V -C- "^"-^-^ A ^v .^■%^ .-^^^ -y , '-' o .^-^o .' ^' ,V ./< O 'z .% "- .--^^ v-^^ ■> -^ •x: N ,-, ^ \ o>- ■^ '^^ " ■- s o -> 1^. .VI "C, \V » V o ,. -/^ ^^# \^ -<- % .a\'' %.4^ ,.v ,\' .0 ... ,/ z • V: .^ /.^"^^^^ cP'^'"^**''^ .^.z"-^'-,'^-. V' ^ >P^^. A .^- ., .A- .^y ,\. r. -^■ ^\ .#^ ^^. O .0 o '■^^ ^ '>fii-.. \^ V-* V\ -f^ -^^ « v, ,0 o ,^'^- vXV^ 'o ' • 0- \:-' •/^ ,^^" so" \V 1 ^o-. ■V- V >0 o^ -^^ -5^- I a * ""<^. ,* ,0- .-^ ,0 o. 'oo^ 'ci-. %^ .^' . .N^^' •/ -». ^ c- • O' ^ ■^ / *^' .^ -\' -•>, ' 0^ . ' , ^-- \- " /•■ ^ ^^. ,1 "^.>- .^^^' % ^^"^ .A \ -)- Vr- ^■" .■\ '^^ .\\ ' V •^ •^^.- v^^ x^ ^r. v>^' c: V- .^v .A^' ^-^• \ .^% \'' V^ A^ \ '<< 1 .V) A' '^"- ' O' ■^.V .A^ ^ -c:^^- A^^ -^ WARE GENEALOGY; ROBERT WARE, OF DEDHAM, MASSACHUSETTS, 1642 — 1699, AND HIS LINEAL DESCENDANTS. Compiled by Miss Emma Forbes Ware, of Milton, Mass. 1S3S— 189S. . • ;.' • . • ■ '." .'. •'> BOSTON, MASS. PUBLISHED BY CHARLES H. POPE, 221 Columbus Ave. 1 90 1. C/ ^ The nucleus of the following work was an article entitled " Genealogy of Robert Ware of Dedham, Mass., by Miss Emma F. Ware, Milton, Mass.," printed in the N. E. Hist. Gen. Register for January, 1887 ; re- printed, by permission, in pamphlet form the same year. The work was subsequently completely revised by Miss Ware, and brought to its present scope. « • .« ••• BOSTON : ilresg of iDabili Clapp & Son. \b z-^l [Following is the Preface to the pamphlet issued in 1887.] PREFACEl. In the compilation of the following sketch the principal source of information has been the Town liegisters. Copies of the records of over forty towne have been obtained from town clerks, the larfjest number of names bein<^ found at AVrentham. The mar- riage of the original Robert and the births of all his children arc found at Dedham, and the descendants of his five sons can be folloAved for many years in an unbroken line in the records of Wrentham, Needham and Franklin. As the numbei's increase, however, the difficulty of identification becomes greater, for until the present century, except in the births, the name of the parent is seldom given. x\t this point, then, family traditions and records become indispensable, and thanks are due to all those who have kindly assisted to make this record as complete as it is. Many of the omissions are due to the failure of various persons, town clerks and others, to respond to letters of inquiry. In one case only has the information been derived wholly from private sources. SamueP (No. 15) disappeared early from the ^\'rcntham records, and no trace of him could be found. It was only by accident that a descendant was discovered in the West, and by this means a tolerably com[)lcte record of that brancli has been obtained. To this brancli belono;s a member of the fifth jrencration, Thomas Ware* of Granville, 111., now in his eighty-first year. As he was born the day his grandfather, Samuel,'^ died, two lives carry US back to within eighteen years of the lifetime of the first Robert; and if Robert had lived unlil 1717, as the father of six .such long- lived sons as Ebenezer* and his five brothers might well liuve done, three lives would cover the whole period since the first settlement of * Since the above was in press, intelligence has been received of the deatli of Mr. Thomas Ware, at Granville, lUiiioiij, on tlio sixth i>f DecciiibLT. 4 WARE GENEALOGY. the country. The average age of these six men was more than eighty years, and one of them lived to be ninety-seven. In the course of this investigation a good deal of material has been collected, including not only some names which bring several branches down to the present time and others which have not yet been fitted into their proper place, but also wills, deeds and personal records and anecdotes for which there was no room in this brief outline.* One instance may be given: Eleazer Wood, father of Hnnnah Ware (page 18), was scalped by the Indians during the attack on Medfield, 1675-6, when a boy of fourteen. He survived, and afterwards married, but was " subject to mental aberrations " and died early. His descendants may here find a clue to eccen- tricities which have hitherto puzzled them. There is a tradition that the great-grandson who named his daughter China, would have named his son Croclcery if his wife had not protested. Is not the cause of this freak to be looked for in the disaster that befel young Eleazer Wood as he and his brother were yoking their oxen that dim, cold February morning? Emerson says, "Every man is a bundle of his ancestors." We are what our ancestors have made us, and our descendants will be what tlieir ancestors make them. Whether this additional material is ever preserved in a more per- manent form will depend largely upon the interest taken by the various members of the family in supplying the necessary further information, and also upon the demand for so expensive a work as this would be. The present sketch comes down late enough for almost any one to discover to which branch he himself belongs. Emma F. Ware. Milton, Massachusetts, December 11, 1886. * Altliough great pains have been taken to secure the correctness of the data in the following paper, it is im])ossible that no mistakes should have been made. All cor- rections, emendations and additions will be gratefully received by tlie compiler, as it is hoped as soon as possible to print a fuller account of the famil}-, bringing the history down to the present time. Some facts have been obtained from a sketcli printed in the Register, vol. vi., in connection with Joseph Ware's journal of an expedition to Canada. For the items relating to the Day and Wight families, the compiler is indebted to Mr. J). F. Day, of iUiifalo, and Mr. W. W. Wight, of Milwaukee ; for extracts from the records of IJristol County', Mass., to Mr. J. W. Wilcox, of Taunton, and Rev. W. L. ChaOin, of North Easton ; for the topograjjhy of Dedham, to Mr. D. G. Hill, of Ded- ham, and Mr. C. C. Greenwood, of Needham. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. From the year 1887, when the Register article and the Pamphlet saw the light, till October, 1898, when her pen was finally laid down, Miss AVare did a very large amount of most careful work in gathering and compiling the annals of the family. She then felt that her task was practically completed, and longed for time and strength to see it in type. Those who loved her most have not been willing that her noble endeavor should fail of its purpose, nor that the friends* Avho had cooperated with her should lose their joint "labor of love." For this reason the present publication is made; wherein Miss A\ are's collections and writings concerning Wares and the children of Ware mothers are printed with the fewest possible changes of phrase or form. Her valuable notes upon Wares whose relation to the Dedham family was not proven, ai'c placed in the Appendix for further study by those most interested. The article upon Wares in England has been compiled by another hand while the genealogy was passing through the press. C. 11. P. * Acknowledgments would uiidoubtcdlj- have been made in print by Jliss Ware to Messrs. Lyman Eugene Ware, Jiruce liichardsou Ware, George Gilbert Ware, ami several others who assisted her very much in tracing out hu-ge branches of the faniilj* and gathering facts of great interest. ENGLISH NOTES. Compiled by the publisher chiefly from documents copied by Mrs. Francis B. Troup, Offwell House, Honiton, Eiig. The county of Devon, from which many of the settlers of Maine and New Hampshire, a hirge part of the earliest inhabitants of Dorchester, and many other pioneers came, has been for centuries the home of numerous persons bearing the name Ware (in its various forms). In deeds relating to the parish of St. Mary Arches, in the city of Exeter, land was conveyed 1 August, in the tenth year of king Edward IV [1471] by Thomas Weir, son aud heir of Robert AVeir of Exeter. Richard Were, of Honiton Clyst, made his will 1 January, 4 Edward V VI [1550]; minor sons Thomas and Edward; in case of their death before the age of 18, bequest to go to son John; to his father (who is sick) a gown that is at Exeter ; residue to wife Joan and son John ; mentions brother Edward. [Dean and Chapter]. John Weare, of Sowtou, husbandman; will, 1583. To poor of Pinhoe and of Clist Honiton; wife Elizabeth; sou Edmund under 21; dans. Margaret aud Dorothy aud son William Weare ; father Edmond AYeare. Overseers, John Pyne of Heavitree, Thomas Weare of Holbrook (Clist Honiton), AVilliam Ay ton. [Arclid. of Ex.] Edmund AVeare, yeoman, will dated 8 IJecember, 1584. Wife Alice ; V son Thomas-; childi-en of son John ; Grace, dau. of son in law Jherome Cheriton ; children of sons in law John Hill, Henrie Coose and Richard Jervis ; Stewart, Henrie AVeare ; maid servant, Marie Hechman ; Dennys Clerke, maid servant to sou in law Gilbert Pousford. Overseers, James Coose, Thomas AA'eare, my son, aud Henrie Coose ; witnesses Jherome Cheriton, clarke, Thomas AVare, James Peryam and John Lympanie. [Arclid. of Ex.] In AA^oodbury, Robert AYarre and Christian Yeele were married 16 April, 1557. Robert Weare and Joan Follett were married at St. Mary Arches, Exeter, 10 April, 1627. Robert AYeare of Clist Honiton and Charity Carter of Pynhowe were licensed to marry at Exeter June 2, 1 628 ; and Robert AYeare of Ottery St. Mary aud Thomasiu, daughter of Anthony Butt of the same were licensed February 7, 1630-1. Robert AA'eare of Whitstone, tailor, made his will Dec, 20, 1622; pro- bated 25 March, 1623. Bequeathed to wife Joane, son Thomas, grancf^ daughter Joane, daughter of son Thomas. Robert AYeare of Clyst Honiton made will 27 December, 1632. Begs his wife Joan to be a good mother to his children ; bequeaths to son AYilliam best cloak and coat, aud certain sjiecified articles after the death of wife; daughter Elizabeth had made over certain rights in lauds before WARE GENEALOGY. 7 her decease ; (laughters Jane, Joane, Dorothy and Katharine, all minors ; son Robert Weave, a minor, to have lands at Farriiiijdoii, wliich are to revert to daugliter Dorothy it he die before marriage. Cousin John Michell, William Bishopp, ffrancis AYaldron and brother Nathaniel Weare, overseers. AVituesses, Jolm AValdron, Nathaniel AVeare and Jolin AVeare. Signed (with mark) ; seal, a fleur de lis. Inventory of Robert AVeare the elder, veho dyed the 7 day of November, lGiJ3, made by AA'iJliam Bishopp, Nathaniel AA'^eare and AVilliam AVeare. Total 388 11. Proved 4 December, 1G33. Robert AVeare the elder, late of Ottery, administration of his estate was granted October 29, 1646, to James Batt, during the minority of the children Robert, Roger and ffrances ; bond by James Batt, yeoman, and Tristram Stoning, tanner, of Iloniton. AVitnesses, Matthew Bennett and Nicholas Pigeon. [Archd. Ex.] Topsham, March 14, 1643, Hannah, dau. of Robert AA^are and Elizabeth his wife, was baptized. John, sou of Roger and Christian AA''are, bapt. 6 October, 1639; Jolm, son of Henry and Sarah AVare, bapt. 28 December, 1639 ; John son of George and Dorothie AA^are, bapt. 6 October, 1 640 ; Margaret, daughter of John and Mary AA'are, bajit. 13 October, 1640; John, son of John AVare, bapt. 5 March, 1642. [Ottery St. Mary.] The following parish registers in Devonshire have been searched for traces of our man : Houiton Clyst, Farringdou, Ottery St. IMary, Silver- ton, and Feuiton ; and all wills and admins, which seemed likely to bear upon the subject ; but no positive evidonce in the case has been discovered. The identification of " Robert "VYeare " is not a simple matter. The residence of the bridegroom of 1627 is not stated, though it might be inferred to have been St. INIary's, as the marriage took place there. The groom of 1628 is located at Clist Iloniton ; but the man of this parish whose will we have here calls his wife Joan ; he also has at least two children who must have been born as far back as 1611, since Elizabeth has made a deed of land and William is treated as "of age." The records do not tell us whether these were first or second marriages. The son llobert and four daughters are certainly under 21 years of age, hut the dates of their birth can not be ascertained, since the parish registers of Honiton Clist are wanting till the year 1683. The absence of the names of Robert's children at Ottery indi- cates that they were born before 1635 ; Avhicli points back to the marriage with Tliomasin Butt in 1630. This would show the two Roberts cxliibited in these Probate records as entirely separate jjjen, each having a minor son Robert at the date of his death; of these juniors one was still a minor in 1646, four years after our pioneer Avas on Massaclnisetts soil ; but the other was living in 1632, with a bequest which sounds as if he were well grown. And it is a natural inquiry whether this Iloniton Clist youth may not have become the Dcdiiam planter. WARES IN ESSEX, KENT AND LONT)ON. From printed transcripts of diocesan and parish records we ex- tract the following items relating to the family in the Eastern part of England. William Ware of Dengie, co. Essex, and Margaret Smith of Bradwell juxta Mare, said cc, widow of Smith of Boston, co. Lincoln, hus- bandman, were heensed by the bishop of London to marry at Br. March 9, 1584-5. Thomas Ware, clerk, of Orsett, co. Essex, and Mary Dewcye of St. Lawrence, Old Jewry, Loudon, widow of Henry Dewcye of same parish, leather seller; license issued Dec. 2, L589. The same gentleman was licensed Nov. 28, 1595, to marry Mary Kelly of Stepney, Middx., widow of Thomas Kelly, gent, of same parish. John Ware and Elizabeth Meare of Ospringe, co. Kent, were licensed by bishop of Canterbury Dec. 8, 1578, to marry at St. Margaret's, Canter- bury. Elizabeth Ware, widow, of Osprmge, Kent, had license from bishop of Canterbury May 9, 1582, to marry Robert Sowget of same parish. Elizabeth Ware, now of the city of London, widow of WiUiam Ware, late of Chidingstone, co. Kent, was licensed by bishop of London March 25, 1586, to marry John Bucklande, yeoman, at St. Antholiu's, London; married same day. Edward Ware of Staplehurst, yeoman, and Susanna Crowch, of Lydd, CO. Kent, were licensed by bishop of Canterbury June 10, 1612, to marry at Burmarsh or Sellinge. Edward Ware of Staplehurst, clothier, bachelor, aged about 23, at his own government, was licensed by bp. of Cant. Sept. 21, 1G21, to marry Amy Borden of Headcorn, maiden, about 19, dau. of Matthew B. of same parish, dec. and now in gov. of her mother Joan Bor- den, widow, who consents. Margaret Ware, widow of Peter Ware, haberdasher, was licensed by bp. of London Nov. 4, 1 623, to marry William Plowman, haberd. of Crook- ed Lane, Loud. ; married at St. Michael's, Cornhill, Nov. 5 ; called '' of St. Michael's, Crooked Lane ". Grissell Ware of Eayleigh, co. Essex, 30, widow of Anthony Ware, Esq. of the same, was licensed by bp. of London June 11, 1639, to marry Rich- ard Hoper, Esp., of Lincoln's Inn, London, bachelor, 35 ; married at St. Mary, Woolnoth two days later. Registers of the parishes referred to (and not yet examined) are extant from dates here following : Dengie, 1725; Orsett, 1669; Chedingstone, 1558; Rayley, 1548 ; St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, 1539 ; Bradwell by the sea, 1558 ; Staplehurst, 1538. No wills of persons here mentioned have yet been seen. It is not unlikely that the family was found in other parts ^ England at the period of the making of New England ; quite pro- bably a careful search of parish registers and wills may result in the discovery of some positive evidence of the birthplace and paren- tage of Robert of Dedham or of others of the name who came early to our country. KEY TO DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT* WARE, OF DEDIIAM. HEADS OF FAMILIES. II. III. 2. John 8. John 9. Eliezet 10. Joseph 11. Benjamin 12. Nathaniel 13. Beriah 3. Nathaniel i 14. Josiah (^ 15. Samuel '16. Ebenezer 17. Robert ~~ 4. Robert 5. Samuel 18. Michael 6. Ephraim 7. Ebenezer { 19. Jonathan 20. Ephraim 21. Robert 22. Nathaniel < IV. 23. William 24. John 25. Moses 26. Eleazer 27. Daniel. 28. Ilezekiah I 29, John C 30. Benjamin "] 31. Nathaniel (^ 32. Josiah ( 35. Josiah 36. Elijah . 37. Asa. . 38. Joseph 39. Daniel f 40. Samuel I •{ 41. Jonathan 42. Jesse [ 43. Ebenezer 4—44. Eliphalet [ 45. Elisha . 46. Robert 47. Timothy 48. Joseph _, 49. Jonathan 50. Henry . 51. Thomas 52. Ichabod 63. Jabez 64. Michael (55. Jonathan 66. Melntiah f 57. Samuel \ 68. Ephraim . {69. Robert 60. Jonatlian 61. Moses I 62. Ebenezer \ 03. Nathaniel { 120. ^121. William George Josepli ^^ John William £zra Moses David Jesse Billy Ziba Eli Daniel Elijah Hezekiah Joseph John Benjamin Henry Azariah Samuel William Jairus Warren Josiah Elisha Darius Luther Asa Joseph William Daniel Reuben Reuel Dexter William Timothy Samuel Joseph K. John Ralph Thomas ' Sylvester G. Solomon L. Nathan Oliver Asa Joel Timothy Elias 122. Samuel 123. Asaph b. Nathan 7. Obed S. Joseph „^ 9. Ebenezer 0. Cyrus 1. Pninehas. 2. Jason 3. Amos 4. Abial 5. Ariel 6. Michael 7. Reuben 8. George q. James 0. Abijah 1. P'rcdcrick 2. Paul 3. Jonathan 4. Cyrus 1;. Melatiah 6. Horatio G. 7. Daniel L. 150. 152. ■53. Abel Samuel James { /157. Jonathan \ i;S. KhcncZLT lason Nathaniel ( my. XlOo. 10 WARE GENEALOGY — KEY. KEY. 64 I 161. William^/ , 65 j 164. George 66 I 166. Joseph^ 67 1 167. Richard 68 I 171. John r 172. Levi 173. Ezra 69 <{ 174. Lemuel 175. John 70 i 176. George 177. Comfort 178. Elijah 179. Benjamin 180. Moses (181. Amariah 182. Elcazer 183. Sanford. 400 WUliam UJ ^ 650 Enoch R.^ I 403. John S. r404. Carlos 405. Addison •! { 406. Erastus 407. James R. ' 408. John A. 409. Hiram .410. George L. 411. Alonzo L. 412. Charles 413. George 414. Comfort 415. William Ul6. Elijah 417. Moses r418. Obadiah 419. Benjamin 420. David 421. Enoch 422. John Q. A. < f 424. Moses, Jr. -j t 426. Cyrus C. f 427. Frederick A. 1428. Nathan 651. John M. 652. Clinton A. ( 653. George R. \ 654. Levi B. f655. Oscar J. 656. Wallace K. 657. Frank H. I 658. John I 661. C. Henry /661a. Edmund B. { 662. Moses H. 663. Henry Justus H. 664. 665. David S. f666. \ 667. (668. I 669. {670. Wesley L. George E. Lucius J. Edwin C. Moses L. r 800. William R.9 ^ \801. E. James f 806. \807. Herbert H. Sidnev L. WARE GENEALOGY — KEY. 11 184. Zenas" I 430. 432. Jonathan D.' -j Joel 18-5. Ziba |433. Lyman 74 ^ 186. Jacob 187. Joseph r434. 435. 436. /437. \438. Ziba Phineas A. Joseph Joseph - Harlan P. 671. Alonzo A.'' George "William Sidney Merritt James R. Arthur W, f G79. George G. '439. David 75 1 188. David ] 440. Gilbert A. { ^^ "^ZuinV. (.441. ElbridgeG. 76 I 190. Amherst | 443, Arrival P. r 192. Jason 78 7, d. 17o;^, a, 177i), says sixteen rainilies cMnie to set- le Wrentham : Sheares; tlien Robert, Natlianiel ami Jolui Ware, Samuel Man ; lOlea- ;er Gay. Daniel Hawes, .John Aldis. First Meetiiij,' Mouse ICSl-J. tThe " Hean I'laee " was under the S. W. side of Kuoekings Hill, occupied 1886 by lichard Dimond. — FS. Warner^. 26 WARE GENEALOGY. folk County, p. 632. Indian Rock ia near Jordan St. in the east- ern part of Franklin. John'^ married first in Dedham, Dec. 10, 1668, Mary, daughter of jNIichael Metcalf, Jr., and Mary Fairbanks (born Aug. 15, 1646, died in Dedham, March 22, 1676-7). John* married second, March 24, 1678-9, Joanna, daughter of John and Joanna Gay, of Dedham, and widow of Nathaniel Whit- ing, Jr. (born March 23, 1644-5, died at Wrentham, Oct. 26, 1708). John* married third, Dec. 21, 1709, Dorothy, widow* of Eleazer (Nicholas) Wood, of Sherborn (who had died May 20, 1704), and mother of Hannah Wood, wife of John's son Joseph. " Dorothy, widow of Capt. John Ware," died in Sherborn, December 10, 1728. Children of John Ware and Mary Metcalf, recorded at Dedham and Wrentham : 8. i. JoHN,3 j^^^jg 17^ i(37Q^ jjj Dedham; d. March 29, 1751, ia Wrentham. ii. Eliazar, July 13, 1672, in Dedham; d. Feb. 20, 1672-3, in Dedham. iii. Son, b. and d. in Wrentham, Feb. 10, 1673[-4}; first bm-ial iu new ground, iv. Eliazur, b. ; d. in Wrentham, Sept. 1675. 9. V. Eliazkh, Oct. 2, 1 676, in Dedham, or Sept. 28, 1676 [Wr. Rec.J ; d. July 23, 1750, in Wrentham. Children of John Ware and Joanna (Gay) Whiting : vi. Abigail,^ " b. in Dedham, Jan. 1680 " ; d. ; m. in Wrentham, Nov. 18, 1702, Thomas Throop. No issue recorded. He d. Nov. 18, 1708. 10. vii. Joseph, June 2, 1681, in Wrentham; d. Jan. 20, 1754, Sherborn. viii. Zachariah, Nov. 16, 1683 ; d. Jan. 13, 1684. " ix. Mary, Nov. 15, 1684; d. Dec. 27, 1747, in her 64th year; m, March 31. 1730, Francis Nicholson. (Dea. Francis d. Dec. 7, 1753.) No issue recorded. X. Hannah, Sept. 24, 1686; d. June 8, 1730; m. Dec. 20, 1709, Joshua, son of John and Hannah Fairbanks (b. Mai-ch 18, 1682, d. Oct. 11, 1742). [Joshua Fairbanks m. second, July '2G, 1732, Mrs. Mercy Underwood, of Holliston, d. Sept. 11, 1742.] Children of Joshua and Hannah (Wai'e) Fairbanks : 1. Benjamin, May 5, 1711. 2. James, Oct. 15, 1714. 3. Joseph, Oct. 9, 1717. 4. John, Jan. 15, 1722-3. 11. xi. Benjamin, July 8, 1688 ; d. July 16, 1744. * In Morse's History of Sherborn Dorothy is called the sister of Hannah ; but Eleazer "Wood had, by tlie town record, only two daiij^hters, Hannah and Abigail. If Dorothy Wood was daughter of George iiailcock of Milton, she married first, March 29, 1672, John Daniel of Milton, who died June 17, 1685. She man-ied Eleazer Wood about 1687. WARE GENEALOGY. 27 Will* of John Ware, Senior, op Wrentham. June the 26, 1715 In the Name of god Amen, the last Will & testement of John "\\'are Sener of the town of Wraiithani, m the County of Suffolk in the prouence of the Massotuess bay iu Xew Knsrland, being Crase and wcke in l)odey but Sound and Rite in uiidi'rstaiiing Rcmendiring my nu)rte]liL3' desireiug to set my hous in order and so to dispose of such tiling as god hase giuen me to God glorev and the good of mine do make and ordain this mv last will and testement — imprimis, commet my Soul into the hands of Jesus Crist my only Medetor and my bodey to the graue to be desently beured by my exsecutor hereafter to be nameed — tlie funerall charges and dets elerd Item I do giue and bequeth unto my well beloued Wife Dority Ware all and in Signalar what shee brout with hert and more what house sstuff & mouabels shee plese to take — and one end of my dweling hous at her own coyse — and all the land one the Souest Side of the hyway where the hous stand — paster, orchard, garden and more two acars one the Nor west side of the way whare Shee shall chouse, and more one half of my midow, at pin plain at her covs — the hous and lands to bee for her own use dureine the time of her widdohood. Itim to my son John Ware all those lands that he has Deeds on from me foreuer and other lands he is pursess on dureing his natrall life and aftir his desees to be deuided eqielly among his three sons — and all what hee hase resiued that stans in book acount, and also to his children William — John — Moses and Mehetebell and Marey to be payed forty Shilling apece as they com of age by my executor — all my pissii (physic) books I giue to my son Benjemin all my other Books — after my wife hase taken out to be deuided among all my children. Itim I giue to my son Benjemin Ware all the homstad, that part that is his mother in lawe dureing the time of her Widdohod, and my midow at gexpaster (Jack pasture) — and also to my grand Dafter Marey Blakcl forty Shilling to be payd by my Executer. Itim. I giue to my gransons AVillim, John and Moses Ware all that j)ece of land lieing Nor of Suthwise by bunge rode be it thirty acars more or less to be deuided equely betwen them all — the Remaining part of my estate to be equeilly deuided betweene my children namely Elezer — Joseph — Abbagaill — Maray and Ilanah iu that ech of them to giue an acount of what they haue alredy rescued to make the * Crase.— In "The Ancient. Customs of London," printed 1670, we find :— "Now to debar him of all other Trades which are more l)etittinjj; liis crazy body, were soniewliat unreasonable." Gex (Jack) pasture, now the sijjlit of the City Mills in the western part of Norfolk. Biaujc Itoad. — l}iiiif,'y Brook, a branch of Peter's River, crosses tho S \V corner of Wrentham into I5ellin;ihani. In 1698 Lieut. John Ware, Lieut. Samuell Guild and Sanmell (iay, a comnn'ttee appointed foi tiiat purpose, present to the Pro- prietors of ijie Common lands of the Town of Dedham on account of the division by lot they had made of about two thousand'onejnindred acres \\ in<; westerly from Wren- tham, and easterly from Mcndon; and i)ro|)iise that they should receiveone hundred acres in full satisfaction for their services lyinj^ upon Peter's Jiiver. This was f,'ranted, being "voted in the allirniative." (" Passed in tiie negative" is a not uncommon record.) Ui90-1, John Ware stood second on a tax list of twenty, paying £o ; while John Blake, Sen., paid £6 14.11; and liobert Ware, £1.15..'i. t " I never read sucii a bequest as ' I give mv wife such household stuff as she bronglit with her on her marriage,' that the [(piestionj does not arise in my mind," "was sho not a widow when he married her ? '^ [11. F. Waters in tlie " Nat'ion," July .3, 1886.] J Joanna Whiting (eldest of six children of Nathaniel AVliiting, Jr., and Joanna Gay), born in Medlield, .Sept. '26, 16'ir), married in Wrcntliam, Feb. 6, 1689, .lobn Blake, and had five children, of whom Manj Blake, boru April 8, 1696, was the youngest. 28 WARE GENEALOGY. Equality, and also I do apint and ordain my two Sons — Elezer Ware and Joseph Ware to be Soul Executers. Jn°Ware (Seal) Signed and Seailed & declared to be his last will & testement the day and yere aboue wreten in present of us Eben'' Fisher Jonathan Metcalf Samuel Fisher. oLjc:^- [Proved May 8, 1718.] Inventory of Estate of John Ware. An Inventory of all and singular the Goods and Chattels of Jn° Ware Sen'' Deceased prised at Wrantham Aug' y*' 29, 1718 by Mr. Robert Ware Ens". Sam' Fisher and Leiut. Ebenezer Fisher as followeth : — Inper""^. His apparell nineteen pounds, Five Shillings 19-05-00 Itm. The Books Seven pounds forteen Shillings 07-1 4-00 Itm. The homStead and Jack paster medow 200-00-00 Itm. To pine jilain medow Twenty pounds. 20-00-00 Itm. out lands on hundred & ninty three pounds Ten Shillings. 193-10-00 Itm. on peace of Land Given to Johns Three Sons 30-00-00 Itm Brass. Iron and Puter Ware in the hous 12-12-06 Itm Beding and Bedsteeds Tbirty two pounds seven shil- ings. 32-07-00 Itm Wooden Earthen and Glass ware 12-04-00 Itm Cattle Thirty live pounds Seventeen Shillings 35-17-00 Itm one horss Five pounds ten shillings 05-10-00 Itm. luisbandry Tools Eight pounds thirteen and six pence 08-13-06 Itm Carpenters and Joyners Tools 01-18-06 Itm Woole, Flax and Leather two ponnd on shillings 02-01-00 Itm one Bond for Ten pounds 10-00-00 Item In prouince Bills on pound ten shillings 01-10-00 Itm Surveying Instrmuments 02-00-00 Item. Books, Dbts owing to liim unsartain 00-00-00 Item, by liills for money 05-19-02 Itm. physick Books. 04-00-00 Total Sum 605-02-02 EoBERT Ware ') Samull Fisher >-prisers. Eben. Fisher ) WARE GENEALOGY. 29 Abstract of "Will of Joiix G.vr. Will of John Gay of Dedham, dated Dec. 18, 1686, proved Dec. 17, 1689. " Imprs unto my well beloved wife Joannali Gay all my Moveables with- in doors and without chattel & chattels whatsoever to be wholly at her own use for the coumfort & support of her life." . . " if my sayd wife have sutficieut to maintain her with those things farther given unto her in this my will, then she have full power to make a legall will & dispose of the said moveables to her children as she please, to 1)6 delivered unto them after her decease, if she need not the Improvement or worth of the princi- pal! to maintain her in her life time." . . . . " Also the full and free use of the South end of my dwelling house I now live in during the term of her naturall life and all the rent & revenues of my orchards and lands ingaged unto my selfe & unto her in a writeing under the hand and Seal of my Son John Gay, and the wintering of a Cow beast each year she live by my Son Jonathan Gay as under his hand & seal is ingaged. Item, besiiles what my Loveing Son Samuel Gay have formerly had of me towards his portion I do farther add and give unto him the moyety or half part of those my Lands granted and laid out to me by Town of I3ed- ham near Meadfeild bounds commonly called Meadfeild dividend."' Gives unto his son Nathaniel Gay one half part of Lands granted & laid out to him in that division of Dedham lands near Medfeild, commonly called Medfeild dividend, and confirms a former gift of Land or wliole common rights in all the Lauds of Pecumtuck alies Derelieild in Hampshire. Gives unto his son Eliezer Gay all his common rights in Wi'entham Town in all divisions of Lands yet laid out of all sorts, and in those hereafter laid out in all the bounds of "Wrentham whatsoever, also all the legal rights he has in all those lands that lieth in Dedham bounds betwixt Wrentham and Mendon bounds. All that may remain after his decease & the decease of his wife undis- posed of to be divided into twelve parts to be disposed of as followeth : — To his son Samuel Gay two of said twelve parts which with what he has already received to be his whole portion ; to his son Nathaniel Gay two of said twelve parts which with what he has already received to be his whole portion ; to his son Eleazur Gay one of said twelve parts which with what he has already received to be his whole portion ; to his son in law John Ware one of said twelve parts in riglit of his daughter ,Joannah AVare his wife which with wliat he has already given them to be their wliole por- tion ; to his son in law John Fuller in right of his daughter Judah his wife three of said twelve parts, which with what he has already given them to be their whole portion ; to his son in law Daniell Hawse in right of his daughter Abiell his wife three of said twelve parts which with what he has already given them to be their whole jjorlion. Confirms Deed or convey- ance of gift & sale to his son John Gay of all those houses & lands of all sorts and common rights dated Dec. 18, 1(586. AVitnesses Kichard Kllice, Thomas Battle, Joseph AYeight. Confirms deed of gift to his son Jonathan Gay of two Acres of land upon wliicli his dwelling house stands in Di'd- hani dated June 28, 16s2. Witnesses Thomas Uatlle and Joseph Wight. Also another deed of one half Acre of his house lot with cxplaination of the former deed, said half Acre of land expressed in that deed Jonathan 30 "WARE GENEALOGY. Gay has sold to his brother John, which he approves of and confirms. Also confirms a deed given to his son Jonathan of all his uplands & mead- ows that lie adjoining or near to Andrew Dueings lands as bounded in said deed dated Dec. 1, 168G. Witnesses Thomas Battle, Joseph Wight, John Battelle and John Fisher. All of which deeds he confirms on condition that the two Acres be at the use and Improvement of his Executrix and Executor to help towards the maintenance of his said wife. " My farther minde and will is that if the use and principall of what I have in this my will given to my dear and Loveing wife, together with the rents or yearly Income of my orchards or Lands prove not fully Sufficient for my said wifes coumfortable mainte- nance, then so much as is farther needfull to be aded shall be taken or de- frayed out of my Estate due to me by bonds under the hands and seals from my Sons John Gay and Jonathan Gay, and the other halfe out of the Estate or proper charge of my Executor John Gay my loveing Son accord- ing as he have ingaged in his bond to me, in this last matter expressed my Executor is to take the advice of Ens. Richard Ellice and my Son Nathan- iel Gay whose advice and determination is fully therein to be attended." In case his wife does not live to need use and full value & principall of what he has given her, then the same shall be equally divided among all his children. Appoints his wife Joannah Gay Executrix and his son John Gay Executor. Witnesses Richard Ellice Thomas Battle Joseph Wight. 3. Nathaniel,* born In Dedham, Oct. 7, 1648 ; died in Wrentham, July 10, 1724, in his 76th year; buried at Wrentham Centre; one of the settlers of Wrentham in 1671 ; married in W. Oct. 12, 1696, Mary " Wheelak." She married second, Sept. 20, or Feb. 13, 1726, Cornelius Fisher, born Feb. 8, 1660; died Jan. 6, 1743, being his third wife; she married third, July 16, 1746, Thomas (son of Tliomas and Hannah) Bacon, born at Wrentham, Nov. 26, 1693 ; she died March 25, 1750.* In the possession of Prof. Park, of Andover, a descendant of Na- thaniel Ware, is a deed dated March 2, 1674, from Robert Ware to his son Nathaniel of " Twelve Acres ... in the Township of Wren- tham . . . being a part of the first deuision of Lands Layd out . . for house Lots . . . [abutting] upon the house Lot of son John Ware towards the North East," and of son Pobert Ware South West. Also the full Right " of Nine Cow Coiiion Rifj^hts in the * " oner mother Mary Bacon Decesed march ye 2r 1750." Manuscript recorci of Samviel,"' in the possession of his grandson, Tlionias Ware, Granville, 111. WARE GENEALOGY. 31 second deulsion & all succeeding deuisions of all sorts of Land-s." The Avill of Xathaniel' has not been found. Ilis real estate was valued at £240 7. 6. at his death ; £359 when tlie estate was settled two years hitor. The lands bought by Nathaniel Ware, senior, were the folh)winir : June 9, 1685, 2 acres south of Nuppong Hill; 6:2: 1670, laud adjoining his house lot; 9:4: 1685, at Mill Brook; same date, 20 acres on Great Plain,* S. on leading way through the Plain, E. adjoining Eleazer Metcalf, W. by Samuel Fisher, X. by Common land. May 21, 1485, a small parcel extending his house lot to the great pond. March 28, 1698, 7 acres at the Great Plain joining the land he bought of Anthony Hancock. Oct. 1, 1716, 1 acre South of Great Hill beyond the Great Hill near Dorchester line. March 2S, 1709, 3.J acres at mill brook common, S. & W. on his own land. Oct. 1, 1716, 35 acres at his timber lot at Mill brook, being part swamp and part upland, viz. 21 acres on the West side of the Brook, 14 acres on the East side of the brook. Xath'l- Ware, Sen., sold to Nath' Ware, Jr., for Twenty-Three pounds 10 shillings, current money of X. E., Several tracts of lands in Wrentham. "One Tract Containing Fourteen Acres and Twenty Pole Lying upon the Great Plain, land formerly granted Sand. Shears, Senr., S. E. ; Pond S. or nere to said Pond, and upon common land on all other parts. Moi'e another {>ercal of land con- tainino- one acre Lvin^j South of the Great Hill bevond the (ireat plain nere Dorchester line bounded by Common Land On all parts. More Fifty aci-es of Land yet to be taken up upon the Conunon un- devided Land within the Township of Wrentham On the Twelve Acre Devidend Account." Oct. 14, 1720. Witnesses: William Ware, Jonathan Ware. Signed "Xathaniel AVare Sener." " A true Inventory of All and Singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of Nathaniel Ware Husbandman Deceased, Prized at Wrentham on the Sixth Dav of .lannary 172-4—5. by AVilliani Man, Jolui Guild and -lonathan Ware as folio we th — Imprimis His Apparel 3-1. "i-O Item Books 0-14-6 Item A Cane 0- G-0 Item A Gmi and a Kapitr 2- 0-0 Item Bead and Beading and Furnitm-e in y^ Lower room 7-ll»-0 * "Great plain" n^ar a pond, must be I tliiiik tlic plain about one mile from the villago on tlic road to Franklin, and on tlic western border of Ulake'.s pond; or if niav lie llio- plain on South street on tiie southern side ofCireat l\)nd, now eominonly ealled " Whit- ing's i'ond," "(ireat Hill," ">.'oekup hill, or a liill sontli-west from that on the road to l'lain\ille with a large [ilain lieyoud it and a sinall pond." ''Fours V'.nA road is an old diseon tinned way leading through \voo- pence One hammer one shilling \ 3- 0-0 7- 0-0 1- 0-0 2-10-0 1- 5-0 0- 4-0 1-10-0 0-11-0 0- 6-0 0-17-0 0-10-0 1-17-0 0- 6-6 1- 1-6 0- 3-0 0-11-6 0-13-0 0-14-0 0- 3-0 0-13-0 0-18-0 0-15-0 0-15-0 42-18-0 Item Four Gimblets ls.-8d. one pair of Compasses one shilling, 2 chissels and 2 Gouges 28-6d One pair of Knipi^ers 6 pence and a Ston Hamer 2 shil- lings Item One Spade 5 Shillings, 3 wedges and a Beetle Ring 6 shillings and two Smothing Irons 3 shillino's Item One Logg Chain One pound ten shillings and A plow cliain 12 shillhigs and one small Long chain 18 shillings and an Iron Barr and an Iron pick 12 shillings I 0-17-10 0-14- 3-12- WARE GENEALOGY. 33 Item Three Sickels 4 shillings one small Iron Scale Beam ls-6d two Sytlies and tackling 18 shillings One Brush Sythe (5 shillings and tliree forks 4 shillings and one muck fork 4 sliillings and a muck Come 3 shillings Item Old Iron 7 shillings and old Wooden Lumher up Chamher 5 shillings Item One Churn 3 sliillings two pails 2 shillings 3 trays 3 shillings and a milk Kitten Is-Gd Item One Looking Glass Item A Pegion Neet 5 shillings and a seive ls-6d Item Horse tackling 15 shillings 2 ox Yocks 5 shillings Item Shooe Leather l£-5s-0d and two Hides? sliill Item Plow Irons Item One Brake and a Grinston Item A Cart and Irons belonging to it and Irons for Cart Wheels and a Cart Hope Item Carriages and Iron Item One Great Harrow 2 pounds and Harrow teeth for a small Harrow 18 shillings Item One small plow and Irons belonging to it Item One Pear of Oxen Item Three Cow Item One heifer £2 5s Od. and two Calves 1£ 15-Od. Item Twelve Sheep Item One Horse Item Two Swine 0-12- 0-12- 0- 9- 0- 2- 0- 6- 6 1- 0- 1-12- 1- 0- 0- 8- 2- 3- 0- 4- 2-18- 0-10- 12-10- 11- 0- 4-0-0 3-18- 5- 0- 2- 0- 56- 3- 4 more five old meal sacks found afterwards Item The Dwelling House and Barn and meadow and ) upland at Home ) Item Sixty Acres of Land Lying on both sides of Mill- ^ Brook, Uoun stream of the Homestead ^ Item Nine Acres and an Half Acre and twenty eight pole ) of Pine Swamp Lying in the Long Swamp above >• Bungee ) Item Five Cow Common Piglits Item The Sawmill standing upon Mill-brook with tlie Priviledges belonging to said mill and an L-on jilate for a mill saw Item The Land Due on the twelve Acre Devision and ] Yet to be Layed out on the Common undevid Land within the township of Wrentham at Ten shillings per Acre J sixteen Acres and Three (Quarters some total of the Real Estate as it was prised two year after ] when settled was j '■] 1- 150- /- GO- 0- 7- 0- -0 10- 0- /- 240- 359- 7- 0- 34 WAEE GENEALOGY. Memorandum hy a later hand. Jan. 1775 This Inventory of no grate service since y* Estate was settled &c. " 359- 0-0 234- 0-0 240- 7-6 56- 3-4 42-18-0 118-12-6 333-01-4 Children, born inWrentham : 12. i. Nathaniel,^ " Friday," Aug. 6, 1697 ; d. March 4, 1781, " March 5, 84th yr," Wreutham. ii. Betty, " Sabbot," Feb. 11, 1699[-]700]; d. Sept. 13, 1726, " 27th yr." ; m. June 24, 1724, Benjamin, soa of Benjamin and Priscilla Grant (b. in W. Oct. 16, 1695). Child: 1. Betty, May 20, 1725. iii. Abigail, " Tusday," Dec. 1, 1702; d. in her 91st year [1793] ; m. May 17, 1727, William (son of Mark and Deborah Force, b. Wr. Feb. 22, 1701-2). Children : 1. William, Aug. 29, 1728. 2. Mary, March 11, 1729-30. 3. Timofhy, March 2, 1731-2. 4. Benjamin, Sept. 9, 1733. 5. Jonathan, Sept. 14, 1735. 6. David, Oct. 1, 1739. 7. Abigail, d. April 22, 1753. 13. iv. Beriah (son), " Monday," Nov. 7, 1704 ; d. Feb. 17, 1756, Wren- tham. 14. V. Josiah, '' Sabboth," March 21, 1707[-8] ; d. July 3, 1798 ; Needham. vi. Kesia, "Tusday," March 13, 1710[-11] ; d. Feb. 20, 1802, 91st year; m. -Tan. 5, 1732-3, Beriah (Samuel, Samuel) Man (b. 1708, d. March 31, 1750). Children : 1. Bathsheha, March 9, 1736. 2. Hannah, July 16, 1737. 3. Jonathan, Sept. 8, 1739. 4. Keziah, Aug. 13, 1741. 5. Mary, Oct. 20, 1743. 6. Beriah, Nov. 17, 1746. 7. Betsey, Dec. 24, 1748. Kezia (Ware) Man m. secondly in Wrentham, Aug. 14, 1754, Joseph Shepard (d. Aug. 28, 1773). WARE GENEALOGY. 35 vii. PELATiAn, <'Tusday," Oct. 20, 1713; d. June 10, 1720, aged " 13th yr." 15. viii. Samuki., '' Friday," Feb. 8, 1716[-17] ; d. Jan. 5, 18 OG, Con- way, Mass. 4. Robert,* born in Dedliam, August 1 or 6 [Dea. Mann's Bible record], 1G53 ; settled in Wrentiumi ; died there, Sept. 16, 1724, in his 72d year. He or his son Robert was " impressed by virtue of a warrant from ye Major" in Dedham to serve in King Philip's war. "Taken at Dedham the 9th Day of Xbcr, 167.'^, for Capt. Samuell Mossely's Company ; Saml (Jolburne, John Day, Robt Weare, Abra Hartway, Henry KUitroop." There has been some question whether this Robert Ware was the father or the son, but the ao-e of the first two recruits was about the same as that of the younger Robert ; Colburne and Day bein g about twenty, nnd Robert Ware twenty-two. Married first in Dedham, June 4, 1G77, Sarah, daughter of Michael Metcalf, Jr., and Mary Fairbanks (born in Dedliam, Dec. 7, 1648, died in Wrcntham, April 13, 1718). Robert" married second, Feb. 26, 1719-20, Elizabeth Holbrook, of Mendon (died in \Yrontham, July 28, 1723). A soldier in the Wrcntham company in 1689; deputy in 1703. He was on the committee about the Meeting House, 1669. In 1671 he agreed with others to settle WoUomonopoag. In 1702 his tax was 12-10. He was one of the executors of the will of his brother- in-law, Rev. Samuel Man, in 1718. Will of Robekt Wake, Senior, of Wrentham. In the Name of God Amen the twenty eight day of August Anno Domini one tliousand seven hundred and twenty four in the Eleventh year of the Keigne of our Sovereigne Lord King (Jeorge ouer Great l>ritine, I Robert AVare Senior of Wrentham in the County of Suflblke and Province of the jNIassachusets Bay in New England, Husbandman, being weeke iu bodie But of sound miude and memory praised be Almighty (iod for the Bame yet Knowing the uncertamy of this present life and being Desirous to Settle that owtard Estate the Lord hath lent me, Do therefore make and order this my last will and Testament in maner and forme following, That is to say. First and Prinsipally I commend my Soul into tbe hands of Almighty (iod my Creator, hoping to Receive full pardon aiul Kemition of all my sins and Salvation through the alone merits of desus Christ me He- demer and my bo(he to the earth to be decently iutcrod acconhug to tlie Decresion of my Exeq"' hereafter Named in hopes of A glorious Kc/.ection unto Etarnal life. And as touching such temporal estate tlie Lord of hia bounty hath lent me my Will and INlind is the same sliall l)e imployed aiul bestowed as hereafter in and by tliismy \\ ill is exprescd hereby l\c\oi'l\ing Keuouusiug and making NuU and Voydc all wills and Testaments liy mo 36 WARE GENEALOGY. heretofore made Declaring and Appoynting this to be my last Will & Testa- ment wherein is Contained the Same. Imp''-', I will that my funeral ex- pences be taken out of my Estate and further my Minde and will is that all my true and just Debts be well and truly payed or Ordered to be payed in Conveniant time Next after my Decease by the person herein after Named. Item. Whereas many years ago I gave to my Eldest son Ebenezer W'are and his heires in a deed of Gift under my hand of house and Land in Wrentham on portion accounte to the Value of Sixty pounds, I doe now further give unto him and his heires the sume of five Shillings and allso one fourth part of all my waring appariell and one fourth part of all Debts, bills & bonds dew to my Estate and these with what he hath already Rer ceived shall be his whole share in my whole Estate. Item. Whereas I have formarly given to my son Robart Ware and his heires, Deeds of Gift under my hand of land in Wrentham upland and Swampy Land on portion accounte, my son Robart Ware Having the price or valuation of the sd lands in the deeds or Instruments, I doe now further give unto him and his heires the sume of ten Shillings and allso one fourth part of all my waring Appariell and one fourth part of all Debts, bills & Bonds dew to my Estate and these with what he hath already Received shall be his whole share in my whole Estate. Item. ^Vhereas I have formerly given to my son Michel Ware and his heires in a Deed of Gift under my hand of house and land in Wrentham on portion accounte to the value of fifty pounds, I doe now further give unto him and his heires the sume of five Shillings and allso one fourth part of all my waring Appariell and one fourth part of all Debts, bills & Bonds dew to my Estate and these with what he hath already Received shall be his whole Share in my whole Estate. Item. To my son Jonathan Ware my mind and Will is and I give to him and his heires all my Housing and lands in Wrentham or elsewhere in New England not heretofore disposed of by me, upland, Medow land & Swampy land whatsoever with all appurtenances belonging to the housing and lands and further I give to my son Jonathan Ware and his heires my Teame and all tacklin belonging to it and all my Husbandly tooles and one fourth part of all my waring Appariell and one fourth part of all Debts, bills & bonds dew to my Estate and allso all provition left by me in my Dwelling House and Barn of all sorts whatsoever both for man and beast and allso my minde and will is that my son Jonathan Ware shall pay all my true and just Debts, Only funeral charges to be taken out of my Estate as before expresed. Item to my three Daughters and my minde and will is that they Namely my Daughter Margriet and her heires and my Daughter Sarah and her heires and my Daughter Easter and her heirs shall be equall in what they have Received or sliall Receive of my Estate Referance being had to my book of Accounts of what they or any one of them have already Received and further my minde and will is that my son Jonathan Ware shall pay thirty Pounds two and amongst my three Daughters within four years next after my Decease, and allso my mind and will is that all my movable Es- tate not heretofore disposed of by me after funeral charges taken out shall be devided two and amongst my three Daughters and finally my mind and will is that my son Jonathan Ware shall pay every perticular sume to the persons unto whome they are herein given by me. WARE GENEALOGY. 37 In Testamony whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Scale the day and year first above written Appoynting and Ordering my two sons Michel Ware and Jonathan Ware to be the Exq''* to this my last Will and Testa- ment. •Sj^f <^/»t£ (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared by the sd Robart Ware Sen"" as and for his last will and Testament. Eben"" Fisher Anthony hancook Thomas Fisher John Gay. Children by wife Sarah, all except the eldest born In AVrentham : 16. i. P^BEXEZER,^ March 15, 1677-8, in Dedluira ; d. April 26, 1750, in Wrentham. 17. ii. Robert, Dec. 6, 1680 ; d. Jan. 9, 1731-2, Wrentham. 18. iii. Michael, June 11, 1688 ; d. Sept. 21, 1725, Wrentham. iv. Margaret, June 6, 1685 ; m. Dec. 4, 1704, in Ro\bury, Major John (John, John) Foster of Attleboro, blacksmith (b. Nov. 15, 1680, in Salem; d. Dec. 24, 1759, at Attleboro). Children : 1. John, Dorchester, Mar. 4, 1706. 2. Robert, Dorchester, Oct. 9, 1707. 3. Ebenezer, Dorchester, Aug. 20, 1709 ; d. June 18, 1749 ; m. Sept. 17, 1730, Desire Cuslimau (Sam., Thos., Thos., Robt.) of Wrentham, Attleboro and Cumber- land, R. I. 4. Margaret, Wrentham, Mar. 7, 1712 : m. Israel Whittaker of Rehoboth. 5. Benjamin, Wrentham, Apr. 17, 1714. 6. Jonathan, Wrenthan, June 8, 1715; m. Anna ; settled in R. T. 7. ^Sara^, Wrentham, Apr, 18, 1718. 8. TimoOnj, Wrentham, May 14, 1720 ; m. Sibbel Freeman ; went to Maine. 9. Nathan, Wrentliam. .Tuly 23, 1722. 10. Esther, Wrentham, 1723 ; d. same day. 11. Michael, Wrentham, Oct. 19, 1724 ; d. Apr. 15, 1726. 12. Michael, Wrentham, July 18, 1727. 13. Mary, Wrentham, Nov. 19, 1729 ; m. Benjamin Walcott. 19. V. Jonathan, Feb. 28, 1686[-7] ; d. April 20, 1740, Wrentham. vi. Sarah, March 4, 1689[-90] ; d. Aug. 5, 1729 ; m. June 6, 1722, Francis Nicholson. (Dea. Francis d. in W. Dec. 7, 1753). Child: 1. Francis, b. May 27, d. Aug. 20, 1729. vii. Esther, May 7, 1693; d. Sept. 14, 1745; m. D.c 17, 1718, Ilezekiaii, son of Daniel (Edward) and Abie) (robably daugh cr of Kpliraim ), whose children would thus be named for herself and lier sister; and that it was Jona- than's Eleazer who married Feb. If), 1709-10, Judith George. 40 WAEE GENEALOGY. 7. Ebenezer," born in Dedham, Oct. 28, 1667, bapt. 3.9. 67; died Jan. ( ?) 1765, in Needham. He is said to have bad five wives, one son and six daughters. He married first in Dedham, March 18, 1689-90, Martha Herring, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Pierce) Herring (b. in Dedham, July 11, 1668, d. Jan. 30, 1709-10). His wife Ehzabeth died in Needham, March 8, 1733-4, "Mehetabel Wife of Aged Ebenezer Ware died suddenly," Nov. 2, 1753. He married lastly, June 13, 1754, when 86 years of age, Ann Harrison. " The Deposition of Ebenezer Ware an aged man of Needham, dated Oct. 21, 1763 states that in 1693 he knew," etc. [Smith's Newton, p. 261-5.] Will of Ebenezer Ware, Senior, of Needham, In the Name of God Amen, the seventeenth Day of September Ano Demi one thousand seven hundred and Fifty four in the Twenty eight year of the Reign of or Souerain Lord King George the second over Great Britain &c I Ebenezer Ware Sen*' of Nedham in the County of Suffolk and Prouence of Masachusets bay in New England Husbandman being in usual helth of body but aduenceed in years but of sound mind and memory, Blesed be almity God therefor and calling to mind the Frailty of Life and Certainty of Death Do therefore make and ordain this my last Will and Testement in maner and Form folowing that is to say : First and Princi- pally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almity God my creator hoping to Reciue y® pardon and Remission of all my sins and saluation through the alone merit of Jesus Christ my Redemer and my body to the Eaiah to be deacently Buried acording to the discresion of excecutrex herein Named and Executer hereinafter Named and as Touching such Worldly Estate the Lord hath lent me my mind and will is the same shall be disposed of acording as is hereinafter expresed hereby Reuoaking and Renounceing and making Null and Voaid all Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made declering and apoynting this to be my last Will and Testement Wherein is contained the same. Imp''^, I will that all my just Debts and Funarall Expences be Well and Truly payed in conuenient Time next after my Deceas by my Executrex hereinafter named. Itm. I do giue and Becpieth to my only son Nathaniel Ware Sen^ the Sume of Fine Shillings lawful money. Itm. I do giue and Bequeth to my Daughter Mary's Children Namly William mills and John Mills and Benjamin mills to each of them one Shilling Lawfull money. Itm. I do giue and Bequeth my Daughter Martha Smith one Shilling Lawful money. Itm. I do giue to my Daughter Elizabeth children Namly Abial and Elizabeth and Meribath to each of them one Shilling Lawful money. Itm. I do giue and Bequeth to my Daughter Jemima Kingsbery one Shilling Lawful money. WARE GENEALOGY. 41 Itm. I do giue and Bequeth to my Dauuliter Sarah Dcuenport one Shilling Lawful money ; the above said sumcs with what they haue had shall b(! and is their Full Shear. Itni. I do hereby (uudir and subject to the Terms under "Writen) Giue and Bequeth to my Loueing Wife Anna Ware all my Moueable Estate whatsoeuer and whersoeuer it may be found shee paying all my just Debts and Funaral Kxpence and the aboue Legaceas giuen to my Children and Grandchildren. Itm. I do hereby constitute and apoynt my Loueing Wife Anna Ware Executrex and my son Nathaniel Ware Sen"" Executer to this my last will and Testement. In Testimony whereof I the said Ebenezer Ware Sen"^ haue hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first aboue written. ^ (^^^e^r^C ^^(Seal) Signed, sealed, Published and Decleared by the said Ebenezer Ware Sen"" a-s and for his last Will and Testement. In presence of us Aaron Smith Josah Newell jun"^ Joseph Gibbs. [Pioved Feb. 10, 1705.] Children, all probably by his first wife, born in Dedham :* i. Mart,^ b. April C, 1091 ; f d. before 1754 ; % m. William (Benja- min, Samuel) Mills (b. May 2, 1082). Children: 1. John, Aug. 4, 1715. 2. William, Nov. 5, 1718. Z. Benjamin and Nathaniel, May 31, 1722. Nathaniel d. young. ii. Martha, Jan. 7, d. March 15, 1694-5. 22. iii. Nathaniel, Jan. 28, 1095-0 ; d. Oct. 12, 1770, Needham. iv. Martha, June 13, 1099 ; d. later than 1751 ; m. June 29, 1725, in Needham, "• Lieut." Aaron Smith § (d. in N. April 15, 1770, aged 77 yrs.). V. Elizabeth, April 20, 1702 ; d. young. * Wliere the full date of birtl\ is given, the name is on the Deflham records. t" The Berth of my morther was In v'= ver IfiOI wlio was tlio dafter of IOI>enezcr ware this dat 17l'J fcbruary 11." ^tem" by VVni. Mills, jr. J Died certainly before her fatlier'and probably soon after the birth of her twins, for " William Mills of Needham mar. Mary Watson of Koxbiiry June 17, 1721."— Uoxbiuj Records. §In 17fi4, Rev. Samuel West, the young minister of the parish, writes of Mrs. Smith as one " who possessed all the virtues wliich ))iety without rctiMdl i-dui-ation could fur- nish to a inind or person to whom natin-e had been peculiarly indnl^rent." " In memory of 1 Lieut. Aaron Smitli | who died | Apr. )« lo"' 177(i | aged 77 yrs." [Epitaph] Hancock, N. H. " I think there is little doulit that the families of Smiths, residing in this town, are descendants of Lieut. Aaron Smitli, who married a dan;:liter of I';i)en- ezer Ware." LtriiKK V. Kaios, 18h9. 42 WARE GENEALOGY. vi. Elizabeth, March 16, 1704-5 ; d. before Sept. 17, 1754 ; m. first, April 23, 1730, in Needham, Moses, son of Dea. Timothy* and Sarah Kingsbury (b. Sept. 11, 1705, d. Feb. 21, 1730-31). Children : 1. MehitaMe or Meribath. 2. Elizabeth. 3. Ahial, b. Feb. 24, 1730-1. Married second. May 30, 1732, Ezra Smith of Dedham. vii. Jemima, b. abt. 1704-5, d. Feb. 3, 1779, " in her 75th year ; "f m. March 22, 1726-7, in Needham, " Capt." Timothy,' son of Dea. Timothy and Sarah Kingsbury (b. Aug. 14, 1703, d. in Need- ham, Nov. 18, 1778, in his 76th year). Children : 1. Jemima, Feb. 11, 1727 [-8]. 2. Sarah, Feb. 20, 1731 [-2]. 3. Timothy, March 4, 1734[-5]. 4. Moses, Aug. 3, 1736. 5. Samuel, May 14, 1739 ; d. Oct. 12, 1756, 18th year. 6. David, Aug. 6, 1742. 7. Mary, Aug. 16, 1746. viii. Sarah, m. first in Needham, April 29, 1731, Joseph (John, Thomas) Davenport^ (b. Aug. 30, 1701, d. March 12, 1752). Children, born in Newton : 1. Sarah, March 30, 1732; m. Feb. 1757, Benjamin Mills. 2. John, June 7, 1733 ; d. Feb. 1818. 3. Abigail, b. and d. 1736. 4. Benjamin, b. and d. 1738. 5. Abigail, Jan. 15, 1740; m. 1768, Michael Bright. 6. Mary, March 30, 1742 ; m. Lyon. 7. Benjamin, June 16, 1743 ; d. Dec. 28, 1833; mar. Jan. 25, 1769, Sarah, of John and Esther Wilson of Ded- ham (b. Dec. 10, 1745; d. Nov. 16, 1821). 8. Enoch, June 25, 1744; d. June 24, 1803. 9. Martha, June 12, 1746 ; m. March 4, 1775, Ebenezer Day, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Battle) Day ; b. in Ded- ham, Oct. 12, 1748; d. in Needham; m. Nov. 26, 1807, Nathaniel Talbot. Sarah m. second, Jan. 17, 1760, Nathaniel Richards of Dedham. * Timothy Kingsbury (Nathaniel, Joseph of Dedham, freeman, 1641). First town clerk ofNiedham; chosen deacon, INIay 17, 1720. fAs .Jemima is mentioned after Elizabeth in her father's will, she may have been younger; and thus have died in her 73d and not in her 75th year. Rev. Samuel Man, in his will dated 1718, says: " To my niece Jemimah Ware I give the sum of ten pounds always provided that she live with my wife till she come to be eighteen years of age and serve her faithfully." She was born in 1704 or 1706. Inscription on her husband's tomb: " Death is a debt to Nature due, as I have paid it so must you." On her's: " The sweet remembrance of the just shall flourish when they sleep in dust." "In memoiy of the widow Jemima Kingsbury who departed this Life February 3d 1779 in the 7oth year of lier age." JN. E. Hist. 6en. Register, xxxiii. 33. THIRD GENERATION 8. John' (John^), born in Declham, June 17, 1670; died " Mar ye 29"' 1751 in the 8P' year of his age." Buried at Wrentham Cen- tre. Married Jan. 14, 1695-6, Mehitable "Chaplen." She was probably daiigliter of William Chaj)len, of Dorchester, who had be- sides otiier children, Melwtdhel, born Feb. 22, 1674-5. She died aged 75 years 1 month 3 days, on March 25, 1750. e/'^ V* "^(Oij Children, born in Wrentham : 23. i. William,* July 4, 1G'J7; d. in Digliton, Mass., June 11, 17G4. 24. ii. John, May 7, 1700; d. April 24, 1775. 25. iii. Moses, June 7, 1702. iv. Mary, Aug. 4, 1705; d. Jan. 5, 1701); m. in Norton, June 21, 1732, Seth, son of William (William, Thomas) and Abigail (Tisdale) Makepiece (b. in Taunton, June 23, 1702, d. 1749). Children, b. in Norton : 1. Mary, Nov. 11, 1733; m. 1756, George Wotherell. No issue. 2. Meltetabel, Oct. 8, 1735; d. unm. 3. HinuHth, Sept. 25, 1738; d. March 10, 1795; m. 1701, William Wetherell (b. 1740, d. 1823). Six cliihhvn. 4. Abigail, Aug. 26, 1741 ; m. 1761, Elislia Capron. Five children. 5. Sarah, July 8, 1744; d. July 11, 17i)'J ; unm. V. Barbareii, April 9, 1708; stillborn. vi. ■ Mkuktible, Oct. 6, 1710; m. at W. May 20, 1736. William May (ancestor of Hon. Sctli ^lay, Judge S. J. C. Mc). vii. Rkmeckaii, b(;t\veon Deo. 3, 1716, and Fob. 15, 1716-17: ni. at W. Aug. 30, 1733, William Pulfor, Jr. Children, b. in Wrentham: 1. Wllllnm, April 21, 1734; d. Jan. 14, 1809. 2. Klljdii, Aug. 8, 1737. 3. John, Sept! 24, 173i). 4. Rebeckah, Nov. 18, 1741. 5. Esther, June II, 171 t. 44 WARE GENEALOGY. Children of William and Rebeckah Puffor, b. in Norton : 6. John, May 27, 1746. 7. Timothy, April 19, 1748. 8. Mehetabel April 16, 1750. 9. Mary, Feb. 21, 1752 ; m. David Cobb, of Hallowell, Oct. 24, 1811. 10. Benjamin, July^25, 1754. viii. Richard, Oct. 27, 1718; d. Sept. 7, 1719. 9. Eltezer^ (Jolm^), born in Dedham, Oct. 2, 1676; died in Wrentham, July 23, 1750, aged 74 [Hunt Family, page 310] ; "Lieut."; married Feb. 13, 1700-1, Mary, daughter of Daniel (Edward) and Abial (Gay) Hawes, of Wrentham (born in Ded- ham, Sept. 17, 1679, died April 2, 1768, aged " 89^^ y^" Eleazer Ware made stocks in 1692. [Hist. Norfolk Co.] Will of Eleazer Ware. [Abstract.] Will dated July 16, proved Aug. 28, 1750. Eleazer Ware of Wrentham, Husbandman. To wife Mary " all my Household Goods and Indoor Movables " with the use of Dwelling House, " half my Homestead and half my pasture Land above Deacon Theodore Man's and also two Cows for her own proper Use during the time she remains my Widow. And if Providence shoukl so Order it that she should be married to another Man," she shall " carry off of Indoor Moveables to the Value of twenty pound Lawful! Money." To son Eleazer certain lots of land, half the outdoor Moveables, wearing apparell, & Armour ; " also my Cane or walk- ing Staff " and £8 Lawful! Money. To son Daniel half the Homestead, half the outdoor moveables, half said Pasture land ; & the other half of said Pasture land, Homestead and dwelling house after his mother shall quit the same (provided he pay the legacies hereafter mentioned) ; half the wearing apparell & Armour." Legacies to daughters Mary Hewes ; Mercy Nichol- son ; Jerusha Day and her three children by her former husband, Jerusha, Samuel, and Abihal King; to grandchildren Hezekiah & Abigail Ware " who now live with me," to be paid when they come of age ; to grand- children Elijah & Mary Ware. Eleazer AVare and Daniel Ware Executors. Witnesses : Theodore Man, Thomas Man, Jun'', John Messenger. £ rar, 1752 ; mar. Olive IMoree, ; Lieut, in ContiiH'utal Army ; shot by British while in an open boat, near Kast])urt, 1778. 3. Ibrook, b. Jan. 9. 1754 ; mar. first, Lena Piatt of Mans- field, 1778 (b. I7ru). (1. 1802) and d. 18;M, Eddinjrton, Me. " 1 brook Eddy and SelaJi Coij;-geBliall of Taunton m. in T. Ap. 7, 1SU6." (I. W. W.) Taun. Rec. 4. Elias, b. Nov. 30, 1757, [See Eddy Family.] Col. Jonathan Eddy served all through the Old French ^Yar as raptain in regiments commanded by Col. ^N'inslow, Col. Doty and Col. Frye, in the last of which he raised a company in Manslield. He served jjrincipally in Nova Scotia, and in 1763 removed thither with his family, and settled in Cumberland, (afterwards vSackvillc, New Brunswick), about 17(i3. On the outbreak of the Revolution, the Eddys and other Massachusetts men in the Province openly espoused the cause of the rebels, even going so far as to capture a vessel of one hundred tons in the harbor and conveying her witli her valuable cargo to Boston. They also made an attack on the well l)uilt Fort Cumberland (formerly called by the French "Beau Sejour "). The attack failed, as might have been expected. The reprisals which fol- lowed by the royal party in the Province obliged the patriots to flee to the States, leaving their families behind. They reached Machias after a diffi- cult journey of twenty-five days in the wilderness, in the depth of winter. The following spi'ing, as William was returning to the Province to bring away his family, he was recognized by a provincial as he was crossing in an open boat, near Eastport, and shot. Col. Eddy and some of his com- panions then returned to iManslield, but removed thence to Sharon in 1781. " The town of Sharon in that year * Voted not to receive as an inliabitant any of the persons hereafter mentioned who have come into the town to reside : — Col. Jonathan Eddy and family from Nova Scotia and others.' It was then the custom to pass such a vote to prevent the town from being liable for support of persons coming in." . . . The next year the free- holders of Sharon sent Col. Eddy to the Great and General Court! In 1784 Col. Eddy removed to Tovvnsliip No. Ten, east side of Penobscot river. This township was known later as Eddytown Plantation, and incor- porated as the town of Eddingtown in 1811. In 1801 Congress granted land to refugees from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 'O^ Children of William and Zubiali, born in Norton : ii. Lucy, Oct. 16, 1729; m. first in Norton, Feb. 2, 1748, Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Sarah Lawrence. She m. in Diixhton — '' Lusa Larance " — second (pub. Oct. 15, 1753), Nathaniel, sou of Nathaniel and llopestill Talbot (b. Nov. 16, 1729). Children : 1. WllUam, Sept. 13, 1754. 2. Xothnul,'!, Dec. 28, 1755. 3. LiK-ij, Sept. 11, 1760. 64. iii. Wii.i.iAM, April 27, 1731. iv. John, Oct. 23, d. Oct. 17, 1732. 64 WARE GENEALOGY. Children of William and Anna : 65. V. George, Aug. 26, 1734; d. Feb., 1771, in his 37th year. vi. Benjamin, March 20, 1736-7 ; d. Dighton [?], between Aug., 1763 and Mar., 1764. vii. Anna, July 10, d. Sept. 25, 1741. Children of William and Lydia, born in Dighton : 66. viii. Joseph, May 4, 1756.^ ix. Lydia, June 6, 1758. X. Abigail, June 8, 1760. 24. JOHN^ {John,^ John''), born in Wrentham, May 7, 1700; died April 24, 1775; married Jan. 29, 1728-9, Mehetabel, daughter of William, Jr. (William, Kichard) and Mehetabel Briggs of Taunton. (WilHam Briggs, Sen., died 1728, aged 82 ; William Briggs, Jr., died Feb. 20, 1731, aged 53; married Mehetabel Blake or Black of Milton, June 16, 1696 ; she died Oct. 17, 1732, aged 61.) In the inventory of William Briggs, Jr. dated June 12, 1731, is one quarter right in North Purchase, £4. A deed from John Ware, Jr. and Mehetabel Ware, his wife, the daughter of William Briggs of Taunton, to William Ware, of one quarter right in North Purchase, was dated INIarch 20, 1731-2. " Mehetable Ware, who was com- fortable about the house when the above said Mehetable May died [Sept. 5 I and so continued twelve hours and then fell down in a fitt and never spock after died Sept. the 7, 1782." [Wr. Rec] Gravestone at Wrentham Centre says Sept. 8. Children : i. Richard,^ April 17, 1730 ; d. "at Fort Edwards, Oct. 17 1755." 67. ii. John, Auj?. 3, 1734, "jr."; d. in W. Jan. 27, 1796, in 62d yr. 68. iii. WiLLiAM,^Feb. 18, 1736-7. 69. iv. Ezra, July 6, 1741 ; d. in W. Feb. 2, 1815, in his 74th year. 25. MOSES^ (John,^ Johiv'), born in Wrentham, June 7, 1702; married first, in Attleboro', June 23, 1731, Elizabeth Lane of that place; married second, Jan. 10, 1738[-9], Comfort, daughter of Andrew and Sary Blake (born in Wrentham, Feb. 27, 1708-9) ; married third, in Norton, Sept. 18, 1746, Mary Titus, of Rehoboth. Child of Moses and Comfort : 70. i. MosES,^ Nov. 16, 1739, in W. Child of Moses and Mary : 71. i. David, June 10, 1747, in Norton. WARE GENEALOGY. 65 26. Eltazer* (Eliazer,^ Jo/nr), born in Wrenthum, Xov. 11, 1701 ; ilied July 8, 1751. Lived near the Bellingliam line in the j)art of Wrentham which became West Franklin. Sip;nc(l a petition in 1737 to have Franklin set off as the second precinct of Wrentham. Married ]\Iay 20, 173(5, IIann;di (Thomas and Hannah Aldis, Sam- uel) I\Ian (born May 3, 1711). Children, born in AVrcntham : 72. i. Jesse,° March 10, 1736-7; d. in Franklin, July 13, 1813. ii. Hannah, Nov. '23, 1738; she was received to the Franklin church by letter in Dec. 1738. She m. Nathaniel Kingsbury (b. Feb. 18, 1739 ; d. Keene, N. II., Jan. 26, 1803). Children : 1. Jerusha, m. Japhet Fisher of Gi'afton, Vt. 2. Nathan, m. Dorcas Thompson of Chester, Vt. 3. Hannah, m. Rufiis Clark. 4. Abial, m. Luke Sturtevant of Keene. 5. Abijah, b. Keene, March, 1778 ; d. there Nov. 1860 ; m. Sept. 12, 1803, Abigail Wilder (b. K., July 3, 1775 ; d. there Nov. 30, 1856); she vras a dau. of Dea. Abijah and Sarah (Ellis) Wilder. Nathaniel Kingsbury m. 2d or 3d, Jan. 20, 1791, Rebecca Bigelovp (d. 1824, aged 64, dau. of Daniel and Martha (Pratt) Bigelow of Fitzwilliam, N. II. 3 children. [See Hist. Surry, N.ll.] iii. Jerusha, Aug. 3, 1741 ; d. March 27, 1750. 73. iv. Billy, March 21, 1742[-3] ; d. Aug. 22, 1821, in F. 74. V. ZiBA, Dec. 13, 1744 ; removed from Franklin to Winchester, N. IT. 75. vi. Eli, May 31, 1748 ; d. in F., Nov. 1, 1835; lived in Frankhn. vii. Abial (dau.), July 10, 1751 ; d. in F. unm. Dec. 1, 1841, in her 90th year. 27. Daniel^ {Eleazer,'^ John^), born in Wrentham, Nov. 2, 1706; died there ^larch 17, 1709, aged 64 [record] ; " 64th year," [grave stone] ; married ALiy 23, 1748, Mary Howes (died May 1, 1798, aged 82, or in her 82d year). Chihlren, born in Wrentham: 76. i. Daniel,^ March 5, 1748-9. ii. Mary, Sept. 23, 1750; m. June 11, (17th Wr. Rec.) 1779, in W., Jo'^eph Robesliaw [Robechcaux]. Mary (Ware) Rohecliaux d. Ajjril 1, 1806, aged 56. JoscjJi Robechaux was "cast on LovcU's Isle, Boston Harbour, and perished Dec. 10, 1787, aged 31." Both buried at U'renthani Centre. iii. Nao.mi, Dec. 18, 1752; d. March 17, 1765. 66 WARE aENEALOGY. iv. Eleazer, April 9, 1755 ; cl. Dec. 31, 1764. V. Jerusha, Jan. 31, 1757 ; m. Dec. 28, 1786, Dr. Jencks Norton.? vi. Esther, Sept. 4, 1758 ; d. April 4, 1765. vii. Olive, .Time 5, 1760 ; m. in W. July 1, 1790, Jeremiah Man. No children. 28. Hezekiah" {Eleazer,^ John^), born in Wrentham, April 17, 1711 ; died May 16, 1741, aged 31 ; buried at Wrentham Centre; married March 18, 1736, Ithamar Farrington. (She mai'ried second, Dec. 8, 1747, Joseph Fairbanks.) Children, born in Wrentham : i. Mary,^ Jan. 27, 1736[-7] ; d. Oct. 3, 1752. ii. Abigail, March 2, 1737 [-8.] 77. iii. Elijah, July 8, 1739 ; d. in W. March 2, 1813, aged 74. 78. iv. Hezekiah, Nov. 27, 1740 ; d. in W. June 19, 1779. " Lieut." 29. JoHN^ (Joseph,^ John^), born in Sherborn, May 20, 1717 ; died there Sept. 18, 1779; inherited the north half of the homestead in Sherborn; selectman, 1758; married June 19, 1743, Martha, daughter of Dea. Henry (Solomon, Hem*y) Prentice of Cambridge (born June 27, 1724, died April 20, 1805). Children, born in Sherborn (three sons served in the Revolution) : i. Martha,^ May 7, 1744 ; d. April 30, 1751. ii. Elizabeth, Aug. 22, 1746; d. 1814; m. April 24, 1765, Peter (Benjamin, Samuel, Benjamin, Benjamin) Bullard (b. Sept. 28, 1734) ; 14 children. ' iii. Mary, Dec. 5, 1748; m. Dec 6, 1770, Jonathan Holbrook, 2d, both of Sherborn. ^9. iv. Joseph, April 30, 1751. " Esq." 80. v. John, July 4, 1753. Fought at the siege of Boston and at Bunker Hill; d. Sept. 14, 1833, at Deerfield. vi. Martha, June 6, 1756 ; m. Oct. 11, 1781, Joel (Joseph, Isaac, John) Coolidge (b. July 19, 1759). 8 children. 81. vii. Benjamin, Jan. 8, 1759,; d. Feb. 2, 1814. viii. Persis, Aug. 12, 1761 ; m. June 1, 1780, William Adams (Asa, William). 7 children. 82. ix. Henry (senior), b. at Sherburne, April 1, 1764; H. C. 1785. 83. X. Azariah, Jan. 12, 1769. 30. Benjamin^ {JSFathaniel,^ Nathaniel) , born in Wrentham, Jan. 30, 1727-8; died there May 3, 1810, aged 83; buried in Wren- tham Centre; "yeoman"; married Jan. 29, 1767, Elizabeth, WARE GENEALOGY. 67 daughter of James' (Uriah,' James') Leonard. James li., formerly of Taunton, sold homcistead in 1751 and went probably to AVren- tham, as another dauohtor had married there Nehemiah Lincoln. (Elizabeth died June 15, 1825, aged 82.) He was in Capt. Miller's Company in 177G. Children, born in AVrentham : i. Benjamin,* April 1 ) , 17G8, " Capt." ; d. June 12, 1829, aged 61,* unm. 85. ii. Samuel, April 17, 1770; d. Sept. 12, 185G, aged 8G. iii. Polly, -luiie 2, 177o ; m. Oct. 2G, 1797, Benjamin Shepherd of Wieiitham. Child : B. N. Shepherd, m. Mary Ann Sturdevant of Needham. iv. Susanna, Sept. 10. 1775 ; m. Isaac Lewis of Walpole, May 19, 1803. Both of Walpole. V. Margaukt, d. Sept. 21, 1850, aged 71, in Westboro' ; m. first, March 2, 180(5, Dr. Aaron Ilolbrcok of Holden ; m. second, 1828, Elihu Blake of Westboro.' vd. Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1781 ; d. May 24, 1872 ; m. April 29, 1820, Ezekiel Jones of Boston. Child: Eliz. W., m. William D.° Ware, No. 214. 86. vii. William, Oct. 20, 1784 ; d. Dec. 3, 1856. 31. Nathaniel^ (JS^athaiiiel,^ JVathanier), born in Wrentham, January 14, 1744[-5] ; died June 10, 1832, in his 88th yr. ;* "Capt."; married May 25, 17G9, Abigail, daughter of Ichabod (William, Samuel) iSIan (died June 10,^840, aged 93*). Children, born in Wrentham : i. Sarah,* b. March, 1770 ; d. in Aigusta, Me., 1834 ; m. in Wren- tham, May G, 1791, to Jesse Craige (b. in Wrentham, August, 17G4, d. in Augusta, November, 1852). Children : 1. William. 2. Elias. 3. Hannah. 4. Nancy. 87. ii. Jairus, Jan. 22, 1772 ; " Judge " ; d. Jan. 18, 1836, aged 64.* iii. AuiGAiL. Sept. 12, 1774; d. Sept. 21. 183G ; m. May 21, 1804, Rev. Calvin Park, D.D., of Providence, R. 1., Professor in Brown University. Children : 1. Harrison G., b. Julv 28, 1806 ; Brown, 1824 ; Rev. d. Aug. 1886. * Buried in Wrentham Centre. 68 WARE GENEALOGY. 2. Edwards Amasa, b. Dec. 29, 1808 ; Brown 1826 ; Prof. Audover Theo. Sem., D.D., LL.D. Andover, 1831 ; Rev. ; m. Sept. 21, 1836, Maria Edwards, dau. of Col. William, grandson of Rev, Jona. Edwards. 3. Calvin Emmons, b. Dec. 30, 1811 ; Amherst 1831 ; And- over 1835 ; Rev. 88. iv. Warren, Feb. 24, 1777 ; d. July 4, 1843 ; to Orrington, Me. V. Nancy, Dec. 22, 1779 ; m. in Wrentham, Feb. 19, 1807, as 2d wife, Col. George Hawes, member of Mass. Senate ; d. Aug. 28, 1876, in her 97th year. Children : 1. George Edward, moved to N. Y. 2. Nancy. 3. Benjamin, Aug. 19, 1816. vi. James, Oct. 5, 1782; d. Oct. 16, 1795, 14th year.* vii. Nathaniel, May 31, 1787 ; d. unm. May 15, 1832, aged 46.* viii. Julia, about 1790; d. unm. Sept. 24, 1860, aged 71.* "House- keeper at old Ware place, a good dignified woman." [E. A. Park.] 33. Pelatiah" {Beriah,^ Nathaniel') , born in Wrentham, Dec. 24, 1732 ; married at New Braintree, Dec. 27, 1758, Rebecca Blair. On the muster-roll of the company of Capt. Sam Robinson appears the name of Pelatiah Ware with thirty-eight others. This company was engaged in battle near Lake George, Sept. 8, 1755. Five were killed, his name not among them. [N. B. Paige, Hardwick.] Child, born in New Braintree : Lydia,^ Mar. 9, 1760 ; m. Mar. 10, 1785, Jonas Bigelow of N. B. 34. Beriah" (Beriah,^ ISfathanier) , born Jan. 30, 1742 [living at date of his father's will, Nov. 5, 1755. No further details]. 35. Josiah* (Josiah,^ JSfathanier), born in Needham, Sept. 15, \1A:2; removed while young to Wrentham; died there Oct. 23, 1836. A farmer and one of the committee for erecting the church at North Wrentham (Norfolk). Married in W., June 18, 1770, Lois,^ daughter of Elisha" (Ebenezer,^ Robert^) and Phoebe (Clark) Ware (born Feb. 19, 1747-8, died Nov. 28, 1828). Children, born in Wi'cntham : i. Eunice,^ Dec. 23, 1772 ; d. Oct. 12, 1833 ; m. Oct. 26, 1797, Daniel Cook. 3 childi-en. * Buried in Wrentham Centre. 11. 92. iii. 93. iv. V. 94. vi. vii WARE GENEALOGY. 69 Rhoda, Sept. 20, 1775 ; d. Feh. 11, 1778, uiim. JosiAn, April 22, 17.S1 ; d. in Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1827-8. Elisha, May 5, 1784 ; d. Aug. 27, 1858 ; " Capt." Lucy, March 23, 1787 ; d. Sept. 5, 1870 ; m. .Tan. 7, 1810, Ik-nju- niin Rockwood (b. Oct. 18, 1783, d. Fcl). 12, 18G8). 4 cli. Darius, Aug. 21, 1789 ; d. March 16, 1857. Lois, March 24, 1793: d. April 8, 1869; m. April 3, 1821, Josiah Codding (b. Taunton, Feb. 1, 1787 ; d. in AV^rentham, Sept. 6, 1864). 86. Elijah* (Josiah,^ JV^athatiieP) , born Sept. 30, 1747 ; diccIJan. 30, 1817, in Xeedham ; married Feb. 2, 1774, Rebecca Woodward (died June 7 or Jan. 9, 1822, in Natick). Children : 95. i. Luther,^ d. Feb. 18, 1837. ii. Calvin, May 29, 1779, at Needham. » iii. Rkbecca. iv. Sally. V. Patty, m. at Needham, Feb. 21, 1811, Royal Woodward. 37. Asa* {Josiah,^ JSTathajiieP), born March 5, 1750-1, in Need- ham; bapt. April 1, '^ privatim quia non valuit " ; died May 9, 1832, in W., aged 81. Moved early to Wrentham, and lived in the north part, now Norfolk. Lost iiis left hand in the battle of Monmouth, 1778; was deacon of the church for forty years ; married December 27, 1779, Phoebe, daughter of Elisha* (Ebenezer,^ Robert') and Phoebe (Clark) Ware (born Jan. 2, 1758, died Jan. 25, 1820). Asa* married second, Abigail Turner (d. Mav 9, 1832). [L. L. W.] Children, born in W. : i. IIanxah.'^ May 20, 1781 ; d. Aug. 10, 1852; m. Oct. 16, 1806, Samuel llolbrook. Children : ^ ' 1 . Samuel Eliot. 2. Caleb. 3. Hannah. 4. Mary A. 97. ii. Asa, .Tune 16, 1783 ; d. May 6, 1862 ; ''Captain." iii. Caleb, Nov. 10, 1788 ; d. y. iv. Theodore, March 22, 1702 ; d. Jan. 19, 1822. in W. ; ni. April 13, 1820, Sarah B. Daniels (b. June li», 17'J'.I). His widow, Mrs. Sally Ware, m. second, July 8, 1824, Joseph Brock of Medfield. 70 WAKE GENEALOGY. V. Phcebe, Nov. 22, 1794; cl. March 1, 1811 ; m. April 26, 1821, Elijjhalet Blake, Pawtucket, R. I. Children: 1. Eliza M. 2. Clarissa A. vi. Chloe, July 6, 1797 ; d. June, 1800; m. James Budlong, Paw- tucket, R. I. No children. vii. Silas, June 3, 1800 ; d. Oct. 21, 1839, Pawtucket, R. I., unm. 38. "^ Joseph^ {Josiah,^ Nathaniel'^'), born atNeedham, Oct. 5, 1753 ; died November 12, 1805 ; man-led June 1, 1780, Esther Smith of Needham (born Jan. 16, 1756, died Aug. 1834). He was a farmer until the Revolution, when he entered the army and served through the war, acting as orderly sergeant and recruiting officer. He was the author of a journal of the expedition to Quebec under Gen. Arnold, 1775-6. [Reg. vol. vi.]. He was also at the battles of Concord and Ticonderoo^a. Children, born in Needham and Natick : 100. i. ^JosEPH,5Nov. 9, 1778. ' ■ 101. ii. William, Aug. 5, 1784 ; d. Nov. 30, 1839.- iii. George, June 25, 1787 ; d. May, 1820, unm. iv. Polly, June 10, 1789 ; d. April 5, 1794. V. Abigail, June 10, 1791 ; d. May, 1872; m. first, in Weston, 1815, John Seaverns of Dorchester and of Weston. 2 chil- dren. Married second, Thomas R. Shepard (d. Dec. 1854)- 2 children. Married third, Dec. 7, 1859, Rev. Tyler Harring- ton (d. about 1870) of Weston. Children : 1. Rachel Binny Seaverns, b. Oct. 2, 1817 ; d. July 29, 1878 ; m. George Austin Chapin. Living 1885. 2. Geo. Ware Seaverns, d. July 12, 1882 ; m. 1st, Marg. B. Porter of Boston ; 2d, Kath. Kennedy of Lynn ; 3d, Mary Ann Brown of Lynn (d. May 1878). 3. T/ios. R. Shepard, Jr., d. Sept. 1872 ; m. Harriet T. Cousins (Comins ?) ; still lives (1886). 4. Henry C. Shepard, May 1, 1829; m. 1st, Mary E. Hammond of Salem, May 1, 1850 (d. May, 1858) ; m. 2d, EUz. C. Hayden of N. Bedford, Nov. 24, 1859 (she d. Aug. 18, 1883). 5. Angeline Shepard (^ , / j 6. Augerna Shepard') ' ' •^' vi. Ralph, July 19, 1793; d. March 20, 1801. vu. Mary, April 13, 1795 ; d. Feb. 10, 1878, sb. "82. 9. 29."; m. John Whittemore. Child : Georgiana Whiltemore ; m. Ilillyer, Baltimore, Md. Child : John Henry Hillyer. WARE GENEALOGY. 71 39. Daniel* (Josiah,^ JVafhanieP), born in Neeclham, May 19, 1755 ; died Oct. 20, 1819,* 64 yrs. ; " Esq." Served two terni,^ of three montlis each as orderly sergeant in the army, and hiter lilled various public otficcs in Xeedhani. " Purchased and occupied a tarm next to liis father's." "The name of Uajigot was on the old map (1770). Esquire Daniel probably purchased of the Daggett family. Dea. Reuel lived and died here. The place is now owned by the C'hamhcrlaiiis. On the old map of 1770 the name of N. Ware appears. The farm is now owned hy Lain-ea and John King>ihury. You w ill hnd it on the map at the corner of Wehster and High Sts. I am unable to locate the 'Cranberry Meadow'; very likely it was in the Rosemary meadows somewhere. I have marked tlie * School around ' on the tracino- of the mai). It is located between the Col- burn and Livingston house on the map. AVhat is known here as ' Povvell's Island ' is a tract of upland near Charles river, surrounded by meadow. It is covered with wood, ' Shrufie land ' is probably the same as Shrubby or scrubby land, and means a small growth of wood, ' Shruff, Light, dog wood, or stuff used for fuel.' [Webster.] I am not sure as to the loca- tion of the ' Rosemary Plain Road,' but I do not think that it was what is now Brookside Road. 1 think that it may have been some one of the roads at the northerly end of the ' Great Playne.' I have traced on the, map some of the old roads. I have also marki>d the route driven over at the time of your visit. Very few of our roads were located as early as 1699. The oldest is undoubtedly the road from Dedham over the island to the ' Great Playne.' " [C. C. Greenwood, Needham, 1887.] Married Sept. 16, 1784, Abigail Ts'ewell, daughter of Kbenezcr (Josiah, Isaac, Abraham) and Elizabeth (Allen) Newell (born in Dover, Nov. 24, 1764, died April 20, 1849, aged 84). * Children, born in Needham : 102. i. Daniel,"^ Sept. 22, 1785 ; hap. May 7, 1797 ; d. Dec. 30, 1862, ii. DouoTiiY. Feb. 9, 1788 ; d. March 22, 1871 ; m, June 2, ISU. Isaac Smith (d, March 2, 18G5), Had 4 dau,, 2 sons ; 4 living in 1886, Children : 1. Belinda, b, Aug, 26, 1811 ; m. Nov, 12, 1836, David Scott, 2, Dorothy, b, Dec, .'51, 1.S14; m, dan, 1, ISM, Michael Wolcott, 3. Isaac, b, Nov, .">, 1816 ; m. INfav 29, 1841, i\Iyra Cheney. 4, Abiffdil NexvM, b. i\Iay 29, 1819 ; m. Nov. 6, 1818, Charles McLane, * " All but two children settled in Necdhiim, the part now Wcllesley. Diuiii-M pur- chased a farm adjoining his father's, where lie lived the rest of liis life. Keuel bought the homestead aiid spent all his life there." [A. A. Ware, JloUislon.] 72 WARE GENEALOGY. 5. Martha Jane, b. Jan. 15, 1822 ; m. June 16, 1849, Emelius Sherman Albro. 6. Daniel Ware, b. Feb. 27, 1828. 103. iii. Reuben, June 12, 1790 ; d. Jan. 22, 1875. 104. iv. Reiiel, Sept. 24, 1794 ; d. in' Wellesley, Aug. 15, 1882. 105. V. Dexteb, Oct. 27, 1797 ; killed by the cars at^Grantville, Oct. 20, 1851. vi. Nabby, Feb. 24, 1800; m. John Sargent of Leicester. "Abi- gail " d. Feb. 16, 1889. " Nabby or Abigail m. April 14, 1842, as his second wife, John, son of John (Nathan, Jonathan, John, William) and Sarah (Gates) Sargent (b. May 19, 1797, d. Feb. 13, 1850). [Old Cemetery, Wellesley, Mass.] vii. LuciNDA, f ] m. Aug. 21, 1834, Charles Mayo of Chat- j April 17, I ham ; d. Aug. 4, 1839. ^ 1804; f m. March 20, 1834, Solomon Fuller Smith (d. 1871) ; d. Mar. 20, 1847. viii. Louisa, 40 Samuel* {Samuel,^ JSfathanier), born May 9, 1746; died at Heath, Mass., aged 83, Dec. 5, 1829. Removed before 1781 to Conway, Mass. "A gentlemanly and tender pliysician, cheerful and ingenious in his profession. His genial spirit made him many friends, and his constant public employment as a Justice of the Peace, &c., made him well known. He was of the salt of the earth." "Dr. Ware was a gentlemanly and tender physician, exact and neat in his dress, careful and temperate in his diet, very indus- trious, an early riser, cheerful and ingenious in his profession, and was sent for in towns seventeen miles distant. He said he had earned a good estate, while others were sleeping. He regretted he had not accepted his father's offer of a college education. After giving up his employment he seemed to live on the verge of heaven, and his body was apparently the temple of the Holy Ghost. His genial spirit gave him many friends, and his constant public employ- ment made his name as present as the light of day which will not soon be forgotten. He was of the salt of the earth." [Written by his daughter, Mrs. Sally Bonney.] Married flan. 24, 1771, in Dedham, Bethiah Avery, daughter of William (William, William, William) and Bethiah (Metcalf) Avery of Dedham (born Jan. 26, 1749, died Dec. 2, 1843, buried at Heath) . " Dr. Sam. Ware was of Simderland in 1773 and 1777." [L. M. Bolt wood.] "March, 1771, Sam'l Ware, jr. was admitted from the Ch. in New Braintree, and Jan. 3, 1773, Bethiah Ware was admitted. Her sister Elizabeth, m. to Aaron Fisher, was recorded in Sunder- land, Feb. 24, 1780." [See Conway Ch. records for 1776.] WARE GENEALOGY. 73 Dr. Ware and his wife spent tlieir old age with Mrs. Bethiah Miller in Heath. She was dismissed from Conway to Heath Ch. March 19, 1835. Children, born in Conway : j. Son,® unnamed ; d. soon. ii. Samuki- William, Jan. "20, 1774; d, Sept. 4, 1775. iii. Bethiah, March 17, 1780; d. Auo;. 17, 1848, Xunda, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 13 (int. Sept. 29), 180G. Rev. Moses Miller of Heath, (b. Worcester, Nov. 23, 1776 ; Brown 1800; settled at Heath Dec. 20, 1804, dis. April 21, 1840; West Hawley 1840-4G ; in 1848 to Nunda and Portage, N. Y. Lived in Brookfield with son-in-law W. A. Nichols ; d. April 22, 1865). She was dismissed from the church in Conway to the Cong. Church, Heath, Marcli 19, 1835. Children, born in Heath : 1. Samuel Ware, July 18, 1807 ; d. unm. Aug. 26, 1828. 2. Sarah, Aug. 6, 1809; d. July 17, 1843; m. Sept. 20, 1831, Dea. Aaron Dickinson (b. July 5, 1802; d. Marcli 2, 1871). 3. Mary Mil/cr, April 19, 1811 ; d. Dec. 2, 1833, ; m. June 8, 1830, Hon. Hart Leavitt (he m. twice afterwards, father of Edw. and Joshua Leavitt and brother of the late Joshua L., D.D., of N. Y. ; Independent; b. Dec. 19, 1808; d. April 15, 1881). 4. Hannah BiUinf/s, Feb. 2Q,\S13; d. Oct. 3, 1862, De- troit; in. R(^v. Lemuel Leonard, Nov. 19, 1839, now of liichlaud Centre, Wis. Presb. 5. Bethiah, Feb. 14, 1815; d. Nov. 11, 1865, Chicago; m. Rev. Washington A. Nichols, now of Lake Forest, Illinois. 6. lyiomas Spencer, May 24, 1817 ; d. Aug. 1, 1843, Heath, while a tutor at Amherst Coll. Grad. Amherst, unm. 7. JlJoses Akxaiider, Feb. 21, 1819; d. Nov. 9, 1840, at Heath, unm. 8. William, Jan. 23, 1821 ; d. Feb. 20, 1823, Heath. 9. Samuel Fisher, Oct. 5, 1822 ; d. Oct. 28, 1870. iv. Sarah, April 20, 1782; d. Feb. 19, 1864, Danbury, Ct. ; m. May 12 (int. April 28), 1811, Rev. AVilliam Bonney of New Canaan, Ct. (b. Cornwall, Ct., April 6, 1779 ; d. Nelson, O., Nov. 26, 1839). Children : 1. Lucij Atwater, March 28, 1828; d. Danlniry, Ct., INlarch 30, 1857 or 1859 ; m. Oct. 22, 1841, William r.oiuiey Sherwood (d. 1845 or 6, Greenwich, Ct.). He opened a family school for young ladies at Greenwich, Ct., and after his death liis widow continued the school until her health failed, in Danbury, Ct. 74 WARE GENEALOGY. 2. Rev. Samuel Ware, New Canaan, Conn., March 8, 1815 ; d. July 27, 1864, at Canton, China; m. July 22, 1856, at Albany, N. Y., Catharine Visscher Van Rensalaer (dau. of Gen. Sol. Van Rensalaer. d. June 29, 1891). He studied at N. Y. Univ. and at Lane Theo. Sem. ; went to China as a missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. in 1844: served in Canton. 3. Sarah Anna, Nov. 17, 1818 ; m. May 7, 1867 (2d wife), Rev. Washington A. Nichols (1st wife Bethia Miller, d. 1865). Lives at Lake Forest, 111. 4. Ilari/ Ware, Aug. 30, 1821 ; d. April 11, 1886, at W. Cornwall, Conn. ; m. Jan. 30, 1850, Deacon Russell R. Pratt, of W. Cornwall, Conn. 106. V. William, May .22, 1784; d. Sept. 22, 1822. vi. Mart, Dec. 5, 1785, Conway; d. in Conway, Feb. 11, 1870, aged 84; m. March 13, 1816, as his second wife, Southworth Rowland of West Brookfield (b. at Barnstable, March 29, 1779, d. at Worcester, June 8, 1853). Children, all born at West Brookfield : 1. Hev. William Ware, Feb. 25, 1817; d. at Ceylon, India, Aug. 2C>, 1892. Grad. Amherst Coll. and Union Theo. Sem. ; ordained in 1845, and went to Ceylon as a missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. ; preached there nearly 50 years with great success. 3 sons and 1 dau. became missionaries. He m. Oct. 14, 1845, Susan Reed, of Heath (b. Oct. 2, 1819 ; d. Ceylon, July 23, 1887). 2. Samuel, Aug. 21, 1819; d. June 25, 1843, Worcester. 3. Joseph Avery, Feb. 19, 1821 ; m. Adeline Henshaw, 1847. 4. Mary Esther, Aug. 28, 1823; d. March 26, 1879, at En- field; m. Nov. 1867, Edw. Smith of Enfield. 5. Elizabeth Sherioood, April 3, 1826 ; d. Sept. 13, 1855, Cincinnati, 0. ; m. Feb. 25, 1852, Hezekiah D. Perry. 41. Jonathan'' {Samuel,^ JSTathaniel-), born July 12, 1747; died Feb. 9, 1829, in Conway, aged 82. Farmer; I'emoved from Nor- wich to Conway, Mass., 1796 ; married first, April 28, 1770, Sarah, di;un;liter of Dea. James Woods (born 1750, died June 17, 1776, in Norwich, now Huntington, Mass.). He '^^arried second, March 13, 1777, Lucy, daughter of Samuel Kingsley (died April 17, 1786, in Norvvich). "He married third, ]May 28, 1789, Anna, daughter of" Esq'"' John Kirkland* (born April 3, 1764, died Aug. 26, 1836, at Granville, 111. AYent west with her son John, 1835. * Uncle of President Kirkland, of Harvard College. " The father of John K., who was gr. f. to Pres. K., was a missionary to the Mohawk Indians." [Familj'.] WARE GENEALOGY. 75 The eleven eldest children of Jouathiui' were born in Norwicli (now Huntiuirton), ]\Ia88. Children of Jonathan and Sarah: 107. i. Timothy,'^ Nov. 21. 1771 ; d. April 28, 1837, Granville, 111. ii. Sally, Feb. 27, 1773; d. Sejit. 1823; m. Dec. 18, 17:i|. Klia- kini Sylvester, both of Norwich, iii. II.VNXAH, Jan. 31, 177.5 ; d. Dec.'l;'j, 1830 ; m. in Conway, Jan. 16, 1797, Dr. Enos Smith of Granby. Children, born at Ashfield [connuunicated by Marion An- drews Smith, daughter of 5, below] : 1. Emily, Jan. 21, 1709; m. Dr. Jairus Bement ; d. Julv 8, 1837. 2. Harriet, Nov. 11, 1800; m. Dr. Atherton Clark; d. in 1871. 3. WiUiam, Nov. 5, 1802; d. Aug. 2, 1803. 4. Hannah, July 18, 1804; m. Grenville Reed; d. Nov. 1865. 5. Eliza, Aug. 26, 1806; m. Edward Smith; d. May 12, 1866. 6. Almira, INlav 16, 1809 ; m. WiUiam Hutchins ; d. Aug. I, 1848. ' 7. Enos, Nov. 21, 1812; m. Jane Lewis; d. in 188-5. 8. J/ory, Dec. 12, 1814; m. Wells Ilawkes ; d. Jan. 11, 1841. 9. P«??(e/a, Sept. 20, 1817; m. Lorenzo Nash; d. April II, 1852. 10. Sarah, Dec. 7, 1820; m. Welles Hawkes ; d. Aug. 25, 1854. iv. Jonathan, June 11, 1776 ; d. March 28, 1810, unm. Children of Jonathan and Lucy : V. LrcY, Nov. 18, 1777 ; d. Nov. 1835. vL Anna, July 14, 1779; m. in Conway, Oct. 5, 1799, Israel Rice, Cazenovia, N. Y, Children : 1. Judith, m. G. Jenkins. 2. Israil, m. D. Jenkins. 3. Kinf/slfij. 4. Fordyce. 5. Isaac, m. C. Jenkins. 6. Foster. 7. Anna, m. L. Walker. S. Lucy, m. Isaac (Jere. 9. Caroline, m. J. Snow. 10. Susan, m. W. Perkins. 11. Joseph, m. Ann Ellis. 108. vii. Saml'el, Sept. 5, 1781, in Norwich; d. Aug. 25, 1867, at S. Deerfield. 76 WARE GENEALOGY. viii. Susanna, March 9, 1784; d. Aug. 15, 1815; m. March 13, 1804, Solomon Sylvester (b. June 22, 1779). He left about time of wife's death, and was never heard from. Children : 1. Lucy K, b. Dec. 23, 1804; m. Dec. 25, 1821, Theodore King. 2. Sexton IF., b. July 20, 1806 ; d. April 3, 1812. 3. Lomyra f Louisa?], b. Feb. 17, 1808 ; d. April 13, 1810. 4. Lorinda Ann, b. Feb. 23, 1810 ; m. H. N. Taft. 5. Anqelina, b. April 23, 1812 ; m. David Field of Conway, Sept. 28, 1831 ; she d. Granville, 111. 6. "Z)/-." EliaTcim W., b. April 28, 1814; m. Fanny Arms of Conway, Mass., 1844 ; d. Lyons, N. J. Proprietor of Lyons Nurseries. ix. Naomi, April 6, 1786 ; went west 1834 ; d. Oct. 2, 1835, at Granville, 111. Children of Jonathan and Anna : X. Son, unnamed, Feb. 14, 1792. 109. xi. Joseph Kirkland, April 21, 1793 ; d. Dec. 7, 1854, Canan- daigua, N. Y. xii. Elizabeth, Nov. 25, 1796, in Conway ; d. Feb. 23, 1799. xiii. Louisa, Aug. 17, bapt. Sept. 16, 1798, in Conway ; d. Feb. 7, 1803. 110. xiv. John, Aug. 10, 1801 ; d. Aug. 28, 1836, at Granville, 111. 111. XV. Ralph, Feb. 15, 1804; d. June 9, 1863, in Granville. 112. xvi. Thomas, Jan. 5, 1806. "The same day his grandfather Ware died." 42. Jesse* {Samuel,^ NathanieV), born July 31, 1750, in New Braintree, Capt. in Hardwick Sept. 9, 1750 ; died October, 1829, in Niagara Falls, N. Y. Went from Pittsfield to Niag^ara Falls, 1800 to 1812. Returned to Dalton, Mass. He married, first, in New Braintree, April 12, 1774, Anna Woods, of New Braintree. He married, second, Eunice (Lawrence) Scott, (born Winchester, N. H., July 22, 1767 ; died Moscow, N. Y.) [She had married, first, James Scott; child Elijah Scott, born 1787 : married Clarissa Farwell, had 9 children; lived Moscow, N. Y.] Eunice walked with Solomon and Sophronie in 1812 from N. F. to Lewistown, 10 miles, by night. [Mrs. Wallace.] Child of Jesse and Anna : i. Anna,^ b. in New Braintree, Oct. 20, 1776 ; m. Calvin Bannister. Children of Jesse and Eunice : 113. ii. Sylvester Goodale, b. at Brattleboro, Vt., Apr. 28, 1798; d. about 1857 at New Orleans. WAUE GENEALOGY. 77 114. Hi. Solomon Lawrknck, b. Oct. 13, 1800; d. Feb. 3, LSl'J. iv. Soi'HKONiA, d. in Daltuii. .June, 1843. "Prim old uiaid ; good as gold." 43. Ebenezer^ {Ehenezer,^ Robert^), born in Wrenthum, May 16, 1709; tiled Jan. 25, 1774; married Mary, daughter of Robert and Mary Fuller, of Needham (born Aug. 17, 1717, died Sept. i). " Ebenezer left no grandchild of the name of Ware." Children, born in Wrentham : i. NoAH,s Oct. 25, 1738 ; d. Aug. 25, 1764. ii. Edee, Oct. 31, 1740 ; d. Sept. 28, 1826 : m. Oct. 14, 1773, Daniel Poud. He was at Lexington, and served 8 mos. afterwards. He was a sou of Jacob (P^phraim. Daniel) and Abigail (lleuth) Pond (b. Feb. 9, 1726-7, d. Nov. 30, 1804). [He m. first. May 21. 1751, Sarah Thurston, who d. Oct. 22, 177(i, aged 46.] — [Poud Family.] Children of Daniel and Edee Pond : 1. Ebenezer, Feb. 13, 1781. 2. Davie/, July 20, 1783, d. after 1872. mun. 3. Jacob, Se\)t. 4, 1785. iii. Ezra, Nov. 2, 1742; d. Aug. 21, 1757. iv. Mary, Dec. 15, 1744; d. Oct. 17, 1748. V. .Tacob, Dec. 30, 1746; d. Oct. 28, 1748. vi: IIuLnAH, Nov. 2, 1749; d. Oct. 4, 1807; m. March 18. 179(1. Jason Thompson. Children : 1. Calvin, died youug. 2. Jason, died young. 3. Mary Fuller, died at Norfolk, Ai)ril 27, 1881. aged 87 years, 7 mos. vii. Baasha, Nov. 2, 1751 ; d. ^lay 14, 1757. viii. David, Dec. 10, 1753; d. May 19, 1757. ix. Mary, Aug. 27, 1756; d. Mav 27, 1757. X. Thankful, May 8, 1758; d. Sept. 24, 1762. 44. Eliphalet' {Ebenezer,'' Rober I'-), \)(ni\u\ W'rentliam. Marcli 'J.*), 1711; died Nov. 28, 1779; married August 16, 1783, Experienee Garnsey, of Mcdvvay. Children, born in Wrentham : * i. Eliphalet," June 2, 1734; d. Jan. Id. 1756. •• l)i.:d of sickness • L. L. W. said Experience had !:ii.xtecn cliildren, one [lair ^if twins. 78 WARE GENEALOGY. at Sheffield when he was returning home from the army that went against Crown Point." ii. Experience, March 27, 1736; m. at Medfield, April 30, 1762, Jeremiah Morse, iii. Mariam, May 23, 1739. iv. Elizabeth, July 2, 1741 ; d. Nov. 7, 1813; m. May 16, 1765, Lemuel Wight (d. June 21, 1821); both died in Foxboro'. Lemuel was probably son of Thomas (Eliezer, Thomas, Thomas) and Mary (Richardson) AViglit (b. iu Mediield, Sept. 16, 1746). He entered the army 1781 : was discharged in 1783 ; served at West Point. Children, born in Wrentham : 1. John Morse, Nov. 30, 1765. 2. Lemuel, March 9, 1769. 3. Bannak.Feh. 10, 1771, d. unra. at Foxboro, Sept. 5, 1851. 4. Thomas, May 7, 1772. 5. Mary, .lune 1, 1774. 6. James. 7. Simon. 115. V. Nathan, March 21, 1743 ; d. in Wrentham, July 4, 1831, aged 88. vi. Kezia, March 21, 1743; d. March 27, 1756. vii. Sarah. Jan. 9, 1744-5 ; married March 8. 1770, Aaron Brackett. 116. viii. Oliver, March 10, 1746; d. in Franklin, March 16, 1819. 117. ix. Asa, July 21, 1751. 45. Elisha* {Ebenezer,'^ Robert"), born in Wrentham, March 21, 1715; died at (N.) Wrentham, July 18, 1796, an-ed 81; mar. Feb. 12, 1746-7, Phoebe (b. 1718, died Oct. 10, 17^92), daughter of Samuel Clark, w^ho held a large grant of land from the crown, 1692. Some of Elisha's descendants still own parts of this grant. Elisha gave the land for the church at N. Wrentham. "Samuel Clark, 1692, had a tract of laud as a grant in N. Wrentham and built a house upon it 1700-1705. He gave his daughter Pluebe for a dowry a tract betv,'een Asa Wliite's house and Elisha Rockwood's. Eben- ezer^ Ware gave land for the church. Elisha was at the time of the raising of the meeting house an old man with long white hair ; he wore a long gown and carried a staff. Jn 1796, while the old meeting house on the hill was being raised (in present Norfolk), Elisha sat in his chair and viewed the raisins." Lvman E. Ware has the chair. Children, born in N. Wrentham : i. Lois,^ Feb. 19, 1747-8; d. Nov. 28, 1820; m. June 18, 1770, .losiah Ware, of Needham (Josiah, Nathaniel). [See No. 35 above.] ii. Deborah, May 15, 1750; d. March 26, 1757. iii. Eunice, Aug. ^23, 1752; d. March 21, 1757. WARE GENEALOGY. 79 iv. Elisha, March 5, 175G; d. Jan. 4, 1757. V. PiKEBE, Jan. 2, 1758; d. Jan. 2;J,1820; m. Dec. 27, 1779, Dea- con Asa Ware, of AVrentham (Josiah, Nathaniel). [See No. 37.] 118. vi. Joel, Aug. 31, 176U; d. March 23, 1838. 46. RoBEKT* (Bobert\ Robert"), bom in Wrcntham, Nov. 27, 1711 ; married Mav 1, 1735, Esther (Thomas, kSamuel) Man (born Aug. 19, 1712). He was an Anabaptist in 1752. Children, born in \A rentham : i. Esther,'' May 30, 173i), married June 30, 1763, as his second wife, Dr. Noah Fuller, of Wrentham (b. March 28, 1739) ; removed to Westmoreland, N. H., about 1779. He d. April 29, 1809 ; buried at Surry. [He had married, first, Oct. 30, 17G0, Dorothy Hunt, (b. Jan. 17, 1743, d. Aug. 16, 1762); and had one son, Josiah, b. 1761.] Dr. Noah Fuller was a man of considerable importance in Westmoreland. Children, born in Wrentham : 1. Noah, b. Mav ■l'!^, 1764; d. Jan. 1847; mar. Feb. 11, 1790, Olive Staples (b. May 14, 1768 ; d. April, 1850), dau. of Jacob and Lois (Edson) Staples of Westmore- land. Resided in E. Westmoreland. Farmer. 2. Robert, b. Mar. 4, 1766 ; m. Oct., 1803, Rhoda French. 3. Esther, b. Jan. 25, 1768; m. Capt. John Flint of Wal- pole, N. H. 4. Dorothy, b. Jan. 21, 1770 ; d. Mar. 20, 1761, 91 yrs., unm. 5. Abigail, b. Feb. 1, 1772; m. at AVestmorcland, May 15, 1797, Sherebiah Leach, Jr. They removed to Vermont. 6. Joshua, h. Feb. 10, 1774; mar. ,Fune 22, 1801, Mercy Felt. 7. Sibyl, b. Jan. 15, 1777 ; mar. June, 1808, Stephen Brit>- ton, son of Ebenezer and Sarah (Bullock) Britton of Raynham, Mass., and Westmoreland, N. H. (Sibyl was his 2d wife, b. Apr. 21, 1765, at Raynham.) 8. Joseph, b. July 30, 1779; d. July 26, 1856; lived at E. Westmoreland; mar. .Jan. 30, 1802 (3?) Annie, dau. of Josiah and Annabel Knight, of Worcester and West- moreland (b. in Worcester, Jan. 7, 1779 ; d. Jan. 22, 1858). 9. Settee, b. Aug. 10, 1783 ; d. July 10, 1797. (Only one b. in Westmoreland.) This Betty was one of " the wonders of her times," — somewhat of a religious enthusiast. She luis left bi^liind her a most I'emarkable written account of her last sickness. — [From Mrs. Ella Patten Abbot's notes for a " History of West- moreland, N. II."] ii. RoBEiiT, Feb. 2, 1740-1, unm. iiii. S A It All, May 18, 1743. 80 WAKE GENEALOGY. iv. Betty, Feb. 23, 1744[-5]. Mar. Oct. 19, 1769, John George. V. Eldad, Jan. 1, 1748-9; d. Dec. 22, 1769. vi. Rachel, Sept. 1, 1751. Mar. May 18, 1769, Oliver Garnley of Riclmiond. 47. Timothy* (JRobert,^ Robert^), born in Wrentham, Dec. 23, 1715; died "Nov. 29, 1794, in his 79th year"; buried on the " North Pkin"; married first, Jan. 18, 1742-3, Mary, daughter of Paul and Hannah Healy (born Nov. 30, 1720, died June 27, 1767, 47th year) ; married second, June 1, 1769, in W., Eachel (Ball) Stearns (died June 11, 1800, 68th year). Children, all by first wife, born in Wrentham : i. Mary,^ Dec. 2, 1743 ; m. Feb. 14, 1765, Joseph, son of Jabez HiU (b. April 20, 1730). Cliildren : 1. Jason. 2. Joseph. 3. Molly. ii. Olive, Nov. 20, 1746 ; m. Jan. 12, 1769, Thomas Messenger, "Wrentham. 120. iii. Timothy, Nov. 20, 1746 ; d. May 30, 1798. 121. iv. Elias, May 30, 1754. 48. r— Joseph' {Rohert\ Robert"), horn in Wrentham, Jan. 23, 1717- 8 ; died " Sept. 4, 1811, 94th yr." ; buried at Blake's Hill ; married first, Jan. 7, 1747-8, Sarah Heaton (died Sept. 3, 1776, 56th year). Married second, Jan. 6, 1778, Hannah Pasmore of Mendon (died Feb. 21, 1811, 84th year, at Wrentham). Child (perhaps others) : i. IcHABOD,^ May 30 ; d. June 2, 1761. 49. J0NATHA^^' (Robert,^ Robert'), born in Wrentham, May 8, 1720; died in Wrentham, Sept. 3, 1775; married in W., April 19, 1748, Mary Shuttleworth — then pronounced " Sheckleworth " — (died a widow April 9, 1797).* *It is said tluit Jonathan was a very small man, and also that he was not very cou- rageous, and sometimes his wife thought it necessary to use tlie rod of correction to break him of being so timid. His brother Ichabod did not like the training tliat his brother received, and proposed taking liis place sometime when he expected the correc- tion. So one night when the cows liad not come home from pasture and it was getting dark, Jonatlian's wife scut him for them. He hunted for them, but could not find them. On tlic way back he met his brother, and Ichabod said '• Let us change clothes WARE GENEALOGY. 81 Children, born in AVrcntham : i. AciAL^ (dau.), Aug, 11, 1750 ; m. Feb. 14, 1771, Joseph (b. Feb, 18, 1748), son of Caleb (.John, .John, Ralph) Day and Bethiah* (Ebeuezer,* Eobert-) Ware (b, Feb, 18, 1748). Joseph Day d. July 29, 1817. Children of Joseph and Abial (Ware) Day : 1. Enoch, Dec, G, 1771 ; removed to Swanzey, N, II, ; m. in AVinchester, N. II,, 171)7, Rebecca Lawrence. [Reg, 1883, 398,] 2, Eunice, Dec, 1, 1773 ; d, unm. May 11, 1852. 122, ii. Samuel, Sept. 2, 1753 ; d, Oct. 22, 1829, at Franklin, 50. Henry* {Robert,^ Robert"), born inWrentham, April 20, 1722 ; died there "Feb, 6, 1776, 54th year " ; buried on the North Plain ; married Dec. 20, 1749, Estlier Cheever. Children, born in Wrentham : i. Silence,^ July IG, d, .July 17, 1752, 123, ii. Asaph, Nov. 20, 1755 ; m, June 15, 1775, Mercy Clark, ili, Eunice, Aug, 23, 1757 ; m, in W, April 18, 1781, Benjamin MetcaK (Telatiah, Michael, Eliazer, John, Michael), Resided in Wrentham. Children : 1. Henry. 2. Esther. 3, Lydia. 4, Eunice. 5. Pelatiah. iv, Ltdia, Dec, 15, 1758. V. James, Sept, 24, 1761 ; is believed to have m, April 17, 1781, Cynthia Ray, " Jutton, child of James Ware, b, in "Wilming- ton, Yt,, Nov. 19, 1785." 51. Thomas* {Robert,^ Robert^), born in Wrentham, Oct. 4, 1725; died Nov. 14, 1761; married Nov. 13, 1751, Rebeckah Dinsmore. Children, born in W. : i, Margaret," Feb. 10, 1752; [m. April 4, 1771, Joseph Kings- bury?]. 125. ii, Oliver, July 4, 1754. 52. IcHABOD* {Robert,^ Robert^), born in Wrentham, June 1, 1728 ; died there Oct. 24, 1810, 83d year; buried on the North Plain ; and T will go and take the whipping in your stead." So they clian^^cd their clothes and Ichahod walked into the house, and it is sai 7'. ^? 'waves " to Mrs. ^relatiah Ware two iioiinds for her to get morning with " Job White's second wife, Susanna, had died the provious February. 84 WARE GENEALOGY. April 25, 1776, as his second wife, John, son of Ebenezer of Fox- boro' (John, John, Richard of Dedham) and Joanna (Stevens) Everett, of Wrenthani* (born June 1, 1736, in Methuen ; married first, Abigail Nickerson ; died in Foxboro', March 25, 1799). Children: Melatiah and Metcalf Everett, born in Foxboro', June 24, 1777 ; Horace Everett, July 18, 1779. She married third, Feb. 25, 1802, John Whiting of Wrentham (died 1811). Children of Jonathan and Melatiah Ware, born in Wrentham : i. Nanct,5 June 2, 1757 ; d. in St. Albans, Vt. ; m. Feb. 1, 1781, in W., Enocli Billings of Stoughton, b. Oct. 27, 1754 ; removed to Vermont. 141. ii. Frederick, Sept. 3, 1760 ; d. 1820, at Pomfret, Vt. " Dr." 142. iii. Paul, Oct. 6, 1762 ; d. Aug. 12, 1830, 67 years; buried Wren- tham Centre. iv. Cyrus, Oct. 22, 1764 ; d. 1766. 143. v. Jonathan, April 27, 1767 ; d. Feb. 1, 1838. 144. vi. Cyrus, May 8, 1769 ; d. Feb. 17, 1849, in Montpelier, Vt. vii. Eleanor, July 26, 1770 ; d. Feb. 25, 1794, at Foxboro'. viii. Leonard, Sept. 11, 1773, in Mansfield, Mass.; d. unm., Sept. 9, 1800, in Columbia, O. 56. Melatiah' {Jonathan,^ Robert'), born in Wrentham, April 19, 1736 ; died Feb. 13, 1799, in Foxboro' ; removed to Wilming- ton, Vt. ; married in Wrentham, Nov. 23, 1758, Chloe Man (born May 26, 1741). Children, born in Wrentham and Foxboro' : i. MoLLEY,^ Sept. 14, 1759; m. Joseph Pond of Wrentham; or she married Benjamin Randlett. [Mrs. Smith.] ii. Charlotte, July 31, 1761 ; Caroline ( Wreut. Rec.) died Oct. 10, 1832 ; m. Aug. 30, 1787, m Foxboro', Samuel Forrest. Children : 1. Samuel, Aug. 27, 1788. 2. Charlotte, Dec. 23, 1790. 3. Amos, March 14, 1793. 4. Fanny, Feb. 19, 1796. 5. Martin Glair, Sept. 12, 1799. 6. Betsey, April 23, 1801. 7. Laura, April 6, 1804. iii. Fanny, March 10, 1765 ; m. Samuel Pettee. iv. Chloe, April 27, 1767 ; m. May 5th, 1786, Hezekiah Pettee, in Foxboro' (d. March 16, 1822). • The vouneest of the nine children of Ebenezer Everett was Oliver, born in pedham, •June 11, 1752. He was the father of Hon. Edward Everett, aud grandtather ot Kev. t.. E. Hale, D.D., of Boston. V. vi. 145. vii. 146. viii 147. ix. X. WARE GENEALOGY. 85 Children : 1. , boru and died Feb. 20, 1787. 2. Hannah, .Time 18, 1788. 3. Tyler, Aug. 31, 1790. 4. Chloe, Feb. 20, 1793. 0. Daniel, May 8, 1795. G. Lewis, ^ov. 24, 1797. 7. Harriet, May 9, d. ^lay 10, 1802. 8. Esther, April 24, 1803 ; d. Aug., 1805. 9. Addison, July 20, d. 1804. 10. Annet, Feb. 28, 1806. 11. Willard, Oct. 14, 1812. LrcRETiA, June 21, 1769 ; m. Jan. 20, 1787, Zebulou Pond. Selixa, July 23, 1772 ; m. Anthony Stetson. Melatiah (son), Feb. 16, 1775 ; removed to AVilmington, Vt. ; d. May 7, 1845, aged 70. IIoKA-no Gates, June 8, 1778 ; d. Feb. 8, 1856. Daniel Leonard, March 5, 1783 ; d. April 23, 1854. Betsey, May 19, 1786 ; m. Nathan Foster. Children : 1. Kezia, ra. Nath'l Hyde. 2. Nathan. 3. Charlotte, m. Aaron Dennison, Birmingham, Eng. 4. Oliver, d. before 1887. Married. 57. Samuel* (Ephraim,^ Epliraim^), born in Xoedham, Nov. 23, 1722; nmrried Deborah Lovewell of Weston (published Dec. 15, 1750). Children, born in Needham : i. Hannah,^ Sept. 15, 1751. ii. Benjamin, April 7, 1754. iii. Sam TEL, April 24, 175G, " jr." ; m. Nov. 26, 177S, hi Needham, Deborah, dau. of John and Deborah Edes (b. Sept. l^, 1758). The widow married Oct. 28, 1788, Philip Floyd, in Newlham. iv. Epiiraim, June 8, 1759 ; d. Sept. 13, or " 30th," 1820, aged 61 ; " Lieut." " lie sustained tlie character of an honest man, a kind husband, a virtuous and useful citizen. His pro])erty he mostly bequeathed to the support of the ministry in his native town." — [Kpitajili.] He inanied Feb. 1 1, 1790, Persis, dau. . of Robert an.l Rachel Smith (b. Nov. 30, 1761, d. Sept. IS, 1832, aged 71, in N.) "After discharging the duties in the relation of a wife, relative, neighbor : friend and Christian : we trust she fell asleep in Jesus." [Epitaph.] V. Elizabeth, Oct. 14, 1761 ; m. July 20, 1780, John, son of John and Deborah Edes (b. April 21, 1751). 86 WARE GENEALOGY. 58. Ephraim^ (Ephraim,^ Ephraini^), bom in Needham, Mass., Jan. 14, 1725 ; died Sept. 30, 1792 (in what is now Concord, Me.). Lived first in Dedham, Mass., about August 2, 1767, Later in Groton. Removed to Somerset Co., Maine, 1790. Physician. Married, July 26, 1764, Martha, daughter of Josiah and Elizabeth Parker, of Groton, Mass. (born Jan. 7, 1737, died in Groton, April 4, 1776). He lived in Plantation 1, Bingham Purchase, 1st Range west of Kennebeck river, now Concord, Me. Buried at Ehnwood Lawn, Athens, Me. He married, second, in Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 13, 1785, Mrs. Abigail Gamage. He did not escape the attacks of professional rivals. "Feb. 11, 1766, Dr. Lincoln called here to apologize for stooping so low as to practice with a certain quack named Eph™ Ware who came as soon as my Father dyed to endeavore to succeed him in ye practice of Phys^ in Dedham." "Feb. 19, 1768, Ephraim Ware, caU'd Dr., o^one to the Place from whence he came Bao^ and Bao-o-ao-e." [From the "Ames Diary." Dedham Hist. Reg. April, 1891, p. 59.] Children : 150 i. Abel,5 Feb. 28, 1766, in Dedham ; d. June, 1803, in Athens, Me- ii. John, Dec. 5, 1767, in Dedham; d. Aug. 1820, in Athens, Me.; uum. Removed to Norridgewock, Me., 1787; Athens, 1817, "A man of strong and penetrating mind, firm resolution, honest in dealing and successful in business." "Was never married. He followed his brother Abel to Maine and made a chopping in Solon. After a few years he sold his land for 150 bushels of rye, which he rafted down the Kennebec to Augusta, in barrels made by himself, and exchanged it for powder, shot, tea and other articles. At Norridgewock he worked at his business as a cooper, and by degrees established a trade in pro- visions, etc., with the settlers and Indians. Representative to General Court of Massachusetts, 1808-9 ; gave land and money toward the erection of county buildings after the separate or- ganization of the State of Maine in 1820. In 1817 he moved to Athens, where he also engaged in trade. His success in business was so great that at bis death he was probably the wealthiest man in vSomerset Co." [Hist, of Norridgewock, Me.] iii. Sarah, Sept. 18, 176!), in Groton ; d. March 23, 1851; m. March 10, 1796, Richard Sawtelle, Jr., of Groton (b. at Shu-ley, Feb. 6, 1769, d. Dec. 23, 1838). Removed to Norridgewock, Me. Children, all of whom married and had families : 1. Harriet^ b. Dec. 19, 1796; married Calvin Seldeu ; d. Apr. 18, 1880. 2. Mary, b. Aug. 18, 1798 ; d. Jan. 1829 ; married Daniel Williams. WARE GENEALOGY. 87 3. Sarah, b. April 30, 1801 ; d. April 10, 1889 ; married Charles Green, son of Rev. Beujarain ( lieiijamiu aud IMartha) aud Lylia (Clark) ( Ivev. Jonas Clark of Lexiujitou), (b. at Marbleliead, Feb. 21, 17l)G, d. Aug. 24, 1852.) 4. John Ware, b. March 2, 1803; d. Dec. 21, 1878. 5. Cullen, b. Sept. 24, 180.J ; d. Nov. 10, 18.S7. 6. Martha, b. July 27, 1808; d. July 4, 1885; married Aug., 1829, Cyrus Fletcher. 7. PauUne. b. Oct. 18, 1810; d. Aug. 11, 1878; married Joliu Merrill. 8. Maria, b. Jau. 9, 1813 ; d. Jan. 4, 1878 ; married Abra- ham, sou of Theophilus Sanborn. 9. George, b. Feb. 25, 1815. iv. Bela, July 12, 1771 ; d. Feb. 27, 1772, in Groton. V. Bela, July 9, 1773 ; d. Aug. 10, 1775, in Groton. 59. Robert* {Robert,"^ Ephraim-), born August 27, 1733, in Needhaui; "d. in Fitzwilliam, N. H., March 8, 1814, aged 81." He married Eunice , and lived probably in Fitchburg ; liad a son born in Leominster. "Robert AVare came to Monadnock No. 4, before 1772, and settled in L. 14, R. 1. He also owned L. 14, R. 2, the southern half of which he sold to James Richardson of Leomin- ster, Mass., Jan. 27, 1772, for £9 Is. 7d., and the northern half to Samuel Kendall of Leominster, Feb. 1773, for £15. In both of the deeds he is called "of No. 4," showing that he was then a resident of the town. In 1798 he had 65 acres with his house, worth $40, on lot 14, Range 1. Mr. Kendall settled upon the land, about the time he bought it. In the list of the inhabitants the name of the town from which he came is not given, although it is in most of the other cases. He signed the call for a town meeting Feb. 25, 1775, when it was voted to abide by the doings of the Continental Congress. — [History Fitzwilliam, N. H., p. 750.] Children : i. " Robert,' son of Robert and Eunice Ware, b. Feb. 8, 1765." [Leominster rec] "Robert, jr. d. July 12, 1809, aged 43." [Fitzwilliam rec] ii. Infant, d. March 18, 1773. iii. Eunice, bap. April 20, 1774 ; married June 8, 179 1, Wm. Rob- bins (b. April 20. 1770; d. April 4, 1853, sou of Williaui aud Hauuali (Paiue) Robbius of Hiudiu^e). Resided in Filzwilliam 1809 to 1814; removed to AVincheudou. C ild: Nancy, Nov. 11, 1800; d. April 30. 1885 ; marriod FJisha (Samuel) licut (b. Dec. 10, 1793; d. Nov. 13, 18G5), June '2'6, 1831. 88 WARE GENEALOGY. iv. Abel, born in 1775, died March 22, 1795, from injuries received by a fall in a sawmill. 60. Jonathan* (Rohe^-t,^ Ejjhrcdnt'), born in Needham, Aug. 4, 1738 ; married, it is probable, in Fitchburg, April 11, 1769, Han- nah Battles, of Leominster. He and his descendants generally have adopted the spelling, " Wares." Children, born in Fitchburg : i. Hannah,^ Oct. 18, 1769, married John Battles. ' Child: Martin, b. Fitchburg, 1800. [See Hist. Hingham.] ii. Lydia, Aug. 8, 1771 ; died unm. iii. Jonathan, March 21, 1773 ; died unm. 152. iv. Samuel, July 18, 1775 ; d. Sept. 21, 1840. V. David, Aug. 26, 1781 ; d. Feb. 5, 1802, unm. 153. vi. James, Aug. 25, 1783 ; d. at Townsend, Mass., March 18, 1856. 62. Ebenezer* {Nathaniel,^ Ebenezer^), born in Needham, April 22, 1726; removed to Hancock. N. H., 1791 ; died there June 26, 1795, "jr." [sic ?J ; married Nov. 7, 1751, Esther, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth Hunting (born June 19, 1730, died in Han- cock, Nov. 28, 1806). Children, born in Needham : i. Ebenezer^ April 6, bapt. July 15, 1753 ; d. Aug. 22, 1766. 157. ii. Jonathan, Sept. 23, bapt. Sept. 26, 1756. iii. Rhoda, Feb. 27, bapt. March 4, 1759 ; d. March 1, 1777. iv. Esther, April 10, bapt. April 18, 1762 ; m. December 31, [1781?] as his second wife, Moses, son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Woodstock) Eaton, (b. June 19, 1753 ; d. Feb. 18, 1833). She d. Dublin, Oct. 22, 1850. Removed to Hancock, N. H., from Needham, 1793. He was a soldier in the Revolution. Four children born in Needham, the rest in Hancock : — 1. Anna, July 13, 1783 ; died young. 2. Lois, 1786 ; d. May 30, 1816. 3. Elizabeth, May 16, 1791 ; d. July 2, 1792. 4. Hannah, Dec. 1, 1793 ; died young. 5. Moses, Aug. 3, 1796, in Hancock; d. Nov. 16, 1886; m. Nov. 20, 1835, Rebecca, dau. of John and Rebecca ( Derby) Pratt of Dublin. 6. Esther, Aug. 6, 1798 ; d. Dec. 2, 1858 ; m. March 16, 1820, Daniel Fiske of Dublin. 7. Rhoda, June 13, 1806; d. March 25, 1875; m. Dec. 22, 1831, Nathan Holt. WARE GENEALOGY. 89 V. Sarah, Sept. 2, bapt. Sept. G, 1707; d. Nov. 1, ISia; m. in- Needham, Feb. IG, 1702, Lemuel, son of Jeremiah aud Eliza- beth (Woodcock) P^atou (b. Feb. 2G, 17o8). Removed to Haiieock, X. II. Children : 1. Leimiel, Oct. IG, 179-1; d. Dec. 17, ISi;;) ; m. June 2, 1831, Eunice, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Chandler) Jewett. 2. Ebenezer, March 20, 17'J7; d. Nov. 14, 1810. 3. Timothy, Aug. 1, 1799 ; d. March 7, 1884 ; m. :\rarch 25, 1825, Nancy, daughter of Shadrach and Fanny Ward. 158. vi. Ebenezer, April 11, bapt. April 15, 1770; d. in Hancock, N. II., Oct. 7, 1857. 63. Nathaniel" (JVathcmiel,^ Ebenezer^) , born in Needham, Sept. 21, 1730, "jr."; married June 10, 1762, Patience, daughter of John and Kebecca (Woodward) Ward, of Newton (born 1739, died in Hancock, N. H., March 3, 1831). The father-in-law of Nathaniel" Ware, Jolm Ward, died Auirust, 178G ; on April 25, 1787, the following agreement was made : " First the Book you and your sisters shall Divide into fouer parts and I will chouse or sum body that I sliall send. 2 the Cows you shal set the Price and I will chouse, the Sheap you Shall put in three parts and T will chouse. I Take 9 busel of corn and have it this Spring. the sasse I will have it this Spring the chease I will have the 5 part of what you have in the house aud tlie Remader of my Shear I will stay till you meke cheese as for the Porck 1 will have fifty pound of clear Porck and 2 pounds of butter. 2 pound of sewet and 8 pounds of lamp grease and have it quick and the 59 pound of money, if your hoggs be Dead my 5 part of theay Ware prised I will Redort [?] onto of tliat simie . You shall let your boy lielp sheal the corn and help liome witli the sheap with your horse and Puug. If you consent to all this we will settle all forwitli." Signed by Nathaniel and Patience AVare, Beulah, Rebecca and Jolm. Ward, April 2G, 1787. [Communicated by J. F. Kingsbury.] He removed to Hancock, N. H., but returned after some years to Needham, and died there. Children, born in Needham : 159. i. Jason,'^ :\Iarcli 19, 17G;] ; d. Feb. G, 182 1, in IIanc.K>k. N. II. IGO. ii. Nathaxiei,, Jan. 7, 17G5; d. -Ian. 10, 1817, 5L'd yr., "jr." iii. Rebecca, Aug. 17, 1770; d. July 1, 1792, unm. FIFTH GEKERATIOISr. 64. William^ ( William,* John,^ John"^), born in Norton, April 27, 1731 ; died 1764. Married Mary, daughter of Eliakim (James, James, James, " Widow ") Walker. Kemoved to Taunton. Children, born in Dighton : i. Mary«, " Polly," Dec. 1, 1754 ; m. (pub. Oct. 15, 1779) Shep- herd Pierce of Dighton. [D. Rec] ii. Perez, died young. [Walker Gen.] 161. iii. William, Oct. 17, 1756 ; d. at Taunton, June 14, 1784. iv. Zebiah, June 22, 1759. 162. V. James, Jan. 2, 1762. 65. George^ ( William,* John,^ John^), bom in Norton, Aug. 26, 1734; died Feb. 16, 1771, in his 37th year. He married Mary Richmond. ["She married second" (pub. Aug. 29, 1772 at D.) Thomas Church, Esq., of Little Compton.] Epitaph in Weir Burying Ground, Dighton, Mass. : " In memory of Dr. George Ware, Physician, whose genius and abilities rendered him respectable and enabled him to discharge with uncommon lustre the duties of his profession. Kindness to his wife, care and tender- ness to his children, hospitality to man and fondness to oblige his neighbors, were among his social virtues. Having displayed the spirit of a Christian, thi'ough long and painful sickness, he met death with calmness and resigna- tion, Feb. xvi. A. D. MDCCLXXI. ^tatis 37." Will probated Taunton, Feb. 25, 1771, mentions these children: wife Mary and brother Sylvester Richmond, Execs. Children, born in Dighton : * i. Anna,8 Aug. 29, 1755. ii. Sauah, July 30, 1757 ; d. unm. May 13, 1819. Bequeathed to the chUdren of her brother George. * " Geo. Ware the son of Geo. Ware by Mary Winslow was born May ye 29, 1755." Dighton Record. Who was this ? WARE GENEALOGY. 91 163. iii. William Richmond, Aug. 25, 17o9. (" Went West aud disap- peared.") 164. iv. George, Sept. 5, 1761 ; d. Jan. 7, 1805, 44tli year. 165. V. John Hodges. 6G. JoSErii* ( Willicwi,* Jo/ui,^ Jo/ni"), born in Dighton, ISIarch 4, 1756; married (pub. Feb. 15, 1781) Hannah Kichmond of Taun- ton. She survived him, and married second Zephaniah Talbot (pub. Sept 12. 1790). Will dated May 5, 1782, probated in 1783 [?], mentions wife Hannah, daughter Abigail aud expected child ; sister Lydia Ware, exec. Children, born in Dighton : i. Abigail.' 166. ii. Joseph, Aug. 11, 1783. 67. John* (John,* John,^ John^), bom in Wrcntharn, August 3, 1734 ; died there Jan. 27, 179G, in his 62d year ; buried in Wren- tham Centre. He married March 23, 1763, Hannah George (died in Wrentham ; buried in Wrcntharn Centre, Sept. 12, 1809). Children, born in Wrentliam : i. SrsiE,« Dec. 28, 1763 ; d. in W., Sept. 1, 1775. 167. ii. RiCHAHD, June 30, 1766. 168. iii. Oliver, April 12, 1769 ; d. Jan. 30, 1820, olst year, in W. ; buried in Wrentham Centre. iv. Hanxah, July 4, 1771 ; m. in W., Jan. 12, 1797, Ebenezer Cox of Barnard. 169. V. Marvel, Dec. 8, 1774. 68. William* (John,* John,^ John'), born in Wrcntharn, Feb. 18, 1736-7 ; died Oct. 14, 1782 ; married Elizabeth Hills, Oct. 13, 1770, at Charlton, Mass. "Dr." "In 1773 allowed 12 sh. 3 d. for doctoring the poor." [Charlton Records.] Children, born in Charlton : 170. i. William,^ Oct. 13, 1773; married; " had four cliildreu. Went to N. Y." [C. E. S.] ii. Sarah, Aug. 3, 1775. iii. Elizahetu, March 4, 1777; d. in AVreutliam, Sopt. 1. 1830; m. 1st, in Cliarlton, ISlass., "Josiali Town, .Ir., Ainil 7, 1703, both of Charlton." [Town rec] She m. 2d, John Wliitiug of Wrentham, Mass., June 1, 1801. ? 92 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : 1. Eliza, March 19, 1802; d. Oct. 22, 1833; m. Jan. 2, 1827, Elisha Knowles. 2. Margaret Metcalf, .July 14, 1804 ; d. Dec. 27, 1827 ; m. Dec. 3, 1826, Richard Whittaker. 3. Caroline Whiting, Aug. 31, 1806, " unm. invalid"; d. Dec. 8, 1881. 4. Catherine, Aug. 31, 1806 ; d. Dec. 15, 1833. 5. John William, May 19, 1808. 6. Charlotte Ware, Aug. 11, 1814 ; d. at Walpole, June 13, 1888; m. Nov. 24, 1842. 171. iv. John, b. Dec. 17, 1779, Charlton ; d. " Apr. 29, 1847, 67. 4. 12." 69. Ezra* (JoA?^,* JoJin,^ John'), born in Wrentliam, July G, 1741 ; died there Feb. 2, 1815, in his 74th year; buried at Wrentham Centre. He married in Dighton (pub. Oct. 27), Nov. 20, 1764, "by Ezra Richmond, Esq.," Hannah Pratt, ''both of Dighton." She died in Wrentham, July 17, 1800. Children, except two eldest, born in Wrentham : i. Lois,® June 8, 1765, in Cumberland, R. I. ; m. May 17, 1787, in Wrentham, Timothy Partridge. Levi, Jan. 20, 1767, Cumberland, R. I. Molly. Sept. 11, 1769 ; d. Feb. 12, 1821, in Wrentham ; unm. Ezra, June 12, 1772. Lemuel, Dec. 7, 1774. Lemuel, Sept. 20, 1776. John, Sept. 5, 1778 ; d. March 20, 1862. SusE, July 28, 1781 ; d. Wrentham, May 26, 1845. George, June 29, 1784. Hannah, Oct. 23, 1787 ; m. June 12, 1812, Joel Ruggles. [L. L. W., from Wrentham Record.] 70. Moses* {Moses,* John,^ John''), born in Wrentham, Nov. 16, 1739; died at Keene, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1812; married Dec. 3, 1761, Rebecca, daughter of William, Jr. and Rebecca (Ware) (John, John,) Puffer, both of Norton (born in Wrentham, Nov. 18, 1741). Removed to Surry after 1773 ; to Gilsum betore 1793, "vv^ith several boys." "Name on associates' list in S. 1775." Moses* and Moses® removed to Keene in 1806. Member of Cong, church, Surry. Children, all but two youngest born at Norton, Mass. : i. Eunice,® Dec. 1, 1763 ; d. 1807 ; m. John Ellis of Gilsum, July 31, 1783 ; removed to Swanzey. 172. ii. iii. 173. iv. V. 174. vi. 175. vii. viii. 176. ix. X. WARE GENEALOGY. 93 Children : 1. Eliz., April 12, 1781 ; d. Nov. 3, 1810. 2. Uicy, Sept. 23, 178G. 3. John, June 30. 1789 ; d. Swauzey about 1823 ; m. .Ian. 2G, 1811, Nal)l)v, dau. of John aii, 1773; died Aug. 23, 1821). He "served in the Kevuhiti.m." Bought a farm of Ezra Pond in Wrenthain, West Parish (now Franklin) , in 1 7 7 1 . [Pond Family.] Children : Amariah," Dec. 27, 17G4 ; d. Oct. 19, 1842, aged 77. Eliazer, Oct. 28, 1766; d. Fraukhn, Oct. 30, 1843, agens of her second husband by former wife ; wlien visiting her daugh- ters she married their father-in-law [!]. She had three children by lier first husband : George, Chloe, and HepsihaJi. vi. Phineas, April 18, 1796; d. April 20, 1790. 76. Daniel* {Daniel,* Eleazer,^ JoJm^), March .'), 1748-9: ni. July 14, 1785, Survina Greatraikes of Foxboro' ; she dicil in Iut 60th year; buried at North Wrentham. Resided at Wrentham. 96 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. WILLIAM^ April 3, d. April 17, 1787. 190. ii. Amherst, May 1, 1788 ; d. April 10, 1860, in W. 191. iii. SiLVANUS, June 15, 1791 ; d. Oct. 18, 1811. iv. Mercy, Jan. 20, 1795 ; d. Jan. 2, 1862, imm. V. Jacob, Oct. 1, 1797 (" of a Sunday morning, at three o'clock "), and died Dec. 8, 1797. 77. Elijah' {Hezehiah,* Eliezer,'' John''), born at Wrentham July 8, 1739; died March 2, 1813, aged 74; married Jan. 7, 1768, Hepzibah Dexter [ ?] . Children : i. PoLLY«, Oct. 26, 1768. ii. Hepzibah, Oct. 31, 1770; m. Oct. 9. 1791, Jotham Davis. 78. Hezekiah' {Hezelciah,' EJiezer,' JoA^^'), bom Nov. 27, 1740; died June 19, 1779. "Lieut." in 1777 ; on service in R. I. 1778 ; married May 10, 1764, Molly Hall; she died Dec. 9, 1809, aged 70 years. Resided at Wrentham. Children : 192. i. Jason,« Sept. 19, 1765 ; d. Nov. 12, 1836, at Shrewsbury. 193. ii. Hezekiah, March 9, 1767; d. Dec. 20, 1831. iii. Eunice, Dec. 30, 1769 ; d. April 25, 1808 ; buried at Wrentham Centre. " She had lived in a feeble state many years." iv. Ehoda, Sept. 21, 1771 ; d. Jan. 28, 1825, "in a fit of apoplexy in the family of Mr. Chandler of Attleborough." V. Harmon or Hannon, Aug. 12, 1773; d. Feb. 14, 1787. 194. vi. Preston, Aug. 12. 1777; d. Oct. 11, 1858. vii. Susan, May 8, 1779; d. at Medfield, March 22, 1864; buried Wrentham Centre. 79. Joseph* {John,' Joseph,"" John^), born April 30, 1751 ; "Es- quire"; died June 11, 1833; married Sept. 14, 1776, Grace (Joseph, Isaac, John) Coolidge (b. May 27, 1755; d. Dec. 1, 1832), both of Sherborn, niarried by Rev. Elijah Brown. He lost his left arm in the battle of White Plains, but became an able sur- geon, teacher and magistrate. Inherited the homestead. He was a man of great intelligence, personal dignity and moral worth, and ought to ha gratefully remembered as one of the most exemplary and useful citizens Sherborn ever had. [Morse's Sherborn.] WAKE GENEALOGY. 97 Children, born in Shcrborn : i. Betsey^, Dec. 7, 1777; d. Sept. IS, 18."<7; aged 79, 9. G. Lived at Worcester; in. in Sherboru, June 27, 1797, John Mason, Jr., of Shrewsbury; (Aug. 17, 177.") ; d. Aug. 20, l«-l;j aged G8, 0, 3.) Children : 1. Ben?-y II., April 29, l.SOl ; d. April 10, 1812, aired 10, 11, 11. 2. Joseph irore, April 21, 1803; d. April 21. 180G, aced 3,0,3. ^ 3. PaUi/ Ware (Martha), May 30, 180.") ; m. June o, 1845, AViHiam W. Pratt (b. Jan. 13, LSI).".; lived at 3Iarble- liead). 4. Emeline, Sept. 7, 1807 ; d. Aug. IC). 1812 ; in. June 22, 18—, Joel Nourse (Jan. 12,"l803 ; d. Jau. 18, 1884, aged 81 years, 6 days). 5. John GooUdge, Worcester, May 27, 1810; d. Feb. 17, 1883, aged 72, 8, 20; m. June 11, 1833, Sarah llen- shaw Miles (b. April 27, 1811). 6. Joseph Ware, May 27, 1810; d, July 2G, 188G, aged 76, 2, 1 ; m. April 30, 1838, Nancy Flint (b. July 4, 1712). 19 '). ii. Alpheus, March 23, 1780 ; d. May 23, ISoO, aged 70. 196. iii. AsHDR, Feb. 10, 1782; d. Sept. 10, 1873. iv. Patty, April 21, 1787 ; d. in her 79th year in October, 18G.3 ; m. Horatio Gardner of Sherburne; he died Sept., 18GG. Children : 1. Delia A., Feb. 13, 1812 ; m. Alfred A. Lelaud at Sher- burne (E. Ilollistou, P. ().). IJlind and an invalid; lives with brother, II. W. Gardner [18!>S]. 2. Pamelia, April, 1817; d. Feb. 14, 18.30; nuisic teacher at Richmond, Va. 3. Aaron B., 1819; d. Sept. 1821. 4. Horatio W., Sherburne, Dec. 28, 1821 ; m. Harriet A. Fiske, Framingham. Living in 1898. 5. Mary, Oct. 1827 ; d. Oct. 8, 1855; ni. Samuel Small of Portland, Me. 6. Agazine M., May 19, 1836; d. April 8, 1854. 197. V. Henuy, b. Feb. 15, 1789 ; d. Feb. 23, 1814. 80. John" {John,* Jos.,^ John"), horn in Shcrl)orii, July 1. 17."),'}; died Deerficld, Sept. 14, 1833. Foiig;ht ;it tho .siege (»l"H«»stoij and at Bunker Hill; acted as adjutant in the expedition under Gen. 7 98 WARE GENEALOGY. Lincoln to suppress Shay's rebellion, 1786 ;^ lived in Sherborn and Newton ; built the first paper-mill at Newton Lower Falls, 1790. Teacher, surveyor, town officer, magistrate. [Hist. Sherburne.] He married Ist^ Sept. 28, 1775, Hannah (Caleb, Eliazer, Eliazer, Henry) Leland of Sherborn, born May 17, 1757 ; died "in child- bed with her eiohth child and is here buried with her infant m her arms, yEtatis 32," [gravestone] March 2, 1790, at 2 o'clock, A M. ; buried at Sherbourne, " the first person laid m this burying place." He married 2d, Dec. 13, 1790, Zeruiah Brown (died May 4, 1825, aged 74). Cliildren, born at Sherborn. Children of John and Hannah : i. SyLViA,^ Jan. 22, 177C ; d. Jan., 1828 ; m. in Newton, Jan. 22, 1794, Dr. Ebenezer Starr of Needham (son of Josiah of Wes- ton), " a man of note and iuflnence outside his profession, H. C. 1789, representative 2 yrs." Children : 1. Hannah 1794 ; m. Horatio Hoyt. Farmer in Deerfield ; six children. 2. Horace, 179() ; m, Ellen Briggs. Merchant, Newton; four children. 3. Helen, 1798 ; m. J. S. Emerson ; d. in 1823, at Baton Kouge, La. 4. Heclor, 1801 ; m. Mary Craft ; d. 1846, at Newton ; six children. 5. Hennj, 1807 ; ra. 1st, Louisa Crane ; d. in 1836 ; surgeon, Tremont, 111. ; m, 2d, Cath. Culpepper ; three childi-en. 198. ii. Walter, Sept. 28, 1777 ; d. Newton, June 9, 1822. 199. iii. Orlando, Aug. 28, 1779, d. Deerfield, Dee. 5, 1860. iv. Sophia, Aug. 13, 1781 ; d. July 19, 1857, Deerfield, num. Kept a shop in Boston. V. Eleanor, June 28, 1783 ; m. at Newton, June 28, 1808, Robert ■ Small. Children : 1. Robert, 1809 ; d. at sea. Cabinet maker. 2. Eleanor, 1811 ; m. Joseph Foster. 3. Martha, 1813 ; m. Henry W. Wellington. 200. vi. Elbridge, Aug. 14, 1785. vii. Pamela, Jan. 21, 1788 ; d. Aug. 1852 ; m. at Newton, Oct. 26, 1814, Ralph Williams of Deerfield (b. July 4, 1788 ; d. Feb. 7, 1858). • 1786. J. Shay's rebellion : " Mr. John Ware acted as adjutant in this expedition, undi'i- (icnc-i'ul Lincoln. Being sent with orders to a distance from Lincoln's army he Blo|)|)i. ii. Elisha Shumway, 1817 ; d. April 11, 1818, at 5 1-2 months. Child of Elisha and Sabra, born at West Brookfield, X. Y. : iii. Theodore, [West Bloomfield, N. J.]. 94. Darius* {Josiah,* Josiah, "^ Nathaniel^), born Aug. 21, 1789; died March 16, 1857; married May 26, 1814, Pamclia, daughter of Barnabas and Plucbc (Danforth) Cary (b. Aug. 2, 17S8,'\\'il- liamstown, Mass.; d. .Jan. 10, 1865, X. Wrentham). 'I'lu'v were married by Rev. John Cleveland at his house in X. Wrenthani. He died Feb. 1, 1815. Children, born in Wrentham, now Xorfolk : 223. i. Lyman Cary«, June 27, 1815; d. July I. 18r.;]. 106 • WARE GENEALOGY. ii. Ltdia Lucindia. Feb. 7, 1817 ; d. Aug. 21, 1895, unm. "Her lono' life was devoted to the good of others and of faithful service in a quiet unostentatious manner, in the ■work of alle- viatino- suffering, cheering the despondent and succoring the needy." iii. Betsey Ann, Nov. 13, 1818; d. Aug. 29, 1881 ; m. Jan. 28, 1841, Alonzo Leprelett, No. 411, son of George and Peggy (Pond) Ware. 224. iv. Darius, Sept. 25, 1820; d. in 1887. 225. V. Elijah, Aug. 24, 1823 ; d. July 3, 1890, at Omaha, Neb. vi. Cyrus, Feb. 15, 1826; d. Sept. 16, 1879, at Norfolk, unm. vii. Cleveland, Aug. 8, 1829; d. Oct. 28, 1850, unm. 95. Luther^ (JEli/ah,* Josiah,^ JVathaniel-), born about 1776; "ofRoxbury," died in Natick, Feb. 18, 1837; he married, April 14, 1800, Elizabeth Edes ; she died in Needham, Nov. 7, 1822, aged 42 ; buried at Wellcsley. He married, second, Sept. 22, 1823, in Needham, Abigail Usher, "both of Needham." Children : i. Eltza^ May 4 1800; m. Feb. 21, 1820, Martin Broad [in Newton ?j. ii. Luther, born and died Aug. 6, 1801. 226. iii. Samuel, June 22, 1803. iv. Hannah, Aug. 23, 1804; d. Sept. 1, 1806. V. Hannah P., d. in Boston, Feb. 12, 1847, "aged 20 yrs." [tomb- stone at Wellesley]. 97. AsA° (ylsrt,* Josiah,^ Nathanier), born at Wrentham, June 16, 1783; died May 6, 1862. "Captain "and sexton. He mar- ried first, at Franklin, Nov. 26, 1807, Rcna Richardson of F. (b. June 3, 1788; d. June 18, 1813.) He married second, June 29, 1S15, Ursula Turner (b. Nov. 8, 1788; d. May 24, 1862). Children, born in N. Wrentham : i. Clarissa Ann®, Sept. 9, 1808; d. April 27, 1823 ; unm. ii. Imiii.y Fisheu, Oct. 15, 1822; m. Sept. 5, 1847, James Hol- brook Shaw. Lives at Franklin. Children : 1. Clarissa Adelia, unm. 2. Adelaide Maria, m. Adin Sargent Hubbard. 227. iii. Francis Turner, Jan. 28, 1825. WARE GENEALOGY. 107 100. Joseph'^ (Joseph,* Josiah,' N'athanieP) born Nov. 9, 1778, in Needhani ; married Nancy Smith. Deacon. Child : Abby.' 101. William* (Jose])!!,* Josiah,^ JVathanieP), born Aug. 5, 1784, in Natick ; married, Jan. 1, 1812, Abigail Williams (b. Roxbury, April 23, 1791). He died Nov. 30, 1839. Children : i. Joseph". ii. Harriet, Oct. 28, 1815. ill. Mary, living in 1885. iv. Ralph, livini^ in 1885. V. Abigail, Nov. 14, 1812. [Needham rec] 102. Daniel^ (Daniel,* Josiah,^ jSFathaniel'), born in Needham, Sept. 22, 1785 ; bapt. May 7, 1797 ; died Dec. 30, 18G2, " 77, 3, 8." He married, Feb. 28, 1819, Lydia (Jenninos) Russell, widow, of Holliston (d. Dec. 22, 1864, aged 80). [Old Cem. Wellesley.; Children : i. Caroline," April 14, 1820; d. Dec. 23, 1823. ii. Daniel Newell, Jan. 30, 1823 ; d. Dec. 20, 1823. 228. iii. Daniel Newell, Nov. 4, 1825. 103. Reuben* (Daniel,* Josiah,^ NathanieV) , born in Needham, June 12, 1790 ; bapt. May 7, 1797 ; died Jan. 22, 1875, "84, 7, 10" ; married Nov. 30, 1820, Lydia Pratt (of Aaron, Jr., and * Lydia (Pratt) Smith), both of Needham (b. March 27, 179G; d. May 3, 1887). Children : i. Susan Durell," Needham, Oct. 30, 1821 ; d. March, 1800, at Central City, Col. [J. S. S.] She ni. Jan. G, 1843, in Need- • Aaron Smith, Sen. (Capt. Kev. army), b. 1730; d. 179.J; m. Ucul;>h Woodward (b. 1734; d. 179G). Aaron Smith, Jr., b. 17o6; d. 1833; m. Lydia Pratt (b. 17G5; d. 1793), Feb. Id. 1785. 108 WARE GENEALOGY. ham, Andrew Jackson Locke of Charlestown, son of Jonathan and Mai-iraret (Wyer) Locke (b. Boston, Dec. 24, 1815 ; d. Oct. 16, 1874). Children, born hi Charlestown: 1. Arthur Ware, Aug. 29, 1844; d. Nov. 12, 1897; m. June 8, 1869, Josephine II. Moore. A printer. 2. Warren Andreio, Oct. 31, 1847 ; organist some time at Harvard University', and St. Paul's Church, Boston ; m. Oct. 10, 1878. in Hamburg, Germany, Madeline (b. Huddersfield, England, May 21, 1847),' daughter of Rev. Charles Fred, and Mary Cecil (Vardy) Weide- mann. 3. Bradford Homer, Nov. 8, 1849. Mining engineer. 4. Edward Austin, Jan. 9. 18o2 ; d. Jan. 26, 1864. 5. Annie Louise, Dec. 19, 1854; m Feb. 3, 1880, William Hall Wentworth (Wm. Hall and Cordelia D. (Ingalls) Wentworth, Concord, N. H. ; b. Boston, Sept. 15, 1852). 6. 3Iari/ Susan, Feb. 1, d. Feb. 14, 1856. 7. -Emma Caroline, Oct. 23, 1859 ; d. Aug. 22, 1860. ii. Ltdia Maria, Feb. 6, 1824; d. Sept. 29, 1826. iii. Louise M., Apr. 18, 1828 ; m. in Needham, June 6, 1854, Edward Hanford, son of Edw. and Hannah (Eaton) Greeley, of Haver- hill, N. H. (b. in Hopkinton, N. H., April 23, 1817 ; d. Aug. 27, 1890, in Concord, N. H.) A Congregational clergyman, settled in Haverhill, N. H. ; Nashua, N. IL ; Methuen. Mass. ; Haverhill, a second time. The last 17 years of his life Secre- tary of N. H. Home Missionary Society. Children : 1. Edward Addison, Haverhill, N. H., June 19, 1855 ; m. in N. Y. JNIiriam Pearson (daughter of Thomas and Jane Eliza (Pearson) Mason. 2. Herbert Ware, April 26, d. Sept. 23, 1857. 3. William Bradford, Nashua, N. H., Nov. 1, 1859 ; m. in New York April 15, 1891, Sarah Noble (daughter of William and Louise (Bryant) Burleigh), (b. Somers- worth, N. H., Aug. 2, 1865.) 4. Arthur Philip, Methuen, Mass., April 8, 1862 ; m. in Wasliington, D. C, Nov. 16, 1892, Helene Hildegard Mina Herzog (b. New York City, May 29, 1862), (daughter of Charles Herzog, Saxony, Germany (b. Johangeorgenstadt, Saxony, Feb. 1, 1822 ; d. Wash- ington, D. C, Nov. 25, 1880), and Hildegard Koch (b. Berlin, Germany, June 13, 1833). 5. Jane Lincoln, Methuen, Nov. 8, 1864. 229. iv. Rkuben Newell, Dec. 3, 1830 ; d. at W. Sept. 22, 1861, aged 30 years. 230. v. William Smith, Dec. 24, 1832. AVARE GENEALOGY. 100 104. Reuel* (Daniel,* Josudi,^ XdllKinieP ), bom in Xeedhain, Sept. 24, 1794; baptized May 7, 1797; died at Wcllesley, An--. 15, 1882 ; " 87-10-21 "; married May 20, 1824, liannali; daugh- ter of Koyal and Elizabeth (Dewing) ^Iclntosli (born March 10, 1798 ; died May 1, 1875 ; " 77-1-21.") Deacon. See pages tl and 71. Children : i. Abigail Elizaheth", March 19, 1825 ; d. Aug. 4, 1872 ; in. June 4, 1851, Horace B. Morse of Natick. Children : 1. Lizzie Maria, -^ug- 6, 1852; m. Jan. 26, 1875, Capt. Amos Abrams of Benton, La. 2. Edwin Ware, Sept. 24, 1854; m. April 30, 1S81, Mabel 1^. Hubbard of Holdciii, ilass. 3. Emma Louisa, Oct. 11, 1856; m. May 2, 1881, Charles S. Holden of Holden, Mass. 4. Herbert Clarence, April 17, lb59. 5. Mary Ella, April 10, 1861 ; d. Sept., 1861. 6. Willard Horace, Feb. 20, 1865; m. Jime 1, 1897, Mary H. Rogers of Worcester, Mass. 7. Sarah Frances, March 18, 1867; m. Oct. 10, 1889, Dr. Frederick Sanborn of Spencer, Mass. 231. ii. Recel Willard, Sept. 10, 1826. iii. LuciNDA Emelixe, July 28, 1828; d. ^lilwaukee. July 24, 1892; m. Jan. 3, 1855, Lewis W. Slocuuibof HoUiston. Child : Arthur Ware, Nov. 8, 1860; m. Nov. 8, 1882, Augusta Martin of Milwaukee. iv. Haxxah Jaxe, July 1, 1830; m. April 22, 1858, Newell Chamberlain of Needham (b. April 6, 1821). Children : 1. Lizzie Frances, Oct. 25, 1859. 2. Carrie Anna, June 26, 1861 ; m. Oct. 16, 1890, Charles F. Oxford of Cambridge (b. Dec. 2, 1861). 3. Ella Jane, Feb. 14, 1865. 4. George Arthur, Aug. 31, 1868; m. June 10, 1891, Alice L. Folger of Dorchester (b. at Uuiou, IMc.). 5. Frank Ware, Sept. 2, 1870; m. Sept. 24, 1891, Ellen C. McAnaul of Cambridge. 6. Waller Bur nap, duly 12, 1872; m. Jan. 5, 1898, Frances Lillian Edwards of Cambridge (b. March 11, 1875). V. Catherine Pkisoilla, April 10, 1^32 m. HoUiston, Nov. 5, 1859, Nathan W. Grover of Foxboro. 110 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : 1. Kitty Florence, April 15, 1860; m. Sept. 17, 1888, Julius Wright Howland (b. Oct. 23, 1857). 2. Emma Augusta, March 8, 18G2 ; d. Dec. 9. 1887. 3. Charles Reuel, April 5, 1861; m. first, Oct. 24, 1888, Hattie Bacon (b. July 27, 1865; d. Oct. 21, 1889). He m. second, May 11, 1892, Lizzie Florence Wildes. 4. Harriet Isabel, Jan. 27, 1866; m. April 19, 1892, Samuel Bromiley of Nashua, N. H. (b. July 27, 1866). 5. Ayinie Louise, May 15, 1868; m. Sept. 5, 1897, Levi James Harper of Brockton (b. Jan. 17, 1870). vi. Ann Louise, Dec. 21, 1833; m. June 27, 1861, George A. Robinson, Greenfield, N. H. (b. at Greenfield, Nov. 23, 1834) ; res. at HoUiston in 1888. vii. Sarah Frances, Oct. 13, 1836 ; d. Oct. 1, 1853. viii. Althea A., Aug. 23, 1843 ; lives at Holliston. 105. Dexter^ (Daniel,* Josiah,^ NatlianieV), born in Needham, Oct. 27, 1797 ; baptized Jan. 14, 1798 ; died Oct. 20, 1851, " aged 53-11-24." He married May 25, 1826, Mary C. Smith. He was living at Wellesley Hills in 1887 ; w^as killed by cars at West Needham (now Wellesley depot) . Children, born in Needham, now Wellesley Hills : i. Rebecca A.,« Oct. 17, 1828; d. Sept. 7, 1896; m. June 7, 1860, Henry S. Batchelder of Wellesley. Children : 1. Caroline W., July 15, 1862. 2. 3Iar7j C, June 21, 1866. ii. Mary E., Nov. 12, 1830 ; d. Jan. 13, 1897 ; m. Oct. 29, 1856, Charles T. Wilder of Attleboro (d. Aug. 14, 1897). Child, born at Wellesley Hills : Charles Brooks, June 29, 1867; d. Feb., 1870, aged 3 years. 232. iil. George D., Jan. 7, 1833 ; resides at Wellesley Hills. iv. Ellen M., Dec. 9, 1840; m. Joseph E. Fiske of Wellesley, June 1, 1869; d. Jan. 17, 1871. Child : Men Ware, Jan. 14, 1871. 106. William* (Samuel,* /Samuel,' Ahithanier ), born in Conway, May 22, 1784; died at Ellington, N. Y., in October, 1856, aged WARE GENEALOGY. Ill 72. Studied at "Williams College, but did not graduate. Resided in Ware; pliysician and preacher; removed, in 182i), to Ellington, Chatauqua county, N. Y. lie married, Dec. 5, 181G, .Sarah Raymond (born July 7, 1791, at ]\Ioiitvillc, Ct.* She died, iSIay 28, 1877, aged 86, at Ellington, N. Y.). "Recommended to church in Westminster, Vt., Sept. 22, 1822" (Con- way record) ; practiced medicine there five years; preached in Jeflerson County, N. Y., and 2 years in Winsor, Conn. ; was never ordained, and gave up preaching; became a Baptist about 1849." Children : i. Lemui:l Raymond," Dec. 16, 1817; d. March 2, 1821. ii. Samuel Worcester, Dec. 19, 1819; unm. ; lived with Mrs. Benedict; d. Dec. 31, 1891. 234. iii. William Avery, at AYestminster, Vt., March 14, 1822. 235. iv. Lemuel Raymond, at Westminster, March 14, 1822. v. Mary E. H., at Westminster, April 28, 1824; m. first. Dr. William A. Chase, March 2, 1851. She m. second, in 1864, Jolm Benedict, Ellington, N. Y. (d. Sept. 25, 1889). Children : 1. Mary Ware Chase. 2. WiUiam Ware Chase. Both died young. 3. Mary Ware Benedict, Jan. 1, 1865 ; m. Dec. 21, 1897, Archie Sprague, farmer. vi. Sarah Ann Betiiia, Jan. 5, 1829 ; d. about 1877 ; unm. vii. Martha Jane Grey, July 15, 1836; d. Sept. 4, 1892, in El- lington; m. James Cooper, a merchant (d. of consumption 10 years after marriage) ; widow Kves with Mrs. Benedict. Child: James William, April 4, 1809 ; d. in 1888, at De Funiack, Florida. 107. Timothy* (Jonathan* , SamueP , N^athanieP ), born at Norwich, now Huntington, Mass., Nov. 21, 1771 ; died April 28, LS.W, at Granville, 111. ; married , who died, a widow, about 1855. Children : i. Jonathan," Feb. 11, 1805 (see Sam.' Ware's Book). ii. Son. iii. Son. iv. Daughter. ^ All the children died between 1837 and 1840. Two eldest sous while in college ; tlie other two at homo ; all unmarried. 112 WARE GENEALOGY. 108. Samuel^ {Jonathan,* Samuel,^ JSFathanier) , born in Norwich, Mass. (now Huntlno-ton), Sept. 5, 3 781; died, according to Deer- field record, Aug. 29, 18G6. He married 1st, Kov. 20, 1810, Lucy Parsons ("Barnes," says "Chandler Family") (born Sept. 14, 1779; diel Nov. 13, 1843.) She was received to Conway Church from First Church in Ware, June 30, 1827. He and his wife and daugliter Betsey were dismissed and received to that in Amherst in 1833. He married 2d, April 10, 1844, Olive Bolt- wood, daughter of Joel and Sibyl (Woodbury) Smith ; she had been the third wife of William Boltwood, Amherst, Mass. (born at Leverett, Mass., Feb. 19, 1792; died June 18, 1879, "Olive H.") [Deerfield record.] "He moved to Conway 1797 ; grad. at WiUiams Coll. 1808. Lived at Conway 1827-1833; at Amherst 1833-1838; S. Deerfield 1838-48; Sherborne 1848-53. Then at S. Deerfield. Was a minister; ordained at Ware, Oct. 31, 1810, having studied theology with Rev. Vinson Guild, South- ampton." Children, born in Ware : i. LuciV Sept. 25, 1811 ; d. Oct. 17, 1811. ii. Betsey, twin with Lucy ; tl. Sej^t. 25, 1811. iii. Samuel Austin, Oct. 3, 1814; d. June 12, 1815. iv. Isaac, Jan. 30, 1816 ; d. Feb. 5, 1816. V. Elizabeth Parsoxs, Dec. 28, 1816; m. Rev. Theophilus Packard of Shelburne, Mass. (b. in S., Feb. 1, 1802 ; miu. of S. 26 yrs.) ; resides at Maiiteno, Kankee Co., 111. She tried to get Woman's Eights(?) bills through Western legislatures ; succeeded in Washinoton, then a territorv- She d. Julv 25, 1897. ' ^ ' Children, b. in Shelburne : 1. Theophilus, March 17, 1842; ''Lives in Pasadena, widower." 2. Isaac, Jime 20, 1844 ; " San Diego " ; a Christian Scien- tist. Two children. 3. Samuel, Nov. 2, 1847 ; m. Clara Fish. 4. EUzaheih W., May 10, 1850 ; m. Henry George Craig Gordon. 5. George H., July 8, 1853. Paralysis in 1886; d. July 1889, in Chicago; unm. 6. Arthur D., Dec. 1858. Lives in Avoca. vi. Lucv, July 20, 1819 ; d. Sept. 10, 1819. 237. vii. Samukl, Feb. 26, 1821 ; d. Oct. 18, 1879, Garden Grove, Cal. 238. viii. Austin, Jan. 4, 1823 ; d. at Deerfield, Aug. 27, 1883. WARE GENEALOGY. 113 109. Joseph Kirkland* {Jonathan,* Samuel,^ JS'^'afhanieP), born April 21, 1793; died Dec. 7, 1854; married Uiiy 8, 1828, Clar- issa, daughter of Koger and Chloe Leavitt (Koger Ijorn Jan. 12, 1771 ; died June 1, 18-10 ; C'Idoe born Jan. 23, 1772 ; died March 19, 1851) ; she was born July 26, 1801 ; died Aug. 22, 1873. He was a Congregational minister. Kemoved about 1832 to AVestern Xew York. On his death his widow with sons AVilliam and Josepli R. and daughters Claiussa and Ellen, removed to Granville, Putnam Co., 111. Children : i. Joseph,^ Nov. 6, 1829 ; d. May 2, 1832. 239. ii. AViLLiAM, Heath, Sept. 11, 1831. iii. Clakissa L., July 3, 1833 ; d. ivum. Oct. 3, 1897, in Madison, Wis. iv. Ei.i.EX, Nov. 17, 1835 ; m. Oct. 1, 1857, Francis Jones Lamb (b. March 2, 1825, son of Aaron and Alma Lamb of Canan- daigna, Ont. Co., N. Y. Res. Madison, Wis. Children : 1. Charles Francis, Nov. 28, 1858 ; m. Mav Stewart, May 9, 1889, Madison, Wis. 2. Mary Clara, Dec. 19, 1860; m. Oct. 11, 1893, Johu'H. Siegel of New Ulm, Minn. 3. Alice Maxwell, March 7, 18 Go ; m. Sept. 8, 1887, Milton Updegraff, Columbus, Missouri. 4. Laura, b. and d. Nov. 15, 1864. 5. Grace Alma, Dec. 3, 1867 ; res. 212 N. CarroU St., Madison, Wis. 6. Ellen Ware, May 6, 1876. V. Mart, Oct. 14, 1837 ; d. March 31, 1838. vi. Laura, Aug. 17, 1839 ; d. Aug. 27, 1840. vii. Joseph Roger, July 20, 1841 ; d. Oct. 20, 1862. 110. John* {Jonathan,* Samitel,^ jVathaniel'), born at Conway, Aug. 10, 1801 ; died Aug. 28, 183G ; married in Conway, Aug. 1828, Sarah Dickinson. "May 14, 1835, John Ware and Sarah his wife and Anna AYare were dismissed to some sister cimrch in Illinois to which the providence of God may lead them." [Conway Chh. rec] Children, born in Conway : i. Lucy Axn," Dec. 10, 1829 ; d. Nov. 5, 1864, Tremont, 111. ; m. Jan. 29, 1851, Rev. Edwin 0. Smith, Ci)Ug. minister at Lyndon, 111. (1889 Princeton, 111. Diat. Supt. for Am. iJiblc Society). 8 114 WARE GENEALOGY. Child : Edwin James, Tremont, Aug. 28, 1862 (only child that lived). Res. at Rocky Ford, Beut Co., Col. ; m. March 23, 1891, Mamie Geretin. 240. ii. Joseph, June 17, 1832 ; d. Nov. 7, 1862. 111. Ralph^ {Jonathan,* Saimiel,^ NathanieV') , born in Conway, Mass., Feb. 15, 1804; died in Granville, III., June 9, 1863; married, April 22, 1833, Lucinda A. Clark, born at Conway, Sept. 14, 1803, daughter of Elisha and Lucinda (Allen) Clark; she died in Chicago, 111., Aug. 24, 1897, aged 89. He removed to Granville, 111., in 1834. Farmer. "Thomas Ware and Ralph Ware dism. from Conway Ch. to Presb. Chh., Union Grove, 111., Aug. 4, 1836." [Con. rec] Children, all born in Granville, III. : 241. i. Edward K.,« Aug. 2, 1834, Putnam Co., III. ; d. Sept. 1892. ii. Caroline C, Granville, III., Oct. 11, 1836; m. Jan. 1, 1858, John Hooker Leavitt (b. Oct. 11, 1831). Children : 1. Mary Louisa, Waterloo, Iowa, Dec. 17, 1858 ; m. Dec. 3, 1870, Robert A. Denison. 2. Roger, June 25, 1860; m. 1st, at Waterloo, Oct. 22, 1885, Alice Southworth Windsor (d. May 12, 1890) ; m. 2d, at Cedar Falls, la., June 21, 1892, Katherine Leonard Townsend. 3. An infant son, b. and d. July 10, 1862. 4. Lucy Osgood, June 18, 1863. 5. Joseph Lyman, May 25, 1869 ; m. at Waterloo, June 26, 1895, Cath. Cooley. 6. Caroline Grace, Jan. 23, 1873 ; m. March 10, 1896, Thomas Cascadon, Jr. iii. Lucinda Allen, April 28, 1839 ; m. July 26, 1859, N. Sher- wood ; lives Chicago, 111. Children : J. Charles Ware, .Tune 23, 1860; d. May I, 1861. .2. Caroline Mae, Nov. 3, 1863, m. Nov. 26, 1889, Prof. Fred. 1. Turner of Madison, Wis. 3. Lillian, Jan. 23, 1866; d. July 18, 1885. 4. Tirzah Lovejoy, Nov. 30, 1868; m. Nov. 26, 1896, Arthur B. Chapin. Lives in Holyoke, Mass. 242. iv. Lyman, Nov. II, 1841. "Doctor." V. Ann Louisa, Dec. 25, 1843 ; d. Dec. 24, 1845. 243. vi. Elisha C, Aug. 30, 1846! vii. Lincoln, Sept. 9, 1849 ; d. Nov. 24, 1883. 244. viii. IIenuy F., Oct. 30, 1851. WARE GENEALOGY. 115 112. Thomas^ {Jonathan,* Samuel,^ JVathaiiieP) born at Conway, Jan. 5, 1806, farmer; went West in 1.S36. He married first at Norwich, Mass., March U), 1838, Nancy Lauretta Shepard of Worcester. She died Oct, 9, 1840. He married second, Mav 6, 1847, at Florida, 111., ]\IaryAnn Stewart. "He died at (iranville, 111., Dec. 6, 1886." "He retained his mental faculties in full vigor to the very last, and his presence was a benediction in our home." " For about 20 years he has been the only one living of the large family of brothers and sisters." [Lucy E. Ware, 1886.] Children of Thomas and Xancy : 245. i. Thomas SnEP.VKD.^ July 2U, 1836. ii. Cynthia Lincoln, Feb. 5, 1838 ; d. June 28, 1879 ; m. Dec. 28, 1865, John McEowen, carpenter. Children : 1. Effie Lincoln, Feb. 8, 1868. 2. John Ware, Sept. 16, 1871. 3. Rolla Ray, April 15, 1874. iii. Nancy Lauretta, Jan. 15, 1841; m. June 10, 1867, Selah B. Farwell of Osborn, Kansas. Children : 1. Lena Belle Ware, July 21. 1868. 2. Orne Ware, May 1, 1870. 3. Edwin Roy, April 3, 1873. 4. Nancy Mahella, Auof. 2, 1S76. 5. Grace Vebna, Aug. 5, 1878. 6. Selah Clay, Oct. A, 1880. 246. iv. Charles Kirkland, May 31, 1843. V. Henry Martin, July 17, 1845 ; d. Nov. 6, 1846. 247. i. William Steavart, March 26, 1848. ii. Mary Anna, Jan. 31, 1850. Res. at Newton, Kansas, iii. Sarah Elizabeth, Feb. 2, 1852 ; m. Jan. 4, 1883, G. A. Whit- ney of AVaterloo, Iowa, a capitalist. 248. iv. Henry Martin, May 13, 1854, 249. V. James White, March 16, 1856. 250. vi. Joseph Edwin, Sept. 27, 1857; d. Oct. 18, 1882. vii. Lucy Ellen, Aug. 22, 1860. 251. viii. Justin Perkins, Aug. 17, 1863. 113. Sylvester Goodale' (Jesse,* Samuel,'' JVa(ka7neP) born at Brattleboro, Vt., April 28, 171)8; died of yellow fever at Xew Or- leans, in 1857 (Mrs. Kussell snys 1847.) He married, Xov. 4, 1823, in Albany, N. Y., Sophia W^ Chamberlain of Daltou, Mass. (b, Sept. 13, 1805; d. AVestfield, Dec. 2, 1861; bur. at Dalton.) 116 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Sophia Willard,^ Sept. 20, 1824 ; m. Aug. 10, 1841, William H. Eussell of Spriiiglield, Mass. (d. Dec. 7, 1894). Children : 1. James E., died Dec. 31, 1863, at sea. " Died on passage home from California, where he had lived nearly one year for his liealth." 2. J/an/, Dec. 25, 1845 ; m. Milton L. Pliillips of W. Spring- field. Resides there ; no children. 3. William H. jr., Nov., 1848 ; m. June 16, 1874, Fanny E. AValker of Foxboro. She d. July 21, 1884. Seven children. Lives Springfield. 252. ii. Levi Ixgols, July 15, 1827. iii. Martha King, May 25, 1829 ; d. Dec. 5, 1895, at San Diego, Cal. ; m. James Wadman, Pittsfield, Mass. iv. Susan (Maria or) Ann, June 15, 1833 ; d. March 18, 1854; bur. Dalton ; m. June 1, 1853, Joel Fox of Westfield. Child : George Levi, 1854; lived at Westfield, Mass. Now married- (1895), living in E. Albany, N. Y. 114. Solomon Lawrence^ {Jesse,* Samuel,^ JSrathcmieP) , horn at Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 13, 1800; married first, at Dalton, Sept. 16, 1821, Lucia, daughter of Justin Cole or Cowles (Elisha, Jonathan, John, John), and Elizabeth Spafard or SpofFord (An- drew, Amos, Thomas, Samuel, John), born in Dalton, Dec. 16, 1798, died at Niagara Falls, N. Y., July 31, 1845. He married a second wife, who survived him, and died in 1891. He died Feb. 3, 1849. Children : GooDALE Sylvester," Dalton, Dec. 30, 1822. Charles Seymour, Feb. 22, 1824. Elizaheth I\Iarsh, Niagara Falls, Aug. 4,1826; m. Oct. 8, 1845, Alfred K. Fassett ; d. Niagara Falls, Sept. 9, 1862. Children, all born Niagara Falls : 1. Charles Frederick, Sept. 2, 1847 ; m. 1st, July 21, 1869, Frances Spindle of Louisville, Ky., who d. April 7, 1870. He m. 2d, Dec. 1, 1875, Ella Paulina Le Boutillier. lie enlisted Jan. 12, 1864, in the 10th Missouri Cavalry ; mustered out Sept. 19, 18()5, at the age of 18. 2. Alfred Henry, May 28, 1849 ; d. Mar. 26, 1850. 3. Alfred Willis, Nov. 4, 1850 ; d. Dec. 10, 1851. 4. Helen Frances, July 2, 1852 ; m. Oct. 7. 1874, John A. Vaudcwatcr of St. Louis, Mo. 5. Georye JJiviyld, July 3, 1853 ; m. Celia , Sept. 1, 1878. 253. 254. ii. iii WARE GENEALOGY. 117 6. Lucia Ware, Sept. 29, 1858 ; in. in Normal Park, III.. Oct. 31, 1885, Benjamin Gruiii^fer. 255. iv. JrsTix Colk, Niagara Falls. Sept. 11, 1820. V. Solomon Lawkknck, Niagara Falls, .Inly It), 1831; d. at Savannah, Ga., April 29, 1858. 256. vi. Hexuv Scott, Niagara Falls. Aug. 24, 18.33. vii. Lucia Mauia, "Niagara Falls, Oct. 29, 1835; m. March 3, 1857, Walter Curdss Ilulett. Children : 1. Walter Ware, Detroit. Mich., Nov. 6, 1858 ; d. in Adrian, ]Mich., Dee. 8, 18G5. 2. Chester Curtiss, New Haven, Mich., Oct. 18, 18G0. 3. Jesse Protheroe, New Haven, Mich., Feh. 3, 18G3 ; d. at Adrian, Dec. 6, 1805. 4. Charles Seymour, Adrian, July 5, d. Sept. 24, 1806. 5. Stuart McKenst^r, Adrian, Feb. 3, 1869 ; m. in Meno- monie, AVis., Oct. 26, 1892, Etta :\rae Clark. 6. Bessie Aileen, Adrian, April 8, 1874. 257. viii. Jesse Dwight, Niagara Falls, Jan. 26, 1838. 115. Nathan* (EUphalet,* Ebenezer,' Robert''), born in Wrcutliani, March 21 or April 1, 1743 ; died in ^^"a]pole, July 4, 1881, "aged 88 yrs." lie married Aug. 22, 1767 (intention at Alendon, Nov. 10, 176G), Lydia, daugliter of John and liacliael Green, born in Mendon, March 30, 1745 ; died May 25, 1811. He was a captain in the Revolutionary Army in 1780. " He came home on a fur- louo'h of ill-health, was unable to return when the furlough ex- pired, and was ordered from headquarters to go to Dr. AVarren's Hospital in Boston, which he did, and was there until the war closed ; and for this reason he never got his wages. He died soon after tlie Pension List was granted by Congress. Capt. Nathan Ware, jr., spent time and money to obtain his wages and pension, but to no avail. His wife Avas always a feeble woman, but a kind and faithful Avife and mother, teaching lier children to walk in the way of truth and uprightness, and to shun the evils of this world." Children : 258. i. Amariah^ (" Mariah " by the record), Julv 28, 1 768 ; d. Nov. 6, 1839, aged 71. ii. Perley, Oct. 10, 1770; d. Aug. 25, 1813; nnni. ill. Lydia, Dec. 3, 1776; d. Jan. ."U, 1850, nnni.; lived at North Wrentham, now Norfolk, with Pearlly and Kacliel. *' Annt Lydia and Annt Perley, always kind and pleasant, fnll of gooil works and also deeds." 259. iv. Nathan, Jr., Oct. 23, 1778; d. Dec. 3, 1862, ^'84. 4." 260. V. Asa, April 15, 1780; d. March 27, 1S5(;. vi. llACHEL, Nov. 29, 1782; d. Jan. 7, 1819, nnni. 118 WARE GENEALOGY. IIG. Oliver' {EUj^halet,' Ehenezer,^ Rohere), born in Wrentham, March 10, 1746: died at Franklio, March 16, 1819, "Suddenly at Capt. Benajah Pond's." [Fr. rec] He married Betsey Bacon; she died April 26, 1823, aged 72. Children (dates of birth somewhat doubtful) : i. Bettt,^ June 6, 1773 ; m. May 10, 1792, Leonard Fisher, a pensioner of AYrentham. Children : 1. Matten Ware, Oct. 8, 1792. 2. Henrietta, Sept. 7, 1794. 3. Geo. Leonard, Sept. 28, 1796. 4. Silas, Sept. 25, 1798. 5. Lowell July 8, 1800. 6. James Bacon, July 12, 1804. 7. David Brainard. ii. Oliver, March 4, 1775. "Changed his name to Arom All- chorous, March 16, 1805. Went from home and never re- turned." iii. Polly, Oct. 7, 1778, Franklin ; d. July 6, 1780. 261. iv. Duty, April 16, 1789 ; d. June 29, 1860. V. Caroline B., Nov. 10, 1793 ; d. March 10, 1868, unm., " 74. 4.," of consumption; buried at N. Wrentham. vi. Martha B., d. Sept. 26, 1864, num. 262. vii. Isaiah, d. March 20, 1865. 117. Asa' {ElipJialet,* Ebenezer,^ Bohert"^), born in Wrentham, July 21, 1751; died at Keene, N. H., June 6, 1831, "aged 80 years " [tombstone] . " Captain ;" [testimony of granddaughter, Mrs. M. M. Metcalf]. Children : i. Delaxa,' Nov. 2, 1791 ; d. Oct. 22, 1867 ; m. Gideon Clark (b. 1786; d. 1859). Nine children. Child : Marij M, Oct. 19, 1825 ; m. Feb. 5, 1845, Charles Met- calf (1). 1825; d. May 15, 1882). She resides at West Hartford, Conn., with her only child, Mrs. Sennett Dilana (Metcalf) Thomson. ii. Asa. " Removed to Vermont ; had two sons, Asa and Pharez, and one daughter, Semira." [Mrs. M. M. M.]. AVAKE GENEALOGY. 119 118. JoEL^ (^EUsha,* Ehenezer^ Robert''), born in "Wrcnthani, Aufr. 31, 1760; died March 23, 1838; married 1st, Dec. 11, 17.S4, Paniala Blalcc, born April 14, 17G2; died July 18, 1813. He married 2d, Sept. 15, 1S14, ^Nlille INIann, widow successively of Joseph Cleale and Alfred Wallace (born April G, 1774; died Dee. 1, 1832). Children, born in N. Wr., now Norfolk (the dates are in Joel Ware's handwriting in an old Bible at F. W. Mann's) : 263. i. Amos,« April 22, 1785 ; d. April 25, 1832. ii. Betsee, March 5, 1787, " 2 o'clock in tlie morning" ; m. May 10, 1810, Amariah Ware (No. 258 following). 264. iii. Alvan, April 17, 1700; d. Sept. 19, 1852, "at 3 o'clock in the morning. iv. Synthia (CvNTniA), May 16, 1792, "at 2 o'clock in tlie morn- ing"; m. Julius C. Johnson. V. " SuKEY " (Susanna), July 3, 1794; m. Feb. 28, 1813, Dexter Whiting. " Moved home, March 28, 1813." Children : 1. Suke. 2. Joel. 3. Susanna. 4. John. vi. Pamelia (Pamela), Dec. 22, 1802, " twenty minutes after four o'clock in the morning " ; m. Cyrus Morse of Wr. Child : 1. Charles Leuu's. vii. Lydia Lurana, Sept. or April 15, 1817 ; m. May 1, 1842, Dea. Levi Mann (h. April 2, 1816). Children : 1. IViomas Henry, April 8, 1843 ; enlisted in the Federal army in his 18tli year ; was in rehel prison at Anderson- ville 10 months. Doctor. INIarried .J uHa Backus. Res. Woonsocket, R. I. 2. Wm. Edffar, Dec. 22, 1844 ; m. Jane IMartiu Rae. 3. James Whifmaii, Dec. 28, 1846 ; d. I'ort Hudson, La., Nov. 29, 1879, unm. 4. £Jdw. Winjield, Jan. 1, 1849 ; m. Emeline Barber Cary. 5. Phehe Jane, ^ aw. 16, 1853 ; d. .Tunc 1, 18t;i. 6. Franklin Weston, July 24, 1, Ad- dison Carpentei'. Lived in Nebraska from 1868 to 1876, then in Newfane, Vt. xii. Samuel, March 18, 1809. 126. Nathax^ (Ichahod,^ JRobert,^ Boberl'), born at AVrentliam, Dec. 29, 1754; died Feb. 1, 1835; married at AVrontbam, Dec. 23, 1779, Hannah Everett (b. Mar. 22, 175G; d. Oct. 8, 1838). Ecmoved to Whitefield, Me. Children, born at Whitefield : i. Cynthia,^ March 4, 1782; m. July 10, 1823, by Rev. Joseph Bailey, Jared Bates ; he d. July 14, 1864 ; she d. Mav 8, 18()0. ii. Mkrcv, Aug. 24, 1784; d. Jan. 17, 18")8; m. Dec. 26, 1816, James Davis (d. Jau. 22, 1875). 280. iii. Nathan, Jr., Sept. 24, 1786; d. Mar. 20, 18o2. 281. iv. EvEKKTT, April 24, 1780. V. Timothy, Oet. 10, 1791; m. (intentions, July 6, 1816, "both of W.") Hannah Noris. \-i. ILvNNAH, Aug. 26, 1795; m. Nov. 17, 1815, her cousin, Joseph Ware, No. 283, q. v. 282. vii. RuFus, Jan. 14, 1707; d. March 20, 1854. viii. Sarah, b. June 9, 1799; d. Nov. 26, 1879. 127. Obed* (Ichabod,'* Robert,^ Itobert"), born in ^\'renth;;nl, Feb. 19, 1759; (1. at AVhiteficld, Me., April 3, LSKi; married I'cdiy , who was born Sept. 1759, and died in .Ma\ , 1S21. Ive- moved to Whitefield, ]\Ie. Obed Ware was in Warwick, I'. I.. "Dec. 29, 177G," from 20 to 'I'l days, under Cai.t. Joseph Lu\rll of Medway. [Military History of Medway.J 283. -l» 284. ii. 284a. iii. 285. iv. V. 124 WARE GENEALOGY. Children, born in Whitefield : Joseph,^ Feb. 24, 1788 ; cl. June 21, 1876. Obed, Oct. 5, 1789. Benjamin, June 5, 1794. David, July 2, 179G. Jeremiah, Aug. IG, 1798. 128. Joseph* {Ichahod,^ Rohert,'^ Robert) , born inWrentliam, Oct. 11, 1761; died Jan. 12, 1837; married first, Esther, daughter of Daniel and Esther (Hall) Holbrook of Medway; pub. April 25, 1793 ; she was born in North Wrentham, Feb. 4, 1761 ; died Nov. 10, 1808. He married second, March 23, 1809, Mary, daughter of Asa Blake of N. Wrentham ; she died April 8, 1829, aged 59. He married third, Oct. 22, 1829, Mrs. Abigail Greene of Medway, who survived him and married (as 3d wife), Harmon Metcalf. In about 1784 he removed to West Medway; engaged in farming. June 12, 1785, he united with the "Second Church of Christ," in Medway ; in 1798 was elected deacon ; served until his removal from Medway to North Wrentham in 1813. He owned a large farm there, a part of which is now comprised in the place known as "Highland Lake Grove." Children : i. Joseph,^ March 14, 1794, W. Medway; d. Mar. 21, 1868, N. Wr. ; unm. ii. Esther, Sept. 24, 1795; d. Feb. 1, 1833; m. March 27, 1831, Jonathan Adams. Child : Asa Ware ; lives in Franklin. 286. iii. JosiAH Holbrook, Aug. 17, 1797; d. May 16, 1883. iv. Daniel Aduison, March 27, 1799, Medway ; d. March 15, 1868 ; buried at Sheldonville Cem. V. Mary Edwards, Jan. 18, 1802; d. July 25, 1821. 287. vi. Asa Blake, March 1, 1810; d. Sept. 10, 1878. 288. vii. Lyman Park, May 12, 1812 ; d. Lowell, Mar. 4, 1869. 129. Ebexezer'* (Ichabod,' Robert,^ Robert-), born at Wrentham, Jan. 28, 17G7; died June 11, 1834, at Mansfield; he married first, March 9, 1807 (by David Gilbert, J. P.), Betsey White; she died, May 25, 1813, in M. He mai-ricd second, Lucinda (Seth and Susan Burr) (b. Aug. 24, 1784, ; died March 13, 1861. AVARE GENEALOGY. ll'j Children,* born in Mansfield : 289. i. James," Jan. 15, 1808 ; d. Feb. 20, 1877. 290. ii. JosKPn, Aug. 14, 1809 ; d. Feb. 9, 1877. 291. iii. Timothy, Aug. 20, 18)2; d. Oct. SO, 1870. iv. David, b. and d. Sept. 21, ISIO. V. George, Sept. 24, 1818 ; d. Feb. 1, 1898, Taunton Asylum ; m. Aug.. 1842, Ilaniudi Maria Cok^ (d. iu M., Oct. 0, 1880). No children, vi. ELizABETn, Aug. 20, 1821 ; d. April 30, 1822. 130. Cyeus^ (Ichabod,* Robert,^ JRohert-'), born in Wrcntham, Aug. 20, 1777; died, Jan. 28, 1856; married first, March 27, 1803, Hannah liichardson ; she died jNlarch 29, 1819, in her 40th year. (Perhaps he married third, March 8, 1821, Chloe Carpenter of Cumberland, R. I.) Children : i. Sally,*' Jan. 18, 1804 ; m. Frederick Snow of Medway, Child : Sarah 0., m. Evans. Resides Smithfield, K. I. 293. ii. Cyrus, Jr., May 12, 1800. iii. Charlotte, April 10, 1808; d. unm., June l-'J, 1854. iv. Hannah, Dec. 29, 1810 ; m. April 13, 1847, John Clark of Hal- lowell. Me. No Children. Kera. to Smithfield, R. I. 294. V. Thomas B., March 31, 1813. 131. Phinehas'^ (Jahez,* Michael,^ Robert^), born in "Wrcntham, April 22, 1750; -"Lieut.", 1787 ; died Jan. 17, 1826, in Franklin. "Dr. Emmons preached his funeral Sermon." [D. E. W.] He married Susanna Hawes ; she died Sept. 27, 1817. Children, born in Franklin : i. Clarinda«, Dec. 31, 1778 ; d. July 8, 1870, aged 92 ; m. Jan. 1, 1801, J\lacy Adams. Rem. to Walpole, N. H. ; d. Oct. 24, 1851. Children : 1. Albert,'' March 10, 1800; m. Oct. 13, 1853, Wilder. 2. Theron, Oct. 14, 1.S08; d. June 13, 18.')2: m. Sept. 0, 1830, Submit (AVilliam and Roxanna (Burt)) lilancliard; d. Oct. 1, 1840, aged 31 ; he m. secoud, Louise Steveus, Windsor, Vt. "Printer." ii. Elvira, Feb. 3, 1781 ; d. Aug. 10, 1780. iii. AVarukn, Feb. 15, 1783 ; d. unm. * " E. C. Ware says Ebcnczcr had 10 children." (E. F. W.) 126 WAKE GENEALOGY. iv. Harvey, March 25, 1785 ; d. July 21, 1786. 295. V. Alfred, Sept. 30, 1787 ; [" d. Franklin, Jan. 25, 1826."] 296. vi. Philander, Nov. 12, 1789 ; d. Medtield, Nov. 18, 1844. vii. Susan, Dec. 29, 1792 ; d. unm. March 6, 1833. 132. Jason* (Jahez,* Michael,'^ Roberf ), born at Wrenthara, the part afterwards Franklin, March 10, 1756; died May 11, 1843; married, first, Sept. 10, 1782, Polly, daughter of Stephen (Francis Isaac, Francis) Peabody, from Saccarappa, then living in Warren, Me. (born April 11, 1756 ; died March 5, 1815). He married (2) April 16, 1817, Sally Severance (born April 21, 1770; died April 3, 1849). Removed to Union, Me. In 1777, probably, visited the town (" Sterlington," Lincoln County), with Joel Adams and Matthias Ilawes ("three unmarried men from Franklin, ]\lass."), and bought a tract of land, on the "N. W side of Round Pond." " Hawes had 255 acres, Ware 230." "They lived together in a log house which they built on Ware's land near the pond. Their oven was a ledg^e near their house. Becominsr rather dissatisfied with their mode of life they hired Jemima Robbins who began to keep house for them June 29, 1780. Here they continued till the 'Royal Mess ,' as they called themselves, was broken up. Each mcniber contributed his share of the provisions and their accounts are still preserved, Joel Adams married Jemima R. Jason Ware settled on the north side of jNluddy Biook, where his son Vinal Ware lived later immediately north of him." Matthias Hawes was a soldier in the Revolution. In 1787 helped to lay out a road ; one of the town auditors in 1V95 ; etc. Children : i. Greenlkai',0 Aug. 22, 1783 ; d. Sept. 29, 1802. ii. TEirGy, Dec. 9, 1784 ; m. Alford Butters, July 18, 1804 ; moved to Ohio, and died. Children : 1. Rachel, May, 1805; d. 1811. 2. Alford, May 11, 1807. iii. Polly, July 8, 1787 ; d. Feb. 25, 1875; m. Nathan Hills, July 9, 1807. Children : 1. Vinal .July 27, 1808 ; m. Cordelia, dau. of John C. and Boriutha Robbins of Northport. 2. Isaac, April 23, ISII ; m. Eliza Hall of Cushing. 3. Mary, Oct. 3, 1813; d. March 10, 1814. 4. Polly. March 2, 1815 ; m. in 1836, Nathaniel K. Burkett, 5. Nancy, AprU 30, 1817; m. Clary, of Jefferson, WARE GENEALOGY. 127 6. Nathon, Sept. 20, 1820 ; m. Mary Severing, of Knox. 7. Caroline, July 11, 1823. 8. Silas, March 29, 1826. [Union, Me., 1889.] 9. Lavina, April 21, 1828. 10. Matilda, April 18, 18ol. 297. iv. VixAL, July 9, 1789. V. Mkla, Dec. 1, d. Dec. 3, 1791. vi. CiiLOE, Nov. 5, 1793 ; d. May 23, 1845 ; m. Jan. 19, 1817, Isaac, son of Reuben Hills. Children : 1. Jason, Dec. 12, 1817. 2. Harriet, Aug. 22, 1819. 3. Cijrus, Jnne"7, 1823; d. Sept. 18, 1824. 4. Rufus Philander, July 21, 1825. 5. Miranda, June 21, d. Sept. 28, 1828. vii. SrSA or Susanva, June 19, 1795: d. Jan. 2, 1796. 298. viii. Jabez, July 3, 1898. 133. Amos' {Jahez,* Michael,'^ Robert-), born in "Wrenham, March 29, 1760; died May 18, 1833, at Paxton. He married, April 13, 1786, at Franklin, by Rev. Nathaniel Emmons, liachel Pond (born Oct. 2, 1768 ; died Aug. 8, 1818, at Paxton). [See Pond Family,] Children : 299. i. Benjamin Pond,« May 23, 1787 ; d. June 24, 181 G. 300. ii. Erastus, Oct. 16, 1788; d. May 5, 1865. 301. iii. Amos, June 28, 1791. 302. iv. Horace, Oct. 24, 1793 ; d. Aug. 10, 1881. V. Harriet, July 12 or 20, 1799; d. Jime 26, 1847; unm. Founded The Children's Friend Society at Providence, K. I. [See memoir by Dr. Wayland.] vi. Mary, June 22, 1802; d. Aug. 7, 1860; unm. vii. Miranda, April 4, 1804; d. March 25, 1875 ; m. June 25, 1822, as second wife, Harvey "Woodward of Franklin. Many de- scendants in Paxton. viii. Daniel, March 3, 1806; d. Jan. 5, 1811. 134. Abiel* (Michael^* Michael ^^ Robert'^) born in "Wrcniiam. Was it this Abicl who was born Dec. 25, 1757? Pie married Esther Haskell of Cumberland, K. I., who survived him and married, second, Hawkins. Child : 303. Lewis,'* Cumberland, R. I., Jan. 25, 1779; d. in Keene, N. H., in 1832. ♦The child was recorded as " Ahncr" at its birth, but on ^fay 20, 17W, the name was changed to Lewis Ware by " request and order ol" now Esther Hawkins." 128 WARE GENEALOGY. 135. Ariel^ {Michael,* Michael,'' Robert") ,hovn at Wrentham about 1775 ; died in the summer of 1832 at Buckland ; married Submit, daughter of Richard and Ruth (Pitts) Phillips (born in Dighton ; died in July, 1835). Lived most of his life in Dighton. Children (order not certainly known) : 306. i. Richard,^ Buckland, May 31, 1797; d. of typhoid fever, Aug 22, 1840; in. 1st, Feb. 2, 1826, Roxanna Monson, who was b. Feb. 9, 1806, and d. Oct. 2, 1830. He married 2d, Huldah Watson ; she d. in 1882-3, at Coleraine. Children : 583. 1. Laurislon, July or Januarv, 1827 ; d. in N. Hadley, Jan, 26, 1890 ; m. 1st, Feb." 26, 1854 or 1855, Mary Cal- kins ; she d. in Charlemont, 1861-2 ; m. 2d, Nov. 25, 1862, Ellen, sister of tirst wife; she d. in North Had- ley, Jan. 26, 1885. Was in militia with his father. Children, born in Shelburne Falls in Buckland : (1) Nellie MeHssa, Dec. 15, 1855 ; d. July 18, 1886 ; m. Nov. 17, 1880, Frank Ilubbell, New Haven, Conn. (2) Sarah, Oct. 3, 1857 ; m. Aug. 23, 1883, William Adams. Children : Levi and Florence. (3) Mary Ellen, July 20, 1859 ; m. May 7, 1890, James Dav. 2. Laura Elmer, Aug. 16,^1829; d. July 24, 1864; m. March 6, 1850, Otis Richmond. Children : (1) Francis Richard, Shelburne Falls, April 20, 1851, architect, member state legislature ; resided at Springfield. (2) Adah Mahala, Dec. 1, 1853. (3) Ordellow, Jan. 20, 1856 ; d. Oct., 1873. (4) Hattie Rosella, June 6, 1858. (5) Fannie Emma, May 29, 1860 ; d. at Jamaica, Vt, 1880. (6) Alvui Ellsworth, July 22, 1864, at Amherst carpenter ; Springlield. 3. Roxanna, m. about 1864, Foster Merriam, private in the army ; res. Pax ton. 4. Hassuchuih, lu. Oct. 29, 1884, Ehjah Brigham of Sutton. 5. Marjj Jane, d. March 1, 1889, unm. 307. ii. Leander, about 1800 ; d. about 1884 ; lived most of his life at Buckland ; removed to Zoar (Charlemont). Children : 1. Emily, m. William Payne ; child Wilbur. 2. Melissa, WARE GENEALOGY. 128a iii. Esther, Oct. 15, 1802 ; d. May 25, 1895 ; in. 1st, Homer, son of Othuiel and Anna (Pliillips) .Tolmsou (h. Doc 27, 1S02 ; d. July ol. ISio). She m. 2d, .Jusiali IJuulli. Children : 1. Franklin Johnson, April oO, 1840; d. April 2, 1^75; m. Isabel Cole. 2. Homer Johnson, Dec. 17, l7. V. LoAMMi Baldwin, Jan. 8, 1821 ; d. Nov. 11, l.S2:^. vi. Elizabeth Webber, Nov. 8, 1S23. vii, LoammI Goodexow, Aug, 1, 1827; II. C, 18.30; became a Unitarian minister ; d. Burlington, Vt.. April 10, 1891 ; uiim. 147. Daniel Leonard* (Melatiah,* Jonathan,^ Robert^), horn at Foxhoro, March 5, 1783; memh. Anc. and Hon. Art. Co. ; died April 23, 1854, aged 71 ; ))aintcr; married Dec. 5, 1813, Elizahoth (Jones) Dow, born at llampstead, N.H., Sept. 9, 1775; died April 30, 1850. Kesided in Boston. Children : i. Horatio Leonard,^ Feb. 11, 1815 ; d. Feb. 3, 1817. ii. Elizabeth Jones, Jan. 14, 1817; m. May 16, 18o0, Austin Miles Carver Josselyn (tailor) (h. Boston ; d. Jan. 6, 18")4.) 336. iii. Daniel Leonard, Jr., Jan. 24, 1819. iv. Amos Nelson, Nov. 1, 1821 ; d. Nov. 10, 1824. 337. V. William Horatio, Sept. G, 1823. vi. Slsan Louise, July 22, 1825 ; m. Nov. 13, 1849, at Provi- dence, R. L, John Low Stodder, tailor (b. Boston). Child : Geo. Frederick, Nov. 2, 1851. 150. Abel* (Ephraim,* Ephrahn,^ Ephrnim^), horn in Dcdham, Feb. 28, 176G; bapt. in Dedham, :\Iarch 30, 1700, at age ot" I'.l ; died June, 1803, of brain fever; buried in Elmwood Eawn Ceme- tery, Athens, Me. He married July 14, 178S, Sibyl Spaulding of Norridgwock, Me., born May 25, 17(52; died .March 11, 1852. llemovcd to Concord, Me., in 17'J0; farmer. 134 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Sarah,« Jan. 13, 1790; d. July 22 or 28, 1877 ; m. March 11, 1811. Amos Fletcher. Children : 1. Sihyl Wore; m, Augustus Rowe. 2. Amos ; died young. 3. Amos ; died young. 4. Caroline; m. June 16, 1842, Rev. Nathan Dole. Their son, Rev. Charles Fletcher Dole, b. May 17, 1845, is a well known minister and writer, of Boston. 5. Mary ; m. Edward J. Peet. 6. John Ware. 7. Abel Ware. ii. Betsey, June 28, 1792; d. March 19, 1877; m. March 15, 1811, Jonathan Bosworth (grandd. Carrie E. Vaughan, Nor- ridgewock) . iii. John, Jan. 3, 1794 ; d. Sept. 1, 1795. 338. iv. Abel, Sept. 11, 1798. 339. V. John, Dec. 5. 1801 ; d. Oct. 8, 1877. 152. Samuei/ {Jonathan,* Rohert,^ Ephraim^), born probably at Fitchburg, July 18, 1775; died Sept. 21, 1840, at Leominster; married by Rev. Timothy Flint (no date), (int. Lunenburg, Dec. 20, 1807), Abigail, daughter of Benjamin and Olive (Broadstreet) Bailey of Lunenburg (b. April 19, 1783) ; she died Jan, 1, 1866, "82. 9. 13," in Leominster. This family write their name "Wares." Cliildren, born in Leominster : i. Olive Broadstreet," July 3, 1810; living 1888 ; "m. in 1850 in Boston, William J. Edmunds." ii. Abigail, Oct. 28, 1813 ; living 1888 ; m. in 1843 in Boston, James Downs. Children : 1. Clara M, 1844; m. June 28, 1863, at Milton, N. H., Henry H. Corson (d. 1880). 2. Abbie ,/., 1848. 3. George L., 1852. 4. Sarah F., 1855 ; m. May 18, 1885, Wm. T. Wallace. iii. Martha Rogers, Nov. 7, 1815 ; d. Leominster, Jan. 3, 1885. iv. Samuel Boylston, Nov. 29, 1820 ; d. Dec. 8, 1837, at Leom- inster. 340. V. David Edmund [Jan. 22, 1823.] / WARE GENEALOGY. 135 153. James* {Jonathan,* Bohert,^ Ephraim''), born at Fiirlilnir;,', Aug. 25, 1783 ("July 25, 1780," says Samuel Wares) ; died at Townsend, Mass., "widower," March 18, 1850, aged 75; buried Fitchburg Old Cemetery. He married July 2, 1^04, Hadiel, daughter of George and Sarah Wood, born at Fitthburg, Julv 2(J, 1785 ; died at Leominster, Jan. 25, 1822. Children : 341. i. Abel,^ Fitchbiu-g or Leominster, Dec. 26, 1804. ii. Sally, Leom., Oct. 30, 1806 ; m. in Fitchburg, by Rev. Calvin Lincoln, Unitarian, June 26, 1831, Alonzo "W. Baker ; went West ; lived at Grand Lodge, Mich. ; she d. Oct. 21, Ib^'J ; lie d. Dec. 18, 1892. Child : Elhn Ann, April 14, 1832 ; d. July 27, 18.08 ; m. Jan. 1, 1855, Charles Patterson. 342. iii. [James ? ] Lorixo, July 19, 1809 ; d. Townsend, March 7, 1871. 343. iv. George, Jan. 18, 1811. V. Eliza, Nov. 15, 1812; m. Aaron Eaton. Living in Fitchburg, 1887 ; widow, vi. Lavinia, P^eb. 28, 1815; [m. George Trask ?], Fitchburg. 344. vii. William, June 7, 1818. viii. Mart Ann, Oct. 21, 1819 ; d. Feb. 23, 1822. 157. Jonathan* {Ehenezer, * JS^'athaniel,^ Ehenezer' ),ho\-n in Xccd- ham, Sept. 23, bapt. 26, 1756 ; married in N., Dec. 20, 1778, Sarah, daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah (Morse) Woodcock, bora July 28, 1755. Children, born in Xecdham : i. Rhod A," April 18, 1780. " Resided several years in Hancock, was a member of the church there, was a skilful nurst^ ; was for many years in the family of 31 r. Autln-w Ihgelow in Boston." ii. JoNATiiAX, April 13, 1782 ; went to Kentucky [?]. 346. iii. Enoch, March 22, 1784. iv. Sarah, Dec. 21, 1785; m. Fessenden. Rem. (o Ilancoi-k, N. H., with her brothers, hut returned to Needhani. [Hist. Hancock.] 347. v. Joel, Marcli 24, 1788. vi. Esther, May 10, 1790; m. Woodcock. 136 A\ARE GENEALOGY. 158. Ebexezer* {Ebenezer,* Nathaniel ,^ Ehenezer'^') , born in Need- ham, April 11, 1770; died Oct. 7, 1857, at Hancock, N. H. ; married June 14, 1805, Alice, daughter of Jeremiah (William, John, John) and Elizabeth (Woodcock) Eaton, born March 19, 1776, died Nov. 28, 1853, at Hancock. Rem. to Hancock, N. H., with his pai^ents in 1791 ; purchased land, now (1886) owned by his son Ebenezer. He learned the carpenter's trade, and was for many years a contractor and builder. Representative to State Legislature and officer. Child, born in Hancock : 348. Ebenezer,' March 28, 180G ; d. July 24, 1888. 159. Jason* {Nathaniel,'^ jSfathaniel,^ Ebenezer"^), born in Need- ham, March 19, bapt. April 10, 1763; died Feb. 6, 1824; mar- ried (pub. at Natick, Jan. 23, 1785), Sarah Washburn of Natick, born June 13, 1760, d. July 11, 1855. He was the first of the Wares to go to Hancock, N. H. ; Aug. 18, 1788, he bought lot 10, 3d range, cleared it, and put up a house. He was a farmer and kept a small grocery store. " A man of sterling worth, a kind neighbor, and a good citizen." Children, all but eldest born in Hancock : i. PoLLY,^ b. Needham, June 1, 1785 ; d. Dec. 6, 1842 ; m. Sept. 8, 1807, Asa Wood (b. in Washington, July 18, 1782?; d. Dec. 14 or 19, 1849). Children : 1. Asa, June 12, 1808 ; m. 1st, in 18.55, Anna Cutting of Medford (d. 1864) ; he m. 2d, in 1865, Sarah A. Denton of Stillwater, N. Y. 2. Elvira, May 5, 1810; d. .Jan. 22, 1853. 3. William, Feb. 11, 1812 ; d. Mar. 17, 1870. 4. Sarah, ApriI12, 1815 ; m. Nov. 24, 1835, Abial Tandy. 5. Nathaniel, May 5, 1818 ; m. Jan. 30, 1848, Mrs. Jane Beard of Hillsboro, N. H. G. Sylvester, March 12, 1821 ; d. Nov. 20, 1881 or 1887, at Hillsboro ; " Dr." ; m. 1st, Maria Smith of Stod- dard ; m. 2d, Clara A. Knapp. Res. at Stoddard, Washington and Hillsboro, N. H. Served in the Civil War. 7. Marietta, Aug. 1, 1824; d. Mar. 1. 1859. 8. Timothy Dexter, Oct. 6, 1827 ; d. Hillsboro, Sept. 13, 1885 ; m. May 5, 1855, Louisa Norwood of Lynn- field (d. Dec. 11, 1875, Medford). Res. Washington and HiUsboro. Served nine months. 851. ii. iii. 352. iv. V. WARE GENEALOGY. 137 Jasox, March 9, 1787 ; d. Jan. 2.-^. 1S7.'3. IlAxxAir, .Tilly 22, 1780; m. 1st, Feb. 22, 1825, Samuel Whit- comb (b. Groton, Jan. ;30, \~C,:] ; d. Jan. 7, IHoU.) Ward, Sept. 28, 1792; d. in Washiiiirton, Mav 28. 1870. Sarah, Dec. 31, 1794; d. ().-t. 27' 1.S2I ;'in. Feb. 20, 1821, Jonathan Brown of Marlow, X. II. (b. Mar. I.i. 1789; d. May 1, Lsds.) Child : Sarah Ann, April 11, 1822; m. John McKeen ; d. at Russell, Kansas. 353. vi. Elijah, Feb. 20, 1797 ; d. Au^. 20, 1850. vii. Rebecca. April 17. 1799 ; d. Nov. 8, 1870 ; m. April 19, 1825, Elisha Gustiu (b. April 6, 1802; d. July 30, 1885). Children : 1. Isaac Baker, Nov. 8, 1825. 2. M'za Ann, Oct. 10, 1827. 3. 3Iary Jane, Sept. 10, 1832. 354. viii. Nathaniel, Nov. 10, 1801 ; d. Oct. 22, 1809. ix. Eliza, Jan. 31, 1804 ; d. March 31, 18G0 ; m. Jonathan Brown. Children : 1. Man/, May 0, 1827 ; d. July 7, 1872. 2. Wilbur Fiske, :\Iay 8, \H:)2\ d. Oct. 7, 1804. 3. Gardner, Feb. 15, 1834 ; d. Sept. 23, 1801. 160. Nathaniel^ {N'athaniel ,* Nathaniel,^ Ebenezer^), born in Needhain, Jan. 7, 1765; died Jan. 10, 1817; married Dec. 31, 1789, Mary, dauo-liter of Eli[)lialct and Abigail Kinirsburv, born Jan. 28, 1770. "She ("Mrs. Mary Ware") married lM, j"unc 21, 1818, Joseph Kingsbury of Needliam. Children, born in Xeedham : 355. i. John Ward,« March 2, 1791 ; d. July 8, 1853. ii. Rebecca, June 29, 1793; m. May 27, 1812, of " N." to Cyrus Cunningham of Newton. [?] iii. Abigail, Aug. 15, 1790; bapt. Aug. 14, 1808. iv. Mary, Nov. 21, 179.S ; bapt. Aug. 14, 1808; m. (- of Neod- ham,") Aug. 11, 1817, Luther Tower of Dedham. [?] V. Nathaniel, Sept. 0, 1800; d. Jan. 18, 1802. vi. Nancy, Nov. 20, 1802 ; d. Oct. 9, 1803. 350. vii. TiioAiAS Jefferson, March 10, 1800. 357. viii. Nathaniel, bapt. Aug. 14, 1808. ix. Nancy K., June 22 ; bapt. July KI, 1S()9. SIXTH GENERATIOlSr. 161. William' (William,' William,' John,' JoJui'), horn mBlcrh- ton, Oct. 17, 1756; died at Taunton, June 14, 1784, of consump- tion ; married Sarah, daughter of James Williams, born in [1762], died at Taunton, April 28, 1848, aged 82. (She married second, Robert, son of Robert and Lydia (Leonard) Grossman). Child : PoLLY,'^ was m. in Taunton, by Eev. John Pipon, Jan. 13, 1805, to Hilliard Earle. Children : 1. Peleg HlUiard ; lived and died in Fall River. 2. WiUlam Ware ; d. hi Taunton, Aug. 9, 1835, aged 37 ; m. Mary L. Barney of Taunton. 3. Benjamm ; d. in Fall River. 4. James Williams ; m. Mary, daughter of Oliver Leonard of Norton. 5. Rowena. 6. Mary. 164. ^ George" {George,^ William," Jolin,^ Jolin^'), born in Digh- ton, Sept. 5, 1761 ; died there Jan. 7, 1805. Physician. Studied medicine with Dr. Bayliss of Dighton. He married in May, 1785, Polly, daughter of Elkanah (Samuel, John, John) and Alice (Beal) Andrews, born in Dighton, Feb. 26, 1768. Nov. 4, 1788, George Ware of Dighton was appointed the guardian of "Polly Ware, daughter of Elkanah Andrews, she being a minor, over 14 yrs." (His wife.) She married second (pub. May 13, 1809), Dr. William Wood, of Dighton, formerly of Swanzey. (One daughter, Adeline AVood, married Dr. Charles (Seth, Allen) Talbot of Dighton.) WARE GENEALOGY. 139 Epitaimi. " Erected to the memory of Dr. George "Ware, who dial Jan. 7th, 180.0, in the 44th year of his age. The friend, the comfort, of the sick and poor, Want never knocked nnheeded at liis door. Oft, when his duty called, disease- and pain Strove to confine him, but they strove in vain ; All mourned his death, his virtues long they tried ; They knew not how they loved until he died." Children, born in Dighton : 400. i. William Richmond,^ Dec. 22, 1785 ; d. July 4, 1826, at Frankfort, Me. ii. Mary, Jan. 8, 1788; m. Capt. Seth Talbot of Dighton. Children : 1. Set/i, rem. to Tremont, 111. 2. William Hennj. 3. Edward. 4. Mary. iii. Alice, Dec. 17, 1789 ; m. (pub. Oct. 18) Nov. 2, 1808, Dr. Edmund Abbott of Frankfort (d. July 18, 18o;3). Children : 1. Emmeline, July 23, 1810 ; d. Aug. 18, 1844. 2. George E., Sept. 21, 1S12; d. March 13, 185G; m. May 18", 1837, Marv B. Hill. 3. Maria Abbott, June 19, 1814; d. July 20, 1842; m. Capt. Samuel Child. 4. John N., Nov. 21, 1818; d. May 24, 1738. 5. Daniel, March 13, 1822 ; d. in Caliloruia, 6. Charles, March 27, 1824; d. Aug. 19, 1879 ; m. Dec. 23, 18ol, Harriet Nowell, dau. of Elisha and Kuth (Avery) Chick of AViuterport ; surgeon 2(j Reg. Me. Vols. 7. L7jdia Ii., Feb. 23, 1828 ; d'. Jan. 26, 1876. 8. Sarah W., May 17, 1830; m. April 9, 1808, William Y. Potter of Providence, R. I. iv. Clarixda, Feb. 12, 1792; m. (pub. Jan. 20, 1811) Arouot Richmond, Providence, R. 1. (b. Nov. 11, 1780; d. 1803). Children : 1. George Henry. 2. Stella, Dec. 31, 1814; m. in Win.'tka, 111., Pliilo W. Thompson (b. Dec. 17, 1810; d. .Iuii.« 27. 17."..'.). 3. Catharine, d. 18(>1 ; m. Cooper. V. Nancy, April 29 ; d. July 14, 179 I. vi. George, Nov. 19, d. Nov. 29, 179.'.. vu. George, Aug. 9, 1797 ; d. at Havana. Cuba, Apnl H. I'*^20, uniu. 140 WARE GENEALOGY. viii. Nancy, Oct. 2, 1799 ; d. Nov. 18, 1807. ix. Eliza, Sept. 19, 1801 ; d. at Providence, R. I., April 18, 1846, unm. X. Clarissa Richmond, Jan. or June 29, 1804; fifi. Feb. 18, 1884; m. J. S. Wilson. They lived at Winetka, 111., on the Lake, a few miles north of Chicago, and were both murdered there Feb. 18, 1884.* Child : George, surgeon during Civil War, d. of yellow fever at Savannah. 166. Joseph^ {Joseph,^ William,'^ John,^ John^), born Aug. 11, 1783, at Dighton, shortly after his father's death; married Mary "Deoise" [Davis], Nov. 22, 1804. Children : i. JosErii," June 9, 1807. — 4i. William Davis, Jxme 26, 1813. 167. Richard® (Jolm,^ John,* John,^ JoJiu'^), born in Wrentham, June 30, 1766 ; removed first to Dalton, Ct. ; then to Burlington, Vt. ; and to Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. He married first, Anne Russell ; she died at Burlington, Vt. He mai'ried a second wife, name not known to us. Children : i. Nancy,' Dalton, Ct., Dec. 12, 1797; d. at Mrs. Frary's, Jones- ville, Vt., in 1881 ; m. Sept. 3, 1825, Francis Faulkner White of Woodstock, Vt. Child : Elizabeth C, m. H. H. Frary. ii. Hakvey. iii. Oliver, iv. Olive, rem. to Potsdam, in 1811. Clarissa. ER, f . \ 01ivestayedatBar]ington,Vt., with uncle, E, j * J Harris Russell, when father and the rest * Nice Lkg.m- Point to be Determined. Chicago, Feb. 10. — The mysterious murder of James L. Willson ami liis wife Clarissa, at Wiuuckta, 111., in February, 1884, was brought before the public aacaiu yesterday by a bill filed in the superior court by W. H. Talliot of Bostou, Mass., askinc: for the partition or sale of the personal estate of Mrs. Willson, together with certiiu town lots in Fremont, Tazewell County, 111., and all her real estate in Dightou, Bristol County, Mass. ISIrs. Willson had devised her property to her liusband, but it is charged that there is no existing evidence proving that James L. Willsou survived his wife S!) as to take under her will. For this reason it is claimed that the becpiest and legacy lapsed, and that the property devised and bequeathed to the husband descended to tlic heirs at law of the testatrix just as if no will had been made by her. Talbot is Mrs. Will^on's nephew. James L. Willson's will devised his property to several members of his fauiilv. An attempt will be made to ascertain whether Will- son died at the same time or subsequent to his wife's demise. WARE GENEALOGY. 1 } ] vi. Harriet P., in Burliugton, Vt., ISll ; after living wiih rela- tives in various places she d. in family of "William Warner, Hardwick, Mass., Jan. 27, 1887. Children, by second wife : vii. Hannah. viii. Mary Ann. ix. George. 171. Joiin" (William," John,* John,^ John-), born in Charlton, Dec. 17, 1779; died April 29, 1847. Left to care of (Jen. Spiirr ; he married March 10, 180G, Eunice Bancroft of Calais, Vt. (Town Clerk of Calais erroneously calls her Eunice Ainsworth.) She was born at Petersham, Mass., April 2, 1785 ; died April 3, 18G0. He removed to Calais, Vt., about 1801, and settled on land left Iiim by his father. Lost his eyesight by an accident at 35 years of age. Children, born in Calais : 403. i. John Spurr,^ Nov. 20, 1807 ; d. Nov. 29, 1881. ii. William Orris, June 29, 1809 ; d. May 1, 1810. iii. RoxANNA PiiEBK, March 1, 1811 ; d. Sept. 19, 1844; m. May 4, 1835, Orin Davis of Moutpelier, Vt. Child: Malvina, d. aged 19. iv. Florinda Hill, Jan 11. 1813 ; d. May 26, 1854; m. Ozro L. Burnham, May 16, 1837, of Calais. Children : 1. Edioin R., d. in war. 2. Melvin, d. in war. 3. Charles. 4. Martin. V. William Orris, Jan. 1, 1818 ; d. June 29, 188(), in hosj)it:il at Kome, N. Y. ; bur. in Burlington, la. He m. 1st, in Calais, Vt., Elvira Sheplee ; ni. 2d, in Petersham, Aug. 28, 1862, Lu- thera L. Bosworth. No issue. Broker. vi. Ira Adams, Nov. 2S, 1820 ; d. Jan. 30, 1853, at San Francisco, Cal. vii. Cordelia Elizabeth, April 23, 1828; m. Aug. 2«"., 1856, Orlando P. Sheplee of Burlington, Iowa. She was living, blind, at Clarion, la., in 1895. Children : 1. WlUiam Ware, Feb. 16, 1858 ; m. Dec. 12, 1883, Ella A. ]\ras()n of Claridu, la. 2. Ilt'iini Ilavclock, A\\\\ 6, 1801; ni. Fcl). 1. liibO, Abbio AVaite (b. Aug. 6,' 1859 ; d. Aug. 11. 1891). 3. John Kendall, ^ii\^{. 4, 1863. 4. George Bancroft, July 21, 1867. 142 WARE GENEALOGY. 172. Levi* {Ezra,^ John,* John,^ John^), born in Cumberland, K. I., Jan. or June 20, 1767; removed to Wrentham in April, 1768; to Westmoreland, N. H., Jan. 13, 1798; also at Chester- field, N. H. ; died Aug. 20 or 29, 1845, at Westmoreland, N. H. He was converted by John Murray, the first Universalist preacher in America. He married first, Nov. 14, 1794, in Wrentham, Peggy King (born Sept. 16, 1773 ; died Nov. 14, 1817) ; he mar- ried second, Nov. 10, 1827, Mrs. Abigail Goodell Sanderson of Westminster, Vt. (died Nov. 5, 1859). "Ensign." Children, the two eldest born in Wrentham : i. KoLLOCK,'' July 8 or Oct. 5, 1795 ; "d. same day." ii. Nancy, Jan. 7, 1797; d. March 11, 1825; m. Nov. 12, 1816, James Upham. Child : Levi, died young. 404. iii. Carlos, Oct. 19, 1798 ; d, Aug. 28, 1878. iv. Betsey, June 9, 1800 ; d. Aug. 8, 1877 ; m. Jan. 10, 1821, Ora Partridge. V. George, "June 28. 1802 " ; d. Aug. 28, 1823 ; unm. vi. Sarah, " May 15, 1804 " ; m. Dec. 16, 1830, Robert Mills. 405. vii. Addison, April 24, 1807. 406. viii. Erastus, Feb. 21, 1809. 407. ix. James Royal, April 11, 1811, Putney, Vt. 173. Ezra* {Ezra,^ John,* John,^ John^), born in Wrentham, June 12, 111 2', died in Wr. ; married Nov. 19, 1795, in Attle- boro, Huldah Tyler. She died March 24, 1821. Child : Richard, d. Sept. 27, 1828, aged 3 months. 174. Lemuel* {Ezra,^ John,* John,^ John^), born in Wrentham? Sept. 20, 1776; married in Westmoreland, N. H., by Rev. Eben- ezer C. Bailey, July 13, 1806, Salome Chamberlain. Is said by Mrs. S. L. W. to have "moved to Canada about 1812"; by L. L. W., "removed to New York State." 175. John' (Ezra,^ John,* John,^ John"), born in Wrentham, Sept. 5, 1778 ; died March 20, 1862 ; married first, Sally Smith, March 19, 1800 or 1801. She died Nov. 26, 1822, aged 40. Buried AVAKE GENEALOGY. 143 Wrentham Cenh-e. He married second, Xov. 23, l52j, Mrs. Harriet (Farringtou) Tinkham ; she died Feb. 10, 1887. Children, born in Wrentham. Children of John and Sally : i. Sally Smith," June 0, 1801; d. July 17, 1872; m. April 1, 1823, Carlos^ Ware, No. 404, q. v. ii. Nancy Maria, Dec. or Jan. 10, 1804; tn. July 30, 182a, AVil- liam Fales. Cliild : Nancy Maria. iii. Eliza Ann, Aug. 8, 1810; d. Sept. II, 1813. 408. iv. John Albert, Dec. 8, 1813 ; d. April It), 186.^} ; m. Harriet A. Rathbone. V. Eliza Ann, June 25, 1818; d. .Alarch 16, 18'J1 ; m. Nov. 23, 1836, James A. Wilbur of Walpole. vi. Betsey F., Nov. 8, 1822 ; d. Feb. 26, 1823. Children of John and Harriet : 409. vii. Hiram, Nov. 8, 1827. viii. Harriet, Sept, 11, 1829 ; living in 1897. ix. Mary, June 3, 1832 ; d. Sept. 8, 1837. 176. George" {Ezra,^ John,* John^^ John"), born in Wrentham, June 27, 1784, died there Dec. 24, 1807,— "Dea. Geor<,a>." Jan. 28, 1861, married Peggy, daughter of Rev. Enoch and Peggy (Smith) (Jacob, Jacob, Kphraim, Daniel) Pond, minister at Nor- folk, Mass., and Ashford, Conn. She was born Oct. 21, 178'J; died W., Jan. 13, 1856. Children : i. Emeline Pond,'' Sept. 6, 1809; m. Nov. 27, 1828, Aaron Hawes. ii. Abby KicnARDSON, Aug. 23, 1812; m. ]May 20, 1830, Albert Belcher of Walpole. 410. iii. George Lemuel, Jan. 22, 1816 ; d. at Clintou, May 16, 1887. 411. iv. Alonzo Leprelett, June 24, 1.S18; d. Dec. 4, 186,3. v. Henry Bradford, July 9, 1821 ; d. Dec. 23, 1829. vi. Susan Maria, m. Oct. 1, 1848, George B. Torry. 412. vii. Charles. 177. Comfort® {Moses,^ Mosefi,* John,'' John'), hovn at Norton, Mass., July 30, 1764: died in Keene, N. Y. [Surrey Record]; married Sept. 11, 1787, Sarah, daugliter of IVter and Phtcbc (Ellis) Rice; removed to Keene, N. V., 1800. "Was on the Dustin place in Gilsuni, 1789." Comfort* and I'Jijah" bonght a 144 WAKE GENEALOGY. large part of their father's farm in 1790, in Gilsum, and built a log house. In 1800 Comfort sold out and went to Keene, N. Y. Children, born in Gilsum or Surrey : i. George,^ Aug. 10, 1788. ii. Sarah, Sept. 21, 1790. iii. Esther, Oct. G, 1792. iv. Comfort, April 12, 1797. V. William, May 27, 1799. 178. Elijah* {Moses,^ Closes," JoJtn,^ John^), born in Norton, March 9, 17G8 ; died in Gilsum, jN". H., June 27, 1847 ; married first, Sept. 4, 1792, Anna, daughter of Ebenezer Hathorn ; born in Jaffrey, Feb. 25, 1768; d. July 10, 1808. He married second, Dec. 27, 1808, Patty, daughter of William and Martha (Locke) Withington, born in Ashby, June 16, 1770; died Aug. 19, 1846, at Gilsum. Children : i. Nancy,'^ Aug. 25, 1794; m. Jan. 3, 1815, Capt. True Webster (b. March 16, 1793 : d. July 21, 1870.) She died July 18, 1810. Childx'en : 1. Benjamin Emery, b. June 6, 1815; m. 1st, June 2, 1811, Emily, daughter of Roswell aud Sally (Wilson) Nims of Keeue, N. H. ; he m. 2d, Abby Nims, her sister. Res. A^alpole. 2. Elijah Emerson, May 25 ; d. Aug. 3, 1817. 3. Anna Ware, May 30, 1820 ; m. Dec. 21, 1842, Wil- liam Leonard Kingsbury, Gilsum (b. March 26, 1820). 4. Hannah, Aug. 3, 1823 ; d. April 20, 1824. 5. Patty 3Ialvinia, June 18, 1828 ; m. 1st, George Kil- burn Smith (b. 1823.) She'm. 2d, Joel Cowee, jr., of Gilsum. ii. Hannah, Nov. 4, 1797, d. April 6, 1871 ; m. May 21, 1829, Chil- ion Mack of Lyme, Conn., sou of Solomon and Esther (Hay- ward) Mack (b. July 26, 1802). Childreu : 1. iMartha Ann, June 4, 1832 ; d. Oct. 16, 1835. 2. Edivin Wallace, Oct. 7, 1834 ; d. Oct. 15, 1835. 3. Hannah Adelaide, April 3, 1838 ; m. Lucius J.^ Ware, No. 068, q.v. ; lives Butler, 111. 4. Ellen Augusta, Dec. 23, 1840 ; m. 1st, June 9, 1862, Calvin, son of Elkanah and Emily (Palmer) Spooner (b. Woodbury, Conn., 1838, d. ' Philadelphia, Pa., Dec, 1873.) She m. 2d, Dec. 11, 1875, Frank Snow of Boston, Mass. AVATJE CJENEALOrrY. ] M", 416. iii. Elijah, Nov. 1, 1700; d. Winliall, Vt. iv. Almox, Feb. 8, 1802 ; d. April, 1803. 417. V. Moses, March 2, 1804 ; d. Brattlelx)ro, Vt., April 20, 1875. vi. EuxiCK, July 13, 1800 : in. :May 21, 1820, Otis (i., boh of Josiah "^ and ^Mehitable (Bill) Hammond (b. March 2, 1810; d. April 22, 1840). Children : 1. Isaac Ware, July 0, 1831 ; m. Miuvh 1 T,. 1803, Martlia Washington, (laughter of Benjamin and Olive Kim- ball (b. Concord, Jan. 28, 183G.) Res. Concord. .2. Albert Otis, Oct. 5, 1836; d. of starv.ation in Ander- sonville prison at Savannah. C4a., Sept. 12, 1864 ; in. Aug. 13, 18.37, Kate A. Henderson (b. Claremont, Sept. 15, 1838). 179. Benjamin^ (Mosfes,^ ilfow.s^' John,^ John''), born at Xorton, May 18, 1773; died at Gilsuin, N. H., Jan. 1, 1858; married, first, in 1794, Huldah Wilcox ("dauo-hter of :\Ir8. Keddincr"), daughter of Obadiali (Obadiah) and Iliddah (Hard) Wilcox (born Dec. 30, 1776 ; died March 29, 1811). He married, second, Aug. 14, 1811, Martha, daughter of Justus (Aaron) and Martha (Taylor) Cliapin (born Alstead, N. H., July 14, 1788 ; died Sept. 30, 1849). He married, third, Jan. 1, 1850, Fanny, daughter of Benjamin and Annis (Briggs) Willis (born Keenc, N. H., Dec. G, 1798) ; she survived him, and married, in 18G3, S. C. Sweetzer. He came to Gilsum in 1794, "a tall man, with strong voice " ; several years captain of militia. Collector, 1797-1801. [Hist. Gilsum.] Children, born in Gilsum : 418. i. OBADiAn," Jan. 2, 1705 ; d. Euder, 111., Sept. 24, 1870. 410. ii. Bkxjamix, June 27, 1706; d. July 31, 1855. 420. iii. David, April 2, 1708 ; d. April 15, 1863. iv. HuLnAH, March 8, 1800; d. Feb. 10, 1851, Butler, 111. : m. Cal- vin, son of Solomon and Esther (Hayward) IMack (b. Xov. 28, 1707 ; d. Butler, 111., vVug. 13, 1845). Children : 1. Oscar Calvin, May 17, 1820; m. April 1. \>^C,0, Eliza- beth, dau. of Elijah and Delia B. Ilugg of New York. 2. Snbri/ta Huhlah, IMiiy 28, 1S31 ; d. Oct. 10. 1805, Butler, 111.; m. A\n\\ 3, lS51,J()sepIi Hart (sou of Timothy and Louisa (Thurston) l)!, Surry; m. June 19, 1872, Frank de Witt, son of William (Ezra and Betsey Chapin) Carpenter and Abigail AVhite of (iilsum. 3. Jennie, Surry, 18.")3; died young. 4. Frank Heni-y, Surry, Jan. 3, 18.5.3; d. Aug. 11, 1877, unm. 5. Flora Etta, Surry, Aug. 18, 1857. 6. Abraham Lincoln, Surry, March 20, 1802; d. August, 1804. 422. xiv. John Quincy Adams, Dec. 17 or 19, 1822; d. Surry, Aug. 29, 1865. XV. Aarox Taylor, Dec. 27, 1824; d. Aug. 16, 1827. xvi. Edmund, June 12, d. Nov. 15, 1827. xvii. Livonia, March 27, 1829; m. June 6, 1840, Davis, son of Willard (Ezra) and Sarepta (Smith) Carpenter (b. Surry, Oct. 17, 1827). Children : 1. Martha Adelaide, Surry, Nov. 17, 1853; d. Keeno, Dec. 12, 1.S74 ; m. William, son of Thomas and Orace M. Swithin of Quincy, Mass.; res. Manchester. 2. Amy Maria, Surry, June 13, 1855. 3. Mary Emma, Surry, .January, 1857 : d. April 12, 1858. 4. Charles Edward, Surry, Oct. 6, 1850. 5. James Ileni-y, Surry, Aug. 11, 1802; d. Keene, Juno 14. 1865. ; 6. Johnnie A.. Keene, I^Iay, 1H05; d. Sej.t. 15, IrtG*. 7. Ida May, Keene, Sept. 1, 1.S07. 8. Arthur Willie, Keene, Dec. 25, 1870; drowned, Marl- boro. .Inly 25. 1S70. 9. Walter, Keene, July 29, 1873 ; d. Septend)cr, 1873. 148 WARE GENEALOGY. 180. Moses® {31oses,^ Moses,* John,^ John"^), born in Surry, N. H., June 1776 ; died at Keene, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1838 ; married Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer Hathorn, born in JafFrey " between Feb. 1768 and 1771"; died in 1860. Children : i, Daniel Hathorn,'^ July 16, 1800. ii, Hannah. 424. iii. Moses, Jr., 1806 ; d. Dec. 4, 1894, at Eureka, Winnebago Co., Wis. iv. Otis, about 1810. 426. V. Cyrus C, about 1816. 181. Amariah^ (Jesse,^ Eleazer,* Eleazer,^ John^), born in Wren- tham, Dec. 27, 1764; died Oct. 19, 1842; married Nov. 7, 1793, at Frankhn (by Kev. Nathaniel Emmons) Eunice Alden (born about 1771; died Sept. 15, 1848, aged 77, at Franklin). He joined Franklin Church in 1811. Children, born in Franklin : i. John Aldis,'' May 1, d. Dec. 20, 1795. 427. ii. Frederick Augustus, June 29, 1798 ; d. Sept. 13, 1875, iii. Esther, Dec. 8, 1800. iv. Hannah A, Feb. 28, 1805 ; d. Feb. 1, 1826, unm. 428. V. Nathan, Dec. 27, 1807. 182. Eliazer® (Jessie,^ Eleazer,* Eleazer,'^ Joku^), born at Wren- tham, Oct. 28, 1766 ; died at Franklin of fever, Oct. 30, 1843 ; married Sarah, daughter of Elisha and Lucretia Burr (born at Bellingham [1772] ; died widow, aged 91, Aug. 7, 1863, of " old age"). [Had he not married first Olive, mother of these children? Compare with Hist. Franklin] . Children : i. Lucretia Burr,'' March 15, 1810 ; d. Jan. 20, 1844, of consump- tion, unm. ii. Sabin, .luly 3, 1812; suicide April 11, 1850; "son of El. and Olive F., 28, 9, 8" ; he m. PoUy Wales ; no issue. iii. Olive Metcalf, "of El. and Olive," Dec. 23, 1814; m. in Bellingham (by Rev. J. J. Masley), Nov. 8, 1838, Abram W. Wales of F. 3 children. WARE GENEALOGY. 149 183. Sanford® {Jesse,'' Eliezer,* Eliezei\^ John'), born in Fnink- lin, Aug. 31, 1781 ; died there Oet. 26, 1851), aged " 7H." Farmer. Resided some time at Weston, ]\Ia68. He marrlc(l in M<'nd«jn, May 30, 1808, Diana, daughter of Alexander and I'atit'uce (Nye) AVil- son. (Alexander and Patienee A\'ilson of Douglas, ni. Xov. 17, 1782; Patience Nye was born at Wareham, Aug. 2, 17(J2). Diana was born in Mendon, June 12, 1785; died in Franklin, widow, Aug. 24, 1860, aged 75 years. No children. 184. Zexas® ( Ziha,^ Eleazer,* Eleazer,^ John^) , born at Winchester, N. H., Feb. 4, 1771 ; died April 6, 1817 ; married Feb. 16, 17116, Patience, daughter of Robert Crosset of Prescott, ]\Iass. (born Oct. 22. 1766; died Feb. 11), 1853). Removed to Swanzey, N. II., about 1796. Children : 430. i. Jonathan Day,'' Feb. 23, 1707 ; d. Oct. 23, 1870. 431. ii. Robert, June 17, 171)9 ; d. Albany, N. Y., July 5, 1S3."). iii. Miuia:m, Dec. 24, 1801 ; d. Jan. 4, 1800; m. Ist, Aaron Thayer ; m. 2d, George Darling ; m. 3d, Benjamin Mason, iv. Kezia, Oct. 4, 1805 ; d. March 2, 182G ; m. Amos Richardson. 432. V. Joel, July 23, 1809. 185. Ziba" {Ziha,'' Eleazer,* Eleazev,^ John*), born at Winchester, N. H., Aug. 19, 1775; died about 1849, Wells, Vt. ; married Oct. 15, 1801, Rachel, daughter of Kbenezer (Thomas) Dart (born Gilsum, N. II., June 21, 1782; died abont 1829). He married 2d, widow Richards of Poultney, Vt. Bought a place in (Jilsiun in 1800 and kept a tavern and blacksmith shop for about three years. Removed to Wells, Vt. [Hist. Wells, Vt.] Child : 433. i. Lyman,^ Feb. 22, 1803 ; d. about 1830. 186. Jacob" {Ziha," Eleazcr,' Elcazor,' John'), boni Oct. 5. 17S2, at AVinchester, N. H. ; died Aug. 17, 1-S56 ; married De<-. 1. b^l.".. Sarah Ilamblet of Swanzey, N. II. ; she died Nov. J*), Im;;,. 150 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Daniel/ Sept. 29, 1814 ; d. Sept. 5, 1818. 434. ii. ZiBA, April 15, 1817, Wiuchester. 435. iii. PiiiNEHAS Atwood, Sept. 10, 1819 ; d. Dec. 5, 1894. 436. iv. Joseph, March 3, 1822 ; d. July 17, 1892. V. Harriet, Aug. 10, 1825; m. John Chamberlain of Swanzey. 187. Joseph^ {Ziba,^ Eleazer,'^ Eleazer,^ Jolm"), born at Win- chester, N. H., May 27, 1785 ; died Oct. 21, 1848 ; married Susan Nichols of Billerica, Mass. She died Feb. 12, 1853. Kesided at Ac worth, N. H. Children : i. Susan M.,' Nov. 25, 1813 ; d. Aug. 24, 1842. ii. John S., July 5, 1815 ; d. Aug. 23, 1818. iii. Joseph Z., March 19, 1817 ; d. Sept. 19, 1&18. iv. ZiBA, Aug. 9, 1819; d. Sept. 14, 1821. V. Parhelia, Nov. 30, 1821 ; d. June 19, 1858. 437. vi. Joseph, Feb. 11, 1825 ; d. June 14, 1897, in Hadley, Mass. vii. Hannah C, May 20, 1827 : d. in Boston, Dec. 7, 1895 ; m. King. 438. viii. Harlan P., Nov. 28, 1836. 188. David' {EU,^ EUezer,* Eliezer,^ John'^), born in Franklin, Nov. 14, 1777; died there May 26, 1840, of consumption. He married Feb. 12, 1806, Betsey, daughter of Samuel and Chloe (Legg) Adams of Bellingham (born Feb, 25, 1788; died of con- sumption, Nov. 2, 1869, at Medway) ; a Baptist ; "large, strong and healthy woman." He was "thin in build; 5 feet, 10 inches tall ; honest, temperate, hard-working, but excessively timid." Lived in different places till his sister Margaret's death 1837, then occupied her half the homestead. Children, born in Franklin : i. Betsy,^ March 2, 1807 ; d. at Mendon, 1833 ; m. April 21, 1827, Hiram Cook of Mendon. Children : 1. Elisha, Dec- 1828 ; d. at Milford, 1879. 2. Emory Ware, 1833. WARE GENEALOGY. 151 ii. Persis, Maicli 27, 1808; m. .Ian. 31, 1833, Taul Perkins, architect and l)uilder (b. Marcli 10, 181U; d. of consunipiinu at Binghamton, N. Y., Dec. 21, 186G) with Col. Alexander Dewitt. Children : 1. Man/ Jane, Dec. 31, 1835 ; d. Aug. 2, 1802 ; ni. :\Iay fi. 18GU, James E. New. 2. Martha Ann, Detroit, April 15, 1839 ; d. Nov. 9, 1840. 3. Henry C, Oxford, May 7, 1.S12 ; m. Sept. 1-1, 18G4, Mary E. Lloyd. 4. Charles A., Oxford, Mav 28, 1844; d. Denver, Col., Oct. 28, 1890; m. April 30, 1873, Lucy A. Hall. 5. Helen C, Oxford, Nov. 23, 1846 ; m. at B:, April 23, 1867, William H. Mosher. 6. FraiiJc, Oct. 1, 1853 ; d. Aug. 9, 1856. iii. Abigail, Oct. 17, 1809 ; m. in 1853, Mason Clark of Belling- ham ; he died March 20, 1861. A pensioner of 1812. Widow- lives at W. Medway (1886). Child ; Charles Elwin, 1855 ; d. of consumption at 9 ms. iv. Elvira, May 27, 1811 ; d. March 6, 1849 ; m. in 1834, Harri- son Perrin, carriage painter, at Oxford Plain ; rem. to New Brunswick, N. J. Children : 1. Mary Be Witt, 1834 ; d. in 1835. 2. A son, d. young. 3. Sarah Jane, Jan. 24, 1839 ; m. and rem. to Lee. 439. V. David, May 7, 1814; d. Dec. 21, 1858. at Franklin. vi. WiLLARi) Adams, April 24, 1816; d. March 21, 1817, at Franklin. 440. vii. Gilbert Adams, July 1, 1818; d. April 15, 1S7G. 441. viii. Elbripoe Gerry, Dec. 14. 1819. ix. Mary Clark, Dec. 25, 1821; m. Oct. 22, 1848, Solomon G. lilake of E. Norton, INIass. (b. Jan. 27, 1814 ; d. E. Norton. Aug. 2, 1887). No children. X. William Emery, June 10, 1824; d. in 1825. xi. Samuel, 1827; d. in a few days, xii. Matilda Marta, Nov. 14, 1828; d. July 14, 1855 ; ni. March 24, 1848, Clark D. IFuiit of Medway" (b. 1823; d. Nov. 4, 1859). Children : 1. William Edson, Julv 5, 1853 ; foreman hat factory ; m. June 4, 1876, Leo D. Woods of Lyons, N. Y. (b. Oct. 30, 1855). 2. Flora, May 13 ; d. July 11. 1.S55. 152 WARE GENEALOGiT. 190. Amherst* {Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Eleazer,^ Jolui^), born at Wren- tham, May 1, 17-I. Children of Alpheus and Polly, born in Shcrborn : i. Betsey,^ Jan. 10, 1799 ; d. Si^pt. 10, IS 17. 449. h. Orlaxdo, Nov. 8, IHOO • d. Dtc. 12, 1S51, at Worcester. 450. iii. Charles Coglidge, Feb. 9, 1S03 ; d. Nov. 10, 1«G1. 451. iv. Joiix, June 12, 1805 ; d. F»b. 7, ISHI. 154 WARE GENEALOGY. 452. V. Joseph Sanger, Nov. 24, 1807 ; d. Dec. 26, 1869. vi. Nathaniel Dana, April 10, 1810 ; d. of small-pox, in N. Y., Nov. 28, 1838, unm. Children of Alpheus and Nancy : vii. Warren, Oct. 24, 1814 ; d. Sept. 19, 1817. viii. Hamlet, March 9, 1817 ; d. April 6, 1822. 196. ASHUR^ {Joseph,^ John," Joseph,"^ Johyt^), born at Shei'born, Feb. 10, 1782 ; died Sept. 10, 1873, in Portknd, Me. ; married in Porthmd, Jane 20, 1831, Sarah Mor^ridge. She died June 30, 1870, aged 70. H. C. 1804 ; LL.D. ; >rof. H. U. ; Judge U. S. Dist. Court, Me. Chiklren : 453. i. Joseph Ashur,'^ Aug. 30, 1832 rd. at Washington, D. C, May 25, 1874. ii. Emma Grace, Aug. 27, 1833 ; d. at Plymouth, Mass., July, 1892. iii. Charles Morgridge, Jan. 11, d. Aug. 27, 1835. iv. Sarah Elizabeth, July 10, 1838 ; m. in London, Aug. 15, 1877, John Mackay of Scotland. Child : 1. Ethel Reay, Tortrose, Scotland, Aug. 7, 1879. 197. Henry^ {Joseph,^ John,* Joseph,^ John,^), born in Sherborn, Feb. 15, 1789 ; died Feb. 23, 1814; married Jan. 11, 1810, Irene Death of Sherborn. She survived him and married second, Jan. 25, 181 G, Braton Ballard. Children, born in Sherborn : i. Martha,'' June 24, 1810 ; m. June 11, 1829, Dalton Goulding. 454. ii. Albert Penniman, Nov. 9, 1811 ; d. Feb. 13, 1871. iii. Henry, Oct. 13, 1813; d. Oct. 6, 1817. 198. Walter^ (John,^ John,* Joseph,^ JoJin^), born in Sherborn, Sept. 28, 1777; died in Newton, June 9, 1822; lived in Canada a while; paper man in Newton. He married Nov. 29, 1798, Patience, daughter of Elisha Seaverns of Newton. She died at Newton, June 9, 1864. WARE GENEALOGY. 155 Children i, Albert/ May 27, 1709; d. Dtc. 11. lS-14, at ClKirlestown Asylum. 455. ii. Elisha Seaveuxs, March 29, 1801 ; .1. Dec. G, 18G-i. hi. Elizabeths., July 8, ISOl; d. Nov. I'.t. is')!',; m. Nov. 6, 1823, Henry Smith of Newton, iv. Martha, Canada, Nov. 27, 180G ; d. March 5, 1821. V. Caroline, Feb. 19, 1808, Canada ; d. Boston, Dec. 1, 1891 ; m. in Newton, Nov. 5, 1829, Charles ]\li rriam of AVeston. Children : 1. Caroline Louise, Aug. 6, 1830; m. Francis Jaques, Nov. 19, 1851. 2. Charles, Oct. G, 1832 ; m. May 24, l.s')G, Helen Jaques. 3. Ware, IMarch 12, 1835 ; d. Jan. 21, 1838. 4. Waldo, Feb. 23, 1839 ; was Lieut. Col. IGth Mass. Vol. Inf. and was killed at the battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, 18G4. 5. Herbert, April 21, 1841 ; m. Oct. 6, 1870, Fannie Hawes. 6. Arthur Ware, May 19, 1844: m. Feb. 27, 1873, Augusta Skinner. He d. Oct. 11, 1878. 7. Frank Merriam, Nov. G, 1850; m. Sept. 19, 1877, Te- resa Beatrice Lovering. vi. John Chester, Canada, Feb. 19, 1808 ; d. at Stanstead, June 28, 1828. 456. vii. William, April 15, 1810, Canada; d. Feb. 24. is:)2. viii. Orlando, Sept. 29, 1816 ; d. num., in South AnuTica. 199. Orlando" (JoJni,^ John,* Joseph,'' John"), born at Sherl)orn, Aug. 29, 1779; died at Decrficld, Dec. 5, 1800. "Was in busi- ness many years in Sherborn ; removed to DecrficUl." "Lived on No. 26 ; trader many years in corner store ; selectman 10 years ; Representative 2 years : Post Master." Tie, " of Newton," married Dec. 25, 1800 (in W., ])y Rev. Samuel Kendall), l)cl)orali Starr of Weston; she died at lieerfield, ^lay 17, 1840. Children : 457. i. Edwin,'' Weston, Oct. 18, 1802 ; d. Aug. G, 1870. ii. Fanny, Newton, June 12, 1804 ; d. Newton, Oct. 10, 1805. ui. Fanny, Deerfield, May 10, 180G ; m. May 30, 1830. Lyman Clary, ^l.D., of Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 1. Jane S., Salina, N. Y., 1831 ; d. 1832. 2. Orlando W., Syracuse, 1832. 3. Sarah Starr, 1834. 156 WARE GENEALOGY. iv. John, Deerfield, Oct. 19, d. Dec. 3, 1807. V. Jane, Deerfield, Oct. 10, 1808 ; d. Dec. 31, 1809. vi. Jane, Deerfield, Aug. 5, 1810; d. March 12, 1867; m. 1st, Deerfield, Nov. 15, 1838, Edward W. Cheuery ; m. 2d, Oct. 30, 1849, Maj. William Keith of Greenfield, vii. Emily, Sept. 17, 1812 ; d. Dec. 11, 1870 ; m. March 28, 1837, James P. Fogg of Rochester, N. Y. Children : 1. 3Iary Ware, 1840. 2. Jnne, 1842. 3. /. Leland, 1845. viii. Mary, Deerfield, March 31, 1815 ; d. Sept., 1883 ; m. Sept. 25, 1842, Josiah Fo^g of Charleston, S. C. (d. Nov. 22, 1887). ix. John, Feb. 19, 1817 ; d. Aug. 2, 1818. X. Infant, b. and d. Oct., 1819. 200. Elbridge^ (John,^ JoJin,'* Joseph,^ John'), born in Sherborn, Aug. 14, 1785 ; married Nov. 26, 1807, in Newton, Elizabeth (Betsey) Bridge. Lived in Newton. Clerli in Episcopal Church ; removed to Trenton, N. J. Children : i. Ellen Eugenia,'' b. 1808, bapt. at the Ep. Ch., Dedham, with her father, SejDt. 29, 1811; m. in Newton, Nov. 29, 1835, Fordyce Bowen of Bedford. Child : Augustus, 1837, Chelsea. 458. ii. Edwin [A.?], 1813. iii. Elizabeth G., 1815 ; m. Oct. 30, 1834, in Newton, Willard Wilson, both of Bedford, Mass. Children : 1. Lleivellyn; 2. Ellen; 3. Wallace; 4. Ida; 5. Frank. iv. Eldridge S., 1817 ; d. at Key West, Florida. V. Emeline a., 1821 ; m. in Bedford, Mass., May 25, 1841, Joseph S. Newhall, Jr. of Saugus, Mass. Children : 1. Annie; 2. Allston. 201. Eleazer® {Benjamin,^ John,* Joseph,^ John'^), born in Sher- born, Nov. 2, 1791; died Sept. 23, 1859; married Oct. 22, 1818, WARE GENEALOGY. 157 Lucy, daughter of Daniel Breck, born July 30, 1707. Farmer. Resided in Sherbora, and "inherited the water power where hicj grandftithcr, Joseph AVare, built the first mill on 8ewall's brook." Cliildren : i. Caroline,'' Sept. 3, 1820; m. WilHam Dowse (d. 1848). Children : 1. Leiois, 1845. 2. Caroline, 1847. 460. ii. VoRESTus, April 27, 1822. 461, iii. Benjamin, Jan. 24, 1824; d. Holliston, Feb. 7, 1878. iv. Samuel L., June 27, 1830. V. Lucy D., June 25, 1833; m. Martm Nash; Uved at Newton Lower Falls. 202. Hexry, Jr.^ ( Henry, ^ John,* Joseph,^ John'), born in Iling- ham, April 21, 1794; II. C. 1812; died at Framinirham, Sep- tember 22, 1843; D.D. ; ord. Second Church, Boston, Jan. 1, 1817 ; resigned Oct. 4, 1830. Prof. Pulpit Eloquence and the Pastoral Care, Harvard University, 1830. See memoir by John Ware, M.D. He married first, Elizabetli Watson, daughter of Benjamin Waterhouse, M.D., of Cambridge, and his wife Elizabeth (Oliver). Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse introduced vaccination into America. She was born March 14, 1793 ; died Feb. 5, 1824. He married second, June 11, 1827, in Boston, Mary Lovell, only daughter of Mark (Christopher, Christopher) Pickard, merchant, and Mary, only daughter of James and ^lary (Middk-ton) Lovell. She was born Oct. 2, 1798, on Atkinson St., Boston; died at Milton, April 4, 1849. Memoir by Rev. E. B. Hall. Children of Henry® and Elizabeth, born in Boston : 463. i. JoriN Fothergill Waterhouse,^ Aug. 31, 1818; d. in Mihon, Feb. 26, 1881. ii. Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1820; d. in Milton, Sept. 13, 1S70, unm. iii. Henry, March 6, 1822; d. in Boston, Mnroh 6, 1823. Children of Henry* and Mary : iv. Tlor.ERT,MVorcester, Mass., July 13,1828, d. CambridijiN D, 187."<, Charles H. Cleveland. 2. 3Tani EUzabeth, Nov. 2G, ISCO ; m. Nov. .'10, 1882, Joliu W. Adams. 3. Sarah Anna, Apiil 1, 18GG; in. Ilerhfrt Coleman uf Gardner. 4. George Henri/, Feb. 1, 18(50. 5. Harry Leroy, Oct. 6, 1871 ; d. April 30, 1872. 6. Ilatlie Louise, Oct. G, 1871. 474. ix. Aakox Wood, Jan. 2, 1837. X. Makt, Feb. 4, 1840 ; d. Jidy 2, 184.'). xi. Lucy, Nov. 2, 1842 ; m. Feb. 10, 18G2, Amos Turner Adams (b. Jan. 7, 1843). Children : 1. Sarah Elsie, Feb. 27, 1SG3 ; m. Oct. 20, 1886, Weuzle J. Brodmerkle. 2. Winifred Abigail, OcU !•'>, 1871. 475. xii. Albert, Oct. 29, 1844. 476. xiii. John, April 2, 1848. 214. William Danfortii" ( William,^ Benjamin,* Xnthaniel,^ ya- tkanieP), born at Wrcntham, Jan. 3, 1812; married first, Alinira or Elmira Leonard of Medway ; married second, April 2'.>, \X'>'), Elizabeth AV. Jono8 of Wrcntham, dauy;hter of Ezekicl Jones and Elizabeth (Benjamin, Nathaniel, Nathaniel) Ware : Children : i. William,' 1840. ii. Mary A.. Medway, 1842 ; m. Nov. 3, 18G0, William IT. C.iiild of Franklin (of James A. and Lncen.a P). ; b. 1.^12, lM)i>t- maker 20 years. iii. Fraxcks ZuuiAir, Franklin, SepU 30, 1845. 482. iv. Georgk H., Medway, April 8, 1848. V. Louisa, April 8, 1H">0, Wrentliam ; m. 1st, in Fr.. Feb. H. 18G0, Cliarles F. Williams. l)n..tmal«T (b. in Fr.) (Cliarles .-md Mary A.) ; lie 20, she !« ; l)v R(V..los.;].h !•'. .Massevof Ufllini;- ham. Charles E. Williams i„Ul* ), born in Needham, Sept. 10, 1H2G ; married, first, Feb. .'), ISoG, Mary Ellen Downes ; she died July 9, 1.SSI4. He married, secoud, Dec! 10, 189G, Mrs. Ella B. Ri.Uey, of Plainfield, \. J. Adopted child : Ellen Emma," Nov. 21. 1K7G ; m. De<-. 11, IS'.t;. Ruwlius Lowndes, of Waterbury, Conn. 284. William® AyEiiY ( Wininm,'' Samuel,* Samuel,' XdfJnnnd* ), bom at AYcstminstor, Vt., March 14-, 1822; died at Ellini,fton, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1X94. Practiced medicine more than thirty years at Owatonna, Minn., " yery much respected as physician and man." He married, first, Eliza Lott. He married, second, Jose[)hine McGlassion. Child by second wife : Evelyn,'' April o, 1875. 235. Lemuel Raymond^ ( William,^ Samuel,* Samuel,' Xathan- ieP), born at Westminster, Vt., March 14, 1822; married March 28, 1848, Mary, dau«ihter of Joel and Mary (Bayley) Storkwell. She died April 20, 1895, an;ed 69 years. He was a physician and surgeon of the homeopathic school, graduate of college at Boston or New York. He died at Ellington, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1894. Children : 502. i. Walter,'' Aug. 9, 1849. ii. Martha Elizabeth, Portage, N. Y. ; m. 1st, Nov. 17, \SCtH, Sterling D. Strover (1.. Sept. 25, 18.52 ; .1. Jan. 1. l.^S.".). Sho m. 2d, Edwin N. Dunckel ; res. at liutte City, .Miwit. Children of S. D. and M. E. (Ware) Strever : 1. Pearl Irene, April 25, 1870. 2. Joseph K, March 30, 1874. Children of P:dwin N. and M. E. (Ware) I)unrP), born in Granville, 111., Nov. 11, 1841 ; married June ;», 1877, Elizabeth, 172 WARE GENEALOGY. daughter of Robert Law, born in Galena, 111., Feb. 10,. 1854. Physician. Lives 1620 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Children : i. HiLDEGARDE,' Nov. 20, 1892. . ii. Edith, Feb. 18, 1894. iii. Elizabeth, March 20, 1897. 243. Elisha C.® { Ralph, ^ Jonathan,^ Samuel,^ JVafhanier) , bom in Granville, 111., Aug. 30, 1846 ; married Sept. 6, 1870, Mary Hanna of Aurora, 111. ; lives at Hyde Park, 111. Real estate dealer in Chicago. Children : i. Ralph,' July 3, 1877. ii. Walter, Feb. 13, 1880. iii. Robert Re a, Jan. 3, 1883. 244. Henry F.* {Ralph, ^ Jonathan,* Samuel,^ JSfathanier), bora in Granville, 111., Oct. 30, 1851; married at Brunswick, Me., June 27, 1897, Josephine Sandford of Boston. Lives (1897) m Durango, Colorado. Child : John Sandford,' June 27, 1898. 245. Thomas Shepard® {Thomas,^ Jonathan,* 8a7nuel,^ I^athan- ieP), born July 20, 1836. Lives in Whiting, Kansas. He married first, July 3, 1866, Mattie C. Moody. She died in June, 1869. He married second, in 1873, in Illinois, M. Wheeler. Children : i. Mattie Elizabeth,' June, 1869 ; d. Sept., 1879. Second marriage : ii. Thomas Russell, Sept. 14, 1874. iii. Ina Dale, Jan. 25, 1877. iv. Ralph Kirkland, Aug. 31, 1879. V. Laura Belle, March 19, 1882. WARE GENEALOGY. 1"3 24(3. Charles Kirkland' {Thomas," r/unut/nai,* Sl^^ Xu- thaniel'), born May 31, 1848; marriud Nov. 20, leiG7, Lucy Gunn. Resides at Dowues, Kansas. Children : i. Ll-ther G.,'' Nov. 1, 18G9. ii. Emma L., Aug. 4, 1873. iii. Levi S., June 20, 1876. iv. Thomas C, July 11, 1S80. 247. William Stewart* (Thomas,' Jonathni,* ,S((mnrl,^ y>(- thaniel'), born March 26, 1848. Resides at Corintli, Kansas. 248. Henry Martin* [Thomas,^ Jonathan,* Samuel,^ Mithanicr), born May 13, 1854; married Aug. 21, 1883, Ellen Harrison. Resides at Granville, 111. Child: Stephen Harrison,' Dec. 27, 1885. 249. James White® (Thomas,'' Jonathan,* Samxrf,' N 1^), born March 16, 1856. Resides at Granville, 111. 250. Joseph Edwin® {Thomas," Jonathan,* Samuel,^ Nathaniel), born Sept. 27, 1857 ; died Oct. 18, 1882. Lawyer. 251. Justin Perkins' (Thomas," J(»/(f than,* Samuel,' ^^ithanitl'), born Aug. 17, 18G3. Resides at Granville, 111. 174 WARE- GENEALOGY. 252. Levi Ingols® {Sylvester Goodale," Jesse,* Samuel,^ Ka- thanier), born July 15, 1827; lived in Brunswick, Mo. He "married, but had no children"; served in the Mexican war; resided at Tia. Joana \_sic.'], California, in 1895. 253. GoODALE Sylvester^ {Solomon L.,^ Jesse,* Samuel,'^ Na- thaniel), born at Dalton, Mass., Dec. 30, 1822 ; married Louise Ruth Bell of Dalton. Died at Niagara Falls, May 7, 1857; she died in Titusville, Pa., Nov. 1872. Children, all born at Niagara Falls : i. Ida Louise,''' Dec. 8, 1848 ; m. Sept. 1,' 18G7, Isaac Newton of Kalamazoo, Mich, ; d. in New York, Sept. 16, 1886. Children : 1. Mahel Louise, July 22, 1868 ; d. Sept. 15, 1885. 2. Harriet Maud, March 19, 1870. ii. Helen Seymour, Oct. 2, 1850. iii. Abby Makia, June 15, 1852; m. at Titusville, Pa., Aug. 21, 1875, Augustus Pitou ; d. in N. Y., April 8, 1888. Children, b. in New York : 1. Augustus, Sept. 17, 1876. 2. Abby Ware, Jan. 25, 1880. 3. Louise Ruth, May 13, 1887. iv. Lavinia Porter, Oct. 9, 1854; m. April 10, 1873, Daniel W. Wilson of Titusville, Pa. Children : 1. Ethel, Titusville, April 16, 1874. 2. Grace Belle, July 30, 1878 ; d. in Chicago, Dec. 3, 1885. 3. Vinnie Ware, Chicago, Sept. 17, 1886. '■ {^rotf"'°'^'}cW-go,May20.1895. 254. Charles Seymour^ {Solomon i.,* Jesse,* Samuel,"^ Na- thanieV), born in Dalton, Mass., Feb. 22, 1824 ; married Oct. 15, 1851, at Niagara Falls, Helen Amanda (Otis, Noah, David, WARE GENEALOGY. IJ/j Miqah, Jacob, John, Ilmnplirev) Turner, l)orn in Mnlina, X. Y Sept. 9, 1832; died in Kudic'ster, X. Y., Sept. .'), lb,>5l. H^ was a physician; died at Xiagara Falls, Sept. I'l, 1612. Children : i. Fannie SEYMOrR,' Niagara Falls, Dec. 1, 18o2 ; in. in Titusville, July 17, 1877, George Addison (Tiinotliv, Ebenezer, Beuoni, John, John) Wallace, M.D., of Hochester. \. Y. Children 1. Charles Timothy. Rochester, Dec. IG, 1879. 2. Olive Sherman, Buffalo, N. Y., April 25, 1885. 3. Helen Turner, Buffalo, July 22, 18S9. 4. George Francis, Buffalo, X'^ov. 8, IS'.IO. ii, Charles Turner, Niagara Falls, Nov. 28, 185G; d. May 20, 1871. iii. Jeanie Porter, Indianapolis, Ind., Mav 20, 18r.5 ; m. Oct. 17, 1888, Philip E. Redpath of Niagara Falls, N. V. 255. Justin Cole^ (Solomon L.,' Jesse,* Samuel,'' Xdl/ifniirl'), born at X'iagara Falls, Sept. II, 1829; married Sept. 27, 1854, Catherine L. Johnston; died at Titusville, Pa., Dec. 24, 1891. Served in the war of the Rebellion. • Children, all born at Xiagara Falls, X . Y. : i. Elizabeth Maria,^ Aug. 15, 1855 ; m. Feb. 2.'1, 1875, George Levant Lawrence of Titusville; d. Jan. 17, 18S0. Children, l)orn in Titusville : 1. Edna Zoe, Feb. 3, 1877. 2. Levant Ware, Nov. 6, 1879; d. May 29, 188(). 11. JusTiNA Cole, Jan. 11,1 s59 ; m. Oct. 3, 1883, Fred. J. Parmelec of Mentor, Ohio. Children, l)orn in Mentor: 1. Jlfirr/arcl Louise, March 3, 1887. 2. Frederick Ware, Jan. •_".», IH'.H). 3. Maze Elizabeth, April 17, kS'.i 1. iii. Kate Lolise, Sept. 4, 18GU; in. Aug., 1^82, Ilointr K. Grccno of Titusville. Child: Leila, Sept. 30, 1 883. 176 WARE GENEALOGY. 256. Henry Scott® {Solomon L.,^ Jesse,"^ Samuel,^ JSfathanier), born at Niagara Falls, Aug. 24, 1833 ; married Jan. 4, 1857, Mary Josephine Stickles ; died July 26, 1892. " One of the fore- most business men of Niagara Falls, and reputed to be a millionaire ; a stockholder in hotel and manufacturing companies, dhector in two banks here, and head of the large Hardwick-Wai-e Manufacturing Company of Buffalo." [Newspaper]. Child: Henrietta Mary,' June 15, 1858 ; m. Dec. 22, 1880, Alan H. G. Hardwicke. Child : Henry Scott Ware, Niagara Falls, Nov. 4, 1881. 257. Jesse DwiGHT® (Solomon L.,^ Jesse,* Samuel,^ JVathaniel'^), born at Niagara Falls, Jan. 26, 1838 ; married in Savannah, Ga., Nov. 20, 1859, Mary A. McCall ; he died Nov. 5, 1879, in Savannah. Children, born in Savannah: i. Charles Solomon,'^ July 5, d. July 30, 1860. ii. George Dwight, Jan. 1, 1862 ; d. Oct. 30, 1880. iii. Mary Ella, July 16, 1865 ; m. Dec. 7, 1881, John Raymond Bailey. Children : 1. John, 1885. 3. Edioard, 1891. 2. Jesse, 1889. 4. Mabel, 1893. iv. Justin, March 26, 1868 ; d. March 26, 1891. v. Ida Bell, Sept. 26, 1870. vi. Jesse Dwight, Jan. 26, 1873. vii. William Henry, Nov. 11, 1877. viii. Edward Cole, Jan. 15, 1880; d. March 15, 1881. 258. Amariaii* (JVathan,^ Eliphalet,* Ebenezer,* Robert'^), born at Wrentham, July 28, 1768; died Nov. 5 or 6, 1839, aged 71; married May 10, 1810, Betsey, daughter of Joel Ware, No. 118 ; she was born March 5, 1787, died in Franklin, Dec. 11, 1822. WARE GENEALOGY. 177 Children : 519. i. Oren Cutler^ ("Orion" rec), Feb. 24, 1811 ; d. Sept. 1.0 or IG, 1875. 520. ii. Caleb Austin, Dec. 20, 1812. iii. Elizabeth Blake, April 21, 1815 ; d. Nov. 23, 1873 ; m. Oct. 31, 1837, Thomas B. (No. 294) Ware, iv. Cyrus Dean, Nov. 3, 1817 ; d. Aug. 18, 1810. V. Cynthia Irene, .June 1, 1820 ; m. Oct. 1, 184.3, Moses Draper, of Dedham (b. July 24, 181.3). Children : 1. Irene Watso7i, Aug. 1.3, 1846; m. Fob. I'J, 1805, James Alb. Billings (b. Nov. 10, 1845). 2. Mis, Aug. 11, 1848; m. Sept. 19, 1880, Jane L. Tibbetts (b. April 30, 1853). 3. Frances Ma, Oct. 4, 1849; m. .Tan. 3, 1870, James AVhitc Dupee (b. Oct. 17, 1849). 4. Mson, April 8, 1851 ; d. Sept. 8, 1853. 5. Elman, April 21, d. Sept. 11, 1855. 6. Eldorn, April 21, 1855 (twin); m. Nov. 15, 1873, Thomas Marshall Smith (b. Deo. 17, 1854). 7. Eugene, June 12, 185G. 8. Oren Ware, March 13, 1858 ; d. Jan. 4, 18G9. 9. Elinan Austin, Aug. 5, 18G2. 259. Nathan, Jr.^ {Nathan,^ Ellphalet,* Ehonezcr,'' Bohf-rt^), born in Wrentham, Oct. 23, 1778 ; died in Wulimle, Dec. ."^ 1SG2 ; married July 3, 1802, in AVal[)ole (intention rcc. June 22, 1803), Eunice, daiigliter of Setli and Sarah Smith of Walpole, born March 7, 1785 ; died Jan. 24, 18GG. Sec Appendix for his very interest- ing autobiography written in his 84th year. Children, born in Walpole : 521. i. Lyman Smith,' Oct. 23, 1803 ; d. July 17, 1877. Newell, May 29, 180G ; d. May 10, 1884. Horace, Dec. 12, 1808, a moulder and farmer; d. March 28, 1882 ; unmarried. Ellis, Nov. 2, 1810. Nathan Fisher, March 30, 1813. Lowell Davis, Dec. 23, IHM ; ,1. Nov. 7. is 17. John Wakuen, May 28, 1817; .1. I ).■.-. 1 l', ISGl. Eunice Maria, Aug. 17, IHIS ; d. at M.dli.'ld. IV.\ 1, 18si ; m. June 18, 1840, David, son of D. ami Hannah Kirhardson 12 522. ii. iii. 523. iv. 524. v. vi. 525. vii. viii, 178 WARE GENEALOGY. Plympton of Medfield (b. July 9, 1811). "The third David successively to own the old Plympton homestead in Medfield, where stood the old ' Block House ' against the Indians." [Wights.] Children, born in Medfield : 1. Elizabeth Ifaria, May 23, 1841; m. May 15, 1862, William F. Guild, farmer, of Walpole (b. April 30, 1851). 2. David Edwin, Aug. 17, 1843 ; d. June 19, 1881, unm. 3. Caroline Louisa, Dec. 9, 1846; m. Sept. 12, 1878, J. J. Demerritt of N. H. 4. Frederic Ware, June 29, 1850. ix. Lowell Davis, Nov. 11, 1820; d. Feb. 9, 1825. X. Julia Leland, Jan. 27, 1822 ; d. Oct. 13, 1883 ; m. June 12, 1851, Samuel C. Battles of North Bridgewater (Brockton), engineer (b. Dec. 14, 1823 ; d. April 10, 1894, killed instantly on R. R. at Avon, Mass.). Children, born in Walpole : 1. Jidia Etta, July 14, 1854 ; d. Jan. 9, 1863. 2. Horace Chessman, April 30, 1858; clerk, m. Jan. 1, 1885, Bertha Howard Mendall of Marion, Mass. (b. Aug. 31, 1858). 3. Stella Louise, June 30, 1860 ; m. Sept. 15, 1886, James H. Mendall. 4. Ellis Warreti, July 6, 1862 ; leather dealer. xi. Sarah Ann, Aug. 5, 1828 ; d. July 1, 1858, N. Wrentham ; m. April 23, 1857, Silas Everett Fales, carpenter, Walpole (b. Aug. 10, 1828). Child : SarahWare, June 4, 1858; m. Aug. 31, 1897, George Lewis of Reading (b. Boston, Nov. 9, 1846). xii. George Henry, Dec. 29, 1829; d. March 15, 1832. 2G0. Asa' {Nathan," Eliphalet," Ehenezer,^ Robert''), born April 15, 1780; died March 27, 1856; married Irene Clark, born May 20, 1784, in Medway, where she died May 7, 1864, aged 80. Children : i. Asa,'' Jan. 27, d. Jan. 29, 1805. ii. Clark, Jan. 26, 1806; d. Sept. 14, 1831, unm. WARE GENEALOGY. 179 261. DuTY^ (Oliver,' EUphrdet,* Ebenezer,^ Robevl''), born in Wrentham, April 16, 1789; died June 2H, 18G0, at Franklin, of "gall stones." Farmer. He married Dec. 17, 1810, Olive, daufjhter of Col, Benjamin (who died in Bre\\<'r, Me., Mav 4, 1829) and Abigail Kingsbury ; she was born July 2, 1779; died "widow," Dec. 8, 1875, of "old age." Children, order not known : 531. i. Albert Omeui,^ July 9, 1811. ii. Susan Merrill, d. aged 70 ; ra. Edmund Hartshorn of Frank- Im. iii. George Richard, d. at Franklui ; fell from a tree and hurt liis si)ine. 532. iv. Lyman Stoddard, 1819, Milford, Mass. 533. V. Gilbert Adams, vi, LoAVELL, d. young, vii. Warren, d. young. 262. Isaiah^ {Oliver,'' Eliphalet,* Ebenezer,^ Robert'*); date and place of birth not known; died at Wrentham, March 20, 1865, " son of Oliver and Betsey." lie married Judith . [He was re- membered by L. L. W,]. Child : Ursula,^ "of Isaiah and Judith," d, at Wr., May 21, 18G2. 263. Amos® (Joel,^ Elisha,* Ebenezer,^ Robert*), born in North Wrentham, Aprd 22, 1785, "at 3 o'clock in the morning"; died April 25, 1832, He njarriod first in Wrentham, rian, 1, 1S07, Jemima Sanford. She died Dec. 21, 180S, aged 23. He marritnl second, Jan. 5, 1813, at Mansfield (by Kev. Kichard Briggs) Eunice Brainard Codding. She outlived him and married April 18, 1833, Timothy Ide. She died April 18, 1S75, aged 90 years. Children : i. Hannah,^ Nov. G, 1807 ; d, April 11, 1809. ii, Samukl Whkaton, Sept. G, 181 J ; drowned in rrovidmoc Rivor, June 17, 1832. 180 WARE GENEALOGY. iii. Mary Emily, Sept. 25, 1817 ; m. Dec. 1, 1847, Henry Howard of N. Bridgewater. Children : 1. Henry Wheaton, m. Mary Emma Pitts. 2. Emily Ware, m. Joseph Dickinson. 3. Bertha Codding, m. Horace A. Page. iv. Amanda Maria, May 3, 1827 ; m. Dec. 25, 1862, Rev. Franklin Davis. Child : Franklin Ware, 1867 ; m. Sept. 17, 1893, Mabel A. Bennett. 264. Alvan* (Joel,^ Elisha,* Ehenezer,^ Roherf)^ born in North Wrentham, April 17, 1790; died Sept. 19, 1852, at "3 o'clock in the morning." He married Polly, daughter of Samuel and Polly Williams, or P. Hooker. [L. L. W.] She died April 25, 1852. Children : i. Harriet Maria,'' Sept. 1, 1820 ; m. Phineas Morse ; d. at N. Wr., Feb. 26, 1840. ii. Betsey, m. May 20, 1834, Julius C. Johnson of Medfield. iii. Eliza Ann. 265. Timothy® {Timothy,^ Timothy,* Robert,^ Eoherf), born in Wrentham, Sept. 30, 1779; married June 10, 1798, Hannah Grant; resided at Boston; died there Dec. 20, 1822. 266. Avery Sprague® {Timothy,^ Timothy,* Robert,^ Robert^), born in Wrentham, June 10, 1792; died March 31, 1838, at Otsego, Mich. ; married March 9, 1826, Amanda Kinney (or Kenncy) of Salisbury, Vt. Graduated at Middlebury College in the class of 182 1 ; became a Congregational minister. Was a Home Missionary in Northern Vermont. Children : i. Sylvester Howard,' May 4, 1827. ii. Philander Kenny, 1830. iii. Timothy Lewis, Feb. 9, 1829 ; d. at 3 yrs. [1832]. iv. Amanda Paine, Oct. 10, 1833. WARE GENEALOGY. 181 2G7. Eltas^ (Elias," Timothy,* Robert,'^ Robert^), born in Wren- tham, Mass., Feb. 19, 1782; died Nov. 24, 1859, at St. Louis, Mo. He married Nov. 13, 1809, Abij^ail Leach, dauj^hter of Giles and Mehitable AVilber. She died Sept. 8, 18G2. He " held a commission as ensign in 3d Keg. Infantry, 2d Brig., 1st Div., Mass. Militia, in 1818." Children : 536. i. Edward Young,'' Nov. 27, 1811 ; d. July 27, 1877. ii. Adelaide Maria, Nov. 2, 1813; m. at IMcdlield, Dl-c. 11, 1831, David Cobb of Boston. Children : 1. David, Jr. 2. Adalaide, m. 1st, Carpenter ; m. 2d, II. S. "Webster. Resides in Brookline. iii. Melinda Jane, Nov. 3, 1815 ; d. March 4, 1886, at New OrleauB, La.; m. 1st, Lorenzo Dow Ware, No. 538. lie d. Nov. 11, 1839. She m. 2d, in 184G, John How. For her Ware children see No. 538. Children of John and Melinda Jane (Ware) I low: 1. William Clajlin, in Natchez, Miss. ; d. young. 2. Edward W., lives in New York City. 3. " *S!. Louis" " His father was mayor of the city, so he named his son after the city." Dead. 4. John ; dead. 536a. iv. Elias Henry, April 2, 1818. V. Abigail Leach, Jan. 19, 1821 ; d. March 5, 1823, in Wr. vi. Polly Groves, May 19, 1823 ; m. June 23, 1841, Jost-ph A. Woodward. 268. Preston' {Elias," Timothy,' Robert,^ Robert' ), born in Wren- tham, Sept. 24, 1783; died in Mcdway, May 7 or June l."), ISCI. He married first in 1805, Xancv Kay, ('iuni)erland, 1\. 1. She died Sept. 7, 1813, at Wrentliam," in lu'r " 27tb " year. He married second, Dec. 11, 1814, Electa Richardson of Medway ; she died Sept. 3, 1831, in her "44th yr." Children : 537. i. Robert Galen,'' Dec. 2, 1805. 182 WARE GENEALOGY. ii. Elizabeth Eay, April 8, 1807 ; d. Dec. 30, 1872. "A lady of great excellence and much beloved by her kindred." [B, R. W.] ; unm. 538. iii. Lorenzo Dow, July 10, 1809 ; d. Nov, 11, 1839. iv. Nancy, Aug. 28, 1813; d. Dec. 23, 1897; m. March 30, 1845, Cunliff. V. Mary Hayward, Dec. 25, 1816; living at Ashland, Mass., 1898, unm. vi. Lecta Malvina Fitzlan (" Electa"), Wr., Jan. 13, 1820 ; m. Oct. 24, 1841, Edwin A. Forbush of Ashland. Rem. to Nashua, N. H. Children, born in Wrentham ; 1. Sarah E., June 5, 1843 ; m. April 8, 1867, George S. Downs. She writes under the name of " Mrs. Georgie Sheldon " ; has been a regular contributor for some years to the New York Weekly, whose publishers have printed in book form a number of her stories, — " Brownie's Triumph," etc. 2. Preston Ware, June 10, 1846. 3. Edwin A., April 17, 1848. 4. Flora D., Sept. 2, 1852 ; d. Feb. 28, 1888. 5. Walter R., Dec. 28, 1854. 539. vii. Preston, Aug. 13, 1821 ; d. Feb. 1, 1890. 269. James® {Elias,^ Timothy,* Robert,^ Robert), born In Wren- tham, Nov. 2, 1785; d. in Medfield, Dec. 19, 1865; buried in Maiden; married first, Dec. 16, 1810, Melenda Shaw White. She died July 15, 1816, aged 28, at Wrentham Centre. He married second, May 24, 1818, Eliza Pierpont, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Pierpont) Pope* of Boston. She was born in Boston, Sept. 11, 1788; died in Medfield, Aug. 22, 1865. He was called "Ensign" in 1810, " Captain" in 1818. Children : i. Jane Melinda,'' Wrentham, Aug. 3, 1812 ; d. May 12, 1816; bur. at W. Centre. 540. ii. James, July 2, 1819 ; d. at Everett, April 11, 1883. iii. Emily, Wrentham, Aug. 17, 1821 ; lived at Springfield; died at Ashland, Oct. 9, 1888, aged 67 ; bur. at Everett. * March 1, 1833, James Ware administered on the estate of Joseph Pope (Medfield), at the desire of " a mother and three brothers and sisters, his next of kin." (Prob. her brother.) Paschal P. Pope d. Boston 1867, left a bequest to P. P. P. Ware, and desired to be buried in Boylston St. graveyard in the tomb of Joseph Pope and Benjamin Pier- pont, " where my mother was buried." "WARE GENEALOGY. 183 541. iv. Paschal Paoli Popk, June 12, 1820 ; d. before 1888. 542. V. Joseph O., Nov. 7, 1824 ; d. Nov. 3, 1897. 543. vi. Addison- Pierpont, Aujj. 27, 1829, at Medfield, "of James aud Eliza (Pope)" from Wreutham. 271. Ephraim Groves" {Elias," Timoth>/,* Rohcrt,^ Robert*), horn in Wrcntham, Aus^. 25, 1791 ; died Nov. 8, 1SG2 ; married May 13, 1816, Sarali, daughter of Samuel and Saraii Coverley (Ijorn at Boston, Jan. 7, 1790; died June 1870). Children : 544. i. Samuel Coverly,'' Boston, Aug. 12, 1818 ; d. in Newton, ii. Ephraim Groves, d. at Boston, unm. ill. John "Winslow, d. March 31, 1894, at Foxboro. iv. Sarah Jane, Jan. 18, 1830 ; unm. ; d. Dec. 29, 1891, in Iv Fox- boro'. 273. Addison* (Mias,^ Timothy,^ Robert,^ Robert'), born in Wrcn- tham, Sept. 29, 1802 ; died at Washington, D. C, Oct. 12, 1872. He married first, in 1831, Mary Eliza, daughter of Daniel and Tamsan Haynes ; she was born Sept. 7, 1807 ; died at Springfield, Mass., April 14, 1846. lie married second, in 1847, Sarah II., daughter of Martin Smith ; she died at Springfield, duly 8, 1849, aged 33. He married third, Aug. 25, 1852, Hannah Phelps. She died in Greenfield in 1897. Children : 547. i. Edwin A.,' Aug. 20, 1832 ; d. July 28, 1885, at Sweet Springs. 548. ii. Addison, Feb. 22, 1835 ; d. July 16, 1894, in New York. iii. William IlEXiiy, May 28, 1838 ; d. Sept. 17, 1840. iv. Annie D., April 19, 1841 ; m. Sept. 5, 1883, John, son of .lolin and Mary Barnes (b. May 3, 1838 ; d. Feb. 10, 1898). 274. Samuel, Jr." {Samuel", Jonathan*, Robert^ Robert'), horn in Wrentham, June 25, 1784; died in Franklin, May 16, 1861; married June 19, 1817 (in Franklin, by Rev. N. Fnitnons), Sally, daufrhter of Nathan and Sarah (Smith) Daniels, i)orn in Franklm, Jun?l, 1789; died at Mcdway, Nov. 31, 1889, aged 100 years and 6 months. 184 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Olive Daniels/ July 6, 1820 ; d. Oct, 24, 1897, at Fernandina, Fla. ; m. Dec. 4, 1845, p]lisha Fisher (Elisha and Ruth (Fisher) Richardson of Fr., nurseryman. To Brentwood, L. I. [N. Y.?], 1861. Ret. to Medway, 1884. ii. Samuel Gilbert, March 8, 1824; d. F., Oct. 12, 1826. iii. Sarah Smith, Nov. 12, 1828 ; m. April 26, 1856, Marcellus, son of Alanson or Alfred and Caroline (Wright) Woodward of Medway, b. Whitfield, Me. He d. Dec. 25, 1877. She Uvea in Medway in 1898. Children : 1. Marcella, July 11, 1857 ; d. Jan. 5, 1859. 2. Marcellus, Feb. 11, 1859 ; d. March 8, 1859. 3. Sarah Marcella, Sept. 25, 1860; m. E. D. Putney, Brentwood, L. I., July 5, 1881. 4. Flora Elizaheth, Nov. 10, 1862. " Has been teaching on L. I. the past 3 years." (1886) [O. D. R.] Lives at Medway. 5. Preston Marcellus, Jan. 10, 1866 ; lives in Medway. 6. Palmer Alfred, Oct. 15, 1867; lives in Medway; m. July 11, 1895, Annie Cotton. Lives at Franklin, 1898. V. George, March 18, 1833 ; d. Sept. 25, 1833. 275. Alfred* {Samuel,^ Jonathan,* Robert,^ Roher-f), born in Wrentham, July 9, 1786; died at Franklin, March U, 1854. Carpenter. He married first, Dec. 21, 1815, Jemima, daughter of Jason and Mary Fisher of Franklin. She died Dec. 20, 1832. He married second, Jan. 28, 1851, Beebe, daughter of Josiah and Mary A. Draper, born in Attleboro' about 1797 ; died, a widow, May 3, 1882, aged "86, 0, 1," of "old age"; buried at Attleboro'. He "lived on Franklin Road to Medway." Children, born in Franklin : i. Emeline,' Nov. 21, 1818 ; d. Dec. 1, 1839, unm. " She studied in the seminary at Oberlin, Ohio, about 1836 ; the next winter she went to Canada as teacher of a colored school. Her labors and exposures were too much for her. The seeds of consump- tion developed so rapidly that she was obliged to return to Franklin. Though quite a disappointment to give up her life work her end was peace." [O.J ii. Alfred Fisher, 1820 ; d. in N. Y. about 1875. iii. James Edson, March 25, 1832; d. April 1, 1834. iv. EdsoNj about 1859 ; d. about 1860. WARE GENEALOGY. 185 276. Willard" {Samuel,'' Jonathan,* lioUrt,' Rohcrl''), born May 27, 1795; died about 1875 ; married Anna, dau I ; d. May 22, 1 vji'. iii. RuFUS, Jan. 2, 1829. 556e. iv. Esther Ann, April 14, 1834; d. May IG, 18S2; m. IVr. 1. 1852, B. F. Libbey of Augusta. 188 WARE GENEALOGY. V. Harriet L., Oct. 10, 1837 ; d. June 3, 1872 ; m. in Whitefield, Feb. 26, 1862, J. Q. A. Choate of Whitefield (b. Feb. 21, 1832). Children : 1. Nettie M., ^Q^i. 27, 1862; m. Joseph Waterhouse ; res. Portland. 2. Frank E., Oct. 20, 1864 ; res. Portland. 3. Margaret A., Jan. 16, 1867. 4. Joseph T. B., May 25, 1869. 5. Isaac A., May 26, 1872 ; d. in infancy. 282. Rurus® {ISFathan,^ IcJiahod," Robert,^ i?o6eri^), born at White- field, Me., Jan. 14, 1797 ; died March 20, 1854; married (inten- tions Jan. 28, 1826), Abigail Partridge of Whitefield. She sur- vived him and married second, Feb. 10, 1864, Nathaniel Bailey of Pittston, Me. 283. Joseph" (Obed,' Ichabod,* Robert,'' Robert^), born at White- field, Me., Feb. 24, 1788; died June 21, 1867 ; married Nov. 17, 1815, Hannah, daughter of Nathan Ware, No. 126. She was born Aug. 26, 1795; died Oct. 2, 1865. Children, born in Whitefield, Me. : 656/. i. Obed,'^ April 28, 1816. 556^. ii. Nathan, 2d, May 27, 1818. 556^. iii. Timothy, Oct. 26, 1820. iv. Lois W., Jan. 14, 1823 ; m. (int. Dec. 7, 1860) Abijah Miller of Whitefield (d. Sept., 1869). V. Melville C, July 15, 1825 ; d. March 20, 1874. vi. Joseph, Jr., Nov. 8, 1827. vii. Abigail P., June 6, 1830; m. (int. Oct. 8, 1860) William Brann of W. (b. June 11, 1823 ; d. Oct. 2, 1882). viii. Adaline B., Oct. 22, 1833 ; m. (int. Oct. 31, 1860) Daniel Blodgett of Whitefield. Child : Mattie L., Jan. 18, 1860 ; m. Dr. Caleb C. Libby. Res. E. Pittston, Me. ix. Hannah J., June 5, 1836 ; m. April 29, 1865, John Nash of Pittston, Me. WARE GENEALOGY. 189 Children : 1. William W., June 28, 18G6. 2. Orrimjton W., May IG, 1SG9. 284. Obed, Jr,^ {Ohed," Ichabod,* Robert,' Robert*), born Oct. 5, 1789; (lied April 3, 18 IG; married Mary, daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah (Tole) Norris. She died May 5, 182-1. 284a. Benjamin* ( Obed,'' Ichabod,* Robert,"^ Robert''), born in White- field, Me., June 5, 1794; died June 6, 1856; married first, May 1, 1817, Sally Peaslee of Whitefield, born Oct. 7, 1784 ; died Dec. 5, 1842. He married second, May 18, 1844, Mrs. ^Nlary Allen of Windsor, Me. Children, born at Whitefield : i. Mary,^ Oct. IG, 1817 ; m. (int. June 15, 1839) Ini Heath, " hoth of W." ii. Hannah, March 12, 1819. iii. Ann, Nov. 20, 1820; d. Nov., 1820. iv. EzEKiEL, Dec 26, 1821 ; d. Jan. 10, 1895. V. Lucia Lewis, March 1, 1823. vi. Elijah, May 16, 1825. 284^>. David" {Obed,' Ickabod,* Robert,' Robert*), born July 2, 1790; died April 2G, 1882; married (int. Nov. 23, 1822) Dec. 29, 1822, Mrs. Elizabeth Hayward of Jefferson. Children : i. Mary Elizabeth,' Aug. 17, 1825 ; d. April 21, 1852 ; rn. Dec. 29, 1817, Seth Boyntou of Alna, Me. Chihl : Mmy Ma, Feb. 1, 1850 ; d. Feb. G, 1851. 556i. ii. David, Jr., Sept. 25, 1830. iii. AuHY PoTTKU, June 30, 1832; d. April 21, is:)7; m. M:iy 1, 1856, John Sawyer, Cumberland, 31 o. Children : 1. Reuben; 2. Harry; 3. Orrin; I. Allxrta \ 5. Anna. 190 WARE GENEALOGY. 556;". iv. Obed, April 1, 1838 ; d. Dec. 3, 1894. 556X-. V. Philander Hartwell, April 10, 1846. vi. Mellissa Jane, March 2, 1848; m. April 3, 1879, Ephraim Moore of Whitefield. Res. at East Newport, Me. 286. JosiAH Holbeook" (Joseph,* Ichahod,* Robert,^ Roherf), horn in West Medway, Aug. 17, 1797 ; died at East Medway, May 16, 1883 ; lived in Boston and East Medway. One of the oldest American builders of church organs, establishing a high reputation for his instruments. He married. May 17, 1827, Huldah Gayetty, daughter of Eleazer Hale, born in Boston, Aug. 27, 1807 ; died Aug. 14, 1876. Children : i. Mary Jane,"' April 8, 1828, Boston ; d. Jan. 28, 1861 ; m. Sept. 7, 1856, Calvin Plimpton of Medway. Lived in Boston. Child : Mary Jane, Oct. 31, 1860; lives in Millis. 557. ii. William Goodrich, E. Medway, Feb. 17, 1832. iii. Emilt Caroline, Aug. 27, 1836 ; d. June 3, 1838. 558. iv. Augustus Lyman, E. Medway, Oct. 14, 1838. 559. V. Marcellus Austin, Medway, Jan. 16, 1845. 286a. Daniel Addison® {Joseph,^ Ichabod,* Robert,^ Roberf), born at Medway, March 27, 1799 ; died there March 15, 1868 ; married in Franklin, June 19, 1828, Lavina, daughter of Jesse and Lavina Thurston Miller of Wrentham ; born in Franklin, Nov. 28, 1807; died in AVrcntham, April 7, 1852. Iron moulder. Lived many years in Shcldonville. Both members Baptist Church. Children : i. Lavina Miller,'' Franklin, Feb. 27, 1829 ; d. Jan. 24, 1890 ; m- m. Nov. 27, 1845, Davis Thayer (b. Milford, Sept. 17, 1823; d. April 7, 1893), son of Laban and Joanna (Cook) Thayer. Residence, Franklui ; worker on straw goods. Children : 1. Olive Adelia,^ Cumberland, R. I., Oct. 20, 1846 ; m. Sheldonville, Mass., Jan. 16, 1871, Charles Samuel Rand (b. Dec. 7, 1848), sou of David Anson and Harriet (Austin) Rand of AVrcntham. No children. WARE GENEALOGY. 101 2. Harriet Amelia, Sheklouville, March I'J, d. April 3, 184y. 3. Sumner Davis, ^e\yi.\,\>i^u. Travelling' salesman ; res. in l>()ston ; ni. June IC. 1S7'», .TiiSfpliint- Hiown l>c Mott (b. Clulsea, Nov. 12, isjC), (laii^'lihr of KuIuh S. (b. Portland, Mo.) and Hatlisliuba (IJrown) Do Mott (b. in Cupe Pllizabctii, ^Ir.) of K. Boston. ii. Daniel Addison, Wr., Sept. 29, 1832; d. Sept. 20, 1833. iii. Rachkl Estiikr, Norfolk, Aug. 9, 1835 ; ui. in Weymouth, March 5, IHHC), AVillanl Miller of Fr., sliipund Ikjiisi- joiner (b. AVhitefield, Me., Sept. oU, IH.JU ; d. March 27, l.S,S8), son of Abijah Thurston and Betsey (Lermond) Miller. No children. iv. Olive Adelia, Sheldonville, April 3U, 1840; d. Sept. 14, 1841. 287. Asa Blake® (Josejjh,^ Ichabod,* Robert,^ Itobevt'), Ijurn March 1, 1810; died Sept. 10, 1878; married Jan. 1, 1835, Catherine Slocum of Wrentham (sister of Mrs. Francis Turner Ware). She was born at Dover, ]\Iass., Dec. 19, 1810; died at Atlanta, (Ja., June G, 1887 ; buried at Norfolk, ^Nlass. He lived at North Wrentham, Mass. and Norwich, Conn. Children : 561. i. Edmund Asa,'' Wrentham, Dec. 22, 1837 ; d. Sept. \o, 18><.'), at Atlanta, Ga. Pres. Atlanta University. ii. Emma Catharine, Wrentham, March 13, 1811. 288. Ly]VL\n Park' (Joseph,^ Ichabod,* Robert,^ Robert'), born at Wrentham, May 12, 1812 ; died at Lowell, ^larch 4, l8Gi) ; married March 27, 1834, at Franklin, Clarissa Theresa Boyden of Fr., by Rev. Elam Smalley. Children : i. Paumelia a.,'' Milford ; m. Sept. 1 2, l.S(;3, in Lo\v<;ll, K/ra 1'.. Aid- rich, aged 23 (b. Colebrook, N. II., about 18 lU), Hon of llost-a and Electa B. ; M.D. in Manchester, N. II. ii. Julia M. [181G], Lowell; m. June 2, 18(;.;, ut I... well. iJ.ur^o W. S. (.John and Sarah) Adams, ••he 24 : she 17" (b. iJuru- stcad, N. II.). Farmer, of Pittslield, N. II. 289. James' (Ebenezer," Icluilxnl,' Robert,'' Rnbrrf), born in Mana- field, Jan. 15, 1808 [Mansfield Kcc], Jan. 14, 1807 [family]; 192 WARE GENEALOGY. died Feb. 20, 1877, at Wrentham. He married first, Nov., 1831, Lucretia Maria Farnsworth ; she died May 17, 1838, in her 29th year, at Wrentham. [Gravestone at North Plain Cemetery.] He married second, Feb. 27, 1839 [Mansfield rec.] or Oct. 8, 1840 [family] , INIary Lucinda, daughter of Amherst Ware, No. 190. He married third, Nov. 3 (fiimily says 7th), 1859, in Wrentham, Harriet N., daughter of Israel and Lavinia Hall (b. May 28, 1830). They adopted Anna H. Ware, born Nov. 13, 1860. Children, born in Wrentham : i. Harriet Elizabeth/ Dec. (31?), 1832 ; d. April 9, 1852. ii. Sarah Catharine, W., Jan 20 or 21, 1837 ; d. -June 20, 1858. iii. Mary Emily, Oct. 8, 1841 ; m. May 3, 1861, George W. Vinton, Worcester, Mass. 290. Joseph* {Ehenezer,^ Ichabod,^ Eohert,^ Robert^), born in Mansfield, Aug. 14, 1809; died at Wrentham, Feb. 9, 1877; buried at Blake's Hill. He, " of Easton," married first, Dec. 16, 1832, by Rev. Richard Briggs, Betsey White of Mansfield. He married second [Sept., 1842], Parmelia, daughter of Asa and Amy Bowditch ; she died Aug. 14, 1843, aged 29 years. (Valley Falls, R. I. rec, "Joseph Ware and Miss Parmelia Bowditch, July 4, 1839.") He married third, Julia, daughter of Amos and Sarah Cheever; she died Nov. 20, 1878, in her 70th year. Children : i. Joseph Cyrus,'' Nov. 20, 1837 or 1838 ; d. Sept., 1839. ii. William Joseph, Wr., July 12, d. Dec. 24, 1843. iii. Betsey, Nov. 24, 1845 (prob. d. same day, " infant daughter."). iv. Julia Melansa, April 3, 1847, in Wrentham; living in Plaia- ville, Mass. V. Clara or Clarissa Maria, March 18, 1849, Wr. ; d. unm., Sept. 4, 1892. 291. Timothy® {Ebenezer,^ Ichabod,* Robert,^ Roberf), born in Mansfield, Aug. 27, 1811, or Aug. 26, 1812; died Oct. 30, 1876; married May 1, 1836 or 1837, Esther Philenia Blackington. Children : i. Albert T.,^ March 20, 1837 ; d. at Wrentham, March or Nov. 13, 1859. ii. Ap.by Philenia, Oct. 31, 1841 ; m. 1st, May 1, 1861, Bradley 8. Miles (d. May 7, 1804). WARE GENEALOGY. 193 Cliild : Frank A. B. Miles, Sept. 25, 18C2 ; d. Oi-t. 4. 1873. She 111. 2(1, Jan. 1, 1S'.)4, Nathaniel lOmmons Mt-tcalf (d. Nov. 9, 18"J7). 562. iii. Geokgr Bkxtley, March 11, 1840, "\Vr. iv. Emily IMauia I^lackingtox, Wr., Oct. 21, 18-18; m. Ist, Juno 20 or 22, 1S70, John llelVron (d. Doc. 1 C, ls7u). She ni. 2d April 21, 1874, J. Henry Fisler. Children : 1. Alice Maria Caroline, Jan. 26, 1875. 2. Frederic He/iri/ Timothy, Jan. 23, 1876. 3. Ada P}nlcnia Ware, Dec. 31, 1870; ni. July 10, 1895, Alb(;rt Ilolden. 4. Angeline Elvira, Nov. 7, 1878. 5. Jlarvei/ George Barden, Oct. 7, 1881. 6. Bertie Frank Hawes, Jan. 5, 1885. 7. Arthur Horace Bentley, Jan. 8, 1886. 8. Angenette Lillian Frances, Mai'cli 0, 1889. 9. Benjamin Harrison, Sept. 24, ]s ',)(). 293. Cyrus, Jr.® (Cyrus,^ Ickabod,* Robert,^ Robert*), born Mny 12, 1806; shoemaker; married Eliza Eastman C'ottrell (horn in Eastport, Me., Feb. 7, 1810; died at Ilolliston, Mass., May .'il, 1891). Children : 563. 1. Edmuxd Richardsox,' Wrentham, Sept. 26, 1834. ii. Mauy Emklixic, [May 10] ; d. Nov. 21, 1840. iii. Julia Amanda, May 10, 1849; m. in New Bedford, July 19, 1877, Dr. George 'W. Stearns (b. Reading, Vt., Dec. 25, IHI4). Child : George Edmund, Ilolliston, Mass., Nov. 8, 1885. Living in Winchester, Mass. iii. James Francis, Wrentham, June 17, 1842; d. in infaucy. 294. TnOMAS B." (Ci/rus,'- Jrhaho,! ,* Robert,'' Rnbtvt'), Ix.rn in Wrentham, March 31, 1813; died in 1897: married nt Iviiiland. Oct. 30 or 31, 1837, Elizabeth Blake Ware, dau^diter of Amariah/ 13 194 WAEE GENEALOGY. No. 258, born April 21, 1815; she died at Wrentham Nov. 23, 1873. Children : i. Helen Elizabeth,'' .May 23, 1840; m. Nov. 25, 1869, Charles Lewis Morse (b. Sept. 3, 1838 ; d. July 16, 1873). No child- ren. She lives in Plainville, Mass. ii. Emma Jane, Dec. 14, 1844; d. unm. Dec. 21 or 22, 1868. iii. Isabel Blake, W., Sept. 1, 1854 ; d. Aug. 14, 1855. 295. Alfred® {Phinehas,^ Jahez^" Michael,^ Robert^), born in Franklin, Sept. 30, 1787 ; died at Franklin, Jan. 25, 1826, "soon after marriage." [O. D. R.] He married Ruth Wardwell (sister to wife of Erastus, No. 300). 296. Philander" (Phinehas,^ Jabez,'^ Michael,^ Poberi'^')^ born in Franklin, Nov. 12, 1789; died at Medfield, Nov. 18, 1844; married first, Clarissa ; she died Dec. 30, 1815. He married second, in Medfield, Oct. 14, 1817, Hannah Plympton of Medfield, born 1793 ; died 1853. [Plimpton Family.] She seems to be the Hannah Ware who married in Medfield, Feb. 20, 1850, Joel Everett. He lived in the " homestead." Of this house, Dr. Emmons said it was the " only one he knew large enough for two families." [Hist. F.] " Left no living children." [O. D. R.] 297. Vinal" {Jason^^ Jabez,* Michael,'^ Robert^), born at Union, Me., July 9, 1789; married Nov. 3, 1825, Lavinia Anthony, daughter of Matthias Hawes. Children : i. Harriet Miranda,'' April 1, 1833 ; m. Oct. 20, 1857, William Moody Robbins. Children : 1. Herbert Ware, Aug, 18, 1859 ; d. Sept. 12, 1860. 2. William Aucjitstus, Oct. 12, 1862 ; d. Sept. 10, 1863. 3. Harriet Lavinia, July 23, 1864 ; m. Nov. 1, 1887, Charles A. Reave, Brooklyn, N. Y. 564. ii. Erastus, Sept. 27, 18 A. WARE GENExVLOGY. l?.*) 298. Jabez® {Jason,^ Jabez,* Michael,* Robert*), born in Tiuon, Me., July 3, 1798; married April 24, 1X23, Chloe TitU8, born Aug. 27, 1803; died Dec. 20, KSil4. Resided at NOrtlipcrt ; died Dec. 4, 1872; widow and daughter live at Koekport, Me., 1869. Children : i. Sarah Matilda," Sept. 26, 1824; d. Oct. I'.i, 1S4«, unra. ii. Rhobe Ann, May 26, 1826: d. July, ISC, 1; m. M.r.-h, 1855, Aaron Deal ; no children. ill. Chloe Elvira, June 26, 1828 ; m. Ist, Aug. 12, I«.Ou, John K- Sawyer; he was killed at Gettyshuri:, July 2, l-Sf..'!. Sht- in. 2d, Sept. 16. 1866, lienjamiu R. Field, a war vctcniu. lie d. March 13, 1891. Children : 1. Delarah E., Dec. 30, 1851. 2. Charles H., Feb. 4, 1854. 3. Frances A., Oct. 24, 1857. 4. Harriet A., July 1, 1860. iv. Mary Miranda, Aug. 26, 1830 ; ra. 1st, Sept. 27, 1850, Joshua Quere ; he died. She m. 2d, Oct. 24, 1864, Ellas 15. Fo>t.T. Went to Hampton, Annap. Co., N. S. Is'o diildren ; shu d. ApiU 11, 1899. V. Eliza Mansfield, AVashington, ]\Ie., Feh. 0, 1833; d. June 22, 1894; m. at Northport, Me., Oct. 12, lS-19. .Samuel Wright (No. 658 ill the Book of the Wrights), h. in liellast. Mo., Oct. 3,1811. Children : 1. Fred Alvah, Sept. 13, 1850 ; d. .Sept. 10, 1888. 2. MarieUa, Nov. 20, 1852; m. in r..llast, Jiiix! 20, 1873, Mason Levi Roler.sou (b. :\Iay 2U, 185U). 3. Fva 0., Feb. 27, 1854; m. in Belfast, Sept. 20, 1873, Rufus Elias Seavey (b. hi li., Aug. 29, 1H52). 4. Wi'llis Edwin, Aug. 28, 1855. 5. Annahd IltUie, April 4, 1857 ; m. in l'>.. < ),i. l'.», 1878, George Henry Forbes (1). Ajtril l.">, 1817). 6. Ahhie Lunette, June 6, 1859. 7. George Nelson, Oct. 31, I860 ; m. May 30, 1885, FajuIuo Maria Grady (b. May 30, 1865). 8. Sarah Eliza, Feb. 16, ISC,;;; m. Aug. 18, 188 1, Walter Everett Sargent. 9. Grace Alice, Sept. 1."'. 1866. 10. Samuel Berton, Sept. 3, 1868. 196 WARE GENEALOGY. vi. Catharine Hatch, Feb. 11, 1835 ; d. Sept. 25, 1892 ; m. June, 1855, J. Q. A. Burroughs. Children : 1. Lizzie, May 8, 1856 ; d. Dec. 25, 1858. 2. Mary A., June 2, 1859. 3. Juliette A., Nov. 26, 1860. 4. Josephine G., May 27, 1868; d. March 20, 1897. 5. Elias Jahez, March 21, 1871. vii. Jason, Jan. 27, 1837. ( Lincoln ville, Me., 1889). viii. Eunice Augusta, June 3, d. June 11, 1839. ix. Harriet Amelia, June 23, 1840 ; m. March 16, 1856? Fred. Flood ; she d. May 1, 1858. X. Horace Lorenzo, May 31, 1842 ; d. Sept. 18, 1863, in a rebel prison ; uum. xi. Jabez Gilbert, July 10, 1844. 299. Benjamin Pond® {Amos,^ Jahez,* Michael,'^ Roberf), bom May 23, 1787; died June 24, 1816, in Franklin; married Sept. 27, 1812, Susan Mawney of Hopkinton. Children, born at Franklin : 568. i. Albert Pond,^ Aug. 3, 1813 : d. Nov., 1880. 569. ii. Charles Mawney, Aug. 23, 1815. 300. Erastus* {Amos,^ Jahez,* Michael,^ Roherf'), born Oct. 16y 1788; died May 5, 1865; married at Paxton, Mai^ch 14 or May 12, 1813, Clarissa Dillaway Wardwell, (Paxton), born Nov. 10, 1791 ; died May 5, 1855 or March 5, 1864. Eesided in Salem and Marblehead. Children, all born in Salem except Harriet : i. Clara W.,^ Jan. 19, 1814 ; d. April, 1887 ; m. April 26, 1839, Joseph Rose (d. July 27, 1896) ; living in Salem ; now in Marblehead. Children : 1. Stephen Curtis, captain in Civil war ; m. May Helen, dau. of B. P. Ware, No. 571 {q.v.). 2. Joseph, d. young. 3. Clara Ware, d. young. WAUE GENEALOGY. li»7 ii. CATnARiNE P., Nov. 20, 1815; m. James Kennody Cook.j of Salem, printer. lie d. at Amlover, l-SHl. She was livHug in St. Louis, Mo., in 1885, ami iu Chicago, 111., in 18"J8. Child : Kate, m. Charles Fred. Foster, C. E., ofAndover; res. in Chicago, 18'.KS. " He was mechanical engincer-in-chiof at Chicago fair in 18D;J, and at Atlanta Kx., 181)5." iii. Augusta, Sept. 11 ; d. Sept. 23, 1817. iv. Horace, Aug. 2G, 1818; d. Oct. 15. 1819. 570. V. Horace, May 11, 1820, Salem ; d. May 2. 1801. 571. vi. Benjamin P., April 9, 1822. vii. Erastus D., Oct. 7, 1824 ; d. Oct. 2G, 1820. viii. Emily A., May 31, d. Dec. 29, 1827. 572. ix. Erastus D., Feb. 11, 1831 ; d. April 2, 1897. X. Harriet Augusta, Mav '2^^, 1833; d. Jan. 2G, \^~tJ\ m. Edward T. Wardwell (d. Jan. 25 or -Iii, 1880). 301. Amos, Jr.® {Amos,^ Jabez,* Michael,^ Roh'Tt"), ln-m .it Tax- ton, June 28, 1791; died there Sept. 14, 18r)7. He inarrii-d, April 1, 1819, at Fitehburg, ^laiy, daughter of Aijijali and Kiuuki Goodridge, born in 1793; died April 22, 1879, "81, 1, IJ." Children : i. Mary,^ Aug. 30, 1820 ; d. Feb. 23, 1824. 573. ii. Daniel Leander, May 15, 1823 ; d. Nov. 4, 1887. iii. INlARTHA G., Dec. 3, 1824 ; d. Dec. 14, 1S25. iv. Martha Ann, May 23, 1827 ; d. Aug. 22, 183G. 574. V. Benjamin F., April 3, 1835 ; d. Dec. 5, 1877. 302. Horace" {Amos," Jahez,* Michael,'' Roh>rt-), born in Frank- lin, Oct. 24, 1793; died at Salem, Aug. 10, 1881; married in Paxton, Dec. 2, 1819, Alice II. Davis, born dan. 21, 1797 ; dl. d July 19, 1876. Resided at Salem. Children : 575. i. Erastus Davis,'' Dec. Ifi, 1820; d. Dec. 5, 1891. ii. Martha II., Oct. 28, 1822; d. unui. Nov. 30. ISHJ. 57G. iii. Horace Cornelius, June 8, 1S25. 198 WAKE GENEALOGY. iv. Sarah, Dec. 30, 1827; living unm. 1885. 577. V. Alfhki) F., Feb. 22, 1830. vi. Alick T., Feb. 11, 1833 ; d. Aug. 25, 1834. vii. Alice Tuypiiosa, July 14, 1835 ; m. Nov. 27, 1855, Israel D. Cole of Salem (b. Sept. 4, 1831 ; d. Sept. 26, 1870). Children : 1. Samuel, Dec. 15, 1856; m. Dec. 4, 1878, Mary E. Webber of Beverly (b. June 15, 1856). 2. Alfred Dodge, Dec. 18, 18(;i ; m. June 18, 1889, Emily Boanlman Downer of Granville, Ohio (b. Jan. 21^ 1865). 3. Leland Howard, Dec. 20, 1863, at Rutland, Vt. ; m. Nov. 6, 1888, Mary Abby Koundy of Beverly (b- Sept. 25, 1861). l^Tlie folloioing should have heeii inserted under JSTo. 133, on page 127.'] Miranda," daughter of Amos,^ and sister of the foregoing, married, as his second wife, June 25, 1822, Ilarvey Woodward of P^auklin (b. Sept, 17, 1794; d. Feb. 19, 1856). Children of Harvey and Miranda (Ware) AVoodward : 1. Abiffail Crane, April 8, 1823; d. Oct. 19, 1886, Paxton ; m. Francis Keep. 2. 31iranda Ware, Jan. 10, 1824; d. Feb. 28, 1849, at Paxton; m, John James Day. 3. Amos Harvey, Oct. 7, 1827 ; d. Sept. 2, 1832. 4. Charles Alfred, Oct. 8, 1830; d. Aug. 14, 1897; married. 5. Harriet EUzahetk, Sept. 12, 1833 ; d. 1873 ; married. 6. Albert Erastus,'M&y\i, \S'd^ ; married; son ^Edward M. Wood- ward, Worcester. 7. Mary Frances, June 8, 1844 ; d. Oct. 14, 1896 ; m. Silas F. Davis. 303. Lewis^ {Abiely^ Michael,* Michael,^ liobert'), born Jan. 25, 1779; died in Kccne, N. H., in 1832. He was a physician; re- sided at Cumberland, K. I., Wostniinster and Winehendon, jNIass., and in Kichinond, N. II. Buried in Newfane Ilill, Vt. He married Oct. 9, 1803 (rec. at Newton), Matilda Morse, born in Sturbridge, Mass. [Dec. 14, 1783] ; died Oct. 10, 1853, at Gardner, Mass., "ag. 69. 9. 26." WAUK GENMCALOOY. 199 Child rcn : i. Ai5\r,ii IIaskki.!.,' A|)iH 11, 1H0.'», ('iiinhf.ilrinil, U. I., "of LowU Ware; and INIatildii Iuh wile, tlicir liiht hoii " ; <1. ymiii;^. ii, Ri'i'U.s, Jan. .'50, IKOH, " tlieir Hrctrnd son," d. youii;,', num. iii. Lucy P., 1810; d. at WcHlminHtrr ; tn. Isl, Williain .Imiftj of Wanlsliom', Vt. T)iv(iiv(!(l. Sim in. 2il, Diiini-^ ( Jatts at \V*.««t- niiiist(!i-. Slic in. ."mI, Leonard *MoNsniaii ol AHlilMirnliain. JiSO. iv. Stki'IIKN v., 1S12, Wm.dirMdoii; d. I)i-c. '22, \H'Xi. 581. V. Lkwis, Cuniborland, \i. I. [Nov. 22, IHIC]; d. at FitHdMirgh, March 22, 187;{, r>r,. 1. 582. vi. Sami;kf, Mohsk, Wincliindon, May l.'J, 1H1«; d. at J-lurrka, Kansas, March 20, 1 «!)";. 309. Jahez' (Michael,' Michael,* Michael,^ Rohert*), married Fanny Monson (sister of KichardV wife lloxana;. Chihlrcn : i. IIoRACi:,'' is said to liavc gono to MiiiiKJSota about 180G. ii. Marcus. iii. Lkandkr. iv. Wii.r.ARi). V. Mary, m. Mr. Doty (2d wifo). Child : Mary AdeHu, in. Kent. Living i" i' Providence, R. L vi. RuTii. Vii. Al.MIRA. viii. RowKNA. ix. Fra.ncks. X. LUTHKKA. xi. Fanny. 313. Mantu' (J«me«,' Michael,* Michael,^ Robert'). Child : 580. KrcNDRiCK.'' 200 WARE GENEALOGY. 317. 3 Fredekick Hoffman® (Frederick,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan Robert'), born Dec. 4, 1790, at Pomfret, Vt. ; died Jan. 25, 1878 ; married first, Dec. 4, 1811, Hannah Conant, born Dec. 13, 1791 ; died Nov. 9, 1821. He married second, Abigail Gilbert, who was born Sept., 1795, and died April 29, 1864. Resided at Pomfret, Vt. Children : i. Betsey,'^ Jan. 21. 1818 ; living 1898 near N. Williston, Vt. ; m. Dec. 7, 1836, Wutrous Thompson of Jericho, Vt. ; he d. May 1, 1871. Children : 1. Amy M., Oct. 15, 1839 ; m. Feb. 2, 1870, S. Warren. 2. Pernj S., Nov. 10, 1841. 3. Benri/ W., June 8, 1845 ; d. at Burlington, Vt. 4. CliarJes TF., April 29, 1847 ; m. Daphne Kemp. Lives at New Decatur, Alabama. 5. Frederick, June 24, 1849 ; d. March 21. 1865. 6. Lucy A., Oct. 12, 1852 ; d. Jan. 31, 1873. 7. Mary J., May 27, 1856. ii. Marshall, lived eight months, iii. Edwin, Aug. 8, 1823 ; d. Sept. 11, 1891. 591. iv. Henry, Feb. 12, 1825. V. Hannah, April 22, 1827 ; Kving in Amesbury, Mass., 1898. vi. Mary, 1829 ; d. at 2 years. vii. Jason, Aug. 28, 1835 ; d. July 21, 1862 ; d. in Civil War. 318. Horace® (Frederick,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Robert'), born in Pomfret, Vt., Jan. 22, 1793; died Aug. 1, 1881; married first, April 9, 1823, Persis Chase, born Oct. 25, 1794, died Dec. 1, 1859. He married second, Jan. 2, 18G1, Martha W. Marsh; she died Oct. 2, 1882. Children : i. Horace Everett,' Jan. 1, 1824. ii. Caroline, Nov. 20, 1826. iii. Harriet Isabelle, Feb. 6, 1828 ; d. May 1, 1832. iv. Charles, July 24, 1830; d. Sept. 17, 1833. V. William Henry, Sept. 18, 1831. vi. Emily, Feb. 1, 1836. vii. Lucy, June 28, 1838 ; d. Feb. 18, 1841. WAUE GENEALOGY. 201 3rj. . ii J Leoxard" {F rede rich,'' Jonat/inn,* fhhrrt,'^ Hohr ,-(*), horn July IG, 1801, at PomCrct, Vt. ; d'wd tliL-re .laii. M, IS.SK ; inurried March 18, 1828, Xaiuy Ann Tliouias, horn .Maivh 17, ISOl; dial April 4, 1881. (She was a daughter of Nathan Thomas, who wa8 born at Middlehury, Mass., Jan. 1, 1703, and ofRehecca Mayo, horn at Chatliani, Mass., Aug., 1771 ; they were married at ^^'ood>to(•k, Vt., July 8, 17110. Nathan Thomas died at Woodstoek, Mareh 17, 1813; Rebecca at Stowe, Vt., Aug. 5, 1831). Children, born at Pomfret, Vt. : i. Harriet F.," Jan. 23, 1821): d. Nov. 18, 18.V.I ; m. Miv 29, 1859, Hosea Doton (d. Jan. 17, 188G). ii. Emily, Jan. 23, 1830 ; d. unin. 595. iii. Carlos L., May 5, 1832; d. July 1, 1886. 596. iv. William Wallack, Dec. 22, 1833. V. Julia K. M., Aur. oJ2^i 4 i Jonathan" {Paal," Jonathan,' Wd^t,'' Robert*), born Mareh 8, 1707; died June 6, 1877; married April 28, 1831, Mary .\nn, daughter of Ednumd and Ann (Minns) Tileston of Dorchester, who was^orn May 2*J, 1805, and died May 22, 1881. 202 WARE GENEALOGY. Children, born in Milton : 599. i. John Fisher," AprU 7, 1832. ii. Susan Minns, March 21, 1834 ; d. unm. Feb. 20, 1892, in Mil- tou. iu. Mary Ann Tileston, Feb. 17, 1836 ; d. May 5, 1886, in Dor- chester; m. June 10, 1862, Asaph, sou of Asaph and Mary (Gardner) Churchill of Milton (b. April 20, 1814 ; d. Nov. 29, 1892). Children : 1. Winslow Ware, July 5, 1873. 2. Richard Gardner, Nov. 6, 1874 ; d. young. iv. Edmund Tileston, Feb. 27, 1838 ; d. June 12, 1839. V. William, Jan. 3, 1840. vi. Sarah Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1842 ; d. April 16, 1844. vii. Horace Everett, Aug. 27, 1845. 324. Leonard* {Paul,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Robert"), bom in Wrentham, Sept. 1, 1805; died at Dorchester, Nov. 27, 1888; man-ied in Boston, May 25, 1837, Sarah Anne, daughter of Thomas and Susan Cunningham (Mitchell) Minns, born in Boston, Feb. 12, 1816 ; died at Roxbury, Dec. 16, 1884. Children : i. Anne Minns,' Boston, May 18, 1838 ; d. Nov. 4, 1852, at Rox- biu-y. Leonard, Jan. 28, 1840. Moses Everett, Aug. 4, 1841. Thomas Minns, May 25, 1843, B. Charlotte, April 22, 1845, Roxbury ; d. Jan. 29, 1860. Francis, Feb. 11, 1847, Roxbury. 606. vii. W iLLiAM Minns, April 20, 1849, Roxbury. viii. Harriet, May 12, 1850, Roxbury. 607. ix. Charles, June 4, 1853, Roxbury. X. Mart Brastow, March 8, 1856 ; m. in Roxbury, Dec. 31, 1879, Charles W. Riddle. Children : 1. Lincoln Ware, Oct. 17, 1880. 2. Priscilla, Dec, 1887. 602. ii. 603. iii. 604. iv. V. 605. vi. WAKE GENEALOGY. 203 326. John® {Jonathan,'' JonatluDi,* Jonathan,^ Robert*), horn Jan. 18, 1798; died March 3, 1825; married Feb. II), 1822, Kunicc Emily Smith. Child : Emily Smith,' April 27. 1><23. 329. Henry® (Cyrus,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,'' lioUrt'), horn in Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 7, 1815; died at Cincinnati, O., An*.,'. 25, 1885; married in 1847, Isabella Shipley, dauj^iiter of Hon. Isaac Johnson of Virginia. They had four children, one nf wlnun w:m living in 1885. 331. CoRYDON® (31elatiah,^ Melatiah,* Jonathan,' Tiohrrf' } born in Wilmington, Vt., Xov. 21, 1804; died March 5, 1.S71; married Jan. 29, 1836, Roxalana Sheldon MetcaH" uf r.r.iftl( lidrn'. Children : i. LoAMMi Augustus,'' Dec. 7, 1S3S; d. Sept. !'.>, 1S^<7. ajj.-.l I'.t, at Brattleboro', Vt. ii. Jonas Forristall, Dec. 24, 1840; d. in the army, Feb. 21, 18G3, aged 22. iii. Horatio Corydon, April 13, 1842; d. May •"•, l-^^*'. iL-d Jt. 332. Melatiah" (Melatiah,^ Mdatiah,* Jonathan,' Robert*), horn at Wilmington, Vt., Aug. 4, 1807; died there July 7, 1877; married Harriet S. Dennison. Children : 611. i. Francis Newcomb," May 13, 1840. ii. Ellen Augusta, May 25, 1844 ; ni. Murray Harris. Child : Edward M. 612. iii. Charles Henry, April ,13, 1850. iv. Susan Amelia, July 31, 1855; m. Ge-.r^-' W. V.wsum. 613. V. Frederic L. 204 WARE GENEALOGY. 333. Horatio Gates® {Melatiah,^ Melatiah,* Jonathan,^ Robert^), born in Wilmington, Vt., Dec. 19, 1811 ; married Caroline Jen- nings. Living, 1888, at Newark, N. J. Children : i. Henry M.'' ii. Mary J. iii. Edward. iv. Horace. V. Harriet. vi. Walter. 336. Daniel Leonard, Jr.* (^Daniel i.,* Melatiah,* Jonathan,^ Hobert"), born in Boston, Jan. 24, 1819 ; married first, April 20, 1842, Mary Bragg Keniston (born at Newburyport). He married second, Jan. 8, 1879, Adelaide Louise Wyman (born at Baltimore, Md.) Resides in Boston; with Adams Express Co. in 1885. Child : 618. i. Albert Chaffin, April 30, 1851 ; d. Oct. 18, 1873. 337. William Horatio" (Daniel L.,' Melatiah,* Jonathan,^ Robert^), born in Boston, Sept. 6, 1823 ; an apothecary in Boston in 1885. He married April 7, 1849, Mary Sophia Potter (born Jan. 12, 1828, Eastport, Me.). Children : i. Mary Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1850 ; d. April 2, 1857. ii. William Henry, May 20, 1851. iii. Minna Louise, Aug. 3, 1857 ; m. Sept. 28, 1874, George C. Tewksbury. Res. at Arlington Heights. Children : 1. Alice Norine, Jan. 20,,187G ; d. Sept. 29, 1876. 2. Roscoe Nichols, Feb. 22, 1877 ; d. Aug. 4, 1877. 3. Ethel Ware, July 29, 1878. WARE GENEALOGY. 205 338. Abel« {Abel," Fphrm'm,* Ephvaim,^ Ephmhu*), l>orn "in Plantation No. 1, 1st Range West Kenneheo Kiver (now the town of Concord), ]\Ic., Sept. 11, 1798; removed to Atljenn, Me., Oet. 28, 1817. Removed to "Waterville, Me., thence to Porthmd, Mc, thence to Salem, X. Y., thence to Anson, Me. ; last removal April, 1886." [A. H. AV.] "He assisted his uncle John in his store ul Norridgewock and afterwards set up business for himself at Athens. Here he remained in trade till 1850. He spent ten years, loss three months, in Washington employed in the Treasury Dcjiartmcnt." He married ]May G, 1824, Elizabeth Ivoss, daughter »»f i>r. Sanuicl Thomas of Portland (born jNlarch 12, 1803 ; died at Salem, Wash- ington Co., N. Y., April 20, 1882). He died in North Anson, Me., May 27, 1889. Children, born in Athens : i. Hexry J.,'' May 21, 1825 ; d. June 28, 1847. 620. ii. Albert II., Aug. 7, 1827 ; d. AprU, 18'.);5. iii. Mary T., Aug. 10, 1829. Rem. to Salem, N. V. iv. Elizabeth Ross, Sept. 7, 1831 ; d. iu Salem, N. Y., Au",'. 21, 1885 ; m. Dec. 4, 1852, Dr. John Lamliert of Salem, N. Y. (b. Alfred, York Co., Me.; Bowd. Coll. M.D. is.vi , ■ II ,. A.M. IHH'J ; elder iu Pres. Cli. and trustee of W:i _ n Acad., Salem). Children : 1. Elizabeth Ware, April 1, 1804. 2. Charles Edward, Aug. 24, 18(;G ; grad. Rell. M.<1. Coll., N. Y., class of 1893 ; m. CJrace K. Sedfield of Johns- town, N. Y. 3. William Peasler, May 29, 1870 ; merchant, AllMiny, N. V. V. Jane T., Oct. 19, 1833 ; d. Aug. 30, WA, i- < ■' \. Y. 621. vi. Frederick N., Jan. 7, 1836. vii. Randolph A., March IG, 1838 ; d. March 31. IS.J'.i. viii. Emily M., June 13, 1840 ; m. Charles Oxuanl. and livi'-» in Portland, Me. 622. ix. Edward Horace, July 27, 1812; d. Aui,'. li, i-.-. 339. John' (Abel,' Epiiraim,* Ephraim,' Fphraim'). born Dec .'i, 1801, in Concord, .Me. ; lived iu Athens. M.'. ; removed to Water- ville, Me.; died there Oct. 8, 1877. II.- umrried Jan. .'•. IHJ. Sarah Maria Scott of Yarmouth, .Me. (born July II. 1>^11: di..| 206 WARE GENEALOGY. at Waterville, Oct. 24, 1895). She was greatly respected through- out the State of Maine and elsewhere for her beautiful character and charitable deeds. Mr. Ware was a merchant in Athens, 1829- 1857 ; president Androscoggin and Kennebec E.. R. (now assimi- lated with Maine Central) ; president People's Bank, and later of Merchants National Bank of Waterville ; an able financier, of high repute for integrity. Children, born in Athens, Me. : 623. i. John, JR.,^ Oct. 12, 1842. 624. ii. George Homer, July 4, 1844. iii. Henry Scott, April 16, 1846 ; d. Nov. 9, 1895. iv. Frank, Sept. 12, 1847 ; d. Sept. 19, 1862. V. Sarah Maria, Feb. 18, 1850 ; d. Oct. 13, 1851. vi. Ella Maria, March 25, 1852 ; lives in Boston in 1898 ; m. April 6, 1876, Charles H. Smith of Portland (d. Aug. 11, 1885). Children : 1. Marie Ware, March 23, 1877. 2. Helen, Feb. 18, 1882. 3. Karl P., March 1, d. March 21, 1891. 625. vii. Edward, May 14, 1854. 340. David Edmund'' (Samuel,' Jonathan,* Robert,^ Ephraim^), [born in Leominster, Jan. 22, 1823] ; died Nov. 20, 1884, at Lowell, Mass., "61, 10, 0." [Lowell rec] Married first, Sarah Park- hurst (pronounced Parkiss) ; she died "Oct. 30, 1846, aged 24 yrs., 2 mos." [Fitchburg record.] He married second, at Nashua, N. H., Nov. 25, 1863, Mrs. Lillie Pierce (Shattuck) Dinsmore of Nashua, N. H. Children : i. Sarah E.,'' Oct. 24, d. Oct. 29, 1846. ii. Frederick Edmund, Jtily 29, 1866. iii. Lillie Anna, May 25, 1869. 341. Abel® (James,^ Jonathan,* Robert,'^ Ephrainv') , born in Fitch- burg, Dec. 26, 1804; died in Townscnd, March 7, 1880; married first, July 10, 1825, by Daniel Damon, Mary Bradstreet Bailey of WARE GENEALOCY. 207 Lunenburg, born Jan. 30, 1S()4; dicil March 10, 18G3. lie married second, widow Thcroea Ilolden. C hildren : i. Abel BexjamixJ Fitchburg, July 29, 1826 ; dj SepL 5, 182C. 627. ii. Abel, Jk., Fitcliburg, Sept. IG, 1827. iii. Mary Ann, Townseiid, Feb. 2, LS.'iU; m. July o. 181'.), .IanK-«, sou of Ralph ami Alpha Kiug of ShirUv ; I'o " :«"<-, at Wcb.M. . ( uj,. l,,u.i. viii. David, Dec. 6, 1842 ; 33 Reg. :\rass. Vol. ; fatally wounded at Lookout Mountain (Raccoon Kidgr), Oct. 29. IHC;!. ix. James, Townseud, March 13, 1815; d. Aug. 21. "^'' V Ity tlio accideutal dLschargo of a gun iu his own liaud>. 342. (James?) Loring* (Jnme.>Url,' Lphniint*), born July 19, 1809, at Leominster: dieij in Townsend, March 7, 1871 ; carpenter. lie was buried at Fitcliburg. 208 WARE GENEALOGY. 343. George^ (James,^ Jonathan,* Robert,^ Ej^hraim'), born in Leominster, Jan. 18, 1811; d. March 20, 1893; married first, Marcli 27, 1841, Lydia Nichols. She went away in May, 1864, and never came back. He married second, Jan. 7, 1869, Laureha Pratt (born in Germany; died Jan. 28, 1893), daughter of Brig- ham and Laureha (Supernat) Daggett, aged 45 ; both of Fitchburg ; married in W. Townsend. Children : i. George,^ Nov. 25, 1844 ; d. May 14, 1864. ii. James, March 10, 1846; d. July 15, 1847. ill. Nelson, Nov. 12, 1848 ; d. Aug. 23, 1848. iv. Jane M., April 11, 1849. 344. William® (James,^ Jonathan,'^ Rohert,"^ Ephraim^), born at Leominster, June 7, 1818 ; married Oct. 28, 1845, Lucy A. Carey, born at Shrewsbury, July 18, 1826. He died July 1, 1900. Child : Henry W.,'' Northboro', Dec. 6, 1847 ; d. Oct. 5, 1900. 346. Enoch® {Jonathan,^ Ehenezer,* Nathaniel,^ Ebenezer^) , horn in Needham, March 22, 1784; removed to Hancock, N. H., in 1793 ; resided several years with Lemuel Eaton ; died May 18, 1849. He married first, lioxanna, eldest daughter of Ephraim and Mary (Washburn) Thompson ; she died March 20, 1847. He married second, Sept. 14, 1848, Dolly, daughter of John Bateman and Polly (Emerson) Flint, born in Maiden, Sept. 20, 1794. She survived him and married second, Sept. 19, 1854, AsabelCummings. No children. 347. Joel® (Jonathan,^ Ebenezer,* Nathaniel,^ Ebenezer"^), bom in Needham, March 24, 1788. " Went to Kentucky." [His. Hancock, N. H.] He died March 28, 1825. He married in Newton, Feb. 8, 1815, Mary Perry. WARE GENEALOGY. 209 Children : 633. i. John J: ii. Harriet, d. May 10, 1822. [Newton rec] 348. Ebenezer^ (Ebenezer," Ehenezer,* N'afhnm'pf,' Ehenezer*), born ill Hancock, N. II., March 28, 1800; died Julv 2-1, 18HM; married Dec. 18, 1834, Martha EHzahcth, daiiuditrr «.t' Simron and Betsey (Dennis) Lakin (born Fob. 18, 1.S17 ; (lied dune is, Is.su^. Resided at Hancock, N. H. "Carpenter and farnier ; a nuMubcr of school committee, of board of selectmen, and a reprcfjcntative to the state legislature. He died on the farm where he was born, re- spected by the entire community. He h IV ■.'. library <>!" -■■'■■• »- .1,,, hundred volumes." [Hist. Hancock.] Children, born in Hancock : Walter Macon,'' Oct. 19, 1835. Warner Lakin, May 14, 1837 ; d. in Hancock, Jiily 3, 1858. Alice Adelia, Feb. 11, 1840 ; res. on the hoiuesteiid ; uum. Edwin, Jan. 31, 1842. Georgianna Josephine, Dec. 24, 1843 ; d. Jan. 1, IS It. Frances jMorilla, Nov. 26, 1844; resides with li«r brother, Albert E. ; she is a skili'iil nnrse. vii. Joanna Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1847; ni. Jiuie 7, 1871, in Win- chendou, Henry E., son of Elijah (Klijali, Flijali, Jox-pli, Joseph, .L, J.) AVashbnrn of Diixbnry (h. ()■••'• t; . Plymonth, 18'J8). Chiklreu : 1. LilUe F., Natiek, April 12, 1881. 2. Flora B., Wincheudon, Nov. 25, 1882. 637. viii. Albert P^dson, June 6, 1851. ix. Ella Cordelia, Nov. 0. is.":';: i-.,. ..n il... l,,,m.«t, .J teacher ; num. X. Addison Clifton,* Sept. I), 1858 ; res. on thehoraostend ; unm. • " ;My father has deeds and other papers from 150 to ISO \ it^^irt the same names as arc found in the f;enea()lo;;v. 'I'hc follow ii ' them: 1st Deed, dated Nov. 20, 170;'), Saniiud Wuikin-.- to • I Dedham. 2d, Bond of liohc-rt Fuller to Nathaniel Ware • I not to oecupy 4 aeres of meadow possessed l>v llie widow <■! Dated Dec. 15. 1720. AVitnesseil by .Samiu-I Ware. 'M\, Died. Ebenezei Ware and KliHahelh his wifr to Nathaniel hi" "H. l 23, 1700, showing that ' .lain ( 'lianilierlain ' was sifter of ' and that they we're children of Nathaniel and EstlK-r W:ii minor." [A. C. Ware] 14 634. i. ii. iii 636. iv V. vi 210 WARE GENEALOGY. 351. Jason® {Jason,'' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Ebenezer^^, born in Needham, Mass. or in Hancock, N. H., March 9, 1787 ; died Jan. 28, 1873; married Nov. 25, 1813, Bethiah, daughter ofEphraim and Mary (Washburn) Thompson, born July 17, 1793, at HaHfax, Mass. ; died May 21, 1873. "He was a manof good judgment, of genial nature, and of sterling worth, universally beloved and res- pected by all who knew him." [Hist. Hancock.] Children, born in Hancock : 639. i. David Thompson,' June 7, 1817 ; d. Sept. 10, 1882. 640. ii. Fkanklin Jason, March 11, 1820. iii. Mart Washburn, Nov. 5, 1821 ; m. March 15, 1847, Enoch Nichols, son of Jeremiah (Jeremiah, Benjamin, Thomas, John) and Esther (Maynard) Baklwin (b. June 7, 1823 ; d. April 8, 1882). iv. Sarah Prentice or Printer, May 13, 1826 ; d. Aug. 29, 1828. 641. V. Harvey Jewett, July 21, 1829 ; d. March 23, 1898. 642. vi. Henry Ward, Feb. 15, 1831 ; d. March 16, 1896. vii. Sarah Adeline, Oct. 15, 1834; m. Dec. 21, 1852, Asa Fair- banks (b. May 25, 1828) of Keene, N. H. 352. Ward® {Jason,^ Nathaniel,'^ Natlianiel,^ Ebenezer^) , born in Hancock, N. H., Sept. 28, 1792 ; died May 28, 1870, in Washing- ton, N. H. ; married first, March 2, 1819, Sarah, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Gibson) Matthews, born in Bedford, Aug. 23, 1789; died in Marlow, Jan. 11, 1833). He married second, in Washington, N. H., Oct. 23, 1833, Mrs. Sarah (Hall) Clyde, born at Antrim, Sept, 15, 1797, daughter of Samuel and Mary (McAdams) Hall of Hillsboro. (Living in 1888 in 92d year.) [She married first, 1823, Samuel, son of Daniel and Margaret (McAdams) Clyde, born at Windham, 1790; died at Hillsboro, 1826.] Two Clyde children — Edw. died young, Mary J., June 6, 1825, married W^allace Sawyer. Children : i. Jane,'' in Hancock, N. H., Feb. 23, 1820 ; d. at Surry, N. H., Dec. 3, 18G5 ; m. 1st, March 31, 1842, Willard, sou of Elijah and Sally (Dort) Mansfield (b. at Alstead, March 24, 1817 ; d. at Surry, May 24, 1855). She m. 2d, April 5, 1858, James, son of William and Sarah (Hall) Stuart (b. at Antrim, June 25, 1821). WARE GENEALOGY. I'll ii. Calista, in Marlow, July 10 ; d. July 19, 1822. iii. Emily Mauia, iu Marlow, Dec. y, 1821. 643. iv. Albekt Euastls, Hancock, Oct, lU, 1.S27; d. Oct. 1<>. 1867. 353. Elijah* (Jason,^ JSTathaniel,* 2\^af/tanit'I,' IJhenc-.fr*), horn in Hancock, N. H., Feb. 20, 17i»7 ; died Au^r. 2G, l-sSO; marrictl first, Jan. 1, 1827, Adeline Wyman (born May, 1807 ; died Feb. 23, 1835). He married second, Jan., 1837, Sarali Courser (boru 1798; d. Nov. 13, 1843). He married third, in 1847, Lucinda Newton (born 1806; died Sept. 10, 1875). Children : i. Sarah Adeline,'' Sept., 1828 ; d. June, 1837. 644. ii. Elijah Wyman, May 9, 1830, Boston, iii. A sou, Feb. 21, d. Feb. 22, 1835. iv. Adeline S., Jan. 19, 1838. V. Julia Ellen, Dec 9, 1847. 354. Nathaniel* (Jason,^ Nathaniel,* yathaniel,' Ebenezer*)^ born in Hancock, N. H., Nov. IG, 1801; died Oct. 22, lsr,\) -, married Nov. 7, 1826, Polly Wright (born July 25, 1802; died Feb. 7, 1875). Child : JMary Jan E,^ June 3, 183G; d. Dec 21, 1885; m. July 13. 1S«1. Chester Thomas. 355. JohnAVard* {Nat hanieW' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,' Ebemzfr^)^ bom in Needham, ^larch 2, 17i)l ; died .Inly 8, 1853; married April 7, 1817, Mary Ann Peters of Needham. Child : Emily,' June 22, 1824, iu Nocdliam. 212 WARE GENEALOGY. 356. Thomas Jefferson^ {Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Ebenezer'^), born in Needham, March 16, 1806 ; baptized Aug. 14, 1808; "of Sudbury," married in Natick, May 24, 1837, by Rev. Erasmus D. Moore, Hepzibeth Kimball of Natick. 357. Nathaniel^ {Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Ebenezer^), born in Needham, Nov. 16, 1801; "baptized Aug. 14, 1808";* married April 15, 1824, Miss Mary Ann Winslow of Newton. * As "Nathaniel "Ware, son of Nathaniel Ware and Mary Ware his wife, deceased Jan. the 18, 1802 " [Needham Records] , it -would appear that Nathaniel and Mary had a second Nathaniel, but his birth I do not find recorded. I learn from aged people here that they remember a Nathaniel Ware, brother of J. W. and Thomas. [C. C. Green- wood.] SEVENTH GENERATION. 400. William Riciimoxd' (George,^ George,' William,* John,* Johv"), born in Dio-hton, Dec. 22, 1785;\lic(l at Frankfort, Me., July 4, 1826; married Feb. G, 1811, at AVintcriM.rt, Me., Abij^ail Sampson "of the riymoutli family" ; she died Nov. r;n, ls70. Children : i. Harriet S.,« Oct. 18, 1812; m. March 10. 1833, Cliark-s Stuart Page; he d. Sept. 19, 18 ")1. Lives in WintoriMjrt, Mf. Children : 1. WniHtm Richmond Ware, Dec. 18, 183;!: .1. .luly 18. 1813. 2. Charles S., Dec. 19, 1835. 3. llartha McNear, June 13, d. Oct. 8, 1S38. 4. Reuel H., Feb. 18, 1840; m. In IVTm.vIi. ISCr,. AT:irv Ov- erbaugh of New York. 5. Alice Ware, March 22, 18-11 ; in. Capt. Arthur Parker; both lost at sea in gale of September, IHSO, with tlieir only child. 6. Hai-riet W., July 20, 1811; in. Ilr>i, .lolin W. Ildoy; second, N. N. Lewis. 7. James R., Nov. 29, 18.')1 ; m. Jan., 1879, Agues Drake : (she d. February, 1880). u. Makia a., Aui:. 1'), 1811; d. Manli i'-^. 1^*71 : - 'Vu 18, 18G4, Jolm Ciiai)inan. iii. William Bavliss, Feh. 1'., ISIG; d. Dec. 18, ISSl, ou pw saire home from Africa, ; unin. 650. iv. Enoch Richmond, Jan. 2, 1819; A. Jnly 15, 1h71. 214 WARE GENEALOGY. 403. John Spurr^ (John,^ William,^ John,* John,^ John^ ), born in Calais, Vt., Nov. 20, 1807 ; died Nov. 29, 1881, at East Boston, Mass. ; he married in Calais, Vt., Nov. 29, 1830, Fanny Vinson Cole ; she was born Nov. 30, 1808 ; died March 15, 1882 ; buried Cambridge, Mass. Children, all died before 1883 : i. George Byron,^ "d. Feb. 11, 1834, aged 13 mos. 22 dys." ii. George Btron, Nov. 25, 1834 ; d. Sept. 27, 1859 ; m. Justina Benuet of SomerviUe, Mass. Child: George Henry, d., aged 5 yrs. 4 mos. 24 dys., March 5, 1864. ill. John Walter, " d. Aug. 9, 1839, aged 2 yrs. 9 mos." iv. Adelaide Fanny, Jan. 24, 1841 ; d. Sept. 26, 1868, aged 28; m. R. Julius Richardson. Child : Roderick Ware (Chicago). V. John Walter, d. *' Nov. 15, 1861, aged 17 yi-s. 5 mos. 25 dys." 404. Carlos' (Levi,^ Ezra,^ John,* John,^ Johf ), bom Oct. 19, 1798 ; died in Wrentham, Aug. 28, 1878 ; married April 4, 1823, Sally, dauijhter of John^ Ware, No. 175, bom June 6, 1801 ; died July 17, 1872. Children : i. Adeliza,^ m. Oct. 31, 1854, Gustavus F. Dart of Wrentham. ii. George A., d. Nov. 22, 1852 ; m. at Valley Falls (Cumber- land), R. 1., July 11, 1851, Mary F. Whitman. Child : " George Henry, died Oct. 12, 1854." [Wr. Record.] iii. Betsey Maria, Sept. 24, 1825 ; d. April 7, 1826. iv. Sally Smith, April 6, 1827; m. Dec. 21, 1847, Lemuel T, Bird. WARE GENEALOGY. 215 405. Addison' (Levi,* Ezra," John,* Joliu,' Jvh,r ), l.urn at West- moreland, N. H., April 24, 1807; died Dec. 31, l^iH ; inarried Feb. 2, 1841, Charlotte Bennett (born Aug. 21), 1819; diet! May 12, 1895), dauo-liter of Moses and Xancv (Wlieeler) Bennett of Westmoreland, N. 11. ; moved to NortliHeld, Ma>^., March 3, 1868. "A farmer all his life, and a Uni verbalist. A man of vigorous strength, both physical and mental." " ^Vil■e belonged to a family noted for their mental ability and liberal ideas." Children, born in Westmoreland, N. H. : 6ol. i. John Murray,^ Nov. 12, 1841. 652. ii. Clinton Addison, Nov. 28, 1843. iii. Charlotte Marion, Nov. 10, 1813; m. Aui;. 2u, 1571. in Northfield, Mass., Ilemlrick Barmun of Daiihurv, Cuiin. (*' 7th gen. from Thos. Bariiham of England "), (sou of Towuer and Ann (Hendrick) Barnum). Child : Hendrick Ware, April 12, 1879. 406. Erastus^ (Levi,^ Ezra,'' John,* John,^ John*), born Feb. 21, 1809 ; died April 3, 1892 ; married March 15, 1831, Eunice Storra (born in 1807; died Oct. 3, 1880), daughter of Experience and Silence (Goodnow) Storrs of We.stmorchind : he niarricd, second, Mrs. Cynthia (Loring) Fi.slier, who died Jan. 13, 1^95. " lie lived always in Westmoreland, X. II." Children : 653. i. George D.,' April 22, 1832. ii. Abby E., Jan. 3, 1.S31; m. at Chosterfiold, X. II.. .March 10, 1850, Henry C, son of Jonathan an.l Harriet (H O Cob- leigh of W; (b. June IG, 1831) ; r.i.l. Children : 1. Fred ErtfsUis, JniHi 2, L^Cj); „,. M .v 1. 1HS'>. I^'nua B. Britton. 2. Charles Ilennj, April 27, ist',.;. 3. Carrie Isabel, Feb. 5, IHG'J ; ni. Sept. 20, 1 «»•*', Waller L. "Works. 4. Vinie Addl, Nov. i), l.s7ii; m. M .y l"'. Iv:. Kre«I Siramou.s. 216 WARE GENEALOGY. iii. Caroline L., Feb. 18, 1840 ; m. Charles Humphrey of Hart- land, Vt. No children. 654. iv. Levi B., March 11, 1845; d. June 14, 1894. 407. James Royal^ (Levi,^ Ezra,^ John,* Jok)i,^ John^ ), born at Putney, Vt., April 11, 1811 ; died at Westmoreland, N. H., March 25, 1857 ; married in Westmoreland, March 15, 1838, Susan Louisa Cole (born at Westmoreland, N. H., 1817). "Farmer; echool-teacher in his younger days ; taught several winter terms after being married some time, attending to his farm chores, living at home." The widow is living, January, 1901, in her 84th year. Children, born at AYestmoreland, N. H. : i. Eliza Cole,^ Dec. 28, 1838; m. May 8, 1860, George Frank Hathon of Diunmerston, Vt. ; res. "Westmoreland. Children : 1. Mia Eliza, Dec. 28, 1861 ; m. Jan. 1. 1884, Charles H. Leach. 2. 3hjrtle Estelle, Oct. 30, 1866. ii. Ann Elizabeth, June 14, 1841 ; d. May 5, 1867 ; unm. iii. Charles Leroy, Dec. 3, 1843 ; a travelling salesman many years; d. imm. Feb. 6, 1898. 655. iv. Oscar James, May 27, 1846. 656. V. Wallace King, July 22, 1848. vi. Ellen Amelia, Aug. 29, 1850; d. Nov. 8, 1895, in East Douglas, Mass; m. July 17, 1880, Clarence Bacheler of Whit- ingsville, Mass. Children : 1. 3Iae, June 2, 1882. 2. Olive, May 9, 1884. 657. vii. Frank Herman, Feb. 21, 1853. viii. Clara Louisa, Sept. 16, 1855; d. July 21, 1873, in West- moreland, N. H. 408. John Albert' (John,^ Ezra,' John,* John,^ John'), born in Wrentham, Dec. 8, 1813; died April 19, 1865; married Harriet A. Rathbone, who was living in 1885. WARE GENEALOGY. 217 Children, bom in Wrentliiim : 658. i. JonN,8 Oct. 25, 1843. ii. Anxa Marsf.i.l.v, Sept. 7, 1850; ra. at Foxlwro', Dec. 25, 1873, Walter II. Fisher (b. in Fuxboro', 18s5). iii. Edna Jones, d. at Wrentliam, Sept. 21, 1818. iv. Ellen Louisa, Sept. 20, d. Sept. 21, 1«5;J. V. INIart T., m. at Foxboro', Oct. 5, 185'J, Clmrles E. Giles. 409. Hiram' ( John,'' Ezra,^ John,* John,"" John'), horn in Wrcn- tham, Nov. 8, 1827 ; farmer. He married Dec. li), 1858 (hy Ucv. A. Adams, in Franklin) Nancy Kemp of Foxhoro' ; she waa horn May 20, 1833, at Marblehead. Children : i. Emily Joski'iiine,^ March 2G, 18G0. ii. Fred Leavis, Nov. 22, 18G2 ; d. at Wreiithaui, Ap.-i -. Isr.G. iii. Harry M., Oct. 30, 1871 ; d. March 2G, l.S'Jj. iv. John Edward, Jan. 18, 187-1. 410. George Lemuel' {George,^ Ezra,'' John,* John,'* Jnhti*)^ born Jan. 22, 1816 ; died at Clinton, May K!, 18S7 ; niarricil .Iiino 2, 1845, Mary A. Mann, born about 1818; died Nov. '". ^"^"^'. "aged 67." Children : i. Harriet Hartley,* March 27, 1>!|''; m. Dtr. 1'.'. iscc. Dul.l A. Draper. 661. ii. Charles Henry, Wrentham, Sept. 5, 185'J. 411. Alonzo Leprelett' (Geo-f/e," Ezra," Jnhn,'' ,l»hn,- .L^n.i ), born June 24, 1818; died Dec. 4, 1865; marrii'd .Ian 2S, isjl. Betsey Ann," daughter of Darius, No. 1)4, and Puinclia (Cury) Ware, born Nov. 13, 1818; died Aug. 29, 1881. Children, born in A\'rcntham : 6Gla. i. Edmund Burke," June 2G, 1843, Wr. ; d. at DickiiiMJO, Dakot*, Oct. 6, 1883. 218 WARE GENEALOGY. ii. Henry Herbert, May 10, 1848, Wr. ; d. Jan. 12, 1874; unm. iii. Helen Frances, Sept. 12, 1857; m. Dec. 2, 1886, Charles E. Stimson of Franklin, Me. ; d. May 23, 1892. 412. Charles' {^George,^ Ezra,^ John,* John,^ John"), married Harriet Grant Grouety. [Clin, rec.] Child : G61J. RoMONDO C.,8 Jane 7, 18G0, at Clinton. 416. Elijah' {Elijah,^ Moses,^ Moses,* John,^ John,'), bom Nov. 1, 1799; died at Winhall, Vt. ; married first, June 19, 1823, Patty Malvina, daughter of True (Jona.) and Patty (Emery) Webster, born Aug. 13, 1800; died April 1, 1825. He married second, Dec. 29, 1825, Mrs. Sevia (Dustin) Tenny, daughter of John and Sarah (Webster) Dustin, and widow of Kimball Tenny. Children : i. Sevia Olivia Ann,* Aug. 20, 1828; m. "Williams; res. at E. Greenwich, N. Y. ii. Elijah Kimball, 18:54 ; d. July 28, 1840. iii. Ann Eliza, Aug. 3, 1841. 417. Moses' {Elijah,^ Moses, ^ Moses,* John,^ John"), born at Gil- sum, N. H., March 2, 1804; died at Brattleboro', Vt., April 20, 1875 ; married April 29, 1827, Eliza Hastings of Swanzey. A shoemaker. Children, born at Brattleboro' : i. Augusta Maria,* June 29, 1829 ; m. Amandron Cathon. 6G2. ii. Moses Hastings, Oct. •"), 1833. iii. Ann Eliza, Aug. 3, 1841. 418. Obadtah' {Benjamin,^ 3foses,^ Moses,* John,^ John'), bom at Gilsum, Jan. 2, 1795 ; died at Butler, 111., Sept. 24, 187G ; married Aug. 17, 1821, Electa, daughter of John and Elizabeth Post, born WARE GENEALOGY. 219 at Addison, Vt., July 17, 1800; died at Riitk-r, 111., Nov. hS. 1858. "^Yent in 1821 to a farm nrar St. Louis; in 1823 scttlcHl with brother Benjamin at Butler, Mi»nt<^»>inery Co., 111., at a place called ' Ware's Grove.' " [Hist. Gilsuui.] Children, bom in Butler^ 111. : i. HuLr>An,8 Sept. 17, 1823; m. May l'7, IM.".. 'I" K. Harm (b. Feb. 28, 1812), son of Jolm"an(l Abigail li Children, born in Illinois : 1. Frederick Ware, March 24, 181G ; d. Ft-b. U, !>• -. 2. Julia Abigail, Sept. 15, 1852 ; ra. Oct. 31, ls72, .Michael Luther Robertson (sou of Stamford and Ann .M.), b. 111., Sept. 1-1, 1851. ii. Eliza, Aug. G, 1825 ; d. Sept. 14, 181 1 ; unin. iii. Emily, Jan. 23, 1827 ; d. Sept. 21, 1844 ; unm. iv. Electa, Jan. 2, 1829 ; d. Oct. 7, 1861 ; m. Nov. 25. 1 8 |s'. .T.onb Wagner Scheur (b. N. C, May 11, 182C.). Children : 1. Sylvester Henry, III., Nov. 15, ISIO. 2. David }Yaro, 111., Sept. 20, 1h52 ; ni. Fl-I.. I'.t. l.sTa. Harriet, dauyliter of Frederick H. and ('liri-jona Peters (b. at Findley, O., Oct. 14, 1S5()). 3 childri-n. 3. Laura Lucretia, Aug. 13, 1855 ; ni. Aug. G, 1878, DauicI Curtis. 4. Sophronia Luzetta, Sept. 9, 1859. V. Maria, May 14, 1831 ; d. Sept. G, 1835 ; ninn. vi. Clara, Aug. 19, 1833 ; d. Aug. 8, 1855 ; unm. vii. Ad ALINE, Feb. 7, 183G; d. Sept. IG, 1845 ; unm. viii. Betskv, Aug. 18, 1S3S; m. Dec. 12, ISGl, Cbarl.« .M. N\ - - ■ -^^ (son of Tliomas and Lydia, b. at Situate, R. L, Am:. 7. 1S22). Children : 1. Thomas Knoivlton, Sept. 20, 18G2. 2. Eliza Ware, Jan. 14, 18G4. 3. Lillie Electa, July 22, 1HG9. 4. Mary Grace, Sept. G, 1872. ix. Mary, April 18, 1ft II ; .1 Jan. 1, 1^70; m. Nov. 29. 1HG6, William All.inn Young, son of William and Ja- > nig (b. Aug. 20, \W.'A\). Children : 1. Anthony Olmdiah, Doc. 25, IfiGS. 2. WHliam Albion, Nov. 9, 18G9. 6G3. X. Henry, May 4, 1845. 220 WAEE GENEALOGY. 419. Benjamin'' {Benjamin,^ Moses,'" Moses,* Jolin,^ John^), born in Gilsum, N. H., June 27, 1796; died at Butler, 111., July 31, 1855 ; mai'ried March 12, 1827, Sarah, daughter of David and (Voorhees) Slayback (born at Lexington, Ky., Sept. 13, 1805). Children, born at Butler, 111. : i. Austin,^ Feb. 20, d. Sei^t. 19, 1829. 664. ii. Justus Hurd, July 11, 1834. 420. David' {Benjamin,^ 3Ioses,^ Moses,* Jolin,^ Jokn^), born at Gilsum, N. H., April 2, 1798 ; died April 15, 1863. " The strong staff is bi'oken." [Epitaph in Ware Cemetery.] He married first, at the "Christian Church," Gilsum, Mary, daughter of Samuel and Margaret Smith, born in Hartland, Vt., Sept. 2, 1790; died at Gilsum, April 6, 1851. "There is rest in Heaven." [Ceni.] He was town collector many years ; treasurer ; representative, etc. He married second, April 6, 1853, Mrs. Rachel S. Pratt of North- field, Vt. After her husband's death she removed to Salt Lake City. Children, born in Gilsum : 665. i. David Smith,^ Oct. 25, 1828. ii. Theoda, Juue 22, 1832 ; member of Methodist Church ; m. May 7, 1857, George H., son of David and Eliza Ann Towle (b. at New London, Oct. 6, 1832); farmer at Newport ; his first wife. She d. at N., Sept. 18, 1870. Children : 1. George Ware, March 7, 1861. 2. Charles Herbert, Jan, 16, 1867. iii. Samuel B., March 11, 1835; d. Dec. 18, 1856, imm. (First burial in " Ware Cemetery," Gilsum, founded on a part of the farm of David.'') 421. Enoch'' (^Benjamin,^ Moses,^ Moses,* John,^ Joht'), born Oct. 25, 1807; died "at Chester, Vt., March 16, 1875. He married fii'st, Dec. 26, 1837, Louisa Atwood, born in Chester, Vt., July 10, 1810; died there Jan. 8, 1861. He married second, Dec. 1, 1861, Arvilla Covey. WAKE GENEALOOT. OOl Children, born in Chester, Vt. : 666. i. Wesley L.,* Sept. 28, 1838. ii. Mary Louisa, .June 17, 1840; m. .Tan. 11. I8GG, Norm Crano Richmoiid, sou of Henry and C'liarloUc (Crttiie) Uicluuuml (b. Ohio, .June, 1838). Children, born iu Butler, 111. : 1. Dora Augusta, Oct. 2.3, 186G ; d. Au;:. IH, ISfiS. 2. A daughter, Aug. 14, d. Sept., 1808. 3. Nellie Ware, Sept. 30, 1801). 4. Herbert Wesley, Jan. 9, 1873. 5. Frederick Lucius, April 29, 1874. iii. Benjamix M., Sept. 4, 1842 ; d. at Cold Harbour, Juno 3, 18C4, iv. Wilbur Fiske, Dec. 6, 1844 ; d. of camp fever, June 17, 1802. V. Marion W., Jan. 12, 1847. 667. vi. George Enoch, Feb. 14, 1849. 668. vii. Lucius Jeremiau, Aug., 18ol. viii. Dora Angusta, Aug. 17, 18o-5 ; m. Jan -'l. 1-^77 ' 'H.. Pierce of Litchfield, III. Child: Essie May, Butler, HI., Aug. 8, 1878. ix. Jennie L., Feb. 2, 1803. X. Abraham Lincoln, Jan. 6, 1865. 422 John Quincy Adams^ (Boijamin,' Moses^^ M , Jofiu^* John''), born in Gilsum, X. II., Dec. 17 or 11», IS-'-' ; ilii«l at Surry, X. H., Aug. 2!), 18(5.3. He married Xo v. 11, IS.')1, Kmily, daughter of Oliver and Patty Ileald, born at Xclson. i>c>c. IS. 1S2;5. She was living in Milford, ^lass., in 1885. Educated at Hancock vVcadomy and >iiMv iiauijii'Hi I tute. Licensed April 19, 1840, by Baptist C'liurch. Ordain N. H., where he remained two years ; settled at Sanboniton lJa\ Vt. ; Whiting, Vt, where he reinaiiieil till his dealli. I^' 43d year, while on a visit to his sister in Surry, lie \\.. than ordinary ability." . . . He was naturally a loader ; of lit- social and liiendly, but of intense couviclioiis. lb- was over ».i\ Ic'^; iu height and of great physical strength. [!'• ' < '■' ' Children : 669. i. Edwin CiiAriN," Marlboro', Oct. 8, 1852. 222 WARE GENEALOGY. ii. Martha Jane, Sanbornton, Dec. 25, 1853 ; m. Sept. 13, 1874, Willis K, Emerson. Res. at Milford. iii. Laura Maria, Sanbornton, July 19, 1855. iv. Walter Henry, Addison, Vt., April 25, 1859. V. Mary Francis, Whiting, Vt., May 3, 1860 ; d. March 6, 1862. vi. May Emily, Milford, March 6, 1866. 424. Moses, Jr.'' {3Ioses,^ Moses,'" Moses,* John,^ John^), born in N. H., ill 1806; died peacefully, of old age, at 88 years of age, Dec. 4, 1894, at Eureka, Winnebago Co., Wis. ; married July 27, 1834, Loraine, daughter of Justus and Kuth (Handel) Hurd[?]. Removed from Gilsum to N. Keene, N. Y. Children ; i. Hannah,8 1835 ; d. in 1873 ; m. 1860, George Smith. Children : 1. Sarah Loraine, 1863 ; m. 1882, George H. Wright. 2. Bell P., 1865; m. 1888, George Harrington. 3. Inez, 1866 ; m. 1894, Henry Jungbluth. 4. George Philip, 1869. 670. ii. Moses Lane, 1837. 426. Cyrus C.^ {Moses,^ Moses,^ Moses^* John,^ John'), born about 1816; died in 1886, "aged 70." Children : i. Daniel,^ b. and d. 1841. ii. JuDSON C, Feb. 15, 1842. iii. LoRETTA A., Jan. 21, 1845 : d. July, 1870. iv. Edward L., Dec. 19, 1850 ; d. Jan., 1863. 427. Frederick Augustus'' (Amariah,^ Jesse,' Eleazer,* Eleazer,^ John''), born in Franklin, June 29, 1798 ; died Sept. 13, 1875, "ag. 77, 2, 13," at Franklin. He married first, Jan. 1, 1823, (Rev. N. Emmons) Sarah Morse; she died Aug. 20, 1839. He married second, Mrs. Eliza Arnold (born in Wrentham ; died in tf fc%V^ WARE GENEALOGY. 2l.';) Ff'l^oH^' F^^-,\^' ^^^^' "*''«• ''^^"^- "^^ ■"^''•'•••^<1 t»'i'-.l, April 15, 18bO, Ann Maria, duu^^htcr of Micuh (ur liu.swell) unJ Aunc Bent of Framinghani, widow of Ilcnrv Uvswu Pond. 428. Nathan' (Amariah,' Jesse,' Eleazcr,* Eleazer,' Ju/m'J, born in Franklin, Dec. 27, 1807; died in Xatick, April 5, l»(jiJ. He- married Dec. 2, 1841, Elvii-a llawes. 430. Jonathan Day' (Zenas,' Ziba,' Ehazer,' Eleazer,* John'), born at Swanzey, N. H., Feb. 23, 1797; died Oct. 23, 187G i married Xov. 30, 1824, Alice, daughter of Josiah Ilaniblett ; born Oct. 26, 1801 ; died Jan. 26, 1873. Kesided at Swanzey. Deacon. Children : 673. i. Alonzo A.,8 Sept. 1, 1825; d. Feb. 8, 1895. n. Daniel II., March 9, 1827; d. Nov. 1, 1857. iii. Alice M., March 30, 1829 [?]; m. Oct. 20, 185.^, a. - , .ud wife, Eev. E. S. Adams of Gilsum. She j;rad. Mt. llolvuke Sem. ; has charge of girls at "W'ilberforce Univ., Xeuia, Ohio. Child : Mi/ron Winsloio, Nov. 27, 18C0. iv. Mary L., Dec. 4, 1830; m. Aug. 31, 1854, Frauklm Downing. 432. Joel' (Zenas,^ Ziha,' Eleazer,* Eleazer* John*), born at Swanzey, N. IL, July 23, 1809; married Lucy Crossett of I'rt'*- cott, Mass.; was a school-teacher in Swanzey; fanner in \. V., then removed to Geneseo, 111. Had children. 433. Lyman' (Zlha,^ Ziha,'' Eh-azcr,* Ehnz'-r,'' .}'>hn ), Ix.rn at Gilsum, N. IL, Feb. 22, 1803; died 1839 [?]. He ^Klrrit^d Hannah, daugliter of Samuel S. Merriam. She, a widow, wm ro- siding in Wells, Vt., in 18G9. 224 WAKE GENEALOGY. Children : 672. i. George,^ 673. ii. William. 674. iii. Sidney, 675. iv. Merritt. V. Rachel. Res. in "Wells, 1869. 434. Ziba'^ (Jacob,^ Ziha,^ Eleazer,'^ Eleazer,^ John^ ), born April 15, 1817, at Winchester, N. H. ; married Jan. 1, 1839, Eliza, daughter of James Olcott of Swanzey, N. H. ; born Feb. 9, 1819. Farmer, residing at Winchester ; attends church at West Swanzey. ~ Children, born in Winchester : i. LuciNA 0.,' July 22, 1840 ; m. Moses W. Hale of Rmtlge, N. H. ii. Maria, Aug. 16, 1842 ; d. Jan. 3, 1863 ; m. Marshall Willard of Dublin, N. H. iii. Sarah M., Dec. 5, 1846; d. Jan. 4, 1863. 676. iv. James R., Sept. 18, 1849. V. Ella E., May 11, 1854. vi. Julius H., Dec. 7, 1858 ; d. Oct. 9, 1859. vii. Arthur Z., Oct. 22, 1860; d. Jan. 3, 1863. 435. Phinehas Atwood^ (Jacoh,^ Ziba^^ Eleazer,^ Eleazer,^ John^ ), born Sept. 10, 1819; died Dec. 5, 1894; resided at Winchester, N. H., church at West Swanzey. He married Nov. 1, 1855, Mary, daughter of William Read of Swanzey, N. H. ; born Feb. 13, 1835, at Swanzey. Children, born in Winchester : i. Emma F.,^ Jan. 5, 1857 ; d. March 12, 1863. ii. AYalter L., Nov. 4, 1861 ; d. Feb. 27, 1875. iii. A SON, April 14, d. April 15, 1863. iv. Edna L., May 22, 1865 ; m. Charles Plumer of Jaffrey, N. H. 677. V. Arthur W., July 27, 1853. 436. Joseph' (Jacoh,^ Ziba,^ Eleazer,^ Eleazer,^ John'), born March 3, 1822; died in Swanzey, July 17, 1892; pedler. He WARE GENEALOGV, 0'i\ ^ ^ \J married first, July 17, 1854, Rachel (or Itel.eknh?) Wilhinl of Dublin; she died March 1(5, iSo.j. He married second, Nov. 8, 1858, Mary G., daughter of Klijali C\ B.-ldin;; of Swanzey ; she died Nov. 19, 1858. lie inarri.d third, NOv. 17, l.s.'ill.'Sanih Jane, daughter of Deacon do^cnh Ilaiiimond of Swanzev : huru May 17, 1837. ^ Child : Mary L.,^ July 13, 18C2; m. Oct. 31, 1882, Jamea E. Ilaudy. 437. Joseph [T.?]^ (Joseph,' Zibn," Elenzer,* Ehazer* John* ), born Feb. 11, 1825 ; died in Iladley, Mass., June 14, 1897 ; mar- ried May 8, 1849, Philcna Hardy; born Feb. 25, 181G. Child, born at Acworth, N. H. : Abbie,8 July 10, 1850. 438. Harlan P.'' {Joseph,'^ Ziha,'' Ehazer,* Eltrxzer* Jo/tn*),\)OTn [at Acworth, N. H.?] Nov. 28, 183G ; married Su^an A. Spencer, who was born Feb. 6, 1844, and died Sept. ll*, 1S87. Kctiide^ in Alstcad, N. H. Children : i. Frances A.,^ Keene, N. H., Feb. 2, 1870. ii. James Walton, Alstead, N. II., Aug. 24, 1874. iii. Bertha E., Sept. 12, 1877. 439. David' (David," Ell," Eleazcr,* Eleazev* Jo/in'), born in Franklin, May 7, 1814; died of consumption, Dec. 21, l^r)H. He married at Franklin, May 30, 1841 (by luv. T. I>. Southworth), Betsey Pettis, born in Hopkinton. Farmer. Resides at lUlling- ham. Children : i. Louisa Amelia,' Feb. 17, 18i;3 ; m. in A.i-. 1"7.'. .!.>«. ph M. Wales of Franklin. Children : 1. Flora E., March 22, 1873; m. IS'Jl, ImIw. Lip»cll. 2. Cora May, AprU 24, 1878. 15 226 WARE GENEALOGY. ii. Mary Elizabeth, Franklin, Feb. 17, 1848 ; brought up by- Frederic Augustus Ware; lived (1885) with Mrs. Inez Arn- old, Franklin ; m. Nov., 1890, Edw. S. Whitaker. iii. William Emery, 1851, Bellingham ; unm. iv. RiiODA Ann, Franklin, Oct. 7, 1855 ; m. April 19, 1872, Lyman Ebenezer (a wheelwright), son of Deacon Ebenezer and Amelia O. Belknap of Milford (by Rev. C. W. Redding), he a wheel- wright, aged 20, she 17, of Bellingham. Lives at Milford. Child : Forest Lyman, 1873 ; m. 1895, Nellie Cahill of Holliston. 440. Gilbert Adams^ (David,^ Eli,^ Eleazer,'^ Eleazer^"^ John^)^ born in Franklin, July 1, 1818; died suddenly of heart disease, April 15, 1876, at Warehouse Point, Ct. He married, Dec. 9, 1853, Caroline, daughter of Benjamin (Moses, Abraham, Isaac, John, Robert) and Clarinda (Richardson) Pease of Enfield, Ct. ; she was born Jan. 22, 1823. Lived with his sisters at Oxford Plain, and was a member of the Congregational Church there. Removed in 1840 to Hartford, Conn., where he was proprietor of the Ameri- can Hotel Stables for a number of years ; removed in 1846 to Ware- house Point, Conn., where he became proprietor of the American Hotel Stable, the depot stage line and large livery and feeding stables. Was much respected in the community where he resided. Children, born at Wareliouse Point, Conn. : 679. i. George Gilbert,^ March 19, 1856. 680. ii. Franklin Pease, March 8, 1863. 441. Elbridge Gerry^ (David,^ Eli,'^ Uleazer,* Eleazer,^ John'), torn at Franklin, Dec. 14, 1819. Lives in W. Medway, "grocer, 26 years Baptist, a man of good Christian life." Went to Medway 1830 ; married first, Eliza Pierse Drake, dauglvter of John Drake of Partridgetown, Bellingham, born April 20, 1828 ; she died April 3, 1855. He married second, July, 1870, Anna, daughter of Alex- ander Grant, born April 15, 1829 (her third marriage) ;* she died May 28, 1886. Child : Emma Eliza,® ]\Iarch 6, 1848 ; member of Baptist Church ; unm. ; lives with father. * Ainia Grant m. Ist, Rev. Abner Mason, Bapt. Miii. at W. Medway; she m. 2J, Edward liixon, farmer, of the same place. WARE GENEALOGY. 227 •IIJ, Arrival Perry' {AmJio-.^f," Ddni'rl,' Daniel,* FJ John'), born at Wrcntlmm, March '1, iSi'J; is a car|)fnkT, ,..,n- in Medway. lie married April 4, 1847, Mary A. l{i(liard>*ou Jf Franklin, dau^diter of Howard and ^Nlary, born at Win«lo\v, Me. ; factory hand ; they were married at ^■orth Wrenthani by Kcv. K. (J. Sears. Children : i. Mary Fr.vnces,^ Wrentbam, Nov. 12, 1848. ii. ViOLETTA Padlink, Fr., July IG, 18.J3 ; m. Sept. 17. i^^'a, Lyman Adams, son of Sabiu and Mary A., of CJIouc Rev. Daniel Koumls), N. Wr. She 1 J ; he 18 ; card binppcr. 445. Leaxder Merritt' (Jason," Ilczel-ta/i,' ITezehiah,* Eleazer* John'), born Feb. IG, 1803, at Shrewsbury, Mass. ; married Oct. 18, 1830, Frances Calder, dauulitor of Sanuu'l and Fanny (Caldcr) Metcalf of Providence, K. I., born March ;> 1 , l.S()7 ; died July 21, 18 iO, aged 63. He lives at Providence, K. 1. ; has summer honjc at Shrewsbury. Children : i. Cornelia Frances,* June 14, 1832; d. ^Murcli 30, 1883; m. Oct, 11, 1859, Jacob Follct of Troy, N. Y. Cliild : Edilh Clif/on, Ani^-. 17, 18(10; m.Juno 1, l.ss2. Dr. Art' r Hudson Ilarrinijtou of Worcester. Children: 1. C. ; ton Ward, jMarch 14, 1881 ; 2. Ethel, OcU G, 1888. ii. Harriet Augusta, Oct. 1('>, 1834. G81. iii. George Henry, March 4, 1S3G. 682. iv. CiiARi.Ks \'iCT0R, Aug. 8, 1837. V. Edward Clifton, May 31, 1839 ; d. Sept. 10, 1810. 44 C. Samuel Cowell' (Jts-on," Ilezc/cia/i,' //<:>.{■ in /i,' Fh J"oA«'), born Dec. i», ISIO; died Anu'. , 1831. 451. John' (Alpheus,^ Joseph, "" John,* Joseph,* John*), born in Sherborn, June 12, 180-5; died Feb. 7, 18S1 ; married May •:2, 1831, at Newton, Mary II., daughter of Fsaac Wentwnrth of Can- ton. She died March 19, 1872.' Lived on tlie eastern [.art of the old Breck Farm. Children, born in Sherborn : i. Anna Maria,« Aug. l.'i, 1837 ; m. May 1, 18G1, John S., iou o( Daniel Bullard of Sherborn. Children : 1. WiU!am Hvrhert, IHOC, ; m. S, pt. '.'. I-'l, Jali.i 1'. lU- Bho]>. 2. Arthur Ware, Oct., IHCS; u\. Lena IUjIIo IVck of M.'d- iiehl, Oct. 2;i, IH'.l.'.. ii. Mary Elizauetii, July IG, 1810; .1. unm. (1891). 230 WARE GENEALOGY. 452. Joseph Sanger' {Alpheus,^ Joseph,'' John,* Joseph,'' John^), born in Sherborn, Nov. 24, 1807 ; died there Dec. 26, 1869 ; married Feb. 15, 1841, in Worcester, Isabella McCabe of St. John, N. B. She died Jan. 26, 1894, in St. Paul, Minn. Child : 690. Robert Burns,^ Worcester, July 2, 1813. 453. Joseph Ashur' {Ashur,^ Joseph,^ John,* Joseph,^ John"), born Aug. 30, 1832 ; died in Washington, D. C, May 25, 1874; married Sept. 5, 1857, Ellen McKinstrey, daughter of Thomas Leonard and Charlotte Elizabeth (Hall) AVillis. Child : EiCHARD^ C' ROLLO " at first), Cliicago, 111., July 22, 1861. 454. Albert Penniman' {Henry, ^ Joseph," John," Joseph,"" Johu'')^ born in Sherborn, Nov. 9, 1811 ; died Feb. 13, 1871, in Sherborn, aged 59; married in Needham, Aug. 10, 1829, Joanna D., daughter of Eli Leland, born Oct. 30, 1811 ; died March 12, 1890. " Owns the homestead." " Family went west." Children, born in Sherborn : i. Maria A.,' Oct. 11, 1829; m. Francis E. Gushing, May 22, 1851. ii. Frances A., Jan. 9, 1831 ; d. Feb. 8, 1874 ; m. April 24, 1853, Joseph E. Sangei*. 692. iii. Robert IL, Feb. 11, 1833. 693. iv. George C, March 12, 1835 ; d. April 13, 1886. V. Eleanor R., Dec. 12, 1836 ; m. Nov. 24, 1859, Charles E. Flagg. 694. vi. Albert P., born July 27, 1839 ; d. March 20, 1887. 695. vii. Dexter L., Sept. 3, 1840. viii. Joanna D., April 16, 1842 ; d. May 3, 1883 ; m. Enos L. Eastr man. Derby Line, Vermont. ix. Henry C, May 13, 1844 ; d. Cincinnati, 0., Dec. 31, 1863. X. Alma S., June 30, 1846 ; m. June 10, 1895, Charles N. Onion, Curriville, Mass. xi. Martha J., April 9, 1848 ; m. Nov. 18, 1869, Lowell E. Coo- lidge. WARE GENEALOfJY. 231 455. Elisiia Seayerxs' (W^Ifpr," John,' John,* Joseph,' John'), born March 2i), 1801 ; died Dec. (I, \XCA ; inarrit-d Oct. M), Ify'A^, Caroline Ayres of Xewton Luw.t Falls, born .huic 5, 1812. Children : i. Walter Creightox,' June 30, 1S30. ii. Caroline Elizabeth, Feb. 24, 1841 ; d. Mav IC, IK.'n. iii. Mart Robbins, Oct. 18, 1844. iv. Martha Sarah, May 26, 184G ; d. of consiimpiion, Au^'. 19. 188o. I.e. V. Emily Lavixa, Oct. 18, 1848 ; d. May l.l, lSu7. vi. Hexry, March 15, 1852 ; d. Sept. 21, 1854, m- Sept. 2«, 1853. vii. Albert Elisha, March 14, 1854; d. May 25, 1854. 45G. William' ( Trrt//e?-,*' Joh^i,' John,* Joaeph,^ John'), horn in Ccanada, April 15, 1810; died Feb. 24, 1852; married at Kings- ton, Conn., Martha Fiuley. •457. Edwin' {Orlando,'^ John,'' John,* Joacph,^ John'), born in Weston, Oct. 18, 1802; died Aui,^ C, 1870, at iVerfirld. "Tnulcr in Decrfield, succeeded his father at the old corner ytoro." Ho married first, Sept. 29, 1830, Alamena, dauri(l(p\" John," John,* Josrph,' Johu'),\iom in 1813; married at Tampa Bay, Flurida, Louisa ^Vyatt. 232 WARE GENEALOGY. 460. VORESTUS^ {Eleazer,^ Benjamin,^ John,* Joseiih,"^ Jolm^), hovn in Sherborn, April 27, 1822 ; married Nov. 30, 1846, Mary Rosa- line Butler. Children, born in Sherborn : i. Edgar Butler,« Jan. 14, 1847 ; d. April 29, 1849. 699. ii. Arthur Breck, April 17, 1848. iii. Joseph Warren, Nov. 28, 1849 ; d. in 1896, at Memphis, Tenn. iv. Mary E. B., April 17, 1851 ; d. June 17, 1866. V. Edgar V., Nov. 10, 1852 ; d. Jan. 4, 1878. [" Clarence H." comes here in Breck Fam.] vi. Theodore " Leston " [Breck Fam.], June 21, 1856 ; said to be in California in 1896. vii. Emily B. (" Pratt," Breck Fam.), Aug. 15, 1867 ; m. Allison of Essex, Conn. 461. Benjamin' {Eleazer,^ Benjamin,^ John,* Joseph,'^ Joh7i^), born in Sherborn, Jan. 24, 1824; died at Holliston, Feb. 7, 1878. He married, Jan. 3, 1850, Elizabeth Capen, born in Sherborn. She was a descendant of Barnard Capen and George Barbour, two of the earliest settlers in Dorchester and Dedham respectively. Benjamin Ware was " an upright man, respected by all. His occu- pation was that of a farmer." Children : i. Caroline,^ Feb. 25, 1850 ; m. in Holliston, Sept. 12, 1871, Lind- ley M. Stuart. ii. Anna Rebecca, July 1, 1858 ; m. Aug. 13, 1878, George L. Wilkinson, iii. Rodney Bradford, Oct. 25, 1869 ; was living at Fitchburg in 1898. 463. John Fothergill Waterhouse' {Henry, Jr.,^ Henry, ^ John,* Joseph,^ John^), born in No. Bennet Street, Boston, Aug. 31, 1818; died at Milton, Feb. 26, 1881. Harvard College 1838; Divinity School 1842 ; ordained at Fall River, May, 1843 ; in- stalled at Cambridgeport, 1846 ; Baltimore, 1864 ; later at Arling- ton Street, Boston. He married May 27, 1844, Caroline Parsons, "WARE OEXEALOCJY. ^33 dancrhter of Xatlian and Elizal.oth Norton (Lincoln) Rice of Cam- bridge, Mass., born Sq.t. l'7, ISJO ; d\cd Sq.t. 18, 1848. He mar- ried second, Oct. 10, ISHI, Helen Ware, dun^d.tcr of Xmhun ami i^hzabcth Aorton (Lincoln) Kice, born Sept. 21, 1.S22; died June 1 / , 1892. He was honorary cliaplain of the 38th Mass. Vol. Inf. Ho re- moved from Baltimore, Md., in 1872, t.. Arlin-ton St. Church, Boston, where he remained until his death. Children, born in Cambridgeport : i. Henry,8 Jan. 21, 184G, at Fall River; d. Aug. 9, 18G2. 705. ii. William Rotcii, Sept. G, 184S. 706. iii. Arthdu Lovkll, May 30, 1851. 707. iv. Francis Morgan, Feb. 5, 1857. V. Caroline Parsons, Oct. 13. 1850; m. March 5, 1«89, Ilonry Percy Jaques (b. Dec. 22, 1852; II. C. 187G; M.D. 1880). 464. William Robert^ (Ilenry,^ Henri/,' Jo/ni,* Joscj)/i,^ John*), born in Cambridge, May 27, 1832; Harvard College l.s.')2; S.M. 1856 ; LL.D. 1896 ; practised architecture in lK)st()n l-silO n» l8.sl ; Professor of Architecture in Mass. In.stitutc of TechnohM'-v, 186.'> to 1881; since 1881 in Columbia University, New York, \. V. ; Fellow and Honorary Member of the American Institute of Archi- tects ; Honorary and Corresponding Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects and of the Societe Centrale des Architcetd Frangais. 465. Charles PiCKARD^ (Ilrunj, Jr.," Ifoirif,^ John,* Joseph^' John"), born in Cambridge, June 1 1, IS 1(1 ; Harvard ( 'ollegc 1862. He married, Sept. 1, 1870, Elizabeth Lawrence, daughter i»f Charles Tilden and Catherine (Lawrence) .\pplct(m, born at Lowell, March 6, 1843. He is at the head of the rcconl dep;»rtni.-nl «if the American Bell Telephone Co. in Boaton ; resides at Urookliue. Children, born in Brookline : 708. i. Henry,8 Dec. 26, 1871. ii. Mary Appleton, May 17, 1877. 234 WARE GENEALOGY. 466. JoHN^ (JoJin,^ Henry,^ John,* Joseph,^ John^), born In Boston, Sept. 8, 1829 ; graduated from Harvard College 1850 ; M.D. 1853 ; married in Paris, France, Therese , of Wurtzburg, Germany. He resides abroad, generally in Paris. No children. 468. Henry^ (William,^ Henry, ^ John,* Joseph,^ John"^), born July 17, 1824 ; died Feb. 4, 1855 ; Harvard College 1843 ; LL.B. 1847. He married, Dec. 28, 1859, Ellen Sophia, daughter of Oliver and Eliza (Bemis) Hastings, born Nov. 6, 1835; died May 20, 1877. Children : i. Eliza Hastings,^ Oct. 2, 1860; m. Nov. 24, 1893, William Roscoe Thayer, son of Frederick William (b. in Boston, Feb. 18, 1823) and Maria Wilder (Phelps) (b. Ang. 29, 1828 ; d. Sept. 10, 1882, Boston) Thayer. He was b. in Boston, Jan. 16, 1859; H. C. 1881. Child: Margaret Ware, Cambridge, July 18, 1896. ii. Mary Waterhouse, June 21, 1865 ; m. Nov. 24, 1893, Eobert De Wolf Sampson, born at Liverpool, Eng., April 14, 1865 ; d. at Pittsfield, July 9, 1895 ; H. C. 1887 ; "LL.B. 1890. 469. s J Charles Eliot 2d^ (Thornton K.,^ Henry,^ John,* Joseph, John^), born July 17, 1853 ; Harvard College 1876 ; LL.B. 1878 ; lives in Fitchburg; lawyer. He married in Roxbury, June 30, 1881, Harriet Pierce, daughter of George Washington and Mary Elizabeth (Nash) Long (born 1855). Children, born in Fitchburg : i. Mary Elizabeth,^ Aug. 6, d. Aug. 8, 1882. ii. George Long, Feb. 14, 1884. iii. Charles Eliot, Aug. 20, 1885. iv. Thornton Kiukland, 1887. WARE GENEALOGY. 235 AzAETAii^ (Otis," A-ariaJi," Ju/m,* Joseph,* Juhn*), l)om in Barre, Oct. 30, 1820. Living,' in iMtS, Xo. 7 niussinn Strtvt, in Worcester. He married May 8, 184'j, Luciiuia Walton, born .Sept. 22, 1829. Children, born in Hubbardston : 709. i. George Otis,« Nov. G, 1830. ii. Walter Hazen, Nov. 11, 185G ; d. Juuo 20, 1857. iii. AVallace Henry, Dec. 4, 1858 ; died. iv. Edavard Ernest, July G, 18G2; lived iu Clevcluu'l. Oliio, f.ir n while. " Was blind, went to school iu IJostun, iMranif ;i musician"; d. "April, 18'JO, in Florida." 473. Leonard' (Otis,^ Azariah^ John,* Joscp/i,' Jo/m' ), burn May 19, 1825; died Oct. 18, 1893, ''suddenly, while ut work." lie married in Worcester (published in Ilolden, Oct. 10), Nov. I. 1846, Elizabeth Adeline Moore (More), born Nov. 4, 1S21 ; diiil Feb. 25, 1896. She was a daughter of Col. George Mooro of Worcester, pattern maker. Children : i. Henrietta Piivloma,^ Sept. 28, 1817 ; m. Ai.rll M. isCT. Ibury Clay Cheesman (b. April 2, 1845). ii. Ella Elizabeth, July 24, 1850, in [Iloldeu] ; in. Nov. 2, lfi70, Henry D. Bailey. Children : 1. Otis Henri/, Sept. 12, 1877. 2. Frederick Ware, April 3, 1879. 3. Ernest Winfeld, I\Iarch 28, 1885. iii. Otis Alexis, Feb. 15, 1852 [Ilolden] ; at Denver. Col., 1889. iv. Alice Genevieve, Dec. 20, 185G; d. .March 7, is:.s. V. Viola Maria, June 1, 1801 ; d. M:iy 21. 1887. 171. Aaron Wood' (Oz/.f,' Azaria/t," Jo/m,* Josvpl,: JJn»'), bom in Barre, Jan. 2, 1837; married in AV.^t.nin^trr. April 22. IS.'.S, Persis Eliza, dautrhtor of John ami Sallv .M.rriani. born in A\ .-.t- minster, May 29,' 1832. He was drafted in the civil war; the hri.t one of the quota from his town. 236 WARE GENEALOGY. Children, born in Barre : 709a. i. Warren Olin,^ Jan. 13, 1860. 7093. ii. Herbert Alexis, Nov. 30, 1867. 475. Albert^ (Otis,^ Azariah,^ John,* Joseph,'^ Jok)t'^), born in Barre, Oct. 29, 1844; married in Fitchburg (resided in Hubbards- ton ; published in Fitchburg and Hubbardston), March 6, 1867, Mary J., daughter of William J. and Lucinda (Russell) Parker, born in Hubardston, June 28, 1844. He is a mechanic. Children : i. Emma Augusta,^ Hubardston, April 15, 1869. ii. Ella Jane, Bai*re, July 25, 1870. iii. Alice Mabel, Aug. 22 or 27, 1873. iv. Robert Albert, Barre, Jan. 30, 1879, or Jan. 30, 1886. V. Sarah Edith, Nov. 7, 1881. vi. Arthur Lerot, Sept. 3, 1884; d. Feb. 1, 1885. 476. John' (Otis,^ Azariah,^ John,^ Joseph,^ John^), born at Barre, April 2, 1848 ; married April 8, I860, in Hubbardston, Emily Elizabeth, aged 2 1 , daughter of Alfred and Harriet (Stone) Hatstat, born at Rutland, Jan. 2, 1848. Children, born in Barre : i. Edna Emily,* June 5, 1870 ; d. at Gardner, Jan. 30, 1895. ii. Harriet M., Jan. 19, d. 20, 1875. iii. J. Henry, Feb. 5, 1879. iv. Harry Otis, Nov. 14, 1881. 482. George H.' ( William Danforth,^ William,^ Benjamin,* Na- thaniel,^ NathanieV), born in Franklin or Medvvay, April 8, 1848; married at Wrentham, Aug. 1871, Edith, daughter of James and Mary McEvay, born about 1851, at Manchester, N. H. Residence, Franklin ; trade, bootmaker. WARE GENEALOGY. 237 Children, born in ^Nlcdway : i. Harriet Ethel,* Sept. 6, ISlo. ii. Florence Almira, April 1, 1882. ill. Archibald Daxfortii, May 2, 1888. 486. Elton Warren' (Wan-en," Wm-ren,' y,(i/if(ni'/,' A.t(/„tniel,* JVathaniel'), born at Orrino-ton, Mo., March 0, 1811; (H-rvcil iu the civil war four years, 18G1-(j5; was in rebel prison two yi-artj. He married in Sept., 18G1, Ada H. Eastman of Orrington, born in 1843. Lives at Bangor. Children : i. Louise T.,* June 3, 1866. ii. Maud Warren, Bangor, June 27, 1S70. iii. Charles Park, Bangor, July 29, 1872. iv. Ada Mary, Bangor, April 23, 1881. 487. Nelson' ( TFan-en,® Wary^en,^ Ncithaniel/ y^tlfiauit-I,^ Xa- thameP), born April 27, 1845; died of disease contraetetl in the army, Feb. 22, 1883. He married, }»Iay 15, 1800, Sarah A. Smith of East Orrington, born in 184G. Living. Baptists. Children : i. Nelly J.,^ Bangor, June 17, 1867 ; il. June 10, 1^72. ii. Jenny M., Bangor, Jan. 9, 1870. iii. Flora F., Bangor, July 3, 1872 ; d. Nov. 12, 1878. iv. Bessie N., Providence, R. I., Oct, 6, 1877. V. Amy E., Providence, R. I., July 23, 1880. vi. Sadie E., Providence, R. I., Jan. 27, 1.SS2. 488. Jairus' {Elhrklqe," Warren," Xdl/ianiil/ X>it/i(inirl, A i- thanleP), born in Orrington, Mo., :\Ian-li i», lHt3; dioil Fob. 0, 1881; married May 14, 1878, Emma A. Harlow of EjusI Ornng- ton (died before 1886). Child : Adeline C.,« Feb. G, 1881, day her father dw\ ; d. Iwforo 1886. 238 WARE GENEALOGY. 490. Lyman Eugene^ (also known as Eugene L.) {Lyman (7./ Darius,^ JosiaJi,* Josiah,^ NathanieP), born in Baltimore, March 15, 1849 ; graduated from Cornell Univ., 1877. He married April 20, 1880, Harriet Dexter McClOud* of Omaha. He is a civil and mechanical engineer ; resided some years at Omaha ; engaged in railway service in Western and Pacific States ; has his home now in Norfolk (formerly North Wrentham) ; has contributed much to this Genealogy. Child : Pamela Cart,^ Omaha, Neb., Jan. 6, 1884. 491. Henry Cleveland'' {Lyman C.,^ Darius,^ Josiah,* Josiah,^ JSFathanieP), born North Wrentham, Jan. 1, 1853; married Emma B. Starkey, June 26, 1877. Married second, at Kokomo, Ind., Oct. 25, 1899, Lillian Amelia, daughter of William PL and Amelia A. (Halladay) Curran. Resides at Chicago, 111. Children : i. Robert Percival,^ Feb. 23, 1880, "Wrentham. ii. LicoNA Alice, Nov. 20, 1900. 492. Robert Allison^ {Lyman C.,^ Darius,^ Joslah,^ Josiah,^ Nathaniel) , born in Boston, April 14, 1858 ; married first. Bertha Louise Wiggin; she died at Arlington, Jan. 15, 1893. He mar- ried second, Sept. 14, 1895, Charlotte Clement, daughter of James Swan Barrell, of Cambridge, a descendant of John Alden, Miles Standish and Elder Brewster. Resides in Boston. 494. Myron Lee^ {Elijah,^ Darius,^ Josiah,* Josiah,^ jSFa- tlumieP), born Nov. 11, 1855. Resides in Omaha, Neb. * Dauglitei- of Matthew and Martha Ann (Reed) McCloud (name changed from McClurg iov convenience). "WARE GENEALOGY. 239 495. Walter Ellsworth' (Elijah,' Dariu.'^,' JusUih,' Jott,'ah,' Xa- thanieP), born in Xeedham, Auj;. 20, ISGI ; ni:irric-tl .lulv U, 1890, Jennie, d:ui/,' Ju.si.in, .\ i- thaniel'), born Jan. 11, 1872; married Oet. \\K l^"'". "■ '• ■ ''• Jordan. lie is a hardware dealer at Ambi»y, .Min; Children : Helen M.,« Sept. 23, 1895. *■ IIoii. Eufrenc Fnmcis Ware, " Iroiu|iiill," tlion of I'orl -^ •was visiting ;i iniiHil'actorv fifstniw ;;r)0(ls iit Wt'stlmro' in card to liis f^iiidc, was led up to the uIjovc, w1h> wim ciigii;;o'l in tJjv ijaiii.i.»> Ui were surprised. 240 WARE GENEALOGY. 499. Howard Reuben'' {Reuben iV./ Reuben,'' Daniel,* Josiah,^ Nathaniel), born in Needham, Dec. 25, 1856; married Jan. 24, 1883, at N. Rochelle, N. Y., Ella Penina Disbrow, born in N. Rochelle, N. Y., June 2, 1859. 500. Herbert Stanwood'' {William S.,^ Re?ibe7i,^ Daniel,'* Jo- siah,' Nathanier), born Jan. 25, 1862; died April 19, 1897; married in Waltham, Nov. 28, 1889, Florence E., daughter of Freeman W. and Alice M. (Lowe) Hood, born at Norwich, Conn., Nov. 28, 1859. Child : Lucy Alice,^ Wellesley Hills, Nov. 16, 1890. 502. Walter' {Lemuel R.,° William,^ Samuel,* Samuel,^ Na- thaniel'), horn Axxg. 9, 1849; married Ruth Smith. Resides at Chicago, 111. 503. Edward Goodhue' {Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Jonathan,* Samuel,^ NathanieV) born at Deerfield, May 4, 1846; married Oct. 14, 1875, Mary A. Johnson of" Batavia, 111. Lives, a farmer, at Garden Grove, Los Angeles Co., Cal. Child : Lillian Agnes,^ Garden Grove, Cal., Feb. 25, 1877. 504. Frederick' [Josejjh,^ John,^ Jonathan* Samuel,^ ITa- thanier), born July 6, 1859; married first, at Clark, Dakota, July 16, 1885, Eva Belle Brown; she died May 23, 1889. He married second, Jan. 31, 1893, Marguerite E. McSpadden. Re- sides at Sibley, Iowa, in 1897. Child : Ruth Lillian,^ Dec. 7, 1896. WAKE GENEALOOV 241 505. JOSKVIIE.' (Joseph,' Jo/in,\Juna(/iau,* S.,nnnn ^' ' ' r^\ born May 17, 18G3 ; mamed April 'JS, IhhO, Kat.'ik. or Uanker; residence, Miuncapolis, .Minn., in 1SU7. Children : i. Frederick Wkbster,* June 4, 1888. ii. Elizabeth Roy, Jan. 24, 1800. 506. Alfred K.' {Edward K.,' Ralph,' Jn„.aha„,* 'Sun.ntl/ Xa-. thanieV), born Aug. 23, 1803; married March 30, 1K,S7, ILurict Fletcher of Lake Benton, ^linn. Children ; i. Cecil,8 Jan. 23, 1888. ii. Mildred Rhoda, May 15, 1889. iii. Mary Harriet, d. in infancy, aged 2 mos. iv. Ralph Fletcher, Oct. 15, 1891. V. Fletcher Kirkland, Dec. 24, 1892. vi. Marjorie Helen, Sejit. 22, 1894. vii. Roger Blaine, Sept. 15, 1895. viii. Alexander Edward, Dec. 27, 1896. 507, Charles E.' {Edioard K.," lialph," Joiiathau,* Sannu-l,* JSfatJianitV) , born July 3, 18G5; married at Detroit, Mich., Sent. 14, 1893, Emily L. Warren. Child : Florence Emily,^ Aug. 16, 1894. 510. Oren Cutler' (Amariah,' Nathan," Eliphalel,* E ,* Robert"-), born at AVrcnthain, Feb. 24, 1811 ; died Sept. ! '». He married first, fJuly K!, 1X34, Lucy AVatson, daiiu'litt-r <>t \ .cmhu and Sophia Mann of AValpolc, born Oct. 2, IS'IS; di.d (Vt. C, 1868. He married second, Sept. 21, 186S», Oliv.- M. >Mi:ilt, born Nov. 14, 1837. Hatter. 15 242 WAEE GENEALOGY. Children : 713. i. Edward Cutler,^ Feb. 20, 1850. ii. Margaret S. (adopted) ; m. June 6, 1858, Calvin Guild, iii. Arthur Oren, June, 1870 ; d. 1870. 520. Caleb Austin' (Amariah,^ N^athan,^ Elijjhalet,* Ebenezer^^ Robert''), born at Wrentham, Dec. 20, 1812 ; married first, April 15, 184G, Sarah Cole, dauohter of C. M. and Mary A. (Bennett) Fisher, born in Wrentham,^ May 19, 1824; died Nov. 19, 1867. He married second, Dec. 23, 1868, Eunice Jane Whalen, aged 27, born at Rockland, Nova Scotia, daughter of John and Phoebe (Bennet) Whalen, born Feb. 13, 1842; she died Jan. 15, 1878, in W. Rutland. Resides at West Rutland. Farmer and lumber saw^yer. Children, all but two youngest born at Wrentham : 714. i. Erastus Austin,^ Jan. 4, 1847. ii. Edson Fisher, Feb. 15, 1851 ; d. Sept. 29, 1852. 715. iii. Walter Blake, Oct. 20, 1853. iv. JosiAH Francis, July 9, 1856. V. Joseph Edgar, Rutland, Jan. 4, 1869^ vi. Ella Ydel, Rutland, Jan. 14, 1878. 521. Lyman Smith' {Nathan,^ JSFathan,^ Mii^ludet," Ebenezer^^ Boberf), born Oct. 23 [Nov. 10, Rec], 1803, in AValpole ; died July 17, 1877 ; married April 24, 1825 [1826, Rec], Sarah Turner of Randolph, born Feb. 12, 1798; died May 18, 1868. "Farmer and commission trader between Walpole and Boston for 50 years. Lyman D., in the same business for 25 years, is now a farmer on Nathan jr's homestead. William F. has the old business, which has been for 60 years in the hands of father, son and grandson." (1886). Children : i. Harriet Eliza,^ Julv 13, 182G ; d. June 14, 1892 ; m. Oct. 16, 1849, in Walpole, Daniel Benson of Sturbridge (b. March 28, 1824; d. May 16, 1896). Farmer. Children, boi'n in Sturbridge : 1. Harrison, April 25, 1850; d. April 11, 1851. 2. Lyman, Jan. 10, 1852 ; farmer ; d. 1886, unm. 11. WARE GEXEALOGV. 3. Ella Adelaide, March IK, l.s.i.l ; m. 1880, Andrew E. Nichols (h. 1838 ; d. May .'}, 1K81). 4. Harriet Josephine, Sept. G, 1850. 5. Susan Tsahelle, Nov. I.j. 18'j8 ; d. Oct. 20, iK'Jj, in C'u!. G. J/J/r^ ^/-(/e//, Fch. 7, 18G1 ; d. St-pt. 2;{, 1MM7. 7. £"«« J/^-m, July -i'-. !-■•'• ti. Feb. 2."{, 1892, C'iiArh-* H. Spragiie. 8. Hannah Elizabeth, Oct. 11, 1864; d. July .'>, 1hh7, unm. 9. Clara Annie, Jan. \',^, 18(j7. 10. Daniel Albert, Aug. G, 1870. Mary Jank, Oct. 25, 1828; d. Feb. 11, 1893; m. Maivh 2fi, 1846, George Plympton of Sturbridge or " Medficld " [Wal- pole rec] (b. Feb. 28, 1820; d. Feb. 0. I-- ' Ik* funm-r. wood and lumber dealer). Children, born iii Sturbridge : 1. George William, June 14, 1847 : ni. Sept. 3, 187.'i, Lvdia A. Bailey, Newport. K. I. (b. Mav 27. 1>I2. :.-' \V. Brook field). 2. Sarah Jane, March 26, 1841) ; m. Dec. 21, 1.S7.J, '.. 5. Kate L., April 7, 1862; ra. Sept. 15, ls85. V Andrews (b. Oct. 8, 1«48). Foi-.-mnii in • Susan Augusta, Aug. 4. 18.')1 ; d. Am,'. •>, i^'i ; [Wal. rec, 24], 1858, .Tohu Oren Cay of N. A Nov. 18, 1835), shoemaker; now in lish market. Children, born in N. Abinglon, .Mass. : I.John Albert, Sept. 12, 1S59 ; ui. M.iuu i... l»l. "Euua"Mav Toondw ..f ir..ll.rn,,k M.. Ai.ril l'.«. 1863). 2. '^Bessie", Auyusla, Feb. 5, IHGI ; d. Oct. 13, 18r.|. 3. Henry Fremont, Feb. 11. l^^i"''- : 'I. M:n.!i .:<•. !s75. 4. Calvin Willard, July 25, l.M.l ; d. Aug. 2"".. IKH2. num. 5. George Wellrose, ,]m\. 'M , 1^71; -I. \-' ' '■ l-T' 718. iv. George Henry, July 19, 1832; d. at \Vaip..i..-. !).«. ii, I**''"- 719. V. Lyman Davis, Oct. 23, 1835. Albert Francis, April 3, 18.'.9 ; d. ai \'> .. ;■ ■ , M "Ji 4, 1h;»3. HI. VI. 522. Newell' {Nalh, 1849, iv. Ellen II., Aug. 17, 18.^)2; d. Oct. 10. 18G0. V. Sarah IL, July 20, 18.U ; m. J.>1m, n,ill,.u .v ; th.'v livu on a farm near Newton, Kansas. vi. Susan Melinda, Feb. 17, 1807. Lives at Chillicotlif. Ohio. vii. Carrie, March 23, 18G0; d. Marcli fj, 18r,|. viii. James Edward, Jan. 3, 18G2 ; died in hospital at LiuUjjM>li», O. 724c. ix. Henry Elias, May 10, 18G4. X. Floyd, Nov. 7, 18GG ; d. June 24, 1887. 537. 'RobymtGalts.n'' (Preston,^ Flias,'' Timothif,* Bofirrf,* Hoftert*), born Dec. 2, 1805, at Wrcntham ; died in IJaitiniurc, Md., An;:. 5, 1884; married Sept. 3, 1829, Evelina Carroll of Baltiiuon.- ; she died March 14, 18GG, aged 58. Children : i. Evelina Carroll,^ Fishkill, N. Y., May IG, 1832. ii. Maria Elizabeth, Wrentliani, March 1. l^^'U : ■) ^ unm. iii. Robert Lorenzo, Baltimore, Dec. 30, 1838; d. Feb. *J. iv. Virginia, Baltimore, April 25, 1840 ; ni. Dec 9, 1808, tdmuud Simon. Child : Eveline Carrol, Baltimore, Nov. 2, 1K74. V. Mary, Baltimore, May 2, 1842. 725. vi. Robert Galen, Jr., Baltimore, Aug. 13, 1848. 538. Lorenzo Dow^ (Presto)!,' Elln.^,' TinvAhn,' Iv'i- > , /.'■■'■-••'• », born at Wrenthani, July 10, ISO!); died Nov. 11, I SjJ'-' ; ^^ \ Aug., 1833, Melinda Jane, daughter of Elias Ware, No. 207. Children : i. Ellen Jane,« July 27, is.ll; m. Im. in 1H*»7. Kphrmiin L. Cheever. She m. 2d, in 1872, William P. yVrnisinijIg- ii. Adelaide, d. young. 248 WARE GENEALOGY. iii. EuDORA Melinda, Aug. 26, 1838 ; m. 1st, Charles S. Blood, in 1859. Children : 1. Henry S. 2. Ellen, m. Walter Wynne, Butte, Montana. She m. 2dj 1873, Henry Warrington. 539. Preston, Jr.'' (I^reston,^ Elias,' Timothy,* Robert,^ Roherf)^ born Aug. 13, 1821 ; died Feb. 1, 1890; married June 16, 1846, Lavinia (daughter of Alonzo Lilly of Newton) Lilly of Baltimore, Md. Her ancestry is traced to Capt. Miles Standisli of the Plymouth Colony. " A well known boot and 'shoe dealer of Baltimore and Boston, and a very able chess player. He met across the board every cele- brated player since Morphy, and was recognized as one of the pillars of American chess." [Baldwinsville paper.] Children : 726. i. Francis Aldex,^ Baltimore, April 12, 1850. ii. Mart Lily, Baltimore, Feb. 20, 1853; d. at Newton, March 12, 1864. 727. iii. Charles Howard, Baltimore, Jan. 10, 1855. 728. iv. Bruce Richakdson, Newton, Dec. 30, 1857. 540. James' (Janies,^ Elias,^ Timothy,* Robert,^ Robert'), born July 2, 1819 ; died at Everett, April 11, 1883. He married in Boston, Annie Sneeden of Annapolis, Nova Scotia. Children, born in Everett, Mass. : i, Evelyn Pierpont,^ South Maiden, Nov. 8, 1861 ; d. April 14, 1891, uum. Bur. at Woodlawn Cemetery. 729. ii. Norman W., June 12, 1864. 541. Paschal Paolt Pope'' (James,^ Elias,^ Timothy,* Robert Robert'), born June 12, 1820; died at Everett, Oct. 20, 1882 married Lucy D. Lewis. Children, born in Everett : i. Lucy E.,^ m. Oct. 28, 1880, Theodore H. Pierce (aged 24). 730. ii. Paschal P., m. May 13, 1890, Lora D. Ward. 3 WARE GEXEALOOY. 249 542. Joseph O.^ (James,'' Flias,' Timotli,// linhert* linb^rt*), l)orn Nov. 7, KS24; died Nov. 3, 18i>7; marnt-d in Boston, S-pt. 13, 1856, Haniet C, daughter of Kev. Stephen Lewin, born Feb. 21, 1829, at Jefferson, Me. Resides in New York City. Children : i. Harriet E.,« Dec. 21, is.".? ; d. Dec 7, 1»J8. ii. JosKPiriXK E., Juno 1, 18G9 ; ni. in N' •■ Y •':. < -■ •" ms8 Marion H. Yarmilye. Children : 1. 3farion Hazel, Aug. 11, 1802. 2. Joseph Williams, Sept. 1, 1895. 543. Addisox Pierpoxt^ (James,^ Flids," Timothii,' Rnhrrt,* Robert'), born at Mcdfield, Aug. 27, 1820, "of Janle.H and i:ii/;i (Pope) from Wrentham." Married in Springfield, Mav 2*1, ls.'»2, Sarah B., daughter of James Sanderson, born in \, ,1, about 1^21'. Kemoved to Boston. Children, bom in Springfield : i. Eliza Pope,^ Aug. 6, 1853 ; d. July 11, 18C.2. ii. James Pierpont, Sept. 18, isr.;} ; d. July 1, 1870. iii. George Addison, Jan. 20, IS''^^ : •^ <■■'■'. '. ^«''^. 544. Saimuel Coverly^ (Ephrahn 6r.," EUas,* Timnf/n/,* Ji<>litrt„* Hobert"), born in Boston, Aug. 12, 181 S ; dj.-d at Xewton, Jnn. 17, 1878. lie married Harriet Maria Swett of \V.. .•.•.•■.».■,•, b..r., Mureh 18, 1828. 547. Edwin A.' (Addison,' Elias,' Timothi,' /: '•■ n,' Ii born Aug. 20, 1832; died July 2S, 18S5, at Sweet > Missouri. lie married flulienne, dauglit''- "'' I> .Ian. 20, 1816 ; married Nov. 15, 1840', Mary Tanner. Child : Hkman.* 556. Charles B.' (Ariel,' Asajih,' Ihnnj,* Robert,^ Robcrt*),\iorn May 3, 1818 (not recorded ) ; married ()ct. !', IS-I.'), Limna Cole- man. ■ He resided in Wiliningt(jn, Vt. ; dii'd Feh. >>, 1'.">1. Children : i. Flora,* m. Calvin E. Carpenter. Lives at Wihuiugton. Vu Child : A (laughter, m. Charks L. (irillin. ii. Alice, m. Mr. Carpenter (hrotliur of C. K. Cari»oiit«»r). iii. Charles. Lives on the farm witli fatln^r. N uwrriod and J>a« * son. iv. Fred, d. young. V. Leslie, hves iu Brooklyn, X. Y. 252 WARE GENEALOGY. 556a. Alfred^ {Asaph,^ Asaph," Henry" Robert,^ Roberf), born Oct. 23, 1824; died Oct., 1862; married. Child: CoRiDAN,* resided in Hampden, 0., in 1898. 5566. Edwin Lewis^ (Asaph,^ Asaph," Henry,* Robert,^ Robert'), born in Hampden, O., Sept. 15, 1832; married May 16, 1855, Mary E., daughter of Matthew and Emily (Wiswall) Coon, born June 24, 1835. He resides on a 200 acre farm, one and a half miles west from Coggon, la. Children : 732. i. MiLO Lewis,8 Dec. 1, 1858. ii, Edna Adel, June 24, 1862 ; m. Dec. 27, 1887, Jacob, son of Cyrus and Eliza (Eamsey) Hunter (b. Feb. 18, 1852). Children, born at Coggon, la. : 1. Alice, May 11, 1889. 2. iMari/, Aug. 3, 1890. 3. Lois, Jan. 24, 1893. 4. Mwin, Aug. 30, 1894. iii. Eena Emily, May 28, 1865 ; m. Dec. 31, 1885, Ira E. Ondler, son of Phillip and Sarah (Sherrets) Ondler (b. Jan. 23, 1863). iv. Alfred Victor, Sept. 26, 1869. V. Lily May, .Jan. 4, 1874. 733. vi. Matthew Asaph, Sept. 3, 1875. vii. Maud Elizabeth, May 29, 1879 ; m. Dec. 21, 1899, Lewis A. Hinton. 556c. 2< " 5 Wesley^ {Nathan," JVathan," Ichahod,* Robert,"" Roberf) born in AVhitefield, Me., Jan. 18, 1825 ; died in Cambridge, Mass., in March, 1895. Resided at Cambridge. He married Adeline Fuller. He was a contractor and builder. Children, born in Cambridge : 733a. i. Albert Lincoln,^ July 27, 1860. 7336. ii. Gilbert Nathan, Nov. 22, 1863. WAKE GEXEALOGY. 253 556(1. WiLLARD William' {Ei-erctt,' Xathan,* T' ' '' " ' '• Bobert-), horn Sei^t. 21, 1.Sl>4 ; ilicd May 22, 1 . _ . .. i. 1, 1855 (int.), Ursula M. Davis of Jeficrson, Lincoln Co. She married second, Aug-. 2, is;).;, at Wrcnthani, Ix-onartl l*ca»lcc of Whitefield. Children, born in "Wliitelield, Me. : i. Henrietta,^ Juue 14, 18oG ; m. James W. Jov^eit, of \V. Children : 1. Alice M., June 3, 1877. 2. Hannah R., July 31, 1878. 3. George W., Dec. 9, 1880. 4. Bertie A., March 15, 1884. 5. Ida iVai/, Aug. 11, 188G. G. Clarence B., Oct. 2, 1888. 7. Arthur J., Manli 2G, 1892. 8. JEveretl W., May 19, 1895. 734. ii. Benjamin K., Aug. 25, 1858. iii. Fanny B. ("youngest"), Oct. 18, 1.SG4; m. (int. Dec. 17. 1879). George B. Cookson of AViudsor (b. July '2'>. I'^H). Children : 1. jMary B., Oct. 15, 1882. 2. Borace A., Jan. 29, 1884. 3. Lizzie 31., May 17, 1885. 4. Lucy 31., July 14, 1893. 55Ge. RuFUS A.' {Everett," I\^uthan,' Irhnhod,* Robert,* Rnbt^rC), born Jan. 2, 1829; married (int. Jan. 2, 1858), Marjpircl A. Choate, both of Whitefield ; she died May 2ti, 1895. Children, born in Whitefield, jNIc. : i. Frank E.,^ Aug. 22, 1858 ; d. March 9, 1HG4. ii. Forrest E., Sept. 28, 18G7. iii. Leslie A., May 7, 1875. 550/-. Obed' {Joseph,'' Obcd,' Ichabod,* liobirt/ n.h-rr), 1.0.11 April 28, 181 G ; removed to Tittston. He marri.d. .May 20, 1^4U, Miir>* Ann Choate of Whitelield, born Juue 5, 1^21. 254 WAEE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Mary N.,^ Feb. 19, d. May 10, 1841. ii. John W. F., Aug. 4, 1842 ; d. Aug. 29, 1861. 735. iii. Charles F., Feb. 20, 1845 ; d. July, 1883. iv. Obed a., Nov. 27, d. Dec. 28, 1847. V. Mary Ella, March 31, 1850; m. Nov. 11, 1879, George L. Blair of Pittston (b. May 11, 1836; d. Feb. 8, 1886). Child : George E., Sept. 18, 1883. vi. Anne Maria, .June 23, 1853; m. (int. Dec. 20, 1869), Fessen- den B. Turner of Whitelield. Children : 1. Amy Ella, Sept. 18, 1874; m. Jan. 1, 1896, Dexter Kensell. 2. Ethel May, Sept. 20, 1876. 3. Eva Louisa, Dec. 29, 1880. 786. vii. Nathan F., Dec. 20, 1856. viii. Obed Edgar, April 22, 1859 , d. at Whitefield, Oct. 11, 1893. 556^. Nathan' {Joseph,^ Obed,^ Ichahod,'^ Robert,^ Hobet^f), born in Whitefield, Me., May 27, 1818 ; married Jan. 19, 1847, Mariah C. Kennedy of Jefferson, Me. Child : EvA,^ d. young. 556A. Timothy' (Joseph,^ Obed,^ Ichabod,* Robert,'^ Robert"), born at Whitefield, Me., Oct. 26, 1820; married (int. Nov. 5, 1860), Sophronia Blodgett of Pittston. Children, born in Whitefield : 737. i. William H.,^ Dec. 9, 1862. 738. ii. George P., Sept. 22, 1864. iii. Joseph F., March 22, 1867 ; d. Dec. 22, 1896. iv. Nellie M., Sept. 22, 1869 ; m. at .Jefferson (she of W.), June 10, 1893, Levi. G. Hathaway of Bourne, Mass. V. Sadie L., March 25, 1871 ; m. at E. Pittston, Dec. 12, 1892, Frank B. Ellis of Sagamore, Mass. WARE OENEAI.OGY. J55 Children : 1. Leslie R, May 7, 1893. 2. Helen M., March 20, 1898. 55G<. David, Jr.' {David," Obed,' Tchnhod,' lUnrt,' IlJ>rrf), horn Sept. 25, 1830; married, "of Alna," March 10, 1{<5"J, Mary K. Welch of Whitefield. Children : i. Ed-\vard Everett,^ Aug. 29, 18GI. ii. Abbie Lizzie, Nov. 7, 1864 ; in. Chaourne. Child : Clarence L., March 29, 1889. iii. Carletox E., Feh. 26, 1868. iv. Nelly M., Feb. 17, 1873. 550/. Obed' (David," Ohed,'' Tchahod,* Robert,^ RoberC), U^m [in Whitefield, Me.], April 1, 1838 ; died Dec. 3, is'.i 1 ; married firnt, April 5, 18G4r, Ellen C. Lewis of Hudson, Mass. lie murrittl second, Nov. 25, 187-4, at Hudson, Lucy Danforth. Kc?idcil in Hudson. No children. 556Z-. Philander Hartwf.ll' (David,' Obrd,' Ir/mb.nl,* Unh'^rt,* i?o6er<'), born April 10, 184G ; married Nnv. 2.^ isi'.T. :,t Hud- son, Mass., Sara Lewis. Kesidcs in Hndsdii. 557. William Goodrich' (Josia/i If.," Josrjdi,' hhnbod,* Il>brrt,* Robert'), horn at E. Mcdway, F.I.. 17, 1x32: marri.d '•'••|'- 7. 1856, Angeline PL, dauirhtcr of Henry and .Iiuic (Thayer) I " • Medway ; she died of (•oiistun|)tion, March 21*, I.*^.'''''. Uei : second, June 7, 1S')7, daiie F., dau-hterofllenry and.Fanc ('1' Ellis, widow of Francis Parker Daniels of Medway. Live, in Dcd- ham ; M . D . 256 WAKE GENEALOGY. 558. Augustus Lyman' {Josiah Holhrooh,^ Joseph,^ Ichahod,* Robert,^ Robert"), born in E. Medway, Oct. 14, 1838; married Oct. 6, 1875, Inez Alberti, daughter of Albert and Hannah Miller (Boyd) Reed, born at Calais, Me., July 31, 1845. Live in Millis. Children : i. Hannah BoyD,« Oct. 10, 1876. ii. Arthur Hale, Aug. 8, 1880. iii. Augustus Vernon, March 29, 1883 ; d. Oct. 8, 1884. iv. Inez Alberti, March 29, 1883. 559. Marcellus Austin^ {Josiah,^ Joseph,^ Ichahod,'^ Robert,^ Robert'), born Jan. 16, 1845. (Medway.) Resides at JNIillis. He and his brother, Augustus L., are organ-pipe makers in E. Med- way. He married July 9, 1896, Mrs. Mary Joanna (Clark) Plummer, daughter of Putnam Richardson and Mary B. (Perige) Clark of Millis. 561. Edmund Asa' {AsaB.,^ Joseph,^ Ichabod,* Robert,^ Robert), born in Wrenthain, Dec. 22, 1837 ; was educated in the public schools of Wrentham, at the Academy in Norwich, Conn., and Yale College, Avhere he was graduated in 1863. While in college he conceived tlie plan of doing a large work for the education of the negro. With this in mind he taught two years in the Free Academy in Norwich, then served one year as principal of one of the newly- organized public schools of Nashville, Tenn. In 1866 he went to Atlanta, Ga., under the auspices of the American Missionary Associ- ation. In 1867 he was appointed superintendent of schools for the State of Georgia under the Freedmen's Bureau; in 1869 he was elected president of Atlanta University, in which he did noble service till his death, Sept. 25, 1885. He married at Plantsville, Conn., Nov. 10, 1869, Sarah Jane, daughter of Edward and Sclina Delight (Carter) Twichell, born at Southington, Conn., June 28, 1844; she died Feb. 17, 1890. Children : i, Katharine,^ June 15, 1872; m. June 15, 1898, George Milton Smitli of Plantsville, Conn. WARE GENEALOGY. .,,, Children : 1. Alice HoldsUp, Marcli 27, is'j'j. 2. Edmund Ware, Dec. 10, I'JUU. ii. Edward Twichkll, March 21, l.s7 I ; a studeui iu Uuiou Thoo- logical Seminary, New York City, in I'JUl. iii. Gertuudk IIuxtingtox, Ang. 8, 1877. iv. Olivk, July 10, 1881. 5G2. George Bentlt:y^ (Timolln/," Ehonexer,^ Ir/nt/,,,/,' Ii,!,' rt,* Robert'^, born at Wrcnthani, ^larch 11, 184(5 ; marrii-tl iir^st, Ajiril 18, 1872, Elizabeth AV., daughter of Dca. Edwin and ICIi/.a lUake, and widow of Day; she died Sept. 1'), l>!7s. Hl- married second, Feb. 4, 1880, Sarah W. Litchfield, born dan. 13, 1859. Residence, Wrentham. Children : i. Josephine Ethel,* Nov. 10, 1873. ii. Mary Ella, May 27, 1881. iii. Charles Bentlev, Oct. 31, 1882. iv. Abby Maria, Oct. IG, 1884. V. Ellen Elizabeth, Jan. C, 1887. vi. Emily Louisa, Feb. 24, 1889. vii. George Clarence, INIay 17, 1890. viii. Sarah Matilda, July 19, 1891. ix. Frank Ernest, Jan. 23, 1883. X. Caroline Frances, Dec. 1^. \^'^\. 5G3. Edmund Richardson' {Cyras,' Cj/ruft,* Ichrthod,* R>h,rt,* JRobert"-), born at Wrentham, Sopt. 2G, 1H34; inarrictl Sc\A. 15, 1858, in Providence, R. I., Mary Davis Wilkinson, horn in Wn-n- tham, July 13, 1840. Children : i. Louie Krvii.i.e,* Now Bedford, Nov. l--. 1 - -• Conudl 1H9J. Resides at A^'orcl•ster. ii. Irving Victor, Worcester, Aug. 6, 1871 ; d. iu W..ro. Mor, M*y 14, 1875. 258 WARE GENEALOGY. 564. Erastus'' (Vinal,^ Jason,^ Jabez,'^ Michael,^ Robert^), born Sept. 27, 1834; lives at Union, Me.; married June 5, 1861, Julia F. Metcalf of Hope, Me, Children : i. Sarah L.,^ April 14, 1865; m. Feb. 3, 1886, Fred S. Burgess. Children : 1. Mahel, .Ian. 18, 1887. 2. A Son, Feb. 14, 1889. ii. Mary E., Feb. 15, 1868. iii. Eva E., Oct. 15, 1873. iv. Herbert Vinal, Feb. 12, 1878. 565. Jason^ (Jahez,^ Jason,^ Jahez,* Michael,^ Roherf ), born Jan. 27, 1837 ; married June, 1861, Sarah A. Field. Resides at Lin- colnville, Me. Children : i. LiLABEL,^ May 7, 1862 ; d. Sept. 18, 1865. ii. Sarah Anne, Feb. 7, 1866. iii. Arthur Henry, Dec. 25, 1871. iv. LiLLiE Eveline, Nov. 30, 1874; d. Feb. 1, 1889. V. Olive Susan, Oct. 5, 1878. vi. Jennie Estella, July 4, 1886. 567. Jabez Gilbert^ (Jabez,^ Jaso7i,^ Jabez,* 3Iichael,^ Robert^), born July 10, 1844; married March 31, 186S), Ella Field. Was divorced, and married second, Mary L. Richardson, Children : i. Charlotte C.,^ April 8, 1870. ii. Eliza Gertrude, Dec. 22, 1871 ; d. Aug. 22, 1888. iii. Minnie Belle, April 2, 1874; d. July 10, 1875. iv. Erastus G., March 6, 1883. V. N. Augustine, Dec. 3, 1884. vi. Flora M., Jan. 13, 1887. vii. Sadie L., Jan. 6, 1888 ; d. April 3, 1889. WARE GENEALOGY. viii. Frank IT., July 25, 1890. ix. Grace L., April 1; 1892. X. Bkrtik EvEur.T, ) .^ .„ .^^, xi. EviE Bkrteela; ) ^^^^- ^^' ^«^^- xii. Oscar Wallace, Sept. 25, 189G. 568. Albert Pond' (Bonjamin P.," Amos,* .hiUz,* Mirhnri^* Robert"), born at Franklin, Awj;. .3, ISIM; difd at Andovt-r, N\>- vember, 1880; married Elizabeth A., dauglitt-r of CVd. Hcnjutnin Abbott of Andovcr (born in AVorcester). Lived at IVovidi-nro, R. I., and at AVorcestcr. "Ware, Pratt & Co. Clothin;,'." In boyhood and early manhood lived in the families of Kra^tus* and Horace.* He left a large estate, and at liis death distrihutf«l it among his friends and cousins. [D. E. W.] Children, both of whom died unmarried before their purentj* : i. Charles Albert^ ii. Susan. 5G9. Charles ]Ma"\vney' (Benjamin P.,' Amos,* ,lih>-.,' M,. - /,' Robert" ),hovi\ in Franklin, Aug. 23, l.sl'); marricil 1 >. .•.•iiiImt, 1847, Martha Sheldon [Angelsdon?] of .IohM;*on, K. 1. Livw at New London, Conn. Child : 740. Charles Benjamin,^ "Worcester, April 13, lS.'»o. 570. Horace' (Emstus," Amos,' Jxbv:,* Mirhn^h' Pv.hf-rt* ), born at Salem, May 11, 1820; died there. May 2, IS'JI ; marrieil Dtx}. 26, 1844, Lucy Ann Wardwell. Children, born in Salem : i. George Barker,* Salem, Jan. 7, 18 in. ii. Frank, Sept. 27, 1848; <1. in 1H72 ; loflt at se.i. "■■1. .) < Benjamin P.,' (Erastus,' Amos,* Jahrz,* Mirhnrl,' Iinf>rrC ), born April 9, 1822; married in Salen), Oct. 29, 18J''.. Ilunnnh. 260 WARE GENEALOGY. daughter of John and Hannah (Upham) Clifton of Salem (born at Castine, Me., Sept. 16, 1823. [See Upham Family.] Children : i. Mary Helen,^ Oct. 7, 1848; m. Jan. 6, 1873, at Marblehead, Stephen C, son of Joseph and Clara (dan. of Erastus Amos Ware) Rose (b. April 26, 1839 ; d. July 27, 1896). Children : 1. Ethel, May 19, 1880 ; drowned at Sea Bluffs, April 7, 1883. 2. Alice, Danvers, Feb. 23, 1882 ; d. Oct. 31, 1889. 3. Robert Ware, Dec. 22, 1883. 4. Clarissa, April 16, 1888. 5. Stephen Darwin, Dec. 15, 1889. ii. RoBEUT C, Canterbury, Conn., April 8, 1853 ; M. I. Technology ; d. June 25, 1883 ; unm. iii. John F., Feb. 20, d. Sept. 15, 1861. iv. Clara R., July 30, 1866 ; d. March 9, 1867. 572. Erastus Darwin^ (also known as Darwin Erastus) (Erastus,^ Amos,^ Jabez," Michael,'' Roherf), born Feb. 11, 1831; died April 2, 1897; married at Washington, D. C, May 26, 1868, Adelaide Frances Dickey. Lawyer in Boston. Child : Richard Darwin,^ Marblehead, May 26, 1869 ; H. C. 1890 ; H. Law Sell., 1893. Lawyer, Boston. 573. Daniel Leander'' (Amos,^ Amos,^ Jahez,* Michael, "^ Roherf)y born May 15, 1823; died Nov. 4, 1887; married April 5, 1842, Eunice, daughter of Aaron and Eunice Wheeler, also of Fitchburg (born March 13, 1809 ; died June 23, 1873, at Paxton). Children : i. Horace,* 1843 ; d. aged 4 days. ii. Mary, Jan. 8, 1844; d. Oct. 8, 1859. iii. Albert, July 4, 1847 ; d. April 19, 1853. iv. Adeline E. (or D.), Sept. 18, 1855 ; m. Oct. 24, 1882, Nelson T., sou of John A. and Rosa L. Frink (b. Spencer, aged 25). AVARE GENEALOGY. 2GI Children : 1. Albert Nelson, Dec. 23, 1884. 2. Walter Adams, .lau. 8, 1887. 3. Mary Eunice, May 7, 1889. 4. Arthur Howard, Sept. 3, 189C. 574. Benjamin F.^ (xlmos,^ Amos," Juher.* JIic/il,* Ji>>l„rf*), born in Paxton, April 3, 1835; died Dec. 5, 1877; iu;»rr!<>lie died in Westminster, Oct. 5, 1872. He married third, Fi-h. (j, 1873, " at Westminster," Abbey N., daughter of David an«I Fanny (Robinson) Kemp of Westminster, born in 1S43 at Decrfudd (her first marriage). He removed in 1884 from South Hccrfald to Kansas. Children : i. German,* was stabbed in Kansas City. ii. Elavix B., resides at Eureka, Kaiisa>. iii. Francis S., South Deerfield, July 2, 1870. llesides at W. (Jard- uer. 589. Kendrick' (Jfantn,^ James,' Mirlt'!,' Muh.i.l,' Uub'-rt*), resided at Bucklaud ; married Nancy M. Webber or Wilder. Children : i. Adelaide.' ii. Frederick. 749. iii. AzRO W. 51)1. Henry' (Frederick II.,' Frclvrirl:,' .r>n'ith'ni,* Juunthan,* Robert'), born in Pomfrct, Vt., Feb. 12, 1.^2.-. : married On. 22. 1855, Ellen Darling. Resided at X. Williston, \ t., in lsy8. d 595. Carlos L.' {Leonard,* Frederick,' John,' Jouulfion, J. bornatPomfret, Vt., Mav 5, ls;^2; died duly 1. 1'^''' Jan. 13, 1859, Mrs. Mary Wright. (She had thr.e \, .- dren; one, Mrs. E. F. Oage of Albert Lea, .Mmn.. ihal duly 1. 1886). 264 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. JuLiA,8 Jan. 15, I860; d. March 17, 1861. 750. ii. James William, Aug. 4, 1862. iii. Jessie Florence, July 9, 1864 ; m. Dec. 22, 1887, Joseph Broarldus. Children : 1. James Ware, Dec. 14, 1889. 2. Richard Dudley, June 29, 1891. 3. Marion Lew, Feb. 5, 1893 ; all of Chillicothe, Mo. iv. Georgia Emily, Feb. 4, 1867; m. Nov. 17, 1886, Charles Rheem of Oshkosh, Wis. Child : Alice Louise, Aug. 17, 1887. 596. William Wallace^ {Leonard,^ Frederic!:,^ Jonathan,* Jo- nathan,^ Robert^), born at Pomfret, Vt., Dec. 22, 1833; married at Denver, Col., Jan. 5, 1886, Dora C. Senter. 599. John Fisher'' {Jonathan,'^ Paul,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan^^ Robert'), born in Milton, April 7, 1832; died at Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 22, 1869; married Jan. 27, 1868, Julia A. Bladen of Philadelphia. 602. Leonard, Jr.'' {Leonard,^ Paid,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan^ Robert"^), born Jan. 28, 1840; married in Springfield, Jan. 7, 1880, Laura Dwight, daughter of Homer Foote of Springfield, born in 1855. Merchant; lives in lloxbuiy. Children : i. Anna Dorr,^ May IG, 1881. ii. Laura Dwight, Feb. 28, 1883. iii. Dwight, Sept. 4, 1885. iv. Ruth, Oct. 28, 1887. WARE GENEALOGY. 2fi5 603. Moses Everett' {Leonard,' Paul,* Jonathan,* Jonathan,* liobert'), born Aug. 4, 1841 ; inarrit-il in Koxiniry, (X-t. 21», ISGT, Agnes Maria Wheeler. Children : i. Bkrtita Agnes,' Nov. 2, 1874. ii. Leonard Everett, Sept. 27, 1876. iii. Storeu Preble, July 25, 1881. 60-1. Thomas Mixns' {Leonard,' Paiil,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan/ Robert'), born in Boston, ^lay 25, 184.'}; niarriod in Uoxhury, Nov. 13, 1872, Mary II., daughter of William an.l Mary K. (Bowles) Crosby, born in Roxbury, May 25, lx}<>. W. i.f f.. Hingham in 1881. Children : i. Thomas Minns,' Oct. G, 1873. ii. Sarah Minns, July 2, 1875. iii. Mary Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1877. iv. William Crosby, Sept. 25, 1879. V. Gertrude May, Ilin^liam, June 19, 1882. vi. Harriot, July 21, 1H85. vii. Clara Crosby, April 24, 1888. 605. Francis' {Leonard,' Paul," Jonathan,* Jonathan,' JlohrrC), born in Roxbury, Feb. 11, 1847; died Oct. 10, is:»l ; nmrritxl Oct. 16, 1872, Maud, daughter of Parkman p.-xfrr ..r n.wt,.,,. Children : i. EoBERT Dexter,« Scpt. 30, 1873. ii. Kate D., July 8, 1877. iii. Jessie Campbell, Oct. 21, 1879. 606. William Minns' (I^conard,' J'anl,' Junatinin,* .A '' \* Robert"',) born in Roxbury, April 20, 18-lU; marricil ul . - Plain, Dec. 20, 1876, Florence Brewer. 17 .ca 266 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Eliot Brewer,^ Sept. 15, 1877. ii. Moses Weld, Jan. 19, 1879. iii. Edwakd Winslow, Nov. 26, 1881. iv. Raymond, June 13, 1883. V. Alice Loring, Hull, July 18, 1885. 607. Charles' {Leonard,^ JPaul,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Robert^), born in Roxbury, June 4, 1853 ; married in Springfield, April 29, 1885, Mary Temple, daughter of Nehemiah Leonard, aged 25. Resided in New York (died in 1888). 611. Francis NewcOmb' {Melatiah,^ Melatiah,^ Melatiah," Jo- nathan,^ Robert''), born in Wilmington, Vt., May 13, 1840; married Laura Donolson, 612. Charles YLe^^txy' {Melatiah,^ Melatiah,^ Melatiah,* Jonathan,^ Roberf) , born in Wilmington, Vt., April 13, 1850 ; married Sarah Basset. "Has 5 children." 613. Frederic L.' {Melatiah,'^ Meletiah," Meletiah,* Jonathan,^ Robert^), born in Wilmington, Vt. ; married Flora Bates. "One child." 618. Albert Chaffin' {Daniel Leonard,^ Daniel,'' Melatiah,* Jonathan,^ Robert''), born April 30, 1851; died Oct. 18, 1873; married Oct. 7, 1872, Ella Buinstead Ileilge. He was a clerk in a R. R. office. AVARE GEXEALOC.Y. ^,j, G20. Albert II.' (AhcJ,'' Abel,' Fijhrxin,,* Eplimim,^ Ephmim'), born Aug. 7, 1827; died April 1, \H\y.\; Howd. Cull. 1H41»; married Oct. 16, 185.1, Harriet K., daiigliter uf Dr. Isnac aud Sarah B. Palmer of Anson, ]\Ie. ; settled in Anson; lawyer. Children, born in Anson : L Albert P.,^ May 2, 1857 ; d. April 21, \M\. ii. Robert Christmas, Dec. 25, 1859 ; d. Man-li 24. 1802. iii. WixiFRED, Dec. [10], 1800; "Maine W«sl. Si-iii. and l-'i \ tchool teacher, organist and a fine singer, iii. E-AiMA F., Sept. 27, 1800; m. at Fitclibuig, M.iy I. '— ' V''- " L. Fiske. 765. iv. Harry E., July 14, 1870. V. Lottie M., Oct. 3, 1876. 620. Levi' {Abel," James,'' Jonathan,* liobrrt,' Kjihiitiin' ), born at Townsend, Feb. 21, 1835; married Nov. 24, IM.V.I, I«nl»oI Freeman, aged 23, daughter of CJeorgi- \. I'ark.s of Harro. ('«m»|kt. Soldier in Kebcllion ; cnhsted in the 53d .Mai*w. V«»I. Inf. He diinl ?it Marine Hospital, New Orleans, Feb. i», 18G3, of inthnunmlion. She lives in Chicago, 111. Children, born at Townsend : i. Herbert G.," Sept. 17, IHOO; d. D..-.-. 17. IHC.J. ii. Levi, Aug. 2, 1803 ; 18'J8 lives with his niolhor in Chicago. 270 WARE GENEALOGY. 630. Samuel^ (Abel,^ James,^ Jonathan,* Robert,^ Ephraim^), born at Townsend, Dec. 28, 1837 ; married at Fitcliburg, July 7, 1886, Abbie Jane, daughter of Stillman and Phoebe Sawyer. She was born at Westminster, Oct. 18, 1858. Lives in West Townsend; farmer ; deacon. Child : Mebvin Willis,^ Sept. 4, 1889. 633. John J.' ( Joel, ^ Jonathan,^ Ehenezer,* Nathaniel,'^ Ehenezer^ ), born [in Newton] about 1820; married Aug. 26, 1847, Ann Joyce. Child : Sarah F.,^ Needham ; m. Sept. G, 1874, in Newton, John H. Hoyt. 634. Walter Macon' ( Ebenezer,^ Ebenezev,^ Ebenezer ," Natlianiel ,^ Ebenezer'), born Oct. 19, 1835; married Dec. 16 or 19, 1857, Louisa Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander J. and Lucena (Chadwick) French (born in Harrisville, X. Y., Dec. 5, 1840). He resided at Hancock, Wis., from 1856 till 1888, when he located in Lemar, Ark. Is now at Wesley, Madison Co., Ark. (1898.) Farmer. Children, all born in Hancock, Wis. : 767. i. P^RANCis Willis,^ Jan. 27, 1859. ii. Mary Ellen, Feb. 10, 1861 ; m. July 24 or 27, 1881, James Hardy, son of Dudley and Hannah (Burge) Cass, b. in Oak- land, Wis., Oct. 17, 1851. Child : Ethel Fannie, Aug. 19, 1882. 768. iii. Seneca Eugene, Aug. 29, 1862. iv. Vina Etta, Feb. 28, 1865 ; m. at Hancock, Wis., June 27, 1886, Albert IL, son of Samuel P. and Annett E. (Drake) Delap (b. in Dunn Co., Wis., June 7, 1862) ; res. at Hancock, Wis. Child : Martha Etta. MA in: GENEALOGY. 271 •oo V. Adeli. Lucene, Feb. 28, 18C8 ; m. Doc. 5, I88r,, Alvin L., tc of Warren aud Susan C. (Cupp) Stcarius (b. Jan. U, 11*02). vi. Agnes Joanna, April 2, I87u. vii. Elizabeth Sali.v, Jan. 2lt, 1873. viii. Eliza Martilv, April 2, ls7."j. ix Hakky Eben, Marcb 22, ls77. 636. Edwin' {Ebenezer," Ehenezev," Fbenezer,* yathauirl,^ Eht- tiezer'^), born at Ilancook, X. II., Jan. 31, 1842; uiarrl.J flr-t, Dec. 16, 1866, Agnes, tlausihter of John and A^nf»j ( .MfNaiij,'l»t ) McQuarters (born in 'J\iriir\ille, (\)nn, ,lan. 6, 1H4.'»; ilic«l in Winnebago, 111., ]May 24, 1883) : he married second, .Ian. 31, 1886, ]\rary E., daughter of Amos aud Elizabeth (Tygert) Miller (born in Vernon Centre, Oneida Co, X. \ ., Jan. 31, ls42; died April 21, 1892). He married third, Dee. 20, l.si)4, Jt-nnio, dan;:liliT of Robert and ]\Iary (Traham S[)otts\vood (born in Kempt villi", Ontario, Sept. 16, 1852). "]Mr. Ware was dis(pialified for military duty by reason uf mal- formation of ankles from l)irth, but he enli>ted in Company (J. 13th regt. X. H. vols., Aug. 13, 1S62, and was Herrpted. 'rhou;;b suffering severely at times from the heavy marelu-s his rfginieiit wa« called upon to perform, he never lost a day's tluty by n-aiiun of it. He was never off duty or absent from his company tx<-i-|tt by ■ of wounds received in battle. He was nmstcred as third was promoted to the rank of first sergeant, and was eoui lieutenant by the governor of Xcw IIami>shire, but was not inimtcred as such, owing to the early muster out «)f his n-ginu-nl. IIo wiui wounded twice at Fredericksburg, once at Cold Harbor, an-! at Fort Harrison. He was an intelligent, brave sohlier, ai. versally liked by the otHcers and men of tin- regiment." |^Ilif«- m. 2d, Nov. 17, r.»U(i. \V. II. I'l.wii.-. Iv'-- '' ^"- l^'-TV. N. 11. Chilli : Agnes Lyra Knlyhl, Winn.'b.\i,'o, III.. Sept. 13. l'''.»3. 272 WARE GENEALOGY. ii. Ernest Edwin, Harrisville, N. H., May 6, 1871. Has served in hospital corps siuce the beginning of the present war, 1897- 1901. iii. John Clifton, "Winnebago, 111., Dec. 27, 1880. A soldier in the 3d regt. U. S. Infantry, in hard service on the island of Luzon (1901). 637. Albert Edson' {Ehenezer,^ Ehenezer,^ Ebenezer,* Jfathaniel,^ Ebenezer^), born June 6, 1851 ; married Feb. 10, 1881, Sarah Elmira, daughter of Samuel Gardner and Sarah (Lawton) Knight, born Feb. 10, 1860. He is a dentist. Harvard Dental College, and resides on a farm in Hancock, N. H. Child : Frederick Albert,^ Nov. 7, 1881. 639. David Thompson^ (Jason,^ Jasoji,^ JVathaniel,^ JVathaniel,^ Ebenezer^) , born June 7, 1817 ; died Sept. 10, 1882. He married Dec. 29, 1846, Hannah Maria, daughter of Ebenezer and Lydia (Davis) Russell, born Feb. 17, 1827. Lives at Hancock, N. H. Child : 773. Willis Clark,^ Sept. 24, 1850 ; d. Sept. 10, 1882. 640. Franklin Jason' {Jason,^ Jason,^ N'athaniel,* Nathaniel^^ Ebenezer'), born March 11, 1820; died Nov. 30, 1891. He married April 13, 1847, Mary Ann, daugliter of Simeon and Betsey (Dennis) Lakin, sister of R. S. Lakin of Boston, whose sou she adopted; she was born Sept. 18, 1822; died April 4, 1891. Resided at Dublin, N. H. ; then Keene, N. H., 1865. Justice of the peace 1858 ; elected to Common Council 1874 and 1878. Children : i. Ellen R,« Jan. 28, 1849 ; d. May 1, 1850. ii. Clark John Lakin, adopted May 8, 1852, son of R. Sylvester Lakin and Susan Page, daughter of Joseph and Elvira (Moore) Gilbert. WARE GENEALOGY'. Gil. 273 Harvey Jewett^ (Jasou," Jnso,,,' XutlumirJ,* Xitthnnirt • Ebenezer'), born July 21, l^;L>i) ; died March 23, isitH; ,„HrriM May 13, 1852, Elvira A., diiu^htcr (.f .loscpli and Marv f.l, »,tt) Osgood, born in Nelson, April (J, 1S32. Kesidcs at K. 11.: , .o N. H Children : i. Frank IIkxry,^ June 13, LSoO. 775. ii. Edcar Laubin, April G, 1801. iii. MixxiE Adeline, Ajn-il 18, 1800. 642. Hexrt Ward' (Jason,' Jason,' Nathaniel,* Xathnniel,* KU- nezer"), born Feb. 15, 1831 ; died :\rareh l(i, IHiKJ; married June 6, 1860, Nellie C, daugiiter of Stephen Heck with of Ac\v<.rih, N. H., born May 7, 1838. Children : 776. i. Clarence Harvey,^ Jan. 28, 18C1. ii. Elmer Sumner, Dec. 6, 1803. iii. Eugene Martin, Feb. 11, 18GG. iv. Florence Cynthia, May 11, l.s77. 643. Albert Erastus' {Ward,' Jason," Xathanitl,* Xalftnnnl,* Ehenezer"^), born in Hancock, N. II., Oct. 10, 1827; died of lockjaw at San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 10, ISlJT; luarrinl firj»t, Oft. 21, 1858, jNIary Elizabeth, daughter of EiiphaJct an»."{.'l ; dic«l .\pril 28, 1859. He married second, -Ian. 1, IM!!, in \\'a!i73, Kva J. Dennison of Lcjdcn, ^lass. Childi'en : i. Burton Clinton," Feb. 20, lft7;3. ii. Robert Dennison, April 17, 1885. 653. George R.* (Erasttis,'' Levl,*^ Ezra,^ Jo/tn,* Jnl,r, •/ An*), born April 22, 1832; married at Westmoreland. \. II,, Mar.li 17, 1857, Hattie E,, daughter of Jonathan and Harriot (Ha.Hting*) Cobleigh, born Sept. 17, 1837. Children : 806. i. Herbert IT.," Nov. 21, 1859. ii. Fannie J., Sept. 21, 186G; m. Frank Jackson, li-ia- r- field Factory. Child: Andrew Frank, Sept. 8, 1894. 807. iii. Sidney L., June G, 18G8. iv. Alice Mabel, Aug. 10, 1870. 654. LeviB.' (Erastiis,' Levi," Ezra,' Join,,' dnhn, .A.,,,, y iMrn March 11, 1845 ; died June 14, 1S!I4. Ilf marri.-d lir(»t, in \N r»t- moreland, X. II., Xov. IS, 1873, Flora .\., dau-htt-r ol .Viuoh K. and Rosamund (Waldo) Hubbard of ChesU-rfiold, N . H . lK.ra Sept. 3, 1851; died Feb. 3, 18S1. lb- nmrnnl ...•.•.,„.. Jan o, 1885, Ella E., daughter of Ahxaiidcr S. and duba (I-rankhn) Campbell. Children : i. A child, b. Nov. 10, d. Xuv. 1-'. 1^7C.. ii. Addison L., Jan. 3, 1881. 276 WAKE GENEALOGY. 655. Oscar James^ {James Royal,'' Levi,^ Ezra,^ John,* John,^ John^), born May 27, 1846; married March 23, 1880, Elizabeth L. (adopted daughter of Foster Franklin) of Westmoreland, N. H. Lives at W. Children : i. Byron FrankliNj^ Jan. 23, 1881 ; d. May 5, 1885. ii. Perley James, Dec. 31, 1882 ; d. March 23, 1886. iii. Florence Martha, May 8, 1885. iv. Elmer Foster. June 15, 1887 ; d. ["Byron," "June 14, 1887." Westm. record]. V. Ethel Anna, May 3, 1889, vi. Marcia Louisa, June 20, 1892. vii. Elsie Elli;n, Nov. 22, 1893. 656. Wallace King* {James Royal,'' Levi,^ Ezra,^ JoJm,'^ John,'' John'), born July 22, 1848; married Feb. 2, 1881, Grace A. Darling, Chesterfield, N. H. 657. Frank Herman® {James Royal,'' Levi,^ Ezra," John,* John,^ John'), born Feb. 21, 1853; married Aug. 30, 1883, Mrs. Nellie (Cressy) Foster; no children in 1889. 658. John® {John Albert,'' John,^ Ezra,^ John,* John,^ John'), born Oct. 25, 1843; married Sept. 3, 1865 (by Rev. Jacob Ide of Mansfield) , Mary A., daughter of William P. and Cynthia A. Clark of Foxboro', ajced 19 at marriage. Blacksmith. Child : Mary Elizabeth,^ Foxboro', Aug. 31, 1868 ; married Frank Young of Attleboro.' WARE GENEALOGY. ?77 GGL 7 I Charles Henry® {Gcorrjc L.,'' Gcorpr,* F:rfi,* John,' John"), born in Wrentluuu, Sept. 5, IS.V.I. He married i f Lemuel S. and Maiy "?) in Clinton, Jan, 1, ls>;), Julia AdtdlJoy, born in Hancock, Me. GGla. Edmund Burke* {Alonz/y Leprelett,' (ieorgc,* JJzni,' JJiti,* Jolui,^ John''), born ,Iunc 2G, 1.S43, at W. ; served in ('•>. A., -llh regt. Mass. V. I., in the Civil War; died at Diekinson, Diik., Oct. 6, 1883; married Mary Isabellc Watson of St. Paul, Minn., born at Hartford, Conn., Oct. 26, 1853. Resided at liidmarek and Dickin- son, Dak. Children, born in Bismarck : i. Edwaud Beknaud,' Nov. 16, 1873. ii. Helen Isabel, June 7, 1882. GGli. ROMONDOC (Charles,' Gconje," K:ra,\Tohn,' Juhn* John'), born at Clinton, June 7, 18G0 ; married Dec. 15, 1881, .Nellie Felicitas Carr, born at Lancaster. [Clin, rec] 6G2. Moses Hastings' {Moses,' Elljtth," Moses,' M»s<- ././..)/ JoA;r), born at Brattleboro', Vt., Oct. 5, 1833; nmrned Luue Smith. Residence, Northam[)ton, Mass. Children : i. Arthur.^ ii. Mary. 663. Henry* (Obadi'ah,' Jicvjawlu,' Mas , .1/uos* •>^-''"».* John'), born May 4, 1815; n.arried Jan. 24. 18G7 L..m»« Ade- line, dau-hter of Joseph Morrison, born at I'orl Mad.^n. Iowa. March 14, 1846. 278 WARE GENEALOGY. 664. Justus Hurd^ {Benjamin,' Benjamin,^ Moses,^ Moses,* John,^ John^), born July 11, 1834; married Sept. 26, 1860, Luceba Auijusta, daughter of Aaron and Susanna (Proctor) Brigham, born in Alstead, N. H., Aug. 25, 1836. Children, born in Butler, 111. : i. Mary Flora,» Not. 29, 1862. ii. Carrie Susan, May 5, 1864 ; d. Dec. 1, 1866. iii. George Vincent, Sept. 25, 1867. iv. Amy Lillian, April 24, 1873. 665. David Smith® (David,' Benjamin,^ Moses,^ 3£oses,* John,^ John''), born Oct. 25, 1828; married first, Oct. 23, 1855, Lestinia Amanda, daughter of Aaron and Susanna (Proctor) Brigham, born in Alstead, N. H., May 17, 1832; died at Butler, 111., Feb. 22, 1872. He married second, Nov. 28, 1872, Mrs. Catherine (Dryer) Wiley, widow of Robert Wiley and daughter of John and (Museman) Dryer, born in Hillsboro', N. H., March 7, 1821. He was Secretary of Temperance Society in Gilsum, N. H., in 1846; School Committee 1850-1853. Eemoved in 1855 to Butler, 111. [Hist. Gilsum.] Children : i. JoHN,^ Jan. 7, 1857. ii. Arthur, Nov. 18, 1858. iii. David, Aug. 2, 1860. iv. Thesda, June 5, 1863 ; d. Sept. 4, 1864. v. Lyman Trumbull, Feb. 15, 1865. vi. Beulah, Oct. 8, 1866. vii. Emily, Dec. 5, 1868. viii. Clarence Brigham, Feb. 13, d. Aug. 1, 1872. ix. Clara Lestina, Feb. 13, d. July 26, 1872. Wesley L.^ {Enoch,'' Benjamin,^ Moses,^ Moses,* John John''), born Sept. 28, 1838; married Jan. 26, 1865. Children, born in Chester, Vt. : i. Charles W.,« April 16, 1868. ii. Albert L., Jau. 26, 187l. iii. Frank E., April 27, 1874. 3 ■WARE GENEALOGY. 1 6G7. George Enoch" {Enoch,' Beujamin,* .Vowa/ Mo»e»,* John* John''), born Feb. 14, 18411 ; maiTifd May 1, 1877, SivWti Church. Resides at Town send, Vt. 668. Lucros Jeremiah" (Enoch,' Benjamin,' Mosea,' Mo8r»,* John,* John'') , hox-n Ang. 1851; married March 4, 1S73, Hiinnah Ade- laide, daughter of Chilion and Hannah (Ware) Mack, born April 3, 1838. [See No. 178, p. 144.] Removed to Butler, III. Children, born in Butler : i. Walter Obadiah,^ March 27, 187.J; d. X.,-, -T^. ii. Lena Mary, April 3, 1878. 669. Edwin Chapin^ {John Q. A.,' Benjamin,* yfosen,* M<>*r,<,* John,^ John^), born at Marlboro', Oet. 8, 18.'>2. Resides at Mil- ford. 670. Moses Lane" {Moses,' Moses,^ Mosrs," Moses,* John,' JJ*.*')^ born in 1837; married about 1864, Harriet Dunton. Children : i. Adda,^ 18G.0. ii. ITelex, ISGC) ; m. in 188C, Neil (..<■... i-n. ill. Charles M., 180'J. 671. Alonzo a." {Jonathan,'' Zenas,* 7/J>a,* Eleaz'-r,* EUuzrr^* John'), born at Swanzey, N. H., Sept. 1 , 1825 ; died Fob. 8. 18i»5 ; married first, Sept. 1, 1853, didia A., daughter of K. KinK'nuui of Winchester, N. fl. (born Feb. 27, 182(;). Marririi ^. ' " -^ etta Newell, Nov. 2!), 18!I4. School teadu-r ; laniH-r ; \ .. ^1* Savings Bank in Winchester, N. 11. [Hist. Swari/.ev, i j 280 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Arthur K.,^ Nov. 23, 1854 ; d. Jan. 4, 1862. ii. Julia M., Jan. 1, 1860 ; d. Jan. 5, 1862. 672. George^ {Lyman,'' Ziha,^ Ziha,° Eleazer,'^ Eleazer,'^ John''). married Sarah, daughter of Stephen Atwater. Went to Illinois. 673. William® {Lyman,'' Ziha,^ Ziba,^ Eleazer,* Eleazer,^ John''). married Eliza Wilson of Granville, N. Y. 674. Sidney* {Lyman,'' Ziha,^ Ziba,^ Eleazer,* Eleazer,^ John''), married Calista Pratt. Resided at Wells, Vt., in 1869. 675. Merritt* {Lyman,'' Ziba,^ Ziba,^ Eleazer,* Eleazer,"^ John''), married Sarah, daughter of Roswell Fuller. Resided at Wells, Vt., in 1869. 676. James R.** {Ziba,'' Jacob,^ Ziba,^ Eleazer,'^ Eleazer,^ John^), born Sept. 18, 1849 ; married Eugenie Fosgale of Winchester. 677. Arthur W.* {Phinehas Afwood,'' Jacob,^ Ziba,^ Eleazer,* Eleazer,' John'), born July 27, 1873; married April 19, 1894, Rosie M. French of Swanzey, N. H. Child : Albert A.^ 679. George Gilbert* {Gilbert Adams,'' David,^ Eli,^ Eleazer,'^ Eleazer,^ John"), born at Warehouse Point, Conn., March 19, WAUK GENEALOUV, ..>i 1856; engaged in telcgrapli husinot's in ls74; removed t j»- fiekl and took position of manager for the Atlantic an«l l*a \ch gi-aph Co., 1878 ; with Xi-w Ihiudaud Absofiatud l*r. ' ■• •; manager for Postal Telegraph ('aide Co., lSKl»-!tl ; .. ale of typewriters and office 8upi)lies, lb90-l8'J7. He mar. ' ■ t. 14, IS'iO, ]Mary Maria, daughter of Theodore (Thomlore, NIiim, .lnine«, Ichabod, Saninel, ,Iohn) and ^Vealthy ( Frary ) l*i»rter of llatfirlj, Mass., born fluly 11, 185 l; her homo at Hatfield w.m tint which had been occupied and probably built by her great-gramlliithir. Child: Myron Roueut,^ Aug. I'J, 1880; associated iu buniucM with hij father. 680. Franklix Pease* (Gilherl A.,' David,* EU: El^nzrr,* Eleazev,^ John^), born March , ".n-nl 38. 0. 23". Il« married in Milford, Sc])t. 19, isili (by Kcv. Josoph Hirk.r. B:»pt. min.), Susan E. Saunders, n^'od 20; h.- i.aintiT, of AN rvudmui ; she of Upton, daughter of Samuel and EliiaU-lh Saundcw. 284 WARE GENEALOGY. 689. A LPHEUS Charles® {Charles (7.,' Alpheus,^ Jose^^h,^ John,* Joseph,^ John"), born at Ashford, Conn., July 25, 1834 ; died Oct. 30, 1899, at Middletown, Conn. ; buried at Hartford, Conn. He married at Madison, Conn., Jan. 1, 1861, Gertrude Evangeline, daughter of Edmund and Elizabeth (Chapman) March of Madison, Conn. Lived in Middletou, Ct. ; removed to Hartford, Conn. ; superintendent of Alms House, Middletown, Ct., fi'om about 1893. Children, born in Hartford : i. Gertrude Evangeline,'' May 14, d. 19, 1862. ii. Maria Elizabeth, Dec. 28, 1864; m. Sept. 28, 1887, James Arthur Meggat, Wethersfield, Conn. (b. Nov. 13, 1862), son of William Meggat of Dumfries, Scotland, and his wife Susan Antoinette Roberts of Wethersfield, Ct. Child : Gertrude Louise, Aug. 15, 1889. iii. Hattie Louise, Jan. 29, 1870 ; d. Feb. 20, 1876. iv. Clara Gertrude, Jan. 21, 1873. 690. Robert Burns* {Joseph,'' Alpheus,^ Joseph,^ Johyi,* Joseph,^ John^), born in Worcester, July 2, 1843 ; married Sept. 19, 1867, Genevieve P. Cate of New Jersey. Resides in St. Paul. Children : i. Ella,® West Hoboken, N. J., Oct. 25, 1868 ; teacher in public school at St. Paul, 1898. ii. Henry, Jersey City Heights, May 27, d. May 28, 1870. iii. Mabel, Jersey City Heights, May 6, 1871 ; d. Jan. 15, 1876, at St. Paul, Minn, iv. Jessie, St. Paul, Minn., June 29, 1873 ; a teacher in public school at St. Paul. V. Mary Edna, July 26, 1875 ; m. Edward B. Constance of St. Paul, Minn., June 17, 1896. Children : 1. Beatrice May, April 8, 1897. 2. Frank Edward, Aug. 4, 1898. 3. Robert Henry, Jan. 15, 1900. vi. Robert Edavard, St. Paul, Sept. 18, 1877. vii. Warren Fred, St. Paul, June, 1881. WAKE GENEALOGY. 285 692. Robert H.« (Albert I*.,' I/cnn/,' Josvyj/,/ Jn/,n/ ./ Johi"), born at Shcrborn, Feb. ll/l,s:{;? ; he "ut'Miho'n. . ...... a- ter— married Dec. 10, 1,S.")2, in Fnmkliii, Abby A. ('uttinjj of Franklin, aged 20, daughter of David and Lucy Cutting, born in Enfield. " Child : Melville Robertson,® Spencer, July 18, 18.>7. 093. George C.^ (Albert P.,' J/cu-if,^ Joseph,' .lultn,* JoMfpf,,* John''), horn March 12, 1835; died April 13, issi); nmrricd \)vc. 19, 1881, Hattie A. Robinson of Cincinnati, Ohio. G94. Albert P.* (Albert P.,' Hennj,^ Joseph,* Juhn* Jo.ieph,* John''), born July 27, 1839 ; died Marcii 20, 1887 ; marrictl in .\i «■ York, Jennie E. Mclntyrc. G95. Dexter L.® (Albert P.,' Ifennj,' Joseph,* JJm,* Jonrph,* John'), born Sept. 3, 1840; died April, is:i3; nuirrie.l Clara Wydman, at Cincinnati. 098. JOTTN* (Edwin,'' Orlando,^ Joliu,' John,* Josrph,* John*), born July 24, 1840; died June 2S, 18.S7; nmrricd first. Drc S, 1858, Ellen 11. , daughter of David W;iit ..f Dccrficld. lb- mnrriwi second, March 23, 1870, Anna Lucy, daughter of LcwIh A. Drury and widow of Eustus S. Ku.s8cll. ^ . , , He lived at his o-randfathcr's olnni* ffmnf/ JKn,* Joseph,^ John"), born May 30, l.s')l ; ILn-vanl ("«.ll"»j:i- l^TiJ; married Nov. 25, 1^85, Alice, (lau^'liter of Fran, i^ and L'urolino Louisa (Merriam*) Jaques, born Dec. G, I6b'2. Children, born in Milton : i. Gordon,^ Sept. 21, 188G. ii. Margaret, Nov. 12, 1889. 707. FrAXCIS IMoRGAN^ (Jolni F. IT.,' Jl'unj,' 11',,,,,, ./../,„, • Joseph,^ JoJin^), born at CauibridA/i,' ./.>.-.f;*A/ John'), born at Brooklinc, Dec. 2G,' 1871 ; llarvanl (•.•lie-:.- 1H93; LL.B. 1896; married June 9, 18«I8, Louis^a Fuller, dauirhti-r of Charles L. and Caroline (Farrar) Wilson, burn in ( lib .i-... III., Oct. 4, 1871. He is in the practice of law in Boston ; rvanicB in Brookline. Child : Caroline Farrar," Aug. 14, 1«99. 700. George Otls« {Azariah,' OH",' Avn-n./i/ J"/>n,* •^"*^/>*;* John'), born Nov. 6, 1850; married O.t. L'l». J •'^; :' • ^ "»;• '• Porter, born Aug. 6, 185i), at Johnstown, Fa., ^ctlK-d in h. Ik-ml. Ind. • Caroline Louisa Merriam, a grauddaugl.ter of W.iIut Ware. No. !». 288 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Mabel,» Nov. 23, 1880 ; d. July 25, 1881. ii. Lilian, May 19, 1883. 709a. Warren Olin* (Aaron Wood,'' Otis,^ Azariah,^ John* Joseph,^ John''), born Jan. 13, 1860; married Nov. 24, 1887, at Cambridfyeport, Imogene B., daughter of George Currier and Lucy (Bartlet) Stephens. He is "carpenter and engineer at Dr. George Brown's Institute for Feeble-minded, in Barre." Children : i. George Aaron,^ Jan. 5, 1889. ii. Leroy Warren, Dec. 2, 1890. iii. Edwin Augustus, Sept. 21, 1895 ; d. Oct. 30, 1897. 710. Herbert Alexis* (Aaron W.,'' Otis,^ Azariah,^ John,* Joseph,^ John''), born in Barre, Nov. 30, 1867; married Oct. 14, 1897, Edith Augusta, daughter of Herbert A. and Olive (Adams) Brigham of Hubbardston, born Sept. 3, 1879. "He is a fiirmer ; lives on the place owned by his great-grand- father, Azariah Ware, when he first came to Barre." 713. Edward Cutler* (Oren C,' Amariah,^ Nathan,^ EUphalet,* Ebenezer,^ Robert''), born in Wrentham, Feb. 24 [20, Walpole rec], 1850; married Oct. 26, 1880 (by Rev. J. W. Cross), Ellen Frances, daughter of Auc^ustus N, and Harriet Burt of Clinton. She was born at Pembroke, N. H., June 2, 1852. Cabinet maker ; resides at Worcester. 714. Erastus Austin* (Caleb A.,'' Amariah,^ ISFathan,^ EUphalet,* Robert,^ Ebenezer,^), born at Wrentham, Jan. 4, 1847 ; married Jan. 7, 1871, at West Boylston (by Rev. J. W. Cross of Spencer), Emma Sawyer, daughter of Ezra B. and Mary S. (Bigelow) Pierce of West Boylston. Pie is recorded as a lawyer, aged 23 ; she aged 20. WARE GK.\KALO(JV. wj^y Children : i. Jp:knie Leon'ide." ii. Albert Ezra. iii. Frank Edward. iv. Mary, d. younfj. TIT). « Walter Blake- (Caleb ^1.,' Amnrlnh,* Xnthun, J.l ,/,/,. , in, Ehenezer,^ Robert^)., born in Wreiitliain, Oct. 20, lh:.;j; i,. r:.!? Sept. 24, 1873, Eunice Ann, adopted d:iiii;litLT of Josi-ph and Jane (Bennett) Newcomb, aged 20. Children : i. Charles Lewis,' Frederickton, N. B., Nov. 5, 1875. ii. Grace (Evelixe), Rutland, Dec. 18, 1877. iii. Martha B., Sept. 5, 188G. 718. George IIexry" (L>/man »9.,' Xathnn,* Xntltnn, /.-/.vf/^// Ebenezer,^ Robert''), born July li», \KV1 \ died at Walp.^ O-o. 23, 1860; married Sept. 9, 1850, .Mary Jane, 7 ; d. iub. 'J, 18{}0, unin. 829. ii. George Hexrv, Jan. I'J [U'alp. roc, 1«]. 18(}I. 7i:t. Lyman Davis' {Lipnan S.,'' N'ttthnn,* X>tthnn,* A7i'/»Ai/<-/,* Menezer,^ Robert') i born April 23, 183:); lives in Walpol.-. IIi« house was burned Aug. 2(), 1H82, and two ynung iiumi, lib aon George L. and a visitor, Calvin ^\^ (iay, jHTihlu-d. \\ '"»! first, April 7, 1857, Orra IClizal)et!i, dauudit.-r of Sainu.l .»:.■. t'lra Guild, born iu AValpolc, April I, JS.U; dii-d iKv. 10. \^>;.\, \\c married second, March 2 1, ISds, Margan-t ArotJii Strang;. Inirn in Ellsworth, Me., Feb. 1 I. is|:i. II^. di.-.l dan. 1 I, IIKK). Children, born in AN'alpole : i. George Ly.man,» Dec. 5, 1863 ; d. .\iig. 26, 1882, unin. t 290 WAEE GENEALOGY. 830. ii. William Francis, June 27, 1869. iii. Frank Henry, May 26, 1871 ; d. March 9, 1872. 720. Charles Nathan- {Ellis,'' Nathan,^ JVathan,'^ Eliphalet,* Ehenezer,^ Robert^), bora at Sherborn, Sept. 19, 1850; married July 27, 1874, Alice J. Frost of Newton Lower Falls, born Oct. 2, 1853. Machinist. Children : i. Charles Irving,® Oct. 27, 1877. ii. Dudley Ellis, Aug. 5, 1879. 722. George A.* {John TF.,^ Nalhan,^ Nathan,^ Eliphalet," Ehe- nezer,^ Robert^), born at Lowell [Fitchburg rec], Jan. 24, 1843 ; married first, "of Clinton," Oct. 26, 1867, in Fitchburg, Mary L., daughter of George A. and Louisa Chadburn of Clinton, aged 19 ; she died May 4, 1868. He married second, in Clinton, April 6, 1870, Martha J. Chadbourne, born in Richmond, Vt. She died June 12, 1872, at Clinton, aged "20, 11, 4." He married third, Dec. 25, 1876, in Ashburnham, Ida A. Taylor of Ashburnham, born May 7, 1856, at Leominster. He was then "living in Fitch- burg, aged 32; tinsmith." In another document called "chair- maker." Child : Gertrude Olivia,®* Ashburnham, Nov. 30, 1877. 723. Charles W.* {John Warren,'^ Nathan,^ N'athan,^ El iphalet,* Ebenezer,^ Robert), born at Clinton, Aug. 9, 1851; married in Fitchburg, Aug. 3, 1876, Elizabeth E,, daughter of Nathan L. and Mary B. Battles, born xiug. 13, 1858. Painter. Children, born in Fitchburg : j George Lonzo,® \^^ ^ a ^- -^"S- ^^5 1877. ^- I Herbert L., ) ^^'^^'^'^ *' d. Aug. 29, 1877. ii. Mary Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 1877. * Gertrude E. [L. D. W.] WAUE GENEAIXJOT. f^) 724. SujixerBurlixoamr^ (/:,/;;„/>, ,S'.,' 7),, 1897. Klwanl Austin Wootld. iii. Esther May, April 22, 1886. iv. Benjamin Lyman, April 7, 1890 ; d. SepL 9, 1895. 724a. William Eliot' {Edtcard F.,' El'ms* Flins,* Tnnuthy,* Bobert,' Robert"), ))orn Sept. 10, 1841 ; mnrrinl Oct. ".», l.siiT, at Newark, N. J., Martlia Ellen Yoiin<,r, Ijom Mareli T), IS 12. "He served during the war of the Kcbellion from Aug. 4, 1HG2, to .Tunc 26, 1865. Entered the 27 Keg. Mo. Vol. Inf.^in fir^t licutcnjuil ; promoted to captain, and served as A. A. A. 17th A. ('. with General Sherman from Vicksbur£r to the end olilif \v:ir." II- -iJc« at St. Louis, Mo. Children : 831. i. Edward Young," Jan. 12, 1SG9. ii. Margery, Jan. 7, 1872. 7246. John Howard' {Ella.^ IT.,' Ellas,* Ellas,' Tlmot/n,,* flf-rl/ Robert'), born Xov. 6, 1849; mnrried Laura IWllc Hall «.f ( "..hmj- bus, O., born there, May 11, l'^'..'.. lb- is in the gro.vry bu-inr*< in Columbus. Children : i. Pearl Lucielle,' Columhus, Aug. 11, 1886. ii. John Howard, Sept. 6, 1889. 724--. Henry Elias' ( Ella.^ I/.,' Ellas,' Ellas,' Tlmothu/ L'.frrt.* Robert"'), born May 10, 1X64; marrinl Kmma .Mary Ihntrl of Chillicothe, O., born March 1 I, 1867. He w u nulroad • 292 WARE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Hazel Susan,^ Oct. 17, 1889. ii. Bernice Caroline, Aug. 8, 1891. iii. Irivia Alice, June 5, 1895. 725. Robert Galen, Jr.* (7?oier^ 6r.,^ Preston,^ Elias,^ Timothy^* Robert,^ Boberf), born in Baltimore, Aug. 13, 1848; died Jan. 26, 1898 ; nmrried Dec. 10, 1873, Julia E. Davis. Children : i. Robert Galen,® Aug. 7, 1875. ii. Mary Julia, Nov. 12, 1876. iii. Charles Carroll, Dec. 19, 1884. 726. Francis ALDEN*(Pres^ow,'' Preston,^ Elias,^ Timothy," Robert,^ Robert), born in Baltimore, Md., April 12, 1850; married April 21, 1880, Carrie H. Langmaid of Somerville, Mass. Children : i. Samuel,® Somerville, Oct. 14, 1881. ii. Ernest, Aug. 22, 1886. iii. Lavinia, Aug. 22, 1889. iv. Preston, July 28, 1892. 727. Charles Howard' {Preston,'' Preston,^ PUas,^ Tmiothy,* Robert,'' Robert"'), born at Baltimore, Md., Jan. 10, 1855 ; married Sept., 1885, Albertina Todhunter. Physician. Children : i. Joseph," July 29, 1886. ii. Mary Lilly, Dec. 13, 1890. 728. Bruce Richardson' {Preston,'' Preston,^ Ellas," Timothy,' Robert,"" Robert""), born in Newton, Dec. 30, 1857 ; married June 11, 1883, Ida B. M. Randall of Mattapoisctt. AVAUi: GENEALOUV. ^ty^ He is a Boston merchant, dealer in twlnc«. Children : i. Lillian R.,» Newtou, Aug. 18, 1884. ii. Bruce, Feb. 2G, 1887. iii. MiiiiAM Lavinia, May 12, 188'J. 720. Norman W.' (Jajiies,'' James,' Eh'as,' Timolht,,* li.brri,* Robert'), born in Everett, June 12, lISGl ; luarrli-d lice. 5, 1»93, Stella G. Kideout, also born in E. ; reaidenoe Evif tt. Children : i. Mekle Mauson,' Au<;. 15, 18'JlJ. ii. Stanley Pieupont, Oct. 12, 1807. 730. Paschal Pope* (Pasc/ud J*. J'.,' Jamis,* Kll'it,* Timothtf* Robert,^ Robert^), born in Everett; married May 13, iM'U, l.^ira D. Ward. 731. George IIonford* {Plimj Clark,'' Plimj,* A/iaph,* Jlrnrif,* Robert,' Robert'), born in Montairiu., Nov. 12. IN.V); i: I first, Hannah Jane, daui,djtcr of ('apt. Stephen and .May Beat . . . a at Canso, Nova Scotia^ Get. 31, 1845 or l^ltl; died An-. I's 1888. He married second, May 4, 181)1, Mary ElizabetJi, d of Thomas and Deborah Chamberlain, born Oct. 3, 1837; du^ Feb. 28, 1892. Children : i. LuTiiKU B.,^ h. and d. .Inly 7, InT-'. ii. Elgie jNIaudk, .Ian. 2, is.su ; tl. June 20, 1880. iu. Ethel Guace, Feb. 17, d. March 1, IH'J'2. 732. MiloLewis^ {Edwin L.,' Asaph: A^apf,,' /Imry.' /M-r/.* Robert'), born Dec. 1, 1858 ; married Oct. 20, 1881 , .M ' 294 WARE GENEALOGY". daughter of Sylvanus and Samantha (Faircliild) Dix, born April 10, 1862. He resides at Coggon, Iowa; merchant. Children, born at Coggon : i. Lawrence Victor,® Aug. 22, 1882. ii. Clifton Wilbur, Feb. 22, 1884. iii. Samantha Eulalia, May 15, 1886. iv. Lettie Emeline, Sept. 28, 1887. V. Ira Edwin, Nov. 9, 1890. vi. Iola Melissa, Dec. 21, 1900. 733. Matthew Asaph* {Ed^oin L.,'' Asaph,^ Asaph,^ Henry,* Robert,'' Robert'), bom Sept. 3, 1875; married Dec. 29, 1897, Winnie, daughter of Daniel and Rhoda (Crane) Read, born Nov. 5, 1878. Associated in business with his brother Milo. Children : i. Naomi,^ Nov. 17, 1898. ii. WiLMA, May 25, 1900. 733a. Albert Lincoln* ( Wesley,'' JSFathan," Nathan,^ Ichahod,* Robert,^ Robert), born in Cambridge, July 27, 1860; married Nov. 8, 1887, Barbara Florence, daughter of Archibald and Joanna (Moore) Ritchie, formerly of Hahftix, N. S., born Sept. 14, 1862. He graduated from Cambridge High School in 1878 ; had training in both technical and practical respects as a mechanical engineer ; was some time with Mr. E. D. Leavitt of Cambridge, designing machinery for the Calumet and Hecla Mining Co. ; was appointed director of drawing in the Cambridge Manual Training School at its organization in 1888, a position he still fills ; has also been principal of evening drawing schools in Boston and Somerville since 1886 ; and superintended the vacation school for boys in the C. M. T. S. buildings, 1896-1899. Removed in 1899 to Arlington Heights. Children, born in Cambridge : i. Isabel Erminie,» Nov. 22, 1888. ii. Kenneth Hitchings, Aug, 19, 1891 ; d. Nov. 4, 1893. * iii. Albert Lincoln, Jr., Aug. 28, 1894. iv. Kenneth A Margubrita, May 10, 1896. f I I I t WAKE GEXEAL(JOV. Gilbert N.' ( Wesln/,' Xaf/ian/ X'tt/,f,,i,' hh ' liobert'^) , horn in Caini)rul«^c, Nov. 22, 1S■■' ■',* Robert,^ Robert-), born Aug. 25, 1858; married at \\ ..|, Me., Oct. 18, 1882 (by Rev. Freeman Cooper, .Ir.), Allie L. Peaslee. 735. Charles F.'' {Obed,' Joseph,' ()b,d,' A / //W,* linUrt,* Robert"), born Feb. 20, 1845; died July, l.^^i; nvirrif*! ljr»C, July 14, 1867, Emily B. Keeves of JeHtTsun ; she dird May 13, 1879. He married second (int. June 23, 1880), Mrs. Abbic L. Whitten of Palermo, Me. Children : i. Mabel R.," Au^. 4, 18G0 ; m. Ist, Jan. 20, 1H'J2, CliJirloa K. Heath of Gardiner, Me. Children ; 1. Elmer Joseph, Dec. ."), iHiiJ. • 2. Mahel Ware, Jan. 0, !«:»'.. 3. Arthur Francis, May 1 1, is'.l?. ii. Grace B., Aug. 1(5, LS.Sl ; lu. Sept. U, Ib'Jd, Vorlcy Vigne, 73«). Nathan F^ (Oberl,' Joseph,* ()b.'.l.' /:'■!,* Robert'), born Dec. 20, 185G ; married (int. July 25, 1 Hattie M. Ililt, born April !», 1S(;3. Children, born in Whitefield : L Editu Mi-\nie,' Aug. II, ISBH. 296 WARE GENEALOGY. ii. Eva May, Oct. 30, 1886. iii. Thorald Chester, April 28, 1888. iv. Flossie Hattie, May 28, 1890. V. Mertie.A., July 19, 1893. vi. Miriam, Dec. 3, 1895. vii. Viola, Nov. 20, 1897. 737. William H.' {Timothy,' Joseph,^ Ohed,'' Ichabod,* Robert,^ Boberf), horn Dec. 9, 1862; married Dec. 16, 1894, Eloise C. Hathaway of Bourne, Mass. She died Oct. 5, 1897. 738. Georgr p.' {Timothy,'' Joseph,' Obed," Ichabod," Robert,^ Robert'), born Sept. 22, 1864; married April 28, 1893, Alice F. Welsh. 740. Charles Benjamin^ {Benjamin F.^ Amos,' Jabez,^ Michael,^ Robert,'' Robert^), born in Worcester, April 13, 1850; married Sept. 9, 1873, Marion Wheeler, daughter of Charles LeRoy (son of Linus and Elizabeth of Torrington, Conn.) and Adeline (Gabriel) Sase. Lives at New London, Conn. *»" Children : i. Albert Pond,^ May 23, 1876. •ii. Marion, Oct. 19, 1882. 742. Charles F.' {Benjamin F.,' Amos,' Amos,' Jabez," Michael,^ Robert), born in Worcester, July 7, 1872; married in Orange, July 29, 1897, Etta M., daughter of Sidney H. and Emma M. (Stone) Thayer of Athol. Resides in Athol. 743. Horace L.' {Benjamin F.,' Amos,' Aynos,' Jabez,* Michael,"" Robert'), born in Worcester, Feb. 23, 1875; married March 11, WARE GEXKALOOY. 297 1897, Mrs. Edna xV. (Rmith) Leavitt, daujjlitcr of Jo»*'i.li F. and Louisa A. (Hughes) Smith. KcsiJes in \Vorceutcr. 741. Hexry Irving^ (Era. in Union, Mc, Sept. 17, 1848; licr nn»iher wan Polly \ daughter of Jason, ]So. 298. Lives at Swampscott. 745. "WiLLARD C.® (Emstus,'' Horace,' Aynos,* Jahez* Mirh^rl* Robert"), born Oct. 3, 1849; married April 28, 1.S75, iu Hamil- ton, Lydia A. Dane of H. 747. Oscar Tyler' {Lewi<<,' Lewi,,* Ahi.'l,' Mirhael,' M' ^ ■ ',* Robert^), born at Wardsboro', ^'t., July 23, 1841; m... n Newfane, Vt., Jan. 1, 18G3, Alvira A. Cook. Child : 847. Bekt Osgar,^ Nov. 23, 18G8. 748. Fayette D.' (Leicis,'' LeiLnn,' Ahiel,* MirhaeU* Mir/ Robert^), born at Wardsboro', Vt. [1S4G] : marrif«l iu Fr May 6, 1869, Irene G., daughter of Daniel M. and Julia .V. Auoius of Fitchburg. Carpenter. Resides in Fitchbur ''i,'- 749. AZRO W.' {Kendrlrh,-' Mantn,* James,' .ViVAW/ .V ' r.f.» Robert'), born [at UiicklandJ ; marri.-.j Feb. 23. 1«T2. i Dole of Bucklaud. Cuntraetor and builder. Ki-id.^ :•• Falls. 19 298 WAKE GENEALOGY. Children : i. Mabel Hastings/ Feb. 28, 1874; grad. Middlebury Coll.; teacher. ii. Grace Louise, June 1, 1876. iii. Eugene Wilder, May 6, 1884. iv. A SOB, April 22, d. April 24, 1888. V. Marion Holloway, April 24, 1890. vi. Ethelynd Amber, July 7, 1893. 750. James William^ {Carlos L.,^ Leoyiard,^ Frederick,^ John^'^ Jonathan^ , Robert'), bomi Aug. 4, 1862 ; married April 15, 1890, Mary Bare. He is a farmer. Children, born in Fulton, 111. : i. William Wallace,^ b. and d. Feb. 3, 1891. ii. Carl Leonard, March 21, 1892. iii. Helen, Feb. 11, 1894; d. March 12, 1895. iv. Robert Gage, Oct. 17, 1895. V, A son, Nov. 26, 1897. 765. Hakry E.* {Daniel,'' Ahel,^ James,^ Jonathan,'^ Robert,^ Uphraim''), born July 14, 1870; married Aug. 12, 1894, at Whitman, Alice M., daughter of Samuel R. and Clara A. Mc- Kenzie, born in Charlestown, Sept. 5, 1875. Removed to East Bridgewater, then to Ashby. Children : i. Pearl Evelyn,^ Aug. 3, 1896. ii. Leon P., Aug. 25, 1900. 767. Francis Willis* {Walter M.,'' Ebenezer,^ Ebenezer," Ebe- nezer,* Nathaniel,^ Ebenezer^), born in Hancock, Wis., Jan. 27, 1859; married Dec. 25, 1885, Eveline, daughter of Samuel and Elvira (Grant) Bigsby, born in AYarriou, Wis., Feb. 29, 1864. Resides in Lcraark, Ark. Child : Edwin C.® WARE GENEALOGY. Sl'S 768. Sexeca Eugene* (Walfcr Jl.,' Ebenezer,* ly.nezer/ EU- nezer,* JVafhaniel,^ Ebenezer*), born in Ilanock, Wi«., Au«r. :»5, 1862 ; inaiTied Nov. 2'), IHSG, Eva Add, tlau;:l.tcr of W ;i.l Roselle D. (Upton) Irvin<,% born in Munroe, Wis., .lunc o, iOo3. Resides at ]Maratlion, A\'is. Child : Adell Agnes.^ 773. Willis Clark' {David,'' Jason* Janon,^ X'Khanie!,* Xa- thaniel,'' Ebenezer''), born Sept. 2-i, 1850; diotl Sept. 10, 18»<2; married jNIay 4, 1875, Ida B. Wilson of Bennington, N. H., born May 11, 1855. Edgar Laurin^ (Ilarvci/ pL,'' Jason,* Jason,* Xatn '::,■:. tlianiel,^ Ebenezer"^), born Ai)ril G, 1801 ; niarrii-d ,Iidy '.', Carrie Bell, daughter of Lynuiu and Nancy C. (Draper; ' -A. Children : i. Elsie Caroline." ii. Harvey Gilman, June 21, 1885. 776. Clarence Harvey' {Ilenrij Ward,'' Jiii,* X ' / Eliphaht,* Ehanezer,^ BoharC-), hum in Walpule, Jun 1 . 1*; married Oct. 25, 1883, Kate Fisher Kingsbury. Milk dealer in Koxbury. Children : i. George Ernest,'° "W. Dedhara, March 13, 1886. ii. Cora Lillian, Jamaica Plaiu, Oct. 'J7, 1889. 830. "William Francis' {Lyman Baiu's," Li/man .V.,' Xalhnn^* Nathan,^ Eliphalet,* Ebenezer,^ lioberl*),' Uorn .Iimc 27, \Kli9; married June 4, 1889, Annie Laura llawes of I )orci»fiJter, Iwm Jan. 2, 18G4. Children, born in Walpole : i. Lillian Auetta," Dec. 19, 1891. ii. William Russell, Jau. 30, 18'J7. 831. Edward Young,' 2d (William E.* Edward )'..' / Elias,' Timothy,* Bobert,' Robert'-), Ix.ni .I:in. ll'. ' he married, July 14, 1897, Ellen Luticia Mc(Juire, Ly« Angrlc», Vol. Child : William Alexander," Juno 15, 1900. 847. Bert Oscar' {Oscar T.,' Lewi.-r,' Lem\i,* Abirl,* .^' '.* Michael,' Robert'), born Nov. 23, \x^'>^\ mnrrinl M.*j.i. iO, 1800, in Brattlcl)oro', Vt., Myra H. Millrr of Umtibbor.. He enlisted April 25, 1898, in the Nt V.rm.-nt r. .•(. : ; .U in ]May IG. Child : Park CooK,'Mulv iJ, l^^'-'l- APPENDIX. Henry Ware, tlie ninth of the ten children of John and Martha (Prentiss) Ware, was born in Sherburne, Mass., on the first day of April, 1764. He was a feeble child, but by the help of a pecu- liarly tender care on his mother's part, his constitution acquired strength. He had small advantages of early instruction in book knowledge, the school being kept only from six to ten weeks in the winter season, and the rest of the year being employed in the lighter work on his father's farm. He early formed the plan of going to college, however, and with the generous aid of his brothers he was fitted by the minister of the parish, Rev. Elijah Brown, to enter the freshman class at Cambridge in 1781. His college course was full of honors, and at his graduation he delivered the Latin Valedictory oration. He at once began to prepare for the ministry, at the same time taking charo-e of tlie town school of Cambridge. In 1787 he began to preach, and was ordained over the First Church in Hing- ham, Oct. 24, of the same year. About two years later he married Mary, the daughter of Rev. Jonas Clarke of Lexington. He remained in Hingliam eighteen years, and was "conspicuous in the first rank of the clergymen of the day in all the accomplishments and graces that become that character. liis services as a preacher wei'e held in the highest es- teem by the people of his charge and in the neighboring churches. * * He was especially valued by those most competent to estimate correctly the rectitude and delicacy of his character and the resources of his mind." In 1805, in the forty-first year of his age, he was elected to the chair of the Hollis Professorship of Divinity in Harvard College ; he was inaugurated on May 14th, and removed to Cambridge in June. Tliis election marks an era in the history of the Congrega- tional churches of New England. It was vehemently opposed by a portion of the clergy and other leading men, on the ground that Mr. Ware's theology was of so liberal a character that it was not right to place him in a professorship intended to inculcate and maintain Calvinistic doctrines. As a matter of fact, Thomas Hollis of Lon- ■WARE GEXEALOCJY. 303 don, Eng., -who hat! foumk-d tlic in-ofVtjsdnihip in 1719, wm nut ■ Calvinist but a very lilteial liaptift, who had i» • ' ' ■ ' <" gift only that liis prut'osur shouhl "believe in u. ^. only perfect rule of faith and luaiinors," and hhould jti plain the Scriptures with inte<:rity and iiprii^diiiut*-*, nccuntin^ (u the best lioht that God shall Li,ive hin»." Mr. Ware tcKjk no imrt in the controversies oceasiomd l)y his appointnu-nt until, in l'*:'" ' •' - advice of friends, he publislud a lliply to ' Lfttrn* to I ; by Dr. Woods, and followed up lor several yeanj the thus begun. iSIeanwhile he was devoted to the rej;idar d' position, preparing elaborate leetures on reli^-idn and • the instruction of classes. He al.'^o took his t-l ••■■■ '" '' pulpit service in the College chapel after its e.-i and was twice invested >Yith the ten)[)orary government of the Col- lege in the interims between two presidential terms. He aUo. beinj; a genuine and active lover of reform and progre^K, thNi-nl i- ''II a course of regular exercises with the stu<'M). Dr. Ware devoted himself to these varied labors with : '■ diligence and w ith unabated powers for more than tlr In 1840 he underwent an operation for eatara«-t on ti.> was unsuccessful, and from tliis tune till his death m 1> mostly confined to his home. " Henry Ware's was a charactc-r •)f mark. I have known »- w minds so sagacious, none more firm, more ealmb candid or more just. Its intluenee has operated ext all the ministers of one of the principal Christian the country have been his pui>ils." [1845.] [Chiefly compiled iVoui Memoir hy Dr. J. G. TALrutT]. 304 WARE GENEALOGY. FRAGMENTS of the old Family Bible of Timothy* Ware, of Wrentham, and of his son Elias.^ [In the possession of Mr. Lyman Eugene'^ Ware, of Norfolk.] [677]. FAMILY RECORD. Marriages. Timothy Ware, son of Robert & Elizabeth Ware, born Dec. 23, 1716. Mary Healy, daughter of Paul & Hannah Healy, born Nov. 30, 1721. Marriages. Ephraim Groves, born in Year 174:1. Bathsheba Bowditch, born in Year. 1735. [678]. FAMILY RECORD Births. Descendants of Timothy Ware. Mary Ware, born Dec. 2, 1743. Olive Ware, born March 22, 1744. Timothy Ware, November 17, 1746 Elias Ware bo[rn May 30, 1754.] Births. Descendants of Ephraim Groves. Deborah Groves born Dec. 5, 1762.. [679]. FAMILY RECORD. Births. Mary Ware Died June 27 :'^ 1767 my mother when I was but 13 years old aged 45 Timothy Ware Died Deaths. My son Preston s wife Nancy Died Sei->t. 7^*^ 1813 aged 27 years. My son James Wife Died 15"' 17-6 & Melenda. wa . . . [680]. FAMILY RECORD Deaths. Timothy Ware died Nov. 30"^ 1794. — Mary Ware died June 27. 1767. 45. Descendants. Deaths. Ephraim Groves died June 7, 1810. Bathsheba Groves died March 9 1787 Descentants. WAKK GKNKAIvOOV. 30J my Brother Timothy AVare 7 yean & 6 mouths «Sc lli tUys Descendants of Elias Ware. Elias "Ware Jun. born Fel). lH. 17,s2. Preston "Ware boru Sept. 24, 1783. James Ware boru Nov. 2, 178j. James Married his sccouil wife ^fay 2-1''' 1818. Eliza — I'^jio My Grandson Galen was married Sept 3' 1829 to K\ci.uc toxruiu of Boston Addison Ware Married Dec. 5"' .... Bostou SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF CAPT. XATIT.W WAKE. Jli,. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. [AHSHtAC Tj. "I WAS born of parents not wealthy; my mother wnu n fi*cbIo woman, much under tlie Dr.'s care ; so myself, one brother nml one sister did much to maintain our parents. I was noticed at iour or five years old as licin-^ the fir-* ♦-» "•-•• "i the morning and out to i)lay or work. At eij,dit and a ; I left my home to live witii a n)an nicknameil 'Skinflint.' I I corn, drove oxen to plow, had my hoard until I wan niu' f years ; after this I \vas to have my hoard and floihi-w iint teen. This was a hard place Vll the time 1 ii him he gave me only six 'coppers," and no wny of u. v except to shell corn for one cent a hushcl after I hud doiio n This was his plan 1 suppose to aec how much he e ' me, as he knew I had a good taste for a copper: ' ■'• deal of corn, and kept it in the attic. Stormy \> ' eveniniis I shelled his corn w ith a shovel ami tub. Al t-^ 306 WARE GENEALOGY. old, havino^ a gfood taste for takino^ care of* cattle he trusted me to take care of them, some eighteen in number; some days he would not go to the barn at all. When I could have all day to shell corn my stent was six bushels a day and take care of the cattle, with the privilcdge of one cent a bushel after my stent was done. I gained two bushels, then he stented me eight bushels besides taking care of the cattle ; I got so I could shell ten bushels ; this drawed upon his purse ; he thought I ought to have twelve for my stent. This I did not do, for I could not and take care of the cattle, so my money making was done. I did, however, trap two birds, which brought me tlu-ee coppers. ]My mother gave me six coppers to encourage me to stay there. Co{)pers were worth more to look at then than dollars are now. At the age of fourteen I left him, barefoot and thinly clad ; it was warm weather. He liked me and wanted me to stay with him, as he could get no otlier boy that would stay. Now this man was rich, had a good farm, and money at interest ; the season I left him he sold his farm for two thousand dollars, such a farm at this day would bring six thousand or more. After I left this place I let myself one year for twenty dollars, a top price in those days. The next year I worked by the day, week or month, thrashing, breaking flax, chopping wood; from the age of seventeen to nineteen I bought grain some twenty or thirty miles from home and sup})lied the ' Flag Co.' Also bouglit butter, cheese and pork and sold to my neighbors. At nineteen I helped cut timber on the North Wrentham road to build the meeting-house with, also helped build the meeting-house. In eighteen hundred I came to Walpole to labor for a man named Seth Smith ; he hired me for six months for seventy dollars ; at the end of six months he again hired me for a year for one hundred dollars. After I had lived with them about two and a half years I married their only daughter ; her father owned a farm worth, in those days, about three thousand dollars, which was left her after their decease. When I was married I had five hundred dollars of my own earn- ings ; this was double the amount any other young man [in the neighborhood) could show. The next year there was a large house to build, and as the parents were aged, the planting, cutting some of the timber off the farm, buying the rest, hauling the brick from Dor- chester, all fell on me. Most of the remainder of my days were spent in buying and selling goods of all kinds, trading, &c., going from Boston to Providence and New Yoi'k with teams. I was always well and strong, called ' ii'on constitutioned ' ; always first to take hold in the morning and last to 2;ive out at night, and am spared to the advanced age of eighty-four years to Avrite these facts j my limbs are weak but my mind and memory are strong." [See Nos. 16, 44, 115 and 251).] UNIDENTIFIED AVAKl-^. Besides the descendants of KohL-rt Ware, there liavi' Ixvn in the United States several othci* taiuilies, doseendt'd truiiiotii i, as far as is known, had no connection with each other, t / may have come from the same stock in Knghiud. "AViLLiAM Weaue," slioeinaker, a citizen of 1>. r, Massachusetts, Avas admitted to the duuvh 17(2jlG4iJ : 'f the nding ehlers in 1G40, according to Lccliford ; an »; in tt lawsuit. Removed to lioston. He died Feh. 11, II signed and dated Marcli -(i, 1(!')(), prohatt-d 1 A-'"' ' • wife Elizabeth ; daugliter Sarah ; graiid«liil«lri'ii » bethGill; hmds and house in Boston and Doivhentcr. U mariner, and Edward (irant, ship carpenter, hushandi*, : •, of his dau2;hters Elizabeth and Sarah, coidiriui'U4 A Joseph Ware came to New Jersey with FenwicV in 1G75. He had two sons, .losepli, h. Itl.S-l, and .1 both left numerous descendants, many of whnni art- -.i i New Jersey. A Ijcnjamin A\'are, h. ahoiit 1700, who h ants, probably belongs to this family. [Notes and l^iirrir,-* in ton Transcript, No. 10,048, hy W. V>. T. who n t. rs to .Shruudfl History and Genealogy of Fenwiek's Colony, p. A.i'J-Al.] Robert "Ware, of New Portland, .Maiu.e, married .b-ru-' '" "i of Mt. Vernon, Me. (intention entered in lioth town- " J-1 certificate issued "2-24-1814"). The New Porthmd recnl h, a statement of the date of his own birth — " May 21st, 17S4 "- inf the record of the birth of his daughter, .Slary .Inno, Imrn inc. 12th, 1814." He removed to Burlington, lowu, •<"■! »'■■"• •'"-' '' 10-11-1865 " ; his wife died there " 4-20-lsr,ll." 1 his parentage to a sire named Kobert Ware, of whom it telU - stories of naval service; and locates the son in Wreutham hood and at Cambridge in early manhood ; hut these poinla h.i> been established. Children : i. Mauv Jank, Dec. 12, ISl 1 ; inarrie 1 FraukUn Tf * •*. ii. IIiiiAM Bi:r.riri:iJ. July 2."i, 1.SI7 : nmrritxl .\ » llolbrook. Children : 1. yiX(7^«ei^/Vc/i (widc'ly kiiiuTn a.« "^ (/(' fi/uine oi " lvi>unm\i"}, II '• is 11 ; served diiriii;,' thf wu <» First b>wu Infantry, Fourth I '• raptain in the Sevnilh I ' '* KixIwHtcr, N. Y., ()i". 2. J//// C<^/<. Wori-estor, April ' 1-" ■ '! «■••,. 3. Richard, 1874 : d. 187.'*. 4. Cku-a Winifred, May 26, 1877. ii. Pf.usis Lucei.la, Ilolden, Nnv. 13, 1838. iii. Amklia II., Ilolden, Feb. 1, 18 i I. iv. Justin Aloxzo, June 13, 1810. George* Ware (Waer) of Milfurd and IloUititon; mnrrirf! in Holliston, Nov. 13, 1788, Jjuoy Littlefield ; died April G, ■ Children, born in Holliston : i. Sally, June 22, 17^)1. ii. Lucy, Sept. 28, 1797. A. iii. George Sewall, Nov. 11, 1700 ; d. May 20. 1 iv. Warrkx, ]Manh 2ti. 1802 ; [ni. in Lowll. 1 - and had Georijo Warren (1H3U) and I-""- V. Martia, April 2G, 180-1. A. George Sewall (aeorf/e), Nov. 11, 1T1>9: diM May 20. 1860; married Electa Baker of Holliston (born [.M«y U, 17UTJ; died April G, 187G, aged "78, 10, '2:).") Children, born at ^Nlilford : i. George EnvTARi., Sept. 7, 1S28: ni. 1 ' ■^-- '^ Louisa Westcott. Was livmi; in 1 1-' Children : 1. Lydia II'.. .Inly 0. 1>.V.'. 2. Nel/>/,.hi\y /, Nov. 20, 1878. * G€orge Ware and Mary Winslow had George, b. at Dlghton. I7W. 312 WARE GENEALOGY. ii. Thomas J. B. [or Jefferson], April 25, 1831. iii. Laura Littlefield, Sept. 17, 1835. iv. Ajios B., Oct. 17, 1836. V. Francis Warren, d. at Ashland, Sept. 16, 1893 ; married Mary E. (b. Worcester). Children, born in Holliston : 1. George Francis, Feb. 14, 1853. 2. Harriet Maria, June 7, 1857. vi. Clara, May 9, 1840 ; d. June 16, 1874, aged 33. Aechibald "VVaee, of Oakham, born [place not known] June 9, 17G3 ; died March 1, 1824; he, " of Cambridge," married first, June 3, 1784, Jerusha Hohnes "of Stoughton." He married second, Dec. 17, 1788, Lavinia, daughter of John and Elizabeth Hazeu, born July 12, 1762 ; died April 6, 1822. Children : i. Sophia, Aug. 9, 1789 ; d. Nov. 5, 1861 ; m. in Oakham, April 23, 1821, Austin Harrington. No children. ii. Sally, Feb. 14, 1791 ; died March 4, 1837. iii. William, Sept. 5, 1792 ; died Aug. 10, 1867, aged 74 ; married April 3, 1825, Lydia Fales, who d. March 5, 1872, aged 76. Lived and d. in Oakham. No children. iv. Mary Breck, July 10, 1794; m. Calvin Claflin of Holliston. V. Nathaniel, Nov. 11, 1796 ; d. July 19, 1818. vi. Archibald, April 7, 1798 ; d. July 8, 1804. vii. Alanson, Nov. 14, 1799. A. viii. Thomas Jefferson, July 21, 1801. ^. ix. James Burnham, Oakham, May 1, 1803. (7. X. Archibald Hazen, Oakham, July 18, 1806. xi. Lavinia Hazen, Aug. 19, 1808 ; d. April 2, 1881 ; m. in 1830^ Chauncy Colton ; daughter Ida, d. in Springfield, xii. Louisa, Aug. 2, 1810; d. Jan. 25, 1880; m. Anson Chase. Lived and d. at New London, Conn, xiii. Caroline (?), m. Harrington ; lived and d. at Oakham. Thomas Jefferson {Arclilhald) , born in Oakham, July 31, 1801 ; died at Steubenville, O., Aug., 1851 or 1852. To Missouri WARE Gr.NEALOOT. 1837 ; to Steubcnville, Ohio, 1840. He married in IIolli«t..M, ;. 1882, Pha^be, diuii^Mitor of Daniil :in«l PrmK-nce (Pulnnin) II way (born Oct. 24, l.S()7). Children : a • ,- • • I i. FUKDEUU'IC. ii. IIkn'hy. Hollistoii [Aviij. 20, 1H:V|] ; <|. ••? ' • •■ m. Dec. •_'.■). ISC.s, Kniimi .1. Il(.ll.r.>«.k ''Oct. 7, 1H70. il. I. \'J." • IK-nry, soimf T. .1. 111. at llolliston, .luiio I'.i, IK1:\, Sw-au .]., i1 , . C'lallin Liltlt'ti.'l.!. In is.'.:; II, nry wt-ut to ( . I in Co. A, Ist C"al. Vols, three years; in let M Hancock's Vet. Heserve. Children : 1. Francis Henry, Si-pt. IS, ISG'J ; ti. ^ 7.». 2. Anna H., Sept. 27. mnv«-<1 in I » ; served in Co. A, l.st Cal. Vols. thro«' yt-'nr- : i Hancock's Vet. Reserves, biv.d in Minn.-aj. . - vi. Cauoi.ixic a., m. Man-h 12, IH-m. IM- I" D I'-n-l. /;. James Pukmiam i Arrlnl,1. 20 314 WARE GENEALOGY. iii. James H., d. March 4, 1857, aged 29 ; m. Charlotte . Children : 1. Josephine H., June 27, 1856. 2. James R, 1857. C. Archibald Hazen {Archibald), born in Oakham, July 18, 1806; died July 5, 1852. He married Caroline ; she died August 23, 1878, aged 74. Children : i. George H., 1832 ; m. 1st, Mary Ann , who d. Oct. 8, 1859^, aged 34. He m. 2d, Aug. 30, 18G0, Charlotte Allen. Children : 1. Edivard F., Nov. 10, 1861. 2. George L., June 12, 1864. i. Edward F., Aug. 28, 1835 ; d. Sept. 23, 1861. iii. Albert B., May; 24, 1840, "Son of Albert B. and Mary L. Ware," d. at Paxton "in 1879 " ; m. Mary . Children : 1. . 2. Caroline Z., May 80, 1883. iii. Charles A., 1847; of Spencer ; m. Almira H. Shedd of N. Brookfield, Dec. 1, 1866. Children : 1. Edioard R, May 26, 1872 ; d. Sept. 1, 1878. 2. Robert E., June 5, 1881. [Mrs. Albert Lincoln, Millbury (dau. Julia.)] [Authorities : Mrs. L. AV. Morgan, New London, Conn., and Mrs. Albert Lincoln, Millbury.] Samuel P. Ware, of Eandolph, Vt., married May 31, 1837, in Randolph, Vt., Louisa Williams of Randolph. Children, born in Randolph : i. Daniel Williams, Jan. 3, 1841 ; d. at Sprmgfield, Mass., April 21, 1898. He served in the Civil war in Co. H, 19th Vt. WAKE CJEXKALOCY. 315 Volunteers; was asBigtant wimleii ut the Suu- Vn*t>u »i \V)t>il- sor, Vt.,in ISG.VlSt;? ; iiisjioctorofihf ^ . j factory at Sprin^^rlifld later ; al^j an :. and member of the U. A. U, and of C! ,. Ilr m. Oct. G, 18(37, Beiiiiie J., daughior ol iuvci i'urtcr of "NMudsor, Yt. Children : 1. , who m. Huurv T. Hreck. 2. Edn/i May, Aug. 22, 1873. 3. Bessie P., Nov. I'J, 1H7«. ii. Akthuu Taitan-, Oct. •_'('., 1842. iii. Clakknce Eugene, April 18, 184<>; d. Sprin^'fii-hl, Jan., 1^ •• Children : 1. Arthur E. ; 2. FJla E. ; y. MamU L. iv. Ella Erminia, July, 1s."j2. George Ware, of Townscnd, Vt., is said to have liuil wiw- i'ri»- cilla and to have resided in Dinnmcrstcai, Vt. They an- paid to have been the parents of George Ware, of Townsend, Vt., "Doctor," n rei»idont from 1812 or thereabout, certainly. He niarrittl Lucinda [Kathnn or Cathern]. She died March lit, 1870, a<,'cd «3 years. 11.- diwl. according to one account Aug. -1, according to an..th Nellie B. Holbrook ; she died Jan. 9, 1886. Children : 1. Carrie Alice, I^OY. 21, l^n. 2. Walter Maurice, June 25, died Aug. 31, 1880. I N D I-: X . CHRISTIAN NAMES OF WAKES. Aaron Taylor, . . 147 Aaron Wood, . 1G3, 235 Abl)ott, .... 259 Abby, Abbie, 107,225,247, Abby A., .... 285 AbbyB., .... 165 AbbyE., .... 215 Abby Eunice, . . 244 Abbie Jane, . . . 270 Abbie Lizzie, . . 255 Abby Maria, . 174, 257 Ab1)ey N., . . • • 263 Abby Pliilenia, Abby Potter, . . Abby Kicliardson, Abby Kicliiuond, Abel, 86,88,183-135, 192 189 143 245 , 205- 207, 2G8 Abel Benjamin, . . 207 Abial, .... C5, 81 Abiel, 82, 83,119,120,127 Abi-^ail, 20, 27, 34, 44, 4(;, 50-53,64, 66, 07, 09,70, 71, 72, 86, 91, 94, 104, 107, 124, 134, 137, 142, 151, 153, 188, 200,213, 244 Abigail Boyden, Al)i.iiail Elizal)ctli, . Ai)ifrail Leacli, . • AVjiiiail P Abijah, Adeline E Adeline S., ... Adi'laide. . . 247, Adelaide Fanny , AiU'laidf Franci-s, . Adelaide Lnuisf, Adelaide .Maria, Addle Estlier, . . Addison, 121. 142, 215. 25n Addison C Addison Cliflon, . Addison L Addison Plcrpont. Addison K«>y. . . Adelbert Adell Lucene. . . Adeliza, .... Agnes, Ajjnes .Joanna, . . Aj^nes Maria. . . .Vlanit-na Alanson All). SUiddard. . . Albert, 155, V'.S. 23r. L'I4 153 109 IHl 18H 83, 129 20'.' 211 Abncr 1^^ Abncr Haskell, . . l^'-> Abraham Lincoln, . 221 Ada A 239 AdaH., .... 237 AdaiMary, . • • '-';i< Adams '-•' Adaline or Adeline, 186. '>1 1 219. 252 Adaline 1'.., • 165, 1^>< Adeline C, ... *-'3< Adeline 1)., • . • 200 Albert Clmnin, Albert!).. AllxM-i Kdson. All)ert I'.li^lia. Albert Kraslnh, All>erl F.zra. . . . Albert Friuiclrt, . • Ali)ert IL, . • "■' .Vll.ert Lincoln. AUtert (tmerl. . Albert 1'.. 2H" Albert I'enii' All)ert I'on.l Allicrt L.. . Albert T.. . AllM-rlinn. . Alexaniler Kduara, Alcxb Alfn^. 1». 12 K ITI 3oO I ill. 1.1. 2V' 274 2.". 1 271 ■-Ml >)- 1 201 .1" .UAl^^l. -'-i. 320 WARE GENEALOGY. Amos, 82, 119, 127, 179, 107, 198 AmosB., .... 312 Amos Nelsou, . . 133 Amy E 237 Amy Lillian, . . . 277 Arvilla Covey, . . 220 Asa, 55, 69, 77, 79, 106. 117, 118 Asa Blake, . . 124, 191 Asaph, . . 81, 122, 186 Auu, Anna, Anne, Annie, 40, 48, 55, 61-4, 75, 76, 90, 113, 114, 128, 140, 144, 165, 185, 189, 220, 248, 250,201, 270- Anne Bent, . . . 157 Annal)., .... 183 Anna Dorr, . . . 264 Ann Eliza, . . . 218 Anne Elizabeth, . . 216 Annie Eloise, • . 262 AunaH., .... 192 Anna J., .... 299 Anne Janett, . 152, 228 Annie Laura, . . 301 Anna Leslie, . . . 167 Ann Louise, . 110, 114 Anna Lucy, . . . 285 Ann Maria, 167, 185, 223, 229, 254 Anna Marsella, . . 217 Anne Minns, . . . 202 Anna Rebecca, . . 232 Anne Storrow, . . 102 Annette S., . . . 165 Angeline 261 Angeline E., . . . 255 Archibald, . . . 312 Archibald Danforth, 237 Archibald Ilazen, . 312 Ariel, 83, 122, 128, 186, 251 Arrival Perry, . 152, 227 Arthur, . . . 277, 278 Artliur Breck, . 232, 286 Arthur Hale, . . . 256 Arthur Henry, . . 258 Arthur K., ... 280 Arthur Leroy, . . 236 Arthur Lovell, 233, 287 Arthur Oren, ... 242 Arthur Slocumb, . 168 Arthur \¥.,. . 224,280 Arthur Z., ... 224 Arvilla M., . . . 263 Ashur, . . . 97, 154 Ashur D 286 Augusta, . . 185, 197 Augusta F., ... 310 Augusta Maria, . . 218 Augustus Lyman, 190,256 Augustus Vernon, . 256 Austin, 112, 170, 220, 300 | Avery Sprague, 121, 180 Azariah, 66, 102, 162, 176, 235, 288 Azro, 297 Azro W., . . . . 263 Baasha, .... 77 Barbara, .... 43 Barbara Florence, . 294 Bathsheba, . . . 250 Beebe, 184 Bela 87 Benjamin, 26, 27, 46, 47, 48,51, 61, 64, 66, 67,85, 93,99,124, 145, 156, 189, 219, 220, 232, 309 Benjamin Barnaljas, 103, 164 Benjamin F., . 197, 261 Benjamin J., . . . 164 Benjamin K., . 253, 295 Benjamin Lyman, . 291 Benjamin M., . . 221 Benjamin P., . . 259 Benjamin Bond, 127, 196, 197 Beriah, 34, 38, 50-54, 6S Bernice Caroline, . 292 Bert Oscar, . 297, 301 Bertie Everett, . . 259 Bertha Agnes, . . 265 Bertha E 225 Bertha Louise, . . 238 Bessie N., .... 237 Bethiah, Bathyah, 56, 72, ■73, 81, 210 Betsey, 85, 97, 103, 105, 112, 118, 119, 124, 128, 130, 134, 142, 150, 153, 164, 176, 180, 192, 200, 219, 225 Betsey Ann, 103, 106, 217 Betsey Calista, . . 147 Betsey F., .... 143 Betsey Maria, . . 214 Betsey P., . . . . 131 Betty, 34, 49, 51. 52, 79, 80, 93 Beulah, .... 278 Billy 65,94 Bruce, 293 Bruce Richardson, 5, 248, 292 Burton Clinton, . . 275 Byron Franklin, . 276 Caleb, 69 Caleb Austiu, . 177, 242 Calista, . . . 211,280 Calvin, . . . 09, 186 Camilla, .... 131 Carl Leonard, . . 298 Carleton E., . . . 255 Carlos, 142, 143, 201, 214 Carlos L., . . . . 263 Caroline, 99,107,133,155, 157, 200, 204, 226, 231, 232, 300 Caroline Amanda, . 310 Caroline B., . . . 118 Caroline C. . 114, 165 Caroline Elizabeth, 231 Caroline Farrar, . 287 Caroline Frances, . 257 Caroline L., . . . 216 Caroline Parsons, 232, 233 Caroline Rebecca, . 102 Carrie, . . . 247, 281 Carrie Bell, ... 299 Carrie H., . . . . 292 Carrie Susan, . . 278 Catherine, . 55, 191, 278 Catliariue Hatch, . 196 Catharine L., . . 175 Catharine P., . . 197 Catharine Priscilla, 109 Cecil, 241 CelindaS., ... 228 Chandler, . . 186, 250 diaries, 143,200,202,218, 251, 266 Charles Albert, . . 259 Charles B., . . 186, 251 Charles Benjamin, 259,296 Charles Bentley, . 257 Charles Carroll, . . 292 Charles Coolidge, 153, 229 Charles E., .'' . . 241 Charles Eliot, 102, 161, 165, 171, 234 Charles F., 254, 261, 295, 296 Charles Henry, 203, 217, 228, 266, 277, 283 Charles Howard, 248, 292 Charles Irving, . . 290 Charles Kirklaud, 115, 173 Charles Leroy, . . 216 Charles Lewis, . . 289 Charles Little, . . 310 Charles Mawney, 196, 259 Charles Morgridge, 154 Charles Nathan, 244, 290 Charles Park, . . 237 Charles Pickard, 158, 233 Charles Pinckney, . 130 Charles Seymour, 116, 174 Charles Solomon, . 176 Charles Turner, . 175 Charles Victor, 227, 281 Charles W., 245, 278, 290 Charlesia, .... 105 Charlotte, 84, 125,131,202 215 Charlotte A., . . 262 Charlotte C, . . 258 Charlotte Clement, 238 >V.\UK OEXKALOOY. 331 ClKivlotte Louisn, . 102 Cliarlottc Miiriuii, . 21.") China, .... 4. tl!) Chloe, 70, 82, Si, 125, 127. 195 Cliloe Elvira. . . 195 Clara, 219, 2(;o. 285, ai2 Clara or Clarissa, . 192 Clara Crosby, . . 2(!5 Clara Gertrude, . . 284 Clara Jane, . . . 245 Clara Lestina, . . 278 Clara Louisa, . . 21(5 Clara R 2110 Clara \V 190 Clara Winifre.l, . . 311 Clarence Brigliani, . 278 Clarence II., . . . 232 Clarence Harvey, 273, 299 Clarinda, . . . . 125 Clarissa, 113, 121, 140, 194 Clarissa Ann, . . 10(1 Clarissa I)illa-\vav, . 19(i Clarissa E., . ". . 245 Clarissa G., . . . 245 Clarissa Josephine, 1(14 Clarissa L 113 Clarissa Uicliniond, 140 Clarissa Theresa, . 191 Clark John, ... 272 Cleveland, . . . . lOG Clifton Wilbur, . . 294 Clinton Addison, 215, 275 Comfort, 64, 93, 143, 144 Cora, 283 Cora Lillian, ... 301 Cordelia, .... 187 Cordelia Elizabeth, 141 Cornelia Frances, . 227 Coridan, .... 252 Corydon, . . 132, 203 Crockery, .... 4 Cynthia, 81,119, 123,104, 186, 215 Cynthia E., . . . 18(! Cynthia Irene, . . 177 Cvuthia Lincoln, . 115 Cyrus, 02, 82-1, lOG, 125, 132, 193 Cyrus E., . . 148, 222 Cyrus Dean, ... 177 Cyrus Leonard, . . l.'!2 Daniel, 44, 55, 05, 71, 95, 99, 107. 127, 12H, 150, 207, 222, 209,308 Daniel Addison, 124, 190. 191 Daniel II Daniel Ilathorn, Daniel Ihuves. . . Daniel Leandcr, 197, Daniel Leonard, 85, 133. 204 22.3 14H 152 200 Daidcl Newell, 107 Darius, 09, 105, 100. -t. Darwin Em.stu«, . -• Davit!, 49. 51, .'.'», r.4 77 88,95, 124, 151, 189. -J. David Edmund, David Suiiih, . Daviil Thompson, ::; Davis Wliitinf;. . . Deborah, 39, 77, 85. Delaua Delia F., .... '^Ji i..i,iaiu imu.. Dexter, ... 72. HO I Dexter L., . . 23o " ' hrln. IM. Ifti. Diana l>inah 57 Kdwin A., It' Dolly 83, ?ns Dolly Gibson, -•■ ■ Dora Augusta, . . 'J.' Dora C 2«;i Dora Hose, . . . 2'. . 1.a,w.» Dorothea 2t;- \ Dorothy, Dority, 20. 27 54,55, 59,0i> " Dudley Ellis, . . Dwii,'ht, . . . . .■ . Dutv, . . . 118, 17 • Ebi-n B., .... Ebenezer. 3. 20, 22.1' 37. 38, 40.41.:. 82. 88, 124, 12.'.. .. Edirar ButhT. . . Edirar Lnurln, . . EdzarV.. . . 23:' Edith. 159, 172, 230, Edith Cavllt, . . Edith Minnie, . . - Edmund, . . . . H Edniun.l Asa. . 191. "■ Eilninnd Burke, 217 Edmund Klchardsmi Edmund Tlle.stou Edna A Edna Adel, . . . Edna Endly, Kdua .lane, Edna Jones, Edna L.. . Kdtrar Laurli Edson. . . Edsou Fl."*!!!' Edward Edward \ Edward itcrniird Edw. Canv. . Edward Clifton. Eilward Cole, . . ••■ •.•••- -• 1*1. ;•« 322 WARE GENEALOGY. Eliza Martha, . .271 Eliza Pierpout, . . 182 Eliza Pierse, ... 226 Eliza Pope, ... 249 Elizabeth, 23, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42,56,57,59,64, 66, 67,76,77,82,85,91, 100, 102, 106, 125, 133, 156, 157, 163, 171, 172, 185, 189, 209, 232, 304, 305, 307, 309 Elizabeth A., . . 259 Elizabeth Adelaide, 1G4 Elizabeth Adeline, . 235 Elizabeth Aune, . 102 Elizabeth Blake, 177, 193 Elizabeth Cabot, Elizabeth D., . . Elizabeth Deborah, Elizabeth E., . . Elizabeth F., . . Elizabeth G., . . Elizabeth Jane, . . Elizabeth Jones, Elizabeth L., . . Elizabeth Lawrence, Elizabeth Maria, Elizabeth Marsh, . Elizabeth Parsons, Elizabeth R., . . Elizabeth Ross, . . Elizabeth Ray, Elizabeth S., . Elizabeth Sally, Elizabeth W., 161 167 244 290 245 156 246 133 276 233 175 116 112 167 205 240, 241 310 . 271 163, 257 182, 155, Elizabeth Webber, Ella, .... Ella Augusta, EllaB., . . Ella Bumstead, Ella Cordelia, EllaE., . . . Ella Elizabeth, Ella Jane, Ella Maria, Ella Penina, . Ella Ydel, . . Ellen, 113, 131, Ellon Amelia, Ellen Augusta, Ellen C, . . Ellen Elizabeth, Ellen Emma, Ellen Eugenia, Ellen Frances, Ellen H., . . Ellen Jane, Ellen Juliet, . Ellen Louisa, Ellen Luticia, Ellen M., . . Ellen McKiustrey, 258, 133 284 . 246 . 169 . 266 . 209 224, 275 . 235 Ellen R., . . Ellen Sophia, Ellis, . . . Elmer Ervin, Elmer Sumner, Elmira, . . Eloise C, . . Elsie Belle, . Elsie Ellen, . Elsie Caroline, Elton Warren, . 272 . 234 . 177 . 166 . 273 . 163 . 296 . 239 . 276 . 299 164, 237 Elvira, 125, 146, 151, 223, 273 Elwin B., . . . . 263 Emeline, .... 184 Eraeline A., . . . 156 Emily, 99, 156, 182, 200, 201,211, 219, 221 Emily A., . . . . 197 Emily B., 232, 278, 295 Emily Caroline, . 190 Emily Elizabeth, . 236 Emily Fisher, . . 106 Emily Josephine, . 217 Emily L., ... 286 Emily Lavina, . . 231 Emily Louisa, . . 257 Emily M., . . . . 205 Emily Maria, . . 211 Emily Maria Blackington, 173 245 247 236 206 239 242 263 216 203 255 257 169 156 288 285 247 167 217 301 110 230 Emeline Pond, Emily Smith, . Emily Williams, Emma A., . . Emma Augusta, Emma B., . . Emma Catharine Emma D., . Emma Eliza, Emma Eyre, Emma F., . 193 143 203 152 237 236 238 191 244 226 246 224, 269 Emma Forbes, 1, 2, 4, 5, 158 . 276 . 250 . 154 . 281 170, 194 173, 241 . 291 . 288 Elmer Foster, Emma Frances Emma Grace, Emma J., . . Emma Jane, . Emma L., . . Emma Mary, . Emma Sawyer, Enoch, 135, 146, 208, 220 Enoch Richmond, . 213, 274 Enos, 128 Eoline 0., . . . . 282 Ernest, 292 Ernest Edwin, . . 272 Ephraim Epherim,20, 22, 23, 38, 39, 59, G2, 86 Ephraim Groves, 121, 183 Erastus, . 127, 142, 194, 196, 215, 258 Erastus Amos, . . 260 Erastus Austin, 242, 288 Erastus Darwin, . 260 Erastus Davis, 197, 261 Erastus G., . . . 258 Esther, Easter, 22, 36, 37, 58, 60, 66,70,79,81,88, 124, 127, 135, 144, 148, 153, 209 Esther A., . . . . 166 Esther Ann, . , . 187 Esther May, . . . 291 Esther Phileuia, . 192 Ethel Anna, ... 276 Ethel Grace, ... 293 Ethel Miller, ... 282 Ethelynd Amber, . 298 Etta G. , .... 239 167 Etta M Eudora Melinda, Eugene Fi'ancis, Eugene Fitch, , . Eugene Huntington, Eugene L., Eugene Martin, Eugene Wilder, Eugenia, . . Eugenia E., . Eugenie, . . Eunice, 68, 76, 77, 81, 87, 92, 96, 120, 122, 129, 141, 145, 148, 177, 215, 260 Eunice Ann, . . . Eunice Augusta, Eunice Brainard, . Eunice Emily, . . Eunice Jane, . . . Eunice Maria, . . Eva, Eva Adel, .... Eva Belle, .... Evie Bertella, . . Eva E., .... Eva J., Eva J. M., ... Eva May, .... Evelina, .... Evelina Carroll, Eveline, . . . Evelyn, . . . Evelyn Pierpont, Everett, . . . Experience, . . Ezekiel, . . . Ezra, . 64, 77, 92, 142 Fannie J., . . . . 275 Fannie Seymour, . 175 Fanny, 84, 100, 145, 155, 199, 214 Fanny B 253 296 248 239 309 310 57, 238 273 298 268 267 280 . 289 . 196 . 179 . 203 . 242 . 177 . 254 . 299 . 240 . 259 . 258 . 275 . 287 . 296 . 247 . 247 298, 305 164, 169 . 248 123, 187 . 77 . 189 WAUF OENEALOT.T. Fayette D., . .202,297 Fletcher Kirkland, . 241 Flora, . . . .251,200 Flora A., .... 275 Flora F., .... 237 Flora M 258 Florence, .... 205 Florence Almira, . 237 Florence Cynthia, . 273 Florence E., ... 240 Florence Ellen, . . 238 Florence Emily, • 241 Florence Martha, Florinda Hill, . Flossie Ilattie, . Floyd, .... Forrest E. , . . Frances, . . . 99 141 21)0 247 253 r.»',> J, 230 100 21ts 2< »;i k;;; 202, 205 248, 292 Frances A., . Frances Calder, Frances Clark, Francis Willis, Frances Morilla, Frances Zubiah, Francis, . . Francis Aid en, Francis Cunningham, 260 Francis L., ... 171 Francis ISIorgan, 233, 287 Francis Newcomb, 203, 260 Francis S., . . . 263 Francis Turner, 100, 167, 191 Francis "Wallis, . . 270 Francis Warren, . 312 . . . 200, 259 , 2- vh. • 24,. 259 193. 257 214 230 2H5 M4, 14 . 257 166, U 253, 278 . . 289 . . 104 . . 257 ,273,290 Frank, . . . Frank E., . . Frank Edward, Frank Eldon, Frank Ernest, Frank Henry, Frank II., . . • . 259 Frank Herman, .216, 270 Frank Ilolbrook, . 310 Frank Newell, . 108, 239 Franklin Jason, .210, 272 Fraiiklinrea.se, .220, 281 Fred 251 Fred Lewis, . . • 217 Frederick, 84, 129, 101, 171, 240, 203 Frederick Albert, . 272 Frederick Augustus, Hx, 222 Frederick Barnabas, Frederick Craig, . Frederick Edimind . Frederick Ilofl'inan, I Frederick Webutcr. 240. 1 Goodale .*> 241 Gabriel •••» ' Oorrlnn Cabrlclla Galen liM Gaidner WliecUr, . Genevieve 1'., . . George, 04, 70, 8S, 100, 125. 132. 138, 139. 141-4 224, 274 George A.. 214, ..... . George Aaron. . George Addi.son, George Harker, . Goorge Ik-nlK-y, . George Hyrou, . George C, . . (ieorge Clarence, George D., 110, 215, 3i»'J Georiie Frederick, . H>2 George Gilbert. 5, 2?': George TI., 103. 10 v George Henry, . 178. 227. II 243, 281. "-" •■■• George Homer, George Hcmfonl, --'". '-■'■' George Lemuel, . 14:!. 217 Ilsrriot \ George Long. George Lon/.o, George Lyman, George Otis, . George P., George K., . . George Uiclmrd, George Sewall. . George Vincent. George Wliiteileld. Georgia Emily. . Geurgiaima 14. t rliut). J 1' !i . 2r> '' . 25( ..,!..> TI..1I. ' Georglauna JoHcphUic. I7y 311 27" 31 2. 2t I! II 1! a,«i| 11 1' Frederic L., . Frederick N., 220 104 282 200 129. L'fMI 203, 2<;o 205, 207 Gennaii, G«'rtnule E Gertruile Evangellii' Cierlnule Hniitlngto (;erlrude May. . i^^ 15<), 103, 203, 205, 20«, I 214, 217, 229, 233, 234, I 23G, 208, 270. 278, 285. 280, 302, 301) John Albert, . . . 210 John AUlis, . . . H8 John Albert, . . . 143 John Chester, , . 155 John Clifton, . . 272 John Murray, John Echvard, John Klls\vorth, John F., . . John Fislier, . John Fothersill Water- -WAIIF OKNKAUMiV. Josfphini' Kthcl, . 257 Josiali. 22, 34. 50. r>] '■ ' 54, 55, C8, Ga, 77 Josiah. FranclH. . . I'i Joslah Ilolbrook, 124. 1 Juililli i; .hulsou C, ... 2.' Julia, r.i< iiVi 1 ;r. i.. o;j 274 217 2.s(; 200 202, 2G4 , 157, 232 . . 91 247, 2"J1 , 20'J, 270 . . 215 . . 229 house, . . John Hodges, John Howard, John J., . . John Murray, John Orlando, John Qaiucy Adams, 147, 221 John S., .... 150 John Sand ford, . . 172 John Spurr, . .141, 214 John W., . . . . 300 John Walter, . . 214 John Ward, . .137,211 John Warren, . 177, 245 John Winslow, . . \^'-'> John W. F 254 Jonas Forristall, . 203 Jonathan, 31, 36, 37, 40, ' 50, 57,58,59,00,62, 74, 75, 80, 83, 84, 88, 111, 130, 131, 135, 201 Jonathan Day, . 149, 223 Joseph, 4, 22, 23, 20, 27, 28, 38, 45,46,47,55,57, 64, 06,70,80,82,91,94, 90, 107, 113, 114, 123, 124, 125, 140, 150, 157, 171, 188, 192, 224,292, 309 Joseph Ashur, . 154, 230 Joseph Cyrus, . . 192 Joseph E., 171,240,241 Josei)li Kil-ar, . . 242 Joseph Kny, . I.avlnin lln/i-n, . . Lavlna .Mdiir. . . Lavlnia I'urtir. . . Lawrence Victor, . 1 . IC' 2':fl, 274 172. .231. : I.AWton. LcaUc. . I 1 Julius II 224 1 I I. T.l!-, i 1 til. S^-', #-■• I'M 1 326 WARE GENEALOGY. Louisa Lee, . . Louise M., . . Louise Kuth, . . Louise T., . . . Lowell, . . . . Lowell Davis, Luana, . . . . Luceba Augusta, Luceuia, . . . Lucia, . . . . Lucia Lewis, . . Luciua O., . . Lucinda, 72, 124, 17 7, IGl 108 174 237 179 178 251 278 267 116 189 224 152,211, 235, 263 Lucinda A., . . . 114 Luciuda Allen, . . 114 Luciuda Emeline, . 109 Lucius J., . . . . 144 Lucius Jeremiah, 221, 279 Lucretia, ... 85, 128 Lucretia Burr, . . 148 Lucretia Maria, . . 192 Lucy, 63, 69, 74, 75, 83, 104, 112, 122, 128, 157, 163, 173, 185, 200, 223, 255, 311 Lucy A., .... 208 Lucy Alice, . . . 240 Lucy Allen, . . . 159 Lucy Almira, . . . 273 Lucy Ann, . 113,168,259 Lucy Ann Adams, . 161 Lucy Clark, ... 100 Lucy D., . . . 157, 248 Lucy B., .... 248 Lucy Ellen, . . . 115 Lucy Evelyn, . . . 168 Lucy Fogg, . . . 165 Lucy L., . . . . 286 Lucy M., .... 310 Lucy Manning, . . 130 Lucy Maria, . . . 117 Lucy P., . . . . 199 Lucy Watson, . .241 Luther, .... 69, 106 Luther B., Luther G., Luthera, Lydia, 53, 68, 81, 8i 293 173 199 54, 55, 60, 64, 3, 91, 107, 117, 122, 208, 308, 312 Lydia A., . . . . 297 Lydia Luciuda, Lydia Lurana, Lydia Maria, . Lydia W., . . Lyman, 114, 149; Lyman Gary, . Lyman D., Lymau Davis, Lyman E., Lyman Eugene, 171, 106 119 108 311 223 105, 165 242 243, 289 . 77 5, 166, 238, 304 Lyman Park, . . 124, 191 Lyman Smith, . 177, 242 Lyman Stoddard, 179, 246 Lvman Trumbull, . 278 Mabel, . . 128, 284, 288 Mabel Hastings, . 298 Mabel Marshall, . . 262 Mabel R 295 Maggie, .... 283 Mahala 201 Malcolm Cunningham, 286 Mautu, .... 128, 199 Marcellus Austin, 190, 256 Marcia Abigail, . . 168 Marcia Louisa, . . 276 Marcus, .... 199 Marcy, 82 Margaret, 18, 22, 23, 36, 37,53, 54,58,67,81,95, 128, 150, 187, 287 Margaret A., . . . 253 Margaret Aretta, . 289 Margaret S., . ... 242 Margery, .... 291 Margery Jean, . .286 Marguerite E., . . 240 Maria, 116, 121, 146, 219, 224, 202 Maria A., . . .213, 230 Maria Anne, . . . 152 Maria Elizabeth, 247, 284 Maria Huntington, . 229 Maria Taylor, . . 146 Mariah, .... 251 Mariah C, ... 254 Mariam, ... 77, 239 Marietta Louise, . 289 Marilla, .... 132 Marion C, . . . 283 Marion HoUoway, . 298 Marion W., ... 221 Marion Wheeler, . 296 Marjorie Kirkland, . 241 Marshall, .... 200 Martha, 40, 41, 66, 86, 101, 145, 152, 154, 155, 165, 185, 231, 259, 302 Martha A., . .261,268 Martha Ann, 101, 167, 197, 228, 281, 310 Martha Ann Grey, . Ill Martha B., . .118,289 Martha E. , ... 269 Martha Ellen, . . 291 Martha Ii^mma, . . 171 Martha Elizabeth, 169,209 Martha G., . . . 197 Martha H., ... 197 Martha Harriet, . . 147 Martha J.,. . .230,290 Martha Jane, . . . 222 Martha King, . . . 116 Martha Rogers, . . 134 Martha Sarah, . . 231 Martha W., ... 200 Martia, 311 Marvel 91 Mary, 26, 27, 30, 40, 43, 44,48,51, 56, 60,61,62, 64, 65, 66, 70, 72, 77, 80, 82, 90,99, 100, 107, 113, 122, 124, 127, 128, 129, 132, 137, 139, 140, 143, 156, 160, 163, 166, 169, 172, 187, 189, 197, 199, 206, 208, 212, 219, 22Q, 224, 247, 251, g60, 263, 277, 298, 300, 302, 304, 308, 311 Mary A., 163, 176, 187, 217, 227, 240, 276 Mary Abby, . . . 244 Mary Agnes, . . . 170 Mary Alice, . . . 170 Mary Anna, . . . 115 Mary Ann, 115, 135, 141, 201, 207, 211, 212, 246, 250, 253, 272 Mary Ann Tileston, 202 Mary Appleton, . . 233 Mary Aurelia, . . 170 MaryB., .... 185 Mary Belle, ... 282 Mary Betsey, . . . 131 Mary Bradstreet, . 206 Mary Bragg, . . . 204 Mary Brastow, . . 202 Mary Breck, ... 312 Mary C, . . . . 110 Mary Clark, ... 151 Mary Coutant, . . 274 Mary Cotton, . . 100 Mary Davis, . . . 257 Mary E., 110, 111, 171, 250, 252, 255, 258, 271, 312 MaryE. B., ... 232 Mary Edna, ... 284 Mary Edwards, . . 124 Mary Eliza, ... 183 Mary Elizabeth, 157, 189, 204, 226, 229, 234, 265, 273, 276, 286, 290, 293, 282 Mary Ella, 176, 254, 257 Mary Ellen, . . 169, 270 Mary Emeline, . . 193 Mary Emily, . .180, 192 Mary F., . . . . 214 Mary Flora, ... 278 Mary Frances, . 222, 227 Mary G., . . . . 225 Mary Greene, . . 158 Mary H., . 229, 245, 265 Mary Harriet, . 161, 241 Mary Hayward, . . 182 WARE GENEALOGY. .t?7 May Helen, . . 190, 20.0 Mary Isabolle, . . 277 Mary J., . . .204, 202 Mary Jaue, 133, 211, •2M;, 243, 28i), 301) Mary Joanna, . . '2'>{) Mary Josephine, . 17t"« Mary Julia, . . . 292 Mary L., 223, 225, 25.S, 262, 2U0 Mary Lee lUl Mary Lillian, . . 171, 2(J7 Mary Lily, Mary Louisa, . Mary LovoU, . Mary Lucinda, Mary Maria, . Mary Miranda, Mary N., . . Mary liandall, Mary Kobbius, Mary Rosaline, Mary Sophia, . 152, 248, 292 221 157 192 2S1 195 254 132 231 232 204 Mildred Uhutla. . . Milla Miily Milu Lewis, . .252 .Milton .Minna Louise, . . Minnie .Vd.Uue, . . .Minnie Hell. . . . Minnie Coni, . . . Minnie K. . .Mini, MiraG .Miranda, . . . !'.': .Miriam, . . . ; i ■ Miriam Lavinia, . . Molly, .S3. h4, 92, yC, -'"1 i?7a nllv, IV Mary T., . . . . 217 Mary Temple, . . '2M Mary v., .... 274 Mary "Washburn, . 2lo Mary Waterhouse, . '2:>i Mason, 295 Matthew Asaph, 252, 294 Matilda, .... Matilda Louise, . . Matilda Maria, . . Mattie C, . . . . Mattie Elizabeth, . Maud Maud Elizaljeth, Maud Warren, . . May Coflin, . . . May Emily, . . . Mehetable, Mehitabel, 27. 40,43,54,55,58,02, G4, 99, 105. 122, 245 Mela, . . , . . 127 Melatiah, 47, 59, 83, 84, 85, 129, 131, 132, 203 Melenda, .... 304 Melenda Shaw, . . 182 MelindaJauc, .181,247 Melissa Jane . . • 19o Melissa M., . . . -'93 Melville C, . . . IHM Melville llobertson. I'l-.r. I'. -J O - 198 274 151 171' 172 205 252 237 311 .Mosed, 43,00, 04, 21'^ Moses Everett, .2o. Moses Hastings, 2l>, Moses Lane, T .222, Moses Weld, . . . Mvra, .Myra R Mvra Jane, . . . .Myron Lee, . . 107. 2 Mymn Koberts, . Myrlie .Vlice, . . Myrlie Isabel, . . 2.' N. .Vugusline, . . 2'- Nabby 7. Nancy, 08, H3, 84, 107. 12.' 123, 128, 137, 139, U' 112, 144, 153, 154. Is2, 217 . Nancy .\nn, . . Nancy K., . . . Nancy Lauretta, Nancy .Maria, Nancy S., . . . . '~> Nanny ' Naomi, . . . 05, 2' • Nathan. 77, 82, 117, 123. 148, 177. 1N7, iss. 2-J,i 242, 245, 254, 305 Nathan K., . .254,2' Nathan Fisher, . . i: Nathaniel, 18, 22, •-' 31,34, 3H, 40. 41. 1 51, 63, 00, 07. «.- 104, 137, 20y, 211. .. 308. 3 2' I. 1 i; ''s: Mercv, 90, 122, 123 Merle .Marson, Mcrriam, . . Merritt, . . Merritt E., Mcrtie A., . . Mervin Willis, . . 27n Meshech 3o;i Michael, 36, 37, 58, 83, 12.S Mildred Tray, . • 208 . 293 . 2:!5 224, 2>o . 12.S . 29('. Nulhanle! Dana, Nellie Nellie (• Nellie Kellcllas. . Nellie M., . Nelly Nelly J Nellv M Nelson, . UU.'i' Nellie I Newell K 1 ( 1. ) )rmu«Ju. ita. i Ua,:;^. iw. iij. r«»i. Uaxvx. 328 WARE GENEALOGY, Phebe, Phoebe, 58, 68, G9, 70, 77, 78, 83 Phelps 152 Phil. Thurber, . . 2G8 Philander, 126, ISO, 194 Philander Ilartwell, 255 Phihxiider Keuuj', . 180 Philena, .... 225 Philip Cunuina;ham, 28G Phiiiehas, .^82, 95, 125 Phinehas Atwood,150,224 Pliiiy, . . . 122, 185 Plinv Clark, . 185, 250 Polly, 67, 70, 90, 96, 99, 118, 123, 126, 128, 129, 136, 138, 153, 180, 211, 297 Polly Groves, , . 181 Polly Maria, ... 245 Preston, 96,121,163,181, 182, 248, 292, 304, 305 Priscilia, . 48, 51, 104 Eachel, 80, 117, |120, 127s 135. 224. 225 Eachel Esther, . . 191 Rachel S., ... 220 Ralph, 70, 76, 107.114,172 Ralph Fletcher, . . 241 Ralph Kirkland, . 172 Randolph A., , . 205 Raymond, .... 266 Rebecca, 43, 69, 81, 89, 92, 93, 137, 146 Rebecca A., . . . 110 Rebeckah Banker, . 269 Rcna Emily, . . . 252 Reuben, . . . 72, 83 Reuben Newell, . . 108 Reuel, 22, 71, 72, 109, 128 Reuel Willard, 109, 169 Rhobe (Phtcbe?), . 195 Rhoda, 69, 88,93,96, 106, 122, 135 Rhoda Ann, . . 226 Richard, 44, 64, 91, 140, 142, 199, 230, 311 Richard Cunningham, 286 Richard Darwin, . 260 Richmond Ames, . 300 Robert, 1, 2, 3, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25,28,30,35,36, 37,38,39,57,59, 60, 79, 87, 149, 157, 159, 209, 287, 304, 307, 308, 309 Robert Albert, . . 236 Robert Allison, 166, 238 Robert Blunt, . . 310 Rol)ert Burns, . 230, 284 Robert C, ... 260 Robert Christmas, . 267 Robert Dennison, . 275 Robert Dexter, . . 265 Robert Edward, , . 284 Robert Gage, . . 298 Robert Galen, 181,247,292 Robert H., . . 285, 230 Robert Loi'enzo, . 247 Robert Percival, . 238 Robert Rea, ... 172 Rodney Bradford, . 232 Roger Blaine, . , 241 RoUo, ..... 230 Romondo C, . 218, 277 Rosie M., . . . . 280 Rosina, .... 128 Roweua, .... 199 Roxalana Sheldon, . 203 Roxana, . . . 199, 208 Roxanna Phebe, . 141 Roxany, . . . . 185 Rov Bennett, . . 283 Rufus, 122, 123, 185, 187, 188, 199, 250 Rufus A., . . , . 253 Ruth, 57, 194, 199, 228, 240, 264 Ruth Lillian, ... 240 Sabin, . , . , . 148 Sabra, 105 Sadie E., .... 237 Sadie L., . . 254, 258 Sallv, 69, 75, 93, 95, 104, 105, 125, 126, 135, 142, 143, 164, 183, 189, 214, 311, 312 Sally Smith, . 143, 214 Salome, .... 142 Samantha, . . . 246 Samantha Eulalia, . 294 Schuyler, . . . 186, 251 Sjimiiel, 8, 19, 20, 21, 23, •■ 30,35,38, 39, 55,59,67, 72, 75, 85, 88, 91, 103, 106, 111, 112, 122, 123, 134, 151, 167, 170, 183, 207, 209, 270, 292 Samuel A., ... 103 Samuel Austin, . . 112 Samuel B., ... 220 Samuel Boylston, . 134 Samuel Coverley, 183, 249 Samuel Cowell, 152, 227, 283 Samuel Gilbert, . . 184 Samuel L., . . . 157 Samuel Miller, .228,282 Samuel Morse, . 199, 263 Samuel Newton, . 282 Samuel Wheaton, . 179 Samuel William, . 73 Samuel Worcester, . Ill Sanford, . . . 149, 187 Sarah, 36, 37, 38, 42, 58, 60, 67, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 82,86,89,90,94, 95, 102, 103, 111, 113, 122, 123, 134-138, 142-144, 148, 149, 162, 163, 167, 170, 183, 198, 206, 210, 211, 220, 222, 225, 255, 266, 280, 307, 308 Sarah A., 170,237,258 Sarah Adeline, . 210, 211 Sarah Amelia, . . 283 Sarah Ann or Anne, 178, 202, 227, 258 Sarah Ann Bethia, . Ill Sarah B., . . . . 249 Sarah Belle, . . . 282 Sarah Bradford, . 168 Sarah Catharine, . 192 Sarah Cole, ... 242 Sarah Cornelia, . . 282 Sarah E 206,268 Sarah Edith, ... 236 Sarah Elizabeth, 115, 154, 202 Sarah Ellen, . Sarah Elmira, Sarah Eoline, Sarah F., . . Sai'ah Frances, Sarah Green, . Sarah H., . . Sarah J., . . Sarah Jane, . Sarah L., . . Sarah M., . . Sarah Maria, . Sarah Matilda, Sarah Minns, Sarah Prentice, Sarah Smith, Sarah W., . . Selenda A., . Selina, . . . Seneca Eugene, Sevia, . . . Sevia Olivia Ann Sibel, . . . Sibyl, . . . Sidney, . . Sidney L., Silas, . . . Silas Frederick, Silence, . . Silvanus, . . Silvea, . . . Solomon 205, 195, . 228 . 272 . 282 . 270 . 110 . 185 183, 247 . 273 183, 256 . 258 . 224 206 257 265 210 184 257 163 85 299 . 218 . 218 . 54 . 133 224, 280 275, 300 . 70 . 168 57, 81 . 96 . 93 JO, Sophia, Lawrence, 76, 77, 116, 117 98, 312 Sophia W., Sophia Willard, Sophronia, • 76 Sophronia J., Sophy, . . . Stanly Pierpout Statira, . . . Statira Chapin, 115 116 , 77, 254 153 185 293 146 147 UAKR (irVrvi-OOY. 333 Stella, .... 129, 279 Stella G., . . , . 293 Stephen Cnimiughani, 287 Stephen Harrison. . 173 Stephen Noland, 228, 283 Stephen Thomas, . 267 Stephen V., . . 199, 2C2 Storer Preble, . . 2(15 Sumner Burlingame, 240. 291 Susan, 9G, 12G, 131. ir.o, 190, 259 . . 225 .203, Susan A., . . Susan Amelia, . 203, 240 Susan Ann, . . . lie Susan Auijusta, . . 243 Susan Dix, ... 132 Susan Durell, . . 107 Susan E 283 Susan Elizabeth, 132, 228 Susan Louise, . 133, 210 Susan M., . . . . 150 Susan Maria, . . . 143 Susan Melinda, . . 247 Susan ]\Ierrill, . . 179 Susan Minus, . . 202 Susan Torrev, . . 24C Susan Walcott, . . 229 Susanna, G7, 76, 119, 125, 127 Suse 92 Susie, 91 Survina, .... 95 Sylvester Goodale, 76, 115 Sylvester Howard, . 180 Sylvia, .... 94, 98 Synthia, .... 119 Taniar, 95 Thankful, . . 77, 152 Theodore, . . . 69, 105 Theodore Leston, . 232 Thooda, .... 220 Theresa, .... 234 Thesda, .... 278 Theobald Chester, . 290 Thomas, 3, 30. 58, 76, 81, 114, 115, 130, 131 Thomas B., 125, 177, 193 Thomas C, . • • l'-'^ Thomas J 312 Thomas JeQ'erson, 137, 212, 312 Thomas Minns, . 202, 265 Tliomas iSIuiiroo, . lf<5 Thomas liusscU, . 172 21 1 r,r. 1 • Thomas Shopnrd, Thornton Klrklat Thornton ' ' Tiniolhy, 111, 119, 120, 1 180, 188, 192, : Tlmothv Lewirt, . Tryphenia, . . Unity Ursula, . . Ursula .M.. Viua Ellu, . . . Vinal, . . 126, 127 Viola Viola Maria, . . Violctta raullne. . Virjjinia. .... Vorestus, . . .157 Waitstill, . . .105 Waitstill Louisa, Wales Wallace Henry, . Wallace Kiiifj, .21»; Walter, 98, 154. !'■' 204, Walter Blake. ..:i. Walter C'rii;,'liton, . Walter Eliot. . . . Walter Ells>Yorlh, 1721 110. lU, 1» la*. HI bi WllMnn H >^ Uiiaui 2.!1 Walter Hazcn, . . Walter Ik-urv, . . Walter L Walter .Macon, .'Jo'.i. Walter Ubadlab. . 2:j, Ward 137. -tn> Wl'isrii Warner Lakln. . . Warren, 6S, 104. 12.V 164, 17'' Warren Fn-d, . . Warren Ulin.. . 23r, Wesley Wesley L., 221,:.-- Wilbur Kiske, Wilbert Willard, 122, 128. 185 Willard .\danj.i. Willard C. . Willard WillUni William, 27. «1.< 62, 63.64,67. 7 91. 96. 101. ! \guf. t. 14*. NAMES OTHER THAN WARE. Abbot, . . 79, 102, 139 Adams, 94, 95, 124, 125, 126, 150, 159, 163, 191, 223, 227, 288, 297 Ainsworth, . • • 141 Albro, 72 Alden 148 Aldis, .... 23, 65 xUdrich, Aldrage, Ald- ridffe, 17, 21, 122, 191 Allchorus, ... 118 Alleu, 71,82,100,158,189 Allison, .... 232 Ames, . . 86, 300, 311 Anderson, .... 122 Andrews, . 100, 138, 243 Andross, .... 62 Angelsdon . . . 259 Appleton, .... 233 Arras, ..... 76 Armsby, .... 167 Arnold, . . . 222, 226 Atwater .... 280 Atv/ood, .... 220 Avery, ... 21, 45, 72 Ayres 231 Babcock 102 Saclieler 216 Bacon, 30, 38, 50, 51, 52, 110, lis Backus, .... 119 Badcock, .... 20 Bailey, 123, 1.34, 142, 176, 188, 207, 235, 243, 2G7 Baker, . . 18, 135, 311 Baldwin, . 146, 158, 210 Bales, 170 Bancroft, . . . . 141 Bannister, ... 76 Barbour, .... 232 Bare, 298 Barlow, .... 300 Barnes, . . 53, 101, 229 Barnum, Barnbain, 215 BarroU -38 Barrett, .... 130 Barrows, Bartlet, Basset, Bates, Batchelder, , . 62 . 288 , . 266 123, 286 . 110 Battell, Battle, Battles, Battelle. 21, 24, 29, 30, 42, 88, 178, 290 Bayley, 169 Bayliss, .... 138 Baxter, .... 291 Beal 138 Bean, Beane, . 25, 162 Beard, 136 Bears, 293 Beckwith, .... 273 Beede, 261 Belcher, .... 143 Belden, Belding, 55, 225 Belknap 226 Bell, 174 Bement, .... 75 Bemis, 234 Benedict, . . . . Ill Benner, .... 187 Bennett, Bennv^tte, ISO, 214, 215, 249, 282, 289 Benson, .... 242 Bent, .... 87, 223 Bickford, .... 267 Bis;elow, 53, 65, 133, 135, 159, 288 Bissby, .... 298 Billiugs,23,46, 47,55, 61, 84, 132, 177, 207 Bird, 214 . 229 . 93 . 264 . 160 Blnnt, 309 Bishop, . . Bl.o.ckinton, . Bladen, . . Blaikie, . , Blake. 27, 64, 67, 70, 119, 124, 151, 165, 167, 257 Blanchard, ... 125 Blazer, ., ... 282 Blodgett, . . 188,254 IJlood, . . 99, 248, 262 Boaden, Bodflsh, . Bonney, Bosworth, Boutillier, Bowditch, Bowen, 121 . 104 . 267 . 72, 73 134, 141 . 116 192, 304 , . 156 Blair, 254 Bowes, ... 99, 100 Boyd, . . . 122, 186 Boyden, . . . 153, 191 Boynton, .... 189 Bradley, . . 123, 129 Brann, 188 Brastow, .... 104 Breck, .... 69, 232 Brewer, . . . 131, 265 Brewster, .... 47 Bridge, .... 156 Brig'hara, . . 278, 288 Briggs, 62, 64, 98, 145 Bright, 42 Brimblecorn, . . 103 Britton, . 79, 147, 215 Broad, . . . 39, 106 Broaddns, .... 264 Brodmerkle, . . . 163 Broadstreet, . . . 134 Brock, 20 Bromiley, . . . . 110 Brooks, .... 163 Brown, 70, 98, 137, 240, 245-247, 302 Bruce, . . Bryant, Buck, . . Buckner, . Buffixm, Bullard, 46, Bullen, . . Bullock, . Burgess, . Burkett, . Burleigh, . Burnham, . 186 108 39 24 103 66, 154, 229 . . 17, 99 79 258 126 108 141 WARF. OEVEALOflV. Bnrr 121, 148: Bun-is 140 ' Burroughs, . . . r.>5 ' Burt, . . . 12'., 2,ss BuswcU Klo Butler, . . . Ls.-., 232 Butterflokl, . 122, 131 Butters, . . , . 12(J Cahill, 22G CaklAvell, .... 132 Campl)ell, .... 275 Capen 11), 232 Caprou 43 Carpenter, 38, 120, 123, 125, 147, 181, 251 Carr, 277 Carrold, .... 305 Carroll, . . .247,201 Carter, 121 Gary, Carej', 103, 105, 119, 208, 217 Cass 270 Cate 284 Chadbourne, 255, 290, 308 Chamn 4, 62 Chamberlain, 71, 109, 115, 142, 150, 2(»!), 293 Chandler, 89, 9G, 158, 170, 18« Chapen, Chapln, 70, 103, 114, 145 Chaplen, .... 43 Chapman, . . .213,284 Chase, . . HI, 200, 312 Cheoseraan, . . . 235 58, 192, 247 ... 71 Generc," 18a, 20, 150 . . . 139 ... 00 ... 139 ... 2.-.0 . . 188, 2.53 . . 90, 279 . . 130, 202 Colburn, Colbunie. S5. Cole, Cowles. IIC aa^DtT, 4, SS JM 49 44 «^ CiiK-miiii, . ("olfurd. . Collins, . Col lock, {'i>lton, Colly.T, Comiii!". Conistock, Coniinl, Constance, Cooloy, Coolidge, . Cook, 08, 150 19- 1G3, 2 4 102. 2- Cheever, Ciieney, Chenery, " Chick, . Chickerint; Cliild, . ' Chilson, Choate, Church, Churchill, . Clap, Chipp, 18, 19, 45, 170, 207, 312 Clark, Clarke, 53, 65, 08, 87, 99, 100, 118, 120, 122. 151, 154, 250, 270. 302 1 20, 155, 1H5 . . . 119 . . . 1 ';•■'. . . . 20IJ Cllnesworth, ... 147 Clvde -'10 Cobb •«>. *■-' Cobh'iiih, . . .-'I.-, L'T'- Codtiiiig I"^'-' Coggeshall, ... 68 09, 75, ~\ 114, 117, 125, 140, Clary, . . Cleale, . Cleveland, Clifton, Cookson, Coolidge, Coon, . Cooper, Co|ieland, Corse. . Corson, Cottrell. Courser, Cousins. CiiverU'v. Cowee. . CoWfll, Craft. . Craiiie, Crale. Crime. 9s, 2 Crawfurd. Cressy, Crocker. . Crockflt. . Crofut, Crosby, Croscup. . C'rossinan, ('ross'-ll, . Cnlp' pper, Cuinming'*. Cunninghauj, Cnrrnn, Cnrrier, Curtis, . ensiling. Cnslunan. Cutting, Daggett. Dann, . Pani', l):mf<»rlli, Diiilel DanlelH. 20, 68. n^ 00 105. 2- l: 197. or,9 202 40. 1 1 1 121, 1 <:.'■. 1- 1 1 ■ .63. 1 2s 1 2'.' I 2". I 2: 1' 2' h 149. 2. 2> 2> r 19. U> !' • I %>. ll«. 11 1> li 'U. IV Darling. Dnrt, l):iv.Mip.i!i, . . 11. • Davi-. 2::. 123. HO. Ml 180, 197. 198. »A3. rJ3 1 !r "«t' 332 WARE GENEALOGY. Evans 125 Everett, 49, 51, 52, G2, 83, 84. 123, 194 Fairbanks, 18, 23, 2(5, 35, 66, 210 Eairchild, ... 294 Fales, . 143, 178, 312 Farnsworth, . . . 192 Farnum, . . . . 186 j Farrar, . 269, 287, 310 Farriugton, ... 23 Farwell, Fassett, Fessenden, Field, . . 76, llo, 168 . . . 116 . . . 135 76, 195, 258 Gere, 75 Geretin, .... 114 Gibbs, 41 Gilbert, . . . 200, 272 Gilchrist, .... 299 Giles, 217 Gill, 307 Goldtliwaite, . . 310 Goodale, .... 55 Goodenow, Goodnow, 57, 58, 133, 215 Finley, 231 Finnej', .... 62 Fish, 112 Fisher, 23, 24, 28, 30, 31, 37,47,56,65,72,95,118, 120, 121, 184, 193, 215, 217, 242 Fiske, 88, 97, 110, 269 Fletcher, od, 87, 134, 241 Flagg, . . . .55, 230 Flatiugham, ... IS Goodrich, . Goodridge, Gordon, Goulding, 79, 93 Flint, Flood, . Floyd, . Fogg, . Folger, Foote, . Forbes, Forbush, Force, . Ford, . Forrest, Fosgale, Foster, 37, 85 195, 197 Fowler, Fox, Franklin, Frary, . Freeman, French, Frink, . Frost, . Fuller, 21, 29, 38 168, 209, 227 Gage, . Gaines, . Gale, Galnsha, Gamage, Gardner, Garland, Gates, . •9 97 134, 208 . 196 . 85 . 156 . 109 . 264 . 195 . 182 34, 38 93, 310 • 84 . 280 ,98, 104, 276, 310 . 160 116, 132 . 276 . 140 37, 62 270, 280 . 260 39, 290 , 77, 79, 252, 280 . 263 . 251 . 158 . 310 . 86 201, 202 . 310 . 199 Gay, 23, 25-7, 29, 30, 37, 39, 44, 60, 243, 289 George, . 19, 23, 39, 91 Geuere, Ginery [Chen- ery], 18a, 20 120 . . . 197 . . 57, 112 45, 244, 246 Grady, 195 Grainger, . . . . 117 Grant, 34, 83, 180, 226, 250, 298, 307 Greatraikes, ... 95 Greeley 108 Green, Greene, 18, 19, 87, 95,117,124,160,175,185 Greenwood, . . . 4, 71 Grouety, .... 218 Grover, .... 109 Groves, . . 121, 304 Guild,27,31,112, 120, 163, 178, 242, 289 Gunn, 173 Gnstin, .... 137 Hale, . . 84, 123, 190 Haley, 213 Hall, 53, 54, 96, 101, 124, 126, 132, 151, 170, 210, 230, 268, 291 ... 238 Hamlet, 149, 154, 223 Hammond, 70, 145; 225 Hancock, 31, 37, 57, 99 Handel, .... 222 Hanna, 172 Hanson, .... 261 Harding, .... 164 Hardwicke, . . . 176 Hardy, 225 Harlow, .... 237 Harmon 96 Harper, 110 70, 222, 227, 312 Halladay, Hamblet, Harrington Harris, . Harrison, . Hartlejs Hartshorn, Hartway, , Hartwell, . Harvey, Haskell,. , Hastings, Hathaway, Hathon, 203, 21, 127, 218, 254, 219 173 238 179 35 187 62 286 234 296 216 Hathorn, .... 144 Hatstat, . . 162, 23G Haven, . ... 45, 102 Hawes, 23, 25, 29, 37, 44, 48, 51, 57, 58, 68, 125, 126, 129, 155, 194, 223, 239, 245, 301 Hawkes 75 Hawkins, . . 127, 128 Hay den, . . . 70, 121 Haynes, . . Hayward, Hazelton, Heald, . . . Healy, . . . Heard, Hurd, Heath, . . Heaton, Heffron, Heilge, Henderson, Hendrick, . Hensel, Henshaw, . Herring, . Herzog, Hicks, . . Higgins, . . 183 . 189 . 310 . 221 80, 304 166, 167 77, 189, 295 53, 80 193 266 145 215 291 74 39 108 62 164 Hill, Hills, 4, 62, 80, 91, 126, 139 Hillycr, .... 70 Hilt, 295 Hitchcock, . . . 158 Hixon, 120 Hodges, .... 61 Holbrook, 35,67, 69, 124, 244, 309 Holden, . Hollis, . HoUoway, Holmes, Holt, . Hood, . Hooker, Houston, How, Howe,- PI ward, 121 Howland, Hoxie, . Hoyt, . Hubbard, Hugg, . Hughes, Hnlett, . Humphrey Hunt, . Hunter, Hunting, Huntington, Huntoon, Hurd, . Hutchins, Hyde, . 103, 162, 193 302 247 312 88 240 102, 180 . . 130 181, 297 180, 246 74, 109 51 98 275 145 287 117 216 9, 151 252 23, 24 309 164 222 85 75 18, WAUE OEXF.ALOOT. Ide, . . . Ini;alls, " Ironquill," Irviutr, . . Jackson, . . . 179, . . 108 23y, 309 . . 2\)'J 102, 275 Jaques. . 155, 233, 287 Jenkins, .... 75 Jennings, . . 107, 204 Jewett, . . . 89, 253 Johnson, 100, 103, 123, 180, 185, 203, 239, 240, 308 Johnston, . . . . 175 Jones, 18, 19, G7, 133, 1(53. 199 Jordan, 239 Josselyn 133 Joy, 5G, 277 Joyce, 270 Juiigbhith, ... 222 Kaleiu, 17 Kamp, 128 Keelnm, ... 19, 20 Keen, , . . . . 187 Keep, 198 Keith, 150 Kemp, 128, 200, 217, 2(i3 Kendall 87 Keniston 204 Kent, 199 Kennedy ... 70, 254 Kidder, 187 Kill)urn, .... 93 Kimball, . . 145, 212 Kinney, Kennev, . 180 King, . 44, 7G, 142, 207 Kingman, .... 279 Kingsbnry Kingsbcrry, 19, 39, 40, 42^ CO, cb, 71, 137, 144, 100, ICS, 179, 243, 3U1 Leonard, 47. C2. 67. 138. 163 Lcprellelt, . . . Lewis, C7. 75, 178. 245, 248 LIbbcy. Llbby. . Lilly Lincoln. U7. 8C, :: TTir.' ,11 ICN) 11 Kingsley Kirkland, Knapii, . Knight, 47 Knowles, Koch, . KoUock, Lakin, . Lamb, . Lambert, Lane, Laugraaid, Law, 74 ... 74 . . . 13G 79, 271, 272 . . . 92 . . . 10,S 50 272 . . . 113 100, 205 C2, 04, 101. 292 . . . 171.' . 4(5 209, Lawrence, 63, 76, 8], 175 Leach, . . . .79. 216 Leavitt, 73, 113, 114, 121, 294. 297 Lech ford, . . . . 3ii7 Lechler, . . . • i:"' Lee, . . 146, 161. 297 Lelaud, 97,98,99,102,230 Litchilfld. Little, . . Litlk-rteld, ;;i : Lloyd, . . KM Locke, 101, luft, loO. 114 Long i'::i Lord Loring, .i., Lott, . . 109 Lovell 1'" Lovering 1,'. . Lovewell 86 Lowell in? Lowndes, . . Lnll, . . . Lyiiuiii i: Lyon, . . . McAdams, McAnaul. . Mc('al)e, . . McCall 17' McC'luiul, . . 167 ■ McCUirg. . . Mcronms ..i' McKoweii, . . . 11' McKvay, . . MclJanphey, . McCilassion, . . . 1«'' .McCJuire 801 .Mcliilosl 109 .Mackeiilyrc, . . . "'1 .Mcliitvre, . . McKay, ... 151 Mi'Kceii, . . .McKenzie. Mcl.aiu'. . . .McN.ii I'- .McQiiarl'-rs, . .McSpaddi-n, . McWllllnuis. . Mncce, 61, 144, 14 Magce L' .Magnir' MagiM, .Miikcplfcc, . . .Man. .Mniin, l"" ?? '-' 31.34. 35. 65. 07 ' Maid.'V. Manning. . .MaiiHlleUI. Mar.h, . . .Marsh. . . '"•>i. ?.. ^^n. m. ii». S\u\rx. ^T^^l^■. ' M<-n.liiI|. Mi-rrl«in. M. r ^■' Metmlf. An.i.i:.!.- r i&i, ita. rjj \: M M V M 334 WARE GENEALOGY. Nourse, Nowell, Nye, Olcott, . Oliver, . Ondler, Ouion, . Osborne, Otis, Oxford, Oxnard, Osgood, Overbangh Packard, Paiue, . Paige, Page, Palfrey, Palmer, Park, . Parker, 20 Parkhurst, Parraelee, Parsous, Partridge, 54 9, . 97 139, 308 131, 149 224 157 252 230 146 100 109 205 273 213 112 120, 158 180, 213 . 303 104, 267 30, 67 86, 105, 213, 236, 244, 269 92, 1 89, 24 Pasraore, Peabody, Pearson, Peaslee, Pease, . Peck, . Peet, . Peuuiman, Perkins, Perrin, . Perry, . Peters, . Pettee, . Pettis, . Phelps, Phillips, Pickard, Pierce, Pearse, 206 . . 175 . 112, 163 142, 187, 188 . 80 . 126 108, 158 253, 295 . 226 229, 274 . 134 . 60 129, 151 . 151 152, 208 211, 219 . 84 . 225 183, 234 116, 201 . 157 39, 221, 248, 288 182 273 174 180 63 Pierpont, . Pitcher, Pi ton, . . Pitts, . . Piatt, . . Plimpton, Plympton, 120, 178, 190, 194, 243 Poml, 58, 77, 84, 85, 93- 95, 120, 122, 127, 143, 162, 223 Pope, 1, 182, 183, 249, 305 Porter Post, . Potter,. Powell, Powers, Pratt, 65, 45, 70, 281, 287 .... 218 . . . 139, 204 .... 18a .... 100 74, 88, 92, 97. 107, 132, 232, 280 Pray ,268 Prentice, Prentiss, 46, 66, 100, 120, 302 Preston, .... 281 Prescott, Price, . Proctor, Prnsk, . Puffer, Puffor .309, 311 . . 99 . . 166 . . 104 43, 44, 47, 92 102 184 Putuara, Putney, Quei'e, 195 Rae, 119 Rand, • .... 190 Randall, . . . 132, 292 Randlett, .... 84 Rathboue, . . 143, 216 Ray, . . 81, 119, 181 Raymond, . . . Ill Reave, 194 Record, .... 54 Reed,74,75, 167,224, 238, 256, 294 Reeves, .... 295 Remick, .... 261 Rheem, .... 264 Rice, 75, 143, 162, 233, 250, 286, 310 Richmond, 83, 90, 91, 92, 221 Richards 42 Richardson, 87, 105, 106, 125, 149, 181, 184, 214, 226, 227, 258 Riddle, .... 202 Rideout, .... 293-i Ridley, 169 Riggs, 93 Ritchie 294 Robechawe, Robeshaw,65 Robbins, . 87, 126, 194 Roberts, . . . 284, 308 Robertson, . . 146, 219 Robinson, 54, 110, 146, 285 Rockwood, Rockett, 23, 77, 245 Rolerson, .... 195 Rose, Sargent, ... 72, 195 Savage, .... 281 Saunders, .... 283 Sawtelle, .... 86 Sawyer, 189, 195, 210, 270 Scott, . . .71, 76, 205 Scheuber, .... 170 Scbeur, Schlagel 196, 260 . 198 . 134 . 171 Roundy, Rowe, . Roy, Russell, 107,115, 116, 140, 236, 272 Ryder, 105 St. John, Sage, . Sampson Sanborn, Sanderson, San ford, , Sanger, . . 105 . . 296 .213, 234 . . 87 . 142, 249 93, 172, 179 46, 153, 230 219 246 Seaborn, Seaborne, 18,24 Seaverns, ... 70, 154 Seavev, .... 129, 195 Sedfield, .... 205 Selden 86 Seuter, .... 264 Severance, . . 126, 132 Severing, .... 126 Sewall, . . 45, 46, 104 Shamon, .... 99 Shattuck, .... 206 Shaw, . . , . . 106 Shears, Sheares, 25, 31 Shedd, 263 Sheldon, ... 99, 259 Shepard, 34, 67, 70, 115 Sheplee, .... 141 Sherwood, . . 73, 185 Shields, .... 246 Shnmway, . . . 105 Shuttle worth, . . 80 Sibley, 103 Siegel 113 Simmons, .... 215 Simon, 247 Sinatt, 241 Sise, 159 Skinner, ... 82, 155 Slavback, .... 220 Slocumb, 109, 167, 191 Small, .... 97, 98 Smead, .... 171 Smith, 40, 41, 70-75, 100, 107, 112, 113, 121, 129, 130, 132, 136, 142, 144, 147, 155, 164, 167, 177, 183, 203, 206, 220, 222, 237, 240, 256, 277, 297 306 ... 248 75, 125, 144 . 131 . 133- . 225 . 116 . 116 121, 144 . 271 231, 243 . 229 . 248 . 168 79, 146 . 238 Sneeden, . Snow, . . Southard, . Spaulding, Spencer, Spindle, Spofford, . Spooner, . Spottswood, Sprague, 157, Squires, Standish, Stanwood, Staples, Starkey, WAKE Oh.NL.vi-Uta . S35 Starr, . . 93, 155 Torry. . .14 Stearns, . . 193, 271 Towie, 2" Stebbins, , ... 231 Town V Steilman, .... 39 Townsoud, .... 1 1 Stephens, Stevens, ILT), Trask. ... 104, |; 2SS Tufls |. Stephenson , . . . 94 Turner, G9. 10«;, IN •■ Stetson, . . 85 239. 242. 2:.i Stewart, . 113, 115 Twichel! Stickles, . . 17(; Tvl.T. Stockwell, 169, 2 ;3 1 Stockier, . . 133 1 . Stone, . 261, 2t;2 I'plianj, . Stinison, . . 218 Upt(in. . . Storrs, . . 215 Vaiuii-rvoort Stougliton, . 25 Vand Stout, . . Mt; Van , Strang, . 289 Varnul>i. . Strever, . H)9 Varuey, . Stuart, . . 210, 232 Vassftil, . . Sturdevant Sturlevant, Vanghan, . (J5. ()7 Vinson, . . Swan, . . . . liSG Vinton Swain, . . 309 Voorlices : Swett, . 249, 309 Wadnian 1 i Sweetinir, . Gl Waite, . . Ill ir;i» ? Sweetzer, . 145 Walcott. Switliin, . 147 Wak-s .. Sylvester, 75, 7G Walker. . fil. 75. IKh r Symonds, . 130 Wallace. . Taft, . 7G Walton. . Talbot, 42, • t7, G3,91, i:i8. Ward, . . . 139, 140 Wardxv.n nt Tandy, . ... 136 Tanner, . . . . 2-il Warts, . . . Taylor, . . . . 290 Warner, 2.'.. 31. .'■ Tenny, . O 1 Teulon. . ....[' Tewkslniry . . 204, 2(17 Wati-riioiisc, l>»; Tliacher, . ... 170 Wai^rs. Tiiaxter, ... 158 WatklnH. Thayer, 58 149, 190, 234, WnLion, 29(1 Weber. Thomson, . 118, 201, 211 Webster, 144, l^l.;^i- Thompson, Go, 77, 129, IGi J, 200, 208, 210 Weldt•mann, Thrasher, . ... (:2 Weiscr, . . Tliroop, . . 20 Welch. W.-I Thurston, . . 122 Wrbi. Thwing, lOa, 271 W.-l!l!iL't Tibbetts, . 177 \'. 111. ly^ Tik•^*ton, . . 201 \'. ... Tinkliam, . 1 ; Titus, . , , . (;», \u.. t ) ' ( I ■■ 1 1 > i , Todlumter, . 292 Wlialcu,' . Toombs, . 243 '.".ifilrll ia a OJ OJ « C4 O) ->> Ok w « • z < - B * o H^ ■ P • ►— ■ • o »-fc nrc^ 0^ • tJ» r> o> rc o. - ; •^ • ^ « m ^ « (t) . t en <: ■ _' •^ » • <• »-» 13 • .V ►— »-* .- (D 'TJ < • •^ o P • • 1 r i* . ro »-^ - 1 -* * «-^ o. a> ;^ • w • 3 ; .■ o ^ « ^ s o ^ »-J • - 3 a. CD a> • • ■*• P • • t-" 3 3 *— % 5^ 9 »< H-;^ ^ M P ifk e: CO 1 li • t^ 1 c <• • e 1 o ^<3 « • ^^ CD ■• r- D »« 3 3 » • O o. •^'* »^ i» • :r> O .— oo TJ c. •-»• »— rr • <• ►• 3 ■ -. »« X o *» CD (» • • &} X o o • 3 «• 3 ••^ • O •• • o r* o • • • o 25 ■ o •rl 1 ^ a: l* ■ • • o T ^ a 1— ' <• ' < ^ f^^ CD !-• km *1 t— • a^ • *< » H- r^>: '-•^Wt.^ _^!f^-*» CO > o -O X 0) s c ,0 CO r-i J^ CO 0) rH •- XI »« ^ E £ ^ •M OJ CTi cd cd Chi T". ^ ri -M • cq •^ O a^ tec Jh >> t3 • •> — •rH -NJ CD CD Cd TT! »— * CO Jm • +-■> 1>- • ^ ^ c a) ai » -r-i TJ -»-^ (Ti o o cd rH S B rH Cd CD O I> IC f-3 ^ ^ cd « cd •H C rH ^-^ +J +J • oz CO to T? 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CM -f •-• i-. •-< 55 B rH OD 2 « 9 • CM • L o C- P m ■7i v<^ K •» ♦•> O •■• r^ am records, een. •H Cm O CO O C CVJ >» < • (0 (-4 u s o c • • to • o Sept. 2( Colburn •H Pr, >» • 03--' • > • CVJ >. ►-3 • o c 3 • •rH •rH C r * i-H • r-» rH or, M i. • T I ;) c .• .r< •-. t • i. a ^ w ^ , '^ t-{ > o OJ (7i cd p. ^ *^wa»itj^< ^r^'■■ i < 4. ■7 c 4< < • *< t— I H '0' o5 -^> 0- V .0 0. .>^'^ •\ ■^c^ ■is- .0- ,o ,9- ^^ "?//* ■' N" x\^^ AV^ ,X'' A*^ .0 ->, xO^.. '■ . O- .-O' o 0^ •^/S v^'% = A .^^ %. ^A c^' r~- J- ■^ o N , -<, ^ » * "^ .A ^ < ^->,-^ ' -^ aN ^■ "co^ x*^^. .\- :>•