LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ?!t?.-:- a- ShelfXrjBO J*^5 UNITED STATES OF AJHERICA. 1=. I -tr- :^THE-^^ ;' ^1-'^ INCLINE METHOD Published by / Moore & Radcliffe, CLEVELAND, OHIO. 973 Woodland Ave. Copyrighted by Levison & BIythe Stationery Co., St. Louis. A Aiflur 1 i[Iiiftnit bae *i'crfalircn Sao fliaji bci? Rlirptro ju iiclimen. — .iutrft Imbiir* tap 6cv SJinfiftab liicl)t uiitcr Sic Slriiit niirtcltftt iviirt (jcSeo Wat ciiio) luobci man Sif *jKiittcn(! ; aloSann mc^c man uon () bio A iitii Sic Jicfc Sco X'lriulod)i> ^u befommcn, uiiS gebc cincii ,-irflid)cn 9Jtafico iiebraiidtcn obcr bcniijicn. iSci Scm siipprcssicii 'iltap abcr bcnnhcn oScr braud)cn \uir \ :JoD, j. S^. roenn bao suppressiun- Wafi 2 3oll betriiflt, fo iicbraiid)cn luir nnr I ^ofl, unb fiir 3 ^oll Ij ^pI, u. f. tu. llcbcr bic ^Jlrt bafi Sfafi bcr \'lermct oScr aud) fiir vofcn ^n nebmen, baben luir nidito \\i faflen, inScin CO fo uidc Berid)icSene Vlrten nibt, nad) lucldien ioldic •:'Jiaf!c ncnommcn luerScn fonncn, iinb cm *J*crfabreii bat fid) bierbei me fo (luccfmiifnii crancion, luic bao anberc ; unfere 'il^cftcn abcr lucrbcn in ganj Scrfclbcn Ui>eijc jU()ejd)nittcn luic Scr >)(ocf, Sefien Wafi fiber Scr ll^eflc ncnoninicn luirb. j^iir cincn Ucbcrjiebci aber foUte man Sao iiiag liber ben ^otf ncbmcn, iiber lueldieii ber Ueberficbcr benu^t luerben foil. A^ /^- Figure 1 illustrates the method of taking the body measure. — First, by placing ^ ^ /' the square close up under the arms (one at a time) and marking CC ; draw a line ^ ■ ^' b from one to the other and mark A in center of back ; then measure from O to A , N ^ for scye depth, adding i inch for making up From O to B is natural waist, and • l > O to D for full length of coat; next measure the Breast, Waist and Seat, all quite snugly, as the Seat measure is as important as the Hreast measure in cutting a coat. Next place the straight-edge against the customer's back, as shown in Figure 2, letting it rest between the shoulder blades and hollow or central portion of the hips, hold it quite firmly and with a rule (or the end of a square) measure from A to B (this we call the incline); also measure from 1) to C (this we call the sup- pression). Care must be taken to measure them close, or rather firmly, against the body, as it is with these measures that we balance the garment. HOW TO USE THE INCLINE MEASURE. First, when we say such a part of a garment is incline, we mean it is the part of the incline we use; thus when the incline measure is i inch we use i inch; but when the measure is 2 inches we only use i J inches, and for 3 inciies of incline we use only li inches, and for a 4 inch incline we use only fl inches; thus it will be seen tiiat after the first inch we only use i of an inch to each inch of the actual measure But with suppression we use the half; for instance: when the suppression measure is 2 inches we use i inch, ami for 3 inches of suppression we use li inches, &c , &c. Of the taking of the sleeve measure, and also trousers, we have nothing to say, as there are many ways of taking those measures, and one has proved to be fully as good as the other; but our vests are cut alter the same measure we take for the coat, which is taken over the vest. But for an overcoat, the measure should be taken over the coat over which the overcoat is intended to be worn. ^J^^^ EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 1. First draw square lines A ; then from A to B is ^ of an inch, all cases ; from B to C is scye depth ; from B to D is len^jth of natural waist; from D to E is two inches in all cases. Square Out Lines C, D and E : — From A to F is •} of half Breast measure, witli incline added. G is half way between A and F; H is 1-6 of Breast less ^ of an inch from line F. (see next page.) 3uerft siel)c utdii bie $8icrerf=2inicit A ; uoii A biio 1? ;i 3oII, in oKeii JciKcit ; noii H bi^ C ift bie Xiffe bc'3 ^Hrin(od)»; uon H iiad) I) ift bie Sdruie bcr natiirlid)eu Xaille ; uon 1) nod^ E Jinb 2 3oU fiir nlle Salle. S)ie \'(nften{inien f", T) nnb E bc§ 3^icvectg :— S^on A fai^ F finb 'i be§ "^alben SBrnftmn^e-s, niit „inc(ine" Da^n geredjnet. (i bebeutet bie C")alfte 3iuiid)en A unb F ; H ift ,'j ber iBrnft, lueniger -^ eine§ Boiled oon ber Sinie F. (i^ie^e niic^ftc (Seite.) EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 2. From C to I is 1-6 Breast. From I to J is § Breast. From line J to K is li inches. From F to O is incline less i inch. From A to L is 4 of Breast and \ inch. (fr(ldrun<) ^ec S^t^nung ^io. 2. 5Kon C big T i[t J ber SBnift. i8ou I big J ift i ber SBruft. ^on ber £inie -I big K finb U SoO. $8oii F big O ift „iiidine" Juemger 1 3oa. 'iion A bis L ift i ber ^iBriift unb ', 3oU. L <>B H DiA. 2 EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 3. N is on Line J i of an inch from line G. Draw a line from L to N and apply the length from O to line K. From D to P is i inch in all cases ; from line P to Q is J of Breast ; from Q to R is incline ; from R to S is i6 inches in all cases; squared down by line D. From S to r is I h inches when Breast and Seat measure the same, but if Seat is larger than Breast add \ of an inch for each inch that the Seat is larger, or if the Seat is smaller than Breast reduce \ of an inch for each inch that the Seat is smaller. From T to V is ^ of suppression measure; from * to M is i Breast. N ift auf ber 2me J eiticii l^nlbeii 3ofl fon ber 2me G. y)la\\ jie()e eine Sinie ooii L wad] N uiib beiiii0e l)iertiei bie floiige ooii () bii jur Sitiie K. S8on D nac^ P ift ' 3ofl i" cCeit fallen ; Don bcr Siiiie bie Don P nad) Q get)!, ift I ber 33nift ; Don Q bi^ \i ift ^incline ;" Don R bi§ S finb 10 3°^ '« otteii i^aUen ; geineffen biirc^ bie 2inie D. -l^ow S big T fiiib li 3oQ, luemt Snift uiib 8cI)ooftinafj gleid) fiiib, ift aber ber ©djoB longer aB bie ibruft, bann gebe man ] 3oU f"r j^ben 30U luelc^e ber ©d)ooB grofjer ift, ,^n, ober menn ber ©d)oo{3 fleiner ift, al§ bie 93ruft, bonn 5iet)e inon \ Soil fiir jeben 3ott ab, nm >ueld)e ber ©djoof] fleiner ift. 3^on T nad) V ift h „fnppreffion" 9J{a6 ; Don * nad^ M ift bie Jpcilfte ber i^ruft ober bie l)albe IsHrnft. or M H / / ii / DiA 3 I B I ■^ C .L i --4- : a I I Si. I I ...;.._. t EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 4. From line O mark r j inches on line C; draw line from i\ to R at waist ; form back as per diagram ; draw line from R to V and fc^rm back of side body and skirt; mark \ of Breast from R, for width of side body, and draw line up to line C ; form side body as represented, finishing the lower front corner \ of an inch above line E ; line U is 1-6 of Breast from O; draw line from lines O and K to within i^ inches of H on line H for front of scye. C^t'ddriiitfi ^ev 3ci<^ntittf) Wp. 4. 58on bcv Cinie Q iidertrafle nion H 3ofi ouf bie Siiiie C ; baini .^ic'^c man eine fiiute Don 1\ 3ott nad) U bet bie ^nifle ; »om ^Hiicfeit luie in ber 3eid)"i"i9 angegeben ; banii ^\d)e man eine Siuie Don U nod) V uiib bilbe ba burdj bie ^iidfeite bc» Seitentl)ei(e^ itiib 8^ooJ3e§, be,^cid)iie \ ber 33ruft Don K, fiir bie iBreite be^@eiten=2()ei(es, nnb ^ie^e eine fitnie tjtnanf nad) ber Stnie C ; man mQd)e ben 8eitent^ei( luie nncjegeben, unb beenbiflt bie nntere Jroi't^K-rfe { 3ofl obert)olb ber fiinie E. 'J)ie fiinie U ift ,'i ber 53rn[t oon O; man ^iefie eine fiinie oon ben fiinien O unb K fo bofe bicjdbe 1/, 3oO »on II entfernt anf ber fiinie II bie ben iBorber^ tt)ei( be«5 3(rmlod)S bejeidinet. or: u M / _i DiA { _' EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 5. Measure length of coat and mark length at W; from W square line to front ; from W to X is h Breast ; from X to Y is \ Breast ; from O measure \ of Breast to line U as per dotted to mark Z ; from Z to front of lapel is ii{ inches; take out h inch for the V; from line M on line C mark 3.^ inches ; from line M on line D mark 4 inches ; draw line from 4 to Y; mark front length of fore part i J inches below line E ; apply waist measure from V to line M, and take out the sur- plus cloth between side body and fore part on line D. ISflan ntefte bie £ange be^ 5Rorf§ unb bejeici^ne biefdbe bex bem 33ud)ftaben AV; oon W ucrlangere mciii bie fiinie big pr 5.?orberfeite ; t)on W big X ift bie ^dlfteber iBriift ; won X big Y ift \ ber Sritft ; noit ntefeo man \ ber iBnift big jur fiinie U roie mit '':;>iiiitteit aiigebeiitet big nad) Z ; oon Z big ,yir Jronte beg Umfd}lagg finb 1^ 3°^ : '"*i" "'"^l"'"^ baDon i 30II fiir V ; lion ber Sinie M trage man anf bie fiinie C '6h 3ofl ; Don ber fiinie M trngc nion anf bie fiinie 1^ 4 3o(I iiber ; jie^e eine fiinie Don 4 nad) Y ; iibertrage bie ^Jront ficinge beg 3^orbcrtI)ei(eg li S^^ nnterf)alb ber fiinie K ; gebraudjc bag Waji ber ^oifle oon V nad) ber fiinie M nnb ne()me bann bag iibcrfliifjige Tnd) stuijdjen ben Scitentl)eil unb bem 'i^orbert^eil anf ber fiinie I). EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 6. Proceed to draft the same as for Diagram 5, adding i inch on to the skirt from S to T, as frock coats require more skirt than a cut- away. From M to A is 2i inches; from A to B is 2§ inches; from A to C is 2 J inches ; square Hne up from AA to D; also draw line from CB up for I. From F to I is 3 inches; draw a line from I to D and mark 2.J inches for G ; from D to H is 2 inches; shape lapel from G through H to B; square out from W to Y, and square down for front of skirt by line E; [. is 'f of an inch from Y, and K is :| of an inch from L ; finish by taking out \ inch between fore part and lapel at N. 9)?on entiuerfe bie l^eidiinmc} flerabe jo luie bie 3i'id)'i">ig '9Jo .">, uiib fe|ic ein 3oU ^ii an beii ©d)OB oon S big T inbem grarf-9iijcte me\)V ©cf)ij&e erforberii, me eiii augfleid)tiitteiiet 9iocf. "Son M bii A fiiib 2i 3oU ; oou A big H 2g 3oa ; Don A big C 2^ 3oa ; jie^e eine fiinic t)inauf Don AA nad) D ; ferner eine Don CB ^tnanf fur I. 5ion F big I finb 3 3o(I ; 5iel)c eine Sinie Don I nad} D nub morfire 2\ 3oU fur G ; Don D nac^ H finb 2 3ott ; lege ben Umjc^lag jnerft Don (t bnrc^ II md) B; ,^ie()e roeiter Don W nad) Y nnb bann ()inab fiir bie Jronte beg ©djofeeg burd) bie iiinie HI ; L ift l eineg 3oag Don Y, unb K i)"t 'i cineg 3oUeg Don L ; man fdjliefee baburd) ha^ man \ Ml ^m\d)en bcm 'Sox-- bcrtt)ei( nnb ben Uml'dilag, bei N luegnimmt. i EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 7. Diagram 7 is produced by marking lengths C, D and W. From C to I is J of Breast ; from I to J is 1-6 of Breast ; from P to Q is ^ of Breast for width of back; from Q to R is incline; from R to S and from S to T is the same as Diagram 5 ; from M to O is 3J inches; from M to H is 4 inches; square down from H for front of coat and finish by drawing line A 'I of an inch below Y and line B ■{ of an inch below A. Measure the waist from P to M, and take out the surplus cloth at the finish as shown in Diagram for Double-breasted Sack ; add i inch more on to () and H. S)ieje 3etd)inin9 roirb baburrf) (jergeftellt, boji man bie Cangeii C, D luib W morfirt. «on C iiQcf) I ift J ber S3ruft ; oon I imcf) J ift }, ber 33ruft ; Don V imd) Q ift J ber SBruft fiir bie SBeite bcs 9iucteug ; oon Q mdi K i[t „inc(ine ;" Don R na6) S unb Don S nod) T ift eS biefelde njie ill 3eict)niing 9io. a ; Don M nad) O finb 3| ^ofl ; Don M nod) H finb 4 3ofl ; mon 5ief)e I)innb Don H fur bie S^orberfeite bc§ 9torfe§, unb madje jum Sd)Iuf3 bie Sinie A, I ^oU unter^alb Y unb bie Sinie B ii 3oU untcrt)alb A. 9)JeBe bie faille Don P no(^ M unb nct)mc bog iiberfliifjige ^ud) roeg, roie biefeg in ber ^eic^nung fiir cinen Sncf ^JHorf niit boppellcr 58ruft ober jjuei 9iei^en itntipfen ,^u ie{)cn ift ; ju O unb II fiige mon je nod) einen 3ot( t)in5U. SL....U EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM Z. Diagram 8 is an Overcoat, which is produced in the same manner as Diagram 7, except the Skirt, which has one inch more spring, giving to it the same cloth as the Skirt of Diagram 6. From M to N is 4^ inches. From M to O is 5 inches. From B to A is J the full length of coat. For Double-breasted Coat, add i .J inches to the front. 3eic^iuing 8 i[t ein Uebcrrocf, mclc^cr in berfelben SBeife luie 3eicf)nung 7 tjergeftetlt Juirb, niit VIugitQ^me be§ 9iocfeg, luelc^er eiucn 3oa nie^r ^higbel^niiiig f)ai, looburdi er gerabe jo oiel 'Xwd) nimnit luie ber 9iorf in 3etd)nnng G. j8on M bi^ N" ift 4.1 3on. «on M big O ift 5 3oa. 9Son B bis A ift \ ber ooOen fidnge be§ 'Siod^. 5iir einen boppetbriiftigen 9iocf, gebe ju ber ^ront 1^ 3ofl. k EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 9. Diagram 9 shows how a Cape may be got without drafting. First take the Overcoat pattern over which the Cape is to be worn and place shoulder-points together, as illustrated, taking out 3 inches between A and B, which will form shoulder. Use a straight collar on Cape, so as to admit of its buttoning close under the chin. 3cid)ming 9 ^eigt luie ein „^ape" tiergefteflt luerbcn fann o^ne 3cid)= nung. 3uerft ne^me bag 9Jiufter oom Ueberrocf iiber weldjcn ber „gape" 511 tragen ift unb lege bie S^ultenifpitjen jufammen, luie in illustration, iief)me 8 BoU ,^tt)iid)en A unb B ^erau^, »ue(d)eg bie ©d^nlter t)er[tent. @ebrond)e einen geroben tragen om „Sape", fo bofe berfelbe fnapp unter bent ft1nu jugetnopft luerben fonn. EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 10. The Back and Skirt of this coat is the same as that of Diagram 5, except that from W to Y is ] of Breast. From A to B is ^ Breast. From B to C is 3 inches. From MM to OO is li inches. Make lapel \ of an inch narrower at the bottom than that of the frock coat in Diagram 6. S)ie atiicffeite unb ber 9iocf biejeg 9iorfe§ finb luic in 3eid)nu"9 ^»f ouSgenommcn, bofe W big Y \ ber SBnift i[t. isBon A big B \\t I SBruft. «on B big C ift 3 .RoO. $8011 MM big 00 ift li Sofl- 9J?od)e bell ^(ufjdilag (lapd) \ 3oa |d)nia(er am nnteren ©nbe alg beim giactrorf in 3eid)ining 0. I EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAM 11. Diagram 1 1 represents a fat man's Coat, drafted in tlie same manner as Diagram 5, except that C represents .J Breast. From C to A is 3 J inches. From A to B is 2.3 inches, squared up from A. Find D by applying waist measure, taking out i inch between side body and fore part. From D to G is 4 inches. Shape fore part through B to G. To find collar, draw a line from top button through gorge point; from E to F is i inch ; draw a line from the brake through F for collar ; stand and finish as represented. 3eid^niing 11 fteflt eiiien 9tocf fiir einen forpiilenteit yjlann bar, in berfetbeii SUeije gc,^t'id)iiet me in 3fiot)e bet laiOe; oon B iiac^ C i(l bie Sfinge bc§ SBeineS; D ifi bie .fiolfte jioifdjen B unb C; E bebeuttt immer eine ©ntfernung oon 2 3"^ obet^alb D; oon A nad) F finb immer IJ ^o\l; oon B nac^ ir ift bie ^^filfte bc« ©ijjee; oon H nad) I bejcic^nct J Si|j; uon I iiac^ K J ^oU; oon n nad) J J ^oQ. 3iel^e l^inauf oon H urn G ju pnben. 9Kcffe J bev laiDe oon F tim O ju pnben; flnbe bie ^al6e ©ntfcvnnng oon G nad) O unb morte P, roie in ben puuflirten Sinien angebeutet— unb ouf biefe 9lrt fteflt P eine loeile, unb G eine enge ?;aiac bar; oon C nac^ L ift ^ be^ ®i^e§; oon L nac\) M ift J unb j\ be§ ©ifjeS; N ift ^ be« ^i(je§ oon B; jie{)e eine fiinie oon N nad) L unb oon K noc^ M; oon R bi§ Q ift J be^ SnieS. R foUte biefelbe ©ntfernung oon S fein, lote oon Q nad^ T, inbem es ber 3n)ecf ift ben oorberen I^eil be§ Sfnie'S on einer ©eite fo oiel ju oerfiirjen loie an ber anbetn (Seitc bamit ba^ lic^iige 33er()altni6 engev S^o\en babiirc^ l)eigcfteQt loirb. 1)06 ftniemafe fur ein loeiie^ Jl'nie uiiiiml bisioeilen ben ganjen Jiaum oon S nad) T em. 9Iu§ ber 3eic^nung 9Jo. 17 ift erfic^tli(^ mie mon ba§ Jpintctt^eil befonint. i)2an jie^e eine Sinie oon N nac^ I; oon N nac^ A betrogt immer 1^ ^oH; oon 1 noc^ D ift 1^3oa in nHen goQen ; oon G uqc^ E ift J be^ ®i(je^; oon E nad) F J bc6 ®i(je§; oon C nad) U finb 2^ S"'!; "">" nc^me biess ju bem 5Jotbcrt^cil unb meffe oon F bis U bie ^olfte ber ZaiUc loobei 1 3oD f"r bie SRfi^te jugegeben loirb, unb bo boS SSor; bert^eil bie ^pfilffe be« finie'S ift fo gebe man i ^oQ oon E noi^ P mit, oon Q nad) O fiir bie DJo^te am 23ein ju; oon V noc^ W ift bie .gidlfte be§ Unteri£)eil6 unb J 3oa fiir 9la[)te, unb baafelbe oon X nac^ Y. p