^'''%. • •0 ^^ *: 5 'IV' V" ^ .-'J,!- .•1«^^ .M«' ^^'*' • 1.0- ^^^O"* '^ ** >;> "^ .N"^ ■*>.„.'" ' -^<^^ ■5ifr.../ rue. *•"'*. *<> *>: FEAR OF JUBILEE BUT NOT TO AFRICANS ^ ^iiSiroutriGift DELIVERED JULY i- SEING THf£ 49th iMNIVKASARV OF AMERICAN INSEFENDEMf K. ^^i *v' BY NATHANIEL S. PRIME, J^Mtor ofiht First Presbyterian Church, in Cambridge^ JV. Y. *y{ *>^ *•/ *>< ;KXXK^;V,XKXXA*XXXKXXXXXXXXXXX;-f ULEM, N. Y, 7]linTC9 >Y DODD AMD STCyilfSON. 1825. THE YEAR OF JUBILEE ; B\]T J^OT TO AYKlCaKS ^ ^i%ttmx%u DELIVERED JULY 4th, 1825, BEING THE 49th ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE* BY NATHANIEL S. PRIME, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, in Cambridge^ TV. Y- SALEM, N. 7. ttiXJUT^J) BY DODD AND STEyENS©!?,. TO THE READER. Though uo apology for the piesent publication, or for the form m waich k appe.p, will be attempted, yet it may not be iasproper or uninteresting to state a few facts relating to its origin. , , . The author has beon in the habit, for a number of years past, of celebrating the an- niversary of our Indttpendence with public worship in his ovsn congregation. Previous tc the last 4th of July, notice to that eflect was given, and at the same time it was stated th.it the subject of disccurse would be— not American Libcrly, but— American SZcver?/ .- in con- nexion with which, the o>iject and open tions of" The AmtrirAin Cnlnrvsation Society" would be broiight into view, and its claims upon publick pal-onage defended aud urged. A similar notice was sent to tlie other congregations in this place with an invitation to attend. To a very respectable audience, tluis convened, the following discourse was delivered, and a conlrihulioo taken up in aid of the Colonization Society. M the close of the service, a meeting was organized, of which the following arc the minutes: " The Hon. John M'Lean, nas chosm Chairman, and Gerrit Wendell, Secretary. " The following rtsolutions were then imaninously adopted. " R^solveo, That it is expedient and proper, in the vitiv of this meeting, hereafter tft celebrate the anniversary of our National Indipendmce n-ith religio-us exercises. "Resolv(?d, That Messrs. John Ashton, Sidney Wells and Dr. Matthew Stevenson he a commi'tee in make arrangements for the next anniversary, by dmgnating the place of meeting, and procuring a speaker for the occasion." " On motion of Mr. A.ihtun. seconded by Sidney Wells,— Resolved that the Rev Mr. f'l ime be rerjursttd to furnish for the pn'ss, a copy of the JddrtiS delivered by him this day, a7id that the above mentioned (ommiitec be authorised to adopt the necessary measures to pro- cure its publication " although the [iroppsal of the last resolution was totally unexpected to the author, yet he it willing frankly to acknowledge that its adoption was extremely grateful to his feelings i not only as an explicit npproval of the sentiments which had been delivered, cxprf ssed hy many of his own congregation and others, whose judgment he highly reveres ; hut also as affording the sanction of their authoiiiy in proclaiming them to the world. And, that it mighi liave the full influence of tta*. authority, the address is printed, with the ex- ception of a few verbal corrections, and the adilition of two notes,, precisely as h was de- livered. The author cannot say that the views exhibited are the result of any new convictions in bn own miod. Though he was familiar with slavery from his birth, yet from his earliest rc-iilcctioi', it wag revolting to his feelings ; and the iirst emotion of humanity th.at left an indelible iTipi essio'i on his memory, was thai of comnu^seratioB for the degraded condition of a negro child abdui two years younger than himself; and from that moment, he never felt at rest on ihe suhject, till ti.f last vestige of the evil wa.'» i emoved fiom his parental dwel- ling. The i .ne st^n' mi^nti with re«ppct to the universal i;uilt, and consequent danger of tha AiTiericaii •.t'opd , he h^s entertained ever since lie became acquainted with the institu- tio'19 of hij country, ;i:id has occasionally exhibited Ihem ; but he acknowledges hin;self lii.'hiy ren«urabli- in no. having mort- frequ- ntly p.nd pointedly urged them. He therefore presents thi addn ss to the publick, not only in compliance with the wishes of those whom he cannot refuse, hut. as i small aionemei.t for haviig so often neglected to employ his pen, and raise his voice against an evil so extensive in ils operation, and so alarming iu its conse- quences. Cambndse, July 5tb, 1825. 1 u -y A DISCOURSE, &c. THE words from which I propose to address you, on this occasion, you will find recorded in "The decla- ration of the INDEPENDENCE of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ;" — the first clause after the preamble. The words are these : " We hold these truths to be self-evident ; that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are Life, lAberii/, and the pursuit oj Happiness.'''' IMan, considered as a rational and social being, oc- cupies a variety of important relations in the universe of God. In the first place he stands related to that ^reat and glorious Being who gave him existence, and he is under the most solemn and indissoluble obligations, to the exercise of eternal reverence, love and gratitude. However indifferent he may feel, in his present fallen state, to the demands of heaven, and however negligent he may be of the duties which result from those de- mands, it is an incontrovertible trulh, that the service of God has the first and highest claim. Bence, the first and greatest commandment of the law is declared, oy the divine Saviour to be this ; " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soal^ and with all thy mindy and with all thy strcnglh.^^ Mark xii. 30. An immediate and constant compliance with this precept should be the first object of every human being. But although this is the first, it is not the only du- ty of man. He occupies other relations, and, of course, is subjected to the authority of other duties. Passing over all the other subordinate connexions of man, as foreign from our present purpose, I shall here notice only his relation to his own species, and the obligations which result from that relation. All men are formed by the same hand, born into the same world, under the same circumstances, and are bound by considerations both of duty and interest to respect each other's rights, and to promote each other's happiness. These duties are next in importance to those which relate to God. Therefore, our blessed Lord, after declaring the pre-* c*'[)t already quoted to be the first commandineiit of the law, adds, '' And the second is like" to it, " Thou shalt love Ihij neighbour as thy self. ^^ He then declares, with respect to both, "There is no commandment jjjrea- ter than these." Here then we have a concise, but complete exposition of man's duty in relation to his own species. It is applicable to all the possible cir- cumstances of life ; and at the same time, so plain, that the smallest share of intellect is sufficient to understand and apply it. It accords precisely with that golden rule which the Saviour delivered, in his sermon on the mount ; " All things whatsoever ye would that men shovld do to you, do ye even so to them j J or this is the law and the prophets."" Matthew vii. 12. That is, all the duties which God has ever required of man in relation to his own species, either in the law or the prophets, are com- prehended in this single precept, Do to others just as you nould wish them to do to you. Did this principle regu- late the conduct of all men, the earth would indantly resume the first bloom of Eden. Not only would war, an J murder and rapine cease to desolate the earth, but animosities and contention and oppression of every kind and degree would instantly disappear. Adventi- tious circumstances might still produce distinctions in the relative situations of men; but pride, that tiend of hell and enemy of happiness, would be banished from the human breast; and one more pro«!pered of heaven than his fellows, would look down upon them, not to despise their poverty, nor to rejoice in their misery, nor to deprive them of their liberty y (the last earthly blessing that man can lose ;) but to compassionate their necess^ities, to console them under adversity, and to ad- minister to their relief. The whole human family would be bound together by the sense of a common nature, and the bonds of sincere afl'ection: in a word, they Would feel that they were bone of each other'' s bone ; and Jiesh of each other sjiesh ; and in all cases, and under all circumstances, they would act like brethren. From these remarks, you will perceive that the words of my text, although they are not a part of the inspired volume, contain sentiments in perfect accor- dance with the divine declarations. Tliis consideration therefore is sufficient to entitle them to the highest re- spect. But, in this favoured Jand, they do not need this *arji;unient to ^ive them authority. They are the words of our fathers ; not spoken by the fireside, or in the clo- set, while tliey rested quietly in the midst of their do- mestick circles, without a witness of their declarntions ; but proclaimed and published to th«^ whole world, while they stood in jeopardy of their li»es and all that they held dear on eaith ; and with a soleujn appeal to (he su- preme JUDGE of the norld for the rectitude of [their \ in- tentions. Nay, more; some of them sealed this flecla- . ration with their own blood, and vrduntarily laid down their lives, to deliver their posterity from tyranny and oppression, and to procure for them tlie blessings of /?'- herty and self government. Confminn; ourselves to this view of the subject, we should pronounce that native American unworthy of his parentage and the name which he bears, who wouhl not revere tl.ie wruds of his father, uttered under such circumstances. J\ay, that man, let him be who he uiil, arid let his circumstances be what t[iey may, is unworthy to tread Atnerican soil and breathe American air, who does not cheerfully and sincerely adopt the words of my text, as containina; the sentiments of his heari, " All mm arc created equal, and are cndoned hif their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are bje, Uberiy and the pursuit of happiness.'^ When this declaration, parljcularly this clause of it, was reported in Ijeaven, (and I presume to believe that the sun had not set on the fourth of .Tuly, 1776, be- ifore the transactions of the American Cors^^ress were published to the celestial iiosts,) what think you were the expectations of arii^els and the spirits of just men made perfect, with respect to the state of things which would succeed in tliis nation ? Doubtless, the former, in whose respective ranks liherty and equality are not on\y professed \m{ practised, expected, upon their first mission to this lower world, to see the American peo- ple, without distinction of complexion or circiunstan- ces, enjoying the blessings of freedom. And with e- qual probability may we imagjine, that those happy souls who had been redeemed from the earth, and who had here witnessed, with their own eyes, the oppres- sions of man exercised upon his own species ; some of whom had, perhaps, themselves been personally guilty in this matter, and had found, from their own ex- perience, that the last pollution, from which a Sa?iour's blood can wash the human soul, is the sweat or blood of a black man's body ; I say, we may safely imagine, that, among these, there was one universal shout of joy. They rejoiced to hear, that, in one nation at least of this fallen world, after the lapse of almost 6000 years, THE RIGHTS OF MAN wcre at last understood, and a so- lemn resolution to respect them had been unanimously adopted : that universal emancipation had been pro- claimed to three millions of the human family. In view of these considerations, could angels and redeemed souls have reasonably expected or believed, // there is any sincerity in man, that from the benefits of this solemn declaration, adopted under all the solemn circumstances just mentioned, and with the most so- lemn appeal to heaven, everi/ sixth man was excluded, and doomed to perpetual slavery ; and that, for no other reason, than because the God of nature had caused them to be born in a torrid clime, where the sun had burnt their skin and crisped their hair, and they bad been transported against their will, to a land inhabited by white men ? And if the celestial hosts were then restrained from an universal clamour of disapprobation, by the conside- ration that such an exception was rendered necessary by the existing circumstances of the country, and the impossibility of emancipating 500,000 slaves while our shores were invaded by a foreign foe ; could they have been persuaded to believe, that, after heaven had espou- sed the cause of America, and God himself bad fought her battles, and victory had crowned her arms, the A- merican people would permit almost half a century to roll away in the enjoyment of unexampled liberty, prosperity and happiness, while slavery would be per- milted to increase with the increase of their wealth and population ? Could they expect that this solemn de- claration of Independence would be annually read the 50th time, accompanied with the roar of cannon, the dis- play of banners, and shouts of joy, and that thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars would be expen- ded on every return of this anniversary in feasting and dissipation and tumult, and yet no year of Jubilee he proclaimed to the oppressed sons of Africa? But such is the fact. This day commences the 50th year of freedom to American white men, and yet a million and a half of our fellow men, within our own dwellings, are this moment groaning under the chains of bondage. Tell me not, as it is often told by the advocates of slavery, that they are incapable of providing for themselves ; and are therefore happier in their present dependent condition, than if they were immediately emancipated. 1 cheerfully admit that the little feathered songster that was hatched in a cage or incarcerated before his wings were fledged, may be ig- norant of most of the sweets of liberty ; and after being long accustomed to have his food provided by his own- er's hand, might be incapable of finding it, in equal pro- fusion, in the lields and forests ; but does this prove that he has not a nature adapted to the enjoyment of liber- ty, and equally entitled to the privilege with other birds? But on this point reasoning is needless. I ap- peal to my text. " All men are created equal/* said our forefathers, " and are endowed hy their Creator 7vith certain unalicnaUe rights ; among these are lijey liberty and the pzirsuit of happiness.^' For the space of fifty years we have been reiterating the same maxim and at the same time declaring that it is " a self-evident truth.'' Now, I say, let us aim at consistency of character. Let us reduce the principle to practice, and prove to the world that we believe what we say, or blot it out from the declaration of our rights and privileges. We may ab- hor the tyranny of kings and emperors, and commise- rate the degraded state of their oppressed subjects, but a greater incongruity cannot he found in any nation 8 ihan that which exists in our own. In one hand we ho!(i the protestation that all men are equal, and enti- tled to tlje enjoyment of life and liberty ; and in the other, we firmly jjjrasp the chains of slavery and wield the goads of correction. We proclaim to the world that we are the only nation of freemen on earth, and yet daily practise the most absolute despotism. It is frequently the case that the same publick newspaper which unblushingly asserts the equality of our rights, and the justice of our institutions, advertises a whole villai^e of human hdne land. The time has been when the event of war has been supposed to confer on the victoricuis party the right of enslaving the vanquished. But this is now universally acknowledsjed to be a principle of barbarism, and is abandoned by the civilized world. Where then is our charter for the oppression of our fellow men ? Perhaps the most plausible artrument in support of American slavery, (and it is one that has been newly discovered, for it was first introduced into Con<^ress on the Missouri question,) is, that the New Testament dis- tinctly recofijnises without any mark of disapprobation, the relation of masters and servants, and St. Paul in his Epistles explicitly enjoins on the latter the duty of re- spect, obedience and fidelity. This ariiumeat has been triumphantly urged as presentinsj Divine authority for slavery. But. pray tell me, are there no servants but slaves ? Is there no such thin^ as the relation of mas- ter and servant unless where slavery exists? If so, tell Great Britain to blot the word from her vocabulary, that it has no meanins; in the English language, and is exclusively of American origin and use. "But," says the advocate of slavery, "this argu- ment is not to be got rid of in this way. This is mere quihbling. St. Paul speaks not only of servants, but of bond- men J and he actually enjoins it on every man to abide in the same calling, or coiidition, wherein he is called. And he specifies patticuiaily that if any one is called being a servant, he is to rest contented with the assurance that he is the Lord's /rfc nmn. 1 Cor. vii. 20 — 22. Nay, in his Epistle to Philemon, he had a fair opportunity to put this question at rest for ever; but instead of rebuking the master for hoi iing slaves, he returned the runnwaij to his service."* On this ground, it has been asserted, that those who hold slaves are more obedient to the Scriptures than those who do not. If I am not greatly mistaken in regard to the nature of this argument, I could prove, in the same vvay, that tyranny and despotism are approved of God ; and that those who submit to such a kind of government, live in greater conformity to the Scriptures than the citizens of a republick. The manner in which T would argue is this. St. * This whole argument, in all its parta, was once urged with amazing zeal, on thn 3oorof the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. B 10 Paul, in his Epistle to the Roman?, says, " Let evciy soul be ^iUbject unto the hioiier powers; for there is no power but of God, the powers tliat he, aro ordained of God. Whosoever, therefore, resisteth the power, re- sisteth the ordinance of God ; and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation." — Hon), xiii. 1, 2. Now tliis solemn injunction, under this awful sanction, was imposed by inspiration upon the Christians of lloine, at the time that tlie crown of that empire was worn by Nero, one of the most cruel and blood-thirsty tyrants that ever disg;raced a throne. By his own di- rection the city was set on fire, which raged for nine successive days, spreading desolalion and ruin; and then to furnish himself a pretext for persecuting the Cliristians, he laid the crime to Iheir charge, and fierce- ly commenced the bloody work. '* Some were wrap- ped in the skins of wild beasts, and torn in pieces by dogs ; some were crucified, and others, clothed in sar- ments covered with pitch, were set on fire ; while the cruel monster calmly sat in the window of his palace and enjoyed the scene of his own barbarities." And yet this is the man, whom the apostle commands the Christians to revere as " the minister of God ;" the re- sistance of whom is threatened with damnation. Was not Paul then the advocate of tyranny and oppression? Just as clearly as he was the advocate of slavery. In the same manner 1 think it can be shown that polygamy is approved by St. Paul, at least among tlie Gentiles. He expressly ordained that " a bishop or deacon must be the husband of one wife." 1 Tim. iii. 2, 12. Now the inference is fair, that all other men might have more than one. Private members of the church are not restricted in their inclinations in this respect, otily the officers of the church are not indulged. J see no way to avoid this conclusion. How then shall we reconcile these apparent inconsistencies ? Tn my view, tlie solution is plain and easy. Upon the first introduction of the gospel into any pagan land, there always will be many evils existing, which are so com[)letely wrouijht into the custom;-, interests and in- stitutions of society, that it is impossible to correct them at once. Nay, if it were possible, the sudden re- 11 vohilion would instantly produce unspeakable misery. Take, for instance, the last mentioned case : Suppose, in a nation where polygamy is extensively practised, e- very tnan could he induced to repudiate all his wives but one ; how many thousands of helpless wotnen and children would be turned on the wide world, without tiie means of support, exposed to inevitable wretched- ness and want ! The sudden adoption of the true Chris- tian principle, under these circum^tances, would be pro- ductive of vastly greater misery than is now expeiien- ced from this horrid pao;an practice ; and the Christian religion would be execrated as a system of cruelty. What then is to be done? Must Christianity sa- crifice its holy principles at the shrine of pagan impu- rity ? Must we be satisfied to have men embrace the faith of the gospel, while they retain their own ungodly practices? No! But wisdom is profitable to direct. ^^ Some method must be adopted by which these deeply- rooted evils may be branded with disgrace, and thus gradually but effectually eradicated For this purpose St. Paul, or rather the Holy Spirit, ordain- ed in those countries where polygamy was common, that "a bishop or deacon must be the husband of one wife." A man that sincerely embraced the gospel, might be admitted to the privileges of the church with- out first turning half a dozen women out of doors ; but he never could arise to any dignity, or be capable of holding any office in the church. Now you plainly perceive that the necessary operation of this simple re- gulation, was to abolish gradually, but eflfectually, this vile practice ; not however, by sovereign authority or absolute force, but by the voluntary consent of the par- ty concerned. Thus it appears to be the genius of the gospel to tolerate an evil for a while, where the immediate and total abolition would be productive of greater mise- ries and crimes ; while, at the same titne, it requires the use of all prudent and effectual measures for its ultimate extirpation. 1 humbly conceive that it is on this ground alone, that the Scriptures, in certain cases, allude to despot- ism, slavery and many other evils without a distinct ex- 12 pression of disapprobation. Had the pvanjrelisis and apostles explicitly denounced the tyranny of Roirie, and declared that slavery was contrary to the law of nature, and the law of God, they would have been in- stantly slain, or driven, at the point of the sword, from every province of the Roman empire. On this account every argument founded on su(h iexi^ of Scripture in support of slavery, is of no more weight than the dust of the balance. That slavery is an evil is 2;enerally acknowledged in those parts of our country where the least of it ex- ists; and of course, where the most of its horrours are unknown. And there are undoubtedly many in the slave- holdintj states who deplore the evil, and would gladly remove it, if there was no obstacle in the way. But it is a n^atterof deep regret that there are thousancls of our countrymen, claiminaj the style of republicans, \vho are the unblushino; advocates of slavery. And what is worse than all, and wiiat renders the extirpa- tion of this evil the moie hopeless, is, that when our nor- ttiern citizens remove to the south, many of them be- come not only the owners of slaves, but in many in- stances, the warmest advocates of the principle of sla- very. This amazin«j chang^e in sentiment and feelins;, 1 am unwilling to ascribe so much to what is often al- leged, that they find the evils of slavery far less than they expected, and the subjects of it contented and happy ; as to the fact, that familiarity with any vice blinds the human mind to its enormity. 1 doubt not that the most enthusiastick republican of our country, if he found it for his interest to reside under the most des- pot ick government of Europe, would, after a number of years, return with the report, that the subjects of that country were much better contented, and vastly more happy than he had anticipated; audit would not be strange if bis zeal for democracy, and hatred of mon- archy were equally diminished. But this would nev- er prove to me, that the subjects of a despotism are as happy as they would be, if they were placed in a situa- tion, and prepared, to enjoy the blessings of a free go-- Ternmert. That this is the true reason of this change, I 13 think is evident from the fact, that our northern men, after they become familiar with slavery, ran cahnly in- duljuje theinselves in thai kind of treatment of slaves, which would previously have made them shudder. In this connexion 1 will mention a facty which for the cre- dit of New-England, and the honour of religion, I would gladly conceal to the jtidcrment day, if the circumstan- ces of the case had not been publicly displayed through this region of country. Two years ago a native of Vermont, and a minister of the gospel too, who has re- sided some years at the bouth, passed with his family, through this town and put up for the night within the sound of my voice where T now stand. They were at- tended by a servant-girl, who was not permitted to eat at a table or sleep on a bed, though in the true spirit of northern feeling, both were kindly proffered by the landlady. She spent her night on the naked floor, with no other pillow than her bundle of clothes; and set out in the morning in an op. n waggon, to endure the heat of a summer's sun, with no otlier covering for her head than the woolly fleece which nature gav^e. Such kind of treatment, for aught I know, may be deemed neces- sary at the south, as 1 understood, it was then alleged, to keep the blacks from being " cxall&d above measure;^' yet surely it cannot be witnessed, without sentiments of indignation, in a northern clime. And for the hon- our of humanity, to say nothing of the gospel ministry, I pray God, that my own e^esmay never again witness a similar scene. But let the plea be reiterated as often as it may, that the slavery which exists in our country is not so appalling as northern men suppose ; it is still an evil, that exists contrary to the law of nature and nature's God, and in the face too, of American rights and privi- leges. And beyond this, it stands necessarily connec- ted with other evils, whi( h are more shocking to the feelings of humanity, than slavery itself. Take for ex- ample, these simple facts. By the laws of some of the slave-holding states, no man can emancipate his own slaves; and any person is liable to the barbarous and disgraceful punishment of being whipped on the naked back, if convicted of teackinsr a slave to read. Tlius / u the poor Africans are not only 8eprivecl of their liber- ty, but are completely rut off from almost the only means of information, with respect to their duty to God and their fellow men, and of preparation for the eter- nal world ; of the only means that can alleviate tlieir sorrows and enliven their solitude. By these laws, a pious and benevolent master, who has inherited a hun- dred slaves, and who would gladly deliver them fiom bonda£;e, or, at least, alleviate, by every means in his power, the miseries of their condition, is compelled, a- gainst every feeling of his heart, not only to hold them in servitude, but to keep them in absolute ignorance. Although these laws are founded neither in humani- ty, nor Christianity, yet evidently in good policy j and they are necessarily connected with slavery, in the extent to which it exists. The physical power of the black population, in many districts of our country, bears such an alarming proportion to that of the whites, that nothing is wanting on their part but information, to enable them to assert and maintain their rights. Only let them know what they are, and of what they are ca- pable, and in one month's time the Tragedy of St. Do- mingo would be re-acted on this side of the Gulf- Stream. By this time, my hearers, I presume you have be- gun to inquire for the remedy of this " legion of evils :" and some of you may have drawn the conclusion, that no- thing short of the immediate and absolute emancipation of all the slaves of our country would satisfy my mind. But this is not the fact. However highly my feelings may be wrought on this subject, they have not got the better of my understanding. I am perfectly satisfied that it is one of those evils which cannot be removecT hy a single stroke. The immediate emancipation of all the slaves, would doubtless be attended with conse- quences, both upon themselves and the whites, vastly more terrible and distressing, than all the horrours of slavery. And if St. Paul himself were now on earth, and consulted on the subject, I doubt not he would disapprove of such a measure. It has been al- ready shown that there are evils existing in the pagan world, which are directly opposed to Christianity ; and 16 yei the genius of (he gospel, upon its first introduction, does not demand their immediate and entire abolition. And although this country is not strictly speakinga pagan country, yet the practice in question is a pagan practice ; and so effectually wrought into the habits and feelings and' institutions of our land, that its com- plete extirpation must necessarily be the work of time, — But here let it be particularly ohsarved, tliat, in all such cases, we have no licence for the toleration of any sinful custom, a single moment, without the adoption of wise and prudent measures calculated ultimately to abolish it. This, it appears to me, is the only course that can be adopted in this country for the annihilation of slave- ry ; and in this point of view, I introduce to your no- tice, the object and operations of the ''American Colo- nisation Society.^* This association was formed, at the city of Wash- ington, in the beginning of the year 1817 ; and is pa- tronized by many of the most distinguished officers of the general government. The Chief Justice of the U- nited States has been, from its first formation, the pre- sident of the Society. Its object is the transportation to Africa of the free people of colour, who are willing to go, and the establishment of them in a colony, or co- lonies, under all the advantages of civil and religious privileges. Though its incipient measures were attend- ed with some adverse providences, yet it has progressed with as much success, and with as flattering prospects as could possibly have been anticipated, A district of fertile territory on the Western Coast of Africa has been purchased of the natives, and a flourishing colony planted there, under the direction and control of resi- dent agents. Schools are organized, and the means of grace established among them. The plan has been countenanced, thougli not explicitly approved, by the government of our country; and it has been distinctly recommended by the supreme judicatories of several of the most numerous and respectable denotninations of Christians to the patronage of their members, espe- cially on this interesting occasion. As this Society, since its organization, has met 16 with considerable opposition, I feel it to be my duty to | present a few considerations in suppoit of its claims. If the slaves of our country are ever to enjoy all the blessings of freedom, it must evidently be, in a state of total separation from the white population. Such are the present feelings of our citizens, and so firmly are they fixed in their breasts, that we need never ex- pect to see the blacks atnalgamated with the whites in all the social connexions of life. In what district of our country will the latter become willing to conned themselves with the former in the relations of the do- meslick circle? What legislature will be willing to ad- mit the negro to equal privileges and powers with the white man, on the floor of the senate chamber? What University will hold forth the same advantages and ho- nours to our own children and the descendants of Afri- cans? But until all these things are realized, if they must live together in the same territory, the negro's jnind will forever be depressed to the dust with a sense of conscious inferiority, and can never aspire to those elevated distinctions of which it is capable. And this is the grand reason of all that present dulness and stu- pidity, which are frequently adduced, as evidence that negroes are a race of beings but little elevated above the brutal creation. If therefore universal liberty should be proclaimed through our land, and the Afri- can race still be permitted to live in the n)idst of us, disfranchised by our feelings and customs, if not by our laws,* of the rights of freemen, we have no reason to suppose that they would be essentially improved or benefited by their freedom. It is therefore most pal- pably manifest, that if our slaves are ever to enjoy all the blessings of liberty, they must not only be libera- ted from the chains of l)ondage, but at the same time, be placed in a situation in which they may aspire to all the advantages and distinctions of civilized life. In Bome of the states, even where slavery is abolished, the blacks are disfranchised of the rights of citizens. To the eternal disgrace of our own state, tlie despotiek priucipleg of our Consiitution have been iiiulliplied in.-tead of beio? diaiiuii^hed by the lateConventioo. By tue old Constitution, only onp class of citizens were divested of certain natural lights without having committed any crime to foifeit them But by the present Constitution there are two. And the reasons in both ca^es are very similar ; in the one, ncaring a black coat, and in the other, a black skin. 'But tiie open:tion of these rf-gulaticns is nniiclj more o;.pre3- siye in t!ie latter, than iu tlie forraer case. Tlie colour of a ui m's dress depend! ou his owa will ; but, " tke Ethioaian cannot change his skin,'" if he would. 17 This is tbe immediate object of the Colonizatirm Society. Nor is it a mere matter of doubtful experi- ment. A similar attempt has long since been maile by the British nation, at Sierra Leone, and the result » as fully proven to the world, that the minds of black men are as capable as the whites, when placed under equal circumstances of improvement. The ^aine result? are beginning to be realized in the infant colony planted by our own countrymen at Cape Mes^uiado. And nothing is wanting, but the patronage of our own citizens, to ex- tend the same advantages to hundreds and tliousaud? of the degraded and oppressed sons of Africa, who arc still in our land. In further confirmation of the same views, it may be observed, that in the slave-holding states there are many owners of slaves who would gladly emancipate them, but are expressly prohibited. It is impossible, therefore, for them to proclaim "liberty to the capti\es," unless they can transport them without the limits of the state, \yhat then can such benevolent masters do with their slaves ? To turn them out into our western wilds, would be to expose them to certain starvation ; or if any survived, they would be hunted down as wild beasts, by a herd of brutal kidnappers, and carried back and sold to less merciful masters than they served before. To transport them to a foreign shore, if any individual were able to incur the expense, without any concert of ac- tion, would be to expose them to immediate death by barbarous hands. It is therefore impossible to afford those who are disposed, an opportunity to emancipate their slaves, without sucli a concert of action as shall protect the colony in its infantile state, till it shall ac- quire strength and ability to defend itself. Such is the object of the Colonization Society. Let not this effort of beneficence be paralized by the plea, that it is an insicrnificant undertaking com- pared with the magnitude of the evil intended to be re- moved. Did you never see a cloud, no bigger than a man's hand, at its first appearance, finally overspread the whole horizon and pour a copious blessing on the thirsty earth? What plan of benevolence, in this fallen world, was not small at its commenceineHt? Even the Jo kingdoni uf GuJ was once like a ii;rain of mustard seed ; but it has gradually increased and will continue to grow till it fills the world. The Herculean labour of ahol- ishing the slave-trade, with all its bloody horrours, was commenced, within our recollection, by a simple indi- vidual, in the legislature of a single nation, amidpt the clamours of a host of opposition; and yet tliat individ- ual has lived, and v:e have lived, to see the horrid traf- iick pro=:criI)ed, not only by that nation, but by the ci- vilized w'ojid, and the practice declared />irac;y by sev- eral nations. What iniluence then can a consideration of the smallness of the means, compared with the end, liave upon the benevolent mind in relation to this sub- ject? It may indeed stisnulate to increased exertion, but it surely can produce no discouraging effect. But even admitting that the efforts of this Society should never ultimately accomplish the object of its aim, the tnlirt abolition of American slav.ri/, there is one important result which it cannot fail to produce. Be- sides securing the blessings of freedom and self govern- ment to som.e of those who had previously groaned un- der the chains of bitter servitude, it will aflbrd a ready introduction of the blessings of civilization and the gos- pel to the benighted tribes of Africa. It is recorded in God's sure word of prophecy, that " Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands to God," while "the isles of the sea shall wait for his law." In view of the numerous and simuKaneous efforts of the Christian world to ex- tend the blessings of the gospel to the ends of the earth, we may justly consider the exertions of the American Colonization Society as ultimately, though not directly, aiming at the satne object ; and we may with propriety regard the Institution as one important wheel in that vast system of moral machinery which, under the bles- sing of heaven, is destined to regenerate a fallen world. In this view of the subject, I cannot but indulge in what some may call the flights of fancy, but what I fond- ly persuade myself is the reality of vision. O Africa, long oppressed ani degraded Africa! Heaven has wit- nessed thy bitter sufferings, and the long black catalogue of tb> wrongs is Inid up in store against the day of retri- bution. But I see the Sun of righteousness arising upon 19 thee, with healing in his wins;?. I see the shades of more than Eijyptian (Jarkness dispelled by his resplen- dent rays. I see thy wounds, which have been bleeding for ages, instantly staunched and healed. I see the fero- city of the tyger exchanged for the meekness of the Iamb. I hear thy groves and plains resounding with the shouts of joy and gladness, and the still sweeter song of redeeming grace and love. I see "thy wilder- nesses and solitary places made glad, and thy desert re- joicing and blossoming as the rose. Thy parched ground has become a pool, and thy thirsty land springs of water. In the habitation of dragons, where each lay, there is grass with reeds and rushes. x\nd a hish way is there, and a way that is called the ATay of Holiness : the un- clean shall not pass over it : but it shall be for thee ; the way-faring men, though fools, shall not err therein. jN'o lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there ; but the redeem- ed shall walk there. And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with songs and everlast- ing joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness; aiid sorrow and sighing shall flee away." 1- saiah xxxv. I — 10. These blessed results I see effect- ed by the instrumentality of America, the author of all thy wrongs. And though thy sweat and tears and blood have, for ages, been crying to heaven from the ground, for vengeance on her devoted head ; yet now I hear thy voice, in the true spirit of gospel forsiveness, intreating pardon for thy guilty murderers. *' O remember not a- gainst them their /or/;?9. 22 thinf^ iniquity is niarked before me, saith the Lord God." Jer. ii. 22. 1 beseech thee, do not aggravate thy guilt, and provoke anew the wrath of heaven, by justifying thy deeds or pleading innocent of the charge. " For thy sin is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond; it is graven on the table of thy heart, and" if not " upon the horns of thy altars," it is inscribed in the archives of thy cabinet, and whilst thy children shall read the legacies of their fathers they shall remember and bear witness of thy crimes, to the latest posterity. Fly, O fly, in the first place, to the fountain of a Saviour's bleeding veins, and there be washed from all thy pollution : and then, as a testimo- ny of thy gratitude, that much, very much is forgiven thee, summon all thy energies to repair the injuries thou hast done. "Proclaim liberty to thy captives; say to the prisoners, go forth ; and to them that are in darkness, show yourselves." Isa. xlix. 9. Restore them to " the land of their fathers' sepulchres," and let them once more peacefully enjoy the inheritance of their ancestors. Wherever they may have been born, Afri- ca is their home. Though transported to the most dis- tant countries, and situated in the most temperate re- gions of the globe, and transmitted through a series of generations, they still retain in the constitution of their frames, and on the whole surface of their bodies, the ti- tle of heaven to those torrid climes. The God of na- ture has evidently determined, that they shall never be divested of their original inheritance. Though "the descendants of Cush can never change their skin," yet the time will come when their souls shall be made white in the blood of the Lamb ; and then, in their own land, which God allotted to their progenitor, they shall stretch forth their hands to God, and under their own vine and fig-tree enjoy the fruit of their labours, without any to molest or make them afraid. There is one consideration more, by which I would urge the claims of this subject. If the people of the United States cannot be extensively aroused to under- take the redress of African wrongs, from motives of humanity, and a sense of duty, the apprehension of per- sonal danger may with propriety be awakened in their 23 minds. God deals wilh nations, in ibis world, on a dif- ferent principle from what he deals with individuals. — The wicked man is often permitted to prosper in his sins, and to die without pain ; because the righteous re- tributions of justice await him in the eternal world. — But wicked nations exist, in their national capacity, only in this life. Therefore, if national sins are ever visited with the indignation of heaven, it must be in the present world. Hence, we may draw the conclusion, that if American slavery is offensive to God, the judg- ments of heaven are now impending over this guilty na- tion. And in what form they will descend, we need not the spirit of prophecy to prognosticate. In several of the slave-holding states, the black population is already nearly equal to the white ; and the ratio of increase is so much in their favour, that, in the course of a few years, they will be far the most numerous. During the peri- od of ten years intervening between the last United States' census and the preceding, the following w^as the ratio of increase in several states : In Kentucky, the blacks increased bl per cent, whites only 37 per cent. Tennessee, - - - 80 - - 57 Georgia, ■ - 40 - - 30 IVortii-CaroIina, - 22 - - 11 South-Carolina, - 2(> - - 8 And in Louisiana as early as 1310 there were 5 blacks to every four white men. It is obvious, that, at this rate, ia the course of a few years, those districts of our country will be covered with a black population ; in comparison with which, the whites will appear as grasshoppers before them. Now 1 ask, in such a state of things, what can hinder the blacks from arising, and after avenging all their wrongs, by slaying their oppo- sers, taking possession of those very lands as the reward of their own and their lathers'' labours ? Do you say, their minds are incapable of such an enterprize ? Look at St. Domingo ; what has been effected there by the African race, in as ignorant and degraded a state as is any where witnessed in our own country ! And what will our blacks need, but a few resolute spirits to concentrate their efforts and direct their energies ? And if the genius of negroes is so far debased in our own country, that nature cannot produce them here, they can easily be fur- nished from the kingdom of Hayti. Though that little empire is now at peace with us and the world, yet black men have always a peculiar sympathy for their own colour. Besides this, many of our own free blacks have already gone, and many more will still go to that island, to enjoy all the blessings of liberty, civilization and science ; leaving many of their brothers and children and connexions in bondage among us. — And do you think that a black man's memory is so treacherous, or his heart so callous, that he can forget, or not feel for the wrongs of his own flesh and blood ? Depend upon it, my hearers, on the shore of that ti sea-beaten isfe, many a champidn will stand, and while he looks to the north anfl rejoices in the privileges which he is permitted to enjoy, hq will lonii to impart them to those he has left behind ; and if nothing is done, on your pnrt, to redress the wrongs of Africa, before you are a- ware, the alarm of war, the din of arms, and the rage of conflagration will have laid in rnins the fairast portions of our land.* Do I hear the inhabitants of the north say, " If such events should be realized, the desolation will not come nigh us ; and we will not in- terfere to avenge the slaughter of slave-holders !" And are you then prepared to perjure yourselves ? You have sworn to maintain the union of these states, at the price of your treasures and your lives ; and are you now meditating treason and rebellion in your hearts ? You have become a party to the guilt oi" slavery, and will you desert your friends when the contract on the part of heaven is to be fulfilled ? But if you are verily guilty in this matter, do not imagine that you can evade the punishment of such a crime. It is the righteous God of heaven that pleads the cause of the oppressed : and, though the scene of battle may not be laid at your doors ; though the fiercest wrath may be poured out upon those portions of our country where slavery has existed in its most extensive and cruel forms; yet the hand of justice will, in some way or other, mete out to every district the full tale of its desert. Let us hear no more then of local jealousies and feelings, but as the sin has involved us in a common guilt, let us aim at a common and timely expiation. The path of present duty lies open before us, and it is only by diligent and faithful perseverance therein, that we can ex- pect to escape the indignation of heaven. This is a concern in which every citizen of the country is interest- ed ; whether he is now or ever has been a slave-holder or not : and there is something for every one to do. The sympathies of every heart must be aroused ; the patronage of every purse must be secured in fa- vour of these incipient measures to remedy the evil ; publick attention must not only be aroused by an occasional efi'usion, but be kept awake by frequent communications ; the general government uiust be convin- ced that it is not enough to countenai.ee, they must approve and aid this humane undertaking — that the fountain of guilt springs from the founda- tion of our Capitol, and that the principal remedy must be applied there ; our state legislatures must be made to feel that they also have imbrued their hands in African blood, and that not a moment is to be lost in wash- ing away the stain. Every motive that can interest the philanthropist, the patriot, the Christian and the Christian Missionary is presented in this subject, and he that can be insensible of its influence is unworthy to occupy a place in human society, unless in the capacity of" a servant of servants." May the voice of timely warning arouse us, before the sword of sleepless justice smite our souls. * If any are dispospd lo style this mere conjecture, be it so : hut it is no more than what has already occurred, and may occur again. The i evolution in St. Domingo origina- ted in France, and was planned b} a Society callr-d Amis de Noirs. or Friends of the Blacks, organized in Paris for the express purpose of aiding the negroes in recovering their liberty ; of which La Fayette and other distinguished citizens were the patrons. And the first indi- vidual that drew his sword, was a mulatto who had been educated in Paris, and seut to hi? native isle te deliver his coloured brethren from bondage. 54 W p % BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, SALEM, HAVE PUBLISHED A CHEAP EDITION OF LETTERS ON EDUCATION BY JOHN WITHERSPOON, D. D. LL. D. Late President of the ColUje in Prince ton f AVw Jersqi ALSO LETTFRS ON THE SAME SUBJECT- FftOM THE CHUISTIAX OBSERVERc (f^ This little work shouUl be in every family. No pa- rent, who is engaged in the arduo'is, but delightful duty of training up children, can read it without benetit ; and the of- lener it is perused, and the more careful its maxims are com- plied with, the more will it be prized, studied and recom- mended. ^ ^'^i M ^ ^ Ya\v\ab\e Books, /■'yr Sale, by Dovjj k Stevenson, at the Salem Book-Store, July, 1825. BiiiTisii EncycloS'Edia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, illustrated by upwards of 180 elegant engravings, 12 vs. \ Mark's Medulla, of Christian Theology. | Lempkiere*s Biographical Dictionary : con- < taining a copious account of the life, character, \ labors, and actions of eminent persons, in all | ages, countries, conditions and professions. j Dwight's Theology, with a memoir of the I author, 4 vs. 8 vo. I ^ I Memoirs of the Kev. David Brainard ; | J^l missionary to the Indians: by the Rev. Dr. | k\ Edwards; with his Jouii/al now for the first | k\ time incorporated with the rest of his Diary : | ^ by the Kev. S. E. Dwight. ^ k\ Life of the Rev. ^r. Thomas Scott, with 2 ? ext racts from his letters. 7 1 Neal's History of the Puritans, 5 vs. 8 v ^ i Owen's History of the Bible Society. 'k/W\.VX/%XV^#^#'«#'•#'-^'#^<#'' •^-.Z •/ -e."^^ U ^ .<^ ""^ * '^ -*- ''0,1* A <^ '..«•; .-^■" .'i^-t^.t-^^^. c°\* %^^ 3^V Vv o • i ;• .#'\ 'bV" r » • li» %/ 1^ iiiiiillii