^ SYRACUSE CHAPTER PHI BETA KAPPA 1 90s A Class ],T7 6 ^ PRESENTED BY SYRACUSE CHAPTER OF PHI BETA KAPPA KAPPA OF NEW YORK ^i\ocroLa 3lov JLv^epvyjTrj^ SYRACUSE, N. Y. 1905 ^,^,6 crUiajvvVc^Xrrv. PREFACE At the annual meeting of the Kappa of New- York, Phi Beta Kappa, held in June, 1904, it was voted that the Secretary should compile a cata- logue of the members of this chapter. In doing so he has been very largely indebted to the Supplement to the Alumni Catalogue of the University just issued by Dean Frank Smalley. Since that book is of late publication and was very carefully compiled, there are probably not many errors in this catalogue; but whatever there are will be gratefully corrected at the suggestion of those concerned. In making out this list it has obviously been necessary to include the names of those alone who have accepted the honor of election to membership and have complied with the re- quirements of initiation. Edgar C. Morris, June I, 1905 Secretary HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER At the request of the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts of Syracuse University, Professor Wellesley P. Coddington, Wesleyan, '60, Profes- sor Edgar A. Emens, Wesleyan, '86, Professor Ernest N. Pattee, Rochester, '86, and Professor Edgar C. Morris, Hamilton, '89, consented to act as a committee to petition the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa for a chapter of that Frater- nity in Syracuse University. A petition was drawn up, signed by Chancellor James R. Day and the above named committee, and sent to Dr. E. B. Parsons, Secretary of the United Chapters, in January, 1895. In the following August Professor Coddington, Professor Emens, and Professor Morris attended the meeting of the Triennial Council of the United Chapters at Saratoga Springs, at which meeting the petition of the committee from Syracuse University was granted. On the nth of Septem.ber, a charter was issued to the Kappa of New York with the following charter members: Chancellor James HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER R. Day, S. T. D., Professor Wellesley P. Codding- ton, D. D., Professor Edgar A. Emens, A. M., Professor Ernest N. Pattee, M. S., and Professor Edgar C. Morris, A. M. The charter members of the chapter were called together at 2:30 P. M., February 10, 1896, in the Chancellor's office, where they organized the chapter by electing the following officers : Presi- dent, Dr. Wellesley P. Coddington; Vice-Presi- dent, Professor Edgar A. Emens; Secretary, Professor Edgar C. Morris; Treasurer, Professor Ernest N. Pattee. At a meeting held February 15, the constitution recommended by the United Chapters and such by-laws as seemed needed for the conduct of business were adopted. OFFICERS OF THE KAPPA CHAPTER PRESIDENTS 1896-1898 REV. WELLESLEY P. CODDINGTON, D. D. 1898-1900 PROFESSOR CHARLES W. HARGITT, Ph.D. 1900-1901 DEAN FRANK SMALLEY, Ph. D. 1901-1902 PROFESSOR WILLIAM H. MACE, Ph. D. 1902-1903 REV. CHARLES N. SIMS, D. D. 1903-1905 REV. ARTHUR COPELAND, D. D. VICE-PRESIDENTS 1896-1901 PROFESSOR EDGAR A. EMENS, A. M. 1901-1904 PROFESSOR HERBERT M. BURCHARD, Ph.D. 1904-1905 WILLIS A. HOLDEN, Esq. SECRETARY 1896-1905 PROFESSOR EDGAR C. MORRIS, A. M. TREASURER 1896-1905 PROFESSOR ERNEST N. PATTEE, M. S. DELEGATES TO THE TRIENNIAL COUNCIL 1895 REV. WELLESLEY P. CODDINGTON, D. D. PROFESSOR EDGAR A. EMENS, A. M. PROFESSOR EDGAR C. MORRIS, A. M. PROFESSOR ERNEST N. PATTEE, M. S. 1898 PROFESSOR WILLIAM H. METZLER, Ph. D. PROFESSOR EDGAR C. MORRIS, A. M. PROFESSOR ERNEST N. PATTEE, M. S 1901 REV. WELLESLEY P. CODDINGTON, D. D. PROFESSOR EDGAR C. MORRIS, A. M. EDWIN NOTTINGHAM, Esq. 1904 PROFESSOR EDGAR C. MORRIS, A. M. WILLIAM NOTTINGHAM, LL. D. DEAN FRANK SMALLEY, Ph. D. OFFICERS OF THE UNITED CHAPTERS OF PHI BETA KAPPA (1904-1907) PRESIDENT HON. JOHN A. DeREMER, LL. D., Schenectady, N. Y. VICE-PRESIDENT REV. EBEN B. PARSONS, D. D., Williamstown, Mass. SECRETARY AND TREASURER REV. OSCAR M. VOORHEES, High Bridge, N. J. SENATORS (1901-1907) Professor Henry L. Chapman, D. D., Brunswick, Me. Professor Edwin A. Grosvenor, LL. D,, Amherst, Mass. Rev. Edward Everett Hale, LL. D., Roxbury, '. Col. William Lamb, LL. D., Norfolk, Va. Rev. Eben B. Parsons, D. D., Williamstown, President Ira Remsen, LL. D., Baltimore, Md. President Charles F. Thwing, LL. D., Cleveland, O. Rev. Oscar M. Voorhees, A. M., High Bridge, N. J. Professor Adolph Werner, Ph. D., New York City President Benjamin Ide Wheeler, LL. D., Berkeley, Cal. OFFICERS OF THE UNITED CHAPTERS SENATORS (1904-1910) Hon. John A. DeRemer, LL. D., Schenectady, N. Y. Hon. Theodore E. Hancock, LL. D., Syracuse, N. Y. Professor Samuel Hart, D. D., Middletown, Conn. *CoL. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, LL. D., Cambridge, Mass. Editor Hamilton W. Mabie, LL. D., New York City Dean Edward A. Birge, Ph. D., Madison, Wis. President Arthur T. Hadley, LL. D., New Haven, Conn. Hon. John I. McCook, LL. D., New York City President James M. Taylor, LL. D., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Editor Talcott Williams, LL. D., Philadelphia, Pa. *At the Triennial Council of 1904, before the balloting for Senators, Col. Higginson was unanimously elected a Senator for life. CHAPTERS OF PHI BETA KAPPA (in the order fixed by the council) Adelbert — Alpha of Ohio, Cleveland Allegheny — Eta of Pennsylvania, Meadville Amherst — Beta of Massachusetts, Amherst Boston — Epsilon of Massachusetts, Boston Bowdoin — Alpha of Maine, Brunswick Brown — Alpha of Rhode Island, Providence California — Alpha of California, Berkeley Chicago — Beta of Illinois, Chicago Cincinnati — Delta of Ohio, Cincinnati Colby — Beta of Maine, Waterville Colgate — Eta of New York, Hamilton Colorado University — Alpha of Colorado, Boulder Colorado College — Beta of Colorado, Denver Columbia — Delta of New York, New York City Cornell — Theta of New York, Ithaca Dartmouth — Alpha of New Hampshire, Hanover De Pauw — Alpha of Indiana, Greencastle Dickinson — Alpha of Pennsylvania, Carlisle Hamilton — Epsilon of New York, Clinton Harvard — Alpha of Massachusetts, Cambridge CHAPTERS OF PHI BETA KAPPA Haverford — Zeta of Pennsylvania, Haverford HoBART — Zeta of New York, Geneva Iowa — Alpha of Iowa, Iowa City Johns Hopkins — Alpha of Maryland, Baltimore Kansas — Alpha of Kansas, Lawrence Kenyon — Beta of Ohio, Gambier Lafayette — Gamma of Pennsylvania, Easton Leland Stanford — Beta of California, Palo Alto Marietta — Gamma of Ohio, Marietta MiDDLEBURY — Beta of Vermont, Middlebury Minnesota — Alpha of Minnesota, Minneapolis Missouri — Alpha of Missouri, Columbia Mt. Holyoke — Zeta of Massachusetts, South Hadley Nebraska — Alpha of Nebraska, Lincoln [City New York City College — Gamma of New York, New York New York University — Beta of New York, New York City North Carolina — Alpha of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Northwestern — Alpha of Illinois, Evanston Ohio State — Epsilon of Ohio, Columbus Pennsylvania — Delta of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Princeton — Beta of New Jersey, Princeton Rochester — Iota of New York, Rochester Rutgers — Alpha of New Jersey, New Brunswick Smith — Eta of Massachusetts, Northampton St. Lawrence — Lambda of New York, Canton Swarthmore — Epsilon of Pennsylvania, Swarthmore Syracuse — Kappa of New York, Syracuse Tf.xas — Alpha of Texas, Austin CHAPTERS OF PHI BETA KAPPA Trinity — Beta of Connecticut, Hartford Tufts — Delta of Massachusetts, Tufts College Union — Alpha of New York, Schenectady Vanderbilt — Alpha of Tennessee, Nashville Vassar — Mu of New York, Poughkeepsie Vermont — ^Alpha of Vermont, Burlington Wabash — Beta of Indiana, Greencastle Wellesley — Theta of Massachusetts, Wellesley Wesleyan — Gamma of Connecticut, Middletown William and Mary — Alpha of Virginia, Williamsburg Williams — Gamma of Massachusetts, Williamstown Wisconsin — Alpha of Wisconsin, Madison Woman's College — Beta of Maryland, Baltimore Yale — Alpha of Connecticut, New Haven ALUMNI MEMBERS i860 Underhill, Charles Munson, A. M. Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. 1861 MuNGER, Reuben DeWitt, D. D. 105 Delaware Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Sanford, Henry R., Ph. D. Penn Yan, N. Y. 1862 Ellis, Flora, (Wells), Ph. D. 108 East Green Street, Champaign, 111. 1863 *Hard, Manley Sylvester, D. D. Died February 12, 1903 1864 Cooper, Theron, D. D. 1704 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. SYRACUSE CHAPTER 1865 *Brownell, Walter Abner, Ph. D. Died March 23, 1904 Stowell, Thomas B., Ph. D. Principal Potsdam Normal School Potsdam, N. Y. 1866 *Benham, William R., D. D. Died Ndvember 20, 1901 1867 CoNGDON, La Fayette, D. D. Principal Genesee Wesleyan Seminary- Lima, N. Y. Latimer, Ebenezer Herman, D. D. North Tonawanda, N. Y. Winchester, Charles Wesley, D. D. Taylor University, Upland, Ind. 1868 WiLBOR, Carlton Cyrenus, Ph. D. Registrar Syracuse University 1315 Madison Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 1869 Houghton, Oscar Allen, D. D. Towanda, Pa. *Kellicott, David Simons, Ph. D. Died April 14, 1898 14 PHI BETA KAPPA 1870 MiLLSPAUGH, Charles E., A. M. Clergyman Batavia, N. Y. . Reese, William H., D. D. 169 East Second Street, Corning, N. Y. 1872 Cheney, Francis John, Ph. D. Principal Cortland Normal School Cortland,, N. Y. Keyser, Roland Sabin, Ph. D. Teacher Jamaica, N. Y. Steele, Wilbur Fletcher, D. D. Professor in Denver University University Park, Colo. 1874 Smalley, Frank, Ph. D. Dean of College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University 607 University Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Whipple, Electa B., M. D. 491 Porter Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. 1875 Coit, Judson Boardman, Ph. D. Professor in Boston University Melrose Highlands, Mass. Congdon, Chester Adgate, A. B. 1509 East Superior Street, Duluth, Minn. SYEACU8E CHAPTER Gilbert, James Morgan, A. M. Banker 715 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Wood, William Austin, M. S. 7 Florida Street, Dorchester, Mass. 1876 Darrow, George Frederick, B. S. Editor 16 State Street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. FooTE, Martha, (Crow), Ph. D. Teacher Northwestern University, Evanston, lU. HiGHAM, Jane Sarah, A. M. Teacher Rome, N. Y. Huntington, Herbert, Ph. B. Editor Canandaigua, N. Y. KiNNE, Elbridge Olin, M. D. 512 South Grouse Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Nottingham, Edwin, Ph. B. Lawyer 204 Marshall Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Nottingham, William, LL. D. Lawyer 701 Walnut Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Phelps, James Duane, D. D. Financial Secretary of Syracuse University 609 University Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Roberts, John Thomas, A. M. Lawyer 508 Roberts Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. 1877 Cobb, Charles Newell, A. M. Regents Office 26 North Pine Avenue, Albany, N. Y. 16 PHI BETA KAPPA Day, Richard Edwin, Litt. D. Regents Office 374 Madison Avenue, Albany, N. Y. Mathews, Byron Collings, Ph. D. Teacher 36 Kearney Street, Newark, N. J. Moss, Charles Melville, Ph. D. Professor in University of Illinois Urbana, 111. 1878 Harris, Edward Lansing, A. B. Superintendent of Schools 2220 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio MoGG, Curtis Elliott, D. D. 65 Academy Street, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Weaver, George Walter, A. M. Editor and Publisher 32 Rowley Street, Rochester, N. Y. 1879 *Babcock, Maltbie Davenport, D. D. Died May 17, 1901 Howe, Horace Humboldt, A. M. Principal 572 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Marsh, William Dixon, A. M. Clergyman Little FaUs, N. Y. Myers, Julian Henry, Ph. D. Clergyman Malone, N. Y. Rowley, Charles Watson, Ph. D. Clergyman Bennington, Vermont SYRACUSE CHAPTER 1880 HOLDEN, ElOISE, (NOTTINGHAM), Ph. M. 701 Walnut Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. HoLDEN, Willis Augustine, B. S. 519 West Onondaga Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Roe, Edward Drake, Jr., Ph. D. Professor in Syracuse University 105 Ostrander Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Shove, Benjamin Jay, A. M. Lawyer and Lecturer in the College of Law 365 Green Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Todd, Adah Josephine, Ph. D. Teacher Redding, Conn. Brown, Edgar Huntington, D. D. 13 Philip Street, Albany, N. Y. Clarke, Edith Emily, Ph. B. Librarian Burlington, Vermont Haven, Theodore Woodruff, A. M. Cardiff, N. Y. *HowARD, Frederick Herbert, A. B. Died April 26, 1902 Smith, David Eugene, Ph. D. Teacher's College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Wells, Alice, M. S. Schenectady, N. Y. PHI BETA KAPPA 1882 HoLDEN, Bertha, (Gilbert), Ph. B. 715 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. KiTCHiN, William C, Ph. D. Schenectady, N. Y. Knight, Nicholas, Ph. D. Teacher Mount Vernon, Iowa Hawkins, Watson Seymour, A. B. Editor Waterville, N. Y. Marvin, Harry Norton, A. M. Engineer 340 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Sitterly, Charles Fremont, S. T. D. Professor in Drew Theological Seminary Madison, N. J. Broadway, Augustine W., Ph. D. Clergyman Seneca Falls, N. Y. CopELAND, Arthur, D. D. Newark, N. Y. Eddy, Charles Major, Ph. M. Clergyman Cortland, N. Y. MoREY, Edward Clark, A. M. East Prospect Street, Cleveland, Ohio Taylor, Henry Lewis, Ph. D. Regents Office 2 Woodlawn Avenue, Albany, N. Y. 19 SYRACUSE CHAPTER Tipple, Ezra Squire, D. D. 300 West 85th Street, New York, N. Y. Walker, Frank Robinson, A. M. Lawyer and Professor in College of Law 1524 Grape Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Wirt, Anne Grace, Ph. M. Professor in University of Denver University Park, Colo. 1885 Dewey, Charles Oliver, Ph. D. Principal 747 Macon Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Eaton, Alfred Henry, Ph. D. Clergyman Schenectady, N. Y. Harris, Samuel Gilbert, Ph. D. Superintendent of Schools 78 North Washington Street, Tarrytown, N. Y. MuRDOCK, Henry Herbert, A. M. Clergyman Gloversville, N. Y. Peck, Henry Allen, Ph. D. Professor in Syracuse University 307 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Wallace, William Lewis, M. D. 620 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Wiseman, Eugene, Ph. D. Clergyman Troy, N. Y. Wood, Frank Higley, A. M. Department of Education Albany, N. Y. PHI BETA KAPPA 1886 CODDINGTON, HERBERT GuiBORD, A. B. Clergyman 1006 Harrison Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Hamilton, Charles Elbert. D. D. Albany, N. Y. Ingham, John Albertson, A. M. Clergyman Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. Keeney, Frederick Thomas, D. D. 619 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Porter, Wilfred Wickliffe, A. B. Treasurer of Syracuse University 1717 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Wilbor, William Chambers, D. D. 443 Porter Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Wilson, William Abbott, A. M. Principal Middletown, N. Y. 1887 Allis, Mary Dianthe, A. B. 802 Court Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Bovingdon, John Sidney, LL. B. 709 Twelfth Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Brower, George Griswold, M. S. Bordentown, N. J. Collins, Mary Lovina, (Logan), A. j Lyons, N. Y. Teacher Teacher Teacher SYRACUSE CHAPTER HoLZWARTH, Franklin James, Ph. D. Professor in Syracuse University 301 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Leyden, Elizabeth, Ph. M. Teacher 48 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Newark, N. J, Merrick, Frank Wilbur, S. T. B. Clergyman West Roxbury, Mass. Sanford, Emmons Harvey, A. M. Lawyer 11 Dudley Place, Yonkers, N. Y. Sawyer, Carrie Elizabeth, Ph. B. 700 University Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Thorburn, Jennie DeRemer, (Sanford), Ph. B. 11 Dudley Place, Yonkers, N. Y. White READ, Jennie Louisa, (Frames), Ph. B. Woodbourne Avenue, Govans, Baltimore, Md. i888 Call, Mary Frances, Ph. M. Teacher 759 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Clapp, Cornelia Maria, Ph. D. Professor in Mt. Holyoke College South Hadley, Mass. Fletcher, Milton Joseph, A. B. Teacher 522 East Second Street, Jamestown, N. Y. 1889 Benham, Wesley Hamilton, A. M. Clerg3niian St. Albans, Vermont PHI BETA KAPPA BuRDiCK, Mary Elizabeth, A. B. Teacher Crown Point, N. Y. Chapman, Levi Snell, A. B. Lawyer 321 Westcott Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Crowley, Will Bowers, A. M. Lawyer 700 Midland Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Edgcomb, Ernest Isaac, A. M. Lawyer 708 University Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Hitchcock, Lyman Potter, S. T. B. 2009 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, Cal. Leete, Frederick DeLand, D. D. 907 Harrison Street, Syracuse, N. Y. *Sibley, Henry Orrin, Ph. D. Died April 11, 1905 Smith, Anna Hemans, A. M. Teacher CoUamer, N. Y. Walrath, Martin Henry, A. M. Principal Troy, N. Y. Walsworth, Charles Lorenzo, A. M. Clergyman 156 North Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. WiLMOT, Jeannette Lydia, a. B. Teacher 2428 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md. WiLMOT, Nellie Maroa, A. B. Teacher 2428 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md. 23 SYRACUSE CHAPTER 1890 Brackett, Byron Briggs, Ph. D. Professor in Clarkson P. I. 49 Main Street, Potsdam, N. Y. Jenner, William A., A. B. Teacher 1312 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Mason, Minnie Adell, (Beebe), Ph. D. Professor in Syracuse University 1007 East Adams Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Statham, George Keiser, Ph. B. Clergyman Granville, N. Y. 189I Fitzgerald, Paul, M. D. 214 North 7tli Street, Newark, N. J. GoRETH, Frank William, A. M. Lawyer Walnut Avenue, East Orange, N. J. Hamilton, John Augustine, A. B. Clergyman 7 North Street, North Adams, Mass. Sawyer, Bertha Sabin, (Ives), A. B. 301 West 109th Street, New York, N. Y. Smith, Lillian Scoresby, A. M. Teacher 619 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. TooKE, Charles Wesley, Ph. D. Lawyer 606 University Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Torre Y, Frank David, A. M. Clerg5mian New Milford, Conn. 24 PHI BETA KAPPA Wood, Frank Hoyt, A. M. Professor in Hamilton College Clinton, N. Y. 1892 Banker, Howard J., A. B. Professor in DePauw University Greencastle, Ind. Barnard, James Lynn, Ph. D. Teacher 145 West 96th Street, New York, N. Y. Cobb, Dorr Raymond, Ph. B. Lawyer 508 University Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Glazer, Marcus Louis, M. S. Teacher Flemington, N. J. GwYNN, Genevra, (Wiley), A. B. 1700 South Salina Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Kellogg, Olin Clay, Ph. D. Professor in Northwestern University Evanston, 111. Knapp, Annie May, Ph. B. Teacher 1 Olbiston Place, Utica, N. Y. Lewis, William Dodge, A. M. Teacher 506 University Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Rice, Lepine Hall, Ph. B. Lawyer 4 Wellington Terrace, Brookline, Mass. Shepard, Earl Dorman, A. M. Clergyman Honeoye Falls, N. Y. 25 SYRACUSE CHAPTER Skinner, Avery Warner, A. B. Superintendent of Schools Oneida, N. Y. Wiley, Charles Frederick, M. D. Instructor in College of Medicine 751 Harrison Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 1893 Brownell, George Griffin, A. M. Professor in University of Alabama University P. O., Alabama Chapman, Nettie Alida, B. S. Scipio, N. Y. Graham, William Pratt, Ph. D. Professor in Syracuse University 504 University Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Guernsey, Miriam Adelia, (Mix), Ph. B. 10 Essex Street, Cliftondale, Mass. Haigh, George Hasbrouck, A. M. Clergyman 322 Baldwin Street, Elmira, N. Y. Miller, Gurdon Ransom, Ph. B. Superintendent of Schools Binghamton, N. Y. Phillips, Henry, A. M. 114 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Richardson, Bertrand Clifton, A. B. Teacher Alton, 111. Saxton, Ida Louise, (Wilcox), Ph. M. 10 Brighton Street. Rochester, N. Y. 26 PHI BETA KAPPA Taylor, William Erastus, Ph. D. Professor in Syracuse University 722 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, N, Y. Ward, Clara Elizabeth, A. B. 604 Irving Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Whyborn, Jessie Aeolia, (Rosebrugh) 666 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ont. 1894 Churchill, Herman, A. B, Teacher 1916 Maple Avenue, Evanston, 111. Cole, Anna Louisa, Ph. B. Teacher 371 West 119th Street, New York City CuMMiNGS, Carro Julia, (Croff), M. D. 148 East Genesee Street, Buffalo, N. Y. DoDSON, Cora May, (Graham), Ph. B. 504 University Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Hawkins, Delmer Edward, A. M. Professor in Syracuse University 310 Walnut Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Herron, Schuyler Fox, A. M. Teacher Northampton, Mass. Hinkley, Millicent Augusta, Ph. M. Teacher 713 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Keefe, Martha Aubrie, (Phillips), B. S. 114 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Lewis, Frederick Ziah, A. M. Teacher 172 Ralph Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 27 SYRACUSE CHAPTER Lowell, Lizzie Luella, (Hammond), A. M. Teacher Penn Yan, N. Y. Nichols, William Wilson, LL. B. Editor 41 Boardman Street, Rochester, N. Y, Tipple, Bertrand Martin, A. B. Clergyman 230 Decatur Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Travis, Abram Lincoln, A. M. Principal 900 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Warr, Frances Louise, A. M. Teacher 49 East 21st Street, New York, N. Y. 1895 Allen, Nellie Julia, A. B. Medina, N. Y. Baskerville, Guy Halsey, A. B. Principal White Plains, N. Y. Boomer, Mabel Elizabeth, (Hodder), A. B. Teacher 314 Gifford Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Gager, Charles Stuart, A. B. Teacher 347 Madison Avenue, Albany, N. Y. Groat, George Graham, Ph. M. Teacher 606 West 115th Street, New York, N. Y. Leete, Mary Gertrude, A. B. Teacher Tracy Street, Utica, N. Y. Levy, T. Aaron, LL. B. Lawyer 717 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 28 PHI BETA KAPPA Potter, Mabel Anna, (Daggett), A. B. 834 East 167th Street, New York, N. Y. RoMER, Caroline Sophia, Ph. B. Teacher 266 Parker Street, Newark, N. J. Rowland, Dix Halsey, Ph. M. Lawyer Puyallup, Wash. Stevens, Junius Woods, Ph. B. Teacher Kingston, Pa. Tilbury, Harry Byron, A. B. Teacher Owego, N. Y. Tread WELL, Charles Humphrey, Jr., B. S. Teacher 361 45th Street, Chicago, 111. 1896 Church, John Wentworth, A. B. Lawyer 408 Second North Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Kraus, Edward Henry, Ph. D. Professor in University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. Lee, Alice Louise, Ph. B. Teacher Brooklyn, Pa. Parsons, Bessie, A. B. Teacher 108 Renwick Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. ROSENBERRY, GeORGE WASHINGTON, A. B. Clergjmian De Ruyter, N. Y. 29 SYRACUSE CHAPTER Small WOOD, William Martin, Ph. D. Professor in Syracuse University 609 Walnut Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Smith, Eugene Randolph, A. M. Teacher Montclair, N. J. Smith, Grace Elsie, (Easley), Ph. B. 87 Woodland Street, Worcester, Mass. Snider, Lora Olive, Ph. B. Teacher Washington, Pa. Wheeler, Jessie Eunomia, (Lewis), A. B. 172 Ralph Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WiNFiELD, Louise Voorhees, Ph. B. 121 West Castle Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 1897 Church, Julia Eleanor, A. B. 221 Davis Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Graham, Jeanette Fairbanks, (Statham), A. B. Granville, N. Y. Graham, Sarah Newcomb, (Bowerman), A. M. Washington, D. C. Ham, Effa Zilpha, A. B. Teacher Crawford, N. J. HooKWAY, Clara Grace, (Dunham), Ph. B. Canisteo, N. Y. Kellogg, Julia Bertha, Ph. B. Education Department Albany, N. Y. 30 PHI BETA KAPPA MoxcEY, Mary Eliza, Ph. B. Y. W. C. A., Trenton, N. J. Tracy, Martha Phebe, Ph. B. Teacher 89 Bridge Street, Paterson, N. J. Tyrrell, George Frank, A. B. 1009 Harrison Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Yard, William Henry, B. S. Clergjonan Horseheads, N. Y. Gary, Marie Sherman, A. B. Teacher Mechanicville, N. Y. CoNNELL, John Wesley, A. B. Teacher 804 West Street, Wilmington, Del. Cook, Emma Sophia, (Dann), Ph. B. Liberty, N. Y. Dann, Harvey Montgomery, A. B. Liberty, N. Y. Emm, Henry Clinton, A. M. Brookings, South Dakota Knight, Edith Lenora, (Howlett), A. B. Quincy, Mass. Rhoades, Mabel Carter, Ph. B. 406 Walnut Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Sherman, Anna Irene, (Shults), Ph. B. HorneUsviUe, N. Y. 1899 Benjamin, Gilbert Giddings, Ph. B. Teacher 387 Temple Street, New Haven, Conn. SYRACUSE CHAPTER Bryan, Eva May, A. B. Teacher Gleos FaUs, N. Y. Coaxes, Bertha Elizabeth, Ph. B. 220 West Fourth Street, Erie, Pa. Dunn, Zona L., (Russell), Ph. B. 113 West Madison Street, Pontiac, 111. Heermans, Minnie Florence, B. S. Teacher 58 West 105th Street, New York, N. Y. HiLDRETH, Edna, A. M. Teacher 110 Harrison Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Knapp, Clara Blanche, A. B. Teacher Massena, N. Y. Lowther, Hugh Sears, A. B. Teacher 504 West 143rd Street, New York, N. Y. MicHELL, Willis Hoag, A. B. Lawyer Moore Flats, Syracuse, N. Y. RiDGEWAY, Willis Everett, A. B. Clergyman Highland, N. Y. Webster, Frederick Probst, B. S. Principal High School Dryden, N. Y. Wilson, Edith Mong, (Murdock), Ph. B. Munhall, Pa. 1900 Brown, Mary McClelland (Mrs.) Teacher 427 Penn Street, Camden, N. J. Curtiss, Harriette Arms, Ph. B. Teacher 74 South Union Street, Rochester N. Y. 32 PHI BETA KAPPA DeLany, Elizabeth Gertrude, A. B. Teacher 711 Oswego Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Egan, Rose Frances, A. B. 223 Seymour Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Harvest, Clyde Leonard, A. B. Teacher Hoosick FaUs, N. Y. Hawks, Bessie Mildred, Ph. B. 94 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Latimer, Laura Mills, A. B. Teacher Malone, N. Y. Parker, Mabel Van Wagenen, A. B. Teacher 353 Delaware Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Parsons, Laura, Ph. B. 108 Renwick Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Phelps, George Lee, A. M. Teacher Oswego, N. Y. Shepard, Edwin Heddon, B. S. Instructor in Syracuse University 704 University Avenue, SjTacuse, N. Y. *Sherman, Fred Walker, A. M. Died August 10, 1902 Strong, Frank Raphael, B. S. Hospital of Good Shepherd, Syracuse, N. Y. West, Marion Lesley, Ph. B. 422 West Onondaga Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Wright, Marion Elizabeth, A. B. Teacher 74 South Union Street, Rochester, N. Y. SYRACUSE CHAPTER I9OI Bauer, John Leopold, Jr., M. D. 218 Fitch Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Beers, John Alanson, A. B. Teacher Watkins, N. Y. Cobb, Edith Matty, A. B. Teacher Granville, N. Y. Congdon, Edgar Davidson, A. B. 702 Croton Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Harvey, Frederick Milton, A. B. Clergyman Constantia, N. Y. Hilts, Carrie Augusta, A. B. Teacher Sandy Creek, N. Y. Perkins, Clarence, A. B. 79 Perkins Hall, Cambridge Mass. Peters, Iva Lowther (Mrs.) A. B. 1230 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. Ryan, William, Ph. B. 403 Ulster Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Tennant, John Curtis, A. B. 118 Academy Street, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Thayer, Eleanor Warren, A. B. Teacher Springfield, Vt. Wilson, Bertha, B. S. Teacher Euphrates College, Harpoot, Turkey 1902 Behm, Joseph Peter, A. B. Lewiston, N. Y. Principal PHI BETA KAPPA Damon, Albert Howe, A. B. 115 Hamilton Place, New York, N. Y. Dann, IVIatthew Lincoln, A. B. Principal Chester, N. Y. DeLany, Frederick Thomas, A. B. 711 Oswego Street, Syracuse, N. Y. DuBois, George F., A. B. Principal MiUerton, N. Y. Ferguson, Solomon, Ph. B. 1002 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Hargitt, George Thomas, Ph. B. Teacher 909 Walnut Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. HoRTON, Arthur Roe, A. B. Teacher Lima, N. Y. Lowther, Edgar Allan, A. B. Clergyman FishkiU, N. Y. McKiNLEY, Mary Edna, Ph. B. Teacher 402 North State Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Robinson, Gertrude, Ph. B. Poultney, Vt. SiDDELL, William Gregory, A. B. West Winfield, N. Y. Spring, May, A. B. 1221 Park Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Van Doren, May, Ph, B. Phoenix, N. Y. Teacher Principal Teacher 35 SYRACUSE CHAPTER Wager, Ralph E., A. B. Round Lake, N. Y. Ward, Cornelia Carhart, A. B. Teacher Sidney, N. Y. 1903. Beach, Bertha Louise, A. B. Teacher Warwick, N. Y. Berry, Elizabeth, Ph. B. 39 Normal Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Bryan, Charles S., Jr., B. S. 251 West Hoffman Street, Baltimore, Md. Clarke, Alice Reed, Ph. B. 112 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Curtis, Edward Day., A. M. Teacher 1408 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, N. Y. D ARROW, Elizabeth Vernera, A. B. Monticello, N. Y. Fowler, Vern Seeley, A. B. Teacher Clifton Springs, N. Y. Glass, Claribel, (Blossom), Ph. B. 116 South Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Jacobs, Philip Peter, A. B. 15 Elm Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Jones, Omar Edgar, A. B. Clergyman Delaware City, Del. McClelland, William Harvey, M. S. Hornellsville, N. Y. 36 PHI BETA KAPPA Pike, Isabella Mary, Ph. B. Teacher Cleveland, N. Y. Post, Stella Lydia Haven, A. M. 621 Grouse Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. PowLESLAND, WALTER HowARD, A. B. Teacher East Syracuse, N. Y. Skinner, Charles Drake, A. B. Clergyman 224 Lament Avenue, East Solvay, N. Y. *Smalley, Carrie Elizabeth, Ph. B. Died September 9, 1903 Taft, Clinton Jay, Ph. B. Clergyman Fulton, N. Y. WoRDEN, Jessie Castle, Ph. B. Teacher Amsterdam, N. Y. 1904. Allen, Claudia E., Ph. B. Teacher Fayetteville, N. Y. Benjamin, Clarence J., A. B. Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J. Bennett, Charles Henry, A. B. Halstead, N. Y. Brown, Jennie May, B. S. Teacher Dundee, N. Y. Carpenter, Perry A., Ph. B. Walden University, Nashville, Tenn. Chaloux, Lewis Blaine, Ph. B. Student Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J. 37 SYRACUSE CHAPTER CooLEY, Louise Evelyn, Ph. B. Teacher Goshen, N. Y. Crofoot, Minnie Dratt, Ph. B. Student 109 Norris Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Doughty, William Ellison, A. B. 701 Oak Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Hartwig, Olive, A. B. Teacher EUenviUe, N. Y. Hatch, Raymond S., B. S. Boston, Mass. Rowland, Bessie Celia, Ph. B. Teacher Palmyra, N. J. Hurst, Alma Edna, Ph. B. 309 East Willow Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Kenyon, Caroline Persis, A. B. 711 Grouse Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. McDermott, Ada Althea, A. B. Teacher Scranton, Pa. QuiNLAN, Mary Bridget, Ph. B. Teacher Phoenix, N. Y. Rice, Anna Virena, Ph. B. Teacher 25 Ridgedale, Madison, N. J. Smith, Ernest Reveley, B. S. 349 Westcott Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Snyder, Edith, Ph. B. Teacher New Berlin, N. Y. WiLKiNS, Lawrence A., Ph. B. Ogontz, Pa. Young, William James, B. S. Teacher Geneva, N. Y. 38 CHARTER MEMBERS CODDINGTON, WeLLESLEY PeRRY, D. D. A. B. Wesleyan, '60 Professor in Syracuse University 106 Walnut Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Day, James Roscoe, S. T. D., LL. D. A. B. Bowdoin, '74 Chancellor of Syracuse University 604 University Avenue, Syracuse, N, Y. Emens, Edgar Alfred, A. M. A. B. Wesleyan, '86 Professor in Syracuse University 727 South Grouse Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Morris, Edgar Coit, A. M. A. B. Hamilton, '89 Professor in Syracuse University 737 South Grouse Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Pattee, Ernest Noble, M. S. B. S. Rochester, '86 Professor in Syracuse University 402 Euclid Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. 39 AFFILIATED MEMBERS BuLLARD, Warren Gtardner, Ph. D. A. B. Brown, '92 Associate Professor in Syracuse University 613 Grouse Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Burchard, Herbert Morse, Ph. D. A. B. Colgate, '91 Associate Professor in Syracuse University Haven Hall, Syracuse, N. Y. BusHNELL, Curtis Clark, Ph. D. A. B. Yale, '91 Assistant Professor in Syracuse University 112 Raynor Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Carter, Charles Henry, Ph. D. A. B, Haverford, 1900 Instructor in Syracuse Uni- versity - 405 Euclid Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Eaton, Horace Ainsworth, Ph. D. A. B. Harvard, '93 Associate Professor in Syracuse University 607 Walnut Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. McChesney, Ensign, D. D. A. B. Wesleyan, '68 Dean of College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University 200 Walnut Place, Syracuse, N. Y. QuEREAU, Edmund Chase, Ph. D. Ph. B. Northwestern, '88 Redfield, S. D. 40 HONORARY MEMBERS Brooks, James Byron, D. C. L. A. B. Dartmouth, '69 Dean of College of Law,Syra- ^cuse University 1013 East Adams Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Did AM A, Henry Darwin, LL. D. M. D. Albany Medical College, '46 Dean of College of Medicine, Syracuse University 424 South Salina Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Sims, Charles N., LL. D. A. B. Indiana Asbury, '59 Liberty, Indiana 41 FACULTY MEMBERS Not Graduates of Syracuse Cabeen, Charles William, A. M. B. S. University of Wisconsin, '83 Professor in Syra- cuse University 403 University Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Farley, Frank Edgar, Ph. D. A. B. Harvard, '93 364 Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass. Flick, Alexander Clarence, Ph. D. A. B. Oberlin, '94 Professor in Syracuse University 108 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. *French, John Raymond, LL. D. a. B. Union, '49 Died April 26, 1897 Haanel, Eugene, Ph. D. Breslau, '73 Ottawa, Canada Hamilton, James Henry, Ph. D. B. S. Hanover, '85 The University Settlement, New York, N. Y. 42 FACULTY MEMBERS Hargitt, Charles Wesley, Ph. D. B. S. Moore's Hill, 77 Professor in Syracuse University 909 Walnut Avenue, Sja-acuse, N. Y. Hopkins, Thomas Cramer, Ph. D. B. S. DePauw, '87 Professor in Syracuse University 908 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Leonard, Albert, Ph. D. a. B. Ohio University, '88 4 Park Place, Boston, Mass. Mace, William Harrison, Ph. D. a. B. University of Michigan, '83 Professor in Syra- cuse University 127 College Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Metzler, William Henry, Ph. D. A. B. Toronto, '88 Professor in Syracuse University 724 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Peritz, Ismar John, Ph. D. A. M. Harvard, '93 Professor in Syracuse University 608 University Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Richards, Jean Marie, Litt. B. Litt. B. Smith, '95 Professor in Syracuse University 604 University Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Smith, Harry Monmouth, Ph. D. A. B. Wesleyan, '91 Professor in Syracuse University 701 University Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Street, Jacob Richard, Ph. D. A. B. Victoria University, '84 Professor in Syracuse University 723 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. FACULTY MEMBEHS Ward, William Godman, D. D. A. B. Ohio Wesleyan, 72 Boston, Mass. Wilson, George Arthur, Ph. D. Ph. B. Boston University, '91 Professor in Syracuse University 805 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. 44 INDEX In the column following the names the figures indicate the classes, Hon. indicates honorary member, Char, indicates char- ter member, Aff. indicates a member affiliated from another chapter, and Fac. indicates a member elected from the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts. In the next column the figures indicate the pages on which the names are found in the order of classes. An asterisk (*) before the name indicates that member is deceased. Allen, Claudia E. Allen, Nellie J. Allis, Mary D. *Babcock, Maltbie D. Banker, Howard J. Barnard, James L. Baskerville, Guy H. Bauer, John L., Jr. Beach, Bertha L. (Beebe) Minnie Mason Beers, John A. Behm, Joseph P. '''Benham, William R. Benham, W. Hamilton Benjamin, Clarence J. 45 PAGE 1904 Zl 1895 28 1887 21 1879 17 1892 25 1892 25 1895 28 I90I 34 1903 36 1890 24 I90I 34 1902 34 1866 14 1889 22 1904 Zl Benjamin, Gilbert G. 1899 31 Bennett, Charles H. 1904 37 Berry, Elizabeth 1903 36 (Blossom) Claribel Glass 1903 36 Boomer, Mabel (Hodder) 1895 28 Bovingdon, J. Sidney 1887 21 (Bowerman) Sarah Graham 1897 30 Brackett, Byron B. 1890 24 Broadway, Augustine W. 1884 19 Brooks, James B. Hon. 41 Brower, George G. 1887 21 Brown, Edgar H. 1881 18 Brown, Jennie M. 1904 37 Brown, Mrs. Mary McC. 1900 2^2 Brownell, George G. 1893 26 *Brownell, Walter A. 1865 14 Bryan, Charles S., Jr. 1903 36 Bryan, Eva M. 1899 32 Bullard, Warren G. Aff. 40 Burchard, Herbert M. Aff. 40 Burdick, Mary E. 1889 2^ Bushnell, Curtis C. Aff. 40 Cabeen, Charles W. Fac. 42 Call, Mary F, 1888 22 Carpenter ,Perry A. 1904 37 Carter, Charles H. Aff. 40 Cary, Marie S. 1898 31 Chaloux, Lewis B. 1904 37 46 Chapman, Levi S. 1889 2Z Chapman, Nettie A. 1S93 26 Cheney, Francis J. 1872 15 Church, John W. 1896 29 Church, JuHa E. 1897 30 Churchill, Herman 1894 27 Clapp, Cornelia M. 1887 22 Clarke, Alice R. 1903 36 Clarke, Edith E. 1881 18 Coates, Bertha E. 1899 Z2 Cobb, Charles N. 1877 16 Cobb, Edith M. 1901 34 Cobb, Dorr R. 1892 25 Coddington, Herbert G. 1886 21 Coddington, Wellesley P. Char. 39 Coit, Judson B. 1875 15 Cole, Anna L. 1894 27 Collins, Mary (Logan) 1887 21 Congdon, Chester A. 1875 15 Congdon, Edgar D. 1901 34 Congdon, LaFayette 1867 14 Connell, John W. 1898 31 Cook, Emma (Dann) 1898 31 Cooley, Louise E. 1904 38 Cooper Theron 1864 13 Copeland, Arthur 1884 19 (Croff) Carro Cummings 1894 27 Crofoot, Minnie D. 1904 38 47 (Crow) Martha Foote 1876 Crowley, Will B. 1889 Cummings, Carro (Croff) 1894 Curtis, Edward D. 1903 Curtiss, Harriette A. 1900 (Daggett) Mabel Potter 1895 Damon, Albert H. 1902 (Dann) Emma Cook 1898 Dann, Harvey M. 1898 Dann, Matthew L. 1902 Darrow, Elizabeth V. 1903 Darrow, George F. 1876 Day, James R. Char. Day, Richard E. 1877 DeLany, Elizabeth G. 1900 DeLany, Frederick T. 1902 Dewey, Charles O. 1885 Didama, Henry D. Hon. Dodson, Cora (Graham) 1894 Doughty, William E. 1904 DuBois, George F. 1902 (Dunham) Clara Hookway 1897 Dunn, Zona (Russell) 1899 (Easley) Grace Smith 1896 Eaton, Alfred H. 1885 Eaton, Horace A. Aff . Eddy, Charles M. 1884 Edgcomb, Ernest I. 1889 Egan, Rose F. Ellis, Flora (Wells) Emens, Edgar A. Emm, Henry C. Farley, Frank E. Ferguson, Soloman Fitzgerald, Paul Fletcher, Milton J. Flick, Alexander C. Foote, Martha (Crow) Fowler, Vern S. (Frames) Jennie Whitbread *French, John R. Gager, C. Stuart (Gilbert) Bertha Holden Gilbert, James M. Glass, Claribel (Blossom) Glazer, Marcus L, Goreth, Frank W. (Graham) Cora Dodson Graham, Jeanette (Statham) Graham, Sarah (Bowerman) Graham, William P. Groat, George G. Guernsey, Miriam (Mix) Gwynn, Genevra (Wiley) Haanel, Eugene Haigh, George H. 1900 33 1862 13 Char. 39 1898 31 Fac. 42 1902 35 1891 24 1888 22. Fac. 42 1876 16 1903 36 1887 22 Fac. 42 1895 28 1882 19 1875 16 1903 36 1892 25 1891 24 1894 27 1897 30 1897 30 1893 26 1895 28 1893 26 1892 25 Fac. 42 1893 2^ Ham, Effa Z. Hamilton, Charles E. Hamilton, James H. Hamilton, John A. (Hammond) Lizzie Lowell *Hard, Manley S. Hargitt, Charles W. Hargitt, George T. Harris, Edward L. Harris, Samuel G. Hart wig, Olive Harvey, Clyde L. Harvey, Frederick M. Hatch, Raymond S. Haven, Theodore W. Hawkins, Delmer E. Hawkins, Watson S. Hawks, Bessie M. Heermans, Minnie F. Herron, Schuyler F. Higham, Jane S. Hildreth, Edna Hilts, Carrie A. Hinckley, MilHcent A. Hitchcock, L. Potter (Hodder) Mabel Boomer Holden, Bertha (Gilbert) Holden, Eloise (Nottingham) 50 1897 30 1886 21 Fac. 42 1891 24 1894 28 1863 13 Fac. 43 1902 35 1878 17 1885 20 1904 38 1900 33 1901 34 1904 38 1881 18 1894 27 1883 19 1900 33 1899 32 1894 27 1876 16 1899 32 1901 34 1894 27 1889 23 1895 2S 1882 19 1880 18 Holden, Willis A. 1880 18 Holzwarth, Franklin J. 1887 22 Hookway, Clara (Dunham) 1897 30 Hopkins, Thomas C. Fac. 43 Horton, Arthur R. 1902 35 Houghton, Oscar A. 1869 14 ^Howard, Frederick H. 1881 18 Howe, Horace H. 1879 17 Howland, Bessie C. 1904 38 (Howlett) Edith Knight 1898 31 Huntington, Herbert 1876 16 Hurst, Alma E. 1904 38 Ingham, John A. 1886 21 (Ives) Bertha Sawyer 1891 24 Jacobs, Philip P. 1903 36 Jermer, William A. 1890 24 Jones, Omar E. 1903 36 Keefe, Martha (Phillips) 1894 27 Keeney, Frederick T. 1886 21 Kellogg, Julia B. 1900 30 Kellogg, Olin C. 1892 25 ^^Kellicott, David S. 1869 14 Kenyon, Carolyn P. 1904 38 Keyser, Roland S. 1872 15 Kinne, Elbridge 0. 1876 16 Kitchin, William C. 1882 19 Knapp, Annie M. 1892 25 Knapp, Clara B. 1899 32 51 Knight, Edith (Hewlett) Knight, Nicholas Kraus, Edward H. Latimer, Ebenezer H. Latimer, Laura M. Lee, Alice L. Leete, Gertrude M. Leete, Frederick D. Leonard, Albert Levy, T. Aaron Lewis, Fred Z. (Lewis) Jessie Wheeler Lewis, William D. Leyden, Elizabeth (Logan) Mary Collins Lowell, Lizzie (Hammond) Lowther, Edgar A. Lowther, Hugh S. Mace, William H. Marsh, Wilham D. Marvin, Harry N. Mason, Minnie (Beebe) Mathews, Byron C. McChesney, Ensign McClelland, WilHam H. McDermott, Ada A. McKialey, Mary E. Merrick, Frank W. 52 1898 31 1882 19 1896 29 1867 14 1900 33 1896 29 1895 28 1889 23 Fac. 43 1895 * 28 1894 27 1896 30 1892 25 1887 22 1887 21 1894 28 1902 35 1899 32 Fac. 43 1879 17 1883 19 1890 24 1877 17 Aff. 40 1903 36 1904 38 1902 35 1887 22 Metzler, William H. Fac. 43 Miller, Gurdon R. 1893 26 Michell, Willis H. 1899 32 Millspaugh, Charles E. 1870 15 (Mix) Miriam Guernsey 1893 26 Mogg, Curtis E. 1878 17 Morey, Edward C. 1884 19 Morris, Edgar C. Char. 39 Moss, Charles M. 1877 17 Moxcey, Mary E.> 1897 31 Munger, Reuben D. 1861 13 (Murdock) Edith Wilson 1899 Z2 Murdock, Henry H. 1885 20 Myers, Julian H. 1879 17 Nichols, William W. 1894 28 Nottingham, Edwin 1876 16 (Nottingham) Eloise Holden 1880 18 Nottingham, William 1876 16 Parker, Mabel V. W. 1900 Z^ Parsons, Bessie 1896 29 Parsons, Laura 1900 33 Pattee, Ernest N. Char. 39 Peck, Henry A. 1885 20 Peritz, Ismar J. Fac. 43 Perkins, Clarence 1901 34 Peters, Iva Lowther (Mrs.) 1901 34 Phelps, George L. 1900 2>Z Phelps, James D. 1876 16 53 Phillips, Henry 1893 26 (Phillips) Martha Keefe 1894 27 Pike, Isabella M. 1903 37 Porter, Wilfred W. 1886 21 Post, Stella L. H. 1903 37 Potter, Mabel (Daggett) 1895 29 Powlesland. Walter H. 1903 37 Quereau, Edmund C. Aff. 40 Quinlan, Mary B. 1904 3^ Reese, William H. 1870 15 Rhoades, Mabel C. 1898 31 Rice, Anna V. 1904 38 Rice, Lepine H. 1892 25 Richards, Jean M. Fac. 43 Richardson, Bertrand C. 1893 26 Ridge way, Willis E. 1899 32 Roberts, John T. 1876 16 Robinson, Gertrude 1902 35 Roe, Edward D., Jr. 1880 18 Romer, Caroline S. 1895 29 (Rosebrugh) Jessie Whyborn 1893 27 Rosenberry, George W. 1896 29 Rowland, Dix H. 1895 29 Rowley, Charles W. 1879 17 (Russell) Zona Dunn 1899 32 Ryan, William 1901 34 Sanford, Emmons H. 1887 22 Sanford Henry R. 1861 13 54 (Sanford) Jennie Thorbum 1887 22 Sawyer, Bertha (Ives) 1891 24 Sawyer, Carrie E. 1887 22. Saxton, Ida (Wilcox) 1893 26 Shepard, Earl D. 1892 25 Shepard, Edwin H. 1900 33 Sherman, Anna (Shults) 1898 31 -Sherman, Fred W. 1900 33 Shove, Benjamin J. 1880 18 (Shults) Anna Sherman 1898 31 -Sibley, Henry 0. 1889 ^Z Siddell, Wmiam G. 1902 35 Sims, Charles N. Hon. 41 Sitterly, Charles F. 1883 19 Skinner, Avery W. 1892 26 Skinner, Charles D. 1903 37 *Smalley, Carrie E. 1903 37 Smalley, Frank 1874 15 Smallwood, W. Martin 1896 30 Smith, Anna H. 1889 2Z Smith, David E. 1881 18 Smith, Ernest R. 1904 38 Smith, Eugene R. 1896 30 Smith, Grace (Easley) 1896 30 Smith, Harry M. Fac. 43 Smith, LiUian S. 1891 24 Snider, Lora 0. 1896 30 Snyder, Edith 1904 38 „ifC. 55 spring. May 1902 35 Statham, George K. 1890 24 (Statham) Jeanette Graham 1897 30 Steele, Wilbur F. 1872 15 Stevens, Junius W. 1895 29 Stowell, Thomas B. 1865 14 Street, J. Richard Fac. 43 Strong, Frank R. 1900 33 Taft, Clinton J. 1903 37 Taylor, Henry L. 1884 19 Taylor, William E. 1893 27 Tennant, John C. 1901 34 Thayer, Eleanor W. 1901 34 Thorburn, Jennie (Sanford) 1887 22 Tilbury, Harry B. 1895 29 Tipple, Bertrand M. 1894 28 Tipple, Ezra S. 1884 20 Todd, Adah J. 1880 18 Tooke, Charles W. 1891 24 Torrey, Frank D. 1891 24 Tracy, Martha P. 1897 31 Travis, Abram L. 1894 2S Treadwell, Charles H., Jr. 1895 29 Tyrrell, G. Frank 1897 31 Underbill, Charles M. i860 13 Van Doren, May 1902 35 Wager, Ralph E. 1902 36 Walker, Frank R. 1884 20 56 WaUace, William L. 1885 20 Walrath, Martin H. 1889 2Z Wals worth, Charles L. 1889 2Z Ward, Clara E. 1893 27 Ward, Cornelia C. 1902 36 Ward, William G. Fac. 44 Warr, F. Louise 1894 . 2^ Weaver, George W. 1878 17 Webster, Frederick P. 1899 32 Wells, Alice 1881 18 (Wells) Flora Ellis 1862 13 West, Marion L. 1900 33 Wheeler, Jessie (Lewis) 1896 30 Whipple, Electa B. 1874 15 Whitbread, Jennie (Frames) 1887 22 Whyborn, Jessie (Rosebrugh) 1893 27 Wilbor, Carlton C. 1868 14 Wilbor, William C. 1886 21 (Wilcox) Ida Saxton 1893 26 Wiley, Charles F. 1892 26 (Wiley) Genevra Gwynn 1892 25 Wilkins, Lawrence A. 1904 38 Wilmot, Jeannette L. 1889 23 Wilmot, NelHe M. 1889 23 Wilson, Bertha 1901 34 Wilson, Edith (Murdock) 1899 32 Wilson, George A. Fac. 44 Wilson, William A. 1886 21 Winchester, Charles W. 1867 14 Winfield, Louise V. 1896 30 Wirt, Anne G. 1884 20 Wiseman, Eugene 1885 20 Wright, Marion E. 1900 S3 Wood, Frank Higley 1885 20 Wood, Frank Hoyt 1891 25 Wood, WilHam A. 1875 16 Worden, Jessie C. 1903 37 Yard, WiUiam H. 1897 31 Young, WiUiam J. 1904 38 58 SYRACUSE r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 150 895? k.