Class U. Book l . GopightN? . COPYRIGHT DEPOSm 3 A -^ 6 frl^y^+L tZ>C^4*j&*J ^/-^y-C fru% 20 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. The Scientific Hand Is more bony than muscular, revealing a decided taste for natural sciences, a love of THE SCIENTIFIC HAND. truth and investigation, with an insatiable curiosity to study the laws of nature. Great LESSONS IN PALMISTR Y. 21 sensitiveness, and a fine, delicate organism generally accompany this type. They enter willingly into any reform, progress, or any plan tending to advance the principles of edu- cation and liberty. Great amount of individ- uality, independence of thought and action, to- gether with untiring perseverance. They adopt their own creed, thoughts, and opinions, after weighing them carefully. The genius at- tached to this hand is characterized by a de- sire for facts which are absolutely true. They have an unquenchable desire to help humanity upward towards civilization and progress. Deep philosophical science, mathematics and invention. 22 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. The Mixed Hanb. This hand is quite prevalent in America, and partakes of the nature of the other types. THE MIXED HAND. It offers a broad field for study. If the texture of the skin is soft and flexible, the mental i LESSONS IN PALM1STR Y. 23 forces are very acute and sensitive. If palm is large, firm, and soft, it denotes strong and noble instincts. With combination of good phalanx of will and reason, ability for sur- gery; for it requires flexibility, constructive- ness and a firm touch. The chief character- istics of this form are amative, musical, social, speculative, and domestic; possessing great vitality, courage, vigor, and magnetism. This hand depends greatly upon the construction, softness, and texture. If coarse, hard, and medium-sized thumb, the mind associated with this latter type is obtuse, lacking in fine sensi- bilities and ideality. The possessors are of the most common order; indifferent to any- thing but their own natural interests. The hand of stupidity endowed with powerful an- imal instincts. This hand exhibits two di- verse types; the one being the intellectual- ity, the other illiteracy. 24 LESSOA'S. IN PALMISTRY. The Artistic Hanb, The chief characteristics of this type are ideality, imagination, and sublimity. Artistic THE ARTISTIC HAND. judgment and intuition enable them to ex press the divine in entirety of these facul- LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 25 ties which the sculptors, painters, and poets exhibit in their work. Guided only by impulse and inspiration, they have no thought for the realities of life, attaching themselves to the picturesque side of ideas. To this type be- longs the roving nature, carelessness, simplic- ity, and luxury. Where the palm is large, with medium-sized thumb, the mind is want- ing in intellectuality, lack of power and moral restraint. This hand, when long and tapering grad- ually, betokens liberality, conscientiousness, but want of spirit and action. The artistic hand has reared our pyramids and monu- ments. If fingers are knotted, inspirations will be stifled by calculation. These hands should never be combined in marriage, for they require the square or spat- ulate to give harmony and action to their lives. ^g^ '^f^' 26 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Gbapter HI. Fingers. Long fingers, love of detail apparent in everything. If excessively long, with second and third of equal length, a great desire for gambling. Observe, however, that this indication varies according to the strength of the hand; if firm, with good head line, that trait is mod- ified. Short fingers, less impulsive, taking things as an entirety. They are often dependent upon their environments, from which it is dif- ficult to withdraw them. If flexible, a great interest in politics and speculation; good or- ganizers. Spatulate tips, clear-sightedness, order, and a continuity of occupation. Pointed fingers, imagination, emotion, and affection, rather than reason and logic. The LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 27 strong pointed fingers, with long, thin hand, show a strong tendency to mysticism, senti- mental, and very impracticable. Idealists and fanatics illustrate this type. With cross on Mercury and Moon, deceit, falsehood and dis- honesty. The hand of jugglery. Should the first phlange be short in every finger, with a marked showing for squareness in tips, es- pecially second finger, indicates a love for an- imals, and in combination with Mercury de- veloped, gift for animal painting. In sculptor's hand, second and third fin- gers are nearly of equal length, with first pha- lange broad, thick, and long, denoting inspira- tion, sublimity, constructiveness, and imita- tion. A large and comprehensive mind must accompany this type to develop the scientific side of art. First phalange of little finger long and square, shows strong desire for legitimate business; long and pointed, eloquence. With second phalange developed, aptitude for. argument. Generally under this type we find our most successful lawyers. Third phalange long, love of ease and lux- ury. 28 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. The THtiMB. The most important factor, for there we tind the ruling forces of the mind — will, logic, and love. First phalange, will. Second phalange, logic. Third phalange, or mount of Venus, love. Small thumbs, governed by the heart. If head line is well developed, with knotty joints, the power of creative genius is strong. Large and well set down in hand, with first phalange long, an all conquering will, and a want of sentiment. Turning back of thumb, extravagance and generosity. Second phalange (logic) tapering, tact. <^gv LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 29 Mount of Venus, at base of thumb, love, chivalry, tenderness, and passion. Excess of development, inconstancy, bold- ness, and indifference. MOUNTS . Undeveloped, lack of tenderness. Sunken, and hand weak, debauchery, 30 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. Much rayed, denotes perplexities, and wor- ries. A well marked line, running from thumb across mount, cutting life line, an opportunity which if in the past or future, can be easily ascertained according to age of life line. Mount of Jupiter, under index finger, am- bition and pride. Absence of mount, idleness and lack of re- ligion. A line from life, proceeding to Jupiter, clear-cut and uncrossed, success socially. Mount of Saturn, at base of second finger, prudence or fatalism, great love of music and success; fatalism if hand weak; rayed, obsta- cles. Mount of Apollo, under third finger, art, wealth and brilliancy. Excessive development, extravagance, ego- tism. Undeveloped, lack of application. One line clear and well marked, success in whatever talent indicated by hand. Mount of Mercury, under fourth finger, or- ganization and invention. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 47 Another branch toward Mercury, success in science, commerce, and eloquence. Towards Apollo, happiness and fortune ob- tained by art, literature, and music. The line of fortune forked, both lines of equal length, on mount of Saturn, a bright, tranquil, fortunate life. If line is clear and unbroken in left hand, fortunate at birth; untouched* by reverses. The right hand will reveal whether the op- portunities thus given them in childhood were energetically improved, or permitted to slip through their fingers. If left hand is devoid of line of fortune, but clearly marked in right hand, they owe their position and success to their own industry. Line rising from Moon, cutting direct to- ward Jupiter, fortune gained through mar- riage. A cross or star at base of line, losses by parents in early youth. Zig-zag lines, a life of endless troubles. Lines clear-cut, crossing hand, denote sud- den wealth, caused by complete change in business. 48 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. With little finger pointed, first phalange, success in oratory. This sign is often found in the hand of a successful lawyer. An island on line, an evil sign. With well marked line of head and for- tune, thumb set low, constructiveness, reason- ing, and caution are the strong allies. A line springing from center of palm, run- ning toward mount of Mars, the dominant traits are will force, and great executive abil- ity, succeeding to the highest ambition, es- pecially if in military life. To ascertain the age at which anything oc- curs in life, measure from wrist upward, to- ward mount of Saturn. The head line closes the thirty-fifth year. In order to succeed in any pursuit of life, we must not allow our faculties to become dormant, even if fate ha? placed us in an unenviable position. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 49 Line qf APO12120. The line of Apollo rises from the plain of Mars, mount of Moon or line of life, ending on mount of Apollo. One clear straight line, devoid of branches, celebrity and riches. Two branches, one turning toward Mer- cury, success in politics. Forked, both branches equal, unlimited success. Those possessing this sign generally rise to unenviable heights. Three branches, talent, and riches which are never attained. Three equal branches, opening on mount of Apollo ; is a sign of great fame. Often found in the hands of noted celebrities. If cut by small lines, or tracing a furrow on the mount, indicates many obstacles to fame, through envy. Starting from the mount of Moon, curving toward Apollo, the subject possesses the in- fluence of powerful friends. A person possessing this line, together with line of fortune and well developed thumb, should follow exclusively a political career. 50 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. In a woman's hand, if socially launched upon society, she will possess fine linguistic abilities, tact, and a memory for names and faces, thus becoming a leader in all move- ments. If palm is very hollow, it is an adverse in- fluence. Single line on mount of Apollo, indicates a struggle for fortune. If possessing talent for music, art, or literature, it will require steady application to meet with success. I have seen hands without line of Apollo or fortune who have attained brilliant heights, the hand itself being perfectly con- structed, with well developed mounts, equal phalange of will and logic, while thumb was beautifully set in hand. The line of Apollo well marked, with hori- zontal lines on Mercury, great talent for dis- coveries in medicine. Without these lines, and spatulate or square fingers, lacking that fine- ness of organism, a veterinary surgeon. A line traced to Mercury, and turning to- ward heart line, every ambition will be sac- rificed for want of application. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 51 The line of xlpollo traced from mount of Moon, without breaks, in a scientific hand, shows a life devoted to research and a uni- versal knowledge of the laws of nature. The line of Apollo, starting from the wrist, will replace the line of fortune, or correct it if broken. If the three branches, found in some hands, are cut by smaller lines, it signifies that the wealth and power acquired will be in danger; a powerful enemy working against the success you have obtained by your labor. Numerous lines on mount of Apollo, to- gether with a star, denote success, which has been gained by strong application to business, with the required amount of cautiousness and calculation. If mount of Apollo is too prominent, with line, it shows a taste for several branches; not successful in any particular one. The line and mount of Apollo are the sig- nifications of intelligence and celebrity. Apollo endows the subject with a beauty and grace which adds a charm to this material existence. 52 LESSONS IN PALMISTR Y. The HepaTica, or L2ine of L2iver. This line starts from the wrist, near the line of life, and ascends across the hand to the mount of Mercury. Straight and well colored, it indicates great vitality and longevity. With good line of Apollo, a disposition to loquacity or fluency of conversation. United to line of life, gives too much vital- ity, which in most cases renders the heart weak. Separated from line of life, it gives strength and activity in all things. When it makes a special turn from line of fortune, and head, it shows a strong power of intuition, an inclination to mysticism. If line of liver is not formed until near the mounts, it gives health and strength in the ad- vanced state of life. Thick, and broken, feebleness in old age. Black specks on line signifies gastric trouble. Saturn, lines of head and liver joined in LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 53 the plain of Mars, a tendency to bohemian life; a lover of the gifts of nature. The line of liver unequally colored, denotes serious trouble with head. If color is deep red, palpitation of the heart. Ending on the percussion at mount of Moon, a discontented disposition. Losing itself in the hollow of palm, giving the appearance as if sunken, the subject is placed with the ill-favored. Broken and pale, stomach trouble, bilious- ness. Forked, avaricious disposition. If a cross forms on line, it predicts an ill- ness which if warned in time, care can be taken to prevent it. In many hands it is absent, which is not an evil sign, for its indications are activity and vivaciousness. Line from mount of Moon, unexpected suc- cess. 54 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. QhaptGT^ \) m The Girble of- Venus,. A half-circle, formed by a line rising be- tween Jupiter and Saturn, and ending be- tween the third and fourth finger. In a good hand the indications are affec- tion and a power of retaining love. In a bad hand, lacking the development of spirituality, it signifies a dissolute life. If double, or followed by little lines, a de- sire for the lowest element of society. The Girdle of Venus gives strength and success, if hand is well endowed; the beauty of Apollo, and the prudence of Saturn which it encloses. When carefully guided and restrained, its power in the subject thus possessing this mark is an additional help toward success in any undertaking. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 55 The RAseETm The lines marking the juncture of the hand and wrist. The space between the lines should be free from furrows. A single line unbroken signifies happiness and a tranquil life. Chained, a laborious life, but modified by a strong phalanx of will power. Three clear, well traced lines promise a long and prosperous career. A cross in center of rascette, an inherit- ance. Line terminating on mount of Moon, indi- cates travels. A line from rascette through mount of Moon, turning toward line of liver, indicates a life of adversity. 56 LPSSOA r S IN PALMISTRY. The Marriage Lhnes, Horizontal lines on the percussion crossing the mount of Mercury; sometimes there are several of these little lines. The long ones indicate marriage. Short lines, the little affairs of the heart. A line forked at end, near Apollo, unhap- piness in love, often occurring after marriage. One line clearly marked, without fork or cross, a long and happy marriage. If descending to heart line, a widow or wid- ower. A red spot on line of head, with broken marriage line, indicates great grief. If followed by small lines on mount of Mars, enemies have influenced the one loved. A line cutting lower part of Mercury, near mount of Mars, curving at end, denotes a broken engagement. A confusion of small lines on Mercury, al- most blurring principal lines, denotes trouble from interference in your love affairs. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 57 Tre Triangle. The space between the lines of life and head. Clear, with line of life and head well traced, it denotes a happy disposition. If broad and not too highly colored, it shows a mind of lofty ideas, and generosity. If the space is small, it denotes cowardice, covetousness, and obstinacy. If wrinkled, extreme irritability. A circle in triangle, a tendency to brutal- ity. If triangle is unequal, and in a sense ob- scure, it shows a dullness of intellect, rude- ness, indolence, and inconstancy. The triangle is also called the plain of Mars. -*4*^ffiS*~ 58 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. The ©aADRAN6i2E. The space enclosed by line of head and line of heart. Broad and clear, regularity, faithfulness and temperance. Narrow, with dim lines, denotes injustice, maliciousness, and deceit. If the quadrangle is much rayed, it denotes a weak head. If the quadrangle is absent — that is, the line of head or heart missing — it is a sign of misfortune. Crosses. A cross on mount of Jupiter, a happy mar- riage. If near base of index finger, it will take place early in life. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 59 On mount of Saturn, unfavorable influ- ences. On Apollo, it denotes an obstacle in the way of success. On Mercury, an inclination to theft. One must closely observe whether the lines in the hands are weak or the thumb is lacking in will power. On mount of Mars, it signifies danger. On mount of Moon, self-deception and error. CROSS STAR SQUARC ISLAND TRIANGLE # o c an™ GRILL CIRCLE CRESCENT CAPILLARY LINES, CROSSES. A cross at base of Venus, a single but sadly terminating love. But if a clearly marked cross is on Jupiter, there is hope of recovery. One or more crosses on index finger de- note strong and lasting friendships. A cross in triangle, a quarrelsome person. 60 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. If cross is formed under Saturn, mysticism. A well formed cross in quadrangle, indi- cates religious instincts and good nature. If cross is placed near mount of Mars, good fortune and happiness. A badly formed cross is an unlucky omen. A cross on third phalange, first finger, ep- icurean. STARS. A star on mount of Jupiter, unexpected good fortune and happiness. If joined to cross, a marriage with one of high position. On mount of Saturn, a premonitory sign of danger. On mount of Apollo, a fatal influence over wealth and honor. A star on mount of Mercury, well marked, denotes fraud. Connected with a line on Mercury, a loss by confidential friend. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 61 A star on Mercury, with a cross on index finger, successful in literature or science. On Mars, a star denotes honors in military life. If badly formed, and hand of coarse type, it indicates murderous tendencies. A star on mount of Moon, treachery. A star on the mount of Venus, denotes trouble arising in the marriage relation; also unhappiness through the opposite sex. At base of Venus, dissipation. The Square, A square in the hand indicates justice, and calmness in danger. A square on the mounts or lines gives ad- ditional force to their qualities, and is also a preservation from danger. It will remedy the bad effects of the star or cross in any hand. 62 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. The Island. The island in any hand is a sign of weak- ness and losses, especially if found on the line of liver, it predicts bankruptcy. If warned in time, the danger can be in some way averted. On head line, subject to neuralgia and nerv- ous headaches. On heart line, weakness of that organ. On line of fortune, an obstacle in the way of wealth, the time being ascertained accord- ing to the location of the island on line. If island is formed in both hands, on line of heart and fortune, it denotes a love for the un- attainable. The Triangle. On Jupiter; generally found in the hands of diplomats. Designers possess the triangle, which, as a rule, appears on mount of Appollo. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 63 On Mercury, political aspirations. On Mars, the triangle denotes conquest on the battle-field. A triangle on mount of the Moon shows a wide knowledge of human nature. The triangle on Saturn is found in the hands of magicians. On the mount of Venus, love intrigues. The Grille. The grille is an obstacle wherever it is dis- covered, and denotes the weakness of the dif- ferent mounts. On Venus, it denotes great sensitiveness. As on Jupiter, pertaining to the head, it is thus affected; Saturn, the chest; Apollo, the arms; Mercury, the legs; Mars takes in the vital organs. 64 L ESSONS IN PALMISTR Y. The Circle and Crescent. These signs found in the hand, indicate fatality. The only place where it figures as an omen of good is on the line of liver, denot- ing an energetic character. Also, the circle upon the mount of Apollo, signifies honor and success. On the line of life, a circle denotes the loss of an eye. A crescent on mount of Moon in a man's hand shows he is under the fatal influence of some woman. A crescent, likewise, in a woman's hand, denotes the same influence of the opposite sex. Capilliary lines denote weakness. LESSONS IN PAL MISTR Y. 65 Gbapter \)\ The Naii2S« The form, size and texture of the nails par- take of the same qualities as the lines, mounts, and fingers. The texture reveals the character. Nails that are fine, delicate and smooth, show a refined and intellectual character. Thick and coarse nails belong to the strong, uncultured race of mankind. Highly arched nails are an indication of strong lung power. Dark nails show a weakness of the digest- ive organs, with imperfect circulation of the blood. Broad nails are an indication of a gentle and retiring disposition, while if narrow, they denote inquisitiveness. Round nails, with crescent well marked, m LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. show the subject to be full of liberal senti- ment, and a lover of science. Nails bending over the fleshy part of fin- gers, show a loss of vitality. Arched nails, with color bright, in a square or pointed type, are signs of strength, and mental development. If very pale, infirmity, poor circulation. A person possessing this type is wanting in that warmth and sympathy when occasion de- mands it. Red and short, obstinacy. These people go to extremes in all things. A delicate pink is an indication of good circulation, tenderness, sociability, and activ- ity. Yellow nails denote a highly nervous and bilious temperament. Lead colored nails belong to those subject to fits of hypochondria; a continuity of mor- bid fancies. Flat nails, devoid of color, denote a gen- eral weakness of the organs. Flat, but well colored, belong to a class of energetic and aspiring minds, with good ex- ecutive ability. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 67 Angular nails show a decided lack of cour- age, and in some cases deceit. Black spots indicate diseases. Too much acidity in the system is shown by the white specks appearing upon the sur- face of the nails. Biting the nails is a pernicious habit which should be stopped instantly, as it has a tendency to develop trouble in the vital organs, caused by small pieces entering the system. Many cases have occurred in people possessed of this habit, the cause never being attributed to what they considered perfectly harmless. It also mars the beauty of the fin- gers, which in latter years is a source of regret. It indicates extreme nervousness and irrita- bility. 68 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. The Eye. The relation of the eye to the human mind is the same as doors are to our homes — the place of entrance into the interior. Ancients claim that the eye is the window of the soul ; but we can more than see through it — we can enter into it and see revealed the true nature of the individual. As the indi- cator of our emotions, it reveals the power of love, hatred, anger, and charity. By its form, size, and color, it denotes the intellectuality or lack of mental force. Large eyes indicate a strong power of language, earnestness, and observation. Possessors of large round eyes have a won- derful capacity for receiving and giving im- pressions; successful in the oratorical and histrionic field. As a rule, the large and dark eyes possess the qualities of magnetism. Black eyes indicate courage, firmness, re- sistance, and inflexibility of purpose. Blue eyes, affection, susceptibility, percep- tion, and ingenuity. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 69 A certain color of blue, which is decidedly pale, indicates the person to be inconstant in both love and friendship. Gray eyes indicate talent, shrewdness, cold- ness, and calculation. A soft gray eye, with large pupil, is a sure sign of coquetry. The pale, cold gray eye denotes cruelty, and a nature without warmth and tenderness. In some rare cases persons are found who possess a peculiar color of the eye, which to the close observer has the appearance of green. Sara Bernhardt, for instance, has been classed with this type, expressing a wonderful power of force, energy, and perseverance. Small eyes denote policy, secretiveness. If deep seated and medium-sized, the lan- guage is fluent, but there is a lack of mag- netic influence. The possessor of this eye is more accurate in impressions, and calcula- tion — the eye of a scientist. The monagamic eye, round and wide open, indicates faithfulness and truth; a strong love nature, possessing a delicacy of language and expression; a power of kindling emotion and sentiment; love of home and children. 70 LESSOA T S IN PALMIST/? Y. Every eye reveals the power of love and reciprocity; thus care should be taken in the choice of partners for life. The Planetary Influence. If the planets act directly upon all objects of nature, why should it be strange if our lives, which are so sensitive, are influenced by the luminary bodies of the celestial sphere. There are seven ruling planets which affect the earthly bodies — Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury, Mars, Moon, and Venus. The other twelve signs of the zodiac repre- senting the twelve months in the year, thus having a direct influence'upon individuals born under their sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius belong to the Fire Triplicity. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, are of the Earth Triplicity. LESSONS IN PALMISTRY.* 71 Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are of the Air Triplicity. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are of the Water Triplicity. Those born under Aries, March 21 to April 19, are of the fire triplicity, governed by the planet Mars, giving to them impetuosity, pride, and courage — natural reasoners, novelists, and poets. In marriage, care should be taken to unite with those born in the earth triplicity. Those born under Taurus, April 19 to May 20, are of the earth triplicity, governed by the planet Venus, giving to them love, melody, and grace — merchants, teachers, and critics. The most harmonious marriage is when those under this sign unite with those born in the water and fire triplicities. Those born under Gemini, May 20 to June 21, are of the air triplicity, governed by Mer- cury, giving science, commerce, speculation, and eloquence. All marriages, to be harmonious, must be with those born under the earth triplicity. All subjects of the air and fire triplicities should be extremely cautious in regard to mar- riage. 72 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. The avocations for Gemini people are man- ufacturing and active trade. Those born under Cancer, June 21 to July 22, belong to the water triplicity, governed by the Moon, which gives to her subjects senti- ment, mysticism, and poetry — actors, invent- ors, and lecturers. Those born under this triplicity should unite in marriage with those born under the earth triplicity. Those born under Leo, July 22 to August 22, are of the fire triplicity, governed by Apollo, which gives to her subjects art, liter- ature, music, and success — artists, musicians, and surgeons. Those born under this sign should unite in marriage with the earth triplicity. Those born under Virgo, August 22 to September 23, are of the earth triplicity, gov- erned by Mercury — critics, journalism, and chemistry. The combination of Mercury and Virgo gives strong literary qualities — journal- ists, lawyers, and chemists. Virgo subjects must unite with those be- longing to the water and fire triplicities. Those born under Libra, September 23 to LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 73 October 23, are of the air triplicity, governed by Venus, which, in combination with Libra, gives calculation and perception — mechanics, speculators, and all active trades. Libra subjects in marriage must unite with the earth triplicity. Those born under Scorpio, October 23 to November 22, are of the water triplicity, being under the influence of the planet Mars, which gives to the subjects courage, self-control, and a great magnetic power. This sign is one of strength, success beiiig met with in military service, and all positions where skill is re- quired. Scorpio people uniting with those in the earth triplicity will meet with harmony and success. Those born under Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21, are of the fire triplicity, being under the direct influence of the planet Jupiter, giving ambition and success. Sub- jects under this sign can enter almost any field. With marriage, on account of their impet- uous disposition, these people should be very cautious. Like Aries and Leo, only harmony 74 LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. is found in uniting with those of the earth triplicity. Those born under Capricorn, December 21 to January 20, are of the earth triplicity, being under the influence of the planet Sat- urn — prudence, and religion; natural organ- izers, and financiers. Capricorn, like Taurus and Virgo, must unite in marriage with those of the water and fire triplicities. Those born under Aquarius, January 20 to February 19, are of the air triplicity, and un- der the influence of Saturn. The combination of Aquarius and Saturn gives religion, but im- pulsiveness. Facts must be produced to make them believe. Politicians and electricians suc- ceed under this sign. Aquarius, like Gemini and Libra, must unite in marriage with those under the earth triplicity. Those born under Pisces, February 19 to March 21, are of the water triplicity, being under the influence of Jupiter. The combina- tion of Jupiter with Pisces gives honor, am- bition and confidence. Under this sign are LESSONS IN PALMISTRY. 75 historians, travelers, and success in the com- mercial field. Pisces, like Cancer and Scorpio, can unite harmoniously in marriage with those born under the earth triplicity. It must be understood that to receive the good qualities of the planets, the mind must be cultivated, or the evil effects which corre- spond to the signs will have the greatest in- fluence over us; thus: Jupiter, idleness, and obscurity. Saturn, remorse, and misfortune. Apollo, envy, misery, and an insignificant life. Mercury, prying, craftiness, and illiteracy. Mars, cowardice, and injustice. Moon, superstition, and sadness. Venus, egotism, inconstancy, and profli- gacy. i