R- b> & Views op- J\ocl-|^ester. Class. Book. Copyright N^^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT |.IBrtARYotO*)Niir>t.Sa (wo Coplai rtectsK'^ AFK 16 iyo8 MvtflUM tpilf* COPY CH K Y. /ROCHESTER, the county seat of Monroe County, 229 miles west of Albany, is the third city in the State of New York as regards population, and enjoys a world-wide reputation as the headquarters of many great manufacturing interests. In 1789, the first industries, a saw and grist mill, were built on the site of the present city, and in 1803, the land was purchased by several gentlemen, among them ^K\ a Colonel Rocliester, whose name later, in 1822, was applied to the growing town. Rochester was incorporated as a city in 1S,U. Since then, its location on the Genesee River, the Erie Canal, and the New York Central, West Shore, Lehigh \'alley, and the Erie railroads has attracted a multitude of manufacturers to a point so particularly favored with transportation facilities of the highest rank. Rochester is built on a plateau 263 feet above Lake Ontario, and lies on both sides of the Genesee River which runs through the city spanned by many bridges. The city enjoys an almost perfect sanitary reputation, and its adjacency to many summer resorts of superlative rank conspire to make it an especially favored residential citv. Here then, is a city famous as the home of the greatest development in the nursery, fruit preserving, and photo- graphic apparatus industries, as well as holding an important place in many other lines of manufactures, where the finer things of life also receive adequate attention. The citizens give their liberal support to splendid educational institu- tions, including a comprehensive public school system, a fine library, over one hundred churches, five orphan asylums, and many other benevolent organizations. The high sense of civic pride is strikingly manifested in the well-kept condition of everything in the care of the municipality, and this is thoroughly in keeping with the established reputation of the city as a progressive community. Published tor S. S. KRESGE, Rochester, N. Y. Copyright, 1008, by L. U. Nelson Co., Portland, Me. POWERS BUILDING STATE STRKET NORTH FROM EXCHANGE STREET 3 :5 3 ^ ::} ^i } mmr rp-r MAIN STREET LOOKING EAST GRANITE BUILDING WILDER BUILDING CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT ROCHESTER SAVINGS BANK MAIN STREET LOOKING EAST FROM ST. PAUL ERIE CANAL AQUEDUCT OVER THE GENESEE RIVER HOTEL ROCHESTER UPPER FALLS OF THE GENESEE RIVER I J .... iiultBBiV.n'// i LOWER FALLS OF THE GENESSEE RIVER MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE SOME OF ROCHESTER'S CLUB HOUSES o 2 3 ►J 3 m w •J o z < 5 > o o < O Sibley and Anderson Halls VIEWS OF ROCHESTER UNIVERSITY Anderson Hall and Reynolds Laboratory o o X o >. ^ Y. M. C. A. BUILDING DOUGLASS MONUMENT GOVERNMENT PIER AND LIGHTHOUSE, ONTARIO BEACH »* ^^ ONTARIO BEACH VIEW OF GLEN HAVEN SCENES IN ROCHESTER PARKS A DRIVE IN SENECA PARK a M K H CO X H D O s H < < Q 2 < ►J X O X z o > W w w u < K H Z W >• K H W H S ^^'^IH ^.■ ■ 1 wu !■ J: Lifex. «»t. ; f ..■■... in. a-o ■ivJ.t.-c-.jmiat -j«i^ ^ W « Q OS o X o X D O >• 0, -1 ■^r' A'Mkmk APH 16 1SU& -Tfr "^l^Mr- T It 5l« 4 ??■'■■ 4^ !t*V ^ % i^ *'^^^ V-\\ i '^ .4* #--, %i^- ' -'■^"•-n I ■^- -" ,^.-ii ■^— . :■■ i gBMl F LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 205 430 9 t