^C jP-t!. ^0>9- ^3^ *'7Vr» A v-;^ "^9- ^y ..^'• ' ^0 O M O •■ <^ ■ .>■'•* ■<**^ ,0 6 » ■ " ♦ ^°-^, Sfistetnatft ^l^tova iFuntr. VITAL RECORDS OF HUBBARDSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, To the end of the year 1849. WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS: PUBLISHED BY FRANKLIN P. RICE, Trustee of the Fund. 1907 Stanbope prees . OILSOn COMPANY BOSTON, U. e. A. iD07 [^ Publisher's Note. The list of Hubbardston Births, Marriages and Deaths comprised in this volume includes all that were found in the Town Books covering the period from the earliest date there recorded to the end of the year 1849; Some additions have been made from other sources and these are indicated in each instance by proper reference. All of the records are condensed in print as much as is con- sistent with intelligibility, accuracy, and completeness of infor- mation. Differences in duplicates, and explanatory or other matter which seemed necessary or desirable, appear in brackets. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties, but the full information concerning each person is given only under his or her name. An asterisk after a marriage indicates that the intention was not found recorded, and in many cases this is accounted for by the fact that neither party belonged in Hubbardston, and consequently publishment was made elsewhere. When places other than Hubbardston and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. ABBREVIATIONS. a. — age b. — born ch. — child C,R. — church record d. — daughter ; day ; died Dea. — deacon dup. — duplicate entry G.S.I. — gravestone, Centre Cemetery G.S.2. — gravestone, Glen Valley Cemetery G.S.3. — gravestone, Pine Grove Cemetery G.S.4. — gravestone, Forest Hill (Hastings) Cemetery G.S.5. — gravestone, Cemetery on Gardner road G.S.6. — gravestone. Cemetery near Sawyer's Pond G.S.7. — gravestone. Greenwood Cemetery G.S.8. — gravestone, Clark Cemetery h. — husband inf. — infant int. — publishment of intention of marriage Jr. — junior m. — male ; married ; month p.R. — private record of the Doctors Moses Phelps, father and son. s. — son Sr. — senior w. — wife 7vid. — widow widr. — widower The age given in the Deaths is in years unless otherwise indicated. Hubbardston, Worcester County. ESTABLISHED as a District, June 13, 1767, from a part of Rutland, and incorporated a Town, August 23, 1775. A portion was set off to Princeton, February 16, 18 10. Population at different periods: 1776, 488; 1790, 933; 1800,1,113; 1810,1,127; 1820,1,367; 1830, 1,674; 1840, 1,784; 1850, 1,825. Population in 1905, 1,205. Number of Births printed 4»I28 Marriages 976 = 1,952 names Deaths 1,380 7,460 total HUBBARDSTON RECORDS. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS, To THE YEAR 185O. ADAMS, Abagail G., d. John and Lucy, April 29, 1826. Abner, s. Elijah and Lizzey, Dec. 29, 1774. Abner Sumner, s. Elisha and Betsey, Oct. 4, 1809. Alzina Henry Houghton, d. [s. ?] Homer M. and Olive, Dec. 11, 1843. Amos F., s. John and Lucy, June 7, 1843. Azubah, d. Elijah and Lizzey, June 16, 1785. Betsey Dean, w. Elisha, , 1788. g.s.i. Clara, d. Issachar and Mellisent, April 6, 1789. Darius, s. John and Lucy, Feb. 14, 1823. David, s. Elijah and Lizzey, April i, 1783. Edson E., July 18, 1812. g.s.6. Elijah, —1753- G-S.i. Elijah, s. Elijah and Lizzey, March 27, 1781. Elijah, s. EHsha and Betsey, May 14, 1818. EUsha, s. Elijah and Lizzey, Aug. 16, 1787. Elisha Edson, s. Elisha and Betsey, July 18, 1812. Eliza C, twin d. Obid and Nancy, Sept. 23, 1829. Ezliabeth Morse, w. Elijah, , 1753. G.s.i. Enoch, s. Ruben and Azubah, Dec. 29, 1786. Hannah, d. Ruben and Azubah, May 12, 1792. Homer M., s. John and Lucy, July 28, 1820. Horace M., s. Homer M. and Olive, April 28, 1845. [Dr. Phelps's record April 30.] Huldah, d. Issachar and Melisent, June i, 1778. Isabel, d. Elijah and Lizzey, Dec. 23, 1789. Issachar, s. Issachar and Melisent, June 24, 1783. John, s. Issachar and MeHsent, Aug. 22, 1795. John, s. John and Lucy, Jan. 16, 1830. Katharine Fairfield, d. Ralph and Anne, April 15, 1780. Linda, d. Ruben and Azubah, March 21, 1796. Lizzey, d. Elijah and Lizzy, March 12, 1777. Lucy, d. Ruben and Azubah, March 17, 1790. Lydia, d. Elijah and Lizzey, March 31, 1779. Mary, d. Elisha and Betsey, Sept. 7, 1814. Melisent, d. Issachar and Melisent, June 17, 1787. lO HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Adams, Moses, s. Issachar and Mellisent, Aug. lo, 1791. Nancy M., twin d. Obid and Nancy, Sept. 23, 1829. Nelson, s. Elisha and Betsey, July 6, 1830 [1831. p.R.]. Obed, s. Issachar and Melisent, Dec. 6, 1797. Olive, d. Issachar and Melisent, April 6, 1781. Philemon, s. Philemon and Betsey, Nov. 5, 1784. Philo, s. Philemon and Betsey, April 28, 1783. Rhoda EHzabeth, d. Elisha and Betsey, June 12, 1823. Sally, d. Isachar and Melisent, March 31, 1785. Samson, s. Ruben and Azubah, Feb. 15, 1794- Silas, s. Elisha and Betsey, Aug. 31, 1820. Sybel, d. Issachar and MelHsent, July 13, 1793. , d. Issacher, March 23, 1780. P.R. , s. Philemon, April 28, 1783. p.R. , d. Elijah, March 22, 1792. p.R. , s. Asa, Feb. 26, 1792. p.R. , s. Ezra, June 5, 1794. P-R- , d. Elijah, Feb. 13, 1795. p.R. , d. Reuben, Jan. 9, 1799. p.R. , s. Titus, Jan. 21, 1801. p.R. , s. Dolly, June 23, 1802. p.R. , d. Joel, Sept. 3, 1802. p.r. , s. John, Jan. 31, 1822. Stillborn, p.r. ALLEN, Abner, s. Simeon and Candace, June 20, 1786. Abner, s. Ephraim and Anner, Aug. 19, 1815. Adaline, d. Asa and Lydia, May 22, 1816. At Spencer. Addison, s. Levi and Isabella, Sept. 20, 1833. Asa, s. Ephraim and Lydia, April 18, 1788. Brick, s. Ephraim and Lydia, April 9, 1798. Candace, d. Simeon and Candace, May 24, 1780. Calvin, s. Capt. Breck and Sally, Jan. 16, 1834. Charles Washburn, s. Ephraim 2d and Mary Ann, March 11, 1844. Clarissa Pamela, d. Ephraim 2d and Mary Ann, May 18, 1839. Darius Mann, s. Levi and Isabella, May 14, 1822. Dwight Dennie, s. Willard and Sarah S., May 9, 1837. Elijah, s. Simeon and Candace, Jan. 17, 1778. Ephraim, Dec. 2, 1804. G.s.2. [Ephraim], s. Ephraim and Mary Ann, March 4, 1847. Eunice, d. Ephraim and Anner, April 9, 1813. Eveline Davis, d. Ephraim 2d and Mary Ann, Jan. 3, 1842. George, s. Ephraim 2d and Mary Ann, Aug. 28, 183 1. Harriet, d. Asa and Lydia, June 28, 1826. Harriot, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Oct. 23, 1804. John, s. Ephraim and Lydia, Sept. 14, 1793. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. I I Allen, John, s. Asa and Lydia, Jan. 23, 1824. John Oilman, s. Capt. Breck and Sally, June 19, 183 1. Joseph Savage, s. Willard and Sarah S., May 11, 1839. Levi, s. Ephraim and Lydia, Nov. 27, 1791. Lucinda, d. Ephraim and Anner, Nov. 9, 18 10. Lucy, d. Simeon and Candice, Feb. 5, 1776. Lucy, d. Ephraim and Lydia, June 23, 1800. Lucy, d. Capt. Breck and Sally, Oct. 6, 1825. Lydia, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Sept. 4, 1802. Lydia Warren, d. Capt. Breck and Sally, Dec. 18, 1841. Lyman, s. Levi and Isabella, Jan. 15, 1826. Martha, d. Asa and Lydia, July 3, 1819. At Dover. Mary, d. Asa and Lydia, July 13, 182 1. At Dover. Mary, d. Capt. Breck and Sally, Aug. 8, 1838. Mary, bap. July 19, 1840. c.R. Mary A., w. Ephraim, March 9, 1812. G.s.2. Mary Amizonia, d. Willard and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1835. Mary Powers, d. Ephraim 2d and Mary Ann, April 20, 1835. Moses Belknap, s. Ephraim 2d and Mary Ann, Feb. 6, 1837. Rebecca, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Jan. 11, 1790. Rochcy, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Oct. 30, 1795. Roxa, d. Levi and Isabella, June 27, 1818. Saly, d. Simeon and Candace, Nov. 14, 1782. Sarah, d. Capt. Breck and Sally, Feb. 28, 1836. Sarah Alona, d. Willard and Sarah S., June 15, 1833. Stephen Powers, s. Ephraim 2d and Mary Ann, Oct. 20, 1833. Sumner, s. Ephraim and Lydia, April 17, 1810. Sumner, s. Asa and Lydia, Nov. 16, 181 7. At Spencer. Willard, s. Ephraim and Lydia, Dec. 25, 1806. William, s. Simeon and Candice, Jan. 30, 1774. , d. John, Jan. 20, 1800. p.r. , d. Loring, Nov. 27, 1813. p.r. , d. Nathan, March 8, 1825. Stillborn. P.R. , d. Elijah D., Feb. 12, 1840. p.r. AMES, Asa, s. John and Sarah, May 9, 1770, Asa, s. Jonathan and Relief, Sept. 4, 1800. Clarissa, d. Jonathan and Relief, Oct. 19, 1802. Hollis, s. Jonathan and Relief, Sept. 19, 1798. Jonathan, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1773. Rebeckah, d. John and Sarah, Nov. 25, 1775. , s. Jonathan, March 9, 1805. Stillborn, p.r, , d. John, Dec. 10, 1816. p.r. , d. Nancy, Jan. 19, 1833. p.r. 12 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. ANDREWS, Stella L., July 20, 1837. G.s.3. ARNO, , s. and Dolley, May 3, 1789. At Jonathan Gates. p.R. ARNOLD, Mary Jane R. Bishop, w. S. J., Nov. 5, 1827. G.s.2. S. J., Feb. 26, 1826. G.s.2. ATWOOD, Joseph, s. Thomas and Ruth, Feb. 20, 1784. Asa, s. Thomas and Ruth, Dec. 17, 1789. , s. Thomas, Nov. 6, 1785. P.R. , s. Thomas, Jan. 25, 1788. P.R. AUSTIN, Almena, d. Charles and Marinda, March 17, 1840. [Elvira], d. Charles and Miranda, March 4, 1844. Harriet S., d. Charles and Maranda, Feb. 20, 1847. Louisa, d. Charles and Marinda, Oct. 20, 1837. Tryphenia, d. Charles and Marinda, Oct. 8, 1835. BAIKER (see Baker), Amos, s. Artemas and Sarah, July 25, 1819. Elvira, d. Martin and Lidia, Oct. 28, 1816. Louisa, d. Martin and Lidia, May 21 [28 in p.R.], 1819. Lovina, d. Martin and Lidia, Aug. 7, 1812. At Westminster. Polly, d. Martin and Lidia, July 27, 1814. At Westminster. 4 BAILEY, [Charles], s. Paul, Feb. 14, 1835. p.r. BAKER (see Baiker), Artemas, s. Artemas and Sarah, March 3, 1801. At Westminster. David, s. Artemas and Sarah, May 7, 1802. At Gardner. Harriet Augusta, d. David and Sally D., Nov. 17, 1829. Harriet A., d. David and Sally D., May 22, 1835. G-S.6. Huldah Francelia, d. Quincy and Roxa, Sept. 17, 1847. Ibri, s. Artemas and Sarah, Sept. 18, 1812. Isaac, s. Artemas and Sarah, Jan. 9, 181 1. Luther, s. Artemas and Sarah, July 31, 1804. At Gardner. Mary Elizabeth, d. David and Sally D., May 22, 1835. Percis, d. Artemas and Sarah, May i, 1816. Quincy, s. Artemas and Sarah, May 8, 1808. Sally D., w. David, March 28, 1802. G.s.6. Sarah, d. Artemas and Sarah, June 20, 1806. Uri, s. Artemas and Sarah, July 23, 1814. , s. John, Oct. 30, 1793. p.R. , d. Artemas, June 19, 1822. p.r. , s. Artimas, Dec. 30, 1826, p.R. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. I 3 BALCOM (see Balcome), James Alfred, s. Uriah and Lucy, Aug. 21, 1840. Julia Maria, d. Uriah and Lucy, Oct. 23, 1838. Miram Burr, d. Uriah and Lucy, July 4, 1842. William Henry, s. Uriah and Lucy, Sept. 2, 1836. , d. Micah, April 5, 1794. p.R. , s. Isaac, July 7, 1797. P.R. BALCOME (see above), Julia, d. Uriah and Lucy, Oct. 2, 1846. BALDWIN, Olive, d. Josiah and Dolle, July 28, 1768. BALL, , d. Israel, May 21, 1783. P.R. BARBER, Isabella, d. Joel C. and Sirenea, March 13, 1846. BARNES (see Barns), Augustus M., Sept. 30, 183 1. G.s.3. David, Dec. 25, 1800. G.s.3. David, Oct. 28, 1827. G.s.4. George H., Aug. 23, 1841. G.s.3. Lucy, March 21, 1825. G.s.4. Myra, May i, 1797. G.s.4. Submit T. Willard, w. David, June 8, 1802. G.s.3. BARNS (see above), Abby Rosella, d. Francis and Betsey, April 23, 1849. Clara Elizabeth, d. Francis and Betsey, May 20, 1843. BARROWS, James Sheldon, s. Charles A. and Emely A., Jan. [July, P.R.], 13, 1841. BARTLETT, Amiable, d. Samuel and Ruth, Feb. 4, 1803. Asa, s. Samuel and Ruth, May 14, 1798. Betsy P., d. Joseph and Sally, Nov. 15 [14, p.R.], 1814. Broten, s. Joseph and Sally, Nov. 7, 1824. Charles Austin, s. WilHam and Rebekah, June 10, 1838. Daniel, s. Samuel and Ruth, April 19, 1795. Edmund Davis, s. William and Mary, May 19, 1832. Emeline, d. Joseph and Sally, Aug. 23, 1810. Henry Harrison, s. William and Rebekah, Jan. 20, 1841. Jane, d. Joseph and Sally, March 19, 1819. Jane EHzabeth, d. William and Mary, May 19, 1830. Joel, s. Samuel and Ruth, July 4, 1801. Lois Louisa, d. William and Mary, July 2, 1828. Loring, s. Joseph and Sally, Aug. [Sept., p.R.], 10, 1812. Marilla Ann, d. William and Mary, March 16, 1834. Martha Ann, d. William and Rebekah, May 4, 1847. Izj. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Bartlett, Mary, d. Joseph and Sally, Jan. 14, 1827. Mary Amanda, d. William and Mary, Jan. 26, 1825. Sally, d. Samuel and Ruth, July 13, 1799. Samuel, s. Samuel and Ruth, Nov. 17, 1805. Theodore Henry [Hervy?], s. William and Rebekah, Aug. 10, 1844. William Jones, s. William and Mary, July 23, 1826. — , s. Emery, Jan. 12, 1830. p.r. , s. Joseph, March 23, 1831. P.R. , s. Emery, Feb. 12, 1832. p.r. , s. Emery, June i, 1834. p.r. , d. William, Jan. 25, 1837. Stillborn, p.r. BELLOWS, Abner, s. Isaac and Eunice, Dec. 9, 1774. Amasa, s. Amasa and Elizabeth, July 19, 1795. Asa, s. Amasa and Elizabeth, Feb. 13, 1792. Asa, s. Asaph and Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1804. Deborah, d. Isaac and Eunice, Oct. 8 [18 ?], 1779. Eliza, d. Asaph and Elizabeth, July 27, 1800. Elizabeth, d. Asaph and Elizabeth, May 24, 181 1. Isaac, s. Asaph and Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1797. John Stone, s. Isaac and Eunice, Aug. 20, 1772. John Woods, s. Asaph and Elizabeth, Feb. 18, 1806. Salley, d. Isaac and Eunice, April 18, 1782. , d. Amasa, Nov. 15, 1790. p.r. , s. Amasa, Jan. 3, 1794. P.R. , s. Deborah, April 10, 1799. P.R. , s. John, Sept. 29, 1829. p.r. , d. John W., Jan. 12, 1834. p.r. BENNET (see Bennett), Adaline, d. William and Caty, May 11, 1819. Addison, s. William and Caty, March 30, 1805. Albert, s. William and Caty, Oct. 2, 181 1. Caroline, d. William and Caty, May 7, 1807. Edwin, s. William and Caty, March 30, 1827. Ehzabeth, d. David and Hannah, bap. May 13, 1827. c.R.2. Ferdinand, s. Joseph and Margaret, bap. Nov. 9, 1834. c.R.2. George Washington, s. Joseph and Margaret, bap. Nov. 9, 1834. c.R.2. Harriet, d. William and Caty, June 8, 18 16. Loring, s. William and Caty, Nov. 22, 1822. Lucy, d. William and Caty, April 24, 1830. Martha Elizabeth d. Joseph and Margaret, bap. Nov. 9, 1834. c.R.2. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. I 5 Bennet, Mary, d. William and Caty, June 21, 1814. Simon Boliver, s. Joseph and Margaret, bap. Nov. 9, 1834. C.R.2. William, s. William and Caty, March 4, 1809. William Montgomery, s. Joseph and Margaret, bap. Nov. 9, 1834. C.R.2. BENNETT (see Bennet), Abby, d. Albert and Lucy B., April 27, 1849. Abel, s. David and Martha, Dec. 24, 1791. Asa, s. David Jr. and , June 18, 1819. Asa Smith, s. David and Martha, March 3, 1786. At Rutland. Asa Smith, s. David and Martha, March 22, 1795. David, s. David and Martha, April 7, 1783. At Rutland. David [David Eugene, c.r.], s. David Jr. and , Feb. 16, 1817. Edmund S., s. Addison and Mary Ann, Sept. 20, 1847. Frederick E. [Eugene, C.R.], s. Asa and Mary H., Nov. 30, 1846. Hannah, d. David and Martha, July 27, 1800. Hannah, d. David Jr. and , Jan. 27, i8[22] 1823? Henry, s. Addison and Mary Ann, April 18, 1839. Joseph, s. David and Martha, Sept. 24, 1794. Joseph Marean, s. David Jr. and , Sept. 2, 1814. Louisa, d. David Jr. and , March 22, i8[24]. Margaret Anne, d. Joseph and Margaret, bap. Aug. 20, 1837. C.R.2. Maria Sibyl, d. David Jr. and , Feb. 12, 1810. Martha Elizabeth, d. David Jr. and , Oct. 8 [18, p.r.], i82[6]. Mary, d. Addison and Mary Ann, Oct. 26, 1844. Mary Ann Gill, w. Addison, May 24, 1812. G.s.4. Mary Lizzie, d. Asa and Mary, Dec. 16, 1849. Miriam, d. Addison and Mary Ann, March 7, 1841. Moses, s. Addison and Mary Ann, March 5, 1843. Patty, d. David and Martha, March 30, 1797. Polly, d. David and Martha, Jan. 26, 1789. Sally Marean, d. David Jr. and , Aug. 9, 181 2. William, s. David and Martha, Feb. 13, 1780. At Holden. , s. David, Aug. i, 181 1. p.r. • , s. Abel, Sept. 3, 1814. p.r. [Ferdinand and Lafayette], twinchn. Joseph, April 27, 1840. p.r. BIGELOW, , s. Charles, July 31, 1831. p.r. , d. Charles, Aug. 21, 1833. p.r. , s. Warren, June 27, 1848. p.r. BIGSBY, , s. Samuel, Aug. 28, 1797. P.R. I 6 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. BISHOP, Ansel, s. David N. and Rebecca, Jan. 5, 1842. Electa, d. David N. and Rebecca, Oct. 27, 1836. Eliza Jane, d. David N. and Rebecca, Oct. 6, 1846, Samuel, s. David N. and Rebecca, Dec. 31, 1843. BLACK, , s. William, Jan. 8, 181 1. p.r. BLAIR, Betsy, d. Hugh and Jane, Oct. 27, 1782. James, s. Hugh and Jean, Nov. 17, 1774. John, s. Hugh and Jane, April 13, 1781. Polley, d. Hugh and Jane, May — , 1776. Robbert, s. Hugh and Jean, Dec. 5, 1773. William, s. Hugh and Jane, Aug. 13, 1779. , d. Hugh, June 6, 1778. p.r. BLANCHARD, , d. John, Oct. 7, 1778. p.r. BLANCHER, , d. John, April 11, 1780. p.r. BLOOD, Caroline EUenor, d. Francis and Harriet, bap. July 19, 1829. C.R.2. George Walton, s, Charles W. and Mary, June 4, 1839. At Sterling. Henry Augustus, s. Francis , bap. May 27, 1832. c.r.2. Joseph Wyot, s. Charles W. and Mary, June 20, 1841. Mary Ann, d. Charles W. and Mary Clark, Sept. 5, 1849. Theodore Francis, s. Charles W. and Mary, Jan. 23, 1836. BOARDMAN, , d. Ebenezer, June 26, 1799. p.r. , s. Ebenezer, Jan. 6, 1801. p.r. BOYANTON, , s. Stephen, March 27, 1818. p.r. BOYENTON, Sarah, d. Caleb and Sarah, June 3, 1773. BOYNTON, Abigail, d. Stephen and Polly, March ii, 1808. At Shutesbury. Alfred, s. Stephen and Polly, Jan. 2, 181 1. Caleb, s. Caleb and Sarah, April 20, 1775. Daniel, s. David and Elizabeth, Nov. 27, 1762. David, s. Stephen and Polly, Dec. 2, 1804. Edward Baxter, s. Stephen and Polly, Nov. 25, 1814. Jeremiah, s. David and EIizi[beth], Dec. 27, 1769. John, s. David and Elizabeth, Jan. 2, 1765. Mary, d. Stephen and Polly, Jan. 27, 1813. Persia, d. Ebenezer and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1769. Reuben Lyman, s. Stephen and Polly, Nov. 27, 1818. Sarah, d. David and Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1767. Stephen Emerson, s. Stephen and Polly, March 14, 1803. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 17 BRADFORD, Charlottte Elizabeth, d. Dana B. and May 8, 1848. Lawrance, s. Rev. Claudius and Maria W., Sept. 17, 1842. , [Mary Elvena, c.r.], d. [Dana B.], May 26, 1846. BRADLEY, Catharine Atwater, d. James F. and Catharine, July 20, 1849. Prescot Estabrook, s. James F. and Catharine E., Dec. 27, 1846. BRIGGS, , d. Rev. , July 26, 1837. ?•»• BRIGHAM, Betsey, d. Hosea and Catharine, Aug. 19, 1792. EHzabeth, d. Joseph and Rebecah, April 14, 1828. Emerson, s. and Abigail Clark, Aug. 23, 1803. Francis Felitia, d. Varnum and Mary D., Sept. 3, 1838. Hosea, s. Hosea and Catharine, Sept. 2, 1779. Joseph, s. Hosea and Catharine, Aug. 9, 1785. Juliaetta, d. William E. and Catharine, July 13, 1842. Justin, s. William E. and Catharine, March 11, 1830. Louisa, d. William E. and Catharine, June 9, 1835. Louisa Amanda, d. Orlando S. and Lucy A., June 12, 1842. Lucy Agnes, d. Orlando S. and Lucy A., Sept. i [4, p.r.], 1843. Mary, d. Joseph and Rebecah, Jan. 13, 1824. Mary Lucy, d. Varnum and Mary D., May 18, 1836. Mary Rebekah, d. Joseph and Rebecca, bap. May 9, 1824. C.R.2. Peter, s. Hosea and Catharine, Oct. 2, 1781. Samuel, s. Hosea and Catharine, May 12, 1787. Sarah Jane, d. William E. and Catharine, Nov. 24, 1832. , s. Hosea, March i, 1790. p.r. , d. Hosea, Aug. 19, 1793. p.r. and , twin s. and d. Wid. , April 4, 1795. P.R. , d. Rebeca, April i, 1805. p.r. , d. Emmerson, June 9, 1834. p.r. BROOKS, , s. Ebenezer, Oct. i, 1791. p.r. , d. Ebenezer, Jan. 17, 1794. p.r. , s. Ebenezer, Nov. 15, 1798. p.r. BROWN, Abel S., s. Rev. Abel and Catharine S., July 3, 1845. Abigail, d. Jonas and Abigail, June 9, 1824. Almeda, d. Dana and Mary, Sept. 17 [15, p.r.], 1828. Amia Morse, d. Thomas H. and Amia, March 24, 1836. Asaph Bellows, s. Austin and Elizabeth, March 12, 1845. Austin, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Louis, June 13, 1813. At Petersham, l8 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Brown [Azubah Ann], d. William and Emeline, April 3, 1844. Benjamin F,, s. Gardner and Abigail, Nov. 24, 1845. Betsy, d. Freeman and Arethusa, July 21, 1827. Calvin Heald, s. Joel M. and Catharine, June 3, 1822. Charles Davis, s. William and Emeline, Dec. 28, 1835. Charles Edwin, s. Edwin and Sally, Dec. 19, 1842. Christopher Columbus, s. Gardner and Abagail, May 26, 1835. Clarissa, d. Russell and Clarissa, Sept. 15, 1823. Clinton, s. Dana and Mary, July 26, 1830. Clark, s. Russell and Clarissa, July 19, 1820. Dana, s. Ohver and Azubah, March 5, 1803. Ebenezer Welcome, s. Austin and Elizabeth, June 6 [16, P.R.], 1840. Edwin, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Louis, Nov. 14, 1810. At Petersham. Elisha Rockwood, s. Gardner and Abagail, Dec. 23, 1824. Eliza, d. Thomas H. and Amia, Nov. 16, 1843. Eliza Jane, d. William and Emeline, April 16, 1842. Elizabeth, w. Austin, May 24, 181 1. G.s.4. Ellen, d. Dana and Mary, Dec. 30, 1833. Ezra Parker, s. OHver and Azubah, Dec. 13, 1804. Frederick Loring, s. William and Emeline, Feb. 7, 1840. Freeman, s. Ohver and Azubah, Aug. 20, 1799. Freeman, s. Dana and Mary, May 15, 1841. Gardner, s. Oliver and Azubah, April 23, 1801. George, s. Gardner and Abagail, Nov. 27, 1837. George Albert, s. Edwin and Sally, Oct. 21, 1840. Gilbert, twin s. Russell and Clarissa, Jan. 27, 1832. Oilman, twin s. Russell and Clarissa, Jan. 27, 1832. Harvey, s. Oliver and Azubah, Jan. 17, 1813. Henry Harrison, s. Lyman and Salome, April 10, 1840. John, s. John and Mary, Aug. 11, 1807. John Austin, s. Austin and Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1838. John Curtis, s. Ohver and Azubah, March i, 1807. John Curtis, s. Gardner and Abagail, April 19, 1827. Jonas, s. Jonas and Abigail, July 7, 1822. Laura Ann, d. Lyman and Salome, March 26, 1842. Leroy, s. Moses and Ehza, July 23, 1846. Lois Elizabeth, d. Edwin and Sally, June 28, 1838. Louisa, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Louis, June 13, [1815?]. Louiza Elizabeth, d. Austin and Elizabeth, May 8, 1842. Lura Elizabeth, d. William and Emeline, July 23, 1848. Lydia H., May 31, 1846. G.s.4. Lyman, s. Oliver and Azubah, March 24, 18 15. Lyman, s. Freeman and Arethusa, June 30, 1834. Marcus Morton, s. Gardner and Abagail, March 28, 1842. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 19 Brown, Mary, d. John and Mary, June 3, 1805. At Medford. Mary Luan, d. Harvey and Mary, Aug. 25, 1838. Mary Wright, d. Dana and Mary, May 18, 1839. Mary Wright, d. Dana and Mary, July 21, 1843. Merrick Clapp, s. William and Emeline, May 26, 1837. Moses, s. Oliver and Azubah, Feb. 9, 182 1. Moses Plympton, s. Ezra P. and Mary, April 5, 1840. Oliver Witt, s. Oliver and Azubah, May 19, 181 1. Rebecca Macarty, d. Dr. Artemas Z. and Rebecca, Dec. 13, 1835. Russell, s. John and Mary, Sept. i, 1802. At Lynn. Russell, s. Russell and Clarissa, March 11, 1822. Sarah, d. Dana and Mary, Sept. 25, 1836. Sarah, d. Gardner and Abagail, Jan. 20, 1840. Sewall, s. Freeman and Arethusa, May 2, 1826. Stephen, s. Russell and Clarissa, July 4, 1825. [Waldron], s. Moses and Eliza, April 17, 1849. Webster Harvey, s. Harvey and Mary, June 10, 1841. William, s. Oliver and Azubah, May 23, 1809. d. Moses and Eliza, March 28, 1845. ch. Austin and Elizabeth, May 31, 1846. s. Levi, March 9, 1784. p.r. d. Hannah, Feb. 16, 1791. At James Lark's, p.r. s. Ebenezer, Feb. 11, 1793. p.r. d. Ebenezer, June 25, 1795. p.r. s. Ebenezer, May 7, 1797. p.r. s. Ebenezer, Feb. 17, 1799. p.r. s. John, Oct. 23, 1800. P.R. d. Ebenezer, March 23, 1801. p.r. s. Ebenezer, Jan. 29, 1803. p.r. I s. Ebenezer, July i, 1805. p.r. ^ d. Ebenezer, Oct. 3, 1807. p.r. s. Joel M., March 26, 1820. p.r. s. Russell, July 19, 1820. p.r. s. Jonas, July 7, 1822. p.r. d. Joel M., Oct. 12, 1824. P.R. s. Dana, June 27, 1832. Stillborn, p.r. d. William, Sept. 10, 1834. p.r. s. Ezra P., April 16, 1835. ^•^• s. Edwin, May 17, 1836. Stillborn, p.r. s. William, May 26, 1838. p.r. s. Ezra P., April 5, 1840. p.r. s. Edwin, Oct. 20, 1840. p.r. d. Th. H., Nov. 16, 1843. P-R- d. William, April 3, 1844. p.r. 20 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. BROWNING, Adaline, bap. July 5, 1835. c.r. Albert Henry, s. Asa B. and Eliza, Dec. 2, 1848. Asa Brigham, s. Capt. Joshua and Levina, Sept. 16, 1822. Asaph, s. John and Clara, March 3, 1791. Betsey Brigham, d. James and Betsey, May 10, 1824. Betsy, bap. Oct. 4, 1829. c.r. Clara, d. John and Clara, Dec. 31, 1786. Clara Sherman, d. James and Betsey, July 7, 1813. Eliza, d. John and Clara, May 29, 1803. EUsalaeth, d. John Stearns and Elisabeth, Oct. 6, 1816. Elizabeth Ann, d. James and Ann, Dec. 18, 1846. Esther, d. Capt. Joshua and Levina, July 12, 1841. George, s. John and Clara, Jan. 29, 1797. George Davis, s. James and Eliza, Feb. 5, 183 1. James, s. John and Clara, Nov. 30, 1788. James, s. James and Betsey, April 14, 1820. John, s. John and Clara, July 31, 1785. John, s. James and Betsey, Feb. 21, 1822. John Stearns, s. John Jr. and Ehsabeth, Oct. 6, 1812. Joshua, s. John and Clara, Jan. 15, 1799. Joshua Oilman, s. Capt. Joshua and Levina, Dec. 3, 1835. Josiah, bap. July 6, 1834. c.r. Levina, d. Capt. Joshua and Levina, Jan. 7, 1828. Louisa, d. Asaph and Lois, March 28, 1817. Lucretia, d. Capt. Joshua and Levina, Jan. 6, 1830. At Grafton. Lucy, d. John and Clara, Dec. 27, 1800. Lucy, d. Capt. Joshua and Levina, June 20, 1832. At Grafton. Lyman Wheeler, s. Asa and Eliza, Feb. 10, 1847. Rebecah, d. John and Clara, March 22, 1793. Sally B., d. James and Betsey, March 6, 1817. Sibyl Marean, d. James and Betsey, April 7, 1826. Susan, d. Capt. Joshua and Levina, Feb. i, 1825. Susannah, d. John and Clara, Feb. 5, 1795. s. James, Oct. 18, 181 1. p.r. , d. Joshua, Nov. 2, 1826, Stillborn, p.r. , s. James, Aug. 13, 1833. P-R- , ch. Lt. James, May 2, 1835. Stillborn, p.r. , s. Joshua, Dec. 3, 1835. p.r. , d. Joshua, July 12, 1841, p.r, BULLARD, , s. Hezekiah, Feb. 25, 1778. p.r. , s. Hezekiah, Aug. 18, 1784. p.r. , s. Hezekiah, Nov. 6, 1786. p.r. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 2 I BURDITT, David, s. Jesse and Rachel, Aug. 25, 1788. Deby, d. Jesse and Rachel, Feb. 16, 1794. Hannah, d. Jesse and Rachel, Feb. 4, 1786. Isaac, s. Jesse and Rachel, Aug. 12, 1775. Jesse, s. Jesse and Rachel, Oct. 14, 1773. Joseph, s. Jesse and Rachel, March 22, 1781. Rachel, d. Jesse and Rachel, April 14, 1791. William, s. Jesse and Rachel, Nov. 22, 1777. , d. Jesse, Dec. 13, 1779. p.R. , d. Jesse, July 3, 1783. p.r. , s. Jesse, Sept. 15, 1784. p.r. BUTLER, , d. Lewis, July 15, 1821. p.r. CARRYL (see Caryl), , s. Thomas, April 28, 1778. p.r. CARTER, , s. Joseph W., Jan. 2, 1799. p.r. CARYL (see Carryl), Ireana, d. Thomas and Esther, July 22, 1770. Lanson, s. Thomas and Esther, July 31, 1772. Leonilly, d. Thomas and Esther, May 10, 1776. Rufus, s. Thomas and Esther, April 9, 1774. CAVANHAGH, , d. Laurens, Jan. 11, 1844. p.r. CHAFIN, Jane, d. David and Sybil, Jan. 25, 1826. , d. David, Oct. 7, 1823. p.r. , s. David, Sept. i, 1825. p.r. CHANDLER, Joseph Goodhue, Oct. 8, 1813. G.s.7. Lucretia Ann, Oct. 11, 1820. G.s.7. CHASE, Albert Burney, s. Henry and Mary P., Sept. 5, 1844. CHICKERING, Joseph, s. Joseph and Emeline, bap. July. 27, 1834. C.R.2. CHILDS, , d. Anna, Oct. 12, 1797. p.r. CHIPMAN, , d. , Sept. i, 1842. p.r. CHURCH, Adelphia Eliza, d. John and Eliza, Sept. i, 1826. Asa, s. Asa and Rachel, June 6, 1786. Asa Hurd, s. John and Eliza, May 23, 1828. Benjamin, s. Asa and Rachel, Oct. 4, 1776. Cyntha, d. Stephen and Esther, July i, 1776. David Gates, s. Ephraim and Mary, April 25, 1783. Elizabeth, bap. July 7, 1811. c.R.2. Ephraim, s. Asa and Rachel, March 18, 1788, 22 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Church, Eunice Almeda, d. John and Eliza, April i6, i[832]. Eunice Dodd, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Oct. i, 1805. Hannah, d. Stephen (deceased) and Esther, Nov. [Oct., P.R.], 24, 1786. John, s. Asa and Rachel, July i, 1792. John Blanchard, s. John and Eliza, June 24, i82[3]. John Hubbard, s. Stephen and Easter, March 17, 1772. Lucy, d. Asa and Rachel, Dec. 5, 1782. Lucy Elizabeth, d. Stephen and Sophia, Nov. 24, 1822. Lucy Elizabeth, d. Stephen and Sophia, April 18, 1825. Luke, s. Asa and Rachel, June 15, 1790. Mary Harriet, d. Stephen and Sophia, July 31, 1832. Mary White, d. Benjamin and Ehzabeth, Jan. 24, 1804. Mercy, d. Stephen and Easter, June 22, 1774. Patty, d. Asa and Rachel, July 29, 1784. Sophia Francene, d. Stephen and Sophia, June i, 1830. Stephen, s. Asa and Rachel, Aug. 20, 1794. Stephen Dehvan, s. Stephen and Sophia, Feb. 26, 1828. Stephen Parker, s. Stephen and Esther, April 10, 1784. , d. John, Sept. i, 1825. p.r. , d. John, May 3, 1830. p.r. CLAP (see Clapp), Asahel, s. Reuben and Hepzibah, Oct. 5, 1792. John Lovell, s. Reuben and Hepzibah, May 10, 179- [1795. P.R.]. Matildah, d. Reuben and Hepzibah, July 3[?], [179-] [July 30, 1797. P.R.]. CLAPP (see above), , s. Harrison O., April 23, 1846. p.r. CLARK (see Clarke, Clerek), Aaron, s. Benjamin and Eunice, Oct. 29, 1788. Aaron, s. Ezra and Jemima, Jan. 23, 1800. Aaron Cutler, s. Aaron and Achsah, March 8, i82[o?]. Abagail, d. WilHam Smith and Betsy, April 4, 1818. Abby Mason, d. Appleton and Clara, April 2, 1841. Abigail, d. William and Hannah, April 15, 1782. Abigail, d. Isaac and Polly, Oct. 27, 1819. Abijah S., s. Abijah and Betsey, Oct. 2, 1818. Adelphia Elizabeth, d. Simpson 2d and Nancy, May 24, 1828. Adelphia, d. William G. and Lois, May 9, 1838. Albert, s. William S. and Mary, Aug. 12, 1838. [Alfred], s. Edwin H. and Sally, Nov. 21, 1846. Almond Whittemore, s. Eli and Catharine S., March 6, 1841. Amiable d. Moses and Marv. Nov. 7, 1785. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 2 7, Clark, Amos, s. Amos and Jemima, June 9, 1798. Amos, s. Amos and Mitty, July 20, 1830. Amos F., s. Peter and Mitty, Nov. 9, 1808. Amos, d. Samuel and Nancy, bap. June 2, 1833. c.R.2. Anna, d. Eli and Lois, Dec. 9, 1771. At Rutland. Anna, d. John Jr. and Jerusha, July 19, 1773. At Hopkinton. Anna, d. Moses and Mary, March 29, 1788. Anna, d. Peter and Mitty, Feb. 17, 1791. Anne, d. Samuel 2d and Nancy, Sept. 5, 1822. Anson, s. Isaac and Polly, Nov. 6, 181 7. Anthony F., s. Peter and Mitty, July 16, 1813. Appleton, s. William Smith and Betsy, Aug. 10, 1807. Appleton, s. James Sullivan and Elizabeth R., bap. July 28, 1833. c.R.2. Arethusa Elizabeth, d. Moses Jr. and Arathusa, Nov. 12, 182 1. Arthamiza, d. Peter and Elydia, Dec. 11, 1842. Asa, s. Eli and Lois, Jan. 6, 1789. Asa, s. Nathan and Diantha, Feb. 25 [14, P.R.], 1818. Asa Gardner, s. Asa and Lois, May 5, 1821. Augusta Ellen, d. Dr. Shepherd and Mary Ann, May 2, 1832, Avaline Hows, d. Martin and Harriet H., March 6, 1838. Benjamin A., s. Amos and Jemima, March 15, 1803. Betsy, d. John Jr. and Jerusha, Nov. 18, 1781. Betsy, d. Eli and Lois, Jan. 29, 1792. Betsy, d. Ezra and Jemima, Sept. 27, 1794. Betsy 2d, d. Ezra and Jemima, May 22, 1798. Betsy Cook, d. Samuel 2d and Nancy, July 14, 1810. Betty, d. Moses and Mary, April 15, 1783. Caleb S., s. Peter and Mitty, July 7, 18 10. Calvin, s. John Jr. and Jerusha, Jan. i, 1787. Carohne Elizabeth, d. WiUiam S. and Mary, Jan. 31, 1836. Caroline Louisa, d. Dr. Shepherd and Mary Ann, Feb. 24, 1841. Catherine, d. Isaac and Polly, May 17, 1808. Celia Witt, d. Appleton and Clara, Oct. 29, 1842. Charles Appleton, s. William S. and Mary, Sept. 30, 1828. Charles Perry, s. Martin and Harriet H., Dec. 5, 1830. Charlotte, d. Asa and Lois, Feb. 19, 1823. Clara EHzabeth, d. Abijah S. and Clara, Feb. i, 1846. Clara Swan, d. Dr. Shepherd and Mary Ann, Jan. 27, 1839. Clarissa, d. Moses and Mary, Sept. 27, 1798. Clarrissa, d. Leonard and Harriet, April 9, 1832. Danford, s. Leonard and Harriet, Jan. 5, 1825. Daniel, s. Peter and Mitty, May 12, 1796. Daniel Parkhurst, s. Moses Jr. and Arathusa, March 8, 181 1. 24 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Clark, David, s. Benjamin and Eunice, Dec. lo, 1786. David, s. William and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1788. Dolly Quincy, d. Joseph and Phebe, Oct. 5, 1796. Diantha Merritt, w. Nathan, July 2, 1786. At Templeton. Diantha, d. Nathan and Diantha, April 25, 1814. Edmund, s. John Jr. and Jerusha, Aug. 13, 1790. Edward Sumner, s. James. S. and Elizabeth R., bap. May 20, 1839. C.R.2. Edwin, s. Isaac and Polly, Oct. 27 [Sept., P.R.], 182 1. Elbridge Gerry, s. Samuel 2d and Nancy, June 8, 1834. Eleanor M., d. Hervey and Louisa, Dec. 24, 1847. G.s.3. Eli, s. Eli and Lois, Nov. 2, 1775. Eli, s. Nathan and Diantha, June 13, 1808. Eli Edward, s. Asa and Lois, Nov. 26, 1834. Eliza Ann, d. Amos and Mitty, Sept. 12, 1835. Elizabeth, d. Anthony and Janny, 'Aug. 18, 1770. Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Patty, Jan. 24, 1785. Elisabeth, d. Peter and Mitty, July 5, 1788. Elizabeth Caroline, d. William Smith and Betsy, May 22, 181 1. Ella, d. Leonard and Althine, May 18, 1849. Ellen, d. Samuel 2d and Nancy, Sept. 27, 183 1. Ellen, d. Oliver and Lucy, March 25, 1838. Ellen A., May 2, 1832. G.s.3. Ellener, d. William G. and Lois, Feb. 5, 1840. Esther, d. Peter F. and Mary, Aug. 15, 1838. Experience, see Peady. Ezra, s. Ezra and Jemima, Jan. [June, p.r.] 20, 1796. Fanny, d. Olive, Feb. 15, 1780. Ferdinand, s. Isaac and Patty, April 18, 1798. Ferdinand, s. Makepeace G. and Lucy, Feb. 19, 183 1. Francis Jane, d. Amos and Mitty, Jan. 5, 1846. Freeman, s. Joseph and Phebe, Oct. 13, 1799. Freeman Henry, s. Martin and Harriet H., Jan. 4, 1826. George, s. Isaac and Patty, March 12, 1790. George, s. Simpson 2d and Nancy, Oct. 21, 1830. George, s. Stillman and Miranda, July 22, 1848, George A., s. Abijah S. and Clara, Oct. 11, 1847. George Homer, s. Moses Jr. and Arathusa, Feb. 5, 1827. George Washington, s. Amos and Mitty, June 25, 1843. Hannah, d. William and Hannah, April 3, 1786. Hannah, d. John Jr. and Jerusha, Dec. 23, 1777. Hannah C, d. Anson and Fanny, May 13, 1831. Harriet, d. Makepeace G. and Lucy, July 15, 1835. Hellen, d. Makepeace G. and Lucy, May 15, 1837. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 25 Clark, Hellen Louisa, d. William G. and Lois, Aug. 25, 1842. Henrietta Sophia, d. Harrison O. and Susan B., March 27, 1843. Herbert Appleton, s. Appleton and Clara, Aug. 17, 1847. Hiram, s. Nathan and Diantha, July 2, 1822, Ira, s. Luther and Sally, Jan. 28, 1799. Isa, d. William and Hannah, Aug. 15, 1796. Isa, d. Oliver and Lois, Jan. — [27, p.r.], 1802. Isaac, s. Isaac and Patty, Feb. 15, 1792. Jenny, d. Peter and Mitty, Nov. 21, 1804. John, s. Peter F. and Mary, Aug. i [July 31, P.R.], 1840. John Andrews, s. John Jr. and Jerusha, Dec. 29, 1774. John Davis, s. William S. and Mary, July 14, 1830. John Flavel, s. Moses and Mary, April 24, 1790. John Flavil Warner, s. Dr. Shepherd and Mary Ann, June 30, 1830. John Quincy, s. Moses Jr. and Arathusa, July 31, 1819, Jonas Oilman, s. William Smith and Betsy, Feb. i, 1815. Jonas W., s. Peter and Mitty, June 17, 1799. Jonas Whitney, s. Amos and Mitty, Sept. 24, 1S40. Joseph, s. Joseph and Phebe, May 20, 17S9. Justin, s. Isaac and Patty, Sept. 22 [25, p.r.], 1795. Laura Maria, d. Martin and Harriet H., April 20, 1833. Leander Harrison, s. Martin and Harriet H., March 22, 1841. Leonard, s. William and Hannah, March 15, 1790. Leonard, s. Wilham Smith and Betsy, Nov. 18, 182 1. Leonard, s. Leonard and Harriet, Oct. 6, 1827. Lois, d. William and Hannah, May 17, 1780. Lois, d. Eli and Lois, March 10, 1794. Lois, d. Nathan and Diantha, June 27, 1810. Lorinda, d. Asa and Lois, July 10, 1830. Louisa, d. Abijah and Betsey, Jan. 24, 18 16. Louisa, d. Asa and Lois, Sept. 5, 1819. Louisa Elizabeth, d. Martin and Harriet H., Dec. 31, 1827. Lucius, s. Leonard and Harriet, Oct. 25, 1829. Lucy, d. Makepeace G. and Lucy, Sept. 10, 1839. Lucretia, d. Moses and Mary, May 14, 1796. Lura, d. Asa and Lois, July 30, 1826. Luther, s. John Jr. and Jerusha, March 18, 177 1. At Hopkinton. Luther Reed, s. Luther and Sally, March 19, 1792. Lyman Fairfield, s. Amos and Mitty, Oct. 13, 1837. Lyman Franklin, s. Martin and Harriet H., May i, 1844. Lysander Courtland, s. Moses Jr. and Arathusa, Nov. 17, 1805. Makepeace, s. Isaac and Polly, Jan. 8, 1805. Maria Dickinson, d. Dr. Shepherd and Mary Ann, July 13, 1834. 26 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Clark, Martha Ann, d. Hiram and Louisa, Dec. 4, 1841. Martin, s. Joseph and Phebe, Sept. 7, 1794. Martin, s. Theophilus and Molly, Aug. 28, 1797. Mary, d. Isaac and Polly, Jan. 6, 1815. Mary Ann, d. William G. and Lois, March 31, 1836, Mary Ann, d. Asa G. and Miriam, Sept. 25, 1848. Mary Ann Field, d. Dr. Shepherd and Mary Ann, Jan. 31, 1826. Mary Harriet Phelps, d. Appleton and Clara, Oct. 14, 1839. Mary Hellen, d. William S. and Mary, March 23, 1834. Mary Jane, d. Martin and Harriet H., Oct. 10, 1835. Mary Malissa, d. Moses Jr. and Arathusa, Oct. 11, 1807. Mary Maria, d. Asa and Lois, June 13, 1817. Mary Miranda, d. Stillman and Miranda, July 12, 1841. Mary Morse, w. Simeon, Aug. 22, 1823. G.s.8. Mary Robbins, d. Samuel 2d and Nancy, June i, 181 2. Merrifield, s. Asa and Lois, Sept. 8, 1828. Mitty, d. Peter and Mitty, Sept. 15, 1801. Moses, s. Eli and Lois, May 6, 1773. Moses, s. Moses and Mary, June 7, 1781. Moses, s. Samuel 2d and Nancy, July 13, 1818. * Moses Parkman, s. Moses Jr. and Arathusa, June 24, 1813 [1814. P.R.]. Nancy, d. Samuel 2d and Nancy, June 22, 1815. Nancy, twin d. Simpson 2d and Nancy, May 28, 1832. Nathan, s. Eli and Lois, March 18, 1783. Nathan, s. Nathan and Diantha, Aug. 8, 18 12. Nehemiah Parker, s. Moses and Mary, May 31, 1792. Nehemiah Parker, s. Dr. Shepherd and Mary Ann, April 8, 1836. Nelson Parker, s. Samuel 2d and Nancy, March 8, 1825. Noah, s. Isaac and Patty, Oct. 8, 1793. Noah, s. Isaac and Polly, Sept. 14, 1824. Nowell Augustus, s. Makepeace G. and Lucv, Oct. 9 [7, P.R.], 1833- Oliver, s. John Jr. and Jerusha, June 3, 1776. Olive, d. Amos and Jemima, June 9, 1792. Pamela, d. Luther and Sally, July 25, 1794. Parker Plimpton, s. Moses Jr. and Arathusa, Jan. 4, 1817. Patty, d. John Jr. and Jerusha, April 9, 1772. At Hopkinton. Patty, d. Isaac and Polly, Aug. 29, 1806. Paty, d. Amos and Jemima, Dec. 28, 1789. Peady [Experience?], d. Ezra and Jemima, Jan. i, 1792. Persis R., d. Isaac and Patty, Aug. 20, 1786. Peter, s. Peter and Mitty, June 5, 1793. Peter F., s. Amos and Jemima, Feb. 27, 1807. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 27 Clark, Policy, d. Moses and Mary, Aug. 15, 1779. Polly, d. Eli and Lois, Aug. 16, 1779. Polly, d. Benjamin and Eunice, Aug. 6, 1784. Polly, d. John Jr. and Jerusha, Nov. 9, 1792. Polly Parker, d. William and Hannah, Jan. 15 [13, P.R.], 1794. Robert, s. Ezra and Jemima, March 22, 1802. Rodolpha, s. Luther and Sally, May 3, 1805. Roxanna, d. Isaac and Patty, June 30, 1788. Rusha, d. John Jr. and Jerusha, Feb. 27, 1785. Sally, d. Joseph and Phebe, March 24, 1787. Sally, d. Luther and Sally, May 13, 1803. Sally, d. Isaac and Polly, Nov. 12, 1811. Sally, d. Nathan and Diantha, Oct. 10, 1825. Samuel, s. Eli and Lois, Oct. 18, 1787. Samuel, s. Ezra and Jemima, Dec. 28, 1790. Samuel, s. Samuel 2d and Nancy, May 6, 1820. Sarah, d. Samuel 2d and Nancy, July 6, 1827. Sarah Augusta, d. Willi§,m S. and Mary, May 25, 1840. Sarah EHzabeth, d. Dr. Shepherd and Mary Ann, March 10, 1827. Sewall, s. Leonard and Harriet, Feb. 28, 1834. Shepard, s. Moses and Mary, Aug. 17, 1794. Simeon, s. Nathan and Diantha, April 30, 1820. Simpson, s. William and Hannah, Oct. 9, 1799. Simpson, s. WilHam Smith and Betsy, June 19, 1803. Simpson, twin s. Simpson 2d and Nancy, May 28, 1832. [Sophila], d. WiUiam G. and Lois, April 9, 1844. Stephen, s. Joseph and Phebe, Sept. 24, 1791. Stockwell, s. Asa and Lois, March 30, 1832. Sumner, s. WiUiam Smith and Betsy, Dec. 11, 1823. Susan EHzabeth, d. William S. Jr. and Mary, May i, 1849. Susan, d. William S. and Mary, Nov. 6, 18,42. [Susan R.], d. Appleton and Clara, Feb. 9, 1845. Susanna, d. Joseph and Phebe, May 31, 1785. Sybil Elizabeth, d. Appleton and Clara, Dec. 30, 1849. Sylva Fuller, d. Freeman and Sylva, Nov. 25, 1840. Washburn, s. Asa and Lois, Dec. 2, 1836. William, s. John Jr. and Jerusha, Nov. [Oct., P.R.] 18, 1779. William, s. Luther and Sally, April 6, 1796. At Royalston. William 2d, s. Luther and Sally, July i, 1801. William, s. Isaac and Polly, May 3, 1813. William Andrews, s. John Jr. and Jerusha, Oct. 2, 1783. William Chapman, s. Moses Jr. and Arathusa, Nov. 13, 1809. William Lyman, s. William S. and Mary, May 19, 1832. 28 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Clark, William Smith, s. William and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1784. William Smith, s. Oliver and Lois, July 7, 1799. William Smith, s. William Smith and Betsy, May 3, 1805. d. EH, July 18, 1781. p.R, s. Ephraim, Oct. 7, 1781. p.r. d, Benjamin, Jan. 29, 1782. p.r. s. Benjamin, May 28, 1783. p.r. s. Ephraim, Aug. 13, 1785. p.r. s. John Jr., Aug. 13, 1789. p.r. d. Aaron R., Feb. 4, 1791. p.R. d. Ezra, Dec. 31, 1792. p.r. d. Joseph, Oct. 5, 1796. p.r. s. Aaron R., Jan. 14, 1797. P.R. d. Aaron R., May 12, 1798. c.r. s. Aaron R., July 31, 1799. p.R. s. Aaron R., June 9, 1801. p.r. s. Ezra, March 22, 1802. p.r. s. Ezra, May 26, 1804. p.r. d. Luther, June 15, 1807. p.r. d. Nathan, May 10, 1807. p.r. d. Ezra, Oct. 12, 1807. p.r. s. Ezra, May 29, 1809. p.r. s. Luther, Dec. 3, 1809. p.r. d. Samuel, July 14, 1810. p.r. s. Luther, Nov. 4, 181 1. p.r. s. Ezra, Dec. 19, 181 1. Stillborn, p.r. s. Moses Jr., March 8, 181 2. p.r. s. Joseph Jr., March 13, 1812. p.r. d. Isaac, Nov. 12, 1812. p.r. d. Joseph Jr., Sept. 3, 1813. p.r. s. Isaac, May 3, 1814. p.r. ch. Samuel, July 3, 1814. Stillborn, p.r. d. Ezra Jr., Oct. 13, 1816. p.r. d. Samuel 3d, Aug. 25, 1817. p.r. s. Isaac, Nov. 6, 1817. p.r. s. Samuel, July 13, 1818. p.r. d. Isaac, Oct. 27, 1819. p.r. d. Isaac 2d, Sept. 13, 182 1. p.r. ch. Asa, Jan. 13, 1825. Stillborn, p.r. d. Isaac 2d, July 8, 1825. p.r. d. Asa, July 30, 1826. p.r. d. Luther R. May 7, 1827. p.r. s. Luther R., March 21, 1828. p.r. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 29 Clark, , s. Asa, Sept. 8, 1828. p.r. d. Asa, July 10, 1830. p.r. d. Samuel, Sept. 28, 183 1. p.r. s. Asa, March 30, 1832. p.r. twin s. Simpson 2d, May 28, 1832. p.r. d. Joseph, Aug. 23, 1832. p.r. s. James S., Dec. 2, 1832. p.r. s. Anson, March 14, 1833. p.r. s. Samuel, June 8, 1834. p.r. s. EH, Sept. 25, 1834. P.R. twin d. James S., April 6, 1835. Stillborn, p.r. twin s. James S., April 6, 1835. p.r. s. James S., Nov. 3, 1836. p.r. d. Appleton, May 26, 1838. Stillborn, p.r. s. James S., Sept. 23, 1838. p.r. d. Freeman, Dec. 18, 1838. p.r. s. Anson, March 8, 1839. p.r. d. Appleton, Oct. 14, 1839. p.r. d. Oramel, March 2, 1840. p.r. s. James S., Oct. 16, 1840. p.r. s. Adolphus, March 4, 1841. p.r. s. Stillman, July 22, 1842. p.r. s. Harrison O. and Susan B., March 30, 1844. d. Adolphus and EHza, Oct. 24, 1845. d. Dr. Amos, Jan. 5, 1846. p.r. s. Harrison O. and Susan, April 23, 1846. s. William G. and Eliza, Nov. 28, 1846. s. William S. Jr. and [Mary], Dec. 27, 1846. ch. William H. and Abigail G., -, [1846 ?]. s. Harrison O. and Susan, Feb. 27, 1848. CLARKE (see above), William Emerson, s. Abigail, bap. Oct. 30, 1812. C.R.2. CLEARY, Mary, d. Timothy and Catharine, Jan. 13, 1848. Timothy, s. Timothy and Catharine, Nov. 12, 1844. William, s. Timothy and Catharine, May 27, 1846. CLEIFFORD (see Clifford), Luther, s. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 24, 1782. Nelly, d. Jonathan and Mary, Jan, 24, 1785. CLEMENCE, Chloe Ann, d. Henry and Betsy, Jan. 17, 1833. Lucia Ann, d. Henry and Betsy, Feb. 9, 1838. Lucy Charlotte, d. Henry and Betsy, April 26, 1830. Mary Elizabeth, d. Henry and Betsy, Jan. 13, 1828. 30 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Clemence, Nancy Adalade, d. Henry and Betsy, July 20, 1831. Richard, s. Henry and Harriet, Sept. 28, 1821. CLEREK (see Clark), Amos, s. Antoine and Jeanne, June 30, 1768. CLIFFORD (see Cleifford), Achsah Woodward, d. Luther and Lydia, Jan. 27, 1808. Anson, s. Josephus and Issabilla, April 17, 1815. Betsey, d. Josephus and Issabilla, Jan. 13, 181 7. Betsy, d. Jonathan and Mary, July 30, 1797. Betsy, d. Luther and Lydia, July 2, 1819. Cilisia, d. Josephus and Issabilla, Aug. 31, 1818. At Phillipston. Dorinda, d. Josephus and Issabilla, Feb. 9, 1820. At Phillipston. Eleanor, d. Josephus and Issabilla, Nov. 16, 182 1. At Phillipston. Ella Cecelia, d. Anson and Clara, bap. June 15, 1845. c.r.2. Ellen Marcella, d. Warner and Lorinda, bap. July 19, 1835. C.R.2. Fedelia, d. Josephus and Issabilla, Aug. 22, 1823. At Royalston. Isabel, d. Josephus and Issabilla, Sept. 5, 1825. At Royalston. Jane Augusta, d. William J. and Sarah P., June 20, 1838. Joanna, d. Jonathan and Mary, June 16, 1781. Joanna, d. Luther and Lydia, bap. May 11, 1817. c.R.2. Josephus, s. Jonathan and Mary, April 20, 1790. Josephus, s. Josephus and Issabilla, March 31, 1827. Lucy Woodward, d. Luther and Lydia, bap. Nov. 2, 1815. c.R.2. Martin, s. Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 7, 1799. Martyn, s. Luther and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1806. Nathan s. Luther and Lydia, bap. March 20, 1814. C.R.2. Nathan, s. Josephus and Issabilla, Oct. 27, 1828. Polly, d. Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 7, 1795. Rebecca, d. Josephus and Issabilla, Feb. 19, 1831. Samuel Newel, s. Luther and Lydia, bap. June i, 1824. c.R.2. Samuel Newell, s. Luther and Lucy, Feb. 20, 1827. Than[k]full, d. Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 17, 1779. Warner, s. Luther and Lydia, Feb. 25, 1810. William Jackson, s. Luther and Lydia, Nov. 30, 181 1. , s. Luther, May 25, 182 1. p.r. , s. Luther, Nov. 7, 1822. p.r. , ch. Luther, Sept. 14, 1825. Stillborn, p.r. CODDING, , s. Zenas and Mary Ann, Dec. 30, 1849. COLBETH, Maranda J. Ricker, w. Downing A., Dec. 31, 1817. G.S.8. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 3 I COLEMAN (see Colman), Abby, d. Almond Jr. and Betsey, June 15, 1844. Alice Jane, d. Benjamin F. and Alice, Jan. 9, 1834. At Temple- ton. Almon, s. Almond and Bethiah, March 11, 1813. Almond Homer, s. Almond Jr. and Betsey, June 11, 1845. Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin F. and Alice, Aug. 7, 1836. Bethiah, d. Almond and Bethiah, Jan. 29, 1818. Christopher Melvin, s. Benjamin F. and Alice, Oct. 29, 1840. Clara Eugene, d. John M. and Harriet, May 29, 1846. Delia Ann, d. Benjamin F. and Alice, Dec. 5, 1846. Edmund, s. Almond and Bethiah, Oct. 8, 1822. Eli Amherst, s. Amherst and Tabitha, April 24, 1823. Ella Slocomb, d. Amherst and Tabitha, Aug. 12, 1S18. Francis Lewis, s. John and Lucinda, July 25, 1837. George Bonapart, s. John and Lucinda, April 22, 1816. At Templeton. Hannah, d. Amherst and Tabitha, Sept. 5, 18 12. Hariet, d. Almond and Bethiah, April 28, 1819. At Jaffrey, N.H. Harriet Adelade, d. John M. and Harriet, Sept. 11, 1843. Harvey Perez, s. Harvey and Sarah A., Dec. 3, 1845. Herbert Clark, s. Edmund and Louisa, Oct. 16, 1849. Hervey, s. Almond and Bethiah, Sept. 12, 1820. Horace Underwood, s. John and Lucinda, Aug. 24, 1829. Joel, s. Amherst and Tabitha, April 8, 1816. John Wheelock, s. John and Lucinda, Feb. 3, 1818. John Wheelock, s. John and Lucinda, Dec. 28, 182 1. Larkin, s. John and Lucinda, June 21, 1834. Louiza Elizabeth, d. Edmund and Louisa, Dec. 4, 1844. Lucy Emma, d. Amherst and Lucy, Aug. 12, 1846. Mary, d. Amherst and Tabitha, March 28, 18 14. Olive Gilmore, d. Almond and Bethiah, Aug. 29, 1815. Philander Shaw, s. Amherst and Tabitha, Sept. 9, 1825. Polly, d. Almond and Bethiah, March 2, 1825. Reuben Chancey, s. John and Lucinda, Oct. 16, 1823. Samuel Metcalf, s. John and Lucinda, Nov. i, 1819. Samuel Metcalf, s. John and Lucinda, Sept. 24, 1825. Sarah Bathia, d. Harvey and Sarah A., July 25, 1843. Stephen Clark, s. Edmund and Louise, Aug. 23, 1846. Sylvanus, s. John and Lucinda, Sept. 10, 1827. Sylvester, s. Almon and Dorinda, Feb. 16, 1846. Washington, s. John and Lucinda, June 4, 1832. William, s. Almond and Bethiah, Jan. i, 1809. At Ringe, N.H. , s. Almond and Dorinda, Feb. 10, 1848. ?>'^ HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. COLLAR, Mary C, w. John, Dec. i, 1835. G.s.2. COLMAN (see Coleman), Adaline, d. Almond and Dorinda, June 15, 1830. Appleton Robinson, s. Almond and Dorinda, Dec. 6, 1836. Austin, s. Almond and Dorinda, May — [21, P.R.], 1835. Charlotte Polly, d. Almond and Dorinda, April 15, 1832. David Austin, s. Perez and Rebecca, April 19, 1828. David Clark, s. Perez and Rebecca, March 18, 1834. Dorcas, d. Almond and Dorinda, May. 7, 1841. Dorinda, d. Almond and Dorinda, Feb. 28, 1843. Ede Ann.Asseneth, d. Perez and Rebecca, Oct. 29, 1824. Eliza Ann, d. John M. and Harriet, April 23, 1840. Eliza Jane, d. Perez and Rebecca, July i, 1819. At Tem- pleton. Harriet Adalade, d. John M. and Harriet, Sept. 11, 1843. John Metcalf, s. Perez and Rebecca, Feb. 17, 1817. At Tem- pleton. Lemuel Francis, s. Perez and Rebecca, July 13, 1829. Lovina, d. Almond and Dorinda, Oct. 16, 1833. Lucy, d. Almond and Dorinda, Jan. 18, 1839. Mary Rebecca, d. John M. and Harriet, May 15, 1841. OHver, s. Almond Jr. and Betsey, May 15, 1841. At Tem- pleton. Perez Gilbert, s. Perez and Rebecca, June 20, 1823. Sarah Bathiah, d. Harvey and Sarah A., July 25, 1843. Stephen Clark, s. Perez and Rebecca, March 7, 1822. At Templeton. , s. Amherst, Dec. 14, 1820. p.r. , s. Lafayette, Feb. 8, 1823. p.r. , s. Lafayette, Oct. 12, 1825. p.r. , d. Delafayette, Aug. 19, 1827. p.r. , s. Delafayette, March 22, 1829. p.r. , d. Lafayette, Aug. 27, 1831. p.r. CONANT, Benjamin Phelps, s. Levi and Elizabeth, May 7, 1832. Frances Ann, d. Levi and Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1837. Levi, s. Levi and Sally, May 25, 1802. At Rutland. Levi Washington, s. Levi and Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 1827. Mary Elizabeth, d. Levi and Elizabeth, Aug. i, 1830. CONKLIN, , s. Benjamin, March i, 1798. CON VERS (see Converse), Abigal, d. Robert and Sarah, July 21, 1769. John, s. Robert and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1767. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 33 CONVERSE (see above), Dinah, d. Robart and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1762. Jonas s. Robart and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1764. Sarah, d. Robart and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1772. COOMBES, Freeman Stoddard, s. Rufus and Eliza, Jan. 30, 1808. CORDING, , s. Zenas, Dec. 30, 1849. p.r. COWDEN, , d. , Sept. 29, 1832. p.r. CUTTING, Abraham, s. Abraham and Phebe, May 2, 1795. Asa, s. Abram and Phebe, July 17, 1803. Flavel, s. Abram and Phebe, June 14, 1801. Jonas, s. Abram and Phebe, June 8, 1799. Nathan Howard, s. Abram and Phebe, May 29, 1805. Phebe, d. Abram and Phebe, May i, 1797. WiUiam Emerson, s. Jonathan and Hannah, May 13, 1801. DAGNAN, John, s. Martin and Ann, Oct. 17, 1843. DALRYMPLE, Caleb Warren, s. Jonathan B. and Silvia, Sept. 3, 1834- Charles Henry, s. Jonathan B. and Silvia, Sept. 9, 1828 [?]. Hannah Elizabeth, d. Jonathan B. and Silvia, Dec. 22, 1830, Samuel Augustine, s. Jonathan B. and Silvia, Dec. 5, 1832. Sarah Sophia, d. Jonathan B. and Silvia, Nov. 12, 1829. Sewall Dexter, s. Jonathan B. and Silvia, Oct. 8, 1839. William Everett, s. Jonathan B. and Silvia, March 11, 1836. DAMON, Eugene Alonzo, s. Alonzo and Harriet, May 29, 1846. DANIELS, Eliza Davis, d. Capt. Joseph and EHza, June 18, 1815. Maria Penniman, d. Capt. Joseph and EHza, June 9, 1817. Olive Pierce, d. Capt. Joseph and Eliza, July 24, 1819. DARBY, , s. Joseph, July 13, 1820. p.r. DARLING, , d.Timothy, March 15, 1780. p.r. DAVIS, Abby Louisa, d. Isaac and Catharine, June 25, 1848. Abbie Price, d. Amasa G. and Mary, Nov. 9, 1835. Adaline Elizabeth, d. John and Adaline, Jan. 29, 1837. Alvin, s. Silas and Patty, Dec. 19, 1817. Amasa Gay, s. Silas and Patty, Oct. 28, 181 1. Bela Ward, s. Bela and Ruth, March 15, 1782. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Olive, Dec. 15, 1803. Betsy, d. Benjamin and Olive, Feb. 28, 1802. 34 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Davis, Caroline, d. Brigham and Sally, July 4, 1810. Charles, s. Benjamin and Olive, Feb. 18, 1799. Charles, s. Silas and Patty, Nov. 7, 1826. Charles Edward, s. Charles A. and Ruth, Sept. 5, 1842. David, s. David and Martha, Dec. 21, 1792. Dexter, s. Enoch and Rebeccah, Aug. 8, 1802. Elijah, s. Oliver and Naomi, Nov. [Oct., P.R.], 12, 1782. Eliphalet, s. Asael and Abigal, July 9, 1774. Emily Maria, d. Charles A. and Ruth, June 9, 1840. George Hurbert, s. John 2d and Dolly H., Nov. 18, 1844. George Townsend Hill, s. Israel and Lois, March 14, 1849. Harriet, d. Brigham and Sally, Feb. 21, 1816. Harriet, d. John and Adaline, Feb. 27, 1847. Harriet Rosette, d. John and Adaline, Oct. 30, 1844. Harriet Waite, d. Israel Jr. and Chloe Wright, Aug. 5, 1825. Israel Hubbard, s. Israel and Sarah, March 19, 1801. Israel, s. Israel and Sarah, June 19, 1803. Jamima, d. Oliver and Naomi, June 25, 1784. Joel, s. Asael and Abigal, Oct. 9, 1776. John, s. Silas and Patty, March 4, 183 1. John, s. John and Priscilla, Sept. 7, 183 1. John Sumner, s. Israel Jr. and Chloe Wright, July 22, 1827. John Warren, s. Brigham and Sally, Sept. 8, 1813. [John Warren], s. John W. and Nancy, Aug. 3 [23, P.R.], 1845. Jonathan Edwards, s. Bela and Ruth, Feb. i, 1788. Joseph, s. Benjamin and Olive, Nov. 20, 1800. Joseph Hubbard, s. Israel and Sarah, July 2, 1797. Joseph Emerson, s. Brigham and Sally, March 29, 1820. Joshua, s. Asael and Abigail, Sept. 21, 1781. Katharine, d. Asael and Nancy, Feb. 3, 1793. Lucretia, d. Bela and Ruth, Dec. 18, 1789. Lucy, d. David and Martha, April 14, 1791. Lydia Allen, d. John and Adaline, March 12, 1839. Maria Elizabeth, d. John 2d and Dolly H., Dec. 27, 1843. Martha Augusta, twin d. Silas and Patty, Jan. 29, 1829. Marvin Augustine, twin s. Silas and Patty, Jan. 29, 1829. Molly, d. Oliver and Naomi, June 4, 1789. Moses, s. Silas and Patty, Aug. 31, 1820. Myron Woodward, s. Isaac and Catharine, July 6, 1844. Nabby, d. Asael and Abigail, July i, 1784. Nancy, d. Asael and Nancy, Feb. 3 [6, p.r.], 1795. Oliver, s. Oliver and Naomi, Dec. 17, 1790. Polly Hemenway, d. Bela and Ruth, Nov. 5, 1785. Ruth, d. Bela and Ruth, Nov. 19, 1779. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. ^^ Davis, Sally, d. Oliver and Naomi, Jan. i8, 1788. Sally, d. Israel and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1794. Dup. Samuel, s. Asael and Abigail, Nov. 9 [2, P.R.], 1778. Sarah, d. Israel Jr. and Chloe Wright, March 9, 1831. Sarah Anne, d. Brigham and Sally, Aug. 12, 1823. Sarah Maria, d. John and AdaHne, Feb. 5, 1841. Silas Sumner, s. Silas and Patty, Oct. 12, 1812. Walter Marshal, s. Bela and Ruth, May 16, 1784. , d. Oliver, Feb. 14, 1786. p.r. , d. John P., Sept. 14, 1790. p.r. , , d. Bela, Sept. 15, 1791. P.R. , d. Olivar, Feb. 21, 1792. p.r. , d. Oliver, Jan. 27, 1793. P.R. — -, d. Olivar, May 30, 1794. P.R. , s. Israel and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1800. , s. Enock, March 7, 1809. p.r. and , twin sons Amasa, Jan. 27, 1837. Stillborn. P.R. , d. Amasa, Aug. 3, 1839. Stillborn, p.r. , d. James M. and , Aug. i, 1847. DAY, Rebekah Elizabeth, d. Jonathan G. and Elizabeth, bap. Jan. 19, 1845. C.R.2. Rebecca Elizabeth, d. Jonathan G. and Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1844. DEVENPORT, , s. Enoch, Aug. 5, 1778. DIKE, Lydia, d. Samuel and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1824. DREWRY, , d. Jonathan, Aug. 25, 1810. p.r. , s. Jonathan, Dec. 17, 1812. p.r. DUNLAPP, , s. Samuel, Sept. 23, 1782. p.r. , s. Samuel, Aug. 26, 1784. p.r. DUNN, Ella A. Eveleth, w. Warren, July 30, 1847. G.s.2. DUNSTER, Hannah, d. David and Lucy, Sept. 19, 1800. Lucy, d. David and Lucy, April i2[?], 1803. DUNTON, Ann Sophia, d. Sylvanus and Susan, Feb. 7, 1837. Emerson, s. Benjamin and Betey, Aug. [Sept., p.r.] 18, 1808. Lucia Luan, d. Sylvanus and Sophia, March 2, 1841. Mary Elizabeth, d. Sylvanus and Susan, Aug. 8, 183 1. Sarah Jane, d. Sylvanus and Sophia, May 16, 1839. Susan Maria, d. Sylvanus and Susan, April 4, 1834. Susan Newton, w. Sylvanus, Jan. 25, 1803. G.s.4. 36 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. DuNTON, Sybil Metcalf, d. Sylvanus and Susan, Aug. ii, 1843. Dup. Sylvanus, Aug. 8, 1808. G.s.4. Sylvanus N. [Newton, c.r.], s. Sylvanus and Susan, April 16, 1846. EARL, Alpheus, s. Joel and Persis, Dec. 16, 1785. At Leicester. Betsy, d. Alpheus and Lucretia, Dec. 28, 1818. Calvin, s. Joel and Persis, Feb. i, 1790. Eli, s. Joel and Persis, Jan. 30, 1792. George Parker, s. Jonathan P. and Sylvia, Oct. i, 1836. Harriat, d. Alpheus and Lucretia, Feb. 5, 181 5. Harriet Lavina, d. Jonathan P. and Sylvia, July 28, 1841. James, s. Alpheus and Lucretia, Dec. 7, 1823. Jonathan Parker, s. Alpheus and Lucretia, Feb. i, 1810. Lucretia, d. Alpheus and Lucretia, June i, 1817 [1816?. p.r.]. Persis, d. Joel and Persis, Sept. 8, 1793. Polly, d. Joel and Persis, March 2, 1788. At Leicester. Silas, s. Joel and Persis, Feb. 25, 1798. Sophia, twin d. Joel and Persis, Nov. 5, 1802. Sumner, twin s. Joel and Persis, Nov. 5, 1802. Sumner, s. Alpheus and Lucretia, March 3, 1827. Tyler, s. Joel and Persis, Feb. 12, 1800. Willard, s. Joel and Persis, Nov. 9, 1783. At Leicester. William Chancy, s. Willard and Rhoda, April i, 1817. William H. [Homer, C.R.], s. Alpheus and Lucretia, May 21, 1831. , d. Joel, June 17, 1804. p.r. , d. Calven, Oct. 3, 1815. p.r. , d. Lt. Willard, Dec. 9, 1819. p.r. ELA, Daniel F., Dec. 6, 1835. g.s.6. ELLENWOOD, Abby Annette, d. Charles and Ann, May 7, 1849. ELLINWOOD, Adaline, d. Justus and Sophia, May 28, 1823. Addison, s. Justus and Sophia, Aug. 4, 1820. Charles, s. Justus and Sophia, Nov. 18, 1814. Charles, s. Justus and Sophia, July 21, 1825. George Elwyn, s. Richard and Phebe, bap. June 10, 1838. c.r. 2. Lucy, d. Justus and Sophia, Aug. 31, 1828. Phebe, d. Justus and Sophia, July 8, 1817. , d. Addison, Aug. 4, 1842. p.r. ELLIOT, Hervey, s. Daniel and Olive, April 4, 1803. , d. Jonathan, Aug. i, 1804. p.r. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 37 EVELETH (see Evleth), David, s. Joseph and Patience, Feb. 29, 1760. Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Patience, March 31, 1762. Ella Annette, d. William J. and Mary, July 30, 1847. Eunice, d. Joseph and Patience, April 25, 1751. Hannah, d. Joseph and Patience, Dec. 30, 1753. Martha, d. Joseph and Patience, Jan. 30, 1756. Ruth, d. Joseph and Patience, Jan. 2, 1758. Sally, d. Joseph and Patience, Nov. 18, 1766. , s. Abisha, Dec. 27, 18 19. p.r. EVLETH (see above), William, s. Abishai Jr. and Mary, March 10, 1818. At Rutland. FAELS (see Falls), James, s. John Hendrick and Phebe, Dec. 5, 1782. Phebe, d. John Hendrick and Phebe, Feb. 13, 1785. FAIRBANKS, , s. Oliver, April 10, 1778. p.r. , d. Oliver, Feb. 17, 1780. p.r. , s. Oliver, March 9, 1782. p.r. , d. Oliver, June 20, 1784. p.r. , s. Oliver, June 26, 1786. p.r. FALIS (see Faels), Freelove, d. James and Martha, Aug. 23, 1808 [1807. P.R.]. Jarvis, s. James and Susan, Nov. 4, 1822. John Henry, s. James and Susan, Jan. 31, 1817. Joseph, s. James and Martha, Aug. 10, 1810 [1809?. P.R.]. Martha, d. James and Susan, July 28, 18 14. Warren, s. James and Susan, April 23, 1825. , s. James, Jan. 30, 181 2. p.r. , s. James, Aug. 14, 1818. p.r. , s. James, Nov. 4, 1819. p.r. , s. James, July 23, 1821. p.r. FARNSWORTH, Catherine Elvira, d. Samuel N. and Catherine, bap. Oct. 2, 1836. c.R. FARRINGTON, Aaron, s. Elijah and Elizabeth, Nov. 20, 1792. Abraham, s. Elijah and Elizabeth, March 16, 1795. Betcy, d. Elijah, Aug. 4, 17 — [1797. P.R.]. Lois, d. Elijah and Elizabeth, March 4, 1783. Lucy, d. Elijah and Elizabeth, April 29, 1787 [1788. p.r.]. Lydia, d. Elijah and Elizabeth, April 5, 1785 [April 6, 1786 ?. p.r.]. Moses, s. Elijah and E , Sept. — , [178-?]. Moses, s. Elijah and Elizabeth, Sept. 12, 1790. 38 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. FELTON, George Williams, s. (Nathan, ?) and Caroline Felton, bap. Nov. 31, 1849. C.R.2. FISHER, , d. De Witt Clinton, Oct. 20, 1846. FISK, , s. Samuel Jr., June 5, 1826. p.r. FLAG (see Flagg), , s. Joel, Sept. 19, 1836. p.r. , d. Joshua, July 22, 1839. p.r. FLAGG (see above), Almira Maria, d. Joshua and Elmira, March 17, 1829. Amanda, d. Joshua and Elmira, March 17, 1834. Catharine, d. Joel and Katy, bap. Dec. 12, 1831. c.r.2. Dana Patridge, s. Joel and Katy, bap. Dec. 12, 1831. c.r.2. Eldora lola, d. Joel O. and Adaline, Oct. 24, 1848. George Washington, s. Joshua and Almira, May 5, 1849. Jane, d. Joel and Katy, bap. Sept. 14, 1834. c.r.2. Joel Oliver, s. Joel and Katy, bap. Dec. 12, 1831. c.R.2. Joel Smith, s. Joshua and Elmira, April 21, 1832. At Townsend. John Emery, s. Joshua and Elmira, Nov. 15, 1830. At Lunen- burg. Joseph, s. Joel and Katy, bap. June 30, 1833. c.r.2. Joshua, s. Joshua and Elmira, Dec. 21 [18, P.R.], 1842. Leander, s. Joel and Katy, bap. Dec. 12, 1831. c.r.2. Levi, s. Joel and Katy, bap. Dec. 12, 183 1. c.r.2. Levi, s. Joshua and Almira, Jan. 20, 1845. Martha, d. Joshua and Elmira, Feb. 3, 1837. Mary Elizabeth, d. Joshua and Elmira, Jan. 20, 1827. At Lunenburg. Otis, s. Joel and Katy, bap. Dec. 12, 1831. c.R.2. Sewal, s. Joel and Katy, bap. Nov. 7, 1836. c.R.2. Silas, s. Joshua and Elmira, May 18, 184 1. , d. Joshua and Elmira, Nov. 14, 1846. , s. Joel, Aug. 6, 1828. P.R. , s. Joshua, Dec. 29, 1835. P.R. , d. OHver, Oct. 24, 1848. p.r. FLETCHER, Aaron Varnura, s. Joseph and EHza, Feb. 8, 183 1. Frances Eliza, d. Joseph and Eliza, May 13, 1828. Walter Dana, s. Joseph and Eliza, Nov. 14, 1825. At Lancaster. FLYNN, Abby Henrietta, d. John B. and Abby, April 8, 1849. Elizabeth M., Aug. i, 1830. G.s.2. James Studley, s. John B. and Abby, Oct. 22, 1843. John B., s. John B. and Abby, Aug. 22, 1847. Mary Ella, d. John B. and Abby, Aug. 10, 1845. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 39 FOLLET (see Follett), Chandler, s. and Lucinda Hoit, March 27, 1803. Isaac, s. Samuel and Sarah, July 25, 1779. John, s. Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 26, 1781. Jonathan Metcalf, s. Samuel and Tamar, Feb. 26, 1789. Kata, d. Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 26, 1783. Otis, s. Samuel and Tamar, Sept. 11, 1784. Sally, d. Samuel and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1775. Samuel, s. Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1777. FOLLETT (see Follet), Aaron, s. Samuel Sr. and Tamer, March 24, 1794. Aaron, s. Jonathan M. and Mary, April 5, 1819. Charlotte Newton, d. Isaac and Lucy, Aug. 14, 1817. Cynthia, d. Jonathan M. and Mary, Sept. 28, 1830. Eliza, d. Isaac and Lucy, Nov. 22, 1809. Isaac, s. Isaac and Lucy, July 25, 1822. James, s. Jonathan M. and Mary, April 21, 1825. John, s. Isaac and Lucy, April 24, 1833. Jonas, s. Isaac and Lucy, April 7, 1820. Lucy, d. Isaac and Lucy, Sept. 12, 181 1. Lucy W. Rice, w. Isaac, May 3, 1789. G.s.3. Lyman, s. Jonathan M. and Mary, Aug. 25, 1827. Mary Abigail, d. Jonathan M. and Mary, April 3, 181 7. Mary Ann Spooner, d. Isaac and Lucy, Feb. 3, 1825. Rhoda, d. Samuel Sr. and Tamer, Dec. 28, 1790. Rusha Rice, d. Isaac and Lucy, Aug. i, 1813. Samuel, Jan. — , 1746. At Attleborough. Samuel, s. Jonathan M. and Mary, May 26, 1823. Sarah, d. Isaac and Lucy, Sept. 24 [18, p.r.], 1815. Stillmon, s. Samuel Jr. and Sally, July 29, 1801. Susan B. Goulding, w. Isaac Jr., July 14, 1831. G.s.3. , s. Jonathan M. and Mary, Feb. 22, 1821. , d. Jonathan M. and Mary, April 5, 1822. FOSTER, Josephine Elizabeth, d. Charles M. and Abigail, Jan. ID, 1843. Malvina Amelia, d. Charles M. and Abigail,^ April 28, 1844. Mary Ann, d. Calvin and , Sept. 7, 181 7. Walter Russell, d. Charles M. and Abigail, Nov. 26^ 1845. , d. Calvin, Sept. 8, 1817. p.r. , d. Calven, March 20, 182 1. p.r. FRIZELL, , s. Otis, May 18, 1836. p.r. 40 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. FROST, Benjamin, s. Benjamin C. and Lydia, Nov. 29, 1827. Benjamin Conklin, s. Stephen and Mary, March 19, 1792. In Leicester. Ebenezer, s. Stephen and Mary, Aug. 18, 1802. Hannah, d. Stephen and Mary, Dec. 19, 1805. Hermon, s. Stephen and Mary, Sept. 18, 18 12. Hitty, d. Stephen and Mary, June 6, 1808. Jane, d. Benjamin C. and Lydia, May i, 1825. John, s. Stepheti Jr. and Parmelia, Sept. 24, 1818. Lucy, d. Benjamin C. and Lydia, Feb. 5, 1818. Lydia Elvira, d. Benjamin C. and Lydia, March 2, 1834. Mary, d. Benjamin C. and Lydia, July i, 1830. Mihon, s. Stephen Jr. and Parmeha, Aug. 31, 1815. Permeha, d. Stephen Jr. and Parmeha, Jan. 2, 1817. Polly, d. Stephen and Mary, March 18, 1798. Roswell LeRoy, s. Sumner and Lura, Dec. 4, 1849. Ruth, d. Stephen and Mary,May i, 1796. Sally, d. Stephen and Mary, Aug. 8, 1794. Stephen, s. Stephen and Mary, Aug. 15, 1789. In Rutland. Sumner, s. Benjamin C. and Lydia, Nov. 23, 1819. William, s. Benjamin C. and Lydia, Jan. 23, 1823. William Warren, s. Stephen and Mary, Oct. 4, 1800. , s. Hammon and Abigail C, June 16, 1847. , d. Stephen, Nov. 25, 1820. p.r. , d. Benjamin C, Feb. 4, 1818. p.r. , s. Benjamin C, June 13, 1821. Stillborn, p.r. , s. Stephen Jr., Sept. 15, 1822. p.r. FULLER, , d. Elijah, May 29, 1791. p.r. , d. Elijah, Sept. 12, 1792. p.r. GAGE, Abel, s. Richard and Sally, Aug. 24, 1794. Moses, s. Daniel and Prissilla, April 15, 1778. Moses Merril, s. Moses and Nancy, Aug. 16, 1803. Nancy Loisa, d. Moses and Nancy, Sept. 20, 1805. Polly, d. Abraham and Polly, May 10, 1800. Rhoda, twin d. Richard and Sally, May 11, 1798. Roxey, twin d. Richard and Sally, May 11, 1798. Sally, d. Richard and Sally, June 30, 1796. , s. Daniel Jr., March 7, 1782. p.r. , s. Asa, July 4, 1782. p.r. , s. Asa, July i, 1783. p.r. , d. Daniel Jr., Aug. 9, 1784. p.r. , d. Asa, Aug. II, 1784. p.r. , d. Asa, Feb. 24, 1786. p.r. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 4I Gage, , s. Asa, March 4, 1787. p.r. , s. Daniel Jr., March 28, 1787. p.r. , s. Nathaniel, July 7, 1792. p.r. , s. Nathan, Dec. 11, 1792. p.r. , s. Nathan, Sept. 19, 1794. p.r. , d. Moses, May 5, 1807. p-R- , d. Moses, July 2, 1808. p.r. , d. Moses, Sept. 10, 1809. ^-R* GARFIELD, Asa, s. Samuel and Phebe, Oct. 4, 1775. At Spencer. GATES (see Gatts), Aaron, s. Jonathan and Hepzibath, April 26, 1776. Aaron, s. Henry and Ann, March 13, 1798. Aaron, s. Jonathan and Frelove, Aug. 9, 1845. Abigail, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, March 11, 1806. Alice Frelove, d. Jonathan and Frelove, Nov. 15, 1848. Alvin, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, March 12, 1804. Amiable, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, May 21, 1802. Anna, d. Henry and Ann, April 12, 1787. Ann Elizabeth, d. Charles and Patience, Dec. 9, 1809. ^^ Templeton. Asa C. [Church, c.r.], s. Salman and Lucy, April 17, 1815.* Belinda, d. Aaron and Mahitable, March 16, 1803. Benjamin, s. Henry and Ann, Aug. i, 1792. Benjamin Church, s. Delphos and Sally, June 16, 1806. Benson Elon, s. Benjamin A. and Chloe T., July 23, 1840. Betsy, d. Thaddeus and Sally, Jan. 19, 1803. CaroHne, d. Salman and Lucy, Dec. 25, 1805. Catharine Matilda, d. Charles and Patience, Dec. 24, 1813. Charles, s. Henry and Ann, Dec. 9, 1783. At Framingham. Charles Whitcomb, s. Charles and Patience, May 22, 1812. Christopher Columbus, s. Charles and Patience, June 16, 1818. Daniel Miller Dayson, s. Benjamin A. and Chloe T., June 26, 1842. David, s. Jonathan and Hepzibah, July 11, 1774. Delphos, s. Jonathan and Hepzibah, Dec. 20, 1777. Elbridge Gerry, s. Aaron and Mahitable, April 12, 1812. Elizabeth, d. Jonathan and Hepzibah, Dec. 8, 1781. Elezabeth, d. Ebenezer and Hannah W., bap. Jan. 8, 1832. c.r. 2. Emeline, d. Salman and Lucy, bap. July 7, 181 1. c.r. 2. Emily, d. Henry and Ann, Aug. 15, 1794. Emmeline, d. Salman and Lucy, Sept. 4, 1804. Ephraim C. [Church, c.r.], s. Salman and Lucy, March 28, 18 17. 42 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Gates, Francis, s. Delphos and Sally, Dec. 22, 18 14. Freelove Stone, w. Jonathan, Aug. 25, 1818. G.s.4. Hannah, (!.• Benjamin and Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1794. Hannah Hinds, d. Ebenzer and Hannah W., bap. July 15, 183S. C.R.2. Harriet Thucy[?], d. Salman and Lucy, bap. July 7, 1811. c.R.2. Hannah W., w. Ebenezer, Aug. 13, 1805. G.s.4. Harriet I., d. Salman and Lucy, Nov, 5, 1807. Henry, s. Henry and Ann, Aug. 15, 1785. At Framingham. Hephzibah, d. Jonathan and Hephzibah, March 14, 177 1. Hepzibah, d. Aaron and Mahitable, March 21, 1816. Horrace, s. Delphos and Hannah, June 28, 1818. Horatio, s. Thaddeus and Sally, Feb. 23, 1801. Horatio Nelson, s. John Nelson and Elmira, June 11, 1834. Irving Chestern, s. Francis and Lucy, June 10, 1839. John Nelson, s. Delphos and Sally, May 9, 1808. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Hepzibah, Jan. 15, 1787. Jonathan, s. Aaron and Mahitable, April 27, 18 10. Jonathan Day, s. Ebenzer and Hannah W., bap. March 7, 1830. c.R.2. Junior [?] Elbridge Warnerson, s. Benjamin A. and Chloe T., April 29, 1844. Kezia, d. Henry and Ann, July 14, 1796. Lucy, d. Delphos and Sally, July 7, 1804. Lucy, d. Salman and Lucy, bap. April 2, 1820. c.R.2. Luther, s. Henry and Ann, May 4, 1800. Martha, d. Salman and Lucy, Aug. 11, 1813. Minerva, d. Delphos and Sally, March 27, 181 1. Mornilva Mehitable, d. Jonathan and Frelove, July 24, 1S46. Persis A., d. Ebenezer and Hannah W., bap. June 15, 1834. c.R.2. Polly, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1795. Polly Davis, d. Silas and Patty, Aug. 24, 1812. Prudence Aurelia, d. Benjamin A. and Chloe T., Dec. 15, 1838. Reuben, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Feb. 5, 1798. Roswell Catline, s. Jonathan and Frelove, April 8, 1844. Salmon, s. Jonathan and Hepzibah, Aug. 30, 1783. Seallum, s. Seallum and Emely, Aug. 12, 1846. Silas, s. Henry and Ann, Dec. 17, 1788. Stephen, s. Aaron and Mahitable, July 16, 181 7. Sukey, d. Henry and Ann, Sept. 15, 1790. Sylvia, d. Delphos and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1820. Thaddeus, s. Jonathan and Hepzibah, Aug. 19, 1779. Thomas Jefiferson, s. Aaron and Mahitable, Feb. 18, 1806. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 43 Gates, Urbin, s. Thaddeus and Sally, Aug. 2, 1804. William, s. Ebenezer and Hannah W., bap. July 2, 1843. c.R.2. , ch. Francis and Lucy, , [1843]. ■ — , s. Henry Jr., Aug. 18, 1807. p.r. , d. Jonathan, June 12, 1809. p.r, , d. Delphos, June 30, 1813. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Silas, Nov. 20, 1813. p.r. , d. Delphos, June 28, 1817. p.r. , d. Salmon, Oct. 21, 1819. p.r. , s. Delphos, Feb. 15, 1823. p.r. GATTS (see above), Stephen, s. Jonathan and Hepzibah, Sept. 21, 1772. GAY, Albert, s. Moses and Lucretia, Feb. 19, 1833. Alfred, s. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, Aug. 14, 1821. Aimer, s. Abner and Caty, March 14, 1808. Caty, d. Abner and Caty, May 15, 1806. Charles, s. Rev. Samuel and EHzebeth, Aug. 21, 1824. Charles Jarvis, s. Charles P. and Dolly, Dec. 27, 1827. Charles Pinckney, s. Abner and Caty, Aug. 8, 1799. Dolly, w. Charles P., July 14, 1805. At Barre. Edward, s. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, Aug. 2, 1827. [First ch. bap. in new meeting house.] Elbridge Aimer, s. Aimer and Sophia, Sept. 29, 1841. Elisabeth, d. Abner and Caty, Dec. 11, 181 1. George, s. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, Oct. 3, 1829. Hannah, d. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, Aug. i, 181 5. James Davis, s. Moses and Lucretia, Nov. 5, 1835. Jarvis, s. Abner and Caty, Feb. 19, 1801. John Flavel, s. Moses and Lucretia, May 7, 1838. Lucy Elizabeth, d. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, May 22, 1817. Maria Henriett, d. Moses and Lucretia, Dec. 12 [9, p.r.], 1842. Mary Elizabeth, d. Charles P. and Dolly, March 8, 1830. Moses, s. Abner and Caty, March 21, 1804. Nancy, d. Abner and Caty, Oct. 17, 1809. Rebekah, d. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, May 19, 1819. Sally, d. Abner and Caty, Oct. 5, 1802. Sally, d. Abner and Caty, Jan. 28, 1814. Samuel, s. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, Sept. 15, 1813. William Henry, s. Moses and Lucretia, Sept. 12, 1840. William Jarvis, s. Abner and Caty, March 7, 18 16. GLEASON (see Gleazen, Glezen), Freland Sibley, s. Andrew and Celia, July 18, 1844. James Harwood, s. Andrew and Celia, April 22, 1839. 44 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Gleason, Jubel Converse, s. Andrew and Celia, Nov. 9, 1837. Judson Munroe, s. Andrew and Celia, Aug. 20, 1841. Luke, s. Seth and Lydia, Feb. 27, 1788. Lydia, d. Seth and Lydia, May 26, 1790. Mary, d. Clerk and Mehitable, Aug. 22, 1799. Samuel S., s. Andrew and Celia, May i, 1842. , s. Andrew and Celia, Dec. 24, 1846. GLEAZEN (see Gleason, Glezen), Dolly, d. Clerk and Mehitable, Aug. 23, 1801. EHsha, s. Clerk and Mehitable, Sept. 26, 1797. GLEZEN (see above), , s. Seth, Aug. 6, 1792. p.r. GOODENOW (see Goodnow), Anna, d. Peter and Anna, May 4, 1773. Edward Augustus Selfridge, s. Artemas and Hannah, July 7, 1806. Milton Whiton, s. Artemas and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1807. GOODHUE, Melinda, d. and Betsey Parker, Oct. 4, 1794. GOODNOW (see Goodenow), Elhanan Winchester, s. Luther and Abigail, June 24, 181 1. Elmira Hastings, d. Luther and Abigail, Feb. 6, 1810. Moses G. C, s. William B. and Susan, June 20, 1846. GOODSPEED, Albert, s. John and Louisa, June 20, 1840. Amelia, d. Luther and Betsy, Feb. 6, 1805. Anna, d. Luther and Margaret, Aug. 13, 1796. Benjamin Franklin, s. Heman and Betsy, March 12, 1800. Betsy, d. Isaac and Sarah, May 6, 1786. At Rutland. Charles, s. John and Louisa, March 15, 1828. Daniel Jenkins, s. Luther and Betsy, Aug. 8, 1812. Eliza Ann, d. Luther and Betsy, Aug. 4, 1810. Elizabeth, d. John and Louisa, Sept. 25, 1830. Elizebeth, d. Heman and Betsy, Oct. 21, 1812 [181 1 ?. p.r.]. Fidelia, d. Heman and Betsy, Jan. 8, 1804. Harriet, d. William G. and Martha, May 6, 1842. Hellen, d. William G. and Martha, Jan. 31, 1835. Henry, a minor, name changed by Act of Legislature to Thomas Henry Goodspeed, March 23, 1840. Isaac, s. Isaac and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1788. At Rutland. Isabella, d. William G. and Martha, April 4, 1837. James Rivers, s. Isaac and Sarah, March 30, 1784. At Rutland. John, s. Isaac and Sarah, March 17, 1798. John s. Isaac and Sarah, bap. Sept. 5, 1813. c.R.2. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 45 GooDSPEED, John, s. John and Louisa, May 11, 1829, Lot, s. Isaac and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1790. Maria, d. Luther and Betsy, July 14, 1806. Marina [Mariana, C.R.], d. Heman and Betsy, Jan. 29, 1802. Martha, d. Isaac and Sarah, Jan. 17, 1793. Martha Elizabeth, d. William G. and Martha, Dec. 22, 1843. Mary Davis, d. William G. and Martha, Feb. 28, 1839. Philander Parker, s. Heman and Betsy, Feb. 22, 1806. Polly, d. Heman and Betsy, Oct. 27, 1798. Sally Murdock, d. Luther and Margaret, April 15, 1798. Sophia, d. Luther and Margaret, March 29, 1795. Sophia, d. Luther and Betsy, Oct. 16, 1808. Sophronia, d. Heman and Betsy, May 29, 1809. Tabitha, d. Isaac and Sarah, Aug. 10, 1795. Thomas, s. Luther and Betsy, Nov. 8, 1803. William Caldwell, s. Heman and Betsy, March 24, 1808. , s. John and Louisa, June 6, 1847. , s. Elijah, March 20, 1798. p.r. , s. Elijah, April 17, 1800. p.r. , d. Luther, Dec. 12, 1800. p.r. , s. Capt. Isaac, Nov. 6, 1826. p.r. , s. Capt. Isaac, May 10, 1830. p.r. , s. Capt. Isaac, Aug. i, 1832. p.r. , d. Thomas, Aug. 20, 1838. p.r. GORDEN, Lucy Jane, d. WiUiam, May 30, 1846. GOULDING, Harriet, d. Joel and Anna, May 14, 1816. Joel Rice, s. Joel and Anna, April 13, 1808. Loanza, d. Joel and Anna, Feb. 15, 1822. Louisa, d. Joel and Anna, June 5, 1813. Louisa, d. Joel and Anna, Nov. 19, 1819. Mary Ann, d. Joel and Anna, Feb. 25, 181 1. GRAY, Amos Wilberforce, s. EH and Lucinda, bap. Dec. 13, 1844. C.R.2. Marshall Emerson, s. Eli and Lucinda, Aug. 20, 1834. p.r. Simeon Denison Parker, s. Eli and Lucinda, bap. July 3, 1842. C.R.2. , d. Eli, June 27, 1833. Stillborn, p.r. GREEN (see Greene), Caroline, d. Daniel and Thankful, Aug. 2. 1814. Daniel, s. Joseph and Hepzibah, Oct. 28, 1775. Dup. Eliner, d. Daniel and Thankful, July 3, 1812. Hannah, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, April 4, 1794. 46 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Green, Harriet Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Thankful, Jan. i8, 1822. P.R. Harriot Augusta, d. Joseph Jr. and Huldah, Dec. i, 1810. Hepzibah, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, June 25, 1779. Dup. Huldah Allen, w. Joseph, , 1784. g.s.i. John, s. Joseph and Eunice, Feb. 14, 1804. John Crosby, s. Joseph and Eunice, bap. May 5, 181 1. c.R.2. Joseph, s. Joseph and Hepzibah, Dec. 27, 1782. Dup. Luectta, d. Daniel and Thankful, April 4, 18 10. Lucy, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, June 2, 1797. Mary, d. Daniel and Thankful, March 22, 1806. Melissa, d. Daniel and Thankful, June 21, 1804. Mille Clifford, d. Daniel and Thankful, bap. Aug. 9, 181 2. c.R.2. Rebekah Dana, d. Joseph and Eunice, Dec. 27, 1802. Rochsy, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, Sept. 14, 1786. Dup. Rocksy, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, Nov. i, 1791. Roxana, d. Joseph Jr. and Huldah, Jan. 12, 1814. Sally, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, Dec. 25, 1777. Dup. Sally, d. Daniel and Thankful, March 20, 1808. Sally Foster, 2d w. Joseph, , 1786. G.s.i. Stephen, s. Joseph and Hepzibah, May 6, 1789. Dup. Thankful, d. Daniel and Thankful, Dec. 6, 18 16. William Brownell, s. William and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1808. At Boston. , twin s. William and Sophronia, Dec. 22, 1847. ■ , twin d. William and Sophronia, Dec. 22, 1847. , d. Joseph, June 25, 1780. p.r. , s. Lucetta, Aug. 4, 1826. Stillborn, p.r. GREENE (see Green), Addison Richardson, s. Joseph and Sally, Jan. 26, 1828. Charles King, s. Joseph and Sally, Feb. 13, 1823. Eunice, d. Joseph and Sally, Nov. 10, 1825. Joseph, s. Joseph and Sally, Feb. 12, 1832. William, s. Joseph and Sally, Sept. 7, 1820. WiUiam Muzzy, s. Joseph and Sally, Dec. 21, 181 7. , d. Joseph, June 26, 1796. p.r. , d. Joseph, Dec. 18, 1801. p.r. GREENWOOD, Aaron, s. Moses and Betty, March 22, 1781. Aaron, twin s. Moses Jr. and Polly, May 23, 1808. Aaron Hobart, s. Aaron and Adaline, Jan. 21, 1841. Abby Calista, d. Silas N. and Susan, May 27, 1849. Abigail, d. Ethan and Sally, Nov. 27, 1817. Abigail Daniels, d. Silas and Julia, June 12, 1823. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 47 Greenwood, Abigail Susan, d. Edmund R. and Susan H., April 14, 1840. Abijah 2d, s. Ethan and Sally, Aug. 28, 1808. Abijah Harrison, s. Silas and Julia, Dec. 28, 1814. Alson Jones, s. Silas and Julia, Sept. 27, 1829. Ann Elizabeth, d. Lyman and Augusta, Sept. 16, 1834. Anna, d. Levi and Anna, May i, 1794. Aron, s. Moses Jr. and Polly, bap. July 7, 181 1. c.r.2. Asa Morrill, s. Lyman and Augusta, Dec. 22, 1839. Asa Willard, s. James and Betsey, Nov. 4, 1819. Augu[s]ta, d. Otis and Sophia, Dec. 11, 181 1. Betsy, 5th d. Moses and Betsy, May 20, 1799. Betty, d. Moses and Betty, Dec. 12, 1787. Charles, s. Aaron and Adaline, Nov. 21, 1849. Charles Cotesworth, s. Ethan and Sally, May 31, 1815. Charlotte, d. Aaron and Adaline, May 15, 1838. Chester, s. Aaron and Adahne, June 22, 1847. Cynthia, 4th d. Moses and Betsy, Oct. i, 1794. Delia Jane, d. Aaron and Adaline, Feb. 28, 1832. Edmund Rice, s. Otis and Sophia, Dec. i, 1807. Edmund Rice, s. Edmund R. and Susan H., Dec. 18, 1837. Edson Alonzo, s. Horace and Almira, Oct. 22, 1840. Elmira Amanda, d. Moses Jr. and Polly, bap. July 7, 181 1. c.R.2. Elmira Elizabeth, d. Horace and Almira, Oct. 10, 1842. Emeline, d. Horace and Almira, Jan. 7, 1848. Emma Calista, d. Joseph E. and Nancy, Nov. 6, 1843. Dup. Ethan, s. Abijah and Rhoda, Jan. 8, 1775. Ethan, s. Moses and Betty, May 27, 1779. Ethan 2d, s. Abijah and Rhoda, Jan. 26, 1780. Fidelia, d. Ethan and Sally, June 15, 1804. George Franklin, s. Horace and Almira, March 14, 1832. George Henry Prentiss, s. Ethan and Sally, bap. April 9, 1826. c.R.2. George, s. Aaron and Adaline, May 11, 1843. Dup. Hannah, d. Abijah and Elizabeth, May 28, 1791. Dup. Hannah, d. Silas and Julia, Aug. 24, 1827. Harriet, d. Silas and JuHa, Aug. 12, 18 19. Harriet, d. Silas and Julia, April 15, 1825. Helen Augusta, d. Lyman and Augusta, May 29, 1843. Dup. Horis, s. Otis and Sophia, Dec. 30, 1809. James, 4th s. Moses and Betsy, Sept. 4 [8, P.R.], 1792. James Broad, s. Edmund R. and Susan H., Sept. 10, 1842. Jane Maria, d. Ethan and Sally, May 9, 1813. John Quincy, s. Edmund R. and Susan H., Sept. 28, 1830. Joseph Emerson, s. Silas and Julia, March 14, 1813, 48 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Greenwood, Joseph Lyman, s. Lyman and Augusta, June lo, 1836. Julia, d. Silas and Julia, Oct. 27, 1820. Levi Augustine, s. Horace and Almira, Sept. 19, 1837. Lucy, d. Levi and Anna, Sept. 12, 1789. Lucy, d. James and Sally, Dec. i, 1814. [Lucy Addie], d. Aaron and Adaline, April 3, 1845. Lucy Agnes, d. Aaron and Adaline, Jan. 31, 1836. Lyman, s. Moses Jr. and Polly, June 13, 1806. Mary Alice, d. Lyman and Augusta, March 21, 1847. Mary Sophia, d. Edmund R. and Susan H., Dec. 20, 1833. Milo, s. Lyman and Augusta, March 4, 183 1. Molly, d. Abijah and Elizabeth, March 24, 1789. Dup. Moses, s. Moses and Betty, Nov. 4, 1785. Moses, twin s. Moses Jr. and Polly, May 23, 1808. Moses, s. Lyman and Augusta, Oct. 9, 1832. Moses Phelps, s. Edmund R. and Susan, Dec. 22, 1845. Otis, s. Abijah and Rhoda, Dec. 4, 1781. Otis, s. Edmund R. and Susan H., March 4, 1829. Polly, w. Moses Jr., bap. July 7, 181 1. c.R.2. Rhoda, d. Abijah and Elizabeth, June 20, 1785. Sally, d. Moses and Betty, May 6, 1783. Sarah Rebecca, d. Aaron and Adaline, Jan. 5, 1834. Silas, s. Abijah and Elisabeth, Nov. 19, 1786. Silas Newall, s. Silas and Juha, Oct. 21, 1817. Simeon [Simon, c.r.], Allen, s. Ethan and Sally, April 4, 1806. Sophrona, d. Ethan and Sally, June 18, 1810. Stephen, s. James and Sally, Aug. 23, 1817. Syntha, d. Moses and Polly, bap. May 10, 1812. c.R.2. Theodore, s. Edmund R. and Susan H., July 27, 1835. Thomas Elvin, s. Horace and Almira, Oct. 23, 1833. William Allen, s. Ethan and Sally, Sept. i, 1802. William Solon, s. Horace and Almira, Aug. 25, 1835. , d. Levi, Aug. 30, 1796. p.r. , d. Moses Jr., Feb. 20, 1812. P.R. , s. Ethan, April 21, 1812. p.r. , s. Otis, June 16, 1814. p.r. , s. Moses, June 20, 1834. p.r. , d. Moses, Oct. 17, 1835. p.r. , s. Moses, July i, 1838. p.r. , s. William E., Jan. 10, 1842. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Silas N., Nov. 30, 1842. p.r. GREGORY, , d. Isaac, July 5, 1796. p.r. , d. Isaac, Jan. 4, 1799. P.R. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 49 GRIMES, Aaron, s. Joseph and Huldah, Jan. 14, 1778. Aaron, s. Aaron and Sally, Nov. 27, 1804. Almira, d. Bill and Dorcas, July 28, 1812. Alvah Ellsworth, s. Harrison and Rosan, June 17, 1849. Amiable, d. Joseph and Huldah, March 12, 1787. Asa, s. Bill and Rebeccah, Aug. 5 [3, P.R.], 17S8. Asa Tyler, s. Epraim and Mary, March 20, 1792. Attarah, d. Joseph and Huldah, March 18, 1776. Betsy, d. Bill and Rebeccah, Feb. 10, 1768. Betty, d. Joseph and Huldah, Oct. 28, 1784. Bill, s. Bill and Rebeccah, Feb. 7, 1770. Charles, s. Aaron and Sally, Nov. 11, 18 10. Charles Oscar, s. Charles and Mary, May 31, 1838. At Boston. Clarissa, d. Joseph and Huldah, Jan. 28, 1794. Dennison, s. Epraim and Mary, Aug. 27, 1802. Edwin, s. Aaron and Sally, Jan. 25, 1826 [1827. p.r.]. Ella Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Augusta, Feb. 10, 1849. Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Mary, March 12, 1796. George Clayton, s. Aaron Jr. and Louisa, Jan. 4, 1834. Hannah, d. Bill and Rebeccah, Dec. 3, 1790. Harriet Elizabeth, d. Aaron Jr. and Louisa, Feb. 22, 1841. Harrison, s. Bill and Dorcas, Jan. 21, 18 17. Hiram, s. Bill and Dorcas, June 19, 1809. J., d. Joseph and Augusta, June 11, 1847, Jarvis, s. Aaron and Sally, July 5, 18 18. Joseph, s. Aaron and Sally, April 18, 1820. Joseph Marean, s. Aaron Jr. and Louisa, Dec. 16, 1830. Laura, d. Bill and Dorcas, June 28, 1824. Lucius Blood, s. Aaron and Lucy, Feb. 4, 1846. Lucretia, d. Joseph and Huldah, Feb. 19, 1789. Lucy, d. Bill and Rebeccah, March 22, 1786. Lucy, d. Bill and Dorcas, May 12, 1821. Lucy Amelia [Adelia, c.r.], d. Aaron Jr. and Louisa, March 4, 1832 [1833. P.R.]. Luke, s. Waldo and Nancy, Sept. 13, 1824. Luke, s. Waldo and Nancy, Dec. 28, 1825. Martin Van Buren, s. Aaron Jr. and Louisa, March 4, 1837. At Worcester. Mary Verla, d. Charles and Mary, Sept. 18, 1841. Otis, s. Aaron and Sally, Sept. 14, 1808. Porter, s. Bill and Dorcas, Jan. 23, 1819. Ruth, d. Joseph and Huldah, April 29, 1780. Sally, d. Bill and Rebeccah, April 17, 1778. Sarah, d. Aaron and Sally, Oct. 21, 1821. 50 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Grimes, Sena, d. Joseph and Huldah, April 4, 1782. Sewall, s. Aaron and Sally, Aug. 25, 1824. Sibyl Parker, d. Aaron Jr. and Louisa, March 12, 1843. Silas, s. Aaron and Sally, July 27, 1815. Sophia, d. Aaron and Sally, Jan. 23, 1806. Sumner, s. Bill and Dorcas, Aug. 10, 1814. Susanna, d. Joseph and Huldah, May 23, 1772. Waldow, s. Bill and Rebeccah, Nov. 2, 1783. William Addison, s. Aaron Jr. and Louisa, Sept. 13, 1849. William Cargill, s. Ephraim and Mary, Sept. 30, 179S. Zephaniah, s. Joseph and Huldah, March 31, 1774. , d. Bill, April 3, 1782. p.r. , ch. Bill Jr., Aug. 4, 181 1. Stillborn, p.r. d. Asa T., Aug. 20, 1813. p.r. -, s. Aaron, Dec. 19, 1813. p.r. EAGER, Martha, Sept. i, 1788. G.s.3. HALE, Calvin, s. Calvin and Phebe, June 26, 1786. Catharine, twin d. Oliver and Sarah D., June 8, 1841. Charles, s. Luther and Phebe, Sept. 5, 1816. Clara, d. Luther and Joanna, June 12, 1791. Dup. Clara, twin d. Oliver and Sarah D., June 8, 1841. Clara Swan, d. Roland and Clarissa, Dec. 27, 1835. Esther, d. Luther and Joanna, Feb. 17, 1799. Joanna Carter, d. Luther and Phebe, March 11, 1812. John, s. Luther and Joanna, June 24, 1787. At Leominster. John Otis, s. Oliver and Sarah D., April 2, 183 1. At Barre. Laura, d. Luther and Joanna, Jan. i, 1801. Louisa Minerva, d. Thomas and Mary, Sept. 30, 1832. Lucy, d. Luther and Joanna, Aug. 23, 1789. Dup. Lucy, d. Luther and Phebe, Feb. 13, 1810. Luke, s. Luther and Phebe, Aug. 21, 1818. Luther, s. Luther and Joanna, Jan. 19, 1795. Luther Hobert, s. Thomas and Mary, Feb. 11, 1841. [Merrill], s. Thomas and Mary, Nov. 25, 1845. Minerva Florila, d. Oliver and Sarah D., June 27, 1837. Oliver, s. Luther and Phebe, Sept. 28, 1804. Otis, s. Luther and Joanna, March 16, 1793. Dup. Phebe, d. Calvin and Phebe, Feb. 27, 1790. Phebe, w. Luther, bap. May 5, 181 1. c.r.2. Polly, d. Calvin and Phebe, Aug. 6, 1784. Roland, s. Luther and Joanna, Dec. 28, 1796. Sally, d. Calvin and Phebe, April 3, 1788. Sarah Maria d. Oliver and Sarah D., May 3, 1833. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 5 I Hale, [Seth P. H.], s. Oliver and Sarah D., Feb. 12, 1846. Susan, d. Luther and Phebe, April 2, 1814. Thomas, s. Luther and Phebe, July 6, 1808. Thomas Irving, s. Thomas and Mary, Oct. 9, 1838. William Carter, s. Roland and Clarissa, Sept. 18, 1842. , s. Luther, Jan. 19, 1824. p.r. , s. John H., Dec. 10, 1834. p.r. HALL, , s. Alanson, Aug. — , 1846. HALLOCK, Ansel Willard, s. Ansel and Almira, Sept. 8, 1836. Catharine Bartlett, d. Ansel and Almira, Dec. 23, 1842. Eleanor Whitman, d. Isaac and Nancy, Nov. i, 1840. Joseph Whitman, s. Ansel and Almira, Aug. 5, 1841. Phylanea M., d. Ansel and Almira, March 4, 1847. William Alexis, s. Isaac and Nancy, April 27, 1837. , s. Isaac and Nancy, Nov. 11, 1843. HAMILTON [Edward C], s. George W. and Julia, Dec. 30, 1847. George Willis, s. George W. and Betsy, Dec. 17, 1842. HARRINGTON (see Herington), Abel, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Feb. 22, 1795 [1796. P.R.]. Abigail, d. Ephraim and Abigail, Feb. 19, 1798. Asa, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Dec. 26, 1793. Caleb, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Sept. 29, 1789. David, s. Ephraim and Abigail, June l6, 1801. Isaac, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Oct. 22, 1791. Jonas, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Oct. 15, 1785. Luther, s. Ephraim and Abigail, Oct. 30, 1787. Nehemiah How, s. Nehemiah and Amia, March 10, 1827. HARTWELL, Angeline, d. James Harvey and Charlotte, bap. Nov. 10, 1842. C.R.2. Alonzo, s. James Harvey and Charlotte, May 24, 1835. Betsey, d. Amos and Betsey, April 21, 182 1. Charles Henry [Harrison, c.R.], s. Harvey and Charlotte, March 29, 1849. Charlotte W., w. James H., Sept. 24, 1810. G.s.4. Clara, d. James H. and Charlotte, bap. June 24, 1838. c.R.2. Edson, s. Amos and Betsey, Feb. 18, 1816. At Templeton. George, s. James H. and Charlotte, bap. May 14, 1837. c.R.2. Harriet Augusta, d. Harvey* and Charlotte, bap. May 5, 1844. c.R.2. Harriet N. [Newell, c.R.], d. Simon B. and Roxa, March 22, 1820. * Should be James Harvey. 5 2 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Hartwell, Hattie A., Feb. i, 1844. G.s.3. Henry H., June 17, 1842. G.s.4. [James H.], s. James H. and Charlotte, Sept. 13, 1847. James Harvey, s. Simon B. and Roxa, June 17, 1809. Levi, s. Amos and Betsey, April 16, 1818. Lorinda, d. Simon B. and Roxa, Oct. 14, 181 1. Martha Anne, d. James Harvey and Charlotte, March 29, 1834. Mary Jane, d. James Harvey and Charlotte, Jan. 27, 1833. Mary Parker, d. Simon B. and Roxa, Dec. 31, 18 13. Mary Rosella, d. Simon B. and Roxa, Nov. 28, 1835. Phebe S. [Sargeant, c.r.], d. Simon B. and Roxa, April 14, 1822. Reuben Parker, s. Amos and Betsey, Nov. 2, 1808. Rollin E., Nov. 24, 1840. G.s.4. Samuel W. [Willard, c.r.], s. Simon B, and Roxa, Feb. 14, 1829. Sarah, d. Simon B. and Roxa, June 22 [26, P.R.], 1826. Silas, s. Amos and Esther, Dec. 24, 1843. Dup. William Stedman, s. Simon B. and Roxa, Aug. 21, 181 7. , d. Amos, Feb. 15, 1841. Stillborn, p.r. HATSTAT, Alfred, Jan. 12, 1819. G.s.2. Harriet Stone, June 29, 1828. G.s.2. HAVEN, , d. Clark, Dec. 2, 1778. p.r. , s. Clark, March 22, 1780. p.r. , d. Clark, Nov. 19, 1781. p.r. , s. Clark, Sept. 15, 1783. p.r. , s. Clark, Feb. 3, 1786. p.r. HA WARD, Ann Eliza, d. Rufus and Roxa, Sept. 12, 1841. In Holden. HAYNES, Candace A., w. Jonathan P., Dec. i, 1804. G.s.3. Jonathan P., Dec. 24, 1795. G.s.3. HEALD, Abalena Elizabeth, d. Calvin and Tamar, Oct. 28, 1825. At Dudley. Betsey, d. Timothy and Lois, Sept. i, 1786. Dup. Calista, d. Jonas and Abigail, Feb. 2, 1820. Calvin, s. Timothy and Lois, Feb. 8, 1788. Dup. Carmi, s. John and Mary, July 4, 1830. Clara, d. John and Mary, Oct. 17, 1840. Eliphelet, s. Stephen and Hazadiah, Feb. 9, 1763. Hannah, d. Stephen and Hazadiah, March 3, 1765. Hannah, d. Stephen and Hazadiah, Nov. 11, 1771. Hannah, d. Timothy and Lois, June 10, 1794. Hannah, d. John and Mary, June 29, 1824. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 53 Heald, Hepzebeth, d. Stephen and Hazadia, Oct. 11, 1753. John, s. Timothy and Lois, Jan. 2, 1792. Jonas, s. Timothy and Lois, Feb. 13, 1790. Dup. Jonas, s. Jonas and Abigail, Nov. 26 [17, P.R.], 1826. Joseph Hobart, s. John H. and Lucy, Dec. 10, 1834. Josiah, s. Stephen and Hazadiah, May 29, 1758. Lois, d. Jonas and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1822. Louis, d. Stephen and Hazadiah, May 22, 1769. Lucy, d. Stephen and Hazadiah, April 30, 1767. Mary, d. John and Mary, Nov. 21, 1838. Mary Stone, d. Jonas and Abigail, June 9, 1816. At Brim- field. Nancy, d. Jonas and Abigail, May 27, 1824. Nathaniel Loring, s. Simpson C. and , Jan. 19, 1845. Philena, d. John and Mary, Nov. 11, 1822. Sally, d. Timothy and Lois, June 2, 1796. Samuel Clark, s. Jonas and Abigail, Jan. 22, 1835. Sarah, d. Stephen and Hazadiah, May 19, 1760. Sarah, d. John and Mary, July 24, 1828. Simson Clark, s. Jonas and Abigail, Jan. 26, 18 18. At Brim- field. Stephen, s. Timothy and Lois, Sept. 17, 1799. Timothy, s. Stephen and Hazadiah, Feb. 19, 1756. Timothy Sibley, s. Jonas and Abigail, Sept. 29, 1832. WiUiam, s. Timothy and Lois, Jan. i, 1803. William, s. John and Mary, July 22, 1826. , s. John and Polly, Nov. 9, 1846. , s. Sarah, Feb. 11, 1783. p.r. , s. Timothy, Feb. 13, 1805. p.r. , d. Jonas, Nov. 20, 1829. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Calvin, Jan. 9, 1835. Stillborn, p.r. , s. John, April 2, 1837. Stillborn, p.r. HEMENWAY (see Hemingway), Daniel Porter, s. Ethan and Eurana, June 27, 1842. Hannah EHzabeth, d. Ethan and Eurania, March 8, 1849. Sophronia Witt, d. Ethan and Eurana, Dec. 27, 1843. Walter Ethan, s. Ethan and Eurania, Feb. — , 1847. , s. Ethan and Eurana, Dec. 30, 1845. HEMINGWAY (see Hemenway), , s. David, Aug. 17, 1788. p.r. , s. David, March 24, 1791. P.R. , s. John, May 21, 1793. P.R. , s. John, Aug. 29, 1795. P.R. 54 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. HENRY, Benjamin Jarvis, s. Benjamin and Cloe, Dec. 9, 1803. Catharine Chloe, d. Benjamin and Chloe, bap. May 5, 1811. C.R,2. Charles Augustus, s. Benjamin and Chloe Henry, bap. May 5, 181I. C.R.2. Erastus, s. Benjamin and Cloe, Sept. 9, 1805. Hiram Truesdele, s. Benjamin and Cloe, Dec. 24, 1806. Horatio Allen, s. Benjamin and Chloe, bap. May 5, 181 1. c.R.2. Katharine Chloe, d. Benjamin and Cloe, Oct. 28, 1808. Sally, d. Benjamin and Chloe, bap. May 5, 1811. j:.r.2. William Emmery, s. Benjamin and Cloe, Nov. 28, 1801. HERRINGTON (see Harrington), , s. Abel, Dec. 5, 1783. P.R. , d. Abel, June 19, 1786. p.r. , d. Abel, Aug. 17, 1788. p.r. , d. Abel, June 16, 1790. p.r. HEWWOOD, George, adopted s. Daniel and Kezia, bap. Aug. 23, 1835. c.R.2. HIDE, Amasa, s. William and Eunice, Nov. 3, 1809. EHzabeth, d. William and Eunice, Jan. 30, 1813. Keziah, d. William and Eunice, July 12, 1807. Silas, s. William and Eunice, Jan. 13, 1817. William, s. William and Eunice, June 3, 1805. , s. William, Nov. 14, 1819. p.r. HILL, David C, s. [Rev.] George T. and Frances, July 12, 1849. Mary Ann, d. Mrs. Parmelia Frost, March 9, 1813. At Worcester. , d. , Sept. 3, 1835. P.R. HINDS, Achsah, d. Howard and Anna, May 15, 1801. Alanson G. [Gibson, c.r.], s. Calvin and Susanna, Feb. 26, 1812. Anna, d. Howard and Anna, Sept. 12, 1780. Anna, d. Cornelius and Hannah, May 7, 1822. Calvin, s. Howard and Anna, June 30, 1783. Calvin P., s. Calvin and Susanna, Sept. i, 1817. Charles E. [Emerson, c.R.], s. CorneHus and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1819. Chauncey, s. Warner and Achsah, April 24, 1822. p.r. Chenery, s. Howard and Anna, June 29, 1796. Cornelius, s. CorneHus and Hannah, Sept. 12, 181 1. Dorothy Q., d. Calvin and Susanna, Feb. 3, 1808. Elisha Woodward, s. Warner and Achsah, Nov. 22, 1819. Eliza, d. Calvin and Susanna, Jan. 15, 1814. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 55 Hinds, Elizabeth, d. Cornelius and Hannah, Feb. 16, 1809. George Augustus, s. CorneHus Jr. and Augusta, July 17, 1838. Hannah Waite, d. Cornelius and Hannah, Aug. 13, 1805. Hiram Dana, s. Cornelius and Hannah, Feb. 13, 1807. Jarvis, s. Abner and Betsy, Oct. 14, 1816. John Haven, s. Howard and Anna, Jan. 23, 1786. Lowell L. [Lealand, c.r.], s. Calvin and Susanna, Jan. 5, 1810. Lucretia, d. Calvin and Susanna, April 29, 1806. Lucy, d. Josiah Dana and Hepzibah, Nov. 7, 1802. Lydia, d. Howard and Anna, May 22, 1793. Martin, s. Calvin and Susanna, Sept. 24, 1815. Mary Ann, d. Cornelius and Hannah, March 13, 1S16. Molly, d. Howard and Anna, July i, 1778. Nancy, d. Warner and Achsah, Sept. 29, 181 1. Polly, d. Howard and Anna, July 17, 1788. Dup. Sally, d. Abner and Betsy, Aug. i, 1814. Sarah Augusta, d. Cornelius Jr. and Augusta, Jan. 27, 1836. Susannah Clark, w. Calvin, May 31, 1785. G.s.i. Warner, s. Howard and Anna, Aug. 10, 1790. Dup. Warner, s. Warner and Achsah, bap. Feb. 18, 181 7. c.r. 2. Warner, s. Warner and Achsah, June 19, 1818. William, s. Cornelius and Hannah, Oct. 9, 18 13. William A. [Augustus, c.r.], s. Calvin and Susanna, April 2, 1819. Woodward, s. Abner and Betsy, Jan. 10, 1813. Zenas, s. Howard and Anna, Feb. 11, 1799. , s. Cornelius and Augusta, Jan. 2, 1846. Stillborn. , d. Forbes, Feb. 23, 1801. p.r. , d. John, Jan. 12, 1810. p.r. , s. Cornelius, April 25, 18 18. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Abner, March 31, 1820. p.r. , s. Chinery, Sept. 24, 1820. p.r. , d. Chenery, July 15, 1823. p.r. , d. Hiram, April 26, 1830. p.r. , s. Col. Warner, Nov. 14, 1833. p.r. , s. Cornelius Jr., Oct. 7, 1834. Stillborn, p.r. HOBBS, Adaline Augusta, d. William and Nancy B., April 6, 1819. Ann Maria, d. William and Elmira, June 30, 183 1. Moses, s. Charles and Sophia, Aug. 16 [Sept. 15, p.r.], 1837. Nancy Boylston, d. Charles and Sophia, July 21, 1842. Sarah Avaline, d. William and Elmira, May 15, 1833. Sophia Elizabeth, d. Charles and Sophia, Aug. i, 1840. Theodore Sumner, s. William and Elmira, Oct. 9, 1837. Thomas, s. Charles and Sophia H., Feb. 28, 1847. 56 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. HoBBS, Thomas, s. Charles and Sophia, Aug. 19, 1848. Thomas J., s. Wilham and Nancy B., April 3, 1814. , d. William, Oct. i, 1822. p.r. and , twin d. Charles, July 28, 1839. HOIT (see Hoyt), Asa, h. Molley, July 12, 1749. Asa, s. Asa and Molley, March 15, 1780. Betsy, d. and Anna Childs, Oct. 12, 1797. Cate, d. Asa and Molley, Dec. 3, 1789. John, s. Asa and Molley, Feb. 24, 1778. Lucinda, d. Asa and Molley, Oct. i, 1776. Luther, s. Asa and Molley, Dec. 9, 1785. Molley, 2d w. Asa (d. Joseph Grimes), June 17, 1754. Molley, d. Asa and Molley, May 28, 1773. Sara, d. Asa and Molley, Nov. 5, 1781. Visa, d. Asa and Molley, Aug. 27, 1784. , s. Lucinda, Nov. 23, 1795. p.r. HOLDEN, Artalisa Nancy, d. Nathan and Nancy, Dec. 21, 1834. Artemas Goodenow, s. Nathan and Prudence, March 22, 1805. Amasa, d. Nathan and Prudence, Jan. 28, 1792. Caty, d. Nathan and Prudence, Nov. 14, 1800. Ethan, s. Nathan and Prudence, Feb. 7, 1794. Fanny, d. Nathan and Experience, May 7, 1781. Dup. Henry Horace, s. Nathan and Mary Jane, May 11, 1841, Jonah, s. Nathan and Prudence, May 19, 1796. Lewis, s. Nathan and Experience, March 29, 1783. Dup. Loretta, d. Nathan and Prudence, March 31, 1803. Melinda, d. Nathan and Prudence, Sept. 8, 1798. Nathan, s. Nathan and Experience, June i, 1786. Dup. Nathan Warren, s. Nathan and Mary Jane, Oct. 11, 1837. Sally, d. Nathan and Experience, Nov. 11, 1788. Dup. , s. Nathan, March 29, 1780. p.r. , d. Nathan, Dec. 11, 1809. p.r. , s. Nathan, Aug. 23, 1812. p.r. , d. Amasa, Jan. 18, 1831. p.r. HOLT, Alexis Brooks, s. Elias and Ruth, April 5, 1828. Davis, s. Simeon and Sophia, May 19, 1824. Dennis, s. Simeon and Sophia, Jan. 10, 1826. Elias Oscar, s. Elias and Ruth, Oct. 11, 1835. Elizabeth Melvina, d. Elias and Ruth, Nov. i, 1833. Ellen Amanda, d. Elias and Ruth, Nov. 12, 1842. Jonas, s. Simeon and Sophia, Dec. 19, 1827. Julia, d. Simeon and Sophia, Nov. 21, 1832. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 57 Holt, Nancy Azubah, d. Elias and Ruth, Oct. 16, 1826. Silas, s. Simeon and Sophia, March 7, 1830. Steadman Williams, s. Elias and Ruth, Nov. 5, 1829. Washington Irving, s. Elias and Ruth, July 17, 183 1. HOOD, , s. Edward, Aug. 15, 1799. p.r. H03MER, see Osmer. HOUGHTON, Abner Moors, s. Abner and Phebe, July 21, 1817. Arathusa Kendall, d. Abner and Phebe, May 17, 1806. Charlotta, d. Abner and Phebe, April i, 181 1. Kehiah, d. Abner and Phebe, Oct. 26, 1822. Mary, d. Abner and Phebe, Nov. 16, 1808. Olive Weatherby, d. Abner and Phebe, April 23, 1815. Robert Cooledge, d. Abner and Phebe, March 23, 1813. , d. Abner, Feb. 12, 1820. p.r. HOW (see Howe), Buckly, s. Buckly and Elisabeth, Jan. 29, 1772. Daniel, s. Daniel and Eunice, Dec. 4, 1776. Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Eunice, July 7, 1775. Elisabeth, d. Buckly and Elisabeth, Aug. 26, 1773. Fanira, d. Jonathan and Lidy, June 17, 1771. Naby, d. Buckly and Elisabeth, Dec. 20, 1777. Peter, s. Buckly and Elisabeth, Sept. 13, 1785. Rebeckah, d. Buckly and Elisabeth, Oct. 7, 1775. Rebecka, d. Buckly and Ehsabeth, July 15, 1783. Luca, d. Buckly and Elisabeth, Oct. 2, 1780. Ruth, d. Reuben , bap. Aug. 5, 1827. c.R.2. , s. Micah, Aug. 28, 1784. p.r. , s. Micah, Aug. 11, 1779. p.r. , s. Micah, Dec. 2, 1781. p.r. , d. Buckley, July 4, 1788. p.r. , s. Micah, April 20, 1792. p.r. , s. Francis, June 5, 1794. At Mr. Balcomb's. p.r. , d. Micah, June 14, 1794. p.r. , d. Micah, Aug. 18, 1797. P.R. HOWARD, Sarah E., w. John T., April 2, 1828. G.s.2. , d. Easther, Nov. 2, 1782. p.r. HOWE (see How), Abel, s. Asa and Relief, Sept. 4, 18 15. Alice Stearns, d. Abel and Martha, Dec. 22, 1848. Charlotte Woodward, d. Asa and Relief, Oct. 26, 1812. Dexter, s. Reuben and Hannah, bap. Dec. 3, 1826. c.R.2. Hannah Augusta, d. Reuben and Hannah, bap. Dec. 3, 1826. c.R.2. 58 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Howe, Hannah Needham, d. Asa and Relief, Oct. ii, 1813. Herbert Williams, s. Abel and Martha, Dec. 17, 1842. At Petersham. Jonathan Minot, s. Reuben and Hannah, bap. Dec. 3, 1826. C.R.2. Lucinda, d. Reuben and Hannah, bap. Dec. 3, 1826. c.r.2. Martha Williams, w. Abel, April 12, 1818. G.s.4. Sarah, d. Reuben and Hannah, bap. July 26, 1829. c.R.2. Reuben Leonard, s. Reuben and Hannah, bap. Dec. 3, 1826. c.R.2. Rufus, s. Reuben and Hannah, bap. Dec. 3, 1826. c.R.2. William, s. Reuben and Hannah, bap. Dec. 3, 1826. c.R.2. , s. William, March 24, 1828. p.r. and , twin sons Reuben, Aug. 7, 1830. Stillborn. P.R. HOYT, Asa, s. Benjamin and Eunice, July i, 1749. Azubah, d. Benjamin and Eunice, June 4, 1752. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Eunice, Dec. 11, 1761. Catherine, d. Benjamin and Eunice, June 24, 1770. David, s. Benjamin and Eunice, May 28, 1764. Ephraim, s. Benjamin and Eunice, Dec. 10, 1754. Eunice, d. Benjamin and Eunice, May 20, 1759. Francis, s. Benjamin and Eunice, April 15, 1747. George Witt, s. Dr. George and Avahna, May 22, 1830. Jason, s. Benjamin and Eunice, June 17, 1767. Jemime, d. Benjamin and Eunice, July 16, 1756. HUBBARD, Harriet Buill, d. Artemas S. and Susan F., Sept. 6, 1837. Mary Lorane, d. Artemas S. and Susan F., Sept. 17, 1839. Susan AmeHa, d. Artemas S. and Susan F., Nov. 18, 1841. , s. Artemas S., March 4, 1836. p.r. , s. Adin, Feb. 19, 1839. p.r. HUNT, Abigail, d. Joseph and Virtue, Oct. 27, 1805. Alphard Miles, s. Joseph and Virtue, Dec. 23, 1802. In Sum- merset, Vt. Charles, s. Joseph and Virtue, Sept. 20, 1807. Henry A., s. John S. and Fanny G., Aug. 15, 1845. HUNTING, Abijah, s. Convers and Mary, Sept. 10, 1790. Dup. Alexander, s. Alexander and Tryphena, Aug. 13, i7[93?]. 1803? Anne, d. Lemuel and Polly, March 22, 1823. Betsy, d. William and Lydia, April 18, 1790. Dup. Betsy, d. Alexander and Tryphena, April 23, [1795. P-K-]- HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 59 Hunting, Caty, d. Stephen and Polly, May 28, 1796. Charles, s. Aaron and Julian, May 17, 1834. Charles Austin, s. Alexander and Tryphena, Aug. 16, 1809. Clarissa, d. Stephen and Polly, Oct. 7, 1806. Cyntha, d. Aaron and Julian, Nov. 7, 1830. Daniel, s. Aaron and Julian, Oct. 26, 1832. Daniel Alexander, s. Alexander and Mary, Nov. 7, 1835. Eli, s. Aaron and Julian, March 27, 1836. Eliza, d. Josiah and Elizabeth, Oct. 16, 18 14. George, s. Convers and Mary, April 11, 1786. At Needham. Dup. George, s. Aaron and Julian, Nov. 12, 1826. George Henry, s. Relief Ehza, Sept. 18, 1832. Hannah, d. WiUiam and Lydia, Aug. 2, 1785. Dup. Hannah, d. Lemuel and Polly, July 7 [10, P.R.], 1829. Henry, s. Aaron and Julia, Nov. 30, 1845. Horace, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, June 17, 1828. Jarvis, name changed by Act of Legislature to William Jarvis Parker, April 19, 1837. Jervis, s. Stephen and Polly, March 30, 1804. John Willard, s. Aaron and Julian, June 17, 1841. Jonas Newton, s. Moses and Elizabeth W., Feb. 3, 1797. Josiah, s. Convers and Mary, Sept. 16, 1784. At Needham. Dup. Josiah, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, March 8, 1823. Katherine, d. Moses and Elizabeth W., Feb. 15, 1802. Lemuel, s. Convers and Mary, May 17, 1788. Dup. Leonard, s. Stephen and Polly, July 8, 1794- Leonard, s. Stephen and Polly, Aug. 4, 1800. Leonard, s. Lemuel and Polly, March 19, 1826. Lucy, d. Alexander and Tryphena, Nov. 17, [1807].' Lucy, d. Lemuel and Polly, Oct. 8, 1824. Luther, s. William and Lydia, July 24, 1780. Dup. Mary, d. Alexander and Tryphena, Jan. 14, [1805]. Mary, d. Josiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 20, 1819. Moses, s. Moses and Elizabeth W., Oct. 23, 1792. Nancy, d. Convers and Mary, April 18, 1783. At Needham. Dup. Nancy, d. Aaron and Julian, May 3, 1839. Parker, s. Converse and Mary, July 31, 1792. Parker, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, April 6, 18 17. Polly, d. Moses and Ehzabeth W., Nov. 24, 1794. Polly, d. Stephen and Polly, Oct. i, 1799. Relief Eliza, d. Moses and Elizabeth W., March 2, 1809. 6o HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Hunting, Roxa, d. Aaron and Julian, Sept. 12, 1825. Sally, d. Stephen and Polly, June 3, 1791 [1792, p.r.]. Sarepta Wood, d. Moses and Elizabeth W., Aug. 17, 1805. Seth, s. William and Lydia, March i, 1787. Dup. Sewall, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, Sept. [14, P.R.], 1825. Sidney Foster, s. Moses and Elizabeth W., Sept. 6, 1799. Stephen, s. Lemuel and Polly, Feb. 14, 182 1. Thomas Sumner, s. Moses and Elizabeth W., March 12, 1804. Tryphena, d. Alexander and Tryphena, May 7, [1779 ?]. (1799?) William, s. William and Lydia, May 22 [24, p.R.], 1783. Dup. William, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, July 16, 183 1. , s. William, Feb. 29, 1788. p.r. , s. William, Dec. 25, 1792. p.r. , d. Moses, Nov. 24, 1794. P.R. , d. William, April 28, 1795. P.R. , s, William, Aug. 14, 1797. P.R. , s. Convas, Oct. 27, 1797. P.R. , s. William, Sept. 23, 1799. p.R. and , twins, d. Stephen, Oct. 13, 1802. p.r. , s. Alexander W., Sept. 20, 1823. p.r. , s. Lemuel, July 15, 1828. Stillborn, p.r. , s. Alexander, Nov. 7, 1835. p.r. , d. Gen. Lemuel, Nov. 28, 1838, p.r. HUTCHINSON, Daniel, Nov. 14, 1835. G.s.2. Emma C, w. Daniel, Nov. 6, 1843. G.s.2. JACKSON, , s. Andrew, Feb. 24, 1794. JENNISON, Henry Edward, s. Flint and Mary, Nov. 9, 1845 [1846?]. John FHnt, s. Flint and Mary, Oct. 24, 1843. Dup. Sarah Almira, d. Flint and Mary, July 23, 1840. , d. Flint, May 27, 1838. Stillborn, p.r. JOHNSON, Lucy Minerva, d. David L. and Lois, Aug. 16, 1847. JONES, David Cheney, s. John and Abigail, March 15, 1778. Dumont Gardner, s. Rev. Abner Dumont and Sarah Elizabeth, Jan. 18, 1833. , d. Solomon, June 14, 1785, p.r. JOSHLIN, Sally, d. Silas and Elizabeth, March 16, 1796. JOSLIN (see Joslyn), Abby Louisa, d. Levi and Dorcas, Sept. 12, 1841. Adelphia, d. Levi and Dorcas, Feb. 10, 1828. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 6 I JosLiN, Almira Amanda, d. William and Cyntha, Sept. 15, 1835. Clara, d. Hollis and Linda, Dec. 8, [1833, p.r.]. Cyntha Miranda, d. William and Cyntha, Nov. 29, 1836. Dorcas, w. Levi, April 20, 1808. G.s.3. Dorcas Elisabeth, d. Levi and Dorcas, May 13, 1837. Eliza, d. William and Rhoda, May 19, 1801. Eliza, d. Hollis and Linda, March 26, i8[2-]. Ellen Maria, d. Levi and Dorcas, April 7, 1833. Emely, d. Hollis and Linda, Oct. 3, 183-. Frederick Warren, s. William and Cyntha, May 25, 1845. Hollis, s. Silas and Betcy, July 28, i8[o3]. Horace, s. Silas and Minerva, May 12, 1849. John, s. William and Rhoda, May 20 [22, p.r.], 1797. Jonas, s. Hollis and Linda, Sept. 2, 182-. Julia Ann, d. Peter and Betsey, April 6, 1827. Levi, s. Silas and Betcy, April 16, i8[o6]. Levi G., s. Levi and Dorcas, Aug. 21, 1846. Lucy, d. William and Rhoda, May 28, 1806. Mary, d. William and Rhoda, July i, 1799. Mary Jane, d. Levi and Dorcas, June 18, 1830. Mary Maria, d. William and Cyntha, July 16, 183 1. Peter, s. Ebenezer and Lidia, Feb. 3, 1780. Sally, d. Silas and Betcy, March 17, 1796. Silas, s. Silas and Betcy, Jan. 30, 1800. Silas, s. Hollis and Linda, Dec. 3, [1839. p.r.]. Susan, d. Peter and Betsey, June 4, 1823. William, s. WilHam and Rhoda, Nov. 30, 1803. William Herbert, s. William and Cyntha, May 14, 1841. JOSLYN (see Joslin), Lydia, d. Silas and Betsy, Jan. 18, 1790. Lydia, d. Silas and Betty, Feb. 4, 1793. At Princeton. , d. Ebenezer, May 5, 1778. p.r. , d. Ebenezer, Aug. 25, 1782. p.r. , s. Ebenezer, Jan. 9, 1785. p.r. , s. Jonas, Oct. 4, 1796. p.r. , s. Horace, Sept. 2, 1826. p.r. KENDALL, Chester Bennett, s. Crusoe and Minerva, Oct. iJ 1842. Crusoe, s. Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 18, 1807. David, s. Rev. David and Susannah, April 13, 1808. Edmund, s. Jonathan and Mary, April 18, 1805. Elbridge Bates, s. Moses and Belinda, March 18, 1843. EHzabeth Wyeth, d. Rev. David and Susannah, Sept. 28, 1806. Eunice, d. Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 17, 1800. 62 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Kendall, Fanny, d. Jonathan and Mary, April 3, 1814. Harrison, s. Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 21, 1816. John Nelson, s. Crusoe and Minerva, Oct. 14, 1840. Lucy Minerva, d. Crusoe and Minerva, Nov. 5, 1838. Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 13, 1812. Mary Ann, d. Rev. David and Susannah, Jan. 10, 1804. Orrison, s. Jonathan and Mary, March 10, 1803. Rebecca, d. Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 24, 1810. Rebecca Parkman Jarvis, d. Rev. David and Susannah, May 9, 1805. KIMBAL, , d. , May 29, 1817. At Joel Upham's. P.R. KINDSMAN (see Kinsman), , s. Daniel, July 6, 1783. P.R. , d. Daniel, Oct. 27, 1786. p.r. KINSLEY, , d. Rev. W. H., May 28, 1838. KINSMAN (see Kindsman), Daniel, s. Daniel and Abigail, Dec. 22, 1774 [1772?]. David, s. Daniel and Abigail, Oct. 17, 1779. John, s. Daniel and Abigail, May 13, 177 1. John, twin s. Daniel and Abigail, Aug. 16, 1781. Joseph, twin s. Daniel and Abigail, Aug. 16, 1781. Naby, d. Daniel and Abigail, Aug. 3, 1774. Foley, d. Daniel and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1776. Samuel, s. Daniel and Abigail, March i, 1769. , d. David, Jan. 10, 1806. p.r. KNIGHT, , s. Hiram W., May 28, 1847. KNOX, Abigail Elizabeth, d. Samuel H. and Elizabeth, Feb. 27, 1827. LACK (see Lake), , s. James, May 21, 1788. p.r. , s. James, May 22, 1789. p.r. , s. James, Sept. 7, 1792. p.r. LAKE (see above), Rebecca, d. James and Rebecca, May 19, 1790. , s. James, March 5, 1795. p.R. LAMB, Adaline, d. Daniel and Mary, June 15, 1815. Albert, s. Daniel and Mary, Oct. 26, 1807. At Eddington, Me. Augustus, s. Pliny and Rebecah, Sept. 30, 181 1. Carter, s. Daniel and Mary, Feb. 27, 1809. At Oxford. Charles, s. Daniel and Mary, Aug. 29, 1818. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 63 Lamb, Daniel, April 24, 1787. G.s.3. Dolly Waite, d. James Jr. and Dolly, May 16, 1808. At Stow. Greenleaf, s. Pliny and Rebecah, Jan. 25, 1805. James, s. James Jr. and Dolly, Oct. 19, 1809. John, s. Pliny and Rebecah, March 5, 1813. Lewis C, s. James and Harriet, April 25, 1848. Madson, s. Dolly, bap., Sept. i, 1816. c.R.2. Mary, w. Daniel, Sept. 15, 1784. G.s.3. Mary, d. Daniel and Mary, Dec. 31, 1810. At Oxford. Nancy, d. Pliny and Rebecah, June 9, 1807. Pliny, s. Pliny and Rebecah, Sept. 10, 1809. William, s. Pliny and Rebecah, Jan. i, 1817. ■ , s. Pliney, March 5, 1815. p.r. and , twin d. and s. Daniel, April 14, 1817. p.r. , d. Pliny, Jan. 5, 1834. p.r. , d. Pliny, Jan. 8, 1836. p.r. LAMSON, , d. Marcy, Sept. 29, 1793. p.r. LANE, , s. Jonathan, March 14, 1827. p.r, LAUGHNA, George Lincoln, s. Lawrence and Lienor, Oct. i, 1848. Jane Elizabeth, d. Laurence and Ellen, Feb. 11, 1844. Dup. John, s. Laurence and Ellen, March 20, 1845. LAW, Aaron, s. Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 25, 1806. At Acton, Asa, s. Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 31, 18 18. Charles, s. Jonathan and Mary, bap. April 27, 1823. c.R.2. Emerson, s. Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 14, 1815. Hamilton, s. Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 27, 1808, At Acton. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, bap. Jan. 28, 1821. C.R.2. Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, bap. June 26, 1825. c.R.2, Moses, s. Jonathan and Mary, bap. May 20, 1827. c.R.2. Prescott, s. Jonathan and Mary, July 17, 1813. Stephen, s. Jonathan and Mary, May i, 1805. At Acton, William, s. Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 4, 181 1. , s. Jonathan, April 4, 1830. Stillborn, p.r. LAZELL, Warren, s, Thomas and Lydia, March 10, 1815. LEALAND (see Leland), Elizabeth, d. Lowell and Betsy, April 29, 1818. Elizabeth, d. Lowell and Betsy, March 5, 1823. Ester Minot, d. Lowell and Betsy, Dec. 27, 1816. Henry, s. Lowell and Betsy, Oct. 9, 1825, Joseph Willard, s, Lowell and Betsy, Sept. 24, 1827. 64 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Lealand, Leander, s. Lowell and Betsy, March 7, 1815. Mary, d. Henry and Sally, Oct. 28, 1803. Sarah, d. Lowell and Betsy, March 5 [15, P.R.], 1822. , d. Henry, Sept. 19, 1810. p.r. LEBOURVEAU, Zenas, s. John and , Feb. 15, 1762. LEE, , d. , Nov. 8, 1830. p.r. LELAND (see Lealand), Delia Ann, d. Lowell and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1833. Lucy Kendall, d. Lowell and Elizabeth, July 19, 183 1. Martha [Martha Clark, c.r.], d. Lowell and Betsy, Feb. 28, 1820. Mary Brockway, d. Lowell and Elizabeth, April 16, 1835. Moses, s. Lowell and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1837. LEONARD, Alfred Clayton, s. Richard and Phebe, bap. Aug. 30, 1840. C.R. 2. Amos Osmoer, s. Lymus and Martha Jane, Aug. 3, 1839. Benjamin Lymus, s. Lymus and Martha Jane, Jan. [June 7, p.R.]8, 1832. Charles Henry, s. Lymus and Martha Jane, Jan. 27, 1842. Elwin Clayton, s. Richard and Sally, April 9, 1849. George Washington, s. Lymus and Martha Jane, Aug. 16, 1830. Lucy Jane, d. Richard and Phebe, Nov. 4, 1841. Mary Jane, d. Lymus and Martha Jane, Dec. 26, 1834. Nancy Ann, d. Lymus and Martha Jane, Feb. 12, 1837. , s. Limus and Martha Jane, March 20, 1844. , s. Richard and Phebe, Nov. 2, 1845. Stillborn. , d. Limus and Martha J., Jan. 4, 1846. Stillborn. , d. Limus and Martha, April 23, 1848. , s. Richard, Sept. 7, 1837. p.r. LEWIS, , s. Samuel, Dec. 14, 1781. , s. William and Abby L., Jan. 17, 1848. LION (see Lyon), , d. Ruth, April 18, 18 15. p.r. LOVELL (see Lovewell), Asa, s. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1807. [Stillborn.] Isaac, s. Joseph and Sarah, July 18, 1803. Jesse, s. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1798. Joseph, s. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1800. Leonard, s. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 20, 1808. Rebecca, d. Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 4, 181 1. Tryphena, d. Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 19, 1805 [1804, p.r.]. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 65 LOVEWELL (see Lovell), Amasa, s. Isaac and Eliza, bap. July 7, 1839. C.R.2. Arabella P., [w. Leander?], Dec. 15, 1838. g.s.6. Betsey Comee, Dec. 9, 1802. G.s.5. Christiana, d. Jesse and Betsey, July 22, 1837. David Nelson, s. Jesse and Betsey, Jan. 17, 1830. Jerusha, d. Joseph and Jerusha, July 17, 1823. Jesse, Sept. 28, 1797. G.s.5. John, s. Joseph and Jerusha, Oct. i, 1826. Leander, s. Jesse and Betsey, June 14, 1832. Leonard, s. and Sally, bap. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.2. Lucy d. Isaac and Eliza, bap. July 7, 1839. c.R.2. Lura Ann, d. Isaac and Eliza, bap. July 7, 1839. c.R.2. Martha, d. Joseph and Jerusha, May. 6, 182 1. Nahum Keys, s. Jesse and Betsey, Nov. 6, 1827. Rebeccah, d. Joseph and Jerusha, Oct. 20, 1832. Rebekah, d. and Sally, bap. Nov. 21, 1819. C.R.2. Sarah, d. Jesse and Betsey, March 11, 1835. Sewel, s. Isaac and Eliza, bap. July 7, 1839. c.R.2. Triphena, d. and Sally, bap. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.2. Lyman Taft, s. Isaac and Elvia, bap. July 3, 1842. c.R.2. , s. Isaac, Oct. 32, 1826. p.r. LYMAN, Delia Ann Brown, d. Samuel J. and Sarah L., June 27, 1834. At Templeton. Edward Emerson, s. Samuel J. and Sarah L., Oct. 26, 1836. , d. Samuel J., Nov. 27, 1838. p.r. LYON (see Lion), Aaron, s. Asa and Attarah, Aug. 24 [26, p.r.], 1808. Amaible, d. Asa and Attarah, July 29, 1810. Amiable, d. Asa and Attarah, Sept. 12, 1813. Andrew, s. Aaron and EHzabeth, June 27, 1849. Asa, s. Bezeleel and Mary, Jan. 4, 1774. Asa, s. Asa and Attarah, Nov. 24, 1806. Atarah Grimes, w. Asa, March 19, 1776. G.s.2. Dana, s. Asa and Attarah, Jan. 11, 1801. Edward, s. Dana and Harriet, June 10, 1835. George A., s. Aaron and Elizabeth C, June 12, 1847. John, s. Dana and Harriet, Oct. 20, 1837. Joseph, s. Asa and Attarah, March 20, 1817. Louis, twin d. Bezeleel and Mary, April 24, 1780. Lucy, twin d. Bezeleel and Mary, April 24, 1780. Lucy, d. Asa and Attarah, July 28, 1823. Martha, d. Bezeleel and Mary, Feb. 29, 1776. Mary, d. Dana and Harriet, Feb. 11, 1840. 66 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Lyon, Pliny, s. Asa and Attarah, March lo, 1803. Ruth, d. Bezeleel, and Mary, April 5 [3, p.r.], 1778. Samuel, s. Bezeleel and Mary, Nov. 25, 1771. , d. Barzilla, Oct. 20, 1782. P.R. , d. Barzillia, June 8, 1785. P.R. , s. Betsey, Jan. 23, 1805. Stillborn, p.r. , s. Ruth, June 9, 181 1. p.r. , s. Ruthe, May 28, 1824. p.r. McCLANATHAN, Adaline, d. John and Katharine, Aug. 30, 1802. Alvin, s. John and Katharine, Aug. 19, 1804. Emely, d. Samuel and Kezia, May 19, 1807. Hariot, d. John and Phebe, Feb. 25, 1788. John, s. John and Phebe, May 5, 1794. Probably same as following. Johnne, s. John and Phebe, April 15, 1784. Juliana, d. John and Katharine, April 13, 1801. Katharine, d. John and Katharine, May 8, 181 1. Lucy, d. John and Phebe, March 8, 1790. Patte, d. John and Phebe, Dec. i, 1785. Rufus, s. John and Phebe, April 9, 1796. Sophia, d. John and Phebe, April 5, 1792. Trobridge, s. John and Katharine, Dec. 8, 1806. Whiting, s. John and Katharine, March 21, 1809. William, s. John and Phebe, April 28, i78[2?]. , s. Thomas, July 14, 1786. p.r. , d. Thomas, Nov. 8, 1788. P.R. , s. Thomas, Oct. 7, 1790. p.r. — , d. Thomas, June 13, 1792. p.r. , d. Thomas, May 19, 1794. P.R. — , s. Thomas, April 21, 1796. p.r. , s. Thomas, June 19, 1799. P.R. , d. Thomas, Feb. 14, 1801. p.r. McFARLAND, Achsah Woods, w. Elijah, Dec. 23, 1802. G.s.3. Daniel Woods, s. Elijah and Achsah, March 27 [17, p.r.], 1834. Elijah, Oct. 5, 1800. G.s.3. Elijah Walter, s. Elijah and Achsah, March 27, 1825. At Upton. Jemima Achsah, d. Elijah and Achsah, Oct. 7, 1842. John Leonard, s. Elijah and Achsah, Dec. 7, 1830. Joseph Edwin, s. Elijah and Achsah, Feb. 19, 1829. Julianna Victoria, d. Elijah and Achsah, July 13, 1840. Lucinda M. Fessenden, w. J. Leonard, Dec. 13, 1830. G.s.3. Mary Ann, d. Elijah and Achsah, Feb. 21, 1827. At Upton. Sarah Maria, d. Elijah and Achsah, Dec. 27, 1837. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 6/ MACLIN, , d. Robert D. and Susan, Oct. 30, 1849. MADDIN, Michael, s. Michael and Catharine, Aug. 27, 1849. MANN, Alzina, d. Artemas and Polly, March 14, 1828. Amos, s. Ebenezer and Molly, Feb. 10, 1786. Artemas, s. Ebenezer and Mary, July 27, 1792. Augusta Elivra, d. John, Nov. 22, 1806. Betsy, d. Ebenezer and Molly, Jan. 19, 1788. Candace AdaUne, d. John and Polly, Dec. i, 1804. Darius, s. Ebenezer and Mary, June 22, 1797. Ebenezer, twin s. Amos and Betsy, Sept. 6, 1812. Dup. Edmund, twin s. Amos and Betsy, Sept. 6, 1812. Dup. George, s. Ebenezer and Molly, May 12, 1790. George Earle, s. John and Narcissa, March 21, 1830. George Harrison, s. Artemas and Polly, June 12, 1817. Hattie A., w. Ebenezer, Oct. 21, 1826. G.s.3. Henry, s. Artemas and Polly, June 12, 1832. Issabelle, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Nov. 18, 1794. John, s. Ebenezer and Molly, Aug. 20, 1778. Joseph Knowlton, s. Artemas and Polly, Dec. 22, 1823. Lemuel, s. Ebenezer and Molly, Sept. 19, 1783. Loisa, d. John and Polly, March 3, 1809. Lucretia, d. Ebenezer and Mary, March 4, 1800. Lurinda, d. John and Polly, April 10, 181 1. Massena, s. John and Polly, Feb. 7, 1802. At Templeton. Otis Greenwood, s. Amos and Betsey, Sept. 26, 1814. Otis Greenwood, s. Amos and Betsey, Jan. i, 1816. Parmenas Anderson, s. John and Polly, Aug. 11, 1812. Rosanna, d. Artemas and Polly, March 12, 1820. Sareph, d. John and Polly, Sept. 27, 1803. Sophronia, d. John and Polly, June 27, 1814. , s. Amos, Dec. 22, 1817. p.r. , s. Artemas, July 24, 1834. p.r. MAREAN, Alice, d. Sumner and Sally, Oct. 10, 183 1. Asa, s. Timothy Parker and Allice, May 5, 1798. Asa, s. Asa and Lucy, May 12, 1829. Asa Jones, bap. Oct. 4, 1829. c.r. Augusta, d. Timothy Parker and Allice, , 18— [Bap. March 3, 1811. C.R.]. Augusta, d. Sumner and Sally, June 6, 1829. Catharine, d. William and Sibbel, Aug. 25, 1770. Charlotte, d. Joseph and Harriot, Nov. 19, 1811, Clara Sophia, d. Asa and Lucy, Oct. i, 1839. Clark Witt, s. Asa and Lucy, May 27, 1824. 68 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Marean, David Bennett, s. William and Susan, Aug. 5, 183 1. Dumont, s. William 2d and Cecilia, Sept. 10, 1836. Eliza, d. William Jr. and Betsy, Aug. 12, 1802. Elizabeth, d. William and Sibbel, Aug. 26, 1770. Elizabeth, d. Timothy Parker and Allice, , 18 — [Bap. May 18, 1817. c.R.]. Elmyra, d. Timothy Parker and Allice, June 28, 1804. Emma Rebecca, d. William H. and Mary, Dec. 8, 1848. Emmaly, d. William Jr. and Betsy, Dec. 12, 1804. George Gilbert, s. Moses and Nancy, Jan. 17, 1835. Hannah, d. William and Sibbil, Nov. 3, 1784. Hannah, d. William and Susan, Nov. 2, 1836. Henry, s. William and Susan, March 10, 1826. John, s. Asa and Lucy, July 8, 1836. Joseph, s. William and Sibbil, Jan. 6, 1788. Joseph Hobert, s. Moses and Nancy, June 22, 1837. Joseph Parker, s. Timothy Parker and Allice, , 18 — [April 14, 1815, P.R.]. Joseph Parker, s. Asa and Lucy, Sept. 21, 1831. Katy, d. William and Sibbil, Jan. i, 1775. Louisa, d. Joseph and Harriot, Sept. 8, 1809. Lucy, d. Joseph and Harriot, Sept. 28, 1807. Mary Elizabeth, d. Moses and Nancy, Jan. 3, 1845. Moses, s. Timothy Parker and Allice, June 14, 1802. Moses, s. Timothy Parker and Allice, , 18 — [Nov. 2, 1812, P.R.]. Orin Maynard, s. Sumner and Sally, Jan. 13, 1826. Rebeccah, d. William and Susan, Feb. 9, 1828. Salley, d. William and Sibbil, Oct. 20, 1778. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Asa and Lucy, Oct. 12, 1833. Sophia, d. Timothy Parker and Allice, Nov. 28, 1799. Stedman, s. Timothy Parker and Allice, , 18 — [Bap. March 3, 1811, c.R.]. Sumner, s. Timothy Parker and Allice, May 5 [10. P.R.], 1806. Susan Browning, w. William, Feb. 5, 1795. G.s.2. Susan Eliza, d. William and Susan, June 15, 1834. Sibbel, w. William Esq., Jan. 8, 1747. G.s.i. Timothy Parker, s. William and Sibbil, Feb. 17, 1773. William, s. William and Sibbil, July 20, 1780. William, s. William Jr. and Betsy, Jan. 30, 1801. William, s. Joseph and Harriot, March 28, 1814. William Henry, bap. Sept. 5, 1830. c.R. William Parker, s. Asa and Lucy, May 12, 1826. , d. Stedman, Sept. 19, 1833. p.r. , d. Asa, May 9, 1842. p.r. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 69 MARSH, Ephraim, s. Joseph and Polly, Feb. 5, 1800. Polly, d. Joseph and Polly, April 10, 1802. MARSHALL, Lucy, d. Abel Jr. and Parmella, Sept. 29, i8i[7]. William Davis, s. Abel Jr. and Parmelea, Feb. 12, 181-. , d. Mrs. Parmelea, Sept. 23, i8[29?]. , s. Abel Jr. June 2, 1820. p.r. , d. Abel, July 3, 1823. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Abel, July 22, 1824. p.r. MASON, Abigail, d. Ephraim and Polly, Nov. 10, 1818. Ann Maria, d. Ephraim and Polly, Sept. 12, 1826. Antoinette, d. Ephraim and Polly, March 23, 182 1. Ephraim, Aug. 7, 1780. G.s.3. Hannah, d. Ephraim and Polly, March 12, 1824. Harriet Newell, d. Silas and Prudence, April 21, 1826. Harrison, s. Ephraim and Polly, Oct. i, 1813 [1814. G.s.3.]. Martha, d. Ephraim and Polly, April 29, 1816. Narcissia, d. Ephraim and Polly, June 6, 1830. Polly Bennett, w. Ephraim, Jan. 26, 1789. G.s.3. , d. Ephraim, Dec. 10, 181 1. Stillborn, p.r. MATTHEWS, Asa, s. Paul and Sarah, May 25, 1793. Joel, s. Paul and Sarah, March 23, 1789. John', s. Paul and Sarah, April 9, 1791. Susanna, d. Paul and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1787. MAYNARD, Alice, d. Samuel J. and Mary, May 28, 1848. Anna Victoria, d. Samuel and Mary, Jan. 13, 1840 [1839. p.r.]. Ellen Rebekah, d. Samuel and Mary, Feb. 15, 1834. In Boston. Frederick, s. Samuel J. and Mary, Dec. 18, 1846. George S., s. Samuel and Mary, Dec. 18, 1842. John Carter, s. Samuel and Mary, Dec. 3, 1836. In Boston. Margaret Delia, d. Samuel and Mary, Oct. 22, 1844. Mary Melvina, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 26, 1838 [1837. p.r.]. Samuel Edward, s. Samuel and Mary, Feb. 7, 1841. , d. Reuben, May 20, 1794. p.r. ■ , d. Reuben, Feb. 29, 1796. p.r. MEAD, Asa, twin s. John and Bulah, Dec. 29, 1778. Billy, s. John and Bulah, Feb. 14, 1781. Bulah, d. John and Bulah, Aug. 23, 1776. John, s. John and Bulah, June 30, 1773. Matthias, s. John and Bulah, Feb. 25, 1772. Policy, twin d. John and Bulah, Dec. 29, 1778. Releaf, d. John and Bulah, Jan. 10, 1775. 70 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Mead, , s. Israel, Sept. 21, 1779. p.r. , s. Levi, Nov. 30, 1779. P.R. MERIAM (see Merriam), Azuba, d. David and Martha, June 18, 1772. David, twin s. David and Martha, Dec. 31, 1787. Lydia, d. David and Martha, Nov. 20, 1770. Molly, d. David and Martha, Feb. 5, 1779. Patte, d. David and Martha, May 23, 1783. Sally, twin d. David and Martha, Dec. 31, 1787. MERRIAM (see Meriam), Edward, s. Asa and Sally, March 8, 1839. At Princeton. Emely, d. Asa and Sally, May 4, 1848. Newall, s. Asa and Sally, Feb. 28, 1841. [Sarah], d. Asa and Sally, Dec. 2, 1846. Willard, s. Asa and Sally, Aug. 8, 1842. MERRICK (see Mirick), Charles Valentine, s. Edward and Fanny, Sept. 21, 1844. Edward Walace, s. Edward and Fanny, May 22, 1843. Dup. MERRITT, Almeda, d. Warren L. and Adaline Augusta, March 27, 1835. Ellen Amelia, d. Warren L. and Adaline Augusta, March 22, 1837- , d. Warren, April 4, 1839. p.r. METCALF, Alfred, s. Asa and Mehetable, Jan. 2, 1777. Asa, s. Asa and Mehitable, April 16, 1772. Mehetable, d. Asa and Mehetable, Aug. 22, 1774. Silvanus, s. George and Joanna, June 28, 1773. , ch. George, May 19, 1777. Stillborn, p.r. MILES, George Henry, s. Levi and Mary Ann, July 2, 1826. At Lancaster. Maria Bradford, d. Levi and Mary Ann, May 2, 1841. Mary Catharine, d. Levi and Mary Ann, March 19, 1837. Sophronia E., d. Levi and Mary Ann, Feb. 11, 1846. William Thomas, s. Levi and Mary Ann, Aug. 16, 1828. , s. Levi and Mary, Jan. 19, 1848. MILLER, Hezekiah, s. Phinehas Gleason and Sarah Draper, July 31, 1791. Sophia, d. Phinehas Gleason and Martha Draper, Feb. 18, 1790. , d. Addison and Fidelia, Aug. 6, 1846. , s. Joseph, May 19, 1781. p.r. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 7 I Miller, , d. Phinehas G., Feb. 18, 1789. p.r. , d. Phinehas Glezen, Aug. 9, 1793. p.r. , s. , Dec. 13, 1832. P.R. MINNS, Ann, d. Thomas and Mary, April 3, 1834. Ellen, d. Thomas and Mary, July 21, 1849. James, s. Thomas and Mary, Dec. 21, 1839. Jane, d. Thomas and Mary, Aug. 9, 1843. Dup. John, s. Thomas and Mary, Nov. i, 1841. Maria, d. Thomas and Mary, June 2, 1845. Thomas, s. Thomas and Mary, March 13, 1838. At Barre. , d. Thomas and Mary, July 26, 1847. MIRICK (see Merrick), EvaHne H. Clark, w. Wolton M., March 6, 1838. G.s.3. Polly, d. Paul and Dorcas, May 30, 1792. Polly, d. Capt. Sewall and Polly, March 27, 1832. Paul Moore, s. Sewal and Polly, bap. Aug. 11, 1816. c.R.2. Sewal Grififtn, s. Sewal and Polly, bap. Aug. 11, 1816, c.R.2. Walton M., Feb. 13, 1836. G.s.3. , ch. Sewell and Polly, May 18, 1819. G.s.i. MOOR (see Moore), Elen Elizabeth, d. Noah M. and Mary, Sept. 10, 1843. Dup. Frances Maria, d. Noah M. and Mary, March 5, 1831. At Templeton. Joseph Whitman, s. Noah M. and Mary, Feb. 18, 1841. Lucy, d. Noah M. and Mary, April 15, 1829. At Templeton, Mary Amanda, d. Noah M. and Mary, May 3, 1839 [1838. P.R.]. Micah, s. Noah M. and Mary, May 29, 1827. Rufus Dean, s. Noah M. and Mary, Aug. 22 [27, p.r.], 1833. Thomas Levi, s. Noah M. and Mary, Oct. 27, 1835. [William Chester], s, Noah M. and Mary, April 27, 1847. MOORE (see above), , d. and Frances, Sept. 16, 1849. , d. Jacob, Feb. 14, 1796. p.r. , s. Lucien, April 9, 1842. p.r. MORS, Pelle, d. John and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1769. MORSE, Alexander Frederick, s. Augustus and Lucinda, Sept. 18, 1839. Alice Almeda, d. Augustus and Lucinda, April 3, 1846. Alvina, d. Richard and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1828. Ama, d. William and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1803. Amos, s. Richard and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1832. 72 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Morse, Arabella, d. William and Louisa, Dec. i8, 183 1. Asa, s. Samuel and Esther, May 10, 1796. Augustus, s. William and Hannah (2d wife), Feb. 16, 1812. Clara Phelps, d. Augustus and Lucinda, May 18 [23, P.R.], 1844. [Clarence S.], s. Joel and Eliza, Aug. 24, 1846. Delia Felicia, d. Stillman and Sarah M., May 20, 1835. Dumont Augustus, s. Augustus and Lucinda, March 13, 1837. Edward Alexander, s. Stillman and Augusta, March 23, 1844. Edwin, s. Asa and Elizabeth, April 13, 1824. Eliza, d. William and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1800. Eliza, twin d. Augustus and Lucinda, April 30, 1848. Eliza B[rowning?], w. Joel, May 30, 1803. g.s.i. Elizabeth, d. Asa and EHzabeth, Feb. 27, 1828. Elizabeth Stearns, d. Horace and Harriet, Jan. 16, 1832. Esther, d. Asa and Elizabeth, March i [Feb. 28, p.r.J, 183 i. Franklin Goulding, s. Asa and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1834. Frederick Parker, s. Joel and Eliza, May 30, 1829. Gaylord Scott, s. William and Louisa, Sept. 18, 1843. Dup. George Homer, s. Augustus and Lucinda, June 15, 1835. Hannah, twin d. Augustus and Lucinda, April 30, 1848. Hannah, d. William and Hannah, June 27, 1796. Harriet Alice, d. Horace and Harriet, Dec. 25, 1833. Harriet C. Williams, w. Horace, April 29, 1809. G.s.3. Harriet Eliza, d. Joel and Eliza, Oct. 24, 1833. Harriot, d. William and Hannah, Aug. 9, 1792. Harriot, d. William and Hannah, July 13, 1795. Hellen Emerson, d. Horace and Harriet, Dec. i, 1844. Henry Stillman, s. Stillman and Augusta, Feb. 27, 1846. Horace, s. William and Hannah, June 8, 1805. James, s. Samuel and Esther, April 4, 1790. James Herbert, s. Augustus and Lucinda, Oct. 8, 1841. Joan[n]a, d. Richard and Hannah, Dec. 15, 1829. Joel, s. Samuel and Esther, July 28, 1798. John, s. Samuel and Esther, Nov. 14, 1791. John Browning, s. Joel and Eliza, Jan. 13, 1827. Joseph, s. Alpheus and Lydia, Feb. 27, 1777. Joseph, s. Alpheus and Lydia, Sept. 2, 1780. Josephene Augusta, d. Stillman and Augusta, July 29, 1848. Julia, d. Richard and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1825. Lavina, d. Asa and EHzabeth, Nov. 14, 1825. Levinah, d. Samuel and Esther, June 7, 1800. Louisa Adelade, d. Joel and Eliza, Nov. 3, 1836. Lucius Nelson, s. Joel and Eliza, May 8, 1838. Lucius Stillman, s. Stillman and Sarah M., July 25, 1826. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 73 Morse, Lucius Stillman, s. Stillman and Sarah M., Sept. 16, 1833. Lucretia, d. Samuel and Esther, April 20, 1803. Lucretia, d. Joel and Eliza, May 14, 1825. Lucy, d. John and Electa, Dec. 4, 1826. Lucy Adelade, d. Joel and Eliza, Sept. 16, 1840. Lydia, d. Alpheus and Lydia, May 23, 1783. Lyman, s. John and Electa, Nov. 27, 1830. Manus, s. Alpheus and Lydia, April 12, 1789. Mara, d. John and Electa, Aug. 22, 1823. Mary, d. Alpheus and Lydia, May 25, 1775. Mary Ann, d. Stillman and Sarah M., Oct. 5, 1827. Mary Ann Slocomb, d. Joel and EHza, Oct. 11, 1823. Mary Thomas, d. Alpheus and Lydia, Dec. 4, 1778. ^ Mirium, d. Alpheus and Lydia, Aug. 20, 1786. Nancy, d. Asa and Elizabeth, Jan. 31 [Feb. i, P.R.], 1836. Richard, s. Samuel and Esther, Nov. 12, 1793. Richardson, s. William and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1809. Russell, s. Samuel Jr. and Esther, July 12, 1786. Samuel, Sept. 30, 17 18. Samuel, s. Samuel and Esther, May 8, 1788. Samuel, s. William and Louisa, March 28, 1836. Sarah Miller, d. Stillman and Sarah M., March 22, 1829. Stillman, s. William and Hannah, Oct. 7, 1798. Susan, d. Asa and Elizabeth, April 13, 1833. Theodore, s. William and Louisa, Sept. 16, 1838. William, s. William and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1794. William Horace, s. Horace and Harriet, Dec. 12, 1841. William Lucien, s. William and Louisa, April 10, 1834. , s. John, Nov. II, 1795. P.R. , s. John, Jan. 29, 1820. Stillborn, p.r. , d. John, Nov. 23, 182 1. p.r. , d. Stillman, Oct. 17, 1822. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Stillman, July 24, 1823. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Stillman, Sept. 26, 1837. p.r. , d. Stillman, Oct. 29, 1839. p.r. , s. Stillman, June 30, 1841. p.r. , s. Joel, Sept. 17, 1842. P.R. MOSMAN, Lucinda, d. John W. and Mary E., Nov. 13, 1843. Dup. MOULTON, Gardner Warren, s. Capt. Sewall and Polly, March 20, 1827. Jane, d. Capt. Sewall and Polly, Jan. i, 1825. Julia, d. Capt. Sewall and Polly, July 9, 1835. 74 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. MouLTON, Martha Gibson, d. Capt. Sewall and Polly, July 9, 1833- Philena Newton, d. Capt. Sewall and Lurenza, March 12, 1841. Polly, d. Capt. Sewall and Polly, June 28, 1837. Sarah, d. Capt. Sewall and Polly, April 11, 1830. MUNDAL, James Franklin, s. Daniel and Phebe, bap. June 3, 182I. C.R.2. MUNDALL, , s. Daniel, April 2, 1823. p.r. MUNDELL, Aaron, s. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, March 10, 1816. Betsey, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, Jan. 6, 181 1. Daniel, May — , 1752. At Britport, Eng. Daniel, s. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, May 30, 1807. Daniel, s. Daniel 3d and Lois, March 23, 1840. Eliza Anna, d. George and Eliza R., Aug. 20, i8[35]. Hannah, d. Daniel 3d and Lois, March 7, 1837. Hannah Maria, d. George and Eliza R., June 26, i83[4]. Henry, s. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, Jan. 31, 1809. Isaac, s. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, April 26, 1819. Jarvis, s. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, March 15, 1806. Jarvis, s. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, March 16, 181 2, Lucinda, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, Dec. 11, 1817, Mary Ann, d. Daniel Jr., May i, 1830. » Phebe, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, Oct. 19, 1805. Phebe, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, April 13, 1814. Sophia, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, Aug. 6, 1802. Sophronia, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, May 7, 1824. , s. Daniel, March 25, 1826, p.r. MUNN, Hannah Ann, d. Hammon and Mary, Dec. 2, 1833. Merrill Hammon, s. Hammon and Mary, Oct. 10, 1843. At Templeton. Dup. Warner Amherst, s. Hammon and Mary, Sept. 16, 1838. MUNRO (see Munroe), , d. Timothy, Jan. 18, 1782. p.r. , s. Wid. , July 16, 1797. P.R. MUNROE (see above), Elijah Lyman, s. Charles and Mary, bap. July 14, 1839. C.R.2, MURDOCK, Baxter, s. Abial and Rebecca, Nov. 2, 1791. Charlotte, d. William and Sarah, May 3, 1840. Clara Elizabeth, d. Sumner and Charlotte, March 5, 1849. Charles, s. Sumner and Charlotte, Oct. 15, 1833. Charles Edward, s. Edward and Betsy, bap. July 2, 1843. c.r.2. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 75 MuRDOCK, Cloe, d. William and Sarah, bap. Oct. 6, 1844. C.R.2. Ebenezer, s. Capt. Robert Jr. and Sally, Sept. 27, 1808. Ebenezer, s. William and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1845. Ebenezer, s. William and Sarah, bap. Nov. 16, 1840. c.R.2. Edward, s. Edward and Sophia, Nov. 22, 1816. Elizabeth, d. William and Sarah, Feb. 9, 1847. Elisha, s. Capt. Robert Jr. and Sally, June 21, 1815. Elizabeth, d. Edward and Sophia, Feb. 18, 183 1. Ellen, d. Ebenezer and Betsey, June 3, 1836. Ephraim, s. Edward and Sophia, Nov. 17, 1818. Frinday, d. Edward and Sophia, April 10, 1815. George Elwin, s. Elisha and Nancy, Aug. 7, 1841. Hannah, d. Robert and Margaret, July 8, 1782. Harriet, d. William and Sarah, April 30, 1848. Henry, s. Sumner and Charlotte, May 26, 1839. Isaac, s. Edward and Sophia, May 10, 1826. Jane Elizabeth, d. Edward and Betsy, bap. May 23, 1841. c.R.2. Joseph Cheney, s. Capt. Robert Jr. and Sally, Nov. 30, 1812. Julia Ann, d. Joseph C. and Julia, Aug. 27, 1838 Leander Loramer, s. Joseph C. and Julia, July 5, 1841. Lucina, d. Edward and Sophia, Dec. 9, 1822. Lucinda, d. William and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1833. Lucius, s. Elisha and Nancy, Aug. 17 [28, P.R.], 1837. Lucretia, d. Joshua and Mindwell, April 4, 1790. Lucy Antoinette, d. Cyrus M. and Martha M., bap. Aug. 31, 1842. c.R.2. Mary, d. Capt. Robert Jr. and Sally, [Aug. 10, 1806, p.r.]. Mary, d. William and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1835. Prudence, d. Edward and Sophia, March 3, 1821. Sally, d. Capt. Robert Jr. and Sally, July 31, 1818. Sarah, d. Robert and Margaret, Nov. 14, 1779. Sarah, d. Edward and Sophia, Nov. 27, 1828. Sarah Augusta, d. Edward and Sophia, bap. April 6, 1828. C.R.2. Sophia Howard, d. Edward and Sophia, Nov. 5, 1812. Susan, d. William and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1838. Sumner, s. Capt. Robert Jr. and Sally, July 29, 1810. William, s. Captain Robert Jr. and Sally, Jan. 27, 1805. Willie Channing, s. Joseph C. and Julia, Aug. 3, 1849. , d. William and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1844. , s. Baxter, Oct. 6, 1815. P.R. , d. Baxter, Jan. 15, 1823. p.r. , d. Edward, Nov. 28, 1833. P.R. NELSON, , d. , March 19, 1833. 76 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. NEWTON, Abigail Dean, d. Daniel and Hannah, Sept. 20, 182J Abijah, s. Jonas and Tryphena, June 21, 1786. Amos, s. Joel and Nabby, Nov. 14, 1795. Andrew Jackson, s. Ithamer and Polly, April i, 1815. Anna, d. Nathan and Merriam, May 5, 1805. Asa, s. Timothy and Huldah, Jan. 26, 1779. Asa, s. Asa and Polly, April 14, 1805. Asa, s. Asa and Polly, Feb. 2, 1809. Caroline, d. Nathan and Eliza, Aug. 2, 1845. Charlottee, d. John Edwards and Sarah, June 12, 1790. Daniel How, s. James and Esther, June 22, 1827. Ebenezer, s. James and Esther, bap. April 12, 1835. c.r,2, Eli, s. Ithamer and Polly, June 3, 1808. Eli, s. Ithamer and Polly, Sept. 23, 1827. Eliza Ann, d. Nathan Jr. and Eliza, March 17 [19, P.R.], 1835. Elizabeth, d. Asa and Polly, June 30, 1801. George, s. Nathan Jr. and Ehza, Dec. 25, 1843. Dup. Hannah, d. Jonas and Tryphena, March 12, 1789. Hannah, d. Joel and Nabby, Oct. 12, 1798. Hannah Augusta, d. Nathan Jr. and Eliza, June 6, 1839. Hannah Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1822. Henry, s. John Edwards and Sarah, July 31, 1792. Huldah, d. Timothy and Huldah, July 2, 1774. Isaac, s. Ithamer and Polly, Dec. 28, 1820. Isaac, s. Isaac and Maria, Aug. 5, 1843. Dup. Ithamar, s. Timothy and Huldah, Oct. 24, 1781. Ithemer, twin s. Joel and Nabby, March 2, 1802. James, s. Ebenezer and Mary, July 21, 1801. James Hale, s. James and Esther, Jan. 13, 1832. Joel, s. Timothy and Huldy, Sept. 25, 1766, Joseph, s. Josiah and Phebe, Oct. 8, 1800. Joseph D., s. James and Esther, Dec. 9, 1828. Kezia, d. Ebenezer and Mary, July 3, 1799. Laura, d. James and Esther, Feb. 15, 1825, Lucy, d. Nathan and Miranda, May 9, 1827. Mary, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 2, 1804. Mary, d. Nathan and Merriam, Feb. 6, 1810. Mary Ann, d\ Daniel and Hannah, May 8, 183 1. Mary Jane, d. Nathan Jr. and Eliza, Dec. 18, 1836. Miranda, d. Nathan and Miranda, Sept. 16, 1822. Miriam Lyon, d. Nathan and Miranda, Sept. 12, 1824. Moses, s. James and Esther, bap. Jan. i (?), 1834. c.R.2. Nabby, d. Joel and Nabby, March 17, 1803. Nathan, s. Timothy and Huldah, June 21, 1776. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 77 Newton, Nathan, s. Nathan and Merriam, May 4, 1807. Otis, twin s. Joel and Nabby, March 2, 1802. Polly, d. John Edwards and Sally, May 18 [20, p.r.], 1794. Polly, d. Asa and Polly, Dec. 22, 1803. Sally, d. Asa and Polly, May 2, 1807. Sarah, d. Ithamer and Polly, June 5, 1818. Sarah, d. James and Esther, April 2, 1826. Sarah Maria, d. Isaac and Maria, Jan. 22, 1842. Sarah Paulina, d. Nathan Jr. and Eliza, Oct. 9, 1841. Silva, d. Josiah and Phebe, Dec. i, 1798. Sophia, d. Asa and Polly, Jan. 23, 1806. Sukey, d. Joel and Nabby, May 28, 1794. Susan, d. James and Esther, May 27, 1830. Susanna, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Jan. 25, 1803. Timothy, s. Timothy and Huldy, July 5, 1771. , s. Isaac and Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1846. , d. Josiah, June 10, 1797. p.r. , d. Asa, June 23, 1800. p.r. , s, Asa, May 11, 18 ii. p.r. NICHOLS (see Nickols), Albert, s. Moses and Lucy, Nov. 16 [11, P.R.], 1845. Alvin, s. John and Marcy, April 8, 1825. Betsey, d. John and Marcy, Dec. 6, 182 1. Caroline A., d. Samuel G. and Eliza, May 9, 1845. Jason Woodward, s. John and Marcy, Jan. 27, 1824. John, s. John and Marcy, Sept. 27, 1826. Jonathan Woodward, s. John and Mercy, bap. May 14, 1820. C.R.2. Joseph Clark, s. Samuel G. and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1839. Jonathan Woodward, s. John and Marcy, March 29, 1816. Mary Elizabeth, d. Samuel G. and EHzabeth, Oct. 18, 1841. Mercey Whitney, d. John and Marcy, Aug. 23, 1828. Moses, s. John and Marcy, Oct. i, 1817. Polly, d. Jonathan and Sarah, 22, 1785. Polly, d. John and Marcy, Dec. 31, 1812. Sally, d. Jonathan and Sarah, May 29, 1780. Sally, d. John and Marcy, Jan. 14, 1819. Samuel Gay, s. John and Marcy, Oct. 11, 181 1. Sewel, s. John and Marcy, Jan. 2, 1815. Susan, d. John and Marcy, April 29, 1830. Susan Elvira, d. Moses and Lucy, Sept. 16, 1843. Dup. , s. Sewell and Philena, Sept. 26, 1847. NICKOLS (see above), , d. Jonathan, Feb. 3, 1784. , s. Joshua, Oct. 27, 1793. P.R. 78 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. NIGHTENGAL, Jeremiah, s. William and Jamima, March 30' 1772. NIGHTINGAL, Aaron, s. William and Susanna, Nov. 27, 1788. Betsy, d. William and Susanna, May 16, 1791. Moses, s. William and Susanna, Nov. 4, 1796. Sally, d. William and Susanna, March 24, 1803. Susanna, d. William and Susanna, Dec. 22, 1794. Timothy Parker, s. William and Susanna, Feb. 20, 1799. William, s. William and Susanna, Nov. 4, 1792. and , twin d. and s. and Lidia, Feb. 16, 1796. P.R. NUGENT, John, h. Margarett G., April — , 1791. In Ireland. Margaret, w. John, June — , 1794. In Ireland. Margarett, d. John and Margarett G., Jan. 7, 1833. Susan, d. John and Margarett G., March 9, 183 1. OSGOOD, Samuel, s. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1803. OSMER [Hosmer?], Charles, s. Charles and , Oct. 7, 1849. OTIS, Mary EHzabeth, d. William and Mary, Jan. 4, 1839. , s. William, Nov. 5, 1842. p.r. PARKER, Aaron, s. Levi and Mary, Feb. 20, 1791. [Abel White], s. Daniel and Polly, Dec. 20, 1847. Alfred Russell, s. William J. and Lucinda, June 2, 1840. Aimer, s. Otis and Eunice, bap. Oct. 30, 1836. c.R.2. Amory, s. [?] Dana R. and Sally, bap. Nov. 13, 1831. c.R.2. Amos, s. Hollis and Lovice, Oct. 17, 1777. Amos, s. Daniel R. and Sally, Feb. 12, 1823. Daniel Webster, s. Daniel and Polly, Sept. 26, 1837. Daniel Webster, s. Daniel and Polly, June 13, 1841. Denison R., s. Daniel R. and Sally, Aug. 15, 1819. Elisabeth, d. Rev. Nehemiah and Mary, March i, 1768. Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Polly, May 9, 1845. Emery, s. Daniel R. and Sally, Aug. 2, 1828. Elvira, d. Daniel R. and Sally, Nov. 28 [26, P.R.], 181 1. Evelina, d. Otis and Eunice, bap. Aug. 11, 1833. c.R.2. George L., s. Daniel R. and Sally, June 12, 1830. Harriet Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Polly, bap. Nov. 30, 1845. C.R.2. Isaac, s. Daniel and Polly, Sept. 12, 1839. John, s. Levi and Mary, Aug. 7, 1795. John Williams, s. Daniel R. and Sally, March 5, 1810. Jonas, s. Daniel R. and Sally, Oct. 30, 18 13. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 79 Parker, Lucindia, d. Daniel R. and Sally, March 9, 1807. Lucy, d. Otis and Eunice, bap. July 3, 1831. c.R.2. Lucy, d. Daniel R. and Sally, Nov. 13, 1817, Lucy Augusta, d. Daniel and Polly, Oct. 30, 1843. Dup. Martha, d. Levi and Mary, Nov. 19, 1788. Martha M. [Maria, C.R.], d. Daniel R. and Sally, July 9, 1825, Mary, d. Rev. Nehemiah and Mary, July 4, 1766. Mary, d. Daniel R. and Sally, July 11, 1821. Mary, d. Daniel and Polly, Jan. 27, 1833. Mary Jennison, d. Hollis and Lovice, July 31, 1780. Melissa, d. Danieland Polly, Aug. 7, 1834. Otis, s. Otis and Mary, Aug. 16, 1806. Polly, d. Levi and Mary, March 14, 1793. Sally, d. Daniel R. and Sally, June 19 [7, P.R.], 1808. Samuel, s. Levi and Mary, March 3, 1787. Samuel Austin, s. Otis and Mary, Oct. 2, iSio. Sarah, d. Daniel and Polly, Oct. 15, 1835. Silas, s. Hollis and Lovice, Nov. 30, 1788. Silence, d. HoUis and Lovice, Sept. 11, 1786. Sophrona, d. Daniel R. and Sally, Nov. 25, 18 15. Stephen Sylvestre, s. William J. and Lucinda, Jan. 29, 1842. Susan, d. Daniel and Polly, Feb. 18, 183 1. Susan Elizabeth, d. Daniel R. and Sally, April 9, 1833. Thomas Hubbard, s. Rev. Nehemiah and Mary, May 8, 1770. [William J.], s. William J. and Lucinda, Sept. — , 1846. s. Hollis, Aug. 27, 1779. P.R. s. Hollis, Jan. 13, 1783. p.r. s. Hollis, Feb. 15, 1785. p.r. d. Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1794. P.R. s. T. Hubbard, Nov. 21, 1798. P.R. s. Joseph, Feb. 26, 1802. p.r. s. Otis, Oct. 18, 1812. Premature, p.r. s. Dana R., Feb. 12, 1823. p.r. s. William Jarvis, Oct. 7, 1838. p.r. PARKHURST (see Parkis),- Abigail Estabrook, d. Roland and Anna, May 9, 1811. Alexander Hamilton, s. Daniel Jr. and Ama, May 23, 1804. Ama Augusta, d. Alexander H. and Eunice, April 18, 1846. Amiable, d. Daniel Jr. and Ama, April 12, 1816. [Bap. July 7, 1816, c.R. See Parkis.] Arathusa, d. Daniel and Abigail, Feb. 7, 1786. . Arathusa, d. Daniel Jr. and Ama, Dec. 10, 1813. Cassius Moses, s. Alexander H. and Eunice, Oct. 5, 1848. Clara Paulina, d. Daniel Jr. and Ama, Jun[e] 28, 1809. 8o HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 'Parkhurst, Clara Swan, d. Alexander H. and Eunice, July 4, 1837. Daniel, s. Daniel and Abigail, Nov. 6, 1779. Daniel Estabrook, s. Alexander H. and Eunice, March 4, 1836. Eunice, w. A. H., April 10, 1809. g.s.2. Frederick Hamilton, s. Alexander H. and Eunice, Jan. 31, 1840. Harriet Black, d. Roland and Anna, Sept. 4, 1820. John Flavel, s. Daniel Jr. and Ama, July 28, 1818. -Lorenzo, s. Roland and Anna, May 23, 1815. "Lucretia Flag, d. Roland and Anna, Aug. 21, 18 13. Mary Anna, d. Roland and Anna, Sept. 21, 1816. Mary Stone, d. Alexander H. and Eunice, June 29, 1842. Roland, s. Daniel and Abigail, March 26, 1782. Roland, s. Daniel and Abigail, Sept. 21, 1788. Roland Augustus, s. Roland and Anna, Dec. 15, 1818. -Sarah Jane, d. Alexander H. and Eunice, March 23, 1832. -[Theodore A.], s. Alexander H. and Eunice, April 12, 1844. William, s. Daniel and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1784. William, s. A. H. and Eunice, July 3, 1830. G.s.2. William Stedman, s. Daniel Jr. and Ama, July 3, 1806. William Stedman, s. Daniel Jr. and Ama, May 23, 181 1. -PARKIS (see above), Amiable, d. Daniel and Amiable, bap. Oct. I, 1820. C.R.2. Daniel Estabrook, s. Daniel and Amiable, bap. May 19, 1820. C.R.2. , s. Daniel, Jan. 18, 1822. p.r. PARMENTER (see Parminter, Permenter), Eunice Rebecca, d. John and Rebekah D., Jan. 15, 1833. Harriet Elizabeth, d. John and Rebekah D., Feb. 28, 1831. Henrietta Mahalah, d. John and Rebekah D., Aug. 17 [28, p.r.], 1842. Horace A., s. John and Rebekah D., Aug. 15, 1823. John Crosby, s. John and Rebekah D., June 26, 1838. Persis Slocomb, d. John and Rebekah D., March 24, 1827, Sarah Sophia, d. John and Rebekah D., Dec. 15, 1840. PARMINTER (see above), Charles, s. Joseph and Rebeckah, Sept. 2, 1776. , d. John, Sept. 10, 1825. p.r. PARSONS, Elizabeth, w. Kendall, March 27, 1804. PARTRIDGE, Abijah, s. Reuben and Malissa, Jan. 3, 1826. George, s. Reuben and Malissa, Jan. 5, 1830. Hannah, d. Reuben and Malissa, Nov. 4, 1824. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 8 I Partridge, Sarah Melissa, d. Reuben and Melissa, Sept, 19, 1844. Simpson Clark, s. Reuben and Malissa, July 12 [10, P.R.], 1828. , s. Liberty, March 15, 1801. p.r. PECK, Chauncy, s. Ezra and Phebe, bap. Jan. 30, 1816. c.R.2. Miranda, d. Ezra and Phebe, bap. May 5, 181 1. c.R.2. — : , d. Ezra, May i, 1797. p.r. , s. Ezra, July i, 1799. P.R. , s. Ezra, June 4, 1801. p.r. , d. Ezra, May 28, 1804. p.r. , s. Ezra, Dec. 10, 1810. p.r. , s. Ezra, Aug. 19, 1814. p.r. , d. Milton, Feb. 23, 1824. p.r. , 3 sons Milton, Oct. 19, 1824. Stillborn, p.r. PEIRCE, Alfred Worthington, s. Levi and Mary Melissa, Jan. i, 1 84 1. At Lancaster. Ann Saphila, d. Haven and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1827. Asa, s. Moses and Anna, Sept. 13, 1800. Asa, s. Samuel and Priscillia Elvira, Jan. 2, 1841. Charlotte, d. Asa and Harriet, March 21, 1828. Eliza, d. Samuel and Priscillia Elvira, March 16, 1832. Ellen Maria, d. James H. and Eunice, Dec. 29, 1829. Elsey MeHssa, d. Asa and Harriet, Dec. 24, 184 1. Evi [Levi ?], s. Moses and Anna, Jan. 17, 1799. Hannah Amanda, d. Asa and Harriet, July 2, 1835, Harding, s. Haven and Hannah, March 13, 1825. Harriet, d. Asa and Harriet, April 21, 1833. Haven, s. Moses and Anna, Nov. 12, 1797 [1796, p.r.]. Henrietta, d. Levi and Mary Melissa, March 10, 183 1. Henrietta Madaline, d. Levi and Mary MeHssa, Nov, 4, 1833. Herschel Osburn, s. James H. and Eunice, March 31, 1834. James Hervey, s. Moses and Anna, Nov. 23, 1804. John, s. Moses and Anna, Feb. 15, 1795. Leander, s. Samuel and Priscillia Elvira, July 4, 1837. Levi, s. Haven and Hannah, April 15, 1823. Marshall, s. Haven and Hannah, March 3, 182 1. Mary, d. Haven and Hannah, Nov. 7, 18 19. Moses Dexter, s. Asa and Harriet, June 30, 1839. Oren, s. Asa and Harriet, Sept. 29, 1826. Patty, d. Moses and Anna, March 15, 1793. Peggy, d. Moses and Anna, Oct. 7, 1802. Selwin Adelbert, s. James H. and Eunice, May 10, 1836. Sylvander Olney, s. James H. and Eunice, Feb. i, 1832. At Princeton. 82 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Peirce, Theodore Handel, s. Levi and Mary Melissa, Aug. lo, 1832. Watson Irving, s. Asa and Harriet, May 31, 1830. Wessley Hervey, s. James H. and Eunice, April 2, 1841. , s. Moses H., Oct. 29, 1806. p.r. , d. Moses H., June 28, 1809. p.r. , d. Moses H., Nov. 29, 181 1. p.r. , ch. Moses H., June 26, 1816. Stillborn, p.r. PERMENTER (see Parmenter), , s. Levi, Nov. 12, 1793. P.R. , s. Levi, Nov. 16, 1795. P.R. PERRY, Emeline, d. Jehu and , March 22, 1824. Jehu, s. Jehu and , Feb. 21, 1827. Parker, s. Jehu and , March 17, 1820. Sumner, s. Jehu and , March 22, 1822. PETERS, , s. Adam, June 17, 1782. PHELPS, Aaron, s. Dexter and Lois, Oct. 26, 1820. Aaron, s. Moses and Deborah, Nov. [Oct. p.r.] 23, 1783. Albert, s. Aaron and Ama, Nov. 22, 181 1. Augustus Stillman, s. Aaron and Ama, Feb. 25, 1806, Benton, s. John and Polly, April 21, 1839. Dexter, s. Moses and Deborah, Dec. 8, 1792. Edward, s. Dexter and Lois, July 9, 1815. Eli, s. Dexter and Lois, April 30, 1824. Eliza, d. John and Polly, Feb. 21, 1836. George, s. John and Polly, Sept. 17, 1826. Harriot, d. Dexter and Lois, March 30, 181 7. Harriot, d. Dr. Moses Jr. and Clara, July 11, 1818. Harriot Deborah, d. Moses Jr. and Clara, Oct. 26, 1813. At Barre. g.s.i. John, s. Moses and Deborah, Aug. 21, 1790. John, s. Dr. Moses Jr. and Clara, April 7, 1824. John Browning, s. Moses Jr. and Clara, March 27, 181 1. g.s.i. Louisa Adalade, d. Dexter and Lois, Nov. 14, 1835. Mary d. Moses and Clara, bap. Aug. 22, 1818. c.r.2. Moses, s. Moses and Deborah, Feb. 13, 1786. Moses, s. Dr. Moses Jr. and Clara, Jan. 2, 1816. Polley, d. Dr. Moses and Deborah, March 26, 1779. Salley, d. Moses and Deborah, Oct. 8, 1781. Sewall, s. Moses and Deborah, April 3, 1788. Sewel, s. John and Polly, March 15, 1832. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 83 Phelps, Simon Bolivar, s. John and Polly, July 17, 1828. Susan Slocomb, d. Dexter and Lois, May 27, 1827. William Harrison, s. Dexter and Lois, Oct. 23, 18 13. , s. Dexter, June 30, 1819. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Dexter, April 5, 1823. p.r. , s. John, Sept. 17, 1825. p.r. PHILLIPS, David Everett, s. Joshua and Julia, July 26, 1842. Elizabeth, d. Joshua and Julia, March 3, 1833. George Whitfield, s. Joshua and Julia, July,4 [5, p.r.], 1836. Joshua, Nov. 28, 1802. G.s.2. Julia S., w. Joshua, April 4, 1808. G.s.2. Lefite, d. James and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1768. Martha, d. Joshua and Julia S., March 26, 1827, g.s.2. , s. and Isabel, July i, 181 1. p.r. , d. Joshua, Oct. 24, 1825. Stillborn, p.r. , s. George, Aug. 17, 1836. p.r. PILLSBURY, EHza King, d. Joshua P. and Mary, Jan. 9, 1837. Elvira Roberts, d. Joshua P. and Mary, June 17, 1842. PITCHER, John Witt, s. Samuel and Eunice, Dec. 4, 1800. At Freeport. Sophronia, d. Samuel and Eunice, Nov. 4, 1802. William, s. Samuel and Eunice, Jan. i, 1799. POLLARD, Alden, s. Capt. Joel Jr. and Ruth, Sept. 29, 1822. Alice, d. Capt. Joel Jr. and Ruth, Feb. 6, 1813. AlHce, d. Joel and Mary, Nov. 17, 1782. Anna, d. Joel and Hannah, March 26, 1799. Charles Augustus, s. Edmund A. and Maria, April 15, 1836. Charles Edward, s. David and Harriet, Dec. 7, 1845. David, s. Capt. Joel Jr. and Ruth, Sept. 2, 1810. David Nichols, s. Moses and Ann O., Nov. 24, 1846. Dorcas, d. Joel and Mary, Sept. 5, 177 1. Dorcas, d. Capt. Joel Jr. and Ruth, Feb. 27, 1818. George Warren, s. David and Harriet, bap. Sept. 2, 1849. C.R.2. Hannah, d. Joel and Hannah, April 5, 1795. Henry Gates, s. Edmund A. and Maria, Aug. 14, 1842. Herbert Lee daughter (sic) Moses and Ann, bap. July 6, 1845. C.R.2. Isaac, s. Joel and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1797. Joel, s. Joel and Mary, May 15, 1778. John, s. Joel and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1791. Lois Maria, d. Edmund A. and Maria, Jan. 23, 1838. Louis, d. Joel and Mary, Aug. 15, 1780. 84 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Pollard, Mary, d. Joel and Hannah, July 7, 1801. Mary Emily, d. Edmund A. and Maria, March 24, 1849. Molly, d. Joel and Mary, Jan. 9, 1774. Moses, s. Joel and Mary, Oct. 16, 1784. Moses, s. Samuel and Ruth, Sept. 8, 1815. Naomi Elizabeth, d. David and Harriet, Oct. 16, 1839. Persis, d. Joel and Mary, Sept. 12, 1786 [1787. p.r.]. Roxa Caroline, d. Edmund A. and Maria, Feb. 28, 1840. Ruth, d. Capt. Joel Jr. and Ruth, Jan. 13, 1827. Salley, d. Joel and Mary, Feb. 21, 1776. Tabitha, d. Joel and Hannah, May 27, 1793. , ch. Edmund A. and , Feb. 4, 1845. , d. David and Harriet, Dec. 19, 1847. , s. Joel Jr., Jan. 28, 1812. p.r. , d. Joel Jr., July 15, 1820. p.r. , s. Capt. Joel Jr., Jan. 29, 1825. p.r. , s. Capt. Joel, Aug. 20, 1829. p.r. POND, Aaron, s. Levi and Lucy, Nov. 28, 1791. Aaron Harrison, s. Aaron and Nancy, May 28, 1823. Abagail, d. Preston and Hannah, Dec, 18, 1809. [Abby], d. Hollis and Elizabeth, March 29, 1848. Ann Eliza, d. Hollis and Betsey, July 5, 1837. Arthusa, d. Preston and Hannah, Dec. 14, i8o[5]. Asa, s. Joseph and Margaret, Oct. 22, 1791. Benjamin Franklin, s. Aaron and Nancy, Aug. 11, 1820. Betsy, d. Levi and Lucy, Nov. 29, 1789. Caty, d. Joseph and Margaret, May 4, 1794. Charles Sumner, s. Preston and Hannah, Aug. 6, 1818. Charles Waite, s. Aaron and Nancy, Oct. 24, 1831. Charlotte, d. Joseph Jr. and Harriet, Dec. 23, 1827. Elbridge Gary, s. Benjamin F. and Jane H., Nov. 7, 1848. Ezra, s. and Lucinda Hoit, Nov. 23, 1795. Ezra Parker, s. Levi and Lucy, March 9, 181 1. Ezra Parker Jr., s. Ezra P. and Lucy, Oct. 2, 1842. Fredrick William, s. Ezra P. and Lucy, March 5, 1838. George Hollis, s. Hollis and Betsey, Sept. 4, 1844. George Sumner, s. Aaron and Nancy, July 20, 1834. Hannah, d. Preston and Hannah, March 18, 1807. Harriet, d. Roland and Mary, June 28, 182 1. Harrison, s. Aaron and Nancy, March 7, 181 5. Henry, s. Hollis and Betsey, April 13, 1839. Hollis, s. Aaron and Nancy, Oct. 25, 1812. Horace Gilbert, s. Joseph Jr. and Harriet, Sept. 23, 1826. James W., s. Ezra and Lydia, May 7, 182 1. In Francistown, N.H. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 85 Pond, Joseph, s. Joseph and Margaret, April 4, 1788. Joseph Emerson, s. Joseph Jr. and Harriet, Sept. 26, 183 1. Levi, s. Levi, March 19, 1796. Levi Forrester, s. Obadiah and Sarah, May 27, 1827. [Levi Merrill], s. Ezra P. and Lucy, Oct. 18, 1847. Levi Temple, s. Aaron and Nancy, Sept. 12, 1828. Lewis, s. Levi and Lucy, Aug. 19, 1785. Lewis Sumner, s. Lewis and Polly, March 8, 1809. Louisa, d. Aaron and Nancy, April 2, 1818. Louisa, d. Roland, Sept. 10, 1825. Lowel, s. Joseph Jr. and Harriet, Oct. 7, 1836. Lucetta, d. Lewis and Polly, April 20, 181 2. Lucius Willson, s. Obadiah and Sarah, April 20, 1826. Lucy, d. Levi and Lucy, Dec. 29, 1800. Lucy, d. Roland and Mary, July 4, 1827. Lucy Augusta, d. Obadiah and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1834. Lucy Avaline, d. Obadiah and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1828. Mary, d. Levi and Lucy, Jan. 7, 1807. Mercey Waite, d. Obadiah and Sarah, April 22, 1832. Moses Rice, s. Joseph Jr. and Harriet, Nov. 18, 1834 [1833, p.r.]. Nancy, d. Joseph and Margaret, Jan. 17, 1785. Nancy Elvira, d. Aaron and Nancy, March 5, 1826. Obadiah, s. Levi and Lucy, Nov. 16, 1793. Rachel, d. Levi and Lucy, June i, 1798. Reuben Steadman, s. Preston and Hannah, May 29, 1812. Rhoda, d. Levi and Lucy, Dec. 3, 1787. Roland, s. Joseph and Margaret, May 27, 1798. Roland, s. Joseph Jr. and Harriet, March 27, 1841. Sally, d. Levi and Lucy, Aug. 24, 1803. Sarah Jane, d. Obadiah and Sarah, June 14, 1830. Sewal, s. Preston and Hannah, bap. Dec. 29, 1822. C.R.2. Stillman, s. Preston and Hannah, Oct. 26, i8o[3]. Susan, d. Joseph Jr. and Harriet, June 27, 1829. Thomas Mozart, s. Ezra P. and Lucy, Sept. 10, 1839. William, s. Hollis and Betsey, Aug. 25, 1841. , s. Ezra, May 18, 1779. P.R. , d. Joseph, April 12, 1797. P.R. , s. Preston, Feb. 2, 1814. p.r. , d. Lewis, May 26, 1815. p.r. , s. Luis, Jan. 3, 1818. p.r. , d. Lewis, May 6, 182 1. p.r. , s. Preston, Sept. 28, 1822. p.r. , s. Ezra, June i, 1823. p.r. , d. Roland, Dec. 21, 1823. p.r. 86 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Pond, , d. Lewis, June lo, 1824. p.r. , s. Lewis, July 6, 1826. p.r. , d. Stillman, May 2, 1827. p.r. , d. Stillman, July 14, 1828. p.r. , d. Stillman, Sept. 6, 1835. p.r. , s. Aron, Nov. 20, 1837. Stillborn, p.r. , s. Parker, March 5, 1838. p.r. , s. Franklin, Nov. 7, 1848. p.r. POTTER, Louisa Wright, w. Bennett, Nov. 18, 181 1. G.s.3. , d. Abiather F., July 17, 1843. , d. Bennett, Oct. 24, 1820. p.r. POWERS, , s. , Oct. 16, 1833. P.R. PRENTICE, , s. Reuben, May 14, 1785. p.r. PRENTISS, Adaline, d. Capt. Henry Jr. and Adaline, July 30, 1836. Dorcas Clark, d. Capt. Henry Jr. and Adahne, Dec. 7, 1840. Emely, d. Henry and Elizabeth, March 23, 1824. George, s. Capt. Henry Jr. and Adaline, Jan. 31, 1832. Harriet Augusta, d. Capt. Henry Jr. and Adahne, March 31, 1834. Henrietta, d. Henry and Adaline, March 29, 1844. Henry, s. Henry and Adaline, Sept. 25, 1846. Lois Ehzabeth, d. Capt. Henry Jr. and Adaline, Aug. 30, 1830. Lucy Rebecah, d. Capt. Henry Jr. and Adahne, July 21, 1838. Mary Davis, d. Henry and Elizabeth, March 2, 1820. Sarah, d. Spencer and Sarah, Dec. i, 1846. Sarah Prince, d. Henry and Ehzabeth, April 24, 1822. William Spencer, s. Spencer and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1848, , s. Spencer and Sarah, June 5, 1845. Stillborn. PUTNAM, Mary A., d. Emery and Mary, Oct. 23, 1848. , s. Michael, Dec. 26, 1791. P.R. RAYMON, Henry Chase, s. Dea. Joseph and Linda, July 13, 1840. RAYMOND, , d. Willard, July 16, 1842. p.r. REED (see Reid), Celia Anne, d. Simon and Sophia, bap. Aug. 23, 1835. C.R.2. Charles Henry Francis, s. Maj. George W. and Lydia S., May 3, 1839. Charles Theodore, s. Simon and Sophia, March 7, 183 1. Eugene Ostinelli, s. Simon and Sophia, Deg. 23, 1840. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. ^J Reed, George, s. Micajah and Ruth, Feb. 7, 1807. George Frederick, s. Maj. George W. and Lydia S., Nov. 7, 1833. At Petersham. Henry Clay, s. Simon and Sophia, July 16, 1832. Joseph Brown, s. Maj. George W. and Lydia S., Nov. 12. 1843. Dup. Mary Louisa, d. Simon and Sophia, Nov. 8, 1842. Sarah Sophia, d. Simon and Sophia, Nov. 30, 1836. Simon Marshal, s. Simon and Sophia, Sept. 3, 1838. At Sterling. ZeHa Ann, d. Simon and Sophia, Aug. 15, 1834. At Princeton. , s. Simon and Sophia, April 26, 1844. , s. Simon and Sophia, July 31, 1846. , s. Simon and Sophia, Sept. 3, 1848. REID (see above), Joseph B., s. George W. and Lydia S., Dec. 31, 1847. RICE, Abel, s. Abel and Anna, bap. July 7, 181 1. c.r.2. Abel, s. Abel and Anna, Aug. 23, 1818. Adaline, d. William and Rebecca, Aug. 8, 18 11. Ama, d. Edward and Mary, Sept. 14, 1767. Ama, d. Moses and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1804. Amanda, d. William and Rebecca, Dec. 14, 1814. Amanda, d. William and Rebecca, Nov. 28, 182 1. Artemas Lee, s. Jonas and Grata, Jan. 13, 1822. Betcy, d. Edmund and Abigail, March 4, 1790. Betsy, d. Silas and Lucy, Nov. 11, 1773. Betsy, d. Moses and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1801. Charles, s. Moses and Hannah, June 26, 1802. Damaras, d. Abel and Anna, July 31, 1806. David, s. Ralph and Lavina, Dec. 10, 1818. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1784. Edmund, s. William and Rebecca, June 4 [July 13, p.r.], 1813. Elizabeth Selfridge, s. Jonas and Grata, July 11, 1818. Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Mary, July 8, 1765. Flavel, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1789. Francis, s. Ralph and Lovina, Aug. 11, 1824. George Washington, s. Ralph and Lovina, April 6, 183 1. Gersham, s. Ephraim and Mary, June 11, 1764. Hannah, d. Abel and Anna, July 7, 1810. Hannah, d. Ralph and Lovina, March 13, 1833. Harriet EHzabeth, d. Amos J. and Sally, Feb. 18, 1827. Isaac Newton, s. Ralph and Lovina, Aug. 12, 1835. James Smith, s. Moses and Hannah, Nov. 26 [Oct. 27, p.r.], 1806. Joel, s. Silas and Lucy, Jan. 23, 1775. SS HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Rice, Joel, s. Ralph and Lovina, Dec. 13, 1826. John Willard, s. Abel and Anna, bap. June 26, 1814. c.r.2. Jonas, s. Jonas and Grata, Nov. 29, 1823. Joseah, s. Edward and Mary, Feb. 8, 1759. Joseph, s. Nathan and Achsah, March 13, 1803. Dup. Joseph Willard, s. Ralph and Lovina, April 7, 1822. Lois, d. Ephraim and Mary, Sept. 30, 1769. Lucy, d. WiUiam and Rebecca, Oct. 23, 1818. Maria, d. Ralph and Lavina, March 7, 1820. Nathan, s. Edward and Mary, Dec. 19, 1765. Rachel, d. Edward and Mary, Aug. 9, 1761. Sally, d. Ebenezer and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1787. Samuel Newell, s. Ralph and Lovina, Jan. 7, 1829. Sophia, d. Edmund and Abigail, Jan. 23, 1785. Sophia, d. WiUiam and Rebecca, June 19, 1816. Sukey Howe, d. Ralph and Lavina, Jan. 3, 1816. Sussana, d. Edward and Mary, Aug. 2, 1763. William, s. Edmund and Abigail, May 17, 1787. William Patridge, s. Jonas and Grata, Jan. 11, 1820. , s. Joseph W. and Harriet, Feb. 15, 1849. , s. Edmund, Sept. 13, 1783. p.r. , s. Ebenezer, Oct. 21, 1792. p.r. , s. Willis of Barre, Dec. 4, 1816. P.R. , s. Daniel, Jan. 26, 1826. p.r. , d. Amos J., Oct. 29, 1829. P.R. , d. Charles, Jan. 16, 1834. p.r. RICH , d. Simon, Nov. 30, 1836. p.r. RICHARDSON, Amaransa, d. Silas and Lucy, Oct. 6, 1826. Joshua Whiton, s. Silas and Lucy, July 15, 1815. Mary French, d. Silas and Lucy, May 29, 1819. Nahum, s. Silas and Lucy, July i, 1824. Reuben, s. Silas and Lucy, Aug. 11, 1817. Silas Parker, s. Silas and Lucy, April 23 [25, p.r.], 1813. , s. Silas, Feb. 23, 1823. Stillborn, p.r. RIDER, , d. Isaah, June 10, 1826. p.r. , d. Asa, July 4, 1837. p.r. ROBINSON, Charles, s. Rev. Ebenezer and Eliza, Feb. 13, 1834. George, s. Rev. Ebenezer and Eliza, Oct. i, 1835. ROLPH, Anne, d. Solomon and Anne, Sept. 10, 1823. Cloe, d. Solomon and Anne, Jan. 6, 1827. Cynthia, d. Solomon and Anne, March 4, 1825. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. So RoLPH, Edson Augustine, s. Aaron and Emely, Jan. 23, 1843. Harriet, d. Solomon and Anne, Oct. 6, 183 1. Hezekiah, s. Solomon and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1778. John, s. Solomon and Sarah, May 23, 1776. Loisa, d. Solomon and Anne, Jan. 21, 1819. Lucy, d. Solomon and Anne, April 18, 1829. Mary, d. Solomon and Anne, May 27, 1817. Moses, s. Solomon and Sarah, April 30, 1787. Moses Walker, s. Solomon and Anne, April 14, 1822. Sally, d. Solomon and Sarah, April 17, 1784. Solomon, s. Solomon and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1781, Tryphosa, d. Solomon and Anne, Sept. 19, 1820. ROPER, , d. Samuel and Adaline, July 7, 1846. , s. Ephraim, Oct. 27, 1823. p.r. ROSIER, , s. Charles, Feb. 18, 1788. p.r. ROZER, , d. Charles, July 8, 1791. p.r. RUSSEL, , s. Thomas, Aug. 31, 1808. p.r. RUSSELL, Lucinda, d. Shubael and Sally, Jan. 28, i8o[8]. [Martha E.], d. Silas and Susan, Jan. 28, 1846. Silas, s. Shubael and Sally, Jan. 20, 1806 [Dec. 20, 1805, p.r.]. Susan Maria, d. Silas and Susan S. M., Nov. 8, 1843. Dup. , s. William, Aug. 19, 1792. p.r. , d. Thomas, Nov. 6, 1809. p.r. , d. John, Sept. 20, 1808. p.r. , d. John, Sept. 13, 1810. p.r. , d. Thomas Jr., July 7, 1812. p.r. , d. Daniel, Jan. 19, 1818. p.r. , s. Daniel, Sept. 16, 1821. p.r. , s. Daniel, July 21, 1824. p.r. RYAN, — , ch. Richard and -, ^ [1849 ?]. RYDER, Sophia W., w. Rev. Almanza, July 16, 1827. In Albany, N.Y. G.s.2. SARGEANT (see Sargent, Sarjant), Abigail, d. Thomas and Mary, bap. Oct. 6, 1816. c.R.2. Azubah, d. John and Persis, Jan. 22, 1787. Daniel, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, July 23, 1788. David Goodenow, s. Thomas and Mary, April 6, 181 2. Edmund, s. John and Persis, Jan. 11, 1794. Hezekiah Stone, s. Thomas and Mary, bap. June 4, 1815. c.R.2. 90 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Sargeant, Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, bap. Oct. 17, 1819. c.R.2. Patte, d. John and Persis, Sept. 6, 1791. Persis, d. John and Persis, Aug. 2, 1781. Persis Newton, d. Thomas and Mary, March 25, 1809. At Leicester. Roxa, d. Ebenezer and Phebe, Dec. 23, 1790. Russell, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, June 28, 1793. Sally Goodenow, d. Thomas and Mary, March 16, 1807. At Princeton. Tabitha, d. John and Persis, March 21, 1789. Thomas, s. John and Persis, Aug. 3, 1784. Thomas, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, Jan. 28, 1786. , s. Ebenezer, May 24, 1800. P.R. , s. John, May 29, 1807. p.r. SARGENT (see Sargeant, Sarjant), Asa, s, Asa and Molly, March 8, 1807. Betsy, d. Asa and Molly, Dec. 13, 1802. Charles Appleton, s. John and Molly, April 22, 181 2. Isaac, s. John Jr. and Huldah, Aug. 31, 1804. At Fitzwilliam. John, s. John Jr. and Huldah, Sept. 8, 1797. Mary, d. Ebenezer and Phebe, June 16, 1802. Mary Angelina, d. Francis F. and Susan, Feb. 26, 1840. Minerva Elizabeth, d. Francis F. and Susan, Dec. 4, 1842. Parker, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, April 7, 1796. Persis, d. Asa and Molly, March 24, 1809. Phebe, d. Ebenezer and Phebe, March 12, 1798. Polly, d. John and Persis, June 8, 1798. Polly, d. Asa and Molly, Jan. 30, 1805. ReHef, d. John Jr. and Huldah, Nov. 5, 1799. Sally, d. John and Persis, Jan. 10, 1796. Stillman, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, April 13, 1804. Sukey, d. John and Persis, May i, 1801. Thomas, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, Jan. 28, 1786. William, s. John Jr. and Huldah, May 31, 1802. William Harrison, s. Francis F. and Susan, May 9, 1841. , s. Daniel, Dec. i, 1821. p.r. , d. Daniel, May 4, 1824. p.r. , s. Capt. Daniel, Jan. 4, 1827. p.r. SARJANT (see above), Samuel, s. Samuel and Deborah, March 5, 1774. SAVAGE, Edward, s. Samuel K. and Chloe, Aug. 6, 1846. Herbert Leroy, s. Seth and Mary, May 2, 1848. Leonora Augusta, d. Samuel K. and Chloe, Feb. 9, 1849. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 91 Savage, Mary E., w. Seth, July 18, 1822. g.s.2. Seth, July 4, 1808. G.s.2. , s. Seth. Jr., Oct. 9, 1789. p.r. , s. Seth. Dec. 27, 1790. p.r. , d. Seth. Dec. 15, 1792. p.r. , s. Seth, May 15, 1795. p.r. SAWYER, Samuel Warren, s. Luke and Lois W., Sept. 18, 1848. SEARS, Charles Addison, s. Ashbael and , Nov. 7, 1836. Charlotte Slocomb, d. Ashbael and , Sept. 6, 1833. Eliphalet Stone, s. Ashbael and , Aug. 12, 1841. Mary Louisa, d. Ashbael and , Aug. 16, 1827. Lavina Adams, d. Ashbael and , Oct. 16, 1824. SELFRIDGE, Betsey Burns, d. Edward and Hannah, April 6, 1783. Edward Augustus, s. Edward and Hannah, May 17, 1784. Elisabeth, d. Edward and Hannah, June 17, 1789. Hannah, d. Edward and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1779. Lucy, d. Edward and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1776. Thomas Oliver, s. Edward and Hannah, Feb. 13, 1775. SEVERANCE, C. Oscar, s. George W. and Marietta, Sept. 13, 1845, SHATTUCK (see Shatuck), , s. Joseph, Jan. 20, 1786. P.R. , s. Joseph, Jan. 23, 1793. p.r. SHATUCK (see above), Abraham, s. Joseph and Abigal, Sept. 15, 1775- Joseph, s. Joseph and Abigal, May 5, 1773. SHERMAN, , d. Samuel, Dec. 24, 1790. p.r. , s. Samuel, April 11, 1794. P.R. SHERWOOD, Hamilton N., July 27, i8o8. At Brookville, Ontario. G.s.3. SIBLEY, Timothy, bap. June 23, 1833. c.r. SIMONDS (see Symonds), Adelia, d. Isaac and Phebe, Nov. 2 1, 1833. Charles, s. Isaac and Phebe, June 27, 1826. Charles Harrison, s. Isaac and Phebe, Oct. i, [1840]. Ezra, s. Ezra and Lois, March 23, 1807. Isaac Paker, s. Isaac and Phebe, May 23, i8i8. 92 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. SiMONDS, Louisa, d. Ezra and Lois, Nov. 28, 1808. Mary, d. Isaac and Phebe, Dec. 20, 1820. Samuel, s. Isaac and Pliebe, Oct. 2, 1822. At Princeton. Willard, s. Isaac and Phebe, Aug. 21, 1830. SLOCOMB, Asa, s. James and Sarah, April 27, 1793. At Templeton. Benjamin, s. Samuel and Merriam, Aug. 30, 1783. Bitias, d. Samuel and Merriam, July 28, 1779. Dolly, d. James and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1.800. Ella, s. [sic] Samuel and Merriam, May 18, 1785. Emmons, s. Samuel and Merriam, July 3, 1777. At Medway. Esther, d. Samuel and Merriam, July 5, 1773. At Wrentham, West Precinct. Esther, d. James and Sarah, July 23, 1798. Frederick, s. James and Sarah, April 6, 1789. James, s. James and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1784. At Templeton. Mary Ann, d. Peleg and Polly, Nov. 26, 1801. At Cambridge. Peleg, s. Samuel and Merriam, July 17, 1775. At Wrentham, West Precinct. Polly, d. James and Sarah, April 19, 1795. At Templeton. Rufus, s. James and Sarah, Feb. 26, 1791. Sally, d. James and Sarah, Nov. 16, 1786. Susan, d. Peleg and Polly, Sept. 9, 1808. At Boston. Susy, d. James and Sarah, April 22, 1796. William, s. Peleg and Polly, Sept. 21, 1797. SMITH, Alice, d. J. Warrin and Catharine, March 14, 1775. Almira, d. Joel and Hannah, June 28, 1806. Asa, s. Jonathan Warrin and Catharine, May 3, 1783. Asa, s. Joel and Hannah, Oct. 10, 1820. Betcy, d. Jonathan Warrin and Catharine, March 29, 1788. Catharine, d. Joel and Hannah, Oct. 9, 1826. Charles Austin, s. Emmons and Catharine, Dec. 18, 1836. At Petersham. Elmira, d. Joel and Hannah, bap. July 21, 1811. c.r.2. Emary, s. Joel and Hannah, Aug. 12, 1804. Emons, s. Joel and Hannah, April 15, 18 10. Ira, s. Jonathan Warrin and Catharine, Jan. 25, 1791. Ira, s. Joel and Hannah, Dec. 24, 1815. Joel, s. Jonathan Warrin and Catharine, March 21, 1777. John Tyler, s. Moses and Sarah Augusta, Jan. 11, 1842. Jonas, s. Joel and Hannah, Sept. 24, 1817. Kata, d. Jonathan Warrin and Catharine, Jan. 16, 1786. Levi, s. Joel and Hannah, June 8, 1824. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 93 Smith, Lucy, d. Jonathan Warrin and Catharine, March i, 1781. Lucy, d. Joel and Hannah, Dec. 27, 1813. Sopha, d. Jonathan Warren and Catharine, Dec. 30, 1778. - — — — , d. Nathan, Aug. 14, 1785. p.r. , d. Itharmer, Sept. 7, 1791. p.r. , s. George, June 15, 1808. p.r. , s. George, July 13, 1813. p.r. , d. Jason, Dec. 11, 182 1. p.r. , s. Emery, Jan. 12, 1827. p.r. , s. Wid. Moses, Nov. 21, 1836. p.r. SNELL, , s. Elisha, July 12, 1781. p.r. , s. Elisha, Sept. 28, 1783. p.r. , s. Elisha, Sept. 4, 1786. p.r. , d. Elisha, Oct. 15, 1788. p.r. , d. Elisha, May 16, 1791. P.R. , s. Elisha, Jan. 30, 1794. P.R. SOMERFORD, , s. Peter, July 29, 1838. p.r. SPRING, Betcey, d. Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 14, 1785. Caroline, d. Elisha and Catharine, Oct. 21, 1817. Catharine, d. Elisha and Catharine, May 4, 1815. At Rutland. Charles, s. Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 19, 1792. Charles, s. Charles and Betsy, Feb. 23, 1817. Dup. Elisha, s. Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1787. Ephraim, s. Samuel and Sarah, March 16, 1794. Harriet, d. Charles and Betsy, April 19, 1819. Horatio Nelson, s. Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1800. Jacob, s. Elisha and Catharine, June 16 [6, p.r.], 181 2. Lydia, d. John and Lydia, Aug. 11, 1791. Mary, d. Ephraim and Hanhah, May 6, 18 16. Nancy, d. Samuel and Sarah, April 19, 1789. Polly, d. Samuel and Sarah, , [179-]. Priscilla Rogers, d. Samuel and Phebe, Dec. 17, 1804. Sally, d. Charles and Betsy, Jan. 18, 1815. Sally Parker, d. Samuel and Phebe, Nov. i, 1808. Samuel, s. Samuel and Phebe, Nov. 19 [Sept. 19, P.R.], 1806. Sarah Parker, d. Charles and Betsy, Jan. 18, 1815. William Trask, s. Samuel and Phebe, Aug. 24 [23, P.R.], 18 10. , s. John, Jan. 17, 1794. p.r. , d. Samuel, July 16, 1796. p.r. , d. Elisha, July 29, 1813. p.r. , d. Ephraim, Sept. 30, 1820. p.r. , s. Elisha, June 18, 1821. p.r. , d. Elisha, May 12, 1825. p.r. 94 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. STODDARD, Lucy Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Lucy, Sept. 22, 1849. STONE, Adam Wheeler, s. Jotham and Sylva, Sept. 25, 1848. Albert, s. Samson and Dolly, Feb, 9, 182 1. [Albert M.], s. Milton and Harriet, Sept. 17, 1845. Alice, d. Samson and Lois, Feb. 4, 18 14. At Dorchester. Alvin, s. Samson and Dolly, Jan. 22, 1827. Andrew, s. Samson and Dolly, Jan. 22, 1818. Betsy, d. Jotham and Lucy, Dec. i, 1801. Chloe, d. Samson and Dolly, Aug. 3, 1825. Eliphalet, s. Nathan and , Jan. 11, 1772. EUphalet, s. Jotham and Lucy, March 24, 1805. At Dorchester. EHza Ann, d. Jotham and Sylva, March 13, 1838. Elmira, d. Samson and Lois, Nov. 10, 1811. At Dorchester. Eurana, d. Nathan and Freelove, April 7, 1774. Franklin J., s. Jotham and Sylva, July 11, 1844. Freelove, d. Nathan and Freelove, Oct. 28, 1786. Hannah, d. William and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1778. Hepzibah Augusta, d. Samson and Dolly, Jan. 24, 1832. Jeduthan, s. Nathan and Freelove, May 4, 1772 [1773 ?]. Joseph, s. Nathan and Freelove, July 21, 1789. Jotham, s. Nathan and Freelove, April 5, 1778. Lois, d. Jotham and Lucy, Nov. 19, 1809. Lois, d. Samson and Dolly, Aug. 13, 1819. Loisa, d. Samson and Lois, Jan. 23, 1808. Lucy, d. Jotham and Lucy, Aug, 30, 1807. At Dorchester. Lucy Freelove, d. Jotham and Sylva, Nov. 18, 1840. Lura, d. Samson and Dolly, March 31, 1829. Mary Amanda, d. Samson and Dolly, Sept. 10, 1823. Nathan, s. Nathan and Freelove, May 5, 1770. Patience, d. Nathan and Freelove, Feb. 24, 1776, Polly, d, Nathan and Freelove, Nov, 8, 1768. Rockwell, s. Samson and Lois, March 21, 1806. Ruth, d. Nathan and Freelove, July 6, 1780. Samson, s. Nathan and Freelove, Oct. 2, 1784. Samson Harrison, s. Samson and Lois, March 3, 1816. Samuel, s. Nathan and Freelove, Nov. 20, 1782. , s. Nathan Jr., Dec. 29, 1790. p.r. , s. Jeduthan, May 25, 1791. P.R. , s. Jeduthan, March 20, 1793. P.R. , d. Jeduthan, Aug. 2, 1795. P.R. , d. Freelove, Oct. 22, 1804. P.R. , d. Joseph, Feb. 10, 181 1. P.R. , d. Jotham, April 21, 1812. p.r. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 95 Stone, , s. Samuel, May 12, 1813. p.r. , s. Jotham and Sylva, Nov. 16, 1846. , s. Jotham, Sept. 25, 1848. p.r, STOW, Adelia, d. Reuben and Eunice H., June 18, 1838. Alfred, s. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M., Nov. 14, [4, p.r.], 1828. Charles Edwin, s. Reuben and Eunice, bap. Sept. 24, 1843. c.R.2. Charles Reed [Reid], s. William and Mehitable N., Nov. 14, 1843. Delia Ann, d. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M., May 7, 1840. Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah, Dec. 26, 1807. Ephraim, s. Ebenezer and Mary, May 2, 1797. Freeman, s. and Deborah Bellows, April 10, 1799. George William, s. William and Mehitable N., Aug. 5, 1839. Hannah, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah, Dec. 7, 1824. Harriet, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1819. John Murdock, s. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M., Sept. 7, 1824. Louisa C, w. Rev. J. M., Jan. 24, 1816. G.s.3. Lucy, d. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M., July 4, 1827. Maria Elizabeth, d. William and Mehitable N., Sept. 4, 1841. Mary, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1810. Mary d. Ephraim and Sally M., bap. May 5, 1839. c.R.2. Mary Adelid, d. Reuben and Eunice, bap. Sept. 24, 1843. c.R.2, Mary Amelia, d. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M., Nov. 4, 1838. Micajah Sumner, s. William and Mehitable, Nov. 14, 1843, Reuben, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1814, Roxa, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah, Jan. 17, 1822. Sarah, d. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M., July 31, 1831. Sumner, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah, Nov. 21, 1816, Sumner, s, William and Mahitable, Jan. 9, 1846. William, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah, Oct. 9, 18 12. SWALLOW, Martha Zebina, d. William A. and Azuba H., Aug. 14, 1849, SWAN, Catharine, d, Samuel and Clara, Aug. 6, 18 13. Clara, w. Samuel, June 12, 1791. Clara, d. Samuel and Clara, Feb. 28, 1815. Clara, d. Samuel and Clara, Oct. 30, 182 1. George, s. Samuel and Clara, June 8, 1826. James, s. Samuel and Clara, Jan, 31, 1825. Reuben, s. Samuel and Clara, July 8, 1819. Samuel, h. Clara, May 6, 1778. At Leicester. Samuel, s, Samuel and Clara, March 10, 181 7. SWEETSER, John Jennison, s. Abel and Almira, bap, July 16, 1837. C.R,2. 96 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. SYMONDS (see Simonds), , s. Isaac, July 23, 1792. TABER, Anne, d. Joseph and Cloe, June 13, 1804. Phillip, s. Joseph and Cloe, April 18, 1802. Prude, d. Joseph and Cloe, Feb. 22, 1800. TAME, Elijah, s. Joseph and Puah, April 28, 1789. Joseph, s. Joseph and Puah, April 11 [13, P.R.], 1786. Stephen, s. Joseph and Puah, Nov. 20, 1787. , d. Joseph, May 6, 1792. p.r. , d. Joseph, April 10, 1794. P.R. TAYLOR, Caroline Angelia, d. Lemuel F. and Cassandra, March i, 1841. J. Walter, May 22, 1826. In England. G.s.2. TEMPLE, Alice, d. Aaron and Lydia, Aug. 25, 1803. Harriet Rebeccah, d. Thomas and Nancy, Aug. 4, 1823. Levi Greenwood, s. Thomas and Nancy, Jan. 19, 1818. Lucy, d. Thomas and Nancy, Jan. 17, 1816. Nancy, d. Thomas and Nancy, Jan. 26, 1814. Nancy, d. Thomas and Nancy, Dec. 19, 1819. Roxa, d. Thomas and Nancy, Aug. 7, 1825. , d. Thomas, April 5, 1822. Stillborn, p.r. , s. Levi G. and Persis, Oct. 9, 1847. TENNEY, Aaron, s. Abel and Anna, May 7, 1792. Abel, s. Abel and Anna, April 28, 1800. Ann Judson, d. Stephen R. and Polly, May 19, 183 1. Anne, d. Abel and Anna, Dec. 28, 1781. Betty, d. Abel and Anne, July 28, 1786. Charles Francis, s. Stephen R. and Polly, Oct. 24, 1842. Tenne[y], Chloe, d. Abel and Anne, July 18, 1776. In North- borough. Daniel, s. Abel and Anna, Nov. 20, 1797. Daniel Webster, s. Stephen R. and Polly, July 20, 1833. David Tyler, s. Abel and Anna, April 11, 1794. George Albert, s. Stephen R. and Polly, Oct. 22, 1839. John, s. Abel and Anne, Feb. 28, 1780. Molly, d. Abel and Anne, March 2, 1778. Moses, s. Abel and Anna, May 30, 1790. Samuel, s. Abel and Anne, Sept. 16, 1784. Sarah Emeline, d. Stephen R. and Polly, Aug. 8 [6, p.r.], 1837. Stephen Rice, s. Abel and Anna, April 10, 1788. THOMPSON (see Thomson), Abel Gardner, s. Abel and Dolly, bap. Jan. 26, 1812. c.R.2. Albert Ira Mason, s. Ira and Sally, March 2, 1844. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 97 Thompson, Aron Quinzy, s. Abel and Dolly, bap. Jan. 26, 181 1. C.R.2. Henry Clark, s. John and Mary, July 6, 1845. Posthumous. Isaac Clark, s. John and Mary, June 16, 1838. John Adams, s. Abel and Dolly, bap. Jan. 26, 1812. c.R.2. John Charles, s. John and Mary, Oct. 27, 1839. Martha Ann, d. John and Mary, April 13, 1843. Mary Amanda, d. John and Mary, Sept. 16, 1836. Mary Jane, d. Sally, Dec. 14, 1832. Sewel Dexter, s. Abel and Dolly, bap. Jan. 26, 1812. c.R.2. Washington Irving, bap. Oct. 6, 1833. c.R. , s. Ira, March 28, 1827. p.r. , s. James and Mary, Jan. i, 1847. THOMSON (see Thompson), Anna, d. Samuel and Anna, Jan. 6, 1795- Caroline Emila, d. Abel and Dolly, April 23, 1813. Charles Spooner, s. Daniel and Julia, Jan. 16, 1833. Cynthia, d. Ira and Sally, April 14, 1825. Daniel s. James and Elizabeth, Dec. i, 1795. Daniel Moore, s. Daniel and Sophia, July i, 1826. Daniel Woods, s. Abel and Dolly, Oct. 5, 1807. Daniel W., s. Abel and Dolly, Aug. 4, 1826. EUzabeth, d. James and Elizabeth, April 5, 1769. At Holden. Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Sophia, April 5, 1820. Ellen, d. John A. and Emily, May 23, 1827. Francis, s. Samuel Jr. and Sally, Feb. 23, 1819. George, s. Daniel and Sophia, Dec. 25, 1821. Gilbert, s. Daniel and Julia, Dec. 16, 1837. Hannah, d. James and Elizabeth, April 17, 1778. Hannah, d. Samuel and Anna, May 19, 1800. Hannah, d. Samuel Jr. and Sally, Jan. 26, 1823. Harriat, d. and Polly Frost, Aug. 3, 181 7. Hugh, s. James and Elizabeth, April 2, 177 1. Ira, s. Samuel and Anna, Aug. 9, 1797. Ira Mason, s. Ira and Sally, March 2, 1844. James, s. James and Elizabeth, April 7, 1773. At Holden. James, s. Daniel and Sophia, April 15, 1825. Jenny, d. James and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1784. Jeremiah, s. James and EHzabeth, Jan. 12, 1776. Joel, s. James and EHzabeth, Oct. 5 [27, P.R.], 1787. Joel, s. James and Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 1789. John, s. James and Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1792. John, s. Samuel and Anna, April 29, 1807. John Phelps, s. Daniel and JuHa, Nov. 20, 1829. 98 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Thomson, Joseph, s. Daniel and Julia, Feb. 4, 1835. Julia Ann, d. Daniel and Julia, March 11, 1840. Lucy, d. Ira and Sally, Feb. 19, 1828. Lura, d. Ira and Sally, Oct. 13, 1830. Mary Adaline, d. Daniel and Julia, Sept. 10, 1842. Mary Newton, d. Samuel Jr. and Sally, March 31, 1826. Orin, s. Samuel Jr. and Sally, Oct. 24, 182 1. Polly, d. James and Elizabeth, April 27, 1780. Polly, d. Samuel and Anna, Aug. 2, 1802. Rebecca Maria, d. Samuel Jr. and Sally, Aug. 31, 1832. Sally, d. James and Elizabeth, June 9, 1782. Sally, d. Samuel and Anna, Jan. 10, 1805. Samuel, s. Samuel and Anna, March 16, 1793. Dup. Samuel Jones, s. Samuel Jr. and Sally, Aug. 16, 1828. Sarah Ann, d. Ira and Sally, March 31, 1833. Sarah Augusta, d. Samuel Jr. and Sally, March 16, 1817. Sewall Dexter, s. Abel and Dolly, Oct. 18, 1803. At Templeton. Sewall Dexter, s. Abel and Dolly, Dec. [Nov., p.r.], ii, 1809. Sidney Cook, s. Samuel Jr. and Sally, March 16, 1840. Silas Church, s. Samuel Jr. and Sally, July 9, 1835. Sophia, d. Daniel and Julia, Nov. 21, 1827. Dup. Stillman, s. Jeremiah and Lucy, May 29, 1805. Stillman, s. Jeremiah and Lucy, Sept. 7, 1806. Theolotia Elmina, d. Ira and Sally, June 3, 1836. William, s. Jeremiah and Lucy, Oct. 27, 1802. , d. Samuel, Jan. 6, 1795. P.R. , d. Hugh, April 6, 1795. P.R. ■ , d. Jenny, Sept. 21, 1804. P.R. , d. Jeremiah, Nov. 19, 1808. p.r. , d. Ira, July 14, 1823. p.r. , d. Ira, Aug. 31, 1839. p.r. TILTON, Albert Homer, s. Homer and Fanny, April 2, 1820. George Homer, s. Homer and Fanny, March 30, 1819. TOLMAN, Jeremiah, Dec. 18, 18 14. G.s.3. TOOKER, , s. Jacob and Hannah, Feb. 21, 1846. TUCKER, and , twin s. and d. Caleb, Feb. 9, 1802. P.R. , d. David, Sept. 7, 1834. p.r. , d. Col. Stephen, Sept. 16, 1834. p.r. TUPPER, , s. Samuel and , Aug. 19, 1847. , s. Samuel and , Jan. 2, 1849. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 99 TYLER, E. Frances L., d. Nathan and Elmira, Aug. 20, 1845. William Henry Frederick, s. Nathan and Almira, July 23, 1847. , s. Nathan and Almira, March 25, 1849. UNDERWOOD, Amos Oilman, s. Eber and Dinah, Nov. 29, 181 7. Asa, s. Timothy and Mary, June 29, 1796. Betty, d, Timothy and Lois, March 29, 1777. Caleb, s. Timothy and Mary, June 12, 180 1. Calvin, s. Eber and Dinah, Oct. 24, 1830. Caroline, d. Eber and Dinah, Aug. 10, 1832. Charles, s. Frost and Betsy, Oct. 16, 1820. Charles Goodspeed, s. Lt. Asa and Anna, Aug. 12, 1826. Dexter, s. Eber and Dinah, Oct. 18, 1820. Diodorus, s. Israel and Rhoda, July i [June 30, p.r.], 1798. Eber, s. Israel and Rhoda, July 23, 1791. At Princeton. Eliza, d. Israel and Rhoda, March 7, 1805. Ella Frances, d. George C. and Susan H., June 30, 1845. George Curtis, s. Eber and Dinah, April 15, 1819. Harriet, bap. June 5, 1831. c.r. Henry, s. Caleb and Eliza, Aug. 5, 1845. Horace, s. Caleb and Elizabeth, Nov. 16, 1828. Isaac, s. Timothy and Louis, April 6, 1755. Ira, s. Josiah and Betsey, Jan. 8, 1825. Israel, s. Eber and Dinah, June 19, 1826. John, s. Timothy and Mary, March 31, 1799. John, s. Josiah and Betsey, May i, 1836. Josiah, s. Israel and Rhoda, June 18, 1795. Lidia, d. Frost and Betsy, Oct. 7, 1818. Linda, d. Israel and Rhoda, March 17, 1803. Lorenzo, s. Josiah and Betsey, Nov. 12, 1822. Lucy, d. Israel and Rhoda, Oct. 15, 1796. Lucy, d. Caleb and Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1840. Lyman, s. Lt. Asa and Anna, Jan. 15, 1825. Mary, d. Caleb and Elizabeth, Sept. 27, 1830. Molly, d. Timothy and Louis, Nov. 25, 1772. Nancy, d. Israel and Rhoda, June 8, 1790. At Princeton. Rhoda, d. Israel and Rhoda, Feb. 10, 1800. Russel, s. Eber and Dinah, Aug. 20, 1823. Sally, d. Israel and Rhoda, Oct. 28, 1793. Sarah Maria, d. George C. and Susan H., March i, 1843, Sarah P., d. Josiah and Betsey, March 28, 1827. Timothy, s. Timothy and Louis, April 29, 1780. , ch. George C. and Susan H., June 27, 1847. , d. Timothy, March 3, 1795. Stillborn. P.R. , d. Frost, Feb. 27, 1823. p.r. lOO HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. UPHAM, Abagail Ward, d. Joel and Polly, Feb. 22, 1808. Allen, s. Nathaniel and Abigail, Nov. 22 [30, P.R.], 1781. Betsy, d. Joel and Polly, Nov. 17, 1814. Calvin, s. Nathaniel Jr. and Abigal, July 18, 1773. Catharine, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Abigail Oct. 8, 1771. Caty, d. Calvin and Hannah, March 28, 1800. Eliphalet, s. Calvin and Hannah, June 7, 1802. Hannah, d. Nathaniel and Abigail, July 25, 1784. Hannah, d. Joel and Polly, Nov. 14, 1803. James, s. Joel and Polly, July 17, 1801. Joel, s. Nathaniel Jr. and Abigal, Nov. 2, 1769. Josiah, s. Calvin and Hannah, June 13, 1797. Loiza, d. and Jenny Thomson, Sept. i, 1804. Lorena, twin d. Joel and Polly, Oct. 6, 1805. Lucretia, twin d. Joel and Polly, Oct. 6, 1805. Mary EUzabeth, d. James P. and Deborah, June 4, 1839. Moses, s. Nathaniel and Abigail, Sept. 16, 1786. Polly, d. Joel and Polly, Oct. 26, 1809. Ruth, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Abigal, Nov. 24, 1777. Ruth C, d. Calvin and Hannah, Sept. 7, 1815. Sumner, s. Joel and Polly, Jan. 11, 1812. Thatcher, s. Nathaniel and Abigail, Nov. 22, 1779. Willard, s. Nathaniel and Abigal, Dec. 18, 1775. , s. Nathaniel April 6, 1789. p.r. , d. James P., April 19, 1836. Stillborn, p.r. , d. James P., May 15, 1837. p.r. WAIGHT (see Wait, Waite), Aaron, s. Joseph Jr. and Clarissa, Nov. 8, 1818. Alice, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, July 22, 1799. Alvin, s. Joseph and Hepzibah, Nov. 12, 1801. Andrew Jackson, s. Samuel and Lois, Nov. 17, 18 14. Betsy, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, March 22, 1788. Clarissa, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, June 25, 1797. Clarrisa, d. Joseph Jr. and Clarissa, May i, 1817. Dolly, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, July i, 1784. Gillman, s. Joseph Jr. and Clarissa, May i, 183 1. Hepzibah, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, March 30, 1782. Joseph, s. Joseph and Hepzibah, May 12, 1794. Joseph, 3d s. Joseph Jr. and Clarissa, June 16, 1815. Lois Brigham, d. Samuel and Lois, Jan. 18, 1818. Louis, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, March 12, 1786. Lucretia, d. Joseph Jr. and Clarissa, Oct. 11, 1820. Luke, s. Joseph Jr. and Clarissa, Nov. 15, 1822. Mary, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, May 22, 1805. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. lOI Waight, Moses, s. Joseph and Hepzibah, May 28, 1780. At Molborough. Rockwell, s. Joseph Jr. and Clarissa, Oct. 7, 1826. Samuel, s. Joseph and Hepzibah, March 8, 1790. Samuel Dexter, s. Samuel and Lois, Dec. 22, 1815. Susannah, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, Nov. 26, 1791. , d. Moses, Feb. 7, 1805. Stillborn, p.r. WAIT, Ana, d. Nathaniel and Ana, Sept. 14, 1769. Betty, d. Nathaniel and Ana, July 7, 1767 [1768 ?]. and , twin s. Capt. , July 23, 1806. Still- born. P.R. WAITE (see Waight, Wait), Addison, s. Col. Moses and Phebe, Aug. 16, 1825. [Albert H.], s. Horace and Lucy, March 25, 1845. Amanda, d. Col. Moses and Phebe, Feb. 29, 18 16. Amos, name changed by Act of Legislature to Warren Cutler Waite, March 23, 1840. Benjamin FrankHn, s. Nathaniel Jr. and Mercy, Dec. 28, 1801. Carlo, s. Col. Moses and Phebe, July 6, 1822. Charles Wright, s. Jacob and Ruthy, Feb. 2, 1800. Clarendon, s. Alvin and Mary N., Dec. 12, 1830. Cloe Wright, d. Jacob and Ruthy, Nov. 17, 1804. Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Mercy, April 13, 1806. Elmina Augusta, d. Alvin and Mary N., Jan. 22, 1828. George, s. Horace and Lucy, Nov. 27, 1838. George Austin, s. Aaron and Persis, Feb. 23, 1846. George Sumner, s. Horace and Lucy, May 17, 1840. Hannah, d. Nathaniel and Anna, July 26, 1781. Hannah Elizabeth, d. James M. and Maria S., bap. July 5, 1840. C.R.2. Harriot, d. Jacob and Ruthy, Feb. 26, 1802. Harrison, s. Col. Moses and Phebe, Dec. 23, 1817. Horace, s. Col. Moses and Phebe, Oct. 5, 1809. Increase [Increase Sumner, c.r.], s. Col. Moses and Phebe, May I, 1820. Jacob, s. Nathaniel and Anne, March 27, 1775. James Alson, s. Col. Moses and Phebe, Dec. 7, 1807. James Madison, s. Jacob and Ruthy, Jan. 21, 181 1. John Gillman, s. Horace and Lucy, March 20, 1837. John Taylor Oilman, s. Col. Moses and Phebe, Jan. 29, 1812. Joseph Harrison, bap. June 21, 1829. c.r. [L. Anna], d. Aaron and Persis, April 17, 1847. Lucius Alvin, s. Alvin and Mary N., bap. May 23, 1833. c.r.2. I02 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Waite, Lucy FoUett, w. Horace, Sept. 12, 1811. G.s.3. Martha Washington, d. Jacob and Ruthy, April 30, 1813. Mary Sherman, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, bap. Oct. 28, 18 10. C.R.2. Moses, s. Col. Moses and Phebe, Feb. 24, 1814. Nancy, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Mercy, Sept. 29, 1793. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Anne, March 21, 1772. Patty, d. Jacob and Ruthy, Feb. 22, 1798. Sally, d. Nathaniel and Anna, March 6, 1777. Sally, grandaughter Nathaniel and Anna, bap. May 26, 181 1. C.R.2. Sally Smith, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Mercy, Oct. 30, 1803. Sarah Maria, d. James M. and Maria Sibbel, bap. Aug. 19, 1838. C.R.2. Thomas Jefferson, s. Jacob and Ruthy, Sept. 28, 1807. s. Alvin and Mary N., Oct. 7, 1826. -, s. Horace and Lucy, Dec. 4, 1846. -, s. Moses Jr. and Sophronia, March 30, 1847. -, s. Aaron and Persis, March 26, 1848. WARE, Aaron Wood, s. Otis and Sarah, bap. May 7, 1837. C.R.2. Alexis, s. Otis and Persis, bap. April 8, 1827. c.r.2. Azariah, s. (?) Otis and Persis, bap. Sept. 9, 1821. c.r.2. Leonard, s. Otis and Persis, bap. Nov. 13, 1825. c.r.2. Myra, d. Otis and Persis, bap. June 22, 1823. C.R.2. Otis, s. Otis and Persis, bap. Sept. 9, 182 1. c.R.2. Persis, d. Otis and Persis, bap. Sept. 9, 182 1. c.R.2. Sarah, d. Otis and Sarah, bap. Oct, 6 1833. c.r,2. WARREN (see Warrin), Abagail, d. Samuel and Mary Ann, Oct. [Nov., P.R.] 7, 1817. Albert, s. Ebenezer C. and Olive, Jan. 15, 1845. Allace Waite, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Hepsebeth, Feb. 27, 1814. Aron Grout, s. Luke and Mary, bap. July 19, 181 2. C.R.2. Augustus, s. Samuel and Polly, June 28, 1837. Betsey Davis, d. Nathan and Betsey, Feb. 17, 1836. Calvin, s. Samuel and Polly, May 21, 1835. Chloe, d. Samuel and Mary Ann, Aug. 11, 1816. Dolly How, d. Nathan and Betsey, May 24, 1823. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, Jan. 21, 1781. Ebenezer Chapman, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Hepsebeth, June 19, 1812. Elijah, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, Aug. 7, 1800. Elmira Hepzibah, d. Ebenezer C. and Olive G., Jan. 31, 1842. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 1 03 Warren, Emily, d. Walter and Lucy, May 20, 1810 [181 1, p.r.], Gilman, s. Ebenezer C. and Olive G., Feb. 20, 1836. Horace, s. Ebenezer C. and Olive G., July 7, 1834. Horace Sumner, s. Ebenezer C. and Olive G., May 3, 1838. Hudson, s. Nathan and Betsey, May i, 1830. Increase, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, April 7, 1785. Jane Hester, d. Nathan and Betsey, May 29, 1820. Jane Hester, d. Nathan and Betsey, Aug. 20, i82[8]. John Gardner, s. Walter and Lucy, Feb. 11, 1812 [1813, p.r.]. Joseph Gardner, s. Ebenezer and Hepzibah, bap. June 4, 1820. C.R.2. Leander W., s. Nathan and Betsey, Sept. 11, 1825. Levi, s. Samuel and Polly, Oct. i, 1830. Louis, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Hepsebeth, March 7, 1818. Lucretia B., w. Levi, Jan. 6, 1830. g.s.2. Lucy, d. Luke and Sarah, June 18, 1799. Mary, d. Luke and Elizabeth, May 8, 1807. Mary Ann, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Hepsebeth, Jan. 23, i8o6. At New Marlborough. Mary Ann, d. Samuel and Polly, March 8, 1834. Nathan, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, Oct. 3, 1792. Oliver, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, May 7, 1797. Oliver, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Hepsebeth, July 27, 1809. At New Marlborough. Phebe, d. Ebenezer and Phebe, Jan. 25, 1783. Phebe, d. Samuel and Anna, bap. Aug. 16, 1829. c.R.2. Reuben, s. Samuel and Anna, bap. Oct. 30, 183 1. c.R.2. Reuben Phillips, s. Samuel and Anna, bap. Sept. 21, 1834. c.R.2. Roxa, d. Samuel and Polly, Aug. 11, 1827. Rufus, s. Samuel and Anna, bap. Aug. 16, 1829. c.R.2. Rufus, s. Samuel and Polly, March 15, 1832. Sally, d. Ebenezer and Phebe, Feb. 13, 1790. Sally, d. Luke and Sarah, June 29, 1803. Samuel, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, Feb, 19, 1795. Samuel, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Hepsebeth, Sept. 3, 1804. At New Marlborough. Sarah EHsabeth, d. Ebenezer C. and Olive G., Feb. 23, 1840. Sumner, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Hepsebeth, Feb. 16, 18 16. Walter, s. Nathan and Betsey, June 5, 1824. , d. Tireas, May 11, 1807. p.r. , s. Increase, July 13, 1808. p.r. , d. Increase, Nov. 26, 1810. p.r. , s. Trurese [Tireas?], April 13, 1815. p.r. , s. Samuel, Sept. 25, 1819. p.r. I04 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Warren, , s. Samuel, Aug. ii, 1820. p.r. d. Samuel, Dec. 13, 1821. p.r. d. Samuel, June 22, 1824. p.r. d. Ebenezer, Nov. 30, 1824. p.r. s. Nathan, Jan. 26, 1827. Stillborn, p.r. s. Samuel, May 17, 1827. p.r. s. Samuel, March 13, 1830. p.r. s. Samuel, June 15, 1831. P.R. s. Samuel, Oct. 3, 1833. p.r. s. Chapman, Feb. 20, 1836. p.r. s. Samuel, June 28, 1838. p.r. WARRIN (see above), Walter, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, May 28, 1787. WEED, , s. Henry, July 11, 1809. WELCH, John, s. and , Dec. 29, 1849. WHEELAR, Ede, d. Adam and Marcy, Oct. 17, 1766. Silas, s. Adam and Marcy, Jan. 26, 1763. WHEELER, Adam, s. Capt. Sewall and Betsey, June 21, 1821. Adolphus, s. Asa and Nancy, Nov. 20, 1797. Almira, d. Silas and Katharine, Feb. 6, 1806. Alvin, s. Daniel and Sally, Jan. 9, 1805. Asa, s. Adam and Mercy, Dec. 12, 1768. Dup. Asa, s. Asa and Nancy, Nov. 6, 1794. Asa 2d, s. Asa and Nancy, Dec. 9, 1810. Augustus, s. Asa and Nancy, Sept. 11, 1799. Betsy Woodward, d. James H. and Lucy, April 3, 181 1. Delia Ann, d. Augustus and Sophronia, bap. Sept. i, 1832. c.R.2. Edmund Rice, s. Asa and Nancy, Aug. 4, 1791. Elizabeth, d. Capt. Sewall and Betsey, Sept. 12, 1823. Harriot, d. Silas and Katherine, Sept. 7, 1803. Henry Merrick, s. Thomas Merrick and Emely, Nov. 9, 1834. Dup. Holly, s. Asa and Nancy, Jan. 2, 1793. Isaac Davis, s. Thomas Merrick and Emely, Aug. 12, 1841. James Harvey, s. Silas and Catharine, June 21, 1786. James Madison, s. Daniel and Sally, Aug. 16, 1808. James Sullivan, s. James H. and Lucy, June 13, 1815. Jennison, s. Capt. Sewall and Betsey, Sept. 7, 1819. Joel, s. Adam and Mercy, June 5, 1771. Julia, d. James H. and Lucy, May 24, 1817. Katy, d. Silas and Catherine, April 14, 1790. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. IO5 Wheeler, [Lizzie], d. Jennison and Mira, March 25, 1847. Louiza, d. Asa and Nancy, Oct. 26, 1805. Lucy, d. James H. and Lucy, March 14, 1813. Lyman, s. Silas Jr. and Susan, June 24, 1816. . Moses, s. James H. and Lucy, Feb. 14, 1825. Nancy Buttrick, d. Reuben and Sally, Nov. 13, 18 10. Oliver, s. Silas and Catharine, June 25, 1788. Otis Parker, s. Merrick and Emely, March 10, 1846, Pliny, s. Daniel and Sally, Nov. 2, 1802. Rhoda, d. Silas and Katharine, Feb. 8, 1797. Sarah Augusta, d. Reuben and Sally, Oct. 24, 1808. Sewall, s. Thomas Merrick and Emely, March 11, 1839. Sewell, s. Silas and Katharine, March 11, 1795. Silas, s. James H. and Lucy, April 12, 1820. Thadeus, s. Silas and Katharine, May 29, 1801. Thomas Merrick, s. Silas and Katharine, Jan. 24, 1808. William Augustus, s. Augustus and Sophronia, bap. Sept. 30, 1827. C.R.2. William Muzzy, s. Asa and Nancy, June 26, 1804. William Muzzy 2d, s. Asa and Nancy, May 12, 1807. , d. Adam and Roxa Temple, Oct. 22, 1847. , s. Adam, Jan. 19, 1780. p.r. , s. Silas, May 13, 1792. p.r. , s. Asa, Nov. 20, 1797. P.R. , d. James H., March 14, 1813. p.r. , s. Asa, Jan. 13, 1814. p.r. , d. Asa, June 3, 1815. p.r. , s. Oliver, Feb. 12, 1821. p.r. , s. Lucy, Oct. 24, 1829. Stillborn, p.r. , s. Adam, Dec. 2, 1849. Stillborn, p.r. WHEELOCK (see Whelock), Martin, s. Stephen and Lucretia, Sept. 13, 1792. Naby, d. Stephen and Lucretia, May 12, 1781. Saley, d. Stephen and Lucretia, Oct. i, 1778. Tabitha, d. Stephen and Lucretia, Sept. 21, 1787. Walter, s. Stephen and Lucretia, Dec. 8, 1783. , s. Stephen, Feb. 19, 1795. P.R. WHELOCK (see Wheelock), Emory, s. Stephen and Lucretia, Nov. 19, 1775. Lucretia, d. Stephen and Lucretia, April i, 1790. Martin, s. Stephen and Lucretia, Feb. 17, 1786. WHIPPLE, , s. David, April 26, 1795. P.R. , s. John, May 23, 1781. p.r. I 06 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Whipple, , d. John, April 19, 1783. p.r. , d. John, June 22, 1785. p.r. , s. Jonathan, March 19, 1779. P.R. , d. Jonathan, April 22, 1780. p.r. WHITCOMB, , d. Joseph, April 27, 1834. p.r. WHITE, , d. Benjamin, Jan. 2, 1830. p.r. , s. Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1831. p.r. WHITNEY, Alfred, s. Horace and Mary, Aug. 18, 1840. Catharine Damon, d. Horace and Mary, Feb. — , 1845. EHzabeth, d. Horace and Mary, March 11, 1838. Horace Webster, s. Horace and Mary, April 7, 1836. Mary, d. Horace and Mary, Dec. 20, 1834. William Henry, s. Horace and Mary, Oct. 29, 1842. , s. Luke and , Aug. 18, 1847. WHITTEMORE, Anne Woodward, d. Elisha and Betsey, Oct. 12, 1821. CaroHne Greenwood, d. Elisha and Betsey, June 3 [i, p.r.], 1829. Charity, d. Isaac and Anna, June 7, 1805. Charles Holden, s. Elisha and Betsey, Nov. 15, 1838. Elisha, s. Isaac and Anna, Jan. 7, 1797 [1798, p.r.]. Elisha Woodward, s. Elisha and Betsey, Oct. 23, 1831. Eliza, d. Elisha and Betsey, Sept. 19, 1823. Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Anna, May 12, 1802. Elmiry, d. Isaac and Anna, Aug. 20, 1800. Ezekiel Lysander, s. Isaac and Anna, Aug. 15, 1812. Frederick Hamilton, s. Ezekiel L. and Elizabeth, bap. Nov. 10, 1839. C.R.2. [Born July i. P.R.] Isaac, s. Isaac and Lucy, Feb. 23, 1824. Mary Lavina, d. Isaac and Lucy, Dec. 18, 1829. Sarah Warren, d. Elisha and Betsey, March 6, 1826. Syntha, d. Elisha and Betsey, Dec. 25, 1833. Waldo, s. Isaac and Mary S., July 23, 1849. William, s. Isaac and Anna, Sept. 22, 1809. At Fitzwilliam, N.H. William Harrison, s. Elisha and Betsey, June 4, 1836. WIGHT, Clarissa, d. Oliver and Rachel, April 26, 1794. WILBUR, George Browning, s. Williams and Rebecca, Jan, 13, 1820. Lois, d. Williams and Rebecca, Sept. 26, 1824. Lucy, d. Williams and Rebecca, March 16, 1822. Mary Rebecca, d. George B. and Hannah, March 4, 1846. Nancy, d. Williams and Rebecca, Oct. 28, 1816. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. IO7 Wilbur, Williams, s. Meshach and Nancy, Nov. 25, 1791. At Raynham. , s. George B., Feb. 21, 1849. Stillborn, p.r. WILDER, Henry A., Nov. 25, 1827. G.s.4. WILKINSON, Abby Maria, d. Daniel and Lucy, bap. June 23, 1844. C.R.2. Emily, d. Daniel and Lucy, bap. July 14, 1849. c.R.2. George, s. Daniel and Lucy, bap. July 5, 1835. c.R.2. Joanna, d. Daniel and Lucy, bap. July 6, 1845. c.R.2. Lucy Jane, d. Daniel and Lucy, bap. July 11, 1847. c.R.2. Mary, d. Daniel and Lucy, bap. Aug. 5, 1838. c.R.2. Sarah Abbott, d. Daniel and Lucy, bap. Oct. 17, 1841, c.R.2. WILLARD, Ephraim, twin s. Joshua and Phebe, June 20, i7[85]- Salem, s. Joshua and Phebe, Aug. 4, i7[87]. Simon, twin s. Joshua and Phebe, June 20, i7[85]. WILLIAMS, Albert, s. Luke Jr. and Betsy, Sept. 9, 182 1. Alfred, s. Harry and Keziah, May 21, 1824. Alice Stearns, w. Parley, March 25, 1784. G.s.4. Anna, d. Jude and Dorothy, Nov. 9, 1783. At Holden. Ann Maria, d. Luke Jr. and Betsy, Oct. 4, 1828. Angeline Lewis, d. Bela and Mary, Sept. 23, 1830. Anson, s. Bela and Mary, June 26, 1828. Avalina, d. George and Susan, April 5, 1827. Bela, s. Jude and Dorothy, April 22, 1787. At Holden. Carolina Amelia, d. George and Susan, Feb. 8, 1823 [1822. p.r.]. Christopher Larkin, s. George and Susan, Oct. i, 1818. Christopher Larkin, s. George Jr. and Mary H., March 15, 1849. Da\'id, s. Jude and Dorothy, Dec. 8 [18, p.r.], 1808. Dolly, d. Jude and Dorothy, Sept. 14, 1792. Edward, s. Jude and Dorothy, , 179-. Elizabeth Stone, d. Luke Jr. and Betsy, Oct. 15, 1817. Fidelia, d. Bela and Mary, Nov. 9, 1825. George, s. John and Sarah, May 29, 1791. George, s. George and Susan, Aug. 19, 1816. Georgianah, d. Luke Jr. and Betsy, Dec, 7, 1839. Harriet, d. Luke Jr. and Betsy, Jan. 31, 1835. Harriot Elisabeth, d. Parley and Alice, April 29, 1809. At Petersham. Harry, Sept. 9, 1796. g.s.i. Helen Carohna, d. George Jr. and Mary S., May 8, 1841. Henry, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 9 [7, p.r.], 1796. I08 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Williams, John, s. John and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1784. John Merrill, d. Luke Jr. and Betsy, Sept. i, 1819. Keziah Newton, w. Harry, July 3, 1799. G.s.i. Lovell Parker, s. Bela and Mary, Nov. 29, 1818. Luke, s. John and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1794. Luke, s. Luke Jr. and Betsy, Feb. 18, 1833. Maria, d. Jude and Dorothy, Jan. 9, 1800 [Dec. 16, 1799, p.R.]. Martha, d. Parley and Alice, April 12, 1818. Mary, d. Jude and Dorothy, , 179-. Mary How, d. Harry and Keziah, June 4, 1829. Mary Maria, d. Bela and Mary, April 2, 1817. Moses, s. Bela and Mary, May 23, 1823. Nathan Estabrook, s. Luke and Betsy, bap. March 30, 1828. c.R.2. Nathan Stone, s. Luke Jr. and Betsy, Oct. 18, 1823. Calista Heald, d. George Jr. and Mary S., June 19, 1843. Dup. Parley, s. John and Sarah, March 7, 1786. Parley, s. Harry and Keziah, Dec. 31, 1831, Sally, d. John and Sarah, June 6, 1788. Salome, d. Bela and Mary, March 9, 182 1. Sarah Davis, d. Harry and Keziah, July 26, 1826. Sarah Jane, d. Luke Jr. and Betsy, Aug. 31, 1826. Susan Maria, d. George and Susan, Oct. 11, 183 1. William Austin, s. George and Susan, Aug. 29, 1820. , s. James, Nov. 15, 1811. Stillborn, p.r. , s. James, Nov. 21, 18 12. p.r. , s. Perley, Dec. 29, 1815, p.r. , s. Perly, June 18, 1823. Stillborn. P.R. , s. Perley, March 11, 1826. P.R. , ch. Bela, Oct. 18, 1832. Stillborn, p.r. WILSON, Abram H., Sept. 20, 181 1. G.s.3. Elizabeth S., w. Abram H., Oct. 22, 1813. G.s.3. WINCH, Achsa, d. James and Sarah, June 23, 1770. WINSLOW, , d. Zenus, Nov. 4, 1799. p.r. WINTER, Gatey, w. John, Aug. 4, 1834. G.s.4. WITHERBY, , d. Caleb, Nov. 20, 1796. p.r. WITT, Albert, s. Ivory and Eunice, Feb. 8, 1820. Albert Gallatin, s. Clark and Catharine, Feb. 20, 1815. Avaline, d. Clark and Catharine, May 8, 1813. Caroline, d. John and Hannah, Oct. 17, 18 19. Cecilia, d. Clark and Catharine, Dec. 28, 18 16. Clark, s. Ivory and Eunice, Aug. 9, 1826. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. 109 Witt, Elizabeth, d. Ivory and Eunice, June 2, 1830 [183 1, p.r.]. Eunice, d. John and Hannah, April 5, i82[2]. Everard, s. Daniel and Rebecca, July 13, 1848. Foster, s. Ivory and Eunice, Nov. 6, 1809. Hannah, d. Ivory and Eunice, Dec. 4, 1828. Jerusha, d. Ivory and Eunice, Aug. 31, 1824. John Chandler, s. John and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1814. John Chandler, s. Daniel and Rebecca, Oct. 12, 1844. Lorena, d. John and Hannah, Sept. 26, 1810. Nelson, s. Ivory and Eunice, Aug. 21, 1817. Sally, d. Ivory and Eunice, Sept. 12, 181 1. Stillman, s. John and Hannah, Jan. 4, i8o[8]. Urania, d. Ivory and Eunice, June 7, 1822. , s. Nelson and Betsey, Dec. 12, 1849. , d. Daniel, Jan. 30, 1793. P.R. , s. Eunice, Sept. 20, 1794. p.r. , s. Alpheus, Jan. 17, 181 2. p.r. WOODS, Achsah, d. Edward and Jemima, Jan. 23, 1801 [1802, P.R.]. Anne, d. John and Zeruiah, Jan. 7, 1772. Daniel, s. Edward and Jemima, Jan. 22, 1796. Dorothy, d. John and Zeruiah, Oct. 4, 1774. Edwin Henry, s. Edwin and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1835. James, s. John and Zeruiah, April 10, 1781. John, s. Edward and Jemima, Dec. 3, 1797. Leonard, s. Edward and Jemima, Aug. 15, 1799. Mary, d. wid. Jemima, Jan. 29, 18 14. Sidney, s. Edward and Jemima, Jan. 10, 1804. William Addison, s. Edwin and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1838. , s. John, Oct. 30, 1778. P.R. , d. Edward, Jan. 23, 1802. p.r. WOODWARD, Aaron Gates, s. David and Sarah, July i, 1817. Achsah, d. Elisha and Anna, Sept. 14, 1790. Adalade, d. Roland and Rachael, July 14, 1833. Adaline, d. David and Sarah, April 22, 1806. Adelphia, d. Elisha and Mary, March 12, 1829. Althine, d. Roland and Rachael, Oct. 17, 1824. Althine, d. Roland and Rachael, Oct. 3, 1825. Anna, d. Elisha and Anna, May 3, 1778. Anne, d. Elisha and Anna, June 19, 1774. Artemas, s. Philemon and Mercy, July 27, 1790. Asa, s. Daniel and Keziah, April 15, 1798. Betsey, d. Daniel and Keziah, Jan. 15, 1785. IIO HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Woodward, Catharine, d. Roland and Rachael, Sept. i6, 182 1. Caty, d. Daniel and Keziah, Nov. 18, 1791. Charlotte, d. Daniel and Keziah, Sept. 19, 1793. Daniel, s. Daniel and Keziah, Oct. 3, 1802. Daniel Henry, s. Daniel Jr. and Anna, Feb. 27, 1845. David, twin s. Philemon and Mercy, May 17, 1779. David R., s. David and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1820. In Boston. Elisha, s. Elisha and Anna, Sept. 15, 1783. Elisha, s. Daniel and Keziah, Oct. 2, 1795. Eliza Ann, d. John F. and Betsey, March 13, 1807. Eliza, d. John F. and Rusha, May 18, 1848. Elizabeth, d. Roland and Rachael, June 28, 1831. Gardner, s. EHsha and Mary, Jan. 17, 1823. George Oilman, s. Daniel and Mary, Dec. 24, 1832. Jason, s. Philemon and Mercy, March i, 1774. At Newton. John F., s. John F. and Betsey, Sept. 18, 181 2. John Flavel, s. Elisha and Anna, Aug. 31, 1784. John Hoit, s. David and Sarah, March 20, 1812. Jonathan, twin s. Philemon and Mercy, May 17, 1779. Leafy, d. Daniel and Keziah, July 5, 1789. Louisa, d. Roland and Rachael, Nov. 9, 1828. Lucy, d. Daniel and Keziah, April 7, 1787. Lucy Ann, d. Daniel and Mary, Nov. 28, 1830. Lyman, s. Elisha and Mary, Dec. 6, 183 1. Mahitable, d. Philemon and Mercy, Dec. 3, 1776. Mary, d. David and Sarah, June 6, 1803. Mary, d. Elisha and Mary, Oct. 13, 1824. [Mary], d. John F. and Rusha, Feb. 24, 1846. Mercy, d. Philemon and Mercy, July 9, 1792. Minerva EHzabeth, d. John F. and Rusha R., Dec. 15, 1837. Molly, d. Elisha and Anna, July 28, 1781. Myron Clinton, s. Roland and Rachael, May 27, 1839. Nathan Newton, s. Daniel Jr. and Anna, May i, 1843. Dup. Nathan Warren, s. John F. and Rusha R., May 24, 1841. Roland, s. Daniel and Keziah, April 17 [8, P.R.], 1800. Sally, d. Elisha and Anna, Dec. 13, 1779. Samuel, s. John F. and Betsey, Sept. 10, 1808. Sarah, d. Elisha and Anne, Feb. 27, 1776. William Ware, s. David and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1808. , ch. David, May 27, 1816. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Roland, Nov. 7, 1823. p.r. , s. EHsha, Dec. 16, 1826. Stillborn, p.r. , d. Elisha, Aug. 2, 1830. Stillborn, p.r. , s. Col. Roland, May 27, 1839. p.r. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. I I I WORTHINGTON, Maria, d. Edward and Maria, Sept. 2, 1849. WRIGHT (see Write), Aaron, s. Joseph and Martha, Dec. 10, 1777. Adaline, d. Aron and Lois, April 9, 1809. Adalaide, d. Charles and Betcy, Oct. 16, 1827. Adelade Elizabeth, d. Nathan and Mary, May 24, 1834. [Alfred], s. Benjamin F. and Sarah, April 3, 1848. Alvin, s. Nathan and Sally, bap. Oct. 6, 1816. c.r.2, AvaUne, d. Nathan and Mary, March 13, 1828. Benjamin, s. Bildad and Rhoda, Oct. 11, 18 18. Benjamin Franklin, s. Nathan and Sally, Feb. 19, 1823. Bildad, s. Joseph and Martha, June 20, 1788. Charles, s. Joseph and Martha, Sept. 24, 1789. Charles Jarvis, s. Charles and Betcy, Dec. 11, 1814. Charles Joab, s. Joab C. and Lucetta, Nov. 20, 1841. Chloe, d. Joseph and Martha, Aug. 6, 1781. Cloe, d. Nathan and Sally, July 30, 1817. Dorcas, d. Joseph and Martha, May 8, 1794. Dorcas, d. Nathan and Polly, April 20, 1808. Edward Everett, s. Nathan and Mary, March 27, 1837. Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Martha, Oct. 13, 1796. Elizabeth Clark, w. Charles, Jan. 29, 1792. G.s.i. Ellen Maria, d. Nathan and Mary, March 30, 1830. Elvira, d. Bildad and Rhoda, March 22, 1809. Freelove Elizabeth, d. Charles and Betcy, , [182-]. Harriet Phelps, d. Nathan and Mary, Oct. 24, 1844. James Larken, twin s. Nathan and Sally, Jan. i, 1813. James Madison, s. Nathan and Sally, bap. Oct. 6, 1816. c.R.2. Joab, s. Charles and Betcy, Jan. 29, 1810. Joab Wesson, s. Joab C. and Lucetta, Aug. 11, 1834. Joseph, s. Aron and Lois, Dec. 29, 1806. Julia Ann, d. Joab C. and Lucetta, Sept. 14, 1839. Katharine, d. Joseph and Martha, Oct. 2, 1791. Martha, d. Bildad and Rhoda, Feb. 12, 181 1. Mary, d. Aaron and Lois, April i, 1803. Dup. Mary Elizabeth, d. Joab C. and Lucetta, Feb. 9, 1847. Nathan, s. Joseph and Martha, June 29 [July i, P.R.], 1784. Dup. Larken, s. Nathan and Polly, June 4, 1809. Lois, d. Aron and Lois, March 25, 182 1. Loisa, d. Charles and Betcy, Nov. 19, 181 1. Lucia Maria, d. Joab C. and Lucetta, March 26, 1845. Lucinda, twin d. Nathan and Sally, Jan. i, 1813. Lucinda, d. Nathan and Sally, April 16, 1815. 112 HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. Wright, Lucy, d. Aron and Lois, Oct. 20, 1814. Lucy, d. Charles and Betcy, July 25, 181 7. Parker Sargent, s. Nathan and Mary, March 10, 1839. Pliny, s. Nathan and Sally, bap. Oct. 6, 1816. c.R.2. Polly, w. Joseph, March 18, 1798. G.s.7. Polly, d. Nathan and Polly, Oct. 31, 181 1. Reuben, s. Charles and Betcy, Sept. 29, 1819. Ruthey, d. Joseph and Martha, Aug. i, 1779. Salem Towne, s. Nathan and Sally, Nov. 22, 1819. Salley, d. Joseph and Martha, Jan. 17, 1783, Sally, d. Nathan and Polly, Feb. 11, 1807. Stedman, s. Aron and Lois, Aug. 8, 1818. Stella Lucetta, d. Joab C. and Lucetta, July 20, 1837. Susan, d. Bildad and Rhoda, Dec. 22 [26, p.r.], 1816. Theodore Francis, s. Joab C. and Lucetta, Oct. 9, 1835. Wesson, Aug. 11, 1834. G.s.3. William, s. Bildad and Rhoda, Aug. 17, 1807. William Hurbart, s. Stidman and Tabitha, July 19, 1843. Dup. Worthington Van Buren, s. Joab C. and Lucetta, Dec. 10, 1832. s. Joab C. and Lucetta, Sept. 2, 1843. d. Charles 2d and Julia, July 21, 1847. d. Stedman and Tabitha, Aug. 23, 1847. d. Joseph, Aug. i, 1779. P.R. twin s. Joseph, June 29, 1784. p.r. s. Joseph, May 7, 1786. P.R. s. Nathaniel Jr., Dec. 28, 1801. p.r. s. Aaron, Nov. 17, 1811. Stillborn, p.r. s. Aaron, Dec. 19, 1816. p.r. d. Charles, Feb. 14, 1822. p.r. d. Charles, Jan. 20, 1825. p.r. s, Charles, Feb. 18, 1835. Stillborn, p.r. WRITE (see above), Jacob, s. Joseph and Martha, April 16, 1775. WYMAN, Charlotte, d. Levi and Mary, Sept. 24, 18 10. Clara, d. Levi and Mary, Dec. 5, 1812. Cynthia, d. Levi and Mary, Feb. 8, 1815. Eunice, d. Levi and Polly, bap. April 22, 1832. c.R.2. Harrison, s. Levi and Mary, Feb. 24, 1817. , s. Levi, April 18, 1823. p.r. YOUNG, Allen, s. William and Polly, Jan. 12, 1814. Christopher Sumner, s. Hiram and Abigail A., Sept. 7, 1842. At Sterling. HUBBARDSTON BIRTHS. II3 Young, Elizabeth Jane, d. William and Polly, Feb. 17, 1825. Hannah, d. William and Polly, May 4, 182 1, Hiram, s. William and Polly, Aug. 31, 18 16. Lucinda, d. William and Polly, Dec. 27, 1818. Lucy Jane, d. William and Polly, Dec. 15, 1826. Makepeace Clark, s. Hiram and Abigail A., Aug. 13, 1840. Mary, d. William and Polly, Jan. 28, 1807. [At Holden.] Nancy Elizabeth, d. William and Polly, June 30, 1832. Phebe, d. William and Polly, May 31 1809. Sally, d. William and Polly, April 7, 1823. Sumner, s. William and Polly, July 15, 1829. Thomas W., s. William and Polly, Aug. 24, 181 1. UNIDENTIFIED. , , d. Mary, July 12, 1786. p.r. ''A Negro woman at Mr, Parker's." D h, , d. Polly, Sept. 19, 1798. p.r. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. To THE YEAR 185O. ABBOT, Daniel of Paxton and Sally Bellows, Oct. 23, 1803. ADAMS, Abigail G. and William H. Clark, int. Sept. 15, 1844. Daniel of Gardner and Mary Ann Rolph, int. May 9, 1848. Elisha and Betey Dean, Oct. 12, 1808. Elizabeth R. (d. Elisha and Betsey) and George W. Plummer of Boston, Nov. 20, 1849. Homer M. and Olive A. Houghton of Petersham, int. March 13, 1842. Issabell and Josephus CHfford, Dec. 21, 18 13. Joel of Westminster and Polly Tinney, May 2, 1802. John of Westminster and Nancy Tinney, July 24, 1803. John and Lucy Mirick of Holden, int. Nov. 2, 1818. Lydia and Thomas Lasell of Wardsbury, Vt., Oct. 24, 1805. Mary and Abial G. Thomas of Rutland, June 16, 1842. Obid and Nancy Stoddard of Templeton, int. Nov. 21, 1827. Olive and Daniel Ehot, Feb. 10, 1801. Rhoda and Williard Earl, Jan. 31, 1815. Sally and Jonathan Elliot Jr. of Sutton, Jan. 16, 1804. Samuel and Eunice Varney of Barre, Sept. 29, 1803.* Silas (s. Elisha and Betsey, a. 24) and Roxa Hunting, April 19, 1845. Sybil and Asa Phillips of Rutland, int. April 4, 1814. ALDEN, Fidelia and William B. Howe of Marlboro, int. Oct. 7, 1849. Prudence and Nathan Holden, June 21, 1791. ALLEN, Adaline and John Davis, May 3, 1836. Apollos [Apollos A. in int.] and Harriet Colman, Jan. 12, 1831. Breck and Sally Darby of Westminster, Dec. 15, 1824. Darus [Darius in int.] M. of Westminster (s. Levi and Isabella, a. 27) and Ruth Pollard, Oct. 25, 1849. Elijah D. and Abigail Clark, April 30, 1839. Dea. Ephraim and Mrs. Elizabeth Holden of Westminster, int. June 12, 1828, * Intention not recorded. 117 Il8 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Allen, Ephraim of Rutland and Mary Ann Hill, Nov. 17, 1830. Eunice of Rutland and Otis Parker Jr., int. Oct. 14, 1829. Huldah and Joseph Green Jr., March 21, 1809. John and Lucinda Hill, May 19, 1833. Levi and Isabelli Mann, int. Feb. 23, 18 18. Lucinda and Zebulon Winn of Holden, Sept. i, 1830. Lucy and Zenas Winslow, Oct. 4, 1801, Lucy and Abel Marshall Jr. of Holden, March 21, 1809. Lydia and John Whitney of Westminster, Nov. i, 1821. Martha and Larnard Rice of Barre, Jan. 31, 1839. Mary (d. Asa and Lydia, a. 22) and Hiram F. Johnson of Barre, May 16, 1843. Mary Torry and Solomon Parmenter of Holden, May 25, 1813. Rebecca and William Rice, Dec. 20, 1810. Sally and Ethan Greenwood, May 16, 1802. Mrs. Susan S. M. of Rutland and Silas Russell, Sept. 14, 1842. Willard and Alona B. Hubbard of Holden, int. Jan. 2, 1828. Willard and Sarah H, [S. ?] Savage, Sept. 4, 1832. AMES, Betey and Moses Pond, May 29, 1800. Jacob and Nancy Thayer, July 28, 1793. John of Rutland and Susan Gates, April 18, 1813. Martha Jane and Limus Leonard of Sterling, March 23, 1830. AT WOOD, Thomas and Ruth Barrett, Dec. 10, 1783. AUSTIN [name changed from Hunting], Charles and Merinda Peck, Nov. 12, 1834. AYERS, Eunice H. and Reuben Stow, Aug. 10, 1837. Adaline of Leicester and Moses Greenwood, int. Aug. 13, 183 1. BABBITT, Sophia of Barre and Rockwell Stone, int. Dec. 22, 1827. BACON, Lydia W. of Barre and Samuel Dike, int. Sept. 7, 1823. BAILEY, Paul Jr. and Frinday Murdock, May i, 1834. BAKER, David and Sally D. Holt, Nov. 18, 1827. Dinah of Gardner and Eber Underwood, int. March 8, 1817. Eliza of Prescot and Martin Clifford, int. May 9, 1835. James of Phillipston and Lydia Goulding, Nov. 29, 1814. Lavina and Orange Young of Winchendon, int. Feb. 9, 1830. Polly and Lemuel Hunting, Sept. 28, 1820. Quincy and Roxa Green, May 16, 1839. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 119 Baker, Sarah A. J. (d. Artemas Jr. and Phebe, a. 18) and Perez French Jr., March 29, 1848. WiUiam (s. Artemas Jr. and Phebe, a. 21) and Lucy L. French, Jan. II, 1848. BALCOM, Uriah and Lucy Wheeler, Dec. 31, 1835. BALL, Lewis F. of Worcester (s. Richard C. and Nabby, a. 24) and Philena Heald, Nov. 12, 1844. Lucy and David Rugg, April 20, 1779. Persis F. of Princeton (d. Richard C. and Abigail, a. 27) and Levi G. Temple, Dec. 25, 1845. Warren of Princeton and Katharine A. King, April 14, 1840. BALLOU, Mary Ann of Claremont, N.H., and Corydon Gates, int. April 29, 1848. BANGS, Kezia and Joseph Kinsman, int. Feb. 7, 1804. Nathaniel and Lucinda Parker, July 23, 1793. BARGES, Betsy W. and Samuel Fisher, May 4, 1801. BARNES (see Barns), Daniel and Mary Powers, June 12, 1834. David and Myra Peck, Nov. 29, 1824. BARNS (see above), Francis of Stonham and Betsey Nichols, April 2, 1840. BARRETT, Ruth and Thomas Atwood, Dec. 10, 1783. BARROWS, Charles A. and Emily A. Searle of Southampton, int. April 5, 1840. Lucy and William C. Frieze, April 20, 1841. Thirsa of New Braintree and Daniel Swan, int. April 15, 1830. BARTLETT, Betsey P. and Daniel Clark, int. Jan. 29, 1832. Emeline and Salem Peirce of Boston, Dec. 17, 1834. Joseph of Rutland and Sally Frost, July i, 18 10. Pamela and Daniel Sanders, Feb. 26, 180 1. William and Mrs. Rebecca B. H. Bigelow of Princeton, int. Dec. 13, 1837. BARTON, Stephen and Lucy Miller, July 31, 1830. BATCHELLOR, Lysander of Athol (s. Daniel and Huldah, a. 21) and Martha M. Parker, July 2, 1844. BATES, Jarvis of Swansey, N.H., and EUza Ann Stone, Sept. 10, 1838. I20 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. BEATH, Polly and Samuel Thomson, Aug. 22, 1782. BELLOWS, Amasa and Elizabeth Woods, Feb. 23, 1790. Deborah and John Davis of Princeton, Oct. 14, 1805. Elizabeth and Austin Brown, May 10, 1836. Isaac and Charlotte Hapgood, Feb. 11, 1838. Sally and Daniel Abbot of Paxton, Oct. 23, 1803. BEMAS, Henry and Susanna Nurse, Sept. 14, 1772. BEMIS, Person [Pearson in int.] of Westminster and Betey Jack- son, Oct. 17, 1811. BENNET (see Bennett), Abel and Sally Clark, int. Jan, 13, 1814. David Jr. and Hannah Marean, July i, 1807. Polly and Ephraim Mason, June 5, 181 1. BENNETT (see above), Albert (s. William and Caty, a. 36) and Lucy A. B. Nourse, May 11, 1848. Asa (s. David and Hannah, a. 26) and Mary R. Brigham, Sept. 30, 1845- Addison and Mary Ann Gill of Princeton, int. April 29, 1838. CaroHne and Caleb Perry, April 15, 1830. Harriet and Sumner Warren, April 21, 1840. Louisa (d. David and Hannah, a. 23) and Seallum Gates, Feb. i, 1848. Maria S. and James M. Waite of Barre, Oct. 20, 1836. Mary and Edmund Kendall of Gardner, Nov. 8, 1838. Sally [Sarah in int.] M. and Joseph P. Sloan, Nov. 17, 1835. WiUiam and Caty Follet, Jan. 22, 1805. BENSON, Abner and Esther Church, Jan. 14, 1790. Danford of Worcester and Frenda F. Phillips, int. Aug. 8, 1841. Martha and David Davis, Dec. 15, 1790. BIGELOW, Mrs. Rebecca B. H. of Princeton and William Bartlett, int. Dec. 13, 1837. BIGLOW, Sullivan and Martha H. Clark, Nov. 26, 1840. BILLINGS, Hammatt of Boston (s. Ebenezer and Mary D., a. 31) and Phebe A. Ellenwood, May 19, 1849. Dr. [L. F.] and [Penelope B.] Woods of Barre, int. [March — , 1848]. BISHOP, David N. and Rebeccah Kendall, Dec. 13, 1835. Nancy (a. 24) and Amos G. Underwood, May 9, 1844. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 12 1 BIXBY, Clark S. of Barre and Elizabeth Clark, Nov. 3, 1836. Eliza of Barre and Moses Brown, int. Feb. 9, 1845. Oswald F. A. [A. F. in int.] of Hopkinton (s. Luther) and Levina A. Sears, Nov. 22, 1843. Wesson and Mary Hartwell, Dec. 3, 1829. BLACK, Lucy A. and Charles H. Harvey, int. March — , [1847]. BLAIR, Polly and Ephraim Church, June 24, 1782. BLOOD, Betey and William Marean Jr., March 2, 1801. Charles W. and Mary Clark, March 19, 1835. Francis of Pepperell and Mrs. Harriet Marean, March 28, 1826. BOLTON, Horatio N. and Mary S. Waite, Oct. 22, 1829. Sally and Jacob Howard, Sept. i, 1785. BOWKER, Eliza Jane (d. Sylvander and EHza, a. 18) and Sewall Underwood of Milford, Nov. 21, 1849. Henry and Sarah Davis, April 19, 1843. Lucy W. of Phillipston and Leander W. Warren, int. Nov. — , 1849. BRADLEY, James F. and Catharine A. Estabrook of Rutland, int. Dec. 21, 1845. BRAGG, Lovisae and Hollis Parker, Dec. 17, 1774. BRAINARD, Susan of Princeton and Harrison O. Clark, int. March 6, 1842. BREWER, John and Hannah Eveleth, June 6, 1784. BRIGGS, Bowers of Worcester and Polly D. Gates, Sept. 10, 1834. BRIGHAM, Asa and Betcy Marean, May 23, 1791. Betey and James Browning, July 4, 181 1. Joseph and Mrs. Rebekah Lamb, Feb. 26, 1823. Lois of Paxton and Samuel Waight, int. Aug. 28, 1813. Mary R. (d. Joseph and Rebecca, a. 21) and Asa Bennett, Sept. 30, 1845. Orlando S. of Barre and Lucy A. Rice, Dec. 31, 1840. Peter and Abigail Clark, int. June 20, 1803. William E. and Catharine Gay, Nov. 9, 1826. BROAD, James of Barre and Mrs. Mary Slocomb, Feb. i, 1839. William of Barre and Mary E. Flagg, int. Aug. 23, 1846. 122 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. BROOKS, Ebenezer and Ede Wheeler, March lo, 1791. Lydia Baker of Petersham and Moses Hager, int. Sept. 15, 1808. Tabitha of Princeton and Stedman Wright, int. April 24, [1842]. Thomas of Gerry and Lucretia Goulding, int. Feb. 23, 1814. BROWN, Rev. Abel of Albany, N.Y., and Catharine Swan, May 15, 1843- Austin and Elizabeth Bellows, May 10, 1836, Charlotte and Stephen Parker Church of Beverly, Nov. 20, 1806. Dana and Mary Wright, Nov. 7, 1827. Daniel of Claremont, N.H., and Phebe Hartwell, Oct. 10, 1842. Ebenezer Jr. and Lois Metcalf of Barre, int. April 7, 18 10. Ebenezer Jr. and Lydia Harwood of Barre, int. May 23, 181 7. Ebenezer (s. Ebenezer, widr.) and Vida Underwood of Barre Dec. 27, 1849. Edwin and Sally Witt, April 10, 1834. Elisha Rockwood (s. Gardner and Abigail, a. 21) and Hannah Hunting, Dec. i, 1846. Ezra P. and Mary Hobbs, March ig, 1829. Franklin of Weston and Olive Clark, int. Feb. 29, 1820. Freeman and Arithusa Pond of Westminster, int. Nov. 10, 1825. Gardner and Abigail Derby, April 6, 1824. Harvey and Mary Wilder, May 10, 1836. Joel M. and Catharine A. Upham, Sept. 21, 1819. Jonas and Abigail Wilbur, Feb. 22, 1821. Lyman and Salome Rich of Athol, int. April 17, 1836. Mary and Emery Johnson of WaUingford, Vt., Oct. 16, 1825. Moses and Eliza Bixby of Barre, int. Feb. 9, 1845. Obadiah D. of Watervleit, N.Y., and Charlotte Wyman, int. May 20, 1829. Polly and Moses Greenwood Jr., Jan. 9, 1806. Polly and Levi Wyman, Nov. — , 1809. At Templeton. Rebeccah and Pliny Lamb, April 12, 1804. Russell and Clarissa Waite, Oct. 5, 1819. Thomas H. of Sterling and Emily Marean, May 10, 1827. Thomas H. and Amia Harrington, April 8, 1834. William and Emeline Clapp, April 12, 1832. BROWNING, Asa (s. Joshua and Levina, a. 23) and Eliza Whittemore, May 20, 1846. Asaph and Lois Hastings of Petersham, int. March 9, 1816. Clara and Dr. Moses Phelps Jr., June 6, 1810. Mrs. Clara and James Smith of Rutland, Dec. 27, 1814, Clara S. and Appleton Clark, April 29, 1835. Eliza and Joel Morse, Dec. 26, 1822. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 23 Browning, James and Betey Brigham, July 4, 181 1. Lt. James and Eliza Davis, Feb. 11, 1830. James (s. James and Betsey, a. 24) and Ann W. Whittemore, April 2, 1844. John and Eliza Stearns of Hardwick, int. July 13, 1810. John (s. James and Betsey, a. 26) and Abby D. Greenwood, Dec. 2, 1847. Joshua and Lavina Morse, Dec. 27, 1821. Lucy and Asa Marean, April 17, 1823. Rebecca and Williams Wilber, Dec. 28, 1815. Susan and Silas Wheeler Jr., Dec. 28, 18 15. Susan (d. Joshua and Levina, a. 21) and Silas N. Greenwood, June 2, 1846. BRUCE, Charles S. and Ruth C. Upham, April 16, 1840. BRYANT, John of Princeton and Melissa Peirce, March 31, 1842. Nathan of Templeton and Mary Muzzy, int. Jan. 28, 1810. BULLARD, Emily of Princeton and Seallum Gates, Aug. 21, 1844. Mary and Ebenezer Mann, Nov. 20, 1777. Sanford and Anna Hinds, Oct. 2, 1803. BULLOCK, Esther J. (d. Nathan and Sarah, a. 36) and Moses Kendall, Dec. 30, 1847. BURGES, see Barges. BURNETT, Julia A. and Caleb Flagg, both of Holden, Feb. 26, 1838.* BURRIEL, James and Mary Ann Goulding, July 3, 1834. BUTTERFIELD, Warren I. and Harriet Spring, Feb. 27, 1840. CAMPBELL, Rev. Wareham Smith of Chester and Paulina Diederip Wheeler, int. March 24, 1840. CARRYL, Rhoda and Frances Hoyt, Nov. 3, 1774. CASE, James and Elizabeth Gleason, May 29, 1778. CHAMBERLAIN, Sarah and John Whipple, April 22, 1781. CHAMBERLIN, Jacob and Ann Hunting, Aug. 25, 1847. A Brattleboro, Vt. CHANDLER, Joseph G. of South Hadley and Lucretia Ann Waite, Oct. 14, 1840. * Intention not recorded. 124 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. CHASE, Ambrose P. of Gardner and Sally Nichols, Feb. 5, 1839. Henry and Mary P. Wilder of Templeton, int. Jan. 22, 1843. Rufus and Adaline Ellenwood, April 20, 1843. Susannah Pierce and Nathaniel Foster, June 29, 1814. CHEEVER, Moses Gill of Princeton and Rhoda Wheeler, April 8, 1816. Susan F. of Princeton and William B. Goodnow, int. Nov. 19, 1841. CHESTER, Mrs. Elydia of Boston and Peter Clark, Sept. 23, 1841. CHICKERING, Elizebeth of Deadham and Rev. Samuel Gay, int. Oct. 19, 1812. Joseph and Mrs. Emeline Jones of Gloucester, int. March 6, 1833. CHILD, Mary and Moses Clark, Nov. 10, 1778. CHURCH, Benjamin and Elizabeth Heald, Oct. 9, 1803. Ephraim and Polly Blair, June 24, 1782. Esther and Abner Benson, Jan. 14, 1790. John and Eliza Morse, May 26, 1822. Lucy and Salmon Gates. May 28, 1804. Stephen and Sophia Marean, Dec. 6, 1821. Stephen Parker of Beverly and Charlotte Brown, Nov. 20, 1806. CLAFLIN [Mrs. in int.], Lucinda of Barre and Joseph Clark Jr., Nov. 18, 1827. CLAP, Reuben and Hepzibah Gates, Dec. 29, 1791. CLAPP, Emeline and William Brown, April 12, 1832. Fanny and Anson Clark, April 8, 1830. CLARK (see Clarke), Aaron and Patty Clark, Sept. 16, 1790. Abigail and Peter Brigham, int. June 20, 1803. Abigail and Jonas Heald, Sept. 6, 1815. Abigail and Elijah D. Allen, April 30, 1839. Abagail A. and Hiram Young, Oct. 16, 1839. Abijah and Betsey Heald, May 6, 1810. Abijah S. (s. Abijah and Betsey, a. 26) and Clara Swan, May i, 1845. Adolphus and Eliza Mundell, int. Aug. 6, 1833. Amiable and Daniel Parkhurst, Nov. 15, 1803. Amos and Jamima Cobb, June 2, 1789. Amos and Mitty Clark, March 14, 182 1. Amos F. and Mrs. Roxana Phillips, int. April 7, 1833. Forbidden. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 25 Clark, Ann and George H. Mann, April 11, 1843. Anna and Jonas Miriam, Feb. 8, 1789. Anna and Roland Parkhurst, June 17, 1810. Anson and Fanny Clapp, April 8, 1830. Appleton and Clara S. Browning, April 29, 1835. Asa and Lois Simond, Nov. 23, 1815. Asa G. (s. Asa and Lois, a. 24) and Miriam L. Newton, Sept. 30, 1845. [Mrs. in int.] Augusta of Gardner (d. Henry and Elizabeth Pren- tiss, wid., a. 30) and Stillman Morse, May 4, 1843. Benjamin and Eunice Hoyt, Dec. 12, 1781. Betey and James Smith, April 7, 1801. Betey and Lowel Lealand, int. Oct. 24, 1813. Betsey and Charles Wright, Nov. — , 1809. Betsy and William Smith Clark, May 22, 1803. Calvin and Nancy Norcross, int. Jan. 16, 1808. CaroHne E. and James A. Waite, Oct. 23, 1834. Catharine [Catharine S. in int.] and Eli Clark, Aug. 5, 1834. Danford and Harriet E. Johnson of Barre, int. Nov. 15, 1846. Daniel and Betsey P. Bartlett, int. Jan. 29, 1832. David (having resided at Worcester and published there) and Betsey Rugg of Worcester, July 3, 1814.* Mrs. Dianthia and Capt. Jotham Stone, March 31 [1829]. Edmund and Patty Kelley of Barre, int. Dec. 14, 1809. Edwin [Edwin H. in int.] and Sally Young, April 18, 1843. EH and Catharine Clark, Aug. 5, 1834. Eli (s. Nathan and Diantha, widr., a. 38) and Laura Grimes, Feb. 9, 1847. Eliza and Otis Gale of Princeton, Feb. — , 1809. EHzabeth and Oliver Fairbanks, Nov. 9, 1777. Elizabeth and Clark S. Bixby of Barre, Nov. 3, 1836. Emily and James P. Twichell, int. March 2, 1832. Ezra and Jemima Nightingal, Sept. 16, 1790. Ezra Jr. and Susannah Hinds, int. April i, 1816. Ezra Jr. and Abigail Rice of Barre, int. March 9, 1820. Fanny and Edward Merrick, both of Princeton, Nov. 11, 1841. In Princeton.* Hannah and Moses Rice, Dec. 21, 1800. Hannah and Joel Smith, Sept. 15, 1803. Harrison O. and Susan Brainard of Princeton, int, March 6, 1842, Harvey (s. Isaac and Betsey) and Louisa Clark, Sept. 7, 1843. Ira and Rebekah Wood, Dec. 5, 1826. Isaac and Patty Clark, June 3, 1784. * Intention not recorded. 126 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Clark, Ensign Isaac and Polly Gates of Barre, int. June 9, 1804. Isaac 2d and Betsey Thompson, Nov. i, 1814. Jemima and Willard Sherman of Sterling, int. June 8, 1830. Jerusha and Luther Gates of Barre, Feb. 26, 1809. Jonas G. and Susan Wright, Oct. 6, 1836. Joseph and Phebe Rice, Nov. 28, 1784. Joseph Jr. and Susanah Perkins, May 27, 1810. Joseph Jr. and Lucinda ClaCin of Barre, Nov. 18, 1827. Joseph 2d and Augusta Prentiss, both of Gardner, July 14, 1835.* Leonard (s. WiUiam S. and Betsey, a. 25) and Althine Woodward, Feb. 10, 1847. Lois and Dexter Phelps, int. June 30, 1813. Louisa (d. Asa and Lois, a. 24) and Harvey Clark, Sept. 7, 1843. Louisa J. (d. Oliver and Lois, a. 25) and Oliver Wellington, March I, 1849. Luther and Sally Walker, Nov. 9, 1791. Luther R. and Kezia Gates, June 4, 182 1. Makepeace and Lucy Stone, June 30, 1830. Martha H. and Sullivan Biglow, Nov. 26, 1840. Martin and Harriet Howes Perry of Barre, int. Oct, 31, 1823. Mary and Asa Tyler Grimes, int. March 2, 1813. Mary and Charles W. Blood, March 19, 1835. Mary H. and John Thompson, Nov. 4, 1835. Mary M. and Levi Peirce, April i, 1830. Mitty and Amos Clark, March 14, 1821. Moses and Mary Child, Nov. 10, 1778. Moses Jr. and Arathusa Parkhurst, Aug. 4, 1805. Nancy and Almond Stewart of Stafford, Ct., Oct. 31, 1813. Nancy and Joseph E. Greenwood, int. Nov. 19, 1840. Mrs. Nancy L. and Isaac Hallick Jr., int. Sept. 26, 1835. Nathan and Dy[an]tha Merrit of Templeton, int. Nov. 30, 1806. Olive and Franklin Brown of Weston, int. Feb. 29, 1820. Oliver Jr. and Lucy Smith, July 15, 1834. Patty and Isaac Clark, June 3, 1784. Patty and Aaron Clark, Sept. 16, 1790. Peady and Nathan Holden, int. April 5, 1809. Peter and Mittee Rhodes, May 10, 1788. Peter and Mrs. Elydia Chester of Boston, Sept. 23, 1841. [Mrs. in int.], Philena (d. Wilson, wid., a. 47) and Abel Davis of Templeton, Nov. 30, 1847. Polly and Nathan Raymond of Westminster, March 2, 1803. Polly and Jason Woodward, Sept. 25, 1803. Polly and Samuel McCobb of Princeton, int. March 19, 181 1. * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 27 Clark, Sally and Abel Bennet, int. Jan. 13, 1814. Sally and Gilman Powers of Rindge, N.H., May 19, 1833. Samuel and Persis Hinds, Nov. 9, 1786. Samuel and Nancy Spring, Oct. — , 1809. Samuel Jr. and Fanny Holden, April 22, 1805. Samuel 3d and Sarah Johnson, int. March 23, 1817, Sarah E. (d. Shepherd and Mary Ann C, a. 21) and Daniel E. Hastings, June 5, 1849. Sarah G. and Edwin Woods, Nov. 27, 1834. Sarah W. (d. Adolphus and Philena, a. 24) and John H. Wood- bury of Barre, Nov. 9, 1847. Dr. Shepherd and Mary Ann Dickenson of Petersham, int. Dec. 31, 1824. Simpson 2d and Nancy Lamb, May 3, 1827. Simeon of Princeton (s. Nathan and Diantha, a. 26) and Mary Morse, Dec. 17, 1846. Stillman of Princeton and Miranda J. Newton, Nov. 3, 1840. Susanna and William Nightingal, May 29, 1788. Susannah and Calvin Hinds, Dec. i, 1805. William and Hannah Smith, April 21, 1776. Capt. William G. and Lois Stone, Sept. 23, 1835. William H. and Abigail G. Adams, int. Sept. 15, 1844, William Smith and Betsy Clark, May 22, 1803. WiUiam S. Jr. and Mary Davis of Princeton, int. Feb. i, 1828. CLARKE (see above), Aaron and Achsah Hinds, int. Oct. 24, 1819. CLEMENCE, Henry and Harriet Waite, Nov. 27, 1820. CLIFFORD, Anson and Clara Wyman, July 7, 1842. Betsy and Edward Murdock, Aug. 9, 1838. Celicia and Harrison Wyman, Nov. 24, 1842. Dorinda (d. J. and I., a. 24) and Samuel H. Hastings of Wor- cester, Aug. 8, 1844. Eleanor (d. Josephus and Isabella, a. 22) and John Webster of Royalston, Nov. 29, 1843. Joanna and John Murdock of Westminster, July i, 1804. Josephus and Isabell Adams, Dec. 21, 18 13. Luther and Lydia Murdock of Westminster, int. Aug. 18, 1805. Martin and Mary Ann Hancock of Barre, int. March 15, 1832. Martin and Eliza Baker of Prescot, int. May 9, 1835. Mrs. Mary and Abel Wilder of Barre, Nov. 17, 1825. Thankful and Daniel Green, Dec. 11, 1800. Warner and Lorinda Hartwell, May 6, 1833. William J. and Sarah P. Spring, Dec. 2, 1834. 128 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. COBB, Jamima and Amos Clark, June 2, 1789. COBLEIGH, Merlin C. (a. 23) and Sarah P. Underwood, May i, 1844. CODDING, Zenas (s. Abiather and Miriam, a. 32) and Mary- Ann Mundell, Aug. 9, 1849. COLEMAN (see Colman), Amherst and Tabitha Pollard, March 30, 1812. Amherst E. and Lucy E. Lufkin of Templeton, int. Aug. 31, 1845. Eda Ann (d. Perez and Rebecca, a. 19) and Benjamin F. Pierce of Gardner, Nov. 30, 1843. Edmund (s. Almond and Bethia, a. 22) and Louisa Pond, Oct. 10, 1844. Ella S. and Mary Ann Pratt of Marlororo, N.H., int. Dec. 11, 1847. Lafayette Jr. (s. Lafayette and Eunice C, a. 26) and Eunice Greene, April 19, 1849. Mrs. Lucinda and Sampson Stone, Feb. 8, 1843. Perez G. (s. Perez and Rebecca C., a. 26) and Prudence Mur- dock, April 26, 1849. William and Susan Hinds of Gardner, int. Jan. 25, 1834. COLMAN (see Coleman), Almond and Dorinda Partridge [of Westminster], Oct. 7, 1829. Benjamin F. of Templeton and Alace W. Warren, Oct. 27, 1833. Bethia and Cyrus M. Estabrook of Westminster, Oct. 25, 1838. De La Fayette of Templeton and Eunice Kendall, Aug. 21, 182 1. George B. and Mary D. Prentiss, April 30, 1840. Harriet and Apollos Allen, Jan. 12, 1831. Harvey [Hervey in int.] and Sarah A. French, March 21, 1841. John M. and Harriet Pond, Dec. 24, 1839. Olive G. and Ebenezer C. Warren, Oct. 24, 1833. Susanah and Abijah Hinds, Dec. 30, 18 10. At Templeton. Thomas J. of Templeton and Emeline Hartwell, Sept. 11, 1832. COMEE, Betsey of Gardner and Jesse Lovewell, int. Nov. 23, 1826. Louisa of Gardner and Leonard Lovewell, int. Oct. 24, 1829. CONANT, Charles of Barre and Abigail H. Warren, Dec. 6, 1842. Levi and Elizabeth Savage, Feb. 20, 1827. CONSTANTINE, Joel of Ashburnham and Arseneth Grimes, Jan. 17, 1811. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 129 COOK, Hiram of Providence, R.I., and Lucinda Scott of Mendon, Sept. 18, 1836. In Mendon.* COOMBS, Rufus and Eliza Stoddard of Gardner, int. June 29, 1806. CUTLER, David of Newfane and Jannet Thompson, Feb. 25, 1812. Dorcass and Joseph Rosier, Jan. 29, 1778. Lydia and Israel Mead, Aug. 7, 1770. DANNIELS, Julia of Hopkington and Silas Greenwood, int. Nov. 6, 1811. DARBY (see Derby), Sally of Westminster and Breck Allen, Dec. 15, 1824. DAVIS, Abel of Templeton (s. Eleazer and Sarah, widr., a. 53) and Philena Clark, Nov. 30, 1847. Adaline (d. Ira and Eliza, a. 18) and Charles A. Shumway, Aug. I, 1844. Amasa G. and Mary Goodspeed, Feb. 26, 1835. Amasa G. and Alice Pollard, May 13, 1841. Amasa G. and Catharine Peirce of New Braintree, int. Mav 9, T846. Asahel Jr. and Nancy Smith, Dec. 2, 1792. Bela and Ruth Rugg, March 6, 1777. Betsey of Templeton and Nathan Warren, int. May 12, 1822. Mrs. Betsey and Silas Skinner of Rutland, Dec. 5, 1833. Brigham and Sally Warren, Dec. 25, 1809. David and Martha Benson, Dec. 15, 1790. Eliza and Lt. James Browning, Feb. 11, 1830. Emily of Princeton and Thomas Merrick Wheeler, Nov. i, 1837. In Rutland. Enoch and Rebecca Murdock, March 4, 1802. Eunice of Princeton and James H. Peirce, int. April 3, 1828. George W. of South Orange and Mary A. Hinds, int. Nov. 19, 1843. Hannah of Sherburne and Charles Fisher of HoUiston, Sept. 10, 1843. In Sherburne.* Harriet of Shutesbury and David Pollard, int. Sept. 16, 1838. Hiram K. of New Braintree and Almira M. Flagg, Oct. 26, 1842. Ira of Princeton and Eliza Underwood, Jan. 12, 1826. Isaac and Catharine Woodward, May 3, 1842. Israel Jr. and Chloe W. Waite, Nov. 2, 1824. * Intention not recorded. 130 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Davis, [Capt. in int.] Israel Jr. (s. Israel and Sarah, widr,, a. 45) and Lois Williams, May 30, 1848. Jane C. and Artemas Woodward, int. Nov. 10, 1848. Joel and Patty Earle of Spencer, int. March 12, 1805. John of Princeton and EHzabeth Gates, April 5, 1804. John of Princeton and Deborah Bellows, Oct. 14, 1805. John and Adaline Allen, May 3, 1836. John W. and Nancy Gray of Buckland, int. Sept. — , 1844. John Warren and Sylvia Harwood, Nov. 28, 1837. John 2d and Dolly H, Warren, Oct. 17, 1842. Lucretia and Moses Gay, Dec. 2, 1830. Lydia and John Spring, Dec. 23, 1790. Maria L. and Stillman Pond, Feb. 4, 1834. Mary of Princeton and William S. Clark Jr., int. Feb. i, 1828. Mary S. of New Braintree and Emons Smith, int. Dec. 26, 1841. Mrs. Miranda of Princeton and Nathan Newton, int. Sept. 21, 1821. Moses of Templeton and Harriet A. Sargent, int. Dec. 14, 1845. Oliver and Naomi Farrington, Dec. 25, 1781. OHver and Tryphena Gleason, March 14, 1790. Sarah and Henry Bowker, April 19, 1843. Silas and Patty Pierce, June 9, 181 1. Silas and Mrs. Betsey Underwood, "in the year ending April i, 1832" [Dec. 6, 1831. c.R.]. Sukey and James Falls, int. Jan. 23, 1814. Sumner of Templeton and Susan Stone, Feb. 19, 1835. DAY, Jonathan G. of Worcester and Elizabeth Hinds, Dec. 2, 1834. DEAN, Betey and Elisha Adams, Oct. 12, 1808. DEANE, James Jr. of Oakham and Azubah Sargeant, Nov. 26, 1807. DECKEY, Mary A, and Andrew J. McKinstrey, both of Holden, Nov. 7, 1835.* DENNIS, Eliza H. and Harrison Newton, both of Barre, April 22, 1829.* DERBY [Darby in int.] (see Darby), Abigail and Gardner Brown, April 6, 1824. Hannah and Elbridge Dix of Bennington, Vt., Dec. 3, 1820. DESPER, James of Barre (s. Edward and Elizabeth, widr., a. 55) and Sophia Stone, March 12, 1845. * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I3I DEWEY, Francis H. (s. Henry and Eliza, a. 22) and Nancy A. Holt, Feb. 13, 1849. DEXTER, Mary of Hardwick and Milton Peck, int. Sept. 26, 1823, DICKENSON, Mary Ann of Petersham and Dr. Shepherd Clark, int. Dec. 31, 1824. Sarah W. and Willard Raymond of Amherst, int. March 15, 1829. DIKE, Benjamin of Westminster and Susannah Mathews, Sept. 5, 1809. Benjamin of Westminster and Lucy Lamson, int. Feb. 9, 1812. Hannah of Westminster and Richard Morse, int. March 23, 1823. Samuel and Lydia W. Bacon of Barre, int. Sept. 7, 1823. DIX, Elbridge of Bennington, Vt., and Hannah Derby, Dec. 3, 1820. Sarah D. (d. Hannah, a. 20) and George W. Dunbar of Salem, June 21, 1848. DOYLE, Mrs. Phebe of Paxton and John Sargent, int. Jan. 7, 1804. DUNBAR, George W. of Salem (s. George F. and Catharine, a. 26) and Sarah D. Dix, June 21, 1848. DUNLAP, Betsy and Moses Greenwood, March 22, 1779. Samuel and Lucy Howard, April 21, 1779. DUNN, E. Edward of Spencer (s. Ezra and Anna, a. 22) and Mary D. Tenney, Nov. 26, 1846. DUNTON, Silvanus and Susan Newton, Feb. 18, 1830. DUPEE, Eunice of Westminster and Stephen Hunting Jr., int. June 16, i8io. EAGER, Uriah of Western and Mary Hunting, Jan. i, 1826. EARL (see Earle), Alpheus and Lucretia Murdock, March 31, 1808. Joel and Mrs. Phebe Spring, March 29, 18 19. John W. (s. Calvin and Betsey, a. 22) and Sarah Jane Williams, Nov. 10, 1846. Mary S. of Paxton and Isaac Whittemore, int. Aug. 19, 1848. Mrs. Narcissa of Leicester and John Mann, int. April 17, 1829. Willard and Rhoda Adams, Jan. 31, 1815. 132 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. EARLE (see Earl), Betsey and George W. Hamilton, Sept. 16, 1841. Calvin and Betsey Foster, Sept. 13, 1814. Jonathan P. and Sylvia Hamilton of Westminster, int. March 18, 1835- Nathaniel of Leicester and Lucy Parker, int. Dec. 16, 1809. Patty of Spencer and Joel Davis, int. March 12, 1805. Persis and Daniel Hemingway Jr. of Barre, int. June 7, 1817. ELIOT (see Elliot), Daniel and Olive Adams, Feb. 10, 1801. ELLENWOOD (see Ellinwood), Adaline and Rufus Chase, April 20, 1843. Charles (s. Justus and Sophia, a. 21) and Ann M. Williams, Dec. 30, 1846. Phebe and Richard Leonard, Jan. 7, 1836. Phebe A. (d. Samuel and Ann Warren, wid., a. 30) and Ham- matt Billings of Boston, May 19, 1849. ELLINWOOD (see Ellenwood), Addison and Phebe Warren, March 8, 1842. Justus and Sophia McClanathan, July 4, 1814. ELLIOT (see Eliot), Jonathan Jr. of Sutton and Sally Adams, Jan. 16, 1804. EMERSON, William F. and Elizabeth K. Flagg of Holden, int. int. Sept. I, 1844. ERSKIN, [Erskine in int.] Henry of Claremont, N.H., and Sarah Lealand, March 6, 18 16. ERSKINE, Ora and James Lovejoy of Oakham, Oct. 3, 1826. ESTABROOK, Catharine A. of Rutland and James F. Bradley, int. Dec. 21, 1845. Cyrus M. of Westminster and Bethia Colman, Oct. 25, 1838. EVANS, Olive and Richard Philips, July 11, 1779. EVELETH, Abisha of Rutland and Mary Joslin, int. Jan. 17, 1818. David and Deborah Nightingal, Feb. 14, 1790. Eunice and Stephen Farrington, Jan. 19, 1773. Hannah and John Brewer, June 6, 1784. Martha and Joseph Wright, May 25, 1774. Ruth and Ebenezer Rice, Dec. 18, 1791. William J. and Mary Peirce, Nov. i, 1842. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I33 FAIRBANKS, Oliver and Elizabeth Clark, Nov. 9, 1777. FALIS, James and Martha Smith of Westminster, Aug. 17, 1807. James and Sukey Davis, int. Jan. 23, 1814. Joseph and Lucy D. Whitcomb of Westminster, int. Dec. — , 1838. FARMER, Joseph of Boston and Hannah Thompson, int. March 14, 1813. FARNSWORTH, Samuel N. of Waltham and Catharine McClan- athan, Nov. 30, 1834. FARRER, Ichabod of Springfield and Azubah Hager, int. Aug. 4, 1804. FARRINGTON, Elijah and Elizabeth Sawing, Dec. 17, 1782. Naomi and Oliver Davis, Dec. 25, 1781. Puah and Joseph Tame, May 5, 1785. Stephen and Eunice Eveleth, Jan. 19, 1773. FELCH, Walton and Mrs. Nancy Sullivan, April 3, 1831. FELLOWS, Henry and Sybil Oliver of Gardner, int. March 5, 1825. FELTON, Maria M. of Templeton and Stephen P. Patch of Ashby, Dec. 29, 1840.* Nathan H. of Barre (s. Moses H. and Leefy, a. 22) and Caroline A. Williams, May 2, 1844. FISHER, Betsey of Princeton and John Russell, int. Jan. 23, 1808. Charles of Holliston and Hannah Davis of Sherburne, Sept. 10, 1843. In Sherburne. C.R.* Samuel and Betsy W. Barges, May 4, 1801. FISK, Ruth of Holden and Lt. Jo[e]l Pollard, int. Feb. 3, 1810. Samuel and Dolly Gleason, Jan. 10, 1788. Sameul Jr. of Barre and Mrs. Mariah Williams, int. Jan. 24, i8i8. FLAGG, Almira M. [Elmira Maria in int.] and Hiram K. Davis of New Braintree, Oct. 26, 1842. Caleb and Julia A. Burnett, both of Holden, Feb. 26, 1838.* Elizabeth K. of Holden and William F. Emerson, int. Sept. i, 1844. Joshua of Lunenburg and Almira Smith, Feb. 16, 1826. Mary E. and William Broad of Barre, int. Aug. 23, 1846. ♦ Intention not recorded. 134 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Flagg, Nathan of Worcester and Ruth Grimes, Dec. 12, 1802. Phebe of Lunenburg and Emery Smith, int. Sept. 4, 1825. FLETCHER, Benjamin and Hannah Pierce, June 11, 1778. Joseph of Lancaster and EHza Marean, Aug. 25, 1825. FOLLET (see Follett), Caty [Katy in int.] and William Bennett, Jan. 22 1805. Isaac and Lucy Wright Rice of Templeton, int. Jan. 28, 1809. Rhoda and Joseph Stone of Templeton, int. Sept. 18, 1809. Sally and David Witt, June i, 1808. FOLLETT (see above), Eliza and Pliny Lamb [of Westmore- land, N.H.], April II, 1830. Jonathan Metcalf and Mary Wheat of Putney, Vt., int. Nov. 23, 1815. Lucy and Horace Waite, May 24, 1836. Mary Ann S. (d. Isaac and Lucy W., a. 24) and Moses C. Wheeler, May I, 1849. Rusha R. and John F. Woodward, Dec. 29, 1836. Samuel Jr. and Sally Phelps, March 29, 1801. Sarah and William [E.] Leland of Templeton, Jan. 26, 1839. FOSKETT, Ebenezer of Orange and Rebeccah Newton of Princeton, May 24, 1802.* FOSTER, Betsey and Calvin Earle, Sept. 13, 1814. Elijah W. and Tryphena Lovewell, Sept. i, 1830. Eunice and Ivory Witt, Dec. i, 1808. Hannah and John Witt, July 20, 1806. Nathaniel and Susannah Pierce Chase, June 29, 1814. Sally and Joseph Green Jr., March 7, 1816, FRENCH, Lucy L. (d. Perez and Lucy L., a. 17) and William Baker, Jan. 11, 1848. Minot of Bedford, N.H., and Dorothy Q. Hinds, April 22, 1833, Perez Jr. (s. Perez and Lucy L., a. 22) and Sarah A. J. Baker, March 29, 1848. Sarah A. and Harvey Colman, March 21, 1841. FRIEZE, William C. and Lucy Barrows, April 20, 1841, FROST, Benjamin C. and Lydia B. Rice, April 17, 1817. Hammon and Abigail C. Green of West Boylston, int. May 10, 1846. Hannah and Greenleaf Lamb, April 12, 1827. * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I35 Frost, Lucy and Hiram McClaflin [McGlauflin] of Southboro, June 13, 1841. Mary and Levi Pond, int. Sept. 27, 1828. Mrs. Mary and Levi Pond, int. March 6, 1830. Mrs. Mary and Levi Pond, int. April g, 1837. Polly and John Phelps, April 28, 1825. Ruth and Elias Holt, Dec. 2, 1824. Sally and Joseph Bartlett of Rutland, July i, 18 10. Sumner (s. Benjamin C. and Lydia, a. 29) and Lura Stone, Nov. 8, 1848. GAGE, Elizabeth and James Symonds, Jan. 21, 1789. Lydia and Abel Harrington, Sept. 16, 1782. Mille and Ezra Livermore, Feb. 4, 1790. GALE, Mrs. Elizabeth and William Jackson, Nov. 10, 1814. Otis of Princeton and Eliza Clark, Feb. — , 1809. GARDNER, Sarah Elizabeth of Bolton and Rev. A. Dumont Jones, int. Feb. 11, 1832. GATES, Aaron and Mehitable Woodward, March 30, 1802. Belinda and Moses Kendall, July 2, 1833. Clessrow (s. Clark and Margaret, a. 23) and Nancy E. Pond, Nov. 24, 1846. Corydon and Mary Ann Ballou of Claremont, N.H., int. April 29, 1848. Delphos and Sally Howe of Rutland, int. March 16, 1803. Delphos and Mrs. Hannah Pollard, [March 4, 1817]. Ebenezer of Worcester and Hannah W. Hinds, Feb. 12, 1829. Elizabeth and John Davis of Princeton, April 5, 1804. Elmira [Almira in int.] (d. Sampson and Lois Stone, wid., a. 37) and John Morse, Dec. 22, 1847. Emily [EmeHa in int.] and Baxter Murdock, Sept. 20, 1815. Francis and Lucy Wright, Oct. 11, 1838. Hepzibah and Reuben Clap, Dec. 29, 1791. John Nelson and Elvira [Elmira?] S[t]one, Jan. 20, 1831. Jonathan and Roxa Green, Jan. — , 1809. Jonathan and Freelove Stone, Oct. 6, 1842. Kezia and Luther R. Clark, June 4, 182 1. Lois of Westminster and Ezra Simonds, int. March 24, 1806. Luther of Barre and Jerusha Clark, Feb. 26, 1809. Maria and Edmund A. Pollard, April 28, 1835. Minerva and Crusoe Kendall, April 9, 1833. Nathaniel of Barre and Prudence Holden, May 29, 1808. Polly of Barre and Ensign Isaac Clark, int. June 9, 1804. 136 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Gates, Polly D. and Bowers Briggs of Worcester, Sept. 10, 1834. Salmon and Lucy Church, May 28, 1804. Seallum and Emily Bullard of Princeton, Aug. 21, 1844. Seallum (s. Clark and Margaret, widr, a. 26) and Louisa Bennett, Feb. I, 1848. Seromus and Lemira Hayward of Ashby, int. Jan. 6, 1844. Silvia [Sylvia in int.] and Dexter Howe of Albany, N.Y., April 24, 1843. Susan and John Ames of Rutland, April 18, 1813. GAY, Aimer and Sophia Rice, Sept. 17 [19 in c.r.], 1839. Catharine and WilHam E. Brigham, Nov. 9, 1826. Charles P. and Dorothy Hinds, March g, 1826 Elizabeth and David Wright of Gardner, Sept. 6, 1836. Lucy Elizabeth and Dr. Thomas Taylor, March 16, 1837. Moses and Lucretia Davis, Dec. 2, 1830. Nancy and Joseph Whitcomb of Boylston, April 25, 1833. Rebekah (d. Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth, a. 26) and Jonathan W. Whitney, Sept. 21, 1845. Sally and Alvin M. Greenwood of Concord, N.H., March 11, 1834. Rev. Samuel and EUzebeth Chickering of Deadham, int. Oct. 19, 1812. GERMAN, Peter of Spencer and Sally Hart, int. July 19, 1846. GILL, Mary Ann of Princeton and Addison Bennett, int. April 29, 1838. Polly and Elisha Wilder, Jan. 20, 1802, GLEASON (see Gleazon), Andrew of Worcester and Celia Har- wood, Dec. I, 1836. Dolly and Samuel Fisk, Jan. 10, 1788. Elizabeth and James Case, May 29, 1778. Ezra and Polly Newton, Feb. 17, 1791. Seth and Lydia Smith, April 5, 1787. Tryphena and Oliver Davis, March 14, 1790. GLEAZON (see above), Ruth of East Sudbury and Micajah Reed, int. April i, 1806. GOING, James of Templeton and Elvira Wright, March 2, 1826. GOODENOW (see Goodnow), Anna and Elijah Goodspeed March 7, 1793. Dr. Artemas and Hannah Selfridge, Nov. i, 1804. Luther and Abigail Smith of Shrewsbery, int. Feb. 26, 1809. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 137 GOODNOW (see Goodenow), Asa of Boston (s. Calvin and Salome, a. 26) and Cynthia W. Hamilton, Dec. 31, 1845. William B. and Susan F. Cheever of Princeton, int. Nov. 19, 1841. GOODSPEED, Anna and Asa Underwood, Nov. 29, 182 1. Elijah and Anna Goodenow, March 7, 1793. Elizabeth and Mollis Pond, Oct. 6, 1836. Fedelia and William Muzzy Wheeler, Nov. 11, 1832. Hannah and Joel Pollard, March 3, 1791. Capt. Isaac and Lucy W. Nutting of Winchendon, int. Jan. i, 1825. John and Louisa Wheeler, Oct. 19, 1826. Luther and Betsy Rugg, Sept. 20, 1802. Marinana [Maria in int.] and John McClanathan, Nov. 6, 1825. Mary and Amasa G. Davis, Feb. 26, 1835. Sally M. [Murdock in int.] and Capt. Ephraim Stow, Nov. 20, 1823. Sophronia and Willard Pratt of New Marlborough, N.H., Feb. 16, 1829. Thomas and Mary Goulding of Phillipston, int. April 23, 1830. William C. and Martha Wright, April 9, 1832. GOULD, Deborah and Elisha Snell, June 20, 1779. Lucinda Sophia of Phillipston and Alvin Waite, int. March 14, 1835- GOULDING, Elizabeth and Aasa Morse, May 16, 1822. [Goulden in int.] Joel of Gerry and Anna Howe, June 24, 1807. Lucretia and Thomas Brooks of Gerry, int. Feb. 23, 1814. Lydia and James Baker of Phillipston, Nov. 29, 1814. Mary of Phillipston and Thomas Goodspeed, int. April 23, 1830. Mary Ann and James Burriel, July 3, 1834. Nancy B. and William Hinds of Erving's Grant, June 10, 1835. GRAVES, Jesse W. of Swansy, N.H. (s. Zadoc and Clarissa, a. 26) and Mary A. Woodward, Oct. 8, 1847. [Probably Nov. as int. was Oct. 11, and certificate given Oct. 21.] GRAY, Eli of Templeton and Lucinda Parker, Aug. 28, 1832. Nancy of Buckland and John W. Davis, int. Sept. — , 1844. GREEN (see Greene), Abigail C. of West Boylston and Hammon Frost, int. May 10, 1846. Daniel and Thankful Clifford, Dec. 11, 1800. Hannah and Charles King of Rutland, Dec. 29, 1814. Harriet Augusta and James Lamb 2d, Sept. 27, 1832. Hepzibah and Josiah Dana Hinds of Eden, Aug. i, i8c.. 138 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Green, Joseph and Hepzibah Heald, Sept. 21, 1775. Joseph Jr. and Huldah Allen, March 21, 1809. Joseph Jr. and Sally Foster, March 7, 18 16. Mary and Harvey Sibley of Worcester, April 3, 1828. Melissa and Reuben Partridge, April 21, 1824. Rebekah D. and John Parmenter, June 5, 1823. Roxa and Jonathan Gates, Jan. — , 1809. Roxa and Quincy Baker, May 16, 1839. Sally and Amos G. [J.] Rice, Oct. 12, 1826. William and Sophronia Homer of Rutland, int. March — , [1847]. GREENE (see above), Eunice (d. Joseph and Sally, a. 23) and Lafayette Coleman Jr., April 19, 1849. GREENWOOD, Aaron and Adaline Rice, April 14, 1831. Aaron of Gardner [South Gardner in int.] and Rebecca Prentiss, Sept. 8, 1841. Abby D. (d. Silas and JuHa, a. 24) and John Browning, Dec. 2, _ 1847. Abijah and Rhoda Pond, July 14, 1774. Abijah and Elizabeth Marean, Oct. 3, 1783. Alvin M. [Munroe in int.] of Concord, N.H., and Sally Gay, March 11, 1834. Aron of Westminster and Eliza Thacher, Dec. — [1807]. Augusta and Lyman Learned of Templeton, April 8, 1835. Betsey and EHsha Whittemore, March 21, 1821. Betty and Silas Joslyn, Oct. 28, 1789. Cynthia and WiUiam Joslin, April 15, 1830. Edmund R. and Susan H. Slocomb, Sept. 28, 1828. Ethan and Sally Allen, May 16, 1802. Hannah and Aaron Thompson of Keen, N.H., April 29 [1817]. James and Sally Hunting, March 3, 1814. James and Betsey Rice, May 18, 1819. Joseph E. and Nancy Clark, int. Nov. 19, 1840. Julia and Joseph C. Murdock, Jan. 5, 1838. Levi and Anna Shattuck, Sept. i, 1785. Lucy and Edward Patridge, Dec. i, 1808. Lyman and Augusta Marean, Nov. 19, 1829. Mary and Elisha Woodward, April 26, 1821. Moses and Betsy Dunlap, March 22, 1779. Moses Jr. and Polly Brown, Jan. 9, 1806. Moses and Adaline Ayers of Leicester, int. Aug. 13, 183 1. Nancy and Thomas Temple of Westminster, Nov. 26, 18 12. Otis and Sophia Rice, Nov. 27, 1806. Rhoda and Isaac Thomson 2d of Princeton, int. May 3, 1809. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 139 Greenwood, Sally and Abel Warren of Northboro, June 4, 1805. Silas and Julia Danniels of Hopkington, int. Nov. 6, 181 1, Silas N. and Calista Heald, Dec. 8, 1841. Silas N. (s. Silas and Julia, widr., a. 28) and Susan Browning, June 2, 1846. GRIMES, Aaron and Sally Stow, Aug. 26, 1804. Aaron 2d and Louisa Marean, April 4, 1830. Arseneth and Joel Constantine of Ashburnham, Jan. 17, i8n. Asa Tyler and Mary Clark, int. March 2, 1813. Attarah and Asa Lyon, Dec. 5, 1799. Betty and Seth Savage, Aug. 30, 1789. Bill and Dorcas Murdock of Winchendon, int. Oct. 4, 1806. Clarissa and Joseph Waite Jr., March i, 1815. Elmira and William Hobbs Jr., Jan. 21, 1830. Hannah and Joel Smith of Rutland, June 2, 181 1. Harrison (s. Bill and Dorcas, a. 31) and Rosanna Nugent, Dec. 27, 1847. Henry S. and Susan M. Sawin, April 7, 1833. John of Marlboro, N.H., and Sally Grimes, Jan. 8, 1804. Joseph and Harriet A. Maynard of Rutland, int. Sept. 24, 1843. Laura (d. Bill and Dorcas, a. 22) and Eli Clark, Feb. 9, 1847. Lucy and George Smith of Rutland, March 22, 1808. Lucy (d. Bill and Dorcas, a. 22) and Benjamin Stoddard, Nov. 30, 1843- Polly and Asa Hoyt, July 3, 1776. Ruth and Nathan Flagg of Worcester, Dec. 12, 1802. Sally and John Grimes of Marlboro, N.H., Jan. 8, 1804. Sophia and Simon Read, Nov. 21, 1830. Waldo and Nancy Hunting, Feb. 5, 1816. HAGER, Azubah and Ichabod Farrer of Springfield, int. Aug. 4, 1804. Azubah H. and William A. Swallow, int. March 29, 1845. Moses and Lydia Baker Brooks of Petersham, int. Sept. 15, 1808. HALE, Clara and Samuel Swan, Oct. 29, 1812. Esther and James Newton, Feb. 10, 1824. Lucy and Daniel Wilkinson of Templeton, July 11, 1833. Luther and Phebe Wyman, April 8, 1804. Luther Jr. of Mount Holly, Vt., and Melinda Parker, Jan. 15, 1823. Luther and Mrs. Phebe Upham, Oct. 23, 1834. Oliver and Sarah D. Parker, March 18, 1830. Roland and Clarissa Rice of Templeton, int. May 17, 1833. Susan and Amasa Hyde of Worcester, June 5, 1834. Thomas and Mary Pond, March 20, 1831. 140 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. HALLICK, Isaac Jr. and Mrs. Nancy L. Clark, int. Sept. 26, 1835. HAMILTON, Cynthia W. (d. 01ive[r] and Betsey, a. 26) and Asa Goodnow of Boston, Dec. 31, 1845. George W. and Betsey Earle, Sept. 16, 1841. George W. (s. Oliver and Betsey, widr., a. 30) and Julia Wheeler, April 16, 1846. Sylvia of Westminster and Jonathan P. Earle, int. March 18, 1835. HANCOCK, Mary Ann of Barre and Martin Cliflford, int. March iS» 1832. HAPGOOD, Charlotte and Isaac Bellows, Feb. 11, 1838. David and Sally Mirick, April 4, 1782. Winsor and Nancy Woods, June 29, 1800. HARDEN, Rhoda and Thomas H. Parker, April 19, 1798. HARDEY [Hardy in int.], Moses and Clarissa R. Sargent, March 28, 1843. HARRINGTON, Abel and Lydia Gage, Sept. 16, 1782. Amia and Thomas H. Brown, April 8, 1834. Hannah and Job Richardson, March 24, 1788. Lydia and Andrew Jackson, Aug. 14, 1791. Mary and Timothy Underwood, Oct. 18, 1792. Mary and Daniel Mundell, Oct. 11, 1826. Nehemiah and Amia Morse, Sept. 21, 1826. HARRIS, Louisa of Worcester and Lyman F. Marsh, int. Sept. II, 1836. HART, Sally and Peter German of Spencer, int. July 19, 1846. HARTWELL, Amos and Betey Pond, int. Aug. 5, 1808. Betsey of Templeton and Nelson Witt, Nov. 24, 1842. Emehne and Thomas J. Colman of Templeton, Sept. 11, 1832. Harriet N. and George Rugg of Royalston, int. Nov. i, 1840. James H. [Harvey, in int.] and Charlotte Wyman, Nov. 30, 183 1. Lorinda and Warner Cliflford, May 6, 1833. Mary and Wesson Bixby, Dec. 3, 1829. Phebe and Daniel Brown, of Claremont, N.H., Oct. 10, 1842. Sarah A. (d. Simon and Roxa, a. 20) and Benjamin F. Wright, Jan. 12, 1847. Simon and Roxa Sargeant, int. Feb. 26, 1809. HARVEY, Charles H. and Lucy A. Black, int. March — [1847]. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I4I HARWOOD, Celia and Andrew Gleason of Worcester, Dec. i, 1836. Lydia of Barre and Ebenezer Brown Jr., int. May 23, 1817. Sylvia and John Warren Davis, Nov. 28, 1837. HASKELL, Ebenezer of Holden and Mrs. Lucy Parker, April 27, 1820. HASTINGS, Daniel E. of Barre (s. Emery and Mary, a. 21) and Sarah E. Clark, June 5, 1849. Lois of Petersham and Asaph Browning, int. March 9, 18 16. Samuel H. of Worcester (s. M. and L., a. 26) and Dorinda Cliff- ford, Aug. 8, 1844. HATSTAT, Alfred (a. 23) and Harriet Stone, both of Rutland, Feb. 4, 1845.* HLAYNES, Jonathan P. [Patch in int.] of Templeton and Candace A. Mann, Dec. 23, 1823, HAY WARD (see Hey wood), Lemira of Ashby and Seromus Gates, int. Jan. 6, 1844. HAZELTON, Wealthy C. and Benjamin White, Jan. 14, 1829. HEALD, Betsey and Abljah Clark, May 6, 1810. Calista and Silas N. Greenwood, Dec. 8, 1841. Elizabeth and Benjamin Church, Oct. 9, 1803. Hannah and Joseph Stone, Nov. 25, i8io. Hepzibah and Joseph Green, Sept. 21, 1775. John and Mary Wood, Oct. 11, 1821. John H. [Hobart in int.] and Lucy Wright, Oct. 7, 1834. Jonas and Abigail Clark, Sept. 6, 1815. Lois (d. Jonas and Abigail, a. 21) and Lyman Wheeler, June 13, 1843. Lucy and Jeremiah Thompson, Jan. 12, 1802. Mary C. [S. in int.] and George Williams Jr. of Cooperville, S.C, Sept. 10, 1839. Nancy (d. Jonas and Abigail, a. 24) and David D. Keyes of Worcester, Nov. 23, 1848. Philena (d. John and Mary, a. 22) and Lewis F. Ball of Wor- cester, Nov. 12, 1844. Sally and Samuel Thomson Jr., Oct. 16 [1816]. Sarah (d. John and Polly, a. 19) and Albert Witt, June 2, 1846. Timothy and Lois Smith, June 12, 1785. HEARTY, Hannah and Michael Larmy, int. Sept. 2, 1849. * Intention not recorded. 142 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. HEMENWAY, Ethan of Barre and Eurana Witt, int. Oct. 31, 1841. John and Nabba Kinsman April 11, 1793. HEMINGWAY, Daniel Jr. of Barre and Persis Earle, int. June 7, 1817- HENRY, Mrs. Martha and Samuel Kinsman of Heath, May 24, 1831. HEYWOOD (see Hayward), Phinehas of Barre and Dolly WiUiams, April 2, 18 16. Seth P. [Pratt in int.] of Barre and Prisilla E. Parker, Aug. 30, 1835. HILL, Lucinda andjohn Allen, May 19, 1833. Mary Ann and Ephraim Allen of Rutland, Nov. 17, 1830. HINDS, Abijah and Susanah Colman, Dec. 30, 1810. At Templeton. Abijah of Gardner and Mrs. Persis Slocomb, June 25, 1841. Abner and Sally Woodward, June 16, 1800. Abner and Wid. Betsey Marean, int. Jan. 11, 18 12. Achsah and Aaron Clarke, int. Oct. 24, 1819. Anna and Sanford Bullard, Oct. 2, 1803. Calvin and Susannah Clark, Dec. i, 1805. Calvin and Mrs. Ehzabeth Woodward, Dec. 8, 1826. Chenery and Melinda Underwood of Barre, int. May 14, 1820. Cornelius Jr. and Hannah Waite, April 9, 1801. Cornelius Jr. and Augusta Witt of Petersham, int. March 28, 1834. Dorothy and Charles P. Gay, March 9, 1826. Dorothy Q. and Minot French of Bedford, N.H., April 22, 1833. Eli and Polly Stone, March 12, 1789. Elizabeth and Jonathan G. Day of Worcester, Dec. 2, 1834. Hannah W. and Ebenezer Gates of Worcester, Feb. 12, 1829. Hey wood and Anna Pearce, April 8, 1778. John and Susanah Metcalf of Barre, int. Jan. 3, 1808. Josiah Dana of Eden and Hepzibah Green, Aug. i, 1802. Lowell L. of Brookfield and Polly Wright, April 5, 1832. Lydia and William Rice 2d of Barre, int. March 20, 1813. Mary A. and George W. Davis of South Orange, int. Nov. 19, 1843. Persis and Samuel Clark, Nov. 9, 1786. Polly and Lewis Pond, March 31, 1808. Susan of Gardner and William Coleman, int. Jan. 25, 1834. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. ^43 Hinds, Susannah and Ezra Clark Jr., int. April i, 1816. Warner and Achsah Woodward, June 30, 181 1. William of Erving's Grant and Nancy B. Goulding, June 10, 1835- HOBBS, Charles and Sophia H. Murdock of Northfield, int. Oct. 23, 1836. Henry of Weston and Eliza Parks of Boston, Jan. 28, 1841. In Boston.* Mary and Ezra P. Brown, March 19, 1829. William Jr. and Elmira Grimes, Jan. 21, 1830. HODGE, Asa S. of Athol (s. Levi and Taphath, a. 23) and Lucy Parker, May 8, 1845. HO IT (see Hoyt), Sally and David Woodward, July 18, 1803. HOLDEN, Elbridge of Westminster and Tryphosa Rolph, int. Nov. 27, 1842. Mrs. Elizabeth of Westminster and Dea. Ephraim Allen, int. June 12, 1828. Fanny and Samuel Clark Jr., April 22, 1805. Harriet and Milton Stone, March 29, 1843. Justinian of Keesville, N.Y., and Lucy Marean, May 15, 1832. Justinian of Keysville, N.Y., and Charlotte Marean, Sept. i, 1835- Nathan and Prudence Alden, June 21, 1791. Nathan and Peady Clark, int. April 5, 1809. Nathan and Mary Jane Stone, May 24, 1836. In Brookfield. Prudence and Nathaniel Gates of Barre, May 29, 1808. Rufus of Gardner and Mary Ann Warren, March 20, 1828. HOLLAND, Prescot and Susan Larraby, both of Petersham, Nov. 12, 1833.* HOLT, Elias and Ruth Frost, Dec. 2, 1824. Nancy A. of Barre (d. Elias and Ruth, a. 22) and Francis H. Dewey, Feb. 13, 1849. Sally D. and David Baker, Nov. 18, 1827. Simeon K. and Sophia Mundell, Jan. 7, 1824. HOMER, Sophronia of Rutland and William Green, int. March - [1847]- HOUGHTON, Olive A. of Petersham and Homer M. Adams, int. March 13, 1842. * Intention not recorded. 144 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. HOW [Howe in int.] (see Howe), Abel of Petersham and Martha Williams, May 6, 1841. Caty and John McClanathan, Dec. 8, 1800. Eunice and Josiah Procter, April 16, 1778. HOWARD, Mrs. Hannah and Levi Parmenter, April 19, 1832. Jacob and Sally Bolton, Sept. i, 1785. Mrs. Lois and Daniel Mundell 3d, May 12, 183 1. Lucy and Samuel Dunlap, April 21, 1779. Rufus (s. Timothy and Sarah, widr., a. ;is) and Susan Joslin, Dec. 21, 1848. Sophia of Winchester, N.H., and Edward Murdock, int. Jan. i, 1812. HOWE (see How), Anna and Joel Goulding of Gerry, June 24, 1807. Dr. Asa and Releif Woodward, Feb. 4, 1812. Charlotte W. and Sumner Murdock, Jan. 23, 1833. Dexter of Albany, N.Y., and Silvia Gates, April 24, 1843. Dolly Brigham of Templeton and Nathan Warren, int. Oct. 22, 1815. Sally of Rutland and Delphos Gates, int. March 16, 1803. William B. of Marlboro and Fidelia Alden, int. Oct. 7, 1849. HOYT (see Hoit), Asa and Polly Grimes, July 3, 1776. Eunice and Benjamin Clark, Dec. 12, 1781. Frances and Rhoda Carryl, Nov. 3, 1774. Dr. George and Avalina Witt, Oct. 15, 1829. HUBBARD, Alona B. of Holden and Willard Allen, int. Jan. 2, 1828. Rebekah C. and Isaac Stone Jr. of Shrewsbury, June 13, 1839. Samuel [Samuel W. in int.] of Holden, widr., a. 66) and Lucy Whittemore, Sept. 7, 1848. Warren of Holden and Lucy Joshn, Nov. 12, 1828. HUMPHREY [Humphreys in int.], Henry of Athol and Soph- ronia Parker, June 21, 1836. HUNTING, Ann (d. Lemuel and Polly) and Jacob Chamberlain, Aug. 25, 1847. At Brattleboro, Vt. Eliza R. and George Mundell, Aug. 15, 1833. Hannah (d. Lemuel and Polly, a, 17) and Elisha Rockwood Brown, Dec. i, 1846. Jarvis and Rebekah H. Sawin of Westminster, Feb. 28, 1830, Lemuel and Polly Baker, Sept. 28, 1820. Mary and Uriah Eager of Western, Jan. i, 1826. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 145 Hunting, Moses and Elizabeth Wood Newton, Jan. 12, 1792. Nancy and Waldo Grimes, Feb. 5, 1816. Polly and Lt. Sewall Moulton, Nov. 4, 1823. Roxa (d. Aaron and Julia Ann, a. 19) and Silas Adams, April 19, 1845. Sally and James Greenwood, March 3, 1814. Stephen and Polly Newton, Dec. 23, 1790. Stephen Jr. and Eunice Dupee of Westminster, int. June 16, 1810. Tryphena and Jason Smith of Barre, June 14, 1820. William and Lydia Wheelock, June 9, 1779. HYDE, Amasa of Worcester and Susan Hale, June 5, 1834. Charles (s. William and Eunice S., a. 29) and Elizabeth Sweatland of East Thomaston, Me., Sept. 16, 1849. JACKSON, Andrew and Lydia Harrington, Aug. 14, 1791. Betey and Person Bemis of Westminster, Oct. 17, 181 1. Lydia and Zeba Simonds of Templeton, int. April 14, 1805. Susanna and Charles Upton, int. Sept. 29, 1809. William and Mrs. Elizabeth Gale, Nov. 10, 18 14. JENNISON, Flint and Mary Stow, Dec. i, 1836. JOHNSON, Mrs. Abigail and Ephraim Willard, [Dec. 6, 182 1]. Arseneth of Gerry and James Miller of Stamford, Vt., Jan. 30, 1814. David L. (s. Perry and Catharine, a. 24) and Lois Wilbur, Jan. i, 1846. Emery of WalHngford, Vt., and Mary Brown, Oct. 16, 1825. Hannah and William Morse, Oct. 7, 181 1. Harriet E. of Barre and Danford Clark, int. Nov. 15, 1846. Hiram F. of Barre (a. 25) and Mary Allen, May 16, 1843. Jacob and Abigail Mason, Jan, 28, 1813. Sarah and Samuel Clark 3d, int. March 23, 1817. JONES, Rev. A. Dumont and Sarah Elizabeth Gardner of Bolton, int. Feb. 11, 1832. Anna and Abel Rice, Aug. 11, 1791. Betsey and Benjamin Joslin, Nov. 8, 1781. Mrs. Emeline of Gloucester and Joseph Chickering, int. March 6, 1833. JOSLIN (see Joslyn), Benjamin and Betsey Jones, Nov. 8, 1781. Hollis and Linda Underwood, April 25, 1826. John J. [Jacobs in int.] of Thompson, Ct., and Caroline Tenney, April 9, 1837. ^ Julia A. (d. Peter and Betsey, a. 21) and Henry A. Smith, Nov. 16, 1848. 146 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. JosLiN, Levi and Dorcas Wright, April 22, 1827. Lucy and Warren Hubbard of Holden, Nov. 12, 1828. Mary and Abisha Eveleth of Rutland, int. Jan. 17, 1818. Peter and Rhoda Joslin, Dec. 23, 1810. Peter and Betsey Woodis of Rutland, int. Feb. 10, 182 1. Rhoda and Peter Joslin, Dec. 23, 1810. Silas (s. Silas and Betsey, a. 38) and Minerva Kendall, Nov. 26, 1846. Susan (d. Peter and Betsey, a. 25) and Rufus Howard, Dec. 21, 1848. William and Cynthia Greenwood, April 15, 1830. JOSLYN (see above), Silas and Betty Greenwood, Oct. 28, 1789 KELLEY, Betey of Berra and William McClanathan, Aug. 21, 1808. Patty of Barre and Edmund Clark, int. Dec. 14, 1809. KEMP, Abby L. of Grafton and William Lewis, int. July 20, 1845. KENDALL, Crusoe and Minerva Gates, April 9, 1833. Edmund of Gardner and Mary Bennett, Nov. 8 [18 in c.r.], 1838. Eunice and De La Fayette Colman of Templeton, Aug. 21, 1821. Melisce[nt] and Silas Richardson, Dec. 25, 1828. Minerva (d. Delphos and Sally Gates, wid., a. 35) and Silas Joslin, Nov. 26, 1846. Moses and Belinda Gates, July 2, 1833. Moses (s. Jonathan and Mary, widr., a. 50) and Esther J. Bul- lock, Dec. 30, 1847. Rebeccah and David N. Bishop, Dec. 13, 1835. KEYES, David D. of Worcester (s. Denis and Sarah, widr., a. 28) and Nancy Heald, Nov. 23, 1848. Luther and Lidia Parker of Royalston, int. April 16, 1803. KIMBAL, Mary and Roland Pond, Jan. 4, 182 1. KIMBALL, Phebe and Nathaniel Upham, Jan. 11, 1814. KING, AdaHne Augusta and Warren L. Merritt, Nov. 25, 1834. Charles of Rutland and Hannah Green, Dec. 29, 1814. Katharine [Catharine in int.] A. and Warren Ball of Princeton, April 14, 1840. KINSMAN, David and Abigail Fox Putnam of Heath, int. Aug. 19, 1804. James and Nancy Miller, Jan. 6, 1806. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I47 Kinsman, John and Eunice Merrett of Templeton, int. March 29, 1808. Joseph and Kezia Bangs, int. Feb. 7, 1804. Nabba and John Hemenway, April 11, 1793. Samuel and Kesiah Newton, Jan. 17, 1793. Samuel of Heath and Mrs. Martha Henry, May 24, 183 1. LACEY [Lackey?], Harvey of Jeffrey, N.H., and Martha W. Whitney, Oct. 21, 1828. LACKEY, Royal of Upton and Abigail W. Upham, Nov. 30, 1843. LAMB, Ama and Aaron Phelps, Nov. 28, 1805. Dolly and Samson Stone, int. May 10, 18 17. Dolly W. and Asa Wheeler 2d, Nov. 6, 1828. Greenleaf and Hannah Frost, April 12, 1827. James Jr. and Dolly Waight, Nov. 7, 1805. James 2d and Harriet Augusta Green, Sept. 27, 1832. Nancy and Simpson Clark 2d, May 3, 1827. Pliny and Rebeccah Brown, April 12, 1804. Pliny and Eliza Follett, April 11, 1830. Mrs. Rebekah and Joseph Brigham, Feb. 26, 1823. Sally and Daniel Wheeler, Sept. 26, 1802. LAMSON, Lucy and Benjamin Dike of Westminster, int. Feb. 9, 1812. LARMY, Michael and Hannah Hearty, int. Sept. 2, 1849. LARRABY, Susan and Prescot Holland, both of Petersham, Nov. 12, 1833.* LASELL, Thomas of Wardsbury, Vt., and Lydia Adams, Oct. 24, 1805. LEALAND (see Leland), Kezia and Samuel McClanathan, Jan. 22, 1807. Lowel and Betey Clark of Gardner, int. Oct. 24, 1813. Lowell and Mrs. Elizabeth Spring, June 20, 1830. Sarah and Henry Erskin of Claremont, N.H., March 6, 18 16. LEARNED, Lyman of Templeton and Augusta Greenwood, April 8, 1835. LELAND (see Lealand), Elizabeth and Asher Moore of Ash- burnham, April 26, 1841. WiUiam [William E. in int.] of Templeton and Sarah Follett, Jan. 26, 1839. * Intention not recorded. 148 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. LEONARD, Limus of Sterling and Martha Jane Ames, March 23, 1830. Richard and Phebe Ellenwood, Jan. 7, 1836. Richard (s. Phineas and Phebe, widr., a. 32) and Sarah Murdock, May 24, 1848. LEWIS, George of Templeton and Frances Savage, int. April 21, 1831. Levi of Royalston and Rhoda Underwood, April 27, 18 19. William and Abby L. Kemp of Grafton, int. July 20, 1845. LINKFIELD, Edward and Eunice Smith, July 30, 1787. LIVERMORE, Ezra and MiUe Gage, Feb. 4, 1790. LOCKE, Harriet of Boston and Dana Lyon, int. Aug. 8, 1834. LOVE JOY, James of Oakham and Ora Erskine, Oct. 3, 1826. LOVEWELL, Isaac and EHza Moulton, Oct. 18, 1825. Jesse and Betsey Comee of Gardner, int. Nov. 23, 1826. Joseph and Jerusha Smith, Nov. 28, 1820. Leonard and Louisa Comee of Gardner, int. Oct. 24, 1829. Rebeckah and James Phillips, June 26, 1831. Tryphena and Elijah W. Foster, Sept. i, 1830. LUFKIN, Lucy E. of Templeton and Amherst E. Coleman, int. Aug. 31, 1845. LYON, Asa and Attarah Grimes, Dec. 5, 1799. Betsey and John F. Woodward, Dec. 7, 1806. Dana and Harriet Locke of Boston, int. Aug. 8, 1834. Lois and Aaron Wright, Jan. 21, 1802. Lucy and Jothem Stone, Aug. 16, 1801. Martha and Joel Wheeler, Feb. 13, i8oo. Miriam and Nathan Newton, June 26, 1804. Nehemiah and Hepzibah Robinson, April 19, 1774. Polly and Levi Parker, Oct. 26, 1786. McCLAFLIN [McGlauflin in int. and Southborough, v.r.], Hiram of Southboro and Lucy Frost, June 13, 1841. McCLANATHAN, Catharine and Samuel N. Farnsworth of Waltham, Nov. 30, 1834. Harriot and Joseph Marean, June 21, 1807. John and Caty How, Dec. 8, 1800. John and Marinana (Maria) Goodspeed, Nov. 6, 1825. Julia and Daniel Thomson, Feb. 20, 1827. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 149 McClanathan, Patty and Increase Warren, Dec. 18, 1806. Rufus of Templeton and Lucy Pond, May 18, 1820. Samuel and Kezia Lealand, Jan. 22, 1807. Sophia and Justus Ellinwood, July 4, 1814. William and Betey Kelley of Berra, Aug. 21, 1808. McCOBB, Samuel of Princeton and Polly Clark, int. March 19, 1811. McGLAUFLIN, see McClaflin. McKINSTREY, Andrew J. and Mary A. Deckey, both of Holden, Nov. 7, 1835.* MANING [Manning in int.], Latitia and Lewis G. Randall, Nov. 15, 1840. MANN, Amos and Betey Rice, Dec. 31, 1810. Candace A. [Adaline in int.] and Jonathan P. Haynes of Tem- pleton, Dec. 23, 1823. Ebenezer and Mary Bullard, Nov. 20, 1777. George H. and Ann Clark, April 11, 1843. Isabelli and Levi Allen, int. Feb. 23, 1818. John and Mrs. Narcissa Earl of Leicester, int. April 17, 1829. Lucretia and Williams Wilbur, April 4, 1830. Sidney B. and Almeda P. Smith of SterHng, int. Feb. 23, 1840. MAREAN, Asa and Lucy Browning, April 17, 1823. Augusta and Lyman Greenwood, Nov. 19, 1829. Betey and Asa Brigham, May 23, 1791. Wid. Betsey and Abner Hinds, int. Jan. 11, 1812. Charlotte and Justinian Holden of Keysville, N.Y., Sept. i, 1835. Eliza and Joseph Fletcher of Lancaster, Aug. 25, 1825. Elizabeth and Abijah Greenwood, Oct. 3, 1783. Emily and Thomas H. Brown of Sterling, May 10, 1827. Hannah and David Bennet Jr., July i, 1807. Mrs. Harriet and Francis Blood of Pepperell, March 28, 1826. Joseph and Harriot McClanathan, June 21, 1807. Joseph P. of Van Buren, Ark., and Abigail Mason, Sept. 10, 1839. Louisa and Aaron Grimes 2d, April 4, 1830. Lucy and Justinian Holden of Keesville, N.Y., May 15, 1832. Moses and Nancy Wilbur, June 2, 1834. Setdman [Stedman in int.] and Mary Clap Wheeler, Nov. 11, 1832. Sophia and Stephen Church, Dec. 6, 182 1. Sumner and Sally Wright, Dec. 25, 1825. William Jr. and Betey Blood, March 2, 1801. ♦ Intention not recorded. 150 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Marean, William 2d and Mrs. Susan Wheeler, Oct. 4, 1825. William 2d and Cecilia Witt, Nov. 12, 1835. William Henry (s. William and Rebecca [Susan?], a. 21) and Mary B. Pond, Aug. 22, 1847. MARIAM [Merriam in int.] (see Merriam, Miriam), Patty and Benjamin Slocomb, Nov. 29, 1810. MARSH, Emeline and Josiah Whiting of Barre, June 15, 1843. Lyman F. and Louisa Harris of Worcester, int. Sept. 11, 1836. MARSHAL, William and Mary Wooly, Sept. 8, 1783. MARSHALL, Abel Jr. of Holden and Lucy Allen, March 21, 1809. Abel Jr. and Parmillia Parker of Worcester, int. Dec. 10, 1816. MARTIN, Lydia and Timothy Newton, Nov. 21, 1799. MATHEWS, Susannah and Benjamin Dike of Westminster, Sept. 5, 1809. MASON, Abigail and Jacob Johnson, Jan. 28, 1813. Abigail and Joseph P. Marean of Van Buren, Ark., Sept. 10, 1839. Ephraim and Polly Bennet, June 5, 181 1. Martha and Cyrus M. Murdock of Rutland, Sept. 10, 1839. MAY, Luther A. and Elizabeth P. Wilder of Sterling, May 14, 1838. MAYNARD, Harriet A. of Rutland and Joseph Grimes, int. Sept. 24, 1843. MEAD, Israel and Lydia Cutler, Aug. 7, 1770. Levi and Hannah Presson, Dec. 11, 1775. MEECH, Mrs. Rebeckah and Joseph Parmenter, May 28, 1774. MENDELL (see Mundell), Charles and Hannah Smith of Barre, int. July 4, 1819. MERIAM (see Mariam, Merriam, Miriam), Polly and Willard Stone, Oct. 24 [22?], i8oi. MERRETT (see Merritt), Eunice of Templeton and John Kins- man, int. March 29, 1808. MERRICK (see Mirick), Edward and Fanny Clark, both of Princeton, Nov. 11, 1841. In Princeton.* * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 151 MERRIAM (see Mariam, Meriam, Miriam), Asa Jr. and Sally- Warren, May 12, 1825. Patty and Benjamin Slocomb, int. June 6, 18 10. MERRIT (see Merrett), Dy[an]tha of Templeton and Nathan Clark, int. Nov. 30, 1806. MERRITT, Warren L. and Adaline Augusta King, Nov. 25, 1834. METCALF, Lois of Barre and Ebenezer Brown Jr., int. April 7, 1810. Susanah of Barre and John Hinds, int. Jan. 3, 1808. William C. of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Hannah F. [H.?] Savage, May 20, 1839. MILLER, James of Stamford, Vt., and Arseneth Johnson of Gerry, Jan. 30, 1814. Lucy and Stephen Barton, July 31, 1830. Nancy and James Kinsman, Jan. 6, 1806. MIRIAM (see Meriam, Merriam), Azubah and Jeduthun Stone, Dec. 7, 1790. Jonas and Anna Clark, Feb. 8, 1789. [Merriam in int.], Sally and Shubael Russel, Sept. 22, 1805. Sarah and Isaac Puffer, Aug. 28, 1783. MIRICK (see Merrick), Paul and Dorcas Pollard, Nov. 24, 1790. Lucy of Holden and John Adams, int. Nov. 2, 1818. Polly and Sewal Mirick of Princeton, April 21, 1812. Sally and David Hapgood, April 4, 1782. Sewal of Princeton and Polly Mirick, April 21, 1812. Capt. Sewall and Lucretia Morse, March 26, 1833. MOLTON [Moukon in int.] (see Moulton), Lucy and Walter Warren, May 27, 1810. MOORE, Asher of Ashburnham and EHzabeth Leland, April 26, 1841. Merritt and Mary Young, Nov. 30, 1826. [More in int.], Sophia and Daniel Thomson, May 20, 1819. MORSE, Aasa [Asa in int.] and EHzabeth Goulding, May 16, 1822. Amia and Nehemiah Harrington, Sept. 21, 1826. Augustus and Lucinda Wright, April 10, 1834. Ehza and John Church, May 26, 1822. Hannah and Ephraim Spring, Feb. 8, 1816. Horace and Harriet E. Williams, March 17, 183 1. Joel and Ehza Browning, Dec. 26, 1822. 152 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Morse, John and Electa Nurse of Troy, N.H., int. Jan. 2, i8ig. John (s. Samuel and Esther, widr, a. 57) and Elmira Gates, Dec. 22, 1847. Julia (d. Richard and Hannah, a. 21) and Newell R. Wheeler of Westminster, March 25, 1847. Kata and Silas Wheeler, Feb. 23, 1786. Lavina and Joshua Browning, Dec. 27, 1821, Lucretia and Capt. Sewall Mirick, March 26, 1833. Mary (d. John and Electa, a. 23) and Simeon Clark of Princeton, Dec. 17, 1846. Richard and Hannah Dike of Westminster, int. March 23, 1823. Russel and Betey Waight, July 31, 1808. Samuel and Easther Woodward, April 14, 1785. Samuel Jr. and Betsey Perry of Fitzwilliam, int. May 2, 1815. Stillman and Mary Ann Slocomb, April 17, 1822. Stillman and Sarah M. Warren, Sept. i, 1825. Stillman (s. William and Hannah, widr., a. 44) and Augusta Clark of Gardner, May 4, 1843. William and Hannah Richardson, May 23, 1791. William and Hannah Johnson, Oct. 7, 181 1. William and Louisa Stone, Sept. 29, 1830. MOULTON (see Molton), EHza and Isaac Lovewell, Oct. 18, 1825. Jane (d. Sewall and Polly, a. 20) and Isaac F. Thompson of Princeton, Dec. 19, 1844. Lt. Sewall and Polly Hunting, Nov. 4, 1823. Capt. Sewall and Mrs. Lurenza Taft of Petersham, int. Nov. 25, 1838. MUNDELL (see Mendell), Lois and Lyman Root, July 29, 1832. Daniel and Mary Harrington, Oct. 11, 1826. Daniel 3d and Mrs. Lois Howard, May 12, 1831. Eliza and Adolphus Clark, int. Aug. 6, 1833. George and Eliza R. Hunting, Aug. 15, 1833. Mary Ann (d. Daniel and Mary, a. 19) and Zenas Codding, Aug. 9, 1849. Sophia and Simeon K. Holt, Jan. 7, 1824. MUNROE, Mrs. Katy and Abraham Wheeler of Rutland, May 30, 1803. MURDOCK, Baxter and Emily Gates, Sept. 20, 1815. Mrs. Betsey and Dea. Joseph Raymond, int. Sept. 12, 1849. Cyrus M. of Rutland and Martha Mason, Sept. 10, 1839. Dorcas of Winchendon and Bill Grimes, int. Oct. 4, 1806. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 53 MuRDOCK, Ebenezer and Betey Wheeler, March 3, 1836. Edward and Sophia Howard of Winchester, N.H., int. Tan. i 1812. Edward [Jr. in int.] and Betsy Clifford, Aug. 9, 1838. Elisha and Nancy Temple, Jan. 17, 1837. Frinday and Paul Bailey Jr., May i, 1834. John of Westminster and Joanna Clifford, July i, 1804. Lucretia and Alpheus Earl, March 31, 1808. Lydia of Westminster and Luther Clifford, int. Aug. 18, 1805. Hannah and Ebenezer Stow Jr., Feb. — , 1807. Joseph C. and Julia Greenwood, Jan. 5, 1838. Mary and Joshua P. Pillsbury, March i, 1832. Prudence (d. Edward and , a. 24) and Perez G. Coleman, April 26, 1849. Rebecca and Enoch Davis, March 4, 1802. Robert Jr. and Sally Nichols, March 15, 1804. Sarah (d. Robert and Sally, a. 30) and Richard Leonard, May 24, 1848. Sophia H. of Northfield and Charles Hobbs, int. Oct. 23, 1836. Sumner and Charlotte W. Howe, Jan. 23, 1833. William and Sarah Wheelock, int. Jan. 13, 1833. MUZZY, Abigail and Edmund Rice, April 30, 1782. Mary and Nathan Bryant of Templeton, int. Jan. 28, 1810. Nancy and Asa Wheeler, June 2, 1791. Sally and John Edwards Newton, Nov. 10, 1789. NEFF, Lydia and WiUiam Stedman Parkhurst, int. Nov. 17, 1832,. NEWBURY, Dayton B. of Gardner and Mrs. Caroline Perry, Sept. 15, 1842, NEWELL, Adaline L. (d. Elijah and Jemima, a. 20) and Lucius A. White, both of Grafton, Aug. 15, 1844.* NEWTON, Anna and Daniel Woodward Jr., July 12, 1842. Eliza of Westminster and Stephen Sawin, int. Nov. 22, 1830. Elizabeth Wood and Moses Hunting, Jan. 12, 1792. Harrison and Eliza H. Dennis, both of Barre, April 22, 1829.* Isaac and Maria Rice, May 4, 1841. Isaac and Lydia Elizabeth Wiswall of Westminster, int. June i, 1845. Ithamar and Polly Nichols, Oct. 15, 1807. James and Esther Hale, Feb. 10, 1824. John Edwards and Sally Muzzy, Nov. 10, 1789. ♦ Intention not recorded. 154 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Newton, Jonas and Phene Pond, Dec. 15, 1785. Kesiah and Samuel Kinsman, Jan. 17, 1793. Kezia and Henry Williams, Feb. 12, 1822. Keziah and David Woodward, Nov. 28, 1784. Lucy and Levi Pond, April 11, 1785. Mary and Daniel Woodward Jr., Nov. 30, 1829. Miranda J. and Stillman Clark of Princeton, Nov. 3, 1840. Miriam L. (d. Nathan and Miranda, a. 21) and Asa G. Clark, Sept. 30, 1845. Nathan and Miriam Lyon, June 26, 1804. , Nathan and Mrs. Miranda Davis of Princeton, int. Sept. 21, 1821. Nathan Jr. and Eliza Whittemore of Dublin, N.H., int. Nov. 10, 1832. Persis and John Sargeant, Oct. 31, 1776. Philena of Barre and Sewall Nichols, int. Nov. 9, 1845. Polly and Stephen Hunting, Dec. 23, 1790. Polly and Ezra Gleason, Feb. 17, 1791. Polly of Westminster and Samuel Warren 2d, Feb. 22, 1827. Mrs. Polly and Luke Warren, Sept. 30, 1841. Rebeccah of Princeton and Ebenezer Foskett of Orange, May 24, 1802.* Releif and Asa Slocomb, Dec. 25, 1791. Rhoda and Israel Underwood, Jan. i, 1789. Susan and Silvanus Dunton, Feb. 18, 1830. Timothy and Lydia Martin, Nov. 21, 1799. NICHOLS, Betsey and Francis Barns of Stonham, April 2, 1840. John and Mercy Woodward, Nov. 27, 1810. Jonathan and Mrs. Rachel Nichols of Westminster, Nov. 27, 1823. Moses and Lucy Thompson of Princeton, int. Oct. 16, 1842. Polly and Ithamar Newton, Oct. 15, 1807. Mrs. Rachel of Westminster and Jonathan Nichols, Nov. 27, 1823. Sally and Robert Murdock Jr., March 15, 1804. Sally and Ambrose P. Chase of Gardner, Feb. 5, 1839. Samuel G. and Elizabeth Prentiss, Oct. 5, 1836. Sewall and Philena Newton of Barre, int. Nov. 9, 1845. NIGHTINGAL, Deborah and David Eveleth, Feb. 14, 1790. Jemima and Ezra Clark, Sept. 16, 1790. William and Susanna Clark, May 29, 1788. * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 55 NIMMS, Justus W, (s. Philande and Sarah, a. 25) and Lois Wright, Dec. 17, 1846. NOAH, Mrs. Phebe and Isaac Whitemore, int. Sept. 7, 1817. NORCROSS, Nancy and Calvin Clark, int. Jan. 16, 1808. NOURSE (see Nurse), Lucy A. B. [Lucy A. Nurse in int.] (d. Joseph and Ehzabeth, a. 24) and Albert Bennett, May 11, 1848. NUGENT, Rosanna (d. John and Margaret, a. 19) and Harrison Grimes, Dec. 27, 1847. NURSE (see Nourse), Electa of Troy, N.H., and John Morse, int. Jan. 2, 1819. Susanna and Henry Bemas, Sept. 14, 1772. NUTTING, Lucy W. of Winchendon and Capt. Isaac Good- speed, int. Jan. i, 1825. OAKES, Susan H. of Petersham and George C. Underwood, int. Feb. 17, 1842. OLIVER, Sybil of Gardner and Henry Fellows, int. March 5, 1825. OSGOOD, Luke B. of Newfane and Sally Thomson, Feb. 27, 1803. PARKER, Dana R. [Robinson in int.] and Sally Williams, Nov. 19, 1806. Daniel and Polly White of Phillipston, int. Dec. 25, 1828. Hollis and Lovisae Bragg, Dec. 17, 1774. Levi and Polly Lyon, Oct. 26, 1786. Lidia of Royalston and Luther Keyes, int. April 16, 1803. Lucinda and Nathaniel Bangs, July 23, 1793. Lucinda and Eli Gray of Templeton, Aug. 28, 1832. Lucy and Nathaniel Earle of Leicester, int. Dec. 16, 1809. Lucy and Silas Richardson, Jan. 12, 1812. Mrs. Lucy and Ebenezer Haskell of Holden, April 27, 1820. Lucy (d. Dana R. and Sally, a. 27) and Asa S. Hodge of Athol, May 8, 1845. Martha M. (d. Dana R. and Sarah, a. 18) and Lysander Bat- chellor of Athol, July 2, 1844. Mary of Princeton and Bela Williams, June 26 [1816]. Mary and George Raymond of Westminster, May 5, 1842. Mary N. [Nurse in int.] and Alvin Waite, Dec. 29, 1825. 156 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Parker, Melinda and Luther Hale Jr. of Mount Holly, Vt., Jan. 15, 1823. Otis Jr. and Eunice Allen of Rutland, int. Oct. 14, 1829. Parmillia of Worcester and Abel Marshall Jr., int. Dec. 10, 1816. Prisilla E. [Priscillia Elvira in int.] and Seth P. Heywood of Barre, Aug. 30, 1835. Samuel A. [Austin in int.] and Ruth A. H. Williams, Nov. 8, 1832. Sarah D. and Oliver Hale, March 18, 1830. Sophronia and Henry Humphrey of Athol, June 21, 1836. William J. and Lucinda Russell, Jan. 25, 1838. Thomas H. and Rhoda Harden, April 19, 1798. PARKHURST, Abigail [Abigail Estabrook in int.] and James Whittemore Jr., July 23, 1829. Arathusa and Moses Clark Jr., Aug. 4, 1805. Daniel [Jr. in int.], and Amiable Clark, Nov. 15, 1803. Roland and Anna Clark, June 17, 1810. William Stedman and Lydia Neff of Holden, int. Nov. 17, 1832, PARKS, Eliza of Boston and Henry Hobbs of Weston, Jan. 28, 1841. In Boston.* PARLIN, Smyrna of Malone, N.Y., and Mary B. Perry, int. Oct. 10, 1829. PARMENTER, Bathsheba and Levi Parmenter, March i, 1792. John and Rebekah D. Green, June 5, 1823. Joseph and Mrs. Rebeckah Meech, May 28, 1774. Levi and Bathsheba Parmenter, March i, 1792. Levi and Mrs. Hannah Howard, April 19, 1832. Mary E. of Holden (d. Solomon and Mary, a. 22) and Seth Savage, Oct. 2, 1844. Persis S. (d. John and Rebecca, a. 20) and Joel D. Powers, Nov. 25, 1847. Solomon [Jr. in int.] of Holden and Mary Torry Allen, May 25, 1813. PARTRIDGE, Dorinda [Dorintha in int.] and Almond Colman, Oct. 7, 1829. Edward and Lucy Greenwood, Dec. i, 1808. Reuben and Melissa Green, April 21, 1824. Roxana and William Wilson, both of Princeton, May 8, 1834. At Princeton.* PATCH, Stephen P. of Ashby and Maria M. Felton of Temple- ton, Dec. 29, 1840.* ♦ Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 57 PEARCE (see Peirce, Pierce), Anna and Hey wood Hinds, April 8, 1778. Eliab and Lydia Woods, July 2, 1789. PECK, Merinda and Charles Austin, Nov. 12, 1834. Milton and Mary Dexter of Hardwick, int. Sept. 26, 1823. Myra and David Barnes, Nov. 29, 1824. PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pierce), Asa and Harriet Wheeler, Sept. 4, 1826. Catharine of New Braintree and Amasa G. Davis, int. May 9, 1846. James H. and Eunice Davis of Princeton, int. April 3, 1828. Levi and Mary M. Clark, April i, 1830. Mary and William J. Eveleth, Nov. i, 1842. Melissa and John Bryant of Princeton, March 31, 1842. Moses H. and Mrs. Hannah Upham, int. Aug. 10, 1828. Salem of Boston and Emeline Bartlett, Dec. 17, 1834. PERKINS, Susanah and Joseph Clark Jr., May 27, 1810. PERRY, Abiel and Bethuel Warrin, Dec. 9, 1790. Betsey of Fitzwilliam and Samuel Morse Jr., int. May 2, 1815. Caleb and Caroline Bennett, April 15, 1830. Mrs. Caroline and Dayton B. Newbury of Gardner, Sept. 15, 1842. Harriet Howes of Barre and Martin Clark, int. Oct. 31, 1823. Mary B. and Smyrna Parhn of Malone, N.Y., int. Oct. 10, 1829. PHELPS, Aaron and Ama Lamb, Nov. 28, 1805. Augustus S. of New Orleans, La., and Harriet Phelps, Sept. 6, 1842. Dexter and Lois Clark, int. June 30, 1813. Dillington and Elizabeth Thomson, Oct. 15, 1792. Harriet and Augustus S. Phelps of New Orleans, La., Sept. 6, 1842. John and Polly Frost, April 28, 1825. Dr. Moses Jr. and Clara Browning, June 6, 1810. Sally and Samuel FoUett Jr., March 29, 1801. Sewal [Sewall in int.] of Boston and Catharine Wright, March 21, 1811. PHILIPS (see PhiUips), Gideon and Chloe Shattuck, Dec. 21, 1786. Richard and Olive Evans, July 11, 1779. 158 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. PHILLIPS (see above), Anna and Samuel Warren, Aug. i [1816]. Asa of Rutland and Sybil Adams, int. April 4, 1814. Frenda F. and Danford Benson of Worcester, int. Aug. 8, 1841. George W. and Sally M. Russell, Sept. 20, 1832. James and Rebeckah Lovewell, June 26, 183 1. Joshua and Julia Stone, Aug. 4, 1825. Mrs. Roxana and Amos F. Clark, int. April 7, 1833. Forbidden. Timothy and Freelove Stone, Oct. 30, 1804. PHIPPS, Martha W. of Franklin and William Whittemore, int. April II, 1835. PIERCE (see Pearce, Peirce), Ann O. of New Braintree and Moses Pollard, int. March 12, 1843. Benjamin F. of Gardner and Eda Ann Coleman, Nov. 30, 1843. Hannah and Benjamin Fletcher, June 11, 1778. Haven and Hannah Rice of Barre, int. April 16, 1819. Ly[d]ia and Capt. John Woods, Feb. 28, 18 10. Moses Haven and Anna Rice, Dec. 6, 1792. Patty and Silas Davis, June 9, 181 1. PIKE, Polley and Joel Upham, April 5, 1801. Prudence and Moses Upham, Nov. 13, 1806, PILLSBURY, Joshua P. and Mary Murdock, March i, 1832. PIRSONS, Kendal and Annis Sawin of Westminster, int. — , 1805. PLUMMER, George W. of Boston (s. Amos and Phebe) and Elizabeth R. Adams, Nov. 20, 1849. POLLARD, Alice and Seth Sumner of Dedham, int. May 6, 1806. Alice [Alace in int.] and Amasa G. Davis, May 13, 1841. Allie and Seth Sumner of Dedham, May 30, 1806. David and Harriet Davis of Shutesbury, int. Sept. 16, 1838. Dorcas and Paul Mirick, Nov. 24, 1790. Edmund A. and Maria Gates, April 28, 1835. Mrs. Hannah and Delphos Gates, [March 4, 18 17]. Joel and Hannah Goodspeed, March 3, 1791. Lt. Jo[e]l and Ruth Fisk of Holden, int. Feb. 3, 18 10. Lois and Moses Rice, int. Feb. 11, 1810. Moses and Ann O. Pierce of New Braintree, int. March 12, 1843. Persis and Ella (sp) Slocomb', Dec. 3, 1810. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 159 Pollard, Ruth (d. Joel and Ruth, a. 22) and Darus M. Allen of Westminster, Oct. 25, 1849. Tabitha and Amherst Coleman, March 30, 18 12. POND, Aron and Nancy Waite, int. May 31, 1812. Arithusa of Westminster and Freeman Brown, int. Nov. 10, 1825. Benjamin F. (s. Aaron and Nancy, widr., a. 27) and Jane H. Warren, Dec. 30, 1847. Betey and Amos Hartwell, int. Aug. 5, 1808. Ezra P. and Lucy Temple, Nov. 10, 1836. Harriet and John M. Colman, Dec. 24, 1839. Hollis and Elizabeth Goodspeed, Oct. 6, 1836. Joseph and Harriet Rice of Rutland, March 2, 1826. Levi and Lucy Newton, April 11, 1785. Levi and Mary Frost, int. Sept. 27, 1828. Levi and Mrs. Mary Frost, int. March 6, 1830. Levi and Mrs. Mary Frost, int. April 9, 1837. Lewis and Polly Hinds, March 31, 1808. Louisa (d. Roland and Mary, a. 19) and Edmund Coleman, Oct. 10, 1844. Lucretia [Lucetta in int.] and Joab C. Wright, April 17, 1832. Lucy and Rufus McCIanathan of Templeton, May 18, 1820. Mary and Thomas Hale, March 20, 183 1. Mary B. (d. Lewis and Polly, a. 26) and William Henry Marean, Aug. 22, 1847. Moses and Betey Ames, May 29, 1800. Nancy and Oliver Witt, Nov. 14, 1830. Nancy E. (d. Aaron and Nancy, a. 20) and Clessrow Gates, Nov. 24, 1846. Preston and Hannah Rice, March 7, 1802. Obadiah and Sally Waite, June 23, 1825. Phene and Jonas Newton, Dec. 15, 1785. Rachel and Roland Woodward, May 28, 182 1. Rhoda and Abijah Greenwood, July 14, 1774. Rhoda and Bildad Wright, May 27, 1807. Roland and Mary Kimbal, Jan. 4, 182 1. Sarah and Ira Thomson, April 13, 1823. Stilman [Stillman in int.] of Westminster and Elvira Whittemore, Dec. 22, 1825. Stillman and Maria L. Davis, Feb. 4, 1834. POTTER, Bennett of Templeton and Louisa Wright, Dec. 29, 1836. POWERS, Gilman of Rindge, N.H., and Sally Clark, May 19, 1833. l6o HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Powers, Joel D. of Templeton (s. Robert and Mary, a. 23) and Persis S. Parmenter, Nov. 25, 1847. Mary and Daniel Barnes, June 12, 1834. PRATT, Mary Ann of Marboro, N.H., and Ella (sic) S. Cole- man, int. Dec. 11, 1847. Willard of New Marlborough, N.H., and Sophronia Goodspeed, Feb. 16, 1829. PRENTISS, Augusta and Joseph Clark 2d, both of Gardner, July 14, 1835.* Elizabeth and Samuel G. Nichols, Oct. 5, 1836. Henry Jr. and Adaline Wright, Nov. 12, 1829. Hitty S. and Peter Richardson 2d of Princeton, Dec. 19, 1820. Mary D. and George B. Colman, April 30, 1840. Rebecca [Rebecah in int.] and Aaron Greenwood of Gardner, Sept. 8, 1841. Spencer (s. Henry and Elizabeth, a. 26) and Sarah Stone, June 4, 1844. PRESSON, Hannah and Levi Mead, Dec. 11, 1775. PRIEST, Levi W. of Hinsdale, N.H., and Martha W. Waite, May 16, 1836. PROCTER, Josiah and Eunice How, April 16, 1778. PUFFER, Isaac and Sarah Miriam, Aug. 28, 1783. PUTNAM, Abigail Fox of Heath and David Kinsman, int. Aug. 19, 1804. RANDALL, Lewis G. and Latitia Maning, Nov. 15, 1840. RAYMOND, Almira and Calvin R. Whitman, both of Winchen- don, Jan. 19, 1841. In Winchendon.* George of Westminster and Mary Parker, May 5, 1842. Joseph of Westminster and Linda Whitney, Nov. 20, 1823. Dea. Joseph and Mrs. Betsey Murdock, int. Sept. 12, 1849. Merrick D. of Winchendon and Eunice Wyman, Jan. 30, 1844. Nathan of Westminster and Polly Clark, March 2, 1803. Willard of Amherst and Sarah W. Dickinson, int. March 15, 1829. READ [Reed in int.], Simon and Sophia Grimes, Nov. 21, 1830. REED, Elijah and Levina Stone, int. Feb. 25, 1837. Hannah (d. Micajah and Ruth, a. 23) and George B, Wilbur, May 18, 1845. * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. l6l Reed, Micajah and Ruth Gleason of East Sudbury, int. April i, 1806. Mahitable [Mehetabel N. in int.] and William Stow, June 3, 1838. RHODES, Mittee and Peter Clark, May 10, 1788. RICE, Abel and Anna Jones, Aug. 11, 1791. Abigail of Barre and Ezra Clark Jr., int. March g, 1820. AdaHne and Aaron Greenwood, April 14, 1831. Amanda (d. William and Rebecca, a. 24) and Silas Wheeler of Lexington, Dec. 25, 1845. Amos G. [Jones in int.] and Sally Green, Oct. 12, 1826. Anna and Moses Haven Pierce, Dec. 6, 1792. Asa and Polly Stearns, April 13, 1781. Betey and Amos Mann, Dec. 31, 1810. Betsey of Rutland and Frost Underwood, Dec. 4, 1817. Betsey and James Greenwood, May 18, 1819. Clarissa of Templeton and Roland Hale, int. May 17, 1833. Ebenezer and Ruth Eveleth, Dec. 18, 1791. Edmund and Abigail Muzzy, April 30, 1782. Hannah and Preston Pond, March 7, 1802. Hannah of Barre and Haven Pierce, int. April 16, 1819. Harriet of Rutland and Joseph Pond, March 2, 1826. Joseph W. (s. Ralph and Levina, a. 24) and Harriet Wilder, Dec. I, 1846. Jerusia of Templeton and Rufus Whitcomb, int. March 27, 1819. Larnard of Barre and Martha Allen, Jan. 31, 1839. Lucy and David Smith, Oct. 8, 1778. Lucy A. and Orlando S. Brigham of Barre, Dec. 31, 1840. Lucy Wright of Templeton and Isaac Follet, int. Jan. 28, 1809. Lydia B. and Benjamin C. Frost, April 17, 1817. Maria and Isaac Newton, May 4, 1841. Moses and Hannah Clark, Dec. 21, 1800. Moses and Lois Pollard, int. Feb. 11, 1810. Norman of Barre (s. Benjamin and Eliza, a. 22) and Jerusha Witt, June 2, 1846. Phebe and Joseph Clark, Nov. 28, 1784. Prisilea of Barre and James Williams, int. Sept. 13, 181 1. Ralph and Lavina Russell, June 25, 1815. Sophia and Otis Greenwood, Nov. 27, 1806. Sophia and Aimer Gay, Sept. 17, 1839. Susan H. and Francis F. Sargent, May 21, 1839. William and Rebecca Allen, Dec. 20, 1810. William 2d of Barre and Lydia Hinds, int. March 20, 18 13. RICH, Salome of Athol and Lyman Brown, int. April 17, 1836. I 62 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. RICHARDSON, Hannah and William Morse, May 23, 1791. Job and Hannah Harrington, March 24, 1788. Peter 2d of Princeton and Hitty S. Prentiss, Dec. 19, 1820. Silas and Lucy Parker, Jan. 12, 1812. Silas and Melisce[nt KJendall, Dec. 25, 1828. ROBINSON, Hepzibah and Nehemiah Lyon, April 19, 1774. ROGERS, Priscilla and Samuel Spring, May 25, 1801. ROLPH, Mary Ann and Daniel Adams of Gardner, int. May 9, 1848. Tryphosa and Elbridge Holden of Westminster, int. Nov. 27, 1842. ROOT, Lyman and Lois Mundel, July 29, 1832. ROPER, Sylvia of Sturbridge and Jotham Stone, int. April 8, 1838. ROSIER, Joseph and Dorcass Cutler, Jan. 29, 1778. RUGG, Betsey of Worcester and David Clark, July 3, 1814.* Betsy and Luther Goodspeed, Sept. 20, 1802. David and Lucy Ball, April 20, 1779. George of Royalston and Harriet N. Hartwell, int. Nov. i, 1840. Ruth and Bela Davis, March 6, 1777. RUSSEL [Russell in int.], Shubael and Sally Miriam, Sept. 22, 1805. RUSSELL, Alfred of Holden and Martha Russell, April 8, 1838. John and Betsey Fisher of Princeton, int. Jan. 23, 1808. Lavina and Ralph Rice, June 25, 18 15. Lucinda and William J. Parker, Jan. 25, 1838. Marian and John Winch 2d of Princeton, int. Aug. 22, 1822. Martha and Alfred Russell of Holden, April 8, 1838. Sally M. and George W. Phillips, Sept. 20, 1832. Silas and Mrs. Susan S. M. Allen of Rutland, Sept. 14, 1842. Dr. William L. of Barre and Mary Ann Warren, June 2, 1836. SANDERS, Daniel and Pamela Bartlett, Feb. 26, 1801. SARGEANT [Sargent in int.] (see Sargent), Azubah and James Deane Jr. of Oakham, Nov. 26, 1807. Ebenezer and Phebe Shute, April 12, 1785. John and Persis Newton, Oct. 31, 1776. Roxa and Simon Hartwell, int. Feb. 26, 1809. * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 63 SARGENT (see above), Clarissa R. and Moses Hardey, March 28, 1843. Francis F. and Susan H. Rice, May 21, 1839. Harriet A. and Moses Davis of Templeton, int. Dec. 14, 1845. John and Mrs. Phebe Doyle of Paxton, int. Jan. 7, 1804. Mary and Capt. Nathan Wright, July 29, 1827. Phebe and Isaac Simonds, June 13, 1816. SAVAGE, Elizabeth and Levi Conant, Feb. 20, 1827. Frances and George Lewis of Templeton, int. April 21, 1831. Hannah F. [H. in int.] and William C. Metcalf of Brooklyn, N.Y., May 20, 1839. Samuel K. (s. Joseph and Polly, a. 28) and Chloe Stone, April 2, 1845. Sarah H. [S. in int.] and Willard Allen, Sept. 4, 1832. Seth and Betty Grimes, Aug. 30, 1789. Seth (s. Joseph and Polly, a. 38) and Mary E. Parmenter, Oct. 2, 1844. SAWIN (see Sawing), Annis and Kendal Pirsons of Westminster, int. , 1805. Rebekah H. of Westminster and Jarvis Hunting, Feb. 28, 1830. Stephen and Eliza Newton of Westminster, int. Nov. 22, 1830. Susan M. and Henry S. Grimes, April 7, 1833. SAWING (see above), Elizabeth and Elijah Farrington, Dec. 17, 1782. SAWYER, Abigail of Templeton and George W. Whitney, int. Aug. 26, 1838. Betsey of Rutland and Josiah Underwood, int. Dec. 25, 1820. Luke of Templeton (s. Joshua and Sally, a. 30) and Lois Warren, May 20, 1847. Nathaniel and Sally Underwood, March 26, 1816. SCOTT, Lucinda of Mendon and Hiram Cook of Providence, R.I., Sept. 18, 1836. In Mendon.* SEARLE, Emily A. of Southampton and Charles A. Barrows, int. April 5, 1840. SEARS, Ashbel of Barre and Hannah Stone, March 7, 1821. Levina A. (d. Ashbael and Hannah, a. 19) and Oswald F. A. Bixby of Hopkinton, Nov. 22, 1843. SELFRIDGE, Hannah and Dr. Artemas Goodenow, Nov. i, 1804. * Intention not recorded. 164 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Selfridge, Lucy and Benoni Shirtliff Esq., of Keen, N.H., int. March 25, 1817. SHATTUCK, Anna and Levi Greenwood, Sept. i, 1785. Chloe and Gideon Philips, Dec. 21, 1786. SHEERMAN, Jonathan and Thankful Smith, Dec. 20, 1787. SHERMAN, Willard of Sterling and Jemima Clark, int. June 8, 1830. SHIRTLIFF, Benoni Esq. of Keen, N.H., and Lucy Selfridge, int. March 25, 1817. SHUMWAY, Charles A. of Templeton (s. Nathaniel and Matilda, a. 26) and AdaHne Davis, Aug. i, 1844. SHUTE, Phebe and Ebenezer Sargeant, April 12, 1785. SIBLEY, Harvey of Worcester and Mary Green, April 3, 1828. SIMOND [Semonds in int.] (see Symonds), Lois and Asa Clark, Nov. 23, 1815. SIMONDS (see Symonds), Ezra and Lois Gates of Westminster, int. March 24, 1806. Isaac and Phebe Sargent, June 13, 1816. Zeba of Templeton and Lydia Jackson, int. April 14, 1805. SKINNER, Silas of Rutland and Mrs. Betsey Davis, Dec. 5, 1833. SLOAN, Joseph P. and Sally M. Bennett, Nov. 17, 1835. SLOCOMB, Asa and Relief Newton, Dec. 25, 1791. Benjamin and Patty Mariam, Nov. 29, 18 10. Ella (sic) and Persis Pollard, Dec. 3, 18 10. Mary Ann [Anne in int.] and Stillman Morse, April 17, 1822. Mrs. Mary and James Broad of Barre, Feb. i, 1839. Mrs. Persis and Abijah Hinds of Gardner, June 25, 184 1. Susan H. and Edmund R. Greenwood, Sept. 28, 1828. SMITH, Abigail of Shrewsbery and Luther Goodenow, int. Feb. 26, 1809. Almeda P. of Sterling and Sidney B. Mann, int. Feb. 23, 1840, Almira and Joshua Flagg of Lunenburg, Feb. 16, 1826. Catharine and Clark Witt, Jan. 26, 1813. David and Lucy Rice, Oct. 8, 1778. Elizabeth O. of Boston and Thomas J. Waite, int. April 11, 1829. Emery and Phebe Flagg of Lunenburg, int.. Sept. 4, 1825. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 65 Smith, Emons and Mary S. Davis of New Braintree, int. Dec. 26, 1841. Eunice and Edward Linkfield, July 30, 1787. George of Rutland and Lucy Grimes, March 22, 1808. Hannah and William Clark, April 21, 1776. Hannah of Barre and Charles Mendell, int. July 4, 1819. Henry A. (s. Jason and Tryphena, a. 25) and Julia A. Joslin, Nov. 16, 1848. James and Betey Clark, April 7, 1801. James of Rutland and Mrs. Clara Browning, Dec. 27, 1814. Jason of Barre and Tryphena Hunting, June 14, 1820. Jerusha and Joseph Lovewell, Nov. 28, 1820. Joel and Hannah Clark, Sept. 15, 1803. Joel of Rutland and Hannah Grimes, June 2, 181 1. Lois and Timothy Heald, June 12, 1785. Lucy and OHver Clark Jr., July 15, 1834. Lydia and Seth Gleason, April 5, 1787. Martha of Westminster and James Falis, Aug. 17, 1807. Nancy and Asahel Davis Jr., Dec. 2, 1792. Sally Waite and Elijah Warren, May 6, 1824. Thankful and Jonathan Sheerman, Dec. 20, 1787, SNELL, EHsha and Deborah Gould, June 20, 1779. SPRING, Charles and Betsey Wright, May 20, 1814. Elisha and Caty Wheeler, Dec. 26, 18 10. Mrs. EHzabeth and Lowell Lealand, June 20, 1830. Ephraim and Hannah Morse, Feb. 8, 18 16. Harriet and Warren S. Butterfield, Feb. 27, 1840. John and Lydia Davis, Dec. 23, 1790. Nancy and Samuel Clark, Oct. — , 1809. Mrs. Phebe and Joel Earl, March 29, 1819. Samuel and Priscilla Rogers, May 25, 1801. Samuel and Phebe Trask, Jan. 23, 1804. Sarah P. and William J. CHfiford, Dec. 2, 1834. STEARNS (see Sterns), Eliza of Hardwick and John Browning, int. July 13, 1810. Polly and Asa Rice, April 13, 1781. STERNS (see above), Allice of Hardwick and Parley Williams, int. March 3, 1808. STEWART, Almond of Stafford, Ct., and Nancy Clark, Oct. 31, 1813. James and Mary Thomson, May 3, 1780. I 66 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. STODDARD, Benjamin and Lucy Grimes, Nov. 30, 1843. Eliza of Gardner and Rufus Coombs, int. June 29, 1806. Nancy of Templeton and Obid Adams, int. Nov. 21, 1827. STONE, Abigail of Gardner and Stephen P. Whitney of West- minster, Dec. 22, 1841. In Gardner.* Andrew and Mary Augusta Woodward of Marlboro, N.H., int. , [1845 or 1846]. Asa (s. Jotham and Lucy, a. 29) and Hannah Thompson of Princeton, April 28, 1846. Betsey and Sewell Wheeler, May 6, 1819. Betsy of Dublin, N.H., and Luke Williams, int. Oct. 6, 1816. Chloe (d. Sampson and Dolly, a. 19) and Samuel K. Savage, April 2, 1845. EHza Ann and Jarvis Bates of Swansey, N.H., Sept. 10, 1838. Elizabeth and Caleb Underwood, int. Oct. 26, 1827. Elvira [Elmira in int.] and John Nelson Gates, Jan. 20, 183 1. Freelove and Timothy Phillips, Oct. 30, 1804. Freelove and Jonathan Gates, Oct. 6, 1842. Hannah and Ashbel Sears of Barre, March 7, 1821. Harriet (d. Isaiah, a. 16) and Alfred Hatstat, both of Rutland, Feb. 4, 1845.* Henry of Rutland and Hannah Young, April 8, 1840. In Rut- land. Isaac Jr. of Shrewsbury and Rebekah C. Hubbard, June 13, 1839. Jeduthun and Azubah Miriam, Dec. 7, 1790. Joseph of Templeton and Rhoda Follet, int. Sept. 18, 1809. Joseph and Hannah Heald, Nov. 25, 1810. Capt. Jotham and Mrs. Diantha Clark, March 31, [1829]. Jotham and Sylvia Roper of Sturbridge, int. April 8, 1838. Jothem and Lucy Lyon, Aug. 16, 1801. Julia and Joshua Phillips, Aug. 4, 1825. Levina and Elijah Reed, int. Feb. 25, 1837. Lois and Capt. William G. Clark, Sept. 23, 1835. Lois and Isaac Williams of Gardner, Nov. 3, 1842. Louisa and William Morse, Sept. 29, 1830. Lucy and Makepeace Clark, June 30, 1830. Lura (d. Sampson and Dolly, a. 19) and Sumner Frost, Nov. 8, 1848. Mary A. (d. Sampson and Dolly, a. 18) and Thomas L. Wood- ward, May II, 1843. Mary Jane and Nathan Holden, May 24, 1836. In Brookfield. Milton and Harriet Holden, March 29, 1843. Polly and Eli Hinds, March 12, 1789. * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. 167 Stone, Rockwell and Sophia Babbitt of Barre, int. Dec. 22, 1827. Sampson and Lois Waight, Dec. 23, 1805. Sampson and Mrs. Lucinda Coleman, Feb. 8, 1843. Samson and Dolly Lamb, int. May 10, 1817. Sarah (d. Jotham and Lucy, a. 23) and Spencer Prentiss, June 4, 1844. Sophia (d. Phineas and Martha Miller, wid., a. 56) and James Desper of Barre, March 12, 1845. Susan and Sumner Davis of Templeton, Feb. 19, 1835. Willard and Polly Meriam, Oct. 24 [22 ?], 1801. STOW, Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah Murdock, Feb. — , 1807. Elizabeth and Caleb Underwood, Nov. 29, 1827. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M. Goodspeed, Nov. 20, 1823. Mary and Flint Jennison, Dec. i, 1836. Reuben and Eunice H. Ayers, Aug. 10, 1837. Sally and Aaron Grimes, Aug. 26, 1804. William and Mahitable [N.] Reed, June 3, 1838. SULLIVAN, Mrs. Nancy and Walton Felch, April 3, 183 1. SUMNER, Seth of Dedham and Allie Pollard, May 30, 1806. SWALLOW, William A. and Azubah H. Hager, int. March 29, 1845. SWAN, Catharine and Rev. Abel Brown of Albany, N.Y., May 15. 1843. Clara (d. Samuel and Clara, a. 23) and Abijah S. Clark, May i, 1845. Daniel and Thirza Barrows of New Braintree, int. April 15, 1830. Samuel and Clara Hale, Oct. 29, 18 12. SWEATLAND [S wetland in int.], Elizabeth of East Thomaston, Me., (d. Ezra Sawin, wid. a, 32) and Charles Hyde, Sept. 16, 1849, SYLVESTER, Olive of Leicester and Rufus Upham, int. Sept. 12, 1812. SYMONDS (see Simonds), James and Elizabeth Gage, Jan. 21, 1789. TAFT, Mrs. Lurenza of Petersham and Capt. Sewall Moulton, int. Nov. 25, 1838. TAME, Joseph and Puah Farrington, May 5, 1785. I 68 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. TAYLOR, Dr. Thomas and Lucy Elizabeth Gay, March i6, 1837. TEMPLE, Jerusha of Watertown and Alpheus Witt int. March 5, 1810. Levi G. (s. Thomas and Nancy, a. 27) and Persis F. Ball of Princeton) Dec. 25, 1845. Lucy and Ezra P. Pond, Nov. 10, 1836. Nancy and Elisha Murdock, Jan. 17, 1837. Roxa (d. Thomas and Nancy, a. 20) and Adam Wheeler, May 8, 1845. Thomas of Westminster and Nancy Greenwood, Nov. 26, 1812. Thomas and Mrs. Rhoda Wright, Nov. 5, 1829. TENNEY (see Tinney), Caroline and John J. JosHn of Thomp- son, Ct., April 9, 1837. Mary D. (d. Stephen R. and Polly, a. 2^,) and E. Edward Dunn of Spencer, Nov. 26, 1846. THACHER, Eliza and Aron Greenwood of Westminster, Dec. - [1807]. THAYER, Hepzibah of Taunton and Stephen Tucker, int. Nov. 21, 1833. Nancy and Jacob Ames, July 28, 1793. THOMAS, Abial G. of Rutland and Mary Adams, June 16, 1842. THOMPSON (see Thomson), Aaron of Keen, N.H., and Hannah Greenwood, April 29 [18 17]. Betsey and Isaac Clark 2d, Nov. i, 1814. Hannah and Joseph Farmer of Boston, int. March 14, 1813. Hannah of Princeton (d. Samuel and Sally, a. 23) and Asa Stone, April 28, 1846. Isaac F. of Princeton (s. Isaac and Rhoda, a. 21) and Jane Moulton, Dec. 19, 1844. Jannet and David Cutler of Newfane, Feb. 25, 1812. John and Mary H. Clark, Nov. 4, 1835. Lucy of Princeton and Moses Nichols, int. Oct. 16, 1842. Sewall D. of Northampton and EHzabeth N. Warren, Oct. 14, 1832. THOMSON (see Thompson), Anne and WilHam Waer of Oak- ham, June 12, 1820. Daniel and Sophia Moore, May 20, 1819. Daniel and JuHa McClanathan, Feb. 20, 1827. Elizabeth and DiUington Phelps, Oct. 15, 1792. Ira and Sarah Pond, April 13, 1823. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 69 Thomson, Isaac 2d of Princeton and Rhoda Greenwood, int. May 3, 1809. Jeremiah and Lucy Heald, Jan. 12, 1802. Mary and James Stewart, May 3, 1780. Sally and Luke B. Osgood of Newfane, Feb. 27, 1803. Samuel and Polly Beath, Aug. 22, 1782. Samuel and Anna Waite, June 2, 1791. Samuel Jr. and Sally Heald, Oct. 16 [1816]. TINNEY (see Tenney), Nancy and John Adams of Westminster, July 24, 1803. Polly and Joel Adams of Westminster, May 2, 1802. TRASK, Phebe and Samuel Spring, Jan. 23, 1804. TUCKER, Stephen and Hepzibah Thayer of Taunton, int. Nov. 21, 1833. TWICHELL, David G. and Lucy Underwood, Nov. 9, 1824. James P. and Emily Clark, int. March 2, 1832. TYLER, Nathan (s. Nathan, a. 26) and Elmira Wheeler, both of Princeton, April 5, 1845.* UNDERWOOD, Amos G. (s. Eber and Dinah, a. 26) and Nancy * Bishop. May 9, 1844. Asa and Anna Goodspeed, Nov. 29, 182 1. Mrs. Betsey and Silas Davis, "in the year ending April i, 1832,'' Caleb and Elizabeth Stow [Stone ?], Nov. 29, 1827. Eber and Dinah Baker of Gardner, int. March 8, 1817. Eliza and Ira Davis of Princeton, Jan. 12, 1826. Frost and Betsey Rice of Rutland, Dec. 4, 1817. George C. and Susan H. Oakes of Petersham, int. Feb. 17, 1842. Israel and Rhoda Newton, Jan. i, 1789. Josiah and Betsey Sawyer of Rutland, int. Dec. 25, 1820. Linda and HoIIis Joslin, April 25, 1826. Lucy and David G. Twitchell, Nov. 9, 1824. Mehnda of Barre and Chenery Hinds, int. May 14, 1820. Rhoda and Levi Lewis of Royalston, April 27, 1819. Sally and Nathaniel Sawyer, March 26, 1816. Sarah P. (d. Josiah and Betsey, a. 17) and MerHn C. Cobleigh, May I, 1844. Sewall of Milford (s. Reuben and Arathusa, a. 27) and Eliza Jane Bowker, Nov. 21, 1849. Timothy and Mary Harrington, Oct. 18, 1792. * Intention not recorded. I 70 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Underwood, Vida of Barre (d. Joseph and Cloe, a. 41) and Ebenezer Brown, Dec. 27, 1849. UPHAM, Abigail W. (d. Joel and Polly, a. 36) and Royal Lackey of Upton, Nov. 30, 1843. Betsey (d. Joel and Polly, a. 29) and Tyler Willard of Worcester, Feb. 25, 1844. Catharine A. and Joel M. Brown, Sept. 21, 1819. Mrs. Hannah and Moses H. Peirce, int. Aug. 10, 1828. Joel and Policy Pike, April 5, 1801. Moses and Prudence Pike, Nov. 13, 1806. Nathaniel and Phebe Kimball, Jan. 11, 1814. Mrs. Phebe and Luther Hale, Oct. 23, 1834. Rufus and Olive Sylvester of Leicester, int. Sept. 12, 1812. Ruth C. and Charles S. Bruce, April 16, 1840. UPTON, Charles and Susanna Jackson, int. Sept. 29, 1809. VARNEY, Eunice of Barre and Samuel Adams, Sept. 29, 1803.* WAER (see Ware), WiUiam of Oakham and Anne Thomson, June 12, 1820. WAIGHT (see Waite), Betey and Russel Morse, July 31, 1808. Dolly and James Lamb, Jr., Nov. 7, 1805. Hepzibah and Ebenezer Warren Jr., March iS, 1804. Lois and Sampson Stone, Dec. 23, 1805. Moses and Phebe Warren, Oct. 11, 1804. Samuel and Lois Brigham of Paxton, int. Aug. 28, 1813. WAITE (see Waight), Aaron and Persis Ware of Barre, Nov. 24, 1842. At Barre. Alvin and Mary N. Parker, Dec. 29, 1825. Alvin and Lucinda Sophia Gould of PhilHpston, int. March 14, 1835- Anna and Samuel Thomson, June 2, 1791. Chloe W. and Israel Davis Jr., Nov. 2, 1824. Clarissa and Russell Brown, Oct. 5, 1819. Hannah and Cornelius Hinds Jr., April 9, 1801. Harriet and Henry Clemence, Nov. 27, 1820. Horace and Lucy Follett, May 24, 1836. James A. [Alson in int.] and Caroline E. Clark, Oct. 23, 1834. James M. of Barre and Maria S. Bennett, Oct. 20, 1836. Joseph Jr. and Clarissa Grimes, March i, 1815. Lucretia Ann and Joseph G. Chandler of South Hadley, Oct. 14, 1840. * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 7 I Waite, Luke (s. Joseph and Clarissa, a. 23) "and Freelove Elizabeth Wright, Dec. 31, 1845. Martha W. and Levi W. Priest of Hinsdale, N.H., May 16, 1836. Mary S. and Horatio N. Bolton [of Gardner], Oct. 22, 1829. Nancy and Aron Pond, int. May 31, 1812, • Sally and Obadiah Pond, June 23, 1825. Susanna and George Williams, May 6, 1816. Thomas J. and Elizabeth O. Smith of Boston, int. April 11, 1829. WALTON, Lucinda of Fitchburg (d. Sarah) and Azariah Ware, May 8, 1849. WALKER, Elizabeth of Westminster and Luke Warren, int. Aug. 24, 1805. Sally and Luther Clark, Nov. 9, 1791. WARE (see Waer), Myra and Jennison Wheeler, int. April 13, 1846. Persis of Barre and Aaron Waite, Nov. 24, 1842. At Barre. Azariah (s. Otis and Persis, a. 28) and Lucinda Walton, May 8, 1849. WARREN (see Warrin), Abel of Northboro and Sally Green- wood, June 4, 1805. Abigail H. [or M. ?] and Charles Conant of Barre, Dec. 6, 1842. Alace W. and Benjamin F. Coleman of Templeton, Oct. 27, 1833. Dolly H. and John Davis 2d, Oct. 17, 1842. Ebenezer Jr. and Hepzibah Waight, March 18, 1804. Ebenezer C. and Olive G. Coleman, Oct. 24, 1833. Elijah and Sally Waite Smith, May 6, 1824. Elizabeth N. and Sewall D. Thompson of Northampton, Oct. 14, 1832. Emily and Abrara H. Wilson of Princeton, Oct. 6, 1835. Increase and Patty McClanathan, Dec. 18, 1806. Jane H. (d. Nathan and Betsey, a. 19) and Benjamin F. Pond, Dec. 30, 1847. Leander W. and Lucy W. Bowker of Phillipston, int. Nov. — , 1849. Lois (d. Ebenezer and Hepsibah, a. 29) and Luke Sawyer of Templeton, May 20, 1847. Mrs. Lucy and Isaac Whittemore, May 20, 18 19. Luke and Elizabeth Walker of Westminster, int. Aug. 24, 1805. Luke and Mrs. Polly Newton, Sept. 30, 1841. Mary Ann and Rufus Holden of Gardner, March 20, 1828. Mary Ann and Dr. William L. Russell of Barre, June 2, 1836. 172 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Warren, Nathan and Dolly Brigham Howe of Templeton, int. Oct. 22, 1815. Nathan and Betsey Davis of Templeton, int. May 12, 1822. Phebe and Moses Waight, Oct. 11, 1804. Phebe [Phebe A. in int.] and Addison Ellinwood, March 8, 1842. Sally and Brigham Davis, Dec. 25, 1809. Sally and Asa Merriam Jr., May 12, 1825. Samuel and Anna Phillips, Aug. i [1816]. Samuel 2d and Polly Newton of Westminster, Feb. 22, 1827. Sarah M. [Miller in int.] and Stillman Morse, Sept. i, 1825. Sophronia of Brimfield and Augustus Wheeler, int. Nov. 23, 1825. Sumner and Harriet Bennett, April 21, 1840. Walter and Lucy Molton, May 27, 18 10. WARRIN (see above), Bethuel and Abiel Perry, Dec. 9, 1790. WEBB, Abexander F. W. of New York and Cloe Wright, int. June 25, 1837. WEBSTER, John of Royalston and Eleanor Clifford, Nov. 29, 1843. WELLINGTON, Oliver (s. Ezekiel and Susan, widr., a. 31) and Louisa J. Clark, March i, 1849. WHEAT, Mary of Putney, Vt., and Jonathan Metcalf FoUett, int. Nov. 23, 1815. WHEELER, Abraham of Rutland and Mrs. Katy Munroe, May 30, 1803. Adam (s. Sewall and Betsey, a. 24) and Roxa Temple, May 8, 1845. Albert (s. Oliver and Theresa, a. 20) and Lucy Jane Young, June 5, 1844. Asa and Nancy Muzzy, June 2, 1791. Asa 2d and Dolly W. Lamb, Nov. 6, 1828. Augustus and Sophronia Warren of Brimfield, int. Nov. 23, 1825. Betey and Ebenezer Murdock, March 3, 1836. Caty and Elisha Spring, Dec. 26, 1810. Daniel and Sally Lamb, Sept. 26, 1802. Ede and Ebenezer Brooks, March 10, 1791. Eleanor of Concord and Rev. Joseph Whitman Jr., int. July 19, 1840. Elmira (d. Oliver and Mary, a. 26) and Nathan Tyler, both of Princeton, April 5, 1845.* Harriet and Asa Peirce, Sept. 4, 1826. James H. and Lucy Woodward, Dec. — , 1809. * Intention not recorded. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 73 Wheeler, Jennison and Myra Ware, int. April 13, 1846. Joel and Martha Lyon, Feb. 13, 1800. Julia (d. James H. and Lucy, a. 28) and George W. Hamilton, April 16, 1846. Louisa and John Goodspeed, Oct. 19, 1826. Lucy [Lucy W. in int.] and Uriah Balcom, Dec. 31, 1835. Lvman (s. Silas and Susan, a. 27) and Lois Heald, June 13, 1843. Mary Clap and Setdman Marean, Nov. 11, 1832. Moses C. (s. James H. and Lucy W., a. 24) and Mary Ann S. Follett, May i, 1849. Newell R. of Westminister (s. Josiah and Betsey, widr., a. 30) and JuHa Morse, March 25, 1847. Paulina Diederip and Rev. Wareham Smith Campbell of Chester, int. March 24, 1840. Rhoda and Moses Gill Cheever of Princeton, April 8, 1816. Mrs. Sally and Nathan Wright, Aug. 20, 18 12. Sewall and Betsey Stone, May 6, 1819. Silas and Kata Morse, Feb. 23, 1786. Silas Jr. and Susan Browning, Dec. 28, 1815. Silas of Lexington (s. James H. and Lucy, a. 26) and Amanda Rice, Dec. 25, 1845. Mrs. Susan and William Marean 2d, Oct. 4, 1825. Thomas Merrick and Emily Davis of Princeton, Nov. i, 1837. In Rutland. William Muzzy and Fedelia Goodspeed, Nov. 11, 1832. WHEELOCK, Lydia and WiUiam Hunting, June 9, 1779. Sarah and William Murdock, int. Jan. 13, 1833. WHIPPLE, John and Sarah Chamberlain, April 22, 1781. WHITCOMB, Joseph of Boylston and Nancy Gav. April 25, 1833. Lucy D. of Westminster and Joseph Falis, int. Dec. — , 1838. Rufus and Jerusia Rice of Templeton, int. March 27, 1819. WHITE, Benjamin and Wealthy C. Hazelton, Jan. 14, 1829. Lucius A. (s. Joseph and Hannah, a. 20) and Adaline L. Newell, both of Grafton, Aug. 15, 1844.* Polly of Phillipston and Daniel Parker, int. Dec. 25, 1828. Windsor of Templeton and Frances H. Whitney, Oct. 7, 1841. WHITEMORE (see Whittemore), Isaac and Mrs. Phebe Noah, int. Sept. 7, 1817. WHITING, Josiah of Barre and Emeline Marsh, June 15, 1843. * Intention not recorded. 174 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. WHITMAN, Calvin R. and Almira Raymond, both of Winchen- don, Jan. 19, 1841. In Winchendon.* Rev. Joseph Jr. and Eleanor Wheeler of Concord, int. July 19, 1840. WHITNEY, Frances H. and Windsor White of Templeton, Oct. 7, 1841. George W. and Abigail Sawyer of Templeton, int. Aug. 26, 1838. John of Westminster and Lydia Allen, Nov. i, 182 1. Jonathan W. (s. Amos and Patty, a. 23) and Rebekah Gay, Sept. 21, 1845. Linda and Joseph Raymond of Westminster, Nov. 20, 1823. Martha W. and Harvey Lacey of Jeffrey, N.H., Oct. 21, 1828. Stephen P. of Westminster and Abigail Stone of Gardner, Dec. 22, 1 84 1. In Gardner.* WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore), Ann W. (d. EHsha and Betsey, a. 22) and James Browning, April 2, 1844. Elisha and Betsey Greenwood, March 21, 1821. Eliza of Dublin, N.H., and Nathan Newton Jr., int. Nov. 10, 1832. Eliza (d. Elisha and Betsey, a. 22) and Asa Browning, May 20, 1846. Elvira [Elmira in int.Jand Stilman Pond of Westminster, Dec. 22, 1825. Ezekiel L. and Elizabeth S. Williams, Feb. 15, 1838. Isaac and Mrs. Lucy Warren, May 20, 18 19. Isaac and Mary S. Earl of Paxton, int. Aug. 19, 1848. James Jr. and Abigail Parkhurst, July 23, 1829. Lucy (d. John and Moulton, wid., a. 59) and Samuel Hubbard of Holden, Sept. 7, 1848. William and Martha W. Phipps of Franklin, int. April 11, 1835. WILBUR, Abigail and Jonas Brown, Feb. 22, 1821. George B. (s. WiUiams and Rebecca, a. 25) and Hannah Reed, May 18, 1845. Lois (d. WiUiams and Rebecca, a. 21) and David L. [or F.] Johnson, Jan i, 1846. Lucy and William C. Williams, Nov. i, 1S42. Nancy and Moses Marean, June 2, 1834. Williams and Rebecca Browinng, Dec. 28, 1815. Williams and Lucretia Mann, April 4, 1830. WILDER, Abel of Barre and Mrs. Mary Clifford, Nov. 17, 1825. * Intention not recorded HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 75 Wilder, Elisha and Polly Gill, Jan. 20, 1802. Elizabeth P. of Sterling and Luther A. May, May 14, 1838. Harriet (d. Nathaniel and Martha, a. 22) and Joseph W. Rice, Dec. I, 1846. Mary and Harvey Brown, May 10, 1836. Mary P. of Templeton and Henry Chase, int. Jan. 22, 1843. WILEY, John and Anna Williams, Feb. 11, 1806. WILKINSON, Daniel of Templeton and Lucy Hale, July 11, 1833. WILLARD, Ephraim and Mrs. Abigail Johnson, [Dec. 6, 182 1]. Tyler of Worcester and Betsey Upham, Feb. 25, 1844. WILLIAMS, Anna and John Wiley, Feb. 11, 1806. Ann M. (d. Luke and Betsey, a, 18) and Charles Ellenwood, Dec. 30, 1846. Bela and Mary Parker of Princeton, June 26 [18 16]. Caroline A. (d. George and Susan, a. 21) and Nathan H. Felton of Barre, May 2, 1844. Dolly and Phinehas Heywobd of Barre, April 2, 1816. Elizabeth S. and Ezekiel L. Whittemore, Feb. 15, 1838. George and Susanna Wait^, May 6, 1816. George of Cooperville, S.C., and Mary C. Heald, Sept. 10, 1839. Harriet E. and Horace Morse, March 17, 183 1. Henry and Kezia Newton, Feb. 12, 1822. Isaac of Gardner and Lois Stone, Nov. 3, 1842. James and Prisilea Rice of Barre, int. Sept. 13, 181 1. Lois (d. Sampson and Dolly Stone, wid., a. 29) and Israel Davis Jr., May 30, 1848. Luke and Betsy Stone of DubHn, N.H., int. Oct. 6, 1816. Mrs. Mariah and Samuel Fisk Jr. of Barre, int. Jan. 24, 18 18. Martha and Abel How of Petersham, May 6, 1841. Parley and AUice Sterns of Hardwick, int. March 3, 1808. Ruth A. [Ann in int.] H. and Samuel A. Parker, Nov. 8, 1832. Sally and Dana R. Parker, Nov. 19, 1806. Sarah Jane (d. Luke and Betsey, a. 20) and John W. Earl, Nov. 10, 1846. William C. and Lucy Wilbur, Nov. i, 1842. VI WILSON, Abram H. of Princeton and Emily Warren, Oct. 6, 1835. William and Roxana Partridge, both of Princeton, May 8, 1834. At Princeton.* * Intention not recorded. 176 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. WINCH, John 2d of Princeton and Marian Russell, int. Aug. 22, 1822. WINN, Zebulon of Holden and Lucinda Allen, Sept. i, 1830. WINSLOW, Zenas and Lucy Allen, Oct. 4, 1801. WIS WALL, Lydia Elizabeth of Westminster and Isaac Newton, int. June i, 1845. WITT, Albert (s. Ivory and Eunice, a. 26) and Sarah Heald, June 2, 1846. AJpheus and Jerusha Temple of Watertown, int. March 5, 1810. Augusta of Petersham and Cornelius Hinds Jr., int. March 28, 1834. Avalina a;nd Dr. George Hoyt, Oct. 15, 1829. Cecilia and William Marean 2d, Nov. 12, 1835. Clark and Catharine Smith, Jan. 26, 1813. David and Sally Follet, June i, 1808. Eurana and Ethan Hemenway of Barre, int. Oct. 31, 184 1. Ivory and Eunice Foster, Dec. i, 1808. Jerusha (d. Ivory and Eunice, a. 21) and Norman Rice of Barre, June 2, 1846. John and Hannah Foster, July 20, 1806. Nelson and Betsey Hartwell of Templeton, Nov. 24, 1842. OHver and Nancy Pond, Nov. 14, 1830. Sally and Edwin Brown, April 10, 1834. WOOD (see Woods), Mary and John Heald, Oct. 11, 182 1. Rebekah and Ira Clark, Dec. 5, 1826. WOODBURY, John H. of Barre (s. Hubbard and Mehitable, a. 21) and Sarah W. Clark, Nov. 9, 1847. WOODIS, Betsey of Rutland and Peter Joslin, int. Feb. 10, 1821. WOODS (see Wood), Edwin and Sarah G. Clark, Nov. 27, 1834. Elizabeth and Amasa Bellows, Feb. 23, 1790. Capt. John and Ly[d]ia Pierce, Feb. 28, 1810. Lydia and Eliab Pearce, July 2, 1789. Nancy and Winsor Hapgood, June 29, 1800. [Penelope B.] of Barre and Dr. B. [L. F.] Billings, int. [March — , 1848]. WOODWARD, Achsah and Warner Hinds, June 30, 181 1. Althine (d. Rowland and Rachel, a. 21) and Leonard Clark, Feb. 10, 1847. HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. I 77 Woodward, Artemas and Jane C. Davis, int. Nov. 10, 1848. Catharine and Isaac Davis, May 3, 1842. Daniel Jr. and Mary Newton, Nov. 30, 1829. Daniel Jr. and Anna Newton, July 12, 1842. David and Keziah Newton, Nov. 28, 1784. David and Sally Hoit, July. 18, 1803. Easther and Samuel Morse, April 14, 1785. Elisha and Mary Greenwood, April 26, 182 1. Mrs. Elizabeth and Calvin Hinds, Dec. 8, 1826. Jason and Polly Clark, Sept. 25, 1803. John F. [Flavel in int.] and Betsey Lyon, Dec. 7, 1806. John F. and Rusha R. Follett, Dec. 29, 1836. Lucy and James H. Wheeler, Dec. — , 1809. Mary A. (d. Sampson and Dolly Stone, wid., a. 24) and Jesse W. Graves of Swansy, N.H., Oct. 8, 1847. Mary Augusta of Marlboro, N.H., and Andrew Stone, int. [1845 or 1846]. Mehitable and Aaron Gates, March 30, 1802. Mercy and John Nichols, Nov. 27, 1810. Polly and Nathan Wright, Sept. i, 1805. Releif and Dr. Asa Howe, Feb. 4, 1812. Roland and Rachel Pond, May 28, 182 1. Sally and Abner Hinds, June 16, 1800. Thomas L. (a. 24) and Mary A. Stone, May 11, 1843. WOOLY, Mary and William Marshal, Sept. 8, 1783. WRIGHT, Aaron and Lois Lyon, Jan. 21, 1802. Adaline and Henry Prentiss Jr., Nov. 12, 1829. Benjamin F. (s. Nathan and Sally, a. 23) and Sarah A. Hartwell, Jan. 12, 1847. Betsey and Charles Spring, May 20, 1814. Bildad and Rhoda Pond, May 27, 1807. Cloe and Alexander F. W. Webb of New York, int. June 25, 1837. Catharine [Caty in int.] and Sewal Phelps of Boston, March 21, 1811. Charles and Betsey Clark, Nov. — , 1809. David of Gardner and Elizabeth Gay, Sept. 6, 1836. Dorcas and Levi Joslin, April 22, 1827. Elvira and James Going of Templeton, March 2, 1826. Freelove Elizabeth (d. Charles and Betsey, a. 21) and Luke Waite, Dec. 31, 1845. Joab C. and Lucretia Pond, April 17, 1832. Joseph and Martha Eveleth, May 25, 1774. 178 HUBBARDSTON MARRIAGES. Wright, Lois (d. Aaron and Lois, a. 25) and Justus W. Nimms, Dec. 17, 1846. Louisa and Bennett Potter of Templeton, Dec. 29, 1836. Lucinda and Augustus Morse, April 10, 1834. Lucy and John H. Heald, Oct. 7, 1834. Lucy and Francis Gates, Oct. 11, 1838. Martha and William C. Goodspeed, April 9, 1832. Mary and Dana Brown, Nov. 7, 1827. Nathan and Polly Woodward, Sept. i, 1805. Nathan and Mrs. Sally Wheeler, Aug. 20, 18 12. Capt. Nathan and Mary Sargent, July 29, 1827. Polly and Lowell L. Hinds of Brookfield, April 5, 1832. Mrs. Rhoda and Thomas Temple, Nov. 5, 1829. Sally and Sumner Marean, Dec. 25, 1825. Stedman and Tabitha Brooks of Princeton, int. April 24 [1842]. Susan and Jonas G. Clark, Oct. 6, 1836. WYMAN, Charlotte and Obadiah D. Brown of Watervleit, N.Y., int. May 20, 1829. Charlotte and James H. Hartwell, Nov. 30, 183 1. Clara and Anson Clifford, July 7, 1842. Eunice (d. Levi and Mary) and Merrick D. Raymond of Win- chendon, Jan. 30, 1844. Harrison and Cehcia Clifford, Nov. 24, 1842. Levi and Polly Brown, Nov. — , 1809. At Templeton. Phebe and Luther Hale, April 8, 1804. YOUNG, Hannah and Henry Stone of Rutland, April 8, 1840. Hiram and Abigail A. Clark, Oct. 16, 1839, Lucy Jane (d. William and Mary, a. 17) and Albert Wheeler, June 5, 1844. Mary and Merritt Moore, Nov. 30, 1826. Orange of Winchendon and Lavina Baker, int. Feb. 9, 1830. Sally and Edwin Clark, April 18, 1843. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. To THE YEAR 185O. ADAMS, widow Anna, Nov. 14, 1835, a. 72 y. c.r. [Clara], daughter of Issacher, Aug. 19, 1807, ^- ^9 7- c.r. David, s. Elijah and Lizzy, Oct. 28, 1785. Elijah, s. Elijah and Lizzey, Oct. 22, 1785. Elijah, Dec. 17, 1817, a. 65. g.s.i. A soldier of the Revolution. Elijah, s. Elisha and Betsey, March 18, 1842, [a. 23 y. 10 m. 4 d.]. Issachar, h. Melisent, June 18, 1829, [a. 74. g.s.i]. Lizzey, d. Elijah and Lizzey, Oct. 12, 1785. Lizzey, wid. Elijah, Dec. 31, 1833, [a. 80. g.s.i]. Melisent, d. Issachar and Melisent, June 6, 1798. , child of Polly, June 24, 1802. c.r, ALDEN, Eunice, d. Reuben and Isabella, Jan. 21, 1844, a. 12. Inflamation on bowels. ALLEN, Addison, s. Levi and Isabella, March 20, 1834, [a. 6 m.]. Elizabeth, w. Ephraim, Dec. 8, 1845, a. 84. Old age. Ephraim (widr.), s. Ephraim and Huldah, Oct. 28, 1848, a. 85. Canser. Born in Rutland. Harriot, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Jan. 13, 1827, [a. 22 y. 8 m. 20 d.]. Joseph Savage, s. Willard and Sarah S., April 12, 1840, [a. 11 m.]. Lucy, d. Ephraim and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1823, [a. 22 y. 8 m.]. Lucy, d. Capt. Breck and Sally, June 2, 1839, [a. 13 y. 7 m. 25 d.]. Lydia, w. Ephraim, Feb. 7, 1827, [a. 58. G.s.5]. Lydia W., d. Breck and Sally, Feb. 15, 1846, a. 5 y. i m. 27 d. Heart disease. Roxa, d. Dea. Ephraim and Lydia, Jan. 15, 1818, a. 22. G.s.i. Sumner, s. Ephraim and Lydia, March 7, 1816, [a. 5 y. 10 m. 20 d.]. Sumner (married), s. Asa and Lydia, April 20, 1846, a. 28 y. 5 m. 4 d. Consumption. Born in Spencer. Mr. , July 23, 1813, a. 85 y. c.r. , child of Ephraim, Aug. 10, 1819, . c.r. Infant of Elijah D., March 15, 1843, ^' 3 Y- Canker rash. c.r. 181 I 82 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. AMES, Asa, s. Jonathan and Relief, Aug. 14, 1803, [a. 2. g.s.i]. Hollis, s. Jonathan and Rehef, May 5, 1800, [a. i y. 7 m. 16 d. g.s.i]. Mary, d. Jonathan and ReHef, April 27, 1800, a. 3 y. 10 m. 27 d. Relief, d. Jonatham and Relief, May 3, 1800, a. 3 y. 11 m, 3 d. , child of Jonathan, March 10, 1805, . C.R. , w. Jonathan, April 30, 1813, a. 40 y. C.R. , child of John, Oct. i, 1817, a. 2 y. 9 m. c.r. BAKER, Sally, d. Artemas and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1845, a. 39 y. 5 m. 28 d. Consumption. Sarah, w. Artemas, Aug. 30, 1844, a. 63. Dropsy. Born in Gardner. Sarah, Dec. 17, 1845, ^- 39- G.s.6. BALCOM, Julia Maria, d. Uriah and Lucy, Feb. 22, 1841, [a. 2 y. 4 m.]. BALCOMB, Caleb, s. Caleb Esq., gr. s. Capt. Samuel Slocomb, July 18, 1799. G.S.I. BARNES, David, Nov. 10, 1827, [a, 32. g.s.i]. Lovisa, w. Daniel [David?], Dec. 6, 1833. BARNS, Daniel (married), Nov. 5, 1844, a. 68. Disease of the heart. Born in Marlboro. BARTLETT, Joseph, h. Sally, March 27, 1838. Loring, s. Joseph and Sally, Oct. 21, 1815, [a. 3 y. 2 m. 4 d.]. Marilla Ann, d. William and Mary, June 13, 1839, [a. 5 y. 3 m.]. Mary, w. William, Feb. 15, 1837, [a. 38 y. 8 m. G.s.8]. , ch. Joseph, March 5, 1823, a. 4 y. C.R. , ch. Emory, March 7, 1829, a. i y. 2 m. c.r. , ch. Joseph, July 13, 1830, a. 2 y. c.r. , inf. of Joseph, June 13, 1837, a. i y. 4 m. Consumption. C.R. BATES, , inf. of Mr., Aug. 19, 1842, a. 2 y. c.r. BELLOWS, Amasa, June 22, 1795, in his 33d year. Killed raising a frame. Asa, s. Amasa, Oct. 9, 1802, a. 10 y. 8 m. Asa, s. Asaph and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1818, a. 14 y. 8 m. G.s.i. Asaph (married), s. Isaac and Eunice, Aug. 19, 1847, a. 80. Old age. Charlotte, w. Isaac, Aug. 7, 1839, [a. 34. g.s.i]. Eliza, d. Asaph and Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1803, [or 1805, a. 3 y. I m. 10 d. g.s.i]. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. I 83 Bellows, [Eunice], wid. Isaac, March 11, 1829, [a. 90. g.s.i]. Isaac, s. Isaac and Eunice, Dec. 29, 1777, a. 17 y. 3 m. Isaac, May 22, 181 1, a. 84 y. 4 m. Zebina, s. Isaac and Eunice, Aug. 16, 1782, a. 17 y. 5 m. 2 d. , inf. ch. Amasa, , , [Previous to 1795 ?]. , ch. of Asaph, April 4, 1809. c.r. BENNETT, Asa Smith, s. David and Martha, March 22, 1795, a. 9. G.S.I. Caty, w. WilHam (d. Samuel and Sarah Follett), Jan. 11, 1844, a. 60 y. 10 m. 15 d. Influenza. David, h. Martha, April 30, 1825, [a. 74. g.s.i]. David E., s. David Jr. and , June 20, 1838, [a. 21 y. 4 m. 4d.]. Ferdinand, s. Joseph and Margaret, April 28, 1837, a. 4. G.s.i. Frederick E., s. Asa and Mary H., Aug. 19, 1848, a. 2 y. 2 m. Dysentery. Martha, July 16, 1816, a. 19 y. C.R. Martha, wid. David, Nov. 14, 1839, a. 82. Patty, d. David and Martha, July 16, 1816, a. 19. G.s.i. , child of David, Aug. 2, 181 1. c.r. BENSON, Abner, March 7, 1802, a. 54 y. c.r. BLACK, , child of Archibald, Dec. 18, 1818. c.r. BLOOD, John, s. Col. F., Jan. 20, 183 1, a. 14 y. c.r. BOLTON, Eunice, d. William and Mary, Feb. 13, 1784, a. 19 y. 7 W. G.S.I. BOYDEN, Herman, Sept. 27, 1822, [a. 35. c.r.]. BRADLEY, Prescot E., s. James and Catharine, Oct. 18, 1848, a. 2 y. 9 m. 12 d. BRIGHAM, Asa (gr. s. William Marean), July 21, 1814, [a. 19 y. 3 m. g.s.i]. [Catharine?], wid. Hosea, Oct. 19, 1823, [a. 74. c.r.]. Hosea, Dec. 13, 1817. g.s.i. [a. 67. c.r.]. Sally, twin d. Asa (gr, d. WiUiam Marean), Jan. 20, 1817, [a. 21. g.s.i]. , ch. of W. E., June 30, 1828. c.r. , ch. of W. E., April 20, 1829. c.r. BRITTON, William, s. Josiah, April 14, 18 17, a. 18 y. c.r. BROWN, Amia (married), (d. William and Hannah Morse), Aug. 9, 1849, a. 46. Consumption, ["Confined to her bed about 13 months." C.R.] i84 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Brown, Asa, Feb. ii, 1817, [a. 81. c.r.]. Asa, s. Asa, July 23, 1826, [a. 46. c.r.]. Azubah, w. Oliver (d. Ezra and Mercy Pond), Dec. 10, 1849, a. 74. Heart disease. Clara, d. Ebenezer, Sept. 17, 1816, a. 21 y. c.r. Clark, Sept. 20, 1820, a. 21 y. c.r. Curtis, Jan. 24, 1826, a. 19 y. c.r. Ebenezer, April i, 1834. A Revolutionary soldier, [a. 83. c.r.]. Freeman, h. Arethusa, Sept. 30, 1840, [a. 41. G.s.4]. Freeman, July 14, 1842, a. i y. 2 m. G.s.2. [s. Dana, c.r.] George, July 28, 181 7, a. 20 y. 6 m. c.r. Jane, d. William and E. C, Jan. 8, 1835, a. 4 m. G.s.3. John Curtis [s. Oliver and Azubah], Jan. 24, 1826, [a. 18. G.s.i]. Louis [Lois, G.s.4], w. Ebenezer Jr., April 30, 1816, a. 30 y. 3 m. Louisa, d. Ebenezer Jr. and Louis, , [181-?]. [Sept. 2, 1811 ? a. 4. C.R.] Lydia, Dec. 19, 1841, a. 76 y. Drapsy. c.r. Lydia, w. Ebenezer [d. Harwood?], Dec. 21, 1846, a. 69, [73, G.s.4]. Typhus fever. Born in Barre. [Lydia Harwood], d. Austin and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1846, a. [4 m. 10 d.]. Infantile. Mary Wright, d. Dana and Mary, July 14, 1840, [a. i y. i m. 27 d.]. Merric C, s. William and E. C, Sept. 7, 1836, a. 18. G.s.3. Moses Plimpton, s. Ezra P. and Mary, April 29, 1837, a. 2 y. 13 d. G.S.I. [Rebecca?], w. of Ebenezer, April 30, 1816. c.r. Russell, s. Russell and Clarissa, Sept. 29, 1823 [or 1825. g.s.i]. [a. I y. 6 m.] Russell (married), s. John and Mary, Oct. 5, 1849, a. 47. Scrof- fula. Born in Lynn or Medford. Russel Martin, s. Joel M. and Catherine A., Sept. 15, 182 1, a. 17 m. 16 d. G.S.I. Widow Sarah, Sept. 25, 1818, a. 75 y. c.r. Sarah, d. Dana and Mary, April 20, 1838, [a. i y. 7 m.]. Webster H., s. Harvey and Mary, Sept. 23, 1846, 5 y. 3 m. 13 d. Cholera infantum. , ch. of Ebenezer, Oct. 4, 18 15, a. 4 m. c.r. BROWNING, Asa B., s. James and Betsy, Oct. 14, 1815, a. 4. G.S.I. Benjamin of Rutland, Sept. 5, 1833, a. 69 y. c.r. Betsey, w. James, Sept. 7, 1828. " Killed by being thrown from a waggon." Elizabeth M., d. James and Betsy, Nov, 23, 1815, a. 6 m. g.s.i. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. I 85 Browning, George, s. Lieut. John and Clara, July 28, 1817. g.s.i. James, s. James and Betsy, April 26, 1819, a, 2 m. 24 d. G.s.i. James, h. Eliza, Nov. 12, 1837, [a. 49, g.s.i]. Lt. John [h. Clara], Nov. 4, 1809, [a. 51. g.s.i]. Sally B., d. James and Betsy, Aug. 24, 1819, a. 2 y. 5 m. g.s.i. BRUCE, Ghenery [Genery, g.s.i] T., s. Joseph and Abigail, May 8, 1847, a. 2 y. 3 m, 20 d. Inflamation in stomach. BRUSE, Charles M., s. Charles S. and Ruth C, Nov. 5, 1842, a. 3 d. G.S.I. Ruth C, w. Charles S., Nov. 29, 1842, a. 27 y. 2 m. 22 d. g.s.i. BURDITT, Jesse, eldest s. Jesse and Rachel, Oct. 16, 1802, [a. 29. c.R.]. William, s. Jesse and Rachel, Oct. 24, 1810, [a. 2^. c.R.]. BUTTERFIELD, Harriet [Spring?], w. Warren, Oct. 2, 1842. [Sarah, a. 23. c.R.] CARYL, Elizabeth, wid. Joseph, Sept. 18, 1800, in 66th year. G.S.I. Joseph, April 6, 1787, a, 59. g.s.i. CHAFIN, David F., s. David and Sibil, Sept. 6, 1825, a. 6 d. g.s.i. James, s. David and Sibil, Sept. 10, 1822, a. 7 m. g.s.i. Sibil Jane, d. David and Sibil, Jan. 25, 1826, a. 2 y. 3 m. g.s.i. CHURCH, Amia Harrington, d. John and Eliza, Sept. 11, 1830, a. 4 m. II d. g.s.i. Asa, h. Rachel, Feb. 15, 1809, [a. 60. g.s.i]. Lt. Benjamin [h. Elizabeth], June 23, 1806, [in 30th y. Fell from a frame, g.s.i]. Ephraim, Oct. 29, 1816, a. 29 y. c.R. John, h. Eliza, March 9, 1833, [a. 40. g.s.i]. Lucy Elizabeth, d. Stephen and Sophia, July 31, 1825, a. 2 y, 8 m. 7 d. Luke, Oct. I, 1837, a. 47 y. 3 m. 16 d. Patty, Oct. 3, 1840, [a, 56. G.s.i]. Rachel, wid. [Capt. Asa, g.s.i], Dec. 2, 1843, a. 91. Old age. Sarah, w. Ephraim, Dec. 30, 1788, in 77th year, g.s.i. Stephen, July 11, 1786. CLARK, Abigail [d. William and Hannah], Feb. 8, 1813, a. 31 y. c.R. Arthamiza, d. Peter and Elydia, Feb. 17, 1846, a. 3 y. 2 m, 6 d. Fever. I 86 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Clark, Benjamin A., s. Amos and Jemima, June 21, 1826, [a. 23 y. 3 m. 6 d.]. Betsy, d. Ezra and Jemima, Sept. 20, 1796, [a. 2]. Betsy, d. Ezra and Jemima, March 17, 1799, [a. 10 m. 26 d.]. Caroline E., d. William S. and Mary, Oct. 8, 1844, a. 8 y. 8 m. 9 d. Dropsy. Catharine, w. EH (d. Israel and Polly Clark), Oct. 27, 1845, a. 37 y. 5 m. 10 d. Consumption. [Catharine S., a. 36. G.S.3.] Clarissa, d. Moses and Mary, Feb. 17, 1801, [a. 2 y. 4 m. 21 d.]. Daniel, April 19, 1843, [^- 4^- c.r.]. Davis, s. William S. Jr. and Mary, Aug. 11, 1849, a. 19. Brain fever. Diantha, wid. Nathan, July 18, 1841, a. 54. G.s.8. Lt. EH, Dec. 17, 1817, [a. 65. g.s.i]. Mrs. EHza, Nov. 27, 1840, a. 31 y. Consumption, c.r. Elizabeth, d. Moses and Mary, Sept. 13, 1790, [a. 7 y. 5 m. G.s.i]. EHzabeth [d. Isaac and Patty], Jan. 2, 1795, [a. 10]. Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1844, a. 8 y. 8 m. Dropsy, c.r. Ezra, h. Jemima, May i, 1827, [a. 58. g.s.i]. Freeman, s. Joseph and Phebe, July 28, 1820, [a. 19 y. 10 m. 15 d.]. George A., s. Stillman and Miranda J., Dec. 11, 1842, a. 5 m. 18 d. G.s.8. George Washington, s. Amos and Mitty, Oct. 20 [28 in dup.], 1843, a. 4 m. 3 d. Hellen Louisa, d. William G. and Lois, Jan. 28, 1843, [^- 5 ^- 3d.]. Isa, d. William and Hannah, Aug. 15, 1796, [a. 3 y. 11 m. 15 d.]. Isaac, s. Isaac 2d and Betsey, May 29, 1833, a. 5. g.s.i. Lt. Isaac, June 11, 1836. A Revolutionary soldier and pen- sioner, [a. 76. G.s.3]. Jane [Jane N. g.s.i], d. Simpson and Nancy, March 31, 1847, a. 14 y. 10 m. 3 d. Lumber abscess. Widow Jenny, Feb. 2, 1814, a. 82 y. c.r. John Jr., April 21, 1810, a. 59 y. 4 m. C.R. Joseph, h. Phebe, April 17, 1828, a. 66. Mr. Joseph, Oct., 1839, a. 50 y, c.r. Leonard, h. Harriet, Aug. 8, 1839. He died while loading a load of hay. [a. 58. G.s.i.] Lois [wid. Lt. Eli], Dec. 12, 1836, [a. 84. G.s.i]. Lucius, s. Leonard and Harriet, Oct. 15, 1843, a. 13 y. 11 m. 20 d. Typhoid fever. Lucretia, d. Moses and Mary, July 17, 1797. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 187 Clark, Makepeace G., h. Lucy, June 2, 1839, [a. 34. G.s.3]. Maria, d. Asa and Lois, Sept. i, 1849, a. 31. Dysentery. Mary, w. Moses, March 22, 1805, [a. 48. G.s.i]. [Mary], w. Samuel, Feb. 8, 1829, [a. 74. c.R.]. Mary Ann, d. Asa G. and Miriam, Sept. 5, 1849, a. 11 m. 10 d. Dysentery. Mitty, w. Amos (d. Peter and Mitty Clark), Aug. 9, 1846, a. 44 y. 10 m. 25 d. Typhus fever. Moses, s. Eli and Lois, Oct. 26, 1819, [a. 46 y. 5 m. 20 d.]. Moses, h. Mary, Oct. 17, 1823, [a. 69. g.s.i]. Nathan, h. Diantha, Aug. 14, 1825, [a. 43. G.s.8]. Nathan, s. Nathan, Nov. 21, 1836, [a. 24 y. 3 m. 13 d.]. Olive, May 26, 1820, a. 24 y. c.R. Oliver, Aug. 11, 1835, a. 59. g.s.i. Miss Patty, May 6, 1798. Dr. Peter, June 22, 1820, [a. 57. Colored. c.R.]. Phebe, wid. Joseph, April i, 1829, [a. 64. c.R.]. Polley, d. Moses and Mary, Aug. 15, 1779. Miss Sally, Dec. 2, 1820, a. 34 y. c.R. Samuel, s. Isaac and Betsy, Aug. 27, 1817. G.s.i. Lt. Samuel, May 22, 1830, [a. 87 y. 2 d. G.s.i]. Samuel, Dec. 24, 1837, a. 51. g.s.8. Simpson, s. William and Hannah, Aug. 26, 1800, [a. 10 m. 15 d.]. Simpson 2d, h. Nancy, April 14, 1833, [a. 30. g.s.i]. Simpson, Jan. 22, 1841, [a. 65. c.R.]. Susan, w. Ezra Jr., Sept. 21, 1817, a. 27. g.s.i. Susan, d. William S. and Mary, June 21, 1843, a. 7 m. 15 d. Sylva, w. Freeman, Dec. 4, 1840. Valentine, s. Isaac and Betsy, Sept. 20, 1823, in 9th year. G.s.i. William, s. John Jr. and Jerusha, May 15, 1780. William, s. Luther and Sally, Aug. 18, 1800, [a. 4 y. 4 m. 12 d.]. William, March 6, 1812, a. 60. G.s.3. [Susanna], w. Joseph Jr., June 20, 1827, [a. 37. c.R.]. , ch. Amos, June 22, 1804, a. 2 y. 6 m. c.R. , ch. Nathan, May 14, 1807. c.R. , ch. David, Sept. 19, 1810, a. 2 y. c.R. , ch. Jos. Jr., April — , 1812. c.R. , ch. Luther, Dec. 15, 1812. c.R. , ch. Jos., Feb. i, 1816, a. 9 m. c.R. , ch. Ezra Jr., Jan. i, 1822, a. 5 y. c.R. , ch. Martin, Feb. 19, 1825, a. 6 m. c.R. , ch. L. R., May 10, 1827. C.R. , inf. Dr. Shepherd, July 16, 1833. Infantile. C.R. , Wid. Dr. Amos (colored man), Oct. 15, 1833, a. 67 y. c.R. I 88 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Clark, , inf. Eli, Oct. 8, 1834, a. 2 w. Infantile, c.r. , twin Sullivan, April 5, 1835. c.r. , twin William, April 5, 1835. c.r. , inf. James S., Sept. 4, 1835, a. 3 y. Cankerrash. c.r. , inf. Anson, Nov. 11, 1836, a. 3 w. Inflamation of the bowels. C.R. , inf. Oramel, March 26, 1840. c.r. , ch. William G. and Eliza, , [1846 or 7]. Infantile. CLEMENCE, Chloe Ann, d. Henry and Betsy, Sept. 13, 1836, [a. 3 y. 9 m.]. Harriot, w. Henry, Dec. 11, 1824, a. 22. G.s.3. Lucy Charlotte, d. Henry and Betsy, Sept. 6, 1836 [a. 6 y. 4 m. 10 d.]. Nancy Adalade, d. Henry and Betsy, Sept. 6, 183 1, [a. i m. 17 d.]. CLIFFORD, Achsah W., d. Luther and Lydia, Nov. 2, 1819, [a. II y. 9 m. 6 d.]. Betsy, d. Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 7, 1803, [a. 6. G.s.i]. Fidelia, d. Josephus and Isabella, Aug. 27, 1843, ^- 20 y, 5 d. Inflamation on the brain. Born in Royalston. Jonathan, h. Mary, Aug. 21, 1803, a. 51. Martin, s. Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 7, 1803, [a. 4. G.s.i]. Mrs. Mary Ann, June 15, 1834, a. 28 y. c.r. Nathan, s. Josephus and Isabella, Nov. 16, 1846, a. 18 y. 19 d. Typhus fever. , ch. Luther, April 5, 1814. c.r. , ch. Luther, Nov. 2, 1815. c.r. , ch. Luther, May 27, 1821. C.r. , ch. Luther. Nov. 8, 1822. c.r. , ch. Luther, June 2, 1824. c.r. COBLEIGH, Dianna Salome, d. M. C. and S. P., April 8, 1847, a. 3 m. G.S.6. COLEMAN (see Colman), Almon H., s. Almond J. and Betsey, Aug. 16, 1845, a. 2 m. 5 d. Infantile, [a. i m. 2 d. g.s.i.] Amherst, h. Tabitha, Oct. 8, 1826, [a. 39. g.s.i]. Bethiah [Bethiah C, G.s.5], w. Almond, Jan. 27, 1828, [in 47th y. G.s.]. Clara E., d. John M. and Harriet, Aug. 22, 1849, a. 3 y. 2 m. 23 d. Dysentery. David Austin, s. Perez and Rebecca, April 19, 1831, a. 3. g.s.6. Francis L., s. John and Lucinda, June 23, 1840, a. 2 y. 11 m. g.s.i. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. I 89 Coleman, John, h. Lucinda, Jan. 20, 1840, [a. 56. g.s.i]. John Wheelock, s. John and Lucinda, May 8, 182 1, [a. 3 y. 3 m. 5 d.]. Lemuel [Lemuel F., g.s.6], s. Perez and Rebecca, Sept. 21, 1848, a. 19. Dysentery. Levina, d. Almond and Dorinda, Jan. 4, 1849, a. 15. Con- sumption. Louisa Elizabeth, d. Edmund and Louisa, May 29, 1849, a. 4 y. 4 m. 25 d. Dysentery. Perez (married), s. John and , Oct. 28, 1848, a. 60. Dysentery. Born in Templeton. [a. 59 y. 9 m. 12 d. G.s.6.] Samuel Metcalf, s. John and Lucinda, Oct, 7, 1822, [a. 2 y. 11 m. 21 d.]. Samuel M., s, Mrs, Stone, Sept. 19, 1845, a. 22 y. Brain fever. C,R. Samuel [Samuel M., g.s.i], s. John and Lucinda, Sept. 17, 1847, a. 22. Inflamation on brain. Stephen C, s. Edmund and Louisa, Aug, 7, 1849, a. 11 m. 14 d. Dysentery. Stephen Clark, s. Perez and Rebecca, April 7, 183 1, a. 9. G.s,6, inf. wid. John, June — , 1840. Canker rash. c.r. inf. s. A, and B. S., May 15, 1841, G,s.6. COLMAN, (see above), Amherst, s, Amherst and Tabethy, March 6, 1822, a, 15 m, g,s.i. Eunice J., d, Lafayette and Eunice, June 2, 1831, a. 3 y. 9 m. G,s,5, Polly, d. Almond and Bethiah, May 29, 183 1, a. 6. 0.3,5. Polly, April 15, 183 1, a, 6 y. Rash, C.R. Sarah, June 3, 183 1, a, 4 y. Rash, c,r. CONANT, Levi, h, Sally, Dec, 10, 1825, [a, 50. g,s,i], Sarah, wid. [Levi] (d. John and Foster), Sept, 22, 1849, a, 73, Dropsy, Born in Sudbury, COOK, William Sidney, Aug. 2, 1840, a, 7. G,s,i. COWDIN, , inf,, Oct, 29, 1832, a, 3 y. c,r. CUTTING, Nathan, April 30, 1803, [a. 38, c.r.]. DALRYMPLE, Jonathan B. (widr.), Oct, 28, 1843, a, 39, Born in Northborough, Sylvia, w. Jonathan B,, Oct. 11, 1843, a. 42. Childbed. Born in Northborough, DANIELS, Abigail, w. Simeon (formerly w. Gideon Rider) Sept, 27, 1848, a. 85. G,s,2. I go HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. DAVIS, Alice [Alice P., g.s.i], w. Amasa G., d. Joel and Ruth Pollard, March i8, 1845, a. 32 y. i m. 12 d. Indigestion. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and OHve, Jan. 12, 1804, [a. 27 d.]. Brigham (married), s. Israel and Rebecca, Aug. 22, 1844, a. 59. Consumption. Born in Holden, Caroline, d. Brigham and Sally, May 16, 1816, [a. 5 y. 10 m. 12 d.]. Charles F., s. John and Priscilla, April 9, 1832, a. 2 y. 8 m. 9 d. G.S.I. Chloe W., w. Israel Jr., Oct. 21, 1842, [a. 38. g.s.i]. Dexter, s. Enoch and Rebeccah, Aug. 20, 1803, [a. i y. 12 d.]. Harriet, d. Brigham and Sally, Dec. 21, 1816, [a. 9 m.]. Harriet R., d. John and Adaline, Dec. 6, 1844, a. i m. 7 d. Feebleness. Israel (married), s. Israel and Rebecca, Aug. 24, 1848, a. 82. Casualty. Born in Holden. Israel Hubbard, s. Israel and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1801, [a. 9 m. II d.]. John W. (married), s. Brigham and Sally, Sept. 10, 1845, ^- 3^ Y- 2 d. Consumption. John W., s. John W. and Nancy, Dec. i, 1845, a. 3 m. 8 d. g.s.i. Joseph Emerson, s. Capt. Brigham and Sally, March 12, 183 1, a, II. G.S.I. Joseph Hubbard [s. Israel and Sarah], Sept. 24, 1799, [a. 2 y. 2 m. 22 d.]. Maria Elizabeth, d. John and Dolly H., Feb. 28, 1844, a. 2 m. I d. Croup. Mary, w. Amasa G., Aug. 8, 1839, [a. 40. g.s.i]. Miss Mary J., late of Boston, Dec. 10, 183 1, a. 53. G.s.8. Patty, w. Silas, March 25, 183 1 [a. 38, g.s.i] [a. 42. c.r.]. [Priscilla], w. John, April 20, 1832, [a. 29. g.s.i]. Sally [d. Israel and Sarah], Jan. 30, 1800, [a. 6 y. 15 d.]. Sally, wid. (d. Ebenezer and Phebe Warren), April 27, 1845, a. 55 y. 2 m. 14 d. Indigestion. Sarah, d. Israel Jr. and Harriet, May 18, 1846, a. 15 y. 2 m. 9 d. Consumption. Sarah Ann, d. Brigham and Sally, Jan. 12, 1844, a. 20 y. 5 m. Consumption. Silas, widr. Patty, Aug. 17, 1832, [a. 44. g.s.i]. Sylvia, w. John W., Aug. 12, 1839. , s. Israel and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1800, [a. 18 d.]. , ch. Israel, Dec. 30, 1801, a. 9 m. c.r. , ch. Enoch, March, 16, 1809. c.r. , ch. Mrs. E. (Princeton), Sept. — , 1826. C.r. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 191 Davis, , inf. Jno., Nov. 5, 1843. c.r. , inf. , Feb. 29, 1844. c.r. DESPER, Sophia, w. James, June 24, 1849, a. 6oy. 4 m. g.s. Underwood Cemetery, south part of Hubbardston. DICKENSON, Mrs. Mary, Feb. 12, 1826, a. 46 y. c.r. DIKE, Lydia, w. Samuel (d. Jonas and Mary Bacon), Sept. 28, 1843, a. 48. Inflamation on the bowels. Born in Barre. Susannah, w. Benjamin, d. Paul and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1809. G.S.I. DUCAN?, George, July i, 1809, a. 16 y. 9 m. c.r. DUNSTER, Lucy, w. David, Nov. 16, 1803, [a. 27. c.r.]. DUNTON, Sybil M. [Metcalf, dup.], d. Sylvanus and Susan, Feb. 25, 1844, a. 6 m. 14 d. Teathing. EARL, Frances, d. Calvin and Betsey, Oct. 15, 1840, a. i y. i m. G.S.I. EARLE, Alpheus (married), s. Joel and Persis, Jan. 24, 1849, a. 63. Disease of the heart. Harriet, d. Alpheus and Lucretia M., Aug. 9, 1819, a. 5 y. 6 m. G.S.4. Lucretia, d. Alpheus and Lucretia, Sept. 8, 1843, a. 26 y. 3 m. 7 d. Typhoid fever. [Persis Witt], w. Joel, March 3, 18 17, a. 53 y. c.r. Sumner, s. Alpheus and Lucretia, Oct. 9 [10 in dup.], 1843, a. 16 y. 7 m. 6 d. Typhoid fever. , ch. Willard, Dec. 7, 1815. c.r. , ch. Willard, May 22, 1820, a. 3 m. c.r. ELLENWOOD (see Ellinwood), Addison (married), s. Justus and Sophia, May 25, 1843, a. 22 y. 9 m. 21 d. Inflamation on the bowels. Caroline L., d. Addison and Phebe, Aug. 2, 1843, a. i y. Justus (married), Sept. 4, 1844, a. 58. Consumption. Born in Athol. [a. 60 y. 6 m. G.s. 2.] ELLINWOOD (see Ellenwood), Charles, s. Justus and Sophia, Oct. 23, 1820, [a. 5 y. II m. 26 d.]. EVELETH, EHzabeth, d. Joseph and Patience, Sept. 30, 1770. Mary JosHn, w. Abisha Jr., , 1821. g.s.i. [Jan. 19, a. 40. C.R.]. 192 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. EvELETH, Sally, d. Joseph and Patience, Oct. 5, 1770. , ch. Abishai, April 11, 1820, a. 3 m. c.r. FALIS, John H., Feb. 19, 1817, a. 77 y. c.r. [Martha Smith], w. James, April 30, 1813. c.r. , ch. James, Aug. 6, 1812. c.r. , ch. James, March 15, 1816, a. i y. C.R. , ch. James, Aug. 28, 18 18. C.R. , ch. Thomas, Aug. 11, 182 1. c.r. , ch. James, Jan. 10, 1823. c.r. , ch, James, Dec. 5, 1823. c.r. Mrs. , m. James, Oct. 14, 1839. FARMER, Mrs. Hannah, Jan. 17, 1842. [Wid. Joseph, Jan. 15, 1842, a. 63 y. 9 m. G.S.i.] Joseph, May 8, 1843 [1813?], a. 32. G.s.i. FARRENGTON, Aaron, s. Elijah and Elizabeth, April 6, 1795, a. 2 y. 4 m. 16 d. FISHER, Lois, wid. [of William C. of Wrentham] (d. Silas and Priscilla Mason), Dec. 30, 1849, a. 84. Old age. Born in Medfield. FLAGG, Amanda, d. Joshua and Almira, Sept. 18, 1843, a. 9 y. 6 m. I d. Typhoid fever. [Lucy], d. Joshua and Almira, Nov. 13, 1847, a. [i y.]. Heart disease. , ch. Joel, Sept. 11, 1829, a. 5 y. c.r. , inf. Joshua, April 6, 1836, a. 3 m. Swelling of throat. C.R. FOLLET (see FoUett), Sarah [Sarah Metcalf, g.s.i], w. Samuel, March 22, 1783, [a. 28. G.s.i]. Tamer [Tamar Smith, 2 w., g.s.i], w. Samuel Sr., Dec. 19, 1803, [a. 48, g.s. a. 53. c.r.]. FOLLETT (see above), Aaron [s. Samuel and Tamar, g.s.i], July 28, 1800, [a. 6 y. 4 m. 4 d.]. Aaron, s. Jonathan M. and Mary, Oct. 22, 1849, a. 31. Typhus fever. Chandler, s. and Lucinda Hoit, Feb. 27, 1823. Insanity, [a. 20. G.s. 5]. Isaac (married), s. Samuel and Sarah, March 25, 1844, a. 64 y. 8 m. Erysipelas. James, s. Jonathan M. and Mary, July 9, 1827, [a. 2 y. 2 m. 9 d.] John, s. Samuel Sr. and Tamer, Sept. 20, i8[o3]. [a. 22. G.s.i.] HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. I 93 FoLLETT, Mary Abigail, d. Jonathan M. and Mary, Sept. 20, 1821, [a. 4 y- 5 m. IS d.]. Otis, s. Samuel Sr. and Tamer, Nov. 11, 1803, [a. 19. g.s.i]. Samuel, Nov. 13, 1803, [a. 57 y. 10 m.]. Stillmon [s. Samuel Jr. and Sally], Sept. 19, 1803, [a. 2 y. i m. 20 d.]. , s. Jonathan M. and Mary, March 5, 182 1. , d. Jonathan M. and Mary, April 28, 1822. FOSTER, Lucy, May 6, 1825, [a. 18. c.r.]. FRENCH, Betsey, d. Perez and Lucy L., Nov. 27, 1822, a. 9 d. G.S.6. Henry C, s. Perez and Lucy L., May 4, 1819, a. 2 w. g.s.6. Mary L., d. Perez and Lucy L., Feb. 26, 1833, a. 16. g.s.6. Perez, s. Perez and Lucy L., March 21, 1825, a. i. g.s.6. FRIZZEL, , inf. Otis, May 19, 1836. Infantile, c.r. FROST, Stephen, Aug. 15, 1789, G.s.i. Stephen, h. Mary, June 18, 1828, [a. 58. c.r.]. , ch. Benj. C., June — , 1821, . c.r. , ch. Stephen, Sept. 11, 1825, a. 7 y. c.r. , ch. Stephen, March i, 1826, a. 2 y. 6 m. c.r. GAGE, Daniel, April 18, 1810. c.r. — — — , ch. Moses, July 2, 1808. C.R. , w. Daniel, May 19, 1809. C.R. , ch. Moses, Dec. 24, 1809. c.r. GATES, Aaron, s. Henry and Ann, Aug. 20, 1801, [in 4th y.]. Aaron, s. Jonathan and Freelove, Aug. 17, 1845, a. 8 d. Infantile. Aaron (widr.), s. Jonathan and Hepsibah, Dec. 5, 1849, a. 74, Palsy. Abigail, Sept. 11, 1824, a. 18 y. c.r. Ann, wid. Henry, May i, 1838. Benjamin Church, s, Delphos and Sally, Aug. i, 1807, [^- i y. i m. Betsy, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, March 10, 1793. CaroHne, d. Salman and Lucy, Sept. 30, 1808, [a. 2 y. 10 m. 5 d.] Catharine Matilda, d. Charles and Patience, Jan. 2, 1815, [a. I y. 9 d.]. Charles, h. Patience, Jan. 31, 1827, [a. 43. c.r.]. David, s. Jonathan and Hepzibah, June 2, 1775, a. 10 m. 20 d. Delphos, Sept. 15, 1837, [a. 59. g.s.i]. Elbridge Gerry, s. Aaron and Mahitable, Dec. 7, 18 12, [a. 7 m. 25 d.]. 194 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Gates, Francis (married), s. Delphos and Sally, Aug. 30, 1846, a. 31 y. 8 m. 8 d. Scrofula. Hannah, w. Delphos, Dec. 4, 1825, [a. 31. g.s.i]. Henry, Feb. 27, 1838, a. 81. A Revolutionary soldier and pensioner, wounded at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Hepzibah [Wid. Jonathan], Dec. 25, 1818, a. 71 y. 8 m. 11 d. John Nelson, h. Elmira, April 2, 1837, [a. 28. G.s.i]. Jonathan, Sept. 30, 1808, a. 62 y. 4 m. Lucy, d. Delphos and Sally, April 11, 1805, [a. 9 m. 4 d.]. Mehitable, w. Aaron (d. Philemon Woodward), Oct. 19, 1849, a. 73. Consumption. Born in Newton. Roswell Catline, s. Jonathan and Freelove, Feb. 22, 1846, a. i y. 10 m. 14 d. Lung fever. Sally [Howe], w. Delphos, June 20, 1816, a. 34. Seallum, s. Seallum and Emely, Sept. 15, 1846, a. i m. 3 d. Inflamation of bowels. Thaddeus, Feb. 22, 1810, a. 30 y. 6 m. c.r. Thomas Jefferson, s. Aaron and Mahitable, April 2, 1806, [a. I m. 15 d.].^ , ch. Benj., March 28, 1805, a. 3 y. c.r. , ch. Delphos, Aug. 15, 1817. c.r. , ch. Charles, Sept. — , 1820. c.r. , ch. Delphos, June 18, 1823, a. 5 m. c.r. inf. J. N., Sept. 25, 1832, a. i y. c.r, , ch. John Nelson and Almira, Sept. 25, 1832, a. 29 d. G.S.I. , ch. Francis and Lucy, March 25, 1844. and , inf. ch. Delphos and Hannah, , . G.S.I. GAY, Alfred, s. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, Aug. 7, 1838, [a. 17], Charles, s. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, April 10, 1835, [a. 10 y. 7 m.]. Edward, s. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, March 8, 1836, [a. 8 y. 7 m. 6 d.). ■* Hannah, d. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, May 8, 1832, [a. 16 y. 9 m. 7 d.]. Jarvis, s. Abner and Caty, Aug. 15, 1814, [a. 13 y. 5 m. 27 d.]. Sally, d. Abner and Caty, Sept. 7, 1803, [a. 11 m. 2 d.]. Samuel s. Rev. Samuel and Elizebeth, June 7, 1831, [a. 17 y. 9 m. 23 d.]. Rev. Samuel (married), Oct. 16, 1848, a. 64. Apoplexy. Born in Dedham. -^ , inf. Moses Gay, March 6, 1832, a. i y. Sore mouth, c.r. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. I95 GLEASON, Clark, Nov. 17, 1802, a. 26 y. c.r. Judson Munroe, s. Andrew and Celia, Dec. i, 1841, [a. 3 m. 12 d.]. Thomas, Jan. 7, 1817, a. 73 y. c.r. GOODSPEED, Ann (wid. Isaac), m. Heman, April 4, 1826, [a. 94. C.R.]. Heman (married), Aug. 30, 1844, a. 77 y. 6 m. 16 d. Dropsy of the chest. Born in Sandwich. Isaac, father Luther, March 20, 1800. Lieut. Isaac, Dec. 2, 1818, in 6ist year. G.s.i. Luther, h. Betsy, Sept. 20, 1832, [a. 70. g.s.i]. Margaret (Murdock), w. Luther, Jan. i, 1802, [a. 2^. c.r.]. Maria, d. Luther and Betsy, Jan. 21, 1815, [a. 8 y. 6 m.]. Martha, d Isaac and Sarah, Jan. 5, 1822, [a. 29]. Sally, June 27, 1832, a. 77 y. Old age. c.r. Sarah, wid. Lieut. Isaac, Oct. 22, 1841, a. 83. g.s.i. Sophia, d. Luther and Margaret, Aug. 28, 1798, [a. 3 y. 5 m.]. Sophia, d. Luther and Elizabeth, Feb. 25, 1815. g.s.i. [a. 6. c.r.]. Tabitha, d. Isaac and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1815 [1813?], a. 17. g.s.i. Thomas, s. Luther and Betsy, Aug. 30, 1839, [in 36th y.]. GOULDING, Anna, w. Joel, July 3, 1837, a. 59 y. Suddenly. C.R. FrankHn, s. William and Lucretia, Feb. 9, 1832, a. 24. G.s.5. Louisa, d. Joel and Anna, Sept. 14, 1818, [a. 5 y. 3 m. 9 d.]. Louisa, d. Joel and Anna, Feb. 25, 1820, [a. 3 m. 6 d.]. William, Aug. 10, 1828, [a. 60. G.s.5]. GRAY, inf. EH, Oct. 8, 1834, a. 7 w. c.r. GREEN (see Greene), Charles K., s. Joseph and Sall,y Oct. 18, 1845, a. 22 y. 8 m. 5 d. Typhus fever. Eunice, Nov. 3, 1834, a. 78. g.s.i. Harriet E., d. Daniel and Thankful, Nov. 28, 1823, a. i y. 10 m. G.S.I. Hepzibath, w. Joseph, Aug. 10, 1798, [a. 48. G.s.i]. [Huldah Allen], w. Joseph, Oct. 26, 1814, a. ^^ y. c.r. Joseph, widr., June 6, 1844, a. 93. Old age. Born in Sudbury. Lucy, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, March — , 1798. Molly, June 16, 1826, [Mary, a. 77. C.R.]. Sally, w. Joseph (d. and Eunice Foster), Oct. 24, 1845, a. 60. Typhus fever. Born in Holden. Rochsy, d. Joseph and Hepzibah, Oct. 15, 1789, [a. 3 y. i m.]. Dup. Stephen [s. Joseph and Hepzibah], Feb. — , 1799, [a. 9 y. 9 m.]. 196 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. GREENE (see above), William Muzzy, s. Joseph and Sally, Aug. 9, 1819, a. I y. 7 m. GREENWOOD, Abigail Susan, d. Edmund R. and Susan H., April 13, 1841, [a. i]. Abijah, h. Elizabeth, Jan. 9, 1814, a. 65. Anna, w. Levi, Feb. 17, 1823 [1822, a. 63. G.s.i]. Betsy (Dunlap), w. Maj. Moses, Dec. 9, 1826 [a. 70. c.r.]. Betsy, d. Moses and Betsy, April 24, 1797. Calista, w. Silas N., Jan. 23, 1843 [d. Jonas Heald, a. 23. G.s.2]. Cynthia, d. Maj. Moses and Betsey, drowned May 15, 1808, a. 14. G.S.I. Elizabeth, wid. Abijah, Feb. 15, 1814, a. 65. Elizabeth, w. Maj. Moses, Dec. 9, 1826, in 71st year. Born in Cherry Valley, N.Y. g.s.i. " She was rescued from the massacre of the Indians by whom her parents were killed and tlieir dwelling burned when she was 4 years old." Elmyra, d. Moses Jr. and Polly, April 12, 1813, a. 3. g.s.i. Ethan, s. Abijah and Rhoda, Oct. 2, 1777. Harriet, d. Silas ad Julia, Aug. 18, 1819, [a. 6 d.]. James B., s. Edmund R. and Susan, Feb. 10, 1846, a. 3 y. 5 m. Lung fever. Joseph, Nov. — , 1776, a. 50. At Holden, g.s.i. Levi, h. Anna, March 27, 1826, [a. 68. g.s.i]. Lucy A., d. Aaron and Adaline, April 17, 1843, [a. 7 y. 3 m.]. Maj. Moses, March 8, 1827, [In 75th y. Born in Holden. g.s.i]. Col. Moses, h. Polly, Sept. 26, 1828, [a. 43. g.s.i]. Otis, h. Sophia, Oct. 5, 1814, [a. ^^. c.r.]. Polly, w. Col. Moses, Jan. 14, 1809. g.s.i. Rhoda, w. Abijah, July 16, 1782. Sally, w. James, Dec. [Oct., g.s.i] 17, 1818, a. 26 y. 4 m. 14 d. Sarah, wid. Joseph, Jan. 22, 1800, a. 74. g.s.i. Wid. Sophia [of Otis], May 7, 1816, a. 31 y. c.r. Stephen, s. James and Sally, April 22, 1818, [a. 7 m. 29 d. G.S.i]. , ch. Ethan, May 14, 181 1. c.r. , ch. Ethan, Oct. 3, 181 1, a. 3 y. c.r. , ch. Otis, Sept. 24, 1814, a. 3 m. c.r. , ch. James, April 22, , c.r. GRIMES, Amiable, d. Joseph and Huldah, Dec. 27, 1803, [a. 16 y. 8 m. 15 d.]. Bill, s. Bill, June 19, 1817, a. 75. Charles (married), s. Aaron and Sally, Jan. 26, 1845, a. 34 y. 2 m. 15 d. Fistula in ano. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. I97 Grimes, Charles, s. Charles and , Nov. 10, 1846, a. 8. Typhus fever. Dennison, s. Epraim and Mary, Sept. 15, 1819, a. 17 y. Dorcas, w. Bill (d. Murdock), Dec. 7, 1844, a. 64. Con- sumption. Born in Winchendon. Ephraim, s. Joseph, Feb. 2, 1844, a. 87. Old age. Born in Tewksbury. Epraim, s. Epraim and Mary, Sept. 11, 1814, a. 18 y. 6 m. Harriet E., d. Aaron Jr. and Louisa, Aug. 20, 1844, a. 3 y. 5 m. 28 d. Dysentery. Mrs. Huldah, April 22, 1832, a. 84 y. Dropsy, c.r. Jarvis, s. Aaron and Sally, Oct. 29, 1835, [^- ^7 7- 3 d^- 24 d.]. John [br. Bill], July 20, 1828, [a. 78. c.r.] Joseph, father Aaron, Nov. 18, 1834, [a. 90. c.r.]. Lucretia, d. Joseph and Huldah, Oct. 25, 1796, [a. 7 y. 8 m. 6 d.]. Luke, s. Waldo and Nancy, May 18, 1825, [a. 8 m. 5 d.]. Mary, w. Epraim, July 18, 1825, [a. 63. c.r.]. Molley, d. Bill and Rebekah, Sept. 21, 1777, in 3d year. G.s.i. Rebeccah, w. Bill, May 3, 1794. g.s.i. Salley, d. Bill and Rebekah, Sept. 19, 1777, [in 5th year ?]. G.S.I. Sarah, d. Aaron and Sally, Oct. 11, 1846, a. 24 y. 11 m. 20 d. Typhus fever. , ch. Bill, Aug. 6, 181 1. C.R. , ch. Aaron, , 1813. c.r. , ch. Aaron, , 1813. C.R. , ch. Aaron, Dec. 20, 1813. C.R. , inf. Aaron Jr., Aug. 20, 1844, a. 3 y. c.r. HAGER, , w. of Abram, March 8, 1807, a. 44 y. 6 m. c.r. HALE, Charles, s. Luther and Phebe, Dec. 30, 1818, [a. 2 y. 3 m. 25 d.]. Joanna, w. Luther, July 30, 1803, [a. ^^. G.s.i]. Laura, d. Luther and Joanna, June 2, 1815, [a. 14 y. 6 m.]. Laura Ann, youngest ch. Roland and Clarissa, Aug. 27, 1840, a. 13 m. G.S.I. Lucy, d. Luther and Joanna, May 3, 1805, [a. 15 y. 9 m.]. Luther (married), s. OHver and Catharine, Feb. 7, 1845, a. 78 y. 8 m. 29 d. Strangury. Born in Leominster. Otis, s. Luther and Joanna, April 13, 1822, [a. 29 y. 28 d.]. Phebe, w. Luther, July 23, 1826, [a. 47. G.s.i]. Phebe, wid., March 8, 1846, a. 82. Dropsy. , ch. Luther, Jan. 21, 1824. c.r. , inf. Oliver, April i, 1840. C.R. ig8 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. HALLECK, , inf. Isaac, Nov. 12, 1842. c.s. HAMILTON, Betsey, w. George W. (d. Alpheus Earle and Lucretia), Dec. 4, 1843, ^- 24 y. 11 m. 24 d. Typhoid fever. Elizabeth, April 3, 1842, a. 63 y. Consumption, c.r. HANCOCK, Susan, Aug. 3, 1833, a. 24 y. c.r. HAPGOOD, John, June i, 1827, a. 75 y. c.r. Nancy, Sept. 8, 1842, [a. 30. G.s.i]. Newell, s. Winsor and Nancy, April 6, 1847, a. 37. Inflamation of bowels. Born in Templeton. Thomas, June i, 1827. Windsor, Dec. 24, 1829. , wid., Nov. 25, 1846, a. 89. Old age. HARDEY, Clarissa R., w. Moses (d. Daniel and Betsey Sar- gent), Oct. 19, 1843, ^' 24. Typhoid fever. HARRINGTON, Wid. Anna, Sept. 23, 182 1, a. 88 y. c.r. Caleb, April 15, 1825, [a. 39. c.r.]. Removed after his decease to Northboro. Josiah, Oct. 9, 1803, [a. 24. c.r.]. Nehemiah, h. Amia, June i, 1827, [a. 34. G.s.i]. HART, Louisa, July 3, 1813, a. 29 y. c.r. HARTWELL, Betsey (Pond), w. Amos, July 5, 1821, [a. 32. g.s.i]. Harriet A., d. James H. and Charlotte, Sept. 7, 1846, a. 2 y. 7 m. 6 d. Cholera morbus. Henry H., Dec. 27, 1842, a. 6 m, 10 d. G.s.4. HARWOOD, Jesse (married). May 9, 1847, a. 82. Old age- Born in Barre. Mary, wid. Jesse (d. Moses and Betsey Sibley), July 24, 1849, a. 76. Paralysis. Born in Barre. HASKELL, Lucy, wid., Feb. 18, 1845, a. 90. Old age. Born in Barre. P. Wilson, Aug. 16, 1843, a. 21. Fall from a frame. HASTINGS, Daniel E., Nov. 24, 1849, a. 21 y. c.r. HAYWARD, George, July 20, 1836, a. 5 y. Scarlatina, c.r. HEALD, Charles Hobart, s. J. N. and Lucy, June — , 1836, a. 18 m. At Johnstown, Penn. G.s.i. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. I 99 Heald, Lieut. Ebenezer, April 23, 1814, a. 60. g.s.i. Elephalet, Sept. 9, 1801, a. 26 y. c.r. Eliphalet, s. Stephen and Hazadiah, Dec. 7, 1770. Hannah, d. Stephen and Hazadiah, Dec. 13, 1770. Hannah, d. John and Mary, Dec. 7, 1838, a. 14. g.s.i. Hessadiah (Howe), March 22, 1812, [w. Stephen, a. 79. c.r.]. Lois, d. Stephen and Hazadiah, Dec. 12, 1770. Lois, wid. Capt. Timothy, April 30, 1818, [a. 54. G.s.i]. Lucy, d. Stephen and Hazadiah, Dec. 29, 1770. Lt. Stephen, Oct. 3, 1814, [a. 84. c.r.]. Capt. Timothy, May i, 1814, [a. 58. G.s.i]. WilHam, s. Timothy and Lois, March 18, 1804, [a. i y. 3 m. 18 d.]. , ch. Timothy, March 4, 1805. c.r. HEMENWAY, , s. Ethan and Eurana, Dec. 31, 1845, a. I d. Infantile. HENRY, Erastus, s. Benjamin and Cloe, Oct. 6, 1806, a. i y. 27 d. — , ch. Benjamin, Oct. 4, 1805. c.r. , June 3, 1831, a. 2 y. Rash. c.r. HIBRA, Abner (Black), Jan. 7, 1823, a. 94 y. c.r. HILL, David C, s. George T. and Frances, Nov. 2, 1849. Hydrocephalus. HINDS, Alamanda, Dec. 30, 1831, a. 2 y. Croup, c.r. Anna (Pierce), w. Howard, Nov. 19, 182 1, [a. 62. g.s.i]. Cornelius, Aug. 23, 181 1, a. 70 y. c.r. Cornelius (married), April 3, 1848, a. 72. Dropsy. Born in Barre. Hiram, s. Cornelius and Hannah, Sept. 21, 1805, [a. 2 y. 6 m. C.R.]. John, Aug. 20, 1811, [a. 25. c.r.]. Martha, w. Cornelius, May 15, 1802, a. 59 y. wanting 11 d. Molly, d. Howard and Anna, Aug. 22, 1782. Sally, w. Abner, June 9, 1810, a. 30. g.s.i. Susannah Clark, w. Calvin, Sept. i, 1820, a. 35. g.s.i. , ch. Warner, Feb. 18, 181 7. c.r. , ch. Cornelius, April 25, 1818. C.R. , ch. Calvin, Sept. 23, 1820, a. 5 y. c.r. , inf. Col., Nov. 15, 1832. C.R. William, s. Cornelius and Hannah, drowned July 15, 1835, [a. 21 y. 9 m.] At living's Grant. Zenas, s. Howard and Anna, Feb. 20, 1800, [a. i y. 9 d.]. 200 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. HOBBS, Thomas J., s. William and Nancy, July i6, 1844, a. 30 y. 3 m. 3 d. Consumption, Born in Princeton. Thomas Jefferson, s. Charles, July 17, 1848, a. 16 m. Pleurisy. C.R. William [William M. g.s.i.], h. Nancy B., June 17, 1830, [a. 48. G.S.]. HOGAN, , ch. Geo., June 10, 1826. c.r. HOIT (see Hoyt), Asa, widr. Molly, Jan. 4, 1832, [a. 84. C.R.]. John, Dec. i, 1800. Luther, s. Asa and Molley, July 14, 1787, [a. i y. 7 m. 5 d.]. Molly, 2d. w. Asa, Dec. 27, 1789. HOLDEN, Experience, w. Nathan, Oct. i, 1790. Lewis, s. Nathan and Experience, Dec. 12, 1849, a. 69. Pre- mature old age. Born in Barre. Mrs. Mary, April 14, 1832, a. 25 y. Inflamation on the lungs. C.R. MeHnda, d. Nathan and Prudence, Sept. 14, 1800, [a. 2.]. Nancy, w. Nathan, Jan. 4, 1836. Nathan, h. Prudence, June 25, 1806, [a. 53. c.r.]. Sally, d. Nathan and Experience, Dec. 4, 1788, a. 23 d. Dup. , ch. Nathan, Oct. 11, 1810, a. 9 m. c.r. Mrs. , April 14, 1832. HOLT, Ephraim, June 3, 1844, a. 81. g.s.6. Simeon K., h. Sophia, Feb. 28, 1833, [a. 35. g.s.6]. Steadman Williams, s. Elias and Ruth, June 13, 1836, [a. 6 y. 7 m. 8 d.]. HOUGHTON, , ch. of Abner, April 14, 1823, a. 3 y. C.R. HOW (see Howe), Betcy, d. Buckly and Elizabeth, , . G.S.I. Buckly, Nov. i, 1789, a. 43 y. 3 m. 7 d. g.s.i. Daniel, Oct. 13, 1776. At Ticonderoga. Elizabeth, w. Buckly, , . G.s.i. Israel, Dec. 29, 1789, in 41st year, g.s.i. " He lived a Batcheller to the end of his days." Rebeckah, d. Buckly and Elizabeth, May 28, 1783. HOWARD, Ann EHza, d. Rufus and Roxa, April 15, 1848, a. 6 y. 7 m. 3 d. Fever. Born in Holden. Roxa, w. Rufus, Feb. 18, 1848, a. 36. Consumption. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 20I HOWE (see How), Capt. Daniel, May 12, 18 10, a. 80 y. c.r. Reuben, Sept. 29, 1835, a. 55 y. Palsey. c.r. Wid. [mother of Asa?], Feb. 21, 1822, a. 65 y. c.r. , s. Reuben, Feb. 3, 1826, a. 16 y. c.r. HOYT (see Hoit), Azubah, d. Benjamin and Eunice, Sept. 14, 1756. Ephraim, s. Benjamin and Eunice, Aug. 2, 1755. Eunice, w. Benjamin, Jan. 3, 1771. George W., s. Dr. George and Avalina, June 6, 1830, [a. 14 d.]. HUBBARD, , s. Artemas S., May 7, 1837, a. i y. 3 m. Angina Pec', c.r. , inf. of Mr., Jan. 23, 1843, a. 5 m. c.r. HUNT, Fanny J., d. John T. and Fanny G., May 2, 1845, a. 2 y. 6 m. Scarlet fever. Born in Reading, Vt. Jane, May 2, 1845, a. 3 y. Scarlatina, c.r. HUNTING, Abijah, s. Converse and Mary, Jan. 19, 1793. Alexander, h. Tryphena, Sept. 30, 1823. [a. 55.] Asa, s. William and Lydia, May 5, 1800. Betsy, d. William and Lydia, April 30, 1800. Caty, d. Stephen and Polly, Aug. 8, 1800, [a. 4 y. 2 m. 11 d.]. Charles, [s]. William and Lydia, July 19, 1800. Clarissa, d. Stephen and Polly, Dec. 25, 1806, [a. 2 m. 18 d.]. Dana, s. William and Lydia, April 29, 1800. Eliza, d. Lemuel, Aug. 21, 1833, a. i y. 6 m. c.r. Eliza, d. Josiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 28, 1837, [^- ^^ Y- 3 i^-]- [Elizabeth W.], w. Moses, May i, 1814. c.r. Elizabeth, w. Josiah, Sept. 5, 1843, ^- 57- Scrofulous ulcer. Dup. George, s. Aaron and Julia, Dec. 20, 1846, a. 20 y. i m. 8 d. Typhus fever. Hannah, w. Stephen, Nov. 19, 1812, a. 80 y. 8 m. 7 d. Leonard, s. Stephen and Polly, Aug. 4, 1800, a. 6 y. 27 d. G.S.I. Lucy, d. Lemuel and Polly, Oct. 31, 1825, [a. i y. 23 d.J. Lydia, w. WiUiam, June 14, 1803. At Sharon, Vt. Mary, w. Converse, Oct. 4, 1849, a. 90. Liver disease. Born in Needham. Mary Ann, Feb. 23, 1834, a. 10 m. c.r. Nabby, d. William and Lydia, April 26, 1800. Parker, s. Converse and Mary, Jan. 31, 1817, [a. 25 y. 6 m.]. Polly, d. Moses and Elizabeth W., July 25, 1800, [a. 5 y. 9 m.]. Polly, w. Stephen, April i, 1808, a. 37. G.s.i. 202 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Hunting, Rebecca, April 9, 1836, a. 25 y. Consumption, c.r. Sewall, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 1827, [a. i y. 11 m.], Stephen Sr., Dec. 11, 1815, a, 96 y. 9 m. Stephen, s. Lemuel, Aug. 16, 1833, a. 12 y. 6 m. c.r. Stephen Jr., Nov. 16, 1835, [a. 85. g.s.i]. Thomas Sumner, s Moses and Elizabeth W., Sept. 25, 1804, [a. 6 m. 13 d.]. Tryphena, wid. Alexander, Dec. 21, 1839, [a. 68. c.r.]. , two children of Stephen, Oct. 14, 1802. Infants, c.r. , ch. A., Sept. 23, 1823. C.R. IVES, Martha, wid. (d. Isaac and Abigail Hunt), Aug. 5, 1849, a. 76. Palsy. Born in Sudbury. JENNISON, George, s. Artemas and Susan Hubbard, May 7, 1837, a. I y. 2 m. 3 d. g.s.i. JOHNSON, Betsey, d. Zedekiah and Ruth, Dec. 5, 1805, a. 20 y. 2 m. G.S.I. Oliver, March 8, 1837, a. 20 y. Killed by falling a tree, c.r, Ruth, d. Zedekiah and Ruth, Nov. 22, 1799, a. 16 y. 4 m. G.s.i. Ruth, wid. Zedekiah, Dec. 13, 1830, a. 77. g.s.i. Zedekiah, March 23, 1819, a. 68. g.s.i. JOSLIN, Betsey, wid. Silas (d. Joseph and Sarah Greenwood), Oct. 13, 1849, a. 83. Dropsy. Born in Holden, Ebenezer, Sept. 11, 1806, in his 74th year. Epraim, April 23, 1820, [a. 44. c.r.]. John, s. William and Rhoda, Sept. 2, 1799, [a. 2 y, 3 m. 13 d.]. Lucy, d. William and Rhoda, Oct. 8, 1806, [a. 40. c.r.]. Lydia, d. Silas and Betcy, July 20, 1791. Lydia 2d, d. Silas and Betcy, Oct. 15, 1794- Lydia, w. Ebenezer, Dec. 9, i8[o5], a. 65 y. 10 m. Moses, s. Ebenezer and Betsey, May 18, 1848, a. 64. Premature old age. Peter (married), s. Ebenezer and Sally, March 24, 1847, a, 66 y. 10 m. Paralysis, Rhoda, w. Peter, June 19, 1819, a. 45 y. 4 m. 5 d. Sally, [d. Silas and Betcy], Sept. 18, 1798. Sally, Aug. 5, 181 1, [a. 29. c.r.]. Silas, s. Silas and Betcy, Sept. 14, i8[o3], [a. i y. 8 m. 16 d.]. Silas, h. Betcy, Aug. 9, [1828], [a. 64. g.s.i]. William, Nov. 14, 1807, a. 38 y. c.r. , ch. of Peter, April 20, 1825, a. 8 m. c.r, KENDALL, Belinda, w. Moses (d. Aaron and Mahitable Gates), Jan. 20, 1846, a. 42 y. 10 m. 4 d. Fever, HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 2O3 Kendall, Crusoe (married), s. Jonathan and Mary, May 26, 1843, a. 35 y. 9 m. 8 d. Inflamatory fever. Dup. Elbridge Gates, s. Moses and Belinda, Feb. 23, 1844, a. 11 m. 5 d. Erysipelas. Dup. Harrison, s. Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 15, 1817, [a. 10 m, 25 d.]. KING, Wid. Hannah, March 9, 1832, a. 39 y. Consumption. C.R. KINSMAN, John, s. Daniel and Abigail, Dec. 10, 1778. Polly, Oct. 4, 1801, a. 25 y. c.r. Mrs. , w. Daniel, June 2, 1808. c.r. KNIGHTS, , Feb. 29, 1848, a. 4. Inflamation. LAMB, James, Dec. 6, 1834. A Revolutionary soldier [a. 82, C.R.] John, s. Pliny and Rebecah, Jan. 25, 1814, [a. 10 m. 20 d.]. Lucinda, d. James, Sept. 4, 1803. Mary, d. Daniel and Mary, Jan. 11, 1816, [a. S y. 11 d.]. Nancy, d. James, Aug. 8, 1800. Pliny, h. Rebecah, Jan. 9, 182 1, [a. 39. c.r.]. w. James, March 3, 1825, [a. 72 y. 10 m. c.r.]. , ch. Daniel, Jan. 11, 1816, a. 5 y. c.r. — , ch. Pliny, Jan, 25, i8i6, a. 9 m. c.r. , ch. Daniel, April 14, 1817. C.r. Mrs. , Dec. 8, 1832, a. 30 y. Consumption, c.r. LARNED, Archibold, Aug. 17, 1824, a. 50 y. 6 m. c.r. LAUGHNA, , , [1846 or 7], a. 42. Consumption. Born in Ireland. LEALAND (see Leland), Elizabeth, d. Lowell and Betsy, March 20, 1819. Sarah, d. Lowell and Betsy, April 17, 1822, [a. i m. 12 d.]. LELAND (see above), Betsy, w. Lowell, Dec. 8, 1829 [a. 34. G.S.l]. Delia Ann, d. Lowell and Elizabeth, Sept. 7, 1841, a. 8 y. 25 d. G.S.I. Mary, d. Lowell and Betsey, June 3, 1846, a. 11 y. i m. 17 d. Scarletina. , ch. Henry, Oct. 3, 18 10. C.R. LEONARD, Alfred C, s. Richard and Phebe, Oct. 25, 1840, a. 13 m. G.S.3. 204 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Leonard, George E., s. Richard and Phebe, Oct. 23, 1840, a. 3. G.S.3. Phebe, w. Richard (d. Justus and Sophia Ellenwood), Jan. 18, 1846, a. 28 y. 6 m. 12 d. Consumption. LEWIS, George, May 17, 1848, a. 52. G.s.2. LONG, Lemuel, Aug. 17, 1824, a. 38 y. c.r. LOVELL (see Lovewell), Asa, s. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1807, [a. 4 d.]. Joseph, h. Sarah, Nov. 21, 1814, [a. 50. c.r.]. LOVEWELL (see above), Jesse, h. Betsey, Jan. 29, 1838. "Death occasioned by being thrown from a waggon." Sarah, wid. [Joseph? Wilkinson ?], Aug. 30, 1847, a. 80. Old age. LYMAN, Albert G., s. Samuel Jr. and Sarah L., Oct. 17, 1842, a. II w. G.S.I. LYON, Amiable, d. Asa and Attarah, Aug. 22, 1813, [a. 3 y. 3 w.]. Attarah, w. Asa (d. Joseph and Hulda Grimes), May 2, 1846, a. 70 y. I m. 14 d. Heart disease. Bazaleel, June 24, 1796, in his 57th year. Gardner, s. Ruth, Aug. 22, 1829, [a. 5. c.r.]. Wid. Mary, April 4, 1803, in her 6 2d year. PHny, s. Asa and Attarah, May 17, 1803, [a. 2 m. 7 d.]. , inf. Betsy, Jan. 24, 1805. c.r. , ch. Asa, Jan. 20, 1808, a. 3 y. c.r. McCLANATHAN, Adaline, d. John and Katharine, Dec, 11, 1822, [a. 21]. Johnne, s. John and Phebe, Nov. 29, 1784, a. 7 m. 14 d. Lucy, d. John and Phebe, Aug. 10, 1792, a. 2 y. 5 m. 2 d. Phebe, w. John, Oct. 8, 1799, a. 36 y. 8 m. McFARLAND, Mrs. , July 22, 183 1, a. 56. Consump- tion. C.R. , inf. [Elijah and Achsah], Jan. 16, 1832. Infantile, c.r. , inf. [Elijah and Achsah], Dec. 20, 1836, a. 7 m. C.r. MAGRATH, Thomas (married), s. John and Betsey, June 24, 1848, a. 66. Starvation caused by obstruction in the throat. Born in Biddeford, Me. , inf. Thomas, March 2, 1832. Infantile, c.r. , inf. Thomas, April 11, 1832, a. i y. Suddenly, c.r. , inf. Thomas, May 20, 1835, a. 3 w. Infantile, c.r. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 205 MANN, Artimas, (child of A. M.), a. 4 y. c.r. Betsy, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Feb. 7, 183 1, [a. 43. g s il Darius, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Sept. 8, 182 1, ["Whose death was caused by the kick of a horse," a. 24. g.s.i]. John, Oct. 7, 1848, a. 70. In Worcester, g.s.i. Joseph Knowlton, s. Artemas and Polly, June 20 1828, [a. 4 y 6 m.]. Drowned in a well. Lurinda, d. John and Polly, July 23, 181 1, [a. 3 m. 13 d 1 Marsena, s. John and Polly, Oct. 2, 1803, [a. i y. 8 m. c r 1 Mary, w. Artemas, Nov. 21, 1837, a. 44. g.s.i. Otis Greenwood, s. Amos and Betsey, Jan. i, 18 15, [a. 3 m. 4 d.] Polly [Anderson], w. John, July 17, 1816, [a. 41. c.R.l Seraph, d. John and Mary, Sept. 27, 1803. g.s.i. Sophrona, d. John and Polly, March i, 1816, [in 2d y.]. , ch. Amos, April 7, 1818. c.r. , s. Amos, Dec. 2, 1820, a. 8 y. 3 m. c.r. , ch. Amos, Aug. 26, 182 1, a. 6 y. c.r. MAREAN, Ada, d. Joseph P. and Abbie, Dec. 16, 1847, a. i m. 24 d. G.s.3. Ada Henry, d. Joseph P. and Abbie, Sept. 30, 1846, a. 4 m 8 d G.s.3. Asa Jr., s. Asa and Lucy, July 3, 1845, a. 16 y. i m. 21 d. Abscess. Cathanne, d. WiUiam and Sibbel, Aug. 25, 1770. David, Jan. 26, 1845, a. 34 y. c.r. David B., s. William and Susan, Dec. 22, 1844, a. 13 y. 4 m. 17 d. Hydrocephalus. Elizabeth [d. Timothy Parker and Allice], June 7, 1839 [a 22 g.s.i]. Elmyra, d. Timothy Parker and Allice, Nov. 2, 1805, [a. i y 4 m 5 d.]. Joseph, h. Harriot, July 28, 1814, [a. 26 y. 7 m. g.s.i]. Mary P., d. Asa and Lucy, May 9, 1844, a. 2 y. i d. Hydroceph- lus. Moses, s. Timothy Parker and Alhce, Sept. 26, 1803. Rebecca [Rebecca W. in c.r.], d. William and Susan, Sept. i, 1844, a. 16 y. 6 m. 21 d. Consumption. Sally, March 20, 1821, a. 41. g.s.i. Sibyl, wid. William, March 22, 1843, [a. 96. g.s.i]. Sumner, h. Sally, April 5, 1834, [a. 28. G.s.2]. Timothy P., , 18—., [Sept. 12, 1826, a. 56. g.s.i. a. c^j. C.R.]. ^^ William, Jan. 18, 1792, in 85th year, g.s.i. William, Jan. 22, 1809, a. 28 y. 6 m. g.s.i. 206 ■ HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Marean, William, h. Sibyl, May lo, 1826, [a. 86. g.s.i. March 19, a. 83. C.R.] William Parker, s. Asa and Lucy, Nov. 19, 1827, [a. i y. 6 m. 7 d.] , ch. Sumner, Aug. i, 1828. c.r. MARSH, Julia, Aug. 29, 1842, a. 27 y. Consumption, c.r. MARSHALL, Abel Jr., h. Parmelea, July 18, 1826, [a. 41. C.R.]. , w. Abel, May 7, 1815, a. 28 y. c.r. , ch. Abel, May 9, 1815, a. 2 y. c.r. MASON, Ann Maria, d. Ephraim and Polly, Aug. 3, 1843, [a. 16 y. 10 m. 22 d. g.s.i]. MATHEWS, Joel, s. Paul and Sarah, drowned May 15, 1808, in 20th year, g.s.i. John, s. Paul and Sarah, March 30, 1813, a. 23. g.s.i. MERIAM (see Merriam), David, Nov. 23, 1824, [a. 80. g.s.i]. David, s. David, Nov. 6, 1826. At Cambridge, [a. 39. g.s.i]. MERRIAM (see above), Adaline, d. Asa and Sally, May — , 1836, a. 8 y. 5 m. g.s.8. Francis, s. Asa and Sally, March 17, 183 1, a. i y. 4 m. 10 d. G.S.8. Martha, w. David, Sept. 10, 1809, a. 66. g.s.i. MILES, , s. Levi and Mary, Feb. 21, 1848, a. 2 d. Feeble. MILLER, , d. Addison and Fidelia, Aug. 23, 1846, a. 17 d. Want of care. MIRICK, Paul, h. Dorcas, July 23, 1814, [a. 54. g.s.i]. Polly, w. Capt. Sewell, March 27, 1832, a. 40. g.s.i. , inf. ch. Sewell and Polly, May 19, 1819, a. i d. g.s.i. MORRILL, Cornelia, [d. Luther C. and Antoinette ?], June 29, 1846, a. ID m. G.S.3. MORSE, Alexena E., d. Stillman and Sarah, May 8, 1840, G.S.I. [Nov. 10, a. 3. C.R.] Arabella, d. William and Louisa, Aug. i, 1833, [a. i y. 7 m. 13 d.]. Catharine, wid. Capt. Samuel, Jan. 17, 1813, a. 77. g.s.i. Electa, w. John (d. Nurse), Sept. 11, 1846, a. 52. Typhus fever. Born in Troy, N.H., [a. 51 y. 5 m. 16 d. G.s.7]. Esther, w. Samuel, April i, 1834, [a. 73. g.s.i]. Hannah (Richardson), w. William, Nov. 25, 1809, [a. 41. g.s.i]. [Hannah Johnson], w. William, Oct. 10, 1813, a. 25 y. c.r. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 207 Morse, Hannah W., d. Stillman and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1840. g.s.i. [a. I. C.R.] Harriot, d. William and Hannah, July 13, 1795, a. 2 y. 11 m. G.S.I. Henry S., s. Stillman and Augusta, Aug. 2, 1847, a. i y. 5 m. 5 d. Cholera infantum. Joanna, d. Richard and Hannah, Aug. 30, 1833, [a. 3 y. 7 m. 15 d.]. John [Browning], s. Joel and Eliza, Sept. 10, 1830, [a. 3 y. 6 m. 28 d.]. Louisa Adelade, d. Joel and Eliza, Feb. 13, 1837, [a. 3 m. 10 d.]. Lucius Nelson, s. Joel and Ehza, Aug. 19, 1840, [a. 2 y. 3 m. 11 d.]. Lucius [Stillman], s. Stillman and Sarah M., Oct. 13, 183 1, [a. 5 y. 2 m. 19 d.]. Lucius Stillman, s. Stillman and Sarah M., June 4, 1836, [a. 2 y. 8 m. 20 d.]. Lucy, d. John and Electa, Sept. 8, 1846, a. 19 y. 9 m. 4 d. Typhus fever. Lucy A., d. Joel and Eliza, Oct. 16, 1845, a. 5 y, i m. Disease of the brain. Mrs. Mary Ann [w. Stillman], July 27, 1823, [a. 21 y. 8 m. G.S.i]. Mary Ann, d. Joel and Eliza, Aug. 28,1844, a. 20 y. 10 m. 17 d. Brain fever. Richardson, s.William and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1810 [a. 2 m. 23 d]. Samuel, April 20, 1787, [a. 68 y. 7 m. 21 d.]. Sarah, w. Stillman, June 30, 1841, a. 38. g.s.i. Sarah M., d. Stillman and Sarah, Nov. 17, 1841, a. 12 y. 8 m. g.s.i. William, h. Hannah, July 21, 1830. At Saratoga, [a. 68. c.r.]. , ch. John, Jan. 28, 1820. C.R. , ch. John, Dec. i, 1821. c.r. [Wise?], , ch. Mrs., March 2, 1826, a. 6 m. c.r. , d. Augustus and Lucinda, May 5, 1848, a. 6 d. Infantum. and , two inf. ch. Stillman and Mary Ann, , . G.S.I. MOULTON, John, July 11, 1839, A Revolutionary soldier and pensioner, [a. 76. G.s.8]. Martha, w. John, Oct. 13, 1834, a. 75. g.s.8. Philena Newton, d. Capt. Sewall and Lurenza, April 10, 1842, [a. I y. 29 d.]. Polly, w. Capt. Sewall, Aug. 15, 1837, [a. 37. G.s.2]. Sarah, d. Capt. Sewall and Polly, Dec. 16 [28, G.s.2], 1837. [a. 7 y. 8 m. 5 d.]. 208 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. MUNDELL, Aaron, s. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, Nov. 28, 1816, [a. I. C.R.]. Betsey, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, , 181 1, a. 7J m. [Aug. 21, a. 6 m. C.R.] Daniel, widr., Feb. 8, 1845. O^d age. Born in Britport, Eng. [a. 106. C.R.]. Daniel Jr. (married), s. Daniel and Phebe, June 17, 1845, a. 38 y. 17 d. Fever. Howard, Jan. 5, 1836, a. i y. 2 m. Consumption, c.r. James, March 3, 1818, [a. 34. c.r.]. James, widr., s. Daniel and Phebe, Nov. i, 1845, a. 25. Con- sumption. Jarvis, s. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, , 1806, a. 3 m. [June 14. C.R.]. .^^ Jarvis, s. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, Feb. 27, 1816, [a. 4. c.r.]. Louis, Jan. 20, 1836, a. 85 y. Old age. c.r. Phebe, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, , 1806, a. 4 m. 5 d. Phebe, d. Daniel Jr. and Phebe, March 7, 1816, [a. 2. c.r.]. Phebe (Falis), w. Daniel, May 13, 1826, [a. 43. c.r.]. , ch. Daniel, Feb. 25, 1805, . c.r. , ch. Daniel Jan. 3, 1825, . C.R. , ch. D., Oct. 2, 1826, a. 6 m, c.r. MUNN, Hannah, d. Herman and Hannah, May 31, 1849, a. 15. Consumption. MURDOCK, Abial, Jan. 28, 1834, a. 90. g.s.i. Charles Edward, s. Edward and Betsy, Feb. 22, 1845, a. 2 y. 12 m. 2 d. G.S.4. Ebenezer (married), s. Robert and Sally, July 6, 1845, a. 36 y. 9 m. 9 d. Heart disease. Edward, May 13, 1848, a. 31 y. 5 m. G.s.4. Jane Elizabeth, d. Edward and Betsy C, March 26, 1847, a. 2 y. 5 m. 4 d. G.s.4. Joshua, March 20, 1812, a. 58 y. 6 m. c.r. Margaret (Cheney), wid. Robert, March 11, 1826, [a. 84. G.S.i]. Margaret Goodspeed, d. Lieut. Robert and Margaret, Jan. i, 1802, a. S3- G.S.I. Wid. Mindwell [widow of Joshua], April 21, 1825, a. 69 y. c.r. Rebecca (Watson), w. Abial, June 30, 1822, a. 74. G.s.i. Robert, h. Margaret, Oct. i, 1819, a. 80. Sarah, d. Robert and Margaret, Sept. 24, 1798, in her 19th year. , d. Edward and Betsy C, March 7, 1843, a. 2 y, i m. 12 d. G.s.4. , inf. William, Oct. 20, 1842. c.r. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 209 MUZZY, Elizabeth, youngest d. William and Mary Clapp, Aug. 15, 1780, a. 4 y. 4 m. G.s.i. Mary [Chandler], wid. Lt. [William], Feb. 17, 183 1, [a. 84. g.s.i]. Mrs. Mary Clapp [w. William?], March — , 1785, a. 51. g.s.i. Lt. William, Oct. 11, 1830, a. 97. NEWTON, Asa, s. Asa and Polly, March 4, 1809, [a. 3 y. 10 m.]. Elizabeth, d. Asa and Polly, Sept. 2, 1803, [a- 2 y. 2 m. 3 d.]. E. [U], Sept. 23, 1823, a. 19 y. c.R. George, s. Nathan and Eliza, April 5, 1844, a. 2 m. 10 d. John, May 23, 1810, a. 42 y. c.R. [Lydia Martin?], wid. Timothy, Aug. 4, 1840, a. 86. Maria, w. Isaac (d. Ralph and Levina Rice), Oct. 11, 1843, a. 23 y. 7 m. 4 d. Typhoid fever. Mary (Howe), w. Ebenezer, Oct. 15, 1804, a. 23 y. 21 d. Mercey, d. Joseph and Experience, Dec. 11, 1848, a. 82, [84, G.S.4. Born April 3, 1764. Southborough v.R.]. Old age. Born in Southboro. Meriam (Lyon), w. Nathan, July 30, 1820, [a. 51. G.s.8]. Nathan, h. Miranda, Nov. 13, 1839, [^- 64. g.s.8]. ReHef, d. Timothy and Huldah, Aug. 24, 1788, a. 24 y. 6 m. Samuel H., s. Isaac and EHzabeth, Sept. 26, 1848, a. i y. 11 m. G.s.8. Sarah, d. James and Esther, April 26, 1826, [a. 24 d.]. Sarah, d. Ithamar and Polly, Jan. 27, 1840, a. 21. g.s.8. Timothy, June 31 {i>ic), 18 18, in his 82d year. , wid. [Joseph?], July 26, 1816, a. 78 y. C.R. , w. Ithamar, Aug. — , 1838. Consumption. C.R. NICHOLS, John, s. John and Marcy, Oct. 21, 1839, [a. 51. G.S.8]. Jonathan, h. Sarah, March 3, 1836, [a. 86. G.s.8]. Jonathan W., s. John and Mercy, April 17, 182 1, a. 13 m. G.s.8. Jonathan Woodward, s. John and Marcy, Aug. 14, 18 18, [a. 2 y. 4 m. IS d.]. Sarah, w. Jonathan, May 23, 1822, [a. 68. G.s.8]. NIGHTENGAL, Jamima, w. William, March 26, 1790. NORCROSS, Joseph, Feb. 19, 1817, a. 80 y. c.R. PARKER, Amos, Jan. 25, 1801, a. 55 y. c.R. Daniel Webster, s. Daniel and Polly, July 24, 1840, [a. 2 y. 10 m.]. EHsha of Newton, May 31, 1793, a. 34. g.s.i. Ephraim of Newton, June 10, 1798, a. 35. g.s.i. 2IO HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Parker, George L., s, Daniel R. and Sally, Aug. i, 183 1, [a. I y. I m. 19 d.]. Henrietta E., d. Otis, Jan. 5, 1833, a. 3. G.s.2. Isaac, s. Otis and Mary, May 8, 1829, [a. 31. g.s.i]. Isaac, s. Daniel and Polly, July 29, 1840, [a. 10 m. 17 d.]. Lucy, d. Otis and Mary, Nov. 19, 1822, [a. 22. g.s.i]. Mary, eldest d. Rev. Nehemiah and Mary, Oct. i, 1777, in 12th year. G.s.i. Mary, wid. Rev. Nehemiah, July 25, 1829, [in 85th y. g.s.i]. M. R., inf. s. Otis and Eunice, Oct. 8, 1849. G.s.2. [Nancy F. ?], w. John [d. Barr ?], July 31, 1847, a. 31. Consumption. Born and died in New York City. Rev. Nehemiah, first pastor of Hubbardston, ordained June 13, 1770, died Aug. 20, 1801, in 60th year, g.s.i. , ch. Daniel, Aug. 14, 1808, a. 2 y. c.R. , ch. Daniel, April 17, 1819, a. 8 ra. c.R. , ch. Daniel, May 10, 1820, a. 4 y. c.R. , ch. Mr., May — , 1830. c.R. , w. R., July II, 1828, [a. 28. c.R.]. PARKHURST, Abigail, wid. Daniel, April 26, 1824, [a. 75. g.s. I]- Amiable, d. Daniel Jr. and Ama, April 11, 1820, [a. 4]. Amiable, d. Daniel Jr. and Ama, March i, 182 1, [a. 8 m. c.R.]. Anna [Ama] (Clark), w. Daniel Jr., Aug. 18, 1826. Maj. Daniel, ["while wielding the scythe in the field instantly fell a victim to the King of Terrors," July 17, 1810, a. 54]. G.s.i. Daniel, s. Daniel and Abigail, Aug. 26, 1827, [a. 48]. Daniel Jr., s. Daniel and Ama, April 14, 1825, [a. 3. c.R.]. Daniel Estabrook, s. Alexander H. and Eunice, June 4, 1836, [a. 3 m.]. John Flavel, s. Daniel Jr. and Ama, April 17, 1819, a. 8 m. 20 d. Lorenzo, s. Roland and Anna, Oct. 26, 1815, [a. 5 m. 3 d.]. Roland, s. Daniel and Abigail, Feb. i, 1785, [in 3d y.]. Roland Augustus, s. Roland and Anna, April 21, 1819, a. 4 m. 6d. Sarah Jane, d. Alexander H. and Eunice, May 17, 1836, [a. 4 y. I m. 25 d.]. PARMENTER, [Bathsheba], w. Levi, Oct. 25, 1830, a. 63 y. c.R. Charles, Feb. 24, 1802, a. 81 y. c.R. Harriet E., d. John and Rebekah L., April 22, 183 1, a. 2. G.s. 6. Levi, July 12, 1837. Revolutionary pensioner. Patty, d. Mrs. Levi, Oct. — , 1838. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 211 Parmenter, Sarah S., d. John and Rebecca D., March 19, 1845, a. 4 y. 3 m. 4 d. Scarlatiena. Born in Templeton. , ch. John, Sept. 11, 1825. c.r. , w. Levi, Oct. 25, 1830. , inf. John, April 26, 1835, ^- ^ w. C.R. PARSONS, Kendall, Jan. 9, 181 1, a. 66 y. c.r. , w. Kendall, March 27, 1804, a. 55 y. c.r. PATRIDGE [Partridge in G.S.], Mrs. Lucy (d. Levi and Anna Greenwood), Sept. 23, 1814, [a. 25. g.s.i]. Sarah, d. Reuben, March 23, 1849, a. 5 y. Scarlet fever, c.r. PEARCE, Mrs. , Jan. 11, 1848. c.r. PECK, , ch. of Ezra, April 18, 1808. c.r. , ch. Ezra, July 22, 1809. C.R. , ch. Ezra, Feb. 2, 1816, a. i y. 6 m. c.r. PEIRCE (see Pierce), Anna (Rice), w. Moses, Dec. 2, 1825, [a. 53. g.s.i]. Asa, s. Samuel and Priscilla E., June 14, 1845, a. 4 y. 5 m. 12 d. Croup. Charlotte [Charlotte M., G.s.3], d. Asa and Harriet, Oct. 20, 1847, a. 19 y. 6 m. 29 d. Consumption. Eunice, w. James H., Nov. 4, 1842, [a. 36. c.r.]. Henrietta, d. Levi and Mary Melissa, Aug. 29, 183 1, [a. 5 m. 19 d.]. James H., widr., s. Moses H. and Anna, June 25, 1846, a. 42 y. 7 m. 2 d. Consumption. John, s. Moses and Anna, Oct. 7, 1798, [a. 3 y. 8 m. 8 d.]. Mary O., d. Benjamin F. and Eda A., Oct. 30, 1849, a. i y. 4 m. Dysentery. Moses H. (married), s. Thomas and Mary, July 30, 1846, a. 75 y. 4 m. Mortification. Born in Hopkinton. Peggy or Margaret, d. Moses and Anna, Sept. 4, 1823, [a. 21]. , s. Josiah and Mary, Oct. 4, 1847, a. 2. Cholera Morbes. PERHAM, Ezra, July 24, 182 1, a. 27 y. c.r. PERRY, Jehu, June 14, 1828. John, June 13, 1828, a. 42 y. c.r. [Same as above?] , ch. of Mr., April 11, 1814, . c.r. PHELPS, Mrs. Alvira, May 5, 1849, a. 44 y. c.r. Catharine, d. Capt. John and Susanna, Nov. 28, 1784, [in 48th year, g.s.i]. 2 12 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Phelps, Deborah, wid. Dr. Moses Sr., July 21, 1833, [a. 81. g.s.i. Elvira [w. Benjamin D.] (d. Joseph and D. Derby), May 6, 1849, a. 44. Consumption. Born in Westminster. Harriet Deberah, d. Dr. Moses and Clara, Sept. 15, 1816, a. 3. G.S.I. Capt. John, March 23, 1787, in 78th year. John, h. Polly, June 28, 1841, [a. 51. G.s.i]. John Browning, s. Dr. Moses and Clara, Dec. 9, 181 2, a. 20 m. G.S.I. Dr. Moses Sr., Jan. 6, 1826, [a. 75. g.s.i]. Moses, s. Dr. Moses Jr. and Clara, Aug. 25, 1841, [a. 25 y. 7 m. 23 d.]. Killed by the accidental discharge of a gun. Susannah, w. Capt. John, Aug. 26, 1784, in 70th year. , inf. s. John and [Po?]lly, Sept. 17, 1825. g.s.i. , ch. Doct. M., Sept. 14, 1816, a. 3 y. c.r. , ch. Dexter, April 19, 1823. c.r. , ch. John, March 6, 1828, a. 4 y. c.r. PHILIPS (see Phillips), , inf., Jan. — , 1832, a. 4 y. Fever. C.R. , inf. James, May 10, 1833, a. 5 m. c.r. , July 26, 183 1, a. 2 y. Rash. c.r. PHILLIPS (see above), Elizabeth, d. Joshua and Julia, Sept. 2, 1844, a. II y. 5 m. 29 d. Typhus fever. Eseck, s. Joshua and Freelove, "was kild in a fraim," March 25, 1776, in loth [?] year of his age. G.S.i. Martha, d, Joshua and Julia S., April 7, 1831, a. 4 y. 13 d. G.s.2. , ch. Timothy, Feb. 28, 1805. c.r. PIERCE (see Peirce), Margaret, d. Moses H. and Anna, Sept. — , 1823, a. 21. G.S.I. Mary, d. Moses H. and Anna, July — , 1813, a. 4. g.s.i. Mary [w. Thomas ?], Oct. 22, 181 1, a. 83 y. c.r. Thomas, July 27, 1809, a. 82 y. c.r. , ch. Harvey, Jan. 31, 1829. c.r. POLLARD, Charles, s. Capt. Joel and Ruth, July 12, 1825, a. 5 m. II d. G.S.I. Charles, s. Capt. Joel and Ruth, Sept. 8, 183 1, a. 2. g.s.i. Hannah, wid. Joel, July 2, 1830, a. 70. g.s.i. Isaac, Aug. 12, 1828, [a. 31. g.s.i]. Joel, April 26, 1825, [a. 76. c.r.]. Joel (married), s. Joel and Mary, April 25, 1846, a. 67 y. 11 m. 10 d. Dropsy. John, May 21, 1827, [a. 35. g.s.i]. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 213 Pollard, Mary, w. Joel, Aug. 18, 1789, a. 37. g.s.i. Mary, Aug. 23, 1829, [a. 28. g.s.i]. Naomi, d. Capt. Joel and Ruth, July 3, 183 1, a. 11. o.s.i. [Scarlet fever, suddenly. c.R.] Naomi E., d. D. and H., Sept. 19, 1842, a. 2 y. 11 m. G.s.3. Wid. Sarah, May 13, 1805, a. 75. g.s.i. [a. 72. c.R.] , inf. ch. Capt. Joel and Ruth, June 28, 1812, a. i d. G.S.I. POND, Mrs. Almira, July 25, 1833, a. S3 y- Consumption. c.R. Charlotte, d. Joseph and Harriet, Oct. 21, 1843, 3- ^5 y- 10 m. 28 d. Typhoid fever. Dup. Ensign Ezra, Dec. 2, 1803, a. 82. Harrison, s. Aaron and Nancy, Sept. 29, 1823, [a. 8 y. 6 m. 22 d. g.s.i]. Joseph, h. Margaret, Jan. 11, 1823, [a. 66 y. 8 m. c.R.]. Levi (widr.), s. Ezra and Mercy, May 4, 1848, a. 84. Old age. Born in Wrentham. Louisa, d. Aaron and Nancy, July 23, 1820, [a. 2 y. 3 m. 21 d.]. Lucy Avaline, d. Obadiah and Sarah, Aug. 25, 1829, [a. 8 m. IS d.]. Lucy (Newton), w. Levi, Feb. 5, 1827, [a. 59. g.s.i]. Wid. Margaret, Aug. 26, 1828, a. 72 y. 3 m. 3 d. c.R. Mary, w. Roland, Oct. 10, 1827. Obadiah, h. Sarah, March 10, 1835, [^- 4i- G.S.i]. Mrs. R[owland], Sept. [?], 10, 1823, a. 29 y. c.R. Sarah, w. Ensign Ezra, March 19, 1792, in 42d year, g.s.i. Sumner, s. Preston and Hannah, Dec. 24, 1815, a. i y. 10 m. 23 d. g.s.i. , ch. Preston, April 12, 1823, a. 6 m. c.R. , inf. s. Stillman, Sept. 12, 1833, a. ^ y. c.R. POTTER [Caroline L. ?], d. Bennett Jr. and Louisa, May. 22, 1847. ^- 2. Fever. Hobart B., s. Bennett and Louisa, July 29, 1839, a. i y. 10 m. G.s.3. Lucy w. James (d. Increase and Deborah Stearns), May 9, 1848, a. 84. Old age. Born in Holden. POWERS, Stephen of Shutesbury, Dec. 20, 1825, a. 70 y. c.R. PRENTISS, George, s. Henry and Elizabeth, June 19, 183O: [a. 32. G.S.8]. 22?. c.R. Hon. Henry, March 6, 1843, [a. 76. G.s.8]. 2 14 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. PUFFER, Leve (a stranger), Oct. i8, 1825, a. 47 y. c.r. PUTNAM, Emery (married), s. Rufus and Sarah, Oct. 9, 1849, a. 32. Consumption. Born in Sutton. Sarah, d. Emory and Mary, Aug. 11, 1848, a. 2. Dysentery. Born in Barre. RAYMOND, Lynda, w. Joseph (d. John Whitney), March 23, 1847, a. 45. Typhus fever. Born in Westminster. Martha D., wid. Jonathan. June 17, 1839, a. 67. G.s.4. REED (see Reid), Charles, s. Micajah and Ruth, June 2, 1844, a. 17 y. 6 m. Drowned. Born in Petersham. [Herbert BiUings?], s. Simon and Sophia, Sept. 26, 1846, [a. i m. 26 d.]. Infantile. Joseph Brown, s. Micajah and Ruth, April 29, 1819, a. 10 m. G.S.2. Mary, d. Micajah and Ruth, Aug. 25, 1825, a. 13 m. G.s.2. REID (see above), Joseph B., s. George W. and Lydia S., Sept. 4, 1845, a. I y. 9 m. 22 d. Dysentery. RICE, Abigail, wid. Edmund, Oct. 4, 1840, a. 80, o.s.i. Amanda, d. William and Rebecca, May 30, 1815, [a. 5 m. 16 d.]. Edmund, March 24, 1790, in his 34th year. Edmund, s. William [and Rebecca], Oct. 14, 1838, a. 25. o.s.i. Joel, s. Ralph and Levina, March 28, 1848, a. 21 y. 3 m. 15 d. Fever. Wid. Mary, Aug. 11, 1827, a. 88 y. c.r. Newell, s. Ralph and Levina, Nov. 21, 1846, a. 17 y. 10 m. 14 d. Typhus fever. Ralph (married), s. Abel and Anna, Sept. 17, 1847, a. 54. Fever. Samuel N., s. Ralph and Levina, Nov. 21, 1846, a. 17 y. 10 m. 14 d. G.S.8. Sophronia, d. Merrick and Ama, Jan. 21, 1814. G.s.i. Thomas, Sept. 5, 1849, a. 83. Old age. Born in Barre. William, h. Rebecca, Nov. 13, 1831, [a. 44 y. 6 m. G.s.i]. , ch. Abel, Nov. 18, 1816, a. 3 y. c.r. , ch. Jonas, March 5, 1820. c.r. , s. Willard and Harriet, Feb. 18, 1849, a. 3 d. Infantum. RICHARDSON, Eunice, wid., March 27, 1844, a. 86. Old age. Born in Sudbury. Job, Feb. 10, 1831, a. 85. G.s.5. Lucy, w. Silas, July 4, 1828, [a. 40. c.r.]. Silas, h. Lucy, Jan. 24, 1833, [Jan. 14, 1832, a. 53. CR.]. , ch. Silas, April 18, 1814. c.r. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 215 RIDER, Abigail, wid. (d. Henry and Lois Daniels), Sept. 27, 1848, a. 85. Dysentery. Born in Franklin. ROLPH, Cynthia, d. Solomon and Anne, Aug. 4, 1830, [a. 5 y. 5 m.]. ROOT, Mrs. Lois, May 23, 1835, ^- 5^ 7- Consumption, c.r. ROPER, Abel M. [Marshall on G.s.2], s. Samuel and Adaline, Sept. 6, 1846, a. 7. Inflamation of bowels. Born in Holden. Elizabeth Eudora, d. Samuel and Adaline E., Dec. 5, 1847, a. i y. 5 m. G.s.2. Mary E. [Eliza, G.S.], d. Samuel and , Sept. 24, 1845, a. 2 y., [Sept. 18, a. I y 6 m. G.s.2]. RUSSELL, Shubael, h. Sally, July i, 1832. Died suddenly. [a. 46. C.R.]. Susan M. [or S.], w. Silas (d. Merrill), Nov. 9, 1846, a. 37. Typhus fever. Born in N.H., [a. 29. G.s.8]. Thomas, April 18, 1834, a. 90 y. c.r. , ch. Thomas, Dec. 12, 1809. c.r. , w. Thomas [ (Perry)], Jan. 18, 1821, a. 69 y. c.r. RYDER, Abigail (mother of Mrs. Capt. Greenwood), Sept. 29, 1848, a. 85 y. Dysentery. C.R. SARGEANT, David Goodenow, s. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 12, 1814, [a. I y. 9 ra. 6 d.]. SARGENT, Ebenezer (widr.), s. Samuel, Oct. 12, 1849, a. 88. Old age and accident. Persis (Newton), w. John, Jan. 3, 1802, [a. 43. c.r.]. Phebe, w. Ebenezer, March 5, 1834, [a. 70. G.s.i]. Relief, d. John Jr. and Huldah, Aug. 3, 1804, [a. 4 y. 9 m.]. Wid. Tabitha, June 10, 1804, a. 80 y. c.r. SAVAGE, Joseph, July 2, 1839, a. 34. G.s.i. SAWYER, Mr. Jude, Feb. — , 1844. c.r. SEARS, Hamilton P., s. Ashbet and Hannah, Jan. 19, 183 1, a. i. G.S.I. , ch. Ashbel, March — , 1822. c.r. SELFRIDGE, Betsey Burns, d. Edward and Hannah, May 21, 1783, [a. I m. 15 d.]. Edward, Oct. 26, 1806, a. 72. g.s.i. Edward Augustus, July 15, 1806, a. 22. G.s.i. 2l6 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Selfridge, Hannah, wid. Edward, April 17, 1821, a. 71. G.s.i, [a. 75. C.R.] SIMONDS (see Symonds), Charles, s. Isaac and Phebe, Feb. 29, 1830, [a. 3 y. 8 m. 2 d.]. Charles Harrison, s. Isaac and Phebe, March 19, i84[2 ?]. [a. 5 m. 19 d.] SLOANE, Joseph P., April i, 1836, a. 24. G.s.3. SLOCOMB, Bassa, Nov. 24, 1805, a. 26 y. c.r. Miss Bithia, Nov. 23, 1805, a. 26. g.s.i. Ella, s. [sic]. Samuel and Merriam, June 25, 183 1, [a. 46]. Merriam, w. Samuel, Nov. 23, 1825, [a. 84. g.s.i]. Nathan, Feb. 4, 1824, [a. 53. g.s.i]. Polly, d. James and Sarah, April 26, 1795, [a. i w.]. Samuel, s. Samuel and Merriam, Oct. 29, 1819, a. 53. Capt. Samuel, Nov. 8, 1829, a. 91. g.s.i. Susy, d. James and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1798 [a. 2 y. 4 m. 2 d.]. -, ch. Emmons, April 26, 1809, a. 3 y. c.r. SMITH, Asa, s. Jonathan Warrin and Catharine, Sept. 2, 1786, [a. 3. g.s.i]. Betsey, d. Jonathan W. and Catharine, March 10, 1846, a. 57 y. II m. II d. Heart disease. Catharine, wid. [of Jonathan] (d. Jonathan Keyes), March 20, 1845, a. 97 y. 5 m. Old age. Born in Boylston. Ira. s. Jonathan Warrin and Catharine, Aug. 19, 1814, [a. 23. g.s.i]. Jonathan [Jonas in c.r.] W., Aug. 14, 1833. A Revolutionary soldier and pensioner, [a. 86. g.s.i]. Lucy, d. Jonathan W. and Catharine, Aug. 6, 1786, a. 5. g.s.i. Sop ha, d. Jonathan Warrin and Catharine, April 3, 1795, [in 17th y. Erected by Peleg Slocomb. g.s.i]. William, formerly of Plymouth, N.H., June 27, 1836, [a. 40. c.r.]. "Killed by the accidental discharge of a blast while blasting ore from the copperas mine." , ch. Thaddeus, Jan. 23, 1805, a. i y. C.R. , ch. George, June 2, 1808. c.r. SPRING, Betcey, d. Samuel and Sarah, April 4, 1786, [a. 3 m. 21 d.]. Priscilla, 2d. w. Samuel, Sept. 16, 1803, [a. 22. c.r.]. Samuel, Sept. 18, 1810, [a. 50. c.r.]. Sarah, w. Samuel, Jan. 12, 1801, [a. 36. c.r.]. , ch. Elisha, Sept. 22, 1813, a. 2 y. 6 m. c.r. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 2 I / STODDARD, Lucy E. [Elizabeth, g.s.6], d. Benjamin and Lucy, Nov. 23, 1849, a. 2 m. I d. Bowel complaint. STONE, Alice, d. Samson and Dolly, March 6, 1833, [a. 19 y. I m. 2 d.]. Charles of Rutland, Feb. 22, 1830, a. 24 y. c.r. Dolly, w. Samson, Jan. 12, 1842, [a. 57. g.s.i]. Freelove E. (Phillips), w. Lieut. Nathan, July 13, 1826, a. 77. G.S.I. Jotham, h. Lucy, June 12, 1831, [a. 54. g.s.8.] [a. 63. c.r.]. Lois (Waite), w. Sampson, June 15, 1811, a. 30. g.s.i. Lucy (Lyon), w. Jotham, Feb. 8, 1826, [a. 46. G.s.8]. Lt. Nathan, Dec. 19, 1827, [a. 81. g.s.i]. Sophia, d. Jonathan and Sophia, June 21, 1849, 3,. 2. G.s. Underwood Cemetery, south part of Hubbardston. Sylva, w. Jotham (d. Alphonzo Roper), Dec. 26, 1849, a. 37, Haemorrhage. Born in Princeton. , w. Nathan, March 2, 18 17, a. 26 y. c.r. STOW (see Stowe), Alfred, s. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M., Oct. 28, 1840, [a. II y. II m. 14 d.]. Ebenezer, [h. Mary], May 19, 1841, [a. 88. G.s.i]. Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. i, 1800. Emma Louisa, d. Reuben and Eunice H., May 8, 1842, a. 5 w. G.S.I. Harriet, d. Ebenezer and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1S47, a. 28 y. 3 m. 6 d. Consumption. Lucy, d. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M., Oct. 3, 1840, [a. 13 y. 3 m.]. Mary [w. Ebenezer], Oct. 15, 1840, [a. 85. G.s.i]. Mary Amelia, d. Capt. Ephraim and Sally M., Sept. 13, 1840, [a. I y. 10 m. 9 d.]. STOWE (see above), Harriet, Nov. 22, 1847, a. 28 y. 2 m. G.s. 3. SWAN, Clara, d. Samuel and Clara, March i, 182 1, a. 6 y. i d. SWEETSER, Sarah (s. Mrs. Anna Waite), Oct. 20, 1838, a. 98 y. 2 m. 16 d. SYMONDS (see Simonds), Ezra, Dec. 24, 1809, a. 32 y. c.r. TAYLOR, Edward B., s. Lemuel F. and Casandra D., April 3, 1837, a. 6 m. 6 d. G.s. 5. Josephine, d. Nathaniel and Betsey, Jan. 4, 1S46, a. 2 y. Lung fever. Born in Rutland. TEMPLE, Asa, Sept. 16, 1847, a. 56. Fits. Harriet Rebeccah, d. Thomas and Nancy, Aug. 5, 1837, [a. 14]. 2l8 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Temple, Nancy G., d. Thomas and Nancy, April 27, 1815, a. 15 m. G.S.I. Nancy Greenwood, w. Thomas, May 26, 1828, a. 34. G.s.3. , ch. Thomas, April 6, 1822. c.r. TENNEY, Anna, w. Abel, April 28, 1800, a. 43 y. 5 m. 20 d. Anna J., d. Stephen R. and Polly, Jan. 16, 1847, a. 15 y. 8 m. 27 d. Consumption. Harriet, d. Stephen R. and Polly, Feb. 6, 1847, a. 18. Consump- tion. Born in Worcester. Stephen J., s. Stephen R. and Polly, Nov. 22, 1845, ^- 25. Con- sumption. Born in Worcester. THOMAS, Mrs. , July 5, , a. 30 y. c.r. THOMPSON (see Thomson), Abel Quincy, s. Sewell D. and Elizabeth N., April i, 1836, a. 15 m. g.s.i. Agnes, d. John A. and Emily, Dec. 8, 1832, a. 8 m. G.s.i. Anna, Dec. 2, 1841, a. 72 y. Apoplexy. C.R. Cynthia, d. Ira and Sally, Oct. 18, 1843, a. 18 y. 6 m. 4 d. Typhoid fever. Dup. Daniel, Aug. 4, 1826, a. 18 y. c.r. Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Sophia, Sept. 4, 1843, a. 23 y. 4 m. 29 d. Inflamitory fever. Dup. Isaac Clark, s. John A. and Mary, Sept. 27, 1845, a. 7 y. 3 m. II d. Casualty. Fall from a loaded waggon & the wheel passing over the head. John A., h. Emily, May 25, 1833, [a. 32. c.r.]. Louisa, d. Ira and Sarah P., Feb. 19, 1824, a. 7 m, 5 d. G.s.4. Polly, d. Samuel T., April i, 182 1, a. 18 y. 8 m. c.r. , s. Ira and Sarah P., March 28, 1827. G.s.4. THOMSON (see above), Abel, h. Dolly, Dec. [18?], 1830. Drowned. Charles Spooner, s. Daniel and Julia, June i, 1836, [a. 3 y. 6 m.]. Elizabeth, w. James and EHzabeth, April 19, 1820, [a. 69. G.s.i]. Hannah, d. Samuel and Anna, March 28, 1819, a. 18 y. 10 m. James, h. Elizabeth, Feb. 4, 1826, [a. 83. g.s.i]. Joel, s. James and EHzabeth, Nov. 14, [Nov. 21, in 2d y., g.s.i.], 1788. Samuel, h. Anna, Nov. 29, 1825, [a. 58 y. 7 m. c.r.]. Sewall Dexter, s. Abel and Dolly, March 16, 1808, [a. 4 y. 5 m.]. Silas Church, s. Samuel Jr. and Sally, Jan. 28, 1841, [a. 5 y. 7 m. 21 d.]. Sophia, w. Daniel, July 5, 1826, [a. 20. g.s.i]. Stillman, s. Jeremiah and Lucy, June 19, 1805, [a. 20 d.]. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 219 "Thomson, William, s. Jeremiah and Lucy, Aug. 2, 1806, [a, 3 y. 9 m. 6 d.]. TILTON, George Homer, s. Homer and Fanny, June 11, 1819 [a. 2 m. 13 d.]. TOLMAN, Jeremiah, Aug. 27, 1843, a. 28 y. 8 m. 9 d. G.s.3. TYLER, , s. Nathan and Almira, March 26, 1849, a. i d. Infantum. UNDERWOOD, Betsey, d. Timothy, Oct. 31, 1849, a. 74. Old age. Frost, h. Betsy, Sept. 3, 1827, [a. 35. g.s.i]. Henry, s. Caleb and Eliza, May 14, 1846, a. 9 m. 9 d. Sudden. Israel, Sept. 26, 1840, a. 77. G.s.5. John, s. Timothy and Mary, Jan. 21, 1801, [a. i y. 10 m.]. Lois, w. Timothy , June 27, 1791, in 42d year. G.s.i. Mary, d. Caleb and Elizabeth, Aug. — [3, C.R.], 1835, [a. 5]. Mary [wid. Timothy], Feb. 24, 1839. Thomas, Sept. 10, 1820, a. 70. g.s.i. Timothy [h. Mary], Sept. 10, 1820, [a. 70. C.R.]. UPHAM, Calvin, h. Hannah, Nov. 22, 1827, [a. 53. c.r.]. Catharine, d. Nathaniel and Abigail, May 3, 1794, a. 22 y. 7 m. 2d. Joel (married), s. Nathaniel and Abigail. Oct. 18, 1843, a. 73 y. II m. 16 d. Dropsey. Born in Leicester. Josiah, s. Calvin and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1815, [a. 17 y. 8 m. 5d.]. Nathaniel, March 27, 1833. A Revolutionary pensioner, [a. 88. C.R.]. Sumner, s. Joel and Polly, Oct. 20, 1812, [a. 9 m. 9 d.]. , ch. Moses, Jan. i, 1807, , c.r. , w. Nathaniel, April 9, 1812, a. 64 y. c.r. WAIGHT (see Waite), Joseph, h. Hepzibah, July 26, 1819, a. 64. Lois Brigham, d. Samuel and Lois, April 21, 1818, [a. 3 m. 3 d.]. WAIT (see Waite), Martha, d. Nathaniel and Anna, July 25, 1800, a. 2 y. 5 m. g.s.i. , ch. Moses, Feb. 6, 1805. c.r. WAITE (see above), Alice, d. Joseph and Hepsibath, July 6, 1813, a. 13 y. 11 m. 18 d. g.s.i. Amanda, d. Col. Moses and Phebe, June 8, 1816, [a. 3 m. 10 d.]. Anna, w. Nathaniel, July 21, 1840, [a. 93. G.s.i]. George, s. Horace and Lucy, Aug. 27, 1840, [a. i y. 9. m.j. 220 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Waite, George S., s. Horace and Lucy Follett, Jan. 2, 1843, ^• 2 y. 7 m. 14 d. G.S.3. Harrison, s. Col. Moses and Phebe, Aug. 6, 1844, [a. 27 y.]. At Dardinal Springs, Ark. Hepzibah, wid. Joseph (d. Moses and Hepzibah Sherman), Nov. 5, 1849, 3- 89. Dyspepsia. Born in Marlboro. Jacob, Nov. 14, 1818, a. 43, [and 8 m. c.r.]. John T. Gilman, s. Col. Moses and Phebe, April 8, 183 1, [a. 19 y. 2 m. 10 d.]. Joseph, July 26, 1819, a. 65 y. c.r. Joseph, s. Joseph and Clarissa, Dec. 18, 1843, a. 28 y. 6 m. 3 d. Frozen. Joseph Harrison, s. Moses and Phebe, Aug. 6, 1844, a. 26 y. 8 m. At Durdinal Springs, Ark. g.s.i. Mary N., w. Alvin, Oct. 15, 1833, [a. 30, c.r.]. Nathaniel, Feb. 2, 1815, in 77th year, g.s.i. Nathaniel (married), s. Nathaniel and Anna, Dec. 6. 1846, a. 74 y. 8 m. 15 d. Old age. Patty, d. Jacob and Ruthy, July 25, 1800, [a. 2 y. 5 m. 3 d.]. Ruth, w. Jacob, Aug. 18, 1818 [1817 ?], a. 39. Warren C. (married), s. Hannah Parmenter, July 28, 1849, a. 45. Consumption. Born in Princeton. Mrs. , w. Jacob, July 25, 1818, a. 39 y. c.r. , inf. s. Alvin and Mary N., Oct. 9, 1826, [a. 2 d.]. , inf. s. Alvin, May 24, 1833, a. 3 m. c.r. , s. Horace and Lucy, Dec. 4, 1846, a. i d. Infantile. WARD, Naomi, wid., Feb. 29, 1848, a. 82. Old age. WARE, Azariah, Oct. — , 1839. C.r. WARREN, Aaron [Aaron G., C.R.], April 27, 1835, a. 23. g.s.8. Abagail, d. Samuel and Mary Ann, Feb. 15, 1819, [a. i y. 4 m. 9d.]. Albert, s. Ebenezer C. and Olive, June 20, 1846, a. i y. 5 m. 5 d. Dolly B. (Howe), w. Nathan, Sept. 11, 1821. g.s.i. [a. 28. C.R.] Ebenezer, h. Phebe, Sept. 17, 1819, a. 65. Ebenezer C. (married), s. Ebenezer and Hepzibah, Oct. 18, 1847, a. 35 y. 4 m. I d. Consumption. Elizabeth, w. Luke, Oct. 30, 1838, [a. 68. G.s.8]. Horace, s. Ebenezer C. and Olive G., Feb. 20, 1837, [a. 2 y. 7 m. 13 d.]. James H., s. Increase and Patty, Jan. 14, 1810, a. 18 m. G.s.i. Jane Hester, d. Nathan and Betsey, Feb. 26, 1825, [a. 4 y. 8 m. 28 d.]. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 22 1 Warren, John Gardner, s. Walter and Lucy, Feb. 28, 18 19, a. 6 y. 17 d. Lucy, d. Luke and Sarah, July 15, 1818, a. 19. g.s.i. Nathan, h. Betsey, April 9, 1841, [a. 48. G.s.i]. Oliver, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, Oct. 5, 1800, [a. 3 y. 5 m.]. Oliver, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Hepsebeth, Oct. 29, 1810, [a. i y, 3 m. 2 d.]. Phebe, wid. Ebenezer, Aug. i, 1829, [a. 73. g.s.i]. Reuben, s. Samuel and Mary Ann, April 14, 1832, [a. i. c.r.]. Roxa, d. Ebenezer and Hepzibeth, May 14, 1826, a. i y. 5 m. 14 d. G.S.6. Roxa, d. Samuel and Polly, Dec. 4, 1843, a. 11 y, 3 m. 23 d. Sudden. Dup. Samuel, h. Mary Ann, Dec. 6, 1836, [a. 40. c.r.]. Samuel (married), s. Ebenezer and Hepzibah, Aug. 28, 1847, a. 42 y. II m. 25 d. Inflamation in bowels. Born in Marl- boro, N.H. Samuel L., s. Samuel and Polly, Oct. 5, 1841, a. i, g.s.6. Sarah, w. Luke, Jan. 31, 1805, [in 39th y. G.s.i]. Walter, Jan. 23, 1814, a. 26. g.s.i. [26 y. 9 m. c.r.] , ch. of Luke, Oct. — , 1804. c.r. , ch. Increase, May 11, 1807. c.r. , ch. Nathan, July 3, 1816. c.r. , ch. Nathan, Dec. 20, 1818. c.r. , ch. Samuel, March 30, 1830. C.R. , inf. Chapman, Jan. 21, 1837, a. 3 y. Scarlatina, c.r. WELLINGTON, Heniy, s. Oliver and Lucinda, July 10, 1848, a. 8 m. Interception of the bowels. Born in Worcester. Lucinda, w. OHver (d. Clafiin), Dec. 9, 1848, a. 26. Con- sumption. Born in Barre. WHEELER, Capt. Adam, Aug. 24, 1802, [a. 70. c.r.]. Adolphus, s. Asa and Nancy, Sept. 11, 1819, [a. 21 y. 9 m. 21 d.]. At Cincinati, O. Asa, s, Asa and Nancy, Sept. 11, 1800, [a. 5 y. 10 m, 5 d.]. Asa 2d, s. Asa and Nancy, Nov. 13, 1812, [a. i y. 11 m.]. Lt. Asa, h. Nancy, Nov. 8, 183 1, [a. 63. g.s.i]. Catharine (Morse), w. Silas, Dec. 11, 1824, a. 58. g.s.i. Daniel [h. Sally], May 29, 1810, [a. 30. c.r.]. Edmund R[ice, s. Asa. and Nancy], Aug. 24, 1826, [a. 35]. Elizabeth, d. Capt. Sewall and Betsey, June 16, 1828, [a. 4 y. 9 m. 4 d.]. Isaac D., s. Merrick and Emily D., Jan. 3, 1843, a. i y. 4 m. G.S.2. 222 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Wheeler, James Madison, s. Daniel and Sally, April 5, 1829, [a. 20 y. 7 m. 21 d.]. Katharine, w. Silas, Dec. 11, 1824. Lyman (married), s. Silas Jr. and Susan, Jan. 25, 1846, a. 29 y. 7 m. I d. Consumption. Widow Mercy, July 10, 1808, a. 67 y. c.r. Silas Jr., h. Susan, Aug. 10, 1817, [a. 25. G.s.i]. Silas, h. Katharine, Nov. 3, 1826, a. 64. G.s.i. William Augustus, Feb. 13, 1829, a. i y. 9 m. G.s.i. William Muzzy, s. Asa and Nancy, Dec. 30, 1805, [a. 1 y. 6 m. 4d.]. William Muzzy, s. Asa and Nancy, May 25, 1836, [a. 29 y. 13 d.]. , ch. Asa, Nov. 13, 1812, a. 2 y. c.R. , ch. Asa, May 10, 1814, a. 4 m. c.r. , ch. Augustus, Feb. 13, 1829, a. i y. 9 m. c.r. WHELOCK, Martin, s. Stephen and Lucretia, , 1786, a. 9 m. WHITCOMB, , ch. Rufus, Dec. 24, 1821, a. 2 y. c.r. , ch. Rufus, June 8, 1824. C.R. , ch. Rufus, Feb. 18, 1825. c.r. WHITNEY, Joseph, Sept. 24, 1840, a. 81 y. Cancer, c.r. Mary, May 16, 1837. c.r. William Henry, s. Horace and Mary, Sept. 23, 1843, [a. 10 m. 25 d.]. , s. Luke, Sept. 26, 1846, a. 7 m. , d. Luke, Sept. 20, 1846, a. 2 y. 6 m. Cholera infantum. WHITTEMORE [Anna Woodward], w. of I. Whittemore, June 5, 1816, a. 38 y. c.r. Betsey, w. Elisha (d. Moses and Betsey Greenwood), April 17, 1844, a. 44 y. 10 m. 27 d. Anaemia. Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Anna, Aug. 12, 1823, [a. 21 y. 3 m.]. Isaac, Oct. 4, 1834, a. 63 y. c.r. Jane [Mary Ann Jane, g.s.6.], w. Isaac (d. Rufus and Mary Ann Holden, [gr. d. Ebenezer and Hepsibeth Warren]), July 31, 1846, a. 17. Typhus fever. Born in Fitzwilliam, N.H. Mary Lavina, d. Isaac and Lucy, March 14, 1839, [a. 9 y. 2 m. 26 d.]. [Same as following ?] Mary Levina, d. Isaac and Lucy, Feb. 15, 1839, a. 9. g.s.i. , ch. Isaac, July 29, 1808, a. 3 y. c.r. WILBUR, Rebecca, w. Williams, May 17, 1827, [a. 34. g.s.i]. , ch. Williams, Dec. 11, 1818. c.r. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 223 WILDER [Addison ?], May 9, 1832, a. 21 y. Consumption. C.R. Wid. Mary, March 5, 1839. WILEY, Thomas, Jan. 12, 1835, a. 20 y. Suicide, c.r. WILLARD, Joshua, widr. Phebe, Nov. 9, i83[i] [a. 80. g.s.i]. Phebe, w. Joshua, June 30, i8[3i] [a. 85. G.s.i]. WILLLAlMS, AHce, w. [Parley?] [d. Stearns], Sept. 12, 1847, a. 57. Fever. [Sept. 11, a. 63 y. 5 m. 17 d. G.s.4]. Christopher L., s. George and Susan, Feb. 28, 1847, a. 28 y. 4 m. 27 d. Consumption. Edward, s. Jude and Dorothy, , [18 — ?]. Elizabeth, w. John M., May 5, 1844, a. 23 y. 10 m. 2 d. Con- sumption. Born in Leominster. Harry, h. Keziah, April 30, 1839, [a. 42 y. 8 m. G.s.i]. James, April 16, 1832, a. 45 y. Liver complaint, c.r. John, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1804, [a. 20 y. 8 m.]. John, h. Sarah, Dec. 13, 1832, [a. 74. g.s.i]. John D., killed by being thrown from a wagon, , . Jude, April 6, 1834, a. 73 y. c.r. Keziah Newton, w. Harry, [Jan. 8, 1837, a. 37, y. 6 m. G.s.i. a. 44. C.R.]. Mary, d. Jude and Dorothy, , [18 — ?]. Merrill M., s. John M. and Elizabeth, June 27, 1844, a. 4 m. 22 d. Accidental. Born in Worcester. Nathan E., s. Luke and Betsey, March 7, 1844, a. 20 y. 4 m. 19 d. Inflamation of brain. Dup. Sarah, w. John, March 6, 1830, [a. 70. G.s.i]. , ch. Jas., Nov. 15, 181 1. C.R. , ch. Parley, Feb. i, 18 12. c.r. * , ch. Parley, Feb. 4, 1816. c.r. , ch. Parley, April 20, 1826, a. 2 m. c.r. inf. Meriel, June 26, 1844, a. 4 m. c.r. WILSON, inf. s. , April 17, 1840, a. 2 y. 8 m. Canker rash. c.r. WINSLOW, Rhodaj-^w. Zenas, d. Zedekiah and Ruth Johnson, Nov. 23, 1799, a. 20 y. 8 m. G.s.i. WITT, Albert G., s. Clark and Catharine, June 3, 1816, [a. i y. 3 m. 14 d.]. „^ Clark, h. Catharine, April 9, 1827, [a. 37. g.s.i]. Ellen J. [Juliaette, G.s.4], d. Daniel and Rebecca, March 24, 1845, a. 2 y. 6 m. Burnt. Born in Templeton. 224 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Witt, Eunice, wid. [Daniel and Mother Ivory], March 27, 1820, [a. 67. c.R.]. Eunice, d. John and Hannah, Sept. 27, 1824, [a. 2 y. 5 m. 22 d.]. Nancy, w. Ohver (d. Joseph and Margaret Pond), Feb. 16, 1846, a. 60 y. 29 d. Heart disease. Ohver Jr., Sept. i, 1802, a. 43 y. c.R. Capt. Ohver, Nov. 11, 1807, a. 87 y. c.R. Ohver (married), s. [Ohver and ], Jan. 18, 1848, a. 56. Hernia. inf. Ivory, June 24, 1836, a. i y. Scarlatina. c.R. WOODS [James], ch. Wid. Jemima, Aug. i, 1814, a. 4 y. c.R. Mrs. Jemima [w. Edward], Oct. 13, 1842, [a. 73. G.s.i]. Capt. John, widr. Zeruiah, May. 21, 1819, a. 84. Mary, d. Wid. Jemima, Oct. 15, 1838, [in 24th y.]. Patrick, Aug. 24, 1827, [a. ;}s. C.R.]. William A., s. Edwin and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1842, [a. 4 y. 10 m. IS d.]. Zeruiah (Barnes), w. Capt. John, Dec. 26, 1805, a. 60 y. 3 m. WOODWARD, Althine, d. Roland and Rachael, Jan. 20, 1826, [a. I y. 3 m. 3 d.]. Anna, wid. Elisha, Nov. 3, 1822, [in 74th y. g.s.i]. Anne, d. Elisha and Anne, Oct. 20, 1777. Betsy, d. Daniel and Keziah, Feb. 28, 1795, [a. 10. G.s.4]. Caty, d. Daniel and Keziah, July 29, 1793, [a. i y. 8 m. 11 d.]. Charlotte, d. Daniel and Keziah, Aug. 31, 1796, [a. 2 y. 11 m. 12 d.]. Daniel Jr. (married), s. Daniel and Keziah, Sept. 25, 1847, a. 44 y. II m. 22 d. Dysentery. Ehsha, s. Elisha and Anna, Oct. 19, 1784, a. i m. 4 d. Elisha, March 18, 18 10, in his 66th year. Ehza Ann, d. John F. and Betsey, Sept. 3, 1823, [a. 16 y. 5 m. 20 d.]. Gardner, s. Elisha and Mary, Nov. 17, 18^4, [a. i y. 10 m.]. John F., h. Betsey, Sept. 13, 1814, [a. 31. g.s.i]. Mary, w. Daniel, Oct. 19, 1838, [a. 28 y. 8 m. G.S.4]. Mary, d. Elisha and Polly, July 4, 1846, a. 21 y. 8 m. 21 d. Con- gestion of brain. Mercy (Whitney), w, Philemon, Nov. 10, 1821, [a. 71. C.R.]. Minerva Elizabeth, d. John F. and Rusha R., June 14, 1840, [a. 4 y. 6 m.]. Myron Clinton, s. Roland and Rachael, Aug. 29, 1839, [a. 3 m, 2 d.]. HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. 225 Woodward, Nathan W., [Warren in dup.], s. John F. and Rusha R., April 19, 1844, a. 2 y, 10 m. 24 d. Drowned [in a tan pit. C.R.]. Philemon, h. Mercy, March 10, 1826, a. 77. G.s.i. Sarah, d. Ehsha and Anne, Oct. 24, 1777. , inf. d. Rowland and Rachel, July 22, 1840, a. 8 d. G.s.4. , s. Feb. 10, 1834, a. 4 y. c.r. WRIGHT, Adalaide, d. Charles and Betcy, Aug. 22, 1832, [a. 4 y. 10 m. 6 d.]. Avaline, d. Nathan and Mary, Feb. 23, 183 1, [a. 2 y. 11 m. 10 d.]. Bildad, h. Rhoda, July 16, 1820. [Drowned, a. 32. c.r.]. Charles (married), s. Joseph and Martha, Dec. 8, 1847, a. 58 y. 2 m. 14 d. Ulceration of bowels. Cloe, d. Joseph and Martha, Dec. 2, 1803, a. 22 y. 3 m. 6 d. Dorcas, d. Joseph and Martha [drowned]. May 15, 1808, a. 14 y. 8d. Edward Everett, s. Nathan and Mary, Nov. 26, 1840, [a. 3 y. 8 m.]. Ella Eliza, d. Stedman and Tabitha, Jan. 16, 1849, a. i y. 5 m. G.S.7. Ellen M., d. Nathan and Mary, June 25, 1832. g.s.i. [a. 2. C.R.] Joab, s. Joseph and Martha, March 5, 1801, [in 26th y. g.s.i]. Joab Wesson, s. Joab C. and Lucetta, Nov. 24, 1834, [a. 3 m. 13 d.]. Joseph, h. Martha, Dec. 17, 1803, a. 57 y. 24 d. Larkin, s. Nathan and Polly, Nov. 12, 1812, [a. 3 y. 5 m. 8 d.]. Lois, w. Aaron (d. Bazaliel and Mary Lyon), Feb. 12, 1846, a. 65 y. 9 m. 18 d. Dropsy. Lucinda, d. Nathan and Sally, Sept. 18, 1813, [a. 8 m. 18 d.]. Martha, wid. Joseph, May 6, 1819, a. 62 y. 4 m. Polly (Woodward), w. Nathan, Nov. 2, 181 1, [in 31st y. G.S.2]. Sally, d. Joseph and Martha, Feb. 24, 1801, [in 19th y. G.s.i]. Sally, w. Nathan, March 13, 1826, [a. 42. G.s.3]. Theodore Francis, s. Joab C. and Lucetta, Sept. 25, 1837, [a. I y. II m. 15 d.]. Wesson, Nov. 24, 1834, a. 3 m. 13 d. G.s.3. , d. Stedman and Tabitha, Jan. 14, 1849, a. i y. 6 m. 21 d. Disease of the Hart. , ch. Aaron, Nov. 17, 1811. c.r. , ch. Aaron, Feb. 6, 1817. c.r. , ch. Alvan, Oct. 10, 1826. c.r. 226 HUBBARDSTON DEATHS. Wright, , inf. s. Joab C, Sept. 25, 1840, a. i y. 11 m. 15 d. Dysentery, c.r. WYATT, Nancy E., d. Joseph G. and Elizabeth C, Aug. 7, 1838, a. 4 m. 10 d. G.S.8. WYMAN, Cynthia, d. Levi and Mary, April 7, 18 16, [a. i y. 2 m.]. Miss Ruth, March 13, 1828, [a. 63. c.r.]. , inf. d. Harrison and Celicia Chfford, Sept. 25, 1845. G.S.4. YOUNG, Elizabeth Jane, d. William and Polly, Sept. i, 1825, [a. 6 m. II d.]. Sumner, s. William and Polly, Nov. 5, 1841, [a. 12 y. 3 m. 21 d.]. UNIDENTIFIED. -, a negro man, Aug. 15, 1807. c.r. -, child at Nathan Stone's, Nov. 9, 1811, a. 9 m. c.r. -, inf. Mrs., , March 20, 1842, a. 2 y. c.r. ,< ^^--^ .^^ *^^<'' ;. /%. 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