5/ E 475 .51 .U58 1882 Copy 1 u^nDJTJT^IsTT a-El>TEIiA.IL'S IDEI»-A.I?.TIwa:ElSrT. ^^: I T I N E R A R Y OP THE 0> ARMY OF THE POTOMAC AND CO-OPERATING FORCES GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN, JUNE AND JULY, 1863, ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. COMPU.F.n IXDF.Il THE DIKECTIOX OK BRIGADIER GENERAL RICHARD" C. DRUM, Adjutant General U. S. Army, BY / JOSEPH W . ^ T R K L E Y . OF TIIF ADJUTANT OENERAI.'S OFFICE. WASHINGTON: 1882. I , I C I ITINERARY ARMY OF THE POTOMAC AND CO-Ol'ERATING FORCES IN THE GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN, JUNE AND JULY, 18G3, ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF BRIGADIER GENERAL RICHARD C. DRUM, Adjutant General U. S. Army, BY JOSEPH W. KIRKLEY OF THE ADJUTANT OENEEAL'S OFFICE. ^^' WASHINGTON 1882. E.4 n s .51 ITINEMKY OF THE AEMY OF THE POTOMAC AND CO-OPERATING FORCES IN THE GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN, JUNE AND JULY, 18G3. JUNE 5. The Army of the Potomac, commanded by Major General Joseph Hooker, was posted on the north bank of the Rappahannock River, confronting the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, under General Robert E. Lee, mainly concentrated about the town of Fredericksburg, on the south bank of the river. The several corps of the Army of the Potomac were distributed as follows: 1st Coi-ps (Reynolds') in the vicinity of White Oak Church ; 2d Corps (Couch's) near Falmouth ; 8d Corps (Birney's) at Boscobel, near Falmouth ; 5th Corps (Meade's) in the vicinity of Banks', United States, and adjacent fords on the Rappahannock ; 6th Corps (Sedgwick's) near White Oak Church, with the 2d Division (Ilowe's) thrown forward to Franklin's Crossing of the Rappahannock, a little below Fredericksburg, near the mouth of Deep Run ; 11th Corps (Howard's) near Brooke's Station, on the Aquia Creek Railroad ; and the 12th Corps (Slocum's) near Stafford Court House and Aquia Landing. The Cavalry Corps (Pleasonton's) had two divisions in the vicinity of Warrenton Junction and one division in the neigh- borhood of Brooke's Station. JUNE 6. Howe's (2d) division, 6th Army Corps, crossed the Rappahannock at Franklin's Crossing. Wright's (1st) and Newton's (3d) divisions were moved to the same point from White Oak Church, taking position on the north bank of the river. JUNE 7. Wright's (1st) division, 6th Corps, was sent across the Rappahannock at Franklin's Crossing, relieving Howe's (2d) division, which returned to the north side. JUNE 8. The Cavalry Corps (Pleasonton's), consisting of Buford's (1st), D. McM. Gregg's (3d), and Duffie's (2d) divisions, and the Regular Reserve Brigade, supported by detachments of infantry under Generals Adel- bert Ames and David A. Russell, moved to Kellj'-'s and Beverl}^ Fords preparatory to crossing the Eappahannock on a reconnaissance towards Culpeper. JUNE 9. Newton's (3d) division, 6th Corps, relieved Wright's (1st) division on the south bank of the Rappahannock at Franklin's Crossing. The Cavalry Corps, supported by Generals Ames' and Russell's infantry, crossed the Rappahannock at Kellv's and Beverly Fords, fought the enemy at or near Beverly Ford, Brandy Station, and Stevensburg, and recrossed the river at Rappahannock Station and Beverly Ford. JUNE 10. The Cavalry Corps took position in the neighborhood of Warrenton Junction. Its infantrj^ supports in the reconnaissance of the day pre- vious rejoined their respective commands. Howe's (2d) division, 6th Corps, moved from Franklin's Crossing to Aquia Creek. JUNE 11. The 3d Corps marched from Boscobel, near Falmouth, to Hartwood Church. JUNE 12. The 1st Corj)s marched from Fitzhugh's plantation and White Oak Church to Deep Run; the 3d Corps from Ilartwood Church to Beale- ton, with Humphreys' (3d) division advanced to the Rappahannock ; and the 11th Corps from the vicinity of Brooke's Station to Hartwood Church. JUNE 13. The 1st Corps marched from Deep Run to Bealeton ; the 5th Corps from the vicinity of Banks' Ford via Grove Churcli towards Morris- ville; Wright's (1st) and Newton's (3d) divisions, 6th Corps, from Franklin's Crossing to Potomac Creek; the 11th Corps from Hartwood Church to Catlctt's Station ; and the 12th Corps from near Stafford Court House and Aquia Creek Landing en route to Dumfries. MeRcy- nolds' (3d) brigade, of Milroy's division, 8th Army Corps, marched from Berryville to Winchester. JUNE 14. The 1st and 3d Corps marched from Bealeton to Manassas Junction ; the 5th Corps arrived at A[orrisvillc and marched thence via Bristers- burg to Catlctt's Station ; Wi-ight's (1st) and Newton's (3d) divisions, 6tb Corps, moved from Potomac Creek to Stafford Court House ; the llth Corps from Catlett's Station to Manassas Junction, and thence towards Centreville; the 12th Corps reached Dumfries. Tyler's com- mand, of the 8th Army Corps, fell back from Martinsburg to Maryland Heights. JUNE 15. The 2d Corps (Hancock's*) moved from Falmouth to near Aquia; the 5th Corps from Catlett's Station via Bristoe Station to Manassas Junction ; the 6th Corps from Aquia Creek and Stafford Court House to Dumfries; the 12th Corps from Dumfries to Fairfax Court House; and the Cavalry Corps from Warrenton Junction to Union Mills and Bristoe Station; the llth Corps arrived at Centreville. Milroy's (2d) division, of the 8th Armj'- Corps, evacuated Winchester and fell back to Maryland Heights and Hancock, Maryland. JUNE 16. The 2d Corps marched from near Aquia via Dumfries to Wolf Run Shoals, on the Occoquan ; the 6th Corps from Dumfries to Fairfax Station ; and the Cavalry Corps from Union Mills and Bristoe Station to Manassas Junction and Bull Run. JUNE 17. The 1st Corps marched from Manassas Junction to Herudon Station ; the 2d Corps from Wolf Run Shoals to Sangster's Station ; the 3d Corps from Manassas Junction to Centreville; the 5th Corps from Manassas Junction to Gum Springs; the llth Corps from Centreville to Cow-Horn Ford, or Trappe Rock, on Goose Creek ; and the 12th Corps from Fairfax Court House to. near Dranesville. The Cavalry Corps moved from Manassas Junction and Bull Run to Aldie. JUNE IM. The 6th Corps moved from Fairfax Station to Germantown, and the 12th Corps from near Dranesville to Leesburg. J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade advanced from Aldie to Middleburg, and returned to a point midway between the two places. ^General Hancock assumed command of the 2d Corps June 9, 1808, succeeding Gen- eral Couch, who was assigned to the command of the Department of the Susquehanna. JUNE 19. The 1st Corps marched from Herndon Station to Guilford Station ; the 3d Corps from Centreville to Gum Springs ; and the 5th Corps from Gum Springs to Aldie. Gregg's cavalry division, except Mcintosh's brigade, advanced to Middleburg. Mcintosh's brigade moved from Aldie to Hajmiarket. JUNE 20. The 2d Corps moved from Sangster's Station to Centreville, and thence towards Thoroughfare Gap ; the 2d Division (Howe's), 6th Corps, from Germantown to Bristoe Station. JUNE 21. The 2d Corps arrived at Gainesville and Thoroughfare Gap. The Cavalry Corps (except Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's division), sup- ported by Barnes' (1st) division, 5th Corps, marched from Aldie and Middleburg to Upperville. Mcintosh's cavalry brigade marched from Haymarket to Aldie, and thence to Upperville. Stahel's division of cavalry, from the Defenses of Washington, moved from Fairfax Court House via Centreville and Gainesville to Buckland Mills. JUNE 22. The Cavalrj' Corps and Barnes' (1st) division, of the 5th Corps, re- turned from Upperville to Aldie. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Buckland Mills via New Baltimore to Warrenton. JUNE 23. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Warrenton via Gainesville to Fairfax Court House. JUNE 24. Newton's (3d) division, 6th Corps, moved from Germantown to Cen- treville, and the 11th Corj)s from Cow-IIorn Ford, or Trappe Rock, on Goose Creek, to the south bank of the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Fairfax Court House to near Dranesville. JUNE 25. The 1st Corps marched from Guilford Station, Virginia, to Barnes- ville, Maryland ; tlie 3d Corj)s from Gum Sjirings, Virginia, to the north side of the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry and the mouth of the Monoc- acy ; and tlie 11th Corps from Edwards' Ferry, Virginia, to Jefferson, Maryland. These corps crossed the Potomac at Edwards' Ferr}-. The 2d Corps marched from Thoroughfare Gap and Gainesville to Gum Springs. Howe's (2d) division, 6th Corps, moved from Bristoe Station to Centreville. Crawford's division (two brigades) of Pennsylvania Reserves, from the Defenses of Washington, marched from Fairfax Station and Upton's Hill to Vienna. Stannard's Vermont Brigade, from the Defenses of Washington, left the mouth of the Occoquan en route to join the Army of the Potomac. Stahel's cavalry division moved from near Dranesville, Virginia, via Young's Island Ford, on the Potomac, en route to Frederick City, Maryland. JUNE 26. The 1st Corps marched from Barnesville to Jefferson, Maryland ; the 2d Corps from Gum Springs, Virginia, to the north side of the Poto- mac at Edwards' Ferry ; the 3d Corps from the mouth of the Monocacy to Point of Rocks, Maryland ; the 5th Corps from Aldie, Virginia, via Carter's Mills, Leesburg, and Edwards' Ferry, to within four miles of the mouth of the Monocacy, Maryland ; the 6th Corps from German- town and Centreville to Dranesville, Virginia ; the 11th Corps from Jefferson to Middletown, Maryland ; the 12th Corps from Leesburg, Virginia, via Edwards' Ferrj^, to the mouth of the Monocacy, Mary- land ; and the Cavalry Corps (Buford's and Gregg's divisions) from Aldie to Leesburg, Virginia. Stahel's cavalry division was en route between the Potomac and Frederick City, Maryland. Crawford's Penn- sylvania Reserves moved from Vienna to Goose Creek. JUNE 27. The 1st Corps marched from Jefferson to Middletown, Maryland : the 2d Corps from near Edwards' Ferry via Poolesville to Barnesville, Maryland ; the 3d Corps from Point of Rocks via Jefi'erson to Middle- town, Maryland ; the 5th Corps from a point between Edwards' Ferry and the mouth of the Monocacy to Ballinger's Creek, near Frederick City, Maryland ; the 6th Corps from Dranesville via Edwards' Ferrj'^ to near Poolesville, Maryland ; the 12th Corps from near the mouth of the Monocacy via Point of Rocks to Knoxville, Maryland ; Buford's cavalry division from Leesburg, Virginia, via Edwards' Feny, to near Jefferson, Maryland ; and Gregg's cavalry division from Leesburg, Vir- ginia, via Edwards' Ferry, towards Frederick City, Maryland. Stahel's cavalry division reached Frederick City, Maryland. Crawford's Penn- sylvania Reserves moved from Goose Creek, Virginia, via Edwards' Ferry, to the mouth of the Monocacy, Maryland. JUNE 28. The 1st Corps marched from Middletown to Frederick City ; the 2d Corps from Barnesville to Monocacy Junction ; the 3d Corps* from Middletown to near Woodshoro' ; the 6th Corps from near Poolesville to Hyattstown ; the 11th Corps from Middletown to near Frederick; and the 12th Corps from Knoxville to Frederick City. Buford's cavalry division moved from near Jefferson to Middletown ; Gregg's cavalry division reached Frederick City and marched thence to New Market and Ridgeville. Crawford's Pennsylvania Reserves marched from the mouth of the Monocacy and joined the 5th Corpsf at Ballinger's Creek. JUNE 29. The 1st and 11th Corps marched from Frederick City to Emmitts- burg; the 2d Corps from Monocacy Junction via Liberty and Johns- ville to Uniontown ; the 3d Corps from near Woodsboro" to Taney- town ; the 5th Corps from Ballinger's Creek via Frederick City and Mount Pleasant to Liberty ; the 6th Corps, from Hyattstown via New Market and Ridgeville to New Windsor; the 12th Corps from Fred- erick City to Taneytown and Bruceville ; Gamble's (1st) and Devin's (2d) brigades, of Buford's (1st) cavalry division, from Middletown via Boonsboro', Cavetown, and Monterey Springs to near Fairfield ; Merritt's reserve cavalry brigade, of the same division, from Middletown to Mechanicstown ; Gregg's (2d) cavalry division from New Market and Ridgeville to Westminster; and Kilpatrick's (3d) cavalry division, formerly Stahel's division, from Frederick City to Littlestown. JUNE 30. The 1st Corps marched from Emmittsburg to Marsh Run : the 3d Corps from Taneytown to Bridgeport; the 5th Corps from Liberty via Johnsville, Union Bridge, and Union to Union Mills ; the 6th Corps from New Windsor to Manchester; the 12th Corps from Taneytown ■* General Sickles resumed conimnnd of the :]d Corps, relieving General Birney, who had been temporarily in command. f General Meade relinquished command of the •')lh Corps to General Sykes and assumed command of the Army of the Potomac. and Bruceville to Littlestown ; Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Bu- ford's cavalry division, from near Fairfield via Emmittsburg to Gettys- burg; Gregg's cavalry division from Westminster to Manchester; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Littlestown to Hanover. Kenly's and Morris' brigades, of French's division, left Maryland Heights for Frederick City, and Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of the same division, moved from the heights, by way of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, for Washington City. JULY 1. Battle of Gettyshurg— first daij. — The 1st Corps moved from Marsh Run and the 11th Corps from Emmittsburg to Gettysburg; the 2d Corps from Uniontovvn via Taneytown to near Gettysburg; the 3d Corps from Bridgeport via Emmittsburg to the field of Gett^^sburg ; the 5th Corps from Union Mills via Hanover and McSherrystown to Bonaughtown ; the 6th Corps from Manchester en route to Gettysburg ; and the 12th Corps from Littlestown via Two Taverns to the field of Gettysburg. Gregg's cavalry division marched from Manchester to Hanover Junction, whence Mcintosh's and J. L Gregg's brigades pro- ceeded to Hanover, while Huey's brigade returned to Manchester. Kil- patrick's cavalry division moved from Hanover via Abbottsville to Berlin. Stannard's Vermont Brigade, from the Defenses of Washing- ton, joined the 1st Corps on the field of Gettysburg. W. F. Smith's (1st) division, of the Department of the Susquehanna, marched from the vicinity of Harrisburg to Carlisle. Kenly's and Morris' brigades, of French's division, reached Frederick City. JULY 2. Battle of Gettysburg — secoiid day.— The 2d, 5th, and 6th Corps, Lock- wood's brigade, from the Middle Department, Mcintosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, and Kilpat- rick's cavalry division, reached the field of Gettysburg. Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cavalry division, marched from Gettys- burg to Taneytown, and Merritt's reserve brigade from Mechanicstown to Emmittsburg. JULY 3. Battle of Gettysburg— third c/a?/.— Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cavalry division, moved from Taneytown to Westminster; Merritt's reserve brigade from Emmittsburg to the field of Gettysburg ; 10 and Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavah-y division, from Manchester to Westminster. JULY 4. Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cavalry division, marched from Westminster, and Merritt's reserve brigade from Gettysburg, en route io Frederick City ; Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Westminster via Emmittsburg to Monterey; J. I. Gregg's cav- alry brigade from Gettysburg to Hunterstown ; and Buford's cavalry division from Gettysburg via Emmittsburg to Monterey. Smith's di- vision, of Couch's command, moved from Carlisle via Mount Holly to Pine Grove, and the remainder of Couch's troops from the vicinity of Harrisburg towards Shippensburg and Chambersburg. Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, arrived at Washington from Maryland Heights and moved to Tennallytown. Morris' brigade, of French's division, marched from Frederick City to Turner's Gap, in South Mountain. JULY 5. Leaving Gettysburg, the 2d Corps marched to Two Taverns ; the 5th Corps to Marsh Run; the 6th Corps to Fairfield; the 11th Corps to Eock Creek ; the 12th Corps to Littlestown ; and Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, to Graefenburg Spring. Buford's cavalry division reached Frederick City. J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade moved from Hunterstown to Greenwood. Kilpatrick's cavalry division and Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, marched from Monterey via Smithsburg to Boonsboro'. JULY 6. The 1st Corps marched from Gettysburg to Emmittsburg ; the 5th Corps from Marsh Run to Moritz Cross-Roads ; the 6th Corps from Fair- field to Emmittsburg, except Neill's (3d) brigade, of Howe's (2d) divis- ion, which, in conjunction with Mcintosh's brigade of cavalry, was left at Fairfield to pursue the enemy ; the 11th Corps from Rock Creek to F]mmittsburg ; Buford's cavalry division from Frederick City to Wil- liarnsport and thence back to Jones' Cross-Roads ; Kilpatrick's cavalry division and Huey's brigade of Gregg's cavalry division from Boons- boro' via Hagerstown* and Williamsport to Jones' Cross-Roads ; Mc- intosh's brigade, of Greggs's cavalry division, from Graefenburg Sjiring *Ricliinon(l'8 brigade, of Kilpatrick's division, remained at Hagerstown, whence it retired towards Boonsboro'. 11 to Fairfield ; and J. I. Gregg's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Greenwood to Marion. Smith's division, of Couch's command, moved from Pine Grove to Newman's Pass. Kenly's brigade, of French's division, marched from Frederick City en route to Maryland Heights. Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, left Tennallytown via Washington and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad en route to Fred- erick City. JULY 7. The 1st Corps marched from Emmittsburg to Hamburg ; the 2d Corps from Two Taverns to Taneytown ; the 3d Corps from Gettysburg via Emmittsburg to Mechanicstown ; the 5th Corps from Moritz Cross- Roads via Emmittsburg to Utica ; the 6th Corps from Emmittsburg to Mountain Pass, near Hamburg; the 11th Corps from Emmittsburg to Middletown ; and the 12th Corps from Littlestown to Walkersville. Buford's and Kilpatrick's cavalry divisions and Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Jones' Cross-Roads to Boonsboro'. J. I, Gregg's cavalry brigade was moving en route from Chambersburg to Middletown. Mcintosh's brigade of cavalry and Neill's brigade, of the 6th Corps, moved from Fairfield to Waynesboro'. Smith's division, of Couch's command, marched from Newman's Pass to Altodale. Kenly's brigade, of French's division, with other troops forwarded by Schenck from Baltimore, reoccupied Maryland Heights. Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, reached Frederick City from Washington. JULY 8. The 1st Corps marched from Hamburg to Turner's Gap, in South Mountain; the 2d Corps from Taneytown to Frederick City; the 3d Corps from Mechanicstown to a point three miles southwest of Fred- erick City ; the 5th Corps from Utica to Middletown ; the 6th Corps from near Hamburg to Middletown ; the 11th Corps from Middletown to Turner's Gap, in South Mountain, Schurz's (3d) division being ad- vanced to Boonsboro' ; and the 12th Corps from Walkersville to Jefler- son. J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade was moving en route from Chambers- burg to Middletown. Smith's division, of Couch's command, moved from Altodale to Waynesboro'. Campbell's and Mulligan's brigades, of Kelley's command. Department of West Virginia, were concentrated at Hancock, whence they moved to Fair view, on North Mountain. 12 JULY 9. The 2d Corps marched from Frederick City to Rohrersville ; the 3d Corps from near Frederick City to Fox's Gap, in South Mountain ; the 5th Corps from Middletown via Fox's Gap to near Boonsboro' ; the 6th Corps from Middletown to Boonsboro'; and the 12th Corps from Jef- ferson to Rohrersville. J. I. Gregg's cavahy brigade reached Middle- town from Chambersburg. Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, marched from Frederick City to Middletown. JULY 10. The 1st Corps marched from Turner's Gap to Beaver Creek, where it was joined by Kenly's brigade, of French's division, from Maryland Heights; the 2d Corps from Rohrersville to near Tilghmanton; the 3d Corps from Fox's Gap through Boonsboro' to Antietam Creek, in the vicinity of Jones' Cross-Roads, where it was joined by Elliott's and Smith's brigades, of French's division, which marched from Middle- town, and Morris' brigade, of the same division, which marched from Turner's Gap; the 5th Corps from near Boonsboro' to Delaware Mills, on Antietam Creek; the 6th Corps from Boonsboro' to Beaver Creek ; the 11th Corps from Turner's Gap to Beaver Creek; and the 12th Corps from Rohrersville to Bakersville. Buford's and Kilpatrick's cavahy divisions moved from Boonsboro' to Funkstown, and Iluey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Boonsboro' to Jones' Cross-Roads. JULY 11. The 2d Corps moved from near Tilghmanton to the neighborhood of Jones' Cross-Roads; the 12th Corps from Bakersville to Fairplay and Jones' Cross-Roads; Gambles and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cavalry division, from Funkstown to Bakersville; J. I. Gregg's cavalry brigade from Middletown to Boonsboro' ; Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Funkstown to near Hagerstown ; and Neill's brigade, of the 6th Corps, Mcintosh's cavalry brigade, and Smith's division, of Couch's command, from Waynesboro' to Lcitcrsbiirg. JULY 12. The 1st, 6th, and 11th Cor[)s moved from Ikaver Creek to Funks- town ; Mcintosh's cavalry brigade from Leitersburg to Boonsboro'; Kilpatrick's cavalry division and Ames' (1st) division, 12th Corps, oc- cupied Hagerstown ; Neill's brigade, of the 6th Corps, moved from 13 Leitersburg to Fankstown, where it rejoined its corps ; Smith's division (except one brigade, left at Waynesboro') from Leitersburg to Cave- town; Dana's (2d) division, of Couch's command, from Chambersburg to Greencastle; and Averell's cavalry brigade, Department of West Virginia, from Cumberland en route to Fairview. JULY 13. The 6th Corps moved from Fankstown to the vicinity of Hagers- town; Smith's division, of Couch's command, from Waynesboro' and Cavetown to Ilagerstown and Beaver Creek. Averell's cavalry brigade joined Kelley's infantry at Fairview. JULY 14. The 1st Corps marched from Funkstown to Williamsport; the 2d Corps from near Jones' Cross-Roads to near Falling Waters ; the 3d Corps from Antietam Creek, near Jones' Cross-Boads, across Marsh Creek; the 5th Corps from the vicinity of Roxbury Mills, on Antietarn Creek, to near Williamsport; the 6th Corps from the neighborhood of Hagerstown to Williamsport ; the 11th Corps from Funkstown via Hagerstown to Williamsport; and Williams' (1st) division, of the 12th Corps, from Jones' Cross-Roads to near Falling Waters, and thence to near Williamsport. Buford's cavalry division moved from Bakers- ville to Falling Waters; Mcintosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, from Boonsboro' to Harper's Ferry ; Huey's brigade, of same division, from Jones' Cross-Roads via Williams- port to Falling Waters; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Ha- gerstown via Williamsport to Falling Waters. Kelley's command. Department of West Virginia, marched from Fairview to Williamsport. JULY 15. The 1st Corps marched from Williamsport to Rohrersville ; the 2d Corps from near Falling Waters to near Sandy Hook ; the 3d Corps from Marsh Creek to near Burnside's bridge, on the Antietam; the 5th Corps from near Williamsport to Burkittsville ; the 6th Corps from Williamsport to Boonsboro'; the 11th Corps from Williamsport via Hagerstown to Middletown ; and the 12th Corps from Fairplay and near Williamsport to Sandy Hook. Buford's cavalry division moved from Falling Waters to Berlin; Mcintosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, from Harper's Ferry to Shepherds- 14 town ; Huey's brigade, of same division, from Falling Waters to Boonsboro' ; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Falling Waters via Williarasport and Hagerstown to Boonsboro'. Kelley's command. De- partment of West Virginia, marched from Williamsport to Indian Spring. JULY 16. The 1st Corps marched from Rohrersville to near Berlin ; the 3d Corps from Burnside's bridge to Pleasant Valley, near Sandy Hook ; the 5th Corps from Burkittsville via Petersville to near Berlin ; the 6th Corps from Boonsboro' to near Berlin; the 11th Corps from Middle- town via Jefferson to Berlin ; and the 12th Corps from Sandy Hook to Pleasant Valley. Buford's cavalry division moved from Berlin to Petersville; Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Boons- boro' via Harper's Fen-y to Shepherdstown : and Kilpatrick's division from Boonsboro' to Berlin, whence De Forest's (1st) brigade proceeded to Harper's Ferr3^ JULY 17. The 3d Corps moved from near Sandy Hook, crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and proceeded to a point three miles south of the ferry; the 5th Corps moved from near Berlin to Lovettsville, crossing the Potomac at Berlin. Gregg's cavalry division marched from Shep- herdstown to Harper's P'errj^ ; Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Ber- lin and Harper's Ferry to Purcellville, Custer's brigade crossing the Potomac at Berlin, and De Forest's brigade the Shenandoah at Har- per's Ferry. Kelley's command. Department of West Virginia, moved from Indian Spring to Hedgcsville, crossing the Potomac at Cherry Run. JULY 18. The 1st Corps moved from near Berlin to Waterford, crossing the Potomac at Berlin; the 2d Corps from near Sandy Hook to Hillsboro', crossing the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers at Harper's Ferry; the 3d Corps from near Harper's Ferry to Hillsboro' ; the 5th Corps from Lovettsville to near Purcellville; and Buford's cavalry division from Petersville to Parccllville, crossing the Potomac at Berlin. JULY 19. The 1st Corps marched from Waterford to Hamilton ; the 2d and 3d Corps from Hillsboro' to Woodgrove ; the 5lli Corps from near Purcell- ville to a point on the road to Philomont ; the 6th Cor23s from near 15 Berlin to Wheatland, and the 11th Corps from Berlin to near Hamil- ton, both corps crossing the Potomac at Berlin; the 12th Corps from Pleasant Valley to near Hillsboro', crossing the Potomac and Shenan- doah Eivers at Harper's Ferry. Buford's cavalry division moved from Purcellville via Philomont to near Rector's Cross-Roads. Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Harper's Ferry to- wards Purcellville, and Huey's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of the same division, from Harper's Ferry to Lovettsville. Kilpatrick's division of cavalry marched from Purcellville to Upperville. Kelley's command, Department of West "Virginia, fell back from Hedgesville to the Mary- land side of the Potomac at Cherr}^ Run. JULY 20. The 1st Corps moved from Hamilton to Middleburg : the 2d and 3d Corps from Woodgrove, the former going to Bloomfield and the latter to Upperville ; the 5th Corps from a point on the Purcellville and Philomont road via Union to Panther Skin Creek ; the 6th Corps from Wheatland to near Beaver Dam ; the 11th Corps from near Hamilton via Mount Gilead to Mountville; and the 12th Corps from near Hills- boro' via Woodgrove to Snickersville. Buford's cavalry division moved from near Rector's Cross-Roads to Rectortown, Gamble's brigade going thence to Chester Gap, Devin's brigade to Salem, and Merritt's brigade to Manassas Gap. Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, reached Purcellville and marched thence to Hillsboro'. Huej^'s and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of same division, moved from Lovettsville to Goose Creek. JULY 21. Huey's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry divis- ion, moved from Goose Creek to Bull Run. Kelley's command. De- partment of West Virginia, recrossed the Potomac from Maryland into Virginia at Cherry Run. JULY 22. The 1st Corps moved from Middleburg to White Plains ; the 2d Corps from Bloomfield to Paris ; the 3d Corps from Upperville via Piedmont to Linden ; the 5th Corps from Panther Skin Creek to Rec- tortown ; and the 6th Corps from near Beaver Dam to Rectortown. Devin's brigade, of Buford's cavalry division, moved from Salem to Barbee's Cross-Roads ; Huey's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. 16 Gregg's cavalry division, from Bull Run to Broad Run: and Kilpat- rick's cavalry division from Upperville to Piedmont. JULY 23. The 1st Corps marched from White Plains to Warrenton ; the 2d Corps from Paris to Linden ; the 3d Corps from Linden to Manassas Gap; the 5th Corps from Rectortown via Markham Station, Farrows- ville, and Linden to Manassas Gap; the 6th Corps from Rectortown to White Plains and Barbee's Cross-Roads; the 11th Corps from Mountville to New Baltimore; and the 12th Corps from Snickersville to Ashby's Gap and thence to Markham Station. Buford's cavalry division concentrated at Barbee's Cross-Roads; Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Hillsboro' to Snickersville; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Piedmont to Amissville. JULY 24. The 2d Corps moved from Linden to Markham Station; the 1st Division (Wright's), 6th Corps, from White Plains to New Baltimore; the 2d Division (Howe's), 6th Corps, from Barbee's Cross-Roads to Markham Station and thence to Orleans; the 3d Division (Wheaton's), 6th Corps, from Barbee's Cross-Roads to Thumb Run ; and the 12th Corps from Markham Station to Linden, countermarching tv'a Markham Station to Piedmont. Huey's and J. L Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Broad Run to Warrenton Junc- tion. Kelley's command. Department of West Virginia, advanced from Cherry Run to Hedgesville. JULY 25. The 1st Corps marched from AVarrcnton to Warrenton Junction, the 2d Division (Robinson's) going on to Bealeton ; the 2d Corps from Markham Station to White Plains; tlie 3d Corps from Manassas Gap to near Salem ; the oth Corps from Manassas Gap via Farrowsville and Barbee's Cross-Roads to Thumb Run: the 6th Corps concen- trated at Warrenton, Wright's (Lst) division moving from New Balti- more, Howe's (2d) division from Orleans, and Wheaton's (3d) division from "JMiumb Run; the 11th Corps niovcil from New Baltimore to Warrenton Junction and the 12th Corj)s from Piedmont via Rector- town and White Plains to Thoroughfare Gap. Kelley's command. Department of West Virginia, occupied Martinsburg. 17 JULY 26. The 2d Corps marched from White Plains to near Germantown ; the 3d Corps from near Salem to vicinity of Warrentoa ; the 5th Corps from Thumb Run to vicinity of Warrenton, Crawford's (3d) division taking position at Fayetteville, and the 12th Corps from Thoroughfare Gap via Greenwich and Catlett's Station to Warrenton Junction. Buford's cavalry division took position at Warrenton and Fayetteville. Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, marched from Snick- ersville en route to Warrenton. Kelley's command, Department of West Virginia, occupied Winchester. JULY 27. The 5th Corps encamped between Warrenton and Fayetteville. Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, reached Warrenton from Snickersville via Upperville and Middleburg. JULY 28. Mcintosh's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, moved from War- renton to Warrenton Junction. JULY 29. Mcintosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Warrenton Junction to Warrenton. JULY 30. Kenly's (3d) division, 1st Corps, moved from Warrenton Junction to Rappahannock Station ; the 2d Corps from near Germantown to Elk Run ; Mcintosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades, of D. McM. Gregg's cavalry division from Warrenton to Amissville; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Amissville to Warrenton. JULY 31. The 2d Corps marched from Elk Run to Morrisville ; Howe's 2d division, 6th Corps, from Warrenton to near Waterloo ; the 12th Corps from Warrenton Junction to Kelly's Ford ; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division from Amissville to Warrenton Junction 18 ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, COMMANDED BY MAJOR GENERAL GEORGE G. MEADE, AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, JULY 1 TO 3, 1863. GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. COMMAND OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL. Brigadier General Marsena R. Patrick. 93d New York.* 1st Massachasetts Cavalry. E and I, 6th Pa. Cavalry. 8th United States.* 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry. Detach raent regular cavalry. ENGINEER BRIGADE. Brigadier General Henry W. Benham. 15th New York.* 50th New York.* Battalion United States.* GUARDS AND ORDERLIES. Captain Daniel P. Mann. Independent Company Oneida (New York) Cavalry, FIRST ARMY CORPS. Major General John F. PitEynolds.! Ma.ior General Abner Doubleday. Major General John Newton. first division. Brigadier General James S. Wadsworth. First Brigade. Second Brigade. (1) Brigadier Gonoral Solon.on Meredith.t Brigadier General Lysander Cutler. (2) Colonel William W. Robinson. 19th Indiana. 7th Indiana. 24th Michigan. 76th New York. 2d Wisconsin. 84th New York (1 Jth Militia). 6tli Wisconsin. 95th New York. 7th Wisconsin. 147th New York. 56th Pennsylvania. * Notongn^ed. t General Reynolds wnH Uilled July Ist, while in comninnd of tlio left wing of fhn Army. Major General Abner Doiililediiy cunwnunded tlio corps Jnly 1st, and Major General John Newton on tho 2d and 3d, J Wounded. 19 SECOND DIVISION". Brigadier General John C. Robinson. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Brigiidier General Henry Baxter. (1) Brigadier General Gabriel R. Paul.* (2) Colonel Richard Coulter. 16th Maine. 13th Massachusetts. 94th New York. 104th New York. 107th Pennsylvania. l'2th Massachusetts. 83d New York (9th Militia). 97th New York. 11th Pennsylvania. 88th Pennsylvania. 90th Pennsylvania. THIRD DIVISION. Major General Abner Doubleday.f First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Thos. A. Rowley. 80th New York (•20th Militia). 121st Pennsylvania. 142d Pennsylvania. 151st Pennsylvania. Second Brigade. (1) Colonel Roy Stone.* (2) Colonel Langhorne Wister."^ ^3) Colonel Edmund L. Dana. 14od Pennsylvania. 149th Pennsylvania. 150th Pennsvlvania. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. George J. Stannard. 12th Verinont.J loth Vermont. 14th Vermont. 15th Vermont.]: 16th Vermont. 2d Maine. 5th Maine. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Colonel Charles S. Wainwright. L, 1st New York.§ B, 1st Pennsylvania. B, 4th United States. SECOND ARMY CORPS. Major General Winfield S. Hancock.|| FIRST DIVISION. Brigadier General John C. Caldwell. Fii'st Brigade. <1) Colonel Edward K. Cross.Tf <2) Colonel H. Boyd McKeen. 5th New Hampshire. 61st New York. 81st Pennsylvania. 148th Pennsvlvania. Second Brigade. Colonel Patrick Kelly. 28th Massachusetts. 63d New York. 69th New York. 88th New York. 116th Pennsylvania. Third Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Samuel K. Zook.' (2) Lieut. Col. John Kraser. 52d New York. 57th New York. 66th New York. 140th Pennsylvania. * Wounded. t General Doubleday commanded the corps on the 1st of July, General Thomas A. Rowley being in com- mand of the division and Colonel Chapman Biddle of the 1st Brigade. I Not engaged. gE, 1st New York Heavy Artillery, attached. II After the death of General Reynolds, General Hancock was assigned to the command of nil the troops on the field of battle, relieving General Howard, who had succeeded Genenvl Reynolds. General Gibbon, of the 2d Division, assumed command of the corps. These assignments terminated on the evening of July 1st. Similar changes in commanders occurred during the battle of the 2d, when General Hancock was put in command of the 3d Corps in addition to that of his own. He was wounded on the 3d. K Killed. 27th Connecticut. 2d Delaware. 20 Fourth Brigade. Colonel John R. Brooke. 64tli New York. 53d Pennsylvania. 145th Pennsylvania. SECOND DIVISION. (1) Brigadier General John Gibbon.* (2) Brigadier General William Harrow. First Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. William Harrow. (2) Colonel Francis E. Heath. 19th Maine. 15th Massachusetts. 1st Minnesota. 82d N. Y. (2d Militia.) Second Brigade. Brig. Geu. Alexander S. Webb. 69th Pennsylvania. 71 st Pennsylvania. 72d Pennsylvania. 106th Pennsylvania. Unattached. Andrew (Mass.) Sharpshooters. Third Brigade. Colonel Norman J. Hall. 19th Massachusetts. 20th Massachusetts. 7th Michigan. 42d New York. 59th New York. THIRD DIVISION. Brigadier General Alexander Hays. First Brigade. Colonel Samuel S. Carroll. 14th Indiana. 4th Ohio. 8th Ohio. 7th West Virginia. Second Brigade. (1) Colonel Thomas A. Smyth.* (2) Lieut. Col. Francis E. Pierce. 14th Connecticut. 1st Delaware. 12th New Jersey. 10th N.Y. (battalion.) 108th New York. Third Brigade. (1) Colonel George L. Willard.t (2) Colonel Eliakim Sherrill.t (3) Lieut. Col. James M. Bull. 39th New York. 111th New York. 125th New York. 126th New York. A, 1st Rhode Island. 6, 1st Rhode Island. ARTILLERY liUIGADE. Captain John G. Hazard. I, 1st United States. A, 4tb United States. ♦ Wounded. t Killed. CAVALRY SQUADRON. Captain Riley Johnson. D and K, dth New York 21 THIRD ARMY CORPS. (1) Major Gknkisal Daxiei, E. Sicki.es.* (2) Majok Gkxeual David B. Biuxey. fiust division'. (1) Major General David B. Birney. (2) Brigadier General J. H. Hobart Ward. First Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Cliailcs K. Graham.* (2) Colonel Andrew H. Tippiii. 57tli Pennsylvania. 63d Pennsylvania. 68th Pennsylvania. 105th Pennsylvania. 114th Petin.sylvania. 141st Pennsylvania. Second Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. J. H. H. Ward. (2) Colonel Hiram Berdan. 20th Indiana. 3d Maine. 4th Maine. 86th New York. 124th New York. 99th Pennsylvania. 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. 2d U. S. Sharpshooters. Third Brigade. Colonel P. U. de Trobriand. ITih Maine. 8d Michigan. 5th Michigan. 40th New York. 110th Pennsylvania. SECOXD DIVISIOK. Brigadier General Andrew A. Humphreys. Fir.it Brigade. Brig. Gen. Joseph B. Carr. 1st Massachusetts. 11th Massachusetts. 16th Massachusetts. 12tli New Hampshire. 11th New Jersey. 26th Pennsylvania. 84th Pennsylvania.! 2d New Jersey. D, 1st New York. First Brigade. Colonel William S. Tilton. 18th Massachusetts. 22d Massachusetts. 1st Michigan. 118th Pennsylvania. * Wonnded. f Not engaged. I Mortally wounded. Second Brigade. Colonel William R. Brewster. 70th New York. 71st New York. 72d New York. 73d New York. 74th New York. 120th New York. ARTILLERY BHIGAnE. Captain George E. Randolph. 4th New York. E, 1st Rhode Island. FIFTH ARMY CORPS. Major Gexerai, George Sykes. first divi.siox. Brigadier General James Barnes. Second Brigade. Colonel Jacob B. Sweitzer. 9th Massachusetts. 32d Massachusetts. 4th Michigan. 62d Pennsylvania. Third Brigade. Colonel George C. Burling. 2d New Hampshire. 5th New Jersey. 6ih New Jersey. 7tii New Jersey. 8th New Jersey. 115th Pennsvlvania. K, 4th United States. Third Brigade. (1) Colonel Strong VincentJ (2) Colonel James C. Rice. 20th Maine. 16th Michigan. 44th New York. 83d Pennsylvania, 22 SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier General Roraeyn B. Ayres. First Brigade. Colonel Iliiniiibiil Day. 3d United States. 4th United States. 6th United States. 12th United States. 14th United States. Second Brigade. Coloiifl Sidney BurbanU. 2d United States. 7th United States. lOlh United States. 11th United States. ITtli United States. Third Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. Stephen H. Weed.* (2) Colonel Keniier Giinard. 140th New York. 14Gth New York. 91st Pennsylvania. 155th Pennsylvania. THIRD DIVISION. Brigadier General Samuel W. Crawford. Fir.<;t Brigade. Third Brigade. Colonel William McCandless. 1st Pennsylvania Reserves. 2d Pennsylvania Reserves. 6th Pennsylvania Reserves. 13ih Pennsylvania Reserves (1st Rifles). Colonel Joseph W. Fisher. 5th Pennsylvania Reserves. 9th Pennsylvania Reserves. 10th Pennsylvania Reserves. 11th Pennsylvania Reserves. 12th Pennsylvania Reserves. 3d Massachusetts. C, 1st New York. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Captain Augustus P. Martin. L, 1st Ohio. D, 5th United States. PROVOST GUARD. Captain Henry W. Rider. D and E. 12th New York. I, 5th United States, First Brigade. Brig. Gen. Alfieil T. A. Toibert 1st New Jersey. 2d New Jersey. 3d New Jersey. 15lli New Jersey. •Killed. SIXTH ARMY COUPS. Major General John Sedgwick, first division. Brigadier General Horatio G. Wright. Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. J()sei)h J. Bartlett. 5th Maine. 121st New York. 95ili Pennsylvania. 9()th Pennsylvania. Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. David A. Knssell. 6th Maine. 49th Pennsylvania. 119th Pennsylvania, 5th Wisconsin. 23 SECOND DIVISION. Brigadiei' General Albion P. Howe. Second Brigade. Third Brigade. Colonel Lewis A. Grant. Brigadier General Thomas H. Neill. 2d Vermont. 7th Maine. 3d Vermont. 43d New York. 4th Vermont. 49tb New York. 5th Vermont. 77th New York. 6th Vermont. 61st Pennsylvania. THIRD DIVISION. Brigadier General Frank Wheaton. First Brigade. Second Brigade. ■ Third Brigade. Brig. Gen. Ale.\ani!fr Shaler. Colonel Henry L. Eiistis. Colonel David I. Nevin. 65th New Yoik. 7th MMSsachusetts. 62d New York. 67th New York. 10th Massachusetts. 93d Pennsylvania. 122d New York. 37th Massachusetts. 98tli Penn-sylvania. 23d Pennsylvania. 2d Rhode Island. 102d Pennsylvania.* 82d Pennsylvania. IS'Jth Pennsylvania. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. Colonel Charles H. Tompkins. 1st Massachusetts. 3d New York. D, 2d United States. 1st New York. C, 1st Rhode Island. G, 2d United States. G, 1st Rhode Island. F, 5th United States. CAVALRY DETACH.MENT. Captain William L. Craft. L, 1st New Jersey. H, 1st Pennsylvania. ELEVENTH ARMY CORPS. Major General Oliver 0. Howard. f FIRST DIVISION. (1) Brigadier General Francis C. Barlow. J (2) Brigadier General Adelbert Ames. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Leopold Von Gilsa. (1) Brigadier General Adelbert Ames. (2) Colonel Andrew L. Harris. 41st New York. 17th Connecticut. 54th New York. 25th Ohio. 68th New York. 75th Ohio. 153d Pennsylvania. 107th Ohio. * Not engaged. t During tlie interval between the death of General Beynolds and the arrival of General Hancock on the afternoon°of .Inly 1st, all the troops on the field of battle were commanded by General Howard, General Schurz taking command of the 11th Corps and General Schimmelfennig of the 3d Division. I Wounded. 24: SECOND DIVISIOX. Brigadier General Adolpli Von Steinwelir. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Chillies R. Coster. CcHoiicl Oiland Smith. 134tU New York. 33d Massachusetts. 154th New York. 136th New York. 27th Pennsylvania. 55th Ohio. 73d Pennsylvania. 73d Ohio. THmD DIVISION. Major General Carl Schurz. First Brigade. (1) Brig. Gen. A. Schimnielfenni (2) Colonel George Von Amsbers 82d Illinois. 45th New York. 157th New York. 61st Ohio. 74th Pennsylvania. Second Brigade. Colonel W. Krzy/.anowski 58th New York. 119th New York. 82d Ohio. 75th Pennsylvania. 26th Wisconsin. ARTILLERY BRIGADE. I, 1st New York, 13th New Yoi;k. Major Thomas W. Osborn, I, 1st Oiiio. K, 1st Ohio. G, 4th United States, UXATTACHKD. I and K, 1st Indiana Cavalry. 8th New York Infantry (one company)- TWELFTH ARMY CORPS. Brigadier General Ai.pheus S. Williams. f First Brigade. Colonel Arcliilalil L. McDoug.all 5th Connecticut. 20th Connecticut. 3d Maryland. 123d New York. 145th New York. 4Cth Pennsylvania. FIRST DIVISION. Brigadier General Thomas II. Ruger. Second Brigade.X Kiig. Geri. Henry 11. Lockwood. 1st Maryland (Potomac Home Brigade). 1st Maryland (Eastn. Shore). 150th New York. Third Brigade. Colonel Silas Colgrovo. 27tli Indiana. 2d Massachusetts. 13t]i New Jerse}'. 107th New York. 3d Wisconsin. * Captnred. + During tlie Imttlc Major General Ih-nrj' W. Slocuni, the proper commander of this corps, held temporary command