 1722. He married Hannah Ayars. He died in 1796 and is buried in the Sparks lot, Philadelphia. Children : 651261. Mary. Married Theophilus Parvin. 651262. Hannah. Born in 1748. Married Malachi Jarman. 651280. BuRGiN Avars. (Robert^ Robert'.) 650122, He married (marriage license May 28, 1724) Susannah Gillman, Children : 65 1 28 1. Temperance. Unmarried. 651282. Robert. 652300. 651283. Sarah. Married Joast Newkirk. 651284. Elizabeth. Married Stephen Garrison. 651285. John. G. 652360. 651286. Burgin. 652380. 651287. Ann. Married Rev. Jeptha Abbott, Third Generation. 1551 651300. Aaron Avars. (Caleb-, Robert'.) 650 141. He was born Dec. 18, 1723. He married Nov. 12, 1746, Abigail Robin- son. She was born April 30, 1727. He died. She died Jan. 19, 1796. Children : 651301. Bennajah. Born Dec. 29, 1747. 652400. 651302. Moses. Born Sept. 15, 1749. 652420. 65[303. Rachel. Born Dec. 16, 1751. Married Daniel Rumsey. 651304. Hamilton. Born Dec. 20, 1753. 652460. 651305. James. Born Feb. 4, 1756. 652480. 651306. Jonathan. Born April 15, 1758. 652500. 651307. Abigail. Born July 30, 1760. Married Jacob Ayars. 651308. Noah. Born Nov. 15, 1762. 652520. 651309. Phebe. Born May 25, 1765. Married Mark Ayars. 65 1 3 10. Aaron. Born April 17, 1769. Unmarried. 651320. Stephen Avars. (Caleb^ Robert'.) 650142. He was born in April, 1727. He married (ist) Jane Surage ; (2nd) Hester. Children : 65 132 I. Surage. 651322. Lydia. 651323- Caleb. Born in 1759- 651324. Elizabeth. 652560. 651340. Bennajah Avars. (Caleb^ Robert'.) 650145. He was born Jan. 11, 1733. He married Elizabeth Dunham. He^was living in 1780. She died March 18, 1796. Children : 652341 651342 651343 651344 651.M5 651346 65 '347 Abijah. 652580. John. 652600. William. 652620. Elizabeth. Married Samuel Wood. She died May 28, 1830. Rebecca. Married Enoch Rennine. Nehemiah. 652680. Benjamin. 651380. Halabege Avars. (Caleb^ Robert'.) 650147. He was born Nov. 20, 1736. He married Dec. 25, 1760, Sarah Davis (daughter of Elijah Davis who came from Wales). She was born May 20, 1741. He died Jan. 22, 1795. She died Feb. 25, 1805. 1552 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 651381. Elizabeth. Born Oct. 28, 1761. 651382. Enoch. Born Jan. 25, 1763. 652700. 651383. Stephen. Born Sept. 30, 1766. 652720. 651384. William. Born Feb. 25, 1768. 652740. 651385. Jacob. Born March 9, 1770. Died young. 651386. Sarah. Born June 29, 1772. Died young. 651387. Jacob. Born June 26, 1775. 6513S8. Sarah. Born June 26, 1775. Married June 25, 1799, Zebediah Davis. He was born March 25, 1780. He died Oct. 17, 1854. She died June 29, 1820. 651389. Rebecca. Born Jan. 26, 1779. Married Dennis Sheppard. He removed in 181 7, to Ohio. 651390. David. Born May 16, 1781. 651450. Philip Avars. (Joshua^ Robert'.) 650162. He was born Feb. 14, 1729. He married May 23, 1751, Lydia Lenox, She was born in 1728. Deacon in 7th Day Baptist Church, Oct. 20, 1765. He died Dec. 11, 1789. She died May 15, 1783. Resi- dence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 65 145 1 651452 651453 651454 651455 651456 651457 Reuben. Born June 13, 1750. Timothy. Born July 30, 1753. Lydia. Born Aug. 12, 1757. Married Job A}'ars. Joshua. Born Sept. 27, 1759. 652S00. Philip. Born June 16, 1762. 652820. Luc3'. Born April 27, 1766. Robert. Born Nov. 23, 1768. FOURTH GENERATION. 652000. Nathan Avars. (Caleb^ Isaac^ Robert'.) 651 001. He was born Jan. 28, 1718. He married March 29, 1747, Eliza- beth Bowen (daughter of Dr. Elijah Bowen). She was born Aug. 2, 1721. He died in 1768. Children : 652001. Rachel. Born May 17, 1742. Died July 9, 174S. 652002. Ruth. Born Feb. 25, 1744. Married Jehu Bonham. He died in Nov., 1785. His wife was appointed administratrix Nov. 24, 1785. 652003. Sarah. Born June 22, 1746. Died May 9, 1749. 652004. Child. Lost March 13, 1748. Fourth Generation. 1553 652005. Nathan. Born April 9, 1749. 652006. Micajah. Born Oct. 17 (o. 7), 1751. 655500. 652007. Elijah. Eorn Oct. 9, 1753. 652008. Azariah. Born Oct. 20, 1756. 652009. Elizabeth. Born Nov. 7, 1759. Died Nov. 25, 1759. 652010. Child. Born April 24, 1760. Died July 19, 1760. 652011. Phebe. Born Oct. 7, 1761. Married John Ayars. 652040. Joseph Avars. (Caleb^, Isaac^, Robert'.) 651002. He was born April 13, 1720. He married (ist) Dec. 27, 1738, Keziah Dunn (daughter of Hugh and Amy Dunn). She was born April 6, 1722. She died Aug. 24, 1777. He married (2nd) Dec. 13, 1778, Sarah Swinney (daughter of Joseph and Deborah Swinney). She was born May 28, 1739. ^^ *^^^*^ ^" .H^ly) i799- Children : 652041. Susannah. Born about 1759. Married Mark Bacon. 652042. John. 652043. Joshua. Born Feb. 25, 1743. 652044. Phineas. 652045. Elizabeth. 652046. Edith. Married (ist) Thomas Barrett; (2nd) Reuben New- comb ; (3d) John Kelley. 652047. Amy. Married Nathan Ayars. 652048. Joseph. Born Jan. 31, 1754. 652049. James. Born in 1756. 652050. Keziah. Married Enoch Ayars. 652051. Jacob. Born Sept. 28, 1780. 652052. Mark. Born about 1762. 652053. Mary. 652060. Hon. Jonathan Avars. (Caleb^, Isaac-, Robert'.) 651003. He was born Feb. 14, 1722. He married March 5, 1746, Phebe Bowen (daughter of Dr. Elijah and Sarah Bowen). She was born Dec. 20, 1724. Deacon, Oct. 19, 1761. Ruling Elder, Oct. 19, 1767. Member of Provincial Congress of New Jersey from Cumberland County, Oct., 1775, and June, 1776. He died Aug. 13, 1782. Children : 652061. Zerviah. Rorn Feb. 7, 1747. Married Joshua .\yars. 652062. Sarah. Born Sept. 30, 1749. Married about 1771, Ephraim F. Randolph. He was born in Oct., 1746, in East Jersey. He removed to Cumberland County, N. J. He died May 29, 1785. She died April 25, 1791. 1554 History of the Ayres Family. 652063. Caleb. Born Nov. 13, 1752. 652064. Phebe. Born May 16, 1755. Married Oct. 8, 1772, James F. Randolph (brother of Ephraim F.Randolph). He was born Sept. 8, 1748, in East Jersey. He removed to Cumberland Co., N. J. She died April 15, 1791. 652065. Dorcas. Born April 20, 1759. Married David F. Randolph (brother of James F. Randolph). He was born May 8, 1751, in East Jersey. He removed to Cumberland Co., N. J. He died Nov. 20, 1805. She died Nov. 26, 1817. 652066. Jonathan. Born Jan. 12, 1762. 652067. Eunice. Born Oct. 17, 1765. Married Abel Sheppard. He was born Dec. 10, 1758. He died Oct. 27, 1812. She died Jan, 4, 1805. 652068. Rachel. Born Sept. 21, 1769. Married Thomas Tomlinson. He was born in 1764. He died April 5, 1812. She died March 20, 1839. 652080. Isaac Avars. (Calebs Isaac^, Robert'.) 651004. He was born Aug. i, 1734. He married April 5, 1758, Mary Ayars. 650104. He died March 14. 1781. She was living Nov. 17, 1738. Children : 652081. Samuel. Born Feb. 22, 1759. 652082. Elisha. Born June 5, 1760. 652083. John. Born Dec. 21, 1761. He was living in Feb. , 1781. 6520S4. Mark. Born about 1763. 652085. Isaac. Died young. 652086. Ellis. Unmarried in June, 1795. 652087. Elizabeth. Born Dec. 28, 1767. Married July 6, 1786, Jesse Bright. He was born June 13, J 765. He died April i, 1842. She died Jan. 11, 1859. 652088. Mary. 652089. Tamer. 652090. Jane. Born July 18, 1775. Married Frederick Youngs. He was born June 20, 1767. He died June 26, 1839. She died March 7, 1848. 652091. Naomi. Married Collins Youngs. 652100. Job Avars. (Isaac^, Isaac"", Robert'.) 651145. He was born March 8, 1748. He married Lydia Ayars. He died April 22, 1 8 1 1 . Children : 65210T. Lucy. Married Oct. 11, 1803, Samuel Davis. He was born June I, 1778. He died May 5, 1846. She died June 12, 1812. Fourth Generation. 1555 652102. Esther. Married (ist) Sept. 26, 1S05, Azel Davis (brother of Samuel Davis). Married (2nd), April 17, 1S20, Robinson Ayars. 652103. Ann. Married (ist) Simeon Ayars. Married (2nd) Jonathan Ayars. 652104. Priscilla. Married L/evi Thomas. He was born March 14, 1783. 652105. Huldah. Married (1st) Wells Thomas (brother of Levi Thomas). He was born Feb. 8, 1789. He died Oct. 11, 1820. Married (2nd) Levi Wood. 652140. David Avars. (Isaac^ Isaac-, Robert'.) 65 11 46. He was born June 29, 1751. He married Nov. 25, 1781, Abigail Sheppard (daughter of Abel Sheppard and Abigail Barrett). She was born Oct. i, 1760. Deacon, July, 1795. Church Clerk, Dec. 30, 1787-1806. Trustee, 1804. He died April 13, 1806. She died Jan. 15, 1793. Children : 652141. Jane. Born Dec. 9, 1782. Married March 7, 1806, Enos F. Randolph. He was born Nov. 11, 1779. He died Jul}- 15, 1848. She died Oct. 22, 183 1. 652142. Asa. Born Aug. 23, 1785. 656000. 652143. Ellis. Born July 5, 1788. 656100. 652144. Rebecca. Born July 5, 1788. Marrted ( ist) Isaac Sheppard. He was born in 1785. He died April 7, 1815. Married (2nd) Nov. 2, 1825, Clayton Ayars. She died Aug. 16, 1837. 652145. Abigail. Born Jan. 5, 1793. Died Jan. 14, 1793. 652200. John Avars. (John^ John'', Robert'.) 651207. He was born Jan. 21, 1777. He married Nov. 11, 1807, Magaret Powner. She was born July i, 1781. He died March 20, 1847. She died March 26, 1847. Children : 652201. Levi. Born Sept. 3, 1808. 652202. Reuben J. Born Jan. i, 1811. 655000. 652203. George W. Born June 14, 1814. 655040. 652204. Charles. Born Jan. i, 1817. Married Sarah Carey. Drowned Dec. 7, 1841. 652205. Richard W. Born May 10, 1819. 655080. 652206. John W. Born Sept. 26, 1821. 655100. 652207. Mary Jane. Born Feb. 19, 1824. Married Feb. 20, 1845, Ebenezer D. Woodruff. He was born Feb. 23, 1S20. She died Dec. 21, 18S6. 1556 History of the Ayres Family. 652220. Charles Avars. (John^, John^ Robert'.) 651209. He was born Nov. 13, 1782. He married Jan. 9, 1809, Fanny Ayars. He died Dec. 3, 1868. She died Sept. 19, 1876. Children : 652221. Susannah Jarman. Born Oct. 19, 1809. Died Jan. 26, 1810. 652222. Jonathan Jarman. Born April 15, 1811. Died Nov. 19, 1812. 652223. Charlotte. Born Sept. 21, 1813. Married David El well. He was born in 1797. He died June 14, 1878. She died June iS, 1S96. 652224. John S. Born April 26, 181S. 652225. Jane. Born Jan. 23, 1816. Unmarried. Died Oct. 12, 1847. 652300. Robert Avars. (Burgin^, Robert", Robert'.) 651282. He married Elizabeth Morgan. Children : 652301. Elizabeth. Died young. 652302. James. 652303. Susannah. Died young. 652304. Sarah. Married James Tebble. 652305. Burgin. Unmarried. 652306. John. Died young. 652307. Temperance. Married George Anderson. 652308. Samuel. Born in 1794. 652309. Rebecca. Married Simon Wilsey. 652310. Mary. Married Charles Cassadey. 652360. John G. Avars. (Burgin^ Robert", Robert'.) 651285. He married Mary Sparks. They died and are buried in the Friend- ship church cemetery in Salem Co., N. J. Children : 652361. Burgin. 652362. Susannah. Married Enoch Newkirk. 652363. Thomas. 652364. Robert. Born May 20, 1804. 652380. Burgin Avars. (Burgin^, Robert", Robert'.) 651286. He married Hannah Farley. Children : 652381. Earley. 6523S2. Hugh. 652383. Ann. 652384. John. 652385. Elizabeth. Fourth Generation. 1557 652400. Bennajah Avars. (Aaron^, Caleb^, Robert'.) He was born Dec. 29, 1747. He married Andorah Bench. He. died Feb. 23, 1771. Children : 652401. Temperance. Born Oct. 25, 1767. 652402. Thankful. Born April 24, 1770. Married Frederick Cypher. 652403. Bennajah. Born Nov. 7, 177 1. 652420. Moses Avars. (Aaron^, Caleb", Robert'.) 651302. He was born Sept. 15, 1749. He married (ist) Rachel Wetherby. They had two children, Abigail and Mary. He married (2nd) July 1 6, 1772, Sarah Petitt. Children : Married Daniel Simpkins. 652421. Abigail. 652422. Mary. 652423. Rachel. Born June 21, 1795 652424. Nanc}-. 652425- Robinson. 652426. Meshill. 652427. Sidney. 652428. Mary. 652429. David. 652460. Hamilton Avars. (Aaron^, Calebs Robert'.) 651304. He was born Dec. 20, 1753. He married Mary Mattison. Children : 652461. Lurana. Married John Gillen. 652462. Mary. 652463. Lemuel. 652464. Sheppard. 652480. James Avars. (Aaron^, Calebs Robert'.) 651305. He was born Feb. 4, 1756. He married Lydia Wood. Children : 652451. Archibald. 652452. Phyla. 652500. Jonathan Avars. (Aaron^, Calebs Robert'.) 651306. He was born April 15, 1758. He married (ist) Aug. 30, 1786, Abigail Mills. She died Feb. 4, 1796. He married (2nd) Feb. 2, 1558 History of the Ayres Family. 1803, Sarah McPherson. She was born Dec. 10, 1779. He died March 22, 181 1. She died March 21, 1853. Children : 652501. Lovina. Born Nov. 31, 17S7. Married (ist) July 21, 1808, Dickason Davis. He was born April 13, 1786. He died June .8, 1815. Married (2nd) Dec. 10, 1817, Samuel B. Davis, (second cousin of Dickason Davis). He was born Jan. i, 1770. He died Nov. 30, 1836. Married (3d) June 10, 1839, Reese Ayars. She died Jan. 26, 1874. 652502. Anley. Born Dec. 16, 1790. 652503- Catharine. Born Oct. 10, 1793. Married Sept. 12, 1820, Elnathan Davis. He was born March 26, 1774. He died Sept. I, 1842. She died April 13, 1871. 652504. Richard. Died Oct. 23, 1796. 652505. Josiah D. Born Sept. 27, 1803. 652506. Hannah. Born A.ug. 20, 1805. Married Mark Moore, for his second wife. He was born Nov. 10, 1790. He died Jan. 20, 1855. She died Dec. 26, 1864. 652507. Abigail. Born Sept. 15, 1807. Married Joseph Charles. 652508. Elijah. 652520. Noah Avars. (Aaron^, Caleb% Robert'.) He was born Nov. 15, 1762. He married (ist) EUzabeth Hann, by whom he had ten children. He married (2nd) Sarah Barrett. He died in Jan., 1853. Sarah Barrett died in Dec, 1843. Children : 652521. Francis. Born Dec. 18, 1785. 652522. John H. Born Jan. 6, 1788. 652523. Sarah. Born April 21, 1790. Married (ist), Alexander Har- ris ; (2nd), Nov. 24, 1836, Richard F. Randolph. He was born Feb. 27, 1779. He died Sept. 11, 1850. She died Feb. 15, i860. 652524. Jonathan H. Born Dec. 27, 1792. 652525. Addi. Born Sept. 30, 1794. 652526. De Lafayette. Born April 21, 1797. 652527. Elizabeth. Born Aug. 17, 1800. Married Feb. 2, 1842, Robert Hood. 65252S. Thomas Jefferson. Born Jan. 21, 1803. 652529. James. Born Feb. 20, 1805. 652530. Joseph S. Born Oct. 16, 1807. 652560. Caleb Avars. (Stephen^, Caleb^ Robert'.) 651323. He was born in 1759. He married, in 1785, Hannah Stockton; Fourth Generation. 1559 (2nd), March 19, 1798, Hannah (Barrett) Petitt. She was born in 1771. He died Feb. 25, 1813. Hannah (Barrett) Petitt died July 24, 1837. Children : 652561. Fannie. Born Jan. 9, 1787. Married Charles Ayars. 652562. Col well. Born May 17, 1789. 652563. Maskill. 652564. Surrage. Born May 22, 1800. 652565. Barzillai. Born April 5, 1802. 652566. Asahel. Born Feb. 9, 1804. Died July 23, 1805. 652567- Josiah. Born March I r, 1806. Died March 31, 1806. 65256S. Almeda. Born March 11, 1806. Married a Loper. Died March 20, 1S46. 652569. Caleb. Born Oct. 30, 1807. 652570. Richard. 652580. Abijah Avars. (Bennajalr, Caleb', Robert'.) 651341- He married (ist), Phebe Noble. She was born in 1757. They had six children. She died Dec. 22, 1791. He married (2nd), Salome Scudder. Children : 652581. Eunice. 652582. Alcyne. Married Samuel Wacy. 652583. Almeda. 652584. Daniel. 652585. Thomas. 652586. Abijah. 652557. Phebe. 652558. Robert. 652589 Jane. Married Edward Ritter. 652590. Dorcas. 652591. Martha P. 652592. Jefferson. 652593. William. 652594. Jacob. 652595- Salome. Married John D.-P. Randolph. He was born Sept. 27, iSoo. He died Aug. 2, 1875. 652600. John Avars. (Bennajah^, Caleb". Robert'.) 651342. He married (ist), Phebe Ayars. She died Dec. 26, 1796, at Shiloh, N. J. They had five children. He married (2nd), Edith Wooden (daughter of Elder Gideon Wooden of Piscataway, N. J.). They had 1560 History of the Ayres Family. one child Peter and probably others. After his second marriage he removed to Upper New Jersey or New York State. Children : 652601. Catharine. 652602. Sabra. 652603. Charlotte. 652604. George H. 652605. Amarilla. 652606. Peter. 652620. William Avars. (Bennajah^, Caleb=, Robert'.) 651343. He married Sarah Barrett. Children : 652621. Brook. 652622. Horatio. 652680. Nehemiah Avars. (Bennajah^ Caleb", Robert'.) 651346. He married (ist), Eunice Bonham. They had two children. He married (2nd), Mary Pitt. They had one child. He removed about 1802 from Cumberland Co., N. J-, to Philadelphia, Pa. A tablet in the wall of Girard College marks their resting place. Children : 652681. Jehu. Died and was buried about 1802 in the Sparks lot where Girard College now stands in Philadelphia. 652682. John. Died and was buried about 1802 in the Sparks lot where Girard College now stands in Philadelphia. 652683. Mary. 652700. Enoch Avars. (Halabege^, Caleb-, Robert'.) 651382. He was born Jan. 25, 1763. He married (ist), in 1785, Keziah Ayars. They had two children. She died Dec. 7, 1795. He mar- ried (2nd), July 17, 1797, Anna Davis (daughter of Samuel Davis and Hannah Dutton). She was born Dec. 24, 1777. They had one child, Anna. Anna Davis died Sept. 22, 1798. He married (3d), about 1799, Amy Ayars. They had seven children. Children : 652701. Esther. Born Aug. 6, 1788. Married Caleb Ayars. 652702. Ada. Born Aug. 6, 1788. Married, March 19, i8[2, Barzillai Davis. He was born Oct. 31, 1790. He died Aug. 22, 1S37. She died about 1S21. Fourth Generation. 1561 652703. Child. Died Feb. x6, 1790. 652704. Child. Died Dec. 11, 1794. 652705. Child. Died Jan. 27, 1796. 652706. Child. Died Sept. 23, , 1797. 652707. Anna. Born in Sept., 1798. 652708. Enoch. Born July 2, 1800. Died in Oct., 1798. Married Rebecca Simpkins. She was born Feb. 5, 1796. He died Nov. 27, 1864. She died April 25, 1863. Residence, Marlboro, Salem Co., N. J. 652709. Mahlon. Born Oct. i, 1801. Married (ist), June 19, 1821, Maria McPherson. She was born May 17, 1799. She died April 14, 1872. Married (2nd), Sarah Lambert. He died Oct. I, 1881, at Portsmouth, Ohio. 652710. Ira. Born July 2, 1803. Married, Jan. 4, 1838, Prudence Dun- ham. She was born Feb. 22, 1818. He died Jan. 3, 1861, at Edgerton, Wis. She died Sept. 14, i860. 65271 1. Hanan. Born Feb. 24, 1805. Married, Nov. 21, 1835, Abigail Reeves. She was born Sept. 11, 1811. He died March 6, 1877. She died March 6, 1886. 652712. Phineas. Married Nov. 21, 1835, Maria Marryot. She was born Oct. 23, 1S08. He died in the West. 652713. Newton. Born Oct. 24, i8ri. Died in April, 1837. 652714. Sarah. Married Elijah Sheppard. He removed about 1S32 to Ohio and in 1S37 to Illinois. 652720. Stephen Avars. (Halabage^ Caleb^ Robert'.) 651383. He was born Sept. 30, 1766. He married (ist), in 1786, Deborah Ayars. They had three children. She died Aug. 11, 1791. He married (2nd), about 1792, Sarah Ayars. They had two chil- dren. She died Oct. 15, 1794. He married (3d), June 2, 1795, EHzabeth Bacon. He died Dec. 15, 1830. Children : 652721. Elisha. Unmarried. 652722. Anne. Married William Davis. He was born July 3, 1787. He died Dec 25, 1S33. 652723. Jacob. Born in 1790. Died in 1794. 652724. Phineas. Died young. 652725. Stephen. 652726. Rachel. Married Ezekiel Davis. 652727. Deborah. Married John Buck. 652728. Mark B. 652729. Joseph B. Married Harriet Hall. 652740. William Avars. (Halabege^ Caleb^ Robert'.) 651384. He was born Feb. 25, 1768. He married Prudence Robinson. She 1562 History of the Ayres Family. was born March 11. 1760. He died Feb. 11, 1816. She died Oct. g, 1833. Residence, Roadstown, N. J. Children : 652741. Martha. Married Philip Demarius. 652742. David. 652743. Ehzabeth. Died young. 652744. WiHiam. 652800. Joshua Avars. (Philip^ Joshua', Robert'.) 651454. He was born Sept. 27, 1759. He married, March 2, 1781, Sarah Davis (daughter of Samuel Davis and Hannah Dutton). She was born Sept. 14, 1764. He died April 4, 1784. She died Oct. 27, 1843. Child : 652S01. Isaac. Born June 2, 17S2. Died July 2, 1784. 652820. Philip Avars. (Philip\ Joshua^ Robert'.) 651455. He was born June 16, 1762. He married Ruth Lenox. She was born April 2, 1766. He died Oct. 23, 181 1. She died Dec. 18, 1838. Children : 652821. Eleanor. Born Feb. 19, 1788. Married Thomas Robbins. He died in 1824. She died April 26, 1862. 652822. Lydia. Born Aug. 15, 1790. Married April 25, 1825, George Dennis. She died Sept. 9, 182 1. 652823. Jane. Married, Feb. 14, 1825, Azariah Denham Davis. He was born March 3, 1798. He died. 652824. Harriet. FIFTH GENERATION. 655000. Reuben J. Avars. (John'', John^, John=, Robert'.) 652002. He married Matilda Bivens. Children : 655001. Susan J. Married Isaac Fogg. 655002. Margaret. Married William Dickinson. 655003. Levi. Married Sarah A. Ayars. 655004. Walter. Married Ruth E. Ayars. 655035. Amarilla. Married Belford Bonham. Fifth Generation. 1563 655040. George W. Avars. (John^ John^, John-, Robert'.) 652003. He married (ist), Susan Ayres ; (2nd), Sarah Carey. Children : 655041. Margaret J. Married Rudolph Harris. She died April 20, 1902. 655042. Ruth. Died young. 655043. Warren. Died young. 655044. Warren. 655045. Emma Ann. 655080. Richard W. Ayar.s. (John^, John^, John"", Robert'.) 652005. He married Mrs. Hannah Clarke. Children : 6550S1. Monroe. 655082. Henrietta. Married Edward Maine. 655083. Priscilla. Married Walter Kenyon. 655084. Howell. Married Lolah Turncliff. 655085. Mary J. Married George Enteman. 655086. Powell G. Married Carrie Cummings. 655100. John W. Avars. (John^ John^ John'', Robert'.) 652006. He was born in 1821. He married Mary Davis. He died April 3, 1890, in Minn. Children : 655 loi. Charles C. Married Susan Pierce. Residence, 1902, New Richland, Minn. 655102. Casper. Married Sarah Tellett. 655103. Phebe. Married Henry Weed. 655104. Laura. Married George Barnes. 655105. Anna. Unmarried. 655106. Alma. Married Edward Larson. 655500. Micajah Avars. (Nathan\ Caleb', Isaac^ Robert'.) 652302. He was born Oct. 17, 175 1. He married (2nd), July 5, 1785, Patience Robbins. She was born May 30, 1761. He died Sept. 24, 1823. She died Oct. 20, 1831. Child : 655501. Isaac. Born Sept. 8, 1795. 660000. 656000. Asa Avars. (David\ Isaac^, Isaac", Robert'.) 652641. He married Susan Davis. They had five children. 1564 History of the Ayres Family. Child : 65600 J. Daughter. Married a Randolph. Children: i. David A. Ran- dolph. 2. Son. Married and had a daughter, Delia Randolph, now residing at Shiloh, N. J. 656100. Ellis Avars. (David^ Isaac^ Isaac^ Robert'.) 652642. He was born July 5, 1788. He married, Nov. 29, 1830, Susan Davis (daughter of EInathan and Hannah C. Davis). She was born Aug. i, 1808. He died June 20, 1847. She died May i, 1853. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 656101. Jehu B. Born Aug. 6, 1834. Soldier in Civil War. Died in service July 22, 1863, at Portsmouth. 656102. Rebecca Jane. Born Dec. 19. 1836. Married Eli B. Ayars. 670000. 656103. Winfield Scott. Born June 24, 1839. Soldier in Civil War. Died in service Feb. 2, 1863, at Danville, Ky. 656104. Lucetta M. Born June 26, 1S43. Married Oct. 20, 1864, Oscar E. Davis. SIXTH GENERATION. 660000. Isaac Avars. (Micajah^, Nathan", Caleb^ Isaac^ Robert'.) 655501. He was born Sept. 8, 1795. He married, Nov. 29, 18 16, Anna S. Davis. She was born March 30, 1789. He died Feb. 24, 1866, at Dodge Centre, Minn. She died Dec. 9, 1854. Children : 660001. Micajah. Residence, 1902, Shiloh, N. J. 660002. Eli B. 670000. SEVENTH GENERATION. 670000. Eli B. Avars. (Isaac*, Micajah^, Nathan'', CaIeb^ Isaac"", Robert'.) 660002. He was born June 17, 1824. He mar- ried Rebecca Jane Ayars. He removed in 1855 to the West. Resi- dence, 1902, Dodge Centre, Minn. Children : 670001. Dr. Emerson Winfield. Born Aug. 21, 1866. 675000. 670002. Annie Idaline. Born Sept. 12, 1S67. Eighth Generation. 1565 EIGHTH GENERATION. 675000. Dr. Emerson W. Avars. (Eli B.^, Isaac^ Micajah^ Nathan'', Calebs Isaac', Robert'.) 670001. He was born Aug. 21, 1866, at Dodge Centre, Minn. He graduated at Alfred University, A.B., 1 89 1, and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Balti- more, Md., 1895. He married, June 30, 1891, Florence E. Green, of Little Genesee, N. Y., (daughter of Benjamin Green, Amos Green, born in R. I. Her mother was the daughter of Lister Hargreaves of England. His mother was a Lister). Residence, 1902, Richburg,, Alleghany Co., N. Y. Children : 675001. Erling Eli. Born June 17, 1894. 675002. Alice Annie. Born Dec. 11, 1895. 675003. Lister Sherman. Born Sept. 4, 1898. iVYRES History. JOHN AYER, OF HAVERHILL, MASS. (1635.) THIRD GENERATION. 700000. Capt. Samuel Ayer. (Robert^ John'.) 160042. 452050. He married Mary Johnson. They had ten children. Children : 700001. Peter. 700002. Mehitable. 452051. 700020. Timothy Ayer. (Robert", John'.) 160044. He was born Oct. 2, 1659. They had three children. Child : 700021. Hannah. 700100. John Ayer. (Thomas'', John'.) 160061, He was born May 12, 1657. He married, Sept. 13, 1683, Hannah Travers of Boston. They had seven children. He removed in 1695 from Haverhill, Mass., to Stonington, Conn. He was living in 1722, Residence, Groton, Conn. Children : 700101. Hannah. Born Aug. 7, 16S5. Died Aug. 26, 1685. 700102. Hannah. Born Aug. 10, 1686. 700103. John. Born April 18, 168S. 700500. 700104. Daniel. Born June 15, 1691. 700105. David. Born May 23, 1693. 700600. 700150. Nathaniel Ayer. (John-, John'.) 160028. He was born March 13, 1655. He removed about 1696 to Stonington, Conn. Fourth Generation. 1567 700200. Thomas Ayer. (Thomas^ John'.) 160067. He was born June 9, 1666. He married (ist), June 12, 1694, Ruth Wilford. She was born in 1672. She was killed by the Indians Aug. 29, 1708. He married (2nd), March 7, 17 10. widow Dorothy (Martin) Blaisdell in Amesbury, Mass. Children : 700201. Ruth. Born J ul}- 4, 1695. Died July 31, 1700. 700202. Josiah. Born March 12, 1698. 700203. Thomas. Born Dec. 11, 1699. Possibh' lived in Gloucester, Mass. 700204. Gilbert. Born Oct. 13, 1702. 700205. Ruth. Born June 14, 1705. Killed by Indians in 1708. 700206. Ruth. Born July 29, 1711. FOURTH GENERATION. 700500. John Ayer. (John', Thomas", John'.) 700103. He was born April 18, 1688. He died Feb. 20, 1760. He married Sarah Colt of Haverhill, Mass. Children : 700501. Daniel. Born July 19, 1716. Died Sept. 13, 1764. 700502. John. Born Nov. i, 171S. 702000. 700503. Joseph. Born April 3, 1721. Died in April, 1814. 700504. Travis. Born March 16, 1723. 700505. Elisha. Born Sept. 29, 1725. 700506. Sarah. Born Feb. 20, 172S. Died in 172S. 700507. Zipporah. Born Sept. 21, 1730. 70050S. Mary. Born Nov. 29, 1732. Died in 1739 700509. Elizabeth. Born March 26, 1735. 700510. Hannah. Born Feb. 25, 1740. 700600. David Ayer. (John^, Thomas^, John'.) 700105. He married, about 1722, Jerusha. Residence, Preston, Conn. Children : 700601. Charity. Born May 3, 1724. 700602. David. Born Aug. 28, 1727. 700603. Daniel. Born March 13, 1734. 700604. Jesse. Born Feb. 20, 1736. 700605 Charity. Born Aug. 6, 174S. 700606. Elisha. Born March 4, 1750. 1568 History of the Ayres Family. 700700. Peter Aver. (SamueP, Peter=, John'.) 539002. 540500. He married (2nd), Elizabeth Carleton. Children : 700701. Jacob. Died in 1790. 700702. Peter. Died in 1799. 700703. Richard. Died in 17S1. 700704. Pearle}-. 543300. 700705. John. Died Jan. 3, 1736. 700706. Joseph. 700707. Lydia. 70074.0. Lieut, Ebenezer Ayer. (Samuel^, Peter-, John'.) 539005. He was born Feb. 18, 1705. He married in 1726. Lieu- tenant. He died March 3, 1762. Residence, Salem, N. H. Children : 700741. Timothy. 702700. 700742. Ebenezer. Settled in York County, Me., 1750-S6. 700743. Peter. Married Rebecca. Settled in York County, Me., 1750-86. 700744. Joseph. Settled in York County, Me., 1750-86. 700745. John. Settled in York County, Me., 1750-86. 700780. SiMOJj Aver. (SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 539007. He was born Dec. 26, 1709. He married, Dec. 20, 1733, Mary Webster (daughter of Stephen Webster). He died Jan. i, 1774. She died June 24, 1782. Children : 703000. Died Aug. 16, 1740. 700781. Samuel. Born June 9, 1736. 700782. Simon. Born June 30, 173S. 700783. Elizabeth. Born Dec. 20, 1740. Died Dec. 21, 1740. 700784. Mary. Born Dec. 20, 1740,. Died Dec. 21, 1740. 700785. Simon. Born July 31, 1742. 703300. 700786. Stephen. Born Dec. i, 1744. 700787. Moses. Born April 14, 1747. 700788. Elizabeth. Born July 24, 1749. 700789. Mary. Born March 13, 1751. 700790. William. Born Oct. 28, 1753. 700791. Mary. Born March 2, 1756. 700792. .\bigail. Born March 2, 1756. Died Sept. 22, 17- 703500. 700900. Samuel Ashley. Elizabeth Kingsbury. 32 1 1 1 4. Child : 700901. Abner. Born in 1722. He was born in 1687. She was born in 1693. He married Fifth Generation. 1569 FIFTH GENERATION. 702000. John Ayer. (John'', John^, Thomas", John'.) 700501. He was born Nov. i, 17 18. He married Abigail Cook. Residence, Preston, Conn. Children : 702001. Nathan. Born Jan. 29, 1745. Died June 22, 1820. 710000. 702002. Ruth. Born Feb. 9, 1747. Married, Sept. 19, 1765, Isaac Wheeler Stanton. 702003. Abigail. Born June 30, 1749. Married, March 22, 1770, Sam- uel Stanton. 702004. Sarah. Born July i, 1751. Married, Feb. 16, 1774, Paul Woodbridge. 702005. John. Born Oct. 4, 1753. Married Clarissa Lay. Residence, Hebron, Ct. 702006. Keturah. Born Dec. i8, 1755. Married Nathan Crary of Groton, Conn. 702007. Jonas. Born Feb. 4, 1758. 702008. Anna. Born June 2, 1760. Married Nathan Avery, of Hebron, Conn. Soldier during the massacre at Ft. Griswold, Conn., vSept. 6, 1781. His great-granddaughter is Mrs. S. R. Osgood, 1803 Telegraph Ave., Oakland, Cal. 702009. Eunice. Born Dec. 7, 1762. 702010. Mary. Born May 31, 1765. 702300. Peter Ayer. (Timothy", Joseph^, John-, John'.) 540102. He was born Sept. 18, 1729, at Norwich, Conn. He mar- ried, Dec. 4, 1751, Martha Hazen. 541305. His will was proved Oct. 2, 1758. After his death she married Daniel Story. Residence, Norwich, West Farms, Conn. Children : 702301. John. Born April 17, 1753. 702302. Squire. Born March i, 1755. 710400. 702303. Hannah. Born April 22, 1757. 702400. Jo-SEPH Ayer. (Timothy", Joseph^, John', John'.) 540104. 542000. He was born July 15, 1734. He married (ist), May 8, 1753, Elizabeth Wales. She was born Nov. 28, 1730. She died May 13, 1763. Child : 702401. Cynthia. Died June 26, 1S34. I570 History of the Ayres Family. 702500. Pearley Ayer. (Peter^ Samuel', Peter', John'.) 543000. He married (2nd), Lois Stevens. Cliildren : 702501. Joseph. 7C2502. Lydia. Married in Haverhill, Mass. Died in KS05. 702503. Phineas. Married in Haverhill, N. H. 702504. John. Married, June 9, 17S5, in Hampstead, N. H. He died Sept. 4, 1S39. 549000. 702505. Hannah. Married in Rumney, N. H. 702506. Hezekiah. Married in Hampstead, N. H. 702507. Pearley. Married in Chester, N. H. 702508. Sally. 702509. William. 702700. Timothy Ayer. (Ebenezer-', SamueP, Peter% John'.) 700741. He married Ehzabeth. He settled between 1750 and 1786 in Buxton, York County, Me. Child : 702701. Aaron. 710700. 703000. Samuel Ayer. (Simon-*, SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 7007S1. He was born June 9, 1737. He married Mary. They had ten sons and four daughters. He died in 1807. She died Jan. 30, 1828. Children : 703001. 703002. 703003. 703004. 703005. 703006. 703007. 703008. 703009. 703010. 70301 I. 703012. 703013. 703014. 703300 Samuel. 71 1000. Hezekiah. Born in 1770. 71 1020. Thomas. Born in 1774. 711040. James. Born in 1773. Died Sept. 16, 1864. William. Born in 1777. 71 1080. Carlton. Born in Dec., 1781. 711100. Stephen. Moses. Born in 1781. Unmarried. Died in 1 85 1. Simeon. John. Daughter. Daughter. Daughter. Daughter. Simon Married a Colby. Married a Felch. Married a Goodwin. Married a Goss. Ayer. 700785. He was born July 31, (Simon-*, SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 1742. He married Abigail Hazel- Fifth Generation. 1571 tine. She was born Dec. 13, 1744. He died April 25, 1828. She died in 1831. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. Children : 703301. John. Born Jan. 29, 1767. 711500. 703302. Sarah. Born July 8, 1768. 703303. William. Born Sept. 25, 1770. 703304. Abigail. Born Nov. 29, 1772. 703305. George W. Born Nov. 2, 1776. 703306. Sarah. Born Aug. 27, 177S. Died young. 703307. Sarah. Born Jan. 5, 1780. 703308. Mary. Born Jan. 31, 1782. 703309. William. Born Aug. 27, 1783. 703310. James. Born Sept. 17, 1785. 703500. William Ayer. (Simon'', SamueP, Peter-, John'.) 700790. He was born Oct. 28, 1753. He married, June 9, 1778, Polly Runnels. She was born in July, 1758. Soldier in Rev. War for two years and three months. He was in the battle at Princeton and at Valley Forge and endured great suffering. He was one of Washington's body-guard. He died June 5, 1827, at Newbury, N. H. She died April 22, 1842. Children : 1. Born March 2, 1779, at Hollis, N. H. 711800. Born June 4, 1780. 71 1840. Born Feb. 8, 1782. Married Humphrey Jackman. Born Nov. 17, 1783. Married Moses Boynton. 71 1880. Born May 12, 1788, at Concord, N. H. 71 1900. Born Feb. 8, 1790. 71 1920. Born Nov. 25, 1791, at Hillsborough. Married (ist), in Nov., 181 1, Enoch Howlitt ; (2nd), Zabina Colburn. 71 1940. 703508. Clarissa. Born May 30, 1793, at Hillsboro. Married Benja- min Nicholls. 71 1960. 703509. Benjamin. Born Jan. 15, 1795. 711980. 703510. Nancy. Born July 30, 1798. Married (ist), Dec. 2, 1819, Jona- than Brockway ; (2nd), Thomas Spalding. No children. She died in 1868. 703511. Samuel. Born May 15, 1800. Died in 1803. 704000. Abner Ashley, (Samuel.) 700901. He was born in 1722. He married Mary Cressey. She was born in 1724. Child : 704001. Lucy. Born in 1762. Married David Spencer. 712500. 70350 1. Wilhar 703502. John. 703503. Mary. 7 1 1860. 703504- Betsey 703505- James. 703506. Moses. 703507- Sarah. 1572 History of the Ayres Family. SIXTH GENERATION. 710000. Nathan Aver. (John^, John*', John', Thomas^ John'.) 702001. He was born Jan. 29, 1745. He married Desire Tracy, of the Tracy family, Norwich, Ct. She was born in 1745. She died in 1796. He died in 1796. Residence, Preston, Conn. Children : 710001. Elisha. Born in 1767. Died Dec. 17, 1858. 7I0302. Desire. Born June 2r, 1769. Died Dec. 9, 1852. 710003. Nathan. Born in 1772. Died Dec. 25, 1853. 710004. William. Born Dec. i, 1773. Died April 14, 1852. 720000. 710005. Olive. Born in 1774. Died July 16, 1796. 710006. Jonas. Born in 1778. Died May 30, 1846. 710007. Dolly. Born in 1781. Died May 2, 1846. 710030. Joseph Kingsbury. (Joseph-", Joseph^ Henry^, Hen- ry'.) 541105. He was born in 1714. He married. Child : 710031. Sanford. 721000. 710050. Joseph Hazen. (Thomas^ Thomas^ Edward'.) 541302. 546000. He settled on the North Island, Vt. Their daughters married Hazen, Button and Newton of Norwich, Vt., Rouse of Canaan, Conn., Wood of Malone, N. Y., and Middleburg, Vt. Children : 7 1 005 1. Solomon. 710052. Dan. 710053. Thomas. 710054. Andrew. 710055. Joseph. 710056. Uriah. 710057. Mary. Born Sept. 11, 1754. 546001. Her youngest son, Jas- per Newton, graduated at Dartmouth College, 1820. He died in 1821. 710058. Elizabeth. Born Oct. 10, 1756. Married Timothy Ayer. 710100. Ebenezer Ayer. (Joseph^, Timothy^ Joseph\ John^, John'.) 542002. He was born Jan. 17, 1755. He married, in 1800, Achsah Squire. He died in June, 1833. Children : 710101. Tredus. Born Nov. 24, 1801. 722000. 710102. Isaac Tichenor. Born March 5, 1808. 722020. 710103. Appolus. 710104. Clarissa. Died young. Sixth Generation. 1573 7 1 01 20. Nathaniel Ayer. (Joseph^, Timothy", Joseph^, John=, John'.) 542004. He was born Jan. 31, 1758. He married (ist), April 23, 1780, Edna Hartshorn. She was born Feb. 8, 1756. She died Feb. 13. 1801. He married (2nd), May 16, 1802, Joanna Sharpe. She was born in 1768. She died Oct. 14, 1826. Children : 710121. Anna (o. Alma). Born Nov. 15, 1781. Unmarried. Died Dec. 25 (o. Nov. 20), 1850, at Columbus, Pa. 710122. Russell Smith. Born July 24, 1784. Died Nov. 4 (o. 14), 1S14, on his way for a pension, War of 1812, at Sacketts Har- bor, N. Y. 710123. Betsey. Born March 14 (o. Dec. 18), 1787. Married John Phelps. 723000. 710124. Perley. Born Dec. 18, 1789. 710125. Lora. Born July 2, 1792. Married Ellis Morse. She died July 17, 1831. 710126. Lucy. Born Feb. 4, 1795. Married Zenas Clark. 723040. 710127. Edna. Born April 17, 1798. Married Lewis Trowbridge. 723060. 710128. Samuel Hartshorn. Born Feb. 5, 180T. 7230S0. 710129. Amanda. Born March 25, 1803. Married a Parker. She died Sept. 5, 1844. 710130. John S. Born Feb. 2, 1805. Died July 16, 1892. 710131. Marcus. Born March 4, 1807. 710132. Nelson. Born March 8, 1810. 723100. 710160. Peter Ayer. (Joseph-, Timothy^ Joseph\ John-, John'.) 542006. He was born April (o. Aug.) 23, 1761, in Pom- fret, Conn. He married, Dec. 27, 1780, Temperance Ladd (daugh- ter of David and Mary Ladd). He removed to Nelson, now Erieville, Madison Co., N. Y. She died in Feb., 1839. Children : 710161. Abel. Born June 5, 1782. Drowned. 710162. Eber. Born March 11, 1784. 724000. 710163. Asenath. Born Nov. 24, 1786. Unmarried. Died Sept. 13, 1859. 710164. Joseph. Born Oct. 9, 1789. 724040. 710165. Betsey. Born July 14, 1791. Married Elijah Powers. 724060. 710166. Ebenezer. Born March 12, 1794. 724080. 710167. Enos. Born April 5, 179S. 724100. 710168. Henry H. Born May 9, 1800. 724120. 710169. Mary. Born May 8, 1803. Married Joseph W. Slocum. 724140. 710170. Ann. Born Aug. 15, 1806. Unmarried. Died .'\pril 11, 1859. 710171. William W. Born Dec. 31, 180S. Married Jennette Burden. He died Oct. 18, 1867. 1574 History of the Ayres Family. 7 1 0175. Rev. Oliver Aver. (Joseph^, Timothy'', Joseph^ John% John'.) 542008. He was born Nov. 14, 1765. He gradu- ated at Dartmouth College, 1778. Ordained at West Stockbridge, Mass., Congregationalist. Pastor fourteen years there ; later at Sandy Creek, Augusta and Richland, Oswego Co., N. Y. He mar- ried Phebe Brown. 7 10 180. Bailey Ayer. (Joseph-', Timothy^ Joseph', John^ John'.) 542010. He was born June 19, 1769. He married, Dec. 28, 1794, Sabra Bailey. She was born in 1772. She died May 11, 1826. He married (2nd), Sept. 18, 1836, Polly (Frink) Ladd. She was born in 1775. She died Oct. 11, 1847. He died Nov. 20 (o. Dec. 23), 1844. Children : 710181. Sabra. Born April 12, 1796. Died young. 710182. Freelove. Born Jan. 12, 1798. Married Othneil Gager. 724200. 710183. Charlotte. Born May 23, 1799. Married Zaccheus Waldo, Jr. 724220. 710184. Joseph Bailey. Born Feb. 16, 1S02. 724240. 7IQ1S5. Austin. Horn Oct. 5, 1805. 724260. 710186. Mary. Born Dec. i, 1S07. Married George Sumner Harts- horn. 724280. 710400. Squire Ayer. (Peter^, Timothy*, Joseph', John-, John'.) He was born March i, 1755. ^^ married, June 25, 1778, Jerusha Edgerton. Children : 710401. Eunice. Born Nov. 16, 1778. 710402. Daniel. Born July 22, 1780. 710403. William. Born May 28, 1782. 710404. Sarah. Born July 3, 1784. 710405. Hannah. Born Aug. 13, 1786. 710406. Betsey. Born. Jan. 15, 1789. 710407. John. Born vSept. 6, 1791. 710600. Timothy Ayer. (Joseph^ Timothy", Joseph', John% John'.) 548000. Elizabeth Hazen died May 26, 1826. 710700. John Ayer. (Pearley^, Peter", Samuel', Peter^, John'.) 549000. He married (2nd), Hannah Morse Merrill. She died Sept. 28, 1842. Sixth Generation. 1575 710800. Aaron Ayer. (Timothy^, Ebenezer'', Samuel', Peters John'.) 702701. He married. Child : 710801. Alvan Bacon. 725000. 7 1 1000. Sa:muel Ayer. (Samuel^ Simon-*, SamueP, Peter^, John'.) 703001. He married, Dec. 31, 1793, Nancy Ayer. He died June 10, 1848. She died Jan. 13, 1852. Children : 711001. Walter Harris. Born Jan. 28, 1795. Diedin June, 1S48. 71 1002. Sally. Born Jan. 3, 1796. 71 1003. Jonathan. Born Aug. 20, 1797. 724300. 711004. Polly. Born Feb. 2, 1799. Died June 25, [S02. 71 1005. Luther. Born Feb. 18, 1801. 71 1006. Almira. Born Jan. 17, 1803. 711007. Nanc}-. Born Oct. 25, 1805. 71 1008. Mary. Born Dec. 28, 1807. 7 1 1009. Louisa. Born July 9, 1809. Died Sept. 13, 1809. 711010. Osgood. Born Oct. 11, [810. Died Sept. 20, i8ro. 711011. Loren. Born July 21, 1812. Died April 15, 1893. 711012. Elizabeth. Born Aug. 3, 1820. Died Jan. 24, 1893. 7 1 1020. Hezekiah Ayer. (Samuel^ Simon*, SamueP, Peter=, John'.) 703002. He was born in 1770. He married- Jemima Quimby. She was born in 1764. He died Oct. 26, 1849. She died Dec. 13, 1863. Children : 711021. John J. 711022. Samuel. 724520. 711023. Sarah. Married a Ball. 724560. 71 1024. Lynden. Born April 11, 1794. 724580. 711025. George. 724600. 71 1026. Achsah. Born Aug. i, 1800. Married Elkanah Cobb. 724620, 711027. Simeon. 724660. 71 1028. Martha. Married a Putnam. 7 1 1040. Thomas Ayer. (Samuel^, Simon*, SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 703003. He was born in 1774. He married Sylvia Wright. She was born in 1778. He removed in 1799 to Stanstead, P. Q. He died May 8, 1848. She died March 18, i860. 1576 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 711041. Willard. Born in 1799. 724800. 711042. Osgood. Born in 1803. Unmarried. Died Sept. 10, 1873. 71 1043. Gardner M. Born Oct. 16, 1808. 724820. 71 1044. Carlton. 724840. 71 1045. Wilder. Born in 1819. 724860. 711046. Roxana. Married a Rexford. 71 1047. Betsey. Married a Langmayde. 711048. Louisa. Born in 1820. Married a Wright. She died July 19, 1846. 7 1 1080. William Ayer. (Samuel^, Simon-', Samuel^ Peter^ John'.) 703005. He was born in 1777. He married Mary Coburn. She was born in 1774. He removed in 1804 from St. Johnsbury, Vt., to Stanstead, P. Q., Can. He died Jan. 10, 1858. She died Feb. II, 1853. Children : 711081. Warren. Born Jan. 30, 1801. 725000. 71 1082. Miranda. Born May 28, 1802. Married Noah Glidden. They had three sons and six daughters. She died Aug. 9, 1837. 71 1083. Frederick. Born Nov. 7, 1803. 725040. 71 1 100. Carlton Ayer. (Samuel^, Simony SamueP, Peter=, John'.) 703006. He was born Dec. 2, 1781, at Ware, Mass. He died April 13, 187 1, at Compton, P. Q. He married Sophia Mac- Manus. She was born Feb. 16, 1787. She died Aug. 26, 1863. Children : 71 nor. Sophronia. Born Sept. 25, 1809. Married Josiah Grout. 726000. 7 11 102. Alanson. Born April 14, 181 1. Died. 71 1 103. Carlos. Born March 13, 1813. 726020. 711104. Tirzah. Born Aug. 5, 1818. Married Schuyler Glidden. 726100. 711105. Louisa. Born May 15, 1821. Married. 711106. Roxiliana. Born May 29, 1823. Married Charles Farnsworth. 726140. ■ 711107. Moses. Born Oct. 20, 1827. Died Jan. 10, 1S55. 711108. Dan Jerome. Born Oct. 13,1831. 726180. 711109. Harriet. Born Sept. 3, 1833. Died March 27, 1834. 711110. John. Born June 22, 1840. 7 1 1500. John Ayer. (Simon^, Simon*, SamueP, Peter^, John'.) 196920. 703301. He was born Jan. 29, 1767. He removed about Sixth Generation. 1577 1786 from Haverhill, Mass., to St. Johnsbury, Vt. He married (ist), Polly (Mary) Silver. She was born Aug. 9, 1767. She died Feb. 12, 1828. He married (2nd), in Sept., 1828, Susannah. She was born Dec. 23, 1774. He married (3d), March 22, 1843, Clarinda Deming. She was born Jan. i, 1782. She died July 29, 185 i. He died Nov. 9, 1854. Residence, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Children : 711501. Mary. Born Jan. 28, 1791. Married a Dustan. She died about 1880. 711502. James. Born Jan. 20, 1793. Died Jan. 7, 1841. 71 1503. William. Born April 6, 1795. Died March 21, 1833. 71 1504. Cyrene. Born Feb. ir, 1797. 71 1505. Simon. Born Feb. 19, 1799. 727000. 711506. Hiram. Born May 9, 1801. 727020. 711507. Nathan. Born Feb. 11, 1805. 727040. 7 1 1800. William Ayer. (William^, Simon'*, Samuel^ Peter^ John'.) 703501. He was born March 2, 1779. He married (ist), Abigail Eaton; (2nd), Mehitable Gay. He died in 1870. Resi- dence, Bradford and Hillsborough, N. H. Children : 711801. Hannah. Born Aug. 22, 1805. Married, Aug. 4, 1824, John Robins. She died July 29, 1858. 71 1802. Delia. Born Aug. 3, 1807. Married May 17, 1S50, Hiram Monroe. 71 1803. Mary R. Born May 17, 1811. Married, May 8, 1834, Leonard West. 71 1804. Caroline S. Born Aug. 13, 1816. Married, July 17, 183S, William J. Murdaugh. 711805. Rowena F. Born Dec. 22, 1818. Married, March 17, 1840, Elisha Eaton. 711S40. John Ayer. (William^, Simony SamueP, Peter% John'.) 703502. He was born June 4, 1780. He married Annis Brockway. He died March 9, 1819, at Bradford, N. H. Children : 711841. James B. Born Feb. 8, 1804. Residence, Danvers, Mass. 71 1842. William. Born March 29, 1806. Residence, Hillsborough. 711S43. John H. Born in Oct., 1809. Died in March, 1813. 1578 History of the Ayres Faimily. 711860. Humphrey Jackman. He was born Aug. 30, 1782. He married, in 1803, Mary Ayer. 703503. He settled in Abbotts- ford, C. E. He died June i, 1870. Slie died Sept. 6, 1862. Children : 711861. Oilman. Born March 25, 1804. 711862. Abigail. Born Feb. 21, 1806. Died March i, 1S2S. 711863. Humphre)-. Born May 9, 1 80S. Died March 7, 181 7. 711864. Eliza. Born March 19, 1810. Married Clark Lawrence. 727900. 711865. Mary. Born Jan. 15, 1812. Died April 7, 1843. 71 1866. Elman. Born Feb. 21, 1814. 728000. 71 1867. Clarissa. Born Sept. 4, 1816. Married Andrew A. Rublee. 72S020. 71186S. Humphrey. Born Dec. 11, 181S. 728040. 71 1869. Lovina A. Born Oct. 26, 1820. Died Aug. 24, 1S21. 71 1870. Nathan. Born March 25, 1823. Died April 16, 1823. 711871. Lovina H. Born Nov. 27, 1824. Married Joseph Albert Whit- ney. 728060. 711880. Moses BoYNTON. He was born in 178 1. He married Betsey Ayer. 703504. He died Jan. 4, 1S62. at Thornton, N. H. She died Aug. 21, 1867. Children : 711881. Hazen. Born April 11, 1805. 71 1882. William. Born Dec. 21, 1806. 711883. Betsey. Born May 18, 1808. 71 1884. Moses. Born Feb. 9, iSii. 711885. Samuel. Born March 15, 1813. 7118S6. Nancy. Born March 7, 1815. 71 1887. Nathaniel. Born Jan. 4, 1818, in Thornton. Died Sept. 18, 1899, at Woodstock, N. H. 71 1888. Clarissa. Born Feb. 25, 1821. 711889. Eleazer. Born Jan. 21, 1823. 71 1890. Newton. Born Nov. 27, 1825. 7 1 1900. James Ayer. (William-, Simon\ SamueP, Peter% John'.) 703505. He was born May 12, 1788, at Concord, N. H. He married (ist), Feb. 19, 181 1, Lucy Brockway ; (2nd), June 5, 1833, Mary Harriman. He died March 29, 1863. Residence, Washington, N. H. Children : 711901. Leonard. Born Oct. 3, 181 1. 729000. 711902. Hazen. Born June 5, 1813, at Newbury, N. H. 729020. 711903. Lucy. Born June 22, 1815. Unmarried. Sixth Generation. 1579 71 1904. Matilda. Born Jul}- 13, 1817. Married Andrew Neville. She died March 19, 1868, in Boston. 711905. Simon. Born May 4, 1819. Married (ist), Nov. 13, 1845, Hannah Oilman ; (2nd), June 3, 1S73, Josephine Powers. He died in 1S97 at Amherst, N. H. No children. 71 1906. Mary B. Born April 7, 1821. 711907. Roxana. Born Aug. 8, 1823. Married (ist), Caleb Oilman; (2nd), Thomas Roberts of Dansville, Vt. Residence, 1900, Providence, R. I. 71 1908. Harriet. Born June 18, 1825. Died Oct. 20, 1866, in Newton, Mass. 71 1909. Jonathan B. Born Sept. 23, 1827. Unmarried. Died June 19, 1863, at Bradford, n! H. 711910. Cyrus. Born Dec 20, 1829. 729180. 711911. John Alvin. Born Aug. i, 1S32. Died Oct. 5, 1837. 71 1920. Moses Aver. (William^ Simon\ Samuels Peter-, John'.) 703506. He was born Feb. 8, 1790. He married, Feb. 18, 1810, Abigail Proctor. She was born June 3, 1787. She died July 13. 1884- Children : 711921. Elmond. Born June 22, 1812. Unmarried. Died Aug. 22, 1895. 71 1922. Mary. Born April 26, 1814. Married Daniel Farnsworth. 730000. 71 1923. Louisa. Born April 27, 1816. Married Otis G. Watkins. 730040. 711924. Moses Born July 8, 1817. Died Nov. 28, 1899. 711925. William Proctor. Born Dec. 27, 181S. 730100. 71 1926. Nancy. Born June 5, 1821. Married Erastus G. Corser. 730140. 711927. George Washington. Born Sept. 28, 1822. Died Dec. 19, 1870, at Springfield, Vt. 711928. Royal. Born March 27, 1824. 730180. 71 1929. Martha M. Born May 15, 1825. Married George W. Barnes. 730200. 71 1930. John Ouincy. Born Oct. 31, 1S26. 71 1931. Alexander. Born July 4, 1828. 711932. Abby Ann. Born Sept. 16, 1829. Married William R. Glover. 71 1933. Lucy A. Born April 26, 1832. Married Erastus G. Corser. 730260. 7 1 1940. Zabina Colburn. He married Sarah (Ayer) How- litt. 703507. Child : 711941. Zerah. Born Jan. 13, 1832. He became a noted engineer. i58o History of the Ayres Family. 7 1 1960. Benjamin Nichols. He married, in Nov., 181 1, Clarissa Ayer. 703508. He died Aug. 11, 1851. Children 711961 71 1962 711963 7 11 964 71 1965 711966 711967 71 1968 7 11 969 71 1970 Joseph. Born April 20, 1813. Unmarried. Died Sept. 3, 1854. Nancy. Born April 5, 1815. Married William Dunfield. He died March 13, 1S94. Hubbard. Born Nov. 10, 1816. 731000. Hiram. Born Sept. 12, 1818. Married Harriet Brockway. They had five children. She died Jan. 16, 1890. Mary. Born Aug. 16, 1820. Married Henry D. Nichols. She died June 24, 1876. Clarissa. Born April 16, 1822. Married Jacob C. Bailey. They had five children. She died Jan. 17, 1896. Edwin. Born June 22, 1824. Married Almira Stuart. They had eight children. Eliza. Born Feb. 13, 1S26. Married Samuel Bates. They had two children. Julia. Born July 10, 1828. Married Dea. Almon Tandy. She died March 18, 1900. Residence, Goshen, N. H. Sarah Jane. Born Oct. 15, 1830. Married Samuel W. Colby. 711980. Benjamin Ayer. (William^, Simon\ SamueP, Peter% John'. 703509. He was born Jan. 15, 1795. He married Sally McCrillis. Children : 711981. John. Born Nov. 5, 1819. 732000. 71 1982. Hannah. Born Feb. 17, 1821. Married Josiah P. Bly. 732020. Died March 17, 1S95. 711983. Mary R. Born May 11, 1822. Married Hubbard N. Nichols. 731000. 71 1984. Ann Caroline. Born Nov. 13, 1823. Died July 30, 1S24. 711985. Ann Caroline. Born Dec. 25, 1S24. Married, May 31, 1845, Jonathan W. Buswell. She died Feb. 19, 1896. 71 1986. Henrietta. Born Sept. 25, 1826. Married Henry F. Stowell. 732100. 71 1987. Alma Ann. Born Feb. 6, 182S. Married (ist), Frederick Brackett ; (2nd), Abner Stowell. Died Nov. 21, 1891. 711988. William. Born March 19, 1829. Married, Nov. 30, 1854, E. A. Bailey. Residence, South Newbury, N. H. 71 1989. Adelaide. Born Oct. 18, 1830. Married Daniel W. Barney. She died Jan. 23, 1898. 71 1990. Almedia. Born June 20, 1832. Died Aug. 20, 1835. Seventh Generation. 1581 711991. Adaliza. Born Oct. 30, 1S33. Died March 14, 1835. 71 1992. Benjamin Franklin. Born Sept. 22, 1835. 732200. 71 1993. Sally Bowden. Born Sept. 29, 1S37. Married Ezekiel F. Bar- nard. 732220. Residence, S. Newbury, N. H. 71 1994. Addison. Born May 28, 1839. Residence, S. Newbury. 732240, 71 1995. Zervida. Born March 21, 1841. Married, March 11, 1S63, Daniel G. Peaslie. 711996. La Fayette. Born Dec. i, 1S44. 732260. 712500. David Spencer. He was born in 1762. He married Lucy Ashley. 704001. Child : 712501. Lucy. Born in 1785. Married Andrew Washburn. 733000. SEVENTH GENERATION. 720000. VViLLiAiNi Ayer. (Nathan*, John=, John'', John^, Thomas^ John'.) 710004. He was born Dec. i, 1773. He mar- ried, Feb. 28, 1806, Margaret Brown (daughter of Joshua Brown of Stonington, Ct.). She died May 23, 1837. He married, in Nov., 1841, Dorothy Niles. She died in May, 1846. Residence, Pres- ton, Conn. Children : 720001. William Austin. Died in infancy. 720002. Charles Brown. Born March S, 1809. Died July 19, 1S61. 720003. Daniel Tracy. Born Oct. 15, 1810. Died July 12, 1859. 720004. William. Born June 30, 1815. 720005. Nathan Wheeler. Born Jan. 21, 1817. Died Feb. 7, 1873. 750000. 721000. Capt. Sanford Kingsbury. (Joseph^, Joseph'', Jos- eph'', Henry^ Henry'.) 71 0031. He was born in 1738. He gradu- ated at Yale College, 1763. He married Elizabeth Fitch. 2nd Lieut., Oct., 1776. Captain, Nov., 1776. Captain, Major John Rip- ley's Conn. Battalion, Feb. 15, 1777. Captain, Col. Roger Enos' (3d) Conn. Battalion, March 25, 1777. A.M., Dartmouth College,. 1 80 1. He died in 1834 at Claremont, N. H. Child : 721001. Charles. Eldest son. 751000. 1582 History of the Ayres Family. 722000. Fredus Ayer. (Ebenezer*, Joseph^, Timothy^ Jos- eph^, John-, John'.) 710101. He was born Nov. 24, 1801. He married, Feb. 25, 1823, Fanielia Hall. He removed in 1866 from Schuyler Falls, N. Y., to Papillon, Neb., where he died Dec. 8, 1878. Children : 722001. Omar H. Born Dec. 22, 1825. 752000. 722002. Osborn. Born Nov. 27, 1827. 752020. 722003. Pembroke. Born .\pril 23, 1830. 752040. 722004. Gabriela. Born Feb. 6, 1833. Married Courtland Stafford of Schuyler Falls, N. Y. She died Aug. 6, 1868. 722005. Doan (o. Dora) Theresa. Born Sept. 2, 1835. Died March 27, 1841. 722006. Amelia. Born Sept. iS, 1837. Died March 14, 187S, at Schuy- ler Falls, N. Y. 722007. Clarissa. Born Oct. 30, 1842. Died March 27, 1843. 722020. Isaac Tichenor Ayer. (Ebenezer*^. Joseph^, Timo- thy', Joseph^ John-, John'.) 710102. He was born March 5, 1808. He married. May 5, 1832, Tamson Bigelow (daughter of Jared Bige- low. Her grandfather, Nathan Berman, led Ethan Allen in the gray of the morn in May, 1775, when he ordered the British commander of Ft. Ticonderoga to surrender). He died March 23, 1889. Resi- dence, Plattsburg, N. Y. Children : 722021. George B. Born Aug. 27, 1835, in Plattsburg. Married Fran- ces Weston. Residence, Saranac Lake, N. Y. 722022. Sarah. Born Jan. 27, 1837. Married George Putnam. Resi- dence, Saranac Lake, N. Y. 722023. Amy R. Born April 27, 1839. Unmarried. Teacher. 722024. Jared B. Born Feb. 10, 1843. 752500. 722025. Josephine E. Born Dec. 31, 1845. Married a Smith. Thej- had two children. Residence, Ellenburg Centre, N. Y. 722026. Winfield Scott. Born Feb. 4, 1848. Died. 722027. William Henry. Born Oct. 4. Residence, Schuyler Falls, N. Y. 722028. Peter F. Born March 27. Married Minnie Clifford. Resi- dence, Morrison ville, N. Y. 722029. Charles E. Born Dec. 27, 1852. Residence, Saranac, N. Y. 722030. Frederic L. Born June 15, 1856. Died Oct. 31, 1878. 723000. John Phelps. (Elijah and Mary Phelps.) He was born Aug. 22, 1785. He married Betsey Ayer. 710123. He died June 25, 1831, at Morrisville, N. Y. She died Sept. 18, 1861, at Clymer, N. Y. Seventh Generation. 1583 Children : 723001. John Hartson. Born Oct. 2, 1809. Married Mary Catlin in Georgia. 723002. Charles Russell. Born June 3, 181 1. Unmarried. Died Dec. 5, 1843, in Georgia. 723003. Mary M. Born Nov. 5, 1813. Unmarried. Died Dec. 12, 1880. 723004. William Benjamin. Born Sept. 24, 1817. Married, Dec. 27, 1843, Caroline M. Stone in Oswego Co., N. Y. She was born June 22, 1826, in Canada. He died May 17, 1893. She died Sept. 25, 1889, in Oswego. 723005. Henry Samuel. Born Sept. 16, 1819. 753000. 723006. Amelia Caroline. Born June 7, 1823. Married, Sept. 24, 1844, George W. Ayer. He died Oct. 18, 1852. She died Dec. 13, 1846, at DeRuyter, N. Y. 723007. Charlotte Ann. Born Sept. 26, 1825. Married Warren Cone. 753040. 723008. Sarah Helen. Born April 16, 1831. Unmarried. Died March 28, 1849. 723020. Perley Ayer. (Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Timothy\ Jos- eph^ John% John'.) 710124. He was born Dec. 18, 1789. He married, Dec. 11, 1814, Eunice Smith. He removed about 1834 from Hamilton, Madison Co., N. Y., to Sheshequin, Bradford Co., Pa. He ran a woolen mill and later a saw mill. He removed to Illinois but soon afterwards returned to Pennsylvania. He died March 10, 187 1. She died May 20, 187 1, at Greenwood, 111. Children : 723021. Russell Smith. Born Aug. 21, 1815. 753500. 723022. Francis S. Born May 12, 1818. 753520. 723023. Caroline A. Born Nov. 6, 1820. Married Lawrence D. (or Hiram) Blackman. He died while looking for gold in Califor- nia, 1849-50. They had one son who died of wounds received in Civil War in a Chicago hospital in 1861. She died in 1893 in Greenwood, 111. 723024. Charles A. Born Feb. 9, 1826. 753540. 723040. Zena.s Clark. He married, in 1827, Lucy Ayer. 7 10 1 26. She died in 187 i in Pennsylvania. Children : 723041. Emily. Born Nov. 9, 1821, in Madison Co., N. Y. Married, in 1842, John Wass. They had three sons and three daughters. She died in 1S69 in Tioga Co., Pa. 1584 History of the Ayres Family. 723042. Andrew. Born in 1S32 in Chatham, Tioga Co., Pa. Married, in 1865, Susan Roberts of Avoca, N. Y. He died in 1886. No children. 723043. Galen A. Married in 1859. They had a daughter. Residence, 1S9S, North Cameron, N. Y. 723060. Lewis Trowbridge. He married Edna Ayer. 710127. She died in March, 1846. Residence, Ellington, Conn. Child : 723061. Edgar. Died in Sept., 1831. 723080. Samuel Hartshorn Ayer, (Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Timothy'', Joseph^, John^ John'.) 71 01 28. He was born Feb. 5, 1801. He married, June 23, 1825, Roxana Damon. Children : 723081. Hartshorn Samuel. Born March 28, 1828. 754000. 723082. Edna Louisa. Born July i, 1832. Married Orville J. Clark. 754020. 723083. Thomas Damon. Born Feb. 7, 1836. 754040. 723084. Alice Malora. Born May 16, 1S44. Married, Sept. 9, 1869, Charles Cowan. She died June 27, 1884. No children. 723100. Nelson Ayer. (Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Timothy, Jos- eph', John=, John'.) 710132. He was born March 8, 1810. He married Marietta Tanner. She was born in 1814. He died in Cali- fornia. She died April 27, 1852. Children : 723101. Henry Nelson. Born Jan. 17, 1841. Married Hattie Reese of San Jose, Cal. vShe died in 1874. Residence, San Jose, Cal. 723102. Russell S. Born April 5, 1845. 724000. Eber Ayer. (Peter*, Joseph^, Timothy^ Joseph^, John^ John'.) 710162. He was born March 11, 1784. He mar- ried (ist), July 26, 1807, Anna Haviland ; (2nd), June 30, 1845, Phebe Guile. He died Dec. 7, 1863. Children : 724001. Anson. Born May 30, 1S08. 755000. 724002. Prudence. Born July 7, 1810, at Hoosic, N. Y. Married .Abijah N. Annas. 755040. 72400^. Jane. Born March 14, 1814. Died March 24, 1895. Seventh Generation. 1585 724004. John. Born Nov. 3, 181 9. Unmarried. Died Dec. 15, 1843. 724005. Jerry. Born May 2, 1822. Unmarried. Died Aug. 14, 1S46. 724006. George W. Born Nov. 19, 1825. 755080. 724007. Sarah. Born March 16, 1829. Unmarried. Died Feb. 7, 1847. 724040. Joseph Ayer. (Peter*, Joseph^, Timothy'', Joseph^ John% John'.) 710164. He was born Oct. 9, 1789. He mariied Betsey Tinsler of Nelson, N. Y. He died in Feb., 1829. Children : 724041. George. 724042. Rebecca. 724043. William James. Born April 19, 181 1. 756000. 724044. Jenette. 724060. Elijah Powers. He married Betsey Ayer. 710165. She died Dec. 28, 1855. Children : 724061. Herman. 724062. Abel. 724063. Sophia. 724064. Clarissa. Married C. H. Ocobock. He died Feb. 7, 1900. No children. Residence, Fowler, Mich. 724080. Ebenezer Ayer. (Peter*, Joseph^, Timothy*, Joseph^ John% John'.) 710166. He was born March 12, 1794. He mar- ried, July 5, 182 1, Ann Peck. She was born May 4, 1801, at Nelson, N. Y. Soldier in War of 18 12. He removed in 1830 from Madison Co., N. Y., to Hume, Allegany Co., N. Y. He died May 28, 1863. She died Dec. 27, 1889. Children : 724081. Arvilla. Born March 15, 1823. Married, Sept. 20, 1845, John Slater. He died in 1885 at Titusville. Pa. 7240S2. Fanny. Born March 26, 1825. Married, April 28, 1841, Ar- lington Meach. He died Jan. 6, 1854. 724083. Hiram. Born Nov. 22, 1829. Married, May 22, 1849, Julia Vreeland. 724084. Sarah A, Born Jan. 6, 1832. Married, July 4, 1857, Simeon Short. 724085. Merritt. Born Aug. 11, 1834. Married Hannah Vreeland. 724086. Joseph. Born July 31, 1837. Married Sarah Vreeland. 724087. Henry Eber. Born Feb. 2, 1840. Unmarried. 724088. Ira. Born June 23, 1842. Married Mary Elmer of Hume. 1586 History of the Ayres Family. 724100. Enos Aver. (Peter*, Joseph^ Timothy\ Joseplv, John^ John'.) 710167. He was born April 5, 1798. He married, Nov. 20, 1829, Hannah Guile of Hoosic, N. Y. She was born July 22, 1803. Children : 724101. Eunice. Born June 18, 1S31. Married James Harris. 756100. 724102. Joseph. Born Aug. 19, 1S32. 756200. 724120. Henry H. Aver. (Peter*, Joseph^, Timothy^ Joseph', John'', John'.) 710168. He was born May 9, 1800. He married (ist), Nov. 8, 1826, Mary Kingsbury (daughter of Allen and Betsey Kingsbury). He married C2nd), March i, 1832, Elmina Hine. He died March i, 187 1, at Bloom, 111. Elmina Hine died July 7, 1876, at Crete, 111. Children : 724121. Mary E. Born Jan. 28, 1833. Married Jacob Bovvder. 756400. 724122. Elmina T. Born Aug. 7, 1834. Married an Alexander. She died in Jan., 1899. 724123. Harriet A. Born Jan. 7, 1839. Married Alfred Gale. 456420. 724124. William Henry Harrison. Born Jan. 7, 1841. 756430. 724125. Idelia. Born June 16, 1844. Died July 29, 1844. 724126. Isaac. Born June 16, 1846. Died Aug. 6, 1846. 724127. Oliver E. Born June 13, 1850. Died Sept. 20, 1S54. 7241 28. Rhoda E. Born May 28, 1852. 724129. George W. Born May 30, 1854. 724130. Celestia E. Born March 12, 1856. Died Oct. 5, 1856. 724131. Emma Josephine. Born April 30, 1858. Married ( 1st), August Berger. 756600. Married (2nd), Jacob Berger. 756620. 724140. Joseph W. Slocum. He was born Dec. 20, 1800, in Rhode Island. He married, Dec. 21, 1825, at Nelson, N. Y., Mary Ayer. 71 01 69. Residence, Nelson, now Erieville, N. Y. Children : 724141. Oliver M. Born May 20, 1828. Private Co. K., 114th Regt. N. Y. Vols. Died March 19, 18S7. 724142. Sally M. Born Jan. 9, 1830. Died June 11, 1845. 724143. Mary. Died Nov. 22, 1836. 724144. Joseph. Died Aug. 18, 1891. Seventh Generation. 1587 724200. Othneil Gager, Jr. He was born in 1794. ^^ married, Oct. 12, 1820, Freelove Ayer. 710182. He died June 15, 1889. She died Dec. 17, 1825. Residence, Norwich, Conn. Children : 724201. Rebekah Rudd. Born April 15, 1822. Died Feb. 8, 1839. 724202. Oliver Aj-er. Born Dec. 19, 1S24. 756800. 724203. John. Born Dec. 4, 1825. Died March 29, 1826. 724220. Zaccheus Waldo, Jr. He married Charlotte Ayer. 710183. Residence, Scotland, Conn. Children : 724221. Catharine. 724222. Charlotte. 724223. Roger. 724224. Lucretia. Married William Ladd of Sprague. Both died. No children. 724240. Joseph Bailey Ayer. (Bailey*, Joseph^, Timothy", Joseph^ John% John'.) 710184. He was born Feb. 16, 1802. He married, May 19, 1828, Dolly W. Hartshorn. She was born in 1803. He died Aug. 12, i860. She died Dec. 16, 1890. Children : 724241. Julia S. Born Nov. 28, 1829. Married Bronk Verplanck. 757000. 724242. Edwin Eugene. Born Nov. 12, 1832. 757020. 724243. Sarah Elizabeth. Born June 28, 1836. Unmarried. Died July 23, 1867. 724260. Austin Ayer. (BaiIey^ Joseph^, Timothy", Joseph^ John", John'.) 710185. He was born Oct. 5, 1805. He married, April 21, 1829, Ruby Frink (daughter of Darius and Ruby Frink). She was born July 25, 1810. He died Sept. 17, 1849. She died May 17, 1897. Children : 724261. Darius Bailey. Born Oct. 10, 1832. 757200. 724262. Cyrus Austin. Born March 29, 1835 or 6, at Franklin, Conn. Unmarried. Died there Oct. 20, 1901. 724280. George Sumner Hartshorn. (EU Hartshorn and Elizabeth Sumner.) He was born Sept. 8, 1798. He married, April 1588 History of the Ayres Family. 23, 1829, Mary Ayer. 710186. She died Sept. 30, 1839. Resi- dence, Franklin, Conn. Children : 724281. Samuel George. Born Nov. 25, 1S30. Married, Feb. 13, 1862, A. Blacknian. Residence, Franklin, Conn. 7242S2. Mary Jane. Born July 30, 1833. Married John M. Whiton. 757400. 724300. Jonathan Ayer. (SaniueP, Samuel^ Simon-*, Sam- uel, Peter', Jolm'.) 71 1003. He was born Aug. 20, 1797. He married Mary McConnell. Children : 724301. Nancy. 724302. vSamuel. 724303. Almira. 724304. Loren. 724305. Louella. 724306. Orange. 724520. Samuel Ayer. (Hezekiah*^, Samuel^, Simon", SamueP, Peter-, John'.) 71 1022. He married. Children : 724521. George. Died. 724522. Diana. Married a Smith. 724523. Cynthia. Married a Sias. She died. 724524. Achsah. Married a Flint. 724525. Augusta. Married a Brown. 724526. Martha. Married a Clifford. 724560. Ball. He married Sarah Ayer. 71 1023. Children : 724561. Sarah. Married a Franklin. 724562. Elizabeth. Married a Jackson. 724563. Mary. 724580. Lynden Ayer. (Hezekiah", SamueP, Simon", Sam- uel, Peters John'.) 71 1024. He was born April 11, 1794. He married, in Nov., 1818, Derexce Stearnes. She was born June 26, 1799. He died July 15, 1872. She died Oct. 26, 1870. Seventh Generation. 1589 Children 724581. Candace. Born Dec. 3, 1820. Married Charles Ingalls. 758000. 724582. Willard G. Born May 21, 1S24. 75S020. 724583. Lewis H. Born Jan. 2, 1828. Died Jan. 3, 1834. 724584. Henry M. Born Nov. 14, 1830. 758040. 724585. Mary E. Born Sept. 13, 1834. Married Charles Ingalls. 758000. 724600. George Aver. (Hezekiah*, Samuel-% Simon\ Sam- uel, Peter-, John'.) 711025. He married. Child : • 724601. Horace W. 7580S0. 724620. Elkanah Cobb. He married Achsah Ayer. 711026. She died July 28, 1868. Children : 724621. Charles. Married Elvira Bartlett. No children. Died. 724622. Martha. Died. 724660. Simeon Aver. (Hezekiah*, Samuel^ Simon^ SamueP. Peter-, John'.) 711027. He married. Children : 724661. Samuel. Married Hannah Eastman. He died. 724662. Hial. Married Eva Green. He died. 724800. Willard Aver. (Thomas*, Samuel^, Simon'', Samuel^, Peter-, John'.) 711041. He was born in 1799. He married Mary Wells. He died Dec. 22, 1861. Children : 724801. Margaret. 724802. Philura. Married an Osgood. 724803. Wright. 724804. Thomas. Died. 724805. Amoret. 724806. Jane. 724807. Evelin. Married Homer G. Ayer. 724844. 724820. Gardner M. Ayer. (Thomas^ Samuel', Simon-*, SamueP, Peter', John'.) 71 1043. He was born Oct. 16, 1808. He married (ist), Matilda Lamphies. She was born in 181 1. She died April II, 1843. He married (2nd), Rosina Davis, by whom he had James and Susie. He died Dec. 10, 1879, I590 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 724821. Thaddeus E. Born in 1S35. 724822. William L. Born April 7, 1837. Died Aug. 28, 1873. 724823. Rufus. Born about 1842. Married. They had two sons and three daughters. 724824. James. 758300. 724825. Susie. Married a Lincoln. 724840. Carlton Aver. (Thomas^ Samuel^ Simon\ Samuel^ Peter^ John'.) 71 1044. He married Catherine Brown. Children : 724S41. Helen. Born in 1839. Married a Davis. She died. 724842. Edgar C. Born vSept. 28, 1841. Unmarried. Died Oct. 6, 1880. 724843. Cordelia. Born Jan. i, 1845. 'Married Charles Becket. No children. She died. 724844. Homer G. Born April 20, 1847. Married Evelin Ayer. 724807. 724860. Wilder Aver. (Thomas^ Samuel^, Simon^ SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 711045. He was born in i8ig. He married Mary Gage. He died Jan. i, 185 i. Children : 724861. Lewis. 724862. George W. 724863. Missouri. Married a Mason. 724864. Celestia. Born in 1S44. Died Sept. 6, 1862. 725000. Warren Ayer. (William^ Samuel^, Simon^ Samuel^ Peter=, John'.) 711081. He was born Jan. 30, 1801. He married Lucinda Boynton. He died Sept. 27, 1877. Children : 725001. Martha. Born Oct. 11, 1831. Married a Morse. She died July 10, 1S92. 725002. Carlos. Born March 27, 1835. 758500. 725003. George. Born Jan. 22, 1837. 758520. 725004. L}'man. Born Jan. 7, 1839. 758540. 725005. Lynden. Born Jan. i, 184 1. Unmarried. 725006. Gardner. Born Jan. 17, 1852. 725007. Miranda. Died. 725020. Alvan Bacon Ayer. (Aaron*, Timothy^, Ebenezer\. SamiieP, Peter% John'.) 710801. He married. Residence, Lowell, Mass. Child : 72502:. Charles Merrill. Born Nov. 28, 1846. 757500. Seventh Generation. 1591 725040. Frederick Ayer. (William*, Samuel^, Simoir', Sam- uel^ Peter^ John'.) 71 1083. He was born Nov. 7, 1803. He mar- ried Mary Eaton. Children : 725041. Lucius. Killed May 9, 1862, in Civil War. 725042. Louisa. Married an Humphrey. Residence, Waterloo, Iowa. 726000. Maj. Josiah Grout. (Theophilus Grout, Elijah Grout, Commissary in Rev War, descendant of Dr. John Grout who came from England and settled at Watertown, Mass., 1630.) He was born at Kirby, Vt. He returned to Kirby, Vt., in 1848 from Canada where he had resided temporarily. He married Sophronia' Ayer. 711101. Major in War of 1812. She died Sept. 3, 1859. Children : 726001. Josiah, 759000. 726002. George. Residence, 1883, Derby, Vt. 726003. William Wallace. Born May 24, 1836. 759050. 726004. Daughter. Married Charles H. Dwinell. Residence, 1883, Barton, Vt. 726005. Victoria. Residence, 1883, Barton, Vt. 726006. Daughter. Married Capt. Ford of Kirby, Vt. 726007. James A. Residence, 1883, Kirby, Vt. 726008. Theophilus. 759100. 726020. Carlos Ayer. (Carlton*, Samuel^, Simon'', SamueP, Peter", John'.) 711103. He was born March 13, 18 13, at St. Johns- bury, Vt. He married (ist), Christina C. Albee ; (2nd), in Nov., 1847, Arthusa A. Hibbard. He died March 2, 1868, at Somerville, Mass. Children : 726021. Ellen Sophia. Born March 17, 1845. Married E. K. Goodall. She is a widow. Residence, Brattleboro, Vt. 726022. Christina C. Born Feb. 14, 1847. Died Jan., 1 851. 726023. William H. Born Sept. 14, 1S48. Died Jan., 1851. 726024. Arthusa A. Born Dec. 20, 1849. Died Jan., 1851. 726025. Mary Olive. Born Jan. 17, 1854. Married Dr. Howard J. Lee. Residence, Cleveland, Ohio. 726026. Frederic Wheeler. Born Jan. 15, 1857. Died Sept., 1896, at Denver, Col. 759300. 726027. Silas Hibbard. Born Jan. 15, 1861. 759320. 726028. Charles Carlton. Born Nov. 5, 1866. Professor of Languages in Colorado University. Residence, Boulder, Col. 1592 History of the Ayres Family. 726100. Schuyler Glidden. He married Tirzah Ayer. 71 1 104. Children : 726101. Carlos. 726102. Sophia. Married a Williams. 726103. Ellen. Married a Wilder. 726140. Charles Farnsworth. He married Roxilana Ayer. 711106. Child : 726141. Amelia. Married a Hitchcock. She died. 726180. Dan Jerome Ayer. (Carlton^ Samuel=, Simon^ Sam- ueP, Peter^ John'.) 711 108. He was born Oct. 11 (o. 13), 1831. He married (2nd), a Bellom, by whom he had Anne, Allen and Willie. Residence, Moes River, Province of Quebec, Canada. Children : 726I8I. George. 726182. Minnie. 726183. Anne. Married John Cowan 726IS4. Allen. 726185. Willie. 727000. Simon Ayer. (John^ Simon^, Simon-*, SamueP, Peter-, John'.) 7 1 1505. He was born Feb. 19, 1799. He married, March 9, 1826, Sarah Chesley of Danville, Vt. She was born Dec. 10, 1804. He died May 16, 1883. She died Sept. 18, 1883. Residence, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Children : 727001. Jnlia A. Born Dec. 10, 1826. Married, Jan. 10, 1S52, Edson Brown. She died June 3, 1875. 727002. Loretta S. Born June S, 1828. Married, April 4. 1S50, Francis W. Sanger. 727003. Simon. Born Oct. 27, 1830. Died Sept. iS, 1862. 727004. Susan M. Born April 29, 1833. Married, in 1863, Lewis Rob- ertson. She died Oct. 12, 1870. 727005. John V. B. Born March 28, 1S35. Married, Sept. 25, 1869, Louise A. Aldrich. He died July 17, 1887. 727006. Malvina M. Born Dec. 5, 1S37. Died Feb. 15, 1840. 727007. Viola A. Born March 9, 1841. Married Sept. 20, 1859. Died Sept. 7, 1888. Seventh Generation. 1593 727020. Hiram Ayer. (John*^, Simony Simorr', SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 7 1 1506. He was born May 9, 1801. He married (ist), Ian. 14. 1823, Achsah E. Leach. She was born Sept. 19, 1800. She died Aug. 26, 1S40. He married (2nd), Sept. 25, 1843, ^^a Drew. She was born Nov. 26, 1805. She died Nov. 12, 1885. He died Jan. 22, 1888. Residence, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Children : 727021. Maria B. Born Oct. 2, 1823. Married, Oct. 3, 1S49, ^^'- T. Houghton. 727022. Miranda M. Born Aug. 21, 1825. Married, Jan. 6, 1S50, Josiah Ward. He died Sept. 17, 1893. 727023 Son. Born Aug. 29, 1828. Died Aug. 29, 182S. 727024. Rosetta. Born Nov. 24, 1829. Married, March 9, 1S4S. Abel A. Pierce. She died June 28, 1S76. 727025. Jane L. Born Sept. 4, 1831. Married, July 18, 1 85 5, George R. Drew. 727026. Katie W. Born Aug. 22, 1834. Married, Oct. 20, 1869, S. C. Stevens. 727027. Achsah. Born Dec. 11, 1838. Married Rev. H. \V. Worthen. 727040. Nathan Ayer. (John*^, Simon^, Simon-*, SamueP, Peter", John'.) 196930. 711507. He was born Feb. 11, 1805. He married, March 6, 1832, Pliila AnnHallettof St. Johnsbury, Vt. She was born July 19, 1813, at Westminster, Vt. He died Sept. 10, 1895, at Concord, N. H. She died Oct. 8, 1893, at Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Children : 727041. Franklin Deming. Born Dec. 19, 1832. 196950. 7595oo. 727042. Caroline Hallett. Born Aug. 21, 1843. Married Dr. Benne- ville Keim Ludwig. 759520. 727900. Clark: Lawrence. He married, in 1833, Eliza Jack- man. 711864. He died in 18S7. She died Nov. 26, 1889. Resi- dence, Frost Valley, C. E. Children : 727901. Harriet Annette. Born in 1836. Married (ist), Gerrish Wad- ley; (2nd), Asa Fenton. Residence, Morley, X. Y. 727902. Lucretia Eliza. Born in 1S37. Died in 1856. 727903. Maria J. Born in 1S39. Married, in 1867, Franklin Tanner. Residence, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 1594 History of the Ayres Family. 727904. Lavina E. Born in 1842. Married, in 18S4, Charles Foster. Residence, Canton, N. Y. 727905. Mary Ayer. Born in 1846. Married, in 18S7, Alexander Reed Powell. Residence, Canton, N. Y. 728000. Elman Jackman. (Humphrey.) 71 1866. He was born Feb. 21, 1814. He married, Jtme 30, 1853, Janet Rowell. He died May i, 1894. Children : 728001. Daniel Webster. Born May 28, 1854. 728002. Mary Ayer. Born July 12, 1856. 728003. Orvis Harrison. Born Dec. 25, 1858. 759700. 728020. Andrew A. Rublee. He was born in 1817. He married, in 1844, Clarissa Jackman. 71 1867. He died in 1872. She died in Jan., 1890. Residence, Plattsburg, N. Y. Children : 728021. Louisa. Born in 1S45. Died in 1847. 728022. Andrew H. Born in 1848. 759800. 728023. Louisa D. Born in 1853. Married Daniel A. Harvey. He was born in 1846. He died in 1900. She died in 1893. 728024. Sarah. Born in 1856. Died in 1875. 728025. Alfred A. Born in 1859. 759820. 728040. Humphrey Jackman. (Humphrey.) 71 1868. He was born Dec. 11, 1818. He married (ist), Sept. 14, 1846; (2nd), Sept. 14, 1850. He died March 23, 1901. Children : 728041. Mary. Born Oct. 12, 1851. Married, Aug. 26, 1872, a Stimp- son. She died March 14, 1877. 728042. Harriet. Born in 1853. Died in 1865. 728043. William. Born Dec. 24, 1856. 759860. 728044. Lucia. Born Nov. 12, i860. Married William Honey. 759900. 728060. Joseph Albert Whitney. He was born July 18, 1825. He married, July 22, 1850, at St. Pierre, Lovina H. Jackman. 711871. He died Feb. 9, 1806. Children : 728061. Joseph Albert. Born Oct. 15, 1851. Died Nov. 27, 1851. 728062. Agnes Maria. Born Dec. 30, 1852. Married Charles John Gale. 759930. 728063. Joseph. Born June 2, 1855. Seventh Generation. 1595 728064. Robert. Born March 17, 1857. 759950. 728065. Mary A^-er. Born April 3, 1859. Unmarried. 72S066. Clara Elizabeth. Born June 26, 1862. Married Sheldon Wells. 7599S0. 728067. Alberta. Born June 12, 1866. Unmarried. 729000. Leonard Ayer. (James*, William^, Simon'', SamueP, Peter, John'.) 711901. He was born Oct. 3, 1811. He married. Oct. 10, 1832, Martha Blood of Fisherfield, N. H. He died Dec. 26, 1877, in Beloit. Iowa. She died Sept. i, 1857. Residence, West Cambridge, Mass. Children : 729001. Leonard Barnard. Born March 30, 1835. 760000. 729002. Charles A. Born Aug. 14, 1839. 760040. 729003. Harriet M. Born Oct. 27, 1843. Married James E. Boornian. 760080. 729004. Luc}^ M. Born Nov. 11, 1846. Married John S. Hutchins. 760100. 729005. Juliana L. Born Aug. 21, 1849. Married Allen R. Palmer. 760120. 729020. Hazen Ayer, (James*, William^, Simon'*, SamueP, Peter% John'.) 71 1902. He was born June 5, 1813. He married, Jan. 10, 1838, (daughter of Isaac Proctor, William and Mary Proc- tor). She died June i, 1899, at Putney, Vt. Children : 729021. Lucy. Born Jan. 26, 1839, at \Va.shington, N. H. Married Moses C. Ingalls. 760200. 729022. Eldora G. Born July i, 1850, at Washington, N. H. Died April 10, 1866, at Putney, Vt. 729180. Cyrus Ayer. (James*, William^, Simon-*, SamueP, Peter-, John'.) 711910. He was born Dec. 20, 1829. He married (ist), Almira Harnden. She was born May 2, 1832. She died in Feb., 1865. He married (2nd), Martha M. Patterson. She was born Jan. 22, 1836, at Henniker, N. H. She died April 17, 1898. Children : 729181. Albert H. Born Nov. 5, 1855, at Reading, Mass. 760400. 729182. John Alvin. Born May 26, i86r, at Bradford, N. H. 760460. 729183. Cora Belle. Born Nov. 12, 1870, at Putney, Vt. Married Francis E. Flint. 760480. 729184. Alfred Stuart. Born May 17, 1877, at Hartlandt, Vt. Unmar- ried. Residence, 1900, Sutter City, Cal. 1596 History of the Ayres Family. 730000. Daniel Farnsworth. He married, Aug. 9, 1849, Mary Ayer. 71 1922. She died March 2, 1894. Residence, Wash- ington, N. H. Children : 730001. Lucy M. Born April 14, 1851. Died March 3, 1S54. 730002. Addie. Born March ri, 1853. 730003. Verona. Born May 4, 1854. 730040. Otis G. Watkins. He was born Dec. 31, 181 7, at Chester, Vt. He married, April 6, 1847, Louisa Ayer. 71 1923. He removed in 1850 from Springfield, Vt., to Baraboo, Wis. She died Dec. 26, 1899. Children : 730041. George RoyaL Born Jan. 13, 1848. 761000. 730042. ' Albert E. Born Aug. 17, 1849. 761040. 730043. Eliza Ann. Married Isaac Shultz. 761080. 730044. Olon Ayer. Born March 27, 1853. 730045. Lucy V. Born March 19, 1854. Married Henry C. Douglas. 761100. 730046. Mary Eldora. Born Jan. 24, 1856. Married Orrin A. Getchell. 761 120. 730047. Orrick W. Born Feb. 2, i860. Died Aug. 3, 1S60. 730048. Otis G. Born Feb. 2, i860. 730C149. Emma. Born Nov. 18, 1861. 730100. William Proctor Ayer. (Moses^ William^, Simon-*, Samuel', Peter^ John'.) 71 1925. He was born Dec. 27, 18 18. He married, Feb. 25, 1867, Elizabeth S. Johnson (daughter of Samuel and Electa Johnson). She was born June 23, 1830. Residence, Putney, Vt. Children : 730101. Andrew J. Born Dec. 14, 1867. 730102. William E. 730103. Wayland S. 730140. Erastus Y. C0R.SER. (Josiah Corser and Prudence Heath.) He was born Jan. 26, 1812. He "married, Aug. 14, 1850, Nancy Ayer. 71 1926. She died Sept. 24, 1854. Residence, Springfield, Vt. Child : 730141. Maria N. Born Oct. 10, 1851. Married Nelson W. Stevens. 760600. Seventh Generation. 1597 730180. Royal Ayer. (Moses*, William^, Simon^ Samuel^ Peter", John'.) 71 1928. He was born March 27, 1824. He married,, Nov. 9, 1848, Mary J. Jackson (daughter of Luther and Sally Jack- son of South Weymouth, Mass.). She was born Oct. 6, 1826. He removed in 1855 to Baraboo, Wis. Soldier, Co. E., 49th Regt. Wis. Vols. Enlisted Feb. 7, 1865. Honorably discharged Nov. 14, 1865. He died June 25, i8gi. Residence, Baraboo, Wis. Children : 730181. Lucy Amelia. Born Oct. 13, 1849. Died Jan. 22, 1863, at Fairfield, Wis. 730182. Abby E. Born May 4, 1852, at Rockingham, Vt. Married, Jan. I, 1879, Elwyn D. Kidder. 760680. 730183. Carrie F. Born Jan. 30, 1857, at Fairfield, Wis. Married Ed- ward R. Thomas. 760700. 730184. Ella Vesta. Born May 19, 1859, at Fairfield. 730185. Charles Jackson. Born Nov. 23, 1861, at Fairfield. 730200. Rev. George W. Barnes. He married, Nov. 19, 185 1, Martha M. Ayer. 711929. Minister. He removed in 1854 to Baraboo, Wis. He died Sept. 14, 1879. Child : 730201. George W. Born Feb. 20, 1862. Unmarried. Residence, 1899, Baraboo, Wis. 730240. William R. Glover. He married, April 23, 1853, Abby Ann Ayer. 711932, He died Feb. 3, 1899. She resides at Baraboo, Wis. Children : 730241. Ira Frank. Born Aug. 30, 1854. Unmarried. 730242. Janet. Born Sept. 26, 1859, ^t Greenfield, Wis. Died Sept. 10, 1864. 730260. Erastus Y. Corser. He married, June 21, 1855,. Lucy Ayer. 71 1933. He died Oct. 25, 1895, at Putney, Vt. Children : 730261. Frank E. Born March 31, 1857. at Chester, Vt. Died June 20, 1862. 730262. Alfred. Born Jan. 29, 1861. Died Dec. 22, 1861, at Rocking- ham, Vt. 1598 History of the Ayres Family. 730263. Adalbert M. Born June 30, 1863. Married, March 25, 1S90, Minnie E. Sleeper. 730264. George E. Born July 8, 1865. 761200. 730265. Mary E. Born July 5, 1868, at Dummerton, Vt. Married Charles L. Thwing. 761220. 730266. Etta C. Born May 17, 1S73. Married, Junes, 1895. Edward H. Tomb. 731000. Hubbard N. Nichols. (Benjamin.) 71 1963. He married, April 2, 1840, Mary R. Ayer. 71 1983. She died Jan. 8, 1899. He died Aug. 27, 1876. Children : 731001. Calista. Born April 12, 1841. Married, Aug. 24, 1861, Francis W. Smith of Bradford, N. H. 731002. Benjamin A. 'Born Sept. 8, 1842. Married, in July, 1867, Jane Dole, of Claremont, N. H. 731003. Henry H. Born April 21, 1S44. Married, July 25, 1868, Nancy M. Nichols. 731004. William D. Born Nov. 6, 1845. Married, Nov. 13, 1875, Emma Colburn. Teacher. Residence, Grantham, N. H. 731005. Mary A. Born March 21, 1847. Died Jan. 2, 1849. 731006. Soranus G. Born June 6, 1848. Died April 9, 1851. 731007. Charles N. Born May i, 1850. Married, in Nov., 1879, widow of Benjamin A. 731008. George. Born May 18, 1S52. Married, Jan. 9, 1882, Alice Ouimby of Unity, N. H. 731009. Frank. Born Aug. 22, 1854. Died April 14, 1855. 731010. Alilian. Born July 24, 1858. Married, June 14, 1881, John Colby. 731011. Nellie. Born April 3, i860. Married, Jan. 7, 1879, Daniel G. Bagley. 731012. Jefferson D. Born June 18, 1862. Married, Dec. 6, 1894, Annie Vincent. 731013. Silas D. Born Sept. 21, 1S65. Died March 30, 1871. 732000. John Ayer. (Benjamin*, William^, Simon", SamueP, Peter% John'.) 711981. He was born Nov. 5, 1819. He married, Nov. 30, 1843, Sally McCrillis. He died Jan. 5, 1900. Children : 732001. John McCrillis. 761400. 732002. Elverton S. Died at age of eleven years. 732003. Fernando J. Married Mrs. Jennette Postwood of S. Dakota. No children. Seventh Generation. 1599 732020. JosiAH P. Bly. He was born Dec. 22, 181 7. He married, Oct. 26, 1843, ^t Newbury, N. H., Hannah Ayer. 71 1982. She died March 17, 1845. Children : 73202r. Daughter. Born March ii, 1845. Died March 11, 1845. 732022. Josiah Frank. Born Feb. 21, 1846. Died Oct. 26, 1857. 732023. Ann Carohne. Born Sept. 26, 1S47. Died June 4, 1852. 732024. WilUam Henr}-. Born June i, 1851. Died Aug. 30, 1863. 732025. John Peabody. Born July 7, 1857. Died Aug. 27, 1863. 732026. Mary Adelaide. Married Wesley E. Cilley. 761480. 732100. Henry F. Stowell. He was born May 14, 1826, at Lempster. He married, Feb. 20, 1850, Henrietta Ayer. 71 1986. She died May 31, 1897. Children : 732101. Benjamin F. Born Sept. 5, 1851, at Claremont. 732102. Elgin W. Born March 26, 1854. 732103. Annie G. Born Nov. 3, 1864. 732200. BenjaiMin Franklin Ayer. Benjamin", William^, Simon'*, SamueP, Peter^, John'.) 71 1992. He was born Sept. 22, 1835. He married Susan V. Bailey. He died Oct. 8, 1884, in South Dakota. Children : 732201. Ada Isadore. Born Nov. 2, 1857, at Claremont. 732202. Daniel Ellsworth. Born Nov. 28, 1862. 761700. 732203. George Arthur. Born Aug. 11, 1865. Residence, Oliver St., Boston. 732204. Duncan I. Born in 1S70. Died in eight months. 732205. Frederick Bowden. Born Oct. 27, 1874, at Unity, N. H. Mar- ried, June 15, 1S99, .\gnes Louise Goddard of Ashtabula, Ohio. 732206. Ethel Louise. Born June 9, 1878, at Lenity, N. H. 732220. EzEKiEL F. Barnard. He married, Nov. 26, 1859, Sally Bowden Ayer. 71 1993. Residence, Newbury, N. H. Children : 732221. Maurice. Born June 2, 1863. 732222. Guy Weare. 732240. Addison Ayer. (Benjamin^ William^, Simon'', Sam- ueP, Peter^, John'.) 71 1994. He was born May 28, 1839. He married, Aug. 15, 1863, Sarah A. Barnard of Bradford, N. H. i6oo History of the Ayres Family. Children : 732241. Elton B. Born Aug. 5, 1S64, at Washington, N. H. 732242. Loren. Born Sept. 7, 1866, at Sutton. 732243. Annie. Born Aug. i, 1868. 732244. Sherman B. Born May 30, 1870. 732260. LaFayette Ayer. (Benjamin*, William^, Simon'', SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 71 1996. He was born Dec. i, 1844. He married, Oct. 14, 1889, Susan B. Chase of Hampton Falls, N. H. Children : 732261. Harold W. Born Oct. 29, 1890. 732262. Hazel F. Born Nov. 30, 1892. 732263. Alfred D. Born June 20, 1896. 733000. Andrew Washburn. He was born in 1784. He married Lucy Spencer. 7x2501. Residence, Chaplin, Windham Co., Conn. Child : 733001. Sally. Born in 1809. Married Walter Goodell. 762000. 734000. Uriah Ayer. (Timothy*, Joseph^, Timothy', Joseph^, John-, John'.) 548003. He was born Feb. ro, 1787. He married, March 24, 181 5, Sally (Emery) Goodrich (daughter of Richardson and Jane Emery, and widow of Valentine Goodrich). She was born March 31, 1796. He died Feb. 12, 1859. She died Jan. 17, 1869. Children: 734001. Amanda. Born Feb. 5, 1816. Died Nov. 19, 1842. 734002. Seba. Born June 20, 1817. Married David Johnson. She died May 26, 1895. 734003. Florinda. Born June 26, 1819. Married Orville Terry. She died Jan. 15, 1853. 734004. Elizabeth. Born Oct. 29, 1821. Married Oscar Huckson. 734005. Patty. Born June 6, 1824. Married Theodore Phillips. 734006. Lora. Born Feb. 11, 1826. Died Oct. 23, 1836. 734007. Darius. Born April 29, 1828. 762400. 734008. Joseph H. Born Aug. 3, 1831. 734100. Frederick Ayer. Timothy*, Joseph^, Timothy*, Jos- eph^, John^ John'.) 548006. He was born June 17, 1785. He married, Jan. i, 18 10, Lucy Toyer. She was born Sept. 12. He died May 8, 1848, at Williamsville, N. Y. Seventh Generation. i6oi Children 734101. Austin Hazen. Born May 1 1, 181 1. 762600. 734102. Sybil Eliza. Born Sept. 28, 181 2. Married Alanson Green. She died Jan. 6, 1S66, in Michigan. 734103. Lemira. Born June 13, 1815. Married Erastus Cook. She was killed in Ashtabula (Ohio) disaster, Dec. 29, 1876. 734104. Cynthia. Born March 31, 1817. Married Isaac Erb. She died March 5, 18S0, at Flint, Mich. 734105. Joseph Timothy. Born Feb. 3, 1819. Married, Nov. 23, 1842, Harriet C. Abbey of Williamsville, N. Y. No children. He died Nov. 30, 1871, in Mich. She resided, 1899, Browning, Linn Co., Mo. 734106. Florinda. Born .\ug. 15, 1821. Married Wiltshire Armstrong. She died in Mich. 734107. Lucy Margaret. Born Aug. 11, 1824. Married S. Lucius Bestow. She died April 22, 1900, at Chariton, Iowa. 73410S. Lovisa. Born June 12, 1828. Married, March 27, 1851, Thomp- son Hillman. 734120. Charles Ayer. (Timothy*, Joseph^, Timothy^ Jos- eph', John% John'.) 548007. He was born Feb. 10, 1787. He married, Sept. 14, 18 16, Anna Champlin (daughter of Charles and Mary Champlin). She was born in 1792 at Stonington, Conn. He died Dec. 2, 1879, ^^ VVaukarusa, Kan, Children : 734121. Charles Champlin. Born Aug. 14, 1817. 762800. 734122. Anna Louise. Born Aug. 9, 1819. Married Thaddeus Pren- tice. 762840. 734123. Mary Delight. Born Dec. 21, 1822. Unmarried. Residence, Willow Springs, Kan. 734124. Hannah Elizabeth. Born Sept. 29, 1825. 734125. Joanna Ladd. Born May 2, 1827. Married James H. Gleason. 762880. 734200. Joseph Hazen Ayer. (Timothy*, Jpseph^, Timothy", Joseph^ John^ John'.) 548010. He was born May 18, 1792. He married, June 2, i8ig, Seba Ladd. She was born Jan. 16, 1795, ^^ Norwich, Conn. He died Nov. 9, 1870, at Schuyler Falls, Clinton Co., N. Y. She died Oct. 11, 1874. Children : 734201. Flora. Born Jan. 16, 1S25. Married Stillman Prescott Rum- rill. 762920. 734202. Phebe. Born May 7,1832. Married Dr. Samuel Haynes. 762950. r6o2 History of the Ayres Family. 734220. John Noyes Champlain. He married Florinda Ayer. 548012. Children : 734221. Son. Residence, 1861, Windham, Conn. 734222. Florinda. Married Chester Marcus Ayer. 770040. 734223. Daughter. Married a Kellogg. Merchant. They had a son. Residence, Hartford, Conn. 735000. John Ayer. (John^ Pearley^, Peter-*, SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 554000. Children : 735001. Monroe. Married Hannah Proal. 735002. Loretta. Married a Foster. 735003- Washington. Married a W'illard. 735004. Adams. Married a Hinckley. 735100. James Ayer. (John^ Pearley\ Peter'', SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 549005. He was born Oct. 11, 1797, at Haverhill, Mass. He married, June 7, 1819, Sarah Bradley of Salem, N. H. She was born at Haverhill. He died Sept. 15, 1865. Children : 735101. Gorham P. 735102. Ira. 763200. 735103. James. 735104. Love Bradley. EIGHTH GENERATION. 750000. Nathan Wheeler Ayer. (William^ Nathan*, John^, John", John^, Thomas', John'.) 720005. He was born Jan. 21, 181 7. He married (ist). May 9, 1842, Joanna B. Wheeler (daughter of Phineas Wheeler of Lee, Mass.). She died Sept. 30, 185 1. He mar- ried (2nd), Dec. 27, 1854, Harriet A. Post (daughter of Stephen Post of Meredith, N. Y., formerly of Norwich, Conn.). She was a graduate of Troy Female Seminary. She died Nov. 22, 1874. He was graduated from Brown University in 1840 ; was admitted to the Bar in Berkshire Co., Mass., in 1852 or '53, and practiced law for a short time, but spent the greater portion of his life in the profession of teaching. He was principal of several academies (at Lansing- Eighth Generation. 1603 burgh, N. Y., Penn Yan, N. Y., Prattsburgh, N. Y., and other places) in which his wife Harriet assisted as Preceptress, and finally located in Philadelphia, Pa., where he conducted a private school for two years, and where, in connection with his son, F. W. Ayer, he founded in 1869 the firm of N. W, Ayer & Son. advertising agents. The same year he changed his private residence to Camden, N. J., where he died in 1873. Residence, Camden, N, J. Children : 750001. William Nathan. Born Feb. 3, 1843. Died Nov. 26, 1S46. 750002. Anna Florence. Born Feb. 2, 1845. Died Oct. 9, 1846. 750003. Francis Way land. Born Feb. 4, 1848. 780000. 750004. Mary. Born April 12, i860. Married Dr. E. L. B. Godfrey. 780020. 751000. Hon. Charles Kingsbury. (Sanford^ Joseph^, Jos- eph-", Joseph^, Henry-, Henry'.) 721001. He removed in 1790 to Derby, Vt. He married, Sept. 17, 1800, Persis Stewart (daughter of Gen. Stewart of Brattleboro, Vt.). Representative at an early date for three successive years and also in 1828, '29, '38 and '39. Town Treasurer, 1812-33. Justice of the Peace from the organization of the town until 1829. He died in 1843. Residence, Derby, Vt. Children : 751001. Mary Ann. Born in 1801. Married Levi Child. 780500. 751002. George. Born in 1S04. Removed to western part of Ga. 751003. Sanford. Born in 1805. Removed to western part of Ga. 751004. Lucius. Born in 1807. 7S0560. 751005. Eliza. Bom in 1809. Removed to western part of Ga. 751006. Charles. Born in 1812. Removed to western part of Ga. 751007. Persis. Born in 1813. Married Dr. Lewis Patch. No children. 751008. Emera. Born in 1815. 780600. 751009. Henry. Born in 1816. Removed to western part of Ga. 752000. Omar H. Aver. (Fredus^ Ebenezer*^, Joseph^ Timo- thy'', Joseph', John=, John'.) 722001. He was born Dec. 22, 1825. He married, March 7, 1852, Elizabeth H. Ayer. He removed in 1864 to Kansas. Children : 752001. Anna E. Born Jan. 12, 1853. Died Jan. 22, 1853, at Williams- ville, N. Y. 752002. Anna E. D. Born May 12, 1854. Married Alexander Hamil- ton Lathrop. 781000. i6o4 History of the Ayres Family. 752003. Estella J. Born Jan. 29, 1856. Married William Miller. 781020. 752004. Elroy. Born Feb. 21, 1858. 781060. 752005. Charles J. Born June 2, i860. Died Feb. 2, 1866, at Waku- rusa, Kan. 752006. Elma P. Born Dec. 22, 1864. 752007. Albertus W. Born Sept. 15, 1868. 7810S0. 752008. Eva V. Born March 6, 1871. 752020. OsBORN Ayer. (Fredus', Ebenezer*, Joseph^, Timo- thy'', Joseph^ John'', John'.) 722002. He was born Nov. 27, 1827. He married (2nd), June i, 1880, Roseltha Brink. He enUsted at SanFrancisco in Dec, 1862, in Co. L., 2nd Mass. Cavalry, California Battalion, Brigade commanded by Wesley Merritt. He was in thir- teen general engagements and about one hundred skirmishes. Among the most noted of the engagements was the battle of Winchester, Sept. 19, '64. Also a battle at Berry ville ; one at Opequon, Brandy Station, Fisher's Hill; first one Sept. 24; second Oct. 8, '64. At Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, was wounded to a disability. Was slightly wounded at Luray Valley, Va. Received his discharge from Wil- mington, Delaware, hospital in June, '65. Children : 752021. Herbert F. Born Jan. 13, 1871. Married Minnie Green. 752022. Wilbur. Born March 26, 1S73. Married, June 26, 1901, Caro- line L. Rector. Entered University of Kansas City, Mo., 1892. Sergeant, Co. H., 2nd Regt. U. S. Vols. Residence, 1902, Havanna, Cuba. 752023. Loulie. Born Dec. 21, 1874. 752024. Edna P. Born March 31, 1877. 752040. Pembroke Ayer. (Fredus'', Ebenezer*, Joseph^, Timo- thy**, Joseph^, John"", John'.) 722023. He was born April 23, 1830. He married Georgiana Hall. Children : 752041. Dora. Born Jan. 25, 1863. Married George Magnay, Esq. Lawyer. Residence, 1899, Omaha, Neb. 752042. Minnie. Born June 10, 1866. 752043. Myra V. Born Dec. 25, 1868. 752044. Bessie P. Born April 7, 1872. 752045. Leroy W. Born Nov. 10, 1873. Residence, Omaha, Neb. 752046. Bertha A. Born Jan. 9, 1S7-. Married Hoover, Esq. Lawyer. Residence, Papillion, Neb. 752047. Rena M. Born Sept. 23, 1878. Eighth Generation. 1605 752500. Jared B. Aver. (Isaac Tichenor', Ebenezer^ Josephs Timothy^ Joseph^, John% John'.) 722024. He was born Feb. 10, 1843. He married Sadie Smith. Residence, Omaha, Neb. Children : 752501. Bertie. 752502. Sadie. 753000. Henry Samuel Phelps, fjohn^ Elijah'.) 723005. He was born Sept. 16, i8ig. He married, June 29, 1854, in Tenn., Mary Austin. She was born Nov. 18, 1823, in Homer, N. Y. He died May 16, 1891. Residence, Morrisville, N. Y. Children : 753001. Susannah Stuart. Born Dec. 26, 1857. Graduated at Cornell University, Ph.B., 1880. Married Prof. Simon Henry Gage. 7S2000. 753002. Henry Samuel. Born Nov. 7, 1859. Student in Cornell Uni- versity, 1880-1. Unmarried. Died May 13, 1886. 753040. Warren Cone. He married, Jan. 8, 1844, Charlotte Anne Phelps. 723007. Soldier, 67th Regt. Ohio Vols. He died in 1862 at Alexandria, Va. She died June 10, 1850. Children : 753041. Melissa .\delaide. Born May 13, 1846. 753042. Lucy Maria. Born June 12, 1847. 753043- Mary Charlotte. Born June 28, 1849. 753500. Russell Smith Ayer. (Perley^ NathanieP, Joseph^, Timothy\ Joseph^, John", John'.) 723021. He was born Aug. 2, 1813. He married, Dec. 10, 1843, Wealthy A. Blackman of Sheshe- quin. Pa. He died April 6, 1888. at Elgin, Illinois. Children : 753501. Lora V. Born May 28, 1845. Married John F. Heim. 782400. 753502. Mary A. Born Dec. 8, 1846. Married Fred A. Rich. 782420. 753503- Eunice E. Born Dec. 5, 1847. Married, Nov. 7, 1878, Fred H. Corthel. 782440. 753504. George Franklin. Born June 25, 1853. Died Sept. 18, 1854. 753505- Edna Jeanette. Born March 29, 1S55. Married ( ist), Aug. 31, 1882, Alvin B. Crawford of Elgin, 111. No children. Married (2nd), Aug. II, 1897, Charles H. Curtis. i6o6 History of the Ayres Family. 753520. Francis S. Aver. (Perley^ Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Timothy-', Joseph^, John-, John'.) 723022. He was born May t2, 18 18. He married, Nov. 20, 1839, Sarah A. Tuttle. He died Oct. 8, 1897, at Sheshequin, Pa. Child : 753521. Oscar Francis. Born Aug. 11, 1S40. 7S2600. 753540. Charles A. Aver. (Perley", Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Timothy-*, Joseph^, John^ John'.) 723024. He was born Feb. 9, 1826. He married Betsey Potter. He died in Sept., 1898, in Nebraska. Children : 753541.. Frank. 753542. Lovisa. 754000. Hartshorn Samuel Ayer. (Samuel Hartshorn", Nathaniel*, Joseph^, Timothy-", Joseph^, John^ John'.) 723081. He was born March 28, 1828. He married (ist), in Feb., 185 1, Lorana Fulkerson. No children. She died May 3, 1869. He married (2nd), Sept. 27, 1872, Mrs. Mary P. Button. They had one son. She died March 18, 1874. He married (3rd), June 3, 1875, Ellen M. Cady. They had three children. Residence, 1900, Columbus, Warren Co., Pa. Children : 754001. Son. Born and died Mareh 18, 1874. 754002. Ruth Eliza. Married Edwin R. Allen. She died two years after marriage. Child : Alice M. Born Oct. 5, 1897. 754003. Martha R. 754004. Anna Lovisa. 754020. Orville J. Clark. He married, July 10, 1856, Edna Lovina Ayer. 723082, He died in June, 1898. She died Jan. i, 1898. Residence, Ripon, Wis. Children : 754021. Alice Jennie. Born May 8, 1857. Married, May 8, 1S89, Ed- ward H. Wilson. She died March 20, 1891. 754022. Dr. Miles Hartshorn. Phj-sician. Married, Nov. 6. 1889, Winfred M. Sebring. Child : Ralph Sebring. Born June 8, 1S95. Residence, Milwaukee, Wis. Eighth Generation. 1607 754040. Thomas Damon Aver. (Samuel Hartshorn", Nathan- iel, Joseph^, Timothy-*, Joseph^, John^ John'.) 723083. He was born Feb. 7, 1836. He married (ist), in March, 1856, Arline Curtis. They had one child. He married (2nd), Sept. 16, 1865, Emma Beecher. They had one child. Residence, Clymer, N. Y. Children : 754041. Edna. Married Hugh Given. Residence, Elgin, 111. 754042. Arlie. Student in Ripon College, 1898. Residence, Wisconsin. 755000. Anson Ayer. (Eber^, Peter^ Joseph", Timothy*, Jos- eph^ John=, John'.) 724001. He was born May t,o, 1808. He married (ist), Dec. 25, 1837, Esther Colegrove. She died Dec. 12, 1858. He married (2nd), Jan. 8, 1861, Fanny Parsons. He died March 17, 1896. She died Feb. 23, 1891, Children : 755001. Mary B. Born March 17, 1840. Married Charles B. Church. 783000. 755002. Henry D. Born April 16, 1842. Private, 140th Rcgt. N. Y. Vols. Killed June 14, 1863, at Port Hudson, La. 755040. Abijah N. Annas. He married. May 9, 1836, Pru- dence Ayer. 724002. She died Dec. 7, 1883. Residence, DeRuy- ter, Madison Co., N. Y. Children : 755041. Lucy Jane. Born March i, 1841. Married, Feb. 25, 1862, George W. Blodgett. She died Feb. 22, 1893. 755042. Henry Norton. Born April 4, 1843. Died March 9, 1844. 755043. Cornelia L. Born June 3, 1845. Married Percy D. Lewis. 755044. George F. Born Nov. 22, 1846. Married Alice E. Crandall. 755045- Judson A. Born Aug. 10, 1851. Married Ida Johnson. 755080. George W. Ayer. (Eber", Peter^ Joseph^, Timothy*, Joseph^, John^ John'.) 724006. He was born Nov. 19, 1825, at Nelson, N. Y. He married Henrietta Norton. She was born Aug. 10, 1 84 1, at Truxton, Cortland Co., N. Y. Residence, DeRuyter, N. Y. Children : 755081. George Eber.- Born Dec. 30, i860. 783500. 755082. Anna E. Born March 23, 1862. Married Henry Blickhalm. 783540. 7550S3. Emory V. Born July 30, 1864. Died Aug. 8, 1893. 755084. Edward N. Born Aug. 14, 1869. Died Feb. 22, 1S92, at La i6o8 History of the Ayres Family. Junta, Colorado. Residence, Anoka, Minn. 755085. Sarah Louella. Born July 2, 1872. Died Oct. 2, 1S72. Resi- dence, Anoka, Minn. 755086. John Clark. Born May 19, 1874. Residence, Anoka, Minn. 755087- Ellen Henrietta. Born March 16, i8Sr. Residence, Medicine Lodge, Kan. 756000. William James Aver. (Joseph^ Peter^ Joseph^ Timothy-*, Joseph^ John^ John'.) 724043. He was born April 19, 1811. He married fist), Jan. 30, 1840, Elizabeth Gooch ; (2nd), Luvanlia Mead. He died Nov. 25, 1865. Residence, DeRuyter, N. Y. Children : 756001. Eveline Amelia. Born Jan. 8, 1841. Married Oscar Merriam. 783700. 756002. Ann Jenette. Born June 11, 1844. Married William Colwell. 783740. 756003. Frederick W. Born Feb. 21, 1848. Died Sept. 28, 1849. 756004. William Thomas. Born Feb. 19, 1851. Died March 13, 1852. 756005. Elizabeth. Born June 2, 1853. Married, July 19, 1 888, Albert M. Waterbury. 783760. 756006. William K. Residence, Cazenovia, N. Y. 756007. Frederick H. Residence, Chicago Heights, 111. ' 756100. James Harris. He married Eunice Ayer. 724101. Residence, DeRuyter, N. Y. Child : 756101. Henry. Born in Nov., 1858. Married Eva Allen. 756200. Joseph Aver. (Enos^ Peter", Joseph^ Timothy\ Jos- eph^ John-, John'.) 724102. He was born Aug. 19, 1832. He married, in May, 1859, Minerva Wescott. Residence, Erieville, N. Y. Child : 756201. Frederick L. Born in April, 1863. 756400. Jacob Bowder. He was born March 6, 1827, at Erie, Pa. He married, Oct. 31, 1849, at Crete, 111., Mary E. Ayer. 7241 21. Children : 756401. Mary. Married a Loop. 756402. Arvilla. Married a Smith. 756403. Elmina. Married a Schenck. 756404. Rev. Henry J. Methodist minister. 756405. Eugene W. Eighth Generation. 1609 756406. Oliver L. Residence, Lane Co., Ore. 756407. Idelia A. Married a VanOrsdol. 756408. Ida. Died. 756409. Delia M. INIarried a Kresge. 756410. Anna. Married a VanOrsdol. 75641 1. Irena. Married a Letts. 756412. Ira. Died. 756413. Rowella. Married a Lotts. 756420. Alfred Gale. He was born June 27, 1834, in Berk- shire, England. He married, Sept. 12, i860, at Bloom, 111., Harriet A, Aver. 724123. He died Feb. 20, 1899, at Wheeler Island, 111. Children : 756421. Henry Alfred. Born June 26, iS6r, at Francesville, Ind. 756422. Edmund E. Born Aug. 28, 1863, at D5'er, Ind. 756423. William R. Born Sept. 13, 1865, at Lowell, Ind. 756424. Alice E. Born Jime 10, 1867, at Lowell. 756425. George O. Born Dec. 14, 1869, at Oak Grove, Ind. 756426. Frederick E. Born March 7, 1872. Died April 5, 1872, at Oak Grove. 756427. Harriet A. Born April 22, 1875, at Wheeler Lsland. 756428. Mary W. Born Sept. 14, 1879. Died March 17, 189S. 756429. Annie. Born Dec. 22, 1883. 756430. William Henry Harrison Ayer. (Henry HJ, Peter*, Joseph^ Timothy*, Joseph^, John^ John'.) 724124. He was born Jan. 7, 1841. He married, April 22, 1865, Jennie Olcott. Children : 756431 756432 756433 756434 756435 756436 17 Lillie M. Born June 3, 1867. Died Sept. 28, 1870. Ida L. Born Sept. 10, 1869. Died Sept. 29, 1870. Inez E. Born March 3, 1871. Born March 24, 1888. Effie L. Born April 11, 1873. Born Aug. 17, 1891. Henry Adelbert. Born May 4, 1876. Raymond A. Born May 7, 1883. Ralph W. Died, 756437 756600. August Berger. He married. May 3, 1876, at Crete, 111., Emma Josephine Ayer. 724131. He died Oct. 27, 1877. No children. 756620. Jacob Berger. He married. May 29, 1879, at Joliet, 111., Emma Josephine (Ayer) Berger. 724131. Hedied Sept. 16, 1879. Child : 756621. Viola J. Born Nov. 23, 1879, at Monee, 111. i6io History of the Ayres Family. 756640. John M. Wilder. He married, Sept. 21, 1882, at Crete, 111., Emma Josephine (Ayer) Berger. 72413 1. Children : 756641. Ralph W. Born Oct. 3, 1884, at Crete, IlL 756642. Jesse M. Born July 17, 1888, at Grand Junction, Mich. 756800. Oliver Aver Gager. (Othneil.) 724202. He was born Dec. 19, 1824. He married, in 1847, Mary M. Willard of Fall River, Mass. Importer of china, glass and earthenware. No chil- dren. He died Oct. 20, 1889. Residence, New York City. 757000. Bronk Verplanck. He married Julia S. Ayer. 724241. He died when his son was less than two years old. Resi- dence, Brooklyn, N. Y. Child : 757001. Frederick Ayer. Born Feb. 9, i860. Graduated at Norwich (Conn.) Free Academy and Yale College, 1888. Married, Aug. 27, 1890, Sarah Nannie Noyes of Lebanon, Conn. Teacher. Superintendent of schools of S. Manchester, Conn., 1902. He is a prominent Mason. 757020. Edwin Eugene Ayer. (Joseph B.^ Bailey^ Joseph^ Timothy^ Joseph^ John^ John'.) 724242. He married, Feb. 5, 1862, Adelaide Pendleton. He died Dec. 16, 1890. Children : 757021. Lloyd Pendleton. 784000. 757022. Jennie Osgood. Married Arad Manning. 784020. 757200. Darius Bailey Ayer. (Austin^ Bailey*, Joseph', Timothy\ Joseph^, John^ John'.) 724261. He was born Oct. 10, 1832. He married, Jan. 4, 1859, Ruby A. Abel (daughter of Lavius Abel and Elizabeth Frink of Syracuse, N. Y. ). He died Nov. 8, 1874, at Ashtabula, Ohio. Children ; 757201. Elizabeth Abel. Born Nov. 26, 1S64. Married a Bell. Resi- dence, Jordansville, N. Y. 757202. Annie Laurie. Born Oct. 2, 1867. Unmarried. 757203. Ruby Aurelia. Born July 17, 1870. Unmarried. Residence, 1902, Jefferson, Ohio. 757204. Raymond S. Born Feb. 2S, 1872. 784200. Eighth Generation. i6ii 757400. John M. Whiton. He married, Feb. 13, 1862, Mary Jane Hartshorn. 724282. Residence, Concord, N. H, Children : 757401. George Morris. Died in infancy. 757402. Ally Morris. Born June 13, 1S66. Married Willis D. Thomp- son. Residence, Concord, N. H. 757500. Charles Merrill Ayer. (Alvan Bacon', Aaron*^, Timothys Ebenezer'', SamueP, Peter=, John'.) 725021. He was born Nov. 28, 1846, at Lowell, Mass. He married (ist), Sept. 2, 1873, Marietta Coburn (daughter of Franklin Coburn and Hannah Phelps, of Lowell, Mass.). She died June 26, 1885, at Winchester, Mass. He married (2nd), April 10, 1888, Hattie Belle Fincher (daughter of Luman Wadsworth Fincher and Clarissa Gillet Wads- worth of Grand Rapids, Mich.). Lumber manufacturer. Office, 1902, 627 Michigan Trust Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. Children : 757501. Alvan Coburn. Born Dec. 13, 1874, at Lowell, Mass. 757502. Frank Merrill. Born Jan. 13, 1879, at Cadilla, Mich. 757503. Marian Greenwood. Born May 14, 1892, at Grand Rapids, Mich. 758000. Charles Ingalls. He married (ist), Oct. 2, 1839, Candace Ayer. 724581. She died April 22, 1855. He married (2nd), Oct. 15, 1855, Mary E. Ayer. 724585. He died April 9, 1892. Children : 758001. Charles H. 758002. Alonzo L. 758020. WiLLARD G. Ayer. (Lynden', Hezekiah*^, Samuel^, Simon-', Samuel^ Peter^ John'.) 724582. He was born May 21, 1824. He married, Jan. i, 185 1, Emily Richardson. Children : 758021. George H. 758022. Charles F. 758023. Mary E. Died. 758024. Nellie E. Married a Whitney. i6i2 History of the Ayres Family. 758040. Henry M. Ayer. (Lynden^, Hezekiah^ Samuel^ Simon'', Samuel^, Peter, John'.) 724584. He was born Nov. 14, 1830. He married, Jan. 8, 1855, Cynthia Green. Children : 758041. Candace. Born Dec. 10, 1857. Married a Jones. 758042. Willis L. Born April 11, 1866. 758080. Horace W. Ayer. (George^ Hezekiah^ Samuel^ Simon", Samuel^ Peter^ John'.) 724601. He married Emily Kendall. Child : 758081. Harley C. 758300. James Ayer. (Gardner M.", Thomas*, Samuel^, Si- mon"*, SamueP Peter^ John'.) 724824. He married. Children : 758301. Harry. 758302. Helen. 758500. Carlos Ayer. (Warren^ William^ Samuel^, Simon^ SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 725002. He was born March 27, 1835. He married Mandana Leavitt. He died in March, i8gi. Children : 758501. Alice. Married a Hodges. 758502. Frederick. 758503. Minnie. 758520. George Ayer. (Warren', William^ Samuel^ Simon'', Samuel^ Peter^ John'.) 725003. He was born Jan. 22, 1837. He married Louisa Le Baron. Residence, 1901, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Children : 758521. Alta L. Married a Bradley. 758522. Katie. Married a Grey. 758540. Lyman Ayer. (Warren^, William^ Samuels Simon", Samuel^ Peter-, John'.) 725004. He was born Jan. 7, 1839. He married Emma J. Sweeney. They had three daughters. Child : 758541. Maud. Eighth Generation. 1613 759000. Hon. Josiah Grout. (Josiah.) 726001. He was born May 28, 1742, at Compton, Canada. He was educated at Or- leans Liberal Institute, Glover, and at St. Johnsbury Academy. 2nd Lieut., Co. I., ist Regt. Vt. Cavalry Vols., Oct. 2, 186 1 ; Captain, 1862. Major, 26th Regt. N. Y. Cavalry Vols., 1864. He studied law and was admitted to the Bar, 1865. Collector of Customs Island Pond, St. Albans and Newport, Vt., 1866-74. He removed in 1874 to Chicago and a few years later to Moline, 111., where he was super- visor. He returned in 1880 to Derby, Vt., where he owns a stock farm. Representative from Newport, 1872-3 ; from Derby, 1884-8; Speaker, 1874, and 1886-8. State Senator from Orleans County, 1892. Governor of Vermont, 1886-8. President of League of Re- publican Clubs of Vt. Prominent Mason. He married, in Oct., 1867, Harriet Hinman (daughter of Aaron Hinman and Nancy Stewart of Derby). Child : 759001. Aaron Hinman. 759050. Hon. William Wallace Grout, M.C. (Josiah.) 726003. He was born May 24, 1836, at Compton, Quebec. He graduated at Poughkeepsie Law School, 1857. (LL.D., Norwich University, 1897.) Admitted to the Bar, 1857. Lieut. Col., 15th Regt. Vt. Vols, in Civil War. Brig. Gen. Vt. Militia in St. Alban's raid, 1864. State's Attorney, 1865-6. Representative, 1868-70 and '74. President pro tem. Vt. Senate, 1876. Member of Congress, 1881-3 and 1885-1901. Republican. He died Oct. 7, 1902. Resi- dence, Barton, Vt. 759100. Theophilus Grout, Esq. (Josiah^, Theophilus^ Elijah'.) 726008. He married Ellen A. Black of Galveston, Tex. Lawyer. Admitted to the Bar, 187 1. State's Attorney for Orleans County, 1878-80. Member of School Committee, 1883. Residence^ 1883, Newport, Vt. Children : 759101. Charles T. 759102. Addie L. 759300. Frederick Wheeler Ayer. (Carlos'', Carlton*, Sam- uel=, Simon-', SamueP, Peter'', John'.) 726026. He was born Jan. 15, 1 6 14 History of the Ayres Family. 1857. He married, July 20, 1880, Frances Timmerman of Chelsea, Mass. He removed to Colorado. He died in Cleveland, Ohio. Children : 759301. Lepee. Born May 8, 18S2. 759302. Palmer H. Born March 25, 1886. 759320. Dr. Silas Hibbard Aver. (Carlos^ Carlton*, *Sam- uel^ Simon", SamueP, Peter^, John'.) 726027. He was born Jan. 15, 1861. He married, Sept. 29, 1886, Juliette B.Davis, of Lowell, Mass. Residence, 318 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass. Children : 759321. Nathaniel Davis. Born Aug. 5, 1887. 759322. Silas Hibbard. Born Dec. 26, 1890. 759323. Carlton Sprague. Born April 13, 1893, in Boston. 759500. Rev. Franklin Deming Ayer, D.D. (Nathan^ John^ Simons, Simon", Samuel^ Peter", John'.) 196950. 727041. He was born Dec. 19, 1832. He married. May 30, i860, Mary Esther Kitt- redge. She was born Feb. 28, 1838, at St, Johnsbury, Vt. She died Sept. 26, 1891, at Concord, N. H. Residence, Concord, N. H. Children : 759501. Mary Gertrude. Born Oct. 5, 1863, at Milford, N. H. 759502. Florence. Born April 12, 1867, at Milford, N. H. 759520. Dr. Benneville Keim Ludwig. He was born July 16, 1839. He married, Dec. 25, 1876, Caroline H. Ayer. 727042. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. Child : 759521. Alice. Born April 8, 1878. Died in infancy. 759700. Orvis Harrison Jackman. (Elman=, Humphrey'.) 728003. He was born Dec. 25, 1858. He married (ist), June 21, 1882, Martha Baird. She died in March, 1883. He married (2nd), Nov. 12, 1884, Eunice Sybil Rowell. Children : 759701. George William. Born Dec. 27, 1885. 759702. Helen Martha. Born July 6, 1887. 759703- Mabel Eunice. Born Aug. 13, 1888. 59704. Alberta May. Born Oct. 10, 1893. / Eighth Generation. 1615 759800. Andrew H. Rublee. (Andrew A.) 728022. He was born in 1848. He married, in 1873, Olive M. Lowery, Children : 759501. Albert. Rorn in 1877. 759502. Sadie J. Born in 1879. 759803. Ethel D. Born in 1881. 759820. Alfred A. Rublee. (Andrew A.) 728025. He was born in 1859. He married (ist), in 1884, Cora B. Kimball. She died in 1890. He married (2nd), in 1893, Martha V. Janes. Children : 759821. Katharine M. Born Nov. 5, 1894. 759822. Doris L. Born July 26, 1896. 759823. Robert Janes. Born Oct. 4, 1898. 759S24. Gladys M. Born June 7, 1900. 759860. WiLLTAM Jackman. (Humphrey^, Humphrey'.) 728043. He was born Dec. 24, 1856. He married Dec. 12, 1883. Child : 759861. Florence Beatrice. Born June 10, 1885. 759900. W'lLLL'^M Honey. He married, June 30, 1880, Lucia Jackman. 728044. Children : 759901. Morley Edgar. Born Nov. 24, 1882. 759902. Evelyn Maude. Born Aug. 25, 1884. 759903. Zelia. Born March 23, 1887. 759904. Howard Percy. Born Oct. 14, 1888. 759905. Winfred May. Born Jan. 28, 1895. 759930. Charles John Gale. He was born June 5, 1850. He married, Oct. 27, 1873, ^^ Montreal, P. Q., Agnes Maria Whitney, 728062. He died Jan. 9, 1890. She died Aug. 24, 1891. Children : 759931- Lavina Jane. Born May 6, 1875. 759932- Agnes Louisa. Born Nov. 23, 1877. 759933. Ethel Maud. Born May 2, 1880. 759934- Charles Edith Katharine. Born June 26, 1S82. 759935. Margaret Pearl. Born Nov. 8, 1884. 759936. Charlotte Joyce. Born Sept. 14, 1886. 759937- Gladys Mary. Born Aug. 17, 18S8. i6i6 History of the Ayres Family. 759950. Robert Whitney. (Joseph Albert.) 728064. He was born March 17, 1857. He married (ist), Dec. 14, 1886, Catha- rine Colquhoun of Colquhoun, Ont. She was born March 4, 1853. She died May 6, 1891. He married, Feb. 24, 1897, Lucy Jane Cameron of Adamsville. She was born Aug. 16, 1869. Children : 759951- Mabel Agnes. Born Oct. 24, 1887. Died April 8, 1890. 759952. Albert Roy. Born Nov. 3, 188S. Died Nov. 30, 1889. 759953. Robert Kenneth. Born Dec. 6, 1897. 759954- Katharine Mary. Born May 24, 1900. 759980. Sheldon Wells. He married, April 28, 1887, Clara Elizabeth Whitney. 728066. Children : 759981. Elsie Maria Alberta. Born March 22, 1 888. 759982. Ruth. Born March 22, 1890. 759983. Agnes Elizabeth. Born June 13, 1892. 759984. Mary Ayer. Born Sept. 22, 1894. 760000. Leonard Barnard Ayer. (Leonard^ James^ Will- iam^, Simony SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 729001. He was born March 30, 1835. He married, Nov. 14, 1866, Lizzie Reed of Yuba Co., Cal. Register, U. S. Land Office, 1867 and 1868-75. Editor Marysville Appeal newspaper. Residence, SanFrancisco and Marys- ville, Cal. Children : 760001. Genevieve. Born Aug. 31, 1867, at Marysville, Cal. Married Joseph M. Talbot. 784300. 760002. Lizzie M. Born Sept. 17, 1869. Died Oct. 24, 1877, at San Francisco, Cal. 760003. Lucy D. Born Aug. 19. 1871. Died Oct. 16, 1877, at San Francisco. 760004. EUetta R. Born May 15, 1873. Died May 20, 1873, at Marys- ville, Cal. 760040. Charles A. Ayer. (Leonard'', Jarnes^ Williams, Simon'', Samuel', Peter-, John'.) 729002. He was born Aug. 14, 1839. He married, March 19, 1863, Mary Catharine Norton of Westfield, Wis. He died Oct. 13, 1885, in Colussa Co., Cal. Eighth Generation. 1617 Children : 760041. Charles Frederick. Born Dec. 11, 1863, at Marysville. Cal. He married, Aug. 25, 1897, Elizabeth Close of Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer. Office, 1902, 52 Wall St., N. Y. City. 760042. Irma G. Born Feb. ii, 1865, at Weathersfield. Married Thomas Brannon Hutchinson, Esq. 7S4320. 760080. James E, Boorman. He married, Sept. 29, 1868, at Marysville, Cal., Harriet M. Ayer. 729003. Residence, Marysville, Cal. Children : 760081. Ada Louise Brockway. Born April 6, 1870. 760082. Barnard Ross. Born Dec. 7, 1872. 760100. John S. Hutchins. He married, Sept. 25, 1873, Lucy M. Ayer. 729004. Residence, Central House, Butte Co., Cal. Children : 760101. Maggie Louise. Born Sept. 25, 1874. 760102. Hattie. Born Feb. 21, 1882. 760120. Allen R. Palmer. He was born Nov. 16, 1844, in New York. He married, Nov. 26, 1868, at Weathersfield, III, Juli- ana L. Ayer. 729005. Children : 760121. Cora Estelle. Born at Gridley, Cal. 760122. Allen LeRoy. Born Nov. 3, 1874, atBeckwith, Plumas Co., Cal. 760123. Ida Eleanor. Born Aug. 14, 1876, at Beckwith. 760124. Leslie Spencer. Born Aug. 21, 1887, at Lower Lake, Lake Co., Cal. 760200. Moses C. Ingalls. He married, Jan. 28, 1857, Lucy Ayer. 729002. Residence, Bradford, N. H, Children : 760201. Will C. Born Sept. 19, 1858. Teacher. Residence, Ruther- ford, N. J. 760202. Gertrude A. Born Nov. 5, 1872. Teacher. Unmarried. Resi- dence, Bradford, N. H. 760400. Albert H. Ayer. (Cyrus'', James^ William', Simeon'*, SamueP, Peter-, John'.) 7 29 181. He was born Nov. 5, 1855. ^^ i6i8 History of the Ayres Family. married (ist), Elizabeth Huglies. She died July 12, 1891. He mar- ried (2nd), Josephine Ballou. Children : 760401. Myra E. Born March 28, 18S8. 760402. Albert H. Born Dec. 18, 1889. Died May 8, 1891. at Worces- ter, Mass. 760460. John Alvin Ayer. (Cyrus^ James*, William^, Sim- eon\ Samuel^ Peter^ John'.) 729182. He was born May 26, 1861. He married, June 17, 1889, L. Adah Moulton of Sacramento, Cal. Children : 760461. Dalton F. Born Sept. 24, 1893, at N. Reading, Mass. 760462. Ross Alvin. Born at Ashland, Mass. 760480. Francis E. Flint, He married Cora Belle Ayer. 729183. Children : 760481. Herbert Ayer. Born Nov. 5, 1892. 760482. Helen Avis. Born June 28, 1894, at Wakefield, Mass. 760483. Aldis E. Born March 27, 1896, at Wakefield. 760600. Nelson W. Stevens. (William Stevens and Caroline (Searls) Ayer.) He was born Jan. 24, 1852. He married, Nov. 3, 1877, Maria N. Corser. 730141. Children : 760601. Lena M. Born March 30, 187S, at Dummerston, Vt. Died Dec. 4, 1S98. 760602. Carrie M. Born Nov. 12, 1879, at Putney, Vt. 760680. Elwyn D. Kidder. He married, Jan. i, 1879, Abby E. Ayer. 730182. Children : 760681. Royal A, Born Dec. 5, 1879. 760682. Bryan Ayer. Born April 5, 1881. 760683. Gordon E. Born Jan. 23, 1883. 760684. Charles S. Born Aug. 19, 1885. 760685. Wallace J. Born June 7, 1887. 760686. Eva N. Born Jan. 2, 1889. 760700. Edward R. Thomas. He married, Jan. i, 1879, Car- rie F. Ayer. 730183. Eighth Generation. 1619 Children : 760701. Charles W. Born Feb. 22, 1880. 760702. Millicent N. Born April 9, 1881. 760703. Herbert R. Born Oct. 23, 1883. 760704. Frank Ayer. Born March 11, 1S85. 760705. Neal E. Born June 28, 1S86. Died Jan. 28, 1887. 760706. Delia L. Born Sept. 12, 188S. 760707. Donald R. Born Oct. 4, 1889. Died Oct. iS, 1890. 760708. Percy E. Born Oct. 14, 1891. 760709. Lucy E. Born Feb. 15, 1893. 761000. George Royal Watkins. (Otis G.) 730041. He was born Jan. 13, 1848. Soldier, 49th Regt. Wis. Inft. Vols. En- listed Feb. 6, 1S65. Discharged June 26, 1865, at St. Louis. He married, April 17, 1872, Ida F. Barnes of Fairfield, Wis. He re- moved soon afterwards to Marshall, Minn. Children : 761001. Alberta V. Born Sept. 3, 1S73. 761002. Charles O. Born Oct. 9, 1876. Died March 30, 1877. 761003. Lurline M. Born March 6, 1881. 761004. Leona Dell. Born April i, 1883. 761005. Leora Belle. Born April i, 1883. 761006. Louisa N. Born March 30, 1895. 761040. Albert E. Watkins, (Otis G.) 730042. He was born Aug. 17, 1849. He married, April 13, 1878, Mary E. Camp of Baraboo, Wis. Children : 761041. James E. Born April 6, 1879. 761042. Charles O. Born Nov. 9, 18S0. 761043. George Nathaniel. Born Sept. 16, 1S82. Died March 5, 1887. 761044. Winifred B. Born June 11, 1884. 761045. Roger A. Born Aug. 31, 1888. 761046. Royal Camp. Born Sept. 22, 1893. 761047. Francis O. Born Jan. 14, 1S99. 761080, Isaac Shultz, He was born Dec. 28, 1848, at Mill Village, Erie Co., N. Y, He married, March 21, 1875, Eliza Ann Watkins. 730043. Children : 761081. Delia Louisa. Born July 18, 1878, in Juneau Co., Wis. 761082. Elias A. Born Dec. 13, 1879. 761083. Dora F. Born Oct. 31, 1S89. Died Sept. 14, 1893. i62o History of the Ayres Family. 761 1 oo. Henry C. Douglas. He was born Jan. 31, 1849, ^^ Pawtucket, R. I. He married, March 2, 1873, at North Freedom, Wis., Lucy V. Watkins. 730045. Children : 761 loi. George H. Born Feb. 10, 1875, at Lavelle, Wis. Unmarried. Residence, Milwaukee. 761 102. Amy V. Born Dec. 13, 1876, in Lavelle. 761 103. Elvira M. Born Oct. 15, 1878, in Lavelle. 761 104. Benjamin C. Born June 28, 1891, at Armenia, Wis. Died March 8, 1895. 761 105. Winifred Marion. Born July 14, 1895. 761120. Orin A. Getchell. (Charles H. and Lucy Getchell.) He was born at Sebeck, Me. He married, March 30, 1880, Mary Eldora Watkins. 730046. Children : 761121. Emma L. Born June 16, 1881. 761 1 22. Herbert H. Born Feb. 7, 1889. 761123. Elsie M. Born Sept. 18, 1890. 761 124. Martha L. Born Jan. 14, 1897. 761200. George E. Corser. (Erastus Y.) 730264. He was born July 8, 1865. He married, Sept. 2, 1889, Jennie L. Percy of Putney, Vt. Child : 761201. Eloise. Born Sept. 23, 1893. 761220. Charles L. Thwing. He married, July 24, 1888, Mary E. Corser. 730265. Child : 761221. George H. Born May 8, 1899. 761400. John McCrillis Ayer. (John', Benjamin^ William^, Simon", SamueP, Peter^, John'.) 732001. He married Elvira Dole. Children : 761401. John Delbert. Married (ist), Caro Hoyt ; (2nd), Minnie Brock of N. Conway, N. H. 761402. Fernando P. Married Sadie Colby of Warren, N. H. 761403. Frederick E. Married Mary A. Easter. 761404. Flora B. Married Charles W. Easter. 761405. Ida J. Married Horton L. Smith of Nicolett Falls, P. Quebec. 761406. Willis E. 761407. Eugene A. Eighth Generation. 1621 761480. Wesley E. Cilley, He married, Dec. 25, 1878, Mary Adelaide Bly. 732026. Children : 761481. Son. Born Dec. 21, 1879. Died Feb. 26, iSSo. 761482. Mary Belle. Born Jan. 21, 1881. Died Dec. 11, 1S83. 761483. Bertha Earline. Born April 24, 1882. Died Dec. 24, 1883. 761484. Alice Belle. Born Nov. 29, 1883. 7614S5. Jay Wesley. Born Dec. 10, 18S5. 761700. Daniel Ellsworth Ayer. (Benjamin Franklin^ Benjamin*, William^, Simon', SamueP, Peter-, John'.) 732202. He was born Nov. 28, 1862. He married, April 3, 1884, Elizabeth Sparrell of West Groton, Mass. Child: 761701. Florence E. Born Feb. 27, 1885. Student at Harcourt Place Seminary, 1900. 762000. Walter GooDELL. (Isaac*, Aaron^, Ebenezer", Thom- as^ Zachariah^ Roberte'.) He was born in 1806. He married, Dec. 9, 1827, Sally Washburn. 733001. Merchant. Postmaster. He removed in 1850 to Haverhill, Mass. They had twelve children. Residence, Chaplin, Conn. Children : 762001. Rev. Isaac. Born Nov. 21, 1846, in Chaplin, Conn. Congre- gational minister. Unmarried. Residence, 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. 762002. Son. 762003. Son. 762004. Son. 762005. Daughter. 762400. Darius Ayer. (Uriah", Timothy*, Joseph^ Timothy", Joseph^, John'', John'.) 734007. He was bom April 29, 1828. He married, Oct. 21, 1851, Lydia Ann Tennant (daughter of Roswell and Sarah Tennant). She was born Nov. 26, 1835. She died Aug. 24, 1891. Children : 762401. Frank P. Born June 19, 1853. 762402. Roswell Eugene. Born May 9, 1855. 762403. Uriah. Born Sept. 14, 1858. i622 History of the Ayres Family. 762404. Helen Amanda. Born July 21, 1861. Died Aug. 9, 1S96. 762405. Martha T. Born Aug. 9, 1865. Died Nov. 29, 1896, at Evans- ville, Wis. 762406. Sarah. Born March 29, 1869. Died June 7, 1879. 762407. Harry Darius. Born April i, 1S78. 762600. Austin Hazen Aver. (Frederick', Timothy'', Joseph^, Timothy*, Joseph^, John^ John'.) 734101. He was born May 11, 181 1. He married (ist), in Oct., 1833, Anna Frink (daughter of Uzziel Frink of Voluntown, Conn.). She died Feb. 23, 1836. He married (2nd), Dec. 24, 1839, Lucy Gallup Frink (sister of his first wife). She died Oct. 17, 1869. Residence, New York. Children : 762601. Orlando Frederick. Born Aug. 24, 1835. 785000. 762602. Susan Ann. Born Nov. 15, 1840. Died Feb. 14, 1842. 762800. Charles Champlin Ayer. (Charles^ Timothy*^, Jos- eph^, Timothy", Joseph^ John-, John'.) 73412 1. He was born Aug. 14, 181 7. He married, April 9, 1846, Emeline Knapp of Sodus, N. Y. He died April 12, 1893, at Williamsville, Erie Co., N. Y. She died Oct. 17, 1883. Children : 762801. Alice. Married Clarence Danforth of Lawrence, Kan. He removed to Tacoma, Wash. 762802. Jerome Noyes. Born June 24, 1849. 786000. 762803. Frank. 762804. Julia. 762S05. William. 762806. James Edwin. 762840. Thaddeus Prentice. He married Anna Louise Ayer. 734122. He removed from Willimantic, Conn., to Lawrence, Kan., where he was Chief of Police. He died in June, 1868, in Lawrence, Kan. She died in Aug., 1893, at Denver, Col. Children : -' 762841. Charles T. Married, in 1869, Emma A. Thecker of Freder- icksburg, Va. They have ten children. City Marshal. Sol- dier, Co. E., r7th Regt. Kan. Vols. Residence, Lawrence, Kan. 762842. James K. 762843. Addie L. Married a Corbin. Residence, Denver, Col. 762844. Celia. 762845. William. Born June 12, 1858. Died in Denver, Col. Eighth Generation. 1623 762880. James H. Gleason. He married, July 7, 1863, Joanna Ladd Ayer. 734125. Residence, Willow Springs, Kan. Children : 762881. Charles. Married Hattie HoUoway. 762SS2. Clifton. Married Clara Willis. Residence, Waukarusa, Kan. 762S83. Alice. Married C. Otto Bowman. 762920. Stillman Prescott Rumrill. He married, June 15, 1854, Flora Ayer. 734201. He died in July, 1870. She died Dec. 7, 1869. Residence, Vermont. Children : 762921. Prescott Ayer. Born April 12, 1855. 762922. Joseph Frederick. Born July 2, 1856. 762923. Seba Alma. Born March 10, 1858. 762924. Flora Edith. Born July 26, i860. 762950. Dr. Samuel Haynes. He married, May 22, 1851, Phebe Ayer. 734202. She was an artist. Residence, Schuyler Falls, Clinton Co., N. Y. Children : 762951. Ada Helen. Born July 21, 1852. 762952. Mary Frances. Born April 9, 1856. 762953. Joseph Howard. Born May 17, 1858. Died Aug. 11, 1859. 762954. Irving Samuel. Born Aug. 29, 1861. 762955. Flora Ayer. Born Dec. 3, 1863. 763200. Ira Ayer. (James', John^, Pearley^, Peter'', Samuel^, Peter-, John'.) 735102. He married Julia VVadsworth. Child : 763201. Ira. 787000. 770000. Gideon Brown. He married Wealthy Alvira Ayer. 552004. Children : 770001. George. Born in 1838. 770002. Albert Henry. Born Feb. i, 1840. Sailor on man-of-war. Married, Nov. 28, 1861, Augusta Brown. She was born Oct. 3, 1845, in S. Coventry, Conn. 770003. Nelson Leroy. Born March 17, 1842. Soldier, nth Regt. Conn. Vols. Died Dec. 14, 1862, from wounds at Kingston, N. C. 1624 History of the Ayres Family. 770020. Charles Nelson Ayer. (Eleazer^ Timothy^ Joseph^, Timothy^ Joseph^, John^ John'.) 552006. He was born July 26 (o, 24), 1812. He married, March 29, 1842, Minerva Johnson of Colchester, Conn. She was born in Hamburg, Conn. He died Oct. 13, 1892. She died July (o. Jan.) 10, 1902. Residence, Norwich. Children : 770021. Ellen Josephine. Born in 1S44. Married Alexander Mossman. 790000. 770022. John Wesley. Born July 8, 1S47. 790100. 770040., Chester Marcus Ayer. (Eleazor', Timothy^ Joseph^, Timothy^ Joseph^, John=, John'.) 552007. He was born July 26, 1814. He married, Feb. 14, 1839, Florinda Champlin. 734222. He'died May 9, 187 1, at Champlin, Conn. She died Dec. 10, 1859, at Scotland, Conn. Residence, Franklin, Conn. Children : 770041. George M. Born Dec. 5, 1842. Soldier, Co. M., 24th N. Y. Cavalry Vols. Died in 1865 from weakness from the campaign, in Philadelphia, Pa., on his way home. 770042. Noyes Edwin. Born Sept. 4, 1845. 790500. 770043. Jane. Born Dec. 20, 1849. Married Peleg Kenyon. Residence, Franklin, Conn. 770044. Eliza. Born July 2, 1850. 770045. Anna. Born June 9, 1855, in Hampton. 770060. WiLLL\M Durkee Ayer. (Eleazer^, Timothy^ Joseph^, Timothy-', Joseph^, John=, John".) 552008. He was born Sept. 13, 1813. He married (ist), April i, 1843, Abby Shoals of Canterbury, Conn. She died May 16, 1850. He married (2nd), Cornelia Spof- ford. She was born July 24, 1865. He died in July, 18S9. She died July 24, 1865. Residence, South Windham, Conn. Children : 770061. William Dorrance. Born Nov. 27, 1844. Died Nov. 27, 1847. 770062. Ellen Rogers. Born July 31, 1846. Died April 30, 1847. 770063. Beunos. Born Sept. 20, 1848. Died April 10, 1849. 770064. Alveno Dorrance. Born April 9, 1850. 791000. 770080. William H. Hinckley. He married, Oct. 7, 1855, Phebe Eliza Ayer. 552009. She was born Sept. 28, 1818. She died in Norwich, Conn. Residence, Mystic, Conn. Ninth Generation. 1625 Children : 7700S1. Ellen. Died. 770082. Charles. Lawyer. Died. 770100. WoLCOTT Huntington Ayer. (Eleazer^ Timothy^ Joseph^, Timothy^ Joseph'. John% John'.) 552010. He was born Sept. 9, 1820. He married Lydia Fargo. He died July 28, 1897. Children : 770101. Marynette. Born Oct. 27, 1845. Married Joseph S. (o. Jasper) Harris. 770102. Clark H. Born Aug. 24, 1847. Married. Died in 1900 in Boston. 770103. Maria A. Born Feb. 21, 1S51. Married Edwin H. Hall. Child; Frank Louis. Born Aug. 15, 1875. 770104. John Clifford. Born Oct. 18, 1854. Married Jennie Stuart. 770105. Frederick A. Born Aug. 28, 1856. Married Lillian Slocuna. 770106. Ernest G. Born April 27, 1859. Married Sarah Matthewson of Rochdale, Mass. 770107. Florence L. Born Sept. 9, 1861. Died Jan. 20, 1862. 770108. Nelson G. Born March 8, 1867. Married, in Oct., 190 1, Alena Brown of Coventry, Conn. NINTH GENERATION. 780000. Francis Wayland Ayer. (Nathan Wheeler^ Will- iam". Nathan^ John^, John^ John', Thomas*, John'.) 750003. He was born Feb. 4, 1848. He married, May 5, 1875, Rhandena Gilman (daughter of Dr. J. B. Gilman of Philadelphia, Pa.). He graduated at Rochester University, 187 1. He is the senior member of the tirm of N. W. Ayer &: Son of Philadelphia. President of the Merchants' National Bank of Philadelphia. Director of the Camden and Su- burban Railway Co., and of the New Jersey Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Camden, N. J. He served for ten years as President of the New Jersey Baptist State Convention ; he has been President of the Board of Trustees of the North Baptist Church of Camden for over twenty-five years, and Superintendent of the Sunday School in the same church for about thirty years. Residence, Camden, N. J. OfiEice, 800-804 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Children : 780001. Anna Gilman. Born April 20, 1876. 7S0002. Alice Biddle. Born Aug. 2, 1878. Married, Sept. 5, 1901, Harden H. Wheat. 1626 History of the Ayres Family. 780020. Dr. E. L. B, Godfrey. He married, June 18, 1884, Mary Ayer, 750004. Dr. Godfrey is a member of the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners ; Secretary of the New Jersey State Medical Society and Assistant Surgeon General of New Jersey. They reside in Camden, N. J, Child : 780021. Wayland Godfrey. Born May 7, 1885. Died Nov. 14, 1SS6. 780500. Levi Child. He married Mary Ann Kingsbury. 75 1 00 1. Residence, Derby, Vt. Children : 780501. Charles B. 780502. Susan. 780503. Ann. 750504. William. 750505. John. 780506. Katharine. 780507. Ruth. 780560. Lucius Kingsbury. (Charles', Sanford^ JoseiMp, Joseph^ Joseph^, Henrys Henry'.) 751004. He was born in 1807. He married Jane E. Drakely. Residence, Derby, Vt. Children : 780561. Helen A. 7S0562. George D. 780600. Emera Kingsbury. (Charles', Sanford^ Joseph^, Joseph-*, Joseph', Henry^ Henry'.) 751008. He was born in 1815. He married Mary Forbes. Residence, Derby, Vt. Children : 780601. Persis. 780602. Charles. 780603. William. 781000. Alexander Hamilton Lathrop. (Alexander Ham- ilton Lathrop and Esther Price.) He was born Sept. 17, 1850. at Carlton, Ky. He married, Dec. 31, 1873, Anna E. D. Ayer. 752001. He died Oct. 26, 1895. Ninth Generation. 1627 Children : 781001. Jessie W. Born April 23, 1875. 781002. Alexander H. Born Aug. 18, 1877. 781003. Lillian May. Born Oct. 15, 1879. Married, in Oct., 1901, Ernest Leary. She died in May, 1902. 781004. Omar E. Born Oct. 15, 1890. Died Oct. 17, 1890. 781005. Elroy Ayer. Born April 29, 1892. 781006. Earl. Born June 9, 1895. Died June 12, 1895. 781020. William Miller. He was born Aug. 7, 187 1, in Chester Co., S. C. He married, Jan. 13. 1881, Estelle J. Ayer. 752003. Residence. Lawrence, Kan. Children : 781021. Lena V. Born Sept. 18, 1882. 781022. VanRoy W. Born Aug. 11, 1884. 781023. Vanera S. Born June i, 1893. 781060. Elroy Ayer. (Omar H.^ Fredus', Ebenezer^', Joseph^, Timothy-*, Joseph^, John^ John'.) 752004. He was born Feb. 21, 1858. He married, Dec. 25, 1887, Ella Kennedy (daughter of Will- iam B. Kennedy and Elizabeth Curless, who removed in 1854 from Illinois to Waukarusa, Kansas). She was born Feb. 22, i860. Children : 781061. Christine. Born July 29, 1890. 781062. Mildred. Born May 12, 1S92. 781080. Albertus W. Ayer. (Qmar H.^ Fredus^ Ebenezer*, Josephs, Timothy*, Joseph^, John% John'.) 752007. He was born Sept. 15, 1868. He married, Nov. 22, 1898 (o. 1899), Jennie Whe- don. Residence, DeQueen (o. Meora), Ark. Child : 78io8r. Estella L. Born March 18, 1901. 782000. Prof. Simon Henry Gage. He was born May 20, 1 85 1, in Otsego Co., N. Y. He graduated at Cornell University, 1877. He married, Dec. 15, 1881, Susannah Stuart Phelps. 753001. Instructor, Asst. Prof, and Professor in Cornell University since 1878. Specialties: Histology and Embryology. Student in Europe, 1889. Author. Residence, 1902, Ithaca, N. Y. Child : 782001. Henry Phelps. Dental student. 1 628 History of the Ayres Family. 782400. John F. Heim. He married, Oct. 20, i88i,at Marion, Kan., Lora V. Ayer. 753501. Children : 782401. Harry Russell. 782402. Mary Christine. 782420. Frederick A. Rich. He married, Feb. 18, 1882, Mary A. Ayer. 753502. Residence, Chicago, 111. Children : 782421. Lucien H. 782422. Lora A. 782423. Francis M. 782424. Anna E. 782440. Fred H. Corthell. He married, Nov. 7, 1878, Eunice E. Ayer. 753503. She died Aug. 6, 1896. Residence, Elgin, 111. Children : 782441. Lou E. 782442. Florence L. 782600. Oscar Francis Ayer. (Francis^ Perley^ NathanieP, Josephs, Timothys Joseph^, John% John'.) 753521. He was born Aug. II, 1840. He married, Dec. 22, 1862, Annie Morley (daughter of Jacob Morley of Burlington, Pa.). She was born Nov. 23, 1843. Lumberman and miller. Residence, Sheshequin, Pa. Children : 782601. Francis O'Meara. Born Oct. 2, 1864, at Burlington, Pa. Mar- ried, Nov. 21, 1 89 1, Gertrude Green of Sheshequin. Civil Engineer. He died Nov. 23, 1892, at Elmira, N. Y. 782602. Sarah Maude. Born July 13, 1867, at Burlington, Pa. 782603. Charles Francis. Born July 18, 1871, at Sheshequin. Died May 16, 1874. 782604. Frederic Eugene. Born Oct 24, 1876. Civil Engineer. 782605. Harry Oscar. Born Sept. 10, 1879. 783000. Charles B. Church. He married, Oct. 23, 1861, Mary B. Ayer. 755001. Residence, Anoka, Minn. Child : 783001. Hattie B. Born Oct. 12, 1864. Died May xi, 1866. Ninth Generation. 1629 783500. George Eber Aver. (George W.^ Eber", Peter% Josephs, Timothy^ Joseph^ John-, John'.) 755081. He was born Dec. 30, i860, at DeRuyter, N. Y. He married, Sept. i, 1886, Mag- gie Brown of LasVegas, N. Mex. She was born Aug. 19, 1863, at Geneseo, 111. Residence, 1900, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Children : 783501. Raymond C. Born July 6, 1887, at LasVegas. 783502. George Earle. Born March 21, 1889, at Trinidad, Col. 7S3503. Fay Marguerite. Born April 11, 1890, Trinidad, Col. 783540. Henry Blickhahn. He was born Dec. 18, 1854, at Sickenhofen, Germany. He married, Oct. 23, 1881, at Medicine Lodge, Kan. Residence, Medicine Lodge, Kan. Children : 783541. Katie E. Born Dec. 3, 18S2, at Medicine Lodge, 783542. Lida A. Born June 2, 1884, at Medicine Lodge. 783543. Edna A. Born Sept. 29, 1886, at Medicine Lodge. 783544. George H. Born Dec. 30, 1889, at Los Angeles, Cal. 783545. Blanche E. Born June 22, 1893, at Walsenburg, Col. 783546. Karl E. Born March 14, 1895, at Walsenburg. Died Aug. 18, 1895. 783700. Oscar Merriam. He married, in 1863, EveHne Amelia Ayer. 756001. Child : 783701. W. A. 783740. William Colwell. He married, Dec. 19, 1866, Ann Jennette Ayer. Residence, Downers Grove, 111. Children : 783741. William James. Born March 20, i86g. 783742. Louise E. Born Aug. 26, 1872. 783760. Albert M. Waterbury. He was born March 22, 1849, at Rodman, N. Y. He married, July 19, 1888, Elizabeth Ayer. 756005. No children. 784000. Lloyd Pendleton Ayer. (Edwin Eugene^ Joseph B.', Bailey*, Joseph^, Timothy', Joseph^ John% John'.) 757021. He married Bertha Vallett. Child : 784001. Joseph Eugene. 1630 History of the Ayres Family. '784020. Arad R. Manning. He married, June 15, 1890, Jennie Osgood Ayer. 757022. Child : 784021. Eugene Arad. 784200. Raymond S. Ayer. (Darius Bailey^ Austin", Bailey^ Joseph^ Timothy-', Joseph^ John^ John'.) 757204. He was born Feb. 28, 1872. He married, Aug. 31, 1897, Annie A. Willow. Resi- dence, Bedford, Ohio. Child : 784201. Raj-mond C. Born Oct. 22, 1S99. 784300. Joseph M. Talbot. He married, Sept. 21, 1885, at Beckwith, Cal., Genevieve Ayer. 760001. Residence, Bennet Val- ley, Sononia Co., Cal. Children : 784301. Joseph Reagan. Born Aug. 9, 1893. 784302. Lizzie. Born Jan. 20, 1897. 784303. Leonard Ayer. Born Feb. 22, 1899. 784320. Thomas Brannon Hutchinson, Esq. He was born June 12, 1868, at Buxton, Me. He married, July 8, 1890, in Napa Co., Cal., Irma G. Ayer. 760042. Lawyer. Residence, Napa, Cal. Children : 784321. Thomas Harold. Born May 4, 1892. 784322. Frederick Clarence. Born July 18, 1894. 784323. Wendell Ayer. Born Nov. 11, 1896. 785000. Orlando Frederick Ayer. (Austin Hazen^, Fred- erick", Timothy*^, Joseph=, Timothy^ Joseph^ John-, John'.) 762601. He was born Aug. 24, 1835. He married, Nov. i, 1866, Laura Beach (daughter of Eben. Beach of Cheektowaga, N. Y.). He died Feb. 9, 1892. Children : 785001. Florence C. Born July i, 1868. Unmarried. 785002. Harland. Born July 3, 1870. Unmarried. 785003. Lucy Frink. Born May 26. 1872. Unmarried. Died Dec. 18, 1900. Ninth Generation. 1631 786000. Jerome Noyes Ayer. (Charles Champlin^ Charles', Timothy^ Joseph^, Timothy^ Joseph^ John-, John'.) 762802. He was born June 24, 1849. He married, June 14, 1883, Henrietta Diller. She was born July 7, 1868, at Clarence Centre, Erie Co., N. Y. Residence, VVilliamsville and Buffalo, N. Y. Children : 786001. Olive M. Born Sept. 9, 1884. 7S6002. Mabel B. Born March 15, 1888. 786003. Celia H. Born April 16, 1890. 786004. Nellie L. Born Oct. 4, 1891. 7S6005. Henrietta L. Born Jan. 20, 1896. 786006. Charlotte Stevens. Born May 16, 1900. 787000. Ira Ayer. (Ira^ James^ John^ Pearley^, Peter", SamueP, Peter-, John'.) 763201. He married, Dec. 21, 1873, Jennie James of Washington, D. C. Special Agent of the Treasury Depart- ment. Ofhce, 1902, New York City. Children : 787001. Dr. Ira. Married Louisa Foster about 1895. 787002. Jennie James. 787003. Julia Fletcher. 787004. Edith Lovinia. 7S7005. Alice Wadsworth. Married George A. Williams. (Hon. Ran- son O. Williams, U. S. Consul General at Havanna, Cuba. ) 787006. Clementina. 790000. Alexander Mobsman. He married, March 31, 1870, at Greenville, Ellen Josephine Ayer. 770021. Children : 790001. Daughter. Born in 1873. 790002. Son. Died in infancy. 790100. John Wesley Ayer. (Charles Nelson*^, Eleazer'', Timothy*, Joseph^, Timothy', Joseph^, John-, John'.) 770022. He was born July 8, 1847. He married, June 17, 1876, Clarissa John- son. She was born in Sorbu, Sweden. Private, Co., B., 2nd Regt. Rhode Island Vet. Vol. Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Army Corps. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Bristow Station, Oct. 14, 1863, and confined on Belle Isle and in Pemberton building. Rich- 1632 History of the Ayres Family. mond, Va. Exchanged April 18, 1864, and discharged July 5, 1865, at York, Pa. Children : 790101. Mary Lorena. Born June 7, 1877, at Norwich, Conn. 790102. Ellen Drusilla. Born June 7, 18S0, at Lebanon, Conn. Died Sept. 29, 1899, at Franklin, Conn, 790103. Clarissa Minerva. Born Jan. 13, 1883, at Franklin. 790104. John Nelson. Born Jan. 13, 1883, at Franklin. Died Oct. 20, 1889. 790105. Hiram Johnson. Born April 21, 1886. 790106. Ernest Clifford. Born Feb. 5, 1890. 790500. NoYES Edwin Ayer. (Chester Marcus^ Eleazer'', Timothy*, Joseph^, TimothyS Joseph^ John=, John'.) 770042. He was born Sept. 4, 1845. He married, in 1867, Julia Ette Mosley. Children : 790501. Carrie. 790502. Flossie. 790800. Edwin A. Hall. He was born in 1847. ^^ mar- ried, Dec. 24, 1869, Maria A. Ayer. 770104. Cotton manufacturer. County Commissioner, 1884-1902. Residence, North Windham, Conn. Child : 790801. Frank Louis. Born Aug. 15, 1875. Married, Sept. 3, 1900, Queenie J. M. Greenslit of Hampton, Conn. 791000. Dr. Alveno Dorrance Ayer. (William Durkee^, Eleazer', Timothy^ Joseph^, Timothy", Joseph\ John'', John'.) 770064. He was born April 9, 1850. He married, April 27, 1874, Annie Eliza Farlinger (daughter of Nelson and Catharine Farlinger of Law- renceville, N. Y.). She was born April 14, 1856. Alveno Dorrance Ayer after going to district and high schools, took up the study of medicine in 1875 ^^i^^ Dr. Isaac B. Gallup of Willimantic, Conn., then attended hospital lectures in Philadelphia, Penn., then was with Dr. Alva M. Dain of Springvale, Me., then with Dr. W^ilbur F. Tem- pleton of Glover, Vt., finally graduated at the Indiana Eclectic Medi- cal College, 1881 ; began practice in Bondville, Vt.; moved to West Townshend, Vt., was there until fall of 1885 ; came to Connecticut and was in Madison for over fifteen years (1902); was in Indiana Ninth Generation. 1633 one year on account of illness of eldest son ; was in N. Y. Polyclinic Hospital, 1889. Member of Madison Lodge, F. & A. M.; was made a Mason in Deer River Lodge, No. 499, Lawrenceville, N. Y., June 17, 1877. Member of (). U. A. M., charter member; L O. O. F., L O. G. T. there in Vermont, and of the Grange ; charter member of the last two in Vermont. Member of the Vt., Conn, and National Eclectic Medical Societies ; Conn. Homeopathic Society and New Haven City Homeopathic Society ; member of Madison Congrega- tional Church; in politics, Independent; member of Madison school board ; health officer of Madison for nearly seven years. Residence, 1902, Madison, Conn. Children : 791001. Beunos Tilden. Born Oct. 3, 1875, in Lawrenceville, N. Y. Died Feb. i, 1894, in Bristol, Conn. 791002. Daughter. Born and died same day. 791003. Henry Lincoln. Born May 10, 1879, in Bondville, Yt. Died May 12, 1879. 791004. Dawson Walter. Born Feb. 6, 18S1, in Bondville, Yt. Stu- dent in Clinton, Conn., High School. 791005. Ura Shoals. Born July 4, 1885, at W. Townshend, Yt. Stu- dent in Clinton High School. 791006. Aline Catharine. Born May 26, 1888, in Madison, Conn. Died May 24, 1S95. 791007. Emily Buena. Born Dec. 22, 1S96, in Madison, Conn. Ayhes History. JOHN AVER, OF HAVERHILL, MASS. (1635.) THIRD GENERATION. 800000. Joseph Aver. (John^ John'.) 538500. Joseph Ayer is first mentioned in the land records in Norwich, Conn. He is that Joseph Ayer of Haverhill, County of Essex, Mass., who bought 300 acres at Porttapange in Norwich for ;^3oo, June 8, 1702. This Porttapange is in the east part of what is now Franklin, Conn., set off from Norwich and lies near what is known as Ayer's Mt. and on Ayer's Gap. The house he built is under the Ayer Mt. near the Gap. A grist mill was built there by this Ayer, and the dam and part of the flume is still standing. Will of Joseph Ayer of Norwich, Conn.: "In the Name of God, Amen, the sixth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty-six, I, Joseph Ayer, of Norwich, in the County of New London, in the Colony of Connecticut in New England, being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to God, therefore, callmg to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testa- ment, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of God, that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executors, hereafter named, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection, I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to Third Generation. 1635 bless me with in this hfe, I give and desire and dispose of the same in the following manner and form : "Impremis. I give and bequeath to my'well beloved son, Joseph Ayer, twenty shillings in or as money to be paid out of my estate, I having formerly given to him a tract of land by deed. "Item. I having formerly given to my well beloved son, Timo- thy Ayer, sundry tracts and parcels of land by deed, I now give and bequeath to him twenty shillings in or as money to be paid out of my estate. "Item. I having formerly given to my well beloved daughter, Sarah Reason (Hazen), the wife of Thomas Reason, sundry goods and other things of value, I now give and bequeath to her twenty shillings to be paid out of my estate. "Item. I having formerly given to my well beloved daughter, Abigail Manough, the wife of Dennis Manough, sundry goods of value, I now give and bequeath to her twenty shillings money to be paid to her out of my estate, and my will is that all the rest and resi- due of my moveable estate, money, goods, chattels that shall remain after my just debts and the said legacies are paid, shall be divided among my three children in the following manner and forms : That is to say, one quarter of said estate to my son, Joseph Ayer, and the rest and residue of it to be equally divided among or between my said two daughters, and my will is that, if any or either of mv said children shall die before they receive their legacies herein given, that it shall then descend to their children and if they have no children then to the survivors, and whereas I have given all my land that I know of or can remember that I have to my said sons, now if it should happen that there are lands belonging to me not disposed of, I give and bequeath the same to my son, Joseph Ayer, and to his heirs and assigns forever ; and I do hereby make and ordain and appoint my said son, Joseph Ayer, to be my executor of this my last will and I do hereby revoke, disannul and make void and every other will and testament by me at any time before made, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. his "Joseph + Ayer. mark 1636 History of the Ayres Family. "Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by said Joseph Ayer as his last will and testament in the presence of us, the subscribers. "Richard Able, "Mary Ginnings, her "Mary + Able." mark This is on record, 1902, at New London, Conn. Proved at Windham, Conn., Dec. 7, 1747. 800100. John Dennison-. (John' and Priscilla Dennison.) He married (ist), Ruth Ayer. 160081. She died Feb. 2, 1695. His will, dated July 24, 1725, proved Jan. 22, 1727. Residence, Ipswich, Mass. Children : 800101. Ruth. Born Aug. 9, 16S4. Died Aug. 15, 16S4. 800102. Ruth. Born June 7, 1685. Married Joseph Kingsbur}'. 541 100. 800103. John. Died July 30, 1688. 800104. Hannah. Born in 1689. Married Nathaniel Kingsbury. 541 150. 800105. George. Residence, Ipswich, Mass. 800106. Daniel. He removed to Windham, Conn. 800107. John. Born April 28, 1692. His will dated Jan. 18, 1754; proved June i, 1761. 80010S. Priscilla. Born Jan. 14, 1695. Died Jan. 30, 1695. FOURTH GENERATION. 801000. Thomas Hazen. (Thomas-, Edward'.) 541300. He was born Feb. 7, 1690, in Rowley or Boxford, Mass. He married (ist), Sarah Ayer (daughter of John Ayer. 32015 1.). She was born Oct. 15, 1690, in Haverhill, Mass. She died Sept. 16, 1753, at Nor- wich, Conn. He married (2nd), Nov. 2, 1754, Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon of Norwich. FIFTH GENERATION. 805000. Daniel Ayers. (Obadiah\ Obadiah^ Obadiah^ John\) 325226. He was born in 1730. He married Elizabeth (o. Sixth Generation. 1637 Phebe) Webb. She came from England to Barbadoes and from there to Perth Amboy, N. J. He died July 7, 18 18. She died Aug. 30, 1S19. Children : 805001. Obadiah. 805002. Daniel. Born March 31, 1763 (o. 1764). Sioooo. 805003. Thomas. 505004. Abraham. 505005. Rachel. 805006. Elizabeth. Married a Webb. He died Aug. 30, 181 9. 805007. Daughter. Married Daniel Talmadge. 810050. SIXTH GENERATION. 810000. Daniel Ayers. (Daniel^, Obadiah^ Obadiah^ Oba- diah-, John'.) 805002. He was born March 31, 1763. He married Rhoda Holton. She was born Aug. 20, 1780. He died Feb. 12, 1827. After his death she married Daniel Talmadge, Jr. She died March 25, 1867. Children : 810001. Joseph. Born April 9, 1805. 815000. S10002. Obadiah. Born March 5, 1807. 815020. 810003. Mary. Born July 31, 1809. Married David Thecksteen (o. Thickston). 815040. 810004. Priscilla. Born Dec. 20, 181 1, at Woodbridge, N. J. Married John B. Inslee. 815060. 810005. John Holton. Born June 6, 1814. 815080. 810006. Rhoda. Born Nov. i, 181S. Died aged about six months. 810050. Daniel Talmadge. He married Ayers. 805007. Child : S10051. Daniel. Married Rhoda (Holton) Ayers. 810000. No chil- dren. She died May 25, 1867. Residence, Piscataway, N. J. 810500. Nathan Hazen. (Moses Hazen and Elizabeth Mer- rill, Thomas Hazen and Sarah Ayer.) He was born June 14, 1756. He married Cynthia Ayer. 702401. She was born Sept. 24, 1759, at Norwich, Conn. Soldier in Rev. War. He died June 6, 1812, at North Hero, Vt. She died June 26, 1834, at North Hero. 1638 History of the Ayres Family. 81 1000. John Ayers. (Jonathan^, Nathaniel, John^, Obadiah% John'.) 333203. He was born in 1765 near Basking Ridge, N. J. He married. Residence, Basking Ridge, N. J. Child : Siioor. David. Born in 1703. 816000. SEVENTH GENERATION. 815000. Joseph Ayers. (Daniel*, Daniel^, Obadiah\ Obadiah^, Obadiah=, John'.) 810001. He was born April 9, 1805. He mar- ried Hannah Inslee of Woodbridge, N, J. He removed to the West. They had five daughters. He died May 12, 1884. 815020. Obadiah Ayers. (DanieP, Daniel^, Obadiah-*, Oba- diah^ Obadiah^, John'.) 810002. He was born March 5, 1807. He married Mrs. Catharine Bloodgood of Perth Amboy, N. J. No children. He died July 25, 1888. She resided, 1899, N. Y. City. 815040. David Thecksteen (o. Thickston). He married Mary Ayers. 810003. He died. She died May 22, 1893. Children : 815041. John A. Died. " 815042. Mary J. Residence, 1899, Plainfield, N. J. 815043. Daniel A. Residence, 1S99, Plainfield, N. J. 815060. John B. Inslee. He was born in Woodbridge, N. J. He married, Feb. 10, 1832, Priscilla Ayers. 810004. He died. She resided, 1902, New Brunswick, N. J. Child : 815061. Ayers D. Residence, 1902, New Brunswick, N. J. 815080. John Holton Ayers. (DanieP, Daniel^, Obadiah\ Obadiah\ Obadiah^ John'.) 810005. He was born June 6, 18 14. He married (ist), Susan Millard (o. Willard) of Rhode Island, by whom he had one daughter. Susan Millard died. He married (2nd), Jane Conover of New Brunswick, N. J., by whom he had one son. John Holton Ayers died April 5, 1858. Jane Conover died. Children : 815081. Sarah M. Married Isaac Inslee. Residence, Woodbridge, N. J. 815082. John. Died. Seventh Generation. 1639 816000. David Ayers. (John*, Jonathan^, Nathaniel'*, John^, Obadiah^ John'.) 811001. He was born in 1793 at Basking Ridge, N. J. He married. Residence, Basking Ridge, N. J. Child : 816001. Theodore. Born June 22, 1824. 820000. 816200. Hon. Edwin Ayer. 492200. He was born Oct. 15, 1824, in Saybrook, Conn. Representative, 1872-3. President of Saybrook Bank of Essex, Conn. He married (ist), in Oct., 1852, Abbie M. Youngs of Farmington, by whom he had six children. She died in 1882. He married, in 1883, Carrie E. Youngs (sister of his first wife). He died March 22, 1901. Children : 816201. John. 816202. Charles. Judge. Died in 1898. 816203. Louise. 816204. Robert. Residence, State of Washington. 816205. Cora. Married Samuel Spencer. Residence, Clinton, Conn. 816240. Hazen Aver. (James^ William'.) 729020. He mar- ried, Jan. 10, 1838, Eliza A. Proctor. 816250. Carlos Ayer. (Carlton*, Samuel^, Simon^ SamueP, Peter", John'.) 726020. He was born March 13, i8i3,in St. Johns- bury, Vt. He married, Nov. 18, 1847, Arthusa Ann Hibbard (daugh- ter of Silas*, Davids, David\ Robert^, Robert^ Robert Hibbard'). She was born Aug. 18, 1824, in St. Johnsbury. He resided after marriage in Boston, Mass., until June, 1867, when he removed to Chelsea, Mass. He died March 2, 1868. Children : 816251. William Hibbard. Born Sept. 14, 184S. Died Jan. 3, 1853. 816252. Arthusa Ann. Born Dec. 20, 1849. Died Jan. 10, 1853. 816253. Mary Olive. Born Jan. 17, 1854. Married, Dec. i, 1880, Dr. Howard J. Lee. He was born Jan. 20, 1851, in Waterford, Vt. Physician. Residence, Cleveland, Ohio. 816254. Frederick Wheeler. Born Jan. 15, 1857. 759300. 816255. Robert Carlton. Born May 17, 1859. Died in infanc}\ 816256. Silas Hibbard. Born Jan. 15, 1861. 759320. Si 625 7. Prof. Charles Carlton. Born Nov. 5, 1866. Graduated at Har- vard University, 1889. Student in Strasburg University, 1896. Professor of Romance Languages in Colorado State University. 1640 History of the Ayres Family. EIGHTH GENERATION. 820000. Theodore Avers. (David^ John*, Jonathan^, Nathan- iel^ John^, Obadiah", John'.) 81 6001. He was born June 22, 1824. He married. Residence, 1902, 4 Franklin St., Morristown, N. J. Child : 820001. Horace Frederick. Born Oct. 27, 1862, at Morristown, N. J. General manager, The Archibald-Ayers Co., manufacturing chemists. Address, 1902, St. James Building, Broadway and Twenty-sixth St., N. Y. City. A.i>PEisrDix :k:k^t. MUSTER ROI.es. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. CONNECTICUT. 825000. Elisha Ayer. Private, ist Comp. 6th Regt., 1775. Col. Parsons. 825001. Peter Ayer. 4th Regt., 1777. Col. Durkee. Served 8 mos. Captain Jedediah Hyde. 825003. Timothy Ayer. Col. Latimer. Enlisted from Nor- wich. Conn. Fought at Saratoga. 825004. Squire Ayer. Private, 1777. Col. Latimer. En- listed from Norwich, Conn. Fought at Saratoga. Col. Latimer's regiment lost more men than any other regiment in the Rev. 825005. Jonathan Ayer. Corporal, 1779. Capt. Scofield. 825006. Ebenezer Ayer. Captain Scotield. 825007. Nathaniel Ayer. 1781. Served 3 years. 825008. John Ayer. Drew a pension (Rev. soldier) in 1832. 825009. John Ayer, Jr. 1776. 825010. Nathan Ayer. Enlisted time of Lexington Alarm. 825011. Peter Ayer. Enlisted, 1779-80. 825012. William Ayer. Enlisted, 1776. 825013. Joseph Ayer. Lieut. 7th Comp. Train Band, 1770, from Norwich, Conn. Com. Ensign, 7th Comp. Train Band. Nor- wich 3d Regt. Col. Records, Vol. xii., 1762-67. 825014. John-Ayres. Musician, 1777. 1642 History of the Ayres Family. 825015. John Aver. Soldier, ist Regt. Conn., 1782. En- listed, April 8, 1782. Discharged, Dec. 25, 1782. 825016. John Avers. Soldier, Capt. Thomas Holm's Co., Col. John Ely's Conn. Regt. Marched to North Castle, N. Y., 1776. 825017. Peter Ayres. Soldier, Col. McClellan's Conn. Regt., 1778. WAR OF 1S12. 825100. Charles Ayer. Served New London, 18 12. 825 loi. Frederic Aver. Corporal. Served New London, 181 2. 825102. F. A. Aver. Sergt. and Corpl. Groton under Com- modore Stephen Billings, 181 2. 825103. John Aver. New London. 825104. Joseph H. Aver. New London. 825105. Lay Aver. New London. 825106. William Aver. Groton. 825107. Enoch Aver. Private. 825108. Joseph L. Aver. Private. 825109. Joseph Aver, Jr. Private. 825110. Travis Aver. Private. 825 II I. Charles Aver. Private. 825112. Hubbard Aver. Private. 825 1 13. Jonathan Aver. Served Groton 37th U. S. R. Inft., 1814. MEXICAN WAR. 825150. Austin Hazen Aver. Soldier, 1847. CIVIL WAR. 1861-5. 825200. Geo. W. Aver. Enlisted from Hartford, Conn. 825201. Ezra C. Aver. Enlisted from Farmington, Conn. 825202. Daniel A. Aver. Enlisted from Salisbury, Conn. Musician. Appendix XXVI. 1643 Almon H. Aver. Enlisted from Norwalk, Conn. Edward Ayer. Enlisted from Norwalk, Conn. Henry L. Ayer. Enlisted from Salisbury, Conn. Jackson Ayer. Enlisted from Winchester, Conn. Oliver L. Ayer. Enlisted from New Canaan, Conn. Parmelin B. Ayer. Enlisted from S. Windsor, Conn. Elbert Ayer. Enlisted from Stamford, Conn. Edwin D. Avar. Enlisted from New Haven, Conn. Ezra M. Ayer. Enlisted from Montville, Conn. Henry Ayer. Enlisted from Norwalk, Conn. Lieut. Russell W. Ayer. Enlisted from Watertown, Conn. Whitney L. Ayer. Enlisted from Salisbury, Conn. Willis Ayer. Enlisted from Chester, Conn. Nelson L. Brown. (Mother, Wealthy A. Ayer, daughter of Eleazer of Franklin, Conn.) He enlisted Sept. 9, 1861. Wounded, Dec. 14, 1862, Kingston, N. C. Died Dec. 18, 1862. Co. F., loth Regt. Conn. Vol., Captain Branch. 825217. John W. Ayer. Enlisted from Norwich, Conn. Pris- oner in Libby Prison. 8252 03- 825204. 8252 05- 8252 06. 8252 07. 8252 08. 8252 09. 825210. 8252 1 1. 8252 12. 8252 13- 8252 14. 8252 IS- 825216. CAPT. JOHN AYERS, OF BROOKFIELD, MASS. (1648.) FIRST GENERATION. 830000. Capt. John Ayers. 360000. Killed in tight with Indians, Aug. 3, 1675. Child : 830001. vSusannah. SECOND GENERATION. 830100. Samuel Ayers. (John.) 360060. He married, April 16, 1677. Abigail Fellows. He died before Oct., 17 17. Residence, Newbury and Rowley, Mass. Children : 830101. Mary. Born Jan. 13, 1677. 830102. John. Born March 16, 1678. 830103. WilUani. Born Jan. 26, i68r. 830104. Ephraim. Born Feb. 13, 1686. 830105. Stephen. Born March 13, 1688. 830106. Jabez. Born Dec. 27, 1690. 831000. 830107. Samuel. 830108. Joseph. 830109. Ebenezer. 8301 10. Edward. THIRD GENERATION. 831000. Jabez Ayers. (SamueP, John'.) 361000. 830106. He was born Dec. 27, 1690. He married Rebecca Kimball. He removed June 5, 172 1, from Newbury to Brookfield, Mass. Fourth Generation. 1645 Children 831001. Stephen. Born Aug. 3, 1719. Died young. 831002. Eliphalet. Born March 4, 1722. 831003. WilHam. Born Feb. 28, 1723. 831004. Micajah. Born Sept. 24, 1729. 835000. 831005. Onesiphorus. Born April 7, 1733. 831006. Stephen. Born Feb. 4, 1734. Died Feb. 12, 1735. 831007. Jabez. Born April 26, 1737. FOURTH GENERATION. 835000. Micajah Ayers. (Jabez^, SamueP, John'.) 361004. 831004. He was born Sept. 24, 1729. He married, March 14, 1764, Sarah Barnes. He died Jan. 27, 1804. She died April 16, 1799. Residence, New Braintree, Mass. Children : 835001. Jabez. Born Feb. 13, 1765. 835002. Moses. Born Aug. 23, 1766. 835003. Sarah. Born Dec. 13, 1768. 835004. Rebecca. Born Dec. 26, 1769. Married a Luce. 835005. Joel. 840000. 835006. John. FIFTH GENERATION. 840000. Joel Ayers. (Micajah", Jabez^, Samuel", John'.) ^35°°5- He married (ist), Oct. 16, 1796, Bathsheba Jordan. She died Aug. 28, 1819. He married twice after her death. He died June 19, 1846. Residence, Harwich, Mass., Royalston, Weybridge and Vergennes, Vt. Children : 840001. Anson. Born in 1797. 840002. Tilly. Born Feb. 14, 1799. 840003. Hiram. Born Dec. 28, i8or. 840004. Eli. Born Nov. 24, 1802. 840005. Joseph. Born Oct. 17, 1804. 840006. Francis. Born March 5, 1807. 840007. Jefferson. Born Feb. 13, 1809. 840008. Dudley J. Born March 11, 181 1. 850000. 840009. Alma. Born in 1813. Married Rev. Hiram Blanchard» 1646 History of the Ayres Family. SIXTH GENERATION. 850000. Rev. Dudley J. Ayers. (Joel^, Micajah^ Jabez^, SamueP, John'.) 840009. He was born March 11, 181 1. He mar- ried (ist), in Dec, i837,;EUzabeth Clough. She died in Aug., i860. He married (2nd), May 2, 1861, Cornelia Signor. She died in March, 1902. Methodist local preacher. He died in March, 1888. Residence, Clintonville and Peru, N. Y. Children : 850001. David Clough. Born Nov. 26, 1840. 860000. 850002. Wallace. Born in 1853. Married. His wife died. They had children. Residence, Potsdam, N. Y. 850003. Almira E. Born Jan. 25, 1864. SEVENTH GENERATION. 859000. William Henry Whitmore, A.M. (Charles Octa- vius^ William D.') 410002. He was a distinguished genealogist. Editor of two volumes of New Eng. Hist. Gen. Register. A.M., Har- vard and Williams. He died in 1902. (For extended obituary notice see New Eng. Hist. Gen. Register for 1902.) 860000. Rev. David Clough Ayers. (Dudley J.*, Joel', Micajah", Jabez^, SamueP, John'.) 850001. He was born Nov. 26, 1840. He married, April 4, 1863, Katharine C. Moore. Methodist minister since 1869. Children : 860001. Samuel Gardiner. Born April 25, 1865. 870000. 860002. Fannie Y. Born June 11, 1873. Married March 4, 1902, W. H. McFee. EIGHTH GENERATION. 870000. Rev. Samuel Gardiner Ayers. (David Clough', Dudley J.^ Joel^, Micajah^ Jabez^, SamueP, John'.) 860001. He was born April 25, 1865. He married, April 25, 1889, OUie Rey- nolds. Methodist minister. Librarian of Drew Theological Seminary since 1888. Residence, Madison, N. J. Child : 870001. Helen Y. Born Jan. 13, 1891. Died July 10, 1893. Eighth Generation. 1647 875000. W. M. Ayres. (Descendant of Capt. John Ayres of Brooklield, Mass.). Residence, 1902, Danvers, Mass. 875010. Capt. W. B. Hurlbut. He married a sister of W. M. Ayers of Danvers, Mass. Captain in Civil War. She resides, 1902, Burlington, Vt. 875015. Joseph Ayres. He married, Oct. 27, 1774, Mary Felton (daughter of Joseph Felton and Mary Trask). She was born Jan. 17, 1753. He was frozen to death while lumbering in Maine. Residence, Brookfield, Mass. Ayhes History. MOSES AYERS, OF SALISBURY, N. C. (1803.) FIRST GENERATION. 890000. Moses Ayers. 195000. He married Dorcas. He emigrated from Scotland to America and settled first at or in the vicinity of Columbia, S. C. He afterwards removed to the vicinity of Salisbury, N. C. The following letter, now in the possession of the family, was written by him : "Dear Children : — After our love all I take this oppertunity to inform you that I was taken ill the begining of February last and continued ill for near two months ; before I got better with the cold distemper your mother had a bad turn in the same time but not so long but are now in good state of health as we commonly are. Blessed be God for his mercies unto us in our old age ; hoping these lines may come to you in health. David, wife and children is in health (they have had a son last May but dead) their love to you all. Samuel went to Dr. Merchant's for his old disorder, got help ; he took mercury, soon after got a bad cold and was nigh unto death ; the Lord has raised him again so that he begins to work a little ; he was taken down March last. The wife and children is now in rea- sonable health at this time ; they desire to be remembered to you all. William is in health at this time, desires to be remembered to you all. The last of May last Moses and Yanacha came to see me, they and their families was in health only Moses was not well, and if he did not get better when he got home, he intended to go to the doc- tor. Moses hurried his son Keyle Dec. last. Massay and Hugh was at my house to see us ; left last Wednesday two weeks ; all was well Second Generation. 1649 when they left home. George Riddle deceased the first day of April last. I have sennt a Commission to Muskingum for witnesses and was no return last Court and so put oft". We are desirous to see you but the distance is great which makes it difticult. Come when you can or write when you can, so must conclude, remaining your aged Father and Mother till death. July the 7th, 1803. "Moses Ayers, Sen., and "Dorcas Ayers." The letter was sent by a man instead of by mail and was ad- dressed as follows : "Mr. Jacob Ayers at the Blue Rock, in Washington County, in the State of Ohio, Pr favor of George Dutso. Child : 890001. Massey. Daughter. SECOND GENERATION. 891000. Jacob Ayers. (Moses.) 195020. He married In- nocent. He emigrated about 1798 up the Yadkin river and crossed the divide into Virginia and down the Big Kanawha river in canoes to the Ohio river, and up it to the Muskingum river, and up that river and entered lands on its bottoms. He brought his family from North Carolina in 1799. There are notes in the possession of the family that were made at Columbia, S. C, to Jacob Ayers, signed by Wade Hampton. He died Dec. 11, 1820. Letters of administration on his estate granted at April term of court, 182 1, to his widow. Inno- cent Ayers, and his son Moses. They had two sons and three daughters. THIRD GENERATION. 892000. Moses Ayers. (Jacob-, Moses'.) 195060. He was born Feb. 8, 1789, near Salisbury, N. C. He married, Nov. 22, 18 18, Elizabeth Flaharty. He died Dec. 8, 1866. Children : 892001. Moses Jacob. Born Aug. 25, 1819. 892002. Pamelia C. Born Aug. 11, 1821. Married, in Aug., 1836, Plummer T. Wright. Their children are all dead. She died April 20, 1844. 892003. Lycurgus C. Born Feb. 25, 1830. 893080. 1650 History of the Ayres Family. FOURTH GENERATION. 893000. Moses Jacob Ayers. (Moses^ Jacobs Moses.') 195061. 892001. He was born Aug. 25, 1819. He married, Aug. 16, 1841, Frances E. Wright. He died June 18, 185 1, Children : 893001. Winfield S. Married. 893002. Son. Married. 893003. Frances E. Married a Sites. Residence, 1902, Norwich, Ohio. 893004. Daughter. 893080. Lycurgus C. Ayers. (Moses^ Jacobs Moses'.) 892003. He was born Feb. 25, 1830. He married, March 15, 1853, Martha T. Heskett. He died July 10, 1891. Children : 893081. N. M. Grand Master A. F. & A. M. of Nebraska, 1902. Resi- dence, Beaver City, Neb. 893082. vSon. 893083. Son. 893084. Daughter. Ai^PE:isrDix x:s:vii. RECORDS OF VARIOUS PERSONS BEARING THE NAMESlOF AYRES AND EYRE. 900100. James Ayres. He was born in New Jersey. T- He married Maria Rorick. He resided on South Hill in Ithaca, ^N. Y., at the time the inclined D. L. & W. R. R. was in operationj about 1850. He at one time resided in Steuben^Co., N. Y. He died about i860 at Richford, N. Y. She died about 1874 at Richford. Children : •900101. Allen Corson. 900800. 900102. James. Married. No children. Residence, 1902, Richford, N.Y. 900103. Stiles B. Born June 15, 1826. 900900. 900104. Rebecca. Married (ist), a Donley. He died. Removed to Ohio. Married a second time in Ohio. 900105. Betsey. Removed to Ohio where she married. 900106. Robert. Removed to Ohio where he married. 900107. Mahlin. Removed to Ohio where he married. 900200. Seth Ayres. (Brother of James Ayres. 900100.) He was born in New Jersey. Residence, Richford, N. Y. Child : 900201 . Willis. 900800. Allen Corson Ayres. (James.) 9001 01. He mar- ried Delila Lee. Soldier in Civil War, Private, Co. E., 3d N. Y. Art.; enlisted Jan. 5, 1864; honorably discharged June 23, 1865. He died. Children : 900801. Jeptha Lee. Soldier in Civil War. Private Co. E., 3d N. Y. Art.; enlisted Feb. 16, 1864; honorably discharged June 23, 1S65. 1652 History of the Ayres Family. 900802. Sally Maria. Married John Calvin Chaffee. 902000. 900803. Eliza. Married John Williams. She died. 900804. Lucy Ann. Married a Thornton. Removed to the West. 900805. Harriet AmeUa. Born Oct. 16, 1851. Married, July 19, 1869, James Seward Eighmey. He was born April 5, 1844. Resi- dence, 1902, Ithaca, N. Y. 900806. William Braisted. 900900. Stiles B. Ayres. (James.) 900103. He was born June 15, 1826, in Steuben County, N. Y. He married Louisa Cas- terline (daughter of Abraham Casterline of Ithaca, N. Y.). She was born April 18, 1827. She died in Aug., 1897. Residence, 1902, Swartwood, N. Y. Children : 900901. James Franklin. Born July 6, 1853. 902100. 900902. Amelia. Born Sept. i, 1855, at Ithaca, N. Y. Married Marvin Milligan. 902200. 900903. Fred Mahhn. Born March 7, 1870. Married Jennie. Resi- dence, 1902, Swartwood, N. Y. 902000, John Calvin Chaffee. He married Sally Maria Ayres. 900802. He enlisted Nov. 5, 1861, Co. E., 76th Regt. N. Y. Infantry. Honorably discharged April 21, 1862, on account of rup- ture. They had seventeen children, ten of whom are living. They had thirty-five grandchildren. Residence, 1902, Raymond Corners, Potter Co., Pa. 902100. James Franklin Ayres. (Stiles B.^ James'.) 900901. He married (ist), Cassie Drake of Newfield, N. Y. They had two children. She died. He married (2nd), Lizzie Blake. Residence, 1902, Ludlowville, N. Y. Children : 902IOI. Edwin. 902600. 902102. Walter. 902103. Kate. 902104. Carrie. Died. 902105. Raymond. 902106. Ida May. 902107. Lecta Belle. 902108. Frank. 902109. Mary Louise. Appendix XXVII. 1653 902200. Marvin Milligan. (Stewart.) He was born Sept. 30, 1855. He married, June 2, 1873, Amelia Ayres. 900902. Resi- dence, 1902, Ithaca, N, Y. Children : 902201. Alonzo Fred. Born April 6, 1874. '902202. Arthur Stewart. Born July iS, 1S82. 902800. 902600. Edwin Ayres. (James Franklin^, Stiles B.^ James'.) ■902 loi. He married Florence Botsford. She was born Feb. 4, 1877. Residence, 1902, Ithaca, N. Y. Child : 902601. Arthur. Born March 17, 1895. 902800. Arthur Stewart Milligan. (Marvin^, Stewart'.) 902202. He was born July 18, 1882, He married, July 22, 1900, Maud Hogan (daughter of Charles and Maggie Hogan). Residence, 1902, Ithaca, N. Y. Child : 902801. Lester James. Born July 8, 1901. 903000. Charles Ayers. Enlisted Aug. 29, 1864, Co. H,, 15th Regt. N. Y. Engineers. Mustered out with regiment. Resi- dence, Richford, N. Y. 903020, Albert Ayers. Enlisted Aug. 29, 1864, Co. H., 15th Regt. N, Y. Engineers ; served time ; mustered out with regiment. 904000. Jabez (o. Jacob) Ayers. He was born in Sussex County, N. J. He married Phebe. He removed in 1825 to Rich- ford, Tioga Co., N. Y. He died about 1850. She survived him. Their grandson was Job Ayers. Children : 904001. Ellas. Died. 904002. Robert. 904003. Fred. 904004. John. 905000. Jesse Ayers. Born about 1750 in New Jersey. He married. Child : 905001. Daniel. 905100. i654 History of the Ayres Family. 905100. Daniel Ayers. (Jesse.) 905001. He was born March 22, 1800. He married. Children : 905101. Rudolph. Married twice. Residence, 1902, Richford, N. Y. They have a son, Fred Ayers. 905102. Job. 910000. Joseph Ayer. He married Mrs. Annie (Rich) Dex- ter. He and his brother, Thomas Ayer, removed from Mass. to Bakersfield. Vt. Children : 910001. Melcalf. Married. They had two children. 910002. Ruth. Born May 21, 1797. Married Abram Manzer. 910003. Sophronia. No children. 910004. Jarvis. No children. 910020. Abram Manzer. He married, Feb. 22, 18 18, Ruth Ayer. They had nine children. She died Feb. 22, 1879. Child : 910021. George Theodore. Born April 7, 1824, at Swanton, Vt. 910040. George Theodore Manzer. (Abram.) 91 0021. He was born April 7, 1824, at Swanton, Vt. He married, in May, 1862, Martha E. Carman. Children : 910041. Mary Adele. Born Nov. 29, 1863, in Swanton, Vt. Residence, St. Albans, Vt. 910042. Son. Born Feb. i, 1867, in Swanton. 910050. James E. Ayer. (Champlinl) Residence, Sworm- ville, Erie Co., N. Y. 910060. Ellis. He married Mary Hannah Ayer (daugh- ter of Hezekiah Ayer and aunt to Laura A. Allen). Residence, Crosswicks, N. J. 910070. Laura A. Allen. Residence, West 80th St., N. Y. City. 910080. Mark Ayres. He married. Child : 910081. Jesse B. 910100. Appendix XXVII. 1655 9 1 0100. Jesse B. Ayres. (Mark,) 91 0081. He married. He emigrated in 18 18 to Ohio. Children : 910101. Mark. Born Feb. 8, 1822, in Hamilton Co., Ohio. 910102. Daniel W. Residence, Durango, Col. 910120. Joseph Aver. He married Lydia. The following is a copy of his will : "Will of Joseph Ayer of Preston, Conn. Approved Feb. 28, 1749-50, Norwich: "In the Name of God, Amen, the last Will and Testament of Joseph Ayer of Preston, in the County of New London. I being weak in body, but perfect mind and memory, (blessed be God for it), calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is ap- pointed and for all men to die and after death, judgment. "First. I do give and bequeath my soul into the hand of God that gave it me, and my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor hereafter named, nothing doubting but at the great and general resurrection by ye mighty power of God to receive the same again. "Item. My will is that all my just and due debts and funeral charges be paid out of my estate (that is to say), out of my notes and money. "Item. I give to my wife Lydia ; to son Nathaniel, his gun ; to daughters Esther and Sarah ; to sons Nathaniel and Stephen. "Dated Jan. 10, 1749-50." Residence, Preston, Conn. Child! ren : 910121. Nathaniel. 910122. Stephen. 910123. Esther. 910124. Stephen. 910150. Dr. Samuel Ayer. He was born about 177 1 in New Jersey. He married Phebe Annin of Liberty Corners, N. J. Physician. Children : 910151. John. Killed in Mexican War. Married and has a son born after the father's death. 1656 History of the Ayres Family. 910152. Hannah. Married a Talmadge. They had a large family. They removed to the West. 910153. Samuel. Married. Children all died young. His widow re- sides, 1900, Elizabeth, N. J. 910154. Theodore Frelinghuysen. Married. They had two sons, both married. Died about 1897. 910155. James Vandervoort. Born in 1829. 910200. 910156. Sarah. Married a Campbell. She died. 910157. Emeline. Married Irving Powelson. She died. 91 0158. Elizabeth. Died. 910159. Mary. Died. 910200. James Vandervoort Ayer. (Samuel.) 910155. He was born in 1829. He graduated at Union College. He married Fannie E. Bentley. Superintendent of Schools at Catskill, N. Y. He died May 18, 1889, at Catskill, N. Y. Children : 910201. Fannie Bentley. Stenographer. Address, 1889, 30 West 36th St., N. Y. City. 910202. Florence E. Married L. Carlton Austin. 910250. 910203. James Annin. Married Jessie Thomas. Teacher in Troy, N. Y. Residence, 615 Sixth St., West Troy, Watervliet, N. Y. 910204. Grace Winfred. Died aged ten months, twenty-six days. 910250. L. Carlton Austin. He married Florence E. Ayer. 910202. Children : 910251. James. 910252. Merrill Vandervoort. 910253. May Frances. 910300. Thomas Ayer. Brother of Joseph Ayer.) He re- moved from Mass. to Bakersfield, Vt. He married. His grandson, E. A. Ayers, resides, 1900, at Svvanton, Vt. 910301. Mrs. Mary C. Hall. Residence, Bradford, N. H. 910302. Mrs. Augusta Ayer. Residence, Bradford, N. H. 910303. Martin B. Ayer. Residence, Ontario, Cal. 910304. Miss Ella V. Gillman. Residence, Providence, R. I. 910305. Mrs. Amanda Johnson. Residence, Plattsburg, N. Y. 910306. Miss Mary Ayer. Residence, Morrisville, N. Y. Appendix XXVII. 1657 910307. Mrs. Cornelia L. Lewis. Residence, DeRuyter, N. Y. 910308. Mrs. Slocum. Residence, New Woodstock, N. Y. 910309. Mrs. Lizzie Waterburv. Residence, Cortland, N. Y. 9 1 03 11. Mrs. Ruby A. Sims. Residence, Jefferson, Ohio. 910312. Mrs. C. a. Ocobock. Residence, Fowler, Mich. 910313. Mrs. Mary Ayer Rich. Residence, Normal Park, 111. 9 1 03 1 4. Mary Ayer Bowder. Residence, Rowley, Iowa. 910315. Mary Ayer Church. Residence, Anoka, Minn. 9 1 03 1 6. Mrs. Harriet Ayer Gale. Residence, Lincoln, Neb. 9 1 03 1 7. Miss Lillie Ayer. Residence, Lawrence, Kan. 9 1 03 18. Mrs. Backus Ayer. Residence, Hartville, Mo. 9 1 03 1 9. Mrs. Mary A. Whitney. Residence, Emelville, P. Q. 910320. IcHABOD Pendleton. Married, Dec. 15, 1751, Esther Ayer in Franklin, Conn. 9 1 032 1. Elijah Ayer. Married March 26, 1752, Abigail Merrill. 910322. Frank Ayer. Married, Dec. 31, 1747, Ruth Watson in Franklin, Conn. 910323. P^rank B. Ayer. Residence, Versailles,. Ky. 910324. George W. Ayer. He was born March 18, 1819. He married, Sept. 24, 1844, Amelia Phelps. He died Oct. 18, 1852. 910325. William Ayer. (Brother of George W. Ayer.) He married (2nd), June 27, 1854, Levantia Knox. Residence, Caze- novia, N. Y. 910326. George E. Ayer. Superintendent, Atchinson, Tope- ka and Santa Fe R. R. Company. Residence, Albequerque, N. Mex. 910327. George W. Ayer. Residence, Medicine Lodge, Kan. 910328. George Ayer. Residence, Sherbrooke, P. Q. 910329. Geraldine H. Ayer. Residence, Clymer, N. Y. 910330. Hon. H. H. Ayer. Mayor of Monckton, N. B. 1658 History of the Ayres Family. 9 1 033 1. Harriet C. Aver. Residence, Browning, Mo. 910332. Homer G. Aver. Residence, Ayer's Flats, P. Q. 910333. Herbert C. Boynton. Residence, Tilton, N. H. 910334. Hezekiah Ayer. He was born in Bordentown, N. J. He had a granddaughter, Laura Allen, 910335. Mrs. Henry Blickholm. Residence, Watsenburg, Col. 910336. Mary Ayer Powell. Residence, Canton, N. Y. 910337. Mary E. Ayer. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. 910338. Mrs. Phebe Ayer Haynes. Residence, Saranac, N. Y. 910339. Mark Ayers. Residence, Upper Red Hook, N. J. 910340. Nancy J. Ayer. Residence, Baraboo, Wis. Nellie Ayer Colwell. Residence, Downer Grove, Nicholas Eyeres. Settled in Virginia, a boy in the OsBORN Ayer. Residence, Guide Rock, Neb. Orville J. Clark. Residence, Ripon, Wis. 910345. Mrs. Phebe Ayer Waddy. (Granddaughter of Han- nah Ayer Talmadge.) Residence, Elizabeth, N. J. 910346. Polly Ayer. Born in 1775. Died Jan. 23, 1825, in Franklin, Conn. 910347. Pembroke Ayer. Residence, Pappilion, Neb. 910348. Rev. Joseph Ayer. Residence, 1847, Hanover, Conn. He resided in Bethlehem. His son married a Witter in Hanover. 910349. Rev. Edward P. Ayer. Residence, Faston, Conn. 910350. Rev. Alfred W. Ayer. Residence, Wisner, Neb. 91035 1. Rev. Milan Church Ayer. (Yale.) Boston Jour- nalist. Residence, Roxbury, Mass. 910352. Isaac Wheeler Stanton. He married, Sept. 19, 1765, Ruth Ayer. in Franklin, Conn, 9I034I. Illinois. 910342. Guiste. 1622 910343- 910344. Appendix XXVII. 1659 9i°3S3- Mrs. Daniel N. Kleinhans. Residence, 1902, Bel- videre, N. J. 910354. H. H. Ayer. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. 910355. Ida F. Ayer. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. 910356. John Ayer. Born in 1753. Died April 13, 1831, in Franklin, Conn, 910357. James Ayer. Bap. Sept. 21, 1740,10 Franklin, Conn. 910358. John Ayers. Married, Nov. 4, 1773, Clarissa Lay. 910359. James B. Ayer, Residence, Tottenville, N. J. 910360. John B. Ayer. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. 9 1 036 1. Jessie Ayer. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. 910362. Katie Ayer. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. 910363. Joseph Ayer. He married, May 28, 1730, Elizabeth Herrick of Preston, Conn. Residence, Stonington, Conn. 910364. Lucretia Ayer. Bap. Aug. 13, 1738, in Franklin, Conn. 910365. Lucy Ayer Corser. Residence, Putney, Vt. 910366. Lucy Ayer Ingalls. Residence, Putney, Vt. 910367. Lora Ayer Heim, Residence, Lincoln, Kan. 910368. Leonard B, Ayer. Residence, Central House, Cal. 910369. Julia A. Tandy. Residence, Goshen Mills Village, N. H. 910370. John McCrillis Ayer. Residence, Claremont, N. H. 9 1037 1. John Ayer. Residence, Claremont, N. H. 910372. John A. Ayer. Residence, Ashland, Mass. 910373. Joseph Ayer. Residence, Erieville, N. Y. 910374. Joseph Ayer. Residence, Hume, N. Y. i66o History of the Ayres Family. 910375. Ebenezer Aver. He married. Ship builder in Maine or Conn. Children : 910376. Ebenezer. 910377- Isaiah. 910385. 910378. John. 910379. Richard. 910385. Isaiah Aver. (Ebenezer.) 910377. He married Sarah Martin. Children : 910386. Ebenezer. 910387. John M. 91 1000. 910388. William. 910389. Strange. 910390. Aaron. 910391. Alonzo. 91 1000. John M. Aver. (Isaiah^ Ebenezer'.) 910387. He married. Children : 911001. Rebecca A. 91 1002. Oscar W. 91 1003. Joseph V. Businessman. Residence, 1901, Brazil, Ind. 91 1 100. Rev. R. H. Ayer. Residence, Richmond, Ky. 91 1 1 01. Rev. William M. Aver. Residence, McLoud, Lin- coln Co., Okla. 911 102. Mrs. Rhoda Ayer Black. Residence, Barnard, Kan. 911 103. Samuel Ayer. Died March 3, 1729, at Haverhill, Mass. His son was two years old at time. Robert Kimball, his father-in-law, appointed administrator of estate and guardian of child. 911104. John Ayer. He married Sarah. She was born in 1755. He died in 1831. She died Jan. 14, 1827, in Franklin, Conn. 911105. Paul Woodbridge. He married, Feb. 16, 1774, Sarah Ayer. 911 106. Samuel Aires. Samuel Aires of Norwich, England, an apprentice, aged fifteen, is desirous to pass into New England. He was on the Mary Ann of Yarmouth, May 11, 1637. Appendix XXVII. 1661 91 1 107. Sylvanus Ayer, Residence, Bound Brook, N. J. 91 1 108. S. F. Ayer. Residence, San Jose, Cal. 91 1 109. Sally Ayer Barnard. Residence, Bradford, N. H. 91 1 1 10. Sherman Ayer. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. 911111. Lewis E. Shoals. Residence, Wauregan, Conn. 91 1 1 12. William Ayers. Residence, Troy, N. Y. 91 1 1 13. Mrs. Wolcott H. Ayer. Residence, LaPorte, Ind. 91 1 1 14. William Ayer. Residence, Ft. Wortli, Tex. 911115. William Ayer. Residence, Bloomfield, N. Y, 91 11 16. William K. Ayer. Residence, Cazenovia, N. Y. 91 1 117. William B. Phelps. Residence, Oswego, N. Y. 91 1 120. Burley B. Ayers. Address, "The Rookery Build- ing," Chicago, 111. 91 T 12 1. Nathan Crary. (See Keturah Ayer 's line.) 91 1 122. Charles Ayer. Residence, Amherst, Neb. 911123. Daniel Ayer. He married, April 17, 1740, Esther Champlin in Franklin, Conn. 91 1 124. Darius Ayer. Residence, Lawrence, Minn. 91 11 25. D. J. Ayer. Residence, Moose River, P. Q. 91 11 26. Frederick Bowden Ayer. Residence, Versailles, Ky, 911 127. ViRA Bates Ayer. She removed from Pawtucket, R. I., to Colfax, Iowa, where she now, 1902, resides. 91 11 28. Mel. a. Ayer. Residence, 1902, Colfax, Iowa. 91 1 129. Clarence W. Ayers. Oil operator. President Col- umbian Oil, Asphalt and Refining Company, Santa Barbara, Cal. 91 1 130. Joseph V. Ayer. His grandfather removed from the East to Hamilton Co., Ohio. Secretary and Treasurer of Brazil Brick and Pipe Co. Residence, 1899, Brazil, Ind. 91 1 131. S. M. Ayers. Address, 1902, 54 Wall St., N. Y. City. i662 History of thS Ayres Family. 91 1 132. Dr. James Aver. (Descendant of Peter^ John' of Haverhill, Mass.) Residence, Boston, Mass. 91 1 133. James A. Avers, M,A. Residence, 1902, Watervliet, N. Y. 911134 911136 911137 911138 911139 91 1 140 Conn. Children Captain Aver. Residence, Jamestown, N. Y, Albert H. Aver. Residence, Worcester, Mass. A. L. Aver. Residence, Guthrie, Okla. Allen Aver. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. Benjamin W. Aver. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. Benjamin J. Aver. Residence, Ft. Worth, Tex. John Aver. He married. Residence, Stonington, 911141. Esther. Born April i, 1697. 91 1 142. Jerusha. Born April 28, 1699. 911 143. Ruth. Born Dec. 8, 1703. 91 1 144. Andrew D. Born Nov. 17, 1706. 911145. Zipporah. Born Sept. 21, 1730. 91 1 146. Mary. Born Nov. 29, 1732. 911150. Samuel Stanton. He married, March 22, 1770, Abigail Ayer in Franklin, Conn. 91 1 15 I. John Gabriel. He married, June 3, 1788, Abigail (o. A.) Ayer in Franklin, Conn. 91 1 152. Nathan Aver. He married. Children : 911153. Nathan. Born in 1698. 911160. 911154. Ann. Born in June, 1702. 91 1 160. Nathan Aver. (Nathan.) 911 153. He married, April 5, 1720, Priscilla Brown. Child : 911161. Priscilla. Born July 7, 1721. 911170. Rev. Nathan Aver. (His ancestor came from Eng- land to Virginia in 1720.) He married, Dec. 17, 1827, Mary Ruten- Appendix XXVII. 1663 ber Richmond. (Ezra*, John^, Sylvester", Sylvester^, Edward^, John'.) She was born May 20, 1808, in Frankfort, Ky. Baptist minister. Residence, Palmyra, Mo. Children : 911 [71. Eliza Richmond. Born May 20, 1831. Died in Nov., 1842. 911172. Ezra Richmond. Born June 28, 1835. 91 1 1 73. Dr. Albert Richard. Born June 28, 1841. Residence, 1899, Hannibal, Mo. 911174 John Waller. Born Nov. 27, 1S43. Residence, 1S99. Harri- man, Tenn. 91 1 180. John Ayer OR Eyre. He settled at Ipswich, Ma.ss. Surgeon. Killed by the Indians at Brookfield, Mass. 91 1 190. John Ayer. He settled in Texas before 1845. There is property awaiting his heirs. He had 4428 acres of land in Texas. Joseph B. Goff & Son, Attorneys, Austin, Texas. 91 1 191. Alfred H. Ayer. His address was wanted in 1894 by Joseph B. Goff & Son, Attorneys, Austin, Texas, who said they can recover some valuable land for him. 911192. John Ayers. He went about 1840 to Mobile, Ala. His wife and sons died in Indiana. 91 1193. John Ayer. He settled in 1767 in St. Johnsbury, Vt. 91 1 194. H. C. Ayer. Postmaster. Residence, 1902, Rich- ford, Vt. 91 1 195. Mrs. Sarah E. Ayers. Residence, 1902, Daven- port, Iowa. 911196. Lt. Nathaniel Eyre. Died April 17, 1833, in Ox- ford Co., Me. 91 1200. ■ John Ayer. He married Abiah Farnham. Residence, Pembrooke, N. H. Child : 91 i2or. John. 91 1220. 91 1220. John Ayer. (John.) 911 201. He married Judith McCutcheon of Pembroke, N. H. They had eleven children, of 1664 History of the Ayres Family. whom three died in infancy and seven married. One of his grand- sons is Frank H. Ayer of Nashua, N. H, Child : 911221. Maria Greenough. Youngest child. Married, vSept. 16, 1856, Charles M. Hill. They had two children. Residence, Roanoke, Va. 91 1225. Levy Ayers. Sergeant, Co. F., 3d Regt. Inft., U. S. Army. Wounded in neck in battle with the Pillager Indians on Bear Island, near Walker, Minn., about Oct. 7, 1898. ,911226. Henry Aires. Private, Lee's Legion, in Rev. War. 911227. Travis Ayer. He was granted leave in May, 1758, by Assembly of Conn, to sell land of Joshua Gladding to pay his bills. Residence, Saybrook, Conn. 9 11 228. Moses Ayer. He married, Feb. 18, 18 10, Abigail Proctor (daughter of William Proctor and Mary Proctor). She was born June 3, 1787. She died March 16, 1875, at Putney, Vt. 911229. Jonathan Brockway. He married, Dec. 2, 1819, Nancy Ayer. 9 11 230. Albert E. Ayer. He was born in England. Resi- dence, 1900, Macksville, Kan. 91 1 23 1. John Ayer. He married, Oct. 31, 1698, Ruth Browne in Haverhill, Mass. Child : 911232. Edith. Born .April 8, 1702. 91 1233. Fphraim Uavis. He married, March 19, 1688, Mary Fires at Andover, Mass. 91 1234. Martha Fyre. Widow. Residence, 1678, Boston, Mass. 911235. Eliza Ayres. Estate administered May 22, 1710, at Haverhill, Mass. 91 1236. Samuel Ayer. Son-in-law of Robert Kimball who was appointed administrator of his estate May i, 1728, at Haverhill, Mass. Appendix XXVII. 1665 91 1237. John Ayer. He married Mary. Will dated March 6, 1744; proved Jan., 1745, at Haverhill, Mass. Children : 91 1238. Timothy. 91 1239. Abigail. 91 1240. John Eyers. Estate administered in 1744 at Haver- hill, Mass. 91 1250. Jacob Eyre. Residence, 1898, Richmond Hill, Pro- vince of Ontario, Canada. 91 1 25 1. John (o. James) Ayer. Selectman. Killed by the French and Indians at Watertown, Mass., Aug. 29, 1708. 911252. James Ayer. Freeman, 1655, Dover. 91 1253. John Ayer. Freeman, 1640, Salisbury, Mass. 91 1254. Henry Ayer. Freeman, 1655, Portsmouth, R. I. 91 1255. Mark Ayer. He and Nathaniel Ayer in New Hamp- shire, 1689, asked protection from Mass. 91 1256. Moses Ayer. Married, March 26, 1666, Bethia Millett. 91 1257. Edward Ayer. Witness to will of John Shapleigh of Kittery, Me., July 14, 1685. 91 1258. William Eyers. Residence, 165 1-9, Hartford, Conn. 91 1259. Samuel Ayer. He married (ist), Abigail, by whom he [had a son, Stephen. He married (2nd), Sarah, by whom he had a son Jabez. Children : 911260. Stephen. Born March 23, 1689. 911261. Jabez. Born Dec. 20, 169 1. 91 1262. William Thomas Ever. He was born near Toronto, Canada. His grandfather and great-grandfather went to Canada when there were only a half dozen houses in Toronto. They lived in Pennsylvania some time before going there. Office, 26 Broadway. Residence, 1899, 255 West 122nd St., N. Y. City. 91 1263. x\aron Ayers. He married, at Needham, Mass., Jan. 26, 1769, Rebecca Everett late of Dedham. 1 666 History of the Ayres Family. 91 1264. Nathaniel Aiers. He married, April 20, 1731, widow Anne Tolman at Needham, Mass. Residence, Stoughton, Mass. 91 1265. Nathaniel Avers. He married, Nov. 26, 1740, Sarah Green at Weymouth, Mass. 91 1266. John Ayres. He married, July 5, 1757, at Roxbury, Mass., Mrs. Hannah Dana of Dedham. Child : 911267. Sarah. Born Jan. 6, 1761, at Needham, Mass. 911268. Nathan AvERV. He married, Feb. 20, 1782, Anna Ayer. She was born March 31, 1758. She died May 22, 1840. He was at Ft. Griswold, Conn., during the massacre, Sept. 6, 1781. His great-granddaughter is Mrs. S. R. Osgood. Residence, 1803, Tele- graph Ave., Oakland, Cal. 9 1 1 269. Thomas Avers. (His sister Betsey married a Gorham.) (See Jane Ayers (daughter of David and Jane Ayers) who married Elnathan Gorham.) He was born in 1770. He married Polly Haw- kins. They had twelve children. He settled previous to 1800 in Bridgewater or Woodstock, Vt.. where he resided until i8i3when he went West. 91 1270. Elnathan Gorham. (Stephen'', Josiah^ Joseph^ John'.) He was born June 10, 1778. He married (ist), in July, 1802, Jane Ayers (daughter of David and Jane Ayers). She was born May 24, 1780. He died Sept. 11, 182 1, at Batavia, N. Y. She died May 29, 1807. Children : 911271. Antis Ross. Born Nov. i, 1802, in Chesterfield, N. H. Mar- ried, Sept. 12, 1822, Seth Hinckley in Hardwick, Mass. She died in Nov., J 851, in California. 911272. Noyes. Born Sept. 12, 1805. Died Oct 2, 1821. 911273. Ezra C. Aver. He was born in 1829 in Saybrook, Conn. Soldier in Civil War. He died April 24, 1901, at Union- ville. Conn. 91 1274. Alfred Ayres. Instructor in elocution and author of standard books on the subject. Contributor to Dramatic Mirror, Feb. 25, 1899. Appendix XXVII. 1667 91 1275. Hartshorn S. Aver. Residence, 1899, Columbus, Penn. 91 1276. Dr. H. M. Ayres. Residence, Paulding, Ohio. 91 1277. Dr. Lillie M. Ayres. Graduated at Eclectic Medi- cal Institute, Cincinnati, i88g. Residence, Paulding, Ohio. 911284. Rev. Edward P. Aver. Residence, 1897, Easton, Conn. 91 1285. Rev. Edwin I. Ayer. Residence, 1897, Manistee, Mich. 91 1286. Rev. Alfred W. Ayer. Residence, 1897, Wisner, Neb. 91 1287. Rev. Milan C. Avers. Boston Journalist. Resi- dence, 1897, Roxbury, Mass. 91 1288. Nathan Aver. County Commissioner. Residence, 1897, Preston, Conn. 91 1289. Ebenezer Ayer. He married Thankful Lockwood. Residence, New Canaan, Conn. Children : 91 1290. Daughter. Born in January. Married Judge Carter. 91 1300. 91 1 291. Mathilda. 91 1292. Eliza. 91 1293. Anizi. 91 1 294. Hezron. 91 1 295. Ebenezer. 91 1296. Andrew. Married. They had several children.' Residence, Brooklyn, N. Y. 9 II 300. Judge Carter. He married Ayer, 91 1290. Residence, Norwalk, Conn. Child : 911301. Daughter. Married a Griffiths. Address, Mrs. A. S. Griffiths. Residence, 1899, 102 Ross St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 911302. Sarah Aires. (Granddaughter of James and Deborah Reynolds of Kingstown, R. I.) Deed from him to Sarah Aires dated June 5, 1699. 1 668 History of the Ayres Family. 91 1303. Rev. Enos Ayres. Residence, about 1770, Bloom- ingrove, Orange Co., N, Y. 91 1304. Rudolph B. Avers. Member of Gatling Gun Co. C, N. J. Militia, 1889. 91 1305. Charles Carlton Aver. Graduated at Harvard College, 1889. Residence, Boston, Mass. 911310. Elisha Ayer. 195500. He was born Aug. 16, 1757. He married Hope Fanning. Private, ist Co., Col. Parson's Conn. Regt. in Rev. War. He died June 20, 1853. Residence, Preston, Conn. Child : 911311. Frederick. 195520. 91 1350. 91 1350. Frederick Ayer. (Elisha.) 195520. He was born Aug. 14, 1792. He married, Jan. 5, 1817, Persis Cook. She was born May 8, 1796. He died Dec. 21, 1825. Residence, Ledyard, Conn. Children : 911351 911352 911353 9 "354 91 1355 Frederick AlVjert. Born Oct. 27, 181 7. Died. James Cook. Born May 8, 1819. Fanny B. Born Oct. 25, 1820. Frederick. Born Dec. 8, 1822. 195560. 91 1380. Loisa L. Born Jan. 24, 1825. 91 1380. Frederick Ayer. (Frederick^, Elisha'.) 195560. 91 1354. He married (ist), in 1858, Cornelia Wheaton of Syracuse, N. Y., by whom he had two sons and two daughters. She died in 1878. He married (2nd), in 1884, Ellen B. Banning, by whom he had one son and two daughters. Children : i 9113S1. Ellen M. Porn in 1859. Married William M. Wood. Resi- dence, 1899, Andover, Mass. 911382. Dr. James Cook. Born Oct. 13, 1862. 195561. Physician. Un- married. Residence, 1899, 66 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. 91 1383. Charles Fanning. Born in 1865. 195562. 91 1384. Louise R. Born in 1878. 91 1385. vSon. 91 1386. Daughter. 91 1387. Daughter. Appendix XXVII. 1669 91 1420 91 1421 911424 911425 91 1426 911427 911428 911432 Allen Ayers. Residence, 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. Ben. W. Ayers. Residence, 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. Sherman Ayers. Residence, 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. WillljlM Ayers. Residence, 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. Ben. J. Ayers. Residence, 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. Ed. B. Ayers. Residence, 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. E. Z. Ayers. Residence, 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. John C. Ayers. Residence. 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. Mary E. Ayers. Residence, 1902, Ft. Worth, Tex. Capt. John Ayer. Commander of the "Lynch," U. 911433- S. Navy, 1776. 91 1434. Daniel Ayer. Residence, 1720, Boston, Mass. 91 1436. Daniel Ayers. He first forged iron in Boston about 1720. 91 1437. Norman S. Ayres. He was born in 1837. He re- moved from St. Johnsbury, Vt., to N. Y. City where he died Feb. 7, 1902. 91 1438. Col. E. W. Ayers. He was born in 1837 in Lynch- burg, Va. He served with distinction in the Confederate Army. He belonged to the famous Richmond Blues, and was a member of the company that officiated at the hanging of John Brown. Washington correspondent of the Kansas City Times. He died Jan. 3, 1902. 91 1439. Nathan C. Ayer. He was born in 1820. He mar- ried. Lumberman. President of Second National Bank of Bangor, Me. He died Jan. 17. 1902. Child : 91 1440. F. W. President 2nd National Bank of Bangor, Me. 911450. Jehiel Ayer. He married Clarissa. Child : 911451. Joseph Niles. Born Aug. i, 1805. 1670 History of the Ayres Family. 91 1460. Eleazer Aver. He married. Child : 911461. Chester. 9114S0. 91 1480. Chester Aver. (Eleazer.) 911461. He married. Child : 911481. Daughter. Married Peleg Keiiyon. Residence, 1901, Frank- lin, Conn. 91 1490. Rev. Joseph Ayer, He married. Residence, about 1850, Hanover, now Sprague, Conn, Child : 911491. Rev. Charles L. 911500. 91 1500. Rev. Charles L. Ayer. (Joseph.) 911 491. He married. Residence, Bethlehem, Conn. Child : 911501. Son. Married, about 1S98, a Witter of Hanover, Conn. 91 1510. Henry Morton Avars. Graduated at Harvard Col- lege, A.B., 1886. Student in Harvard Law School, 1886-7. Regis- tered from Cleveland, Ohio. Residence, 1889, Boston, Mass. 91 15 1 1. W. H. Ayres. Principal of Guilford (Conn.) Acad- emy, 1865. 911512. Rev. James Ayres. Pastor of Hanover Congrega- tional Church, Norwich, Conn., 1845. He was formerly at North Stonington, Conn. 911513. Richard Eayre. Incorporator of Mt. Holly N.J. Insurance Co., 1831. Director in same. 91 1 5 14. Lucius L. Ayres. Residence, 1881, Mt. Holly, N. J. 911515. Rudolph Ayres. Residence, 1902, Richford, N. Y. 911516. Willis Ayres. Residence, 1902, Richford, N. Y. 91 15 1 7. Stout Ayers. Residence, 1859-81, E. Windsor, N.J. 91 15 18. Henry Burr. (John=, Henry'.) He was born Aug. 26, 17 15. He married Sarah Eayre of Eayrestown, N. J. Free- Appendix XXVII. 1671 holder. Residence, 1775, Burlington, N. Y. (See New Jersey Archives, Second Series, Vol. 2, Page 390.) Child : 91 15 19. Henry. 91 1520. Nathaniel Dominy. He was born Dec. 14, 17 14. He married, Dec. 30, 1736, Elizabeth Eyres. He died March 30, 1778. Residence, Southold, L. I., N. Y. 911521. Asa Kimball. He settled at Barton, Vt., in 1795. He built a Hour mill in 1797. He removed in 1816 from Barton, Vt., to Candor, N. Y., where he remained a few years; then removed to Burlington. Ohio, where a few years after he died. 91 1522. Hosea Eyre. Freeholder. Residence, 1775, Bur- lington, N. J. 91 1523. Jonathan Eyres. Member of Prov. Cong, of N. J., Jan., 1776. 91 1524. Nathaniel Eyres. Member of Prov. Cong, of N. J. from Somerset Co., Aug., 1775. 91 1525. O. F. Ayres, Jr. Insurance. Residence, 1902, Newark, N. J. 91 1526. C. D. Ayers. Insurance Agent. Residence, 1902, Bayonne, N. J. 911527. John B. Ayers. Insurance Agent. Residence, 1902, Morristown, N. J. 91 1528. J. H. Ayers. Insurance Agent. Residence, 1902, Newton, N. J. 91 1529. Thomas O. Ayers. Insurance Agent. Residence, 1902, Orange, N. J. Child : 91 1530. Spencer G. Insurance Agent. Residence, 1902, Orange, N. J. ■911531. D. M. Ayer. Resident Agent Bates Manufacturing Co., Lewiston, Me., i860. 911533- Samuel Ayer Kimball. Graduated at Yale College, A.B., 1879, and Harvard Medical School, 1882. 1672 History of the Ayres Family. 91 1534. William Travis Aver. Student in Sheffield Scienti- fic School, 1901-2. Residence, Saybrook, Conn. 91 1535. Robert Williams Ayres. Student in Sheffield Scien- tific School, 1901-2. Residence, Cincinnati, Ohio. 91 1536. John Eyres. (John Eyres and Eleanor Whitmore.) He was born May 13, 1836, in County Leeds, Canada. He removed about i860 to LeRoy, N. Y. He married (ist), Margaret Wright, by whom he had one daughter who died in or before i8go. He mar- ried (2nd), Mary E. Shaw (daughter of Matthew Shaw of LeRoy). They also had a daughter. 91 1540. Rev. William Carr. He married Laura F. Nutter. She graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, 1872. Registered from Barnstead Parade, N. H. Residence, 1877, Barnstead, N. H. 91 1545. Daniel Chandler. (Daniel", Joseph', John% Will- iam'.) He married Polly Ayres. Soldier, Capt. Caleb Clark's Co., Conn. Regt., at age of fifteen years in Rev. War. Child : 911546. Harlow. 911560. 91 1560. Harlow Chandler, (Daniel-, Daniel'.) He married Olive Hibbard. Child : 911561. Henry B. 911570. 91 1570. Henry B. Chandler. (Harlow^ Daniel", Daniel'.) 911561. He married Mary Ann Mather Watson (daughter of Dr. Hiram Watson and Elizabeth Stoughton Ellsworth). Child : 911571. Sarah Olivia. Born in Mich. Married WiUiam Constantine Egan. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 91 1572. Joel Knight. He married, July 3, 1794, Hannah Ayres at Rockingham, A^t. 91 1573. William Eyre Ashburner. Graduated at Yale Col- lege, A.B., 1840. Died in 1847. Appendix XXVII. 1673 91 1574. Rev. Nalkro Frazier Robinson. Born in 1S51 in Philadelphia. Graduated at University of Pennsylvania, 1874. 911580. Hon. John Avers. He married. State Senator. Residence, New Jersey. Child : 911581. William. 91 1600. William Avers. (John.) 911581. He married Sarah Rustling (daughter of Rev. Sedgwick Rustling (Methodist), of Brunswick, New Jersey). She was born in 1840. She died Aug. 24, 1902. She left surviving two grandchildren, Milton Ayers and Carleton Raynals. Children : 91 1601. William. He is connected with the Chemical National Bank of N. Y. City. 9TT602. Eva. Married a VanDuzee. Residence, Dansville, N. Y. 91 1610. Phineas Aver. Soldier in Rev. War from Concord, N. H., 1781. 911615. Grover Avers. He married. Residence, Spring- field, 111. Child : 911616. Mortimer. Born June 25, 1848. 911625. 911625. Dr. Mortimer Avers. (Grover.) 911616. He was born June 25, 1848, at Springfield, 111. He studied medicine in this country and in Europe. He married, July 15, 1874, Dora Hill (daughter of- Lt. Col. William Hill of Rushville, 111.). Physician. Surgeon in U. S. navy. He removed in 1895 from Rushville to Pasadena, Cal. He died Feb, 27, 1902. She resides, 1902, 58 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Children : 91 1626. Ethel. Born Nov. 24, 1875. 91 1627. Dora Olive. Born Nov. 13, 1877. Married Julius Richards Jacobs. 91 1640. 91 1640. Julius Richards Jacobs. He married, Oct. 28, 1897, Dora Olive Ayers. 91 1627. Residence, Pasadena, Cal. Child : 911641. Dorothy Ayers. Born Feb. 21, 1S99. 1 674 History of the Ayres Family. 91 1645. Richard Gilbert Aver. Graduated at Harvard Medical School, 1891. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. • 91 1650. Walter Aver. Graduated at Harvard College, 1893. 91 1655. William Ayres, Esq. Lawyer. Admitted in Dec, 1798. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. 911656. Herbert Ayres. Residence, 1902, Jamestown, N. Y. 911657. Anne Ayres. Born in 1816. Philanthropist. Died in 1896. 91 1658. Samuel Ayres. Private, Co. D., 14th N. Y. Artillery. Enlisted, July 7, 1863, at Montour. Discharged, Aug. 27, 1865. 911659. Albert Ayers. Co. H., 15th Engineers. Residence, Richford, N. Y. 91 1660. Dr. Frank G. Bryant. He married an Ayres of Bradford Co., Pa. 911661. Alfred Ayres. Author of Acting and Actors. Es- sentials of Elocution. 91 1662. Anne Ayres. Author of Life of Muhlenburg. 91 1663. Rev. E. E. Ayres. Author of Counterpoint and Canon. 911664. M. C. Ayres. Compiler of Philip Brooks in Boston. 91 1665. R. F. Ayres. Author of Romance of Cyrano de Bergerac. 911666. John Eayre. Adjutant, New Hampshire Regt. in Siege of Louisburg, 1745. 911667. Lieut. H. C. Ayer. First Lieut., 2nd Separate Co., Vt. Militia. Residence, 1889, Richford, Vt. 91 1668. H. B. Ayres. Connected with U. S. Geological Sur- vey and made report on white pine timber in Minn, between 1890 and 1900. 9 11 669. Landis Ayr. Author of Brown-Laurel Marriage and Platonic Experiment. 911670. Mrs. Amy G. Ayer. Author of Home, Health and Beauty. Appendix XXVII. 1675 911671. J. Hamilton Ayers. Author of Every Man His Own Doctor. 91 1672. Lieut. Col. Eyre. Commander of 3d Battalion N. J. Volunteers in British Army. Killed in attack on New London, Conn., Sept. 5, 1781. 91 1673. Rev. Jabez S. Swan. Baptist minister. Residence, 1847, New London, Conn. 91 1674. Edward Eyre. Merchant. Second Vice President and Director in W. R. Grace & Co. Director in City Trust Co. Member of New York Yacht and Catholic Clubs, Down Town Asso- ciation and Metropolitan Museum of Art. Address, i Hanover Square. Residence, 1900, 818 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. 91 1675. John Eyre. Born June 24, 1846, in Eyrecourt Castle, County Galway, Ireland. Educated at Raneleigh College, Athlone and at Douglas College on the Isle of Man. Married. Commission merchant. He is connected with the National Provident Union of the State of New Jersey. Director in W. R. Grace & Co. Member of Commercial Club, New York Council No. 348 Royal Arcanum, and Newark Bay Boat Club of Bayonne. Address, 105 Hudson St., N. Y. City. Residence, 1900, Bayonne, N. J. 91 1676. Edward C. Ayre. Born Oct. 3, 1854, in Richmond Co., Staten Island, N. Y. Educated at Harrow School, England. Married. Broker. Member of Prince & Whitley, members of the New York Stock Exchange. Member of New York Athletic and Staten Island Clubs, American Geographical Society, Tompkins Lodge, No. 471 F. & A. M., Syrian Chapter, Aurora Grata Consistory and Kismet Temple of Brooklyn. Address, 52 Broadway, N. Y. City. Residence, igoo, Clifton, Staten Island, N. Y. 911677. John Eyre. Graduated at Harvard College, 17 17. Died in 1753. 911678. Dr. Thomas Eyres. Graduated at Yale College, 1754. Physician. Fellow of Brown University, 1764-88; Secre- tary, 1764-76. Physician. He died in 1788. Residence, Newport, R. I. 1676 History of the Ayre.^ Family. 91 1680. Timothy Swan. He married Benomi Ayer. He set- tled in New London, Conn. Child : 911681. Timothy. 91 1690. 91 1690. Timothy Swan. (Timothy.) 911681. He married. Child : 911691. Joseph. Born in 1776. 911700. 911700. Joseph Swan. (Timothy^, Timothy'.) 911691. He was born in 1776. He married. He died in 1870. Child : 911701. Joseph. 91 1720. 91 1720. Joseph Swan. (Joseph', Timothy-, Timothy'.) 911701. He married Phebe Robinson (descendant of Rev. John Robinson of Leyden). Child : 911721. Lansing E. Born in 1809. 911740. 91 1740. Lansing B. Swan. (Joseph", Joseph^ Timothy', Timothy'.) 911 721. He was born in 1809. He married. He died in 1861. Child : 911741. .\lfred J. Born in 1845. 911760. 91 1760. Alfred J. Swan, (Lansing B.=, Joseph", Joseph^, Timothy^ Timothy'.) 911741. He was born in 1845. He married Henrietta Tilden (daughter of Henry A. Tilden of New Lebanon, N. Y.). Residence, N. Y. City. Child : 9[i76i. Henry. Born in 1875. Residence, 1887, New Lebanon, N. Y. 91 1780. John V. Ayer. He was born in Haverhill, Mass. He married. Child : 911781. Herbert. Born in New Orleans, La. 911800. Appendix XXVII. 1677 911S00. Herbert Ayer. (John V.) 911781. He was born in New Orleans, La. He married Harriet Hubbard. She is an author. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. Child : 911S01. Margaret. She is a noted singer, 91 1820. Edward Ayer. (Descendant of John Ayer of Haver- hill, Mass., 1635.) Residence, 1902, Chicago, 111. 91 1840. Dr. Washington Ayer. He was born at Haverhill, Mass. His father was a manufacturer at Ayer Village four miles- from Haverhill. Dr. x\yer married Augusta C, of SanFrancisco. He died in 1899. She resides, 1902, 1622 Clay St., San Francisco, CaL 911850. Monroe Ayer. He married. Residence, Haverhill. Mass. Child : 911S51. Ellen. Married a McAllister. Residence, 1902, 13 Arlington St., Haverhill, Mass. 91 1860. Walter Ayer. Residence, 1902, 41 White St., Haverhill, Mass. 91 1870. Daniel Chandler. (DanieP, Joseph^, John^ Will- iam'.) He was born Dec. 5, 1764, at East Hartford, Conn. He married. June 25, 1797, Polly Ayres of Lebanon, N. H. She was born Aug. 22, 1766, at Haverhill, N. H. Soldier in Rev. War. Pen- sioner. Merchant. He removed to Lebanon, N. H., and then to St. Armond, Canada East. He died Jan. 15, 1853. She died March 3. 1853- Children : 911S71. Horace Mitchell. Born Dec. 5, 1800, at St. Arniand. 91 1872. Harlow. Born Aug. 28, 1802. 911873. George B. Eyre. Second Lieut, and Battalion Adju- tant, 6th Pa. Regt. in Spanish-American War. Enrolled April 28, 1898. Mustered in May 13, 1898, Acting Commissary. Mustered out with regiment Oct. 17, 1898. Residence, Reading, Pa. 91 1874. William D. Eyre. Private, Co. D., ist Pa. Regt. in Spanish- American War. Enrolled May 10, i8g8. Mustered in May 1678 History of the Ayres Family. II, 1898. Honorably discharged Sept. 2, 1898, per telegraphic order of Secretar}^ of War, dated Aug. 29, 1898. Residence, Phila- delphia, Pa. 91 1875. George W. Eyre. First Lieut, and R. Q. M., 91st Regt. Pa. Inft. Vols. Died Dec. 31, 1862, of disease at Philadel- phia, Pa. 911876. Edward E. Eyre. Lieut. Col., istRegt. Cal. Cavalry Vols. Resigned Nov. 30, 1862. 91 1880. Dr. Charles Ayers, Born in Town of Tioga, Tioga Co., N. Y. Physician. Licensed Nov. 27, 1876, by Eclectic Medi- cal Society, 26th Senatorial. District. Residence, Town of Tioga. Address, Owego, N. Y. 91 1882. Jacob Ayers. Born in New Jersey. Removed in 1825 to Richford, N. Y. 91 1884. Wm. Eyre Ashburner. Graduated at Yale, 1841. Died 1847. 91 1886. Manuel Eyre Robinson. Princeton, 1822, M.D. U. of P., 1826. 911888. Samuel H. Allibone. Princeton, 1871. D., 1875. 91 1890. Thomas Eyre. (See Riker's History of Harlem, N. Y.) 91 189 1. Rev. Joseph Ayer. Residence, about i860, Volun- town, Windham Co., Conn. Child : 91 1892. Rev. Charles L. Ordained Congregational minister Jan. 6, 1859, at Voluntown, Conn. 91 1894. Nathaniel Ayers. Residence, 1725, Voluntown, Conn. 91 1895. John Ayers. Residence, 1725, Voluntown, Conn. 91 1896. Peter Ayers. Residence, 1753, Voluntown, Conn. 91 1898. James Edgar Ayer. He married, Nov. 29, 1866, Emily Augusta Chandler (daughter of Enoch F. Chandler and Han- nah Shirley). She was born Aug. 20, 1839. She died Sept. 30, 1873, ^t New Orleans, La. No children. Appendix XXVII. 1679 91 1900. John Hubbard Chandler. (Henry'', Moses^, Will- iam^ William^, Thomas^ William'.) He was born Jan. 21, 1838, at Temple, Me. He married, in 1868, Laura Ayer of Albany. Resi- dence, Albany. Child : 911901. Manly H. Born in 1S70. 91 1904. Adin Ayers. He married Lucy. Child : 911905. Mary Jane. Married William Fay Chandler. 911908. 91 1908. William Fay Chandler. (Josiah C.^ Josiah\ Jos- eph', John% William'.) He was born Dec. 17, 181 7. He married, March 4, 1865, Mary Jane Ayers. 91 1905. Residence, Enfield, Mass. 91 1909. Ayden Ayres. Residence, 1902, South Columbia, N. Y. Eyre History. DR. SIMON EYRE OF BOSTON, MASS. (1635.) SECOND GENERATION. 912000. Capt. John Eyre. (Simon.) 371170. Remarried Katharine Brattle (daughter of Capt. Thomas Brattle, merchant, and Elizabeth Tyng, daughter of Capt. William Tyng of Boston, Mass.). Salt manufacturer near Roxbury, Mass., 17 16. Children : 912001. Katharine. Married ( ist), David Jeffries. 912200. Married (2nd), Oliver Noyes. 912220. 912002. Bethia. Married John Walley. 912300. THIRD GENERATION. 912200. David Jeffries. (David.) He was born June 25, 1690. He graduated at Harvard College, 1708. He married, March 18, 1713, Katharine Eyre. 91 2001. Merchant. He was lost in the ship Amity near Dungeness, Sept. 13, 17 16. Residence, Boston, Mass. Child : 912201. David. Born Oct. 23, 1714. 914000. 912220, Oliver Noyes. He married Katharine (Eyre) Jef- fries. 9 1 200 1. 912300. John Walley. (Gen. John.) He was born Sept. II, 1691. He married, March 18, 1714, Bethia Eyre. 912002. He died March 6, 1745. Fourth Generation. i68i Children 91 2301. John. Born Oct. 6, 1716. 914200. 912302. Catharine. Born in 1719. 912303. Sarah. Born in 1722. 912304. Bethia. Born in 1724. 912305. Thomas. Born Nov. i, 1725. 914400. 912306. EUzabeth. Born in 1731. 912307. Mary. Born in 1733. FOURTH GENERATION. 914000. David Jeffries. (David^ David'.) 912201. He was born Oct. 23, 17 14. He graduated at Harvard College, 1732. He married (ist), Oct. 21, 1741, his cousin, Sarah Jaffray. They had eight children, five of whom died young, two daughters died un- married, and one son John alone preserves the name. She died July 11, 1753. He married (2nd), Deborah Lyde (daughter of Byfield Lyde or Loyd). They had five children, all of whom died young or unmar- ried. Town Treasurer, 1749. Representative, 1776. He died in 1785. Residence, Boston. Child : 914001. John. Born Feb. 4, 1745. 916000. 914200. Rev. John Walley. (John^ John'.) 912301. He was born Oct. 6, 17 16. He graduated at Harvard College, 1734. He married Elizabeth Appleton. Ordained Nov. 4, 1747, first minis- ter at Ipswich, Mass. Dismissed Feb 22, 1764, because of sickness. Installed in May, 1773, at Bolton, Mass. Dismissed in 1784. He died March 2, 1784. 914400. Thomas Walley. (John", John'.) 912305. He was born Nov. i, 1725. He married (ist), in 1748, Mary Kneeland ; (2nd), in 1767, Sarah Hurd. He died Sept. 5, 1806. They had several children besides those named below. Children : 914401. Mary. Married Capt. John Langdon. 916400. 914402. Thomas. Born in 1768. Married Eliza Ferrall of Martinique. They had twelve children. He died Aug. 2, 1848. 914403. Sarah. Born March 25, 1772. Married Hon. John Phillips. 916500. 914404. Charles. Born in 1776. Married Catharine Hurd. Died March 12, 1S40. 914405. Samuel Hall. Born April 12, 1778. 916600. 1 682 History of the Ayres Family. FIFTH GENERATION. 916000. Dr. John Jeffries. (David^ David^ David'.) 91 4001. He was born Feb. 4, 1745. He graduated at Harvard College, 1763. M.D., Aberdeen University, 1769, Harvard, 1819. He studied medi- cine and in 1771 was appointed surgeon to the Captain, a British ship of the line. He was a Royalist and went to Nova Scotia, where he was appointed chief of the surgical staff. In 1785 he made the famous passage of the British Channel in a balloon. He returned to Boston in 1790 where he acquired an extensive practice. He died there Sept. 16, 1819. He married (ist), about 1770, Sarah Rhoads. They had three children who died unmarried. He married (2nd), Sept. 8, 1787, in London, Hannah Hunt (daughter of William and Hannah Hunt). They had eleven children, all of whom except four died unmarried. In 1789 he delivered the first public lecture on Anatomy ever given in New England, but public feeling being against dissections he was forced by mob violence to discontinue his discourses. Children : 916001. John. Born March 23, 1796. 91S000. 916002. Catharine. Married C. C. Haven. Their son, Charies Chaun- cey Haven, graduated at Harvard College, 1804 ; died in 1874. 916003. Julia Ann. Married Thomas E. Eckley. Their son, Thomas Jeffries Eckley, graduated at Harvard College, 1804; died in 1846. 916004. George J. Born Dec. 21, 1789. He took the name of Jaffrey. 916400. Capt. John Langdon. (Nathaniel^ John'.) He was born July 28, 1747. He married, June 2, 1771, Mary Walley. 914401. Bookseller. Captain of a volunteer company in the Rev. War and served in Rhode Island. He afterwards held a position in the Boston custom house. He died in Aug., 1793, in Boston, Mass. Children : 916401. John Walley. Bapt. March 8, 1772. Married Aug. 26, 1794, Rebecca Cordis of Charlestown and had issue. Merchant in the Smyrna trade. 916402. Mary. Bapt. July 18, 1773. Married Dr. William P. Green- wood. 920000. Fifth Generation. 1683 916403. Elizabeth. Bapt. July 3, 1774. Married, Nov. 22, 1795, Will- iam Lovett, Esq. 916404. Abigail Harris. Born in 1777 at Bolton. Married Giles Lodge, Esq. 920060. 916405. Sarah. Bapt. April 12, 1778. Married Andrew Aitcheson, Esq. 916406. Anne Hurd. Bapt. Sept. 2, 1781. Married, in Aug., 1817, John Bellows, Esq. President of the Manufacturers' and Me- chanics' Bank. 916407. Thomas Walley. Bapt. Oct. 5, 1783. Married, Aug. 31, 1833, widow Jane Weaver Ross (only daughter of Dr. John Green- wood of New York). Merchant in the Smyrna trade in Boston, Mass. 916408. Catharine Amelia. Bapt. Dec. 25, 1785. Married Samuel Cook, Esq. 916409. Charlotte Augusta. Bapt. Dec. 31, iSoi, at the age of thir- teen. Died unmarried. 916500. Hon. John Phillips. (William Phillips and Mar- garet Wendell, daughter of Jacob Wendell, Col. John Phillips2;and Mary Butlolph, Samuel Phillips and Mary Emerson, granddaughter of Deputy Governor Symonds, Rev. Samuel Phillips, Rev. George P. Phillips of Watertown, Mass.) He was born Nov. 26, 1770, in Bos- ton. He graduated at Harvard College, 1788, and then studied law. He married Sarah Walley. 914403. Public Prosecutor, 1800. Representative, 1803. State Senator, 1804-23. President of State Senate, 1813-23. Member State Constitutional Convention, 1820. He was the first mayor of the City of Boston, Mass., 1822. Overseer of Harvard, 18 12. Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sci- ences. He died May 23, 1823, in Boston. Children : 916501. Thomas Walley. Graduated at Harvard College, 1814. Mar- ried Ann S. Dunn. Died in 1859. 916502. Rev. John Charles. Graduated at Harvard College, 1826, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1832. Married Hannah Welch. Died in 1878. 916503. George William. Graduated at Harvard University, 1S29. Died in 1880. 916504. Wendell. Born Nov. 29, 1811. 921000. 916505. Grenville Tudor. Graduated at Harvard College, 1836. Died in 1863. 916506. vSarah. Married (ist), Rev. Francis Jenks. Graduated at Harvard College, 181 7, and Divinity School, 1S20. Died in 1832. Married (2nd), Alonzo Gray. 921300. 1684 History of the Ayres Family. 916507. Margaret. Married Dr. Edward Reynolds. Graduated at Harvard College, A.B., 181 1. M.D., Brown University (Hon- orary), 1825, and Bowdoin College, 1825. Fellow of American Academy. Died in 1 881. 916508. Miriam. Married Rev. George Washington Blagden. Gradu- ated at Yale College, 1823, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1826. A.M., Yale, 1843. S.T.D., Union College, 1849. Har- vard, 1850. Overseer of Harvard. Member Mass. Historical Society. Died in 1884. 916600. Samuel Hall Walley. (Thomas', John% John'.) 914405. He was born April 12, 1778. He married Miriam Phil- lips (daughter of Lt. Gov. William Phillips, Jr.). He died July 25, 1850. Children : 916601. Samuel Hurd. Born Aug. 31, 1S05. 922000. 916602. Miriam. Born in 1807. 916603. Sarah. Born in 18 16. Married Dr. W. K. Brown. 916604. Abby. Born in iSrS. SIXTH GENERATION. 918000. Dr. John Jeffries. (John^ David^ David^ David'.) 916001. He was born March 23, 1796. He graduated at Harvard College, A. B., 1815; M.D., 1819, and Brown, 1825. He married, Nov. 8, 1820, Anne Geyer Amory (daughter of Rufus Greene Amory and Ann McLean Von Geyer). Physician. He died July 16, 1876. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 918001. John. Born Dec. 30, 1823. 924000. Married Ann Loyd Greene. 918002. Catharine A. 918003. Anne McL. 918004. Sarah Augusta. Married Charles L. Andrews. 918005. Dr. Benjamin Joy. Graduated at Harvard College, A. B., 1854, and Harvard Medical School, 1857. After two years' study in Europe, he settled in Boston making a specialty of diseases of the eye and skin. Author of many books and essays on the eye. (See Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography.) 918006. Edward Payson. Graduated at Harvard College, 1856. 918007. Henry Upham. Graduated at Harvard College, 1862. 91800S. George J. Died. Sixth Generation. 1685 920000. Dr. William P. Greenwood. He married, July 23, 1796, Mary Langdon. 916402. She was the author of a dialogue on female education in Bingham's American Instructor. Children : 920Q01. Rev. Francis William Pitt. Graduated at Harvard College, 1814, and Divinity School, 1817. Doctor of Divinity, 1839. Member Mass. Hist. Societ}' and American Academy. Pastor of the New South Church, Boston, 1818-20. Editor of Unitar- ian Miscellany at Baltimore, 182 1-3. He returned to Boston in 1824 and became Dr. Freeman's colleague at King's Chapel, of which he was sole pastor from 1825 till his death. Associate editor of the Christian Examiner, 1837-8. Author and writer. He died Aug. 2, 1843, i" Dorchester, Mass. 920002. Rev. Alfred. Graduated at Harvard College, 1824, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1827. Died in 1868. 920060. Giles Lodge. (John^ John'', Francis'.) He was born in London, England. He left England for the West Indies to represent his brothers, merchants of Liverpool and London, barely escaped on a New England vessel from the massacre of St. Domingo to Boston, 1792. He married, in 1799, Abigail Harris Langdon. 916404. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 920061. Dr. Giles Henry. Born March 13, 1805, in Boston. Gradu- ated at Harvard, A.B., 1825, M.D., 1S28. Translator of Winc- klemann's "History of .\ncient Art Among the Greeks," arid of an art novel from the German of Baron von Sternberg entitled "The Breughel Brothers." He died in 1 888. Residence, Boston, Mass. 920062. John Ellerton. Born Nov. 7, 1807. 925000. 921000. Wendell Phillips. (John.) 916504. He was born Nov. 29., 181 1, in Boston, Mass. He was prepared at the Boston Latin School and graduated at Harvard, A.B., 183 1, LL.B., 1834. Lawyer. Handsome in person, cultivated in manners, and of a kindly and generous disposition, he was popular among his fellow students, and was noted for his fine elocution and his skill in debate. Aboli- tionist. He was the most famous anti-slavery orator of the period preceding and during the Civil War.- President of the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1865-70. Member of Phi Beta Kappa College fraternity. He married Anne Greene. He died Feb. 2, 1884, in Boston. 1 686 History of the Ayres Family. 921300. Rev. Alonzo Gray. He was born Feb. 21, 1808, in Townsend, Vt. He graduated at Amherst College, 1834, and Andover Theological Seminary, i860. Professor of Natural Sciences in Phil- lips Andover Academy, 1838-43. Professor of Chemistry in Marietta College, 1844-5. Teacher in Brooklyn Heights Female Academy, 1845-51. Founder of Brooklyn Heights Female Seminary, i85i,of which he was principal until his death. Author of works on Chem- istry, Natural Philosophv and Geology. He married Sarah Phillips. 916506. He died March 10, i860, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 922000. Hon. Samuel Hurd Walley, M.C. (Samuel Hall\ Thomas^, John^ John'.) 916601. He was born Aug. 31, 1805. He graduated at Harvard College, 1826. (xA.-B., Yale, 1826.) He mar- ried (ist), Mehitabel S. Bates (daughter of Hon. Isaac Chapman Bates, U. S. Senator of Northampton, Mass.). He married (2nd), Annie G. Hawes (daughter of Prince Hawes). Representative, eight sessions. Speaker, two sessions. Lawyer. Member of Congress. He was a well known Whig politician and Whig candidate for Gov- ernor in 1855. Overseer of Harvard. State Bank Commissioner. President of Revere Bank of Boston, 1859. He died in 1877. Resi- dence, Roxbury and Boston, Mass. Children : 922001. Henshaw Bates. Graduated at Harvard College, 1859. 922002. William Phillips. Graduated at Harvard University, A.B., 1864, LL.B., 1866. Died in 1891. 922003. Miriam Phillips. Married Hamilton Andrews Hill. He was born in 1827. Residence, Boston. SEVENTH GENERATION. 924000. John Jeffries. (John^ John^, John\ David^ David', David'.) 918001. He was born Dec. 30, 1823. He married, May 8, 1 85 1, Anna Lloyd (daughter of Hon. William Parkinson Greene of Norwich, Conn., Gardiner Greene). Lieut. Col., commanding Inde- pendent Corps Cadets, M.V.M. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 924001. Walter Lloyd. Born Nov. 26, 1854. Graduated at Harvard College, 1875. 924002. William .\ugustus. Graduated at Harvard College, 1875. 924003. Dr. John Amory. Graduated at Harvard University, A.B., 1881, M.D., 1884. Died in 1892. Eighth Generation. 1687 925000. John Ellerton Lodge. (Giles-*, John\ John^ Fran- cis'.) 920062. He was born Nov. 7, 1807. in Boston, Mass. He married Anna Sophia Cabot (daughter of Henry^ Cabot and Anna Blake, George-* Cabot, U. S. Senator from Mass., first Secretary of the Navy, President of Hartford Convention, Joseph^ Cabot, John-, John'). He died Sept. 11, 1862, in Nahant, Mass. Child : 925001. Henry Cabot. Born May 12, 1S50. EIGHTH GENERATION. 926000. Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge. (John Ellerton-\ Giles'', John^ John-, Francis'.) 925001. He was born May 12, 1850, in Boston, Mass. He graduated at Harvard University, A.B., 1871, LL.B., 1S74. (Ph.D., 1875.) He married Anna Cabot Mills Davis (daughter of Rear Ad. Charles H. Davis, U. S. N., and Harriette Mills, daughter of Hon. Elijah Hunt Mills, U. S. Senator from Mass., Daniel Davis, Solicitor General of Mass., Judge Daniel Davis of Plymouth, Mass., descendant of Robert Davis, one of the earliest settlers of Plymouth). University Lecturer on American History, 1876-9. Editor of North American Review, 1873-6, and Interna- tional Review, 1S79-S1. Representative, 1880-1. Delegate to Re- publican National Conventions, 1880 and '84. Chairman of Repub- lican State Committee two years. Member of Congress, 1887. U. S. Senator. Overseer of Harvard since 1884. Men-iber of numerous historical societies and scientific societies. Vice-President of Com- mission that superintended the celebration of the framing of the U. S. Constitution, in 1887. Author of Life and Letters of George Cabot; Short History of English Colonies in America; Life of Alexander Hamilton; Life of Daniel Webster in the American Statesmen series ; and Studies in History. Edited Popular Tales, Ballads and Lyrics ; The Works of Alexander Hamilton. Residence, 1902, Nahant, Mass. Children : 926001. George Cabot. Graduated at Harvard College, 1S95. 926002. Daughter. ^Married Hon. Augustus Peabody Gardner, IM.C. Graduated at Harvard College, 1886. Member of Congress, 1903-. Eyre History. KATHERINE EYRE OF BOSTON, MASS. {1638.) FIRST GENERATION. 930000. Rev. Charles Chauncy, (George Chauncy and Agnes Welsh.) He was baptized Nov. 5, 1592, at Yardley-Bury, Hertfordshire, England. He was the emigrant ancestor of all who bear the name of Chauncy or Chauncey in the United States. He received his preparatory training at Westminster school, and entered Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was made a Bachelor of Arts in 16 13, and a Master of Arts in 16 17. He was also made a Fellow of the College, and in 1624 was given the degree of B.U. He was chosen professor of Hebrew, but resigned, and was appointed to the Greek professorship. He remained at Trinity for some time, and then preached for a season at Marston-Laurence. Northamptonshire. • He married, March 17, 1630, Catharine Eyre (daughter of Robert Eyre, Barrister, of Sarum. Wilts, and Ann Still, daughter of Rt. Rev. John Still, Bishop of Bath and Wells. She was probably a sister or near relative of Dr. Simon Eyre as John Eyre, son of Dr. Simon Eyre, named one of his daughters Catharine, and another daughter, Bethia Eyre, became the wife of John Walley, whose sister, Sarah Walley, married Charles Chauncy, grandson of President Chauncy). In 1627 he became vicar of Ware, Hertfordshire, where his peculiar puritani- cal opinions involved him in difficulties with his ecclesiastical super- iors. In January, 1629, he was called before the high commission court on the charge of having used in his sermons certain expressions condemnatory of the church, and is said to have made his submission to Bishop Land. In 1635 he was again prosecuted for opposing the railing in of the communion table at Ware ; was suspended, cast into Second Generation. 1689 prison, condemned to pay costs, and obliged to make a humiliating recantation. He left England late in 1637, and arrived at Plymouth, Mass., in May, 1638. For about three years he preached with Mr. Reyner at Plymouth, and in 1641 was elected pastor of the church at Scituate, where he preached for twelve years. His pastorate in Scituate was for many reasons unpleasant to him, partly because of a difference of opinion among his parishioners, and partly because of a lack of financial support. His persecutor. Bishop Land, had been executed, and a change had taken place in the attitude of the church ; Mr. Chauncy was invited to return to Ware, and had reached Boston whence he was to sail, when he was invited to become President of Harvard College. He was inaugurated Nov. 29, 1654, and entered upon the duties of the office at a salary of ^100 per annum. He was the author of several works. He died Feb. ig, 1672, at Cam- bridge, Mass. She died Jan. 23 (o. Nov. 24), 1667. Children : 930001. Sarah. Married Rev. Gershoni Bulkley. 930050. 930002. Rev. Isaac. Born Aug. 23, 1632. 930100. 930003. Rev. Ichabod. Graduated at Harvard College, 1651, A.M., M.D. Diedini7i2. 930140. 930004. Rev. Barnabas. Born in 1637 in England. Graduated at Har- vard College, 1657. Preacher and physician. Died in early life. No issue. 930005. Rev. Nathaniel. Born in 1639. 930160. 930006. Rev. Elnathan. Born in 1639. Twin with Nathaniel. Gradu- ated at Harvard College, 1661. Preacher and physician. Mar- ried. He had only one child, Theodore, who died young. 930007. Rev. Israel. 930200. 93000S. Hannah. 930009. Mary. Married Joseph Loomis. 930240. SECOND GENERATION. 930050. Rev. Gershom Bulkeley, M.A. (Rev. Peter Bulke- ley.) He was born Dec. 2, 1636, or Jan. 2, 1637, at Concord, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College, 1655. He married, Oct. 24 or 26, 1659, Sarah Chauncy. 930001. He served in King Phillips' War with Conn, troops. He died Dec. i or 2, 17 13. She died June 3, 1699. Residence, New London, Wethersfield and Glastenbury, Conn. 1690 History of the Ayres Family. Childr 930051. en : Catharine. Married Richard Treat 930052. Dorothy. Married Thomas Treat Conn. 930053- Charles. 931 100. 930054- Peter. 931 120. 930055- Edward. Born 1672. 931 140. 930056. John. 931 160. 931000. Residence, Glastenbury, 930100. Rev. Isaac Chauncy. (Charles.) 930002. He was born Aug. 23, 1632. He graduated at Harvard College, 1651. He married Jane. He studied both theology and medicine. Clergyman in Woodborough, Wiltshire, Eng.. till 1662. Cong, minister at Andover for some time afterwards. Pastor of Bury Street Chapel, London, for fourteen years. He afterwards practiced medicine. He died Feb. 28, 17 12. Children : 930101. Isaac. lyinen draper. Residence, Bristol, Mass. 930102. Uzziel. 931300. 930103. Charles. 931320. 930104. Elizabeth. Married Rev. John Nesbit. 931330. 930140. Rev. Ichabod Chauncy. (Charles.) 930003. He was born in 1635 at Ware, England. He graduated at Harvard Col- lege, 1 65 I. He studied theology and medicine. He married Mary King. He removed to England. Chaplain, Sir Edward Harley's Regt. at Dunkirk, when the Act of Uniformity took place. He after- wards became a physician at Bristol, Eng. He removed to Holland. He returned in 1686 to Bristol. He died July 25. 1691, at Bristol, England. Children : 930141. Stanton. Unmarried. Died Nov., 1707, at Nevis. 930142. Charles. Born March 14, 1674. 931340. 930143. Nathaniel. Born Feb. 14, 1679. 931360. 930160. Rev. Nathaniel Chauncy. (Charles.) 930005. He was born in 1639 '" Plymouth, Mass. He graduated at Harvard Col- lege, 1661. He married, Nov. 12, 1673, Abigail Strong (daughter of Elder John Strong and Abigail Ford of Northampton, Mass.). She Second Generation. 1691 was born about 1645. He preached at Windsor, Conn., 1666-78 and at Hattield, Mass., 1679-85. He died Nov. 4, 1685, at Hatfield, Mass. She died April 15, 1704. Children : 930161. Isaac. Born Sept. 6, 1674. Unmarried. Died July 23, 1748, in Durham, Conn. 930162. Catharine. Born Jan. 12, 1676. Married Rev. Daniel Brewer. 931400.. 930163. Abigail. Born Oct. 14, 1677. Married (ist), Dr. Nathaniel Hodson. 931410. (2nd), Samuel Gaskill. (3d), Edward Bur- roughs. 931420. 930164. Charles. Born Sept. 3, 1679. 931440. 930165. Nathaniel. Born Sept. 26, 1681. 931460. 930166. Sarah. Born Sept. 15, 16S3. Married Rev. Samuel Whittle- sey. 931480. 930200. Rev. Israel Chauncy. (Charles.) 930007. He was born in 1644. He graduated at Harvard College, 1661. He married (1st), Jan. 8, 1667, Mary Nichols (daughter of Isaac Nichols) ; (2nd), Nov. II, 1684, Sarah Hudson or Hodson of New Haven. Children by first wife. A.M., Harvard. Fellow. He died March 14, 1703 (o. 1685). Residence, Stratford, Conn. Children : 930201. Charles. Born Sept. 3, 166S. 931580. 930202. Isaac. Born Oct. 5, 1670. 931600. 930203. Dr. Robert. Born Oct. 15, 1677. He married a Lane. Physi- cian. Residence, Bristol, England. Child : Ann. 930240. Joseph Loomis. (Joseph.) He married (2nd), June 28, 1659, Mary Chauncy. He died June 26, 1687. (See Stiles' History of Windsor, Conn.) Children 930241 930242 930243 930244 930245 930246 930247 Sarah. Born April i, 1660. Died June 4, i66r. Hannah. Born Feb. 2, 1661. Matthew. Born Nov. 4, 1664. Died April 12, 1688. Stephen. Born Sept. i, 1668. Nathaniel. Born Aug. 8, 1673. James. Born Oct. 31, 1669. Isaac. Born Oct. 28, 1677. Died March 17, 1704. i6g2 History of the Ayres Family. THIRD GENERATION. 931000. Richard Treat. He married, Nov. 23, 1704, Catha- rine Bulkley. 930051. He died May 7, 17 13. Residence, Weth- ersfield, Conn. Child : 931001. Catharine. Born Aug. 26, 1706. Married, June 16, 1726, Samuel Detning. Residence, Wethersfield, Conn. 931 100. Dr. Charles Bulkley. (Gershom^ Peter'.) 930053. He married. Physician. He died in New London, Conn. Child : 931101. Charles. Born in 1753. 932080. 931 120. Peter Bulkley. (Gershom^ Peter'.) 930054. He was born in 1664. He married, March 21, 1700, Rachel Talcott. He was lost at sea in a storm about Nov. 22, 1701. Residence, Wethers- field, Conn. 931140. Edward Bulkley. (Gershom^, Peter'.) 930055. He was born in 1672. He married Dorothy Prescott. She was born May 31, 1681. He died Aug. 27, 1748, at Wethersfield, Conn. Children : 931 141. Charles. Born March 25, 1703. 931142. Elizabeth. Born Jan. 24, 1705. 931 143. Sarah. Born Feb. 8, 1707. 931 144. Rebecca. Born Feb. 22, 1709. 931145. Peter. Born March 19, 1711. Died in infancy. 931 146. Peter. Born March 11, 1712. 933000. 931 147. Gershom. Born July 29, 1714. 933020. 931148. Dorotli}'. Born Sept. 11, 1716. 931 160. Rev. John Bulkley. (Gershom-, Peter'.) 930056. He graduated at Harvard College, 1699. He married, in 1701, Patience Prentice. Minister. He died June 10, 1731. Residence, Colchester, Conn. Children : 931 161. Charles. 933040. 931 162. John. Born April 19, 1705. 933060. Third Generation. 1693 931163. Sarah. Born April 8, 1702. Married a Trumble. 931164. Daughter. Born and died May 6, 1704. 931165. Dorothy. Born Feb. 28, 1706. 93 1 1 66. Gershom. Born Feb. 4, 1709. 933070. 931 167. Peter. Born Nov. 21, 171 2. 933080. 931168. Patience. Born March 21, 1715. 931169. Dr. Oliver. Born July 29, 1717. 933ioo- 931 170. Lucy. Born Jan. 21, 1720. Married Epaphras Lord. 931171. Irene. Born Feb. 10, 1722. Died March 20, 1722. 931 172. Joseph. Born Feb. 10, 1722. Died March 25, 1722. 931300. UzziEL Chauncy. (Isaac% Charles'.) 930102. He. married J^lizabeth. He died Aug. 31, 1696. Children : 931301. Elizabeth. Married William Thornhill. 931302. Mary. Married Nicholas Pool. 933200. 931303. Ann. Unmarried. Died. 931320. Charles Chauncey. (Isaac-, Charles'.) ■, 930103. He was born in England. He graduated at Harvard College, 1686. He married Sarah Walley (daughter of Gen. John Walley). Mer- chant in London, England, and Boston, Mass. He died May 4, 171 1 (o. 1712), Children : 93 132 1., Charles. Died in infancy. 931322. Charles. Born Jan. i, 1705. 933300. 931323. Mary. Married Jacob Cushing. 933320. 931324. Walley. Apothecary. Residence, Boston. 931325. Isaac. Died without issue. 931330. Rev. John Nesbit. He married, Dec. 10, i68g, Elizabeth Chauncy. 930104. Dissenting minister. Lecturer in Penner's Hall, London, England. He is mentioned by Macaulay as a famous dissenting minister. She died Aug. 31, 1696 (o. 1727). Children : 931331. Elizabeth. Born in 1707. Died in 1757. 931332. Ann. Born in April. Married J. Howard. 931333- Robert. 933400. 931340. Charles Chauncy. (Ichabod^ Charles'.) 930142, He was born March 14, 1674. He married, Jan. 28, 1708, Martha Brown (daughter of Philip Brown of New Buckenham and afterwards 1694 History of the Ayres Family. of Norwich). Merchant m London. He died Jan. 3, 1763, and was buried in St. Peter's Church, Cornhill. She died Nov. 15, 1752. Children : 931341 931342 93^343 931344 931345 931346 Charles. Born vSept. 30, 1709. 933500. Nathaniel. Born Feb. 23, 17 16. 933520. Philip. Born Feb. 14, 1718. No issue. Died April 30, 1783. Mary. Born 1712. Died Juh- 14, 1729. Elizabeth. Died aged seven years. Martha. Born March 6, 1720. Married William Snell. 933580. 931360. Rev. Nathaniel Chauncy. (Ichabod^ Charles'.) 930143. He was born Feb. 14, 1769. He married (ist), Mary Hart of Bristol. She was born in 1683. She died in 1721. He married (2nd), Ann Goldney. She was born in 1684. She died, without issue, in 1768. Children : 93 1 36 1. Son. Drowned at Chippenham, where he was at school, aged fourteen years. 931362. Mary. Died at age of seventeen years. 931363. Martha. Born in 1720. Married (ist), a Parsons; (2nd), a Noble. No issue. She died March 18, 1754. Residence, Bris- tol, Eng. 931364. Elizabeth. Married (ist), a Perry; (2nd), Stephen Jenkins. No issue. She died Aug. 30, 1768. Residence, Bristol. 931400. Rev. Daniel Brewer. (Daniel Brewer, Jr., and Han- nah Morrill.) He was born Feb. 7, 1668. He graduated at Harvard College, 1687. He married, Aug. 29, 1699, Catharine Chauncy. 930162. He settled at Springfield, Mass., nearly forty years. He died Nov. 5, 1733. She died May 15, 1754. Children : 93 1 40 1. Catharine. Born Oct. 25, 1700. Married William Pynchon. 933600. 931402. Daniel. Born Oct. 3, 1702. Died May 5, 1704. 931403. Abigail. Born April 20, 1705. Married (ist), Thomas Mer- rick, Jr. Married (2nd), John Munn. 931404. Eunice. Born May 20, 1707. Married Rev. Robert Breck. 933640. 931405. Daniel. Born May 13, 1709. Graduated at Harvard College, 1727. He studied divinity. Died Oct. 7, 1733. 931406. Nathaniel. Born July 25, 1711. 933700. 931407. Isaac. Born Nov. 25, 1713. 933720. 931408. Charles. Born Dec. 14, 1717. 933740. Third Generation. 1695 93 1 410. Dr. Nathaniel Hodson. He graduated at Harvard College, 1693. He married, in 1693, Abigail Chauncy. 930163. He died in 1701. She married (2nd), Samuel Gaskill. He died in 1707. She married (3d), in 1710, Edward Burroughs. 931420. Edward Burroughs. He married, in 17 10. Abigail Chauncy. 930163. Ship captain. She died in 1720. Residence, 1729, Stratford, Conn. Children : 93 1 42 1. Zachary. 931422. Abigail. 931423. Sarah. 931460. Rev. Nathaniel Chauncy, (NathanieP, Charles'.) 930165. He was born Sept. 26, 1681. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1702. He settled at Durham, Conn. He married, Oct. 12, 1 70S, Sarah Judson (daughter of Capt. James Judson and Rebecca Wells of Stratford, Conn.). He died Feb. i, 1756. She died May 31, 1745. Residence, Durham, Conn. Children : 931461. Elihu. Born March 24, 1710. 933800. 931462. Sarah. Born Feb. 24, 1711. Married Dea. Israel Burritt of Durham. They had three sons. 931463. Catharine. Born Sept. 22, 1714. Married, in 1732, Benjamin Stillman of Wethersfield, Conn. No issue. 931464. Abigail. Born Oct. 2, 1717. Married Hon. Jabez Hamlin. 933860. 931465. Nathaniel. Born Jan. 21, 1720. 933880. 931466. Elnathan. Born Sept. 10, 1724. 933900. 931480. Rev. Samuel Whittelsey. He was born in 1686 in Saybrook, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1705. He married, July I. 17 1 2, Sarah Chauncy. 930166. (A.M., Harvard, 1732.) Tutor in Yale College. He died Aug. 15, 1752. She died Oct. 23, 1767. Residence. VVallingford, Conn. Children : 931481. Samuel. Born July 10, 1713. 933960. 931482. Lois. Born Nov. 28, 1714. Married Col. Elihu Hall of Wal- lingford. She died Sept. 29, 1 780. Graduated at Yale College 1731. He died in 1784. 1696 History of the Ayres Family. 931483. Chauncey. Born Oct. 28, 1717. 934000. 9314S4. Sarah. Born Jan. 19, 1720. 931485. Elisha. Born Oct. 19, 1721. 931486. Charles. Born Jan. 16, 1723. 931487. Sarah. Born Oct. 20, 1726. 931488. Catharine. Born Dec. 26, 1754. Married Rev. James Dana. 934200. 931580. Rev. Charles Chauncy. (Israel^ Charles'.) 930201. He was born Sept. 3, 1668. He graduated at Harvard College, 1686. He married (ist), June 29, 1692, Sarah Burr. She died 15, 1697. He married (2nd), March 16, 1698, Sarah Wolcott (daughter of Henry Wolcott). She was born April 16, 1676. She died Jan. 5, 1703. He married (3rd), Elizabeth. He died Dec. 31, 1 7 14. Residence, Fairfield, Conn. Children : 931581. Israel. Born Jan. 24, 1693. 931582. John. Born Nov. 7, 1695. 931583. Abiah. Born Jan. 22, 1699. Married ( ist), Col. Benjamin Hall. Graduated at Yale College 1754. He died in 1786. Colonel in French and Indian War. Children : i. Benjamin. 2. Chauncy. Married (2nd), Rev. Timothy Cutler. 934400. 931584. Robert. Born Oct. 30, [701. 934500. 931585. Ichabod Wolcott. Born Jan. i, 1703. Graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1723. He studied medicine. 931600. Rev. Isaac Chauncy. (IsraeP, Charles'.) 930202. He was born (3ct. 5, 1670, at Stratford, Conn. He graduated at Harvard College, 1693. He married (ist), Sarah. She died June 29, 1720. He married (2nd), Abiel Metcalf (widow of Rev. Joseph Metcalf and youngest daughter of Rev. William Adams of Dedham, Mass.). He died May 2, 1745. Children : 931601. Mary. Born May 10, 1698. Died in 1701. 931602. Israel. Born March 5. 1700. Died Nov., 1736. 931603. Abigail. Born Nov. 13, 1701. Married Rev. John Graham. 934800. 931604. Richard. Born Oct. 23, 1703. 934850. 931605. Catharine. Born Jan. 5, 1706. 931606. Sarah. Born Dec. 13, 1707. 931607. Dorothy. Born June 24, 1710. Married Rev. Grindall Raw- son. 934900. Fourth Generation. 1697 931608. Charles. Born June 2S, 171 2. 934940. 931609. Jerusha. Born Sept. 7, 17 14. Married Rev. Hobart Esta- brook. 934960. 931610. Josiah. Born Nov. 4, 1716. 9349S0. FOURTH GENERATION. 932080. Captain Charles Bulkley. (Charles^ Gershoni', Peter'.) 931101. He was born in 1753. He married. Lieutenant on the ship "Alfred" and afterwards Captain in Rev War. He died in 184S. Residence, New London, Conn. Child : 9320S1. Leonard. He died in 1849. He left the bulk of his estate to found a free school for boys. 933000. Peter Bulkley. (Edward^ Gershom=, Peter'.) 931146. He married, April 2, 1741, Abigail Curtis. He died April 4, 1776. She died Nov. 27, 1762. Residence, Wethersfield, Conn. Children : 933001. Joseph. Born Jan. 28, 1742. 936000. 933002. Abigail. Born April 13, 1743. 933003. Oliver. Born Dec. 5, 1744. 933004. Solomon. Born March 21, 1747. 933005. Dorothy. Born July 17, 1749. Died in infancy. 933006. Justus. Born Dec. 24, 1752. 933020. Gershom Bulkley. (Edward^, Gershom^ Peter'.) 931147. He married, Feb. 17, 1743, Thankful Belding. Children : 93302 1 933022 933023 933024 933025 933026 Thankful. Born May 20, 1744. Jehiel. Born Oct. 23, 1745. Gershom. Born Dec. 3, 1747. Mabel. Born May 2, 1750. Ruth. Born May 17, 1752. William. Born Sept. 2, 1754. 933040. Maj. Charles Bulkley. (John\ Gershom-', Peter'.) He was born Dec. 26, 17 10. He married Annie Latimer. Child : 933041. Patience. Born April 23, 1749. Married Dr. David Hibbard Jewett. 936200. 1698 History of the Ayres Family. 933050, John Bulkley. He married, July 17, 1750, Honour Francis. Residence, Wethersfield, Conn. Children : 933051- John. Born Nov. 10, 1750. 933052. Honour. Born March 14, 1753. 933060. Hon. John Bulkley. (John^, Gershom', Peter'.) 931162. He was born April 29, 1705, at Colchester, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1726. Married (ist), Oct. 29, 1738, Mrs. Mary (Adams) Gardiner (daughter of Rev. Eliphalet Adams of New London, Conn.). She was born March 5, 17 14. She died Jan. 24, 1750. He married (2nd), April 16, 1751, Abigail Hastings. Phy- sician and lawyer. Assistant, 1743-53. Colonel, 1739. J'-^dge of Superior Court, 1745-53. He died July 21, 1753. Residence, Colchester, Conn. Children : 933061 933062 933063 933064 933065 933066 933067 Lydia. Born Oct. 21, 1739. Mary. Born May 22, 1741. Died June i, 1741. John. Born May 20, 1742. Died Nov. 13, 1742. Mary. Born Nov. 15, 1743. Eliphalet. Born Aug. 8, 1746. 936400. Lucy. Born Aug. 2, 1749. Charles. Born May 22, 1751. 936500. 933070. Gershom Bulkley. (John^, Gershom^, Peter'.) 931 166. He was born Feb. 4, 1709. He married, Nov. 27, 1733, Abigail Robbins. His estate was divided May 4, 1790. Her will was dated Feb. 19, 1790. Residence, Colchester, Conn. Children : 933071. Sarah. Born Nov. 10, 1735. 933072. John. 936180. 933073- Joshua. 936170. 933074. David. 933075. Daniel. 933076. Roger. 933077. Sarah Tainter. 933078. Eunice Lord. 933079- Anne Swan. 933080. Peter Bulkley. (John^, Gershonr', Peter'.) 931 167. He was born Nov. 21, 17 12. He married (ist), Lucy. She was Fourth Generation. 1699 born in 1721. She died Aug. 21, 1754. He married (2nd), Susan- nah. She was born in 1734. She died Aug. 26, 1799. Child : 9330S1. Peter. Born in 1743. 936150. 933100. Dr. Oliver Bulkley. (John^ Gershom-, Peter'.) 931 169. He was born July 29, 17 17. He married Sarah. She was born in 1720. She died Dec. 8, 1746. 933200. Nicholas Poole. He married Mary Chauncy. 931302. Merchant. Residence, Bristol, Eng. Child : 933201. Chauncy. Married Lyde (sister of Sir Lionel Lyde). 933300- Rev. Charles Chauncey, D.D. (Charles^ Isaac^ Charles'.) 931322. He was born Jan. i, 1705, in Boston, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College, 1721. He married (ist), Eliza- beth Hirst (daughter of Judge Hirst). She was the mother of his children. He married (2nd), a Phillips. He married (3d), Mary Stoddard (daughter of David Stoddard ). He was ordained pastor of the first church in Boston as colleague of Mr. Foxcroft and re- mained there till his death. He opposed the religious excitement attending the preaching of Whittield, and the establishment of epis- copacy in the colonies. He was an earnest patriot during the Revo- lution, a man of much learning and piety, and an active controver- sialist. D.D., Edinburg University, 1742. He died Feb. 10, 1787. Residence, Boston. Children : 933301. Charles. Born in 172S. 937000. 933302. Elizabeth. Married Hon. Benjamin Greenleaf. 937020. 933303. Sarah. Married Rev. Adams of Roxbury, IMass. 933320. Hon. Jacob Gushing. (Matthew^ John', Matthew'.) He was born March 17, 1696. He graduated at Harvard College, 1725. He married Mary Chauncey. 931323. Selectman, 1729-31 and '37. Representative, 1737-40, 1744-5, and 1749-57. Residence, Hingham, Mass. lyoo History of the Ayres Family. Children : 933321. Infant. Born Feb. i, 1741. Died same day. 933322. Jacob. Born July 12, 1742. 933323- Col. Charles. Born July 13, 1744. Representative, 1780-1, 1784, '89-93. State Senator, 1794. ■ 933324. Isaac. Born Jan. 12, 1747. 933400. Robert Nesbit. (John.) 931333- He married De- borah Wilkes. Children : 933401. John. Born Aug. 19, 1732. 933402. Elizabeth Sophia. Born Sept. 20, 1732. 933403- Mary Deborah. Born March 2, 1742. 933500. Dr. Charles Chauncy, F.R.S.. F.S.A. (Charles^, Ichabod", Charles'.) 931341. He was born Sept. t,o, 1709. He took his degree at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Fellow of the College of Physicians. He married, Jan. 20, 1735, Mary Tahourdin. No issue. He was well known for his taste and skill in pictures. He was a gentleman of great intelligence, refinement and worth. 933520. Nathaniel Chauncy. >(Charles^ Ichabod-, Charles'.) 931342. He was born Feb. 23, 17 16. He married Mary Justus. She was born about 1732. She died Jan. 29, 1784. Children : 933521. Charlotte Maria. Born 1756. Married Dr. Thomas White. 937300- 933522. Celia. Born Nov. 26, 1757. Died aged about one and a half years. 933523. Amelia. Born Dec. 28, 1758. Married Charles Snell. 937320. 933580. William Snell. He was born in 1720. He married Martha Chauncy. 931346. Merchant in London. He died Feb. 4, 1779. She died July 13, 1765. Children : 933581- William. Born May 3, 1756. He took the name of Chauncy by the King's authority. The arms were granted May i, 1781. Married, Jan. 6, 1783, Mary Toulmin. 933582. Charles. Born April 8, 1759. 937320. 9335S3- Nathaniel. Born July 13, 1765. Fourth Generation. 1701 933600. Col. William Pynchon. He was born in 1689. He married, May 15, 1721, Catharine Brewer. 931 401. Judge of Court of Common Pleas. He died Jan, i, 1742. She died April 10, 1747. Residence, Springfield, Mass. Children : 933601. Sarah. Born Aug. 14, 1721. Married, about 1750, Col. Josiah Dwight, Judge of Court of Common Pleas. No issue. She died Aug. 4, 1755. 933602. William. Born Dec. 11, 1723. 937500. 933603. Margaret. Born Nov. 24, 1727. Married, Jan. 11, 1750, Maj. Elijah Williams. 933604. Daniel John. Born Oct. 7, 1733. Student at Yale College. Died in college, April 22, 1754. 933605- Joseph. Born Oct. 30, 1737. 937540. 933620. Thomas Merrick, Jr. He married, July 23, 1724, Abigail Brewer. 931403. He died Sept. 13, 1733. They had one son and two daughters who died early. Residence, Northampton, Mass. 933630. John Munn. He married, in 1734, Abigail (Brewer) Merrick. 931403. Child : 933631. John. Died Dec. 4, 1774. 933640. Rev. Robert Breck. (Rev. Robert.) He was born July 25, 1713. He graduated at Harvard College, 1730. He mar- ried, April 28, 1736, Eunice Brewer. 931404. Residence, Spring- field, Mass. Children : 933641. Robert. Born June 3, 1737. 937800. 933642. Daniel Brewer. Born Dec. 16, 1740. Graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1758. Died in 1799. 933643. George. Graduated at Yale College, 1761. Merchant. Died in 1808. 933700. Nathaniel Brewer. (Daniel.) 931406. He was born July 25, 1711. He married, in Aug., 1740, Eunice Strong (daughter of Jerijah Strong and Thankful Stebbins). She was born Sept. 10, 1707. Deacon. He died March 11, 1796. Residence, Springfield, Mass. I702 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 933701. Eunice. Married Deacon Williston. 933702. Thankful. Died Jan. 30, 1744. 933703. Dr. Chauncey. Born .'^pril 21, 1743. Graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1762. Physician. Member of Provincial Congress. Mar- ried Amy White. She was born in 1745. They had eleven children. He died. She died May 21, 1821. Residence, Springfield, Mass. 933704. Solomon. Born June 5, 1746. Married ( ist), Martha Smith ; (2nd), Rene Benton. He had seven children by his first wife and ten by his second. He died March 18, 1824. Residence, Greensburgh, N. Y. 933720. Isaac Brewer. (Daniel.) 931407. He was bofn Nov. 25, 1 7 13. He married (ist), April 22, 1736, Mary Bliss (daughter of Ebenezer and Mary Bliss). She died May 29, 1759. He married (2nd), in Aug., 1759, widow Stebbins. He died May 19, 1788. Residence, Wilbraham, Mass. Children : 93372 r 933722 933723 933724 933725 933726 933727 Mary. Born in 1737. Married Jeremy Snow. 938000. Catharine. Born June 8, 173S. Married Oliver Bliss. 938020. Eunice. Born April 20, 1740. Married Joseph Stebbins. 938040. Isaac. Born Aug 17, 1742. 938060. William. Born Nov. 8, 1744. 938080. Charles. Born Dec. 18, 1748. 938100. Gaius. Born Aug. 28, 1753. 93S120. 933740. Charles Brewer. (Daniel.) 931408. He was born Dec. 14, 17 1 7. He married, in 1740, Anna Breck (daughter of Rev. Robert Breck of Marlborough, Mass.). He died March 12, 1793. Residence, Springfield, Mass. Children : 93374r. Charles. Born in 1741. Died Dec. 22, 1747. 933742. Rev. Daniel. Born Feb. 23, 1743. Graduated at Yale, 1765. Pastor at Killingsworth, Conn. Died Dec. 3, 1825, at Taunton, Mass. 933743- George. Born in 1745. Married Feb. 16, 1775, Naomi Wool- worth. They had nine children. Residence, Pompey, N. Y. 933744. Charles. Born in 1745. 933745- Anna. Born in 174S. Married Moses Church. Residence, Springfield. Fourth Generation. 1703 933800. Col. Elihu Chauncy. (Nathaniel^ Nathaniel, Charles'.) 931460. He was born March 24, 1710. He married, March 28, 1739, Mary Griswold (daughter of Samuel Griswold of KilUngiy or Killingsworth, Conn.). She was born in 17 18. Colonel in the French War. Chief Justice of County Court. Representative for seventy-six sessions. Merchant. He died April 10, 1791. She died March i, 1801. Residence, Durham, Conn. Children : 933501. Charles. Born Dec. 28, 1739. Died Jan. 13, 1740. 933502. Catharine. Born April ii, 1741. Married Rev. Elizur Good- rich. 938500. 933803. Sarah. Born Dec. 22, 1742. Died Aug. 15, 1744. 933804. Sarah. Born May 8, 1745. Married (ist), Lemuel Guernsey. Married (2nd), Simeon Parsons. She died March 19, 1823. 933805. Charles. Born May 30, 1747. 938540. 933860. Hon. Jabez Hamlin. He was born July 28, 1709. He graduated at Yale College, 1728. He married, April 5, 1749, Abigail Chauncy. 931464. Colonel of Militia. Chief Judge, of County court. Representative for sixty-four sessions. Deacon. He died April 25, 1791. She died Nov. 3, 1768. Residence, Middle- town, Conn. Children : 933861. Jabez. Born Dec. 11, 1752. Died Sept. 20, 1776. 933S62. Margaret. Born June 22, 1756. 933863. .\bigail. Born May 4, 1758. Died Sept. 10, 1759. 933880. Nathaniel Chauncy. (Nathaniel, NathanieP,Charles'.) 931465. He was born Jan. 21, 1720. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1740. He married (ist), Mary Stocking. She was born in 1721. She died in 1798. He married (2nd), Susannah Gilbert of Hebron, Conn. He died in 1798. Residence, Cromwell and Mid- dletown. Conn. Children : 933881. Nathaniel. Born in 1758. 938600. 933582. Henry. Born in 1795. 938620. 933583. John. Born in 1798. 93S640. 933900. Rev. Elnathan Chauncy. (Nathaniel', Nathaniel^ Charles'.) 931466. He was born Sept. 10, 1724. He graduated 1704 History of the Ayres Family. at Yale College, 1743. He married, Feb. 6, 1760. Elizabeth (Worth- ington) Gale (daughter of Nicholas Worthington and widow of Col. Samuel Gale), Residence, Durham, Conn. Children : 933901. Nathaniel William. Born Sept. 12, 1761. Unmarried. Died Jan. 29, 1S40, at Durham, Conn. 933902. Worthington Gallup. Born in 1772. Died in 1S6-. 933903. Catharine. Born Aug. 6, 1765. Married Reuben Rose Fowler. 938700. 933960. Samuel Whittelsey. ( Samuel. j 9314S1. He was born July 10, 17 13. He graduated at Yale College, 1729. He mar- ried Susanna Newton (daughter of Col. Roger Newton). (A.M., Harvard College.) Tutor in Yale College. He died in 1768. Children : 933961. Susanna. Born Jan. 26, 1747. Married Dr. Edward Carring- ton. 938800. 933962. Newton. Graduated at Yale College, 1773. Died in 1785. 933963. vSamuel. Graduated at Yale College, 1779. Died in 1S38. 933964. John. Graduated at Yale College, 1791. Died in 1849. 934000. Rev. Chauncy Whittelsey. (Samuel.) 931483. He was born Oct. 28, 17 17. He graduated at Yale College, 1738. He married. Tutor in Yale College. He died in 1787. Residence, New Haven, Conn. Children : 934001. Chauncy. 93S900. 934002. Charles. 93S920. 934200. Rev. James Dana, D.D. He was born in 1735. He graduated at Harvard College, 1753. Fellow of Yale College. He married, May 8, 17—, Catharine Whittelse}-. 931488. He was a celebrated minister and antagonist of Jonathan Edwards. He died Aug. 18, 1812. She died Aug. 28, 1795. Residence, Wallingford, Conn., 1758-S9, and New Haven, Conn., 1789-1805. Child : 934201. Samuel Whittelsey. Born Feb. 13, 1760. 93S960. 934400. Rev. Tiimothy Cutler. He was born in 1683 in Charlestown, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College, 1701. Rec- Fourth Generation. 1705 tor (President) of Yale College, 1719-22. He married in or before 17 14, Abiah Chauncy. 931583. The evidence of this marriage is contained in the will of her father, dated 17 14, in which he makes a bequest to "my daughter, Abiah, now the wife of Rev. Timothy Cut- ler of Stratford, successor to Israel, my father." New Eng. Hist. Gen. Register (Vol. IV. Page 175), says: "He married (ist), Mary Diamond of Ipswich, (2nd), Mary Gedney, both widows." Universi- ties and Their Sons (Vol. II. Page 40), says : "He married a daugh- ter of Rev. Samuel Andrew, Rector pro. tem. of Yale College." The will is the best evidence. He died Aug. 17, 1765, in Boston, Mass. Children : 934401. John. Graduated at Harvard College, 1732. 934402. Timothy. Graduated at Harvard College, 1734. 934500. Robert Chauncy. . (Charles', Israel^ Charles'.) 9315S4. He was born Oct. 30, 1701. He married Hannah Wheeler. Child : 934501. Wolcott. Born in 1732. 939000. 934800. Rev. John Graham. ( Marquis of Montrose.) He was born in 1694 in Edinburgh. He graduated at Glasgow University, B.A., 1714. (M. A., Yale, 1737.) He studied medicine and theology in Edinburg. He migrated to this country with the people of Lon- donderry in I 7 18 and resided lirst in Exeter, N. H., but afterwards was ordained the lirst minister in Stafford, Conn., 1723-32. He was dismissed in 1731. After residing for a time at Lebanon he was settled in Woodbury, now Southbury, Jan. 17, 1733, where he re- mained until his death. He married Abigail Chauncy. 931603. He died Dec. 11, 1774- Children : 934501. John. 939300. 934502. Dr. Robert. Physician. Deputy to N. Y. Provincial Conven- tion, 1775, and to Provincial Congress, 1775-6. Member of Assembly, 1801. County Judge of Westchester County, N. Y., 1778-84. Residence, White Plains, N. Y. 934803. Chauncy. 93934°. 934804. Andrew. Born in 1728. 939360. 934S05. Elizabeth. Married Daniel Ball. 1706 History of the Ayres Family. 934806. Love. Married (ist), John Brinkerhoflf ; (2nd), Rev. Jonathan Lee. 939400. 934807. Sarah. Married Gideon Hurd. 934S08. Abigail. Died young. 934809. Rev. Richard Crouch. Graduated at Yale College, 1760. Min- ister. Died in 1771. Residence, Pelham, Mass. 934810. Abigail. Married John Hinnian. 934850. Richard Chauncy. (Isaac% IsraeP, Charles'.) 931604. He was born Oct. 23, 1703. He married Elizabeth. He died Dec. 30, 1790. She died May 22, 1790. Residence, Amherst and Whately, Mass. Children : 93485 1 934852 934853 934854 934855 934856 934857 934S58 Daughter. Married Samuel Bridgman. Daughter. Married Jonathan Smith. 939600. Oliver. Born Jul}- 19, 1730. Elizabeth. BornJuh-25, 1732. Eunice. Born April 2, 1735. Jerusha. Born Feb. 8, 1740. Medad. Born Jul}' 14, 1744. Abigail. Born in 174S. 934900. Rev. Grindall Rawson. (GrindalP, Edward'.) He was born Sept. 6, 1707. He gradtiated at Harvard College, 1728. He married Dorothy Chauncy. 931607. He was the first pastor in South Hadley, Mass., where he settled in 1733. After eight years he removed to Hadlyme, Conn., where he remained as first pastor of the First Church until his death. He died March 29, 1777. She died in 1780. Children : 934901. Edward Grindall. 940000. 934902. Dr. Charles. Physician. Died agred twenty-three years. Resi- dence, Rhode Island. 934903. William (o. Wilson). Died young. 934904. Hooker. 934905- Chauncey. Died aged twenty-three years. 934906. Dorothy. Died aged twenty-three years. 934940. Charles Chauncy. (Isaac^ Israel", Charles'.) 931608. He was born June 28, 17 12. He married (ist), Sarah, by whom he had two children. He married (2nd), Sarah, by whom he had three children. Fifth Generation. 1707 Children 934941. Eunice. 934942. David. 934943- Catharine. Married Benjamin Harwood. 934944. Dorothy. 934945- Isaac. 934960. Rev. Hobart Estabrook. (Rev. Samuel", Rev. Jos- eph'.) He was born Dec. 17, 17 16, at Canterbury, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1736. He married (2nd), Jerusha Chauncy. 931609. Minister at Millington, Conn., Nov. 22, 1745, to Jan. 28, 1766. He died Jan. 28, 1766. She died June 11, 1766. Children : 934961. Samuel. Born in 1750. Unmarried. Died Oct. 26, 1776, at Milford, Conn. 934962. Hobart. Born in 174S. 940200. 934963. Chauncy. Born in 1757. Unmarried. Died Oct. 6, 1776, at E. Chester. 934964. Jerusha. Married Rev. Robert Robbins. 944220. 934980. Ens. Josiah Chauncy. (Isaac^ IsraeP, Charles'.) 931610. He was born Nov. 4. 17 16. He married Mary. Ensign. Children : 934981. Isaac. Born in 175S. 934952. i\Ioses. Born April 12, 1762. 940400. 934953. Samuel. Born in 1764. 934984. Josiah. 940460. 934985- Mary. Died in 1796. FIFTH GENERATION. 936000. Joseph Bulkley. (Peter'', Edward^ Gershom-, Peter'.) 933001. He was born Jan. 28, 1742. He married. Child : 936001. Edmund. 942000. 936080. Charles Bulkley. He married (ist), Mary. She died Jan. 24, 1771. He married (2nd), Oct. 7, 1773, Eunice Wales. Children : 93 60S I. Charles. Born May 19, 1760. 9360S2. Justus. Born March 15, 1762. 936083. Mary. Born Jan. 13, 1764. 1708 History of the Ayres Family. 936100. Benjamin Bulkley. He married (ist), Nov. 3, 1757, Susannah Kirby. She died May 27, 1776. He married (2nd), Feb. 6, 1777, Elizabeth Brownell. Children : 936101. Thomas. Born Oct, 2, 175S. 936102. Lucy. Born Sept. 18, 1760. 936103. George. Born Nov. 28, 1762. 936104. Huldah. Born Oct. r, 1764. 936105. James. Born Sept. 11, 1766. 936106. Stephen. Born Nov. 18, 1768. 936107. Abigail. Born Dec. 30, 1770. 936108. Martha. Born April 26, 1773. 936109. Hannah. Born June 25, 1775. 936120. Maj. Edward Bulkley. He married, March 24, 1782, Prudence Wells. He died May 30, 1787. Children : 936121. Rachel. Born Dec. 13, 1782. 936122. Pamela. Born April 6, 17S4. 936123. Oliver Pomeroy. Born Jan. 31, 1787. 936140. Francis Bulkley. He married, Jan. 5, 1796, Eliza- beth Fosdick. Children : 936141. Chauncey. Born Jan. 16, 1798. 936142. James Henry. Born July 23, 1799. 936143. Charles. Born April 27,*i8oi. 936150. Peter Bulkley. (Peter^ John^, Gershom^ Peter'.) 933081. He was born in 1743. He married Hannah. She was born in 1750. He died Aug. 7, 1800. She died March 20, 1809. 936160. Edward Bulkley. He married, July 9, 1795, Dinah Bunce. He died Feb. 5, 1805. She died Dec. 6, 1804. Children : 936161. Honor Francis. Born Aug. 22, 1795. 936162. John Bunce. Born May 2, 1797. 936163. Eliza. Born May 20, 1799. 936164. Edward. Born Aug. 7, 1801. 936165. Mary. Born March 16, 1S03. Died in infancy. 936166. Wealthy. Born May 28, 1804. Fifth Generation. 1709 936170. Joshua Bulkley. (Gershom-*, John^ Gershom"^, Peter'.) 933073. He married Lois. Children : 936171. Gorden. Bom in 1764. Died June 27, 1776. 936172. Anna. Born in 1771. Died July 6, 1776. 936180. John Bulkley. (Gershom\ John^, Gershom=, Peter'.) 933072. He married, July 17, 17.S0, Honour Francis, Residencej, Wethersfield, Conn, Children : 936181. John. Born Nov. 10, 1750. 936182. Honour. Born March 14, 1753. 936200. Dr. David Hibbard Jewett. He was born Aug. 22, 1742. He married, in Aug., 1769, Patience Bulkley. 933041. Sur- geon, 4th Battalion Conn. State Troops in Rev. War. Residence, Montville, Conn. Child : 936201. David. Born June 17, 1772. 942200. 936400. Col. Eliphalet Bulkley. (John'', John^, Gershom% Peter'.) 933061. He married Anna Bulkley. He commanded a company from Colchester, Conn., at the Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775. Promoted Lt. Col., 25th Conn. Regt., 1780. Residence, Col- chester, Conn, Child : 936401. John Charles. 942300. 936500. Charles Bulkley. (John-', John^, Gershom^ Peter'.) 933062. He was born May 22, 1752, at Colchester, Conn. He married, in 1771, Betsey Taintor (daughter of John Taintor and Esther Clark). He died in 1822 at Granville, N. Y. Child : 936501. Gershom Taintor. Born March 8, 1780. 942500. 937000. Capt. Charles Chauncey. (Charles'*, Charles^ Isaac% Charles'.) 933301. He ■was born in 1728. He graduated at Har- vard College, 1748, Captain in Rev. War. Merchant, He married (ist). May 21, 1756, Mary Cutts (daughter of Mr, Cutts of Cutts Island). She died April 23, 1758. She was buried with her son,. 17 lo History of the Ayres Family. He married (2nd), July i, 1760, Joanna Gerrish of Kittery, Me. (Her father was proprietor of Gerrish Island.) Residence, Ports- mouth, N. H., and Kittery, Me. Children : 937001. Charles. Born April 22, 1761. Died Sept. 10, 1789. 937002. Isaac. Born Jan. 14, 1763. Died March 11, 1792. 937003- Sarah. Born Feb. 12, 1765. Married John Moore. 943000. 937004. Samuel. Born May 12, 1767. 943060. 937005. Elizabeth Hirst. Born July 1 1, 1769. Married Jeremiah Clarke. 943080. 937006. Mary. Born .\pril 9, 1771. 937007. Joanna. Born Feb. 26, 1773. 937008. Andrew. Born Nov. 23, 1774. 937009. Jane. Born April 6, 1776. Died Nov. 20, 1779. 937010. Shepley. Born Aug. 25, 1777. Died Dec. 28, 1777. 93701 1. Lucy. Born Oct. 20, 1778. Married Capt. Yeaton of Ports- mouth, N. H. Residence, 1S18, Alexandria, Va. 937012. Robert. Born Dec. 8, 1779. Died Dec. 20, 1779. 937020. Hon. Benjamin Greenleaf. He was born March 19, 1732. He graduated at Harvard College, 175 1. He married, Sept. 22, 1757, Elizabeth Chauncey. 933002. She was born Nov. 12, 1 73 1. Member of Committee of Safety, 1774. Representative, 1766-8 and '70. Judge of Probate. > Trustee of Dummer Academy. He was one of the incorporators of the Newbury Woolen Company. He died in 1779. She died July i. Residence, Newbury, Mass. Children : 937021. Elizabeth. Born July 13, 1758. Married Hon. Theophilus Parsons. 943200. 937022. John. Born Juh- 8, 1760. 943220. 937023. Sarah. Born June 21, 1763. Died in old age. 937024. Mary. Born Nov. i, 1765. Unmarried. Died in 1853. 937025. Hannah. Born Nov. i, 1765. Married at an advanced age, Robert Boyd of Portland, Me. He was born in 1758. She died in 1845. No children. 937026. Jane. Died July 23, 176S. 937300. Dr. Thomas White. He married, June 5, 1779, Charlotte Maria Chauncy. 933521. Physician. Children : 937301. Philip Chauncy. Born July 15, 1780. 937302. Amelia Sarah. Born June 26, 1782. ■937303. Charlotte. Born May 25, 1785. Fifth Generation. 17 ii ^ 937320. Charles Snell-Chauncy. (William.) 933582. He was born April 8, 1759. He married, Dec. 15, 1781, Amelia Chauncy. 933522. He took the name of Chauncy, April 29, 1783. Children : 937321 937322 937323 937324 937325 Mary. Born May 2, 1783. Charlotte. Born Aug. 5, 1784. Charles. Born Aug. i, 1786. Died Aug. 18, 1786. Charles. Nathaniel. 943300. 937500. William Pynchon. (William.) 933602, He was born Dec. 11, 1723. He graduated at Harvard College, 1743. He married Catharine Sewall. He was an eminent lawyer and advocate and a well-known instructor in jurisprudence. He was the author of a diary of remarkable interest, covering the entire period of the Revolutionary War. He died Jan. 11, 1788 (o. March 14, 1789). Residence, Salem, Mass. Children : 937501 937502 937503 937504 937505 Elizabeth. Catharine. Sarah. Married Rev. Thomas Fitch Oliver. 943400. William. John. 937540. Joseph Pynchon. (William.) 933605. He was born Oct. 30, 1737, in Springfield, Mass. He graduated at Yale College, 1757. Merchant. He w^as one of the projectors of Shelburne, Nova Scotia. During the latter part of his life he was devoted to scientific pursuits. Justice of the Peace, 1752. Representative, 1768 and 1769, from Guilford, Conn. He died Nov. 23, 1794, in Guilford, Conn. Child : 937541- Thomas Ruggles. Born in 1760. 943500. 937800. Robert Breck. (Robert", Robert'.) 933641. He was born June 3, 1737, at Springfield, Mass. He graduated at Yale College, 1756. He married, Sept. 5, 1764, Rachel Hunt (daughter of Joseph Hunt, Yale, 1729). Merchant. Clerk of County Court. Member of Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety 17 1 2 History of the Ayres Family. Clerk of the Convention of Committees of Safety of the County, 1777. They had seven sons. Rev. Joseph H Breck (Yale, 1818), was their grandson. He died Dec. 19, 1799. Residence, Northampton, Mass. Child : 937801. John. 943600. 937840. George Breck. (Robert-, Robert'.) 933643. He graduated at Yale College, 1761. Merchant. He married. He died in 1808. Child : 937841. Elizabeth. Married Richard Beebe. 943620. 938000. Jeremy Snow. He married Mary Brewer. 933721. He removed from Boston to Springfield. Jeweler. Children : 938001. Mary. Married Zebina Stebbins. 938002. Jeremy. Married his cousin, Betsey Brewer. 938064. Gold- smith. Died at Williamsburgh, Mass. 938003. Clarissa. Married her cousin, Daniel Stebbins of Northampton. 938004. Ralph. 938020. Oliver Bliss. He was 'born in 1737. He married, March 8, 1759. Catharine Brewer. 933722. He died Aug. 3, 1823. Residence, Wilbraham, Mass. Children : 938021. Achsah. Born March 13, 1760. Married Rev. Henry Ely. He was born May 15, 1755, at Longmeadow, Mass. Graduated at Yale College 177S. He died in 1835. 938022. Mary. Born Feb. 4, 1762. Married Rev. Joel Hayes. 943780. 938023. Catharine. Born April 24, 1764. Died Jan. 29, 1774. 93S024. Eunice. Born Feb. 5, 1769. Married Dr. Richard Ely. 943800. 938025. Lois. Born March 20, 1771. Died Aug. 30, 1786. 938026. Oliver. Born Nov. 11, 1773. Died Sept. 19, 1824, in Va. 938027. Pliny. Born Nov. 16, 1776. Married, June 4, 181 2, Rhoda Jennison of Walpole, N. H. He removed, in 1815, to Cincinnati. 938028. John. Born Aug. 9, 1779. 943920. 938040. Joseph Stebbins. He was born in 1737. He mar- ried Eunice Brewer. 933723. He died April 12, 1819. She died Nov. 22, 18 18. Residence, Springfield, Mass. Fifth Generation. 17 13 Children 938041. Daniel. Born April 2, 1766. Married (ist), his cousin, Clarissa Snow; (2nd), widow Elizabeth G. Loring. He died Oct. 7, 1856, in Northampton. 938042. Festus. Born March 5, 1768. Married, June 2, 1799, Francis Dickinson of Brattleboro, Vt. 938043. Eunice. Died aged sixteen months. 938044. Quartus. Born Nov. 5, 1773. Married Eunice Burt. 938045. Eunice. Born Jan. 14, 1775. Married (ist), in Sept., 1796, Capt. William Marshall; (2nd), in 1815, Roger Adams. She died April 9, 1871. 938046. Lois. Born March 31, 1777. Married, in 1797, her cousin, Pliny Brewer. 938062. 938060. Lt. Isaac Brewer. (Isaac^ Daniel'.) 933724. He was born Aug. 17, 1742. He married Sybil Miller. He died July 21, 1788. She died July 23, 1834. Residence, Ludlow. Children : 938061. Daniel. Born in 1770. Died April 11, 17S8. 938062. Pliny. Married Lois Stebbins. 938046. 938063. Catharine. Married, Sept. 27, 1797, Walter Stebbins. They had five children. 938064. Betsey. Married her cousin, Jeremy Snow, Jr. 938002. 938065. Mary. Married Joshua Fuller. 938066. Chauncey. Born May 14, 1776. Married a Mandeville. Thej^ had nine children. 938067. Abigail. Married John Smith of S. Hadley. 938068. Isaac. Born Sept. 5, 1784. Married, July 23, 1824, Catharine Fox of New York. Ship captain. He died Feb. 2, 1867. Child : Elizabeth. 938069. Lyman. Born in 1786. Married Harriet Tyler. They had ten children. Bank cashier. He died June 19, 1857. Residence, Norwich, Conn. 938070. Clarissa. Married Zenas Lawrence. They had five children. She died Jan. 9, 1857. 93S080. William Brewer. (Isaac-, Daniel'.) 933725. He was born Nov. 8, 1744. He married (ist), Mercy Ely. She died Oct. 4, 1802. He married (2nd), Oct. 16, 1805, Jemima Boltwood (daughter of Lt. Solomon Boltwood and Mary Strong). She was born Dec. 18, 1763. He died June 11, 1830. Residence, Wilbra- ham, Mass. 1714 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 9380S1. Mercy. Born Aug. 9, 1773. Died in infancy. 938082. Mercy. Born April 20, 1775. Died June 15, 1855. 938083. William. Born July 14, 1777. Married Jemima Bliss. They had ten children. 9380S4. Luke. Born Aug. 7, 1779. Married (ist), Mary Bliss (daugh- ter of Jonathan Bliss). She died Jan. 15, 1815. Married (2nd), Louisa Hale. They had seven children. 938085. Dr. Luther. Born May 7, 1782. Married, May 3r, 1814, Laura Merrick (daughter of Jonathan Merrick). Physician. Died Feb. 15, 1865. Q380S6. Timothy. Born Jan. 12, 1784. Married Mary Fuller (daugh- ter of Ephraim Fuller). Died Jan. 11, 1S63. They had five children. 938087. Eunice. Married John Morgan. 938088. Solomon Boltwood. Born Oct. 7, 1808. Died March 14, 1814. 938100. Charles Brewer. (Isaac^ Daniel'.) 933726. He was born Dec. 18, 1748. He married, about 1771, Anna Chatterton (daughter of Samuel Chatterton and Mary Smith of New Haven, Conn.). She was born Feb. 16, 1754. He died Dec. 23, 1836. She died June 30, 1832. Residence, Wilbraham, Mass. Children : 938101. Samuel. Born Feb. 15, 1773. Died Sept. 6, 1774. 938J02. Charles. Born Jan. 23, 1775. Married (ist), June 5, 1805, Dorcas Smith of S. Hadley. She died Oct. 7, 1822. Married (2nd), Jan. 6, 1824, Frances Rice of Granby, Conn. He died Sept. 28, 1853. He had five children by his first wife and seven by the second. 938103. Samuel. Born April 2, 1777. Married, May 31, 1804, Lois Bliss (daughter of Abel and Elizabeth Bliss). They had three children. He died Jan. 9, 1863 at Geneva, Wis. 938104. Anson. Born Oct. 17, 1779. Died Oct. i, 1796. 938105. Harriet. Born March 17, 1782. Married ( ist), John Merrick. 943900. Married (2nd), John Bliss. 943920. 938106. Anna. Born Jan. 15, 1784. Married, Jan., 1806, Thomas Mer- rick. (Jonathan and Mary Merrick. ) ■ She died in 1847 at CHnton, La. Children : i. Thomas E. 2. William W. 3. Daniel D. 938107. Rev. Calvin. Born Feb. 16, 1787. Married (rst). May 25, 1820, Flavia Phelps of Windsor, Conn. She died May 17, 1823. Married (2nd), June i, 1825, Mary Case of Coventry, Conn. They had five children. Methodist minister. 938108. Susan. Born in 1788. Died March 12, 1789. Fifth Generation. 17 15 938109. Susan. Born Jan., 1790. Married, March 10, 1834, Captain David Thomas of Jackson, La. 938110. Daniel. Born Oct., 1792. Married widow Emma S. Whit- more of Brunswick, Me. He died Jan. 13, 1841. Residence, Baltimore, Md. 935111. Catharine. Born in 1794. Died Oct. 11, 1796. 935112. Anson Lorenzo. Born Feb. 22, 1800. 938120. Gaius Brewer. (Isaac^ Daniel'.) He was born Aug. 28, 1753. He married Lucretia Babcock. He died Dec. 7, 1823. Residence, VVilbraliam, Mass. Children : 93S121. Lucretia. Born Oct. 26, 1778. Married ( ist), Elisha Boltwood of Amherst, Mass. He was born Sept. [6, 1767. He died Aug. 14, 1804. Married (2nd), Enos Baker. He was born in 1768. He died in 1845. She died Jan. 9, 1852. 938122. John. Born in Feb., 17S0. Married Emily Vose. He died Nov. 12, i860. 938123. Nancy. Born Nov. 9, 1781. Married Chester Moody of 8. Hadley. They had live children. She died Oct. 8, 1S55. 93S124. Sarah. Born July 9, 17S3. Married Capt. Enoch Buttles of Granby, Mass. 938125. Henry. Born Aug. 22, 1785. Married Lovisa Burt of Long- meadow. He died Oct. 11, 1S32. 93S126. Lucinda. Born July 21, 17S7. Married, Nov. 30, 1S09, Hon. Zenas Crane. 944300. 938127. Mary. Born Oct. 16, 17S9. Married, Sept. 15, 1809, Oliver Colt. They had five children. 93S128. Andrew. Born June 25, 1792. Married ( 1st), Feb. 22, 1819, Lucinda Chapin ; (2nd), Martha Woodward. 938129. James. Born June 7, 1795. Married Eliza Beals of Boston. Merchant in Boston and afterwards in New York. He died June 16, 1870, in Pittsfield, Mass. 938200. Rev. Daniel Brewer. (Charles^ DanieP.) 933742. , He was born Feb. 23, 1745. He graduated at Yale College, 1765. (A.M.) He married, May 22, 1772, Susannah Breed (daughter of Gershom Breed and Dorothy McLaren of Norwich, Conn.). Clergy- man, writer and scholar. He died Dec. 3, 1825, at Taunton, Mass. Child : 938201. Simeon. Born .A.ug. 29, 17S2. 944500. 938500. Rev. Elizur Goodrich, D.D. He was born Oct. 26, 1734, at Rocky Hill, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1752. 17 16 History of the Ayres Family. He married, about 1757, Catharine Chauncy. 933802. Pastor at Durham, Conn. He died in Nov.. 1797. She died April 8, 1830. Children : 938501. Chauncy. Born Oct. 20. 1759. 945000. 938502. Elizur. Born March 24, 1761. 945020. 938503. Samuel. Born Jan. 12, 1763. 945040. 938504. Elihu Chauncy. Born Sept. 16, 1764. 945060. 938505. Charles Augustus. Born March 2, 1768. Graduated at Yale, 1786. Unmarried. Died in 1804. 938506. Nathan. Born Aug. i, 1770. Died young. 938.'io7- Catharine. Born Dec. 2, 1775. Married Rev. David Smith, D.D., 9450S0. 938540. Hon. Charles Ch.a.uncy, LL.D. (Elihu'*, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel", Charles'.) 933805. He was born May 30, 1747. He married Abigail Darling (daughter of Chief Justice Thomas Darling and Abigail Noyes of New Haven, Conn.). She was born Nov. 9, 1746. Lawyer. King's Attorney for Connecticut, 1776. Judge of Superior Court of Connecticut, 1785-93. A.M., Yale College, 1779. LL.D., Middlebury College, 1811. He died in 1823. She died in 18 18. Residence, New Haven, Conn. Children : 938541. Charles. Born .\ug. 17. 1777. 945300. 938542. Elihu. Born Jan. 15, 1779. 945320. 938543. Sarah. Born Dec. 2, 1780. Married William Walton Woolsey. Merchant in New York. No issue. She died Feb. 8, 1856. 938544. Abigail. Born June 27, 1785. Unmarried. Died in 1814. 938545. Nathaniel. Born Feb. 27, 1789. 945340. 938600. Nathaniel Chauncy. (Nathaniel, NathanieP, Na- thanieP, Charles'.) 933881. He was born in 1758. He married, in 1782, Abigail Olcott of Hartford, Conn. He died in 1825. She died in 1838. Children : 93S6or. Catharine. Married Anson Treat. 945400. 938602. Henry. Born in 1795. 938603. Abigail. Born in 1797. Married Ansel Chapman. 945440. 938604. John. Born in 1798. 938605. Mary. Married Elijah .\ckley. 945460. Fifth Generation. 17 17 938620. Henry Chauncy. (Nathaniel^ Nathaniel^ Nathaniel-, Charles'.) 933882. He was born in 1795. He married, in 1820, Lucy Alsop (daughter of Joseph Alsop and Lucy Chauncy VVhittel- sey of Middletown, Conn.). Children : 938621. Henry. Born in 1825. 945600. 935622. Frederick A. 935623. Helen. 93S640. John Chauncy. (NathanieP, Nathaniel, Nathaniel', Charles'.) 933883. He was born in 1798. He married, in 1823, Amelia B. Goodrich of Wethersfield. Residence, Rochester, N. Y. Children : 938641. Amelia. Married Gerry Brooks. Residence, Penfield, N. Y. 938642. Frances. 938643. Louise G. 938644. John. 938645. Asher R. 938646. William G. 93S647. Henry N. 938700. Reuben Rose Fowler. (Caleb Fowler and Anna Rose.) He was born in 1763. He married, March 14, 1790, Cath- arine Chauncy. 933903. He died in 1844. Children : 938701. William Chauncy. Born in 1793. 945700. 938702. Catharine Worthington. Married Joseph Winborn Hand. 945720. 938800. Dr. Edward Carrington. He graduated at Yale College, 1767. He married Susanna Whittelsey. 933961. Children : 938801. Henry. Born March 20, 1781. 945800. 838802. Mary. Born April 10, 1783. Married David Miles. 945820. 938900. Chauncy Whittelsey. (Chauncy^ Samuel'.) 934001. He graduated at Yale College, 1764. He married. He died in 181 2. Residence, Middletown, Conn. Children : 938901. Gen. Chauncy. General, U. S. Army. 938902. Lucy. Married Joseph Wright Alsop. 945850. ijiS History of the Ayres Family. 938920. Charles Whittelsey. (Chauncey=, Samuel'.) 934002. He married. Residence, New Haven, Conn, Children : 838921. Charles. Residence, New Haven. 938922. Rev. Chauncy. Graduated at Yale College, 1800. Died in 1834. Residence, New Haven, Conn. 938930. Newton Whittelsey. (Chauncey^ Samuel% John'.) He graduated at Yale College, 1773. 938935. Samuel Whittelsey. (Chauncey^ Samuel", John'.) He graduated at Yale College, 1779. 938940. John Whittelsey. (Chauncey^ Samue?, John'.) He graduated at Yale College, 1791. 938960. Hon. Samuel Whittelsey Dana. (James.) 934201. He was born Feb. 13, 1760, at Wallingford, Conn. Graduated at Yale College, 1775. Member of Congress from Jan. 3, 1797-May i, 1810. U. S. Senator, 1810-20. Mayor of Middletown, Conn., for several years. He died July 21, 1830. 939000. Wolcott Chauncy. , (Roberf, Charles\ Israel-, Charles'.) 934501. He married Ann Brown. He died Aug. 19, 1805. Children : 939001. Punal. Born Sept. 5, 1763. 939002. Elizabeth. Born Nov. 6, 1764. 939003. Charles Wolcott. Born Jan. 28, 1767. Died Nov. 26, 1784. 939004. Polly. Born Sept. i, 1769. Died Jan. 16, 1770. 939005. Isaac. Born Feb. 20, 1772. 945900. 939006. Robert. Burn Oct. 8, 1774. 939007. Lucy Ann. Born Dec. 6, 1778. Died Nov. 30, 1801. 939008. Sally. Born Sept. 14, 1781. 939009. Capt. Ichabod Wolcott. Born Jan. 18, 1784. Midshipman, June 28, 1S04. Lieutenant, June 7, 18:0. Commander, March 5, 1817. Captain. U. S. Navy, April 24, 1828. Died Oct. 14, 1835. 939300. Rev. John Graham. (John.) 934801. He gradu- ated at Yale College, 1740. He married. He died in 1796. Child : 939301. John Augustus. Fifth Generation. 17 19 939340. Rev. Chauncy Graham. (John.) 934803. He was born Sept. 8, 1727, in Stratford, Conn. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1747. Presbyterian minister. He married, in 1750, Elizabeth. She was born in 1732. She died Sept. 17, 1770. He died March 30, 1784. Residence, Fishkill, N. Y. 939360. Dr. Andrew Graham. (John.) 934804. He was born in 1728. He married Martha Curtiss. They had nine children. Physician. Member of Committee of Safety in Rev. War. Surgeon in American Army at the battles of Danbury and White Plains and was captured by the British at White Plains and held until the close of the war. Representative for many years. He died in 1785. Resi- dence, Woodbury, Conn. Children : 939361. Isaac Gilbert. Born in 1760. 946000. 939362. John Andrew. Born in 1764. 946040. 939363. Nathan Beers. 946080. 939400. Rev. Jonathan Lee. He was born in 17 18 in Coven- try, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1742. He studied Divinity with Rev. Solomon Williams of Lebanon, Conn. He settled, Nov. 23, 1744, at Salisbury, Conn. He married, in 1762, Love (Graham) Brinkerhoff. 934806. Residence, Salisbury, Conn. Children: 939401. Channcey. Born Nov. 9, 1763. 946200. 939402. Robert Walker. 939403. Love. He married a daughter of Richard 939600. Jonathan Smith. Chauncy. 934852. Childi -en : 939601. Seth. 939602. David. 939603. Martin. 939604. Jonathan. 939605. Experience. 939606. Jerusha. 940000. Rev. Edmund Grindal Rawson. (GrindaP, GrindaP, Edward'.) 934901. He graduated at Yale College, 1769. He studied Divinity and preached occasionally. He married, in 1768, 1720 History of the Ayres Family. Sarah Holmes (daughter of Dea. Christopher Hohiies). He died aged eighty-five years. Residence, Hadlyme, Conn. Children : 940001. Charles Chauncy. Died in Bermuda aged nineteen years. 940002. John Wilson. Died aged nine years. 940003. Thomas Hooker. 940004. Dr. Edmund Grindal. Born Jan. 26, 1772. Married, May 11, 1794, Maria VanBuren of Kinderhook, N. Y. Physician. Died Nov. 28, 1847. Residence, Broadalbin, N. Y. 940005. Dorothy Blanchard. Died aged two years. 940006. Dr. Ozias Holmes. Physician. Died in New York City aged twenty-four years. 940007. Joseph Perne. Died aged twenty-six years. 940008. Sarah Andrews. Married Oliver Usher of Hartford, Conn. Removed to Macon, Ga. 940009. Dorothy Nichols. Residence. Macon, Ga. 940010. Catharine Chauncy. Married, in 1815, George Palmer. She died in 1826. 94001 1. Charles Wilson. 946300. 940200. HoBART EsTABROOK. (Hobart.) 934962. He was born in 1748. He married (ist), June 20, 1773, Hannah Paddleford of R. I. She was born in 1745. She died May 24, 181 1, at Chat- ham, Conn. He married (2nd), Jan. 16, 1816, at Middle Haddam, Conn., Ruth Strong (widow of Jabez Strong). He died Oct. 8, 1839, at Lebanon, N. H. 940220. Rev. Robert Robbins. He was born in 1741 in Wethersfield, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1760. Ordained, 1764. He settled in the ministry in Westchester Parish, Colchester, Conn., 1764, where he was pastor nearly forty years. He married Jerusha Estabrook (daughter of Rev. Hobart Estabrook and Terusha Chauncey, daughter of Isaac Chauncey and Sarah Blackleach of S. Hadley, Mass.). 934963- He died Jan. 22, 1804. She died May 29, 1822, at Colchester, Conn. Children : 940221. Ruth Kimberly. Born in 1782. Married Henry Champion, Jr. 946400. 940222. Jerusha. Married Eli Northam. 940223. Robert Chauncey. Unmarried. Died in Trov, N. Y. 940224. Samuel Wells. Married. Died in Georgia. Child : Robert Chauncey. Sixth Generation. 1721 940400. Moses Chauncy. (Josiah*, Isaac^ Israel', Charles'.) 934982. He was born April 12, 1762. He married Sarah Calkin. Judge of Court of Common Pleas. He died April 11, 18 14. Resi- dence, Schenectady, N. Y. Children : 940401. William. Born Jan. 21, 1793. 946600. 940402. Orange. Born in 1795. No issue. Residence, Illinois. 940403. Diantha. Died young. 940404. Electa. Born in 1799. Married Joseph Green. 946660. 940460. JosiAH Ch.auncy. (Josiah-*, Isaacs Israel", Charles'.) 934984. He married. Children : 940461. Samuel. 940462. Daughter. 940463. Daughter. 940464. Daughter. 940500. Benjamin Hall. (Benjamin.) 931583. His father was Councillor, 1765. His mother was Abiah Chauncey. He was born Sept. 27, 1735, in Wallingford, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1754. He married (ist), Dec. 27, 1752, Mary Ives (daugh- ter of Abijah Ives and Abigail Mix). They had three sons, one of whom died in infancy. He married a second time. He died May 19, 1786. Children : 940501. William Brenton. Graduated at Yale College, 1786. Died in 1S09. 940502. Edmund Fanning. Youngest child. SIXTH GENERATION. 942000. Edmund Bulkley. (Joseph^, Peter-", Edward^ Ger- shom^, Peter'.) 936001. He married. Child : 942001. Julius H. 942200. Capt. David Jewett, U. S. N. (David Hibbard.) 936201. He was born June 17, 1772, He married, in 1827, Eliza 1722 History of the Ayres Family. Lawrence (daughter of Alderman Augustine Hicks Lawrence of N. Y. City). He studied law with Gov. Griswold of Conn. He entered the U. S. Navy and was promoted to Captain. He served in the Navy of Chili in the War for Independence, 1801. Brig. General effective of Armada of Empire of Brazil and became Admiral Com- mander-in-Chief. He died in July, 1842. Child : 942201. Augustine David Lawrence. Born Jan. 12, 1S30. 948100. 942300. John Charles Bulkley. (Eliphalet^, John^ John', Gershom^ Peter'.) 936401. He married Sally Taintor. Child : 942301. Eliphalet Adams. 94S200. 942500. Gershom Taintor Bulkley. (Charles', John^ John^ Gershom'', Peter'.) 936501. He was born March 8, 1780, at Col- chester, Conn. He married, in 18 14. Julia Kellogg (daughter of Samuel Kellogg and Anne Blair of Williamstown, Mass.). She was born Aug. 16, 1793. He died Oct. 16, 1862, at Monroe, Mich. She died in May, 1884, at Monroe. Children : 942501. Gershom. Born Oct. 19, 1S22. 94S300. 942502. Solomon Taintor. Student in Williams College, 1S55. 943000. John Moore. He married Sarah Chauncey. 937003. Ship Captain. Residence. Portsmouth, N. H. Children : 943001. Statira. Married Peter Shores. 94S600. 943002. Joanna Chauncey. Married William M. Shackford. 948620. 943003. John. 948640. 943004. Almira Chauncey. Residence, Exeter, N H. 943060. Samuel Chauncy. (Charles', Charles*, Charles^ Isaac^ Charles'.) 937004. He was born May 12. 1767. He mar- ried, about 1795, Betsey Ladd (second daughter of Col. Eliphalet Ladd). Ship captain. He died in 18 17. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. Sixth Generation. 1723 Children 943061. Dr. Charles William. Graduated at Harvard. A.B., 1819, M.D., 1822. Died in 1864. 943062. Martha. Born May 30, 1802. Died May 30, 1S03. 943080. Jeremiah Clarke. He married Elizabeth Hirst Chauncey. 937005. Residence, York, Me. Child : 943081. Eliza Chauncey. Married Commander John Porter, U. S. N. 948800. 943200. Hon. Theophilus Parsons, LL.D. (Rev. Moses.) He was born Feb. 24, 1750, in Byfield, Essex Co., Mass. Graduated at Harvard College, 1769. Admitted to the Bar in 1774 at Falmouth, Mass. (now Portland, Me.). He married, in 1780, Elizabeth Green- leaf. 937021. He settled in practice at Newburyport, Mass. Mem- ber of State Constitutional Convention, 1779. Member of Conven- tion to Ratify U. S. Constitution, 1788. He removed to Boston in 1800. Attorney General of the United States, 1802. Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Massachusetts, 1806-13. He was the author of Commentaries on the Law of the United States, and The Essex Result, a famous political pamphlet. LL.D., Harvard College. He died Oct. 30, 1813. She died Feb. 13, 1829. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children 943201 943202 943203 943204 943205 Charles Chauncy. Born in 1782. 949100. Charlotte. Born in 1793. Married Charles P. Phelps. 949120. Theophilus. Born May 17, 1797. 949140., William. Born in 1800. 949160. Elizabeth. Married Benjamin Marston Watson. 949180. 943220. Capt. John Greenleaf. (Benjamin.) 937022. He was born July 8, 1760. He married (2nd), Jan. 13, 1780, Mrs. Thomas Greenleaf. He died Jan. 16, 1829, in Newbury, Mass. Child : 943221. John. Born June 22, 1795. 948900. 943300. Nathaniel Snell-Chauncy. (Charles', William'.) 937325. He married Anne Oram Bannerman (daughter of John Alexander Bannerman, Esq.). Residence, London, Eng. 1724 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 943301. Nathaniel. 943302. Reginald. 943303- Augustus. 943304- Charles. 943305- Oscar. 943306. Mary. 943307- Amelia. 943308- Charlotte. 943309. Jane. 943400. Rev. Thomas Fitch Oliver. (Andrew^ Lt. Gov. Andrew'.) He was born May 4, 1757. He graduated at Harvard College, 1775. He married, June 7, 1778, Sarah Pynchon. 937503. Rector of St. Michaels, Marblehead, Mass., and St. Thomas, Balti- more. He died Jan. 25, 1797. She died March 13, 1832. Children : 943401. Mary Lynde. Born Dec. 20, 1781. Married Joseph Story. 949200. 943402. Andrew. Born Nov. 21, 1783. Unmarried. Died. 943403. William Pynchon. Born Oct. 17, 1785. Died in Sept., 1S07. 943404. Prof. Daniel. Born Sept. 9, 1787. Graduated at Harvard Col- lege, 1806. Professor in Physiology in Dartmouth College and the Medical College of Ohio. Married Mary Robinson Pulling. They had children. He died June i, 1842. 949220. 943405. Benjamin Lynde. Born Sept. 14, 1788. Fellow, American Academy. .\.M., Harvard, 1808; M.D. (Honorary), 1815. Died June 18, 1843. 943406. Sarah Pynchon. Born May 5, 1791. 943407. Elizabeth Digby. Born May 3, 1795. Married Jonathan Freeman. 943500. Dr. Thomas Ruggles Pynchon. TJoseph-, William'.) 937541. He was born in 1760 in Guilford, Conn. He was educated in New York, and during the Revolution pursued his medical studies in the hospitals of the English Army in that city. After the war he returned to Guilford, where he became a celebrated physician and surgeon. Dr. Pynchon and his father and uncle were loyalists, and strongly opposed to the dismemberment of the British Empire, but, after the war, became zealous supporters of the present constitution of the United States. He died Sept. 10, 1796, at Guilford, Conn. Child : 943501. William Hutchinson. 949300. Sixth Generation. 1725 943600. John Breck. (Robert^ Robert-, Robert'.) 937801. He married Clarissa Allen (daughter of Rev. Thomas Allen of Pitts- field, Mass.). They had several children. Child : 943601. Theodore. Residence, Breckville, Cayuga Co., N. Y. 943620. Richard Beebe. He married Elizabeth Breck. 937841. Child : 943621. George Breck. 949400. 943780. Rev. Joel Hayes. (JoeP, DanieP, George'.) He was born Jan. 10, 1753, at Granby, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1773. He married, July 25, 1782, Mary Bliss. 938022. Minister of the church at South Hadley, Mass., forty-five years. He died in 1827. Children : 943781. Oliver Bliss. 949500. 943782. Hon. Joel. Residence, South Hadley, Mass. Representative, 1824-Sand 1S31. 943783. Dr. Roswell P. Residence, Cincinnati, Ohio. 943800. Dr. Richard Ely. He was born June 28, 1765. He graduated at Yale College, 1785. He married, Sept. 4, 1791, Eunice Bliss. 938023. He died April 27, 1816. She died April 16, 1850. Residence, N. Killingly and Centre Brook, Conn. Children: 943801. Rev. William. Born June 27, 1792. Graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1813, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1817. Died Nov. 20, 1850. Residence, N. Mansfield, Conn. 943802. Eliza Maria. Born May 8, 1794. Married Dr. Elihu Ely of Binghamton, N. Y. She died July, 1S36-7. 943803. Richard. Born Aug. 5, 1798. Married, Sept. 12, 1829, Mary Caroline Buck. He died May 6, 1869, at Chester, Conn. 943804. Clarissa Eunice. Born May i, 1801. 943805. Catharine Bliss. Born about 1803. Married, May 27, 1839, Hon. Charles McKinney. Trustee of Hamilton College, 1877- 84. Ma3'or of Binghamton, N. Y., 1875-6. Member of Assem- bly, 1855. They had one son who died Jan 19, 1S47. He died in 1884. 1726 History of the Ayres Family. 943900. John Merrick. (Jonathan and Mary Merrick.) He was born Feb. 28, 1781. He married, Dec. 17, 1804, Harriet Brewer. 938105. He died Aug. 29, 18 16. Children : 943901. John Marshall. Born Dec. 9, 1806. Died Dec. 25, 1806. 943902. Harriet Cornelia. Born March 21, 1808. Died Jan. 13, 1828. 943903. John Marshall. Born May 9, 1810. 9495^0. 943904. Susan Mary Ann. Born Aug. 21, 1813. Died May 27, 1816. 943920. John Bliss. (Ohver.) 938028. He was born Aug. 9, 1779. H^ married, April 13, 1817, his cousin, Harriet (Brewer) Merrick. 938105. Residence, Wilbraham, Mass. Child : 943921. Catharine Mary Ann Antoinette. Born Feb. 6, 1818. Married Rev. Samuel W. Speer. 949540. 944000. Anson Lorenzo Brewer. (Charles^ Isaac^ Isaac^ Daniel'.) 9381 12. He was born Feb. 22, 1800. He married (ist), in 1835, Harriet Dunbar of Washington, Miss. He married (2nd), Sarah Ann Eudly of New Lisbon, Ohio. Paymaster, U. S. Army (o. Navy). Residence, New Lisbon, Ohio. Child : 944001. Capt. Edwin Parker. Born April 16, 1854, at New Lisbon, Ohio. Captain, 7th Regt. Cavalry, U. S. Army, 1900. Member of Society of Sons of American Revolution. 944300. Hon. Zenas Crane. He was born May 9, 1777. He married, Nov. 30, 1809, Lucinda Brewer. 938126. She was born July 21, 1787. They had ten children. Representative, 1811, and several years thereafter. Councillor, 1836-7. He died June 20, 1845. She died May 2, 1872. Residence, Dalton, Mass. Children : 944301. Lucinda. 944302. Zenas Marshall. 949600. 944303. James Brewer. ; 944304. Lindley Murray. 944305. Seymour. 944400. Simeon Brewer. (Daniel^ Charles-, Daniel'.) 938201. He was born Aug. 29, 1782, at Newtown, Conn. He married, Nov. Sixth Generation. 1727 20, 1804, Eunice Macy (daughter of Peleg Macy and Sarah Wendell of Nantucket, Mass.). Merchant. He died Sept. 29, 1855, at Worcester, Mass. Child : 944401. Daniel. Born Sept. 29, 1814. 949640. 945000. Hon. Chauncey Goodrich. (Elizur.) 938501. He was born Oct. 20, 1759. He graduated at Yale College, 1776. Tutor there. Lawyer at Hartford, Conn. Member of Congress, 1 794-1 800. U. S. Senator, 1808-13. Lieut. Governor, 1813. Mayor of Hart- ford, 1812. He married (ist), Abigail Smith; (2nd), Mary Ann Wolcott (daughter of Governor Oliver Wolcott). She was a famous beauty. He died in 1815. Residence, Hartford, Conn. 945020. Hon. Elizur Goodrich. (Elizur.) 938502. He was born March 24, 1761. He graduated at Yale College, 1779. Lawyer. He married, Sept. i, 1785, Annie Willard Allen (daughter of Daniel Allen and Esther Colton of Great Barrington, Mass.). Representative. State Senator. Member of Congress, 1799. Mayor of New Haven, Conn., 1803-22. Chief Judge of New Haven County Court for thirteen years. Judge of Probate for seventeen years. Collector of the Port. Professor of Law at Yale, 1 801-10. He died Nov. I, 1849. She died Nov. 17, 18 18. Residence, New Haven, Conn. Children : 945021. Elizur. Born about 17S6. 949680., 945022. Chauncey Allen. Born (3ct. 23, 1790. 949700. 945023. Nancy. Married Hon. Henry Leavitt Ellsworth. 949720. 945040. Rev. Samuel Goodrich. (Elizur.) 938503. He was born in 1763. He married Elizabeth Ely (daughter of Col. John Ely, M.D., and granddaughter of Rev. William Worthington of Say- brook, Conn.). Children : 945041. Sarah Worthington. Married (ist), Amos Cooke. 949800. Married (2nd), Frederick Wolcott. 949820. 945042. Elizabeth. Married Rev. Noah Coe. 949840. 945043. Abigail. Married Rev. Samuel Whittelsey. 949860. 945044. Charles Augustus. 949870. 1728 History of the Ayres Family. 945045. Catharine. Married Daniel Dunbar. 949SS0. 9:15046. Samuel Griswold. 949900. 945047. Mary A. Wolcott. Married Rev. Darius Mead. 949920. 945060. Elihu Chauncy Goodrich. (Elizur.) 938504. He graduated at Yale College, 1784. Lawyer. Died in 1882. Resi- dence, Claverack, N. Y. 945080. Rev. David Smith, D.D. He was born in 1768. He married (2nd), Catharine Goodrich. 938507. Chaplain of the Society of the Cincinnati. He died in 1861. Residence, Durham, Conn. Children : 945081. Catherine. Married Henry Leavitt Ellsworth. 949720. 945082. Rev. Elizur Goodrich. Graduated at Yale College, 1S22. Died in 1873. Residence, Ogdensburg, X. Y. 945083. Simeon Parsons. Born in 1809. 949980. 945300. Hon. Charles Chauncy, LL.D. (Charles^, Elihu\ Nathaniel, NathanieP, Charles'.) 938541. He was born Aug. 17, 1777. He graduated at Yale College, 1792. (LL.D., 1827.) He married, Sept. 26, 1808, Hannah Chester (daughter of Col. John and Elizabeth Chester of Wethersfield, Conn.). Lawyer. Member of Common Council. Member of State Constitutional Convention, 1827. He died Aug. 30, 1849. She died in 182 i. Residence, Phila- delphia, Pa. Children : 945301. Charles. Graduated at Yale College, 1828. Died in 1831. 945302. Elizabeth Chester. 945303. Hannah. 945304. Susan Yaux. 945320. Elihu Chauncy. (Charles^ Elihu^ Nathaniel, Na- thaniel, Charles'.) 938542. He was born Jan. 15, 1779. He graduated at Yale College, 1796. He married Henrietta Teackle (daughter of John Teackle of Accomac Co., Va.). Lawyer. Editor of the North American Gazette. President of the Reading Railroad. He was also connected with the Bank of the United States and the Bank of Pennsylvania. He died April 8, 1847. She died in 1832. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. Child : 94532 1 . Sarah. Married William Littleton Savage. 949940. Sixth Generation. 1729 945340. Nathaniel Chauncy, Esq. (Charles^, Elihu^ Na- thaniel^ Nathaniel", Charles'.) 938545. He was born Feb, 27, 1789. He graduated at Yale College, 1806. He married, June 8, 1836, Elizabeth Sewall Salisbury (daughter of Samuel and Nancy Salisbury of Boston, Mass.). Lawyer. He died in 1865. She died in 1850. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. Children : 945341. Charles. Married Agnes Conway (daughter of Moncure Rob- inson of Philadelphia, Pa.). They had issue. 945342. Elihu. Born Aug. 17, 1840. 950000. 945400. Anson Treat. He married, in 18 10, Catharine Chauncey. 938601, Residence, Middletown, Conn, Children : 945401. Henry Chauncey. 945402. Susan A. 945403. Edwin. 945404. Harriet Stocking. 945405. Charles. Died in J842. 945440. x\nsel Chapman, He married, in 18 12, Abigail Chauncy. 938604. Residence, East Haddam, Conn. Children : 945441 Timothy. 945442 John. 945443 Francis. 945444 Russell. 945445 Catharine J 945446 Sarah. 945447 Janette. 945448 Nanette. 945460. Elijah Ackley. He married Mary Chauncy, 938605, Children : 945461. Norman. Died in 1842. 945462. John. Died in 1843. 945463. Marietta. Residence, Buffalo, N. Y. 945464. Elizabeth. Married Elijah Roberts. Residence, Buffalo, N. Y. 945600, Henry Chauncey. (HenryS, Nathaniel*, Nathaniel, Nathaniel", Charles'.) 938621. He was born in 1825. He mar- I730 History of the Ayres Family. ried, in 1853, Emily Howland (daughter of Samuel J. Rowland of New York City). Residence, New York City. Children : 945601. Henry. 945602. Lucy. 945700. Prof. William Chauncy Fowler, LL.D. (Reuben Rose^ Caleb'.) 938701. He was born in 1793. He graduated at Yale College, 1816. (LL.D. Lafayette College, 1861.) He married, July 21, 1825, Harriet (Webster) Cobb (daughter of Noah Webster, LL.D., and widow of Edward Cobb of Portland, Me.). Tutor in Yale. Professor of Chemistry and Natural History in Middlebury College. Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory and English Literature in Amherst College, 1838-43. He died Jan. 15, 1881. Children : 945701. Charles Chauiicy. Born in 1829. Graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 185 1. Lawyer. Died in 1876. 945702. William Worthington. 950100. 945703. Emily Ellsworth. Married Gordon Leicester Ford. 950120. 945720. Joseph Winborn Hand. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 18 13. He married Catharine Worthington Fowler. 938702. Chief Clerk, Patent Office. He died in 1844. Residence, Washing- ton, D. C. Children : 945721. Elizabeth Worthington. Married Rev. Asa Fisk. 945722. Chauncy Meigs. 950200. 945723. Charles Fowler. 950220. 945724. Catharine Chauncey. 945725. Mary Meigs. 945726. Mary Joanna. 945800. Henry Carrington. (Edward.) 938801. He was born March 20, 1781. He married, Jan. 18, 1806, Susannah Starr (daughter of Nathan Starr and Polly Pomeroy). She was born April 19, 1782. Dry goods merchant for many years. She died Sept. 6, 1825. Residence, after 1850, California. Children : 945801. Susan Mary. Born Nov. 2, 1806. 945S02. Elizabeth Strong. Born May 14, 1S09. Married Edward Arah Phelps. 950260. Sixth Generation. 1731 945803. Mary Starr. Born April 3, 181 x. 945804. Henry. Borii Nov. 2, 1815. 950280. 945805. Nathan Starr. Born Dec. 13, 18 16. 945806. Lorania Hoppin. Born Dec. 23. 1819. 945807. William Edward. Born June 12, 1823. 945820. David Miles. He married Mary Carrington. 938802. She died in 186 1. Child : 945821. Charles. Born March 20, 1803. 950301. 945850. Joseph Wright Alsop. (Richard^ John^ Richard'.) He was born March 2, 1772. He married Lucy Whittelsey. 938902. He died Oct. 16, 1844. Residence, Middletown, Conn. Children : 945851. Lucy W. Married Henry Chauncey. Merchant. Member of firm of Alsop & Chauncey. Residence, N. Y. City. 945852. Charles Richard. 950400. 945853- Joseph Wright. 950420. 945854- Clara P. 945855. Elizabeth W. Married George H. Hoppin. Residence, Provi- dence, R. I. 945S56. Mary W. Married Dr. Thomas D. Mutter. 950440. 945900. Commodore Isaac Chauncy, U. S. N. (VVolcott^ Robert-*, Charles^ IsraeP, Charles'.) 939005. He was born Feb. 20, 1772, at Black Rock, Conn. He married Catharine Sickles (daugh- ter of John and Catharine Sickles). Lieutenant, Sept. 17, 1798. Commander, May 23, 1804. Captain, April 24, 1806. He made several voyages to the East Indies. He distinguished himself in several actions off Tripoli and was thanked by Congress for his ser- vices. He served with distinction in the War of 181 2, and was President of the Board of Navy Commissioners in Washington, D. C, 1833-40. He died Jan. 27, 1840, in Washington, D. C. Children : 945901. Charles W. Midshipman, May i, 1822. Lieutenant, U. S. Navy, May 27, 1S30. Married Catharine. He died Aug. 10, 1847. She died Oct 24, 1855. 945902. John Sickles. 950480. 945903- Peter Schermerhorn. 950500. 1732 History of the Ayres Family. 946000. Dr. Isaac Gilbert Graham. (Andrew'', John'.) 939361. He was born Sept. 10, 1760, at Woodbury, Conn. He married Anley Banker. Assistant Surgeon in the Continental Army during Rev. War, served at West Point under Washington, and was present at several engagements. He died Sept. 13, 1849, i'"* West- chester Co., N. Y. Children : 946001. Andrew. 946002. Frederick. 946003. Henry. Born in 1788. 950600. 946004. Hon. Isaac Gilbert. State Inspector of Sing Sing Prison, New York. 946005. Elizabeth. 946006. Martha. 946007 . Harriet. 946040. John Andrew Graham, LL.D. (Andrew^ John'.) 939362. He was born in 1764 in Southbury, Conn. He was ad- mitted to the Bar in 1785 in Conn., and subsequently practiced law for many years in Rutland, Vt., where he was a leader in his profes- sion. Author and writer. He visited Europe several times. In 1796 the University of Aberdeen conferred on him the degree of LL.D. He married (ist), Helen Beekman. They had a daughter, Helen Livingston. He married (2nd), Margaret Lorimer (daughter of James Lorimer of London). They had a son John Lorimer Graham. John A. Graham died in 1841. Residence, 1805-41) N. Y. City. Children : 946041. Helen Livingston. Married Nathaniel Kellogg Fairbauk. 946042. John Hodges. Born March 9, 1794. 950700. 946043. John Lorimer. Born March 20, 1797. 950750. 946080. Nathan Beers Graham. (Andrew^ John'.) 939363. He married Jean Lorimer. Child : 946081. Nathan Beers. 950800. 946200. Rev. Chauncey Lee, D.D. (Jonathan.) 939401. 946200. He was born Nov. 9, 1763, at Salisbury, Conn. He grad- uated at Yale College, 1784. Lawyer. Minister. He married (ist), Sixth Generation. 1733 Abigail Stanton. She died in 1805. They had two sons and one daughter. He married (2ndj, in 1807, Olive (Harrison) Spencer. They had two sons and one daughter. She died Jan. 5, 1818. He married (3d), in 1818, Rebecca (Green) Haynes. U.D., Columbia College, 1824. He died Dec. 5, 1842, at Hartwick, N. Y. Children : 946201. Abigail Eliza. Married Daniel Beebe. Residence, Guilford, N. Y. 946202. Theodore Stanton. Residence, Texas. 946203. Chauncey Graham. Born July 4, 1795. Died in 1871. 946204. Juliet Love. Born Nov. 28, 180S, in Colebrook, Conn, Mar- ried Dr. Gardiner Dorrance. 946205. Frederick Albert. Born Dec. 5, iSro. 950900. 946206. Oliver Harrison. Born June i, 1814. 946220. Robert Walker Lee. (Jonathan.) He was born April 4, 1765. He married, Oct. 29, 1786, Jerusha Bushnell. She was born Oct. 19, 1766. He died Jan. 9, 1799. She died May 15, 1850. Residence, Salisbury, Conn. Children : 946221. Robert Walker. Born Sept. 30, 1787. Died Feb. 13, 1820. 946222. Love. Born Juh' 24, 17S9. Died Dec. 5, 1793. 946223. William Graham. Born Oct. 31, 1791. Graduated at Williams College, 1814. Died Dec. i, 1815. 946224. Herman Bushnell. Born Feb. 11, 1795. Died Dec. 14, 1814. 946225. Elizabeth Odingsell. Born Oct. 22, 1797. Married, Nov. i, 1837, Dea. Thomas Chittenden. He was born Dec. 28, 1793. Iron manufacturer. No issue. Residence, Salisbury, Conn. 946240. Rev. Aaron C. Collins. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1786. He married Love Lee. 939403. She was born Dec. 5, 1767. Residence, East Bloomfield, N. Y. He died. She resided, 1870, Troy, N. Y, Children : 946241. Love. ]Married a Buel 946242. Elizabeth. 946243. Sarah. 946244. Lafaj-ette. 946245. Mary Ann. 946246. Frederick Wolcott. 946247 Zimri. 946248 William Augustus. 1734 History of the Ayres Family. 946300. Charles Wilson Rawson. (Edmund Grindal'', Grin- dal3, Grindal^, Edward'.) 94001 1. He married Mary Shackleford of Gwinett County, Ga. Children : 946301. Mary. 946302. Charles. 946303. Edward. 946304. Floyd. 946305. Grindal. 946320. HoBART EsTABROOK. (Hobart Estabrook and Hannah Paddleford. 940200.) He was born May 9, 1787, at Millington, Conn. He married, May 16, 1809, Asenath Harvey. She was born Dec. 15, 1789. Captain in MiUtia. Agent for 16,000 acres of land for Conn. School Fund. He died May 18, 1872. She died Feb. 25, 1877. Re.sidence, Havana, N. Y. Child : 946321. Herman Landoti. Born Jan. 27, 1825. 946400. Henry Champion. (Henry.) He married Ruth Kimberly Robbins. 940221. (A.M., Yale College, 181 7.) Fellow ex-officio of Yale College. He died in 1836. She died Sept. 12, 1863, in Troy, N. Y. Children : 94640 r. Robert. Died young. 946402. George. 951000. 946403. Maria. Married Hon. William Metcalf Bliss. 951020. 946404. Abigail Jerusha. Married Hon. Jonathan Edwards. 951040. 946440. Rev. Robert Chauncey Robbins. (Robert.) 940223. He was born May 16, 1786, in Westchester, Conn. He graduated at Wilhams College, 1809, and Andover Theological Seminary, 181 2. He died May 18, 1825, at Darien, Ga. 946450. Dr. Amatus Robbins. (Robert. 940220.) He was born in 1 79 1. He graduated at Williams College, 181 1, and Berk- shire Medical College, 1825. Tutor in Wilhams College. He died in 1854. Sixth Generation. 1735 946600. William Chauncy. (Moses^, Josiah^ Isaacs Israel", Charles'.) 940401. He was born Jan. 21, 1793. He married Julia Ann Tice. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 946601. Anna Christina. Married Horatio G. Prall. 951100. 946602. Margaret. Married George W. Stanton, Jr. 951 120. 946603. Helen. Born Aug. 23, 1820. Died Jan. 29, 1848. 946604. Julia E. Born June 10, 1S24. Died April 28, 1841. 946605. Mary Frances. Born July 20, 1832. Married Gen. Chauncy ^NIcKeever. 95 [140. 946606. Charles William. Born Jan. 5, 1S3S. College student, 1S48. 946660. Joseph Green. He married Electa Chauncey. 940404. Child : 946661. Sarah. Married Edmond Wilcox. 946680. Dr. William Brenton Hall. (Benjamin% Benja- min'.) 940501. He graduated at Yale College, 1786. He married Mehetabel Parsons (daughter of Major Gen. Samuel Holden Parsons of the Continental Army). She was born Dec. 24, 1772, in Middle- town, Conn. Physician. He died in 1809. She died Nov. i, 1823. Residence, Middletown, Conn. Children : 946681. William Brenton. 946682. Samuel Holden Parsons. Born June 28, 1804. 94S400. 946700. Gen. Charles Henry Whittelsey. (Charles Bryan Whittelsey (838921) and Jane Mulford.) He was born Oct. 2, 1832, He graduated at Yale College, 1853. Officer of Conn. Vols, in Civil War. He was born in Conn. Appointed from New York. Brevet Brig. Gen. Vols., 1865. Capt. U. S. Army, 1866. He died Oct. 18, 1871. 946750. Rev. Edmund Grindall Rawson. 940000. He was born Feb. 7, 1738. He graduated at Yale College, 1759. Sarah Holmes was born in 1743. He died July 21, 1823. She died April 27, 1821. 946800. George Little. He was born Nov. 23, 1782. He married Mary Estabrook (daughter of Hobart Estabrook and Han- 1736 History of the Ayres Family. nah Paddleford). 940200. She was born Dec. 10, 1784. He died June 18, 1852. She died Sept. 13, 1836. Residence, Montrose, Pa. Children : 946801. George Hobart. Born Dec. 12, 1S12. 946802. Ralph Bulkle}'. 946803. William Estabrook. Born April i, 1817. 946804. Robert Robbins. Born March 13, 1820. 946805. Ephraim Henr)\ 946806. Mary Eliza. Married vSamuel Scott Grover, Esq. Lawyer. Residence, Jacksonville, Fla. SEVENTH GENERATION. 948000. Julius H. Bulkley. (Edmund^ Joseph^, Peter^ Ed- ward', Gershom% Peter'.) 942001. He married. Child : 94800 r. Joseph E. Residence, 1865, N. Y. City. 948100. Rev. Augustine David Lawrence Jewett, D.D. (David.) 942201. He was born July 12, 1830. He prepared at Dalrymple School, Alexandria, Va., and graduated at Williams Col- lege, 1852. He attended Princeton Theological Seminary four years. He married, April 22, 1856, Elizabeth Hall Dickinson (daughter of Rev. Richard W. Dickinson, a graduate of Yale College). She was born Feb. 21, 1833. Presbyterian. Member of Kappa Alpha Col- lege fraternity. Sons of Revolution and Jekyll Island Club. Resi- dence, Piermont and Throgg's Neck (1868-74), N. Y., and New Brunswick, N. J. He died April 29, 1898, in N. Y. City. Children : 948101. Richard Dickinson. Born July 6, 1857, at Piermont. Gradu- ated at Columbia Law School, 1S80. Lawyer. Married, Dec. 6, 1883, Eliza Melinda Schmidt (daughter of F. Leopold Schmidt and Melinda Pollen). They had five children. 94S102. Elizabeth Hall. Born July 21, 1858, at Piermont. Died March 28, 1859. 948103. Sarah. Born Oct. 3, i860, in N. Y. City. Died April 25, 1897. 948104. Margaret Coman. Born Oct 15, 1863, in N. Y. City. Died Feb. 7, 1867. 948105. Gertrude'. Born April 14, 1868, in N. Y. City. Died March 8, 1879. Seventh Generation. 1737 948200. Hon. Eliphalet Adams Bulkeley. (John Charles*, EHphalet^, John\ John\ Gershom", Peter'.) 942301. He was born June 29, 1803, in Colchester, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1824. He married Lydia Smith Morgan. Representative, 1856-7 ; Speaker, 1857. President of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company and the /Etna Life Insurance Company. He died Feb. 13, 1872. Residence, Hartford, Conn. Children : 948201. Morgan Gardiner. Born Dec. 26, 1S3S. 954000. 94S202. William H. Born March 2, 1840. 954060. 94S300. Gershom Bulkley. (Gershom Taintor'^, Charles^ John^ John', Gershom^ Peter'.) 942501. He was born Oct. 19, 1822, at Williamstown. Mass. Student in Williams College, 1836. He married. May 25, 1853, Fidelia Groendycke (daughter of Asa Taft Groendycke and Lucy Sargent). She was born Feb. 14, 1834. He died Aug. 30, 1891. at Pueblo, Col. She died April 27, 1896. Children : 948301. Frederick Groendycke. Born April 4, 1S54. 954100. 948302. Gershom Frank. Born July 10, 1857. Married, Jan. 22, 1S85, Luella Bergstresser. They have four children. Residence, 1898, .^spen, Col. 948303. Julia Kellogg. Born June 28, i860. Married, Dec. 28, i88r, Dr. James Craven Wood. They have three children. Resi- dence, Cleveland, Ohio. 948400. Hon. Sa!\iuel Holden Parsons Hall. (William Brenton^, Benjamin^, Benjamin'.) 946682. He was born June 28, 1804. in Middletown, Conn. He married, May 14, 1826, Emeline Mehetable Bulkley (daughter of Capt. Charles Bulkley* of Rocky Hill, Conn., Charles^ Charles^ Edward^ Gershom^ Peter Bulkley'). He removed in 1837 to Binghamton, N. Y. State Senator; 1847-9. He died March 5, 1877. Children : 948401. Charles Samuel. Born May 10, 1827. 954200. 948402. Theodore Parsons. Born Dec. 15, 1835. 954220. 948600. Peter Shores. He married Statira Moore. 943001. 1738 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 948601. Sarah Chauncey. Married Mark Green. 94S602. Mark M. 954300. 948603. Oliver. 954320. 948604. Statira. 948605. Franklin. 948620. William M. Shackford. He married Joanna Chaun- cey Moore. 943002. Children : 948621. William Henry. 954400. 948622. Charles Chauncey. 954420. 948623. Albert. 948624. Joanna Augusta. Married Moses P. Stacy. 954460. 948625. John Edward. Married Mar}' A. Harris. They had issue. 948640. John Moore, (John.) 943003. He married Caro- line Blunt. Children : 948641. Georgiana. Married Davey, Esq. Lawyer. Residence, South Carolina. ^ 948642. John. 948643. Caroline. Married Hon. Williamson, while he was an English consul in Maine. Residence, England. 948800. Commander John Porter, U. S. N. He married Eliza Chauncey Clarke. 943081. Midshipman, June 20, 1806. Lieutenant, May 27, 1812. Commander, March 28, 1S20. He died Sept. 2, 1 83 1. Children : 948S01. Daughter. Married Joseph Waddell, Esq. Lawyer. They had a son, a student in St. James College, Washington Co., Md. She died four years after marriage. Residence, Louisiana. 948802. Lt. Bolton T. Lieutenant, U. S. N., on frigate Constitution in Mediterranean in 1857. 948803. Gen. Fitz John. Born June 13, 1822. 954500. 948804. Lt. David St. Leon. Born in N. H. Appointed from La. 2nd Lieut., 14th Inft., U. S. A., May 22, 1847. Died June 30, 1847, in harbor of Vera Cruz. Seventh Generation. 1739 94S900. John Greenleaf. (John-, Benjamin'.) 943221. He was born in 1795. He married F. C. Lane. Residence, Topsham, Maine. Children : 945901. Charles C. 945902. Francis WilUam. 948903. John Clement. 945904. Elizabeth C. 945905. Sarah Parks. 949000. Hon. Joseph Story, LL.D. He was born Sept. 18, 1779, '" Marblehead, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College, 179S. Lawyer. He married, Dec. 9, 1804, Mary Lynde Oliver. 943401. She died June 22, 1805. He died Sept. 10, 1845, in Cam- bridge, Mass. Representative, 1805. Speaker of House of Repre- sentatives of Mass. Member of Congress, 1808-9. Ji-'dge of the United States Supreme Court, 181 1-45. Author of Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States ; The Conflict of Laws ; Equity Jurisprudence and other legal works. Dane Professor of Law in Harvard University. Overseer and Fellow of Harvard. Fellow of American Academy. Member of Mass. Historical Society and American Philosophical Society. LL.D., Brown, 1815 ; Dartmouth, 1824; and Harvard, 182 1. 949040. Dr. Daniel Oliver, LL.D. (Thomas Fitch*, An- drew^, Andrew\ Daniel', Peter", Thomas'.) 943404. He was born Sept. 9, 1797, in Marblehead, Mass. He graduated at Harvard Col- lege, A.B., 1806, and University of Penn., M.D., 1810. He prac- ticed many years at Salem, Mass. Lecturer on Chemistry at Dart- mouth College, 1815-16. Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and of Materia Medica and Therapeutics at Dartmouth Medical College, 1820-37. Professor also of Intellectual Philosophy at Dartmouth, 1828. Lecturer on Theory and Practice of Medicine in Bowdoin College, 1827-8. Professor in Cincinnati Medical Col- lege, 1841-2. LL.D., Hobart College, 1838. He married. He died June I, 1S42, in Cambridge, Mass. Children : 949041. Fitch Edward. Born Nov. 25, 1819. 954600. 949042. Peter. Born in 1822. 954640. 949043. Andrew. Born in 1824. 954680. I740 History of the Ayres Family. 949060. Benjamin Lynde Oliver, Esq. (Thomas Fitch*, Andrew', Andrew\ DanieP, Peter^ Thomas'.) 943405. He was born in 1788 in Marblehead, Mass. Lawyer. He was a noted chess player. Author of several important law books. He died in 1843. 949100. Prof. Theophilus Parsons, LL.D. (Theophiliis°, Moses'.) 943201. He was born May 17, 1797. He graduated at Harvard College, 1815. He married. May 7, 1823, Catherine Amory Chandler (daughter of Hon. Nathaniel Chandler, Harvard, 1792). She was born April 18, 1S05. Dane Professor of Law in Harvard University, 1847-82. Author of many valuable law books. Fellow of American Academy. Member Mass. Hist. Society. LL.D., Har- vard, 1879. He died Jan. 26, 1882. Residence, Cambridge, Mass. Children : 949101. Emily Elizabeth. Born March 8, 1824, in Tannton, Mass. Nurse in the Civil War. Died May 19, 1880. (See Woman's Work. ) 949102. William John. Born Aug. 16, 1S31. Married Isabella Webb (daughter of Arthur Webb). They had six children. Banker. Office, 45 Broadway and 99 Cedar Sts. Residence, 1900, Mont- clair, N. J. 949103. Catharine. Born March 22, i"835. 949104. Theophikis. Born Oct. 13, 1838. Died young. 949105. Maj. Charles Chauncey. Graduated at Harvard College, 1S60. Married a widow. They have two children. Major of the Mass. colored regiment in the Civil War. Engaged in chemical works. Residence, 1900, 220 Lenox Ave., N. Y. City. 949106. Mary Sabra. Born Aug. 5, 1842. 949107. Caroline Louisa. Born Aug. 27, 1845. Married. 949120. William Parsons. (Theophilus.) 943202. He was born in 1800. He graduated at Harvard College, 18 18. He mar- ried (ist), Judith Sawyer; (2nd), Sabra Watson. Children by second wife. He died in 1847. Children : 9491 21. Martha. 949122. Marian. 949123. Sabra. 949124. Wilham. Graduated at Harvard College, 1856. 949125. Emma. Seventh Generation. 1741 949140, Charles Chauncey Parsons. (Theophilus.) 943203. He was born in 1782. He graduated at Harvard College, 1801. He married. He died in 1851. Child : 949 14 1. Thomas. 954800. , 949160. Benjamin Marston Watson. (Marston.) He was- born in 1780. He graduated at Harvard College, 1800. He mar- ried (ist), Elizabeth Parsons. 943204. He died in 1851. She died in 1828. 949180. Hon. Charles Porter Phelps. (Charles Phelps and Elizabeth Porter.) He was born Aug. 8, 1772, in Hadley, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College, 1791. He studied law with Hon. Theophilus Parsons, and was admitted to the Bar in 1795. He settled in practice in Boston. He married (2nd), Charlotte Parsons. 943205. She died in 1830. Representative, 18 16. Commander of the noted Hussars of Boston in 18 16. Cashier of Mass. Bank in Boston, 1816-17. He returned in 181 7 to Hadley. Representative from Hadley six terms, between 1821 and 1832. State Senator, 1828. He married three times and had fourteen children. He died Dec. 22, 1857. in Hadley, Mass. Children : 949181. Theophilus Parsons. Graduated at Amherst College, 1841. 949182. William Porter. 949183. Charlotte. 949184. Susan Davis. 949300. William Hutchinson Pynchon. (Thomas Ruggles^ Joseph^ William'.} 943501. He married Mary Murdock. Resi- dence, New Haven, Conn. Child : 949301. Thomas Ruggles. Born Jan. 19, 1S23. 954900. 949400. George Breck Beebe. (Richard.) 943621. He married Eliza Jane Skinner. Child : 949401. Harriette Maria Beebe. Born in Mass. Married Lawrence Hague. She is a member of Societj' of Daughters of American Revolution. 1742 History of the Ayres Family. 949450. Rev. Joseph Hunt Breck, (Grandson of Robert Breck. 937800.) He was born July 9, 1798, in Northampton, Mass. He graduated at Yale College, 18 18, and Andover Theologi- cal Seminary, 1823, Ordained, Dec, 1823. Pastor in several places in Ohio. He died June 21, 1880, in Cleveland, Ohio. 949500. Oliver Bliss Hayes. (JoeP, Joel^ Daniel-, George'.) 943781. Residence, 1883, Nashville, Tenn. Child ; 949501. Henry M. 954960. 949540. Rev. Samuel W. Speer. (Rev. Moses Speer and Amelia Ewing of Maryland.) He was born Aug. 9, 181 5, in Nash- ville, Tenn. He married (2nd), Aug. 20, 1850, Catharine Mary Ann Antoinette Bliss. 943921. Methodist minister. President of Female College at Natchez, Miss. Residence, 187 1, Ky. Children : 949541. John Bliss. Born and died May 12, 1852. 949542. Charles Ewing. Born Aug. 12, 1853. Died Feb. 11, 1856. 949543- Harriet Antoinette. Born Sept. 19, 1855. Died Nov. 29, 1864. 949544. Samuel Marshall. Born Sept. 9, 1858. 949580. Hon. John Marshall Merrick. (John-, Jonathan'.) 943903. He was born May 9, 1810. He married, April 21, 1832, Mary Jane Thompson of New Haven, Conn, District Provost Mar- shall, 1863-5. Town Clerk, 1840-2 and 1863-5. Representative, 1866. Trustee of Wilbraham Academy, 1836-79. Residence, Wil- braham, Mass. Children : 949581. William Marshall. Draughtsman. Residence, Chicago, 111. 949582. Harriet Cornelia. Married Prof. William Fairfield Warren. 955000. 949600. Zenas Marshall Crane. (Zenas.) 944302, He was born Jan. 21, 1815. He married (ist), Aug. 29, 1839, Caroline E. Laflin. She was born May 31, 1818, She died Jan. 16, 1849, He married (2nd), April 2, 1850, Louise F, Laflin (sister of his first wife). She was born July i, 1830. Seventh Generation. 1743 Children 949601 949602 949603 949604 949605 Zenas. Born Dec. 6, 1S40. Kate F. Born Oct. 17, 1843. Caroline L. Born April 26, 1S51. Winthrop Murray. Born April 23, 1S53. 955100. Clara L. Born March 13, 1886. 949640. Hon. Daniel Brewer. (Simeon^, Daniel\ Charles^ Daniel'.) 944501. He was born Sept. 29, 1814, in Providence, R. I. He married, June 21, 1840, Serena D. Berry of New Hamp- shire. Lawyer. City Attorney. Representative. Residence, Wau- kegan, 111. 949680. Elizur Goodrich. (Chauncey^ Elizur'.) He was born about 1786. He graduated at Williams College, 1806. He married Eliza Champion (daughter of Gen. Henry Champion). He married (2nd), Mary Catharine Beach. Lawyer. He died in 1868. They had one son. Residence, Hartford, Conn. Child : 949681. Frederick Elizur. Born Jan. 16, 1843. 955200. 949700. Rev. Chauncey Allen Goodrich, D.D. (Elizur^, Elizur'.) 945022. He was born Oct. 23, 1790. He graduated at Yale College, 1810. Tutor there. Professor of Rhetoric and Ora- tory in Yale College, 1817-39. Professor of the Pastoral Charge in New Haven Theological Seminary, 1839-60. He married Frances Julia Webster (daughter of Noah Webster, LL.D.). He was en- trusted by his father-in-law with the revision of Webster's Dictionary. (D.D., Brown University, 1835.) They had five children. He died in i860. Children : 949701. Chauncey. Born July 20, 1817. 955300. 949702. William Henry. Born Jan. 19, 1825. 955320. 949720. Henry Leavitt Ellsworth. He was born Nov. 10, 1 79 1, in Windsor, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 18 10. He mar- ried (ist), June 22, 18 13, Nancy Goodrich. 945023. She died Jan. 14, 1847. He married (2nd), Catharine Smith. 945081. He was appointed resident commissioner among the Indian tribes in Arkan- sas. Commissioner of Patents, 1836-45. He settled in Lafayette, 1744 History of the Ayres Family. IncL, in 1845. Author of Digest of Patents from 1770 to 1859. He died Dec. 27, 1858, in Fair Haven, Conn. Children : 949721. Henry William. Born in 1814. 955400. 949722. Annie Goodrich. Married Roswell Smith. 955420. 949800. Amos Cooke, Esq. He married Sarah Worthington Goodrich. 945041. He graduated at Yale College, 1791. He died in 1810. Residence, Danbury, Conn. Children : 949S01. Joseph Piatt. Graduated at Yale College, 1828, and Harvard, M.D., 1833. Died in 1S35. 949802. Elizabeth. 949820. Frederick Wolcott. He married Sarah Wortliing- ton (Goodrich) Cooke. 945041. He graduated at Yale College, 1786. Fellow, ex-officio. He died in 1837. Residence, Litchfield, Conn. Children : 949821. Charles. 949822. Henry G. 949823. Mary. 949840. Rev. Noah Coe. He was born May 25, 1786. He graduated at Yale College, 1808. Student in Andover Theological Seminary, 181 1. Ordained, July 3, 181 1. He married Elizabeth Goodrich. 945042. Pastor at New Hartford, N. Y., 1814-25. He died May 9, 187 i, in New Haven, Conn. Children ; 949841. Frederick Augustus. Born Oct. 22, 1S16. 955450. 949842. Rev. Samuel Goodrich. Born Oct. 22, 1819. 955470. 949843. Elizabeth Ely. 949860. Rev. Samuel Whittelsey. He married Abigail Goodrich. 945043. She was born Nov. 29, 1788, in Ridgeheld, Conn. She began in 1832 while in Utica, the publication of the Mother's Magazine, which she edited till about 1850, and subse- quently revived under the title of The Magazine for Mothers and Daughters. Seventh Generation. 1745 Children 949861. Rev. Samuel Goodrich. Graduated at Yale College, 1834. Tutor in Yale. Died in 1847. 949562. Elizabeth El}-. 949563. Emil)' C. 949564. Charles Chauncej-. Graduated at Yale College, 1838. Died in 1875. 949870. Rev. Charles Augustus Goodrich. (Samuel', E zur'.) 945044. He was born in 1790 in Ridgefield, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1812. He studied Divinity with Dr. Yates of E. Hartford, Conn. Pastor ist Cong. Church of Worcester, Mass., 1816-20; Berlin, Conn., 1820-48; Hartford, Conn., 1848. Author of Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, History of the United States, Outlines of Geography and other works. State Senator. He married Sarah Upton. He died Jan. 4, 1862. Residence, Hartford, Conn. Child ren : 949S71 Sophia U. 949872 Sarah U. 949873 Charles C. 949^^74 Arabella U. 949875 Catharine C. 949S76 Samuel G. 949877 Frederick Augustus 949880. Daniel Dunbar. He graduated at Yale College, 1794. He married Catharine Goodrich. 945045, Lawyer. (A.M., WilUams College, 1798.) He died in 1841. Residence, Berlin, Conn. Children : 949881. Edward Ely. 949882. Daniel. 949883. Frederick. 949884. Margaret Elizabeth. Married Homer H. Stuart. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 949900. Samuel Griswold Goodrich. (SarnueP, Elizur'.) 945046. He was born Aug. 19, 1793, in Ridgefield, Conn. He was a famous writer and compiler, of Boston and New York. He pub- lished nearly 200 volumes, mainly juvenile and educational, some of which acquired wide popularity. Among them are History of All 1746 History of the Ayres Family. Nations; Tales of -'Peter Parley" about America; and Recollections of a Lifetime, an autobiography. Over seven million copies of his "Peter Parley" Tales had been sold at the time of his death. He married (2nd), Mary Boot. State Senator. Consul at Paris. (M.A., Yale, 1848, and Williams, 1836.) He died May 9, i860, in N. Y. City. Children : 949901. Frank Boot. Born Dec. 14, 1826, in Boston. Graduated at Harvard College, 1S47. Author, dramatist and miscellaneous writer. Residence, N. Y. Cit}'. 949902. Rev. Chauncey. He wag born June 4, 1836, in Hinsdale, Mass. He graduated at Williams College, 1S61, attended Union Theo- logical Seminary, 1861-2, and graduated at x\ndover Theologi- cal Seminary, 1864. Ordained, Sept. 2r, 1864. President of American University, Pekin, China, 1900. D.D., Williams College, 1891. 949903. Alice Lee. Married Etienne St. George. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 949904. Mary W. 949905. Emily L. Married Nathaniel Smith. 949920. Rev. Darius Mead. He graduated at Yale College, 1828. He married Mary A. Goodrich. 945047. Fellow, ex-officio, of Yale College. He died in 1885. Children : 949921 949922 949923 949924 949925 Samuel Goodrich. Emily G. Adelaide Ely. Worthington Ely. Helen. 949940. WiLLAM Littleton Savage. Sarah Chauncy. 945321. Children : He married, in 1840, 949941 949942 949943 949944 949945 William Littleton. Henrietta. Mary. Henry Chauncey. Charles C. Residence, Philadelphia. Graduated at Yale College, 1879. 949980. was born in Simeon Parsons Smith. (David.) 945083. He 1809. He married (ist), in 1833, Hetty Hosford Seventh Generation. 1747 (daughter of Walter D. Smith). She died in 1840. He married (2nd), in 1842, Eliza VanNess Lyle. Child by his first wife, Hetty Hosford. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 949981. Hetty Hosford. Married Professor Charles Greene Rockwood. 955700. 9499S2. Dr. Henry Lyle. Graduated at Columbia College, M.D., 1864. Married Mary Atwood. They have children. Asst. Sanitary Commissioner, 1862. President Columbia County, N. Y., Medi- cal Society, 1869. Residence, Hudson, N. Y. 949983. Gertrude VanNess. Married her cousin, William Worthington Fowler. 950100. 950000. Elihu Chauncey. (NathanieP, Charles^, Elihu'', Na- thaniel', NathanieP, Charles'.) 945342. He was born Aug. 17, 1840, in Philadelphia. He graduated at Harvard College, 1861. He married, Nov. 14, 187 1, Mary Jane Potter (daughter of Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, Bishop of N. Y.). She was born May i, 1848, Treasurer of the House of Mercy, of the General Theological Sem- inary, and of the Clergyman's Retiring Fund Society. Secretary General Clergy Relief. Vestryman of Trinity and Holyrood churches. Member of Grolier University, Harvard and University Clubs, Cen- tury Association, Society of Colonial Wars, New York Historical and American Geographical Societies and University Club of Boston. Residence, 1901, 22 East 22nd St., N. Y. City. Child : 95000 1 . Daughter. 950100. Hon. Willi.\m Worthington Fowler. (William Chauncey^ Reuben Rose'.) 945702. He was born June 24, 1833, in Middlebury, Vt. He graduated at Amherst College, 1854. He married his cousin, Gertrude VanNess Smith. He was successively a lawyer, broker and journalist of New York City. Author of Ten Years in Wall Street ; Fighting Fire, the Great Fires of History ; Women on the American Frontier, and Twenty Years of Inside Life in Wall Street. State Senator in Conn. He died Sept. 18, 1881, in Durham, Conn. She died in Sept., 1881. Children : 950101. William Chauncey. 950102. Grace Roosevelt. 1748 History of the Ayres Family. 950120. Gordon Leicester Ford. He was born Dec. 16, 1823, in Lebanon, Conn. He married Emily Ellsworth Fowler. 945 7°3- Lawyer. Business manager of the New York Tribune, 1873-81. President of the Brooklyn Flatbush and Coney Island Railroad, 1883. Collector of valuable historical manuscripts. He died Nov. 14, 1891. Residence, Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 950121. Gordon Leicester. Married. Athlete. Died in 1902. 950122. Worthington Chauncey. Born Feb. 16, 1858. 955800. 950123. Rosalie Greenleaf. Married WilHam Rufus Barr. 955S20. 950124. Paul Leicester. Born in 1865. 955840. 950125. Emily Ellsworth. Married Roswell Skeel, Jr. She is a mem- ber of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 950200. Rev. Chauncey Meigs Hand. (Joseph Winborn.) 945722. Graduated at Yale College, 1850. Member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities. Student in Yale Law School, 1852-3, and in New York City, 1853-4. Lawyer in New York City, 1854-60. Studied theology in N. Y. City. Licensed to preach, 1862. Acting pastor there, 1862-4. Congregationahst. Private, 2nd N. Y. Cavalry Vols., 1864-5. H® ''^'^^ severely wounded in the service, and invalided at home, where he died of his wounds, Oct. 5, 1865. Residence, at one time, Madison, Conn. 950220. Charles Fowler Hand. (Joseph Winborn.) 945723. He was born May 18, 1837, in Madison, Conn. He graduated at Williams College, 1859. Student in Andover Theological Seminary, 1862. Soldier in Civil War. He died Sept. 23, 1874, in Washing- ton, D. C. 950260. Edward Arah Phelps. (Arah.) He was born March 26, 1808. He married, Jan. 23, 1833, Elizabeth Strong Carrington. 945802. She died Oct. 12, 1847. Residence, Colebrook, Conn. Children : 950261. Elizabeth Carrington. 950262. Edward Arah. 950263. Carrington. Born Oct. 3, 1S47. Graduated at Yale College, 1870. Seventh Generation. 1749 950280, Henry Carrington. (Henrys Edward'.) 945804. He was born Nov. 2, 1815. He married, Jan. 16, 1842, Grace Phil- lips of Norfolk, Conn. Children : 950281. Mary vStarr. Born Nov. 2, 1845. Married Rev. Charles A. Holbrook. 955900. 950282. Elizabeth Phelps. 950283. Lucy Alsop. 950300. Ch.\rles Miles. (David.) 945821. He was born March 20, 1803. He married Jane Chedeayne. Residence, N. Y. City. Child: - 950301. Mary Elizabeth. Born Nov. 30, 1S34. Married Charles Hobby Pond. 955950. 950400. Hon. Charles Richard Alsop. (Joseph Wright-*, Richard^ John^ Richard'.) 945852. He was born in 1803 in Mid- dletown. Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1821. He studied law three years with Chancellor James Kent and practiced law in Middletown and in N. Y. City, 1824-31. Merchant in Middletown, 1832-46. Mayor of Middletown, 1843. State Senator, 1855. Fel- low of Yale College, ex-officio, 1855. He died March 5, 1865. 950420. Joseph Wright Alsop. (Joseph Wright\ Richard^; John=, Richard'.) 945853. He was born about 1800. He married. Merchant. Member of firm of Alsop & Chauncey. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 950421. Joseph Wright. Born in 1838. 956000. 950422. Charles Henry. Born in 1840. 956020. 950423. Catharine Beatty. Married Rev. Christopher Starr Leffing- well. 956040. 950440. Dr. Thomas Dent Mutter. He was born March 9, 181 1, in Richmond, Va. He married Mary W. Alsop. 945856. Professor of Surgery in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1841-56. He wrote an account of the salt sulphur springs of Vir- ginia, an essay on Club-Foot, contributed various professional papers I750 History of the Ayres Family. to periodicals, and published an edition of Robert Liston's Lecture on the Operations of Surgery, with additions. He died March i6, 1859, in Charleston, S. C. 950480. Commodore John Sickles Chauncy, U. S. N. (Isaac^ Wolcotts, Robert^ Charles^, Israel, Charles'.) 945902. He was born in 1800 in N. Y. City. He married, in Dec, 1838, Maria J. F. Graham (daughter of David and Mary Graham of N. Y. City). Mid- shipman, Jan. I, 18 1 2. Lieutenant, Jan. 13, 1825. Commander, Sept. 8,1841. Dropped, Sept. 13, 1855. Commissioned Captain, Sept. 14, 1855. Commodore, July 16, 1862. Retired, April 4, 1869. He died April 10, 187 i, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 950481. Mary Stockton. Born Sept. 13, 1839. 950482. Edward B. Born May 13, 1842. Died in infancy. 950483. Kate Augusta. Born Jan. 6, 1843. 950484. Charles Wolcott. Born Jan. 8, 1846, 950485. Fanny Lear. Born Oct. 5, 1848. 950500. Rev. Peter Schermerhorn Chauncy, D.D. (John S.^ Isaac*. Wolcott^, Robert^ Charles^ Israel^ Charles'.) 945903. He was born in 1810. He graduated at Columbia College, 1831. He married Mary S. Renshaw (daughter of Commodore James Renshaw, U. S. N.). Rector of St. James P. E. Church, N. Y. City. A.M., Columbia, 1836, and Trinity College, 1848. D.D., New York Uni- versity, 1858. Trustee of Trinity College, 1848-51. He died in 1866. Children : 950501. Augusta. 950502. Catharine. 950503. Mary Renshaw. 950504. Henry Stone. 950600. Capt. Henry Graham. (Isaac Gilbert^, Andrew^ John'.) 946003. He was born in 1788 in Westchester Co., N. Y. He married Sarah Requa (daughter of John Requa of Tarrytown, N. Y.). Captain in War in 1812. He died May 31, 1828. in N. Y. City. Child : 950601. John Rec|ua. Born Feb. 28, iSrS. 956300. Seventh Generation. 1751 950700. Commodore John Hodges Graham, U. S. N. (John Andrew^ Andrew^ John'.) 946042. He was born March 9, 1794, in Vermont. He entered the U. S. Navy as Midshipman in 18 12. Lieutenant, 181 7. Captain, 1849. He served in the War of 18 12, and, while a Midshipman under Commodore Chauncey on Lake On- tario, was one of twelve officers who took part in an expedition against the British stronghold opposite Black Rock, N. Y. Nine of the party were killed or severely wounded. Among the latter was young Graham who subsequently was compelled to submit to the amputation of a leg. In the engagement on Lake Champlain, Sept. 11, 1814, he commanded Commodore McDough's flag-ship. He became Commodore on the retired list April 4, 1867. He died March 15, 1878, in Newbury, N. H. 950750- Col. John Lorimer Graham. (John iVndrew^ An- drew'', John'.) 946043. He was born March 20, 1797, in London. He studied law with Judge Tapping Reeve in Litchfield, Conn., and John Anthon, Esq., in N. Y. City, and w^as admitted to the Bar in 1821. In 1817 he joined the militia and in 1819 was aide-de-camp on Governor Clinton's staff, with rank of Colonel. Regent of Uni- versity of State of New York, 1834. Postmaster of New York City, 1840-4. In 1 86 1 he accepted a confidential position in the Treasury Department at Washington. He founded a free scholarship in the University of the City of New York, of the Council of which he was a member. Life Director of American Bible Society. He married the youngest daughter of Isaac Classen, one of New York's notable merchants. He died July 22, 1876, in Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Children 950751 950752 950753 950754 950755 Daughter. James Lorimer. Born in Jan., 1S35. 956500. Clinton. .■\ugustus. Malcolm. 956580. 950800. Nathan Beers Graham. (Nathan Beers^ Andrew-, John'.; 946081. He married. Child : 950S01. Susan M. Married Hon. Joseph Bradley Varnum. 956700. 950900. Rev. Chauncy Graham Lee. (Chauncey", Jonathan'.) 1752 History of the Ayres Family. 946201. He was born July 4, 1795. He graduated at Middlebury College, 181 7. He married, Oct. i, 1818, Lucia Carrington. Children : 950901. Lucia. Born July 20, 1S19. Married Ralph R. RoUo. No children. She died Feb. 22, 1840. Residence, E. Windsor, Conn. 950902. Susan. Born May 16, 1822. Married, April 13, 1840, Truman French. No issue. Residence, New Haven, Conn. 950903. Dr. Graham. Born Dec. 24, 1824. Student in Union College, 1 84 1. Graduated at Yale Medical School, 1847. Physician. Unmarried. Died June 18, 1866, at Eureka, Cal. 950920. Dr. Gardiner Dorrance. He graduated at Williams College, 1820, and Berkshire Medical College, 1826. He married, Nov. 28, 1827, Juliet Love Lee. 946202. Residence, Attica, N. Y. Children : 950921. Hannah Morgan. Born Dec. 3, 1828. Married Thomas Cor- lett, Esq. 955500. 950922. Mary Elizabeth. Born May 8, 1832. Married EliasS. Ashley. 955520. 950923. Frederick Gordon. Born April 19, 1834. Died Oct. 5, 1867. 950924. Oliver Harrison. Born May 4, 1S38. 955540 950925. James Gardiner. Born Feb. 27, 1844. 950926. Charles Johnson. Born July 27, 1846. 950940. Frederick Albert Lee. (Chauncey^ Jonathan'.) 946203. He was born Dec. 5, 1810. He married, Sept. 24, 1835, Anne Cromelin Bowers (daughter of John M. Bowers and Margaret Wilson, daughter of Col. Robert Wilson and Martha Stewart, daughter of Gen. Charles Stewart, Commissary General in Rev. War). She was born Sept. 5, 18 14. Wholesale dry goods merchant in New York City, 1835-52. President of Bank of Cooperstown, N. Y. He died in 1884. Residence, Cooperstown, N. Y. Children 950941 950942 950943 950944 950945 John Bowers. Born Feb. 25, 1838. 9555S0. Frederick Graham. Born Nov. 27, 1840. 955600. Oliver H. Born Nov. 29, 1842. Died Nov. 29, 1859 Martha Wilson. Born Sept. 26, 1844. Died Jan. 14, 1847. Helen Bowers. Born Sept. 13, 1849. Married, in 1877, Rev. Walker Gwynne. Residence, Cohoes, N. Y. Seventh Generation. 1753 950960. Oliver Harrison Lee. (Chauncey-, Jonathan'.) 946204. He was born June 14, 1814. He married, Aug. 17, 1836, Jeannette Walker. She was born Nov. 24, 1813. She died June 20, 1857. Civil Engineer. Wholesale dry goods merchant in N. Y. City. Residence, Chicago, 111. Children : 950961. John Townsend. Born May 13, 1837. Died Feb. 11, 1840. 950962. Jeanette Elizabeth. Born Jan. 7, 1846. Married, June 23, 1864, Frank vSturges. He was born Oct. 10, 1842. Wholesale hardware merchant. Residence, Chicago. Children : i. Lee. Born Aug. 13, 1865. 2. Jeanette Lee. Born Jan, 31, 1868. 950963. Alexander Spencer. Born Jan. 26, 1848. Died Feb. 25, 1848. 950964. Oliver Harrison. Born May 12, 1851. Died Jan. 9, 1852. 951000. Rev. George Champion. (Henry", Henry'.) 946402. He graduated at Yale College, 1831. He married Susan Lamed. Missionary of the American Board in Southeast Africa. He died Dec. 17, 1841. Child : 95 ICO I. Henry. Graduated at Yale College, .-V.B., i860, LL.B., 1S63. Died in 1867. 951020. Hon. William Metcalf Bliss. He graduated at Yale College, 1790. He married Maria Champion. 946403. No issue. Lawyer. Village Clerk. City Clerk. Member of Assembly, 181 1. He died in 1838. She died m Jan., 1849. Residence, Troy, N. Y. 951040. Hon. Jonathan Edwards. (Jonathan Walter'', Jona- than', Jonathan^ Timothy'.) He was born Sept. 7, 1798, in Hart- ford, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1819. He studied law in Litchfield, Conn., practiced in Hartford, and was for a time Pro- bate Judge. He removed in 1840 to Troy, N. Y. Mayor of Troy, 1854-5. Member of Assembly, 1854-5. He married Abigail Jeru- sha Champion. 946404. He died Aug. 23, 1S75, i" New Haven, Conn. Child :• 951041. Rev. Jonathan. Graduated at Yale College, 1840. Died in 1894. 1754 History of the Ayres Family. 9151100. Hon. Horatio G. Prall. He married Anna Chris- tina Chauncy. 946601. Surrogate of Rockland County, N. Y., 1845-7. District Attorney, 1847-53. Children : 951101. Julia Ann. 951 102. William Chaunc)'. Graduated at Columbia Law School, 1S66. 95 1 1 20. George W. Stanton, Jr. He married Margaret Chauncy. 946602. Residence, Albany, N. Y. Children: 951121. William Chauncy. Born Feb. 5, 1839. Died March 21, 1S45. 951122. Sarah Morgan. Born Dec. 2, 1842. 951123. Helen. Born Dec. 7, 1845. 951124. Charles. Born March 19, 1847. Died Oct. 16, 1848. 951125. Julia C. Born Aug. 11, 1849. 951140. Gen. Chauncey McKeever. He was born in 182S in Maryland. He graduated at U. S. Military Academy, 1849. ^^ married Mary Frances Chauncey. 946605. First Lieutenant, U. S. Artillery, Dec. 24, 1853. Capt. of Staff and Asst. Adjutant Gen., Aug. 3, 1 86 1. Participated in Bull Run and other battles of Civil War. Brevet Brig. General U. S. Vols. Colonel, U. S. Army. Ad- dress, 1901, 1508 H. St., N. W., Wasiiington, D. C. 951200. Herman Landon Estabrook. (Hobart^, Hobart^ Hobart'.) He was born Jan. 27, 1825, in East Haddam, Conn. He married. March i, 1854, Emeline A. Booth. She was born April 31, 1833. Sheriff of Schuyler County, N. Y., 1876. Thirty-second De- gree Mason. Residence, 1902, Ithaca, N. Y. Child : 95 1 201. William Booth. Born Jan. 27, 1856. Lawyer. Special County Judge of Tompkins County, N. V., 1889. Married in May, 1901, Edna May Wilber. Residence, Albany, N. Y. 951220. George Hobart Little. (George.) He was born Dec. 23, 1812. He married (ist), Harriet N. Woodward; (2nd), Esther A. Baldwin. Residence, Leraysville, Pa. Children : 951 22 1. Stanley W^oodward. Born Nov. 7, 1841. Lawyer. Residence, Towanda, Pa. 951222. Emma. Born Nov. 26, 1S48. 951223. William. Born July 16, 1851. Lawyer. Residence, Towanda. Eighth Generation. 1755 951240. Ralph Bulkley Little. (George.) He married Phila Ann Post. Lawyer, Residence, Montrose, Pa. Children : 951241. George Post. Lawyer. Residence, Montrose, Pa. 951242. David P. Lawyer. Residence, Montrose, Pa. 951243. Mary. Married E. L. Blakeslee. 951260. Robert Robbins Little. (George.) He was born March 13, 1820. He married Harriet E. Avery. Lawyer. Resi- dence, Tunkhannock, Pa. Children : 951261. William Ernest. Born June 13, 1S46. Lawyer. Residence, Tunkhannock, Pa. 951262. Clarence A. Born Jan. 4, 1S50. Lawyer. Residence, Tunk- hannock, Pa. 951280. Ephraim H. Little. (George.) He married Eliza Seybert. Lawyer. Residence, Bloomsburg, Pa. Child : 9512S1. Robert R. Lawyer. District Attorney. Residence, Blooms- burg, Pa. EIGHTH GENERATION. 954000. Hon. Morgan Gardiner Bulkeley. (Eliphalet Adams', John Charles*, Eliphalet^ John-*, John', Gershorn', Peter'.) 948201. He was born Dec. 26, 1837, in E. Haddam, Conn. Mer- chant in Brooklyn. Returned to Hartford, in 1872. President United States Bank. President ^tna Life Insurance Company. Mayor of Hartford, 1880-8. Governor, 1889-93. A.M., Yale Col- lege, 1890. Residence, 1901, Hartford, Conn. 954060. Gen. William H. Bulkeley. (Eliphalet Adams", John Charles^ Eliphalet^, John\ John', Gershom% Peter'.) 948202. He was born March 2, 1840, in E. Haddam, Conn. Captain, 50th Regt. N. Y. Vols, in Civil War. Merchant in Brooklyn. He was connected with the ^tna Life Ins. Co. President of Hartford Com- mon Council. Commissary General of Conn., 1879-81. Governor, 1881-3. Republican candidate for Governor in 1882. He removed 1756 History of the Ayres Family. in 1883 to Conn, and founded Forest City, S. Dak. President of Forest City and Sioux City railroad. He died Nov. 7, 1902. Children : 954061. William. 954062. John. 954063. Richard. 954064. Daughter. Married Daniel VanShaack. Residence, 1902, Buffalo, N. Y. 954065. Daughter. Mrs. E. S. VanZile. 954066. Daughter. Mrs. Macauley. 954100. Frederick Groendycke Bulkley. (Gershom^ Ger- shom Tain tor*, Charles^, John^ John^, Gershom=, Peter'.) 948301. He was born April 4, 1854, at Coldwater, Mich. He married, March 17, 1 88 1, Charlotte Chamberlin (daughter of James Monroe Cham- berlin and Sarah Mitchell). She was born Oct. 18, 1859, at Ogdens- burg, N. Y. Children : 954101. Hugh Chamberlin. Born June 15, 1882, at Leadville, Col. 954102. Isabel. Born Dec. 26, 1883, at Leadville. 954103. Ruth. Born Sept. 24, 1885. at Leadville. 954104. Paul Groendycke. Born May 29, 1889, at Aspen, Col. 954105. Jeannie Gardner. Born May's, 1891, at Aspen. 954200. Charles Samuel Hall, Esq. (Samuel Holden Par- sons.) 948401. He was born May 10, 1827, in Middletown, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, A.B., 1848, LL.B., 1850. Admitted to the Bar, 1851. U. S. Commissioner, 1856. He married (ist), in 1855, Mary R. Harris (daughter of Arnold Harris of Ballston Spa). He married (2nd), Oct. 29, 1885, Annie H. Knowlton. Residence, Binghamton, N. Y. Children : 954201. Charles Harris. Born March 19, i860. 95S000. 954202. Samuel Holden Parsons. Born Oct. 10, 1868. 954220. Theodore Parsons Hall, Esq. (Samuel Holden Parsons.) 948402. He was born Dec. 15, 1835, in Rocky Hill, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1856. He studied law in Binghamton, N. Y., 1857. Cashier of State Bank of Michigan, i860. Commission grain and shipping business, 1863 ; retired, 1880. Au- thor of Genealogical Notes and various historical sketches. He Eighth Generation. 1757 married, Jan, 11, i860, Alexandrine Louise Godefoy (daughter of Pierre^ GabrieP, Jacquess', a founder of Detroit, 1701). Residence,. Detroit, Mich. 954300. Mark M. Shores. (Peter.) 948602. He married Mary Clarembole. Child : 954301. Mary Elizabeth. 954320. Oliver Shores. (Peter.) 948603. He married Elizabeth Huntington. Child : 954321. Charles Henry. 954400. William Henry Shackford, A.M. (W. M.) 948621. He graduated at Harvard College, 1835. He married Mary Parker Perry (daughter of Rev. Gardner B. Perry). Professor of Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy in Phillips Exeter Academy. He died in 1842. Child : 954401. William G. 954420. Prof. Charles Chauncey Shackford. (William M.) 948622. He graduated at Harvard College, 1835. Student in Andover Theological Seminary, He married (ist), Martha Bartlett, by whom he had two children. He married (2nd), Charlotte L. Shackford. Professor of Rhetoric and Literature in Cornell Univer- sity. He died in 1891. Children : 954421. Charles Chauncey. 954422. Lucy Bartlett. Graduated at Cornell University, Lit.B., 1880. Married Charles Edward Payne Babcock. He was a student in Cornell University, 1876-8. Residence, Manlius, N. Y. 954460. MosES P. Stacy. He married Joanna Augusta Shack- ford. 948624. Children : 954461. Emma Chauncey. 954462. Edward Porter. 954463. Albert. 954464. John Edward. 95S200. 1758 History of the Ayres Family. 954500. Gen. Fitz John Porter. (John.) 948803. He was born June 13, 1822, in Portsmouth, N. H. He prepared at Phillips Exeter Academy and graduated at U. S. Military Academy, 1845. Major in Mexican War. Instructor of Artillery and Cavalry at West Point, 1849-55. Asst. Adj. Gen., 1856-60. Major General U. S. Volunteers in the Civil War. He was cashiered Jan. 21, 1863, be- cause though ordered to advance was unable to move forward at the sec- ond battle of Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. A bill for the reversal of the court-martial was passed by Congress and signed by President Cleve- land and he was restored to the U. S. Army as Colonel on Aug. 7, 1886. Police Commissioner in New York City, 1884-8. 954600. Dr. Fitch Edward Oliver. (DanieP, Thomas Fitch^ Andrew^ Andrew", DanieP, Peter^ Thomas'.) 949041. He was born Nov. 25, 1819, in Cambridge, Mass. He graduated at Dart- mouth College, A.B., 1839, ^"^ Harvard, M.D., 1843. Editor of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Author of medical works. He married, July 17, 1866, Susan Lawrence Mason (daughter of Rev. Charles Mason of Boston). They had six children. He died Dec. 8, 1892. Residence, Boston. 954640. Peter Oliver, Esq. ' (Daniel", Thomas Fitch*, An- drew^ Andrew", DanieP, Peter^ Thomas'.) 949042. He was born in 1822 in Hanover, N. H. He was baptized William Pynchon Oliver but changed to Peter. He graduated at Harvard Law School, 1842, and practiced law in Suffolk Co., Mass. Author of The Puri- tan Commonwealth ; an Historical Review of the Puritan Govern- ment in Massachusetts, in its Civil and Ecclesiastical Relations, from its Rise to the Abrogation of the First Charter, together with some General Reflections on the English Colonial Policy and on the Char- acter of Puritanism. He died in 1855. 954680. Rev. Andrew Oliver, D.D. (Daniel', Thomas Fitch^ Andrew^ Andrew", DanieP, Peter^, Thomas'.) 949043. He was born in 1824 in Hanover, N. H. He graduated at Harvard College, 1842. Protestant Episcopal minister. Professor of Greek and He- brew in St. Stephens College, Anandale, N, Y., 1864-73. Professor of Biblical Learning in the General Theological Seminary, N. Y. City, 1873-98. D.D., Hobart College, 1868, and St. Stephens Col- Eighth Generation. 1759 lege, 1876. He died in i8g8. Residence, 4 Chelsea Square, N. Y. City. Child : 954681. William Hutchinson Pynchon. Born Aug. 31, 1871. 958300. 954800. Thomas Parsons. (Charles Chauncey-, Theophilus'.) 943 1 41. He married Martha Watson Franklin. Children : 954501. Elizabeth. 954502. Theophilus. 954503. Charlotte. 954504. Lucy. 954900. Rev. Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, D.D., LL.D. (Will- iam Hutchinson", Thomas Ruggles^ Joseph'^, WilHam'.) 949301. He was born Jan. 19, 1823, in New Haven, Conn. He graduated at Trinity College, 1841. Tutor and Instructor in Trinity College, 1843-7. Deacon, 1848; Priest, 1849, Protestant Episcopal Church. Rector at Stockbridge and Lenox, Mass., 1849-54. Scoville Pro- fessor of Chemistry and Natural Sciences in Trinity College, 1854-77. Student in Paris, 1855-6. President of Trinity College, 1874-83. Fellow of American Academy. Vice-President of American Meteor- ological Society. Fellow, A.A.A.S. Member of Geological Society of France. Trustee of General Theological Seminary. Author. D.D., St. Stephens College, 1865. LL.D., Columbia College, 1877, Residence, 1901, Hartford, Conn. 954940. Cyrus Havard Davis. (Dr. John Havard Davis and Elizabeth Boardman Hall, daughter of William B. Hall and Rebekah Boardman, Benjamin Hall and Hannah Burnham, Col. Benjamin Hall, Colonel in the French and Indian War, and Abigail (o. Abiah) Chauncy. 931580). He was born April 15, 1819, at Tredyffrin, Pa. Residence, 1899, Cayuga, N. Y. 954960. Henry M. Hayes, Esq. (Oliver Bliss^ JoeP, Joel'.) 949501. Lawyer. Residence, 1883, Nashville, Tenn. Children • 954961. Henry M. 954962. John B. Merchandise Broker. 1760 History of the Ayres Family. 955000. Rev. William Fairfield Warren, D.D., LL.D. (Mather Warren and Anne Miller Fairfield.) He was born March 13, 1833, at Williamsburg, Mass. He graduated at Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1853. Student in Andover Theological Seminary and Uni- versities of Halle and Berlin. He married, April 14, 1861, Harriet Cornelia Merrick. 949582. They had four children. Methodist Episcopal minister. Professor of Systematic Theology in Mission Institute, Bremen, Germany, which subsequently became the Martin Institute, Frankfort. Acting President of Boston Theological Sem- inary, 1866. President of Boston University since 1873. Professor of Comparative Theology and Philosophy of Religion in same. Au- thor and writer. LL.D., Wesleyan University, 1874. D.D., Ohio Wesleyan University. Office, 12 Somerset St., Boston. Residence, Cambridge, Mass. Children : 955001. Mary Christine. Born July 24, 1863. Graduated at Boston University, A. B., 1SS5. 955002. William Marshall. Born Nov. 4, 1865. 958400. 955003. Annie Merrick. Born May 26, 1868. Graduated at Boston University, A.B., 1891. 955004. Winifred. Born Jan. 3, 1S70. Graduated at Boston Univer- sity, A.B., 189T. 955100. Hon. Winthrop Murray Crane, LL.D. (Zenas Marshall", Zenas'.) 949604. He was born April 23, 1853. He was educated at Williston Seminary. He married, Feb. 5, 1880, Mary Benner. She died Feb. 16, 1884. Manufacturer of silk fibre bank note paper for the government. Delegate to Republican National Conventions, 1892 and '96. Lieut. Governor, 1897-9. Governor, 1899-1902. A.M., Williams College, 1897. LL.D., Harvard Uni- versity, 1902. Residence, 1902, Dalton, Mass. Child : 955101. Winthrop Murray. Born Sept. 12, 1881. 955200. Frederick Elizur Goodrich. (Elizur Tryon', Chaun- cey-, Elizur'.) 949681. He was born Jan. 16, 1843, i" Hartford, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1864. Member of Psi Upsi- I Ion College fraternity. He married, Nov. 20, 1866, Elizabeth Will- iams Parsons (daughter of Edward W. Parsons of Hartford, Conn.). Eighth Generation. 1761 Editor-in-chief of the Boston Post and later of Boston Globe. Author and writer. Residence, South Boston, Mass. Children : 955201. David Parsons. 955202. Harold Beach. 958450. 955203. Theodora Caroline. 955300. Rev. Chauncey Goodrich. (Chauncey Allen^ Elizur^ Elizur'.) 949701. He was born July 20, 1817, at Middletown, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1837. Student in Yale Divinity School. He married Elizabeth Ely Coe. 949843. Con- gregation alist. Pastor at Maiden, Mass., 1843-7, and at Watertown, Mass., 1847-56. He died March 27, 1868. Residence, 1856-68, New Haven, Conn. Child : 955301. Edward Elizur. Born Aug. 12, 1845. 958470. 955320. Rev. William Henry Goodrich, D.D. (Chauncey Allen^, Elizur^, Elizur'.) 949702. He was born Jan. 19, 1825, in New Haven, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1843. Student in Yale Divinity School, 1844-7. (D.D., Western Reserve College, 1864.) Pastor at Bristol, Conn., Binghamton, N. Y., and Cleveland, Ohio. He died July 17, 1874, in Lausanne, Switzerland. 955400. Hon. Henry William Ellsworth. (Henry Leavitt.) 949721. He was born in 18 14 in Windsor, Conn, He graduated at Yale College, 1834. He removed to Indiana in 1835. Counsel for Prof. S. F. B. Morse in some of his suits connected with telegraph patents. Charge d' Affaires to Sweden, 1845. Author of Sketches of the Upper Wabash Valley and American Swine Breeder. He died in Aug., 1864, in New Haven, Conn. 955420. RoswELL Smith. He was born March 30, 1829, in Lebanon, Conn. He married Annie Goodrich Ellsworth. 949722. Publisher. He moved in 1870 to New York City, where, in connec- tion with Dr. Josiah G. Holland and Charles Scribner, he established Scribner's Monthly afterwards the Century Magazine. In 1873 he began the publication of St. Nicholas, a magazine for children. The first organization was under the firm name of Scribner & Co., which 1762 History of the Ayres Family. subsequently became the Century Company with Mr. Smith as Presi- dent. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revo- lution. (A.M., Yale College, 1842.) He died in 1875. 955440. Charles Goodrich Coe. (Noah.) Died young. 955450. Frederick Augustus Coe, Esq. (Noah.) 949841. He was born Oct. 22, 1816, New Hartford, N. Y. Student in Ham- ilton College. Graduated at Yale College, 1837. Student in Yale Law School, 1839. Lawyer. He married, Aug. 16, 1841, Ann Eliza Mitchell. He died Jan. 9, 1870, in N. Y. City. Office in N. Y. City. Residence, Yonkers, N. Y. Child : 955451- Daughter. Died young. 955470. Rev. Samuel Goodrich Coe. (Noah.) 949842. He was born Oct. 22, 1819, at New Hartford, N. Y. He graduated at Yale College, 1838. Student in Yale Law School two years. Law- yer at Berlin, Conn. Student in Yale Theological Seminary two years. Minister. He married Grace IngersoU Hawley. They had three children. He died Dec. 7, 1869, at Yonkers, N. Y. Residence, Ridgefield, Conn. Children : 955471. Charles Goodrich. Born Aug. 18, 1S46. 958500. 955472. Frederick A. Unmarried. 955473. Catharine Hawley. Married Theodore Fitch, Esq. 958520. 955500. Hon. Thomas Corlett, He was born Dec. 3, 1822. Justice of Supreme Court. He married, Nov. 3, 1852, Hannah Morgan Dorrance. 950921. Lawyer. Residence, Attica, N. Y. » Children : 955501 • Jeanie Lee. Born April 29, 1845. 955502. Thomas Gardiner. Born April 14, 1868. 955520. Elias Sheldon Ashley. He was born April 5, 1828. He married. May 7, 1850, Mary Elizabeth Dorrance. 950922. Resi- dence, Hudson City, N. J. Children : 955521. Helen Dorrance. Born Jan. 16, 1853. 955522. Lee Gilbert. Born May 26, 1864. Eighth Generation. 1763 955540. Oliver Harrison Dorrance. (Gardiner.) 950924. He was born May 4, 1838. He married, Jan. 15, 1866, Julia Kelly. She was born in 1844. Residence, Lawrence, Kan. Child : 955541. Frederick King. Born Sept. 28, 1868. 955580. John Bowers Lee. (Frederick A.^, Chauncy', Jona- than'.) 950941. He was born June 25, 1838. Student in Williams College, class of 1858. He married, June 5, 1869, Sarah Hoyt. Broker. Member of New York stock exchange firm of Lee, Living- ston & Co. Member of Union, Knickerbocker, Metropolitan and Union League Clubs. Office, 19 Williams St. Residence, 1901, i West 2 1 St St., N. Y. City. 955600. Frederick Graham Lee. (Frederick A.^, Chauncy-, Jonathan'.) 950942. He was born Nov. 27, 1840. He married, April 20, 1864, Sarah Lispenard Stewart (daughter of Lispenard Stewart of N. Y. City). Children : 955601. Graham Stewart. Died in 1869. 955602. Maud Stewart. Born in 1870. 955700. Prof. Charles Greene Rockwood, Jr. He was born Jan. 11, 1843. He graduated at Yale College, 1864. Ph.D., Yale, 1866. A.M., Bowdoin, 1862, Princeton, 1896. He married, June 13, 1867, Hetty Hosford Smith. 949981. They have children. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Bowdoin Col- lege, 1868-73. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in Rutgers College, 1873-7. Professor of Mathematics in Princeton University since 1877. Member of Princeton eclipse expedition to Colorado in 1878. Member and Secretary of American Meteorological Society. Fellow, A.A.A.S. Member of N. J. Hist. Society, St. Nicholas Society of New York, Society of Colonial W^ars and Sons of Revolu- tion, American Social Science Association, American Mathematical Society and National Geographical Society. Contributor to Ameri- can Journal of Science and other periodicals. Residence, 1901, Princeton, N. J. 1764 History of the Ayres Family. . 955800. WoRTHiNGTON Chauncey Ford. (Gordon Leicester.) 950122. Born Feb. 16, 1858, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Student in Columbia College, 1875-7. Economist and statistician. He was Chief of Bureau of Statistics, U. S. Department of State, 1885-9 i <^f Bureau of Statis- tics, Treas. Dept., 1893-8 ; connected with Boston Public Library since 1897 ; lecturer of statistics, University of Chicago, 1901. Editor of Wells' Natural Philosophy. Author of American Citizens' Manual, The Standard Silver Dollar, 1884, and George Washington, 1899. Member of Society of Sons of Revolution. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Contributor to magazines. Address, 190 1, Public Library, Boston. 955820. William Rufus Barr. He married Rosalie Green- leaf Ford. 950123. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. Secretary of an incorporated company. Di- rector of Witte Water Placer Company. Member of Reform and Barnard Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. Address, 500 Madison Ave. Residence, 1901, 13 West 56th St., N. Y. City. 955840. Paul Leicester Ford. (Gordon Leicester.) 950124. He was born in 1865 in Brooklyn, N. Y. Author and historian. He was privately educated. Edited Writings of Thomas Jefferson (10 vols.) ; Writings of John Dickinson (3 vols.) ; and numerous other works relating to American history and bibliography. He married, in 1900, Mary Grace Kidder. Author of the Honorable Peter Ster- ling ; The Great K. & A. Train Robbery ; The Story of an Untold Love ; The True George Washington ; Honors Are Easy (a comedy); The Many-Sided Franklin (serially in the Century, 1898-9); Tattle Tales of Cupid ; a Collection of Short Stories ; Janice Meredith (serially in the Bookman, 1899). Member of Players, Reform and Grolier Clubs, Century Association, Dunlap Society and Sons of Revolution. He died in 1902. They had one child, born soon after the death of the father. She resides 37 E. 77th St., N. Y. City. 955900. Rev. Charles A. Holbrook. He married, Oct. 4, 1865, Marv Starr Carrington. 950281. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 955901. Charles Henry. Born Aug. 19, 1S66. 955902. Mary Dunbar. Born Aug. 2, 1868. Eighth Generation. 1765 955950. Charles Hobby Pond. (Nathan GilIett^ Adam'.) He was born Oct. 11, 1833. He married Mary Elizabeth Miles. 950301. He died Feb. 15, 1881. She died Feb. 15, 1881. Residence, N. Y. City and Milford, Conn. Children : 955951- Mar}' Miles. Born March 27, i860. Died Dec. 30, 1877. 955952. Matilda Misplee. Married Horace Elmer Sprague. 958600. 955953- Bessie Oilman. Married, July 26, 188S, George R. Cornwall. 95S620. 955954- Winthrop. Born July 5, 1S65. Broker. Office, 10 Wall St. Residence, 1902, New Rochelle, N. Y. 955955- Florence Atherton. Married LeOrand Cannon. They have three children. Residence, 1902, New Haven, Conn. 955956- Cecil Lawrence. Died. 955957- Nathalie Sarah. Died. 955958- Charles Miles. Residence, 1902, New Rochelle, N. Y. 9560Q0. Dr. Joseph Wright Alsop. (Joseph Wright^ Joseph Wright^ Richard^ John-, Richard'.) 950421. He was born Aug. 20, 1838, in N. Y. City. Student in Wesleyan University, one term, class of 1858, Shei^eld Scientific School of Yale College, 1858-9, Columbia College, i860, and graduated at New York University, M.D., 1 86 1. Representative, State Senator, 188 1-6. He married, in 1869, Elizabeth Beach of N. Y. City. Member of State Board of Agriculture, 1881-91. Trustee of Conn. State Hospital for the Insane at Middletown, and Secretary of the Board. Director in State Indus- trial School for Girls, 1 881-91. Director in Russell Library Com- pany and St. Luke's School for aged and indigent women. Agricul- turist and stock-breeder. Candidate for Lieut. Governor in 1890 on Democratic ticket. He died June 24, 1891, at Fenwick, Conn. Residence, Middletown, Conn. Children : 956001. Annie. 956002. Mary. 956003. Elizabeth. 956004. Joseph Wright 956005. John. 956006. Francis. Graduated at Yale University, Ph.B., 189S. 956020. Charles Henry Alsop. (Joseph Wright', Joseph Wright^ Richard', John=, Richard'.) 950422. He was born in 1840 1766 History of the Ayres Family. in Middletown, Conn. Student in Wesleyan University, three years, class of i860. Member of firm of Alsop Brothers, owners of Red River Freight line steamer. He married, in 1862, Elizabeth G. Beers of Fairfield, Conn. No children. Residence, 188 1, Fargo, N. Dak. 956040. Rev. Christopher Starr Leffingwell. He gradu- ated at Trinity College, 1854, and Berkeley Divinity School, B.D., 1856. He married Catherine Beatty Alsop. 950423. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. Resi- dence, Fairfield, Conn., 1856-9 ; Palmyra, N. Y., 1859-63 ; Canan- daigua, 1863-9; Gardiner, Me., 1869-79; Bar Harbor, Me., 1879 — ' Residence, 1888, Bar Harbor, Mt. Deseret, Me. Child : 956041. Alsop. Born July 23, 1S58. Student in Wesleyan University, 1880-2. 956300. Hon. John Requa Graham, (Henry^ Isaac Gilbert^ Andrew^ John'.) 950601. He was born Feb. 28, 1818, in Sing Sing, N. Y. He married, Jan. i, 1843, Sarah Groff. Member of N. J. Assembly, 1861-2. Employe of Navy Dept. He resided at Camden, N. J., several years. Residence, 1893, Washington, D. C. Children : 956301. Amelia. 956302. Rebecca. 956303. Anna. 956304. Adaline. 956500. Hon. James Lorimer Graham. (John Lorimer\ John Andrew^ Andrew^, John',) 950752. He was born in Jan., 1835. Educated at Amiens, France, and Rio Janeiro, Brazil. He married in 1856, in N. Y. City. Consul General to Italy, 1869, and afterwards Consul at Florence. He died April 30, 1876, in Flor- ence, Italy. 956580. Malcolm Grahainl (John Lorimer^ John Andrew^, Andrew^ John'.) 950755. He was born July 27, 1832, in New Jersey. He married (ist), Annie Douglas (daughter of George Douglas of New York City). She died in 1873. He married (2nd), in 1876, Amelia M. Wilson (daughter of J. B. Wilson of N. Y. City). He has been since 1854 a member of the firm of Hartley & Graham, Eighth Generation. 1767 dealers in tirearms and ammunition in N. Y. City. Director in Rem- ington Arms Company. Member of Union, Metropolitan, Union League, Century, Lawyers, Riding, Manhattan, New York Yacht and Seawanhaka, Corinthian Yacht Clubs, Downtown Association and Sons of Revolution. Children : 956581. Daughter. 956582. Malcolm. 956583. Robert Orlando. Born Jan. lo, 1853. 956584. Malcolm. Born July 27, 186S. 956700. Hon. Joseph Bradley VarnuiM. (James MitchelP, General Joseph Bradley^ (U. S. Senator), SamueP, Joseph^ Samuel^ George'.) He was born April 4, 18 18, at Washington, D. C. He graduated at Yale College, A.B., 1838, and LL.B. He married, Nov. 30, 1843, Susan M. Graham. 950801. Member of Assembly, 1849-51 and 1857; Speaker, 1851. He died Dec. 31, 1874, at As- toria, L. I., N. Y. Child : 956701. James Mitchell. Born June 9, 1848. 958800. 956800. Samuel VerPlanck, He graduated at Columbia College, 1819. He married Katharine Rankin Wolcott (granddaugh- ter of Frederick Wolcott). Lawyer. She is a member of Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 956820. John Henry Chapman. (Grandson of Ansel Chap- man. 945440.) Graduated at Yale College, 1867. 956825. Timothy Pitkin Chapman. (Grandson of Ansel Chapman. 945440.) Graduated at Yale College, 1868, and Colum- bia Law School, 1870. Died in 1875, 956830. Russell Chapman. (Grandson of Ansel Chapman. 945440.) Graduated at Yale College, 1872. 956840. Ellen Rose Nye. (descendant in sixth degree from Gershom Buckley.) Daughter of American Revolution. 956860. Francis Townsend Underhill. (Descendant of Andrew'Graham.) Member of Society of Sons of American Revo- lution. Residence, 1898, N. Y. City. 1768 History of the Ayres Family. 956865. Robert Taylor Graham. (Descendant of Andrew Graham.) Member of Society of Sons of American Revolution. Residence, 1898, N. Y. City. NINTH GENERATION. 958000. Charles Harris Hall. (Charles Samuel', Samuel Holden Parsons'.) 954201. He was born March 19, i860. He graduated at Yale College, 1883. He married. Child : 958001. Fairfax. 958200. John Edward Stacy. (Moses P.) 954464. He married Mary A. Harris. Children : 958201. Charles Albert. 958202. James Murray Robbins. 958300. William Hutchinson Pynchon Oliver, Esq. (An- drew^ Daniel', Thomas Fitch^ Andrew^, Andrew^ DanieP, Peter", Thomas'.) 954681. He was born Aug. 31, 187 1, in Anandale, N. Y. He graduated at Harvard College, 1892, and attended the New York Law School. Lawyer. Address, 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Residence, 1900, Morristown, N. J. 958400. Prof. William Marshall Warren, Ph.D. (William Fairfield^ Mather'.) 955002. He was born Nov. 4, 1865, in Bremen, Germany. He graduated at Boston University, 1887. Ph.D., 1891. Student in Tubingen, Jena and Berlin Universities. He married, June 9, 1896, Sarah Bainbridge Shields of St. Louis, Mo. 958450. Harold Beach Goodrich. (Frederick Elizur\ Elizur Tryon^, Chauncey-, Elizur'.) 955202. He was born April 14, 1870, in Hartford, Conn. He prepared at Boston Latin School and gradu- ated at Harvard College, 1892. Geologist. Residence, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. 958470. Edward Elizur Goodrich, Esq. (Chauncey*', Y. C, '37, Chauncey Allen^ Elizur^ Elizur'.) 955301. He was born Aug. 12, 1845, in Maiden, Mass. He prepared at Hopkins Grammar School and graduated at Yale College, 1866, and Albany Law School, 1867. Student at Columbia Law School. Member of Delta Kappa, Ninth Generation. 1769 Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Spade and Grave college fraternities. He married, April 23, 1878, Sarah Maud Shafter. He removed in 1882 to Santa Clara, Cal., and engaged in fruit raising. Children : 95S471. Bertha Shafter. 958472. Chauncey Shafter. Student in Yale College, 1S99-1902. 958473. Elizabeth Ely. 958474. Frances Juliana Webster. 958500. Charles Goodrich Coe, Esq. (Samuel Goodrich Coe and Grace Ingersoll.) 955471. He was born Aug. 18, 1846, in Ridgeheld, Conn. He prepared at Hopkins Grammar School and graduated at Yale College, 1867, and Columbia Law School, 1869. Lawyer. He married, Oct. 16, 1879, Annie S. Karr of N. Y. City. Member of Bar Association, Society of Order of Founders and Patriots of America. Office, Temple Court. Residence, 1900, N. Y. City. 958520. Theodore Fitch, Esq. (Rev. Silas Fitch and Mary A. White.) He was born March 30, 1844, in Franklin, N. Y. He graduated at Yale College, 1864. Lawyer. He married Catharine Hawley Coe. 955473- City Attorney of Yonkers, 1876-83. Mem- ber of Lawyers' Club and Sons of Revolution. Office, 120 Broadway, N. Y. City. Residence, 1902, Yonkers, N. Y. Children : 958521. May. 958522. Francis Hawley. 958600. Horace Elmer Sprague. He graduated at Harvard College, 1883. He married Matilda Misplee Pond. 955952. They had three children. Residence, Worcester, Mass. Children : 958601. Bessie. 958602. Matilda M. 958620. George R. Cornwall. He was born March 16, 1855. He married, July 26, 1888, Bessie Gilman Pond. 955953- They had four children. Treasurer. Office, 31 E. 17th St., N. Y. City. Residence, 1902, Rye, N. Y. Children : 958621. Isabel. 958622. Winthrop. 1770 History of the Ayres Family. 958700. Prof. Robert Orlando Graham. (Malcolm^, John Lorimer\ John Andrew', Andrew-, John'.) 956583. He was born Jan. 10, 1853, at Butler, Pa. He graduated at Amherst College, 1877. (Ph.D., Johns-Hopkins.) Professor of Chemistry, Westmin- ster College, Pa., 1878-86. Professor of Chemistry since 1888, Act- ing President, 1897-8, Illinois Wesleyan University. Member of City Council, 1897-1901, and Acting Mayor, 1897-9, Bloomington, 111. Member of American Chemical Society. Editor of The Winon- ian. Residence, 1901, Bloomington, 111. 958720. Malcolm Graham. (Malcolm^, John Lorimer\ John Andrew^ Andrew-, John'.) 956584. He was born July 27, 1868, in Flushing, N. Y. He prepared at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and graduated at Princeton College, 1890. He married Maud Louise Brightman. Manufacturer and merchant. Treasurer and director in F. O. Pierce Company. Member of University, Atlantic Yacht, New York Yacht, Delta Phi Clubs, Sons of Revolution and Chamber of Commerce. Office, 170 Fulton St. Residence, 1901, 40 East 31st St., N. Y. City. 958800. Gen. James M. Vai^num. (Joseph Bradley', James Mitchell*, Joseph Bradley', SamueH, Joseph', SamueP, George'.) 956701. He was born June 9, 1848. He graduated at Yale College, 1868, and Columbia Law School, 1871. Member of New York Assembly, 1879-80. Republican candidate for Attorney General, New York, 1889. Republican and Anti-Tammany candidate for Judge of Superior Court, 1890. Aide-de-camp on Governor's staff, with rank of Colonel, 1880-3. Paymaster General, with rank of Brig. Gen., 1895. Surrogate of New York County by appointment of Governor, 1899. Vice President, State Society of Cincinnati for R. I. Office, 62 Williams St. Residence, 3 East 39th St., N. Y. City. 958900. William Bedlow Beekman. He married Katharine Morris Ogden Parker (great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Piatt Cooke). She is a member of the Society of Daughters of American Revolution. 958920. Theophilus Parsons. (Grandson of Theophilus Par- sons.) He graduated at Harvard College, 1870. Eyhe History. KATHARINE EYRE OF BOSTON, MASS. (1638.) ADDITIONS. THIRD GENERATION. 959000. Lieut. Thomas Treat. (Richard.) He married Dorothy Bulkley. 930052. Residence, Glastonbury, Conn. Children : 959001. Richard. Born May 14, 1694. 959300. 959002. Charles. Born Feb. 28. 1696. 959320. 959100. Rev. Samuel Whittelsev. (John Whittelsey, born July 4, 1623, near Whittlesea, Cambridge, England, M'ho came to America in 1635, married, June 20, 1664, Ruth Dudley, daughter of William Dudley and Jane Lutman, and settled in Saybrook, Conn., where he died April 15, 1704, and his wife died Sept. 27, 17 14.) 931480. Children : 959101. Sarah. Died Aug. 23, 1725. 931484. 959102. Sarah. Died Nov. 2, 1741. 931487. 959103. Katharine. Died Aug. 28, 1795. 931488. FOURTH GENERATION. 959300. Rev. Richard Treat. (Thomas-, Richard'.) 959001. He was born May 14, 1694. He graduated at Yale College, 17 19. Pastor at North Stonington, Conn., 1720. Rector of Hopkins Gram- mar School, New Haven, Conn., 1721. Pastor at Brimfield, Mass., 1724-34. Residence, Glastonbury, Conn., 1734-5. Pastor of the 1772 History of the Ayres Family. parish of Eastbury, in Glastonbury, Conn., 1738-9. Residence, 1742, Middletown, Conn. Residence, 1748, Sheffield, Mass. Remarried, Aug. 7, 1728, Susannah Woodbridge (daughter of Rev. Timothy. Woodbridge, Harvard, 1675). She was born in 1702. They had more than three sons. He died in or before 1757. 959320. Rev. Charles Treat. (Thomas', Richard'.) 959002. He was born Feb. 28, 1696, in Glastonbury, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1722. Minister. He married, Oct. 12, 1727, Sarah Gardiner (daughter of John Gardiner, the third proprietor of Gardi- ner's Island). She died April 2, 1744. He died between 1751 and 1757. They had one son and four daughters. 959350. Col. John Bulkley. (John\ Gershom^ Peter'.) 931162. He was born in 1705. Colonel, 12th Regt. Militia, 1739. Judge of Probate, 1 741-1 753. Judge of Superior Court, 1745-53. Representative, 1729-43. Assistant, 1743-53. He died July 21, 1753. 959380. Hon. Epaphras Lord. (Richard Lord and Abigail Warren.) He was born Dec. 26, 1709, in Hartford, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1729. He married (2nd), Nov. 25, 1742, Lucy Bulkley. 931 170. He removed before 1736 to Colchester, Conn. Lawyer. Representative, 1743-54. By his second marriage he had six sons and nine daughters. He died Nov. 25, 1799, in Marlborough Parish, Colchester, Conn. She died May 10, 1780. 959400. Benjamin Stillman. (George Stillman and Rebecca Smith, daughter of Philip Smith and Rebecca Foote.) He was born July 29, 1705. He graduated at Yale College, 1724. He married (2nd), 1732, Catharine Chauncey. 931463. She was born Sept. 21, 1724. She died June 12, 1736. No children. Merchant. He died in 1780. Residence, Wethersfield, Conn. 959420. Hon. Jabez Hamlin. (Judge John Hamlin^, Hon. Giles Hamlin'.) 933860. He was born July 28, 1709, in Middle- town, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1728. He married (3d), April 5, 1749, Abigail Chauncey. 931464. She was born Oct. 2, 1 7 17. She died Nov. 3, 1768. Representative, sixty-five sessions. Speaker, several sessions. Member of Governor's Coun- cil, 1758-66. Probate Judge, 1752-89. Judge of Hartford County Court, 1754-84. Member of Committee of Safety in Rev. War. Fourth Generation. 1773 Colonel in Militia. Mayor of Middletown, Conn., 1784-91. Deacon in Congregational Church. He died April 25, 1791. Residence, Middletown, Conn. Children : 959421. Jabez. Graduated at Yale College, 1769. Captain in Rev. War. Died Sept. 20, 1776. 959422. Margaret. 959423. Abigail. 959500. Rev. Samuel Whittelsey. (SamueP, John'.) 931481, 933960. He was born July 10, 1713. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1729. Tutor there, 1732-8. He married, Sept. 21, 1743, Susanna Newton (daughter of Col. Roger Newton). She was born Jan. 14, 1716. He died Oct. 22, 1768. She died May 10, 1803. Residence, Milford, Conn. Children : 959501. Samuel. Born Aug. 3, 1745. 959700. 959502. Susannah. Borii Jan. 26, 1747. Married Dr. Edward Carring- ton. 938800. 959705- 959503- Sarah. Born Oct. 31, 1749. Married John Chandler. Gradu- ated at Yale College, 1772. Died 1804. Issue. 959504. Roger Newton. Born Feb. 24, 1754. 959725. 959520. Col. Elihu Hall. He was born Feb. 17, 1714. He graduated at Yale College, 1731. Lawyer, Admitted, Nov., 1734. Attorney for New Haven County, Conn., 1734. King's Attorney, 1744-50. Representative, 1743, and several years thereafter. He married, Jan. 2, 1734, Lois Whittelsey. 931482. Captain in pro- posed expedition against Quebec. He died in Aug., 1764, in Lon- don, Eng. She died Sept. 29, 1780. Children : 959521 959522 959523 959524 959525 959526 959527 95952S 959529 959530 Lois. Born May 2, 1735. Hezekiah. Born May 4, 1737. Sarah. Born July, 1738. John. Born Jan. 18, 1740. Married in 1772. Child : Nicholas Street Hall. Damaris. Born Oct. 6, 1741. Elihu. Born March 15, 1745. Eunice. Born March 2, 1749. Lucy. Born Nov. 14, 1751. Emma. Born Aug. 11, 1754. Elihu. Born Aug. 13, 1755. 1774 History of the Ayres Family. 959540. Rev. Chauncey Whittelsey. (SamueP, John'.) 931483. 934000. He was born Oct. 8, 17 17. He graduated at Yale College, 1738. He married (ist), Sept. 23, 1745, Elizabeth Whiting (daughter of Hon. Joseph Whiting and Hannah Trowbridge). She was born June 8, 17 17. She died Oct. 17, 175 1. He married (2nd), Aug. 13, 1753, Martha Newton (daughter of Col. Roger New- ton). She was born in 1729. She died Oct. 27, 1812. He died July 24, 1787. Residence, Wallingford, Conn. Children : 959541 959542 959543 959544 959545 959546 959547 959548 959549 959550 959551 959552 959553 959554 Chauncey. Born Oct. 27, 1746. 959740. Samuel Joseph. Born July 13, 1749. Died Aug. 9, 1751. Elisha. Born Oct. 14, 1751. Died Oct. 23, 1751. Newton. Born June i, 1754. 959750. Martha. Born Sept. i, 1756. Married, Sept. 30, 1778, Capt. William VanDeursen. He was born in 1745. Ship captain. He died in 1825. She died Dec. 18, 1839. Child : William Van Deursen. Graduated at Yale College, 1801. Residence, Mid- dletown. Conn. Elizabeth. Born July i, 1758. Died in Aug., 175S. Elizabeth. Born May 2,« 1760. Died in July, 1760. John Bryan. Born June 15, 1761. Died Aug. 27, 1763. Samuel. Born Feb. lo, 1763. 959755- Charles. Born Oct. 18, 1764. 959765. Susannah. Born Sept. 25, 1766. Married, March 18, 1791, Judge Dyer White. He died Oct. 2, 1796. She died Oct. 2, 1797. Bryan. Born Aug. 6, 1768. Died Jan. 9, 1835. John. Born Sept. 8, 1770. 959775. Elizabeth". Born Sept. 18, 1773. Unmarried. Died in Oct. 959560. Ellsha Whittelsey, Esq. (SamueP, John'.) 931485. He was born Oct. 19, 1721. He married, April 8, 1754, Susannah Hall (daughter of Hon. John Hall and Mary Street). She was born Nov. 29, 1726. Lawyer. He died Feb. 25, 1808. She died Oct. 19, 1768. Residence, New Haven and, 1 764-1808, Wallingford, Conn. Children : 959561. 959562. 959563- 959564- 959565- Elisha. Born Jan. i, 1755. 959800. Susannah. Born Sept. 2, 1756. Married, Nov. 18, 1786. Caleb Street. He was born Oct. 23, 1753. Sarah. Born March 15, 1759. Died June 23, 1764. Mary. Born April 9, 1761. Married Dr. William Cook. 959810. Elizabeth. Born April 4, 1763. Married, in 1788, Dr. Liberty Fifth Generation. 1775 Kimberly. He was born March i, 1767. Graduated at Yale College, 1787. He died June i, 1827. She died March 17, iSoi. 959566. Charles. Born Nov. 12, 1764. Died May 26, 1768. 959567- Sarah. Born Dec. 6, 1766. Died Nov. 8, 1774. 959568. Charles. Born Sept. 29, 1768. Died Jan. 9, 1769. 959580. Rev. Daniel Russell. He was born June 3, 1702, in Middletown, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1724. He married (3nd). July 29, 1752, Catharine Chauncey. 931605. She was born in 1706. No children. She died Jan. 18, 1777. Pastor of the church in Stepney (now the town of Rocky Hill), a parish in the southern part of Wethersfield, Conn., 1727-64. He died Sept. 16, 1764. 959590. Nathaniel Chauncey. (Rev. Nathaniel Chauncey (Yale, 1702), of Durham.) 933880. He was born Jan. 21, 1720, in Durham, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1740. He mar- ried (ist), Jan. 10, 1750, Mary Stocking of Middletown, Conn. They had two sons and four daughters. She was born in 1721. She died March 9, 1774. He married (2nd), in 1775, Susannah Gilbert of Hebron, Conn. No issue by her. Justice of the Peace. He died Sept. 3, 1798, in Cromwell, Conn. Child : 959591- Daughter. Married Rev. Elijah Parsons. Graduated at Yale College, 1768. Fellow of Yale. He died in 1827. FIFTH GENERATION. 959670. Hon. Philo Ruggles. He was born Feb. 22, 1765. He married, in 1798, Ellen Bulkley (daughter of Capt. Bulkley of Greenfield Hill, Conn.). She was born Oct. 3, 1779. Lawyer. (A.M., Yale College, 1800.) Representative, twice from New Mil- ford, Conn. Surrogate of Dutchess County, N. Y., 18 14-15 ; District Attorney. 1 820-1. Member of New York Assembly, 1822. He died in 1829 in N. Y. City. She died Feb. 28, 1865. Residence, 1790- 1804, New Milford, Conn.; 1804-24, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; New York City, 1824-9. Children : 959671. vSamuel Bulkley. Born April 11, 1799. 960200. 959672. Philo Taylor. Born March 15, 1S03. Lawyer. Residence, N. Y. City. 1776 History of the Ayres Family. 959673. James Herman. Born April 10, iSoS. Died in 1828. 959674. Henry Joseph. Born Aug. i, 1813. 960210. 959680. Col. Josiah Dwight, 933601. He graduated at Yale College, 1736. He died in 1768. 959685. Joseph Pynchon. (Col. William Pynchon and Cath- arine Brewer (daughter of Rev. Daniel Brewer and Catharine Chaun- cey), Col. John Pynchon and Margaret Hubbard, of Springfield, Mass.). 937540. He was born Oct. 30, 1737. He graduated at Yale College, 1757. He married, July 12, 1759, Sarah Ruggles (daughter of Rev. Thomas Ruggles, Jr., Yale, 1723). She was born in 1734. Representative from Guilford, Conn., 1768-9. Justice of Peace, 1768-71. Magistrate at Shelburne, Nova Scotia, 1784. In 1785 he returned to Guilford, Conn. He died Nov. 23, 1794, in Guilford. She died Dec. 3, 1807. They had two sons and three daughters. 959700. Dr. Samuel Whittelsey. (SamueP, SamueP, John'.) 959501. He was born Aug. 3, 1745. He graduated at Yale College, 1764. He married Mary Hubbard. No issue. Physician. Resi- dence, Milford, Conn. 959705. Dr. Edward Carrington. 938800. He was born in 1747. He graduated at Yale College, 1767. He married, in 1771, Susannah Whittelsey. 933961. 959502. She died Jan. 11, 1801. He died in 1795. Residence, Milford, Conn. 959710. John Chandler, Esq. (Joshua', Joshua'', John\ John^ William'.) He was born Feb. i, 1754. He graduated at Yale College, 1772. He married, Oct. 31, 1776, Sarah Whittelsey. 959503. She was born Oct. 31, 1749. Lawyer. He died "the winter" before Jan. 16, 1805. She died July i, 1803. Residence, New Haven, Conn. Children : 9597 1 1. Sarah. Bapt. Oct. 30, 1778. Died Feb. 14, 1802. 959712. John. Born April 30, 1780. Died in 1796. 959713. Susanna. Bapt. Oct. 14, 1781. Married James Casey. 960240. 959714. William. Born April 20, 1783. Married (ist), Aug. 26, 1804, Mary Larkin Mclntyre of N. Y. City ; (2nd), in 1809, Mary Herbert. He died in 1830 in N. Y. City. 959715. Mary. Born Nov. 4, 1784. Died July 8, 1804. Fifth Generation. 1777 959716. Charles Henry. Born April 1 6, 1786. Married ( ist), Jan. 23, 1811, Sarah Blackman ; (2nd), Betsey Ann Slawson. 959717. Samuel. Born May ti, 1788. Died in the South. 9597 1 S. George. Born .\pril 29, 1790. 960250. 959719. Elizabeth. Born July 17, 1791. Married (ist), W. Bryan ; (2nd), Feb. 15, 1818, Durden Brown Carter. 959725. Roger Newton Whittelsey. (Samuel^, Samuel" John'.) 959504. He was born Feb. 24, 1754,^ at Milford, Conn. He married, April 20, 1775, Ann Woodruff (daughter of Jacob Wood- ruff and x-lnne Griswold). She was born April 5, 1756. Soldier in Rev. War. Justice. He died March 15, 1835. She died March 7, 1825. Residence, Litchtield Co., Conn. Children • 959726. Samuel. Born Dec. 18, 1775. 960300. 959727. Newton. Born Oct. 31, 1777. 960310. 959728. Son. Born Dec. 29, 1779. Died Jan. 7, 1780. 959729. Chauncey. Born Dec. 13, 17S1. 960320. 959730. Susannah. Born Feb. 12, 1784. Married Capt. Stephen Cogs- well. 960330. Jabez. Born Feb. 8, 1786. William. Born July 28, 1788. Henr}'. Born May 18. 1790. Frederick. Born Jan. 25, 1792. Charles. Born Aug. 23, 1793. Married, March 12, 1822, Elizabeth TuUer. She was born April 12, 1793, at Avon, Conn. No issue. Deacon. He died in 1883. 959736. Anna. Born May 28, 1795. Married Chester Stone. 959737- Lucy. Born Oct. 10, 1797. Married, April 12, 1824, Stephen Cogswell, Jr. He was born May 3, 1798. 959738. George Washington. Born Aug. 10, 1799. 959740. Gen. Chauncey Whittelsey. (Chauncey^ SamueP, John'.) 938900. 959541. He was born Oct. 27, 1746, in New Haven, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1764. He married, Feb. 12, 1770, Lucy Wetmore (daughter of Seth Wetmore). She was born Feb. 10, 1748, in New Haven. Minister. Deacon. Com- missary in Rev. War. Quartermaster General of Militia, May, 1782. Alderman. Representative. Collector of the Port. He died March 14, 1812. She died Jan. 23, 1826. Residence, Middletown, Conn. Children : 959741. Lucy. Born Oct. 4, 1773. Married Capt. Joseph Wright Alsop. 959742. Hannah. Born May 10, 1775. Unmarried. Died Dec. 23, 1855. 959731 959732 959733 959734 959735 1778 History of the Ayres Family. 959743- Son. Died in infancy. 959744. Elizabeth. Born May 24, 1780. Married, May 25, 1S77, Capt. Josiah Williams. He was born in 1781. No issue. He died Oct. 5, 1835. She died Oct. 16, 1828. 959745- Daughter. Born March 20, 1781. Died in infancy. 959746. Chauncey. Born Jan. 18, 17S3. 960340. 959755- Samuel Whittelsey, Esq. (Chauncey^, SamueP, John'.) 959549. He was born Feb. 10, 1763. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1779. He married, Dec. 10, 1778, Sarah VanDeursen of N. Y. City. She was born May 3, 1763. Lawyer. Justice in New Haven. He died March 7, 1838, at Vincennes, Ind. She died in April, 1814, in Watertown, N. Y. Residence, New Haven, Conn., New Jersey, Watertown, N. Y., Carhsle, Ind., and Vincennes, Ind. Children : 959756. Catherine VanDeursen. Born Sept. 9, 1790, in Tolland, Conn. Unmarried. Died July 6, 1870, in Carlisle, Ind. 959757- William Chauncey. Born Dec. 6, 1792. 960350. 959758- Samuel Gilbert. Born in 1794. Died in 1795. 959759- Samuel Gilbert. Born Dec, 1796. Died June, 1810. 959760. Isaac Newton. Born July 16, 1798. 959761. Eliza Leflferts. Born April 16, iSoo. Married, Dec. 6, 1825, Dr. James K. O'Haver. He was born Dec. 19, 1796. Resi- dence, Carlisle, Ind. 959762. Dr. Charles. Born Dec. 19, 1796. Physician. Soldier in Crimean War. Died Sept. 4, 1824. 959765. Lieut. Charles Whittelsey. (Chauncey^, Samuel^ John'.) 938920. 959550. He was born Oct. 18, 1764. He mar- ried, Oct. 9, 1792, Ann Cutler. She was born July 12, 1773. Mer- chant in New Haven, Conn. Sergeant, 3d Co., ist Regt. Conri., May 15 to Dec. 10, 1775; 2nd Lieutenant, Capt. Hale's Co., 19th Regt. Conn., Continental Line, March, 1776, He died March 12, 1828. She died Feb. 8, 1850. Children : 959766. Mary Cutler. Born Aug. 22, 1793. Unmarried. Died Dec. 5, 1853- 959767- Chauncey. Born Aug. 5, 1795. Died Aug. 21, 1795. 959768. Susannah. Born Dec. 5, 1796. Married (ist), vSamuel B. Ingersoll. 960400. Married ( 2nd), William T. Eustis. 960405. 959769. Charles Bryan. Born Dec. 12, 1798. 960420. Fifth Generation. 1779 959770' Rev. Chauncey. Born Sept. 6, iSoi. Graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1S20, and Yale Divinity vSchool, 1S25. Licensed to preach. Died March 12. 1826. 959771. John Cutler. Born Nov. 1. 1803. 959772. Henry Newton. Born Feb. 9, 1808. 959773. Martha Ann. Born Oct. 13, 181 1. Married, Feb. 17, 1S39, Rev. George A. Oviatt. He was born April 5, 1811. He gradu- ated at Yale College, 1835. and Yale Divinity School, 1838. They had two children who died. He died June i, 1S87, at Sudbury, Mass. She died April 5, 1845. 959775- John Whittelsey. (Chauncey^ SamueP, John'.) 959553- Hs ^^'^^ b^'^" Sept. 8, 1770, in New Haven. He graduated at Yale College, 1791. He married, June i, 1799, Ann Kerwood. She was born in 1771. Inspector of Customs in N. Y. City.^ He died May 12, 1849, in New Haven. Residence, N. Y. City and New Haven, Conn. Children : 959776. Elizabeth Kerwood. Born May 12, 1800. Died in 1803. 959777- Edward. Born May 2, 1801. Merchant in N. Y. City and New Orleans. Died July 9, 1S42. 959778. John Newton. Born Feb. 11, 1803. Died July 9, 1S03. 959779. Mary Elizabeth. Born June 29, 1805. Unmarried. Died March 12, 1891. 959780. Charles. Born Nov. 3, 1807. 959781. John Rossel. Born Oct. 10, 1809. 959782. William Kerwood. Born Aug. 27, 1812. County Clerk of Cedar Co., Iowa. Died Sept. 15, 1849, at Tipton, Iowa. 9597^3- Martha Newton. Born April 17, 1815. Married Moses H. Baldwin. 959784. Jane Ann. Born Feb. 2, 181S. Died Sept. 20, 1825. 959810. Dr. William Cook. He married Mary Whittelsey. 959564. She died Oct. 10, 1836. Residence, Durham, N. Y. Child : 959811. William Augustus. Born March 18, 1797. 960450. 959820. Hon. Samuel Whittelsey Dana. (James.) 938960. He married Mary WylUs (daughter of Samuel Wyllis and widow of Richard Alsop). She was born Jan. 23, 1761. She died Aug. 20, 181 5, at Flatbush, L. I., N. Y. 959840. Rev. Chauncey Graham. (John.) 934803- 93934°- He was born Nov. 13, 1 831, in Lebanon, Conn. In 1773 his parents lySo History of the Ayres Family. settled in Southbury Parish, Woodbury, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1747. Pastor of Presbyterian church in Fishkill, N. Y. He married Elizabeth VanWyck (daughter of Elder Theodorus YanWyck of Rumbout, N. Y.). He died March 30, 1784, at Fishkill, N. Y. Children : 959841. Theodore VanWyck. 960520. 959842. Daughter. Married Jonathan Landon. 960500. 959860. Rev. Richard Crouch Graham. (Rev. John Gra- ham and Abigail Chauncey.) 914809. He was born March 11, 1739, in Southbury, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1760. Pastor at Pelham, near Amherst, Mass. He married, in 1 761, the eldest daughter of Ezra Lee and Rebecca Southworth of Lyme, Conn. He died Feb. 25, 1771. She afterwards married a King of Palmer, Mass. Child : 959S61. Son. Bapt. March 21, 1762, in Southbury, Conn. 959870. JosiAH Chauncy. (Josiah^ IsraeP, IsraeP, Charles'.) 940460. Justice of the Peace; appointed July 9, 1756, and Feb. 4, 1762. Residence, Hampshire Co., Mass. 959875- Charles Chauncy. (Charles^ Charles^, Isaac^ Charles'.) 937000. Justice of the Peace; appointed Nov. 20, 1761, for York Co., Mass., (now Maine). Notary PubUc ; appointed Dec. 24, 1754, Dec. 17, 1755, Feb. i, 1760, Jan. 27, 1763, Feb. 11, 1766, March 30, 1770, and Jan. 28, 1773. Residence, Kittery, Me. 959890. Andrew Chauncy. Graduated at Phillips Exeter Academy, 1785. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. 959900. Charles William Chauncy. Graduated at Phillips Exeter Academy, 1813, Harvard, A.B., 1819, and M.D. Died in 1864. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. SIXTH GENERATION. 960200. Hon. Samuel Bulkley Ruggles, LL.D. (Philo.) 959671. He was born April 11, 1799. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 18 14. He married, May 15, 1822, Mary Rosalie Rathbone. Commissioner of Croton Aqueduct, 1842. Director in Panama Rail- Sixth Generation. 1781 road, 1849-50. Delegate to International Statistical Congresses by appointment of President, 1863 and 1869. U. S. Commissioner Uni- versal Exposition, Paris, 1867. Member of New York Assembly, 1838. State Canal Commissioner, 1840-2 and 1858. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 960201. John. Died May 6, 1S50. 960202. James Francis. Graduated at Columbia College, 1^47. Law- yer. Residence, N. Y. City. 960203. Ellen. Married George Tenipleton Strong. 961020. 960210. Henry Joseph Ruggles, Esq. (Philo.) 959674. He was born Aug. 16, 18 13, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He graduated at Columbia College. Lawyer. Author. Address, 1902, 44 East 49th St., N. Y. City. 960220. Oliver Bliss. (Oliver.) 938026. He graduated at Yale College, 1795. 960240. James Casey. He was born July i. 1764. He mar- ried, Jan. 16, 1805, Susan Chandler. 959713- Merchant in New York City. He died in 1822. Residence, Middletown, Conn. Child : 960241. Dr. William Bryon. Born Dec. 28, 1815. Graduated at Col- umbia College, A.B., 1834, and University of Pennsylvania, M.D., 1S36. Surgeon, 20th Regt. Conn. Vols, in Civil War. Married (ist), in Nov., 1837, Cornelia Beare. She was born Oct. 16, 1818. She d^ed in 1852. Seven children. Married (2nd), Oct. 5, 1854, Margaret DeKoven. Seven children. Child : Dr. James Harmer Casey. Graduated at Columbia Col- lege, M.D., 1875. 960250. Rev. George Chandler. (John^ Joshua', Joshua"*, John"^, John^ William'.) 959718. He was born April 29. 1790. Student in Yale College, class of 18 14. He married, Oct. 16, 1819, Catharine Rice (daughter of John Rice and Elizabeth Hill, George Rice of Kensington, Philadelphia, Pa.). She was born Dec. 16, 1800. Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Kensington, Pa., 1814-60. He died Feb. 15, i860. 960300. Rev. Samuel Whittelsey. (Roger Newton-*, Sam- uel, SamueP, John'.) 949860. He was born Dec. 18, 1775, at South Farms, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1803. Mem- 1782 History of the Ayres Family. ber of Phi Beta Kappa college fraternity. Ordained, Dec. 30, 1807, over the church at New Preston, Conn., where he remained until April 30, 181 7, when he took charge of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Hartford, Conn. He afterwards conducted seminaries at Utica and Canandaigua, N. Y. He married, Nov. 10, 1808, Abigail Good- rich, 945043. She was born Nov. 29, 1788. He died April 15, 1842. She died July 16, 1858. Children : 960301. Samuel Goodrich. Born Nov. 8, 1809. 961 140. 960302. Son. Born March 26, 1811. Died March 28, 1811. 960303. Charles Chauncey. Born Sept. 2, 1812. Died April 29, 1S18. 960304. Elizabeth. Born Sept. 29, 1815. Married James W. Tillman. 960305. Henry Martyn. Born Aug. 12, 1821. 960306. Charles Augustus. Born Oct. 20, 1823. Ship navigator. Died Feb. 7, 1849, at sea. 960307. Emily Chauncey. Born Jan. 17, 1825. Married Rev. Lucius Curtis. 961080. 960310. Newton Whittelsey. (Roger Newton^ Samuel^ Samuel", John'.) 959727. He was born Oct. 31, 1777. Deacon. Postmaster at Cornish Flats, N. H. ^ Justice. Trustee and Secretary of Kimball Union Academy. He married (ist), July 4, 1800, Esther Robbins. She was born Jan. 29, 1777, at Torringford, Conn. She died April 15, 1818. He married (2nd), May 20, 1821, Maria S. Mills. She was born Dec. 2, 1794. She died Oct. 20, 1893. He died May 23, 1844, at Claremont, N. H. Children : 96031 1. Mary Lydia. Born June 7, iSoi. Married, Nov. 18, 1S39, Philander C. Huggins. Merchant at Cornish, N. H. They had one child who died in infancy. She died Nov. 11, 1845, at Bunker Hill, 111. 960312. Esther Mills. Born Jan. 30, 1805. Married, Aug. 30, 1824, Rev. Israel Newell. He was born April 5, 1795. He graduated at Bowdoin College, 1819. Principal of Kimball Union Acade- my. He died Feb. 8, 1846, at Durham, Me. She died May 24, 1873, at Minneapolis. 960313. Lucy Ann. Born Oct. 13, 1806. Unmarried. Died May 28, 1842, at Bunker Hill, 111. 960314. CaroHne Hale. Born May 13. 1809. Married William H. Cheney. 960315. Helen Maria. Born Nov. 28, 1823. Married Samuel J. Stevens. 960316. Henry Newton. Born Sept. 25, 1827. Sixth Generation. 1783 960320. Chauncey Whittelsey. (Roger Newton", Samuel ', Samuel-, John'.) 959729. He was born Dec. 13, 1 781. Remarried. Nov. 15, 1815, Mary Bacon (daughter of Ashel Bacon and Mary French). She was born Feb. 9, 1787. Deacon, 1817. He died Feb. 19, 1836. She died March 23, 1869. Children : 960321. Ann Maria. Born Dec. 4, 1816. Unmarried. Died July 9, 1S90, in Roxbury, Conn. 960322. Charles Chauncey. Born June 16, 181S. 960323. Mary Bacon. Rorn Nov. 6, 1820. Unmarried. Died Feb. 27, 1836. 960324. Dr. Henry Newton. Born March 24, 1822. Graduated at New York University, M.D., 1845. Died June 19, 1869. Residence, N. Y. City. 960325. Elizabeth Cornelia. Born Nov. 4, 1824. Married Bennett Preston. 960340. Gen. Chauncey Whittelsey. (Chauncey", Samuel', SamueP, John'.) 959746. He was born June 18, 1783. in Middle- town, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1800. Lawyer. He married, April 14, 18 18, Sarah Lathrop Tracy (daughter of Dr. Ebenezer Tracy and Maria Ward of Middletown, Conn.). She was born Aug. 6, 1792. Major, Lt. Col. Tim Shepard's Conn. Regt., Aug. 3, 1813, to Sept. 16, 1813. Lawyer in Middletown, Conn., N. Y. City and Louisville, Ky., and after the Civil War, at New Orleans, La. He died Dec. 24, 1874. She died Sept. i, 1891. Children : 960341. Charles Chauncey. Born Feb. 5, 1819. 960342. Henry Ward. Born Dec. 12, 1820. Unmarried. Died Aug. 2 1842, at Port Leon, Fla. 960343. Maria Tracy. Born Dec. 28, 1822. Unmarried. Died Nov. 4, 1849. 960344. Capt. Ebenezer Tracy. Born Oct. 24, 1S24. Graduated at Wesleyan University, 1S43. Lawyer in Superior City, Wis., and Ypsilanti, Mich. Lieut, and Captain, i.st Regt. Mich. Inft. Yols. in Civil War. Killed Aug. 30, 1862, in second battle of Manassas, Ya. 960350. Dr. William Chauncey Whittelsey. (Samuel", Chauncey^ SamueP, John'.) 959757. He was born Dec. 6, 1792. 1784 History of the Ayres Family. He married, Nov. 20, 1S22, Ann Elizabeth Rapine. Surgeon, U. S. Navy, May 27, 1816. Furloughed, 1819. Served in war with Al- giers. He died Aug. 16, 1824. Child : 960351. William Chauncey. Born Aug. 28, 1823. 960400. Rev. Samuel Bridge Ingersoll. He was born Oct. 13' 1785. He graduated at Yale College, 1817. He married, Dec. 2, 1819, Susannah Whittelsey. 959768. No issue. He died Nov. 14, 1820. 960405. Hon. William T. Eustis. He was born Oct. 25, 1794, at Logwood, Mass. He married, June 7, 1824, Susannah (Whit- telsey) Ingersoll. 959768. State Senator for several terms. He died May 5, 1874. She died. Children : 960406. Charles William. Born in 1825. Died Feb. 28, 1842. 960407, Francis T. Born June, 1827. Died Aug. j6, 1827. 960420. Charles Bryan Whittelsey. (Charles^ Chauncey^ SamueP, John'.) 959769. He was born Dec. 12, 1798, in New Haven. He married. May 25, 1828, Jane Bradley Mulford (daughter of Hervey Mulford and Jane Bradley of N. Y. City). She was born Jan. 8, 1805. Wholesale merchant in New Haven, Conn. Deacon in Center Church, 1833-49. He died Oct. 18, 1849. She died Feb. 8, 1875. Children : 960421. Susan Eustis. Born March 14, 1S29. Died Feb. 20, 1883. 960422. Mary Mulford. Born Feb. 22, 1831. Married Moses Green- wood. 961210. 960423. Charles Henry. Born Oct. 2, 1832. 960424. Jane Eliza. Born July 4, 1835. Died Oct. 20, 1836. 960425. Ann Cutler. Born Oct. 7, 1S42. Married George W. Whittel- sey. Lieut, in Civil War. 960450. William Augustus Cook. (William.) 959811. He was born March 18, 1797. He married, June 19, 1820, Abigail Anna Strong. She was born Nov. 17, 1798. Wholesale merchant in N, Y. City. He died May 14, 1833, in Smithtown, L. I. Sixth Generation. 1785 Children 960451. Margaret Strong. Born April 23, 1821. Married, Sept. 26, 1S44, Rev. John Whitbeck. He was born Nov. 12, 181 2. Gradu- ated at Rutgers College, 1837, and New Brunswick Theological Seminary, 1840. Reformed Dutch minister. He died in March, 1873. Residence, Ithaca, N. Y. 960452. John Summerfield. Born May 17, 1822. 960453. Mary Whittelsey. Born Aug. 15, 1823. Married (ist), in April, 1845, Cutler Field. Lawyer in Cooperstown and after- wards in N. Y. City. He died Feb. 13, 185S. Married (2nd), Oct. 2, 1859, Jerome Alfred Clark. He died May 10, 1S69. 960454. William Augustus. Born Aug. 16, 1825. 960455. Joseph Strong. Born March 7, 1825. Died May 21, 1866. 960456. Georgiana Ellen. Born Aug. 23, 182S. Married George L. Davis, Esq. Lawyer. Residence, Elmira, N. Y. 960457. Abby Ann Strong. Born June 2, 1830. 960458. Thomas Morris. Born April 13, 1832. Journalist. War cor- respondent for New York Herald in Civil War. Married. Child : Charles Tuttle. 960500. Jonathan Landon. He graduated at Yale College, 1763. He married Graham. 959842. He died in 1815. Children : 960501. Timothy. Graduated at Yale College, 178 1. Died in 180 r. 960502. Henry Sherburne. Graduated at Yale College, 1785. Died in 1S57. 960503. Chauncey. 960520. Hon. Theodore VanWyck Graham. (Chauncev", John'.) 939340. He married. Member of Assembly, 1794. Judge of State Court of Probate, 18 13-16. Residence, Albany, N. Y. Children : 960521. Theodore. Student in Union College, class of 1815. Merchant. Died in 1822. Residence, Mobile, Ala. 960522. VanWyck. Graduated at Union College, 1820. Lawyer. Residence, N. Y. City. 960530. Abraham Waring. He married, April 6, 1780, Love Graham at Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y. 960540. Prof. Chauncey E. Goodrich. He graduated at Union College, 1825. Registered from Troy, N. Y. Professor in Yale College. Member of Phi Beta Kappa college fraternity. He died in 1864 in Utica, N. Y. 1786 History of the Ayres Family. SEVENTH GENERATION. 961000. Joseph Edmund Bulkley. He married a Lawrence of Long Island family. Residence, N. Y. City. Child : 96 1 00 1. Justus Lawrence. Born in 1840. 961020. George Templeton Strong. He was born Feb. 26, 1820. He graduated at Columbia College, 1838. He married, May 15, 1848, Ellen Ruggles. 960203. Lawyer. Treasurer of U. S. Sanitary Commission in Civil War. Warden of Trinity Church. Trustee of Columbia College. President of Philharmonic Society. He died in 1875. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 961021. John Ruggles. Born Oct. 20, 1S51. Graduated at Columbia University, A.B., 1872, and LL.B., 1875. 961022. George Templeton. Born May 26, 1856. 961023. Lewis Barton. Born Ma}' 7, 1S60. 961050. Jonathan Freeman: (Hon. Jonathan Freeman, M.C, and Sarah Huntington.) He was born May 28, 1777. He married (2nd), May I, 1833, Elizabeth Digby Belcher Oliver. 943407. No issue. Justice of the Peace and Quorum over forty years. He died July 27, 1858. She died April 8, 1852. Residence, Hanover, N. H, 961060. Charles Whittelsey Guernsey, Esq. (Descendant of Lemuel Guernsey. 933804.) He was born Sept. 2, 1850, at Derby, Conn. He graduated at Iowa College, 1871. Student in Andover Theological Seminary, 1875, ^"^ Yale Theological Sem- inary, 1875. Student in Leipsic and Heidelberg Universities, 1875-6. Lawyer. He died Feb. 11, 1878. Residence, Cleveland, Ohio. 961070. Gen. Henry Martyn Whittelsey. (Samuel^, Roger Newton'', SamueP, SamueP, John'.) 960305. He was born Aug. 12, 182 1. Student in Yale Law School. Admitted to the Bar July 19, 1845. He married, July 12, 1866, Maria Louisa (Sweet) Johnson (daughter of Hon. Ezra Smith Sweet and Janet McLaren Clow of Owego, N. Y., and widow of Ben Johnson, Esq.). She was born March 5, 1822, at Salem, N. Y. They had one child who died in infancy. He removed in 1854 to Detroit, Mich. Captain, Colonel Seventh Generation. 1787 and Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols, in Civil War. Mustered out July 17, 1867. Comptroller of the City of Washington, D. C, 1870. He died Aug. 10, 1873, at Washington, D. C. She died April 14, 1878, at Washington, D. C. 961080. Rev. Lucius Curtis. (Eleazer.) He was born Nov. 16, 18 1 2, in Torrington, Conn. He graduated at Williams College, 1835. Student in Andover Theological Seminary two years and at Yale Theological Seminary one year. He married, June 28, 1848, Emily Chauncey Whittelsey. 960307. Minister at Woodbury and Colchester, Conn., Ripon, Wis., and Lyons, Iowa. No issue. Resi- dence, Hartford, Conn, 961090. Col. Franklin Ward Whittelsey. (Chauncey^, Chauncey^ Chauncey\ SamueP, John'.) He was born May 31, 1827. He removed to Detroit. Colonel, ist Regt. Mich. Inft. Vols, in Civil War. He died Aug. 24, 1893. 961100. Hon. Lyman Decatur Norris. He was born April 7, 1829, in Middletown, Conn. He graduated at Yale College, 1845. Lawyer. Member State Constitutional Convention, Mich., 1867. State Senator, 1869. Regent of University, 1883. He married, Nov. 22, 1854, Lucy Alsop Whittelsey (daughter of Chauncey^, Chauncey^ Chauncey^, SamueP, John"). She was born April 7, 1829. He died Jan. 6, 1894. Residence, Grand Rapids, Mich. Children : 961 loi. Dr. Maria Whittelsey. Born Jan. 8, 1856. Graduated at Bos- ton University, M.D., 1892. 961 102. Mark. Born July 28, 1857. Graduated at Michigan University. 961120, George Ticknor, Esq, He was born April 14, 1822, in Boston, He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1847, Lawyer, He married, Nov, 12, 1850, Lucy Ann Stone (daughter of Chester Stone and Anna Whittelsey, daughter of Roger Newton^ Samuel^ Samuel", John'.) She was born Aug. 19, 1828. He died Dec. 25, 1866, at Keene, N. H, 961 130. Hon, Charles Chauncey Whittelsey, (Chauncey^, Chauncey^ Chauncey^, SamueP, John',) He was born Feb, 5, 18 19, in Middletown, Conn, He graduated at Yale College, 1838. Lawyer. He married, Nov, 20, 1854, Annie Allen Groome at Philadelphia. 1788 History of the Ayres Family. She was born July 8, 1833, in Md. Reporter of Supreme Court. He died March 10, 1875. Residence, St. Louis, Mo. 96 1 1 40. Rev. Samuel Goodrich Whittelsey. (Samuel^ Roger Newton'*, SamueP, SamueP, John'.) 960301. He was born Nov. 8, 1809. He graduated at Yale College, 1834. Tutor in Yale, 1836-8. Member of Phi Beta Kappa college fraternity. Ordained, Feb. 14, 1841, in New Haven, Conn, He married, Sept. 29, 1841, Anna Cook Mills (daughter of Jabez Mills and Hannah Coe). Mis- sionary, A. B. C. F. M. He died March 10, 1847, at Dindigal, Asia. Children : 961141. Charles Mills. Born July 15, 1842. 961530. 961 142. Emily Louisa. Born Oct. 25, 1843. Died July 5, 1844. 961 143. Samuel Goodrich. Born Feb. 4, 1S46. Died June 15, 1867. 961 150. Ira Day Whittelsey, Esq. (Jared Potter^, Elisha'', Elisha\ SamueP, John'.) He was born Sept. 4, 1822. He graduated at Yale College, 1843. Lawyer. Unmarried. He died June 24, 1849. Residence, Wallingford, Conn. 961 180. Henry Champion xTrumbull, Esq. (Hon. Joseph.) He was born May 17, 182 1, at Hartford, Conn. He graduated at Wesleyan University, 1841. Lawyer. He married, Sept. 20, 1842, Sarah Jones Whittelsey (daughter of Jared Potter^, Elisha", Elisha^ SamueP, John'). She was born July ig, 1820. He died Feb. 25, 1855. She died May 14, 1844. Child : 961 181. Harriet Champion. Born June 2f, 1843. Married Prof. Aus- tin Stickney. Graduated at Harvard College, 1852. Professor of Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures in Trinity Col- lege. Residence, London, Eng. 961200. Francis Vigo Whittelsey. (Isaac Newton^, Chaun- cey^ Chauncey^ Samuel', John'.) He was born Nov. 4, 1851, He graduated at Indiana University. Residence, Whitehall, Mon. 961 2 10. Moses Merritt Greenwood. He was born June 20, 1834, in Hubbardston, Mass. He graduated at Yale College, 1858. He married, Sept. 16, 1858, Mary Mulford Whittelsey. 660422. Residence, St. Louis, Mo. Child : 961211. .A.ddie. Born Nov. 6, 1859. Married, Oct. 18, 1893, Rev. A. Denver Rankin Hancher. Residence, Knoxville, Tenn. Seventh Generation. 17S9 961220. Joseph Thompson Whittelsey. (Henry Newton^r Charles'*, Chauncey^ SamueP, John'.) He was born Oct. 20, 1843. He graduated at Yale College, Ph.B., 1867. Residence, New Haven, 961225. William Holden Gray. Student at Harvard Col- lege. He married Mary Elizabeth Whittelsey (daughter of Henry Newton^, Charles^ Chauncey^, SamueP, John'). She was born April 7, 1850, at New Haven. She died Nov. ig, 1895. Residence, Dor- chester, Mass. 961230. John Whittelsey. (John Rossel^ John'', Chauncey^, SamueP, John'.) He was born July i, 1838, in N. Y. City. Cashier of Northampton, Mass., Bank at time of the great robbery of over one and a quarter of millions of dollars on the night of Jan. 25, 1876. Seven masked burglars bound and gagged his family of seven persons and extorted from him the combination of the safe. 961250. William Augustus Cook, Esq. (William Augustus^ William'.) 960456. He was born Aug. 16, 1825. He married, Dec. 21, 1848, Joanna Booth Baldwin (daughter of Lyman Baldwin). Lawyer. City Attorney and Recorder of Detroit. Residence, 1845— 58, Detroit, Mich., and since 1858, N. Y. City. 961260. John Liberty Kimberly. (Liberty.) He was born Jan. 30, 1799. ^^ married, July 9, 1826, Eliza Almira Hawley. She was born July 11, 1806. Residence, Buffalo, N. Y. 961280. Hon. Chauncey Langdon, M.C. (Jonathan.) He graduated at Yale College, 1787. He married Lucy Nona Lathrop. Lawyer. Representative, seven years. Councillor nine years. Mem- ber of Congress, 1815-17. A.M., Middlebury College, 1803. He died in 1830. Residence, Burlington, Vt. Child : 961281. John Jay. 961700. 961300. Samuel Josiah Stevens. He was born Aug. 23, 1821. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1842. He married, Aug. 23, 1849, Helen Maria Whittelsey. 960315. Teacher. Soldier in Con- federate Army. He died April 26, 1875. She died Dec. 5, 1896.. Residence, Raleigh, N, C. Children : 961301. Helen Maria. Died in infanc}^ i 961302. Henry Newton. Died in infancy. 1790 History of the; Ayre^s Family. '5613 10. George Henry Chandler. (Andrew B. Chandler and Lucinda M, Knapp, Charles Henry Chandler and Sarah Black- man.) He was born Nov. 7, 1844. Student in Alfred University. EIGHTH GENERATION. 961500. Justus Lawrence BuLKLEY. (Joseph E.) 961001. He was born-in 1840 in N. Y. City. He married, in 1871, Laura E. Cald- well. Merchant. Member of Union, Metropolitan, Riding and Adirondack League Clubs, Holland Society and New England Society. Residence, 1900, N. Y. City. Children : 961501. Joseph E. Graduated at Yale College, 1899. 961502. Daughter. 961503. Daughter. 961530. Rev. Charles Mills Whittelsey. (Samuel Good- rich*, Samuel^ Roger Newton'', Samuel^ Samuel", John'.) 961 141. He was born July 15, 1842, in Ceylon, Asia. He graduated at Yale College, 1864. He married, Oct. 3, 1867, Louise Amanda VValkelee. She was born Aug. 27, 1840, at Rochester, N. Y. Presbyterian minister. Residence, Providence, R. I. Children : 961531. Theodore. Born May 15, 1S68, at New Berlin, N. Y. Gradu- ated at Williams College, 1890, and Gottingen University, Ph.D., 1895. Instructor in Chemistry in Cornell University. Member of Delta Upsilon and Sigma Xi college fraternities. Member of American Chemical Society and German Chemical Society. 961532. Lewis Gates. Born June 28, 1870. Student at Amherst Col- lege and Brown University, 1895. Civil Engineer. Married, in 1902, Delia Taylor, at Seattle. Residence, 1902, Seattle, Wash. 961533- Dolly Louise. Born Aug. 9, 1876. Graduated at Smith College, 1 90 1 . 961534. Samuel Goodrich. Born April 26, 1882. Student in Brown LTniversity, 1901 — . 961535. Anna Ruth. Born Feb. 26, 1884. 961550. Prof. Samuel Eben Barney, Jr. (Samuel Eben Barney and Eunice Whittelsey, daughter of Peter^, Elisha", Elisha^ SamueP, John'.) He was born Jan. 16, 1859. He graduated at Yale Eighth Generation. 1791 College, A.B., 1879, C.E., 1885. Assistant Professor of Civil Engi- neering in Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, 1895. He married; July 8, 1884, Ida E. Bushnell. Residence, New Haven, Conn. 961580. Rev. Frederick Elkanah Snow. He was born March 10, 1851. He graduated at Yale College, 1875, ^"<^ Yale Divinity School, 1878. Cong, minister. He married, Nov. 17,1880, Emily Virginia Whittelsey (daughter of Joseph Parker*, Jabez^, Roger Newton^, Samuel^ SamueP, John'). She was born Jan. 9, 1863. Residence, Guilford, Conn. 961600. Lieut. William Bailey Whittelsey, U.S.N. (Charles Chauncey'', Chauncey=, Roger Newton-*, Samuel^ SamueP, John'.) He was born July 13, i860, at Manlius, N. Y. He graduated at U. S. Naval Academy, 1882. 961620. Oliver Bliss Hayes. (Grandson of Joel Hayes. 943780.) He graduated at Williams College, 1850. 961700. John Jay Langdon. (Chauncey-, Jonathan'.) 961281. He married Harriette Curtis Woodward. Residence, Burlington, Vt. Child : 96r7oi. William Chauncey. Born Aug. 19, 1831. 961704. Nathalie Elizabeth Chauncey. 950001. Born July 14, 1888. 961706. Charles Chauncey Savage. (William Littleton.) 949945. Address, 1902, 256 South 4th St., Philadelphia. 961720. George G. Chauncey. He was born Oct. 7, 1853, in Oswego, N. Y. Educated at State Normal School at Oswego. Married. Treasurer of Fulton Water Works Company and Electric Light and Power Company. Trustee of Fulton Savings Bank. x'\ide- de-camp, 6th Brigade, N. G. N. Y., with rank of Captain. Member of Pathfinder Yacht and Nicotine Clubs, Citizens' Club of Syracuse and Hirarm Lodge, F. and A. M. Residence, 1901, Fulton, N. Y. 961725. Henry Chauncey. Member of Century Association, National Academy of Design, Metropolitan Museum of Art and American Museum of Natural History. Address, 1901, 329 West 77th St., N. Y. City. 1792 History of the Ayres Family. 961730. William Chauncey Floyd-Joxes. (William Floyd- Jones, Gen. Thomas Floyd-Jones, David Richard Floyd-Jones, Judge Richard Floyd and Arabella Jones, daughter of Judge David Jones, Judge Richard Flovd. Col. Richard Floyd and Margaret Nicoll, daughter of Col. Matthias Nicoll, Judge Richard Floyd who came from Brecknockshire, Wales, to Suffolk County, L. L. N. Y.. in 1654.) Broker. Member of New York Stock Exchange. ^Member of Union. Racquet, Country and Westminster Kennel Clubs. Residence. 1900, N. Y. City and Massapequa, L. L, N. Y. 961735. Rev. George Dickinson Goodrich. He was born April 29, 1834, in Ware. Mass. He graduated at Williams College, 1857, attended Hartford Theological Seminary and Princeton Theo- logical Seminar)' and graduated at Andover Theological Seminar}-, 1865. Ordained, Sept. 12. 1865, at Templeton, Mass. He died July 26, 1870, at Hartford. Conn. 961740. Rev. John Ellsworth Goodrich. He was born Jan. 29, 183 1, at Hinsdale, Mass. He graduated at University of Yermont, 1853. and Andover Theqlogical Seminary, i860. Ordained, May 17, 1864. Chaplain, ist Regt. Yt. Cavalry Yols., 1864-5. ^^o- fessor of English Literature, University of Yermont. 1872-7. Pro- fessor of German and Latin. 1S77 — , 961745. Rev. Alfred Bailey Goodrich, D.D. He was born March 22, 1828, at Rocky Hill, Conn. He graduated at Trinity College and Bekeley Divinity School. He married, Dec. 27, 1847, Elizabeth A. Meigs of Hartford, Conn. Protestant Episcopal minis- ter. D.D., Hamilton College, 1867. Residence, Utica, N. Y. 961750. Rev. Chauncey Enoch Goodrich. He was born Sept. 19, 1 80 1, at East Troy (Brunswick), N. Y. He graduated at Union College, 1825, and Princeton Theological Seminary, 1825. He died May 11, 1864, at Utica, N. Y. 961760. Daniel Chauncey. He was the second of two brothers who settled in Brooklyn, N. Y., about 1844. President of Mercantile Insurance Company, 1860-1883. President of Mechanics Bank, 1869-83. Democrat. Receiver of Trust Company. He mar- ried. They had three sons and two daughters. He died Jan. 28, 1883. Eighth Generation. 1793 961765. Hon. David M. Chauxcey. Member of Assembh", 1S58. Residence. Brooklyn. X. Y. 961770. Elisha Jay Ed\vards. (Elisha Edwards and Lauretta Ann Strong, Josiah Edwards and Rhoda Bulkley of Rocky Hill, Conn.) He was born Xov. 10, 1847. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1870. Residence, New Haven, Conn. 961 77 1. Henry Chauxcey. Merchant. Residence, 1842, X. Y. City. 961772. Joseph Chauxcey. Druggist. Residence. 1842. X. Y. Citv. 961773. William Chauxcey. Importer of china. Residence, 1842. X. Y. City. 961774. Hexry Chauxcey. Merchant. Residence, 1S57, X. Y. City. 961775. Mary A. Chauxcey. Widow of Edward. Residence. 1857. X. Y. City. 961776. William Chauxcey. Merchant. Residence. 1857, X. Y. City. 961777. William Chauxcey. Residence, 1857. X. Y. Cit}-. 961780. C. M. Chauxcey. Postmaster. 1883, Pottsboro, Grayson Co.. Tex. 961785. D. B. Chauncey. Postmaster, 18S3, Millwood, Little River Co., Ark. 961790. W. A. Chauncey. Born in Va. Clerk in Postoffice, 1883. Washington. D. C. 961795. JOHx T. Chauncey. Born in Md. Employe of Con- gress. 1883. Washington. D. C. 961800. Burtox Mansfield, Esq. He was born in April, 1856. in Xew Haven. Conn. He graduated at Yale University, Ph.B.. 1S75, LL-B.. 1878. Lawyer. He married, Oct. 18, 18S2, Elizabeth Hunt Barney (daughter of Samuel Eben Barney and Eunice Whittelsey, daughter of Peter. Elisha\ Elisha'. Samuel". John'}. She was born Jan. 9. 1856. She died May 12. 1887. Residence, Xew Haven. Conn. 1794 History of the Ayres Family. 961820. Alonzo Wilder Pollard. He was born July 18, 1862. He graduated at Harvard College, 1883. He married, April 12, 1887, Elise Welch (daughter of Rev. James Edward Welch and Anna Louisa Whittelsey Eustis Whittelsey, daughter of John Cutler^, Charles", Chauncey^ SamueP, John'). She was born Aug. 10, 1861, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Residence, Brookline, Mass. 962000. Capt. Caspar Frederick Goodrich, U. S. N. (An- cestry : First Gen. Gershom Bulkeley, born Dec. 6, 1636; married, Oct. 26, 1659, Sarah Chauncey (daughter of President Chauncey of Harvard College); she died Dec. 2, 1713. Second Gen. Edward Bulkeley, born in 1673 ; married Dorothy Prescott (daughter of Capt. Jonathan Prescott of Concord) ; he died Aug. 27, 1748. Third Gen. Charles Bulkeley, born March 27, 1703 ; married Mary Sage of Mid- dletown. Fourth Gen. John Bulkeley, born in 1725 ; married July 17, .1750, Honor Francis. Fifth Gen. John Bulkeley, born Nov. 10, 1750; married Sarah Wright. Sixth Gen. Elizabeth, born Feb. 28, 1779; died Oct. 12, 1864; married, July 17, 1799, James Good- rich, born Oct. 27, 1769 ; died Oqt. 17, 1858. Seventh Gen. Wm. Goodrich, born March 29, 1809 ; died July 4, 1883 ; married, Dec. 22, 1840, Sarah Ann (daughter of Marcus D. Bearden of Knoxville, Tenn.). Eighth Gen. Caspar Frederick, born Jan. 7, 1847.) He was born Jan. 7, 1847, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was graduated at U. S. Naval Academy, 1864. Master, Dec. i, 1866. Lieutenant, March 12, 1868. Lt. Commander, March 26, 1869. Commander, Sept. 7, 1884. Captain, Sept. 19, 1897. Naval attache', staff of Gen. Sir Garnet Wolseley, during Tel-el-Kebir campaign, 1882. Member of Endicott Fortifications Board, 1885. He was in charge of Torpedo Station, 1886-9. Commander of Jamestown, Constella- tion, Concord, 1891-5. President of Naval War College, 1897-8. Gold Medallist Naval Institute. Commander of auxiliary cruiser St. Louis and U. S. S. Newark during Spanish-American War. He married, Sept. 4, 1S73, Eleanor Milnor (daughter of Charles E. Mil- nor. Rev. James Milnor of N. Y. City). A.M., Yale College. Resi- dence, Pomfret, Conn. Children : 02OOI. Eleanor. Born Oct. 19, 1S76. Married Douglas CampbelL 962530. Ninth Generation. 1795 962002. Milnor. Born Dec. 20. 1878. Died Oct. 29, 1880. 962003. Caspar. Born May 4, 18S1. 962004. Garnet Wolseley. Born Oct. 22, 1882. Died July 5, 1883. 962005. Gladys. Born June 14, 18S6. NINTH GENERATION. 962010. Rev. William Chauncey Langdon, D.D. (John Jay Langdon and Harriette Curtis Woodward, Chauncey Langdon and Lucy Nona Lathrop.) He was born Aug. 19, 1831, in Burlington, Vt. He graduated at Transylvania University, 1850. Chief Clerk, Patent office. Ordained in 1858 in Protestant Episcopal Church. D.D., Kenyon College, 1874. He married, April 27, 1858, Hannah Agnes Courtney (daughter of E. S. Courtney of Baltimore). They had five children. He died Oct. 28, 1895. Residence, Bedford, Pa, Child : 96201 1. Courtney. Born Jan. 18, 1881. 962500. 962020. George S, Chauncey. Graduated at Yale Univer- sity, Ph.B., 1898. 962030. Rev. Chauncey William Goodrich. (Rev. Chaun- cey M.) He was born Nov. 17, 1864. He graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1886, and Union Theological Seminary, 1891. Member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa college fraternities. Ordained, Jan. 17, 1893. Residence, 1898, West Orange, N. J. 962035, Henry Morton Avars. He graduated at Harvard College, 1886, He married, Sept. 3, i8go, Mary Christine Warren, 955001. She was born July 24, 1863. He died April 3, 1896. Child : 962036. Christine Merrick. Born March 31, 1894. 962040. Prof. William Marshall Warren. (William Fair- field", Mather'.) 955002. He was born Nov. 4, 1865. He married, June 9, 1896, Sarah Barbara Leighton Shields. Children : 962041. Shields. Born Feb. 26, 1898. 962042. Virginia Fairfield. Born Jan. 27, 1902. 1796 History of the Ayres Family. 962050. George Ainsworth Dunn, He married, May 26, 1897, Anna Merrick Warren. 955003. She was born May 26, 1898, Children : 962051. Winifred Warren. Born Nov. 27, 1899. 962052. John Ainsworth. Born Dec. 14, 1901. 962060. George Arthur Wilson. He married, Aug. 6, 1902, Winifred Warren. 955004. She was born Jan. 3, 1870. TENTH GENERATION. 962500. Prof. Courtney Langdon. (WilHam Chauncey^, Chauncey", Jonathan".) 96201 1. He was born Jan. 18, 1861, in Rome, Italy. He was educated in Florence, Italy, Geneva, Switzer- land, and Mr. Nobles' School, Boston. Student in Harvard Univer- sity, 1878-81. He married, Aug. i, 1894, Susan Hayward Taft. Instructor in Modern Languages, Lehigh University, 1882-4. In- structor in Romance Languages, Cornell University, 1886-90. As- sistant Professor of Modern Languages, Brown University, 1890-2. Professor of Romance Languages and Literature, Brown University, since 1892. A.B., Brown University, 1891. Residence, 1902, Provi- dence, R. I, 962520. Dr. Edwin M. Chauncey. Graduated at University of Michigan, M.D., 1899. Residence, Gerard, Mich. 962530. Douglass Campbell, Esq. He was born June 24, 1873, in- N. Y. City. Graduated at Union College and Harvard Law School. He married, June i, 1901, Eleanor Goodrich. 962001. Lawyer. Member of Unioa Club. Member of Sigma Phi college fraternity. Office, 44 Cedar St. Residence, 1901, 29 Washington Square, West, N. Y. City. Eyre History. DR. SIMON EYRE, OF BOSTON, MASS. (1635.) ADDITIONS. SIXTH GENERATION. 964000. Rev. John Charles Phillips. (John.) 916502. He was born Nov. 15, 1807. He graduated at Harvard College, 1826, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1832. Ordained, Dec. 18, 1833. He died Nov. 5, 1878, in Boston. Child : 964001. John Charles. Graduated at Harvard College. SEVENTH GENERATION. 964200. Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D. (Rev. Richard Salter^, Rev. Richard Salter% Rev. John'.) He was born Aug. 21, 1821. He graduated at Amherst College, 1839. He studied law with Rufus Choate. He graduated at Andover Theo- logical Seminary, 1845. He married, Oct. i, 1845, Mary Elwell Jenks (daughter of Rev. Francis Jenks and Sarah Phillips. 916506). Ordained, Oct. 22, 1845. Pastor of the Church of the Pilgrims, Brook- lyn, N. Y., for many years. He was a famous pulpit orator and public speaker.* D.D., Union College, 1853, and Harvard, 1859. D.C.L., Princeton, 1874. L.H.D., Columbia, 1887. President of Long Island Historical Society, 1873-1899. Member of Mass. Hist. So- ciety and New Eng. Hist. Gen. Society. Park Commissioner in Brooklyn. He was one of the founders of the Independent, a reli- 1798 History of the Ayres Family. gious newspaper. Trustee of Amherst College, 1863-99. President of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1887-97. Author and writer. He died June 5, 1900. Children : 964201. Harriet Moore. Born July 31, 1846. Married Prof. Lewis R. Packard. 964400. 964202. Mary Jenks. Born Feb. 14, 1848-. Married Rev. Edward Ben- ton Coe. 964410. 964203. Annie Wendell. Born Sept. 30, 1849. Died in childhood. 964204. Miriam Phillips. Born Aug. 5, 1855. Married Philip Moen Washburn. 964415. 964230. Hon. Hamilton Andrews Hill, LL.D. (Hamilton Hill and Anna Andrews.) He was born April 14, 1827, in London, England. He was educated at Oberlin College. He married, May 4, 1859, Miriam Phillips Walley. 922003. Business man in Boston many years. Secretary of Boston Board of Trade, 1867-73, and of the National Board of Trade, 1868-88. Representative, 1878-81. Member of State Board of Charities, 1878-9. Historical scholar. Author of Memoir of Abbott Lawrence and History of Old South Church of Boston. Member of American Philosophical Society. Vice-President of American Statistical Association. Treasurer of American Social Science Association. Director in Bostonian Society. Member of Mass. Hist. Society. A.M., Oberhn College, 1867, and Williams College, 1868. LL.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1894. He died April 27, 1895, in Boston, Mass. EIGHTH GENERATION. 964400. Prof. Lewis Richard Packard. He was born Aug. 22, 1836. He graduated at Yale College, 1856. Asst. Professor and Hillhouse Professor of Greek in Yale College, 1863-84. Director of Archa-ological School, Athens, Greece, 1886. Ph.D., Yale, 1863. He married Harriet Moore Storrs. 964201. He died in 1884. Child : 964401. Mary. Born in 1872, in Aiken, S. C. 964410. Rev. Edward Benton Coe, D.D., LL.D. (Rev. David Benton.) He was born June 11, 1842, at Milford, Conn. He gradu- Eighth Generation. 1799 ated at Yale College, 1862, and attended Union Theological Semin- ary, 1862-3. Student in France and Germany, 1864-7. He mar- ried, June II, 1874, Mary Jenks Storrs. 964202. Trustee of Rutgers College since 1887; of Roberts College since 1894; of Leake and Watts Orphan Asylum since 1896 ; of Columbia College since 1896 ; manager of Presbyterian Hospital since 1896; Trustee of Seamen's Friend Society and American Tract Society. President of General Synod, 1898. Professor of Modern Languages in Yale College, 1864-79. Pastor of Collegiate Dutch Reformed Church in Fifth Avenue, N. Y. City, since 1879. D.D., Yale, 1885, and Rutgers, 188 1. LL.D., Rutgers, 1893. Office, 42 W. 52nd St. Residence, 1901, 156 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City. Children : 96441 1. Margaret Elmer. 964412. Miriam Storrs. 964413. Edith Mary. 964415. Philip Moen Washburn. He graduated at Harvard College, 1882. He married, June 5, 1883, Miriam Phillips Storrs. 964204. Residence, Worcester, Mass. AYi^RS History. ROBERT AVARS, OF HOPKINTON, R. I., AND COHANSEY, N. J. (1684.) ADDITIONS. FIRST GENERATION. 965000. Robert Avars. Nov. 29, 1687, Robert Ayres and Esther, his wife, Stephen Mumford and Ann his wife, of one part, and WiUiam Phipps, Kt., of Boston, of the other part, made an in- denture. At this time Stephen. Mumford called himself of James- town, R. I., but it was only a temporary residence. Stephen Mum- ford and his wife were buried in Newport, R. I. THIRD GENERATION. 965300. BuRGiN Avars. (Robert^ Robert'.) 651280. He married (marriage license May 28, 1754), Susannah Gilman. Resi- dence, Salem, N. J. 965310. John Avars. (John^, Robert'.) 651200. He mar- ried (marriage license Nov. 17, 1751), Susannah Jarman of Hopewell, N. J. Residence, Cumberland Co., N. J. FOURTH GENERATION. 965500. Caleb Avars. (Caleb^ Isaac^ Robert'.) 651007. He married (marriage license July 30, 1760), Amy Dunn. Resi- dence, Cumberland Co., N. J. 965510. Moses Avars. (Aaron^, Caleb", Robert',) 652420. He married (marriage license July 16, 1777), Sarah Pettit. Resi- dence, Cumberland Co., N. J. Fifth Generation. i8oi 965520. Daniel Rumsey. He married (marriage license April I, 1772), Rachel Ayars of Alloway Creek, N. J. 651303. Residence, Piles Grove, N. J. 965700. Rev. Jonathan Davis. (Rev. Jonathan Davis and Esther Ayars. 650056. He was born July 7, 1734, in Welsh Tract, Del. He was ordained Nov. 13, 1768, second pastor of Seventh Day Baptist Church at Shiloh, N. J. He died July 23, 1785. Children : 965701. Naomi. Born March 10, 1757. Married Caleb Aj-ars. 966400. 965702. Ann. Born in 175S in Welsh Tract, Del. Married Elijah Ayars. FIFTH GENERATION. 966000. Rev. Nathan Avars. (Nathan^ Caleb^, Isaacs Rob- ert'.} 652005. He was born April 9, 1749. He married Amy Ayars. 652047. Ordained, -Nov. 13, 1786, as third pastor of the Seventh Day Baptist Church at Shiloh, N. J. He died July 20, 18 11, Children : 966001. Anna. 966002. Nathan. 966003. Susannah. 966004. Rachel. Married, March 24, 1795, Jedediah Hall. He was born Dec. 15, 1770. He died Feb. 14, 1851. She died June 19. 1795- 966005. John. 966006. Keziah. 966007. Ezra. 966008. Azel. 966040. Micajah Avars. (Nathan^ Caleb', Isaacs Robert'.) 652006. He was born Oct. 17 (o. 7), 1751. He married (ist), Jan. I, 1778, Patience McPherson. She was born Nov. 28, 1747. They had one son, David. He married (2nd), July 5, 1785, Patience Rob- bins. She was born May 30, 1761. He died Sept, 24, 1823. Patience Robbins died Oct. 29, 1831. Children : 966041. David. Born in 1779. 968100. 966042. Elias. Born Aug. 8, 1786. 968120. 966043. Patience. Born Sept. 13, 17S8. Died Sept. 13, 17S8. 966044. Keziah. Born Sept. 9, 17S9. Died Aug. 14, r8o8. i8o2 History of the Ayres Family. . 966045. Robbins. Born Feb. 27, 1792. 968140. 966046. Caleb. Born July 9, 1793. 968160. 966047. Isaac. Born SejJt. 8, 1795. 660000. 968180. 966048. Sarah. Born March 19, 1798. Married, April 2, 1818, Mark Moore. (William and Deborah Moore.) He was born Nov. 10, 1790. He died Jan. 20, 1855. She died June i, 1832. Resi- dence, Marlboro, N. J. 966100. Elijah Avars. (Nathan", Caleb^, Isaac^ Robert'.) 652007. He was born Oct. 9, 1753. He married (ist), in Jan., 1776, Ann Davis. She was born in 1759. She died Feb. 15, 1796, in Honey Brook, Pa. 965701. He married (2nd), Dec. 25, 1797, Sarah (Davis) Ayars (widow of Joshua Ayars (652800) and daughter of Samuel Davis and Hannah Dutton). She was born Sept. 14, 1764. She died Oct. 27, 1843. He removed about 1787 to Pennsylvania. He died Feb. 7, 1818. Children : 966101. Oswald. Born Dec. 30, 1776. 968200. 966102. Margaret. Born Oct. i, 1778. Married, July 23, 1800, Jacob F. Randolph. He was born Aug. 28, 1775. He died Sept. 20, 1845. She died May 13, 1864, at Shiloh, N. J. 966103. Reese. Born Sept. 12,' 1780. 968240. 966104. Clayton. Born in 1782. 968260. 966105. Clarissa. Born Sept. 5, 17S4. Married David Swinney. (Elisha Swinney and Eunice Davis.) He was born March 20, 1775. Soldier in War of 1812. He died July 28, 1852. She died March 3, 1867, at Manyunk, Pa. 966106. Tacy B. Born Oct. 5, 1786. Married, Dec. 3, 1805, John Swinney. (Brother of David Swinney.) He was born Feb. 7, 1784. He died May 2, 1843. She died July 20, 181 2. 966107. Jonathan D. Born April 13, 1789. 968280. 966120. AzARiAH Avars. (Nathan-*, Calebs Isaac*, Robert'.) 652008. He was born Oct. 20, 1756. He married, about 1777, Lovisa Dunn (granddaughter of Hugh and Amy Dunn). He died in Sept., 1809. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 966121. Susannah. Married Reuben Shull. She died Nov. 29, 1824. 966122. Ruth A. Born April 15, 1780. Married, Feb. 22, 1S02, Abel F. Randolph. He was born Nov. 20, 1773. He died about 1820 in Savannah, Ga. She died Dec. 27, 1817, at Shiloh, N. J. 966123. Rebecca. Born March 24, 1782. Married Elias Ayars. 968120. 966124. Hugh. He removed from Shiloh before 1809. 966125. Phebe. Married Joseph Johnson. Fifth Generation. 1803 966126. Elijah. Married. They had children. Their son John re- sided in 1S40 in Clay County, Ind. 966127. Ruel. Died before 1840. No issue. 966128. Mary E. Born in 1794. Married (ist), John Smick ; (2nd), Elias Ayars. 96S120. She died Jan. 11, 1S65. 966129. Sarah. Married ( ist), William Timberman ; (2nd), Jonathan Jarman. 966130. Ann. Died young. 966131. Elizabeth. Married Jeremiah Russell. 966200. Joshua Avars. (Joseph^ Caleb^, Isaac", Robert'.) 652043. He was born Feb. 25, 1743. He married (istj, Marcli 13, 1764 (o. 3), Zerviah Ayars. 652061. She died. He married (2nd), Sarah Winchester. She was born in 1754. He died March 19, 1823. Sarah Winchester died July 17, 1831. Children : 966201. Hannah. Born Oct. 2, 1765. Died in Nov., 1795. 966202. Joshua. Born Nov. 29, 1767. 968400. 966203. Mary. Born Aug. 12, 1769. Married Rev. Samuel Davis for his second wife. He was born Nov. 3, 1760. Ordained in 181 7. He died Feb. 18, 1834, at Shiloh. 966204. Zerviah. Born Aug. i, 1772. Married Reuben Titsworth. He was born Dec. 23, 1763. He died April 21, 1809, at Shiloh. 966205. Phebe. Born Feb. 11, 1776. Married Joseph Bowen. He died Aug. 30, 1S30, at Shiloh. 966206. Anna. Born Nov. 8, 1759. 966207. Sarah. Born June 29, 1781. Married, about 1808, James Ayars. 968700. 966220. Phineas Avars. (Joseph"*, Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 652044. He married Sarah Barrett. She was born June 25, 1739. Private, 2nd Battalion, Salem County, N. J., in Rev. War. He died Jan. 6, 1790. She died in 1820. Children : 966221. Caleb. 966222. Amy. Married Enoch Ayars. 652700. She was living March 12, 1S19. 966223. Phineas. Born Oct. 10, 1771. 968500. 966224. Sarah. Married Stephen Ayars. 652720. 966225. Keziah. Married John Lloyd. vShe died Nov. 25, 1795. 966226. Abigail. Married Daniel Campbell. 966227. Justus. 968560. 966228. Deborah. Married James Campbell. 966229. James. Died Jan. 17, 1794. i8o4 History of the Ayres Family. 966260. Joseph Ayars. (Joseph\ Caleb\ Isaac^ Robert'.) 652048. He was born Jan. 31, 1754. He married, June 23, 1773, Rebecca Davis (daughter of Elijah Davis who came from Wales, with five daughters). She was born Jan. 6, 1752. He died March 26, 1808. She died Oct. 23, 1806. Children : 966261. Eunice. Born Oct. 31, 1774. Died in Aug., 1776. 966262. Esther. Born April 3, 1777. Married (1st), John Mowers; (2nd), John Robbins. She died Oct. 19, 1831. 966263. Joseph. Born Aug. 18, 1780. 968640. 966264. Mary. Born March 20, 1782. Married, March 19, 1798, Rev. William West. He was born March 19, 1776. They removed in 1806 to Ohio. 966265. Nathan D. Born Jan. 12, 1784. 966266. Rhoda. Born Nov. 2, 1786. Married, March 8, 1804, Daniel Rumsey. 966267. Edith. Born March 10, 1789. Married Elijah Davis. (Josiah and Hannah Davis.) 966268. Amelia. Born June 7, 1791. Married Daniel Applegate. 966280. James Ayars. (Jt)seph\ Caleb^, Isaac", Robert'.) 652049. He was born in 1756. He married (ist). Prudence Burgin. She was born in 1752. She died in Sept., 1797. He married (2nd), Sarah Davis, She was born in 1752. She died Nov. 29, 1821, They had one daughter, Sarah. He died Jan. 11, 18 18. Children : 966281. Elizabeth. Born in 1780. Married Jonathan Dunham. He was born in 1776. She died Jan. 16, 1841. 966282. Reuben. 966283. Edmund. 966284. James. Born about 1786. 968700. 966285. Catharine. Born about 1788. Married, March 26, 1807, Moses Crosby. She died Oct. 14, 1835. 966286. Prudence. Born about 1790. Married, Sept. 6, 1808, Aaron Ayars. 968830. 966287. Amasa. Born March 22, 1793. 968740. 9662S8. Sarah D. 966300. Rev. Jacob Ayars. (Josephs Caleb^, Isaac", Robert'.) 652051. He was born Sept. 28, 1760. He married, June 23, 1783, Abigail Ayars. 651307. Ordained, Sept. 29, 181 1, as Seventh Day Fifth Generation. 1805 Baptist minister. Pastor for twenty-five years. He died June 6, 1838. She died June 11, 1S30. Children : 966301. Alvin. Born April 17, 17S4. 96878a. 966302. Prudence. Born June 13, 17S7. Married Martin Dunham. 966303. Jacob. Born Jan. 3, 1790. Died in Nov., 1794. 966304. AVjigail. Born Oct. 10, 1791. Married, Aug. 28, 1810, Abel Davis. He was born Feb. 4, 1784. He died May i, 1857. She died April i, 1S74. 966305. Am}-. Born June 15, 1793. Married John Bowen. He was born in 1791. He died Jan. 22, 1855. 966306. Mary. Born June 7, 1795. Married Samuel Yap. 966307. Eunice. Born Sept. 29, 179S. Married ( ist), Edward Moore :; (2nd), Jacob Moore. 96630S. John. Born July 23, iSoo. 968800. 966309. Zara. Born June 21, 1802. 968820. 966320. Mark Avars. (Joseph", Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 652052. He was born about 1762. He married Pheb« Ayars. 651309. Children : 966321. Eunice. Born about 1785. Married Jonathan Howell. 966322. Tamer. Born in 1787. Married John Ayars. 966005. 968000. She died Aug. 18, 1832. 966323. .\aron. Born Aug. 25, 1789. 968830. 966324. Phebe. Born Dec. 2, 1796. Married Auley Ayars. 652502. He died :March 19, 1853. She died June 21, 1852. 966325. Mark. 968S40. 966400. Caleb Avars. (Jonathan", Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 652063. He was born Nov. 13, 1752. He married, March 23, 1774, Naomi Davis. 965701. She was born March 10, 1757. He died Aug. 2, 1791. She died Oct. 23, 1798. Children : 966401. Eli. Born Feb. 11, 1775. Died April 17, 1778. 966402. Lewis. Born Dec. 19, 1776. 968850. 966403. Dr. Eli. Born May 9, 1778. Married twice. No issue. Phy- sician at Woodbury, N. J., several years. In 1818 he purchased a large tract of land on the west coast of Africa known as Mes- sorado for the Maryland Colonization Society, as their agent, on which tract to form a colony of Freemen, now known as Liberia. His adventures with King Peter were romantic but i8o6 History of the Ayres Family, terminated successfully. After he returned from Africa he set- tled in Baltimore and again practiced his profession. 966404. Edith. Born Jan. 15, 17S1. Married, Dec. 3, 1801, Joseph Ayars. 968600. 966405. Naomi. Born June 5, 1783. Died Nov. 11, 1784. 966406. Naomi. Born Aug. i, 1785. Married Nathan D. Ayars. 968640. He was born Jan. 12, 1784. He died Sept. 23, 185S. She died March 7, 18 10. 966407. Jonathan D. Born Jan. 19, 1788. 968860. 966408. Esther. Born Feb. 5, 1790. Married, about 1808, James Ayars. 968700. He was born about 1786. She died Jan. 31, 1844. 966440. Jonathan Ayars. (Jonathan'', Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 652066. He was born Jan. 12, 1762. He married Abigail Loper (sister of Oliver Loper). Children : 966441. Simeon. Born Nov. 18, 1786. 968870. 966442. Hosea. Living Jan. 7, 1812. 966443. Lademia. Died young. 966444. Margaret. Married, July 25, 182 1, Elijah Davis. (Isaac.) He was born Nov. 7, 1778. He died in Feb., 1846. She died in March, 1822. 966445. Ezekiel J. Born Sept. 7, 1795. 968S80. 966446. Jonathan. Born Dec. 20, 1797. 968900. 966447. George. Born in 1800. Unmarried. Died March 27, 1852. 966480. Samuel Ayars. (Isaac', Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 652081. He was born Feb. 22, 1759. He married Margaret Maryatt. She was born Nov. 14, 1762. He died Feb. 19, 1813. Child : 966481. Mary. Married, about 181 7, James Dunn. They removed to Ohio. 966500. Elisha Ayars. (Isaac", Caleb^ Isaac^ Robert'.) 652082. He was born June 5, 1760. He married, Dec. 17, 1783, Hannah Jarman Tdaughter of Rev. Jonathan Jarman). She was born April 22, 1766. She died June 26, 1856. Children : 966501. Colwell. Born in Oct., 1784. Died in childhood. 966502. Zebulon. Born May 12, 1786. 968940. 966503. Lodemia. Born July 25, 178S. Married (rst), David Reed; (2nd), Isaiah Barns. 966504. Samuel. Born Sept. 30, 1790. Fifth Generation. 1807 966505. Catharine. Born Aug. 31, 1792. Married William Crooks. She died Jan. 21, 1892, at Bridgeton, N. J. 966506. Eleanor. Died in infanc}-. 966507. Mary. Born Oct. 24, 1797. Married a Brandriff. 96650S. Laurence. Born Feb. 18, 1800. 968950. 966509. Fannie. Born July 24, 1802. Married, June 5, 1822, Benjamin Chew. He died in 1842. She died March 28, 1893. 966510. Susan. Born Sept. 2, 1804. Married Jacob Woodruff. 96651 1. Jane. Born April 7, 1806 or 7. Married, Feb. 25, 1829, Robert Currie. 966520. Mark Avars. (Isaac*, Caleb^ Isaac"", Robert'.) 652084. He was born about 1763. He married (ist), Susannah Tomlinson. She was born in 1766. They had six children. She died Jan. 10, 1807. He married (2nd), Hannah Garrison. They had one child. He married (3d), Nov. 11, 181 1, Mary Carll. No issue. He married (4th), Dec. 30, 18 13, Parthenia (Stretch) Hall (widow of Levi Hall). She was born April 4, 1768. No issue. She died Dec. 17, 1833. Children : 966521. Almira. Married (ist), Daniel Schelenger ; (2nd), EliasKeen 966522. Isaac. 966523. Joseph. 966524. Jesse. 905000. 966525. Olivia. Married Abijah Ewing. 966526. Daniel. 966527. Rachel G. 966540. Asa Avars. (David^ Isaac^ Isaac^ Robert'.) 652142. He was born Aug. 23, 1785. He married, Jan. 2, 1812, Hannah H^ll. She was born Jan. 26, 1791. He died Oct. 18, 1858. She died July 6, 1866. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 966541. David Shepard. Born Nov. 24, 1812. Unmarried. Died Sept. 4, 1840. 966542. Jane Eliza. Born May 4, 1816. Married, May i, 1842, Isaac 5. F. Randolph (Isaac F. Randolph and vSarah Stelle). He was born Nov. 17, 1813. He died Nov. 25, 1852. She died March 20, 1833. Residence, Liberty Corners, N. J. 966543. Abigail. Born May 21, 1819. Died Nov. 1, 1819. 966544. Lewis H.'dl. Born Jan. 11, 1825. Died Oct. 3, 1827. 966545. Albert Allen. Born Oct. 21, 1832. Died March 17, 1840. i8o8 . History of the Ayres Family. 966560. Ellis Avars. (David^ Isaac^ Isaac% Robert'.) 652143. 656100. He was born July 5, 1788. He married (ist), Rebecca Dunham. They had four children. She died about 1822. He married (2nd), Nov. 28, 1830, Susan Davis (daughter of Elnathan and Hannah C. Davis). Surveyor. He died June 20, 1847. She died May i, 1853. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 966561. Isaac Sheppard. Born in 1815. Married, April 16, 1S40, Julia Ann Davis. She was born Nov. 7, 1820. They had three chil- dren who died young. He died Sept. 25, 1844. She died Oct. 29, 1855, at Walworth, Wis. 966562. Eunice Dunham. Born in 1817. Died Aug. 9, 1839. 966563. Cornelia Gillett. Born in 1819. Died in 1837 or 38. 966564. Enos Randolph. 966565. Adeline D. Born June 2, 183 1. Died Nov. i, 1834. 966566. Jehu Bonham. Born Aug. 6, 1834. 656101. 968960. 966567. Rebecca Jane. Born Dec. 19, 1836. Married, April 14, 1855, Eli Bailey Ayars. 670000. 968184. 966568. Winfield Scott. Born July 24, 1839. 656103. 966569. David. Born Dec. 4, J841. Died July 21, 1842. 966570. Lucetta Mulford. Born June 26, 1843. Married, Oct. 20, 1864, Oscar E. Davis. He was born Oct. 3, 1841, at Berlin, N. Y. Residence, Walworth, Wis. 966571. Ellis. Born May 25, 1S46. Died Aug. 8, 1846. 966600. David F. Randolph. He married (marriage license Nov. 8, 1775), Dorcas Ayars. 652065. SIXTH GENERATION. 968000. John Avars. (Nathan^, Nathan^ Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 966005. He married (ist). Tamer Ayars. 966323. She died Aug. 18, 1832. They had six children. He married (2nd), May 6, 1843, Lucinda C. Dean. She was born in 1789. She died Jan. 21, 1879. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 96S001. Nathan. Born Feb. 22, 1807. Married, Feb. 22, 1827, Chris- tina Hires. She was born Aug. 25, 1S09. He died May 16, 1S67. She died Feb. 8, 1895. 968002. Ruth Ann. Married Lewis West. He was born July 22, 1805. He died April 12, 1889. 968003. Hazael Manning. Married Cornelia. Sixth Generation. 1809 96S004. Phebe. Married (ist), Jacob Rork ; (2nd), John Sutton; (3d), Joseph Harris ; (4th), Jacob Adams. 968005. Matthew Stillman. Married Sarah. 968006. Prudence Ann. Married, Jan. 17, 1845, Lewis Hall. He was born May 4, iS2[. She died Aug. 27, 1S59, ^t Farina, 111. He married (2nd), Sept. 2, i860, Losadia Ayars of Farina, 111. He died March 24, 1900. 96S007. Edith. Born March 12, 1827. Unmarried. Died Sept. 13, 1S97, at New Market, N. J. 968008. William B. Married Harriet Drake. 968100. David Avars. (Micajah^, Nathan\ Caleb^ Isaac% Robert'.) 966041. He was born in 1779. He married Mary. Child! :en : 96S101. Joel. 968102. Catharine. 968103. Elijah. 968104. Elias. 968105. Rebecca. 968106. Hugh. 968120. Elias Robert".) 966042. Avars. (Micajah^, Nathan-*, Caleb^ Isaac^ He was born Aug. 8, 1786. He married (ist), April 26, 1810, Rebecca Ayars. 966123. She died Nov. 5, 1834. They had four children. He married (2nd), Elizabeth McPherson. She was born in 1792. No issue. She died April 16, 1852. He married (3d), Mary E. Ayars. 966128. No issue. She died Jan. II, 1865. He died Sept. 10, 1857. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 968121. Hugh Dunn. Born Feb. 15, 1811. Married (ist). May 26, 1836, Margaret Hithner. She was born Sept. 18, 1818. She died Jan. 25, 1863. He married (2nd), Dec. 31, 1S63, Caroline (West) Bonham. She was born July 16, 1833. She died March I, 1S97. He died Nov. 5, 1872. 968122. Patience Ann. Born Aug. 26, 1813. Married, April 18, 1833, Daniel Den Bacon. He was born Aug. 28, iSii. He died Aug. 8, 187 1. Siie died Aug. 4, 1894. Residence, Marlboro, N. J. 968123. Richard Wooden. Born Jan. i, 1817. Married, May 5, 1842, Mary O. Loper. She was born in 1820. He died Jan. 23, 189 1. She died May 21, 1871. 968124. Keziah Robbins. Born March 18,1818. Married, March 17, 1836, Caleb Ayars Davis. He was born June 11, 1S15. He died Jan. 25, 1888. She died July 18, 1890. i8io History of the Ayres Family. 968140. RoBBiNS Avars. (Micajah^, Nathan-", Calebs Isaac% Robert'.) 966045. He was born Feb. 27, 1792. He married, Oct. 28, 1813, Sarah Johnson (daughter of William Johnson of Sparta, N. J.). She was born Dec. 9, 1791. He died Dec. 27, 1S56. She died March 26, 1864. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 968141. Esther Ann. Born April 28, 1814. Married, Oct. 12, 1835, Reuben Marryatt. He was born Oct. 27. 1813. He died Dec. 28, 1890. She died June 25, 1S94. 968142. William Johnson. Born April 27, 1817. Married (ist), Feb. 22, 1844, Rebecca W. Bennett. She was born June 4, 1820. She died June 6, 1S64. Married (2nd), Sept. 3, 1865, Elizabeth (Maul) Sutton. She was born Dec. 23, 1S30. He died June 26, 1889. 968[43. Samuel Johnson. Born F'eb. 25, 1820. Married, Dec. 19, 1846, Artetia (Avars) Moore. She was born May ir, 1822. He died in March, 1901. She died Jan. 9, 1869. Residence, Marlboro, N.J. 968144. Elizabeth B. Born Nov. 13, 1822. Married, Dec. 30, 1841, Benjamin F. Bivans. Jle was born Aug. 5, 18 14. He died Sept. 7, 1S63. 96S145. Elias Robbins. Born Dec. 2r, 1825. Married Feb. 18, 1847, Sarah P. Sitheans. She was born Nov. 25, 1827. He died March 11, 1880. She died in Sept., 1886. 968160. Caleb Avars. (Micajah^, Nathan-*, Caleb^, Isaac", Robert'.) 966046. He was born July 9, 1793. He married (ist), in March, 1816, Esther Ayars. She was born Aug. 6, 1789. They removed in 1818 to Ohio. He died July 28, 1846. They had three children. She died Aug. 20, 1835. He married (2nd), Lydia Maxon. They had two children. Children : 968161. Micajah Robbins. Born Dec. 5, 181 7. Married, Oct. 20, 1839, Margaret Priest of Ohio. She was born Oct. 28, 181 2. He died Sept. 16, 1897. She died March 25, 1887, in Ohio. 968162. Sarah Moore. Born May i, 1820. Married, in 1841, Peter Mock. He was born Jan. 19, 1816. He died Nov. 13, 1885, in Muncie, Ind. 968163. Albert Dennis. Born March 20, 1826. Married, March 24, 1847, Lydia Furrow. She was born Aug. 14, 1822. He died Jan. 27, 1879. She died March 22, 18S7, in Neb. Sixth Generation . 1 8 1 r 968164. Caleb Maxon. Born July 28, 1S38. Married Henrietta Susan French. No issue. 968165. Joshua M. Born Sept. 29, 1840. Married Hannah Davis. Residence, 1900, Nebraska. 968180. Isaac Avars. (Micajahs, Nathan\ Calebs Isaacs Robert'.) 660000. 966047. He was born Sept. 8, 1795. He married (ist), Nov. 29, 1816, Anna Sheppard Davis (daughter of Rev. Samuel Davis and Anna Sheppard). She was born March 30, 1789. They had five children. She died Dec. 9, 1854. He mar- ried (2nd), June 14, 1856, Eveline (Tappen) Churchward. She was born March 19, 1818, at Plainfield, N. J. She died Feb. 5, 1895. He died Feb. 24, 1866. Residence, Dodge Centre, Minn. Children : 968181. Albert Manning. Born July 13, 1819. Died Aug. 12, 1820. 968182. Eliza Ann. Born Sept. 15, 1820. Married, Sept. 20, 1838, David Bishop. He was born July 20, 1817, at Bridgeton, N. J. He died Dec. 13, 1873. She resided, 1900, Lamar, Col. 968183. Micajah. Born Oct. 17, 1821. Married, Nov. 23, 1848, Sarah J. Woodruff. She was born March 8, 1827. They had one son and one daughter. She died May 16, 1884. Residence, 1902, Shiloh, N. J. 968184. Eli Bailey. Born May 17, 1824. Married, April 14, 1855, Re- becca Jane Ayars. 966567. Residence, 1902, Dodge Centre, Minn. 968185. Sarah Ann. Born June 11, 1827. Died Oct. 15, 1828. 968186. Sarah Ann. Born March 29, 1858. Married, in June, 1880, James C. Miller. He was born Sept. 14, 1846, at Jacksonburg, Ohio. 9681S7. Albert Manning. Born March 6, 1S60. 968.200. Oswald Avars. (Elijah^ Nathan-*, Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 966101. He was born Dec. 30, 1776. He married, March 22, 1804, Lydia Sheppard (daughter of Joel Sheppard and Hannah Jenkins). . He died about 1837 in Cincinnati. She died in 1829 in Shiloh, N. J, Children : 96820T. Joel Sheppard. Born in 1805. Died in 1823. 968202. George T. Born in 1807. Married Sarah. He resided in 1833 in Philadelphia. Died about 1845 in Indian Territory. 968203. Rufus E. Born Aug. 27, 1809. Married Jane. Died about 1835. Residence, 1833-5, Cincinnati. 968204. Margaret Ann. Born in 1814. Died in 1825. i8i2 History of the Ayres Family. 968240. Reese Avars. (Elijah", Nathan'*, Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 966103. He was born Sept. 12, 1780. He married (ist), July 22, 1806, Phebe Sheppard (daughter of Abel Sheppard and Eunice Ayars. 652067). She was born June 6, 1786. She died Dec. 19, 1809. He married (2nd), March 9, 1814, Margaret (Davis) Sheppard (daughter of Elnathan Davis and Susannah Bond). She was born Jan. 24, 1880. He married (3d), June 10, 1839, Lovina (Ayars) Davis. 652501. Deacon, 1829. He died Feb. 16, 1858. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 968241. Elijah. Born Dec. 17, 1S09. Died Dec. 23, 1S09. 968242. Uriah. Born April 14, 1S16. Died Aug. 29, 1816. 968243. Infant. Born June 15, 1817. Died June 17. 1817. 96S244. Margaret Jane. Born Dec. 30, 1820. Died Aug. 28, 1S37. 968260. Clayton Avars. (Elijah^, Nathan'', Caleb^ Isaac^ Robert'.} 966104. He was born in 1782. He married (ist), about 1806, Abigail Sheppard (daughter of Abel Sheppard and Eunice Ayars. 652067). She was born in 1784. She died Jan. 2, 1824. He married (2nd), Nov. 2, 1825, Rebecca (Ayars) Sheppard. 652144. Children : 968261. Eunice Ann. Born May 11, 1807, at Bayside, N. J. Married, Nov. 20, 183S, for his second wife, Jeremiah B. Davis. He was born March 27, 1799. He died July 31, 1851. She resides, 1902, Shiloh, N. J. 968262. Morgan. Born about 1808. Died in childhood. 968263. Phebe Sheppard. Born about 18 10. Married, May 11, 183 1, Caleb Sheppard Hall. He was born Aug. 30, 1S08. 'He died Aug. 16, 1884. She died Oct. 15, 1845. 968264. Isabel Jane. Born July 6, 1S14. Married, March 14, 1838, Zacheus M. Heritage. He was born May 13, 1816. She died Oct. 12, 1S85. Residence, Walworth, Wis. 968265. Sarah Thomas. Born Jan. 20, 1817. Married, March 13, 1843, Henry M. Glaspej'. He was born Nov. 14, 1814. He died July 30, 1898. She died July lo, 1902. Residence, Farina, 111. 968266. Abigail Sheppard. Born Aug. 13, 1826. Married, Feb. 5, 1846, Amos W. Thomas. He was born Oct. 14, 1822. He died Sept. 4, 1900, at Milton, Wis. She died Sept. 3, 1893. 96S267. Edward Stennett. Born Dec. 15, 1S31. Unmarried. Died Sept. 26, 1859. Sixth Generation. 1813 968280. Jonathan D. Avars. (Elijah^, Nathan'', Caleb^ Isaac^ Robert'.) 966107. He was born April 13, 1789. He married (ist), Sept. 7, 182 1, Catharine Husted. She was born June 8, 1798, in Lower Hopewell, N. J. They had two children. She died April 18, 1831. He married (2nd), Oct. 20, 1835, Ann Ayars (widow of Simeon Ayars). She was born in 17S8. She died March 23, 1846. He married a third time in Wisconsin. He died Jan. 20, 1865, at Shiloh, N. J. Children : 96S2S1. Arabel Husted. Born in May, 1824. Died Aug. 3, 1826. 968282. Vernelia Jane. Died a young woman in Norristown, Pa. 968400. Joshua Avars. (Joshua^, Joseph-*, Calebs Isaac"", Robert'.) 966202. He was born Nov. 29, 1767. He married (ist), Sept. 20, 1797, Sarah Drake. She was born April 2, 1774. They had two children. She died about 1802. He married (2nd), Feb. 20, 1804, Keziah Dunham. They had five children. He died Oct. 31, 1819. Children : 968401. Ephraini. Born about 1798. 968402. Joshua. Born in 1801 (o. 2). Unmarried. He removed in 1828 (o. 9), to Brookfield, N. Y. Died. Feb. 23, 187S. 968403. Jonathan Dunham. Married, Oct. 27, 1824, Hannah Maryatt. She was born March 5, 1803. 968404. Abraham D. 968405. Sarah Drake. 968406. James Clark. Born Jan. 23, 1813. Married Hannah Ann Ran- dolph. She was born March 28, 1S21. She died in Aug., 1891. 968407. Margaret Ann. Married Martin Dunn. 968500. Phineas Avars. (Phineas^, Josephs Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 966223. He was born Oct. 10, 177 1. He married (ist), about 1792, Amy Dunham. She was born in 1770. She died about 1817 at Shiloh. He married (2nd), March 22, 1819, Phebe (Thomas) Hall (widow of Jacob Hall). She was born July 13, 1777. She died Jan. 27, 1852. Deacon in Seventh Day Baptist Church at Marlboro. He died Sept. 6, 1827, at Marlboro, N. J. Children : 968501. Susannah. Born Jan. 11, 1793. Married, June 21, 1811, Zadock Bowen. He was born May 13, 1792. He died Feb. 3, 1822. i8i4 History of the Ayres Family. She married (2nd), Feb. 25, 1S23, Barzillai Davis. He was born Aug. 22, 1837. He died Oct. 31, 1890. She died Feb. 5, 1856. 968502. Jeremiah. Born Sept. 24, 1798. Died Feb. 8, 1817. 968503. Keziah. Born May 11, 1799. Married Alexander C. Heritage. She died July 9, 1847. 968560. Justus Avars. (Phineas^, Joseph'', Calebs Isaac', Robert'.) 966227. He married Zillah Bowen. Children : 968561. Bacon. 968562. Anna. 968563. Lucinda. Married Silas Baker. 968564. Susan. Married ( ist), David Turner 968565. Zadock. Married Rebecca Miller. 968566. Justus. 968567. Ephraim. '2nd), Henry Simons. 968600. Joseph Avars, (Joseph^, Joseph^ Caleb^ Isaac-, Robert'.) 966263. He was born Aug. 18, 1780. He married, Dec. 3, 1801, Edith Ayars. 966404. Children : 968601. Naomi. 968602. Caleb. 968603. Rebecca. 968604. Mary. 968605. Uriah. 968606. Caroline. 968607. Joseph. 968608. Eli. 968640. Nathan D. Avars. (Joseph^, Joseph^ Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 966265. He was born Jan. 12, 1784. He married (ist), Naomi Ayars. 966406. She died March 7, 18 10. He married (2nd), Hannah Davis. She was born in Aug., 1785. She died June 26, 1856. Children : 968641. Mary. Born Oct. 19, 1808. Married. May 8, 1828, Mark S. Noble. He was born March 24, 1804. He died Nov. 4, 181 1. She died July 24, 1877. 968642. Ebenezer. Born in 1814. Died Dec. 3, 1833. 968643. David. 968644. Elijah. Died young. Sixth Generation. iSi- 968645. Jonathan. Died young. 96S646. Joshua. Died young. 968647. Nathan D. Born July 2, 1828. Married Hannah. Died 4, 1898. 968648. Sarah E. Born June 6, 1832. Married Benjamin R. Hinch- man. She died Oct. 8, 1893. 968649. Naomi Jane. Born June 9, 1838. Unmarried. 968700. JaiMes Avars. (James^, Joseph-', Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 966284. He was born about 1786. He married (ist), in 180S, Sarah Ayars. 966207. She was born June 29, 1781. They had two children. She died about 1810. He married (2nd), Esther Ayars. 966408. She was born Feb. 5, 1790. They had two chil- dren. She died Jan. 31, 1844. Children : 96S701. Prudence D. Born Jan. 12, 1810. Married Robert Loper. He was born March 26, 1801. He died March 9, 1875. She died Sept. 15, 1867. 968702. Zerviah. Born Jan. 12, 18 10. Married Dorris A. Davis. He was born June 4, 1804. He died June 28, 1880. She died Nov. 19, 1884. 968703. Lorenzo Dow. Married Esther Church. Died at Farina, 111. 968704. Jonathan. Married Sarah Woodruff. 968740. Amasa Avars. (James^, Joseph^ Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) He was born March 22, 1793. He married, about 1814, Sarah Davis. She was born May 23, 1791. He died. Oct. 14, 1835, in Philadelphia. She died April 29, 1859. Children : 968741. Emily D. Born May 3, 1815. Married, Dec. 25, 1836, Joseph Johnson. He was born Feb. 14, 1811. He died Oct. 22, 1889. She died in June, 1S46. 968742. Lewis D. Born Nov. 29, 1S17. Married, Oct. 8, 1840, Clarissa B. Heritage. She was born Oct. 22, 1S24. He died March iS, 1878. 968743. David Reese. 968744. Ammi A. Born May 13, 1S21. Married, May 17, 1843, Belford E. Davis. He was born July 30, 1821. He died Nov. 14, 1892. She died May 20, 189 1. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. 968745. Rebecca W. Born Feb. 22, 1823. Married, in 1842, Dennis Campbell. He was born Nov. 12, 1821. He died Nov. 5, 1880. Residence, Walworth. 968746. Enos R. Born July 26, 1825. i8i6 History of the Ayres Family. 968747. John D. Born April 22, 1827. Married (ist), Jan. i, 1850, Caroline Jerrald of Dividing Creek, N. J. She died May 25, 1870, at Shiloh. He married (2nd), Rebecca Whitman in Craw- ford Co., Pa. He died in Penn., but is buried in Shiloh. 968748. Edmund D. Born July 26, 1829. Married ( ist), Lydia Avars ; (2nd), Margaret Kandall. He died Dec. 13, 1890. 968749. Sarah Jane. Born Aug. 25, 1833. Married William Howard. He was born May 24, 1828. He died Jan. 10, 1893. She died June 23, 1887. Residence, Newark, N. J. 96S780. Alvin Avars. (Jacobs Joseph'', Calebs Isaac^ Rob- ert'.) 966301. He was born April 17, 1784. He married (ist), Ruth Hudson. No issue. He married (2nd), Edith Hutchinson. They removed with their three children to Alleghany Co., N. Y. Children : 968781. Daniel G. Born in Salem Co., N. J. Married Sylvia. No issue. Died in Wis. 968782. Rev. Jacob. Born Feb. 5, 1813. Married, Aug. 18, 1835, Amy Davis. She was born April 16, 1817, at Shiloh. He died May [I, 1864, in Brooklyn, N. Y. She died Aug. 2, 1864, in Shiloh. 968783. Alvin B. Born in New York State. Unmarried. * 968800. John Avars. (Jacobs Joseph', Calebs Isaac", Rob- ert'.) 966308. He was born July 23, 1800. He married Mary Drake. He died Aug. 9, 1866. Child : 968801. Francis Drake. Married Harriet Stillman. Residence, 1901, Conn. 968820. ZAR.A Avars. (Jacob^, Joseph'', Caleb^ Isaac^ Rob- ert'.) 966309. He was born June 21, 1802. He married (ist), Dec. 21, 1820, Rachel Davis. She was born Aug. 15, 1795. She died July 19, 1834. He married (2nd), in 1835, Maria Sayre. She was born Sept. 17, 1810. She died Nov. 25, 1896. He died Sept. 15, 1847. Children : 968S21. Eli D. Born Oct. 31, 1822. Married, April 2, 1S46, Ann Eliza- beth Swinney. She was born Aug. 30, 1827. He died July 8, 1S93, in Walworth, Wis. She died July 3, 1901. 968822. Amedah D. Born April 29, 1834. Died Sept. 21, 1850. 96S823. Albert Byron. Born April ii, 1840. Married, May 21, 1859, Sarah E. Runyon. She was born April 15, 1842. He died July 13, 1899. She resides, 1901, New Market, N. J. Sixth Generation. 1817 968830. Aaron Avars. (Mark^, Joseph-*, Caleb^, Isaac=, Rob- ert'.) 966324. He was born Aug. 25, 1789. He married, Sept. 6, 1808, Prudence Ayars. 966286. Children : 9688;,!. Joel. 96S832. Ethelinda. 968833. Joseph. 968840. Mark Avars. (Mark^, Joseph-*, Caleb^ Isaac=, Rob- ert'.) 966326. He married Catharine Heritage. Children : 968841. Alpheus. 96S842. Theophilus. 968850. Lewis Avars. (Calebs Jonathan", Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 966402. He was born Dec. 19, 1776. He married (ist), Sarah Bee. He married (2nd), Jan. 7, 1806, Rachel Elwell. Children : 96885:. Ephraini B. 968852. Barzillai. 968853. Sarah Ann. Born May 27, 1808. Married, April 27, 183 1, Gilbert Newton Swinney. He was born Jan. 12, 1808. He died Aug. 14, 1843. She died April 18, 1856, at Miami, Ind. 968854. Martha. Married Griffith Mahue. 968855. Rachel. Married Charles Clements. 968860. Jonathan D. Avars. (Calebs Jonathan^ Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 966407. He was born Jan. 19, 1788. He mar- ried (ist), Mary Ann Thorn. They had two children. He married (2nd), Jan. 3, 1824, Naomi Seeley. They had four children. Children : 968861. Dewitt. 968862. Amandah. Married Lewis West. He was born July 22, 1805. He died April 12, 1889. 968863. Enos Seeley. Married, Feb. 30, 1847, Keturah K. Bitting. 968864. Mary Jane. Married Joseph C. Sbeppard. 968865. Anna Maria. Married John Young. 968866. Jonathan Davis. Married Lydia Whitaker. i8i8 History of the Ayres Family. 968870. Simeon Avars, (Jonathans, Jonathan", Caleb^ Isaacs Robert'.) 966441. He was born Nov. 18, 1786. He married, Oct. 14, 1806, Ann Ayars. She was born July 13, 1788. She died March 23, 1846. Children : 968871. Job. Born June 13, 1807. Married, Dec. 4, 1828, Eliza A. West. She was born Aug. 12, 180S. She died Jan. 30, 1878. Married (2nd), widow Abigail S. Randolph. She died Dec. 9, 1888. He died Aug. 31. 1880. 968872. Lydia Ann. Born Dec. 30, 1808. Married John r^I. Davis. 968873. Malinda. Born Feb. 8, 181 1. Married Hiram Vaneman. 968S74. George. Born Feb. 8, 1813. Married Mary Hanna. 968875. Huldah. Married Daniel Dodge. 968876. Ellis. Died young. 968880. EzEKiEL J. AvAR.s. (Jonathan^, Jonathan\ Calebs Isaac% Robert'.) 966445. He was born Sept. 7, 1795. He married, March 7, 1820, Margaret Davis (daughter of EInathan Davis). She was born Jan. i, 1800. He died March 13, 1869. She died April 22, 1866. Children : 968881. Elmer. Born Aug. 6, 1821. Married, April 13, 1843, Clem- mans P. Ayars. She was born Dec. 2, 1821. She died July i, 1854. He died April 23, 185 1. Residence, Marlboro, N. J. 968882. Hannah. Born April i, 1825. Married, May 13, 1S46, George Shoemaker. He was born Jan. 16, 1819. She died July 4, 1892. Residence, Bridgeton, N. J. 968883. Stanford. Born Aug. 5, 1827. Married, Dec. 23, 1852, Eliza- beth C. Hughes. She was born May 19, 1829. He died Jan. 26, 1891. She died March 10, 1900, at Marlboro. 968884. Susan. Born March 30, 1829. Married George W. Ayars. He was born June 20, 1814. She died July 20, 1853. 968885. Emma Ann. Born June 12, 183 1. Married, Feb. 2, 1852, William Higbee. She died Feb. 19, 1890. Residence, Wal- worth, Wis. 968886. Ruth. Born March 5, 1833. Died Jan. 10, 1850. 968887. Caroline. Born Dec. 11, 1834. Married, Nov. 27, 1857, Alfred Stathams. He was born Dec. 12, 1830. She died Sept. 18, 1S54, at Bridgeton, N. J. 968888. George. Born Jan. 22, 1837. Married Cornelia G. West. She was born Dec. 24, 1838. 968S89. Robert. Born May 2, 1839. Married, Nov. 12, 1863, Phebe Harris. She was born March 16, 1844. 968890. Mary Margaret. Born Sept. 4, 1843. Married David Cook. Sixth Generation. 1819 968900. Jonathan Avars. (Jonathan^, Jonathan-', Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 966466. He was born Dec. 20, 1797. He mar- ried, July 22, 182 1, Emma Ann Davis. She was born Dec. 20, 1803. He died March 24, 1872. She died Feb. 5, 1830. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 965901. Mary Ann. Born March 7, 1S22. Married, March 24, 1842, Ephraim B. Swinney. He was born Jan. 15, 1818. He died in 1882. She died .April 7, 1901. Residence, Walworth, Wis. 965902. Margaret. Born Sept. 26, 1824. Married, Dec. 2, 1843, John B. Davis. He was born July 31, 1822. He died Jan. 12, 1892. She resides, 1902, W^est Hallock, 111. 968903. Edgar. Born March 18, 1S27. Married, Nov. S, 1849, Sarah F. Clawsoii. Residence, 1902, Chicago, 111. 968904. Edwin. Born March 18, 1827. Died March 10, 1828. 96S905. Emma Ann. Born Nov. 27, 1829. Died July 27, 1830. 968940. Zebulon Avars. (Elisha^, Isaac\ Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 966502. He was born May 12, 1786. He married, Oct. 5, 1809, Rhoda Parvin. Children : 968941. Lodemia. 96S942. Robert. 968943. John. 968950. Lawrence Avars. (Elisha^, Isaac\ Caleb^ Isaac% Robert'.) 966508. He was born Feb. 18, 1800. He married Rachel Paine. They had five children. Children : 968951. Lawrence. 968952. Elisha. 968953- Jane. 96S954. Susan. 968960. Jehu Bonham Avars. (Elliss DavidS Isaac^, Isaac^ Robert'.) 966566. He was born Aug. 6, 1834. He married Lucy Jane Noble. She was born in 1835. He died July 22, 1863. She died Aug. 26, 1862. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Child : 968961. Ellis. Born March 22, 1S60. Married, Nov. 10, 1S81, Anna Tappan of Dodge Centre, Minn. She was born Aug. 13, 1862. i82o History of the Ayres Family. SEVENTH GENERATION. 969100. Albert Manning Avars, flsaac^ Micajahs, Nathan", Caleb', Isaac=, Robert'.) 968187. He was born March 6. i860, at Dodge Centre, Iowa. He married, Dec. 31, 1S84, Ida Osborn. She was born Nov. 13, 1859. Residence, Concord, Minn. Children : r 969101. Laura E. Born June 3, 1888. 969102. Sherman L. Born Jan. 3, 1S95. 969103. Mabel Ruth. Born March 31, 1897. 969120. Ephraim Avars. (Joshua*, Joshua^, Joseph", Calebs Isaac% Robert'.) 968401. He was born about 1798. He married about 1822. He removed in 1828 or 9 to Brookfield, N. Y. He died at Brookfield, Madison Co., N. Y. Child : 969121. Son. Born Aug. 3, 1823, in Jersey. Unmarried. Died Sept. 19, 1890, at Unadilla, Otsego Co., N. Y. 969130. David Reese Avars. (Amasa^ James^, Joseph", Caleb^, Isaacs Robert'.) 968743. He married Catharine Beach of Newark, N. J. He died before 1887. Residence, Newark, N. J. Children : 96913 1. Wilhehnina. 969132. Cecelia. 969133. Catharine. Married a Parker, 969134. Enos R. Avars. (Amasa^ James^, Joseph", Caleb^, Isaac", Robert'.) 968745. He was born July 26, 1825. He mar- ried, April 16, 185 1, Margaret Dare. She was born Feb. 23, 1833. He died Oct, 30, 1879. Residence, Edgerton, Wis. Child : 969135. Charles D. Born Jan. 12, i86r. Died Feb. 3, 1SS7, at Chey- enne, Wyo. Ayhes History. RECORDS OF VARIOUS PERSONS BEARING THE NAME OF AVER, AYRES OR EYRE. 969140. Mills. He married Martha Eires. She was born in 1606. She died Sept. 15, 1683, in Boston. (See Bond's History of Watertown, Mass.) 969150. Hon. John Phillips. He married, Dec. 18, 1794, Sally Walley. 914403. She was born March 25, 1772. First Mayor of Boston. He died May 29, 1823. She died Nov. 4, 1845. Children : 969151. Thomas Walley. Born Jan. 16, 1797. 969160. 969152. Sarah Hurd. Born April 24, 1799. Married (ist), Rev. Fran- cis Jenks, Jr. 969165. Married (2nd), Prof. Alonzo Gray. 969172. 969153. Samuel. Born in Feb., 1801. 969175. 969154. Margaret. Born Nov. 29, 1802. Married Dr. Edward Rey- nolds. 969180. 969155. John Charles. Born Nov. 15, 1807. 969190. 969156. George William. Born Jan. 3, iSio. 969200. 969157. Wendell. Born in 1811. 969203. 969158. Miriam. Born Nov. 20, 18 — . Married Rev. George W. Blag- den. 969205. 969160. Thomas Walley Phillips. (John). 96915 1. He was born Jan. 16, 1797. He graduated at Harvard College, 1814. He married, March 18, 1824, Anna Dunn (daughter of Samuel Dunn of Boston). Clerk of the Boston Municipal Court, 1830-55. Children : 969161. John. 969162. Samuel. i82o<^ History of the Ayres Family. 969165. Rev. Francis Jenks, Jr. He was born Aug. 11, 1798, He graduated at Harvard College. He married, April 24, 1823, Sarah Hurd Phillips. 969152. She was born April 24, 1799. He died in 1837. Children : 969166. Mary Elwell. Born in June, 1824. Married Rev. Richard Salter Storrs. 964200. 969167. John PhilUps. Born in 1826. Died in 1828. 969168. Francis. Born in Oct., 1828. 969169. Grenville Tudor. Born July 18, 1830. Graduated at WiUiams College, 1S49. Lawyer. Died in 1870. 969335. 969170. Ames. 969172. Prof. Alonzo Gray. He married Sarah Hurd (Phillips) Jenks. 969152. Child : 969173. Alice Elizabeth. 969175. Samuel Phillips. (John.) 969154. He was born in Feb., 1801. Died Feb. 20,' 18 17, then a Sophomore in Harvard College. 969180. Dr. Edward Reynolds. (Edward Reynolds and Deborah Belcher, John Reynolds and Dorothy Weld, Benjamin Rey- nolds and Susanna Rawson, daughter of Rev. Grindall Rawson and Susannah Wilson, daughter of Rev. John Wilson of Medfield, son of Rev. John Wilson, first minister of Boston.) He graduated at Har- vard College, 181 1 ; M.D., Brown University and Bowdoin College, 1825 ; Surgeon Coll. R., and M.M.S. and A.A.S. He married Mar- garet Phillips. 969154. She was born Nov. 29. 1802. Children : 969181. John Phillips. Born Nov. 20, 1825. Graduated at Harvard College, 1845. Medical student in Paris, 1853. Instructor and . Professor of Obstetrics in Harvard Medical School. 969182. Adeline Margaret. Born July 4, 1827. Died. 9691S3. Miriam Phillips. Born May 6, 1829. 969184. Anne Foster. Born May 2, 1831. 969185. Margaret Elizabeth. Born May 14, 1833. 969186. Adeline Ellen. Born July 29, 1835. 969187. Augusta Theresa. Born Dec. 29, 1837. Married Rev. Dr. Will- iam Reed Huntington. 969214. i Additional Records. 1820^ 969190. Rev. John Charles Phillips. (John.) 969155. He was born Nov. 15, 1807. He graduated at Harvard College, 1826. Minister at Methuen, Mass. He married, Dec. 24, 1833, Harriet Welch (daughter of Francis Welch of Boston). Children : 969191. Margaret \V. Born July 12, 1835. 969192. John C. Born in Oct., 183S. Graduated at Harvard College, 1858. 969193. Emily Susan. Born in June, 1842. 969194. Harriet W. Born in May, 1845. Died young. 969195. Miriam \V. Born in May, 1849. 969196. Anna Dunn. Born in Oct., 1850. 969197. Caroline Crowinshield. Born in July, 1852. 969200. George William Phillips, Esq. (John.) 969156. He was born Jan. 3, 1810. He graduated at Harvard College, 1829. Lawyer. He married (ist), June i, 1836, Emily Blagden (sister of Rev. George W. Blagden). She was born in Washington, D. C. She died April 28, 1842. He married (2nd), in June, 1845, Mary Ann Blagden (sister of his first wife). She died April 22, 1848. Child : 969201. Emily B. Born April i, 1S42. 969203. Wendell Phillips, Esq. (John.) 969157. He was born Nov. 29, 1811. Abolitionist. Orator. He married Mary Ann Greene (daughter of Benjamin Greene of Boston, son of Gardner Greene). 969205. Rev. George W. Blagden, D.D. He was born in Nov.. 1802. He graduated at Yale College, 1823. D.D.., Union, 1843. Pastor of Old South Church, Boston. He married, June 8, 1831, Miriam Phillips. 969158. She was born Nov. 20, 18 — . Children : 969206. Anna. Born in July, 1832. Died. 969207. John P. Born .A.ug. 6, 1833. Died 3'oung. 969208. George. Born in April, 1835. Graduated at Harvard College, 1856. 969209. Edward R. Born in Feb., 1837. 969210. Thomas. Born in Oct., 1839. 969211. Samuel P. Born in Oct., 1841. 969212. Sally P. Born in Aug., 1843. 969213. Miriam P. Born in Nov., 1845. Died in 1849. i82oa' History of the Ayres Family. 969214. Rev. William Reed Huntington, D.D., L.H.D., D.C.L. He was born Sept. 20, 1838, at Lowell, Mass. He gradu- ated at Harvard College, 1859. ^^ married, in 1863, Augusta Theresa Reynolds. 969 1S7. Protestant Episcopal minister. Rector of Grace Church, New York City, since 1883. Author. D.D., Har- vard, Princeton and Columbia. L.H.D., Hobart. D.C.L., Univer- sity of the South. Address, 1902, 804 Broadway, N. Y. city. 969215. Hon. John Bulkley. (Rev. John Bulkley and Pa- tience Prentice, Rev. Gershom Bulkley and Sarah Chauncy.) He married Mary Adams (daughter of Rev. Eliphalet Adams). She was born March 5, 1714. She died Jan. 24, 1750. Residence, Colches- ter, Conn. Children : 969216. Lydia. Bapt. Oct. 28, 1739. Married Capt. Robert Latimer. 969220. 969217. Mary. Born May 23, 1741. Married George B. Hurlbut. 969218. Eliphalet. Bap. Aug. 10, 1746. 969230. 969219. Lucy. Bap. Aug. 27, 1749. Married Capt. John Lamb. 969235. 969220. Capt. Robert Latimer. He married, in 1761, Lydia Bulkley. 969216. He was lost at sea soon after his marriage. She died in 1782. Child : 969221. Robert. Born in 1762. 969225. 969225. Robert Latimer. (Robert.) 969221. He was born in 1762. He married, in 1784, Hannah Sage. Mariner. He was lost at sea in 1797. Residence, Middletown, Conn. Children : 969226. Harriet B. Married, in 1808, Milo Cook. Residence, Middle- bury, Vt. 969227. Maria S. Married Rev. Joshua Bates, D.D. He graduated at Harvard College, 1800. D.D., Yale, 1818. President of Mid- dlebury College. He died in 1854 in Dudley, Mass. 969228. Michael B. Unmarried. Died in 1819 in Charleston, S. C. 969229. Eliza S. Married Prof. Robert Bridges Patton. He graduated at Yale College. 1817. Ph.D., Gottingen University. Professor of Greek and Latin at Middlebury College, Princeton College and New York University. Additional Records. 1820^ 969230. Capt. Eliphalet BuLKLEY. (Jolin^ John=, Gershoiii'.) 969218. He was bap. Aug. 10, 1746. Captain in Rev. War; after- wards a colonel. He married his cousin Ann Bulkley (daughter of Maj. Charles Bulkley). They had 4 sons and 6 daughters born in New London. He removed from New London to Wilkesbarre, Pa. He died in 1826. Child : 969231. Frances. Married Col. Henry F. Lamb. 969236. 969235. Capt. John Lamb. He married Lucy Bulkley. 969219. Residence, Groton, Conn. Child : 969236. Col. Henry F. Married Frances Bulkley. 969231. Residence, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 969240. Dr. David HiBBARD Jewett. 936200. He married, in Aug., 1769, Patience Bulkley (daughter of Maj. Charles Bulkley and Ann Latimer, Rev. John Bulkley and Patience Prentice, Rev. Gershom Bulkley and Sarah Chauncey). He died April 26, 18 14. She died in Feb., 1830. After his death his family removed to Wilkesbarre, Pa. Residence, New London, Conn, Children : 969241. Patience. Born in Sept., 1770. Died in Jan., 178S. 969242. David. Born June 17, 1772. 969250. 969250. Capt. David Jewett, U. S. N. (David Hibbard.) 969242. He married, in 1827, Mrs. Eliza McTiers (daughter of Alderman Augustine H. Lawrence of N. Y. city. Children : 969251. Augustine David Lawrence. Born Jan. 12, 1830. 969252. Anna. Died in infancy. 969253. Charles Bulkley. Died in infancy. 969254. Charles. Born June 9, 1777. Lieutenant U. S. Navy. Un- married. Died Feb. 14, 1S25. 969255. Elizabeth. Married Phineas Waller. 969270. 969256. Sarah. Born Oct. 8, 1782. 969257. George. Born May 22, 1785. Unmarried. Merchant in Tunkhannock, Pa. Died Nov. 2, 1816, in Wilkesbarre, Pa. 969258. Ann. Born July 6, 1787. Married Hon. Oristus Collins. 969277. iS2o/ History of the Ayres Family. 969259. Martha. Born July 6, 1787. 969260. Harriet. Born Jan. 10, 1790. Unmarried. Died Nov. 25, I Si 6, in Wilkesbarre. 969270. Phineas Waller. (Nathan Waller and Elizabeth Weeks.) He was born in 1773. He married, March 31, 18 14, Elizabeth Jewitt. 969255. Residence, Wyoming, Pa. Children : 969271. David Jewett. Born Jan. 16, 1815. 969280. 969272. Harriet Maria. Born Feb. 10, 181 7. Unmarried. 969273. Charles Phillips. Born Aug. 7, 1819. 969290. 969274. George Grant. Born May 3, 1821. Graduated at Williams College, 1844. Studied law. Residence, Honesdale, Pa. 969275. Martha Hannah. Born Feb. 12, 1825. Died April 14, 1826. 969277. Hon. Orlstus Collins. He married, July 17,1823, Ann Jewett. 969258. Judge. Residence, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Child : 969278. Rev. Charles Jewett. Born June 25, 1825. Graduated at Will- iams College, 1845, and Princeton Theological Seminary, 1854. Tutor in Williams College two years. 969280. Rev. David Jewett Waller. (Phineas.) 969271. He was born Jan. 16, 18 15. He graduated at Williams College, 1834, and Princeton Theological Seminary, 1837. Presbyterian min- ister in Bloomsburg, Pa. He married, May 23, 1839, Julia Ellmaker (daughter of Levi Ellmaker and Hannah Hopkins of Philadelphia). Children : 969281. Hannah Ellmaker. Born Aug. 30, 1840. 969282. Elizabeth.. Born March 14, 1842. Died July 19, 1842. 969283. Maria Louisa. Born May 29, 1843. Died Feb. 28, 1844. 969284. Harriet. Born Nov. 16, 1844. Died June 13, 1845. 969285. David Jewett. Born June 17, 1846. 969292. 969286. William Patterson. Born Jan. 20, 1848. Died April 22, 1848. 969287. Levi Ellmaker. Born July 16, 1851. 969288. George Phillips. Born April 2, 1854. 969290. Charles Phillips Waller. (Phineas.) 969273. He was born Aug. 7, 18 19. Student in Williams College two years. Lawyer. He married, April 3, 1845, Harriet Ward Stone (daughter of Henry W. Stone and Catherine Niven.) Residence, Honesdale, Penn. Child : 969291. Elizabeth Jewett. Born Jime 10, 1846. Additional Records. 1820^ 969300. William Frye White. 510001. Graduated at Bow- doin College, 1897. Lawyer. Residence, Washington, D. C. 969301. Wallace Humphrey White, Jr. 510002. Gradu- ated at Bowdoin College, 1899. Student in Columbian University. 969302. John Humphrey White. 510003. Graduated at Bowdoin College, 1901. Cotton manufacturer. 969303. Thomas Herbert Ayer. Graduated at Bowdoin Col- lege, 1 888. 969304. Ada I. Ayer. Graduated at Wellesley College, 1880. Residence, 1891, Gambler, Ohio. 969305. Mrs. Mary Warren Ayars. 962035. Graduated at Boston University, 1885. Address, 1891, Hotel Rathbone, Belvidere St., Boston, Mass. 969306. Jane Eyre. Graduated at Michigan University, 1881. Married R. R. Smoot. 969307. William Ayres. He was born about 1868. He married. Residence, 1903, Dolgeville, N. Y. Child : 969308. Son. 969310. Adelbert Ayres. (Brother of William Ayres.) He was born about 1876. Residence, Salisbury, N. Y. 969312. Angelo Ayers. He married. Residence, 1903, North Tioga, Tioga County, N. Y. Child : 969313- Eva. 969314. Daniel Ayres. He is believed to be a son of Benja- min and to have come from L. I. C. C. Gardner of Newark, N. J., has a copy family bible record. Residence, Springfield, N. J. 969315- John Ayers. He settled in Township 3, Range 15 of Holland Purchase in 1806. The town is now known as Ripley, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. i2>2oh History of the Ayres Family. 969316. Darius Aver. He settled in Townships of Elba and Oakfield, Genesee Co., N. Y. 969317. Daniel Ayer. He settled in Elba and Oakfield in 1802. 969320. Hon. Charles Kilborn Williams. (Prof. Samuel Williams of Harvard College.) He was born in 1782 at Cambridge, Mass. He graduated at Williams College, 1800. Lawyer. He married a daughter of Hon. Chauncey Langdon, M.C. 961280. General in the militia in 181 2. Judge of Vermont Supreme Court, 1822, and 1829; Chief Justice, 1833-46. Collector of Customs. Governor of Vermont, 1850-2. LL.D., Middlebury College, 1834. He died in 1853. Residence, Rutland, Vt. Children : ' 969321. Charles Langdon. Born in 182 1. Graduated at Williams Col- lege, 1S39. Lawyer. Died in 1861. 969322. Samuel. Born in 1827. Graduated at Williams College, 185 1. Editor. A.M., Hamilton College, 1855. Died in 1881. 969323. Chauncey Kilborn. Born in 1832. Graduated at Williams College, 1852. Editor. Died in 1879. 969325. Joseph C. Ayer. Author of Rise and Development of Christian Architecture, 1902. 969326. Franklin H. Ayres. Author of Laboratory Exer- cises in Elementary Physics,. 1901. 969327. J. W. H. Eyre. Author of Bacteriologic Technique, 1902. 969328. Isaac Chauncey Wyman. Graduated at Princeton College, 1848, and Harvard Law School, 1850. Registered from Salem, Mass. Address, 1889, 27 School St., Boston, Mass. 969329. William Durkee Ayer. 770060. He died July 4, 1900. 969330. Dawson Walter Ayer. 791004. Graduated at Morgan High School, 1902. 969331. Una Shoals Ayer. 291005. Student in Yale Busi- ness School. Additional Records. 1820/ 969332. John Truman. Member of New Jersey Tea Party just before Revolutionary War. (See Spirit of '76 for February, 1903. 969335- Grenville Tudor Jenks, Esq. (Francis.) 969169. He attended New York University, 1S45-7. He graduated at Wil- liams College, 1849. Teacher in Michigan. Lawyer in practice, 1851-70, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He married Persis Sophia Smith. He died Aug. 14, 1870, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Children : 969336. Almet Francis. Born May 2r, 1853. 969345. 969337- Tudor Storrs. Born Maj- 7, 1857. 969350. 969338. Paul E. Mott. Graduated at Yale College, 1884. Banker. Residence, Waterbur}-, Conn. 969345. Hon. Almet Francis Jenks. (Grenville Tudor", Francis'.) 969336. He was born May 21, 1853, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He prepared at Phillips Andover Academy and graduated at Yale College, 1875. ai'id Columbia Law School, 1877. He married a daughter of Rt. Rev. Abram Newkirk Littlejohn, D.D., LL.D., P. E. Bishop of Long Island. Lawyer, x^ssistant District Attorney of Kings, County, 1884-6. Corporation Counsel of Brooklyn, 1886-93. Judge Advocate General of New York State, 189 1-5. Member of Constitutional Convention, 1894. Assistant Corporation Counsel of New York City, 1898. Judge of New York Supreme Court since 1899. Member of Hamilton, Crescent Athletic, Brooklyn and Demo- cratic Clubs and Society of Colonial Wars. Office, Court House, Brooklyn. Residence, 1902, 8 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 969350. Tudor Storrs Jenks, Esq. (Grenville Tudor^ Fran- cis'.) 969337. He was born May 7, 1857. He graduated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1874, Yale University, A.B., 1878, and Columbia Law School, 1880. He married, Oct. 5, 1882, Mary Dennison Ford. He studied art in Paris in winter of 1880. Prac- ticed law in New York City, 188 1-7. He has been on the staff of St. Nicholas-Magazine since 1887. Author and writer. Office, Cen- tury Co., Union Square, N. Y. City. Residence, 1902, LawTcnce Park, Bronxville, N. Y. 969352. Rev. David Jewett Waller. (David Jewett.) 969285. He was born June 17, 1846, at Bloomsburg, Pa. He 1 820/' History of the Ayres Family. graduated at Lafayette College, 1870, attended Princeton Theologi- cal Seminary, 187 1-2, and graduated at Union Theological Seminary, 1874. He married. May 14, 1874, Anna Appleman (daughter of M. S. Appleman of Bloomsburg, Pa.)- Tutor in Lafayette College, 1870-1. Ordained in Presbyterian ministry in 1874, Pastor in Philadelphia, 1874-6, and Orangeville, Pa., 1876-7. Principal of State Normal School at Bloomsburg, Pa., 1877-90. State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction of Penn., 1890-3. Principal of State Normal School at Indiana, Pa., since 1893. Residence, 1901, In- diana, Pa. 969353. I. Chauncey McKeever. Educated at Yale College. Broker. Member of New York Stock Exchange. Member of Union, St. Anthonys and Yale Clubs. Office, 72 Broadway. Residence, 10 E. 58th St., N. Y. City. 969354. Rev. William Rounseville Alger. He was born Dec. 28, 1822, at Freetown, Mass. He graduated at Harvard Divin- ity School, 1847. '^-M., Harvard, 1852. He married, in 1847, Anne Langdon Lodge (granddaughter of Giles Lodge and Abigail Harris Langdon. 920060.). Unitarian minister. Pastor in Roxbury, Mass., Boston, New York, Denver, Chicago and Portland, Me., and returned to Boston. Author and writer. Address, 1901, 6 Brimmer St., Bos- ton, Mass. Ayars History. ROBERTAYARSOFHOPKINTON, R. I.,ANDCOHANSEY, N. J. (1684.) ADDITIONS. FIRST GENERATION. 969395- Robert Avars. 650000. 965000. Robert Ayars, in addition to the 800 acres of land he owned in Shrewsbury Neck, where he Hved and died in 17 19, purchased of James Wass of Lon- don, Eng., by his agents, Wm. Biles, Edward Shippin and Joseph Wass, Nov. 20 and 21st, 1705, 2200 acres of the south part of the Wass Survey of 5000 acres James Wass purchased of John Fenwick of Salem, N. J., before he left England in 1675. Fenwick purchased of Lord Berkley, in 1673, one-tenth of West New Jersey, being then the County of Salem. Cumberland was set off in 1747. The begin- ning corner was at a white oak tree marked (J) I W, 12 notches standing on the brow of a hill ye south side of ye northwest branch of the Cohansey river, known later by the name of Barratt's Run. The village of Shiloh is nearly central of the 2200 acres. The year, 171S, in May, Robert made deeds to four of his children, Isaac, Caleb, Sen., Robert, Hester's husband, John Jarman, and grandson, Caleb, Jr., son to Isaac, conveying the 2200 acres to them. John Jarman's southwest corner beginning at a tree standing where the roads crosses in Shiloh, thence running east to the Wass line, thence north to now the Elmer farm along the line of Minch and Harris, thence west to the road leading from Greenwich through Cohansey Corners (Shiloh) to Philadelphia, thence along the road to the begin- ning tree (a later deed mentions the road). Robert's grandson, Caleb, Jr., 300 acres, beginning at John Jarman's corner tree at the i82o/ History of the Ayres Family. crossroads in Shiloh running north 204 perches, thence west 250 to the Wass west line, thence south 204 to middle of the road at the John Bacon farm, thence east 250 to the beginning corner tree in Shiloh. Caleb, Sen.'s portion was bounded on the north by Jarman's and Caleb, Jr.'s land. Robert's bounded on the north by Caleb, Sen.'s land. Isaac's portion bounded on the north by Robert. Jr.'s land, covering the 2200 acres, each having between 400 and 500 acres, except Caleb, Jr. They all had allowance for roads. A few words about the Ayars part of their names. The deed Robert made to his grandson, Caleb, Jr., the Ayars was written Ay^r^- by the per- son who wrote the deed, when Robert signed his name he wrote Ayars. Robert's son, Isaac, sold his portion to his daughter Abi- gail's husband, Caleb Barratt, April 21, 1725, for 107 pounds; when he signed his name he wrote "Isaac Ayars.'' Isaac's grandson, Joseph Ayars, made a deed in 1747 to his daughter Susannah's hus- band, Mark Bacon, in Salem County ; he wrote his name Ayars. Those three original deeds have been seen, and the name as witnesses to deeds, and old book accounts, etc. Those who wish to be the de- scendants of Robert Ayars let them write Ayars. The above ought to satisfy any one. Caleb Ayars, Sen., son of Robert and Esther Ayars, made a deed of gift March 4, 1738, for one acre to the Seventh Day Baptist Church of Cohansey Corners (Shiloh) for a meeting house and burying ground. A house of worship was erected the same year. One feature of the house consisted of a large fireplace in the centre of the room. Another fact was the second pastor, Jona- than Davis, Jr., at his death, July 23, 1785, by his request, was buried at the spot under where he knelt between the pulpit and fireplace when he was ordained to the ministry, Nov. 12. 1768 (about fifteen months before the first pastor, Jonathan Davis, died). The place is identified by a large flat tomb stone placed over his grave, being the one north of two others and nearest the road Avenue running east from Shiloh Corners. A brick house of worship 40 by 45 feet was erected in 1771 a short distance west from the other. About 1774 the frame building was moved to the Corners by Rev. Jonathan Davis, second pastor, and placed on the southeast corner of the 300 acres of Caleb Ayars, Jr.'s gift from his grandfather, Robert Ayars, in 17 18. Jonathan Davis, 2nd, purchased about 18 acres of Isaac and Mary, son of Caleb Ayars, Jr., April 20, 1773. Jonathan sold some build- Additional Records. 1820W ing lots in 1774, and moved the meeting house to the corner; also named the place Shiloh in commemoration of the Ark resting at Shiloh in the days of the Israelites. The house was fitted up for a dwelling. After 1797 it was used for a cabinet makers and carpen- ter shop, and Elijah Ayars had charge of it. (His wife Ann became seized of it from her father, Rev. Jonathan, 2nd.) Isaac* Ayars (Micajah^, Nathan", Calebs Isaacs Robert') learned his trade of his uncle Elijah. After Elijah's death in 1818, the property became the right of his son Oswel! who sold it to Enos F. Randolph in 1830. It was converted into a barn and stands at the west end of C. H. Shep- pard's barn about one-half mile north of where it stood, 1830 now 1903, making it 164 years old. March 27, 1737, the following per- sons organized themselves into a Seventh Day Baptist Church at Cohansey Corners (Shiloh) : Constituent Members — John Swinney, wife Deborah Swinney ; Dr. Elijah Bowen, wife Deborah Bowen, daughter of above ; John Jarman ; Caleb Barratt, wife Abigail (Ayars) Barratt ; Hugh Dunn, wife Amy Dunn ; Jonathan Davis, wife Esther (Ayars) Davis ; Caleb Ayars, Jr.; Joseph Swinney, wife Deborah Swinney ; Samuel Davis, wife Anna Ayars Davis ; Jean Phillips of Newtown Square, Pa.; Anna Swinney; eighteen in number. Jona- than Davis above was chosen at the Constitution of the Church to be their pastor, and was ordained November 26, 1738, in the church erected that year. He died Feb. 2, 1769, aged sixty years. SIXTH GENERATION. 969400. Zebulon Ayars. (Elisha^ Isaac*, Calebs Issac^ Robert'.) 966502. 968940. 986400. He was born May 12, 1786. He married, Oct. 5, 1809, Rhoda Parvin. He died July i, 1862. She died Feb. 6, 1872. Residence, Camden, N. J. Children : 969401. Robert B. Married. Died July 28, 1871, in Philadelphia, Pa. They had one daughter who died before her father, leaving 2 children. 969402. Sarah B. Died Feb. 21, 1846. 969403. John C. Married. He died in 1880 in Camden, N. J. His wife died a few weeks before his death. Their daughter, Letitia Ayars, married William VanWest. She died young. 969404. Lodemia. Married a Jester. 986500. Children: i. Maria Jester. Married an Applegate. They had 3 sons and i daughter. i82o« History of the Ayres Family. Their daughter died. 2. Sarah Jester. Died. 3. Marv Jester. Married an Inskeep. They had 2 sons and 2 daughters. The oldest son died. Residence, Camden, N.J. 4. Rhoda Jester. Died. 5. Robert A. Jester. Married. They had 3 daughters. Two daughters married. One daughter is attending the State Normal School. Residence, Paulsboro, N. J. 969405. John Avars. (Nathan^, Nathan'', Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 968000. He married (2nd), Lucinda Ines. 969410. Caleb Avars. (Micajah-', Nathan^ Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 968160. Lydia Maxon was born Dec. 2, 1799, at Clarks- burg, Harrison Co., W. Va. SEVENTH GENERATION. 969500. Nathan Avars. (John^ Nathan% Nathan", Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 968001. He was born Feb. 22, 1807. He mar- ried, Feb. 22, 1827, Christina Hires. She was born Aug. 25, 1809. He died May 16. 1867. She died Feb. 8, 1895. Children : 969501. Mary. Born Feb. 16, 1828. Married Charles Wescott. 972500. 969502. George H. Born March 13, 1830. 972510. 969503. Ephraim. Born Dec. 31, 1831. 972515. 969504. Walter. Born June 14, 1834. 972520. 969505. Charles. Born Sept. 29, 1837. 972525. 969506. Elizabeth. Born Aug. 17, 1840. Married S. Wilkins Haines. 972530- 969507. Rebecca. Born Nov. 22, 1843. Married George Lovewell. 972540. 969508. John. Born Feb. 28, 1847. 972545. 969509. Emma Jane. Born Dec. 19, 1850. Married Frank Slrack. 972560. 969510. William B. Avars. (John", NathanS Nathan", Calebs Isaac^, Robert'.) 968008. He married Harriet Drake. Children : 96951 1. William H. Born Oct. 20, 1847. 969512. John A. Born April 15, 1850. Married Elizabeth Littersh. She was born July 16, 1853. 969513. Milford W. Born Dec. 30, 1852. 969514. Mary E. Born Dec. 26, 1855. Married a Longj'ear. 969515. Edwin. Born Aug. 4, T865. 969516. Nellie A. Born Aug. 30, 1866. Married a Dunham. 969517. Alice. Born Feb. 17, 1871. Additional Records. 1820^ 969520. Hugh Dunn Avars. (Elias*, Micajah^, Nathatr', Caleb^ Isaac", Robert'.) 9681 21. Children : 969521. George H. Bom Sept. 14, 1837. 972565. 969522. Belford B. Born Nov. 7, 1841. 972575. 969523. Artis. Born Nov. 22, 1843. Married Lizzie B. Denney. She died Feb. 16, 1887. No children. 969524. Sarah E. Born June 24, 1846. Died Feb. 27, 1864. 969525. Rebecca Jane. Born May 6, 1848. Married Ephraim Fisher. 969526. Burdick. Born Oct. i, 1850. 969527. Ann Eliza. Born Aug. 13, 1853. Married Bert Willis. 969528. Edgar. Born Sept. 15, 1855. 972585- 969529. Maggie West. Born Dec. 23, 1866. Unmarried. 969530. Charles B. Born May 24, 1869. Died Aug. 5, 1880. 969535. Richard Wooden Ayar.s. (Elias*, Micajah^, Nathan\ Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 968123. He married Mary O. Loper (daughter of John and Hannah Loper). Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 969536. Hannah Ann. Born April 18, 1846. Married, Jan. i, 1S76, Isaac Elwell Bonham. He was born Sept. 3, 1849. 969537. John L. Born Aug. 2, 1848. Married, July 4, 1899, Lillie May Hyland She was born July 2, 1870, at Pleasanton, Kan. No children. Residence, Modock, Kan. 96953S. Theodore T. Born Feb. 8, 1850. Married (ist), Feb. 8, 1S71, Mary Lizzie Hopkins. She was born in 1849. She died April 10, 1883. Married (2nd), June 17, 1889, Matilda Morton. 969539- Richard Henry. Born Aug. 7, 1856. Residence, 1902, Har- vester, Taylor Co. , Tex. 969540. Elmer E. Born Sept. ir, 1862. Married Carrie Kulp. She was born in 1867. She died Sept. 22, 1888. 969542. William Johnson Avars. (Robbins*, Micajah,^ Nathan\ Caleb', Isaac-, Robert'.) 968142. Children : 969543. Elias C. Born Feb. 14, 1845. Married Feb. 3, 1872, Madelia Arethusa Allen of Milton. Wis. She was born April 19. 1848, at Lima, Wis. Residence, Cromanten, Calhoun Co., Fla. 969544. Mary Cheesman. Born Jan. 27, 1847. Married March 9, 1873, Joseph Laing. He was born Dec. 10, 1828. He died Dec. 16, 1893. No children. i82o/> History of the Ayres Family. 969545. Elias Robbins Avars. (Robbins^ Micajah^, Nathan*, Calebs, Isaac", Robert'.) 968145. Children : 969546. Mary Ann. Born Feb. 8, 1848, at Woodstown, N. J. Married (ist), Jackson Salchkin ; (2nd), Edward Paxton. Her son Willie died in 1880. 969547. Matilda. Born Aug. 20, 1850. Died Aug. 22, 1853. 969548. Elizabeth R. Born Aug. 20, 1850. Married (ist), Charles Wertsell ; (2nd), a Riggins. She died Dec. 4, 1897. 969549. Franklin B. Born Feb. 11, 1853, at Woodstown. 972590. 969550. Emma L. Born July 2, 1855, at Woodstown. Married (ist), Edward Platts ; (2nd), David T. Harley. 969551. Caleb M. Born March 24, i860, at Shiloh. Died in i860. 969560. MiCAjAH Robbins Avars. (Caleb*, Micajah^, Nathan\ Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 968 161. Children : 969561. Sarah Jane. Born .A.ug. 21, 1840. Married John W. Richison. 972595- 969562. Louisa. Born Oct. 4, 1842, in Delaware Co., Ind. Married Samuel Strausburg. 972610. 969563. Elias. Born Aug. 16, 1846. 972620. 969564. Maria. Born May 26, 1850. Married John Taylof Keeton. 972625. 969565. Margaret Philena. Born April 20, 1853. Married Arthur Dick. 972630. 969570. Peter Mock. He married Sarah Moore Ayars. 968162. Residence, Muncie, Ind. Children : 969571. Mary. Born Feb. 16, 1842, in Clark Co., Ohio. Married John Russell. 972635. 969572. James F. Born Oct. 4, 1843, hi Clark Co., Ohio. 972640. 969573- John Dennis. Born Feb. 28, 1846, in Muncie. 972645. 969574. Martin G. Born May i, 1848. 972655. 969575- Andrew R. Born March 13, 1859. 972660. 969580. Albert Dennis Sheppard Avars. (Caleb^ Micajah^, Nathan-*, Caleb^, Isaac^ Robert'.) 968x63. He was born in Pike Township, Clark Co., Ohio. Additional Records. 1820(7 Children 969551. William. Born Jan. 7, 1848. Died Aug. 7, 1851. 969552. Esther Jane. Born June 20, 1849. Died Sept. 10, 1851. 969583. Edwin. Born Sept. 25, 1850. Died Aug. 5, 185 1. 969584. Albert. Born June 25, 1852. Died Aug. 30, 1852. 9695S5. Sarah Elizabeth. Born June 17, 1853. Married William Henry Clement. 972667. 969586. Eli. Born July 25, 1854. 972670. 969557. Samuel. Born Aug. 19, 1855. Died Sept. i, 1S55. 969558. Maria. Born Dec. 27, 1856. Married Benjamin Thomas Bab- cock. 972678. 969589. Micajah. Born March 21, 1859. Died April 9, 1880. 969590. George Washington. Born Sept. 10, i860. Died Sept. 20, i860. 969591. Luther D. Born May 22, [862. 972688. 969592. Susan Rebecca. Born Jan. 23, 1864. Died July 17, 1864. 969593. Margaret Ann. Born July 6, 1866. Died Aug. 31, 1866. 969595. Caleb Maxson Avars. (Caleb*, Micajah^, Nathan", Caleb', Isaac', Robert'.) 968164. He was born in Pike Township, Clark Co., Ohio. He married Henrietta Susan French (daughter of Thomas French and Susan Titermanj. She was born Dec. 10, 1847, in England. 969600. Joshua Maxson Avars. (Caleb*, Micajah=, Nathan", Caleb', Isaac% Robert'.) 968165. He married. Nov. 16, 1865, Hannah Ann Davis (daughter of Cornelius and Matilda Davis). She was born March 23, 1844, in Shelby Co., Ohio. Residence, Wash- ington Township, Harrison Co., Mo. Children: 969601. Martha Ellen. Born Sept. 9, 1866. 969602. Charles Francis. Born May 19, 1869. 969603. Caleb Maxson. Born Feb. 22, 1871. 969604. John Curtis. Born April 8, 1873. 969610. MiCAjAH Avars. (Isaac*, Micajah^, Nathan", Caleb', Isaac", Robert'.) 968183. He was born Oct. 17, 1821. He married, Nov. 23, 1848, Sarah Jane Woodruff (daughter of Charles J. Woodruff, Jared Woodruff and Rebecca Mulford of Roadstown, N. J.). She was born March 8, 1827. She died May 16, 1884. He has taken great interest in collecting the Ayars records. The fol- lowing letter was written by him : i82or History of the Ayres Family. "Shiloh, N. J,, March 5, 1903. *'Mr. M. E. Poole, Dear Sir: — In the year 177 1 a brick church or house of worship, 40 x 45 feet, was erected a short distance west of the first one, and in 1824 a gallery was put on three sides to make more seating room, and the house was occupied until 1850 when a new brick one was erected, size 42 x 64, about twenty rods farther west with gallery in west end. The old brick house was converted into an Academy the same year, 1850, and occupied until the spring of 1867. A new academy brick building, 50x55 feet, was erected on Brideton Avenue in 1866, and was fitted up with three school apartments below and a hall above full size of the house, after which the old church building was taken down. The cemetery was enlarged in 1805 by another acre being purchased. In 1835 two acres on the west of the cemetery was purchased, and in 1850 two-thirds of it was set off for the new church building and church grounds or yard. The other one-third was added to the cemetery, making nearly two and one-half acres, and it looks as though it would have to be enlarged more before many years. About 200 of Robert Ayars' descendants are now living within or on the 2200 acres of land he purchased of James Wass ; not very many by the name of Ayars. Robert Ayars sold his farm in Shrewsbury where he lived to his sons, Stephen and Joshua, about 800 acres." Residence, 1903, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 96961 1. Anna Maria. Born June 4. 1850. Married Lewis Franklin Glaspey. 972690. 969612. Dr. Sherman Edwin. Born July 17, 1853. Married Feb. 27, 1899, Ellen R. Brockway of Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. 969613. Jared WoodruflF. Born Aug. 28, 1855. 972695. 969614. Margaret Davis. Born March 16, i860. 969615. Eli Bailey. (Isaac^ Micajah=, Nathan^ Caleb^, Isaacs Robert'.) 670000. 968184. He married Rebecca Jane Ayars. 656102. He removed in 1855 to Dodge Centre, Minn. Children : 969616. Ellis S, Born Dec. 27, 1857, at Dodge Centre. Died Oct. 2, 1859- Additional Records. 18205 969617. Florence DeEtte. Born Nov. 12, i860. Died Feb 22, 1S62. 969618. Emerson W. Born Aug. 21, 1866. He married Florence E. Green. vShe was born June 8, 1S63, at Little Genesee, N. Y. 675000. 969619. Annie Idaline. Born Sept. 12, 1867. 969620. Jame.s C. Miller. He was born Sept. 14, 1846, at Jacksonburg, Butler Co., Ohio. He married, June 5, 1880, Sarah Ann Ayars. 968168. She was born in Dodge Centre, Minn. Resi- dence, Ellington Township, Dodge Co., Minn. Children : 969621. Pearle. Born Dec. 31, 1881. 969622. Archie C. Born Feb. 13, 1887. 969623. Ray I. Born July 14, 1888. 969625. Albert Manning Avars. (Isaac*, Micajah,^ Nathan", <2a\eb\ Isaac-, Robert'.) 968187. He was born March 6, i860, at Dodge Centre, Minn. He married Dec. 31, 1884, Ida Osborne. She was born Nov. 13, 1859, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Residence, Concord Township, Dodge Co., Minn. Children : 969626. Laura E. Born June 3, 1888. 969627. Sherman L. Born Jan. 3, 1895. 969628. Mabel Ruth. Born March 31, 1897, at W. Concord. 969630. Jonathan Dunham Avars. (Joshua*, Joshua^, Joseph^ Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 968403. Children : 969631. Angeline. Married John Mitchell. 969632. James. 969633. Rebecca Maria. 969634. Marietta. 969635. Keziah C. Born Aug. 31, 1850. Unmarried. 969636. Daniel. 969637. Emma T. Born Sept. 9, 1858. Married Joseph Miller. Resi- dence, Plainfield, N. J. 969640. James Clark Avars. (Joshua*, Joshua^, Joseph\ Caleb^ Isaac% Robert".) 968406. They had six children. Resi- dence, Newmarket, N. J. 1820/ History of the Ayres Family. Children : 969641. Walter Gillett. Born Oct. 6, 1843. 972703. 969642. Aurillias. Born Nov. 6, 1S46. Married Lewis Dunn. 969643. Herbert R. Born .\pril 2, 1S64. Unmarried. 969645. Lorenzo Dow Avars. (James*, James^, Joseph^ Calebs Isaac% Robert'.) 968703. He married (2nd), Lucy Trow- bridge (daughter of Daniel H. Trowbridge of State of New York). He had three children by his second wife. Children : 969646. Losada M. Born June 30, 1844, in Genesee, N. Y. Married, June 30, i860, Lewis HaU. He was born May 4, 1821, in Cum- berland Co., N. J. He died March 24, 1900. 969647. Lyrus Trowbridge. Born April 20, 1848, in Fulton Co., 111. 969648. Milton C. Born May 17, 1854, in Fulton Co., 111. 969650. Jonathan B. Avars. (James^ James^, Joseph", Caleb^ Isaac-, Robert'.) 968704. He was born Feb. 4, 1816. He married Jan. I, 1840, Sarah Woodruff. She was born March 17, 1816. He died Jan. 30, 1840. She died Aug. 22, 1891. Residence, Philadel- phia, Pa., and Smyrna, Del. Children : 969651. Lorenzo Woodruff. Born Nov. 30, 1842, in Philadelphia. 972707. 969652. Jennetta Frances. Born Sept. 5, 1S43. Married a Craven. 972713. 969653. Catharine. Born March i, 1845. Married in i860, a Kelley. They had 8 children, all married. 969654. Susannah. Born about 1847. Died in March, 1848. 969655. James D. Born Jan. 29, 1849. 972718. 969656. Esther Prudence. Buried Dec. 14, 1858. 969657. Emma Lusada. Married John Delaney. They had 7 children of whom 4 are living and 3 died. 969658. William Strowed. Born in Philadelphia. Buried Jan. 4, 1857. 969659. Sarah Elizabeth. Born in 1861 in Smyrna, Del. Died Aug. 20, 1S62 in Smyrna. 969660. Lewis D. Avars. (Amasa^ James^, Joseph", Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 968742. Residence, Walworth, Wis. Children : 969661. Hannah. Born Feb. 14, 1842. Married William R. Allen. Additional Records. i82o« Children : i. Carrie Allen. Married a Lewis of Nashua, Iowa. 2. Bertie Allen. 969662. Lyman B. Born April 22, 1S47. 972732. 969663. Philura. Married, before 1887, Martin C. Huntley. 969670. John D. Avars. (Amasa^ James-, Joseph\ Caleb, ^ Isaac-, Robert'.) 968747, He married (ist) Caroline Jerroll. He married (2nd) Oct. 10, 187 1. Rebecca Whitman. He had one child, Ida M., by his second wife. Children : 969671. Mar}' Lawrence. Born Oct. 19, 1850. Married Amos Pepper of Port Noris. Child : Nelson Pepper. 969672. Henry Clay. Born June 27, 1S52. Married (ist) Hattie Chapman of Philadelphia ; (2nd) Ida Perth of Philadelphia. 969673. Caroline M. Born in 1S54. Married Andrew Hafer of Phila- delphia. 969674. John Edmund. Died in 1S66 in childhood. 969675. James McClelland. Born in 1861. Died in Nov., 1864. 969676. Ida M. 9696S0. Edmund D. Avars. (Amasa®, James^ Joseph"*, Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 968748. He had one child by his first wife. Child : 969681. Joseph. Born Aug. 3, 1856. 972735. 969690. Rev. Jacob Avars. (Alvin*, Jacobs Josephs Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 968782. Children : 969691. Edith Newcomb. Born Dec. 13, 1838. Died Nov. 21, 1848. 969692. Alma F. Born Aug. 7, 1S41, at Shiloh, N. J. Married Oliver P. Baker. She died Oct. 15, 1875. 969693. Thomas Brown. Born June 7, 1845, in Pennsylvania. Private N. J. Vols., 3 years. Unmarried. Died April 20, 1865. 969694. Celetta Abigail. Born Dec. 4, 1849, in Westerly, R. I. Mar- ried, Dec. 20, 1876, Albert Davis. He was born Nov. 16, 1832, in Salem Co., N. J. He died July 14, 1895, in Colorado. They had two children. 969695. Amy Eliza. Born Feb. 13, 1855, at Westerly, R. I. Married, Dec. 15, 1879, William D. Husted. She died in 1898 in Roads- town, N. J. 969696. Daniel Franklin. Born June 6, 1856. Married, IMay 4, 1S81, Tilla Carl. She was born May 5, 1S61. Child : Oscar Sharp- less Ayars. Born March 2, 18S3, at .Shiloh. I820Z' History of the Ayres Family. 969700. Francis Drake Avars. (John^ Jacobs Joseph", Calebs, Isaac^ Robert'.) 968800. Residence, Westerly, R. I. Children : 969701. Rudolph T. Born April 16, 1851. Married, April 5, 18S2, Ida B. Kinne. Child : Frank N. Born Sept. 2, 1883. 969702. Lenora E. Born April 23, 1856. 969703. Mary A. Born Oct. 9, i860. 969704. Elmer D. Born March 20, 1863. Died aged about one month. 969710. Eli D. Avars. (Zara^ Jacob^, Joseph\ Calebs Isaac^ Robert.".) 968821. Children : 969711. Arthur Lewis. Born July 6, 1849, at Shiloh. Married, Feb. 2, 1874, Lydia Russell. She was born Aug. 23, 1852, at Wal- worth, Wis. No children. 969712. Julia Maria. Born Sept. 28, 1855. Married, Oct. 21. 1875, Truman A. Saunders. (William and Naomi Saunders. ) Child: Arthur Saunders. Born Sept. 4, 1880, at Walworth, Wis. 969720. Albert Bvron Avars. (Zara^ Jacob^, Joseph", Calebs Isaac=, Robert'.) 968823. Children : 969721. Lillie Ford. Born Oct. 5, i860. Married Henry C. Gaskill. 972739- 969722. Alice Julia. Born Sept. 6, 1866. Married (ist) Herbert Ethan Kenyon. 972742. Married (2nd) Jesse G. Burdick. 972744- 969723. Thurman Eugene. Born April 20, 1879. Married in July, 1901, Hattie B. Crawford. She was born March 14, 1881. Child : Arthur Crawford Avars. Born May 27, 1902. 969730. Lewis West. He married Sept. 9, 1844, Amanda Ayars. 968862. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 969731. Thomas Town Jefferson. Born March 20, 1845. 969732. Robert Rudolph. Born March 4, 1S47. Died Oct. 25, 1847. 969733. Millard Fillmore. Born Feb. 17, 1S49. Died .A.pril 5, 1849. 969734. Emily Moore. Married a Counallar of Salem. N. J. She died April I, 1896. 969735- Charles Edwin. Born Feb. 23, 1853. Additional Records. i82oz£/ 969736. Theresa Ellen. Born May 26, 1856. Married a Riley. Resi- dence, Salem, N. J. 969737. Lewis. Born May 20, 1S58. Died July 15, 1858. 96973S. Amanda. Born May 20, 1858. Died Aug. 20, 1858. 969740, Job Avars. (Simeon^ Jonathan^, Jonathan'', Calebs Isaac", Robert'.) 96S871. Children : 969741. Ellis. Born Nov. 14, 1S29. 972748. 969742. Theophilus D. Born April 20, 1831. 972750. 969743. Uz. Born Jan. 14, 1836. 972753- 969744. Gilbert. Married Melissa N. Nobel. No children. 969745. Huldah Harriet. Born Nov. 18, 1841. Married Thomas B. Davis. 972757. 969750. Elmer Avars. (Ezekiel J.*, Jonathan^, Jonatlian", Caleb', Isaac', Robert'.) 968881. Children : 969751. Son. Born March 31, 1844. Died July 5. 1844. 969752. Elmina. Born Dec. 15, 1S45, at Marlboro, N. J. Married, Dec. 22, 1864, Jonathan House. He was born May 10, 1843. She died July 22, 1889. 969760. Stanford Avars, (Ezekiel J.^ Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Caleb\ Isaac% Robert'.) 968883. Children : 969761. Ruth Emma. Born Aug. 6, 1853. Married Walter F. Ayars. 972760. 969762. Sarah A. Born Dec. 6, 1854. Married Levi Ayars. 972768. 969763. Hannah B. Born Nov. 4, 1856. Married Edward Gillman. 972774. 969764. Ethalinda H. Born Dec. 5, 1858. 969765. Elmer. Born Jan. 8, 1861. 972776. 969766. Thomas H. Born Jan. 23, 1863. 972779. 969770. George Avars. (Ezekiel J.^ Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Caleb\ Isaac', Robert'.) 968888. He was born Jan. 22, 1837. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 969771. Laura T. Born Sept. 13, 1863. Married March 18, 190 1 Charles Eraser. 969772. Myrtie S. Born July 31, 1865. i82o;i; History of the Ayres Family. 969773- Benjamin. Born June 22, 1S67. Married March 28, 1889, Mame M. Bender. She was born Oct. 4, 1865. 969774. Anna Bell. Born Oct. 24, 1870. Married Oct. 17, 1894, Edward Marchal Davis. He was born July 25, 1864. 969775. Cornelia G. Born Jan. 18, 1881. Married June 18. 1902, Frederick Bassett. 969776. Ethel. Born May 8, I S90. 969780. Robert M. Avars. (Ezekiel J. ^ Jonathan^, Jonathan'', Caleb', Isaac^ Robert'.) 968889. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 9697S1. Margaret. Died in infancy. 969782. Louisa H. Born Oct. 17, 1864. Died July 31, 1865. 969783. Ezekiel J. Born Oct. 14, 1S66. Married, March 28, 1889, Edith May Randolph. She was born Jan. 3, 1S68. Child : Julia Ayars. 969784. Preston R. Born March 17, 1868. Died Aug. 1 1, 1 868. 9697S5. Irving. Born Feb. 28, 1 87 1. Died July 28, 187 1. 969786. Nettrolia. Born Feb. 9, 1873. Died July 28, 1873. 969787. Robert M. Born May 15, 1875. Died Aug. 29, 1875. 969788. Harrison D. Born May 29, 1S76. Died Dec. 2, 1876. 969789. Hoover H. Born May 29, 1S76. Died Dec. 23, 1876. 969790. Stanford M. Born Aug. 22, 1S77. Died Dec. 13, 1877. 969800. Edgar Avars. (Jonathan^ Jonathan^, Jonathan'', Caleb^ Isaac"', Robert'.) 968903. Residence, Chicago, 111. Children : 969501. Rudolph E. Born Sept. 28, 1854, at Plainfield, N. J. 9727S2. 969502. Alexander C. Born May 9, 1856, at Plainfield. 969803. Henry L. Born July 5, 1858, in Marshall Co., 111. 972785. 969804. Emogene. Born Oct. 11, 1861, in Marshall Co., 111. Married John Saunders. 972787. 969805. Agnes Luella. Born Aug. 4, 1868, in Peoria, Co., 111. Married Henry L. Myrick. 972792. EIGHTH GENERATION. 972500. Charles Wescott. He was born Dec. 26, 181 7. He married, Jan. 23, 1845, Mary Ayars. 969501. Children : 972501. Edward S. Born Feb. 9, 1846. Married Minerva Pierson. 972502. Christiana. Born Jul}- i, 1856. Married Albert Stroud. Additional Records. i82qy 972503. George. Rorn Oct. 11, 1850. Married Sallie Foster. 972504. Mary Elizabeth. Born June 8, i860. Married Aaron IMiller. 972505. Ida. Born May 22, 1S64. Married Harry Paetz. She died Jan. 25, 189 1. 9725 10. George H. Avars. (Nathan', John*, Nathan^, NathanS Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 969502. He was born March 13, 1830. He married, Oct. 4, 1855, Matilda Marshall. She was born Oct. 18, 1829. Child : 972511. George W. Born May 26, 1856. Unmarried. 972515. Ephraim Avars. (Nathan", John*, Nathan^, Nathan-*, Calebs Isaac', Robert'.) 969503. He was born Dec. 31, 1831. He married (ist), Priscilla L. Locke (or Stocke). She died. He mar- ried (2nd), Jan. 29, 1868, Anna James. She was born July 3, 1837. She died Sept 2nd or 3rd, 1899. Children : 972516. Alpheus B. Born Nov. 16, 1868, 972517. William C. Born July 8, 1870. Died Jan. 3. 1876. 972518. Clarence. Born June 16, 1883. 972520. Walter Avars. (Nathan", John^ Nathan^, Nathan'', Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 969504. He was born June 14, 1834. He married (ist), Sarah Ann Mason. She was born Sept. 12, 1844. She died April 6, 1876. He married (2nd), in 1878, Sallie Wiser. She was born Feb. 8, 1842. He died in 1872 or 1873. Children : 972521. Ray. Born Sept. 29, 1869. 972522. Frank. Born Maj- 25, 1874. 972523. Lillian. Born Jan. 31, 1880. 972525. Charles Avars. (Nathan", John*, Nathan^, Nathan^ Caleb\ Isaac'', Robert'.) 969505. He was born Sept. 29, 1837. He married, Nov. 16, 1856, Harriet T. Baker. She was born April I, 1833. She died April 14, 1883. Children : 972526. Ruth Annie. Born in 1857. Married July 4, 1879, Harry S. French. I8202' History of the Ayres Family. 972527. Mary Ella. Born Dec. 25, 1858. Died Dec. i, i860. 972528. Winfield S. Born Oct. 4, 1861. Married. Oct. 10, 1883, Sue C. Raynor. She was born in March, 1861. They had 2 children. 972529. Violetta N. Born Oct. 12, 1864. Married, June 11, 1884, John B. Gildea. He was born April i, 1861. 972530. S. WiLKiNS Haines. He married Elizabeth Ayars. 969506. Children : 972531. Nathan. 972532. Thomas. 972533- George. 972534. Ephraim. 972535- Bournt. 972536. Anna. 972540. George Lovewell. He married, in 1870, Rebecca Ayars. 969507. Children : 972541. Nellie. Born April 20, 1873. Died Aug. 12, 1873. 972542. Laura. Born in 1877. 972543. Mary Ella. Born in 1879. Died in 1879. 972545. John Ayars. (Nathan^ John^ Nathan^, Nathan^ Calebs Isaac", Robert'.) 969508. He was born Feb. 28, 1847. He married Amanda Dorrell. Children : 972546. Rudolph. 972547- Eva. Married John Wright 972548. Bert. 972549- Lora. 972550. Sadie. 972560. Frank Strack. He was born June 14, 1849. ^^ married Emma Jane Ayars. 969509. Children : 972561. George Washington. Born Jan. S, 1876. 972562. Frank L,. Born May 4, 18S0. 872563. Emma T. Born June 16, 1882. 972564. Charles A. Born June 28, 1887. Additional Records. i82oaa 972565. George H, Avars. (Hugh Dunn^, Elias^ Micajah^, Nathan-', Caleb^ Isaac-, Robert'.) 969521. He was born Sept. 14, 1837. He married Sarah Bowen Richie. She was born May 13, 1838. He died March 30, 1895. Children : 972566. Mary R. Born Dec. 22, 1S60. Married July 30, 1888, George Hardman. He was born in 1857. No children. 972567. Fannie V. Born Feb. 13, 1S63. Married Carson Sockwell of Dragston. He was born in 1846. No children. 972568. Jonathan M. Born May 13, 1865. Married. Their son, George H. Ayars, died Jan. 8, 1894. 972569. Harry M. Born Oct. 18, 1870. 972570. Francis D. Born April 10, 1873. 972571. Howard. Born July 18, 1883. 972572. Oscar. Died Oct. 25, 1884. * 972575. Belfori) B. Avars. (Hugh Dunn', Ehas^ Micajah^, Nathan", Caleh^ Isaac, Robert'.) 969522. He was born Nov. 7, 1 841. He married, May 23, 1867, Sarah Carney. She was born Jan. 37, 1846. Residence, Elmer, N. J. Children : 972576. Edward I. Born June 6, 1868. 972800. 972577. Ida V. Born Oct. 11, 1872. 972578. Ann F. Born Jan. 11, 1875. Married William M. Brown. 972805. 972579. Franklin C. Born Sept. 28, 1879. 972810. 972580. Henrietta C. Born May 24, iSSi. Married Dec. 15, 1900, James H. Hines. He was born in Iowa. Soldier at Ft. Mott, Salem Co., N. J. 972585. Edgar Avars. (Hugh Dunn', Elias', Micajah^, Na- than", Caleb\ Isaac% Robert'.) 969528. He was born Sept. 15, 1855. He married, July 23, 1890, Ida Sawyer (daughter of John Sawyer and Catharine Coxe of Emmettsburg, Iowa). She was born Nov. 10, 1857, in 111. Residence, 1903, LaGrande, Ore. Children : 972586. Alice. Born April 7, 1891, in Ayrshire, Iowa. 972587. Edna. Born June 18, 1892. 972588. William Oscar. Born June 22, 1894, in Marathon, Iowa. 972589. Walter S. Born Dec. 12, 1897, at Ruthven, Iowa. i82oa(^ History of the Ayres Family 972590. Franklin B. Ayars. (Elias", Robbins^ Micajalv, Nathan'', Calebs Isaac^ Robert',) 969549. He was born Feb. 11, 1853. He married Mary Emma Berts. Residence, Philadelphia, Pa. Children : 972591. Elizabeth H. Born about 1875 in Philadelphia. Married, in 1897, William Paulin of Bridgeton, N. J. 972592. Charles W. Born in 1878 in Philadelphia. 972595- John W. Richison. He married, Aug. 21, 1859, Sarah Jane Ayars. 969561. Residence, 407 West Jackson St., Muncie, Ind. Children : 972596. George Andrew. Born Oct. 20, 1860. 972597. Frank Abert. Born May 17, 1S62. 972598. Silas Alva. Born Dec. 22, 1863. 972599. William .\llen. Born May 8, 1866. 972600. Charles Anthony. Born Oct. 8. 1S68. 9726or. Carrie Alice. Born -April 23, 1873. 972602. Margaret Ann. Born Sept. 9, 1S78. 972603. Micajah Arthur. Born Oct. 7, 1882. Died in Jan., 18S5. 972610. Samuel Strausburg. (Jacob and Susan Strausburg.) He was born March i, 1840, in Clark Co., Ohio. He married, Sept. 15, 1867, Louisa Ayars. 969562. Residence, Jay County, Ind. Children : 972611 972612 972613 972614 972615 Florence Odella. Born Nov. 30, 1869.' Died June 8, 1871. Willis Oran. Born May 23, 1872. Philena Viretta. Born Aug. 25, 1875. Elias Elbra. Born April i, 1877. Margaret Susan. Born Nov. 30, 18S2. Married, Aug. 3, 1901, William H. Weaver. (Sylvanusand Marj- W^eaver. ) He was born March 2, 18S2, in Terra Haute, Ind. 972620. Elias Avars. (Micajah Robbins", Caleb^ Micajah^, Nathan'', Caleb^ Isaac-, Robert'.) 969563. He was born Aug. 16, 1846, near Muncie, Ind. He married, in 187 i, Sarah Ellen Davis. Child : 972621. Charles. Born Oct. 31, 1872. 972815. Additional Records. i82oac 972625. John Taylor Keeton. He married Maria Ayars. 969564. They had 2 children. Child : 972626. Ollie Margaret. Born March 17, 1S73. 972630. Arthur Dick. He was born Oct. 26, 1848. He married Dec. 28, 1879, Margaret Philena Ayars. 969565. Children : 972631. Bessie. Born Dec. i, 1880. Died Aug. 12, i88r. 972632. Mary Edna. Born Sept. 13, 1883. Died July 30, 1884. 972633. Walter H. Born March 12, 1885. 972634. Grover. Born Feb. iS, 1887. 972635. John Russell. He was born April 27, 1847. He married, March 16, 1880, Mary Mock. 969571. Children : 972636. Edith L. Born Feb. 4, 188!. 972637. Thomas. Born June 19, 1884, in Muncie. 972638. Ollie. Born July 16, 1885, in Delaware Co., Ind. 972640. James F. Mock. (Peter.) 969572. He was born Oct. 4, 1843. He married, Nov. 16, 1876, EUza B. Vanort. Resi- dence, Munice, Ind. Children : 972641. Anna. Born Sept. 3, 1877. Married Wilbur A. Petty. 972820. 972642. Arthur D. Born May 12, 1886. Died March 21, 1897. 972643. Cecil L. Born May 23, 1890. 972645. John Dennis Mock. (Peter.) 969573. He was born Feb. 28, 1846. He married. May 2, 1871, Mary Minerva Jack- son. She was born March 23, 1851. Residence, Muncie, Ind. Children : 972646. Son. Born and died Feb 2, 1872. 972647. James Frank. Born July 31, 1873. 972825. 972648. Sarah Winnifred. Born June 27, 1875. Died June 24, 1879. 972649. Son. Born and died Jan. 22, 1877. 972650. Harry Edgar. Born Oct. 27, 1880. 972651. Jesse Raymond. Born Dec. 22, 1882. Died Sept. 20, 18S9. 972652. Mildred Mae. Born May 21, 1S91. iS2oad History of the Ayres Family. 972655. Martin G. Mock. (Peter.) 969574. He was born May I, 1848. He married Martha D. Langdon. She was born Sept. 5, 1855. They had 4 children, one Uving past 7 years old. Collector of Indian, Mound Builders, ancient relics and curiosities. Member of I. O. O. F., K. P. and I. O. R. M. Residence, 1903, Munice, Ind. Child : 972656. Robert C. Born Aug. 26, 1881. Married Feb. 7, 1903, Char- lotte Van meter. 972660. Andrew R. Mock. (Peter.) 969575. He was born March 13, 1859. He married, Aug. 23, 1882, Lillie F. Stewart. She was born Aug. 30, 1857. Children : 972661. Claybourne D. Born March i. 1884. 972662. George A. Born May 18, 1886. 972663. Addie M. Born Aug. 27, 1888. 972664. Mabel A. Born April 17, 1S91. 972665. Grover R. Born Sept. 4, 1893. 972667. William Henry Clement. He married, Sept. 28, 1872, Sarah Elizabeth Ayars. 969585. They had 3 children. Child : 972668. Philip Nathaniel. Born Sept. 18, 1873. 972670. Eli Avars. (Albert Dennis Sheppard", Caleb^ Micajah=, Nathan^ Caleb^ Isaac% Robert'.) 969586. He was born July 25, 1854. He married, Oct. 20, 1875, Lydia Stayley. He died June I, 1887. Children : 972671. Maloa Ethelleman. Born Oct. 14, 1879. 972672. Jennie Estelle. Born Aug. 20, 1880. 972673. Carvon Elmer. Born Sept. 18, 1881. 972674. Elbert George. Born March 29, 1883. 972675. Ninia I. Born Nov. 3. 1885. 972676. Winnie W. Born March 30, 1887. 972678. Benjamin Thomas Babcock. He was born Feb. 7, 1848. He married, March 28, 1874, Maria Ayars. 969588. Resi- dence, Humboldt, Richardson Co., Neb. Additional Records. i82o«2oaJ History of the Ayres Family. 972776. Elmer Avars. (Stanford^ Ezekiel ].*, Jonathan', Jonathan", Caleb^ Isaac-, Robert'.) 969765. He was born Jan. 8, 1861. He married, April 22, 1887, Rebecca J. Vanleer. She was born Feb. 18, 1870. Children : 972777. Harold S. Born Oct. r, 1890. 972778. Clara Bella. Born Jul}' 18, 1895. 972779. Thomas H. Avars. (Stanford^ Ezekiel J.*, Jonathan', Jonathan", Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 969766. He was born Jan. 23, 1863. He married Cora Elbel. Children : 972780. Edna Helen. 972781. Karl. 972782. Rudolph E. Avars. (Edgar^ Jonathan^ Jonathan', Jonathan", Calebs Isaac^ Robert'.) 969801. He was born Sept. 28, 1854. He married, Nov. 28, 1877, Lillie M. Vars. She was born Nov. 23, 1853, in Berlin, N. Y. Children : 972783. Alma F. Born Oct. 9, 1878. Married, Dec. 4, 1901, Frank Brand of New York. 972784. Clifford R. Born June 25, 1880. 972785. Henrv L. Avars. (Edgar', Jonathan^ Jonathan', Jonathan", Calebs Isaac^, Robert'.) 969803. He was born July 5, 1858. He married, Dec. 29, 1891, Rose M. Doyle of Peoria Co., 111. She was born April 23, 1868. Child : 972786. Rudolph J. Born June 28, 1894. 972787. John B. Saunders. He was born Sept. 5, 1856, in Peoria Co., 111. He married, Oct. 29, 1885, Emogene Ayars. 969804. Children : 972758. Vivian. Born Nov. 7, 1886. 972759. Truman E. Born June 24, .1S94. Died Dec. 5, 1900. 972790. Dorothy. Born June 15, 1896. 972791. Rose Ellen. Born March 29, 1898. Additional Records. i82oak 972792. Henry L. Myrick. He was born Feb. 19, 1846, in Cook Co., 111. He married, Dec. 15. 1891, Agnes Luella Ayars. 969805. Children : 972793. Frances E. Born Sept. 16, 1892. 972794. Gardner A. Born May 6, 1S94. 972795. Ralph. Born June 30, 1898. NINTH GENERATION. 972800. Edward I. Ay.ars. (Belford B.', Hugh Dunn", Elias*, Micajah=, Nathan\ Caleb^, Isaac\ Robert'.) 972576. He was born June 6, 1868. He married, Nov. 4, 1890, Lillian B. Smith. She was born April 18, 1867. Child : 972801. Nellie S. Born May 28, 1893. 972S02. Oscar L. Ayars. (Walter F.) 972761. He was born April i, 1874. He married, June 11, 1898. Naomi Barringer. She was born Feb. 14, 1876. Children : 972803. Marion. Born Oct. 9, 1899. 972804. Walter F. Born Aug. 13, r9oi. 972805. William M, Brown. He married, Sept. 11, 1894' Ann F. Ayars. 972578. Residence, Greenwich, Cumberland Co., N.J. Children : 972806. Belford Howard. Born April i, 1S95. 972807. Edna. Born Dec. 25, 1896. 972808. Edith. Born Dec. 25, 1896. 972810. Franklin C. Ayars. (Belford B.^ Hugh Dunn^ Elias^ Micajah^, Nathan^ Calebs Isaac-, Robert'.) 972579. He was born Sept. 28, 1879. He married, in 1897. Lillie Cooker. Residence, 1903, Shingle House, Potts Co., Pa. Children : 97281 1. Earl. 972812. Raymond. i82oa/ History of the Ayres Family. 972815. Charles Avars. (Elias^ Micajah Robbins^ Caleb^ Micajah^, Nathan", Calebs Isaac-, Robert.') 972721. He married, Dec. 22, 1895, Ada M. Wise. She was born Jan. 18, 1872, in Clark Co., Ohio. Children : 972816. Lena. 972817. Myrtle. 97281S. Howard. 972819. Earl. 972820. Wilbur A. Petty. He married, March 25, 1894. Anna Mock. 972641. Children : 972821. Wilbur. 972822. Fred. 972825. James Frank Mock. (John Dennis^ Peter'.) 972647. He was born July 21, 1873. ^^ married, June i, 1898, Edith Hill of Aberdeen, Ohio. Children : 972826. Edith. Born and died May 25, 1899. 972827. Harold Jackson. Born Oct. 30, 1900. 972828. Wardner R. Glaspey. (Lewis Franklin.) 972691. He was born Dec. 8, 1872. He married, Oct. 6, 1892, Mary (Bon- ham) Glaspey. She was born Jan. 3, 1873. Residence, Shiloh, N. J. Children : 972829. Metta. Born April 17, 1893. 972830. Arthur Grant. Born March 27, 1895. 972831. Roy Bonham. Born Nov. 16, 1897. 972832. Margaret Bonham. Born March 8, 1901. 972834. Joseph Warner Johnson. He was born Sept. 13, i860. He married Bertha Glaspey. 972692. Residence, Point Pleasant, N. J. Child : 972835. Beatrice. Born Aug. 24, 1902. Ayres History. RECORDS OF VARIOUS PERSONS BEARING THE NAME OF AVER, AYRES, OR EYRE. 972837. Prof. James Davie Butler, LL.D. He was born March 15, 1815, at Rutland, Vt. He graduated at Millebury Col- lege, A.B., 1836, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1840. He married in 1845, Anna Bates (daughter of Joshua Bates, President of Middlebury College.) 969227. Professor of Ancient Languages, Norwich, Vt., University, 1845-7. Congregational minister, holding pastorates, 1847-54. Professor of Ancient Languages, Wabash College, Ind., 1854-8. Professor of same in University of Wiscon- sin, 1858-67. He has since then been engaged in lecturing and occasional preaching. Author. LL.D., Middlebury College. Ad- dress, 1 90 1, Madison, Wis. 972838. Jane Ever. She graduated at Michigan University, 188 1. She married Kenneth R. Smoot. Residence, Highland Park, Illinois. 972839. Clarendon Bennett Ever. He graduated at Michi- gan University, LL.B., 1888. Residence, Evanston, 111. 972840. George Francis Carpenter Eyre. Graduated at Michigan University, LL.B., 1895. Address, Chamber of Com- merce, Detroit, Mich. 972841. Rev. Edward Benton Coe, D.D. He married, June II, 1874, Mary Jenks Storrs. Children : 972842. Margaret Elmer. 972843. Miriam Storrs. 972844. Edith Mary. 972845. Richard Storrs. iS2oan History of the Ayres Family. 972846. Charles H. Ayer. Graduated at Wisconsin Uni- versity, 1893. 972847. Hon. Almet Francis Jenks. (Grenville Tudor% Francis'.) Grandson of Gen. Roland Smith of Vt. He married, in April, 1 89 1, Lenore Barree' (daughter of Hon. William Barree.) Children : 972S48. Almet Francis. 972849. Ruth. 972850. Prof. Samuel Eben Barney. He married, July 8, 1884, Ida E. Bushnell. Children : 972851. Ida. 972852. Elizabeth. 972853. Rev. James Freeman Elder, D.D. (Samuel Elder and Sarah Ayers.) He was born March 10, 1839, at Portland, Me. He graduated at Waterville,(now Colby University), i860, and Roch- ester Theological Seminary, 1867. Ordained in Baptist Church, 1867. He married, Jan. 4, 1864, Martha E. Kimball. D.D., Col- gate University, 1875. Address, 1901, 17 S. Hawk St., Albany, N. Y. 972854. Rev. Robert Erskine Ely. (Richard^ Dr. Elihu'.) He was born Sept. 13, 1861, at Binghamton, N. Y. He graduated at Amherst College, 1885, and Union Theological Seminary, 1888. Congregational minister. Economist. President of Prospect Union. Address, 1901, Cambridge, Mass. 972855. Thomas Embley Osmun. (George Osmun and Mil- dred Washington Ayres.) He was born Feb. 26, 1834, at Montrose, Summit Co., Ohio. He prepared at Cleveland Academy and attended Oberlin College. He studied six years in Berlin and Paris. Un- married. Orthoepist, rhetorician, author and critic. He was one of the editors of the Standard Dictionary. Nom-de-plume, 'Alfred ; Ayres." He died in Feb., 1903. Residence, 218 W. i5thSt.,N. Y. City. 972856. Hon. Alfred Ronald Conkling. (Col. Frederick A. Conkling, M.C., brother of U. S. Senator Roscoe Conkling, sons of Hon. Alfred Conkling, U. S. District Judge and U. S. Minister to Additional Records. iS2oao Mexico.) He was born Sept. 28, 1S50, in N. Y. City. He prepared at Mt. Washington Collegiate Institute and graduated at Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, Ph.B., 1870, and at Columbia Law School. Student in Berlin University. Admitted to Bar in 1879. He married, April 9, 1896, Ethel Johnson (daughter of East- man Johnson, artist). 505100. Alderman in N. Y. City, 1887-8, Member of Assembly, 1892-5. Republican. Geologist. Traveller. Author of Life and Letters of Roscoe Conkling and other works. Office, 170 Broadway. Residence, 1901, 27 E. loth St., N. Y. City. 972867. Hon. Chester B. Jordan. (Johnson Jordan and Minerva Buel.) He was born Oct. 15, 1839, at Colebrook, N. H. He graduated at Kimball Union Academy, 1866. (A.M., Dartmouth College, 1881 ; M.Sc, N. H. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1901.) He married, July 19. 1879, Ida R. Nutter of Lancaster, N. H. Admitted to Bar, 1875. Editor. Clerk of Supreme Court, 1868-74. Speaker N. H. House of Representatives, 1881. Presi- dent N. H. Senate, 1897. Governor of New Hampshire. 1901-3, Republican. Member N. H. Historical Society, Member of State Bar Association. President of Grafton and Coos Counties Bar As- sociation. Residence, 1901, Lancaster, N. H. 972868. Hon. William Wallace Stickney. (John W. Stick- ney and Ann Pinney.) He was born March 21, 1853, at Plymouth, Vt. He graduated at Phillips Exeter Academy, 1877. He married. May 4, 1 88 1, Elizabeth Lincoln of Ludlow, Vt. Admitted to Bar, 1878. Clerk Vt. House of Representatives, 1882-92. State's At- torney, 1882-4, s^'id 1890-2. Representative and Speaker, 1892-6. Governor of Vermont, 1901-3. Address, Montpelier, Vt. Residence, 1902, Ludlow, Vt. 972869. Edward Sims VanZile. (Oscar VanZile and Sarah M. Perry.) He was born May 2, 1863, in Troy, N. Y. He gradu- ated at Trinity College, 1884. He married, Dec. 8, 1886, Mary Morgan Bulkley (daughter of Gov. Morgan Gardner Bulkley). Author. Editorial writer, Troy, N. Y., Times, 1884-6 ; New York World, 1886-90. Manager Literary Bureau, United Press. Editor of Current Literature. Address, 1901, 19 Columbia St., Hartford, Conn. i82oap History of the Ayres Family. 972870. William Boardman Leonard. (Hon. Stephen B. Leonard, M. C.) He was born at Owego, N. Y. He married Louisa Bulkley of Southport, Conn. Merchant. Banker. He was offered the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Brooklyn and for member of Congress. He died. Residence, Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 972871. William Andrew. Born July 15, 1848. 972873. 972872. Louise. Married a VanOstrand. Child : John VanOstrand. Student in Cornell University, 1900. 972873. Rt. Rev. William Andrew Leonard, D.D. (Will- iam Boardman"", Stephen'.) He was born July 15, 1848, at South- port, Conn. He prepared at Phillips Andover Academy and gradu- ated at St. Stephen's College, Annandale, N. Y. Protestant Episcopal minister. Deacon, 1871. Priest, 1873. Rector of St. John's Church, Washington, D. C. Chaplain 23d Regt. N. G. S. New York. Con- secrated Oct. 12, 1889, Bishop of Ohio. Author. Address, 1901, 840 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, 972873 — I. James Aver. (John*, Pearley^, Peter'', SamueP, Peter^. John'.) 735100. He removed in 1811 with his children, from Haverhill, Mass., to the town of Evans, Erie Co., N. Y. Children : 972S73 — 2. Gorman. 972873 — 3. Bradley. Supervisor, 1857-8. 972S73 — 4. Col. Ira. Colonel, 44th Regt. N. Y. Militia in "Patriot War." Captain, Co. A., ii6tb Regt. N. Y. Vols. Resigned, March i, 1863. 763200. 972873 — 5. Daughter. Married Moses Dart. 972873—6 972873—7 972873—8 972873—9 Mary. Married a Labial. Sarah B. Married a Black. Henrietta. Married an Atwood. Col. James. Born at Evans, N. Y. Colonel in Militia. Supervisor, 1861-2. Died May 22, 1863. 972874. 972874. Capt, James Ayer. (James", John*^, Pearley^ Peter\ SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 735103. He removed in 1802, with his father, to the town of Evans, Erie Co., N. Y. He married Marcy Terry of Evans. Captain, Co. K., 11 6th N. Y. Vols, in Civil War. He died in 1862 in the army at Baton Rouge, La. She died before Additional Records. i82oag her husband. Several children died in infancy. Residence, Evans, N. Y. Children : 972875. James. 972877. 972876. Clara. Married Carl A. Meissner. 9728S1. 972877. James Aver. (James^ John^ Pearley^, Peter^ Sam- ueP, Peter", John'.) 972875. He was born in 1852. He married Ella Knight. She died in 1885. Residence, Angola, N. Y. Children : 97287S. Clara. Born in 1875. 972879. Lynn Francis. Born in 1876. vStudent at Cornell University, 1902-3. 972880. Maud nine. Born in 1879. 972881. Carl A. Melssner. Outside manager of iron mines. He married Clara Ayer. 972876. Residence, Sidney, Cape Breton Island. Child) ren : 972SS2. Bertha. 972883. Charlie. 9728S4. Clarence. 9728S5. Harold. 972886. James. 972887. George Williams. He married Alice Ayer (daugh- ter of Col. Ira Ayer). They have two children. Bank officer. Resi- dence, 1903, Cuba. 972888. Timothy Frye. (Samuel\ Samuel', John'.) He was born May 8, 1734. Private, Captain Stephen Russell's Co., Col. Green's Regt., which marched from Dracut, Mass., on Le.xington alarm April 19, 1775 '■> service, three days. He married Hannah Carleton. He died Nov. 6, 181 1. Child : 972889. Jedediah. 972890. Jed Frye. (Jed Frye and Maria C. Purdy, Jedediah Frye and Rebecca Farnham, Timothy Frye and Hannah Carleton, Samuel Frye and Sarah Osgood, Samuel Frye and Mary Aslebe, John iS2oar History of the Ayres Family. Frye and Ann Stratton.) He was born Aug. i, 1853, in N. Y. City. He graduated at College of City of New York, B.S. Private, 7th Regt., 1883-94. Merchant. Residence, 1901, N. Y. City. 972891. William Dingwell Stewart, (Thomas B. Stewart and Manetta C. Mason, Perez Mason and Nancy Ayer.) He was born Nov. 15, 1866, in Hoboken, N. J. Commission merchant. Corporal, 7th Regt. N. Y. Residence, 1902, N, Y. City. 972892. Ebenezer Eaton. (James Eaton and Rachel Ayer, Jonathan Eaton and Sarah Sanders, Thomas Eaton and Eunice Snighetery, John and Ann Eaton.) He was born in 1745. Private, Capt. Timothy Eaton's Co., Col. Johnson's Regt. of Militia at Lex- ington. He married Abigail Folsom. He died in 1805. Child : 972893. Josiah. 972894. James Webster Eaton, Esq. (James Webster Eaton, Superintendent N. Y. State Capitol, and Eliza Benner, Josiah Eaton and Gertrude McEll, Ebenezer Eaton and Abigail Folsom, James Eaton and Rachel Ayer, Jonathan Eaton and Sarah Sanders, Thomas Eaton and Eunice Snighetery, John and Ann Eaton.) He was born May 14, 1856. Lawyer. Member of Society of Founders and Patriots. He died Aug. i, 1901. Residence, Albany. N. Y. 972895. William Horace Truman. Residence, Columbus, Ohio. 972900 — I. Nathaniel Dustin. (Nathaniel Dustin and Try- phena Hazeltine, Nathaniel Dustin and Mary Ayer.) He was born Sept. 12, 1756, at Haverhill, Mass. Private, Capt. Francis' Co., Col. Mansfield's Regt.; was at battle of Monmouth. He was but eighteen years of age when he enlisted. He married Judith Knight. He died March 3, 1815. Child : 972900 — 2. Nathaniel. 972900 — 100. Charles Edward Dustin. (Benjamin Frank- lin Dustin and Lucy Ann Farnsworth, Nathaniel Dustin and Jerusha Murch, Nathaniel Dustin and Judith Knight, Nathaniel Dustin and Additional Records. i82oas Tryphena Hazelton, Nathaniel Dustin and Mary Ayer, Thomas Dus- tin and Hannah Emerson, Thomas and Elizabeth Dustin.) He was born June 2, 1846. Manufacturer. Member of Society of Founders and Patriots. Residence, 1902, Hartford, Conn. 972900 — 200, Joseph Lockwood. (Jonathan-', Robert'.) He was born in 1666 in Stamford, Conn. He married (ist). May 19, i6g8, Elizabeth Ayres. She died Dec. 16, 1715. He married (2nd), Margery Webb. She died in or before 1743. He removed to Green- wich, Conn., and in 1743 or 4 to Poundridge, Westchester County, N. Y. He died in 1750. Residence, Poundridge, Westchester Co., N. Y. Children : 972900 — 201. 972900 — 202. 972900 — 203. 972900 — 204. 972900 — 205. 972900 — -206. 972900 — 207. 972900 — 208. Joseph. Born March 15, 1699. 972900 — 300. Hannah. Born March 24, 1701. Married David Dan. John. Born Sept. iS, 1703. Married Sarah Scofield. Nathaniel. Born April i, 1706. Died young. Elizabeth. Born May 15, 1708. Married Job Hoyt. Israel. Born June 4, 1710. Married Susanna Smith. Mary. Married James Jump. Reuben. Born Dec. 15, 1715. Married (ist), Sarah Cramp; (2nd), Elizabeth Stevens. 972900 — 300. Joseph Lockwood. (Joseph^, Jonathan", Rob- ert'.) 972900 — 201, He was born March 15, 1699. He removed with his father in 1743 to Poundridge, N. Y. He married Sarah Hoyt (daughter of Joshua Hoyt of Stamford, Conn.). She was born in 1700. He died June 15, 1757. She died in 1790. Residence, Poundridge, N. Y. Children : 972900 — 301. Eliakim. Born in 1730. Died in 1737. 972900 — 302. Joseph. Born in 1731. 972900 — 310. 972900 — 303. Elizabeth. Married Nathaniel Waring. 972900 — 304. Gilbert. Died in 1740, aged about 2 or 3 3'ears. 972900 — 305. Ebenezer. Born March 31, 1737. 972900 — 330. 972900 — 306. Rachel. Married Ebenezer Wood of Salem. 972900 — 307. Mercy. Married David Dan. 972900 — 30S. Hezekiah. Died aged 7 years. 972900 — 309. Prudence. Married Elijah Weed. 972900^310. Capt. Joseph Lockwood. (Joseph^ Joseph', Jonathan-, Robert'.) 972900 — 302, He was born in 1731. He i82oa/ History of the Ayres Family. married Hannah Close (daughter of Solomon Close of North Salem, N. Y.). Lieutenant, Westchester Co., N. Y. Regt. Militia, 1775. Captain, 2nd Regt. Westchester Co. N. Y. Militia, Sept. 13. 1775, to May 20, 1777. He died March 15, 1792. Children : 972900 — 311. Hannah. Married Capt. Philo Lewis of Patterson. 972900 — 312. Sarah. Born in 1 761. Married Thaddeus Hoyt of Stam- ford, Conn. She died Sept. 7, 1838. 972900 — 313. Joseph. Born Dec. 3, 1764. 972900 — 400. 972900 — 314. Solomon. Born Aug. 28, 1766. Married Mary Close. He died March 9, 1841. 972900 — 315. Prudence. Born in 1767. Married John Smith. He was born in 1766. He died Dec. 14, 1S09. She died Dec. 28, 1850. 972900 — 316. Mindwell. Died. 972900 — 317. Mercy. Married Jotham Waring. 972900 — 318. Matilda. Died in childhood. 972900 — 319. Matilda. Married Seth S. Kellogg of New Canaan. 972900 — 320. Nancy. Married Henry S. Jones of Wappinger's P'alls, N. Y. 972900 — 330. Hon. Ekenezer LocKWOOD, (Joseph", Joseph^ Jonathan^, Robert'.) 972900 — 305. He was born March 31, 1737. Major, 2nd Westchester Co., N. Y. Militia, 1778. Member of Com- mittee of Safety. Member of N. Y. Provincial Congress, 1775-7. Member of Assembly, 1778-9 ; 1786-8. County Judge of W^estches- ter County, N. Y., 179 1-3. Regent of University of State of New York, 1784. He married (ist), Feb. 16, 1761, Hannah Smith. He married (2nd), Sarah Waring, He died July t,o, 182 i. Hannah Smith was born in 1742, and died May 3, 1787. Residence, Pound- ridge, N. Y. Children : 972900 — 331. Betsey. Born April 4, 1762. Married, Feb. 16, 1777, Alsop Hunt. He died June 16, 1816. 972900 — 332. Ruhamah. Born Jan. 22, 1765. Married, about 1786, Samuel Read. He died in Oct., 1834, at Woodbridge, N. J. She died Oct. 3, 1825. 972900 — 333. Hannah. Born April 8, 1768. Married David Osborn. He died Feb. 17, 1834. She died Jan. 8, 1841. 972900 — 334. Mary. Born Nov. 21, 1769. Married Partridge Thatcher. He died Sept. 8, 1845. She died about May r, 1828. 972900 — 335. Ebenezer. Born Oct. 27, 177 1. Married Sarah Olmstead. He died July 5, 1811. She died in 1845. 972900 — 430. Additional Records. iS2oau 972900 — 336. Clarissa. Born Dec. 29, 1773. Married ( ist), Solomon Cox. He died about 1S08. Married (2nd), Jesse Richards of New Canaan. He died in Dec, 1S40. 972900 — 337. Ezra. Born June 27, 1777. Married Sally Weed. He died May 29, 1S53. 972900 — 450. 972900 — 338. Horatio. Born Sept. 6, 1779, in Ridgefield, Conn. 972900 — 500. 972900 — 339. Lewis. Born Dec. iS, 1783. Admitted to the Bar in 1S06. Died March 9, 1S16 972900 — 400. Joseph Lockwood. (Joseph^, Joseph^, Joseph^ Jonathan^ Robert'.) 972900 — 313. He was born Dec. 3, 1764. He married Mary Drake. He died Oct. 25, 1799. Children : 972900 — 4or. Samuel Drake. Born Aug. 2, 1789. Married Mary V. S. Nash. 972900—700. 972900 — 402. Jesse Close. Born Jan. 7, 1791. Married Elsa R. Bar- tholomew. Removed about 1820 to McLeansboro, 111. He died June 15, 1847. 972900 — 403. Rebecca Ann. Born March 25, 1792. Married Jacob Potts of Victoria, Canada. She died June 5, 1827. 972900 — 404. Cornelius. Born in Nov., T793. Died Oct. 23, 1799. 972900 — 410. Solomon Lockwood. (Joseph^, Joseph\ Jos- eph\ Jonathan-, Robert'.) 972900 — 314. He was born Aug. 28, 1766. He married Mary Close (daughter of Odle Close of Green- wich, Conn.). She was born April 16, 1770. He died March 9, 1841. She died May 6, 1848. Children : 972900 — 411. Bethia. Born June 21, 1791. Married Horatio Lockwood. She died May 14, 1S63. 972900 — 412. Odle. Born May 4, 1793. 972900 — 440. 972900 — 413. Leander. Born Nov. 21, 1794. Died March 22, 1795. 972900 — 414. Joseph. Born Sept. 23, 1796. Married Amelia D' Autre- mont. He died Feb. 28, 1820. 972900 — 415. Hannah. Born March 9, 179S. Died Feb. 21, 1S68. 972900—416. William. Born Sept. 14, 1800. 972900 — 460. 972900 — 417. Catharine Mary. Born Oct. 13, 1802. Married John Silliman. 972900 — 418. Sarah Elizabeth. Born Sept. 10, 1805. Married Francis N. Murray. 972900 — 419. Nancy. Born Nov. 4, 1807. Died in Nov., 1807. 972900 — 420. Solomon. Born Sept. 5, 1810. Died Sept. 22, 1811. i82oaz^ History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 430. Ebenezer Lockwood. (Ebenezer^, Joseph'', Joseph^ Jonathan-, Robert'.) 972900 — 335. He was born Oct. 27, 1 77 1. He married Sarah Olmstead. He died July 5, 181 1. She died in 1845. Children : 972900 — 431. Ebenezer. Born May 13, 1791. 972900 — 432. Eliza. Born Maj- 25, 1793. 972900 — 433. Ruhama. Born April 13, 1795. 972900 — 434. Caroline. Born Jan. 23, 1797. 972900 — 435. Nathan Olmstead. Born Jan. 2, 1799. 972900 — 436. Thomas. Born Jan. 8, iSoi. 972900 — 437. George. Born Dec. 13, 1802. 972900 — 438. Amy. Born Jan. 6, 1805. 972900 — 439. Sarah Ambler. Born Feb. 9, 1807. 972900^440. Hannah. Born July 6, 1809. 972900 — 441. Clarissa. Born Dec. 4, iSii. 972900 — 450. Hon. Ezra Lockwood. (Ebenezer^, Joseph'*, Joseph^ Jonathan"", Robert'.) 972900 — 337. He was born June 27, 1777. He married Sally Weed. She was born Aug. 14, 1779. Member of Assembly. Surrogate of Westchester County, N. Y., 1808-10, 1811-13. He died May 29, 1853. She died Jan. 30, 1857. Children : 972900 — 451. Albert. Born Jan. 23, 1799. County Judge of Westches- ter County, N. Y., 1847-51. Died Jan. 5, 186S. 972900 — 452. Lewis. Born Sept. 5, 1804. Died Feb. 11, 1870. 972900 — 500. Hon. Horatio Lockwood. (Ebenezer^, Jos- eph", Joseph^, Jonathan^ Robert'.) 972900 — ;^2,8. He was born in 1779. H^ married Bethia Close Lockwood. Member of New York Assembly, 1833-6; 1841-2. He died Nov. 5, 1853. Residence, Poundridge, Westchester Co., N. Y. Children : 972900 — 501. Mary. Married Horace Reynolds. • 972900 — 502. Jane. Married Nelson Raymond. 972900 — 503. Sophia. Married Philo Lockwood of Cayuga Co., N. Y. 972900 — 504. Alsop Hunt. Born Sept. 17, 18 14. Married Mary E. Reynolds. Died Dec. 8, 1874. 972900 — 800. 972900 — 505. Amelia D'Autremont. Married James Betts of Stamford, Ct. 972900 — 506. Betsey. Died young. 972900 — 507. Solomon Read. Died Jan. 16, 1852. 972900 — 508. Catharine. Married LeGrand Keeler of Wilton, Conn. Additional Records. iS2oaw 972900 — 700. Hon. Samuel Drake Lockwood. (Joseph^ Joseph^, Joseph**, Joseph', Jonathan-, Robert'.) 972900 — 401. He was born Aug. 2, 1789. He studied law with his uncle, Francis Drake, Esq., at Waterford, N. Y. Admitted to the Bar in Feb., 181 1. He removed to Shawneetown, 111., and later to Carmi, 111., and in 182 1 to Edwardsville, 111. Attorney General of Illinois, 182 1. Secretary of State of Illinois, 1823. Receiver of Public Moneys at the land office in Edwardsville, 1823. Judge of Illinois Supreme Court, 1824-40. Member of Constitutional Convention from Mor- gan County, 1848. He died April 23, 1874, at Batavia, 111. 972900 — 740. Odle Lockwood. (Solomon^ Joseph^, Joseph**, Joseph^, Jonathan-, Robert'.) 972900 — 412. He was born May 4, 1793. He married, July 11, 1820, Maria Barnum (daughter of Justus Barnum of Danbury, Conn.). She was born July 1. 1796. He died Aug. 15, 1873, in N. Y. City. She died Jan. 20, 1851. Children : 972900 — 741. Joseph Barnum. Born Oct. 27, 1822, in Jamaica, N. Y. 972900 — 850. 972900 — 742. Mary Jane. Born Dec. 5, 1825. Died July 24, 1873, in Catskill, N. Y. 972900 — 743. William Christmas. Born May 14, 1830, in N. Y. City. Died Aug. 6, 1S34, in Poundridge, N. Y. 972900 — 744. Caroline. Born Feb. 13, 1832, in N. Y. City. 972900 — 745. Angeline. Born Feb. 13, 1832, in N. Y. City. 972900 — 760. William Lockwood, (Solomon*, Joseph^, Jos- eph^ Joseph^, Jonathan^, Robert'.) 972900 — 416. He was born Sept. 14, 1800. He married (ist), Dec. 6, 1S26, Maria Crocker (daughter of Rev. Daniel and Anna Crocker). She died Dec. 14, 1843. He married (2nd), April 29, 1847, Jane Raymond (daughter of Joshua and Ruhama Raymond). She died Sept. 9, 1875. Resi- dence, since i860, Bedford, N. Y. Children : 972900 — 761. Emily Crocker. Born Oct. 14, 1827, in Poundridge. Died Aug. 6, 1852, in Waverly, 111. 972900—762. William Tompkins. Born Feb. 2, 1830, in Poundridge. 972900 — 1300. 972900 — 763. Theodore Raymond. Born Jan. 16, 1848. 972900 — 764. Electa Raymond. Born Feb. 15, 1850. i82oax History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 800. Hon. Alsop Hunt Lockwood. (Horatio*, Ebenezers, Joseph^ Joseph^, Jonathan^ Robert'.) 972900 — 504. He was born Sept. 17, 1814. He married, Nov. 22, 1836, Mary Eliza Reynolds (daughter of Lieut. Nathaniel Reynolds, 2nd Lieut., 3rd Regt. Westchester Co., N. Y., Militia in Rev. War). Sheriff of West- chester County, N. Y., 1852-5. Member of Assembly, 1864-5. He died Dec. 8, 1874, in N. Y. City. Residence, Poundridge, N. Y. Children : 972900—801. Joseph Alsop. Born Nov. 5, 1847. Married, Feb. 18, 1880, Emma Clark. Union College, C.E., 1S67. Residence, Yonkers, N. Y. 972900—802. James Betts. Born July 18, 1849. Union College, 1870. Married, Oct. 31, 1877, Cora Martin. 972900 — 1200. 972900—803. Dewitt Clinton. Born July 4, 1851. Residence, N. Y. City. 972900—804. Horatio. Born July 8, 1853. Died Sept. 4, 1877. 972900 — 820. Rev. William Patterson, He married, Feb. 16, 1836, Sarah Thatcher (diiughter of Partridge Thatcher. 972900 — 384). Presbyterian. Pastor, 1835, at Poundridge, N. Y. 972900 — 850. Joseph Barnum Lockwood. (Odle^ Solomon*, Josephs Joseph'', Joseph', Jonathan^, Robert'.) 972900 — 741. He was born Oct. 27, 1822. He married, Dec. 3, 1856, Caroline Mon- roe Putnam (daughter of Tarrant Putnam and Cornelia J. VanNort- wick of N. Y. City). She was born Oct. 27, 1832. Residence, N. Y. City. Children : 972900 — 851. Joseph Barnum. Born June 7, 1858. 972900 — 852. Tarrant Putnam Born Nov. 26, 1862. Died June 28, 1864. 972900 — 853. Cornelia Putnam. Born July 8, 1866. 972900 — 854. Maria Louise. Born May 4, 1870. 972900 — 1200. James Betts Lockwood, Esq. (Alsop Hunt Lockwood and Mary Eliza Reynolds, Horatio Lockwood and Bethia Close Lockwood, Ebenezer Lockwood and Hannah Smith, Joseph Lockwood and Sarah Hoyt, Joseph Lockwood and Elizabeth Ayres, Jonathan and Mary Lockwood, Robert and Susannah Lockwood.) 972900 — 802. He was born July 18, 1849. He graduated at Union College. Married, Oct. 31, 1877, Cora H. Martin. Lawyer. School Additional Records. i%2oay Commissioner of Westchester County, N. Y. President of Village of White Plains, N. Y. Member of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity and Society of Sons of Revolution. Residence, 1902, White Plains, N. Y. Child : 972900 — 1201. Horatio. Born Jan. 29, 1879. 972900 — 1300. William Tompkins Lockwood. (William^ Solomon^ Joseph^, Joseph'*, Joseph^, Jonathan^, Robert'.) 972900 — 762. He was born Feb. 2, 1830. He married, Feb. 11, 1857, Mary Eliza Vanderbilt (daughter of John and Sarah Vanderbilt of Williams- burg, N. Y.). She was born Nov. 2, 1836. Member of New York Society of Sons of Revolution. Residence, Tarrytown, N. Y. Children : 97290G — 1301. Maria Louisa. Born Nov. 9, 1S57, in N. Y. City. Died Feb. 10, 1876, in Tarrytown. 972900—1302. Mary Vanderbilt. Born Sept. 23, 1859, i^i Brooklyn. 972900 — 1303. Emily Crocker. Born Dec. 21, 1861, in N. Y. City. 972900 — 1304. Carrie Tompkins. Born April 29. 1865, in N. Y. City. 972900 — 1305. William Tompkins. Born April 17, 1827, in Tarrytown. 972900 — 1306. Nellie McCutcheon. Born Dec. 29, 186S, in Tarrytown. 972900 — 1307. Edith Blanch. Born Nov. 3, 1 871, in Tarrytown. 972900 — 1308. Richard Lathers. Born Nov. 4, 1877, in Tarrytown. 972900 — 2000. Dr. Edmund Grindal Rawson. (Edmund Grindal", GrindaP, Edward^ Edward'.) 940004. He was born Jan. 26, 1772. He graduated at Union College, 1826. He married, May II, 1794, Maria Van Buren. Physician. Member of Assembly, 18 16. He died Nov. 28, 1847, Residence, Broadalbin, Montgomery Co., N. Y. Child : 972900 — 2001. Ednmnd Grindal. Born in 1802. 972900 — 2500. Edmund Grindal Rawson. (Edmund Grin- dal^, Edmund Grindal", GrindaP, Edward^ Edward', Secretary of Mass. Colony, 1650-69.) He was born in 1802. He married Cel- tina Fonda. He died in 1857. Residence, Broadalbin, N. Y. Children : 972900 — 2501. Edmund Grindal. Residence, 1887, Albany, N. Y. 972900 — 2502. Alexander Murray. Married Eliza A. Sturges. Resi- dence, 18S7, Albany, N. Y. i82oaz History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 2600. Samuel Holmes Mather. He was born in 18 13. He married Emily Worthington Gregory, descendant of Sam- uel Goodrich, "Peter Parley." Residence, Washington, N. H. Child : 972900— 26or. Frederick Gregory. Married (ist), Cornelia H. Olcott ; (2nd), Alice E. Yager. Residence, 1887, Albany, N. Y. 972900 — 5000. Thomas Ayres. (David.) 91 1269. He was born in 1770. He married Polly Hawkins of Pomphret, Conn. They had eleven children born in Bridgewater, Vt., and one at Port- age, Summit Co., Ohio. He died in his frontier home Sept. 27, 1827, at the age of fifty-seven. Polly Hawkins Ayres died at the same home, near Akron, Ohio, in Aug., 1841. She was born in 1774- Children : 972900 — 5001. John. Born in 1792. 972900 — ^5200. 972900 — 5002. Stephen. Born in 1794. 972900 — 5220. 972900 — 5003. Lydia. Born in 1796. Married Isaac T. Morse. 972900— 5240. 972900 — 5004. Thomas, feorn Jan. 10, 1880. 972900 — 5260. 972900 — 5005. Betsy. Died in Bridgewater, Vt., in childhood. 972900 — 5006. Polly. Born in 1804. Married John Murphy. 972900— 5280. 972900—5007. Mildred Washington. Born in 1806. Married George Osmun. 972900 — 5300. 972900 — 5008. Justin. Born March 29, 180S. 972900 — 5320. 972900 — 5009. Fanna. Born in 1810. Marrie.d Philip Luther Codding. . She died in 1893 in Osceola, Iowa. No children living. 972900—5010. Celia. Born in 181 2. Married Greenleaf B. Morrill. She died in Aug., 1840. No children. 972900— 501 1. Orrin Hawkins. Born May 12, 1815. 972900 — 534o. 972900 — 5012. Mahala. Died aged eleven years. 972900 — 5200. John Ayres. (Thomas% David'.) 972900 — 501. He was born in 1792. He married Fanna Parker, Feb. 6, 1823, in Bath, Summit Co., Ohio. John Ayres, then a widower, went to Cahfornia in 1852 and died there in 1867, aged seventy-five years. Children : 972900—5201. Oliver Hazard Perry. Born March 21, 1824. Married Louise Ammerman in Sharon, Medina Co., Ohio. She died soon after. He was Captain of 6th Ohio Battery ; wounded in Additional Records. i^2oba Georgia, and died of wounds early in 1864. He had one daugh- ter, Jenny Louise, who married Goodfellow, and lives in Springfield, Ohio. They have several children, whose names are unknown. 972900 — 5202. Jerome Bonaparte. Born Dec. 10, 1830. Died in Pioche, Nevada, in 1895. Unmarried. 972900 — 5203. Cordelia Mahala. Born June 23, 1826. She went with her father to California in 1S52. Married Milo Lockwood. They had some children. 972900 — 5220. Stephen Ayres. (Thomas*, David".) 972900 — 5002. He was born in Bridgevv-ater, Vt., in 1794. He married Lu- cinda Spicer of Akron, Oliio. He died in California in 1868. Children : 972900 — 5221. Hiram Jefferson. Born Aug. 29, 1S24, in Portage Town- ship, Summit Co., Ohio. He married Frances Smith of Akron, Ohio, in 1S53. He is still living in 1903. 972900 — 5222. Allen Trimble. Married Julia Wheeler in 1856, returned to California from Akron, Ohio, where he resided permanently. Had two daughters, Stella and Cora, both married, but names unknown. 972900 — 5223. Lucinda Spicer. Born in Northampton, Summit Co. , O., 1S35. Married Flavel Merriam of Winsted, Conn. They were married in Akron in 1862, and now reside in New York City. They had two children. Grant and Lottie ; the latter is Mrs. Harry Houghton, and lives in Akron, Ohio. 972900 — 5240. LsAAC T. Morse. He married Lydia Ayres. 972900 — 5003. He died before 1856. She died in January, 1856. Residence, Lima, Ohio. Children : 972900 — 5241. Emery. He settled in Indiana and married. 972900 — 5242. Osso. Died unmarried. 972900—5243. Carlton. Married and moved to Oregon in the early fifties. 972900—5244. Cornelia. Married and moved to Marquette, Michigan, in the late fifties. 972900 — 5260. Thomas Ayres. (Thomas^ David'.) 972900 — 5004. He was born in Bridgewater, Vt., Jan. 10, 1800. Married Persis Robinson of St. Albans, Vt., in Bath, Ohio. He died on Isth- mus of Panama in 1850. id,2obb History of the Ayres Family. Children : 972900 — 5261. Helen. Born in Bath, Summit Co., Ohio, April 19, 1837. Married P. P. Nichols. . 972900—5262. Humphrey Robinson. Born in Bath, Summit Co., Ohio, July 2, 184 1. Lives in Miller, Buffalo Co., Nebraska. Married Violet Flock, June 29, 1871, at Newton, Iowa. No children. 972900 — 5280. John Murphy. He married Polly Ayres. 972900 — 5006. He settled in Allegan Co., Mich., in 1834. They had two boys and two girls. Children : 972900 — 5281. Irving. Married and went to California in 1850, and died there. Had one son, name unknown. 972900 — 5282. Andrew Jackson. Married and had two daughters who died childless. 972900 — 5300. George Osmun. He married Mildred Wash- ington Ayres, 972900 — 5007. She died in 1877. Children : 972900 — 5301. Thomas Embly Osmun. He was better known by his pen name, "Alfred Ayres." Born in Cleveland in 1S23. He was at one time Consul to Mexico. He studied medicine in Germany. He died, unmarried, in New York City, in Oct., 1902. He was a linguist, author and playwright. 972900 — 5302. Martha. Married Richardson in Cleveland, Ohio ; moved to Berlin, Wis., where she now resides. No children. 972900 — 5303. Louise. Married Charles Tremain, an inventor, in Cleveland, Ohio, and lives in Portland, Oregon. They had two daughters, Frances and Mildred ; the former is a prominent teacher in Chicago, the latter a music teacher. 972900 — 5320. Justin Ayres. (Thomas'", David'.) 972900 — 5008. He was born in Bridgewater, Vt., March 29, 1808. Married (ist), Angeline P. Clark, May 14, 1835, in New Portage, Summit Co., Ohio. They had four boys and three girls, all born near Akron, Ohio. He married (2nd), "Fidelia Clark Wheeler; no children by this marriage. He died Dec. 26, 1886, in Osceola, Iowa. Children : 972900—5321. Homer Clark. Born April 27, 1836. Married Emma Fessenden in Twinsburg, Ohio, Dec. 28, 1864. He served in Union Army and was discharged in 1862, on account of sick- ness. He died in Plankinton, S. Dak., Feb. 22, 1S91. He was a lawyer bv profession. They had one son and two daughters. 972900 — 5322. Thomas Corwin. Died in childhood. Additional Records. id,2obc 972900—5323. Frances L. Born July 25, 1842. Married ( ist), Richard Warren Swat, M.D., Dec. 21, 1870, in Central City, Colo. Mar- ried (2nd), Gordon Kimball of Ouray, Colo., Feb. 15, 1881. She was a teacher by profession. No children by either marriage. 972900 — 5324. Alma Livonia. Born Sept. 29, 1844. Unmarried. 972900 — 5325. Charles Thomas. Born Sept. iS, 1847. Married Eleanor Rozilla Raymond in Osceola, Iowa, Feb. 19, 1879. They bad one daughter and two sous. 972900 — 5326. George Willis. Born March 2. 1852. Died in childhood. 972900 — 5327. Grace Mildred. Born May 28, 1857. Married John Findley Rice, in Sept., 1SS2, at Osceola, la. 972900—5680. 972900 — 5340. Orrin Hawkins Ayre.s. (Thomas', David'.) 972900 — 501 1. He was born in Portage, Ohio, May 12, 1815. He married Jane Hardest}' in Copley, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1838. He died Sept. 27, 1853, at Bottle Hill, Eldorado Co., California. Children : 972900 — 5341. Myron H. Born near Akron, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1S39. He belonged to the 6th Ohio Battery. He died in Nashville, Tenn., May 27, 1863. Unmarried. 972900 — 5342. Celia. Born March 3, 1841, near Akron, Ohio. Married Captain A. P. Baldwin of 6th Ohio Battery, Nov. 7, 1S63. 972900—5700. 972900 — -5343. Fanny. Born July 14, 1845. Died Oct. ir, 1853. 972900 — 5344. Cornelia Jane. Born near Akron, Ohio, Nov. 28, 1847. Married Wallace Saxton in 1872, and lives in Cincinnati. They have children. 972900 — 5500. P. P. Nichols. He married, March 13, 1866, in Newton, Iowa, Helen Ayres. 972900 — 5261. Children : 972900 — 5501. Alda. Born Jan. 16, 1868, at State Centre, la. Married William Fundis. 972900 — 5520. 972900 — 5502. Blanch. Born Aug. 19, 1871, at State Centre, la. Mar- ried, Feb. 23, 1896, \V. S. Fiscus, at Audubon, Iowa. No children. 972900 — 5503. Grace. Born May 19, 1873, at State Centre, la. Mar- ried, Feb. 24, 1897, Alfred Honeywell at vSeneca, Kan. Child : .-Mfreda Honeywell. Born Dec. 21, 1899. 972900 — 5504. Raymond. Born Jan. 30, 1877, at State Centre, la. Married, June 19, 1900, Nellie Lerick of Seneca, Kan. i?,2obd History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 5520. William FuNDis. He married, Sept. 22, 1886, Alda Nichols. 972900 — 5501. Residence, Corning, Kan. Children : 972900—5521. Edith. Born Jan. 10, 1SS9, at Richford, N. Y. 972900—5522. Blanch. Born Oct. 8, 1S91, at Richford, N. Y. 972900—5523. Claude. Born Oct. 4, 1S94, at Richford, N. Y. 972900 — 5600. Homer Clark AYRE.S, E.SQ. (Justi^^ Thomas^, David'.) 972900 — 5321. Children : 972900-5601. Thomas Hubert. Born in Akron, Ohio, Oct. 3, 1865. Married Cora Kelsey Smith of Florence, Vt., in Sioux City, Iowa, June 11, 1892. 972900 — 5640. . 972900 — 5602. Fanny. Born in Akron, Ohio, Aug. 28. 1867. Unmar- ried. Music teacher in Chicago. 972900—5603. Bessie Ethelyn. Born at Osceola, Iowa, Dec. 11, 1873. Unmarried. Music teacher in Chicago. 972900 — 5640. Thomas Hubert Ayres. (Homer Clark", Justing Thomas^ David'.) 972900 — 5601. Children : 972900—5641. Clara. Born in Vermillion, S. Dak., Dec. 8, 1S93. 9729JQ— 5642. Fanny. Born in Vermillion, S. Dak., Oct. 2, 1895. 972900—5643. Homer Lee. Born in Pierre, S. Dak., June 17, 1898. 972900—5644. Rollin Smith. Born in Pierre, S. Dak., June 17, 1901. 972900 — 5660. Charles Thomas Ayres. (Justing Thomas', David'.) 972900 — 5325. Children : 972900 — 5661. Lizzie. Born in Osceola, Iowa, Sept. 16, 1879. Married George Squier, Feb. 14, 1903. 972900—5662. Romeyn. Born in Osceola, Iowa, Aug. 22, 1881. 972900—5663. Raymond. Born in Osceola, Iowa, April 26, 1883. 972900 — 5680. John Findlay Rice. He married Grace Mil- dred x^yres. 972900 — 5327. Children : 972900—5681. Frank .\yres. Born April 28, 1883. 972900 — 56S2. Gordon Kimball. Born Dec. 17, 1896. Additional Records. i820(5^' 972900 — 5700. Capt, a. p. Baldwin. He married Celia Ayres. 972900 — 5342. Children : 972900 — 5701. James A. Baldwin. Born in Copley, Oct. 8, 1864. Mar- ried Nellie Goble of Akron, O. No children. 972900 — 5702. Susie. Born in Akron, Ohio, Jan. 23, 1867. Unmarried, 972900 — 5703. John Sherman. Born in Akron, Feb. 18, 1868. Married. They have one boy. 972900 — 5704. Mary Alice. Born in Akron, April 4, 1876. Married and has two children. 972900 — 5760. Rev. Oliver Ayer. He married Phebe Brown (daughter of Elijah Brown and Phebe Nash of Stockbridge, Mass.). He removed from W. Stockbridge, Mass., to Clinton, Au- gusta, and Richland, N. Y., where both died. Children : 972900 — 5761. Clarissa. Married. 972900 — 5762. Dr. Grier. Physician. Died. 972900 — 5763. Oliver. Residence, New York State. 972900 — 5764. Rev. Frederick. Missionary of American Board to the Red Lake. Children : i. Son. Born in 183 1. 2. Son. Born in 1833. 972900 — 5800. Hon. Joseph Pynchon. He married, July 12, 1759, Sarah Ruggles (daughter of Rev. Thomas Ruggles, Y. C, 1723, and Rebecca Hart, daughter of Rev. John Hart, Rev. Thomas Rug- gles, H.C., 1690). She was born July 23, 1735. She died Dec. 3, 1807. 972900 — 5850. Chauncey Chapin. (Descendant of Charles Chauncy.) He married, Dec. 2, 1819, Nancy Lombard (daughter of Roswell Lombard and Anna Jones). She was born Sept. 11, 1803, at Coxsackie, N. Y. He died May 6, 1851. Residence, Springfield, Mass. Children : 972900 — 5851. Roswell Lombard. Born Oct. 25, 1820. Graduated at Amherst College, 1842. Married, Sept. 24, 1845, Emily Curtis of Stockbridge. He died June 16, 1846. 972900 — 5852. Henry. Born March i, 1824. Died March 22, 1824. 972900 — 5853. Mary Bliss. Born June 4, 1825. \Z2obf History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 5854. Julia Ann. Born Nov. 2, 1S27. Married, Feb. 5, 1S52, Rev. Josiah B. Grinnell of New York. 972900—5855. Charles Chauncey. Born Dec. 20, 1S30. Died Jan. 16, 1832. 972900 — 5856. Infant. Born and died in May, 1833. 972900 — ^^5857. Susan Lombard. Born Aug. 20, 1834. Died Aug. 7, 1839. 972900 — 585S. Infant. Born in Sept. and died in Oct., 1836. 972900 — 5859. George Frost. Boi*n Aug. 27, 1838. Died Feb. 14, 1840. 972900 — 5900. Rev. Horatio Jones Lombard. (Roswell Lombard and Anna Jones.) He was born May 8, 1792. He mar- ried (ist), Sept. 4, 18 1 7, Lucinda A. Chapin (sister of Chauncey Chapin. 972900 — 5850). She died between 1826 and 1832 at Owego, N. Y. Minister. Merchant. Residence, Owego, N. Y., and Springfield, Mass. Children : 972900 — 5901. Lucinda Arabella. Born July iS, 1818. Died Aug. 16, 1843. 972900 — 5902. Samuel Osgood. Born April 27, 1S22. Died in May, 1822. 972900 — 5903. James Pumpelly. Born Jan. 28, 1826. Died young. 972900 — 5950. Hezekiah Goddard. He was born Aug. 29, 177 1. He married (2nd), Feb. 15, 1805, Sally Ayres Halsey. She died March 16, 1808. Residence, New London, Conn. Child : 972900 — 5951. Hezekiah W. Born Oct. 21, 1807. Died Nov. 28, 1824. 972900 — 6000. John Lamson. (John Lamson and Elizabeth Wesson, John and Sarah Rand.) He was born June 3, 1760, at Watertown, Mass. He married, Nov. 4, 1790, Hannah Ayres. Children : 972900 — 6001. John. Born July 18, 1791. 972900 — 6002. Rev. Alvan. Born Nov. 18, 1792. Graduated at Har- vard College, 1814. Tutor in Bowdoin College, 1814-16. S.T.D., 1837. Married, July 11, 1825, Frances Fidelia Ward (daughter of Hon. Artemus Ward). Member State Hist. Society. Min- ister. Ordained Oct. 29, 1S18. They had four children. Resi- dence, Dedham, Mass. 972900 — 6003. Darius. Born Aug. 17, 1794. 972900—6004. Sophronia. Born April 12, 1796. 972900 — 6005. Miranda. Born Feb. 18, 1800. Additional Records. 1820^,^ 972900 — 6050. Sa.muel Hall Walley. He was born April 12, 1778. He married, Jan. 4, 1803, Miriam Phillips. She was born June 9, 1779. He died July 25, 1850. She died March 26, 1827. Children : 972900 — 6051. Samuel Hurd. Born Aug. 31, 1805. 972900 — 6100. 972900—6052. Sarah Hurd. Born Jan. iS, 1816. Married Dr. William K. Brown. 972900 — 6120. 972900 — 6053. Abigail Bromfield Phillips. Born Maj- 25, 1818. Un- married. 972900 — 6100. Hon. Samuel Hurd Walley, M.C. (Samuel Hall.) He was born Aug. 31, 1805. Hegraduated at Harvard College, 1826. Lawyer. M.C. He married, Oct. 14, 1829, Mehitabel Sum- ner Bates. She was born in June, 1810. Children : 972900 — 6101. Martha Henshaw. Born Dec. 17, 1832. Died Feb. 15, 1833- 972900 — 6102. Miriam Phillip. Born Aug. 28, 1834. 972900 — 6103. Samuel. Born Sept. 3, 1836. Died Sept. 13, 1837. 972900 — 6104. Henshaw Bates. Born Sept. 14, 1S38. Graduated at Harvard College, 1859. 972900 — 6105. Theresa Maria. Born Oct. 26. 1840. Died Aug. 9, 1843. 972900 — 6106. William Phillips. Born April 11, 1843. Graduated at Harvard College, 1864. 972900 — 6107. Abigail Bromfield Phillips. Born Sept. 4, 1845. 972900 — 6108. Hetty vSumner Bates. Born Feb. 15, 1848. 972900 — 6109. Isaac Chapman Bates. Born Jan. 15, 1850. 972900 — 61 10. Edward. Born June 6, 1852. 972900^ — 6120. Dr. William Kellogg Brown. (William^, William^, Josiah'.) He was born July 8, 1806. He graduated at Dartmouth Medical School, 1829. He married (2nd), Dec. 26, 1838, Sarah Walley. They had several children besides those named be- low. Dentist in 1850. He died in 1879. Residence, 1850, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Children : 972900— 6121. Sarah Walley. Born April 27, 1842. Died Dec. i, 1844- 972900 — 6122. Eliza Hooper. Born Nov. 11, 1843. 972900—6123. Samuel Walley. i^2obh History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 6150. William Eayrs. He married, in 1835, Sarah Wilson White (daughter of John Philhps White and Lucy Gutterson of Pelhani, N. H.). She was born March 23, 1819. Residence, Merrimack, N. H. Children : 972900 — 6[5i. Otis White. Born in March, 1836, in Nashua. Died Oct. 30, 1837. 972900 — 6152. Onslow Scott. Born Sept. 30, 1S38, in Nashua. Died Feb. 27, 1840. 972900 — 6153. Winslow PhilHps. Born Aug. 31, 1840, in Nashua. 972900 — 6154. Mariette Foster. • Born Oct. 28, 1843, i^i Concord, N. H. 972900 — 6155. DeWitt CHnton. Born Dec. 28, 1846, in Concord. 972900 — 6200. James Ayer. He married. May 10, 17 11, Mary White (daughter of John White and Lydia Oilman of Haver- hill, Mass.). She was born June 24, 1690. She died in 1777. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 972900 — 6240. S-AMUEL White. (Samuel.) He was born Aug. 26, 1759. He marrie.d, March 22, 1789, Lydia Ayer (daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia Ayer of Haverhill, Mass.). He died Dec. 15, 1808. She died Feb. 8, 1802. Residence, Watertown, Mass. Children : 972900 — 6241. WilUam. Born Sept. 4, 1789. 972900—6242. Mary. Born Jan. 10, 1792. Married Samuel White Duncan. Graduated at Harvard College, 1810. He died Oct. 21, 1824. No children. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 972900 — 6243. Sarah Brown. Born Sept. 29, 1793. Married Joseph Henry Adams. 972900 — 6340. 972900 — 6244. Fanny. Born March 22, 1796. Married Warren Whit- tier of Haverhill, Mass. She died Oct. 27, 1827. No issue. 972900 — 6245. Lydia. Born Nov. 30, 1798. 972900 — 6300. William White. (SamueP, Samuel'.) 972900 — 6241. He was born Sept. 4, 1789. He married, July 4, Priscilla Davis (daughter of James Davis and Abigail White). He died Sept. 25,1835. Children : 972900 — 6301. Son. Died in infanc}'. 972900 — 6302. Daughter. Died in infancy. 972900 — 6303. Samuel. Born Jan. 12, 1821. 972900 — 6304. James Davis. Born March 31, 1824. 972900 — 6305. William Henry. Born July 26, 1828. Additional Records. 18201^/ 972900 — 6340. Joseph Henry Adams. (John Adams of Andover, Mass.) He married, Nov. 12, 1816, Sarah Brown White. 972900 — 6243. Merchant. Residence, Boston, Mass. Children : 972900—6341. Joseph Henry. Born Jan. 2, 1S18. Civil Engineer and Architect. Graduated at Harvard College, 1837. Married, Sept. 29, 1852, Addie M. DeLeon of Columbia, S. C. He died in 1886. Child : Marion. Residence, Washington, D. C. 972900—6342. Carohne Matilda. Born April 4, 1819. Married, April 25. 1833, Charles Roval Bond. Merchant. Residence, Boston, and later. California. Children : i. Elizabeth. 2. Gertrude. Died. 972900—6343. Sarah Frances. Born Sept. 20, 1820. Married Dr. Will- iam Johnson Dale. 972900 — 6400. 972900 — 6344. Edward Franklin. Born Sept. 25, 1822. Broker. Resi- dence, Boston. 972900—6345. John. Born Sept. 5, 1825. Married, May 5, 1852, Mary Hill of Boston. Merchant. Residence, Chicago. 972900 — 6346. Frederick Sheridan. Born Feb. 21, 1828. Died Nov. 15, 1847. 972900 — 6347. Julia Maria. Born June 7, 1S33. 972900 — 6400. Dr. William Johnson Dale. He graduated at Harvard University. A.B., 1837. M.D., 1840. He married Sarah Frances Adams. 972900^6343. Residence, Boston. Children : 972900 — 6401. Sarah Frances. 972900 — 6402. William J. 972900 — 6403. Edward Augustus Holyoke. 972900 — 6450. Alpheus Tompkins BuLKLEY, Esq. Graduated at Yale College, 1875, ^"^ Albany Law School, 1877. Lawyer. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Residence, 1888, Albany, N. Y. 972900 — 6460. Rev. W^illiam How'ard Bulkley. Graduated at Trinity College, 1873, ^"d Berkley Divinity School, 1876. Mem- ber of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Protestant Episcopal minister. Residence, 1888, Stepney Depot, Fairfield Co., Conn. 972900 — 6470. Clarendon CoBP. BuLKLEY. (Brother of Rev. William Howard Bulkley.) Graduated at Trinity College, 1875. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Merchant. Residence, 1888, Hartford, Conn. iS2od/ History of the Ayres Family. > 972900 — 6480. Thomas WooDBRiDCxE. (Benjamin^, Benjamin^, Thomas-, John'.) He was born in 1747. He married Lydia Ayer of Haverhill, Mass, He died in 1836. Residence, New Castle, Me. Child : 972900—6481. William. Born in 1783. 972900 — 6500. 972900 — 6500. William Woodbridge. (Thomas^, Benjamin^ Benjamin^ Thomas-', John'.) 972900—6481. He was born in 1783. He married Ann Tobey, He died in 1863. Residence, Hallowell, Maine. Child : 972900 — 6501. William Ayer. 972900 — 6550. 972900 — 6550. William Ayer Woodbridge. (William*, Thomas^, Benjamin^, Benjamin^ Thomas-, John',) 972900 — 6501. He married (ist), 1843, Mary Carr Wingate ; (2nd), 1870, Deha J. Thomas. Residence, Chatham, N. Y. Children : 972900 — 6551. William T. 972900 — 6552. Howard C. 972900 — 6600. Charles Walley Lorett, Esq. (William. 916403.) He graduated at Harvard Law School, 1867. He died Feb. 8, 1890, at Marblehead, Mass. 972900 — 6620. Samuel Dunn Phillips. (Thomas Walley^ John'.) 969 16 1. He graduated at Harvard College, 1861. He died in 1862. 972900 — 6630. Dr. Charles Chauncey Cook. Graduated at Yale Medical School, 1822. Died in 1863. 972900 — 6640. Frederick Truman. (Edward D.) He died March 22, 1903, at Dixon, 111. 972900 — 6650. Mrs. Charles Chauncey Shackford. She died in March, 1903. 972900 — 6651. Stephen AvRES. (Jabez.) He was born Feb. 16, 1770, in Braintree, Mass. He removed with his father in 1792 to Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Member of Assembly, 1836. He died Sept, 17, 1850. Additional Records. i820(5/^ 9730OO — 6660. Washington Irving Fearing. He was born May 28, 1846, at Weymouth, Mass. He married, Nov. 30, 1870, Ruth EUza Ayers (daughter of Calvin Ayers and Rebecca Cady). She was born Feb. 7, 1853, at Dover, Mass. Residence, S. Hing- ham, Mass. Children : 972900 — 6661. Sarah Cady. Born Oct. i, 1871. 972900 — 6662. Eugene Foster. Born July 3, 1873. Died Dec. 5, 1873. 972900 — 6663. Freddie Atwood. Born Sept. 14, 1874. 972900 — 6664. Alice May. Born Feb. i, 1876. Died Sept. 5, 1878. 972900 — 6665. Jennie Washington. Born May 18, 1S7S. 972900 — 6666. Nettie Foster. Born Feb. 12, 1880. 972900 — 6667. Harry Winthrop. Born Feb. 14, 1882. Died June 11, 1883. 972900 — 6670. David Ayer.s. He married (pub. Feb. 9, 1 801), Sarah Seaverns (daughter of Samuel Seaverns and Sarah Jen- nison of Weston, Mass.). She was born Feb. 2, 1775. Residence, Needham, Mass. 972900 — 6675. Joseph Bassett Kelsey. He was born July 7, 1842. He married, Dec. 19, 1883, Charlotte W. Mack of Boston. Residence, Hingham, Mass. 972900 — 6700. Hon. Charles Cushing. (Jacob-*, Matthew'', John-, Matthew'.) He was born July 13, 1744. He married Han- nah Croade (daughter of Thomas Croade of Halifax, Mass.). Colonel. Selectman, 1778-9. Representative, 1780-1 ; 1784; 1789-93. State Senator, 1794. Magistrate. He removed with his family, in 1797, from Hingham to Lunenburg, Mass. He died Nov. 25, 1809. Children : 972900—6701. Mary. Born Dec. 10, 1769. Married Harrington. 972900 — 6702. Charles. Born April 7, 1771. Died Dec. i, 1785. 972900 — 6703. Chauncey. Born Oct. 23, 1772. Died Feb. 5, 1773, in Boston. 972900 — 6704. Edmund. Born Dec. 2, 1774. 972900 — 6720. 972900 — 6705. Josiah. Born April 26, 1778. Died April 26, 1779. 972900 — 6706. Priscilla. Born June 6, 1779. Married Thomas Stearns. 972900 — 6740. 972900—6707. Josiah. Born Jan. 10, 1782. Died April 13, 1795. 972900 — 6708. Hannah. Bapt. July 4, 1784. Died Nov. 26, 1784. 972900 — 6709. Hannah. Bapt. April 6, 1786. 972900—6710. Charles. Bapt. Sept. 20, 1789. Died Oct. 25, 1791. 972900 — 671 1. Charles. Bapt. vSept. 2, 1792. i82o^/ History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 6720. Hon. Edmund Gushing. (Charles^, Jacob'.) 972900 — 6704. He was born Dec. 2, 1772. He married, Nov. 20, 1800, Mary Stearns (daughter of Josiah Stearns and Mary Corey). She was born Oct. 25, 1776. Selectman. Representative, 1804-11, and 1820. Presidential Elector, 1824. State Senator, 1825-8. Member of Governor's Gouncil, 1826-8. First Postmaster of Lunen- burg, and for twelve years. Gaptain, 1799. Major, 181 1. Lieut. GoL, 1808. He died March 22, 1851. Residence, Lunenburg, Worcester Go., Mass. Children : 972900 — 6721. Luther Stearns. Born June 22, 1S03. 972900 — 6760. 972900 — 6722. Mary Croade. Born May 6, 1805. Married Zabdiel Boylston Adams Cunningham. 972900 — 6770. 972900 — 6723. Edmund Lambert. Born May 3, 1807. 972900 — 6780. 972900 — 6724. Henry Albert. Born May 4, 1809. Died June 21, 1810. 972900 — 6725. WilHam. Born May 15, 181 1. 972900 — 6726. George Augustus. Born Aug. 8, 1813. 972900 — 6800. 972900 — 6727. Caroline Augusta. Born Nov. i, 1815. Unmarried. 972900 — 6728. Martha Ann Stearns. Born Oct. 9, 1818. Married Franklin Forbes. 972900—6820. 972900 — 6740. Maj. Thomas Stearns. (Josiah Stearns and Mary Gorey.) He was born Sept. 8, 1778. He married, Feb. 26, 1806, Priscilla Gushing. 972900 — 6706. Major, 1813. Justice of the Peace, 1818. He died Nov. 23, 1826, at Lunenburg, Mass. She resided, 1855, Hingham, Mass. Children : 972900 — 6741. Oliver. Born June 3, 1807. 972900 — 6860. 972900 — 6742. Hannah. Born Jan. 7, 1810. Teacher in Worcester, Mass. Unmarried. 972900 — 6743. Thomas. Born Oct. 17, 181 1. Married Charlotte Blood (daughter of Gen. Thomas Blood of Sterling). Commission merchant in Baltimore. Merchant in Boston, 1S55. 972900 — 6744. Martha Laurens. Born March 12, 1814. Married, in Aug., 1843, Hon. Joseph Sebastian Cabot. 972900 — 6860. 972900 — 6760. Hon. Luther Stearns Gushing. (Edmund^ Charles-, Jacob'.) 972900 — 6721. He was born June 22, 1803. He graduated at Harvard Law School, 1826. Clerk of Mass. House of Representatives, 1832-4. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1844. Additional Records. iS2obm Reporter of Supreme Court of Mass., 1848-53. Author of Cushing's Manual of Parliamentary Rules. Lecturer on Roman Law in Har- vard University, 1848-53. He married, May 19, 1840, Mary Otis Lincoln (daughter of James O. and Elizabeth Lincoln). He died June 22, 1856, in Boston. Children : 972900—6761. Mary Otis. Born March 30, 1841, in Boston. 972900—6762. Ehzabeth Stillman. Born Feb. 25, 1845. 972900 — 6770. Zakdiel BoLSTON Adams Cunningham. (Na- thaniel F.) He was born in Nov., 1805. He married, Jan. 6, 1829, Mary Croade Cushing. 972900 — 6722. He died in May, 1830. Residence, Lunenburg, Mass. Child : 972900—6771. Mary Caroline Adams. Born Oct. 6, 1829. Teacher. 972900 — 6780. Hon. Edmund Lambert Cushing, LL.D. (Edmund^ Charles^, Jacob'.) 972900 — 6723. He was born May 3, 1807. He graduated at Harvard University, A.B., 1827, LL.B., 1834. Tutor in Harvard, 1828-9; Instructor, 183 1-2. Representa- tive. Chief Justice of New Hampshire. He married, April i, 1835, Laura E. Lovell (daughter of Vryling Lovell and Laura Hubbard of Charlestown). Residence, Charlestown, N. H. Children : 972900 — 6781. Catharine L. Born July 29, 1836. 972900 — 67S2. Edmund Henry. Born June ar, 1838. Graduated at Harvard College. 972900 — 6783. Rebecca Dean. Born in Sept., 1843. 972900—6784. Mary Stearns. Born Nov. 14, 1851. 972900 — 6790. Rev. William Cushing. (Edmund^ Charles-, Jacob'.) 972900 — 6725. He was born May 15, 181 1. He gradu- ated at Harvard College, 1832. Student in Harvard Divinity School. Minister in Sterling and Lunenburg, Mass., and Milwaukee, Wis. Principal of Westfield Academy, 1848. Assistant in Harvard Uni- versity Library. Author and writer. He married, July 25, 1843, Margaret Louisa Wiley (daughter of Thomas Wiley, Treasurer of Fitchburg R. R. Co.). He died in 1895. i82od?i History of the Ayres Family. Children : 972900—6791. Margaret W. Born June i, 1844, in Milwaukee, Wis. 972900—6792. Charles Chauncey. Born Dec. 22, 1S45, i" Cambridge, Mass. 972900—6793. Henry Prescott. Born March 20, 1847, in Lunenburg, Mass. 972900—6794. John Eliot. Born June 15, 1849. 972900—6795. Mary Louisa. Born Dec. 14, 1850. 972900 — 6800. George Augustu.s Gushing. (Edmund^, Gharles^ Jacob'.) 972900—6726. He was born Aug. 8, 1813. Student in Harvard Law School, class of 1841. He married, Nov. 21, 1850, Lucy Whitman Mitchell. She was born Sept. 2, 1824. Lawyer. Givil Engineer on Portland and Augusta R. R. Ghild : 972900—6801. Julia Wells. Born Aug. 9, 185 1. 972900 — 6820. Franklin Forbes. (Eli and Glarissa Forbes of Cambridge, Mass.) He was born in 1809. He graduated at Amherst College, 1833. He rnarried Martha Ann Stearns. 972900— 6728. Principal of Lowell High School. Givil Engineer. He died in 1875. Residence, 1848, Lowell, Mass. Children : 972900—6821. Caroline C. Born June 19, 1838, in Boston. 972900—6822. Clarissa N. Born April 8, 184 1, in Boston. 972900—6823. James C. Born July 10, 1844, in Lowell. 972900—6824. Frank C. Born Oct. 15. 1846, in Lowell. Died Jan. 29, 1849. 972900—6825. Eli. Born in Feb., 1849. 972900 — 6826. Edmund Cushing. Born Aug. 14, 1851. 972900 — 6860. Rev. Oliver Stearns, D.D. (Thomas", Luther Gushing'.) 972900 — 6741. He was born June 3, 1807. He graduated at Harvard College, A.B., 1826, B.D., 1830. (S.T.D., 1857.) Pastor of Unitarian Church in Hingham, Mass. He mar- ried, May 14, 1832, Mary Blood (daughter of Gen, Thomas Blood of Sterling). Tutor ; Parkman Professor of Pulpit Eloquence and Pas- toral care and Lecturer on Christian Theology ; Parkman Professor of Theology and Dean of Divinity School, Harvard University. President of Meadville Theological Seminary. Additional Records. i%2obo Children 972900 — 6861. Charles Chauncey. Born Feb. 23, 1833. Died in Sept., •833. 972900—6862. Oliver. Born July 23, 1834. Died in July, 1S36. 972900 — 6863. Mary Ellen. Born Nov. 14, 1836. 972900 — 6864. Thomas Heywood. Born Oct. 5, 1S38. 972900 — 6880. Hon. Joseph Sebastian Cabot. He was born Oct. 8, 1796, in Salem, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College, 18 1 5. President of Asiatic Bank. President of Salem Savings Bank. State Bank Commissioner. President of Mass. Horticultural Society. Mayor of Salem, Mass., 1845-8. Democratic candidate for Member of Congress. He married Martha Laurens Stearns. 972900 — 6744. He died June 29, 1874. She died in May, 1844. 972900 — 6900. Hon. Francis Willoughby. (Nehemiah^ Dep. Gov. Francis^, Col. William'.) He was born Sept. 28, 1672. He married (2nd), Oct. 11, 17 16, Sarah Chauncey of Boston. Deputy and Representative, 1716. Residence, 1734, Boston. 972900 — 7000. Joseph G. Miller. He married, Nov. 22, 1 88 1, Emma Ayars. Children : 972900 — 7001. Cornelia. Born Oct. 25, 1882. 972900 — 7002. Laurence. Born Feb. 6, 1S87. 972900 — 7003. Joseph. Born April 19, 1890. 972900 — 7100. Lewis Cammel Dunn. (Joel A. Dunn and Joanna Randolph.) He was born Nov. 11, 1844. He married, Nov. 27, 1867, Aurelia Ayars. She was born Nov. 6, 1846. Residence, 1903, New Market, N. J. Child : 972900— 7101. Walter G. Born July 19, 1870. Married, Feb. 13, 1890, Ella Larkin. 972900 — 7140. Aaron Avers. Town officer. Democrat. Died April 3, 1903. Residence, Washington, N. J. 972900 — 7150. MiLo Cook. Graduated at Middlebury Col- lege, 1804. Lawyer, Teacher. Died in 1820 in Augusta, Ga. i^2obp History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 7160. Rev. Chauncey Cook. Graduated at Middle- bury College, 1806. Congregational minister. Died in i860 at Ottawa, 111. 972900 — 7170. MiLO Dewey Cooke. Graduated at Middle- bury College, 1842. Lawyer. Died in 1889 in Galesburg, 111. 972900 — 7180. Matthew Ayres. Town officer of Town of Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y., between 1 765-1 775. 972900 — 7190. William Ayres. Town officer between 17 65- 1775 in Town of Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y. Associator, 1775- 972900 — 7200. Rev. Enos Ayres. First pastor of church at Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y., in 1759. He died in 1762. 972900 — 7205. Charles Chauncy Clarke. Graduated at Harvard College, 1808. Died in 1837. 972900 — 7210. Enos Ayres. (Nephew of Rev. Enos Ayres.) Residence, Jan., 1782, Cornwall Precinct, Orange Co., N. Y. 972900 — 7215. Rev. Enos Ayres. Pastor of Presbyterian Church at Blooming Grove, N. Y., 1 759-1 762. Died in 1762. 972900 — 7220. Henry Chauncey. Merchant. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7221. Joseph Chauncey. Merchant. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7222. William Chauncey. Merchant. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7223. Frederick Eyer. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7224. Edward G. Eyers. Residence. 1842. N. Y. City. 972900 — 7225. Benjamin J. Eyre. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7226. James Eyre. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7230. Laura W. Ayer. Born in 1833. Graduated at Mt. Holyoke College, 1852. Died in i860 at Haverhill, N. H. Additional Records. \2>2obq 972900 — 7235. Rev. Charles L. Ayer. He married, in 1849, Mary Bishop of Lisbon, Conn. She attended Mt. Ilolyoke College, class of 1848. Residence, South Killingly, Conn. 972900 — 7240. Irvin Ayres. He married, in 1872, Annie L. Poor of Belfast, Me. She graduated at Mt. Holyoke College, 1866. Residence, Camp Bidwell, Cal. 972900 — 7245. Theophilus Parsons. Vice-President of a corporation. Office, 57 Worth St., N. Y. City. Residence, 1900, Mass. 972900 — 7250. Theophilus Parsons. Graduated at Colum- bia College, A.B., 1899. Student in Columbia Law School, 1899- 1900. Residence, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7255. Benjamin P'ranklin Ayer. Lawyer. Died Oct. 6, 1902, in Chicago. 972900 — 7260. Rev. Charles Chauncey. He married (2nd), Jan. 8, 1738, Elizabeth Townsend. 972900 — 7265. Peter Truman. Soldier in War of 1812. Pensioner. Residence, Genesee Co., N. Y. 972900 — 7270. Dr. Ayer. He married. Physician. He practiced a few years in Stafford, Genesee Co., N. Y., but about 1863 removed to Buffalo, N. Y. Child : 972900 — 7271. Sarah Moody. Married Dr. RoUiii L. Banta. Physician. Residence, Buffalo, N. Y. 972900 — 7280. Peter Ayers. (Thomas", John^ Obadialr, John'.) 325023, He married Catharine. His will is dated Aug. 10, 1801. Residence, Wantage, Sussex Co., N. J. Children : 972900— 72S1. Peter. Married. Died in or before 1801. Child : Cath- erine. 972900 — 72S2. Thomas. 972900 — 72S3. David. 972900 — 72S4. Jacob. 972900 — 7285. Rachel. 972900 — 7286. Hannah. 972900—7287. Catharine. 972900 — 7288. Phebe. 972900 — 72S9. Mary. iS2odr History of the Ayres Family 972900 — 7290. Asa Hazen, Esq. Born in 1791 in Vt. Law- yer. He died May 13, 1866, at Ellicottville. N. Y. Residence, Olean and Ellicottville, N. Y. 972900 — 7291. Ebenezer LocKwooD. (Ebenezer*, Ebenezer^ Joseph', Joseph^ Jonathan^, Robert'.) 972900 — 431. Merchant. Supervisor, 1819, and 182 1-2. County Clerk of Cattaraugus Co., 1820-1. Sheriff, 1822-5. Residence, Olean, N. Y. 972900 — 7292. Joseph Lockwood. 972900 — 414. Merchant. Residence, about 181 1, Olean, N. Y. 972900 — 7293. Odell Lockwood. 972900 — 740. Merchant. Residence, about 181 1, Olean, N. Y. City. City. 972900 — 7300. 972900 — 7301. 972900 — 7302. 972900—7303 972900 — 7304 972900 — 7305 972900 — 7306 972900—7307 972900 — 7308 972900 — 7309 972900 — 7310 972900- — 731 1 972900 — 7312 972900—7313 972900—7314 972900—7315 Amos N., Avers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Daniel Avers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Ann Maria Avers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. Elbert Avers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Ellis F. Avers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Isaac Avers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Levessa Avers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Reuben Avers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Thomas N. Avers. Residence, 1842, N. Y. John Avre. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Abraham Avres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Albert Avres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Daniel Avres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. David Avres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Edward Avres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Edward J. Avres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7316. Edwin Avres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. Additional Records. 1820^5 972900 — 7317. Elihu Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7318. Erastus Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7319. George Willis Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7320. Ithama Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7321. James Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7322. Dr. James B. Avres. Dentist. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7323. John Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7324. Joseph E. Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7325. Lucius Ayres. Residence, 1842, N, Y. City. 972900—7326. Mary Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7327. Solomon Ayres. Residence, 1842. N. Y. City. 972900 — 7328. Theodore V. Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7329. Thomas Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7330. Thomas N. Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7331. William Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7332. William M. Ayres. Residence, 1842, N. Y. City. 972900 — 7340. Thomas Storm. (Garrit^, Gregoris^ Dirck'.) He was born in 1748 at Stormville, N. Y. He married Elizabeth Graham (daughter of Rev. Dr. Chauncey Graham, Chaplain in N. Y. Regt. in Rev. War, of Fishkill, N. Y.). Assistant Alderman, 1796-9. Member of Assembly, 1798-1804. Merchant. Residence, N. Y. City. Child : 972900 — 7341. Stephen. Born in 1788. 972900 — 7380. 972900 — 7380. Stephen Storm. (Thomas^ Gerrit\ Gregoris-, Dirck'.) 972900 — 7341. He was born in 1 788 in N. Y. City. He i82o^/ History of the Ayres Family. married, in Sept., iSii, Jane Maria Graham (daughter of Theodore VanWyck Graham, Recorder of Albany, N. Y., and Magdalena Ten Broeck, daughter of John Ten Broeck and Sarah Ganesvoort of Albany). Merchant. He died Oct. 31, 1862. Residence, N. Y. City. Child : 972900 — 73S1. Thomas. Born in 1S26. 972900 — 7600. 972900 — 7600. Thomas Storm. (Stephen^, Thomas^, Gerrit^ Gregoris^ Dirck'.) 972900 — 7381. He was born in 1826. He married, in April, 1871, Sarah M. Boyd (daughter of John T. Boyd, Dr. Thomas Boyd of N. Y. City). He died in or before 1892. She survived him. Child : 972900 — 7601. Clarence. Graduated at Columbia College and New- York Law School. Lawyer. Member of Zeta Psi college fra- ternity. Member of St. Nicholas Society, Calumet Club, and Society of Colonial Wars. Office, 120 Broadway. Residence, 1901, 41 West Srst St., N. Y. City. 972900 — 7700. Jacob Hazen Messer. (Matthew^ Zacheus^, SamueP, Richard^ Abiel", Richard'.) He was born March 14, 1824. He married (2nd), March 29, 1854, Nancy Ayer. She died Feb. 24, 1867. Residence, Methuen, Mass. 972900 — 7800. Col. William Belcher. (William^ Moses^ Samuel-, Gregory'.) He was born Oct. 4, 1772, at Preston, Conn. He married (2nd), in May, 1834, Lois J. Ayres of Granby, Mass. Merchant. Lieutenant Colonel in War of 181 2. He removed after- wards to Granby, Mass. Representative in Mass. Legislature, 1828- 30. Postmaster at Granby for twenty years. He died Oct. 20, 185 1. 972900 — 7840. Prof. James Mason Hoppin. (Benjamin^ Benjamin^, Benjamin", Benjamin^, Stephen^, Thomas'.) He was born Jan. 17, 1820, in Providence, R. I. He graduated at Yale College, 1840. Student in Harvard Law School, 1841-2 ; in Union and Andover Theological Seminaries, 1843-5, ^"^ i" Berlin University, Gerhiany, 1847-9. Ordained, 1850, in Cong. Church. Professor of Homili- tics, 1861-79, ^^^ History of Art since 1879 i'^ ^^^^ University. Additional Records. i^2obu D.D., Knox College, 1S70. Author. He married, June 13, 1850, Mary Deming Perkins. Address, 1901, 47 Hillhouse Ave., New- Haven, Conn. Child : 972900 — 7S41. Benjamin. Graduated at Yale College, 1S72. Tutor in Yale. 972900 —7900. Hon. William Warner Hoppin. (Benjamin Hoppin and Esther Phillips Warner, Col. Benjamin Hoppin of Rev. War, and Anne Rawson, descendant of Rev. Grindall Rawson, Ben- jamin Hoppin, Benjamin, Stephen, Thomas.) He was born Sept. i, 1807, in Providence, R. I. Graduated at Yale College, 1828. State Senator, 1853. Governor of Rhode Island, 18:^4-6. He died April 19, 1890, at Providence, R. I. Child : 972900 — 7901. William Warner. 972900 — 7980. 972900—7950. Hon. William Jones Hoppin. (Cousin of Gov. W. W. Hoppin.) Graduated at Yale College, 1832, and Harvard Law School, 1835. A.M., Brown University, 1890. Sec'y U. S. Legation, London. 972900 — 7980. William Warner Hoppin. (William Warner^ Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Benjamin^ Benjamin^ Stephen^ Thomas'.) 972900- 7901. He graduated at Brown University, 1861, College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. City, 1864, and Columbia Law School, 1869. Physician. Lawyer. Private, 1861, and Assistant Surgeon, 1864, in Civil War. He was one of Secretaries of Peace Conference, Washington, 1861. Author. Member of New York Historical Society and Sons of Revolution. President New York Y. M. C. A. Trustee of Union Theol. Sem. and Coll. Phys. and Surgeons. Office, 11 1 Broadway. Residence, 1901,47 West 53d St., N. Y. City. 972900 — 8000. Rev. Chauncey Wilcox. Graduated at Yale College, 1824. Died in 1852. 972900 — 8010. Hon. Thoma.s Storm. 972900 — 7340. Speak- er of New York Assembly, 1802 and 1803. iS2obv History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 8020. Capt. Stephen Storm. 972900 — 7380. Cap- tain, 3d Regt. N. Y. Artillery, War of 18 12. 972900 — 8030. Henry I. Bleecker. He was born in 1778. He married Mary Storm (daughter of Thomas Storm of New York City). Child : 972900— S031. Margaret. Married ( rst) Mr. Pinkhani ; (2nd) Henry Antie ; (3rd) Samuel Chapman. 972900 — 8040. Cavanough Ayres. Private, Capt. Seymour L. Judd's Co. (Co. G.), 89th Regt. N. Y. Vols, in Civil War. En- • listed from Broome Co., N. Y, (See Report New York Historian.) 972900 — 8050. Ayers. Private, Co. G., 13th Regt. N. Y. Vols, in Civil War. (See Report N. Y. Historian.) 972900 — 8060.' Andrew Ever. Bank cashier. Residence, 1 90 1, Bangor, Pa. 972900 — 8065. Benjamin Eyre. Married, Jan. 26, 1774, Mary Cheesman. 972900 — 8070. James Scott. Married, March 26, 1762, Mary Ayres. 972900 — 8075. William Everitt. Married, May 12, 1768, Sarah Ayres. 972900 — 8080. JohnInnes. Married April 8, 1 77 1, Susannah Ayres. 972900 — 8085. Joseph Airs. Married Feb. 10, 1778, Charity Whetten. 972900 8090. Andrew AiERS. Residence, 1777, New Marl- borough. 972900 — 8095. Phineas Ayres. He gave a bond as pilot in N. Y. City Feb. 1 1, 1734. 972900 — 8100. Capt. Thomas Ayre. Commander of ship Free Mason of N. Y. City, July 8, 1757. Additional Records. i^2obw 972900 — 81 10. Ebenezer Ayre. Private, Vermont Militia in Rev. War (Archives of State of New York; The Revolution Vol. I.). 972900 — 8115. William Ayres. Association in Rev. War. Residence, Cornwall Precinct, Orange Co., N. Y. 972900 — 8120. Benjamin Ayres. He with two others directed building of gondolas and row-galleys, 1776, in Rev. War. Residence, N. Y. City. (See New York in Revolution Supplement.) 972900 — 8130. Robert Ayres. Assignee of Bounty Rights of Rev. War. 972900 — 8135. William Chauncey. Merchant. Alderman, 1854. Residence, N. Y. City. 972900 — 8140. Col. Lewis Downing. He was a native of the Cherokee nation. He married ('2nd) in 187 1, Miss Ayers, a wealthy lady of Philadelphia, who removed with him to Tahlequah, Indian Territory, devoting her life and fortune to the education of the Cherokees. Governor of Indian Territory, 1872. 972900 — 8150. Frederick Street Hoppin, Esq. (Gov. Wil- liam Warren.) Graduated at Brown University, 1856. Member of Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Banker. Lawyer. Residence, Providence, R. I. 972900 — 8160. John RuGGLES Strong. (George Templeton.) Graduated at Columbia College, 1872, and Law School, 1875. Lawyer. 972900 — 8165. Dr. Edmund Grindall Rawson Trimble. Graduated at Columbia University, A. B., 1872, M. D.. 1878. Resi- dence, Chicago, 111. 972900 — 8170. Francis Lawrens Vinton Hoppin. (Gov. William Warren.) Architect. Member of Union Club and Sons of Revolution, office 160 Fifth Ave. Residence, 122 E. 22nd St., N. Y. City. i^2obx History oi^ the Ayres Family. 972900 — 8180. Gerard Beekman Hoppin. (Grandson of Gov. William Warren). Graduated at Yale College, 1891. Broker. Member of New York Stock Exchange. Member of University and Knickerbocker Clubs. 972900 — 8190. Putnam Aver. (Cousin of James Ayer. 972873 — I.) He married and had children. Residence, Hamburgh, Erie Co., N. Y. 972900 — 8200. James Ayer. 972873 — i. Born Feb. i, 1765. Died March 14, 1839. Married Sarah Bradley. She was born Feb. i, 1773. She died Dec. 7, 1844. Children : 972900 — 8201. Low B. Bom Dec. 31, 1769. Died Sept. 9, 1844. 972900 — 8202. Martha. Born Dec. 4, 1798. Died May 21, 1852. 972900 — 8203. Gorhani. Born Dec. 4, 1800. Married Frances Abel. 972900 — 8204. Ira. Born Dec. 26, 1802. Died July 28, 1889. 972900—8205. Mary L. Born Nov. 22, 1804. Died Nov. 27, 1853. 97290J— S206. Sarah B. Born Apr. 2, 1809. Died Mar. 17, 1895. Married James Black. 972900—8207. Henrietta. Born Apr. 3, 181 1. Died Aug. 29, 1832. Married Darius Atwood. 972900—8208. James. Born Aug. 14, 1813. Died May 22, 1863. 972874. 972900 — 8220. Moses Dart. Married Martha Ayer. 972900 — 8202. Children : 972900 — 8221. Julia. 972900 — 8222. Moses. 972900 — S223. Gorham. 972900 — 8240. Nicholas Beal. Married Mary Ayer. 972900 — 8205. Children : 972900 — 8241. Emily. 972900 — 8242. Marietta. 972900 — 8243. Gorhani. 972900 — 8244. James. 972900 — S245. Charlie. 972900 — 8246. Sarah. Additional Records. iSiody 972900 — 8260. Ira Ayer. 972900 — 8204. Married Julia Warner. Children : 972900 — 8261. Ira. 972900—8262. Sarah. 972900 — 8263. Lavinia. 972900 — 8264. Julia. 972900 — 8300. James Ayer. 972874. Born Aug. 14, 1813. Married Oct. 17, 1839, Marcy Terry. She was born Feb. 6, 1810. She died Jan. 4, 1862. Children : 872900 — 8301. James. Born July 28, 1842. Died July 28, 1842. 972900 — 8302. Sarah Reliance. Born Feb. 28, 1846. Died Mar. 26, 1849. 972900 — 8303. Ann Augusta. Born Feb. 26, 1848. Died May 29, 1849. 972900 — 8304. James Judson. Born Nov. 30, 1854. 972900 — 8305. Clara Annie. Born June 30, 1854. 972900 — 8350. James Judson Ayer. 972877. He was born Nov. 30, 1854. Married Apr. 10, 1872, Ellen M. Knight. She was born Aug. 17, 1852. She died Jan. 23, 1885. Children : 972900 — 8351. Clara May. Born Mar. i, 1875. 972900 — 8352. Francis Lynn. Born Oct. 28, 1876. 972900 — 8353. Maude Ilene. Born Jan. 29, 1881. 972900 — 8360. Carl A. Meissner. Married Clara Annie Ayer. Children : 972900 — 8361. Bertha. 972900 — 8362. Fritz. 972900 — 8363. William. 972900—8364. Carl. 972900 — 8365. Clarence. 972900 — 8366. Harold. 972900 — 8367. James. i820(^2' History of the Ayres Family. 972900 — 8400. Daniel Chauncey. He married. Residence, 1903, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 972900 — 8401. DanieL 972900 — 8402. Grace. Married, April 21, 1903, Woodward Babcock. (Henry Denison Babcock, banker, Samuel D. Babcock, Presi- dent of New York Chamber of Commerce.) 972900 — 8403. Madeline. 972900 — 8420, Adelaide Chauncey. (Cousin of Grace Chauncey.) ^YRES History. JOHN AYER OF HAVERHILL, IPSWICH AND SALISBURY. (1635.) ADDITIONS. THIRD GENERATION. 972900. John Ayer. (Thomas-, John\), 160061, He was born May 14, 1657, at Haverhill, Mass. He married, in 1684, Han- nah Travis. He removed to Stonington, Conn., in 1694. He died in 1743. She died in 1747. Child : 972901. John. Born in 16S8. 973040. FOURTH GENERATION. 973000. Lieut. Ebenezer Ayer. (SamueP, Peter'', John'.) 539005. He was born Feb. 18, 1704 (o. 5), in Haverhill, Mass. He married (ist), March 29, 1726, Susannah Kimball (Robert', Benja- min^ Richard'), of Bradford, Mass. She died Sept. 19, 1749. He married (2nd), probably in 1751, Elizabeth . He died March 3, 1762 (o. 3), in Salem, N. H. Lieut. Ayer lived in Haverhill and Methuen, Mass., and in Salem, N. H. As the boundary lines be- tween these three towns were repeatedly changed, it may be that his actual residence was never changed at all. He was prominent in Salem, N. H., after 1736. Children : 973001. Ebenezer. Born in Haverhill, Mass., March 22, 1727. Mar- ried, July 4, 1754, in Pepperellboro (Saco), Me., widow Hannah Plaisted Scammon. 973400. l822 History of the Ayres Family. 973002. Elizabeth. Born in Methuen, Mass., Jan. 25, 1727 (o. 8). 973003. Sarah. Born in Methuen, Mass., Oct. 27, 1830. 973004. Philip. Born in Methuen, Mass., Feb. 28, 1831 (o. 2). 973005. Tuttle. Born in Methuen, Mass., in April, 1734 ; died young. 973006. Tuttle. Born in Methuen, Mass., May 17, 1735. 973007. Peter. Born in Salem, N. H., May 12, 1737. Married (ist), Rebecca ; married (2nd), widow Sarah Jenkins of Pep- perellboro (vSaco), Me., Jan. 19, 1796. 974450. 973008. Timothy. Born in Salem, N. H., July 16, 1740. Married (ist), about 1766, Elizabeth ; married (2nd), April 23, 1798, widow Elizabeth Scammon Moody of Pepperellboro (Saco), Me. 974460. John. Born in Salem, N. H., April 2, 1744. Joseph. Born in Salem, N. H., May 22, 1746. Married, Oct. 3, 1775, in Pearsontown (Standish), Me., Eunice Clark. 9744S0. Isaiah. Born in Salem, N. H., Sept. 19, 1749. Married Han- nah before 1772. William. Born in Salem, N. H., May 23, 1752. Elizabeth. Born in Salem, N. H., Sept. 28, 1753. Samuel. Born in Salem, N. H., Sept. i, 1754. Married Anna 973009. 973010. 97301 1. 973012. 973013- 973014. 973015- 973016. Currier, Jan. 17, 17S2. Philip. Born in Salem, N. H., Nov. 3, 1758, John. Baptized in Salem, N. H., Oct. 12, 1760. 973025. Obadiah Ayers. (Obadiah^ Obadiah", John'.) 325225. He married, Dec. 5, 1750, Mary Wessels of Perth Amboy, N. J. Residence, Middlesex Co., N. J. 973030. James Ayers. (SamueP, Obadiah=, John'.) 325200. He married, March 13, 1744, Hope Bloomfield. Residence, Wood- bridge, N. J. 973040. John Ayer. (John^, Thomas^ John'.) 972901. He was born in 1688. He married Sarah Colt. Residence, Saybrook, Conn. Child : 973041. Travis. Born March 16, 1723. 974540. FIFTH GENERATION. ^73400. Maj. Ebenezer Ayer. (Ebenezer"*, SamueP, Peter^ John',) 973001. He was born in Haverhill, Mass., March 22, 1727. Baptized there June 4, 1727. Married, in Pepperellboro, Me., July 4, 1754, widow Hannah (Plaisted) Scammon. He served with some Fifth Generation. 1823 distinction in the Revolution. The date of his death is unknown. His wife died March 24, 1801. Children : 973401. Elisha. Baptized May 17, 1755. Married Mary McClellan. Died in Newfield, Me., 1807. 975000. 973402. Moses. Born March 17, 1757. Married Mary Tyler. Died July 12, 1815. 975020. 973403. John. Baptized Feb. 25, 1759. Married Patience Jellison, Dec. 7, 1780. 975035. 973404. Hannah. Baptized Dec. 25, 1763. 973405. Susannah. Born Dec. 20, 1764. Married Robert Cleaves, Sept. 3, 177S. Died in Saco, Me., Jan. 15, 1831. 973406. Sarah. Baptized July 12, 1767. Married ( ist), David Warren, Dec. 3, 1785 ; married (2nd), Libby. 973407. William. Baptized April 2, 1769. Died Sept. 12, 1770. 973450. Peter Aver. (Ebenezer^ SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 973007. He was born May 12, 1737. He married (ist), Rebecca . She died Oct. 28, 1795. ^^ married (2nd), widow Sarah Jenkins of Pepperellboro, Jan. 19, 1796. His first children were born in Salem, N. H. About 1776 he removed to Buxton. Me. He was a soldier of the Revolution. Children : 97345I' Benjamin. Baptized in Salem, N. H., Dec. 9, 1759. Died young. 973452. Jonathan. Baptized in Salem, N. H., Nov. 8, 1761. 973453- Benjamin. Born Nov. 23, 1763. Was in Buxton, Me., 1787. 975040. 973454. Sarah. Married Thomas Lowell of Bridgeton, Me., Nov. 27, 17S8. 973455- Ebenezer. Born in April, 1766. Married Elizabeth Moore, Jan. 2, 1789. Died at Buxton, Me., Feb. 18, 1812. 975060. 973456. Elizabeth. Born May 3, 1771. Married Josiah Paine in Bux- ton, Me., Nov. 24, 1 791. She died in Standish, Me., Sept. 6, 1852. 973457- Philip. Born in Buxton, Me., Nov. 11, 1778. Married (ist), Lucv Richardson ; married (2nd), in 1810, Mary Moody. He died in Monmouth, Me., March 4, 1857. 975080. 974460. Timothy Ayer. (Ebenezer", SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 973008. He was born July 16, 1740. He married (ist), Elizabeth , about 1766. She died after 1788. He married (2nd), widow Elizabeth (Scammon) Moody, April 23, 1798. She died Oct. 28, i824 History of the Ayres Family 1833. The date of his death is unknown, but it was before 181 1. His early life and first marriage were in the neighborhood of Salem, N. H. About 1770 he bought land in Buxton, Me., and afterwards lived there and near there. Children : 974461. Ebenezer. Born in Salem, N. H., Sept. 7, 1767. Probably died young. 974462. Abigail. Born in Pearsontown (now Standish), Me., June 12, 1770. Married, Oct. 20, 1791, Ephraim Sands, 3d. 974463. Isaiah. Born in Pearsontown, Me., Oct. 3, 1772. 974464. Daniel. Born in Buxton, Me., Nov. 2, 1775. Married Mary Boothby. She died in 1808. He died in 1802. 975100. 974465.' Susannah. Born in Buxton, Me., May 25, 1778. Married Theophilus Waterhouse, June 19, 1797. Died in 1799. 974466. Hannah. Born in Buxton, Me., Nov. 16, 1780. Married Theophilus Waterhouse, May 9, 1799. She died in April, 1804. 974467. Timothy. Born in Buxton, Me., Feb. 10, 1782. Married (ist), Hannah Merrill, April 9, 1807. She died in Dec, 1829. He married (2nd), Susannah Johnson, Oct. 14, 1830. He died at Casco, Me., in Feb., 1867. 975120. 974468. Aaron. Born in Buxton, Me., Jan. 22, 1786. Married, in Bux- ton, Jan. 19, 1806, Ruth Merrill. He died near Troy, N. Y., in 1817. She died in Minot, Me., Jan. 12, 1S64. 975140. 974469. Mary. Born in Buxton, Me., Feb. 2, 1788, (twin). Married, in Buxton, Thomas Richardson, April 14, 1805. She died Nov. 21, 1818. He died at Monmouth, Me., Aug. 27, 1865. 974470. Elizabeth. Born at Buxton, Me., Feb. 2, 1788, (twin). Mar- ried Robert Cleaves, Jr., Dec. i, 180S. She died at Saco, Me., March 10, 1814. He died in Saco, Me., Oct. 8, 1862. 974480. Joseph Ayer. (Ebenezer'', Samuel\ Peter=, John'.) 973010. He was born in Salem, N. H., May 22, 1746. He was living in Pearsontown (now Standish), Me., when he married there Oct. 3, 1775, Eunice Clark. He was of Buxton, Me., from 1776 to 1786; later of Browntield and Bethel. He died in Newfield, Me., Aug. 19, 1814. She died there April 25, 1823. Children : Married Daniel 974481. Mary. Born in Buxton, Me., Aug. 15, 1776. Carr of Rumford. 974482. vSamuel. Born in Buxton, Me., Nov. 5, 1777. Kilgore. 974483. Jonathan. Born in Buxton, Me., Dec. 29, 1779. Marston of Parsonfield, Me., Feb. 21, iSoS (o. 9) 1S38. 975180. Married Alice Married Mary He died in Fifth Generation. 1825 974484. James. Born in Buxton, Me., Sept. 26, 17S1. Married Thirza Mason, Nov. 7, 1S05. He died in Newfield, Me., Jan. 23, 1834. 975200. 974485. Sarah. Born in Buxton, Me., Feb. 3, 1784. Died unmarried July 13, 1809. 974486. Hugh Moore. Born in Buxton, Me., Aug. 31, 1786. Married (ist), Susanne Burnham of Cornish, Me., published Jan. 10, iSio. He married (2nd), Mary Jane Cleaves. 975220. 974500. Thomas Hazen. (Thomas-, Edward'.) 541300. He was born Feb. 7, iSgo. He married Sarah Ayer (daughter of John Ayer. 32015 i). She was born Oct. 15, 1690. She died Sept. 16, 1753, at Norwich, Conn. Children : 974501. Sarah. Born Sept. 12, 1715. Married a Bell. 974502. Joseph. Born June 30, 1 717. 975300. 974503- Thomas. Born Sept. 30, 1719. Died Aug. 19, 1782, at Hart- ford, Vt. Married, March 7, 1742 (o. 3), at Norwich, Conn., Ann Tenney. She was born Feb. 5, 1726 (o. 7). She died July 29, 1802, at Hartford, Vt. They had sixteen children. 974504. Hannah. Born April 30, 1729. Married, Juh' 5, 1753, Jacob Hyde, son of Jacob and Hannah (Kingsbury) Hyde. 974505. Moses. Born Dec. i, 1731. 975320. 974506. Alice. Born April 30, 1722. Married, March 16, 1738, at Nor- wich, Conn., John Rouse. 974507. Martha. Born July 3, 1725. Married, Dec. 4, 1751, at Nor- wich, Peter Ayer, born Sept. 18, 1729, at Norwich, son of Tim- othy and Abigail (Hartshorn) Ayer. She married (2nd), Jan. 13, 1761, at Norwich, Daniel Story. They removed to Ben- nington, Vt. 974520. Jacob Ayre.s. (James'', Samuel^ Obadiah", John'.) 325201. He married Eunice Ayres. 32533S. Soldier, Middlesex Co., N. J. Regt. in Rev. War. She died Oct. 19, 1823. Residence, Metuchen, N. J. Child : 974521. Oliver. 975340. 974540. Travis Ayer. (John-", John^, Thomas', John'.) 973041. He was born March 16, 1723. He married Nuhannah Maston of Lyme, Conn. Child : 974541- John. Born Sept. 24, 1763. 975450. 1 826 History of the Ayres Family. SIXTH GENERATION. 975000. Elisha Aver. (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer'', Samuel^, Peter^ John'.) 973401. He was born in Pepperellboro, now Saco, Maine, in 1754, and was baptized there May 17, 1755. He married Mary McLellan, who was born in 1749, and died May 17, 1824. He died in Newfield, Me., Sept. 7, 1807. He was for -many years an exten- sive trader in Saco, at one time owning the whole of Factory Island. He removed to Newfield in 1790, and settled on a farm there. Children : 975001. Hannah. Bapt. July 30, 1775. Married Josiah Towle. Pub- lished Nov. 5, 1794. 975002. EUsha. Baptized July 13, 1777. Married Sally Pease. 977000. 975003- James. Baptized Nov. i, 1778. Married Nancy Robinson of Limerick. Published July 30, 1803. He died Nov. 2, 1829. 977020. 975004. Mary. Baptized May 13, 1781. Married James Libby, June 28, 1798. 975005. Jane. Baptized July 13, 1783. Married Hosea Lord. Pub- lished July 30, 1803. 975006. Sarah. Baptized May 5, 1786. Married ( rst), Chesley Drew, Sept. 20, 1804. 975007. Martha McLellan. Baptized March 21, 1790. Married Win- born A. Drew, July i, 1813. 975020. MosES Aver. (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer'*, Samuel^, Peter=, John'.) 973402. He was born in Pepperellboro, now Saco, Me., March 17, 1757. Married Mary Tyler. He died July 12, 18 15. Children : 975021. EHzabeth. Born in Saco, Me., May 27, 1782. Married Abra- ham Clark, Dec. 30, 1801. 975022. John. Born in Saco, Me., Sept. 27, 1783. Married Abigail Lowell. Published May 17, 1805. 975023. Daughter. Born in Saco, Me., in March, 1785. Died April 5, 17S5. 975024. Sarah. Born in Saco, Me., Oct. 23, 17S6. Married Samuel Lowell, April 25, 1804. 975025. Daughter. Born in Saco, Me., in March, 1789. Died March 16, 1789. 975026. Hannah. Born in Saco, Me., Oct. 13, 1791. Married Luther Walker, Sept. 29, 1823. Sixth Generation. 1827 975027. Abigail. Born in Saco, Me., June 13, 1793. Married Valentine Clark in Nov., iSii. 975028. Andrew. Born in Saco, Me., March 18, 1795. Married Nancy C. Kelly. Published Dec. 15, 1815. 975029. Moses. Born in Saco, Me., Feb. 9, 1797. Married Jane Moore, Sept. 6, 1821. He died March 21, i860. She died June 28, 1871. 977200. 975030. Tristram. Born in Saco, Me., Feb. 19, 1799. Married Frances Moses. Published July 26, 1820. 977220. 975035. John Ayer. (Ebenezer, Ebenezer-', SamueP, Peter% John'.) 973403. He was born in Pepperellboro, now Saco, Me. Baptized Feb. 25, 1759. ^^ married Patience Jellison, Dec. 7, 1780. Child : 975036. Nancy Patten. Baptized in Saco, Feb. 24, 1782. 975040. Benjamin Ayer. (Peter^ Ebenezer'', Samuel^ Peter, John'.) 973453- He was born in Salem, N. H., Nov. 23, 1763. He married Rachel Sanborn. He died in Unity, Me., July 29, 1844. He lived in Buxton, Me., the earlier part of his life, and enlisted from there in the Revolutionary War at age of sixteen. He also lived in Falmouth, now Portland, and in Freedom, Me. Children : 975041. Annis. Born Feb. 3, 1786. Married Nathan W. Chase. 975042. Lydia. Born Feb. 5, 178S. Married \Vm. Richardson. 975043. Peter. Born Jan. 22, 1790. Married Jane C. Bartlett. 975044. Benjamin. Bom May 18, 1792. Married Betsey Chase. 975045. Rachel. Born Nov. 2, 1794. Died Dec. 5, 1794. 975046. John Sanborn. Born Oct. 29, 1795. Married Sarah Cass. 975047. Rachel. Born May 20,1798. Married (ist), Rufus Lowell; (2nd), Wm. Chase. 975048. Thomas B. Born June 3, 1800. Married Sybil E. Chase. 975060. Ebenezer Ayer. (Peter^, Ebenezer-", SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 974455. He was born in Salem, N. H., April, 1766. Mar- ried Elizabeth Moore in Buxton, Me., (?) Jan. 2, 1789. He died in Buxton, Me., Feb. 18, 18 12. Children : 975061. Eli. Born in Burton, Me., Oct. 26, 1789. Married (ist). Tem- perance Files, Feb. 9, 1814; (2nd), Sarah Eastman, in Jan., 1818. 977300. 1 828 History of the Ayres Family. 975062. Rebecca. Born in Burton, Me., May 8, 1791. Married Wm. Sjaear, May 22, 181 1. 975063. Margaret. Born in Burton, Me., Dec. 24, 1792. Married Samuel More. 975064. Elizabeth. Born in Burton, Me., April 19, 1795. Married Walter Boothby. 975065. Sarah. Born in Burton, Me., March 25, 1797. Died unmarried. 975066. Jane. Born in Burton, Me., April 17, 1799. Married Amos Thorns. 975067. Lucy Jenkins. Born in Burton, Me., April 2, 1801. Married Richard Hopkins Bacon, in Gorham, Me., June 28, 1822. She died in West Buxton, Me., April 13, 1880. 97506S. Mary. Born in Buxton, Me., April 27, 1803. Died May 9, 1805. 975069. Mary Boynton. Born in Buxton, Me., May 23, 1805. Married Isaiah Woodman in Minot, Me., Nov. 17, 183 1. 975070. Peter. 975071- Ebenezer Howe. 975080. Philip Ayer. (Peter^, Ebenezer-*, SamueP, Peter°, John'.) 974457. He was born in Buxton, Me., Nov. 11, 1778. Married (ist), Lucy Richardson. Married (2nd), in Monmouth, Me., in 1810, Mary Moody. She died in Monmouth, Me., Aug. 6, 1850. He died there March 4, 1850. Children : 975081. Richworth Jordan. Born in Standish, Me., Nov. 15, 1803. Married (ist), Joan Dudley; (2nd), Eliza Roberts. He died Jan. 17, 1874. 975082. Lucy. Born in Monmouth, Me., Oct. 5, 181 1. Married Rev. John Hobart, in Oct., 1835. Died Dec. 19, 1835. 975083. Nancy. Born in Monmouth, Me., Sept. 12, 1813. Married John Estes, Sept. 17, 1846. Died Sept. i, 1873 or '74. 975084. Lydia. Born in Monmouth, Me., Aug. 8, 1815. Married R. B. Dunn, Dec. 20, 1838. Died April 5, 1900. 975085. Daniel. Born in Monmouth, Me., June 4, 1817. Married Lydia Stedman, in 1845. Died in 1867. 977400. 975086. George William. Born in Monmouth, Me., Aug. 3, 1823. Married (ist), Margaret Breck ; (2nd), Fannie Waldron. Died in 1890 or '92. 977420. 9750S7. Martha J. Born in Monmouth, Me., Aug. 3, 1823. Married, in Monmouth, Feb. 3, 1847, Moses G. Palmer. 975100. Daniel Ayer. (Timothy^, Ebenezer-*, Samuel^ Peter", John'.) 974464. He was born in Buxton, Me., Nov. 2, 1775. He Sixth Generation. 1829 married Mary Boothby, in 1797. He died in 1802. She died in 1808, They Hved continuously in Buxton, where he is mentioned as a "cordwainer." Children : 975101. Nancy. Born in Buxton, Me., Nov. 25, 1798. Died in 1S13. 975102. Isaac. Born in Buxton, Me.. Feb. 26, iSoo. Married (ist), Ellen Norton; (2nd), Acbsah Norton. He died March 24, 1836. 977460. 975103. Daniel. Born in Buxton, Me., Aprils, 1S03. He married and had three children. 975120, Timothy Ayer. (Timothys Ebenezer^ SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 974467. He was born in Buxton, Me., Feb. 10, 1782. He married (ist), in Buxton, Hannah Merrill (Humphrey*, Samuel", Thomas^ John^, DanieP, Nathaniel'j, April g, 1807. She died in Harrison, Me., in Dec, 1829. He married (2nd), in Harri- son, Me., Susannah Johnson, Oct. 14, 1830. He died in Casco, Me., in Feb., 1867. While residing in Buxton he was a tanner. Children : 975 121. Betsey. Born in Buxton, Me., May i, 180S. Married. Died in childbirth. 975122. Humphrey Merrill. Born in Buxton, Me., March 7 or 17, iSio. Died unmarried. 975123. Aaron. Born in Buxton, Me., April 3, 181 2. Married, in Ly- man, Me., Mary Olive Cleaves, May 19, 1840. He died in Westbrook, Me., Oct. 8, 1876. 977500. 975124. Daniel. Born in Buxton. Me., Sept. i, 1816. Died Unmarried. 975125. Mary. Born in Newfield, Me., Jan. 11, 1S19. Married Goodale Scribner of Stoneham in 1835 (?). She died in Portland, Me., Feb. II, 1892. They had one son who died in Portland, Feb. 7, 1892. 975126. Samuel. Born in Newfield, Me., April 8, 1S21. Married Sarah Andrews of Lovell, Me. He died in Exira, Iowa, 1877 (?). 975127. Sally. Born in Newfield, Me., Aug. 19, 1823. 975128. Timothy. Died unmarried. 975129. Hannah Merrill. Born in 1826. Married John Jameson of Westbrook, Me.. April 23, 1857. 975140. Dr. Aaron Ayer. (Timothys Ebenezer^ Samuel', Peter", John'.) 974468. He was born in Buxton, Me., Jan. 22, 1 7 86. He married in Buxton, Jan. 19, 1806, Ruth Merrill (AbeP, 1830 History of the Ayres Family. Samuel^ ThomasS John\ Daniel^ Nathaniel'.) She was born in Buxton, April 25, 1784. Her mother was Elizabeth Page (Nehe- miah", Onesiphorus^ Onesiphorus^ John'.) Dr. Aaron Ayer studied medicine with Dr. Alvan Bacon of Biddeford, Maine, and practiced in Buxton and vicinity. In 181 1 he was living in Newfield. He died in 18 17 near Troy, N. Y., where he had gone on a prospecting tour. His widow married (2nd), John Woodman of Minot, Me., his third wife. No issue. He died May 26, 1849. She died, his widow, in Minot, Me., Jan. 12, 1864. The latter part of her life she lived with her stepson, Sullivan Woodman, in Minot. He had married her daughter Nancy. Children : 975141. Alvan Bacon. Born in Buxton, Me., Dec. 18, 1809. Married Martha Lyon in Newton, Mass., Oct. 25, 1835. Died in Romeo, Mich., April 30, 1883. 977540. 975142. Abel Merrill. Born in Buxton, Me., Feb. 6, 1S13. Married (ist), Mary L,. Knox in Lowell, Mass; (2nd), Clara Dwight McMillan in Conway, N. H., Oct. 29, 1874. He died in Lowell, Mass., Jan. 28, 1896. 977580. 975143. Nancy Merrill. Born in Turner, Me., June 15, 1817. Married, in Turner, Sullivan Woodman, April 27, 1837. He died in Me- chanic Falls, Me., Sept. i, 1892. She died in Kennebunk, Me., March 13, 1902. 975160. Samuel Ayer. (Joseph^, Ebenezer\ SamueP, Peter°, John'.) 974482. He was born in Buxton, Me., Nov. 5, 1777. He married Alice Kilgore. He died in 1846. Children : 975161. Asa. Born Nov. 10, 1801. 975162. Benjamin. Died Sept. 25, 1804. 975163. Timothy. Born April 9, 1804.. Died Sept. 30, 1804. 975164. Eliza. Born May 9, 1805. 975165. Peter. Born Dec. 11, 1806. Married Betsey Swan (daughter of Elijah Swan). 977600. 975166. Timothy. Born Aug. 13, 1808. Married (ist). Relief Estes (daughter of Stephen Estes); (2nd), Mrs. Dorcas F. Parks. . 977620. 975167. Benjamin. Born July 20, 1810. Died July 26, 1810. 975168. Sally. Born July 9, 1812. 975180. Jonathan Ayer. (Joseph^, Ebenezer", SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 974483. He was born in Buxton, Me., Dec. 29, 1779. He Sixth Generation. 1831 married Mary Marston of Parsonfield, Me., Feb. 21, 1808 (o. g). She was born Jan. 25, 1787, and died in Alton, N. H., April 6, 1855. She was a daughter of David Marston of Parsonfield, Me. Jonathan died in Texas in 1838. He settled in Parsonfield and removed to Dover, N. H., in 1828. Children : 975181. Trustam Currier. Born in Bethel, Me., July 4, 1S09. Died July 9, 1809. 9751S2. Trustam Currier. Born in Bethel, Me., Aug. 12, 1810. Died young. 975183. Nancy C. Born in Bethel, Me., Nov. 25, 1811. Married Joseph S. Howe, Oct. I, 1837. Died in Lowell, Mass., April 26, 1S99. 975184. David M. Born Oct. 10, 1813. Died young. 975185. Mary Jane. Born in Ossipee, N. H., March 8, 1816. Married, in Lowell, Mass., Benjamin Twombly, Dec. 23, 1839. Died April I, 1888. 9751S6. Trustam Currier. Born Sept. 29, iSiS. Died in 1S34. 975187. Abigail. Born in Parsonfield, Me., Oct. 14, 1819. Married James Smith in Lowell, Mass., July 3, 1S43. Died Feb. i, 1896. 975 1S8. Elizabeth. Born June 26, 1821. Married Randall G. Burrill. 975189. David Marston. Born in Limerick, Me., July 6, 1823. Mar- ried (ist), Ruth S. Sherburne of Tyngsboro, Mass., Oct. 26, 1848. She died in Methuen, Mass., June 17, 1893. He married (2nd), Mrs. Harriet Ann Griffin in Methuen, Mass., July 24, 1894. He died in Methuen, May i, 1900. 977640. 975190. Sarah Ann. Born in Parsonfield, Me., Aug. 14, 1S25. Married Moses Twombly, Jr., of Alton, N. H., in Lowell, Mass., July 25, 1846. 975i9r. Rufus. Born Sept. 6, 1827. Died young. 975192. Wells Waldron. Born in Dover, N. H., Aug. 9, 1830. Married Elizabeth DeWitt in New York City, Jan. 26, 1S58. Died in Fitchburg, Mass., March 25, 1889. 977650. 975200. Dr. James Ayer. (Joseph^, Ebenezer\ Samuel^, Peter*, John'.} 372840. 974484. He was born in Buxton, Me., Sept. 26, 1781. He married Thirza Mason in Bethel, Me., Nov. 7, 1805. She was born in Dublin, N. H., July 3, 1781. She was a daughter of Moses^ Mason, Jr., and Eunice Ayres. She died in Newfield, Me., Oct. 17, 1864. He died in Newfield, Me., Jan. 23, 1834. Moses^ Mason was a Revolutionary soldier, son of Moses^ (DanieP, John% Capt. Hugh" of Watertown, Mass.). Eunice Ayres was a daughter of Lieut. William" of Brookfield, (Jabez^, Samuel^, Capt. John" Ayres 1832 History of the Ayres Family. of Ipswich, Mass.). Dr. James Ayer was a member of the Maine Medical Society, and a successful practitioner. He came from Bethel to Newfield in 1805, and lived there all the rest of his life. Children : . 975201. Mary Ann. Born in Newfield, Me., Jul}- 27, 1808. Married Dr. Levi. Jefferson Ham, about 1829. M.D., Bowdoin College (Honorary), 1837. She died in Parsonfield, Me., March 14, 18S5. 975202. Moses. Born in Newfield, Me., July 6, :8io. Died Aug. 8, 1810. 975203. Joseph Cullen. Born in Newfield, Me., Aug. 24, 181 1. Mar- ried (ist), Rachel Ellis of Boston. Published Dec. 18, 1834. He married (2nd), Washburn. He died in Boston, Jan. 22, 1846. 977670. 975204. Eunice. Born in Newfield, Sept. 25, 1S13. Married Archibald Burbank. She died in Newfield, Dec. 14, 1889. 975205. James. Born in Newfield, Me., Oct. 4, 1815. Married (ist), Martha Bourne of Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 29, 1843. She died in Boston, ^Sept. 29, 1855. He married (2nd), Mrs. Mary Ann Bourne (Storms), sister of his first wife, July 15, 1S62. He died in Boston, Dec. 31, 1891. She died there May ii, 1897. 977690. 975206. Luther. Born in Newfield, Me., Oct. 17, 1818. Married Caro- line E. D. Chadbourne in Newfield, June 4, 1843. He died in Newfield, April 22, 1898. 977700. 975207. Monroe. Born in Newfield, Me., Feb. 24, 1821. Married (ist), Eliza A. Snaith, Jan. 12, 1876. She died Aug. 3 1 , 1877. He married (2nd), Grace E. Smith, Jan. 24, 1887. He died in Boston, Jan. 11, 1897. 975208. Thurza. Born in Newfield, Me., June 22, 1824. Died Oct. 28, 1826. 975220. Hugh Moore Aver. (Joseph^, Ebenezer-', SamueP, Peter^, John'.) 974486. He was born in Buxton, Me., Aug. 31, 1786. He married (ist), Susanne Burnham of Cornish, Me. Pub- lished Jan. 10, 1810. He married (2nd), Mary Jane Cleaves in Kinnebunkport, Me. She died in 1884. No issue. Child : 975221. A son by first marriage. Died young. 975300. Joseph Hazen. (Thomas', Thomas", Edward'.) 546000. 974502. He married, Dec. 3, 1740, Elizabeth Durkee. She died May 29, 1797, at Franklin, Conn. Where he died is un- known, but it is pretty certain he did not go to Vermont. Sixth Generation. 1833 Children 975301- 975302. 975303- 975304. 975305- 975306. 975307- 975308. 975309- 975310. 97531 1- Joseph. Born May 22, 1741, in Norwich, Conn. Married, Aug. 20, 1763, OHve Stoddard. They removed to North Hero, Vt., about 1790, and both died there. Neheniiah. Born Dec. 5, 1742, in Norwich. Married (ist), March 22, 1770, Jerusha Pitcher. vShe died Feb. 2, 1773, in Norwich. He married (2nd), March 25, 1777, Miriam Wood. Hannah. Born May 6, 1744, in Norwich. Married, May 24, 1764, Captain EHjah Rouse. They removed to Rouse's Point, N. Y. Andrew. Born Aug. 8, 1746. Died June 16, 1757, "i Norwich. Marcy. Born Jan. 30, 1746, in Norwich. Died Aug. 12, 1824, in Hartford, Vt. Married Captain Joshua Hazen. Born Oct. 19. 1745. hi Woodbury, Conn. Died April 19, 1796, in Hart- ford, Vt. Son of Thomas and Ann (Tenney) Hazen. Sarah. Born May 15, 1749, in Norwich. Died March 14, 1825, in Hartford, Vt. Married, about 1770, Nathaniel Dutton. Born June 5, 1747. Died Aug. 22, 1823, in Hartford, Vt. Son of Thomas and Abigail (Merriam) Dutton. Mary. Born Aug. 20, 175 1, in Norwich. Died Sept. 10, 1752. Mary. Born Sept. 11, 1754, in Lebanon, Conn. Died Feb. 4, 1823, in Hartford, Vt. Married, Sept. 16, 1773, David Newton. Born March 25, 1753. Died Dec. 29, 1839, in Hartford, Vt. Elizabeth. Born Sept. 8, 1756, in Norwich, Conn. Died May 26, 1826, in Franklin, Conn. Married, Nov. 4, 1774, Timothy Ayer. Born Oct. 15, 1754, in Norwich. Died vSept. 29, 1814, in Franklin, Conn. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Wales) Ayer. Anne. Bom Aug. 22, 1759, i" Norwich. Died Sept. 27, 1843, in Poultney, Vt. Married, Dec. 30, 1784, Jeremiah Armstrong. Born Jan. 24, 1761, in Norwich. Died March 14, 1842, in Poult- ney, Vt. Son of Jeremiah and Martha (Hartshorn) Armstrong. Asenath. Born April 13, 1763, in Norwich. Died May 4, 1845. Married, May 2, 1782, Captain Enos Wood. Died Jan. 21, 1859. Son of John and Hannah Wood. 975320. Moses Hazen. (Thomas^ Thomas^ Edward'.) 974505. He was born Dec. i, 1731. He married (ist), Nov. 13, 1755, Elizabeth Merrill of Norwich, Conn. She died Jan. 4, 1776, at Norwich. He married (2nd), Jan. 9, 1783, Joanna Samp.son of Norwich. She died May 28, 1813. He died July 11, 1812. Resi- dence, Franklin, Conn. Children : 975321. Nathan. Born June 14, 1756. Died June 6, 1812, at North Hero, Vt. Married, Nov. 10, 1779, Cynthia Ayer. Born Sept. 1834 History of the Ayres Family. 24> 1759. in Norwich, Conn. Died June 26, 1834, at North Hero, Vt. Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Wales) Ayer. 975322. Lois. Born Jan. 14, 1758. Died unmarried. 975323- William. Born July 10, 1760. Was one of the first settlers of Grand Isle, Vt. 975324. Ruth. Born July 10, 1762. Died Jan. 10, 1764. 975325. Andrew. Born May 22, 1764. Went to Grand Isle, Vt., later to Ohio. Married (ist), Betsey Haynes ; (2nd), Jane Trueman ; (3rd), Sally Hamlin (daughter of Barnabas and Mary (Bassett) Hamlin). 975326. Ruth. Born May 13, 1766. Died June 14, 1766. 975327. Levi. Born June 8, 1767. Married, Dec. 16, 1787, in Frank- lin, Conn., Brunetta Fillmore. Born Nov. 16, 1769, in Norwich, Conn. Daughter of Comfort and Zerviah (Bosworth) Fillmore. Both died at Cincinnati, Ohio. 97532S. Simeon. Born June 10, 1769. Died July 22, 1864, in Sprague, Con.n. Married (ist), Dec. 16, 1790, Abigail Sampson. Born April 3, 1770, in Norwich. Died Aug. 8, 1809, in Franklin, Conn. Daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Ladd) Simpson. He married (2nd), Feb. 25, 1810. Temperance Sabin, who died Oct. 10, i"847, in Franklin. Daughter of John and Temperance (Perkins) Sabin. 975329. vSarah. Born May 26, 1771. Died Nov. 11, 1842. Married, Jan. 12, 1792, Erastus Ladd. Born June 27, 1771, in Franklin, Conn. Died April 10, 1813, in Franklin. Son of Erastus and Abigail (Perkins) Ladd. 975330. Persis. Born March 12, 1773. Died June 12, 1776, in Norwich. 975340. Oliver Ayres. (Jacobs James\ Samuel^ Obadiah", John'.) 974521. He married. Soldier in War of 1812. Residence, Rahway, N. J. Child : 975341- Ann Maria. Married Alvah Compton. 977750. 975350. Frazee Ayers. (Robert*. Obadiah^, Obadiah^, John'.) 333800. He married (marriage license Feb. 24, 1749), Phebe Bloom- field. Residence, Middlesex Co., N. J. 975360. Enos Ayers. (John^, John^ John\ Obadiah", John'.) 333001. He married (marriage license May 8, 1749), Martha Gold. Residence, Woodbridge, N. J. 975400. Ezekiel Ayers. (Ezekiel^, Obadiah-', John^, Oba- diah^ John'.) 340050. He died Aug. 21, 1835. Residence, be- tween Hackettstown and Vienna, N. J. Seventh Generation. 1835 Children 975401. Robert. Born Nov. 8, 17S8. 340051. 977800. 975402. William. 340052. 975403. Abraham. 340053. 975404. John. 340054. 975405. Ezekiel. 340055. 345000. 975406. Mary. Married William Shotwell. 975407. Sarah. Married William Little of Independence. 975450- John Ayer. (Travis^, John^ John^, Thomas^ John".) 974541. He was born Sept. 24, 1763. He married Jemima Youngs (daughter of Judge Thomas Youngs of Southold, L. I.). Child : 975451- William Travis. Born Dec. 11, 1791. 977830. SEVENTH GENERATION. 977000. Elisha Ayer. (Elisha*, Ebenezer^, Ebenezer'', Sam- ueP, Peter=, John'.) 975002. He was born in Pepperellboro (Saco), Me., and was baptized there July 13, 1777. He married Sarah Pease. Children : 977001. Asa Peace. Born in Newfield, Me., Nov. 5, 1809. Died Nov. 2r, 1809. 977002. Royal Marston. Born in Newfield, Me., Sept. 18, 181 1. 977003. Charlotte. Married Dr. Hedge. 977004. Anizi. Married ( ist), Caroline Moore. 977005. Elisha. Unmarried. 977020. Capt. James Ayer. (Elisha^ Ebenezer^, Ebenezer'', Samuel^, Peter-, John'.) 975003. He was born in Pepperellboro, (Saco), Maine, and was baptized there Nov. i, 1778. He married Nancy Robinson of Limerick, Me. Published, July 30, 1803. He died Nov. 2, 1829. Children : 977021. Mary. Born in Newfield, Me., May 9, 1804. Died May 10, 1S04. 977022. James. Born in Newfield, Me., Aug. 3, 1805. Married (ist), Cyrene Straw of Newfield, July 18, 1827; (2nd), Susan Mann of Shapleigh, Me. Pul)lished Feb. 16, 1S44. 977023. Tristam. Born in Newfield, Me., April 4, 1807. Died Feb. 28, 1S08. 1836 History of the Ayres Family. 977024 977025 977026 977027 977028 977029 977030 Elisha. Born in Newfield, Me., Dec. 2, 1808. Married Caro- line Towle. Hannah. Born in Newfield, Me., March 3, iSii. Married Nathan Clifford, of Newfield, March 20, 1828. George. Born in Newfield, Me.. April 6, 1814. Married De- borah Smith. Caleb R. Born in Newfield, Me., May 22, 1813. Married Harriet Towle. Lewis. Born in Newfield, Me., April 10, 1820. Married Nancy B. Tibbetts, of Newfield, June 4, 1843. Jane. Born in Newfield, Me., April 25, 1817. Married Sher- burne Clifford. William R. Born in Newfield, Me., Dec. 29, 1824. Married Rebecca McCobb Burnham in Lincoln, Me., Nov. 27, 1847. 977200. Moses Aver. (Moses*^, Ebenezer^, Ebenezer'', Samuel^ Peter^ John'.) 975029. He was born in Pepperellboro (Sacoj, Maine, Feb. 19, 1797. He married Jane Moore in Newfield, Me., Sept. 6, 1821. She was born in Parsonfield, Me., Nov. 18, 1795. She was a daughter, of John Moore and Anne Milliken. She died June 28, 187 1. He died March 21, i860. Children : 977201. Ann Moore. Born in Newfield, Me., July 13, 1822. Married Col. Ira T. Drew of Waterborough, Dec. 29, 1842. He died vSept. 2 1, 1897. vShe died Feb. 5, 1856. 977202. William Towle. Born in Newfield, Me., Sept. 20, 1823. Died Oct. 22, 1825. 977203. Sarah Lowell. Born in Newfield, Me., Jan. 21, 1831. Married James McDonald Moulton, Dec. 16, 1856. 977220. Tristram Ayer. (Moses^ Ebenezer^, Ebenezer-*, SamueP, Peter^, John'.) 975030. He was born in Pepperellboro (Saco), Maine, Feb. 19, 1799. He married Frances Moses of Bux- ton, Me. Published, July 26, 1820. Children : 977221. Mary Ann. Born in Buxton, Me., Sept. 19, 1821. 977222. William. Born in Buxton, Me., March 4, 1824. 977223. Sarah Elizabeth. Born in Buxton, Me., Sept. 11, 1826. 977224. John G. Born in Buxton, Me., June 17, 1S29. 977225. Maria G. Born in Buxton, Me., Feb. 2, 1833. 977226. Lyman G. Born in Buxton, Me., Dec. 3, 1835. 977227. Frances Jane. Born in Buxton, Me., Oct. 26, 1838. 97722S. Charles H. Born in Buxton, Me., July 12, 1841. Seventh Generation, 1837 977300. Eli Ayer. (Ebenezer*, Peter, Ebenezer^ SamueK Peter^ John'.) 975061. He was born in Buxton, Me., Oct. 26, 1789. He married (ist), Temperance Files, Feb. 9, 18 14. He married (2nd), Sarah Eastman, in Jan., 18 18. She was born Sept. 7, 1798. She was a daughter of Thomas Eastman and Sarah Cummings. She died in Palermo, Me., Feb. 2, 1879. He died in Palermo, Me., May 28, 1857. He was a physician. Children : 977301. Eliza F. Born Feb. 6, 1S15. Married. 977302. Marcia P. Born in Palermo, Me., Oct. 9, 1818. Married Har- rison Chase about 1839. 977303- Delia A. Born in Palermo, Sept. 10, 1821. Married Thomas Whitehouse, 977304. Thomas E. Born in Palermo, Dec. 16, 1S23. 977305. Wesle}- W. Born in Palermo, Dec. 15, 1826. Died unmarried April 9, 1890. 977306. Emily F. Born in Palermo, June 3, 1830. Married Asa Howe in May, 1870. Died in Sept., 1870. 977307- Sarah Elizabeth. Born in Palermo, Sept. 14, 1833. Married Archelaus Hunt, March r6, 1863. 977308. Susan Ellen. Born in Palermo, March 8, 1836. Married Gus- tavus Hunt. 977309- John S. Born in Palermo, Feb. 17, 1838. Married Carrie about 1883. 977310. George Asbury. Born in Palermo, March 26, 1841. Married Elvira Jane Sadler, May 13, 1S69. He died in Springfield, 111.. Jan. 31, 1883. 977400. Daniel Ayer. (Philip^ Peter=, Ebenezer-*, SamueP, Peter", John'.) 975085. He was born in Monmouth, Me., June 4, 18 1 7. He married Lydia Stedman of Sydney, Me., in 1845, He died in 1867. Children : 977401. Susan Ellen. Born Nov. 22, 1844. Died Nov. 3, 1861. 977402. Sarah Frances. Born Dec. 19, 1846. 977420. George William Ayer. (Philip*, Peter^, Ebenezer^ Samuel^, Peter^ John'.) 975086. He was born in Monmouth, Me.,. Aug. 3, 1823. He married (ist), Margaret Breck of China, Me., Nov. 14, 1848. She was a daughter of Edward and Roxanna Breck. She died in Unity, Me,, Aug. i, 1865. He married (2nd), Fannie 1838 History of the Ayres Family. Waldron, Dec. 19, 1868. She died in Oakland, Me., April 21, 1889. He died in Augtista, Me., Dec. 13, 1890. He was a painter in Oak- land, Me. Children : 977421. Charles Bert. Born in China, Me., Jan. 22, 1851. Married Sophie T. Kakas in W. Medford, Mass., Jan. 22, 1880. He died in Southern Pines, N. C, March 16, 1889. 977422. Edward Breck. Born in China, Oct. 31, 1853. Died March 18, 1856. 977423. Alton Erbert. Born in China, June 24, 1856. Married Eliza Ann Tuttle in Boston, Mass., Nov. 3, 1886. 977424. Mary Roxanna. Born in Unity, Me., July 24, 1858. Married Horatio S. Ayer in Lincoln, Me., Sept. 29, 1879. 977425. George Edward. Born in Unity, July 4, i860. Died in Oak- land, Me., May 26, 1879. 977426. Henry Lowell. Born in Unity, March 11, 1862. Married Nementhis Brown in Livermore, Me., April 23, 1S86. 977427. Willis Irving. Born in Oakland, Sept. 28, 1873. Married Hattie E. Wallace, Sept. 28, 1892. 977460. Isaac Ayer. (DanieP, Timothy^, Ebenezer^ SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 975102. He was born in Buxton, Me., Feb. 26, 1800. He married (ist), Ellen Norton (daughter of Jonathan Nor- ton and Polly White). He married (2nd), Achsah Norton, sister of his first wife, before 1830. Children : 977461. Daniel. Born May,2i, 1827. Died Jan. 13, 1829. 977462. Daniel. Born Sept. 12, 1830. Died Aug. 9, 1832. 977463. Ellen. Born April 12, 1832. Married Taylor Clough. 977464. Isaac. Born March 28, 1834. Married Sarah E. Shearer in Murphy's, Cal.. May 31, 1866. 977465. Benjamin Franklin. Born June 19, 1835. Died at Antietam in the Civil War. 977500. Rev. Aaron Ayer. (Timothy^ Timothy^, Ebenezer", Samuel^, Peter^ John'.) 975123, He was born in Buxton, Me., April 3, 18 1 2. He married, in Lyman, Me., May 19, 1840, Mary Olive Cleaves. She was born in Kinnebunk, Me., Aug. 7, 1810. She died in Naples, Me., Nov. 3, 1894. He died in Westbrook, Me., Oct. 8, 1876. He was a Freewill Baptist minister, and preached over thirty years in Maine and New Hampshire. Seventh Generation. 1839 Children 977501. George Whitefield. Born in Rochester, N. H., March 29, 1S45. Died unmarried in the army at City Point, \'a., July 2S, 1S64. 977502. Daniel Cleaves. Born in Brownfield, Me., April 10, 1S47. Married, in Portland, Me., Lucinda Ann Willard, Dec. 6, 1865. She died in Naples, Me., in 1898. He married (2nd), July 30, 1S99, Mrs. INIelissa Weeks of Naples. 977503. .A.aron Wilson. Born in Woolwich, Me., Sept. 21, 1850. Mar- ried (ist), Minnie Malvina Hobbs of Ossipee, N. H., in Nov., 1872. He married (2nd), Carrie Isabel Jackson of Naples, Me., in Feb.. 1879. He married (3d), Margaret Caine. He died in Boston, in March, 1899. 977540. Alv.^n Bacon Ayer. (Aaron'', Timothy^, Ebenezer", Samuel^ Peter-, John'.) 975 141. He was born in Buxton, Me., Dec. 18, 1809. He married Martlia Lyon in Newton, Mass., Oct. 25, 1835. She was born in Middlebury, Vt., Aug. 17. 18 10 (daugh- ter of Amos* Lyon, Jacobs Benjamin'', Peter^, Peter', Peter' of Dor- chester, and Abigail Greenwood, Isaac^ Nathaniel, Josiah^ John^, Thomas' of Cambridge Village, now Newton, Mass.). She died in Romeo, Mich., May 22, 1892. He died in Romeo, Mich., April 30, 1883. Mr. Ayer was named for Dr. Alvan Bacon, of Biddeford, Me., with whom his father. Dr. Aaron Ayer, studied medicine. On the death of his father, in 1817, he was taken in charge by his relatives on his mother's side, living mostly with his uncle, Samuel Merrill, in Biddeford, until he was of age ; during. which time he learned carpen- try and cabinet making. Afterward he worked awhile at ship car- pentry ; his specialty was finishing the interior of cabins. Li 1833, when he was twenty-four years of age, we find him in the village of Oldtown, Maine, running a carpenter and cabinet shop. He had quite strong musical tastes and abilities ; at this time he spent many of his evenings conducting a singing school. It was on one of these occa- sions that he first met his future wife, who was visiting with an elder married sister in Oldtown. In the fall of 1835 he went to Newton, Mass., and married the girl of his choice. They went directly to a home he had prepared in the town of Lincoln, Me. For the ensuing two years his principal business was carpentry and millwright work. In the fall of 1838 he took a contract to run a sawmill in Lincoln, and this business which he pursued at that time and place for three 1840 History of the Ayres Family. years, and again from 1847 to 1852, settled his life work ; from then on he was a lumberman. In 1844 or '45 he took his family to De- troit, Michigan, where he was interested in lumbering ; in '47 lie returned to Lincoln; in '52 back to Detroit, leaving his family in Lowell, Mass., and making them a lengthy visit once or twice a year. In '55 he took them all to Michigan and settled in a village called Romeo. His reason for selecting that location was twofold ; it was just half way between Detroit and the scene of his lumbering operations, and it was the nearest place to his business where he could find good schools for his children. In this place he continued to reside until the time of his death, twenty-eight years later. Lumbering was nearly his sole business, and at it he acquired a modest competence. He was for many years a director in one of the village banks. Such property as he acquired he seemed to care little for except as it might help to give his children an easier start in life than he himself had had. He was always ready to do his share either in the way of charity, or in enterprises for the benefit of the public. In politics he was a Democrat until the birth of the Republican party in 1856. His impulses were all patriotic ; the government had no more loyal sup- porter during the dark days of the Civil War than he. Too old to serve himself, he influenced several among his employe's to join the army, and aided them both with money and counsel. His one trait which stood out above all others was his sterling honesty. He was a man in whom his business associates put the most implicit trust. His early education was confined to what the Maine common school of eighty years ago could impart ; but he was one of the kind of men w^hose education continues as long as life. He was all his life a great reader of good literature. His favorite was Shakespeare, whose works he always kept by him, when away from home, for "steady reading." There was no operation connected with his business that he could not perform as well as or better than the men in his employ, from felling a tree to driving the logs down the spring floods, which latter it was much his habit to assist in doing, until the "drive" was well out of the small streams and into deep water. His ancestors were all, so far as is known, among the old immigrant families of Haverhill, Newbury and Salisbury, Mass. At the present writing all of the lines have been traced back except that of his paternal grand- mother, the wife of Timothy^ Ayer. Among the more noteworthy of 1 Seventh Generation. 1841 his progenitors were John' Ayer of Haverhill, Nathaniel' Merrill of Newbury, Capt. Thos.' Bradbury, Major Robert^ Pike and Rev. John' Wheelwright of Salisbury. Children : 977541. Sara Frances. Born in Lincohi, Me., Dec. 29, 1836. Died in Romeo, Mich., of consumption, April 6, i860. She was a beau- tiful girl, a fine singer and pianist. 977542. Lucy Merrill. Born in Lincoln, Aug. 24, 1839. Married, in Romeo. Mich., Dec. i, 1864, Adrian Dwight Taylor. He died there April 17, 1894. 977543- Charles Merrill. Born in Lowell, Mass., Nov. 28, 1S46. Mar- ried (ist), in Lowell, Sept. 2, 1873, Marietta Coburn. She died in Winchester, Mass., June 26, 1885. He married (2nd), in Grand Rapids, Mich., April 10, 1888, Hattie Belle Fincher. Lumber merchant. Office, Michigan Trust Building. Resi- dence, 1902, Grand Rapids, Mich. 977544- Gail Lyon. Born in Lincoln, Feb. 17, 1849. Married, in Rome'o, Oct. 19, 1869, Daniel McCoy. 977580. Abel Merrill Aver. (Aaron*, Timothy^, Ebenezer", SamueP, Peter", John'.) 975142. He was born in Buxton, Me., Feb. 6, 1 8 13. He married (ist), in Lowell, Mass., Mary L. Knox. She died there in 1872. He married (2nd), in Conway, N. H., Oct. 29, 1874, Clara Dwight McMillan. She was born in Conway,' N. H., Aug. 29, 1841. He died in Lowell, Mass., Jan. 28, 1896. Child : 977581- John McMillan. Born in Conway, N. H., Jan. 16, 1876. Mar- ried, in Lowell, Mass., June 25, 1902, Ada Evelyn Robinson. 977600. Peter Ayer. (SamueP, Joseph^, Ebenezer'', SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 975165. He was born Dec. 11, 1806. He married Besey Swan (daughter of Elijah Swan). He went to Pennsylvania. Children : 977601. Alice. Born Feb. to, 1830. 977602. George. Born in May, 1832. 977620. Timothy Ayer. (Samuel*, Joseph^, Ebenezer', Sam- ueP, Peter", John'.) 975166. He was born Oct. 13, 1808. He married (ist). Relief Estes (daughter of Stephen Estes). He married (2nd), Mrs. Dorcas F, Parks. 1842 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 977621. Caroline Coombs. Born July 11, 1830. Married Dunham. 977622. James Cullen. Born March 15, 1833. Died in the army. 977623. Thirza Mason. Born April 29, 1835. 977624. Andrew Jackson. Born Jan. 5, 1S36. Married Harriet M. Harding. 977625. Sarah Elizabeth. Born March 7, 1844. 977640. David Marston Aver. (Jonathan*, Joseph^, Ebene- zer'*, SamueP, Peter-, John'.) 975189. He was born in Limerick, Me., July 6, 1823. He married (ist), Ruth S. Sherburne of Tyngs- boro, Mass., Oct. 26, 1S48. He married (2nd), Hattie Griffin. Children : 977641. Walter Eugene. Born in Clinton, Mass., Nov. 21, 1849. Died there Sept. 10, 1851. 977642. Arthur Burrill. Born in Clinton, Nov. 16, 1851. Living un- married in Methuen, Mass., in 1899. 977643. Edgar Wells. Born in Clinton, Feb. 13, 1854. 977644. Frederick Eugene. Born in Lewiston, Me., March i, 185S. Married, Oct. 12, 1889, in Philadelphia, Helen McKirke. 977645. Mary P'lorence. Born in Lewiston, May 30, 1863. Married, in Methuen, Oct. 7, 1891, Thomas Edwin Rafferty. 977646. Wilbur Sherburne. Born in Lawrence, Mass., June 16, 1874. Married, in Methuen, in June, 1895, Julia Pinkney. 977650. Wells Waldron Aver. (Jonathan*, Joseph^, Ebene- zer*, Samuel^ Peter^ John'.) 975192. He was born in Dover, N. H., Aug. 9, 1830. He married Elizabeth DeWitt in New York City, Jan. 26, 1858. She was born in Fishkill, N. Y., daughter of Richard DeWitt. He died in Fitchburg, Mass., March 25, 1889. When a boy of twelve, Mr. Ayer removed from Dover, N. H., to Lowell, Mass. He was employed in a cotton mill for some years, and gradually rose until he became an overseer. From here he went to Lewiston, Me., where he engaged in the hardware business ; but after a short time removed to New York City and entered the metal business. Here he met Miss DeWitt. Shortly after their marriage they removed to Lewiston, Me., and he again engaged in the hardware business. About 1869 he removed to Medford, Mass., and bought out a cutlery business in Boston, in which he remained until about 1882. After that he was out of business until 1884, then bought a hardware busi- ness in Northampton, Mass., and was engaged in same until 1887, Seventh Generation. 1843 when he sold it out. In 1888 he bought a steam laundry in Fitch- burg, Mass., in which he started his son Harry in business. And he remained there himself mostly until the day of his death. Children : 977651. Ada Florence. Born June 13, 1859. 977652. DeWitt. Born Nov. 4, 1861. Died at age of nine months. 977653. Harry Wells. Born Nov. 12, 1863. 977654. William Pitt Frye. Born Nov. 9, 1870. 977670. Dr. Joseph Cullen Ayer. (James*, Joseph^, Ebene- zer^.SamueP, Peter^ John'.) 372610. 975203. He was born in Newfield, Me., Aug. 24, 181 1. He married Rachel Ellis of Boston, Mass. Published Dec. 18, 1834. She was born in Boston, Feb. 12, 1804. He died in Boston, Jan. 22, 1846. She married (2nd), Washburn. She died April 4, 1885. Dr. Joseph C. Ayer graduated from Bowdoin College about 1834, and having completed his medical studies, settled in Boston. Children : 977671. Antoinette Dawes. Born in Boston, Jan. 21, 1836. Died Aug. 28, 1839. 977672. Ellen Corinne. Born in Boston, Oct. 5, 1837. 977673- Dr. Joseph Cullen. Born in Brighton, Mass., Oct. 14, 1839, 372510. 977674. Emeline Antoinette. Born in Boston, Nov. 17, 1841. Died Jan. 21, 1842. 977690, Dr. James Ayer. (James*, Joseph^, Ebenezer'', Sam- ueP, Peter^ John'.) 975205. He was born in Newfield, Me., Oct. 4, 1815. He married (ist), Martha Bourne of Sandwich, Mass., Nov. 29, 1843. She died in Boston, Sept. 29, 1855. He married (2nd), Mary Ann Bourne Storms, July 5, 1862. She died in Boston, May II, 1897. He died there Dec. 31, 1891. Children : 977691. Dr. James Bourne. Born in Boston, Jan. 6, 1849. Physician. Graduated at Harvard University, A.B., 1869, M.D., 1873. 373310. 977692. Frederic Bourne. Born in Boston, Nov. 18, 1850. Died Jan. 20. 1853. 977700. Luther Ayer. (James*, Joseph^, Ebenezer^ SamueP, Peter% John'.) 975206. He was born in Newfield, Me., Oct. 17, 1844 History of the Ayres Family. 1818. He married, in Newfield, Caroline Elizabeth Dana Chad- bourne, June 4, 1843. She was born in Limerick, Me., Dec. 21, 1824. He died in Newfield, April 22, 1898. Children : 977701. Antoinette Ellen. Born in Newfield, Me., May 2, 1844. Mar- ried Charles E. Clifford, of Newfield, March 19, 1866. 977702. Martha Bourne. Born in Newfield, March 18, 1S46. Married Nathaniel Falker, of Biddeford, Me., June 6, 1871. 977703. Ellen Caroline. Born in Newfield, June 26, 1848. 977704. Luther Cullen. Born in Newfield, Jan. 6, 1850. Died Sept. 4, 1852. 977705. Ira Eugene. Born in Newfield, Aug. 30, 1853. Died Sept. 15, 1853- 977750. Alvah Compton. (James R.) He married Ann Maria Ayres. 975341. Residence, Liberty Corners, N. J. Child : 977751- Nathan V. Born Nov. 2, 1841. 978260. 977760. Henry King. 343240. He died March 2, 1837. Charlotte Morrell was born in 1767. She died March 17, 18 16. He married (2nd), Catharine Vandepool. 977770. Benjamin Depue. (Abraham.) 195700. He was born Sept. i, 1796. He married Elizabeth Ayers. 198404. He died June 8, 1884. Children : 977771- David Ayers. 195800. 97S300. 977772. Daughter. Married Daniel \V. Kleinhans. 977800. Robert Ayers. (EzekieP, Ezekiel^, Obadiah^ John^, Obadiah", John'.) 340051. 975401. He was born Nov. 8, 1788. He married Catharine Oliver. She was born in 1790. Tanner. Manufacturer of wool cloth. Owner of flour mill. He died March 13, 1864. She died Dec. 16, 1847. Residence, Whitehall, N. J. Children : 977801. Ezekiel. 977802. Daniels. Born Feb. 6, 1812. 978350. 977803. Robert. Born Feb. 25, 1814. 978370. 977804. Archibald. 977805. James. 977806. Catharine. Married John Trimmer. Eighth Generation. 1845 977830. William Travis Ayer. (John^ Travis^ John\ John^, Thomas-, John'.) 975451. He was born Dec. 11, 1791. He mar- ried, Dec. 25, 1823, Louisa Clarke (daughter of Ezra Clarke and Elizabeth Whittlesey). She was born April 26, 1796. He died Aug. 28, 1878. She died Dec. 23, 1872. Residence, Saybrook, Conn. Children : 977831. Hon. Edwin. Born Oct. 15, 1S24. 977832. Marie Louise. Born March 18, 1826. Married Corydon Mor- timer Whittelsey. 978400. 977833- William Travis. Born July 5, 1827. Died in Aug., 1835. 977S34. Ezra Clarke. Born Feb. 9, 1S29. Married (ist), Martha L. Youngs ; (2nd), Eugenie Crampton. 977835- Mar}' Jane. Born June 24, 1830. Married John F. Bushnell. 977S36. Charles. Born Jan. 8, 1832. Unmarried. Died in 1858 in Iowa. 977837. Lydia. 977838. Amelia Harvey ; 977839. Isabel. 977840. Andrew. 977841 Born Oct. 18, 1833. Married Samuel K. Ingham. Ann. Born March 15, 1835. Married (ist), F. (2nd), Charles Kelsey. Born June 9, 1836. Died. Born Nov. 5, 1837. Married Agnes Sangle. Harriet Angeline. Born April 20, 1841. Died in June, 1861. EIGHTH GENERATION. 978260. Nathan V. Compton. (Alvah=, James R.') 977751. He was born Nov. 2, 1841. He married, March 15, 1866, Emma L. Briant (daughter of John A. Briant and Mary Drake of Newark, N. J.). Enlisted, Aug., 1862, Co. H., 30th Regt. N. J. Vols, in Civil War. Captured at Chancellorsville and a prisoner in Libby prison. Real estate and insurance. Member of Common Council. Special tax commissioner for Rahway. Member of G. A. R. and National Guard N. J. Knight Templar. Thirty-Second Degree Mason. Residence, 1865-70, Newark, and since 1870, Rahway, N. J. Children : 978261. Helena A. Married William R. Gibbons of Rahway. 978262. Flora L. 978263. Child. Died. 978300. Hon. David Ayers Depue, LL.D. 195800. 977771. He married (ist), Mary Van Allen Stuart (daughter of John Stuart of 1846 History of the Ayres Family. Belvidere, N. J.). She died in 1859. They had one child, Eliza Stuart. He married (2nd), in 1862, Delia Ann Slocum (daughter of Oliver E. Slocum of Tolland, Mass.). They had three children. Children : 978301. Eliza Stuart. 97S302. Sherrerd. Born Aug. i, 1864. Graduated at Princeton Col- lege, 1885. Lawyer. Residence, Newark, N. J. 978303. Mary Stuart. 978304. Francis A. 978310. Rev. Moses Ayers Depue. (Moses Depue. 198406.) He was born near Belvidere, N. J., Sept. 23, 1840. He graduated at Lafayette in 1863. Stated supply. First Church, Easton, Pa., 1866-7. Ordained, Presbytery, Londonderry, July 11, 1867. Pastor at East Boston, Mass., 1867-9. Stated supply, Lewisburg, Pa., 1869-70. Pastor, Pleasant Grove, N. J., 1870-2. He married twice and had two children. Contributor to Lippincott's and Atlantic Monthly. He died at Easton, Pa., Oct. 12, 1872. 978320. Hon. Benjamin Ames. (Benjamin-, Benjamin'.) 494341. He was born April 30, 1778. He graduated at Harvard College, 1803. He studied law with Hon. Samuel Dana of Groton, Mass. Lawyer. He married (ist), in 1809, Mary Boynton (daugh- ter of Col. Abel Boynton of Westford). She died Nov. 3, 1810, at Bath, Me. They had no children. He married (2nd), May 11, 1812, Sally Boynton (sister of his first wife). He settled at Bath, Me. County Attorney for Lincoln, 1807. Justice of the Circuit Court of Common Pleas. Speaker of the House of Representatives of Maine, 1 820-1. President of the State Senate. Governor (acting), Dec. 5, 1821, to Jan. 2, 1822. He had an office in Cincinnati, 1827-9. ^^ died Sept. 28, 1835, at Houlton, Me. They had three children. Child : 978321. George. Educated at U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Lawj-er. 978350. Daniel S. Ayers. (Robert^ EzekieP, Ezekiel^, Oba- diah", John^ Obadiah^ John'.) 977802. He was born Feb. 6, 1812. He married, Jan. 21, 1836, Pernina Vliet (daughter of John Vliet). She was born Jan. 28, 1814. She died May 12, 1873. Residence, Rockaway, N. J. I i Eighth Generation. 1847 Children 978351- John V. Born Dec. 14, 1836. Residence. Illinois. 978352. Elizabeth V. Born March 12, 1838. Married Henry Aten. • 978353. Robert. Born Feb. 13, 1840. 979020. 97S354. Catharine E. Born Feb. 13, 1S42. Married Samuel E. Stevens of Hackettstown, N. J. 978355. Lucy A. Born June i, 1843. Married Israel L. Howell. 978356. Dr. Daniel S. Born June 17, 1845. Physician. Residence, Rockaway, N. J. 978357- Pernina. Born March 23, 1847. Married William A. Harris of Vienna, N. J. 978358. Charity A. Born May 17, 1849. Married Austin C. Winter- mute. She died March 12, 1872. 978359. Anna M. Born May 9, 185 1. Died Aug. 16, 185 1. 978360. William E. Born Sept. 23, 1852. Died Jan. 22, 1862. 978361. Austin S. Born April 21, 1854. Died Oct. 27, 1873. 978362. Katurah. Born Aug. 18, 1855. Died Aug. 26, 1855. 978370. Rop?ERT Ayers. (Robert^ EzekieP, Ezekiel=, Obadiah-", John3, Obadiah", John'.) 977803. He was born Feb. 25, 18 14. He married, Aug. 31, 1837, Malinda Cummins (daughter of Jacob Cum- mins). She was born July 6, 18 19. Freeholder. Elder in Christian Church. Residence, Vienna, N. J. |1 Children : 978371. Maria E. Born July 24, 1838. Married Daniel Vleet. She died Sept. 12, 1864. 978372. Catharine M. Born Dec. 10, 1839. Married W^illiam Mott of Hard wick township. 978373. Harriet E. Born in Sept., 1840. Married George W. Lundy. 978374. Jacob. Born June 25, 1843. 978375. Nelson. Born June 16, 1845. 978376. Emma A. Born July 10, 1847. Married Jacob Shields of Hackettstown, N. J. 978377. Justina A. Born April 16, 1848. Married Caleb Ingersoll of Hardwick. 978378. Marinda A. Born May 23, 1852. 978379. Simon A. Born July 14, 1853. 978380. Andrew J. Born Oct. 14, 1855. 978381. Isabella. Born May 10, 1858. 978382. Mabel. Born May lo, 1858. Married Louis Schenck. 978400. CoRYDON Mortimer Whittelsey. (Daniel^ Am- ■rose^ Ambrose^ Stephen", John'.) He was born May 28, 1825, at I 1848 History of the Ayres Family. Saybrook, Conn. He married Maria Louise Ayer. 977832. Mer- chant. Residence, West New Newton, Mass. Children ; 978401. Walter. Born Oct. 22, 1849. 979040. 978402. Louisa Clarke. Born Feb. 12, 1853, at Chelsea, Mass. Died May I, 1854. 978403. Charles Ayer. Born Jan. ir, 1S57. Died Aug. 10, 1865, at Saybrook, Conn. 978404. Edwin Mortimer. Born March 29, 1861. Died July 10, 1S63, at Chelsea. 978405. Henry Lincoln. Born Nov. 30, 1862. 979050. NINTH GENERATION. 979000. Tracy Hazen. (Austin^ Austin^ Asa', Thomas\ Thomas^ Thomas-, Edward'.) 561 164. He married. Child : 979001. Tracy E. Graduated at College, Ph.D. Curator of Fairbanks Museum, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Residence, 1902, 174 West 87th St., N. Y. City. 979010. Rev. Perry Chandler. (DanieP (494188), Paul^ Daniel*, John', John^ John^, Thomas^ WilUam'.) He was born June 7, 1843. He married, July 24, 1873, Abbie S. Fuller (daughter of John J. Fuller of Augusta, Me.). Soldier, ist Regt. Dist. of Colum- bia Cavalry. Enlisted, in Jan., 1864. Transferred to ist Regt. Me. Cavalry. Graduated at Wesleyan University, 1872. Methodist Episcopal minister. Residence, 1883, Gorham, Me. Children : j 97901 1. Perry Fuller. Born June 8, 1874. 979012. Ralph W. Born June 5, 1876. 979013. Webster Allen. Born Dec. 10, 1878. [i 979020. Robert Ayers. (Daniel S.^ Robert^ Ezekiel^ Eze-j kiels, Obadiah^ John^, Obadiah=, John'.) 978353. He was born Febj 13, 1840, at Petersburg, N. J. He married, April 29, 1863. MaryR| Hance (daughter of James M. Hance of Vienna, N. J.). Merchant; Freeholder. Residence, 1864-6, Petersburg; 1867 — , Vienna, N. Js Child : 979021. Carrie E. Ninth Generation. 1849 979040. Walter Whittelsey. (Corydon Mortimer*, Daniel^, Ambrose-', Ambrose^ Stephen^, John'.) 978401. He was born Oct. 22, 1849, at Saybrook, Conn. He married (ist), June 27, 1883, Louise Stanwood Babson (daughter of Edwin Babson and Harriet Chapin Rice of Cambridge, Mass.). She was born Jan. 31, 1864. She died May i, 1884. He married (2nd), Sept. 15, 1886, at Lon- don, Ohio, Ida Hubbard (daughter of SterUng Johnson Hubbard and Ehzabeth Mantle of Cokimbus, Ohio). She was born Nov. 11, 1858, at Worthington, Ohio. Cashier of First National Bank of Chelsea, Mass. Children : 979041. Edward Babson. Born May i, 1884. 979042. Elizabeth Mantle. Born Dec. 17, 1887. 979043. Marie Louise. Born May 29, 18S9. 979050. Henry Lincoln Whittelsey, Esq. (Corydon Morti- mer^ DanieL, Ambrose^ Ambrose^ Stephen-, John'.) 978405. He !was born Nov. 30, 1862, at Chelsea. He graduated at Yale College, 1884, and Boston University Law School, 1886. Lawyer in Boston and West Newton, Mass. He married, July 6, 1889, at Providence, |R. L, Lillian Eddy (daughter of Caleb F. Eddy and Ruth Winslow). [She was born at Fall River. Children : 979051. John Eddy. Born May 25, 1S90. 979052. Emelie. Born Oct. 17, 1891. Ayi^es Histoi^y. RECORDS OF VARIOUS PERSONS BEARING THE NAME OF AVER, AYRES OR EYRE. 981920. Nathaniel Walker. He married, Feb. 23, 1738, Lydia Aver of Haverhill, Mass. Selectman, 1765. He died April 10, 1775. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. Children : 9S1921. Nathaniel. Born in 1744. Second son. 981940. 981922. James. Bcfrn Jan. 17, 1749. Third son. 981960. 981923. Samuel. Born Aug. 17, 1751. Fourth son. 981980. 981940. Nathaniel Walker. (Nathaniel.) 98192 1. He was born in 1744. He married, Oct. 17, 1771, Hannah Peaslee. Child : 981941. Rev. Samuel. Born in 1779. Graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, 1802. 981960. Ens. James Walker. (Nathaniel.) 981922. He was born Jan. 17, 1749. Ensign in Rev-. War. Pensioner, 18 18-1846. 981980. Ens. Samuel Walker. (Nathaniel.) 981923. He was born Aug. 17, 1751. He married Abigail Badger of Haverhill, Mass. Ensign, Capt. Thomas Cogswell's Co., drafted for Continental service, 1775. Member of school committee. Children : 981981. Samuel Ayer. Business man. Residence, Boston. 9819S2. Robert Green. Born June 19, 1803. 982000. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1851 982000. Robert Green Walker. (SamueP, Nathaniel'.) 981982. He was born June 19, 1803. He married, June 30, 1835, Mary W. Emerson. Member of school committee, 1848-57. Select- man, 1851-61. He died Feb. 19, 1862. She died in 1872. Child : 982001. Frances Abbey. Married Charles Butters. 9S2050. 982050. Charles Hutchins Butters. He was born in 1818. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1837. He married Frances Abbey Walker. 91 2001. Lawyer. He died in i860. Child : 982051. Robert Green Walker. Student in Mass. Institute of Tech- nology, 1888. 982060. Otis S. Ayer. Private, Co. H., 22nd Regt. Mass. Vols. Enlisted Sept. 6, 1861, for three years. Honorably dis- charged Oct. 27, 1861, for disability. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 982070. Edmund B. Ayer. Sergeant, Co. G., 35th Regt. Mass. Vols. Enlisted Aug. 5, 1862, for three years. Honorably discharged Feb. 6, 1865, for disability. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 982080. Joseph Ayer. Representative, 1838. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 982090. Varnum Ayer. Residence, 1840, Haverhill, Mass. 982100. EDwaN F. Ayer. Shoe manufacturer. Residence, i860, Haverhill, Mass. 982 loi. John Ayer. Hat manufacturer. Residence, 1830, Haverhill, Mass. 982102. John Ayer, Jr. Hat manufacturer. Residence, 1830, Haverhill, Mass. 982103. Ruth Ayer. Ruth Ayer, wife of Thomas Ayer, and their daughter were killed by the Indians and French at Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 29, 1708. 982105. George W. Ayer. He was chosen Deacon of the Christian Union Society of Haverhill, Mass., in 1825. 982106. Dea. James Ayer. Residence, 1724, Haverhill, Mass. 1852 History of the Ayres Family. 982107. Dea. John Ayer. Residence, 1770, Haverhill, Mass. 982108. Richard Ayer. Member of Committee of Corres- pondence, 1774. Residence, Haverhill, Mass. 982109. Anna C. Avers. Residence, 1889, N. Towanda, Pa. 982 1 10 9821 1 1 982 112 982113 duct Co., 1 80 1 Edward Ayers. Residence, 1889, Towanda, Pa. Fred Avers. Residence, 1889, Towanda, Pa. Mrs. Sarah Avers. Residence, 1889, Towanda, Pa. Nathan Aver. Director in Haverhill, Mass., Acque- 982114. Phineas Aver. Selectman, 1869. Residence, Haver- hill, Mass. 9821 15. Walter x\ver. Member of Board of Trade. Resi- dence, 1889, Haverhill, Mass. 982 1 16. Rev. D. J. Ayres. (P.E.) Residence, 1888, Haver- hill, Mass, 982 1 1 7. Simon Ayer. Residence, 1765, Haverhill, Mass. 982 11 8. Mary A. Hazen. Graduated at Mt. Holyoke Semin- ary, 1877. Registered from Ahmednugger, India. Residence, 1877, Norwich, Vt. 982 1 19. Frances M. Hazen. Graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, 1863. Teacher in same. Residence, Norwich, Vt. 982120. Frances A. Hazen. Graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, 1875. Registered from Ahmednugger, India. Married, in 1875, Rev. Lorin Samuel Gates. He graduated at Williams Col- lege, 187 1. Residence, Sholapoor, India. 982130. Hon. William P. Hazen. Chief, U. S. Secret Ser- vice, 1902. Residence, Washington, D. C. 982140. Rev. Norman Hazen. He was born Sept. 7, 18 14, at Hartford, Vt. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1840, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1844. He died Feb, 13, 1852, at Royalston, Mass. 982150. Charles Herbert Hazen. Graduated at Dartmouth College, B,S., 1881. Residence, Hartford, Vt. Ayer, Ayrhs or Eyre. 1853 982160, Noah Bartholomew Hazen, Graduated at Dart- mouth College, B.S., 1863. Residence, Hartford, Vt. 982170. William Nelson Hazen, C.E. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, B.S., 1888, and C.E., 1890. Residence, Hartford, Vt. 982180. Prof. Arthur Whittier Aver. Graduated at Mass. Institute of Technology, B.S., 1890. Instructor in Mechanical Engi- neering since 1891-2. Professor since 1892, University of Vt. 982190. Theodore Ayers. Graduated at Princeton College, 1879. Residence, 1876, Morristown, N. J. 982200. William E. Ayres. Graduated at Princeton College. 1884. Residence, 1876, Tom's River, N. J. 982210. Avery N. Ayers. Private, Co. H., 4th Regt. Vt. Vols. Mustered in Sept. 20, 1861. Died March 23, 1863. Resi- dence, Newbury, Vt. 982220. William A. Palmer, Jr. Commissioned Attorney^ 1803-7. Residence, St. Johnsbury and Danville, Vt. 982230. Lieut. Henry Payson Ayres. Student in Knox College, class of 1864. Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity, ist Lieut, and Adjutant, 77th Regt. 111. Inft. Vols., 1862-5. Treasurer of Dime Savings Bank. Trustee of Knox College. Residence, 1899, Peoria, 111. 982240. Lieut. George Payson Ayres. Graduated at Knox College, 1867. Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Private, Ser- geant Major, Brevet 2nd Lieut., 89th Regt. 111. Vols, and 59th Regt. V. V, I., 1862-6. Secretary T. N. Ry. Co. and of Tuscaloosa Coal^ Iron and Land Co. Residence, 1899, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 982250. Rev. Nelson Ayres. Graduated at Knox College,. 1870, and Nashotah Theological Seminary. Member of Beta Theta. Pi fraternity. Prot. Episcopal minister. Private, 72nd Regt. IIU. Vols., 1863-5. Residence, 1889, Bay St. Louis, Miss. 982260. Prof. Charles H. Ayres, Jr. Graduated at Harvardl College, 1898. Member of Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. Residence,, Rahway, N. J. J 854 History of the Ayres Family. 982270. Marshall Ayres. Graduated at Harvard College, 1863. Member of Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. Residence, 1889, N. Y. City. 982280. HoBART Bentley Ayers. Student in Dartmouth College, in class of 1895. Graduated at Lehigh University, M.E., i8g6. Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Residence, 1889, Sche- nectady, N. Y. 982290. John Dilfred Ayers. Student in Dartmouth Col- lege, class of 1893. Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Residence, 1889, Claremont, N. H, 982300. Allison Thompson Ayres, Esq. Student in Univer- sity of Kansas, class of 1889. Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Lawyer. Residence, 1899, Howard, Kan. 982310. William Stuart Avars. Student in Lehigh Univer- sity, 1896. Member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Residence, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 982320. Albert Doane Ayres. Student in Lehigh Univer- sity, 1896. Member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Residence, Chicago, 111. 982330. Chester Terrill Ayres. Student in Lehigh Uni- versity, 1895. Member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Residence, Chicago, 111. 982340. Capt. Ira C. Ayer, Jr. Student in Alleghany Col- lege, 1865. Member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. U. S. Revenue Service. Residence, Brooklyn, N. Y, 982350. Dr. Ira Ayer, Jr. Student in Lafayette College, 1 89 1. Member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Physician. Resi- dence, Brooklyn, N. Y. 982360. Daniel Ayers. Student in Knox College, 1871. Member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Residence, Helena, Ark. 982370, Rowan Ayres. Student in University of Cincinnati, 1897, Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Residence, 1899, Mt, Auburn, Cincinnati. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1855 982380. Dr. Stephen Cooper Ayres. Graduated at Miami University, A.B., 1861, and Ohio Medical College, 1864. (A.M., Wooster University, 1874.) Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Prof. Opthalmology, Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. As- sociate editor of American Journal of Opthalmology. Private, 20th Regt. Ohio Inft. Vols., 1861. Medical Cadet, 1863. Acting Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1864. Asst. Surg., U. S. Vols., 1865-6. Brevet Captain. Author. Residence, 1899, Cincinnati. 982390. William Ayres, Esq. Graduated at Centre College (Ky.), 1873. Member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Lawyer. Resi- dence, 1899, Louisville, Ky. 982400. Rev. Joseph C. Ayer. Prot. Episcopal minister. Residence, 1893, Berlin, Germany. 982401. Rev. William F. Ayer. Prot. Episcopal minister. Residence, 1893, Philadelphia. 982402. Rev. David J. Ayers. Prot. Episcopal minister. Residence, 1893, Haverhill, Mass. 982403. Rev. George W. S. Ayres. Prot. Episcopal minister. Residence, 1893, Middleport, N. Y. 982404. Rev. Nelson Ayres. Prot. Episcopal minister. Resi- dence, 1893, New Orleans, La. 982405. Rev. William W. Ayres. Prot. Episcopal minister. Residence, 1893, Lawrence, Kan. 9^2410. Benjamin Franklin Ayer. Student at Harvard Law School, 1847-8. Registered from Manchester, N. H. 982411. Charles Fanning Ayer. Student in Harvard Law School, 1887-9. Registered from Lowell, Mass. 982412. Frederick Fanning Ayer. Student in Harvard Law School, 1873-5. Registered from Lowell, Mass. Residence, 1889, N. Y. City. 982413. Joseph Cullen Ayer. Student in Harvard Law School, 1859-60. Registered from Boston, Mass. Residence, i88g, Boston, Mass. 1856 History of the Ayres Family. 982414. Lewis Malone Aver. Student in Harvard Law School, 1841-2. Registered from Barnwell Dist., S. C. Residence, 1S89, Anderson, S. C. 982415. Phineas Aver. Student in Harvard Law School, 1853-4. ^ Registered from Haverhill, N. H, Residence, 1889, Du- luth, Minn. 982416. George David Avers, Graduated at Harvard Col- lege, 1879, and Harvard Law School, 1882. Registered from Maple- wood, Mass. Residence, 1889, Boston, Mass. 982417. Russell William Ayres. Graduatedat Yale College, 1868, and Harvard Law School, 1870. Registered from Waterbury, Conn. Died Dec. 14, 1873, in Syracuse, N. Y. 982418. Severn Eyre. Student in Harvard Law School, 185 1-2. Registered from Eastville, Va. 982419. Norman Wilder Eayrs. Graduated at Harvard, 1871. 982420. Marshall Perry Eayrs. Graduated at Harvard University, M.D., 1874. 982430. Dr. Moses Ayer. Physician. He settled in Norway, Me., in 1805. He removed in 1824 to Sangerlield, Me. 982431. Albert Azro Ayer, Born in the United States. He removed before 1867 to Montreal, Canada. He married, in 1867, Rebecca Carrie Hibbard. Merchant and manufacturer. Residence, 1902, 344 Mountain St., Montreal, Canada. 982432. Celon E. Ayer. Appointed from Caledonia Co., Vt. Deputy Collector of Customs at Alburg, Vt., igoi. 982433. Don C. Ayer. Born in Vt. Inspector in U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, 1901. Appointed from Douglas Co., Neb. 982434. Miss E. C. Ayer. Born in California. Adjuster in U, S. Mint, SanFrancisco, Cal., 1901. Appointed from Santa Clara Co., Cal. 982435. George H. Ayer. Born in Mass. Employed in Bos- ton Navy Yard. Appointed from Middlesex Co., Mass, Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1857 982436. Ira Aver. Special agent of U. S. Treasury, 1901. Appointed from Hanover Co., Va. Residence, N. Y. City. 982437. Dr. Ira Ayer, U. S. A. Born in Va. x\ppointed from New York. Asst. Surgeon, witli rank of Captain, U, S, Army, 1901. 982438. James E. Ayer. Born in Maine. Employe in U. S. Custom House, New Orleans, 1901. Appointed from Orleans Co., La. 982439. Joseph C. Ayer. Born in Mass. Governor's Clerk, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Marion, Ind., 1901. Appointed from Grant Co., Ind. 982440. Miss Kate Ayer. Born in D. C. Employe of U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 190 1. Appointed from D. C. 982441. Louis W. Ayer. Born in S. C. Employe of U. S. Bureau of Soils, Dept. Ag., 1901. Appointed from Richmond Co., N. C. 982442. T. Ayer. Born in Canada. Employe of U. S. Ord- nance Department at Large, at Springfield, Mass., 1901. Appointed from Hampden Co., Mass. 982443. Capt. Waldo E. Ayer, U. S. A. Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass. 982444. Miss Annie Ayers. Born in Conn. Employe of Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Fairfield Co., Conn. 982445. Maj. Charles G. Ayers, U. S. A. Born in New York. Appointed from New York. 982446. D. T. Ayers. Born in Va. Employe' of U. S. Naval Proving Grounds, Indian Head, Md., 1901. Appointed from Fair- fax Co., Va. 982447. Eben R. Ayers. Born in Mich. Employe' of U. S. Census Office, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Huron Co., Mich. 1858 History of the Ayres Family. 982448. Edward B. Avers. Born in Ky. Employe of U. S. Internal Revenue Service, 5th Dist., Ky., 1901. Appointed from Jefferson Co., Ky. 982449. EzEKiEL J. Avers. Born in N. J. Employe of U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Cumber- land Co., N. J. 982450. Miss Flora E. Avers, Born in Ohio. Microscopist, U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, at Chicago, 111., 1901. Appointed from Cook Co., 111. 982451. Frank Avers, Born in New York. Employe' of Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Schuyler Co., N. Y. 982452. Mrs. Frederica Avers. Born in Ohio. Employe' of Dayton, Ohio, Soldiers' Home, 1901. Appointed from Montgomery Co., Ohio. 982453. Horace B. Avers. Born in N. J. Expert, U. S. Bureau of Forestry, at Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Warren Co., N. J. 982454. Isaac Avers. Born in Ohio. Employe' of U. S, Treasury at Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Noble Co., Ind. 982455. James M. Avers. Born in Ohio. U. S. Consul at Rosario, Argentine Republic, 1901. Appointed from Ohio. 982456. Dr. Joseph G. Avers, U. S. N. Born in N. H. Med- ical Director, with rank of Captain, U. S. Navy, 1901. Appointed from N. H, 982457. Lewis Avers. Born in Md. Employe' of U. S. Navy Yard at Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from D. C. 982458. Mvron D. AvREs. Born in 111. Employe' of Dayton, Ohio, Soldiers' Home, 1901. Appointed from Montgomery Co., O. 982459. Mrs. N. J. AvRES. Born in Mo. Employe' of Census Office, Washington, D. C, 1901, Appointed from Pueblo Co., Col. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1859 982460. Sherman Ayers. Employe of U. S. Indian Service, in the field, 1901. 982461. Thomas Ayers. Employe of U. S. Engineer Dept. at Large at Ft. Hancock, N. J., 1901. Appointed from Monmouth Co., N. J. • 982462. Hon. a. Reeves Ayres. Born in Iowa. Clerk of U. S. Circuit Court, 9th Circuit, 1901. Residence, Seattle, Wash. 982463. Charles W. Ayres. Born in Md. Employe of U. S. Light-House service at Rockhall Creek, Md., 1901. Appointed from Maryland. 982464. C. Morton Ayres, C.E. Born in N. J. Junior En- gineer Inspector, U. S. Engineer Dept. at Large, at Lock 4, Black Warrior River, Ala., 1901. Appointed from Chippewa Co., Mich. 982465. GusTAv Ayres. Born in N. J. Examiner, Patent Office, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Douglas Co., Neb. 982466. Mrs. Maria E. Ayres. Born in Va. Clerk in U. S. Treasurer's Office, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from D. C. 982467. Capt. Samuel L. P. Ayres. U. S. N. Born in Conn. Chief Engineer, with rank of Captain, U. S. Navy, 1901. Appointed from Conn. 982468. Miss Susan C. Ayres. Born in Mass. Clerk in U. S. Pension Office, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Mid- dlesex Co., Mass. 982469. Walter S. Ayres. Born in Tenn. Examiner, U. S. Pension Office, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from Benton Co., Tenn. 982470. William L. Ayres. Born in Ind. Employe' of U. S. Custom House, Evansville, Ind., 1901. Appointed from Vanderburg Co., Ind. 982471. William S. Ayres. Born in N.J. Employe, office U, S. Secy. Interior, Washington, D. C, 1901. Appointed from N. Y. City. 982480. E. H. Eyer. Postmaster. Residence, 1883, Delmar, Clinton Co., Iowa. i86o History of the Ayres Family. 982481. Dr. William L. Eyers. Graduated at Bellevue Hos- pital Medical College, 1892. Residence, 1902, 724 East 134th St., N. Y. City. 982482. Dr. Frank Eyre. Graduated at University of Penn., 1876. Residence, 1902, Alexis, Warren Co., 111. 982483. William P. Eyre, U. S. N. Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa., Naval Cadet, Fourth Class, 1883. 982484. William Eyre. President of the Carpenters' Com- pany of Philadelphia, Pa., 1884-6 ; Vice-Pres., 188 1-4. 982485. Percy J. Eyre, ist Lieut., ist Regt. N. Mex. Cavalry Vols. Resigned, Sept. 21, 1863. 2nd Lieut., 2nd Regt. N. Mex. Cavalry Vols., 1861. 982486. Frank P. Eyre. Residence, 1884, Philadelphia. 982487. Richard Eyre. Residence, 1884, Philadelphia. 982488. Henry Eyre. Residence, 1892, 307 E. 121st St., N. Y. City. 982489. Henry Eyre. Residence, 1892, ;^;^^ E. 59th St., N. Y. City. 982490. Jane Eyre. Widow of Richard. Residence, 1892, 333 E. 59th St., N. Y. City. 982491. John Eyre. Merchant. Office, 198 Chamber St., N. Y. City. Residence, 1892, Bayonne, N. J. 982492. Mary Eyre. Residence, 1892, 248 East 30th St., N. Y. City. 982493. Maynard C. Eyre. Broker. Office, 64 Broadway. Residence, 1892, Stapleton, S. I., N. Y. 982494. William C. Eyre. Residence, 1892, 230 East 70th St., N. Y. City. 982500. John Ayers. He removed about 1800 from St. Johnsbury, Vt., to Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y. He married twice. He married (2nd), Mrs. Betsey (Hogg) Peasley (widow of James Peasley). He had five children by his first wife and six children by his second wife. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. i86i Children •982501. Carlton. Born in 1791. 982600. 982502. Baile3\ 982620. 982503. Cynthia. Married Isaac Warring. 982504. Patty. Married a Pierce. 982505. Sophia. Married a Beckwith. 982506. Louisa. Married Rodney Atwood. They had seven children. 982507. Lavina. Born in 1806. Married Clauson O. Buddington. 9S2640. 982508. Page. 982660. 9S2509. Philura. Married Dr. John Angle. 982670. 982510. John. 982680. 98251 1. Charlotte. Born in 1816. Married Asa W. Blackmond. 982600. Carlton Avers. (John.) 982501. He married, in 1822, Jane McKay. He died in 187 1. Children : 982601. Margaret. Born in 1824. Married John Bellace. No children. 982602. Cynthia. Born in 1826. Married John Whitenach. 982750. 982603. William M. 982780. 982620. Bailey Avers. (John.) 982502. He married. Children : 982621. John. 982800. 982622. William. 982820. 982640. Clauson O. Buddington. He married, in 1828, Louisa Ayer. 982506. They had eight children of whom three were living in 1901. Children : 982641. Daughter. Married Joseph T. Allen. Residence, 1901, Omaha, Nebraska. 982642. W. Irving. Residence, 1901, Grand Rapids, Mich. 982643. E. D. Residence, 1901, Chicago, 111. 982660. Page Avers. (John.) 982508. He married Betsey Rose. He removed in 1840 to Illinois. He died in 1843. They had three children. Children : 982661. Oscar. Residence, St. Louis, Mo. 982662. Sarah. Residence, St. Louis, Mo. 982663. Philura. 1 862 History of the Ayres Family. 982670. Dr. John Angle. 982509. He married Philura Ayers. Dentist. Residence, St. Peter, Minn, Children : 982671. Jane. Died. 982672. John. 982680. John Ayers. (John.) 982510. He married Jeanette Buddington. She died in 1844 in lUinois. He went to Mobile, Ala., about 1840 and nothing more is known of him. Children : 9826S1. William Channing. 9S2682. Warren Walter. 982690. Asa W. Blackmond. He married Charlotte Ayer. 982511. Residence, Holland, Mich. Children : 982691. Frank. 9S2692. Flora. 982693. William.' 9S2694. Clara. Married a Cokran. 982750. John Whitenach. He married Cynthia Ayers. 982602. Child : 9S2751. Charles. 982780. William M. Ayers. (Carlton^, John'.) 982603. He married (ist), in 1855, Mary Lewis, by whom he had one son William Lewis. She died in 1857. He married (2nd), in 1859, E. D. Mar- lin, by whom he had two children. Residence, 1902, 55 Frost Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Children : 982781. William Lewis. 982782. Cornelia M. 982783. Mary C. 982800. John Ayers, (Bailey-, John',) 982621. He married. Child : 9S2S01. Jennie. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1863 982820. William Avers. (Bailey^ John'.) 982622. He married. Residence, 1902, Bloomfield, N. Y. Children : 982821. George. 982822. Willard. 982900. James Aver. He was born in England. He came to America, so it is reported, but he probably belongs to Haverhill, Mass., branch. He died and is buried at Freligsburg, Canada. Child : 982901. William. Born in 1743 in Plaistow, N. H. 982920. 982920. William Aver. (James.) 912901. He was born in 1743 in Plaistow, N. H. He married (ist), Jan. 19, 1764, in Haverhill, N. H., Abigail Mitchell. She died about 1770. He mar- ried (2nd), May 5, 1772, Mary Johnson. She died in 1830. He removed about 1776 to St. Armand, Canada. He died May 23, 1820, in St. Armand, Canada. Children : 9S2921. Mary. Born Aug. 22, 1766. 982922. James. Born April 23, 1768. 982923. Daniel. Born June 5, 1776. 983000. 982924. Bela. Born Oct. i, 1783. Died in 1842. 9S3020. 982925. Abigail. Born July 31, 1788. 982926. John. Born June 21, 1790. He had one son who was of Hinckley and Ayer, Fennel Hall, Boston, Mass. 983000. Daniel Ayer. (William^, James'.) 982923. He was born June 5, 1776. He married Sally Smith. He died July 3, 1828. Children : 983001. John. His grandson, John Ayer, resides, 1902, Lowell, Mass. 983002. George W. Born in Aug., 181 r. 983500. 983003. Daniel. Builder. Residence, Lowell, Mass., and East .■\lbany, N. Y. He married and had one son who resides in Albany, N. Y. 983020. Bela Ayer. (William", James'.) 982924. He was born Oct. i, 1783. He married, in 1810, Susannah Rogers. He died in 1842. She died in 1862. 1864 History of the Ayres Family. Children : 983021. Mary. Born Nov. 19, 181 1. Married George W. Ayer. 9S3500. 983022. William Johnson. Born April 28, 1817. 983520. 983023. Samuel Roger. Born April 28, 1S17. 983540. 983024. Horace Mitchell. Married. They had a large family. Resi- dence, 1902, Lodi, Wis. 983500. George W. Ayer. (DanieP, William^ James'.) 983002. He was born in Aug., 181 1. He married Mary Ayer. 983021. He died March 29, 1890. Child : 983501. A. A. Merchant. Office, 1902, corner St. Henry and St. Paul Sts., Montreal, Canada. 983520. William Johnson Ayer. (Bela^, William=, James'.) 983022. He was born April 28, 1817. He married. He died about 1890. They had several granddaughters but only one grand- son. Children : 983521. Horace. Married. Residence, 1902, Richford, Vt. 983522. Harlow. Married. Residence, 1902, Richford, Vt. 983540. Samuel Roger Ayer. (Bela^, Wi^lianl^ James'.) 983023. He was born April 28, 1817. He married Alvina F. Barnes. They had a large family. He died Sept. 16, 1896. Resi- dence, Preston, Minn. 983800. Decatur Ayers. He was born Dec. 24, 1820. He died May 6, 1866. He married Percilla. She was born Dec. 30, 1824. She died Jan. 30, 1875. Children : 983801. Anthony. Born Dec. i, 1844. Died Sept. 6, 1864. 983802. Delos. Born Oct. 4, 1846. Died June 3, 1864. 983803. James Monroe. Born July 23, 1849. 983804. Edwin. Born Nov. 30, 185 1. Residence, 1902, Kingfisher, Oklahoma. 983805. Emmons. Born April 18, 1855. Died March 9, 1856. 983806. Emery. Born Jan. 5, 1858. Residence, 1902, Pittsville, Wis. 983807. Ulysses. Born Jan. 8, 1861. Residence, 1902, Buckley, Wash. 983S08. Percilla. Born Dec. 30, 1864. Residence, 1902, Saco, Penn. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1865 983820. Monroe Avers. (Decatur.) 983803. He was born July 23, 1849. He married Sarah Royse. She was born July 18, 1852. County Commissioner of Bradford Co., Pa., 1903. Residence, 1902, North Towanda, Pa. Children : 983821. Bradley Myrian. Born Sept. 17, 1870. Married Mildred Smith. Children : i. Marguerite. 2. Charlotte. Residence, iqo2, N. Towanda, Pa. 983822. Dr. Lemuel Delos. Born July 21, 1873. Physician. Married Mabel Carey. Residence, 1902, 246 West 129th St., N. Y. City. 983823. Lottie Luella. Born Aug. 10, 1875. Died Aug. 24, 1884. 983824. Clara Louise. Born March 14, 1877. 983825. Lula Bell. Born Nov. 5, 1882. 983S26. Stephen Decatur. Born May 14, 1886. 983827. James Monroe. Born April 17, 1S88. 984000. James E. Ayres. Mail carrier, 1901, Millburn, Va. 984001. James W. Ayres. P. O. clerk, 1901, Parkton, Md. 984002. James N. Ayres. P. M., 1901, Melita, Va. 984003. John Ayres. Letter carrier, 1901, Butler, Pa. 984004. John W. G. Ayres. P. M., 1901, Pungoteague, Va. 9S4005. Joseph O. Ayres. Born in N. J. Railway mail clerk, 1 90 1. Appointed from Richmond Co., N. Y. Employed be- tween N. Y. City and St. George, N. Y. 984006. J. Simeon Ayres. Born in Ind. Rural letter carrier, igoi, Norborne, Mo. 984007. Tubman L. Ayres. P. M., 1901, Campbell, Ariz. 984008. Charles A. Eyre. Born in Kan. Railway mail clerk, 1 90 1. Appointed from Lancaster Co., Neb. Route from Pa- cific Junction, Iowa, to Denver, Col. 984009. Frederick Eyre. P. M., 1901, Fredonia, Wash. 984010. William C. Eyre. Born in Wis. Letter carrier, 1 90 1, Chicago. 9840 11. William H. Avers. Mail contractor, 1901, W. Va, 1 866 History of the Ayres Family. 984012. William R. Ayers. Born in 111. Letter carrier, 1901, Denver, Col. 984013. Wilson P. Ayers. Born in Ala. Clerk in P. O., 1901, Micaville, Ala. 984014. W. T. Ayers. Postmaster, 1901, Eaglerock, Barry Co., Mo. 984015. Z. M. Ayers. Born in W. Va. Clerk in P. O., 1901, Fairmount, W. Va. 984016. Albert Ayre. P. O. clerk, 1901, Orongo, Mo. 984017. D. W. Ayre. P. M., 1901, Mapledale, W. Va. 984018. Wilijam G. Ayre. P. M., 1901, Express, Oregon. 984019. Brackett J. Ayres. P. M., 1901, Pittsfield, Pa. 984020. D. A. Ayres. Employe' Special Mail Service, 1901, Georgia. 984021. Edward B. Ayres. P. M., 1901, Whitepine, Pa. 984022. George E. Ayres. Born in Iowa. Letter carrier, 1901, Chicago, 111. 984023. Joseph B. Ayers. Postmaster, 1901, Trantus, Mar- tin Co., N. C. 984024. Miss Kate A. Ayers. Born in Ohio. Clerk in Post- office, 1901, Defiance, Ohio. 984025. Laura L. Ayers. Postmistress, 1901, Lodi, Kalkaska Co., Mich. 984026. Lucy A. Ayers. Postmistress, 1901, Rices, Jefferson Co., N. Y. 984027. Mark W. Ayers. Born in N. H. Clerk in Postoffice, 1 90 1, Portsmouth, N. H. 984028. Mary M, Ayers. Postmistress, 1901, Friends Mis- sion, Patrick Co., Va. 984029. Samuel Ayers. Postmaster, igoi, Ayers, Calhoun Co., W. Va. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1867 984030. Samuel E. Avers. Born in New York. Clerk in Postoffice, 1 90 1, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 984031. Simeon B. Ayers. Mail contractor, 1901, Ga. 984032. Clifford O. Ayers. Born in Ohio. Rural letter carrier, 1901, Londonville, Ohio. 984033. Erle G. Ayers. Born in Cal. Letter carrier, 1901, Hanford, Cal. 984034. Miss Hazel Ayers. Born in Mich. Clerk in Post- office, 1 90 1, Weston, Mich. 984035. Henry L. Ayers. Born in New York. Rural letter carrier, 1901, Watertown, N. Y. 984036. Herbert W. Ayres. Born in New York. Railway mail clerk, 1901, Dunkirk, N. Y. 984037. Hiram B. Ayers. Postmaster, 1 901, West Berlin, Vt. 984038. James M. Ayers. Born in Ala. Clerk in Postoffice, 1 90 1, Perduehill, Monroe Co., Ala. 984039. John C. Ayers. Mail contractor, 1901, Mass. 984040. John R. Ayers. Postmaster, 1901, Roscoe, Colbert Co., Ala. 984041. LoRiSA W. Ayer. Postmistress, 1901, Stannard, Cale- donia Co., Vt. 984042. Obed W. Ayer. Jr. Railway mail clerk, 1901. Resi- dence, Reno, Neb. 984043. Richard M. Ayer. Postmaster, 1901, Locust Cor- ner, Clermont Co., Ohio. 984044. Sarah E. Ayer. Postmistress, 1901, Farwell, San- born Co., S. Dak. 984045. Warren Ayer. Born in Mass. Railway postal clerk, 1 90 1. Appointed from Essex Co., Mass. Employed between Bos- ton, Providence and N. Y. City. 984046. W. T. Ayer. Postmaster, 1901, Beaver City, Furnas Co., Neb. 1 868 History of the Ayres Family. 984047. B. P. Ayers. Postmaster, iQoijGlee, Troup Co., Ga.. 984048. Charles W. Ayers. Born in Iowa. Letter carrier,, ^ 1 90 1, Waterloo, Iowa. ll 984049. Alfred C. Avars. Born in Pa. Clerk in Postoffice. Residence, 1901, Glen wood. Mo. 984050. Earl Ayer. Born in Vt. Rural letter carrier, 1901, St. Albans, Vt. 984051. Miss Ethel B. Ayer. Clerk in Postoffice. Resi- dence, 1 90 1, Richford, Vt. 984052. H. A. Ayer. Postmaster, 1901, Orongo, Jasper Co.,. Mo. 984053. H. C. Ayer. Postmaster, 1901, Richford, Vt. 984054. H. S. Ayer. Mail messenger, 1901, Franklin, Neb. 984055. Jesse R. Ayer. Born in Mich. Railway postal clerk, 1901, Detroit, Mich.. 984056. Walter E. Ayers. Born in Mass. Clerk in Post- office, 1 90 1, Augusta, Me. 984057. John Lewis Ayer. Born in S. C. Clerk in Post- office, 1 90 1, Zachary, La. 984058. Manuel G. Eyre. Born in Cal. Acting custodian Sub-Treasury U. S. at SanFrancisco, Cal.. 1901. Appointed from SanFrancisco. 984059. Manuel G. Eyre. Born in Cal. Clerk in Sub-Treas- ury U. S. at SanFrancisco, 1901. 984060. Frank Eyre. Born in Pa. Employe of U. S. Cus- tom House, Philadelphia, 1901. Appointed from Chester Co., Pa. 984061. John Eyre. Born in Pa. Employe of League Island Navy Yard, Philadelphia, 1901. Appointed from Philadelphia. 984062. Henry M. Avars. Lawyer. Residence, 1892, Bos- ton, Mass. 984063. Samuel P. Avars. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1869 984064. Albert E. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984065. Charles C. Ayer. Real estate. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984066. Charles R. Aver. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984067. Clark H. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 98406S. CORDELL4 P. Ayer. Widow of Joseph N. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984069. Dana S. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984070. Edward Aver. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984071. Ellery S. Ayer. Residence 1892, Boston, Mass. 984072. Ellmore C. Ayer. Residence. 1892, Boston, Mass. 984073. Emma B. Ayer. Residence, 1S92, Boston, Mass. 984074. Ernest L. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984075. Eugene G. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984076. Mrs. E. H. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984077. Frank Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984078. Frank D. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984079. Frank E. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984080. Ftiank W. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984081. Fred C. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984082. Fred E. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984083. George A. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984084. George H. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984085. George O. Ayer. Photographer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984086. Harry L. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984087. Henry P. Ayer. Merchant. Residence, 1892, Bos- ton, Mass. 984088. Dr. James Ayer. Physician. Residence, 1892, Bos- ton, Mass. 1870 History of the Ayres Family. 984089. Mrs. James Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984090. Dr. James B. Ayer. Physician. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984091. John Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984092. John F. Ayer. Merchant. Residence, 1892, Bos- ton, Mass. 984093. John L. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984094. JosiAH M. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984095. J. Cullen Ayer. Lawyer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984096. Marcellus S. Ayer. Merchant. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984097. MuNROE Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984098. N. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984099. Mrs. O. a. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984100. Dr. Silas H. Ayer. Pliysician. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984101. William H. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984102. William J. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984103. Albert A. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984104. Arthur A. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984105. B. Frank Ayers. Bank teller. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984106. Catharine L. Ayers. Widow of Samuel. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984T07. Charles L. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984108. C. Melvin L. Ayers. Residence, 1892. Boston, Mass. 984109. Edwin R, Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984110. Eli Ayers. Merchant. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1871 984 [II. 984] 12. 9841 13- 9841 14. 9841 IS- 9841 16. 9841 17- 9841 18. 984. 19. 9841 20. Boston, Mass, 9841 2 1. 9841 2 2. 9841 23- 9841 24. 9841 25- 9841 26. 9841 27. 9841 28. 9841 29. 9841 3°- 9841 31- 9841 32- Boston, Mass. 9841 33- 9841 34- 9841 35- Emma Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Eugene H. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Mrs. E. a. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. George Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. George Ayers. Residence, 1902, Boston, Mass. George Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. George Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. George Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. George C. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. George David Ayers. Lawyer. Residence, 1892, George O. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Harriet N. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. James Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Jesse Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Joanna Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. John H. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. John H. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. John S. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Joseph Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Joseph F. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Joseph H. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Josephine A. Ayers. Teacher. Residence, 1892, Mary Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Melvin D. Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. Milan C. Ayers. Editor. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 1872 History of the Ayres Family. 984136. Nahum H. Avers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984137. Mrs. Oliver Ayers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984138. Peter Avers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984139. Miss P. A. Avers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984140. Ralph Avers. Residence,. 1892, Boston, Mass. 984141. Samuel Avers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984142. Samuel Avers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984143. Samuel E. Avers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984144. Thomas N. Avers. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984145. Catharine Ayres. Widow. Residence, 1892, Bos- ton, Mass. 984146. Elizabeth P. Ayres. Widow of Jolm. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984147. Frank C. Ayres. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984148. George P. Ayres. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984149. Fsaac H. Ayres, Jr. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984150. James Ayres. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 98415 1. James C. Ayres. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984152. John W. Ayres. Journalist. Residence, 1892, Bos- ton, Mass. 984153. William Ayres. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984154. William E. Ayres. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984155. William G. Ayres. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984156. Charles E. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984157. Daniel Ever. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984158. Jacob Ever. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 9S4159. Lincoln Ever. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984160. Franklin Eyre. , Wharfbuilder. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1873 98416 1. Lawrence Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984162. Wilson Eyre. Lawyer. Residence, 1882, Phila- delphia. 984163. Ann Eyre. Widow of Abraham P. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984164. Benjamin B. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984165. Caleb C. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984166. Charles Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984167. Charles C. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984168. Charles E. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984169. Edward Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984170. Edward D. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 98417 1. George F. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984172. Henry Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984173. John Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984174. John P. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984175. John R. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984176. John R. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984177. Lewis Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984178. Samuel Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984179. William Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984180. William Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984181. William G. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984182. William H. Eyre. Residence, 1882, Philadelphia. 984183. Alfred W. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984184. Benjamin B. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984185. Charles Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984186. Charles E. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984187. Charles H. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 1874 History of the Ayres Family. 984188. David W. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984189. Deborah A. Eyre. Widow of Henry. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984190. Edward D. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984191. Edward H. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984192. E. Stockton Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984193. Franklin Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984194. Franklin Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984195. George F. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984196. George H. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984197. George W, Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984198. Henry Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984199. James H. W. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984200. Jehu Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984201. John G. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984202. John H. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984203. John P. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984204. Lewis G. Eyre, Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984206. Mary Eyre. Widow of Caleb. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984207. Nancy D. Eyre. Widow of Thomas. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984208. Rebecca Eyre. Widow of Franklin. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984209. Samuel Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984210. William Eyre. Residence, 1S92, Philadelphia. 98421 1. William Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. 984212. William H. Eyre. Residence, 1892, Philadelphia. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1875 984213. William H. Eyre, Jr. Residence, 1892, Philadel- phia. 984214. Rudolph Avar. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984215. Charles G. Avars. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984216. Charles R. Avars. Architect. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984217. Mrs. Ella D. Avars. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 111. 111. 111. 984218. Harry M. Avars. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984219. James Avars. Insurance, Residence, 1894, Chicago, 984220. William H. H. Avars. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 984221. Benjamin Aver. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984223. Edward E. Aver. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984224. Edward H. Aver. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984225. George M. Aver. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984226. Herbert C. Aver. Iron. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984227. James M. Ayer. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984228. Mrs. Josephine A. Aver. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 984229. Oneer Aver. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984230. Otis L. Aver. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984231. Thaddeus C. Ayer. Residence, 1894. Chicago, 111. 984232. Thomas W. Aver. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984233. Walter Ayer. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984234. Warren O. Aver. Real Estate. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984235. Aaron C. Avers. Residence, 1S94, Chicago, III. 1876 History of the Ayres Family. 984236 984237 984238 111. 984239 984240 984241 984242 Chicago, 111. 984243 984244 984245 984246 984247 984248 984249 984250 cago, 111. 984251 984252 984253 984254 984255 984256 984257 984258 984259 984260 984261 Chicago, 111 A. James Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. BuRLEY B. Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Belle Avers. Teacher. Residence, 1894, Chicago, Benjamin F. Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Charles Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Charles Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Charles B. Avers. Business. Residence, 1894, Charles B. Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. David Avers. Coal. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. D. M. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Edward L. Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Ernest Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Eugene Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Frank B. Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Frank D, Avers. Business. Residence, 1894, Chi- Frederick Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. George Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. George Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Henry A. Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. Henry M. Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. HoBART Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. James A. Avers.. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111, James F. Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John Avers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John C. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. John W. Avers. Business. Residence, 1894, Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1877 984262. Mrs. Laura D. Ayers. Teacher. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984263. Lillian G. Ayers. Teacher. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984264. Luther Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, IlL 984265. Mrs. Mary A. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984266. Mrs. Mary L. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984267. Ray Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984268. Reta L. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, III. 984269. Samuel Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984270. Samuel B. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984271. Samuel P. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984272. Seymour W. Ayers. Business. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984273. S. P. Ayers. Editor. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984274. William Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984275. William B. Ayers. Business. Residence, 1894,. Chicago, 111. 984276. William E. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984277. William J. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984278. William J. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984279. William M, Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, IlL 984280. Albert Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984281. Calvin Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984284. Carl C. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984285. Edward L. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111, 984286. Elmer R. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, III. 984287. Enos Ayres. Capitalist. Residence, 1894, Chicago^ 111. 1878 History of the Ayres Family. 984288. Frank Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984289. Frank D. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984290. Frank S. Ayers. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984291. George Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984292. George L. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984293. Harry M. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984294. James F. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984295. Jennie H. Ayres. Widow of Jonathan. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984296. John Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984297. Lyman M. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984298. Mrs. May Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984299. Norman F. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984300. Parley J. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984301. William Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984302. William M. Ayres. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984303. Clarence P. Eyre. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984304. Robert Eyre. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984305. William Eyre. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984306. William Eyre. Residence, 1894, Chicago, 111. 984307. Albert C. Ayer. Residence, 1902, 236 E. 128th St., N. Y. City. 984308. Albert C. Ayer, Jr. Residence, 1902, 236 E. 128th St., N. Y. City. 984309. Alida E. Ayer. Residence, 1902, 210 W. 80th St., N. Y. City. 984310. Amy G. Ayer. Residence, 1902, 210 W. 80th St., N. Y. City. 98431 1. Charles F. Ayer. Lawyer. Office, 52 Wall St. Llesidence, 5 W. 57th St., N. Y. City. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1879 984312. Fred Aver. President. Office, 66 Leonard St., N. Y. City. 984313. Fred F. Ayer. Lawyer. Office, 35 Wall St. Resi- dence, 5 W. 57th St., N. Y. City. 984314. George Ayer. Residence, 1902, 236 5th Ave., N. Y. City. 984315. George M. Ayer. Residence, 1902,210 W. 80th St., N. Y. City. 984316. Hal W. Ayer. Broker. Office, 13 William St. Residence, 21 W. 30th St., N. Y. City. 984317. Harriet H. Ayer. Editor. Office, 63 Park Row. Residence, 129 E. 17th St., N. Y. City. 984318. Harry S. Ayer. Residence, 326 W. 15th St., N. Y. City. 984319. Henry S. Ayer. Lawyer. Office, 15 Broad St. Residence, 5 W. 57th St., N. Y. City. 984320. Ira Ayer. Custom Agent. Residence, 37 Cam- bridge Place, Brooklyn. 984321. Dr. James C. Ayer. Physician. Residence, 31 W. 36th St., N. Y. City. 984322. Joseph M. Ayer, Broker. Office, 13 William St. Residence, 1902, 21 W. 30th St., N. Y. City. 984323. Marcellus Ayer. Residence, 1902, 35 Inwood Ave., N. Y. City. 984324. Walter A. Ayer. Lawyer. Residence, 31 W. 36th St., N. Y. City. 984325. MicHL Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984326. Nelson G. Ayres. President. Residence, 1902, Plainfield, N. J. 984327. Newell D. Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984328. Philip H. Ayres. Secretary. Residence, 1902, Rockville Centre, L. L i88o History of the Ayres Family. 984329. Phinny Ayres. President. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984330. Reuben B. Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984331. Samuel E. Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984332. Steven B. Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984333. Thomas A. Ayres. Secretary. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984334. William Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984335. William Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984336. William H. Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984337. Dr. Winfield Ayres. Physician. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984338. L. S. Ayres. Dry goods merchant. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984339. Anna S. Ayres. Widow of William C. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984340. Dr. C. Percival Ayres. Dentist. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984341. Eber R. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N, Y. City. 984342. Estella Ayres. Widow of James. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984343. Frank O. Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984344. George L. Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984345. George P. Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984346. Howard Ayres. Secretary. Residence, Upper Mont- clair, N. J. 984347. John Ayres. Residence, Upper Montclair, N. J. 984348. John Ayres. Residence, Upper Montclair, N. J. 984349. John J. Ayres. Residence, Upper Montclair, N. J. 984350. Louis D, Ayres. Architect. Residence, Upper Montclair, N. J. ' Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. i88i 984351. Madeline W. Ayres. Widow of Abraham. Residence, Upper Montclair, N. J. 984352. Marshall Ayres. Vice-President. Residence, Upper Montclair, N. J. 984353. Abigail A. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984354. Albert M. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984355. Alfred Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984356. Andrew A. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984357- Caroline Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984358. Catharine Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984359- Charles Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City, 984360. Clinton P. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984361. Dr. Edward Ayers. Physician. Residence, Mon- mouth Beach, N. J. 984362. Elwood V. Ayers. Residence, N. Y. City. 984363. Emil W. Ayers. Residence, N. Y. City. 984364. Fannie B. Ayers. Residence, N. Y. City. 984365. Fred C. Ayers. Residence, Metuchen, N. J. 984366. G. Louise Ayers. Residence, N. Y. City. 984367. George A. Ayers. Residence, N. Y. City. 984368. Harry F. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984369. Henry Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984370. Henry Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984371. Henry E. Ayers. Insurance. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984372. Hiram J. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984373. Horace F. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984374. James D. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984375. James E. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. i882 History of the Ayres Family. 984376. John H. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984377- John W. Ayres. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984378. Dr. Lemuel D. Ayers. Physician. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984379. Nelson M. Ayers. Lawyer. Residence, 1902, Fair- view, N. J. 984380. Oliver C. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984381. Percival T. Ayers. Reporter. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984382. Dr. SaxMuel Ayers. Physician. Residence, '1902, N. Y. City. 984383. Sarah Ayers. Widow of Theodore. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984384. Simeon M. Ayers. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. 984385. William H. Ayers. Residence, 1902, Mt. Vernon N. Y. , 984386. Caleb R. Ayer. Residence, 1892, Boston, Mass. 984500. John Ayer. He and a student preparing for college were drowned in a fresh pond in New Haven, Conn., Nov. 30, 1696. 984501. Rev. Isaac Merrill. He married, June 27, 1741, Mary Ayer of Haverhill, Mass. Residence, Salisbury, Mass. 984502. Thomas Ayer. He married, Nov. 14, 1716, Ruth Watson in Salisbury, Mass. 984.S03. James Corline. He married, Nov. 5, 1706, Ruth Ayer in Haverhill, Mass. 984504- John Shepperd. He married, Feb. 15, 1705, Han- nah Ayer of Haverhill, Mass. 984505. Dr. Ayers. He married, in 1898, Anna Marston, Residence, Ft. Plain, N. Y. 984506. George Ayer. (Lyndon.) He married, June 30, 1897, Grace EHza Dewey (daughter of Albert C. Dewey and Fannie Wright). She was born Feb. 5, 1873. Residence, Berlin, Vt. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1883 984507. James Black. (Peter Black and Lydia Dewey). He was born June 26, 1803. He married, March 3, 1833, Sarah Ayer of Evans, N. Y. He died Jan. 7, 1865. Residence, Manchester, Vt. 984508. Charles Ayres. He married Martha J. Day (daugh- ter of Daniel VanHorn Day and Rosanna Shearer). Residence, Tilton, N. H. 984509. Isaac A. Hill. Registerof Probate of Merrimac]Co., N. H., i860. 984510. Ebenezer Ayres. He was born July 21, 1772. He married, Nov. 6, 1784, Thankful Lockwood. She was born in Nov., 1775. She died March 3, 1817. Residence, Norwalk, Conn, Children : 98451 1. Alvah. Born May 8, 1795. 984512. William. Born March 31, 1797. 984513. Matilda. Born Jan. 4, 1799. 984514. Herzon L,. Born May 10, 1801. 984515. George. Born April 3, 1803. 984516. Amzi. Born April 21, 1805. 984517. Samuel. Born May 17, 1809. 984518. Eliza Jane. Born Oct. 17, 1811. 984519. Julia Ann. Born Jan. 17, 1814. 984520. Ebenezer. Born Feb. 24, 1816. 984521. Andrew. Residence, Brooklyn, N. Y. 984525. Jonathan Ayer. He married, July 21, 177 i, Rebecca or Deborah Schofield. Private, Capt. Schofield's Co., Conn. Regt. in Rev. War. 984530. James Ayer. Soldier, 37th Regt. Infantry, 1814. Discharged, 18 14. Residence, Groton, Conn. 984540. W. F. Eyre. Residence, 255 W. 122nd St., N. Y. City. 984545. Jacob Eyre. Residence, Richmond Hill, Province of Ontario, Canada. 984550. Benjamin Ayres. He married, April 15, 1776, Sarah Keeler. Residence, Norwalk, Conn. Children : 984551. Stephen. Born Jan. 24, 1777. 984552. Moses. Born June 7, 1782. 1884 History of the Ayres Family. 984560. George M. Ayer. Soldier in Civil War. Enlisted in New York. 984565. Albert Dwight Ayer. Soldier in Civil War. En- listed in Buffalo, N. Y. ■ 984570. Hon. Robert Eyres. Member of House of Bur- gesses of Virginia from Lower Norfolk, 1646, 1648, 1649. 984575. Hon. Littleton Eyre. Member of House of Bur- gesses of Ya. from Northampton, 1742, 1744, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1752, 1753. 1754, 1755. '56, '57, 'S8> '59- 984580. Hon. Severn Eyre. Member of Va. House of Bur- gesses, from Northampton, 1766, '67, '68, '69, '70, '71, '72, '73. He died in 1773. 984585. Eleanor Ayres. Loyalist. (See Memorial History of Boston.) Residence, Boston, Mass. 984590. Joseph Kay Eyre. He married Ann Hopkins (daugh- ter of Nicholas Hopkins and Emily McAllister of Philadelphia). Residence, Philadelphia. Children : 984591. Charles. 984592. Emily. Married George W. Edwards of Media, Pa. 984593. Elizabeth Kay. Married Richard Harding Reilly of Phil'a. 984594. Edward H. Married Lydia Lewis Hopkins. 984600. HosEA Eayres. He married, Aug. 2, 1773, Hannah Leeds. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984605. Nehemiah Leeds. He married, April 4, 1774, Eliza- beth Eayre. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984610. William Woolston. He married, Feb. 11, 1771, Hannah Eayre. Residence, Northampton. 984615. John Haines. He married, July 29, 1766, Martha Eayre. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984620. Enoch Haines. He married, April 6, 1767, Priscilla Eayre. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984625. George Eyre. He married, April 10, 1754, Rebecca Shreve. Residence, Burlington Co., N. J. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1885 984630. George Eyre. He married, Sept. 30, 1789, Mar}' Lippincott. Residence, Burlington Co., N. J. 984635. Nathan Eyre. He married, March 3, 1791, Sarah Key in New Jersey. Residence, Philadelphia. 984640. Habbakuk Eayre. He married, May 24, 1747. Mary Jones of Burlington, N. J. Residence, Northampton. 984645. John Eayre. He married, Sept. 20. 1756, Rebecca Rogers. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984650. Joseph Eayre. He married, Sept. 5, 1767, Charity Ballenger. 984655. Richard Eayre. He married, Dec. i. 1732, Sarah Garwood. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984660. Joseph Woolston. He married, June 25, i78i,Mary Eayres in New Jersey. Residence, Northampton. 984665. Uriah Hiller. He married, July 21, 1746, Sarah Eayres. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984670. Uriah Wilkins. He married, Oct. 18, 1792, Eliza- beth Eyre. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984675. Shinn Oliphant. He married, Nov. 12, 1787, Hope Eyre. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984680. William Gordon. He married, Aug. 17, 1765, Mar- tha Eyre. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984685. John Campbell. He married, June 10, 1765, Mary Eyre. Residence, Burhngton, N. J. 984690. Robert Marland. He married, March 6, 1769, Rachel Eyre. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984695. Thomas Adams. He married, May 30, 1785, Ann Eyres. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984700. Phillip Streakes, Jr. He married, Oct. 20, 1799, Rebecca Eyre in New Jersey. Residence, Pennsylvania. 984705. John Cooper. He married, May i, 1783, Rebecca Eayre. Residence, Burlington, N. J. i886 History of the Ayres Family. 984710. Aaron Haines. He married, Jan. 14, 1776, i\nne Eayres. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984715. Mycajah Dobbins. He married, June 25, 1781, Hannah Eayres in New Jersey. Residence, Northampton. 984720. John Deacon. He married, Nov. 20, 1787, Hannah Eayres. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984725. George Herriot. He married, Dec. 24, 1750, Mary Ayers. Residence, Woodbridge, N. J. 984730. John Parry. He married, Nov. 26, 1778, Mary Ayers of New York. Residence, Sussex Co., N, J. 984735. MuLFORD Martin. He married, Jan. 23, 1741, Rachel Ayers. Residence, Middlesex Co., N. J. 984740. John Dun. He married, Jan. 11, 1764, Anne Ayres. Residence, Middlesex Co., N. J. 984745. Thomas Martin. He married, Feb. 15, 1762, Eliza- beth Ayres. Residence, Middlesex Co., N. J. 984750. Joseph Prudden. He married, Nov. 26, 1770, Esther Ayres of Somerset Co., N. J. Residence, Morris Co., N. J. 984755. William Guest, Jr. He married, Nov. 19, 177 1, Esther Ayeres. Residence, Gloucester Co., N. J. 984760. Peter Knap. He married, Feb. 15, 1743, Hume Ayers of Middlesex Co., N. J. Residence, Gloucester Co., N. J. 984765. William Tappen. He married, Jan. 26, 1762, Jo- hanna Ayers. Residence, Woodbridge, N. J. 984770. John Kirkpatrick. (Alex. Kirkpatrick and Sarah Carle.) He married Mary Ayers (daughter of David Ayers and sister of Dr. Ayers of Liberty Corners, N. J.). 984775. Obadiah Ayers. He married, Feb. 12, 1746, Doro- thy Landol. Residence, Somerset Co., N. J. 984780. Robert Ayers. He married, Dec. 31, 1763, Ann Jackson. Residence, Perth Amboy, N. J. 984785. Samuel Ayers. He married, Nov. 7, 1760, Martha Wilson. Residence, Middletown, N. J. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1887 984790. Valentine Ayrs. He married, April 3, 1749, Eliza- beth Parker. Residence, Burlington, N. J. 984795. Hon. Morgan G. Bulkley. He married, Feb. 11, 1885, Fannie Briggs Houghton. They had two sons, now residing in SanFrancisco, and one daughter. 984800. Benjamin Alward. (Henry Alward and Mary Cox.) He married Sarah Ayers (daughter of Elisha Ayers and sister of Maj. John Ayers of Basking Ridge, N. J.). Children : 984501. Elisha. Died aged twenty-seven years. 984502. Mary. Married Joseph Rucknian. (Jonathan.) 984803. Jane. 984S04. Hannah. Married Nathan Ruckman. (Jonathan.) 984805. Benjamin. Married Lydia Coddington (daughter of Benjamin Coddington). 984806. Sarah. 984807. Esther. 9S4808. William. Married Phoebe Lyon. Removed to Illinois. 984809. Elizabeth. Married Benjamin Boylan. 984820. 984810. Anne. 98481 1. Stephen. 984812. Daniel. 984813. Phoebe. 984820. Benjamin Boylan. (Dr. Joseph.) He married Eliza- beth Alward. Residence, Bemardville, N. J. Children : 984821. Anne. 984822. Sarah. 984823. John. 984824. William. 984825. James. 984830. John DeHart. (Abraham DeHart and Sarah Van- Cleef.) He was born in 1793. He married Anna Ayers. He died May 13, 18 1 g. Residence, Somerset or Hunterdon Co., N. J. 984835. John Noe, He was born in 1757. He married Mary Ayres of Woodbridge, N. J. She was born in 1759. He died April 26, 1828. She died Oct. 31, 1823. They had seven children. 1 888 History of the Ayres Family. 984840. Hon. Nathaniel Airs. Member of Provincial Con- gress of New Jersey from Somerset County, May, 1775, and the only one from that county not attending. 984850. George Wellington Dillingham. He was born in 1 84 1 in Bangor, Me. He married, in 1867, Helena W. Ayer (daugh- ter of Nathan C. Ayer, President of Second National Bank of Bangor, Me.). They had one son and two daughters. Book publisher. Ofifice, N. Y. City. Residence, Summit, N. J. Child : 984851. Frank Ayer. Born Dec. 31, 1869, in N. Y. City. Graduated at Yale College, A.B., 1891, and Columbia, LL.B., 1894. Mar- ried, Jan. 23, 1896, Louise G. Bulkley (daughter of Charles E. Bulkley of Summit, N. J.). Lawyer. Office, 1897,96 Broad- way, N. Y. City. Residence, Summit, N. J. 984860. Isaac L. Ayres. Graduated at Indiana University, 1865. Residence, Marion, Ind. 984865. Rev. Charles Ayer. He was born March 16, 1826, in Charlestown, Mass. He graduated at Colgate University, 1849. Ordained, 1851. Married, in 1851, E. Caroline Fish of Amherst, Mass. Baptist minister in Me., Mass., and N. Y. 984870. Frank H. Ayer. Graduated at Yale College, 1880. Member of Scroll and Key fraternity. Member of University Club, N. Y. City. Residence, Nashua, N. H. 984875. Louis Gage Mason. (Dr. Henry Wainwright Mason and Marian Gage, Ephraim Barker Mason (born McLaughlin) and Mary Spear, Thomas McLaughlin, born in 1718, died in 1S02, in Madison, Me.; Ensign in Canada in 1754; Lieutenant at Bunker Hill, where he was knocked down by the earth thrown up by a ball at Charlestown Neck on the retreat of the Americans ; married an Ayers.) He was born June 6, 1858, in Boston, Mass. Artist. Resi- dence, Geneva, Switzerland. 984880. Jabez Ayres. He removed in 1792 from Braintree, Mass., to the town of Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Child : 984881. Stephen. Borri Feb. 16, 1770, at Braintree, Mass. 984S90. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1889 984890. Hon. Stephen Ayres. (Jabez.) 984881. Member of Assembly, 1836. He died Sept. 17, 1850. Child : 984891. Hiram. 984900. George David Avers. (David Ayers and Martha Elizabeth Huckins.) He was born Aug. 26, 1857, in Boston. He graduated at Harvard College, A.B., 1879, LL.B., 1882. Lawyer. He married (ist), Jan. 7, 1885, Charlotte Elizabeth Carder of Mil- ford, Conn. She died in 1896. He married (2nd), Nov. 18, 1899, Georgette Beatrice Gould of Boston. Residence, Boston, Mass. 984905. Rev. Elizur Goodrich. D.D., Princeton, 1783. 984910. Rev. Nicholas Eyres. He was born in Wiltshire, England. He came to America at the age of twenty years, and after serving as pastor of the First Baptist Church in N. Y. City, was or- dained as colleague pastor of the Second Baptist Church in Newport, R. I., in 1731. He died in 1759. Child : 98491 1. Thomas. 984920. 984920. Dr. Thomas Eyres. (Nicholas.) 98491 1. He was born in 1734 in Newport, R. I. He graduated at Yale College, 1754. Physician. He married, July 12, 1759, Amy Tillinghast of Newport. Fellow of Brown University twenty-four years, and Secretary of the Board. He died Feb. 23, 1788, in Newport. 984930. Prof. Edw'ard Winslow Hall. (Winslow Hall and Eunice M. Harding, Daniel Hall and Sarah Furbush, Hatevil Hall and Mercy Cromwell, John Hall and Elizabeth Leighton or Layton, daughter of Thomas Leighton and a daughter of Hatevil Nutter and • Ayers.) He was born Sept. 9, 1840, at Portland, Me. He graduated at Colby University, 1862. He married, Jan. 3, 1865, Mary S. Hascall. Professor of Modern Languages and Librarian in Colby University. Residence, Waterville, Me. 984935. John Pomeroy Bartlett, Esq. (John Newton Bart- lett and Ellen Root Strong, John Bartlett and Jane Golden, John Bartlett and Desire Loomis, Ichabod Bartlett and Desire Otis, Josiah 1890 History of the Ayres Family. Bartlett and Mary Chandler.) He was born June 4, 1848, at Canton, Conn. He graduated at Yale University, Ph.B., 1878, and LL.B., 1881. Corporation Counsel of New Britain, Conn. Member of University Club. Address, 1899, N. Y. City. 984940. Richard Nutter. He married, Feb. 11, 1753, Abi- gail Dewey (daughter of Jabez Dewey and Deborah York). She was born April 23, 1733, at Stonington, Conn. He is called a foreigner in the Dewey Genealogy. 984945. Charles Eayres. Graduated at Columbian Univer- sity, M.D., 1861. Residence, Mass. 984950. Dr. Stephen Cooper Ayres. Graduated at Miami University, 1861, and Ohio Medical College, 1864. Assistant Sur- geon U. S. Vols., 1861-4. Residence, 1892, 64 West 7th St., Cin- cinnati. 984955. Langdon Ayres. Deacon Cong. Church. Residence, 1879, South Hadley Falls, Mass. 984960. John Ayres. Residence, 1820, Berkshire, N. Y. 984965. Dr. George Ayer. Physician. Residence, 1869, Buffalo, N. Y. 984970. John Eyre. Adjutant N. H. Regt. at Louisburg, 1745. 984975. Benjamin Eyre Valentine. Residence, 1895, Mon- roe Place, Brooklyn, N. Y, 984980. Charles Ayres. Residence, 1902, Newark Valley, N. Y. 984985. Ephraim Avars. He was born in 1798. He mar- ried (ist), about 1822. He married a second time. He removed about 1830 from Cumberland Co., N. J., to New York State. Children : 984986. Reuben D. Born Aug. 3, 1S23. Unmarried. Died Sept. 19, 1890. Residence, Unadilla Forks, N. Y. 984987. Daughter. 984990. Joshua Avars. (Brother of Ephraim.) He was born about 1802. He removed about 1830, with brother Ephraim, to N. Y. State. He died Feb. 23, 1878. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1891 984995. David Avars. He was born in 1781. He married. He died Feb. 17, 1866, at Adams Centre, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Child : 984996. Daughter. Married C. D. Potter. 985000. Jeremiah King. (DavidS William^, Samuel', William" of Salem, Mass.) He was born in Sept., 1737. He married, in 1763, Deborah Dominy (daughter of Nathaniel Dominy and Kliza- beth Ayres). She was born May 16, 1744. He enlisted April 15, 1758, under Lieut. Barnabas Tuthill in the New York Militia, and served for a short time during the French and Indian War. He died Jan. 8, i8ig. She died May 20, 1806. Child : 985001. Elisha William. 985020. 985020. Hon. Elisha William King. (Jeremiah', David", William', SamueP, William'.) 985001. He married Margaret Van- dervoort. Child : 985021. Peter Vandervoort. 9S5040. 985040. Peter Vandervoort King. (Elisha William*, Jere- miah', David", W^illiam^, Samuel^ William'.) 985021. He married Eliza Antonia Lentilhon. Child : 985041. Percy Rivington. 985060. 985060. Percy Rivington Kino. (Peter Vandervoorf, Elisha William*, Jeremiah', David", William^ Samuel", William'.) 985041. He married Sarah Chandler Goodhue. Child : 985061. Charles Goodhue. 985080. Thomas K. Ayres. He was born Nov. 15, 1799, in Saybrook, Conn. He married, Aug. 29, 1822, Abigail Whittelsey (daughter of John W^hittelsey and Abigail Inghamj. She was born March 9, 1799. She died Jan. i, 1848. Residence, Saybrook, Conn. 985085. John Eyre. Vestryman of Northampton, Va. Prot. Episcopal Church, after 17 12. 1892 History of the Ayres Family. 985090. James Ayres. He was of English descent. He mar- ried Nancy Harvvood. Child : 985091. Thomas Oliver. Born May 27, 183S. 985100. 985100. Rev. Thomas Oliver Ayres. (James.) 985091. He was born May 27, 1838, at Greensboro, Caroline Co., Md. He served in the Union Army in the Civil War being promoted to Captain of Co. H., 9th Regt. Del. Infantry Vols. Methodist Episcopal minister. He married, April 18, 1861, Rebecca Taylor (daughter of Joseph and Phebe A. Disch of Smyrna, Del.). They had nine children, of whom only two sons and one daughter were living in 1878. Resi- dence, 1878, Pocomoke City, Md. 985105. Edward Everett Ayers. Graduated at Mt. Union College, Ph.B., and Boston University, S.T.B. and Ph.D., 1901. 985 1 10. Leonard Porter Ayres. Graduated at Boston Uni- versity, A.B., 1902. 985120. Joseph' Drake. He married (2nd), Susannah Ayers. He died in 18 13. Residence, Green Township, Sussex Co., N. J. Children : 985121. Mark L. Died before 188 r. 985122. George B. Born Sept. 18, i8r2. 985130. 985130. George B. Drake. (Joseph.) 985122. He was born Sept. 18, 1812, near Tranquility, Sussex Co., N. J. He married Mary Ann Potts (daughter of Jacob Potts of Marksboro, N. J.). They had three children. He married (2nd), Sarah A. Crisman (daughter of Nicholas Crisman of Hardwick, N. J.). They had four children. Freeholder. Children : 985 131. Joseph M. 985132. Almeda. Married A. K. Wildrick of Paulina, N. J. 98.'ii33- Roxana. Married Henry Space. 985134. Harry. Died in 1S65. 985135- Samuel H. 985 [36. Anna E. 9S5137. Emma J. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1893 985140. Isaac Ayers. Joanna, his wife, was born in 1746. She died April 12, 1770, at Morristown, N. J. 985145. John Ayers. He was born in 1720. He died April 18, 1777, at Morristown, N. J. 985150. Peter Ayers. He married. Residence, Morristown^ N.J. Child : 985151. Sarah. Died April 30, 1777. 985160. Phineas Ayers. He was born in 1751. Drowned Aug. 5, 1789, at Morristown, N. J. 985165. Phineas Ayers. He married Hannah. She was born in 1748. She died July 17, 1793. Residence, Morristown, N.J. Child : 9S5166. Rolfe. Born in 1781. Died March 12, 1793. 985170. Isaac Ayers. He was born in 1743. He died June 7, 1794. Residence, Morristown, N. J. 985175. Elisha Ayers, Esq. He died Sept. 22, 1 79-, aged thirtv-three years. Residence, Morristown, N. J. 985180. Samuel Ayers. He married. Residence, Morris- town, N. J. Child : 985 181. Charles. Died Aug. 6, 1802. 985185. Nathan C. Ayer. President Second National Bank of Bangor, Me., 1893-1902. 985190. F. W. Ayer. Director in Second National Bank of Bangor, Me., 1893. 985200. Isaac W. Stuart. (Rev. Moses.) He graduated at Yale College, 1828. He married Catharine Bulkeley (daughter of Stephen Bulkeley). By this marriage he came into possession of the old Wyllis place, where the Charter Oak stood. The tree was prostrated by a tempest in 1856. He was an accomplished writer, orator and scholar. He died in 1861. Residence, Hartford, Conn. 1894 History of the Ayres Family. 985210. Gideon Goodwin, Jr. He married, Sept. 17, 1785, ''Ellis" Ayres in Portsmouth, N. H. 985215. George Goodwin. (SamueP, SamueP, Daniel'.) He was bapt. Aug. 5, 1722, in South Berwick, Me. He married, Dec. 12, 1745, Abigail Ayres (daughter of Ephraim Ayres of York, Me. J. Residence, York, Me. Children : 985216. Sarah. Born Oct. 27, 1746. Untraced. 985217. George. Born Sept. 25, 1749. Untraced. 985220. Dr. Samuel Ayer Kimball. Graduated at Yale Col- lege, A.B., 1879, and Harvard University, M.D., 1882. 985221. Anna C. Mills. (Mrs. Samuel Goodrich Whittelsey.) She died in Feb., 1890. 985222. Lewis Gates Whittelsey. Student in Amherst Col- lege, 1892-3, and at Brown University, 1893-5. He married, in 1902, Delia Maria Taylor. 985230. Aiden Ayres. Residence, South Columbia, N. Y. 985250. John Ayers. 473000. Mary Ennis died in 1844. 985260. Jennie M. Clarkson. (Granddaughter of James Simpson and Juletta Ayers. 473002.) Residence, 1902, Topeka, Kansas. 985270. Vincent Lockerman. He married Ann Ayers. 473001. Child : 985271. Elizabeth. Married her cousin, Ezekiel Ayers. They removed about 1840 to Texas. 985280. David Ayers. 483000. He married Sarah Southard (daughter of Lot and Sarah Southard). She was born Noy. 10, 1800. Died July 18, 1875, ^t Morristown, N. J. 985290. Eugene Ayers. 483004. He married, May 11, 1S55, Rachel Ann Baldwin (daughter of Frazier and Hannah Baldwin), -She was born March 16, 1834. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1895 Children : 9S529r. Gustavus. Born in June, 1857. Died Nov. 10, 1S76. 985292. Elizabeth Eugenia. Born Nov. 2, 1864. Uninarrie(h 985300. John Bonsall Avers. 493002. He married, June 9, 1886, Caroline Amanda Bache (daughter of Andrew J. and Kate Pugh Bache of N. Y. City). She was born Oct. 10, 1864, at Plain- field, N. J. Children : 985301. CaroUne Amanda. Born Feb. 5, 1887. 985302. MadeHne. Born Aug. 13, 1888. 985303- John Bache. Born Jan. 24, 1891. 9S5304. Theodore. Born Aug. 9, 1893. 985320. Horace Frederic Avers. 493003. He married, Nov. 1 8, 1902, in N. Y. City, Charlotte Wharton Germaine (daughter of Andrew J. and Caroline A. Rugg of Memphis, Tenn.). 985400. Nathan Beers Graham. (Andrew^ John".) 946080. He married Jean Lorimer ((daughter of James Lorimer). Children : 985401. James Lorimer. No issue. 985402. Nathan B. 985500. 985403. Henry Montrose. 985520. 985404. John A. 985540. 985405. Edward Chauncey. 985560. 985406. Mary A. Married Joseph B. Varnum. 9S5570. 9S5407. Jane Louisa. Married James McCall. 985580. 985408. Susan M. Married Joseph B. Varnum, Jr. 985590. 985500. Nathan Beers Graham. (Nathan Beers^ Andrew', John'.) 985402. He married. Children : 985501. Robert M. C. Married. They had two sons. Child: Harold. 985502. James Lorimer. Died. No issue. 985520. Henry Montrose Graham. (Nathan Beers', An- drew^ John'.) 985403. He married. Child : 985521. James Lorimer. Broker. Residence, 1902, N. Y. City. i8g6 History of the Ayres Family. 985540. John Andrew Graham. (Nathan Beers^, Andrew^ John'.) 985404. He married Helen Beeckman. Children : 985541. Helen Livingston. Married Nathaniel Kellogg Fairbank. They had several sons and daughters. He died. Residence, Chicago, III. 985542. Henry Beeckman. 9S5700. 985543- Wallace. Married Victoria Binese. Officer, U. S. Navy. He died. 985560. Edward Chauncey Graham. (Nathan Beers^, An- drew'', John'.) 985405. He married. Child : 985561. Louise. 985570- Joseph E. Varnum. 956700. He married Mary A. Graham. 985406. Children : 985571. Mary A. Married Henry A. Mott. Lawyer. They have sev- eral children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren living. Their son, Henry A. Mott, Jr., graduated at Columbia College, 1873. She resides, 1902, Plaza Hotel, N. Y. City. 985572. Margaret. Married James W. Underhill. 985800. 985573- Juha M. Married Edward de Rose. She died leaving one son who has since died unmarried. 985580. James McCall. He married Jane Louisa Graham. 985407. Child : 985581. Elizabeth. Married Dr. Alex. Kelsey. They had several sons and one daughter. He died. Her address, 1902, Summit Hill Home, Catskill, N. Y. 985590- Joseph B. Varnum, Jr. (Nephew of James B. Var- num. 985570.) He married Susan M. Graham. 985408. Child : 985591. Gen. James Mitchell. Address, 1902, 62 Williams St., N. Y. City. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1897 985700. Henry Beeckman Graham. (John Andrew*, Nathan Beers^ Andrew ^ John'.) 985542. He married Emma Kinnie. He died. Children : 985701. Beeckman. Residence, 1902, Chicago, 111. 9S5702. Edith. Residence, 1902, Chicago, 111. 985703. Maud. Residence, 1902, Chicago, 111. 985800. James W. Underbill. He married Margaret Var- num. 985572. She died. Child : 985801. Francis T. Married. They have two or more children. He is a member of Society of Sons of Revolution. Residence, 1902, California. 985810. Nalbro Frazier, Jr. He married Mary Ellen Jack- son (daughter of Isaac Rand Jackson and Louisa Carroll, daughter of Col. Charles Carroll and Harriet Chew, daughter of Hon. Benja- min Chew, Chief Justice of Penn., son of Hon. Charles Carroll of CarroUton, Signer of Declaration of Independence, and Mary Dar- nall). Residence, Philadelphia. Children : 985811. Louisa. 985S12. Helena C. 985820. Hon. M. S. Ayers. Member of Assembly, Bergen Co., N. J., 1903. 985830. Peter B. Ayars. Customs Inspector, 1903, Wilming- ton, Del. 985840. Samuel Sloan Chauncey. He married Alice Carr (daughter of Col. Carr of Louisville, Ky.). He died in 1900. He was very wealthy. He resided in Brooklyn, N. Y. The American newspapers of Jan. 15, 1903, announced her engagement to Earl Roseberry, Ex-Prime Minister of England. She resides in England. 985845. Daniel Ayres. Residence, Springfield, N. J. 985950. Jonathan Davis Ayars. He was born Jan. 19, 1787. He married (ist), Sept. 12, 18 16, Mary Ann Town. She was born 1898 History of the Ayres Family. April 6, 1798. She died Nov. 9, 1822. He married (2nd), Naomi Seeley. Chiildren : 985951. Thomas Town. Born June 7, 1817, at Bridgeton, N. J. Died July 8, 1818, at Shiloh. 985952. EU DeWitt. Born Aug. 31, 1819. Died June 19, 1824. 985953 985954 985955 ■ 985956 985957 985958 Amanda. Born Aug. 31, 1821. Married Lewis West. He was born July 22, 1805. He died April 12, 1889. Enos Seeley. Born Aug. 20, 1824. 986000. Mary Jane. Born March 17, 1826. Married Joseph C. Shep- pard. 986020. Anna Maria. Born June 10, 1828. Married John C. Youngs. 986040. Lewis. Born Nov. 2, 1830. Died Nov. 17, 1831. Jonathan Davis. Born Nov. 5, 1833. 986100. 986000. Enos Seeley Ayars. (Jonathan Davis.) 985954. He was born Aug. 20, 1824. He married Katurah K. Bitting. Children : 9S6001. Cornelia. 986002. Joseph. 986003. Henrietta. 986004. Charles. 986020. Joseph C. Sheppard. He married Mary Jane Ayars. 9^5955- She died July i, 1901. Child : 986021. Allen H. B. 986200. 986040. John C. Youngs. He married Anna Maria Ayars. 985956. She died June 14, 1897. Children : 986041. Isabel. Married Cornelius Shaw. They had several children. 986042. Mary Maud. No issue. 986043. Ward Seeley. Married. They had several children. 986044. Nathaniel. 986045. Anne. Married. They had one son. She died. 986046. Elizabeth. 986047. Harry. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1899 9S6100. Jonathan Davis Avars. (Jonathan Davis.) 985958. He was born Nov. 5, 18.^3. He married, Nov. 20, 1861, Lydia Whitaker. She was born March 10, 1834. Children : 986101. Harriet Webb. Born Jan. 9, 1863. Died April 27, 1892. 986102. Robert Seeley. Born Sept. 25, 1865. Married Maggie Law- rence. He died April 27, 1892. No issue. 986103. Caroline VanMeter. Born May 9, 186S. Married Elmer D. Mulford. 986250. 986104. Freddie. Born May 19, 1870. Died July 19, 1870. 986105. Florence N. Born Feb. 3, 1873. 986200. Allen H. B. Sheppard. (Joseph C.) 986021. He married Ida Lawrence. Children : 986201. Maggie. 986202. Robert Ayars. 986250. Elmer D. Mulford. He married, June jo, 1897, Caroline VanMeter Ayars. 986103. Child : 986251. Jonathan Elmer. Born Feb. 6, 1902. 986400. Zebulon Avars. 968940. Children : 986401. Lodemia. Married a Jester. 986402. Robert. 986403. John. 986500. Jester. He married Lodemia Ayars. 986401. She died. Children : 986501. Robert. Residence, 1902, Paulsboro. 986502. David. Residence, 1902, Camden, N. J. 986503. Maria. Married an Applegate. Residence, 1902, Camden, X. J. 986600. Lawrence Avars. 968950. He married. Children.: 986601. Susan. Residence, Hightstown, N. J. 986602. Jane. Residence, Hightstown, N. J. 986603. Elisha. Residence, Hightstown, N. J. 986604. Lawrence. Residence, Hightstown, N. J. iQoo History of the Ayres Family. 986700. Robert CuRRiE. He married Jane Ayars. 966511. Children : 986701. Elisha. 986702. Ben. Residence, Salem, N. J. 986703. Charles. Residence, Camden, N. J. 986704. William. Residence, Atlantic City, N. J. 986800. Benjamin Chew. He married Fannie Ayars. 966509. Children : 986801. Frank. Residence, Philadelphia. 986802. Elizabeth. Residence, 33d and Arch Sts., Philadelphia. 986803. Charles. Died. 986804. Henry. Died. 986805. George. Died. 9S6806. Maggie. Died. 986807. Hannah. Married a Mulford. Residence, Millville, N. J. 986850. David Reed. He married Lodemia Ayars. 966503. Children : 986851. Joseph. 986852. Charles. Residence, 1903, Clyde, N. Y. 956853. James. 956854. George. 986855. Henry. 986856. William. 986857. Thomas. 986858. Lewis. 986859. Samuel. 986860. David. 986861. Eliza. Residence, 1903, Ridley Park. 986900. William Crooks. He married Catharine Ayars. 966505. Children : 986901. Richard. 986902. William. Residence, 1903, 501 Greenwich St., Philadelphia. 986903. Harriet. 986904. Hannah. 986905. Caroline. 986906. Margaret. 986907. Susan. Ayer, Ayres or Eyre. 1901 986920. Brandriff. He married Mary Ayars. 966507. Children : 986921. Howard. Died. 9S6922. Zebulon. Died. 986923. James. Died. 986924. Lrodemia. Died. 986925. John. Residence, 1903, Millville, N. J. 986926. Catharine. Died. 986950. Jacob Woodruff. He was born April 6, 1797. He married, Feb. 7, 1827, Susan Ayars. 966510. He died Aug. 17, 1846. Child : 986951. Katherine C. Woodruff. Residence, 1903, Ehner, N. J. iVPPEI^DIX COLONIAL SOLDIERS. TREMAN, TREMAIN, TRUMAN. Philip Tremain, 115. William Truman. 210. MACK. William Mack. 47025. AVER. Samuel Ayer. 321100. Capt. Abiel Frye. 329040. Col. Joseph Frye. 329060. Capt. John Farnam. 329075. Nathan Farnam. 329076. Capt. Moody Bridges. 338500. Capt. John Chandler. 475000. Lieut. Nathan Chandler. 475040. Col. Elihu Chauncey. 933800. REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS. TREMAN, TREMAIN, TRUMAN. Jonathan Tremain. 42. Philip Tremain. 220. Gaius Tremain. 230. Daniel Tremaine. 270. Abner Trenian. 300. Shem Truman. 350. Appendix XXVIII. 1^03 David Truman. 365. Thomas Truman. 370. Nathaniel Tremaine. 950. Solomon Tremain. 990. Joseph Tremain. 1005. Justin Tremain. 1006. Elijah Truman. Associator. 8640. Lieut. John Prentiss. 201002. Lieut. Peter Richards. 201003. Capt. Lodowick Champlin. 201005. Capt. Guy Richards. 205000. Benjamin Richards. 205025. Maj. Alexander Trueman. 228000. Lieut. John Trueman. 228020. MACK. John Mack. 12520. Ebenezer Mack. 12 581. David Mack. 13015. Orlando Mack. 13070. Abner Mack. 14000. 38020. Ebenezer Mack. 140 10. Richard Gary. 14050. Stephen Ransom. 20050. Joseph Gone. 20935. Matthew Smith. 21000. Samuel Mack. 38000. Abijah Mack. 38010. Hezekiah Mack. 38015. Benjamin Mack. 38150. David Mack. 38155. Gonn. Macks. 254631 — 254637. Solomon Mack. 254733. Richard Mack. 38200. Solomon Mack. 19080. Stephen Mack. 42210. igo4 Revolutionary Soldiers. DEY. Col. Theunis Dey. 62600. Benjamin Dey. 62606. David Dey. 62607. Maj. Richard Dey. 63000. Benjamin Dey. 63020. Jolm Dey. 63050. Peter Dey. 63065. David Dey, 63080. Col. Richard Varick. 63500. Gen. Simeon Dewitt. 63550. Capt. Peter Perrine. 85480. Joseph Paulding. 85902. Peter Paulding. 85903. William Paulding. 85925. Lewis Dey. 90000. James Dey. 90150. New Jersey Deys. 285300 — 285306. Col. John Paulding. 90525. Jonathan H. Paulding. 107 120. John Paulding. 107 125. John Paulding, Jr. 107130. Joseph Paulding. 107 135. William Paulding. 107 140. Roger Paulding. 107 145. Thomas Paulding. 107 150. Peter Paulding. 107 155. John Paulding. 107 160. John Paulding. 107 165. Henry Paulding. 107170. Henry Paulding. 107 175. Thomas Paulding. 107 180. William Paulding. 107 185. Levi Paulding. 107 190. Levi Paulding. 107 195. Nehemiah Paulding. 107200. Joseph Paulding. 107205. Appendix XXVIII. 1^05 Cornelius Paulding. 107 2 10. Garrett Paulding. 107215. Col. Albert Pawling. 107220. Lieut. Albert Pawling. 107225. Cornelius Pawling. 107230. Capt. Henry Pawling. 107235. Lt. Henry Pawling. 107240. John Pawling. 107245. John Pawling, Jr. 107250. Col. Levi Pawling. 107255. BOARD. Maj. David Board. 125 125. Capt. Joseph Board. 125 150. Cornelius Board. 127000. Capt. Phineas Heard. 127 135. Capt. Joseph Board. 127 175. Philip Board. 127050. Henry Post. 127 i 10. AVER, AYRES, EYRE. Ezekiel Ayres. 164500. Nathaniel Ayres. 170000. Elisha Ayer. 195500. Elisha Ayers. 196820. New Jersey Ayers. 197 100 — 197450. Gen. Joseph Frye. 329060. Capt. Abiel Chandler. 329440. Peter Chandler. 329460. Thomas Chandler. 329480. Lieut. William Johnson. 329500. Lieut. Nathaniel Frye. 339600. Ellis Ayres. 340600. Rev. Henry True. 372150. Dr. Jabez True. 372200. Mass. Ayer, Ayers and Ayres. 391000 — 3912 14. N, H. Ayer, Ayers and Ayres. 391300 — 391 301. 1906 Revolutionary Soldiers. N. Y. Ayer, Ayers and Ayres. 391400 — 39^416. Maj. John Nutter. 402300. Lieut. Nathan Ballard. 475066. Richard Ayer. 484060. Daniel Chandler. 485040. Nathan Chandler. 485140. Isaac Chandler. 485160. Lt. Isaac Abbott. 485200. Lt. David Chandler. 485250. Capt. Abiel Chandler. 485300. Col. Thomas Stickney. 485360. Col. Andrew McMillan. 485380. John Osgood. 485410. Ens, Ebenezer Kingsbury. 544240. Thomas Hazen. 546050. Hezekiah Hazen. 546053. Daniel Hazen. 546054. Solomon Hazen. 546055. Thomas Hazen. 546056. Jacob Kingsbury. 550540. Lemuel Kingsbury. 550700. Capt. Joshua Hazen. 551200. Asa Hazen. 551300. Col. Manuel Eyre. 600100. Col. Jehu Eyre. 600150. Col. Benjamin George Eyre. 600220, Col. Thomas Robinson. 600680. Conn. Ayers. 825000 — 825017. Nelson L. Brown. 825216. Capt, Charles Bulkley. 932080, Dr. Andrew Graham. 939360. Capt. Charles Chauncey. 937000. College G^RiVDi^i^TEs. TREMAN, TREMAINE, TRUMAN. 1825 1849 1873 1897 1897 1898 FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES. UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN. 1875. Hart Lyman. 220100. HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY. 1875. Hart Lyman. 220100, AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 1834. Edward Thomas Tremaine. 10640. 1865. William James Beal. 5060. 1883. William Allen Tremaine. 6850. 1903. Nelson Gore Truman. YALE UNIVERSITY. Wolcott Richards. 215200. Charles Augustus Lewis Richards. 220000. Hart Lyman. 220100. Luther Guy Billings. 230280. Frederick Tremaine Billings. 230285. Colby Mitchell Chester. 230270. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 1872. Ebenezer Mack Treman. 4000. 1874. Mynderse VanCleef. 4030. igo6b Treman, Tremaine, Truman. 4400. 4005. 2471. 4015. 3295- 1875. Jared Treman Newman 1877. John Sayles Waterman. 1877. Annis Smith Carman. 1878. Robert Henry Treman. 1878. Ben Johnson. 78400. 1886. Lyman Truman Stanbrough. 5725 1887. Frank Truman Stanbrough. 5726. 1889, Charles Edward Treman. 4025. 1893. Annie M. Tremaine. 6871. 1893. Stephen Edwin Banks. 4380. 1894. Warren Russell Valentine. 2322. 1895. John Main Trueman. 229900. 1896. James Steele Truman. 5792. 1896. William Chase Truman. 5773. 1896. John M. T. Gorman. 5871. 1900. Nathan Elbert Truman. 8184 1905. Walter Treman. 421 1. 1905. Emmet Grant Fish. 6576. UNION COLLEGE. Lyman Tremaine. 5440. 1866. Grenville E. Tremaine. 6780. 1867. Enos Throop Martin. 5443. HOBART COLLEGE. 1864. Frederick Lyman Tremaine. 5441. HAMILTON COLLEGE. 1849. William Cary Tremain. 3081. 1886. William Horace Hotchkiss. 6530. 1886. Ambrose Barnes Tremaine. 215852. 1888. William Fenton Tremaine. 215853. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. 1867. Henry Edwin Tremaine. 6770. 1887. Guy Richards. 215401. 1888. Lyman Truman Stanbrough. 5725. COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY. 1869. John Henry Truman. 3650. College Graduates. i9o6<- trinity college. 1866. Charles Henry Belknap Tremaine. 5496. MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY. 1859. William James Beal. 5060. 1872. Alexander Smith Truman. 11364. 1878. Martin Jellette Taylor. 4980. ROCHESTER UNIVERSITY. 1857. William Otis Comstock. 2718. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 187 1. Thaddeus Field Truman. 3303. 1880. Harmon S. Trueman. iiooo. COLLEGE OF CITY OF NEW YORK. i860. Henry Edwin Tremaine. 6770. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 1843 1844 1849 1849 1849 1859 i860 1861 1871 1874 1874 Harriet Truman. 228100. Daniel Truman. 228080. Clarinda S. Truman. 228050. Catharine Truman. 228060. Maria A. Truman. 228040. Josephine A. Truman. 211042. Eloisa Truman. 211043. Mary E. Truman. 21 1044. Annette Truman. 228036. Frank Truman. 228032. George Truman. 228034. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. 1880. Mary Adell Tremain. 228120. WELLS COLLEGE. 1875, Jane Edwards Williams. 4400. 1884. Ellen Newman. 2102. 1906^ Treman, Tremaine, Truman. brown university. 1868. John Henry Truman. 866. 3650. 1892. Nelson W. Aldrich. Honorary. 3640. 8170. 1901. John Davison Rockefeller. 8175. 1903. Abbie Greene Aldrich. 3641. 8175. * COLGATE UNIVERSITY. Eli W. Stone. 5850. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. 1896. Sidney Welles Thompson. 5729. ALBION COLLEGE. i8go. Nathan P. Brown. 7170. DE PAUW UNIVERSITY. 189 1. Nathan P. Brown. 7170. ' WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1891. William M. Stone. 5852. EARLHAM COLLEGE. 1896. William Otis Beal. 7210. HAVERFORD COLLEGE. 1897. William Otis Beal. 7210. CHICAGO UNIVERSITY. 1902. William Otis Beal. 7210. UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. 1856. Charles Dey Johnson. 75375. 1886. Lyman Truman Stanbrough. 5725. UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY. 1863. Colby Mitchell Chester. 6830. 1868. Hobart L. Tremaine. 5463. 1894. Arthur T. Chester. 250265. College Graduates. 1906^' michigan agricultural college. 1897. John DeWitt McLouth. 7220. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. 1 86 1. Eug^ene Buell Gere. 5727. 1876, Jared Treman Newman. 4400. HAHNEMAN MEDICAL COLLEGE. (CHICAGO.) 1881. Orlando G. Tremain. 5672. 1 89 1. J. Eugene Tremaine. 6800. 'woman's MEDICAL COLLEGE, (n. Y. CITY.) 1897. Annie M. Tremaine. 6871. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. (n. Y, CITY.j 1874. Thaddeus Field Truman. 3303. HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE. (CLEVELAND.) 1870. Irving P. Truman. 11320. RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1895. George A. Trueman. 11322. . UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE. (KANSAS CITY.) 1897. H. G. Trueman. 11326. MIAMI MEDICAL COLLEGE. (CINCINNATI.) 1882. Horace F. Truman. 11370. JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. (PHILADELPHIA.) 1852. Charles Augustus Lewis Richards. 220000. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE PHARMACY. 1893. Elliot Davis Truman. 3293. 8181. PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COLLEGE. 1889. William Fenton Tremaine. 5537- 1906/ Mack. 1889. 1890. 1873- [832. [863. [865. [879. 1885. [884. [885. [887. [888. [890. [891. [892. 1893. :797- 1813. [823. '835- '837. [844. [883. [896. MACK. FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES. OXFORD UNIVERSITY. John McGhie. 29870. gottin(;en university. Azariah Smith Root. 16735. LAVALL UNIVERSITY. (QUEBEC.) Benjamin F. Hawn. 18345. AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Henry Wheatland. 15315- William Mack. 14492. David Mack. 15751. Thomas Lamb Eliot. 27720. Charles Samuel Mack. 38278. Alfred Mack. 48680. Harry W. Mack. 48935. Frederick Edward Cheney. 16048. Julian William Mack. 48820. Azariah Smith Root. 16735. Earl Morse Wilbur. 31535. Edwin Solomon Mack. Theodore Clarke Smith. 25837. Maurice Billings Smith. 25847. YALE UNIVERSITY. Richard Smith. 45330. Stephen Mack. 140 17. David Mack. 14483. David Mack. 15750. Azariah Smith. 153 16. William Manlius Smith. 153 17. Horace Sauers Kephart. 16060. Addison Strong Pratt. 39126. College Graduates. 1906^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 1872. Ebenezer Mack Treman. 4000. 1872. Edgar Vinton Wilson. 15900-201. 1872. John Warren Mack. 15430. 1872. Herbert Huntington Smith. 16570. 1873. Horace Mack Hibbard. 15723. 1873. John Walter Earle. 249102. 1878. Eugene Cary. 161 20. 1880. George WiUiam Mack. 15701. 1880. EUgin Bruce Cary. 16100. 1881. Harriet Heyl. 16130. 1 88 1. Robert Henry Cartwright. 15672. 1887. Horace Sauers Kephart. 16060. 1888. John Givan Davis Mack. 39110. 1 89 1. Horace Mack. 157 11. 1 89 1. Alexander Wolfgang Mack. 48850. 1893. William Gordon Mack. 48990. 1896. Louisa Smith. 15900-274. 1901. Julia Whiton Mack. 15703. 1902. Wilfred Whaley Mack. 15431. 1905. James Lawrence Bates. 39151- 1905. Carl Major. 249103. 1906. Lawrence Alexander Mack. 15432. 1906. Fitch Hibbard Stephens. 16076. COLGATE UNIVERSITY. 1844. Lewis Peck. 241502. MIAMI UNIVERSITY. 1841. David Mack. 48995. GENESEE COLLEGE. i860. Henry Fisk Tarbox. 244350. HANOVER COLLEGE. 1841. David Mack. 48995. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 1874. Daniel Mack. 48580. 1877. Thomas Alexander Mack. 48575- 1906// Mack. HAMILTON COLLEGE. 1835. Lemuel Strong Pomeroy. 15400. 1 841. Theodore Clapp Pomeroy. 15909 — 140. 1842. Addison Kellogg Strong. 15900 — 150. 1856. John Calvin Smith. 15900 — 60. 1858. Horace Mack. 15700. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. 1807. Daniel Mack. 13092. 1873. Charles Stephen Simpkins. 16590. 1875. Arthur Richards Paine. 45385. 1882. Charles Samuel Mack. 15764. 1888. Harry Mack. 48930. AMHERST COLLEGE. 1827. William Pomeroy Paine. 45380. 183 1. Moody Harrington. 14482. 1837. Hemingway Jacob Gaylord. 45346. 1859. Judson Smith. 15413. 1862. Samuel Colville Vance. 16189. 1865. Edward Payson Smith. 15414. 187 1. Arthur Richard Paine. 45385. 1886. Allen Macy Smith*. 168 10. WILLIAMS COLLECJE. 1804. Elisha Mack. 14490. 1818. Ebenezer Emmons. 15360. . 1823. David Mack. 14483. 1830. Eli Thornton Mack. 14484. 1 85 1. Ezra Jones Peck. 24155 i. 1870. Azariah Smith Storm. 16380. 1893. Russell Lord Tarbox. 244351. MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY. 1857. Russell J. Mack. 48505. 1861. Oscar Solomon Ingham. 26755. 1871. Andrew Jackson Mack. 48510. 1875- John Warren Mack. 15430. College Graduates. 1906/ 1880. Edward Miller. 249202. 1882. Guy Miller. 249203. 1882. Charles J. Barr. 249224. 1883. Edwin Freeman Mack. 48520. 1884. Willis John Abbott. 255952. 1886. Roscoe Dudley Mack. 48525. 1886. Edward Charles Miller. 249201. 1890. Emma Mack. 48515. 1892. Charles James Barr. 249224. 1894. Henry Keep. 29003. 1895. Seraph Frissell. 15873. 1898. Glenn S. Mack. 1898. Jessie Marion Mack. 1898. Guy Alonzo Miller. 249202. 1899. William L. Mack. COLGATE UNIVERSITY. 1833. Levi M. Mack. 254660. 1840. H. W. Read. 26080. 1856. Carroll Edgar Dudley. 26073. UNION COLLEGE. 1865. William John Keep. 29000. COLLEGE OF CITY OF NEW YORK. 1880. Harry W^ Mack. 48935. 1883. Arthur J. Mack. 48895. 1888. Harry Mack. 48930. ROCHESTER UNIVERSITY. 1887. Arthur Leland Smith. 26726. WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. 1847. Henry O. Mack. 48665. 1868. Andrew Jackson Mack. 48510. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1890. Arthur Leland Smith. 26726. 1 906/ Mack. DICKINSON COLLEGE. 1870. Russell L. Mack. 4853°- DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. 1808. Andrew Mack. 47525. 1844. William Andrew Mack. 4752 7- 1876. Judah Mack Holt. 27533. 1876. Fred Leslie Holt. 27535. 1878. William Barker Mack. 48690. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. 1790. Spencer Houghton Cone. 25625. 1 87 1. William E. Mack. 48590. 1874. Edward Kellogg Strong. 15900-153. 1874. Alfred Kelley Bates. 16685. BOSTON UNIVERSITY. i860. Charles Eugene Little. 31000. 1886. Horace Sauers Kephart. 16060. 1886. Azariah Smith Root. 16735. LAFAYETTE C0LLE(;E. 1886. Horace Sauers Kephart. 16060. BROWN UNIVERSITY. 4 1842. Spencer Houghton Cone. 25625. 1891. Gerald Birney Smith. 25824. TUFTS COLLEGE. 1881. William Elwin Mack. 31250. 254760. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. 1886. Earl Morse Wilbur. 31535. 1887. Edwin Benjamin Mack. 31260. HOBART COLLEGE. 1843. Theophilus Mack. 48695. 1845. Theodore Clapp Pomeroy. 15900-140. 1870. William Henry Goodwin. 4639°- 1900. Ezra Jones Peck. 241551. College Graduates. 1906/& LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE. 1879. Horace Sauers Kephart. 16060. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY. 1898. Frederick M. Smith. 252080. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY. 1885. Newton Chadeayne Smith. 16800. 1887. Clara Smith. 15900 — 273. 1889. Allen Macy Smith. 16810. 1898. Louisa Smith. 15900 — 274. GRACELAND COLLEGE. (lAMONI, IA.) 1898. Frederick M. Smith. 252080. UNION COLLEGE. 1831. William Mack. 45410. 1848. William James Stillman. 16185. 1862 1864 1865 1870 1880 1882 1882 1884 OBERLIN COLLEGE. Isaac Foster Mack. 45100. Frances Sarah Henderson. 25501. William John Keep. 29000. John T. Mack. 45054. Francis M. Weld. 252020. Alice May Gardner. 25806. Arthur William Burt. 29235. Azariah Smith Root. 16735. NEW YORK CENTRAL COLLEGE. (MC GRAWVILLE, N. Y.) 1851. Azariah Lawrence Smith. 15415 — 15- 1855. Joseph Smith. 25840. 1855. Metcalf John Smith. 15415. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. 1869. Ezra Baldwin Pratt. 16670. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. 1895. John Alexander Mack. 254745. 1898. Edward R. Mack. 254750. 1906/ Mack. COLLEGE OF CITY OF NEW YORK. 1886. Arthur Julius Mack. 254770. STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. 1888. Alexander Wolfgang Mack. 254775. 1889. Lewis Charles Mack. 254785. ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. 1888. John Givan Davis Mack. 391 10. CASE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE. (CLEVELAND.) 1894. Henry Keep. 29003. ALBANY NORMAL COLLEGE. 1897. Helen Eunice Pratt. 39127. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. 1862. Thomas Lamb Eliot. 36890. UPPER IOWA UNIVERSITY. 1 88 1. Chauncey Peter Colegrove. 31275. HIRAM COLLEGE. 1857. Laurin Dewey Woodworth. 36915. UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. 1846. Oscar Addison Mack. 25015. 1852. John G. Chandler. 254538. 187 1. Fayette Washington Roe. 15945- JOHNS-HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. 1870. Edward Payson Smith. 25855. MT. HOLYOKE COLLEGE. 1842. Clarissa L. Mack. 45345- 1842. Mary H. Mack. 45346. 1844. Lucy Smith. 14896. 1844. Sarah Smith. 14897. College Graduates. I go6m Julia Mack Church. 15414. 1847. Anna Smith. 15900 — 165. 1862. Sarah E. Dutton. 27645. i86g. Seraph Frissell. 15873. Mary Ellen Mack. 27648. 1875. Isabella G. Mack. 48500. 1881. Sophia Adelphia Smith. 25821. 1888. Mary A. Kirby. 48640. 1892. Kate Winifred Smith. 25826. INGHAM UNIVERSITY. 1872. Helen Jerusha Whaley. 15430. SMITH COLLEGE. 1893. Florence Elizabeth Smith. 25838. WELLESLEY COLLEGE. 1 89 1. Gertrude Bushnell Smith. 25846. MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 1870. Walter Storm Smith. 15900 — 272. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. 1868. C. S. Mack. 4S565. UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1862. Judson Smith. 25845. PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1832. William Mack. 45410. 1835. Eli Thornton Mack. 45400. 187*2. William E. Mack. 48590. OBERLIN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1863. Judson Smith. 15413- 1868. Edward Payson Smith. 25855. ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1868. Edward Payson Smith. 25855. igo6n Mack. AUBURN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1845. Addison Kellogg Strong. 15900 — 150. 1878. Edward Kellogg Strong. 15900—153. NORTHWEST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1877. Alfred Kelley Bates. 16685. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. (NEW YORK CITY.) 1826. Lewis Hallock. 14700. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. (CHICAGO.) 1889. John C. Mack. 48666. JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. (PHILADELPHIA.) 1842. William Gates Henderson. 25500. 1844. Charles Henderson. 25515. 1863. Fred C. Applegate. 16245. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. (CLEVELAND.) 1857. Levi H. Fenner. 15550. 1889. Mabel Oriette Smith. 25952. 1897. Alice Mandana Myers. '5526. BERKSHIRE MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1844. Ashman H. Taylor. 15900 — 125. BLACKWELL MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1884. Harriet Heyl. 16130. BELLEVUE HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEflE. (NEW YORK CITY.) 1865. Monroe Robbins. 16288. 1872. George Jay Mack. 48550. 1875. Joshua Newton Mack. 48555. 1878. William Andrew Michael Mack. 48560. NEW YORK COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY. 1879. George Augustus Mack. 31400. PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COLLEGE. 1887. George Cornelius Eighme. 29875. College Graduates. igo6o DEY. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 1885. James Kirke Paulding. 106970. VALE UNIVERSITY. 1889. Charles Cook Paulding. 106966. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 1878. Ben Johnson. 78400. 1882. Henry Montgomery Dibble. 75327. 1892. Charles Dibble Bostwick. 7S301. 1901. Henry Montgomery Bostwick. 78303. 1903. Charles Lemuel Dibble. 1765 1799 1818 1821 1859 1865 1872 1872 1885 1832 1834 1835 1838 1839 1844 1845 1848 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Aaron Schuyler. 63100. Abraham Varick. 70375. Richard Varick Dey. 75000. Pierre Munroe Irving. 285800. Irving Grinnell. 285841. Richard Dey. 70065. Charles L. Dey. 106635. Charles Cook Paulding. 106966. Temple Bowdoin. 286000. HAMILTON COLLEGE. i860. Herman VanVechten Bostwick. 78300. 1876. John Richard Steele Dey. 105105. HOBART C0LLE(;E. William Ridge Schuyler. 75525. Montgomery Schuyler. 75550. Anthony Schuyler. 75600. Charles C. Carr. 75435- Daniel Hudson. 70135. Peter Anthony Dey. 75390. Charles Hudson. 7015 1. Peter Seabury Schuyler. 70263. 1906/) Dey. 1851. Edward Hudson. 70152. 1870. Cameron Mann. 78675. 187 1. Louis Sanford Schuyler. 75556. 1872. Montgomery Schuyler, 78650. 1881. Alexander Mann. 78690. 1883. Donald Peter Mann. 78700. 1890. Charles Duncan Mann. 7S715. UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. 1856. Charles Dey Johnson. 75375. 1872. Eugene Albion Ellis. 63089. UNION UNIVERSITY. 1817. Richard Varick Dewitt. 70400. 1834. Montgomery Schuyler. 75550. 1838. Charles C. Carr. 75435. 1840. Alexander Hamilton Dey. 1848. Peter Seabury Schuyler. 70263. I>NIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1881. Addison H. Dey. 16630. BUFFALO UNIVERSITY. 1867. Charles Brother Schuyler. 75601. GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. (nEW YORK CITY.) 1873. Cameron Mann. 78675. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY. 1886. Marvin Hull Dey. 75393. 1 89 1. Myra Thompson Dey. 75394. 1893. Curtis Thompson Dey. 75395- 1896. Ann Hull Dey. 75396. 1776 1827 1831 1844 1850 RUTGERS COLLEGE. Simeon Dewitt. 63550. Richard Abraham Varick. 75800. William B. Dey. 106670. Joseph Varick. Anthony Dey. 70100. College Graduates. r.9067 COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. (CHICAGO.} 1889. George A. Post. 1 15030. VASSAR COLLEGE. i860. Jane Dibble. 75326. BOARD. YALE UNIVERSITY, 1872. Charles Henry Board. 155070. 1903. Pierrepont Foster. 135 141. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 1904. Ben Curry Board. 140254. UNION COLLEGE. 1S24. Charles Board Howell. 135235. 1858. Arthur Harlow. 135252. 1866. Thomas Yelverton. 145040. AMHERST COLLEGE. 1867. Joseph Board. 140250. RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1848. James Elmendorf Bernart. 135320. 1869. Nathaniel Board. 155060. 1882. John Newton Bernart. 135322, VASSAR COLLEGE. i860. Jane Dibble. 78300. UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. 1838. Buckner Board. 1856. Charles Dey Johnson. 75375. HOBART COLLEGE. 1835. Anthony Schuyler. 75600. 1872. Montgomery Schuyler. 78650. igo6r Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. WESLEVAN UNIVERSITY. 1844. Gilbert Board Lawrence. 311161. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. 1898. Louise Winthrop Koues. 135 126. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. 1893. Joseph Orton Board. 14025 1. COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY. 1856. James Garland Board. 155300. HAMILTON COLLEGE. i860. Herman VanVechten Bostwick. 78300. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE. 1893. Milton J. Board. 155240. JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1880. John J. Board. 155250. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. 1852. Gilbert Board Lawrence. 311161. AYER, AYRES, EYRE. FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. (ENGLAND.) 1613. Charles Chauncy. 930000. 1727. Charles Chauncy. 933500. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY. 1 7 14. John Graham. 934800. ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY. 1769. John Jeffries. 916000. 1790. Peter Oliver. 329081. 1796. John Andrew Graham. 946040. College Graduates. 19065 TUBINGEN UNIVERSITY. 1890. William Marshall Warren. 958400. JENA UNIVERSITY. 1890. William Marshall Warren. 958400. HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY. 1877. Charles Whittelsey Guernsey. 961060. GOTTINGEN UNIVERSITY. 1821. Robert Bridges Patton. 969229. 1895. Theodore Whittelsey. 961531. BERLIN UNIVERSITY, Joseph Cullen Ayer. 372510. 1848. Thomas Embley Osmun. 972900 — 5301. 1855. William Fairfield Warren. 955000. 1873. Alfred Ronald Conkling. 972856. 1890. William Marshall Warren. 958400. FREIBURf; UNIVERSITY. 1885. Howard Ayres. 377120. HALLE UNIVERSITY. Joseph Cullen Ayer. 372510. 1855. William Fairfield Warren. 955000. STRASBURGx UNIVERSITY. 1896. Charles Carlton Ayer. 816257. LEIPSIC UNIVERSITY. Joseph Cullen Ayer. 372510. 1877. Charles Whittelsey Guernsey. 961060. ROYAL ACADEMY, (dUSSELDORF,) 1845. Eastman Johnson. 505100. RANELEIGH college, (IRELAND.) 1867, John Eyre, 91 1675, DOUGLASS colle<;e. (isle ok man.) 1867. John Eyre. 91 1675. igo6( ilYER, Ayres, Eyre. AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [651. Ichabod Chauncy. 930003. [651. Isaac Chauncy. 930100. [655. Gershom Bulkley. 930050. [657. Barnabas Chauncy. 930004. [661. Elnathan Chauncy. 930006. [661. Israel Chauncy. 930200. [661. Nathaniel Chauncy. 930160. [686. Charles Bulkley. 93 11 60. [687. Daniel Brewer. 931400. [693. Isaac Chauncy. 931600. [693. Nathaniel Hodson. 931410. ;699. John Bulkley. 931160. 701. Timothy Cutler. 934400. 708. David Jeffries. 912200. 710. Obadiah Ayer. 160503. 718. John Eyre. 911677. 721. Charles Chauncy. 933300. :72i. William Osgood. 321120 — 65. 1723. Andrew Peters. 329300. 724. James Osgood. 324820. 724. Israel Chauncy. 931 581. 725. Jacob Cushing. 933320. 727. Daniel Brewer. 931405. 728. Grindall Rawson. 934900. 730. Robert Breck. 933640. 732. John Cutler. 934401. 732. David Jeffries. 914000. 732. Samuel VVhittelsey. 931480, 734. Timothy Cutler. 934402. 734. Thomas Walley. 914200. 741. Grindall Rawson. 940000. 743. William Pynchon. 937500. 748. Charles Chauncey. 937000. .750. Henry True. 372150. 751. Benjamin Greenleaf. 937020. College Graduates. igo6u 753. James Dana. 934200. 761. John Farnam. 329077. [763. John Jeffries. 916000. :766. Peter Green. 484040. 769. Theophilus Parsons. 943200. :769. John Bulkley. 930055. 769. Peter Oliver. 329081. 775. Thomas Fitch QHver. 943400. :779. Samuel Chandler. 494490. :788. John Phillips. 916500. [791. Charles Porter Phelps. 949180. ;798. Joseph Story. 949000. [800. Benjamin Marston Watson. 949160. [800. Abiel Holbrook. 494256. [800. Joshua Bates. 969227. [801. Charles Chauncey Parsons. 949140. [803. Benjamin Ames. 978320. [804. Samuel Ayer Bradley. 484022. [804. Thomas Jeffries Eckley. 916003. [804. Charles Chauncey Haven. 916002. [806. Abiel Chandler. 339800. [806. Daniel Oliver. 943404. 949040. [807. Joshua Chandler. 329441. [808. Benjamin Lynde Oliver. 943405. [808. Charles Chauncey Clarke. 972900 — 7205. [810. Samuel White Duncan. 972900 — 6242. [811. Edward Reynolds. 916507. 969180. [814. Thomas Walley Phillips. 916501. 969160. [814. Francis William Pitt Greenwood. 920001. [814. Alvan Lamson. 373540. [815. John Jeffries. 918000. [815. Joseph Sebastian Cabot. 972900 — 6880. [815. Theophilus Parsons. 949100. [817. Francis Jenks. 916506. 969165. [818. William Parsons. 949120. [819. Charles William Chauncy. 959900. [819. Samuel Phillips. 969175. [824. Alfred Greenwood. 920002. i9o6i' Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. [825. Giles Henry Lodge. 920061. [826. Samuel Hurd Walley. 922000. [826. John Charles Phillips. 916502. [826. Luther Stearns Gushing. 972900 — 6760. [826. Oliver Stearns. 972900 — 6860. [826. John Gharles Phillips. 969190. [827. Edmund Lambert Gushing. 972900 — 6780. [829. George William Phillips. 916503. 1831. Wendell Phillips. 921000. [832. William Gushing. 972900 — 6790. [835. William Henry Shackford. 954400. [835. Gharles Ghauncey Shackford. 954420. [836. Grenville Tudor Phillips. 916505. [836. Joseph Gullen Ayer. 372610. [837. William Johnson Dale. 492000. [837. Joseph Henry Adams. 972900 — 6341. [841. George Augustus Gushing. 972900 — 6800. ;842. Peter Oliver. 954640. [842. James Mason Hoppin. 972900 — 7840. [842. Andrew Oliver. 954680. [843. Lewis Malone Ayer. 982414. [843. Sylvester Dana. 493822. [843. James A. Abbott. 505300. [843. Fitch Edward Oliver. 954600. [844. Henry Gharles Ghauncey. 961725. [845. John Phillips Reynolds. 969181. [847. Frank Boot Goodrich. 949901. [847. William Rounseville Alger. 969354. [847. Washington Ayer, 373290. [848. Adams Ayer. 373300. [849. Artemas Ward Lamson. 373541. 1849. Benjamin Franklin Ayer. 372480. 982410. 1850. Isaac Ghauncey Wyman. 969328. [852. Austin Stickney. 961 181. [852. Severn Eyre. 630500. 982418. [853. Hamilton Alonzo Hill. [854. Benjamin Joy Jeffries. 918005. [855. Phineas Ayer. 982415. College Graduates. igoSta 1855. William Eaton Chandler. 354200. 1856. George Blagden. 969208. 1856. William Parsons. 949124. 1856. Edward Payson Jeffries. 918006. 1857. Joseph May. 505150. 1858. John Charles Phillips. 969192. 1859. Henshaw Bates Walley. 922001. 1859. Richard Salter Storrs. 964200. 1859. Edmund Henry dishing. 972900 — 6782. 1859. William Reed Huntington. 969214. 1859. Charles Chauncy. 945300. i860. Charles Chauncy Parsons. 949105. i860. James Milton Flint. 500000. 1861. Joseph Cullen Ayer. 982413. 1 86 1. Elihu Chauncy. 950000. 1861. Samuel Dunn Phillips. 972900 — 6620. 1 86 1. Warren Ravvson. 1862. Henry Upham Jeffries. 918007. 1863. Marshall Ayres. 373410. 982270. 1864. William Phillips Walley. 922002. 1866. Theodore Frelinghuysen Breck. 943601. 1867. George Henry Chandler. 348603. 1867. WilUam Henry Whitmore. 859000. 1867. Charles Walley Lovett. 972900 — 6600. 1869. Henry Gannett. 503920. 1869. William Gardner Carter. 501352. 1869. James Bourne Ayer. 373310. 977691. 1870. Russell William Ayres. 373420. 982417. 1870. William Holden Gray. 961225. 1870. Theophilus Parsons. 958920. 1870. Edward Rawson. 1 87 1. Henry Cabot Lodge. 926000. 187 1. Norman Wilder Eayrs. 982419. 1872. Joseph Rawson. 1873. Frederick Fanning Ayer. 195600. 982412. 1874. Marshall Perry Eayrs. 982420. 1875. Walter Lloyd Jeffries. 924001. 1875. William Augustus Jeffries. 624002. i9o6a^- Ayer, Avres, Eyre. 1879. George David Ayers. 373390. 9S2416. 1880. Frederick Eugene Ayer. 373320. 1881. John Amory Jeffries. 924003. 1882. Samuel Ayer Kimball. 985220. 1882. Courtney Langdon. 962500. 1882. Philip Moen Washburn. 964415. 1882. Benjamin Reynolds Bulkley. 1883. Horace Elmer Sprague. 958600. 1883. Alonzo Wilder Pollard. 961820. 1883. Howard Ayres. 372520. 1884. Silas Hibbard Ayer. 373340. 1885. Clarence Walter Ayer. 373350. 1885. George Read Nutter. 420125. 1886. Augustus Peabody Gardner. 926002. 1886. James Cook Ayer. 19556 1. 1886. Henry Morton Ayars. 962035. 1887. Joseph Cuilen Ayer. 372510. 1887. Charles Fanning Ayer. 195562. 982411. 1889. Charles Carlton Ayer. 373360. 1890. Edward Stephen Rawson. 1890. George Blagden. 1891. Richard Gilbert Ayer. 373370. 1891. Richard Winslow Nutter. 420130. 1892. William Hutchinson Pynchon Oliver. 958300. 1892. Harold Beach Goodrich. 958450. 1893. Thomas Edward Oliver. 1893. Dexter Blagden. 1893. Walter Ayer. 373380. 1893. Charles Read Nutter. 420135. 1894. John Rathbone Oliver. 1895. George Cabot Lodge. 926001. 1896. Douglass Campbell. 962530. 1898. Charles H. Ayres. 982260. 1902. Winthrop Murray Crane. 955100. . 1902. Arthur Dean Hosea Ayers. 376842. 1902. Harry Morgan Ayres. 376839. 1902. Fred Rollins Ayer. 376838. 1903. Edward Melvin Ayer. 376837. College Graduates. igoey 1903. James Bourne Ayer. 376840. 1903. Harold Winslow Ayres. 376843. 1905. Daniel Roe Ayres. 376841. YALE UNIVERSITY. 702. Nathaniel Chauncey. 931460. 705. Samuel Whittelsey. 931480. 719. Richard Treat. 959300. 722. Charles Treat. 959320. 723. Ichabod Wolcott Chauncey. 913585. 724. Daniel Russell. 959580. 724. Benjamin Silliman. 959400. 726. John Bulkley. 933060. 728. Jabez Hamlin. 933860. 959420. 729. Epaphras Lord. 959380. 729. Samuel Whittelsey. 933960. 959500. 731. Elihu Hall. 931482. 959520. 736. Hobart Estabrook. 934960. 736. 'Josiah Dwight. 959680. 737. John Graham. 934800. 738. Chauncey Whittelsey. 934000. 959540. 740. Nathaniel Chauncey. 933880. 959590. 740. John Graham. 939300. 742. Jonathan Lee. 939400. 743. Elnathan Chauncey. 933900. 747. Chauncey Graham. 939340. 959840. 752. Elizur Goodrich. 938500. 753. Grindall Rawson. 934900. 754. Thomas Eyres. 911678. 754. Benjamin Hall. 940500. 754. Daniel John Pynchon. 933604. 756. Robert Breck. 937800. 757. Joseph Pynchon. 937540. 959685- 758. Daniel Brewer Breck. 933642. 759. Edmund Grindall Rawson. 946750. 760. Richard Crouch Graham. 934809. 959860. 760. Robert Robbins. 940220. 761. George Breck. 933643. 19060 Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. 762. Chauncey Brewer. 733703. 763. Jonathan Langdon. 960500. 764. Chauncey Whittelsey. 938900. 959740. 764. Samuel Whittelsey. 959700. 765. Daniel Brewer. 933742. 766. Noah Bulkley. 767. Edward Carrington. 93S800. 959705. 768. Elijah Parsons. 959591. 768. John A. Graham. 939301. 769. Jabez Hamlin. 959421. 769. Edmund Grindall Rawson. 940000. 770. Jonathan Graham. 939302. 770. Gershom Bulkley. 933023. 772. John Chandler. 959503. 959710. 773. Joel Hayes. 943780. 773. Newton Whittelsey. 938930. 775. Samuel Whittelsey Dana. 938960. 776. Chauncey Goodrich. 945000. 779. Samuel Whittelsey. 959755. 779. Charles Chauncey. 938540. 779. Elizur Goodrich. 945020. 781. Timothy Langdon. 960501. 783. Ebenezer Kingsbury. 544248. 783. Samuel Goodrich. 945040. 784. Elihu Chauncey Goodrich. 945060. 784. Chauncey Lee. 946200. 1785. Charles Kingsbury. 544406. 785. Henry Sherburne Langdon. 960502, 785. Peter Bulkley. 785. Richard Ely. 943800. [786. Charles Augustus Goodrich. 938505. 786. John Kingsbury. 550500. 786. William Brenton Hall. 940501. 946680. [786. Aaron Cooke Collins. 946240. 786. Frederick Wolcott. 949820. 787. Liberty Kimberly. 959565. 790. William Metcalf Bliss. 951020. 791. John Whittelsey. 959775- College Graduates. igo6aa 791. Amos Cooke. 949800. 792. Charles Chauncey. 945300. 794. Daniel Dunbar. 949880. 795. Oliver Bliss. 960220. 795. David Smith. 945080. 1796. Elihu Chauncey. 945320. 797. Sylvester Dana. 493820. tSoo. Chauncey VVhittelsey. 938922. 960340. :8oo. Philo Ruggles. 959670. 1801. William VanDeursen. 959545. [803. Samuel Whittelsey. 949860. 960300. [806. Elizur Goodrich. 949680. [806. Nathaniel Chauncey. 945340. [808. Noah Coe. 949840. [810. Chauncey Allen Goodrich. 949700. [810. Henry Leavitt Ellsworth. 949720. [810. Joseph Bulkley. t8io. Sylvester Bulkley. 18 1 2. Charles Augustus Goodrich. 949870. [813. Joseph Winborn Hand. 945720. 1813. William Ely. 943801. [814. Horace Goodrich. [814. Samuel Bulkley Ruggles. 960200. [814. George Chandler. 960250. [816. William Chauncey Fowler. 945700. [817. Samuel Bridge Ingersoll. 960400. [817. Robert Bridges Patton. 969229. [817. Chauncey Bulkley. 936141. [817. Henry Champion. 946400. [818. Joseph Hunt Breck. 949450. [818. Joshua Bates. 969227. [819. Jonathan Edwards. 951040. [819. William Graham. [819. Ichabod Bulkley. [820. Chauncey Whittelsey. 959770- :82i. Charles Randolph Alsop. 950400. [821. Henry D. Bulkley. [821. Joseph Goodrich. igoSad Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. 1822. Charles Chauncey Cooke. 972900 — 8000. 1822. Elizur Goodrich Smith. 945082. 1823. George Washington Blagden. 916508. 1824. Ehphalet Adams Bulkley. 984200. 1824, Chauncey Wilcox. 972900 — 8000. 1826. Samuel Hurd W^alley. 922000. 1828. Darius Mead. 949920. 1828. William Warner Hoppin. 972900 — 7900. 1828. Charles Chauncey. 945301. 1828. Isaac William Stuart. 985200. 1 83 1. Chauncey Ayres. 373120. 1831. George Champion. 951000. 1832. Henry T. Bulkley. 1832. William Jones Hoppin. 972900 — 7950. 1832. Samuel Moseley. ^^33- Josiah Ballard. 494369. 1834. Samuel Goodrich Whittelsey. 949861. 961140. 1834. Henry William Ellsworth. 955400. 1835. Georg.e A. Oviatt. 959773- 1835. Jared Augustus Ayres. 373130. 1836. William D. Ely. 1836. Josiah Mason Carter. 377250. 1837. Frederick Augustus Coe. 955450. 1837. Chauncey Goodrich. 955300. 1837. William Orville Ayres. 373140. 1838. Joseph Bradley Varnum. 956700. 1838. Lucius Curtis. 961080. 1838. Samuel Goodrich Coe. 955470. 1838. Charles Chauncey Whittelsey. 961 130. 1838. David Tappan Stoddard. 555843. 1S39. Sturges Bulkley. 1839. Otis D. Goodrich. 1840. Jonathan Edwards. 951041. 1840. William Eyre Ashburner. 91 1884. 1840. James Mason Hoppin. 972900 — 7840. 1842. Roswell Smith. 955420. 1843. William Henry Goodrich. 955320. 1843. Ira Day Whittelsey. 961150. College Graduates. i9o6af [844. Edwin A. Bulkley. [845. Henry Martyn Whittelsey. 961070. [845. Lyman Decatur Norris. 961100. [S46. Frederick John Kingsbury. 560400. [847. Graiiam Lee. 950903. [848. Charles Samuel Hall. 954200. [848. Samuel Griswold Goodrich. 949900. [848. Nathan Bulkley. [849. Charles R. Goodrich. [850. Chauncey Meigs Hand. 950200. [853. James R. Goodrich. [853. Charles Henry Whittelsey. 946700. [855. George Bulkley. [856. Lewis Richard Packard. 964400. [856. Charles E. Bulkley. [856. Edward Bulkley. [856. Theodore Parsons Hall. 954220. [857. Bela Peck Learned. 1858. Moses Merritt Greenwood. 961210. [860. Henry Champion. 951001. [861. Milton Bulkley. [862. Joseph Wright Alsop. 956000. ;862. Edward Benton Coe. 964410. [863. James E. Bulkley. 1864. Charles Mills Whittelsey, 961530. [864. Frederick Elizur Goodrich. 955200. 1864. Theodore Fitch. 958520. [864. W^illiam Augustus Ayres. 373150. [864. Charles Greene Rockwood. 955700. [865. Tuzar Bulkley. 1866. Edward Elizur Goodrich. 958470. 866. Lucius D. Bulkley. ;867. Joseph Thompson W^hittelsey. 9612: 1867. John Henry Chapman. 956820. [867. Charles Goodrich Coe. 958500. :868. Edward K. Rawson. [868. I'imothy Pitkin Chapman. 956825. :868. Russell William Ayres. 982417. i()o6ad Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. 1868. James Mitchell Varnum. 958800. 1870. Alfred Ronald Conkling. 972856. 1872. Russell Chapman. 956830. 1872. Henry Allen Hazen. 561082. 1872. Benjamin Hoppin. 972900 — 7841. 1873. Henry Goodrich Wolcott. 949822. 1875. Charles Whittelsey Guernsey. 961060. 1875. Frederick Elkanah Snow. 961580. i8'75. Alpheus Tompkins Bulkley. 972900 — 6450. 1875. Moses Bulkley. 1875. Almet Francis Jenks. 969345. 1877. Alvin Driggs Ayres. 373160. 1878. Tudor Storrs Jenks. 969350. 1879. Samuel Eben Barney. 961550. 1879. Milan Church Ayres. 372540. 1879. Jonathan Bulkley. 1879. Samuel Ayer Kimball. 91 1533. 1880. Frank Hamilton Ayer. 373090. 1880. Charles Rufus Ayres. 373180. 1883. Charles Harris Hall. 958000. 1884. Frank Oliver Ayres. 373190. 1884. Paul Emott Jenks. 969338. 1886. Chauncey William Goodrich. 962030. 1885. Caspar Frederick Goodrich. 962000. 1888. Edward Francis Ayres. 373200. 1888. Frederick Ayer VerPlanck. 757001. 1889. Morgan Gardmer Bulkeley. 954000. 189 1. Gerard Beekman Hoppin. 972900 — 8180. 1 89 1. Frank Ayer Dillingham. 984851. 1892. Fred Murray Ayres. 373210. 1893. Lincoln B. Goodrich. 1893. Charles A. Graham. 1893. Thomas Ives Chatfield. 196 126. 1895, Archibald Graham. 1895, Frederick H. Rawson. 1895. I, Chauncey McKeever. 969293. 1896. George Bulkley. 1897. Wylie McLean Ayres. 373220. College Graduates. igoGfrr 1898, Joseph Wright Alsop. 956004. 1898. George S. Chauncey. 962020. 1898. Aaron Breck. 1898. Nelson Maitland Ayer. 373110. 1903. Robert Williams Ayres. 376836. 1903. William Travis Ayres. 376835. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 1874. Morgan Wilcox Ayres. 376811. 1877. Simon Henry Gage. 782000. 1880. Susannah Stuart Phelps. 753001. 1880. Lucy Bartlett Shackford. 954422. 1880. Charles Edward Payne Babcock. 954422. 188 1. Grover Ayres. 185 126. 1881. William Judson Ayres. 185141. 1882. Mary Francis Ayres. 185181. 1884. Philip Wheelock Ayres. 190700. 1884. Henry Samuel Phelps. 753002. 1889. Charles Edward Treman. 4025. 1894. Clarence Morton Ayres. 196440. 1900. John VanOstrand. 972872. 1903. Lyman Francis Ayer. 972879. 1904. H. D. Ayres. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. 1748. Enos Ayres. 196400. 1793. Manuel Eyre. 600760. 1822. Manuel Eyre Robinson. 600686. 1834. Samuel Britton Ayres. 196410. 1838. Mahlon Dickinson Eyre. 605526. 1842. Daniel Ayres. 196420. 1844. Frederick LaRue King. 348023. 1846. David Ayers Depue. 195800. 1848. Isaac Chauncey Wyman. 969328. .1849. Oliver Richardson King. 348032. 1850. Severn Eyre. 630500. 1855. Albert Barnes King. 348024. i860. Philip Livingston VanRensselaer. 365501. 19060/ Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. 1874 1879 1884 1885 1890 1896 1900 1831 1833 1834 1S38 1853 1856 i860 1864 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1871 1872 1872 1872 1873 1875 1877 1877 1877 1879 Richard Salter Storrs. 964200. Theodore Ayres. 196425. 982190 William Eugene Ayres. 196430. Sherrerd Depue. 978302. Malcolm Graham. 958720. Charles Greene Rockwood. William Reed Huntington. 955700- 9692 14. 365501. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Peter Schermerhorn Chauncey. 950500. Henry Joseph Ruggles. 960210. William Byron Casey. 960240. George Templeton Strong. 961020. William Reed Huntington. 969214. William Warren Ayres. 372850. Joseph Wright Alsop. 956000. Henry Lyle Smith. 949982. William Channcey Prall. 951 102. James McMillan Ayer. 372460. Philip Livingston Van Rensselaer. David Robinson Nutter. 420140. Edward Elizur Goodrich. 958470 Charles Goodrich Coe. 958500. William Warner Hoppin. 972900- Lucius D. Bulkley. Timothy Pitkin Chapman. 956825. David Stewart Ayres. 372860. James Mitchell Varnum. 958800. Melanchton S. Ayres. 378380. John Ruggles Strong. 961021. Alfred Ronald Conkling. 972856. Edmund Grindall Rawson Trimble. Henry A. Mott. 985571. Morgan Wilcox Ayres. 372870. Henry Goodrich Wolcott. Thomas Ruggles Pynchon. 954900. Almet Francis Jenks. 969345. Worthington Chauncey Ford. 955800. -7980. 972900 — 8165. College Graduates. 19060^ :88o. Richard Dickinson Jewett. 948 10 1.. [880. Tudor Storrs Jenks. 969350. [880. Clarence Storm. 972900 — 7601. [881. Walter Ayres. 373250. [885. Samuel Ezra Ayers. 373260. [8S7. Richard Salter Storrs. 964200. [890. Edward Francis Ayres. 373200. [899. Theophilus Parsons. 972900 — 7250. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. [810. Daniel Oliver. 949040. [8 1 1. Samuel Ayer. 343520. [826. Manuel Eyre Robinson. 600686. 32. John Conelly Eyre. 600764. [836. William Byron Casey. 960240. [840. James Cook Ayer. 195550. [850. Nalbro Frazier. 610170. [856. Richard Lewis Ashurst. 610220. 857. John Ashurst. 610200. ;874. Nalbro Frazier Robinson. 911574. 1875. Isaac Harrison Wainwright. 610260. [876. Frank Eyre. 982482. [894. Hamilton Andrews Hill. 964230. [894. Robert E. Ayars. 376712. [895. Roger Ashurst. 610225. :896. Astley Paston Cooper Ashurst. 610206. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. [845. Henry Newton Whittelsey. 960324, ;845. Daniel Ayres. 196420. [846. Henry P. Ayres. 378550. [848. David Cooper Ayres. 378390. [849. Grenville Tudor Jenks. 969335. [852. E. Darwin Ayres. 376752. :852. Edward A. Ayers. 372390. [852. Gilbert Board Lawrence. 31 116 1. [867. Samuel Ayers. 376727. :87o. B. Ayres. 378545- [872. Benjamin Ayres. 376739. i()o6ah Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. 1875. Morgan Wilcox Ayers. igyooo. 1880. Edward A. Ayers. 376725. BROWN university, 1815. Joseph Story. 949000. 1823. Joseph Ayer. 373030. 1825. Edward Reynolds. 916507. 1826. John Kingsbury. S55500. 1833. Darius Ayer. 373020. 1834. Oliver Ayer. 373050. 1835. Chauncey Allen Goodrich. 949700. 1840. Nathan Wheeler Ayer. 373040. 1853. Daniel Dewey Barnard. 420190. 1853. Darius Francis Lamson. 373700. 1856. Frederick Street Hoppin. 972900 — 8150. 1861. WilUam Warner Hoppin. 972900 — 7980. 1890. William Jones Hoppin. 972900-7950. 1891. Courtney Langdon. 962500. 1895. Lewis G^tes Whittelsey. 985222. 1905. Samuel Goodrich Whittelsey. 961534. WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1796. Oliver Ayer. 372760. 1800. Charles Kilborn Williams. 969320. 1806. Elizur Goodrich. 949680. 1809. Robert Chauncey Robbins. 946440. 181 1. Amatus Robbins. 946450. 1814. William Graham Lee. 946223. 1818. Daniel Dewey Barnard. 420190. 1820. Gardiner Dorrance. 950920. 1834. David Jewett Waller. 969280. 1835. Lucius Curtis. 961080. 1836. Samuel Griswold Goodrich. 949900. 1839. Charles Phillips Waller. 969290. 1839. Charles Langdon Williams. 669321. 1840. Gershom Bulkley. 948300. 1844. George Grant Waller. 969274. 1845. Charles Jewett Collins. 969278. 1849. Grenville Tudor Jenks. 969169. College Graduates. igo6at 1850. Oliver Bliss Hayes. 961620. 1851. Samuel Williams. 969322. 1852. Chauncey Langdon Williams. 969323. 1852. Augustine David Lawrence Jewett. 948100. 1855. Solomon Taintor Bulkley. 942502. 1857. George Dickinson Goodrich. 961375. 1858. John Bowers Lee. 955580. 1859. Charles Prowler Hand. 950220. 1 86 1. James Seymour Ayres. 372750. 1861. Chauncey Goodrich. 949902. 1862. Franklin Carter. 560420. 1867. William Henry U'hitmore. 859000. 1880. Harvey Jewell. 500125. 1890. Theodore Whittelsey. 961 531. 1897. Winthrop Murray Crane. 955100. AMHERST COLLEGE. 1817. Chauncey Graham Lee. 946203. 1827. Addison Kingsbury. 555000. 1833. Franklin Fobes. 972900 — 6820. 1834. Alonzo Gray. 921300. 1839. Richard Salter Storrs. 964200. 1841. Theophilus Parsons Phelps. 949181. 1 84 1. Rowland Ayres. 372440. 1842. Roswell Lombard Chapin. 972900 — 5851. 1845. Albert Tolman. 1851. Charles Chauncey Fowler. 945701. 1854. William Worthington Fowler. 950100. 1877. Robert Orlando Graham. 958700. 1878. Edward Ayres. 372990. 1883. John Rogers Ayer. 372890. 1885. Lewis Gates Whittelsey. 985222. 1885. Robert Erskine Ely. 972854. UNION UNIVERSITY. 1815. Theodore Graham. 960521. 1820. Van Wyck Graham. 960522. 1825. Chauncey Enoch Goodrich. 961750. 1826. Edmund Grindall Rawson. 972900 — 2000. I go6a/' Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. 1845. Graham Lee. 950903. 1846. Alexander H. Ayres. 373430. 1849. George Washington Blagden. 916508. 1853. Richard Salter Storrs. 964200. 1855. James C. VanDervoort Ayer. 910200. 1867. Joseph Alsop Lockwood. 972900 — Soi. 1870. James Betts Lockwood. 972900 — 802. 1894. Douglas Campbell. 962530. BOSTON UNIVERSITY. 1862. Watson M. Ayers. 378615. 1884. Mary E. Nutter. 420670. 1885. Mary Christine Warren. 969305. 955001, 1886. Winifred Ayres. 378620. 1887. William Marshall Warren. 962040. 958400. 1890. Annie Merrick Warren. 955003. 1891. Winifred Warren. 955004. 1892. Maria Whittelsey Norris. 961101. 1901. Edward Everett Ayers. 985105. 1902. Leonard Porter Ayres. 985 no. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. 1788. Oliver Ayer. 372760. 1799. Samuel Ayer Bradley. 484022. 1805. John Chandler. 500200. 1806. Samuel Ayer Kimball. 493840. 1807. Austin Hazen. 555840. 1807. Samuel Ayer. 343520. 1807. Moses Hazen Bradley. 4S4025. 1812. Asa Hazen. 551304. 18 13. Thomas Chadbournc. 493910. 18 1 7. Chauncey Graham Lee. 1817. Allen Hazen. 555800. 1820. Samuel Bradley. 500120. 1822. Jacob Little. 500302. 1824. Joseph Story. 949000. 1825. Thomas Ayer. 372650. 1826. Samuel Morrill. 493810. 1826. Henry Shedd. 500303. College Graduates. \<)o6ak [828. Charles Backus Dana. 493821. [829. William Kellogg Brown. 972900-6120. [830. Amos Oilman Gale. 348520. [832. Joseph Cullen Ayer. 372610. 1834. Caleb Robinson Ayer. 373070. 1835. Royal Masten Ayer. 372620. [837. Charles Hutchins Butters. 982050. [839. Sylvester Dana. 493822. 1839. Fitch Edward Oliver. 954600. [839. William Pickering Hill. 500130. [840. Norman Hazen. 982140. [840. Henry Wirt Palmer. 501334. [840. James A. Abbott. 505300. [842. Otis Ayer. 378370. [842. John Stuart Barrows. 493882. [842. George Bradley Barrows. 493881. [842. Samuel Josiah Stevens. 961300. [842. Allen Hazen. 561080. [844. Harvey Jewell. 500125. [846. Benjamin Franklin Ayer. 372480. [852. Phineas Ayer. 372780. [854. Henry Allen Hazen. 561040. [856. Franklin Deming Ayer. 196950. [858. Samuel Ayer Bradley. 500121. ;858. Jonathan Eastman Pecker. 500244. [860. George Henry Chandler. 348603. [860. James McMillan Ayer. 372460. [863. Jeremiah Emery Ayer. 372470. [863. Azel Washburn Hazen. 561240. [863. Noah Bartholomew. 982160. 1864. Henry Clinton Ayers. 372810. [865. David Robinson Nutter. 420140. :866. William Eaton Chandler. 354200. 1867. Howard Fremont Hill. 354100. ;868. Walter Howard Ayers. 272820. [870. Lucius Randolph Hazen. 561120. [871. Henry Allen Hazen. 561082. [871. William Oliver Hazen. 561081. 1906a/ Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. [881. Chester B. Jordan. 972S67. [881. Charles Herbert Hazen. 982150. [882. Joseph Gihuore Chandler. 354201. [884. George William Nutter. 420660. [888. William Nelson Hazen. 982170. 1889. Charles Downer Hazen. 561501. [893. John Dilfred Ayers. 982290. [895. Hobart Bentley Ayers. 982280. WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. [838. Hamilton Brewer. [841. Henry Champion Trumbull. 961180. [842. Daniel Ayres. 372430. [843. Ebenezer Tracy Whittelsey. 960344. [844. Gilbert Board Lawrence. 311 161. [846. Disosway Gabriel Ayres. 373010. [853. William Fairtield Warren. 955000. [856. Daniel Ayres. 196420. [860. Charles Henry Alsop. 956020. [872. Perry Chandler. 979010. [884. Alsop Leffingwell. 956040. BOWDOIN COLLEGE. [819. Increase Newell, 960312. [824. Ezra Carter. 501350. [825. Edward Reynolds. 916507. [826. Benjamin Ayer. 372830. [832. Joseph CuUen Ayer. 373280. [834. Janies Ayer. 372840. [835. Royal Masten Ayer. 378340. 1837. Levi Jefferson Ham. 975201. [83S. Charles Copeland Nutter. 420370. [839. Samuel Hazen Ayer. 343521. [842. Paul Langdon Chandler. 500490. [845. John Stuart Barrows. 493882. [848. Reuel Barrows. 493823. ;85o. William Pierce Frye. 354000. [855. Pearl Martin. 354150. :856. Charles Ayer. 378330. College Graduates. igo6am 1858. Samuel Frye Chase. 348300. 1862. Charles Green Rockwood. 955700. 1872. Arthur Burrill Aver. 372450. 1877. William Francis Ayer. 378650. 1887. Thomas Herbert Ayer. 378355. 1892. Charles F. Nutter. 420650. 1893. Thomas H. Ayer. 376719. 1897. William Frye White. 969300. 1899. Wallace Humphrey White. 969301. .1901. John Humphrey White. 969302. TRINITY COLLEGE. 1839. Thomas Ruggles Pynchon. 954900. 1850. Alfred Bailey Goodrich. 961745. 1854. Christopher Starr Leffingwell. 956040. 1867. David Robinson Nutter. 420140. 1873. W'illiam Howard Bulkley. 972900 — 6460. 1875. Clarendon Cobb Bulkley. 972900 — 6470. 1884. Edward Sims VanZile. 972869. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 1858. David Cooper Ayres. 378480. 1869. Warren Leroy Ayer. 378475. 1870. Munson Deker Ayres. 378455. 1872. Sewell Prescott Ayer. 378470. 1872. Edwin Irving Ayer. 378395. 1872. Ann Ayres. 378400. 1875. Warren Langworthy Ayers. 378490. 1877. Joseph Sutton Ayres. 372350. 1877. George Byron Ayres. 378415. 1878. Mark Norris. 961 102. 1879. James Nelson Ayres. 378430. 1879. Frank Drew Ayers. 378485. 1880. John Ayers. 378435. 1881. Jane Eyre. 969306. 1884. George Washington Ayers. 378425. 1888. Carrie Ayres. 378405. 1888. Ida Ayers. 378410. 1888. Clarendon Bennett Eyer. 972839. i()o6an Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. 1889. James N. Ayres. 376755. 1891. John Bunyan Ayres. 378440. 1892. Victor Bodine Ayers. 376735. 378465. 1892. George Edward Ayres. 378420. 1894. Merritt Moses Ayers. 376733. 1895. George Francis Carpenter Eyre. 972840. 1899. Edwin M. Chauncey. 962520. 1899. Nelson Braymon Ayers. 378460. UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH. William Reed Huntington. 969214. UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. 1823. James W. Kingsbury. 343001. 550541. 1823. Julius Jesse Bronson Kingsbury. 555320. 1826. William Eyre. 630400. 1827. Chauncey D. Goodrich. 1829. Peter Schermerhorn Chauncey. 1832. Douglas Ayers. 376916. 1835. George B. Ames. 97S321. 1841. George W. Ayers. 376916. 1844. Simon Bolivar Buckner. 560450. 1845. Fitz John Porter. 954500. 1847. Romeyn Beck Ayer. 376908. 1849. Chauncey McKeever. 951140. 1855. William Babcock Hazen. 561400. 186 1. Henry W. Kingsbury. 555324. 1871. James Cooper Ayers. 376918. 1875. Edwin Parker Brewer. 944001. 1884. Waldo Emerson Ayer. 376915. 1888. Charles G. Ayres. 376912. UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY. 1864. Caspar Frederick Goodrich. 962000. 1867. Charles Olden Allibone. 605167. 1882. William Bailey Whittelsey. 961600. 1882. Edwards Faissome Leiper. 614240. 1883. Manning K. Eyre. 610232. 1887. William P. Eyre. 982483. College Graduates. igo6ao LEHIGH UNIVERSITY. 1885. Cabell Whitehead. 377800. 1887. George Hamilton Ayres. 372340. 1896. Hobart Bentley Ayers. 982280. 1899. Chester Terrill Ayres. I goo. Albert Doane Ayres. 1900. William Stuart Ayars. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE. 1861. William Chauncey Fowler. 945700. 1863. Moses Ayers Depue. 978310. 1870. David Jewett Waller. 969352. 1894. Ira Ayer. 982350. 1895. John Ashurst. 610200. GENESEE COLLEGE. Henry M. Aller. 185070. 1872. Oscar Allen Houghton. 190000. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. 1817. William Adams Palmer. 500330. 1850. Edward Carter Palmer. 505260. 1853. John Ellsworth Goodrich. 961740. 1855. Austin Hazen. 561160. 1858. William Skinner Hazen. 561200. 1864. Joseph Gerrish Ayers. 372730. 1873. Sewell Prescott Ayer. 378470. 1885. Austin Hazen. 561161. 1887. Arthur S. Ayers. 376737. 1887. William Dennett Nutter. 420375. 1888. Arthur Spencer Ayers. 372740. 1888. Allen Hazen. 561 162. 1888. Carleton Hazen. 561163. MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. 1803. Chauncey Langdon. 961280. 1804. Milo Cook. 972900 — 7150. 1806. Chauncey Cook. 972900 — 7160. 18 10. Austin Hazen. 555840. I go6a/> Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. 1811. Charles Chauncey. 938540. 1817. Chauncey Graham Lee. 950900. 1818. Robert Bridges Patton. 969229. 1834. Charles Kilborn Williams. 969320. 1836. James Davie Butler. 972837. 1842. Milo Dewey Cook. 972900 — 7170. RUTGERS COLLEGE. ^^37- John Whitbeck. 960451. 1843. Sylvester W. Ayres. 196300. 1847. E. R. Ayars. 196340. 1856. Alanson F. Ayres. 1963 10. 1859. Clarence L. Ayres. 196320. i860. Samuel Ayres. 196330. 1862. William Henry Harrison Ayars. 196350. 1869. William Elliot Griffis. 61 0160. 1893. Edward Benton Coe. 964410. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. 1880. Brown Ayres. 372530. 1888. Philip Wheelock Ayres. 190700. 1898. Samuel Shipman Kingsbury. 560001. 1898. Charles Downer Hazen. 561501. 1880. Robert Orlando Graham. 958700. JEFFERSON COLLEGE. (PENN.) 1887. Joseph May. 505150. MIAMI UNIVERSITY. 1861. Stephen Cooper Ayers. 196450. 982380. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI. 1900. Wylie McLean Ayres. 376745. 1901. Rowan Ayres. 982370. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. 1889. Allison Thompson Ayres. 982300. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. 1899. Howard Ayres. 372520. College Graduates. i9o6a<7 UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE. (nASHVILLE.) 1882. William A. Ayres. 376746. COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY. 1890. William Watson Ayres. 376747. WESTERN MILITARY INSTITUTE. (KENTUCKY.) Ezra Ayres Carman. beloit college. 1870. Dana Sherrill. 376920. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY. 1872. Oscar Allen Houghton. 190000. 1880. Frederick Socrates Ayres. 503910. 1882. Stephen Beckwith Ayres. 190500. 1901. Harris Ayres Houghton, igoooo. DE PAUW UNIVERSITY. 1869. Samuel Day Ayers. 378635. 1874. Oscar Walter Ayer. 378630. 1886. Wilbur Tandy Ayres. 378640. 1902. H. D. Ayres. DICKINSON college. 1840. Jacob B. Ayres. 378645. WOOSTER UNIVERSITY. 1874. Stephen Cooper Ayres. 982380. MT. UNION COLLEGE. (OHIO.) 1898. Edward Everett Ayers. 985105. NORWICH UNIVERSITY. (VT.) 1897. William Wallace Grout. 759050. HOBART COLLEGE. Daniel Dewey Barnard. 420190. William Reed Huntington. 969214. 1838. Daniel Oliver. 949040. i9o6ar Ayer, Avres, Evre. ROCHESTER UNIVERSITY, 1859. Nathan Wheeler Ayer. 376805. 1871. Francis Wayland Ayer. 780000. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. (BALTIMORE.) 1888. John H. Ayres. 376756. ST. JAMES COLLEGE. (mD.) 18—. Waddell. 948801. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE. 1848. David Cooper Ayres. 378390. 1883. Samuel Ayres. 376742. 1891. Joseph H. Ayres. 376757. 1893. Tryphosa D. Nutter. 420680. 1894. Alpha F. Ayer. 376714. HILLSDALE COLLEGE. 1 88 1. John Roland Harris Latchaw. SHURTLEFF COLLEGE. David Gillespie. 348001. BATES COLLEGE. 1881. William Pierce Frye. 354000. BUFFALO UNIVERSITY. 1868. Rollin Ladue Banta. 377745. 1897. Lemuel Delos Ayers. 378655. RICHMOND COLLEGE. 1882. Jesse Isaac Ayres. 378590. HAMILTON COLLEGE. William Horace Hotchkiss. 1897. James Anan Ayres. 372880. ST. STEPHENS COLLEGE. (ANANDALE, N. Y.) 1869. William Andrew Leonard. 972873. 1865. Thomas Ruggles Pynchon. 954900. College Graduates. igo6as UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CITY. 1896, Wilbur Ayer. 752022. OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. William Fairfield Warren. 955000. INDIANA UNIVERSITY. 1872. Francis Vigo Whittelsey. 961200. IOWA COLLEGE. 1 87 1. Charles Whittelsey Guernsey. 961060. COLBY UNIVERSITY. 1S42. Isaac Chandler. 494058. i860. James Freeman Elder. 972853. OBERLIN COLLEGE. Thomas Embly Osmun. 972855. 1848. Hamilton Andrews Hill. 964230. 1854 1855 1861 1 89 1 1895 MARIETTA COLLEGE. Addison Kingsbury. 555000. Jacob Little. 500302. Joseph A. Kingsbury. 560000. Henry Allen Hazen. 561040. Samuel Shipman Kingsbury. 560001, OHIO CENTRAL COLLEGE. 1877. Henry Shedd. 500303. WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. 1755. Severn Eyre. 630340. 1781. Littleton Eyre. 630300. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. 1876. Wilson Eyre. 610231. 1889. Allen Hazen. 561001. 1892. Robert Green Walker Butters. 982050. ALLEGHANY COLLEGE. 1865. Ira C. Ayer. 982340. igo6ai Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 1865. George Henry Chandler. 961310. 1 89 1. Emerson W. Ayars. 675000. kenyon college. 1874. William Chauncey Langdon. 962010. TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. (kY.) 1850. William Chauncey Langdon. 962010. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY. 1894. Edward C. Ayres. 376751. ILLINOIS UNIVERSCTY. Grover Ayres. 185 126. Edward A. Ayers. 372390. WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. 1864. William Henry Goodrich. 955320. CENTRE COLLEGE. (kY.) 1873. William Ayres. 982390. CHARLESTON COLLEGE. 1889. William Dawson Gaillord. 610225 — 5. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY. 1877. William C. Ayres. 378605. 1878. Brown Ayres. 372530. 1900. William Andrew Leonard. 972873. KNOX COLLEGE. 1864. Henry Payson Ayres. 982230. 1867. George Payson Ayres. 982240. 1870. James Mason Hoppin. 972900 — 7840. 1870. Thomas Nelson Ayres. 37S600. 1875. Daniel Ayres. 982360. SMITH COLLEGE. 1889. Emily Hazen. 561042. 1901. Dolly Louise Whittelsey. 961533. College Graduates. 1906a?/ KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (MANHATTAN.) 1868. Milan Church Ayres. 372540. STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. 1878. Brown Ayres. 372530. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUIE. 1858. Wilham Smith Kimball. 503901. HOOPER MINING SCHOOL. 1870. Henry Gannett. 503920. BROOKLYN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. 1874. Tudor Storrs Jenks. 969350. WELLESLEY COLLEGE. 1880. Ada I. Ayer. 969304. MT. HOLYOKE COLLEGE. 1841. Sophia Hazen. 555843. 1842. Martha R. Chapin. 561080. 1848. Mary Bishop. 376845- 1851. E. Josephine Ayer. 376847. 1854. Laura W. Ayer. 376848. 1863. Emily D. Ayer. 378505. 1863. Frances M. Hazen. 982 119. 1866. Annie L. Poore. 376846. 1872. Laura F. Nutter. 911540. 1875. Frances A. Hazen. 982120. 1877. Mary A. Hazen. 982118. 1877. Keziah Ayres. 378540. 1879. Elizabeth A. Ayres. 37^53°- 1880. Elizabeth M. Ayer. 378500. 1882. Gertrude Ayer. 378525. 1885. Fy Ayer. 378510. 1886. Louise Ayer. 278520. 1894- Frances C. Ayres. 37^535- LITCHFIELD LAW SCHOOL. 182 1. Jonathan Edwards. 951040. i9o6az' Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. VASSAR COLLEGE. 1870. 1905. 1894. 1867. 1877- 1812. 1813. 1817. 1823. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1838. 1838. 1840. 1844. 1845- 1845. 1857- 1859. 1859. Katharine Lyra Stanton. 610160. Lillian Eyre Griffis. 61 016 1. ELMIRA COLLEGE. — Ayres. 185003. — Ayres. 185004. — Ayres. 185005. — Ayres. 185006. Helen M. Turner Ayres. 351 041. NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL. William Hutchinson Pynchon Oliver. 958300. Clarence Storm. 972900 — 7601. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Edward Elizur Goodrich. 958470. Alpheus Tompkins Bulkley. 972900 — 6450. ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Robert Chauncey Robbins. 946440. Noah Coe. 949840. William Ely. 943801. Joseph Hunt Breck. 949450. Jacob Little. 500302. George Washington Blagden. 916508. Alfred Greenwood. 920002. Addison Kingsbury. 555000. Henry Shedd. 500303. Lucius Curtis. 961080. Charles Chauncey Shackford. 954420. James Davie Butler. 972837. Rowland Ayres. 372440. Allen Hazen. 561080. James Mason Hoppin. 972900 — 7840. Henry Allen Hazen. 561040. Austin Hazen. 561 160. Franklin Deming Ayer. 196950. College Graduates. 1906^7^ i860. George Dickinson Gooclrich. 961735. i860. John Ellsworth Goodrich. 961740. i860. Alonzo Gray. 921300. 1863. William Skinner Hazen. 561200. 1864. Chauncey Goodrich. 949902. 1865. Charles Fowler Hand. 950220. 1868. Azel Washburn Hazen. 561240. 1S77. Charles Whittelsey Guernsey. 961060. POUGHKEEPSIE LAW SCHOOL. 1S57. William Wallace Grout. 759050. ROCHESTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Jesse Isaac Ayres, 378590. 1867. James Freeman Elder. 972853. NEW BRUNSWICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. John Whitbeck. 960451. 1870. William Elliot GritBs. 6 10 160. PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1828. Chauncey Enoch Goodrich. 961750. 1837. David Jewett Waller. 969280. 1837. Samuel Brittain Ayres. 340671. 1846. Rowland Ayres. 378585. 1848. Rowland Ayres. 372440. 1S54. Charles Jewett Collins. 969278. 1856. Augustine David Lawrence Jewett. 948100. 1864. George Dickinson Goodrich. 961735. 1874. David Jewett Waller. 969352. BERKLEY DIVINIl'Y SCHOOL. 1853. Alfred Bailey Goodrich. 961745. 1S56. Christopher Starr Leffingwell. 956040. 1873. William Andrew Leonard. 972873. 1876. William Howard Bulkley. 972900 — 6460. EPISCOPAL THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL. (CAMBRIDGE.) Howard Fremont Hill. 354151. 1887. Joseph Cullen Ayer. 372510. igo6ax . Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1845. James Mason Hoppin. 972900 — 7840. 1864. Chauncey Goodrich. 949902. 1864. Edward Benton Coe. 964410. 187 1. William Howard Ayers. 372820. 1872. Thomas Nelson Ayres. 378600. 1874. David Jewett Waller. 969352. 1888. Robert Erskine Ely. 972854. 189 1. Chauncey William Goodrich. 962030. HARTFORD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1864. George Dickinson Goodrich. 961735. 1867. Azel Washburn Hazen. 561240. 1891. Carleton Hazen. 561 163. DREW THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. (mADISON, N. J.) 1888. Samuel Gardiner Ayres. 372550. CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1873. Dana Sherrill. 376920. 1883. Edwin Irving Ayer. 378395. NEWTON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. 1855. Darius Francis Lamson. 373700. ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1853. Disosway Gabriel Ayres. 373010. 1865. Douglas Ayers. 376724. LONG ISLAND HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1868. Warren L. Ayer. 196 125. 187 1. Melancthon Ayers. 196990. 1876. George Byron Ayers. 378415. 1880. H. Messenger Ayres. 376760. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. (NEW YORK CITY.) 1883. Joseph S. Ayers. 169980. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. (BALTIMORE.) 1886. Thomas Ayers. 376734. 1895. Emerson W. Ayars. 376700. College Graduates. igo6ay COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. (nEW YORK IHY.) 1852. Oliver Richardson King. 348032. 1864, William Warner Hoppin. 972900 — 7980. MIAMI MEDICAL COLLEGE. (CINCINNATI.) 1882. Henry E. Ayars. 376701. BUFFALO ITNIVERSITY. 1897. Lemuel Delos Ayers. 376726. HAHNEMAN MEDICAL COLLEGE. (PHILADELPHIA.) 1888. Charles A. Ayer. 376722. HAHNEMAN MEDICAL COLLEGE. (CHICAGO.) 1890. Belle S. Ayres. 376738. ECLECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. (nE\V YORK CITY.) 1884. Sherman E. Ayars. 376713. BERKSHIRE MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1825. Amatus Robbins. 946450. 1826. Gardiner Dorrance. 950920. INDIANA ECLECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. (INDIANAPOLIS.) 1876. O. O. Ayer. 376718. 1881. Alvero D. Ayre. 376715. ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE. (CINCINNATI.) 1889. Delbert C. Ayers. 376723. 1889. Lillie M. Ayres. 91 1277. JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEflE. (PHILADELPHIA.) 1842. Otis Ayer. 378370. 1846. Jonathan E. Bulkley. 1876. Samuel Ayres. 376743. MEDICAL COLLECJE OF OHIO. (CINCINNATI.) 1864. Stephen Cooper Ayres. 376744. 982380. 15ALTIMORE MEDICAL Ct)LLEGE. 1883. Wilmot Ayres. 376748. 4 1892. Frank D. Ayers. 376730. igo6az Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. BELLEVUE HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1872. Samuel F, Ayers. 376733 — i. 1873. Samuel Furgison Ayers. 378625. 1892. William L. Eyers. 982481. 1893. Winfield Ayers. 376728. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. (ST. LOUIS.) 1868. Mortimer Ayres. 376740. NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. (NEW YORK CITY.) 1888. Emma F. M. Ayers. 376729. 1894. Rebecca J. Ayres. 376749. CASTLETON MEDICAL COLLEGE. (VERMONT.) 1843. Thomas Chadbourne. 493910. rush MEDICAL COLLEGE. (CHICAGO.) 1866. Salathiel B. Ayres. 376741. 1897. George T. Ayres. 376754. STARLIN(i MEDICAL COLLEGE. (COLUMBUS, O.) 1898. Frank E. Ayers. 376731. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, (ST. LOUIS.) 1870. Albert R. Ayres. 376736. TORONTO VETERINARY COLLEGE. 1892. Charles Hobert Ayer. 565103. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 1894. William Ropes May. 1898. Edward Everett Ayer. YALE UNIVERSITY. 1898. Sarah S. W^hittelsey. 1 90 1. Daniel L. Whittelsey. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY. 1839. Charles Henry Augustus Bulkley. 1858. Charles W. Chauncey. 945901. .^ DICKINSON COLLEGE. 1842. Jonathan E. Bulkelej-. GrENERAL SlTMMAR^^. TREMAN, TREMAINK, TRUMAN. SPEAKER OF ASSEMRI.V. Lyman Tremaine. N. Y. EDITOR. Hart Lyman. New York Tribune. PATRON OF MUSIC. Ebenezer Mack Treman. 4000. MACK. AUTHORS, DIVINES. Alexander Mack. Founder of Dunkard (Moravian) Church in America. 48996. Martin Mack. Moravian Bishop. 48945. Willis John Abbott. Editor of New York Journal. 255952. Joseph Smith. President re-organized Mormon Church. William A. Mack. Inventor. STATE OFFICER. George Washington Aldridge. Superintendent of Public Works. New York. 255954. KNIGHT OF ORDER OF MEDJEDIE. Walter Earle. igoSdb Dey and Ayres Families. DEY. MEMBER OF CONGRESS. Moses Hicks Grinnell. 286540. FINANCIER. George Sullivan Bowdoin. 285900. AVER, AYRES, EYRE. GOVERNORS. Charles Kilborn Williams. Vt. 969320. William Wallace Stickney. Vt. 972868. Chester B. Jordan. N. H. 972867. William Warner Hoppin. R. I. 972900 — 7900. Lewis Downing. Ind. Ter. 972900 — 8140. COLLEGE PRESIDENTS. John Roland Harris Latchaw. Findlay and Defiance Colleges. Oliver Stearns. Meadville Theological Seminary. 972900 — 6860. COLLEGE PROFESSORS. James Mason Hoppin. Yale. 972900 — 7840. Isaac William Stuart. Charleston College. 985200. William Chauncey Langdon. Shelby College. 962010. James Davie Butler. Wisconsin University. 972837. AUTHOR.S, DIVINES. .Thomas Embley Osmun. "Alfred Ayres." Author. 972855. Luther Stearns Cushing. Author of Cushing's Manual of Par- liamentary Rules. 972900 — 6780. Alfred Ronald Conkling. Author. 972856. William Henry Whitmore. Genealogist. 410002'. William Andrew Leonard. P. E. Bishop of Ohio. 972873. Rev. Dr. William R. Huntington. Rector of Grace Church, New York City. 969214. General Summary. itjoddf Roswell Smith. Publisher of Scribner's Magazine. 955420. Edward Sims VanZile. Editor of Current Literature. 972869. Edward Benton Coe. Pastor of Collegiate Dutch Church, New York City. 972841. STATE OFFICERS, Caleb R. Ayer. Secretary of State. Me. 377680. Samuel Drake Lockwood. Attorney General. 111. 972900 — 700. Samuel Bulkley Ruggles. Canal Commissioner. N. Y. 960200. JUDGES OF STATE COURTS OF APPEALS. Samuel Drake Lockwood. 111. 972900 — 700. Edmund Lambert Cushing. Chief Justice. N. H. 972900 — 6780. Charles Kilborn Williams. Chief Justice. Vt. 969320. JUDGES OF STATE SUPERIOR COURTS. John Bulkley. Conn. 959350. Thomas Corlett. N. Y. 955500. Almet Francis Jenks. N. Y. 969345. PRESIDENTS OF STATE SENATES. Caleb R. Ayer. Me. 377680. Chester B. Jordan. N. H. 972867. Benjamin Ames. Me. 978320. SPEAKERS OF STATE LEGISLATURES. Thomas Storm. N. Y. 972900 — 8010. Harvey Jewell. Mass. 493873. William Wallace Stickney. Vt. 972868. Samuel Hazen Ayer. N. H. 343521. Chester B. Jordan. N. H. 972867. Jabez Hamlin. Conn. 959420. Benjamin Ames. Me. 978320. Joseph Bradley Varnum. N. Y. 956700. \()obbd Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. MAYOR. John Phillips. Boston. 969150. military leader. Ezra Ayers Corman. Civil War. 196010. PHILANTHROPISTS. Josephine Mellin Southwick Ayer, Frederick Fanning Ayer. 195600. Anne Ayer. GrE]>^ERAL SUMMi^RY. TREMAN, TREMAIN, TRUMAN. UNITED STATES SENATOR. Nelson Wilmarth Aldrich. R. I. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Lyman Tremaine. N. Y. Nelson Wilmarth Aldrich. R. I. STATE OFFICER. Lyman Tremaine. Attorney General. COLLEGE PRESIDENT. Colby Mitchell Chester. U. S. Naval War College. COLLEGE PROFESSORS. Thaddeus Field Truman. University of Penn. William James Beal. Mich. Agricultural College. Eli W. Stone. Colgate University. Mary A. Tremain. University of Nebraska. Josephine Tremain. University of Nebraska. James Truman. University of Penn. William S. Tremaine, Niagara University. MUSICIAN, Ebenezer Mack Treman. ORATOR. Grenville E. Tremaine. igoS Mack Family. FINANCIERS. Leonard Treman. Banker. Lafayette Lepine Treman. Banker. Elias Treman. Merchant. Robert Henry Treman. Banker. George Lafayette Tremaine. Banker. Lyman Truman. Banker. George Trnman. Banker. George K. Truman. Banker. Henry Hertel Truman. Banker. MILITARY OFFICERS. Brig. Gen. Henry Edwin Tremaine. Civil War. Lt. Col. Frederick Tremaine. Civil War. NAVAL OFFICERS. Capt. Colby Mitchell Chester. Spanish-American War. Capt. Luther Gayton Billings. Lieut. Hobart L. Tremaine. Lieut. Colby Mitchell Chester, Jr. MACK. UNITED STATES SENATOR. Francis Emory Warren. Wyoming. 16700. GOVERNOR. Francis Emory Warren. Wyoming. 16700. MEMBER OF CONGRESS. Laurin Dewey Wood worth. Ohio. 36915. MILITARY OFFICERS. Brig. Gen. John E. Mulford. Civil War. 46600. Col. Spencer Houghton Cone. Civil War. Lt. Col. Fayette Washington Roe. Spanish-American War, AUTHORS, RELIGIOUS LEADERS, ACTORS. Charles Edward Little. Author of Cyclopedia of Classified Dates. David Mack. The Faithful Steward. General Summary. 1^09 Judson Smith. Secretary, A. B. C. F. M. Joseph Smith. Mormon Prophet. Hyrum Smith. Mormon. Joseph Fielding Smith. President Mormon Church. Joseph Fielding. President Re-Organized Mormon Church. Andrew Mack. Actor. Kate Claxton. Actress. collk(;e PR01-ES.SORS. Jessie Carlotta Mack. Cornell College. 48825. J. L. Mack. Cotner University. 48830. James Rickerby Campbell. Pratt Institute. 39185. Julian William Mack. Northwestern University. 48820. Earl Morse Wilbur. Meadville Theological Seminary. 31535- Chauncey Peter Colegrove. Upper Iowa University. 31275. Carroll Edgar Dudley. Colgate University. 26073. John Givan Davis Mack. University of Wisconsin. 39 no. Ebenezer Emmons. Williams College. 15360. Edward Payson Smith. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 15414- Judson Smith. Oberlin College. 15413. Charles Samuel Mack. Michigan University. 15764. William Manlius Smith. Syracuse University. 15900 — 270. Azariah Smith Root. Oberlin College. 16735. Metcalf John Smith. New York Central College. 25820. Azariah Smith. New York Central College. 25835. Frederick M. Smith. Graceland College. 252080. DEY. CABINET OFFICER. James Kirk Paulding. Secretary Navy. 90600. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. William Paulding. 95350. William Irving. 90625. STATE OFFICERS. Simeon DeWitt. Surveyor General. New York. 63550. Richard Varick. Attorney General. New York. 63500. igio Board Family. MAYORS. Richard Varick. New York City. 63500. William Paulding. New York City. 95350. RECORDER. Richard Varick. New York City. 63500. DIVINE. Rt. Rev. Cameron Mann. Bishop of North Dakota. 78675. DIPLOMATIST. Montgomery Schuyler, Jr. Sec. of Legation, Russia. 295160. MILITARY OFFICERS. Col. Simeon DeWitt. Topographer, Continental Army. 63550. Col. Richard Varick. Revolutionary War. 63500. Col. Theunis Dey. Revolutionary War. Col. John Paulding. One of the captors of Major Andre'. 90525. Brig. Gen. William Paulding. War of 18 12. 95400. Col. Camillus Albert Nash. C. S. Army. 280060. NAVAL OFFICER. Rear Admiral Hiram Paulding. Civil War. 95400. AUTHORS. James Kirk Paulding. William Irving. William Paulding. BOARD. JOURNALIST. Montgomery Schuyler. Editor New York Times. 78650. DIVINE. Anthony Schuyler. 75600. DIPLOMATIST. Montgomery Schuyler, Jr. Secretary of Legation, Russia. 78651. General Summary. igii MILITARY OFFICER. Col. Buckner Board. Civil War. AVER, AYRES, EYRE. VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITKI) STATES. William Pierce Frye. CABINET OFFICERS. William Eaton Chandler. Secretary Navy. Theophilus Parsons. Attorney General. 943200. JUDGE OF UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. Joseph Story. Mass. FOREIGN MINISTERS. Daniel D. Barnard. Prussia. 420190. Henry W. Ellsworth. Charge de Affaires, Sweden. JUDGE OF COURT OF COMMISSIONERS OF ALABAMA CLAIMS. Harvey Jewell. Mass. JUDGE OF SPANISH CLAIMS COMMISSION. William Eaton Chandler. N. H. UNITED STATES SENATORS. William Pierce Frye. Me. Isaac Hill. N. H. William Adams Palmer. Vt. 50 1330. William Eaton Chandler. N. H. Chauncey Goodrich. Conn. Samuel Whittelsey Dana. Conn. Henry Cabot Lodge. Mass. GOVERNORS. Isaac Hill. N. H. Benjamin Ames. N. H. William Adams Palmer. Vt. Simon Bolivar Buckner. Tenn. igi2 Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. Josiah Grout. Vt. Morgan Gardiner Bulkely. Conn. Winthrop Murray Crane. Mass. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS. Chauncey Goodrich. Conn. William H. Bulkely. Conn. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Richard Ayres. Va. 376968. Daniel Dewey Barnard. 420190. Lewis M. Ayer. Confederate States Congress. 379259. Isaac Hill. N. H. Chauncey Langdon. Vt. 961280. William Pierce Frye. Me. William Wallace Grout. Vt. Severn Eyre Parker, Va. Samuel Hurd Walley. Mass. Augustus Peabo'dy Gardiner. Mass. JUDGES OF STATE COURTS OF APPEALS. Elizur Goodrich. Conn. David Ayres Depue. Chief Justice. N. J. Edwin C. Carter. Minn. Theophilus Parsons. Chief Justice. Mass. STATE OFFICERS, Samuel Morrill. Treasurer. N. H, John Kingsbury. Superintendent of Schools. R. I. William Palmer Chandler, Surveyor General. Idaho, Elihu Hall, King's Attorney. Conn, Elihu Chauncey. King's Attorney. Conn, ARMY OFFICERS. Col. Elihu Chauncey. French and Indian War. Col, Benjamin Hall. French and Indian War. Brig. Gen. Joseph Frye. Continental Army, Gen. Chauncey Whittelsey. Rev. War. General Summary. ioi^ Col. Thomas Stickney. Rev. War. Gen. Jacob Kingsbury. United States Army. Maj. Gen. Fitz John Porter. Civil War. Brig. Gen. Romeyn Beck Ayers. Civil War. Brig. Gen. Henry Martin Whittelsey. Civil War. Brig. Gen. Ezra Ayers Carman. Civil War. Brig. Gen. William Babcock Hazen. Civil War. Brig. Gen. Charles Henry Whittelsey. Civil War. Lieut. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner. C. S. Army. 560450. Brig. Gen. Charles Bell Gibson. C. S. Army. 605510. Brig. Gen. William Johnson Dale. Surgeon General, Mass. 329502. NAVAL OFFICERS. Admiral Sir John Knight, Jr., K.C.B. 329081. Commodore Isaac Chauncey. War of 1812. Commodore John Sickles Chauncey. Commodore John Hodge Graham. Rear Ad. James Milton Flint. Commodore Philip Carrigan Johnson. AUTHORS, DIVINES, AND HISTORICAL CHARACTERS. Charles Chauncey. F.R.S., F.S.A. 933500. Samuel Griswold Goodrich. Author of Peter Parley Tales. Chauncey Allen Goodrich. Reviser of Webster's Dictionary. Paul Leicester Ford. Author of Janice Meredith. John Neal. Author. William Elliot Griffis. Author. Harriet Hubbard Ayer. Journalist. Thomas Gaillard. Medical editor. Margaret Hubbard Ayer. Singer. Wendell Phillips. Orator. Abolitionist. Martha Edgerton Kingsbury. Betrothed of Nathan Hale. Mildred (McLean) Hazen. Wife of Admiral (ieorgc Dewey, U.S.N. Alice (Carr) Chauncey. Fiance'e of Earl Roseberry. Eastman Johnson. Artist. Abiel Chandler. Philanthropist. Founder of Chandler Scien- tific School. 1914 Ayer, Ayres, Eyre. Charles Crocker. Financier. John Ashurst, Surgeon. Sir Isaac Coates, 600660. Neal Dow. Prohibitionist. Henry Gannett. Geographer. Charles Chauncey. Pastor ist Church, Boston. Richard Salter Storrs. Pastor Pilgrim Church, Brooklyn. Roswell Park. Publisher of Scribner's Magazine. George Wellington Dillingham. Publisher of Books. COLLEGE PRESIDENTS. Charles Chauncy, Harvard College. Timothy Cutler. Yale College. William Fairfield Warren. Boston University. Franklin Carter. Williams College. 560420. Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, Trinity College. Howard Ayres. University of Cincinnati. Chauncey Goodrich. American University. Fung Chow Fu, China. Caspar F. Goodrich. U. S. Naval War College. 962000. Sophia D. Hazen Stoddard. Mt. Holyoke College. Charles Ayer. Jackson College (Mississippi). 378330. Joshua Bates. Middlebury College. COLLEGE professors. Lewis Richard Packard. Yale College. 964400. Edward Benton Coe. Yale College. 964410. William Orville Ayres. Tolland Medical College. 373140. Elizur Goodrich. Yale College. Clarence Walter Ayer. Western Reserve University. 373350. Chauncey Allen Ayer. Yale College. Franklin Carter. Yale College. 560420. Theophilus Parsons. Harvard College. Joseph Story. Harvard College. Brown Ayres. Tulane University. 372530. Charles Chauncy Shackford. Cornell University. Simon Henry Gage. Cornell University. 782000. Paul Langdon Chandler. Oberlin College. 500490. General Summary. ' 19 15 Frances M. Hazen. Mt. Holyoke College. Martha R. Chapin. Mt. Holyoke College. Charles Downer Hazen. Smith College. William Chauncey Fowler. Amherst College. Samuel Eben Barney. Yale University. 961550. Ezra Ayers Carman. University of Louisville, i960 10. Daniel Ayres. Long Island Hospital Medical College. 372430. Jeremiah Emery Ayers. Western University of Penn. 372470. Robert Bridges Patton. Princeton College. Courtney Langdon. Brown University. 962500. William Marshall Warren. Boston University. 955002. John Ellsworth Goodrich. University of Vermont. 961740. Charles G. Rockwood. Princeton University. William Babcock Hazen. United States Military Academy. 561400. Charles Carlton Ayer. Colorado University. 726028. Martha R. Chapin. Mt. Holyoke College. 561080. Laura W. Ayer. Mt. Holyoke College. 378515. Waldo E. Ayer. Ohio Wesleyan University. 376828, Evelyn Benedict Ayres. Syracuse University. 376830. Wilbur T. Ayres. DePauw University. 376833. Samuel Shipman Kingsbury. Fairmount College. 560001. Charles Chauncy. Cambridge University. 930000. A. W. Ayer. University of Vermont. 376826. John Ashurst. University of Pennsylvania. 610200. Alonzo Gray. Marietta College. 921300. Samuel Ayres. Western University of Penn. 376743. Stephen Casper Ayres. Medical College of Ohio. 376744. Edward Winslow Hall. Colby University. 984930. GrEISrER^L TlSTDEX. TREMAN, TREMAIN, TRUMAN. Joseph Truman of New London, Conn., Branch. 29. 1032. John Trueman of Boston, Mass., Branch. 321. James Trueman of Philadelphia, Pa., Branch. 324. 1087. John Tremain of East Elmira, N. Y., Branch. 326. Jonathan Tremain of Nova Scotia Branch. 328. Harmon Trueman of New Brunswick Branch. ^^^. Miscellaneous names. 316. 335. io8g. MACK. John Mack of Lyme, Conn., Branch. 343. 1097. 1146. John Mack of Londonderry, N. H., Branch. 713. 1132. Mary Mack and Benjamin Goodwin of Delaware Water Gap, Pa., Branch. 702. Miscellaneous Names. 692. 727. 1137. 1150. DEY. Richard Dey of New York City Branch. 741. Lawrence Dey of New York City Branch. 833. 1159. Miscellaneous Names. 856. 887. 1167. BOARD. Cornelius Board of Boardville, N. J., Branch. 909. John Board of Virginia Branch. 964. Ferdinand Board of Dubuque, Iowa, Branch. 1168. Miscellaneous Names. 968. General Index. 19 17 AVER, AYRES AND EYRE. John Ayer of Haverhill, Mass., Branch. 973. 1029. 1169. 1392. 1465. 1566. 1634. 1821. Capt. John Ayer of Brookfield, Mass., Branch. 1233. 1368. 1384. 1644. Moses Ayres of Salisbury, N. C, Branch. 1008. Rev. Geo. Eyre of Burlington, N. J., and Philadelphia, Pa., Branch. 1494. Robert Ayars of Hopkinton, R. I., and Cohansey, N. J., Branch. 1546. 1800. Robert Eyre of Chester County, Pa., Branch. 1540. Thomas Eyre of Virginia Branch. 1543. Dr. Simon Eyre of Boston Branch. 1242. 1797. New Haven, Conn., and Watertown, Mass., Branch. 1246. Katharine Eyre and President Charles Chauncy of Cambridge, Mass., Branch. 1688. Miscellaneous Names. 1008. 1240. 1651. 1850. Muster Rolls. 1326. Index of N^iVMES. TREMAN, TREMAINE, TRUMAN. Abbott, Rev. J. Bruce. 1804. Ackerman, Viola. 5320. Aiken, Alice E. 6631. Anna R. 6622. Clara Louise. 661 r. Daniel L. 2237. 4600. 6621. Ernest. 6624. Ethel May. 6626. Frank B. 4601. 6610. Frank P. 6623. Fred L. 4602. 6620. Harry F. 6629. Hazel A. 6628. Howard Kelsey. 6613. Inez Mary. 6627. Martha S. 6630. Mary Alice. 6612. Stuart S. 6625. Aldrich, Abby Greene. 3641. 8175. 212703. Edward Burgess. 212702. Elsie Chapman. 8176. 212708. Erastus. 877. Lucy Truman. 212701. Lucy W. 3642. 8174. Nelson Wilmarth. 1236. 3640. 8170. Richard Steere. 8173. 212706. Stuart Morgan. 8171. 212704. William Truman. 8172. 212705. Winthrop Williams. 212707. Allen, EHzabeth Olmstead. 5485. Emma F. 4210. Ephraim. 4210. Ernest. 6663. Col. Ethan. JI380. Henry Baldwin. 2126. Henry Benjamin. 4420. Ira. 11380. Allen, Jared Trenian. 2127. Mrs. John E. 230215. Lewis H. 6661. Mary. 2128. Mary Elizabeth. 4422. Nina. 6664. President. 4394. Samuel Charles. 2129. Samuel Clark. 567. 2125. Samuel Philip. 4421. William. 6662. William H. 4301. 6660. Almy, Hon. Bradford. 6680. Alport, W. D. 798. Amidon, Caleb. 228130. 229943. Anderson, Evelyn O. 5766. Andrews, Darwin M. 230128. Andrus, Elijah. 3190. Mary Jane. 3190. Angell, Catharine Latham. 7800. Sarah. 8150. Anway, Emma. 4751- Florence Mabel. 7003. George William. 7001. Glen Dore. 7002. Harry Baker. 7004. Katie. 4752. Laura S. 4754- W. H. 2544. 4750- William Warren. 4753. 7000. Appleton, Joshua. 8000. Armitage, Fannie. 6940. Arnold, Andrew B. 5942. Andrew H. 1185. 3470. Christopher B. 1215. 1218. Emmet S. 3471- 5940- Fanny L. 5943- Frederick W. 1219. Lodelia Adell. 4910. Index of Names. 1919 Arnold, Lowe E. 5941. Nathan Truman. 1217. Orange H. 3472. Sarah Elizabeth. 1216. See. 847. Ash, See. 2992. Ashley, Sarah. 216500. Ashly, Colonel. 220. John. 40. Astor, John Jacob. 229800. Atherton, Betsey. 2783. Celestia. 2782. Sophia. 2781. William. 784. 27S0. Atwater, Ella E. 4703. Auble, Sarah. 4160. Austin, Frank. 2695. Mar}-. 2695. Mary Jane. 2695. Aver}-, George D. 201005. Thomas. 8000. Ayres, Ann. 530. Jeremiah. 306. Mary. 540. Richard. 540. Baker, Alice Beal. 7201. Barlow. 4970. Barnard Smith. 4283. Catharine Francis. 428S. Chester. 4290. Clark. 2036. Edna. 6692. Elijah. 2038. Emily A. 2039. Emma Jane. 4281. Ethel A. 6693. Fannie. 2270. Frank. 4287. Fred. 4286. 6690. George W. 4289. James Edward. 4292. James Stannard. 7202. Jarvis D. 2037. 4280. John Watkin. 2271. 4560. Leroy. 6691. Lura. 4970. Major. 4220. Mary. 4284. Mary Louise. 4285. Rachel A. 4870. Ray Stanard. 5061. 7200. Samantha. 4220. Sarah Pauline. 4291. Sophia. 4970. Stephen. 282. 2035. 4282. Bache, Ann S. 5810. Louise M. 3394. Backus, Elijah. 201010. Bailey, Elizabeth. 230. Jehiel Ilalsey. 566. 2120. Baldwin, Irving. 15675. Ballantine, Reverend. 440. Banks, Carrie Elizabeth. 2085. Charles Frederick. 2083. Elizabeth Wilson. 4372. Gertrude. 4386. Harry R. 4713. 6960. John. 2080. John Baker. 2086. 4385. Joseph. 2080. Josephine. 4374. Juliette Louise. 6963. Louisa Lepine. 2082. 4390. Louise Latta. 4371. Morris Treman. 2081. 4370. Robert T. 6962. Robert Treman. 215101. 230226. Stephen Baker. 564. 2080. Stephen Edwin. 2084. 4380. 215100. 230225. Barber, Carrie. 4450. Mary. 4210. See. 842. Barlow, Lucy. iioo. Bampton, Ada B. 6850. Barnard, Albert. 2566. 4810. C. E. 10320. Fannie. 4812. Fred. 481 1. Barnes, Rev. Albert. 215850. Julia. 215850. Lydia. 3180. Barry, Elizabeth M. 5810. Barto, Sarah. 400. See. 4650. Bassett, Willia. 5773. Bates, Edward. 9580. F. O. 4741. 6980. Increase. 9580. John. 9580. Joel. 9581. Robert. 95S0. 9583. Sophia. 9584. Thomas. 9566. 95S0. 9582. Baumgart, Emma. 4510. Baxter, Harvey. 4015. Beach, Mary P. 3392. Beal, Charles Satterthwaite. 721 1. Elniira. 7190. Fannie Esther. 5075. James Emerson. 5073. Jessie Irene. 5060. Joseph Otis. 2662. 5070. Mary Comstock. 2663. 1920 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Beal, May Florence. 5071. Vinora. 5074. William. 878. 2660. William James. 2661. 5060. William Otis. 5072. 7210. Beardsley, Florence M. 5230. Mary F. 5230. Beckwith, Truman. 8740. Beebe, J. Antoinette. 21 1026. Beers, Mary. 5740. Belknap, Cordelia. 3335. 230220. Lavinia. 5495. Beman, Lydia. 201000. Bennington. Henry. 205763. Benson, Caroline. 6520. Bergus, John. 3502. Best, Mary Elizabeth. 2505. Bigony, W. P. 3396. Billings, Frederick Tremaine. 6827. 230285. Laura Elizabeth. 6826. Livingston G. 6828. Luther Gayton. 5429. 6825. 6829. Luther Guy. 230280. William T. 4291. Binns, Daniel. 7220. Ethel Caroline. 7220. Jonathan. 10020. Bishop, Carrie Frances. 2210. Julia Ellen. 2190. Bissell, Irene. 5537. Blake, Minnie. 5615. Blank, Clarence Henry. 4671. William Henry. 2507. 4670. Blauvelt, John James. 2393. 4625. John M. 4626. 6600. Marjorie. 660 r. Blewer, Frederick. 5756. George F. 5757. John B. 3362. 5754. William H. 5758. William Henry. 3363. 5755. Bodle, Abner Lafayette. 2002. 4230. Edward Floyd. 4242. Elizabeth Belle. 4231. Clara P. 4241. George W. 2005. 4240. James Burnham. 532. 2000. Julia. 1980. Margaret Taylor. 2001. 4250. Millard. 2003. Nellie Elizabeth. 2004. 4242. Boise, Freeland T. 6950. Freeland Thomas. 6952. Paul Truman. 695 r. Bond, Samuel B. 216203. Bonner, Robert. 229800. Boom, Helen E. 5375. Boon, Henry. 381. Boston, Addie. 4320. Bostwick, George. 230245. Herman VanVechten. 1S04. Philomeah. 230. Bosworth, Jacob L. 103 12. Bott, Arthur. 4025. Mary Agnes. 4025. Bouton, Dewitt C. 6680. William. 11 190. Bower, Abnfer T. 21 71. 4450. Alice. 2174. Bertha. 2173. Carl W. 2175. David. 580. 2170. John. 2172. 4440. Sybil W. 4441. Vivian. 4451. Weslej- Wyckoff. 2176. William. 578. 2160. Bradlee, Elizabeth. 9565. Bradley, Peter. 8000. Brainard, David. 212650. Lucy. 212650. Zuba. 230150. Branham, See. 15745-20. Bray, Sarah. 7800. Breckenridge, Nancy J. 4780. Breese, Angeline. 2300. Brewster, Benjamin. 8000. Elizabeth. 8000. Grace. 8000. Hannah. 8000. Jonathan, i. 7. 8000. Lucretia. Sooo. Mary. Sooo. Ruth. I. 7. 8000. 3305. William, i. 7. 8000. Briggs, Mary. 5475. Brigham, Lucy. 2630. Brink, Sarah. 4315. Bromle}', Erastus. 382. Brook, Thomas. 11375. Brooks, C. A. 5497. Martha Lull. 2560. Brown, Aaron. 656. 2475. Alfred Treman. 2476. 4635. Amey. 7800. Chad. 7800. Collingwood B. 1804. Esther Winifred. 7 171. Fred N. G. 2651. John. 220. Julia. 1 1 280. Leslie Alfred. 4637. Marvin R. 4635. Index of Names. 1921 Brown, Mary E. 4635. Ma3^bel. 5001. Myrtie May. 4636. Nathan P. 5002. 7170. Philip A. 2737. 5000. Ruth Alferetta. 7172. Susan E. 4990. Brundage, Abigail. 2080. Buck, Mary. 615. Bull, John. II 190. BuUnian, Benjamin Pra}-. 4695. Charles. 2524. 4690. 4692. Eloise. 4691. IMargaret. 4693. Miriam. 4694. Burdick, Maj. Daniel W. 1804. Electa T. 21 1025. Perry W. 21 1025. Burgis, Morris. 7162. Phebe. 7167. See. 4S82. 7160. Sherman. 7163. Burrall, Betsey. 5090. Burrell, Sylvia E. 51 10. Burritt, Eliza Ann. 228825. Burrows, Laura. 6820. See. 2393. Bush, Caroline Benson. 6521. John Westervelt. 1802. 4010. Katharine Treman. 401 1. 6530. Myron Philander. 4012. 6520. Bushnell, Annis. 31 10. Harriet Fillmore. 3120. Joshua. 3110. 3120. Butler, Charles P. 11 282. Cady, Amelia Jane. 2800. Baldwin. 2801. Demetrius. 2804. James. 2802. John. 2793. Julia. 2S03. Lydia Ann. 2791. Russell. 2792. Samuel. 7S6. 2790. W. Dwight. 3388. 5900. William F. 5901. Cadman, Rebecca. 8150. Campbell, Arba. 5860. Emma. 5860. Carman, Annis Smith. 2471. George W. 639. 2330. Hannah. 800. Mary Valentine. 2332. Orville G. 2331. Carmichael, Theodore Bainbridge. 654. 2470. Jean. 4015. Carpenter, Adna. 865. 2703. Adreana. 2252. Anna Louisa. 2253. Charles S. 607. 2250. Clara. 2254. Cora. 2705. Eleanor. 2255. Imo B. 7132. Mary FHizabeth. 2251. Carpenter, Royal H. 7 131. See. 4841. 7130. I Stella Irene. 2704. I Carr, Minnie Belle. 2290. Cartwright. Bryant. 229936. Caywood, Mar}^ Ann. 4150. Champlin, Capt. Lodowick. 201005. Chandler, Lucie Jane. 230255. ' Thomas H. 230255. Chapel, Sarah. 903. 8610. Chapman, Abby Pierce. 1236. Amey. 1231. Anna. 220. Clara A. 10350. D. P. 205802. Daniel. 70. Rev. Douglass, iiooi. Dutee Green. 1234. Emma Morgan. 1231. Francis Morgan. 385. 1230. Francis William. 1232. James. 216500. Mary Willett. 1233. Orren. 10350. Thomas Nelson. 1235. Charles, Linora. 7210. William H. 7210. Chester, Arthur T. 6831. 230265. Colby Mitchell. 5430. 6830. 6832. 230270. Christophers, Christopher. 8000. Richard. 8000. See. 4658. Church, Sarah. 12645. Clapp, Ida. 2036. Clark, Elisha. 8150. Hon. Henry Austin. 5792. Isaac. 8 150. J. Thorn. 8150. Lucy. 2622. Mary. 26. Orinda E. 2621. Ross. 733. 2620. Dr. Samuel E. 560. Wealthy. 560. William. 8150. Clay, Humphrey, iiooo. Clement, Arthur. 2263. 1922 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Clement, Charles. 611. 2260. 2265. Frank. 2262. Isaac. 2264. Clinton, Isabella Norwood. 4000. Miles L. 4000. Codding, Eliza. 2680. George. 26S0. Helen L. 2680. Coffee, Nellie. 4060. Coit, Elizabeth. 201004. Mary. 205025. Colby, George. 5212. 7280. Lawrence. 72S1. Cole, Amos. 7190. See. 2993. Susan F. 7190. Colegrove, Albert Emmet. 1904. 41 10. 212502. 216400. Anna. 4111. Annie B. 216405. Armenia. 216401. Betsey. 41 12. Charles. 1902. 212506. Edward. 216404. Elizabeth. 1901. 4120. Frances Lizzie. 216403. Colgrove, George M. 216402. Ida. 1905. 212507. " Julia A. 1903. 4130. 212503. Mary. 212501. Mary Elizabeth. 212504. Minor T. 511. 1901. 212500. 212505. Olive M. 216406. Colfax, Mary. 205050. Collin, Amanda. 2630. David. 2630. Lucy B. 2630. Collins, Alice. 440. See. 990. Comstock, Amy. 2728. Augustus. 871. Caroline Amelia. 2716. Charity Crane. 2729. Cynthia. 877. Edna. 2727. Elizabeth. 2726. George F. 875. Huldah A. 2717. John Treman. 876. 2725. Miss L. H. S090. Nathan. 874. 2715. Otis. 261. 870. Patience. 873. Rachel Smith. 878. 2660. William Otis. 2718. Zeno. 872. 2710. Connolly, Lena. 3293. Cook, Charles Frederick. 7342. Elizabeth J. 24S0. George C. 1181. George Churchill. 5931. 7340. 7343- 230215. Juliet Lanning. 7341. W. Wilson. 3457. Henry W. 230215. Cooke, Capt. Benoni. 7800. Charles Dexter. 7800. Christopher. 7800. Henry Clarence. 7800. Maud Aliene. 7800. Nicholas. 7S00. Peter. 7800. Walter. 7800. Cookson, Elizabeth. 9500. Cool, Eloise S. 6715. Cooley, Daniel. 40. See. 115. Cooper, Adelaide. 2456. Ambrose. 2459. Antoinette. 2452. Ashbel. 2454. Christine. 2457. Cora. 2460. Douglas. 2455. Evaline. 2458. Helen. 2461. Israel H. 650. 2450. Mary. 2453. Corbusier, Mrs. William H. 1068. Corel, E. Anna. 4430. Corley, Almira. 1800. Casper. 1800. Christopher. 1800. Eliza. 1800. Henry. 1800. John. 1800. Joseph. 1800. Katharine. 1800. Cornell, Cynthia. 5920. Corning, See. 3172. Cornwall, Helen. 5440, Craft, John. 1882. Craig, See. 2261. Crane, Prof . Thomas Frederick. 1804. Creel, Sarah. 3000. Creswell, Garrison. 291 1. Henry. 802. 2910. Croft, Bert. 4092. Grace. 4094. Harry. 4097. Ira. 4096. John. 4090. Kate. 6030. Index op Names. 1923 Croft, Lena Maud. 4093. Roy. 4095. Walter. 4091. Cronk, Abigail. 43S5. Crookshank, Luella Myrtle. 4520. Cross, Lena. 11281. Rena. 11281. William. 11 281. Crouch, Sarah. 5910. Cruikshank, Joseph. 10020. Crumb, Henry. 205207. Culver, Emma E. 2490. Lewis H. 2490. Cummings, Susan. S60. 3650. Curtis, Betsy. 180S. 4015. Cutler, Rev\ Timothy. 9500. Cutter, E. C. 230265.' Rufus Freeman, iiooi. Marion L. 230265. Darling, Jennie. 5750. Daugherty, George. 5301. 7230. John W. 7232. Myra E. 7231. Orson E. 7233. Davis, Eunice Ann. 3291. Fae. 6721. John C. 4831. 6720. John Kenneth. 6724. Mae. 220700. Martha. 6723. May. 5729. M. T. 3097. Thomas. 3291. Tremaine. 6722. Dean, Albert Llewellyn. 4948. Betsej- S. 1125. Jennie Marilla. 4945. John S. 2652. 4944. Maria. 3340. Milo Byron. 4947. Nellie Francis. 4946. Dennis, Deborah. 65. 3305. Ebenezer. 65. 3305. Dennison, Grace. 8020. Depue, M. L. 4773. Devereaux, Mary. 3392. Dexter, Anna Thurston. 3410. Stephen. 3410. Dickerson, Charlotte. 216200. David. 216200. Harriet. 2310. Mary. 230100. Dickinson, Louise. 4655. Dillon, Elmira. 7210. Dodd, Anna C. K. 10610. Chief Justice. 10610. Dodge, Alfred. 11 19. Dodge, Emeline C. 6820. Rev. Orin. 6820. Dolbeare, Edward. 205000. George. 205000. Hannah. 205000. Dole, Cora. 7041. Frederick L. 48 12. 7040. Harold. 7042. Douglas, Ella. 4630. Dowd, .A.lice. 4550. Drew. B3ron. 2821. Dianiha. 2813. Emory. 2815. George. 2814. Harriet. 2812. Isaac. 787. 2820. Jane. 2811. John. 788. 2810. Sarah. 2816. Duier, Harriet. 7800. Phebe. 7800. Duncan, Carrie M. 5570. Dunning, Eva. 5280. Franklin. 5280. Durland, Charles Edward. 1808. Daniel Terry. 1808. Frederick Lovejoy. 1808. Harry Courtney. 1S08. Louise. 1808. Dwight. James. 210. Dyer, Ellen. 2064. Dymond, Ruth. 8000. Thomas 8000. Earls, Calvin Treman. 2012. Clarence. 4261. Clarence Lepine. 201 1. Charles Goldsmith. 2013. Elisha Goldsmith. 535. 2010. Ellen Lucia. 2014. Flora Anna. 2016. Frank. 2015. 4270. Grover Ayers. 2017. 4260. Lilly. 4272. Myrtle. 4273. Sarah Parnel. 4271. Earnest, Ella L. 6740. Easterbrooks, Benjamin. 863. 3650. James H. 863. 3650. Walter E. 863. 3650. Eaton, William. 3473-3. Eddy, W. T. 300. Edgcomb, Charles W. 5304. Faye .A.. 7241. Hester A. 5301. John C. 5302. 7240. Orson. 2851. 5300. Edson, Alfred. 603. 3550. 1924 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Edson, Frank. 3551. 4510. Ellick, Ann Eliza. 4410. Elliott, Mary (Russell). 2320. Elliott, Simeon A. 5091. Ellis. Dr. J. B. 30S3. 215865. Thankful. 5270. Elmore, Caroline. 1890. Ely, Emeline Hoe. 4015. Giles Sill. 4015. Isabella Taylor. 4015. Josiah. 4015. Josiah Griswold. 4015. Mary Elizabeth. 4015. Eystone, Hattie May. 4530. Fee, Mattie E. 5700. William. 5700. Fellows, John. 220. Fernhower, Katharine. iSoo. Ferrin, Charles. 1206. 3535. Mary. 3536. Ferris, Hattie. 7060. Ferry, Sanford Truman. 6966. William Montague. 4715. 6965. 6967. Fessenden, Mary H. 4700. Fetter, Albert. 4946. Fick, Ellen. 229S00. Fidamont. Grace. 2244.^ Field, Abizer. 1025. Charles Henry. 5488. 6860. Edward Bronson. 6861. Francis Elliott. 6S62. Loretta. 1025. 205725 Louise P\ 4230. Finch, Rebecca. 740. Fish, Edwin. 6579. Emmet Grant. 6576. Ethel Belle. 6578. Henry. 6575. Henry Myron. 6581. Mary Elinor. 6577. Myron Tiffany. 4173. 6575. Stewart Snj'der. 6582. Susie Elvira. 6580. Fisher, Marion Gardner. 515301. Warren. 210326. 215300. Fiske, Rev. Dr. Asa Severance. 4400. Fitch, Ephraim. 220. Fitschen, Rev. Joseph F. 4380. Fleming, George E. 1884. 4100. Irving B. 3461. John. 1 182. 3460. Leola Maurine. 4101. Robert H. 3462. Foote, Edgar D. 11 284. 228150. Flora Rhoena. 4410. Floyd. 1 1 284. 228 15 1. Foote, George Nelson. 4410. Karl E. 11 284. 228152. Ford, Alexander, iiooi. Charles. 5731. Lillie E. 5731- Truman. 5731. Fosdick, Samuel. 8000. Foster, Blanche M. 5042. Harvey D. 5041. Lebbeus H. 2728. 5040. Fox, Buell. 3056. Frazier, Maria A. 4280. • _ W. T. 228S28. Frink, Angeline D. 4710. Juliette. 4710. Nathan P. 4710. Fulcher, Emily. 5S70. Gager, Lydia. 210000. Gano, Rev. Stephen. 39. 212. 3650. Galezio, Charles G. 544. i8[5. Lafayette Lepine Treman. 1817. 4040. Leonard. 4041. Leonard Ashbel. 1816. Ganyard, Elisha. 2681. George. 2681. Mary. 2681. Gardner, Calvin. 4380. Mary H. 4380. Garfield, Mary Helen. 2313. Garlick, Jane Elizabeth. 4030. Garrison, Nathaniel. 1903. 4130. 212503. Gates, Daniel. 11893. Emma Josephine. 2243. Lydia. 11893. Gaylord, Charles W. 606. 2240. Clarissa Bell. 2246. George Elmer. 2244. Harry Clifford. 2245. Louis Newell. 2243. Minnie Eola. 2241. Gauntlett, John C. 1804. George, Julia. 11 190. . Thomas. 11190. Gere, Eugene Buell. 3552. 5727. Gilford, Ella. 2361. William C. 635. 2360. Gilbert, Anna. 14000. Lydia. 13050. Sarah Augusta. 1090. Goddard, Helen. 1932. Mary. 1933. Melissa. 1934. Susan. 193 1. Willett B. 513. 1930. Goldsmith, Electa. 1040. 105740. Index of Names. 1925 Goldsmith, Julian. 2031. William G. 537. 2030. Goodrich. Aner. 3350. Caroline Aletta. 321S. Charles A. 2328. 4570. Charles T 33S9. 5910. Charles Tremain. 3219. David D. 5912. David L. 11 18. 3387. Edward Milton. 3215. Eliza Tremain. 3214. Emilv A. 2329. Emily M. 3350. Erastus. 3375. Eunice A. 3375. Fannie. 5914. Flora M. 2327. George W. 638. 2325. Helen. 4572. John Calvin. 3213. L. T. 963. 3210. Laura Parthena. 3220. Lora A. 5921. Lora B. 591 1. Lyman Butler. 3212. Lyman Porter. 3211. Lyman T. 3390. 5920. Mary. 338S. Mary L. 2326. Milo C. 4571. Noah. 3350. Olive Augusta. 3216. Pluma. 3217. Samuel. 5913. William. 3175. Goodwin, Daniel L. 7142. Jennie Marett. 16096. John Pomeroy. 16098. Mar\- Corinth. 16097. Pierce A. 7141. Robert E. 16095. See. 4S42. 7140. Goodyear, Eunice. 581. Fulton. 2551. 4760. Gorman, Emil)\ 3385. 5880. John. 1 113. 3382. John M. T. 5871. Mary. 3384. Orin T. 3383. 5870. Gorton, Hannah. 5070. Goss, Melvora Marguerita. 7340. Granger, Rebecca. 75. Grant, Adelbert. 4162. Andrew T. 1918. Ann Elizabeth. 1912. Ashbel. 1920. Edwin. 1913. 4140. • Grant, Emmett C. 1922. Emmett G. 6541. Eudora. 4141. Ferdinand. 1921. George. 512. 1910. 1918. 4160. George G. 6542. Irvin. 191 1. 4142. James. 415 1. Jonathan. 1915. 4150. Louise. 4164. Lufanna. 1804. 4165. Mar)-. 1916. Maud E. 4163. Sarah. 19 17. Susan Harriet. 1914. 4170. Syra. 4142. William. 230310. William Tecumseh. 4 161. 6540. Graves, Charles M. 8094. Gray, Dorothy. 468 r. Hattie. 4801. Helen. 46S2. Mary. 46S3. 7800. Mattie J. 7110. Oscar. 2565. 4800. Sarah. 7S00. William Benson. 2521. 4680. Gregory, Mary. 461 1. Green, Timothy. 201007. William Blanchard. 5031. William K. 2727. 5030. Greene, Andrew Jackson. 1231. 3630. Dutv. VS3. 122.S. Florence Chapman. 60S3. Frank Truman. 3631. Frederick William. 3632. 60S0. 6081. Lucy Emma. 3633. Thomas Peckham Ernest. 60S2. Gridley, Ephraim. 812. Ephraim A. 10 12. Laura. 3050. vSee. 812. Griffin, John. 9. Michael. 877. Griffing, Ebenezer. 8053. S065. Elizabeth. 8052. 8062. S072. Frances M. 8076. Hannah. 8073. James. 806 r. 8070. Jasper. 341. Jeremiah. S071. John. 8050. S051. S060. S064. Joseph. 8066. 8074. Lucretia. 8063. 8075. Mary. S054. Pete'r. S055. 1926 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Griswold, Rev. George. 11S90. Gulick, Charles. 4163. Gunn, Theresa. 3450. Gurney, See. 10300. Hadley, Emma. 10720. Hall, Clarissa. 5650. Lyman. 854. 2670. William T. 205762. 211500. Hallam, Alexander. 8020. Edward. 8020. Elizabeth. 8020. John. 8020. Mary 34. 8020. Nicholas. 34. 8020. Sarah. 8020. Hamilton, Elizabeth A. 5780. Hammond, Adaline. 5767. Adelbert C. 3369. 5765. Experience T. 7566. C. T. 5768. Sally. 39. 212. 3650. Hancock. Anna. 132. Thomas. 131. William. 21. 130. Hankins, See. 4280. Harkness, Beulah Elizabeth. 5053. Edna E. 7191. Elizabeth P. 7192. . John Underwood. 2729. 5050. Lina Rowene. 5052. Llewellyn. 5051. 7190. Haring, Cornelia, iiiio. Handy, Desire. 5100. Hardy, Charles E. 4400. Mary. 4400. Harrington, Jennie. 215856. Harris, Benjamin. 200504. Elizabeth. 11130. Delise. 4730. Mary. 200503. Peter. 13. 200. 500. 11 145. 200502. Harrison, Gertrude. 4725. Hartford, Mayor. 3305. Anna. 10620. Lawrence. 10620. 10625. Hartshorn, See. 10504. 10625. Haskins, Bayard Tremaine. 7321. Bertha Katherine. 7322. Milton D. 5093. 7320. Hastings, Mrs. Helen Edson. 2180. Hatch, Betsey. 851. 2670. 21 1300. Hod (o. Hoel). 853. 2670. Hawkins, John. 14555. Hawley, Hannah (Penfield). 4015. Hazard, Josiah. 1981. 4200. Madison T. 4201. See. 321. Hazen, Cicilicia. 6570. Hegeman, See. 230320. Hempstead, Mary (Hallam). 34. Nathaniel. 34. Henry, Herbert D. 4S92. Jonas J. 4891. See. 2595. 4890. Hepburn, Annie C. 180S. Hertel, See. 67. Hewitt, Hiram H. 19 14. 4170. Lydia Jane. 4173. Mary Elizabeth. 4172. Newton Benedict. 4171. Heyerman, C. Frederick. 4015. Hickok, See. 4657. Hicks, Alva. 518. 1970. Francis. 1972. William. 1971. Hitchcock, Jerold Sewell. 7311. Julius. 53S8. 7310. Rual Marion. 7312. Hoag, Amy. 325. Hoagland, Kate E. 4190. Hoar, Mary Ida. 4050. Hoe, Emeline A. 4015. Holcomb, Angeline. 2iio6r. Orlando. 205205. 210060. See. 759. 961. Hollister, John. 8810. Joseph. 8810. Mary Ann. 8S10. Pierpont. 8810. Thomas. 88 ro. Holmes, John. 220. Rev. vSamuel V. V. 6520. Hood, Albert Russell. 4964. Helen Amanda. 4963. Ruth Anna. 4962. William Frederick. 2694. 4960. 4961. Hoover, Louisa. 5230. 5250. Hopkins, Edwin. 514. 1950. Charles. 1952. Sarah. 4315. Theodore. 1951. William. 1953. Zilpha A. 3474. Horton, Benony. 5. Hosie, Alexander. 4015. Elizabeth. 4015. Emeline. 4015. Helen. 4015. James. 4015. Jean. 4015. John. 4015. Laura. 4015. Margaret. 4015. Index of Names. 1927 Hosie, Mary. 4015. Robert. 4015. Peter. 4015. Hotchkiss, Elizabeth Davis. 1085. George. 10S5. Katharine. 10S5. Pegg. 10S5. William Horace. 401 1. 6530. Hough. Edward. 201000. Esther. 201000. Howard, Maria M. 5310. Howe, Rosalia. 5670. Hoyt, Alexander E. 10632. 10740. Charles D. 11 190. Dorothy. 40 [5. George N. 11 190. Ira. 1 1 190. Thomas. 11 190. Thomas B. 11 190. William M. 11 190. Zaidee. 10730. Hubert, Maria S. 230225. Hubes, T. F. 4S21. Hubbell, Ebenezer. 8020. Mary. 8020. Huff, Carrie. 2280. Hunt, Eva M. 5360. Huntington, Ann Channing. 210000. Jabez. 210000. Gen. Jedediah. 210000. Joshua. 210000. Lois. 225000. Hutchinson, Alma. 2991. E. A. 832. 2990. Emily. 2992. George. 2995. Jennie H. 2996. Lon H. 2993. William. 2994. Hyatt, Abram. 646. 2410. Charlotte. 2415. Franklin. 4641. Harrison Smith. 2412. 4645. Ira T. 2414. Jay. 2413. 4650. Nelson. 2411. 4640. Ink, Marilla. 4140. Inman, Susan. 5660. Isaacs, Benjamin. 11190. Jackson, Cora. 225001. Esther H. 4940. George L. 225001. George VV. 225001. Peter A. H. 4940. Thomas. 11140. William Henry. 225000. James, Dr. 10303. Jandall, Florence R. 5290. Jenckes, Ebenezer. 370. Sarah. 370. Jewell, Sarah. 975. Jipson. Mrs. IClizabeth. 725. Johnson, Charles Dej'. 545. 181S. Emma Maria. 5389. Frank M. 2894. 5385. Herman Rual. 5387. Lady Sarah. 1 1380. Mary. 8020. Meda Louisa. 5388. 7310. Vernon Hubert. 5386. 7300. Jones, Belle. 4581. Charles S. 2329. 4590. Clvde L. 4584. Edith A. 4582. Edwin S. 2327. 4580. Elmer C. 4592. Mildred. 4593. Neale V. 4594. Walter V. 4591. Warren L. 4583. Judd, Althea M. 5260. Mary Buell. 215225. William Henry. 5111. Judson, Charles Gideon. 3305. Julie Marie. 3305. June, Frank. 6703. Fred. 4285. 6700. 6701. Homer. 6705. Lucy. 6704. Martha. 6702. Kashnear, Alice E. 7011. Colonel Ellsworth. 4754. Keeler, Hannah. 1090. Joseph. 1090. Susannah. 1090. Keller, Ida B. Hurley. 5375. Kellogg, Alice. 6032. Alice C. 3474-3- Cassandana. 1193. 3473. Charles. 356. 1190. 11 91. 1207. 3473- 3473-1- 3474- Charles H. 3474-10. Clara. 6035. Cynthia. 602 r. Elias. 3473- •• Eugene. 6022. Fred. 6036. Hazel. 6043. Helen. 6038. 6044. Henrietta. 3473-3- Henry. 1192. 3473. Hiram. 3473. Ida A. 3474-2. James. 3473. 1928 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Kellogg, Jennie L. 3474-4. 6060. Jessie M. 3474-6. 6070. Kitty. 6031. Leon N. 3474-9. 6040. Leslie H. 3474-1. 6020. Louis K. 3474-5. 6030. Lulu A. 3474-7- Marcella. 6037, Martha Ann. 3473. Ma}'. 6033. Nancy. 3473. Nehemiah. S630. 8650. Olla E. 3474-8. Patience. 8630. Raj'mond. 6042. Sarah. 430. Sarah Augusta 4420. Stephen. S630. Kelh", Ann Janette Truman. 8197. George. 1027. 3304. Kelsey, Mary C. 6610. Kelts," Bird M. 6750. Delos. 6750. Edward. 803. Maria Canfield. 6750. Kennikel, Eliza. 10630. Ketchum, Clara S. 5720. Kidman. Annie. 4460. < King, Adelia. 5250. Adrian na. 669. Alice Best. 2507. Alice Farrington. 2511. Amelia. 5230. Anna Maria. 2065. .A.nnie Sharp. 2508. Brink. 4316. Charles Albert. 2506. Charles Freeman. 2060. Charles Treman. 2061. 4315. Deborah. 4666. Delia. 4340. Edmund. 28 1. 680. Edmund Dewitt. 2064. Erastus T. 661. 2480. Ervin. 2066. 4330. Ervin T. 662. 2490. Fann}' Loisa. 668. Franklin Hamilton. 670. Gov. Samuel Ward. 7800. James. 5230. 5250. Jared C. 562. 682. 2060. Jared Treman. 2067. 4350. Jennie. 6690. Joseph Lafayette. 2062. 4320. Josephine Augusta. 2063. Justina. 683. 2040. Katharine. 4330. 4331. King, Leander Rutherford. 664. 2510. 15611. Louis Lepine. 2068. 4340. Louisa INIarie. 2069. Mary Ann. 665. 666. Mary Anna. 7800. Minor. 309. 660. Reuben. 681. 2050. Sarah Loiiise. 671. Van.^mber. 2050. William. 4^15. William T.^663. William Trembl)'. 663. 2505. Wilson. 667. Kingsley, Sarah L. 3430. Kirby, George. 6540. Pauline. 6540. Knapp, John. 11 190. Polly. 810. Kuowles, Charles. 356. Lieutenant. 10620. Kortright, Phebe. 725. Kuhn, D. C. 8120. Kyes, Miriam. 220800. Lacy, James. 2085. Josephine. 4395. Samuel L. 2085. 4394. Ladd, Ann Maria. 10640. Judge David. 10640. Lafayette, General. 560. 3650. Laird, See. 2996. Lamb, Ellington C. 5021. William H. 2726. 5020. Lambert, Grace. 1922. Lamberton, See. 48. Lamphere, Maxson. 201. Lampkins, Abner. 2336. Daniel. 631. 2335. Eunice. 2337. Lane, Sidney. 228853. Laning, Gen. John. 3426. John C. 1126. 3426. 8140. Julia. 3427. 5930. Lanterman, Ai. 4922. 7050. Alfred. 261 1. 4920. Clara Mildred. 7061. Clara T. 4921. Frank Alfred. 7051. George S. 4924. 7060. Jay. 4923. Lathrop, Fannie L. 5940. Latimer, Peter. 8000. Sami;el. S020. Lawrence, Louisa. 3325. Leavitt, Sarah. 1583 1. Lee, Eliza. 10515. Elizabeth. 9500. Index of Names. 1929 Lee, John. 10500. Mary. 10500. Samuel. 14. William. 10500. 10515. Leeman, Carrie. 7170. LePine, Anna Maria Louise. 560. Joseph Lafayette. 560. Letz, Deborah. 103 10. Lewis, Maria Richards. 210326. Winslow. 205027. 210325. Lindquist. Clara J. 6800. Lockwood, Mary Ivers. 210201. Stephen. 205002. 210200. Lombard, Eva. 4260. Looniis, Laura. 2320. Mindwell. S630. Long, Susan Sophronia. 3340. Loop, A. M. 5140. Mark T. 5 141. Wallace B. 5142. Lord, Elizabeth Lyman. 220525. Lothrop, Sally. 225000. Samuel, 225000. Lovejoy, Cornelia C. 1808. Elizabeth. 1808. 4015. Ezekiel. 4015. Frederick. 1808. John. 4015. Nathaniel. 4015. Phineas. 4015. Robert Henry. 1808. 4015. Sarah I. 180S. Lyman, Ephraim. 210002. 215225. Erastus. 215225. Hart. 215226. 220100. Maj. Moses. 215225. Olivia. 950. Simeon. 950. Lynch. Thomas. 5231. Lyon, Abigail. 2080. Mary. 2080. Lj'ons. Ella. 6040. MacFarland, Henry James. 5932. 7350. 7351- Laning. 7352. MacMahon, Eugenie. 4000. Oliver. 4000. MacNaughton, William. 4015. McAllister, Lillian June. 4665. McClenthen, Thos. Hopkins. 230250. McCollum, Charles. 2931. Delphine. 2944. John. 812. 2940. Joshua. 2943. Lula. 2946. INIartha. 2945. Mary. 2942. McCready, Charles Ford, iiooi. McElwie, Fred. 4361. Harry. 4362. James G. 2063. 4360. Mcllvvaine. Rev. R. V. 4394. McKiggan, Xora. 192 1. McKinstry, Col. Charles. 750. Sally. 750. McLallan, John. 300. Mary. 300. McLellan, Anna. 6020. McLeod, Rev. Alexander \V. 1 1003. lilizabeth Cynthia. 11002. John Wesley. 11002. 1 1003. William, iiooi. McLouth, Florence. 5082. John Dewitt. 5081. 7220. Oliver. 7221. Oliver C. 2663. 5080. McNeil, Archibald. 11380. David R. 11380. John. 1 1380. Mary. 11380. Mack, Ebenezer. 1804. Eliza Ann. 1804. Maher, Mark H. 4231. Maillard, Augusta. 3650. Capt. Eugene. 3650. Mallery, Angeline. 2600. Eddie. 7 [54. Earl. 7151. Emerson. 7156. Gracie. 7152. May. 7153. Nellie. 7155. See. 4881. 7150. William. 2600. Malle, Clarence. 6073. Edward. 6071. Emile. 3474-6. 6070. Nettie. 6072. Percy. 6075. Maloney. See. 228160. Managan, John. 2753. 5130. Mansir, Richard C. 865. 3650. Man waring, Elizabeth. 200500. Love. 201000. Oliver. 201000. Mariner, Hetty. 225003. Marshall, Alice Louisa. 4412. Charles. 2112. Charles Perry. 4415. Georgiana. 4413. Gertrude Rhoena. 441 1. Grace LePine. 4414. James LePine. 2111. 4410. John Harris. 566. 2 no. I930 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Marshall, Lillian Esther. 4416. Martin, Catharine. 4700. Elizabeth. 5240. Enos Throop. 5443. See. 6780. Sybil E. 5580. Mason, Donald \V. 6716. Edwin Clark. 4931. 6715. Flora Maria. 4932. Wesley. 2621. 4930. Masterson, Ambrose. 4661. Joseph. 2442. 4660. Lillian. 4662. Mathews, John. 3451. 5960. John W. 5961. Theresa J. 5962. Virgil. 3056. William. 5963. Matteson, Dr. 15740. Maxson, Holly M. 211061. Mead, Alexander. 5763. Charles L. 5762. Cordelia. 1090. 3305. Ebenezer. 3305. Elizabeth Waite. 1090. 3305. John. 3305. Nelson Frank. 5761. Shadrach. 1090. 3305. Titus. 3305. William. 3305. William E. 3368. 5760. Meades, Elizabeth. 8020. Meech, Daniel. 11380. Elisha. 1 1380. Ezra. 1 1380. Henry Walbridge. 11380. Stephen. 11380. William. 11380. Meeker, Nancy. 4850. Melotte, Dr George W. 1804. Melvin, Kittie. 7240. Mercereau, George. 5771. Joshua. 790. Laura. 5771. Sophia. 790. Merriam. Ruth. 21200. Merrill, John. 3058. Merrills, Joseph. 8020. Metcalf, Dr. Azel E. 5850. Charlotte. 5850. Henry. 216500. Ruth. 7800 Me3'er, Annie. 2521. Fannie Louise. 2524. Lottie Meta. 2523. Mary. 2522. Peter. 666. 2520. Middaugh, Catharine. 820. Miller, Catharine. 10685. Elizabeth. 2590. Emily. 2390. Hannah. 10685. Ida Mary. 4515. Julia E. 7300. Peter. 10685. Ransford S. 1808. Mills, Mary. 10350. Miner, Charles H. 8084. 8090. Charles W. 8092. Christopher. 8091. Clement. 8080. Ellen. 8083. Frances. 8081. Frances M. 8094. George. 8085. Isaac. 382. Joseph. 8076. S080. Laurence. 8093. Manaseh. 8080. Olive. 8086. Thomas. 8080. William. 8082. Mix, William. 983. Mrs. William. 3132. Moe, Bessie Bell. 6973. Edson H. 2612. 4910. James. 728. 2610. Lizzie May. 6972. Maria T. 261 1. Olive Adell. 697 r. Sally. 2550. William T. 491 1. 6970. Montanye. Rebekah. 11135. Montgomery, James. 2991. 5400. P'rances. 5401. Frank. 5401. Harry. 5402. Lillian. 5401. Moore, Abbie. 5120. Ann. 210000. See. 21 1043. Morehouse, Electa Jane. 146000. Pierson. 146000. Morey, George. 210. Morgan, Daniel. 6051. John. 8000. Nellie. 6053. Percy. 6052. Sebert. 3474-2. 6050. Moses, Ernest C. 501 1. 7180. Helen C. 7183. Kenneth R. 7181. Muriel C 7182. Mosier, Susannah. 20. Index of Names. 1931 Mott, Phoebe. 106S5. Mudge, Kesiah. 10700. Mulford, Maylon. 783. Munsell, Hezekiah. 5537. Joel. 5537. Laura. 5537. Mutton, Anna. 10320. Narregang, Alma. 3513. Charles. 351 1. Delia B. 3516 Ellen. 3515. Joseph. 1204. 3510. Si 65. Lucy. 3514. Mary. 3512. Willie B. 3517. Nash, Francis Hawley. 14701. Near, Clark. 3051. Neely, Elizabeth. 4370. Neil}', George W. 2857. 5410. Rev. John. 5410. Newell, Carrie. 5021. Newhall, Isaac. 6810. Marianna. 6810. Mariaiina Downs. 216000. Newman, Charles Hardy. 4404. Ellen .-Vugusta. 2102. Harmon. 2100. Henry. 212600. Henry Otis. 4403. Isaac Harmon. 565. 2100. 212600. Jared Treman. 21 01. 4400. 6680. Mary Louise. 4401. Robert Williams. 4402. Samuel. 212600. Newton, See. 650. Nichols, Harriet. 5410. Nickel, Caroline. 7220. Norwood, Isabelle. 4000. Noyes, Rev. Moses. 8000. O'Daniel, Addison H. 4380. Bertha Calvina. 4380. Oldaker. Samuel R. 2671. Oldham, John. 847. Mary. 845. Lucretia. 8000. Orcutt, Jeannette. 5791. Lydia. 7S0 Orne, Catharine Sewall Pynchon. 14490- 14925- Osgood, Mary. 4015. Osmun, Louesa B. 4770. Otis, Ann. 8620. Shubael. 8620. Sophia F. 3150. Oitinger, Mrs. Thomas. 863. 3650. Paddock, Anna Maria Louise (Le- Pine). 560. Paddock, James. 560. Paine, Cynthia. 5537. Palmer, Florence. 8195. Grace. 8080. Mary. 3420. Orrie E. 8193. \V. R. 8193. 8195. Walter. 8080. Parker, Alex Lee. 4774. William. 35. Parks, Experience, mo. Capt. Thomas, mo. Parsons, Otis. 3084. Partridge, Ernest. 4730. 7090. Ruth. 7091. Patterson, Tabitha. 750. Payne, Florence. 5897. Pearce, .'\bigail. 90. Elisha. 201402. Ira. 201408. 2057S0. Pease, George Edward. 4686. George William. 2523. 4685. Helen King. 4688. Marion Cartwright. 4687. Peckham, Clarence L. 7101. Ella E. 6080 Frank. 4 191. Jessie M. 7102. Rufus W. 6780. W. H. 4191. 7100. Penfield, Hannah. 4015. Pennell, Abraham. 10020. Perkins, Edward. 15745-2. Jane Richards. 21 0301. Dr. Nathaniel Shaw. 205026. 210300. Perry, Bert. 5741. Emeline. 2580. Lucy H. 1232. Phillips, Charleton. 5270. Clara. 5270. Eva M. 5260. Dr. Henderson A. 5260. Mary A. 5680. Mary S. 6920. Nancy. 852. 2670. Pickett, .Adam. 8000. Hannah. 8000. 1 John. 7. 3305 8000. Mary. 7. 3305. 8000. Mercy. 8000. Ruth. 3305. 8000. William. 8000. Pier, John. 426. Levi. 427. Margaret. 275. Rhoda 275. 1932 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Pier, Solomon. 428. Thomas. 275. 415. 425. Pierce, Mary A. 5500. Pierson, Abigail. 8000. Stanley. 3503. Piggins. Alexander, i. 3305. Pitts, Mary. 216300. Place, Juliette. 8220. Pollay, Emma A. 6620. Poole, Murray E. 5615. 6870. Nancy. 860. 2670. Porter, Charlotte. 1205. 3525. Ebenezer. 357. Elizabeth. 1204. 3503. 3510. Ella. 3501. Julia. 1206. Lucy. 1202. 3480. Lyman. 1203. 3500. Mary. 1207. 3502. Sally Ann. 1201. 3475. Potter, Alice Winifred. 4676. Earl Minny. 8251. Frank E. 2508. 4675. Glen Derward. 8254. Mildred Lucy. 8252. Robert Derward. 8221. 8250. Robert Hillis. S253. Power, Ellsworth C. 4^9 r. Huldah. 2737. Nathan. 873. 2735. Otis. 2736. 4990. Powers, Maggie. 4070. Pratt, Clara. 8150. Frank H. 864. 3650. Prentiss, Lt. John. 201002. Pritchard, Clarence Eli. 2702. B. V. 5232. Lyman. 864. 2670. 2700. Melvin C. 4972. Melvin T. 2701. 4970. Orlie E. 4971. Proud, Ann. 5060. Hannah Ann. 5060. John. 5060. Prouse, Carrie. 6500. Pryne, Phebe M. 1140. Purchase, Blake. 1202. 3480. Charles D. 3481. Frank W. 3482. Sophronia P. 3483. Putnam, John S. 212504. See. 1901. 4120. Pyggan, Alexander. 8020. Sarah. 8020. Radcliffe, Charles William. 5691. Edward A. 5692. Mary E. 5693- Radcliffe, William. 3287. 5690. Ramsdell, Catharine C. 5011. Jeremiah. 2717. 5011. Randall, Caroline E. 5540. Rankin, Jennie. 6880. Ranous, Arthur Henry. 4951. Grace Williams. 4954. Henry Alonzo. 2691. 4950. John Gaines. 4952. Paul. 4953. Pearl. 4955. Rappleye, Adel. 2026. Ella. 2027. Flora. 2028. Jonas. 534. 2025. Raymond, Amy Urania. 205763. Cynthia F. 205762. Edward .Augustus. 205764. Nathan. 201406. 205760. Sarah Maria. 205761. Reed, Lina. 81 15. Reid, Henry. 201301. Mary. 5537. Remington, Lucy. 400. Richards, Alexander. 201009. 205050. Benjamin. 201008. 205025. 205051. 210400. 210401. 215400. Rev. Charles Augustus Lewis. 215201. 220000. Dorothy. 220005. Ellen. 205026. Elizabeth. 201006. Emeline. 205027. Esther. 201002. Ethelind. 220001. George. 201000. Guy. 200501. 201000. 201001. 205000. 2 1 5401. 220002. Hannah. 201010. Hannah Dolbeare. 210002. John. 201000. 220003. Mary. 201005. Margaret. 220004. Nathaniel. 201004. Peter. 201003. 205001. 210000. Sally. 205002 See. 5641. 6893. Dr. Wolcott. 210001. 215200. Richardson, Amos. 8020. Prudence. 8020. John. 8020. Richmond, John. 373. Riggs, See. 2026. 2027. Risley, Georgia. 4790. Roberts, Clara. 4240. See. 243. 298. Robinson, Belle. 2200. Index ok Names. 1933 P Robinson, Charles. 347S. Joseph. 10685. Mary L. 3477- Melvin. 1201. 3475. Myron. 3476. William J. 1 1002. Rockefeller, John Davison. 3641. 8175- Rockwell, Egbert. 3184. Rodgers, Asenath. 880. 205200. Davis. 880. W. H. 350 r. Rogers, Asenath. 230000. Ethan. 8600. Hannah. 8600. Hannah M. 215852. Mary. 8600. Nathan. S600. Rood, Andrew. 780. 980. Lillian. 230126. See. 780. Root, Elvira. 15420. Moses. 419. Timothy. 15340. Rose, Elizabeth. 384. Sarah (Barto). 400. Rosecrans, Florence E. 6806. Fred. 5541. 6803. Harry T. 6805. J. Eugene. 6807. Leon F. 6804. Marion A. 6808. Rowe, Mary. 205515. Rowley, Aaron. 220. Rumsey, Anna Sarah. 4607. Edith. 4608. Edna Belle. 4609. Florence Lufanna. 4604. Harry Hanford. 4605. Henry H. 2352. 4603. Lula Mary. 4606. Russell, Frederick. 2569. James. 2320. Mary. 2320. Sage, Charles. 4400. Henry Williams. 4400. Sampson," Gray. 7031. Rev. J. H. 4801. Sargents, Lemuel. 14015. Mary. 14015. Satterly, Faith. 11380. Saunders, Elvira. 225002. Sawyer, Mary Ann. 5510. Saxton, Franc P. 4510. Schenck. Edith. 6710. Schuyler, Anthony. 1808. Sciple, Minerva. 7000. Scott, Jane H. 210400. See. 359. Sears, Almeron P. 647. 2430. Caroline. 2400. Cora. 4656. Eugene. 2431. 4655. Lucinda. 4658. Margaret. 4657. Seel, Willomine. 6510. Seymour, David. 200503. Sexton, Benjamin. 40. Catharine. 40. Elizabeth. 40. George. 40. Mary. 40. Shapley, Adam. 8000. Alexander. 3305. Ann. 7. 8000. Benjamin. 7. 3305. 8000. Daniel. 8000. Jane. 8000. Joseph. 8000. Mary. 7. 3305. 8000. 200000. Nicholas. 7. 3305. 8000. Ruth. 8000. Sharpe, Clement. 8780. H. D. 339. Hezekiah D. 8780. Sarah. 8780. Sharpless, Joseph, 10020. Mary. 10020. Sherman, Alfred M. S05. 2930. Avilda. 2932. Eugene. 2934. Eunice. 2931. See. 1 1 262. Valisce. 2933. Shoaff, John. 2593. 4880. Minnie. 4883. Mira E. 4881. 7150. Murtha. 4882. 7160. Tremain. 4S84. Shultz, Clarence. 3527. Joseph. 3528. Levi. 1205. 3525. Mary. 3526. Sickle, Jane. 9500. Simmons, Benjamin. 813. Joseph. 811. Simons, Adeline. 2972. Benjamin. 813. 2950. Charles. 2977. Eugene. 2956. Frank. 2958. George. 2952. Herbert. 2959. James. 2974. 1934 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Simons, Joseph. Sir. 2970. Julius. 2951. Lois. 2954. Lottie. 2953. 2976. Melissa. 2955. Susan. 2971. Sylvina. 2973. Truman. 2957. Simpson, Lucy Elizabeth. 5350. Skeels, Ida M. 4860. Skinner, Ambrose. 2441. Helen. 2442. Hermon Camp. 648. 2440. Levi. 230150. Uriah. 230150. Slack, Amanda M. F. 850. 3650. Sleeper, Helen. 6896. Ray. 6897. See. 5642. 6895. Slocuni, Fred. 4231. Slosson, Frank. 5751. Smith, A. H. 2543. 4740. Abner C. 3435. Amy. 870. Anna 2630. 21 1700. Ashbel T. 655 Rev. C. H. 228150. Calvin. 14495. Charles A. 5376. Charlotte. 648. Christian. 654. Christopher. 645. Elizabeth. 650. Ethlyn. 4633. Eva A. 4741. 6980. Evaline M. 656. Fannie Elizabeth. 4470. Fred M. 3439. Fred P. 1 142. 3434. Gardner. 2041. Grace Helen. 5710. Hannah. 11 190. Herman. 3436. Herman L. 4622. Ira Terry. 65 1 . 2400. Isaiah. 303. 645. James Herbert. 2401. 4630. James S. 652. Jennie. 4631. John. 14581. 15420. Joseph. I r 190. Lillian. 4632. Louisa R. 2392. Lucinda. 647. Lucinda S. 2393. Lucy Belle. 5031. Madison Truman. 2391, 4620. Smith, Mary. 646. Minnie L. 4621. Nancy. 645. Perry. 683. 2040. Peter. 653. Phebe. 863. 3650. See. 4650. Stella A. 3438. Warren T. 4742. 6990. William B. 3437. William Harrison. 649. 2390. Snow, Charles. 782. 3126. Cyrus. 3125. Rev. J. 320. 370. See. 782. Snyder, Arthur Paul. 4531. Clifford Eugene. 4522. Dean Treman. 2232. 4520. Elias. 605. 2230. Hazel Bell. 4532. Julia Ludlow. 4830. Lena May. 4183. Lillian Luetta. 2231. Lottie A. 4181. Louis W. 4182. Maud May. 4521. Otis Elias. 2233. 4530. Ralph Dean. 4533. Stewart C. 191 6. 4180. Soule, Eleanor M. 3404. Spaulding, Lillian. 216400. Spear, George. 9565. Gershom. 9565. Nathaniel. 9565. Speed, Virginia L. 1982. Spellman, Abigail. 400. Springer, Rose. 2645. St. John, Frederick M. 3165. Stacy, Edwin. 981. 3129. Emulous. 983. 3132. Horace. 981. 3128. Orrin. 981. 3127. See. 98 1. Stackhouse, Samuel J. 4183. Stanbrough, Dora Truman. 5724. Frank Truman. 5726. John Blake. 3351. 5723. Lyman Truman. 5725. Stanley, Earl. 6568. Hugh C. 6567. Jerome. 4656. Mary E. 6570. Newton B. 6566. Norman. 4172. 6565. 6569. See. 758. 2645. Susan. 6571. Starr, Abigail. 215225. Index of Names. 1935 Starr, Samuel. 8000. See. 320. Stedman, Amos C. 1184. 3465. Anna L. 3467. Homer. 3466. Kate A. 5770. Steele, Alice T. 5790. Stephens, Ella. 471 1. George F. 5092. Jesse W. 1804. Stevens, Cora Ann. 4270. Stickle, John P. 6972. Stickney, A. J. 4752. Stillman, Nancy. 202. Stokes, Mrs. Jane A. 216500. Stolp, Peter A. 604. Stone, Eli W. 3443. 5850. Fannie M. 5851. James T. 3445. 5860. Jennie L. 3444. John. 3446. Lauren. 4385. Mary R. 4385. Will'iam M. 5852. William P. 1106. 3442. Siio. 212625. Stout, Abigail. 10500. See. 10685. Stratton, Donald. 5881. Edwin. 3385. 5880. Ruth. 3350. Streeter, Sophia. 15745-20. Strong, Betsey. 3280. Lucy. 3280. Othniel. 3280. William. 954. 3200. Swarthout, Mary A. 4620. Swartwout, Frances. 6640. Sweezey, Clarence. 4945. 7120. Myra Bell. 7121. Swift, Clayton Merrin. 2602. 4900. Edith May. 4901. Helen Merrin. 4903. Tremain L. 4902. Syboda, Kempo. Sooo. Taber, Augustus. 4220. Helen L. 4220. Rescom. 382. Taft, Betsey A. 5335. Taintor, Mary. 2080. Talcotte, Hope. 3375. Tallmadge, Clara L. 4306. Tanner, Prof. John Henry. 4400. Taylor, Charles. 4306. Delia. 4301. Douglas Winston. 4982. Henry. 6641. Taylor, Kate. 4303. Lawrence L. 4304. 6640. Martin Jellette! 2704. 49S0. Marvel Bernice. 4981. Mary. 4302. Minerva L. 4307. Myra Susan. 4305. Teed, Charles. 4303. 6650. Teflft, Betsey. 832. Dee. 3005. Edwin. 3003. George. 3001. Julius. 3004. Rush. 3006. William. 250. 830. 831. 3000. 3002. Tennery, Sarah A. 3473-2. Terry, Eugene. 4305. Leland. 6680. Leland Wixon. 6682. Richard Taylor. 6681. Thomas, Abigail. 8620. Jemima. 570. Thompson, A. Chase. 3377. 5795. Amelia. 330. 3305. Annie. 5896. Mrs. Betsey. 15800. Caroline. 5425. Clarence A. 3353. 5728. Eliza Ann. 5425. George W. 5897. Hugh E. 634. 2340. Isaac. 330. 3305. Jennie Martha. 2200. Col. Joseph. 330. 3305. Mary. 330. 3305. Mary Helen. 2341. Sarah. 2342. Sidney Welles. 5729. Thorp, Nellie. 4440. Throop, See. 241. Thurston, Deborah. 3410. Tiffany, Rosannah. 755. Tillborn, Betsey. 4015. Tilley, Hannah. 200500. See. 66. Tomlin.son, Laura. 3000. Tompkins, Mvron N. 6680. Torot, Elizabeth. 13085. Torrey, Marion. 220100. Town, Ella. 7050. Townsend, Caleb. 2670. Eliza. 2670. Zelina. 2670. Tracy, Freeman. 11 230. Treat, Dep. Gov. 3305. Treeman, C. Irving. 230200. 1936 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Treeman, L. D. 11352. Simeon. 83. E. H. I 1354. Treemans, J. W. 230235. Tremain, Aaron. 2751. Abraham C. 2594. 4860. AbramK. 731. 2535. 2560. 4725. Albert. 685. 10321. Alfred. 10604. Alfred F. 11360. Alice. 983. Allie. 8150. Almira. 216304. Alonzo. 10323. AltaS. 4866. Amasa. 232. Ann. 124. Anna. 2561. 10602. Anna Maria. 10326. Annie. 10603. Annie M. 6870. Annis. 1013. Arthla L. 4841. 7130. Arthur K. 4701. Arthur L. 4841. Augustus. 231. 750. 2631. 4935. Augustus Porter. 752. 2630. B. E. L. 10810. Barclay. 10616. Benjamin. 120. 221. 625. 725. 994. 1022. 10500. 10540. Carlton A. 4865. Catharine. 765. 4840. Catherine Mary. 105 17. Charles. 757. 2632. 10601. 10685. Charles A. 2640-1. Charles E. 4864. Charles Patterson. 751. Charles W. 2561. 4770. Charles William. 10501. 10600. Charlotte. 10643. Clarissa. 728. 2610. Clement. 4729. 6500. Clotilda T. 2543. Cynthia. 1062. Daniel. 49. Daniel M. 727. 2530. 2581. 2591. 4830. 4840. David Ladd. 10641. Dorothy. 9. 92. Duane. 5652. Dwight. 4784. Edith. 4783. Edgar Lewis. 10611. Edward. 2640-3. Edward Dunsier. 10633. 10720. Edward George. 10642. 10750. Tremain, Edward Thomas. 1052 1. 10640. Edwin R. 230237. Eliza. 759. 763. Eliza Bertha. 10705. Eliza Lee. 105 16. Marian Maud. 10636. Elizabeth. 48. 4730. 225250. Ella. 4792. Ellen Maria Euphemia. 10520. Elmina. 2569. Emily. 769813. Emily S. 228260. Emma. 11336. Emma Sophia. 10327. Erastus. 271. 745. Eugenia. 4726. Eva Maud. 10704. Fay C. 4S34. 6510. Fern Ludlow. 6512. Fitz Clarence. 230255. Flora S. 2601. Florence. 230257. Floyd. 4871. Frances. 4772. Frank. 5675. 10604. Frederick Valentine. 10634. 10730. Gains, 44. 46. 230. Gaius M. 5513. 6870. 6872. 7S10. 78(1. Gardner K. 734. 2590. Georgana. 4705. George. 719, 2563. 4771. 10605. George L. 230236. George Lowell. 10519. George W. 103 11. 10350. Georgiana Adelaide. 10632. 10740, Gertrude. 4728. Gertrude H. 4861. Glenvell Dunsier. 10709. H. E. 229800. Hannah. 680. Harelock. 230256. Harmon H. 5671. 6910. Harvey. 732. 2580. 4703. Henry. 997. 229560. Horace. 979. 3080. Hudson. 2533. 4702. Ida Delphine. 2602. James. 720. 10560. James B. 4851. James K. 2564. 4780. James Kortright. 735. 2600. James Scott. 10503. 10620. Jane. 753. Jared. 50. 776. Index of Names. 1937 Tremain, Jehial. 254. 715. Jenefer. X0303. 103 12. 10328. John. 40. 43. 47. 117. 8630. 8770. 10300. 10301. 10310. 10313. 10322. 10500. 10515. John D. 5673. John Dunsier. 105 18. 10630. John Ford. 1035 1. John Henry. 10702. John J. 2592. 4850. John Lewis. 10502. 10610. John Milton. 762. 769. Jonathan. 42. 116. 118. 97S. 10500. Joseph. 119. 996. 1005. loio. 3285. 5660. 10500. 10550. 205600. Josephine. 8678. Joshua. 693. Judson H. 4832. Julia. 10314. Julius. 46. 240. 251. 294. 691. 700. 1018. Justin. 1006. 230155. Justus. 377. 442. 672. 975. 976. 212000. 229530. Kern. 2568. Laura. 4782. Laura C. 2531. Letha. 6501. Lilah. 6502. Louie R. 4791. Louis. 212002. Louisa. 10. 531. 4727. 10602. 2 1 2004. Lucia. 216301. 220800. Lucian. 216301. 220800. Lucinda. 2544. Lucretia. 981. Lucy. 1018. Luella Teressa. 10706. Mabel. 1014. Margaret. 805. 1005. Maroa. 212008. Maria. 733. Maria C. 2567. Martha E. 2596. Martha Eva. 2570. Mary. 768. 2551. 10504. 212007. 216302. 230155. Mary A. 8675. Mary Elizabeth. 10329. Mary J. 2566. Mary Jane. 759. Mary Lewis. 10613. Michael. 10300. Mildred Elwell. 4774. Millie Lee. 10701. Tremain, Milo. 962. Milo B. 233. 755. Minnie. 2595. Molly V. 779. Morris. 225802. Munson. 777. Myron. 959. 3170. Nathaniel. 122. Nellie. 4773. Noble D. 2532. 4700. Norman. 216303. Olive. 954. Dr. Orlando G. 5672. Orrin. 3284. 5650. 5651. Orrin A. 2858. 5270. Phebe. 980. Phebe E. 2593. Philip. 41. 115. 220. 726. Philip Augustus. 10703. Polly. 700. 992. Porter. 2633. Mrs. R. J. 229S60. Rachel. 121. Reuben. 998. Richard. 746. 2640. 2640-2. 10302. 10320. 10325. 10500. 10530. Robert. 212005. Robert Luther. 10708. Ross C. 2567. 4790. Ross Clark. 4833. Ross S. 4863. Roy. 4793. Rudolph. 229800. Rufus Arthur. 10635. Russell. 756. 2642. Ruth A. 4842. 7140. Sarah. 9S2. Sarah Minnie. 5674. Scott. 1 1334. See. 230320. Seelon Fay. 651 1. Seward. 106 15. Solomon. 418. 990. 995. 1008. Sophia. 680. Squire. 993. Sula. loii. Sylvester. 1007. 212001. Sylvia. 297. 703. Svlvina. 682. Tarance T. 4862. Venice. 2603. _ Violet. 125. Warren. 729. 77S. 2540. Warren B. 2597. 4870. William. 730. 740. 747. 2550. 4704. 4781, 212003. 216300. 229550. 1938 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Tremain, William Edward. 10707. William Lee. 10631. 10700. Tremaine, Abigail Amelia. 2857. Abner. 212654. Abram. 767. 2740. Ada. 5178. Adaline. 2 [2655. Adaline Allen. 5465. Albert. 806. 2900. Albert Barnes. 215856. Albert W. 5643. 6892. 215856. Alice. 2743. Alice E. 5091. Alice R. 215858. Almira Amanda. 2645. Almira M. 2851. Alonzo Thompson. 5431. Alva H. 3122. Ambrose Barnes. 5536. 215852. Amelia L,. 3174. Ann. 8661. Anna G. 229620. Ansel. 21650:. Arthur. 797. 2890. Arthur B. 5363. Arthur J. 230185. Arthur L. 5452. 6790. Asahel. 3057. 5525. Augustus E. 2882. 5350. Austin. 2966. Aveline. 212656. B. E. ly. 230160. Bertha Bell. 5156. Bessie. 5261. Bessie E. 5581. Betsy. 250. 3044. 3287. C. Adele. 5541. 6730. Calvin. 248. 680. 754. 761. 800. 956. 958- Calvin W. 5315. Caroline Augusta. 766. 3 191. Carrie Iva. 5231. Carrie L. 6890. Catharine. 715. Celestia. 787. Charles. 757. 814. 2647. 2650. 2965. 2981. 5570. 6866. Charles A. 3290. 5680. Charles B. 5661. 6930. Charles D. 6751. Charles H. 2843. 5i85- Charles Henry Belknap. 5496. Charles Ives. 3182. 5485. Charles Milton. 5426. 6S10. 6812. 216000. 216002. 220525. Charles Wilson. 2653. 5580. Charlotte A. 3186. Tremaine, Chloe. 957. Clara A. 5642. Clarence. 5196. Clarence Cooke. 7802. Clarence L. 5314. Clarence P. 230205. Clark. 821. 2980. Claude A. 5336. Cyrus. 3123. D. L. 230190. Daniel. 270. 781. 2750. 3173. 2 1 265 1. David. 977. 3051. 31 10. David A. 3112. David Frederick. 2892. Delia. 2901. Diantha. 786. Doris C. 5234. Dorothy. 7801. Dorr P. 2868. 5320. Earl. 6946. Earl F. 3096. Edith. 5292. Edward. 791. 2830. 6867. 11 160. Edward H. 2831. 5175. Edward J. 2866. 5310. Edward L. 3172. Edward V. 5123. 6760. Edwin. 315 1. 5500. Edwin R. 3164. 5475. Eliza. 961. Elizabeth. 5241. Elizabeth Ardell. 2652. Elizabeth Miriam. 51 11. 7290. Elizabeth Rockwell. 5488. Ella. 5102. Ellen R. 215851. Elvira Maranda. 2646. Emery E. 5312. Emily. 3281. Emily J. 5516. Emma S. 2870. Emmons. 3283. 5640. Ernest Russell. 5154. Eva. 5176. F. W. 230195. Flavia. 3045. Flora. 5454- Florence. 6811. Florence Newhall. 216001. Floyd. 2832. Frank. 5662. 6940. 6945. Frank B. 5186. 6750. Frank M. 5501. Frank W. 5451. Franklin. 5321. Frederick Bampton. 6851, Index of Names. 1939 Tremaine, Frederick Lyman. 5441. 220500. Frederick Walter. 6792. Gaius. 3055. 5510. Gaius M. 5513. 6870. George. 822. 2643. 2742. 5560. George B. 5213. George C. 3053. George D. 2844. 5195. George F. 3153. 5502. George Lafayette. 3041. 5615. George R. 55 11. 6865. Gilbert E. 6752. Gilbert H. 2855. 5250. Gilbert R. 5362. Giles \V. 11210. 212658. 216500. Glenn. 6943. Grace. 5179. Grace E. 5519. Grace W. 215855. Grenville E. 5442. 6780. 220510. Harriet. 823. 3058. Harriet Allen. 5487. Harriet N. 5517. Harry. 521 1. 5294. Harry C. 512 1. Harry E. 5364. Harry J. 5618. 6890. Harry Leon. 6742. Harry Raymond. 6891. Hazel M.'676i. Helen. 5453. Helen Elizabeth. 5443. Helen Katharine. 5093. Helen M. 5518. Henry. 997. 3060. Henry Abner. 11362. Henry B. 229640. Henry Barnes. 6821. 7800. Henry D. 2871. Gen. Henry Edwin. 5476. 6770. Herman J. 2881. 5335. Hettie. 5318. Lt. Hobart L. 5463. Hugh C. 6753- Ira. 1009. 3280. Ira Bert. 5168. Ira H. 691 1. Ira Harwood. 3288. 5670. Ira L. 2891. 5375. Isaac. 951. 3134. 3152. Israel Phelps. 3163. 5460. J. W. 11350. J. Eugene. 5542. 6800. James. 824. 5293. James Byron. 2762. 5165. Jane. 803. 2773. Tremaine, Jane Lincoln. 3042. Jennie. 5317. Jessie M. 5212. 7280. John. 2644. 2694. 2741. 3135. John A. 2854. John H. 5233. John M. 793. 2S50. John Milton. 960. 3193. 5425. John Newton. 5427. Joseph. 32S5. 5660. Joseph Collins. 797. 3040. Josephine O. 5338. Josephine S. 2884. Joshua. 794. Julia. 3084. Julia Ann. 7S8. Julia E. 215857. Julius. 785. 792. 2840. Julius E. 5187. Justus. 442. 782. 2760. 3095. 3124. Justus Jay. 31 11. 5550. Katie. 5197. Katie A. 6741. Laura. 963. 3056. 3175. Laura Elizabeth. 5429. Lena E. 5571. Leon M. 5582. Leon R. 5361. Levi. 952. 3160. Levi J. 2S46. Lewis. 5122. Lewis E. 230210. Lewis Erwin. 5101. 6740. Lillian Zula. 5155. Lizzie M. 5214. Lodema. 253. Lois. 243. 811. Louis. 701. 5177. Lucinda. 252. Lucretia. 443. 444. Lucy. 240. Lucy Emily. 3286. Lucy H. 5512. Lula B. 5339. Luther D. 2862. Lyda May. 5166. Lydia. 804. Lydia A. 3046. Lyman. 247- 790- 3'6i. 5440. 5444. 215800. 229800. Lvman H. 28S5. Lyman J. 2S53. 5240. Lyman Lord. 220526. Mabel C. 527^- Margaret Jane. 2651. Margaret L. 5376- Marguerite M. 6912. I940 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Tremaine, Maria L. 2859. Marie Estelle. 6813. 216003. Mark. 2751. 5090. Mark J. 5125. Marshall Victor. 2761. 5150. Martha. 5641. Martha Ellen. 4831. 6720. Martin. 242. 765. 766. 795. 2865. Martin L. 5313. Mar}'. 2744. 3054. 22S170. Mary A. 2867. 5515. Mary Ann. 784. 802. Mary E. 2847. 531 1. Mary Eveline. 2894. 53S5. Mary Frances. 5092. Mary L. 5461. 5497. Mar}^ Maria. 3289. Mary Pearl. 5157. Maud. 5150. Maud M. 5337. Maud Victoria. 5188. Millie. 5165. Milmancia Antoinette. 5430. Milo. 964. 3150. Milo H. 5583. M indwell. 3160. Mont Morenca. 5153. Myron D. 5543. Myron J. 3113. 5540. Nancy. 2753. 5130. Nathaniel. 430. 441. 950. 955. 3180. Nettie A. 6910. Nora. 2745. Norman. 2773. Norman Benjamin. 2893. Olive L. 3185. Pamelia S. 5514. Parthenia. 3184. Pearl. 6941. Pluma E. 3165. Ralph J. 3043. Ray. 5159. Raymond. 6893. Reuben. 998. 3050. Richard. 312. 11332. Robert. 51 12. 229650. Robert E. 5 1 24. Robert Ellsworth. 5281. Robert William. 6791. Rodman C. 5551. Roswell. 244. Roy D. 5271. Ruby. 6942. Russell. 245. 780. 2642. 2755. 51 10. Russell R. 5126. Tremaine, Ruth. 6913. Samuel E. 2883. 5360. Sarah. 3083. 3 121. Sarah J- 2842. Saul. 2752. 5100. Seth K. 2S52. 5230. Silas Adams. 3061. 8100. Simeon. 123. 440. Sophia. 783. 2754. 3052. 5140. Stephen. 246. Susan A. 2841. 5220. Sylvester F. 3082. 5535. 215850. 215854- Sylvina. S05. 812. Sylvine. 241. Teressa. 3097. Theodore. 796. 28S0. Theodore M. 2S60. 52S0. Thomas P. 5681. 6920. Thyrza C. 5232. Tompkins. 3277. Truman. 3282. Ursula. 212653. Varnum W. 5291. Victor Eugene. 5167. Wallace H. 5316. Wallace W. 2869. Walter. 5477. Warren. 729. 778. 2540. 3278. 212657. Warren H. 2856. 5260. Warren W. 11330. Wayne. 6945. William. 953. 3162. 3173. 3190. 5450. 5526. William Allen. 5486. 6850. William Augustus. 3192. William B. 2S45. 5210. William Burrows. 6822. William Burton. 5428. 6820. 229680. William C. 11150. 230260. William Carey. 3081. William D. 5616. 6S80. William F. 801. William Fenton. 5537. 215853. William Henry. 3183. 5464. 5495. William Wallace. 2756. 5120. Willis J. 2861. 5290. Winnie Dell. 5152. Treman, Abner. 51. 300. 308. 529. 570. 201300. Abner Chase. 579. Ada Bell. 2203. Addie T. 610. Adrianna. 611. Adrianna Leonora. 562. Index of Names. 1941 Treman, Adrianna Phedora. 561. Albert Lincoln. 186S. 4060. Alden James. 2191. 4515. Alfred. 310. 581. 600. Alfred Riley. 519. iSSo. Alice. 301 1. Alida Ellen. 1992. Allan Hosie. 4017. Alonzo. 601. Amanda. 863. 2670. 2690. Amy Lov-enia. 2292. Ann Floretta. 544. Anna. 1S91. 2672. Anna Louisa. 1807. Annis. 303. 645. Antoinette. 607. Asenath. 282. Ashbel. 305. 540. Augustus. 4223. Barbara Ellen. 4212. Benjamin. 275. 277. Betsey Ann. 511. Byron Edson. 2184. 4470. Calvin. 304. 528. 537. Caroline. 1892. Caroline Elizabeth. 580. Carrie I. 18S2. Carrie Olive. 3542. Charles. 313. Charles B. 1985. Charles Edward. 181 1. 4025. 1 1380. 215000. Charlotte. 309. 660. Clinton Dewitt. 1866. 4050. Cornelia. 861. 2670. Cornelia Ann. 565. Cynthia. 574. Dewitt. 617. Dewitt Carlton. 4552. Dewitt Charles. 2272. 4550. Diana. 840. Ebenezer Mack. 1805. 4000. Edgar. 843. Edward. 692. Edwin Grant. 1993. Elbert B. 1983. Elias. 543. 1808. Elias Thomas. 571. Elijah. 262. Eliza. 232. Elizabeth. 205516. Elizabeth Ann. 518. Elizabeth Lovejoy. 1809. 4030. Elizabeth S. 532. Ella. 2671. Ellen Asenath. 2181. Ellen Augusta. 567. Treman, Ellen M. 538. Emily. 702. Emily A. 535. Ivnima Viola. 2183. Ennnet Taber. 4222. Erastus. 609. 2200. Erastus Rose. 311. 615. Eva. 1867. Eva Alice. 4516. Eva Ruth. 4063. Evaline McLlallen. 572. Francis. 866. 2670. 26S0. Frank A. 1883. 4070. Frank Lincoln. 4061. Frank Walter. 1991. 4210. Frederick Demont. 6n. 3540. Frederick Orlin. 4551. George. 844, George B. 536. 1990. George Clinton. 4051. George F. 229630. Gertrude Pearl. 2204. Gertrude Theodosia. 566. 2 no. 2120. Harry. 4062. Harry Bishop. 2192. Harrv Rav. 4071. Hatti'e T. '607. Helen Martha. 4473. Henrietta. 606. Hiram. S41. 3010. Howard Dwight. 4221. Howard Lafayette. 1994. 4220. Huldah. 261. 842. Ida Bell. 2205. Inez Leah. 3543. James. 11375. James Calvin. 1982. James E. 11328. James Harney. 867. 2670. James W. 521. Jay C. 2682. Jared. 280. 307. 560. Jared S. 577- Jeanne JJlead. 1806. 4005. Jeremiah. 264. 850. 2670. 205515. Jerome. 522. 618. 2280. John. 230. 235. 260. 263. 324. 730. 851. 2670. 205500. 205517. Jonathan. 302. 510. Joseph. 251. 279. Josephine Amelia. 564. Julius. 276. 852. 2670. 205518. Katharine Corley. 1802. 4010. Lafayette Lepine. 542. 1804. 230325- Leola May. 2271. 1942 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Treman, Leonard. 541. 619. 2290. Leonard Carr. 2291. Leonora Eudora. 354 1 . Lepine Camp. 563. LeRoy. 26S2. Lester Wallace. 4462. Lillie Alice. 4461. Louisa. 894. Louise Anna. 603. Lucinda. 306. Lufanna. 512. M. Blance. 4073. Madison. 530. 19S0. Manverny. 84 7. Mark Reed. 4472. Maria Ives. 4052. Mary. 304. 513. 630. Mary A. 605. Mary Ann. 534. 1881. Mary Caroline. 545. Mary Jane. 585. Mary Jeanette. 2202. Mary L. 579- Melissa. 584. Mildred Buck. 2293. Milo. 211302. Milo B. 218. Miner C. 520. 1890. Minnie Mae. 1884. Nancy. 516. Nancy E. 864. 2670. Nettie T. 604. Olive. 223. Orlin. 616. 2270. Orinda L. 582. Oscar W. 862. 2670. Parnel. 533. Perry Earl. 4463. Persis. 211301. Phebe. 845. Ray Arthur. 2185. Raymond. 4064. Richard. 531. ^ Riley. 523. Robert Carlton. 4213. Robert Elias. 4016. Robert Henry. 1810. 4015. Rowena. 846. Roxanna. 518. Ruth Ethel. 4471. Sabra. 865. 2670. Saloma. 853. 2670. 205519. Sarah. 222. 514. Sarah Elizabeth. 604. Sarah P. igSr. Scott. 229610. 1800. Treman, Sevellen Alden. 608. 2190. Sitton. 265. Sophia. 281. 680. Susan M. 515. Viola. 3012. Walter. 421 1. Walter Roy. 2201. Whiting. 266. 860. Willett. 512. William. 224. 250. William Gilbert. 517. 1865. William M. 228270. William McDonald. 1984. William Wallace. 602. 2180. 5120^ Zidon Wallace. 2182. 4460. Zula. 4072. Tremayne, Ebenezer. 228528. Francis. 228501. 228525. 228527. Tremayne, Henry. 11366. 228504. 228529. Herbert O. 228030. John. 228500. 228505. Richard. 228502. William. 228503. William Henry. 228526. Trembly, Ann. 510. Annis. 510. John. 600. 1880. Mary Ann. 600. Mary Jane. 1880. Roxana. 1880. Tresilian, Marie. 4612. Trimain, Solomon. 990. Trimble, Samuel. 10020. Trimmins, Abner. 300. Trimons, Abner. 300. Philip. 220. Trueman, Adam. 9504. Albert. 229903. Alfred A. 9738. Barbara. 229690. Benjamin. 229710. Charles. 229730. David. 230140. Elizabeth Amy. iiooi. Frederic Alexander, iiooi. Hannah. 10020. 10023. Harmon, iiooo. Howard. 229901. Humphrey Pickard. iiooi. J. J. 229670. J. Albert F. 9734. James. loooo. 10022. 11375. 229660. James E. 11328. Jane. 230241. Jededia Lathrop. 225002. Index of Names. 1943 Trueman, John. 9500. 9501. 9520. 9521. 9600. 22S020. 230230. John Main. 229900. John T. 9740. Jonathan. 90. Joseph. 10020. 1002 1. 229700. Louisa Cynthia. 11 001. Lydia. 9664. Mary. 10025. Margaret Jane, iiooi. Morris. loooi. 10020. 10024. Peter, iiiii. Richard, i i i 10. Robert. 230242. Sally. 9551. 9565. Sarah. 11003. Sarah Anne. 11 001. See. II 170. Silas. 229910. Silas \V. 230165. Stephen Bainford. iiooi. Susan. 9663. 229710. Thomas. 9502. 9535. 9601. 9700. 1 1 145- 229720. Thompson. 229902. Dr. Thompson Joseph. 1 1020. W. A. 1 1025. W. Cabell. 11 215. William. 9503. 9550. 9602. 9732. 22S230. William H. 228240. Truman, Aaron. 353. mo. 11 29. Aaron B. ^361. 5730. Abel G. 8640. Abigail. 94. 201408. Abigail Pearce. 383. Achsah Maria. 228130. Addie S. 5774. Adeline. 11 20. 3351. 3362. Adelaide. 3363. Adelbert. 229944. Adelbert W. 2rio4[. 216215. Albert 205203. Albert A. 3393. 5800. Alexander. 226503. 22S000. Alexander Smith. 1 1364. Alice M. 230100. Almas. 1 1 175. Alvin M. 210027. 216200. Alvin W. 230301. Amanda Nancy. 382. Amelia. 333. 230245. Amelia Ann. 758. Amy Janette. 1027. 8197. Ane'r G. 3354. Ann. 21. 356. 1 190. 3305. 3473. Anna. 226527. Truman, Anna Loretta. 3294. S1S3. Anne. 63. Annette. 22S036. .\nnie G. 5741. Arthur Hollister. 8S11. Asa H. 354. 1 1 25. 3411. Asaph C. 1041. 8211. S236. Asenath. 205205. Augustus. 3406. 58 10. Benjamin. 16. 71. 75. 415. 416. 3305- Benjamin C. 3301-3. Benjamin Cummings. 861. 3650. Benjamin L. 1105. 3340. Bennie. 228851. Bert. 1 1 294. Bertha M. 229920. Bertie L. 5751. Bessie. 1 1 286. Betsey A. i i 190. Burdette Clark. 8S12. 8820. Mrs. C. H. 229840. C. Irving. 228180. C. M. 9716. C. P. 11205. Caroline. 8690. Caroline Foster. 863. 1233. 3650. Carrie A. 216203. Carrie Goodhue. 225004. Captain. 9730. Catharine. 3412. 11 140. 226530. 228060. 229942. Celia. 9701. Celia Green. 225001. Celia Maria. 225002. Charles E. 11 12. 3360. 8145. Charles Elmore. 8212. 8220. Charles F. 3567. 5753. 230302. Charles L. 1130. 3410. Charles Moulton. 225002. Charlotte. 11 16. Charlotte N. 3423. Chester. 229820. Chester H. 8683. Christine Victoria. 5702. Clara. 1235. 9722. Clara F. 865. 3650. Clara Lois. 225003. Clarence. 3651. Clarence P. 228190. Clark. 29.205206 205226. 21 1080. 230001. 230020. Clarinda. 229941. Clarinda S. 228050. Claris.sa. 1082. 205206. 2110.S0. 230001. Cleveland. 3301-4. 5710. 1944 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Truman, Cynthia. 1081. D. 1133S. Daniel. 17. 65. 72. 202. 330. 355- 671. 3305. 201 102. 205225. 228080. 229930. Daniel Henry. 336. 1090. 3305. David. 358. 3337. David H. 8842. 229740. David Sanford. 1030. 3302. 230220. DeForest W. 220702. Devere. 11 283. 228160. Dora Experience. 3353. Dorinda M. 11 13. Dorothy. 220716. Dorothy Fee. 5701. Dudley. 229790. Mrs. E. 229830. Edgar M. 3401. Edith Sophia. 331 1. Edna. 4715. 6965. Edward. 314. 228290. 230170, Edward D. 11 28. 3404. Edwin. 2[iooi. Eleanor E. 581 1. Eleazor. 10. 26. Elias \V. ^363. 5750. Elijah. 8640. 8650.. Eliza. 331. 332. 1 107. 3305. Elizabeth. 4. 9. 34. 36. 97. 217. 339- 3305- 3650. 11260. 11281. 227001. Elizabeth A. 8780. Elizabeth M. 3396. Ella. 9723. 225003. Ella S. 1091. Ellen. 228300. 230180. Elliot Davis. 3293. 8181. Eloisa. 2 1 1043. Emily Augusta. 3352. Emma J. 21 1028. Emma L. 228310. 230175. Enos. 3298. Ephraim C. 229944. Eri. 1 1 273. 1 1 290. Ernest. 229850. Erwin B. 8195. Esther. 67. 3305. Esther L. 228828. Eulalia. 3306. Eunice. 230100. Evan. 225805. Ezra. 1 1 272. Fanny. 11 18. 5731. 11284. Ferdinand. 394. Florence. 1096. 11348. 229780. Florence A. 8682. Truman, Fergus. S750. Frances K. 3328. 228032. 22S220. Francis W. 1 1 15. Frank. 3380. 230303. Frank A. 8760. Frank C. 5752. Frank Elmer. 8233. Frank S. 5771. 216202. 220715. Frank Weed. 8820. Fred W. 3299. 8195. Frederica. 3422. Frederick. 3421. Frederick A. "^405. Frederick Colfax. 88 14. Freeman. 11274. 11300. G. F. 4711. General. 11375. Genevieve. 11306. George. 213. 11 17. 3299-1- 3375- 3378. 3650. 3652. 5780. 8193. 1 1293. 226006. 226501. 226525. 226531. 228034. 228S04. 229580. 230239. George A. 2534. 4710. 11322. George Jackson. 225004. George Steele. 5791. George W. 8192. 11 190. 216201. 220700. Gertrude. 3307. 11301. Gertrude E. 8681. Gilbert. 21 1410. Gilbert Elmer. 8222. 8240. Gilbert T. 3379. 5790. Gladys. 11304. Glycera. 1 1307. Goldie. 1 1 303. Grace. 11302. Grove. 11305. Guy. 372. H. G. 1 1326. Hannah. 33. 201409. Hannah .\ndrus. 381. Harmon S. 1 1324. Harriet. 3395. 228100. Harry. 11292. 225003. Harry C. 9724. Harry J. 5721. Harvey H. 230304. Helen. 3364. Henry. 15. 69. 320. 3305. 8695. 8715. 8725. 205203. Henry Gilbert. 337. Henry Hammond. 218. 860. 3650. Henry Hertel. 1092. 3305. Henry Levi. 1026. 3291. Herman. 3398. Index of Names. 1945 Truman, Horace. 9703. 9721. Horace F. 1 1370. Horace Parkhurst. 225004. Howard James. 227003. Howard Vernon. 8242. Imogene A. A. 867. 3650. Ira. 11271. 11280. Ira A. 1028. 3296. 8190. Irving L. 3397- Irving P. 1 1320. 2 r 1026. Irwin Joseph. 10030. Isaac Newton. 3292. 81S0. Isabelle. 4712. 6950. Iva. 1 1282. Mrs. J. 229810. J. Iv. 230240. James. 92S. 1103. 1143. 3430. 8670. loooo. 10022. I 1340. 11375. 225501. 225800. 225804. 226000. 226502. 226528. 227000. 228803. James C. 1029. 3300. 3301-2. 5700. James Henry. 3301. James K. 229950. James Steele. 5792. Jane. 14. 334. 342. 3305. Jay Emery. 8214. 8230. Jedediah Lathrop. 9702. 9715. Jeffrey. 226004. John. 12. 27. 39. 200. 212. 214. 862. 1232. 3305. 3650. 8186. 8730. 1 1358. 201407. 2 1 1000. 228805. 229934. 229944. 230100. 230145- John B. 3336. 5720. 230220. John Bache. 5802. John Ephraim. 99. 400. 8185. 20 1 400. John G. 5793. John H. 8700. 229570. John Henry. 866. 3650. John L. iioi. John Stewart. 5704. Jonathan. 22. 32. 90. 96. 380. Joseph. I. 2. 7. II. 34. 37. 211. 417. 1080. 3305. 8000. 8020. 8810. 11342. 200000. 201 100. 205200. Joseph C S801. 8810. Joseph Moore. 226002. 226500. Joseph S. 229750. Josephine. 220803. Josephine A. 21 1042. JuHa. 1126. 3424. Julius. 421. Katharine. 229932. Lafayette HoUister. 8823. Truman, Laura H. 1131. Lawrence. 8841. Leon. 8182. Levi. 351. 205702. Levi B. 1 102. 1 127. 3325. Leslie D. 220701. Lewis. 1 1220. Lewis E. 228200. Lillian E. 3431. 8120. Lillie B. 3400. Lillie J. 3399. Lizzie May. 8813. Llewellyn. 225803. 226504. Louisa. 1094. Lovisa. 357. Lucinda. 8216. Lucius. 1 127. 3392. Lucy. 355. 1 14 1. 3326. 3368. Lucy Ann. 385. Lyman. 352. iioo. iiii. 3350. Lyman B. 3365. 5740. Lyman D. 3432. 81 15. Lyman Duane. 220801. Lyman R. 3329. Mabel. 3303-1. 5743. Mabel Perley. 225004. Maggie Mae. 8234. Margaret. 201403. Maria A. 228040. Marie Faure. 3314. Marietta. 21 1004. Marjorie Cleveland. 5701. Marjorie Cordelia. 3312. Martha Field. 5703. Marquis. 211002. Mary. 5. 8. 13. 30. 35. 70. 3305. 3327. 8193. 8735. 1 1 263. 201401. 220802. 226506. 226526. 227002. 227501. 229936. Mary Adell. 22S120. Mary Ann. 8213. Mary Chapman. 340. Mary E. 11 19. 1142. 211044. Mary Ette. 8221. S250. Major. 11375. Millicent 21 1003. Milo A. 3297. S193. Minnie Bache. 5801. Morris. 225802. Mumford. 1093. 3310. Nancy. 11 180. Nathan. 92. 98. 216. 390. 391. 401. 1025. 3301-1. 3650. S205. 8660. 201404. 205725. 229933. 229940. Nathan Ivlbert. 3295. 8184. Nathan Rogers. 205202. 21 1025. 1946 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Truman, Nellie. 47 13- 6960. 11291. Truman, Thaddeus Field. 1031. 3303 Nellie E. 3341- 8160. Nellie J. 3407. Thomas. 3. 20. 24. 91. no. 370 Nellie Melvina. S232. 402. 1040. 8210. 9700. 1 1230. Ora Mabel. 8232. 11260. 1 1261. 1 1270. 201405 Orin. 1 1 14. 5742. 205740. 22500c. 228806. 229930 Orson. 8215. 229931 Orville. 9704. 9720. 9725. 225003. Thomas Leffingwell. 384. Percival Henry. 8720. Whitney. 3313. Percy Edwin. 9716. William. 100. 210. 8710. 201 100 Peter. 903. 8610. 11130 11135. 226007. 228S00. 22^930. 229935 230300. William Chase. 5773. Phaon. 8830. 8831. 8840 William D. 5772. Philetus. 211081. William E. 3431. • Philetus Clark. 230021. 230100. William H. 1133. 3420. 8130. Philip. 25. 228800. 228802. I '235. 228850. William Henry. 228801. 228825. Ralston. 230305. William Henry Pearce. 386. Ransom. 228852. William M. 205204. 210040. Ray Edgar. 8241. William S. 3376. 5770. Rebecca. 226001. William Thompson. 338. 1085. Rebeccah. 341. Tunison, Claudius Cowan. 2392. Rhoda. 420. Turner, Edward Alonzo. 2183. 4500. Richard. 225500. 225801. 226005. Ezekiel. 8000. 228210. George. 4501. Robert. 11356. George D. 515. i960. Robert Hamilton. 57S1. Harriet. 3040. Ross M. 228280. . Kate E. 4191. Roy Burdette. 8821. Mary Cornelia. 1963. Ruth. 228827. Pearl. 4502. S. 230306. Samuel. 516. S. J. 229600. Samuel Bates. 1804. Sally. 201402. Willet G. 1 96 1. 4190. Sanmel J. W. 11344. 229760. William Andrew. 1962. 230238. Tuttle, Esther. 212000. Sanford J. 4714. Twiggs, Indiana Cordelia. 215200. Sarah. 38. 68. 93. 215. 2 .73- 392. Gen. John. 215200. 419. 3650. 1 1285. 226507. Twining, Charles. 105 17. 10650. 2265^0. 230239. Tyler, Mason Whiting. 6770. Sarah A. 865. Updyke, Elijah A. 577. 2145. Sarah E. 5775. Utter, George Delos. 2082. 4390. Sarah F. 3377. Josephine Treman. 4391. See. 230250. Linda Louise. 4392. Serena Loreta. 3301-5. Valentine, Anna. 631. Shem. 76. 350. Calvin. 633. 2300. Silas. 229770. Charles. 2302. Solomon. 418. Eliza. 639. Sophia. 205207. 2 1 1082. Henry. 636. 2310. Stephen J. 11346. James Henry. 2312. Stephen S. 1104. 3335. 2 30220. Laura Christena. 2321. Susan. 864. 3650. Levi. 301. 630. Susanna. 23. 31. 95. no. 112. Lucinda. 638. 201. 325. 226003. Lufanna. 634. Susannah, moo. Mary H. 231 1. Sybil. 1 106. Mary T. 635. Sylvania. 371. Ransom. 2301. Sylvester. 1 1 264. Truman. 632. Index of Names. 1947 Valentine, Walter D. 2313. Warren Russell. 2322. Warren Treman. 637. 2320. Van Amber, See. 2050. VanCleef, Alexander Martin. 4030. Charles Edward. 4030. Eugenia. 4031. George Cunningham. 4030. Jeanette. 4032. Lawrence. 4030. Mynderse. 1809. 4030. VanNess, Archibald L. 2361. 4610. Archie. 461 1. Lewis. 4612. Walter 4613. VanValkenburg, Asa H. 5S08. Grace. 5805. Herman L. 5S07. Irving L. 5S06. James. 3395. 5804. Verplanck, Eliza Fenno. 215400. Virgin, James. 420. A'lier, Delia. 7081. John K. 4727. 7080. Lucile. 7082. A^ose, Rev. James G. Si 75. Wait, Abijah. 3296. PhilindaJ. 3296. Walbridge, Daniel. 11380. Elisha. 113S0. Ezra. 1 1 380. Henry. 11380. Stephen. 11380. William. 113S0. Walker, Robert. 2859. 5415. Wall, Clarence T. 5851. Ward, Betsey. 14870. John. 3054. Waring, Florence Emily. 2352. James. 634. 2350. William Hanford. 2351. Warner, Mary. 3500. 4025. Warren, Althea. 220. Antoinette A. 216200. Rensselaer. 216200. Waterman, Angeline. 2270. John Sayles. 1806. 4005. Louisa May. 4006. Waters, Harriet Ruth. 7800. Michael. 7800. Robert. 7800. Stephen. 7800. William. 7800. Wattles, Sophia. 14870. Way, Mary. 55. Webster, Harriet. 3360. Weed, David T. 8820. 75- Weed, Cora L. 5841. F. R. 932. 1107. 3447. l''rederick. 3448. 5722. Henry. 5842. Jennie. 3449. 8135. M. B. 3327. 5S40. Margaret Frances. 5722-1. Rlioda A. 8820. Wells, Charles D. 2415. Eliza. 1 1 00 1. Westbrook, Col. Thomas. Westgate, Elvira. 5070. Jonathan. 5070. Weston, Emma. 220000. See. 2052. Wetherell, Daniel. 8oco. Hannah. 8000. Wheeler, Alfred Truman. 230127. Clarissa. 230130. Herbert Newell. 230129. John Robinson. 230126. Mary. 230128. Samuel Robinson. 211082. 230022. 230125. W'illiam W. 538. White, Bishop. 220000. Dr. Cornelius. 225001. Francis. 225001. Horace Parkhurst. 225001. John. 220000. Maria. 2540. Ruth C. 2530. Sallie Truman. 225001. Whitford, Edward Pasco. 2181. Edwin Pasco. 4490. Eliot Tremain. 4491. Homer Pasco. 4492. Whiting, Patience. 260. See. 2 1 1042. Whitman, Andrew. 877. Nettie May. 6970. W^hitney, Charles A. 3310. Elizabeth S. 3310. Wilbur, Henry. 3300. Howard J. 211701. Jane. 205802. Jesse. 205801. 21 1700. Mary A. 205803. Serena. 3300. Thomas. 201409. 205S00. Wilcox, .A.my. 1 1380. Willey, Frances. 8080. Isaac. 8080. Willett, :Mary. 380. Wild, Sarah. 3420. S130. Wilder, Eugene Jonathan. 4255. Frank Ellsworth. 4253. 1948 Treman, Tremaine, Truman. Wilder, James Bodle. 4254. Jay Edwin. 4251. 71 10. Margaret Edna. 71 11. Nellie Elizabeth. 4252. Thomas Jefferson. 2001. 4250. Williams, Alto Truman. 1186. Amanda Jane. 2691. David. 316. Rev. Dillon. 365. Ephraim. 863. 2670. 2690. Frank Whiting. 2692. George Russell. 4400. Hannah. 2100QO. Harry. 3452. Henry. 355- James Albert. 2695. Jane Edwards. 4400. Jennie. 3451. Josiah Butler. 4400. Lucina. 1184. 3465. Lucy Maria. 1181. 3455. Lvman Truman. 1187. M'ary. 1235. Melvina. 1182. 3460, Nathan. 4400. Otis Lincoln. 4400. Rachel L. 1185. 347°- Roger Butler. 4400. Samuel Gardner. 1804. Sarah Margaret. 2694. Stephen S. 1183. 3450. Timothy S. 4400. Willie Eugene. 2693. Wilmot, Dr. 230257. Wilson, Bertha M. 5951. Clark H. 1881. 4080. Elizabeth. 4015. J. c. 3467. 5970. James. 323. 373. Marilla. 2650. Mary. 4370. Pearl. 6600. Richard W. 4370. Wiltbank, Mary White. 220000. Winchell, Lucy. 205600. Wing. Nellie C. 5560. W^inters, Anna. 5221. Winters, Cary. 5222. Washington. 2S41. 5220. Wixoni, Rhoda. 6680. Wood, Rev. Alonzo. 2600. Helen S. 2600. See. 779. Stephen, riigo. Woodruff, Sallie Abigail. 1865. Woodworth, Frank. 4646. Mary. 4645. Wooley, Frank. 2242. Worden, Almira. 2642. Wortman, Laura. 6672. Menzo. 4302. 6670. Warren. 6671. Wrightman, Alma. 6061. Bertine. 6062. F. A. 3474-4. 6060. Lynn. 6063. Wyckoff, Alfred T. 2136. Archlous. 576. 2135. Charles Wesley. 574. 2135. Frank Treman. 2136. 4430. Spoflford Frank. 4432. Sybil Cynthia. 4431. Youmans, Alice Eliza. 8230. Amy J. 2 1 1408. Anthony. 205701. Arthur B. 21 1402. Benjamin. 201401. 205700. 205705. Benjamin F. 21 1406. Chester L. 21 1407. Edgar D. 21 1405. Ella. 8200. Esther A. 21 1404. George F. 21 1403. Helen A. 211409. Jerome. 8200. John. 205702. Levi. 205703. Mary E. 211401. Minnie M. 211410. Minnie May. 8240. Nathan. 205704. 21 1400. Young, Gardner. 21 1028. Zellers, See. 4861. Index of :>^a^mes. MACK. Abbott, Hannah. 47500. Aber, Jabish. 146S0. Aborn, Sarah Eveline. 16730. Acher, Philip. 45515. Acker, Newton. 38529. Ackley, Asa. 20995. Edwin Chauncey. 29483. Elizabeth. 20994. Ellen Lydia. 29482. Eveline Cornelia. 22696. 25965. George. 26047. 294S0. Howard. 26046. 29470. Howard Preston. 29481. Joseph Osborn. 21018. 22695. Julius. 15720. Oliver. 14870. 20212. 20990. 20997. 22590. Rebecca. 20992. Rhoda. 15720. Ruth. 22675. Polly. 20993. Sally. 20996. Sophia Smith. 22697. Wallace Howard. 29471. Adams, Aaron. 15745-20. Abigail. 12560. Asa. 15745-20. Christina. 245200. Clara. 15745-20. Emma. 15745-20. Lysander. 15745-20. Martha Lucy. 29300. Mary. 29240. 31220. Merzevan. 15745-20. Mortimer. 15745-20. Alderman, Nancy. 22840. Aldrich, Mahala. 50000. 244300. Alexander, Betsey (Way). 20850. Charlotte. 42135. Alexander, Nellie. 247050. Alger, Fanny. 15745-20. Allen, Eliza. 17265. 45360. Harriet L. 244950. Margaret. 17265. Nancy. 22725. Roselle Elvira. 244920. See. 47S05. Allington, Emily J. 46428. Rev. Jacob. 46129. 46427. Alport, See. 48416. Alverson, Cynthia. 15745-20. Alvey, Leva. 248331. Thomas. 245165. 248330. Ames, Lent R. 26777. 29810. Anable, Anna. 14870. 15900-176. 21030. Asenath. 14870. 15900-176. 21000. 21030. Anderson, Azul. 252064. Benjamin M. 36237. 252060. Benjamin ^Meredith. 252065. Bertha Adentia. 252061. Doris Zulika. 252062. Euger Viola. 252063. George. 22596. Andrews, Asa. 22444. 23594. Chester. 20887. 22440. 23590. Daniel. 22442. 23591. Drayton. 22441. 25592. Jedediah. 20975. Louisa. 22448. 23596. Norris. 22447. Pamelia. 15900-90. Phidelia. 22445. 23595. Thankful. 22446. 23597. Wells. 22443. 23593. Applegate, Calvin S. 16248. F. Seymour. 16246. I950 Mack. Applegate, Fannfe L. 16247. 18350. Dr. Fred C. 15798. 16245. Archibald, Arthur. 29383. Bessie. 29384. James. 25936. 29380. Forrester Ray. 29381. Fred. 29382. Lee. 29385. Armitage, Rebecca. 240850. Arnold, Elizabeth. 20152. Joseph Caswell. 15631. 16020. Josiah. 14870. 185S5. 20150. Lydia. 20151. Lyman John. 16021. Sally. A. 22020. Ashcraft, S. A. 15745-20. Asser, Harry. 48034. Atkins, Fanny. 25015. Linus. 22597. Mary. 34320. Atwood, Sally. 33920. 42160. Austin, Minerva. 3S225. Averall, Stephen. 34320. Ayer, Eliza. 15745-20. Philip. 455 1 5- Ayers, Adelaide. 26767. 29760. Archibald Carlton. 26769. 29780. Carl. 29781. Carlton George. 22800. 26765. Ethel. 29782. George. 15900-200. 15900-225. 21101. 23410. 27735. Glen. 26772. Hattie. 26770. 29790. Ina. 29783. Laetitia Josephine. 26771.29795. Rebecca Cordelia. 15900-200. 23410. Sarah Anna. 2676S. 29770. Sarah Laetitia. 26766. Ayrault, Charles L. 29730. Fanny .\lzina. 29727. Franklin Lyman. 29729. Isabella Bethia. 29726. 32720. Lyman. 26751. 29725. May Estelle. 29728. 32730. Babcock, Dr. Charles L. 244202. Backus, Abigail. 31480. Bacon, Rev. Elijah. 26060. Huldah. 26060. Bagley, Charlotte. 27585. Orlando. 240000. Sarah. 11800. 240000. Bailey, Abraham Loomis. 15410. Adam. 22525. Elizabeth. 15900-250. Mary. 34950. 242560. Bailey, Sarah Howard. 22525. Seth. 22525. Thankful. 15410. 15900-250. Baird, Berton G. 290S6. Frederick. 22549. 25670. Frederick N. 25674. Gustavus J. 25673. 29085. Hannah E. 25677. Helen P. 29087. Mabel Maria. 25671. Rosalthe L. 25678. Sarah Louisa. 25672. Solomon Truman. 25675. William J. 25676. Baker, A. N. 15783. 16205. Althea Lelia. 17126. 45326. Caroline W. 31480. Dorothy. 22660. George A. 16206. Helen M. 16207. John. 14682. See 48366. 48415. Baldwin, Arabella. 244200. Ashbel Clark. 22686. 25960. Ashbel William. 29391. Forrester Beaumont. 25961.29390. Lucy. 13070. Ralph Arthur. 29392. Ball, Adella Loretta. 164 10. Eleanor. 254545. Harriet E. 42191. Joseph. 42185. Loren. 42186. Lucy. 42190. Maria (Benson). 15860. Mary M. 42188. Olive J. 42189. Oscar F. 42187. Ballard, Mary. 15900-250. 27645. Bancroft, Mary. 17151. 45431- Barber, Mrs. Grove. 254690. Barden, Jerusha. 34830. 36245. 242500, Elizabeth A. 42430. Barker, Fred Adams. 22050. 25100. Barnaby, Olive Lucy. 3261 1. Worden G. 29205. 32610. Barnard, Erastus A. 245142. Eugene. 245144. Ivon Peirce. 245143. Maria L. 245 141. Barnes, Mary. 20960. Rachel. 32810. Barr, Charles J. 249224. Charlotte. 249222. Oliver. 249221. See. 249006. 249160. 249220. Silas. 249223. Index of Names. 1951 Barron, Lucy Le. 254536. Barrs, Emeline. 48320. See. 4S307. 48318. Summit. 48319. Bartholomew, Laura. 16278. Bartlett, Fanny Edith. 26832. 29845. HolUster Irving. 26831. Julia. 26725. Sylvester. 22S29. 26830. Barstow, Galanialiel H. 15700. Mehitable. 38250. Bartle}^ See. 14016. Barton, Adaline S. 29430. Basha, Mar}- Amelia. 15900-200. 27435- ' Batch, John. 34320. Bates, Alfred Kelly. 15900-155. 166S5. :^9i5o- 39155- Anna. 22442. Edward Strong. 39156. Elizabeth Angeline. 15900-200. 27435- Emih-. 15900-25. Ethel Louise. 39152. Gertrude. 39158. James Lawrence. 3915 1. Janet ]\Iadorah. 39153. Josiah. 15900-200. 27435. Lucinda. 14680. Lucy. 39159- Mary Seymour. 39157. Naomi Handy. 39154. Perlina. 15900-200. 27435. Battel 1, Cornelius W. 15900-250. 15900-335- Battelle, Cornelius. 15411-1. 15412. Elizabeth. 1 541 2-1. Bayless, Harry Cornelius. 16661. Vincent Whitney. 15900-142. 1 6660. Baxter, Jere. 38626. 39100. 39102. William Mack. 39101. Beckstead, .\aron. 244541. 245050. Almira. 245054. Anah D. 245052. Edith H. 245057. Eveline I. 245056. Jerusha A. 245051. Sylvester. 245053. Violet M. 245055. Beck with, Elizabeth. 240500. Eunice. 12335. Sarah H. 16475. Bedford Albert Morgan. 29836. Charles Alexander. 26827. 29835. Harry R. 29838. Louisa Horton. 29837. Beebe, Asa. 45050. * Clarisa. 45050. David. 1856S. 20080. 18565. Emily. 16 165. Hannah. 22570. Hiram A. 1570c. Jane. 15827. Levi. 20135. William. 22446. Beecher, Charles Mortimer. 15740. Lucy Annette. 15740. Belcher, Charles. 14712. 15620. See. 13088. Belshaw, Flavilla. 15814. Bemis, Mrs. Elniina (Wilcox). 22035. Elvira L. 311 25. Benedict, Benjamin. 14016. Benit, Abigail. 12442. Caleb. 11810. U920. 1 1922. Dorothy. 12445. Henry. 1 1820. 1 1825. 12440. 12447. Love. 11820. Lucy. 12444. Mary. 12441. Phebe. 12449. Ruth. 12443. Sarah. 11850. 12448. Thankful. 11921. Bennett, .\bbie Emma. 29316. Adeline E. 155 10. David M. 26075. 29545. George Smith . 259 1 1 . 293 1 5 . Gladys Gustine. 29546. William Henry. 22669. 25910. 29317- Benson, Maria. 15860. Bent. Cynthia, iiooo. Jesse. 1 1000. John. IIOOO. Joseph. IIOOO. Martin. 1 1000. Berry, Leonora A. 31575. Lucinda M. 32510. Berthold, Anna. 29445. Berto, See. 47801 . Bidamon, Major. 34865. Biggs, Mary. 46390. Michael. 46400. Sarah. 46400. Bigler, Hathsheba. 34320. Bill, Samuel. 190S2. Billings, Avery L. 244795. 247030. Charles. 247033. Ida May. 247035. Leeds .Avery. 247032. Ralph. 247034. Bingham, See. 42009. 195' Mack. Bingham, Susie Hutchinson. 16360. Bishop, Ella. 36200. Blair, Nancy. 27275. Philip. 27275. Blackmer, Charles. 27695. 36830. John. 36830. Blakesley, Harriet E. 15900-110. Blanchard, Bertha I. 244824. Clarence E. 244831. Don Carlos. 244828. Gilbert L. 244829. Helen J. 244826. Hyrum F. 244827. Jesse L. 244830. Laban. 46430. Lorin J. 244826. Lovina I. 244823. Lucy Lull. 27595. Margaret. 244821. Phebe. 46430. Reuel M. 248202. William. 244503. 244820. William Perry. 244821. 248200. 248201 . Blatchley, Mary Ann. 15803. Bliss, Mary Maria. 25810. Blood, Addie Louise. 31 103. 32750. Alfred El win. 31107. Arthur Garfield. 31 104. Edwin Albert. 27428. 31 100. Edwin Leroy. 31101. Eva May. 31102. Florence Isabelle. 31 105. Forest A. 31 106. Blossom, Sarah. 13035. Blush, Betsey. 23340. Oliver. 12508. 34265. Sally Wheeler. 22S10. Boies, Horace. 38225. Boise, Charlotte. 38225. Frank Anson. 15900-174. Henry Dwight. 15900-171. Laura Mack. 15900-175. Lewis Dwight. 1502 1. 15900-170. 15900-171. Bond, Edwin. 15900-228. 27735. Temperance. 20830. Bonebright, Priscilla. 15745-20. Bonesteel, Horace. 48328. Lyman. 48328. Bonfoey, Freeman. 29207. Lizzie A. 29205. Nelson R. 29204. Nora H. 29206. Bonner, Clarence. 38646. Bonney, Clarissa. 36000. Booge, Richard. 17300. 33530. Boone, Daniel. 3S280. Booth, Lovisa. 38440. Boutelle, Lydia. 254540. Boutwell, Fannie E. 16350. Bowditch, Alexander. 45488. Franklin. 45489. Mack. 45487. Robert Frederick. 45486. Samuel W. 45481. 45485. Bowen, Eva. 31511. Ida. 16800. Leo. 27638. 31510. Zetta. 3 15 1 2. Bowman, Ida. 245270. Boyd, Elizabeth. 25966. Ellen Sophia. 25968. Eveline Cornelia. 25967. Frederick Ackley. 25971. Frederick William Osborn. 25973. Isabel Walker. 25972. Sarah Jane. 25969. William Bradbury. 22696. 25965. Boyle, Mary J. 245390. Braids, Maria. 16155. Brainard, Calvin. 242325. Ezra. 242325. Hezekiah. 242325. Joseph. 21019. 22700. Josiah. 242325. Julia. 242325. Lydia. 38000. Martha. 20935. Sarah. 242325. Branch, Edward Payson. 15900-7. 16435- Brand, Betsey. 14750. Brastow, Lucy Maria Kollock. 15750. Breckenridge, James. 11380. Mary. 11380. Brenton, Adam. 3S280. Hiram. 38280. Jane. 38280. Martha. 38280. vSanmel. 38280. Thomas. 38280. Brewer, Mary. 29180. Brewerton, Capt. George. 48875. Brewster, Elder William. 34250. Brockway, Mary. 20138. Brown, Anna. 32780. Elizabeth. 42150. Isabella. 47000. Lillian J. 36S23. Lucy. 42170. Nathaniel. 11842. Susannah. 254530. Zoa. 247000. Index of Names. 1953 Browning, Justus. 14501. 15330. Mary Smith. 15331. Brush, Edmund. 22534. 25635. Hazel Belle. 29467. Lottie Margaret. 29466. Louis. 29465. Bryan, See. 15900-200. Buchanen, Archie Justus. 29797. Mrs. Cynthia. 15410. Hilah Norine. 29796. Philip. 26771. 29795. Buckland, See. 240704. Budlong, John. 15745-36. Bughee, Clara. 31205. Buckley, Sarah. 242325. BuUard, Mar}- EUzabeth. 25S90. Bump, Frank. 384S6. Hattie. 38487. Jonathan. 15735. Lorenzo. 38236. 384S5. Burdick, Minnie. 48410. Burke, Arvin S. 29200. James M. 29196. Jessie G. 29198. 32600. Mervin H. 29199. Myrtie M. 29197. 32590. 32595. Burns, Abel M. 29198. 32600. George C. 245481. Harrison Arvin. 32602. Maria L. 47525- Melton B. 245482. Orpha Viola. 32601. Thomas. 47525. Burr, Samuel. 15900-200. 23412. Burrell, Sarah Maria. 46365. Burris, Carrie A. 25074. Charles D. 25077. Dewitt C. 22014. 25070. Elvina 25075. Emma J. 25072. George A. 25071. Hattie E. 25073. Wesley C. 25078. William O. 25076. Burton, Maria L. 16258. Bushnell, J. Augusta. 15413. Butler, Alfred Munson. 16876. 45421- Janet. 16876. 45421. Julia M. 16S76. 45421. Leonard. 16876. 45421. Byford, Maud H. 18440. Byram, Glenn Alden. 31 179. Marjorie Fay. 31 178. Oren Brown. 27464. 31175. Roy Mack. 31 176. Wilfred Carroll. 31 177. Cad)', Eliza. 15867. Cady, Frederick William. 27577. Hannah. 45025. Jedediah. 45025. John. 14953. 15865. Wallace. 15866. Cafferty, See. 249032. Cahill, F. B. 15900-227. 27735. Calkins, John. 15900-3S5. Camp, Adolphus. 15730. Asa. 15730. John. 15730. Margaret. 15730. Campbell, Catharine. 39186. Charles. 39187. Daniel. 47045. Ezra. 248222. Ezra T. 244822. 248220. Henry. 47002. 47040. Inez J. 248223. James. 47042. James Rickerby. 39185. John. 47041. Kate. 32525. Leslie F. 248224. Lorin E. 248225. Mary. 47046. Margaret. 248221. Nancy. 47044. William. 47043. Canfield, Stanton. 164S6. Volney R. 15900-19. 15900-227, 16485. 27735. Cannon, Adda M. 18370. Carmichael, Charles Stephen. 14826. 15730- Harriet. 15732. Horace Mack. 14827. John. 14021. 14S25. Carr, Catharine. 48030. Eliza. 29650. Mary. 15630. Una Josephine. 29232. Carrier, Ellen. 26045. Carson, Alonzo. 241572. Charles Herbert. 272S3. 31030. Carter, Edith K. 16795. Cartwright, .\lice Gertrude. 15^74- Eleanor ISIack. 15671. Eliza Treman. 15675. Grace Ethel. 15^77- Louis Francis. 15676. Marion Greenough. 15673- Robert. 1 4805. 1 5670. Robert Henry. 15676. Gary, Alice. i5745-20. Alonzo Barton. 27627. Almira. i5745-20. 1954 Mack. Gary, Amy. 15745-20. Amzi. 15745-3. Amzi B. I4S55- 27629. 31365. Amzi Beriah. 15735. 15745-10. Anna. 16121. Aurelia. 15745-20. Asa. 12622. 14060. 15745-20. Calvin. 14053. 15735. Clara. 16133. Clarissa. 15735- Curtis L. 15745-20. D. A. 14S61. Damaris. 15745-20. Danford A. 14861. 15745-20. 15745-25- 16146. David D. 161 11. Dorothy. 31367. Eddie. 16126. Edgar H. 15745-20. Edward T. 16147. Elizabeth. 12580. Elgin Bruce. 15735-1. 16100. Elmira A. 15745-20. Emery. 15745-20. Erastus. [5745-20. Eugene. 14856. 15735- 15745-^5- 16120. 16131. Eugene Charles. J5742. 16120. Fanny. 15745-27. Florence. 15734-1. Frank. 15745-11. 16130. Frank A. 161 12. Harriet. 15745-20. Helen. 15745-12. 16135. Homer A. 15745-20. Howard Elgin. 16102. Howard L. 15745-20. Joseph. 1 1875. 12620. 14062. 15735- 15745-20. Kate. 16125. Laura A. 15745-20. Loduska. 15745-20. Lois. 31366. Louis. 16132. Louis Harvey. 15734-2. Lucia Beecher. 15744. Lucy. 15735. 15745-I- 31369- Luther Drysdale. 15735-2. 161 10. Luther Harve}'. 14051. 14052. 14850. 1485 1 : 15734. 15735. Maggie. 27628. Margaret. 15745-2- Mary. 15745-20. 15745-21- Nancy M. 16100. 15745-28. Phebe. 15735- Philip B. 15743. 16125. . Relief. 15735- Cary, Richard. 12621. 14050. 14851. .'5735- 15740. 16121. Richard L. 14S53. 15740. Richard Leander. 15735. 15740. Richard Lincoln. 15741. Richard M. 14051. 15735. Robert. 161 12. Roxana. 15745-20. Sibian G. 15745-20. Susanna. 15735. Sylvester. 15745-20. Talcott P. 14854. Talcutt, Patchin. 15735- 15745- Truman. 14061. 14860. 14861. 15745-20. Truman S. 14862. Truman Sylvester. 14682. 15745. 15745-20'. Van Rensselaer. 14852. 15735. 15745-20. 16101. Wealthy. 15745-20. Wesley. 15745-20. William S. 15745-26. 16145. Winifred. 16127. Caryl, Anna. 24S512. Joel. 248512. Case, Elihu. 45423. Ellen. 241523. Fred M. 32660. Harry Ingham. 32661. Cawley, Bertha. 29372. Jennie Newkirk. 29371. John Davison. 25926. 29370. William. 29373. Challoner, Sarah. 2447S0. Chamberlain, Clara Whitcomb. 43000. Chambers, Mary. 14015. Chandler, Abiel. 254508. Almira M. 254543. Amos M. 254542. 254544. Daniel. 254502. 254530. 254533. Delia. 254534. Edward T. 25454S. Henry L. 254546. John. 13070. 254500. 254501. 254520. John G. 254537. John L. 254541. Jonas. 254507. 254540. Joseph. 254545. Leonard. 254510. Mary. 254505- Mary Jane Mack. 254531. Patrick Henry. 254535. Peggy. 254504. Sally. 254503. Samuel. 254506. Index of Names. 1955 Chandler, Samuel E. 254547. Sarah. 254520. Sarah R. 254536. Susan D. 254532. Thomas. 254509. Chapin, Tirzah. 14910. Chaplin, Walter. 26760. 29750. Chapman, Annie. 46315. Polly Malintha. 29270. Seba. 241520. Cheney, Dr. Frederick Edward. 15677. 16048. Robert. 16049. Cheeseman, Abel. 12505. 34300. Ida Kemp. 29390. Cheever, Augusta. 3S397. 48327- Fannie. 3S396. 48326. Horace. 38399. 48329. Jennie. 38398. 4S328. William. 3822S. 38395. 48325- Chilcoat, J. 14680. Chubbuck, Aaron. 46128. 46425. Church, Alice Bertha. 15900-55. Caroline. 14975. 15382. Celia P. 15900-52. Clara Amanda. 15900-37. 16530. Corinth Mack. 15385. Ella Phebe. 15900-54. Emma Lucy. 15900-51. 16540. Francis Tallmadge. 15900-27. Harriet. 15384. James Tallmadge. 14972. 15900- 25. Julia Mack. 14542. 14970. 15414. 15900-28. Laura L. 15900-26. Lyman. 14973- i,S900-35- Mar}- Emmons. 15383. Myron Lawrence. 15900-36. 16520. Oliver. 14976. 15900-50. Oliver U. 15900-56. Sarah. 14870. 15900-176. 20210. See. 14540. Sumner Ebenezer. 153S1. Sumner Uriah. 14506. 14971. 15380. Uriah. 13023. 1454°. I497i- William F. 14541. William Fuller. 14541. 14974- 15900-45. Churchill. Charles. 15745-21. 16140. Theresa. 16141. Clark, Abbie Sarah. 15900-7. 16435. Ada Rachel. 25300. Albert D. 15900-20. 16495. Almond L. 15404. 16085. 16475- 16425. 14964. 15900- Clark, .-Mvin- W. 15900-1S. Anna Mack. 15900-6. Anna Marett. 16087. Celia .-\. 15900-16. 16450. Coral May. 16414. David. 14961. Edward A. 16466. Edward Freeman. 15- Edward Payson. 15900-17. 16465. • Edwin Mack. 164 15. Elizabeth. 47090. Emma F. 15900-21. 165 10. Elisha Luther. 29216. George Dwight. 16413. George Frar}'. 15900-5. 164 10. Gleeland. 16496. Isaac. 13022. 14960. Isaac Mack. 14962. 15900-1. Isaac Theodore. 15900-4. Julia Maria. 14965. 15900-2. 16395. Julius A. 146S0. Laura. 22595. Levira. 34950. 242560. Lucetta K. 244800. Lucian Pomeroy. 16086. Luther A. 25771. 29215. Margaret. 15500. Mary A. 15900-19. 16485. Mary Ann. 14963. 15900-10. 244S00. Robert 47090. Sarah Frary. 164 12. Warren. 254S1. William. 15500. William Hanaford. 15900-3. William Mack. 1641 1. Clarke, Harriet E. 14490. 14925- Rev. John. 14490. 14925. Claxton, Kate. 29071. 248510. 249710. Cobb, Cora B. 31101. Maria L. 29175. Ruth L. 36238. 252080. Coburn, .\n'. erica. 46650. Colby, Anthony. 240000. Sarah. 240000. Susannah. 240000. Cole, Marv. 32560. Colegrove, Chauncey Peter. 27563. 31275- Gideon. 45560. 248507. 249030- Kenneth. 31276. Melissa. 45561. Paul. 31 277- Colton, Chester. 4,^421. Henmn. 15410. Maud Munson. 45-^21. 1956 Mack. Colton, May. 15410. Combs, Arthur P. 18325. Louis Eugene. 18326. Louisa. 26775. Winifred Emmons. 18327. Compton, Grace F. 36204. Comstock, Elizabeth. 343S0. Ida Ethelinda. 42352. Lily Dale. 42353- Martin. 33905. 42105. 42340. Mary A. 42351. Temperance. 14870. 21015. Cone, A. T. 25678. Alice. 20937. Alice Sparrow. 22534. 25635. Alonzo. 22561. Amos. 21065. 23380. Apollos. 22576. Ashbel. 20137. Barton. 22578. Benjamin. 20133. Charles. 22530. Charles Elisha. 25690. Clarissa Fidelia. 25687. Conant. 20936. 22510. Daniel. 20130. 22598. Damaris. 22592. Darius. 22548. 25655. Deborah Packard.' 22526. 25630. Edmond. 22573. Elisha. 22550. 25685. Eliza. 22596. Elizabeth. 20139. Ellen. 22535. Ellen Augusta. 25689. Ephraim. 20964. 22560. 22562. Francis. 22595. Francis Solomon. 25688. 29120. Frank. 29121. George. 22529. 22592. 23381. Hannah. 22551. 22580. 25700. Harriet Thermuthis. 25686. Hawley. 22579. Hiram. 25716. Huldah. 22577. ^Inez. 29122. Jared. 14870. T55S6. 20160. 20965. 20980. 22570. 22571. 22592. John. 20934. John Philo. 15960. Joseph. 14S70. 15583. 20130. 20131. 20935. Joseph Spencer. 22532. Kate. 29071. Lucy. 20961. 22572. Margaret S. 22575. Maria. 15360. Cone, Martha. 20135. 20940. 25656. Martha Spencer. 22527. Marintha. 22597. Martin. 20134. Mary. 20132. 22528. 25719. Matthew. 20161. 20960. Nancy. 25890. Nehemiah. 20162. 20975. Newell. 20963. 20979. 22582. Norman. 22594. Norris. 22553 Orville. 22562. Philena. 22593. Philip. 225S2. Polly. 20977. Prudence. 20938. Reuben. 22552. Roxanna. 22549. 25670. Ruth. 20163. Sally. 22547. 25640. Samuel W. Dana. 22555. Sarah. 20164. 20978. 22531. 25717. Solomon. 20136. 2C950. 20951. 22545. 22546! Solomon B. 22554. 25715. Spencer Houghton. 225 11. 25625. Spencer Wallace. 25626. 29070. Statyra. 20976. Stewart B. 22574. Theodore. 20140. William. 25718. Zenas. 20962. Conger, David. 14680. Elijah. 14680. Hannah. 14680. John. 14680. Lecta. 1 4680. Nancy. 14680. Phebe. 14680. Sarah Jones. 14680. Thomas. 14680. Conklin. Elias V. B. 15361. Cook, Edward Everett. 42501. Edward .S. 42211. 42500. Edith Elvira. 42502. Sarah Elizabeth. 26025. Cooke, Caroline .\melia. 45580. Samuel E. 45580. See. 47080. Coolbrith, Agnes. 35070. 242625. Cooley, Isaac. 3S280. Jabez. 38280. Peggy. 38280. William. 38280. Cooper, Adeline L. 23564. 27675. 242252. Arthur. 26046. 29475. Index of Names. 1957 Cooper, Challie A. 244781. David. 23560. 36010. 240702. 242250. David M. 23565. 36800. David Mack. 242253. 244200. David Lindsley. 244201. George. 242251. George A. 23563. James May. 23562. Jennie M. 38645. Mary. 23561. Mar^- Lovicy. 244202. Mattie Almeda. 244203. • William S. 244204. Copeland, Leonard. 242103. See. 242103. Corbett, Franklin N. 245346. Hyrum S. 245344. Joiin A. 245348. Joseph S. 245342. Lucy J. 245349. Martha. 245347. Mary E. 245345. Piercen. 245350. Walter H. 245341. Walter S. 244704. 245340. William M. 245343. Corel, Samuel. 45270. Corev, Clark .\llen. 26875. Effie Sarah. 26878. 29880. Grace Amanda. 26S79. James Allen. 26876. Jessie. 26877. Corj'ell. Emanuel. 15700. Cottle. Mary. 15960. Cotton, Clair H. 16176. David Barnes. 25633. George. 15429-16. George E. 16 175. Mary. 16170. Nellie M. 16177. Silas. 14554. 15429-15- 15900-380. Cottrell, Frank Arthur. 29220. George W. 25781. 2921S. John. 29222. Mary Adelaide. 29219. Sarah Elsie. 29221. Courtney, Manson. 12876. Nea'l. 12321. 12S75. Covey, See. 240707. Cowing, Albert Aimsley. 15481. 15960. Albert Randall. 15960. Asenath. 15960. Betsey. 15960. Caleb. 15960. Celinda. 15960. Cynthia. 15960. Cowing, David. 15960. Eunice. 15960. Hannah. 15960. Israel. 15960. James. 15960. John. 15960. John I'hilo. 15960. Jonah. 15960. Joseph. 15960. Joshua. 15960. Lawrence .\ll)ert. 15962. Marshall J. 15960. ]\Liry. 1 5960. Olive. 15960. Pannela. 15960. Phebe. 15960. Rebecca. 15960. Ruby. 15960. Sally. 15960. Sophia. 15960. Sophronia. 1596). Still Born. 1596c. Cox, Fred 249014. Jennie. 249014. Wilson. 249014. Craig, Clara. 15745-20. Crane, John W. 153S4. 15940. See. 22022. Crawford, See. 14018. Crittenden, George. 240505. William. 240507. Crocker, Hannah. 20090. John. 20090. Jonathan. 20090. William. 20090. Crosby, Mary Orietta. 25950. Cross, Elbridge G. 23452. Crossman, Caleb Strong. 2572S. 29150. Crouch, Daniel. 241503. Harriet. 48338. 4S430. 48440. Isaiah. 38230. Isaiah H. 48335- Lewis H. 48337- 4S425. Lucy A. 48339- 48442- Mattie M. 4S426. Sarah E. 244104. Sarah L. 241500. William L. 48336. j Cromwell, Dora B. 46715. I Crowell, Catharine Lucinda. 25935. Crozier, Harriet Maria. 26090. I Curtis, A. B. 268.S1. Japheth. 48312. 48355- John. 34320. Lois. 314S0. Nellie. 4S356. Rebecca. 34320. 1958 Mack. Curtis, Solomon. 34320. William Albro. 268S1. Willis. 48357- Cutler, John. 15580. Mary. 15580. Dana, Edward Putnam. 3r233. Edward Y. 27521. 31230. John Winchester. 31232. Josephine Emeline. 31 231. Daniels, Abigail. 11800. 18525. Beulah. 25865. Dart, David. 20835. Dascomb, Panielia. 22000. Davenport, F. Alice. 45054. Davis, Adelaide. 15745-51. Amanda. 38625. Mrs. Beulah (Daniels). 25865. Dorothy. 33903. 42325. Edgar. 38567. Emma. 38566. Emmett. 15745-52. 16165. Evren Anna. 29706. Gracie. 244501. Harriet Janet. 29735. Hazel. 244503. Henry W. 15900-200. 31 165. 27440. Jasper. 27746. 29705. 29735. John Given. 38625. John P, 38256. 38565. Dr. L. L. 15745-50. Lucy. 244783. Mabel. 38568. Millard. 15745-53- 16170. Mollie. 16171. Nathaniel. 38105. Ray L. 244523. Ray Smith. 244502. See. 1 1300. 15427. Dawald, Ella Alice Alethia. 29322. Emma Scull. 29323. Ida .Adelia Angeline. 29321. John. 25916. 29320. Day, Frances. 45050. Robert. 45050. See. 45050. Dean, Daniel Jefferson. 46731. Dorothy. 43028. Jefferson B. 46422. John S. 46126. 46420. 46732. Joseph E. 43025. Julia A. 46421. Nathan S. 46423. 46730. Roma Clare. 43026. Ruby Cleo. 43027. Deats, See. 27681. Degolier, Jennie. 16080. DeLong, Lydia. 15800. Denis, Abigail. 12300. 42000. Dewey, Betsey. 42400. Helena. 29895. Elijah. 45331. DeWolf, Marah. 18565. De}', Eleanor Board. 14800. Dibble, Charlie Dwight. 15793. John Mack. 15794. Moses. 15792. Ophelia. 241574. Dick, Mary Adelaide. 29620. Dickinson, Ellen S. 15900-250. 27645, Dickson, Andrew. 14900. Lieut. James. 14900. Dimmick, Kate. 25015. Gen. Justus. 25015. Dimock, Capt. Samuel. 48865. Dinsmore, John Berry. 26753. 29735. 29740. Mary Elizabeth. 29735. Dixon, Eli. 241541. Dobson, Charles M. 29197. 32590. George Burke. 32591. Dodge, Alice Maud. 46641. George HoUister. 46651. Rev. Jonas. 46106. 46345. Jonas Goodwin. 46346. 46640. Mary Elizabeth. 39135. Mary Frances. 46347. Nellie. 46642. Sylvester HoUister. 4634S. 46650, Donahue, Charlotte. 16201. G. S. 15782. 16200. John W. 16202. Donaldson, Morrell G. 15900-21. 165 10. Donelly, Virginia. 25980. Donley, Dails. 1597 1. See. 1 55 I 2. Doolittle, Calvin. 14850. 15735. Lucy. 14850. Mrs. Luther. 15735. Doonspike, Sadie. 15996. See. 15515. 15516. Dort, Clinton French. 25043. David. 20835. George Hartley. 25042. Helen. 25041. J. H. 22012. Joseph Hartley. 25040. Lucy Louisa. 25045. Samuel Timothy. 25044. Timothy. 25040. Vienna. 22060. Douglas, Charles Goodwin. 46631. Charles Tye. 46332. 46630. Downing, Samuel. 254530. Index of Names. 1959 Downing, Susannah. 254530. Drew, Mary Irene. 16810. Drysdale, Dr. D. 15735- Dubree, Ellen Boyer. 29355. Dudler, Ernest. 244962. 24S360. Dudley, Arthur John. 29532. 29540. Arvilla Maria. 26071. Carroll Arthur. 29541. Carroll Edgar. 26073. Carroll Ide Ernest. 26715. 29640. Charles Carroll. 29531. Edwin E. 22776. 26710. 2963 Edwin Everett. Emma Madora. 26711. 29615. Helen Alzina. 26075. 29545. Helen Caroline. 29642. Helen Estelle. 26713. Jeannie Ester. 29641. John Arthur. 26074. John Hall. 22754. 26070. Lofton Leland. 26714. 29630. Mary E. 38540. Oakley Dick. 29621. Oakley Smith. 26712. Sardis. 22777. 26720. 29620. Una Foote. 296^1. William Henry. 26072. 29530. Dunbar, Amy Lovisa. 2769a. Capt. George. 488S0. Dunlap, See. 3S568. Dutton, Damaris. 11870. Luther. 33925. Sarah E. 15900-250. 27645. Duty, Mary. 34320. Dwyer, Charles C. 15900-200. 31 153. Charles H. 15900-200. 27436. 3' 150. Fanny A. 15900-200. 31152. George L. 15900-200. 31 151. James. 15900-200. Eagle John. 29020. Mar\\ 29021. Earle, Susannah. 14680. Walter. 48032. 249102. Earnest, Eliza. 15900-260. Eaton, Joseph. 254504. Mvra. 22020. Eddy,'.\. M. 1465 1. Asa. 13073. 14650. 3S295. Asa M. 38651. 39115- 244799. 244850. Charles. 14651. Charles H. 38296. 38650. 244360. Daniel. 14652. Elsie. 391 19. Hazel. 391 16. Lucy. 38298. Eddy, Sidney. 391 18. Willard. 391 17. William B. 3S652. Edgcomb, Dorothy. 23495. Edwards, Charles. 38601. Ida. 38604. Egbert, Harvey A. 245104. Joseph P. 245 10 1. Josephs. 244545. 245100. Mabel Pearl. 245102. Reuel W. 245103. Eggleston, Joseph. 13022. 14968. Eighme, Dr. George Cornelius. 26873. 29875- Elder, Corinth Smith. 15012. 15316. David. 25500. Elizabeth. 25500. Flora Patience. 15015. James. 25500. Madorah Janett. 15016. 15900-150. Marett Abigail. 15011. 15400. Robert. 25500. Theresah Mary. 15014. 15900-40. William. 13027. 14520. 15010. 15013- Eldredge, Harriet Louise. 25820. Lyman. 25820. Eliot, Clara. 31526. Dorothia Dix. 16193. 27723. 31535- Ellen Smith. 16194. 27724. Grace Cranch. 16195. 27725. Henrietta Mack. 27726. INIary Ely. 16192. 27722. Rutii. 31528. Samuel Ely. 27727. Theodore. 31529. Thomas Dawes. 27728. Thomas Lamb. 13022. 1496S. 1 61 90. 27720. 36890. William Greenleaf. 16191.27720. 27721. 31525- 3'527- Ellis, Javias. 38135. John. 12500. 240150. Mary. 12500. 240150. See. 36S69. Ely, Ellen G. 17020. 45220. Mary. 14480. 14900. Nathaniel. 144S0. Emerick, David W. 26062. 29500. Nellie. 29501. 32660. Emerson, Abraham. 18565. 1S567. Emery, Elvira lirown. 31000. Emmons. .-Amanda. 14502. i5340->536l. Charles Richard. 15853- David .Mack. 15854- Ebenezer. 13016. 145CX). 14503- 15360. 15362. i960 Mack. Emmons, Eliza. 14953. 15865. Emily. 14955. 15880. Emma Hannah. 15858. Fitz Henry. 15S61. George Ichabod. 15855. Harmony. 14505- 15375- Harriet. 14506. 15380. Harris George. 15856. Ichabod. 14950. Isabel. 15863. James Henry. 15852. Justin. 14504. Laura. 14954. 15870. Mary. 14501. 14956. 15330. 15363. Mary Louisa. 15857. Monroe. 14951. 15850. 15S51. Noadiah. 14952. 15860. Susan Elizabeth. 15S62. Eno, Augusta Polina. 25487. Barach Gates. 22427. 25480. Clarissa. 25481. Electa. 22428. Electa Lenora. 254S6. Elmer Roger. 25482. Hannah. 22426. Harriet Loretta. 25483. Louis Barach. 25484. Lovisa. 22429. Lydia Louis. 25485.' Roger. 20886. 22425. Evans, Charles H. 244521. 244960. Charles J. S. 244964. Eva S. 244969. Florence S. 244966. Harriet. 29660. Helen J. S. 244968. Hyrum S. 244967. Laura S. 244962. Lillian S. 244963. Mary E. S. 244961. Sidney S. 244965. Everhart. Emma. 29015. Evins, Elizabeth. 47050. Ewen, Charlotte Renouf. 26040. Failing, Lerusa M. 29085. Fairbanks, See. 48010. Farrar, John. 23550. Farwell, Elizabeth. 31240. Faulk, Carrie. 1621 1. Norman W. 15784. 16210. Fay, John. 22854. 26885. Fenner, Andrew Myers. 15552. 16000. 254623. Helen Augusta. 1555 1. Dr. Levi H. 14616. 15550. Ferguson, Arvilla. 15734. Ferris, Eliza Ann. 14810. Ferris, Joshua. 14810. Field, Augustus. 14451. Effie. 245450. Filding, Mary. 22070. 34830. 242500. Filley, Emma E. 14450. 244100. Henry R. 14450. Fish, Eunice. 12520. Fisher, Catharine. 32621. Charlotte Bronte. 26872. Harry. 26874. 29322. 32620. Helen Maria. 244520. Herbert. 26871. Mary L. 26873. Samuel Ware. 22851. 26870. Susannah Amanda. 27460. Willie. 32622. Fisk, Lucy. 15700. Fiske, Charles A. 25968. 29400. Cornelia. 29402. Dr. William Boyd. 29401. Fletcher, See. 15414-1. Fojey, John Charles. 45316. Folsom, Theresa. 15745-20. Foote, Artemesia Leonora. 25935. Charlotte. 15786. Cora Emma. 29630. Col. Enos. 14480. George. 14912. 15781. Harriet. 15784. John H. 15785. 16214. 16216. Mary. 15782. Sarah. 15783. Sarah B. 16215. Ford, Isaac. 11872. John. 17035. 45235. Mabel M. 17070. Susannah. 14050. 15735. Gov. Thomas. 34865. Forshe, Viretta Adeline. 27415. Forsyth, H. H. 45345- Foster, Rev. Isaac. 45000. See. 45000. Fox, Mary. 38825. Frame, Martin. 46404. Francis, Dr. John W. 14700. Frary, Sarah, i 5900-1. Fratts, Katie. 29350. Freckleton, Jessie L- 245280. Freeman, Andrew. 254575. See. 15900-364. French, Annie M. 25840. Capt. H. W. 25840. Sally. 25040. Frissell, Augustus C. 14954- 15870. Eliza. 15S71. 16325. Emily. 15S72. 16335. Fred Boutwell. 16351. Index of Names. 1 96 1 Frissell, Marion Emmons. 16352. Seraph. 15S73. Susan. 15874. 16340. Solon E. 15875- 16350. Thomas Augustus. 15876. 16360. Fuller, Addie Eliza. 1S315. Edward. 20090. Elmer A. 27429. 311 15. Irad. 20923. Jabez. 20922. John. 20090. Julien E. 31 116. Luman. 15745-20. Samuel. 20090. Shubael. 20C90. Stephen. 20921. Gage, See. 38566. Gail, Jennie. 15604. Gaines, Julia. 29106. Galbraith, Eleanor. 25500. Gale, Susan. 34350. Gallett, Anna. 29168. Charles Horace. 29170. Charles Randall. 25730. 29165. Harriet jNIary. 29172. Henry Wells. 29167. James Randall. 29171. Robert Mitchell. 29169. Sarah. 29166. Gallop, William. 34320. Ganoung, Sophronia. 249300. Gardner, Alice May. 25806. DeWitt. 22642. 25805. Frances E. 38815. Lewis Collins. 29737. 32740. See. 47555. Garlock, Sarah Teresa. 26055. Garretson, Marcia. 31486. Garrison, David. 14680. Garvin, See. 15745-20. Gass, Benjamin. 25500. Mary. 25500. Gates, Adaline Elizabeth. 26028. Amanda. 241504. Catharine Cornelia. 26047. CharlesChristopher. 26027. 29435. Charles Comstock. 22744. Charles Weston. 2605S. Christopher Columbus. 21022. 22735- Daniel. 20090. Daniel Lord. 20894. David Washington. 20893. 22500. Deborah. 314^0. Dorothy Roxey. 20891. Dudley. 20976. Edward Henry. 26029. 29445. Gates, Edward Timothy. 22736. 26025. Eliza. 22501. Elizabeth. 20S92. 22490. Elizabeth (Percival). 14S70. 15900-176. 21 coo. Ennna Maria. 22742. Frances Ellen. 26046. Francis Alonzo. 22743. 26055. Frederick. 2604S. Frederick William Berthold. 29446. George. 20090. George Gleason. 22739. 26040. George Walton. 26057. Georgie. 26041. 29465. Hannah. 14870. 20100. Huldali. 20093. James Percival. 22740. 26045. Jesse 18571. 20090. Joseph Brainard. 2273S. Josephine Clare. 26056. Josiah. 20924. Julia. 22502. Julia Sophia. 22737. 26030. Lizzie Pauline. 29447. Lydia. 20886. 20960. 22425. Mary. 20890. 22480. Sarah. 20899. 22465. Theophil's Ransom. 20888. 22460. Uriah. 20092. William Cook. 26026. 29430. William Richard. 22741. 26050. Gay, Leslie A. 31 125. Gaylord, Pvleazor. 29000. Eunice. 29000. Hemingway Jacob. 45346. Samuel. 29000. Walter. 29000. William. 29000. Gee, Ruth. 12360. See. 42002. Gertenkorn, Ernest. 2914 1. 32550. Laura Bertha. 32551. Gibbons, Bessie E. 31365. Julie Clark. 16426. Lockie Truman. 16427. Truman D. 15900-6. 16425. Gibbs, Annie M. 244980. John Chamberlain. 2270S, 259S5. Lydia. 12320. 19080. Nathan. 190S0. Sarah. 296S0. See. 48300. Gilbert, George. 22428. Lydia. 15900-250. 342S0. Mary E. 38410. Samuel. 15410. 15900-250. 1962 Mack. Gillett, Albion Eugene. 42421. Edward. 42144. 42420. John Mack. 47841. 249350. Laura Eliza. 42422. See. 47556. 47840. vSmith. 248508. Gillette, Carl Marcus. 48446. Charles I. 48342. 4S445. Oilman, Mar}' Ann. 343S0. 42330. Gilmore, Gabriella. 29120. Glass. Lena. 16214. Glidden, Benjamin. 25969. 29415. Goodhue. Ellen. 38567. Martha. 15315. Goodrich, Phebe. 47500. Goodsell, Jennie. 16495. Goodspeed, Carrie B. 161 10. Goodwin, Abraham. 46340. Ann Louise. 46302. 46401. " Belle Miller. 46613. Benjamin. 46000. 46025. Caroline Mary. 46393. 46700. Catharine. 46143. 46326. Catharine C. 46328. Catharine Hopkins. 46 11 2. Charles. 46357. 46366. Charles Emmons. 46103. 46325. Charles Henry. 467^2. Clement Hickman. 46108. 46365. Clayton Semans. 46402. Cornelia. 46358. Daniel Freeman. 46104. 46340. Edwin. 46301. Edwin James. 46331. 46620. Edwin Perry. 46621. Elijah Hollister. 46101. 46300. Elizabeth Tabitha. 46404. Emma Mary. 46725. Ephraim Benjamin. 46105. Frances. 46367. Frances Harriet. 46622. Frances Hastings. 46303. Frances Tabitha. 46392. Francis. 46356. Freeman. 4636S. Grace Maude. 46723. Hollister Elijah. 46391. 46690. Irvin Charles. 46330. John. 46370. John Mack. 46028. 461 11. 46140. 46400. 46724. Joseph. 46340. Lydia Ann. 29093. Mary. 46359. Mary Ann. 46106. 46345. Melvin. 4671 1. Minnie Belle. 46721. Goodwin, Montgomery Moore. 46395. 46715. 46716. Nancy. 46142. Nancy Ann. 46027. 46106. 46125. Pauline Anna. 46332. 46630. Rachel. 46141. Rachel Mack. 46102. 46310. Richard. 46026. 46100. 46340. Richard Miller. 46329. 46610. Robert Miller. 4661 1. S}-lvester. 46405. Sylvester Hill. 46107. 46355. William Henry. 461 10. 46390. 46394. 46403. 46710. 46720. William Richard. 46612. Goodj^ear, Ernestine Hermenia. 29491. Samuel A. 26062. 29490. Gordon, Prof. John R. 46393. 46700. Goss, Sarah. 16060. Goudy, See. 46367. Gould, Elizur. 34320. Priscilla. 34320. 241000. Rhoda. 15900-200. Gowdy, Roxanna. 26845. Granger, Orra. 46300. Grant, Caroline. 34990. 2425S0. Joshua. 34990. Green, Elba. 3 1501. Eva. 31503. Jerusha A. 24508..]. John. 27637. 31500. 241524. John H. 244543. 245080. John William. 245081. Lavon. 245087. Leo Peirce. 245083. Mabel. 31502. Mary. 20900. Matilda G. 245082. Robert E. 2450S6. Vessa L. 245085. Greggs, See. 21081. Griffin, Abbie Estelle. 25091. Abigail. 244570. Alice F. 245182. Alice Lovina. 244562. Charles. 244561. Charles E. 242506. 244560. Ella May. 245202. Ernest A. 245565. Ernest D. 245204. Hannah. 245566. Helen J. 245571. H3-rum. 244569. Hyrum S. 245185. John. 22047. 25090. John M. 244567. Index of Names. 1963 Griffin, Joseph A. 245183. Joseph E. 244564. Kenneth. 245186. Lavon. 245189. Martha A. ' 244568. Mildred. 245205. Ray. 2451 87. Sarah. 244563. Sarah L. 245181. Sarah R. 245201. Theron. 245188. Vannie. 245203. William E. 245184. Griswold. Elias. 36230. Emaline. 36230. Lvicinda. 36230. Groom, Alvin F. 50216. 244791. Frank. 50007. 50215. 244327. 244790. Glenii L. 50217. 244792. Grosvenor, Judge Thomas P. 161 20. Guilford, Jerome. 241573. Gustin, John. 33935. Polly. 33935- 42180. See. 42005. Guthrie, Allen. 15900-412. Burdett. 15900-4:3. Eddie. 15900-409. Edwin. 14560. 15900-405. Elisha. 15900-410. Eveline. 15900-406. Frank. 15900-407. Ida. 15900-408. Josephine. 15900-41 1. Haggerston, MoUie. 43010. Hale, Emma. 22100. 34865. 242540. Isaac. 34865. Halibran, Jules. 14708. Hall, Alice. 46314. Catherine. 46312. Edith. 42446. Edward E. 42442. Edward William. 42443. Eleanor Mack. 15661. 16040. Elijah HoUister. 4631 1. Eliza. 46355- Elizabeth. 42448. Evelyn Smith. 42444. Frederick. 42153. 42440. Frederick H. 42441. Frances L. 15317. Francis Henry. 42447. George. 31550. Jeremiah. 46355. John. 46313. Julia. 46313 Lodemia. 248381. Hall, Martha Elizabeth. 42445. Mary Emma. 3 1551. Nathan. 46102. 46310. Preston. 24S382. See. 16740. William. 15660. 48372. William Freeman. 46315. William Henry. 14802. 15660. 15662. Hallett, Enoch. 241573. Richard. 241501. Hallock, Dr. p;iisha. 14700. Gerard. 17265. 45360. Jacob. 14700. Dr. Lewis. 13086. 14700. Minnie. 48423. Rev. Moses. 17265. 45360. Noah. 17265. 45360. Peter. 14700. Sarah Mather. 14701. William. 17265. 45360. William Holmes. 17251. 17265. 45341- 45360. Hamilton, John. 22468. 25525. 25527. Samuel. 14505. 15375. Sarah Phidelia. 25526. 29020. Hammond, Charles E. 4S456. Grace E. 48459. Ida May. 48457. Lucian. 48422. 48455. Normal! Boise. 48458. Hanna, Freeman. 46381. Lida H. 46382. Rev. Matthew. 46109. 46380. Harding, vSophronia. 17000. 45200. Harlow, Betsey. 42360. Harmon, Anna Victoria. 46720. Elias Reynolds 46720. Harper, Maria Louise. 154 19. 25750. Harrah, William B. 32530. Harrington. David Mack. 15770. Julia Mack. 15766. Mary Pease. 15768. Moody. 14482. 14902. 15765. 15767- Nancy Amelia. 15769. Harris, Al'va R. 245328. Emily. 245327. Ernest F. 245323. Frankhn H. 244705. 245370. 245371- Hyrum Smith. 244703. 2453CXJ. Joanna. 245322. John C. 245392. John Fielding. 244707. 245390. Joseph A. 244702.245320. 245321. Lavern. 245391. 1964 Mack. Harris, Lucy Smith. 244706. Martha A. 244710. Mary E. 244704. Maud. 245325. Mercy A. 244708. Mercy R. 245301. Richard P. 245372. Sarah L. 24471 i. Sterling P. 245324. William J. 24250S. 244700. 244701. 245 2S0. Zella. 245326. Zina Christeen. 244709. Harrison, Ogden. 48585. Hart, Lucv. 22560. Hartt, Pro'f. C. Fred. 16570. Harvey, Asa. 38200. Betty. 38200. Mary. 343S0. Hastings, Captain. 46300. Mrs. Lois. 46300. Samuel. 46300. Hathaway, Nancy. 244360. Haven, Elizabeth. 4S420. Havens, Anna M. 16000. Hawes, Lida Belle. 16520. Polly. 12920. Sarah (Hazeltine). .22873. Hawkins, Edward. 15691. 16050. Edward S. 16051. Nathan S. 14807. 15690. Hawn, Benjamin F. 18345. Francis Gilbert. 18346. Frank Seymour. 18346. Seymour William. 18346. Haworth, William. 23578. Hayes, Albert Clement. 26832. 29845. Edith May. 29846. Emma. 48425. Ethel June. 29847. Irving Clement. 29848. Haynes, Henry S. 25S94. Sally Philbrick. 27505. Hays, Catharine. 12430. John. 12429. Joseph. 12433. Philemon. 12432. Richard. 11824. 12425. 12428. 19090. Seth. 12427. Silas. 12426. 1 243 1.' Hay ward, Esther. 20850. Huldah. 20850. Nathan. 20S50. Peter. 20850. Haywood, Sarah. 14650. Hazen, Mary Elizabeth. 31260. Hazeltine, Sarah A. 36015. 22873. Hazeltine, Edward. 31269. Fred. 31267. Veloria. 31268. William S. 27561. 31265. Zelia. 31266. Heath, Asenath. 15900-200. Gardner L. 15900-226. 16750. 27735- Harley W. 16752. 27735. May L. 16751. 27735. Hebert, JuUa E. 38835. Heller, Lydia Ann. 29350. Helmer, Harriet. 16288. Hemmenway, Hiram. 15745-20. Henderson, Archibald. 20889. 22465. Charles. 22467. 25515. 25517. Clarence. 25517. Eugene. 25502. Frances Sarah. 25501. 29000. John Phillips. 29016. Laura. 25519. Maryanne. 22468. 25525. Robert Stewart. 25503. W'illiam. 25518. William Gates. 22466. 25500. 25504- 290(5. Herbert, Ida M. 16175. Hewitt, Mary. 16283. Heyl, Harriet. 16130. Hibbard, Ebenezer. 15720. Henry. 15720. Henry Fitch. 15720. 15724. Horace Mack. 15723. Mary. 15700. Mary Louise. 1572 1. Nathan. 15720. Robert. 15720. Susan Maria. 15722. Timothy Warner. 15720. Hickox, Daris. 15745-20. Higham, Elizabeth. 39500. Higley, David Mack. 16256. Edward Benjamin. 15900-2. 16395. Franklin M. 16255. Lovisa. 1 625 1. Lula May. 18341. Matthew. 15801. 16250. Maud. 18371. Minnie C. 16253. Perkins B. 16254. 18340. Philander R. 16252. Sarah M. 16465. Hill, EHza Ann. 25685. Hills, Lucy. 38225. Hinman, Elijah. 46355. Mary. 46355- Index of Names. 1965 Hinsdale, Harriet (Spencer). 15900- 305- Henry. 14991. 15900-120. 15900-305. Hitchcock, George. 4S320. Sylvia. 15900-390. Hoadley, Betsey. 16230. Hobart, Dorothy. 24325. Jeremiah. 24325. Hobbs, Isaac. 34320. Jacob. 34320. Hodge, Mary A. 4S010. Hoflfman, Elizabeth. 16265. Holden, Edith. 395 [7. Ellsworth J." 3881 7. 39515. Ethel. 39516. Hollister, Elijah. 46100. Pernicia. 15795. Prudence Frances. 46x00. Holly, Hannah. 11890. Holmes, Eleanor. 45535. Esther. 20S50. John. 45535- Nancy. 47 no. Obadiah. 15900. Holt, Clara. 31242. Edward. 27532. Frances. 31243. Fred Leslie. 27535. Hermon. 27531. 31240. 31241. Jacob. 23458. Judah Mack. 27533. Nathan. 27530. Susan B. 27500. Zilpha. 27534. Homan, Mary. 241528. Hopkins, Samuel. 15597. Seraph. 15S50. Horton. Andre. 15745-27. 16150. Clotte. 22493. Daniel C. 22497. Eliza Ann. 22491. Esther. 161 51. Joel. 20892. 22490. 22496. Joel Ransom. 22492. Mildred. 16152. Theophilus Ransom Gates. 22494. Wells Manara. 22495. Hough, Lydia. 23495. Houghton, Alice. 22510. Joab. 22510. House, Eva. 48395. Houston, Maria (Reed). 26060. Howard, A. J. 20859. David. 48424. 48460. Etta May. 248041. Frank C. 248042. Helen. 48461. Howard, John C. 244804. 280040. Lillian. 24477S. Leonard. 4S462. Sarah. 22525. Hovvarth, William. 23578. Howe, Alfred Henry. 15900-348. Edward. 15900-340. 15900-345. Edward Enoch. 15900-346, Sarah (Blossom). 13035. Theodore Frederick. 15900-347. Howell, Susannah. 14680. Howland, Hannah. 20090. John. 20090. Hubbard, Laura. 16266. Hubbell, Emma. 48450. Hugg, Deliverance B. 25030. Elijah. 25030. Elizabeth. 25030. Hughes, Daniel H. 31 103. 32750. Margaret Louise. 32751. Hulce, Alonzo. 38526. Humphrey, Albert Noble. 29195. Ashbel. 45570. Caroline Amelia (Cooke). 455S0. Charles Edwin. 29191. Edward Yates. 29193. Edwin Luce. 25742. 29160. Flavel Gaylord. 45570. Freddie Volnej'. 45570. George. 4557°. Ida Norma. 29192. 32580. Malachi. 45570. Michael. 45570. Samuel. 4557°. Susan Asenath. 29194. Hunt, Alonzo. 242561. 244720. Hunter, Robert. 15834. 16300. Huntington, Julia Maria. 15900-65. Huntley, Azubah. 12634. Ezra. 12633. Hannah. 12632. Jasper. 11899. 12630. 12631. Lodowick . 1 2948. Reuel. 12364. 12945. Richard Harris. 23340. Sally. 12946. Sarah. 12631. Spicer. 12947. Hurd, Dan. 14680. Isaac. 14680. Huresty, See. 36865. Hurt, Clarissa. 29520. Eulalie R. 29520. Floyd. 29520. Huston, David. 38284. 3S615. Frances. 39001. Marianna. 38616. 1966 Mack. Huston, Samuel. 38617. 39000. Hutchins, Sarah Louisa. 1582 1. Hutchinson, Job. 38120. John. 381 15. Joseph. 12476. Huxley, Albert. 1403 1. Dr. Asahel. 14032. Dr. Asahel M. 12568. 14030. Eliza. 14033. Lavina. 14034. Hyland, William. 48341. Hylands, Mary. 47025. Ingalls, See. 42304. Ingersoll, Charles. 48034. Ingham, Albert Hoyt. 22757. Albriece Oscar. 26756. Alice Belle. 26763. Alzina Anna. 22756. 26080. Anna Jean. 26760. Arthur Harold. 26759. 29745. Athol William. 26762. Betsey. 22753. Betsey Anna. 2279:. Betsey Maria. 22754. 26070. Charles Dane. 26757. Daniel. 21034. 22790. Daniel .^.lexander. 26761. Fanny Maria. 22794. Fernando Hargrave. 26061. Floyd Fulkerson. 29521. George Reed. 29525. Herbert Walter. 26758. lanthe Iphigene. 26063. Jean May. 29746. Lawrence Daniel. 22797. Lillie C. 1 63 10. 1 83 10. Maladine Huldah. 26062. 29490. 29500. Maria. 22755. Mar}^ Letitia. 22800. Micah. 38125. Oscar Solomon. 22799. 26755. Ossian. 22798. Ralph Erving. 29524. Samuel. 22752. Samuel Ellis. 29523. Temperance Smith. 22792. Vivian I. 29747. William. 21032. 22750. William Bacon. 26064. 29520. William Smith. 22751. 26060. 29522. Isham, Col. John. 33600. Ives, Julia. 31480. Jackson, George Washington. 29341. 32640. John S. 32641. Jackson, Rachel P. 22562. Jacobs, Elizabeth. 25995. Jacques, George. 14709. 15608. James, Eliza. 245420. Janes, Mary E. 15300. Jenkins, Emily. 245250. Jeuks, P. J. 15745-20. Jennings, Alice. 249344. Anna. 249343. Joshua. 249019. 249340. Lizzie. 249341. Nellie. 249342. Rose. 240150.. William. 248506. Johnson, Daniel Coleman. 29201. Elisha. 15745-20. Irene. 29202. James Anson Melrose. 16031. Loraine. 29203. Thomas. 1565 1. 16030. Jones, Alethea Ann. 45315. Carroll Welborn. 29601. Cary. 16159. Charles Welborn. 26704. 29600. Daniel. 45315- Edna Almira. 29602. George Cary. 15745-46. 16155. Hannah. 33620. Harry. 16156. Katharine. 16158. Mary Ella. 29560. Maud. 16157. Sarah. 14680. See. 248506. Smith. 15745-45- Joslin, Audrey. 29762. Carl. 29766. Clarence. 29763. Cora. 29761. Emery Abijah. 26767. 29760. Harry. 29764. Hattie May. 29765. Joy, Benjamin. 146S0. Julia A. 146S0. William. 15872. 16335. William Ashman. 16336. Judson, Charles Bushnell. 244799-15. 253005- Grace Augusta. 244799-14. Mrs. J. Lee. 242109. John Lee. 244401. 244799-10, 253000. Josephine Louisa. 244799-16. Junius Royal. 244799-13. Mary Elizabeth. 244799-17. Mary Larenda. 244799-11. Royal Mack. 244799-12. Index of Names. 1967 Keenay, Maria A. 23575. Keep, Helen Elizabeth. 29001. John. 29000. 29004. Samuel. 29000. Theodore John. 29000. William John. 25501. 29000. Keith, See. 249324. Keller, Aaron. 16272. 29035. Henry. 29003. William Henderson. 29002. Kellogg, Dorastus. 26062. 295 ro. Henr3\ 15609. Joseph. 15710. Turah. 15710. Kelsey, Asa Strong. 22737. 26030. Emma Sophia. 26032. Frank Gates. 26033. 29460. Joseph Strong. 26034. Julia Sarah. 26031. 29450. William. 22426. Kendall, Elizabeth Agnes. 251000. Kendrick, Caroline M. 27735. Harriet. 15900-225. 23466. 27735. Richard. 15900-225.21097. 23465. 27735- Kenington, Bertha R. 248252. William H. 244824. 24S250. William Hugh. 248251. Kennedy, Arthur Forester. 252 161. Cecile Grace. 252163. Charles. 14680. Glenna Marie. 252165. Joseph Douglas. 252162. Julia. 29745. Roger Alexander. 252164. See. 46382. William F. 251004. 252160. Kenniston, See. 33926. Kephart, Barbara. 16066. Cornelia. 16061. George Stebbins. 16065. Henry. 16060. Horace Sauers. 15702. 16060. Isaiah Lafaj-ette. 16060. Leonard Mack. 16063. Lucy Wheeler. 16064. Margaret. 16062. Kesler, Alonzo P. 244603. 245235. Keys, Florence Kenneth. 46902. Noel. 46901. William John. 46641. 46900. Keyser, vSarah. 249320. Kilborn, Jonah. 17030. 45230. Kilmer, Henry. 46401. Kimball, Abby M. 254541. .\lice A. 244600. Jacob. 34320. Kimball, Porter. 254541. King, Edward. 22851. 26865. 26S66. Edward Smith. 26866. Marv (Miller). 46610. See. 36867. William. 32650. Kingman, Leroy W. 15700. Kingsbur_v, Pierce. 42142. Kingsley.'E. H. 27661. 31450. Henrietta. 31 185. Josephine. 31451. Kinsey, J. F. 29107. Kitchell, Johanna. 240500. Robert. 240500. Kites, Louis Clifford. 16532. Maud A. 16533. William D. 15900-37. 16530. William Lyman. 16531. Kitson, Louise Jenkins. 29460. Kline, James S. 46347. Knapp, Charles C. 25764. 29210. Edmund Ray. 29803. F. Melvin. 26776. 29208. Frankie Myra. 2921 1. Jessie Louisa. 29S02. Lora Elizabeth. 29804. Lucia Eva. 29212. Mabel. 292x3. Melvin Smith. 29801. Rupert Lent. 29805. William W. 29208. Knight, Adaline. 22045. Edward. 22851. 26865. Joseph. 22045. Knox, Jennie. 29550. Lambson, Edna. 244600. Julina. 244600. Lane, .Vmanda. 15900-165. Lanning, Gideon. 249031. Larkin, I'red. 48373. Larmouth, Katherine. 27275. Lasley, Martha E. 244940. Law, Albert R. 26836. 29855. Lawhead, Margaret .\. 15480. Lawrence, Henry H. 14602. 15440. Leach, Elsie Sophia. 29452. Lawrence Luther. 29451. Margaret Kelsey. 29453. Marshall Wells. 26031. 29450. Learoyd, George A. 22052. Leavens, Ella. 32520. Leavitt, Candace. 15803. Lee, Alfred. 244823. 248240. Bel. 18565. Elizabeth. 240500. John. 18565. Josie L. 24S242. 1968 Mack. Lee, Mary. 1S565. Mary C. 24S241. Sarah. 18565. Thomas. 18565. Leet, Alexander. 22547. 25640. I31iza Ann. 25641. 25646. George. 25643. Harriet. 25647. James. 22551. 25700. 25701. John. 25704. Melvina. 25642. Martha. 25645. Mary. 25703. Menjo. 25644. Ursula. 25702. Leighton, Hannah. 240850. Lenimon, Nancy Melissa. 244520. Leonard, Dr. Edward D. 15526. Lettes, Nellie. 244850. Letts, Levi. 48031. Lewis, Esther. 12411. James. 11822. 12410. Joanna. 12412. John"M. 1 2415. Leonora Porter. 254S0. Nehemiah. 12413. Seth. 1 2414. Light, John E. 27564. 31285. Robert Mack. 31286. Lindsay, Anna Kellogg. 157 10. Catharine. 244793. David. 15710. Hiram. 15710. Litchfield, Deborah. 15960. Little, Alethia. 23340. Alice Emery. 31002. 32790. Alvin. 23340. Amasa. 23340. Anne. 23340. Asahel. 23340. Barzillai. 23340. Betty. 23340. Charles. 23340. Charles Eugene. 2727S. 31000. 31004. 32810. Charles Henry. 23340. Edmont T. 23340. Elisha. 23342. Francis. 23340. Frank Blair. 31001. 32780. George Warren. 27277. 29895. Jane. 23340. John. 23340. Kate Luella. 27283. 31030. Lydia. 23340. Lydia Ann. 27279. Lyman. 23340. # Little, Maria. 23340. Mary. 23340. Meredith Blair. 27276. 29890. Nancy. 23340. Nellie May bell. 31003. 32800. Nial. 23340. Rachel. 23340. Russell. 21063. 23340. Russell Alfonso. 27281. 31010. Russell Mack. 23341. 27275. Sally. 23340. Sarah. 23340. Sarah Emma. 27282. 31020. See. 23340. Stephen Brown. 272S0. Warren. 23343. William. 23340. Livezey, Azariah Smith. 29343. Edward W. 29344. Ella Maud. 29347. Elmer Bertram. 29346. Ida Carrie. 29341. lola Angeline. 29342. Jesse Linford. 29345. Joseph Dyer. 25918. 29340. Logan, Elmer Haverstick. 29282. Henry Smith. 29281. James Andrew. 25881. 29280. James Wadsworth. 29285. John Flinn. 292S3. Walter Wadsworth. 29284. Long, Sarah. 241502. Loomis, Charles C. 29040. John Rice. 27282. 31020. Lord, Abigail. 18565. 21125. Daniel. 18565. Deborah. 11932. 18567. Elizabeth. 11936. 18565. 18571. 20090. Hepzibah. 11935. 1S570. Huldah. 11934. 18569. Joseph. 18565. Lamira O. 15777. Lydia. 11931. 18566. 20050. Martha. 18565. Nabby. 12900. Phebe. 12600. Richard. 18565. Robert. 18565. Samuel. 18565. Sarah. 11933. 18568. 20080. Taphena. 12960. Theophilus. 11812. 11930. 18565. Thomas. 18565. Love, Samuel. 14616. 15555. Loveland, Aurelia. 26090. Ella. 16300. 18300. Index of Names. 1969 Loveless, Andrew. 3S292. Daniel. 14626. 3S291. Leander. 14627. 3S293. See. 13073. 14625. 3S290. Ludlow, Hannah. 14680. Lyman, Charles Dwight. 15790. Clark T. 149 16. '15787. Clarissa. 34320. George Seymour. 15791. Mary Elizabeth. 15788. Sarah Jane. 15789. Lyon, Isidor. 29071. Julien P. 27669. 36847. MacDermon, See. 18500. MacDougal, See. 18500. MacLaren, Lillian. 48371. MacTavish, See. 18500. McBride, Reuben M. 244826. 248260. McBurney, Mary. 46610. McCallum, Alexander. 36231. 252000. Arthur Alexander. 252002. Joseph Alma. 252001. Oscar Maceo. 252004. William James. 252003. McCarthy, Margaret. 46325. McChain, Caroline. 1704. Charlotte. 14709. 15608. Daniel. 14706. 15600. 15606. George. 15605. Hattie. 14708. John. 13087. 14702. 14707. 15604. Lizzie. 14703. Susan. 14705. McClelland, See. 29020. McClure, Belle. 27461. McCormick, Elizabeth. 31460. John. 16650. McDaniel, Claud. 32822. Esther. 32821. Fritz. 31576. 32820. Lawrence Fayne. 32824. R. Wayne. 32823. McDowell, Anna. 46430. Jane. 46430. McElheny, Edna. 46710. Thomas J. 46710. McElwaine, Arthur Edwin. 15932. Charles. 1593 1. Edwin. 15382. 15930. George W. 13026. 15000. McFarland, Robert. 22445. McFarlane, Clara Wells. 29141. Hugh. 25726. 29140. McGhie, John. 26872. 29870. McGinnis, Capt. William. 48860. McGregor, Jean. 249740. Mack, Aaron. 12482. 125 17. 17070. 38270. 1 1845. 1 2530. 14555- Mack, .\bbie E. 253135. Abbie Louisa. 4301 1. Abby L. 38230. .Abigail. 1 1S25. 11840. 12302. 12364. 12503. 12565. 12945. 13027. 21129. 23450. 42002. 240151. Abigail C. 421 18. Abihu. 12561. Abijah. 11859. 12540. 38010. Abner. 11877. 12568. 12600. 14000. 19050. 19052. 38020. 254632. Ada Augusta. 15779. AddieJ. 27488. Adelphia. 38526. Adolpli. 249810.. 254420. Agnes. 253010. 253205. Albert. 45655- 45^72. 254904- Albert B. 42171. Albert F. 42 151. 254800. Albert Fletcher. 42402. Albert G. 45625. 254601. Albert O. 42141. 42410. Alexander. 38286. 38635. 4S655. 48775. 48806. 48996. 249S15. 253140. 254864. 254905. Alexander W. 254710. Alexander Wolfgang. 254775- Alfred. 48680. 249820. Alfred Harmon. 38S19. Alfred Silas. 42332. Alfred W. 249825. Alice. 38828. 249830. Alice M. 27646. Alice Maria. 31252. 25472S. Alice Mary. 254758. Alice S. 254801. Alice Viola. 38637. Almird. 13075. 14680. 240707. AlmiraC. 15900-200. 27436. 31150. Almon. 23575. 34515- 42220. 240706. 242220. 242240. Alonzo. 38263. Alonzo E. 27567. 31320. Alonzo Shaw. 23440. 27545. 254755- Alonzo W. 25461 1. Alva R. 15900-200. 27438. 31 140. Alva W. 31 143- Amanda M. 45610. Amasa. 17101. i7"5- 42032. 42170. Amasa Newton. 453"'- 453'5- Amos. 14557. 20S55. 21062. 23320. 242100. 242101. Amos Bigelow. 23396. 27400. 48850. 254906. I970 Mack. Mack, Amos P. 48636. 253015. Amos Peck. 27267. Andalusia H. 22015. Andrew. 20S32. 23580. 45440. 45441. 45460. 45500. 47007. 47032. 47055- 47097- 47119- 47525- 47552. 47800. 4S855. 248501. 249835. 254802. Andrew C. 254907. Andrew Jackson. 48510. Ann. 16890. 45535- 47" 8. 249840. 249845. 253210. 253210. 253215. 254803. 254815. Anna. 12474. 13022. 14870. 17161. 45270. 4S651. 249850. 254025. Anna B. 253220. Anna E. 48975. Anna Jane. 47530. Anna Maria. 15900-250. 34505. Anna Priscilla. 22025. Anne. 45673- 249855. 254908. Annette Belinda. 38638. Annie. 48810. Annie Maria. 15754. Annis B. 23426. Annis English. 27268. Anthony. 254305. Anthony C. 254909. Anton. 254910. Archie -A.. 253145. Arthur Carlyle. 15900-341. Arthur Fisher. 27642. Arthur J. 48S95. 249860. Arthur Julius. 254770. Asa. 14870. 33637. 33920. 42031. 42160. Asa B. 33926. 42166. 42480. Asenath. 14870. August. 25491 1. Augusta. 254912. Augusta A. 27490. Augustus. 254913. Azariah. 14S70. Azubah. 11 899. 21 127. B. 254030. 254230. 254395. B. B. 254035. Barbara. 249865. 253905. Barzeliel. 12601. Bebbi. 249S70. Belinda. 249875. Benjamin. 12338. 12900. 12901. 17100. 21125. 21130. 23435. 27735- 38150. 47553- 4S860. 254633- Benjamin F. 254385. Benjamin F'ranklin. 23437. 27505. 45300. Mack, Benjamin Milo. 48398. Benjamin R. 254999. Bernice. 254915. Bertha. 48630. 254320. Bertha Aletha. 17116. Bertha Alethea. 45316. Bertha E. 58817. Berzeleel. 19051. 20820. Berzeleel Lord. 20821. 22000. Betsey. 14911. 15408. 15900-250, 17090. 34286. 45290. 242104. Betsey Ann. 456S0. Betsey B. 33921. 42161. Betty. 19005. Bianca. 14559. Bienclude. 14100. Blanche. 27669. Bradley J. 254916. Burdell W. 253150. Burtis Dickinson. 31403. Burton W. 254917. Mrs. C. B. 254865. C. Delbert. 254390. C. S. 48565- Calvin. 14870. 20805. 20851. 22010. 22015. Calvin Henry. 25031. Calvin L. 17020. 45220. Candace Adaline. 22050. Carl. 254918. Carlos Franklin. 34366. 36215. 42326. 43000. Carlotte. 21065. 23380. Carlton. 48396. Carlton Henri. 15900-250. 34504. Caroline. 13088. 45643. 242234. 249013. Carrie A. 25053. Carrie E. 4221 1. 42500. 42505. Carrie May. 27665. 36844. Catharine. 11872. 14919. 2498S0. 249885. 249890. 249895. 253020. 254230. 253235. 254040. 253225. 254045- Chabris. Charles. 38803. 249915- 12925. 12324. 38452. 249900. 249905. 253155- 253160. 254425. 254675. 254866. 254919. 254920. 254921. 254980. Charles A. 38527. 45640. 45644- 48347- Charles B. 38604. 254741. Charles C. 254922. Charles D. 48S90. Charles E. 47099. 253240. 253910. 254430. Index of Names. 1971 Mack, Charles Ernest. 48900. Charles Eoote. 45102, Charles Franklin. 27506. 31 185. Charles H. 272S7. 47S02. Charles J. 254988. Charles M. 254923. Charles R. 254924. Charles S. 48980. Charles Samuel. 15764. 38278. Charles W. 3852S. 38835. 249920. Charlotte. 13087. 25034. 33901. 42101. 42300. Charlotte M. 38234. 38465. Charmis. 12924. Chilion. 20853. 22035. Chilion Edward. 45501. Christian. 4S710. 254435. 254925. Christian E. 254050. Christopher. 48710. Clara. 38801. 254926. Clarence N. 254700. Clarissa. 14752. 15650. Clarissa G. 33924. 42164. Clarissa L. 45345- Clyde E. 254927. Cora L. 45526. Cordelia R. 23415. Cordelia Rebecca. 15900-200. 23415- 27425. 27735. Cordelia S. 254804. Cornelia. 15762. Cornelius. 12926. 254928. D. 48656. 254440. 254718. 254719. 254990. D. E. 48540. D. W. 17350. 489S5. Damaris. 11875. Daniel. 11874. 12566. 12580. 13076. 13085. 13092. 14593- 14600. 14680. 15900-200. 17225. 19086. 21075. 42029. 42035. 42200. 45630. 47008. 47098. 47110. 47117- 47558- 47850. 48580. 248503. 249010. 249012. 253245- 254055. 254060. 254235. 254737- Daniel A. 27735. 254600. Daniel Alva. 15900-200. 23414. 27437- Daniel B. 254400. 254621. Daniel C. 249925. Daniel H. 253165. Daniel J. 45470. 249930. Daniel L. 254743. Daniel Miner. 15900-200. 21083. 23410. 27735. Daniel W. 33904- 3438o. Mack, Daniel Way. 42104. 42330. Daniel William. 43002. Daniel Winfred. 36217. 36900. David. 12239. '2501. 1 2910. 12911. 13015. 13018. 14100. 14480. 14483. 14900. 14901. 15433- 15750. 15751- 15900-200. 17225. 17280. 21050. 21080. 21082. 23399. 23425. 27735. 33610. 34315. 38155. 38287. 47009. 471 10. 48995. 249935. 249940. 254701. 254780. David E. 48996. David Hull. 17071. 3S271. David S. 254620. Deborah. 11812. 11892. 11930. 12326. 18565. Delia. 15408. 15411-1. 15412. 254805. Delia Elizabeth. 15900-250. 34506. Delight. 1 236 1. Delia Winifred. 27563. Dennis. 20856. Dennis Eaton. 22023. Dexter Ware. 22013. 25050. Dicke. 253025. Dorcas. 12362. 12936. Dorrie .\. 25054. Dorr L. 253030. Dwight. 1 49 1 7. E. 25936. 48786. E. E. 48720. E. I'lora. 38426. E. J. 487.50. E. M. 48735- Ebenezer. 1180S. 11826. 11890. 12300. 12363. 12570. 12581. 12920. 14001. 14010. 14019. 14750. 14800. 14818. 17000. 18550. 23490. 33515. 42000. 45200. Edgar C. 253250. Edna E. 38820. Edward. 38826. 48640. 242232. 253255- 254240. 254720. 254930. Edward A. 48787. Edward D. 253260. Edward Dwight. 27647. Edward Elisha. 14676. 15562. 15575- 15900-290. 23397. 27227. 27415- Edward V. 249945. 253915. Edward L. 254445. Edward Pitcairn. 15763. Edward Rollins. 22049. Edward W. 254931. Edwin. 38826. 1972 Mack. Mack, Edwin Benjamin. 27548. 31260. Edwin F. 48730. Edwin Frederick. 48520. 48700. Edwin R. 254750. Edwin Wallace. 22037. Egbert B. 254932. Elaine. 12327. Eleanor. 14805. 15670. Electa. 47556. 47840. 248508. Electa Mariah. 14561. Eli Thornton. 14484. 14814. 14900. 45400. 255030. Elijah. 12327. 12935. 47033- Elijah Spencer. 22663. 25875. Elisha. 1 1824. 1 1898. 12376. 12500. 12541. 12960. 13021. 13035- 13036. 14100. 14101. 14550. 14556. 14650. 14651. 14925- 15424- 15426. 15560. 15561. 15900-225. 15900-390. 17150. 17290. 18551. 21060. 2 106 1. 21096. 23300. 23302. 27225. 27228. 27234. 27735. 33610. 38060. 38275. 45430. 240150. 254670. Elisha H. 12971. 14450. 23321. 27250. Elisha Hutchinson. 242102. 244100. 244104. Elisha Sweet. 15900-262. Eliza. 2io8[. 47557. 47830. 48306. 254630. Eliza Ann. 1804. 14804. 14814. Eliza Jane. 42144. 42420. Eliza Flora. 48341. Elizabeth. 11803. 11823. 11835. 11851. 11917. 12344. 12545. 12583. 14016. 14870. 17025. 20S03. 33502. 38284. 38615. 42009. 45225. 45330. 47006. 47056. 47093- 47" ■■ 253035. Elizabeth A. 38236. 38485. Elizabeth C. 42143. Elizabeth E. 27650. Elizabeth Esther. 22021. Elizabeth S. 248506. Ella. 22029. Ella B. 253040. Ella Iv. 15562. 15900-290. Ella L/Cwis. 27227. Ella Louise. 27664. 36843. Ella W. 14452. Ellas S. 254867. Ellen. 27486. 249950. Ellen Augusta. 22039. Ellen L. 27561. Ellsworth E. 39501. Mack, Elmer E. 38802. 39500. 253170. Elmer Edwin. 48001. Elmer L,. 25051. Elvina. 14807. 15690. Elvira. 45027. 48366. Emeranda. 14588. Emily. 27289. 4565 1- Emma. 48515. Emma Cora. 244101. Emma D. 45600. Emma J. 254740. Emma M. 254933. Enoch. 12961. 48631. 254325. Enos. 15900-225. 21 103. 27735. Ephraim Robins. 15759. Erastus. 14680. 38201. 38280. 48664. 254612. Ernest Harmon. 15900-261. 16780. Estella. 48646. Esther. 11831. 11842. 12921. 20858. 248512. Esther Ann. 22052. Esther C. 14928. Ethel. 31462. Ethel L. 31142. Ethelinda. 33902. 42102. 42300. Etta. 27663. 31470. 254934. Eugene. 48600. 48605. 48780. Eugene Alonzo. 27546. Eugene J. 253265. Eugenia Josephine. 244102. Eva D. 15900-200. 27440. 3 II 60. 3i'65. Eva Frances. 15778. Evaline L. 27508. 31195. Eveline. 14451. Eveline S. 23577. Everett S. 254935. Everett Smith. 38636. Experience. 1247S. 38120. Ezra. 11829. 12320. 12329. 38496. 48303. 48632. 254330. F. P. 48789. F. S. 48790. Fannie E. 25033. Fannie Minerva. 15900-291. Fanny. 17 197. 20833. 45447- 47S92. 48031. 249101. Flavel. 240102. Flora M. 38451. Florence. 31461. Florence M. 48346. 48390. Frances. 31465. 38828. Frances C. 45642. Frances J. 38818. Frances Louisa. 14817. Frances M. A. 15409. 15945. Index of Names. 1973 Mack, Frances Matilda. 27661. 31450. 36841. Francis. 14591. 15430. 15435. 253270. 25471 1. 254937. Francis Asbury. 27660. 36840. Francis E. 25493S. Francis H. 254S06. Francis W. 249955. Frank. 38443. 38497- 38551. 48371- 249960. 249965. 249970. 253275. 253920. 254807. 254835. 254939. 254940. Frank D. 487S8. 254941. Frank M. 242 loS. Frank P. 254942. Frank S. 27565. Franklin. 33638. 33935. 42033. 4 2 1 80. Franklin D. 45055. Franklin J. 3S413. 38815. Franz. 254943. Fred. 4881 1. 249975. 249980. 249985. 253925. Fred A. 38453. Fred B. 27562. Fred Lockinan. 27670. 31488. 36849. Frederick. 45652. 254450. •Frederick A. 48348. 48395. Frederick D. 254944. Frederick O. 4S812. 254808. Frederick Thomas. 15712. 48955. Frederick W. 254945. Frederika. 254928. G. A. 45525. Genevieve. 31464. Genevieve A. 48349. 48400. George. 15410-1. 27735. 38255. 46000. 4801 1. 48200. • 48725. 48813. 48870. 48875. 240101. 249990. 249995. 253045. 253050. 254455- 254622. 254628. 254731. 254845. 254930. George A. 25055. George Augustus. 27649. 31400. 31405- George C. 15900-200. George Congdon. 23416. 27460. George D. 250000. George Franklin. 4S915. George Henry. 15900-293. Rev. George Herbert. 48002. George Jay. 4S550. George L. 253280. 254931. George \V. 23576. 47810. 48010. 254738. 254739. 254932. George Washington. 23395. Mack, George William. 15701. George Wilson. 27463. Georgiana O. 254742. Gertrude. 38552. 3S827. Gertrude C. 254245. Gottlieb. 254929. Gottlieb H. 254933. Grace. 3S646. Grace .■\dele. 27667.31480. 36846. Grace M. 249104. Gustavus F. 254934. H. A. 48792. H. D. 42^,61. H. E. 254872. Hannah Jennette. 16878. 45423. Harmon X. 38229. 38410. Harold Alonzo. 31254. 254764. Harold Dwight. 31401. Harold J. 254702. Harriet L. 23578. Harry. 48930. 254460. 254935. 254936. Harry W. 48935- 250015. Harvey D. 42363. Hattie. 38416. Helen. 48202. 250020. Helen E. 254065. Hemen D. 253055. Henry C. 242231. Henry G. 38412. 38800. Henry H. 48960. Henry J. 250025. Henry M. 42361. 43010. Henry O. 4S665. 254610. Henry R. 27735. 48545- Henry S. 48610. 250030. 254410. Henry Quinc)'. 14421. 15300. 15900-340. Herbert. 254340. Herbert A. 31141. 32760. Herbert T. 48633. Hereward MacGregor. 31402. Holmes. 47560. 47572. 47875- Horace. 14020. 14S10. 14S13. 15700. 1571 1- 254613. Horatio. 48791. 254873. Hugh. 254811. 254S74. Dr. Hugh P. 48667. Hugo Simon. 48925. 250035. I. Johnson. 2543S5. I. Wilson. 254415. Ida. 27487. 38553- 244103- Irvin H. 254465. Isaac. 20822. Isaac Foster. 4502S. 45"5o- 45ioo. Isaac Gibbs. 22004. Isaac Newton. 22005. 25000. 1974 Mack. Mack, Isaac S. 250040. Isabella. 15753. 47095. 47II2. Isabella G 48500. 38602. Isabella Louisa. Isabelle. 311SS. Isaiah W. 23441. 27560. J. 48755- 48793- 254832. 254977. Rev. J. A. 48770. J. B. 48745- 254877. J- C. 254730. J. Dean. 254833. J. Edward. 253950. J. H. 48670. 254878. J. J. 48715. 254879. J. L. 48830. J. Livermore. 42120. J. W. 48795- 254570. Jacob. 250045. 253060. 254712. 254812. 254941. Jacob A. 48668. 254868. Jacob F. 254875. Jacob W. 48940. 250050. James. 17194. 45444- 47053- 48250. 48815. 250055. 250060. 250065. 253175- 253290. 253930. 254075. 254080. 254085. 254090. 254250. 254602. 254703. 254721. 254722. 254813. 254814. 254815. 254816. 254817. 254942. 254943. 254944. 255006. James .\shle3' Abbott. 42412. James B. 253295. 254345. James Brenton. 38283. 38600. James C. 250070. 254876. James E. 48794- 254945. James H. 254360. James Howard. 27229. James I. 38254. 38550. James J. 38254. 253300. James L. 253305. 254020. James M. 254470. James P. 254090. James Seigel. 15780. James T. 254946. James W. 254603. 254S18. 254869. James Wallace. 14920. 15777. Jane. 15427. 15900-391. 47010. 47035. 47091- 47801. 253180. Jane Eliza. 1455 1. Jane M. 253310. Jane Maria. 14921. Janet. 47002. 47031- 47ii3- Jarius. 3S062. Jason. 19081. Jason M. 254870. Jasper M. 25052. Jay D. 254947. Mack, Jay McKenzie. 31253. 254749. Jennett. 48260. Jennie. 38454. Jennie A. T. 253065. Jennie V. 15900-200. Jemima. 11876. Jeremiah. 14870. 38253. 38540. 48300. 48615. 240800. 254871. Jerusha. 48307. 4S315- 48318. Jerusha E. 38238. Jesse. 47036. Jesse Schenck. 4241 1. Jessie. 45641. Jessie C. 254948. Jessie Carlotta. 48825. Jessie Spencer. 15900-292. Joanna. 17300. 33530. Joanna Elizabeth. 42401. Joel. 254634. Joel M. 254614. Johanna. iiSii. Johannis. 48885. John. 1 1800. 11801. 11820. 1182S. 11846. 11855. 12322. 12343. 12513. 12516. 12520. 13051. 14102. 14680. 14870. 15900-225. 15900-250. 16875. 17160. 17250. 17252. 1S500. 18525. 21 104. 21 150. 23325. 23480. 27735. 33500. 38061. 38182. 38250 42006. 42028. 42135. 45029 45340. 45342. 45420. 45660 45671. 47000. 47003. 47027 47051- 47094. 47116. 47500 47559- 47570. 47809. 48000 48240. 48308. 48620. 240000 240600. 240708. 250075. 250080. 250085. 250090. 250095. 250100. 250105. 2501 10. 2501 15. 253070. 253315. 253320. 253325. 253330. 253935. 254100. 254105. 254IIO. 2541 15. 254635. 254680. 254685. 254723. 254724. 254725. 254726. 254732. 254835. 2548SI. 254987. 254992- 255950. John A. 33923. 42138. 42163. 42470. 48669. 248510. 254829. John .\lex. 254745. John Alfred. 48920. John Andrew. 45502. John C. 48666. 48816. 254375. John Clinton. 15408. 15411. 15900- 250. 34503- John Conrad. 48675. John E. 253335. John F. 48950. 253075. 254852. John Fish. 12525. Index of Names. 1975 Mack, John Frederick. 45650. John Freeman. 254575. John G. 254S80. John Giles. 17072. 3S272. John George. 48645. John Given Davis. 3S627. John H. 15900-250. 3428 1. 250120. 254960. John J. 242106. 250125. 253340. 254853- 254961. John L. 2548S2. John M. 2083.1. 23575. 254475. 254734. John P. 254120. 254830. 254962. John Parsons. 15775. John R. 2548S3. John T. 45054- 254S31. John Talcott. 13020. 14910. 14914. 15772. John W. 253940. 254963. John W. D. L. F. 254617. John Wallace. 3S239. John Ward. 23394. John Warren. 14562. 15430. 15900- 255- 15900-300. Jonas. 253185. Jonathan. 11806. 11 850. 11 853. 12544- 33506. Jonathan L. 42027. 421 15. Jonathan Ivivermore. 42172. 42490. Joseph. 11S52. 12546. 14870. 19000. 20802. 38184. 3S227. 48302. 48814. 25^^0130. 250135. 250140. 250145. 250150. 253080. 253940. 254125. 254S54. 254855. 254964. 254965. 254966. 254967. 254968. 254969. 254970. Joseph J. 254971. Joseph Lathrop. 16181. Joseph Warren. 382S8. 38645. Josephine. 254972. Josephine L. 253085. Joshua. 38181. 38225. 48301. Joshua F. 1481 1. Dr. Joshua Newton. 48555. Joshua T. 12938. 14420. Josiah. 1 1805. 11S36. 1 1840. 11856. 12373. 12375. 12470. 12479. 124S0. 12970. 12985. 13037. 14675. 15900-290. 21066. 23390. 33504- 38180. 4559°- 48300. 240020. 240050. 254636. Josiah A. 254973. Judah. 21 126. Judah Iv. 27566. 31295. Judah Lord. 23436. 27500. 14902. 27286. 15765. 31550. Mack, Julia. 144S2 17251. 17265, 45341- 254974. Juha De F. 45570. Julia Frances. 27234. Julia M. 254975. Julia Whiton. 15703. Julian W. 254976. Julian William. 48820. Julius Oscar. 25001. Kate. 254125. 254978. Kate Christine. 48004. Kathie. 254979. Katie. 48639. 253090. Kent Eugene. 48003. Kitt}'. 254980. L. Alexander. 48637. Ladora Ann. 42404. Laura. 13028. 15752. i<*|S5. 17253 21064. 27735. 45343- 242105 254981. Laura Adeline. 23438. 27515. Laura Adell. 48005. Laura Augusta. 27231. Laura Blanche. 36847. Laura Diadema. 15900-200. 23412 Laura L. 45690. Laura P. 15900-200. 27439. Laura White. 15702. Laurence Alexander. 15432. Lauretta K. 254981. LaVern Prentice. 167S1. Lavinia. 240703. Lawrence. 250170. Lawrence W. 250175. Lee. 254857. Lena. 38605. 254704. Leslie O. 27489. Letitia. 47092. Levi. 38183. 38260. 48304. 4S365 254410. Levi M. 254660. Lewis A. 42471. Lewis Charles. 2547S5. Lewis F. 42139. 254714. Lewis S. 250180. Lieutenant. 254631. Lillian. 48397- Lillie Janette. 27666. 36845. Lizzie. 42461. 48817. 254005 254791- 254982- Lois. 12502. 1 2510. 13017. 14100, 19006. Loita. 14100. Loring Braddock. 22002. Louis. 1 1860. 250185. 250190 254884. 1976 Mack. Mack, Louis H. 254983. 254984. Louisa. 42136. 42380. 242229. 250195. 253955. Louisa Amelia. 42403. Louise. 1 1 87 1. 254858. 254859. Love. 1 1854. Lovicy. 23560. 42210. 240702. Lovilla L. 254860. Lovina. 19085. 23575. Lovisa. 19084. Lucia. 11S61. Lucia Spencer. 27233. Lucinda. 13091. 254130. Lucinda A. 3S235. 38475. Lucy. 13025. 13073. 14625. 14650. 14912. 15781. 17035- 19088- 20870. 25016. 34320. 45235- 241000. Lucy Pease. 22006. Luc}' Wheeler. 42462. Lula R. 25081. Lulu. 254985. Lurany B. B. 42007. Luther. 20804. Lydia. 11804. 11827. 11843. 12304. '12321. 12475. 12511. 12512. 13054. 14870. 15900-250. 17060. 19082. 33503. 34285. 38145. 42005. 45260. 240051. 240500. Lvdia A. 248502. Lydia Ann. 47555- 47830. Lydia F. S. 42122. Lydia Randall. 14916. 15787. Lyman. 14903- 14918. 15774- Lyman Pease. 14906. M. 250207. 250208. 250209. 253965. 253970. 254165. 254170. 254175. 254836. 254996. 254997. M. H. 254290. 25461S. M. J. 253100. M. L. 254899. M. T. 254837. Madge A. 254834. Maggie. 254987. 254988. Malinda. 38264. Mame. 254010. Mame L. 254160. Mandana S. 42201. Marcia H. 42123. 42370. Margaret. 15425. 15900-263. 16785. 47026. 47804. 250200. 253960. 254135- 254255- 254500. 254835. 254989. Margaret G. 48585. Margaret Gentner. 25018. Maria. 23439. 27530. 242103. 249102. 14491. 15315. 14927. 3841 I. Mack, Maria Burns. 47529. Maria J. 1402 1. 14825. Maria V. 254140. Marie. 45674. Marilla. 38237. Marinda. 421 17. Marion Delphina. 42167. Marion Genevieve. 31407. Martha. 47005. 47ii5- 47805. Martha A. 2485 11. Martha Ann. 22036. Martha Caroline. 38601. Martha Elizabeth. 38626. 39100. Martin. 48945- 254145- Martin J. 253095. Martin M. 45580. Mary. 46001. 46025. 47034- 254015- Mary A. 250204. 250205. 254270. Mary Ann. 33905. 38603. 42105. 42142. 42331- 42340. 42350. Mary B. 42 116. Mary C. 14454- 248507. Mary Campbell. 244400. Mary Catharine. 14491. 15315- Mary Dimmick. 25017. Mary E. 31186. 38256. 254275- Mary Eleanor. 14815. Mary Ellen. 15776. 27648. Mary Ely. 15757- Mary Frances. 27507. Mary H. 25056. 42491 - 45340. Mary Helen. 254155. Mary Jane. 14803. Mary K. 254994. Mary Lucinda. 42153. 42440. Mary M. 15900-225. 23481. 27735. 250206. Mary Pamelia. 31251. Mary R. 25035. Mary Rosamond. 43012. Mary Sophia. 14560. Mary Urbanah. 22048. Matilda. 242233. Dr. Matt. 48671. Matthew. 14870. 254996. Matthew J. 254285. Matty. 1 4 100. Merrill Elmaran. 22060. 250S0. Mildred Jeanette. Millison. 254898. Milo A. 38233. 48345- Dr. Milton. 38647. 20807. 31406. 3S450. 22016. 48314. Index of Names. 1977 Mack, Dr. Milton H. 48661. Minerva. 23392. 38427. Minerva R. 48342. 48445. Minnie. 3S415. Minnie E. 253105. Minnie M. 254355. MollieJ. 254998. Monz. 254999. Morris J. 253355. Myra Jane. 22024. Nabby. 12323. Nancy. 38226. 38375. 47052. Nancy J. 255000. Nancy Sabrina. 421 21. Naomi. 47029. Nathan. 19001. Nathaniel. 14680. 471 14. 47550. 48818. Nathaniel Eli. 14904. Nathaniel H. 248500. 248509. Nathaniel Hohnes. 47808. Nehemiah. 11830. 12335. 12337. 15900-225. 21095. 21 100. 27735. Nellie. 253360. 2541 So. Nellie A. 38529. Nellie Irene. 31404. Nellie Lewis. 15900-295. Nellie M. 4SS00. 254900. Nina. 48201. Nina Lois. 16782. Nora. 253190. 254295. Norman B. 38231. 38425. Norman Boise. 4831 1. 48340. Norman Edward. 4S840. Olive Temple. 22003. Oliver. 21082. 47028. Oliver H. 23429. 27485. Orlando. 11807. 11 870. 11873. 12560. 12563. 12582. 13070. 13071. 13074. 14553- 14565- 14590. 15422. 15553. 15900-260. 17080. 20852. 22020. 22035. 33505- 36000. 45280. 254637. 254850. Orlando R. 31 144. Orrin L. 254370. Orville. 33936. Orville F. 42181. 42202. Oscar Addison. 22007. 25015. Oscar B. 42154. 42460. Oscar Calvin. 2201 1. 25030. Oscar E. 15900-200. Oscar Eugene. 27461. Oscar L. 255001. Otto. 250250. Ovid J. 253195. P. 48801. 250255. 250260. 250265. 250270. 250275. 253365. 254S38. 255003. Mack, P. C. 2';4i9o. 2548^9. P. H. 254840. Rev. P. S. 48765. P. T. 253200. Pamela Asenath. 22001. Pamela Mary. 254757. Patience. 11824. Patrick Henry. 48570. Pauline. 45653- Peter. 250280. 255002. Peter D. 250285. Peter Dey. 14806. Peter J. 253370. Peggy. 254500. Phebe. 11822. 11875. 11891. 13023. 14018. 15735- 4''^305. Phebe Wilhelmina. 48676. Phila. 13055. 34287. Phila A. 15900-250. Philander. 254735. Philip. 2531 10. 254290. Piatt. 47812. Polly. 12328. 12922. 15900-225. 20835. 21097. 27735. 42034. 42185. Polly Louisa. 42173- Polly M. 33922. 42162. Prudence. 12529. R. C. 4S658. Rachel. 11878. 12351. Ralph. 12503. 13050. 15408. 15900- 250. 34280. Ralph Gilbert. 145S6. 15408. 15900-250. 34288. 34501. Rebecca. iiSio. 11920. Resolved. 17151- 45431- Rhoda. 240705. Rhoda Ann. 14552- Richard. 38063. 38200. Rizpah. 20859. Rizpah Mvranda. 22022. Roan E. M. 254607. Robert. 13090. 47004. 4705°- 47096. 4^657. 48880. 254195. 254606. Robert Henrv. 254885. Robert \V. 254841. 255005. Rosa. 242226. Rosa H. 42492- Dr. Roscoe Dudley. 4^525- Rose C. 255006. Roselma H. 22014. Ross. 31466. Roy. 3'463- Royal. 23322. 1978 Mack. Mack, Royal Cooper. 27230. Royal L. 14454- Royal Lyman. 244400. Royal M. 242109. Ruel. 19003. 20800. Rufus H. C. 254619. Rufus Simonds. 15900-200. 2341 1. 23413. 27435. 27735. Russell. 38252. Russell J. 48505. Russell L. 48530- 254360. 254975. Russell Little. 15900-294. Ruth. 14870. 17050. 45250. 47030. 240704. S. 255008. S. J. 48796- Sabrina Huldah. 22012. Saeby. 31 187. Sallie. 47806. Sally. 15900-225. 21063. 21101. 23340. 27735. Sally Ann. 14554. Sally J. 248505. Sally L. 33925- 42165. Salmon. 12923. Samuel. 11857. 11895. 12567. 14481. 14870. 15900-200. 18552. 20801. 21084. 23324. 27735. 38000. 38281. 48865. Samuel A. 254606. Samuel Augustus. 13057. 14585. 15408. 15900-250. 34283. 34500. Samuel D. 250290. Samuel Dwigh't. 15408. 15410. 15900-250. 27645. 34502. Samuel E. 14905- 15735- Samuel Ely. 14481. 14905- 15755- 27700. Samuel F. 254480. Samuel J. 242107. 250295. 254842. Samuel Munson. 16879. 45424. Samuel S. 14751. 15630. Sarah. 11802. 11821. 11858. 12472. 12508. 12528. 12543. 13089. 14 100. 14602. 14870. 15440. 15580. 15631. 15773- 17040. 17196. 23391. 33501. 38005. 38282. 45240. 45344- 45446. 45540. 254495. 254715. Sarah A. 23427. Sarah Elizabeth. 27226. 42432. Seba. 12564. Sewell G. 48230. 254851. Sewell Mather. 45026. Sewell Nathan. 45000. Sewell Tiffany. 45001. 45025. Silas. 12342. 21155. 33516. 33635. 33636- 33900- 42008. 42025. 42026. 42100. Mack, Silas B. 42140. 42400. Silas Franklin. 36901. 43501. Silas P. 42119. 42360. Silas William. 33903. 34365- 42103. 42325- Silas Winfred. 36216. 43001. 43500. Simon. 250300. 250305. 254886. Sofie. 255007. Solomon. 11893. 18553. 19080. 19087. 20850. 20S54. 22027. 22045. 42210. 45470. 241000. 254733- Solomon Douglas. 22028. Solomon Wilder. 22046. Sophia. 12303. 42003. 254375. Sophronia. 16876. 45421. 454S1. Stella Frances. 27464. Stephen. 11880. 11897. 12572. 14015. 14017. 15700. 17225. 190S3. 20830. 23575. 42210. 240225. 240700. 240701. 242225. 242240. Stephen Ferris. 14816. 157 10. Stephen Henry. 14801. Susan. i3(.86. 14603. 15450.45325. 47054- Susan J. 250310. Susan Maria. 14812. Susanna. 12568. 14870. Susie V. 27564. Sybil. 12476. 12562. 38105. 38115. Sylvester. 4781 1. T. 48760. 254901. T. C. 254862. Temperance. 20834. Thaddeus E. 254843. Thekla. 45656. Theodore. 48S02. 253980. 255009. Dr. Theophilus. 4S695. Thomas. 14670. 250315. 253375. 253380. 254725. 254726. 254844. 254863. 254902. 255010. 255011. 255012. 255013. Thomas A. 253385. Thomas Alexander. 48575. Thomas Burns. 47528. Thomas C. 250320. 254716. Thomas F. 253390. 253395. .Thomas H. 253400. 254717. Thomas J. 48634. 254345. 254846. Thomas W. 254615. 254847. 255014- Timothy. 254220. Truman D. 23428. Index of Names. 1979 Mack, U. S. G. 250325. Uziah. 254616. Valentine. 254604. Verdie ^Nlarie. 27549. Vienna Dort. 22053. Vienna Emeline. 22051. Virgil Napoleon. 27662. 31460. 36842. Virginia. 22061. W. 48803. W. H. 48797. W. J. 48705. Dr. W. M. 248500. 249700. Dr. W. N. 48660. W. R. 242 1 10. W. W. 2421 10. Walter C. 250330. Walter S. 250335. Ward Lincoln. 27668. 31486. 3684S. Warren. 12506. 14100. 14103. 254605. Warren L. 3S836. Washington. 38261. 38495. 48367. Weltha. 15900-250. 34284. Welthia. 13053. Welthy. 1540S. Wesley G. 16880. 45425. Wescott Beebe. 45051. Whitfield. 16877. 45422. Wilfred Theodore. 43502. Wilfred Whale}-. 15431. William. 11834. 12360. 12366. 12937. 14492. i49'2. 14913. 15771. 157S1. 15900-225- 17192. 21098. 27285. 27735. 3S251. 38262. 3S525. 42030. 42150. 45410. 47001. 47025. 47526. 47554. 47803. 47807. 47851. 47890. 47891. 48030. 48804. 48970. 48996. 248504. 249011. 249100. 249720. 249730. 250340. 253115. 253120. 253405. 253985. 253990. 253995. 254200. 254205. 254210. 254626. 254727. 254848. 255015- 255016. William A. 38232. 38440. 45525. 48370. 250345. 250350. William Andrew. 47527. Dr. William .\ndre\v M. 48560. William B. 42431. 48690. 254849. 255017. William C. 45052. 48S07. 255018. 255019. William Champion. 13056. 15900- 250. 34289. William D. 48805. Mack, William E. 38414. 38825. 48590. 48663. 255020. William Elwin. 27547. 31250. 254746. 254760. William F. 42152. 42430. William G. 45527. 254310. William Gordon. 48595. 48990. William Gray. 382S5. 3S625. William H. 23301. 27200. 242228. 254225. William Hajward. 27232. William J. '17170. 45550. 4S625. 254215. 255021. William Jo-siah. 23373. William I.. 250355. William M. 254000. 255022. William P. 33937. William Plummer. 42137. William Pulaski. 421 82. William R. 253125. 254903. William Royal. 27266. William S. 255023. William W. 14453. 253130. William Warren. 23323. 27265. William Woman. 12301. 42001. Winifred R. 254315. Winfred B. 3S816. 39510. Zebulon. 15900-225. 21099.27735. Zilpah. 13024. 14495. l'487o. INIcKenna, John L. 244753. 245440. McKenzie, Clara May. 254760. McLauglin, James. 382S0. William. 3S280. Mackin, James N. 42502. Madison, Bertha. 36230. Forest Lamont. 251006. 252200. Lamont Kendall. 252201. Magee, Elizabeth. 15745. Magoon, Era. 33921. Major, Carl W. 48033. Charles W. 48033. 249103. Marion. 48033. Manier, John. 15900-68. 16560. Manly, .A.lice Lyman. 16227. John .\danis. 15789. 16226. Mann, Baldwin. 16045. Donald. 16046. Elbert Baldwin. 1567 1. 16043. Eleanor. 16044. Rebecca. 15960. Richard. 15960. Mansfield, Louisa ( PoUey). 22020. Manville, Arthur Henry. 29131. Roderick. 256S9. 29130. Roderick Winfred. 29132. Mapes, Eleanor. 157 10. Gen. William. 157 10. 1980 Mack. Marble, Etta. 31490. March, Dr. Alden. 153 17. Marsh, Christopher. 16890. 45535. Edmund. 16890. Eleanor. 16890. John. 45535. Marshall, Hope. 22705. Martin, Adeline. 12951. Anna. 15417. 22601. 25725. Anna Permelia. 25756. Archibald. 38603. Asenath. 154 1 8. Asenath Smith. 22602. 25740. Clark. 15416. 21003. 22600. David. 38602. John Clark. 15419. 22603. 25750. Patrick. 15745-20. Samuel. 12351. 12950. Thomas. 15416. 15420. 15900-192. 15950. 22604. 25755. Marvin, Esther. 18565. See. 25645. Masten, Asa. 33901. 42101. 42300. Chester. 42301. Mary Ethelinda. 42304. Osmyn Flavins. 42303. See. 42353. Silas 42302. Wiiifield Taylor. 42305. Mather, Sarah. 14700. Mathews, Edward. 249013. Jennie. 249013. Mary. 29690. Matthew. 249013. May, Alanson. 38226. 38375. 48330. Alex. 244797. 247050. Alvin. 48333. Amelia Louise. 244795. Anna Elizabeth. 244794. Charles. 48332. 244793. Charles A. 38377. 48421. 48450. Charles Louis. 244798. 247000. Erastus. 38376. 48331. 48420. Helen. 48422. Henrietta Charlotte. 244796. Henrietta M. 48334. Herbert. 48423. Jennie A. 48451. Juniatta. 48424. Kathryn Charlotte. 247051. Sarah. 33620. Mayfield, Jessie L. 244920. Meacham, Alice Elma. 27694. Amanda. 15900-35. Cary Leland. 27693. Charles Hulbert. 22868. 27690. Cleantha Mary. 22865. Meacham, Cynthia Corinne. 22870. Francis Wayland. 22869. Franklin Smith. 22S62. George. 22867. Harriet. 22866. Harry Bowen. 27691. Lawrence Leland. 22871. 26896. 27695- Parsons P. 22861. Parsons Philip. 21039. 22771. 22860. Sarah Elma. 22864. William Irving. 22S63. Mechlin, Count. 25015. Georgie. 25015. Meigs, Captain Return Jonathan, 22510. Mellen, Jane R. 26882. Joel Bigelow. 22853. 26880. William Albro. 26881. Melton, Harry E. 244756. 245470. Merriam, See. 22491. Merritt, Lydia S. 17210. 45460. Mary. 25940. Messenger, Hattie. 18340. Henry A. 15871. 16325. Henry Burdett. 16326. Jennie Eliza. 16327. Robert William. 16328. Metcalf, Anna. 16735. John. 22770. Julia. 22770. Lucina. 22640. Mighils, Maud E. 29050. Miller, Alfred. 249172. Charles K. 46610. Edward. 249201. Emily Effalina. 29092. George Lewis. 29091. George William. 29093. Gilbert L. 50226. 244788. Guy. 249202. Harvey D. 47823. Holmes. 47822. 249001. 249150. James. 249002. 249160. Jane. 46365. Jennie. 249151. Maj. John M. 47555- 47820. 248502. 249000. L. G. 50005. 50225. 244325. 244787. Maria. 46325. 249006. 249220. Mary. 46610. Milton. 249152. Robert. 46325. 47821. 249004. 249200. Rufus. 33922. Index of Names. 1981 Miller, Silas. 249005. W. Harvey. 249003. 249170. William. 25682. 29090. 249153. Millikin, Arthur. 20S80. 35080. 241010. 242640. Don Carlos. 35081. 242641. George. 35082. Mills, Adelbert. 15536. Charles R. 15538. Duane. 15537- Robert. 14614. 15535. Miner, Rev. Daniel. 27735. Mitchell, Charles McBurney. 247021. Janies A. 244794. 247020. 247022. Mitts, Lillian. 31488. Mixter, Adaline S. (Barton). 29430. Montgomery, Frank Warren. 249801. Hugh. 249740. 249741. 249750. Mack. 249751. 249800. Moody, Rev. Dwight L. 26874. Moore, Addison. 39176. Andrew. 47072. Arno. 39175. Daniel. 47073. George W. 27682. 31590. Hannah. 47069. Henry. 47070. James. 39177. 47066. Janet. 47071. Jean Isabella. 26755. John. 47067. See. 42105. 42350. 47806. William. 47005. 47065. 47068. Morehouse, Almira. 14680. 14685. 15585. Andrew. 14680. Betsey Ann. 14680. Content. 14680. Content Garrison. 14680. Cynthia. 14680. George Edward. 14680. Gideon. 14680. Gideon Howell. 14680. Hannah. 15597. Hannah Ludlow. 14680. Helen Phelps. 146S0. Horace. 14680. T46S2. Jeptha Baldwin. 26746. 29710. John. 14680. 14683. 47550. 47570. John Conger. 14680. Lecta Jane. 14680. Lydia. 14680. 47570. Mabel Rosalie. 297 11. Malinda. 14680. Mary. 146S0. Mary Bates. 14680. Nancy. 47550. 248500. Morehouse, Nathan. 146S0. Phebe. 14680. Pierson. 14680. 146S4. 1559S- 15597. Sally. 146S0. vSally Dickinson. 14680. Stephen Pierson. 13075. 14680. « Susan Ross. 14680. W. Wirt. 146S0. William. 146S0. Morgan, Edwin B. 16570. Morley, Russell. 14034. Morse, Jesse. 33924. Myrtie. 4S405. Moseley, Albert. 16646. Charles Selden. 15900-132. George Spencer. 15900-131. 16645. James H. 14996. 15900-130. 15900-330. Mary Eliza. 15900-133. Sarah Elizabeth. 15900-134. 16650. Moulton, Charles Edward. 25991. Ellen Louisa. 25992. Henry ^L 22709. 25990. Mousehunt, Fenton. 29773. George. 29771. Glen. 29772. Justus. 26768. 29770. Mulford, Edward Hastings. 46601. John E. 46303. 46600 Munch, Charles. 29323. 32630. Munger, Alice. 32690. Munson, Bertha Amelia. 171 15. 45315. Daniel. 45315- Edward W. 45315. Jared Pomeroy. 16091. Ransom. 45315. Rachel. 16S75. 45420. William King. 16090. Murphy, Julia Ann. 15560. 27225. Musselman, Irene. 27463. Muzzey, Abigail. 254540. Amos. 254540. Lydia. 254540. Myers, Abbie M. 15512. 15970. Alice Mandana. 154S1. 15526. Alonzo. 1 461 3. Andrew. 13072. 14610. Arthur Albert. 15527- Avilla. 14616. 15550. 15555. Avilla M. 14612. Ben. 15511. 15990. Benjamin Colyer. 14622. I5525. Bessie. 15502. Blanche. 159S1. 1982 Mack. Myers, Charles. 14620. 15510. Charles H. 155 14. Eliza. 14614. 15535. Florence. 15501. Florence E. 155 16. Frances. 15492. Gale. 15982. George. 14621. 254625. George K. 15513- 15980. Grace D. 32503. Hazel Lenore. 32504. Hattie. 15493- Ival. 155 15. 15995. James Andrew. 14617. James G. S. 29027. 32500. John Henry. 14619. 15500. L. Clifton. 32501. Leon R. 1 55 1 7. Lorenzo. 14618. 15490. Louisa. 1 461 1. Luther B. 14615. 15480. Minnie Louise. 15482. P. Olive. 32502. Polly. 1549I- Ruth Irene. 32505. William Henry. 254624. Nail, Nathan. 25080. Sarah. 25080. Susan. 25080. Nash, Clarence Charles. 15900-241. 16770. Douglas Eliot. 16763. Emily Cornelia. 15900-237. Fanny Clarine. 15900-238. Francis Hawlej' . 15900-235. Frank. 15900-239. Harold Lewis. 16764. Horace Raymond. 15900-240. Rev. Jonathan. 14495. Lewis Hallock. 15900-236. 16760. Marion Hallock. 16761. Mildred Archer. 16762. Rev. Thomas. 15900-250. Willanietta Orton. 15900-242. Nefif, John. 244963. 248370. Nelson, Alice. 245264. Alvin. 245263. Darius. 48326. George. 245262. Joseph. 244614. 245260. 245261. Newberry, Almon Mack. 42506. Arthur F. 42505. Newell, Artie Gray. 15900-200. 31 161. L. A. 38450. 48346. 48390- Lynford A. 48391. See. 15900-200. 27440. 31 160. Newkirk, Tamson Beckett. 25925. Newton, Ambrose. 22641. 25800. Clark. 23455. Nichols, Caroline Belcher. 16011. Charles. 38450. 48349. 48400. Edward. 38801. Elsie.' 16012. Mabel. 48401. Margaret. 47003. William. 15621. 16010. Nicholson, See. 248511. Niles, Caroline. 15900-225. 21095. 27735- Charles Worthington. 17126. 45326. Hannah. 14550. Samuel. 17125. 45325- Nimmons, William. 22021. Noble, Asenath. 25742. Charles Spencer. 29183. Harry Sherman. 32571. James. 15418. 22602. 25740. James Martin. 25741. 291S0. Thomas Martin. 29182. William Brewer. 29181. 32570. Norman, John Joseph. 242562. 244740. Nottingham, Capt. Stephen. 48870. Noyes, Rev. James. 34250. Mindwell. 34250. Nye, See. 22502. Simeon. 22501. Oakes, P. R. 25486. Olmstead, Albert. 22827. 26825. Albert Franklin. 26826. 29825. Albert William. 29827. Alice Jennie. 29826. Ashbel. 20164. Edith Maria. 29828. Fannie Alberta. 26829. Julia Isabel. 26827. 29835. Parks. 26828. Olson, Annie M. 245120. Ordway, Lydia. 20800. Osborn, Levi. 25050. Wealthy A. 25050. Osborne, Anna. 20100. Doctor. 20100. Otis, Ella Mariah. 26853. Isadore. 26851. William K. 22842; 26852. William Lofton. 26852. Ottle}-, Caroline. 241535. 242005. Elizabeth. 241536. 242006. Enoch. 241538. 242008. Lydia. 241534. 242004. M'ary. 241533. 242003. Sophia. 241539. 242009. 244000. Thomas. 241537. 242007. Index of Names. 1983 Ottley, William. 240504. 241530. 241531. 241532. 242001. 242002. Otto, Effie (Perry). 29700. Packard, Deborah. 22525. Jacob. 22525. Packer, See. 27486. Padelford, Ann. 455S0. Seth. 45580. Page, Mary. 254520. Paine, Dr. Arthur Richards. 45385. Charles Poraero)-. 45386. Laura Mack. 45384. Sarah Cornelia. 453S3. Sarah Louise. 45381. William Frederick. 45382. Rev. William Pomeroy. 45344. 45.'^8o. Palmer, Elizabeth. 38625. Florence Lillian. 1S410. William. 20926. Park, John. 14870. Parke, John. 20217. Parker, Martha Benton. 29260. Parkhurst, Charles Ernest. 48413. Ephraim. 48361. Franklin. 38467. George Herbert. 48412. Joshua. 38466. Joshua Franklin. 48362. 48410. Lottie Minerva. 484 1 1 . Rufus. 38234. 3S465. 48360. Parks, Laura. 16705. Sarah Eveline "(Aborn). 16730. Parsons, Caroline M. 15900-45. Rev. David. 14480. Eli S. 38235. 38475. Frederick. 38476. 48405. Harriet. 14900. Capt. Hezekiah. 14000. Maria. 15774. Victor. 48406. Pasco, Francis Marion. 2671 1. 29615. Maurice Dudley. 29616. Pass, Hannah. 15745-20. Patchin, Clarissa. 15735. Talcott, 15735. Patten, Joanna. 245320. Patterson, Velora. 31295. Payne, Almon. 25587. Charlie. 25561. Cloette. 25552. Cloette Hilliard. 25564. David. 22481. 25550. Elihu. 224S2. 25560. 25562. Ellen Hood. 25588. Emily. 15884. 16380. George. 25551. Payne, Ichabod. 22484. 25577. 25585. Jerusha Williams. 25586. John. 25563. Loui.se Lodge. 25565. Lyman. 14955. 15880. Lyman Mack. 15883. 16370. Maggie Ryfield. 25566. Mary Emmons. 15882. Monroe. 15881. Nellie. 25579. Sallie. 22485. 25595. Sallie Stewart. 2557S. Sarah Jane. 25553. vSolomon. 20890. 22480. Theophilus. 22483. 25575. William. 25576. Peabody, John. 34320. Pearsali, Susan Z. 252180. Pease, Independence. 14900. Joseph. 15835. 16310. Mar}-. 16311. Sibyl. 22873. Peck, Alvira. 241501. Amanda. 29890. Anna. 240510. Betsey. 240501. Betsey E. 241572. Charles. 24051 1. 241571. Charles D. 241528. Clarissa. 241525. Damaris. 241 521. Darius. 240051. 240500. 240505. 241540. 241543. Dorothy. 241524. Elijah. 240506. Elisha. 240502. 240503. 241500. Ellen. 241527. Enoch. 240508. 241550. 242025. Enos. 249720. Esther A. 241573. Esther O. 15745-25. Ezra Jones. 24155 i. 242026. 255025. Fanny. 240504. 240507. Harriet. 242028. Harriet C. A. 241553. Henry. 242027. Henry H. 241552. Henry J. 241574. Hiram. 241522. Horace. 240503. 241520. 241526. Ira. 240509. 241505. 241570. Jane. 249720. Jeremiah. 240500. Jesse. 241506. John. 241504- Joseph. 240500. 1984 Mack. Peck, Laura Jane. 27265. Lewis. 241502. Lydia. 240502. 240504. 241503. 241530- Martha. 241544. Mary. 242029. Mary Ann. 241542. Mary J. 241554. Mortimer. 241 541. Samuel. 240500. Sarah. 241507. 241545. William. 241523. Phelps, Edith Francis. 31383. Frank. 27646. 31380. Frederick Irving. 31381. John. 38005. Mary. 25945. Nelson Dwight. 31382. Phillips, Ettie. 16285. Charles .\aron. 224931. 249600. Charles Lester. 249601. John. 29015. Mary. 15538. Pierce, Alvah B. 22844. 26860. Benjamin Dwight. 42371. Frank Livermore. 42373. Israel. 34320. James D. 42123. 42350. Mary Russell. 42372. McKendrie B. 26S61. Pierson, Elias. 14680. Harriet N. 241571. Henry. 14680. Sarah. 146S0. 47550. 47570. Stephen. 14680. Theophilus. 14680. Pinney, Jennie. 46402. Piper, Albert. 15900-399. Albert L. 31420. Mildred A. 31421. Piatt, William. 15700. Pollard, Emma May. 16740. William W. 16740. Poe, Libbie. 29650. Polley, Louisa. 22020. Pomeroy, Abigail Theresa. 15403. .\lanson B. 1578S. 16218. Anna Corinth. 15900-143. Carlton Mack. 16224. Carroll. 15900-145. Clara Theresah. 15900-142. 16660. Edward Payson. 15402. 16080. Emma Corinth. 15406. Peirce, Annie E. 245121. Edith Irene. 244548. Eli Thomas. 244547. Hannah E. 244541- Peirce, Harvey C. 245124. , Hyman R. 244542. Leonard E. 245122. Leslie W. 245123. Lucy L. 244549. Margaret J. 244544- Martha L. 244543. Sarah M. 244545. William H. 244546. Pelton, Benjamin. 15610. John. 15610. Minerva Jeanette. 15610. Philip. 15610. Judge Piatt. 15610. Samuel. 15610. Sarah Maria. 27545. 254755. Percival, Elizabeth. 15900-176. Perkenpine, Catharine. 26015. Perkins, E. C. 27628. 31350. Cary. 31352. Carol. 31351- Hattie. 27595. Talcott. 31354. Warren. 31353- Perry, Effie. 29700. Julia. 27485. Peters, John. 11809. Mary. 12470. Peterson, Abigail. 240020. Alfred H." 50230. 244782. Alfred W. 244602. 245230. Henry. 240020. Marah. 240020. Pettitt, Elizabeth. 15831. Lavern Harve}'. 29721. Orlando \\\ 26747. 29720. S. H. 48338- 48440. Vernon Justus. 29722. Pomeroy, Frank Alanson. 16219. Jessie Lyman. 16220. Lemuel Strong. 14521. 15011. 15400. Mabel Elizabeth. 16221. Maret .-Vbigail. 15407. Mary Theresa. 15404. Rupert Hayes. 16223. TheodoreClapp. 150 14. 15900-140. Theodore Edgar. 15900-141. Wilbur Irving. 16222. William Dwight. 15900-146. William Elder. 15401. W'illie. 15900-144. Willie Dwight. 15405. Porter, Adelia. 245169. Alice. 245168. Charles R. 245161. David. 17050. 45250. Index of Names. 1985 Porter, Deborah. 12470. Edith. 245167. Emily C. 245165. Ernest. 245163. Hyrum A. 245166. Jared R. 244562. 245160. John. 17040. 45240. Joseph J. 245164. Leland. 245172. Parley P. 245170. Polly. 241570. Roland. 245173. Sarah Inez. 245162. Wilford E. 245 171. Post, Lydia. 15900-250. Potter, Elizabeth J. 254660. Pratt, Addison. 39187. Addison Strong. 16671. Arthur Dwight. 26702. 29590. Benjamin. 22775. 26700. Catharine. 391SS. Clara. 26701. Edmund Hull. 16674. Edwin Dudley. 26705. Elma Meacham. 26704. Ezra Baldwin. 15900-152. 16670. 39185- Freeman. 38264. 38515. Helen. 39186. Helen Eunice. 16672. Katie Madorah. 16673. Mary Elder. 16675. See. 21131. Capt. Seth. 22525. Sumner Greenleaf. 26703. William. 38516. Preston, George M. 15826. 16286. Leslie E. 16287. Pritchard, Elliot. 14745-12. 16135. 16137. Frank. 16138. Lucille. 16136. Proctor, Ella Felt. 31 140. Putnam, Ansel W. 254534. 254560. Clara D. 254561. Mary H. 254562. Quick, Abbie H. 4S434. Fred L. 48431. George H. 48433- Jessie B. 48432. Lula. 48435- Orrin F. 48338. 48430. Quimby, Newton. 42351. Randall, Lydia. 14910. Sarah. 15960. Ranney, A. Frank. 24152 1. Ransom, Albert C. 26204. Ransom, Anna. 20053. Bishop Noyes. 36202. Brainerd G. 26206. Calvin Noyes. 34252. 34350. Dorothy. 20052. 20885. Edward Payson. 34351. 36200. 36203. Ella Bishop. 20051. George. 33620. Joseph. 33620. Mary H. 36201. Matthew. 33620. Samuel. 33620. Stephen. 18565. 18566. 20050. 33620. Susan E. 36205. Theophilus. 20051. 33621. 34250. Truman. 34251. Rathbone, Joseph. 18450. Joseph Cornelius. 18451. Rawson, INIartha. 45480. Raymond, Betsey. 241540. Hezekiah. 11 190. Razor, Joseph. 19006. Read, Rev. H. W. 22756. 26080. Rev. W. S. 29092. Reals, Elizabeth. 241526. Reed, Jonathan. 11803. 11917. TigiS. Maria. 26060. Nathan. 254520. Susannah Whitmore. 254520. Reiter, Elene. 32771. Virgil. 32772. Virgil S. 31451- 32770. Remick, Herman. 45610. Reno, See. 46312. Reynolds, Clark Damon. 456S0. Rice, Bennett. 154 10. Laura. 15745-20. Susannah. 15735. Richards, Bertie L. 244877. Calvin W. 244505. 244870. 244871. Effie Irene. 244872. Ezra Carter. 244876. Horace Leroy. 244879. Hyrum Smith. 244875. Joseph Addison. 31002. 32790. Rhoda H. 244874. Ruby L. 244878. Sarah. 12516. 240600. Sarah B. 244873. Sarah E. 244600. Richardson, Gertrude. 245020. Mary Amelia (Basha). 15900-200. 27435- Rebecca. 42 11 5. Richmond, Cora. 16274. 1986 Mack. Richmond, Ida E. 16277. Jennie. 16276. Lillie. 16275. Myron. 15S19. 16273. Myron F. 15819. 16273. 29045. Sally. 22545. Riggs, Amanda E. 245200. Emma L. 245180. Rilly, See. 23577. Robbins, Albert T. 31581. Amasa Franklin. 16S02. Azariah Smith. 15799. Benjamin. 14946. 15809. 15831. Benjamin C. 31584. Burt L. 16259. Burton. 1S838. David Mack. 15797. 16240. David Talcott. 14940. 15803. Eber. 14943- Edith A. 1S391. Edwin L. 16296. 31577. Elisha. 14944. 15821. EHzabeth. 15808. Ella N. 1 623 1. Emily. 15S06. Emma. 15820. 16271. 29045. Enoch L. 15807. Esther Florence. f5826. Eugene. 15S37. Eunice. 15813. Florence L. 15824. Francis. 15829. 16291. Frank. 15S36. Frank H. 16269. Frank R. 16290. Fred C. 32526. Fred H. 18392. Fred W. 31580. George A. 16268. 32525. George F. 15825. 16285. George R. 16289. Grace. 16298. Grace J. 31578. Henry Seymour. 15796. 16230. Jacob. 13017. 14935- James. 25487. James Jerome. 15817. 16266. Julia A. 16270. Laura A. H. 15823. Leavitt. 15833. 16295. Leavitt W. 31575- Leicester. 15832. Leicester E. 31579. Lillie I. 16233. Linus. 14941- 15814- 27655. Linus A. 15812. 16265. Livonia Florilla. 15818. 16272. 29040. Robbins, Lois. 15S04. Lucius L. 15810. 16258 Luna. 1493 1. Luna Cornelia. 15801. Lydia Mariah. 15816. Lyman. 14945. 15827. Margaret S. 25S65. MargarettaJ. 16243. Miner D. 16260. Minnie. 16297. Minnie R. 31576. 16250. 16288. 16300. Monroe. 15815. 15828 Naomi B. 31583. Oscar L. 31582. Pantha A. 15811. Parintha. 15834. Pauline S. 15822 Percy. 14938. Philander. 14937. 15800. Polina. 14942. 15839. Rebecca. 15755- Rosella. 16232. Sally Polina. 15798. 16245. Samuel. 14936. 15795- Sarah. 15835. 16310. Sarah Jane. 15819. 16273. 15805. 1 5830. 16292. 3252a Sophronia. Wilfred A. Wilfred C. William M. 16293. W^lmer John. 16241. 18390. Roberts, Ellen Boyd. 29423. George Herbert. 29422. Joseph Arthur. 29421. Phebe L- 14420. W^illiam Brown. 25972. 29420. Robinson Josephine. 245370. Rockingham, Ada. 38647. Rockwood, Adaline. 38525. Roe.Capt. Fayette Washington. 15945. Admiral Francis Asbury. 15945. John. 15945- N. H. 25677. Rogers, Alberta A. 16601. Benjamin E. 16604. Eli. 15900-91. 16600. 36860. Elizabeth. 20117. 27615. Eunice. 12540. John. 201 16. John W. 16605. Leonidas D. 16603. Mary. 201 18. Mary Efifie. 248200. Sarah. 12910. 15900-200. 27735. Sarah Jane. 38600. Thomas. 14870. 18582. 201 15. 201 19. Index of Names. 19S7 Rollin, Gary. 15745-37- Rev. D. M. L. 15745-35. Emma. 15745-37- 15745-38- Mary. 15745-36- Roundy, Sarah A. 248340. Root, Azariah Smith. 15900-167. 16735- Daniel. 21003. 22610. 22770. 22825. Edward. 45590. Elvira. 1453 1. 15023. 15900-190. Fannie. 36880. Fanny. 22825. Francis Solomon. 15900-169. 31440. Hannah. 45590. James Francis. 15900-166. Laura Mack. 15021. 15900-170. Maria Delight. 15022. 15900-176. Martha Lane. 15900-168. Mary (vSmith). 22632. Sally. 22770. Solomon. 13028. 14530. 15020. Solomon F. 14532. Solomon Francis. 14532. 14898. 15024. 15900-165. Timothy. 14502. 15340. Ross, George P. 22061. Horatio. 15700. Rowe, James. 11842. Martha. 15745-15. Rowling, John Henry. 22635. Ruiter, Charles. 42352. Rumbaugh, F. L. 16247. 1S350. Jessie L. 18352. Nellie P. 18351. Russell, Alfred. 224S5. 25595. Alnion. 25596. Ella Simmons. 25599. Col. Giles. 13070. James. 25598. John. 25600. Maggie Loutz. 25601. Mary Hallett. 25597. See. 47080. Rust, Julia. 15772. Sage, Ursula. 241541. St. John, Elizabeth. 242325. Sir Oliver. 242325. Thomas P. 15700. Sali.sbury, Albert. 42531. Alexander. 244323. 244783. Alfred H. 42553. Alvin. 35054. 42534- 42535- 50000. 242604. Amon C. 42552. Catharine. 50007. 50215. 244327. Charles J. 50008. 244328. Salisbury, Charlotte A. 42460. Don Carlos. 35055. 42525. 50001. 242605. 244306. 244320. Elizabeth. 35051. 242601. Ella. 244301. Emma. 42541. Emma C. 35056. 242606. Emma H. 42530. 50230. Ernest. 42529. Flora E. 42546. Florence. 42532. Franklin W. 50002. 244322.1 Frederick. 35057. 42545- 242608. Grace. 42533- Hazel Katherine. 50202. 2447S5. Herbert S. 42526. Horace A. 50004. 50210. [244324. 244786. James. 244303. John F. 42551. Joseph. 4252S. Julia E. 42547- Lorain C. 242607. Lucy. 35052. 42540. 242602. Mahala. 244784. Mahala A. 50201. Mary. 42527. Mary A. 50005. 50225. 244325. May. 42550. Merrill M. 42549. Robert. 244302. Samuel E. 42548. Solomon Jenkins. 35053. 242603. 244300. 244326. Wilkins Jenkins. 20878. 35050. 241008. 242600. William Henry. 244305. Salyards, Emma Marie. 252041. Joseph Richard. 252043. Richard Savary. 36234. 252040. 252044. Zaide Aileen. 252042. Sanborn, Albert Riley. 29683. 32710. Alice Bernice. 29688. Alice Laetitia. 29664. Alta Almeda. 29653. Anna Maria. 26752. 29740. Arlie Bell. 29687. Bessie Ann. 29665. ■ Blanche .\nne. 29691. Chester Edward. 29681. 32695. Claud Ingham. 29697. Clifford Lawrence. 29661. Clifton Allen. 29654. Columbus. 26739. 29680. Edna Alvina. 29652. Edward. 22791. 26735. 1988 Mack. Sanborn, Eliza Bell. 296S6. Elzora Sophia. 29663. Enoch. 22794. 26750. Ernest Barney. 29695. Ernest Edwin. 29(355. Eva Rachel. 29694. Fanny Louisa. 29737. Freddie Edward. 29693. George. 29696. Harry. 32697. Helen Ann. 29662. Helen M. 29682. Irvin. 26742. 29700. Iva Bernice. 29692. . Jessie. 32696. Josephine A. 26746. 29705. 29710. Josephine Laetitia. 26740. Justus. 26737. 29660. Justus S. 22792. 26745. Lawrence. 26736. 29650. Lawrence Watson. 29684. Lyman Norman. 29736. May Birdell. 29685. Mehitable A. 26751. 29725. Morrison. 26741. 29690. Myra. 31520. Norman Thomas., 26752. 29735. Temperance Matilda. 26738. 29670. Sandys, Archbishop. 8000. Sanford, Joseph. 34320. Sargent, Eugene. 26770. 29790. Satterlee, Alfred Merritt. 29251. Clarence Orville. 29253. Wallace Barnes. 25S67. 29250. William Gates. 29252. Saw3-er, Carlton. 31 391. Charles. 27648. 31390. Edward. 17025. 45225. Florence. 31392. Sayles, Mary A. 15900-15. Savre, Cornelia. 46677. Earl P. 46680. Frank Goodwin. 46676. Fred Hinman. 46682. Helen Orpha. 46684. Jennie Eliza. 46681. Julia Mary. 46679. Mary Edith. 46683. Purdy Daniel. 46359. 46675. Purdy Hall. 46678. Schenck, Mary Elizabeth. 25880. Schillinger, Betse}-. 34320. Schoenan, William Henry. 29728. 32730. Schow, Mary A. 248320. Schwartz, Mary T. 244600. Scoles, Rev. James Watson. 29682. 32700. Scott, Allen Corey, 29S85. Clarence Burton. 29883. Frederick Austin. 26878. 29880. Grace Ella. 29884. Herbert Allen. 298S2. Joseph. 27735. Percy. 241500. Samuel. 38140. Walter Eugene. 29S81. Searles, Mandana. 42202. Senians, Tabitha 46400. Sessinghans, Minna C. 31525. Sewell, See. 45000. Seymour, Frederick A. 14680. Lydia. 15795. Capt. Thomas. 14000. Shailor, Hattie Maria. 29310. vSimon W. 29310. Shaw, Mrs. E. 15900-200. Eunice. 46730. Shepard, Lina. 36875. Sherman, Nettie B. 32570. Shirts, Alonzo. 244566. 245220. Calvin. 248305. Ellis. 248303. Idonah. 24S304. Leander. 248301. Reuben. 248302. vSarah Edith. 245221. Wallace R. 245162. 248300. Shoemaker, Benjamin. 46430. 46730. Daniel. 46430. 46730. Elijah. 46430. Jane B. 46430- Fannie J. 46730. Shoft. Elizabeth. 22570. Shurtliff, Louie. 245240. Sibley, Jeremiah. 20165. Sickles, George H. 14685. 15585- Sidway, Kate Baldwin. 46601. Simmons, Edna May. 245381. John A. 245382. Jonathan. 244706. 245380. Simons, Olla M. 39510. Simonson, Mulford Grant. 31003. 32800. Simpkins, Annie A. 16592. Bessie. 16593. Bertrand D. 16595. Charles Stephen. 15900-77. 16590. Charles Webster. 16594. Edgar W. 16596. Frank McClellan. 16597. Zilpha. 1 659 1. Skinner, Carrie E. 244200. Index of Names. 1989 Skinner, Jane A. 15735. Slade, John. 19004. Slocum, Abner. 15525. Eliza. 15525. George. 25630. Helen. 48000. John. 25630. Mary. 25633. Sarah Cone. 25631. Silas. 22526. 25630. Simon. 25630. William. 25630. William Richardson. 25632. Smith, Abby Ann. 22667. Abner. 14559. i5900-395- 22666. Abner Comstock. 21020. 22705. 22714. 25995. Abner Richard. 25S68. 29270. Addison. 39169. Adelaide Fontaine. 26006. Agnes. 244641. Agnes C. 35071. 242626. Albert. 22624. 22875. 25790. 36S15. Albert Alden. 25902. 29300. Albert Francis. 29304. Albert J. 244627. Albert Leo. 29227. Albert Matthew. 25792. 29225. Albert W. 244762. Alden. 22665. 25900. Aletta VanDoren. 25S86. Alexander. 242543. Alexander David. 252 loi. Alexander Hale. 22102. 25320. 34868. 251000. Alfred J. 244625. Alice. 15900-399. 244618. Alice Amanda. 15907. 36875. Alice Mnnro. 27267. Alice Myrinda. 252081. Allen Macy. 15326. 16810. Almira. 22775. 26700. Alonzo W. 244769. Alvin. 34321. 241001. 242500. 244506. Alvin B. 244755. 245460. Alvin F. 244624. Amanda. 22874. 26885. 46132. Ambrose. 21037. 22840. Ambrose Oakley. 22845. Andrevi' K. 244634. Angeline. 22778. Angeline Steelman. 25918. 29340. Ann Augusta. 22635. 38615. Anna. 14870. 14898. 154 16. 15900- 165. 21001. 21003. 21034. 22644. 22700. Smith, Anna Earlita. 252123. Anna Gertrude. 29866. Anna VanMarter. 2SSS3. Arthur C. 29584. Arthur Leland. 26726. Arthur Marion. 251008. Asa. 20211. 21033. 22770. Asael. 34320. 241000. Asenath. 14874. 21008. 22619. 22771. 22860. 25770. 244622. Aulus. 15323. 15900-271. Austin. 15745-20. Azariah. 12647. 13024. 14072. 14495- 14497- 14875- 14980. 14983. 14984. 15012. 15316. 15322. 16797. 20214. 21002. 21017. 22620. 22646. 22675. 22676. 25S35. 25915. Bathsheba. 34320. Benjamin F. 14S76. 20901. 47081. Benjamin Franklin. 22621. Benjamin G. 34320. Benjamin Mar.shall. 22707. 25980. Bernard Howard. 26893. 36823. Bertha A. 36240. Bertha Kate. 245426. Bertha Maria. 29303. Bessie Elizabeth. 29272. Betsey. 21032. 22750. 22844. 26860. 470S3. Bushrod. 34320. Byron Calvin. 29582. Calvin. 14981. 15900-60. 15900- 176. 20216. 21030. 21031. 22772. 22773. 26090. Calvin C. 34320. Calvin S. 244638. Candace Comstock. 22712. Carl Browing. 183)6. Carl W. 1S380. Carlos McAllister. 2521 82. Caroline. 22776. 26710. Caroline L. 3499^- 242582. Carrie. 29243. Carrie Birdie. 25793. Carrie L. 36233. Catharine. 2087S. 34320. 34328. 47084. 241008. 242600. Catharine E. 4643'- Charity. 34320. Charles. 14985- 15900-65. 2281 1. 26775- 34320. Charles Abner. 26008. Charles Belden. 22706. 25975. Charles Hatch. 14496- Charles Henry. 29553. Charles Matthew. 16705. I990 Mack. Smith, Charles Nelson. 26837. 29865. Charles Sumner. 15900-183. 16705. Charlotte. 42316. Clara. 15327. 15900-273. Clara Isabella. 25997. Clarence Emmons. 15903. 18315. Clarence Hervey. 29553. Clarence T. 244774. Clarinda. 22S52. 22875. Clarissa. 34320. Clarissa Ann. 22843. 26855. Clarkson. 22834. 26845. Clande Leslie. 252104. Clayton Oliver. 26847. Clifford Ingham. 32681. Clifton Emery. 326S2. Clinton Joshua. 29664. 32680. Coral Cecile Rebekah. 251009. Corinth. 22813. Cuniorah J. 244757. Curtis S. 34320. Cynthia. 22817. Daisy W. 16570. Daniel. 16571. Daniel Wattles. 22632. Da.vid. 242325. David A. 244605. 245250. David C. 36236. David H. 242545. David Hyrum. 22103. 25340. 34870. David J. 245251. David W. 244765. Delphine Lestina. 33937. 42318. Diodate. 20905. Dolly. 34320. Don Alvin. 251005. 252180. Don Carlos. 20879. 22160. 34329. 34S69. 35070. 241009. 242544. 242625. 244524. 24475S. 245020. 245021. Don Marion. 252185. • Donette. 244603. Dorothy. 20926. 22662. 25875. Dudley C. 34320. Dulles. 15318. Dwight. 15905. Dwight Ingham. 16311. 18311. Dwight Newton. 26093. Ebenezer. 21041. 22S70. 22873. 36015. Edith A. E. 16240. Edith E. 24461 1. Edith Maud. 26729. Edna M. 244626. Edson. 22881. Smith, Edward Cecil. 25S27. Edward Church. 15414-1. 25857. Edward Everett. 25901. 29302. Edward Leeds. 25920. 29350. Edward Payson. 14542. 14S92. 15414. 15900-28. 16180. 22650. 25855. Edward Steelman. 29351. Edwin. 18320. 22880. 36875. Edwin Dudley. 26092. Edwin Harold. 29226. Edwin Ray. 29233. Effie Luella. 18312. Electa. 22832. Elias W. 244608. Eliphalet. 20906. Eliza. 14873. 22618. 25760. 34320. Eliza A. 34320. 46127. Eliza Ann. 15900-180. Eliza Schenck. 258S1. 27280. Elizabeth. ii9r3. 15584. 20212. 34320. Elizabeth Boyer. 25919. Ella Florence. 25791. Ella Virginia. 25926. 29370. Elmira. 14880. Elmira Ward. 22625. Emily. 34320. 38800. 244609. Emily Lucy. 25856. Emma. 15900-182. Emma A. 244102. Emma Belle. 251004. Emma J. 36231. Emma Louise. 29586. Einma Meacham. 26781. Ephraim. 20876. 34326. 241006. Erastus. 21021. 22725. Ermel. 245022. Ernest Bliss. 25814. Estella. 32683. Estella May. 26842. Esther. 20924. 34320. Esther Louisa. 29301. Eugene. 245424. Eugene Lewis. 29274. Eugene Oliver. 26838. Eunice. 34320. Eva Grace. 251006. Eva Scull. 29356. Evaline. 244527. 244985. Evaline Cornelia. 22727. 26020. 29996. Evaline Cornelia Boyd. 25884. Evelyn R. 36232. Ewing U. 244102. Fannie Electa. 26848. Fanny. 22827. 26825. Index of Names. 1991 Smith, Fanny Root. 15909. Fielding K. 244636. Flora Lena. 36S22. Florence Agnes. 25936. 29380. Florence Elizabeth. 25S38. Florence May. 29291. Frank Edward. 29262. Frank Elmer. 29554. Frank Reed. 25930. Frank Wendell. 26095. 29580. Franklin. 22830. 26835. Franklin R. 244620. Fred Bell. 29273. Freda Silome. 252105. Frederick Agenstein. 252107. Frederick Alexander. 251001. 252100. Frederick Burr. 22680. 25935. Frederick G. W. 34867. 242542. Frederick M. 36238. 252080. Frederick Wilson. 25903. 29310. Gad. 22664. 25890. George. 22779. 26725. George A. 34320. George Albert. 34320. George Ambrose. 25893. George C. 244606. George Clarence. 25999. George Ernest. 2672S. Gerald Birney. 25824. Gertrude. 244984. Gertrude Bushnell. 25846. Gladys. 245451. Gladys Inez. 252102. Grace Tallulah. 25811. Gurdon Bailey. 16798. Hale W. 36241. Hannah. 20904. 20921. Hannah Lawrie. 25867. 29250. Hannah Scull. 25921. 29355. Harmony. 22777. 26720. Harold L,eGrand. 252108. Harriet. 15900-276. 22774. 34320. Harriet Louise. 26782. 29815. Harriet Vernona. 25S66. Harrison W. 244761. Harvy. 34320. Hattie. 1532 1. Hattie Elsie. 29571. Hattie May. 32684. Hazel. 36S80. Heber J. 244615. Helen J. 244529. Helen Maria. 15900-179. 29229. Heman C. 252120. Heman Hale. 252121. Heman T. 244772. Smith, Henrv. 22663. 22816. 22S46. 258S0. Henry Edwin. 29561. Henry Floyd. 29293. Henry Wilson. 22883. Hepzibah. 34320. Herbert Clifford. 26727. Herbert Huntington. 43035. Herbert Wendell. 29583. Holland Huntington. 16571. Horace. 34320. Horace Parker. 29261. Hosea Bliss. 25S12. 29230. 29232. Howard. 22878. 26890. 29230. 36820. Hyrum. 22070. 34322. 34830. 34834. 244980. Hyrum G. 244981. Hyrum Mack. 36301. 244623. Ida Bella. 29297. Ida Lenora. 25927. Ina Inez. 251003. Inez. 245025. Ira. 34320. Irvin W. 244770. Irvine. 245425. Isaac Ackley. 22678. 22679. 25925. Israel A. 36239. James. 22648. 39168. 47006. 47080. 47086. James Lawrie. 25869. James Otis. 22634. James S. 244640. Jane. 15580. 22833. 26840. 47086. Jeanetta. 244621. Jennie Maria. 2931 1. Jennie Newkirk. 25928. Jenta K. 244756. Jeremiah. 20215. 21015. 21016. 22660. 22662. 25865. 2586S. 25869. 29260. Jeremiah J. 25895. Jeremiah Wadsworth. 25SS2. Terome. 26091. 29550. Jerusha. 34835. 242325. 244505. Jesse. 34320. 241000. Jesse K. 244635. Jesse W. 244762. Jessie J. 34320. Jessie Mary. 26S36. 29855. 29860. Jessie Maud. 29551. John. 14871. 14S72. 15023. I54«2- 15420. 15900-190. 21007. 22072. 22617. 22S33. 25150. 26840. 34833- 36245- 46027. 46125. 47088. 241000. 242503. 244520. 244530- 1992 Mack. Smith, John A. 34320. John C. 34320. John Calvin. 14494. 149S2. 15900- 60. John G. 2449S3. John H. 34320. John Henry. 15412-1. 15900-191. 16730. 34320. John Metcalf. 15415- 22645. 25S20. John N. B. 39165. John S. 34320. 244637. Jonah. 20902. Joseph. 19088. 20870. 20874. 21006. 22100. 22101. 22630. 22631. 22647. 23500. 25300. 25840. 34320. 34324. 34865. 34866. 36230. 241000. 241004. 242540. 242541. 244525. 245454. Joseph A. 25981. 36235. Joseph Alvin. 245041. Joseph Bailey. 244752. 245450. Joseph F. 245271. Joseph Fielding. 22071. 25115. 25180. 34837. 34955- 36300. 242507. 244600. 244604. 245240. Joseph George. 251007. Josephine D. 242628. Josephine Perkenpine. 26007. Joy May. 252103. Judson. 14891. 15413. 22649. 25845- Julia. 22829. 26S30. Julia Jennings. 21022. 22735. Julia L. W. 244763. Julia Louisa. 15904. . Julia P. 34320. Julia Sophia. 15900-67. 15900-68. 16560. 22713. Julina C. 244607. Junius B. 244759. Justus Browning. 15902. 16300. 1 8300. Kate Winfred. 25826. Kirby W. 26731. La June Harriet. 252184. Larissa M. 22685. 25955. Laura. 34320. Laura Celia. 26776. 29800. Laura J. 245452. Laurence B. 245423. Lawrence. 22815. 26780. Leon F. 245024. Leonora. 18380. 244613. Lester M. 245023. Levira A. 244600. Levira A. C. 34955- 36300. 242565. Smith, Lillie Bell. 25929. Lofton James. 26094. 29570. Lois Elizabeth. 252124. Lorinda. 22851. 26S65. 26S70. Louis C. 26839. Louis Carter. 25825. Louisa. 15328. 15900-61. 15900- 274. 16550. 22708. 22828. 25770. 25985- Lovina. 34831. 242501. Lovisa C. 34956. 242566. Ludlow Hall. 15329. 15900-275. Lucinda Ann. 25904. Lucy. 14896. 15900-50. 20880. 22641. 25800. 34330. 241010. 242640. 244523. Lucy B. 34954- 242564. Lucy Eveline. 29296. Lucy J. C. 34957. 242567. Lucy Macy. 244633. Lucy W. 244760. Luc}- Y. 36242. Lulu Bertha. 29552. L}'man Ebenezer. 1S330. 22882. 36880. Mabel Elzora. 626S5. Mabel Oriette. 25952. Madisoif. 46130. Madonna J. 245421. Madorah. 39166. Margaret Augusta. 25849. Margaret Sinclair. 29241. Maria. 22S14. Mary Elizabeth. 2271 1. Marie E. 25982. Marinda Lois. 29271. Marshall. 34320. Marshall Forbes. 29294. Martha. 22877. 3432o. 47085! 244632. Martha Ann. 34838. Mary. 14986. 15319. 15583. 20130. 20903. 22632. 34320. 34832. 39170. 47082. 241000. 242502. Mary A. 36237. Mary Ann. 14877. 14879. 15412-3. 15900-193. 22622. 22624. 36S15. 46126. 46420. Mary Ann Elizabeth. 25894. Mary B. 34952. Mary Bailey. 242562. Mary Browning. 18321. Mary Cai-oline. 2584S. Mary Catharine. 244750. Mary Cleantha. 22842. 26850. Mary E. 244752. Mary Emmons. 15908. Index of Names. 1993 Smith, Mary H. 2449S2. Mary J. 15900-398. 34320. Mary Jane. 3499r. 242581. Mary L- W. 244766. Mary S. 244602. Matiida. 22853. 26880. Matthew. 11S02. 11910. 11915. 12645. 12646. 14060. 14061. 1407 1. 14S60. 14870. 14S71. 14900. 15022. 15580. 15900-176. 15900-181. 20210. 20920. Maud Harmon3\ 29581. Maurice Billings. 25S47. Mercy J. 244601. Metcalt John. 15415. 22645. 25S20. Minerva. 244617. Minnie Allen. 26846. Milton. 15901. 15331. 26S20. Miranda. 34320. Morgan. 22S74. Nancy. 22841. 25892. Nancy Almira. 22709. 25990. Nancy Cone. 29292. Nathaniel J. 34320. Nathaniel Robbins. 25S65. 29240. Nellie. 29242. Nelson. 221 Si. 25940. Nettie Schenck. 25885. Newton Chadeayne. 15325. 16800. Newton T. 244773. Norman O. 15900-396. Obadiah. 21038. 22850. Olive. 20925. Oliver. 14899. 14899-1. 15415-25. 15415-26. 15901. 21036. 22683. 226S4. 22820. 22825. 22826. 25950 Oliver Carey. 26841. Oliver Conrad. 25951. Orinetta. 245453. Orrin. 21035. 22810. 22S11. 26775. Percy Clayton. 29234. Percy Lee. 25813. Phebe. 34320. Phebe J. 46432. Philip Mack. 16181. 25858. Philip N. 33902. 42102. 42315- Polly N. 42317. Priscilla. 34320. 241000. Rachel. 244610. Ralph. 2449SS. Rebecca. 34320. Rebecca Reeves. 25922. Rhoda A. 244616. Richard. 36243. Richard Keene. 16811. Smith, Susan D. 16780. Su.san L. 15900-397. Susanna. 15588. 20220. 34320. 241000. Susanna Bailey. 242561. Su.sanna Scull. 25917. 29330. Sj'lvester. 21040. Temperance. 2101S. 21042. 22661. 22695. Temperance Abby. 22668. Temperance Comstock. 22710. Thankful. 20923. Theodore Clarke. 25837. Theodore Winthrop. 25822. Thomas. 15581. 20100. 20101. 20900. Walter. 15324. Walter Asa. 26730. Walter C. 295S5. Walter Storm. 15900-272. Washington. 46131. 46430. Wa^-land. 22S31. Wayland Francis. 15906. 16310. Wilford. 244986. William. 20877. 22876. 34327. 34990. 241007. 242580. William A. 26836. 29860. William Erastus. 22726. 26015. William Gad. 25891. 29290.1 William Manlius. 14496. 149S7. 15317- 15900-270. William Scull. 25921. 29355. 29358- William W. 36244. William Warnock. 29295. Winsome Livinia. 252106. Zaide V. 36234. Zilpha. 14988. 15320. 15900-75. 15900-280. 22835. Zina. 244630. Smithers, H. H. 15745-27- Sneyd, Catharine Smith. 26005. Snow, Eli. 15610. Erank. 22039. Phebe. 15610. Snyder, George Washington Lafay- ette. 15945- Gov. Simon. 15945- Dr. Samuel C. 15945- South worth, Irene. 249750. Sowers, Mary E. 16060. Spalding, Abial. 21129. 23450. 23453. 27595- Alva. 23454. 27585. Edwin Willis. 27602. Emma Luella. 27578. Erastus. 4S260. 1994 Mack. Spalding, Francelia Isadore. 27577. Oilman. 23459. 27615. Harvey. 23457. 27600. Isabella Charlotte. 275S6. Isaac. 48230. James Hutchinson. 27601. Laura. 23451. 23455. Orpha. 48230. Parthenia Abigail. 23452. Sarah. 23458. Warren Alphonson. 27576. 31520. Wilber. 23456. 27595. Sparks. Jonas. 20925. Spear, Abbie J. 27500. Laura F. 27560. Spencer, Ann. 26835. Anson. 14752. 15650. Auriel May. 29051. Bennie. 16640. Bennie Austin. 15900-114. 16640. 29050. Bertie. 16643. Bertie Thaddeus. 15900-115. 16643. 29060. Betsey Brand. 15651. 16030. Charles. 16616. Elias Thompson. 22618. 25760. Eliza. 14997. 15900-100. 15900- 130. 36S70. Eliza Ann. 25761. Elmira Asenath. 25764. Emory. 16617. Eunice. 16636. Frank. 1 5900-113. Frank Utley. 29061. Frona. 16618. George. 14994. 15900-92. 15900- 320. 36862. Guy. 29052. Hannah. 242325. Harriet. 14991. 15900-97. 15900- 120. 36867. Herbert. 16637. James. 14995. James Kenyon. 15900-112. Jared. 20130. Jessie. 15900-116. John White. 14993. 15900-90. 15900-310. 36860. Maj. Gen. Joseph. 20935. Julia. 14996. 15900-99. 15900-125. 36869. Julia H. 25763. Lucy. 14998. 15900-91. 15900-111. 36861. Lucy F. 25762. Maria. 14992. Spencer, Martha. 245020. Martha Brainard. 20935. Mehitable. 20130. Myra. 15900-93. 36863. Nathaniel. 3S145. Parmelia. 15900-9S. 36868. Rebecca. 20134. Rena. 29062. Rosa. 16638. Rosetta. 15900-95. 36865. Ruth. 20138. Selden. 13025. 14990. 14998. 15900-94. 15900-110. 16635. 36864. Wilbur. 15900-96. 36866. Sperry, Alvah J. 15490. Charlotte H. 15490. Spooner, Calvin Wilcox. 22039. Sprague, George H. 27677. Grace M. 27681. Ida L. 27680. Irene. 27682. Mary A. 27679. Dr. RoUin. 23564. 27675. 36810. 242252. Rollin C. 27.676. Thomas S. 27678. Standish, Charles D. 27667. 31480. 36846. Eloise Matilda. 31483. Josiah. 31480. Morgal L. 31480. Capt. Myles. 31480. Myles Warde. 31482. Samuel. 314S0. Samuel Burlin. 31481. Samuel J. 31480. Virla Evangeline. 31484. Stanlej', See. 240705. Stanton, Emor}' Ellsworth. 16721. Fred Porter. 26782. 29815. Helen Louisa. 29816. Henry Ellsworth. 15900-180. 16720. Luke Winchell. 16722. Robert Henry. 16723. Stark, William J. 48339. 48442. Willie. 48443. Starling, Hannah. 12395. Joseph. 11821. 12390. 12394. Lydia. 12398. Mary. 12393. Phebe. 12397. Samuel. 12391. Sarah. 12392. William. 12396. Steele, Annie. 29435. Index of Names. 1995 Steelman, Angeline. 25915. Steen, John. 13091. Stephens, Clements T. 15722. 16075. Fitch Hibbard. 16076. Grace. 16291. Stevens, Amos C. 42382. Charlotte L. 42381. Cordelia A. 33923. Cordelia L,. 42470. Cornelia Louisa. 42383. Eliza Jane. 42385. Elizabeth. 29640. George A. 22048. Hammou. 42136. 42380. Henry Harris. 42386. John Enoch. 42387. Lucy Ann. 42384. Mary Emeline. 42388. Oscar Hammon. 42389. Ruth. 34320. Stevenson, Charles. 29071. Kate Claxton. 248510. 249710. Stewart, Bina Clare. 16787. Carl L. 16786. Charles Elisha. 29110. Clara Eliza. 29107. Elisha M. 25687. 29105. Hannah Isabella. 25500. Harriet Adelia. 29109. James C. 15900-264. 16785. James Watts. 29106. Jennie Frances. 29111. William. 25500. William Josiah. 29108. Sticknev, Joseph B. 45690. Stillman, Bella Helena. 16188. Eliza Romana. 161 87. John Ruskin. 161S6. William James. 161S5. Stoddard, Calvin. 20873. 34^50- 241003. 242525. Eunice. 34851. 242526. Maria. 34852. 242527. Stoflet, See. 27679. Stokely, Benjamin. 22493. Storm, Azariah Smith. 15884. 15900- 76. 16380. Bertrand. 15900-82. 16599. Catharine Eliza. 15900-60. Clara Eleanor. 15900-77. Emily Zilpha. 16382. James Bertrand Bonnell. 15900- 81. Katie Kittredge. 16383. Lyman Payne. 16384. Mack Payne. 16385. Mary Payne. 16381. Storm, Walter. 149S8. 15900-75. 15900- 280. Walter Latnont. 15900-80. Stover, Emma E. 15900-365. George W. i59'JO-364. Marilla. 15900-362. Mary. 15900-361. See. 14551. William. 14551. 15900-360. Stowe, See. 47080. Streeter, Nathan. 15735. Streets, Alice. 245040. Strickland, Edna Luella. 25956. Hannah. 8070. Marquis Lafayette. 22685. 25955. Stringer, Clara. 29225. Strong, Addison Graves. 39139. Addison Kellogg. 15016. 15900- 150. 391.35. Anna Louise. 39138. Anna Theresah. 15900-154. Cora Gertrude. 15900-159. Cyrus. 15661. 16040. Cyrus M. 16041. Edward Kellogg. 15900-153. 39136. Elder John. 25770. Elisha. 22619. 22S28. 25770. 25773- 25774- Ellen Ward. 25771. 29210. Fannie Madorah. 15900-156. Helen Armitage. 15900-158. Louisa Smith. 15900-155. Marion Elizabeth. 39137. Mary Elder. 15900-152. Sarah Elizabeth. 15900-157. William Salmon. 15900-151. Stuart, Daniel. 240510. See. 1 601 1. Sturdevant, Annie. 16280. Clinton B. 16281. Fanny A. 16282. Harvey. 15841. 162S3. Henry. 14942. 15839- 16279. Julia D. 16284. Seymour. 16278. Sturcher, See. 36863. Summons, Mary. 25043. Sumner, Reuben. 11835. Sudita, Anna. 17160. Surick, N. M. 25483. Sutphin, Evelyn. 18337. Frank. 32524. John C. 16782. 1S335. Josephine. 18336. Sweet, Ruetta J. 18420. Swisher, Eliza. 244300. 1996 Mack. 14963- 15900- Swisher, Margaret. 244300. Talcott, Abigail. 13015. John. 13015. Mary. 130 15. Tappan, Rev. W. B. 16570. Tarbox, David. 12503. 240151. 240850. Godfrey. 240850. Henry. 240851. 242325. Henry Fisk. 242326. 244350. Jonathan. 240850. Russell Lord. 244351. Samuel. 240S50. Taylor, Asa Mahan. 15900-11. Ashman H. 14995. 15900-125. Caroline P. 38425. Caroline Phebe. 4831 1. Catharine May. 48471. Celestia M. 38450. 48314. Dwight. 48457. 48470. Harry Church. 16541. Henry G. 15900-51. 16540 Horace Campbell. 10. Jesse. 4S306. 48310. Margaret. 25040. Mary E. 48313. Rosa. 15900-126. Sarah A. 48312. ^ Sarah J. 29530. See. 14015. 276S0. Temple, Asenath. 22000. Ebenezer. 22000. Olive. 22000. Terwilliger, Sophronia. 154 13. Thacher, .\lonzo. 27515. Clarence Perley. 27519. 31220. Ch'de Frank. 31211. Edith May. 31 198. Elmer Howard. 27508. 27518. 31195- Elmer Winnifred. 31 197. Frank Mack. 27517. 31205. Grace Stewart. 31208. Laura Alice. 31207. Maybelle Eveline. 31 196. Myrtle Elsie. 31206. Nellie Addie. 27520. 31230. Nora Mack. 31 210. Oliver Benjamin. 27518. Peter Oxbridge. 31222. Rachel Marion. 31221. Theron Alonzo. 27516. Thayer, Clarence Goodwin. 46662. Ernest. 46663. Marcus Catlin. 46358. 46660. Matilda F. 18390. Murray Frank. 46661. Thomas, Fannie. 157 10. Thompson, Archibald. 29000. Charles Chandler. 22843. 26855. Charles Grafton. 26857. Helen M. 45525. Henry Sumner. 26858. James. 45525- Capt. John. 29000. Lora C. 26856. Mary Ann. 29000. Matilda. 27660. Philip K. 29000. Thorp, Esther. 14680. Thurston, David. 25040. Louisa. 25040. Martha. 38550. Samuel. 25040. Tiffany, Ann. 33620. Tilley, Elizabeth. 20090. Tillotson, Lydia. 12935. Nancy. 15720. Tompkins, Gov. Daniel D. 15700. Jennie Knickerbocker. 31400. Torrey, Erastus. 15745-20. Tower, Seviah. 22850. Towne, Amos. 34320. Rebecca. 34320. Townsend, Jacob. 23340. Rachel. 23340. Tracy, Daniel. 20231. Eliphalet. 20233. Elizabeth. 20232. Gamaliel R. 20228. Hannah S. 20229. Jedediah. 20230. Jerusha. 20224. Nehemiah. 14870. 20225. Rachel. 20227. Sarah. 20226. Susanna. 20221. Tryphena. 20222. 20223. William Henry. 26020. Traviss, Andrew. 29663. 32670. Bessie Elzora. 32671. Clara Adelle. 32695. Clifton Andrew. 32672. Treffer, Lizzie. 244786. Tribe, John. 46428. Tripp, Hattie Louise. 16581. lycwis S. 15320. 16580. Trowbridge, Harriet Newell. 25900. True, Electa. 38250. Hannah. 15900-200. 23410. Trumble, Hester. 12470. Tubbs, Abishai. 1S553. Elvira. 42200. See. 249150. Index of Names. 1997 Tully, Dr. William. 153 17. Turner, George T. 244709. 245400. Merilla. 245401. Pearl Irene. 245404. Vera. 245403. Zuna May. 245402. Tuttle, Clara M. 244750. Helen. 16370. Rachel A. 244750. See. 190S4. Tyler, Erastus H. 25969. 29410. Eveline Harding. 2941 1. Prof. William Seymour. 13015. Urquhart, Frank. 16012. Vail, Amelia. 16145. VanAernam, Capt. Abraham. 48885. VanAuken, Charles Sumner. 244003. 24477S. George. 244779. Ida B. 244001. Millicent. 244002. Theron. 242009. 244000. VanCourt, See. 15900-361. VanDeusen, Alice. 244776. Ambrose L. 244775. Harold. 244777. VanDuzer, Sophia Elizabeth. 25835. VanHeusen, See. 255025. VanLoon, Francis. 31472. Grace. 31471. Thomas H. 27663. 31470. 36845. VanOrder, Avonia M. 249302. Blanche. 249324. Carrie Melvina. 249301. Charles George. 47S33. 48020. 249016. Electa. 249350. Electa Jane. 47832. 249019. Eliza. 47850. 249010. Frank. 249321. Friend. 47831. 249017. John. 47557. 47830. 248506. Ludwig. 249322. Luella Maud. 249303. Susan Melvina. 249018. VanSchaack, Albione Libbey. 18436. By ford Cornelius. 18441. Calvin. 184 11. Catharine Louisa. 16555. 18450. Cornelius Peter. 16554. 1S440. 18442. George Schuyler. 18423. Henry Cruger. 16552. 18420. 1 842 1. 249716. John Calvin. 16551. 18410. Louis Fairmount. 1843S. Peter. 15900-61. 16550. 249715. VanSchaack, Robert Cornelius. 1S422. Robert Hubbard. 16553. 1S435. 18437- VanSciock, Jane. 38280. Vance, Col. Samuel Colville. 15769. 16189. Vann, Mary Elizabeth. 249300. Thomas. 249300. Vaugh, Tillinghast. 15745-20. Velzy, George. 15745-20. Vibbert, Amy H. 29315, Vickery, See. 21 128. Vinerson, Cordelia. 42480. Voltz, Bertha Allelia. 29333. Edward Leeds Smith. 29332. John IMichael. 25917. 29330. William Takis Lincoln. 29331. Vose, John Thacher. 254791. Wade, Ellen. 15745-10. Wader, Rev. Jacob A. 241525. Wadhams, Truman H. 29197. 32595. Wager, Albert R. 18401. Andrew. 14680. David A. 18400. Wakefield, Elizabeth. 29590. Walden, Carrie M. 18364. Delia A. 18363. Frank H. 18361. Henry B. 18360. Luna E. 18362. Walker, Anna Belle. 26725. Charles F. 244953. Charles H. 244510. 244950. Charles Henry. 25923. 29365. David F. 244511. David W. 244925. Don Carlos. 244509. 244940. Edwin M. 244504. 244850. Effie L. 244941. Emma I. 244505. 244870. Enid R. 248001. Ettie E. 244924. Frank L. 244904. Guy Leo. 248021. Harriet. 244893. Hyrum vSmilh. 244501. 244S00. 244805. Isabell R. 244502. Jerusha C. 244503. 244820. Jesse Carlos. 244944. John Lorin. 244507. 244900. 244903. Joseph F. 244508. 244920. 244921. Laura. 248000. Leland L. 244S0S. Lorin. 242501. 244500. Lorin L. 24891. 1998 Mack. Walker, Lucetta. 244806. Lucy L. 244896. Mark E. 244801. Mary A. 252100. Martha L. 244901 . Maud V. 244802. May Elizabeth. 244804. Ona. 248002. Ora. 248003. Orilla I. 244950. Oscar L. 244923- Pearl L. 244807. Ray Edwin. 244943. Rose N. 244922. Sarah I. 244902. Thaddeus. 244894. Virnus L. 244952. Wallace A. 244895. William H. 244892. Waller, John C. 34320. Walrath, Austin. 15745-1- Austin H. 27626. Walters, Meta. 15745-20. Minnie. 18700. Walthart, Hattie. 241506. Wand, Anna. 15740, Mary. 161 20. Wapley, Richard. 20130. Ward, Betsey. 14870. 22615. Capt. John. 14675. Maria. 14675. 15900-290. Ware, Hannah. 22035. Huldah. 24010. Lucius J. 22038. Warner, Captain. 14000. Lucinda. 241500. Mrs. Ora Granger. 46300. Warren, Electa. 22705. Ellen Eliza. 15892. Fann}' Emmons. 15891. Sen. Francis Emor}'. 15900-179. 16700. Frederick Emory. 16702. Helen Frances. 16701. J. J. 14956. 15890. James J. 14956. 15S90. Jane Elizabeth. 249800. John M. 15S94. Mary Wheeler. 15S93. See. 15900-398. Susan. 15860. W^ashburn, Harriet (Parsons). 14480. 14900. Watkins, Maria Corinna. 15771. 27285. William D. 31565. Watrous, Harriet. 12926. Watson, Chauncey. 15363. Watson, Frances Emerson. 29131. Wattles, Sophia. 22633. Wauson, Waverly T. 31425. Way, Betsey. 20850. Ethelinda. 33900. 42100. Weatherby, Eunice Strickland. 23495. Weaver, Florence Jane. 46640. Webb, Nancy. 16615. Weld, Elmer Draper. 29671. 32690. Emma Rebecca. 252021. Evren Alta. 29672. Francis M. 36233. 252020. Willard. 26738. 29670. Welling, Emma Irene. 248281. Herald J. 248271. Joseph H. 244872. 248270. Karl G. 248273. Tracy R. 248272. William H. 244873. 248280. Wells, Alice Maud. 29156. Ann Clarissa. 27726. 29140. Anna. 29177. Blanche. 29178. Caroline Asenath. 25727. Elisha A. 15417- Elisha Andrew. 22601. 25725. Henry Clark. 25733. Horace Elisha. 25729. 29155. Horace Leonard. 29176. 32560. Jane Celina. 25732. Leila A. 32561. Lemuel Martin. 25731. 29175. Lydia Viola. 25730. 29165. Martha Eliza. 25728. 29150. Mary Alice. 25734. Wentworth, Edgar. 45600. Weston, Julia M. 29155. Wheat, Permelia. 15950. 25755. Wheatland, Dr. Henry. 1449 1. 14927- 15315- Richard. 15315. Wheeler, Ada. 16796. Eliza Ann. 25000. Ephraim Elon. 15900-372. Horace. 14552. 15428. 15900-370. John H. 15700. Laura E. 46650. Lucy. 15700. Norman. 15429. Norman O. 15900-371. 16795. Whipple, Huldah (Hayward). 20850. White, Pres. Andrew^ D. 14900. Charles E. 15874. 16340. Charles Euclid. 16342. J. V. 241544. Madaline. 16341. Samuel. 11843. Index of Names. 1999 White. W. A. 241545. Whiting, Elizabeth. 242325. Ellis. 15745-20. Rev. Samuel. 242325. Whitne}-, Martha. 16293. Whitteniore, Judge. 240703. Louisa. 241522. Wight, Phebe Ann. 244890. Wilbur. Earl Morse. 27723. 31535 36S90. Wilcox, Augustus. 14561. 15900-420, 27625. Calvin. 42316. Eleazor. 38:10. Elmer I. 27639. Elmina. 22035. Flora R. 27638. George. 31493. Gilbert. 31495- Glad}s. 31491. Glen. 31492. Grace. 31494. Jane A. 27637. Joel. 17060. 45260. ;\Ierritt L. 27636. 31490. See. 14033. Wilder, Nanc}-. 22045. Wilkes, Elizabeth. 244900. Wilkinson, George. 15745-20. ■\Villey, Capt. John. 33600. Lucretia. 45535-^ Williams, Adabel. 14441. Elsie Bidwell. 29290. Fred Henr}-. 12951. 14400. 23495. Joshua. 23495. Phebe. 241540. William Halej-. 23495. • Williamson, Garnett. 36203. Willis, Asa. 15900-225. 23466. 27735. Hattie P. 15900-228. 27735. Martha C. 15900-226. 27735. Mary A. 15900-227. 27735. Wilson, Daniel. 15900-225. 23480. 27735- Edgar Vinton. 15900-201. 16740. 17225. 27426. 27735. Elvira Melissa. 27428. Frederick Almon. 15900-200. 23415. 27425. Hattie Cordelia Locke. 27429. Helena. 31 127. Irene. 15900-225. 23480. 27735. Manly Everett. 27427. Marjorie Louise. 31 126. Susan. 241543. William. 15900-200. Willie Frederick Daniel. 27430. 31125. Wiltse, Charles M. 29026. Edna A. 32513. Frank R. 29028. 32510. Ida B. 32512. Ida J. 29025. 32500. Irving. 32515. John H. 32514. KateC. 32516. Nora F. 3251 1. Pansy E. 32517. William D. 29029. William H. 29025. Winkler, Waller E. 244203. Winham, Daisy Maud. ^13500. Winters, Julia A. R. 244750. Wolcott, George. 22024. Wood, Edith. 248020. Louisa. 15S50. Lucy. 245460. Philinoia. 23340. See. 47804. 48307. 48315. Stephen. 125 12. William. 48316. Woodruff, Charles Farrington. 14711. 15610. Elvira. 14712. Mary. 15611. Woods, Clinton Edgar. 29192. 32580. Florence Estelle. 32581. Woodward, Submit. 45535. Woodworth, Carl C. 16453. Henry Philo. 29726. 32720. Inez. 1 645 1. Jessie I. 16455. Lanson D. 15900-16. 16450. 16454. Laurin D. 36915. Lola 16452. Lucy Isabella. 32721. May L. 16456. Worden, Luther. 241507. Wright, Alfred Warren. 252145. Charles. 25780. Claude Kendall. 252 141. Cleone. 39000. Edgar Milton. 252146. Elsie Adelaide. 257S1. 29215. Helen Maria. 25783. Henry. 14603. 15450. Henry L. 1545'- Leland Eric. 252143. Louisa. 26780. Mavis Myra. 252144. Sidnev G. 251003. 25214a Willia'm Smith. 25782. Wylie, Lora Mary. 29540. Wyllis, Col. Samuel. 14CXX). Yates, William T. 244961. 248350. 2000 Mack. Yeonians, See. 23340. Young, Bertha. 16626. Burton E. 244858. Calvin N. 244S52. Constantina C. 244854. David L. 244856. Edward. 16627. Edwin M. 244855. George H. 244504. 244850. George L. 244851. Hyrum Smith. 244853. Young, Joanna. 16295. 31575. John. 25500. Joseph C. 15900-93. 16625. Joseph F. 244860. Katie. 16628. Mary. 25500. Mary Jane. 16635. Robert B. 244857. William. 25500. William Wallace. 244859. Ziegenfus, Joseph. 1 5734-1. Il^DEX OF Ni^MES. DEY. Ackerman, David. 105130. Henry._ 85509. 85885. 85886. Louverina. 105 130. Adriaens, Neeltje. 85010. 285100. Aerhart, Christopher. 106695. Allen, Elizabeth. 78440. Mary Hall. 75600. Andros, Governor. 62000. Anthoinder, John. S5475. Applegate, Rose Ellen. 105950. Armistead, Lucy. 275060. Armour, Mary A. 78650. Ashley, Henry DeLancey. 115 127. Auckerz, Jacobus. 106185. Bacon, Edward P. 115103. Bailey, Hannah. 285210. Baird, James A. 115103. Mary. 107565. 285140. Ballentine, Mar5^ 275030. Banta, Cornelius Epke. 105 120. Elizabeth. 105 120. Epke Jacobs. 105 120. Tryntje. 1059 10. Wiert. 62200. Barnard, Georgie. 275061. Barnes, Cornelia. 2S5530. Bartow, Thomas. 106835. Bates, Agnes. 90G00. Clement. 90000. Sally. 90002. 268003. Baxter, Benjamin. 280166. Catharine. 280165. Eva. 2801 61. Jerome. 280163. Joshua. 280162. William. 275032. 280160. 280164. Berdan, See. 2S5800. Bergen, Alfred V. 106174. 106195. Ann. 105939. Bergen, Antje. 105600. Catharine. 105956. David D. 106112. Dennis. 106171. 106180. Elizabeth. 105935. 105953. 106150. Ellen. 105958. Emily. 105955. George. 106 no. George G. 106120. George Hansen. 106 120. Gertrude. 106 120. Hannah. 106120. Helen. 105958. Helen V. 106160. Henry D. 105938. 106160. Ida. 105970. Jacob I. 106160. Jane. 105934. 106130. John. 105936. John Joris. to6i2o. John W. 106160. Julia Ann. 1059S0. 106171. Lavinia. 106 196. Luther D. 106181. Margaret. 105957. Martha Jane. 106 172. Mary E. 106114. Peter P. 105932. Peter V. 106175. Rachel. 70025. 70220. 105940. Rachel M. io6[i3. Rebecca A. 1061 1 1. Ruth. 105954. Sarah Ann. 105952. Sarah V. 105990. 1061 73. Sidney. 10595 1. Syche. 106 160. Theodore V. 106176. Vincent. 105959. 2002 Dey. Bergen, William. 105937. 106170. 106177. Berry, Hannah. 70093. Jane. 70094. John. 63014. 70090. 70091. Richard Dey. 70092. Biddle, John. 63000. Biles, Samuel. 63000. Blair, Harrison. 701 14. Blanchard, Jane. 62200. Blauvelt, Caspar. 106230. Eleanor. 10623 1. Board, Cornelius. 63065. David. 63065. 285260. Eleanor. 63065. Bodine, Abraham. 95304. Albert. 95306. Edmund. 95302. Francois. 85102. 85485. Jacob. 90302. 95300. 95305. James. 85862. 95304. John. 85486. 85860. 85861. 90300. 90301. 95303- 1 15000. Vincent. 90303. W. H. J. 95301. Bogardus, William. 62000. Bogert, Abraham. 85541. Catharine. S5531. ' Elizabeth. 85532. Gysbert. 85130. 85530. Johannes. 85533. John. 85132. 85540. Joost. 85534. Boon, Matthys. 285100. Borum, James T. 100005. Sallv. 100005. Sally C. 280050. Sue C. 100005. Bostwick, Andrew. 75300. Caroline Goldsmith. 285210. Charles Dibble. 78301. 285222. Harriet. 702S0. Heman. 285210. Henry Montgomery. 78303. 285224. Herman VanVechten. 75326. 78300. 285220. Hermione Louise. 285221. Orson. 70173. 75300. Sarah Isabelle. 78302. 285223. Bowdoin, George Richard James. 285900. George Sullivan. 285900. Gov. James. 285900. Breyfogle, See. 70041. Britain, Catharine. 1 15000. Britton, Catharine. 90300. Brother, Caroline. 70275. Brower, Elma. 7S463. Francis Hamilton. 78461. Francis S. 75417. 78460. Harvey Ellsworth. 78465. Orla Elson. 78464. Orpha Eleanor. 78462. Brown, Eliza J. 70062. James H. 75418. William. 85475. Burgic, Thomas. 106850. Burris, Alfred. 105954. John. 105950. Burrus, Adelita Charter. 103001. Albert Edward. 103005. Cicero. 103000. Edwin Elowin. 103003. Eugene Lansing. 103007. Marguerite Walters. 103006. Capt. Nathaniel. loooor. 103000. Nathaniel Charter. 103004. William Cicero. 103002. Buskirk, .\braham. 106700. Joris. 2S5469. Cammeyer, Maria. 105 170. Campbell, See. 70156. Carpenter, William Dey. 90100. Carr, Anna Josephine. 75438. 78525. Rev. Charles C. 70214. 75435. Catharine Sayre. 75436. 78505. Jane Dey. 75437. 78515. Carson, Annie. 285520. Carstein, Nomi. 105590. Casselis, Earl. 285290. Cernier, Catharina. 105430. Chamberlain, Mary. 285455. Chapman, William Harvey. 115 125. Charter, Adelaide. 103000. Lt. Nathaniel. 103000. Christie, Daniel. 106200. Chrocheron, Margaret. 105970. Church, Caroline. 75105. Charles. 75102. Doctor. 70157. 75100. Edward. 75107. Eleanor. 75101. Jane. 75103. Mary. 75104. Sarah. 75106. Clarke, Ellen. 275050. Clinton, Gov. George. 70375. George W. 70375- Clopper, Peter. 85005. Cobb, Francis Eugene. 115122. Colburn, Margaret Elizabeth. 63094. Compton, Hannah. 106310. Conk, Charles. 106191. Index of Names. 2003 Conk, William. 106190. Connis, Edward Augustus. 78022. Ezra Amos. 75026. 78020. Fannie Louise. 78023. James Ezra. 78021. Conover, Ann. 75020. Baxter. 285298. Dey. 285396. Disbrow. 285397. Gerritt. 105940. Gerritt Wolfsen. 75020. Jacob. 70025. 70220. 75020. 105940. Peter. 70025. 75020. 105940. Phebe. 70220. Ralph. 285390. Richard. 285395. Samuel Smith. 105940. Sarah. 70025. Voornees. 285399. William. 2S5310. Cook, See. 105676 105771. Cooley, See. 80033. Corbin, Elizabeth. 75350. Corneliszen, Cornelius. 62037. Franz. 62003. 62035. Gertrude. 62036. Cornelius, Frank. 62003. 62035. Cossett, Hattie. 285621. Cous^-n, INIaria. 85500. Cowles, Emeline M. 115 100. Craig, See. 85S44. Crain, Phebe. 63050. Theunis. 63050. Crane, Clara A. 70066. Crawford, Samuel G. 63088. 80090. Dameron. Frances. looooo. Mary B. (Daneker). 280100. Daneker, Annie. 285020. IMary B. 280100. Davenport, See. 100002. Davis, J. 285582. Dayton. See. 285763. Degroot, John. 105820. Lena. 105822. Xomi. 10582 1. DeLaMaetre, Susanna. 85475. Demarest, David. 106240. John Johnson. 10624 1. Magdalena. 105 120. Denyke, Andrew. 62220. DePej'ster, Augustus. 70403. Depew, Chauncey Mitchell. 107110. DeWitt, Alice. 70403. Andrew. 63550. Catharine Walsh. 70405. Dudley Walsh. 70402. George Washington. 63552. DeWitt, Richard Varick. 63551 . 70400. 7040 1 . Sarah Walsh. 70404. Simeon. 62620. 63550. Dey, A. H. 285340. A. O. 106395. 107285. 2S5257. A. W. 106370. Abraham. 105150. 105420. 105650. 105652. Abram. 105103. 105113. 105491. Adam. 285251. Dr. Addison H. 106630. Albert Van Brunt. 70228. 75460. 78538. Alexander. 63051. Alexander Hamilton. 70241. 75470. Alfred W. 106505. Alice. 70232. 280086. 285522. Alice H. 275031. Amos. 10520 1. 105230. 285300. 285455- Ancil G. 106465. Andrew. 105702. 1 17390. Angelina. 85802. Ann. 62203. 62635. 85823. 106690. 285172. 285463. Ann Hull. 75396. Anna. 105100. 105131. 105433. Anna ilaria. 1150SS. ii5iro. Annaetje. 105112. 105153. 105277. 105300. Annatje. 105380. 105790. Anne. 85472. 105708. Annetie. 285.100. Annie W. 280024. Anthony. 63001. 63012. 63026. 63083. 70100. 70200. 75001. 75392. 80100. 115045- 2S5173. Anthony P. 70027. 1073 10. Antie. 105 102. Antje. 105510. 105750. Antjen. 85476. Appolos O. 275021. 2800S0. Archibald. 70002. Arie. 105330. Arniistead. 280262. Barshabe. 2S5464. Benjamin. 62606. 63031. 63050. 63090. 70110. 105675. 105705. 105770. 106590. 107490. 261008. Benjamin C. 70117. Benjamin S. 275034. 2801S0. Benjamin Sprathey. 270006. 275030. Bessie. 285521. Betsey. 70083. 2004 Dey. Dey, Blanchard. 106645. Calvert R. 2S0026. Caroline. 63027. 63088. . 70102. 70207. 275067. Casparus. 105331. Catharine. 63027. 70032. 70207. 78546. S5023. 85125. S5804. 85828. 85844. 90050. 105505. 107390. 268005. 300000. . Catharine E. 107505. Catharine S. 701 16. Charles. 107460. 285505. 285530. 295005. 295010. Charles A. 275062. Charles Carr. 75462. 78535. Charles H. 106485. 106660. 107400. Charles Hayt. 70232. Charles J. 275063. Dr. Charles L. 106635. Charles Pitman. 107260. Charles S. 270010. Charles W. 106605. 107345. Charles Webster. 1 15091. Charles William. 63033. 70235. Charlotte. 107400. Clarence M. 280045. Clarissa. 285552. - Cornelia. 105912. Cornelius. 85005. 106583. 106585. 106720. 285252. Curtis Thompson. 75395. Cyrus. 106795. D. J. 106330. Daniel. 85821. 90050. 106283. 106750. 285301. 285551. 285580. David. 62607. 63034. 63080. 63086. 63087. 70110. 70231. 80065. 85467. 105001. 105110. 105134. 105180. 105181. 105642. 105703. 105850. 107405. 107475. 275022. 280100. 280101. 285020. 285456. David B. 106284. David Baird. 107566. 107570. 107591. 2S5140. David James. 95 151. David M. 701 12. David Peter. 115086. David S. 285375. 285385. Diana. 268003. Dinah. 85801. 85849. 105678. 105773. 106260. 285465. Dirck. 105260. 105275. Dirck Jansen. 62020. Dirck Theunis. 62022. 62200. Donald. 106520. 107275. E. 285350. 63081. Dey, Edmond. 106450. Edna. 2S0242. Edward A. 106685. Edwin. 63035. 70230. Edwin J. 285253. Eleanor. 63071. 70201. Eleanor M. 107520. Eleanor R. 107500. Eli. 285370. Ellas. 105152. 105170. 105860. 106260. Elias E. 285174. Eliza Opdyke. 78537. Elizabeth. 63005. 63094. 70030. 70227. 85843. 105135. 105163. 105350. 10558T. 105602. 105840. 105931. 106525. 107410. 261009. 280081. 285469. Elizabeth Ann. 275035. Elizabeths. 106121. Elizabeth W. 280261. Ella. 280044. Ella Cornelia. 115103. Ellen. 63054. Emma. 100007. 275008. 280060. Enoch. 105203. 107571. 107580. 285141. 285160. 285430. 285532. Esther. 62608. 63068. 80000. 285466. Euphemie. 105242. Falk. 107415. Fannie L. 280022. Fanny. 268004. Frances Johanna. 70223. Francis A. 106510. Francis Post. 63029. 70220. Frank. 106525. 285504. Frank B. 107410. Franklin. 107365. Garrett. 63054. 63091. George. 70081. 285520. 295613. George B. 106425. George C. 285420. George D. 2S0021. George H. 106495. 285254. George Walters. 100003. 275002. 280020. Gilbert. 63010. 70060. 70064. 105501. Gilbert S. 106440. 10751b. Grace Thatcher. 75461. Lt. Gustav. 107340. H. 106610. Hannah. 63013. 63066. 63084. 70061. 106260. 106530. 107535. Hannah Conover. 70223. Harriet. 105203. 105970. Index of Names. 2005 Dey, Harry E. 106585. 1065SS. Harry M. 2S5180. Harrj- Thompson. 75391. Helen. 70233. 285524. Helena. 63082. 105730. Helitie. 105 165. Hendrick. 105502. 105641. Henry. 62004. 105136. 105203. 105910. 106110. 106480. 106720. 1075 15. 285255. 2S5360. 285380. 285435- Henry Ellinwood. 115104. Henry K. 70033. 107315. Henr}- Swan. 70231. Herman. 75471. Hester. 63006. 70085. 105720. 105740. Hester Schuyler. 63069. Hilas. 106200. Hilletie. 105481. Hj'ler. 106695. I. 107420. Ide. 105430. Ira C. 27001 1. Isaac. S5104. 85475. 106310. 106311. 106S30. 285506. 285540. J- 2S5345. J. W. 107260. Jacob. 70222. 90153- 105154- 105921. 107435. Jacob C. 70026. Jacob William. 105 120. Jacomina. 105431. Jacques. 107425. Jain. 285470. James. 70003. 85022. 85100. S5450. 85453- 85454. 85800. 85806. 85840. 90102. 90150. 90154. 105352. 105631. 105672. 105700. 105701. 105765. 105767. 106250. 106260. 106281. 106420. 106755. 106825. 106S35. 106840. 107265. 107269. 107270. 107272. 261000. 26 1 00 1. 26800S. 285170. 285302. 285457. 285472. James Alvah. 115101. James B. 100004. 275004. 2S0040. 280046. James G. S. 106535. 107274. James Lawrence. 85472. James W. D. 270008. Jan. 105172. Jan Laurens. 85002. 85003. 85020. Jane. 62003. 62021. 62202. 62603. 62609. 62615. 63007. 63070. 70203. 70227. 106220. 106700. 107305. 107470. Dey, Janneke. 105171. Jannetie. 85004. Jannetje. 105164. Jennie E. 107300. Jeremiah. 106725. Jessie. 2S5021. Johanna. 105101. 105531. 105S61. Johannies. 105532. Johannis. 105861. John. 62001. 62604. 63050. 70234. 80051. 85103. 85465. 85466. 85826. 85840. 85848. 90050. 90058. 90100. 90107. 90151. 95150. 105000. 105105. 105140. 105225. 105226. 105261. 105768. 106280. 106430. 106740. 106760. 106765. 107260. 107355. 107440. 107450. 107530. 107565. 107590. 261007. 268102. 280181. 285100. 2S5120. 285290. 285303. 285320. 285450. John Abraham. 105602. John B. 106540. John Bates. 270007. 275050. John C. 106350. John D. 63085. 70226. John H. 63087. 80060. 106375. 1 15040. 2b8oo7. 285256. John Henry. 106585. 1065S7. 1 15087. 1 15 100. John I. 107560. John J. 105200. John L. 106290. John M. 106470. John Ogden. 63051. John P. 63030. 70225. John Perrine. 75463- 78545- John Richard Steele. 106640. 1 15102. John W. 105707. 106260. 107550. John Wesley. 95152. Joseph. 85471. 85820. 85824. 90056. 90103. 95ic)0. 107260. 107465. 280085. 285304. 285310. Joseph A. 106445. 285210. Jcseph L. 105500. Joseph S. 270004. 275020. Joseph Warren Scott. 75'03- Jonathan. 105015. Josiah. 106770. 106775. Katherine. 85473. Kenneth. 105233. 105240. Maj. L. M. 106435. L. R. 106460. Lafayette. 1065S4. n")5>5. Laura M. 106400. 285258. Laurens. 85000. 85021. 2006 Dey. Dey. Lawrence. 85454. 90106. 106840. 285100. 285305. Lena. 105121. 105263. 105320. 285467. Lester. 285525. Lewis. 85803. 90000. 105503. 106780. 268000. 270001. Lewis C. 270009. 275060. 275061. Lewis F. 106455. Lewis R. 270005. Lewis W. 107545. Linda R. 285001. Linden D. 107290. 285230. Lizzie. 285501. Louis G. 106615. Louis R. 106360. Louise W. 280042. Lucy C. 275064. Lula A. 2S0083. Luther M. 106320. 106405. Luther V. 106475. Lydia. 85841. 285582. Maggie. 285502. Margaret. 85001. 85842. 90052. 90104. 280053. Margaret C. 280027. Margaret Francis. 285022. Margaret Walters. loocoi . 103000. 275005. Margrietje. 105871. Margueretta. 701 14. Maria. 63002. 80040. 85102. 85485. 105107. Maria Dey. 105830. Maritie. 105520. Maritje. 105162. ■ Marjorie. 78536. Marmaduke. 106680. Martha. 85822. 90054. 105507. Marvin Hull. 75393. Mary. 62204. 62645. 63014.63067. 63089. 70063. 70204. 75104. 80040. 85451. 85805. 85850. 90002. 90051. 105676. 105771. 105911. 107320. 107540. 107570. 107591. 261004. 268002. 280183. 285468. 295050. Mary A. 106435. 1073 10. Mary Ann. 90105. Mary Elizabeth. 107581. 285161. Mary Emeline. 105940. Mar}' Esther. 63094. Mary Frances. 275001. 285022. Mary J. 280082. Mary L. 106545. 285235. Mary Louisa. 275032. Mary W. 280023. Dey, Marya. 105370. 105551. Matilda. 106110. Maud E. 280084. Mercy. 105706. Mildred. 285523. Molly. 70084. Morris. 106655. Myra Thompson. 75394. 78410. Nancy. 63004. 63028. 70210. 105200. 106185. Naomie. 105400. Nathaniel. 105890. 107455. Nehemiah. 105707. 285325. Nicholas. 107360. Patience. 105 231. Paul. 285175. Peter. 62605. 63053. 63065. 80050. 80125. 85846. 90057. 105020. 105065. 105234. 105240. 105674. 105769. 106300. 106790. 261005. 285585. Peter Anthony. 70205. 75390. Peter B. 70029. 70063. 107325. Peter Conover. 70224. Peter Johnson. 95101. 100025. Peter Light. 63087. 1 15085. Peter N. 70062. 107330. Phebe. 85821. 90050. 105677. 105772. Phebe Bergen. 78539. Phebe C. 80052. Phebe H. 106123. Philip. 62602. 63025. 70202. 70221. 285458. Pierson. 63003. 70025. 2851 10. Pierson W. 700S2. 75020. Polly. 105264. Pruyn. 285586. Rachel. 105123. 105707. 285584. Rachel E. 106550. Randolph. 106120. Rebecca. 70229. 106110. 268103. Richard. 62601. 63000. 63009. 7002S. 70065. 70087. 105260. 106380. 1 15055. 285105. 285190. Richard C. 106600. Richard S. 106555. Richard Varick. 70001. 75000. 75102. 285250. Robert. 106365. 106560. 106565. 107265. 107268. 107270. 107273. 107278. 107335. 107400. Rosalie. 280087. Rutger VanBrunt. 70226. Ruth. 106850. S. L. F. 295000. Salle. 62610. 80005. Index of Names. 2007 Dey, Sally. 105265. 268006. 280052. Samuel. 105350. 105482. 105900. 106720. Samuel Hay. 63062. Sara. 105114. 105 133. 105152. 105592. 105601. Sarah. 62023. 70101. 80125. 85452. S5S45. 90057. 105020. 105506. 105679. 105709. 105800. 105885. 106210. 106835. 261006. Sarah Helena. 115089. Schuyler. 11 5090. Scott 8. 701 15. See. 285425. 285550. Seth. 105502. 1074S0. Solomon. 105 160. Solomon V. R. 63093. Sophia. 107525. Stella R. 275036. vStuart F. 107295. Sue C. 280051. Susan. 63012. 285583. Susanna. 1 05351. Tennis. 285260. 285270. 285479. Theodore. 106385. 106570. Theodosia Ann. 106122. Theunis. 62201. 62600. 63052. 80005. 105260. 105470. 1 15050. Theunis Dirksen. 62002. 62020. Thomas. 105200. 105227. 105262. 106820. 106850. 285 1 71. 280182. 285306. 285330. Thomas F.. 285415. Thomas M. 285435. Thompson. 701 11. Transyntie. 105533. Vincent. 85470. 85S25. 106835.. 285365. 285462. Virginia. 285531. Vorhees. 285440. W. F. 107270. 107277. W. R. 285307. Wadsvvorth. 275065. 280240. Walter. 285500. 285503. 295012. Walter H. 107280. 280025. 285240. Walter Howell. 100006. 275006. Walter J. 106490. Walter R. 280041. 285000. Warren. 80066. 800S0. Wesley E. 107380. Willem. 105111. 105151. 105276.^ 105591. 105651. 105850. Willemsie. 105332. William. 63011. 70031. 70080. 70228. 80045. 85468. S5827. 85847. 90101. 95001. looooo. 105100. 105105. 105106. 105130. 105132. 105161. 105228. 105241. 105353. 105450. 105480. 105490. 105500. 105504. 105530. 1055.S0. 105600. 105671. 105766. 105870. 105880. 105920. 105930. 106282. 106390. 106530. 106800. 107265. 107430. 261003. 264000. 270002. 275000. 280043. 280054. 285460. 285461. 285581. 295on. 295025. Dey, William B. 70225. 106670. 275004. 280040. William Bates. 90001. 95000. 2b8oo[. 270000. William E. 106^35. William F. 106665. William John. 105630. William M. 280028. William iMc.-\.dams. 63008. 80045. William S. 295026. William T. 106340. 106620. William Tiberius. 100005. 275007. 2S0050. W. 107485. 107495. 275066. 280260. 106580. 5- 75327. William 280241. William Walters. Winfield. 115092. Wyckoff E. 100026 Dibble, Benjamin. 75331. Charles A. 75330- Charles Philo. 70174. 75325 Evelyn. 75329- Henry Montgomery 1 15025. Jane. 75326. 285220. Louise. 75332. Philo. 75325. Walter. 75333- WiUiam J. 75328. 115025. Dircksen, Aletta. 70025. Dodge, Helen. 2S5800. Gen. Richard. 285S00. Doxev, S. A. 280084: Duncan, Grace America. 78535. John. 285463. Duryea, Betsey. 8001 1. Henry. 80010. John. 80013. Mary. 80012. Duyts, Hans. 285100. 'jan. 285100. Jan Laurens. 285100. Marritie. 85020. Duytsch, Jan Laurenszen. 85020 Duvtszen, Laurens. 85000. Eafle, Mary. 105930. Eastman, Clara. 75525- Edwards, See. 105677. 105772. 2008 Dey. Effingham, Maria. 106160. Elles, Elias. 105 150. Jenneke. 105150. Ellis, Maj. Eugene Alljion. 63089. Elting, Peter. 62619. Emmanuel, Claes. 105840. English, David. 106830. Erhard, Christofel. 105730. Etsell, Naomie. 105400. Samuel. 105400. Farmer, Col. Thomas. 85575. Ferribee, Charles H. 275036. 280220. Frank. 280221. Frederick. 280222. Mary. 280223. Missouri. 280080. Floyd, Anna. 70375. Gen. William. 70375. Folwell, Ann. 75401. Anna Carr. 78441. Benjamin F. 70217. Carl William. 7S437. Caroline. 70213. 75420. Charles Horace. 7S436. Charles Thompson. 702 11. 75400. Edgar David. 75406. Edna Earle. 7843S. Eleanor. 70214. 75435- Eliza Dey. 75403. 7^^425- Eliza L. 70216. Hannah. 70218. Jane De}'. 70212. 75410. Joseph. 63028. 70210. Joseph Hamilton. 75404. 78435. Mary. 75402. 78435. Philip Charles. 75405. 78440. Philip Dey. 70215. Fontaine, Anthony. 85020. Sara. 85020. Vincent. 85020. Forbes, Anna. 105723. Gysbert. 85522. Jacob. 10572 1. Johannes. 85521. Joseph. 105720. William. 85127. 85520. 105722. Ford, Col. Jacob. 63000. Fowler, Pexall. 106690. Frazier, See. 70101. Freligh, Rev. Moses. 62621. ReV'. Solomon. 105S30. Fynlynson, Margaret Jane. 78455. Gambee, Catharine. 70066. Frances. 70064. Gardinier, Susanna. S5940. Gerritse, Willem. 70025. Gerritsen, Lubbert. 285100. Gilbert, Gerrit. 62624. Gilbertse, Tennis. 62000. Gilchrist, Capt. William. 107070. Gillett, Walter. 78473. Gilliland, James. 80023. Mary Jane. 80021. Montgomery. 80022. Robert. 80012. 80020. Robert Emmet. 80024. Gleason, Maggie. 285500. Goetchins, Rev. J. Henry. 105840. Gooderham, Charles Horace. 75403. 78425. Dora Beatrice. 78429. Emily Olive. 78427. Henrj^ Folwell. 7S431. James Horace. 78432. Mabel Mary. 78428. Madeline Helena. 78430. Victoria Margaret. 7S426. Gordon, Alfred Hall. 75032. Anna Augusta. 75026. 78020. Catharine Wright. 75027. 7S040. Daniel Hudson. 75030. Edward King. 75031. 78000. James Alexander. 75029. James Wright. 70136. 75025. Maria Louise. 7S001. Gossman, James L. 115088. 115110. Graham, Mary Hamilton. 78435. Green, Captain. 75075. Grinnell, Cornelius. 285840. Irving. 285841. Mose Hicks. 285766. 285840. Groend3ke, Hannah. 70226. Grove. Emma H. 70230. Haal, Annaetje. 105330. Caspar. 105330. Hale, See. 2S5760. Halsey, See. 70030. Hardenbergh, See. 62620. Hade, Henry E. 70229. Harmon, Susanna. 105160. Ha3den, Rachel M. 70235. Haynes, Jennie Meredith. 78545. Hayt, Sally Ann. 70230. Height, John. S5470. Hendricksen, Grace. 70025. Henion, .A.nthony. 70042. Hannah. 70041. John K. 63007. 70040. Mary J. 70065. Henle}', Captain, goooo. Fanny. 90000. Herbert, Margaret. 105670. 105765. See. 105506. Higbee, See. 85843. Index of Names. 2009 Hill, Gen. A. P. icxx)04. 280040. Georgie Howell. 100004. Georgie Powell. 280040. Hillyer, See. 85845. \villiam. 285465. Hoffman, Cornelia. 63500. Hogeboom, Capt. John. 107100. Holbourn, Amelia Eleanor. 7S450. James Ernest. 7845 1 . Joseph Harry. 7844S. Louis Nelson. 78449. Mary Catharine. 78446. William. 754' i- 7''^445- William Folwell. 78447. Hoogland, Nance. 105870. Phebe. 2S5462. Houser, Elizabeth. 105480. Howell, Bishop. 1 00000. Howland, Gardiner G. 285841. Joanna Dorr. 285841. Hudson, Caroline. 70157. 75100. Charles. 7or5[. Charles Dibble. 75079. Daniel. 63067. 70135. 75077. David. 63069. 70140. 70150. Edward. 70152. Eleanor. 70154. Hannah. 70139. James Wright Gordon. 75076. Jane. 70138. 70153. Mary. 70136. 7013^- 70i55- 75025. 75078. Peter Dey. 70137- 75075- Sarah. 70156. Huff, See. 105507. Hurd, Edgar H. 70278. Irving, Charles. 285761. Henry Ogden. 285765. Julia. 2S5766. Lewis. 285761. Lewis Graham. 285761. Magnus. 285760. Oscar. 285763. Pierre Munroe. 285764. 285800. Washington. 90625. 2S5760. William. 85928. 90625. 285760. Rev. William Saunders. 285762. Jackson, Henry C. 80052. Jans, Geertje. 62000. Jansen, Gritje. 85000. See. 85842. Ytie. 85000. Jayne, Drew Gould. 63094. jenkinson, Harry. 107581. 285161. Jenson. See. 85842. Johnson, Ben. 63070. 70170. 75376. 78400. 78401. John.son, Charles Dey. 70179. 75375. 286200. Eleanor Board. 7017 1. 75600. Frederick Treman. 75377. Gertrude. 62000. Hetty. 70174. 75325. Isabella. 70181. 753S5. Jane. 62020. 70173. 75300. Jesse. 70175. 75350. John. 70170. Joseph Brittin Sprague. 78403. Louisa. 70178. 75370. Louisa I.sabella. 753Sr. 7S740. Lydia C. 63087. 1150S5. Margaret Leona. 78404. Mary. 70177. 75355. Mindore. 85465. Moses. 630S9. Peter Dey. 70176. Sarah. 70172. Thomas. 70170. Vinton. 78402. William 285471. William Gordon. 70180. 75380. Johnston, John. 85450. Jones, Rev. J. C. 280083. Jeuriaens, Jannetje. 85020. Jeannetie. 2S5100. Jobs, James. 285464. Kemble, Gertrude. qo6oo. Gouverneur. 90600. Kennedy, Archibald. 285290. Kenner, Mary. 70060. Kingsland, Ann. 70025. 2851 10. Hannah. 63065. Hester. 62600. Isaac. 62600. 63065. Kipp, Ann. 80013. See. 80109. Knapp, Nellie Gerri.sh. 115 123. Koniiig, Adam. 1055 10. Anna. 105513. Antje. 1055 1 1. Petrus. 1 055 1 2. Kuyper, See. 2S5100. Labagh, Hendrick. 105740. Willem. 10574 1. Laidlie, Catharine. 70000. Soioo. Laird, Elizabeth. 107260. Lucy. 105705. Richard. 105705. Langdon, Capt. Richard. S5467. I 050 10. Langendyck, Creertje Jans. 62000. Lebain. Mary. 115121. LeCouiite, Hannah. 62020. John. 62020. 20I0 Dey. Lee, Mary. 105490. Livingston, Katherine Beekman. 78650. Robert D. 78650. Lloyd, Capt. John. 107090. Longstreet, Anna. 107260. Augustus S. 10613S. Lony, Warren. 285622. Lovitt, Svisan. 280240. Lowe, Josiah. 105958. McAdams, John London. 62635. William. 62203. 62635. McAllister, Nancy. 63033. MacChesney, Robert. 106840. McDowell, Baptist. 106250. Mack, Ebenezer. 14800. 63071. Mackay, John W. 285190. Mann, Alexander. 75617. 78690. 115123. Cameron. 75616. 78675. 115121. Caroline Schuyler. 115127. Charles Duncan. 75619. 78715. 115126. Donald Peter. 75618. 78700. 115124. Dorothea. 115121. Duncan Cameron. 702S1. 75615. 115120. Justine. 115 121. Katharine. 115 122. Margaret Cameron. 115126. See. 70102. Marston, Charles. 753S1. 7S740. Marjorie. 78741. Mason, Jane. 285461. Mayfield, Mollie. 78021. Mercer, Elizabeth. 280180. Meredith, Louisa. 285841. Middleton, Dr. Peter. 63485. Miller, Anthony D. 295172. Clarinda. 75350. David Owen. 75350. Edgar. 295175. Isaac S. 295174. Isaiah. 295176. Richard D. 295171. See. 63004. William. 295173. Mitchell, Mary A. 78470. Moore, Abraham. 105301. Anna. 105382. Francis. 105300. Johanna. 105140. Capt. John. 85575. Joshua. 280203. Joshua A. 275035. 280200. Lawrence. 106220. Moore, Meta. 280201. Michael. 105380. Samuel. 10222 1. 105800. 105801. Sara. 105381. 105850. Stella. 280202. Morgan, J. Pierpont. 2S5900. Morrill, See. 105679. 105774. Morrison, Mary Louise. 78053. Raynolds Edward. 78052. Robert Gordon. 78051. Robert King. 75028. 78050. Sidney King. 78054. Motsic, Frederick Pruyn. 285641. William. 285623. 285640. Mount, Hezekiah. 285550. Peter. 105225. Muhiired, Mary. 85100. Nagel, Elizabeth. 105580. Sara. I05_|20. Nash, Col. Camillus Albert. 100007. 275008. 280060. 280061. Daisy Camilla. 280063. Emma Dey. 2S0062. William Herbert. 280064. Neafie, Garrett. 10532 1. John. 63080. ■ 105263. 105320. 285467, Peter. 63005. Richard. 105322. Sarah. 63080. 285456. Norton, Siophia Elizabeth. 75550. Nottingham, Capt. William. 107085. Pgborne, Rebecca. 107580. bgden, Catharine. 85925. Ogilvie, Catharine. 85875. William. 85505. 85875. Opdyke, Emma P. 106135. Katharine. 75460. Peter L. 106136. Parient, Charles. 105953. Parcell, John. 285100. Patterson, Emeline. 70026. Paulding, Abraham. 85126. 85129. 85500. 85504. 85578. Albert. 107075. 107220. 107225. Anna. 85943.- Annie Depew. 107110. Belitie. 85503. Caroline. 107105. Catharine. 85128. 85130. 85505. 85580. 8592S. Charles. 100201. Charles Cook. 106966. Charles G. 106870. Charles H. 106970. Cornelius. 85510.. 107210. 107230. D. C. 107010. Index of Names. Jill 1 Paulding, Decatur. 95402. Dr. Edward. 106980. Eleanor. 855S3. 106230. Fred W. 106950. Garrett. 106965. 1072 15. Gouveneur. 106S90. H. O. 106938. Henry. 107170. 107235. 107240. Hiram. 90526. 95400. 95426. 100200. Isaac. 107 100. J. C. 106940. J. N. 90603. Jacob 8550S. James Kirke. S5927. 90600. 106970. 2S5760. j James P. 106985. ! John. 85133. 85560. 85904. 90525. 90527. 107125. 107130. 107160. 107165. 107245. 107250. 285100. John L. 106905. John W. 95425. Maj. Jonathan H. 107 120. Joost 85023. 85125. 85134. 85501. 85575- 85577- 85940. 285100. Joseph. 85561. 85900. 85902. IU7135. 107205. Joseph M. 106930. Julia. 285760. Leonard. 95401. Levi. 106925. Margrieta. 85131. 85132. Maria. 85509. 106240. , Marytje. 85127. Nathaniel. 107115. Neeltie. S5512. Nehemiah. 107200. Peter. 85579. 85581. 85582. 85903. 100202. 107155. Peter Kemble. 90602. 95460. Philip R. 95351- Rebecca. 85511. Roger. 107 1 45. Lt. Robert P. 106935. Samuel H. 106995. Sophia. 85135. Susan Wiley. 9542?- Susanna. 85942. Tatnall. 95403- Thomas. 107 150. 107 180. W. D. 107005. Will. 107090. Willard A. 107000. Willett A. T06915. William. 85507. 85577. 85901. 85925- 85926. WiUiam. 85941. 90500. 90501. 95350. 95461. 1 07 140. 107 1 S5. 285100. Paulding, William Irving. 90601. Pearces, Lewis. 285468. Peck, Patience Su.san. 75075. Perkins, Harry Wright. 7S023. Perrine, Hannah. 1058S0. 264000. 285460. 285471. John. 10588.J. Margaret. 85800. 268100. 2S5472. Mary H. 70228. Peter. S5800. 106840. 107590. 268100. 2851 15. 295150. Rebecca. 107590. 285116. Perry, Charles Thomas. 78731. John. 75350. Ora A. 75362. 78730- Tammie. 75350. Thomas K. 75350. Peterson, Morris. 285100. Phillips, Johanna. 85470. Susan. 70080. Philpots, H. T. 280180. Pierson, Hannah. 63000. John E. 70227. Capt. Josiah. 63000. Piatt, Allen Ely. 75441- Charles B. 70223. 75440- Hannah. 75442. Post, Anthony. 80109. Benjamin. 631 11. 80105. Betsey. 801 1 1. Cornelius. 105885. Daniel. 80107. Dirck. 105886. Franz.. 63126. Dr. George A. 80122. 1 15030. Jacob. 801 12. 80120. Jacobus. 62610. 105S88. James. 801 10. Jane. 63025. 285458. John. 80106. Julia. 631 12. Mary Jane. 80108. Monroe J. 8012 1. See. 62608. 80000. Potter, Arthur George. 7S517. Carroll Carr. 785 '6. Charles. 78520. Joseph Henry. 75437- 78515- 78519- ^, ,, Katharine Harr. 78518. Pruyn, Daniel Dey. 285604- 2^=;''?" David. 285601. Elizabeth. 2S5601. Ella J. 285623. John 1). 2S5603. 20I2 Dey. Pruyn, Peter. 285602. Thomas. 2S5552. 285600. William Thomas. 285621. Quackenboss, Anna. 85940. Joseph. 85940. Ouackenbush, Lawrence. 2S5581. Nettie. 2S5580. Quick, Sarah Naomi. 106211. William. 1062 10. Redner, Benjamin. 80108. Ree, John. 105900. Reiger, John. 62000. Remington, Sarah Ann. 75557. Remsen, Maria. 1 15070. Rhinelander, Philip. 95350. Rice, Alice A. 7023 r. Ridge, Susan. 70260. Riley, See. 80021. Ritter, Sydney Augustus. 63094. Robinson, Elizabeth. 275020. Rogers, Ann. 100003. Ezekiel. 105232. See. 105232. Romeyn, Eliza. 2S5763. Roosevelt, Isaac. 63500. Lelia. 75554. Lydia Eliza. 75550. Maria. 63500. Rowe, Lucretia. 75400. Ruding, Mary Ann Virginia. 295010. Rue, Margaret. 285457. Ruine, Jeanne de. 285100. Russell, Hannah. 90150. See. 70155- Ryerson, Anna. 62220. Anthony. 62217. 62218. Franz. 6202 r. 62215. George. 622 [9. Jane. 62223. John. 62222. Joris. 62020. Marte. 62216. Mary. 62225. Richard. 62224. Sarah. 62221. Saa, David. 105370. Marya. 105371. Salsbury, Henry. 285601. Salyer, Emma. 70065. Sanford, Sarah. 75550. Santford, Anna. 105522. Maria. 105521. Michael. 105520. MoUie. 105510. Sarin, Mary Ella Taylor. 78000. Say re, See. 80065. Saunders, John. 285760 Saunders, Sarah. 285760. Scanlan, Sarah. 107590. 2851 15. Schenck, Catharine. 70025. Roelof. 70025. Schouten, Anneken. 62020. John. 62020. Lucas. 62020. Schuyler, Aaron. 6260S. S0130. 90100. 285466. Anthony. 70171. 70276. 75600. 75606. Anthony Dey.63101. 70260. 75528. 75553- 90'oo. Arent. 62600. 80000. Ben Johnson. 75603. Caroline Bertha. 70281. 75615. Caroline Brother. 115 120. Charles Brother. 75601. Catharine. 70279. Ellen Glasgow. 75558. Eugene Paschal. 75563. Frank Hamilton. 75555. Gertrude Lindell. 75562. Hamilton. 75605. Hester. 62600. 105 180. 285459. John. 63500. Louis Sanford. 75556. Margaretta. 70278. 75604. Mary. 70277. Mary Bertha. 75561. Mary Louisa. 75551. Montgomery. 70262. 75550. 75602. 78650. 78651. 295150. Montgomery Roosevelt. 75554. Peter. 63102. 70275. 70280. Peter Seabury. 70263. Philip. 62600. 75560. Philip Livingston. 78652. Philip Pieterse. 62600. Robert Livingston. 78653. Sanford Eastman. 75527. Sarah. 75552- Sophia Norton. 75564. Walter Norton. 75559. William Henry. 75526. William Ridge. 70261. 75525. 75557- Scudder, Marshia. 106 120. See, George W. 100203. Shaw, David. 62204. 62645. William. 62646. Simpson, Albert Dey. 78476. Anna Maria. 75426. Carlotta Mary. 78499. Dora Caroline. 78475. Edgar Asa. 78471. Edgar C. 75421. 78470. Index of Names. 20I Simpson, Edgar Dey. 7S491. Eleanor Fohvell. 75424. 784S0. Frank F. 75429. Georgianna. 7S473. Herbert}. 75427. 78495. Howard Bergen. 78497. John Mitchell. 7S474. Mary Anna. 75423. Nettie Maud. 78498. Philip Dey. 75422. Philip Herbert. 78496. Robert. 70213. 75420. Robert Harley. 78472. Robert W. 75425. 78490. Walter W. 7542S. Walter Wilson. 78492. Sinclair, Margaret T. yorio. Sisco, Santje. 105900. Slapp, Capt. John. 105020. Slocum, Mary L. 78490. Smith, Benjamin Dey. 78509. Eleanor Bennett. 7S507. Eva Maud. 7S508. George Bennett. 75436. 78505. Harry Carr. 78506. Robert. 78510. South, Sarah. 106137. Spencer, Eliza. 106134. Spier, Anthon}'. 62236. Hannah. 62238. Henry. 62023. 62235. Jane. 62239. John. 62235. Leah. 62240. ^lary. 62237. Sprathey, Richard. 270000. Susan. 95000. 270000. Sprague, Asa. 75370. Joseph Brittin. 70178. 75370. Steele, Rebecca. 63087. Stengle, Benjamin. 80012. 80030. Charles. 80032. Edward Payson. S0033. John. 80031. Stillwell, Ann. 75020. Catharine. 82510. 105940. 106960. George. 75020. Stonaker, Alfred. 106151. David. 106150. Peter B. 106153. Susan. 106133. Vincent P. 106152. Street, .\nna Agnes. 78457. Anna Folwell. 75417. Caroline Thompson. 7541 1. Charles Dey. 75415. Charles Nelson. 78456. Street, Edwin Richmond. 75416. Erastus. 70212. 75410. James Edwin. 7845S. Jane Eleanor. 75418. Joseph Erastus. 75413. 7S455. Samuel Dey. 75414. William Nelson. 75412. Strong, Benajah. 70375. Joanna. 70375. Stryker, Sarah. 106120. Stuyvesant, Gov. Peter. 62000. 285100. Sullivan, Gov. James. 2S5900. George Richard. 285900. Swan, Charles. 70177. 75355. 75357. Cornelia. 75365- Eleanor Schuyler. 75362. I-vlizabeth. 75356. Frank. 75360. George. 75358. Isabelle Titus. 75364. Joseph Sprague. 75361. Louise. 75359- William. 75363. Stymets, Peter. 105760. Rachel. 105760. Temple, Sir William. 285900. Terhune, Catharine. 63093. Theunis, Jannetje. 62000. Thompson, Catharine. 75390. Charles. 63027. 70207. Charles Dey. 70208. Thorel, Maria. 85800. Ticknor, Heman Charles. 7S041. Sidney. 75027. 78040. Tillyer, Dinah. 85450. 261000. See. S5S45. William. 285465. Titus, Charles M. 701S1. 75385. Todd, Charles Thompson. 7S420. Eleanor Carr. 78416. Eliza Alice. 78419. James R. 75402. 7S415. John Hunter. 78417. Lucretia Josephine. 7S41S. Toers, Sarah. 105260. Toy, jNIary Jane. 100003. 280020. Dr. Thomas. 100003. Trexler, See. 80031. VanBrunt, Phebe. 70225. VanCourt, Charles W. 75438. 78525- Frederick. 78527. Jennie. 78526. VanCourtlandt,01af Stevenson. 62020. Col. Philip. 63000. VanCouvvenhoven, Garret Wolferseii. 70025. 75020. Vanderbeck, Mroth. S5S20. 20I4 Dey. Vanderbilt, Catharine V. 106160. Vanderhoef, David. 106170. Margaret Helen. 106170. Sarah. 106 170. VanDyck, Hendrick. 2S5100. VanDuykhausen, Swan. 62600. VanDyne, See. 80032. VanNess, Abraham. 105970. Bergen. 105971. Eleanor W. 106138. George I. 106135. Ida P. 106136. Jerome. 105970. John. 105970. John D. 106133. Nancy. 106131. Peter. 105970. Peter Bergen. 106134. Sidney. 106132. Vincent. 105972. William H. 106137. VanNest, Ida E. 7S495. VanNorden, Anna. 85940. VanNuyse, Isaac. 106185. Jane. 106185. VanRipen, Daniel. 285290. VanSaun, John. 63080. Samuel. 63080. VanSchlectenhorst, Arent. 62600. VanWagenen, Maria. 105890. VanWyck, Margaret. 63485. VanWycken, Sytje. 106 120. Varick, Abraham. 62616. 63490. 63491. 70375. Anne. 62619. Anthony. 62623. Antoinette. 70376. Ellen Alida. 1 15080. Henry D. 115071. 115080. Jane. 62620. 63550. Jane D. 63527. John. 62202. 62615. 62625. 63525. 63528. 285470. John Barnes. 75801. JohnVredenburgh. 63492. 70350. I 15070. Julia. 70377. Maria. 62624. Martin. 62622. Mary S. 11 5081. Richard. 62617. 62618. 63500. Richard A. 285185. Richard Abraham. 70351. 75800. Sarah. 62621. Theodore VanWyck. 63526. Veghte, Gerret. 106820. Verwey, Elizabeth. 105275. Vinton, H. E. 78401. Mary. 78400. Vouter, Ezekiel. 105750. Susannah. 105750. Vredenburgh, Catharine. 63490. Truentia. 63490. Vreeland, Enoch. 62000. Jane. 105920. Waldron, Resolved. 285000. Walsh, Sarah. 70400. Walters, George. looooo. 275000. Margaret. 275000. Margaret Katharine. looooo. Washington, Gen. George. 62600. Waters, Captain. 85467. 10500. 105005. 105226. Ward, Ann J. 285620. John. 95427- Watkinson, See. 70153. Westervelt, John. 105790. Lea. 105790. Maria. 105790. Wheelock, Melissa. 75380. White, Benjamin. 280152. Caleb. 275031. 280150. Lilly. 28015 1. Roland C. 275031. Susanna. 85575. Whorf, Mary C. 275032. Whyte, Janie. 280260. Wilger, See. 105678. 105773. Williams, A. B. 280081. Samuel F. 280082. Williamson, Colonel. 105888. Fanny. 90000. Wilson, Andrew. 85986. Claude Leslie. 78484. Floyd Elwin. 78485. Mary Eleanor. 78482. Philip Simpson. 78483. Robert. 85583. 85985. Thomas J. 75424. 78480. Winnie Caroline. 78481. Winthrop, Governors. 985900. Wortham, Charles Elliott. 100002. 275001. 280000. 285200. Wright, Catharine Thompson. 78412. Craig S. 75394- 78410. Capt. Daniel. 105015. Linda. 285000. Thomas Dey. 7841 1. Yale, Frederick. 701 16. Youngs, See. 80091. Zabriskie, Kate. 106000. Index of :N^iVMii:s. BOARD. Ackerman, George Henry. 140338. Jacob Westervelt. 140339. John Edmund. 140336. John Henry. 135356. 140335. Peter Gilbert. 140337. Alexander, James. 125000. Alyee, Jane. 135354. Andrews, Sarah. 311 171. Armstrong, Sarah. 135054. Ball, Frank W. 140124. 150145. Helen. 150146. Mary. 150147. Bancker, Adrian. 127175. Elizabeth. 1 27175. Evert. 127175. Banta, Aaron. [25179. 127271. 127320. 135358. Alida Catharine. 140354. Andrew. 135404. Ann Eliza. 135355. Anna. 127337. Annaetje. 127268. Anne. 125 178. 127300. Caroline Permilla. 140352. Edward. 140362. Eleanor. 127266. Eliza. 127272. Ella Warren. 140353. Ellen Eliza. 127336. Ellen Margaret. 135362. Emma. 140362. Emory French. 140355. Estelle. 140378. George. 125176. 127265. 127270. 135354- George Aaron. 135360. Gitty. 135354. Gitty Elizabeth. 135359. Irene Camille. 140379. Banta, John. 125005. 125 175. 127267. 127269. 127338. 135352- 135400. John Aaron. 135361. John Henry. 135403. Lena. 127266. 127321. 127322. Margaret. 135354. Margaret Ellen. 135356. Nellie. 140356. Olive Henrietta. 140376. Rachel Ann. 135402. Rachel Jane. 135354. Richard. 125180. 127335. Richard Abraham. 135363. 140375. Richard J. 135401. Salome. 135353- Sarah. 125177. 127285. Viola ISIatilda. 140377. Walter .\ugustus. 1 4035 1 . William. 140362. Bartow, Thomas. 125000. Bayard, Mary Ellen. 140350. Beach, Hannah. 135300. Josiah. 125010. 125150. Phebe. 125150. Thomas. 125009. 125152. Zopher. 125 150. Belcher, Gov. Jonathan. 125000. 125100. Bell, Nancy C. 135250. Berdan, John R. 127272. Bernart, Anna Seely. 135324. Charles Gershoin. 135323. James Elmerdorf. 127258. 135320. 140235. John Newton. 135322. Mary Board. 13532 « - Matilda. 140235. Bertram, Joseph. 125000. 20l6 Board. Bishop, Ernest G. 145077. Everett W. 145076. Harold. 145082. Herbert B. 145078. John W. 145080. Nellie. 145079. Theron C. 140116. 145075. William. 145081. Black, Jane. 127190. Blake, Edward Louis. 140361. Edith M. 1 4036 1. Joseph Edward. 1 40361. Mabel. 140361. Board, Alfred. 31 1070. Ann. 125108. 127002. 127003. 127 150. 135020. 31 1050. Anna Margaretha. 127121. Anna Tebbetts. 140253. Annas. 125151. 127000. 31 1045. Anne Thorpe. 152201. Annis. 127000. B. B. 155250. Belle. 135145. Ben Curry. 140254. Benjamin Summers. 15 1003. 152000. Buckner. 15 1002. 152200. 152204. 31 1080. Burgin. 155000. 311040. Dr. C. A. 155130- C. F. 155 140. C. H. 155260. Caroline. 1 27010. 135065. Charles. 125155. 127250. 135271. Charles Henry. 155070. Chauncey E. 311 121. Chester. 140106. Clarinda. 127165. 135115. Colonel. 31 10 10. Cornelia J. 31 1 160. Cornelius. 125000. 125101. 125126. 125151. 127000. 127100. 135051. 135176. 150003. 150050. 311000. 31.1045. David. 125000. 125002. 1 25 100. 125125. 125127. 127160. 127161. 135110. 155220. 311065. 311071. David J. 127204. Edmund Kingsland. 1 27201. 135 140. Edward C. 145 168. Eleanor. 63065. 125005. 125131. 125175. 127206. Elinor. 31 1055. Elijah. 150078. Eliza. 127176. Eliza J. 127104. Board, Elizabeth. 125000. 125004. 125105. 125153. 127004. 127051. 127104. 127110. 127191. 127235. 135035- 135055- 140104. 150086. 3 1 1060. Elizabeth H. 127258. 135320. Ellsworth M. 15 50 10. Emily. 135084. 140140. Emily Arnoux. 135113. Ferdinand. 310000. Ferdinand John. 310001. 310020. Frances. 127164. Col. Francis H. 155165. Frank. 135147. 145167- 151002. Frank E. 155020. G. B. 155170. G. W. 155080. Gabriel. 135272. George. 135052. 311 100. George W. 155030. Green B. 155 120. Harriet. 127128. 127207. 135165. Helen. 135275- I45i73- Henderson. 150005. Hester. 125107. 127103. 127135. Horace. 127162. 311072. Huldah. 140101. J. M. 155221. J. W. 155280. Jackson. 127177. James. 1250CO. 125103. 125129. 127001. 127100. 1 27190. 135054. 140105. 150006. 150075. James C. 135274. James D. 311073. James G. 311081. James Garland. 155300. James J. 127106. 135080. James L. 155040. Jane. 125006. Jefferson. 150076. Jemima. 150084. Jessie. 145 1 74- Joanna. 127163. 127257. 135300. Joel. 150083. John. 125104. 127006. 127053. 135050. 135056. 150000. 150001. 150080. 155190. 155200. John A. 155150. John D. 311082. John Dewitt. 140169. 145165. John F. 127202. 135 160. 140236. John H. 127105. Dr. John J. 155230. John Mead 135111. 140167. Jonathan Hudson. 135082. 140100. Joseph. 125000. 125003. 1 25100. Index of Names. 2017 12512S. 125150. 125158. 127009. 127175. 127180. 127255. 135273. 140250. 155270. Board, Joseph E. 135 146. Joseph Orton. 14025 1. Josephine C. 140255. Joshua. 127005. JuHa Tevis. 152202. Kate. 1 40 1 68. 145 166. Katie. 151 10 1. Loraine. 155050. Louis A. 140173. 145172. Ivouise Henderson Monroe. 1271S1. 135125. McCagher. 150081. Margaret Cochran. 152203. Margaretta. 127179. Martha. 125009. 125152. 127220. 140103. Mary. 125154. 127008. 127101. 127253. 135035. 1350S1. 140075. 1400S5. 151105. Mary Ann. 127205. 135 185. Mary E. 140237. Mary Ellen. 135 162. Mary W. 140 170. Matilda. 135 144. Milton. 150075. Milton J. 155240. Nancy. 125108. 127150. 150085. Nancy K. 135085. 140 150. Nancy Kingsland. 311170. Nathan. 155180. Nathaniel. 1 25 130. 127200. 135142. 140225. 155060. Nehemiah. 150087. 151 100. 151104- Nettie Carter. 140171. Nicholas. 155 160. 1552 10. Nicholas Cornelius. 150052. Oakley J. 31 1083. Oscar. 151001. Peter. 127203. 135175- Peter A. 125 106. 127 120. Peter G. 135164- 140235. Peter Seeley. 127251. 135270. Phebe. 125 156. 127002. 127254. 135000. Philip. 125102. 127050. 150002. 150025. Polly. 127101. Richard. 150082. 151000. 155100. Robert Davis. 152001. Robert E. 155290. S. A. 311084. Samuel. 135153- Sarah. 125000. 125008. 1 25 15 7. Board, 127256. 135290. Sarali C. 135 163. Sarah Jane. 127208. 135200. Seely. 135053. Sophia. 135 1 61. Stephen. 150004. 311101.311120. Steven. 150079. Susan. 135083. 1401 15. Susanna. 125000. 125006. 125159. Su.sie Carlisle. 140 172. 145171. T. R. 155090. Thaddeus. 127252. Thomas Beach. 127007. Thomas Dewitt. 135114. Thomas F. 151 103. Thomas Rigg. 2 1002 1. Virginia. 140102. W.S. 311160. Wicks. 140105. William. 127052. 150077. William H. 155110. Bogert, Eleanor. 1 27175. Jacobus. 127175. Booth, Dolly Caroline. 140050. Jesse. 140050. . Boylan, Ann ICmelia. 140362. Bull, Anna h. 135189. Caroline. 140054. Charles Richard. 135072. 140050. Charles W. 135190. Daniel Harvey. 127205. 135 185. Emma Lena. 135073. Hannah. 135069. Harriet. 135 186. James Harvey. 127206. Jesse. i27o;o. 135065. 140052. John. 135185. John James. 135068. Mary B. 135 '87. Mary Elizabeth. 135070. 140055. Phebe Ann. 135067. Richard. 135 185. I35'9>- Sarah. 135 1S8. Susan. 135066. Susan Caroline. 1 35071 - William. 135185- Burgess, Jennie. 140190. Robert. 140 190. Burnet, John. 125000. Burt, Augustus James. 145050. Benjamin. 145050. Daniel. 145050. David. 145050. Henry. 145050. James. 145050. Marv. 145050- Stephen A. 14505°- 20l8 Board. Cadmus, Mary Ann. 135400. Carlisle, Elizabeth. 140167. Caywood, Hannah M. 140240. John. 140240. Nicholas H. 140240. Clark, Iv. H. 125000. Laura. 145 165. Cluny, Robert Gordon. 125000. Conklin, See. 135271. Contant, Adelaide B. 140151. Crane, Jasper. 125 125. John. 125125. Cropsey, Clara. 135 116. Gerardus. 135 118. Jasper. 127165. 135115- Josephine. 135117. Curr}', Hannah Augusta. 140250. Dailey, Mary A. 145 162-5. Davenport, William. 125000. Davis, Cornelius Board. 135024. Elizabeth. 135025. Hannah. 135022. Jonathan. 125000. Mills. 127003. 135020. Phebe Ann. 1 35021. Ruth. 135235. Ruth Ann. 135026. S. E. 152000. Sarah Jane. 135023. Day, Annas. 125009. Dean, Louisa. 140265. Debaun, Polly. 127320. De Forest, See. 135126. Delevan, N. K. 135 104. Denton, John. 125154. Dobbin, Anthonj'. 125108. 127150. Doremus, Catharine Jane. 140326. Henry C. 135355- 140325. Dougherty, Amy. 140360. Dudley, Rev. Samuel. 135 125. Gov. Thomas. 135125. Dunning, Stella. 135403. Durland, Amelia. 140154, Amelia Vernon. 311 173. Charles B. 127222. 311130. Elizabeth. 127224. 135215. 311150. Frank. 140152. 311 172. James. 127221. 311125. 311171. James B. 140151. Joseph. 125152. 127220. 135085. 140150. 311160. 311170. Marion. 140153. 311 174. Nelson. 311 160. Nettie. 140155. Nettie Eugenia. 311 175. Orpha. 140000. Sarah. 140015. 140151. Durland, Thomas. 135003. 311140. Thomas B. 127223. Durston, Jane. 310000. Eliot, Pres. Charles William. 135125. Ely, Moses. 135080. Ervin, Walter. 125000. Ferris, Benjamin. 135090. Eliza A. S. 1 35091. Fisher, Benjamin Franklin. 140203. 145175- Malcolm Leay croft. 145 176. Fitzgerald, Edward. 13525 1. Flearbom, Eliza. 135358. Flippan, Axie. 127105. Ford, Mary. 125 125. Forsyth, Elizabeth. 310020. Foster, Pierrepont. 135 141. See. 135141. Freeland, Orrin. 127160. Frost, Emily. 145 162. Robert. 145 161. William H. 140144. 145160. Gardner, See. 135175. Garretson. Phebe. 135160. Gaunt, Eliza Pearsall. 140275. Gibbs, Edward. 135023. Gillett, Anna K. 145102. Bertha. 140125. Charles. 140115. 140121. Dorothy. 145 104. Earl. 145121. Eleanor. 145093. Elmer. 140123. 145140. Emily Owen. 140116. 145075. Frank. 140122. 145 120. Florence. 145123. Gay lord C. 140 126. George. 145143- Gladys. 145092. H. M. 140118. 145090. Herbert. 145125. Isaac. 140115. James B. 140119. 145100. Jesse O. 140127. John. 145091. LeRoy. 145141- Louise. 145127. Margaret. 145 103. Marian L. 145 loi. Mary R. 140124. 150145. May. 145124. Robert. 145094. Ruth. 145122. Samuel. 135083. 140115. 145126. Susan. 145142. William Hudson. 140117. Gilman, Pres. Daniel Coit. 135125. Index of Names. 2019 Glass, Elizabeth. 127288. George. 127290. Hendrick. 127286. John. 1272S9. Lena. 127287. Robert. 125177. 127285. Susannah. 127291. Godfrey, Sarah. 140115. Goetchius, Jacob. 12726S. 135350. Joseph. 13535 1- Sarah. 127335. Goldsmith, Susannah. 140140. Gouverneur, Nicholas. 125000. Gray, Margaret. 135215. Greeley, Horace. 140167. Green, Edward. 135025. Grey, George. 145 150. Marguerite M. 145 150. Mary. 145 150. Harlakenden, Dorothy. 135 125. Harlow, Rev. Arthur. 135252. Benjamin. 135065. John W. 135 185. Lena. 135065. 135 1S5. Hawkins, Kate. 135303. Hay ward, Alice Wheeler. 145031. Frank Albert. 145033. William A. 140035. i45035- William H. 145032. Heard, Abigail. 135140. Eliza A. F. 135 102. Emma. 135105. Fanny Benton. 135 108. Isaac VanDuzer. 135 loi. James B. 135 103. Jennie. 135104. John James. 127136. 135100. Julia W. 1 35 106. Katharine. 135 107. Nancy. 127 100. Phineas. 125107. 127100. 127135. Henderson. Capt. John. 127175. Hendrick, Elizabeth. 140 140. Herrick, William I. 135402. Herring, See. 127 178. Hilton, Edward. 135 125. Hoffman, Gov. John T. 145060. Holly, Hannah. 135065. 135185. Hooper, K. L. 125000. Hopper, Charles. 145 164. Maria. 135175- Nettie. 140337. Rachel. 140075. Houston, Ann E. 140000. James C. 135001. See. 127252. Howell, Anna. 135237. Howell, Caroline A. 135256. Charles. 125 153. 127235. Charles Board. r272^6. 135026. 135235- Charles H. 135254. Clarissa A. 135252. Edmund Sayre. 127237. 135250. Effie. 135260. Elizabeth. 135236. Harriet A. 135257. Hezekiah. 135235. James. 127101. James B. 135255. Joseph E. 13525S. Joseph Henry. 127238. Martha. 135239. Mary E. 135251. Phebe E. 135253- Ruth. 135240. Susan. 135259. Hudson, Huldah. 1350S0. William. 135080. Ingersoll, George U. 155005. Jackson, James. 1 27104. Johnson, Amy. 140211. Asher. 135303. Charles. 1402 12. Charles Ebenezer. 135302. Charles F. 127257. 135300. Ebenezer. 135300. Henry P. 135301. Jotham. 135300. William S. 135304. 140310. Kearney, Mich. 125000. Kees, Joseph. 31 1050. Kellogg, Phoebe. 31 1160. King, Charles D. 135219. Edmund H. 135223. Elizabeth. 135220, John. 135215- 135217- 140240. Jonas. 127224. 135215- Lewis R. 135218. Maria Louisa. 135225. Martha. 135 2 16. Mary. 135222. Sarah. 1 35221 - Susan B. 135226. Kingsland, Hannah. 125 125. He.ster. i25k>o. Isaac. 1 25 100. I 25 1 25. I 27100. 127200. John. 1 25 1 25. Marv. 1 25158. i27.>iH.. Koues, Caroline Henderson. 140180, Dorothv Dudley. 140182. Dudlev Winlhroi). 140191. Elizabeth Leaycroft. 14019J. 2020 Board. Koues, Frank Bleecker. 140194. George Ellsworth. 135 130. 1 401 75. Helen. 135127. 14017S. Janet Burgess. 140193. Lavinia Parnily. 140176. Louise Winthrop. 135 126. Mary Macaulay. 135 132. Mary Parmly. 140179. Rose Wilkinson. I40!8i. Theodore Leay croft. 135 128. Theodore Mitchell. 127181. ■35125- Theodore Winthrop. 140177. William. 135125. Knight, See. 127178. Knox, Rev. Dr. 135 125. Lamb, Col. John. 127175. Langdon, Woodbury G. 135 125. Lawrence, Gilbert. 127 103. Dr. Gilbert Board. 311 160. Frederick Clarke. 311 161. Leaycroft, Elizabeth Bancker. 127175. Lt. William. 127175. LeCompte, Henrietta. 140375. McGown, Andrew. I3509[. 140160. Elizabeth Ann Post. 140162. Henry Post. 140161. 145162-5. Marianna. I45I62-6^ McLean, Mrs. Donald. 135 125. Machen, Thomas. 125125. Maltby, Oliver E. 127207. Mann, Albert. 140001. Mapes, James W. 13522 1. John. 135290. Mittie. 135290. Sarah. 140240. See. 135270. Masterson, William. 135220. Matthewson, Albert McClellan. 135141- Mead, Rebecca. 135 no. Miller, Elizabeth. 145060. Montaigne, Johannes de la. 135126. Montgomery, Robert. 125000. Morris, John. 127160. Mary. 127 160. Myreck, James R. 135037. Nelson, William. 140328. Nicholls, See. 127 179. Ogden, Josiah. 125000. Uzal. 125000. Oldfield, Erminda. 140140. Jesse. 140140. Osborne, Dennis. 135300. Elizabeth. 135300. Mary. 135300. Osgood, Prof. Herbert L. 135126. Owen, Henry Wisner. 140140. Isaac H. 140140. J. Grey. 145151- • James Henry. 140140. 145150. Jesse. 135084. 140140. Mary Emily. 140142. Mary Stevens. 145152. Minnie. 140143. 145160. 140144. Sally. 140140. Pell, William J. 135163. Pelton, John. 125 154. Penny, Emma. 140350. Penoyer, Fanny. 14506 1. William Jay. 1400S6. 145060. Pise, Philip. 125000. Phillips, Henry W. 140353. Wallace B. 140353. Post, Ann. 127111. 135090. Gitty. 135352. Henry. 125105. 127110. 311060. John. 127335. 135352. Sally. 135352. Rait, See. 151105. Raynolds, James A. 152202. 153000. Real, Harriet. 127178. See. 127178. Reeve, Keturah. 135100. Reynolds, Frank Winthrop. 140205. George Koues. 140204. George Nelson. 135 127. 140200. Louise Bogert. 140203. 145 175. Mary Leaycroft. 140201. Nelson Bradford. 140202. Rigg, Mary. 310020. Thomas. 310020. Ritchings, Thomas. 140 167. Robertson, Agnes. 145172. Robinson, Mar}-. 155000. 311040. Roe, Abby. 140268. Anna M. 140086. 145060. Charles Board. 13529;. Charles Nathaniel. 140286. David. 1400S8. 145050. Fanny L. 140087. 145000. Gabriel Seely. 135292. 140265. • Hannah. 140266. Hannah Elizabeth. 135296. Harriet. 140050. Henry. 140298. Henry Martyn. 135295. 140295. Jesse. 140050. John Winans. 135081. 140085. Nathaniel. 127256. 135290. 135294. 140050. 140276. 140285. Ralph Burt. 145051. Sarah. 140297. Seely. 140296. Index of Names. 202I Roe, Thomas. 140267. Thomas Beach. 135293. 140275. 140279. William. 135290. William Isaac. 140278. Romine, John. 127 102. Rutan, Anna. 125201. Poules. 125007. 12520Q. Ruttenber, E. M. 125000. Sanford, INIary Burt. 140152. 311 172. Satterly, Julia. 135050. Mar}'. 140050. Sarah. 311 160. Schuyler, Ann. 125 100. Arent. 125 100. Jane. 125100. Philip. 1 25 100. Sears, Benjamin C. 135253. Dr. George H. 135256. Seely, Helen. 140295. Joanna. 127250. Mary Elizabeth. 140100. Thaddeus. 127250. Wicks. 1 40 1 00. Shaw, Mary. 140140. Shrewsbiiry, See. 151101. Shuit, Mills. 135022. Sloat, Grace. 145 164. John Jacob. 140168. 145163. Staats, A. DuBois. 135 107. J- 135106. Stevens, Alfaretta. 135291. Robert. 140 142. Stevenson, See. 152200. Stickne}', Abraham. 125157. Stith, Mary. 151100. Stokes, Anson Phelps. 135125. Sj-monds, Lt. Gov. Samuel. 135125. Thew, Amy. 1403 10. John. 1403 10. Thompson, J. T. 140016. Thorpe, Mary. 152200. Toby, Louise. 140175. Mary Parmly. 140175. Simeon. 140175. 140215. 140217. Thomas. 135133- 1402 15. Vail, Eleanor. 140115. Elizabeth. 135002. VanBuskirk, Roosevelt. 135354. VanDusen, Jennie. 145120. VanDuzer, Isaac. 135100. 140030. Julia. 140030. Mar}'. 135100. Van Horn, Barnard. 135165. G. Hopper. 135 162. Vanldenstyne, Aaron. 135367. Andrew. 135371. Vanldenstyne, Elizabeth. 127265. Helena. 1 27303. Henry. 135369. John." 127302. 135366. Michael. 125 177. 127300. Peter. 135368. Richard. 135370. Teunis. 1 27301. 135365. VanRiper, Jacob. 135391. Rachel. 135400. Sarah EUzabeth. 135392. Stephen. 135400. Uriah J. 127337. 135390. VanSaun, Caroline. 135336. Eliza Ann. 135339. George. 135338.^ '35341- Isaac. 135337- Jane Maria. 135340. Dr. John. 135337. Samuel. 127266. 135335. Venable, Edna. 145 170. William. 140171. 145169. Voorhees, James R. 140172. 145171. Vreeland, Dr. Frank D. 140327. Rachel. 145165. Ralph Doremus. 140327. Sally. 135365. Ward, Nancy. 140 167. Warren, Emma Aurelia. 140386. Lizzie Hertha. 1403S8. Selina. 140389. Thomas. 140387. William Bloomfield. 135362. 140385. Wasdell, Annie. 140363. Watkins, Dolly. 140050. Wells, Sarah. 135065. 135185. Wetmore, Gen. George Peabody. 135126. Wheeler, .•\lice. 140036. Anna Mary. 140035. I45035- Carrie Bull. 140032. Charles Victor. 145017. Isaac VanDuzer. 135067. 140030. Jesse Charles. 140034. Jesse Isaac. 1 4501 8. Joel. 140030. Juliet VanDuzer. 1 40031. Mary Ann. 145019- Ralph. 145021. Roe. 145020. William Finn. 140033. USO'S- 145016. Wilkes, John C. i.^>5"2- WiUiams, PMmund. 135353- Wilson, Ann Elizabeth. 145050- Winans, Mary. 135290- 202 2 Board. Winters, Curtis Z. 135225. Winthrop, Gov. John. 135 125. Wisner, Elizabeth. 135037. Gabriel. 127004. 127008. 135035. Hendrick. 140140. Henry. 135003. 135036. 140140. John. 1 40 1 40. Mary Ann. 135038. Matilda A. 145015. Wiss, Anna K. 145100. John. 145 100. L/Ouise. 1 45 1 00. Wood, Anna. 14500 1. Annis. 135001. Cornelius Board. 135004. 140000. Cyrus Foss. 140002. 145000. Elizabeth. 135006. Emily. 140016. Henry. 140018. Henry Wisner. 135005. 140015. John. 127002. 135000. Jonathan. 135002. Wood, Laura. 140017. Mary Ann. 135003. 135036. May. 145004. Orpha. 145003. Pliebe. 140001. Ruth. 145002. Wright, James H. 140162. Yelverton, Eugenia. 140077. John Hopper. 135081. 140075. Thomas. 140076. 145040. Young, Julia A. 135024. Mary E. 135053- Youngs, Maria. 311130. Zabriskie, Carrie Suzette. 140060. Cornelius C. 135175. Jesse Frederick. 140059. John C. 127208. 135200. John Pell. 140058. Matilda. 135175. Nathaniel Board. 135073. 135201. 140057. Index of ]N'i^:\iEs. AYER, AYRES, AYARS AND EYRE. Abbey, Harriet C. 734105. Abbott, Benjamin. 485149. 485186. 494380. 494381- Daniel. 485146. David. 485147- 485183. 494370. 494373- Dorcas. 4S5287. 49431 1. Elizabeth. 494280. Enoch. 494525- Ezra. 494375- George. 485280. Hannah. 324500. 457000. 485189. 485283. 494138. Hermon. 494379. Isaac. 475045. 485200. 485202. 485288. 494335- 494388. James A. 505300. Rev. Jeptha. 651287. Jeremiah. 494353. 494565- Job. 485221. 494351- John. 494132- Jonathan. 475044. 485180. 485181. 49431 1. 494330- 494374- 494380. 4943S4- Joseph. 475086. 485280. 494080. Joshua. 485188. Josiah. 494377- Lois. 485285. Marshall Kittredge. 505301. Mary. 485182. 494330. 494372- 494386. Mary Fiske. 494335. Molly. 485282. 494545- Nathan. 475123. 485185- 485220. 485289. Nathan C. 494385. Nathaniel. 475100. Phebe. 485140. 485184. 485201. 485282. 494265. 494311- 494383- 485191. 485203. Abbott, Priscilla. 494371- Rachel. 4S5286. 494134. Rebecca. 475100. 494525. Reuben. 494428. Rhoda. 494382. Ruth. 485290. 494428. vSamuel. 494 '34- 494138- Sarah. 475061. 485190. 4852S4. 494080. Serena. 494378. Solomon. 485 1S7. Stephen. 49431 1. Tabitha. 471000. Thomas. 4852S0. Thomas S. 494566. William. 485204. Willis John. 255952. Zebediah. 475122. Zebulon. 475061. Abel, Francis. 972900-8203. Lavius. 757200. Levi. 494235- Ruby A. 757200. Able, Mary. 800000. Richard. 800000. Ackley, Elijah. 938605. 945460. Elizabeth. 945464. John. 94546 1. Marietta. 945463. Norman. 945461. Adams, Ann. 6o<:)246. Caroline Matilda. 972900-6341. Edward I-ranklin. 972900-6343. Rev. Eliplialet. 933060. 969215. Frederick vShtridan. 9729006345. Harry. 374553- Jacob. 968004. John. 972900-6344. 2024 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Adams, Joseph Henry. 972900-6243. 972900-6340. Julia Maria. 972900-6347. Margaret. 600241. Marlha. 600245. Mary. 600244. 933060. 969215. Rebecca. 600242. Roger. 938045. Sarah. 600243. Sarah Frances. 972900-6342. See. 933303- Thomas. 600012. 600240. 984695. Rev. William. 931600. Aeors, Moses. 3910 19. Aiars, Moses. 391017. Aiers, Andrew. 391400. Samuel. 39101S. Aiken, Edward. 494495. John. 494495- Margaret. 494495- Xathaniel. 494495. Air, Adam. 391000. George. 391 001. John. 391002. Samuel. 379217. Aire, John. 391003. Aires, Adam. 391004. Asa. 391005. Frederick. 391006. George. 391007. Henr}'. 91 1226. James. 376925. Joseph. 390001. Reuben. 391405. Robert. 390000. Samuel. 378290. 911 106. Sarah. 91 1302. Thomas, 3914 16. Airs, Adam. 391008. Amos. 391009. Benjamin. 390002. Felix. 391402. Frederick. 391022. George. 391023. John. 391010. 391011. 391012. 391013. Joseph. 391014. Nathaniel. 9S4840. Peter. 391015. Philip. 391401. Samuel. 391016. William. 391403. Airse. Timoth}'. 390003. Aislabee, John. 160003. Aitcheson. Andrew. 916405. Albee, Alex. 494401. Christina C. 726020. Aldridge, George Washington. 255954-_ Aldrich, Louise A. 727005. Alexander, Caroline. 500401. James. 325030. Robert. '377020. See. 724122. Alfriend, Thomas. 346005. Alger, Rev. Dr. William Rounseville. 969350. Allen, Alice M. 754002. Annie Willard. 945020. Arthur Kingston. 560602. Bertie. 969661. Carrie 969661. Clarissa. 943600. Daniel. 945020. Dorcas. 420300. Edwin R. 754002. Col. Ethan. 722020. Eva. 756101. Hannah. 160080. 220160. 53S10D. Henry. 325313. Jonathan. 325209. Joseph T. 982641. Laura A. 910060. 910070. 910334. Lydia L. 374041. Madelia Arethusa. 969543. Mary. 378260. Thomas. 370340. 370350. 943600. William. 220160. William R. 969661. Aller. Hattie A. 185072. 351121. Henry Matthew. 180008. 185070. 346609. 35 1 1 20. Henry Nathaniel. 185071. 351123. 356180. Ruth. 356181. Susan E. 185073. 351 122. Allerton, Elizabeth. 371200. Isaac. 371200. Allibone, Charles Olden. 605167. Elizabeth Eyre. 605164. Emma Francena. 60516T. Frances Bedell. 605162. Maria Louise. 605167. Mary. 605168. Samuel H. 605169. 91 1888. Sarah. 605163. Susan Constance. 605165. Thomas. 600527. 605160. 605170. Alslebe, Elizabeth. 32013S. Ruth. 320136. Samuel. 320139. Sarah. 320137. Alsop, Annie. 956001. Catharine Beatty. 950423. Index of Names. 2025 Alsop, Charles Henry. 950422. 956020. Charles Richard. 945852. 950400. Clara P. 945854. Elizabeth. 956003. Elizabeth W. 945855. Francis. 956006. John. 956005. Joseph. 938620. Joseph Wright. 938902. 945S50. 945853- 950420. 950421. 956000. Lucy. 938620. Lucy W. 945851- Mary. 956002. Mary \V. 945856. Richard. 959820. Altemus, Henry. 610424. Howard. 610421. Kidder. 610422. Robert. 610423. Roland. 610425. See. 610420. Alward, Anne. 9S4810. Benjamin. 984800. 984805. Daniel. 984812. Elisha. 984801. Elizabeth. 9S4S09. Esther. 984807. Hannah. 984804. Henry. 9S4800. Jane. 984803. Mary. 984802. Phebe. 9S4813. Sarah. 9S4806. Stephen. 984811. William. 984808. Ambrose, Abigail. 494530. Robert. 494010. Susan. 494010. Amerman, Louise. 972900-5201. Ames, Benjamin. 485141. 494337- 494338. 494341- 978320. Elizabeth. 494346. Ezra Chandler. 494344. George. 978321. Hannah. 494342. Hepzibah. 494343- Isaac. 49434S. Mary. 494343- Nathan. 494345- Phebe. 494339- Rhoda. 494347- Amory, Anne Geyer. 918000. Rufus Greene. 918000. Anderson, George. 652307. Abraham. 494452. 485168. Andrews, Anna. 964230. Betsey. 494456. Andrews, Clarissa. 494457. Hannah. 494455- Isaac. 494453- Mary. 494454. Sarah. 975126. Angel, Jane. 982671. John. 982509. 982670. 982672. Annas, Abijali N. 724002. 755040. Cornelia L. 755043- George F. 755044- Henry Norton. 755042. Judson A. 755045- Lucy Jane. 755041. Annin, Phebe. 910150. Applegate, Daniel. 966268. See. 969404. Appleman, Anna. 969292. M. S. 969292. Appleton, Elizabeth. 914200. Mary. 324600. Ares, Alden. 379041. Amee. 379042. Amos. 391020. John. 391021. John E. 379043- Joseph A. 379044. Nathaniel. 391024. Nelson. 379045. Nelson A. 379046. Thomas A. 379047. William J. 379048. Arlin, Abigail. 494232. Anna. 494235- Catharine. 494234. EHzabeth. 494235- George. 485062. 485064. 494225. Hannah. 494231. Harriet. 494237. Irene. 494226. Jeremiah. 494215. Mary. 494233- Mehitable. 494210. Nancy. 494244- Nathaniel. 494234- Priscilla. 494227. Samuel. 494244. Sarah. 494227. Zachariah. 494230. Armstrong, Jeremiah. 9753"'- Wiltshire. 734106. Ashburner, Algernon E. 605081. , 610000. Benjamin. 600522. 605080. Benjamin Thomas. 605082. Elizabeth. 610002. Elizabeth Kay. 6050S3. Emma Allibone. 605087. 2026 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Ashburner, Harriet. 6iooor. Harriet Robbins. 605089. Harry. 605082. John. 605001. 605085. Maria L. B. 605088. Sally F. 605086. Theophilus Augustus. 605084. William Eyre. 911573. 911884.- Ashley, Abner. 701900. 704000. Elias Sheldon. 950922. 955520. Helen Dorrance. 955521. Lee Gilbert. 955522. Lucy. 704001. Samuel. 701901. Ashurst, Anna Wayne. 610204. Astley Paston Cooper. 610206. Frazer. 610223. Harriet. 61022 1. 614202. John. 600766. 605500. 605503. 610200. 610201. Mabel. 610224. Manuel. 605501. Mary. 610203. 614201. Maud. 610207. Richard Lewis. 605502. 610220. 610222. Roger. 610225. . Sarah W'ayne. 610205. William Wayne. 610202. 610225- 3. 614200. Aslebe, Mary. 500430. 972890. Aslett, Elizabeth. 320137. Hannah. 320131. John. 198001. 320130. 320131. 538002. Mary. 320133. Rebecca. 320132. Ruth. 320135. Samuel. 320138. Sarah. 320136. • Aten, Henry. 978352. Atwood, Darius. 972900-8206. Mary. 949982. Rodney. 982506. See. 972873-8. Austin, James. 91 0251. L. Carlton. 910202. 910250. Mary. 753000. May Frances. 910253. Merrill Vandervoort. 910252. Samuel. 324005. See. 475006. • • Avery, Harriet E. 951260. Nathan. 702008. 91 1268. Ayars, Aaron. 650141. 651300, 651310. 966286. 966323. 968830. Abigail. 650043. 651004. 651307. 652145. 652421. 652507. 966226. 966300. 966304. 966543. 969395. Ayars, Abigail Shepard. 968266. Abijah. 652341. 652580. 652586. Abraham D. 968404. .Ada. 652702. Ada L. 972736. Addi. 652525. Adeline D. 966565. Agnes Luella. 969805. Albert. 9695S4. Albert Allen. 966545. Albert Byron. 968823. 969720. Albert Dennis. 968163. Albert Dennis Sheppard. 969580. Albert Manning. 968181. 968187. 969100. 969625. Alcyne. 652582. Alexander C. 969802. Alfred C. 984049. Alice. 969515. 972586. Alice Annie. 675002. Alice Julia. 969722. Alma. 655106. Alma F. 969692. 972783. Alma L. 972733. Almeda. 652568. Almira. 96b52i. Alpheus. 968841. Alpheus B. 972516. Alverdie Coxe. 97270S. Alvin. 966301. 968780. Alvin B. 968783. Alzina Maria. 972696. Amanda. 968862. 9S5953. Amarilla. 652605. 655005. Amasa. 966287. 968740. Amedah D. 96S822. Amelia. 966208. Ammi A. 968744. Amy. 652047. 652700. 966000. 966222. 966305. Amy Eliza. 969694. Angeline. 969631. Ann. 650009. 650126. 650168. 651287. 652103. 652383. 966130. 968280. 968870. Ann Eliza. 969527. Ann F. 972578. Anna. 650047. 652707. 655105. 966001. 966206. 968562. 969395. Anna Bell. 969774. Anna Maria. 968865. 96961 1. 985956. Anne. 652722. Annie Idaline. 969619. Arabel Husted. 968281. Index of Names. 2027 Ayars, Archibald. 652481. Artetia. 968143. Arthur Crawford. 969723. Arthur Lewis. 969711. Artis. 969523. Asa. 966540. Asahel. 652566. Auley. 652502. Aurelia. 972900-7000. Aurelias. 969642. Azariah. 65200S. 966120. Azel. 966008. Bacon. 968561. Barzillai. 652565. 968852. Belford B. 969522. 972575. Benjamin. 651347. 969773. Bennajah. 650145. 651301. 651340. 65240Q. 652403. . Beriah. 651 201. Bernice. 972734. 972769. Bert. 972548. Brook. 652621. Burdick. 969526. Burgin. 650122. 651280. 651286. 652361. 652380. 965300. Burley W. 972737. Byron Lewis. 972700. Caleb. 650006. 650042. 650140. 650149. 651323. 652560. 652701. 652063. 652560. 652569. 655500. 965701. 966046. 966221. 966400. 968160. 968602. 969395. 969410. Caleb M. 969551. Caleb Maxson. 968164. 969595. 969603. Caroline. 968606. 968807. Caroline E. 972763. Caroline M. 969673. Caroline VanMeter. 968103. Carvon Elmer. 972673. , Casper. 655102. Catharine. 650045. 652503. 652601. Cecelia. 969132. Celetta Abigail. 969694. Charles. 651209. 652204. 652220. 652561. 969505. 972525. 972621. 972S15. 986004. Charles B. 969530. Charles C. 655 10 1. Charles D. 969135. Charles Francis. 969602. Charles G. 984215. Charles R. 984216. Charles \V. 972592. Charlotte. 652223. 652603. Christine Merrick. 962036. Clara Belle. 972778. Clarence. 97251S. 972762. Ayars, Clarissa. 966105. Clayton. 652144. 966104. 96S260. Clenians P. 968SS1. Clifford R. 972784. Colwell. 652562. Constance. 972737. Cornelia. 986cx)K Cornelia G. 969775. Cornelia Gillett. 96656^. D. r. 37677.. Daniel. 966526. 969636. Daniel Franklin. 969695. Daniel G. 968781. David. 650049. 651 146. 651390. 652140. 652429. 652742. 966041. 966569. 968643. 984995. David Reese. 968743. 969130. David Shepard. 966541. Deborah. 966228. DeLafayette. 652526. Dewitt. 968861. Dorcas. 652065. 652590. 966600. E. Mulford. 972771. Earl. 97281 1. 972819. Earley . 65 23S i . Ebenezer. 96S642. Edith. 652046. 966267. 966404. 968007. 968600. Edith Newconib. 969691. Edgar. 968903. 969528. 969800. 972585. Edmund. 966283. Edmund D. 96S748. 9696S0. Edna. 972587. Edna Helen. 972780. Edward I. 972576. 972800. Edward R. 97271 1. Edward Stennett. 96S267. Edwin. 96S904. 969515. 9695S3. Elbert George. 972674. Eleanor. 966506. Eli. 966401. 966403. 968608. 969586. 972670. Eli B. 656102. 660002. 670000. Eli Bailey. 966567. 968184. 969615. Eli D. 968S21. 969710. Eli Dewitt. 985952. Elias. 966042. 966123. 966128. 968104. 968120. 968961. 969563. 972620. Elias C. 969543. Elias Robbins. 96S145. 969545. Elijah. 652007. 65250S. 965702. 966100. 966126. 96S103. 968241. 968644. 969395. Elislia. 6520.S2. 652721. 966.500. 968952. 9866(^3. Eliza Ann. 968182. 2028 Ayer, x\yres, Avars and Eyre. Ayars, Elizabeth. 651 142. 651284. 651324. 651344. 651381. 652009. 652045. 652087. 652301. 652385. 652743. 966131. 966281. 969506. Elizabeth B. 968144. Elizabeth Dilks. 972702. Elizabeth H. 972591. Elizabeth R. 96954S. Ella D. 9S4217. Ellis. 651143- 652086. 652143. 656100. 966560. 966571. 968876. 969616. 969741. 972748. Ellis Morton. 972754. Elmina. 969752. Elmer. 968881. 969750. 969765. 972776. Elmer D. 969704. Elmer E. 969540. Elsie Love. 972699. Emerson Winfield. 376700. 670001. 675000. 969618. Emily D. 968741. Emma. 972900-7100. Emma Ann. 855045. 96S885. 968905. Emma Jane. 969509. Emma L. 969550.^ 972723- Emma Lusada. 969657. Emma T. 969637. Emogene. 969804. Enoch. 651382. 652050. 652700. 652708. 966222. Enos R. 968746. 969134. Enos Randolph. 966564. Enos Seeley. 968863. 985954. 986000. Ephraim. 968401. 968567. 969120. 972515- Ephraim B. 968851. Erling Eli. 675001. Ernest M. 972764. Esther. 650056. 650161. 651 144. 652102. 652701. 965700. 966262. 966408. 968160. 968700. 969395. Esther Ann. 968141. Esther Jane. 969582. Esther Prudence. 969656. Ethalinda H. 969764. Ethel. 969776. Ethel S. 972767. Ethelinda. 968832. Eunice. 968240. 968241. 968260. 968261. Eunice Dunham. 966562. Eva. 972547. Ezekiel. 968880. Ezekiel J. 969783. Ayars, Ezra. 966007. Fannie. 966509. Fannie V. 972567. Fanny. 652220. 652561. Florence DeEtte. 969617. Florence N. 986105. Francis. 652521. Francis D. 972570. Francis Drake. 968801. 969700. Frank. 972522. Franklin B. 969549. 972590. Franklin C. 972579. 972810. Freddie. 986104. George. 391029. 969770. George H. 652604. 969502. 969521. 972510. 972565- 972568. George T. 968202. George W. 65 2 203. 655040. 968848. 972511- George Washington. 969590. Gilbert. 969744. Halabege. 650147. 651380. Hamilton. 651304. 652460. Hannah. 650044. 651005. 651260. 651262. 652506. 966201. 968882. 969661. Hannah Ann. 969536. Hannah B. 969763. Hannah G. 972772. Hannah Louisa. 972706. Hanan. 652711. Harold S. 972777. Harriet. 652824. Harriet Webb. 986101. Harrison D. 969788. Harry M. 972569. 984218. Hazael Manning. 968003. Henrietta. 655082. 986003. Henrietta C. 972580. Henry Clay. 969672. Dr. Henry E. 376701. Henry L. 969803. 972785. Henry Morton. 911510. 962035. 984062. Herbert R. 969643. Hester. 650008. Hilborn. 972766. Hildreth. 972765. Hoover H. 969789. Horace Woodruff. 972724. Horatio. 652622. Hosea. 966442. Howard. 972571. 972818. Howell. 655084. Hugh. 652382. 966124. 968106. Hugh Dunn. 968121. 969520. Huldah. 652105. 968875. Index of Names. 2029 Ayars, Huldah Harriet. 969745. Ida M. 969676. Ida Maj-. 972727. Ida V. 972577- Ira. 652710. Irving. 9697S5. Isaac. 650001. 650040. 650048. 650104. 651008. 651040. 65 1 140. 651 141. 652008. 652080. 652083. 652801. 655501. 660000. 966047. 966522. 968180. 969395. Isaac Sheppard. 966561. Isabel Jane. 968264. Jacob. 651307. 651387. 652051. 652594. 652723. 968782. James. 65012 1. '651005. 651260. 651305- 652049. 652480. 652529. 966207. 966229. 96640S. 968700. 969632. 9S4219. James Clark. 968406. James D. 972712. 972718. James McClelland. 969675. James W. 972720. James Walter. 972704. Jane. 652090. 652141. 652225. 652589- 652823. 96651 1. 96S953. 986602. Jane Eliza. 966542. Jared Woodruff. 969613. 972695. Jefferson. 652592. Jehu. 652681. Jehu B. 656101. Jehu Bonham. 966566. 968960. Jennetta Frances. 969652. Jennie Estelle. 972672. Jeremiah. 968502. Jesse. 966524. 905000. Job. 651 145. 651453. 652100. 968871. 969740. Joel. 968101. 968831. Joel Shepard. 96S201. John. 650004. 650100. 650102. 650144. 651200. 651207. 651342. 65201 1. 652042. 652083. 652200. 652384. 652600. 652682. 965310. 966005. 966126. 966322. 968000. 968S00. 96S943. 969405. 969508. 972545- John A. 969512. John B. 969650. John C. 969403. John Curtis. 969604. John D. 96S747. 969670. John Edmund. 969674. John H. 652522. John L. 969537- John S. 652224. Ayars, John \V. 652207. 655100. Jonathan. 651003. 651306. 652060, 652066. 652103. 652500. 966440. 966446. 96S645. 968704. 96S9. 972726. Jonathan I). 966107. 966407. 968280. 968860. Jonathan Davis. 968S66. 985950. 986100. Jonathan Dunham. 968403. Jonathan H. 652524. Jonathan Jannan. 652222. Jonathan M. 972568. Joseph. 651002. 652040. 65204S. 966404. 966523. 968600. 96S607. 968833. 969395. 969681. 972735. Joseph R. 652729. Luther D. 969591. 97268S. Lydia. 651322. 651453. 652100. 652822. 968748. Lydia Ann. 96S872. Lyman B. 969662. 972732. Lyrus Trowbridge. 969647. Mabel Ruth. 969103. 969628. Maggie. 972722. Maggie B. 972728. Maggie West. 969529. Mahlon. 652709. Malinda. 96S873. Maloa Ethelleman. 972671. Margaret. 651206. 655002. 966102. 966444. 96S902. 9697S1. Margaret Ann. 968204. 969593. Margaret .\liene. 972752. Margaret Davis. 969614. Margaret J. 655041. Margaret Jane. 968244. Margaret Philena. 969565. Maria. 966520. 968840. 969564. 9695S8. Marietta. 969634. Marion. 972803. Mark. 651309. 652052. 652084. Mark B. 652728. Martha. 652741. 968854. Martha Ellen. 969601. Martha P. 652591. Mary. 650104. 65 1261. 652053. 652080. 652088. 652422. 65242S. 652462. 652683. 966203. 9664S1. 966507. 968604. 968641. 9727t>9- Mary A. 969703. Mary Ann. 968901. 969546. Mary Cheesnian. 9fi9544- Marv E. 966128. 968120. 969514. Mary Elizabeth. 972755- Mary Ella. 972527- 2030 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Ayars, Mary Jane. 652207. 968S64. 985955- Mary Josephine. 972751. Mary Lawrence. 969671. Mary Margaret. 96S890. Mary R. 972566. Mary Warren. 969305. Maskill. 652563. Matilda. 969547. Matthew Stillman. 968005. Meshill. 652426. Micajah. 652006. 655500. 660001. 966040. 968183. 969589. 969610. Micajah Robbins. 968161. 969560. Mildred Alzira. 972701. Milford W. 969513. Milton C. 969648. Miriam Swinney. 972698. Monroe. 655081. Morgan. 968262. Moses. 651302. 652420. 965510. Myra Lillian. 972749. Myrtie S. 969772. Myrtle. 972817. Nancy. 652424. Naomi. 652091. 966405. 966406. 968601. 968640. « Naomi Jane. 968649. Nathan. 651001. 652000. 652005. 652047. 966000. 966002. 968001. 969500. Nathan D. 966406. 968640. 96S647. Nehemiah. 651346. 652680. Nellie A. 969516. Nellie S. 972801. Nettrolia. 9697S6. Newton. 652713. Ninia I. 972675. Noah. 651308. 652520. Olivia. 966525. Oscar. 972572. Oscar L. 972761. 972802. Oscar Sharpless. 969695. Oswald. 966101. 968200. 969395. Patience. 651006. 966043. Patience Ann. 968122. Paul. 972773. Peter. 652606. Peter B. 985830. Phebe. 651205. 652001. 652064. 652587. 652600. 655103. 966125. 966320. 968004. Phebe Sheppard. 968263. Philip. 650162. 651450. 651455. 652820. Phineas. 652044. 652712. 966220. 966223. 968500. Phyla. 652482. Ayars, Powell G. 655086. Preston R. 969784. Priscilla. 652104. 655083. Prudence. 968830. Prudence Ann. 968006. Prudence D. 968701. Rachel. 650148. 651303. 652001. 652068. 652423. 652726. 966004. Rachel G. 966527. Ralph. 376770. Ray. 972521. Raymond. 972812. Rebecca. 650041. 650146. 651345. 651389. 652144. 966123. 968105. 968120. 968260. 968603. Rebecca Jane. 656102. 670000. 968184. 969525. Rebecca Maria. 969630. Rebecca \V. 968745. Reese. 968240. Reuben. 65 145 1. 972770. Reuben D. 984981. Reuben J. 652202. 655000. Richard. 652504. 652570. Richard Henry. 969539. Richard W. 652205. 652425. Richard Wooden. 968123. 969535. Robbins. 966045. 968140. Robert. 650000. 650005. 650120. 650123. 650164. 650166. 651282. 651457. 652300. 652364. 652588. 965000. 968942. 969395. 969610. 986501. Robert B. 969401. Robert Bentley. 972705. Dr. Robert E. 376712. Robert H. 972731. Robert M. 969780. 969787. Robert Seeley. 986102. Robinson. 652102. 652425. Rudolph. 972546. 984214. Rudolph E. 969801. 972782. Rudolph J. 972786. Rudolph T. 969701. Ruel. 966127. Rufus E. 968203. Ruth. 652002. 655042. 968886. Ruth A. 966122. Ruth Ann. 968002. Ruth Annie. 972526. Ruth E. 655004. Ruth Emma. 969761. Sabra. 652602. Sadie. 972550. Salome. 652595. Samuel. 650101. 652081. 966480. 966504. 969587. Samuel Johnson. 968143. Index of Names. 2031 Ayars, Samuel P. 9S4064. Sarah. 650125. 650143. 651204. 651283. 651386. 652003. 652062. 652304. 652523. 652714. 652720. 966224. 96S700. Sarah A. 655003. 969762. Sarah Ann. 9681S5. 968186. 96S853. Sarah B. 969402. Sarah (Davis). 966100. Sarah Drake. 968405. Sarah E. 969524. Sarah Elizabeth. 9695S5. 969659. Sarah Jane. 968749. 969561. Sarah Thomas. 968265. Seth. 650166. Sheppard. 376772. 652464. Dr. Sherman Edwin. 376713. 379085. 969612. 972697. Sherman L. 969102. 969627. Sidney. 652427. Simeon. 652103. 966441. 968280. 968S70. Stanford. 968883. 969760. Stanford M. 969790. Stephen. 650167. 651320. 651383. 652720. 652725. 966224. 969610. Surage. 65 132 1. 652564. Susan. 655040. 966510. 968564. 968884. 968954. 986601. Susan J. 655001. Susan Rebecca. 969592. Susannah. 651203. 652041. 652303. 652362. 966003. 966121. 968501. 969654. Susanna Jarman. 652221. Sylvia Morton. 972756. Tabitha. 65015 1. Tacy B. 966106. Tamar. 652089 Temperance. 650124. 651281. 652307. 65240[. Thankful. 652402. Theodore T. 969538. Theophilus. 96SS42. Theophilus D. 969742. Timothy. 651010. 651452. Thomas. 652363. 652585. Thomas Brown. 969693. Thomas H. 969766. 972779. Thomas Jefferson. 652528. Thomas Town. 985951. Thurman Eugene. 969723. Uriah. 968242. 968605. Uz. 969743. 972753- Vermelia Jane. 96S282. Violetta N. 972529. Ayars, Walter. 655004. 969504. 972520. Walter F. 969761. 972760. 972Sti4. Walter Gilletl. 969641. 972703. Walter S. 972589. Warren. 655043. 655044. Wilhelmina. 969131. William. 650150. 651343. 6513S4. 652593- 652620. 652740. 652744. 9695,Si. William R. 96S008. 969510. William C. 972517. William H. 96951 1. Col. William Henry Harrison. 196350. 197070. 395033. 395245. 984220. William Johnson. 96S142. 969542. William Oscar. 972588. William S. 972710. William Stuart. 982310. William W. 972729. Winfield Scott. 656103. 96656S. 972528. Winnie W. 972676. Zadock. 968565. Zara. 966309. 968820. Zebulon. 966502. 968940. 96940a. 986400. Zerviah. 652061. 966200. 966204. 968702. Ayer, A. A. 9S3501. A. L. QI1136. A. M. 376864. A. W. 3768261 Aaron. 160509. 702701. 710800. 974468. 955123. 975140. 977500. Aaron Wilson. 977503. Abby Ann. 711932. Abby E. 7301 So. Abel. 710161. Abel M. 377865. Abel Merrill. 975142. Abiah. 160125. Abigail. 160000. 459001. 538103. 700792. 702003. 703304- 9' "50. 911 151. 9' 1239. 974462. 975027. 975187. 982925. Abraham. S05004. Achsah. 711026. 724524. 727027. Ada I. 969304. Ada Isidore. 732201. .^daliza. 71 199 1. Rev. Adams. 377825. 37S560. 554004. 735004. Addison. 71 1994- 732240. Adelai'S5o. 391046. 420560. 700787. 71 1920. 973402. 972200. 7:1007. 9750S3. Nathan. 376930. 391048. 710003. .^91049. 71 1507. 720005. 160120. 170000. 542004. 9:0121. 702001. 7:0000 727040. 8250:0. 9:1152. 911153 911160. 911170. 91128S. 9S2113 Nathan C. 91:439. 984S50. 9851 85 Nathan Chase. 377330. Nathan Wheeler. 376S05. 750000. Nathaniel. 16000S. 1 60 1 24. 160506. 164001. 391408. 53800S. 53S023. 700150. 710120. 825007. 911255. Nathaniel Davis. 759321. Nellie. 91:34:. Nellie E. 758024. Nellie L. 786004. Nelson. 710132. 723100. Nelson G. 770108. Noyes Edwin. 770042. 790500 O. A. 984099. Dr. O. O. 376018. Obadiah. 160000. 160007. 160105. 160503. :9736o. 198021. 198052 320170. 321 lOI 325030 376995 538007 32 1 200 373270 390010 973025. Obed \V. 984042. Olive. 710005. Olive M. 7S6001. Oliver. 377890. 395213 710175. 972900-5760. 5763- 974521. 975340. 160100. I 9S020. 19S065. 198066. 321121. 321 128. 325225. 333 loi. 377280. 390008. 805001. 8lO2ft. 3953' i- 982443. Waldo Emerson. 376915. Walter. 554204. 5590oo. 911650. 911860. 9821 15. 984233. Walter A. 984324. Walter Eugene. 97764'- Walter Harris. 71 1001. Warren. 374002. 37402o. 374022. 374049. 7110S1. 725000. 9S4045. Warren Langwortliy. 37849*^. Dr. Warren Leroy. 3745*^2. 374820. 378480. 2042 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Ayer, Warren O. 9S4234. Dr. Washington. 376720. 378375. 735003. Wayland S. 730103. Wealthy Alvira. 552004. Wells Waldron. 975192. 977650. Wesley W. 977305. Whitney L. 825214. Wilbur. 752022. Wilbur Sherburne. 977646. Wilder. 71 1045. 724860. Willard. 711041. 724800. Willard G. 724582. 758020. William. 160087. 377550. 377920. 378695. 379020. 391056. 538106. 539004. 54300S. 700790. 702509. 703005. 703303- 703309- 703501. 710004. 710403. 711080. 711503. 711800. 71 1842. 71 1988. 720004. 762805. 825012. 825106. 911114. 911115. 973012. 973407. 877222. 982901. 982920. Dr. William A. 376746. William Austin. 720001. William C. 378853. William Dorrance. 770061. William Durkee. 552008. 770060. 969329. William F. E. 730102. 982401. William Francis. 378650. William H. 375069. 726023. 984101. William Henry. 722027. William Henry Harrison. 724124. 756430. William J. 984102. William James. 724043. William Johnson. 983022. 983520. William K. 756006. 911116. William L. 724822. William M. griioi. William Nathan. 750001. William Pitt Frye. 977654. William Proctor. 71 1925. 730100. William R. 977030. William Thomas. 756004. William Towle. 977202. William Travis. 376835. 911534. 975451- 977830. William W. 376747. 710171. Willis. 825215. Willis E. 761406. Willis Irving. 977427. Willis L. 758042. Dr. Wilmot. 376748. Winfield Scott. 722026. Dr. Winnifred. 376728. Ayer, Winslow Bartlett. 377331. Wolcott Huntington. 552010. 770100. 91 1 1 13. Wright. 724803. Dr. Wylie McLean. 376745. Zachariah. 160010. 53S022. Zervida. 71 1995. Zipporah. 700507. 911 145. Ayers, A. 376870. A. B. 376872. A. H. 376873. A. James. 984236. A. M. 376874- A. P. 379251- A. W. 379054- Aaron. 391058. 391 119. 401 142. 91 1263. Abigail A. 984353. Abraham. 975403. Albert. 376893. 903020. 91 1659. Albert A. 984104. Albert M. 984354. Albert R. 395034. Alexander. 395207. Alfred. 377181. 379036. 395226. 984355- Alma. S40009. Almira E. 840003. Allen. 91 1420. Alonzo. 410125. Alsa. 404303- Amos. 401 144. Amos N. 972900-7300. Am}-. 360142. Andrew. 390004. Andrew A. 984356. Andrew J. 379071. 978380. Angelo. 376769. Ann. 473001. 985270. Ann Lockerman. 483003. Ann Maria. 972900-7302. Anna. 376871. 984830. Anna C. 379071. 982109. Anna M. 978359. Annie. 982444. Anson. 840001. Anthon^^ 983801. Archibald. 977804. Artemas. 395202. Arthur A. 984104. Arthur Dean Hosea. 376842. Arthur S. 376825. Asa. 401 146. 404300. 404302. 410100. Augusta. 410147. Austin M. 379065. Austin S. 978361. Index of Names. 2043 Ayers, Avery N. 982210. B. Frank. 984105. B. J. 376SS4. B. P. 376849. 984047. B. T. 376S49. Bailey. 982502. 982620. Belle. 984238. Benjamin. 377320. 391059. 391060. 401 170. 401 173. 420555. Benjamin F. 376800. 395073. 984239. Benjamin H. 378771. Benjamin J. 911426. Benjamin W. 911421. Bradley. 377170. Bradley Myrian. 9S3821. Buenos. 401 171. 404307. 410130. Burley B. 984237. Byron P. 395074. 395230. C. B. 39503S. C. D. 911526. C. Melvin L. 984108. Calvin. 972900-6660. Carl N. 379056. Carlton. 9S2501. 982600. Caroline. 9S4357. Caroline Amanda. 985301. Carrie. 378405. 41 2 106. Carrie E. 979021. Casad. 379055. Catharine. 972900-7287. 977806. 9^'^435^- Catharine E. 978354. Catharine L. 984106. ■ Catharine M. 978372. Charity A. 978358. Charlo'tte. 982511. 983821. Charles. 379201. 903000. 91 1880. 984240. 984241. 984359. 985 181. Charles B. 9S4242. 984243. Charles G. 982445. Charles H. 395052. Charles W. 379021. 984048. Dr. Chauncey. 373120. 376750. 377190. Clara Louise. 983824. Clarence \V. 91 1129. Cliflford O. 984032. Clinton P. 984360. Clio. 415127. Cornelia M. 379022. 982782. Cynthia. 982503. 982602. Cyrus. 395123. D. M. 984245. Daniel. 379015. 905100. 91 1436. 972900-7301. 9S2360. Daniel S. 977802. 978350. 978356. Ayers, David. 378030. 379203. ;qin6i. 395231- 473003. 483000 972900-6670. 9721/ 984244. 984770. 9S52S0. David Clough. 850001. S60000. David H. 395018. 395019. 395022. 395232. Rev. David J. 982402. David N. 376896. Decatur. 983S00. Decker E. 379057. Delia A. 977303. Delos. 983802. Denton. 379066. Dependence. 420455. Doctor. 378660. 9S4505. 9S4770. Don. C. 395000. Dora Olive. 91 1627. Dorcas. S90000. Douglas. 376916. Dudlev J. 840008. 850000. E. 376876. E. A. 9841 13. Dr. E. Darwin. ^76752 E. H. 3768S5. Dr. E. J. 376753- E. \V. 91 1438. Eben R. 984341. Ebenezer. 377 142. 377460. 377610. 391062. 830109. Eber R. 984341. Edith. 652046. 966267. Edith C. 415101. Edmond. 379072. Edward. 376S98. 377500. 37So55- 39(063. 400025. 400210. 8301 10. 9821 10. 984361. Edward B. 982448. Dr. Edward C. 376751. Edward Everett. 9S5105. Edward L. 984246. Edward R. 97271 1. Edwin. 983804. Edwin R. 984109. Elbert. 972900-7303. Eleazer. 376955. 401143- Eli. 391064. 40(152. 840004. 9841 10. Elias. 376877. 37«78<' Elijah. 391065. 39iot)ti. yjt'82. 391183. Phebe. 198106. 321301. 325105. 325313. 340035. 340606. 371580. Phelix. 391410. Ayres, Philip. 377010. •^77013. Philip H. 984328. Philip Wheelock. 1 85 201. 190700. 351561. Phineas. 321309. 372780. 972900- 8095. Phinny. 984329. Polly. 911545. 91 1870. 972900- 5006. Priscilla. 170004. Rev. R. 372700. R. A. 378866. R. C. 376795- R. F. 91 1665. R. O. 410133. Dr. R. S. 376857. R. W. 410132. Rachel. 321 155. 325027. 32520S. Raymond. 902105. 972900-5663. Rebecca. 198001. 325206. 346681. 360083. 365004. 402040. 900104. Reuben. 197100. 197290. 197390. 320310. Reuben B. 984330. Reyle. 195006. Rhoda. 321 151. 325207. Richard, i 70001. 175000. 197400. 197420. 340500. 371590. Dr. Richard Gilbert. 373370. Richard H. 372000. 377780. Robert. 196520. 1971 10. 197420. 198000. 325250. 325252. 340051. 372260. 377008. 377035- 39'4i2. 395237. 395309- 900106. 904002. 972900-8130. Robert E. 196970. Robert Emmett. 346607. 3510S0. Robert L. 345507- Robert Williams. 376836. RoUin Smith. 972900-5644. Romeyn. 972900-5662. Gen. 'Romeyn Beck. 372360. 3953 'o. Rowan. 982370. Rowland. 372440. 373000. 376823. 378585- Royal Masten. 372620. 378340. Rudolph. 911515- Rufus A. 376794- Russell William. 373420. 376804. 982417. Ruth. 320157. 360023. 362201. 365926. S. -570270. s. c. 376789. S. Tice. 379I02. Sallie Sanford. 379220. 2054 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Ayres, Sallie Syme. 377S08. Sally. 325341. 377915- Sally Ann. 372330. Sally ^laria. 900802. Samuel. 195002. 196330. 196500. 197050. 198408. 320106. 320158. 321100. 321120. 321150. 321154. 325203. 333406. 333408. 340604. 346006. 360060. 360067. 361020. 365927. 370000. 370001. 370030. 370031. 370033. 371000. 371480. 371850. 371861. 372101. 372290. 372630. 372790. 372920. 374048. 376832. 377310. 378300. 378555. 391164. 391 165. 391184. 391185. 395301. 91 1 106. Samuel B. 197440. Samuel Brittain. 196410. 340671. Samuel C. 493501. 498700. Samuel Cabell. 377S10. Samuel E. 376858. 982331. Samuel Ezra. 373260. Rev. Samuel Gardner. 372550. 41S100. Samuel Hazen. 372640. Samuel N. 395080. 395081. Samuel L. P. 377'i9i- 395302. 982467. Samuel W. 372530. Sarah. 196147. 198024. 198407. 320105. 320171. 321342. 325022. 330002. 330103. 330407. 340028. 340610. 340672. 346005. 360086. 360101. 370052. 370205. 377091. 377900. 911302. 972900-8075. Sarah Ann. 196205. See. 391 171. 875010. 972900-8050. Selah. 334442. Semantha. 196207. Seth. 900200. Sidney Elliott. 356144. Silas. 197310. 197450. 325001. 333007. 340025. Silas Condict. 340033. Dr. Silas Hibbard. 373340. Siles. 325314. Simeon. 197500. 334204. 370900. 370904. 370905. Simeon M. 371620. Socrates. 180002. 185025. 346603. 351020. Solomon. 370884. 370886. 378836. 972900-7327. Squire. 374454- Stella. 351384- Stephen. 325002. 325315. 360065. 361021. 361026. 361107. 362041. Ayres, 362320. 365080. 371001. 377225. 391166. 391167. 972863. 984551. 984881. 984890. Stephen Beckwith. 180003. 185050. 185051. 190500. 346605. 350400. 351060. 355500. Stephen Cooper. 340004. 9S23S0. 984950. Stephen Decatur. 180034. 185140. 346646. 351380. Stephen T. 395303. Steven B. 982332. Steven Beckwith. 351063. 356120. Stewart B. 345005. Stiles B. 900103. 900900. Susan. 185028. 370005. 371703. Susan R. 493921. Susannah. 170002. 325228. 334004. 346604. 360008. 365930. 370034. 371450. 371523- 377830. 377905- 972900-8080. Sylvanus. 340202. 345500. 345506. 350080. 378265. Sylvanus Brown. 180036. 185160. 346645. 351360. Sylvanus Decatur. 35 1325. 356240. Sylvester W. 196300. 197020. 372890. Dr. T. C. 376859. T. J. 376860. Temperance. 325340. Theodore. 372960. Theodore F. 378837. Theodore V. 972900-7328. Theresa S. 345502. Thomas. 198000. 198051. 320000. 320150. 320157. 321127. 321340. 325020. 334453- 360003. 360080. 360081. 361 100. 361 102. 362220. 370850. 370892. 371050. 371700. 372270. 372650. 378838. 391 168. 391411. 391413- 972859. 972862. 972865. 972900-5000. 972900- 5004. 972900-5260. 972900-7329. 972900-8100. Thomas A. 395241. 984333- Thomas C. 395049. 395241- Thomas Corwin. 972900-5322. Thomas H. 379103. 395293- Thomas Hubert. 972900-5601. 972900-5640. Thomas K. 985080. Thomas N. 378839. 972900-7330. Thomas Nelson. 378600. Thomas Oliver. 985091. 985100. Timothy. 320124. 391169. Treman Conde. 351581. Index of Names. 2055 Ayres, Tubman L. 984007. Ursula Dunham. 1 97501. 197525. Valentine. 9S4790. Victor Newell. S51482. W. A. 376862. W. H. 196620. 372720. 911511. W. M. 875000. W. \V. 376796. Walter. 373^80. 902102. Walter S. 982460. Warren L. 196101. 196125. Dr. Washington. 373290. Wesley R. 196570. Whitney. 359037. Wilbur Tandy. 376S33. 378640. Willard. 377231. William. 195003. 197550. 197576. 197600. 19762S. 340661. 345003. 35152 1. 360104. 360380. 365902. 36591 1. 365913. 371070. 371852. 371860. 376039. 376861. 377240. 377620. 377880. 377970. 378295. 378840. 379093- 379104. 379208. 379218. 379219. 379262. 391 122. 391170. 39 14 1 4. 395208. 630380. 91 1655. 969307. 972900-7190. 972900-7331. 972900-7332. 972900-8115. 975200. 982390. 984153. 9S4334. 984335. William Augustus. 373150. William Braisted. 900806. William C. 378605. 9S4339. William E. 982200. 984154. William Emmett. 185029. William Eugene. 372970. William G. 98401-8. 984155. William Groyer. 356243. William H. 376920. 984336. William H. H. 395033. Col. William Henry Harrison. 372940. William Judson. 351381. William Lawson. 340651. 982470. William M. 378841. Dr. William Oryille. 373140. William P. 395304. William S. 196540. 196700. 982471. William W. 351500. 982405. Rey. William Warren. 372850. William Watson. 378610. Willis. 900201. Wilson. 196200. Winfield. 37S620. 984337. Dr. Wylie McLean. 373220. 49S701. Z. M. 984015. Ayres, Zebulon. 325337- 321305- 325335- Zechariah. 3782S5. Babcock, Albert Newton. 9726S2. Benjamin Thomas. 9695SS, 972678. Charles Edward Payne. 954422. Emeline. 371760. Henry Denison. 972900-8402. Lewis V. 972685. Lillian Jane. 9726S0. Lucretia. 938120. Luther Robert. 9726S3. Maria Louise. 605 121. Nellie Bessie. 972684. Roena ^I. 972688. Maj. Sanmel. 600524. 605120. Samuel D. 972900-8402. Samuel Martin. 972679. William Thomas. 972681. Woodward. 972900-8402. Baber, Harriet. 346003. Babson, Edwin. 979040. Louise Stanwood. 979040. Bache, Andrew J. 985300. Caroline Amanda. 985300. Kate Pugh. 985300. Bacon, Dr. Alyan. 975140. Ash el. 960320. Daniel Den. 968122. Elizabeth. 652720. Soiooo. Jeremiah. 650044. John. 969395. Mark. 652041. 969395. Mary. 960320. Richard Hopkins. 975067. Badger, Abigail. 981980. Bagley, Daniel G. 731011. Bailey, Aaron. 5520CO. Abigail. 493850. E. A. 7119SS. Edna. 494067. George. 605743. Jacob C. 71 1966. Joseph. 494067. 542000. Margaret. 494067. Mary. 542000. Moses. 485204. Rebecca. 485204. Richard. 494067. Sabra. 710180. Sarah. 19S05S. See. 324046. Susan V. 732200. Bailies, Sarah. 330000. Baird, :SIartha. 759700. Baker, Albert Lundy. 35902'- 2056 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Baker, Benjamin. 494156. Charles. 610461. E. B. 610463. Emma. 610465. Enos. 93S121. Geoffrey Ayres. 359022. Harriet T. 972525. Imogene. 610462. Jane. 359023. Leila. 630502. Lydia. 610464. Oliver P. 969692. Rachel. 1S0030. 346640. Rebecca. 610466. Silas. 968563. William M. 356002. 359020. Baldwin, Capt. A. P. 972900-5342. 972900-5700. Alice. 972900-5704. Esther A. 951220. Frazier. 9S5290. James A. 972900-5701. Joanna Booth. 961250. John Sherman. 972900-5703. Lyman. 961250. Moses H. 959783. Rachel Ann. 483004. 4S5290. Sarah Ann. 371760. Susie. 972900-5702. Thomas. 494243. Ball, Daniel. 934805. See. 71 1023. Ballard, Dorcas. 475128. 494315. Dorothy. 475071. 494400. Elizabeth. 475068. Ezra. 494140. 494365- 494366. Hannah. 475067. 485160. 4S5210. 494320. Hannah Frye. 494314. 494390. Hezekiah. 460009. 475120. 475130. 485107. 494310. 494312. 494317. 494350. 494390. John. 475063. 475065. Joseph. 475064. 475070. Joshua. 475126. 4943 1 1. Josiah. 494364- 494369- Lois. 475122. Lucy. 475129. 485221. 494350. Lydia. 475 121. Mary. 475062. 475125. 494313- 494362. Nathan. 475066. 494318. Phebe. 475069. 494368. Sarah. 494316. Timothy. 460009. 475060. 475061. 494400. William. 485146. 494360. 494361. Ballenger, Charity. 9S4650. Ballovv, Josephine. 760400. Banker, Aule}'. 946000. Banta, Dr. RoUin Ladue. 377745. 972900-7271. Bannerman, Anne Oram. 943300. John Alexander. 943300. Banning, Ellen Bowers. 377100. 91 1380. Bannister, Caleb. 351060. Louise. 351060. Barber, Deborah Ann. 175000. Barker, Hannah. 500330. John. 54 1 108. Josiah. 541 103. Wilson. 500330. Barnard, Daniel Dewey. 420183. 420190. Ezekiel F. 711993. 732220. Guy Weare. 732221. John. 494272. Maurice. 732222. Theodore. 321 120-9. Sally Ayer. 91 1 109. Sarah A. 732240. Barnes, Alexander. 321205. Alvina F. 983540. Dr. Enoch B. 493921. George. 685104. George W. 71 1929. 730200. 730201. Ida F. 761000. Sarah. S35000. Thomas Jeffenson. 494237. Barney, Daniel W. 71 1989. Elizabeth. 972852. Elizabeth Hunt. 961800. Ida. 972851. Prof. Samuel Eben. 961550. 961800. 972850. Barns, Isaiah. 966503. Barnum, Justus. 972900-740. Maria. 972900-740. Barr, William Rufus. 950123. 955820. Barrett. Abigail. 652140. Caleb. 650043. 969395. Hannah. 650040. 652560. Oliver. 494296. Phebe. 652060. Sarah. 652520. 652620. 966220. Thomas. 652046. Barringer, Naomi. 972802. Barrows, George Bradley. 493881. John S. 484029. 493800. John Stewart. 493882. Mary O. 493853. Dr. Reuel. 493823. Index of Names. 2057 Bartholomew, Elsa R. 972900-402. Bartleson, Mary. 346500. Bartlett, Dorothy. 374500. Elijah. 494i'49- Elvira. 724621. Hannah Chandler. 494149. Ichabod. 984935. Jane C. 975o43- John. 984935. John Newton. 9S4935. John Pomeroy. 984935. Martha. 954420. Bartlet, Mary. 376908. Bassett, Frederick. 969775. Mary. 975325- Bates, Anna. 972837. Rev. Joshua. 969227. 972837. Mehitable Sumner. 972900-6100. Samuel. 711968. Batson, Fa}-. 374580. Josephine. 374580. Josiah. 374085. 374580- Lora B. 374580. Warren. 374580. Battles, John. 377215. Bautch, Pharazina. 374S51. Bay ley, Sarah. 330000. Baxter, Harriet A. 505220. 552004. Beach, Catharine. 969130. Eben. 785000. Elizabeth. 956000. Epenetus. 330005. George W. 378125. Laura. 785000. Mary Catharine. 984680. Mary Cryder. 37S125. Beal, Charlie. 972900-8245. Emily. 972900-8241. Gorham. 972900-8243. James. 972900-8244. Marietta. 972900-S242. Nicholas. 972900-8240. Sarah. 972900-8246. Beals, Frank. 371752. Eliza. 938129. Louisa. 371752. Bean, Ruth. 494.172. Sarah. 494172. Bearden, Marcus D. 962000. Sarah Ann. 962000. Beare, Cornelia. 960240. Beauchamp, Elizabeth. 362000. Becket, Charles. 724843. Beckwilh, Lucretia. 180000. 346600. See. 982505. Stephen. 346600. Bedell, Marion. 605760. Bee. Sarah. 96SS50. Beebe, George Breck. 943621. 949400. Daniel. 946201. Henrietta Maria. 949401. Richard. 937841. 943620. Beecher, Emma. 754040. Beekman, Catharine. 4201 So. Helen. 946040. 985540. William Redlow. 958900. Beers, Elizaljeth G. 956020. Belcher, Deborah 969180. Gregory. 972900-7800. Moses. 972900-7800. Samuel. 972900-7800. William. 972900-7800. Bell, See. 757201. Belding. Thankful. 933020. Bellace, John. 982601. Bellows, John. 916406. See. 726180. Benian, Rhoda. 493800. Bench, Andorah. 652400. Bender, Mame M. 969773. Benner, Eliza. 972894. Mary. 955100. Bennett, Cordelia Louise. 356021. i Eleanor Vanderbilt. 356022. Rebecca W. 968142. Thomas. 185004. 351002. 356020. Bent, Otis. 494196. Bentley, Benjamin William. 972703. Fannie E. 910200. Hannah Maria. 972703. Benton, Orpha L. 505220. Rene. 933704. Ruth. 550740. Bereman, Nathan. 722020. Rebecca. 650140. Berger, August. 724131 • 756600. Jacob. 756620. Viola J. 756621. Bergstresser, Luella. 948302. Berkeley, Lord John. 320170. 969395. Berry, Abraham. 376004. Serena D. 949640. Stephen. 376006. Berts, Mary Emma. 972590- Bestow. S. Lucius. 734 'o7- Betts, James. 972900-505. Bigelow, Jared. 722020. Tamson. 722020. Bigger, Hester. 196250. Biles, William. 969395. Binese, Victoria. 9^5543- Bingham, Lucinda. 560000. See. 42009. Susie Hutchinson. 16360. 2058 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Binney, Barnabas. 610228. Horace. 61022S. Nina. 610228. Bishop, David. 968182. Elizabeth. 334000. Mary. 972900-7235. Bitting, katurah K. 968863. 986000. Bivins, Benjamin F. 96S144. Joseph. 650143. Matilda. 655000. Black, Ellen A. 759100. James. 972900-8206. 984507. Jesse S. 494247. Peter. 9S4507. Rhoda Ayer. 911102. See. 972873-7. Blackbourne, Augustus. 605530. 610227. Charles. 610227. Eva. 605528. Blackford, Ann. 175000. Benjamin. 175000. Daniel. 175000. Joseph. 175000. Margaret. 175000. Phebe. 175000. Ruth. 175000. Blackiston, George. 610052. George R. 605083. 610050. Maria. 61 0051. Prestly. 601 041. Sally. 610000. Blackleach, Sarah. 940220. Blackman, A. 724281. Hiram. 723023. Lawrence D. 723023. Sarah. 959716. 961310. Wealthy A. 753500. Blackmond, .Asa W. 9S2511. 982640. Clara. 982694. Flora. 982692. Frank. 982691. William. 9S2693. Blagden, Anna. 969206. Edward R. 969209. Emily. 969200. George. 969208. Rev. George Washington. 9 16508. 969158. 969200. 969205. John P. 969207. Mary Ann. 969200. Miriam. 969213. Sally P. 969212. Samuel P. 96921 1. Thomas. 969210. Blair, Anne. 942500. Blaisdell, Dorothy (Martin). 700200. Blake, Anna. 925000. Lizzie. 902100. Blakeslee, E. L. 951243. Blanchard, Deborah. 485100. Rev. Hiram. 840009. Lydia. 475066. Peter. 485301- 494550. Rebecca. 494551. Sarah. 494553- Sophia. 494552. Blasedale, Doroth)'. 320157. Bleecker, Henry I. 972900-8030. Margaret. 972900-8031. Blickhahn, Blanche E. 783545. FMna. 7553543- George H. 783544- Henry. 755082. 783540. 9I0335- Karl E. 783546. Katie E. 783541. Lida A. 783542. Bliss, Abel. 938103. Achsah. 938021. Catharine. 938023. Catharine Mar\- Ann Antoinette. 943921- Ebenezer. 933720. Eunice. 938024. Jemima. 938083. John. 938028. 938105. 943920. Jonathan. 938084. Lois. 938025 938103. Mary. 933720. 938022. 938084. Oliver. 933722. 938020. 938026. 960220. Pliny. 93S027. William Metcalf. 946403. 951020. Blodgett, Charlotte. 494072. George W. 755041. Blond, See. 185160. Blood, Charlotte. 972900-6743. Harriet F. 494444. Josiah. 494484. Martha. 729000. Mary. 972900-6860. Gen. Thomas. 972900-6743. 972900-6860. Bloodgood, Catharine. 815020. Bloomfield, Ezekiel. 321205. Hope. 325200. 973030. Mary. 19S066. 321205. Phebe. 333800. 975350. Blunt, Caroline. 948640. Bly, Ann Caroline. 732023. John Peabody. 732025. Josiah Frank. 732022. Josiah P. 711982. 732020. Mary Adelaide. 732026. Index of Names. 2059 Bly, William Henry. 732024. Boardman, Sarah. 372200. Bogert, Gilbert. 286305. John. 285880. 285881. 285890. 286307. Boltwood, Elisha. 938121. Jemima. 938080. Solomon. 938080. Bond, Charles Royal. 972900-6392. Elizabeth. 972900-6392. Gertrude. 972900-6392. Bonham, Belford. 655005. Caroline (West). 968 121. Eunice. 6526S0. Isaac Elwell. 969538. Jehu. 652002. Mary. 972828. Nicholas. 325335. Temperance. 325335. Zachariah. 65roo6. Bonney, Elizabeth. 377580. 378000. Bonsall, Elizabeth. 493000. Boorman, Ada Louise Brockway. 760081. Barnard Ross. 760082. James E. 760080. 729003. Booth, Emeline A. 951200. Dr. James D. 196207. 196270. Martha. 610282. Richard. 605544. 610280. Richard Harrison. 610281. Booth by, Mary. 974464. Walter. 975064. Bosler, John. 600642. Bosworth, Zervia. 975327. Botsford, Florence. 902600. Bourne, Martha. 975205. Mary Ann. 975205. Boutwell, Nabby. 494392. Jonathan. 494392. Bowder, Anna. 756410. Arvilla. 756402. Delia M. 756409. Elmina. 756403. Eugene W. 756405- Rev. Henry J. 756404. Ida. 756408. Idelia A. 756407. Ira. 756412. Irena. 75641 1. Jacob. 724141. 756400. Mary. 756401. Mary Ayer. 9 103 13. Oliver L. 756406. Rowella. 756413. Bowen, Dr. Elijah. 652000. 652060. 969395- Bowen, Elizabeth. 652000. Hester. 650000. John. 966305. Joseph. 966205. Zadock. 968501 Zilla. 96S560. Bower, Harriet E. 356120. Bowers, Anne Cronielin. 950940. John M. 950940. Bowman, C. Otto. 762883. Boyce, Ann. 605680. Boyd, John T. 972900-7600. Sarah M. 972900-7600. Dr. Thomas. 972900-7600. Boylan, Anne. 984S21. Benjamin. 984809. 984820. James. 984825. John. 9S4S23. Dr. Joseph. 984820. Sarah. 984822. William. 984S24. Boyle, Hester. 600220. Boynton, Col. Abel. 978320. Betsey. 71 1883. Clarissa. 7118S8. David. 494346. Eleazer. 71 1889. Hazen. 711881. Herbert C. 910333. Lucinda. 725000. Mary. 978320. Moses. 703504. 7118S0. 71 1884. Nancy. 7118S6. Nathaniel. 711S87. Newton. 71 1890. Sally. 978320. Samuel. 71 1885. William. 71 1882. Brackett, Frederick. 71 1987. Bradford, Clarissa. 494448. Hannah. 494450. Leonora. 494449. Samuel. 4^5167. 494447- Bradley, Abraham. 376004. Alexander Ramsay. 493S53. Anna. 484027. Anna Ayer. 4S4029. George. 4S4026. 493^572. Israel Bailey. 493852. Jane. 960420. John. 484020. 4S4024. 493860. 493^^71- John Jay. 493S61. Mary. 484023. Marv Ann. 493^54- Moses Hazen. 4S4025. 4^4045- Richard. 484028. 484069. 493^7". 2o6o Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Bradley, Robert. 484021. 493S50. Samuel. 493851. 500120. Samuel Ayer. 484022. 500121. Sarah. 374700. 735100. 972900- 8200. See. 758521. Susan A. 493873. Thomas Stevens. 493S62. Bragg, James F. 494148. Brand, Frank. 972783. Brandriff, Catharine. 986926. Howard. 986921. James. 986923. John. 986925. Lodemia. 986924. See. 966507. 986920. Zebulon. 986922. Brattle, Catharine. 371 170. 912000. Thomas. 371 170. 912000. Breck, Daniel Brewer. 933642. Edward. 977420. Elizabeth. 937841. George. 933643- 937840. John. 937801. 943600. Rev. Joseph Hunt. 937800. 949450. Robert. 931404. 933640. 933641- 937800. Theodore. 943601. Breed, Gershom. 938200. Susannah. 938200. Brewer, Abigail. 931403. 938067. Andrew. 938128. Anna. 933745. 938106. Anson. 938104. Anson Lorenzo. 938 11 2. 944000. Betsey. 938002. 938064. Calvin. 938107. Catharine. 931401. 933722. 938063. 938111. Charles. 931408. 933726. 933740. 933741- 933744- 938102. Charles Boltwood. 938100. Dr. Chauncey. 933703. 938066. Clarissa. 938070. Daniel. 930162. 931400. 731402. 931405. 933742. 938061. 9381 10. 938200. 938401. 959685- Edwin Parker. 944001. Elizabeth. 938068. Eunice. 931404. 9337oi. 933723- 938087. Gains. 933727- 938120. George. 933743- Harriet. 938105. Henry. 938125. Isaac. 931407- 933720. 933724. 938060. 938068. Brewer, James. 938129. John. 938122. Lucinda. 93S126. Lucretia. 93812 1. Luke. 938084. Luther. 938085. Lyman. 938069. Mary. 933701. 938065. 938127. Mercy. 93808 r. 938082. Nancy. 938123. Nathaniel. 931406. 933700. Pliny. 938062. 938046. Samuel. 938101. 938103. Sarah. 938124. Simeon. 938201. 944000. Solomon. 933704. Solomon Boltwood. 93S088. Susan. 938108. Thankful. 933702. Timothy. 938086. William. 933705. Brewster, Elder William. 343201. Briant, Emma L. 978260. John. 340002. John A. 978260. Brickelt, Dr. James. 47401 1. Mary. 47401 1. Bridges, Abigail. 338506. Ann. 494067. Dorcas. 338512. Eleanor. 338507. Enoch. 338509. Hannah. 338510. Isaac. 338504. James. 338503. Martha. 33S511. Moody. 338500. Naomi. 338501. Ruby. 338513. Sarah. 338505. Susannah. 33850S. Bridgman, Samuel. 934851. Briggs, Benjamin B. 510023. Benjamin F. 510023. Caroline Frances. 510021. Caroline Frye. 51 0021. Eugene Hale. 510024. Frank H. 504002. 510020. Helen. 510022. Lee Stanford. 510025. Brigham, Ann S. 493962. Levi. 484068. 493960. 493961. Bright, Jesse. 652087. Brightman, Maud Louise. 958720. Brink, Roseltha. 752020. Brinkerhoff, Aaron. 287865. John. 287865. 934806. Brittain, Mary. 198470. 340670. Index of Names. 2061 Brittain, Robert. 340670. Britting, Howard G. 565104. Broat, Margaret. 19S405. Brock, Minnie. 761401. Brockwav, Annis. 71 1840. Ellen R. 969612. Jonathan. 37793°. 703510- 91 1229. Harriet. 71 1964. Lucy. 377930. 71 1900. Mary. 377930. Brokaw, Mary. 378265. Bronson, Marcia. 550000. Stephen. 550000. Brooks, Gerry. 938641. Keziah. 650160. Patience. 651000. Rev. Timothy. 650160. 651000. Brown, Albert Henr)\ 770002. Alena. 770108. Augusta. 770002. Belford Howard. 972806. Catharine. 724840. Daniel. 494253- Edith. 972808. Edn^. 972807. Edson. 727001. Elijah. 972900-5760. Eliza Hooper. 972900-6122. Enoch. 494010. George. 770001. Gideon. 552004. 770000. Joshua. 720000. Maggie. 783500. Margaret. 720000. Martha. 931340. Nathan. 494229. Nelson L. 825216. Nelson Leroy. 770003. Nementhis. 977426. Phebe. 710175. Philip. 93 r 340. Priscilla. 911160. Ruth. 911231. Samuel Wallej'. 972900-6123. Sarah Walley. 972900-612 1. See. 724525-' Susan. 494317. Susan A. 500125. Uriam. 500326. Dr. William Kellogg. 916603. 972900-6052. 972900-6120. William M. 97257S. 972805. Brownell, Elizabeth. 936100. Dr. Frank G. 91 1660. Bryant, Harriet. 180000. Harriet Thompson. 346600. Olive. 494058. Bryant, Walter L. 494058. Bucher, Mary Elizabeth. 197600. Buck, John. 652727. Mary Caroline. 943S03. Buckingham, Sarah Virginia. 356180, Buckle}', Elizabeth W. 505100. P. H. 505100. Buckner, Gen. Simon Bolivar. 555323. 560450. Buddington, Clauson O. 9S2507. 982640. E. D. 982643. Jeanette. 982680. W. Irving. 982642. Buel,. Minerva. 972867. See. 946241. Bugbee, Calvin. 494496. 501250. Bulkley, .\bi^ail. 933002. 936107. Alpheus Tompkins. 972900-6450. Ann. 969230. Anna. 936172. 936400. Anne Swan. 933079. Benjamin. 936100. Captain. 959670. Catharine. 930051. 985200. Charles. 930053. 931 100. 931 loi. 931 141. 931 161. 932080. 933040, 933060. 933067. 936080. 936081. 936143. 936500. 948400. 962000. 969230. 969240. Charles E. 984851. Chauncey. 936141. Clarenden Cobb. 972900-6470. Daniel. 933075. David. 933074. Dorothy. 930052. 931 148. 931 165. 933005. Ednmnd. 936001. 942000. Edward. 930054. 931 140. 936120. 936160. 936164. 948400. 962000. Eliphalet. 933065. 936400. 948200. 969218. 969230. Eliphalet Adams. 942301. Eliza. 936163. Elizabeth. 931 142. Ellen. 959670. Emeline Mehetable. 948400. Eunice Lord. 933078. Frances. 969231. Francis. 936140. Frederick Groendycke. 948301. 954100. George. 936103. Gershom. 930001.930050. 931127. 93 1 1 66. 933020. 933023. 933070. 942501. 948300. 948400. 956840. 962000. 969215. 969240. 2062 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Kyre. Bulkley, Gershom Frank. 94S302. Gershotn Taintor. 936501. 942500. Gordon. 9361 71. Hannah. 936109. Honor Francis. 936161. Honour. 933052. 9361S2. Hugh Chamberlin. 954101. Huldah. 936104. Irene. 931 171. Isabel. 954102. James. 936105. James Henr}'. 936142. Jeannie Gardner. 954105. Jehiel. 933022. John. 930055. 931 160. 931 162. 933050. 933051- 933060. 933063. 933072. 936180. 9361S1. 954062. 959350. 962000. 969215. John Bunce. 936162. John Charles. 936401. 942300. Joseph. 931 172. 933001. 936000. Joseph E. 94S001. 961501. Joseph Edmund. 961000. Joshua. 933073- 936170. Julia Kellogg. 948303. Julius H. 942001. 948000. Justus. 933006. 9360S2. Justus Lawrence. ^61001.961500. Leonard. 932081. Louisa. 972870. Louise G. 984851. Lucy. 931 170. 933066. 936102. 969219. Lydia. 933061. 969216. Mabel. 933024. Martha. 936108. Mary. 933062. 933064. 936083. 936165. 969217. 972869. Gov\ Morgan Gardiner. 948201. 954000. 972S69. 9S4795. Oliver. 931 169. 933003. 933100. Oliver Pomero}-. 936123. Pamela. 936122. Patience. 931 168. 933041.969240. Peter. 930054. 93 11 20. 931145- 931 146. 931 167. 933000. 933080. 933081. 936150. 948400. Rachel. 93612 1. Rebecca. 931 144. Rhoda. 961770. Richard. 954063. Roger. 933076. Ruth. 933025. 954103. Sarah. 931143- 931163. 933o7i- Sarah Taintor. 933077. Solomon. 933003. Solomon Taintor. 942502. Bulkley, Stephen. 936106. 985200. Thankful. 933021. Thomas. 93610 1. Wealthy. 936166. William. 933026. 954061. William H. 948202. 954060.. Rev. William Howard. 972900- 6460. BuUman, Sarah A. 972748. Bunce, Dinah. 936160. Burbank, Archibald. 975204. Sarah. 494125. Burbeen, James. 4S5300. Sarah. 485300. Burden, Jennette. 710171. Burdick, Ada Lillian. 972747. Jesse Byron. 972746. Jesse G. 969722. 972744. Martin VanBuren. 377340. Russell W. 972745. Burgess, Reuben. 552000. Burgin, Prudence. 966280. Sarah. 650120. Burke, John. 374004. Burnham, Esther. 377740. Hannah. 954940. Rebecca McCobb. 977030. Susanne. 974486. Burns, Edward. 605201. Farmar. 600521. 605200. Burr, Henry. 911518. 911519. Sarah. 9^1580. Burrill, Randall G. 975188. Burritt, Israel. 931462. Burroughs, Abigail. 931462. Edward. 930163. 931410. 931420. Sarah. 931423. Zachary. 931 421. Burt, Eunice. 938044. Lovisa. 938125. Burton, Lydia N. 500357. Bushnell, Clayton. 185062. 190610. 351082. Frederick Ayres. 190611. 351082. Jerusha. 946220. JohnF. 977835. Robert Emmett. 351082. Buswell, Jonathan W. 71 1985. Butler, Prof. James Davie. 972837. Mary S. 350060. Nehemiah. 500257. Butterfield, Lucy. 494290. Butters, Charles. 982001. 982050. Robert Green Walker. 982051. Buttles, Capt. Enoch. 938124. Buttolph, Hannah. 324540. Mar}-. 916500. Index of Names. 2063 Buzzell, Mary. 500S06. Byrum, Abigail. 340027. Mary. 340025. Naphtali. 340027. Cabell, Emma E. 377805. Cabot, Anna Sophia. 925000. George. 925000. Henry. 925000. John. 925000. John Sebastian. 972900-6744. 972900-6S60. Joseph. 925000. Cady, Ellen M. 754000. Rebecca. 972900-6660. CafFerty, Charles F. 374853. Frank B. 374601. 374S50. Freddie L. 374851. Ida L. 374852. Nathan K. 374854. Caine, Margaret. 977503. Caldwell, Laura E. 961500. Martha. 377225. Calef, Joseph. 370S40. Calkin, Sarah. 940400. Callay, See. 324801. Cameron, Lucy Jane. 759950. Camp, Anna Ayer. 374805. Harry Finley. 374803. James Finley. 374581. 374800. Leroy H. 374802. Margaret. 374801. Mary E. 761040. Phebe. 160550. 320176. 321300. Robert Finlej'. 374804. Campbell, Absalom. 334206. Colin. 600184. Daniel. 966266. Dennis. 968745. Douglas. 962530. G. Eyre. 6001 81. James. 966228. John. 984685. John Colin. 600007. 600180. Kate. 356300. Mary. 346006. 600183. Sarah. 600182. 600860. See. 910156. Cannon, LeGrand. 955955. Cantine, Charlotte. 348052. Francis Cart. 348051. Henry. 348056. John. 348053. John M. 343247- 348050. Sarah. 348054. Sophia. 348055. Capel, Harriet. 371750. John. 371750. Carder, Charlotte Elizabeth. 984900. Care, Stephen. 377025. Carey, Dr. Daniel Graham. 378655. Mabel. 37S655. 983822. Sarah. 352204. 655040. Carl, Tilla. 969695. Carle, Sarah. 984770. Carll, Joseph. 651006. Mary. 966520. Carleton, Elizabeth. 700700. Hannah. 324069. 972800. Mary. 324064. Carman, Ezra Ayers. 196001. 196010. M. F. 346001. Martha E. 910040. Phineas. 325205. Carney, Sarah. 972575. Carpenter, Hannah. 325326. Carr, Alice. 985840. Colonel. 985840. Daniel. 974481. Mary. 500806. William. 91 1540. Carrington, Dr. Edward. 933961. 938800. 959502. 959705. Elizabeth Strong. 945802. Henry. 938801. 945800. 945S04. Lorania Hoppin. 945806. Mar}'. 938802. Mary Starr. 945803. Nathan Starr. 945805. Susan Mary. 945801. William Edward. 945807. Carroll, Charles. 9S5810. Louisa. 985810. Carter, Abiel Chandler. 494561. 501340. Alice Ruth. 560422. Ann Elizabeth. 501 361. Augustine Clark. 501344. Charles Frederick. 560421. Ebenezer. 377250. Edward Perkins. 560423. Edward Pierce. 501351. Ezra 494562. 494564. 501350. 501360. Franklin. 555302. 560420. Franklin B. 501342. Gad. 494514- 501285. John. 4941 1 1. Jonathan. 494111. Josiah Mason. 377250. Judge. 91 1290. 91 1300. Judith Augusta. 501363. Judith Walker. 494564. 501360. Martha Hall. 501345. Mary. 481000. 485000. 2064 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Carter, Sarah Rumford Pierce. 494563. 501362. See. 610191. Timothy. 485302. 49456o. 501341- Dr. William Gardner. 501352. Carteret, Gov. Philip. 320170. Case, Mary. 93S107. Casey, James. 959713. 960240. Dr. Harmer. 960241. Dr. William Bj'ron. 960241. Cashew, John. 386540. 3S6950. Cass, Sarah. 975046. Cassadey, Charles. 652310. Cassily, Edward Biddle. 605401. 610180. Mary. 610181. Casterline, Abraham. 900900. Louise. 900900. Caswell, Stephen. 494104. Catlin, Mary. 723001. Cave, Charlotte. 610220. Thomas. 610220. Cazat, Euphemia. 346000. Chadbourne, Caroline E. D. 975206. Dr. Thomas. 480052. 493910. 494596. Dr. William. 485382, 494595- Chaddle, John. 286540. Chadwick, James Madison. 377350. Chaffee, John Calvin. 900802. 902000. Chamberlain, Laban. 49449S. Chamberlin, Charlotte. 954100. James Monroe. 954100. Chambers, Jane. 198100. 325100. Champion, Abigail Jerusha. 946404. Eliza. 949680. George. 946402. 951000. Henry. 940221. 946400. 949680. 95 1 00 1. Robert. 946401. Champlin, Anna. 548007. 734120. Charles. 734120. Esther. 911123. Florinda. 552007. 734222. 770040. John Noyes. 54S012. 552000. 734220. Mary. 734120. Chandler, Abiel. 329401. 329440. 339800. 460007. 475100. 475101. 475102. 485023- 485049- 485182. 485300. 494090. 494100. 494149. 494190. 494198- 494330. Abiel Rolf e. 494221. Abiel Walker. 49401 1. Abigail, 485046. 494I02. 494393- 49451 1- Andrew B. 961310. Chandler, Ann. 485048. 494249. Anna Maria. 494060. Annis Orr. 494498. Azuba. 494107. Ballard. 485258. 494407. Benjamin. 494222. 494413- 494437- Benjamin Edward Alonzo. 494444. Benjamin Franklin. 500347. Betsey. 494405. Betsey Chase. 494055. Boadicea. 494487. Calvin. 494501. Caroline Eastman. 500353. Catharine Amory. 949100. Catharine Colby. 500352. Charles. 494245. Charles H. 494203. Charles Henry. 959716. 961310. Clarinda. 500342. Clarissa. 494514. Daniel. 329400. 475004. 485040. 485253. 494022. 4941S8. 494210. 494251. 494480. 494482. 91 1545- 91 1870. David. 475062. 485250. 485251. 485252. 494470. 494471- 494499- David Hardy. 494187. David Sewall. 494050. Deborah. 485104. 494270. Dolly. 494271. 49440 [. Dorcas. 460012. 49^086. 494186. 494321. 494356. 494418. 494484- Dorcas C. 494247. Drusilla Richardson. 500336. Eliza. 494101. 494176. Eliza Barker. 500334. Elizabeth. 485024. 494092. 494214. 494275- 494299- 494417- 959719- Elizabeth Anset. 494440. Emma. 500392. EmiU' .\ugusta. 91 1898. Enoch Folsom. 494047. 91 1898. Ephraim Farnum. 494003. 500230. Ethel. 494444- F;zra. 494271- 494354- 494355- Fanny. 494269. George. 494032. 4945i6. 9597i8. 960250. George Henry. 348603. 960310. George Langdon. 500491. George Parker. 500209. George W. 500341. George Washington. 494106. 500357- Hall Chase. 500326. Hannah. 460004. 475001. 475006. 475043. 475060. 485044- 485066. Index of Names. 2065 485254. 494023. 494201. 494272. 494403. 494412. Chandler, Hannah Colburn. 494426. Harlow. 91 1546. 91 1560. 91 1872. Harriet. 494444- 500226. 500355. Hazen. 494031. Henry. 494404- 494419- 49442S. 494430. Henry B. 911561. Henry Dana. 494438. Henr}' Gordon. 500339. Hepzibah. 494337- 49439°- Hermon. 494420. Hermon Phelps. 494357. Horace Mitchell. 911871. Hosea Ballon. 500391. Isaac. 46001 I. 475042. 485003. 494015. 494024. 494056. 494058. 494392. 494394- 494416. 500325. 500335. Isaac Abbott. 494089. Isaac Wood. 500205. James. 4944io. 494413- 494443- James Walker. 500337. Jeremiah. 485005. 494029.494040. 494046. 494217- Jesse. 500390. Joanna. 485042. 494481. John. 329420. 329421. 339900. 348600. 460000. 460001. 4710CO. 471001. 475000. 475002. 481000. 485000. 485001. 485050. 485259- 494000. 494001. 494025. 494089. 494191. 494200. 494323- 494400. 494402. 494472- 4944S9- 494510- 494513- 500200. 500330. 959503- 9597>o. 959712. John A. 494497- John Adams. 500353. John C. 494204. John Carter. 494025. John Hubbard. 91 1900. John K. 348602. John Rogers. 500207. John Sullivan. 500204. Jonathan. 485124. 494105.494295, Jonathan Eastman. 500233. Joseph. 485004. 485105. 485216. 494007. 494020. 494053- 494252. 494290. 494291- 494390- 494415- Joseph Addison. 50031 1. Joseph Colby. 500351. Joseph Gilmore. 354201. Josephus. 494027. 500344. 494450 Joshua. 460002. 475005. 475020 475022. 475124. 485060. 4S5067 485120. 48521 1. 494244- 494293 494320. 494322. 494331- 494491 Chandler, Josiah. 485064. 485257. 494486. 494495- 494502. Judith. 485302. 494012. 494057- 494213- 494432- Judith Hall. 491001. 494006. Judith Walker. 500222. Julia Louisa. 494445. Lizzie Langdon. 500492. Lloyd Horwilz. 354203. Lucetta. 494109. Lucia. 494435- Lucinda. 494500. Lucy. 485221. 494265. 494266. 494351. Lucy King. 494296. L^'dia. 460009. 475120. 485045. '485106. 494350- 494390- Mabel. 494444. Maria. 494434- 500343. Martha. 494300. Mary. 460005. 475044- 485043- 485107. 485260. 485270. 494004. 494043. 494248. 494253- 494292. 494330- 494380. 494390. 959715. 9^4935- Mary Ann. 494048. 500206. Mary Augusta. 494441. Mary Ballard. 494496. Mary Boutwell. 494396. Mary Carter. 49402S. Matilda D. 4941 10. Moses. 485006. 494021. 494045. 494054. 494189. 494218. 500310. 500332. Nancy. 494215- 494474- 494512. Naomi Farnum. 500223. Nathan. 460003. 475040. 475041. 475129. 485002. 485221. 494002. 494010. 494026. 494049. 494265. 494324. 494350. 494352. 500220. 500224. 500340. Nathan S. 34S600. Nathaniel. 949100. Nathaniel L. 494212. Olive Walker. 500327. Oliver Perry. 494194. Orlando Dana. 494399. Paul. 485046. 494 '85- 494205. Paul Langdon. 494059. 500490. Peregrine Hale. 4940S3. Peregrine While. 494081. Perley S. 500346. Perry. 979010. Perry Fuller. 97701 1. Peter. 329460. 494030. 500394. Peter Kimball. 50020S. Phebe. 460006. 475045- 475o8o. 494267. 494335- 4944"- 494429- 2o66 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Chandler, Philip. 500231. Philip Marshall. 500494. Polly. 49401 1. Priscilla. 500202. Ralph Holbrook. 494294. Ralph W. 979012. Rebecca. 485303. 49439°- Rebecca A. 494431. Rebecca M. 494353. Reuben. 494423. Rhoda. 494274. Rhoda Carter. 494007. 500350. Richard B. 500331. Roxana. 500201. Ruliama. 485062. Ruth. 485061. Sally. 494013- 494485. Samuel. 460008. 460010. 485255. 494219. 494254- 494398. 494422. 494425. 494474- 494483- 494490- 4945>5- 959717- Samuel Charles. 500393. Samuel Langdon. 494052. Sarah. 475020. 475103. 485041. 485063. 485 10 1. 485256. 485301. 494082. 494202. 49421 1. 494216. 494246. 494298. 494424. 95971 1- Sarah Ann Goodwin. "494442. Sarah Blanchard. 500227. Sarah C. 500232. Sarah Colby. 500356. Sarah Goodwin. 494051. Sarah Kimball. 500203. Sarah Olivia. 911571. Seneca. 494091. Seward Messenger. 500493. Solomon. 494 loS. Stephen. 485103. 494193- 494273- Susan. 494028. 494250. Susan D. 494433- Susan Hodley. 494192. Susanna Farnum. 494005. Susannah. 959713. Tabitha. 485021. 494104. Thomas. 3294S0. Thomas Jefferson. 500345. Timothy. 475002. 485020. 485022. 4S5284. 494080. 494085. 494103. 494406. Webster Allen. 979013 WiUiam. 494395- 959714- William Dexter. 494439. William Dwight. 354202. William Eaton. 348601. 354200. William Fay. 911908. William Henry Harrison. 500358. Col. William Palmer. 50022S. Chandler, Zebadiah. 475021. 485102. . 485143- 494265. 494268. 494390. Chapin, Charles Chauncev. 972900- 5855. Chauncev. 972900-5850. 972900- 5900. George Frost. 972900-5858. Henry. 972900-5852. Julia Ann. 972900-5854. Lucinda. 938128. 972900-5900. Martha R. 561080. Mary Bliss. 972900-5853. Roswell Lombard. 972900-5851. Susan. 972900-5857. Chapman, Ansel. 938603. 945440. 956820. 956830. Catharine J. 945445. Francis. 945443- Hattie. 969672. Janette. 945447- John. 945442. John Henry. 956820. Nanette. 945447. Russell. 945444- 956830. Samuel. 972900-8031. Sarah. 945446. Timothy. 945441. Timothy Pitkin. 956825. Charles, Harriet. 500390. Joseph. 652507. ■ Justus. 494055. Samuel. 500390. Chase, Amos. 420710. Aquila. 321000. 538022. Betsey. 975044. Elizabeth. 321000. 538022. Elizabeth Sawyer. 494283. Harriet. 977302. Dr. Josiah. 339500. Nathan W. 975041. Sarah. 474003. Silas. 420710. Susan B. 732260. Sybil E. 975048. Thomas. 339501. William. 975047. Chatfield, Thomas Ives. 196126. Chatterton, Anna. 938100. Samuel. 938 roo. Chauncev, Abiah. 9315S3. 940500. 954940. Abigail. 930163. 931464. 931603. 934S58. 938544. 938603. 954940. Adelaide. 972900-8420. Amelia. 933523- 938641- Andrew. 937008. 959890. Ann. 931303- Index of Names. 2067 Chaimcey, Anna Christina. 946601. Asher R. 938645. Augusta. 950501. Barnabas. 930004. C. M. 961780. Catharine. 930162. 931463. 931605. 933S02. 933903. 934943. 93S601. 950502. 9596S5. Charles. 930000. 930103. 930142. 930164. 9302or. 931320. 931321. 931322. 931340. 931341. 931580. 931608. 933500. 933801. 933805. 934940. 937000. 937001. 938540. 938541. 945300. 945301. 945341- 959875- 96^000. Charles W. 945901. Charles William. 943061. 946606. 959900. Charles Wolcott. 939003. 950484. Charlotte Maria. 933521. Celia. 933522. D. B. 961785. Daniel. 961760. 972900-S400. 972900-8401. David. 934942. David M. 961765. Diantha. 940403. Dorothy. 931607. 934944- Edward B. 950482. Edwin M. 962520. Electa. 940404. Elihu. 931461. 933800. 938542. 945320. 945342. Elisha. 950000. Elizabeth. 930104. 931301. 931345. 931364- 934854- 939002. Elizabeth Chester. 945302. Elizabeth Hirst. 937005. Elnathan. 930006. 931466. 933900. Eunice. 934855- 934941- Fanny Lear. 950485. Frances. 938642. Frederick A. 938622. George. 930000. George G. 961720. George S. 962020. Grace. 972900-8402. Hannah. 930008. 945303. Helen. 93S623. 946603. Henry. 933882. 938602. 938620. 938621. 945600. 945601. 945851- 961725. 961771. 961774. 972900- 7220. Henry N. 938647. Henry Stone. 950504. Ichabod. 930003. 930140. Ichabod Wolcott. 931585. 939009. Chauncey, Isaac. 930000. 930001. 930002. 930161. 930202. 931325. 931600. 934945. 934981. 937002. 939005. 940220. 945900. Israel. 930007. 930200. 931 581. 931602. Jane. 937009. Jerusha. 931609. 934856. 940220. Joanna. 937007. John. 931582. 933883. 938604. 938640. 938644. John Sickles. 945902. 950480. John T. 961795- Joseph. 961772. 972900-7221. Josiah. 93 1 610. 934980. 9349S4. 940460. 959870. Julia E. 946604. Kate Augusta. 950483. Louise G. 93S643. Lucy. 93701 1. 945602. Lucy Ann. 939007. Madeline. 972900-8403. Margaret. 946602. Martha. 931346. 931363- 943o62. Mary. 930009. 931302. 931323. 931344- 931362. 93 1 60 1. 934985. 937006. 938605. Mary A. 961775. Mary Frances. 946605. Mary Renshaw. 950503. Mary Stockton. 950481. Medad. 934857- Moses. 934982. 940400. Nathalie Elizabeth. 961704. Nathaniel. 930005. 930143. 930165. 93'342. 931360. 931460. 931465- 933520. 933880. 93S545. 945340. Nathaniel William. 933901. Oliver. 934850. Orange. 940402. Peter Schermerhorn. 945903. 950500. Philip. 931343- Polly. 939004. Punal. 939001. Richard. 931604. 934850. 939600. Robert. 930203. 931584. 934500. 937012. 939006. Sally. 939008. Samuel. 934983. 937004. 940461. 943060. Samuel Sloan. 985840. Sarah. 930166. 931462. 931606. 933803- 937003. 938543- 945321. 962000. 969215. 969240. 972900- 6900. Shepley. 937010. 2o68 Ayer, Ayres. Ayars and Eyre. Chauncey, Stanton. 930141. Susan Vaux. 945304. Theodore. 930006. Uzziel. 930102. 931300. W. A. 961790. Walley. 931324. William. 940401. 946600. 961773. 961776. 961777. 972900-7222. William G. 938646. Wolcott. 934501. 939000. Worthington Gallup. 933902. Cheeseman, Mary. 600220. 972900- 8065. Thomas. 600220. Cheever, Silas G. 3700S6. Cheney, William H. 960314. Chesley, Esther. 409000. Mary. 404220. Philip. 404220. Sarah. 727000. Chester, Hannah. 94530o.> John. 945300. Chew, Benjamin. 966509. 985810. 986800. Charles. 986803. Elizabeth. 986802. Frank. 986801. George. 986805. Hannah. 986807. Harriet. 985810. Henry. 986804. Maggie. 986806. Samuel. 630380. Chickering, Sarah. 324067. Child. Ann. 780503. Charles B. 780501. John. 780505. Katharine. 780506. Levi. 75 1 00 1. 780500. Ruth. 780507. Susan. 780502. William. 780504. Chittenden, Thomas. 946225. Church, Charles B. 755001. 783000. Esther. 968703. Hattie B. 783001. Mary Ayer. 910315. Moses. 933745. Churchill, EveHne (Tappen). 968180. Sarah. 370862. Churchman, Caleb. 622020. Rebecca. 622020. Cilley, Alice Belle. 761484. Bertha Earline. 761483. Jay Wesley. 761485. Mary Belle. 761482. Wesley E. 761480. Clarembole, Mary. 954300. Clark, Abby T. 501350. Abraham. 975021. Alice Jennie. 754021. Andrew. 723042. Angeline P. 972900-5320. Augustine. 494552- 501320. Emily. 723041. Emma. 972900-801. Esther. 936500. Eunice. 973010. 974480. Ezra. 494272. Galen A. 723043. Jerome Alfred. 960453. Jesse. 600056. 600640. Lydia. 494345- Margaret Quandrell. 600641. Martha. 376930. Mary Eyre. 600642. Dr. Miles Hartshorn. 754022. Orville J. 7230S2. 754020. 910344. Ralph Sebring. 754022. Sarah Ann. 600643. Valentine. 975027. Zenas. 710126. 723040. Clarke, Charles Chauncey. 972900- 7205. Eliza Chauncey. 943081, Ezra. 977830. Hannah. 655080. Jeremiah. 937005. 943080. Louisa. 977830. Clarkson, Jennie M. 985260. Classen, Isaac. 9.50750. Clawson, Sarah F. 968890. Cleaves, Mary Jane. 974486. Mary Olive. 975123. Robert. 973405. 97447°. Clements, Abraham. 538500. Charles. 968855. Job. 420120. 452001. 452051. 456000. John. 320121. 452000. Jonathan. 320175. Lydia. 456001. Mary. 320134. Philip Nathaniel. 972668. Robert. 320000. Sarah. 494363- William Henry. 9695S5. 972667. Cleveland, Palmer. 420181. Clifford, Charles E. 977701. Minnie. 722028. Nathan. 977025. See. 724526. Sherburne. 977029. Clinton, George. 600884. Index of Names. 2069 Clinton, Gen. James. 2S7840. Close, Elizabeth. 760041. Hannah. 972900-310. Mary. 972900-314. 972900-410. Odle. 972900-410. Solomon. 972900-310. Clough, Abigail. 494407. Benjamin. 370864. Elizabeth. 850000. Jonathan. 376623. 494407. Mary. 494405- Philip. 494234. Taylor. 977463. Clow, Janet McLaren. 961070. Coates, Harriet. 600661. Sir Isaac. 600101. 600660. Cobb, Edward. 945700. Elkanah. 71 1026. 724620. Charles. 724621. George. 494485- Harriet (Webster). 945700. Joseph. 494485- Martha. 724622. Sally. 4944S5- Coburn, Franklin. 757500. Louisiana. 195090. Marietta. 7575oo. 977543- Mary. 71 1080. Susanna. 378270. Codding, Philip Luther. 972900-5009. Coddington, Benjamin. 984805. Lydia. 9S4805. Mathilda. 334203. Susannah. 180000. 346600. Coe, Abigail. 340400. Catharine Hawley. 955473. Charles Goodrich. 955440. 955471. 958500. David. 964410. Ebenezer. 340400. Edith Mary. 972844. Edward Benton. 964202. 964410. 972841. Elizabeth Ely. 949843. Frederick Augustus. 949841. 955450- 955472. Hannah. 961 140. Johanna. 340000. Margaret Elmer. 972842. Miriam Storrs. 972843. Noah. 945042. 949840. Richard vSalter. 972845. Samuel Goodrich. 949S42. 955470. Cogswell, Mabel. 500289. Stephen. 959730. 959737. William Barnes. 500289. Cohn, Jack. 371560. Cokran, See. 982694. Colburn, Deborah. 324064. Emma. 731004. Zabrina. 703507. 71 1940. Zerah. 71 194 i. Colby, David. 494022. John. 731010. Joseph. 500350. INIehitable. 494022. Sadie. 761402. Sally. 500350. Samuel W. 711970. See. 703011. Cole, Asa. 494496. Mary. 377720. See. 320136. Colegrove. Emily. 377785. Esther. 755000. William Harrison. 377785. Coleman, Abbie Maria. 561000. Eleazer. 420500. Horace Pinneo. 561000. Colfe, Joseph. 320164. Coller, Samuel. 376940. Collins, Aaron C. 946240. Charles Jewett. 469278. Elizabeth. 946242. Frederick Wolcott. 946246. Henry. 538025. Lafayette. 946244. Love. 946241. Mary Ann. 946245. Oristus. 969258. 969277. Sarah. 946243. William. 420495. William Augustus. 946248. Zimri. 946247. Colquhoun, Catharine. 759950. Colt, Oliver. 938127. Sarah. 700500. 973040. Colwell, Cecelia. 650100. James. 783741- Louise E. 783742. Nellie Ayer. 91 0341. William. 756002. 783740. 785740. Compton, Alvah. 977750. Elizabeth. 325030. 455100. Flora L. 978262. Helena A. 978261. Nathan V. 977751. 978260. See. 170002. • William. 325302. Conant, Alice M. 375000. Julia. 374550. Seth. 494500. Conde, Mary. 1S0071. 3515S0. Cone, Lucy Maria. 753042. 2070 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Cone, Mary Charlotte. 753043. Melissa Adelaide. 753041. Warren. 723007. 753040. Conger, David. 325303. Alfred. 972S56. Alfred Ronald. 972856. Cornelia A. 286812. Frederick A. 972856. John. 286S12. Louisa. 378655. Roscoe. 972856. Conkling, Stephen. 371540. Connallar, See. 969734. Connell, Sarah. 493930. Connelly, Ann. 600760. Maj. John. 600760. Connor, Levi. 494235. Conover, Jane. 815080. Conway, Charles W. 286540. 286542. Susanna E. 286540. William Henry. 286540. 286542. Cook, Abby Ann Strong. 960457. Abigail. 702000. Charles Chauncey. 972900-6630. Rev. Chaunce}-. 972900-7160. David. 968890. Elizabeth. 372530. Erastus. 734103. Georgiana Ellen. 960456. John Summerfield. 960452. Joseph Strong. 960455. Margaret Strong. 96045 1 . Mary Whittlesey. 960453. Milo. 969226. 972900-7150. Milo Dewe}-. 972900-7170. Persis. 91 1350. Samuel. 916408. Thomas Morris. 960458. William. 959564. 959810. William Augustus. 9581 11. 960450. 960454. 961250. Cooke, Amos. 945041. 949800. Elizabeth. 949802. Joseph Piatt. 949801. 958900. Cooker, Lillie. 972810. Coolbroth, Lay ton. 400850. Temperance. 420475. Cooper, Elizabeth. 286819. John. 984705. Mary. 340000. Coop, Elizabeth. 485020. Esther. 500322. Irene. 485060. Jacob. 485020. Samuel. 500322. Corbin, See. 762843. Cordis, Rebecca. 91 6401. Corey, Alice. 4941 14. Cordelia H. 175000. Mary. 972900-6720. Corlett, Jeanie Lee. 955501. Thomas. 950921. 955500. Thomas Gardiner. 955502. Corline, James. 9S4503. Corliss, Betsey. 377635. George. 320104. Joanna. 538500. John. 538500. Sarah. 538500. Corning, Malvina Antoinette. 560600. Cornwall, George R. 955953. 958620. Isabel. 958621. Winthrop. 958622. Corse, Gen. John. 346601. Corser, Adelbert M. 730263. Alfred. 730262. Eloise. 761201. Erastus G. 71 1926. 71 1933. 730140. 730260. Etta C. 730266. Frank E. 730261. George E. 730264. 761200. Josiah. 730140. Lucy Ayer. 910365. Maria N. 730141. 760600. Mary E. 730265. Corthell, Florence L. 7S2442. Fred H. 782440. Lou E. 782441. Cortwright, Solomon. 371570. Coryell, Emma Lill}'. 350080. Corwin, Phineas. 552000. Cousyn, Maria. 286304. Costin, Annie. 633006. Catharine Prunnell. 633003. Margaret Eyre. 630001. Margaret Spady. 633005. Robert S. 632002. 633000. Dr. Severn Parker. 633002. William Francis. 633004. Cotton, Esther. 945020. Courtne}', E. S. 962010. Hannah Agnes. 962010. Cowan, Charles. 723084. John. 726183. Cox, Catharine. 972585. Charles Tuttle. 960458. Elizabeth. 610228. Julia. 605800. Mary. 984800. Solomon. 972900-336. Walter S. 605800. Coy, Lt. Charles S. 605522. 610225-30. Coyle, Jane. 370865. Index of Names. 2071 Cramp, Sarah. 972900-20S. Crampton, Eugenie. 977834. Crandall, Alice E. 755044. See. 190600. Crane, Caroline L. 949603. Clara L. 949605. Kate F. 949602. Gov. Wintbrop Murray. 949604. 955100. 955 loi. Zenas. 938126. 949601. Zenas Marshall. 944302. 949600. Crary, Nathan. 702006. 911121. Oliver. 376935. Craven, Ella. 972716. Howard H. 972714. Ida A. 972717. See. 969652. 972713. William M. 972715. Crawford, Alvin B. 753505. Hattie B. 969723. Creshon, Mary. 455000. Cresson, Ann. 605740. James. 605740. Cressy, Mary. 704000. Croade, Hannah. 972900-6700. Thomas. 972900-6700. Crissman, Nicholas. 985130. Sarah A. 985130. Crocker, Anna. 972900-760. Charles. 195044. Rev. Daniel. 972900-760. Maria. 972900-760. Crockett, See. 400545. Cromwell, Mercy. 984930. Crooks, Caroline. 986905. Hannah. 9S6904. Harriet. 986903. Margaret. 9S6906. Richard. 386901. Susan. 986907. William. 966505. 986900. 986902. Crosby, Abiel R. 494432. Moses. 9662S5. Cross, Sarah Jane. 500256. Crow-ell, Amy. 371590. Culver, Maria. 494068. Cummings, Carrie. 655086. Daniel. 494342. Mary. 4943S3. Cummins, Andrew. 345007. Jacob. 345007. 978370. Malinda. 978370. Cunningham, Mary Caroline Adams. 972900-677 r. Nathaniel F. 972900-6770. Zabdiel Bo\-lston Adams. 972900- 6722. 972900-6770. Curless, Elizabeth. 78 1060. Currie, Benjamin. 986702. Charles. 980703. Elisha. 9S6701. Robert. 9S6700. William. 986704. Currier, Anna. 973014. John. 500379. Tabitha. 500230. Theophilus. 500230. Curry, Mary Jane. 972753- Sarah E. 3466S2. Curtis, Abigail. 933000. Arline. 754040. Charles H. 753505- Emily. 972900-5851. Hannah. 377215. Rev. Lucius. 960307. 961080. Cushing, Ann. 605000. Caleb. 605000. Catharine L. 972900-6781. Charles. 933323. 972900-6700. 972900-6710. 972900-6711. Charles Chauncey. 972900-6792. Chaunce}-. 972900-6702. Edmund. 972900-6703. Edmund Henrj-. 972900-6782. Edmund Lambert. 972900-6780. George A. 972900-6S00. Hannah. 972900-6708. 972900- 6709. Henry Prescott. 972900-6793. Isaac. 933324. Jacob. 931323. 933320. 933322. John Elliott. 972900-6794. Josiah. 972900-6704. 972900-6706. Julia Welles. 972900-6801. Margaret W. 972900-6791. Mary. 972900-6701. Mary Louisa. 972900-6795. Mary Stearns. 972900-6784. Priscilla. 972900-6705. Rebecca Dean. 972900-6783. Rev. William. 972900-6790. Cutler, Ann. 959765". John. 934401. Timothy. 931583. 9344oo. 934402. Cutts, Hannah. 420604. John. 420600. 420605. Mary. 420601. 937000. Sarah. 420603. Susan. 420602. Cypher, Frederick. 652402. Dabney, Mary. 348080. Daggett, Asenath. 550800. Dale, Edward Augustus Holyoke. 972900-6403. 2072 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Dale, Letitia. 610225-20. Mar}\ 494306. Sarah Frances. 972900-6401. William Johnson. 329502. 972900- 6400. 972900-6402. 972900-6343. 492000. Dalglish, Phebe. 198102. 333400. Dalton, Caleb S. 494109. Dam, Esther. 402301. 420390. S<^i,See. 400526. Dame, Elizabeth. 406000. 1!:^ James Chadbourne. 377730. Damon, Nancy. 373700. Roxana. 723080. Dan, David. 972900-202. 972900-307. Dana, Anderson. 493820. Anne K. 493823. Charles Backus. 493821. Francis. 555840. Hannah. 493824. 911266. Hannah Putnam. 555800. 555840. Israel Putnam. 555800. 555840. James. 934200. John Winchester. 555800. 555840. Samuel Whittelsey. 934201. 938960. 959820. Sylvester. 484006. 493820. 493822. Dane, Joseph. 494410. • Mary. 329020. 494300. Phebe. 4944 10. Danford, Sarah. 475208. Danforth, Clarence. 762801. Joseph. 500367. Sarah. 485410. Daniels, Charles W. 972751. Fannie May. 972751. Harriet. 494230. Jeremiah. 500242. Jeremiah Fisher. 500242. Sarah. 378120. Dare, Margaret. 969134. Ruth. 972750. Darling, Abigail. 938540. Thomas. 93S540. Thomas J. 286815. Dart, Gorham. 972900-8223. Julia. 972900-8221. Moses. 972873-5. 972900-8220. Davey, See. 948641. David, Enoch. 650146. Lewis. 620004. Mary. 620004. Davis, Abel. 966304. Abigail Watts. 378020. Albert. 969694. Alice. 498600. Alice M. 343300. Davis, Alpheus. 378020. Amy. 968782. Ann. 965702. 966100. Anna. 652700. Anna Cabot Mills. 926000. Anna S. 660000. Anna Shepard. 968180. Aquila. 378020. Augusta. 552005. Azariah Denham. 652823. Azel. 652102. Barzillai. 672702. 968501. Belford E. 96S744. Caleb Ayars. 968124. Rear Ad. Charles Henry. 926000. Cornelius. 969600. Cyrus Havard. 954940. Daniel. 926000. David. 498600. Dickason. 652501. Dorris A. 968702. Edward Marchal. 969774. Elijah. 651380. 966260. 966267. 966444. Eliza M. 972758. Elizabeth. 485020. Elnathan. 652503. 656100. 966560. 968240. 968880. Emma Ann. 968900. Eunice. 966105. Ezekiel. 652726. George L. 960456. Hannah. 968165. 968640. Hannah Ann. 969600. Hannah C. 656100. Isaac. 966444. James. 376985. 972900-6300. Jarman. 650161. Jeremiah B. 96S261. John. 376985. 954940. John B. 968902. John M. 968872. Jonathan. 650056. 650057. 965700. 969395- Josiah. 966267. Julia Ann. 966561. Juliette B. 759320. Juliette Butterfield. 378020. Laura Ann. 351260. Margaret. 968240. 968880. Mary. 655100. Matilda. 969600. Naomi. 966400. Nathaniel. 378020. Nellie E. 972759. Oscar E. 656104. 966570. Priscilla. 972900-6300. Index of Names. J073 Davis, Rachel. 96S820. Rebecca. 966260. Robert. 926000. Rosina. 724820. Ruth. 3769S6. Samuel. 652700. 652800. 966100. 966203, 968180. 969395. Samuel B. 652501. Sarah. 651380. 652800. 966100. 966280. 968740. Sarah Ellen. 972620. See. 724841. Susan. 656000. 656100. 966560. Thomas B. 969745. 972757. William. 652722. Zebediah. 65138S. Day, Abigail. 324620. 457020. Ann. 345005. Comfort. 4S3400. Daniel Van Horn. 984508. David Webster. 500334. George. 346647. Henrietta. 346647. Jacob. 345005. John. 340029. Martha J. 98450S. Robert 360008. See. 36000S. Sophia H. 346647. Stephen. 483400. Dawes, John Frye. 504001. 504101. Silas C. 348105. 498606. 504000. 504100. Dawson, Elizabeth H. 377780. Capt. Samuel. 377780. Deacon, John. 984720. Dean, Anna M. 372250. John. 338506. Lucinda C. 968000. Dearborn, Emily h- G. 376908. Col. Greenlief. 37690S. Gen Henry S. 376908. Pamela Augusta. 376908. Simon. 37690S. D'Autremont, Amelia. 972900-414. Decker, Isaac. 500327. Jemima. 500327. Mary. 500327. Decline, Euphemia. 286540. Leonard. 286529. DeHart, Abraham. 984830. John. 984830. DeKoven, Margaret. 960240. Deland, Abigail. 4945 1 1- George. 4945' i- Delaney, John. 969657. Delano, Worden. 379235. DeLeon, Addie M. 972900-6341. Demarius, Philip. 652741. Deming, Clarinda. 71 1500. Samuel. 93 100 1. Dempsey, Isabel. 378120. Joseph Work. 378120. Denike, Hester. 286800 Isaac. 286S00. Dennett, Charles. 402041. Dennis, George. 652822. James. 320000. Dennison, Daniel. 800106. George. 800.105. Hannah. 541 150. 800104. John. 320161. 541100. 541 150. 800100. 800103. 800107. Priscilla. 800108. Ruth. 541000. 80010 1. 800102. Denny, Eveline. 494526. Lizzie B. 969523. Timothy. 494526. DeNormandie, Mary. 358000. Depew, Anna. 287000. Chauncey M. 287000. Isaac. 287000. Depue, .\braham. 195700. Benjamin. 195700. 198404. 198600. 977770. David Ayres. 195701. 195800. 977771- '97«3oo. Eliza Stuart. 978301. Francis A. 978304. Moses. 198406. Moses Ayers. 978310. Nicholas. 195700. Sherrerd. 978302. Derby, Abigail. 185000. Cordelia. 185000. Reuben. 1S5000. DeRose, Ed%vard. 985573. Despa, Sarah. 370855. Deval, Malinda. 351141. Dewey, Abigail. 984940. Albert C. 984506. Rear Ad. George. 561400. Grace Eliza. 984506. Jabez. 984940. Lydia. 984507. Martha Louisa. 561000. Dewitt, Elizabeth. 975192. Dexter, Annie Rich. 910000. Dey, Catharine. 286300. John. 287201. Margaret. 287100. Dick, Arthur. 969565. 972630. Bessie. 972631. Grover. 972634. 2074 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Dick, Mary Edna. 972632. Walter H. 972633. Dickinson, Elizabeth Hall. 948100. Francis. 938042. Rev. Richard W. 948100. William. 655002. Dildine, Harmon. 340672. Diller, Henrietta. 786000. Dillingham, Frank Ayer. 984851. George Wellington. 9S4850. Disch, Phebe A. 985100. Doane, Mary. 356040. S. A. 196186. Dobbins, Micajah. 984715. Doble, John. 371424. Dodge, Daniel. 968875. John. 494232. Dole, Elvira. 761400. Jane. 731002. 731007. Dolliver, Dorena. 494363. Dolt, Rev. James. 494435. Dominy, Deborah. 985000. Nathaniel. 91 1520. 985000. Dolluff, Levi. 500385. Donaldson, Andrew. 600784. 605580. Ann. 605584. George E. 605582. Martha. 605583. - William E. 605581. Dorrance, Charles Johnson. 950926. Frederick Gordon. 950923. Frederick King. 955541- Dr. Gardiner. 946204. 950920. James Gardiner. 950925. Mary Elizabeth. 950922. Oliver Harrison. 950924. 955540. Dorrell, Amanda. 972545. Douglas, Amy V. 761 102. Annie. 956580. Benjamin C. 761 104. Elvira M. 761 103. George. 956580. George H. 761101. Henry C. 761 100. Winifred Marion. 761 105. Dow, Enoch H. 500222. Frederick Neal. 420301. 420320. Josiah. 420300. Levi. 500490. Mary M. 500490. Gen. Neal. 409020. 420300. Downer, Hannah B. 559000. Downes, Gershom. 404204. Downing, Elizabeth. 420445. Col. Lewis. 972900-8140. Mary. 402220. Palfrey. 494361. Downing, Temperance. 494361. Doyle, Rose M. 972785. Drake, Almeda. 985132. Anna E. 9S5136. Cassie J. 902100. Emma. 985137. Francis. 972900-700. George. 410001. George B. 985122. Harriet. 968008. 969510. Harry. 985134. Jacob. 198100. John. 371580. John S. 500202. Joseph. 9S5120. Mark L. 985121. Mary. 968800. 978260. Roxana. 985133. Samuel H. 985135. Sarah. 968400. Sarah Olcott Murdoch. 410001. Drakeley, Mary P. 754000. Dresser, Betsey. 500375. Phebe. 374600, Drew, Ada. 727020. Chesley. 975006. George R. 727025. Col. Ira T. 977201. Winborn A. 975007. Drown, John. 377915. Dudley, Joan. 975081. Ruth. 959100. William. 959100. Dunbar, Daniel. 949880. 949882. Edward Ely. 949881. Frederick. 949883. Harriet. 944000. Margaret Elizabeth. 949S84. Duncan, Samuel White. 972900-6242. Dunfield, William. 71 1962. Dunham, Abigail. 197500. Amy. 968500. Elizabeth. 651340. Jonathan. 966281. Keziah. 96S400. Martin. 966302. Prudence. 652710. Rebecca. 966560. See. 969516. 977621. Dunlap, Artemesia. 350400. 351060. Daniel. 494429. Dunn, Amy. 652040. 965500. Anna. 969160. George Ainsworth. 962050. Hugh. 652040. 966120. 969395. James. 966481. Joel A. 972900-7100. Index of Names. 2075 Dunn, John. 984740. John Ainsworth. 962052. Keziah. 652040. Lewis. 969642. Lewis Canimel. 972900-7100. Lovisa. 966120. Martin. 968407. R. B. 975084. Samuel. 969160. Walter G. 972900-7101. Winifred Warren. 962050. Durant, Amos. 494261. Sarah. 494261. Dusenbury, Nathan. 2S6S02. Durkee, Elizabeth. 546000. 975300. Dustan, See. 711501. Dustin, Benjamin Franklin. 972900- 100. Charles Edward. 972900-100. Nathaniel. 972900-1. 972900-ico. Thomas. 972900- ipo. Dutch, Hannah. 360100. Dutcher, Rev. Jacob Conkling. 171001. Mary. 176002. William. 176001. Dutso, George. 890000. Dutton, Hannah. 652800. Mary P. 754000. Nathaniel. 975306. See. 71C050. Thomas. 975306. Duval, Ridgeley. 633005. Severn Parker. 633005. Duyts, Catharine Jans. 286300. Dwinell, Charles H. 726004. Dwight, Col. Josiah. 959680. Sarah A. 196 125. Col. Walter. 196125. Eagan, William Constantine. 911571. Eames, Deacon. 494344. Johanna. 494344- Eares, Nathaniel. 391025. Earley, Hannah. 652380. Easter, Charles W. 761404. Mary A. 761403. Eastman, Abel Blanchard. 494082. Annette. 500242. Caroline. 500241. Ebenezer. 485040. Hannah. 494150. 724661. Harriet Stark. 500245. Jonathan. 494004. 500240. Lewis. 494201. Mary Lang. 500244. Philip. 485040. Roger. 485040. Eastman, Sarah. 975061. 4S5040. Sarah Chandler. 500243. Thomas. 977300. Easton, See. 185 146. Eaton, .\bigail. 711S00. David. 494234. Ebenezer. 972892. Elisha. 71 1805. James. 972892. James Webster. 972S94. John. 972892. Jonathan. 972892. Josiah. 972893. Mary. 725040. Thomas. 972892. Eayers, John. 391026. 391027. 39102S. Joseph. 391 186. 391 187. Peter. 3911SS. Samuel. 391 189. 391 190. Eayr, Samuel. 391 191. Eayre, John. 391195. 391196. Eayres, Henry. 39H93- 39ii94- T. W. 395225. Eayrs, Dewitt Clinton. 972900-6155. Henry. 391197. John. 391198. 391 199. 391200. 391201. 391202. Joseph. 391203. Marietta Foster. 972900-6154. IMarshall Perry. 982420. Norman Wilder. 982419. Onslow Scott. 972900-6151. Otis White. 972900-6152. Samuel. 391204. Thomas. 391205. William. 972900-6100. Winslow Phillips. 972900-6153. Ea3'rss, Henry. 391214. Ecitley, Jeffries. 916003. Thomas E. 916003. Eddy, Caleb F. 979050. Lillian. 979050. Edgerly, Dudley. 37S720. Edgerton, Jerusha. 710400. Joshua. 541 104. Edsall, John. 287860. Samuel. 287860. Edwards, Elisha. 961770. Elisha Jay. 961770. George W. 984592. Jonathan. 946404. 951040. 951041. Josiah. 961770. Susan. 610260. Eick, Lena. 340050. Eighmey, James Seward. 900S05. Eires, "Martha. 969140. Mary. 91 1233. 2076 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Ela, Daniel. 484100. 501380. George Washington. 494606. 501380. Israel. 484100. 501380. Jacob. 474006. 484100. 501380. John. 4S4100. 501380. Joseph. 484101. 494605. 501380. Richard. 501382. Robert Lane. 501381. See. 376971. Elbel, Cora. 972779. Elder, Charles. 356191. Edwin. 356192. Isaac. 351302. 356190. James Freeman. 972853. Newton. 356193. Samuel. 972853. Ellis, Dr. Benjamin. 544002. Rachel. 975203. Ellison, Sarah. 180054. 351520. EUmaker, Julia. 969280. Levi. 969280. Ellsworth, Annie Goodrich. 949722. Elizabeth Stoughton. 91 1570. Henry Leavitt. 945023. 945081. 949720. Henry William. 949721. 955400. Elmendorf, Leah. 287469. Martha. 286813. Elmer, Mary. 724088. Elting, Abraham. 287403. Anna Maria. 287404. 287423. James. 287405. John. 287401. 287420. 287421. 287422. Peter. 287400. 287402. 287460. 287461. Elwell, David. 652223. Rachel. 968850. Ely, Catharine Bliss. 943805. Clarissa Eunice. 943804. Dr. Elihu. 943802. 972854. Eliza Maria. 943802. Elizabeth. 945040. Henry. 93802 r. John. 945040. Mercy. 938080. Richard. 938024. 943S00. 943803. 972854- Robert Erskine. 972854. William. 943801. Emerson, Hannah. 972900-100. Henry L. 494231. Mary. 916500. Richard. 494298. Sarah. 494605. Susan. 554000. Emerson, Susannah. 494567. Emery, Abigail. 329040. Jane. 734000. Joseph. 329040. Mary. 348300. 494407- Richardson. 734000. Sally. 734000. See. 494253- Emlen, Caleb. 605703. Elizabeth. 605702. James Valentine. 605701. Mary. 605704. Dr. Samuel. 600901. 605700. Ennis, Mary. 473000. 985250. Enteman, George. 6550S5. Erb, Isaac. 734104. Erben, Adelaide. 610225-4. Rear Ad. Henry. 610225-4. Errington, Hannah. 360080. Erwin, Rebecca Daniel. 378150. Estabrook, Chauncy. 934963. Herman Landon. 946321. 951200. Hobart. 931609. 934960. 934962. 940200. 940220. 946300. 946800. Jerusha. 934964. 940220. Mary. 946800. Samuel. 934961. William Booth. 951201. Estes, John. 975083. Relief. 975166. Stephen. 975166. Eudley, Sarah Ann. 944000. Eustis, Charles William. 960406. Francis T. 960407. William T. 959768. 960405. Ev'ans, Asaph. 484049. Augustus. 500382. Elizabeth. 500350. George Frederick. 4 15001. 418000. John Colby. 500377. Mary. 418001. Samuel E. 500206. See. 340662. Eveleth, Hannah. 370200. 370860. Everett, William. 377900. Everitt, William. 972900-8075. Ewing, Abijah. 966525. Eyars, Samuel. 391206. Ever, Clarendon Bennett. 972839. E. H. 376863. 982480. Frederick. 972900-7223. Jane. 972838. Eyeres, Nicholas. 910342. Ej^ers, Edward G. 972900-7223. John. 391207. Jonathan. 391208. Dr. William L. 982481. In'dex of Names. 2077 Eyre, Abraham. 623017. Abraham P. 600S06. 605680. 984163. Alfred \V. 9841 S3. Amanda Dearing. 605004. Andrew. 972900-8060. Ann. 371006. 600012. 620002. 984163. 984695. Ann Maria. 600809. Anna. 600521. Anna Maria. 605647. Anne. 600109. 600765. 984710. Arthur. 605531. Benjamin. 371 107. 371305. 6001 11. 623000. 972900-8065. Benjamin B. 605307. 610450. 984164. 984184. Benjamin George. 60001 1. 600220. Benjamin J. 972900-7224. Bethia. 371 122. 371 172. 912002. Caleb. 984206. Caleb C. 984165. Caleb Cushing. 605001. Catharine. 371121. 371171. Charles. 605141. 605528. 623010. 984166. 984185. 984591. 984945. Charles A. 984008. Charles C. 984167. Charles E. 9S4168. 9S4186. Charles Edward. 600528. Charles Fred. 605648. Charles H. 610453. 984187. Clarence P. 984303. Clarissa. 6001 13, Christian. 371 105. Christopher. 623012. Colonel. 911672. David 623013. 984188. Deborah. 371424. Deborah A. 984189. Dorothy. 371 no. E. Stockton. 984192. Edward. 91 1674. 9S4169. Edward D. 984170. 984190. Edward E. 91 1876. Edward H. 984191. 984594. Edwin Stephens. 605681. Eliza. 600845. Eliza Ann. 600222. Eliza Ashburner. 605002. Eliza L. 600501. Elizabeth. 371201. 371203. 600010. 600106. 600524. 605643. 610236. 91 1520. 984605. 984670. Elizabeth G. 605309. Elizabeth Kay. 984593. Ellen. 600767. 605522. Eyre, Ellen Dale. 610225-22. Emily. 605142. 984592. Emma A. 605308. Enmia Louisa. 600527. Francis. 620005. Dr. Frank. 982482. 984060, Frank P. 982486. Franklin. 600159. 600804. 600840. 600843. 605640. 605644. 984193. 984194. 9S4208. Frederick. 9S4009. George. 372600. 391211. 600000. 600002. 600051. 600102. 600152. 600500. 600780. 600785. 605303. 605642. 9S4625. 984630. George B. 91 1873. George F. 984x71. 984195. George Francis Carpenter. 972840. George H. 984196. George L. 600503. 605000. 605003. George W. 610451. 610485. 911875. 984197. George Washington. 600S08. Gerald Dale. 610225-23. Grace T. 630502. Habbakuk. 984640. Hannah. 371423. 600009. 600056. 600105. 600154. 600157. 605301. 605306. 984610. 984715. 984720. Harriet. 6001 12. 600223. 600766. Harry G. 379049. Henry. 623014. 982488. 982489. 984172. 984189. 984198. Hetty. 600108. Hope. 984675. Horace. 610454. Hosea. 911522. 984600. Isaac. 371202. 623001. J. \V. H. 969327. Jacob. 623015. 91 1250. 984545. James. 972900-7225. James H. W. 984199. James Patrick Wilson. 600770. Jane. 620003. 969306. 982490. Jane W. 610452. Jehu. 600006. 600150. 600156. 600S00. 605683. 911180. 911251. 984200. John. 371112. 371120. 371170. 371173- 371303- 371360. 371361. 371370. 371371- 391209. 391210. 391 2 1 2. 600786. 605641. 623002. 611536. 911666. 911675. 911677. 9(2000. 9S2491. 984061. 9S4173. 984645. 984970. 985085. John Conelly. 600764. 2078 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Eyre, John G. 984201. John H. 984202. John P. 984174. 9S4203. John Penrose. 605649. John R. 9S4175. 984176. John W. 600802. Jonas. 621000. Jonathan. 371 109. 371304. 911523- Joseph. 378315. 391213. 984650. Joseph Kay. 600525. 605140. 984590. Joseph Nelson. 600771. Joshua Pusey. 621001. 622000. JuUet. 605682. Juliet Phillips. 600761. Kate. 605529. Katharine. 91 2001. 930000. Lewis. 623003. 984177. Lewis G. 984204. Liby. 605530. Lincoln Lear. 605533. 610228. 610229. Littleton. 984575. Louisa. 605537. Lydia. 600103. 600155. 600781. 623004. Lydia Virginia. 600846. Lydia W. 600601. 600807. 605304. Mahlon Dickinson. 600769. 605526. Manning K. 605535. 610232. Manuel. 600005. 600100. 6001 10. 600760. 600763. 600768. 605520. 605521. 610225-20. Manuel G. 984058. 984059. Manuel Gelach. 610225-21. Margaret. 631000. Maria. 371101. 371 in. 600522. Martha. 600008. 600788. 91 1234. 984615. 984680. Mary. 600007. 600101. 600158. 600762. 600784. 605523. 610490. 630503. 982492. 984206. 984660. 984685. Mary Ann. 600801. 605305. 610495. Mary Fennell. 600844. Mary Yard. 600810. Matilda. 600803. 605646. Maynard C. 982493. Nancy D. 984207. Nathan. 600052. 600520. 984635. Nathan W. 600602. 605300. Nathaniel. 91 1524. Percy J. 982485. Priscilla. 984620. Rachel. 984690. Eyre, Rebecca. 371 104. 98420S. 9S4700. 984705- Richard. 600153. 600782. 600S05. 600842. 605536. 605645. 610235. 623005. 62301 1. 911513. 982487. 982490. 984655. Richard Alsop. 600773. Robert. 620000. 620001. 623006. 630100. 630360. 930000. 984304. 984570. Robert W. 605302. 610480. Rvidolph. 623019. Samuel. 600001. 600004. 600050. 600104. 600502. 623007. 984178. 984209. Samuel Benjamin. 600055.600600. Samuel George. 600526. Sarah. 371 108. 600003. 600107. 600151. 911518. 984665. Saville. 371401. 371422. Severn. 630250. 630320. 630340. 982418. 984580. Simon. 371100. 371 103. 371150. 371151. 371200. 371201. 371300. 371301. 371350. 371351- 930000. Solomon. 391214. Sophia. 623016. Susan HoUingshead. 600783. Thomas. 371102. 371302. 371400. 371402. 371420. 371421. 623008. 630000. 91 1678. 91 1890. 984207. 98491 1. 984920. Thomas Boyle. 600221. Virginia. 600772. 605527. 610230. W. F. 984540. William. 391404. 620004. 623009. 630200. 630400. 91 1258. 982484. 984179. 984180. 984210. 98421 1. 984305. 984306. William C. 982494. 984010. William D. 9 11 874. William G. 984181. William H. 984212. 984213. William Henry. 600841. William Littleton. 630501. William P. 982483. William Thomas. 911262. William W. 984182. Wilson. 600770. 605532. 605534. 610231. Wilson Lear. 610233. Fagan, Hannah M. 972735. Fairbank, Nathaniel Kellogg. 985541. Fanning, Hope. 911310. Fargo, Lydia. 770100. Farley, See. 4941 15. Farlinger, Anna Eliza. 791000. ► Index of Names. 2079 Farlinger, Nelson. 791000. Farmer, Agnes. 6008S2 Benjamin. 4943S3. Mary. 600883." Samuel Fennimore. 6008S0. Sarah. 600881. Susan. 600884. Thomas. 600885. Farnham, Abiah. 91 1200. Rebecca. 972890. Farnsworth, Addie. 730002. Charles. 711106. Daniel. 71 1922. 730000. George Shattuck. 343202. 348200. Lucy Ann. 972900-100. Lucy M. 730001. Verona. 730003. Virginia Harris. 348201. Farnum, Abigail. 339000. Eliab. 339000. Elizabeth. 324020. Ephraim. 494000. John. 324062. 329070. 329072. Judith. 494040. Lucinda. 494150. Martha. 500340. Naomi. 346000. 494000. 494040. Nathan. 329071. Ralph. 494000. Stephen. 500340. Tabitha. 324000. 500430. Tinioth}'. 949512. 501200. Thomas. 324000. 500430. Farrar, Lucy. 555000. Farrington, Abigail. 500377. Betsey. 500379. Chandler Josephus. 500388. Daniel. 494020. 494022. Daphne Chandler. 500385. Hannah. 494020. Henry S. 494192. James Webster. 500378. Jonathan S. 494202. Martha. 500382. Mary Ann Wyley. 500384. Miranda Gannett. 500387. Moses Chandler. 500380. Nathan Chandler. 500376. Phebe. 1S0070. 346680. Sally. 494022. Samuel. 500375. Stephen. 494029. 500383. Susan Harriet. 500386. Faunce, Rebecca. 605640. Fearing, Alice May. 972900-6664. Eugene Foster. 972900-6662. Freddie Atwood. 972900-6663. Fearing, Henry Winthrop. 972900- 6667. Jennie Washington. 972900-6665. Nettie Foster. 972900-6666. Sarah Cady. 972900-6661. Washington Irving. 972900-6660. Felch, See. 703012. Fellows, Abigail. 360060. 830100. Miriam B. 500255. Nathaniel. 365940. 420640. Sarah. 494175. William. 360060. Felton, Joseph. 875015. Mary. 875015. Fennell, Eliza. 600840. Fennimore, Sainuel. 600201. Fenton, Asa. 727901. Fen wick, James. 969395. Ferrall, Eliza. 914402. Fessenden, Enmia. 972900-5321. Field, Cutler. 960453. Isaac N. 176002. Files, Temperance. 975061. Fillmore, Brunetta. 975327. Comfort. 975327. Fincher. Hattie Belle. 757500. 977543. Luman Wadsworth. 757500. Fiscus. W. S. 972900-5502. Fish, E. Caroline. 984865. See. 1 96 1 83. Fisher, Eliza Ellen. 345500. 37S265. Ellen Drake. 378061. Ephraim. 969525. Hendrick. 345500. 378265. William Bishop. 378041. 378060. Fisk, Rev. Asa. 945721. Fiske. Hepzibah. 494388. Phebe. 485140. Fitch, Elizabeth. 721000. Theodore. 955473- 958520. Flaherty, Elizabeth. 195060. 892000. Flanders, Abiel Chandler. 494175. Abigail. 494178". Abner. 485041. 4941 10. 4941 17. Anna. 494 181. Aphia. 494120. Charles. 494 11 2. Christopher Page. 4941 16. Daniel. 494131. Ebenezer. 494I3.V 494135- 494174- Elizabeth. 494180. Hannah. 494132. Jacob. 494136. 494138- John. 494135. Lydia. 494137- Martha. 494176. Mary. 494111. 494I40- 494182. 2o8o Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Flanders, Moses. 494172. Nancy. 4941 18. Nathan. 494ii4- Oliver. 485046. 494 170- 494179- Origen. 494ii9- Orilla. 4941 82. Peter. 494171- Richard. 485043- 494I30. 494173- Samuel Wood. 4941 15. Sarah. 4941 13- 494139- Susan. 494177. Flaring, Tenas. 600781. Fletcher, Josiah. 49448 1. Flint, Aldis E. 760483. Amos. 490001. 495000. Daniel. 480001. 490000. Francis E. 729183. 760480. Helen Avis. 760482. Herbert Ayer. 760481. Rear Ad. James Milton. 495001. 500000. See. 724524- Floyd, Anne. 630500. John Kendall. 630500. Richard. 961730. Floyd-Jones, David Richard. 961730. Gen. Thomas. 961730. William. 961730. William Chauncey. 961730. Fobes, Caroline. 555400. ' Fogg, Isaac. 655001. Folsom, Abigail. 972892. 972894. Folwell, Elizabeth. 600050. Fonda, Celtina. 972900-2500. Foote, Rebecca. 959400. Forbes, Caroline C. 972900-6821. Clarissa N. 972900-6822. Edmund Cushing. 972900-6826. Eli. 972900-6S25. Frank C. 972900-6824. Franklin. 972900-6728. 972900- 6820. James C. 972900-6823. Mary. 780600. William. 386303. Ford, Abigail. 930160. Captain. 726006. Emily Ellsworth. 950125. Gordon Leicester. 945703. 950120. 95012 1. Mary Dennison. 969350. Paul Leicester. 950124. 955840. Rosalie Greenleaf. 950123. Worthington Chauncey. 950122. 955800. Foster, Charles. 727904. Daniel. 485260. 494520. 494523- Foster, Dorcas. 48521 1. 494320. Francis. 494524. George. 494525- Harriet. 494526. John. 370330. 370858. Louisa. 787001. Lum. 33341 1- Mary. 494521. Mehitable. 493800. Obadiah. 475124. 485210. 494320. Sallie. 972503. Sarah. 494522. See. 735002. Fotteral, Catharine L. 605103. Elizabeth K. 605102. - Emma A. 605105. Marian C. 605101. Sarah. 605104. Stephen B. 605106. William E. 600523. 605100. Foi:lke. Elizabeth. 610193. Fountain, Jotham. 286540. Fowler, Catharine Worthington. 938702. Charles Chauncey. 945701. Emily Ellsworth. 945703. Grace Roosevelt. 950102. Lucinda. 500227. Reuben Rose. 933903. 938700. William Chauncey. 945700. 950101. William Worthington. 945702. 949983. 950100. Fox, Catharine. 938068. Harriet. 493950. Francis, John. 373520. Mary. 373520. Thomas. 65015 1. Franklin, David. 370502. 370853. John. 651202. See. 724561. Frazee, Joseph. 333202. Frazer, Prof. John Fries. 610220. Sarah. 610220. Frazier, Anne. 605382. Helena Carroll. 610171. Louisa Ellena. 605383. Nalbro. 600685. 605380. 610170. Freeman, Charlotte. 164500. 334200. Jeremiah. 334202. Laura. 356221. Mary B. 334207. Matthew. 164500. French, Benjamin W. 610145. Charles. 610147. George Clough. 494418. Horace G. 610142. Index of Names. 2081 French, Howard. 610144. Joseph. 605262. 610140. Linda. 610143. Lydia Eyre. 610141. Rebecca. 610148. Samuel F. 610146. Sarah. 605220. Frink, Darius. 724260. Margaretta. 552001. Margaretta Stanton. 557000. Polly. 710180. Ruby. 724260. Frost, Mary. 365920. 420565. Fry, Samuel. 320133. Frye, Abiah. 324004. 324049. Abiel. 329040. 329042. 343101. Abigail. 329041. 329044. Addie F. 348105. Adeline. 498606. 504100. Albert. 49S603. Dr. Albert S. 348104. Alford. 329024. Alice. 504002. 510020. Alice Clifford. 504002. Amos. 500807. Anne. 324006. 324010. Benjamin. 321059. Bethia. 324047. 329500. Caleb. 500432. Caroline. 492505. Caroline Johnson. 343201. Charles F. 343100. Cordelia Chadwick. 343202. Daniel. 324069. David. 324025. Dean. 3394oi. 3433oo- 492500. Deborah. 321057. 324027. Dewitt Clinton. 343102. Dorcas. 329004. Dorothy. 329003. Ebenezer. 321055. 324020. 324024. Elizabeth. 324022. Emme Spear. 504003. Fanny. 500809. Frederick. 494048. 500430. 500433- Gates Ford. 500809. Hannah. 321054. 324013. 324029. 324046. 329005. 329066. 329400. 329420. 329440. 348600. 460000. 472508. Helen. 354001. 498607. 510000. Helen Elizabeth. 504001. Huldah. 329006. Isaac. 324002. 329000. 329046. James. 324067. 329020. 500243. Jedediali. 972889. 972S90. Frye, John. 324000. 324001. 32401 i. 324026. 324070. 329027. 482004. 498605. 500430. 97288S. John Hancock. 339021. 343200. John March. 339401. 343300. 343301. 348100. 492501. 49S600. Jonathan. 324028. 329021. Joseph. 324008. 324021. 329060. 329061. 329066. 339400. 343200. 345303. 472500. 472501. 472506. 482000. 482001. 492507. 500430. Joshua. 324003. 329020. 329022. 329025. 329026. Love. 329080. Lucy. 485 1 87. Lydia. 324044. Martha. 329002. 500431. Mary. 321052. 324023. 348102. 354100. 4S2001. 492506. 49S601. Mary D. 348101. Mehitable. 324005. 329063. 329064. 329065. 339602. 343200. 472503. 472504. 472505. 4^2002. Merritt Harmon. 343103. Nanc)-. 482005. Naomi. 329001. Nathan. 321056. 324040. 324042. 324048. 329070. Nathaniel. 32 11 20-9. 339600. 343200. 472510. 500430. Orren. 50080S. Peter. 324063. 3290S0. Peter Pickman. 483520. Phebe. 321053. 324007. 324043. 329300. Phebe Russell. 343104. Phineas. 329023. Priscilla. 324046. Richard. 329069. 472509. Robert. 500430. Samuel. 321050. 321051. 32105S. 324009. 324060. 324061. 324066. 329062. 329071. 472502. 472511- 500430. 500806. 9728S8. Sarah. 324041. 324062. 329020. 329045. 482006. 492503. 498604. Sarah C. 348103. Simon. 329043. 339020. Sophia. 482009. Susannah. 324065. Tabitha. 324012. 329007. 329067. 472507- Tlieophilus. 494269. 500805. * Timotliy. 324068. 972888. William. 4S2008. William Pierce. 343300. 3433oi. 348102. 354000. 498602. 504000. 2082 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. P'rye, William R. 343302. 492504. 498602. 504000. Fulkerson, Lorana. 754000. Fuller, Elizabeth. 610193. Lydia. 494448- Mary. 370030. Mary (Jackson). 377300. Furber, Abigail. 494173. Leah. 400520. Nehemiah. 420490. Furbish, Sarah. 409020. Gage, Benjamin Franklin. 500258. Calvin. 500253. Henry Phelps. 782001. Hiram. 500251. Isaac K. 500285. John Chandler. 500254. Luther. 500252. 500256. Marian. 984875. Marion Maloon. 500257. Mary. 724860. Richard. 494005. 500250. 500260. Prof. Simon Henry. 753001. 782000. Gager, John. 724203. Oliver Ayer. 724202. 756800. Othneil. 552000. 710J82. 724200. Rebekah Judd. 724201. Gaillard, Charles Bell Gibson. 610225- 4- Dr. Edwin Samuel. 605511. 610225-1. Edwin W. 610225-2. Ellen Eyre. 610225-3. Frank. 610225-7. Marion. 610225-6. William Dawson. 610225-5. Gale, Agnes Louisa. 759932. Alfred. 724123. 756420. Dr. Amos Oilman. 348520. 372001. 372020. 493922. Charles John. 728062. 759930. Charlotte Jo3-ce. 759936. Edith Katharine. 759934. Elizabeth (W'orthington). 933900. Ethel Maud. 759933. Gladys Mary. 759937. Harriet Ayer. 91 03 16. Lavina Jane. 759931. Margaret Pearl. 759935. Col. Samuel. 933900. Gallier, James. 500335. Ruth P. 500335. Gannett, Henry. 348301. 503000. 503920. Ganesvoort, Sarah. 972900-7380. Gardenier, Sarah. 286500. Gardiner, John. 959320. Mary (Adams). 933060. Sarah. 959320. Gardner, Augustus Peabody. 926002. Garfield, Moses. 376950. Garland, Sarah. 420361. Garner, Dr. 374701. Garrison, Hannah. 966520. Stephen. 651284. Garton, Alice Jennie. 972737. Garwood, Sarah. 984655. Gaskill, Chester Albert. 972740. Ethel. 972741. Samuel. 93 14 10. Henry C. 969721. 972741. Gates, Rev. Lorin Samuel. 982120. Gault. William. 494572. Gay, Mehitable. 71 1800. George, David Bailey. 494274. Mary. 374040. Germaine, Andrew J. 9S5320. Charlotte Wharton. 71 1800. 985320. Gerrish, Enoch. 494012. Joanna. 937000. Joseph. 494013. 500300. Judith. 500301. Lucy. 500302. Mary. 500303. Nathaniel Chandler. 500304. Getchell, Dorcas. 377610. Elsie M. 761 121. Emma L. 761 121. Herbert H. 761 122. Martha L. 761 124. Orin A. 730046. 761 120. Geyer, Von Anna McLean. 918000. Gibbons, William R. 978260. Gibson, Anne. 605512. Dr. Charles Bell. 600767. 605510. Mary Eyre. 605511. Gilbert, Catharine Cozins. 287801. Garrett. 287800. Susannah. 933880. 959590. Gildear, John B. 972529. Gillen, John. 652461. Gillispie, David. 348001. Gillett, Elizabeth^\. 1 85 180. 351500. John. 351500. Mary. 351500. Oilman, Judge Allen. 376908. Caleb. 71 1907. David B. 972775. Edward. 969763. 972774. Hannah. 71 1905. Dr. J. B. 780000. Lydia. 972900-6200. Index of Names. 20S3 Oilman, Pamela S. 376908. Rhandena. 7S0000. Susannah. 651280. 965300. Ginnings, Mary. Sooooo. Given, Hugh. 754041. Gladding, Joshua. 91 1227. Glaspey, Arthur Grant. 972693. 972S30. Bertha. 972692. Ethel. 972694. Henry M. 968265. Lewis Franklin. 96961 1. 972690. Margaret. 972832. Mary (Bonhani). 972828. Metta. 972829. Roy Bonliam. 972831. Wardner R. 972691. 972828. Gleason, .\lice. 762883. Charles. 762881. Clifton. 762S82. James H. 734125. 762880. Glidden, Carlos. 726101. Ellen. 726103. Noah. 71TO82. Schuyler. 711 104. 726100. Sophia. 726102. Glover, Ira Frank. 730241. Janet. 730242. William R. 711932. 730240. Goddard, Agnes Louise. 732205. Hannah P. 494152. Hezekiah. 972900-5950. Hezekiah W. 972900-5950. Matilda. 494033- Godefoy, Alexandrine Louise. 954220. Gabriel. 954220. Jacquess. 954220. Pierre. 954220. Godfrey, Dr. E. L. B. 750004. 780020. Wayland. 780021. Goff, John B. 91 1 190. Gold, Hannah. 361020. Martha. 975360. Golden, Jane. 984935- Goldney. Ann. 931360. Goldsm'ith, Anna. 185102. David. 180024. 1 85 1 00. 346625. 351220. Fanny. 500321. Frank H. 185101. George S 35' 222. Herman C. Schuyler. 351 221. William G. 351420. Gooch, Elizabeth. 756000. Goodale, Anna. 362000. John. 362000. Robert. 362000. Solomon. 362000. Goodale, Zecheriah. 362000. Goodall, E. K. 726021. Goodell, Rev. Ira. 762001. Walter. 733001. 762000. Goodfellow, See. 972900-5201. Goodhue, Julia E. 377961. Norman Henry. 377961. Samuel. 377946. 37795°. Sarali Chandler. 985060. WilHani Thomas. 377951. 377960. Goodrich, Abigail. 945043. Rev. Alfred Bailey. 961745. Alice Lee. 949903. Amelia B. 93S640. Arabella U. 949874. Bertha Shaf ter. 95847 1 . Caspar. 962003. Capt. Caspar Frederick. 962000. Catharine. 938507. 945046- Catharine C. 949875. Charles Augustus. 938505. 945044- 949870. Charles C. 949873. Chauncey. 938501. 945000. 949902. 955300. 958472. Chauncey Allen. 945022. 949700. 949701. Chauncey E. 960540. Rev. Chauncey Enoch. 961750. Chauncey William. 962030. David Parsons. 955201. Edward Elizur. 955301. 958470. , Eleanor. 962001. Elihu Chauncey. 93S504. 945060. Elizabeth. 945042. Elizabeth Ely. 95''^473- Elizur. 933802. 938500. 93S502. 945020. 945021. 949680. 984905. Emily L. 949905- Frances Juliana Webster. 958474. Frank Boot. 949901. Frederick Augustus. 949847. Frederick Elizur. 9496S1. 955200. Garnet Wolseley. 962004. Rev. George Dickinson. 961735, Gladys. 962005. Harold Beach. 955202. 95S450. James. 962000. John Ellsworth. 961740. Mary A. Wolcott. 945047- Mary W. 949904- Milnor. 962002. Nancy. 945023. Nathan. 93S506. Sally (Emery). 734000. Sam'uel. 938503- 945o4o. 972900- 2600. Samuel G. 949876. 2084 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 945046. 949900. Sarah U. 949872. Sarah Worthington. 945041. Sophia U. 949871. Theodora CaroUne. 955203. Valentine. 734000. William. 962000. William Henry. 949702. 955320. Goodwin, George. 985215. 985217. Gideon. 9S5210. Mary. 492500. Sally. 376925. 494045. Sarah. 985216. See. 703013. Gordon, James M. 494060. Margaret. 500330. Mary. 600201. W^illiam. 600008. 600200. 984680. Gorham, Antis Ross. 911271. Elnathan. 91 1270. 972860. Noyes. 911272. See. 91 1269. Goshen, See. 60088 r. Goss, See. 703014. Gould, David Bradford. 494426. Geoyette Beatrice. 984900. Helen. 286524. Stephen. 49444S. Timothy. 494448. Gove, David. 494226. Graham, Aaron. 494146. Abiel. 494147. Abiel C. 494153- Abigail. 934808. 934810. Adaline. 956304. Amelia. 956301. Andrew. 934804. 939360. 946001. 956S60. 956865. Anna. 956303. Asa. 475082. 4S5270. 494126. 494151. Augustus. 950754. Azubah. 475082. 485270. 494126. Chauncey. 934803. 939340. 959840. 972900-7340. Clinton. 950753. David. 950480. Edward Chauncey. 985405. 9S5560. Edith. 985702. Elizabeth. 934805. 946005. 972900- 7340. Frederick. 946002. George. 485270. 494126. 494I50. Harold. 985501. Harriet. 946007. Graham, Helen Livingston. 946041. 985541. Henry. 946003. 950600. Henry Beekman. 985542. 985700. 985701. Henry Montrose. 985403. 985520. Isaac Gilbert. 939361. 946000. 946004. James Lorimer. 950752. 956500. 985401. 985502. 985521. Jane Louisa. 9S5407. Jane Maria. 972900-7380. John. 931603. 934S00. 93480J. 939300. John A. 985404. John Andrew. 939362. 946040. 985540. John Augustus. 939301. JohnC. 494153- John Hodges. 946042. 950700. John Lorimer. 946043. 950750. John Requa. 950601. 956300. Joshua. 485044. 494145- 494152. Louise. 985561. Love. 2S7865. 934806. 960530. Malcolm. 950755- 956580.956582. 956584. 958720. Martha. 946006. Mary. 950480. Mary A. 985406. Maud. 985703. Nancy. 49414S. Nathan Beers. 939363. 946080. 9460S1. 985400. 985402. 9S5500. Richard Crouch. 934809. 959860. Robert. 934802. Robert M. C. 985501. Robert Orlando. 956583. 958700. Robert Taylor. 956S65. Sarah. 494149. Susan M. 950S01. 985408. Theodore. 960521. Theodore VanWyck. 959841. 960520. 972900-7380. VanWyck. 960522. Wallace. 985543. Grant, Charles. 494362. Hannah B. 494385. Mary. 494373- Gray, Alice Elizabeth. 969173. Prof. Alonzo. 916506. 921300. 969152. 969172. Mary. 494379- William Holden. 961225. Greeley, Nathaniel. 494163. Gregg, Chauncey P. 180071. Sarah. 351580. Index of Names. 2085 Oregon-, Emily Worthington. 972900- 2600. Martha S. 373700. Mary. 354000. Uriah. 373700. Green, Abigail. 484044. 484045. Alanson. 379230. 734102. Amos. 675000. Anna. 4S4049. Benjamin. 675000. Charles Rufus. 484051. Charlotte Eloise. 561040. Clarissa D wight. 484052. Cynthia. 758040. Edward. 500363. Eliza. 484050. Eva. 724662. Florence. 675000. Florence E. 969618. Frederick. 379234- Dr. George Barrett. 561040. Gertrude. 782601. Helen M. 379235- Joseph. 940404. 946660. Lucy. 379231. Mark. 948601. Martha. 484041. Mary. 484045. Matilda A. 379236. Minnie. 752021. Myron. 379232. Oscar. 379233- Peter. 47400S. 484040. 484042. 493920. Rebecca. 946200. Ruth Ayer. 484052. Samuel. 484043. Sarah. 91 1265. 946661. Thomas. 484046. William. 484047. 493S90. Greene, Ann Lloyd. 91 8001. Anna Llo3-d. 924000. Anne. 921000. Gardiner. 924000. William Parkinson. 924000. Greenleaf, Benjamin. 733302. 937020, Charles C. 948901. Elizabeth. 937021. Elizabeth C. 948904. Francis William. 948902. Hannah. 937025. Jane. 937026. John. 937022. 943220. 943221. 948900. John Clement. 948903. Mary. 937024. Sarah. 937023. Greenleaf, Sarah Parks. 948905. Thomas. 943220. Greenslit, Queeiiie J. M. 790801. Greenwood, Abigail. 977540. Addie. 961 211. Rev. .\lfred. 920002. Rev. Francis William Pitt. 920001. Lsaac. 977540. Jane Weaver Ross. 916407. Dr. John. 916407. 977540. Josiah. 977540. Moses. 660422. 961210. Moses Merritt. 961210. Nathaniel. 977540. Thomas. 977540. Dr. William P. 916402. 920000. Grey, See. 758522. Gridley, Caleb Lewis. 374506. 374780. Cora Bell. 374781. Freddie Lyman. 374784. Hattie Bell. 374783. Louis Caleb. 374785. Warren Erastus. 374782. Griffin, Harriet Ann. 975189. Jonathan. 494521. Joshua. 494412. Rebecca W. 500364. Griffis, Clarence Hess. 605327. Elizabeth Eyre. 600621. John. 600056. 600620. John Elliott. 610163. John Limeburner. 600621. 605320. 605321. Lillian Eyre. 610161. Margaret Clark. 605321. Martha Chambers. 605323. Mary Bosler. 605325. Montgomery Clark. 605322. Stanton. 610162. William Elliot. 605324. 610160. Griffith, Anne. 605482. Caleb. 3601 21. 361200. 361 201. Edward. 361202. Ellen. 610194. Oershom. 361204. Joshua. 361203. Manuel Eyre. 605483. 610 190. Mary. 610191. Robert. 605481. Robert P^gglesfield. 610193. 600762. 605480. 610193. See. 911301. Griggs, Ben. 37152 1- E. D. 555344- Grinnell, Rev. Josiah B. 972900-5854. Moses Hicks. 286540. Griswold, Anne. 959725. 2o86 Ayer, Ayres, Avars and Eyre. Griswold, Howard. 494071. Lois. 561500. Mary. 933800. Samuel. 933S00. Groendyke, Asa Taft. 948300. Fidelia. 948300. Groff, Sarah. 956300. Groome, Annie Allen. 961 130. Gross, Susan. 325203. Grout, Aaron Hinman. 759001. Addie L 759102. Charles T. 759101. Elijah. 726000. George. 726002. James A. 726007. Dr. John. 726000. Josiah. 711101. 726000. 759000. Theophilus. 726000. 726008. 759100. Victoria. 726005. William Wallace. 726003. 759050. Grover, Samuel Scott. 946806. Groyer, Ellen V. S. 346007. Grunnell, Sarah McKay. 600981. See. 600241. 600980. Guernsey, Charles Whittelsey. 961060. Lemuel. 933804. 96ro6o. Gue.st, William. 984755. Guile, Hannah. 724100. Phebe. 724000. Gurney, Alice Marcia. 500357. Marcus R. 500357. Gutterson, Lucy. 972900-6150. Simeon. 494281. Hackett, Sarah. 500230. Hafer, Andrew. 969373. Hague, Lawrence. 949401. Haines, Aaron. 984710. Anna. 972536. Bournt. 972535. Enoch. 984620. Ephraim. 972534. George. 972533. John. 984615. Nathan. 972531. Thomas. 972532. S. Wilkins. 969506. 972530. Hale, Elizabeth. 377630. James C. 286540. John. 377630- Rev. Moses. 377630. Capt. Nathan. 544247. Thomas. 377630. Hall, Benjamin. 404225. 931583. 940500. 954940. C. B. 356201. Caleb Shepard. 968263. Hall, Charles Harris. 954201. 95S000. Charles Samuel. 948401. 954200. Chauncey. 931583. Damaris. 959525. Daniel. 984930. Edmund Fanning. 940502. Elisha. 931482. Prof. Edward Winslow. 984930. Edwin A. 790800. Edwin H. 770103. Elihu. 959520. 959526. 959530- Elizabeth Boardman. 954940. Emma. 959529. Esther. 370863. Eunice. 959527. Fairfax. 956801. Frank Louis. 790801. Georgiana. 752040. Hannah. 966540. Harriet. 652729. Hatevil. 401063. 404240. 404241. 409020. 420200. 984930. Hezekiah. 959522. Isaac. 404224. Jacob. 968500. James. 404222. Jedediah. 966004. John. 400164. 401060. 401061. 404200. 404201. 404221. 409000. 959524. 959560. 984930. Jonathan. 404223. Joseph. 404203. 404227. Levi. 966520. Lewis. 96S006. 969646. Lois. 959521. Lucy. 959528- Lydia. 196930. Nathaniel. 401064. 404260. Nicholas Street. 959524. Pamelia. 722000. Parthenia (Stretch.) 966520. Phebe (Thomas.) 968500. Ralph. 401062. 404220. 404226. Samuel. 333403. Samuel Holden Parsons. 946682. 948400. 954202. Sarah. 404204. See. 33851 1. Susannah. 959560. Theodore Parsons. 94S402. 954220. Thomas. 404202. William Brenton. 940501. 946680. 94668 r. 954940. Winslow. 984930. Hallam, Edward. 348080. Mary Dabney. 348080. Index of Names. 2087 Halleft, Gideon. 196930. Phila Ann. 196930. 727040. Hallock, Henry J. 2S6816. Halsey, Sally Ayres. 972900-5950. Halsie, Elizabeth. 370320. 370868. Ham, Dr. Levi Jefferson. 975201. Hamlin, Abigail. 933863. 959422: Barnabas. 975325- Jabez. 931464. 933860. 933861. 959420. 959421. Margaret. 933862. 959421. vSally. 975325. Hammond, See. 494473. Hampton, Wade. 19509 1. 89 1000. Hanaford, Franklin. 4941 18. John. 4941 18. Hanalev, Albert. 605527. 610226-5. Hance, James M. 979020. Mary R. 979020. Hancher, Rev. A. Denver Rankin. 96121 I. Hancock, Meredith Thurston. 377540. Hand, Catharine Chauncey. 945724. Charles Fowler. 945723. 950220. Chauncey Meigs. 94.5722. 950200. Elizabeth Worthington. 945721. Joseph Winborn. 93S702. 945720. Mary Joanna. 945726. Mary Meigs. 945725. Hann, Elizabeth. 652520. Margaret. 345006. William. 345006. Hanson, Anna. 494244. Hardesty, Jane. 972900-5340. Harding, Eunice M. 984930. Harriet M. 977624. Hardy, Susan. 494185. Hardman, George. 972566. Hargreaves, Lister. 675000. Harley, David T. 969550. Harnden, Almira. 729180. Harriman, .A.mos. 494200. Mary. 494200. 71 1900. Harris, Alexander. 652523. Arnold. 954200. Clarissa. 493890. D. 600707. Henry. 756101. James. 374560. 724101. 756100. Jasper. 770101. Joseph. 968004. Joseph vS. 770101. Margaret. 374560. Mary. 500408. Mary A. 948625. 958200. Marv R. 954200. Phebe. 96S889. Harris, Rudolph. 655041. Sarah Harper. 374560. See. 969395. Susan. 185025. 351020. Rev. Dr. Walter. 493890. William A. 978357. Harrington, See. 972900-6701. Harrison, George F. 605541. Hannah Eliza. 605544. Capt. Henry. 600781. 605540. Henry Leach. 605545. Martha Ann. 605542. Olive. 946200. Richard M. 605543. 610260. Hart, Rev. John. 972900-5800. Mary. 931360. Rebecca. 972900-5800. Hartshorn, Abigail. 540100. 974507. Dolly. 724240. Edna. 710120. Eli. 724280. George Sumner. 7 10 186. 724280. Martha. 975310. Mary Jane. 724282. Samuel George. 72428r. Harvey, Asenalh. 946320. Daniel A. 72S023. F. J. 977838. Harville, Maria E. 500208. Harwood, Benjamin. 934943. Fanny. 484043. Nancy. 9S5090. Hastings, Abigail. 933060. Haven, C. C. 916002. Charles Chauncey. 916002. Elizabeth. 972762. Haviland, .-Vnna. 724000. Hawkins, Polly. 91 1269. 972S61. 972900-5000. Hawley, Eliza Almira. 961260. Grace Iiigersoll. 955470. Hay, Dr. John. 494510. Hayden, Abby IL 555340. Daniel. 555340- Hayes, Henry M. 949501. 954960. 954961. Joel. 938022. 943780. 943782. 961620. John B. 954962. Nancy. 348030. Oliver Bli.ss. 943781. 949500. 961620. Peter. 400604. Roswell P. 943783. Haynes, .\da Helen. 762951. Betsey. 975325- David. 376980. 2o88 Ayer, Ayres. Ayars and Eyre. Haynes, Flora Ayer. 762955. Irving Samuel. 762954. Joseph. 376980. Joseph Howard. 762953. Mary Frances. 762952. Phebe Ayer. 91033S. Rebecca (Green). 946200. Dr. Samuel. 734202. 762950. Hayward, See. 494523. Hazeltine, Abigail. 703300. Abraham. 494042. Mehitable. 494042. Tryphena. 972900-1. 972900-100. Hazen, Alice. 541304. 974506. Allen. 551301. 555800. 555S41. 561001. 561080. 561162. Andrew. 710054. 975304- 975325- Ann. 329200. Anna Putnam. 561002. Anne. 975310. Asa. 546052. 551300. 551304- 972900-7290. Asenath. 97531 1. Austin. 551302. 555840. 555844. 561 160. 561161. Azel Washburn. 555S46. 561240. Carleton. 561 163. , Charles Dana. 555801. 561000. 561004. Charles Downer. 561 501. Charles Herbert. 982150. Charlotte. 561043. Dan. 710052. Daniel. 546054. Edward. 329200. 377650. Eliza. 493840. Elizabeth. 548000. 710058. 710600. 975309- Emily. 561042. Frances A. 982120. Frances M. 982 11 9. Hannah. 475200. 541306. 974504- 975303- Henry Allen. 555802. 561040. 561082. John McLean. 561401. Joseph. 541302. 546000. 548000. 710050. 710055. 974502. 975300. 975301. Joshua. 546051. 551200. 975305- Levi. 975327- Lois. 975322. Louisa Coleman. 561003. Lucius. 551305- Lucius Dow^ner. 555901. 561500. Lucius Randolph. 555842. 555900. 561 120. Hazen, Marcy. 975305. Martha. 377650. 540102. 541305- 974507- Mary. 546001. 561041. 710057. 975307- 975308. Mary A. 9821 18. Mere}-. 551200. Moses. 541307. 546100. 974505. 975320. Nathan. 542005. 810500. 975321. Nehemiah. 975302. Noah Bartholomew. 982160. Rev. Norman. 982140. Persis. 975330- Richard. 329200. 475200. 561005. Ruth. 975324- 975326. Sarah. 541301. 800000. 974501. 975306. 975329- See. 710050. Simeon. 975328. Solomon. 546055. 71 0051. Sophia. 555843- Thomas. 377650. 538502. 541300. 541303. 546050. 546056. 710053. Suoooo. 801000. 974500. 974503. 975306. Tracy. 979000. Tracy E. 979001. Uriah. 710056. William Babcock. 555881. 561400. William Nelson. 982170. William Oliver. 561081. William P. 982130. William Skinner. 555S46. 561200. Heath, Chandler G. 494161. George Warren. 561040. Martha Bethiah. 561040. Hedge, Dr. 977003. Heim, Harry Russell. 782401. John F. 753501. 7S2400. Lora Ayer. 910367. Mary Christine. 782402. Helm, Macy. 196225. Henkel, Edward. 972751. Heritage, Alexander C. 968503. Catharine. 968840. Claris.sa B. 968742. Zacheus M. 968264. Herrick, Elizabeth. 910363. Herriot, George. 984725. Heskitt, Martha. 195063. Martha T. S93080. Hesley, William. 198023. Hibbard, Arthusa Ann. 726024. 816250. David. 816250. Dorcas. 475100. Index of Names. J089 Hibbard, Olive. 91 1560. Robert. 816250. Silas. S16250. Higbee, William. 96S885. Hill, A. M. 378380. Charles M. 911 221. Deborah. 4941 17. Dora. 356260. 91 1625. Edith. 972825. Elizabeth. 960250. Georgiana T. 493944. Hamilton. 964230. Hamilton Andrews. 922003. 964230. Rev. Howard Fremont. 354151. Isaac. 348500. 484066. 493940. Isaac A. 984509. Isaac Andrew. 493943. Jacob. 544400. Jeremiah. 348300. John McCiary. 34S501. 354150. 493942. Major. 356260. Mary. 972900-6345. Nathaniel. 400104. Nellie. 37S380. Richard Derby. 494270. Sarah. 544400. Col, William. 91 1625. William Pickering. 493941. 500130. Hiller, Uriah, 984665. Hilligus, Margaret. 196240. Hillman, Thompson. 734108. Hinchman, Benjamin R. 968648. Hinckley, Charles. 770082. Ellen. 770081. See. 735004. Seth. 911271. Susannah. 377815. William. 552009. William H. 770080. Hine, Elniina. 724120. Hines, James H. 9725S0. Hinman, Aaron. 759000. Harriet. 759000. John. 934810. Hires, Christina. 968001. 969500. Hirst, Elizabeth. 933300. Judge. 933300. Hitchcock, See. 726141. Hitchings, Robert. 972721. Hithner, Margaret. 96S121. Hobart, John. 494157. 975082. Hobbs, Minnie Malvina. 977503. Hodges, See. 758501. Hodson, Dr. Nathaniel. 930163. 931410. Hodson, Sarah. 930200. Hoffman, Susan. 195700. Hogan, Charles. 902800. Maud. 902S00. William. 494393- Hogdon, Sarah. 362320. Hogg, Betsey. 982500. Hoit, Sarah. 402400. Holbrook, Abiel. 494256. Rev. Charles A. 955900. Charles Henr}'. 955901. Mary Dunbar. 955902. Ralph. 485 loi. 494255. 494257. HoUingshead, Martha. 600780. Sarah. 610220. Holloday, Emily Cabell. 377808. Rev. James Minor. 377808. Holloway, Hattie. 762881. Holmes, Agnes. 255975. Christopher. 940000. Nathaniel. 255975. Sarah. 940000. Holt, Abiah. 494306. AUce M. 354503. Amy. 37S732. Benjamin. 324041. 329600. Clarence E. 354501. Dane. 475121. Daniel. 329601. 339950. 378731. Franklin. 348700. Hannah. 775066. Henry H. 348701. 354500, Jedediah. 339951. 343600. John. 37S730. Jonathan. 475066. Joseph. 494306. Priscilla. 475040. Sarah W. 354502. Simeon. 494306. Solomon. 494383. Holton, Rhoda. 810000. Sadie L. 375020. Holyoke, Charles. 504202. Honey, Evelyn Maud. 759902. Howard Percy. 759904. Morley Edgar. 759901. William. 728044. 759900. Winfred May. 759905. Honeywell, Alfred. 972900-5503. Alfreda. 972900-5503. Hood, Robert. 652527. Hook, Humphrey. 376602. 376640. Jacob. 376643. Martha. 376642. Mary. 376641. Hoover, Henry H. 378405. M. 195024. See. 752046. 2090 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Hopkins, Ann. 9S4590. Betse}'. 4942S5. Hannah. 269280. James Campbell. 378260. Janet. 378260. Judge James C. 505000. Janet A. 505000. Lydia Lewis. 984594. Mary Lizzie. 969538. Nicholas. 984590. See. 605140. Hoppah, Margaret. 334440. Hoppin, Benjamin. 972900-7840. 972900-7841. Francis L. V. 972900-8170. Frederick Street. 972900-8150. George H. 945855- Gerard Beekman. 972900-8180. James Mason. 972900-7840. Stephen. 972900-7840. Thomas. 972900-7840. William Jones. 972900-7950. William Warner. 972900-7900. 972900-7980. Horton, Elizabeth M. 500490. Fannie Briggs. 984795. Dr. Harris Ayres. 190001. 359030. Rev. Dr. Oscar Allen. 185028. 190000. Houghton, W. P. 727021. House, Jonathan. 969752. Houston, Isaac. 4852S2. 494545. Phebe. 494547- Sarah. 494546. Howard, J. 931332 William. 968749. Howe, Asa. 977306. Gardner. 494160. Gen. 544247- Joseph S. 975183. Howell, Amanda. 185080. Clarissa S. 351140. Emil)-. 945600. Israel L. 978355. Jonathan. 966321. Samuel J. 945600. Howlitt, Enoch. 703507. Hoyt, Caro. 761401. Job. 972900-205. Joshua. 972900-300. Sarah. 955580. 972900-300. Thaddeus. 972900-312. Hubbard, Harriet. 372500. 91 1800. Henry G. 372500. Ida. 979040. Laura. 972900-6780. Margaret. 959685. Hubbard, Martha. 371 100. Mary. 959700. S. D. 500288. Sterling Johnson. 979040. William. 371 100. Huckins, Martha Elizabeth. 984900. Huckson, Oscar. 734004. Hudson, Rev. John P. 185000. Dr. Nathaniel. 930163. Ruth. 968780. Sarah. 930200. Hughes, Elizabeth. 760400. Elizabeth C. 96S883. Huggins, Philander C. 96031 1. Hull, Ann. 321310. Carrie._ 377387- Marquis DeLafayette. 377380. Wealthy Alvira. 377386. William Erastus. 377385. Humphrey, Maria B. 561 120. See. 725042. Hunking, Mary. 365929. Hunt, Alsop. 972900-331. Archelaiis. 977307. Benjamin. 600705. Daniel. 600706. E. M. 346009. Eleanor. 600707. Franklin E. 600709. Gustavus. 977308. Hannah. 916000. Jehu. 600702. John 600702. Joseph. 937800. Manuel E. 600701. Mary. 600704. Ralph. 600103. 600700. 600708. Rebecca. 937800. See. 371423- William. 600703. 916000. Hunter, John C. 600643. Huntington, Elizabeth. 954320. Sarah. 961050. Rev. Dr. William Reed. 969187. 969214. Huntley, Martin C. 969663. Hurd, Catharine. 914404. Gideon. 934807. Jeremiah. 494300. Sarah. 914400. Timothy. 494300. Hurlbut, George B. 969217. Huse, John. 494246. Huson, Samuel. 346681. Husted, Catharine. 968280. Elizabeth. 160060. 320150. William D. 969694. Index of Names. 2091 Hutchins, Hattie. 760102. John. 320150. John S. 729004. 760100. Maggie Louise. 760101. Hutchinson, Frederick Clarence. 784322. Edith. 96S7S0. Luther. 4942S6. Thomas Brannon. 760042. 784320. Thomas Harold. 7S4321. Wendell Aver. 784323- Huzze}-, Angeline. 494525. Hyatt, John. 286806. Hyde, Jacob. 541 102. 541306. 544220. 544222. 974504. Joseph. 544221. 550000. Rev. Lavius. 550001. Hyland, Lillie May. 969537. lUsley, Elisha. 321225. Hannah. 321226. 452201. William. 321225. 452200. Ingalls, Alonzo L. 758002. Charles. 724581. 724585. 758000. Charles H. 758001. Gertrude A. 760202. Lucy Ayer. 910365. Moses C. 729021. 760200. Will C. 760201. Ingersoll, Caleb. 978377. Henry W. 286817. Samuel Bridge. 959768. 960400. Ingham, Abigail. 9850S0. Samuel K. 977837. Ingram, Amos. 542003. Inness, John. 377905. 972900-8080. Lucinda. 969405. Inskeep, See. 969404. Inslee, Ayers D. 815061. Hannah. 815000. Isaac. 815081. John B. 810004. 815060. Irish, Emma Rosetta. 374880. Irving, Henry Ogden. 286540. Lewis Graham. 286540. Oscar. 286540. Pierre Monroe. 286540. William. 286523. Ives, Abijah. 940500. Mary. 940500. Jackman, Abigail. 71 1862. Alberta May. 759704. Clarissa. 71 1867. Daniel Webster. 728001. Eliza. 711864. Elman. 71 1866. 728000. Florence Beatrice. 759861. George William. 759701. Jackman, Gilman. 711861. Harriet. 728042. Helen Martha. 759702. Humphrey. 703503. 71 1860. 711S63. 71 1868. 728040. Levi Woodbury. 500386. Lovina. 71 1869. Lovina H. 71 187 1. Lucia. 728044. Mary. 711S65. 728041. Mary Ayer. 728002. Nathan. 711IS70. Orvis Harrison. 728003. William. 728043. Jackson, Ann. 984780. Anne. 377035- Carrie Lsabel. 977503. Ella. 610170. Isaac Rand. 985810. Luther. 730180. Mary. 361 160. Mary Ellen. 985S10. MarvJ. 730180. Mary Minerva. 972645. Sally. 730180. Samuel. 370260. See. 724562. Jacobs, Dorothy Ayers. 91 1640. Julius Richards. 91 1640. Jacques, Sarah. 494422. Jaffray, Sarah. 914000. Jaffrey, George J. 916004. James, Anna. 972515. Jennie. 787000. Jameson, John. 975129. Janes, Martha \'. 759820. Jarman, Hannah. 966500. John. 650008. 650045. 969395. Jonathan. 966129. 966500. Malachi. 651262. Susannah. 651200. 965310. JefFre}-, Hannah, 370850. Jeremiah. 175000. Margaret. 175000. Mary. 1 75000. Jeffries, Anne McLean. 918003. Dr. Benjamin Joy. 918005. Catharine. 916002. Catharine A. 91S002. David. 371 171. Edward Payson. 918006. George J. 916004. Henry Upham. 918007. John. 914001. 916000. 9 I 6001. 918000. 918001. 924000. Dr. John Amory. 924003. Julia Ann. 916003. 2092 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Jeffries, Sarah Augusta. 91S004. Walter Lloyd. 924001. William Augustus. 924002. Jellison, Patience. 973403. Jenkins, Hannah. 96S200. Micah. 4942S7. Sarah. 973007. 973450. Stephen. 931364. Jenks, Almet Francis. 969336. 969345. 972S47. 972848. Ames. 969170. Francis. 916506. 964200. 969152. 969165. 969168. Gren villa Tudor. 969169. 969335. John Phillips. 969167. Mar}- Elwell. 964200. 969166. Paul Emott. 969338. Ruth. 972849. Tudor Storrs. 969337. 969350. Jennings, Mary. 333404. Jennison, Rhoda. 938027. Sarah. 972900-6670. Jerrald, Caroline. 968747. Jerroll, Caroline. 969670. Jester, David. 986502. Maria. 969404. 986503. Mary. 969404. Rhoda. 969404. Robert. 9S6501. Robert A. 969404. Sarah. 969404. See. 969404. 986500. Jewell, Harvey. 493'573- Jewett, Ann. 969258. Anna. 969253. Augustine David Lawrence. 942201. 948100. 969252. Charles. 969255. Charles Bulkley. 969256. David. 936200. 942201. 969242. 969250. David Hibbard. 933041. 936200. 969240. Elizabeth. 969256. Elizabeth Hall. 948102. Gertrude. 948105. Harriet. 969260. James. 338514. Jedediah. 338501. Margaret Coman. 948104. Martha. 969259. Patience. 969241. Richard Dickinson. 948101. Sarah. 948103. 96925S. Johnson, Anna. 470001. Annette E. 500290. Beatrice. 972835. Johnson, Ben. 961070. Charlotte. 500283. 500287. Clarissa. 5002S4. 790100. Cornelius. 470000. David. 734002. Dolly. 494306. Eastman. 505100. 972856. Eleanor Maria. 500408. Electa. 730100. Eliza Frances. 610228. Elizabeth S. 730100. Emma. 356240. Ethel. 972856. Francis Marion. 185051. 351062. 356080. George Eyre. 600861. Hannah. 339020. Harriet Charles. 500407. 505150. Ida. 755045- John. 339020. John C. 500286. John Chandler. 500287. Jonathan Eastman. 500403. Joseph. 968741. Joseph Warner. 972834. Judith. 500402. Lawrence Ayres. 356002. Lucy Jane. 496001. 500281. Luther Gage. 500282. Margaret Louise. 356001. Maria Louisa (Sweet). 961070. Mary. 320122. 370000. 459000. 700000. 982920. Mary Kimball. 500404. Mary Naomi. 500289. Minerva. 552006. 770020. Philip Carrigan. 494045. 500400. 500405. 505120. Reuben. 491001. 494006. 496000. 500280. Reuben .\lexander. 500401. Ruth. 320124. Samuel. 730100. Sarah. 493S52. 968140. Sarah Osgood. 500406. See 600182. 600860. Susan Gage. 500285. Susannah. 974467. Timothy. 320132. William. 324047. 329500. 329501. 356240. 968140. Jones, Anna. 972900-5850. Arabella. 961730. Benjamin. 320175. 321200. Judge David. 961730. Henry S. 972900-320. Hiram. 500402. Index of Names. 2093 Jones, Jane. 346660. Jessie M. 375040. Joanna. 198065. 320175. 321200. Mary. 180050. 346660. 370100. 984640. Mercy. 370856. See. 758041. Tennie. 185090. 351200. William. 346660. Jordan, Bathsheba. 840000. Gov. Chester B. 972867. Johnson. 972867. Jose, Hannah. 361040. Jndson, James. 931460. Sarah. 931460. Justus, Mary. 933520. Kakas, Sophia J. 977421. Kandall, Margaret. 968748. Kappes, Clara Elizabeth. 195 100. Karr, Annie S. 958500. Kay, Elizabeth. 600520, Sarah. 600520. Kean, Mary. 197550. Kearney, Michael. 320175. Keeler, LeGrand. 972900-508. Sarah. 984550. Keen, Elias. 966521. Keeton, John Taylor. 969564. 972625. Ollie Margaret. 972626. Kellogg, Julia. 942500. Samuel. 942500. Seth S. 972900-319. Kelly, Elisha. 325276. Elizabeth. 325279. 340603. Julia. 955540. Katharine. 325277. Mary. 325278. Nancy C. 975028. Nugent. 320226. 325275. Richard. 325281. See. 969653. William I. 325280. Kelsey, Dr. Alexander. 9S5581. Charles. 977838. Joseph Bassett. 972900-6675. Kemble, Gertrude. 28652S. Kendall, Emily. 758040. Nathan. 494362. Kennard, Manning. 600772. Kennedy, Ella. 781060. William B. 781060. Kent, Ada E. 196182. Anna. 494415. Arthur E. 1961S1. Erastus W. 196150. 196180. Grace E. 196184. HattieM. 196 183. Kent, Ira H. 196185, Kerr, Ida. 375020. Kervvood, Ann. 959775. Kenyon, Harry Ethan. 972743. Herbert Ethan. 969722. 97274?. Teleg. 770043. 911484. Walter. 655083. Key, Sarah. 9S4635. Keyser, Eyre. 605601. Peter A. 600788. 605600. Dr. Peter Dirck. 605602. Kidder, Bryan Ayer. 760682. Charles S. 760684. Daniel. 494101. Elwyn D. 730182. 760680. Eva N. 760683. Gordon E. 760683. John. 494424. Mary Grace. 955840. Royal A. 760681. Wallace J. 760685. Killiani, Anne. 972724. Killum, Abigail. 339000. Kimball, Aaron. 360102. Ann Ayer. 493845- Asa. 493802. 911521. Benjamin. 493800. Catharine S. 554200. Cora B. 759820. Elizabeth. 493810. Esther. 374741- Fred. 330006. George Leonard. 493844. Gordon. 972900-5323. Harriet. 493801. Henry. 361020. John. 474002. 484000. John Hazen. 493841. Lloyd. 561500. Mary Ann. 493804. Nelson. 374503- 374740. Orinda Griswold. 561500. Priscilla Hazen. 493843. Rebecca. 361020. 831000. Robert. 911 103. 911236. 973000, Robert Parker. 493803. Samuel Ayer. 493840. 91 1533. 985220. Samuel Sparhawk. 493842. See. 972866. Susannah. 973000. William Moody. 496001. 500281. 501000. 503900. William Smith. 501001. 503901. Kimberly, John Liberty. 961260. Dr. Liberty. 959565- King, Albert Barnes. 34S025. 2094 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. King, Anna. 175000. Augustus Montgomerie. 348043. Caroline Augusta. 348041. Caroline Louisa. 348023. Caroline Parson. 348031. Charit}'. 175000. Charles Goodhue. 985061. Charles Morrell. 343245. 348040. Charlotte. 175000. Cornelia. 348043. David. 175000. 985000. Elias J. 175000. Elisha William. 9S5001. 985020. Eliza Caroline. 343247. Elizabeth. 175000. Ellen. 175000. Francis Guichard. 34S012. Fred. 330006. Frederick. 330006. 340015. 343243. 348020. Frederick LaRue. 348023. George Parson. 348013. Hannah Morrell. 343250. Harriet Lincoln. 348081. Henry. 286503. 340017. 343240. 977760. Henry H. 343244.^ 348030. Jacob Morrell. 343241. 348010. Jeremiah. 985000. John Henry. 348021. Josephine. 34801 i. Lucy Jane. 175000. Margaret. 1 75000. Mary. 175000. 485216. 494290. 930140. Mary Ayres. 343242. Mary Montgomerie. 348042. Mary Virginia. 3480^2. Oliver Richardson. 348032. Percy Rivington. 985041. 985060. Peter Yandervoort. 985021. 985040. Polly Maria. 175000. Richard. 494290. Ruth. 175000. Samuel. 494308. 985000. Sarah. 340016. Sarah Ann. 343246. See. 959860. Sophia Lewis. 348022. Vincent Boisanbin. 348014. William. 985000. William Lewis. 343249. 348080. Kingsbury, Abby S. 555347- Addison. 550202. 555000. Alice Eliza. 560403. Allen. 550801. 724120. Kingsbury, Alvin. 550905. Amelia. 544607. Amemah. 550903. Ann. 544302. Anna. 484004. 544608. 550901. Asenath. 550803. Backus. 550906. Benjamin. 484003. 493800. Bethia. 544408. Betsey. 724120. 550742. Caroline. 560602. Charles. 544406. 721001. 751000. 751006. 780602. Charles Dennison. 550501. 555300. Daniel. 541109. Deliverance. 544501. Dennison. 541 159. Dorothy Jane. 555421. Ebenezer. 541 106. 544240. 544241. 544243. 54424S. Edith Davis. 560404. Eleazor. 541 107. 544300. 544304- Elisha. 550901. Eliza. 751005. Elizabeth. 32 11 14. 540004. 540006. 700900. Emera. 751008. 780600. Ennes. 541003. Ephraim. 541 loi. 550904. Erastus. 550909. Eunice. 541108. Ezra. 555520. Frederick John. 555301. 560400. 560405. Frederick William. 560601. Freelove. 544301. 550900. George. 751002. George B. 555342. George D. 780562. Hannah. 4S4005. 541 102. 541 156. 541306. 974504. Harriet A. 555346. Harriet Newell. 550910. Harvey. 550746. Hazen. 484001. Helen A. 780561. Henry. 751009. Henry Delos. 555401. 560600. Henry W. 555324- Irene. 541002. 541 1 11. Jabez. 541 155- 544600. 544605. 550804. 550900. Jacob. 343000. 544401. 550540. James. 343001. James D. 555341. 555345- James W. 550541. Jeremiah. 541 161. 544604. Index of Names. 2095 Kingsbury, John. 4S4000. 484002. 500227. 540001. 541000. 541001. 544404. 550500. John J. D. 555348. John Southmayd. 550503. 555340. Joseph. 320154. 321110. 321111. 540000. 540002. 541 100. 541 105. 541 151. 541158. 544405. 544603. 544700. 544701. 550200. 550740. 550745- 710030. 800102. Joseph A. 555001. 560000. Julius H. 555321. Julius Jesse Bronson. 550502. 555320'. Lemuel. 541 160. 544701. 550700. Love. 541 103. Lydia 541004. Marcia A. 555343- Martha Edgerton. 544247. Mary. 321 113. 540005. 54II53- 544242. 544249- 544606. 550201. Mary Eunice. 560402. Mary Jane. 555323- Nathaniel. 32 1 112. 540003. 541 112. 541 150. 541 152. 544400. 544403- 544601. 550S00. Nelson. 550908. Persis. 751007. Phebe. 55090S. Phineas. 541 163. Polly. 550743. Priscilla. 54ii57- 544240. 544244- Royal. 550747- Ruth. 500244. 541 104. 541 164. 544602. Samuel Ayer. 484007. Samuel Rust. 544305. Samuel Shipman. 560001. Sarah. 484006. 541 162. 544303. 444402. Sarah E. 500227. Sarah Leavenworth. 555302. Sarah Susannah. 550504. Simeon. 544500. Simon. 541 154. Solomon. 550701. 555400. Sophia. 550741- Susannah. 540007. Sylvia E. 555344- Tabitha. 541 no. Tabitha Hill. 544407. Thomas H. C. 550542. Walter. 555322. Wealthy. 550802. William. 544409- 550744- William Charles. 560401. Kinne, Emma. 985700. Kinne, Ida B. 969701. Kinney, Dora E. 374601. Ida Josephine. 374602. Nathan Camp. 374024. 374600. Kirby, Susannah. 936100. Kirkpatrick, Alexander. 984770. 377110. David. 377110. John. 984770. 377 1 10. Kittredge, Catharine J. 493860. Hannah. 324620. 457020. Mary E. 196950. Mary Esther. 759500. Moses. 196950. Kitts, Elizabeth. 370859. 370900. Kleinhans, Daniel N. 910353. 977772. Klinck, Clara. 610232. Knapp, Emeline. 762800. Lucinda M. 961310. Peter. 984760. Kneeland, John. 485203. Knight, Ella. 972877. Ellen M. 972900 — 8350. Joel. 911572. Admiral Sir John. 329081. Judith. 972900 — ICO. Knowlton, Annie H. 954200. Daniel. 494382. Knox, Levantia. 910325. Mary L. 975142. Krankheit, Sophia. 386300. Theunis. 386300. Kresge, See. 756409. Kress, Arthur. 196226. Ida. 196226. Halsey S. 196226. Isaac. 196206. LaBanta, Francis. 494227. Labiel, See. 972S73-6. Ladd, Abigail. 975328. Abner. 552000. Anna. 376503. 552000. Betsey. 943060. Daniel. 376007. 376500. 376506. David. 710160. Col. EHphalet. 943060. Elizabeth. 376502. Erastus. 975329. Hannah. 376504. Joanna. 376508. John. 376509. Mary. 376505. 710160. Meh'itable. 376501. Polly (Frink). 710180. . Rebecca. 552000. Samuel C. 552000. Sarah. 550200. 2096 Ayer, Ayres. Ay'Ars and Eyre. Ladd, Seba. 734200. 748010. Stephen. 376507. Temperance. 710160. William. 724224. Laflin, Caroline E. 949600. Louise F. 949600. Laing, Joseph. 969544. Lake, Minnie Luella. 356140. Lamb, Col. Henry F. 969231. 969236. Capt. John. 969219. 969235. Lamphies, Matilda. 724S20. Lamson, Alvan. 373502. 373540. 972900-6002. Artemas Ward. 373541. Darius. 972900-6003. Darius Francis. 373521. 373700. John. 373500. 972900-60CO. 972900-6001. John Ayres. 3735or. 373520. Josiah. 373503. Miranda. 972900-6005. Sophronia. 972900-6004, William Ayres. 373540. Lancaster, Nathaniel. 494177. Landol, Doroth)-. 9S4775. Lane, Ann. 930203. F. C. 94S900. Jane. 500120. Mary Adelaide. 5013S0. Dr. Robert. 501380. See. 930203. Lang, Amanda. 500259. Beckford. 500259. Moses. 494176. Stephen. 494176. Langdon, Abigail Harris. 916404. Anne Hurd. 916406. Catharine Amelia. 91640S. Charlotte Augusta. 916409. Chauncey. 960503. 9612S0. 969320. Courtney. 96201 i. 962500. Henry Sherburne. 960502. John. 916400. John Jay. 961 281. 961700. John Walley. 91 6401. Jonathan. 960500. Martha D. 972655. Mary. 494045. 916402. Nathaniel. 916400. Paul. 494045- 500390. Rev. Samuel. 494045. 500390. Sarah. 916405. Thomas Walley. 916407. Timothy. 960501. William Chauncey. 961701. 962010. Langley, Eliza J. 377960. Langmayde, See. 71 1047. Langstaff, Henry. 400100. Sarah. 400100. Lanning, Amos. 600566. Benjamin F. 346641. 351300. Harriet. 351302. Philancy. 35 130 1. Larned, Susan. 951000. Larkin, Ella. 972900-7101. Larson, Edward. 655106. Lathrop, Alexander Hamilton. 752002. 7S1000. 781002. Earl. 781006. Elroy Ayer. 781005. Jessie W. 781 001. Lillian May. 781003. Lucy Nona. 961280. Omar E. 781004. Latimer, Ann. 969240. Annie. 933040. Eliza S. 969229. Harriet B. 969226. Maria S. 969227. Michael B. 969228. Robert. 969216. 969220. 969221. 969225. Lawrence, Augustine H. 969250. Clark. 71 1864. 727900. Eliza. 942200. 969250. Harriet Annette. 727901. Lavina E. 727904. Lucretia Eliza. 727902. Maggie. 986102. Maria J. 727903. Mary Ayer. 727905. See. 961000. Zenas. 938070. Lawson, Jane Lyle. 340650. John. 370310. Lay, Clarissa. 702005. 91035S. Layman, David. 371523. Lay ton, Abigail. 420490. Deborah. 420495. Joanna. 420120. Keziah. 420500. Mary. 420450. Polly Ann. 374550. Thomas. 420505. 420515. 420516. Leach, Achsah E. 727020. Leahy, William. 287850. Lear, Benjamin Lincoln. 605532. Louisa. 605532. Leary, Ernest. 781003. Leavenworth, Eliza. 555300. Dr. Frederick. 555300. Jesse. 555300. Mark. 555300. Index of Names. 2097 Leavenworth, Thomas. 555300. Leavitt, John. 4941S6. Livonia. 500378. Mandana. 75S500 LeBaron, Louisa. 758520. Lee, Abigail Eliza. 946201. Alexander Spencer. 950963. Chaunce)'. 939401. 946200. Chauncey Graham. 946203. Delila. 900800. Elizabeth Odingsell. 946225. Ezra. 959860. Frederick Albert. 946205. 950940. Frederick Graham. 950942. 955600. Graham. 950903. Graham Stewart. 955601. Helen Bowers. 950945. Herman Bushnell. 946224. Dr. Howard J. 726025. 816253. Jeanette Elizabeth. 950962. John Bowers. 950941. 955580. John Townsend. 950961. Jonathan. 934806. 939400. Juliet Love. 946204. Love. 939403. 946222. Lucia. 950901. Martha Wilson. 950944. Maud. 955602. Oliver Harrison. 946206. 950943. 950960. Robert Walker. 939402. 946220. 946221. Susan. 950902. Theodore Stanton. 946202. William Graham. 946223. Leeds, Nehemiah. 984605. Leffingwell, Alsop. 956041. Christopher Starr. 950423. 956040. LeHeyer, Galpedus. 320000. Leighton, Abigail. 400846. Catharine. 420510. Deborah. 400850. 402802. Dorothy. 400803. Elizabeth. 400142. 984930. George. 400S05. Gideon. 400807. Hatevil. 400843. 402800. Isaac. 402801. James. 400851. Jemima. 402804. John. 400143. 400801. 400840. Jonathan. 400847. Joseph. 400808. Lydia. 400840. Mark. 402803. Mary. 400849. Leighton, Olive. 400848. Paul. 400845. Sanmel. 400S06. Sarah. 400802. Susannah. 40081 1. Theodore. 400810. Thomas. 400003. 400140. 400141. 400S00. 400804. 402805. 984930. Tobias. 400844. William. 400841. Leiper, Edward Faissome. 610203. 614240. Edwards. 614242. Frances. 614244. John Ashurst. 614243. Mary. 61 4241. Lenox, Lvdia. 651450. Ruth" 652820. Lentilhon, Eliza Antonia. 985040. Leonard, Louisa. 972872. Stephen B. 972870. William Andrew. 972871. 972873. William Boardman. 972870. Lerick, Nellie. 972900-5504. Lewis, Adaline. 3513S0. Cornelia L. 910307. Dr. Isaac Mettac Lewis. 557002. 565500. Margaret Ann. 351380. Mary. 982780. Percy D.' 755043- Capt. Philo. 972900-311. See. 969661. Thomas. 351380. Libby, James. 975004. See. 973406. Lincoln, Elizabeth. 972868. 972900- 6762. James Otis. 972900-6761. Mary Otis. 972900-6760. See. 724825. William H. 374502. Lippincott, INIary. 984630. Liscum, See. 500S09. Lisle, Elizabeth. 605564. Lisloff, See. 494033- Littersh, Elizabeth. 969512. Little, Ann. 600760. Christopher. 600107. 600109. 600720. 605462. Clarence A. 951262. David P. 951242. Emma. 951222. Ephraim Henry. 946805. 951280. George. 946800. George Hobart. 946801. 951220. George Post. 951 241. 2og8 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Little, Rev. Jacob. 500302. Manuel E. 600721. 605440. Mary. 951243- Mary Eliza. 946806. Mary Elizabeth. 605442. Nelico. 605461. Ralph Bulkley. 946S02. 951240. 9512S1. Robert Robbins. 946804. 951260. Samuel S. 600702. Sarah Ann. 605441. Stanley Woodward. 951 221. William. 951223. 975407- William Ernest. 951 261. William Estabrook. 946803. William H. 600723. 605460. Littlefield, Dr. 346643. Littlejohn, Rt. Rev. Abram Newkirk. 969345- Livingston, Antoinette. 420183. Catharine. 42018 1. Gilbert. 420180. Henry G. 420180. Robert Gilbert. 420:80. Sarah. 420182. Lloyd, Isaac. 605724. John. 966225. Joseph. 600901. 605720. 605723. Marian B. 605725. Samuel E. 607721. Sarah. 605722. Thomas. 371460. 377835- Locke, Joseph. 37S715- Priscilla L. 972515. Lockerman, Elizabeth. 985271. Vincent. 985270. Lockin, Joseph. 374581. Lockwood, Albert. 972900-451. Alsop Hunt. 972900-506. 972900- 800. Amelia D'Antremont. 972900- 505- Amy. 972900-438. Angeline. 972900-745. Bethia. 972900-411. 972900-500. Betsey. 972900-331. 972900-506. Caroline. 972900-434. 972900-744. Carrie Tompkins. 972900-1304. Catharine Mary. 972900-417. 972900-508. Clarissa. 972900-336. 972900-441. Cornelia Putnam. 972900-854. Cornelius. 972900-404. Dewitt Clinton. 972900-803. Ebenezer. 972900-305. 972900-330. 972900-335. 972900-430. 972900- 431. 972900-7291. Lockwood, Edith B. 972900-1307. Electa Raymond. 972900-764. Eliza. 972900-432. Elizabeth. 972900-205. 972900-303. Eliakim. 972900-301. Emily Crocker. 972900-761. 972900-1303. Ezra. 972900-337. 972900-450. George. 972900-437. Gilbert. 972900-304. Hannah. 377162. 972900-202. 972900-311. 972900-333. 97290a- 415. 972900-440. Hezekiah. 972900-308. Horatio. 972900-338. 972900-411. 972900-500. 972900-804. 972900- 1201. Israel. 972900-206. James Betts. 972900-802. 972900- 1200. Jane. 972900-502. Jesse Close. 972900-402. John. 377162. 972900-203. Joseph. 377160. 377 I 61. 972900- 200. 972900-201. 972900-300. 972900-302. 972900-310. 972900- 313. 972900-400. 972900-414. 972900-7292. Joseph Alsop. 972900-^01. Joseph Barnum. 972900-741. 972900-850. 972900-851. Leander. 972900-413. Lewis. 972900-339. 972900-452. Maria Louise. 972900-854. 972900- 1301. . Mary. 972900-207. 973900-334. 972900-501. Mary Jane. 972900-742. Mary Vanderbilt. 972900-1302. Matilda. 972900-318. 972900-319. Mercy. 972900-307. 972900-317. Milo. 972900-5203. Mindwell. 972900-316. Nancy. 972900-320. 972900-419. Nathan Olmstead. 972900-435. Nathaniel. 377164. 972900-204. Nellie McCutcheon. 972900-130^. Odle. 972900-412. 972900-740. 972900-7293. Philo. 972900-503. Prudence. 972900-309. 972900-3 15. Rachel. 972900-306. Rebecca Ann. 972900-403. Reuben. 972900-20S. Richard Lathers. 972900-1308. Ruhamah. 972900-332. 972900- 433- Index of Names. 2099 Lockwood, Samuel Drake. 972900-401. 972900-700. Sarah. 972900-312. Sarah Ambler. 972900-439. Sarah Elizabeth. 972900-418. Solomon. 972900-314. 972900-410. 972900-420. Solomon Read. 972900-507. Sophia. 972900-503. Tarrant Putnam. 972900-852. Thankful. 9112S9. 984510. Theodore Raymond. 972900-464. William. 972900-416. 972900-760. William Tompkins. 972900-762. 972900-1300. 972900-1305. Lockyer, Capt. George. 600781. Lodge, Anne Langdon. 969350. George Cabot. 926001. Giles. 916404. 920060. Dr. Giles Henry. 920061. Henry Cabot. 925001. 926000. John Ellerton. 920062. 925000. Lombard, Rev. Horatio Jones. 972900- 5900. James Pumpelly. 972900-5903. John. 377700. Lucinda Arabella. 972900-5901. Nancy. 972900-5S50. Rebecca. 365000. 377700. Rosvvell. 972900-5850. Samuel Osgood. 972900-5902. Longstreet, Effie f VanWyve).333ioo. Longyear, See. 969514. Looniis, Desire. 984935. Elizabeth. 541 160. Hannah. 930242. Isaac. 930247. James. 930246. Joseph. 930009. 930240. Mary. 5447oo. Matthew. 930243. Nathaniel. 930245. Sarah. 930241. Stephen. 930244. Loop, See. 756401. Loper, Abigail. 966440. Hannah. 969535. John. 969535. Mary O. 968123. 969535. Oliver. 966440. Robert. 968701. See. 652568. Lord, Caroline. 196950. Epaphras. 931 170. Hosea. 975005. Robert. 320163. Lorimer, James. 960040. 985400. Lorimer, Jean. 9600S0. 985400. Margaret. 960040. Loring, Elizabeth G. 938041. Lott, Jane. 346000. Linn. 346000. See. 75641 1. 756413- Lovatt, Elizabeth. 600000. Lovejoy, Abigail. 494542. Anna. 475061. Chandler. 475082. 485270. 494126. Charlotte. 494536. Dorcas. 475081. Ebenezer. 485074- 494535- Hannah. 475085. Harriet. 494533- Henry. 460006. 475080. 4750S3. 475084. 494537- Joel. 494540. John. 485271. 494530- 494538- Judith. 494532- Miriam. 485072. Peter. 494539- Peter Chandler. 485275. Phebe. 4750S6. 494080. Phineas. 485273. 485277. Sarah. 485276. William. 494541. Lovell, Laura E. 972900-6780. Vryling. 972900-6780. Lovett, Charles Walley. 972900-6600. William. 916403. Lovewell, George. 969507. 972540. Laura. 972542. Mary Ella. 972543- Nellie. 972541. Lowell, Abigail. 975022. Rufus. 975047. Samuel. 975024. Thomas. 973454. Lowery, Olive M. 759S00. Luce, See. 835004. Ludwig, Alice. 759521. Dr. Benneville Keim. 727042. 759520. Lundy, Albert D. 1S5003. 351001, 356C00. Ayres Derby. 356001. 359000. Cordelia Mercy. 356002. 359020. Esther Ayres. 359001. Ethel .\yres. 356005. Frederick Kennedy. 356004. George W. 978373. Mary Bennett. 356003. Lutman, Ruth. 959100. Lyde, Sir Lioiiel. 933201. See. 933201. Lyle, Eliza VanNess. 949980. 2IOO Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Lynde, Byfield. 914000. Deborah. 914000. Lyon, Amos. 977540. Capt. Benjamin. 197650. 977540. Jacob. 977540. Jane Alice. 197650. John. 197650. Martha. 975 141. 977540. Mary. 197650. Peter. 977540. Phebe. 9S4808. Lytle, Jane. 197575- McAllister, Emily. 984590. See. 554001. 911851. McCall, Elizabeth. 9S5581. James. 985407. 9S5580. Macaulay, Mrs. 954066. McClary, Susannah. 343500. McClellan, Mary. 973401. McCoUom, Margaret. 198200. McCoy, Daniel. 977544. McConnell, Mary. 724300. McCord, Mary. 605400. McCrillis, Sally. 71 1980. 732000. McCutcheon, See. 911220. MacDonald, James. 420415. McDowell, John. 198200. Margaret (McCollom). 198200. William. 198200. McEll, Gertrude. 792894. McFee, W. H. 860002. McGear, Frank M. 972752. Ruth Marion. 972752. MacGregor, See. 373700. McGregor, Margaret. 354000. McGrillis, Colonel. 356200. M. Augusta. 356200. Mclntyre, Eliza. 494067. Hugh. 485021. 494065. Jacob. 494068. James. 494072. Jane. 494069. Mary. 494066. Mary Larkin. 959714. Nancy. 494071. Timothy Chandler. 494070. McKeever, Gen. Chauncey. 946605. 951140. I. Chauncey. 969293. McKinney, Charles. 943805. McKirke, Helen. 977644. McLallen, Ellen Cora. 175000. Esther. 175000. Grover Judson. 175000. James. 175000. James Grover. 175000. James Lyman. 175000. McLallen, Jane. 175000. Jesse Corey. 175000. John. 175000. Osborn. 175000. Sarah Ellen. 175000. McLaren, Dorothy. 938200. McLaughlin, Ephraim Barker. 984875. Thomas, 984875. McLean. John. 561400. Mildred. 561400. Washington. 561400. McLillan, Frances Ann. 351160. McMahon, James. 371 521. MacManus, Sophia. 711 100. McMillan, Andrew. 475206. 485380. Catharine. 485386. Clara Dwight. 975142. Elizabeth. 485390. Gilbert. 485392. Hannah. 4S5383. James. 485385- Jane. 4S5388. John. 485387- Lewis. 485384- Martha. 485382. Nancy. 485389- Sarah. 485381. Sophia. 485391. McPheadres, Catharine. 4201 So. MacPherson, Emma L. 565201. McPherson, Elizabeth. 968120. James. 651004. Maria. 652709. Patience. 966042. Sarah. 652500. McTiers, Eliza (Lawrence). 969250. Mack, Bazall. 255960. Charlotte W. 972900-6670. Daniel. 255975. Emma Wade. 255955. John. 255965. Maria A. 255952. Mary. 255954. R. E. 255980. Rev. Sanders. 255975. Macy, Eunice. 944400. Peleg. 944400. Madden, Mary E. 351260. Magnay, George. 752041. Mahue, Griffith. 968854. Maier, George. 972763. Maine, Edward. 655082. Malone, Sarah. 378130. Mandeville, See. 93S066. Mann, Susan. 977022. Manning, Arad R. 757022. 784020. Eugene Arad. 784021. Index of Names. 2IOI Manning, Meribeh. 334200. Manough, Dennis. 538503. Sooooo. Mansfield, Burton. 961S00. Nancy. 500260. Mantle, Elizabeth. 979040. Manzer, Abraham. 910002. 910020. George Theodore. 91002 1 . 910040. Mary Adele. 9 1004 1. March, Joanna. 492500. Peletier. 492500. Marc}-, Ithamar. 377212. Winthrop. 377210. 37721 1. Marland, Robert. 984690. Marlin, E. D. 982780. Marryot, Maria. 652712. Marsh, Belle Coethran. 377063. Benjamin P. 377060. Catharine Childs. 377064. Edward Ayres. 377061. Elizabeth. 494344. Hannah. 361020. Nathan Walworth. 377062. Onesephorus. 361020. Marshall, Anne. 600000. Matilda. 972510. Rebecca. 370200. 370S75. Sophia. 340604. William. 938045. Marston, Anna. 984505. David. 975180. Mary. 974483- Sarah. 324040. Martin, Catharine. 510153. Cora. 972900-802. Dorothy. 700200. Henry. 494139. Mary. 510152. Mary P. 354101. 504202. Mulford. 984735. Dr. Pearl. 348102. 354100. 498601. 504200. Robert D. 3466^4. Sarah. 910385. See. 170004, 180031. Thomas M. 346010. 984745. William. 510151. William P. 504201. 510150. Maryatt, Hannah. 968403. Margaret. 9664S0. Reuben. 968141. Mason, Rev. Charles. 954600. Daniel. 975200. Ephraim Barker. 9S4875. Dr. Henry Wainwright. 984875. Hugh. 975200. John. 975200. Louis Gage. 984875. Mason, Manetta C. 972891. Moses. 975200. Perez. 972S91. Sarah Ann. 972520. See. 724S63. Susan Lawrence. 954600. Thirza. 974484. Maston, Nuhannah. 974540. Mather, Frederick Gregory. 972900- 2601. Samuel Holmes. 972900-2600. Matthews. Dr. A. .W. 610400. George. 610403. James. 610404. Katy. 410401. Maud. 610402. William. 610405. Matthewson, Sarah. 770106. Mattison, Mary. 652460. Maul, Elizabeth. 968142. Maxler, Abraham. 195080. Alfred. 195082. George Washington. 195076. Jacob. 195079. James. 195081. Michael. 195023. 195075. 195077. Thomas. 195078. Maxson, Lydia. 96S160. 969410. Mary Porter. 972703. May, Rev. Joseph. 505150. Meach, Alington. 724082. Mead. Adelaide Ely. 949923. Darius. 949920. Emily G. 949922. Helen. 949925. Luvanlia. 756000. Samuel Goodrich. 949921. Worthington Ely. 949924. Meader, Nathaniel. 404260. Meigs, Elizabeth A. 961745. Meissner, Bertha. 9728S2. 972900- 8361. Carl. 972883. 972900-S364. Carl A. 972876. 872S81. 972900- 8360. Clarence. 972884. 972900-8365. Fritz. 9729008362. Harold. 972885. 972900-S366. James. 972S86. 972900-8367. William. 972900-S363. Mellick, Andrew D. 171002. 176025. 378750. 378751- 378760. 483500. 4S3501. 493700. Harriet. 176027. INIary Abigail. 176026. IMerchant, Dr. S90000. Merriani, Abigail. 975306. 2I02 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Merriam, Flavel. 972900-5223. Grant. 972900-5223. Lottie. 972900-5223. Oscar. 756001. 783700. W. A. 783701. Merrick, Daniel D. 938106. Harriet Cornelia. 943902. 949582. John. 93S105. John Marshall. 943901. 943903. 9495S0. Jonathan. 938065. Laura. 93S065. Susan Mary Ann. 943904. Thomas. 931403. 933620. 938106. Thomas E. 938106. William Marshall. 949581. William W. 938106. Merrill, Abigail. 91032 1. Alexander. 374701. Amos Clough. 494417. Arthur. 374702. Elizabeth. 546100. 975320. Erastus. 374021. 374500. Esther. 374506. George Washington. 374504. 374760. Hannah. 974467. Hannah Morse. 710700. Harriet Elizabeth. 374503. Henry. 374761. Herbert Leroj'. 374762. Rev. Isaac. 984501. Lyman. 374505. Maud. 374763. Obadiah. 374502. Ruth. 974468. See. 494274- Thomas D. 484048. 493900. Warren Ayer. 374501. William. 494336. Mershon, Rev. Albert Lincoln. 378101. Meserve, Martha P. 494164. Messier, Thomas Doremus. 287380. Messenger, Col. Daniel. 377815. Mary Brastow. 377S15. Messer, Abiel. 972900-7700. Jacob Hazen. 972900-7700. Matthew. 97290C-7700. Richard. 972900-7700. Sanmel. 972900-7700. Zacheus. 972900-7700. Metcalf, Abiel. 931600. Rev. Joseph. 931600. Metz, Jacob. 379236. Miller, Aaron. 972504. Archie C. 969622. Cornelia. 972900-7001. Miller, James C. 96S186. 969620. Jesse. 494487. Joseph. 972900-7003. Joseph G. 972900-7000. Lawrence. 972900-7002. Lena V. 781021. Pearle. 969621. Ray I. 969623. Rebecca. 968565. Sarah. 371800. Sybil. 938060. VanRoy W. 7S1022. Vanera S. 781023. William. 752003. 781020. Miles, David. 938802. 945820. Charles. 945821. 950300. Mary Elizabeth. 950301. Millard, Susan. 815080. Millet, Abigail. 407000. Bethiah. 370400. 91 1256. Thomas. 407000. Milligan, Alonzo Fred. 902201. Arthur Stewart. 902202. 902800. Lester James. 90280 1 . Marvin. 900902. 902200. Milliken, Anne. 977200. Mills, Abigail. 652500. Anna Cook. 961 140. 985221. Capt. Charles. 372200. Elijah Hunt. 926000. Harriet. 926000. Jabez. 961 140. Maria S. 960310. Sarah ( Boardman). 372200. See. 969140. Millspaugh, Jane. 371703. Jeremiah. 371703. Mirana. 371703. Milnor, Charles E. 962000. Eleanor. 962000. Rev. James. 962000. Mishnay, Francis. 420440. Mitchell, Abigail. 98292c. Ann Eliza. 955450. James Washington. 374602. 374870. John. 969631. Jonathan Barker. 500362. Juliet S. 377705- Lucy Whitman. 972900-6800. Sarah. 543000. Warren Kinney. 374871. Mix, Abigail. 940500. Moar, Benjamin. 494267. Betsey. 494287. Deborah. 494281. Elizabeth. 485204. Index of Names. 2103 Moar, Jacob. 49441 1. Joshua. 4^5104. 494280. 494282. Mary. 494268. Sally. 494286. Stephen Chandler. 494283. Timothy. 4S5204. 4942S0. 494284. Mock, Addie M. 972663. Andrew R. 969575. 972660. Anna. 972641. Arthur. 972642. Cecil L. 972643. Claybourne D. 972661. Edith. 972826. George A. 972662. Grover R. 972665. Harold Jackson. 972827. Harry Edgar. 972650. James Frank. 969572. 972640. 972647. 972825. Jesse Raymond. 972651. John Dennis. 969573. 972645. Mabel A. 972664. Martin G. 969574. 972655. Mary. 969571. Mildred Mae. 972652. Peter. 968162. 969570. Robert C. 972656. Sarah Winnifred. 972648. Monroe, Debby. 605440. Hiram. 711S02. Libby. 605440. Moody, Chester. 938123. Elizabeth Scammon. 973008. 974460. Esther Huldah. 374020. Joseph. 420410. Mary. 973457. Moore, Dr. A. A. 365082. 365550. Almira Chauncey. 943004. Artetia (Ayars). 968143. Dr. Atwood. 365551. Caroline. 948643. 977004. Edward. 966307. Elizabeth. 973455- Ella. 374701. Georgiana. 948641. Jacob. 966307. James. 325314. Jane. 975029. Jeremiah. 494393- Joanna Chauncey. 943002. John. 420170. 937003. 943000. 943003. 948640. 948642. 977200. Katharine C. 860000. Lawrence. 285920. Lillie. 378200, Mark. 652506. 966048. Moore, Maud. 365552. Reuben. 333201. Samuel. 285921. Solomon. 374081. 374700. William. 966048. More, Samuel. 975063. Morgan, Elizabeth. 652300. Ellen Eyre. 610225-43. Frances. 610225-44. James C. 96S186. John. 93S0S7. John Eyre. 610225-41. Lydia Smith. 948200. Robert Churchman. 610225-42. See. 605524. 610225-40. Sybil. 938060. Morley, Annie E. 782600. Jacob. 782600. Morrell, Catharine. 977760. Charlotte. 343240. Jacob. 343240. Morrill, Cornelia. 500282. George H. 500223. Greenleaf B. 972900-5010. Samuel. 493810. Morrison, Samuel. 474001. Morse, Carleton. 972900-5243. Cornelia. 972900-5244. Ellis. 710125. Emery. 972900-5241. Frances Whiting. 355000. Isaac T. 972900-5003. 972900- 5240. Osso. 972900-5242. Phebe. 494368. See. 725001. Morton, Rev. J. W. 972753. Mary Ellen. 972753. Matilda. 969538. Mosely, Julia Ette. 790500. Martha. 371 140. Richard. 371 102. Moseman, Margaret. 377010. Moses, Frances. 975030. Joseph. 361 140. 361 141. Mossman, Alexander. 770021. 790000. Mott, Henry A. 985571. John. 377140. William. 97S372. Moulton, Alice. 360903. James. 49443 r- James McDonald. 977203. John. 360902. Joseph. 360022. 360900. 360901. L. Adah. 760460. :Mary. 4943^9- Mowers, John. 966262. 2I04 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Mulford, Elmer D. 986103. Hervey. 960420. Jane. 946700. Jane Bradley. 960420. Rebecca. 969610. Zilpha M. 972737. Mumford, Stephen. 965000. Mundy, Gershom. 340600. Henry. 340606. Sarah. 340600. See. 334003. Munn, John. 931403. 933630. 933631- Murch, Jerusha. 972900-100. Murdaugh, William J. 711804. Murdock, Mary. 949300. Murfin, Mary. 600000. Murphy, Andrew Jackson. 972900- 52S2. Irving. 972900-5281. John. 972900-5006. 972900-5280. Murray, Francis N. 972900-418. Capt. James. 197575- Mutter, Thomas D. 945856. 950440. Myers, Dr. 605102. 610080. Samuel. 600242. 601000. Nash, Mary V. S. 972900-401. ^ ' Phebe. 972900-5760. Neal. John. 409020. 420200. Phebe. 365927. 420585. Nelson, Abner V. 345502. 350025. Eugene Voorhees. 350027. Julia Theresa. 350026. Nesbit, Ann. 931302. Elizabeth. 931 301. John. 930104. 931300. 933401. Robert. 931303- 93340O. Sophia. 933403. Neville, Andrew. 71 1904. Newell, Rev. Israel. 960312. Newhall, Jane. 494444. Newkirk, Enoch. 652362. Joast. 6512S3. Newton, David. 546001. 975308. Jasper. 710057. Martha. 959540. Col. Roger. 933960. 959500. 959540. See. 710050. Susanna. 933960. 959500. William H. 500406. Nichols, Alda. 972900-5501. Alilian. 731010. Benjamin. 703508. 71 1960. Benjamin A. 731002. 731007. Blanche. 972900-5502. Calista. 731001. Charles N. 731007. Nichols, Clarissa. 71 1966. Edwin. 71 1967. Eliza. 71 1968. Frank. 731009. George. 731008. Grace. 972900-5503. Henry D. 71 1965. Henry H. 731003. Hiram. 71 1964. Hubbard N. 71 1963. 731000. Isaac. 930200. Jefferson D. 731012. Joseph. 911961. Julia. 911969. Mary. 711965. 930200. Mary A. 731005. Nancy. 711962. Nancy M. 731003. Nellie. 731011. P. P. 972900-5261. Raymond. 972900-5504. Sarah. 494220. Sarah Jane. 71 1970. Silas D. 731013. Soranus G. 731006. William D. 731004. NicoU, Margaret. 961730. Col. Matthias. 961730. Niles, John. 370861. Niven, Catharine. 969290. Noble, Lucy Jane. 968960. Mark S. 968641. Phebe. 652580. See. 931363- Noe, John. 984835. vSee. 334002. Northam, Eli. 940222. Norris, Lyman Decatur. 961 100. Dr. Maria Whittelsey. 961101. Mark. 961102. Norton, Achsah. 975102. Ellen. 975102. 977460. George Allen. 374503- Henrietta. 755080. Jonathan. 977460. Mary Catharine. 760040. Noyes, Aaron. 494368. Abigail. 938540. Annie. 377080. John. 343600. Mary. 343600. Oliver. 912001. 912220. Sarah Nannie. 757001. Swasey. 494368. Nutter, Abigail. 400004. 400160. 400526. 402311. 420000. Alfred. 420150. Index of Names. 2105 Nutter, Alice. 402221. 420405. 420440. 420465. Ann. 400505. 420180. Anna. 402307. 420480. Anthony. 400001. 400100. 400220. 400522. 402309. 420400. Arabella. 420430. Benjamin. 420470. Betty. 420435. Charles Copeland. 420370. Dr. Charles F. 420650. Charles Peary. 420170. Charles Read. 420135. Charlotte Elizabeth. 41 1002. Christopher. 420450. David Robinson. 420140. Dorothy. 402304. Ebeiiezer. 420475. Eleanor. 400523. 402222. Eliphalet S. 420700. Elizabeth. 362300. 400527. 400530. 400545. 420455. George Read. 420125. Dr. George William. 420660. Hannah. 402041. 402202. 402303. 402310. Hate Evil. 365905. 400000. 400102. 400504. 400520. 400521. 402040. 402200. 402301. 984930. Henry. 400103. 400540. 400541. Ida R. 972S67. Isaac Newton. 420105. Jacob. 420160. James. 400503. 402020. 420100. 420390. John. 400101. 400500. 400501. 400529. 402021. 402300. 402205. 402305. 406000. 420385. John P. 420705. Joseph. 400544. 402203. Joseph Sines. 402308. 406001. 41 1000. Joshua. 400525. Jotham. 420445. Lieut. 4201 10. Louise. 420460. Mark. 402045. Mary. 400002. 400120. 400546. 402043. 402044. 402204. 402302. 41 loot. 4203S0. 420410. 420425. Dr. Mary E. 420670. Matthias. 400502. 402000. 402001. Miriah. 402402. Miriam. 420385. Olive. 420528. Phebe. 420420. Richard. 402401. 984940. Nutter, Richard Winslow. 420130. Rosamond. 402042. 420486. Samuel. 400542. 402400. 402403. 402404. Sarah. 400104. 400524. 402201. 420400. 420415. 420710. Susan. 420360. Temperance. 402022. Thomas. 402002. Dr. Tryphosa D. 420680. Valentine. 400543. Willard. 420340. William. 420480. Dr. William Dennett. 420375. 420690. Nye, Ellen Rose. 956840. Oak, Calvin. 494440. O'Calligan, Charles. 605527. 610226- I. 610226-2. Ocobock, C. A. 910312. Odiorne, Alvena. 377750. .\ugustus Walback. 411001. 415000. Benjamin. 377750. Emma J. 377750. George Beck. 415000. John. 377750. Joseph Nutter. 415002. Katharine Norrie. 415001. Lillian J. 377750. Lydia. 420001. Odlin, Mary Ann. 494585. Rev. Woodbridge. 949585. Ogden, C. 60068S. 605383. 610175. Catharine. 286520. Charles. 610 176. Louisa. 610177. O'Haver, Dr. James K. 959761. Olcott, Abigail. 938600. Cornelia H. 972900-2601. Jennie. 756430. Oldham, Edgar Clark. 565201. John A. 557061. 565200. Joseph Ayer. 565202. Oliphant, Shinn. 9S4675. Oliver, Andrew. 943402. 949043. 954680. Benjamin Lynde. 943405. 949060. Catharine. 977800. Daniel. 943404. 949040. Elizabeth Digby. 943407. Fitch Edward. 949041. 954600. Mary Lynde. 943401. Peter. 329081. 949042. 954640.' Sarah Pynchon. 943406. Rev. Dr' Thomas Fitch. 937503. 943400. 2io6 Ayer, Ayres, Ay^ars and Eyre. Oliver, William Hutchinson Pynchon. 954681. 958300. William Pynchon. 943403. Olliver. Capt. Jonathan. 333403. Katie. 340051. Olmstead, Anna. 555200. Sarah. 972900-335. Orr, Annis. 494495. Bethia. 420105. Osborn, David. 972900-333. Ida. I 69 I 00. 969625. Rebecca. 344000. Susie. 175000. Osgood, Abigail. 324621. 324623. 324801. 324820. 458001. 45S002. Anna. 475201. Appleton. 324606. Benjamin. 321 120-10. 324544. 324625. 457024. 475205. Clement. 453002. Daniel. 321 120-7. 324580. 324627. 457027". Dorcas. 324504. Ebenezer. 321 120-2. 324520. 324521. 453001. Elizabeth. 324502. 475203. Dr. H. 457002. Hannah. 321 120-9. 324541. 324603. 475206. Hubbard. 324561. Isaac. 4S5410. 494600. Jacob. 324625. 457023. James. 320 r 20-66. 324820. 458000. 460051. 475200. 475204. Jeremiah. 321 120-5. 321120-6. 324546. 324560. 324562. John. 320134. 320162. 321120-1. 321 120-2. 321120-64. 324500. 324501. 324543. 452300. 453003. 457000. 457003. 460050. 472004. 475208. 485410. John Fiske. 324820. 458003. Jonathan. 324628. 457026. Joseph. 324503. 457001. 472003. Josiah. 321 120-12. 324620. 324622. 453004. 457004. 457021. 472000. Josiah C. 472002. Martha. 324802. Mary. 320134. 321 120-61. 324505. 324545. 324601. Methuen. 472001. Moses. 475204. Nathaniel. 321 120-4. 324540. 324542. 472006. Peter. 320165. 321120-60. 321 120- 63- Phebe R. 494601. Osgood, Rebecca. 324522. Richard Hazen. 475209. 485400. Robert Parker. 485401. Ruth. 324524. S. R. 702008. 91 1268. Samuel. 321 120-9. 321120-11. 321120-62. 324800. 472005. 475202. Sarah. 324548. 324604. 972890. See. 724802. Solomon. 324624. 457022. Susan. 324607. Susanna. 324523. 475202. Rev. Thaddeus. 472007. Timothy. 324043. Westford. 457025. William. 32 11 20-8. 321120-65. 324547. 324600. 324605. 475207. Zachariah. 324602. Osmun, George. 972855. 972900-5007. 972900-5300. Louise. 972900-5303. Martha. 972900-5302. Thomas Embley. 972855. 972900- 5301. Ostrom, Mary C. 356060. Otis, Carlisle. 371903. Darius. 371909. Desire 984935. George W. 420365. Hannah F. 420340. Jerome. 371901. Lorenzo D. 420363. Lucy. 371904. Lydia. 371907-. Marie. 371905. Melissa. 420362. Micajah. 420360. Paul. 420340. Rosetta. 420364. Sanmel. 371900. Stephen. 371902. Susan. 371905. Thomas Jeffer.son. 420360. Oviatt. Rev. George A. 959773. Owens, Abigail (Farnam). 339000. Eleazer. 339000. Packard, C. M. 197660. Prof. Lewis Richard. 964201. 964400. Mary. 964401. Paddleford, Hannah. 940200. 946800. Paetz, Harry. 972505. Page, Elizabeth. 975140. Harlan. 550201. Nehemiah. 975140. Onesephorus. 975140. Index of Names. 2107 Paine, Josiah. 973456. Rachel. 968950. See. 494232. Palmer, Abiel Chandler. 501332. 505240. Allen LeRoy. 760122. Allen R. 729005. 760120. Calista Jane. 505241. Carrie Amelia. 505242. Cora Estelle. 760121. Edward Carter. 501335. 505260. Elizabeth. 160040. 320120. Franklin Rolfe. 501337. George. 940010. Harriet Angelia Baxter. 505221. Henry. 320120. Henry Wirt. 501334. Ida Eleanor. 760123. Joseph. 500366. Leslie Spencer. 760124. Moses G. 975087. Robert. 286540. Sarah Jane. 501333. 501336. William A. 494553- 50I330- 982220. William Blanchard. 501331. 505220. Parker, Aaron. 343104. 348000. Betsey. 500376. Catharine Prunell. 632002. David. 475062. Dorcas Caroline. 494321. Eleazer. 605820. 600945. Elizabeth. 9S4790. Enoch. 494321. Fanna. 972900-5200. George. 631000. Dr. Horace J. 605824. James. 494393- John Stratton. 630500. Jonathan. 324013. Katharine Morris Ogden. 958900, Laura. 605821. Louisa. 605822. Margaret Andrews. 630500. Margaret Eyre. 632001. Moses. 494321. Robert. 484004. Samuel P. 605823. See. 710129. 968133. ' Severn Eyre. 631001. 632000. Parkhurst, Andrew. 485106. 494305. 494306. 494390- Lydia. 494307- 494390. Rebecca. 494308. Parks, Dorcas F. 975166. Parry, Angeline. 605770. Parry, John. 984730. Parson, Caroline E. N. 34S040. Francis Holt. 348010. Parsons, Arthur H. 377581. 378001. Caroline Louisa. 949107. Catharine. 949103. Charles Chauncey. 943203. 949105. 949140. Charlotte. 943205. 954803. Edward W. 955200. Rev. Elijah. 959591- Elizabeth. 943204. 954S01. Elizabeth Williams. 955200. Emily Elizabeth. 949101. Emma. 949125. Fanny. 755000. Lucy. 954804. Marian. 949122. Martha. 9491 21. Mary Sabra. 949106. Mehetabel. 946680. Sabra. 949123. Gen. Samuel Holden. 946680. See. 931363. Simeon. 933804. Theophilus. 937021. 943200. 943201. 949100. 949104. 949141- 954802. 958920. 972900-7245. 972900-7250. Thomas. 94914 1. 954800. William. 943202. 949109. 949120. 949124. William John. 949102. Parvin, Rhoda. 968940. 969400. Theophilus. 651266. Paseley, Richard. 320160. Patch, Dr. Lewis. 751007. Patten, Henry Ayres. 350501. 355000. Henry DeNeale. 346502. 350500. Louisa. 350503. Mary Sumner. 350502. Patterson, INIartha M. 729180. Rev. William. 972900-820. Patton, Prof. Robert Bridges. 969229. Paxton, Edward. 969546. Payn, Thomas. 370854. Payne, James R. 494181. Paynter, Eliza. 605520. Paulding, Abraham. 286301. 2S6304. 286403. 286504. 2S6540. 287S50. Alexander. 286540. Anna Depew. 287001. Caleb. 286540. 286S12. Catharine. 286305. 286405. 286521. 286540. Charlotte. 286540. Elijah. 286818. 2io8 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Paulding, Elinor. 287S20. Elizabeth. 2S6803. Euphemia. 2S6529. 2S6540. Frederick. 286540. George. 286808. George W. 286540. George Washington. 286804. Hannah. 2S6S17. Henrietta. 286522. 286540. Hiram. 2S6540. 286S07. Isaac. 286814. James. 286805. James Kirke. 286528. Jane. 286540. John. 286408. 286501. 2S6540. 289541. 286800. 286809. Joost. 286300. Joseph. 28630S. 286400. 286401. 286500. 286506. 286525. 286540. 286813. 287830. Josephine. 286540. Julia. 286523. 286540. Leonard. 286820. Lj'sbeth. 286302. Margareta. 286306. 2S6307. Maria. 286303. Mary. 286540. 286S11. 286816. Nancy. 286540. 2S6802. Nathaniel. 286527. 286540. Peter. 286404. 286406. 286407. 286505. 286540. Phebe. 286815. Pierre VanCortlandt. 286821. Samuel. 286540. 286819. Sarah. 28680T. 286806. Susannah. 286503. 2S6526. 286540. 286810. William. 286402. 286502. 286520. 286524. 286540. William H. 287000. Paulin, Henry. 650124. Joseph. 650125. William. 972591. Peabody, Hannah. 494470. Capt. William. 494470. Pearlee, Lydia. 540500. Pearson, Commander Frederick. 195552. Pearsons, Isaac. 500253. Rebecca. 500253. Pease, Sarah. 975002. 977000. Peaslee, Hannah. 981940. Peasley, Betsey (Hogg). 982500. James. 982500. Peaslie, Daniel G. 71 1993. Peavey, Joseph. 420430. Peck, Adalina Diadama. 494251. Ann. 724080. Norman. 372330. Pecker, Jeremiah. 500244. Jonathan Eastman. 500244. William. 494433. Peckwell, Elizabeth. 377090. Pendleton, Adelaide. 757020. Ichabod. 910320. Penine, Abigail LaRue. 348020. John. 348021. Penn, John. 170003. Richard. 620005. Thomas. 620005. Pennington, See. 170003. Pepper, Amos. 969671. Percival, Dr. Warren. 377190. Percy, Jennie L. 761200. Perkins, Abigail. 975329. Mary Deming. 972900-7840. Perley, Charles Nathaniel. 374504. Dorothy Fidelia. 374501. George Amasa. 374501. 374880. Ida Gertrude. 374505. Iva Chryoma. 374881. Mary Elizabeth. 374501. . Moses. 324045. Nathaniel. 374500. Stephen B. 374082. 374500. Stephen Elton. 374882. Perot, Rev. Elliston. 610204. Perrine, Andrew. 287300. Daniel. 287301. Henry. 287302. James. 287303. John. 287304'. Joseph. 2S7305. Lewis. 285910. Margaret. 287102. Matthew. 287306. Peter. 285940. 287100. 287101. 287200. Rebecca. 287201. William. 285940. 287307. William Woodward. 285940. Perry, Amos. 494227. Rev. Gardner B. 954400. Mary Parker. 954400. Sarah M. 972869. See. 931364. Perth, Ida. 969672. Peters, Andrew. 329300. Judge Richard. 600680. Samuel. 329300. Petit, Hannah (Barrett). 652560. Sarah. 652420. 965510. Petty, Fred. 972822. Wilbur A. 972641. 972820. 972821. Index of Names. 2109 Phelps, Amelia. 910324. Amelia Caroline. 723006. Carrington. 950263. Chandler. 485217. 494307. 494314. 494390. Charles P. 943205. 949120. Charles Porter. 9491 So. Charles Russell. 723002. Charlotte. 9491 S3. Charlotte .\nn. 723007. Edward Arah. 945S02. 950260. 950262. Elizabeth Carrington. 950261. Flavia. 938107. Hannah. 475123. 485185. 975500. Henry. 475125. 485215. Henry Samuel. 723005. 753000. 753002. Jacob Sidney. 494391. John. 710123. 723000. John Hartson. 723001. Joshua. 475123. Lydia. 494374- Mary. 485215- 494391- 5446oo. Mary M. 723003. Sarah Helen. 723008. Susan Davis. 949184. Susannah Stuart. 753001. Theophilus Parsons. 949181. William B. 91 1 117. William Benjamin. 723004. William Porter. 949182. Philbrick, Abraham. 376683. Ann. 376006. Benjamin. 376604. Borimion. 376606. Elizabeth. 376004. 376623. Hannah. 376602. Jedediah. 376009. 376600. 376609. 376621. 376681. Jeremiah. 376003. 376601. 376620. 376682. John. 376622. 376684. Joseph. 376610. 376624. Mehitable. 376007. 376624. Samuel. 376008. 376608. 376680. 376686. Sarah. 376685. Thomas. 376000. 376010. 376603. 376605. 376607. Timothy. 376005. Phillips, Anna Dunn. 969195. Caroline Crowninshield. 969196. Emily B. 969201. Emily Susan. 969192. Rev. George P. 916500. George William. 916503. Phillips, Grace. 950280. Grenville Tudor. 916505. Harriet W. 969193. Jane. 651 140. Jean. 969395. John. 914403. 916500. 969150. 969161. John C. 969191. John Charles. 916502. 964000. 964001. 969155. 969190. Juliet. 600760. Margaret. 916507. 969154. Margaret W. 969190. Miriam. 916508. 916600. 969158. 972900-6050. Miriam W. 969194. Samuel. 916500. 969153. 969162. 969175. Samuel Dunn. 972900-6620. Sarah Hurd. 964200. 969152. See. 933300. Theodore. 734005. Thomas Walley. 916501. 969151. 969160. Wendell. 916504. 921000. 969157. 969203. William. 916500. 916600. Phipps, Sir William. 965000. Pickering, Alice. 324540. James. 420425. John. 324540. 420380. Winthrop. 420420. Pickrell, Eliza. 351360. Emma. 351360. John. 351360. Pickman, Benjamin. 329080. Love. 329080. Pierce, .\bel A. 727024. Daniel. 320170. Emma. 560200. President Franklin. 493822. See. 9S2504. Susan. 655 loi. Pierson, Elizabeth Mary. 34S300. Isaac. 340030. Minerva. 972501. Sanuiel. 348300. Pike, Hannah. 160100. 19S020. 320170. John. 160100. 320170. Gen. Zebulon Montgomery'. 320170. Pinckney, Julia. 977646. Pinkham, See. 972900-S031. Pinney, Ann. 972868. Pitcher, Jerusha. 975302. Pitney, Catharine. 340602. 377030. Pitt, Mary. 652680. 2IIO Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Platts, Edward. 969550. Plummer, Priscilla. 500256. Pollard, Alonzo Wilder. 961820. Pomeroy, Eleazer. 544246- 550300. Isaac Newton. 550301. 555200. Horace. 555201. 560200. Louise. 560201. Polly. 945S00. Pond, Bessie Oilman. 955953- Cecil Lawrence. 955956. Charles Hobby. 950301. 955950- Charles Miles. 955958. Florence Atherton. 955955- Mary Miles. 955951. Matilda Misplee. 955952. Nathalie Sarah. 955957- Winthrop. 955954- Poole, Chauncy. 933201. Murray Edward. 195091. 197660. 969610. Nicholas. 931302. 933200. Poor, Annie L. 972900-7240. Daniel. 472500. Dorothy. 472500. Maj. John. 494067. Joseph. 494067. Mehitable. 329060. 472500. 500430. Samuel. 494067. Pope, Elizabeth. 605740. Sophia J. 505240. Porter, Aaron. 494551. 501300. Betsey. 753540. Lt. Bolton T. 948802. Lt. David St. Leon. 948804. Dudley. 494344. Gen. Fitz John. 948803. 954500. John. 943081. 948800. Jonathan. 550200. Lois Richards. 550200. Nancy. 494344- Post, Elizabeth Bradley. 633004. Harriet A. 750000. Phila Ann. 951240. Stephen. 750000. Postwood, Jennette. 732003. Potter, Fanny. 334201. Bishop Horatio. 950000. Mary Jane. 950000. Samuel. 600520. 605101. 610060. Sarah. 61 0061. William. 610062. Potts, David. 377840. Jacob. 985130. 972900-403. John. 377840. Mary Ann. 985130. Powell, Alexander Reed. 727905. Powell, Mary Ayer. 910336. Moses. 494214. Powelson, Irving. 910157. Powers, Elijah. 710165. 724060. Josephine. 71 1905. Sarah. 494 11 6. Powner, Margaret. 652200. Prall, Horatio G. 951100. Julia Ann. 951101. William Chauncey. 951102. Pratt, Elizabeth. 494437- James. 494437- Prentice, Addie L. 762843. Celia. 762S44. Charles T. 762841. James K. 762842. Patience. 931 160. 969215. 969240. Thaddeus. 734122. 762840. William. 762S45. Prescott, Dorothy. 931 140. 962000. Capt. Jonathan. 962000. See. 494216. Preston, Bennett. 960325. Price, Rev. Ebenezer. 555000. Mary Farrer. 555000. Priest, Margaret. 9681 61. Proal, Hannah. 735001. Proctor, Abigail. 71 1920. 91 1228. Eliza A. 377940. Isaac. 377940. 729020. Leonard. 494440. Mary. 729020. William. 377940. 729020. 91 1228. Prudence, David. 371520. Prunell, Catharine Gedden. 632000. Puffer, Thomas. 494247- Warren. 494246. Pulling, Mary Robinson. 943404- Pusey, Caleb. 621000. Susannah. 621000, Putnam, Caroline Monroe. 972900- 850. George. 722022. Hannah. 5558oo. 555840. Gen. Israel. 555800. 555840. Tarrant, 972900-850. See. 7 1 1028. Pynchon, Catharine. 937502. Daniel John. 933604. Elizabeth. 937501. John. 937505- 959685- Joseph. 933605. 937540- 959685- 972900-5800. Margaret. 933603. Sarah. 933601. 937503- Thomas Ruggles. 937541- 943350. 949301. 954900- Index of Names. 21 I I Pynchon, William. 931401. 933600. 933602. 937500. 937504. 959685. William Hutchinson. 943351. • 949300. Quandrill, See. 600106. Quick, Philip. 340610. Quinby, Alice. 73100S. Enoch. 494236. Jemima. 71 1020. Jeremiah. 494214. Rafferty, Thomas Edwin. 977645. Rand, Benjamin. 376945. Eliza. 500807. Randall, Eleanor. 361020. Hannah Ann. 968406. Norman. 500343. Randolph, Abel F. 966122. Abigail S. 96S871. David A. 656001. David F. 652065. 966600. Delia. 656001. Edith May. 969783. Elizabeth. 320170. Enos F. 969395. 652041. Ephraim F. 652062. Isaac S. F. 966542. Jacob F. 966102. James F. 652064. Jeremiah. 325207. Joanna. 972900-7100. John D. F. 652595. Richard F. 652523. See. 656001. Rapine, Ann Elizabeth. 960350. Rappleye, Jonas. 351400. Sylvester. 180073. 3466S3. Rathbone, Mary Rosalie. 960200. Rawlins, Edward. 40052S. Jacob. 400530. Love. 329080. Rawson, Alexander Murray. 972900- 2502. Anne. 972900-7900. Catharine Chauncey. 940010. Charles. 934902. 946302. Charles Chauncey. 940001. Charles Wilson. 94001 1. 946300. Chauncey. 934905. Dorothy. 934906. Dorothy Blanchard. 940005. Dorothy Nichols. 940009. Edward. 934901. 940000. 946303. Edmund Grindall. 940004. 946750. Floyd. 946304. Grindall. 931607. 934900. 946305. 969180. 972900-2000. 972900- 2001. 972900-2500. 972900-2501. Rawson, Hooker. 934904. John Wilson. 940002. Joseph Perne. 940007, Mary. 946301. Ozias Holmes. 940006. Sarah Andrews. 940008. Susannah. 969180. Thomas Hooker. 940003. William. 934903. Raymond, Eleanor Rosilla. 972900- 5325- Jane. 972900-760. Joshua. 972900-760. Mar)- E. 351 461. Nelson. 972900-502. Ruhama. 972900-760. Sally Ann. 180058. 3514S0. Thomas B. iSoost. 351460. Raynor, Sue C. 972528. Read, Samuel. 972900-332. Rector, Caroline L. 752022. Reed, Charles. 986852. David. 966503. 986850. 986860. Eliza. 986861. Eunice. 500394. George. 9S6854. Henry. 986855. James. 9S6855. Joseph. 986851. Lewis. 9S685S. Samuel. 500394. 986859. Thomas. 986857. William. 9S6856. Reese, Hattie. 723 loi. Reeve, Judge Tapping. 950750. Reeves, Abigail. 65271 1. Regnault, Francis Clair. 605800. James. 605800. Mary Isabel. 605800. Reilly, Richard Harding. 984593. Remey, John. 195040. Mary. 195040. Rennine, Enoch. 651345. Renshaw, Com. James. 950500. Mary. 950500. Requa, Capt. John. 286522. 286900. 950600. Henrietta. 286540. Sarah. 950600. Rexford, See. 71 1046. Reynolds, Adeline E. 9691 86. Adeline Margaret. 9691S2. Anne Foster. 969184. Augusta Theresa. 969187. Benjamin. 969180. Dr. Edward. 916507. 969154. 969 1 So. Horace. 972900-501. 2II2 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Reynolds, James. 91 1302. John. 969180. John Phillips. 9691 81. Margaret Elizabeth. 969185. Mary E. 972900-504. Mary Eliza. 972900-Soo. Miriam Phillips. 969183. Nathaniel. 972900-800. OUie. 870000. Rhodes, Anna. 333400. Elizabeth. 605740. Rice, Catharine. 960250. Frances. 938102. Frank Ayres. 972900-5681. George. 960250. Gordon Kimball. 972900-5682. Harriet Chapin. 979040. John. 960250. John Findlay. 972900-5327. 972900-56S0. Rich, Anna E. 782424. Annie. 910000. Francis M. 782423. Frederick A. 7S2420. 753502. Lora A. 782422. Lucien H. 782421^ Mary Ayer. 9 103 13. Richards, Jesse. 972900-336. Sarah. 400525. Richardson, Drusilla. 500321. Emily. 758020. Henry. 378251. Joseph Chandler. 500322. Lucy. 973457- Luther. 494023. 500320. See. 972900-5302. Thomas. 974469. William. 975042. Zebadiah. 500320. Richie, Sarah Bowen. 972900-565. Richison, Carrie Alice. 972601. Charles Anthony. 972600. George Andrew. 972596. Frank Albert. 972597. John W. 969561. 972595- Margaret Ann. 972602. Micajah Arthur. 972603. Silas Alva. 972598. William Allen. 972599. Richmond, Edward. 91 11 70. Ezra. 91 1 1 70. John. 91 1 170. Mary Ruttenber. 911 170. Sylvester. 911 170. Ricker, Ebenezer. 494386. Sarah. 402500. Riddick, Edward Garrett. 255955. Riddick, James Edward. 255955. Riddle, George. 890000. Riggins, See. 969548. Riker, Mary. 349000. Riley, See. 969736. Ringold, Mary A. 972900-707. Ripley, Mary. 494273. Ritter, Edward. 652589. Rives, George. 494243. Roadnight, Harry S. 356281. Jessie Ayres. 356282. W. Harry. 351341. 356280. Robbins, Abigail. 933070. Dr. Amatus. 946450. Elias. 651009. Elliot. 600944. 605800. Elizabeth Ann. 600945. Esther. 960310. Forman Cheeseman. 600942. 605780. Jerusha. 940222. John. 651009. 711801. 966262. Lamont E. 972733. Patience. 655500. 966040. Robert. 934964. 944220. Robert Chauncey. 940223. 940224. 946440. Ruth Kimberly. 940221. Samuel. 600223. 600940. 600941. Samuel Wells. 940224. Thomas. 652801. Valentine. 600943. Roberts, Abigail. 400164. 401003. 401022. Benjamin. 401007. 403502. Ebenezer. 401006. Elijah. 945464- Eliza. 372510. 975081. Elizabeth. 401002. Hannah. 404001. Hanson. 408001. Hatevil. 400162. 401020. Jason. 552000. John. 400004. 400160. 401001. Joseph. 400161. 401000. 401002. 403001. 408000. Joshua. 401023. Love. 401040. 404000. 404002, Lydia. 401009. 403503- Mary. 401010. 401024. Samuel. 401008. 40102 1. 403500. 403501. 403504- Stephen. 401005. 403000. Susan. 723042. Thomas. 400163. 401040. 711907. Robertson, Lewis. 727004. Robinson, Abraham. 601043. Index of Names. 2113 Robinson, Ada Evelyn. 977581. Agnes Conway. 945341- Anne. 6006S7. Capt. Anthony Wayne. 600243. 601040. Charles Henry. 377366. James. 605341. Jennie Cornelia. 377364. Rev. John. 91 1720. Kate Eugenia. 377361. Louise. 600688. Manuel. 600683. Manuel Eyre. 600686. Mary. 339400. 482000. 600682. 600685. 601041. 605342. Mary Hull. 377365. Moncure. 945341. Rev. Nalbro Frazier. 91 1574. Nancy. 975003. 977020. Persis. 972900-5260. Phebe. 91 1720. Rebecca Louise. 377362. Sarah. 600680. 600684. Theodore Edgar. 377363. Theodore Pearson. 377360. Thomas. 600101. 600680. 600681. 601042. 605340. 605343. William. 605344. Rockefellow, Charles Frederick. 350001. Ferdinand D. 345501. 350000. Grace Ferdinand. 350002. Rockwood, Prof. Charles Greene. 949981. 955700. Rogers, Elizabeth. 320000. Fanny. 377705. Rebecca. 984645. Susannah. 983020. Rev. Zabdiel. 377705. Rolfe, Benjamin. 500220. Henry. 500220. Honour. 500220. Jane. 500220. John. 500220. Judith Walker. 4853 11. Nathaniel. 500220. Rollins, James. 412020. 470002. 470003. James Wingate. 41 2021. Rollo, Ralph R. 950901. Rorick, Elizabeth. 345000. John. 340053. 345000. Maria. 920100. Mary. 340053. Rork, Jacob. 968004. Rose, Alexander. 565020. Albert Ayer. 565021. Rose, Betsey. 982660. Rosette, See. 605002. Ross, Jane Weaver. 916407. Thomas J. 374552. Rouse, Capt. Elijah. 975303. See. 710050. Row, Mar)'. 362200. Rowell, Eunice Sybil. 759700. Janet. 72S000. Rowland, See. 197526. Roy, Charles. 340671. Sarah. 19840S. Rublee, Albert. 759801. Alfred A. 759804. Andrew A. 711867. 728000. Andrew H. 759S00. Doris L. 759S06. Ethel D. 759803. Gladys M. 759808. Katharine M. 759805. Robert James. 759807. Sadie J. 759802. Ruckman, Jonathan. 984802. 984804. Joseph. 984802. Nathan. 984804. Rugg, Caroline A. 985320. Zervich. 494437. Ruggles, Ellen. 960203. Henr}- Joseph. 959674. 960210. James Francis. 960202. James Harmon. 959673. John. 371 141. 960201. Philo. 959670. Philo Taylor. 959672. Samuel Bulkley. 959671. 960200. Sarah. 959685. 972900-5800. Thomas. 959685. 972900-5800. Rumford, Count. 485300. Rumrill, Flora Edith. 762924. Joseph Frederick. 762922. Prescott Ayer. 762921. Seba Alma. 762923. Stillman Prescott. 734201. 762920. Rumsey, Daniel. 651303. 965520. 966266. Stillman Prescott. 734201. Runnells, Molly. 377920. Polly. 703500. Runyon, Sarah E. 968823. Rush, .\llie L. 356240. Madison. 633003. Russell, Charlotte Augusta. 3783S5. Rev. Daniel. 378385. 959580. Edith L. 972636. Jeremiah. 96613 1. John. 969571. 972635. 2II4 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Russell, Lydia. 96971 1. Ollie. 972638. Phebe. 334000. See. 605103. 605104. Thomas. 972637. Rustling, Sarah. 91 1600. Rev. Sedgwick. 91 1600. Ryan, Elizabeth. 500253. Ryerson, Franz. 285930. Martin. 2S5930. Sabin, John. 97532S. Temperance. 975328. Sadler, Elvira Jane. 977310. Sage, Hannah. 969225. Mary. 962000. St. George, Etienne. 949903. Salchkin, Jackson. 969546. Salisbury, Elizabeth Sewall. 945340. Rachel. 287420. Samuel. 945340. Sarah. 287420. Sampson, Abigail. 975328. Joanna. 546100. 975320. Joseph. 975328. Sanborn, Eliza. 348700. Ezra. 348700. Louisa. 498800. Sarah. 376680. Sanders, Sarah. 972892. Sands, Ephraim. 974462. Sanger, Francis W. 727002. Sangle, Agnes. 977840. Sargent, Rev. Christopher. 343500. 484060. Dorcas. 494198. Elizabeth S. 500254. Epes. 494198. Lucy. 948300. Samuel. 500254. Susanna McClary. 484060. Saunders, Arthur. 969712. Dorothy. 972790. John. 969S04. John B. 972787. Merville R. 494601. Rose Ellen. 972791. See. 195043. 195044. Truman A. 969712. Truman E. 972789. Vivian. 972787. William. 969712. Savage, Charles Chauncey. 949945. 961706. Henrietta. 949942. Henry Chauncey. 949944. Mary. 949943- William Littleton. 945321. 949940. 949941. Sawyer. Ida. 972585. John. 972585. Judith. 949120. Lemuel. 377790. Sayre, Maria. 968S20. Saxton, Wallace. 972900-5344. Scammons, Hannah Plaisted. 973001. 973400. Schelenger, Daniel. 966521. Schenck, Agnes. 196200. Louis. 978302. See. 756403. Schuyler, Hamilton. 285900. See. 176027. Schutt, Cora Lyman. 190600. Sylvester. 190600. Schmidt, Eliza Melinda. 948101. F. Leopold. 948 loi. Schofield, Deborah. 984525. Rebecca. 984525. Scofield, Sarah. 972900-203. Scott, James. 377895. 972900-8070. Scoville, Althea. 560400. William H. 560400. Scribner, Goodale. 975125. Scudder, Elizabeth. 37S041. Sally. 325337. Salome. 652580. Thomas. 378031. 378040. Searles, See. 494339- Seaverns, Sally. 376960. Samuel. 972900-6670. Sarah. 972900-6670. Sebring, Winfred M. 754022. Seely, Naomi 96S860. 985950. Sarah. 286506. Senter, Abraham. 361 180. Serrine, Elisha. 286800. Sever, See. 500809. Sewall, Catharine. 937500. Seybert, Eliza. 951280. Elizabeth. 610300. Shackford, Albert. 948623. Charles Chauncey. 948622. . 954420. 954421. 972900-6650. Charlotte L. 954420. Joanna Augusta. 948624. John Edward. 948625. Lucy Bartlett. 954422. William G. 954401. William Henry. 948621. 954400. William M. 943002. 948620. Shackleford, Mary. 946300. Shafter, Sarah Maud. 958470. Shapleigh, Dependence. 420510. John. 372320. 911257. Sharp, Isaac. 600680. Sarah. 600680. Index of Names. 2115 Sharpe, Joanna. 710120. Shattuck, Hannah C. 494333. Jacob. 494274. 494275. Joseph. 470001. 4S0000. 485123. 4S5184. 494332. 494334- Lydia. 480001. Nathan. 494335- 494389- Phebe A. 494336. Samuel. 494266. Sarah. 494262. Zebadiaii. 4S5101. 494260.494261. Shaw, Cornelius. 986041. John. 370260. Mary E. 91 1536. Matthew. 91 1536. Shearer, Rosanna. 9S4508. Sarah E. 977464. Shedd, Rev. Henry. 500303. Shelton, Deborah. 371420. Sheppard, Abel. 652067. 652140. 96S240. 96S260. Abigail. 652140. 926260. Allen H. B. 9S6021. 986200. Anna. 968180. Dennis. 651389. Elijah. 652714. Isaac. 652144. Joel. 968200. John. 9S4504. Joseph C. 968864. 986020. 986200. Lydia. 986200. Maggie. 986201. Margaret (Davis). 968240. Phebe. 96S240. Rebecca (Ayars). 926260. Robert Ayars. 9S6202. Sherburn, Joseph. 420590. Ruth S. 975 1S9. Sherrill, Rev. Dana. 376920. Joseph Allen. 376920. Lewis. 376920. Sherwood, Annie A. 175000. Augustine M. 175000. Edwin S. 175000. Elias K. 175000. Ida M. 175000. Maria K. 175000. Mary H. 175000. Merritt T. 175000. Minerva E. 175000. Minnie A. 175000. William I. 175000. Shields, Jacob. 97S376. Judith. 287830. Sarah Bainbridge. 958400. Sarah Barbara Leighton. 962040. Shipey, Luck. 370866. Shipman, Samuel. 560000. Sarah Elizabeth. 560000. Shippen, Edward. 969395. Shirley, Hannah. 91 1898. Shoals, Abby. 552008. 770060. Lewis E. 91 u 1 1. Shoemaker, George. 968882. Margaret. 1 75000. Sh9res, Franklin. 94S605. Mark M. 94S602. 954300. Oliver. 948603. 954320. Peter. 948600. Sarah Chauncey. 94S601. Statira. 948604. Short, Simeon. 724084. Shotwell, William. 975406. Shreaves, Rebecca. 600000. Shultz, Delia Louisa. 761081. Dora F. 761083. Elia.s A. 761082. Isaac. 730043. 761080. Shute, Moses. 494 11 2. Nancy. 4941 12. Sias, See. 724523. Sibbons, Elizabeth. 324000. Sickles, Catharine. 945900. John. 945900. Signor, Cornelia. 850000. Silver, Mary. 71 1500. Silliman, Benjamin. 931463. 959400. John. 972900-417. Simons, Plenry. 968564. Simmons, George R. 972723. Simonton, Margaret. 198401. Simpkins, Daniel. 652423. Rebecca. 652708. Simms, Anna. 402300. Ruby A. 910311. Simpson, Abigail. 975328. James. 985260. John. 485063. 494242. Joseph. 975328. Ruth Chandler. 494243. Julia A. 377190- Sites, See. 893003. Sitheans, Sarah P. 968145. Skeel, Roswell. 950125. Skinner, Eliza Jane. 949400. Slater, John. 724081. Slaw.son, Betsey Ann. 959716. Sleeper, John. 494216. Minnie E. 730263. Sloan, John. 500408. Samuel G. 500408. Slocum, Delia Ann. 978300. Joseph. 724144. Joseph W. 710169. 724140. 2Il6 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Slocum, Lillian. 770105. Mary. 724143- Mrs. 910308. Oliver E. 978300. Oliver M. 724141. Sally M. 724142. Small, Bathsheba. 377725. Lorena (DoUiver). 494363. Smalley, Jacob. 340200. Phebe. 340200. Smart. Caleb. 494403. Smick, John. 966128. Smiley, See. 500361. Smith, Abigail. 945000. Albert York. 185005. 351006. Ann. 620000. Anna Eliza. 605S00. Catharine. 945081. Clement. 607704. Cora Kelsey. 972900-5601. Daniel. 600000. David. 938507. 939602. 945080. Deborah. 650160. 977026. Dorcas. 938102. Elizur Goodrich. 945082. Emanuel. 600000. Emily. 345003. Eunice. 723020. Experience. 939605. Frances. 620000. Francis. 972900-5221. Francis W. 731001. George. 345003. Gertrude Van Ness. 949983- 950100. Grace E. 975207. Hannah. 972900-330. Henry Lyle. 949982. Hetty Hosford. 949980. 949981. Horton L. 761405. James. 975187- Jerusha. 939606. John. 93S037. 972900-315. John C. 500284. Jonathan. 934852. 939600. 939604. Joseph. 377740. 378370. 500244. Lillian B. 972800. Manuel. 600000. Martha. 500380. 933704. Martin. 939603. Mary. 938100. Matthew. 197575. Mildred. 983821. Narcissa. 378370. Narcissa V. 377740. Persis Sophia. 969335. Philip. 959400. Smith, Rebecca. 494470. 959400. Richard. 600000. Richard S. 605800. Gen. Roland. 972847. Roswell. 955420. Sally. 983000. Samuel. 494470. 600000. Sadie. 752500. Sarah. 555800. 555840. See. 722025. 724522. 756402. Seth. 939601. Simeon Parsons. 945083. 949980. Susanna. 972900-206. Walter D. 949980. William. 600000. Smithson, Mary. 420505. Smoot, Kenneth R. 969306. 972838. Smythe, Isabell Olivia Lurville. 605526. Snaith, Eliza A. 975207. Snell, Charles. 933523. 933582. Nathaniel. 933583- William. 931343- 93358o. 933581. Snell-Chauncey, Amelia. 943307. Augustus. 943303. Charles. 937320. 937323- 943304- Charlotte. 937322. Jane. 943309- Mary. 937321. 943306. Nathaniel. 937324. 943300. 94330i. Oscar. 943305- Reginald. 943302. William. 933581. Snighetery, Eunice. 972892. Snow, Clarissa. 93S003. 938041. Rev. Frederick Elkanah. 9615S0. Jeremy. 938000. 938002. 938064. Mary. 938001. Ralph. 938004. Rebecca. 500320. Sockwell, Carson. 972567. Sender, Elizabeth Edwards. 972695. Southard, Lot. 985280. Sarah. 985280. Souther, Anna. 494580. Elizabeth. 370800. 49458 1. 494583. John. 485366. 494577- 494582. Joseph. 494584- Saniuel. 494579. Thomas Stickney. 494578. Southwick, Josephine Mellen. 195550. Southworth, Rebecca. 959S60. Space, Henry. 985133. Sparks, Alpheus. 377386. Mary. 652360. Sparrell, Elizalaeth. 761700. Spaulding, Alfred. 351 162. Index of Names. 2117 Spaulding, Annette H. 351202. Arad. 351 163. Asa. 494481. Charles Henry. 351261. Daniel Ayres. 1S0025. 346627. 351240. David H. 351 141. David. 185081. Elias Jeffrey. 346628. 351260. Elmer C. 180022. 185090. 346624. 351161. 351200. Etta. 185092. Francis E. 351 142. Francis RoUin. 41 8001. Frank. 185082. George. 351242. Harry. 346626. Ira. 351241. Lovina Jeffrey. 180024. 346625. 351220. Mary AA-res. 180023. 346623. 351180.' Mary E. 35 11 60. Oliver. 185091. 351201. Samuel E. 346622. 351 160. Silas. 494484. Thomas. 175002. 1S0020. 180026. 346620. 703510. William Blackford. 1 80021. 346621. 351 140. Speare, Archibald. 354000. Angelica. 354000. Caroline Frances. 348100. 504000. Jonathan. 354000. Mary. 984875. William. 354000. 975062. Speer, Charles Ewing. 949542. Harriet Antoinette. 949543. John Bliss. 949541. Samuel Marshall. 949544. Rev. Samuel W. 943921. 949540. Spencer, David. 704001. 712500. Gierstein. 378002. James. 377560. 377971- 3779^0. Joseph. 377561. 377580. Joseph M. 377981. 378000. Lucy. 712500. 733000. Mary E. 37758 1. 378001. Olive (Harrison). 946200. Samuel. 816205. Theodore. 610171. 614000. Spicer, Lucinda. 972900-5220. Spofford, Cornelia. 552008. 770060, Sprague, Bessie. 958601. Horace Elmer. 955952. 958600. Matilda M. 958602. Squire, Achsah. 7 10 100. Squire, John. 540101. Staats, Anna D. 350040. Stack, Amos. 333100. Stacy, Albert. 954463. Charles .-Mbert. 958201. Edward Porter. 954462. Emma Chauncey. 954461. James Murray Robbins. 958202. John Edward. 954464. 958200. Moses P. 948624. 954460. Stafford, Courtland. 722004. Stanhope, Jonathan. 371450. 377830. Stannard, Alice. 351341. Dr. S. A. 346644. 351340. Stanton, Abigail. 946200. Charles. 95 11 25. George W. 951 120. Helen. 95 11 24. Isaac Wheeler. 702002. 910352. Julia C. 951 T25. Samuel. 702003. Sarah Morgan. 951 123. William Chauncej-. 951 122. Starr, Benjamin. 371200. Comfort. 37:150. Elizabeth (Allerton). 371200. Lydia. 371 150. Nathan. 945800. Susan. 945800. Stayley, Anna. 933100. Lydia. 972670. Stead, Benjamin. 552002. Stearnes, Derexce. 7245S0. Stearns, Charles Chauncey. 972900- 6861. Hannah. 972900-6742. Josiah. 972900-6720. Martha Ann. 972900-6820. Martha Laurens. 972900-6744. Mary. 972900-6720. Oliver. 972900-6741. 972900-6860. 972900-6862. Thomas. 972900-6706. 972900- 6740. 972900-6743. Thomas Heyward. 972900-6S63. Stebbins, Daniel. 938003. 938041. Eunice. 938043- 938o45- Festus. 938042. Joseph. 933723. 938040. Lois. 938046. Quartus. 938044. Walter. 938063. Widow. 933720. Zebulon. 938001. Stedman, Lydia. 975085. Steele. Agnes Coulter. 348063. Augusta. 348066. 2Il8 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Steele, Charlotte King. 348067. Clara Pierson. 348064. Cornelia. 348068. Henry King. 348061. James. 348065. John. 343248. 348060. 348069. Mary Caroline. 348062. Samuel. 34S070. William. 348071. Stelle, Sarah. 966542. Stevens, Abby West. 559000. Abigail Watts. 378020. Andrew. 500254. Daniel. 494339- Elizabeth. 972900-208. Grace. 493860. Hannah. 494162. 500254. Hubbard. 494165. Joanna. 4944S0. Lemuel E. 37S002. Leonard. 494292. Lois. 702500. Helen Maria. 961301. Henry Newton. 961302. Mary. 376620. S. C. 727026. Samuel. 494339- Samuel E. 978354- Samuel Josiah. 960315. 961300. Sarah. 351 100. Stewart, Gen. 751000. Gen. Charles. 950940. Lemuel E. 37S002. Lillie F. 972660. Lispenard. 955600. Margaret E. 197650. Nancy. 759000. Persis. 751000. Sarah. 955600. Thomas. 972891. William Dingwell. 972891. Stickney, Anna. 494590. Charles. 494572. Charlotte. 494586. Elizabeth. 485361. 494565- George. 494589- Harriet. 494570. James Osgood. 485368. Jeremiah. 485364- 485365- 494569- John. 494571- John W. 972868. Joseph Pearson. 494588. Mary. 485362. 485366. 4950oo. Mary Emerson. 494575. Miriam. 475205. Nathan. 484045. 494568. Susannah. 494567. Stickney, Thomas. 475201. 485360. 485367. 494585. William. 485363- 494566. Gov. William Wallace. 972868. Woodbridge Odlin. 494587. Stiles, Gertrude R. 610104. Henry L. 610108. Isaac. 610100. 610103. Jacob W. 610107. Martha M. 610105. Mary Eleanor. 610106. Samuel H. 61 0100. Sarah Elizabeth. 61 01 02. Still, Ann. 930000. Bishop John. 930000. Stillman, Carrie M. 760602. George. 959400. Harriet. 96S801. Lena M. 760601. Nelson W. 730 141. Still well, Charles C. 351 183. Cook. 180023. Emily. 180023. 351182. George. 180025. Harry. 351181. Jacob. 180023. Jane A. 351240. Lyman R. 351 142. See. 180025. Stimpson, Nathaniel. 494340. See. 728041. Stires, Bessie Scudder. 378101. Manning Force. 378061. 378100. Stockdale, Elizabeth. 351320. Jane. 351320. William. 351320. Stocke, Priscilla L. 972515- Stocking, Mary. 933880. 959590- Stoddard, David. 933300. David Tappen. 555843. Mary. 933300- Olive. 975301. William H. 555843- Stone, Caroline M. 723004. Chester. 959736. 961120. Harriet Ward. 969290. Henry W. 969290. Lucy Ann. 961120. Storm, Clarence. 972900-601. Dirck. 972900-7340. Garrett. 972900-7340. Gregoris. 972900-7340. Mary. 972900-8030. Stephen. 972900-7341. 972900- 7380. 972900-8020. Susan. 287350. Thomas. 972900-7340. 972900- Index of Names. 21 19 7381. 972900-7600. 972900-8010. Storms, Mary Ann Bonrne. 975205. Storrs, Anne Wendell. 964203. Harriet Moore. 964201. John. 964200. Mary Jenks. 972841. 964202. Miriam Phillips. 964204. Richard Salter. 964200. 969166. Story, Alice. 197526. Daniel. 702300. 974507. Joseph. 943401. 949000. Rufus. 197501. 197525. Stowell, Abner. 71 1987. Annie G. 732103. Benjamin F. 732101. Elgin W. 732102. Henry F. 7119S6. 732100. Strack, Charles A. 972564. Emma T. 972563. Frank. 969509. 972560. Frank I,. 972562. George Washington. 972561. Strathems, Alfred. 968887. Samuel. 651202. Stratton, Ann. 972890. Strausburg, Elias Elbra. 972614. Florence Odella. 97261 1. Jacob. 972610. Margaret Susan. 972615. Philena Viretta. 972613. Samuel. 969562. 972610. Susan. 972610. Willis Gran. 972612. Straw, Cyrene. 977022. James. 500806. Jonathan. 500806. Laura. 500806. Nancy. 500806. Streakes, Philip. 9S4700. Street, Caleb. 959562. Mary. 959560. Strobridge, Ellen. 175000. Strong, Abigail. 930160. Abigail Anna. 960450. Ellen Root. 984935. George Templeton. 960203. 961020. 961022. Jabez. 940200. John. 930160. John Ruggles. 961 021. 972900- 8160. Lauretta Ann. 961770. Lewis Barton. 961023. Martha Logan. 377520. Mary. 93S080. Ruth. 940200. Stroud, Albert. 972502. Stuart, Alniira. 71 1967. Daniel. 330105. Homer H. 9498S4. Prof. Isaac William. 985200. Jennie. 770104. John. 97S300. Mary VanAllen. 978300. Moses. 985200. Stull, Henry. 378270. Louisiana Coburn. 378270. Sturges, Eliza A. 972900-2502. Frank. 950962. Jeanette. 950962. Lee. 950962. Sumner, Elizabeth. 7242S0. Surage, Jane. 651320. Sutphin, Mary. 377385. Sutton, Elizabeth. 333108. Elizabeth (Maul). 968142. John. 96S004. Joseph. 333108. Swan, Alfred J. 911741. 911760. Betsey. 975165. Dorothy. 500430. Elijah. '975165. Francis. 324044. Henry. 911761. Rev. Jabez S. 91 1673. Joseph. 911691. 911720. Lansing B. 911721. 911740. Susanna. 485400. Timothy. 91 16S0. 911681. 911690. Swann, .\nn. 320103. Robert. 320103. Swartz, Nell. 359035. Swasey, Ezra Smith. 961070. Hannah. 377280. Maria Louise. 961070. Samuel. ^60142. 370851. 370852. Dr. W. b'. 377681. Swat, Dr. Richard Warren. 972900- 5323- Sweeney, Emily J. 758540. Swinney, Ann Elizabeth. 968S21. Anna. 650160. 969395. David. 966105. 966106. Deborah. 652040. Elisha. 966105. Ephraim B. 968901. Gilbert Newton. 968853. John. 650160. 966106. 969395. Joseph. 652040. 969395. Sarah. 652040. Valentine. 650165. Symmes, Rebecca. 324520. Symonds, Dep. Gov. 916500. Mark. 360000. 2I20 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Symonds, Susannah. 360000. Taft, Susan Hayward. 962500. Taintor, Betsey. 936500. John. 936500. Sally. 942300. Talbot, Amelia A. 374505- Joseph M. 784300. Joseph Reagan. 784301. Leonard Ayer. 784303. Lizzie. 784302. Talcott, Rachel. 931 120. Tallmadge. Daniel. 805007. 810050. 8 1005 1. Hannah Ayer. 910345. See. 910152. Talman, John T. 420183. Tandy, Almon. 71 1969. Julia A. 910369. Tanner, Franklin. 727903. Marietta. 723100. Tappan, Anna. 968961. Eveline. 96S180. William. 984765. Tasker, Mercy. 420470. Taylor, Adrian Dwight. 977542- Alice Stanley. 190700. Delia. 961532. Delia Maria. 985222. Joseph. 985100. Mary. 376600. Rebecca. 985100. Richard B. 630502. Robert. 630502. See. 600883. President Zachary. 377710. Teackle, Anne Stockley. 630500. Henrietta. 945320. John. 945320. Maria. 632000. Tebbets, Dorothy. 402500. Tebbetts, Charles. 500321. Samuel. 500321. Tebbie, James. 652304. Tellett, Sarah. 655102. Ten Broeck, John. 972900-7380. Magdalena. 972900-7380. Tennant. Lydia Ann. 762400. Roswell. 762400. Tenny, Ann. 546050. 974503- 975305- Joseph. 546050. Terrill, Anna Louisa. 622020. Dr. Job. 622020. Joshua. 4941 10. Seth. 494107. Terry, Alice. 550700. Mercy. 972874. 972900-8300. Orville. 734003. Thatcher, Partridge. 972900-334. 972900-820. Sarah. 972900-S20. Thecker, Emma A. 762S41. Thecksteen, Daniel A. 815043. David. 810003. 815040. John A. 815041. Mary J. 815042. Thickston, David. 810003. Thomas, Abigail. 494100. Amos W. 968266. Charles W. 760701. David. 93S109. Delia J. 972900-6550. Delia L. 760206. Donald R. 760207. Edward R. 730183. 760700. Frank Ayer. 760204. Herbert R. 760203. James E. 351461. Jessie. 910203. Levi. 652104. 652105. Lucy E. 760209. Millicent N. 760702. Neal E. 760205. Percy E. 760208. Phebe. 96S500. Wells. 652105. Thompson, Sir Benjamin. 485300. Charles F. 500352. Elizabeth K. 605043. Ella Frazier. 602368.- Emma Eyre. 605044. George. 600521. 605040. James. 371522. Dr. James W. 600684. 605360. James William. 605365. John Augustus. 605362. Juliet Adelaide. 605363. Lucy Eveline. 605364. Mary Ann. 605041. Mary Jane. 949580. Mary Rosalie. 605361. Nalbro Frazier. 605367. Sarah K. 605042. Sarah Robinson. 605366. Sumner S. 500365. I Thoms, Amos. 975066. Thorn, Mary Ann. 968860. Thornhill, William. 931301. Thoroughgood, Jane. 494444. Thurber, Mary A. 196100. 374580. Thurston, Elizabeth. 374000. Ephraim Goodale. 377331- Helen Foster. 377331. Col. Moses. 374000. Thwing, Charles L. 730265. 761220. Index of Names. 2I2I Thwing, George H. 761221. Tibbetts, John. 494235. Nancy B. 97702S. Tice, Julia Ann. 946600. Ticknor, George. 961 120. Tidd, Sarah. 286S00. Tier, Capt. Daniel. 2S7840. Tilden, Henrietta. 911760. Henry A. 91 1760. Tillinghast, Amy. 984920. Tillman, James W. 960304. Tilton, Ann. 500287. Joseph C. 494434- Rhoda. 500340. Timmerman, Frances. 759300. William. 966129. Tinkham, Charles P. 374584. Tinsler, Betsey. 724040. Titerman. vSusan. 969595. Titsworth, Reuben. 966204. Tobey, Ann. 972900-6500. Todd', Henry A Her. 356162. Josephine Harriet. 356164. Sue Aller. 356163. Thomas Leeman. 3561 61. William Nealy. 185072. 356160. 356165. Tolman, Anne. 370150. 91 1264. Nathaniel. 370150. Tom, Andrew. 412000. Mary. 412000. Tomb, Edward H. 730266. Tomlinson, Benjamin. 651205. Susannah. 966520. Thomas. 652068. Toogooei, Edward. 361 120. Mary. 361 121. Toulmin, Mary. 933581. Towle, Caroline. 977024. Harriet. 977027. Josiah. 975001. Town, Mary Ann. 985950. Toyer, Lucy. 734100. Tozer, Lucy. 548006. Tracy, Dr. Ebenezer. 960340, Desire. 710000. Sarah Lathrop. 960340. Susannah. 551300. Thomas Wagner. 551300. Traill, Mary Ann. 351160. Trask, Mary. 875015. Travers, Hannah. 700100. Travis, Daniel. 370250. Hannah. 320151. 370250. 972900. John. 286821. Susan. 286S21. Treat, Anson. 93S601. 94540O- Treat, Catharine. 931 001. Charles. 945405. 959002. 959320. Edwin. 945403. Harriet vStocking. 945404. Henry Chauncey. 945401. Richard. 930051. 931000. 959001. 959300. Susan A. 945402. Thomas. 930052. 959000. Treloar, Tamiesin. 1 601 20. Tremain, Charles. 972900-5303. Frances. 972900-5303. Mildred. 972900-5303. Treman, Ashbel. 540. 175007. Calvin. 528. 175004. Lucinda. 180030. 346640. Trickey, Samuel. 420405. Sarah. 402800. Trimmer, John. 977806. Merilda. 345004. Morris. 345004. Tripler, Henry Lenty. 605565. 610340. Jonathan. 610341. Susan. 610342. Tripp, Isaac. 175000. Phebe M. 175000. Troombly, Benjamin. 975185. Moses. 975190. Trow, Richard. 494262. Trowbridge, Daniel H. 969645. Edgar. 723061. Hannah. 959540. Lewis. 710127. 723060. Lucy. 372540. 969645- True, Dr. Jdbez. 37215 1. 372200. Rev. Henry. 372150. John. 484004. Trueman, Jane. 975325- Truman, Edward D. 972900-6640. Frederick. 972900-6640. John. 969332. Peter. 972900-7265. William Horace. 972895. Trumble, Dr. G. R. 972900-8165. See. 931 163. Trumbull, Harriet. 961 181. Henry Champion. 961 180. Tubbs, Al'ice. 552003. Alice W. 557060. Tuller, Elizabeth. 959735- Turloar, Tamiersin. 160120. Turncliff, Lolah. 6550S4. Turner, David. 968564. Helen M. 351041. John R. 346603. 351040. Tuttle, Eliza Ann. 977423- Elizabeth. 320166. 321 120. 539000. 2122 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Tuttle, Sarah A. 753520. Simon. 320166. 321 120. Tyler, Harriet. 938069. James. 338513. Mary. 973402. Tyng, Elizabeth. 912000. William. 912000. Underhill, Francis Townsend. 956860. 9S5801. James W. 985572. 985800. Updike, Phebe Ann. 185060. 351080. Upshur, Lt. George P. 632001. Ushur, Oliver. 940008. Upton, Sarah. 949870. Vail, Margaret. 346006. Valentine, Anna C. 605743. Benjamin. 605746. Benjamin Eyre. 600902. 605740. Beulah Sampson. 600901. Eliza. 605764. Elliott. 605761. Harriet Robbins. 605762. Jacob H. 600222. 600900. Jane. 605763. Louisa. 605771. Margaret Pope. 605745. Morton. 605764. Robert Braclay. 605765. 605770. 605772. Samuel. 605744. William H. 605760. Vallett, Bertha. 784000. VanBuren, Maria. 940004. 972900- 2000. VanCleef, Sarah. 984830. Vanderbilt, John. 972900-1300. Mary Eliza. 972900-1300. Sarah. 972900-1300. Vanderpool, Catharine. 977760. Vandervoost, Margaret. 985020. VanDeur-sen, Sarah. 959755. William. 959545. VanDiver, James R. 378201. VanKirk, Maria S. 180072. 346682. VanLear, Rebecca J. 972776. VanMeter, Charlotte. 972656. VanNorthwick, Cornelia J. 972900- 850. VanOrsdol, See. 756407. 756410. VanOrt, Eliza B. 972640. VanOstrand, John. 972872. See. 972872. VanRensselaer, Philip Livingston. 365501. 410004. VanShaack, Daniel. 954064. Van West, William. 969403. VanWyck, Elizabeth. 959840. VanWyck, Theodoras. 959840. VanWyve, Effie. 333100. VanZile, Edward Sims. 954065. 972869. Oscar Edward. 972869. Vance, H. B. 196146. Varick, Ann. 287400. Daniel. 287345. Henry D. 287310. John. 287S40. John B. 287325. John L. 287335. John Leonard. 287320. John Renisen. 287350. John V. B. 2S7305. Joseph. 285870.' 287315. Maria. 287800. Maria Remsen. 287351. Martha E. 287340. Richard. 2S7300. Theodore. 2S7330. Theodore VanWyck. 285875. Varnum, James. 338508. James Mitchell. 956701. 958800. 9^5591- Joseph Bradley. 950801. 956700. 985406. 985408. 985570. 985590. Julia M. 985573. Margaret. 985572. Mary A. 985571. Vars, Lillie M. 972782. VerPlanck, Abraham. 377070. Bronk. 377070. 724241. 757000. Frederick Aver. 377071. 377080. 757001. Samuel. 956800. VanNoyes. 757001. Vicars, Edward. 605529. Viles, Lydia. 334209. Vincent, Annie. 731012. Vleet, Daniel. 97S371. Vliet, John. 97S350. Pernina. 978350. Vose, Emily. 938122. Vreeland, Hannah. 724085. Julia. 724083. Sarah. 724086. Wacy, Samuel. 652582. Waddell, Joseph. 948S01. Wadd}', Phebe Ayer. 910345. Wadley, Gerrish. 727901. Wadsworth, Clarissa G;llett. 75750o. Julia. 763200. Wagner, Elizabeth Wainwright. 615002. Frederick. 610301. 615000. Harrison. 61 5001. Index of Names. 2123 Wagner, Mary Ann. 605300. Wainwright, Anne K. 610301. Chandler Price. 605569. Charles B. 605542. 605568. 610240. George M. 605567. Isaac Harrison. 605561. 610300. Jonathan. 6007S3. 605560. Jonathan E. 605566. Martha. 605563. Matilda E. 605562. Richard S. 605564. Susan Eyre. 605565. Waldo, Catharine. 724221. Charlotte. 724222. Lucretia. 724224. Roger. 724223. See. 54 1 1 10. Zaccheus. 710183. 724220. Waldron, Fannie. 975086. Wales, Ebenezer. 542000. Elizabeth. 542000. 702400. 975309- 975321. Eunice. 936080. Walkelee, Louise Amanda. 961530. Walker, Anna (Hinde). 362000. Daniel. 420435. 494197- Elizabeth. 365924. 420575. Frances Abbey. 9S2001. Hannah C. 494196. Henry. 343201. James. 343201. 500325. 981922. 981960. Jeanette. 950960. Judith. 435300. 500325. Luther. 975026. Marshall. 500337. Mary. 160500. Nathaniel. 981920. 98192 1. 981940. Richard. 485048. 494195- Robert Green. 981982. 982000. Samuel. 362000. 981923. 981943. 981980. Samuel Ayer. 981980. Sarah. 494158. See. 400524. Rev. Timothy. 485300. Wall, Abigail. 324800. Wallace, Hattie E. 977427- Joseph. 494231- Waller, Charles Phillips. 969273. 969290. David Jewett. 969271. 969280. 969285. 969292. Elizabeth. 969282. Elizabeth Jewett. 969291. George Grant. 969274. Waller, George Phillips. 969288. Hannah Ellmaker. 9692S1. Harriet. 969284. Harriet Maria. 969272. Levi Ellmaker. 969287. Maria Louise. 969283. Martha Hannah. 969275. Nathan. 969270. Phineas. 969255. 969270. William Patterson. 9692S6. Walley, Abby. 916604. Abigail Bromfield Phillips. 972900-6053. 972900-6107. Bethia. 912304. 930000. Catharine. 912302. Charles. 914404. Edward. 972900-61 10. Elizabeth. 912306. Henshaw Bates. 922001. 972900- 6104. Hetty Sumner Bates. 972900-6108. Isaac Chapman Bates. 972900- 6109. John. 371172. 912002. 912300. 912301. 914001. 914200. 930000. 931320. Martha Henshaw. 972900-6101. Mary. 912307. 914401. Miriam. 916602. Miriam Phillips. 922003. 972900- 6ro2. Samuel. 972900-6103. Samuel Hall. 914405. 916600. 972900-6050. Samuel Hurd. 916601. 922000. 972900-6051. 972900-6100. Sarah. 912303. 914403. 916603. 930000. 931320. Sarah Hurd. 972900-6052. Theresa Maria* 972900-6105. Thomas. 912305. 914400. 914402. William Phillips. 922002. 972900- 6106. Wansey, Emma. 505120. Ward, Artemas. 373540. 972900-6002. Caleb. 286800. Esther. 286800. Frances Fidelia. 373540- 972900- 6002. Jonathan. 485286. Joshua. 727022. Maria. 960340. Ware, R. 555343- Waring, Abraham. 960530. Isaac. 982503. Jotham. 972900-317. Nathaniel. 972900-303. 2024 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Waring, Sarah. 972900-330. Warner, Aaron. 500342. Dr. Devvitt C. 376847. Elizabeth. 551300. Julia. 972900-8260. Warren, Annie Merrick. 955003. 962050. Asa. 354500. David. 973406. Martha. 354500. Mary Christine. 955001. 962035. 969305- Shields. 962041. Virginia Fairfield. 962042. William Fairfield. 949582. 955000. William Marshall. 955003. 958400. 962040. Winifred. 955004. 962060. Washburn, Philip Moen. 964204. 964415. Sally. 762000. See. 975203. Wass, James. 969395. 969610. John. 723041. W^asson, Buson S. 374801. 375100. Harold Jesse. 375101. Ruth. 910322. Watkins, Albert E. 730042. 761040. Alberta V. 761001. Charles O. 761002. 761042. Eliza Ann. 730043. Emma. 730049. Francis O. 761047. George Nathaniel. 761043. George Royal. 730041. 761000. James E. 761041. Leona Dell. 761004. Leora Belle. 761005. Louisa N. 761006. Lucy V. 730045. Lurline M. 761003. INIary Eldora. 730046. Olon Ayer. 730044. Orrick W. 730047. Otis G. 71 1923. 730040. 730048. Roger A. 761045. Royal Camp. 761046. Winfred B. 761044. Waterbury, Albert M. 756005. 783760. Lizzie. 910309. Waterhouse, Theophilus. 974465. 974466. Watson, Benjamin Marston. 943204. 949160. Dr. Hiram. 91 1570. Mary Ann Mather. 91 1570. Sabra. 949120. Watson, Viana. 500370. Waxier, Michael. J95023. 195075. Wayne, Sarah Stokes. 610200. Weatherbee, Olive. 376955. Weaver, Mary. 972615. Sylvanus. 972615. William H. 972615. Webb, Arthur. 949102. Charles. 600S07. Elizabeth. S05000. Isabella. 949102. Margery. 972900-200. Phebe. 805000. See. S05006. Webster, Anna. 475204. Frances Julia. 949700. Harriet. 945700. Jane. 475202. John. 53^'^oo9. Mary. 700780. Noah. 945700. 949700. Stephen. 160009. 198002. 320205. 538009. 700780. Weed, Elijah. 972900-309. Henry. 655103. Sally. 972900-337. Weeks, Deborah. 377240. Elizabeth. 969270. John. 377240. Joshua. 377240. Mary. 494174. Temperance. 325400. Welch, Agnes. 930000. Donald Walter. 356101. Francis. 969190. Hannah. 916502. Harriet. 969190. Rev. James Edward. 961820. M. Walter. 351062. 356100. Weld, Dorothy. 969180. Wellington, Lucy Pierce. 377330. Wells, Addison E. 374561. 375000. Agnes Elizabeth. 759983. Amasa. 374006. 374080. Arabell. 374085. Arthur F. 375001. Cora L. 374601. Edith L. 375021. Elsie Maria Alberta. 759981. Eva. 374605. Frank. 374602. Fred A. 374562. 375020. George Harrison. 374087. 374600. George W. 374043- Guy L. 374551- Harry L. 375002. Homer. 374045. Index of Names. 2125 Wells, Judd E. 374563- 375040. Judd Plunimer. 374083. 374550. Lillian. 374604. Mary. 724S00. Mary Adelia. 374081. Mary Alice. 374603. Mary Ayer. 759984. Percy A. 375003. Polly Ann. 374086. Prudence. 936120. Rebecca. 931460. Ruth. 759982. Sarah Elizabeth. 374082. Sheldon. 728066. 759980. Warren Ayer. 374084. 374560. 375041- Warren M. 375004. Wendell, Jacob. 916500. Margaret. 916500. Wentworth, David. 420002. 420020. Ephraim. 494233. Isaac. 420000. Joanna Oilman. 407000. John. 407000. Mary Fletcher. 420022. Selden. 420021. Thomas. 420001. Wertsell, Charles. 969548. Wessels, Jannette. 287860. Mary. 973025. West, Amanda. 969738. Benjamin. 600840. Caroline. 968121. Charles Edwin. 969735. Clara Anna. 500130. Cornelia G. 968888. Ebenezer. 485043. 485270. 494125. Eliza A. 968S71. Emily Moore. 969734. John. 500130. John R. 494183. Leonard. 711803. Lewis. 968002. 969730. 969737. 985953- Mildred Fillmore. 969733. Nathaniel. 494125. Robert Rudolph. 969732. Sarah. 475002. 485270. 494126. Theresa Ellen. 969736. Thomas Town Jefferson. 969731. Rev. William. 966264. Westcott, Charles. 969501. 972500. Christiana. 972502. Edward S. 972501. Eliza Ann. 500394. George. 972503. Westcott, Ida. 972505. John. 500394. Mary p;iizabeth. 972504. Minerva. 756200. Westfield, I'rederick. 500325. Weston, Frances. 722021. Wetherby, Rachel. 652420. Wetmore, Lucy. 959740. Seth. 959740. Wheat, Harden H. 780002. Wheaton, Cornelia. 911380. Whedon, Jennie. 781080. Wheeler, Fidelia Clark. 972900-5320. { Hannah. 934500. Joanna B. 750000. Julia. 972900-5222. Phineas. 750000. William W. 351440. Wheelock, Sarah Adelia. 185200. 351560. William. 972749. Whitaker, Lydia. 968866. 9S6100. Whitbeck. Rev. John. 960451. White, Abigail. 972900-6300. Amelia Sarah. 937302. Charlotte. 937303. Donald Cameron. 510005. Judge Dyer. 959551. Elizabeth. 459002. Emme Frye. 510004. Eunice. 484002. Fanny. 972900-6244. Harold Sewall. 510006. James Davis. 972900-6304. John. 510003. 969302. 972900- 6200. John Phillips. 972900-6150. Leonard. 494342. Lydia. 972900-6245. Mary. 972900-6000. 972900-6242. Philip Chauncy. 937301. Polly. 977460. Samuel. 972900-6240. 972900- 6303- Sarah Brown. 972900-6243. Sarah Wilson. 972900-6150. Susannah. 286400. Thomas. 933521. 937300. Thomas Carter. 510005. Wallace Humphrey. 354001. 504001. 510000. 510002. 969301. William. 972900-6241. 972900 6300. William Frye. 510001. 969300. William Henry. 972900-6305. Whitehead, Alonzo. 374047. Cabell. 377791- 377S00. 2126 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Whitehead, Edgar. 377800. Elizabeth. 605780. Hannah. 600600. Whitehouse, Thomas. 977303- Whitenach, Charles. 982751. John. 982602. 982750. Whiting, Elizabeth. 959540. Joseph. 959540. Whitman. Rebecca. 968747. 969670. Whiton, Ally Morris. 757402. Eliab D. 494369. George Morris. 757402. Rev. John M. 494369. 724282. 757400. Whitmore, Anna L- 377764. 410004. Charles J. 377761. 410001. Charles Octavius. 365002. 365500. 377760. 410000. Charlotte R. 377765. 410005. Creighton. 377766. 410006. Eleanor. 91 1536. Emma S. 9381 10. Francis. 377760. John. 377760. Martha H. 377763. 410003. William Dickman. 377760. 410000. William H. 337762. 410002. Whitney, Agnes Maria. 728062. Albert Roy. 759952. Alberta. 728067. Charles Morgan. 356221. Clara Elizabeth. 728066. George Franklin. 351324. 356220. Joseph. 728063. Joseph Albert. 711871. 728060. 728061. Katharine Mary. 759954. Mabel Agnes. 759951. Mary A. 910319. Mary Ayer. 728065. Robert. 728064. 759950. Robert Kenneth. 759953. See. 758024. Whittelsey, Abigail. 985080. Ann Cutler. 960425. Ann Maria. 960321. Ann Ruth. 961535. Anna. 979736. 961120. Anna C. (Mills). 985221. Anna L^ouisa Whittelsey Eustis, 961820. Bryan. 959552. Caroline Hale. 960314. Catharine. 931188. Catharine VanDeursen. 959756. Charles. 931186. 934002. 93S920. 938921. 959550. 959566. 959568. 959762. 959765. 959780. 979735- Whittelsey, Charles Augustus. 960306. Charles Ayer. 978403. Charles Bryan. 946700. 959769. 960420. Charles Chauncey. 949864. 960303. 960322. 960341. 961130. Charles Henry. 946700. 960423. Charles Mills. 961141. 961530. Chauncey. 931183. 934000. 934001. 938900. 938901. 938922. 959540. 959541- 959729- 959740. 959746. 959767. 959770. 960320. 960340. 961100. Corydon Mortimer. 977832. 978400. Dolly Louise. 961533. Ebenezer Tracy. 960344. Edward. 959777. Edward Babson. 979041. Edwin Mortimer. 978404. Elisha. 931185. 959543- 95956o. 959561. 961180. Eliza Lefferts. 959761. EHzabeth. 959546. 959547- 959554. 959565- 959744- 960304- 977830. Elizabeth Cornelia. 960325. Elizabeth Ely. 949862. Elizabeth Kerwood. 959776. Elizabeth Mantle. 979042. Emelie. 979052. Emily Chauncey. 949863. 960307. Emily Louisa. 961142. Emily Virginia. 961580. Esther Mills. 960312. Eunice. 961550. 961800. Francis Vigo. 961200. Franklin Ward. 961090. Frederick. 979734. George Washington. 960425. 979738. Hannah. 959742. Helen Maria. 960315. Henry. 959733- Henry Lincoln. 978405. 979050. Henry Martin. 960305. 961070. Henry Newton. 959772. 960316. 660324. 961225. Henry Ward. 960342. Ira Day. 961150. Isaac Newton. 959760. Jabez. 959731. 961580. Jane Ann. 959784. Jane Eliza. 960424. Jared Potter. 961 180. Index of Names. 2127 Whittelsey, John. 933964. 93S940. 959100. 959553- 959775- 961 100. 961 120. 961230. 985080. John Bryan. 959548. John Cutler. 959771. 961820. John Kddy. 979051. John Newton. 959778. John Rossell. 959781. 961230. Joseph Parker. 961580. Joseph Thonip.son. 961220. Katharine. 959103. Lewis Gates. 961532. 9S5222. Lois. 931482. Louisa Clarke. 978402. Lucy. 938902. 959741- 979737- Lucy Alsop. 961 100. Lucy Ann. q6o3i3. Lucy Chauncey. 938620. Maria Tracy. 960343. Marie Louise. 979043. Martha. 959545- Martha Ann. 972773. Martha Newton. 959783. Mary. 959564. Mary Bacon. 960323. Mary Cutler. 959766. Mary Elizabeth. 959777. 961225. Mary Lydia. 96031 1. Mary Mulford. 960422. Newton. 933962. 938930. 959544. 959727. Newton Chauncey. 960310. Roger Newton. 959504. 959725. 961 1 20. Samuel. 931480. 9314S1. 633960. 933963- 938935- 945043- 949860. 959100. 959500. 959501. 959549- 959700. 959726. 959755- 960300. 961 100. 96 1 1 20. Samuel Gilbert. 959758- 959759- Samuel Goodrich. 949861. 960301. 961 140. 961143. 961532. 985221. Samuel Joseph. 959542. Sarah. 931 184. 931 187. 959101. 959102. 959503. 959563- 959567- Sarah Jones. 961 180. Susan Eustis. 960421. Susannah. 933961. 959502. 959551- 959562.^959730. 959768. Theodore. 961 531. Walter. 978401. 979040. William. 959732. William Bailey. 961600. William Chauncey. 95975?. 960350. 960351- William Kerwood. 959782. Whitten, Abigail. 400500. Whitten, Charily. 972900-S085. Whittier, Warren. 972900-6244. Whittinghani, John. 371 100. Wigfall, Gen. 630503. Louisa 630503. Wiggans, Capt. 400100. Wilber, Edna May. 951201. Wilcox, Rev. Chauncey. 97290f)-8ooo. E(hnoiid. 946661. Wilder, Jesse M. 756642. John M. 756640. Ralph W. 756641. See. 726103. Wildrick, A. K. 985132. Wiley, Mary Louisa. 972900-6790. Merrick. 494028. Thomas. 972900-6790. Wilford, Gilbert. 377845. Ruth. 320157. 377845. Wilkes, Deborah. 933400. Wilkins, Amos. 494488. Benjamin Eyre. 600564. Charles M. 605222. Eleanor Burns. 605224. Eleanor H. 600561. Elizabeth Eyre. 600566. Elizabeth F. 605223. Jacob F. 600562. Mary F. 605221. Nathan Eyre. 600565. Samuel Ej're. 600563. 605220. Uriah. 600560. 984670. Willard, Augusta. 378375. Lucinda Ann. 977502. Mary M. 756800. Orrin. 378375. See. 735003. Susan. 815080. Williams, Annette. 493974. Charles Kilborn. 969320. Charles Langdon. 969321. Charlotte. 4939S1. Chauncey Kilborn. 969323. George. 972887. George A. 787005. Georgiana Hill. 493973. Isaac F. 484070. 493970. John. 320100. 53S500. 900S03. Josephine. 4939^3 Capt. Josiah. 959744. Margaret. 361040. Marianna. 4939S2. Mary Elizabeth. 493971. Ramon O. 787005. Sanniel. 969322. Sarah. 160025. 538020. See. 365552. 726102. 2128 Ayer, Ayres, Ayars and Eyre. Williams, Susan Ayer. 493972. Dr. Theodore S. 600845. Washington. 4S4071. 4939S0. Williamson, See. 948643. Willis, Bert. 969527. Clara. 762882. George. 600000. Mary. 600000. Williston, Deacon. 933701. Willoughiay, Francis. 972900-6900. William. 972900-6900. Willow, Annie A. 7S4200. Wilsey, Simon. 652309. Winchester, Sarah. 966200. Wilson, Dr. Albert T. 180038. 185170. 346648. Amelia M. 956580. Edward H. 754021. Elijah. 494376. Evans. 500368.' George Arthur. 962060. J. B. 956580. James G. 500402. Jane. 972718. Jessie Ayres. [85171. Rev. John. 969180. Joseph. 494343- Lucinda Olive. 500368. Margaret. 950940. Martha. 984785.. Robert. 287820. 950940. Sarah. 500361. Susannah. 969180. William. 287821. William Dunbar Hart. 610342. Wingate, Aaron. 402503. Abigail. 400608. 407003. Andrew. 412008. Ann. 400603. Edmond. 400607. Eliza. 412006. Eliza C. 412042. Elizabeth. 400609. George. 412005. Henry M. 412047. Jeremiah Y. 412046. Joanna. 400611. John. 400002. 400120. 400602. 402502. 407001. 412000. 412004. Joseph W. 412043. Mary Carr. 972900-6550. Mary F. 412045. Mehitable. 400610. Moses. 400605. 412007. 41204T. Sally. 407002. Samuel. 400606. Sarah. 400604. Wingate, Sarah A. 412044. Simon. 400612. Susan. 412003. William Pitt Moulton. 407004. 412040. Winslow, Ruth. 979050. Wintermnte, Austin C. 978358. Wise, Ada M. 972815. See. 185145. Wiser, Almas. 494220. Nathan. 494220. Sallie. 972520. Withers, Harrison. 605562. 610320. 610321. Susan. 610322. Witt, Elizabeth. 362000. John. 362000. Witter, See. 910348. 911501. Wolcott, Charles. 949821. Frederick. 945041. 949S20. 956800. Henry. 931580. Henry Goodrich. 949S22. Katharine Rankin. 956800. Lucius. 500327. Mary. 949823. Mary Ann. 945000. Gov. Oliver. 945000. Sarah. 931580. Wood, Abigail Anne. 546050. Ann Eliza. 374042. Azel. 651206. Ebenezer. 972900-306. Capt. Enos. 975311. Harriet. 374049. James. 650168. Dr. James Craven. 948303. John. 97531 T. Lydia. 652480. Miriam. 975302. Samuel. 651206. See. 710050. William M. 911381. Woodbridge, Howard C. 972900-6552. Paul. 702004. 91 1 105. See. 321120-61. Susannah. 959300. Rev. Timothy. 959300. Thomas. 972900-6480. William. 972900-6481. 972900- 6500. William Ayer. 972900-6501. 972900-6550. William T. 972000-6551. Woodbury, Charles Edward. 377521. William Smith. 377505- 3775o6. 377520. Index of Names. 2129 Woodam, Mar}-. 160025. 538020. Wooden, Edith. 652600. Rev. Gideon. 652600. WoodhuU, Gen. Nathaniel. 605800. Wooding, See. 334004. Woodman, Isaiah. 975069. Sullivan. 975143. Woodrow, Mary. 610228. WoodruflF, Ann. 959725. Charles J. 969610. Ebenezer D. 652207. Jacob. 959725. 966510. 986950. Jared. 969610. Katharine C. 986951. Sarah J. 96S183. Sarah Jane. 969610. Woods, Anna (Hinde). 362000. Julia Ann. 378020. William. 286540. Woodward, Harriet N. 951220. Harriette Curtis. 961700. Martha. 938128. Rlioda. 410000. Seth. 377290. Woolsey, Jeremiah. 285910. Mary. 285910. William Walton. 938543. Woolston, Joseph. 984660. William. 984610. Worth, Elizabeth. 170000. Worthen, Jacob. 475006. Rev. H. W. 727027. Worthington, Nicholas. 933900. Rev. William. 945040. Wortman, James Mott. 185 102. Wright, Austin Hazen. 555843. D. Geraud. 630503. P'annie. 984506. Frances E. 893000. John. 972547- Lydia. 600150. Margaret. 91 1536. Mary. 600100. Plummer. 195062. Plummer T. 892002. Richard. 600100. 600150. Sarah. 962000. See. 71 1048. Sylvia. 71 1040. Wright, Wm. II. DeCourcey. 630503. Wyley, Addison Hampton. 500369. Benjamin. 500360. Drusilla Richard.soii. 500367. Hannah. 500363. Harriet Starks. 500365. John Barker. 500370. Lot Davis. 500368. Mary Ann. 500362. Moses. 500361. My rick. 500360. Simeon Charles. 500364. Susan r'arrington. 500366. Wyllis, Mary. 959820. Samuel. 959820. Wyman, Abiel Chandler. 494162. Abigail. 494165. Elizabeth. 494157. Isaac Chauncey. 969328. Jonas. 494155- 494159- Lydia. 4941 61. Mark. 494156. Merrill. 494164. Nancy. 494163. Reuben. 494158. Sarah. 494160. Yager, Alice E. 972900-2601. Yagers, Sarah. 605260. Yap, Samuel. 966306. Yard, See. 60015 1. Yates, Anne. 600000. Yeaton, Capt. 93701 1. Yoimg, John. 968865. Stephen. 180055. 351540. Youngs, Abbie M. 492200. Si 6200. Anne. 986045. Carrie E. 492200. S16200. Collins. 652091. Elizabeth. 986046. Frederick. 652090. Harry. 986047. Isabel. 986041. Jemima. 975450. John C. 985956. 986040. Martha L. 977S34. Mary Maud. 9S6042, Nathaniel. 986044. Thomas. 975450. Ward Seeley. 986043. .r\^fe'22 1^ h(^' 7 R ''^ *> " ° * ■^^ .^ 0" :/' .•V- ,o«=, 'Oft "oV" ^^--^ -T^. '^> V^ o „ rN .0 f u -^, <^ "'V.'' ^^0'' 4 o^. o >1^ ■J "^ » .*•''"- -1> ^ v^. <^ HO ■^ ^o :?2> '^ ^v" ■,A , > ■' V^ ^ ,0' -^^<>- -7 :v^ o ^' V O O ^. :e o V ■sn:;v1(V^, o. C »'.^°' v> ^V\%5f^' < V s ♦ • ^ «/ C, vP .^\^ " " " • '^^^ .0 \^ oT* <<> " ^ >^0N o w o % o 'o . » » A -u .*^% °^> 1-J^^' .' ^: '^^ *^ . 1 • o ,*i°^ o - ». "'^^ 0^ 1^ °^ "-^^ 'o , * " \:5 -o . . <» O » ,0' ,<)• .■^ V . V-- -Jv V o > ^o. O « 4 . -jT ,-^<5. •^o ^^-^^ ,^' .0' 4 c> ^ Ol ' ^^ n- <^ V* i:. 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