It n^r^^V li :^ ^/ ,0-' ^- .0" ' y% ^w' ./% '• ^0 t,, "•- ^^, ^ ^0 ^"-^c^ i^° .-^' :..^ ^' <*. "hV o V ■tz.0^ ,Hq, ^ ' o » o - ^> . ^^ A^ ^^- ^oV" aP .^tJoL'^ <^ V '^""^^ ^#^ ^ ''^ o **^^^^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Tine Library of Congress Iittp:// scJvweitzer, (supposed to be Jacob Snivel^', of Antrim town- ship), where we received kind entertainment with thankfulness. In this neighborhood there are vt-r^^ fine lands for cultivation and pasture, exceedingly fruitful without the application of manures. The Turkish corn (Indian maize) grows to the height of ten feet, and higher, and the grasses are remarkably fine. Hereabouts there still remain a good number of Indians, the original dwellers of the soil. They are hospitable and quiet, and well aflfected to the chris- tians until the latter make them drunk with strong driiik." When we look at the immense bodies of fine timber in the lime- stone regions of our county, and compare the productiveness of our limestone lands with that of our slate lands, we cannot but think that ^^ tradition" must have been in error in this report. But, whether correct or incorrect in this regard, the fact is undeniable Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 11 that the country was very rapidly settled. The Scotch-Irish, that " pugnacious and impracticable race," as one of the early governors called them, flowed into the valley in vast numbers, and from 1730 to 1735, settled upon and improved large tracts of land at various points, from the Susquehanna to the southern line of the province, and by their presence and well-known attachment to Protestant modes of thought and government, forever put to rest all the fears of the proprietaries that the adherents of Catholic Maryland would ever take away from them their rights along the southern boundaries of their possessions. MASON AND DIXON'S LINE. And here it may not, perhaps, be out of place to devote a few minutes to the consideration of the facts connected with a question long since settled, but one which for eighty years occupied the attention of the authorities of Pennsylvania and Maryland, which led to much bad feeling between the citizens of contiguous territo- ries, to riots, and even to bloodshed; which, after many unavailing attempts at settlement here in the New World, was adjourned to the presence of the King and his Lords in Council in the Old World, and which, long after the death of the original parties in interest, the Quaker Penn and the Cavalier Calvert, Lord Baltimore, was on this day (the 4th of July, 1760) one hundred and sixteen years ago, amicably settled by their descendants. I refer to the boundary line between the colonies of Pennsylvania and Maryland, a line for the past one hundred and nine years known as "Mason and Dixon's Line," because it was run and marked upon the ground by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, two English astronomers, in 1767, under appointment fi'om the Penns and Lord Baltimore. It forms the southern boundary of our county at 39°, 43^, 26.3^^ of north lati- tude. For one hundred and thirty-two miles, or to the eastern base of Sideling Hill mountain, at the end of every fifth mile a stone was planted, on which were engraven the arms of the proprietors on the sides facing their possessions, respectively, the intermediate miles being noted each by a stone having M on the one side and P on the other. I have no doubt many of you have seen these stones scat- tered along the southern boundary of our county. In order to understand properly this long vexed question, a brief recurrence to the history of the early settlements made on our Atlantic coast will be necessary. The knowledge of American geography, in those days, was very imperfect. It embraced little beyond the great headlands, bays and rivers, and their true positions were not reliably known. But the monarehs of the Old World, who cared little about their undevel- oped possessions in the New World, and who executed conveyances 12 Historical Sl:etch of Fran/:fi)i Countij. whit'h t'()V(.'iV(! the larjrer parts of a continent, assunii'd that thoy knew all about the localities of capes, bays, islands, and rivers and towns, and that the distances they jilaced them npart were reliable. They were less precise in the location of points, and in the use of terms which were to define the boundaries of future States, than we are now in describint!: a town lot. The consequences were conflict- injjc j;:rants, leading to long and anjjfry dispute, such as that which ji^rew out of tlie conflicting claims arising out of the boundary line between Maryland and Pennsylvania. It appears that a certain Captain John Smith, a l)old navigator of the early part of the 17th century, had been employed by the com- panies to whom King James f. of England had granted the greater part of his American possessions, to explore our coast and make a map of the true location of its capes, bays, rivers, &c. Having finished his surveys, he returned to England in 1(514 and made out a map and an account of his explorations, which he presented to the King's son, afterwards Charles I., who thereupon named the terri- tory N College. jE'a^e259. Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 15 FIRST TOWNSHIPS IN THE VALLEY. In 1735, the "North Valley," embracing all the territory from the Susquehanna to the Maryland line, was divided, by order of the Court of Lancaster county, into two townships, by a line crossing the valley at the "Great Spring," now Newville— the eastern town- ship to be called "Pennsborough" and the western one "Hopewell," and a Justice of the Peace and a Constable were appointed for each. On the 4th of November of the same year an order was granted by the same Court for the laying out of a public road from Harris' Ferry towards the Potomac river, and strange to say it was "opposed by a considerable number of the inhabitants on the west side of the Susquehanna, in those parts." As the people had no public roads down the valley at that time, and such conveniencies were certainly much needed in the new country, I can conceive of no reason for this opposition other than, perhaps, that the road did not pass near the settlements of those who desired a review of its route. Our whole county, except the present townships of Warren. Metal and Fannett, and a considerable part of the present county of Cum- berland, was at this date, 1735, in "Hopewell" township, Lancaster county. Of the number of the population then in either township I have not been able to obtain any data. The following is a state- ment of the taxes assessed for several years thereafter, viz. : 1786. Hopewell, £ 5 2s. Pennsborough, £ 13 17s. 6d. 1737. 2 19 (t 13 9 9 173S. 7 7 9d. i( 20 14 1739. 11 8 1 (( 23 16 8 1740. 4 19 3 (( 14 18 7 FORMATION OF ANTRIM TOWNSHIP, In 1741 Hopewell township was divided by the Courts of Lancas- ter county by a line "beginning at the 'North Hill' — or North Moun- tain, at Benjamin Moore's House, thence to Widow Hewry's and Samuel Jameson's, and on a straight line to the 'South Hill,' or South Mountain — the western division to be called '^ Antrim,'' and the east- ern ' Hopewell.' " Where this line ran I cannot say positively, but I believe that it was about where the division line now is between the counties of Cumberland and Franklin. The new township thus embraced all of our present county, except the territory in the townships of Fannett, Metal and Warren, which never was within the township of Antrim. EARLY TAXES. The following taxes were assessed in Antrim township, Lancaster county, for the following years — viz. : 16 Jlinforical S/:< tch of Frduklin Connfif. 1741 £ 9 3s, 2d. 1742 8 IS 2 1743 19 10 7 1744 22 4 7 1745 1(5 14 8 1746 14 13 8 1747 11 1 2 1748 7 19 4 1749 21 18 8 FORMATION OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, On the 29th day of January, 17o(), the county of Cumberland was formed. It embraced all the lands in the State westward of the Sus(iuehanna and the Soutli Mountain, and iiicUided all of Fulton and Bedford counties. There were then in tlie Cumberland Valley between eiglit hundred and one thousand taxables, and tlie whole population was between three and four thousand. The courts were first held at Shippensburg, but were removed to Carlisle in 1751, after that town was laid out. All the settlements in the valley were of inconsiderable size — mere stragijling villages — containing each but a few houses and a small number of people. According to "Rupp's History of the 8ix Counties," the taxables in the various townships of Cumberland county, now embraced in our county, were then as follows— viz : In Lurgan, 174 " Antrim, 133 " Peters, 167 " Guilford, 31 " Hamilton, 42 Total, 547 The settlers were at their various "improvements" scattered all over the country, busily engaged, each for himself, in erecting his necessary buildings and bringing the soil under fence and cultiva- tion. The Inivp:iriiii^ to murt-li." All this was done hi .six weeks after in- tlepeiideiiee was declared. The followinu- persons eoininaiided tliir- teeii of those companies, viz.: John Steele, Samuel I'ostletliwaite, Andrew (Jalbreath, Samuel M'Cune, Thomas Turhott, Jame.s M'Con- nell, William Huston, Thomas Clarke, John Hutton, Robert Cul- bertson, Charles Lecher, Conrad Schneider, Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Watts. These all, officers and men, were inured to hard- ship and experienced in warfare, and but a few days were recjuired to get ready to meet their country's enemies wherever their services were required ; and duriuf? the whole revolutionary contest, the people of the Cumberland valley did their full shaiein raising men and money for the public serviox was on the east side of the bar, and the grand jury box on the west side, adjoining the stairs leading to the second story, in which there were a grand jury room and two traverse jury rooms. THE OLD JAIL. The first jail built by tlie county was of stone, two stories high, about forty by sixty feet in size, and stood on the north-east corner of Second and Market streets, where Peifter & Doebler's coach shop now stands. It was often crowdeil with poor "debtors" in those early days, men who were so unfortunate as to be in debt and have no goods nor money with which to pay their liabilities. To honest men it was a fearful place; but rogues laughed at its nail-studded doors, iron bars and thick but poorly-constructed walls. Between the date of the formation of our county in 1784, and the completion of the "old stone jail " in 1798, persons charged with the commis- sion of grave offences in this county were kept in the jail at Carlisle. The county accounts for those years contain many items for tiie ex- penses of taking jjrisoners to Carlisle, keeping them there, and bringing them here for trial. Persons charged with offences of a minor grade were kept here in a temporary prison, and there are also numerous charges for "repairs" to that prison— for " iron for bars," for "leg bolts, manacles, &o.," and for the pay of those who acted as "guards" at the prison. Tradition says that this prison was an old log house on the lot now the property of Levi D. Hum- melsine, on the west side of South Main street. That it was some such insecure place is evidenced by the expenditures made upon it above referred to, and also from the fact tliat in 1785, the commis- sioners of the county paid Samuel M'Clelland £2, os., 6d. for " un- derpinning the prison." There were no brick buildings here in 1785, and only three stone ones, viz.: Chambers' fort, John Jack's tavern and Nicholas Snider's blacksmith shop. AH the rest were of logs, small and inconvenient, and it must have been one of the worst of these that was used as a prison at first, for only such an one would have needed "underpinning," and require bars, leg bolts, manacles, and guards to keep its inmates safely. Nor were prisoners then allowed to spend their time in idleness whilst in jail, as at the present time. They were kept at labor, as is Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 33 evidenced by the numerous expenditures for "picks and shovels" and "wheel-borroughs," and for the pay of the superintendents and keepers of the "wheel-borrough men." THK PUBLIC OFFICES. Between the years 1784 and 1809, a period of twenty-five years, Edward Crawford, Esq., held the offices of Prothonotary, Register and Recorder and Clerk of the Courts, and for twenty-two years he had his office in a building which he erected for the purpose, at his residence on east Market street, on the site now occupied by the law office of Messrs. Kennedy & Stewart. In Lhe month of October, 1806, the first county offices were finished and occupied. The bviild- ing stood about twenty feet east of the old court house, facing on Market street, and cost about $2,500.00. It was of brick, two stories high, and about forty feet long by twenty-five feet wide. The Pro- thonotary and Clerk's offices were in the western end, and the Reg- ister's and Recorder's offices in the eastern end, the building being divided by a hall in the centre. In the rear of each office was a small vaulted room for the preservation of the records and papers of the offices. On the second story, were the offices of the County Commissioners, County Treasurer, Deputy Surveyor, &c. This building was torn down when the new courthouse was commenced, about the year 1842. COUNTY COUETS. I have already stated that the "county courts" in those days were held bj^ such Justices of the Peace of the county as were specially commissioned to act as Judges of the said courts. Three of them formed a quorum to do business. They then held their offices for seven years; and by the 5th section of the act erecting our county, it was provided that the commissions of all Justices residing within the boundaries of the new county should continue in force until the expiration of their several terms. How many such there were I know not. I give, however, the names of such of them as acted as Judges of our courts after our county was organized. The fifth section of the act erecting our county provided that the Courts of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions should be held four times in each year, and that the Quarter Sessions should sit three days in each session, and no more. This act was approved on Thursday, September 9th, 1784. On Saturday, September 11th, 1784, Edward Crawford, Esq., was ap- pointed and commissioned Prothonotary, Register and Recorder and Clerk of the Courts for our county. He was also at the same time commissioned a Justice of the county courts of our county. I sup- pose he was at the seat of government (Philadelphia) at the time, looking after the passage of the law creating our county, for on the same day he appeared before the Supreme Executive Council, and 34 IFintoricnl ShctcJi of FranJclhi Count}/. ■was sworn Into olTiee and jjot his commissions. On the next Wed- nesday, September loth, 1784, four days afterwards, ho was at home, and the first court lield in our county was convened tliat day, be- fore Humphrey Fullerton and Thomas Johnston, Esq's, Justices for Antrim township, anil James Finley, Esq., a Justice of Letterkenny township — all of them former Justices and Judfjjes in Cumberland county, whose commissions were in force, and who were therefore qualified to hold court in Franklin county. There were no jurors present, no causes, civil or criminal, for trial, and I incline to the opinion that there were no lawyers present butone, John Clark, Esq., of the York bar, who was married to a daughter of Nicholas Bitting- er, who lived near Mont Alto Furnace. jNIr. Clark was most likely here casually. He had been a Major in the Pennsylvania Line in the revolutionary war, had been a member of the bar of longstand- ing and of extended reputation, yet he was, on his own reijuest, admitted to the bar of our county. Had there been any "brother attorney" present, entitled to the privileges of his profession, Mr. Clark would not have been compelled to request his own admission. The second session of our county court, beiug the ^rs^ business session, was held on Thursday, December 2d, 1784, in the second story of John Jack's stone tavern house, which stood where A. J. Miller's drug store now is, up until the fire of 1864. The Judges present were William M'Dowell, of Peters ; Humphrey Fullerton, of Antrim; and James Finley, of Letterkenny ; Edward Crawford, Jr., Prothonotary and Clerk ; Jeremiah Talbott, Sheriff. The grand jury were thirteen in number, viz. : James Poe, Henry Pawl- ing, William Allison, William M'Dowell, Robert Wilkins, John M'Connell, John M'Carney, John Hay, John Jack, Jr., John Dick- son, D. M'Clintock, Joseph Chambers and Joseph Long. The courts were h<-ld up stairs, and tradition says the crowd was so great as to strain the joists of tlie floor, causing great alarm to the Court and bar, and others in the house. Whether this tradition is true or false, I know not, but it is very probable that the incident did occur. That the courts were hehi in John Jack's house for several years, whilst the court house was being built, and up until 1789, inclusive, is conclusively shown by the following extracts from the county expenditures, found in the annual accounts of the Com- missioners for the years named, viz. : 1785. "By an order to John Jack for the use of his house to hold courts in, &c.," £12 7s. 6d. 1789. "By a draw given to ISIargaret Jack (.John's widoAv) for the use of her house to hold courts in," . . £ 9 1790. "Order to Mrs. Jack for firewood and cantlles for the court," £ 4 4s. 5d. A change was then made, for in — 1790. "An order was issued to Walter Beatty for prepar- ing a p^ace for court," £15 68. Historical Sketch of FranJdin County. 35 Where this place was I know not, but it was no doubt some tem- porary selection. Walter Beatty was the sub-contractor, under Cap- tain Benjamin Chambers, for the building of the court house. The court house and the old stone jail were then being built. The latter must have been gotten under roof at least in 1791, for that year the Commissioners paid Walter Beatty "for preparing for the court to sit in the prison, £15, 19s." In 1792 they also paid Captain Benjamin Chambers, on the court house, £1,074, 10s., Sd. ; and that it was not finishe J in 1793 is shown hj the fact that the Commissioners, by order of the court, paid that year to Walter Beatty, £10, 10s. "for detain- ing his hands from work on the court house." The Judges took possession and occupied the court house for county purposes before it was finished, and ordered Mr. Beatty to be paid for the lost time of his hands, as aforesaid. At the second session of our courts, on motion of John Clark, Esq., Robert Magaw, Thomas Hartley, James Hamilton, Thomas Duncan, Thomas Smith, Ross Thompson, Ralph Bowie, James Ross, James Riddle, Stephen Chambers and John M'Dowell were admitted to practice the law in the courts of this county. Our county courts, as thus constituted, continued to administer justice until the adoption of the constitution of 1790. That instru- ment went into force, for most purposes, on the 2d of September, 1790, but the third section of the schedule to it extended the commis- sions of the Justices of the Peace and Judges then in office until the first day of September, 1791. JUSTICES, WHO WERE JUDGES. The following list gives the names of the Justices of the Peace who were Judges of our county courts for this county, from the 9th of September, 17S4, to the 2d of September, 1791, with the townships they were appointed from and the dates of their respective commis- sions, which ran for seven years : William M'Dowell, Peters, November 13th, 1778. Humphrey Fullerton, Antrim, April 18th, 1782. Thomas Johnston, Antrim, April 18th, 1782. James Finley, Letterkenny, March 1st, 1783. Edward Crawford, Jr., Chambersburg, September 11th, 1784. James Chambers, Peters, September 17th, 1784. George Matthews, Hamilton, February 4th, 1785. John Ranuels, Guilford, March 1st, 1785. Noah Abraham, • Fannett, October 31st, 1785. John M'Clay, Lurgan, November 2d, 1785. Richard Bard, Peters, March 15th, 1786. Samuel Royer, Washington, March 27th, 1786, John Scott, Chambersburg, August 4th, 1786. John Boggs, Chambersburg, August 4th, 1786. James Maxwell,* Montgomery, August 26th, 1786. * Commissioned President of the Courts. 3G Historical Sketch of Franklin County. Jolin ITarrinji:, 8()\»tli:mii)t()n, Xovcmljor Ist. 1786. John Andrew, (Juilfbrd, April Kitli, 1787. John iVIartin, ChjiMil)ersburg, December St h. 1787. James >r!ix\vell, jMontuomery, September 17th, 17SS. William Henderson, (Jreeneastle, September l'")th, 17K8. James MH'almont, Letterkenny, September li;{tl, 1789. Christian Oyster, Chambersburg, July Kith, 17!»(). Thomas Johnston, Antrim, September 2!)th, 1790. JUDGES UNDER CONSTITUTION OF 1790. By the second section of the act of the 13th of April, 1791, the State was divided into ^t'e judicial districts. The fourth district was composed of the counties of Cumberland, Franklin, Bedford, Huntingdon and Mifflin. And the third section of the same act fur- ther provided that a President Judge, learned in the law, should be appointed by the Governor for each district, and not fewer than three nor more than four Associate Judges should be appointed for each county. They were each to hold during good behavior. On the 17th of August, 1791, Governor Mitflin appointed the fol- lowing i^ersons Associate Judges of our courts, to hold from the first of September following, viz. : James M'Dowell, Peters, First Associate. Janies Maxwell, Montgomery, Second " George Matthews, Hamilton, Third " James M'Calmont, Letterkenny, Fourth " On the 20th of August, 1791, Governor Mifflin also appointed Thomas Smith, Esq., President Judge of this judicial district, who continued to serve in that position until his appointment as an As- sociate Judge of the Supreme Court, on the 31st of January, 1794:. FIRST TAXES. The following is a statement of the first tax laid in this county, in 1785 : Districts. Collectors. State Tax. Com nty Tax. Antrim, Samuel M'Cullock, £365 5s . 7d. £57 Is. 4d. Franklin, William Shanon, 69 1 7 11 19 11 Fannett, Nathaniel Paul, 179 4 8 80 19 10 Guilford, Peter Fry, 223 6 9 36 8 2 Hamilton, William" Dickson, 207 7 10 35 7 8 Letterkenny, George Stinger, 32t» 11 7 54 18 9 Lurgan, Gavin MorroM^, 298 5 50 16 4 Montgomery, Thomas Kennedy, 312 6 5 . 51 7 4 Peters, Hugh M'Kee, 272 10 1 44 10 Washington, Frederick Foreman, 262 16 11 44 15 2 £. :2,510 11 10 £418 4 6 Being, for state purposes, ^ , , . $6,694 91 for county " . . . • . . 1,115 27 Historical Sketch of Franklin County. The following is a statement of the property assessed in county in the year 1786 : 37 this -ts ■2 TOWNSHIPS. s •^ ■^ ■2 1 g CO r-1 '^ CO to cc CO ^" CO to s CO 1 •2 5s. f^ O 435 ^4 a 585 113 50 20 6 5 1 3 1 ^ 1 •10 < 27 ^ ^ Antrim 30,992 1,153 £3 5 37 96 21 40 2 Franklin 2 Fannett 19,962 21,335 2, 10s. 2, 15 n-i 268 275 366 299 12 13 4 2 2 2 2 9 7 1 Guilford Hamilton 22,585 2, 10 OJ 290 356 12 6 13 1 Letterkenny... 32,917 2, 15 O 343 471 22 3 6 2 6 2 Liurgan 10,526 24,924 2, m 3 > c a 164 491 189 548 6 46 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 18 Montgomery... 2 Peters 24,839 17,904 3 2, 17J s 1— 1 369 205 455 226 30 13 3 4 4 4 5 1 'A Southampton.. Washington.... 26,483 2, 10 — — 400 3324 533 4141 3 227 7 40 7 32 3 1 4 8 96 2 2 13 $6,315.96, distributed thus : Antrim, Franklin, . Fannett, . Guilford, . Hamilton, . Letterkenny, Lurgan, Montgomery, Peters, Southampton, Washington, £2,368 9 8 $6,315 96 To-day, though there is no state tax upon real estate, the taxes paid by the people of this county are as follows, viz, : For state purposes on money at interest, &c., . $ 6,144 00 For county purposes, 56,015 97 *ty wa 3 £2,368, 9s. 8d., equal to £331 17s. lid., or, $885 08 92 8 7 246 48 191 12 11 ' 511 07 203 7 7 ' 542 35 212 8 5 566 47 290 8 11 774 54 111 6 ' 296 81 256 17 9 * 685 04 272 12 2 ' 726 98 156 15 5 418 07 248 13 ' 663 07 $62,159 97 From tax returns made in 1786 and 1788, for the township of Franklin^ which was made up of the town of Chambersburg, and 38 Historical Sketch of Franklin Countfj. some seven tracts of laud ailjoiniri}^, I ^atlier the following: results, viz. : That there were in the said township, in the said years— 1786. 1788. Improved lots, 96 134 , Unimproved lots, 40 24 Horses, 98 105 Cows 115 126 Oxen, 6 4 Bulls, 1 Slaves, 20 18 Servants, 6 6 Chairs, 1 Physicians, Four, viz. : Dr. Abraham Senseny, Dr. John Jack, Dr. George Sloan and Dr. Alexander Stewart. Attorneys, Three, viz. : Andrew Dunlap, James Riddle, .John Clark. Merchants, Four, viz. : John Calhoun, Patrick Campbell, Samuel Purvianceand Edward Fitzgerald. Justices and ex-otticio .Judges of the courts, Four, viz. : .Tohn Boggs, Edward Crawford, Jr., John Martin and John Scott. Inn Keepers, Twelve, viz.; Hugh Gibbs, John Martin, William Morrow, Wm. Shannon, Jacob Von Statinfelt, Benj. Swain, Fred'k. Reimer, George Gressinger, Wm. Bevis, Wm. Cowan, Benj. Swain and John Caldwell. Estimating six persons to a dwelling, the population of Cham- beisburg in 1786, should have been five hundred and seventy-six persons, and in 1788, eight hundred and four persons. The following lands were also assessed in the s^id township of Franklin in the years 17S6 and 1788, showing conclusively that it embraced more territory than the mere i)'ot of the town of Cham- bersburg, viz. : John Alexander, 194 acres. George Chambers, 58 " Benj. Chambers, Jr., 105 " Joseph Chambers, 297 " James Chambers, 100 " John Kerr, 300 " Thomas M'Kean, 100 " 1154 acres. CHAMBERSBDRQ IN 1784-8. Colonel Benjamin Chambers, as I have already stated, laid out Chambersburg in 1764. The town plot was entirely east of the creek and south of the Falling Spring. Third street, now the bed of the railroad, was its eastern limit, and it did not extend further GEO. A MILLER ^ SONS hardware store, cor main ^- queen sts. , v// LENGTH I06FT. WI0TN23Fr. STORE ROOM 79FT9IN.X20F.4IN. WAREHOUSE Ze )(.2'0FT -^ IN. i-iiSiei) '.TORE OF J.HOKE&CO. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SrC.CHAMBG. FA . . ,,^ii-^// Historical Sketch of Franldin County. 39 south than where Mr. James Logan resides. The lots south of that point were laid out by John Kerr, taken from his farm of three hundred acres, and for a long time that part of the place was called "Kerr's town." That part of our town north of the Falling Spring was laid out by Colonel Thomas Hartley, of York, in 1787. He purchased the land from Joseph Chambers, Esq., whose farm of near three hundred acres lay north and east of the town. Edward Crawford Esq., also subsequently bought of Mr. Joseph Chambers, the land between the railroad and the eastern point, and Market and Queen streets, and laid it out into town lots. In 1791 Captain Benjamin Chambers, who had a farm of over one hundred acres along the loest side of the Conococheague creek, laid out that part of the town. Our town in those days (say from 1784 to 1788) presented a very different appearance from what it now does, or from what it did be- fore the great fire of 1864. There were no bridges of any kind across the creek. The east bank of the stream through the town site, with the exception of a few places, was quite steep, and covered with a forest of cedars, oaks and walnuts, aud a thick undergrowth of bushes. There was quite a depression between Market street and the hill upon which the Baptist church stands, and a number of fine springs of water issued out of the bank at various points, and poured their crystal treasures into the creek. West of the creek was the farm of Captain Benjamin Chambers. The road from Strasburg and the north-western parts of the county came in on the same route it now does, but passed down to the "lower fording," at Sierer's factory, crossed the creek there and entered town by West Queen street. Main street was not then of)ened north of the Falling Spring. The ground between the spring and the present residence of James G. Elder, Esq., was a deep swamp. The road towards Carlisle and the upper fording," at Heyser's paper mill, left Main street at King street, passed westward out King street to the Falling Spring, crossed it just eas^t of where Mr. Martin Ludwig lately resided, passed north and east along the west side of the spring, over the old Indian burial ground, through the Presbyterian churchyard, skirting the base of the hill on which the church stands, and connected with the road in front of the church. The present pike leading to Carlisle was not then made. Indeed, there was no road from this to Shippens- burg east of the Conococheague. Persons going to Shippensburg and points east went out the Strasburg road and branched off by the Row road. Mr. George K. Harper, who came to our town between 1790 and 1793, informed me that at that time Strasburg was a much more important point than Chambersburg ; that the mail for the north and east went from Chambersburg by way of Strasburg, and 40 Historical Sketch of Franklin Counfi/. that, because tlie transportation and travel over the mountaiJis were doiiH by liorses alone, there was more life aiul enerjry at Strasbur-^ than at Chanii)i'rsburi?, as many as one hnndred and fifty pack horses, loaded with mereliandize, arrivint tavern in a low, two-story log house, about twenty by twenty-five feet in size, where Mrs. Watson resides. The lot where Ludwig's building now is was vacant, and remained so until 1795, when Stephen Rigler built the stone house on it so long known as Noel's hotel. Hugh Gibb kept a tavern in a small, two-story log house which stood where the National Bank now stands. A small blacksmith shop stood where the Franklin County Bank now stands, and Samuel Lindsay owned and occupied a small log house which stood on the lot the Repository hall now occupies. The other lots facing the diamond were then unimproved. There were about one hundred and thirty-five dwellings in the town, but as the whole population of the county had to come to Chambersburg to vote, for several years after the organization of the county, a liberal provisi">n in the shape of taverns was made for its accommodation. In addition to those named already, Owen Aston kept a tavern in the Geo. Goettman property, on the south-east cor- ner of Main and King streets for a while, and was succeeded by Jacob Von Statteufield ; Nicholas Snider, where the Montgomery hotel is; Benj. Swain, where the late Rev. B. S. Schneck lived ; Wm. Morrow, where Peter Bruner now lives ; Thomas Sliannon, where Captain Jeffries lives; Wm. Shannon, where the Union Hotel stands; George Graesing, where Mrs. Fohl lives ; Wm. Thorn and Geo. Wills, opposite the Academy, on east Queen street; John Smith and David Fleming, at John Stevenson's old property, west Queen street; Frederick Reamer, ^ecA's old property, south Main street; William Bevis, on west side of south :Main street, corner of the alley, in the house now belonging to Mrs. Byers. Besides these there were several otiiers wiiose location I don't know with certainty. POSTAL, FACILITIES IN 1788. We have now the Cumberland Valley railroad, running through our valley, from the Susquehanna to the Potomac, with branches Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 41 and connecting roads to Dillsburg, South Mountain, Mont Alto, Mercersburg, and Path Valley at the Richmond furnace; and we have daily postal communications with Pittsburg, Harrlsburg, Phila- delphia, New York, Baltimore, Washington city, and even points more distant, and also receive, almost daily, the news of current events in Europe and Asia, and other more distant parts of the earth. But it was not so in the times of which I am now writing, as is evidenced by the following resolution passed by the Congress of the United States on the 20th of May, 1788, viz. : ^'■Besolved, That the Post Master General be and he is hereby di- rected to employ i^osts for the regular transportation of the mail be- tween the city of Philadelphia and the town of Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, by the route of Lancaster, York town, Car- lisle, Chambers' town and Bedford, and that the mail be dispatched once in each fortnight from the said post offices, respectively." Journal of Congress, volume 4, page 817. It is remarkable that Harrisburg, the capital city of our now great Commonwealth, is not even mentioned in this resolution ; and nothing that I know of so emphatically shows the progress we have made as a nation, in the past eighty-eight years, as the difference between the postal facilities contemplated by this resolve of Con- gress and the iDostal facilities we now enjoy. From the Hon. James H. Marr, Acting First Assistant Postmaster General, I learn that a post office was first established at Chambers- burg on the 1st of June, 1790. I had an idea that we had a post office here at a much earlier date. The settlement was then sixty years old ; the town had been in existence twenty -six years and the county nearly six years, and it is surprising to think that our ances- tors did so long without governmental postal facilities. The same authority informs me that the following persons filled our post office in the earlier years of its existence, viz. : John Martin, .... Appointed 1 June, 1790. Patrick Campbell, Jeremiah Mahony, John Brown, Jacob Dechert, . John Findlay, . William Gilmore, 1 July, 1795. 1 January, 1796. 5 July, 1802. e 7 April, 1818. •20 March, 1829. 24 November, 1838. I hope to be able to state hereafter when the several other post offices of our county were established. The Shippensburg post office was first established 13th May, 1790, but a few days before ours. Prior to these dates our people had to depend upon private carriers to get their mail matter from older offices, or await the semi-monthly coming of the post rider referred to in the resolution of Congress just given. 42 Historical S'/ccfch of Franklin County. FIRST EI.KCTION OF CONGRESSMEN. The Constitution of tlie United States went into operation on the first Wednesday of ^farch, 1789. What number of tlie people of our State were then entitled to vote I know not; but amongst the pro- ceedings of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, un- der date of the 31st of December, 1788, the returns of the election of members of Congress held just before, are given, from which it appears that but 15,774 votes were polled in the whole State, and thiit the highest candidates upon the two tickets received the fol- lowing number of votes resj)ectively, viz. : Fred'k. Augustus Muhlenberg, of iSIontgomery, . 8,707 John Allison, of Franklin, 7,067 NEWSPAPERS. From the organization of our county, in September, 1784, to July 14th, 1790, there was no newspaper published in Franklin county, and all the sheriflfs proclamations, notices of candidates for oflHce, of real estate offered for sale, estrays, runaway negroes, desertions of bed and board by wives, &c., &c., were published in The Carlisle Oazette and RcpoHitory of Knowledge, printed at Carlisle, Cum- berland county. It has been claimed that a paper called the Franklin Minerva was published at Chambersburg before the year 1790 by Mr. Robert Har- per. I doubt the truth of this claim. No copy of the paper now exists, by which to determine the doubt, but the fact that Sheriff Johnston, in July, 1790, published his proclamation in the Carlisle Gazette, shows almost to a demonstration that there was no news- paper here about the beginning of June, 1790, when that proclama- tion was first inserted in the Carlisle Gazette. Again, I do not think that Robert Harper was then here. An examination of the assess- ment lists of the county shows that his name appears for the first time as a taxpayer in Franklin township (Chambersburg) in the year 1794, so that it is most likelj' became here sometime in the previous year, perhaps about the time he formed the partnership with Mr. Davison, hereafter referred to. It is known that William Davison commenced the publication of his paper at Chambersburg on the 14th of July, 1790, under the name of 'T/ie Western Adver- tiser and Chamberslnii-g Weekly Neivsjia2:>er,'''' and the assessment lists for 1791 contain his name as one of the taxpayers in Franklin township for that year. Mr. Da'i'ison afterwards, about the year 1792 or '93, formed a partnership with Mr. Harper, which continued until the fall of 1793, when he died, and Mr. Harper became sole owner of the paper. On the 12th of September, 1793, Mr. Harper changed the name of the paper to that of " T/ie Chambersburg Gazette,''^ under which title it was published until the 2oth of April, 1796, when he Historical Sketch of FranJdin County. \ 43 T-l again changed its name to that of the ^^ Franklin Meposit'^^y.^' It was, when first established, a small, three column concern, i '^bout ten by sixteen inches in size, and cost fifteen shillings per year. ' It was almost wholly made up of advertisements and extracts from foreign journals, for those were the days when Napoleon was stirring? up the nations of the old world generally. \ In the year 1800 George Kenton Harper became the sole t^ditor and proprietor of the Repository, and conducted it until January, 1840, when he sold out to Mr. Josepli Pritts. So indifferent ^erfl the post oflfice arrangements for the carrying and delivering of newspapers from 179-1 to 1828, that the Harpers (Robert and Geo'ge K.) employed their own "Post Riders," who once a week role through large sections of the county to ensure the certain and speety delivery of the Repository at all points where it could not b sent through the mails. For much of the subsequent history of the Repository ana other newspapers which were heretofore published in our county, I am indebted to an article written by B. M. Nead, Esq., and pub- lished in the Repository on the 27th of March, 1872. "As above seen," says Mr. Nead, "Mr. Harper gave up the con- trol of "?%e Franklin Repository'''' to Mr. Pritts in the year 1840. Mr. Pritts served an apprenticeship and worked as a journeyman at the printing business in Cumberland, Maryland, from which place he removed to Chambersburg about the year 1820. In 1823 he be- came the editor and proprietor of a Democratic paper styled the '''■Franklin Republican,^'' started in 1808 by William Armour, who was followed in its editorship by John Hershberger, John M'Farland and John Sloan, whose successor Mr. Pritts was. This paper Mr. Pritts continued to edit until the year 1828, when the anti-Masonic excite- ment arose. He then gave up the publication of the Franklin Re- publican, bought the Ant'i-Masonic Press, a paper which had been established by Mr. James Culbertson, and started a new paper, strongly advocating anti-Masonic principles, under the name of "TAe Anti-Masonic Whig.''^ This paper Mr. Pritts continued to edit until the year 1840, when he purchased the Repository from Mr. Harper, and united the two papers under the name of the ^'■Repository and Whig.'''' In 1840 Mr. Benjamin Oswald, of Kittanning, Pennsylvania, was associated with Mr. Pritts in editing the paper, and in 1S41 Wm. R. Rankin, Esq., filled the same position. In 1842 Wm. H. Downey bought Mr. Pritts' interest in the paper, and continued to publish it until 1846, when he sold out to Mr. Wm. Brewster. Mr Pritts continued about the office, as a general superintendent, adding weekly to its spiciness by his wit and satire, until the year 1848, when he died. The paper was then in the hands of Messrs. John F. Denny, Hugh W. Reynolds and D. O. Gehr. On the 1st of February, 1849, Mr. Reynolds withdrew, / 44 Historical Sketch of Franklin Count}/. and the remaininj? partners carried on the paper until 1st of ^fay of that j'ea?", when they sokl out to Messrs. John W. Boyd, of Hagers- town, and David K. Stover, of Greeneastle." "On the 4tli of July, 1849, Messrs. Henry A. Misli and Lewis A. Shoemaker started a paper called "■The Franklin Intclli()(nccr,^^ and contit;ued its i)ublioution until IS.")!, when it was purchased by Stover & Boyd and merged in the Rcpositor)/. In the spring of " So2 Mr. Stover became sole proprietor of the Jicposiiori/, and on the jfirst of May of that year Col. A. K. M'Clure purchased a half inter- est in the paper, and in September following obtained the entire coKtrol of it." '/On the 4tli of July, 1S53, R. P. Huzelet, who for some time had boen issuing, semi-monthly, a ten by twelve advertising sheet, called "The Omniljus,^^ began the publication of a paper called " TAe Trans- cript." In October, 1854, Geo. Eyster & Co. became interested with Mr. Hazelet in the Tranncript, and continued to publish it until )ecember, 1855, when they sold it to Washington Crooks & Co., 'who about the same lime purchased the Repository ivonx Col. M'- Clure. They consolidated the two papers under the name of the '■^Rejiository and TranscriptJ'' A few years after they sold out to G. H. Merkline & Co. About 1861, A. N. Rankin, one of the latter firm, got sole control of the paper. Soon after Snively Strickler, Esq., became proprietor, and in 1803 he sold it to A. K. M'Clure and H. S. Stoner, who again changed the name to " Tltc Franklin Repyos- itory.^'' "On the 19th of April, 1861, G. H. Merkline & Co. started the Semi- Weekly Disj)atoh. It continued till June, 1863, when it was purchased by Messrs. M'Clure & Stoner, and merged in the Reposi- tory. On the 30th of July, 1864, the Repository otflce, and every- thing connected with it, was destroyed when our town was burnt by the Rebels. It was started again soon after in the lecture-room of the Presbyterian church, from which it was issued till June, 1866, when it was removed to its present location." "On the 1st of July, 1865, ' The Repository Association ' was formed, and the paper was issued under its auspices, with Messrs. M'Clure and Stoner as editors and publishers. On the 30th of May, 1868, they retired and Messrs. Jere Cook and S. W. Haj's obtained con- trol of it as editors and publishers. On the 1st of July, 1870, Mr. Hays retired and Mr. H. S. Stoner took his place, and the paper was published by Messrs. Cook and Stoner until the loth of August, 1874, when it went into the hands of Major John M. Pomeroy, its present owner and editor. It has now reached the ripe old age of eighty-seven years. It is Republican in politics, and has a circula- tion of about 2,200. The first English Democratic paper that I have been able to hear of, published in our county, was called "TAe Franklin Republican,''^ Historical Sketch of FranJdin County. 45 and was started by William Armour about tlie year 1806. He was succeeded by Frederick Goeb, or Geib, and Ricliard White. Tliey published two papers, one in German and one in English. The German part of the office was owned by Goeb, and White owned the English part. About the year 1808 John Hershberger bought these gentlemen out. About this time George K. Harper was publishing a German paper in the same office with the Repository, called '^ Der Red'dche Regis- trator''''—^^ The True Recorder." This paper Mr. Harper sold to F. W. Schoepfiin about the year 1814, who removed it froQi the Repos- itory office and conducted it as a Democratic paper until his death, in 1825, when it passed into the hands of Henry Ruby, who had learned the printing business with Mr. Schoepfiin. He published it until 1881, when he discontinued it. Mr. Hershberger conducted "2'Ae Franklin Republican'''' as the Democratic organ of the county, at the same time publishing the Ger- man paper formerly issued by Mr. Goeb. After several years he sold both papers to Mr. James M'Farland, by whom the German paper was discontinued. Mr. M'Farland sold the '■'Republican'''' to John Sloan, about the year 1816, who continued to publish until his death, in 1831. Some time after Joseph Pritts married the widow of Mr. Sloan, and thus obtained control of the printing office. Mr. Pritts was then a strong Democrat, and greatly enlarged and improved the paper, and as a reward for his devotion to his party and its interests was appointed county treasurer for several years. In the year 1828 the anti-Masonic excitement reached its height, and Mr. Pritts, being dissatisfied with the course of the Democratic party in relation to the United States Bank, and on other political questions, and being actuated by a dread of the pernicious influence of secret societies upon the future of the country, with large num- bers of his former Democratic associates, joined the new party and purchased the ''Anti- Masonic Press,''' a paper which Mr. James Cul- bertson had shortly before established here. This paj)er Mr. Pritts conducted for a short time, as only he could conduct a newspaper, in the interests of the anti-Masonic party, when he purchased the ^'■Franklin Rep>ository''^ and consolidated the two papers. When Mr. Pritts ceased to publish the Republican as a Democratic paper the Democratic party were left without an organ in our county. But in the year 1831, or thereabouts, Messrs. Henry Ruby and James Maxwell started a new Democratic paper called '' The Franklin Tele- graph:'' After publishing it for about six or seven years, they sold it to Messrs. Michael C. Brown and Hiram Kesey, who, in the year 1841, sold it to John Brand, who changed the name to '■'The Chambersburg Times:' In 1843 he sold out to Frank- lin G. May, who, in 1845, associated Mr. Enos R. Powell with himself in the conduction of the paper. In 1848 Mr. May retired 46 I Lint orient Sketch of Franklin Countij. uiid Alfred 11. Sinilli took his place, and the name of the paper was changed to " T'/ie Cwm/;er^r/«(Z Vallcij Sentinel.^'' In ISol Messrs. B. F. Nead and John Kinneard became the proprietors, with Joseph Nill, Esq., and afterwards Dr. William H. Boyle, as editors On the 1st of July, isr)2, the paper passed into tlie hands of Messrs. John M. Cooper and Peter 8. Dechert, and was merged into '■'The Vattvy S'j)irif,^' which paper these gentlemen had removed from iShippensburg to Chamhersburg about a year previously. In 18")7 Messrs. Cooper & Dccliert sold the jiaper to Messrs. George H. Men- gel & Co., Dr. Boyle continuing as editor. In 1800 Messrs. Mengel and Ripper became the owners, Dr. Boyle continuing as editor. In April, 1858, Messrs. R. P. Hazeletand David A. Wert z started a paper called " The Independent.''^ In 1859 they sold it to W. I. Cook and P. Dock Frey, who changed its name to "7Vie Timcs.^' Mr. Cook retired in a short time, and gave place to Mr. M. A. Foltz. In 1800 Messrs. Jacob Sellers and Wm. Kennedy bt^cume the owners of The Times, and published it as a Democratic paper. In 1S02 Messrs H. C. Keyser and B. Y. Hamsher purchased the Valletj Spirit from Messrs. Ripper and Mengel, and shortly after Mr. Kennedy associa- ted himself and his paper with them, and the name of the paper was changed to that of " The Spirit and Times,^' and published by B. Y. Hamsher & Co. In 1808 Mr. Kennedy retired and the name of the paper was again changed to " 7'Ae Valley Spirit.'" In July, 1H07, J. M. Cooper & Co. again became the owners. lu Seiitember, 18G7, it passed into the hands of ISIessrs. Augustus Duncan and Wm. S. tStenger, who continued its publication until 1870, when they sold out to Mr. Joseph C. Clugston, the present proprietor. It is now edited by John M. Cooper, Esq., is Democratic in jjolitics, and has a circulation of 2,160. The following newspapers are now also being published in our county, viz. : The ''Public Opinion,'''' at Chamhersburg. It was established in the year 1809 by its present editor and proprietor, Moses A. Foltz. It is Republican in politics, and has a circulation of about 1,700. The " Mercersburg Journal,'" published at Mercersburg, is owned and edited by M. J. Slick, Esq. It is neutral in i:)olitics, and has a circulation of about 500. It was established in 1840. "The V'dlage Record" is published at Waynesboro', by W. Blair, who is editor and proprietor. It was established in 1847, has a cir- culation of about 1,000, and is neutral in politics. "The Valley Echo" is published at Greencastle, by George E. Haller, editor and proprietor. It was established in 1807, has a cir- culation of about 500, and is neutral in politics. "The Keystone Gazette" is a new weekly paper, the publication of which was commenced at Waynesboro' in our county, about the 1st of September last, by Messrs. J. C. West and W. J. C. Jacobs, edi- historical Sketch of Franklin County. 47 tors and proprietors. It is Democratic in politics and claims a cir- culation of about five hundred. The "Saturday LocaV is a weekly newspaper recently started at Charabersburg, by Joseph Pomeroy & Co. It is neutral in politics. GENERATi WASHINGTON'S VISIT. On the first of October, 1794, President Washington left Philadel- phia for the western part of this State, called thither by the troubles known in our history as the "Whisky Insurrection." He was ac- companied by General Henry Knox, the Secretary of War ; General Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury; Hon. Richard Peters, Judge of the District Court of the United States for Penn- sylvania; Mr Dandridge, his Private Secretary, and others of his official family. On Friday, the 4th ot the month, the party reached Harrisburg, and on Saturday, the 5th, Carlisle, where aconsiderable part of the army was already assembled. The President remained at Carlisle until the 11th inst. During that time he had several inter- views with commissioners from the insurgents, who wished him to disband the army, assuring him that the people of the insurrectionary counties would obey the laws withoutmarching the troops out there. He refused to accede to their request, yet he assured them that no violence would be done, that all that he desired was to have the people come back to their allegiance. On the morning of Saturday, the 11th inst., the Presidential party left Carlisle and reached Chambersburg that evening. Whilst here they stopped with William Morrow, who kept a tavern in a stone house which stood on south Main street, on the lot recently owned by Dr. J. C. Richards, dec'd., now the property of Peter Bru- ner. The President and party went south from this, through Green- castle, to Williamsport, Maryland, and from thence to Fort Cumber- land ; but as they did not reach Williamsport until the evening of Monday, the 13th, the presumption is that they remained in our town over Sunday, the 12th inst., as it is well known that President Washington was very averse to doing any work on the Lord's Day which could be avoided. THE WHISKEY INSURRECTION. For three or four years prior to the date of President Washing- ton's visit to our town, the larger part of the people of the counties of Fayette, Allegheny, Westmoreland and Washington, in our State, had been in open rebellion against the general government, because of the United States excise tax upon whisky. The tax was origin- ally only four pence per gallon, and was subsequently reduced be- low that sum. The people of that section of the State were mainly the descendants of Scotch-Irishmen, who hated the name and office 48 Jfistoricdl Sketch of Franklin County. of ail exciseman. TIkm'o were no teniperance societies then in ex- istence, and to nialte an«l drink whisky was common, and was not regarded as disreputable by any one ; and the fame of their "Old Mononjrahela" was proverbial east and west. The only surplus pro- ducts of the people of that region were corn and rj-^e, and it would not pay to transport them to the eastern markets by pack horses, the only means they had. A horse could carry but four bushels of rye over tlie miserable roads then in existence, but he could carry tlie product of twenty-four bushels in the shape of whisky. They therefore made whisky everywhere. Almost every farmer had his "still." They thought that as they had cultivated their lands for years, at the peril of their lives every hour, and had fought the savages unaided most of the time by the government, which gave them little protection, they had a right to do as they pleased with the surplus products of their labors. And so they made it into whisky, knowing that it could be easily shipped east to a market where it would find a ready sale. They denied tlie right of the government to tax it, refused to pay the tax, tarred and feathered the tax collectors, and compelled them to resign theiroflfices or leave the country. So wide spread was the opposition to the enforce- ment of the law, and so inflamed the state of the jiublic mind, that it was found necessary to send a large body of troops out to the in- surrectionary districts to bring the people to reason and obedience. The opposition to the enforcement of the excise laws was not con- fined exclusively to the people of the western counties of the State There were many persons east of the mountains who were very hostile to the excise laws, and who sympathized wilh the alleged grievances of their western friends and kinsmen. General James Chambers, in a letter from Loudon Forge, to A. J. Dallas, Esq., Secretary of the Commonwealth, under date of Sej)teiiiber 22d, 1794, says: "On the IGth inst. I arrived in Chambersburg, and to my great astonishment I found the Rabble had raised what they Caled a Liberty pole. Some of the most active of the inhabitants was at the time absent, and upon the whole, perhaps, it was best, as mat- ters has Since taken a violent change. When I came hear I found the magistrates had opposed the sitting of the pole up, to the utmost of their power, but was not Supported by the majority of the Citty- zens. They wished to have the Royators Subject to Law, and (Mr. Justice John Riddle, John Scott and Christian Oyster) the magis- trates of this place informed me of their zealous wish to have them brought to Justice. I advised tliem to Call a meeting of the inhab- itants of the town on the next morning, and we would have the matter opened to them, and Show the necessity of Soporting Gov- ernment, Contrassed with the destruction of one of the best govern- ments in the world." The meeting was held in the "Coorthous"— Mr. John Riddle Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 49 delivered "a very animating address" to the people — Resolves were passed and drawn up for the people to sign, pledging them to sup- port the Justices in their efforts "to bring the Royators to tryal," and General Chambers continues: "I am now happy to have in my power to request you, Sir, to inform his Excellency, the Gove- nour, that these exertions has worked the desired Change. The mag- istrates has sent for the men, the very Same that Errected the pole, and I had the pleasure of Seeing them, on Saturday Evening, Cut it down ; and with the Same waggon that brought it into town, they were oblidgeed to draw the remains of it out of town again. The Cir- cumstance was mortifying, and they behaived very well. They seem very penetant, and no person offered them any insult. It has worked such a change, I believe we will be able Shortly to Send our Quota to Carlisle." Liberty poles were also erected at Carlisle and other places, and the people everywhere in the eastern part of the State were very reluctant to turn out at the cill of President Washington against the "whisky boys," whose grievances they believed, for the most part, to be well founded. Secretary Dallas, in his report to the Senate, under date of September 10th, 1794, said: "According to the information I have received from several parts of the country, it appears that the militia are unwilling to march to quell the in- surrection. They say that they are ready to march against a foreign enemy, but not against the citizens of their own State," The troops called into the field under the requisition of President Washington, dated the 7th of August, 1794, numbered 12,950, and were from Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Those from New Jersey and Pennsylvania assembled at Carlisle. Governor Thomas Mifflin, of Pennsylvania, and Governor Richard Howell, of New Jersey, had command of the quotas of their re- spective States — met them there, and in company with President Washington reveiwed them. The Pennsylvania troops were in one Division of 5,196 men, under the command of Major General Wil- liam Irvine, It was composed of three Brigades, the first com- manded by Brigadier General Thomas Procter, the second by Briga- dier General Francis Murray, and the third by Brigadier General James Chambers, of our county. General Chambers' Brigade was composed of 1,762 men, 568 of whom were from Lancaster county, 550 from York county, 363 from Cumberland county, and 281 from Franklin county. These troops passed through our county by way of Strasburg, from whence they crossed the mountains to Fort Lyt- tleton on their march to Pittsburg, which place they reached in the month of November folio whig. Happily the supremacy of the laws, and the enforcement of order, were secured by this display of power on part of the General Government, without firing a gun, and without any of the sufferings or losses incident to a state of actual 50 Historical Sketch of Franklin Countij. war. On Tuesday, the loth of November, 1794, tlie Pennsylvania troops left Pittsburg on their return home. They marelied by way of Greensl)urg, Ligonier, Bedford, Sideling Hill, Fort Lyttleton, Strasburg and Shippensburg, to Carlisle, where they were disbanded. POPULATION. According to the assessment of our county numbered two tl two, divided among the several Antrim, Franklin, Fannett, Guilford, Hamilton, Letterkenny, Lurgan, Montgomer3% Peters, . Southampton, Washington, lists for the year 1786, the lousand three hundred and townships as follows, viz. : Free- holders. 186 102 126 105 145 162 58 143 113 79 151 Non-Free- holders. 83 8 55 38 53 47 24 55 72 27 60 Free- men. 54 53 36 30 46 41 21 31 39 27 52 taxablea twenty- Total. 323 163 217 173 244 250 103 229 224 133 263 Totals, 1,370 522 430 2,322 In 1793 our taxables had increased to three thousand five hundred and seventy; and our whole population has been as follows, viz. : In 1790 15,655 " 1800, 19,638 " 1810, 23,173 " 1820, 31,892 " 1830, 35,037 " 1840, 37,793 " 1850, 37,956 " 1860, 42,126 " 1870, ♦. . . . 45,365 So that we have not quite tripled our jDopulation in the last eighty-six years. GUBERNATOKIAL ELECTIONS. The following statement of the votes cast in our county at several of the earlier elections for Governor may be of interest as showing the progress of the county in population : Evangelical Lutheran Church of creencastle pa. Rev. Fred'i^ Klinefelter pastor. ' erected 1875, — dimensions — ^8 x 85 feet. :Page285 Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 51 In 1790. For Governor, Thomas Mifflin received. 1508 votes Gen. Arthur St. Clair 193 " For Senator, Abraham Smith 985 " Robert Johnston 565 " For Representatives James Johnston 1656 " (two elected) James M'Lene 1564 " For Sheriff, Henry Work 792 " James Irwin 554 " For Coroner, George Clark 1648 " George Stover 1640 " For Commissioner, James Poe 818 " Daniel Royer 588 " In 1799. For Governor, James Ross 1413 " Thomas M'Kean 992 " In 1802. For Governor, Thomas M'Kean 1368 " James Ross 686 " In 1805. For Governor, Simon Snyder 1369 " Thomas M'Kean 1228 " The election districts and vote at this last election were as follows, viz. : Snyder. M'Kean. 395 366 Chambersburg, Strasburg, Fannett, Metal, Mercersburg, Green castle, Waynesboro, 310 155 90 239 152 28 93 40 33 310 162 234 TRANSPORTATION liAST CENTURY. There were no turnpikes, no canals and no railroads in those days. All transportation of merchandize, such as groceries, iron, salt, &e., was, as already stated, by pack horses, from Winchester, Hagers- town, Chambersburg, and other points in the east, across the mountains to Bedford, Fort Cumberland, Hanna's town, Pittsburg, and other points in the west. The people of all sections of the country, east and west, had long before this realized the fact that the pack horses of the day were not equal to the demands of the times in furnishing transportation facilities. The Provincial great 52 Historical Sketch of Franklin County. roads, opened by Pennsylvania and Vir;jcinia for the use of (Jeneral Braddock's army, from Loudon town and Winchester to Fort Cum- berland, were originally poorly and hastily constructed, had become much out of repair, and so far as the needs of I'ennsylvania were concerned, were useless beyond the town of Bedford. Accordingly, attention was turned towards making better roads. Private citizens subscribed money for this purpose, many of the townships along the lines gave jiecuniary aid, and in ITSi) tlie first wagon that passed over the mountain barriers separating the east from the west, went from Hagerstown, Maryland, to Brownsville, Pennsylvania. It was drawn by four horses, contained two thousand pounds of freight, and was near a month passing over the road, a distanceof aboutone hundred and thirty miles. TURNPIKKS. The first turnpike company incorporated in the State of Pennsyl- vania, was "The Philadelijhia and Lancaster Company," April 9th, 1792. In a few years quite a number of others were incorporated, but it was not until about the years lSl-i-'21, that the making of turnpikes seized hold upon the public mind. During those years the State became a large subscriber to the stock of various turnpike companies, I suppose because the Legislature thought that the public treasury should aid in the making of improveiiients designed for the public benefit. The Carlisle and Chambersburg road received nearly $100,000 from the State; the Chambersburg and Bedford road $175,000; and the Waynesboro', Greencastle and ISIercersburg road about $25,000. The State got but few, and very small dividends on these investments, and some twenty-five years ago these stocks were sold by the State Treasurer at the nominal prices of from fifty cents to a dollar per share. The roads, however, remain ; and in the days of wagoning and staging they were of vast use to the people, repaying them an hundred fold the public moneys invested in their construction. We have now eightj^-eight miles of turnpike in our county, viz. : Waynesboro', Greencastle and Mercersburg, forty-two miles ; Cham- bersburg and Bedford, nineteen miles ; Chambersburg and Carlisle, eleven miles; Chambersburg and Gettysburg, nine miles; Green- castle and Maryland line, five and a half miles; and Waynesboro' and Maryland line, one and a half miles. STAGE COACHES. The first stage coach line from Chambersburg to Pittsburg was established in the year 1804. The doom of that mode of travel was sealed when the locomotive scaled the heights of the Alleghenies; but in their day the old Concord coaches were the most speedj' and most pleasant means of passing from the east to the west, and those who can remember will bear me out in saying that the arrival or Wstorical Sketch of FranJdin County. 53 ACADEMIES. In addition to the facilities afforded by our common schools to the youth of our county, both male and female, to obtain a complete education, we have the ''Mercersburg College" at Mercersburg, in a department of which Theology is also taught, of which Professor E. E. Higbee, D. D., is Principal ; the "Chambersburg Academy" at Chambersburg, of which Professor J. H. Shumaker is Principal ; the "Kennedy Academy" at Welsh Run, of which Rev. J. H. Fleming is Principal; the "Wilson College" (for females) at Cham- bersburg, of which Rev. W. F. Wylie, A. M., is President; and the "Mercersburg Female Seminary" at Mercersburg, of which Rev. J. H. Hassler is Principal. Besides these there are a number of other private schools of a high grade in various parts of the county, where both a common and classical education may be acquired. WAR LOSSES. In the late war of the Rebellion our county suffered more, and our people lost more, than any other county in the northern Stjvtes. Ours was the debatable ground over which friend and foe alike passed at discretion in the carrying out of their military operations, and by each were our people caused to suffer. Under the authority of a Union Governor of Pennsylvania, the horses, saddles, bridles, &c., of our rural population were seized and taken for the public use, and many of these seizures have never been paid for. The Confederate troops raided upon our county several times and stripped our people of their horses, their wagons, their carriages, their cattle, HistoriGal Sketch of FixinMin County. 57 their merchandize and tlieir money; and m 1863, Lee, the great captain of the hosts of tlie rebellion, with tlie pride and flower of his following, near one hundred thousand strong, invaded our county and held it in his undisputed control for tliree weeks or more. During all the years of the rebellion the people of the border counties were in all things loyal to the government. Upon us the waves of the rebellion beat, and our suflferings and losses were the protection of the people of other parts of our Commonwealth. Dis- interested, unprejudiced and sworn appraisers have, for the third time, said that the losses of the border counties were $3,452,515.95, distributed as follows, viz. : Somerset county, $ 120 00 Bedford " Fulton Franklin " Cliambersburg, Adams county, York Cumberland and Perry counties. 6,818 03 56,504 98 846,053 30 1,625,435 55 489,488 99 216,366 15 211,778 95 $3,452,515 95 And yet the representatives of the great State of PennsylvaniaX Lave hitherto turned a deaf ear to the petitions of our plundered ! people, many of wliom lost their all. Not one penny has ever been ' given to the peoples of any of tliese districts, save to the burned out population of Chambersburg, who, after much tribulation and many years waiting, obtained less than fifty per <^V)it. of their losses. In the great fire of 30th July, 1864, by which the town of Cham- bersburg was destroyed, the following buildings were burned, viz. : Residences and places of business, ... . . 278 Barns and stables, 98 Out-buildings of various kinds, 178 Total, . . .549 The total losses of the people of the town have been appraised at $1,625,435.55, of which near $785,000 was for real estate alone. The county was also a great sufferer, and her losses are not included in this estimate. Our beautiful court house, which, in 1843, cost us $44,545 16, was totally destroyed, and the rebuilding of it cost our people $52,083.25, though the old walls were used. But the greatest loss our people sustained was in the destruction of the large mass of our public records, which were burned with the court house. Their loss is irreparable. They never can be restored, and it is only among the legal fraternity that the magnitude of the calamity is duly appreciated. I have known more than one case where minors have lost their whole estates, by reason of the destruction of these 58 Historical Sketch of Franklin County. records, and their consequent inability upon coming of age to prove who were their guardians, or the bail of these guardians; and in other cases where the names of the guardians were known, but have become insolvent, the moneys in their hands have been lost, because of inability to prove who their securities were. OUR CRIMINAI. HISTORY. Nine-tenths of the first white inhabitants of the Cumberland val- ley wer6, as has already been stated, Scotch-Irish, with some Eng- lishmen and pure Scotchmen amongst them. They were generally of the better class, brought up to regard the laws of God and man ; the most of them being members of some church. They were, therefore, desirable additions to the population of the country ; good citizens, Avho generally lived at peace with each other, and when they did violate the law, their crimes were not of a very heinouS character. Their morality was regulated by the ideas of the age in which they lived, and in those days many things were thought quite proper and right which would not now meet with approval. The use of strong liquors was general amongst them, and to an excessive indulgence in them, was attributable most of their departures from the rules of right and good conduct. Hence the crimes that our courts in early times were most often called upon to try and punish were petty larcenies, assaults and batteries, riots, &c. The higher crimes, such as arson, burglarj"^, robbery and murder were of rare occurrence among the inhabitants of this valley. Indeed, I do not know of a single instance, in this county, at least, where a Scotch- Irishman was convicted of either of these offences. There have been but five capital convictions in our county, so far as I have any record, since its organization, over ninety-two years ago. Four of these were for murder and one for rape. At a court of Oyer and Terminer, held at Chambersburg, in No- vember, 1785, before Hon. Thomas M'Keau, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Hanna, of Franklin township, and Josiah Ramage, of Letterkenny township, wex-e severally convicted of murder in the first degree. The names of the grand jurors who found the indictments were as follows, viz. : James Maxwell, foreman, William M'Dowell, Thomas Johnston, George Matthews, John M'Clay, James Findley, John Allison, James Watson, Frederick Byers, William Scott, Elias Davidson, Richard Beard, Charles M'Clay, Nathan M'Dowell, James Chambers, Patrick Maxwell, William Rannels, Matthew Wilson, James Moore and James Campbell. John Hanna was charged with having murdered John Devebaugh, on the 22d day of June, 1785, near the Catholic church in Cham- bersburg, by striking him with an iron stone auger. The names of Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 59 thejui'ors who tried him were Robert Wilson, John Cunningham, John Lawrence, John Gaff, Robert M'Karland, Robert Patton, James Withers, Matthew Ferguson, William Strain, John Young, Thomas Lucas and James M'Farland. The crime was committed in the heat of passion, growing out of a sudden quarrel, and strong efforts were made for his pardon. Such was the influence brought to bear in his favor that the Supreme Executive Council at its next meeting, on the 17th of December, 1785, refused to issue a warrant for his execution. Josiah Ramage was charged with having killed his wife, Mary Ramage, on the 24th of March, 1785, in Letterkenny township, by striking her on the head with a pair of fire tongs. The names of the jurors who tried him were John Young, James M'Farland, James Withers, Robert Davidson, William Berryhill, Robert M'- Farland, John Lawrence, Daniel Miller, John Cunningham, Wil- liam Strain, Robert Wilson and Gean Morrow. The cases of Hanna and Ramage were again before the Supreme Executive Council on the 6th of April, 1786, when it was ordered that they should be executed on Wednesday, the third day of May, of that year; and they were on that day hung by Jeremiah Talbot, the first Sheriff of the county, who was paid by the county in the year 1788, a fee of £9, 4 shillings therefor. A negro slave, named Jack Durham, the property of Andrew Long, of this county, was convicted of the crime of rape, at a court of Oyer and Terminer, held on the 3d day of June, 1788, before Hon, Thomas M'Kean, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Wm. Augustus Atlee and George Bryan, his Associates, and on the 21st of June of that year the Supreme Executive Council ordered that his execution be "made and done" on Tuesday, the 8th day of July following. John Johnston, the second Sheriff of our county exe- cuted Durham, and was paid by the county a fee of £7, 10 shillings therefor. The crime was committed at Southampton township, upon the person of one Margaret Stall. The jury valued Durham at thirty pounds, Pennsylvania currency, or $80.00, which was paid his owner by the Commonwealth. The names of the jurors who tried him were John Ray, George King, Robert M'Culloch, James Erwin, Robert Parker, Edward Crawford, Robert Culbertson, John M'Mul- lan, Henry Pawling, John M'Clellan, William Henderson and Jo- seph Chambers. On the 12th day of November, 1807, a man named John M'Kean was convicted of the murder of his wife, in Washington township, on the 30th of August previously, and was executed by Jacob Sny- der, Esq., Sheriff of our county, on the 22d day of December, 1807. He was the last man executed in this county. The jury who tried M'Kean were Thomas Anderson, Henry GO Historical Sketch of Franklin Counti/. Davis, Joliii Witherow, Christian Kryder, James Smith, David Jolin, William Brewster, James M'Cunly, (of James), John Holli- day, David Koniiedy, John Trvin and Jacob Smith, of Lurgan. John Murtau^h, an Irisli raih'oad liand employed in tlie making of tlie "Tape-worm," as tlie raih'oad Ieadinj?from Gettysburf; to- wards IIaj;erstown was called, was convicted at the April sessions, 1S3S, of the niurder of one of his fellow workmen, named James !M'Glinchey, and sentenced on the 7th of April, 18;5H, to be hung, but he became insaneafter his conviction, was several times respited, and finally died in prison. Ramage and Hannawere hung on the hill north of the present residence of Jacob Nixon, and Durham and M'Kean east of the present residence of AVilliam M'Lellan, Esq., about where the new residence of James A. M'Knight has been built. Hence that hill was called for many years "Gallows Hill." INInch of the criminal business of our county for the last fifty years, indeed the most of it, even up to and including the present period, has been caused by the j^resence of the large number of colored peo- ple amongst us. Our Commonwealth having:, as early as 1780, passed "An act for the gradual abolition of slavery" within her borders, it became a common occurrence for the free negroes of Maryland and Virginia to leave those States and remove to Pennsylvania, and our county being immediately upon the dividing line between the free and the slave States, they were content, as soon as thej' got north of that line, to settle down and remain where they were safe from the oppressive laws of their former condition of servitude. In many instances the executors of deceased slave owners, who had manu- mitted their slaves, brought the new freedmen, sometimes number- ing thirty or forty in a lot, within the borders of our county, and there left them to provide for themselves. To these causes it is ow- ing that we have had so many colored people amongst us. Some of them were sober, industrious and economical, but the greater part of them were improvident, lazy, and addicted to the use of strong drinks whenever they could get them. Hence they were quarrel- some and riotous, and through their improvidence and laziness were frequently before our courts for fighting or stealing, or were the in- mates of our poor house, from want, in all cases taxing our treasury for their punishment and support. To Pennsylvania belongs the lasting honor of being the first one of the "United Colonies" to acknowledge before God and the na- tions of the world, the duties and obligations resting uijon her to do justice to the colored people within her borders, by providing for their equality before the law as men; and by giving to them and their descendants the right to enjo^' the inestimable privileges of life, liberty, and happiness, for which the war of the revolution was then being waged with Great Britain. Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 6f On the 5th of February, 1779, when General Joseph Reed was President of the Supreme Executive Council of our State, George Bryan, Esq., Vice President, and James M'Lene, Esq., a Councilor from the county of Cumberland, the Council called the attention of the General Assembly of the State to the subject of the abolition of slavery in Pennsylvania, in language so remarkable, because of its being so much in advance of the sentiments of the people of other sections of the land at that day, and so different fi-om the views held even now by a great many of our people, both north and south, that I feel constrained to give it here. "We think," said they, "we are loudly called on to evince our gratitude in making our fellow men joint heirs with us of the same inestimable blessings we now enjoy, under such restrictions and regulations as will not injure the community, and will impercepti- bly enable them to relish and improve the station to which they will be advanced. Honored will that State be in the annals of man- kind which shall first abolish this violation of the rights of raan- kind ; and the memories of those will be held in grateful and everlasting remembrance who shall pass the law to restore and establish the rights of human nature in Pennsylvania." On the first day of March, 1780, the representatives of the Key- stone State of the Union, in General Assembly met, in the city of Philadelphia, close by the Congress of the United Colonies, then also in session there, passed Pennsylvania's act for the gradual abo- lition of human slavery. The struggle for national independence was then still undetermined. Continental currency had depreciated so much that one dollar of specie would purchase three thousand of currency. The British on the east, and the savages on the west, pressed hard upon the struggling patriots. The national govern- ment was without credit; the army and the navy were without the material needed to conduct the war to a successful ending ; and all — army, navy, and people— were sadly straitened for the necessaries of life. And yet, Pennsylvania's representatives, undismayed by their surrounding, and unheedful what the representatives in Congress of the slave-holding States of the nation might think of their action, gave utterance to their views of slavery, and the conclusions they had come to about it, in language so beautiful and so forcible, that justice to their memory impels me to extract the Preamble to the law they then enacted, long though it be, as I am satisfied that the great majority of the people have never seen or read it. I. "When," say they, "we contemplate our abhorrence of that condition, to which the arms and tyranny of Great Britain were exerted to reduce us ; when we look back on the variety of dangers to which we have been exposed, and how miraculously our wants, in many instances, have been supplied, and our deliverance wrought, when even hope and human fortitude have become unequal to the 62 Hisloricnl Sketch of Franklin Counb/. conflict, we are uiiavoidiilily Knl (o a serious ami j;nitefiil sens-eof the manifold blessiii>;s wiiii-ii we luive uixleservediy received from the hand oC that lieiiit^ from wijom every j^ood and perfect gift cometli. ImpresHcd with these ideas, we conceive that it is our duty, and we rejoice that it is in our power, to extend a portion of that freedom to otiiers wliich hatli been extended to us, and release from that state of thraldom, to which we ourselves were tyrannically doomed, and from which we have now every prospect of beins delivered. It is not for us to en(juire why, in the creation of mankintl, the in- habitants of the several parts of the earth were distinguished by a difference in feature or comi)lexion. It Is HufficUnt to knoiv that all are the work of an AlmUjhtij hand. We find in the distribution of the human species, that the most fertile, as well as the most bar- ren parts of the earth are inhabited by men of complexions differ- ent from ours, and from each other; from whence we may reason- ably, as well as religiously, infer, that He, who placed them in their various situations, hath extended equally His care and protection to all, and that it becometh not us to counteract His mercies. We esteem it a peculiar blessing granted to us, that we are enabled this day to add one more step to universal civilization, by removing, as much as possible, the sorrows of those who have lived in undeserved bondage, and from which, by the assumed authority of the kings of Great Britain, no effectual, legal relief could be obtained. Weaned by a long course of experience, from the narrow prejudices and parti- alities we had imbibed, we find our hearts enlarged with kindness and benevolfnce towards men of all conditions and nations; and we conceive ourselves at this particular period extraordinarily called upon, by the blessings which we have received, to manifest the sincerity of our profession, and to give a substantial proof of our gratitude." II. "And whereas, the condition of those persons, whohave here- tofore been denominated negro and mulatto slaves, has been attended with circumstances, which not only dei)rived them of the common blessings that they were by nature entitled to, but has cast them into the deepest afflictions, by an unnatural separation and sale of husband and wife from each other, and from their children, an in- jury, the greatness of which can only be conceived by supposing that we were in the same unhappy case. In justice, therefore, to persons so unhappily circumstanced, and who, having no prospect before them wherein they may rest their sorrows and their hopes; have no reivsonable inducement to render their service to society, which they otherwise might, and also in grateful commemoration of our own happy deliverance from that state of unconditional sub- mission to which we were doomed by tlie tyranny of Great Brit- ain." Therefore be it enacted, &c. How different these ideas and purposes from those entertained by Historical Sketch of Iranklin County. 63 many persons, esiiecially in the southern States, at the present day. Notwithstanding the fact that the constitution of the United States, the supreme law of the land, gives to all men, of every class and color, equal rights and privileges, its provisions are wholly disre- garded in many sections of the Union, to the everlasting disgrace of the nation and the States permitting it. It is to be deplored that the criminal business of our county has so greatly increased of late years. It is now a vast and constantly increasing burthen to our people. Twenty-five years ago the oflflce of Prosecuting Attorney was one that a lawyer in full practice cared not to accept, because, whilst it gave considerable trouble to the holder of the office, the fees received from it afforded no adequate compensation for the labor connected with the discharge of its duties. But now the office of District Attorney is amongst the most desira- ble and lucrative positions in the gift of our people, all things con- sidered. Much of the increased expenditure in our criminal courts is attributable to the indiscriminate entertainment by magistrates of charges for petty offences that should never have been dignified by being brought before a court and jury. OUR MIIilTAKY RECORD. In the early days of the settlement of the Cumberland valley, whilst this part of it was yet in Lancaster and Cumberland counties, there were quite a number of our citizens who figured prominently in the military matters of the day. Indian forays, murders, pur- suits and fights were quite frequent, and numerous lives were lost in them. Of those brave and hardy pioneers, in most instances, we know nothing but their names. They were more active in making history than in writing it ; and of many of them we have no records except such as are traditional. Of others the historians have spoken here and there, and it is their deeds and fame that I wish to rescue from oblivion. Among the earliest of these of whom we have any reliable account is Colonel James Smith, a native of Peters township, in our county. In May, 1755, whilst engaged with others in opening a road from Fort Loudon to Bedford, he was captured by the Indians. He was subsequently adopted into the Caughnewaga tribe, remained with them until 1759, then escaped to Montreal, and got home in 1760. In 1763 he was actively engaged against the Indians as a captain of rangers. He next served as an ensign in the English Provincial army. In 1764 he took service under General John Armstrong, and was a lieutenant in Bouquet's expedition against the savages. In 1765 he was the leader of a band of settlers who burnt the goods of some Indian traders because they had with them powder and lead, which they feared would be sold in the west to the Indians, and be 64 Historical Sketch of Franklin C'nwifi/. used aj^iiinst tlie frontier settlements. A number of the residents in the neijj:hboriu)0(l of Mereersburg and Fort Loudon, who had noth- Ini; to do with tliis buruinj^, were arrested by the British troops and confined at Fort Loudon. Smith and his "boys" rallied to the rescue, and soon took more of tlie sohUers (Higlilandei>s) prisoners than tliere were of tlieir friends confined at tlie fort. An exchange was efiected and Smith's neif^hbors were released. In 17()!> some settlers were arrested and confined in Fort Bedford for their alleged former participation in the destruction of the goods of the Indian traders. Smith raised a company, marched to Bedford, captured the fort and all its ^sarrison, and liberated the men. Some time afterwards he was arrested for this act, and in the struggle his travelling companion was shot and killed. He was charged with the shooting, was arrested and imprisoned at Bedford, and subse- quently taken to Carlisle for trial, the offence having been com- mitted in Cumberland county. A body of six hundred of his old companions and neighbors assembled as soon as they heard of his arrest, marched to Carlisle and demanded his release. Smith refused to be released, made a speech to his friends, and counseled then! to return home, which they did. He remained in prison for four months, was tried before the Supreme Court at Carlisle, in 1769, and acijuitted. Shortly after he was elected and served for three j'ears as a County Commissioner in Bedford county, then removed to Westmoreland county and served there three years in the same office. In 1774 he was captain of a company operating against the Indians. In 1776 he commanded a company of rangers in New Jersey, and with thirty-six men defeated a detachment of two hun- dred Hessians, taking a number of prisoners. In 1776 he was elected a member of the Convention of Pennsylvania from Westmoreland county. In 1777 was elected a member of the Assembly from that county, and re-elected as long as he desired to serve. In 1777 Gen- eral Washington off't^red him a commission as major, l>ut not liking the colonel of the battalion, he declined it. Whilst serving in the Assembly he applied for and got leave of absence to raise a battalion of rifle rangers to serve against the British in New Jersey. Jiimes M'Cammont, of this county, was the major under him, and when, afterwards. Colonel Smith was taken sick, took the command of his troops and did good service. In 1778 he was commissioned a colonel, and served against the western Indians. In the expedition against the F'rench Creek Indians he commanded a battalion of four hun- dred riflemen, and did good service. In the year 1788 he removed to Bourbon county, Kentucky, where he served in the State Conven- tion and in the Legislature continuously till 1799, and died about the beginning of the present century. Major General James Potter was another of these ancient wor- thies. He was a son of John Potter, the first SherifTof Cumberland Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 65 county. In 1758 he was a lieutenant in Colonel Armstrong's bat- talion from this and Cumberland counties. On the 26th of July, 1764, he appears in command of the company of settlers who were pursuing the Indians who murdered the schoolmaster and children at Guitner's school house, a few miles south-west of Marion. He subsequently removed to what is now Centre county, where he pur- chased a large body of land, and built a stockade fort, widely known in those days as "Potter's Fort." He was appointed a brigadier general April 5th, 1777, and a major general May 23d, 1782. He was Vice President of the State in 1781, and a member of the Coun- cil of Censors in 1784, and on one occasion came within one vote of being made President of the State. In the year 1789, having received an injury, he came to his daughter's, Mrs. Poe, near Marion, to have the advantage of the advice and attendance of Dr. John M'Lellan, of Greencastle. He died there in the fall of that year, and was buried in the Brown's Mill grave-yard. No monumental stone marks the place of his repose. Major James M'Calmont (or M'Cammont, as he wrote his name) was another of the celebrated men of this region of our State in the last century. He was born in Letterkenny township, in this coun- ty, near where the town of Strasburg now stands, in the year 1739. He grew up surrounded by all the dangers and excitements of a frontier life. With the hills and dales of his native district, and all the wild recesses of its neighboring mountains, he was perfectly familiar. His soul delighted in the free air of the woods. He was skilled in the use of the rifle, and fear was an emotion unknown to his nature. His swiftness of foot was most extraordinary, and obtained for him the cognomen of "Supple M'Cammont." He was generally selected as the leader of the parties called into service to pursue the savages whenever they made an incursion into the neighborhood of his place of residence; and so successful was he in tracing the route of their retreat, or discovering their haunts ; and so summary was the vengeance inflicted upon tliem through his efforts, that he soon became quite celebrated as an Indian scout, and was acknowledged by the savages as a daring and formidable foe. He was an ardent patriot, and when the revolution broke out hast- ened to enter the service of his country. When the British occu- pied Philadelphia he had command of a troop of rangers, whose business it was to preveut the Tories of the interior furnishing pro- visions to their friends in the city. Whilst on duty one time in New Jersey, he captured a number of Hessians, whom he induced to locate near Strasburg, and whose descendants are there yet. He served as major of the sixth battalion of the Cumberland county troops in the revolutionary army, under command of Col. Samuel Culbertson of this county, and also as major of a battalion of rifle rangers, under Colonel James Smith, and was known as a brave 9 GG Historical Sketch of Franklin County aiul accomplished solilier. He was one of the trusti;es appointed by the Legislature to build a court house and jail for our county. He was a member of the House of Representatives from tin-* county for the years 1784-'8.5, 1785-'SG, 1786-'87, and 1787-'88; and in 1789 was appointed one of tlie Judj^es of our courts, and reappointed fourth Associate Judf^e, under tlie constitution of 1790, on the 17th of August, 1791, which position he held until his death, on the 19th of July, 1809. He was then seventy-two years of age, and lies buried at the Rocky Spring church. Another of our ancient wortliios, whose daring adventures have been pored over by every school boy in the land, was Captain Samuel Brady, the celebrated Indian scout. He was born at Ship- pensburg in 1756 or 1758. Though not a native of our county, yet on our soil many of his earlier days were spent in roaming our hills and dales. "He knew each jiatliway through the wood. Each dell unwarmed by sunshine's gleam ; Where the brown plieasant led her brood. Or wild deer came to drink the stream." The first drum-tap of the revolution called him to arms, and he commenced his services at Boston, and w^as in most of the principal engagements of the war. At the battle of Princeton he served under Colonel Hand, and at the massacre of Paoli he barely escaped cap- ture. After the battle of Monmouth he was promoted to a captain- cy and ordered to Fort Pitt to join General Broadhead, with whom he became a great favorite, and by whom he was almost constantly em[»loyed in scouting. The murder of his father and brother in 1778-'79, by the Indians, turned the current of his hatred against the treacherous red man, and it never died out. A more implacable foe never lived. Day and night, year in and year out, he lived only to kill the Indians. Being well skilled in all the mysteries of wood- craft, he followed the trail of his enemies with all the tenacity, fierceness and silence of a sleuth hound. Most of his exploits took place in Ohio, north-western Pennsylvania, and western New York. He was a dread terror to the Indians, and a tower of strength to the whites. He commanded the advance guard of General Broadhead's troops in the expedition against the Indians of the upper Allegheny in the year 1780, and he and his rangers aided greatly in defeating the savages under Bald Eagle and Corn Planter, at the place now known as Brady's Bend. Of his famous "leap" of more than twenty-five feet across the Cuyahoga river, and his other numerous and daring adventures and hair-breadth escapes, I will not speak. The books are full of them. He died at West Liberty, West Vir- ginia, about the year 1800. Colonel Joseph Armstrong was an early settler in Hamilton town- ship, in this county. In 1755 he organized a company of rangers for Historical Sketch of P)-anklin County. 67 the protection of the frontier against the incursions of the Indians. The names of his subordinate officers are now unl^uown, but the following is the roll of the men who composed his company. PRIVATES. John Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, James Barnet, John Barnet, Joshua Barnet, Thomas Barnet, Sr., Thomas Barnet, Jr., Samuel Brown, Samuel Brown, John Boyd, Alexander Caldwell, Robert Ciildwell, James Dinney, William Dinney, Robert Dixson, *William Dixson, James Eaton, John Eaton, Joshua Eaton, *James Elder, George Gallery, Robert Groin, James Guthrie, John Hindman, Abram Irwin, Christopher Irwin, John Irwin, John Jones, James M'Caraant, Sr., James M'Camant, Jr., Charles M'Camant, James M'Camish, John M'Camish, William M'Camish, Robert M'Connell, John M'Cord, WilUam M'Cord, Jonathan M'Kearney, John Machan, James Mitchell, John Mitchell, Joshua Mitchell, William Mitchell, Jon. Moore, James Norrice, John Norrice, James Patterson, Joshua Patterson, William Rankin, Jon. Rippey, Barnet Robertson, Francis Scott, James Scott, Patrick Scott, William Scott, David Shields, Matthew Shields, Sr., Matthew Shields, Jr., Robert Shields, Sr., Robert Shields, Jr., Jon. Swan, Joshua Swan, William Swan, Charles Stuart, Daniel Stuart, John Stuart, Devard Williams, Jon. Wilson. He was a member of the Colonial Assembly in 1756-'57 and '58. He commanded a company of militia, (most likely the company of rangers above named) under General Broadhead at the destruction *Wni. Dixson was the grandfather of Col. W. D. Dixon, of St. Thomas town- ship, and James Elder was the grandfather of Col. James G. Elder of Cham- bersburg. 68 lEstorical Sketch of Franklin Count)/. of the Indian town of Kittanning, on tlie Stli of September, 1756. Was paymaster of the Colony in the l)uil(linromoted June 7, 1777, lieutenant colonel of the First Pennsylvania Continental Line. He served until the close of the war and was mustered out of service in 1783 as lieutenant colonel of the Second Pennsylvania. He became custodian of the standard, because Colonel Broadhead did not accompany the regiment South and Colonel Robinson wa.s in actual command when the war closed. Ilarrisburg, April Gfh, 1877. John B. Linn." In the early part of December, 1775, the second Pennsylvania bat- talion was formed. It was first under the command of Colonel John Bull, and subsequently under that of Colonel John Philip DeHaas. In the latter part of the year Congress called for four more battal- ions, which were fully organized in January and February', 1776. They were commanded as follows : The second by Colonel Arthur St. Clair. The third by Colonel John Shee. The fourth by Colonel Anthony Wayne. The fifth by Colonel Robert Magaw. The sixth by Colonel William Irvine. With the regiments of Colonels St. Clair, Shee and Wayne, the people of this valley had no connection. They were raised in other sections of the State. Colonel Magaw's regiment was made up of companies from what is now Cumberland county, and from adjoining counties. There were none from the territory now embraced in our county,' that I have been able to hear of. Colonel Magaw and his M'hole command were captured by the British at Fort Washington, Long Island, on the 16th of November, 1776, and was paroled, but not exchanged until the 2r)th of October, 1780. He died at Carlisle January 7th, 1790. IRstorical Sketch of Franklin County. 77 Colonel William Irvine was born at Fermagh, Ireland, ou the ^ n 8d of November, 1741. He was educated at the University of Dub- ^..^ lin, studied medicine and was a surgeon in the British navy, in 17^,- '^ In 1763 he settled at ^arlisle in the pursuit of his profession. "Tie ^^ ^ ^^ wa^ a delegate from Cumberland county in the Provincial Confer- I •: ence which met at Philadelphia on the 15th of July, 1774, and recom- mended a general congress of the Colon'es. On the 9th of January, 1776, he was appointed colonel of the sixth regiment of Pennsyl- vania troops. On the 8th of June, 1776, he was captured at the bat- tle of "Three Rivers," Canada. On the 3d of August, 1776, he was released on parole, but was not exchanged until the 6th of May, 1778. The sa^me year he was appointed Colonel of the second Penn- sylvania regiment. May 12th, 1779, was appointed a brigadier gen- eral and served under General Wayne during that and the following year. In 1781 he was stationed at Fort Pitt, in command of the north-western frontier. In 1784 he was a member of the Council of Censors. In 1785 he was the agent of the State looking after her publiclands, and recommended the purchase of the "Triangle," thus giving Pennsylvania an outlet upon Lake Erie. In 1786-'88 he was a member of Congress, and of the State Constitutional Convention in 1790. In 1794 Governor Mifflin appointed him and Chief Justice M'Kean, commissioners to reason with the leaders of the whisky insurrection. He also served in Congress from 1793 to 1795; was president of the "Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati," and died at Philadelphia on the 29th of July, 1804. Colonel Irvine's regiment was composed of eight companies, numbering six hundred and seventy-nine officers and men, viz. : Company one, Cai3tain Samuel Hay, Officers and 92 men. two, ' ' Robert Adams 93 three, " Abraham Smith, 99 four, *' William Rippey, 94 five, " Jas. A. Wilson, 86 six, " David Grier, 81 seven, " Moses M'Lean, 65 eight. " Jeremiah Talbott, 69 The regimental organization was as follows, viz : Colonel, Wm. Irvine, commissioned January 9th, 1776. Lieut. Colonel, Thomas Hartley, " " " " Major, James Dunlop, " " " " Adjutant, John Brooks, " " " " Surgeon, Robert Johnston, , " " " " Surgeon's Mate, John M'Dowell, '/ Quartermaster, James Calderwood. " Wm. Nichols. " Robert Hoops. 78 Historical Sketch of Franklin Count}/. But three of theso ennipanics, viz: Abraham Smith's, Wilh'am Rippey's aiKlJtMViiiiah Tallmtt's, are claimed to have been from that section of country now embraced in FrankUn county. Captain Abraliam Smitli, it is said, resided in Lurgan township, Cumberland county, just north of the present boundary line of our county. He owned a considerable tract of Ianook9 in the Commissioners' office. The people of that section of the county point with pride to his mtilitury record, and claim him as having gone out from among them. He and his company were with Colonel Irvine's regiment throughout its varied service in the war of the revolution. Nothing can be determined from the names of the men com|)osing his comjrany, as to where they were from, for an examination of the roll shows that the names upon it are the same as those of residents of other parts of the county than Lurgan township. On the 5th of July, 1777, an Abraham Smith, of Cumberland county, was elected Colonel oi the 8th battalion of the militia of that county, and it is claimed that he was from Lurgan township. How the fact was, I have not been able to determine. That there were two Colonel Abraham Smiths in Cumberland county, is most likely, one the military man, the other the civilian. Former writers have generally, though mistakenly, I think, confounded Abraham Smith of Lurgan^ with Abraham Smith of Antrim, and given to the for- mer the honor and credit of having filled the offices undoubtedly held by the latter. The following are names of the officers and men of Captain Abra- ham Smith's company, in Colonel Irvine's regiment: COMPANY NO. 3, OF IRVINE'S REGIMENT. Captain, Abraham Smith; commissioned January 9th, 1776. First Lieutenant, Robert White; commissioned January 9th, 1776; resigned February 9th, 1776. Second Lieutenant, John Alexander; promoted February 10th, 1776. Second Lieutenant, Andrew Irvine; commissioned Feb. 9th, 1776. Ensign, Samuel Montgomery ; promoted June 1st, 1776. Ensign, Samuel Kennedy ; commissioned June 1st, 1776. SERGEANTS. John Beatty, William Scott, Samuel Hamilton, William Burk. Hugh Foster, CORPORALS. William Burk, Seth Richey, George Standley, William M'Cormick, John Moore, " William Drennon. William Campbell, John Fannou, Drummer. William Cochran, Fifer. JUslorical SJcelch of Franklin County. PRIVATES. 79 David Armor, John Brown, Patrick Brown, John Blakeley, John Brannon, Philip Boyle, Josiah Cochran, Bobert Craighead, Anthony Creevy, William Cochran, James Dunlap, Thomas Drennon, William Downey, Hugh Drennon, Daniel Divinney, Pat. Flemming, William Gwin, Alex. Gordon, Robert Gregg, Thomas Higgins, James HoUiday, Thomas Holmes, John Hendricks, Benj. Ishmail, Robert Jarrett, Thomas Johnson, Samuel Love, George Lucas, Nicholas Little, James Lowrey, Daniel M'Kissoek, John M'Collam, William M'Cormick, Michael M'Garra, Bryan M'Laughlin, John M'Fetridge, Michael M'Mullin, James M'Kissoek, Adam M'Breas, John M'Dowell, Samuel M'Brea, Robert M'llno, Alex. M'Kenny, John M'Kiugham, John Montgomery, Alex. Moor, Robert Miller, Hugh Milligan, Moses Powell, Nath. Points, John Rannell, Seth Richey, Patrick Rogers, John Rannell, Jr., Peter Runey, Alex. Reid, Barthol Roharty, Thomas Smith, Patrick Silvers, Thomas Scott, George Simpson, Robert Swinie, John Stoops. Ad. Sheaver, William Stitt, Peter Sheran, Charles Tipper, John Todd, Mich. White, James White, John Wilson, John Young. Ninety-three oflaeers and men. In November, 1777, this company was under Captain Samuel Montgomery, and numbered but forty-three men— oflQcers and pri- vates—the men being captured, or killed, or incorporated into other companies. I find the names of many of the men in Captain John Alexander's company. 80 Historical Sketch of Franklin Countif. COMPANY 4, CAPTAI>f WILMAM KII'PKY. Captain Rippey resided in Shippensburfr, but the most of the men composinf? liis company were from tlie atijoinin. -Jet- WAYNESBORO STEAM ENl WAYNES f^ yE ^^^ BOfLER WORKS. 'O, PA J^a^e^^/ Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 81 PRIVATES. Jacob Anderson, Robert Barckley, Barnerd Burns. Robert Caskey, Henry Cartwright, Robert Cortney, Jacob Cbristyardinger, Benjamin Cochran, Hugh Call, John Collins, William Dougherty, John Davison, Joseph Divine, Anthony Dawson, Thomas Dycke, James Finerty, Hugh Forsyth, Hugh Ferguson, Thomas Falls, William Gorge, Henry Girden, Thomas Gell, Jacob Glouse, Nathan Hemphill, Robert Haslet, John Hendry, William Henderson, James Hervey, Cumberland Hamilton, Neal Hardon, George Hewitt, Jacob Justice, Robert Irvine, John Johnston, Christopher Kechler, Francis Kain, John Kelly, William Lowry, Daniel Lavery, David Linsey, James Lynch, Josiah M'Call, John M'Michael, James M'Comb, William M' In tire, John Moor, James Mullin, Thomas M'Call, Philip Melon, Alexander M'Nichols, James M'Coy, James M'Con, David M'Clain, John M'Donell, Daniel M'Clain, John M'Gaw, Charles Malone, George M'Ferson, William Nicholson, John Ortman, John O'Neal, Thomas Pratt, Thomas Parsons, Aaron Patterson, Charles Rosbrough, John Rosbrough, John Rogers, Thomas Reed, Robert Robeson, Basil Regan, John Stoner, Henry Scott, Alexander Stephenson, Nath. Stephenson, James Smiley, William Thompson, John Tribele, Jacob Trash, John Van Kirk, William Winn, John Wright, Peter Young. John Madden, Ninety-nine officers and privates. Many of these men, in November, 1777, were incorporated in Captain Alexander Parker's company. 11 82 ITistoricnl Sketch of Franklin Connti/. COMPANY NO. 8, CAPTAIN JKUKMIAir TALROTT. Thif« conipiuiy was recruited in Chambersbur!^ and its vioinity, by Captain Talbott. He was a native of Talbott county, Maryland, and removed to Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, before the com- mencement of the revolutionary struRfjjle, and settled at Chambers- burg. On the 2oth of September, 1777, Captain Talbott was appointed major of the sixth battalion of the Pennsylvania troops, and served in that position until the proclamation of ponce. In March or April, 1777, ISIajor Tall)ott was assif the United States, and in the other positions indicated, viz. : James M'Lene, served in Coni^ress in 177y-'80, was a member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsyl- vania held at Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, on the 2.jth of .Juner 1770 ; was a raentber of the convention that formed the constitution of 1776, for the Slate of Pennsylvania; a member of the Supreme- Executive Council of Pennsylvania, from Cumberland county, from November 9th, 1778. to December 2Sth,1779; was elected to and served in the Council of Censors, from October, 1783, to October, 1784; was elected in October, 1784, a member of the Supreme Exec- utive Council from this county, and served for three years ; and was- also a representative from this county, in the convention of 1789, which formed the State Constitution of 1790; he was also a member of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania from this Cf»unty in the sessions of 1787-'88-1788-'89-1790-'91, and 1793-'94. He died March 13th, 1806, and was buried at the Brown's mill graveyard. John Rea, a native of this county, represented the Franklin and Bedford district in Congress from 1803 to 1811, being the 8th, 9th, loth, and 11th Congresses. He was also in the 13th Congress, in the years 1813 and 1815. He was also the first Coroner of the county, elected in October, 1784, and served in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, for the years 1 785-' 86-1 789-' 90-1 792-' 93-1 796-' 97- l797-'98 and 1800-1801 ; and was in the Senate of Pennsylvania from 1823 to 1824, when he resigned, and James Dunlop was elected in his place. William Maclay, also a native of our county, represented the Franklin, Adams and Cumberland district in Congress for two terms, from 1815 to 1819. He had previously represented this county iu the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, for the years 1808 and 1809. He died in 1825. David Fullerton was elected to Congress from this district in 1819, and took his seat at the opening of the first session of the sixteenth Congress, December 6th, 1819, He I'esigned in the summer of 1820. He afterwards represented this county in the State Senate from 1827 to 1839. Thomas G. M'Culloh succeeded him, and filled out his term in Congress. Mr. M'Culloh also represented our county in the House of Representatives of the State in the sessions of lS31-'32-1832-'33 and 1834-'3o. Historical Skelch of FrcmJclln 'Count ij. 11^ John Findlay, of our county, represented this district in Congress from 1821 to 1S27. James Findlay, his brother, also of our county, was in Congress from the Cincinnati district of Ohio, from 1825 to 1833. Hon. Alexander Thompson, who was a native of this county, represented tlie Bedford district in Congress in 1824-'26, He was subsequently our President Judge from 1827 to 1842. John Thompson, also born in our county, was a member of Con- gress from Ohio from 1825 to 1827, and from 1829 to 1837. Thomas Hartley Crawford, a native of Ciiambersbui*g, wrs in Congress from this district from 1828 to 1832. He also represented the county in the lower branch of the Legislature in 1833-'34. Was Commissioner of Indian Affairs and Judge of the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia for many years. George Chambers, also a native of our town, was a representative of (his district in (Congress from 1832 to 1836. Was a delegate to the convention that framed the constitution of 1888, and a Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania by appointment from Governor Johnston from April 12th to December, 1851. James X. M'Lanahan, was born in Antrim townsiiip, in this coun- ty, in 1809. He served in the Senate of Pennsylvania from this dis- trict in 1842-'43 and '44, and represented the district in Congress from 1848 to 1852. David F. Robinson, also a native of Antrim township, i-epresented our district in Congress for tire years 1854 and 1856. Wilson Reilly, a native of Quiney (formerly Wasliington) town- ship, in this county, represented this district in Congress in the years 1857 and 1858. Hon. John A. Ahl, who a few years since represented the Cum- berland district in Congress, was born at Strasburg, in our county. His father was a physician, resident there many years ago, and engaged in the practice of his profession. Hon. Wm. S. Steuger, our i^resent representative in Congress, was born at Loudon, in this county, on the 13th day of February, A. D. 1840. He was three times elected District Attorney of our county, and held and discharged the duties of the office from 1863 to 1872. Hon. William A. Piper, a member of the present House of Repre- sentatives of the United States from the State of California, was born in Amberson's Valley, Fannett township, in our county, in the year 1825. Hon. Alexander Campbell, a member of the present House of Representatives of the United States, from the State of Illinois, was also born at Concord, Fannett township, in our county, on the 4th of October, 1814. 120 Historical Sketch of Franfdin C'oanfi/. There are no doubt otliers w ho were born in our county wlio from otlier States and Territories held places in the National govern- ment, but I have not had the time nor the opportunity to look \\\> their records. These names have been obtained through a cursory examination of some of the journals of Confi;ress, and from other sources. Besides these, our county h;is furnished Speakers to both branches of our State Legislature in the persons tjf Hon. Thomas Carson, in the Senate, anil Hon. Frederick Smith, and Hon. .John Rowe, in the House. The lutter also held from oth May, 18-')7, to 1st May, 1860, the important and responsible position of Surveyor General of our Commonwealth. Mesisrs. James M'Lene and Abraham Smith, who represented our county in the Supreme Executive Council of the State from 17S4 to 1790, were both natives of the county and residents in Antrim town- ship. The latter, if I am correctly informed, was a brother of Wil- liam Smith, the founder of Mereersburg. He was Lieutenant of Cumberland county (or the years 17S0-'S1 and '82, and I am satisfied that he was a member of the House of Re})resentatives from our county in the sessions of 1784-'85-'85-'86 and '86-'87. He was then, and continued to be until April, 1803, the owner of a tract of near three hundred and fifty acres of land in Antrim township, which in 1803, he sold to Jacob Snively, of that township, when he removed to Mereersburg, where he died. An examination of the assess books of the county from 1780 to 1704 shows also that he was taxed in Antrim township for three hundred and thirty acres of land, and horses andother cattle, all these years, and that he was the only man of his name assessed in the county. He was appointed Lieutenant of Franklin county on the 7th of April, 1785; was elected to and served in the Supreme Executive Council from 1787 to 1790; was a member of the State convention that formed the State constitution of 1790, and rejiresented the Senatorial district, composed of Franklin and Bedford counties, in our State, for the years 1790 to 1794. In his deed to Jacob Snively he is styled Colonel Abraham Smith, a title most i^robably attached to his former posi- tions as Lieutenant of the County, as it is not claimed that he did any military service, and a comparison of his signature to that deed with the signature of Abraham Smith, Lieutenant of Cumberland county in 1781, shows that they were written by one and the same person. From 1790 to 187G, covering a period of eighty-six years, twenty- four persons have represented our county in the State Senate. Of these just one half (12j, viz. : Abraham Smith, Thomas Johnston, James Foe, Archibald Rankin, Robert Smith, John Rhea, James Dunlap, David Fullerton, James X. M'Lanahan, Thomas Carson, George W. Brewer and Calvin M. Duncan were natives of our coun- Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 121 ty : and two others— A. K. M'Clure and Chambers M'Kibben— were residents of the county at the times of their election. It is worthy, also, of a passing notice, that the two gentlemen who have filled the position of Clerk of the House of Representatives of the United States for terms longer than any others, should have been natives of adjoining counties, Franklin and Adams, in our State. Matthew St. Clair Clark was born at Greencastle, in our county, was admitted at our bar in 1811, and practiced the law here for several years ; was elected Clerk of the House of Representatives December 3d, 1822, and served until December 2d, 1833, and was elected again May 31st. 1841, and served until December 6th, 1843, making a total service of twelve years, six months and six days, the longest period the office has ever been held by one person. He was a whole-souled, genial fellow, an intimate associate of Clay, Web- ster, Calhoun, and all the great men who sat in Congress during his period of service, Edward M'Pherson is a native of Adams county, and after serving this district for two terms in Congress, filled the ofliee of Clerk of the House of Representatives for six consecutive Congresses— or from 1863 to 1875— being twelve years. Mr. M'Pherson's was there- fore the longest continuous service ; Mr. Clark's the longest actual service. Why may not we, as Pennsylvanians, and as citizens of Franklin county, justly feel proud when we look over this roll of "men of mark," and rightfully claim a portion of the honor that their deeds has reflected upon their country ? OUR " LOST ARTS." In the earlier years of our county's existence there were quite a number of trades and occupations carried on in various parts of the county that have long since been wholly abandoned, or are now very feebly continued. This result is owing mainly to the improve- ments made in the last one hundred years in machinery, whereby the great majority of the articles that were formerly made by hand are now turned out with the aid of machinery much more rapidly, more perfect, and greatly cheaper than they could be made at the present day in the old way. In the year 1787 a man named Mulholland commenced the manufacture of potash at Strasburg, which he continued till his death, in 1S08. In the year 1789 Patrick Campbell and Morrow engaged in the same business at Chambersburg, and continued it until 1797, when the firm was changed to Patrick & Terance Campbell. They had their manufactory in the stone house near the west end of the Wolfstown bridge. 16 122 Jlistoricaf Sketch of Franklin Couniij. From about ISOO or ISOo to 1S25, Williuiu Druek.s and Anthony Van Pool mnnufactured iron shovels and pans, in Greencastle, did a large business, and made considerable money. The manufacture of mill-stones was established in Chambershurg about the year 1792, by James Falkner, Jr., and was extensively conducted for many years. The stones were brouf::ht here in the rough, upon wagons, were then shMped up and put together, and larjje numbers sold in the county, and to other points further west, to those having neetl for them. In 182(» George Walker and George lloupe carried on a " burr mill-stone manufactory' " on the Baltimore turnpike, about two miles east of Chambersburg. Andrew Cleary also manufactured mill-stones in Chambersburg as late as 1829, he being the last person who carried on the business in the county. His shop was on West Market street None of these avocations are now carried on in our county that I know of. In the latter part of the last century and in the earlier years of this century there were quite a number of oil mills in various sec- tions of the county, where oil was regularly manufactured from flax seed, much of which wasannuallj' raised by the farming community. There may yet be some places in the countj' where this business is carried on, but I do not know their locality if such there be. Flax niills were also quite numerous in those early days, where the hemii raised by the farmers was broken and preimred for use. For one oil or hemp mill that can now be found grinding or pound- ing away, there were ten then. In the last century there were few, if any, cut nails used. Almost all nails were then made by hand, upon the anvil, out of the iron bar. Every blacksmith did more or less of such work, and was looked to by his neighbors to suj^ply them with ail the nails they needed for fencing, shingling, house building, &c. Early in the cen- tury Hugh and Michael Green field established a large nail factory at Chambersburg, where thej' made all kinds of nails by hand. Their shop stood on the lot on which the Foundry of T. B. Wood & Co. now stands. In the year 1S19 the^' declined the business, and handed over the shop to John 11. Greenfield & Co., who continued it until about 1820. From 1808 to 1810 or 1812, there was a nail factory carried on by the County Commissioners in the Jail, the prisoners being the work- men. Large sums of money were annually paid to Col. Samuel Hughes, bj' the county, for ii-on to be manufactured into nails in the county nail shops. In the year 1814 Messrs. Brown & Watson established their "Con- ococheague Rolling Mill and Nail Factory." They made rolled iron, cut nails, brads, sprigs, &c., and were, I think, the first manu- facturers of cut nails in our county. Historical Sketch of FranJdin County. 123 In the year 1821 Christian Etter commenced ihe manufacture of cut nails in Chambersburg. His manufactory was located "on the north side of the Falling Spring, opposite the English Presbyterian church. Thomas Johns commenced the manufacture of augers of all sizes at Chambersburg, at a very early day. They were made by hand, out of flat bars of iron, were twisted in the common vise, the edges filed down and burnished upon a large emery wheel, and the inner surface of the twist Avas painted black. It required considerable skill and experience to make a perfect article. William Ferry also subsequently followed the same business ex- tensively for many years He had his manufactory at his dwelling on West Market street. Philip Sholl, at a very early period, carried on at Chambersburg, the manufacture of cards for fulling mills, and for all other purposes. George Faber, also, at a later period, followed the same business quite extensively. For man^? years he had his "card factory" on the lot where the Gillan property now stands, on West Market street, opposite Miller's Hotel. Mr. Faber gave employment to many females at "setting" or sticking cards. That work was then all done by hand, and it is said that many even of the better class of our females did not disdain to take work from Mr. Faber, and thus earn an honest jjenny. In after years he invented an ingenious ixiachine for sticking his cards, and did away with female labor. He removed to Pittsburg about the year 1824. Glove making was also carried on at this point for many years by a man named Rians, and others. About tlie year 1794, Anthony Snider commenced the manufac- ture of scythes and sickles where the upper brewery of David Wash- abaugh formerly stood, on West King street. John and Thomas Johns, about the year 1812, commenced the manufacture of sickles and scythes in Chambersburg, and carried on the business largely and successfully for a long time, down to near 1820. Their factory was in "Kerrstown," on South Main street, on the lot south of Heart's pottery. In the year 1820 a man named Jacob Smith commenced the man- ufacture of tacks of all sizes at Chambersburg. Each tack was made by hand, as no machinery for their manufacture had then been in- vented, or if invented had not been introduced here. The manufacture of hats, which were then all made of wool and furs of various fineness, was early commenced at various points in our county. John M'Clintock carried on in Waynesboro in 1810; John Rowe, Jacob Krepps and John Weitzel about the same time at Greencastle; John M'Murdy and Thomas Carson at Mercersburg; and Jacob Deckert and others at Chambersburg. In the year 1815, Mr. M'Clintock removed from Waynesboro to Chambersburg, and 124 Historical Sketch of Fran/din Counttj. for many years these gentlemen and others at other j)()ints in the county carried on the trade quite extensively. Now there is not a wool or fur hat made in the county. The seething "k(>ttle" no longer sends up its steam clouds towards Heaven, its "planks" are riven and dry, the twanii: of the "bow" no longer is heard o'er the "hurl," and the song of the jolly "jour" at the midnight hour disturl)s not the repose of ttie guardians of the night. For thirty years past, since the introduction of silk and machinery, the shiny "stove pipe" has supplanted the easy wool and felt of our fathers' time, and the business has been wholly abandoned, except here and there, where large factories exist. Copper-smithing, too, is a calling almost wholly abandunod in our county. In former years it was laigely and profitably carried on here by Jacob Heyser and others. INIr. Heyser came liere from Ha- gerstown in the spring of 1794; at the same time William Baily, Jr., was carrying on the business in the shop occupied by his father for a number of years previously. Now copper stills and kettles and other articles are kept for sale by all our tinners and stove dealers, but they are generally obtained from abroad, from those who make them with the aid of the latest and most approved machinery. Wagon making and Mhip making were, for many years, carried on most extensively at Loudon, in our county, after the completion of the turnpike to Pittsburg, and the fame of Loudon's manufac- tures had spread far and wide over both the east and the west. Now there is not one wagon or one whip made at Loudon, where fifty years ago there were one hundred made. The old fiimily "spinning wheel," and the "domestic loom," by the aid of which our ancestors, one hundred years ago, were used to manufacture their yarn and thread, and weave the "linsey wool- sey" worn by their wives and daughters, and the corn-colored cloth worn by themselves, are now almost forgotten. They are "centen- nial curiosities'' in the present day, and few of our young i)eople know even what these machines look like, and fewer know how to use them. OUR TOWNSHIPS. I have Ijeen very desirous of ascertaining, if possible, when the various townships in our county were organized and out of what territory they were severally created. The territory now embraced in Franklin county was first in Chester county until Maj' 10th, 1729, when Lancaster county was fo:med; then in I>ancaster county until January 29th, 1750, when Cumberland county was tbrmed ; and then in Cumberland county until September 9th, 1784, when the act creating our county was passed. The first authenticated action I have been able to find, looking to the bringing of this valley under the operation of the laws of the Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 125 State, was the order of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster county, made at November sessions, 173o# as before stated, dividing the valley into tivo townships — the easternmost to be called Penns- borough and the western Hopewell. This was done before the ex- tinguishment of the Indian title to the land, which was effected b.y the treaty with the Five Nations, at Philadelphia, October 11th, 1736. The government and the Indians had been upon good terms for years before, and both parties encouraged settlers to come hither, the agents of the Proprietaries giving them special licenses to take up lands as early as 1734. The division line between Pennsborough and Hopewell townships, as has already been stated, crossed the valley at the "Big Spring," about where Newville now is, and all the land from Newville to the Maryland line was thereafter in Hopewell township, Lancaster county, until May sessions, 1741, when "upon the application of the inhabitants of th^ township, presented by Richard O'Cain, Esq., the Court of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster county erectetl the town- ship of Antrim by dividing the township of Hopewell by a line substantially the same as that now dividing Franklin and Cumber- land counties, as has been hereinbefore shown. The territory thus formed into the new township of Antrim, was identical with ihat now embraced in our county, with the exception of the Little Cove, or Warren township, and the townships of Fannett and Metal. I have personally examined the records of Cumberland county with great care, and I have had the records of Lancaster county examined in like manner, by a gentleman of the Bar resident there ; but we have been unable to obtain any satisfactory information as to the time when, or the territory owi! of wA^■eA the townships of Lur- gan, Peters, Guilford and Hamilton were formed. I incline to the belief that Lurgan was created by order of the Court of Lancaster county, but no record thereof can be found. And if the other three townships were created by the action of the courts of Cumberland county, they must have been organized immediately after that county was erected, though no record of their formation has as yet been found. I therefore give but the earliest dates at which I have been able to find mention of them. ANTRIM— 1741. Antrim township was undoubtedly named after the county of Antrim, Ireland, from whence many of the early settlers of this valley came. Out of its original territory all our townships, except Warren, Metal and Fannett, have been made, and still it is the larg- est and wealthiest township in the county. In the year 1734 Joseph Crunkleton obtained his license, and in the year 1735 he, Jacob Snively, James Johnston and James Roddy made settlements. 12(5 JliHforical Sketch of Frdiiklia Connti/. Mr. C'runkU'ton settled upon the laiula now ovvnul by Bonjirnuti Snively Hnd David Eshleivan, about two mileseast of where Greon- eastlo now stands. Mr. Snively upon the farm so lon>jr the residence of Andrew Snively, dtrc'd. Mr. Johnston on the lands now owned by Christian Stover and Henry VVhitniore, and Mr. Roddy oji the farm now owned by Andrew U. M'Lanahan, Esij., situali-d u\nn\ the Conoeochert«;ue creek. They were among tlie first, if not the very tirst settlers in tlie townshij), and had many Indians lor their neighbors when they first located. The settlement early took the name of " The Conocoeheague Set- tlement," and being fed from the older counties and the Old World, was of rapi(i growth. A Presbyterian church was organized as early as 1737 or 1738, under the name of " Tlie East Conocoeheague Pres- byterian Church." Their first church editice, known as the "lied Church," was erected at "Moss Sjjring," three-fourths of a mile east of Greencastle, and there they worshij»ped until the erectioi) of the present cliurch in Greencaslle, in the year 1830. In the year 1772, or ten years before Greencastle was laid out, John Crunk leton laid out a town on the road leading from the Conoco- eheague Settlement (now Greencastle) towards where Waynesboro now is, about two miles east of Greencastle, and named the town Crunkleton. Lots were sold subject to an annual quit rent ; three houses were built, one of which was kept as a tavern by George Clark, and in another a store was kept by John Lawrence. James Clark, one of the former Canal Commissioners of our State, passed his youth there. The town never got bej^ond its three houses; two of these have been removed, the street and the town plot merged into the farm of Benjamin Snively, Esq. Its very name is almost for- gotten, and strangers pass over its site without seeing any evidences that there a town once existed. LURGAN — 1743. I cannot tell certainly from what this townshi]^ took its name. Most likely it was called after the town of Lurgan, in the county of Armagh, province of Ulster, Ireland, eighteen miles south-west of the city of Belfast, the birth-place of James Logan, the secretary of William Penn, and President of the Supreme Executive Council in 1736-'38. It originally extended across the eastern end of our county, from the top of the South mountain to the to2> of the Kittatinny mountain, and embraced all the territory now within the townships of Lurgan, Letterkenny, Green nnd Southampton. The earliest date at which I could find mention of it among the records of Cum- berland county is in 1751, but an original deed for certain lands in Green township has been shown me, dated December 1, 1753, in CHAMBERSBURQ. PA . Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 127 which it is set forth that the warrant for the land therein mentioned had been issued in 1743, and that it was then in Lurgan township, Lancaster county. Whetlier it ever extended eastward further than the present boundary of Cumberland county, I cannot say. Being the most eastern portion of our county, it was early settled. The original settlers were chiefly Scotch-Irish, though some Germans were also found in the township at a very early period. The "Mid- dle Spring Presbyterian Church" was organized about the year 1740. Their church edifice stands but a short distance east of the county line in Cumberland count3^ A Scotch-Irishman of the name of Thomas Pomeroy was one of the earliest settlere in this township. One of his early ancestors was a French Huguenot, and, at the time of the massacre of Saint Bartholomew's day, in. 1572, he was engaged in teaching a classical school in Paris. He escaped from the city on that terrible night, and with some other Huguenots crossed over to Ireland, where he settled. Nearly one hundred and fifty years afterwards Thomas Pomeroy, before mentioned, one of his descendants, left Ireland, the place. of his birth, and removed to Liverpool, England, where he engaged in commercial pursuits. From thence he emigrated to America early in the eighteenth century, and located in Lurgan township, about two miles east of where the town of Roxbury now stands, on a small stream, which rises in the neighboring mountains and is now known asRebuck's run. Pie was the great-great-grand- father of John M. Pomeroy, Esq., of our town. There he raised a large family, and died about the beginning of the revolutionary war. His son Thomas, the great-grandfather of John M., was there born in the year 1733, and settled near the ancestral home, living happily, and prosperously with his increasing family. On the morning of the 21st of July, 1763, Thomas Pomeroy left his home for the purpose of hunting deer. Returning after a short absence he found his wife and two children dead, having been tomahawked and scalped by a small party of lurking savages, who were doubt- less concealed nearby when he went away, A Mrs. Johnson, an inmate of the house, had an arm broken, her skull fractured, and the scalp torn off her head. She was left for dead, but showing signs of life, was removed to Shippensburg, where she received medi- cal aid. The bodies of these victims of fiendish cruelty were buried a short distance from the place of their murder, in a spot of ground on which the barn belonging to the late John A. Rebuck was sub- sequently erected. PETERS— 1751. This township was evidently named after Richard Peters, who figured so conspicuously in Colonial times in this State as the Sec- retary of the Colonial Governors Thomas, Palmer, Hamilton, Mor- 12S IliKforicdl Sketch of FrioikUn Coantif. lis and Denny, from 1743 to 170:2. It appears first in tiio roconls of Cumberland eounty in the year 1751, and was most likely created by the courts of that county after its organization in 1750. It then em- braced all the territory in the present tovvnshij)s of Peters and Montfiomery, and also all that part of the present township of St. Thomas west of Campbell's run. Its earliest settlers were also chiefly Scotch-Irish, as is evidenced by their names, viz. : the Campbells, Wilsons, M'Clellands, M'Dowells, Welshs. Smiths, M'Kinneys, &c., itc, who were found in the township as early as 1730. A Presbyterian church was organized in the year 1738, under the name of "The Upper West Conococheague Church," embrac- ing all the territory now occupied by the congregations of Welsh Run, Loudon and St. Thomas. The church edifice stood about two miles northeast of where the town of Merc^rsburg now stands, and was generally known as the "White Church." "Fort Loudon," so well known in "ye olden time," was in this township, and was built by Colonel John Armstrong in the year 1756. It was one of a chain of forts built by the colonial government after the defeat of General Braddock, to keep the Indians out of this valley. GUILFOKD— 1751. This townsliip also appears on the records of Cumberland county for the first time in the year 1751, and was most likely created by the osi- tory Hall," for public meetings, concerts, &c., and seven of the most convenient and best conducted hotels to be found anywhere in the interior of the State. We have also an immense straw-paper mill, (Heyser's), a largesteam flouring mill, (W'umlerlich & Nead's), the Chambersburg flour mill, and the Ciiambersburg Woolen Mills. We have also the foundry and iron works of T. B. Wood & Co., and the furniture manufactory of Henry Sierer& Co., where everything in their lines of business is made, and we have water works and gas works. Our population is about six thousand eight hundred, and our municipal debt does not exceed ninety-five thousand dollars. The borough of Chambersburg was formed out of parts of the town- ships of Guilford and Hamilton, by an Act of Assembly approved 21st March, 1803, and has been enlarged several times since by the action of the Court of Quarter Sessions. Chahlestown is situate in Peters township, on the turnpike leading from Mercersburg to M'Connellsburg, about three miles from the former place. It has a population of near fifty persons. Cheesetown is situated in Hamilton township, three miles north- west of Chambersburg, on the road leading towards Reefer's store. It was begun by Joseph Bowman about the year 1840, and has a population of near forty persons. Church Hill is a small village in Peters township, on the "Warm Spring" road. It has sprung up recently, and is located upon land formerly the property of the "Old White Church," from which it takes i*^s name. The population numbers about thirty persons, - •' ' Clay Lick (P. O.) is situate in Montgomery township, at the base of Clay Lick mountain, from which it takes its name. It was begun by Jacob Negley about the year 1831. Its poijulation is near one hundred. Concord (P. O.) is situated in Fannett township, in the upper end of Path Valley. It was laid out by James Widney, and the first sale of lots for building purjjoses was made by him in tlie year 1797. It was doubtless called after Concord, Massachusetts, the place where, on the 19th of April, 1775, the British troops under Lieut. Col. Smith, first felt the temper of the continental minute Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 143 men. The town now contains thirty-four dwellings, two churches, two stores, one hotel and one grist mill, and one hundred and seventy-six inhabitauts. Cove Gap is situated in Peters township, at the point where the public road leading out of the Little Cove, or Warren township, in- tersects the turnpike leading from M'Connellsburg to Mercersburg. Its population is about fifty persons. DoYLESBUBG (P. O) is situated in Fannett township, three miles south of Concord, at the mouth of Burns' Valley, on the pub- lic road from Concord to Dry Run. It was laid out by Philip T. Doyle, in the year 1851, and contains a large steam tannery, one store and eleven dwellings, with a population of about seventy per- sons. Dry Run (P. O.) is situated in Path Valley, Fannett township, eight miles north of Fannettsburg. The first house was built by John Holliday, in the year 1833. James Stark built the second one about the year 1836. In 1838 Stephen Skinner laid out the town and called it "Morrowstown," (Morrow, being the maiden name of his wife). By this name it was known for many years. It had been called "Dry Run" before the town was laid out, from the fact that the stream which passes through the town frequently ceased to flow. The older name was preferred to that of Morrowstown, and has now come into general use. The population numbers one hun- dred and eighty persons. Fairview is situated in Southampton township, at the point where the road from Shippensburg to Roxbury crosses the Conodo- guinet creek. It was laid out by the late William G. M'Lellan, Esq., of Strasburg, about twenty-five years ago. Its population numbers ninety persons. Fannettsburg (P. O.) is situated in Metal township, on the old " Tuscarora Path," twelve miles north of Loudon. Settlements were made at this point as early as 1787, but the town was laid out by William M'Intyre, on the 25th July, in the year 1790, and took irs name from the township of Fannett, of which it then formed a part. The lots were sold at the price of four to six pounds, subject to a quit rent of seven shillings and six pence e^^..... A number of these quit rents yet exist. There is one church (Methodist) and a public hall in the town, and two churches, oue Presbyterian and one Reformed, near the town. The j)opulation numbers about three hundred. Fayetteville (P. O.) is situated in Greene township, on the turnpike road leading from Chambersburg to Gettysburg, six miles east of the former place. Settlements were made in this neighbor- hood at a very early day. Edward Crawford owned a very large tract of land — a thousand acres or more — but a short distance south of where the village stands. In the year 1768 a petition was pre- 144 Hiatorical Sketch of Franklin Counfi/. sented to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cunibi-rlantl tM)Uiity, from citizens of Peters, Hamilton and Guilford townships, for a public road leading from James Campbell's, near Loudon, through Chani- bersburg, to the county line in Black's Gap. Edward Crawford, Josiah Cook, George Brown, William M'Brier, William Hoiliday and Nathan M'Dowell were appointed viewers, who reported favor- ably, and ut January term, 1772, the road was granted. Us route was nearly that of the present turnpike. Samuel Beiglital bought the property now known as the " Renfrew Mill " estate from John Penn the elder and John Penn the younger, proprietaries, in the year 1792. Jaeob Burkholder owned the land that Greenwood now stands upon, about the same time. In the year 1810 David Eby built the merchant mill, saw mill and several dwelling houses, and called the place "Milton Mills." In 1824 a school house was built. In 1826 John and Benjamin Darby bouglit the mill property, dwel- ling houses, &c., from the Bank of Chambersburg. Shortly after the Daibys purchased they laid oil' lots fronting the pike aud began to build houses. The "arcade" was built by John Darb}', Jacob Koontz and Miss Whitmore. They then applied for a post ottice, to be called "Milton Mills," but their application was denied, unless they would agree to change the name of the village. A family council was held, lots were cast, and the name of " Fayetteville " selected, in honor of General La Fayette. Findlayville, about a half mile west of Fayetteville, and now in- corporated in it, was laid out by Colonel John Findlay, of Cham- bersburg, ab(Hit the yeur 1830. He sold a number of lots, and some buildings were j^ut up, but the name never took. The places are now united under the one name — Fayetteville. There are live churches in the place — one Lutheran, one Covenanter, one United Brethren, one Winebrennarian and one Presbyterian. There are also two hotels, one town hall, three dry goods stores, one grocery store and two drug stores, and two schools, one of which is graded. The population is about six hundred. FuNKSTowN (P. O. name Mont Alto) is situated in Quincy township, on the road leading from Fayetteville to Quincy, five miles south of the former place. John Funk was the first settler, and built the first house in the town in the year 1817. The town was called after him, though of late years an effort has been made to change the name to Alto Dale, but it does not take with the peo- ple of the neighborhood. There are three churches in the town, viz.: one Reformed, one Methodist and one Brethren in Christ. The population of the village is about three hundred and sixty-five. Germantonvn is a small village in Greene township, situate on the public road leading from Scotland to Fayetteville, about mid- way between the two places. It contains a population of about fifty persons. Historical Sketch of Franklin County, 145 Grrencastle (P. O.) is situated in Antrim township, at the in- tersection of the Cumberland Valley railroad and the Waync^sburg, Greencastle and Mercersburg turnpike road. The land on which the town stands was taken up on a warrant issued to Samuel Smith, September 7th, 1750. He conveyed to John Smith, 4th November, 1761. John Smith conveyed to John Davison, 6th November, 1762, and he sold to William Allison, 2oth April, 1763. A patent was issued to William Allison, 26th July, 1766. and by his deed, dated 3d May, 1769, he conveyed the tract (three hundred acres) to his son. Colonel John Allison, who laid out the town in 1782. He named it "Green-Castle," some think in honor of Major General Nathaniel Greene, of revolutionary fame; but it is more likely that it was called after Green-Castle, a large fishing station, where there is a fort and harbor, in the county of Donegal, Province of Ulster, Ireland. Colonel Allison divided his town plot into two hundred and flfty- six lots, of equal size, and numbered them from one to two hundred and fifty-six, inclusive, and put the price of each lot at three pounds, or eight dollars. He then made a lottery, and every j^erson who purchased a ticket was entitled to a lot somewhere in the new town, and the drawing or lottery was held to determine what lots the ticket-holders should get. There were no blanks. Every ticket was bound to draw a lot; the only chance or uncertainty being whether it should be located on the public square or on a back street. Whatever number a ticket-holder drew he got the lot bearing the satne number on the i:)lot of the town, and received a deed therefor from Colonel Allison, subject to an annual quit rent of ten shillings specie. There are six churches in the town, viz.: one Presbyterian, organized in 1737 or 1738, one Reformed, one Lutheran, one United Brethren, one Methodist Episcopal and one African Methodist. The edifices of the first three churches named are of the most com- modious and tasteful character, whilst the others named are suffi- cient for all their wants There is also a fine town hall in the place, for the holding of lectures, concerts, &c. The town was made a borough by an Act of Assembly passed March 2oth, 1805, and has now a ipopulation of seventeen hundred. Greenvillage (P. O.) is situated in Greene township, on the Harrisburg turnpike, five miles from Chambersburg. It was laid out by Samuel Nicholson in 1793. He purchased of Reuben Gilles- pie forty-five acres of land at fifty dollars per acre, " at the intersec- tion of the Chambersburg and Strasburg roads." This land, and others around, was located as early as 1748. Jonathan Hirst built the first house where the town now stands, on the north-east corner of the intersection of the present turnpike and the Scotland road. It stood until the year 1844. The " village " takes its name from the 14(1 Hisforical Sketch of Franklin Connfi/. towiisliip, whirh was called after General Nuthuiiicl Greene, of the revolutionary army. There is one hotel, two churches and two stores in tiie place, and the ])0})ulatlon nuinl)ers three hundred persons. Ghki:xwooi)(P. O., Black's Gap) is situated in GreiMie township, on the Chanihersburfi: and Getlyshurjj: turn|)ike, ei^ht miles east of Chatnhorsburjr, at the entrance of Black's Gap, in the South moun- tain. Settlenif-nts were made in the neighborhood at a very early day. The Blaek's Gap road was laid out in 17o0, and was made by Robert Black, the great-grandfather of Robert Black, Esq., of Green- wood. Conrad Brown made the first improvement at this point about the year 1S14. Jacksox Hai.l (P. O.) is situated in Guilford township, on the road leading from Chambersburg to Mount Hope and Waynesboro, five miles distant from the former place. It was commenced by Jacob Snj'der, in the year 1S12. It is called after President Jackson, and contains one store and about twenty-eight inhabitants. Lennhrrville is situated on the Warm Spring road, in Hamil- ton township, just south of Cashto^vn, of which it may be consid- ered as a part. It was started by and named after Henry Lennher, who resides and keeps a store there. Loudon iP. O.) is situated on the Chambersburg and Bedford turnpike, in Peters township, near the base of the Cove mountain, fourteen miles west of Chambersburg. It is a very old place, and was the scene of manj^ a stirring incident in old Colonial times. It is mentioned in history as "Loudon town," as early as 1756. In that year. " Fort Loudon " was built by the Colonial government, for the protection of the frontier settlers against the incursions of the Indians. It stuod about a mile south-east of the pres-nt town, and was frequently garrisoned by British and Provincial troops. Before the making of wagon roads over the mountains it was a great point of dei)arture for pack-horse trains for Bedford, Fort Cumberland and Pittsburg. The present town was laid out by Johnston Elliott, in the year 1804. For half a century, and particularly from the completion of the Pittsburg turnpike, in the year 1819, it was a great place for the manufacture of wagons, wagon gears and whips; but after the opening of the Pennsylvania railroad to the Ohio its business rapidly fell away. It now has one hotel, two graded schools and three chuiches, and a population of three hundred and fifty. The Southern Pennsylvania railroad passes by the town, and aftbrds the citizens much greater facilities for all purposes than they formerly had. Mainsville (formerly Smoketown) is situated in Southampton township, on the road leading from Shippensburg to the old South- ampton iron works, and about two miles south of the former town. It was laid out by Wm. Mains, Esq., about ten years ago, and con- Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 147 tains a church, store and blacksmith shop, and a population of about forty persons. Marion (P. O.J is situated in Guilford township, on the great road from Chambersburg to Greencastle, sis miles south of the former place. Settlements were made in the neighboi'hood as early as 1748, and a tavern was kept near the south end of the town long years ago. The village was commenced about the year 1810. It was first called Independence ; but when a jaost office was estab- lished there, it was called Marion, no doubt after General Francis Marion, the "Swamp Fox of the Carolinas," so dreaded by the British and Tories of the Sovith in revolutionary days. The first store opened in the place was in the year 1822, by Major Cook. The present population is one hundred and twenty-three. Marion Station is situated in Guilford township, on the Cum- berland Valley railroad, six miles south of Chambersburg, and about half a mile east of the town of Marion. A new village is springing up there. A warehouse now owned and conducted by Diehl & Co., was built there in the year 1862, since which seven or eight new and ele- gant dwellings have been put up, a German Reformed church is also being built, and Andrew A. Statler is building a large dwelling and store near the station, on land purchased from Jacob Myers, at the rate of $900 per acre. A sale of lots has also recently been had, and a number of dwelling houses are now under contract. It is a very desirable point for a private residence. Mason and Dixon (P. O.) is situated on the Cumberland Valley raih'oad, in Antrim township, immediately at the State line, where the public road from Middleburg to Welsh Run crosses the railroad. There are a warehouse, a store and several dwellings at this point. Population about thirty persons. Merceksburg (P. O.) is situated on the Waynesburg, Greencastle and Mercersburg turnpike, at the northern line of Montgomery township. Much the larger part of the town is in Montgomery township, and a small part of it is in Peters township. It is a very old settlement. Locations were made in the neighborhood as early as 1730, and it is stated that a man named James Black, built a mill at or near where the town now stands, about the year 1730. His improvement was at first called "Black's town." The settlers around were nearly all Scotch-Irish, and by the year 1738 a Presby- terian church was organized under the name of "The West Conoco- cheague Church." Subsequently William Smith bought out Mr. Black ; the date of that purchase I have not been able to ascer- tain, but it was as early as 1750. The property subsequently passed into the hands of William Smith, Jr., a son of William Smith, by inheritance from his father, and was known during the troublesome times from 1750 to 1764 as "Squire Smith's town," the proprietor, William Smith, then being one of the Justices of the Peace for Cum- 14S ]IititoriccU Sketch of Fran Id in Counfi/. berlaiui county. An extensive trade was carried on with the Indians and first settlers on the western frontiers from this point during those years. It was nothing uncommon to see from fifty to one hundred pacli horses there at one time, loaded with merchandise, salt, iron, and other commodities rea(Jy to be transported over the mountains to the ISIonongaliela country. As is usual in frontier set- tlements, there were many unruly sj>irits to be found about the l^lace, and on more than one occasion they became participants in riotous anil illegal proceedinirs that led to trouble with the Colonial authorities, and with the British troops stationed at Fort Loudon. The town was laid out in 1780 by William Smith, Jr., the lots being subject to an annual quit rent of ten shillings. He called it Mercersburg, in honor of General Hugh Mercer, of the revolutionary arm}', who fell mortally wounded at the battle of Princeton, Janu- ary 3, 1777, and died a few days afterwards. General Mercer was an eminent i)hysician, and resided for a number of years in the neighborhood of Davis' Fort, south of Mercersburg, near the jSIary- land line, where he practiced his profession. Having enjoyed some military training and experience in Europe, and having a taste for military life, he was early in 1756 appointed a captain in the Provincial service, in which he continued for some years, rising to the rank of colonel. On the 13th of July, 1757, he was appointed and commissioned by the Supreme Elxecutive Council, one of the Justices of the Peace for Cumberland county. He was inti- mately acquainted with General Washington, who had a high re- gard for him, and upon the breaking out of the revolutionary war. Congress, in 1776, upon the recommendation of General Washington, who had served with him in Forbes' campaign in 1758, appointed Dr. Mercer a brigadier in the army of the United States. Whilst the army was encamiied near New Brunswick, New .Jersey, General Mercer had shown great kindness to the father of Mr. Smith, or to Mr. William Smith himself, it is not known which, but in remem- brance of that kindness, Mr. Smith named his new town Mercers- burg. The town now contains seven churches, viz. : one Presbyterian, one United Presbyterian, (formerly Associated Presbyterian), one Reformed, one Lutheran, one Methodist Episcojml, one United Brethren and one Bethel. Mercersburg College, under the care of the Reformed church, is located there, the President of which is Rev. E. E. Higbee, D. D. There is also a Female Seminary there, under the care of Rev. Jacob Hassler. "The Farmers' Bank of Mercersburg" was established in 1874, Mr. George Steiger is its President, and William M. Marshall, Esq., its Cashier. Fairview Cemetery was laid out in 1866. The population of the town at the present time is about twelve hundred. MiDDLEBURG (P. O., STATE Line) is situated in Antrim township, Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 149 immediately at the Maryland State line, on the great road leading from Greencastle to Hagerstown, Maryland. It was laid out by Jacob Strickler, about the year 1812, and takes its name from the fact of its location midway between the towns named. The town is regularly laid out, and at present has two churches, one Reformed and one United Brethren, two stores and a town hall in it. The population is about two hundred. The town was originally called " Spiglersburg." A man named Jack Wolgamot, built the first house in the place. He was a reckless, rollicking fellow, and often had the constables after him, with a warrant for his arrest for the non payment of his debts, contracted in Maryland and in Pennsylvania. For the purpose of escaping the oflfl- cers of the law, he built his house, which is still standing, across the State line, as he thought, one-half in Maryland, and the other half in Pennsylvania, so that when an officer came, all he had to do to put him at defiance was to slip across the line into the other State, take his seat and laugh at the baffled officer. He, however, made a mistake as to the true location of the State line, and built all of the house in the State of Maryland, except the chimney, which is in Pennsylvania. But as this error was not discovered for many years after the house was put up, his ruse served his purjDoses on many an occasion, when he did not wish to have the company of those officers who had warrants against him. Mont Alto (P. O). See Funkstown. Mount Hope (P. O. name Five Forks) is a small village situated in Quincy township, on the road from Chambersburg to Waynes- boro, four miles north-west of the latter place. There is a store, grist mill, and a blacksmith shop, and a population of about eighty persons in the place. MowEKSViLLE (P. O.) is a small village in Lurgan township, about three and a half miles east of Roxbury. It was started by Jo- seph Mowers, Esq., fifteen or more years ago, and contains a store, blacksmith shop, carriage manufactory, &c., with a jDopulation of about forty persons. New Franklin is situated in Guilford township, on the road leading from Chambersburg to Waynesboro, four miles south-east of the former place. It was commenced by Balthazar Kountz, in 1795, and John Himes, Sr., built the next house in 1827, It now contains one store and seventy-seven inhabitants. New Guilford is situated in Guilford township, three miles east of New Franklin. It contains a population of about sixty persons. Orrstown (P. O.) is situated in Southampton township, on the old State road frona Shippensburg to Strasburg, five miles west of the former place. Settlements were made in that neighborhood as early as the year 1738, and for many years prior to the completion of the Pennsylvania railroad, down to within a very few years past, a very I')0 Historical Sketch of Franklin Connttj. hiriic luiinber of liorses and cattle were amuially i)ass»Ml alorin the State roail from the jjcreat west to the markets of the east. The town, which is one of the most beautiful in tlie county, was laid out in 1833, by John and William Orr. They called it at first South- ampton, after the township; but in 1835, when api)Iication was made for a post office to be called Southampton, the Post Office Depart- ment refused the grant for the reasmi that there was already an office of that name. Hon. Cieorge Chambers, who was then in Con- gress, named theoffice ^^Orrstown," and the name has sinceattached to the town. It was incorporated as a borough in the year 1847, and Ui>w contains one hotel, two stores, one carriage factory, and four churches, viz. : one Lutheran, one Presbj'terian, one United Breth- ren, and one Winebrennarian. The population is three hundred and twenty-five. PiKF.svii^LE. See Rouzersville. PLiKas.-vnt HalIj is situated in Letterkenny township, on the old State road, about two and a half miles east of Strasburg. It was laid out by Joseph Burkhart about the year 1840. It contains one store, one wagon-maker's shop and a blacksmith shop, and several dwellings. The population is about thirty persons. QuiNCY (P. O.) is situated in Quincy township, about four miles directly north of Waynesboro, on the road leading to Fayetteville. Mauy of the earlier settlers in this section of our county were Ger- mans, as is shown by their family names. As it had been the jjolicy and practice of the agents of the proprietaries, in the early years of the past century, to send the German emigrants into York county, (which then included what is now Adams county), it is very likely that many of those Germans came over the mountains from York county, and settled down in the eastern part of our count3'', instead of coming up through Lancaster county by way of Harris' Ferry, (now Harrisburg), as all the other early settlers of the Cumberland Va'ley did. They made settlements in what is now Quincy township as early as 1737, and many of their descendants are to be found there yet, Richmond (P. O., "Richmond Furnace") is situated in Metal township, at the termination of the Southern Pennsylvania Rail- road and Iron Company's railway, four miles north of Loudon. The locality was formerly better known as "Mount Pleasant Fur- nace," the oldest furnace in the county. The furnace has been re- built by the present owners, and it and the village is now called "Richmond," after Richmond L. Jones, who was president of the company at the time their railroad was built. There is a large warehouse, a store, a number of dwellings, and a population of about sixty persons in the place. Rouzersville (P. O.) or Pikes ville is a small village in "Wash- ington township, on the turni^ike leading from Waynesboro to Em- Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 151 mittsburg, Maryland, three miles east of Waynesboro. It contains a church anrl store, and a population of about thirty persons. RoxBURY (P. O.) is situated in Lurgan township, upon the banks of the Conodoguinet creek, at the base of the Kitatinny mountains. It was commenced by William Leephar, about the year 1778. He built a grist mill about the year 1783. "Sound-well Forge" was built at Roxbury by Leephar, Crotzer & Co., in 1798, and " Roxbury Furnace" by Samuel Cole, in the year 1815. The Hughes' ran these works at one time, and the last persons who carried them on were Messrs. Fleming & Sheffler, in 1857. In the old "pack horse " times there was a considerable amount of business done at Roxbury. For many years past, however, the town has not improved much. There are two churches in the place — the " Union church," built in 1815, and the "Methodist Protestant," built in 1873. Population about two hundred. St. Thomas (P. O.) is situated In St. Thomas township, on the Chamhersburg and Bedford- turnpike, eight miles west of Chan*- bersburg. Settlements were made in the neighborhood of where the town stands as early as 1737. Thomas Campbell laid out the town about the year 1790, and for many years afterwards it was known by the name of "Campbellstown." It is only, however, with- in the past thirty or thirty-five years that tlie toion began to be gen- erally called " St. Thomas." Within the recollection of the writer it was frequently called by itsold name — " Campbellstown." There are two hotels, three stores and two groceries in the town. There are also four church edifices, occupied by five denominations, viz. : one Reformed, one Methodist:, one Brethren, and one used by the Pres- byterians and Lutherans jointly. The population numbers about four hundred. Scotland fP- 0-) is situated on the Conoeocheague creek, in Greene township, about five miles north-east of Chamhersburg, and a short distance south of Scotland station, on the Cumberland Val- ley railroad. It contains two churches, (one Covenanter and one United Brethren), three stores, a grist and saw mill, a planing mill, and a population of about two hundred and twenty-five persons. Shady Gbove (P. O.) is situated in Antrim township, on the Waynesburg, Greencastle and Mercersburg turnpike, two miles east of Greeucastle. A warrant for the land on which it stands was granted to Thomas Miunock in 1752. The town was started by Melchi Snively, Esq., in 1848. There are now one store, twenty- four dwellings and one hundred and twenty inhabitants in the place. Shimpstown is a small village situated in Montgomery townshij), three miles south of Mercersburg, on the road to Clay Lick. Popu- lation about fifty persons. Smoketown is a small village situated in Greene township, one 152 Historical Sketch of Franklin Countij. and a half miles south-east of Scotland. It contains a i)()i)ulation of about seven ty-five persons. Snow Hill, or Schnekbkrg. is situated on Antietani creek, in Quincy township, one mile south of Quiney. Since the decline of Ephratn, in Lancaster county, it is tlie principal institution of the German Seventh-day Baptists of the United States. The society have u farm of about one lumdred and thirty acres, with a grist mill upon it. They have also a large i)rick building, for the brothers and sisters, two stories high and oiie hundred and twenty feet long. They have also a church in whicli worship is held weekly, every Saturday. Their annual religious meetings are held here. Their whole property is worth about twenty-five thousand dollars. There are only about eight male, and seven female members remaining upon the i^remises — all old people — and as there are no accessions to their numbers, the society must soon become extinct. Spuing Run (P. O.) is situated in Fannett township, on the main road through Path Valley, six miles nortli of Fannettsburg. There are two churches, one Presbyterian and one United Brethren, two stores, one tannery, and several shops, and a population of about fifty persons. Spbingtown is a small village, chiefly of farm bouses, situated in Metal township, one mile north of Fannettsburg. A small fort or block-house stood here during the troublous tiuies of 1750-176-1, to which the settlers in the neighborhood frequently fled for refuge during the incursions of the hostile Indians. Population about twentj' persons. Stoufferstown is situated in Guilford township, one and one- fourth miles east of Chambersburg, on the Chambersburg and Get- tysburg turnpike. The oldest house in the place was built by Pat- rick Vance, about 1773. Daniel Stouffer built the "Falling Spring Mill," or "Sto.iffer's Mill," about 1792, and the village has grown up around it during the last twenty-five or thirty years. The pojju- lation is now about two hundred. Strasburg (P. O., Upper Strasburg) is situated in Letterkenny township, on the old State road leading from Shippensburg to Fan- nettsburg, near the base of the Kittochtinny mountains. It was laid out by Dewalt Keefer, in the fall of 1789, and was called after the city of Strasburg, in Germany. After the completion of the Three Mountain road it became quite a business place, and so long as transportation was done by the old-fashioned "Conestoga wagon," and horses and cattle were brought from the west to the east in droves, Strasburg, because of the absence of all tolls on the road, and because an abundant supply of feed was to be had at low rates, was able to hold its own, but all improvement was at an end. It has three churches — one vised by the Lutheran and Reformed con- gregations, one Methodist and one United Brethren, in which the Historical Sketch of FranJdin County. 153 Presbyterians worship at stated times. It has also one hotel, one steam tannery, one saw mill, two stores, two blacksmith, two shoe- makt^r, two cabinet-maker, one tailor and one saddler shops, and two hundred and ninety-three inhabitants. ToMSTOWN is situated in Quincy township, at the base of the South . mountain, one mile south-east of Quiucy. It was started by a man named John Toms, sixty years ago or more. It contains one store, and twenty-five or thirty houses. Population about two hundred. Upton (P. O.) is situated in Peters township, on the Greencastle and Mercersburg turnpike, four miles west of the former place. The first improvement was made by Alexander White, where the hotel is now kept, in the year 1812. The town was commenced by George Cook, in the year 1840, but the greater portion of it has been built since 1860. The post office was established in 1836, and the name "Jacksonville" was selected for it, but disapproved by the Post Office Department, as there was already an office of the same name. At the suggestion of Miss Elizabeth Watson, of Greencastle, the name of "Upton" was taken for the office, which has also attached to the village. There are one store and hotel, and several shops in the pjace. Population about one hundred and eighty. Waterloo is a small village situated in Washington township, near the turnpike leading from Waynesboro to Emmittsburg, Ma- ryland. It is a short distance south of Pikesville, or Eouzersville, of which it may be considered as forming a part. Waynesboro (P. O.) is situated in Washington township, on the line of the turnpike road from M'Connellsburg to Baltimore. It is one of the most beautiful and flourishing towns iu our county. The land upon which the town stands was taken up by John Wallace, Sr., in 1749. A settlement gradually grew up, in after years, at the point where the town now stands, and was called " Wallacetown." In the year 1797, John W^allace, Jr., formally laid out the present town, and called it " Waynesburg," in honor of General Anthony Wayne—" Mad Anthony "—of the revolutionary army. The price of lots on "Main street" was fixed at five pounds specie, and on the cross streets at six pounds, with an annual quit rent of one dollar on each of them. The land around Waynesboro is among the most fertile and valuable in our valley. On the 21st December, 1818, the town was incorporated into a borough, by the name of "Waynes- boro." There are two hotels, two drug stores, four dry goods stores, four hardware stores, and eight churches in the town, viz. : the Trinity Reformed, St. Paul's Reformed, Lutheran, Methodist Epis- copal, Presbyterian, German Baptist orDunker, Reformed Mennon- ite and Catholic. There are also a town hall, a Grangers' hall and an Odd Fellows' hall, and three large manufacturing establishments in the place, viz. : " The Geiser Manufacturing Company," makers of grain threshers, reapers, mowers, &c. ; "Frick & Co.,'' steam en- 1-j4 Historical SketcJi of Franlclin Onint)/. yine and boiler woi-ks, and "(ii'or>i:e F. liidy it Co.," liiinlKT mami- facturers. .lolin Ikdl has also for years carried on a larjje jiottery at this poiut. The j)oi>iihitiou of the town is about fifteen hundred. Run (P. O.) is situated in Montgomery township, on the road leadiii.u: from Mereersburfi: to Haj^erstown, Maryhmd, six miles from the former place. David Davis, an emigrant from Wales, l>iireliased a large tiact of land along the stream near by, between the years 173(5 and 174U, and being joined by a number of others from his native hmd, the settlement received the name of " Welsh Run." The village now contains one store, one tannery, one black- smith shop, one wagon-maker shop, one physician's office and one hundred and fifty inhabitants. " Kennedy Academy," (Rev. J. H. Fleming, i)rinc'ii)al), is situated here, as is also the "Robert Ken- nedy Memorial Presbyterian Cluirch." WiT.LlAMSON (P. O.) is situated in 8t. Thomas township, on the line of the Southern Pennsylvania railroad, five miles south-west of Marion. It was commenced about the year 1870, by Samuel Z. Hawbaker, who then owned the land around, and who built the principal buildings in the ])lace. There is a store, a grist and saw mill, and about fifty inhabitants in the place. Willow Grove is situated in Guilford township, on the Spring road, about three miles south-east of Chambersburg. It was started by John StoufFer, about the year 1850, and contains one grist mill, one straw paper mill, and about one hundred and fifty inhabitants. LIEUTENANTS AND SUIJ-LIEUTEN ANTS OF MILITIA. In the olden time, as appears by the Colonial Records and Penn- sj'lvania Archives, there existed an officer called the "County Lieu- tenant," who figured prominently in all the military affairs of the State. He was appointed by the Supreme Executive Council, and held his office at the pleasure of that body. The office was some- what like that of a Brigade Inspector, but the powers of the incum- bent were greatly larger than those of this latter named officer, and his duties much more diversified. By the act of 17th March, 1777, (now obsolete), it was provided that "the President in Council, or in his absence the Vice President, should appoint and commission one reputable freeholder in the city of Philadelphia, and one in each county, to serve as lieutenants of the militia; and also any number of persons, not exceeding two for said city, and in the several coun- ties any number not exceeding the number of battalions, to serve as sMft-lieutenants, who were severally to have such rank as the Presi- dent or Vice Presidetit might confer upon th>pff-.«i..^:.vvAv --^j^.^..^-.--- — ST. JOHNS £V. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sr \ RSONAGE, MEROERSBURG FRANKLIN CO PA JPa^eSr/P i>. L^ Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 155 By the act of the 20th of March, 1780, now also obsolete, they were each requh-ed to give bond, witli good securities, in the sum of twenty thousand pounds. They were to divide the several counties into miUtia districts, to contain not less than four hundred and forty, nor more than one thousand militia-Tneo ; cause the said militia to be enrolled ; divide each district into eight parts, or compa- nies ; flx the time for holding elections for officers— one captain, one lieutenant and one ensign, for each company, and one lieutenant colonel and one major for each battalion of eight companies. They were required to collect the militia fines, through the sub-lieuten- ants, who were to settle every three mouths, whilst the lieutenants were required to settle every six months, or forfeit the sum of ten thousand pounds. The fine of an officer for non-attendance at com- pany exercise was the price of three days' labor, and the fine of non- commissioned officers and privates for such absence was the price of one and a-half days' labor. At battalion trainings the fine of a field officer for non-attendance was the price of eight days' labor, and other commissioned officers four days labor, and privates two days labor. All fines were collected under warrants from the County Lieutenant by sale of all the goods of the delinquent, or by impris- onment in jail for ten days for each fine. The county lieutenants bought the arms for the militia — had them marked with the name of the county, battalion and company, and appraised all private arms and horses that went into service — paid for those arms that were lost or horses that were killed. When the militia were called out into service they gave them notice of the time and place of assembling, held and-heard appeals, and granted relief, forwarded the troops called out to their points of destination, providing in the meanwhile for their support. The county lieutenants were the representatives of the State gov- ernment in military matters in the several counties, and had very arduous and important duties to perform in the troublous times of the revolution. To them the Supreme Executive Council issued their orders direct, and they enforced them through their subordi- nates — the sub-lieutenants— one of whom was attached to each bat- talion. The pay of the county lieutenants was the value of one and a half bushels of wheat per day, and the pay of the sub-lieutenants, the value of one and a quarter bushels of wheat per day, to be paid out of the militia fines collected. On the 7th of April, 1785, Colonel Abraham Smith, of Antrim township, was appointed lieutenant of our county, and served until after his election as councillor, when he resigned on the 2Sth November, 1787. On the 1st December, 1787, Major Jeremiah Talbott was appointed lieutenant for this county, and served until the abolition of the office under the constitution of 1 789-' 90. 156 JTiaforical Sketch of Franklin Connfi/. JOHN DROAVN'S RAID INTO VIRGINIA. I'lie year 1859 has become colebrMtod in tlit> annals of our conntry, becanse of tho anti-slavery raid tlien made by Joiin lirown and his followers into the ancient Commonwealth of Virjj^inia against human slavery. The exciting, and oft-times bloody, struggles which took place in Kansas, between the advocates of slavery, and the free-state men of the nation, whilst that region of country was being settled up, have become historical. John Brown was amongst the most active and ardejitof the free-state men of Kansas, and owes his cog- nomen of "Ossawatomie Brown," to his participation in one of the fearful fights that took place there. So utterly hostile was h^ to every thing that in any way gave sanction to human slavery, that he became disgusted even with the Constitution of the United States, and in the month of May, 1858, was one of a band of about fifty ultra anti-slavery mpn who assembled at Chatham, Canada West, and made a new constitution of forty-eight articles, and a schedule "for the proscribed and oppressed people of the United States." That convention, on the 8th (hiy of May, ISoS, unanimously elected John Brown commander-in-chief of all the forces that might be called into the field under their constitution. At the same time J. H. Kagi was elected Secretary of War; Richard Realf, Secretary of State; George B. Gill, Secretary of the Treasury; Owen Brown, Treasurer; and Alfred M. Ellsworth and Osborne Anderson mem- bers of Congress. From that time forward the energies of John Brown were devoted to the making of preparations for the destruction of slavery. Money was collected and men were enlisted, both in the east and the west. John Brown and two of his sons, under the name of Smith, visited Virginia at various times between May, 1858, and June or July, 1859, and Harper's Ferry was finally selected as the point for commencing operations. The money collected by Brown was devoted to the pur- chase of arms and munitions of war, and the payment of the travelling expenses of those "choice spirits" whom he had persuaded to join hiiTi in his enterprise, who were instructed to come to Cham- bersburg in twos and threes, and there quietly take boarding, so as not to attract attention to their movements. Of course all this was done silently and secretly, no person but Brown and his followers knowing ivho they were, where they came from, \\o\ what was their purpose in coming to Chambersburg. I. Smith, alia^ John Brown, was first seen at Chambersburg about June or July, 1859. He was accompanied by one or two of his sons. They got boarding for awhile at one of our hotels, and afterwards in a private family' in one of the back streets of the town, and professed to be engaged prospecting for minerals in the moun- tains of Maryland and Virginia, skirting the Potomac river. Their Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 157 absences were frequfrit— sometimes shorter, sometimes longer— and they never spoke of where they had been nor what they had been doing. In a short time, about July or August, 1859, a number of boxes were forwarded here through the commission house of Messrs. Oaks & Caufman, consigned to I. Smith & Sons. These boxes were most carefully secured, so that their contents could not be seen, being in many cases double boxes. They were represented by the Smiths to contain picks and mattocks, and other tools for mining, and they were hauled away from the warehouse by persons em- ployed by Smith, who were resident in sections of our county remote from Chambersburg. Smith (or Brown) himself came several times with a two-horse wagon and took away part of the goods consigned to him, and the purchases made here by him. There was nothing whatever in the conduct of Smith, nor of any of those who were with him here, nor, indeed, in the character of the freight he was receiving, to induce Messrs. Oaks & Caufman, or any of their employes, to think that he and those with him were not what they professed to be, nor that their consignments were not what they said they were. It is now known that those boxes contained Sharpe's rifles and pistols, carbines, swords and pike heads, and ammunition suited to the fire arms named ; but then all these things were most carefully concealed from the most prying and inquisitive eyes. The people of Chambersburg were greatly censured because they did not find out what these boxes really did contain, whilst they were passing through the warehouses here, and because they did not discover the objects and purposes of Brown in time to' have prevented his useless and murderous raid. But Brown told no one here what he had in view, and his consignments came as any other consignments did, and were delivered to him by the carriers without a suspicion in regard to them. Besides, Brown, whilst here, openly purchased mattocks and picks, and other articles such as he said were in his boxes, and such as he would have had need for had his business really been such as he stated it to be. His every act served to prevent suspicion, and to make those dealing with him believe that he was only what he professed to be; and when his aiad effort had failed, and the truth became known as to who he was and what his purposes had been, none were more surprised than were the people of Chambersburg. Shortly after Brown appeared in the vicinity of Harper's Ferry, under his assumed name of I. Smith, he rented a small farm in Maryland, a few miles from the ferry. There he took the goods he received at Chambersburg, thus gradually collecting a considerable quantity of arms and ammunition, and a body of twenty-two men, of whom seventeen were white and five colored. The resolute and loS nisforicaf Sl^ctch of Frdnldin Connfi/. . (lariiij;- cliaractorof IJrowii was well cahMilatotl to make liiiii a leatler in such an enterprise, and to inspire confidence in his followers. His first effort was made Sunday evening, October 10th, 1850- Before leaving his mountain retreat to commence operations, he made an address to his followers, concluding thus : " And now, gen- tlemen, let me press one thing on your minds. You all know how dear life is to you, and how dear your lives are to your friends; and in remenil)ering that, consider that the lives of others are as dear to them as yours are to you. Do not, therefore, take tl)e life of any one if you can possibly avoid it; but if it is necessary to take life in order to save your own, then make sure work of it." To all of those taken prisoner by Brown, and who inquired as to the object of the proceedings, his answer was," "Tb free the slaves,^'' and to the question, by what authority he was acting, the reply was made, " By the authority of God A/.iniyhty.^' The result of Brown's mad undertaking is well known. Within forty eight hours of its commencement, it was cruslied into nothing ness by the troops of the general government, under Colonel Robert E. Lee, and those of the Htate of Virginia, under Colonels Baylor, Shutt, and others. Of Brown's whole band of twenty-two men, ten whites and three negroes were killed — three whites, two of whom were severely wounded, and two negroes, were taken prisoners, and four escaped, two of whom, J. E. Cook and Albert Hazlett were subsequently captured. John E. Cook, who with two or three others had attempted to escape north, along the South mountain, was captured in Quincy township, in our county, and was confined in jail here for some time before his surrender to the authorities of Virginia. In his pocket book was found a commission in the fol- lowing form : No. 4. He.\dquarters War Department, No. 4. Near Harper's Ferry, Maryland. Whereas, John E. Cook has been nominated a captain in the army established under the Provisional Government. iVbw, The>*€- fore, in pursuance of the authority vested in us, we do hereby ap- point and commission said John E. Cook, captain. Given at the office of the Secretary of War, this day, October 15, 1859. H. Kagi, John Brown, Secretary of War. Commander-in-Chief. Brown was convicted November 2d, 1859, and sentenced to be hung December 2d, 1859; Cook was convicted November 10th, 1859, and sentenced to be hung December 16th, 1859, along with Edwin Cop- pee, white, and Shields Green and John Copeland, colored. Hazlett was captured at Carlisle aud surrendered to the Virginia authorities, and subsequently tried, convicted and hung. The other executions took place at the times appointed. When the union Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 159 arn}ies captured Eichmond they released from the penitentiary there, a colored man named Jerry Myers, who had been tried and convicted as an accomplice of Brown's, and sentenced to imprison- ment for life. He denied that he had ever aught to do with Brown's movements. After his liberation he came to Ghambersburg, where he lived until his death, several years ago. Looking back at the undertaking of John Brown, and all its sur- roundings and attendant circumstances, one cannot fail to be im- pressed with the belief that he was not in his right mind. No sane man would have attempted what he did with such inadequate prep- arations as he had made. Neither he, nor those acting with him, could have reasonably hoped for success had they for a moment seriously considered the jjower of the State upon which they made their raid. John Brown, upon being asked why sentence should not be passed upon him, said : " I deny everything but what I have all along ad- mitted, the de) (lead by his sido, and another shot throngli, he felt tlie pulse of his dying son with one Imnd, held his rifle with the other, and com- manded his men with tlie utmost composure, encouraging them to be firm, and to sell their lives as dearly as possible." I have referred to this chapter in the history of our country, be- cause in our county town of Cliambersburg, unknown to our i)eople, this great opponent of human slavery had established his base for the receii)t of supplies for his undertaking; liere he lived for several months; here his followers secretly and silently asseml)led : here the oflice of his war department was established, and from hence went out his orders north, south, east and west, and from hence his chosen band of little over a score, went off upon that desperate, dare-devil enterprise, in which nearly all of them ren- dered up their lives to the furtherance of the cause they had so blindly espoused. Unaided by any others than those leagued with them, without the countenance of tliose surrounding them, and with no hope of assistance from the anti-slavery element of the country, like llie gallant six hundred at Balaklava, thej' "Rushed into the jaws of death" — and went down into bloody graves, martyrs to a desperate and hopeless undertaking. CONSTITUTIONAIi CONVENTIONS. We have had four Constitutional Conventions in Pennsj'lvania in the past one hundred years. The delegates to the first Convention were elected July Sth, 1776, in pursuance of a resolve of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylva- nia, which met at Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, June 18th, 1776. Among the members of that Conference from Cumberland county, were James M'Lene, Colonel John Allison, John M'Clay, Dr. John Calhoun and John Creigh, all of whom, T believe, were from the region of country now in our county. The Constitutional Convention metat Philadelphia, July loth, 1776, and passed and adopted a constitution, which was signed September 28tli, 1776. There were eight delegates from Cumberlantl county, only one of whom, James M'Lene, Esq., was, I believe, from our county. The second Constitutional Convention convened in Philadeli)hia, November 2-lth, 1789, and framed a new constitution, which was sub- sequently adopted by the people of the State. The members fiom Franklin county were James M'Lene and George Matthews. The third Constitutional Convention metat Harrisburg, May 2d, 1837. After several adjournments they reassembled at Philadelphia, November 28th, 1837, and adjourned finally February 22d, 1838. The constitution, as amended, was adopted by the people at October election, 1838, by one thousand two hundred and thirteen majority. Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 161 This convention was composed of senatorial and rerresentative delegates. The senatorial district composed of Frankuu, Cumber- land and Adams counties, was represented by James Dunlop, of Franklin county, and Levi Merkle, of Cumberland county. The representative delegates from Franklin county were George Chambers, of Chambersburg, and Joseph Snively, of Antrim. The fourth and last Constitutional Convention met in the hall of the House of Representatives, at Harrisburg, November 12th, 1872, and on the 27th of the same month adjourned to meet in Philadel- phia on the 7th of January, 1873. This convention was composed of one hundred and thirty-three delegates— twenty-eight from the State at large, and one hundred and five from the senatorial districts. The nineteenth senatorial district, composed of the counties of Cumberland and Franklin,, was represented by Samuel M. Wherry, of Cumberland, and J. M'Dowell Sharpe and John Stewart, of Franklin. The new constitution was submitted to the voters of the Common- wealth at a special election held 16th December, 1873, and was adopted by a majority of one hundred and forty-four thousand three hundred and sixty-two votes. CONGRESSMEN. Under the constitution of 1776, delegates to the Congress of the United States were appointed by the General Assembly of the State, to serve for one year, and were liable to be superseded at any time. One of our citizens was twice appointed, viz. : James M'Lene, 3d March, 1779, to 13th Nov., 1779, to fill a vacancy. James M'Lene, 13th November, 1779, to 13th November, 1780. Under the constitution of the United States, which went into force on the first Wednesday of March, 1789, members of Congress were required to be elected by the people. They were thereafter elected by a general ticket throughout the State. At the first elec- tion, held in October, 1789, there were eight members of Congress elected, the highest vote for the successful candidates being that of Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, of Montgomery county— eight thousand, seven hundred and seven votes ; and the highest vote for the unsuccessful ticket being seven thousand and sixty-seven, for John Allison, of Franklin county. I am not sufiieienlly well acquainted with the residences of the members of Congress elected between 1789 and 1802 to determine which ones, if any of them, were from our county. On the 2d of April, 1802, an act was passed dividing our State into eleven congressional districts. By that act the counties of Franklin and Bedford were made a district, to elect one member. The fol- lowing persons were elected, and served for the following years, viz. : 21 <= J . 162 Historical Sketch of Franldin Counii/. I8O3-I8O0, John Rea, of Franklin, . 1805-1807, 1807-1809, " " 1809-1811, " " 1811-18l;5, William Piper, of Bedfonl, Vlllth Congress. IXth Xth Xlth xirth ACT OK 20th march, 1812— 5TH district— CUMBERLAND, FRANK- LIN AND ADAMS, TWO MEMBERS. 1813-1815, Robert Whitehill, Cumberland; Dr. William Crawford, Adams; John Rea, Franklin, (1); Xlllth Congress. 1815-1817, William Maclay, Franklin ; Andrew Boden, Cumberland; XlVth Congress. 1817-1819, William Maelay, Franklin ; Dr. William Crawford Adams; XVth Congress. 1819-1821, David Fullerton, Franklin, (2); Andrew Boden, Cumber- land; Thomas G. M'Culloh, Franklin (2); XVIth Congress. Perry county was created in March, 1820, and made part of the JF'ifth District, and so voted at the regular election in 1821, when Colonel John Findlay was first elected. 1821-1823, James M'Sherry, Adams; James Duncan, (3), Cumber- land; John Findlay, (3), Franklin; XVIIth Congress. ACT OF 2d APRIL, 1822— llTH DISTRICT— ADAMS, FRANKLIN, CUM- BERLAND AND PERRY, TWO MEMBERS. 1823-1825, John Findlay, Franklin; James Wilson, Adams; XVIIIth Congress. 1825-1827, John Findlay, Franklin; James Wilson, Adams; XlXth Congress. 1827-1829, James Wilson, Adams; William Ramsay, Cumberland; XXth Congress. 1829-1831, Thomas H. Crawford, Franklin; William Ramsay, Cum- berland ; XXIst Congress. 1831-1833, Thomas H. Crawford, Franklin ; William Ramsay, Cum- berland ; XXIId Congress. ACT OF 9th JUNE, 1832 — 12TH DISTRICT — ADAMS AND FRANKLIN, ONE MEMBER. 1833-1835, George Chambers, Franklin, . 1835-1837, " 1837-1839, Daniel Sheffer, Adams, . 1839-1841, James Cooper, " 1841-1843, " " " . . XXIIId Congress. XXIVth " XXVth " XXVIth XXVIIth " Historical Sketch of FranJdin County. 163 ACT OF 25th march, 1843— 16th district— franklin, cumber- land AND PERRY. 1843-1845, James Black, Perry, . . . XXVIIIth Congress. 1845-1847, '' " " ... . XXIXth 1847-1849, Jasper E. Brady, Franklin, . XXXth " 1849-1851, James X. M'Lanahan, Franklin, XXXIst " 1851-1853, " " " XXXIId " act of 1st may, 1852— 17TH district— ad AMS, franklin, FULTON, BEDFORD AND JUNIATA. 1853-1855, Samuel L. Russell, Bedford, 1855-1857, David F. Robison, Franklin, 1857-1859, Wilson Reilly, Franklin, . 1859-1861, Edward M'Pherson, Adams, 1861-1863, " " " XXXIIId Congress. XXXI Vth XXX Vth XXXVIth XXXVIIth " ACT OF 10th APRIL, 1862 — 16TH DISTRICT— ADAMS, FRANKLIN, FUL- TON, BEDFORD AND SOMERSET. 1863-1865, Alex. H. Coffroth, Somerset, . XXXVIIIth Congress. (- A. H. Coffroth, (4), Somerset, •> 1865-1867, { ^.jii^,^ jj. Kiontz, " } XXXIXth 1867-1869, " " " XLth 1869-1871, John Cessna, Bedford, . . XLTst 1871-1873, Benjamin F. Myers, Bedford, XLIId 1873-1875, John Cessna, " . XLIIId ACT OF 28TH APRIL, 1873— 18TH DISTRICT— franklin, PULTON, JUNIATA, HUNTINGDON, SNYDER AND PERRY. 1875-1877, William S. Stenger, Franklin, . XLIVth Congress. 1877-1879, " " " . XLVth " (1) Robert Whitehill and Dr. William Crawford, were elected for the Fifth District in 1812, but Mr. Whitehill died April 7th, 1813, soon after his return home, upon the adjournment of the Xllth Congress, of which he had been a member from another district, of which Cumberland formed a part ; and at a special election held on the 11th May, 1813, John Rea was chosen to fill the vacancy, by a majority of five hundred and twenty-three over Edward Crawford, of Franklin. He took his seat in the extra session of Congress, which met in May, 1813. 164 Jlixtorical Sketch of Franldhi Count//. (2) David Fullorton resigned after the close of his first session in Congress, because his constituents disapproved of his votes upon the Missouri Compromise, and upon some otlier (juestions. On tlie 9th of October, 1820, Thomas G. M'CulIoh was elected to fill the vacancy. He took his seat l.'itli November, 1820, and served until the od of March, 1821. (3) At the regular election in 1820, James M'Sherry, of Adams, and James Duncan, of Cumberland, were elected ; but before the meeting of the XVIIlh Congress, Mr. Duncan resigned, and at the regular election in 1821, John Findlay, of F'ranklin, was chosen his successor over Thomas G. M'CuUoh. (4) At the opening of the first session of the XXXIXth Congress, Mr. Cotlroth was awarded a seat on a 2J7-lma-fncie case, and served during most of the session, but Mr. Koontz obtained the seal on a contest, and was sworn in July 18th, 18GG. I.EGISLATOKS — SUPREME EXECUTIVE COUNCIL— SENATE. Under the constitution of 1770, which was in force when the county of Franklin was organized, there was no State Senate. The State was governed by an Assembly of the Representatives of the freemen of the State, and by a President and Council. Councillors were elected for three years. The following persons served as Coun- cillors for this county, viz. : James M'Lene, from 1784 to 1787 Abraham Smith, " 1787 to 1790 Under the constitution of 1790, the Supreme Executive Council was abolished, and it was provided that the government of the State should be carried on by a Governor, and a Senate and House of Representatives, all of whom were to be elected by the people, the Governor to hold oflfice for three years. Senators for four years, and Representatives for one year. The following are the senatorial districts in which Franklin county has been since 1790, and the names of the various persons who have represented this district in the Senate, with their terms of service. DISTRICT — FRANKLIN AND BEDFORD. Abraham Smith, of Franklin, from Dec, 1790, to December, 1794 Thomas Johnston, " " " 1794, to " 1803 James Foe, " " " 1803, to " 1807 Archibald Rankin, " " " 1807, to " 1811 By the act of 21st March, 1808, Frankliji county was made a sen- atorial district, and given one Senator. 1819, to " 1823 1823, to " 1824 1824, to " 1827 1827, to " 1889 Historical Sketch of FranhUn County. 165 James Poe, from Dec, 1811, to Dec, 1819 Robert Smith, .... John Rea, (resigned), ... " James Dunlop, .... David Fullerton, .... " By the act of 16th June, 1836, Franklin, Cumberland and Adams were made a senatorial district, to elect tivo Senators. The persons who served under this act in this district, were— Charles B. Penrose, of Cumberland, from Dec, 1837, to Dec, 1841 Jacob Cassat, of Adams, from December 1887, to December 25, 1838, (1) Thomas C. Miller, of Adams, from Jan. 13, 1839, to December, 1841 Under the constitution of 1838, the senatorial term was reduced to three years. The Senators were — William R. Gorgas, of Cumberland, . for 1842, 1843 and 1844 James X. M'Lanahan, of Franklin, . " " " " " By the act of 14th April, 1843, Franklin and Adams were made a senatorial district, to elect one member. The Senators were — Thomas Carson, of Franklin, .... 1845,1846,1847 William R. Sadler, of Adams, .... 1848,1849,1850 Thomas Carson, of Franklin, .... 1851, 1852, 1853 David Mellinger, of Adams, .... 1854, 1855, 1856 George W. Brewer of Franklin, .... 1857, 1858, 1859 By the act of 20th May, 1857, Adams, Franklin and Fulton were made a senatorial district, and given one Senator. The Senators were — A. K. M'Ckire, of Franklin, .... 1860, 1861, 1862 William M'Sherry, of Adains, .... 1863, 1864, 1865 David M'Conaughy, of Adams, . . • . 1866, 1867, 1868 Calvin M. Duncan, of Franklin, . . . 1869, 1870, 1871 By the act of 6th May, 1871, Cumberland and Franklin were made a senatorial district, to elect one member. Under it James M. Weakley, of Cumberland, served in 1872, 1873 and 1874. By the constitution of 1873, the senatorial term was again made four years. By the act of May 19th, 1874, Franklin and Huntingdon w-ere made a senatorial district, to elect one member. Under it the Sen- ator elected in this district in 1874, was to serve but two years. Chambers M'Kibbin, of Franklin, served in 1875 and 1876; Hora- tio G. Fisher, of Huntingdon, elected November, 1876, for four years. (1) Mr. Cassat died at Harrisburg during his second session in the Senate, on the 25th of December, 1838, and General Thomas C. Miller, of Adams county, was elected to till the vacancy. He subsequently removed to Cumberland county, and died there a few years ago. 166 Historical Sketch of Franfclin County. HOUSE OF RKPKESENTATIVES. Names of persons who have represented the county of Franklin in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania: 1784-1785, James Johnston, Abraham Smith, James M'Cammont. 1785-1786, James M'Cammont, Abraham Smith, John Rea. 1786-17S7, Abraluim Smith, James M'Cammont. 1787-1788, James M'Leue, James M'Cammont. 1 788-1789, James M'Lene, James Johnston. 1789-1790, James Johnston, John Rea. 1790-1791, James Johnston, James M'Lene, 1791-1792, James Johnston, John Maclay. 1792-1793, James Johnston, John Rea. 1793-1794, James M'Lene, John Maclay. 1794-1795, William Henderson, James Poe, Daniel Royer. 1795-1796, William Henderson, James Poe, Daniel Royer. 1796-1797, James Poe, William Henderson, John Rea. 1797-1798, William Henderson, John Rea, William Findlay. 1798-1799, John Scott, Andrew Duulop, John Spear. 1799-1800, Daniel Royer, John Scott, Andrew Dunlop, 1800-1801, John Rea, James Poe, John Statler. 1801-1802, John Rea, James Poe, John Statler. 1802-18ii3, Robert Peebles, James Poe, John Statler. 1803-1804, William Fiudlay, Robert Peebles, Jacob Dechert. 1804-1805, William Findlay, Jacob Dechert, James M'Connell, 1805-1806, William Findlay, Jacob Dechert, James M'Connell. 1806-1807, William Findlay, William M'Clelland, George Nigh. 1807-1808, William Maclay, Robert Smith, Jacob Heyser. 1808-1809, William Maclay, Robert Smith, Jacob Heyser. 1809-1810, Jacob Dechert, James Smith, Archibald Bard. 1810-1811, Jacob Dechert, James Smith, Archibald Bard. 1811-1812, Robert Smith, James Smith, Jacob Dechert. 1812-1813, Robert Smith, David Maclay, Jacob Dechert. 1813-18)4, Robert Smith, David Maclay, Jacob Dechert. 1814-1815, Jacob Heyser, Patrick Cami^bell, John Cox. 1815-1816, Robert Smith, Jacob Dechert, David Maclay. 1816-1817, Andrew Robeson, Stephen Wilson, Ludwig Heck. 1817-1818, Andrew Robeson, Stephen Wilson, Ludwig Heck. 1818-1819, Andrew Robeson, Stephen Wilson, Ludwig Heck. 1819-1820, Andrew Robeson, William Alexander, Ludwig Heck, 1820-1821, Samuel Dunn, John Stoner, Robert Croolts. 1821-1822, John Holliday, Peter S. Dechert, John Flanagan. 1822-1823, John King, John Holliday, Peter S. Dechert. 1823-1824, Frederick Smith, Robert Smith, William Maclay. 1824-1825, Frederick Smith, James Walker, William Alexander. 1825-1826, Frederick Smith, James Walker, William Alexander. .i^%ti W^^csuMiiiu, „„„|^„.«Spffi»a. *>r"-sv*^ V t.mLMEs,Fm. ^ "3 MOUflTAIN SPf!IN& -— ff?AN«'tfNCd.,PA- — V.£. Holmes, f^o. ^^ ^x.ij!*®" WMorical Sketch of Franklin County. 167 . 1826-1827, Frederick Smith, James Walker, Peter Aughinbaugh. 1827-1828, Philip Berlin, Andrew Robeson, Benjamin Reynolds. 1828-1829, Ludwig Heck, William Boal, John Cox. 1829-1830, Frederick Smith, John Cox. 1830-1831, Frederick Smith, John Cox. 1831-1832, James Dunlop, Thomas G. M'Culloh. 1832-1833, Thomas Bard, Thomas G. M'Culloh. 1833-1834, Thomas H. Crawford, William S. M'Dowell. 1834-1835, Thomas G. M'Culloh, Thomas Carson. 1835-1836, Thomas Carson, John D. Work. 1836-1837, John D. Work, John Flanagan. 1837-1838, James Colhoun, Henry Funk. 1838-1839, William M'Kinstry, Frederick Smith. 1840, William M'Kinstry, James Nill. 1841, Andrew Snively, Joseph Pomeroy. 1842, Andrew Snively, Peter Cook. 1843, Jacob Walter, Thomas Carson. 1844, Jasper E. Brady, Thomas Carson. 1845, Jasper E. Brady, Andrew Snively. 1846, John Stewart, John M. Pomeroy. 1847, Thompson M'Allister, John M. Pomeroy. 1848, William Baker, Samuel Seibert. 1849, William Baker, Samuel Seibert. 1850, William Baker, John M'Lean. 1851, David Maclay, John M'Lean. 1852, David Maclay, George A. Madeira. 1853, John Rowe, Charles T. Campbell. 1854, John Rowe, Samuel Gilmore. 1855, James B. Orr, James Lowe. 1856, James B. Orr, James C. Boyd. 1857, George Jacobs, John Witherow. By act of 20th May, 1857, Franklin and Fulton were made a dis- trict and given two members. 1858, A. K. M'Clure, James Nill. 1859, A. K. M'Clure, James Nill. 1860, James R. Brewster; James C. Austin, of Fulton. 1861, James R. Brewster; James C. Austin, " 1862, John Rowe; WilUam W. Sellers, " 1863, Jonathan Jacoby; William Horton " 1864, J. M'Dowell Sharpe; WiUiam Horton, " By act of 5th May, 1864, Franklin and Perry were made a district and given two members. 1865, A. K. M'Clure, J. M'Dowell Sharpe. 1866, F. S. Stumbaugh ; G. A. Shuman, of Perry. 1867, F. S. Stumbaugh; G. A. Shuman, J68 Historical Sketch of Franklin Counti/. 1868, B. F. Winger; John Shively, of Perry county. 18(59, John H. Walker; John Shively, " 1870, George W. Skinner; D. B. Miliiken, 1871, George W. Skinner; D. B. Miliiken, " By act of 6tli May, 1871, Franklin was made a district and given one member. 1872, Thaddeus M. Mahon, 1878, Thaddeus M. Mahon. 1874, George W. Welsh. By act of 19th May, 1874, Franklin was given three members. 1875, Hastings Gehr, M. A. Embich, Simon Lechron. 1876, Hastings Gehr, M. A. Embich, Simon Lechron. 1877-1878, Hastings Gehr, H. C. Greenawalt, William A. Burgess. JUDICIARY — LIST OF OUR JUDGES SINCE 1790— 4tH DISTRICT — FRANKLIN, BEDFORD, HUNTINGDON AND MIFFLIN. President Judge — Thomas Smith, from 20th August, 1791, to 31st January, 1794. Associates — James M'Dowell, First Associate, 17th. August, 1791 ; James Maxwell, Second Associate, 17th August, 1791; George Matthews, Third Associate, 17th August, 1791; James M'Cammont, Fourth Associate, 17th August, 1791. 4th district— 1794 — Cumberland, franklin, Bedford, Hun- tingdon AND MIFFLIN. President Judge — James Riddle, of Chambersburg, from 4th Feb- ruary, 1794, to latter part of 1804. Associates — James M'Dowell, George Matthews, James M'Cam- mont; James Chambers, from November 12th, 1795, until his death, April 25th, 1805, 9th district — 1806— ADAMS, CUMBERLAND AND FRANKLIN. President Judge — James Hamilton, of Carlisle, from 1st March, 1806, to 13th March, 1819. Associates — James M'Cammont, till his death, in 1809; James Maxwell, James M'Dowell; William Maclay, September 2d, 1809; Archibald Bard, April 2d, 1811 ; Isaac Eaton, January 9th, 1815. 9th district- 1819— ADAMS, CUMBERLAND AND FRANKLIN. President Judge — Charles Smith, of Carlisle, from March 27th, 1819, to April 27th, 1820. Associates — Archibald Bard, Isaac Eaton. Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 169 9th district — 1820— CUMBFJKLAND, FRANKLIN, ADAMS AND PERRY. President Judge — John Reed, of Carlisle, from 10th July, 1820, till 29th March, 1824. ^ssocm!les— Archibald Bard, Isaac Eaton ; Jacob Oyster, August 23d, 1823. 16th district— 1824 — franklin, Bedford and somerset. FORMED 29th march, 1824. President Judge— John Tod, of Bedford, appointed June 8th, 1824; served till 25th May, 1S27, when he was appointed a Justice of the Supreme Court. ^.ssociaiJ'^s— Archibald Bard, Jacob Oyster. 16th district— 1827— franklin, BEDFORD AND SOMERSET. President Judge— Alexander Thompson, of Bedford, from 2oth June 1827, till 1842. Associates — Archibald Bard ; Jacob Oyster; Matthew Patton, from October 9th, 1830; William M'Kesson, from November 7th, 1832; Robert Smith, from December 12th, 1836. By the constitution of 1838, the terms of the Judges then Id com- mission were all shortened and terminated ; and thereafter the President Judges were nominated by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate, to hold for ten years, and Associate Judges to hold for Jive years. 16th district— 1842— franklin, Bedford and somerset. President Judge— Jeremiah S. Black, of Somerset, from 30th June, 1841, to 1st Monday in December, 1851. Associates — Robert Smith; James J. Kennedy, March 5th, 1842; Samuel Dun, March 5th, 1843; Henry Ruby, March 5th, 1847; John Orr, March 9th, 1848. By the amendment to the constitution of 1850, the Judges were all made elective. 16th district— 1852— franklin, FULTON, BEDFORD AND SOMERSET. President Judge— FrauGis M. Kimmell, of Somerset, from first Monday in December, 1851. Associates— James L. Black, first Monday in December, 1851 ; Thomas Pomeroy, first Monday in December, 1851 ; John Huber, first Monday in December, 1856; James O. Carson, first Monday in December, 1856 ; John Orr, first Monday in December, 1857, 22 170 Historical Sketch of Franklin Countfj. 16th district— 1862— franklin, FULTON, BEDFORD AND SOMERSET, President Judge — James Nill, of Chambersburg, from first Monday in December, 1861, till his death, May 27th, 1864. Associates — John Orr, James O. Carson, first Monday in December, 1861 ; W. W. Paxton, first Monday in December, 1862. 16th district— 1864— franklin, fulton, Bedford and somerset. President Judge — Alexander King, of Bedford, from 4th June, 1864, till his death, January 10th, 1871. (1) ^ssoc« Jan. 4th, 1875. January 4ti », 1875, to CORONERS. John Rea, . - John Johnston, Conrad Snyder, Conrad Snyder, George Clark, George Clark, George Clark, Matthew Duncan, . Archibald Rankin, Archibald Rankin, James Campbell, . Andrew Robeson, . Robert Liggett, William Young, Thomas M'Kinstry, William Young, David Washabaugh, James Burns, . Allen K. Campbell, John Tritle, James M'Dowell, . William Slyder, . Alexander Hamilton, John M. M'Dowell, James Burns, October 20th, 1784 October 26th 1785 November 20th 1786 October 23d 1787 November 8th 1788 November 5th 1789 October 22d 1790 October 21st 1793 October 21st 3 796 January 19th 1801 October 28th 1805 January 11th 1809 May 1st 1812 February 14th 1815 October 24th 1817 December 5th 1820 March 6th 1824 January 22d 1827 November 24th 1829 November 29th , 1882 November 18th , 1835 October 30th , 1838 November 16th , 1841 November 6th , 1844 November 3d ,1849 Historical Sketch of Fixmklin County. 175 COUNTY TREASURERS wereappointed by the County Commissioners until the act of 27th May, 1841, provided for their election, in October of that year, to hold office for two years, from the first Monday of January after their election. The following is a list of the names of those persons who have been Treasurers of this county, with their years of service, Dr, George Clingan, ..!.... 1785-1790 Matthew Wilson, 1790-1793 John Riddle, . 1793-1796 Patrick Campbell, . «, 1796-1806 David Denny, . . . . . . . . . 1806-1809 Jacob Heyser, 1809-1812 Henry Reges, , • . 1812-1814 John Hershberger, ' . . 1814-1817 Jacob Heyser, 1817-1820 William Heyser, 1820-1823 Samuel G. Calhoun, . . . . . . . . 1823-1824 Dr. John Sloan, 1824-1825 Hugh Greenfield, . ,- __ 1825-1827 Williann Hamilton, . . . , . . . . 1827 Daniel Spangler 1827-1830 Joseph Pritts, 1830-1832 Henry Smith, ......... 1832 Jasper E. Brady, , . 1833-1836 George Garlin, Jr., . 1836-1839 Henry Smith, . . * 1839-1842 ELECTED HEREAFTER FOR TWO YEARS. Joseph Pritts, . . . 1842-1844 George K. Harper, 1844-1846 George Garlin, 1846-1848 William M' Lei Ian, . . . . • • , . 1848-1850 Lewis Denig, 1850-1852 Washington Crooks, 1852-1854 Daniel K. Wunderlich, 1854-1856 J. Smith Grier, . . . 1856-1858 William D. M'Kinstry, 1858-1860 John StouflTer, ......... 1860-1862 George J. Balsley, 1862-1864 James G. Elder, • . 1864-1866 JohnHassler, 1866-1868 George W.-Skinner, 1868-1870 William Reber, 1870-1872 Samuel Knisely, > . , . 1872-1874 Hiram M. White, 1874-1876 Elias K. Lehman, 1876-1878 J 76 Historical Sketch of Franfdin Counii/. COUNTY COMMISSIONEKS. 1785, James Poe. 1786, John Work. 1787, John Beard. 1788, Bobert Boyd, James M'Connell, William Allison. 1789, James M'^Connell, William Allison, Josiah Crawford, 1790, William Allison, Josiah Crawford, Matthew Wilson. 1791, Matthew Wilson, James Poe, Daniel Rover. 1792, Matthew Wilson, James Poe, John Work. 1793, James Poe, Daniel Royer, James Chambers, 1794, Daniel Royer, James Chambers, George Hetich, 1795, James Chambers, George Hetich, Heniy Work. 1796, George Hetich, Henry Work, William Scott. 1797, Henry Work, William Scott, William Allison. 1798, William Scott, William Allison, James Irvin, 1799, William Allison, James Irvin, John Holliday. 1800, James Irvin, John Holliday, Nathan M'Doweli. 1801, John Holliday, Robert M'Doweli, David Maclay, 1802, R. M'Doweli, David Maclay. 1803, R. M'Doweli, David Maclay, William Rankin. 1804, R. M'Doweli, David Maclay, Archibald Rankin, Jacob Heyser. 1805, William M'Clay, Archibald Rankin, Jacob Heyser. 1806, William M'Clay, Jacob Heyser, Patrick Campbell. 1807, Jacob Heyser, Patrick Campbell, John Royer. 1808, Pat Campbell, James Smith, Jacob Dechert. 1809, Jacob Dechert, John Rothbaust, Robert Crooks. 1810, John Rothbaust, Robert Crooks, William Alexander. 1811, John Rothbaust, Robert Crooks, William Alexander. 1812, David Rankin, John Cox, Ludwig Heck. 1813, David Rankin, John Cox, Ludwig Heck, 1814, John Cox, Ludwig Heck, Isaac Eaton. 1815, Ludwig Heck, James M'Doweli, John M. Maclay. 1816, James M'Doweli, John M. Maclay, William Bleakney, 1817, John M, Maclay, William Bleakney, Philip Berlin. 1818, William Bleakney, Philip Berlin, William Ripi:)ey, Jr. 1819, Philip Berlin, William Rippey, Jr., David Beshore. 1820, William Rippey, Jr., David Beshore, Frederick Miller, 1821, Frederick Miller, David Beshore, Andrew Thomson. 1822, David Beshore, Frederick Miller, Andrew Thomson. 1823, Andrew Thomson, James Walker, Jacob Wunderlich, 1824, Jacob Wunderlich, Philip Laufman, David FuUerton. 1825, Jacob Wunderlich, Philip Laufman, Benjamin Keyser, 1826, Philip Laufman, Benjamin Keyser, William Heyser. 1827, William Heyser, Benjamin Keyser, John Walker, 1828, William Heyser, John Walker, Daniel Shaffer. 1829, John Walker, Daniel Shaffer, John Radebaugh, Historical Sketch of Franklin County. / 177 1830, Daniel Shaffer, John Radebaugh, John Walker. '' 1831, Daniel Shaffer, John Radebaugh, Jacob Walter. 1832, John Radebaugh, Jacob Walter, Samuel Dunn. 1S33, Samuel Dunn, Joseph Culbertson, John Cox. 1884, Joseph Culbertson, John Cox, Tobias Funk. 1835, John Cox, Tobias Funk, George Hoffman. 1836, Tobias Funk, George Hoffman, George Johnston. 1837, George Hoffman, John Johnston, John Johnston, (of George). 1838, John Johnston, John Johnston, (of George), George Hoffman. 1839, John Johnston, (of George), D. Washabaugh, Emanuel Hade. 1840, John Johnston, (of George), D. Washabaugh, Emanuel Hade." 1841, D. Washabaugh, Emanuel Hade, William Seibert. 1842, Emanuel Hade, William Seibert, Garland Anderson. 1843, William Seibert, G. Anderson, James Burns. 1844, G. Anderson, James Burns, Jacob Oyster. 1845, James Burns, Jacob Oyster, Thomas Pumroy. 1846, Jacob Oyster, Thomas Pumroy, James Davison. 1847, Thomas Pumroy, James Davison, George A. Madeira. 1848, James Davison, George A Madeira, Dewalt Keefer. 1849, G. A. Madeira, Dewalt Keefer, John A. Shank. 1850, D. Keefer, John A. Shank, George S. Eyster. 1851, John A. Shank, George S. Eyster, James Lowe. 1852, George S. Eyster, James Lowe, John Alexander. 1853, James Lowe, John Alexander, John Huber. 1854, John Alexander, John Huber, Jos. Johnston. 1855, John Huber, Jos. Johnston, Robert M'llvaney. 1856, Jos. Johnston, Robert M'llvaney, Samuel Myers. 1857, Robert M'llvaney, Samuel Myers, D. M. Leisher. 1858, Samuel Myers, D. M. Leisher, John S. Nimmon. 1859, D. M. Leisher, John S. Nimmon, J. A. Eyster. 1860, J. S. Nimmon, J. A. Eyster, Jacob S. Good. 1861, J. A. Eyster, Jacob S. Good, James D. Scott. 1862, Jacob S. Good, James D. Scott, John Nitterhouse. 1863, James D. Scott, John Nitterhouse, John Downey. 1864, John Nitterhouse, John Downey, Henry Good. 1865, John Downey, Henry Good, John Armstrong. 1866, Henry Good, John Armstrong, Daniel Skinner. 1867, John Armstrong, Daniel Skinner, Jonas C. Palmer. 1868, Daniel Skinner, J. C. Palmer, William Shinafield. 1869, J. C. Palmer, William Shinafield, E. K. Lehman. 1870, William Shinafield, E. K. Lehman, J. B. Brumbaugh. 1871, E. K. Lehman, J. B. Brumbaugh, S. M. Worley. 1872, J. B. Brumbaugh, S. M. Worley, R. J. Boyd. 1873, S. M. Worley, R. J. Boyd, Jacob Kauffman. 1874, R. J. Boyd, Jacob Kauffman, W. D. Guthrie. 1875, Jacob Kauffman, W. D. Guthrie, Samuel Coble. 11 Historical Sketch of Franklin Count >/. 1876, Daniel Gelwix, James Patton, J. Watson Craig. Note.— James Poe, Joli during the years 1785, 1781) Clil- Unknown, Robert Boyd, Unknown, James Parks, William Scott, William Orbison, William Ward, Jr., Thomas G. M'Culloh, J. M. Russell, E. B. Mendenhall, Henry Reges, William M. M'Bowell Peter S. Deckhert, Daniel Spangler, Hiram Cox, . John Colhoun, Richard Morrow, Henry Smith, James R. Kirby, . I. H. M'Cauley, . A. H. M'Culloh, . John M. Fisher, . Thomas L. Fletcher, Jacob Sellers, William Gelwicks, Jacob Sellers, Samuel Longenecker, George Foreman, H. C. Koontz, H. C. Keyser, H. S. Shade, H. C. Keyser, Thomas M. Nelson, Work and John IJeard served as Commissioners nd 1787. KKS TO COMMISSIONERS. PARTIAL, LIST OF COUNTY AUDITORS. 1784-1788 1788 1789-1796 1796-1799 1799 1800 lSOl-1804 1804-1806 1806 1807 1808-1811 1811-1815 1815-1818 1818-1827 1827 1828-1836 1836-1842 1842 1843 1844-1846 1846-1850 1850-1853 1853-1856 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860-1871 1871 1872 1873-1875 1875 1876 1785-1788, Unknown. 1788, James Johnston, Benjamin Chambers, James Irwin. 1789-1793, Unknown. 1793-1794, Benjamin Chambers, James Irwin, John Rea. 1794-1798, Unknown. 1798-1800, James Ramsey, John Brown. 1800-1801, John Brown, James Buchanan. Mk|j, j jiSaLJ^ 1802 1803^ 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818^ 1819 1820, 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832, 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842, 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 179 James Buchanan, Nicholas Clopper. Nicholas Clopper, George Hetich. George Hetich, William Scott. Nicholas Clopper, William Scott, Robert Smith. William Scott, Robert Smith, Thomas Brown. Robert Smith, Thomas Brown, John Gilmor. Thomas Brown, John Gilmor, John Holliday. John Gilmor, John Holliday, David Rankin. D. Fullerton, David Maclay, Henry Thompson. Henry Thompson, David Fullerton, D. Maclay. Henry Thompson, Robert Robison, Joseph Scott. Robert Robison, Josepli Scott. Patrick Campbell, David Eby, William Scott. David Eby, Andrew Robison, William Alexander. William Alexander, Sr., Andrew Robison, John Walker. John Walker, John Culbertson. John Walker, John Culbertson, James M'Coy. John Culbertson, James M'Coy, John Flanagan. James M'Coy, John Flanagan, Thomas M'Clelland. John Flanagan, George Hetich. Thomas M'Clelland, George Hetich, Thomas Waddell. George Hetich, Joseph Grubb. Thomas Waddell, Joseph Grubb, William Gamble. Joseph Grubb, William Gamble, Thomas Carson. William Gamble, Thomas Carson, John Walker. Thomas Carson, John Walker, Isaac Ward. John Walker, Jacob Negley, John Findlay, Sr. Isaac Ward, Jacob Negley, John M'Clintock. Jacob Negley. Archibald S. M'Cune. Archibald S. M'Cune, J. Allison. .1. Allison, James Colhouu. Jacob Heyser, Joseph Pumroy. Jacob Heyser, Joseph Pumroy, John M'Clintock. Joseph Pumroy, John M'Clintock, John Witherow. Jolm M'Clintock, John Witherow, Jacob Negley. John Witherow, Jacob Negley. Jacob Negley, William Fleming, David Lytel. William Fleming, David Lytle, John Orr. David Lytle, John Orr, J. B. Guthrie. John Orr, J. B. Guthrie, John Deardorff. J. B. Guthrie, John D. Work, John Deardorff. John Deardorff", John D. Work, Robert Wallace. Samuel Lehman, Robert Wallace, John Tritle. Robert Wallace, John Tritle. John Tritle, Jolan Johnston, Abram StoufFer. John Johnston, Abram Stouffer, Joseph Snively. 180 1S48 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858^ 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868, 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 Historical Sketch of Franklin Counti/. Abram Stouffer, Joseph Snively, Thomas Carson. Joseph tSnively, Thomas Carson, B. A. Doyle. Thomas Carson, B. A. Doyle, George W. Zeigler. B. A. Doyle, George W. Zeigler, James L. Black. G. W. Zeigler, James L. Black, W. A. Shields. William A. Shields, William Armstrong, David Spencer. William Armstrong, David Spencer, W. S. Amberson. D. Spencer, W. S. Amberson, John Bowman. W. S. Amberson, John Bowman, C. W. Biirkholder. John Bowman, C. W. Burkholder, D. H. M'Pherson. C. W. Burkholder, D. H. M'Pherson. William Fleagle. D. H. M'Pherson, William Fleagle. J. R. Brewster. William Fleagle, Andrew Davison, John Downey. John Downey, Andrew Davison, George Jarrett. John Downey, George Jarrett, D. K. Wunderlich. George Jarrett, D. K. Wunderlich. D. K. Wunderlich, D. B. Martin, W. S. Amberson. D. B. Martin, W. S. Amberson, M. Martin. W. S. Amberson, D B. Martin, Samuel W. Nevin. M. Martin, Samuel Nevin, Samuel Myers. Samuel W. Nevin, Samuel Myers, Joseph Mowers. Samuel W. Nevin, Samuel Myers, Joseph Mowers. Samuel Myers, Joseph Mowers, J. W. Winger. Joseph Mowers, J. W. Winger, John C. Trille. J. W. Winger, John C. Tritle, John A. Sellers. John A. Sellers, John Cressler, Samuel Taylor. John A. Sellers, John Cressler, H. R. Harnish. J. Cressler, H. R. Harnish, Samuel Taylor. Samuel Taylor, W. H. Blair, William M. Gillau. POOR HOUSE. The act of assembly for the erection of the "house for the em- ployment and support of the poor" of our county was approved by the Governor, March 11th, 1807. The second section of the act i^ro vided that at the election to be held in October, 1807, five persons should be elected "to determine upon and fix the place on which the buildings should be erected," and also that there should be elected "three persons to be Directors of the Poor," one to serve for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, their terms to be determined by lot. William Allison, David FuIIerton, John Colhoun, Colonel Joseph Culbertson and John Maclay, were elected the Commissioners to fix the site for the Poor House ; and Robert Liggett, James Robinson and Ludwig Heck were elected Directors of the Poor. The Commissioners selected the farm of Thomas Lindsay (the MESSiNGER DAME STARLI&HT COLTS Stock Farm & Res. of COL.Wm. D. DIKQ] NI.St TunMi.c Tp Ffnuifiiu r.n Pi / p n vnunuAc 1 Ta^^2^/P. Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 181 site of the present Poor House) as the place where the Poor House should be placed ; and in the year 1808 the directors purchased it for the sum of eight thousand two hundred dollars. The farm then contained one hundred and sixty-five acres, and had a stone farm house, barn, &c., upon it. This house was somewhat enlarged, and used until the year 1811, when the large stone building now standing was put up. In the years 1853-'54, the large brick house was erected at a cost of about twelve thousand dollars. The farm now contains about two hundred and ten acres. The following lists contain the names of the Directors of the Poor, their stewards, treasurers, attorneys, clerks and physicians, from the year 1807 to the present time, so far as they could be ascer- tained: 1808 180i) 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814, 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823, 1824, 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 18 i 2 1833 1834 1835 DIRECTORS. James Robinson, Robert Liggett, Ludwig Heck. Robert Liggett, Ludwig Heck, Henry Etter. Ludwig Heck, Henry Etter, Isaac Eaton. Henry Etter, Isaac Eaton, Samuel Radebaugh. Isaac Eaton, Samuel Radebaugh. Samuel Radebaugh, Matthew Lind. , Matthew Lind, John Vance. Matthew Lind, John Vance, Philip Berlin. John Vance, Philip Berlin, John Snider. Philip Berlin, John Snider, John Rudicile. John Snider, John Rudicile, Matthew Patton. John Rudicile, Matthew Patton, D. Washabaugh. Matthew Patton, D. Washabaugh, J. Stouffer. D. Washabaugh, J. Stouffer, William M'Kisson. J. Stouffer, William M'Kisson, John Snider. William M'Kisson, John Snider, Thomas Yeates. John Snider, Thomas Yeates, Jacob Heck. Thomas eates, Jacob Heck, A. Thompson. Jacob Heck, A. Thompson, John Davison. A. Thompson, John Davison, Thomas Yeates. John Davison, Thomas Yeates, John Vance. Thomas Yeates, John Vance, John Coble. John Vance, John Coble, Samuel Dechart. John Coble, Samuel Dechart, Nicholas Baker. Samuel Dechart, Nicholas Baker, James Davison. Nicholas Baker, James Davison, John Radebaugh. James Davison, John Radebaugh, John Orr. John Radebaugh, John Orr, Jacob Oyster. 1836, JoLn Orr, Jacob Oyster, John Whitmore. 1837, Jacob Oyster, John Whitmore, William Linn. 1S2 Historical Sketch of Franklin Count}/. 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1848 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1829 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 John Whitmore, William Linn, Samuel Campbell. William Linn, Samuel Campbell, Philip Nitterhouse. Samuel Campbell, Philip Nitterhouse, James Davison, Philip Nitterhouse, James Davison, Matthew Patton. James Davison, Matthew Patton, Upton Washabaugh. Matthew Patton, Upton Washabaujih, John Monn, Jr. Upton Washabaugli, John Monn, Jr., Samuel Lehman, John Monn, Jr., Samuel Lehman, John L. Detwiler. Samuel Lehman, John L. Detwiler, Daniel Bonebrake. John L. Detwiler, Daniel Bonebrake, Fred. Boyer. Daniel Bonebrake, Fred. Boyer, John Wise. Fred. Boyer, John Wise, David Hays. John Wise, David Hays, S. Detwiler. David Hays, S. Detwiler, Jacob Garver. Samuel Lehman, Jacob Garver, Martin Newcomer, Jacob Garver, Martin Newcomer, D. O. Gehr. Martin Newcomer, D. O. Gehr, James Furguson. D. O. Gehr, James Furguson, Josiah Besore. James Furguson, Josiah Besore, Jacob Weaver. Josiah Besore, Jacob Weaver, M. Gillan. Jacob Weaver, M. Gillan, Jacob Strickler. M. Gillan, Jacob Strickler, David Spencer. Jacob, Strickler, David Spencer, J. S. Latshaw. David Spencer, J. S. Latshaw, William Harris. J. S. Latshaw, William Harris, Samuel Seacrist. William Harris, Samuel Seacrist, John Doebler. Samuel Seacrist, John Doebler, John H. Criswell. John H. Criswell, John H. Clayton, Martin Heintzelman, John H. Criswell, John H. Clayton, Martin Heintzelman. James H. Clayton, Martin Heintzelman, John Gillan, Jr. Martin Heintzelman, John Gillan, Jr., J. R. Smith. Martin Heintzelman, John Gillan, Jr., J. R. Smith, John Gillan, John Smith, Fred. Long. J. R. Smith, Fred. Long, Peter M'Ferren. Fred. Long, Peter M'Ferren, David Deatrick. Peter M'Ferren, David Deatrick, Jacob Kreider. David Deatrick, Jacob Kreider, Amos Stouffer. Jacob Kreider, Amos Stouffer, William Bossart. Amos Stouffer, William Bossart, Henry Lutz. William Bossart, Henry Lutz, B. F. Funk. STEWARDS OF POOR HOUSE. Daniel Shroeder, 1808-1814 Benjamin Gruver, . . 1814-1821 Richard Morrow 1821-1827 FFisforical Sketch of Fy-anklin County. 183 Philip LauffQian, 1S27-1S30 Andrew M'Lellan, . . 1880-1833 Col. John Snider, . . 1833-1839 David Fegley, 1839 William J. Morrow, 184(M843 Emanuel Crosland, 1843-1845 Samuel Jeffries, 1845-1854 David Piper, 1854-1856 William Shinafield, 1856-1859 John Bowman . . . 1859 James Chariton, . . . • 1860-1864 William M'Grath, 1864-1866 John Ditzlear, 1866-1868 David Piper, 1868 Samuel Brandt . . 1869-1873 Joseph Middower, 1873-1877 TREASURERS OF POOR HOUSE. David Denny, . '. . __ 1808-1814 Unknown, . , 1814-1821 William Heyser, 1821-1823 John Sloan, . 1828 Hugh Greenfield, 1824-1827 Daniel Spangler, 1827-1830 Joseph Pritts 1830-1832 Henry Smith, 1832-1835 Jasper E. Brady, . . 1835 William Bard, . . . " 1836-1838 Henry Ruby, . 1838 Daniel Dechert, . . . 1839-1843 William Flory, 1848-1845 Daniel S. Fahnestoek, 1845-1848 James Wright, 1848 D. S. Fahnestoek, 1849-1856 J. Smith Grier, I 1856-1858 John W. Reed, . . . 1858-1861 Charles Gelwieks, 1861-1869 Alex. Martin, 1869-1872 Thomas Metcalfe, I872 H. B. Davison, ......... 1878-1876 CliERKS TO DIRECTORS OF POOR. Elijah B. Mendenhall, 1808-1814 F. Hershberger, . . 1814 Matthew Lind, 1815 18-i Historical Sketch of Franklin Conntij. D. C. Dehart, James M'Kay, Henry Reges, Daniel Spangler. Richard Morrow, Hiram Cox, William S. Davis John Colhoun, James R. Kirby, John Smith, John W. Reges. Richard Morrow, Jacob Heck, Hugh B. Davison Charles W. Heart John W. Reges, Lyman S. Clarke, J. Wyeth Douglas, Suively Strickler, William S., Everett, E. J. Bonebrake, John R. Orr, James A. M'Knight, Frank MehafFey, ATTORNEYS AND CLERKS. ISlfi 1817 1818- 1821 1823 1827 1828 1831 1832 1833 1835 1837 1840 1843 1845 1848 1851- 1856- 1859- 1862- 1866- 1869- 1873- 1876 -1821 -182.i -1827 -1831 -185r> -1837 -1840 -184a -1845 -184H -1850 1856 ■1859 1862 ■1866 ■1869 ■1873 ■1876 PHYSICIANS TO POOR HOUSE. Abraham Senseny, . . ... . . . 1808 John Sloan, 1809-1814 Andrew M'Dowell, 1815-1818 George B. M'Knight, 1819-1820 A. J. Dean, 1821-1823 Samuel D. Culbertson, . 1824-1826 Peter Fahnestock, 1827 N. B. Lane 1828 Andrew M'Dowell, 1829-1830 Jeremiah Senseny, 1831-1832 D. S. Byrne, . . . . . . . ' . ■ . 1833 J. Bain, 1834-1835 A. H. Senseny, 1836-1837 John Lambert, 1838 J. Evans, .- . . 1839-1841 J. C. Richards, 1842-1843 Historical Sketch of Franklin County. William H. Boyle, John Lambert, .... N. B. Lane John King, .... John Lambert, .... A. H. Senseny, .... S. G. Lane, .... A. H. Senseny, . , W. H. Boyle, .... S. G. Lane, .... James Hamilton, J. L. Suesserott, . J. C. Richards, .... C. L. Bard and T. J. M'Lanahan, W. H. Boyle, .... T. J. M'Lanahan, S. G. Lane, .... CHAPIjAIN. Augustus Bickley, 1844 ' 1845- ,47 . 1848-1849 1850-1852 1853 1854 1855 1856-1857 1858 1859-1861 1862-1863 1864-1865 1866-1867 1868 1869-1872 1873-1875 1876 Elected 1873. DEPUTY SURVEYORS UNDER APPOINTMENT FROM THE SURVEYOR GENERAL. Zachariah Butcher, Lancaster county, . . . . 1736 Thomas Cookson, " .... 1743-1746 Colonel John Armstrong, Cumberland county, . . 1750 Matthew Henderson, of Cumberland county, to . . 1784, Matthew Henderson, of Lurgan township, . . . 1784-1796 Daniel Henderson, . . . . . . . . 1796-1804 Thomas Kirby, Chambersburg, 1804-1809 Thomas Poe, Antrim, . 1809-1813 Archibald Fleming, Antrim, 1813-1821 William S. Davis, 1821-1824 William Hamilton, Peters or Montgomery, . . . 1824-1829 William S. Davis, Chambersburg, 1830-1834 Seth Kline, Greene, . . ■ 1834-1836 William S. Davis, Chambersburg, 1836-1837 Samuel M. Armstrong, . 1837-1839 Hugh Auld, Chambersburg, 1839-1845 Augustus F. Armstrong, Chambersburg, . . . 1845-1847 Hugh Auld, Chambersburg, 1847-1850 COUNTY SURVEYORS. By the act of 9th April, 1850, County Surveyors, were directed to be elected to serve for the term of three years each. The following persons have filled the office : 24 186 Historical Sketch of Franldin County. Emanuel Kuhn, St. Thomas, lSoO-1856 John B. Kaufman, Letterkenny, 1856-1862 Emanuel Kuhn, Chambersburg, (1) .... 1862-1871 John B. Kaufman, Letterkenny, 1871-1875 John W. Kuhn, • . . 1875 (1) Resigned April, 1871, and John B. Kaufman was appointed for the unexpired term. Mr. Kaufman wjis also elected for the full term in October, 1871. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. Prior to the passage of the act of 1850, providing for the election of District Attorneys, the "State's Attorney" or "Prosecuting Attor- neys" were the "Deputies" of the Attorney General for the time being, appointed by him, and removable at his pleasure. Our court records prior to 1842 having been burned, I have not been able to make more than a partial list of our former Piosecuting Attorneys, as follows: John Clark 1789-1790 William M. Brown, . 1790-1802 William Maxwell, Gettysburg, 1802-1812 William M. M'Dowell, 1813 Matthew St. Clair Clarke, 1819 Frederick Smith, 1824 Wilson Reilly, 1842-1845 William R. Rankin, '. 1845-1847 George W. Brewer, 1847-1849 Hugh W. Reynolds, . . . .' , . . . . 1849-1851 DISarRICT ATTORNEYS. Elected under fhe act of 3d of May, 1850, to serve for three years, from first Monday of November after election. James S. Ross, 1851-1854 Thomas B. Kennedy, ) io,,i icr- T o /^i 1 (•••.••■• 1854-180/ Lyman S. Clarke, J Lyman S. Clarke, 1857-1860 George Eyster, . . . . . . . . ■. 1860-1863 William S. Stenger, 1863-1866 William S. Stenger ' . 1866-1869 William S. Stenger, ■ . . . 1869-1872 Theodore M'Gowan, 1872-1875 Oliver C. Bowers, 1875 Historical Sketch of Franklin County, JURY COMMISSIONERS. 187 Elected under the act of 10th April, 1867, to serve for three years. 1867-1870, Addison Imbrie, William Boyd. 1870-1873, W. H. H. Mackey, Elias Patton. 1873-1S76, John Gilbert, A. H. Etter. 1876-1879, J. C. M'Culloh, Lewis Lechron. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Selected under act of 8th May, 1854 1854-1857, James M'Dowell, Hugh J. Campbell, 1857-1860, Philip M. Shoemaker, 1860-1863, Philip M. Shoemaker, 1863-1866, Andrew J. M'Elwain, 1866-1869, Philip M. Shoemaker, 1869-1872, Samuel Gelwix, 1872-1875, Jacob S. Smith, 1875-1878, S. H. Eby, \^ . to serve for three years. iry, $600 per year. 600 500 600 800 800 1,200 1,000 1,000 A LIST OF THE CLERGYMEN OP OUR COUNTY, WITH THEIR PLACES OF RESIDENCE AND CHARGES, RESPECTIVELY. Thomas Creigh, D. D., J. Agnew Crawford, D. John C. Caldwell, R. Lewis M'Cune, J. Smith Gordon, Samuel C. Alexander, Samuel C. George, David K. Richardson, Joseph H. Fleming, PRESBYTERIAN. Mereersburg, D., Chambersburg, Mereersburg, Fannettsburg, Dry Run, Chambersburg, Greencastle, - Welsh Run, Mereersburg. Falling Spring. Central Church. Fayetteville. Lower Path Valley , and Burnt Cabins.' Upper Path Valley. St. Thomas andRockj' . Spring. Greencastle. Welsh Run. A. Stewart Hartman, R. H. Clare, A. Hamilton Shertz, F. Klinefelter, P. Bergstresser, . D. Black welder, . LUTHERAN. Chambersburg, Greencastle, Waynesboro, Upper Strasburg, r First Church, Cham \ bersburg. I Second Church Cham- l bersburg, (German). Grindstone Hill. Greencastle. Waynesboro. Upper Strasburg. 188 Historical Sketch of Franklin County. N. J. Hesson, B. F. Allemau, H. B. Wintou, Hiram Knodle, William C. Cremer, H. I. Comfort, Carl Gundlach, H. H. W. Hibshman, J. G. Brown, E. E. Higbee, D. D., John H. Sykes, . Jacob Hassler, Isaac M. Hotter, William J. Stewart, Mercersburg, Shippensburg, M'Connellsburg, Clearspring, Md., REFORMED. Chambersbvirg, f, and Time alone will show what is to become of this great imposture of the nine- teenth century. PHYSICIANS RESIDING IN FBANKIilN COUNTY. James K. Davidson, William Grubb, Adam Carl, A. A. Miller, D. Bench Miller, Thomas M. Kennedy George Carl, A. S. Bonebrake, E. A. Hering, Isaac N Snively, Benjamin Frantz, J. Burns Amberson, John Ripple, A. H. Strifckler, G. W. B-teler, Ezekiel Hartzell, Henry K. Byers, William C. Lane, Robert 8. Browuson, Eliab Negley, D. F. Unger, Thomas H. Walker, Frank Oellig, John S. Flickinger, M. G. Alexander, John M. Van Tries, Robert W. Ramsey, George R. Caufman, Charles H. Garver, J. C. Gilland, . H. X. Bonbrake, Hiram Buhrman, Charles T. Maclay, 25 Greencastle. Waynesboro, Fayetteville. Orrstown. Mercer^burg. Fannettsburg. 11 St. Thomas. i( Caufraan's Station. Scotland. New Franklin. Mont Alto. Funkstown. Green village. 194 Historical Sketch of Franklin Count)/. David Maclay, , T. B. Ufifsnider, William A. Hunter, . James M. Gelwix, Henry G. Cliritzman, William P. Noble, . Joseph H. M'Clintic, William A. Hiiichman, J. B. M'Donahl, Samuel B. Ickes, John H. Flickinger, . W. O. Skinner, , D. F. Royer, . . M. M. Gerry, John Montgomery, . A. H. Senseny, . B. Rusl) Senseny, Edgar N. Senseny, Jacob L. Suesserott, , Samuel G. Lane, William H. Boyle, . T. Johnston AI'Lanahan, John Seibert, S. F. Reynolds, (Eclectic) B. Bowman, (Homeoi)ath I. Y. Reed, " J. F. Nowell. ic), Greenvillage. Upper Strasburg. Welsh Run. Upton. Loutlon. Concord. Dry Run. Shady Grove. Sylvan. Ciiambersburg. Greencastle. ATTORXEYS. John Clark, . Robert Magaw, Thomas Hartley, . James Hamilton, . Thomas Duncan, . Thomas Smitti, Ross Thompson, . Ralph Bowie, James Ross, James Riddle, Stephf-n Chambers, John M. M'Dowell Andrew Dunlop, . William Bradford, Jr., James Carson, James Smith, admitted September term, 1784 " December term, September Historical Sketch of Franklin County. 195 Jasper Yeates, Samuel Riddle, David Watts, James Orbison, M'Steel Sample, *Thomas Hartley, *Thomas Duncan, *James Riddle, Andrew Dunlop, William M. Brown John Smith, *Samuel Riddle, George Smith, *John Clark, Richard Smith, James Duncan, John Cadwallader, George Armstrong, William Claggvtt, Jonathan Henderson, William Barber, . James Crawford, . Parker Campbell, . William Clark, . Paul Morrow, James Brotherton, Samuel Hughes, . Thomas Baily, Joseph Shannon, . George Jennings, , William Reynolds, John F. Jack, Josej)h Paiks, Robert Hasel hirst, James Kelly, S. W. Culbertson, . Robert Ha.ys, Wdliam Orbison, . William Maxwell, Jonathan Haight, James Daubins, •. William L. Kelly, (froa William Ross. admitted March ter " December ' " March ' m, 1 September April May December New Jersey) April u August u II April 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 99 1801 1802 u 1803 * Those gentlemen marked thus were re-sworn after the adoption of the Constitution of 1790. 196 Historical Sketch of Franklin County. Alex. Lyon, . Otho Shroder, John T. .StuU, (from M Josiah Espy, James Carson, Thomas G. M'Culloh, Andrew Bo*;:gs, Samuel Leeper, David Snively, Upton Lawrence, .' George Chambers, Thomas H. Crawford, James M. Russell, John M'Con nelly, Andrew Caruthers, Elijah Mendenhall, William L. Brent, Wilson Elliott, Charles B Ross, . George Ross, . Daniel Hughes, George Metzger, Alexander Mahon, M. St. Clair Clarke, Richard W. Lane, John Larkel, James Buchanan, William Irwin, John Johnson, William S. Finley, James Dun lop, . * Paul I. Hetich, Samuel Liggett, James M'Dowell, . William Chambers, Frederick Smith, . Burr Harrison, Samuel Ramsay, . Hugh Torrence, Samuel Alexander, James Riddle, Robert ^L M'Dowell, John F. Denny, Joseph Chambers, EbeUitier S. Finley, John Williamson, iryland). admitted April term, 1803 1806 " 8th. " " term, " January 12th, 1807 November 9th, " 10th, " admitted 1808 1809 1810 admitted August term, October " admitted, admitted January term, admitted, admitted admitted admitted 1811 li it 1812 i( 1813 1813 i( 1817 u u 1818 April term, admitted, 1819 1820 August term, admitted, August 24th, admitted 1821 Historical Sketch of Franklin County. Archibald I. Findlay, . • . admitted April 21st, George Augustus Shryock, . . admitted August term, Jacob Madeira, admitted, Richard Bard, John A. Sterrett, Andrew Davison, • • • • Wiliiam Miller, Jr., ,...••• Thomas Chambers, David R. Denny, • • John S. Riddle, Reade Washington, . . . admitted August lOth, Tliomas Harbison, admitted, William S. Buchanan, Leonard S. Johns, Michael Gallaher, ....... Jasper Ewing Brady, . . . admitted August 14th, William M. Greer, . . . . . . admitted, James M. Reynolds, Andrew P. Wilson, James X. M'Lanahan, . . . admitted January 11th, James H. Hepburn, admitted, Jatnes Nill admitted April 8th, John M Ginley, adaiitted Daniel Denny, . . . . . . . . " Joseph Minniek, " Robert M'Lelland, , . . ' admitted November 15th, Humphrey Robison, • . . . . . admitted, Andrew Howlett, " Robert M. Bard, .... admitted January 14th, A. J. Durboraw, admitted, N. C. Snider John W. Reges, " B. Bordley Crawford, . James W. Buchanan, " WMlson Reilly admitted April 4th, Robert Quigley, admitted, C. S. Eyster, " James W. M'Kinstry, . ' " William C. Aughinbaugh, " William M'Lellan, . . . admitted October 2d, Joseph Nill, admitted. Experience Estabrook, ...... " John C. Williamson, " William R. Rankin, . " Theodore Friend, • '' George Chambers, Jr., . " 197 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 tl 1832 u 1834 1835 ii ear 1815, by the late Barnard Wolff, Esq., who com- menced the general hardware business nearly fifty years ago. After a long time, during which the business was conducted with con- siderable pecuniary profit to its owner, it passed into the hands of his son J. G. Wolff, and afterward, by him sold to Huber & Tolbert, who continued until the fire in 1864. In September, 1876, arrange- ments were made by Geo. A. Miller & Son with C. H. Wolff and B. Wolff, Jr , sons of B. Wolff Sr., and present owners of the property, for the erection of a building on the old corner for their business. The drawings for the store were made by F. Keagy, Esq., architect, and built by Henderson and Gillespie, carpenters. The whole structure is 106 feet deep on Queen street, by 23 feet, on Main. The store room is 79 feet 9 inches by 20 feet 4 inches, with a ware- house 26 by 20 feet 4 inches for iron, in rear, divided from store by a glass partition. The interior fixtures are of yellovi' pine and black walnut, shellacked. The shelving is made adjustable. The building was completed by March, 1877. Geo. A. Miller commenced the Appendix. 215 hardware business in Chambersburgin October, 1870, by purchasing the stock of Brand Flack & Co., occupying their old quarters until he removed to the present location. January 1st, 1876, he admitted his son, Geo. A Miller, Jr., into partnership with him, under the firm name of Geo. A. Miller & Son. They have now one of the best arranged stores in the valley, and carry a large stock of goods, embracing a very general assortment of Builder's Hardware, Cut- lery, Tools, Coach Trimmings, Saddlery Hardware, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils, Iron, Steel, House Furnishing Goods, Wood and Wil- low Ware, Terra Cotta Pipe, Vases, re destroyed by the fire of 1SG4, dates and names, except those above given, have been irrecoverably lost. During the interval between the fire and tlie rebuilding of the Academy, Rev. James F. Kennedy, John M'Dowell, Esq., Andrew M'Elwain, Esq., and a Mr. Ewell taught select schools. In 1867 measures were taken to rebuild the Academy, and in 1868 the pres- ent structure, a large three storied front and two-storied back build- ing, was completed. In September of the same year Dr. J. H. Shu- maker, having removed from Aeademia, Juniata county. Pa., open- ed the school. In 1871 an additional two storied biick building was erected to meet the growing wants of the Academy. From 18G8 to 1876 three hundred and seventy-three pupils were connected with the institution. There are now ample accommodations for thirty- six boarders and seventy-five day pupils, with huge school room, separate class rooms, and every needed facility for successful study and instruction. The Chambersburg Academy under its present management has become well known throughout this and other States as a first-class school in every respect. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL — BIR. JOHN FISHER, PROPRIETOR. This well-known hostelry, on South Main, between Queen and Washington streets, Chambersburg, dates back to the last century. The first landlord whose name we can trace was a man by the name of Markle, who was located there between 1790 and 1800. Follow- ing him came Mlcha^-l Trout, in 1800, who remained for three or four years. About the time that recruiting was going on for the war of 1812 this hotel was a great resort. An incident in its history may not be out of place here. The sign which swung on a post in front of the house had become very much dilapidated by rain, sun- shine and storm. The landlord knew an odd genius by the name of Frymeyer, who lived along the creek, near town. He asked Fry- meyer, who was a natural artist, whether he could paint an Indian Queen, and received an affirmative reply. Frymeyer asked who would sit for his drawing, and some one suggested Jane Holland, an employee of the house, who was gazing out of a second-story win- dow at the time. The artist immediately went to work, and Jane's portrait, as Queen of the Indians, swung out on the sign in a few days thereafter. It is said to have been a remarkably correct like- ness. After Mr. Trout, came David Radebaugh, John Kuiin, Samuel Lochbaura, John Mish, John Kuhn again, David Beaver and John W. Taylor. The terms of their occupancy the writer has been unable to find record of. After the destruction of the hotel, a two-storied brick building, by the fire of 1864, measures were taken to rebuild, and in 1865 a part of the present large and commodious three-storied brick building Appendix. 221 was erected. David Taylor and Henry Feldman occupied the house as a hotel until in 1870, when Mr. George Ludwig bought the property. A half lot directly south of the building was purchased and an addition built to accommodate the increase in custom. Mr. John Fisher took the stand after its purchase by Mr. Ludwig, and is now running a first-class house. On the first floor of the hotel is the office, bar room, wash rooms, sitting r<>om, dining rooms, etc. On the second floor is a handsome parlor, and the remainder of this floor and the whole of the third is devoted to bed rcoms, of which there are forty. Bath rooms are also in the house. . Large stables are in the rear of the building, and altogether it is a model of the successful hotel of 1877. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY — W. C. M'NULTY. Previous to the flre of I8G4 there stood on the Diamond, next door to the Repository and Whig building, a two-storied brick house. Some years before the fire the store room in the building was occu- pied by a Mr. Riddle as a bookstore. Mr. William Cook purchased the stoie from him and conducted the business for some years. Just preceding the tire Mr. C. H. Bush had a tobacco store, and hi^ stock was burned. The building was owned by Col. D. O. Gehr and Miss Maggie Denny. In 1866 or 1867 Messrs. Austin, Elder & Fletcher purchased the whole lot from the Market Street corner to the old Mansion House lot. In 1869, Mr. Alex. Martin, having purchased a part of this lot, erected the three-storied brick building which is now located In the store room he opened a grocery store. After some time he sold out to Mr. Henry Reilly, from whom, in turn, Mr. W. H. M'Dowell purchased in 1871. Mr. C. Burkhart bought the building, and in 1874 opened a wholesale and retail store, with Mr. Lortz as a partner, under the firm name of C. Burkhart & Co. In 1876 Mr. Burkhart sold his interest in the store, and Mr. W. C. M'Nulty went into the business with Mr. Loriz, under the title of Lortz & M'Nulty. Then in the spring of 1877 Mr. Lortz retired and Mr. M'Nulty took the store himself. He has since that time been carrying on the wholesale and retail line in groceries, candy, etc. MARBLE W^ORKS— FORBES & EARHART. About the year 1775 a man by the name of M'Cune erected a two- story frame house on the south-eastern corner of Main and King streets, Chambersburg. Captain Owen Aston lived in it for some years, but all records are lost which would reveal its proprietorship until it came into the possession of Mr. Peter Cook. He occupied the house for many years, but, failing in business, the property was seized by the Sheriff and sold to Thomas G. M'Culloh, Esq. In 1843 222 Appendix. Mr. George Goettman bought tlie lot, having thirtj'-two feet frorit- asie on Main street and one iuindred and eight on East King. An addition of a two storied brick building was built at the rear of the frame house, along King street. The frame building was changed to a rough cast one, Mr. Goettman died about 18oP, and liis widow continued her residence in the house. The fire of 1SG4 ended with Mrs. Goettman's house on that side of North Main street. The corner remained unimproved until Mr. Joseph Forbes obtaiiied a ground lease for three years, in April, 1877, and erected thereon a fiame one- storied building for the marble manufactory In which he and Mr, Earhart are now located. In 1775, Main st-eet only extended as far as King street. The road ran westward, out King, crossing the Falling Spring, thence north- ward between the Conococheague and the Spring. Passing along by the location of the present brewery, through the lot now owned by Benjamin Chambers Esq., then called the Indian burial ground, it passed through the Presbyterian cliurch yard, and came out directly In front of the church edifice. This tortuous course was occasioned by the fact that from Mrs. Goettman's property the land gradually sloped to the Spring, and on the opposite side was a large swahip extending along the water course for some distance. ANTRIM HOUSE— MR. C. H. SHILI.ITO PROPRIETOR. On the corner of East Baltimore and Washington streets, one square fi'om the Diamond, in Greencastle, is located the hotel whose name heads this sketch. This house of entertain- ment was opened to the traveling public in the year 1859, by J. Thomas Pawling. This gentleman having emigrated from county Antrim, Ireland, perpetuated the name of his native land by bap- tizing his hostelry in its honor. Avery flourishing business was done at this house during the reconstruction of the Cumberland Valley, or as it was then known, Franklin railroad. This change brought many strangers to Greencastle, the majority of whom availed themselves of the pleasant surroundings of the Antrim House. Since that time the house has been always open. In the spring of 1877 Mr. C. H. Shillito was granted a license to keep a public house at this location, and he had a complete renovation effected. The house was thoroughly remodeled and refitted. The only cattle yards and scales in Greencastle are under the proprietoivhip of Mr. Shillito, thus making it a resort for the cattle dealers and buyers of the southern end of the county. Ample stabling room is provided for those of the guests who visit the town in teams, while a livery stable provides teams for those who desire to hire. A restaurant is also connected with the hotel. Ap2^endix. 223 WILL H. EYSTER'S TIN WAKE AND STOVE STOKE. A one story fi-ame house in 1844 occupied the lot on south Main street, between Mnrket and Queen, upon which is built the three- storied iron front building in which Mr. W. H. Eyster carries on the stove and tinware business. Some years after Mr. Van Lear Davis bought the property, removed the frame structure and erected a two-storied brick house in which he kept a book store. A Mr. Irvine succeeded him Avith a hardware store. Messrs. D. S. Fahne- stock and jr. S hafe r next purchased the property and ojjened a gro- cery storer* After them Mr. C. Burkhart became the owner, and established an ice cream saloon, which was destroyed in the fire of 1864. In September, 1864, Messrs. L. B. Eyster and E. G. Etter bought the ground, erected the present building, and engaged in the stove and tinware trade. In 1866 this firm dissolved, Mr. L. B. Eys- ter retiring, and Mr. S. F. Greenawalt entered the establishment, under the firm name of Etter & Greenavvalt. In 1868 Mr. Greena- walt left the house and Mr. Etter continued the business alone until 1870. Mr. L. B. Evsterthen bought the stock and continued the business until October, 1876, when his son, Mr. W. H. Eyster, be- came the proprietor, and is now enjoying a fair share of the public patronage. All sorts of plumbing, gas fitting, slate mantels, tin and stove work are the specialties of this house." C. H. CRESSLER'S drug STORE. Ik On the 29th of June, 1775, Colonel Benjamin Chambers, the founder of Chamhersburg, and Jean his wife, conveyed the lot, (No. fi in the plan of Chamhersburg), situate at the south-west corner of Main and Queen streets, 64 feet wide on Main street, and 256 feet deep on Queen street, to Captain Williams Chambers, for the consid- eration of one pound ten shillings, Pennsylvania currency, or three dollars and fifty cents of our present money, on condition that he would build a house upon it, at least sixteen feet square, within two years, and subject to an annual quit rent of fifteen shillings. Wheth- er Captain Williams Chambers ever built that house is not known. On the 7th of May, 1778, Captain Chambers conveyed to Joseph Thorn, Sr., for the sum of £15. Joseph Thorn, on the 22d of No- vember, 17S3, conveyed to Dr. Alexander Stewart, for the sum of £36 specie. Dr. Stewart, on the 12th of April, 1785, conveyed the western quarter of the lot to James Caldwell for £40 specie, and on the 7th of April, 1789, sold the eastern three-fourths of the lotto Patrick Campbell, (Merchant), for £140 specie. And on the 19th of October, 1790, Patrick Campbell sold the property to John Colhoun, (Merchant) for £140 specie. John Colhoun owned the property until his death in 1822, and it is believed that he erected the substantial 224 Appendix. brick building which stood upon it prior to 1804. Mr. Colhoun was one of the uierchauts in our town in 1784, when the county of Franklin was erected, and for many years carried on the merchan- dizing in a room situated where JNIr. Cressler's drui; store now is. About the year 1815 he was succeeded in business by two of his sons, James Colhoun and Andrew Colhoun. After some time Andrew retired, and James Colhoun continued business alone for a number of years. He was succeeded by Michael Grier and Holmes Crawford. About the year 1830 or 1832 Alexander Colhoun became the owner of the property under an Orphans' Court sale, and on the 12th December, 1832, he sold it to Rev. James Culbertson for $6,000, who on the 18th of November, lSo4, sold to James Col- houn for the same price, $6,000. Elihu D. Reed carried on the Mer- cantile business at this corner from about 1833 to 1837, and was suc- ceeded by Franklin Gardner for two or three years. After Gardner quit business, Walter Beatty and John M'Geelian carried on the dry goods business at this point for a number of years. Colonel M'Geehan then retired and Mr. Beatty continued until about the year 1853 or 1854, when Wm. Heyser, Sr., ])urchased the property from James Colhoun's administrators. Mr. Heyser held it until his death in 1863, when it passed into the hands of J. Allison Eyster. William Heyser, Jr , commenced the drug business at this stand in 1854, and continued there in business until September, 1863, when the firm of Heyser & Cressler was formed, azid they were in the occupancy of the stand as a drug store when the town was burned by the rebels on the 30th of July, 1864. The present building was erected by J. Allison Eyster, in the year 1866, and Mr. Charles H, Cressler has occupied the corner room as a drug store from Novem- ber of that year to the present time. The business under his man- agement has been large and prosperous, and his well known knowl- edge and experience as a i)harniaceutist, and the varied and exten- sive stock always kept on hand by him, have made his establishment the leading drug store of the county, and > ielded him that generous return which is their legitimate fruits. He is now the owner of the property, having purchased it during the present year. THE NATIONAL, HOTEL— MRS. MARTHA TROSTLE, PROPRIETRESS. On March 30th, 1734, Benjamin Chambers took out a license from the Penn proprietary for four hundred acres of land at the Falling Spring's mouth, and on both sides of the Conococheague, the pres- ent site of the town of Chambersburg. Benjamin Chambers, on July 12th, 1777, conveyed the lot, bounded now on the north by lot of Miss Susan Chambers, on the east by a sixteen foot alley, on the south by a sixteen foot alley, and on the west by North Main street, to Nicholas Snyder. The price paid was £1, 10s., currency, equal to Appendix. 225 about four dollars of our prtsent money, and the provisioDS of the sale were that within two years Mr. Snider should erect a substan- tial dwelling house, at least sixteen feet square, and forever after pay an annual quit rent of I5s., to said Benjamin Chambers, his heirs or assigns, on the 28th day of June of each year. Mr. Snider, who lived in a stone house on the corner now owned by George Ludwig, opposite the Central Presbyterian church on the Diamond, erected a two-storied stone building on the site now occupied by the National Hotel At the death of Nicholas Snider, his son Jacob took the house at its appraised value, and kept a hotel known as the "White Horse Tavern." He had the building rough-east, and at his death Mr. Barnard WolfT, his executor, sold the property to John W. Taylor, on November 18th, 1851, for $2,265, who changed the name to the "White Swan Hotel," and bought out the annual quit rent on March 3d, 1854. On March 21st, 1855, John Miller be- came the owner of the stand. He added to his purchase a small lot immediately to the east of the hotel grounds, across the alley and opposite to Colonel Gehr's stable. An addition of a brick building was made by Mr. Miller during his occupancy of the premises. April 2d, 1860, Mr. Miller sold to Michael M. Grove and John R. Weist, Weist selling his interest to Grove on April 1st, 1861. Two years afterwards, March 31st, 1863, Mr. Grove retired, Mr. Daniel Tro.stle becoming the owner. On July 30th, 1864, the hotel went in the general conflagration, but nothing daunted, Mr. Trostle imme- diately began rebuilding. In the Spring of 1865 the house was opened under the name of tlie "National Hotel." February 20th, 1875, Mr. Trostle died, and since that time the hotel has been under the management of his widow, Mrs. Martha Trostle. The building, a three-storied brick, contains forty-four sleeping rooms, besides the oflQce, reading room, dining room, parlor and sample rooms. The list of landlords since the hotel was first opened is as follows : — Jacob Snider, John W. Taylor, John Miller, James Montgomery, Thomas Grey, Weist & Grove, Michael Grove, Daniel Trostle and Mrs. Martha Trostle. Just previous to the burning of the town this hotel was a great resort for the army officers stationed here. There is quite a romantic story told about it, and vouched for by an officer. About the time that the hotel was made headquarters a young woman applied for employment as a waiter. Whenever the offieei's went to their meals this girl always waited on them. After the army left Chambersburg she followed it to Hagerstown, and obtained employment in the same capacity at a hotel there which the officers frequented. By some means a great deal of information was carried to the rebel lines, and finally this girl was caught in the act by a Lieutenant, whose suspicions had been directed towards her. The hotel at present is one of the best known houses in the Cum- 29 226 Aj32Jendix. berland Valley and sustains a reputation second to none, anions: traveling men who come to Chambersburg. DIAMOND NOTION HOUSK — J. & G. WATSON. On April 1st, 1848, the executors of Dr. Andrew M'Dowell sold to David Oaks the property now owned by Mrs. Watson, located on the north-western side of the Diamond, Chamhersburg. A two- storied brick house then stood there. Mr. Oaks only held the prop- erty three days, and on April 3d, 184S, sold it to Benjamin Trexler. For six years Mr. Trexler retained it, when he, in turn, on January 17th, 1854, sold out to John Reasner. Mr. Reasner, on March 15th, 1857, sold to Alex. K. M'Clure, from whom Mrs. Charlotte Watson bought it on April 3d, 1858, and it has remained in her possession ever since. This is its connected history from the year 1848 until the present time. From whom Dr. M'Dowell bought I cannot say. The deed was not recorded, and therefore it is almost an impossi- bility to trace its history any further back than the year above men- tioned. The "Diamond Notion Store" was established in 1861 by James Watson & Son on the same spot it now occupies. The assortment was not large, consisting of wall paper and notions. In January, 1864, Mr. James Watson retired, his son George having purchased his interest. Then the firm name was changed to J. & G. Watson, and thus it has been ever since. After Mr. George Watson's en- trance into business the store room was enlarged and improved by the construction of bulk windows. Just at the termination of these improvements came the raid of JM'Causiand and its consequences. After the fire the firm, with its well known energy, opened out in a hastily thrown together frame building on south Main street, be- tween Queen and Washington, In 1865 and tbe spring of 1866 the three-storied brick building now located on the ground was erected. In March or April, 1866, the firm re-occupied their old position, though in a much neater room, and betteradapted to their particular line of trade. Business moved along slowly, their sales averaging from three to four thousand dollars a year. In 1867 a "New York Store," in the ^ame style, opened out, and the Watson Brothers came before the public by means of jjrinter's ink, and ran their sales up to tliirty or forty thousand dollars per year. Since that time they have enjoyed a first rate run of custom, both in their wholesale and retail departments. THE CENTRAL, PK,E.SBYTERIAN CIIUKCH OP CHAMBERSBUBG. On the 9th day of June, 1868, the Pi-esbytery of Carlisle, in accord- ance with a request of certain members of the Falling Sirring Pres- RES. OF JOHN R. Of?R. Market St. Ghamb9 PA iimWiMiiitiMJ CENTRAL PRESBYTER J. C . CA "Antral w^si^/'f^'/jlgf ^^^^s^^.LJ Appendix. 227 byterian Church, appointed a committee to visit Cham borsburg and inquire into the expediency of organizing a second Presbyterian church. This committee met in the Falling Spring church on the 15th day of August following, and after a careful investigation of , the circumstances determined, and proceeded to organize what was at first called the Second Presbyterian Church of Chambersburg, Twenty-eight persons, twenty women and eight men, presented certiticates of membership in the Falling Spring Church, and were organized into the new congregation. An election for elders was then held, which resu'ted in the unanimous choice of James C. Austin and James A. Reside. The Commissioners of the county very generously, and without solicitation, oiTered the free use of the Court House to the new or- ganization as a place of public worship. On the morning of the 24th of August, the Church held its first religious service, when the Rev. James F. Kennedy, D. D., preached. A Sabbath School was soon put into operation, and has been continued to the present time without intermission. After hearing several ministers as candidates, the Rev. I. N. Hays then serving the Middle Spring Church, received and accepted a call to the pastorate of the congregation. Mr. Hays soon entered on his duties, and was formally installed by a committee of the Presbytery on the 11th day of December, 1868. Immediately after the organization the purpose was formed to secure a permanent home for the congregation. A committee, pre- viously appointed, reported on December 12th that they had' pur- chased the lot on which the Franklin Hotel had stood ^before the burning of the town. As soon as possible, plans for a church build- ing were secured and adopted. A Building Committee, consisting of James C. Austin, James A. Reside and Col. O. N. Lull, were chosen, and proceeded at once to prepare the foundation. These men faithfully and vigorously pushed on the work. On the 25th day of May, 1869, the corner stone was laid with appropriate and solemn ceremonies. On Sabbath, December 12th, 1869, just one year after the purchase of the lot, the congregation met for the first time in the new lecture room, to worship and praise the Lord, at which time the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. The membership had by this time increased to the number of seventy. Early in 1870 the work of completing the large audience room was undertaken. In 1874 it was finished and was dedicated to the service of Almighty God on Thursday, the twenty-first of Seotem- ber. The Rev. Mr. Hays labored as pastor of the church till May 24th, 1875, when he preached his farewell sermon, and soon started for his newly-adopted home in Junction City, Kansas. 228 Appendix. Tlie cliurch was without a pastor for a period of about three months, when the Rev. J. C. Caldwell, then of the Lycoming Church, of Williainsport, Pa., was called. He entered on his duties on the 13th of September, 1875, and was installed as pastor on the 23d day of October following. Thfe church is now in a very prosperous condition ; has but a com- paratively small debt, and owns property worth about fifty thousand dollars. It has a membership of about two hundred in number and is steadily growing. COL. winger's residence— greencastle. This house, located on the Square in Greencastle, was built in the year 1812, by Mr. John M'Lanahan, and was at that time considered a fine mansion property. Fashions change, however, and the resi- dence so stylisli in those dnjs is now pointed out as a good, old- fashioned house. It is the oldest mercantile stand in the town, and has always been held in high esteem as a flrst-class business Icjcatiou. The "Farmer's Bank of Greencastle" occupied a portion of the house previous to 1818. The part allotted to trade is now occupied by a general store, the "Valley Echo'' printing establishment, bar- ber shops and law otfices. It has belonged to its present owner, Col. Benjamin Franklin Winger, for several years. MARBLE YARD— S. P. SHULL, PROPRIETOR. Prior to the year 1822 the thoroughfare now called Market street, in Chambersburg, had but few buildings built along its westward course. At the corner of the Diamond, where the Central church is, stood the old hostelry known from Philadelphia to Pitts- burg as the "Green Tree Tavern." Westward there was a small weatherboarded house and the hotel stable between Main street and the alle^'. From the alley to the Conococheague there was a ravine, its western side slopiug to the creek. Of the history of the marble yard property the writer has been able to gather but little. The first mention found in the deed records reveals the fact that the Court of Common Pleas confirmed a sale made by Sheriff J. M. Maclay to Alexander M'Donald, of Baltimore, of the lot upon which the marble yard is now loca'ed, in the year 1822. By the death of M'Donald the property passed into the hands of a Robert Lemmon, whonj M'Donald had ap- pointed a trustee of this laud. On December 27tli, 1850, Wm. M'Lellau, Esq., became the owner, through a deed given by Lemmon and the other trustees. Mr. M'Lellan only held it three years, and on August 13th, 1853, sold the part known as the "King Marble Yard" property to James King. There was a two-storied Appendix. 229 brick dwelling house and a frame shop on the land at the time of the fire, and they were both burned. After the fire some time elapsed before Mr. King rebuilt. A three-storied, rough-cast brick house now stands on the property, together with a two-storied frame work-shop. After being proprietor for almost a generation, Mr. King traded with Mr. James R. Brewster, of Newville, for some property near Fannettsburgh. On March 6th, 1874, Mr. Brewster took possession and held it until 1877. After Mr. King's departure Mr. Samuel P. Shull rented the shop and carried on the marble cutting. Succeeding in the trade better than he expected, Mr. Shull, on March 24th, 1877, purchased the lot from Mr. Brewster, together with the dwelling house to the west of the marble yard. An experienced marble worker, Mr. Shull is kept; constantly busy supplying memorial stones and monuments for the little hillocks which are consequent to the growth of the village of 1777 into a large and beautiful town a century after. During the war of the rebellion, those noble men, the Home Guards, heard that Stewart was coming on a raid. Just opposite Mr. Shull's yard they con- structed a barricade of sand bags. Down New England hill the rebels came, but the barricade belched no deadly fire in their faces. The guards had skedaddled and the sand bags were disgusted. HON. W. S. STENGER'S RESIDENCE. Chambersburgh, in olden times, was a noisy, bustling post town on the through route between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Lines of stages lumbered out daily for Baltimore and the two cities above mentioned. About the year 1815 the Harrisburg and Chambersburg turnpike company came into existence, and the pi-esent piked tho- roughfare was taken in charge. The stages from Harrisburg did not get into Chambersburg until they came to the Falling Spring church. To the North of the church edifice, as late as 1841, there were only the following named houses built: Mr. W. S. Chambers' stone resi- dence stood, as it were, in the country. Following the turnpike, the frame house owned by Mr. John Trostle was then a new house.' At the Point stood an old log tavern, which has, since that time, been modernized and changed to a dwelling house. Beyond the Point was a hill, which has been removed ; going still northward, the frame house on this side of the school house was built, and that neighborhood was slightly swampy. The old gate-house, kept by Mrs. Shiyock, stood across the road, at the line between Mr. C. H. Taylor's and Rev. J. A. Crawford's residences. Here was quite a hill, which, under the direction of J. Allison Eyster, was removed. Mr. Eyster bought the property at sheriff's sale, April 1st, 1861. It •was then partially a field and partially a garden for the gate-house keeper. In accordance with ideas of improvement, Mr. Eyster pro- 230 Appendix. cured the removal of the gate-house to u situation one mile further north, and set a force of men ai work blasting and digging down the hill. After the fire of 1864 he began to build the present building. The residence is a handsome two-storied frame house, built in with brick, and presents an attractive apjjearance from the street. It contains in the front building, down stairs, four rooms, up stairs, nine rooms; in the rear part there is one room on the first door and three up stairs, one of which is a bath room. On Decetnber 9th, 1871, Mr. J. A. Eyster conveyed to W. B. Brown, M. D., who estab- lished a Water Cure establishment. This project was unsuccessful, and the house was rented out. Hon. W. S. Stenger, on September 4th, 1875, purchased from Dr. Brown, an. m. K.] In compliance with a request made by you, I shall endeavor to furnish a brief history of the foul murder of a teacher and all his pupils, with one exception, which was perpetrated by the Indians, on the morning of the 26th of July, 1764. The region in which this brutal murder was committed was then in Cumberland county, (now Franklin), about three miles north of Gieencas'le, and ten miles south-west of Chambersburg. Enoch Brown was the school- master of the settlement. He is said to have been a man of liberal culture, particularly noted and respected for his truthfulness, integ- rity and christian character, in short, he was an exemplary teacher of his day. On the morning above named, he proceeded as usual to the log school house, which was a structure of the rudest character, opened it, and doubtless performed the various duties attendant upon the teacher to put things generally in readiness for the open- ing of the school. Tradition says that on the above named day the children were generally loath to go to school, even those that were particularly fond of going at other times, disliked very much to start on that morning. One boy, after leaving home, decided he would not go to school, but loiter in the woods, and hence he escaped the sad fate which befel his schoolmates. One by one the boys and girls came dropping in with dinner basket in hand, little thinking that this would be their last day of school. When the hour for opening school had arrived, they were told by the teacher to take their respective places in the room ; the roll being called only ten responded to their names, eight boysand two girls. The school had Apjoendix. 231 been mucli larger in the early part of the summer, but the warm weather and seasonal duties had very much decreased the number of scholars. I have not been able to ascertain the names of all the scholars, bat have learned from a reliable source that no two were from the same family, so that there wt^re ten families from the settlement represented in this school. Eben Taj'lor, a lad about 15 j'ears old, was said to have been the largest boy, George Dunstan was some- what younger than Taylor, and Archie M'CuUough, the boy who survived his injuries, was the youngest child of the school. The names of the two girls were Ruth Hart and Ruth Hale. The ac- count given by A. M'Cullough is, that when the master and schol- ars met at the school house, two of the scholars informed him that on their way to school they had seen in the bushes what they sup- posed to be Indians. But the teacher, being a mao of courage, at- tributed this report to the timidity of the children, as such rumors had frequently, on former occasions, been in circulation on the fron- tier when no Indians were near. Shortly after the opening exer- cises of the school, a noise at the door attracted the attention of the teaelier, when it was thrown open, and to his astonishment three Indians stood upon its threshold. Knowing that there was no means of escape, and hoping to spare the lives of the children, he instantly stepped to the door, and in imploring tones besought them to kill him, to torture him, or to dispose of him as they deemed proper, but to spare the lives of the innocent children. One of the Indians replied, that in order to avoid detection they would be ne- cessitated to kill the children also, and instantly one of the three Indians sprang through the door, and fiercely attacked the teacher with a wooden mallet. The teacher had nothing with which to de fend himself but his hands; these were soon disabled or broken, after which a few severe blows about the head felled him to the floor in a dying condition. During the time the savage was brutally murdering Mr. Brown, the children were almost frantic, running to and fro through the house, and possibly some of them would have made their escape into the undergrowth which surrounded the house, but for the two Indians who remained on the outside to guard the door and give timely notice to the wretch within in case they were discovered. One by one the little urchins were stricken down by furious blows from the heavy mallet of the Indian, until . all but little Archie were stretched upon the floor, dead or dying. As no time was to be lost, the savage monster went hurriedly from one to another tearing off their scalps. Little Archie, who had tlius far avoided discovery, was concealed behind some wilted boughs, which previously had been placed in the great chimney, from which place of concealment he could see the horrible slaugh- ter of his schoolmates. The Indians, now supposing their work completed, were about leaving the school house, when one of them, 232 Appendix. looking back, observed Archie secreted in the chimney corner, and rushing upon him, dealt him a single but fearful blow, and tearing off his scalp, left him for dead. Some hours after this bloody trag- edy had been committed, one of the settlers happened to come in the vieinity of the school house, and observing the unusual quiet- ness about the house at that hour of the day, it being about noon, his curiosity led him to the door, when behold! the horrible scene was presented to him. Ten lifeless bodies stretched upon the floor, weltering in their own blood, and little Archie, who was not dead, but blind from the blow he had received, moaning and crawlinit about among his dead companions, smoothing his hands over their faces, and running his fingers tlirough their hnir, as if trying to distinguish one from another by the touch. Archie M'Cullough recovered from his injuries and lived to an old age, but his mind was never quite right again. A few days after this dreadful massa- cre the whole neighborhood gathered to participate in the funeral obsequies. The teacher and scholars wei'e all buried in the same grave, being put into a large, rudely-constructed box, with their clothing on, as they were found after being murdered, THE MONTQOMERy HOUSE— W. H. M'KINI.EY, PROPRIETOR. Directly across the alley from the National House, on north Main street, Chairabersburg, stands the Montgomery House. Whe-n Nicholas Snider bought the National House property he also bought this one, and in course of time it came into the hands of Jacob Sni- der, who in March, 1794, sdM to his brother, Jeremiah Snider, father of our townsman, Mr. Nicholas Snider, to whom the writer is under obligations for many historical facts otherwise unattainable. Jere- miah Snider had been keeping a hotel on west Queen street, oppo- site the property now occupied by H. Sierer & Co., called the Harp and Crown. On the neWly acquired land he built a three-story brick tavern stand, brick back building, brick stable, one-story stone blacksmith shop on the corner of the alley, and other buildings. The hotel was known as "The Eagle," and had a large spread eagle for a sign. In 1823 Mr. Nicholas Snider was informed by his father that he might have the stone blacksmith shop, and in consequence of the gift Mr. Snider added another story to the shop and convert- ed it into a dwelling house. David Snider followed Jeremiah Sni- der as landlord of the Eagle. Though of the same name they were not related. John Aughinbaugh was landlord for a year or two previous to 1833, when Jeremiah Snider, of Bedford, rented the house. In 1836 Mr. Nicholas Snider became "mine host." The same year the Cumberland Valley railroad was opened for trade, and the first train which came through had on board all the volunteers from the Carlisle barracks, who were entertained by Mr. Snider. Mr. Appendix. 233 Nicholas Snider was succeeded by his brother, Geo. W., about the year 1838, and he kept the hotel until September, 1844. James Montgomery, father of Dr. John Montgomery, rented from Mr. Jeremiah Snider in September, 1844. From April, 1846, to April, 1847, Thomas Gi'ay was the proprietor, who was followed by Mr. Mont- la ornery again. In 1848 Mr. Snider died, and Mr. Montgomery, on March 29th, 1848, became the owner, purchasing from the adminis- trators of .Jeremiah Snider. In 1856 the building was leased to Charles Gibbs, who only remained one year, to be followed by Mr. Montgomery once more. From this period until his death, Mr. Montgomery continued running the business. After his death his. widow, Mrs. Margaretta Montgomery, was the proprietress, until the invasion and fire of July 30th, 1864. Immediately after the fire the present building, four-storied brick, having its offlces, read- ing room, dining room, etc., on the first floor, the parlor on the second, and the remainder of the house devoted to bed rooms, of which there are forty-two, was erected. The northern part of the house was, and is, occupied by Dr. Montgomery as a private resi- dence. Mrs. M. Montgomery continued the business until 1866 or 1867, when Mr. W. C. M'Nulty leased the property. In September, 1868, Daniel Miller went into the house, but shortly after sold his lease to Ephraim S. Shank. This lease expired September 21st, 1871, when Elliott & Shenafield, afterwards Elliott & M'Call, kept until April, 1875. Since that time it has been under the manage- ment of Wm. H. M'Kinlej', w4io has lively competition with his rival across the alley. CROWELL & go's SHOPS— GEEENCASTLE. [The following sketch from the pen of J. M. Cooper, Esq., in the Chambersburg Valley Spirit of August 15th, 1877, gives the full his- tory of the Willoughby Grain Drill Works, at Greencastle, Pa.] "We spent a day in the fine old town of Greencastle lately, and put in most of the time looking through the establishment of J. B. Crowell & Co., which we found to be a hive of industry, and which we think it worth while to write the history of. Bradley and Chappel started a Foundry on South Carlisle street, in Greencastle, in 1845, and J. B. Crowell bought out Chappel in 1850. The business was conducted by Bradley & Crowell from this date till 1857, when Franklin Keller was admitted to the firm. In this year the manufacture of Grain Drills and Hay Rakes was ad- ded to the ordinary business of the Foundry. This establishment was burned down in 1861, when a temporary structure was erected, in which the business was carried on. In 1860, the Rev. Mr. Emerson, at that time pastor of the Pres- byterian church at Greencastle, in connection with General Detrich 30 234 Appendix. and \Vm. H. Davison, started a Steam Saw Mill and Sasli, Door and Blind Factoiy. In 1861, James C. Austin bought out Messrs. Emerson and Detrich, and he and Mr. Davison conducted the saw- mill and sash factory till the succeedinjj year. Bradley, Crowell and Keller dissolved partnership near the close of 1861, and in 1862 Mr. Crowell bought out Mr. Austin and entert-d into partnership with Mr. Davison, adding the Grain Diill and Hay Rake manufacture to the business previously done by Austin & Da- vison. In 187(1 the firm of Crowell & Davison was dissolved, and W. H. Davison's half interest was f)urchased by J. B. Crowell and Jacob DeardorfF, the latter having been in the employment of the old firm as clerk. In 1874 Joseph E. Crowell, of Ohio, a nephew of J. B. Crowell, purchased of him a quarter interest, the firm name making no change., but has coutinujed siuce 1870 unresent commodious buildings justopposite the old works, and made Steam Engines and Boilers of all kinds a specialty. In 1870 he took C. F. Bowman, of Lancaster, into co-partnership, who d'ed in the fall of 1872. In February, 1873, a company was organiz-'d with a capital of $100,000, and facilities were largely increased, in order to supply the pressing demands of the trade. The works comprise two commodious finishing shops, well fur- nished with all the machinery, tools and appliances, usually kept in a flrst-class, well-conducted establishment of this character; a large boiler shop, with every thing necessary to produce work of all kinds and styles in this line; also steam forge shop, smith shop, iron foundry, brass foundry, paint shop, warehouse, pattern shop, and pattern house, with a very large collection of patterns used in manufacturing, and to which constant additions are being made. Eight years ago fifty workmen were employed, now the company has about one hundred employees. One moral feature is not out of place in this connection. The company employs only sober men, and when any of the workmen are persistent in the use of intoxi- cating drinks, such are suspended or dismissed. The manufactures produced by this company are the "Eclipse" Farm, "Eclipse" Portable, and "Eclipse" Stationary Steam En- gines, Horizontal and Vertical Stationary Engines, Steam Boilers of various styles, Circular Saw-Mills, Mill Machinery, and general machinist work. Their manufactures are shipped to almost every State in the Union, and even to the West India Islands. They en- joy the enviable reputation of making superior machinery in their line. In the short period of three years past they have sold nearly 500 of their Eclipse Engines alone, and of the great number of boilers constructed, they have yet to hear of the first explosion. Their prospects are most promising, and bid fair for a very success- ful future. J. K. ANDREWS' FARM. The tract of land now belonging to Mr. James K. Andrews, of which I write, is located in Hamilton township, along the Warm Spring road, and five miles south-east of Chambersburg. It con- tains about, one hundred and twenty-seven acres of gravel land, of which twenty-seven are in timber and the remainder in farming order. On the property there are erected a two-storied frame dwell- ing house, large stone and frame barn, and all the necessary out- buildings. It is bounded by lands of John N. Snider, Andrew Bard, Appendix, 243 Israel Faust, Isaac Allison, Israel Faust, Jacob Picking and others. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in 1804, granted a patent to Andrew Dunlop, for a large body of land, of which this farm was a constituent part. A few years after, Dunlop sold the Andrews tract to James Speer. Speer was notable to pay for it, and an execution of judgment was issued. Jacob Merkle, High Sheriff of Franklin county, on April 14th, 1810, sold the farm to Thomas Poe, Esq. James Speer, Jr., purchased It from Poe, but only retained it until April 4th, 1812, when Frederick Wallick became the owner. For seven years it was in the possession of Wallick, when he sold, on March 24th, 1819 to Jacob Hatler. Hatler remained there for nearly half a generation, but sold to Michael Etter on March 21st, 1833. Two years afterwards, Etter became involved, and conveyed the farm on February 28th, 1835, to John Gird and Henry Bender to sell for the benefit of his creditors. No sale was made, however, and the property was re-conveyed to Etter. On April 2d, 1855, James J. Kennedy and James Nill became the owners, and on April 2d, 1858 Judge Kennedy purchased Mr. Kill's interest, thus becoming sole proprietox'^ In the spring of 1860 Mrs. Sarah Andrews moved from New Village, Warren county. New Jersey, to our county, and on the sixth day of April, 1860, bought this property from Judge Ken- nedy. The frame house was then standing, but has since that time been thoroughly remodeled. In March, 1866, Mr. James Andrews, husband of Mrs. Sarah Andrews, died. Mrs. Andrews retained the farm until January 1st, 1876, when she sold to her sons, T. M. and J. K. Andrews. During the summer of 1875 the present large barn was built by the proprietors, the work being done by Frank M. Andrews. Mr. James K. Andrews bought out his brother's half interest on July 1st, 1877, and made extensive alterations in the dwelling house. The present proprietor is a thorough, go-ahead young merchant. At present he is engaged in the dry goods business, with E. Van Volkenburg & Co., importing and jobbing, 384 and 386 Broadway, New York City. In consequence of his business relations, he is necessarily, for the greatest part of the time, away from the county. His brother, Mr. F. M. Andrews, manages the farm. o. w. good's registered distillery. This property is, situated in Washington township, three miles east of Waynesboro, on the Waynesboro and Monterey turnpike. It's location is just at the foot of the South Mountain, on the Bed Run, and a mile and a-half from the Waynesboro' Station, on the Western Maryland railroad. John Downin began the manufacture of liquor in the present building, about the year 1858, and the name of Downin liquors is a guarantee of purity. A distillery was in op- 244 Appendix. eration as early as 1812, and a point not nioi-e than one huiHired feet east of the present office, where the wagon house of Abram Shockey now stands. Tt is i^robable that this location was early selected on account of the pure water of a spring, which then as now. wns used in the manufacture of liquor. This spring is located near the turn- pike, at the foot of the mountain, whence it flows in a clear and limpid stream. During tlie heaviest drouth there was alwavs suffi- cient water to fill a four inch pipe. It is said, with how nuicli accu- racy I cannot say, that the Indians held these waters in high esteem, believing them to be medicinal in quality. Mr. G. is running the establishment steadily, using twenty-four bushels of grain per day. He fattens and ships six hundred hogs in each year. The distillery produces about six hundred and fifty bar- rels of i^ure liquoi's per annum, and there is a great demand for it on account of its reputation for purity. The short distance to the rail- road gives facilities for reaching markt^t not enjoj'ed by those who owned this property previous to the completion of the present enter- prise. ABRAM SHOCKEY'S FARM. >« Mr. Shockey purchased this jiroperty, on which his homestead now stands, in 1862. The first purchase was about sixty-two acres, located in Washington township, near the South Mountain. In 1863, Lee's army, while retreating from Gettysburg, encamped in that region of country. The damage resulting from this visit to Mr. Shockey he estimates at five thousand dollars. Since its pur- chase the present owner has built the warehouse occupied by Mr. O. W. Good, a wagon house, the rear part of the present house, the barn and all other buildings now standing, except the dwelling house and mill. Scarcely a fence or outside improvement was then in existence, where now are cultivated fields and commodious build- ings, making a tasty, convenient and valuable^ homestead. About 1865, Mr. Shockey purchased twenty-four acres from the farm of Jacob Hoover, deceased. This piece of land was not the only addi- tion, as, in 1868, a second tract of twenty-four acres, directly south of the first, was purchased from Jacob Stoutfer. At that time there was a school house erected on this land. At his own expense, the proprietor has erected a church for the use of the German Dunkards, and with the church has given them an acre as a burial ground.' These purchases have increased the farm to 110 acres, in 1877, and has made one of the finest properties in the valley, having on it a church, school house, distillery, feed mill, warehouse, together with the water right to the spring mentioned in another article, and from which a new line of pipes has been laid. Mr. Shockey owns an- other fine farm, of 181 acres, located southwest of his homestead, and immediately adjoiniug a tract of 36 acres of fine timber. This Ap2:)Bndix. 245 timber land is on the mountain side, and, being for the most part pine, is very valuable. The mill, under his ownership, has been extensively remodeled and new machinery introduced. DAVID ESHLEMAN'S FARM. In Antrim township ubout two miles from Greencastle is located the farm of Mr. Eshleman. This property was originally a part of the Crunkleton tract and contains about one hundred and fifty-one acres, of which fifteen are in timber. The first owner on record was Joseph Crunkleton, who took out his license in 1734. The tract then contained the lands now owned by Benjamin Snively and the farm under consideration. In 1853 Peter Eshleman and Jonas Reiff purchased it of the heirs of Jacob Snively. Peter Eshleman, in Feb- ruary, 1860, purchased the undivided half of ReifFand became the sole owner. David Eshleman, on June 28th, 1869, bought from Peter Eshleman, his father, and now owns it. The dwelling house is built of stone and contains nine rooms. It was built about 1801 by a Mr. Byere, whose first name I have been unable to learn. In the pres- ent year Mr. Eshleman has entirely remodeled the house. There ai'e several very fine springs on the farm, and it is well known as one of the oldest and most productive in the valley. Mr. Eshleman devotes his attentiear 1800. In 1829 Thomas C. Lane became its owner, and in 1837 it was sold to Isaac Wanner, .and in 1859, at public outcry, to George Etter, the father of the present proprietor, who received his deed in 1862, having resided on the farm already for two years. The house and barn were built by General Waddle in the year 1812. If a Putnam and a Muhlenberg have made their names immortal by their prompt responses to their country's call, so also should the name of General Thomas Waddle pass down upon the page of history as one equally worthy of a country's gratitude and honor. Whilst this house, which has been remodeled by its present owner, in the year 1871, was being built, the nation called upon her brave yoemen to defend Baltimore. Hastily boarding up the windows of his unfinished house, General W. took up his trusty sword and marched to the front of the fray. Appendix. 259 The foe had invaded hia nalive land and to protect it was also affording protection to his own fireside. The barn on this place was also built by General Waddle, but it, too, underwent a renewing process at the hands of Mr. Etter, in the year 1872. The house, which is built of atone is 64 feet on the northern front and 33 feet deep. The barn is 92 feet long and 50 feet wide. The farm which is chiefly of limestone, contains 217 acres about 25 of which are very choice timber. It is very productive, having, during the proprietorship of Gen. Waddle, at one lime produced as much as 42 bushels of wheat per acre. There is a fine orchard, and a viaeyard of 650 grape vines in bearing order on this place. But the enterprise which Mr. Etter has inaugurated, that of brook trout cultivation, is the most attractive to the lover of nature, or the casual visitor. His ponds, which are five in number, occupy a space of 100 feet in length by 75 feet in width. They average about 4 feet in depth, and are supplied by two fine springs, that flow at the rate of 400 gallons per minute. They con- tain at this time about three thousand fine brook trout, but Mr. E. estimates their capacity as far as oxygen and water supply is concerned, sufficient for the proper sustenance and full development of 10,000 trout in their difi'erent stages of growth. The food which he provides for this numerous family, per week, amounts to about 50 pounds of beef scraps, and 8 gallons of thick milk to each 1,000 two year old trout. As will be noticed the expense of feeding is no small item, but up to this time Mr. E. has readily secured 50 cents per pound in the New York market, which he has supplied with 500 pounds for the last two seasons, and he expects to be able to furnish this spring (1878) about 700 pounds, at a cost of $50 for feed. He has kindly furnished us his mode of procedure in propagating. The great grandfather of Mr. Etter, emigrated from Prussia, about the year 1750, to Dauphin county, where the grandfather of Mr. Etter, Henry Etter, was born in 1767. He died in Franklin County in 1828, having migrated from Dauphin County, in 1792, and is said to have been one of the first three persons of German descent who located in this county. He established himself in Guilford Township, and lived in an old fort which was erected as a defence against the Indians. At this place George Etter, father of Geo. W. Etter. was born in the year 1799. He died in Feters Township in 1864. In early times, what is now called Etter's Cemetery, situated within 200 yards of the house, was known far and wide as Dobbin's Grave Yard, and within its enclosure lie the remains of many a sturdy settler, whose descendants have scattered far and wide, and perhaps forgotten the hardy pioneer, to whose labors and privations they are indebted for the com- forts they now enjoy. It is said that in the dark days of Indian warfare, the burial services were held with aitmed outposts guarding the mourners from the ambuscade of the dreaded savage. At one time it was contem- plated to erect a church at this point, but from some unknown cause the intention was abandoned, and Church Hill chosen instead. But the edifice there erected has long since yielded to the devastating march of time, and its name and location only exist in tradition. Mr. Etter was married to Mary Clapsaddle, Nov. 1859 ; they are enjoy- ing this delightful home surrounded by a family of five children, three sons and two daughters, who are all endeavoring to earn the content- ment that comes from a life well spent. MERCERSBURG COLLEGE. Mercersburg College is the result of forces which date far back in the history of the Reformed Church in the United States, and its life an(J 3fiO Appcndlr. growth are iatimately connected with her edncalinnal movements. It's first beginning was about 1880, as a High School, at \orli, Pa., in con uection with the Iteformed Theological Seminary, recently removed thither from Carlisle. Rev. Daniel Young, was the first High School Frolessor. He was an able and excellent man, but was in delicate health, and died within two years after his appointment. His successor was Rev. Fred. Aug. Ranch, D. D., a man of remarkable talent and earnest- ness. He came to this country in 1831, at the age of twenty-five, having already filled the position of Professor Extraordinary at the University of Geissen, in Germany, received an appointment as regular professor at Heidelberg, and published various classical, philosophical, and theologi- cal works, in Latin and iu German. In 1885, by order of the SynQd of Chambersburg, the Theological Seminary and High School were removed to Mercersburg, the latter was then erected into a college, with Dr. Ranch as Its first president, and Samuel A. Budd, A. M. as professor of Mathe- matics. The State Legislature, in the session of 1835-G, granted a college char- ter, under the name of Marshall College. The Board of Trustees, rep- resentatives of Mercersburg, Zion's, Maryland and Virginia Classis, pushed the cause of the College with such vigor that in 183G, the present College building was erected, and houses for the professors were soon after built. The Goethean and Diagnothean Societies also erected beauti- ful halls, which are still standing. In 1850 Rev. J. Williamson Nevin, then professor in the Western The- ological Seminary, at Alleghany, Pa,, was elected Professor of Dogmatic Theology in the Seminary, and, on the death of Dr. Rauch, in 1841, suc- ceeded him as President of the College, Dr. Nevin received his early training in the Presbyterian Church, was a graduate of Union College, and studied theology at Princeton, under the venerable Dr. Hodge, being thoroughly indoctrinated in the tenets of the Presbyterian fathers. His association with Dr. Rauch brought him into contact with German phil- osophy, opening to him, as he has said, "a new world of thought." The "Church Question," as it was styled, received at that time much atten- tion trom the tUinkers of the Church. To it, Dr. Nevin applied his clear and massive intellect, and the result has been whaiis called "Mercersburg Theology." Thus the quiet village of Mercersburg, lying among the foot-bills of the Tuscarora range, in the south-western part of Franklin County, has become known wherever theology is taught or studied. Prom its Seminary came forth, as by inspiration, a stream of historical, christological theology, which, forcing its way through many obstacles, has spread out at length over the extent of Christendom. The "Mercersburg Theology" is as significant a term as the Augsburg, or the Westminster. It's promulgator and chief defender, Dr. J. W. Nevin, ranks with the great masters :n the church, and is held one of the foremost thinkers of the age. Through the controversies to which he has been challenged by men of fame here and abroad, the name of Mercers- burg has become imperishable. The work of the college was carried forward steadily, though at times Under financial pressure, until 1853, when Marshall College was removed to Lancaster, and consolidated with Franklin College, under the title of Franklin and Marshall College, the Theological Seminary remaining at Mercersburg. Nearly twelve years later, Rev. H. H. Harbaugh, D. D., of blessed memory, and Rev. E. E. Higbee, D. D., then professors in the seminary, men of observation and prudence, and fully alive to the wants of the church in her educational work, found that there was a strong desire for a college in this section, and a reasonable prospect of its Appendix. Ml success. They accordingly urged the Classis of Mercersburgto purchase the old college property, which hsad reverted to the citizens of Mercers- burg. The purchase was made, the school organized, and in 1865, the Court of Franklin Comity granted a very liberal charter to the Board of Regents of Mercersburg College. Rev. Thos. G. Apple, D. D., a graduate of Marshall College, and a student of Dr. Nevin's in theology ; a sound and logical reasoner, and very clear in the expression of his thoughts, was elected the first Presi- dent. He was assisted by an able faculty, and the fiist class through the regular course was graduated in 1871. The Theological Seminary was removed to Lancaster in 1870. Rev. Dr. Higbee then resigned bis chair (of Church History) in the Seminary, and Dr. Apple was elected to fill his place. To the Presidency of the College, left vacant by the resigna- tion of Dr. Apple, Dr. Higbee was elected by the Board of Regents. Rev. Dr. Higbee, who is now President, is a graduate of the Universi- ty of Vermont, and studied theology under Dr. Nevin and Dr. Philip Schaflf. He is a thorough classical scholar, and is eminently successful not only in imparting instruction to his students, but also in maintaining, with the aid of a faculty of able and energetic young men, the general discipline of the College. During the twelve years that have elapsed since its institution, Mercers- burg has been quietly, but steadily progressing in character and reputa- tion. It's standard of instruction is as high as that of the most renowned institutions of the kind in the country, and year by year it sends forth small, but thoroughly drilled classes of graduates. It has now a post- graduate course in Theology, in successful operation. It possesses abun- dant chemical and philosophical apparatus, and the college libraries, in- cluding those of its two literary societies, the Marshall and the Washing- ton Irving, number over four thousand volumes, and are constantly receiving additions from publications on both sides of the Atlantic, RESIDENCE OF ADAM FORNEY — WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA. Tuis very elegant mansion, situated on East Main street, on lot No. 4 adjoining the residence of the father of Mr. F. is constructed of brick and as will be seen is 3 stories high. It is elegantly furnished, even up to the roof, and furnished with all the modern conveniences. With a tank in the garret of a capacity of 35 barrels, it is supplied with hot and cold water troughout, and would be a credit to a large city, as it isto its proprie- tor. The dimensions of this house are 27 feet front by 100 deep. The lower room is used as a store room, and the balance, as the residence of Mr. Forney. At the rear end of the lot there is a very convenient stable. Mr. F. was engaged in tanning forabout 12 years, and a view of the estab- lishment will be found in this book, but he has also contributed to the prosperity of the town, by erecting a number of buildings, 5 of which he has now in the occupancy of tenants. Adam Forney, who is a son of Mr. L. S. Forney, was born Oct. loth, 1840. He married Ada, daughter of Wm. Dice, Esq., of Scotland, Pa., May 10th, 1870. They have two children, viz-, Wm. Dice, and Lillie. 262 Appenillv. FARM AND RESIDENOK OF .TACOT! nKGE— PKTKRa TOWNSniP, FKANKT.IN C(\, The bnil.linga repreaented in niir sketch consist of a stone log, cased with brick, and brick house, and also a very capacious barn. The J'arm which contains 17:{ acres of first quality of flint, gravel and limestone land, adjoining which Mr. Hege liaa another one ol" lOa acres, is situated a little south ol the Warmspring road, about six miles from Mercersburg, 12 from Chamberaburg and U from Williamson Station on the S. P. K. K. The land was first taken up by a Mr. (Jlapsaddle, and was purchased from one of iiis descendants, George Clf.psaddle, about 03 years ago by John Hege, father of the present owner. Jacob H. at the time of the purchase was a boy. His father was born in Lancaster County Imt came to this county at the age of 14 years and resided with liis parents at Marlon. He married Mary, daughter of Jacob Lesher, near Greencastle. He resided on a farm belonging to his father-in-law until the death of Mr. Lesher which occurred on December 31st, 1813, when he purchased and removed on the property represented in the picture. At this time a cabin built of unhewn logs and roofed with clapboards, occupied a place now included in the front yard. This Mr. H. allowed to remain for about ten years, notwithstanding the fact that he had erected a larger log house 24 by 35 feet, the part of the present one that is now cased witii brick and forms the centre of the building. He also erected a stone kitchen, same width as the log house, and about 18 feet) long which also remains as built. Mr. Jacob Hege has made an addition, of brick, 17 feet long at the north end, which is also the same width as the log brick cased part. This is now occupied by him as a residence, the other portion being used by his son Jacob W. and his family. When this land was purchased by John Hege it was nearly all covered with heavy timber, only about 10 or 5 acres having been cleared. The price paid for about 73 acres, was |G0 per acre, and afterwards he secured a large tract, some as low as $4 per acre. At the time of his death, which occured in his 80th year, he was possessed of 700 acreu. He built a substantial log barn over 100 feet long with floors. This barn was torn away to give place to the one built by his son .Jacob in 18G7. The present brick barn contains 3 threshing floors, five long stables, one of which is 17 feet wide, constructed for the purpose of fattening cattle. The land which is somewhat rolling is well adapted to grain or stock raising, about 30 acres are still well covered with thrifty timber. There is a never failing well of good water, 23 feet deep, near the house. Two good cisterns, one at house the other at barn. There is a lime kiln of 700 or 800 bushels capacity on this place, the good effect of its product being demonstrated by the fact that the average yield of wheat is about 1,000 bushels, 1,000 bushels of corn, 1,000 bushels of oats as well as a goodly supply of hay. There is also a fine apple orchard in full bearing, and an abundance of small fruits. Jacob Hege was married Dec. 17th, 1844, to Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Weaver, of St. Thomas Township. They have two children Jacob W. and George. The former as already noted, living in part of the house represented, and the latter on the adjoining farm. Jacob W. was married to Mary, daughter of Joseph Kriner. They have had three children, viz: Elizabeth, John Henry, and an infant. John Henry is dead. George married Fanny, daughter of Samuel Etter, near Marion. They have one child named William Milton. The farm on which they reside contains IGo acres, which united with the other one, makes 438 acres. The Father of Jacob Hege and also his mother were buried on this farm in a family burying ground, known as Hege's graveyard. Hans Hege the progenitor of the Hege family, emi- grated from Schauff'hauscn, near Zweibrucken, at Ebcrstein Hoff, in Switz- I Appendi.r. 268 eriand. He landed in Philadelphia, Sept. 27th, 1727, having been a pas- senger on the ship "James Goodwill," David Crockett, Capt. He was accompanied by his brother-in-law Hans Lehman and about fifty-three other families. From Philadelphia they went to Rapho Township, Lan- caster County, and settled near Manheim. Mr. H. bought a farm there, where he remained all his life and was buried on his own place. FARM AND PRESENT HOME OF JOHN WALKER, ESQ.,— ST. THOMAS TOWN- SHIP, FRANKLIN CO., PA. This delightful place, late th£ residence, and old homestead, of the cel- ebrated Wilson family, is situated about seven and a half miles west of Chambersburg and about 3 miles from the village of St. Thomas. It was purchased by its present owner, Jan. 4th ia72, of James Shields of Mount Pleasant Borough, Westmoreland Co. Pa. , one of the heirs at law of the Wilson estate. The barn which is a very fine brick structure 102 feet long by 62 feet wide, was built in the year 1847, and the commodious house, which is also of brick 58 by 40 feet, was erected in 1848 by the surviving children of John Wilson, Sr., and Sarah his wife, but remained unoccupied as a residence until Feb. 1855. The deed from Wm. Steel, of Hamilton Township, at that time, Cumberland Co., Pa., to John Wilson, Township of Derry, Lancaster Co., Pa., bears date twenty— October A. D. 1779. The place then contained 212 acres ftnd allowance, and was sold for what would appear to be the enormous sum of nine thousand pounds. Remembering however that at that date the continental currency was at a very large discount, the price was probably much less than it would now bring without its valuable improvements. The family of John and Sarah Wilson consisted of seven sons and three daughters, viz: Moses, David, James, John, Alexander, William, Robert, Elizabeth W. afterwards Mrs. Shields, Florence, afterwards Mrs. Patton, and Sarah. All of these, with the exception of the two designated, continued in a state ot single blessedness. John Wilson, Sr., died Jan. 31st, A. D. 1826, aged about 76 years. Mrs. Sarah AVilson, after attaining the age of 96 years, 3 months and 28 days, died July 1st, 1848. The children now all sleep with their fathers, Moses at the age of 80 vears, died Oct. 15th, 1861, David aged 78, died 27th Feb. 1862, James who died July 28th 1847, was 56 years ■ old, John Jr., died March 10th, 1818 being yet in his 29th year, Alexan- der still younger, departed this life Sept. 24th 1823, at the age of 24 years, William attained the age of 71 years and died Jan. 29th 1869, Robert in the month of July, the 6th day, aged only 54, Elizabeth, Mrs. Shields, ex- ceeded the remarkable age of her mother and died March 23d, 1873, 97 years old, Florence, Mrs. Patton, died March 6th 1855, aged 68 years and Sarah the munificient benefactress of Wilson College, in whose henor it was named, died Feb. 9th, 1871, aged 76 years. We have been thus careful to give this chronological list of deaths for the reason that amongst the many families and individuals who have resided in Franklin County none are more deserving to be kept in grateful rememberance than that of the Wil- sons. Not alone because of the aid that their honestly accumulated wealth afforded in establishing an institution of learning that is an honor to our county, but also because of the fact that one of the peculiar characteristics of these people was their unstinted liberaiity and humanity to the poor, and their fair and honorable dealings, not only with their many tenants, bui with the public generally. The old house around whose hearthstone this numerous family gathered for so many years, c©ntinued to be occu- pied by the surviving members until its destruction by fire in Feb. 1865. It will bo noticed that the present brick structure was erected in 1848, yet 264 A'ppendix. notwithBtauding its allracUve appearance and couimodioua apartments the recollections of childhood days were so entwined around their heart- strings that nothing but the devouring element was able to cauae them to leave, for better accommodation, those made dear by memory's cariy hours. With the old building many valuables, consisting of money, bonds and notes, together with a lavish supply of bedding and other household goods were destroyed, and even title papers, in the iron safe, were so charred as, in some instances, to be rendered illegible, as was the case with the baJ- lance of the date on the first deed of this farm. John Walker, Esq., the present well and favorably known proprietor, was born in St. Thomas Township, April 24th, 1824. His grandfather Robert Walker was a native of Ireland and landed in Philadelphia, Aug. 23d, A, D. 1786. On the first of September of the same year he located near Franklin Furnace, and soon after commenced the erection of the first ftiUing-mill west of Carlisle, employing as a power and appropriating the site now used by the saw-mill of Mr. John Heckman. He died April 10th A. D. 1837 aged 78 years. George Walker, the father of John, was born Feb. 21st, 1790 and died June 13th, A. D. 1868 aged 78 years, leaving two children, one daughter, now Mrs, George Sprecher, and the owner of the place under consideration. John Walker has been twice married, his first wife was Sarah, daughter of Wm. Gillan, Esq., of Hamilton Town- ship, now deceased, to whom he was married March 12th, 1846. She died in 1869 at the age of 43 years leaving an interesting family of seven children, three sons and four daughters. His second wife, Sarah Shields of Hamilton Township formerly of Westmoreland County, is one of the descendents of the Wilson family, being a granddaughter of Elizabeth W. They were married in 1873, and have one child a son. Few men who have entered into the matrimonial venture, for the second time, are as fortunate as has been Mr. W. , at least the writer is acquainted with no one who has drawn two prizes of equal worth. At the time of the pur- chase of the farm, for which he paid |14,627.32 it contained 241 acres, but Mr. Walker, who has another farm but a short distance away, has reduced this one to 143 acres. KESIDENCE OF J. M, KIPPLE, M. D. In the year 1873 Dr. Ripple of Waynesboro', Pa., purchased the site on which his very convenient home is now located. At that time it was occupied by an old school building. The lot has a width of 83 feet, is 200 feet deep, and the hosse standing back 65 feet from the pavement, is adorned with beautiful shade trees. It is 42 feet front by 30 feet deep, and has a back building 30 feet long attached. The paternal ancestors of Dr. R., three or four generations back, were natives of Germany, and their first settlement in this country, at a very early date was in Hagcrs- town, Md„ where they engaged in agriculture. In the year 1810 Lewis Ripple, the grandfather of the Doctor, purchased what is now known as the Monterey Springs property, at that time occupied by an old log house which was used a tavern stand. This Mr. R. removed and erected in its stead a commodious stone structure together with the necessary out build- ings. The property then became widely known as Ripple's Tavern. About SIX years after, the hotel building proper, was destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt by its proprietor who continued to keep a favorite place of ac- commodation for man and beast until about the year 1840 when he dis- posed of it to Samuel Buhrraan, and removed to Waterloo now Rouser- ville, where he again engaged in the hotel business and continued so era- ployed until the time of his deathi His family consisted of four sons John, James, Joseph and Lewis, and five daughters Elizabeth, Matilda, Appendix'. 365 Harriet, Margareta and Julia Ann. Of tliese tlie two oldest sons John and James are dead. Joseph, the father of the Doctor, was born m the year 1813 and when he had attained a sufficient age he entered the employ of his father, taking charge of one of his teams, of which he had several for the purpose of conveying freight to and from the cities of Baltimore and Pittsburg. He continued at this business until about the year 1845 when he engaged in farming near Beaver Creek Md. He was married in 1835 to Mary daughter of Mr Sheeler who lived on the property now owned by Christian Shockey north of Rouzerville. Mr R. resided for some years iu Maryland after which time he purchased, from his father 75 acres of land near Rouzerville, about the year 1850, upon which he re- mained until 1865 when he disposed of it to Christian Shocky and pur- chased the farm upon which he is now living, but which he sold, in the spring of 1876, to his sen. Dr. J. M. Ripple in whose possession it still remains. This farm is situated about one mile from Waynesboro', near the Baltimore and Pittsburg turnpike, and 3 miles from the Waynes- boro', station of the W. M. R. R. It contains 130 acres of highly culti- vated land, and is supplied with very attractive buildings which were erected in 1863 by James Brumbeck. The soil is limestone and is well adapted to the production of grain, or for stock raising. The surface is rolling and is well watered by two fine springs which empty into a stream running nearly parallel with the farm, the house is supplied by a well of excellent water. The capacity of the farm, which, by judicious culture, is being year by year increased, has been as much as 30 bushels of wheat per acre. Dr. J. M. Ripple, who graduated from Jefi'erson Medical Col- lege in the spring of|1868,and who immediately upon his graduation located in Waynesboro', was compelled to hew his own way to the honorable position which he now occupies, and the remarkable energy which he displayed in early life a£"ord3 the secret to his present success. He was married in the year 1873 to Margaret Lee, daughter ot Jacob B. Cook, Esq., of Quincy Township, and has two children Joseph and Martin. WAYNESBORO' HOTEL. Whilst we are satisfied that our artist has done justice to the above named commodious place of entertainment we are certain that the guests, and they who chance to be made the recipients of the kind and generous attention of the gentlemanly host, Mr. M. G. Minter and his estema- ble family, can alone give full credit to this establishment. The hotel property is owned by Mr. Jacob J. Miller, who purchased it April 1st, 1867 from Valentine V. Gilbert and Rebecca his wife. It is located on the north-west corner of the diamond, is built of brick and contains 30 rooms. The dining room, that which is of so great importance in a hotel, is 18 by 40 feet, and has had gathered around its sumptuous tables as many as 83 regular boarders. The house can accommodate 75 guests, and the stabling has a capacity for the care of 50 head of horses. The lot occupied by a large portion of this property is what is known as No. 30 on the general plan of the town, and was conveyed by John Wallace, the original proprietor, on the 37th day ot June 1798 to Michael Stoner, Sr., and Elizabeth his wife, from those parties to Christian Funk and Jose- phine his wife. From Christian Funk and wife it passed into the poses- sion of Francis Bowden and Mary Ann his wife. The deed from Bowden and wife to V. B. Gilbert, is dated August 1st, 1865. The hotel, which contains a large store-room, occupies a frontage of 84 feel and has a depth of about the same extent. It was built in the year 1818 by Michael * Stoner, 8r., and the east end, has ever since been used as a hotel. In its SGfi Appendiv. general appearaace, and all its appliances, it does full credit to the enter- prising town of Waynesboro'. FARM AND HOMESTEAD OF PHAREZ DUFFIELD, ESq. Tlie region which is fringed by the South Mountain, so replete in min- eral wealth, and constituting some of the most productive farms in this county, appears to have been settled upon by sturdy Irish, and Scotch- Irish and their descendents at a very early period. The homestead which we represent in our picture is located about G miles south-east of Cham- bersburg, in Guilford Township, near the little village of New Guilford. It is about 2 miles from Fayettevillc station on the Mount Alto Railroad. The land was taken up by Richard Cowden in the year 1762, from whom it passed into the possession of the Wallace family, The first buildings, which remained until about GO years ago, were of stone and logs. These have disappeared and the present house which is also of logs, weather- boarded, with a brick extension, was built in the spring of 1820 by Rebecca DufiQeld, the grandmother of the present proprietor. It has on several occasions been remodeled by his father, Simon Duffield, and by himself. The barn which is built of stone, frame and brick, is 94 feet long and was erected by its present owner in the year 1866. The farm contains 110 acres, 20 of which are well covered with excellent limber, viz: hickory, white and black oak. It is in a tine state of cultivation, and is adapted to the production of all kinds of grain. Having an abundance of lime-stone and the facilities for the conversion of it into lime, the time is in the far distant future when this will be known as any other than a fertile, thrifty place. The grandfather of the present well-to-do owner of this land, William DufiQeld, a native of Ireland, arrived in this country sometime during the Revolutionary war, and entered into the service of his adopted country. After the expiration of his enlistment he married into the Wallace family and raised a family of live sons and two daughters, viz: Simon (father of Pharcz) Josiah, Philip, James, William, Anne and Sarah. These all sleep with their ancestors, James the last one having died Jan. 24th, 1878 at an advanced age. Josiah, the date of whose death is not known, encountered the perils of war at Baltimore in 1812. Simon Duf- field, who was born in 1780 on this farm continued to reside here until the time of his death which occurred in 1856. His mother also died in the same house having resided there during her widowhood. Pharcz DufBeld married Sarah Jane, daughter of George Cook, Esq., of Quincy Township, in the year 1849. He came into possession of this property by inheritance and purchase, in the year 1856. His children numbering six, consist of four sons and two daughters, viz: Cassius W,, John J., Mar- shall C, George P., Sarah E., and Ida J. L. S. FORNEY'S TANNERY. The buildings represented in the sketch are situated in Waynesboro', on a lot on East Main street, which formerl}' belonge'l to the Gar'land estate. The tannery was erected in the spring of 1831, was remodeled and enlarged in 1858, and has a capacity of two thousand hides per annum. Philip Forney, Sr., great grandfather of L. S. Forney, emigrated at a very early date from France. His son Philip, (grandfather of L. S. Forney) was born Sept. 29th, 1724; was married May 18th, 1753, and had ten children. Mr. Philip Forney, Jr., died Ftb. 17lh, 178JJ, and his wife, Elizabeth, died August 10th, 1794. Adam Forney, (father of L. S. Forney,) was born June loth, 1754. He married Rachel, daughter of David Schrieber, who lived near Win- chester, Md., Oct. 26th, 1784. She was born Jan. 7lh, 1767. Their family consialed of ten children. I Appendix. 2G7 David Schrieber, Sr. (grandfather of L. S. Forney,) was a member of the Maryland State Legislature for many years. His son David, was, when a boy, pressed into service in the Continental Army under Gen. George Washington. He was afterwards educated, and appointed to a position on the U. S. Engineer Corps, which he held for a considerable length of time. He assisted in the survey of the Mason & Dixon's Line, and in the laying out of the National Eoad from Baltimore, Md., to Wheeling, Va. He held a government position until within a few years of his death. L. S. Forney was born in Hanover, York County, Pa., May 26th, 1805, and was the youngest, save one, of a family ot 10 children, 5 of whom are still living. Samuel the eldest of the surviving members, was born March 8th, 1790, and now resides at Gettysburg, Pa. Mr. L. S. Forney was married Nov. 1st, 1882, to Mary, daughter of Jacob Hollinger. She was born Nov. 5th, 1811, and died Jan. 2§d, 1873. They had eleven children, three of whom died in infancy, the rest are still living. Although ad- vanced in years, Mr. Forney is still actively engaged in business. He has contributed very largely to the prosperity of the town in which he has spent so large a portion of his useful and unobtrusive life. His residence, situated on East Main St.,— one of eieven brick houses erected prior to 1831, was purchased by its present occupant in 1854. KESIDENCE OP JACOB J, MILLEK. This homestead is located about 3^ miles south-west of Waynesboro' on the public road leading to Hagerstown. At a very early date the land, of which this constitutes a part, was taken up by Henry Miller, the great grandfather of the present owner. Deeds in possession 'of the family, show that its proprietorship dates back to 1786, and it has continued in the Miller name ever since. Henry Miller who was a native of Germany, entered the patriot army and served during the entire period of the Revo- lutionary war. After his death the property passed into the hands of his son whose name was also Henry. At the death of Henry, Jr., it be- came the property of his son Samuel, and is still ownedby his heirs. He had three sons, John, Samuel and Henry. John Miller the father of Jacob J. is still living, at the age of 77 years, on part of the homestead. He married Eve Harbaugh about the year 1831. They have three chil- dren, viz: Jacob J. Daniel R. and Susan, now Mrs. Benjamin Funk. The farm represented by the illustration contains 163 acres. The buildings, which are very attractive, are of brick, and the barn which is 80 by 54 feet, in it3 convenience and finish, is cousidered one of the best in that section of the county. It was built in 1873 and has a never failing well of water beneath a portion of it. The present owner of this place is the architect, ot and superintended the construction of all these buildings. Whilst the house was being erected in 1863 the memorable battle of Antietam was fought, and few can imagine the anxiety and consterna- tion of Mr. M. during these troublous times, but with a rarely equaled amount of energy he pushed forward the work to completion. The soil of this very productive farm is of limestone, and its greatest capacity has been as much as 45 bushels of wheat to the acre, but this was ex- ceptional. The average production is from 30 to 25 bushels. Mr. Miller, who is also the owner of that capacious and well known hostelry, the Waynesboro Hotel, moved upon this property shortly after his marriage which occurred Feb. 19lb, 1856. His wife was Elizabeth C, daughter of Harry and Susan Funk. The children of Jacob J. Millor and wife are seven in number, viz : John J. H., Adolphus B., Martha S., Charles Ottis, Daniel L., Mary Elizabeth and Etta Viola. 208 Appendir. FAltM OF THE LATE JAMES CRAWFORD. This farm, 'wliicli is now owned by Frederick B. Crawford, but occu- pied by his brother Milton, io situated in Guilford Township, about one and a half miles from Fayetteville and one mile from the Mount Alto Railroad, and is part of the original tract taken up by Edward Crawford, a native of Drumgavan, near Donegal, Ireland, and at that time (1740) known by the name of Clearfield. He erected the first buildings of log, which re- mained until about the year 1882, when the house was torn down and re- built, about 50 yards from the original site, by his grandson, James Crawford, using the same material. This building is still standing. The house and barn which we represent, and which are of brick, were built by James Crawford, the former in 1828 and the later in 1838, and have not received any alteration or change since then, except by the great mutator of all things earthly, old Father Time. The dimensions of the house are GO by 25 feet, and the barn 72 by 50 feet. The farm, which is ef limestone soil and very productive, contains 171 acres, of which about 'SO are in choice oak and hickory timber. It has a fine stream of water running through it, and as an evidence of its productiveness we will state that its last year's crops (1877) consisted of 1,300 bushels of wheat, 2,500 bushels of corn, 500 bushels of oats and about 80 tons of hay. The family history of these descendents of the first Edward Crawford deserves more than a passing notice at our hands. Whilst most of them have been un- obtrusive in their characters, yet as a family they have been noted for their intelligence, and for possessing that old styled gentility that unfortunately at the present day is giving way to the leveling influences of that reckless- ness that is inaptly denominated progress. Of the family of Edward Crawford, consistinir of nine children, viz: Martha, John, James, Eliza- beth, Ruth, Edward, Joseph and Mary, John and Edward were soldiers of the Revolution. John, who was a Lieutenant, was captured, together with 2,300 other prisoners, at Fort Washington, and was kept in custody on Long Island during the remainder of the war. We append to this article a letter written by him to his father, which demonstrates the fact that there were hard money men in his time as well as now. Edward Crawford will be still remembered by some of the oldest residents of the county as the clerk of the first court ever held in Chambersburg. Joseph was killed by the Indians. John and James inherited the farms and in 179G John, in consideration of 300 pounds paid to his brother James, became proprietor, of the 341 acres held by said brother. James removed to Mercersburg where he died ; and in 1827 John died on the same larm on which he was born. His family consisted of eleven children of whom but two now survive, namely Joseph and Beckie, now Mrs. McKee, relict of the late Matthew Mckee. Holmes, one of the number, was for many years the honored head and front of the old Chambersburg Saving Fund. He also was a soldier of the war of 1812 and was present at the siege of Fort McHenry. For a long time a resident of Chambersburg, no one ever enjoyed a more unsullied reputation for integrity and for everything that goes to make up the christian gentleman. James Crawford, the father of the present OAvner, and also of the present occupant of the farm, died Jan. 18th, 1872. His family consists of three sons John E., Frederick B., and Milton. John Crawford died May 1875 and has also left three children, viz; Walter B., Jane Ann and Martha. Joseph Crawford, full of years, and revered by all who know him, is still living on his farm. He together with his brothers James and John inherited the farms which made up this very valuable tract of productive 'land. All of the original tract of land which was owned and occupied by the first Edward Crawford A2)pendic. 2G9 in 1740, still remains in the possession and occupancy of his descendenta. First letter written by Lieutenant John Crawford, to his parents after he was taken prisoner. New, November 31st, 177G. Honored Father and Mother : — I am a prisoner here and without clothes or hard money, only what was on me when I was taken. I left my clothes with Eddy the other side of tho river, expect to get them again, I would be glad you could send me some hard jnoney as no other will pass here. I have the liberty of walking the streets. You need not be uneasy about me. I am well at present and live in hopes to see you yet. I am your dutiful son and humble servant. Lieutenant John Crawford. I was taken the ItJth inst., at Fort Washington with about two thousand three hundred more. residence of a. M. HOKE, ESQ , MERCERSBITRG, MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP. This fine brick structure which is located near the east end of Seminary street, adjoining the borough of Mercersburg, is 30 by 37 feet with a back building 18 by 32 feet, and was erected by Mr. H. in 1877. The land upon which it was built was purchased in the same year from Mr. A. R, Snively. The farm of Mr. Hoke is located in Montgomery Township, about 3 miles south of Mercersburg. It was purchased from John Myers in 1866 by Michael Hoke, Jr., who willed it to its present owner in 1873. It con- tains 196 acres, is provided with a brick dwelling house and stone barn. There are 4 good wells of water, 3 at the house and 3 at the barn. The lime kiln on the place has a capacity of 1,100 bushels. The fencing is of very good quality. The grandfather of Mr, A. M. Hoke, Michael Hoke, Sr., was born April 35th, 1763, and died Nov. 15th, 1846; Elizabeth, his wife was born Jan. 11th, 1770, and died Aug. 30th. 1833; Michael Hoke, Jr. , was born Oct. 19th, 1808, and died Oct. 80th, 1875 ; Hannah Bossman , his wife was born June 33d, 1813, and died Nov. 13th, 1851). farm and residence of ADDISON IMBRIE, ESQ , GREENCA3TLE, PA. The very attractive place represented in the sketch, is situated just outside of the borough limits, on the turnpike leading from Mercersburg to Waynesboro'. The large and commodious house is constructed of brick, in the modern style, and in its internal arrangement is very con- venient. The barn, which is built of stone and frame, is intended to secure the product of the 75 acres of fertile land which serves to make np this place. Mr. Imbrie who is a son of John Imbrie, a now deceased citizen of Beaver County, came to this country in 1843, and engaged in merchandizing at Mercersburg. He moved to Greencastle in 1861, where he continued the mercantile pursuit until 1863, when he engaged in the for- warding and commission business, to which he atill devotes nearly all of his time. He purchased the place, which we have just attempted to debcribe,in the year 1875, and occupied it at once. 270 Appendi.c. ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LUTHEUAN CHURCH OF MERCERSBURG, PA. This substantial edifice, erected at a cost of $9,004.11 under the con- tractorship of John Waidlich, was commenced in the spring of lb07 and was consecrated to the service of the Triune God on the oth of July IHObi. Prior to the year 1740, the now widely extended denomination of Chris- tians know as the Evangelical Lutheran Church, was unknown in this section of the State, the first families having settled in what is now styled Franklin County in 1742. In 17G5 Bev. John George Eager, who resided at Cone w ego, YorkCounty, began to make semi-annual visits to the Luth- eran settlements, preaching the word, catechising and confirming the youth and administering the holy sacraments. The members of the de- nomination in the region of Mercersburg were organized into a congre- gation by Kev. John Ruthrauff about the year 1800. They worshiped in an old log house until the year 1813, when a stone church was built on the old site, conjointly by the Lutherans and German Reformeds. Rev. Ruthrauff resigned in 1827 and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Shultze, who served the cnurch for two years. In 1830 Rev. Mr. Baughey became the pastor and contiued in that'capacity until 1832, when Rev. Reuben Weiser, now the venerable Doctor of Divinity who resides in Georgetown, Colo- rado, took charge. During his ministry, the church building was re- paired at a cost of $1,000,00. The church membership at that time being GO. Rev. Weiser resigned in 1835, and left his pastorate in a prosperous condition. From 1835 to 184G, no stated pastor had charge of this flock, but at the end of this period, Rev. Michael Eyster, who had taken charge of the congregation at Greencastle, also preached at Mercersburg, He resigned in 1849 and in 1851 was succeeded by Rev. P. P. Lane, who also^resigned in 1853, after which Rev. M. M. Bachtel served the church for one year. In 1854 Rev S. McHenry was settled as pastor in the Mer- cersburg charge, which position he occupied until 1859, when he was immediately followed by Rev. G. Roth. In June 1860 the Sunday School was organized, and in the spring of 1863 Rev. Roth resigned, and was succeeded by Rev. A. M. Whetstone, Jan. 1st, 1866. Having been called to the Lutheran church at Somerset, Rev. W. took leave of his devoted people, and was succeeded, Feb. 1872 by Rev. A. J. Hessan, the present pastor. The church at this time has a membership of 210. The lot occupied by the church and parsonage was bought for the sum of $820, and during the summer and fall of 187G the parsonage was built at a cost of $4,800, under the supervison of Waidlich & Bros., who where also the architects. It was occupied in the spring of 1877. THE FARM OF JOHN CROFT, ESQ., ST. THOMAS TOWNSHir. This very valuable plantation was taken up in two tracts, the north end consisting of about 108 acres was surveyed on a warrant in the name of Wm. Rankin, dated May 8lh 1751. The other consisting of about 210 acres was surveyed on application of James McFarlan, the date of which was March loth, 1767. That taken up by Rankin was purchased by McFarlan Oct. 30th, 17G5, and after the location of the other it was all known by the name of the McFarlan tract. In 1804 John Wilson, the father of the celebrated Wilson family, became its owner. The first buildings, consisting of a log house and barn, were erected by James McFarlan, these remained, the barn until 1844 and the house until 184G, when the present substantial and attractive buildings were placed in their stead by the heirs of John Wilson. The house as will be seen is a two story brick edifice constructed in the form of au L. The barn which is RES.or PHAREZ DUF FIELD guilford twp. frmkun CO. pa?""?^^^ STEAM JOB PRINTING OFFICE OF A.G.BLAIR WAYNESBORO?^^^ FRANKLIN 00. PA. Appendix. 271 one hundred and one feet long is also of brick. At the present time about eighty acres, of these three hundred and eighteen, are well set with thriving timber. As it is located on the dividing ridge between the Slate and limestone regions, the land is of good quality and is well adapted for either grain or stock raising. It is rolling in character and is well watered by a stream running through it. The largest production of wheat in one year was about 1,500 bushels. Mr. Croft became the owner of this place in the year 1871, having purchased it from Mrs. Elizabeth Shields of Westmoreland County, at that time the only surviv- ing member of the Wilson family, the price paid being |23,100.00. One very remarkable circumstance connected with Mr. Croft's relation with this place is the fact, that he resided on it, and conducted the farming operations, for ?>o consecutive years as tenant of the Wilsons, a strong evidence that his integrity was such as to merit the respect and confidence of his landlords. Mr. C. has always lent his aid in improvements of all kinds, but in no one thing has he contributed to the wellfare of his neigh- borhood in a greater desree than in his efforts to elevate the grade of the neat cattle of the county. His iirst purchase of thorough bred cattle was in the year 1873, the first pair "Albert" a herd book animal, got by the "Duke of Hewston," was from the farm of Charles W. Wordsworth, of Livingston County N. Y.. and "Edith" also a herd book heifer, got by the 4th "Grand Duke of Oxford," from the farm of James Wordsworth, of Genessee, N. Y. His second purchase was from the lierd of S. F. Letton, Paris, Ky., and consisted of a thorough Hbred animal named "Adina's Duke," sired by "Loudon Duke 2d." This animal was sold by Mr. Silas Corbin, of Paris, Ky. The fine south-down ram No. 271 was purchased from John D. Wing, of Duchess County, N. Y. Thrown upon his own. resources very early in life, Mr. C. has worked his way, through many tribulations, up to the enviable position he now occupies. CARRIAGE WOKKS OF J. A. HARPER— GREENCASTLE, PA. The works represented in our sketch are situated on South Railroad avenue, Greencastle, Pa. They consist of wood and paint shops, black- smith shop and warehouse. They have a capacity of about 50 new machines per annum, besides repairing, &c. Mr. H. employs 10 men besides salesmen through the country. His sales last year (1877) amounted to 53 new vehicles and 75 secondhand ones, and the value of the repairing was to the extent of $2,800. Four years ago, the successful proprietor of this large and growing business, commenced at this place, in these shops, but had been engaged in manufacturing carriages nearly all the time since he entered upon his trade at the age of 14 years. He employs none but first-class workmen and has everything done under bis own supervision. These buildings which are all trame, were erected 4 years ago and as soon as completed were occupied by Mr. H. A great deal of the work manufactured here is shipped west and south, to Maryland, Virginia, «&c., and in as much as all styles and classes of work are turned out, the re- quirements of even the most exacting can be met. The proprietor, not- withstanding his large sales endeavors to keep a supply of all kinds of vehicles on hand, and is prepared to repair, or construct new work on the shortest notice. The energy of Mr. Harper is very commendable when we consider that during the dark days of the Rebellion, whilst living at Greenmount, 10 miles from Gettysburg, he was stripped of all he pos- sessed. His property consisting of store j^oods was appropriated, his carriage works were used as a hospital, and all of his movable effects were consumed by the armies, both Union and Confederate. And as if 272 ApTpendix, not content with thna reducing an nnoflendinp; citizen to penury, the das- tardly iavaders at last took his bodj', and carried it, as well as that of his aged father to be incarcerated in their hellish prison pens. Wni. Harper, the father of J. A., who during nearly his whole life liad followed farm- ing, was captured as a private citizen at Gettysburg, was taken to Salis- bury, North Carolina, and after having endured all the privations, and in- fernal tortures of rebel prison life, for the period of 18 months he died, with the sole comfort of having the attendance of his faithful son, J. A. Harper, who was captured whilst acting as Post-master at his home, Qreenmount. He was first taken to Staunton, Va., where he was kept two weeks, then taken in a box car to Richmond. Va., and thrown into "Castle Lightning," here he was stripped of all his valuables, money, etc., and on the same day was taken to Libby Prison, where he remained 4 weeks. From there he was removed to "Castle Thunder," where he re- mained but a short time, when he was taken to Salisbury, North Carolina, and was put into the Rebel Penitentiary, where he was confined until Feb. 23d, 1865. His father, Wm. Harper, was taken sick directly after reaching Salisbury, and had the tender care of his son, who was acting as hospital steward, and when he died his remains were carefully buried, the son, under guard, being allowed to attend to the sad rites. Two brothers of J. A. Harper, George and William served in the Union army during the rebellion. William was in the cavalry that burned the Salis- bury Prison, only one day after his brother J. A. was removed with the other prisoners to Richmond. After the war he engaged in rail roading, and was a conductor on the unfortunate train that met with the fearful calamity at Ashtabula, Ohio, and is supposed to have been among the lost as he has never been heard of since. George is now living in Harrisburg. J. A. Harper, after his fathers death, was shipped back to Richmond and again incarcerated in Libby Prison, from there he was taken to "Castle Thunder," and from there down the river to Akiens Landing, and deliv- ered to a company of Union Cavalry, after having been in confinement for 21^ months. During the time of his imprisonment the average number of deaths, amongst the inmates was about sixty per day. Leaving these sad scenes we will return to the consideration of Mr. J, A. Harper, as he is now surrounded by his interesting family. He was married in 1857 to Lydia Ann, daughter of Abraham Plank, who was born April 9th, 1834. They having seven children living and three dead. Those now living are as follows : Henry Clay, Sarah Virginia, Lillie May, Lydia Ann, Jacob Edward, Wesley Plank and Clinton Hayes. The dead were named Nettie E., Cora Bell and John A. RESIDENCE AND WAUEHOUSE OF SAMUEL PLUM— LEHM ASTER' 8 STATION, SOUTH PENN R. R. These attractive buildings are situated in the promising vdlage of Leh- master's Station, in Peters Township, Franklin County, 10 miles, by rail road, west of Chambersburg, at the intersection of the public roads lead- ing from Greencastle and Mercersburg to Loudon. Five miles south-east of the latter place and 4 miles north-east of Merceisburg. The village consists of the buildings represented in the sketch, and has a PostofRce, Express, Ticket and Freight office, together with a store and nine other dwelling houses. It now covers about 12 acres of ground which was pur- chased March 2Gth, 1874 by Mr. P. formerly a resident of Sinking Springs, Berks County, Pa., but a native of Franklin County, from Jacob Lehmas- ter, from whom it derived its name. At the time of the purchase by Mr. Plum there were no houses here except the farm buildings of Mr L. The Appendix. 373 warehouse, which waa erected in the spring of 1874, is a frame structure 50 by 26 feet, with a slate roof, and is located on the south side of the rail road. It has a capacity of storing upwards of 5,000 bushels of grain, together with a large space for the reception of freight; and contains the Post, Ticket, Express and Freight offices, together with a ladies and gentlemens waiting room. Mr. Plum also erected his fine dwelling house during the summer of 1874. It is a brick building 33i feet front by 40 feet, is covered with slate and contains 3 rooms and 1 hall on the first floor, and 5 rooms and 2 halls on the second. Samuel Plum was born near Keller's mill in St. Thomas Township on the 29th, of Dec. 1837. He is a son of Chris- tian Plum, who was born in Adams County, Pa, His grandfather, Adam Plum, a native of Switzerland, located in Adams County when quite young and engaged in the pursuit of farming, to which occupation he reared his son Christian. The maternal grandfather of Samuel Plum was Jacob Qelsinger, a native of Berks County, who had married a Miss Christina Hershberger, and Mr. Plum's mother was Hannah, daughter of the above named. Whilst living at Sinking Springs, Berks County, Mr. Plum married Mary,daughter of Isaac Ruth of said place, and they have three children, viz: Lizzie, Willie and Irvin. Together with conducting the warehouse where he deals largely in lumber, coal, plaster, salt, etc., he is also Postmaster, Express and Freight Agent. During the year 1877 he shipped 600,000 feet ot lumber, 600,000 shingles, and a vast quantity of grain. Considering that his enterprise, as well as the entire village, is only four years old, we can safely predict a large degree of prosperity for the energetic pioneer and his earnest co-workers. FARM OF JACOB MIDDOUR, JR. The farm, upon which the buildings that appear in our illustration are located, is situated in Quincy Township, one and a half miles north-east of Waynesboro'. It has for its nearest railroad station Mont Alto. The buildings as represented, with the exception of the barn, were built by the present owner. The house which preceeded this one was constructed of logs and was one and a half stories high, with a stone back building, it was erected by Jacob Friedly, and was destroyed by fire in the year 1867. In the same year Mr. M. caused the present fine brick structure, with slate roof, to be built. Its dimensions are 42 by 80 feet with a back building 24 feet long. The barn which is of stone is 40 by 85 feet, and is roofed with straw. This place consists of 165 acres of limestone land, somewhat brokeii and rolling, well adapted to the production of grain. It is well watered and under good fencing. The minerals to be found on this land are iron ore and baryta. Mr. Middour's fine stock of horses and cattle are supplied with pure water by means of a Stovar Wind Engine, a labor saving machine that is more appreciated the longer it is used. The average product of wheat on this place is 35 bushels per acre and that of corn 60 bushels per acre. Mr. M. is a son of Jacob Middour, Sr., who was born in the year 1780 and died in 1862. His maternal grandfather was John Hess, the date of whose birth was in the year 1 768 and who departed this life in 1819. The property came into the possession of Mr. M. by purchase from his brother Samuel Middour in 1864. He was married in 1855 to Mary, daughter of David and Susan Shank. They have eight children. 274 Appendix, KESinENCE AND OFFICE OF DR. BEN.T. FRANTZ— WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA. This property is located on West Main street, in the thriving town of Waynesboro'. It is 3r» feet front by 60 feet deep and has an office at- tached. Tlie house proper was built in the year 1858, by John Ervin, and was bought by Dr. F. in 1870, and occupied by him in 1871, when he built the office and made other improvements. lie is one of a family of seven sons and one daughter, children of Christian Frantz, who were named Isaac, John, Abraham, Jacob, Chris- lian, Samuel, Benjamin and Anne. Isaac, John and Anne are dead. Abraham, Jacob and Christian are farmers, and Samuel is a miller, re- siding near Waynesboro', Dr. Benjamin Frantz commenced the study of medicine with Drs. Martin & Jacob Muner, of Lampeter Square, near Lancaster, Pa., and finished with Dr. A. H. Senseny, of Chambersburg. He graduated from Jefferson Medical College, in the class of 184G, and located, and commenced the practice of medicine in Waynesboro', where he has enjoyed a lucrative practice ever since. He was married Oct. 13th, 1849, to Mary A., daughter of Michael liyder, of Loudon, Pa. They have ten children living and one dead, viz: Samuel, Charlotte, Caroline, Joseph, Isaac, Abraham, Anne, John, Mary and Herman. Dr. F. was born Oct. 17th, 1834, near Litiz, Lancaster County, Pa. Mrs. F. was born April 15th, 1830, in Franklin County, near Dry Run, in Path Valley. The progenitors of the Frantz family in this country, migrated at a very early date, in company with many tamilies who were driven from their native land, Switzerland, Palatinate, on account of persecution by the Lutherans and Catholics, who denounced their religious belief, they being "Anabaptists." They came to Lancaster County, having procured a grant for a settlement from the proprietors along the Peque Creek. The Frantz who first came here, probably as early as 1070 or 80, was the great, great grandfather of Dr. Benj. Frantz, and very many of his descendants are still to be found near where he first settled. Christian Frantz, the father of the Dr. came to this country in the spring of 1825, and purchased, and settled on, a farm formerly belonging to John Stoner, arnd now owned by John R. Frantz. It has remained in the Frantz name ever since. Nearly all the buildings on this place were erected by Chris- tian Frantz, who also made many improvements on the farm. In the spring of 1843 he ceased farming, and sold the place to his son John, and built for himself, a residence on land now owned by John Frantz's heirs, near Fair View Mill, now in the possession of John Philips, Esq., where he resided until his death, which occurred in Feb. 1862, at the age of 70 years and some months. Mr. Frantz was ordained as a minister of the Reformed Menonite Church, while he yet resided in Lancaster County, and he spent nearly his whole time preaching, having stated meetings near Carlisle, Shippensburg, Chambersburg, Loudon, and near Hagers- town, Md., and was the only minister of this denomination in this county for many years. He frequently took long trips on missionary duty, through New York State, Canada, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other states. Although he was the first of the denomination of which he was a member, who came to this county, he was shortly after followed by others, among whom can be mentioned the Fricks, Bakers, Lantzes, Beshores, Millers, etc. , etc. It was through his efforts that the church was established near Ringgold, Md., about the year 1827. There was also a house of worship erected in Waynesboro' in 1876. On account of his untiring efforts in advocating the doctrines of this church, which to most of bis hearers was before unknown, it is by many called the "Frantzite Church," and its members are called "Frantzites." I.O.Or. HALL. ^"^^iii NOTION 8r DRY GOODS STORE, OF JAS. P. &iJ. M.^NOLFF. J/j'. 'VILLAGE RECORD" OFFICE, W.BLAI R PROPRIETOR. 219 £ MAIN HT' WAYA/ESBORO, PA. Appendix. 275 HALL OF I. O. O. P., WAYNESEOKO, PA. Wiiynesboro Lodge, No. 219 Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Pennaylvania,was instituted at Waynesboro Feb. lGtb,l 847, in a room above "wbat was then known as Henry iStonebouse's Cigar Store, and the Lodge continued to hold their ineetings in that place until May 17th, 1848. During this time the Trustees were instructed to purchase a lot of ground upon which to build a Hall. At a meeting held Oct. 2d, 1847, they re- ported that they had contracted with H. Stonehouse for the ground, and their report being accepted, their action was ratified by the Lodge. September 2Sth, 1847, the following named persons were appointed to act as a building committee in the construction of the first Odd Fellows Hall, W. S. Holliuberger, H. H. Miller, D. B. Russell and Jas. Brotherton, Jr. The dimensions of the building under contemplation were 25 by 50 leef, and its erection was commenced when the Lodge was as yet financially very weak. They sent appeals for aid to sister Lodges in the State, but these met with little substantial response, and they were compelled to complete their work by issuing certificates of stock, bearing six per cent, interest payable semi-annually. The building was dedicated May, 17tli, 1818, and was occupied from that time until Jan. 13th, 1873, whea the present Hall was commenced. It was completed about the last of Decem- ber 1873. The members constituting the building committee in the con- struction of this one were, W. F. Ilorner, W. A. Price, W. F. Grove, George Stover and W. J. Bikle. This structure is 26 feet front by 65 deep, and is three stories high, Its cost was nearly 1^7,000 and it ia one of the finest buildings in the place. The first floor is occupied by J. P. & J. M. Wolf as a dry goods store, the second by the Village Record oflice, and the third by Waynesboro Lodge, No. "219 I. O. O. F. of Pa., Widow's Friend Encampment No. 71 I. O. O. F., and I. O. of Red Men, Uncas Tribe, No. 101. The inside of the Hall is elegantly furnished, and it is considered one of the finest buildings, for the purpose for which it is used, in the State. The Lodge, whose property it is, is very flourishing, having in addition to all the property vested here, about |1,500 of a sur- plus fund. The following list comprises its entire membership from its organization : The Charter Members were as follows: J. W. Stoner, H. Stone- house, J. B. Resser, Wm. C. Tracy, Frederick Harbaugh, Joseph Bender, John Null. The initiated were as follows: February 16th, 1847, G. W. Rupp, H. S. Stoner, John Logan, John Shoemaker, Wm. A. Tritle, John P. Waggoner, M. T. Tracy, W. H. Morehead, M. J. Homer, Francis Bowden, James R. Weagly, David B. Russell; March 2, W. F. Horner, Geo. Bender, Henry Logan; March 23, R. F. Gibson; March 30, Geo. W. Knight; April 6, Elijah Durnbaugh ; April 20, James Brotherton, Jr., John Philips; April 27, Joshua Suman; May 4, Michael Haustine, Sr; May 18, W. S. HoUenberger ; May 25, J. L." Welsh, Morris Ilenlin; June 8, Charles Gordon; June 15, John Nead, Samuel P. Stoner; June 29, Henry McFerren, Geo. Andrews, Peter Heefner, A. S. Adams, Wm. H. Miller; July 27, Martin Kissell; Aug. 3, James Fisher; Aug. 10, John Kuhn; Aug. 24, David L. Stoner; Sept. 7, M. M. Stoner; Sept. 14, Thomas Pilkington; Oct. 5, Wm. Blair, Absalom French; Oct. 12, Andrew S.Wilson, Samuel Ritter; Nov. 12, John B. Waynant ; Nov. 16, Thomas B. Withers; Nov. 23, P. 11. Dougherty; Nov. 30, John Gehr, J. S. Zeigler; Dec. 7, Henry F. Davis, John C. Eckman: Dec. 14, C.G.French, Levi Saunders; Jan. 11, 1848, John H.Smith; Feb. 1, Martin Sheeler, JohnMcCush; Feb. 8, David Winkfeeld, Wm. Overcash; Feb. 15, David Kuhnley, J. B. Waynant: Feb. 22, Washington Parkhill ; 376 Appendi.r. Feb. 2!), .lolin Mont/er; March 21, Daniel Minoch ; April 11, Gen W. Thorns ; May 2il, An(lrev\' (Jiill}' ; !»lli, Samuel Gilbert, JNLartin ,1. Heaty ; KUii, li. G. Kii3; ;2:M, .Toiui 8. Jioni:;; .Tune 27tli, Peter Benedict; Aug. 1st, John Sweeney; Sept. IDlii, John H. Williams; Oct. lOMi, S. C. Putter; 2Uh, Leonani Waller; Nov. lUh, Flenry Moore; 21fit, Levi Pickle; SHth, D. M. Eiker; Dec. 2filh, Abraham St.oner, F. .1. Filbert; -Tan. Ifitli, 1SH', C. Auj^ustus Smith; Feb. 27th, Geo. ,T. Jialsley, Tetcr Doch ; March (ith, Samuel Secrist; l:]th, Daniel Patter; April -Id, .Tohn Beck; 17th, .Tacob C. Sccrist, James A. Cook; Au?'. 28, Geo. A. Poole; Sept. 2.'ith, Hugh Logan; Nov. l:)tli, Peter Grumbine; 27th, Jacob Brenneman, Jr.; Dec. 2.-)ih, Noah Sneider; Jan. Ist, ISrjO, John M. Winders, Jas. IL Clayton;, Edward C. Brown; Feb. 25Lh, 1851, W. L. Hamilton, John Grove; March 4th, liobert C. Flemminf,^ ; 2oth. Anthony Kunkle; April 1st, Thos. N. Ilerr, Geo. S. Wight; 8th, John Miller; June 10th, Abra- ham Barr; Sept. oOth, W^ R. Kreps; March 2d, 1852, L. F, McComas; Kith, John Withers; June 8th, John Q. Schwartz; Feb. 4th, 185-3, AV. G. Smith; 15th, Ephriam Sellers; March 1st, Wm. Marshall; July 12th, 1853, Adam Dysert ; Aug. 2d, Jerome Beaver; Oct. 18th, J. G. Grumbine, Henry Walter; Jan. lOib, 1854, Author Bennett; April 18th, D. S. Gor- don,; Sept. 12ih, Geo. Stitzel; Oct. 17th, David Shoop. Dec. 2Gth, J. P. VonStine; Feb. 13th, 1855, Jeremiah Cooper; Aug. 21st, Samuel Hawker; April 23d, 185G, E. S. Troxel; May 13th, Chas. Gordon; Dec. !)th, Felix J. Troxel, Samuel ]\Iorehead ; June 9th, 1857, Marks Feilheimer ; July 14th, Jos. C. Clugston; Dec. 1st, E. A. Herring; Feb. 2d, 1858, Joseph W. Miller ; March 30th, J. P. Waggoner ; June 1st, Jacob Swank ;' March 1st, 1850, W. F. Grove, Henry Dreyfoos, Geo. Stover; April 19th, F. Dougherty; Oct. 23d, 18G0, Samuel Bitter; Dec. 17th, 18G1, A. A. Lechlider; Jan. 7th, 18G2, F, Forthman; 14th, .Tos. H. Gilber, Sr., Henry Nuger; 28th, Eli Litle; Feb. 11th, H. F. Stover; 25th, Wm. Crilley ; April 23d, Philip Weisner; 29th, C. A. Bilde; July 15th, J. H. Welsh; 22d, J. R. Wolfersberger ; Feb. 17th, 18G3, P. Dock, Wm. A. Strealy; Feb. 2d, 18fi4, Henry P. Litle; Dec. 12th, 18G5, J. A. Royer: Jan. 10th, 18GG, G. F. Lidy; 23d, Harry C. Gilbert; 27tb, J. F. Remm- ger, "VV. A. Price; March 13th, Jeremiah j\L Cooper; Aug. 7th, John W. Bryson; 14th, Reuben Shoner, David J. Rhea; Jan. 15th, 18G7, Samuel J. Lecrone ; Feb. 12th, A. Burhman, L. D. French, Geo. AV. Mowen, Geo. G. Pilkington ; April Olh, Daniel Snively ; May 2l3t, Joseph Woolard ; 23th, Jacob Hoover; Aug. 20th, Chas. it Dickie, John H. Miller; Nov. 12th, Jos. Douglas, J. Ji. Russell; 26th, D. II. Ilafleigh, Jos. Walter, Lewis M. Leismycr; Dec. 3d, J. B. Brenneman; Jan. 7th, 18G8, W. R. Zeigler, J. L. Meredith; 28th, H. Dutrow; April 7th, R. C. Mullen; May 5th, J. 11. Crilley; 19th, W. A. Foltz; June 2d, J. M. Ripple; May 28th, Emanuel Robinson: Sept. 15th, B. F. Burger; Jan. 5th, 18G9, C. M. Stroader; 12th, AV. .1. Bikle, J. Sheise; Feb. 9th, Francis Robinson, Wm. A. Haustine; March 9th, John H. Harris; April 20th, David Izer; May 35th, Geo. W. Keagy, Samuel Miller; June 22d, Chas. Cooke Jason Bell; July 20th, Alfred ^Burhman; Oct. 19th, L. C. Brackbill ; 2Gth, Samuel Kuhns; Nov. 9lli, Upton M. Bell; IGth, John H. Gehr, Franklin Bender; Jan. 4th, 1870, A. D. iMorganthall ; June 7th, W. H. Crouse; 28th, A. A. French; July 2Gth, U. H. Balsley; Aug. 23d, J. W. Sourbeck ; 30th, Henry Stoner, Samuel C. Miller; Sept. 26th, Geo. J. Balsley, -Jr., W. O. P. Hammond; Oct., 4th, .Jacob H. Brown; 18th, Jno. F, Beckner; 25th, David M. Minor; Dec. 27th, Theo. G. Dock; Jan. 3d, 1871, Daniel Gilbert; 17th, H. S. Rider; 24th, Geo. W. Wood; 31st, Geo. Snively; April 4th, Lewis W. Detrick: 11th, Samuel Neowcomer; 18th, Geo. M. D. Bell; 25th, A. H. Stonnhonse; June Gth, T. C. Resser; July 4th, J. M. Appendix. 277 Lecrone; 11th, D. F. Rozer; Aug. 29tb, J. P. Lowell, A. N. Russell; Sept. 19tli, T. R. Qilland, J. O. Gilland. J. McDowell; Oct. 3d, J. Mor- ganthall; Blet, G. W. Baughman, Barton Manuel, F. J. Wolf; Jan. 23d, 1872, Philip Wolf; April 2d, S. R. Frantz; 30th, G. B. Resser, W. B. Dock; June 4th, Geo. B. Beaver; Dec. 17th, J. Aliver Besore; Jan. 14th, 1873, M. M. Gilland; March 4th, J. M. Wolf; 11th, C. G. Frantz; 25th, J. H. Gilbert, Jr.; May 18th, Samuel Johnston, June 17th, Geo. H. Russell ; Oct. 7th, David A. Miller, Jno. McDowell ; Feb. 3d, 1874, A. O. Frick; Jan. 30th, 1875, Samuel G. Horner; Feb. 9th, A, E. Canode, D. S. Barnhart; 16th, D. J. Binkley, D. E. Stine; 23d, C. F. Bell; March 2d, Jacob Craly, B. F. Snyder; Sept. 7th, V. C. Bell; Nov, 30th, M. L. Rowe, R. W. Price; May 23d, Charles Sprenkle; June 6th, Lewis Sneider. "ANTIETAM HOME," DR. I. N. BNIVELY, PROPRIETOR, This attractive place was the residence of the late Abraham Barr, who purchased it from Mr. Jacob Funk, October Slst, 1848. It being part of the real estate of which John Funk, father of the said Jacob, died possessed, having inherited it from his father, John Funk, Sr. A consid- erable portion of this tract was, prior to the establishment of Mason & Dixon's line, in Maryland, as is shown by a patent deed made by the Right Honorable Lord, proprietor of the late province of Maryland, bear- ing date the tenth day of August, A. D. 1753, to a certain Jacob Gans, who deeded the same to John Miller on the 22d day of June, A. D. 1784. About three acres arc still in the State of Maryland; the balance, 212 acres, are in Washington township, Franklin County, Pa., two miles due south of Waynesboro, on the Maryland line, while that beautiful stream, the now historic Antietam, flows through it, watering its rich meadows. It is supplied with three excellent springs of cold water, and quite near the house there is a good water power. The land is diversified in its character, being limestone, sandstone and soapstone. Having an abundance of first-class material for lime, it is not a matter of surprise that it is in good condition and very productive. Dr. Isaac Newton Snively is one of the lineal descendents of John Jacob Schnebele, who emigrated from Switzerland to Lancaster County, in the Province of Pennsylvania, about the year 1707. He was naturalized in Philadelphia, October 14th, A. D. 1729, in the third year of the reign of King George the II, and died at the age of eighty-four years. His son, Jacob Schnebele, was born A. D. 1694, and died August 24th, A. D, 1766, in his seventy-second year. He had two sons by his first wife. The second was Christian Schnebele, who was born August 15lh, A. D. 1731, and died March 16th, 1795, in his sixty-fifth year. He was married to Miss Margaret Washabaugh about the year 17G1. He had eight children. His second child, *John Schnebele, (grandfather to Dr. Snively), was born February 25th, A. D. 1766, He was married to Miss Anna Hege, (grandmother to the Doctor), October 24th, A. D. 1794, and died in July, 1844, in his seventy -ninth year. His wife, Anna, died August 17th, A. D. 1852, in her seventy-seventh year. Anna Hege was one of the de- scendents of Hans Ha^gy, who emigrated from Switzerland, in Schauffhausen, near Zweibruken, at Ebersten Hoff, to the American colo- nies, which are now the United States. With Hans Haggy came his brother-in law, Hans Leaman. They had families, and brought with them Henry Lesher and two of his sisters, orphan children. Henry was six- teen years of age. These parties being related and of the same neighbor. *The name Snively was originally Schnebele. "^78 Appendix. hood emigrated together. Filty-tliree families, numbering in all two hundred persona arrived at this lime. They came over in the ship James Goodwill, David Crocket, Captain, from Rotterdam, and landed at J'liila- delphia, Pa., ^^eptcmber 2fllii, A. I). 1727, where they -Tcre required to repeat and sign the following declaration: "We, sub3cril)ers, natives and late inhabitants of the Palatinate upon the Rhine and places adjacent, liav- ing transported ourselves and families into this Province of Pcneilvanin, a Colony subject to the Crown of Great Britian, in hopes and expectations of finding a Retreat and peacable Settlement therein. Do solemnly pro- mise and engage, that we will be faithful aad bear true Allegiance to his present Majesty King George The Second, and his Successors Kings of Great Britain, and will l)e faithful to the Proprietor of this province; And that we will demean ourselves peacably to all Ilis said Majesties Subjects and strictly observe and conform to the Laws of England and of this Pro- vince, to the utmost of our Power and best ot our understanding." (See "Colonial Records," vol. Ill, page 28o and 284, Sept. 2l8t and 27th, 1727). From Philadelphia they went to Rapho township, Lancaster county, Pa., near Manheim, where they settled. Hans Ilaggy had a son John who was married to Miss Elizabeth Pealman, and lived near Bridgeport, Franklin county. Pa. His third child. Christian Haggy, was born in 1751, and died May 13th, A. D. 1815. His wife was Mariah Stouffer. They had four children. The eldest was Anna Hege,-' grandmother to the Doctor on his fathers' 8 side. John Snively (Doctor Snively's father) was born near Qreencastle, Franklin county. Pa., January 12th, 1791), on the ancestral homestead now occupied by his brother Jacob's family, and farmed by his nephew, Benjamin F. Snively, Esq. This farm is a portion of the original tract patented by the original John Jacob Schnebele family in the days of the Penns, and has been handed down from father to son for over a century and a half. He was niirried to Miss Catharine Keefer, daughter of the late Jacob Keefer near Marion, Franklin county, Pa., who moved here from Lancaster county. John Snively died March 4th, A. D. 1853, in liis fifty-fifth year; his wife, Catharine, was born in Lancaster county. Pa., August 22d, 1803, and died September oOth, 1854, in her fifty-third year. John Snively had seven children, four sons are living, three of whom are physicians. The eldest, John K. Snively, is a farmer residing on the old homestead near Jackson Hall, Franklin county. Pa. The sec- ond is Dr. I. N. Snively. The third is Dr. Samuel K. Snively of Wil- liamsport, Md. The fourth is Dr. Andrew J, Snively of Hanover, ,York county. Pa. Dr. Isaac N. Snively was born near Jackson Hall, Franklin county. Pa., February 23d, 1839, where he spent his early life upon his father's farm, assisting in the various farm duties during the summer months, and attending the public schools during the winter. At the age of fourteen he was left an orphan, and started out in quest of em- ployment. Arriving in Chambcrsburg he entered the store of Hutz & Son as salesman, with his cousin, John P. Keefer, who very kindly gave him access to his fine library. He soon ac- quired a fondness for books whicu disqualified him for the duties of a clerkship, and he withdrew to enter the Fayetteviile Academy, then un- der the supervision of the Rey. Mr. Kennedy. From here he returned to Chambersburg and entered the private classical school of that noted teacher, the late Thomas J. Harris, in whose school he for a short time was assistant, and afterward taught in the public schools and took an ac- tive part in the Franklin County Teachers' Association. In 1857, he graduated at Duff's Commercial College of Pittsburg, Pa. In 1858, whilst *Tlio orii^inal waf IFaRKy now si)r'I!oil llrco. Appendix. 279 teaching the Mt. Vernon school near Waynesboro, Pa., he commenced the study of Anatomy with Dr. Benjamin Frantz. In the spring of 1859, he became a pupil of the late Dr, John C. Richards of Chambersburg, l-'a., and graduated at the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia in 1863. He commenced the practica of medicine in Chambersburg, and in 1863, when the Confederate army invaded our state, he went to Harrisburg be- fore the State Medical Board, and after passing the required examination, was commissioned hy the Governor of Pennsylvania, as assistant Surgeon, his commission bearing date June 20th, 1863. He was assigned by Dr. King, Surgeon General of Pennsylvania, to duty at Camp Curtin. He became acting Surgeon of the 20th Pa. Reg., Col. Wm. B. Thomas com- manding. He allowed himself to be mustered out of service with this regiment and returned to Chambersburg, where he associated himself in the practice of his profession with his late preceptor. Dr. J. C. Richards. Besides their regular practice they had charge of the Town Hall Hospital. September 8th, 18G3, the Surgeon General of Pennsylvania sent him a commission, assigning him to the 155th Regiment, Pa. Vol., then en- camped at Beverly Ford, Va., Maj. Ewing commanding. He declined this as well as a lucrative appointment on the Pacific Coast in a Marine Hospital, preferring to continue in the practice with Dr. Richards. De- cember 24th, 1863, he was married to Miss Alice B. Barr, daugnter of the late Abraham Barr, esq., near Waynesboro, Pa. They moved in the (lawyer) Smith property on Main Street, where, July 30th, 1864, they lost all their personal property (not even saving their ward-robes) through the burning of the town by the rebel hordes. The Doctor being out of town at the time, his wife barely escaped the flames of the burning building. Left destitute, in less than a week he was found on duty in the U. S. Army General Hospital, Beverly, New Jersey. He continued on duty here until the war was about closing, when he resigned to take the place of Dr. James Brotherton, Jr., of Waynesboro, Pa., who had lately died, where he has enjoyed a lucrative practice ever since. He was one of the founders of the present Medical Society of Franklin county. Pa., and was President of that society in 1874. KESIDENCE OF EDWIN A. HEKING, M. D. WAYNESBOKO, FllANKLIN COUNTY, PA. This dwelling, which is a two story brick one, and is 30 feet long by 2G wide, was erected by the late Alexander Hamilton, in the year 1851. Having been purchased by its present occupant, it was remodled in 1868. It is located o.n East Main street, and is a good representative of the char- acter of the buildings in the thriving town of Waynesboro. Dr. Bering, who has met with marked success in his calling as a physician, is a native of Frederick County, Md. His paternal ancestory were Germans. His great grandfather and grandfather, both of whom had the surname Henry, were born near Basil, Switzerland. His grandfather visited this country in the year 1791, and being greatly delighted with the western world, re- turned to his native place and persuaded his father and his brother, with his family, to emigrate to America with him. This they did in the year 1793. They purchased a large tract of land at Beaverdam, in Frederick County, Md., and built a flour mill, as well as a saw mill, where for many years they and their descendents conducted a successful business. These mills arc still in active operation. Henry Hering, Sr., died about the year 1810. The younger Henry married Mary, daughter of Rev. Daniel Sayler, of Frederick County, in 1799, and died in 1829. His wife sur- v'we'i. him .uatil Feb. 7ih, 1873, jbaving reached, within a few weeks the 380 Appendix. advanced age of 1)8 years, and was a woman of remarkable mental and bodily vigor. Her father, Rev. Daniel Sayler, who was l)orn in Lancas- ter County, in 1750, and who acquired the homestead established by his father, Daniel Sayler, Sr., in 1760, died in 1840, at the age of 00 years. His father, Daniel Sayler, who was also a German, emigrated to this country with his family in the year 1743, and was compelled to consign some of his children to a watery grave whilst crossing the ocean. Daniel S. Hering, father of Dr. Hering, was born at Beaverdam, March Gth, 1800. He married Margaret Orr, daughter of Joseph Orr, of Sam's Creek, Carroll County, Md. Her father was an American by birth, but was of Irish parents, who came to this country before the Revolutionary war. Daniel S. Hering died in 1876, having been bereft of his wife Mar- garet in I860. His family was very large, so large that, although he was enabled to bring them up comfortably, he did not possess the means to provide each one with a liberal education, but he did succeed in giving them that which was next best, a thorough training in the way of indus- try and an ambition to become the architects of their own fortunes. Dr. H. having early acquired a fondness for the medical profession, but know- ing the great barriers in the way determined that by dint ot industry and perseverance he would reach the goal of his ambition. Applying himself for 3 or 4 years to a laboiious business, he realized sufficient means to en- able him to enter upon his studies. His preliminary course was conducted at Mountain View Academy, and in 1853 he entered the office of Dr. Sid- well in JohnsviUe, Frederick county, Md., and in 1854, became an office student of Prof. Miltenberger of Baltimore. He graduated from the Uni- versity of Maryland, March Gth, 1855. He located first in Frederick county, Md.. where he continued for two and a half years, when he re- moved to his present location in October, 1857. On the 19th of April, 1864, be married Frances M., youngest daughter of the lato Alexander Hamil- ton. His family is not as numerous as was that of his father, as he has but two children, a son and daughter. FAKJI AND RESIDENCE OF COL. WM. D. DIXON. Animated by the same spirit of enterprise that actuated his neighbor, John Croft, Esq. , Col. Dixon has made his place noted for its production of fine cattle and hogs. Those that are represented in the sketch are of the purest breeds that intelligence and money could procure. The bull is called "Doubie Duke the 3rd." He is nearly pure "Duchess," with a dash of Oxford" blood, and was bred by Jonathan Tallcott, of Rome, Oneida county, N. Y. The hogs are known as the "Duroc" breed, and are greatly celebrated for their rapid development when being fed for the slaughter. They were bred by the Hon. Wm. Holmes, of Greenwich, Washington county, N. Y., and are the only ones, of this strain, south- west of N. Y. City. John Dixon, the greatgrandfatherof theCol., was of the house of Argyle, and was born on the north-west coast of Scotlanl. On account ot political troublee he was compelled to leave, with the bal- ance of the family, in the year 1690, at the age of 15 years. They fled to the North of Ireland, in order to keep out of the way of the friends of King James II., and about the year 1693, he came to this country, land- ing at Philadelphia, where he remained for some time. From thence he went to Donegal Meeting House in Lancaster county, from there to Car- lisle, then to Shippensburg, and finally in 1737, he located at the place where the buildings in our illustration now stand. He had seven sons. William, the grandfather of Qol. Dixon was born at this place, and at the age of seven years he was captured by the Indians and retained in their Appendix. 281 custody for eleveu weeks, u good part of the time in a cave on au adjoin- ing farm, now owned by Jacob Bittner. Tlirougli the humanity of an old squaw be was returned to his parents, and because' of the kindness shown her on different occasions, she warned the family to leave for a safer place, for the Indians, who had gone away to hold a great council, intended to return in two moons and slaughter all the whites. The family took the warning and went back to Carlisle, where they remained tor about three years. William Dixon was a Sergeant in Col. Eoquet's command, and served to the end of the campaign. He was Avith Maj. Dunwoodie in the massacre, and was one of the three that escaped to Fort Loudon. The remainder, with the Maj., were all killed and scalped. He also joined a company, that was raised in the county, at the commencement of the war for Independence, and was made ensign of his regiment, which position he retained until the end of the war, having declined frequent offers of promotion, preferring rather to have charge of the colors. Wm. Dixon iiad four brothers in the army, one was killed at the battle of Monmouth, one at the battle of Brandy wine, one was killed by the Indians near the junction of the two Conococheagues, and the other one died from the effects of a bath taken in the Yellow-Britches Creek, whilst on his way home, from the arm J"-, after his discharge at the close of the war. The wife ofWm. Dixon was Nancy Dunlap, an aunt of James Dunlap, author of Purdon's Digest. Col. Wm. Dunlap Dixon was married to Martha, daughter of the late Wm. Gillau Esq, in June 1855. They have two children, one son and one daughter. The upper half of the place on which he resides came into his possession as heir at law, and the lower part by purchase. He acquired his military title, not in the way that many old time militia men "had greatness thrust upon them," but by actual and faithful service and promotion, in the 6th Regiment of Pa. Res. in the great war of the Rebellion. His commission as Capt., of Co. D bears date April 34th, 18G1. As Lieut. Col. Sept. 12th, 18G3. Brev. Col. and Brev. Brig. Gen. Mar. I3th, 18G5. And he was mustered out with his Regiment, June 11th 1864. SPUING DALE FAllM. Spring Dale Farm is pleasantly located, about one quarter of u mile south-east of Waynesboro. This farm is a part of the original tract of lands of Thomas Wallace, sold August 2Gth, A. D. 1828, to John Wallace as by deed of conveyance made by Daniel Royer, administrator of Thos. Wallace, December 22d, A. D. 1835, and by John Wallace to John Clay- ton by deed of conveyance made April Gth, A. D. 1837. At the death of John Clayton, taken by James H. Clayton, at the valuation and appraisment, as the eldest son and tieir at law, and sold to George Besorc by deed of conveyance made April ord, A. D. 1855, and which at the death of George Besore, descended to his daughter, Mrs. Dr. A. H. Strickler, in whose possession it still remains. This farm contains one hundred and thirty acres, is of the best quality of limestone land, is in an excellent state of cultivation, and very productive. The large brick mansion was built by Mr. George Besore, in the year 185G. He resided in Waynesboro and never lived on the farm. This is one of the most attrac- tive and most desirable properties in Washington Township, having a beautiful spring of never failing water close by the dwelling. KECOJll) OF THE STKICKLEK FAMILY. The Stricklers of this county are of German or Swiss descent. Their ancestors came across the waters dt a very early period. The name is 283 Appendix. found in all parts of Pennsylvania, in parts of Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, and Virginia. Henry Strickler was the first of the name who located in Franklin County. He came from York County, near the Lancaster County line, at Columbia, in the year 1807, and settled near Grecncastle. Not many years afterward all the children (except David) of his brother Josepli, near Marietta, Lancaster County, followed and settled in this county. Their names Avere Samuel, Joseph, Henry, Benjarain and Eliza. Henry afterward moved to Ohio, Samuel, Jacob and Benjamin to Illinois. Eliza remained here and now resides in Mercersburg. The names of the ciiildren of the Henry Strickler who tirstcame to lliis county, were Martha, Elizabeth, Henry, Joseph, Barbara, Susan, Mary and Sarah. Martha never came to the county. Babara went from here to Ohio, Henry, Mary and Sarah to Illinois, and Susan to Cumberland County. Joseph resided near Greencastle during his lifetime. Ilcur}'- married Mary Price, near Waynesboro. His children were Jacob, Nancy, Susan, Henry, Abraham, Catharine, Mary, Hannah and Joseph. All these have gone to Illinois except Jacob, who lives near Chambersburg. Joseph Strickler, who lived near Greencastle during his lifetime, mar- r'cd Mary Snively. His children were Snively, Henry, Joseph B., and Abraham H. Snively was a lawyer by profession, practiced law in Chambersburg for a number of years, published the leading Republican newspaper of the county, the Rcjwsitory ^- Transcriiit, (now the Reposi- tory) lor a short time. Afterwards moved to Greencastle, and is now deceased. Henry graduated at Eastman's Commercial College, at Pough- keepsie, N. Y., was a Sergeant in ihe 12Gth llegiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the war against the Rebellion, Avas severely wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., in December 18G2, and was ejected and served two terms as Register and Recorder of Franklin County. He is now Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue and resides in Chambersburg. Joseph B. followed merchandising in Grecncastle for some j^ears, was a let Lieutenant in the 2d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteersat the com- mencement of the war against the Rebellion, moved to Nemaha County, Nebraska, in 1872, and is now farming. Dr. Abraham H. graduated at the College of New Jersey, Princeton, in 1803, graduated at the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, in 18G0, and now resides in Waynesboro, prominently engaged in the practice of medicine. Dr. A. H. Strickler married Clara Anna, only child and daughter of George and Eliza Besore, of Waynesboro'. They have one child^ Harry Clark, now three years old. George Besore, the father of Mrs. Strickler, doscendsd from an old Hucuenoiic family. The name was originaly La Basseur. He was born in Washington Township, Franklin County in the year 1799, and during the greater part of liis lifetime resided in Waynesboro'. He married Eliza Snively, and is now deceased, having died August IGth, 1871, George Besore was well known as one of the strong pillars in the Reformed Churcli. Nature made him a man , Grace, a Christian Disciple. Me was a ruling elder in the Church, an office which he held for upwards of forty years. As a public man he was well known in tiie Eastern Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States. He held during his lifetime|varioii3 positions of trust in the Church, and had frcqucnl overtures to accept political honors, to which he never consented- With his brother Jacob, of blessed memory, who died in Baltimore many years ago, and Daniel (!rouse, George Harbaugh, Sr., and a few others, he lirsl moved in tlie building of a Reformed Church in Waynesboro. Tliis was a log structure and was erected on the gite of the present church, Appendix. 283 and "vvas consecrated May 20th, 1827. It gave place to a brick building, which was dedicated to the worship of God June 21st, ]8o4, and was subsequently enlarged to meet the Avants of the congregation. In 1871 the old brick church was lorn down and the present stately edifice erected in its stead. The ceremony of consecration was performed Dec. 24th, 1871. Thus did Elder Besore, for the third time, render efficient aid in building, enlarging and rebuilding the liouse of God. He was prominent in the organization of the first Sunday School in the town, which occurred on the 10th, day of August, 1834. Of this school he was superintendent during its entire existence, within his lifetime, with the exception of an interval of a few years. The following is from his own pen. "The school had been started upon Union principles, teachers and scholars were received into the school from all denominations of Chris- tians. The school was however all the time imder German Reformed influence, and principally made up of German Reformed material. In the course of live years from its commencement the Lutheran members with- drew and organized a Lutheran School, a few years later the Methodists withdrew and formed a Methodist School, and several years afterward the Presbyterians also withdrew and organized a Presbyterian School." From this original school have gone forth some fifteen or more ministers of the gospel. Among these we can now recall the following: Revs. Henry Ilarbaugh, D. D., Samuel Gaus, D. D., G. B. Russell, D. D., C. C. Russell, Joseph H. Johnston, A. C. Whitmer, Geo. H. Johnston and S . S. Miller. Besides these there are several m other denominations. Elder Besore was in a certain sense proud of his school. In the erec- tion of the Theological Seminary at Mercer sburg, he served on the build- ing committee. He was long a member of the board of trustees of the Seminary, of the board of visitors, and Treasurer of the Seminary funds, also a member of the board of trustees of the College at Mercersburg, and afterwards at Lancaster. lie was a staunch friend of the Reformed Church printing establishment in its years of embarrassment. He was frequently a delegate to represent the charge in the Classis, and from Classis to the Synod, in Avhich capacity he served on many prominent committees, and took an active part in some of the most important debates before the Church. "fAIIMEK'S delight" S. W. SOLENBEEGEK PKOrRIETOK. This very elegant and productive farm, well meriting the name by which it is .known, is located in Guilford Township, seven miles south- east of Chambersburg and within convenient distance to Fayettevillc station on the Mont Alto R. R. Its original owner was a member of the great Smith family but not the ubiquitous John. His name was Henry and the precise time at which he located this tract is unknown. But on the iOth day of June in the year 1762 it was purchased by John Cowdeu and Avas disposed of by his executors, John Andrews and John Reynolds, to John and ]\Iartin Wingcrt. At that time it contained 461 acres and was by them divided, Martin taking the upper tract and John the lower. Martin's portion at that time received the name of "Farmers Hope" Avhilst the original name, "Farmer's Delight," was retained by John. This portion passed into the hands of the heirs of its OAvncr about the year 1812 and was again divided between John Jr. and his brother Jacob. John acquiring the southern portion and Jacob the northern cacli having 150 acres. In the year 1812, by the last Avill and testament of Joliu Wingcrt, John Sullenberger, his son-in-law, came into possession of the property and he retained it until 1863 when it became the property 384 AppenilU'. of Ilia son, the geutleman, who so successfully couducts its management, in all of its details. The buildings which consisted of a log house 30 by 155 feet, and a bank barn 00 by 40 feet built of stone and brick, were erected in the year 1814 by John Wingert. The barn which is in an ex- cellent state of preservation, is the one represented in our sketch. The house was however remodled by its present owner in 1868. As it now stands it is of brick 50 by 30 feet 3^- stories high and contains all the modern convenieirces that add so much to the comfort of a country home. The barn although very capacious does not meet the requirements of this very productive place, notwithstanding the fact that 30 acres are still covered with a fine growth of first class timber. The farm land which is rolling, every foot of which can be put to good use, is of a heavy lime- stone cnaracter, and as the thrift of Mr. S. has fully proven, is well adapted to the cultivation of every variety of grain and the successful rearing of stock of all kinds. By means of a Stover ;Wind Engine, his fine herd of cattle, as well as his noble looking farm houses, are supplied witn the purest of water, from a never failing well, which is conveyed by means of pipes to proper receptacles at the barn. The enclosures of the fertile fields on this place are first class, consisting of fences of locust posts and chestnut rails, as well as living fences of osage orange, which, with Mr. S. has been a decided success. To give an idea of the capacity of this valuable homestead, we will state that it has produced, in one year as much as 1500 bushels of wheat, oOOO bushels of corn in the ear, 80 tons of hay and 150 bushels of potatoes. The product of his dairy, Avhich is supplied by 8 or 10 fine short horned cows is very large, and the butter, which is of first quality, is sent direct to Washington D. C. where it com- mands the highest price in the market. The orchard is supplied by 500 bearing apple trees, 150 choice pear trees and the vineyard contains 200 vines of the finest varieties of grapes. Of small fruits he has a profusion. His apiary consists of betwee'n 40 and 50 skeps of pure bred Italian bees, and its yield in one year has been as high as GOO lbs of honey. Mr. S. married Lizzie a daughter of JacobDeardofi'in the year 18G3 and if home surroundings, together with the means to perfect them, are all that are required to make people happy, certainly the occupants of this home should be content. IlESIDENCE OF DA.NIEL HOOVEll, WAYKESliOKO, FliANKLIK CO. PA. The house represented in our sketch was built by Mr. J. J. Ervininl853 and was occupied by Mr. Hoover in Oct. 1866, at which lime it was owned by Mrs. Margaret Kreps. Jan. 1871 it was purchased by its present owner who put it in complete repair in 1873. Daniel Hoover born Oct. 19lh, 1833, is a son of David and Elizabeth Hoover who still reside iu district No. D in Washington Co. Md., about two miles from Lcitersburg, on a farm purchased by them 48 or 50 years ago. His grandfather's name was Christian Hoover. David H. father of Daniel was born in the year 1796 near Graceham, Frederick County Md. and is the only surviv- ing member of his family, being nearly 83 years old. His wife Elizabeth, a daughter of David Zentmyer, was born in 1803 near llarbaugh's church on Mason's & Dixon's line at the foot of the South Mountain — wcstside — where her father had been engaged in farming for many years. She haa a brother and sister, Jacob and Barbara, still living near the old home, and one brother John, living near Huntingdon, Pa. K.i the age of 33 years Daniel Hoover left the parental roof and started out in lil'e for him- self. The Geiser Separator was, at that time, in its infancy, and the origin- al inventor, Peter Geiser having married Mary, sister of Mr. H. he took au Appendix. 285 interest in the new machine and bought one of the first that were sold, it having been built at Smithsburg Md. by Wm. Frankinberry. He took it to Middletown Md. and engaged in threshing during the sea3on of 1856. After that he engaged in different pursuits, sometimes working on the farm, traveling in the interest of the Geiser machine as agent, and again following threshing until 1866 at which time he was married, and became a member of the firm of Geiser, Price & Co. as a silent partner and was employed as traveling agent. In January 1868 he bought one half of J, F. Oiler's interest in the firm and in Jan. 1869 they secured a charter and became an incorporated organization. From which time until Oct. 1870 he was engaged as traveling agent. From that time until 1874 he occu- pied various important and responsible positions in the company. Since then, with the exception of 1875 he has been traveling in the inter- est of the Company. STORE A^'D KKSIDEKCE OF E. H. HAGEKMAN, WILLIAMSON, TA. The parcel of ground consistmg of 1| acres, upon which these con- venient buildings are erected is located in St. Thomas Township along the S. P. R. R. about six miles from Mercersburg, six from Greencastle and ten from Chambersburg. It was purchased from S. L. Hawbecker Esq., and the store house which is of stone two stories high, 30 by 60 feet, and the brick dwelling, also two stories high, with a basement, 16 by 32 feet, were built in the year 1871. The business of general merchandising was commenced Jan. 1st. 1872. A Postoflice was established at his place Sept. 1872. Mr. H. who was not a novice, having, prior to this, success- fully conducted business at Hagerstown Md. has fully initiated himself into the confidence of the community, and the prosperous trade which he is enjoying is a sure guarantee of future prosperity. STEAM JOB I'RINTING OFFICE OF A. G. BLAIK, WAYNESBOKO, FKAN KLIN COUNTY, PA. Asbury G. Blair, the proprietor of the first steam printing press in Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa., is the eldest son of William Blair, Esq., editor and publisher of the Village Record. In 1874 he commenced the book and job printing business, which increased to such an extent as to require the use of steam. His facilities are first-class for commercial and pamphlet printing on lowest terms. He is established in a town where each business man seems to vie with his neighbor in placing Waynesboro at the head of the list for enterprise in the County. THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF GREENCASTLE PA. Prior to the year 1795 the mtmbersofthe Lutheran Church of this town had no place which they could call their own, but in connection with the German Reformed congregation used a union structure called the "Old Log church," which stood upon the present burying ground of the latter denomination and was the first" house of worship erected in the place. The corner stone of the first Lutheran church was laid, with appropriate ceremonies, on the loth day of Sept. 1793 as is stated in a copy of paper deposited in the stone, which document also gives the fol- lowing names of the earlier members. Nye, Bayer, Saylor, Bashore, Iloeflich, Gerard, Uochlerder, Simeu, Brundliuger, Zimmerman, Schaff- 380 Appendix. ner, Klapsaddle, Wagner, Pcifer and Mann. The building was not finiahed until 1795 when Rev- John Ruthrauff took charge and served the congregation as iwstor, for forty years, preaching and conducting ser- vice in the. German language. The fust English pastor. Rev- John Beck was installed in 1831 and was succeeded by Rev. Jcr. llarpel in 183.J. During his ministry, that is in 1837, the church building was enlarged. Pastors succeeded in the following order ; Rev. Jacob J.Iartin 1830 ; Rev. Peter Sahn U. D. 1810 ; Rev. Michael Eyster 184o ; Rev. Christian F. Kuukle served as supply during part of 1850, when Rev. James M. Ilar- kcy was duly installed as pastor. lie was followed by Rev Edward Breidenbaugh in 1853 whose term of service was lengthened out to 13 years. Following him in 18G5 Rev. Prof. Wm. F. Eyster ; 18G9. Rev. T. T. Everett, and in 1873 Rev. Frederick Klinefelter, the present in- cumbent was installed. In Aug. 1874 the congregation resolved to erect a new church edifice upon the site of the old one. The plans were drawn by Mr. S. D. Button architect, of Philadelphia and the contract was aAvarded to Messsr. F. & J. AVaidlich of Mercersburg. The lot is 318 by 7G feet, the building of brick, its length including tower and recess 85 feet. The spire is 136 feet high and is covered with slate as is also the roof. The last service in the old church was held on the 14th day of March 1875, and the first in the new lecture room was Feb- Gth 1 87G. The corner stone having been laid June 13th 1875. KE:5IDENCE OF KEV. J. F. OLLEK, WAYKESBOEO, FRANKLIN COUNTY, I'A. This elegant and two a half story brick house, constructed with all the modern improvemens, 36 by 48 feet, with a wing, having a porch its entire length, is situated on the south side of "West Main street. It was built by Rev. G. W. Glessner, a German Reformed Minister, who sold it to the late Alexander Hamilton. It was purchased by Rev. Oiler in 1870, and by him it was remodled. The lot on which it stands is 373 by 300 feet, and has a two acre field in the rear containing a thrifty apple and peach orchard. There is also a very fine stable on the property. Rev. J. F. Oiler was born Jan. 18th, 1835, near Waynesboro. His father, Joseph Oiler, who was of the Catholic faith, was born Jan. 13th, 1794. His mother, Rebecca Oiler, daughter of David Stoner, of Washington Township, was born March 33d, 1803. Mr. J. F. Oiler was reared on a farm, but;;at the age of 30 years he engaged in school teaching, and after- wards, associated with Mr. Philips, under the firm name of Philips & Oiler, he embarked in the dry goods business iji which he continued until 1853, when he left AVaynesboro and located on afarmncar Chambersburg, Avhere he lived for six years, during which time he was elected, in 185G, to the ministery in the German Baptist Church. After his election his mother was also received into membership in the same church. During his residence on this farm he lost his house with its contents by tire, after which he took up his abode near "Hopewell Mills" in Washington Town- ship, where he continued the pursuit of agriculture. He afterwards sold his farm and moved to his fathers, and purchased a part of his, and con- tinued farming until 18G1, when he moved to the village of Quincy, and bought the Eckraau homestead and continued merchandizing with farming until the fall of 18GG, when he, together with Daniel Geiser, J. Fahrney and Benj. E. Price, bought the establishment noAV known as Geiser Man- ufacturing Companya works, the style of the firm being Geiser, Price & Co. Ho acted as financial manager until the Geiser Manufacturing Com- pany was organized in Jan. 18G9, in which he has held important and responsible positions. Mr. Oiler is one of the successful men of Waynes- THE OFFICE & GRAIN SEPARATOR WORKS WA 7"^^ ^^/«S'£/P MANUFACTURING C9 Ta^e^S^J Appendix. '387 boro, always fayoring improvements and all that pcrtaiua to the general good of the people. Liberal as well as enterprising, he is one of those who remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive. He was married July 33d, 184S, to Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob lionebreak, near Waynesboro. Their family consita of seven children, three sons and four daughters, viz: Joseph J., Jesse R., John B., Rel)ecca A., Sudie E. Annie G., and Mary B. RESIDENCE OF DANIEL GEI3ER, WAYNESBORO, FRANKLIN COUNTY PA. This attractive and very convenient residence was built by its present owner in the year 18G8. It is 3 stories high, constructed of brick, has a tower attached to it, and for artistic finish and everything that goes to make up the comfort of a home is seldom surpassed. It is located on tlie west side of Church street, nearly opposite the Lutheran church. The dimensions of this house are 58 by 33 feet, it is covered with tin and is provided with two cisterns, so as to preserve the winter water for sum- mer use. There is also a fine stable erected on the rear of the lot. Daniel Geiser was elected President of the Geiser Manufacturing Co. at the time of its organization in 1869 and has continued to hold the position, as well as that of general business manager, ever since. He is a man of remark- able energy, and his name is destined to live, in connection with the in- valuable grain separator, which his company manufactures, for ages to come. He was born March 11th 1834 near Smithburg Md. and was en- gaged in farming for some years, on a place adjoining the one on which he had been born, prior to 1860, when he came to Waynesboro and en- tered the employment of George Frick who was then engaged in building the famous Geiser Separator. In 1866 he became one of the firm of Geiser, Price & Co. who procured a charter in 1869 and acquired the corporate title of the Geiser Manufacturing Company. Mr. G. was mar- ried Nov. 34th 1848 to Anna, daughter of John Newcomer of Washington Co. Md. She died April 4th 1861 leaving one child named Mary- Catherine. On Oct. 30th 1854 Mr. Geiser remarried, his second wife Nancy, being a daughter of David Hoover of Washington Co. Md. and was born March 5th 1837. Three children are the result of this union viz. Chancy D., Clara E., and Norris D. John Geistr, father of Daniel, was born Nov. 3d 1784 in Washington Co, Md. He married Mary Singer who was born July 13th 1793. They are both dead, but have left a large family. The names of their children were as follows, David, who died when quite young, Susie, now deceased, Joha, Mary, these two are also dead, Catherine, Daniel, Peter, Martin, Elizabeth deceased, David, Famuel, Nancy and Sarah. Peter Geiser, who was the original inventor of the Separator and whose elegant residence is portrayed in connection with that of his brother, a two storied mansion with finished attic, is situated on "Geiser Hill" over- looking the town. Its dimensions are 34 by 34 feet. There is also a summer house 33 by 17 feet, attached to the rear. The conveniences as far as water supply to this house are only equaled by those who have the advantage of public water works. Two cisterns, situated in the rear of the dwelling and above the level of the ground floor furnish a bountiful profusion of water, and by their peculiar connection through two filters, one of sand and the other of charcoal and sand, the impurities, that accidentally contaminate the water as it falls from the clouds, are removed. The water can be stopped off in cistern No. 1 and by that means the winter water is kept in No. 3 free from the summer heat. Peter Geiser invented the self regulators for which are used on the grain sepera- 28S Appendix. tor, now known as the "Goiser Grain Separator, Cleaner and Bagffer." Improvements have liecn made from time to time, by Peter and Daniel Geiser and patents liave been obtained on tlie same. Peter Geiser was born March (>l\\ lH2fi. He was married to Mary, daughter of David Hoover of Washington Co. Md. April 20tli 185o. She was born April ist lS%r,. Their children eleven in number are named as follow. John A., Wm- D., Jas. p., Dixon H., Libbie A., D. Singer, Joseph F-, M. Mintie, Harry E., Elvin T., and Elsie A. K. ■WAYNKSnORO CAVES. Near the Maryland rine,about one anda lialf miles south-east of Waynes- boro, is a very considerable cave, and, among the many, which abound in this portion of the county, this is probably the most extensive. This cave lies at the northern extremity of a higb ridge, running north-east by soutli-weet. The entrance is at the base of the ridge, and leads in a southerly direction, being not exactly parallel, with the course of the hill itself. The entrance of the cave is only large enough for two persona to walk in at once, by stooping a little. On passing through the entrance an apparent vestibule, of eay thirty feet in diameter, and fifteen to eighteen feet high is reached. Then ascending a few steps jviut opposite the en- trance, a defile averaging about four feet wide, and seven to nine feet high, extends to a distance of about one hundred yards, to a clear and beautiful stream of water, gushing up from beneath the wall of rocky formations, on the east side of the passage. This stream then takes the regular course of the cave, which seemingly becomes narrower, and the water shows considerable depth. Grossing this subterraneous stream, and clambering up a short distance a small room is found very interesting and beautiful, being ornamented with innumerable crystal formations — stalactites and stalagmites which sparkle profusely, when illuminated by the light of torches, or candles. Just over this little room there is an opening, into another passage, similar to the first, already described, leading to a distance of perhaps one hun- dred and thirty yards, when it becomes so narrow as to render further ex- ploration impossible. The cave, from beginning to end, is one of much interest. It is commonly known as "Needy's Cave." There is also a very remarkable series of underground passages, or miniature caves, under certain portions of the town of Waynesboro. The entrances, into these caves, are through arches in the foundation walls of a number of houses, of West Main Street, the south side. These arched entrances are used in summer, as refrigerators, being made very cool by a constant current of air from the caves. The best entrances are in the cel- lars of Dr. J. N. Snively and Mrs. Sarah Brotherton. Strange to say, these passages well represent the streets of a town, lead- ing in numerous directions, and often crossing each other at right angles, thus enabling visitors to start, at a given point, and prpceediug around again return to the place of starting. This is done frequently. ■PARM OF DANIEL. BOKEBREAK, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. This fine place, of 91 acres, is located on the Antietam creek, two miles east of Waynesboro, adjoining lands of Henry Bonebreak, father of Dan- iel, John M. Hess, J. Frantz, and others. Its nearest railroad station is, on the South mountain, about 3 miles distant. The land was first owned by Henry Thomas, from whom it passed to Philip Pveed. It was purchased Appendiv. 389 from bim by Zaobariab Allbaugb, and, in 1816, it was deeded by Allbaugh to Conrad Bonebreak, grandfather of its present owner. In 1848 it was aobl by the heirs of Conrad Bonebreak to Henry, one of his sons, and father of Daniel, who in 1801 disposed of it to his son Daniel. The first l)uildings were erected by Zachariab Allbangh. These, which consisted of a log house, part of which was two stories high, the balance one story, rough cast, and a small stone bank barn, remained until the years 1850 and 1800, when they were removed by Henry Bonebreak, to give place to the present fine structures. The house, which is built of brick, with a slate roof, is ?)0 by 50 feet, and was erected in 1859. The barn 50 by 96 feet, also of brick, with slate roof, was built in 1860. The average yield of the farm, is about 25 bushels wheat, and 50 of shelled corn, to the acre. It has a fine orchard of young apple trees. It bas been well cared for in the way of liming, the erection of necessary outbuildings, fencing, and general repairs to property. Conrad Bonebreak was born Feb. 24th 1768, and died Nov. 11th, 1844. His wife Mary Thomas was born Feb. 0th 1764 and died July 26th, 1835. Henry Bonebreak was born July 19th 1798, and was married in Nov. 1829, to Anna, daughter of Wm. Stewart, she was born in 1804, and died Aug. 18C2. They had 8 children, viz : Lydia, Daniel, Catherine, Nancy, Henry, Julia A. Jacob, and Susanna. Daniel Bonebreak was born Nov. 29th, 1832. He was married in the fall of 1857, to Barbara A. Senger, who was born Jan. 25th, 1838, They have three children, viz : Ida A. Edwin H. and Alice. The property of Henry Bone- break Sr. was taken up by James McLanaban, in 1732, after which it went into the possession of Henry Thomas, from whom it was purchased by Conrad Bonebreak, in 1803, and is still in the Bonebreak family belonging now to Henry B. It consists of 24 acres. The house, which is a large and fine one, is built of stone, the barn is constructed of stone, and they wore both erected by Conrad Bonebreak, There is also a good saw mill and water power on this place. MONTOOMEKY MILLS— THE PROPERTY OP F. AND S. B. SPECK. This property is located on the west Conococheague Creek, in Mont- gomerv Township, midway between Mercersburg and Upton, three miles irom either place, both of which arc provided with a Postofiice. The near- est railroad station is Mercersburg. The land upon which these buildings are erected, was taken up, at a very early date, by a man named Shefifer. By whom the power was first utilized, or by whom the first mill was biiilt, is unknown, but it is presumed to have been Shefier. In 1825 the mills were owned by William Brown, who disposed of them in 1820 to James Reynolds, in whose possession they remained for a number of years, and at his death he bequeathed the same to his nephew, the Rev. Proctor. In 1859 Mr. Proctor disposed of the property to Edward Hayes, who removed the old dwelling and built the present one in 1865. Hayes sold to Frederick Foreman who rebuilt the mill, and added a story to it, in 1875. The Messrs Speck purchased from Foreman in 1876, remodelling the house and erecting the back building. The main structure, which is of frame, is 30 by 32 feet, and there are 15 acres^f land belonging to the property. The mills manufacture a good grade of extra and family flour, most of which is shipped to the eastern markets. They have a capacity of 80 barrels per 24 hours, are driven by two five foot metal turbine wheels, under a head of 8^ feet head and full, and give employment to from 3 to 4 hands. 2'JO AppcmUj'. KOCK DAT.K, FUANKIJN COUNTY, PA. THE KESIDENCE OF AlHtAUAM KIEFFEK, OF S. This farm and residence is located in the nortU-castern part nl Peters Townsliip, eleven miles south-west of Cliambersbnrg, live miles cast ot Mercersbiirg, and one and a quarter miles from "Williamson Mills and Postollice. The S. P. \\. W. runs through tliis place giving it a Hag station. The buildings are situated on a commanding eminence, and although in tiie country, with constant communication with the outside world, no more desirable home need be wished for. This land wr.s held by two warrants, the first bears date December 2d, A. D. 171'!, in favor of James Glenn, and the second April 3d, A. D. 1787, in favor of Thomas Wason, who died in 1803, but the land was held by his heirs, until April 1st, A. D. 1813, when it was sold to Stephen Kieifer, by Archibald JJard, Esq., and John Wason, executors of the last will and testament of Thomas Wason, dec'd. Stephen KiefFer died July 3Gth, A. D. 1S4G, and the farm was held by his heirs until April 1st, A. D. 185o, when it was bought by Abraham, one of his sons, and is still owned by him. The first building was a cabin, built in 1787 by Thos. Wason, this was removed by his heir's in 1810 and the present stone house 30 by 50 feet, which was commenced in 1809 was finished in 1811. The log barn which was built by Thos. Wason in 1788, was destroyed by lightning on the loth day of July, 1839, and the present stone bank barn 45 by 90 feet was built by Stephen Kieffer in 1830, who also, in 1833, made a frame addition to the house. The out bnildings which were erected at different times ure in good repair. The farm contains 35G acres, 50 of which are well covered with timber, viz: hickory, white and black oak and locust. The soil is limestone and slate, well adapted to grain or stock raising. It is well supplied with water, and possesses an abundance of undeveloped iron ore. The highest pro- duct of the farm in one year was 1,GG5 bushels of wheat, 1,400 bushels of oats, 1,500 bushels of corn and 75 tons of hay. The lowest product was 87G bushels of wheat, 395 bushels of oats, 800 bushels of corn and 30 tons of hay. There are two good orchards in full bearing condition on this farm. Jacob Kieffer, the paternal grandfather of Mr. K. was a native of Germany, and came to this country in 1740 and located in Berks County, ten miles from the city of Picading, in Maiden Creek Valley. lie was married to Susan Barnitt, and raised a family of four sous and one daughter, viz: Abraham, Jacob, Stephen, Daniel and Susan. Stephen was born Oct. 31st, 177G, and migrated to this county about the year 1807- He married his second cousin. Miss M. M., daughter of Abraham Kiejfer, who had settled in this county about the year 1790, but was born and raised near Womelsdorf in the Lebanon Valley. lie was married to a Mies Beaver. The father and maternal grandfather of the present Abraham Kieffer were pioneer wagoners on the route between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and the latter," with his team, was prested into the ]>ritish service, but made good his escape. He also fought for the independence of his country. He died at the advanced age of 9G years and some months . having served for many years as ruling elder of the German Reformed Church, of which he was a prominent and exemplary member. Stephen Kieffer died July 3Gth, 1S4G, at the age of G9 years and several months, and his wife, who was ten years his junior, died at the age of 75 years. They were both consistent members of the German Reformed Church, Mr. K. having served as ruling elder for many years. The present Abraham Kieffer married Frances A. R., daughter of Jacob Hassler, late of Mercersburg, on the 17th of March, A. D. 1844. They have five children now living, one son and four daughters. Two sons dead, the Appendix. • ggl first aad third born. Among the pioneer settlers, of this neighborhood, we note the Sloans, the husband killed by the Indians and his wife taken captive from this farm, also the Wasons, the Bards, the ilcCoys, the McColloughs, the Dunlaps, the McClelands and the Ridenours. Some of these endured great privations, and many tortures, at the hands of the cruel savages. TRINITY REFORIIED CHURCH, WAYNESBORO, PA. The members of the Reformed Church residing in, and around, Way- nesboro were originally connected with, what was then known as Besore's, now Salem Church, located several miles west of this place, then under the pastoral care of Rev. Jonathan Rahauser. About the year 1816, however, the members living at Waynesboro, came to feel the need of a congregation nearer home, and, accordingly, withdrew themselves from the Salem Church, for the purpose of effecting an organization here. The congregation, however, was not fully organized, and regularly supplied with preaching, until the year 1818, when the Rev. Frederick A. Scholl, who succeeded Rev. Mr. Rihauser at Salem, took charge of the interest. At this time, the congregation worshipped in what is still known as the Union Church, on Church street, owned jointly by the Lutherans, Pres- byterians and Reformed, each occupying the building every third Sundav On account of some difficulty, or misunderstanding, between the three congregations, as to the time when each was entitled to occupy the church for divine services, and to avoid all strife, the Reformed people, in 1826, withdrew from the Union house, and built for themselves, a small log church, on a lot of ground donated, to the congregation by Conrad Detterow, one of the elders of the church at that time. This new build- ing was consecrated on the 20th of May, 1827. Inasmuch, however, as the services in the new church were still to be conducted excusively in the German language, whilst the children of the Reformed people were being educated in English, a demand now arose for services in the English language. To supply this, and thereby save the younger members of Reformed families to the church of their fathers It was resolved, by that portion of the membership preferin"- English services, with the permission of Classis, to call a minister who could preach m that language. Accordingly, in the year 1831, an effort was made, after due deliberation, to secure the services of such a minister. The choice fell upon Mr. G. W. Qlessner, then a student in the Theological Seminary at York, Pa., who, after being properly licensed and ordained, com- menced his labors here in the summer of 1831. About this time Rev. Mr. Scholl, pastor of 'the German conerec^ation closed his labors in the log church, and Rev. Mr. Glessner colmmenced preaching in tnat building. The membership rapidly increasing, under the ministry of the new pastor, it soon become evident that a larger house of worship was needed. It was consequently resolved to build a new church, of which the corner stone was laid in the spring of 1833, and the buildine: completed and dedicated to the worship of God on the 21st of June, 1834. This church was built of brick, in a neat and substantial man- ner, with an end gallery, and its dimensions were forty by forty-six feet On all ordinary occasions, this church was found large enough to accom- modate those who assembled for divine worship. But on special occasions, as the celebration of the Holy Communion, the want of more room soon made itself felt, and hence, in the years 1839, an addition of eighteen feet 292 ' Appendix. was bailt to tUa rear cad of it, making the building now forty feet in widtli, by sixty-four feet in length. The Rev. Mr. Glessner resigned the pastorate of this church, and re- moved to another field of labor, in the spring of 1840. The Rev. J. 11. A. Bomberger was then elected pastor, and served the congregation from the spring of 1840, to the spring of 1845, when he also accepted a call to labor elsewhere. The immediate successor of Mr. Bomberger, was the Rev. Theodore Apple, a recent graduate of the Theological Seminary, at Mercersburg, in this county. Mr. Apple assumed the pastorate in April 1845, and resigned in the spring of 1847. At this time, a colony of about thirty-five or forty members, of this church withdrew from its coanectioa, and, having organized themselves into a separate congregatiou, built a house of worship near the residence of Mr. George Harbaugh, father of Rev. Dr. Harbaugh, known as Har- baugh's church. After the resignation of Rev. Mr. Apple the congregation recalled its former pastor, Rev. G. W. Glessner, who entered upon the duties of the pastorate a second time, in April 1847, and resigned in April 1851. In October of 1851, an election for pastor was held, which resulted in the choice of Rev. H. W- Super, who commenced his labors here in November, of the same year, and resigned in March 1854, but, alter an absence of one year, was recalled, returning in March 1855, and closed his labors finally in April 18G2. The vacancy, caused by the resignation of Mr. Super, was filled by call- ing Rev. Walter E. Krebs, who assumed charge of the congregation in October 1862, and resigned in August 1868. At au election for pastor, held in March, 1869, the Rev. H. H. W. Hibshman was chosen, as successor ot Mr. Krebs. Mr. Hibshman entered upon the duties of the pastorate in June, of the same year. The corner-stone, of the present stately and commodious edifice, which occupies the site of the two former buildings, was laid on the 7th of August, 1870, and the building dedicated to the worship of God, on the 24th of December, 1871, under the name of Trinity Reformed Church of Waynesboro. The Second Reformed congregation, of this place, was organized on the 9th of August, 1873, by a number of persons who were previously mem- bers of Trinity Church, but withdrew from its connection, at this time, for the purpose of forming themselves into a separate organization. They subsequently built, and now occupy, a very neat chapel, on Main street, known as St. Paul's Reformed Church of Waynesboro. The R3V. H.'H. W. Hibshman resigned the pastorate, of Trinity Church on the 1st of October, 1877. The present pastor, is Rev. F. F. Bahner, who assumed charge on the 1st of December, 1877. people's register. The Centennial Register was first issued on the 5th day of January, 1876, and as will be noticed, should h.ave been included in the Newspaper Article in Mr. McCauley's History. From the beginning it has been owned and edited by J. G, Schaff'. At the end of about'fifteen months from its first issue the word Centennial was droped as mappropriate, and the word People^s substituted, and it now bears the title of People^ s Register. Under many discouragements and disadvantages, its projeotor has persevered, and is being rewarded by a steadily increasing circulation. The main object of the PeopWs Register is to chronicle the local news. Appendix. 393 DKY GOODS BUSINESS HOUSE, OP JAS. P. AND J. M. WOLF, WAYNESBORO, FRANKLIN COUNTY, TX. Mr. James P. Wolf, the senior partner of this firm, commenced busi- ness in Waynesboro, on the site of the present Odd Fellows Hall, in the summer of 1868, His rapidly increasing business soon required more extended accommodations, and the old building was made to give place to a new and more commodious one. The present elegant room 65 feet in length, is meeting the requirements for the present, but with a growing reputation, for fair and honorable dealing, in a town of remarkable busi- ness enterprise, it is possible that at some future day, even larger appart- ments will be required. On the 15th of April, 1876, Mr. W. received into partnership, his brother J. M. Wolf, since which time the style of the firm, has been "Jas. P. & J. M. Wolf." They have adapted the ''cash system," and are so greatly encouraged by the plan, that they expect to adhere to it. These young men are of German descent, and grandsons of David Wolf, Esq., who was born March 19th, 1765, and was married to a Miss Catherine Butterbaugh, and located in this county, two and a half miles south of Welsh Run, near the Maryland line, where their father, John Wolf, Sr., was born June 8th, 1813. He was mairied to Mies Elizabeth Zuch, May 14th, 1840. James P. Wolf, was born March 7th, 1841, and was married Jan. 7th, 1868, to Miss Alice S. Funk. He entered the service"of his country, Oct. 34ih, 1862,. as a private in Battery "B," 112th Reg't, Pa. Vol., 2d Artillery. Jan. 1st, 1863, he was promoted to Corporal, July, 11th, 1864, to Serg't, Feb. 12th, 1865, to 1st Serg't, May 3d, 1865, to 2d Lieut., and was commissioned 1st Lieut., Dec. 21st, 1865. During this time he participated in quite a number of hotly contested engagements, in the "army of the James." And has now settled down in the peaceful pursuit of merchandising. DRUG STORE OF F. FORTHMAN, WAYNESBORO, PA. The lot, now occupied bv the prominent building, of F. Forthman. on East Main St., Waynesboro, Pa., and occupied by him, as a residence and drug store, an engraving of which, we give in this work, was owned in 1798, by John Wallace, who sold it to Jacob Stevens, on the 35th, of May, of the same year, and after numerous conveyances, it was sold to Sanders Van Rensellear, on the 13th day of April, 1840, who in turn sold it to John C. Frey, on the 10th day of May, 1844. It was afterwards sold to John Clayton, April lltb, 1845. On April 1st, 1847, Mr. Clayton dis- posed of it to Miss Martha Brotherton, and, by her, it was conveyed to John R. Sellers, on July 27th, 1860, he disposing of it, to P. Forthman on the 30th of March, 1867. Mr. F. Forthman commenced his business career in Waynesboro, Oct. 3d, 1856, in the building opposite the one tfe now occupies, then owned by Mr. John Gilbert, deceased . He continued in business at this place, up to November 1867, at which time he removed to the building, erected by him, and in which his flourishing business is carried on. This drug house is finely located, and is one of the largest and fanest in the county, having all the modern appliances for conducting the business according to the latest rules of Pharmacy. THE RESIDENCE AND FARM OF DU. JOHN S. FLICKINGER, PATH VALLEY, FRANKLIN CO. PA. This desirable home, and valuable landed property are situated in !294 Appendix. Metal Township, two miles north of Fannettsbiirg, and ten miles north of llichmond, the terminus of the South Penn Railroad. They are in the centre of Path Valley and in one of the loveliest spots of that beautiful vale. The farm was originally taken up by John Elliot and Richard Chillison, and was surveyed in pursuance of a warrant dated May 14th 1755. The old mansion liouse was frame, and is near to and east of the Doctors present residence. This house was on the property when John Flickinger, the grandfather of the Doctor, purchased it. The house and barn, shown in the illustration, were built in 1855 by Joseph Flickinger, and the former was originally shaped as an L but is now nearly square, having been enlarged and remodled in 1875 by his son Dr. John S. Flickinger, the present proprietor. The surroundings were also improved at the same time. The dimensiops of the liouse 38 by 40 feet, brick, shingle and tin roof, with upper and lower porches. The farm contains 225 acres, 50 of which are timber, consisting of locust, oak, chestnut, maple and walnut. The land is limestone, adapted to wheat and corn, surface generally level, except along the creek, where it is more hilly. Three lovely springs, come laughing and gushing up here and there from the fields, and one beautiful stream, which is shown in the illustration, called Marsh run, bends its graceful curves through the entire farm, and finds repose in the bosom of the grand old west Conococheague, the last named stream turning two mills erected by Dr. Flickingers.' father-in- law, the late John McAllen, Esq., a gentleman who was distinguished for his enterprise and public spirit, as well as for many estimable quali- ties of head and heart. Marsh run is full of trout, and the children of the family readily catch them in a dip which they call a net. No minerals have ever been developed on the property. The farm has produced In one year as much as twelve hundred bushels of wheat, and fifteen hun- dred bushels of corn. Dr. John S. Flickinger is the only son of Joseph Fli ckinger who was born near Lancaster, Pa., in 178fl, his father, John Flickinger, having emigrated from that couniy to Franklin, and after residing a few years near Greencastle located in Path Valley. They were of German descent. The Doctor's mother's name was Nancy Stotler, of the vicinity of Green- castle, said to be of French extraction, a lady of rare christian virtues, as all testify who knew her. The wife of Dr. John S. Flickinger, was Jennie S. McAllen, whose ancestors were good old Scotch Irish Presbyterians of the highest respec- tibility and merit, and occupyed a prominent position among the people of their region. Dr. Flickinger after pursuing his studies for several years at Marshall College, Mercersburg, Pa., commenced the study of medicine with Dr. John C. Richards, of Chambersburg, where he re- mained three years, graduating in medicine at Pennsylvania College, Philadelphia, March 8th, 1850. Though inclined to go South, he yielded to the wishes of his father and sisters (now all dead) and located at his father's house, where he has practiced constantly for thirty-eight years, his practice extending through Path Valley and into Huntington and Fulton Counties. His marriage took place October ICth, 1867, and they have two children, Joseph M., and Edith S. The property has come down in regular descent from John Flickinger, the grandfather of the Doctor, who purchased it from Mr. Chillison in 1707. THE VALLEY SPIRIT NEWSPAPER. The first number of the Valley Spirit was issued in Shippensburg, near the close of the first week in July, 1847, by John M. Cooper and ^m mm. Carriage '^qr\^^ or THRUSH, PEf?L _/^'^'St^^' & ST0UGH,5HjppENSSUf?&, Pa. pa^e-306. Appendix. 295 Daniel Dechert, under the editorial management of the former. One year thereafter — July Ist, 1848 — it was removed to Chambersburg, when Peter S. Dechert, a brother of Daniel, was admitted to the firm. At this time the Oumberland Valley Sentinel — originally called the Franklin Telec/rapJi^ (in 1831, when it was started by Ruby & Hatnick,) and after- ward changed, with a change in ownership, to the Chamhershurg Times, and subsequently to the title above given — was the recognized organ of the Democratic party in Franklin County. But the Valley Spirit advanced rapidly in circulation and influence, and on the 1 st of July, 1852 , its proprietors purchased the Sentinel and added its material and subscrip- tion list to that of the Valley Spirit. In 1855 Daniel Dechert withdrew from the firm and removed to Hagerstown, Md., where he purchased an interest in the Mail. In 1857 the paper passed into the hands of Geo. H. Mengel & Co., a change made more for the purpose of effecting a settle- ment of old accounts than with a view to permanency. Mr, Cooper con- tinued to edit it, but having received an appointment in the Attorney General's office at Washington, under Judge Black, the local department of the paper was conducted by Dr. Wm. H. Boyle, who also contributed at his pleasure to the general editorial columns. Early in 1860 Mr. Cooper withdrew from the editorship, and from that time till 1863 it was edited in all its departments by Dr. Boyle, with an occasional contribution from Mr. Cooper. The entire ownership of the establishment having fallen back to J. M. Cooper and P. S. Dechert, they sold it in 1862 to H. C. Keyser and B. Y. Hamsher, who subsequently admitted William Kennedy to their firm. He retired in 1863, and Keyser & Hamsher continued to edit and publish the paper, (with a brief interruption caused by the burning of the town on the 30th of July, 1864,) till the summer of 1867, when J. M. Cooper, Augustus Duncan and William S. Stenger became its editors and pro- prietors, their purchase dating from the first of July in that year, thoup-h made a month or two later. The paper was published by J, M. Cooper & Co. from this time till July, 1869, when Mr. Cooper retired, leaving it in the hands of Duncan & Stenger, who sold it to Joseph C. Clugston on the 1st of June, 1876, when Mr. Cooper returned to its editorial chair. Mr. Stenger was elected to Congress in 1874 and re-elected in 1876, and the weight of his public and professional duties induced him to retire from the paper. At this date— April, 1878— Mr. Clugston remains the proprietor and publisher, and Mr. Cooper the editor. They are cousins and natives of the county, both of them having been born about two miles south-east of Marion— Mr. Cooper on the 16th of January, 1823, and Mr. Clugston on the 26th of March, 1834. Their ancestors were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania. Robert Cooper, whose name appears in the list of taxables in Antrim township in 1786, given in this book, was the editor's grandfather. He was a native of Chester county and came to Franklin before the Revolution, when about 17 years of age. John Clugston, whose name appears in the list of taxables in Guilford township the same year, was a greatgrandfather of both the editor and publisher. His son, Capt. John Clugston, their grandfather, owned and lived at the Big Spring, northeast of Brown's mill and southeast of Marion, near the close of the first quarter of this century. Mr. Cooper is a printer and much the larger portion of his life has been spent in that business, but Mr. Clugston, previous to his purchase of the printing office in 1876, had been a farmer and dealer in produce. The Valley Spirit has been one of the most successful "country journals" in Pennsylvania. It went upward from the start and has never 296 Appendix. taken aay backward steps. Its circiilatioa at this time is -five hundred higlier tlian that of any other paper in Franklin county, and its advertis- ing and jobbing patronage is correspondingly heavy. In politics it is Democratic, but it aims to interest its readers of all sorts, and pays particu- lar attention to mittors of consequence to the farming community, recog- nizing agriculture as the foundation of all the worldly prosperity enjoyed by the people of Franklin county. The office is eligibly located ou the north-west corner of the Diamond, opposite the front of the Court House, and is well stocked Avith printing materials. Its presses have been run by water-power since November 1877, when a motor invented and pitent- od by lt. Zion, Frederick Co., Md., on the lOlh day ot September, 1812. He was a son of Henry aad Catherine Buhrman In the year 1843. l)e purchased, auci moved to the property known as Ripple's tavern stand, situated in the top of the South Mountain. He it was tiiat reni )deled antl enlarged the house, in order to accomodate a rapidly growing patronage, and after its destruction by fire in Feb. 1849, he erected the liirge brick structure, now so widely known as the Monterey Springs property. He died as above stated Feb. 14lh, 18G1, whilst yet in the vigor of manliood, greatly la- mented by those who were left to mourn their irreparable loss. KEBIDENCE OF PETEB KOUZER, KOUZEKVILLE, FKAKKLIISI COUNTT, PA. This comfortable dwelling is adjoining the store property, of Mr* C H. Buhrman, and was erected in the year 1867. Its present owner camw to this place, in the spring of 1861. From the year 1804, until the Posi- office was established in 1872, this village was known as Flkesville. At the time of the advent of Mr. Rouzer he purchased three and a half acres of land, from Michael Qonder, upon which he erected a storehouse, and subsequently a hotel, blacksmith shop, wagon maker shop, and e\a\\l dwelling houses, and also sold lots, upon which Y^ftr^. built 10 dwelling houses. He built a warehouse, at Waynesboro station on the W. M. R. R., and opened a road to it. Mr. R. has been engaged in huckstering, in this neigliborhood for the last 24 years, and still claims some of his first cus- tomers. At this time he owns about 40 acres of land adjoining the vil- lage, which he purchased from Christian Shoclut John Renfrew was a ftiring man, and under his energetic and untiring etforls, the primeval torest rapidly gave way to cultivated fields, and the sound of the axe and hiiiiuier awakui' d eci.oes new and strange in the dense uiidergrowtli triuiiinu tlu CinociclH ague, while that hitherto impetuous and uneducnfeil stream no haigei tli No. 36 instead of '-yO" as printed. FARM AND HOMESTEAD OP PHAREZ DUFFIELD, PAGE 266 . The biru was biilt lu 186t> iosiead ot -1866." The date of the deatli of Josiah Unffield is kno»vn, he hdving died in 1852. In next to the last line •'John J." sh 'Uld be tiimon J. L. S. FORNEY'S TANNEXiY, PAGES 266 AND 267. The, name '•Schrieoer" wherever occurring should be Shricer The name "Winchester, Md." should be Westminster. RESIDENCE OP JACOB J. MILLER, PAGE 267. The homestead lirst mentioned in Uns aittcle is not the home of Jacob J. Miller bat the old lumiestead of the Miller tamily, and is now occupitd by Franklin Miller, a cousin of Jacob J. Miller. It is not directly on, bat near the Hagerstown road. The father ot Jacob J. Miller does nut reside on ibis pro,)rtny, as is incorrectly slated, baton a portion of the farm mentioned in the article. He married Eve Karbaugh instead of Harbaugh as it is printed. Daniel R., tiie name of his second son, should read David R. The farm of Jacob J. Miller, the buildings of which are illus- trated is situated four miles south-west of Waynesboro, and the property was formerly owned by his father. The name of Mary Elizabeth should read Mai/ Elizabeth. The farm is nearly all a portion of a tract of 640 acres called "Troxel's Square," and which was deeded by Richard and Wm. Penn, proprietors, during the last century. ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL CHURCH, OF MERCERSBURG, PA., PAGE 270. The second word in the tifth line should be known instead of "know." Conewago instead ot "Oonewego." The words "confined" instead of "continued" and "where" instead of loere both are typographical errors. Rev. Roth was succeeded by Rev. A. M. Wuetstone, Aug. 1st, 1873, in- stead of "Jan. 1st, 1866," as printed. /Rev. A. J. Besson instead of "Hessan." J. A. harper's CARRIAGE "WORKS, PAGES 271 AND 272. The distance of Greenmount from Gettysburg is fi'ee miles instead of ''ten" as printed. RESIDENCE AND OFFICE OF DR. BENJ. FRaNTZ, PAGE 274. "Drs. Martin and Jacob Muner," should reid Musser. Dr. Frantz was married Oct. 7th, 1849, instead of "Oct. 13th," as printed. The clausa "on account of persecution by the Lutherans and Catholics, who de- nounced their religious belief, they being Anabaptists," should read, o?i account of religious persecution. hall of I. O. O. F. OF WAYNESBORO, PAGES 275, 276 AND 277. It is a hard matter at any time to print a long list of names free from error, and particularly when furnished in a handwriting with which one is not familiar. There is therefore an unusually large number of errors here to correct: — In the names of the building committee "W. J. Hikle" should read as W. I. Bikle. The member admitted May 4th, 1847 was Michael Han- 318 Errata. stiiie instead of ''Haustiup," Feb 8 li, 1848, Divid Wiakfie.ld insttad of '•Winkfeeld," May Dili, 1848, Marlin J. Benty ic3ti-ad ol "Kt-ai}," Feb. 27lh, 1849, Peter hock iusiead ot •"Docii," Marcii l:5ili, Diuiel I'otte.r in- stead of "Patier," N )v. 27Hi, J'lCoL) B. LJrenaeiuui iuhtt^ad of "Jacob Brennfiiian," April Ist, 1801, Gi;orge d. Wright iusieaiJ ot "Wight," Jan. 14lli, 1802, Henry Ifur/er instead nf "Niiifer," Fel>. '7tli, 18U:5, Jno. A. Streaiy instead of "VVni," Jan. 27iii, 1806, J. F. .Re im/i «//.(/«;• instead of "Renimger," "W. A. Price" sliouid be spt-lh-d W. A- /Vije; insiead, Aug. 14lh, 1806, lieubtn bhover instead of "Slioner," Feb. 13ib, 1867, F. D. French instead of "L. U." Nov. 36ih, 1867, Jos. F. VVab< r instead of "Jos." Lewis M. Lei^inijsr instead ot '"L" i^-niyer," Jan. oili, 1864), C. iV. Schrader instead of "(J. *[ Stroader," Jan. 12ih, 1868, W. J. Bikle instead of" VV. J." Feb. 9th, 1859, Wm. A . Haii'^tine instead of"Hans»tine," Oct. 26tL, 1868, ^^an.U(lii(/6'//.sin!rtead ot "Kiifis," Oct. 2otli, 1870, David W. Minor instead of "David M." Dic 27tli, 1870, Tiieo. G. Dosh instead of ''Docli," April 11th, 1871, Samuel NeLCCDiner in-tead of "Neowcomer," July 4th, 1871, J. fA M. Lecrone, int-tead of "J.,M." July llih, 1872, D. F Royer instead of "Kozer," Dec. 17th, 1872,' J. Oiwe/- Besore instead of "J. Aliver. FARM AND RESIDENCE OP COL. "WM. D. DIXON, PAGE 281. The name of the wife of Win. Di.Kon should be read "Agnes Duulap" instead of "Nancy Dunlap" as printed. THE STIilCKLER FAMILY, PAGES 281, 282 AND 283. On page 283 the date "1871" in the fourth line sliould read 1870, "Samuel Gans, D. D." on the same pa^e should read I) miel Gaus, D. D. RESIDENCE OF DANIEL HOOVER, PAGES 284 AND 285. Mr. Hoover married Miss Elizabeth Newcomer, daugt)ter of John, and Catherine Newcomer. She was reared near Ringtrold Washington Co., Md. They have had five children of whom Virtue Elizabetli, Ira N., and Percy Daniel are living, and Amon B., and Lester Snively are deceased. Tiie occupation of David Zentmyer, grandfather of Mr. Hoover, wa& tanning instead of "farming" as printed. STEAM JOB PRINTING OFFICE OF A. 6. BLAIR, PAGE 285. We omited to mention that this was the only steam printing ofRce in Franklin County. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OP GREENCASTLE, PAGES 285 AND 286. The following came to hand too late for comparison with the original article, and we print it entire: — Prior to the year 1795 the members of the Lutheran Church of this place worshipped in connection withtlie German Reformed congregation, using the "Old Log Church," which stood upon the present burying ground ot the latter denomination, and was the first house of worship erected in the town. The corner stone of the first Lutheran church was laid on the 13th day of Sept. 1792, as stated in a copy of paper depos.ted in the stone, which document also gives the following names of the earlier members: — Nye, Bayer, ?aylor, Bashore, Heotiich, Gerard, Hochlender, Simon, Brundlinger, Zimmerman, Schaffner, Klapsaddle, Wagner, Peifer and Mann. The building was not Hnished until 1795 when Rev. J)hn Ruth- rauff took charge, and served the congregation for forty years, conduct- ing service in the German language. The first English pastor. Rev. John Reck was installed in 1834 and was succeeded by Rev. Jer. Harpel in 1835. During his ministry, in 1837, the church building was enlarged. Pastors succeeded in the following order: Rev. Jacob Martin 1839; Rev. Peter Sahu D. D. 1840; Rev. Michael Eyster 1845; Rev. Christian F. Kunkle served as supply during part of 1850, when Rev. James M. Harkey became Errata. ' 319 pastor. He was followed by Rev. Edward Breidenbaugh in 1852 whose term of service extended over a period of 13 years. Following bim, in lS6o, Rev. p. of. Wm. F. Eysler; 1869 Rev. T. T. Everett, and in 1872 Rt-v. Frederick Klinefelter, tlie present incumbent. In Aug. 1874 the conijreuation resolved to erectarew church edifice upon the site ot the old. The plans and specifications were furnished by Mr. S. D. Button, arcliilect, of Phiindelpliia, and the contract was awarded to Messrs. F. & J. VVaidlicb of Mercnrsbury;. The building is of brick, its width 48 feet, and lentitb. including tower and recess, 85 feet. The spire is 136 feet liigb, covered witli slnte. as is also the roof. Tlie last service in the old church was iield on the 14tb day of March, 1875, and the first in the new, lecture room Feb. 6tli, 1876, the corner stone having been laid June IStii, 1875. ELDER J. P. OLLLEK, PAGES 286 AND 287. The word '"Rev." wiierever it appears io this article should be substi- tuted with "Elder." "Mary B." in the last line should read "May B." iufctead. EESIDESCE OF DAKIEL GEfSER, PAGES 287 AND 288. He was born "M>irch 24r,li, 1824," instead of "March lllh," as printed. The first wife of Mr. Geiser died -'April 4th, 1851." instead of "1861." FARM OF DANIEL BONEBREAK, PAGES 288 AND 289. The date '-1850" in the seventh line on page 289 should be "1859," the new buildings having been erected the same years the old ones were re- moved. The JaraesMcLanahan tract now owned by Henry Bonebreak consists of "94" acres instead of "24" as incorrectly printed. Conrad Bonebreak, the gracdtather of Daniel Bonebreak, had four sons and three daughters nearly all of whom made their homes on the Antietam. TRINITY REFORMED CHURCH, PAGE 291. In tlie last line, the eighth word should be "year" instead of "years." people's REGISTER, PAGE 292. AUhough not a subject of illustration we could not omit a notice of this tnterprising journal which had been overlooked by the editor of the "Historical Sketches," and we regret to see that in the fifth line the word "dropped" is misspelled and also the word "projector" in the seventh, the first being spelled "droped" and the second "projeotor." DRY GOODS BUSINESS HOUSE, OF J. P. AND J. M. WOLF, PAGE 293. In the eleventh line tbe word "adapted" should be read adopted. THE VALLEY SPIRIT NEWSPAPER, PAGES 294, 295 AND 296. "Atterward" in the fifth line on page 295 uhould be afterward. "BELFAST," THE PROPERTY OF SIMON LECRON, PAGES 297 AND 298- John Lecron, the father of Simon, did not die upon the "Belfast" farm. He resided there until the spring of 1849, when he bought a farm, one mile south, in Washington Township, where he lived until his death. THE BURNS PLACE, PAGES 298, 299 AND 300. The name "John Burns" in the fifth line on page 299 should be John Bourns. The date "1773" in the fifth line on page 299 should be "1774." The ninth line on page 300 should read Nancy, John Francis, Samuel Rea, Esther Elizabeth, and Jeremy Morrow. In the twelfth line page 300 "Esther S." should read Esther E. FARM AND RESIDENCE OF MRS MARY A. BRADLEY, PAGE 303. This property is located in Montgomery Township, directly along the pike leading from Greencastle to Mercersburg, through a blunder it was was printed "Peters." Too late for the article^ the request was made, that 320 Errata. the name of the late deceased owner, S. A.. Bradlfy, Etq., be attached to this article. We regret it vvas too late t<» make the cliapge. FARM AND KESIDENCE OF E. S. BAEK, PAGE 304. In the eighth line troni the close of the article "York County, " shouh) read Little York. THRUSH, PERLET «S. CO , PAGES 306 and 307. Mr. Thrush learned his trade with H. R Carmany instead of "Emmory" as printed. We received, too late, a suggestion to change the heading to Thrush, Perlett & Stough. MILL PROPERTY OF A. N. RYDER, PAGE 307. The name "Worty" should be spelled Werty. FARM OF DANIEL BOLLINGER, P/ GE 308. The product of corn for the year 1871, on this place was 1500 instead of 1000 bushels. The name of "Hannah A." in the fourth line from the bottom of the page should he Alice H. RESIDENCE OF PETER ROUZER, PAGE 310. Martin Rouz(!r married Kosanah (je/via«':J instead of '"Germund." Peter liouzer was married to Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Samuel Haugh, Feb. 17th 18.>9, their children were David W., Charles A., Emma K. Clara M.. Jennie K., Mary L., Harry W., Rosa I., Nettie R., and i^amuel M., of these David W., Harry W., and Samuel M., died in infancy. This should be substituted for the corresponding sentence in the original. W. H. M'CORMICK, pages 312 AND 313. The buildings removed by Mr. McCormick to make room for his present commodious residence, were not erected by Alexander McConnell, but by Wm. Harvey. The West Branch referred to is the West Branch of the Conococheague. THE RENFREW ESTATE, PAGE :'.16. Samuel Renfrew, son of John Renfrevv, died in the spring of 1854. 381 Page. Page. H. PViepler & Son's Planing Mill 210 J Hoke S: Co's Dry Goods Store 211 Brand i^ Speer's Grocery Store 211 Chambersburg, F.a-^t of Third Street 212 A. V. Keineman's Jewelry Store 213 (;eo- A. Miller & Sons Hardware Store 214 Dr. J. L- Siiesserott's, Residence 215 Mrs. IjOui-~a Ludwig's Residence 218 Cbambersbui-g Academy 2ig Indian Queen Hotel 220 ^V. C McNulty's Grocery Store 221 Forbes & Earhart's Marble Yard 221 Antrim House 222 W. H. Eyster's Store 22:5 C H. Cressler's Drug Store 223 National Hotel 224 Diamond Notion House . 226 Central Presbyterian Church 226 B. F. Winger's Residence 22S S. P. Shull's .Marb e Yard 228 Hon. W. S. Stenuer's Residence 229 Massacre of School Children 230 Montgomery House •.■.232 Ciowell it Co's Shops 233 N'urderof Renfrew Sisters 236 Franiclin Furnace 238 (ine of the iirst American Cannon 239 Melchi Snively's Residence 240 Frick & Co's Works _ 241 J. K Andrew's Farm 242 <.> W. Good's Distillery 243 Abrara Shockey's Farm 244 David Eshleman's Farm 245 Geiser Manufacturing Co 245 The Old Kovne Farm 246 Jos. Boyd's Farm 247 Robt. Johnson's Property » 247 Woolen Mill of J. B. White 248 J. B. Cook's Farm 248 Jos. Crawford's Farm 249 Buena Vista Hotel 250 Manufacture of Straw Paper 251 Robert Kennedy Memorial Church 255 DavidMiller's Clermont Hotel 257 J. H. Beeler's Residence & Manufactory,. 257 Cleo. W. Etter's Oak Grove Fish Farm 258 JSlercersburg College 259 Adam Forney's Residence 261 Jacob Hege's Property 262 John Walker's Property 263 Residence of J. M. Ripple, M. D 264 Waynesboro Hotel 265 Pharez Duffield's Property 266 L. S. Forney's Tannery 266 Jacob J. Miller's ResiJence 267 Late James Crawford's Property 26S A. M. Hoke's Residence 269 Addison Imbrie's Property 269 St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. ..270 John Croft's Farm 270 J. A. Harper's Carriage Works 271 Samuel Plum's Property 272 Jacob Middour's Property 273 Dr. Benj Frantz' Residence 274 L < >. O. F Hall at Waynesboro 275 Dr. I. N. Snively's "Antietam Home" Property 277 Dr E. A. Hering's Rei>dence 279 Col Wm. D. Dixon's Farm & Residence. .280 Spring Dale Farm 281 Record of the Strickler Family 281 S. W. Solenberger's "Farmer's Delight" Property 283 Daniel Hoover's Property 284 E. H. Hagcrman's Store and Residence 285 A. G. Blair's Steam Job Printing Office 285 Evangelical Lutheran Church 285 Elder J. F Oiler's Residence. 286. Daniel Geiser's Residence 287 , Waynesboro Caves 288 D. Bonebreak's Farm .....288 Montgomery Mills 289 "Rock Dale" J. F. Kieffer's Residence 290 Trinity Reformed Church 291 People's Register 292 Jas P. & J. M. Wolfs Store 293 F. Forthman's Store 293 Dr. J. S. Flickinger's Property 293 Valley Spirit Newspaper 294 J. P. Stover's Property 296 S. Lecron's "Belfast" Farm 297 J M. Burn's Farm 298 J. Phillip's "Fair View" Place 300 S. B. Rinehart's Store 301 Public School Building of Waynesboro 302 Mrs. M. A. Bradley's Property 303 E. S. Baer's Property 304 B. E. Price's Farm 304 H. Walters' Property 305 Thrush, Perlett & Co's Carriage Works.. ..306 A. N. Ryder's Mill Property 307 Daniel HoUinger's Farm 308 Monterey Springs Hotel 309 C. H. Buhrman's Property 309 Peter Rouzer's Property 310 Hopewell Mill & Residence of J. Burger. ..310 Samuel Carver's Property 311 W. H. McCormick's Farm 312 Village Record Newspaper 313 J. Hemminger's Property 313 C. Gillan's Hotel and Farm 313 Burning of Chambersburg 3'4 The Flood 3^5 The Renfrew Estate 3^6 Waynesboro Mutual Fire Insurance Co 316 S. R. Burns' Residence 3'^ ILLUSTRATIONS. Andrews, James K. Antrim House Baer, E. S. Beeler, J. d. Blair, A. G. Blair, W. I. O. O. F. Hall Facing Page 44 222 245 179 271 275 Facing Page Bonebreak, Daniel Boyd, Joseph " " Bradley, Mrs. S. A. " " Brand & Speer " " Buena Vista Springs, V. B. Gilbert Pro- prietor Facing Page 112 306 74 323 >/ ILLUSTRATIONS. Kuhrnian, C. H. Facing I'age ici'i Burns, J. Morrow " '■ 298 Burns. S. R. " " 75 Central Presbyterian ("hurch. Chanibers- buri; Between Pages 226-7 Ch am b'sburg Academy Facing Title Page Clermont Houie, Blue Kidge Sunj- niit Between I'ages 132-3 Cook. Jacob B. Facing Page 6j County Court Houses, Frontispiece Crawlord Joseph Facing Page 138 Crawford. Milton " " 139 Cressler, C. H. " " 68 Croft, John " " Crowell J. B. & Company.