^^/-^^l^^CytaZcc^ C^^tZ7, Glass LliO Book___ ^ILJI OF THE REPUBLICAN GENERAL COMMITTEE OF OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW-YORK, FRIENDLY TO THE ELECTION OF GEN. ANDREW JACKSON TO THE PRESIDENCY, TO THE REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OF THE STATE OF NEW- YORK. •TEREOTYfED BT JAMEH CONNER, NEW-YORK. ' lSrciB==¥ovfet ALEXAJ^DER MNG, Jr. PRINTER, 106 BEEKMAN-STREET. 1828. Esse ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE OF NEW-YORK. The Republican Representatives of the various counties of this great State, acting under a deep sense of duty to their Constituents, a becoming respect for a long established usage of the party, and an anxious regard for the true in- terests of our common country, having with great unani- mity recommended to the electors of New-York, for the office of President of the United States, their illustrious fellow- citizen GEN. ANDREW JACKSON, and having now re- tired to their respective homes, the time has arrived when it becomes every friend of our Republican Institutions to be actively employed in the support and advancement of a cause which involves high and vital principles. Upon the eve of the mighty conflict in which we are soon to engage, the Republican Committee of Young Men of the City of New- York, impressed with the momentous consequences which hang upon its issue, feel themselves called to make a solemn appeal to their brethren of the Republican family, with a view of arousing all the energies of the party in defence of those principles, which have been the subject heretofore of many an anxious struggle, and for the preservation of which no toils can be too heavy, no sacrifices too great. Our strength is in the spirit and intelligence of the American People. By the aid of these, we have triumphed in times that are past — in these we repose our confident hope for the future. The contest to which we summon you is not a mere dis- pute about men. Were it so, it would be unworthy of our own dignity, and an unwarrantable interference with your rightful predilections, thus to address you. The question which now agitates the union is one which involves more ( 4 ) important considerations. It concerns the national policy, the purity of our government, the vigour, and, it may be, the existence, of our invaluable institutions. Are our hiffh- est destinies then at stake, and can any friend of his country be an inactive spectator 1 The most powerful inducements conspire to incite us to exertion. We are contending in the cause of freedom and the Constitution. The foundations of our Liberty, which no human strength can shake, are gra- dually becoming undermined. Tiie illustrious Jefferson, and a host of patriots, who have finished their services upon earth, and now " rest from their labours," are looking down upon us, tlieir descendants, to whom they transmitted, at their departure, the richest legacy that man could bequeath, in those pure principles of government which have guided our country for years in a path of unequalled prosperity and pro- mise. To us they have committed the precious palladium of that country's freedom. We are urged by our duty to them, to ourselves, and to posterity, to show ourselves worthy of the sacred trust. Let a solemn regard to these considerations operate upon your minds and influence your conduct at the approaching Presidential election. You are called upon to choose be- tween two candidates for that high and important office, both of whom have been long before the public. We earnestly in\ite you to lend us your attention, while we pursue a candid and temperate investigation of tlieir respective claims to the confidence of their fellow-citizens, and the support, more especially, of the Republican party. In conducting this ex- amination, while we, on our part, disclaim every motive ex- cept a sincere regard for the preservation of our Republi- can institutions, we entreat you, on yours, to lay aside all prepossession, which may interfere with correct judgment, or close the mind against honest conviction. We speak the language, we are persuaded, of a very large proportion of the Republican party, when we say, that the present administration has neverpossessed,and has never me- rited, the confidence of the great body of the American Peo- ple. We do not assert that Mr. Adams was unconstitutionally elected, so far as more form was concerned — but we do can- ( ^ ) dklly and deliberately declare our settled conviction, that his election was in violation of the spirit of that sacred instru- ment. We know that Gen. Jackson received a plurality of the electoral votes ; and we are satisfied that Mr. Adams did not receive the free and unbiassed sulfrages of the Con- gressional Representatives of a majority of the States. The extraordinary, and otherwise unaccountable, conduct of Mr. Clay — the reserve and mystery which marked his demean- our almost to the day of election, and kept the public notori- ously in doubt what part he intended to act — his sudden tran- sition from beiiig the enemy and public reviler of Mr. Adams to become his advocate and supporter, and this in direct op- position to the known will of his Constituents, and the instruc- tion of their representatives in the Legislature — his accept- ance, under such peculiar circumstances, of the highest office in the Cabinet — his inconsistency in declaring the elevation of the Secretary of State to the Presidency to be a "safe precedent," which he had, not long before, in reference to this very case, pronounced to be a dangerous one — liis own declarations at various times, which cannot otherwise be re- conciled — and, above all, the numerous and repeated confes- sions of his colleagues and friends : — all unite to form a mass of testimony, which an unprejudiced mind can hardly resist. Upon the investigation, which recently took place before the Legislature of Kentucky, a series of facts was exhibited in testimony utterly incompatible with his innocence. It was there distinctly proved, that several of the Representatives from that State, who voted for Mr. Adams, acknowledged, and endeavoured to justify their conduct to their constituents by the acknowledgment, that they supported him in order to obtain for Mr. Clay the Secretaryship of State ; and that they had ascertained that this appointment might be depend- ed on as the result of his election. It remains for them to say, from whom the fact could have been ascertained, except from Mr. Adams himself. It was also proved, that Mr. Clay, just before setting out for the seat of government in the fall of 1824, endeavoured to prevent any instruction from the Legislature ; declaring that he was uncommitted, and that there wn<: no obstaclp to his voting for Gen. .Jackson, whom (6 ) he had invited to travel in company with him to Washington : while he himself has affirmed, that he had previously an- nounced his intention of voting for Mr. Adams. It was fur- ther shown, that Mr. Clay, in the year 1823, had paid One Hundred Dollars out of his own pocket, towards the publica- tion of a pamphlet, which was written for the purpose of showing Mr. Adams's hostility to the West, and his attempt to barter away the navigation of the Mississippi during the ne- gotiations at Ghent. It was proved, that Mr. Blair, a confi- dential friend of Mr. Clay, had declared, before the election, that, if Mr. Adams were successful, Mr. Clay would be Se- cretary of State, and that he obtained his information by a private letter from Washington; which letter, circumstances rendered air ost certain, was written by Mr. Clay himself. Upon being called before the Legislature to give testimony, he absolutely refused to ansv.'er ; and declared, that he would rather go to prison than submit to be questioned upon the subject of this communication. It cannot have been forgot- ten, that, after Mr. Adams had replied to the letter of Mr. Russell, charging him with the design of conceding to Great Britain, in the Treaty of Ghent, the right of navigating the Mississippi, Mr. Clay published a card, in which he accused Mr. Adams of making erroneous statements upon this subject in his answer, and pledging himself to expose them — that the publication of this card was followed by a challenge from Mr. Adams to produce the exposure — but that, while the public were looking for the opening of the controversy, the opposing chami)ions suddenly became reconciled, and their weapons were sheathed. It is well known that Mr. Adams received at his election the votes of Illinois and Missouri. These States had each but one representative in Congress, and their suffrages were also given in direct opposition to the will of the People, for whom they professed to be acting. The electors of these three States have since proclaimed their sentiments, with a tone of thunder, in the ears of the men who, on this important occasion, were deaf to their voice. But several of those, whom their constituents cast off, the administration took up ; and more than one of them have received lucrntive olTices under government, as a reward (^ ) IDr their ll'eacliery. Cook, who disposed of tlie vote of Illi- nois, was sent upon a secret embassy to Cuba ; and Scott, who was unfaithful to the people of Missouri, was rewarded with the appointment of a collector of the Land Office. Bwt independently of these facts, how stands the case ? Mr. Adams unquestionably obtained the Presidency by the influence of Mr. Clay. The latter undoubtedly knew, that the acceptance of office from a President of his own creation, under such circumstances, would throw suspicion upon his integrity. A high-minded man, conscious of his innocence, would have disdained the empty splendour of an office, which could only be acquired at the expense of his character. Free from guilt, he would have sought also to be above suspicion. The conduct of Mr. Clay was regulated by other principles, and an unsullied reputation he no longer enjoys. That Mr. Adams was ever a sincere convert to the Re publican party we do not believe. In April, 1806, he presided at a Federal meeting m Boston. In 1807, the State of Massachusetts, which he then represented in the Senate of the United States, became democratic. In the same year, he deserted his party, upon the pretence that they were treating with Canada for a dismemberment of the Union — a charge which, however just it might have been at a period long subsequent to the time of which we speak, was then a gross aspersion of his political friends. No man had been better acquainted with the politics of the country than he. The policy of Mr. Jefferson had been uniform, and by none more uniformly and bitterly opposed than by him. He could have received no new light upon the subject. He did not even pretend that the administration had changed its course. No extraordinary crisis of events existed: and yet, all of a sudden, he was transformed, from a relentless opponent, mto a most zealous supporter of the then predominant party. The ex- planation is obvious. He was no longer entrusted with office by the general government, and his own State had left him. His ambition overcame his principle. He joined the Rcpubli- can party, to crush it if he could, and to rise with it if he could not. In an unfortunate hour, it received and cherished him ; and his viper sting is now turned against the bosom of his (8) ]:»eiiefcictor. He had no sooner assumed his new station in the Republican ranks, than he sought to recommend himself to his adopted friends, by an act of fanatical zeal. Mr. Jef- ferson proposed to Congress the passage of an act declaring an Embargo. This grave Senator, who, a few days before, had refused to the Administration the smallest share of his confidence, then arose in his place, and used this remarkable language — " The President has recommended the measure " on ills high responsibility. / would not consider — / would " i\ot deliberate — / would act. Doubtless, the President pos- " sesses such further information as will justify the measure.''^ Thus forgetful of his duty to his constituents and to his coun- try, and disregardhig the sacred trust committed by the Con- stitution to the body of which he was a member, he endea- voured to lull suspicion, and evince the sincerity of his con- version, by urging the adoption of an important measure upon the mere recommendation of the executive, without the necessary information, without examination, and even with- out deliberation. To those who have observed the character of the man through liis long and diversified political course, it will be no matter of surprise to hear, that, within twenty days after the passage of the Act, he moved the appoint- ment of a Committee to consider the propriety of its repeal. His motion was rejected by an almost Ufianimous voice. To those who were advocates of the war of 1812 — who saw, in its origin, the last resort of a peaceable people, driven to arms by a long course of insult and oppression, with no alternative left them but disgraceful submission — who hailed with pride, in its progress, those many triumphs by sea and by land, which shed a lustre over American bravery — who witnessed, in its conclusion, the character of our country elevated in the eyes of the w^orld, and our happy confedera- tion more firmly knit together — to all those, (and among them is to be found every genuine Republican,) we present, without comment, an extract of a letter, which was written by Mr. Adams, during the negotiation at Ghent, and address- ed to the American Consul at St. Petersburgh. These are his words, (and a volume could not better exhibit the cha- racter and sentiments of the man)—" Divided among our- (9)- ^'Selves, more inpassiom than interest, with half the nation *' SOLD by their prejudices and their ignorance to our enemy^ ^*With a FEEBLE AND PENURIOUS GOVERNMENT, With five "■^ frigates for a navy, and scarcely five effi,cient regiments '■'■for an army, how can it be expected that we should resist *' the mass of force, luhich that gigantic power has collected '< to CRUSH us AT A BLOW 1" Yet the author of this letter is now President of the United States. And what have been tlie fruits of his administration? We call, in the name of the People, we call upon its friends and supporters, wliere ever they may be : We call upon the admiuislration itself, and those who are fattening upon its bounty, to point out to us one important measure of their adoption, which has ledomided to the honour or advantage of the country. But our call will not, for it cannot, be an- swered. Would that we could stop here ! Happy would it be for the Nation, if its rulers possessed even the negative merit of having done nothing to advance its interest. But even to this praise, poor as it would be, they are not entitled. No sooner was Mr. Adams seated in the Presidential chair, than he threw off his disguise, and appeared in his true character. He declared, in 1806, that the only way of destroying the Republican party was by uniting with it : and he was not long in verifying the declaration of Josiah Quincy, that those who fell with the first Adams, had risen v/ith the second. From the moment of liis obtaining the office, he has been surrounded and influenced by Federalists ; and the very men whom, upon his pretended conversion in 1807, he denoimced as traitors to their country, have again become his bosom friends and confidential counsellors. Whether it be in fulfil- ment of a pledge, as there is too much reason to believe, or merely the effect of a revival of old partialities, certain it is, that, in the distribution of offices, the federal party has not been forgotten. He has ^disregarded ar.d trampled under foot the rights of the separate States, upon the preservation of which, abovft all things else, our liberties depend ; and, following up the monarchical views of his father and instructor, he hns done 2 nil in tijs power to strengthen and consolidate the general government. He has warned the Representatives of the People against suffering themselves to be " palsied by the will of their Con- stituents ;" and has asserted the power of the Executive to create missions, without the consent of the Senate. By his neglect of duty, by the injudicious appointment of a minister to England, and by a conceited fondness for diplomacy, he has lost our colonial trade. By the most unjustifiable and relentless persecution of the spirited and gallant Porter, he has driven from the service of our country that brave defender of her flag. He has wasted the public money, and brought ridicule upon the nation, by his Quixotic and abortive mission to Pa- nama. He has left our country for a long time past unrepresented at the Court of St. James', save by an inexperienced youth, from a strong desire, which it is believed he cherished but feared at last to gratify, of giving that important appoint- ment, after the rising of Congress, to a distinguished and favourite Federalist. He has tamely submitted to insult and depredation from the petty government of Brazil, and has indirectly censured the Minister, who, to save the honour of his country, de- manded liis passports, and left the kingdom. Thus meek and patient under foreign injury, he, whose duty it is to watch over and soothe, with paternal care, the grievances and complaints which must sometimes, of neces- sity, spring up in our great political family, has goaded one of our sister States almost to desperation under her supposed wrongs ; and, instead of using argument and persuasion, has assumed a frowning aspect and warlike attitude, and has threatened to invade her territory with the military force of the Union. While, with his vision fixed upon the clouds, he has gravely recommended to Congress the erection of « light-houses of the skies," he has overlooked, in his last message, the more importaRt but less elevated subject of tKp tariff, which, while ( 11 ) it agitated the wliole country from Maine to Georgia, and, from its decided character and extensive operation, must necessarily be productive of great good or great evil, was passed over in extraordinary silence, by him, to whom the nation properly looked for instruction and advice, and who is bound by the Constitution and his oath of office to " give to Congress information of the state of the Union," and to « re- commend to their consideration such measures as he sliall judge necessary and expedient." We have seen economy neglected, and executive patron- age increased — the public money squandered upon useless officers, and with selfish views, until the national expendi- ture has already exceeded, by nearly seven millions of dol- lars, the expenses of the same period of Mr. Monroe's ad- ministration. The contingent fund, for which the President is particularly accountable, exliibits, for the same space of time, an increase of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars — and the " secret service''* money, which, during the last three years of Mr. Monroe's term, amounted to but Forty Thousand Dollars, and which, for four or five of Mr. Jefferson's ad- ministration, was altogether uncalled for, already amounts, for the first three years of Mr. Adams's term, to One Hun- dred AND Ten Thousand Dollars : while the expenditures of the last year exceed the income, by the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars. We have seen the President himself, and the members of his Cabinet, deserting their posts, and scouring the country upon electioneering excursions ; bending tlieir exertions first to one State, and then to another ; kindling a feverish ex- citement, by every plan which their ingenuity could contrive ; disturbing the peace of the community, and interfering, in the most shameless manner, with the sentiments and elec- tive rights of the People. We have seen Mr. Adams, upon one of these occasions, forgetting the magnanimity of the American People, exult, in barbarous and unfeeling triumph, over the grave of a gal- lant enemy — and this, in a manner scarcely less ludicrous, than the sentiments he exrressed were shocking tf fie feelings of humanity^ / . ( 1^ ) We have seen the lirst officer of the Cabinet cliallenge to mortal combat a member of the Senate, who liad dared to express his political opinions with an unpleasant freedom upon the floor of Congress — thus insulting the feelings of a free and christian People, and carrying the recollection back to the horrible days of the French Revolution, when political animosity could only be appeased by human blood. But we close this painful detail of error and misconduct. The mind of the Republican patriot, as he listens to the gloomy recital, reverts to the golden days, when a Jeffer^ son and a Madison presided over the Councils of the Na- tion ; and he sighs over the departed glories of his country. But he does not despond. He knows that there is a re- deeming spirit in the People : and he casts his eye to the Hermitage at the West, where he beholds, in dignified re- tirement, the man of their choice, who, neither seeking nor refusing office, is soon to come forth at their call, to restore the faded honours of his country, and to renew the triumphs of his party. But this man is a " Military Chieftain," The key-note was sounded by his arch-enemy at Washington, and the strain has been taken up and prolonged by his more humble oppor nents from one end of the Union to the other. Is it meant J)y this, that his elevation to the Presidency will place the country in danger of having its liberties supplanted by a mili- tary despotism 1 The idea is an absurdity. Grant that he has the disposition, where are the ineans ? Are they to be found in a standing army of six thousand men 1 Mr. Clay himself, in his speech on the direct tax in the year 1816, ridi- culed this opinion, and declared, that " unless gentlemen ♦' were afraid of spectres, it was utterly impossible that any "danger could be apprehended from Ten Thousand men *' dispersed on a frontier of many thousand miles." Where then is the force with which Gen. Jackson is to subjugate and enslave ten miUions of people ? It must be raised and paid by the People themselves through their representa- tives. And aie the American People come to this pass, that they will quietly lay their heads upon the block, and furnish the executioner with the axe to strike the fatal blow 1 The sup- ( 1^ ) j>oskion is a base libel upon the spirit of intelligence and love of freedom wliich characterize our countrymen. And yet, without it, the apprehension of danger from military usurpa- tion must ever be chimerical. Our Constitution, with its checks and guards, possesses a self-preserving power ; which, although it may be frittered away by gradual encroachments from pretended friends, is proof against the ambitious attacks of open enemies. There is infinitely more to fear from lati- tude of construction, than from military violence. ^ But is Gen. Jackson a "military chieftain," in the only sense of the term, which, under any circumstances, could miply danger from the character 1 Has he been bred in a camp 1 Has his life been military 1 Does he belong to a body of men possessing a distinct and different interest from the mass of the community 1 Happily for our country, such a character is here almost unknown. We have no standing army which is worth the name. Every soldier is a citizen, and every citizen may be said to be a- soldier. With the ex- ception of a few hundred men, who are enlisted for a term of years, to garrison our forts, the militia of the United States are their only soldiers. And who are the mihtia but the Peo- ple themselves 1 Seven or eight years at most of Gen. Jackson's life have been spent in the army. It is doubtless true that he has been a distinguished military commander. His services in this capacity a grateful nation will never forget. The man^ whose bosom does not swell with pride at the recollection of his brilliant exploits, possesses not an American heart. The history of our country will be a monument to his fame, more enduring than the triumphal arch, and will perpetuate to the latest generation the memory of his deeds. And who were the chief partners of his glory "? The volunteers and militia of the West — his fellow-citizens and neighbours. And where are they now 1 and where is their commander 1 Do they stand with arms in their hands, prepared to destroy the liberties of their country ? No. Both they and he, like Washington and Cincinnatus, have returned to their farms, and mingled long since with the mass of citizens. But suppose Jackson to possess the power, has he ever evinced (14) the disposition of an usurper ? The man wlio, in the vigour of his days — at the head of an army flushed with victory and devoted to his person — amidst a people amazed at his successes and enthusiastic in his praise — could throw off his military character, and; in citizen's attire, subject himself patiently to the unjust condemnation and punishment of a civil tribunal, and venture his personal safety in defending the Judge, who pronounced sentence, from the fury of an exasperated populace — is he, when drawn forth from his re- tirement by the solicitation of his countrymen — in time of profound peace — in the decline of life — without an army at his command, and without the means of raising one — to conquer and enslave the People, whose gratitude and esteem have bestowed upon him the highest mark of their confi- dence 1 We leave it to the candour and common sense of the community to answer the question. It is repeatedly asked, " Why will you elevate a man to the Presidency solely on account of military services and mili- tary talents'?" The question is as uncandid, as it is easy of answer. The friends of Gen. Jackson have never asserted that his military achievements, however glorious, or his mili- tary genius, however great, are sufificient of themselves to entitle him to the office. They do, however, contend, that to exclude him from civil appointments, as his enemies would do, on account of the services which he has rendered to his country in the field, would be a most odious and impolitic proscription. They do contend, that, when eminent civil qualifications are added to splendid military services, the man, in whom they are united, possesses a double claim to the support of his fellow-citizens. And they are prepared to show that this union exists in the person of Gen. Jackson. When this objection is made, we shall never cease to recur to the example of WASHINGTON, whose character and usefulness, he must be bold indeed who dares to assail. The principle upon which our opponents proceed, could not but have excluded him, and preferred the elder Adams. The latter, like his son, was a learned man, an experienced states- man and diplomatist. Washington, like Jackson, was a "military chieftain," and much less experienced than !ie in ( 15 ) civil affaiiij. Bui the discernment of our fathers, unseduced by artificial si)lendour, knew well how little the value of the diamond depends upon its polish. Undeceived by the sound of learning aiid diplomacy, they saw, and prized, in the Hero of Monmouth and Yorktown, those intrinsic and substantial qualities, which their sons appreciate in the Hero of New- Orleans ; qualities which fit a man equally for civil, as for military, rule : strong native sense — correct and discrimina- ting judgment — wisdom in contrivance, and promptness and firmness in execution — a knowledge of mankind, and un- bending integrity. Were Jackson destitute of civil qualifica- tions, and dangerous as his enemies represent him, think you for a moment that he would receive the support of many of the first men of the country^ men, whose patriotism and talents none will dispute, and who cannot be ignorant of his character — of such men as Macon, and Berrien, and Tazewell, and Van Beuren, and Hayne, and Crawford, and the late lamented Clinton 1 and that, too, when they had the whole Union before them for a choice 1 Listen to the opinion of Mr. Crawford, as expressed in a letter, written a few weeks since to a political friend of Gen. Jackson — " I think with you, that the People have deter- " mined who should be President, and I should be the last *' 7nan in the United States who would wish to unsettle that " determination ; for I am one of the People, and approve their " choice.^'' To another friend of the General he says — " You «' do me justice in supposing I am with you, in the struggle " 710W making in relation to the Presidential election: though " I am informed, by letters from Washington, that I have " written a letter to Mr. Clay, approving of Mr, Adams's ad- " ministration. But, I am confident, his name is mentioned " but once in the letter ; and then, onli/ to say, that he is " destined to undergo the fate that hcftl his father.''^ Hearken to the honest sentiments of Henry Clay, uttered in one of his speeches, in reference to him, whose elevation to the Presidency he now contemplates with more horror than "2i;ar," ''pestilence,'" or "/az/i/we."— "Towards that dis- "tinguished Captain, who has shed so much glory on our " country, whose renown constitutes so great a portion of its ( 16 ) «' moral properly, I never had, I never can have, any other "FEELINGS, THAN THOSE OF THE MOST PROFOUND RESPECT •'AND OF THE UTMOST KINDNESS." Hear the unprejudiced opinion of Mr. Adams himself, as expressed in 1822, in one of his official letters, written during our controversy with Spain, in which he vindicated the con- duct of Gen. Jackson while Governor of Florida. — " In pass- *' ing unnoticed this and other mere invectives against an ** officer, WHOSE SERVICES TO THIS NATION ENTITLE HIM TO "THEIR HIGHEST REWARDS, AND WHOSE WHOLE CAREER HAS *' BEEN SIGNALIZED BY THE PUREST INTENTIONS AND THE MOST "ELEVATED PURPOSES, I wish to be undcrstood as abstaining *=from observations, which, however justified by the occasion, *« could but add to the unpleasantness of the discussion." Hear him agaui in his reply to the Committee which was appointed by the House of Representatives to inform him of his election to the Presidency — " It has been my fortune to "be placed, by the divisions of sentiment prevailing among "our countrymen on this occasion, in competition friendly *« and honourable, with three of my fellow-citizens, all justly " enjoying, in eminent degrees, the public favour ; and of " whose WORTH, TALENTS AND SERVICES, no One cntcrtaijis a " higher and more respectful sense than myself The names " of two of them were, in the ftilfilment of the provisions of " the Constitution, presented to the selection of the House, "in concurrence with my own — names, closely associated «« with the glory of the nation, and one of them, further re- ** commended by a larger minority of the electoral suffrages " than mine." We are told that Gen. Jackson is rash — of ungovernable temper — and that he has trampled under foot the laws and constitution of his country. A tyrannical disposition in his private intercourse is utterly irreconcilable with the ex- traordinary admiration and love which are entertained for him in his own State and neighbourhood, among those who can- not be ignorant of his character ; and with the known attach- ment to his person, which prevails, in a most striking degree, among those who have ever been under his command. But his opponents, disregarding this infaHil)lo testimony to his private woiili, and poiiuing to his public life, refer us in confirmation of their assertion to his conduct at New-Orleans. To this scene of liis triumph we gladly bear them company ; but with impressions, and for purposes, widely different from theirs. Rarely has any man been placed in a situation of greater difficulty, and never was difficulty more gloriously overcome. An enemy, formidable by number and discipline, was hovering upon the coast. The City of New-Orleans, which was, doubtless, to be the object of attack, was in the most defenceless condition — without fortifications, without arms, without soldiers. The inhabitants were overwhelmed with terror, and well nigh sunk in despair. Made up of heterogeneous materials, the country was occupied by a disaffected population ; and the city, as the Gover- nor himself declared, was filled " with spies and traitors." Jackson arrived, and, in a few days, the whole aspect of tilings was changed. Cool and undismayed amidst the thou- sand difficulties which surrounded him, he assumed, without a moment's hesitation, the fearful responsibility of defending, at all hazards, the great key of the Western country ; and an- nounced his firm determination to save the city, or perish in the last ditch. The disaffected were silenced. The timid, inspired with courage, buckled on their armour, and has- tened to the field. All the resources of the country were brought into active operation. His own private fortune was pledged to provide means of defence. The unprotected city became a warlike camp, and every citizen a soldier. The enemy had scarcely landed, when they were attacked by an inferior force, and beaten in the open field. The decision of the commanding General was equalled by his prudence. Instead of rashly following up the victory he had gained, he retired towards the city, and, having carefully selected the most favourable ground, he made use of the time he had gain- ed by this important check, in throwing up those lines of en- trenchment, behind which he calmly awaited the arrival of liis expected reinforcements and the advance of the enemy. It is needless to mention by what almost superhuman exer- tion this last hope of the city was raised — how for four days and nights, everv hour, as it passed, found him wakeful at < 18 ) some point of the line, animating his men, and urging on their labours : — how wise and cautious, and yet how speedy, were all his arrangements — how brilliant and decisive was the result. Who can paint the mingled horrors and glories of that day 1 All united in honouring the hero, whose pru- dence and skill had rendered the raw militia and volunteers of the West superior to the veteran troops of the peninsula, and, in the triumphant defeat of her ruthless invaders, had " filled the measure of his country's glory." One tide of applause rolled its uninterrupted course from Louisiana to Maine. Instead of censuring him for his rashness, the whole country joined, with one consent, in praising him for his cool- ness and presence of mind. Instead of condemning him for his ungovernable temper, they agreed in admiring that ex- traordinary reflection and self-command, which induced him, out of a tender regard for the lives of liis men, and in pur- suance of a strictly defensive policy, to restrain his eager troops from pursuing the routed enemy. Then the nation spoke m the honesty of their hearts. But when the enthu- siasm excited by his wonderful exploits had in some mea- sure subsided, envy, which ever attends upon greatness as its shadow, commenced its dark operations at undermining his character. Then it was remembered, that, in order to the defence of New-Orleans, martial law had been declared, the deliberations of the Legislature for a time suspended, and a judge arrested. — If the first measure were justifiable, then those which followed must be conceded by all to have been indispensable. It would have been w^orse than useless to pro- nounce martial law, and not to enforce it. The propriety of declaring it had been discussed in the presence of the Judge, without liis making a single objection. If its existence were essential, then he who attempted to defeat its regulations, more especially after an acquiescence in its expediency, was very properly arrested, and sent without the limits of the camp. No further restraint was attempted to be put upon his person. The Judge himself, bending to the necessity of the time, had, in direct violation of law, discharged, without bail or recognizance, a number of persons indicted for capi- tal offences When, then, he opposed the course wliich the ( ^'-^ ) commanding General tliought fit to pursue, he was guilty of the obvious inconsistency of denying the influence of that reason, in the case of another, the sufficiency of which he had acknowledged in liis own. — The Legislature of Louisiana had been for some time meditating the destruction of all Gen. Jackson's plans of defence, by proposing terms of capitula- tion to the enemy. Had the officer, to whom the general government committed the defence of the district, quietly permitted this unconstitutional exercise of power, he would have been guilty of the grossest neglect of his duty, and ren- dered himself liable to the severest censure. As the least objectionable, and yet the most effectual, means of prevent- ing the fatal consequences which would result from the adoption of the contemplated measure, without interfering in any manner with their discussions, he directed the Gover- nor to place a guard before the Hall ; and, in case such a re- solution should be passed^ to prevent the members from leav ing the chamber in which they sat. The Governor, mistaking, or purposely disobeying the order, excluded them from the Hall. That the precaution, intended by the General, waSj under the circumstances, just and necessary, no one, we think, can honestly deny ; as to the rest, the responsibility i^ with the Governor — not with him. — But for the adoption of the decisive course, for which Gen. Jackson has been so much reviled, no human exertion could have saved the city. New-Orleans must inevitably have fallen : and with it, in all probability, the whole AVestern country. The case was an extraordinary one, and required extraordinary sacrifices^ The Legislature, impelled by existing necessity, had set the example, by assuming a power which did not belong to them, and declaring an embargo upon the vessels in port. The firmness and decision of Jackson were equal to the emer- gency. He had already pledged his estate for the defence of the city — He now put in jeopardy his character as a citizen, and his reputation as a soldier. And what earthly induce- ment had he to stand the fearful hazard, but that which has always been the prevailing guide of his conduct — the public good ? The Governor (as we have before observed) had in- formed him, and liis own experience had afforded a lament- ( 20 ) able eonlhniation of the report, that the city was filled with spies and traitors. The population was a mixed and discor- dant mass of Frenchmen, Spaniards, native Louisianians, and Americans; — some, disposed to receive the enemy with open arms — others, lukewarm and indifferent as to the issue — with scarce any attachment to the government, and none to one another. Every day the enemy were made acquaint- ed with wliat was passing in the city, and in the army. Even the Legislature itself was tainted with disaffection, and meditating a surrender. The constitutional authorities were at an immense distance. The property, the libert)^ and the lives, of thousands of his fellow-citizens, were en- trusted to his protection, and imposed upon him an awful responsibility. The whole prospect was shrouded in dark- ness, save only one path, upon which a beam of hope still rested. This course he determined, at whatsoever hazard, to pursue. He summoned all the energies of his great soul, and resolved, for a short time, to suspend constitutional forms, for the preservation of constitutional rights. He included the city and its environs within the limits of his camp. Never were his greatness of mind and superiority to ordinary men more strikingly exhibited, than in this decisive act. The re- sult was worthy of the sacrifice. The government of his Ccun-try, whose Constitution had been violated, approved of his conduct ; and signalized its approbation by a vote of thanks, and a medal. The city of New-Orleans — the oppressed city, for whose grievances so many of our citizens, at a dis- tance of hundreds of miles, after a lapse of thirteen years, feel fresh emotions of sympathy, as the election approaches — hailed him as her deliverer, and showered upon his head her thanks and honours ; and now enjoys the pride and satisfac- '.ion of having her name enrolled among those of his warm- est supporters. Driven from this ground of objection, the opponents of ften. Jackson fly to the execution of Arbuthnot and Ambris- ler. But, unfortunately for them, the man whom they most admire, before rivalry or jealousy had stepped in to warp his judgment or influence his feelings, produced an able and complete vindication of the hero from this unfounded charge. ( 21 ) He has conclusively shown that this act, which was founded in principles of self-preservation, was justified by the law of nations, and required by the policy of civil society. These men had cut themselves off" from the civilized world, to asso- ciate with savages for purposes of plunder and profit. They had stimulated the Indians to make w^ar upon our frontiers, and to commit the most shocking cruelty, at the bare men- tion of which the heart sickens, and the blood chills in the veins. Wherever these monsters came, desolation marked their path. The sound of the deadly rifle, as it singled out its victim, often broke the noontide stillness of the forest, and often was its midnight scenery lighted by the blaze of the burning cabin. The terrified mother, waked from her slum- ber by the hideous yell, drew her babe more closely to her beating bosom, and aw^aited, in breathless despair, the ap- proach of those inhuman invaders, against w^hom neither age nor sex afforded the least protection. Whole families, with- out discrimination, were tomahawked and scalped. Unof- fending infants, wliile they instinctively stretched out their little hands as if imploring mercy, were seized by their legs, and their brains dashed out, within sight of their distracted parents. The whole frontier w^as made a scene of inde- scribable suffering. Mr. Adams, in the defence above alluded to, after recounting some of the inhuman acts w^hich the savages had committed, thus expresses his feelings and opi- nions. « Contending with such enemies, although humanity <' revolts at entire retaliation upon them, and spares the lives of " the feeble and defenceless women and children, yet Mercy " herself surrenders to retributive Justice the lives of their " leading warriors takenin arms—and still more the lives of *' the foreign white incendiaries, who, disowned by their own "governments, and disowning their own natures, degrade " themselves beneath the savage character, by voluntarily *' descending to its level. Is not this the dictate of common ''sense? Is it not the usage of legitimate warfare? Is it not " consonant to the soundest authorities of naHonal law ?" He further declares, that " as accomplices of the savages, ««and, sinning against their better knowledge, worse than *' savages, General Jack?:on, possessed of their persons and ( 22 ) " of the proof of their guilt, might, by the lawful and ordhiarv "^'usages of war, have hung them both without the formality " of a trial." These men were taken prisoners ; one of them actually in arms, and leading on a corps of Indians. Al- though, as you have heard from Mr. Adams, they might have been lawfully hung without a trial. Gen. Jackson gave them the benefit of a respectable Court of Inquiry. The authority of this court, like that of a jiu'y under our civil laws, was confined to a determination of the guilt or innocence of the prisoners ; and did not extend, as in the case of a Court Martial, to the punishment of the offence. This was the pe- culiar provhice of the commanding General. Notwithstand- ing this defect of power, they not only pronounced the pri- soners guilty, but unanimously awarded against them a sen- tence of death. After the court had been legally dissolved, the members again assembled, without the shadow of autho- rity, and revoking their sentence of death against Ambrister, the more flagrant offender of the two, they substituted in its place the punishment of whipping. Gen. Jackson was not so insensible to his character as an officer, or so indifferent to his duty, as to sanction, by submission, so unauthorized, so irregular, and so unreasonable a proceeding. The blood of the murdered inhabitants of the frontier, and the safety of those who survived, called, with an imperative voice, for the exemplary punishment of these outlaws, who stood before him, without excuse, and reeking with the gore of innocent families. He exercised his authority with a becoming firm- ness, and the offenders were executed. Quiet and security were restored to the settlements upon our border. The British government, whose subjects these men had been, after a parliamentary inquiry into their case, made no com- plaint, but acquiesced in the justice of their fate. Yet the recklessness of party spirit, in our own country, in order to subserve temporary purposes, has dared to hold up to the American community these atrocious murderers, red with the blood of American citizens, as objects of commiseration ; and to stigmatize the author of their punishment as himself a murderer. Another charge brought against General Jackson, is his ( 23 ) having, at two different periods, invaded Florida, while it formed a part of the territories of Spain, a nation with which the United States were then at peace. The first invasion was in 1814, and the second in 1818. Tliey were made un- der similar circumstances, and with the same view, and are justifiable upon the same grounds. No person, at all ac- quainted with the law of nations, can be ignorant, that neutral rights are inviolable only so long as strict neutrality is ob- served. Besides being subject to this general and invariable principle, the Spanish government had contracted a parti- cular obligation, by the terms of a treaty entered into with the United States in the year 1795, by which they had en- gaged to prevent, by force if necessary, all excesses by the Indians within their territories. In 1814 the seventh military district was entrusted to the defence of Gen. Jackson; its pro- tection at the period spoken of involved a tremendous re- sponsibility. The expected descent of a powerful force upon New-Orleans spread consternation through the country. All eyes were turned to General Jackson and his small band of followers, as the only hope amid threatening dangers. At this crisis a British detachment was landed in Florida. The Britisli flag was seen flying upon a Spanish fort. Pensacola was made a place of rendezvous by our enemies. There munitions of war were collected, soldiers disciplined, the hostile Indians assembled, armed, protected, and fed. Thence an infamous proclamation was issued by the British com- mander, caUing upon the inhabitants of Louisiana and Ken- tucky to become traitors to their country. Thence an attack was finally made upon an American fort, which was bravely and successfully defended, but at the expense of the lives of many gallant soldiers. It had now become obvious that this hold of the enemy must be broken up, or New-Orleans must be lost. Gen. Jackson's conduct, instead of exhibiting the rashness with which he has been charged, was charac- terized by eminent prudence and forbearance. He had com- municated all the facts to his own government, and request- ed their direction — but no direction came. He had repeatedly remonstrated with the Spanish Governor — but his remon- strances were disregarded. A crisis had arrived whic.^i re- ( 24 ) quired immediate action. The defence of his district called imperatively for the adoption of a decisive course. It was justified by the law of self-preservation ; and with the reso- lution of a great mind, it was adopted. The British were expelled — the Indians dispersed — and New-Orleans was eventually saved. We have said that Gen. Jackson sought direction in vain from our own government. It afterwards appeared that a letter, authorizing a descent upon Florida, was written by the Secretary at War, in July ; but, from some unaccountable cause, was not received until the 17th of January following. It has the effect, however, of show- ing, that the judgment of the Secretary, as to the expediency of the measure, under the circumstances of the case, coin- cided with that of Jackson. Had the commanding General shrunk from this step, had he longer hesitated, in all human probability the city would have been captured and pillaged — its female inhabitants would have become a prey to the brutal lust of the soldiery — the country would have been overrun by desolating invaders. The occupation of Pensa- cola and St. Marks in 1818 took place under a similar neces- sity, and rests for its justification upon the same principles. The Spanish authorities in these places had become accessory to those heart-rending cruelties, which, characterized by all the horrors of savage warfare, had bathed the frontier settle- ments in the commingled blood of their men, women, and children. Our barbarous enemies, and their more barbarous instigators, had been received, entertained, and encouraged by the Spanish officers ; and were permitted to make the Spanish territory a depository and a market for their plun- der. It is an error prevalent among the friends as well as the opponents of Gen. Jackson, to suppose that, in entering the Spanish territory, he was governed solely by his own judgment of the necessity of the case. This is not true. Previously to his taking the field, our army in that quarter was commanded by Gen. Gaines. This officer received an order from the War Department, dated on the 16th of De- cember, 1817, containing the following direction : "Should "the Seminole Indians still refuse to make reparation for " their outrages and depredations on the citizens of the United ( ^'5 ) « Stales, it is the wish of the President, that you consider *< yourself at liberty to march across the Florida linCy and " attack them within its limits" Very shortly afterward, Gen. Jackson was ordered to take the command ; and was inform- ed by the Secretary at War, under date of December 26th, 1817, that the government had been made acquainted with " the increasing display of hostile intentions by the Seminole- « Indians," and that Gen. Gaines had been " directed to "penetrate from Amelia Island through Florida to the Semi- " nole towns."" The Secretary then instructs the commanding General, " with this view," to " concentrate" his " force," and to adopt the necessary measures to terminate the conflict. Jackson was influenced, then, in this case, not by his owft opinion, but the opinion of the government — he acted, not upon his own discretion, but under orders from the Depart- ment of War — and cannot, upon any principle of justice, be held responsible for a course, which was pursued in obedience to superior authority. This ground of justification is com- plete and immoveable. But had it no existence, the conduct of Gen. Jackson, in this respect, would not be justly liable to censure. Upon this subject, however, let us be silent, while Mr. Adams speaks. His opinions, although expressed in immediate reference to the invasion of 1818, are equally applicable to that of 1814. We quote from the letter ad- dressed by him, as Secretary of State, to the American Min- ister at the Court of Spain, in the year 1818. Speaking of the papers produced on the trial of Arbuthnot before the Court of Inquiry, he says — " You will find these papers in the printed "newspaper enclosed, and in the proceedings of the Court "Martial, and will point them out to the Spanish govern- " ment, riot only as decisive proofs of the unexampled com- '■'■pliances of the Spanish Officers in Florida to foreign intru- " sive agents and instigators of Indian hostilities against the " United States, but as placing beyond a doubt that par licipa- '•^tion of this hostile spirit my-tHe Commandant of St. " Marks, which Gen. Jackson so Justly complains of, and of " which we have so well founded a right to demand, the pun- '■'■ ishment." In another part of the same letter he says — " This exposition of tlur origin, the causes, and the charactei' 4 ( 26 ) "of the War with tlie Seminole Indians and part of the " Creeks, combined with M:i.-a5 from his pen in the course of a long and ( 43 ) active life, and which have accordingly sprung up, in all parts of the country, for public inspection, to fasten upon his as- sailants the double charge of slander a!id forgery. Is it not equally futile to suppose, as liis enemies assert, that he has had a literary friend ever at his elbow, to prepare Iiis most private and confidential communications — or, if he had, tliat he should himself defeat this elaborate scheme of deception, by waving this assistance in two or three instances, and those the very communications which would be most likely to meet the public eye 1 But we owe an apology to the feelings and intelligence of the conununity, for having dwelt so long upon a charge wiiicli is repugnant to the common sense of every man in society. The truth is, that the productions of Gen. Jackson are not only connect in point of grammar and or- thography, but are marked by a manly and nervous style, strikingly characteristic of their author. Not to mention other instances, his farewell address to his troops at New- Orleans, and his replies to the various addresses which were made to him upon his re-visiting the scene of Ms glory at the commencement of Uie present year, will bear a safe compari- son with any similar productions from the pen of Mr, Adams. In addressing Republicans, we trust that we present no unimportant claim of Gen. Jackson to their support, when we say, that he has been, ever since the formation of the party, an uniform Republican. He has been always fo"Bnd upon the side of the People, from the day when he poured out his youthful blood for their Independence, tlirough the disastrous period of the Alien and Sedition laws, up to the present time, when a grateful country is seeking to confer upon him a glorious reward for all his services, by elevating him to the proud pinnacle of human honour. Viewed in ihis light, what a shining contrast docs his character present, when opposed to that of Jolm Quincy Adams. ^Viio dare assert that Mr. Adams has been an uniform Republican? Had he been a cdnsislent Federalist, he would be entitled to some respect as a politician : but even this praise he forfeited, by his pretended apostacy from that party in 1807. Amidat all the fulsome eulogiums which have been lavished upon rim by his political adherents, (for personal adherents he never had, and never will have while the laws of repulsion continue to exist,) no one of them has been bold enough to rank steadiness of principle among his commendable qualities. The high-toned federal spirit, which was lighted at the parental fire in his youth, and wliich burned with an almost monarchical flame in the essays of Publicola, although for many years it was carefully smothered, was never extinguished in liis bo- som ; and has again blazed forth, with all its " original bright- ness," in his first Presidential message. The snake was " scotched, not killed ;" and is now entwining its venomous folds around every branch of the government. The doctrines avowed in the document referred to, are ult^-federal ; and evince a determination to establish a powerful, a magnificent, and "a costly general government, at the expense of the in- dividual sovereignties which compose the confederation. If these doctrines have not been followed up to thekr full extent, the thanks are due, not to the forbearance of the President, but to the salutary restraint imposed upon him by the ap- proaching popular election. It should never be forgotten, that the present administration has not yet been seen in its worst character. Let the dread of popular resentment be removed by a re-election, and all its terrors will then be un- folded. Then will come the redemption of pledges, the pro- motion of favourites, the creation of new offices, extravagant expenditures, misconstructions of the Constitution, invasions of State rights, arbitrary assertions of power, and all the train of evils attendant upon a sumptuous and high-handed government. Then will come the second " Reign of Ter- ror." We doubt not the Vessel of State will survive the storm : but she that set out in stately trim, with streamers and pennons flying, will be returned to her owners weather- beaten, and strained in every seam. Fellow Republicans^ We have now laid before you our views in relation to the existing political controversy. We again entreat you to give them a candid consideration. We should not have discharged our duty, had we not animadverted, with freedom, upon the ( 45 ) public character and public acts of Mr. Adams. Although strongly urged by feelings, which are natural to the human breast, to retaliate upon our adversaries for the abusive and unmerited attacks, which, without shame and without provo- cation, they have seen fit to makeupon the jori-ua^e transactions and relations of a great and good man ; and though abundant materials presented themselves to our hands, and seemed to invite us to the task ; we have thought it more magnanimous in ourselves, more worthy of the noble minded personage whose caufee we have espoused, and more respectful to the feelings of a generous community, to desist from the inquiry, and to leave the personal failings of our political opponent, to the secret retribution of his own conscience. If it be thought that, at any time in the course of this address, an undue degree of warmth has been exhibited, we trust it will be imputed, not to malevolence of spirit, but to a generous indignation, at wit- nessing the conduct and course of an administration, whose origin and progress we strongly disapprove ; and to an unaffected regret, at seeing the Republican party, once so powerful, laid prostrate, for a time, at the feet of its opponents, by the ungrateful treachery of pretended friends. Fellow Republicans, With these feelings, we exhort you to vigilance. The power which has been obtained by hypocrisy and corruption, can only be preserved by intrigue and deception. Every artifice has been employed, and will continue to be used, for the purpose of blinding your eyes to your own interests, and the character of the present coalition. Their cause can never be truly yours. Yet, they have endeavoured to persuade you, that their usurpation of the government has been coun- tenanced by those, in whom you justly repose your highest confidence. You have been told that Mr. Crawford was their supporter. But his sentiments you have heard. They have sought to make you believe, that they possessed the sanction of the venerable ex-Presidefts,* Madison and Monroe; and have endeavoured to keep this fraud alive, by nominating those gentlemen as Electors for the State of Virginia, and ^elavinsr, for several weeks to inform then: of the nomination. { 46 ) Bht tiiis bubble liiis also burst. Those distinguished men couldnot be induced to prostitute their well-earned reputation, to secui-e the continuance of a dynasty, so anti-republican in its inception and proorress. Bk watchful, and there is notliiaiT to fear from these attempts at imposition. You are too enlightened to be again deceived, and too virtuous to be ever seduced. Once more we call upon you to arouse in your strength, and recover the ground you have lost. It is not yet too late. Adversaries and false friends have announced your dissolution: but in this they either deceive themselves, op seelc to deceive others. Your glory is obscured, but not extingaished. Your sun is eclipsed, but it is only by a passing cloud. Be active, and your foes shall soon perceive, that they have roused the sleeping lion. The party is not dissolved. The noble superstructure was not erected upon the perishing politics of a day, nor upon the transient popularity of a favourite individual. Its foundations were laid in those solid principles, wliich have an enduring nature ; which are co-existent with our government ; and which can only fail, when the glorious fabric of our liberty, raised, under Providence, by the toils and sufferings of our fathers, and consecrated by the blood of martyrs in the cause of freedom, shall become a heap of ruins. Do you ask what those principles are 1 Contrast the first Presidential message of Mr. Jefferson ^^^th that of Mr. Adams, and you can no longer doubt. Compare the measures of the present Administration with those of Mr. Jefferson, and those principles will stand in bold relief. If we have not fallen short of our design, we have already presented them to you in this address. Fellow Republicans of the State of Kew~York, Much, very much, in the api)roac]fu)g struggle, will depend upon yon. Upon you the eyes of the whole Union are ear- nestly fixed. He, who has intruded himself into the chief- magistracy of the Union, looks with anxiety to you, as those by whom his doom is to be pro^^ounced. The sound of that portentous voice, which issued from New-York in 1800, still vibrates on his ear. He feels that an Administration, which lias not the favour of the people, cannot endure. He heard (47 ) the knell of his political death in the result of the last Con- gressional election. But he is resolved not to surrender without a struggle. The most desperate efforts have been made, and are still makmg, in various parts of the Union, to avert his destiny. His footsteps have been seen even among ^yourselves. A casual excitement, which originated in com- passion for the fate of an unfortunate individual, and which had nothing political in its nature, has been kept alive and cherished by the most unhallowed means, and sought to be made subservient to party purposes. Money has been ex- pended, appointments have been made, and every contrivance, which the ingenuity of man could devise, has been used to attach you to the present Administration. But all has been in vain. You came forward in your strength at the late elec- tion, and spread consternation and terror through all the do- mains of the coalition. The tlurone of the usurper shook as with an earthquake. One effort more, and it will tumble into ruin. Do not rest in a false security. You are contending with a crafty and vigilant foe. Do not be satisfied with a bare victory. The enemy must be routed and dispersed. It is only in this way that you can be secured from the danger of subsequent attack. Look around you^ and see who your ad- versaries are. Look at th^ metropolis of your state. Who are the friends of the Administration there 1 Are they the old, consistent members of your party, who stood by their country in her days of trial? No ! You observe among them men of all sorts and opinions, ranged under the same parti-coloured flag, and headed by whom ? by the famous Dartmoor Agent, and the Secretary of the Hartford Convention. How must the Republicans of New-York have degenerated from the spirit of former times, if they can consent, Avithout scruple and without shame, to be conducted to defeat, or even to victory, by leaders such as these ! We conjure you by all that you most highly value — by your remembrance of the past, and your hope for the future — by the achievements of your fathers, and the welfiire of your posterity — by the glo- rious destinies of our country, and the inestimable principles of our party — by tlie Constitution, and the freedom it secures — that you steadfastly resist, and resolutely put down, the en- ( 48 ) croachments which are making upon the rights of the people. Union and activity will ensure your success. The followers of Jackson have been once betrayed, but they have never been defeated. Marshal all your forces then — unfurl the banners of the Republican party — and let the campaign com- mence. Our opponents are already in the political field. Our cause is the cause of Freedom and the Constitution. Our watchword is "JACKSON AND VICTORY." AARON O. DAYTON, . WILLIAM H. BUNN, CHARLES L. LIVINGSTON, JOHN HILLYER, ISAAC DYCKMAN, JOHN HARRIS, ABRAHAM V. WILLIAMS, ELIJAH J. ROBERTS, JACOB S. BOGERT, ALEXANDER MING, Jun. ABRAHAM LE FOY, JOHN COX, CHARLES J. DODGE, EDWARD M. MURDEN, Corresponding Committee. JOHN MONTGOMERY, Chairman. RICHARD GRANT, Jun. Secretary.