LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, nil UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. l'^' <* THE CHILD AT HOME; THE PRINCIPLES OP FILIAL DUTY FA- MILIARLY ILLUSTRATED. BY JOHN S. C. ABBOTT, author of **the mother at home," "josephine," "maria antoinette,** "kings and queens," "napoleon," etc. VERY GREATLY IMPROVED AND ENLARGED. SISFitl) numerous 2Snflrabmfls. . .. _ NEW YORK: ' "^■^^- .^Q^ HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLlSHERS^'^^"' 329 & 331 PEARL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1871. Z^"'-^. s^^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office for the Southern District of New York. •PREFACE. The Mother at Home, and its companion and counterpart, the Child at Home, were written sim- ply with the view of affording to mothers in the common walks of life, plain and simple instruction in respect to the right discharge of their maternal duties, and, at the same time, some practical aid in leading the minds of their children to proper views of their obligations to God, to their parents, and to one another. Although one of the volumes is ad- dressed nominally to the mother, and the ether to the child, they are in -fact each intended for both mothers and children. If a parent reads and ex- plains the Mother at Home to her children, they will derive great benefit from the exercise, as -they will thus be taught to realize something of the nature and the weight of the responsibilities, the duties, and the cares which such a trust as that which is VI PREFACE. committed to a mother necessarily brings. They will thus the more readily acquiesce in the measures adopted for their good, and submit to the authority which ought to be exercised over them ; and they may be expected also to imbibe, in some degree, the Christian spirit which the book iilculcates. On the other hand, the Child at Home is intended quite as much to afford to mothers a practical exemplifica- tion of the spirit and manner by which their instruc- tions to their children should be characterized, as to act directly upon the children themselves ; and its effect even in this last point of view will be greatly enhanced, if the mother, instead of giving her chil- dren the book, should read it to them herself, or allow them to read it aloud to her, chapter by chap- ter, at some calm and silent hour, in the evening or upon the Sabbath, when the hearts of the listeners may be open to salutary impressions, and when the instructions of the printed page may be accompanied by the kind and familiar explanations of the living teacher. The volumes thus, though under different names, aim at one and the same end, and are intended as the counterparts and companions of each other. PREFACE. VU They regard the family as one, — and in explaining and enforcing the relative duties of parents and chil- dren, they are intended to exert upon the two classes for which they are designed, a common and simultaneous influence. Since the original publication of these works, they have been translated into many different lan- m guages, and have heen circulated very extensively throughout the Christian world. The favor with which they have thus been regarded has led to the republication of them at this time in a new ai. greatly improved form. The works have been care- fully revi^d, and much enlarged, and the various scenes and incidents described in them are illustrated with numerous engravings, which, it is hoped, will aid in making them attractive both to parents and fthildrea. CONTENTS. 4^^*^ CHAPTER PAG 8 I. — Responsibility, 11 IL — Deception, 37 III. — Obedience, 58 rV. — Gratitude, .94 V. — Conscientiousness, . • . . .115 VI. — Religious Truth, 139 VII.— The Savior, . " 169 VIII. — EvERY-DAY Duty, ...... 205 IX.— Study, 240 X. — Traits of Character, 264 XL — Traits of Character — continued, . . 285 XIL— Conclusion, 307 -UiJ :n>llliiii i' ,;|i,,„^ >iii:f%;:'n',„. . _ „ S'"?' 1^ THE CHILD AT HOME. CHAPTER I. RESPONSIBILITY. In large cities there are so many persons guilty of crimes, that it is necessary to have a court in session every day to try those who are accused of breaking the laws. This court 12 THE CHILD AT HOME. is called the Police Court. If you should go into the room where it is held, you would see the officers bringing in, one after another, mis- erable and wicked creatures to be tried ; and after the officers had stated and proved the crimes charged against them, the judge would command them to be led away to prison. In going away, they would look so wretched that you would be shocked in seeing them. One morning a poor woman came into the Police Court in Boston. Her eyes were red with weeping, and she seemed to be borne down with sorrow. Behind her followed two men, leading in her daughter. " Here, sir," said a man to the judge, " is a girl who conducts so badly that her mother can not live with her, and she must be sent to the House of Correction.'' " My good woman," said the judge, " what is it that your daughter does which renders it so uncomfortable to Hve with her ?" " Oh, sir," she replied, " it is hard for a mother to accuse her own daughter, and to be the means of sending her to the prison. But she conducts in such a manner as to destroy all the peace of my life. She has such a temper, that she sometimes threatens to kill me, and she does every thing to make my life wretched." RESPONSIBILITY. 13 The unhappy woman could say no more. Her heart seemed bursting with grief, and she wept aloud. The heart of the judge was moved with pity, and the bystanders could hardly refrain from weeping with this afflicted mother. But there stood the hard-hearted girl, unmoved. She looked upon the sorrows of her parent in sullen silence. She was so hardened in sin, that she seemed perfectly in- sensible to pity or affection. And yet she was miserable. Her countenance showed that pas- sion and malignity filled her heart, and that .the thought of the prison, to which she knew she ^ must go, filled her with rage. The judge turned from the afflicted mother, the sounds of whose sobs filled the room, and, asking a few questions of the witnesses, who testified to the daughter's ingratitude and cru- elty, ordered her to be led away to the House of Correction. The officers of justice took her by the arm, and conducted her to her gloomy cell. Her lonely and sorrowing mother went weeping home to her abode of penury and desolation. Her own daughter was the viper which had stung her bosom. Her own child was the wretch who was filling her heart with sorrow. And while I now write, this guilty daughter 14 THE CHILD AT HOME. is occupying the gloomy cell of the prison., and this widowed mother is in her silent dwelling, in loneliness and grief! And oh, if you, who read these pages, could see that mother and that daughter now, you might form some feeble idea of the consequences of disobedience ; you might see how unutterable is the sorrow which a wicked child may bring upon herself and upon her parents. It is not easy, in this case, to judge which is the most unhappy, the mother or the child. The mother is broken-hearted at home. She is alone and friendless. All her hopes are most cruelly destroyed. She loved her daughter, and hoped that she would live to be her friend and comfort. But instead of that, she became her curse, and is bringing her mother's gray hairs in sorrow to the grave. And then look at the daughter — guilty and aban- doned — oh, who can tell how miserable she must be ! Such is the grief w^hich children may bring upon themselves and their parents. You prob- ably have never thought of this very much. I write this book that you may think of it, and that you may, by obedience and aflection, make your parents happy, and be happy yourselves. This wicked girl was once a playful child, innocent and happy. Her mother looked upon RESPONSIBILITY. 15 her with most ardent love, and hoped that her dear daughter would live to be her companion and friend. At first she ventured to disobey- in some trifling thing. She still loved her mother, and would have been struck with hor- ror at the thought of being guilty of the crimes which she afterward committed. But she went on from bad to worse, every day growing more disobedient, until she made her poor mother so miserable that she almost wished to die, and till she became so miserable herself, that life must have been a burden. You think, perhaps, that you never shall be so unkind and wicked as she finally became. But if you begin as she began, by trifling disobedience, and little acts of unkindness, you may soon be as wicked as she, and make your parents as unhappy as is her poor broken-hearted mother. Persons never become so very wicked all at once. They go on from step to step, in disobe- dience and ingratitude, till they lose all feeling, and can see their parents weep, and even die in their grief, without a tear. Perhaps, one pleasant day, this mother sent her little daughter to school. She took her books, and walked along, admiring the beautiful sunshine, and the green and pleasant fields. She stopped one moment to gather a flower, 16 THE CHILD AT HOME. again to pursue a butterfly, and again to listen to a little robin, pouring out its clear notes upon the bough of some lofty tree. It seemed so pleasant to be playing in the fields, that she was unwilling to go promptly to school. She thought it Would not be very wrong to play a little while. Thus she commenced. The next day she ventured to chase the butterflies farther, and to rove more extensively through the fields in search of flowers. And as she played by the pebbles in the clear brook of rippling water, she forgot how fast the time was passing. And when she afterward hastened to school, and w^as asked why she was so late, to conceal her fault she was guilty of falsehood, and said that her mother wanted her at home. Thus she ad- vanced rapidly in crime. Her lessons were neglected. She loved the fields better than her book, and would often spend the whole morning idle, under the shade of some tree, when her mother thought her safe in school. Having thus become a truant and a deceiver, she was prepared for any crimes. Good children would not associate with her, and consequently she had to choose the worst for her companions and her friends. She learned wicked language ; she was rude and vulgar in her manners ; she in- dulged ungovernable passion ; and at last grew RESPONSIBILITY. 17 SO bad, that when her family afterward removed to the city,, the House of Correction became her ignominious home. And there she is now, guilty and wretched. And her poor mother, in her solitary dwelling, is weeping over her daugh- ter's disgrace. Who can comfort such a moth- er ? Where is there any earthly joy to which she can look ? Children generally do not think how much the happiness of their parents depends upon their conduct. But you now see how very un- happy you can make them. And is there a child who reads this book, who would be will- ing to be the cause of sorrow to his father and his mother ? After all that they have done for you, in taking care of you when an infant, in watching over you when sick, in giving j^ou clothes "to wear, and food to eat, can you be so ungrateful as to make them unhappy ? You have all read the story of the kind man, who found a viper lying upon the ground almost dead with cold. He took it up and placed it in his bosom to warm it, and to save its life. And what did that viper do? He killed his bene- factor ! Vile, vile reptile ! Yes ! as soon as he was warm and well, he stung the bosom of his kind preserver, and killed him. But that ch Id is n worse viper w^ho, by his 18 THE CHILD AT HOME. ingratitude, will sting the bosom of his father ornnother; who by disobedience and unkind- ness, will destroy their peace, and thus dread- fully repay them for all their love and care. God will not forget the sins of such a child. His eye will follow you to see your sin, and his arm will reach you to punish. He has said, Honor your father and your mother.^ And the child who does not do this, must meet with the displeasure of God, and must be forever shut out from heaven. Oh, how miserable must this wicked girl now be, locked up in the gloomy prison ! But how much more miserable will she be when God calls her to account for all her sins ! — when, in the presence of all the angels, the whole of her conduct is brought to light, and God says to her, " Depart from me, ye cursed !" As she goes away from the pfesence oftheLord, to the gloomy prisons of eternal despair, she will then feel a degree of remorse which I can not describe to you. It is painful to think of it. Ah, wretched, wretched girl ! Little are you aware of the woes which you are preparing for yourself. I hope that no child who reads these pages will ever feel these woes. You have just read that it is in your power to make your parents very unhappy ; and you have seen how unhappy one wicked girl made RESPONSIBILITY. 19 her poor mother. I might tell you many such melancholy stories, all of which would be true. A few years ago there was a boy who began to be disobedient to his parents in little things. But every day he grew worse, — more disobe- dient, more willful, and more troublesome. He would run away from school, and thus he grew up in ignorance. He associated with bad boys, and learned to swear and to lie, and to steal. He became so bad that his parents could do nothing with him. Every body who knew him, said, " That boy is preparing for the gallows." He w^as the pest of the neighborhood. At last he ran away from home, wnihout let- ting his parents know that he was going. He had heard of the sea, and thought it would be a very pleasant thing to be a sailor. But noth- ing is pleasant to the wicked. When he came * to the sea-shore, where there were a large num- ber of ships, it was some time before any cap- tain would employ him, because he knew noth- ing about a ship or the sea. There was no one there who was his friend, or who pitied him, and he sat down and cried bitterly, wishing that he was at home again, but ashamed to go back. At last a sea captain came along, and hired him to go on a distant voyage ; and as he knew nothing about the rigging of a vessel, he was 20 THE CHILD AT HOiME. ordered to do the most servile work on board. He swept the decks and the cabin, and helped the cook, and w^as the servant of all. He had the poorest food to eat he ever ate in his life. And when night came, and he was so tired that he could hardly stand, he had no soft bed upon which to lie, but could only wrap a blanket around him, and throw himself down anywhere to get a little sleep. This unhappy boy had acquired so sour a disposition, and was so disobliging, that all the sailors disliked him, and would do every thing they could to tease him. When there was a storm, and he was pale with fear, and the ves- sel was rocking in the wind, and pitching over the waves, they would make him climb the mast, and laugh to see how terrified he was, as the mast reeled to and fro, and the wind almost blew him into the raging ocean. . Often did this poor boy ^et into some obscure part of the ship, and weep as he thought of the home he had forsaken. He thought of his father and mother, how kind they had been to him, and how unkind and ungrateful he had been to them, and how unhappy he had made them by hts misconduct. But these feelings soon wore away. Familiarity with sea-life gave him courage, and he became inured to its hardships. RESPONSIBILITY. 21 Constant intercourse with the nnost profligate and abandoned, gave strength and inveteracy to his sinful habits ; and before the voyage had terminated, he was reckless of danger, and as hardened and unfeeling as the most depraved on board the ship. This boy commenced with disobedience in little things, and grew worse and worse, till he forsook his father and his mother, and was prepared for the surrender of every virtuous principle, and the commission of any crime. But the eye of God was upon him, following him wherever he went, and marking all his iniquities. An hour of retribu- tion was approaching. It is not necessary for me to trace out to you his continued steps of progress in sin. When on shore, he passed his time in haunts of dissipation. And several years rolled on in this way, he himself grow- ing more and more hardened, and his aged pa- rents, in their loneliness, weeping over the ruin of their guilty and w^andering son. One day an armed vessel sailed into one of the principal ports of the United States, ac- companied by another, which had been cap- tured. When they arrived at the wharf, it was found that the vessel taken w^as a pirate. Multitudes flocked down upon the wharf to see the pirates as they should be led off* to the 22 THE CHILD AT HOME. prison, there to await their trial. Soon they wore brought oat of the ship, with their hands THE PirvA.TES. lastened loo;ether with chains, and led throuixh the streets. Ashamed to meet the looks of honest men, and terrified with the certainty of condemnation and execution, they walked along with downcast eyes and trembling limbs. Among the number was seen the unhappy and guilty boy, now grown to be a young man, whose history we are relating. He was locked RESPONSIBILITY. 23 up in the dismal dungeon of a prison. The day of trial came. Pale and trembling, he was brought before the judge. He was clearly- proved guilty, and sentenced to be hung. Again he was carried back to his prison, there to re- main till the hour for his execution should ar- rive. New^s was sent to his already broken- hearted parents, that theij:* son had been condemned as a pirate, and was soon to be hung. The tidings were almost too much for them to endure. In an agony of feeling which can not be described, they wept together. They thought of the hours of their child's in- fancy, when they watched over him in sickness, and soothed him to sleep. They thought how happy they felt when they saw the innocent smile play upon his childish cheek. They thought of the joy they then anticipated in his opening years, and of the comfort which they hoped he would be to them in their declining days. And now to think of him, a hardened criminal, in the murderer's cell ! — Oh, it was too much, too much for them to bear. It seemed as though their hearts would burst. Little did they think, when, with so much af- fection they caressed their infant child, that he would be the curse of their life, embittering all their days, and bringing down their gray hairs 24 THE CHILD AT HOME. with sorrow to the grave. Little did they think, that his first trifling acts of disobedience would lead on to such a career of misery and of crime. But the son was sentenced to die, and the pen- alty of the law could not be avoided. His own remorse and his parents' tears could be of no avail. Agonizing as it would be to their feel- ings, they felt that they must go and see their son before he should die. What a hard alternative it was that was pre- sented to these heart-broken parents ! It was a dreadful thing to leave him alone in his cell, and it would he a dreadful thing to go to see him. They, however, decided to go. One morning, a gray-headed man, and an aged and infirm woman, were seen walking along, with faltering footsteps, through the street which led to the prison. It was the heart- broken father and mother of this unnatural child. When they came in sight of the gloomy granite walls and iron-grated windows of this dreary abode, they could hardly proceed, so overwhelming were the feelings which pressed upon their minds. When arrived at the door of the prison, the aged father, supporting upon his arm the weeping and almost fainting mother, told the jailer who they were, and requested RESPONSIBILITY. 25 ^-'~'' THE CELL. permission to see their son. Even the jailer, accus- tomed as he was to scenes of suffer- ing, could not wit- |^^ ness this exhibition of parental grief without being mov- ed to tears. He led the parents through the stone galleries of the prison, till they came to the iron door of the cell in which their son was confined. As he turned the key with all his strength, the heavy bolt flew back, and he opened the door of the cell. Oh, what a sight for a father and a mother to gaze upon ! There was just enough light in this gloomy abode to show them their son, sitting in the corner on the stone floor, pale and emaciated, and loaded with chains. The moment the father beheld the pallid features of his long-absent son, he raised his hands in the agony of his feelings, and fell fainting at his feet. The mother burst into loud exclamations of grief, as she clasped her son, guilty and wretched as he was, to her 2(5 THE CHILD AT HOME. bosom. Oh, who can describe this scene ! Who can conceive the anguish which wrung the hearts of these afflicted parents ! And it was their own boy, whom they had loved and cherished, who had brought all this woe upon them. I can not describe to you the scene which ensued. Even the very jailer could not bear it, and he wept aloud. At last he was compel- led to tear the parents away ; and it was agon- izing indeed to leave their son in such a situa- tion, soon to be led to an ignominious death. They would gladly have stayed and died with their guilty child. But it was necessary that they should depart ; and, the jailer having closed the door and turned the massive bolt, they left the unhappy criminal in his cell. Oh, what would he have given, again to be innocent and free ! The parents returned to their home, to weep by day and by night, and to have the image of their guilty son disturbing every mo- ment of peace, and preventing the possibiHty of joy. The day of execution soon arrived, and their son was led to the gallows, and lanched into eternity. And, crimsoned with guilt, he went to the bar of God, there to answer for all the crimes of which he had been guilty, and for all the woes that he had caused. RESPONSIBILITY. 27 You see, then, how great are your responsi- bilities as a child. You have thought, perhaps, that you have no power over your parents, and that you are not accountable for the sorrow which your conduct may cause them. Think you that God will hold this child guiltless for all the sorrow which he caused his father and his mother ? And think you that God will hold any child guiltless, who shall, by his misconduct, make his parents unhappy ? No. You must answer to God for every thing that you do, which gives your parents pain. And there is no sin greater in the sight of God than that of an ungrateful child. I have shown you, in the two illustrations which you have just read, how much the happiness of your parents depends upon your conduct. Every day you are pro- moting their joy or their sorrow. And every act of disobedience, or of ingratitude, however trifling it may appear to you, is, in the eyes of your Maker, a sin which can not pass unnoticed. Do you ask. Why does God consider the in- gratitude of children as a sin of peculiar aggra- vation ? I reply, Because you are under pecu- liar obligation to love and obey your parents. They have loved you when you could not love them. They have taken care of you when you could not reward them. They have passed 28 THE CHILD AT HOME. sleepless nights in listening to your cries, and weary days in watching over you, when you could neither express thanks nor feel grateful. And after they have done all this, is it a small sin for you to disobey them and make them un- happy ? And indeed you can do nothing to make yourself so unhappy as to indulge in disobe- dience, and to cherish a spirit of ingratitude. You never see a child who does this, happy. Look at him at home, and you w^ill find that in- stead of being light-hearted and cheerful, he is sullen and morose. He sits down by the fireside in a winter evening, but the evening fireside af- fords no joy to him. He knows that his parents are grieved at his conduct. He loves nobody, and feels that nobody loves him. There he sits, silent and sad, making himself miserable by his own misconduct. The disobedient boy or girl is always unhappy. You know how diflferent the dispositions of children are. Some are al- ways pleasant and obliging, and you love their company. They seem happy when they are with you, and they make you happy. Now you \\\\\ almost always find that such children are obedient to their parents. They are happy at home, as well as abroad. God has in almost every case connected enjoyment with duty, and RESPONSIBILITY. ^ 29 sorrow with sin. But in no case is this con- nection more intimate, than in the duty which children owe their parents. And to every child who reads this book, I would say, If you ivish to be happy, you must be good. Always re- member this. Let no temptation induce you for a moment to disobey. The more ardently you love your parents, the more ardently will they love you. But if you are ungrateful and disobedient, childhood will pass away in sorrow ; all the virtuous will dislike you, and you will have no friends worth possessing. When you arrive at mature age, and enter upon the active duty of life, you will have acquired those feel- ings which will deprive you of the affection of your fellow-beings, and you will probably go through the world unbeloved and unrespected. Can you be willing so to live ? The following account, written by one who, many years after her mother's death, visited her grave, forcibly describes the feelings which the remembrance of the most trifling act of ingratitude will, under such circumstances, awaken. *' It was thirteen years since my mother's death, when, after a long absence from my na- tive village, I stood beside the sacred mound, beneath which I had seen her buried. Since THE CHILD AT HOxME. that mournful period, a great change had come over me. My childish years haiV passed away, and with them my youthful chiracter. The world was altered too : and as I stood at mv mother's grave, I could hardly realize that I was the same thoughtless, happy creature, whose cheeks she so often kissed in an excess of tenderness. But the varied events of thir- teen years had not effaced the remembrance of that mother's smile. It seemed as if I had seen her but yesterday — as the blessed sound of her well-remembered voice was in my ear. The gay dreams of my infancy and childhood were brought back so distinctly to my mind, that, had it not been for one bitter recollection, the tears that I shed would have been gentle and refreshing. The circumstance may seem a trifling one, but the thought of it now pains my heart, and I relate it, in order that those children who have parents to love them may learn to value them as they ought. *'My mother had been ill a long time, and I became so accustomed to her pale face and weak voice, that I was not frightened at them, as children usually are. At first, it is true, I sobbed violently ; but when, day after day, I returned from school, and found her the same, I began to believe that she would always be RESPONSIBILITY. 31 spared to me. But they told me she VvX-ulJ die. " One day, when I had lost my place in the class, and had done my work wrong side out- ward, I came home discouraged and fretful. I went to my mother's chamber. She was paler than usual, but she met me with the same affec- tionate smile that always welcomed my return. Alas, w^hen I look back through the lapse of thirteen years, I think my heart must have been of stone not to have been melted by it. She requested me to go down stairs and bring her a glass of water. I pettishly asked why she did not call a domestic to do it. With a look of * mild reproach, which I shall never forget, if I live to be a hundred years old, she said, ' And will not my daughter bring a glass of water for her poor sick mother ?' *'I went and brought her the water, but I did not do it kindly. Instead of smiling and kissing her, as I was wont to do, I set the glass down very quickly, and left the room. After playing about a short time, I went to bed without bid- ding my mother good night. But when alone in my room, in darkness and in silence, I re- membered how pale she looked, and how her voice trembled when she said, * Will not my daughter bring a glass of water for her poor 32 THE CHILD AT Hv^ME. sick mother T I could not sleep I stole into her chamber to ask forgiveness. She had sunk into an easy slumber, and they told me that I must not waken her. I did not tell any one what troubled me, but stole back to my bed, re- solved to rise early in the morning, and tell her how sorry I was for my conduct. " The sun was shining bright when I awoke ; and, hurrying on my clothes, I hastened to my mother's chamber. She was dead ! She never spoke more — never smiled upon me again — and when I touched the hand that used to rest upon my head in blessing, it was so cold that it made me shudder. I bowed down by her side, and sobbed in the bitterness of my heart. I thought then that I might well wish to die, and be buried with her; and, old as I now am, I would give worlds, were they mine to give, could my moth- er but have lived to tell me that she forgave my childish ingratitude. But I can not call her back ; and when I stand by her grave, and whenever I think of her manifold kindness, the memory of that reproachful look which she gave me will bite like a serpent and sting like an adder." And when your mother dies, do you not think that you will feel remorse for every un- kind word that you linve uttered, and for every RESPONSIBILITY. 33 act of ingratitude ? Your beloved parents must soon die. You will probably be led into their darkened chamber, to see them lying pale and helpless on their dying bed. Oh; how will you feel in that solemn hour ! All your past life will come to your mind, and you will think that vou would give worlds, if vou could blot out the remembrance of past ingratitude. You will think that, if your father or mother should only get well, you w^ould never do any thing to grieve them again. But the hour for them to die must come. You may weep as though your heart would break, but it will not recall the past, and it wall not delay their death. They must die; and you will probably gaze upon their cold and lifeless countenances in the coffin. You wdll follow them to the grave, and see them buried forever from your sight. Oh, how unhappy you will feel, if you then have to reflect upon your misconduct ! The tears that you will shed over their graves will be the more bitter, be- cause you w^ill feel that, perhaps, your own mis- conduct hastened their death. But perhaps you w^ill die before your parents do. If you go into the grave-yard, you will see the graves of many children. You know that the young are liable to die, as well as the old. And what must be the feelings of the dying 34 THE CHILD AT HOME. child, who knows that he is going to appear be- fore God in judgment, and yet feels conscious that he has been unkind to his parents! Oh, such a child nnust fear to go into the presence of 'his Maker. He must know that God will never receive into heaven children who have been so wicked. I have seen manv children die. And I have seen some, who had been very amiable and pleasant all their lives, when they came to die, feel grieved that they had not been more careful to make their parents happy. I knew one affectionate little girl, who ' was loved by all who knew her. She very seldom did any thing which was displeasing to her pa- rents. But one day she was taken sick. The physician was called ; but she grew worse and worse. Her parents watched over her with anxiety and tears, but still her fever raged, and death drew nearer. At last all hopes of her re- covery were over, and it was known that she must die. Then did this little girl, when she felt that she must leave her parents forever, mourn that she had ever done any thing to give them pain. The most trifling act of disobe- dience, and the least unkindness of which she had ever been guilty, then came fresh into her mind, and she could not die in peace till she had called her father and her mother to her bedside. RESPONSIBILITY. 35 and implored their forgiveness. If so obliging and affectionate a little girl as this felt so deeply in view of the past, when called upon to die, how agonizing must be the feelings which will crowd upon the heart of the wicked and diso- bedient child who has filled her parents' heart with sorrow ! But you must also remember that there is a day of judgment to come. You must appear before God to answer for everything you have done or thought while in this world. Oh, how will the ungrateful child then feel ! Heaven will be before him, in all its beauty and bliss^ but he can not enter. " Those holy gates forever bar Pollution, sin, and shame." He has, by his ingratitude, made a home on earth unhappy, and God will not permit him to destroy the happiness of the homes in heaven. He will see all the angels in their holiness and their joy, but he can not be permitted to join that blessed throng. With his ungrateful heart he would but destroy their enjoyment. The frown of God must be upon him, and he must depart to that wretched world where all the wicked are assembled. There he must live 36 THE CHILD AT HOME. in sorrows which have no end. Oh, children, how great are your responsibilities ! The hap- piness of your parents depends upon your con- duct. And your ingratitude may fill your lives with sorrow, and your eternity with woe. Will you not, then, read this book with care, and pray that God will aid you to obey its direc- tions, that your homes on earth may be joyful, and that you may be prepared for happier homes beyond the stars ? C H A P T E R 1 1 DECEPTION. Probably nearly all who read this book have heard the story of George Washington and his hatchet. George, when a Httle boy, had received from his father a hatchet, and, much pleased with his present, he walked around the house trying its keen edge upon every thing which came within his reach. At last he came to a favorite pear- tree of his father's, and began, wdth great dex- terity, to try his skill in felling trees. After [lacking upon the bark until he had completely spoiled the tree, he became tired, and went into the house. Before long, his father, passing by, beheld his beautiful tree entirely ruined ; and, entering the house, he earnestly asked who had been guilty of the act. For a moment George trembled and hesitated. He was strongly tempted to deny that he knew any thing about it. But summoning all his courage, he replied, " Father, I can not tell a lie. I cut it with my 38 THE CHILD AT HOME. hatchet/' His father clasped him in his arms, and said, " My dear boy, I would rather lose a thousand trees than have my son a liar." This little anecdote shows that George Wash- ington, when a boy, was too brave and noble to tell a lie. He had rather be punished than be so mean and degraded as to utter a falsehood. He did wrong to cut the pear-tree, though, per- haps, he did not know the extent of the injury that he was doing. But had he denied that he did it, he would have been a cowardly and dis- graceful liar. His father would have been ashamed of him, and would never have known when to believe him. If little George Wash- ington had told a lie then, it is by no means im- probable that he would have gone on from false- hood to falsehood, till every body would have despised him. And he would thus have become a disgrace to his parents and friends, instead of a blessing to his country and the world. No boy, who has any degree of that noble spirit which George Washington had, will tell a lie. It is one of the most degrading of sins. There is no one who does not regard a liar with contempt. Almost always, when a lie is told, two sins are committed. The first is, the child has done something which he knows to be wrong. And the second is, that he has not courage enough DECEPTION. 39 to admit it, and tells a lie to hide his fault* And, therefore, when a child tells a lie, you may always know that that child is a coward. George Washington was a brave man. When duty called him, he feared not to meet danger and death. He would march to the mouth of the cannon in the hour of battle ; he would ride through the field when bullets were flying in every direction, and strewing the ground with the dead, and not a nerve would tremble. Now% we see that George Washington was brave when a boy, as well as when a man. He scorned to tell a lie, and, like a noble-hearted boy as he was, he honestly avowed the truth. Every body admires courage, and every body despises cowardice. The liar, whether he be a boy or a man, is looked upon with contempt. Cases will occur in which you w^ill be strongly tempted to say that which is false. But if you yield to the temptation, how can you help de- spising yourself ? A little girl once came into the house and told her mother something which was very improbable. Those who were sitting in the room with her mother did not believe her, for they did not know the character of the little girl. But the mother replied at once, " I have no doubt that it is true, for I never knew my daughter to tell a lie.'' Is there not something 40 THE CHILD AT HOME. noble in having a character hke this ? Must not that girl have felt happy in the conscious- ness of thus possessing her mother's entire con- fidence ? Oh, how different must have been her feelings from those of the child whose w^ord can not be believed, and who is regarded by everyone with suspicion! Shame, shame on the child who has not magnanimity enough to tell the truth. God will not allow such sins to go unpun- ished. Even in this world the consequences are generally felt. God has given every person a conscience, w^hich approves that which is right, and condemns that which is wrong. When we do any thing wrong, our consciences punish us for it, and we are unhappy. When we do any thing that is right, the approval of conscience is a reward. Every day you feel the power of this conscience approving or con- demning what you do. Sometimes a person thinks that if he does wrong, and it is not found out, he will escape punishment. But it is not so. He will be punished whether it is found out or not. Conscience will punish him if no one else does. There was once a boy whose father sent him to ride a few miles, on an errand, and direct- ed him particularly not to stop by the way. It DECEPTION. 41 was a beautiful and sunny morning in the spring ; and as the boy rode along by the green fields, and heard the singing of the birds as they flew from tree to tree, he felt as light-hearted and happy as they. After doing his errand, however, as he w^as returning by the house where two of his friends and playmates lived, he thought he could not resist the temptation just to call a moment to see them. He thought that there would be no great harm if he merely stopped a minute or two, and his parents would THE STOLEN VISIT. 42 THE CHILD AT HOME. never know it. Here coaimenced his sin. He stopped, and was led to remain longer and long- er, till he found that he had passed two hours there in play. Then, with a troubled con- science, he mounted his horse, and set his face toward home. The fields looked as green, and the skies as bright and cloudless, as when he rode along in the morning ; but, oh, how differ- ent were his feelings ! Then he was innocent and happy ; now he was guilty and wretched. He tried to feel easy, but he could not ; con- science reproached him with his sin. He rode sadly along, thinking what excuse he should make to his parents for his long absence, when at length he saw his father, at a distance, com- ing to meet him. His father, fearing that some accident had happened, had left home in search of his son. The boy trembled and turned pale as he saw his father approaching, and hesitated whether he had better confess the truth at once, and ask forgiveness, or endeavor to hide the crime with a lie. Oh, how much better it would have been for him if he liad acknowl- edged the truth! How much sooner would he have been restored to peace ! But one sin al- most always leads to another. When this kind father met his son with a smile, the boy said, *' Father, I lost the road, and it took me some DECEPTION. 43 time to get back again, and that is the reason why 1 have been gone so long." His father had never known his son to be guilty of falsehood before, and was so happy to find him safe, that he did not doubt that what he said was true. But, oh, how guilty, and ashamed, and wretched, did the boy himself feel, as he rode along ! His peace of mind was destroyed. A heavy weight of conscious guilt pressed upon his heart. He went home and re- peated the lie to his mother. It is always thus when we turn from the path of duty ; we know not how widely we shall wander. Having com- mitted one fault, he told a lie to conceal it, and then added sin to sin, by repeating and persisting in his falsehood. What a change had one short . half-day produced in the character and the hap- piness of this child ! His parent had not yet detected him in his sin, but he was not, on that account, free from punishment. Conscience was at work, telling him that he w^as degraded and guilty. His look of innocence and his light- ness of heart had left him. He was ashamed to look his father or mother in the face. He tried to appear easy and happy, but he was un- easy and miserable. A heavy load of conscious guilt rested upon him, which destroyed all his peace. 44 THE CHILD AT HOME. When he retired to bed that night, he feared the dark. It was long before he could quiet his troubled spirit with sleep. And when he awoke in the morning, the consciousness of his guilt had not forsaken him. There it remained fixed deep in his heart, and would allow him no peace. He was guilty, and of course wretched. The first thought which occurred to him, on waking, was the lie of the preceding day. He could not forget it. He was afraid to go into the room where his parents were, lest they should discover, by his appearance, that he had been doing something wrong. And though, as weeks passed away, the acuteness of his feel- ings in some degree abated, he was all the time disquieted and unhappy. He was continually fearing that somethinor would occur which o o should lead to his detection. Thus things went on for several weeks, till, one day, the gentleman at whose house he stopped, called at his father's on business. So soon as this boy saw him come into the house, his heart beat violently, and he turned pale with ihe fear that something would be said that would bring the wliole truth to light. The gen- tleman, after conversing a few moments with his father, turned to the boy, and said, '' Well, how did you get home the other DECEPTION. 45 day ? My boys had a very pleasant visit from you." Can you imagine how the boy felt ? You could almost have heard his heart beat. The blood rushed into his face, and he could not speak ; and he dared not raise his eyes from the floor. The gentleman then turned to his parents, and said, " You must let your son come up again and see my boys. They were quite dis- appointed when he was there a few weeks ago, for he only stayed about two hours, and they hoped he had come to spend the whole day with them/' Thus the whole truth was brought out. And how do you suppose that boy felt? He had disobeyed his parents; told a he to conceal it ; had for weeks suffered the pangs of a guilty conscience ; and now the w^hole truth was dis- covered, ife stood before his parents over- whelmed with shame, convicted of disobe- dience, and mean, degrading falsehood. This boy was all the time suffering the con- sequences of his sin. For many days he was enduring the reproaches of conscience, while the knowledge of his crime was confined to his own bosom. How bitterly did he suffer for the short period of forbidden pleasure which he 46 THE CFIILD AT HOME. had enjoyed ! The way of the transgressor is always hard. Every child who does wrong must, to a greater or less degree, feel the sanne sorrows. This guilty child, overwhelmed with confusion and disgrace, burst into tears, and implored his parents' forgiveness. But he was told by his parents that he had sinned, not only against them, but against God. The humble child went to God in penitence and in prayer. He made a full confession of all to his parents, and obtained their forgiveness; and it was not till then that peace of mind was restored. Will not the child who reads this account take warning from it? Whenever you have done wrong, you had better confess it at once. Falsehood will but increase your sin, and ag- gravate your sorrow. Whenever you are tempted to say that which is untrue, look for- ward to the consequences. Think how much sorrow, and shame, and sin, you will bring upon yourself. Think of the reproaches of conscience ; for you may depend upon it, that those reproaches are not easily borne. And is it pleasant to have the reputation of a liar? When persons are detected in one falsehood, they can not be believed when they speak the truth. No person can place* any more confidence in them till a long time of DECEPTION. 47 penitence has elapsed in which they have had an opportunity to manifest their annendment. The Httle boy, whose case we have above alluded to, was sincerely penitent for his sin. He resolved that he never would tell another lie. But since he had deceived his parents once, their confidence in him was necessarily for a time destroyed. They could judge of the reality of his penitence only by his future con- duct. One day he was sent to a store to pur- chase some small articles for his mother. In his haste, he forgot to stop for the few cents of change which he ought to have received. Upon his return home, his mother inquired for the change. He had not thought about it before, and very frankly told her that he had forgotten it entirely. How did his mother know that he was telling the truth ? She had already de- tected him in one falsehood, and she feared that he was now telling her another. " I hope, my dear son," she said, " you are not again deceiv- ing me." The boy was perfectly honest this time, and his parents had never before dis- trusted his word. It almost broke his heart to be thus suspected, but he felt that it was just, and he went to his chamber and wept bitterly. These are the necessary consequences of falsehood. A liar can never be believed. It 48 THE CHILD AT HOME. matters not whether he tells truth or falsehood, no one can trust his word. If you are ever tempted to tell a lie therefore, first ask yourself whether you are willing to have it said that nobody can trust your word. The liar is al- w^ays known to be such. A person may pos- sibly tell a lie which shall not be detected, but almost always something happens which brings it to light. The boy who slopped to play when on an errand two miles from his father's house, thought that his falsehood would never be dis- covered. But he was detected, and over- whelmed with shame. It is impossible for a person who is in the habit of uttering untruths to escape detection. Your character for truth or falsehood wmU be known. And what can be more humiliating and degrading than to have the name of a liar ? It is so considered in all nations and with all people. It is considered one of the meanest and most cowardly vices of which one can be guilty. The liar is always a coward. He tells lies, because he is afraid to tell the truth. And how do you suppose the liar must feel when he comes to die? It is a solemn hour. Perhaps many of the children who read this book have never seen a person die ? I have seen many. I have seen children of all ages DECEPTION. 49 dressed in the shroud and placed in the coffin. I might write pages in describing to you such scenes. One day I went to see a girl about ten years of age, who was very sick. When I went into the room, she was lying upon a little cot-bed, her lips parched with fever, and her face pale and emaciated with suffering. Her mother was standing by her bedside, weeping* as though her heart would break. Other friends were standing around, looking in vain for something to do to relieve the little sufferer. I went and took her by the hand, and found that she was dying. She raised her languid eyes to me, but could not speak. Her breath- ing grew fainter and fainter. Her arms and limbs grew cold. We could only look mourn- fully on and see the advances of death, without being able to do any thing to stop its progress. At last she ceased to breathe. Her spirit as- cended to God to be judged, and her body re- mained upon the bed, a cold and lifeless corpse. All children are exposed to death ; and when you least expect it, you may be called to lie upon, a bed of sickness, and go down to the grave. There is nothing to give one joy in such an hour, but a belief that our sins are for- given, and that we are going to the heavenly home But how must a child feel in such an D 50 THE CHILD AT HOME. hour, when reflecting upon falsehoods which are recorded in God's book of remembrance ! Death is terrible to the impenitent sinner; but •it is a messenger of love and of mercy to those who are prepared to die. If you have been guilty of a falsehood, you can not die in peace till you have repented and obtained forgive- ness. There was once a little girl who died when she was eleven years of age. She loved the Savior ; and when she was told that she could not live, she was very happy. She said that she was happy to die, and go home and be with her Savior and the angels in heaven. But there was one thing, which, for a time, weighed heavily upon her mind. A year or two before she felt interested in religion she had told what she considered an untruth to her aunt ; and she could not die in peace, till she had seen that aunt, confessed her sin, and asked forgive ness. Her aunt was sent for, though she was many miles distant. When her aunt came, the sick little girl, with sorrow for her fault, made confession, and asked forgiveness. " Aunt/' said she, " I have prayed to God, and hope that he has forgiven me ; and I can not die in peace till I have obtained your forgiveness." If. any child who reads this book is tempted to deceive DECEPTION. 51 his parents or his friends, I hope he will remem- ber that he must soon die, and think how he will feel in that solemn hour. But, perhaps, you think that the falsehood of which this girl was guilty was one of peculiar aggravation. It was simply this : she was one day playing in the room with several little chil- dren, and was making them laugh very loud. Her aunt said, " My dear, you must not make them laugh so loud.'' And she replied, " It is not I, aunt, who makes them laugh.'' This was the falsehood she uttered. And though her aunt did not know that it was false, the little girl did, and God in heaven did. And when she came to die, though it was a year or two after, her soul was troubled, and the con- sciousness of her sin destroyed her peace. A lie is, in the sight of God, a dreadful sin, be it ever so trifling in our estimation. When w^e are just ready to leave the world, and to appear before God in judgment, the convictions of a guilty conscience will press upon the heart like a heavy burden. There are many ways of being guilty of falsehood without uttering the lie direct in words. Whenever you try to deceive your parents, in doing that which you know they 52 THE CHILD AT HOME. disapprove, you do, in reality, tell a lie. Con- science reproves you for falsehood. Once, when I was in company, as the plate of cake was passed round, a little boy, who sat by the side of his mother, took a much larger piece than he knew she w^ould allow him to have. She hap- pened, for the mo- ment, to be looking away, and he broke a small piece off, and covered the rest in his lap with his hand- kerchief. When his mother looked, she saw the small piece, and supposed that he had taken no more. He intended to deceive her. His mother has never found out what he did. But God saw him, and frowned upon him, as he committed this sin. And do you not think that the boy has ajready suffered for it? Must he not feelmean and degraded whenever he thinks that, merely to get a piece of cake, he would deceive his kind mother? If that boy had any honorable or generous feeling remaining in his THE CAKE. DECEPTION. 5f^ bosom, he would feel reproached and unhappy whenever he thought of his meanness. If he was already dead to shame, it w^ould show that he had by previous deceit acquired this charac- ter. And can any one love or esteem a child who has become so degraded ? And can a child, who is neither beloved nor respected, be happy ? No ! You may depend upon it, that when you see a person guilty of such deceit, he does in some way or other, even in this world, suffer a severe penalty. A frank and open- hearted child is the only happy child. De- ception, however skillfully it may be prac- ticed, is disgraceful, and insures sorrow and contempt. If you would have the approbation of your own conscience, and the approval of friends, never do that which you shall desire to have concealed. Always be open as the day. Be above deceit, and then you will have nothing to fear. There is something delightful in the magnanimity of a perfectly sincere and honest child. No person can look upon such a one without affection. If you have such a charac- ter you are sure of friends, and your prospects of earthly usefulness and happiness are bright. But we must not forget that there is a day of most solemn judgment near at hand. When you die, your body will be wrapped in the 54 THE CHILD AT HOME. shroud, and placed in the coffin, and buried in the grave ; and there it will remain and mold- er to the dust, while the snows of unnumbered winters, and the tempests of unnumbered sum- mers, shall rest upon the cold earth which cov- ers you. But your spirit will not be there. Far away, beyond the cloudless skies, and blazing suns, and twinkling stars, it will have gone to judg- ment. How awful must be the scene w^hich will open before you, as you enter the eternal world ! You will see the throne of God : how bright, how glorious, will it burst upon your sight! You will see God the Savior seated upon that majestic throne. Angels, in numbers more than can be counted, will fill the universe with their glittering wings, and their rapturous songs. Oh, what a scene to behold ! And then you will stand in the presence of this countless throng to answer for every thing you have done while you lived. Every action and every thought of your life will then be fresh in your mind. You know it is written in the Bible, "God will bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.'' How must the child then feel who has been guilty of falsehood and de- DECEPTION. 55 ception, and has it then all brought to light No liar can enter the kingdom of heaven. Oh. how dreadful must be the confusion and shame with which the deceitful child will then be over- whelmed ! The angels will all see your sin and your disgrace. And do you think they wdll wish to have a liar enter heaven, to be as- sociated with them ? No ! They must turn from you with great displeasure. The Savior will look upon you in displeasure too. Con- science will rend your soul. And you must hear the awful sentence, " Depart from me, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.'' Oh, it is a dreadful thing to practice deceit. It will shut you from heaven. It will confine you in eternal woe. Though you should escape detection as long as you live ; though you should die, and your falsehood not be discov- ered, the time will soon come when it will all be brought to light, and when the whole uni- verse of men and of angels will be witnesses of your shame. If any child jv^ho reads this feels condemned for past deceptions, oh, be- ware, and do not postpone repentance till the day of judgment shall arrive. Go at once to those whom you have deceived, and make con- fession, and implore forgiveness. Then go to 56 THE CHILD AT HOME. your Savior, fall upon your knees before him* pray that he will pardon you, and promise to sin no more. If your prayer is offered in sin- cerity, and your resolution remains unbroken, the Savior will forgive you ; and when the trump of the archangel shall summon you to judgment, he will give you a home in heaven. The tear of sincere penitence our kind Savior is ever ready to accept. If you are ever tempted to deceive, O, re- member, that your deception must soon be known. It is utterly impossible that it should long remain undetected. When the day of judgment arrives, your heart will be open to the view of the universe, and every thought will be publicly known. How much safer then is it to be sincere and honest! Strive to pre- serve your heart free from guile. Then you will have peace of conscience. You will fear no detection. You can lie dow^n at night in peace. You can awake in the morning with joy. Trusting in the Savior for acceptance, you can die happy. And when the morning of the resurrection dawns upon you, your heart will be filled with a joy w^hich earth's sunniest mornings and brightest skies never could afford. The Savior will smile upon you. Angels will welcome you to heaven. You will rove, in in- DECEPTION. 57 expressible delight, through the green pastures of that blissful abode. You will lie down by the still waters w^here there is sweet repose forever. Oh, what an hour of bliss must that be, when the child, saved from sin and sorrow, " Has reached the shore Where tempests never beat nor billows loar I" CHAPTER III, O B EDIENCE. In the chapters which you have now read, I have endeavored to show you how much your own happiness, and that of your parents, de- pend upon your conduct. And I trust that every child who has read what I have written thus far, has resolved to do all in his power to promote the happiness of those who have been so kind to him. But you will find that it is a very different thing to resolve to do your duly, from what it i^ to perform your resolutions when the hour of temptation comes. It re- quires courage and firmness to do right, when you are surrounded by those who urge you to do wrong. Temptations to do WTong will be continually arising ; and, unless you have the resolution to brave ridicule, and to refuse soli- citation, you will be continually led into trouble. I knew a young man who was ruined en- tirely, because he had not courage enough to say no. He was, when a boy, very amiable in OBEDIENCE. 59 his disposition, and did not wish to make any person unhappy ; but he had no mind of his own, and could be led about by his associates into almost any difficulties, or any sins. If, in a clear moonlight winter evening, his father gave him leave to go out of doors, and slide down the hill for half an hour, he would resolve to be obedient and return home at the time ap- pointed. But if there were other boys there to try to persuade him to remain longer, he had not the courage to refuse them. And thus he would disobey his kind parents because he had not courage to do his duty. He began in this way, and so he continued. One day, a bad *boy asked him to go into a store, and drink some brandy. He knew that it was wrong, and did not wish to go. But he feared that, if he did not consent, he would be laughed at ; and so he went. Having thus yielded to this temptation, he was less prepared for tempta- tion again. He went to the bottle with one * and another, till at last he became intemperate, and would stagger through the streets. He fell into the company of gamblers, because he could not refuse their solicitations. He thus became a gambler himself, and went on from step to step, never having resolution to say no, till he ruined himself, and planted within him the seeds 60 THE CHILD AT HOME. of disease, which hurried him to a premature grave. He died the miserable victim of his own irresolution. Thousands have been thus ruined. They are amiable in disposition, and in general mean well, but have not courage to do their duty. They fear that others will laugh at them. Now, unless you are sufficiently brave not to care if others do laugh at you ; unless you have suffi- cient courage to say no, when others tempt you to do wrong, you will be always in difficulty: such a person never can be happy or respected. You must not expect it will be always easy to do your duty. At times it will require a great mental struggle, and call into exercise all the resolution that you possess. It is best that it should be so, that you may acquire firmness of character and strength of integrity. Near a school-house in the country, there was an apple-tree. One summer it was covered •with hard, sour, and green apples, and the little girls who w^ent to that school could hardly re- sist the temptation of eating those apples, though they knew that there was danger of its making thea*^ sick, One girl, who went to that school, was expressly forbidden by her mother from eating them. But when all her playmates were around her, with the apples in their hands. OBEDIENCE. 61 urging her to eat them, and telling her that her mother never would know it, she wickedly yielded to their solicitation. She felt guilty, as, in disobedience to her mother's commands, she ate the forbidden fruit. But she tried to ap- pease her conscience by thinking that it could do no harm. Having thus commenced disobedience, she could every day eat more freely, and with less reluctance. At last she w^as taken sick. Her mother asked her if she had been eating any of the green apples at school. Here came an- other temptation to sin. When w^e once com- mence doing wrong, it is impossible to tell where we shall stop. She was afraid to acknowledge to her mother her disobedience ; and to hide the fault she told a lie. She declared that she had not eaten any of the apples. Unhappy girl ! she had first disobeyed her mother, and then told a lie to conceal her sin. Temptations will be continually coming upon you, which you will find it hard to resist. But if you once yield, you have entered that down- ward path which leads continually to greater and greater sins, and finally to sorrow and shame. How much wiser would it have been in the little girl, whose story we have just re- lated, if she had in the first instance resoluteh 62 THE CHILD AT HOME. refused to disobey her mother's command ! How much happier would she have been, when retiring to sleep at night, if she had the joy of an approving conscience, and could with a grateful heart, ask the blessing of God ! The only path of safety and happiness is implicit obedience. If in the slightest particular, you yield to temptation, and do that which you know to be wrong, you will not know when or where to stop. To hide one crime, you will be guilty of another; and thus you will drawdown upon yourself the frown of your Maker, and expose yourself to sorrow for time and eternity. And think not that these temptations to do wrong will be few or feeble. Hardly a day will pass in which you will not be tempted, either through indolence to neglect your duty, or to do that which you know your parents will dis- approve. A few years ago, two little boys went to pass the afternoon and evening at the house of one of their playmates, who had a party, to celebrate his birth-day. Their parents told them to come home at eight o'clock in the eve- ning. It was a beautiful al'ternoon, late in the autumn, as the large party of boys assembled at the house of their friend. Numerous barns and sheds were attached to the house, and a beauti- ful grove of beech and of oak surrounded it^ OBEDIENCE. 63 affording a most delightful place for all kinds of sport. Never did boys have a more happy THE PARTY. time. They climbed the trees, and swung upon the Hmbs. And as they jumped upon the new- made hay in the barns, they made the walls ring with their joyous shouts. Happiness seemed, for the time, to fill every heart. They continued their sports till the sun had gone down behind the hills, and the last ray of twilight had disappeared. When it became too dark for 64 THE CHILD AT HOME. out-door play, they went into the house, and commenced new plays in the brightly-lighted parlor. As they were in the midst of the ex- citing game of "blind man's buff,'' some one entered the room, and requested them all to take their seats, for apples and nuts were to be brought in. Just as the door was opened by the servant bringing in the waiter loaded with apples and nuts, the clock struck eight. The boys, who had been directed to leave at that hour, felt very much troubled. They knew not what to do. The temptation to stay was al- most too strong to be resisted. The older brother of the two whispered to one of the boys at his side, that he must go. Immediately there was an uproar all over the room, each one ex- claiming against it. " Why," said one, " my mother told me that I might stay till nine." " My mother," said another, *' did not say any thing about my coming home ; she will let me stay as long as I please." " / would not be tied to my mother's apron string," said a rude boy, in a distant part of the room. A timid boy, who lived in the next house to the one in which these two boys lived, came up, and said, with a very imploring countenance OBEDIENCE. 65 and voice, " I am going home at half-past eight. Now do stay a little while longer, and then we will go home together. I don't dare to go alone, it is so dark." And even the lady of the house where they were visiting, came to them and said, " I do not think that your mother will have any objection to your staying a few minutes longer, to eat an apple and a few nuts. I would have sent them in earlier, if I had known that you wished to go." Now, what could these poor boys do ? How could they summon resolution to resist so much entreaty ? For a moment they hesitated, and almost yielded to the temptation. But virtue wavered only for a moment. They immedi- ately mustered all their courage, and said, " We must go." Hastily bidding their playmates all good night, they got their hats as quick as they could, for fear, if they delayed, they should yield to the temptation, — and left the house. They stopped not a moment to look back upon the brightly-shining windows, and happy group of boys within, but, taking hold of each other's hands, ran as fast as they could on their way home. When they arrived at home, their father and mother met them with a smile. And when their parents learned under what strong temp- 6(j THE CHILD AT HOME. tations they had been to disobey, and that they had triumphed over these temptations, they looked upon their children with feelings of grati- fication, which amply repaid them for ^11 their trial. And when these boys went to bed that night, they felt that they had done their duty, and that they had given their parents pleasure ; and these thoughts gave them vastly more happiness than they could have enjoyed if they had remained with their playmates beyond the hour which their parents had permitted. This was a noble proof of their determination to do their duty. * And, considering their youth and inexpe- rience, and the circumstances of the temptation, it was one of the severest trials to which such boys could be exposed. Probably, in all their after-life, they would not be under stronger temptations to swerve from duty. Now, every child will often be exposed to similar tempta- tions. And if your resolution be not strong, you will yield. And if you once begin to yield, you will never know where to stop ; but, in all probability, will go on from step to step till you are forever lost to virtue and to happiness. But perhaps some child, w^ho reads this, thinks I make too serious a matter of so slight a thing. You say, It can not make ??iuch dif* OBEDIENCE. 67 ference whether I come home half an hour ear- lier or later. But you are mistaken here. It does make a great difference. For if your pa- rents in such a case had directed you to come home at eight, remaining longer would have been disobeying them ; and do you think that God can look upon the disobedience of a child as a trifling sin ? Is it a trifle to refuse to obey parents who have loved you, and watched over you for months and for years ; who have taken care of you in sickness, and endeavored to re- lieve you when in pain ; who have given you clothes to wear, and food to eat, and have done all in their power to make you happy ? It is inexcusable ingratitude. It is a great sin. But perhaps you ask, What positive harm does it do ? It shows your parents that their child is unwilling to obey them ; and is there no harm in that ? It makes your parents un- happy ; and is there no harm in that ? It tempts you to disobey in other things ; and is there no harm in that ? It is entering upon that career of sin which led the girl, whom we have, in the first chapter, described to you, to the house of correction, and the wretched boy to the gallows. Oh, beware how you think it is a little thing to disobey }^our parents ! Their happiness is in a great degree in your hands ; 68 THE CHILD AT HOME. and every thing which you knowingly do that disturbs their happiness in the least degree, is sin in the sight of God ; and you must answer for it at his bar. If you go into any state prison, you will see a large number of men working in silence and in gloom. They are dressed in clothes of con- trasted colors, that, in case of escape, they may be easily detected. But the constant presence of vigilant keepers, and the high walls of stone, guarded by an armed sentry, render escape al- most impossible. There many of these guilty men remain, month after month, and year after year, in friendlessness, and in silence, and in sorrow. They are in confinement and disgrace. At night, they are marched to their solitary cells, there to pass the weary hours, with no friend to converse with, and no joy to cheer them. They are left, in dark- ness and in solitude, to their own gloomy re- TIIE PRISON. OBEDIENCE. 69 flections. And, oh ! how many bitter tears must be shed in the midnight darkness of those cells ! How many an unhappy criminal would give worlds, if he had them to give, that he might again be innocent and free ! You will see sometimes in prisons many who are young — almost children. If you go around from cell to cell, and inquire how these wretched persons commenced their course of sin, very many will tell you that it was with disobedience to parents. You will find prisoners there, whose parents are most affectionate and kind. They have endeavored to make their children virtuous and happy. But, oh ! how cruelly have their hopes been blasted ! A disobedient son has gone from step to step in crime, till he has brought himself to the gloomy cell of the prison, and has broken his parents' hearts by his disobedience. The chaplain of a state prison once made the following interesting statement. It shows the nature of progress in crime. " A few weeks since, I addressed the congre- gation to which I minister, on the importance of a strict attention to what are usually denom- inated little things; and remarked, that it is the want of attention to these little things, 70 THE CHILD AT HOME. which not unfrequently throws a disastrous in- fluence over the whole course of subsequent life. I also remarked, that a large proportion of the events and transactions, which go to make up the lives of most men, are, as they are usually estimated, comparatively unimportant and trivial ; and yet, that all these events and transactions contribute, in a greater or less de- gree, to the formation of character ; and that on moral character are suspended, essentially, our usefulness and happiness in time, and our well-being in eternity. '' I then remarked, that I could not doubt, but, on sober reflection, many of that assembly would find that they owed the complexion of a great portion of their lives, and their unhappy situation as tenants of the state prison, to some event or transaction comparatively trivial, and of which, at the time, they thought very little. I requested them to make the examination, and see whether the remark I had made was not correct. " This was on the Sabbath. The next morn ing, one of the prisoners, an interesting young man, came to me, and observed, that he should be glad to have some conversation with me, whenever I should find it convenient. Accord- ingly, in the afternoon of the same day, I sent OBEDIENCE. 71 for him. On his being seated, and my request- ing him to state freely what he wished to say, he said that he wished to let me know how pe- culiarly appropriate to his case were the obser- vations I had made the previous day, on the influence of little things ; and if I would permit him, he w^ould give me a brief sketch of his his- tory ; and, particularly, of the transaction which almost in childhood had given a disastrous color- ing to the whole period of his youth, and, in the result, had brought him to be an occupant of his present dreadful abode. '* It appears, from the sketch w^hich he gave, that he was about ten years of age when his father moved from a distant part of the state to a town in the vicinity of Boston. In this town was a respectable boarding-school, not a great distance from the residence of his father ; and to this school he was sent. Having always lived in the country, he had seen very few of those novelties, and parades, and shows, which are so common in and near the city ; and it is not wonderful that when they occurred, he should, like most children, feel a strong desire to witness them. " Before he had been long at school, he heard that there w^as to be a ' Cattle Show' at Brighton. He had never seen a Cattle Show. 72 THE CHILD AT HOME. He presumed it must be a very interesting spectacle, and felt a very strong desire to attend it. This desire, on the morning of the first day of the show, he expressed to his father, and was told that it would be a very improper place for him to go to, unless attended by some suitable person to watch over and take care of him ; and that such was the business of the father, that he could not accompany him, and, of course, his desire could not be gratified. He was sorely disappointed, but resolved not to give up, with- out further efTort, an object on which his heart was so much set. " The next morning he beset his father again on the subject. His father seemed anxious to have his son gratified, but told him that he could by no means' consent to have him go to such a place without suitable company ; and, though his business was urgent, he would try to go in the afternoon ; and, if he did, he would call at the school-house, and take him with him. This was all that he could promise. " But here was an uncertainty, an if, which very illy accorded with the eager curiosity of the son. Accordingly, he resolved that he would go at all hazards. He doubted much whether his father would go, and if he did not, he concluded he might, without much difficulty, OBEDIENCE. 73 go hiniself, and conceal it from his father. Having formed his determination and laid his plan, he went, before leaving home in the morn- ing, to his father's desk, and took a little money to spend on the occasion ; and, instead of going to school, went to Brighton. Contrary, how- ever, to his expectations and hopes, his father, for the sake of gratifying him, concluded to go to the show, and, on his way, called for his son. But no son was to be found. The teacher said that the boy had not been at school that day. " The father went to the Cattle Show, and during the afternoon saw the son there, but took care that the son should not discover him. After the return of both at evening, the father inquired of the son whether he had attended school that day. His reply was that he had. My youthful readers will perceive how readily and naturally one fault leads to another. But the son was soon satisfied from further ques- tions, and from the manner of his father, that he knew where he had been ; and he confessed the whole. " The father told him that he should feel him- self bound in duty to acquaint his teacher with the affair, and to request him to call him to ac- count for absenting himself thus from the school 74 THE CHILD AT HOME. without permission, and to inflict such punish ment on him as might be thought proper. " He was accordingly sent to school, and, in his view, disgraced in the estimation of his teacher and of his school-fellows ; and he re- solved not to submit to it for any great length of time. A few days after this, he left home, under pretense of going to school, and ran away. He traveled on, until he reached the town from which his father had removed, and had been absent for several weeks before his pa- rents ascertained what had become of him. He was, however, discovered, and brought back to his home. " Some time after this, he was sent to an- other school in a neighboring town ; but not being altogether pleased, he resolved, as he had run away once, that he would try the experiment again ; and this he did. He had been absent six months before his parents ascertained what had become of him. He had changed his name ; but getting into some difficulty, in con- sequence of which he must go to jail, unless he could find friends, he was constrained to tell his name, and who were his parents ; and in this way his good father, whom he had so much abused, learning his son's condition, came lor- OBEDIENCE. 73 ward to his aid, and 'saved him from confine- ment in a prison. " But I should make this story much too long, were I to detail all the particulars of his subse- quent life until he became a tenant of the state prison. Suffice it to say, that he went on from one mis-step to another, until he entered upon that career of crime which terminated as before stated. " And n'ow, to what do you think this unhappy young man ascribes his wanderings from home, and virtue, and happiness, and the forlorn con- dition in which he now finds himself? Why, simply, to the trivial circumstance of his leaving school one day, without his father's consent, for the purpose of going to a cattle show ! And what do you think he says of it now ? 'I feel,' said he, *that all I have suffered, and still sufler, is the righteous chastisement of heaven. I de- serve it all, for my wicked disobedience both to my earthly and my heavenly Father; and I wish,' said he, further, * that you would make such use of my case as you shall think best cal- culated to instruct and benefit the young.' "And now," continues the chaplain, *'I have drawn up this sketch — and I can assure you it is no fictitious one — for your perusal. You here see what has been the result of a single act 7G THE CHILD AT HOME. of disobedience to a parent; what it has already cost this unhappy man to gratify, in an unlawful way, his youthful curiosity even in a single in- stance. " May He, who giveth wisdom to all who ask it, lead and guide you safely through the jour- ney of life, and cause that even this humble sketch shall serve to strengthen you in virtue, and to deter you from the paths of the De- stroyer." Can any child read this narrative without trembling at the thought of disobedience, even in the most trifling affair ? If you once diso- bey your parents, it is impossible to tell to what it will lead. Crime follows in the steps of crime, till the career is closed by irretriev- able disgrace and eternal ruin. The conse- quences reach far, far beyond the grave. They aflfect our interests and our happiness in that eternal world to which we are all rapidly going. Yes ; the child w^ho utters one falsehood, or is guilty of one act of disobedience, may, in con- sequence of that one yielding to temptation, be hurried on from crime to crime, till his soul is ruined, and he is shut up, by the command of God, in those awful dungeons of endless despair prepared for the devil and his angels. OBEDIENCE. 77 And how ungrateful is disobedience ! A no- ble-hearted boy would deny himself almost any pleasure ; he would meet almost any danger ; he would endure almost any suffering, before he would, in the most trifling particular, diso- bey parents who had been so kind, and had en- dured so much to make him happy. How dif- ferent is such a child from one who is so ungrate- ful that he will disobey his parents merely that he may play a few moments longer, or that he may avoid some trifling work that he does not wish to perform ! There is a magnanimity in a child who feels so grateful for his parents' love that he will repay them by all the affection and obedience in his power, which attracts the respect and affection of all who know him. Suppose you see a boy walking before his mother. The boy's father is dead ; he has been killed in battle. You see the orphan boy carrying upon his shoulder his father's sword and cap. You look at his poor mother. She is weeping, for her husband is dead. She is returning in sorrow to her lonely house. She has no friend but her dear boy. How ardently does she love him ! All her hopes of earthly happiness are depending upon his obedience and affection. She loves her boy so well, that she would be willing to die, to make him happy 78 THE CHILD AT HOME. She will work night and day, while he is young, to supply him with clothes and with food. And all she asks and hopes is, that her boy will be affectionate, and obedient, and good. And, oh ! how ungrateful and cruel will he be, if he neglect that mother, and by his unkind- ness cause her to weep ! But you see that he looks like a noble-hearted boy. His counte- nance seems to say, " Dear mother ; if ever I grow up to be a man, you shall never want, if I can help it.'' Oh, who can help loving the boy who loves his mother ! There w^as a boy about thirteen years old, whose name was Casabianca. His father was the commander of a ship of war called the Ori- ent. This boy accompanied his father to the seas. His ship was once engaged in a terrible battle near the river Nile. In the midst of the thunders of the battle, while the shot w^re fly- ing thickly around, and strewing the decks with blood, this brave boy stood by the side of his father, faithfully discharging the duties which were assigned to him. At last his father placed him in a particular part of the ship, to perform some service there, and told him to remain at his post till he should call him away. As the father went to some distant part of the ship to notice the progress of the battle, a ball from the OBEDIENCE. 79 enemy's vessel laid him dead upon the deck. But the son, unconscious of his lather's death, and faithful to the trust reposed in him, re- mained in his post, waiting for his father's or- ders. The battle raged dreadfully around him. CASABIAXCA. The blood of the slain flowed at his feet. The ship took fire, and the threatening flames drew nearer and nearer. Still this noble-hearted boy would not disobey his father. In the face of blood, and balls, and fire, he stood firm and 80 THE CHILD AT HOME. obedient. The sailors began to desert the burn- ing and sinking ship, and the boy cried out, " Father, may I go ?" But no voice of permis- sion could come from the mangled body of his lifeless father. And the boy, not knowing that he was dead, would rather die than disobey. And there that boy stood, at his post, till every man had deserted the ship ; and he stood and perished in the flames. O, what a boy was that! Every body who ever heard of him thinks that he was one of the noblest boys that ever was born. Rather than disobey his father, he would die in the flames. This account has been written in poetry ; and, as the children who read this book, may like to see it, I will present it to them here : — CASABIAN-CA. The boy stood on the burning deck, Whence all but him had fled ; The flame that lit the battle's wreck. Shone round him o'er the dead. Yet beautiful and bright he stood, As born to rule the storm ; A creature of heroic blood, A proud, though childlike form. The flames rolled on ; he would not go, Without his father's word ; OBEDIENCE. 8l Th&t father, faint in death below, His voice no longer heard. He called aloud — " Say, father, say. " If yet my task is done." He knew not that the chieftain lay Unconscious of his son. " Speak, father," once again he cried, • If I may yet be gone." And — but the booming shots replied, And fast the flames rolled on. Upon his brow he felt their breath. And in his waving hair ; And looked fi'om that lone post of death, In stiU, yet brave despair ; And shouted but once more aloud, " My father, must I stay ?" While o'er him fast, through sail and shroud, The wreathing fires made way. They wrapped the ship in splendor wHd, They caught the flag on high. And streamed above the gallant child, Like banners in the sky. Then came a burst of thunder sound— The boy — oh 1 where was he ? Ask of the winds that far around With fragments strewed the sea. With mast, and helm, and pennon fair. That well had borne their part, F 82 THE CHILD AT HOME. But the noblest thing that perished there, * "Was that young, faithful heart. O, who would not love to have such a child as that ! Is not such a boy more noble than one who will disobey his parents merely that he may have a little play, or that he may avoid some unpleasant duty ? The brave little Casa- bianca would rather die than disobey. He loved his father. He had confidence in him. And even when death was staring him in the face, when " The flames rolled on, he would not go, "Without his father's word." I have known some bad boys who thought it looked brave to care nothing for the wishes of their parents. But do you think that Casabianca was a coward ? No ; the boy who is truly brave, and has a noble spirit, will obey his pa- rents. If others urge him to act differently, he will dare to tell them that he means to do his duty ; and if they laugh at him, he will let them laugh, and show them, by his conduct, that he does not care for the sneers of bad boys. The fact is, that, in almost all cases, disobedient boys are mean, and cowardly, and contemptible. They have not one particle of the spirit of the OBEDIENCE. 83 noble Casabianca. And when these disobedient boys grow up to be men, they do not command influence or respect. If you would be useful and happy when you arrive at mature years, you must be affectionate and obedient as a child. It is invariably true that the path of duty is the path of peace. The child who has established principles of firm in- tegrity — who has that undaunted resolution which can face opposition and brave ridicule — bids fair to rise to eminence in usefulness and respect. These quahties, which shed so lovely a charm over childhood, will go with you into maturer life ; they will give stability to your character, and command respect. And those faults of childhood which render one hesitating, and weak, and cowardly, will, in all probability, continue through your whole earthly existence. The man is but the grown-up child, possessing generally the same traits of character in every period of life. • How important it is then that, in early youth, you should acquire the habit of triumphing over temptation, and of resolutely discharging all your duties ! It is important for you to remember that obedience requires of you, not only to do as you are bidden, hut to do it with cheerfulness and alacrity. Suppose, as you are sitting at the 84 THE CHILD AT HOME. table in a pleasant evening, the customary hour for you to retire to rest arrives. You are, per- haps, engaged in reading some very interesting book, and do not feel at all sleepy. You ask permission to sit up a little longer. But your mother tells you that the time for you to go to bed has come, and she prefers that you should be regular in your habits. You think it is hard that you can not be indulged in your wishes, and, w^ith sullen looks, shut your book, and, taking a light, in ill-humor go to your chamber. Now, this is not obedience. As you retire to your chamber, the displeasure of God follows you. Your sin of disobedience is so great that you can not even pray before you fall asleep. It is impossible for a person to pray when out of humor. You may repeat the words of prayer, but you can not offer acceptable prayer to the Lord. And as you lie down upon your bed, and the darkness of night is around you, your offended Maker regards yjou as an un- grateful and disobedient child. And all the night long his eye is upon your heart, and the knowledge of your sin is in his mind. Obedience belongs to the heart, as well as to the outward conduct. It is necessary that you should fulfill the Welshes of your parents with a spirit of afiection and cheerfulness. You should OBEDIENCE. 85 feel that they know what is best, and, instead of being sullen and displeased because they do not think fit to indulge you in all your wishes, you should, with a pleasant countenance and a willing heart, yield to their requirements. You do not know how much pleasure it af- fords your parents to see you happy. They are willing to make almost any sacrifice for your good. x\nd they never have more heart- felt enjoyment themselves than w^hen they see their children virtuous, contented, and happy. When they refuse to gratify any of your de- sires, it is not because they do not wish to see you happy, but because they see that your hap- piness will be best promoted by refusing your request. They have lived longer in the world than you, and know better than you the dan- gers by which you are surrounded. Deeply in- terested in your book, you desire to sit up later than usual, and think it would make you happy. But your mother, who is older and wiser, knows that the way to make children healthy and hap- py, is to have them in the regular habit of re- tiring early at night. x\nd when you ask to sit up later than usual, she loves you too well to permit it. You think she is cruel, when, in fact, she is kind. If she were an unkind mother, and cared nothing about your happiness, she 86 THE CHILD AT HOME. would say, "O yes; you may sit up as long as you please. I do not care any thing about it." Now, is it obedience, when your kind mother is doing all in her power to make you happy, for you to look sullen and morose ? Is it hon- oring your father and your mother, for you to look offended and speak unkindly, because they wish you to do that which they know to be for your welfare? The truly grateful child will endeavor, always, with a pleasant countenance, and a peaceful heart, to yiild ready obedience to his parents' wishes. He will never murmur or complain. Such a child can retire to bed at night contented and happy. He can sincerely thank God for all his goodness, and pray for that protection which God is ever ready to grant to those who love him. There is hardly any subject in regard to which children more frequently complain, than of the unwillingness of their parents to indulge them in evening plays out of doors, and evening visits An active boy, whose heart is full of fun and frolic, is sitting quietly by the fireside, in a pleasant winter evening. Every now and then he hears the loud shouts and joyful laugh of some twenty of his companions, who are making the moonlight air ring with their merri- OBEDIENCE. 87 ment. Occasionally, a troop of them go rushing by the windows, in the impetuosity of their sports. The ardent little fellow by the fireside can hardly contain himself He longs to unite his voice in the shout, and try his strength in the chase. He nestles restlessly in his chair ; he walks across the room, and peeps through the curtains. As he sees the dark forms of the boys clustered together in merry groups, or scattered in their plays, he feels as though he were a prisoner. And even though he be a good boy, and obedient to his parents, he can hardly understand why it is that they deprive him of this pleasure. I recollect well that I used to feel thus when I was a boy, and I suppose other boys feel so. But now I see the reason for these prohibitions. Those night plays led the boys into bad habits. All kinds of boys met together, and some would use indecent and profane language, which de- praved the hearts and corrupted the morals of the rest. The boys who were thus spending their evenings; were misimproving their time, and acquiring a disrelish for the purifying and peaceful enjoyments of home. You sometimes see men who appear to care nothing about their families. They spend their evenings away from home with the idle and the 88 THE CHILD AT HOME. dissolute. Such men are miserable and de- spised. Their families are forsaken and unhap- py. Why do these men do so ? Because, when they were boys, they spent their evenings aw^ay from home, playing in the streets. Thus home lost all its charms, virtue was banished from their bosoms, and life was robbed of its joy. I wish every boy who reads this would think of these reasons, and see if they are not sufficient. Your kind parents do not allow you to go out in the evenings and play in the streets. 1. Because you will acquire bad habits. You will grow rude and vulgar in manners, and ac- quire a relish for pleasures w^ich will destroy your usefulness and your happiness. 2. You will always find in such scenes bad boys, and must hear much indecent and profane language, which will corrupt your heart. 3. You will lose all fondness for the enjoy- ment of home, and will be in great danger of growing up a dissipated and a worthless man. Now, are not these reasons sufficient to in- duce your parents to guard you against such temptations ? But perhaps you say, Other pa- rents let theii^ children go out and play as much as they please every evening. How grateiul, then, ought you to be, that you have parents OBEDIENCE. 89 who are so kind and faithful that they will pre- serve you from these occasions of sin and sor- row ! They love you too well Vo be willing to see you preparing for an unhappy and profitless life. It not unfrequently is the case that a girl has young associates, who are in the habit of walk- ing without protectors in the evening twilight. On the evening of some lovely summer's day, as the whole western sky is blazing with the golden hue of sunset, her companions call at her door, to invite her to accompany them upon an excursion of pleasure. She runs to her pa- rents with her heart bounding with joy, in an- ticipation of the walk*. They inquire into the plans of the party, and find that it will be im- possible for them to return from their contem- plated expedition before the darkness of the evening shall come. As affectionate and faith- ful parents, they feel that it is not proper or safe for them to trust their little daughter in such a situation. They, consequently, can not consent that she should go. She is disappointed in the extreme, and as she sees her friends de- parting, social and happy, she retires to her chamber and weeps. The disappointment to her is in fact a very severe one, and she can hardly help feeling that 90 THE CHILD AT HOME. her parents are cruel, to deprive her of so much anticipated pleasure. Her companions go away with the samfe feelings. They make many se- vere remarks, and really think that this little girl's parents are unkind. Perhaps they have a pleasant walk, and all return home in safety ; and for many days they talk together at school of the delightful enjoyments of that evening. And this increases the impression on the mind of the girl who was not allowed to join them, that it was unkind in her parents not to let her go. But, perhaps, on the other hand, as they are returning, the party meet a drunken man, who staggers in among them. Terrified, they scat- ter and run. One, in endeavoring to climb over a fence, spoils her gow^n. Another, flee- ing in the dark, falls, and sadly bruises her face. Another, with loss of bonnet, and with dis- heveled hair, gains the door of her home. And thus is this party, commenced with high ex- pectations of joy, terminated with fright and tears. The parents of the little girl who re- mained at home, knew that they were exposed to all this ; and they loved their daughter too well to allow her to be placed in such a situa- tion. Was it not kind in them ? Perhaps, as they were returning, the party OBEDIENCE. 91 met some twenty or more of the rudest boys of the village, in the midst of their most excit- ing sports. Here are Emma, Maria, and Su- san, with their party of timid girls, who must force their w^ay through this crowd of turbulent and noisy boys. It is already dark. Some of the most unmannerly and wicked boys of the village are there assembled. They are highly excited with their sports. And the moment they catch a view of the party of girls, they raise a shout, and rush in among them reckless and thoughtless. The parents of the little girl who stayed at home, knew that she would be exposed to such scenes; and as they loved their daughter, they could not consent that she should go. Was it not kind ? A few young girls once went on such an evening walk, intending to return before it was dark. But in the height of their enjoyment they forgot how rapidly time was passing, and twilight was leaving them. But, at last, when they found how far they were from home, and how dark it was growing, they became quite alarmed, and hastened homeward. They, how- ever, got along very well while they were all together.- But when it became necessary for them to separate, to go to their respective 92 THE CHILD AT HOME. •- . » homes, and several of them had to go alone in the darkness, they felt quite terrified. It was necessary*for one of the party after she had left all her companions, to go nearly a quarter of a mile. She set out. upon the run. her heart beating with fear. She had not pro- ceeded far, however, before she heard the loud shouts of a mob of young men and boys, directly in the street through which she must pass. As she drew nearer, the shouts and laughter grew louder and more appalling. She hesitated. But what could she do ? She must go on. Trembling, she endeavored to glide through the crowd, when a great brutal boy, with a horrid mask on his face and a *' jack- o'-lantern" in his hand, came up before her. He threw the glare of the light upon her counte- nance, and stared her full in the face. " Here is my wife,'' said he, and tried to draw her arm into his. A loud shout from the multitude of boys echoed through the darkened air. Hardly knowing what she did, she pressed through the crowd, and, breathless with fright, arrived at her home. And I will assure you she did not wish to take any more evening walks without a protector. From that time afterward she was careful to be under her father's roof before it was dark. •• OBEDIENCE. 93 Now can you think that your father or mother are unkind, because they are unwilHng to have you placed in such a situation ? And when they are doing all that they can to make you happy, ought you not to be grateful, and by a cheerful countenance, and ready obedience, to try to reward them for their love ? It is the duty of all children to keep in mind that their parents know what is best. And when they refuse to gratify your wishes, you should remember that their object is to do you good. That obedience which is prompt and cheerful, is the only obedience which is ac- ceptable to them, or well-pleasing to God. A great many cases will occur in which you will wish to do that which your parents will not ap- prove. If you do not, in such cases, pleasantly and readily yield to their wishes, you are un- grateful and disobedient. CHAPTER IV. GRATITUDE . It is the duty of children to be grateful to their parents, for the long-continued kindness which their parents have shown them. It is especially the duty of a child to be grateful to his mother. Your mother has done a great deal, and suffered a great deal for you. She has watched over you and taken care of you a great many years. You ought to repay her for this with gratitude. It is not enough, therefore, that children should obey their parents' expressed commands. You ought to try to do every thing which you think will give them pleasure, whether they tell you to do it or not. Good children will seek for opportunities to make their parents happy. A little girl, for instance, has some work to do. She knows that if she does it well and quick, it will gratify her mother. Now, if she be a good girl, she will not wait for her mother's or- ders, but will, of her own accord, improve her GRATITUDE. 95 time, that she may exhibit the work to her mother sooner and more nicely done than she expected. Perhaps her mother is sick. Her affectionate daughter will not wait for her mother to ex- press her wishes. She will try to anticipate them. She will walk softly around the cham- ber, arranging every thing in cheerful order. She will adjust the clothes of the bed, that her mother may lie as comfortably as possible. And she will watch all her mother's movements, that she may learn what things she needs before she asks for them. Such will be the conduct of an affectionate and obedient child. I was once called to see a poor woman who was very sick. She was a widow, and in poverty. Her only companion and only earthly reliance was her daughter. As I entered the humble dwelling of this poor woman, I saw her bolstered up in the bed, with her pale counte- nance emaciated with pain, and every thing about the room proclaiming the most abject poverty. Her daughter sat sewing at the head of the bed, watching every want of her mother, and active with her needle. The perfect neat- ness of the room told how faithful was the daughter in the discharge of her painful and arduous duties. But her own slender form and 96 THE CHILD AT HOME. consumptive countenance showed that by toil and watching she was almost worn out herself. This noble girl, by night and by day, with un- w^earied attention, endeavored to alleviate the pains of her afflicted parent. I could not look upon her but with admiration, in seeing the de- votedness with which she watched every move- ment of her mother. How many wealthy parents would give all they possess, to be blessed with such a child ! For months this devoted girl had watched around her mother by night and by day, with a care which seemed never to be weary. You could see b}^ the movement of her eye, and by the expression of her countenance, how full her heart was of sympathy. She did not wait for her mother to tell her what to do, but was upon the watch all the time to find out what would be a comfort to her. This is true obedience. It is that obedience which God in heaven ap- proves and loves. I called often upon this poor widow, and al- ways with increasing admiration of this de- voted child. One morning, as I entered the room, I saw the mother lying upon the bed on the floor, with her head in the lap of her daugh- ter. She was breathing short and heavy in the struggles of death. The tears were rolling GRATITUDE. 97 aown the pale cheeks of her daughter, as she pressed her hand upon the brow of her dying nmother. The hour of death had just arrived, and the poor mother, in the triumphs of Chris- tian faith, with faint and faltering accents, was imploring God's blessing upon her dear daughter. It was a most affecting farewell. The mother, while thus expressing her gratitude to God for the kindness of her beloved child, breathed her last. And angels must have looked upon that humble abode, and mpon that affecting scene, with emotions of pleasure, which could hardly be exceeded by any thing else which the world could present. O that all children would feel the gratitude which this girl felt for a mother's early love ! Then would the world be divested of half its sor- rows and of half its sins. This is the kind of obe- dience which every child should cultivate. You should not only do whatever your parents tell you to do, with cheerfulness and alacrity, but you should be obedient to their wishes. You should be watchful for opportunities to give them pleasure. You should, at all times, and under all circumstances, do every thing in your power to relieve them from anxiety, and to make them happy. Then can you hope for the approba- tion of God, and vour heart will be filled with 98 THE CHILD AT HOME. a joy which the ungrateful child can never feel. You can reflect with pleasure upon your con- duct. When your parents are in the grave, you will feel no remorse of conscience harrow- ing your soul for your past un kindness. And when you die yourselves you can anticipate a happy meeting with your parents, in that heav- enly home, where sin and sorrow, and sickness and death, can never come. God has, in almost every case, connected suffering with sin. And there are related many cases in which he has, in this world, most sig- nally punished ungrateful children. I read, a short time since, an account of an old man, who had a drunken and brutal son. This son would abuse his aged father without mercy. One day, he, in a passion, knocked him flat upon the floor, and, seizing him by his gray hairs, dragged him across the room to the threshold of the door, to cast him out. The old man, with his tremulous voice, cried out to his unnatural son, " It is enough — it is enough. God is just. When I was young, I dragged my own father in the same way ; and now God is giving me the punishment I deserve.'' Sometimes you will see a son who will not be obedieiit to his mother. He will have his own way, regardless of his mother's feelings. GRATlTUDc^. 99 He has gr©wn up to be a stout and stubborn boy, and now the ungrateful wretch will, by his misconduct, break the heart of that very mother, who, for months and years, watched over him with a care which knew no weariness. I call him a wretch, for I can hardly conceive of more enormous iniquity. That boy, or that young man, who does not treat his affectionate mother with kindness and respect, is worse than I can find language to describe. Perhaps you say, your mother is at times un- reasonable. Perhaps she is so. But what of that ? You have been unreasonable ten thou- sand times, and she has borne with you and loved you. And even if your mother be at times unreasonable in her requirements, I ask with what propriety you find fault with it. Is she to bear with all your cries in infancy, and all your fretfulness in childhood, and all your ingratitude and wants till you arrive at years of discretion, and then, because she wishes you to do some little thing which does not exactly meet your views, are you to turn upon her like a viper and sting her to the heart ? The time was, when you were a little infant, and then your mother brought paleness to her own cheek, and weakness to her own frame, that she might give you support. You were 100 THE CHILD AT HOME. sick, and in the cold winter night shfe would sit lonely by the fire, denying herself rest that she might lull her, babe to sleep. You w^ould cry WATCHFUL CAivj with pain, and hour after hour she would walk the floor, carrying you in her arms, till her strength failed and her limbs would hardly sup- port her, through excess of weariness. The bright sun and the cloudless sky would invite her to go out for health and enjoyment, but she would deny herself the pleasure, and stay at GRATITUDE. 101 home to take care of you, her helpless babe. Her friends would solicit her to indulge in the pleasures of the social evening party, but she would refuse for your sake, and, in the solitude of her chamber, she would pass weeks and months watching all your wants. Thus have years passed aw^ay in w^hich you have received nothing but kindness from her hands ; and can you be so hard-hearted, so un- grateful, as now to give her one moment of un- necessary pain ? If she have faults, can you not bear with them, w^hen she has so long borne with you ? Oh, if you knew but the hundredth part of what she has suffered and endured for your sake, you could not, could not, be such a wretch as to requite her with ingratitude. A boy who has one particle of generosity glowing in his bosom, will cling to his mother with an affection which life alone can extin- guish. He will never allow her to have a single want which he can prevent. And when he grows to be a man, he will give her the warm- est seat by his fireside, and the choicest food upon his table. If necessary, he will deprive himself of comforts, that he may cheer her de- clining years. He w^ill prove by actions which can not be misunderstood, that he feels a grati- tude for a mother's love, which shall never, 102 THE CHILD AT HOME.- never leave him. And when she goes down to the grave in death, he will bedew her grave with the honorable tears of manly feeling. The son who does not feel thus, is unworthy of a moth- er's love ; the frow^n of his offended Maker must be upon him, and he must render to Him an awful account for his ungrateful conduct. It is, if possible, stranger still, that any daugh- ter can forget a mother's care. You are al- ways at home. You see your mother's solici- tude. You are familiar with her heart. If you ever treat your mother with unkindness, re- member that the time may come when your own heart will be broken by the misconduct of those who will be as dear to you as your moth- er's children are to her. And you may ask yourself whether you would be pleased with an exhibition of ungrateful feeling from a child whom you had loved and cherished with the tenderest care. God may reward you, even in this world, according to your deeds. And if he does not, he certainly will in the world to come. A day of judgment is at hand, and the ungrateful child has as fearful an account to render as any one who will stand at that bar. I have just spoken to you of the grateful girl who took such good care of her poor sick mother. When that good girl dies, and meets GRATITUDE, 103 her mother in heaven, what a happy meeting it will be ! With how much joy will she reflect upon her dutifulness as a child! And as they dwell together again in the celestial mansions, sorrow and sighing will forever flee away. If you wish to be happy here or hereafter, honor your father and your mother. Let love's pure flame burn in your heart and animate your life. Be brave, and fear not to do your duty. Be magnanimous, and do more for your parents than they require or expect. Resolve that you will do every thing in your power to make them happy, and you will be blest as a child, and useful and respected in your maturer years. Oh, how lovely is that son or daughter who has a grateful heart, and who will rather die than give a mother sorrow ! Such a one is not only loved by all upon earth, but by the angels above and by our Father in heaven. It may assist you a little to estimate your obligations to your parents, to inquire what would become of you if your parents should re- fuse to take care of you any longer. You at times, perhaps, feel unwilling to obey them : suppose they should say, *' Very well, my child, if you are unwilling to obey us, you may go away from home, and take care of yourself We can not be at the trouble 104 THE CHILD AT HOME. and expense of taking care of you unless you feel some gratitude/* " Well/' perhaps you would say, '-' let me have my cloak and bonnet, and I will go imme- diately/' " You?* cloak and bonnet !'' your mother would reply. " The cloak and bonnet are not yours, but your father's. He bought them and paid for them. Why do you call them yours ?" You might possibly reply, after thinking a moment, " They are mine because you gave them to me." " No, my child," your mother would say, " we have only let you have them to wear. You never have paid for them. You have not even paid us for the use of them. We wish to keep them for those of our children who are grateful for our kindness. Even the clothes you now have on are not yours. We will, however, give them to you ; and now suppose you should go, and see how you can get along in taking care of yourself." You rise to leave the house without any bon- net or cloak. But your mother says, ''Stop one moment. Is there not an account to be settled before you leave ? We have now clothed and fed you for ten years. The trouble and expense, at the least calculation, amount to GRATITUDE. 105 two dollars a-week. Indeed, I do not suppose that you could have got any one else to have taken you so cheap. Your board, for ten years, at two dollars a-week, amounts to one thousand and forty dollars. Are you under no obligation to us for all this trouble and expense ?'' You hang down your head and do not know what to say. What can you say ? You have no money. You can not pay them. Your mother, after waiting a moment for an answer, continues, " In many cases, when a person does not pay what is justly due, he is sent to jail. We, however, w^ill be particularly kind to you, and wait awhile. Perhaps you can, by workmg for fifteen or twenty years, and by being very economical, earn enough to pay us. But let me see ; the interest of the money will be over sixty dollars a year. Oh, no! it is out of the question. You probably could not earn enough to pay us in your whole life. We never shall be paid for the time, expense, and care, we have devoted to our ungrateful daugh- ter. We hoped she would love us, and obey us, and thus repay. But it seems she prefers to be ungrateful and disobedient. Good-bye.'' You open the door and go out. It is cold and windy. Shivering with the cold, and with- out money, you are at once a beggar, and must 108 THE CHILD AT HOME. perish in the streets, unless some one lakes pity on you. You go, perhaps, to the house of a friend, and ask if they will allow you to live with them. They at once reply, *' We have so many chil- dren of our own, that we can not afford to take you, unless you will pay for your board and clothing." You go again out into the street, cold, hun- gry, and friendless. J . '. The darkness of the night is com- r ing on ; you have ! no money to pur- ,^ chase a supper, or , a night's lodging. ^ Unless you can get some employment, or find some one who will pity you, you must lie down upon the hard ground, and perish with hunger and with cold. Perhaps some benevolent man sees you as he IS going home in the evening, and takes you to the overseers of the poor, and says, " Here is a HELPLESSNESS. GRATITUDE. 107 little vagrant girl I found in the streets. We must send the poor little thing to the poor-house, or she will starve to death." You are carried to the poor-house. There you find a very different home from your father's. You are dressed in the coarsest gar- ments. You have the meanest food, and are compelled to be obedient, and to do the most servile work. Now, suppose, while you are in the poor- house, some kind gentleman and lady should come and say, " We will take this little girl, and give her food and clothes for nothing. We will take her into our own parlor, and give her a chair by our own pleasant fireside. We will buy every thing for her that she needs. We will hire persons to teach her. We will do every thing in our power to make her happy, and will not ask for any thing from her in re- turn.'' What should you think of such kindness ? A.nd what should you think of yourself, if you could go to their parlor, and receive their bounty, and yet be ungrateful and disobedient ? Would not a child who could thus requite such love, be deserving of universal detestation ? But all this your parents are doing, and for years have been doing for you. They pay for 108 THE CHILD AT HO]^E. the fire that warms you ; for the house that shel- ters you ; for the clothes that cover you ; for the food that supports you ! They watch over your bed in sickness, and provide for your in- struction and enjoyment when in health ! Your parents do all this without money and without price. Now, whenever you feel ill-humored, or disposed to murmur at any of their require- ments, just look a moment and see how the ac- count stands. Inquire what would be the con- sequence, if they should refuse to take care of you. The child who does not feel grateful for all this kindness, must be more unfeeling than the brutes. How can you refrain from doing every thing in your power to make those happy who have loved you so long, and have conferred upon you so many favors ! If you have any thing noble or generous in your nature, it must be excited by a parent's love. We sometimes see a child who receives all these favors from her parents as though they were her due. She appears to have no con- sciousness of obligation ; no heart of gratitude. Such a child is a disgrace to human nature. Even the very fowls of the air, and cattle of the fields, love their parents. They put to shame the ungrateful child. GRATITUDE. 109 You can form no conception of that devoted- ness of love which your mother cherishes for you. She is vvilHng to suffer almost every thing to save you from pain. She will, to protect you, face death in its most terrific form. An English gentleman tells the following affecting story, to show how ardently a mother loves her child. " I was once going, in my gig, up the hill in the village of Frankford, near Philadelphia, when a little girl about two years old, who had toddled away from a small house, was lying basking in the sun, in the middle of the road. About two hundred yards before I got to the child, the teams of three wagons, five big horses in each, the drivers of which had stopped to drink at a tavern at the brow of the hill, started off, and came nearly abreast, galloping down the road. I got my gig off the road as speedily as I could, but expected to see the poor child crushed to death. A young man, a journeyman carpenter, who was shingling a shed by the roadside, see- ing the child, and seeing the danger, though a stranger to the parents, jumped from the top of the shed, ran into the road, and snatched up the child from just before the hoof of the leading horse. The horse's leg knocked him down ; but he, catching the child by its clothes, drew 110 THE CHILD AT HOME. it out of the way of the other horses, and saved himself by rolling back with surprising agility. The mother of the child, seeing the teams com- ing, and the dreadful danger of the child, had come out from the house, and, rushing forward, would have thrown herself directly under the feet of the horses, if the carpenter had not in- terposed and pushed her back just as he seized the child. The mother grasped her child as soon as it was within her reach, and clasping it in her arms, uttered a shriek, such as I never heard before or since ; and then she dropped down as if perfectly dead. By the application of the usual means, she was restored, however, in a little while, and I, being about to depart, asked*the carpenter if he were a married man, and whether he were a relation of the parents of the child. lie said he was neither. * Well, then,' said I, * you merit the gratitude of every father and mother in the world, and I will show you mine by giving you what I have,' — pulling out the nine or ten dollars which I had in my pocket. ' No, I thank you, sir,' said he, ' I have only done what it was my duty to do.' ** Bravery, disinterestedness, and maternal aifection ^surpassing these it is impossible to imagine. The mother was going directly in among the feet of these powerful and wild GRATITUDE. Ill horses, and among the wheels of the wagons. She had no thought for herself; no feeling of fear for her own life ; her shriek was the sound of inexpressible joy, joy too great for her to support herself under." Now, can you conceive a more ungrateful wretch, than that boy would be, if he should grow up, not to love or obey his mother ? She was willing to die for him. She was willing to run directly under the feet of the horses, that she might save his life. And if he has one par- ticle of generosity in his bosom, he will do every thing in his power to make her happy. But your mother loves you as well as did that mother love her child. She is as willing to expose herself to danger and to death. And can you ever bear the thought of causing grief to her whose love is so strong ; whose kindness is so great ? It appears to me that the gener- ous-hearted boy, who thinks of these things, must resolve to be his mother's joy and bless- ing. A few years ago a child was lost in one of those vast plains in the west, called prairies. A gentleman who was engaged in the search for the child, thus describes the scene. It forcibly shows the strength of a mother's love. "In the year 1821 I was stationed on the 112 THE CHILD AT HOME. Mad River circuit. You know there are ex- tensive prairies in that part of the state. In places, there are no dwellings within miles of each other ; and animals of prey are often seen there. One evening, late in autumn, a few of the neighbors were assembled around me, in one of those solitary dwellings, and we had got well engaged in the worship of God, when it was announced that the child of a widow was lost in the prairie. It was cold ; the wind blew ; and some rain was falling. The poor woman was in agony, and our meeting was broken up. All prepared to go in search of the lost child. The company understood the business better than I did, for they had been bred in those ex- tensive barrens ; and occurrences like the pres- ent are, probably, not unfrequent among them. *' They equipped themselves with lanterns and torches, for it was quite dark ; and tin horns, to give signals to different parts of the company, when they should become widely separated. For my part, I thought duty required that I should take charge of the unhappy mother. She was nearly frantic ; and as time permitted her to view her widowed and childless condition, and the circumstances of the probable death of her child, her misery seemed to double upon her. She took my arm ; the company divided into GRATITUDE. 113 parties; and, taking different directions, we commenced the search. The understanding was, that, when the child should be found, a certain sound of the horn should be made, and that all who should hear it should repeat the signal. In this way all the company would re- ceive the information. " The prospect of finding a lost child in those extensive prairies, would, at any time, be suffi- ciently discouraging. The difficulty must be greatly increased by a dark, rainy night. We traveled many miles, and to a late hour. At length we became satisfied that further search would be unavailing ; and all but the mother determined to return home. It was an idea she could not, for a moment, endure. She would hear of nothing but further search. Her strength, at last, began to fail her, and I pre- vailed on her to return to her abode. As she turned her face from further search, and gave up her child as lost, her misery was almost too great for endurance. 'My child,' said she, ' has been devoured by a wild beast ; his little limbs have been torn asunder ; and his blood been drunk by the hideous monster,' — and the idea was agony. As she clung to my arm, it seemed as if her heart-strings would break, H 114 THE CHILD AT HOME. At times I had almost to support her in my arms, to prevent her falling to the earth. "As we proceeded on our way back, I thought I heard, at a great distance, the sound of a horn. We stopped and listened ; it was repeated. It was the concerted signal. The child was found. And what were the feelings of the mother !" Language can not describe them. Such is the strength of maternal affec- tion. And can a child be so hard-hearted as not to love a mother? Is there any thing which can be more ungrateful than to grieve one who loves you so ardently, and who has done so much for you ? If there be any crime which in the sight of God is greater than all others, it appears to me it must be an unkind and ungrateful treatment of parents. If the spirit of a demon dwells in any human breast, it must be in that breast which is thankless for parental favors, and which can requite that love, which watched over our infancy and protected our helpless years, with ingratitude and disrespect. CHAPTER V. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. Some time ago, a clergyman was conversing with me, in my study, and he took up a book, called an Encyclopedia. Turning over the pages, he happened to come to the name of Levi Parsons. Perhaps the young reader knows that Levi Parsons w^as one of the most distinguished missionaries of the American Board. He went to Jerusalem, and preached the gospel there. He then went to Alexandria, in Egypt, where he died a very happy death. Said the gentleman, as he read the name, Levi Parsons, " I used to know him very well. When he was a boy about ten years old, we went to Leicester Academy together. I can remember perfectly how he then looked, and how he used to be dressed. When w^e left school, for a great many years I heard nothing about him. I could not learn whether he was living or dead. At last, when I had grow^n up to manhood, and was settled in the ministry, in 116 THE CHILD AT HOME. the interior .of the state of New York, one day a gentleman called upon me, as an agent of the American Board, and wished to present the cause of missions to my congregation. He in- troduced himself as Mr. Parsons. "In the course of conversation, it occurred to me that he might be the same person whom I had known as a little boy in Leicester Acad- emy." "Did you ever go to Leicester Academy?" said L " Yes," he replied, " nearly fifteen years ago, I was there a short time." "I knew you then," said the gentleman, "very well; and if you had looked now as you then did, I should have known you at once. I have often felt very desirous to know what had become of you, and have made many inquiries, but could never learn where you were." " Why," said Mr. Parsons, " did you feel so much interest in me ?" " Because," said the gentleman, " you were then the most conscientious boy I ever knew, and I felt greatly interested to know what kind of a man such a boy would make." "Well," said Mr. Parsons, 'Mtl am a Chris- tian now, I think I was then. I am not aware of any important change in my character, since CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 117 that time. And though I had not then a sus- picion that I was a Christian, so far as I can judge, if I am now governed by Christian mo- tives, I then was." This anecdote interested me very much, be- cause it came in confirmation of my whole ex- perience, that the conscientious hoy is a Chris- tian. I never knew a boy or a girl who was con- scientious, who seemed really desirous of doing that which was right, who did not, in mature years, give evidence of piety, and become an active and useful Christian. In fact, there can scarcely be better evidence of the piety of a child, or of a man, than conscientiousness. If a boy is sincerely desirous of doing that which his conscience tells him to be duty ; if this be his habitual frame of mind, exhibited at home and at school, with parents, with teachers, with playmates, we w^ant no better evidence, nay, we want no other evidence, that he is a child of God. With this disposition he will pray for guidance ; he will read the Bible with a humble and teachable spirit, and,* conscious of his many failings, he will be penitent for sin, and seek the aid of the Holy Spirit to resist temp- tation. Does any boy ask, How am I to serve the 118 THE CHILD AT HOME. : M Savior? I reply, Be conscientious. Do you ask, How am I to secure God's favor in this v^orld, and happiness in the world to come ? I reply, Be conscientious. Let it be your settled principle always to try to do that which you think to be right. Sometimes young persons think they w^ish to be Christians, and to be prepared to die, and yet are perplexed to know just what they ought to do to become Christians. The very first direction to be given is, in all things — conscientiously try to do that which is right. 1. In obedience to your parents. Conscience tells you always pleasantly and immediately to obey them. It not only tells you to do what they command you to do, but to do whatever you think they would like to have you do. Even if you obey them, but yet do it reluct- antly, with unsubmissive feelings, and a frown upon your face, conscience at once tells you that you are doing wrong. I have heard conscience compared with the bell on the railroad locomotive. You know that when the cars approach what is called a railroad crossing, they ring the bell, to give warning of the danger. So when you are doing or about to do any thing that is wrong, CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 1 19 conscience rings the belL You all hear its warning. Can any of you look back upon any act of disobedience or unkindness to your parents ? Did not conscience ring the bell ? Did you not feel within you that you were doing wrong ? 2. Conscience will tell you, in the second place, how to act in all your plays with broth- ers and sisters and companions. When you are pleasant and obliging, and do that which is right, you are happy, for conscience approves. If you do this with the desire of pleasing God, you are manifesting a Christian spirit. When you are disobliging, and ill-humored, and unjust, you are unhappy, for conscience condemns. A Httle girl once went to bed at night, and about an hour afterward her mother heard her sobbing. She went up stairs, and inquired the cause. The child sobbed still more violently, and told her mother she could not go to sleep, she felt so unhappy. Her mother inquired what made her so unhappy. It was some time before she could summon resolution to explain the cause of her distress ; the cause was that she had that day told her a lie ; she had told her mother that she did not strike her sister, which she did. Her mother talked with her a little while, and afterward prayed with her, 120 THE CHILD AT HOJME. that God would forgive her sin ; the girl then fell quietly asleep. Now, why was it that this child was so un- happy ? It was because conscience was ring- ing the bell — thus warning her that she was in danger — that she must not go to sleep till she had confessed her sin, and asked forgiveness. And why was it that, after having confessed her sin, she could so quietly fall asleep ? It w^as because conscience was then pacified. How kind is it in God to give us such a guide, to tell us every day what to do, and what not to do! Obey this inward voice, and it will be every hour a faithful friend, and will guide you safely and surely, to heaven. It will tell you what is right, in all your plays and in all your studies — at home — at school — on the Sabbath. When you read the Bible, read of a Savior's dying love, of the Holy Spirit sent to help you, con- science will tell you with what spirit to receive such instructions, and how to obey them. Show me a boy who is thus conscientious, who tries to please his parents, and make his brothers and sisters and companions good and happy, and I have hardly a doubt that that child is a Christian. This is the way for you to come to the Savior. Because conscientiously doing CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 121 your duty, implies penitence for doing wrong. This is having a new heart. For the only sat- isfactory evidence which can be given that you have a new heart is, that you endeavor to please your Maker. I presume that this is one of the principal causes of the happiness of the angels in heaven. They all endeavor to do right, and thus their consciences and hearts are always at peace. Consequently they always feel happy. And in the thronged streets of the New Jerusalem, and by the still waters and green pastures of that celestial world, and where they spread their wings in the wide expanse of the highest heav- ens, they exult and rejoice in perfect holiness and love. ^ You must ere long die. You may die soon. Are you prepared ? Suppose you were now to die, and to appear before God in judgment. Do you think that it would then appear that you had always conscientiously endeavored to do right ? Do you think that angels would wish to have you come and live with them ? This conscientious desire to do every thing that is pleasing to God, is the evidence of a " new heart.'' God says to us that we must have a new heart, and promises, in answer to our prayers, to give us one. Now, the only 122 THE CHILD AT HOME. evidence we can have that our hearts are changed, is from the feeHngs that we cherish. The boy who is self-willed, who is disobedient, who is idle, has certainly the old heart of unbe- lief. He. is unrenewed. And until he has been born again, he can never enter heaven. If he should die in this state, he must perish for- ever. The boy who earnestly desires to know what his duty is, and tries to do it ; who prays sin- cerely to God every morning and every even- ing, that he may be delivered from temptation, and be made holy ; who studies diligently in school, because he thinks it will please God ; who is respectful to his instructor, kind to his pl^nates, obedient to his parents, because he conscientiously desires to do his duty — that boy has a new heart ; that boy has been born again ; that boy is a Christian. I have known many children who, I had no doubt, were Christians, though they never knew the time when their hearts were changed. If I am to judge whether a boy is a Chris- tian, I wish to see how he conducts himself when playing a game of ball, or sliding down hill. Does he bear an insult patiently ? Does he vry to make peace on the play-ground ? Does CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 123 he, in the employments and the pleasures of his boyhood, endeavor in all things to do that which his conscience tells him is right ? These are the evidences of piety. They are among the strongest evidences which can be afforded. No other evidences are of any avail without these. If you wish to know whether an apple-tree •is a good one, the only way is to taste of one of its apples. You judge of the tree by its fruits. Just so the Savior says it is with the heart. The only way in w^hich you can tell whether it is changed or unchanged, renewed or unrenewed, is by its fruits. Just so it is with men. The only evidence we can have that any one is a Christian, is by his conduct. If a man loves to pray, loves to read his Bible, loves the Sabbath ; if he tries to induce his fellow-men to repent of sin, and turn to God ; if, in all his intercourse with his fellow- men, he endeavors to be upright, and obliging, and benevolent ; if, as he contemplates a world lost in sin, he manifests a deep interest in send- ing the gospel to every nation and tribe, — we judge him to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We think his works show that his heart is right. And we think that, for the sake of the Savior, who has died for sinners, all his sins are for- given. 124 THE CHILD AT HOME. If, on the other hand, we see a man who is prayerless ; who has no prayers in his family ; who does not seem to love the Bible ; who mani- fests little or no interest in the spiritual welfare of sinners, — we judge at once that that man is not a Christian. No matter what he may pro- fess. His conduct shows that his heart is un- changed. By their fruits shall ye know them, says Christ. Some persons have thought that it is very difficult to understand what is meant by a "change of heart." But it seems to me that, as to all practical purposes, it is very simple and plain. We use the word heart, in this connection, just as it is used in poetry and romance, the world over ; just as it is used by savage tribes and by civilized nations. " My husband has given me every thing but his heart,'' said a lady, mourning over the cold- ness and want of affection which her husband manifested. Is not her meaning very plain ? She sits alone by the winter's fire, as he is ab- sent in the gay revel, and she prays, '' Turn his hearty O God, from his mirthful associates, and fix it upon his family and upon thee." Can any one misunderstand such language ? The Sandwich Islanders invariably allude to CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 125 the days of their idolatry, as the time of dark hearts, and speak with gratitude of the new heart which God has given them. A short time ago, an Indian chief was ad- dressing a band of his brother warriors around their council-fire, in the wilderness, west of the Rocky Mountains. The circumstances were these. This chief had been, for many years, one of the most relentless foes of the white man. He had left no means untried to fan into fury the fierce passions of the much injured red man, and he often raised the storm of war upon the scattered settlers on our borders. He had been induced by the United States com- missioners, who were endeavoring to eflfect a treaty with his tribe, to visit the President at Washington. He was received by the Pres- ident with great attention, w^as loaded with presents, and was assured that the United States government would do all in its power to live in peace with his tribe, and to promote its welfare. This unexpected kindness completely won the warrior's heart. He returned on his pathless way, along the* mighty rivers, and across the lakes and mountains of the western world, to meet his tribe in their hunting-grounds. The fierce " braves" lighted their council-fire, and gathered around it, to welcome the return 126 THE CHILD AT HOME. of their chieftain. He stood in the center of the ring to address them. Every form was motionless, and every eye fixed to hear his words. Said he, " I have been to Washington. I saw our great father. I went with the heart of an Indian. 1 hated the white man. Our great father took me by the hand. He spoke kindly to me. He promised love to my tribe. He took away my Indian s heart, and gave me a new heart. Ever since then I have had a white mans heart!^ How appropriate ! how plain ! Could he have used language more expressive ? Is it not the most concise and intelligible declara- tion of the change from hostility to affection ? Is it not the very language the Bible uses — which God declares to be so plain, that he that' runneth may read, and that the wayfaring man, though uninstructed, need not err therein ? The change of heart, which the Bible en- joins, as to its practical evidences and results, is by no means of a mysterious or unintelligible nature. It is difficult to conceive of anv thincr more simple. Here is a boy who neglects prayer. He does not love to pray, or to think of God. He is disobedient to his parents, often quarrels with CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 127 his playmates, and is every day doing many things which he knows to be wrong. He does not repent of this conduct. He does not ask God's forgiveness for it. Now he has mani- festly the heart of an impenitent sinner; the heart of one unreconciled to God, and he must have a "new heart,'' or he can never be re- ceived to heaven. There is not an angel in heaven who would not be unwilling that such a person should be admitted into those happy realms. Here is another boy who is conscientious in all he does and says. He prays every morning and every evening that God will take care of him and preserve him from sin. He loves the Savior. He is a peacemaker on the play- ground. He is diligent in improving his time, that he may become a useful man. He is very attentive to his parents, and does all that he can to make them happy. This boy is a Chris- tian. He has a new heart. God loves him. Angels love him. When he dies, all the angels in heaven will welcome him to their joys. Do you ask, How am I to get this new heart ? You are to get it by praying to God for a heart to love him, and by cherishing these feelings of dependence and affection. And when you find that you are truly conscientious, that you do 128 THE CHILD AT HOME. love to serve your Maker, that you are really penitent whenever you do any thing wrong, you may " hope" that you are a Christian. Conscience will warn you when you are going to do wrong, and she will punish you with reproaches and stings afterward, if you do not heed her w^arnings. Sometimes con science slumbers a long time, and then suddenly awakens from her sleep, and torments the soul with the remembrance of past sins. Many cases of this kind occur among men guilty of great crimes. The followmg true story illustrates this : — A jeweller in England, a man of good char- acter and considerable wealth, having occasion, in the way of his business,. to travel to some distance from the place of his abode, took along with him a servant, in order to take care of his portmanteau. He had with him some of his best jewels, and a large sum of money. The servant knew that his master had these things, and determined to rob him. At length, when in a solitary place in a wood, the servant, watching his opportunity, at a moment when his master had dismounted in the road, took a pistol from his master's saddle, and shot him dead on the spot. He then rifled him of his CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 129 THE ROBBERY. jewels and money, and, hanging a large stone to his neck, threw him into the nearest canal. With his booty the servant made off to a dis- tant part of the country, where he had reason to beheve that neither he nor his master was known. There he began to trade in a small way at first, that his obscurity might screen him from observation, and in the course of sev- eral years seemed to rise, by the natural prog- ress of business, into wealth and considera- I 130 THE CHILD AT HOiME. tion ; so that his good fortune appeared at once the effect and reward of industry and virtue. In fact, he counterfeited the appearance of in- dustry and virtue so well, that he grew into great credit, married into a good family, and by laying out his hidden stores discreetly, as he saw occasion, and joining to all a universal af- fability, he was admitted to a share in the gov- ernment of the town, and rose from one post to another, till at length he w^as chosen chief ma- gistrate. In this office he maintained a fair character, and continued to fill it with no small applause, both as a governor and a judge ; till one day, as he sat on the bench with some of his brethren, he himself presiding, a criminal was brought before him who was accused of murdering his master. The evidence came out full; the jury brought in the verdict that the prisoner was guilty; and the whole assembly waited the sentence of the presiding judge. In the mean while, the judge himself mani- fested an unusual disorder and agitation of mind, and his color often changed ; at length he arose from his sent, and, coming down from the bench, placed himself just by the unfortu- nate man at the bar. " You see before you," said he, addressing himself to those who had sat on the bench with him, '' a striking instance of CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 131 the just retaliation of Heaven, which, this day, after thirty years' concealment, presents to you a greater criminal than the man just now found guilty/' He then proceeded to make an ample confession of his guilt, and of all its aggrava- tions. ** Nor can I feel,'' continued he, " any relief from the agonies of an awakened con- science, but by requiring that justice be forth- with done against me in the most public and solemn manner." We may easily suppose the amazement of the whole assembly, and espe- cially of his fellow-judges. However, they proceeded, upon this confession, to pass sen- tence upon him ; and he died with all the symptoms of a penitent mind. Such is the power of conscience. But what is conscience ? It is not easy to define this wonderful faculty. It has been called the voice of God in the soul. But though it may not be easily defined, there is not a word in the Eng- lish language, w^hich is more perfectly and im- pressively intelligible than conscience. There is something within, which gives us pleasure when we do that which we think to be right, and pain when we do that which we consider wrong. Conscience is both judge and execu- tioner. She decides upon the right or the 138 THE CHILD AT HOME. wrong of actions, and accordingly applies the reward or the scourge. God has given to each one of us this guide. And I earnestly desire that all the readers of this book may be inspired with a sense of the value of conscience, and with the determination to be very careful in obeying all its decisions. Endeavor to obtain an enlightened con- science. Like every other faculty of the mind, or affection of the heart, conscience is suscept- ible of great improvement. By cultivation, it becomes very sensitive and accurate, and gives warning of the least approach of danger. It becomes the sensitive barometer of the soul, pointing with its unerring finger to approaching storms, unrevealed to the eye. It is, indeed, sometimes the case, that when the mind is not sufficiently instructed to explain why a particular act is sinful, conscience, more enlightened and discriminating, warns us of danger. We often see a very young child, almost instinctively avoiding that which is wrong, even when the child is by no means able to explain why the particular act is wrong. Often too we see, al- most in infancy, evidences of conscious guilt. Reflect too upon the happy effects of scrupu- lously obeying the voice of conscience. Con- science thus obeyed is the sure guide to tran- CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 133 quillity and joy. You sometimes see a person who appears to be above the temptation of do- ing any thing that is wrong. She is, as it were, instinctively kind, disinterested, and obliging. As she advances in years, she gains the victory over nearly all the infirmities of human nature. Each victory makes the succeeding temptation weaker, and iticreases the power of resistance. The soul becomes tranquil and happy, and Satan^ discomfited and put to flight year after year, is discouraged with his unsuccessful efforts, and withdraws in despair. You, my young reader, have probably at. times experienced something of this yourself. When you have been for a season unusually faithful in prayer, watchful over your own heart, and conscientious in duty, how serene have been your feelings ! how easy has it seemed to rise above those temptations, v/hich at other times have appeared almost irresistible ! The fear of others loses its dominion over you. Passion is subdued. Ambition, selfishness, vanity, the love of ease, the love of pleasure, — all are van quished, and you experience the full enjoyment of the promise, '' Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee." We do not make sufficient effort for moral improvement. We ought to be continually 134 THE CHILD AT HOME. aiming at higher elevation in perfection of char- acter. As the passion-flower recoils at a touch, so should our refined and sensitive consciences * recoil at the least approach of evil. It is not enough that our hearts yield to the remorseful reproaches of conscience when deeply wounded ; we should cherish such delicacy and tender- ness, that the faintest whisperings-of this inward monitor, may be thankfully heard and heeded. Beware how you parley with temptation. Be- ware how you indulge in any dalliance with sin. Beware how you disregard the mildest ad- monitions of this faithful guide. The first step may be a short one, but it is the entrance upon a long road of wretchedness and ruin. You may deem the act a trifling one, so trifling that it can hardly be called a sin ; but when you once commence in wrong-doing, you know not where to stop. You should resolve that you will not allow yourself, on any occasion, to do that which you think to be wroftg. Let the consequences be what they may, determine in the fear of God that you will do that, and that only, which you think to be right. Thus only can you have a conscience void of oflense. Thus only can you come to the Savior, and be accepted of him. Thus only can you be happy in this world, CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 135 or be preparing for happiness in the world to come. What, my reader, is the state of your con- science ? Is it tender and highly cultivated ? Are you carefully obeying all its teachings ? Perhaps you have not sincerely repented of sin, and surrendered yourself to the Savior. If so, surely conscience can not be silent ; its re- proaches must be loud and long. Does not con- science at times lift up against you the loudest thunders of her indignant remonstrance ? Does she not reproach you with the disregard of a Savior's love, with slighting the warnings and disobeying the commands of your heavenly Father ? Can you be willing to continue in doing this great wrong, this great violence to conscience ? -It is impossible to be happy even in this life, without an approving conscience. There are few persons who have entered upon Hfe with more favorable prospects for earthly happiness than Wilberforce. Every thing which life could present to fascinate, was spread before him, and was within his reach. But the want of an approving conscience marred every joy. " Often,'' he says, " while in the full enjoyment of all that this world could bestow, my con- science told me that in the true sense of the 186 THE CHILD AT HOME. word I was not a Christian. I laughed, I sang, I was apparently gay and happy; but the thought would steal over me, ' What madness is all this, to continue easy in a state in which a sudden call out of the world would consign me to everlasting misery, and that when eternal happiness is within my grasp!' '" Commence immediately a conscientious life. Do not say that you will wait for a more con- venient season. A season more convenient than the present will probably never come. The life of most persons is made up of resolu- tions formed only to be broken. We resolve, and re-resolve, and yet live the same. Con- science urges us to the performance of some particular duty ; to be more w^atchful over our tempers ; to be more attentive to our parents and friends ; to be more devoted to God. We resolve that we will amend, and yet continue to yield to temptation. Thus life too frequently glides away filled with broken resolutions and unavailing regrets. Each night finds the mind disquieted with the consciousness of duties neg- lected during the day. An4^when we lie down upon a dying bed, and look back upon the days and the years which are gone, it is with lamen- tation that our good resolutions have been so continually broken. How many have bitterly CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 137 exclaimed in the hour of death, '' O how differ- ently would I live, if I were to pass through life again !" How unwise is it to spend life in such a manner as to bring so much distress and an- guish upon the soul at its close ; especialiy, as by so doing we deprive ourselves during the whole course of life, of all substantial peace and happiness. It is not necessary to live so. There are many who are continually making progress in moral excellence, whose '' path is as the shining light, growing brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.'' As years glide on, they ascend higher and higher into the serene and cloudless regions of religious joy. Carefully attending to the voice of consciende, they gain conquests over their passions, their appetites, and the in- firmities of their corrupt nature, and find even in this life that perfect peace, which God will give those whose minds are stayed on him. These, my young reader, are the plain prin- ciples of the Bible. This is the path, which God has pointed out, to happiness and to heav- en. If you will endeavor, conscientiously and perseveringly, to obey the directions which are here presented to you, you w^ill be shielded from many dangers and many sorrows. Your days 138 THE CHILD AT HOME. here on earth will probably glide away in tran- quillity and peace ; and when the hour arrives for you to lie down upon the bed of death, you can look back upon the past with some degree of satisfaction, and onward to the future with w^ell-founded anticipations of acceptance at God's bar ; and, having sweetly fallen asleep in Jesus, you will awake in heaven. CHAPTER VI. RELIGIOUS TRUTH. In this chapter I shall consider the subject of religious truth. That you may understand your duties, it is important that you should first understand your own character in the sight of God. I can, perhaps, make this plain to you by the following illustration : A few years since a ship sailed from England to explore the Northern Ocean. As it was a voyage of no common danger to face the storms and the tempests of those icy seas, a crew of experienced seamen were obtained, and placed under the guidance of a commander of long- tried skill. As the ship sailed from an English port, in pleasant weather and with favorable breezes, all was harmony on board, and every man was obedient to the lawful commander. As weeks passed away, and the ship pressed forward on the wide w^aste of waters, there were occasional acts of neglect of duty among the crew. Still the commander retained his 110 THE CHILD AT HOME. authority. No one ventured to refuse to be in subjection to him. But as the ship advanced farther and farther into those unexplored re- gions, new toils and dangers came upon the men. The cold blasts of those win- try regions chilled in their limbs. Moun- '1|| tains of ice, dashed 'lij'^^f ll about by the tem- pests, threatened destruction to the ship and the crew. On every side as far as the eye could reach, a dreary view of chilling waves and of float- mg ice warned them of dangers, from which no earthly power could extricate them. The ship was far away from home, and in regions which had been seldom, if ever, seen by mortal eyes. The boldest were at times appalled by the dan- gers, both seen and unseen, which were clus- tering around them. Under these circumstances the spirit of re- volt broke out among that ship's crew. They resolved that they w^ould no longer be in sub- THE VOYAGE. RELIGIOUS TRUTH. I4l jectioii to their commander. They rose togeth- er in rebellion ; deprived him of his authority, and took the control of the ship into their own hands. They then placed their captain in an open boat, and throwing in to him a few arti- cles of provision, they turned him adrift upon that wide and cheerless ocean, and he never was heard of more. Appointing one of their number commander, they turned the ship in a different direction, and regulated all its move- ments by their own pleasure. After this re- volt, things went on in respect to the internal affairs of the ship, pretty much as before. The men had deprived their Imnfitl commander of his authority, and had elevated another to occu- py his place. A stranger would, perhaps, have perceived no material difference, after this change, in the conduct of the cre»w. The pres- ervation of their own lives rendered it neces- sary that the established rules of naval disci- phne should be observed. By night the watches were regularly set and relieved as before. The helmsman performed his accustomed duty, and the sails were spread to the winds, or furled in the tempest, as occasion required. But still they were all guilty of mutiny. They had re- fused to submit to their lawful commander. Consequently, by the laws of their country, 142 THE CHILD AT HOME. ihey were all afterward, when taken, con- demned to be hung. The faithful discharge of the necessary duties of each day after their revolt, did not in the least free them from guilt. The crime of which they were guilty, and for which they deserved the severest punishment, was rebellion against the authority which was rightfully over them. Now, our situation, as sinners in this world, is very similar to that of this rebellious crew. The Bible tells us that we have said in our hearts that " we will not have God to reign over us.'' Instead of living in entire obedience to him, we have chosen to serve ourselves. The accusation which God has against us, is not that we occasionally transgress his laws, but that w^e refuse to regard him, at all times and under all circumstances, as our ruler. Sometimes children think that if they do not tell lies, and if they obey their parents, it is all that God requires of them. This, however, is by no means the case. God requires of us not only to do our duty to our parents, and to those around us, but also to love him with our most ardent affection, and to endeavor at all times to do that which will be pleasing to him. White the mutinous seamen had command of the ship, they might have been kind to one another ; RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 143 they might have watched over the sick with unwearied care and attention. They might have conformed to the rules of naval discipline with the utmost fidelity, seeing that every rope was properly adjusted, and that cleanliness and order pervaded every department. But not- withstanding all this, the guilt of their rebellion and mutiny remained unchanged. They had refused obedience to their commander, and foi this they were exposed to the penalty of thai law which doomed them to death. It is the same with us. We may be kind tc one another ; we may be free from guile ; we may be faithful in the discharge of the ordinary duties of life ; yet, if we are not in subjection to God, we are justly exposed to the penalty of his law. What would have been thought of one of those mutinous seamen, if, when brought be- fore the bar of his country, he had pleaded in his defense, that, after the revolt, he had been faithful to his new commander? Would any person have regarded that as an extenuation of his sin ? No ! He would at once have been led to the scaffold. And the public voice would have said unanimously, that he suffered justly for his crime. Let us imagine that one of the mutineers in l4'± THE CHILD AT HOME. a court of justice, when on his trial, had urged thef following excuses to the judge. Judge. — You have been accused of mutiny, and are found guilty ; and now what have you to say why sentence of death should not be pronounced against you ? Criminal. — It is true that I helped to place the captain in the boat and to send him adrift ; but then I was no worse than the others. I did only as the rest did. Judge. — The fact that others were equally guilty, is no excuse for you. You are to be judged by your own conduct. » Criminal. — It is very unjust that I should be punished, for I was one of the most industrious and hard-working men on board the ship. No one can say that they ever saw me idle, or that I ever refused to perform any duty, however dangerous. Judge. — You are not on trial for idleness, but for refusing obedience to your commander. Criminal. — I was a very moral man. No one ever heard me use a profane word ; and in my conduct and actions, I was civil to all my shipmates. Judge. — You are not accused of profanity, or of impoliteness. The charge for which you are arraigned, is that you rebelled against the RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 145 lawful authority. Of this you have been proved to be guilty ; and for this I must now proceed to pass the penalty of the law. Criminal, — But I was a very benevolent man. One night one of my shipmates was sick, and I watched all the night long at his hammock. And after we placed the captain in the boat, and pushed him away, I threw in a bag of biscuit, that he might have some food. Judge. — If your benevolence had shown itself in defending your commander, and in obedience to his authority, you might now be rewarded ; but you are guilty of mutiny, and must be hung. Criminal. — There was no man on board the ship more useful than I was. And after we had turned the captain adrift, we must all have perished if it had not been for me, for no one else understood navigation. I have a good education, and did every thing I could to in- struct my shipmates, and to make them skillful seamen. Judge. — You are then the most guilty of the Avhole rebellious crew. You knew your duty better than the rest, and are more inexcusable in not being faithful. It appears by your own confession, that your education was good ; that your influence was extensive ; and that you K 146 THE CIHLD AT HOME. had been taught those duties which man owes his fellow-man. This does not extenuate, but increases your guilt. Many of your shipmates were ignorant, and were confirmed in their re- bellion by your example. They had never been tauoht those moral and social duties which had been impressed upon your mind. That you could have been so ungrateful, so treacher- ous, so cruel as to engage in this revolt, justly exposes you to the severest penalty of the law. I therefore proceed to pronounce upon you the sentence which your crimes deserve. You will be led from this place to the deepest and strongest dungeon of the prison ; there to be confined till you are led to the gallows, and there to be hung by the neck till you are dead ; and may God have mercy upon your soul. Now, who would not declare that such a sentence would be just? And who does not see the absurdity of the excuses which the guilty man oflered ? So it is with us all in respect to our rebellion against God. The charge which God brings against us, is, that we have refused to obey him. For this we deserve that penalty which God has threatened against rebellion. If we love our pnrents ever so ardently, it will not RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 147 save us, unless we also love God. If we are ever so kind to those around us, it will not se- cure God's approbation, unless we are also obadient to him. If our conduct is so correct that no one can accuse us of what is called an immoral act, it will be of no avail, unless w^e are also living with faith in the promises of God, and with persevering efforts to do his will. And we shall be as foolish as was the guilty mutineer, if we expect that any such excuses will save us from the penalty of his law. We can not, by any fidelity in the discharge of the common duties of life, atone for the neglect to love and serve our Maker. We have broken away from his authority. We follow our own inclinations, and are obedient to the directions of others, rather than to those of our Maker. God expects the child in the morning to ac- knowledge his dependence upon his Maker, and to pray for assistance to do that which is right, during all the hours of the day. And he ex- pects you, when the evening comes, to thank him for all his goodness, and solemnly to prom- ise, all your days, to be obedient to his authority. You must not only love your parents, but you must also love your God. You must try to 148 THE CHILD AT HOME. have your words and your thoughts pure, and all your conduct holy. Now, when you look back upon your past lives, and when you ex amine your present feelings, do you not see thai you have not obeyed God in all your ways ? Not only have you had wicked thoughts, and at times been disobedient to your parents, but you have not made it the great object of your life to serve your Maker. God now desires to have you obedient to him. He loves you, and wishes to see you happy. He has for this purpose sent his Son into the world to die for your sins, and to lead you to piety and peace. The Savior now asks you to repent of sin and love him, that, when you die, you may be received to heaven, and be happy forever. You perhaps remember the passage of Scripture found in Rev. iii. 2, ** Be- hold, I stand at the door, and knock ; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with me.'' By this the Savior expresses his desire that we should receive him to our hearts. One of the most aflecting scenes described by the pen of one of the most eloquent of writers, is that of an aged father driven from his home by ungrateful and hard-hearted children. The broken-hearted man is represented as standing RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 149 by the door of his own house, in a dark and tempestuous night, with his gray locks stream- ing in the wind, and his head exposed to the full fury of the storm. There he stands, drenched with the rain and shivering with the cold. But the door is barred, and the shutters are closed.* His daughters hear the trembling voice of their aged parent, but refuse him admission. Their flinty hearts remain unmoved. The darkness increases ; the tempest rages ; the rain falls in torrents, and the wind howls most fearfully. The voice of their father grows feebler and feebler, as the storm spends its fury upon him. But nothing can touch the sympathies of his unnatural children. They will not open the door to him. At last, grief, and the pangs of disappointed hope, break the father's heart. He looks at the black and lowering clouds above him, and, in the phrensy of his distracted mind, invites the increasing fury of the storm. And still those wretched children refuse to receive him to their fireside, but leave him to wander in the darkness and the cold. The representation of this scene, as described by the pen of Shakspeare, has brought tears into many eyes. The tragedy of King Lear and his wretched daughters is known through- out the civilized world. What heart is not in- 150 THE CHILD AT HOME. dignant at su^h treatment ? Who does not abhor the conduct of these unnatural children ? Our blessed Savior represents himself as taking a similar attitude before the hearts of his children. He has presented himself at the door of your heart, and can you refuse him admis- sion ? " Behold," says he, " I stand at the door and knock.'' But we, with a hardness of heart which has triumphed over greater blessings, and is consequently more inexcusable than that of the daughters of King Lear, refuse to love him, and to receive him as our friend. He en- treats admission. He asks to enter and be with you and you with him, that you may be happy. And there he has stood for days, and months, and years, and you receive him not. Could we see our own conduct in the light in which we behold the conduct of others, we should be con- founded with the sense of our guilt. Is there a child who reads this book, who has not at times felt the importance of loving the Savior? When you felt these serious impres- sions, Christ was pleading for admission to your heart. You have, y^rerhaps, been sick, and feared that you were about to die. And, oh, how ardently did you then wish that the Savior were your friend ! Perhaps you have seen a brother or a sister die : you wept over your companion, RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 151 as her cheek daily grew more pale, and she drew nearer and nearer to death. And when she ceased to breathe, and her limbs were cold and lifeless, you wept as though your heart w^ould break. And when you saw her placed in the coffin and carried to the grave, how earnestly did you desire to be prepared to die yourself! Oh, how did the world seem then to you! This was the way the Savior took to reach your heart. When on earth, he said, " Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not." And now he endeavors, in many w^ays, to induce you to turn to him. Sometimes he makes you happy, that his goodness may excite your love. When he sees that in happiness you are most prone to forget him, he sends sorrow and trouble, under which your spirits sink, and this world appears gloomy, and you are led to look for- ward to a happier one to come. And does it not seem very ungrateful that you should resist all this kindness and care, and continue to re- fuse to submit yourself to him ? You think the daughters of King Lear were very cruel. In- deed they were ; but not so cruel as you. Their father had been kind to them, but not so kind as your Savior has been to you. He stood long at the door and knocked, but not so long as the 152 THE CHILD AT HOME. Savior has stood at the door of your heart. It is in vain that we look to find an instance of ingratitude equal to that manifested by the sin- ner who rejects the Savior. And it is, indeed, melancholy to think, that any child can be so hard-hearted. It is strange that any person can resist the love which God has manifested for us. He has sent angels with messages of mercy, and invitations to his home in heaven. He sent his Son to die that we might be saved from ever- lasting sorrow. He has provided a world of beauty and of glory, far surpassing any thing we can conceive, to which he invites us, and where he will make us happy forever. And we are informed that all the angels in heaven are so much interested in our welfare, that '' there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." It is indeed won- derful that the holy and happy angels above should feel so deep an interest in our concerns. But, oh, how surpassingly strange it is, that we feel so little for ourselves ! It is kind in God that he will not let the wicked enter heaven. He loves his holy chil- dren there too well, to allow the wicked to enter and trouble them, and destroy their peace. There was a little girl once, who had a party RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 153 of her companions to spend the evening with her. They were all playing very happily in the parlor, when a drunken man happened to go by. As he heard their voices, he came stag- gering up to the door, and tried to get in. All the girls w^ere very much frightened, for fear the degraded wretch would get into the pailor. But the gentleman of the house told them not to be frightened. He assured them that the man should not come in, and though it was a cold winter's night, he went out and drove him away. Now, was not this gentleman kind thus to protect these children ? Suppose a wicked man, or a lost spirit, should go to the gates of heaven and attempt to enter there. Do you suppose that God would let him in ? Would not God be as kind to the angels as an earthly father to his earthly children ? Every angel in heaven would cry to God for protection, if they should see the wicked ap- proaching that happy world. And God shows his love, by declaring that the wicked shall never enter there. " Those holy gates forever bar, Pollution, sin, and shame ; None shall obtain admittance there, But follo"^ers of the Lamb." It is not because God is unkind and cruel 154 THE CHILD AT HOME. that he shuts up the wicked in the world of woe. He does this because he loves his children, and, like a kind father, determines to protect them from oppression and sorrow. Pure joy glows in the bosoms of the blest. Love unites them all, as they swell their songs, and take their flight. In their home, the wicked cease from troubling, and the w^eary are forever at rest. A few years since, there was a certain family which was united and happy. The father and mother looked upon the children who surround- ed their fireside, and beheld them all virtuous in their conduct, and affectionate toward one an- other. Their evening sports went on harmo- niously, and tho^e children were preparing, in their beloved home, for future virtue and use- fulness. But, at last, one of the sons became dissipated. He w^ent on from step to step in vice, till he became a degraded wretch. His father and mother wept over his sins, and did every thing in their power to reclaim him. All was in vain. Every day he grew worse. His brothers and sisters found all the happiness of their home destroyed by his wickedness. The family was disgraced by him, and they were all in sorrow and tears. One evenino; he was broudit home so intox- icated that he was apparently lifeless. His poor RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 155 broken-hearted mother saw him conveyed in this disgraceful condition to his bed. At anoth- er time, when his parents were absent, he came home, in the evening, in a state of intoxication bordering on phrensy. He raved about the house like a madman. He swore the most shocking oaths. Enraged with one of his sisters, he seized a chair, and would have struck her, perhaps, a fatal blow, if she had not escaped by flight. The parents of this child felt that such things could no longer be permitted, and told him that, if there was not an immediate refor- mation in his conduct, they should forbid him to enter their house. But entreaties and warn- ings were alike in vain. He continued his dis- graceful career. His father, perceiving that amendment was hopeless, and that the son, by remaining at home, was imbitteriiig every mo- ment of the family, and loading them with dis- grace, sent his son to sea, and told him never to return till he could come back improved in character. To protect his remaining children, it was necessary for him to send the dissolute one awav. Now, was this father cruel, in thus endeav- oring to promote the peace and the happiness of his family ? Was it unkind in him to resolve to make his virtuous children happy, by exclu- 156 THE CHILD AT HOME. ding the vicious and the degraded? No! Every one sees that this is the dictate of pa- rental love. If he had been a cruel father — if he had had no regard for his children, he would have allowed this abandoned son to have re- niained, and conducted as he pleased. He would have nnade no effort to protect his children, and to pronnote their joy. And is it not kind of our heavenly Father to resolve that those who will not obey his laws shall be forever excluded from heaven ? He loves his virtuous and obedient children, and w^ill make them perfectly happy. He never will permit the wicked to mar their joys and degrade their home. If God were an unkind being, he would let the wicked go to heaven. He would have no prison to detain them. He would leave the good unprotected and exposed to abuse from the bad. But God is love. He never thus will abandon his children. He has provided a strong prison, with dungeons deep and dark, where he will hold the wicked, so that they can not es- cape. The angels in heaven have nothing to fear from wicked men, or wicked angels. God will protect his children from all harm. Our Father in heaven is now inviting all of us to repent of our sins, and to cultivate a taste for the joys of heaven. He wishes to take us RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 157 to his own happy home, and make us loved members of his own affectionate family. And every angel in heaven rejoices, when he sees the humblest child repent of sin and turn to God. But if we will not be obedient to his laws ; if we will not cultivate in our hearts those feelings of fervent love which glow and burn in the angel's bosom ; if we will not here on earth learn the language of prayer and praise, God assures us that we never can be admitted to mingle with his happy family above. The angels are happy to welcome a returning wanderer. But if they should see an unsub- dued spirit directing his flight toward heaven, they all would pray to God that he might not be permitted to "enter, to throw discord into their songs, and sorrow into their hearts. God is love. He will keep heaven pure and happy. All who will be obedient to him, he will gladly elevate to walk the streets of the New Jerusa- lem, and to inhabit the mansions which he has built for them ; but the wicked he will forever exclude. Those who will not submit to his authority must be shut out forever. If we do not yield to the warnings and entreaties which now come to us from God, we must hear the sentence, *' Depart from me." — '' I know you not." God 158 THE CMIJ.D AT HOME. uses all the means which he deems proper to reclaim us ; and when he finds that we are in corrigible, then does he close upon us the doors of our prison, that we never may escape.' If God did not regard the happiness of his children, he would break these laws ; he would destroy this prison ; he would turn all its guilty inmates loose upon the universe, to wander to and fro at their pleasure. But, blessed be God, * he is love ; and the brightness and glory of heav- en never can be marred by the entrance of sin. In hell's dreary abyss, the wretched out- cast from heaven will find their secure and eter- nal abiding-place. And now do you wish to have your home with the virtuous and happy in heaven, or with the vicious and miserable in the world of woe ? Now is the time to decide. God, in this world, makes use of all those means which he thinks calculated to affect your feel- ings and to incline you to his service. You now hear of the love of Jesus, and feel the striv- ings of the Holy Spirit. You are surrounded by many who love the Savior, and enjoy all the precious privileges of the Bible and the Sab- bath. God speaks to you in afflictions and en- joyments, and trys ways without number to re- claim you to himself If you can resist all this, your case is hopeless. In the world of woo RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 159 there will be no one to plead with you the won- ders of a Savior's love. You will feel no striv- ings of the Spirit. No Christian friends will surround you with their sympathies and their prayers. The Sabbath will no longer dawn upon you, and the Bible will no longer entreat you to turn to the Lord. If you can resist all the mo- tives to repentance which this life affords, you are proof against all the means which God sees fit to adopt. If you die impenitent, you will forever remain impenitent, and go on unre- strained in passion and woe. ' The word of God has declared that, at the day of judgment our doom will be fixed forever. The wricked shall then go into everlasting pun- ishment, and the righteous to life eternal. The bars of the sinner's prison will never be broken. The glories of the saints' abode will never be sullied. A few years since, a child was lost in the woods. He was out with his brothers and sis- ters gathering berries, and accidentally was separated from them and lost. The children, after looking in vain for some time in search of the little wanderer, returned just in the dusk of the evening, to inform their parents that their brother was lost, and could not be found. The woods at that time w^ere infested with bears, 160 THE CHILD AT HOME. The darkness of a cloudy night was rapidly coming on, and the alarmed father, gathering a few of his neighbors, hastened in search of the lost child. The mother remained at home, almost dis- tracted with anxiety and terror. As the clouds gathered and the darkness increased, the father and the neighbors, with highly-excited fears, traversed the woods in all direc- tions, and raised loud shouts to at- tract the attention of the child. But their search was in vain. They could find no traces of the wanderer ; and as they stood under the boughs of the lofty trees, and listened, that if possible they might hear his feeble voice, no sound was borne to their ears but the melancholy moaning of the wind as it swept through the thick branches of the forest. The gathering clouds threatened an approach- ing storm, and the deep darkness of the night THE LOST CHILD. RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 161 had already enveloped them. It is difficult to conceive what were the feelings of that father. And who could imagine how deep the agony which filled the bosom of that mother as she heard the w^ind, and beheld the darkness in w^hich her child was wandering ! The search continued' in vain till nine o'clock in the evening. Then one of the party was sent back to the village to collect the in- habitants for a more extensive search. The bell rung the alarm, and the cry of fire re- sounded through the streets. It was, however, ascertained that it was not fire which caused the alarm, but that the bell tolled the more sol- emn tidings of a lost child. Every heart sym- pathized in the sorrows of the distracted pa- rents. Soon great multitudes of people were seen ascending the hill upon the declivity of which the village was situated, to aid in the search. Ere long the rain began to fall, but no tidings came back to the village of the lost child. Hardly an eye was that night closed in sleep, and there was not a mother who did not feel for the agonized parents. The night passed away, and the morning dawned, and yet no tidings came. At last those engaged in the search met together and held a consultation. They made arrangements for a more minute l62 THE CHILD AT HOME. and extended search, and agreed that in case the child was found, a gun should be fired to give a signal to the rest of the party. As the sun arose, the clouds were dispelled, and the whole landscape glittered in the rays of the bright morning. But that village was deserted and still. The stores were closed, and business was hushed. Mothers were walking the streets with synnpathizing countenances and anxieus hearts. There was but one thought there — What has become of the lost child ? All the affections and interest of the community were flowing in one deep and broad channel toward the little wanderer. In the meantime the people continued their search in the forest. They explored every thicket ; they examined every chasm among the rocks; they shouted, they listened, but all was in vain. Thus the night was passed. About nine in the morning the signal-gun was fired, which announced that the child was found; and for a moment how dreadful was the suspense ! Was it found a mangled corpse, or was it alive and well ? Soon a joyful shout proclaimed the safety of the child. The shout was borne from tongue to tongue, till the whole forest rung again with the joyous acclamations of the multitude. A commissioned messenger RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 163 CHILD FOUND. rapidly bore the ti- dings to the dis- tracted mother. A procession was imnnediately form- ed by those engag- ed in the search. The child was placed upon a plat- form, hastily con- structed from the boughs of trees, and borne in tri- umph at the head of the procession. When they arrived at the brow of the hill, they rested for a moment, and proclaimed their success with three loud and animated cheers. The procession then moved on, till they arrived in front of the dwelling where the parents of the child resided. The mother, who stood at the door, wath streaming eyes and throbbing heart, could no longer re- strain herself or her feelings. She rushed into the street, clasped her child to her bosom, and wept aloud. Every eye was suffused with tears, and for a moment all were silent. But suddenly some one gave a signal for a shout. One loud, and long, and happy note of joy rose 164 THE CHILD AT HOME. from the assembled multitude, and they then dispersed to their business and their homes. This is a true story, and there was more joy over the one child that was found than over the ninety and nine that went not astray. Like- wise there is joy in the presence of the an gels of God over one sinner that repenteth. But still this is a feeble representation of the love of our Father in heaven for us, and of the joy with which the angels welcome the return- ing wanderer. The mother can not feel for her child that is lost as God feels for the unhappy wanderers in the paths of sin. The child was exposed to a few hours of suffering ; the sinner to eternal despair. The child was in danger of being torn by the claws and the teeth of the bear — a panau which would have endured but for a moment ; but the sinner must feel the rav- ages of the never-dying worm, must be exposed to the fury of the inextinguishable flame. Oh, if a mother can feel so much, what must be the feelings of our Father in heaven ! If man can feel so deep a sympathy, what must be the emotions which glow in the bosoms of angels! Many parables are introduced in the Bible to illustrate this feeling on the part of God. He compares himself with the kind shepherd, w^ho, finding that one little lamb had strayed from RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 165 the flock, left the ninety and nine and went in search of the lost one. He illustrates this feel- ing by that of the woman who had lost a piece of silver, and immediately lighted a candle and swept the house dih'gently, till she found it. In like manner, we are informed, that it is not the will of our Father who is in heaven, that one of his little ones should perish. He has mani- fested the most astonishing love and kindness thalt he might make us happy. But what greater proof of love can we have than that which God has shown to us in the gift of his Son ! That you might be saved from sin and ceaseless woe, Jesus came and died. He came to the world, and placed himself in poverty, and was overwhelmed with sorrow^ that he might induce you to accept salvation, and to be happy forever in heaven. The Savior was born in a stable. When an infant, his life was sought. His parents were com- pelled to flee out of the country, that they might save him from a violent death. As he grew up, he was friendless and forsaken. He went about from town to tow^n, and from village to village, doing good to all. He visited the sick, and healed them. He went to the poor and the afflicted, and comforted them. He took little children in his arms, and blessed them. He 166 THE CHILD AT HOME. injured no one, and endeavored to do good to all. And yet he was persecuted, and insulted, and abused. Attain and ae^ain he was com- pelled to flee for his life. They took up stones to stone him. They hired false witnesses to accuse him. At last his enemies determined to kill him. They took him by night, as he was in a gar- den praying. A cruel multitude came and seized him by force, and carried him into a large hall. They then surrounded him, and heaped upon him all manner of insult and abuse. They mocked him. They collected some thorns, and made a crown, which they forced upon his head, pressing the sharp thorns into his flesh, till the blood flowed down upon his hair and his cheeks. And after thus pass- insr the whole night, he was led out to the hill of Calvafy, tottering beneath the heavy burden of the cross, which he was compelled to bear upon his own shoulders, and to which he was to be nailed. When they arrived at the place of crucifixion, they drove the nails through his hands and his feet. The cross was then fixed in the ground, and the Savior, fluis cruelly sus- pended, was exposed to the loud and contemp- tuous shouts of an insulting mob. The morn- ing air was filled with their loud execrations. RELIGIOUS TRUTH. 167 A soldier came and thrust a spear deep into his side. To quench his burning thirst, they gave him vinegar, mixed with gall. Thus did our Savior die. He endured all his suflerings, from the cradle to the grave, that he might save sinners. And when, while en- during the agony of the cross, he cried out, ** My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ?'* he was then suffering those sorrows which you must otherwise have suffered. If it had not been for our Savior's sorrows and death, there would have been no help for any sinner. You never could have entered heaven. You must forever have endured the penalty of that law which saith, " The soul that sinneth, it shall die." Was there ever such love as this ? And, oh, must not that child's heart be hard, who will not love such a Savior, and w^ho will not do all in his power to prove his gratitude by a holy and an obedient life ? Christ so loves you, that he was willing to die the most cruel of deaths, that he might make you happy. He is now in heaven, preparing mansions of glory for all those who will accept him as their Savior, and obey his law. And where is the child who does not wish to have this Savior for his friend, and to have a home in heaven ? The Holy Spirit is promised to aid you in all 168 THE CHILD AT HOiME. your efforts to resist sin. If, when the power of temptation is strong, you will look to him for aid, he will give you strength to resist. Thus is duty made easy. God loves you. Angels desire that you should come to heaven. Jesus has died to save you. The Holy Spirit is ready to aid you in every Christian effort, and to lead you on, victorious over sin. How unreasona- ble, then, and how ungrateful it is for any child, to refuse to love God, and to prepare to enter the angels' home ! There you can be happy. No night is there. No sickness or sorrow can ever reach you there. Glory will fill your eye. Joy will fill your heart. You will be an ^ngel yourself, and shine in all the purity -and in all the bhss of the angels' happy home. CHAPTER yil. THE SAVIOR. In the last chapter I endeavored to shov^r in what our sin against God principally consists ; and also the interest which God feels in our happiness, and the sacrifice which he has made to lead us to penitence and to heaven. I shall consider in this chapter more particularly how God has opened the way of salvation for us through the Savior. Probably no child reads this book who is not conscious of sin. You feel not only that you do not love God as you ought, but that some- times you are ungrateful or disobedient to your parents ; sometimes you get irritated againsf your brother or your sister, or you indulge in other feelings, which you know to be wrong. Now, the first thing which God requires of you is, that you should be penitent Tor all yoilr sins. x\t the close of the day, you go to your cham- ber for sleep. Perhaps your mother goes with you, and hears you repeat a prayer of gratitude 170 THE CHILD AT HOME. to God for his kindness. But after she has left the chamber, and you are alone in the dark- ness, you recall to mind the events of the day, asking yourself what you have done that is wrong. Perhaps you were idle at school, or unkind to a playmate, or disobedient to your parents. Now, if you go to sleep without sin- cere repentance, and a firm resolution to try for the future to avoid such sin, the frown of God will be upon you during all the hours of the night. You ought, every evening before you go to sleep, to think of your conduct during the day, and to express to God your sincere sorrow for every thing w^hich you have done which is displeasing to him, and humbly implore the pardon of your sins through Jesus Christ. A child who does this God loves. Such a one he will readily forgive. But remember that it is not enough simply to say that you are penitent. You must really feel penitent. And you must resolve to be more watchful in future, and to guard against the sin over which you mourn. You have, for instance, spoken unkindly, during the (day, to your brother. At night, you feel that you have done wrong, and that God is displeased. Now, if you are sincerely peni- tent, and ask God's forgiveness, you will pray THE SAVIOR. 171 that you may not again be guilty of the same fault. And when you awake in the morning, you will be watchful over yourself, that you may be kind and obliging. You will perhaps go to your brother, and say, "I did wrong in speaking unkindly to you yesterday, and I am sorry for it. I will endeavor never again to do so." At any rate, if you are really penitent, you will pray to God foWorgiveness, and most sincerely resolve never willingly to be guilty of the same sin again. But you must also remember that, by the law of God, sin can never pass unpunished. God has said, '' The soul that sinneth, it shall die." And when you do any thing that is wrong, and afterward repent of it, God forgives you, be- cause the Savior has borne the suffering which you deserve. This is what is meant by that passage of Scripture, " He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniqui- ties." Our Father in heaven loved us so much that he gave his own Son to die in our stead. And now he says that he is ready to forgive, if we will repent, and believe in his Son who has suffered and died to save us. And ought we not to love so kind a Savior ? You can not expect at present precisely and fully to understand every thing connected with 172 THE CHILD AT HOME. the sufferings and death of Christ, and the moral effect which they produce. In fact, it is inti- mated in the Bible, that even the angels in heaven find this subject one capable of tasking all their powers. You can understand, how- ever, that Christ suffered and died in order that you might be forgiven. It would not be safe in any government to forgive sin merely on the penitence of the sinnff. Civil government can not do this safely ; a family government can not do it safely. It is often the case, when a man is condemned to death for a crime that he has committed, that his dearest friends, some- times his wife and children, make the most af- fecting appeals to the chief magistrate of the state, to grant him pardon. But it will not do. The governor, if he knows his duty, will be firm, however painful it may be, in allowing the law to take its course : for he has to con- sider not merely the wishes of the unhappy criminal and his friends, but the safety and happiness of the whole community. And so the governor of the universe must consider, not merely his own benevolent feel- ings toward the sinner, but the safety and the holiness of all his creatures : and he could not have forgiven our sins, unless he had planned a way by which we might safely be forgiven THE SAVIOR. 173 This way he did devise, to sustain law and pro- tect holiness, and yet to let us go free from the punishment due to our sins. Jesus died for us. He bore our sins. By his stripes we are healed. And shall we not be grateful ? It is thus that God has provided a way for our escape from the penalty of his law. You have read, " God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that who- soever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Was it not kind in God to give his Son to suffer, that we might be saved from punishment ? God has plainly given his law. And he has said, the soul that sinneth, it shall die. And he has said, that his word is so sacred, that, though heaven and earth should pass away, his word shall not pass away. We have all broken God's law, and deserve the pun- ishment which it threatens. But our indulgent Father in heaven is looking upon us in loving- kindness and in tender mercy. He pities us, and he has given his own Son to bear the pun- ishment w^hich we deserve. Oh, was there ever proof of greater love ? And how ardently should we love that Sa- vior, who is nearer and dearer than ar brother, who has left heaven and all its joys, and come to the w^orld, and suffered and died, that we 174 THE CHILD AT IIDME. might be happy ! God expects that we shall love him ; that we shall receive him as our Savior, and whenever we do wrong, that we shall ask forgiveness for his sake. And when a child thinks of the sorrows which his sins have caused the Savior, it appears to me that he must love that Savior with the most ardent affection. It was the law of a certain town that the boys should not slide down hill in the streets.* If any were found doing so, they were to be fined, and if the money was not paid, they were to be sent to jail. Now a certain boy, the son of a poor man, broke the law, and was taken up by an officer. They car- ried him into court, the fact was fully proved against him, * To those children who live where it seltlom or never snows, I ought to say in this note, that, in New England, it is a very comniop amusement to slide down the hills on sleds or boards, in the winter evenings, when the roads are icy and smooth. In some places this is dangerous to passengers, and then it is forbidden by law. COASTING. THE SAVIOR. 175 and he was sentenced to pay the fine. He had no money, and his father, who stood by, was poor, and found it hard work to supply the wants of the family. The money must be paid, however, or the poor boy must go to jail. The father chought that he could earn it in the eve- nings, and he promised, accordingly, to pay the money if they would let his son go free. Evening after evening, then, he went out to his work, while the boy was allowed to remain by the comfortable fire, at home. After a while the money was earned and paid, and then the boy felt relieved and safe again. Now, suppose that this boy, instead of being grateful to the father, who had thus suffered and toiled for him, should treat him with coldness and unkindness. Suppose that he should con- tinually do things to give him pain, and always be reluctant to do the slightest thing to oblige him. Who would not despise so ungrateful a boy? And do you think that that child who will grieve the Savior with continued sin, who will not love him, who will not try to obey him, can have one spark of noble, of generous feeling in his bosom ? Would any person, of real mag- nanimity, disregard a friend who had done so much as the Savior has done for us ? God re- 176 THE CHILD AT HOME. quires of us, that while we feel penitent for our sins, we should feel grateful to that Savior who has redeemed us by his blood. And when Jesus Christ says, '' Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I wull give you rest," this is what he means. We must love Christ. We must regard him as the friend who has, by his own sufferings, saved us from the penalty of God's law. And it is dishonorable and base for us to refuse to love him, or for us to do any thing w^hich will displease him. This kind Savior is now looking upon you with affection. He has gone to heaven to prepare a place for you, and there he wishes to receive you, and to make you happy forever. His eye is upon your heart every day, and every hour. He never forgets you. Wherever you go, he follows you. He shields you from harm. He supplies all your wants. He surrounds you with blessings. And now, all that he asks for all these favors is your love ; not that you may do good to him, but that he may do still more good to you. He wishes to take you, holy and happy, to the green pastures and the still waters of heaven. Can any child refuse to love this Savior ? Oh, go to him at once, and pray that he will re- ceive you, and write your name among the THE SAVIOR. 177 number of his friends. Then will he soon re- ceive you to his own blissful abode. Fair distant land ! could mortal eyes But half its cliarms explore, How would our spirits long to rise, And dwell on earth no more 1 No cloud those distant regions know. Realms ever bright and fair ! For sin, the source of mortal woe, Can never enter there." It is not only thus a source of safety for us in another world, to be the friend of the Savior, but it is an unspeakable means of comfort and enjoyment in this. It will be a great happiness to you in all the early years of life to be devoted to your Savior while you are young. Besides nothing can be more irrational and dangerous than the disposition, which so many young persons have, to neglect attention to re- ligion, thinking that there will be time enough, when they are older, to secure God's favor. But how unwise is this, when you know not that you will live another week ! There is no one who will read this page who can not repeat the names of many children younger than them- selves, who have died. How many diseases are there continually seizing the young, and M 178 THE CHILD AT HOME. hurrying them to the grave ! Wliatever may be the age of any one who reads these pages, while you are reading them, there are many hundreds of persons of your age lying on a dying bed. Are you a girl of eleven years of age ? Go with me to this chamber, where a little girl is dying. It is not an imaginary scene : it is reality. The curtains are drawn, that the dazzling light of the sun may not pain the little patient's fading eye. She will never see the .sun, nor the green fields, nor the white snow-clad earth again. It is with difficulty that she breathes ; and her father has taken her from her bed, and holds her wasted form, wrapped in a blanket, in his lap by the fire. Her little brother and sister are whispering, and walking softly about the room, frightened to see her look so pale and thin. Her mother is dropping some medicine from a phial, and tries to conceal her face ; for she is weeping. The physician is there, and says, " Julia, my dear,'' — for that is the name of the little girl, — "I ought to tell you the truth ; but I am sorry to say, that I think it impossible that you should get well again. I fear that you can live but a day or two longer." Julia is a Christian, a happy Christian and THE SAVIOR. 179 she looks up in her father's face, and smiling faintl3^ says, "Pray for me; pray that the Savior may come now. I want to kiss you all, for I am going to die.'' Her pastor is also in the room, and inquires, " Are you willing to die, Julia ?" " O yes !" she replies, with a mild and cheer- ful voice. All in the room are so affected that with diffi- culty they restrain their tears. " Do not cry," says Julia ; " why will you ? I feel so happy that I can not cry." And now hear her soft, sweet voice, mingling with her father's as she sings, " Fare you well ! I must be gone ; I have no home nor stay with you ; I take my staff, and travel on, Till I a better world can view, I'll march to Canaan's land ; I'll land on Canaan's shore, Where pleasures never end, And troubles come no more. Fare you well, fare you well, fare you well, My loving friends, farewell." And then see Julia die, as peacefully and as happily as though she were going to sleep. She has loved the Savior while a child; she 180 THE CHILD AT HOME. has prepared for death by penitence and prayer ; and when the hour for her to die comes, even in her childhood, she looks forward with dehght to a home in heaven. Now this is not an imaginary scene. It is one which I myself witnessed but a few years since. Such scenes are now frequently occur- rmg. And will you, my young reader, think, that because you are young, it is not necessary for you to attend to religion ? More young persons die than aged persons ; more boys and girls than men and women ; and consequently nothing can be more impor- tant than that you should immediately make your peace with God. Then you will be pre- pared to die at any time, as happily as Julia died. And if sudden disease throws you into delirium, and you die without knowing that you are dangerously sick, as is most frequently the case with children, you will wake up in heaven, finding angels smiling around you, call- ing you their dear and new-born sister; and all the joy and the beauty of that blessed world will be yours forever. When one thinks of that happy world, of the love of God, of the smiles of the Savior, of the welcome of the angels, of all the happiness with which God has filled it, — happiness to which there can be no THE SAVIOR. 181 end, one can not help congratulating a child who goes, like Julia, early to her home. But if, on the other hand, you neglect re- ligion, and are suddenly taken sick, and sud- denly die, what will become of you? The thought is too painful, too awful to dwell upon. Exclusion from heaven; banishment from the presence of God, with none to love you ; sur- rounded by all the wicked of this world, and by fallen spirits, — the Bible assures you that you will pass ages which know no end in weeping and wailing, in lamentation and despair. Is it not, then, of the utmost importance, that you should immediately seek to make the Savior your friend ? Can any thing be more worthy of your earnest, and persevering, and immedi- ate prayers ? There is another reason why you should without any delay consecrate your heart and life to God. It is because you can not be re- ally happy in this world till you do this. There is nothing which promotes our earthly happiness so much as sincere piety. The principal cause of our unhappiness in this world is to be found in our own characters, in our unrestrained pas- sions, in our ungoverned tempers, in those feel- ings of ambition, vanity, and pride, which we have long cherished, and consequently find it 182 THE CHILD AT HOME. 7ery difficult to subdue. Now Jesus, if we make him our friend, will help us gain the vic- tory over these sins ; and the sooner we com- mence this work, the less we have to struggle against, and the easier it is. And when, by the grace of God, all these wrong feelings are subdued, we have a tranquil state of heart, which is the purest enjoyment we can experi- ence in this life. An observing person can generally discover a sincerely pious child by the peaceful and joy- ful countenance she has. She is so much in the habit of loving God, and all her acquaint- ances, of being kind, and of making otliers happy, that the features of her countenance become molded into the expression of the most benig- nant and amiable feelings. A very distinguished man once wrote to his young daughter that it was in her power to make herself beautiful. He said that, by culti- vating a kind, and pleasant, and cheerful spirit, at all times, by doing all in her power to pro- mote the happiness of those around her, her features would unavoidably assume that aspect of cheerfulness and of inward enjoyment, that expression of an amiable and affectionate dis- position, which constitutes by far the most de- sirable kind of beauty ; and it is indeed so liHE SAVIOR. 183 There is no countenance so pleasant to look upon, so desirable to possess, as that which is animated by the expression of a warm and gen- erous heart. This excites interest in ever}'" be- holder, is the best letter of introduction to strangers one can possess, and almost infallibly secures the kindness of all one meets. But this is a digression, I was speaking of the importance of being early prepared to die. Consider how much is put at hazard by delay. Have you ever thought what is meant by im- mortality ? You have often heard that you are immortal ; that, after the body dies, the sou! wili live forever. Go in imagination beyond the moon, and sun, and the distant stars, which twinkle in the deep, blue heavens ; enter that heavenly world of indescribable glory, where angels dwell, where the golden city shines, and the stili waters flow through the green pastures of God's peculiar abode ; there the Christian soul will live and rejoice forever. Can your mind grasp the thought ? Time without any end! Ages upon ages will glide away, and you will never be sick, never be sorrowful, never die. If you will really reflect upon this idea, make your mind familiar wnth it, you can hardly refrain from making it your constant endeavor and prayer, that you may be prepared 184 THE CHILD AT, HOME. to enter that celestial world. As life is short at the longest — as it is always uncertain — nothing can be more important than immediate prepara- tion for death, that we may thus at any moment safely enter upon our immortal state. And then, again, it is much more easy to be- come a Christian, while you are young, than when you have grown older. You have fewer gay and thoughtless associates to tempt you to continue in sin ; then your habits are not fixed, and they are more easily changed ; your feelings are more tender, and more susceptible of gratitude for all a Savior's kindness and love. How often do you now, as you hear of heaven and its rapturous, never-ending joys, feel the glow of intense desire to be w^elcomed to that celestial world ! And when you hear how the Savior has loved you, and that he has died to redeem you, at times you can hardly refrain from weeping as you think of his goodness. If you harden your heart now, and live without prayer and without loving and obeying God, soon all these feelings will disappear ; you will become thoughtless and cold-hearted, and prob- ably ere long you will lie down to die, exclaim- ing, with the bitterest lamentations, '' The har- vest is past, the summer is ended, and I am not saved/* THE SAVIOR. 185 Yes, young reader ! If you ever intend to become a Christian, now is the time ; it is in the day of your youth that you are most ear- nestly called upon to give your affections to your Creator. The Savior, who, when on earth, said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not,'Vis now ready to re- ceive you to his arms, and fold you to his bosom ; all the angels in heaven will welcome you to their love ; and when they see that you have chosen God as your father and your friend, and that you have resolved to do every thing in your power to please him, they will all look down upon you, and love you, as their young earthly brother or sister, and they will fly to meet you with smiling faces, and welcomino; songs, and affectionate hearts, whenever God takes you home ; and your Heavenly Father, who is now saying to you, "My son or my daughter, give me thy heart,'' wall then joyfully say, " My child was dead, but is alive again, was lost, but now is found/' But suppose you go on in Hfe, as many chil- dren do, thinking but little of God and of the Savior ; as yo% grow older, you become more hardened in sin : yielding to the temptations of gayety, giddiness, and thoughtlessness, you soon have but little desire to please God, and 1S6 THE CHILD AT HOME. but little fear of displeasing him ; your inward sins of vanity, ambition, irritability, and selfish- ness, unsubdued, and indeed hardly checked, grow daily stronger and more unyielding ; the Savior mourns over you as an ungrateful child whom he can not love, and whom he never can receive to the happy mansions he has gone to prepare for those that obey him. The thought will often occur to your mind, and will overwhelm you w4th anxiety and un- happiness, that you are living in sin, and that you must be forever excluded from heaven. Days of sickness will come, and in your cham- ber of loneliness, and silence, and pain, you will reflect upon the past with sorrow, and look for- ward to the future with dread ; hours of depres- sion will come, when your earthly prospects will seem clouded, every thing of a transient nature unsatisfying and worthless, and yet you will have no solid consolations of religion to cheer your spirit in its despondency ; and finally there will come the hour of death. Think how it will be with you in that hour. You lie in your chamber at midnight, in the full possession of all your povve^, and feel that you are dying. Weeping friends stand silent at your bedside, watching each breath, expect- ing every moment you will breathe your last ; THE SAVIOR. 187 your mind retraces the months and the years of your past life, and dwells upon all its sinful- ness. " O, how uselessly have I lived !" you exclaim in anguish of spirit; " how neglectful of God and of my own soul ! and now I am dying, and the sentence of condemnation is already pronounced — 'Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness.' O that I had heeded the warnings of conscience and of God's word ; but I have grieved away the Spirit, and now I am going through the dark valley, of the shadow of death, alone and com- fortless. O that I had never been born." The window-curtain at your bedside is drawn, and with languid eye you look out into the deep and cloudless heavens. The moon is there bright and undimmed, as she moves along in her magnificent pathway ; and far, far be- yond, in the depths of immensity, the glimmer- ing stars send their feeble rays into your dying chamber. " Before another hour is gone," you say to yourself, " my soul will have passed be- yond, far beyond those distant worlds, to hear its doom at the throne of God, to receive its condemnation for a misspent life. How raptur- ous would be this moment, if I w^ere only dying the death of the righteous ! Angels would then accompany me in my blissful flight beyond the 188 THE CHILD AT HOME. pathway of those rolling worlds, and long be- fore the morning sun shines upon my friends here on earth, I should be rejoicing with angels and archangels in the never-ending morning of a glorious eternity. But now how dreadful a doom awaits me! How justly am I con- demned !" A few more moments pass away in anguish of spirit, and the struggle is over ; youi lifeless body remains on earth, to return to the dust from whence it was made, and your spirit returns to receive its final doom from God, who gave it. Now, do not think that all this is merely a fancy sketch. The time is very near when you will die ; the years which seem now so long to you, are swiftly passing, and will soon be for- ever gone. And when you die, of what value •wnll all things else be, compared with piety ? This is the " one thing needful," which we are first to seek, and to attain which we must be willing to sacrifice every thing else. God is our Father ; we are indebted to him for every blessing we receive. It is our conse- quent duty to love him, with the whole heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, and to do all that we can to please him. Instead of this, we have all neglected God, and been very ungrate- ful for his kindness. God has declared that sin THE SAVIOR. 189 shall not pass unpunished ; we must, therefore, be punished by banishment from heaven for our sins, unless God can devise some way by which he can save us, and yet keep his word : such a way God has devised. " God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came '' to seek and to save the lost :" * he was w^ounded for our transgressions^ and bruised for our iniquities," and has borne our sins in his body on the tree ;" " he hath re- deemed us to God by his blood," and now the way is made plain for our salvation. If we re- pent of sin, trust in this Savior, and make it our great endeavor, hereafter, to abstain from sin, and to please God in all we say, and think, and do, God will forgive us for Christ's sake. This is the gospel plan of salvation ; this is the mean- ing of the passage — " Other foundation can no man lay than is laid, which is Jesus Christ." Do you ask what is meant by forgiving us for Jesus Christ's sake? Perhaps, in addition to what has already been said, I can explain the subject still further by the following illustration : A lady once sent her daughter Sarah to a boarding-school at some distance from home, where she would be almost entirely among 190 THE CHILD AT HOME. strann;ei^. In the town to which Sarah was goinir, there was a lady residing, who had for many years been an ardent friend of her mother : they had loved each other from child- hood. Sarah's mother wrote the following let- ter to this lady, and gave it to Sarah to hand her when she should arrive at that town : — THE I.ETTFR. '' My DcarFricnd, " This letter ^vill infro:1nco to yon my littlo daughter Sarah, t^ho is to pass a few niontlis THE SAVIOR. 191 attending school in your neighborhood. I feel much solicitude respecting her, for she is quite young to go so far from home. I know that you will, my dear friend, /or my sake, feel in- terested in the welfare of my darling daughter. Any kindness you can show her, I shall con- sider an additional evidence of your love for me." As soon as the lady read this letter, she took Sarah in her arms, and kissed her, saying, " My dear child, I love your mother so much, that * for her sake I must love you ;" and during all the time that Sarah remained in the place, she treated her with the utmost kindness and atten- tion. There were many other children in that school, as far from home as Sarah was, and many, perhaps, in mind and manners more in- teresting than Sarah was ; but Sarah's mother was the very dear friend of this lady, and for her mother s sake she did all she could to pro- mote her happiness. Sarah must therefore have/e/^, that it was not in consequence of any merits of her own, that she was treated with such favor, but in consequence of her mother s merits. Now, this is the way in which God's favor is secured for the repenting sinner. We have all 192 THE CHILD AT HOME. sinned against God, and incurred his displeas- ure. We have no merits of our own. Christ, the beloved Son of God, has come to this world, and, by many years of sorrow and of suffering, and finally by dying on the cross, has made atonement for our sins. God was so unwilling to see us, unworthy as we are, perish in our sins, that he provided for us this Savior. " God so loved the world that he gave his only-begot- ten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'' And • now, if we repent of all our sins, and pray that God will, for Christ's sake, forgive us, we are assured that our sins shall all be forgiven. We are forgiven for Christ's sake. God receives us to heaven not in consequence of our own merits, but in consequence of the merits of Christ. It is thus, as the Bible expresses it, that God " magnifies his law, and makes it honorable," and yet saves those who have broken it. This is the plan which God, in infinite wis- dom and love, has adopted for the salvation of a lost world. He saw this plan to be the best that could be adopted, and the fact is mentioned in the Bible as one of the most extraordinary that has ever occurred in the whole govern- ment of God, that he should have manifested so THE SAVIOR. 193 much affection for rebels against him, as to have secured their salvation at such a sacrifice. It is this story of redeeming love, which is the great power of God unto salvation. This it is that Paul meant, when he said, " I am deter- mined to know nothing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified." It is this story of God's love in giving his Son to suffer, and to die for us, which, more than all things else, softens the stubborn heart, and brings us back in contrition and gratitude to God. The poor Greenlander, wrap- ped in furs, and shivering with cold in his ice hut, as he has heard this af- fecting story from the lips of mission- aries has felt all the fountains of contrition and grat- itude moving with- in him, and with an overflowing heart has cried out, ''O God be merciful to me a sinner.'' This it is which has led Tahiti and Hawai to throw away their idols, and which has adorned THE GREEXLANDEPw. 104 TIIK CHILD AT HOMn. those tropical islands with Christian villages and praying taniilies ; and even the wild Indian hunter, in the £:looniv ravines of the Rocky Mountains, turns aside from the pursuit of the butValo and the bear, to listen to this wonderful story of a Savior's love; and, as he hstens, he weeps, and his heart melts, and he becomes a man of peace and prayer, lie gives up his wandering life, and settles in a iiumble home, cultivating his garden and jiis field : he leads his little children to school, and commends them in morning and evening prayer to God. It is the doctrine of the cross of Christ — Christ and him crucified, — which is now fast sending piety and peace unto all the habitations of cruelty. And can you, my young reader, harden your heart against this afiecting story ? When God, your heavenly Father, has so loved you, that he gave his Son to die to redeem you, can you withhold your heart from him? When Jesus Christ left the glory that he had with the Father before the world was, the joys o{ heaven, and the adoration of angels, and came to this world to sutler and to die the cruel death of the cross, that he might atone for your sins and prepare the way for your entrance into heaven, can you be ungrateful to him ? The daughters of the poor heathen are turning to him. The children THE SAVIOR. 195 born in the forest, wild as the wolf or the bear, are becoming the gentle disciples of the Savior. colored girls of India, and of Africa, who have never heard a father's prayers, and have never been taught by a pious mother to love the Lord have heard from the missionaries what God hai done to save them ; and they are giving theii hearts to the Savior. And can you be willing to remain ungrateful to this- Savior, to whom the heathen children of Asia, and Africa, and the islands of the sea, are giving their heart:^ and devoting their lives ? When the day of judgment comes, you wifi see many of them on the right hand of God, in peace and happiness. The Savior will look upon them with love ; the angels of God will gather around them, and welcome them to heaven. The golden gates of the celestial city will be thrown open, and, as the Savior says to them, '•' Come, ye blessed of my Father,'' they will enter that happy world with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads. And can you be willinor to be found in the left-hand throno; • to have the Savior frown upon you as having rejected his love ; to have all the good angels avoid you, as an ungrateful sinner against their Father, and then to hear the awful doom — " De- 196 THE CHILD AT HOME. part, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels ?" And should this be your final doom, as you depart into the gloom of the world of woe, how bitterly will you reflect upon your mis- spent life ! " I have had the Bible,'*' you would say, " and the Sabbath, and Christian books ; I have been taught to pray, and have been en- treated by pious friends, and Sabbath-school teachers, and faithful preachers of the gospel, to obey the Savior, and prepare for the day of judgment ; but I neglected all their entreaties ; and now I am lost forever/' As I write these lines, feeling deeply their truth, as I look forward to the day of judgment, and think that your condition and feelings may be, then, such as I have now described, I know not how, with sufficient earnestness, to entreat you to make immediate preparation to meet your God. It was in view of this anguish of your spirit — anguish which in the world of woe can never cease — that our blessed Savior's sympa- thies were so deeply moved that he not only was willing to send his Spirit to strive with you, but even left himself the joys of heaven, and suflTered and died, that he might save your soul. Think not, then, that any importunity can be too earnest ; think not that any one can feel THE SAVIOR. 19"/ too deeply upon this all-important subject. Compared with the salvation of the soul, every thing else dwindles into insignificance. And God has promised you, if you will sm- cerely ask it, the assistance of his Holy Spirit to enable you to triumph over all your sins. In temptation, the Spirit, if sought for, will come to your aid. In the hour of weakness, the Holy Spirit will make you strong. When in doubt and perplexity respecting duty, wisdom from on high will be given in answer to your prayers, to make the path of duty plain. And now, are you not ready and willing to consecrate your heart to the Savior ? Can you not deliberately, prayerfully, and forever make the surrender of your heart to him, resolving, every day, as long as you live, to abstain from every thing you think to be wrong, and to do every thing your conscience tells you to be right ? If so, enter solemnly into the following covenant, after having offered sincerely and fer- vently the prayer : " Lord God, my Heavenly Father ! Thou hast made me, and I am indebted to thee for every blessing of my life. I ought always to have loved thee, and to have obeyed thee. But, instead of this, I have been very ungrateful for 198 THE CHILD AT HOME. all thy goodness, and have often done that which I knew to be wrong. I have no claim upon thy mercy ; but thou hast been so kind, notwithstanding my ingratitude and sin, as to give thy Son to die to save me. And I now, relying upon the merits of Jesus Christ my Sa- vior, pray that thou w^ilt, for his sake, forgive my sins. I will endeavor, O God, with thy as- sistance, hereafter to live a holy life. Wilt thou now enable me to make the entire consecration of my heart to thee, and ever to keep the cove- nant vows I now make.'' COVENANT. " Heavenly Father ! I do now solemnly promise, and call all the angels in heaven to witness and record my promise, that I will en- deavor ever hereafter to do every thing I think will be pleasing in thy sight. I will strive to abstain from every thing which my conscience, as enlightened by thy Word, tells me to be wrong. Here, Lord, I promise that I \vill try constantly to have all my thoughts holy, my conversation pure, my actions right. I do here make the most entire and solemn consecration of myself, my mind, my heart, my all to thee. Conscious of my entire dependence upon the THE SAVIOR. 199 Holy Spirit to enable me to keep my resolu- tions, and yet convinced that divine assistance will be afforded me according to my wants, I make this my solemn and irrevocable vow. I do it deliberately, understandingly, and with the full conviction that its violation will render me utterly inexcusable in the great day of trial. O, blessed Savior, come to the aid of thy frail and sinful child. Holj^ Holy Spirit, make my heart thy temple ; sanctify me wholly ; present me faultless before God's throne. Father in heaven, wilt thou condescend to hear these my solemn vows, and help me, for Jesus Christ's sake, to keep them forever.'' Now, are you willing to enter into such a covenant with your Maker ? Can you read the preceding prayer, and offer it to God as your own, and then copy off the covenant, add- ing to it such thoughts as may occur to you as appropriate, sign your name to it, and thus commence a new life of entire devotedness to God ? This is the way to commence a Christian life. This is the change in character to w^hich the Bible alludes when it says of the Christian, " Old things have passed away, and all things have become new." This is the meaning of 200 THE CHILD AT HOME. our Savior's declaration, " Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he can not be nriy disciple/' This is the ''strait gate and the narrow way which leads to everlasting life," and it is indeed true " that few there be that find it." Are you willing to enter in at the strait gate ? This is the point of separation between the regenerate and the unregenerate. This is the test by which we are to try our hearts and ascertain whether they are yet changed into the image of Christ, or are still unrenewed. It is this act of self-surrender, sincerely formed and perseveringly kept, wWch constitutes one a Christian. If you will go to God, and thus, in contrition and love, devote yourself to him, he will be in- deed your Father, and he will regard you as his beloved child. If you are not willing to do this, nothing else you can do will be be willing to receive as a substitute. He will look upon you as a rebel against him, refusing, to submit to his authority. While in this state of estrangement from him, nothing you do will be acceptable in his sight ; the frown of his displeasure will fol- low you wherever you go. Here, then, is the question for you to decide ; and upon its decision is suspended your eternal destiny, it is a point of duty so plain and THE SAVIOR. 201 simple that the youngest child can understand it. It is simply saying yes, or no, to the clearly- revealed, well-known will of God. If you say yes, and endure to the end in living according to that declaration, you are a Christian, and all the angels of heaven love you as their sister ; and soon they will welcome you with the warmest acclamations to their happy, celestial home. If you say no, be it ever so faintly, so silently, — nay, more, if fearing to say no, you say nothing, and simply decline saying yes, — the decision is recorded in the book of God against you. There is written in the book of judgment opposite to your name. This child refuses to submit to God. It is by no means improbable that many who read this chapter, will, at its close, come to a decision in favor or against the service of God, which will be final. The emotions you are now cherishing are perhaps those which are to decide your destiny. The struggle with which your bosom is probably agitated while reading these lines, will soon subside into the peace and the joy of entire submission to God, or into aw- ful insensibility and spiritual death. Indeed this may be, in the providence of God, the last warning which will ever be addressed to you ; the path of duty being made plain — the alter 202 THE CHILD AT HOME. native of accepting or rejecting the Savior be- ing fairly presented — your present choice may be the one which God will regard as final, and he may soon take you to the eternal world to abide the consequences. Many children who read this book will die before another year shall pass away ; and why may not you, who are now reading it, be one of those who will not live another year ? You must therefore decide the question of consecra- ting your heart to God, in view of an early ap- pearance at his bar. You may be called, with- in a few weeks, to answer to him for the choice you now make. Nothing can be more solemn and awful than the thought, that should you de- cline now giving your heart to the Savior, you may, within a few weeks, be in your grave, and your soul reaping the recompense of reward in an unchanging eternity of sorrow. On the other hand, no thought can be more animating and delightful, than that you may now, if you have not done it before, secure your salvation. The Lord is waiting to be gracious ; the Savior is ready to welcome you. If you now, like Joshua of old, resolve, " as for me, I will serve the Lord," and if this decision is made under a sense of your dependence upon the Holy Spirit, then is your salvation THE SAVIOR. 203 secured ; then, let death come when it may, it will be a welcome messenger to introduce you to joys such as your heart never has conceived. Whatever may be the vicissitudes of your earthly lot, the Lord will lead you safely through every scene of life, and finally welcome you with his parental blessing, to that w^orld where there shall be no more painful struggle against temptation and sin. Let me, then, entreat you, as you value youi everlasting happiness, to read again the prece- ding prayer and covenant, and inquire of your self, if you can sincerely offer that prayer and adopt that covenant. Reflect deeply upon it ; count the cost ; reflect upon the reward of obe- dience, the penalty of disobedience ; then go to your chamber, fall upon your knees before God, and in the most fervent prayer your lips can utter, implore his forgiveness for the past, and his aid for the future. Then, with pen and pa- per, copy the covenant, wdth such additions as you may choose to make, sign your name to it, and upon your knees offer it most solemnly to God; as your final and inviolable vow. And, each succeeding day, read the covenant over, with many prayers that you may be reminded of your vows, and quickened to duty. This is the way to commence a Christian 204 THE CHILD AT HOME. life. It is, however, but the commencement. It is a good and happy beginning, and, if you persevere in this course, it will lead to a most glorious ending. But you must not forget that the declaration of the Bible is, " He that endu- reth to the end, the same shall be saved." Per- severance must be your motto. He only is the true saint w^ho perseveres. Perfect holiness must be the great object of our desires. Like Paul, you must not feel that you have already attained all that is necessary ; but, " forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, you must press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." CHAPTER VIII. EVERY-DAY DUTY. It is very frequently the case that a young person becomes much interested in religion, and, for a time, is faithful in prayer, and con- scientious in the discharge of every known duty. Thus he continues for a few months manifesting the gentleness, the amability, and the tenderness of conscience of the young Christian. He is so affectionate and obedient to the wishes of his parents, so kind and yielding to his brothers and sisters, that home becomes a scene of new and unusual enjoyment. He is so diligent in his studies at school, and so careful to exert a good influence in preserving order and peace, that his teacher is highly grat- ified with the change. His own countenance beams wdth serenity, and at once tells, to all who see him, that he is more happy than he ever was before. After persevering in this new course of life, and enjoying this Kappy frame of mind, for a few months, gradually he neglects '^OG THE CHILD AT HOME. prayer, ceases to watch over his conduct, and, before he is even aware of it himself, becomes sadly insensible to all religious obligations. Such changes are not unfrequent w^ith per- sons of mature age ; but they are so very common with the young, that is not consid- ered prudent to receive young persons to the church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, until they have for a year or two manifested the spirit of a Christian. Christian principle must be enduring. If we w^ould have our sins forgiven, and be received to heaven, we must, as long as we live, try to become more and more holy. We must feel that we have never attained to that perfection of character which God requires, but must, day after day, and year after year, endeavor to acquire more humility, gentleness, and loveliness of character, and to have more intimate communion with God. I wish in this chapter to guide the reader to the every-day duties of the Christian. I wish to show how you should manifest the spirit of Christ, in the midst of all the peculiar tempta- tions, and enjoyments, and trials of childhood. In my school-boy days, if I rightly remember, I thought it would be much easier to lead a Christian life when I became a man. I thought it must be far more difficult to be a consistent EVERY-DAY DUTY. 207 disciple of the Savior, in the midst of all the temptations of youth, and surrounded by play- mates at school, than it would be when I grew up to manhood, and had the character and reso- lution of mature years. But this, though a common feeling, is a very great mistake. The trials and temptations of youth and manhood are different in kind, but not very different in degree. On many accounts, the temptations of mature life are far the most severe. A man has cares and troubles which the young can hardly imagine. His time and his thoughts are greatly occupied by the pressure of his business. He has a family to support, and often is worn down with toil and care. Then, again, his habits are all formed, and are not so easily changed. It is also very difficult for him to break away from the associates with whom he has been familiar for perhaps many years. The young, on the contrary, have hardly any of these obstacles to encounter. Before their habits of feeling and action are formed, they can, with comparative ease, enter the narrow w^ay which leads to life. If you ever intend to become a Christian, now is, by far, the best time. You can more easily commence a Christian life now, than at any other period. And what is it to be a Christian? It is just 208 THE CHILD AT HOME. to do right ; to do right to God, and right to your fellow-creatures. God made you. God gives you all your blessings and enjoyments. God wishes soon to take you from this world, to be forever happy with him in heaven. It is right that you should love God, and do every thing you can to please him. Instead of this, you have been ungrateful for all his favors, and have often done that which you knew to be wrong. It is now right that you should be very penitent for having thus sinned against your best benefactor. Unless you are thus penitent you greatly increase your sin. Every day, every hour of impenitency adds to your guilt, and deepens the displeasure of God. God has given to us his written laws — writ- ten in the Bible, and confirmed by an enlight- ened conscience. He has thus told us what we must do, and what we must not do. These laws are probably, in their spirit, the same with those which are proclaimed throughout all God*s empire. He in infinite wisdom, has seen it to be necessary to attach to the violation of this law the penalty of endless destruction. You have broken this law. We have all done so, and incurred the dreadful penalty. God tells us, in the Bible, that he has devised a plan by which he can save us, and yet uphold the EVERY-DAY DUTY. 209 dignity of his broken law. He has given his Son Jesus Christ to die in our stead, " to be wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities.'' For reasons satisfactory to God, — no matter whether we can understand them or not, — he sees it to be necessary, for the dignity and stability of his moral government, that sin should not pass unpunished. He there- fore gave his Son, to bear the burden of our sins. And now, if we are ever saved, we must not only repent of sin, but we must trust in this Savior, who has died for us. We must cherish the feelings which are necessarily connected with the cordial admission that Christ has borne our sins in his own body on the tree ; the feel- ings of humility and contrition, in view of our own un worthiness ; the feelings of gratitude and of ardent love, which ought to glow in our bosoms, in view of our redemption from eternal punishment, by the voluntary sufferings and death of our Savior Jesus Christ. This is the Bible plan of salvation. Some think that they can appreciate its beauty, its excellency, its necessity ; others think that they can not see why it should be necessary for God to adopt a measure so wonderful. But it is no matter whether we can appreciate the necessity of this arrangement or not. This is the plan o 210 THE CHILD AT HOME. which God has adopted. This is the scheme of salvation taught in the New Testament, and there is salvation in none other. And this plan IS found to be practically so adapted to the wants and the weakness of the human mind, that from generation to generation, among all nations, the most savage as well as the most enlightened, it has afforded solace to the afflicted and support to the dying. You must come to God, therefore, penitent for your sins, and trusting in this Savior. This is what is called the foundation of Christian character ; and it is in reference to this, that it is written in the Bible,. " Other foundation can no man lay than is laid, which is Jesus Christ.'' But the question arises, How are you to man- ifest, in daily life, the spirit of the Christian ? It certainly is not by assuming solemnity of countenance, and discarding the associates and the appropriate joys of childhood. I know not why you may not enjoy a game of ball as well, if you are governed by Christian principle, as you could if you were living without any re- gard to your Maker. Nay, it is certain that sincere piety will give a new relish to all your best enjoyments. There is, in fact, nothing which can con- tribute so much to any one's happiness as heart- EVERY-DAY DUTY. 211 felt religion. It enables one to enjoy the storm and the sunshine. It adds new charms to the summer morning, and new attractions to the winter evening. It matters not whether we are old or young, whether we are rich or poor, whether we are learned or unlearned, — sincere love to God not only enables us more highly to enjoy every thing really valuable, but contrib- utes more than every thing else combined to make us happy. Look into the Christian fam- ily, where the pure spirit of devotion reigns, and where the feelings of all are controlled by a constant desire to please God. You can not find, in all the ranks of the gay and the worldly, so happy a home. Have you, my reader, ever at any time en- deavored to serve God ? Have you ever, for a season, had the feeling that your sins were for- given, and that God was looking upon you with parental kindness ? Did not the thought make you happy ? Were you not more happy thei? than ever before ? And if you have now lost those feelings, are you not now almost con- stantly oppressed with uneasiness and dissatis- faction ? Can you now enjoy your daily sports with as much heartfelt satisfaction as you could then ? Do you go to bed at night, or awake in the morning, with as contented and joyful a 212 THE CHILD AT HOME. heart ? No ! It is impossible. And I am con- fident that your friends will say that even your countenance shows that you are less happy than you then were. If now any child wishes to live a daily life of humble and consistent piety, I would recom- mend to him to pursue some such course as the following. When you awake in the morning, before you leave your chamber, you sincerely thank God for his kind care of you during the night, and pray that he will protect you from danger, and temptation, and sin during the day. Kneeling at your bedside, you offer some such prayer as the following : ** O God, my Heavenly Father, I thank thee that thou hast preserved my life through an- other night, and that I again see the light of the morning. I shall be exposed to many tempta- tions this day ; and I beseech thee to enable me to abstain from every sin, and to cherish those feelings, and to manifest that spirit, which will be pleasing to thee. " May I make my parents happy by con- stantly doing that which will please them. May I, by a kind and obliging disposition, contribute to the enjoyment of my brothers and sisters. EVERY-DAY DUTY. 213 And especiall}% O God, I pray that thou wilt enable me to improve my time at school ; that my precious privileges may not be w^asted ; that I may make rapid improvement in my studies, and prepare for a useful life. " Be with me, Heavenly Father, all the day, that I may not think a wicked thought, that I may not speak an improper word, that I may not do a wrong thing. As I look back upon my past life, I see that I have spent many days unmindful of thee. I have thus incurred the penalty thou hast justly threatened against sin- ners. O God, how can I be sufficiently grate- ful that thy son has died to save me ? I desire to trust in him, and I pray that thou wilt, for his sake, forgive me. " Hear, I entreat thee, and answer this my morning prayer. I offer it to thee in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ; and the praise shall ever be given to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen." You now go from your chamber. Is not your heart comparatively at peace ? Does not even your countenance show the serenity of your mind ? As you sit down at the breakfast- table, do you not feel happy, and are you not immediately conscious that your parents, and 214 THE CHILD AT HOME. your brothers and sisters, regard you with un- usual affection ? There is something in this state of mind which not only makes the possessor happy, but almost resistlessly attracts the love of all with whom he associates. The spirit of kindness which reigns in his heart, the desire which he manifests to make all around him happy, se- cures to him, in return, kindness and good-will. During all the forenoon, the influence of your morning prayer continues, giving quietness to your own heart, and promoting the happiness and the peace of the family. Your carefulness to avoid irritation, your willingness to yield your own wishes to gratify the desires of your brothers and sisters, secures to those around you a vast amount of happiness. You join them in all their amusements, and with a grate- ful heart enjoy the pleasures which God thus gives you. The hour for school arrives. It is with you a matter of conscience, of Christian duty, to be at your seat in proper season. As you walk along to school, you offer a silent but earnest prayer to God, that he will enable you to pur- sue your studies with diligence and success. You implore his aid to enable you to resist all E VERY-DAY DUTY. 21b the temptations to which you may be exposed, in the school-room or on the play-ground. The influence of this prayer, even though it be but little more in your mind than the serious thouo^ht of vour need of watchfulness and care, secures your mind from wandering thoughts, and prepares you for close application to study. You can now^ enjoy intellectual effort. The perplexing sum in arithmetic be- comes less puzzling, from the ease with which you apply to it all the undivided energies of your mind. And you even turn over the leaves of vour Latin dictionarv, or vour Greek lexi- con, w^ith pleasurable emotions. The school- room is transformed from a place of irksome restraint to a scene of active enjoyment. Your teacher becomes, at once, one of your most beloved benefactors and friends. Recess comes. You are w^ith the foremost on the play-ground. You have studied with close application, and have now a relish for a few moments of play. A dispute arises be- tween two of the boys. You good-naturedly allay the rising strife, and make peace. A ball is accidentally thrown to a distance, and a little contention is arising as to whose duty it is to go for it. You at once settle the dispute by laughingly running yourself and getting the ball 216 THE CHILD AT HOME. You are playing some game in which sides are chosen, and there is one boy too many. He can not be chosen by either party without making uneven sides. As he stands looking on upon the game, and wishing that he could join in the sport, you, after playing a little while, call out to him to take your place, and let you rest. One of your schoolmates is lame, and unable to join in the sports of the play-ground. He sits alone upon a rock, looking upon the games THE PLAY-GROUND EVERY-DAY DUTY. 21*7 of his more athletic companions, and sighs to think of the calamity, by which he is debarred from such enjoyments. The other boys, care- less and unreflecting, manifest but little sym pathy for his lonely condition. You think of him. You strive to cultivate in your heart feelings of interest in his behalf No matter whether he be an agreeable or a disagreeable boy, you remember your Savior, who was kind even to the unthankful and the evil. While others are playing, you go and sit by him, even though it be a serious sacrifice to you to lose your share in the game. These are the peculiar opportunities God presents to you, that you may manifest the spirit of the Christian. And it is doubtful whether the man, surrounded with all the cares of busy life, has a better opportunity to serve his Maker by making others happy, and by set- ting the example of Christian conduct, than such occasions as these afford to you. You may thus make the school-room and the play- ground promotive of the most precious moral discipline. You may thus be training yourself for a very happy and a very useful life, by cul- tivating those virtues which will cause others to love you, and which will give you influence. You may thus, by your example, be inducing 218 THE CHILD AT HOME. many of your young associates to cherish the feehngs and to exhibit the spirit which the gospel requires. It is a very mistaken notion, often entertained by young persons, that they can not do much good, because there is no active business of re- ligion in which they can engage. In your daily studies ; in your daily sports ; in all your daily intercourse with your associates, you may be effectually serving your Maker, and securing his approbation. The piety of a child is as pleasing in his sight as the piety of a man, and it may be as useful. Some incident of appa- rently a very trifling nature, in the sports of the play-ground, may produce an impression upon an associate's mind, which shall be as lasting as life, and which shall in fact not only decide his character, but shall be the stimulus to the most heroic deeds. Thus you pass the busy hours of the day, at home and at school, watching over yourself, endeavoring to regulate every thought, and word, and action, by God's holy law. Occa- sionally, you are called, for Christ's sake, to en- dure reproach. For instance, a boy treats you with rudeness and insult. He is of a malicious disposition, and seems inclined to quarrel with you. Others accuse you of cowardice, for pa- EVERY-DAY DUTY. 219 tienlly bearing his ill-treatment, and by taunts and jeers endeavor to provoke you to retaliate. It requires great decision of character, great firmness and moral courage, and even strong Christian principle, to overcome such a tempta- tion. Men have their temptations. They are different in kind from those of boys, but I think not greater in degree. It may be as difficult for you to resist such a temptation as this, — that is, it may require as much strength of Christian principle, as to resist any temptation, to which you will afterward be exposed in man- hood. And if you yield to this temptation, it weakens your power of resistance. Whenever any new trial comes, you more easily fall. God allows you to be exposed , to such trials, as a part of your probation, — as discipline for your mental and moral powers. And when you are striving to resist all allurements to sin, to obtain the entire mastery over your passions, you are as much serving God and answering the great end of your being, as you -can be, in any of the apparently more important business of life. The trial which it is necessary for you to encounter in obeying God are by no means small. God does not intend that they shall be small. He knovv^s just how severe they are. And he exposes you to them, because he sees it 220 THE CHILD AT HOME. to be best for the formation of your charactev for eternity, that you should learn to be morallj courageous, and that you should show jou* resolution to serve him, though encountering strong opposition. Thus you must learn in youth to dare to do your duty. You must learn not to be afraid of the ridicule of the wicked. You must learn, calmly, quietly, and good- humoredly, to do that w^hich is right, and to re- fuse to do that which is wrong, whatever others may say. And if you do not learn this in youth, you probably never will learn it. You will be a fickle, inconstant man, unworthy of confidence or respect. There is hardly any courage of more difficult attainment, than that which enables one to dare 'to do right. And there is certainly no quality of mind more indispensable to a useful and happy life. It is the want of this moral courage which leads so many persons to the ruin of in- temperance, and to death by duelling. A young man is invited by his companions to join them in some plan of pleasure which his conscience condemns. He knows that it is wrong to consent. But he dares not decline. He is invited again. He fears that he will be ridiculed if he refuses. He is urged a third time ; and again he complies, because he has EVERY-DAY DUTY. 221 not the courage to refuse. Thus he becomes the slave of other persons. He fears to do what he thinks to be right, and from the apprehen- sion of ridicule, becomes the servant of anoth- er's will to do his bidding. Is it not ignoble and disgraceful to yield to such cowardice ? One who acts thus, as he goes on through life, has his character formed by others. He has not strength of mind to break away from dissi- pated associates. He has no resolution to re- sist the temptations with which they beset him, till at last he lies down in an early grave. I have seen many a youth, of the fairest promise, thus ruined forever, for want of that moral courage which dares to do right. I could give you the history of not a few, who, when boys, were most amiable in disposition, and of active minds, who might now have been among the most influential of the community, but who, from want of this decision of character, yielded to one temptation after another, till they went down in disgrace and sorrow to the grave. See this man, challenged by some unprinci- pled wretch to fight a duel. He is a husband and a father. His wife and his children are at home. They are dependent upon him for sup- port, for almost every earthly joy. He is bound by the most solemn obligations to take care of 222 THE CHILD AT HOME. them, and not to leave them, deprived of his support. He receives from some worthless enemy of holiness and of happiness, a challenge to fight a duel. He sits in his chamber, with his pen in hand, meditating respecting tlie answer which he shall return. He thinks, " What would mv poor wife, what would my dear children say, if they knew what I am contemplating ? If I am killed, my wife has no earthly protector ! How can she alone support the children ? How wretched must they be, when the tidings reach them that I am dead — killed in a duel ! Have I any right thus to expose them to all this wretchedness ? How many days of sorrow, and nights of weeping, must my family endure if I am thus taken from them ! " And how can I answer to God for appearing thus unbidden in his presence ? for thus aban- doning the most sacred duties of life, and leav- ing my helpless family to the inheritance of years of sorrow ?" Then again, he thinks, " If I decline this challenge, I shall be called a coward. Many will ridicule me." He is afraid to do right, lest he should encounter the scofls of the dissolute. If he had more moral courage, he would tri- umph over such fears But from early boy- EVERY-DAY DUTY. 223 hood he has been acting according to the opin- ions of others, not his own. And now he is the slave of the worthless — so entirely their slave, that his character, his life, and the happiness of his family, are entirely in their hands. Instead of exercising manly fearlessness and decision, and determining to do what his conscience tells him to be right, though the whole world should join in the chorus of ridicule, with a mean and coward- ly spirit, he surren- ders himself to the circumstances in w^hich he finds him- self entangled. He accepts the challenge. He is soon found upon the field, with the instrument of death in his hand. A ball enters his body from his opponent's gun, and he falls dead upon the ground. There he lies, the victim of moral cowardice. He was afraid to do that which he knew to be right. He had not sufficient strength of principle and boldness of heart to brave the reproach of those THE DUEL. 224 THE CHILD AT HOME. who are totally unworthy of regard. His wife is a widow. Her heart is broken with anguish. Years of lamentation are her lot. His children are fatherless. The guide of their youth is ta- ken from them, and they are left to encounter the temptations of life, and to struggle against its hardships with no father to guide and help them. Many have thus perished, for want of acquir- ing this moral courage in boyhood. They have yielded, in the school-room and on the play- ground, to the importunities of those who would entice them to do wrong. Every time they yield, weakens their power of future re- sistance ; and thus they grow up with no de- cision of character, ever ready to fall before the least breath of temptation. You should ever remember this, when soli- cited to do that which your conscience disap- proves. By yielding to the temptation thus presented, you not only commit a great sin at the time, but you expose yourselves to future consequences of the most terrible nature. You prepare the way for a rapid descent to ruin. You begin to slide down the hill, and it will be very Hard to stop. Reflect, then, whenever tenipted to the least wrong-doing, that consequences of the most EVEKY-DAY DUTY. 225 momentous importance may be suspended on your decision. Every triumph over tempta- tion enables you to triumph the next time more easily. Your resolution is fortified, your char- acter is matured by the trial. One victory of this kind in boyhood, may give you a strength and firmness of purpose, which shall be an in- valuable blessing to you through your whole life, and indeed through your whole immortal existence. These are the ways in which you are to man- ifest the character of a Christian. This is the discipline by which God is training you for the society of angels, and for brighter worlds above. Every day you will have your trials, many, and perhaps severe ones. If you meet them with a right spirit, and, by looking to God for help, triumph over them, they will prove your rich- est blessings. If, on the contrary, you yield, and fall before them, day after day, you will be growing more weak in mind and heart, till you are lost, not only to usefulness and happiness in this life, but also in that to come. As you pass along through the hours of the day, then, be careful to act continually under the influence of Christian principle, in all that you do. And when the day is over, and you lie in darkness and silence upon your bed, re- 226 THE CHILD AT HOME. fleeting upon the scenes of the day, endeavor- ing to recall each thought, and word, and deed, you will take great pleasure in the retrospection. You will, however, probably, every night, find very much for which you nnust implore the di- vine forgiveness. In your self-examination you ask yourself such questions as the following : — . 1. " Was I faithful and sincere in my prayers this morning ? 2. '* Have I been all the day affectionate and obedient to my father and my mother ? 3. ** Have I done all that I could, by being kind and obliging, to make my brothers and sisters happy, and to make every thing in the family peaceful and pleasant ? 4. " Have I improved my time at school to the utmost of my power, in studying with dili- gence, and in trying to promote quietness and good order ? 5. '' Have I resisted all the risings of passion avoiding every feeling of irritation or of anger of envy or vanity ? 6. '' Have I been conscientious in doing every thing that I thought to be right, and in avoiding every thing that my conscience told me to be wrong ? 7 ** Has it been my prevailing desire this day # EVERY-DAY DUTY. 227 to please my Maker ? Has this been the motive which I have regarded as more important than all others ?" Even if you were able, at the close of every day, to answer all these questions in the affirma- tive, you would then be entitled to no special credit; for you would only have done what you ought to have done. You would merely have done that which it would have been utterly in- excusable for you to have neglected. And yet the thought that you have been in some meas- ure faithful in duty, will give you great peace and satisfaction. As you now look back upon your past life, at the close of how many days do you suppose you could have returned an affirmative answer to the above questions ? Has there ever been a single day, during your life, at the close of which you could say, I have this day committed no wrong, and done all my duty ? If there has not been one such day, how great a sinner are you in God's sight ! Ought you not deeply to feel your sin ? Ought you not earnestly to pray for forgiveness ? And ought you not to feel very grateful to that Savior who has died to atone for your sins, who has borne the penalty of them in his own body on the tree ? 228 THE CHILD AT HOME. You will thus feel every night, if you are faithful in self-examination. Instead of being puffed up with spiritual pride, in view of your own fancied righteousness ; instead of offering the prayer of the Pharisee, '' O God, I thank thee that I am not as others are,'' you will be humble and penitent, and your evening prayer will be, " O God, be merciful to me a sinner.'' Suppose after this self-examination, and be- fore falling to sleep, you offer such a prayer as the following : "Heavenly Father, I thank thee that thou hast preserved my life another day, and that, surrounded with so many comforts, I lie down to sleep this night. My sins, this day, have been many. In thought, in word, and in deed, I have done much that is wrong. Thine eye has been upon me all the day. Thou hast seen how I have employed each hour, and hast known every thought of my heart. For all the sup- port thou hast this day afforded me in resisting temptation, I w^ould offer to thee my gratitude and for the sake of the Savior, who hath died for sinners such as I am, I entreat thee to for- give all my offenses. I thank thee, O God, that thou hast provided a way, by which, though a sinner, I may be saved from my sins. May I EVERY-DAY DUTY. 229 be duly penitent, and nfiore carefully try to do all thy will. " Wilt thou now take care of me this night. And when I awake in the morning, wilt thou prepare me to live a more holy life another day. Be with me, my Father and my Friend, as long as I shall live, and when thou dost remove me from the world, O, take me to dwell with thee forever; and thine shall be the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen." These emotions are soothing to the soul. If they are the sincere and deeply-seated feelings of your heart, they will afford you tranquillity and joy. Let others say that religion causes melancholy ; you will find that your religion is the source of your purest joys. Every year i^ will diminish your exposure to sorrow, by giv ing you a more perfect triumph over all trouble some passions, and rendering you less liable tc fall before temptation. As you pass through the scenes of youth, and enter upon the toili and cares of manhood, you will be fortified, by established principles, for all the scenes through which you may be called to pass. And when, in old age, should your life be spared so long, you lie down upon your bed to die, you will look foward to eternity, with a calm and peace- 230 THE CHILD AT HOME. ful spirit, which will be of more value to you than countless worlds. This is religion. A transient feeling of peni- tence is not piety. A few days or weeks of watchfulness and prayer do not constitute the Christian life. '' He that endureth to the end shall be saved/' says God. If you would be the friend of God, you must decide to be his forever. You must resolve, and persevere in your resolution, to live in watchfulness, and penitence, and prayer, till God shall remove you to another world. This is the way to be saved. This is the narrow path which leads to life. How true is the assertion of the Bible, as ex- pressed by the poet ! — " Broad is the road that leads to death, And thousands walk together there ; While Wisdom shows a narrow path, With here and there a traveler." And can you entertain any doubt whether this be the happiest mode of life ? God loves to see his children happy ; and probably the reason why he has, in his Word, so earnestly enforced the necessity of living in this way is, that he sees that this, and this only, can pro- mote your best enjoyment. These are those ways of wisdom which are declared to be pleas- EVERY-DAY DUTY. 231 antness, and those paths which we are assured are peace. Can I appeal to the experience of any read- er ? Have you not invariably found that w^hen you most earnestly endeavored to serve God, l)y a prayerful and conscientious hfe, that you were the most happy ? And is it not the testi- mony of good men in all ages of the world, that they have found the service of God a delight ? that in his service they have experienced joys which they never could find while neglecting him ? It is strange that any persons can think that any one can be a Christian, can be in any way pleasing God, who does not live as I have above described. But it can not be denied that there are many persons who seem to think that a life of prayer and watchfulness over one's heart, is not necessary to prepare for heaven. Such persons invariably have no rehsh for spiritual duties. They take no pleasure in prayer, or in any heartfelt communion with God. Almost entirely neglecting their Maker themseh^es, and merely falling in with the general arrangements of society around them, as to moral conduct and external acts of worship, they strive to quiet conscience, by adopting the principle, that 232 THE CHILD AT HOME. prayer, and penitence, and faith in Christ are not essential to salvation. It is very strange that any one with the Bible in hand — I ought rather to say within his reach, for such persons are seldom seen reading the Bible — can venture to express such an opinion as this, even though there be the strong motive of excusing one's self for the neglect of duty, and quieting the compunctions of conscience. Indeed it would seem that the common sense of any one must show that God ought to be loved, — that he ought to be the object of the warmest affections of the heart ; and that we all ought to be doing every thing in our power to make others happy, and to be growing holy ourselves. The person who adopts not this mode of life, whether he be a man or a boy, is an im- penitent sinner in the sight of God. He is en- tirely unprepared to appear before the judg- ment-seat of Christ. And if he is deceiving himself with the expectation that God will over- look his sins, and receive him from his prayer- less life on earth, to happiness in heaven, he will soon find his dreadful error. There are those, God tells us, who will exclaim, " The har- vest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." EVERY-DAY DUTY. 233 Do not, then, allow yourself to be deceived and betrayed by such opinions. Do not imitate the example of a prayerless and irreligious world. Do not follow the thronging crowds which press along the broad way which leads to ruin. Do not imagine that there is any way by which you can be saved, but by repentance for sin, and faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have said that there are many who seem to think that they are Christians, while living in the almost entire neglect of their Maker. And still I am inclined to think, that there are very few in Christian lands who really do think so. There is almost always a feverish excitability about such persons, whenever they speak upon the subject of religion, which shows that they are ill at ease. And though they may make very confident assertions, and do all in their power to beguile others into the same sentiments, they seldom in life manifest the composure of settled faith, or in death exemplify the assurance of the undoubting Christian. Do not allow your immortal hopes to be wrecked upon this shallow rock. It is indeed so shallow, that it ought not to deceive any in- telligent mind. Love your Maker — cherish for him, by meditation and daily secret prayer, the 234 THE CHILD AT HOME. most sincere and ardent affection. Be grateful to your Savior. Be not ashamed to own his name ; to avow, before friend and foe, that you wish to be his disciple. Daily examine your own heart and conduct, that you may be peni- tent for sin, and know the peculiar temptations by which you are most endangered. Pray to God for daily assistance to overcome tempta- tion. And endeavor in every w^ay, as long as you live, to cultivate every virtue, and to do all the good in your power, by making others better and happier. Let these be the unchang- ing principles by which you will govern your life. Then you will have a reason for the hope that is within you. Your anticipation of heav- en will be founded upon a reasonable support, worthy the reliance of a rational mind. And if others are disposed to trust themselves in the " broad way," thinking it will lead them to heaven, pity them, and pray for them, and do all you can to convince them of their error, but do not, O, do not follow them. I have seen many of these infatuated men on the bed of dangerous sickness, and in the hour of death. I have heard their unavailing lamen- tations over a misspent life, and witnessed the anguish with which they contemplated their ap- pearance before God^s bar in judgment. It is EVERY-DAY DUTY. 235 true that such persons often die in great insen- sibib'ty; the thoughtlessness and unconcern which have attended them through Hfe reign, in undiminished power, in the hour of death. But not unfrequently they die in the extremest depths of horror and despair. The spirit suffers more than the body, in the hour of departure. The gloom of the world of woe seems to come up and settle around the dying bed. If you would die the death of the righteous, you must live the life of the righteous. If you would be acknowledged by the Savior before our Father who is in heaven, you must be ready to acknowledge and serve him here on earth. Even though surrounded by temptations, like those which beset Daniel in the court of^Bel- shazzar, or threatened with a terrible death, as he was, in the den of lions, you must, like him, faithfully and perseveringly worship and serve God. Then you may have his tranquil spirit, and death can have for you no terrors. But you are not to imagine that, if you are a Christian, you will therefore, in this life, be al- ways happy. Man is born to sorrow. This is a world of trial. No one enters it without ex- periencing sorrow. Whether you are a Chris- tian or not, you must endure sickness and pain. Your dearest friends must die. You can hardly 236 THE CHILD AT HOME. escape many hours of anxiety, and may, from mental or physical causes, occasionally suffer from depression of spirits. But if you are sincerely a Christian, there are very many sorrows to which others are ex- posed, from which you are shielded. The sor- rows of unrestrained passions you, in a great degree, escape. God preserves you, by your Christian principles, from falling into the woes of dissipation, into which those who are not Christians are ever in the greatest danger of falHng. You have a far more calm and tran- quil spirit than you could have without the sup- ports and consolations of piety. And, above all, when sorrow does come ; when, by a re- verse of fortune, property flies away ; or when sickness enters your dwelling, and your friends die ; or when you are called upon to lie upon a dying bed — you have sources of comfort and of joy which the irreligious man can never know. It is in the world to come that you are to reap the full enjoyment of serving God. There, in brighter spheres, among the suns and sys- terns with which God has strewed infinity, with a perfectly holy heart, with angels for your associates, and with God's glory all EVERY-DAY DUTY. 237 around, you will rejoice in unbounded and eter- nal joy. But here is your state of trial and discipline. You. can find no path through life in which you will not meet many sorrows. Be prepared, then, for these troubles. Know that they are your necessary lot. Try to make them the means of your spiritual improvement. Then you may learn the meaning of the poet — " Heaven's favors here are trials, not rewards, A call to duty, not release from care." Afflictions fall upon all — the penitent and the impenitent, the sinner and the saint. But while those who are regardless of God are growing harder in heart and more wicked under their trials, and while they have no consolation to support them in adversity, the disciples of the Savior are deriving the most precious advan- tages from all their sorrows ; their hearts are growing better by the discipline, and they are fast preparing for endless joy in heaven. With whom, my young reader, will you cast your lot? You find many motives urging you to be a Christian. The Spirit of God, with its still, small voice, probably often strives with you to lead you back to your heavenly Father's 238 THE CHILD AT HOME. service. A faithful conscience often tells you your duty. The voice of the gospel preacher, the instructions of the Sabbath-school, the sa- cred silence of God's holy day, the mournful tones of the funeral bell, often remind you of the w^orld to which you are going, and solicit you to prepare for its awful scenes. These are the means which God is ever using to lead you to him. On the other hand, there are many tempta- tions, seducing you to postpone repentance and neglect God. The natural hear': feels a strong repugnance to the duties of self-examination and persevering, secret prayer. Thoughtless associates stand in the way of the surrender of your hearts and lives to God. You fear singu- larity. You are apprehensive of ridicule. In- dolence suggests to you to remain contentedly as you are, without engaging in the struggle against sin. Thus you, very probably; halt between two opinions. Like the Israelites of old, you hesi- *tate in choosing whom you will serve. How immense are the consequences depending upon the decision! — no less than eternal holiness and happiness, or endless sin and misery. The Bi- ble declares that good angels and lost spirits watch the progress of the struggle, which is. EVERY-DAY DUTY. 239 perhaps, now agitating your mind. The devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour ; and there is joy in the pres- ence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. Choose the Lord for your portion ; conse- crate your all to his service, and you will be in- deed happy. You will have consolation in life's troubles, support in the hour of death, and eternal happiness in heaven. CHAPTER IX. INDUSTRY. Many young persons seem to think it is not of much consequence if they do not improve their time well when in youth, for they can make it up by diligence when they are older. They think it is disgraceful for men and women to be idle, but that there can be no harm for persons who are young to spend their time in any manner they please. George Jones thought so. He was twelve years old. He went to an academy to prepare to enter college. His father was at great ex- pense in obtaining books for him, clothing him, and paying his tuition. But George was idle. The preceptor of the academy would often tell him that if he did not study diligently when young, he would never succeed well. But George thought of nothing but present pleasure. Often would he go to school without having made any preparation for his morning lesson ; and when called to recite with his class, he INDUSTRY. 241 would stammer, and hesitate, and make such blunders, that the rest of his class could not help laughing at him. He was one of the poor- est scholars in school, because he was one of the most idle. When the recess came, and all the boys ran out of the academy, upon the play-ground, idle George would come moping along in a very slow and idle manner. Instead of studying dil- igently while in school, he was indolent and usually half asleep. And then when the proper time for play came, he had no relish for it. I recollect very well that, when tossing up for a game of ball, we used to choose every body on the play-ground before we chose George. And if there were enough to play without him, we used to leave him out. Thus was he un- happy in school and out of school. There is nothing which makes a person enjoy play so well as to study hard. When recess was over, and the rest of the boys returned fresh and vig« orous to their studies, George might be seen lagging and moping along to his seat. Some- times he would be asleep in school, sometimes he would pass his time in catching flies and penning them up in little holes, which he cut in his seat. And sometimes, when the preceptor's a :242 THE CHILD AT HOME. back was turned, he would throw a paper ball across the room. When the class was called up to recite, George would come drowsily along, looking ashamed of himself, as though he were going to be punished. The rest of the class stepped up to the recitation with alacrity, and appeared happy and contented. When it came George's turn to recite, he would be so long, and make such blunders, that all most heartily wished him out of the class. At last George went with his class to enter college. Though he passed a very poor exam- ination, he was admitted with the rest, for those who examined him thought it w^as possible that the reason why he did not answer the questions better was that he was frightened. Now came hard times for poor George. In college there is not much mercy shown to bad scholars ; and George had neglected his studies so long that he could not now keep up with his class, let him try ever so hard. He could without much difficulty get along in the academy, where there were only two or three boys of his own class to laugh at him. But now he had to go into a large recitation- room, filled with students from all parts of the country. In the presence of all these he musl INDUSTRY. 243 rise and recite to the professor. Poor fellow ! He paid dear for his idleness. You would have pitied him, if you could have seen him trembling in his seat, every moment expecting to be called upon to recite. And when he was called upon, he could not recite at all. Some- times he would make such ludicrous blunders, that the whole class w^ould burst into a laugh. Such are the applauses idleness gets. He was wretched, of course. He had been idle so long, that he hardly knew how to apply his mind to study. All the good scholars avoided him ; they were ashamed to be seen in his company. He became discouraged, and gradually grew dissipated. The government of the college soon were compelled to suspend him. He returned in a few months, but did no better; and his father was then advised to take him away from col- lege. He left college, despised by every one. A few months ago I met him in New York, a poor wanderer, without money or friends. Such are the w^ages of idleness. I hope every reader will, from this history, take warning, and *' stamp improvement on the wings of time." This story of George Jones, which is a true one, shows how sinful and ruinous it is to be idle. Every child who would do his duty, must 244 THE CHILD AT HOME. guard against this sin. But as I have given you one story, which shows the sad effects of indolence, I will now present you with another, more pleasing, which shows the rewards of in- dustry. Charles Bullard was a classmate of George. Charles was about of the same age with George, and did not possess naturally superior talents. Indeed, I doubt whether he was equal to him, in natural powers of mind. But Charles was a hard student. When quite young, he was al- ways careful to be diligent in school. Some- times, when there was a very hard lesson, in- stead of going out in the recess to play, he would stay in to study. He had resolved that his first object should be to get his lesson well, and then he could play with a good conscience. He loved play as well as any body, and was one of the best players on the ground ; I hardly ever saw any boy catch a ball better than he could. When playing any game every one was glad to get Charles on his side. I have said that Charles would sometimes stay in at recess. This, however, was very seldom ; it was only when the lesson was very hard indeed. Generally he was among the first upon the play-ground, and he was also among the first to go into school, when called INDUSTRY. 245 in. Hard study gave him a relish for play, and play again gave him a relish for hard study; so he was happy both in school and out. The preceptor could not help liking him, for he al- ways had his lessons well committed, and never gave his teacher any trouble. When he went to enter college, the precep- tor gave him a good recommendation. He was able to answer all the questions which were put to him when he was examined. He had studied so well when he was in the academy, and was so thoroughly prepared for college, that he found it very easy to keep up with his class, and had much time for reading interesting books. But he would always first get his lesson well, before he did any thing else, and would review it just before recitation. When called upon to recite, he rose tranquil and happy, and very seldom made any mistake. The government of the college had a high opinion of him, and he was respected by all the students. There was in the college a society made up of all of the best scholars. Charles was chosen a member of that society. It was the custom to choose some one of the society to deliver a public address every year. This honor was conferred on Charles ; and he had studied so diligently, and read so much, that he delivered 246 THE CHILD AT HOME. an address, which was very interesting to all who heard it. At last he graduated, as it is called ; that is, he finished his collegiate course, and received his degree. It was known by all that he was a good scholar, and by all he was respected. His father and mother, brothers and sisters, came, commencement day, to hear him speak. They all felt gratified, and loved Charles more than ever. Many situations of usefulness and profit were opened to him, for Charles was now a man, intelligent, and universally re- spected. He is now a useful and a happy man. He has a cheerful home, and is esteemed by all who know him. Such are the rewards of industry. How strange is it, that any persons should be willing to live in idleness, when it will certainly make them unhappy ! The idle boy is almost invari ably poor and miserable ; the industrious boy is happy and prospered. But perhaps some child who reads this, asks, " Does God notice children in school ?" He certainly does. And if you are not diligent in the improvement of your time, it is one of the surest of evidences that your heart is not right with God. You are placed in this world to im- prove your time. In youth you must he pre- paring for future usefulness. And if you do INDUSTRY. 247 not improve the advantages you enjoy, you sin against your Maker. ** With books, or work, or healthful play, Let your first years be past, That you may give, for every day, Some good account at last" When boys are told that their success in fu- ture life depends almost entirely upon the im- provement they make in school, they do not really believe it. They do not, at once, see the connection between the studies they are pursu- ing, and their prosperity in any business, in which they may afterward engage. But you may depend upon it, that the only way in which you can become respected and useful as men, is to be studious as boys. If you are idle in school, thinking only of your ball, and your hoop, and your kite ; if you thus waste your school-boy years in indolence and in play, when you become a man you will be ignorant and weak-minded. You will not be respected by your fellow-men. In all probability, you will not be successful in any business in which you may engage, and you will live and die in pov- erty and obscurity. Your parents have lived long enough in the world to know this. They have seen what be 248 THE CHILD AT HOME. comes of idle school-boys. Some of them be- come poor sailors, without home or friends. They wander over the ocean, living in the dis- mal forecastle of a ship, exposed to driving storms and drenching rains, till they die, and the deep ocean becomes their grave. They can not rise to take command of a ship, and thus acquire property so as to obtain a future home on land, because they are so ignorant, and have been so long accustomed to habits of idleness. And thus they live and die, poor, friendless, comfortless sailors. Others remain at home ; but they have no influence over their fellow-men. They are not respected. In all probability, they live in poverty,- and at last die, w^ith few to mourn their loss. Your parents see this, and that you may not thus live and die, they purchase books for you, and obtain a teacher, and send you to school. And every day you pass in diligent study tends to promote your usefulness and your happiness through the whole of your fu- ture life. It gives manliness and energy to your mind, and it prepares you successfully to grasp all the great concerns of the business world. If, on the other hand, you neglect these privileges, and spend your time in idleness, you incur a loss which you never can retrieve ; STUDY. 249 » r you darken your prospects for happiness through all the years of your manhood ; you will be less respected, and successful, and inliuential as a man. Henry and Carlos are studying geography. Henry is deeply interested in the study. He reads of Europe, of Asia, of Africa, of Amer- ica. He learns where the lion roars, and where the orange and the cocoa-nut grow. He learns where the Arab gallops over the desert of sand, on his beautiful and light-footed horse. He learns where cities of civilization rise in their splendor ; where wealth and refinement spread their richest charms, and w^here the savage prowls through the forest, and makes the soli- tudes of the wilderness echo with his shouts. His mind is strengthened by these instructions. He loves to let his imagination roam at will, among the majestic mountains, and along the vast rivers of this wonderful world. He be- comes thus, more of a man — less of a boy. His increasing intelligence shines in his face. His instructor, his parents, and all his friends re- gard him wuth affection and esteem. And his own consciousness that he is making intellect- ual advances, animates him and makes him happy. But Carlos is passing his time in indolence 2o0 THE CHILD AT HOME. an idle, mischievous boy. He has neglected his studies so long, that his very countenance looks dull and stupid. He feels guilty and de- graded, and is ashamed to look any one frankly in the face. At one time, you may see him in school, nodding on his bench, half asleep. By- and-by he wakes up, and with his knife begins to carve out a fly-cage in his bench, or is fool- ishly employed in making paper balls to throw about the room. Carlos's father wishes to get him into busi- ness, and he goes to a merchant in the city to see if he will take him into his store, as a clerk. It is a fine situation. The young man who ob- tains it, and is faithful, has the prospect of be- ing, in a few years, a partner in the firm, with the opportunity of securing to himself all that is comfortable in life — of taking a high stand in society — of being a man of usefulness, and in- fluence, and respectability. The merchant replies to Carlos's father, " I will make inquiries respecting your son, and if I find him to be such a boy as we want, I shall be very happy to take him.'' He then goes to Carlos's teacher and says to him, " I have had an application from Carlos's father to take his son into my store, as a clerk. I want an active, intelligent, industrious boy, STUDY. 251 and if you can recommend Carlos to me^ as such a lad, I shall be glad to take him." " Why, sir," says the teacher, " I am sorry to say any thing against any one of my pupils, but I can not conscientiously recommend Carlos. The fact is, he will not do for you at all. He is a very dull and unfaithful boy. I have done every thing in my power to stimulate him to study, but it is all in vain. He is idle and mis- chievous, and unless there is soon a thorough change in his character, I fear that he will never be good for any thing. " But there is Henry ; he is a boy of very unusual promise. If you can get him, sir, you will have one in whose fidelity and industry you can place implicit reliance. There is not a more diligent and intelligent lad in my school." "Can he write a good hand?" inquires the merchant. *