• F^/n ?s LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 571 678 0< LIST OF RELICS KXHlBlTlsK AT CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Ol- The Esf((hlishi>U'iif of Civil (TOvrrii.iHA'nl . I^^^CJ 'TTJ^, OHIO. J I -19, _'8893 IJOS. Kiisl |)lnw with in>nr"''i nslniigton County. I'irst slKif l)ench used in tins. Arm cluiir— Col. Horace . Aii.lin.ns liroiiKlit to Mari( Andirons brought t<. M:iiiutt:i ISO'.i. Two Guns, 179C.— lSOi.Cliri>t..|ilirr tlivriii'. Wooden latch, IfSl.S, Nc\v|>iirt tuwiisliip. foot stove prior to 1800. Desk used by Gen Lewis Cars as C.imty ClcrU, UCA. Plate and pair of snufi'fis — \cr\ dil, S|iiai;ui' family. Gun and saddle bags, KrvohnJ..ii an.l War ..i i.sil'. Tea kettle, owned by K.Wic.a Williams. \\illiamst..wii, W opposite Marietta, two years ln-tnii- the settlement. Hatchet used by HezeUiah I'.nkey h.r l.jaziii,- tree- wliilr art scout. Mirror belonging to Jolin Matbiws. ihr Siirxi vor. Linen woven from flax. s|iiiii hvMrs, l,ii.\ I lana l!r'.x\ iiiiig. Shoe buckles, worn by .Mi>. liilwirah I'lsljcr l>aiia. Board from the '-Mayflou.-r,' in ul.i.h the 4;- |.ioncers n Marietta. Box with three secret drawers hrought to :\Iarietta Is:ti li> Peborali Fisher Dana. Linen cambric handkerchief, Peregriiu' Foster, the pioneer. Bridal dress, Mrs. Peregrine Foster. ITS). ,Set of farming l.H.I, the lirst use,] ii, ,1 ,. territory Old Laee l)re>s. I.,ieiml:, r.elkn:i|. \,n ■ Aaron Burr's diu-lliie.; |iitol-. |,,iiii.l 'i.\ i- i tin' party who the boats built at Marietta. Original mill stones used in Block Housi" at Fort Ilarmar lor ing corn mounted with primitive mecl anical aiipliances. First .salt kettle lised in Ohio. Side board, inlaid, Gen. Joseph P.uell,.l«00. Brass Andirons, G^fen. Joseph Buell, I.SOO Ol.l Dutch oven, Gen. Joseph Biudl, 1.s(; Inlaid loMin'.^ centre table, Gen. Joscp" '.le II. ISOO. Wine chest with six cut glass bottles, '. . ,1 .-,.i>li Buell, 1 -0 Inlaid book case, Gen. Josejih Biiell. ' Brass candlesticks. Gen. Joseiih I'.u' in; China pitcher and tea pot, Gen. .lo- ., r, isoo. Collection Burr and Blennerhas- I leerniiig their and detention, Gei* Josejih BncI! Watch, John Maffiews, si;rvcyo- Waffle irons, long handl-s. \ r Bake reflector, very ol I. (Njllection, military oiitil; i . is :,. ('i\il War. Sword used by Wm. Mason. Original bell uised in Cam] Pistol and sword, JIaj II. of I. si i!. Sword carried by Mai. i:i nrgoyne's campaign. Sword presented to Maj lu. Lafayette, :781. Chair brought tr.m, IMvinuutli, Mmss., 178!). Andiron brought ovi-i in tiir Miiyllower by Gov. Bradford, l(i: Hand-saw of Stephen Dcvnl, sra-slup cari.onter, ISOO. Sword captured at N'icksliurg lauding. Sword, Col. J. C Paxton, war of the rebellion. I'iece of old carpet, lirst woven in the Marietta colony. Spinning wheel, reel anil Hax wheel, early pioneers Antiipie clock, made iu Marietta by Daviil Anderson, Sen. Pianos brought across the uiountains in a wagon, 1816, by X; Ward, first in JIarietta. Leather tire bucket, used iu the early .lays of Marietta, Im rnteetiou. Wood fr. ni Ncs> ley's block house Needl..s, ud tliii diles used in sewi ighop bales. (early |)ione CaudU'st rk U-tM iu first Masonic lo.lge of Uhi . at Marielt; dri-itial ,lal i>i ■anipus Marlius d esiguatiug pa ■ti occuj.ied Cane from first appli- tree nf .Marietta colony. Wool carder, usf.i in Kcyuold's family 17(i.3. .\n.lirons uwiUMJ by liliine/or Battelle, 1738. Table cloth, Kev. Joseph Burkminster, 17!)(). Chair, Rev. .losoph Burkminster. Old spinning wheel, used in West family for six generations. C.irn Mill used in Campus Martins. Bricks from old well in (Janipus Martins. Wrought lace veils made by Mrs. Dr. Jonas Moore. German towels. Baron DeSteiguer. Guard and chain, Gen. Hart. Military outfit, camp ecpiipage, etc , and other relics of the War, Gen. D. B. Fearing. Roasting jack, over two iMindreil years nM, Miller faunly. Knee and shoe buckles, Col. Robert Taylur, first man iiurii Mound Cemetery. Wooden mortar and pestle, Amos I'orter the iiioneer. .Andirons, Wm. Mason, the pioneer. Sugar barrel. Wm. Mason, the pioneer. Watch carried by Wm Mason when he landed, .\piil 7, 1788. .Vrm chair of Commodore Wliipple. Press board, Mrs. Gen Tupper, nseil in making clothes foi diers of the revolution .\ntiquc Mirror, Rev. Mr. Willard. Fire Screen. Dr. .S. P. Hildreth. Chisel, used to cut bnttom lioles, !7!10. Implement used to turn griddle cakes over an open fire, 1730. Chair from wood of first cciurt house and jail in Ohio. i'etriticalions — Mnccasin ir-acU ami |iriiil ■■! si CaiuUe stick. kiK-c- Iiiii'kIcs ami cloak rhis]. I'aiil Fearing. Four pewter ohites, (.iilHiii (irciMic, 17')l). Log wedge found near 'I'oiler- Corner." .Man Plow made by Coniniuilnn' \Vliip|i|i-, jsiis. Collection old china liy Mis- I'oils. /aiics\ ill, .Silver mounted pistol, I M-ii .Mile-. |;c\ ohitif i Lace made with bobins, .Alr.s I'.'lly Sniitli ~t Linen made from raw fiax by Mrs I'olly Suiit Pistol carried through the Revolntir .nary \\ :n Powder Horn u.sed by .Asa ( 'ollxnii, I'lom-iM . Wedding IScarf of'Betsc-y li.xo!. .n,.| loi) mmi Block from "Rhode Islan. I i .irrmn- ' a|,|.l.' 1 Pocket book made by .M rs Kinney, I7s,s. Buckeye churn made in 17!iL' l.y Kol.rrt .Allis Pinchers found burried at the month ni ■■(': to have been lost by the Moravians. Plate found in the old well at Fort Haiinar. Indian mortar, (stone.) Decatur to\\nslii]i, W Silver Epaulettes, war ISli'. Gold Epaulettes, war Mexican. V'iolin brought from Enjiland I7;il». Tea kettle owned by Mary (Jwens, the lirst m land in the settlement. Small trunk, 1788. Sampler worked by Martha Brainan.1 S|)eriee] Collection relics, civil war, ]\hij. s. I'. Sliaw. Candle snuffers bought in ISOO. Old boiler used by the early pioneers. Hat shield presented to Capt. N. IXavis bv ;i3, bn.ii^'ht I.. Ohio h- Ki-v. .l.Tcn.iah Dale, r.il.lr 17.-(S. Laws of Viriiinia, Uilfl. N.u KiiiiUuKl I'nimner. 177.!. W-nuont Heoisti-raiid Almanac, 1S(I7. I'layevBook, Ki.'JS. Wooden bk, (icniian. r.ailey's diotionaiy, 17r)H. (o.ometi-y. Hi24. Adam's Sermons, Kilil. Webstei's spelling book. Rebel newspaper. I'. S. army re.^nlations. '.7!)!) and !7itl, I'oems Thomas Kowo. 1755. (iiiide to human life, 17fl4. r.ook of common prayer. 1754. Universal K('o.2rapliy, 179(i. I. eoiira pineal dietionary of the U. S. of Anu-rira. IH(I.S. r.ook. "ComnK'S t.Iommercii," 1759. I'ike's arithmotir, 1797. Life of Benjamin Franklin, 179rt. ( ieniian Biljle, 174H. liible, 115(54. ■r;s of lS4f). Pamphlet oration, K. J. Aleijjs, deliMi-.d al Marietta, .Inly 4, 17H<). Pamphlet description of Marietta, by .b.hn Dilalield. Copy of Mo>-se's (tac.etteer, 170.S. Copy of American (Jazetteer, 179.S. Dilsttorth's arithmetie, 17S4. AValshe's .\rithmetie, 171H. (Questions on Murray's grammar, I'Slll. • .\ineriean reader, Noah Webster's Bailey's Dietionary. Ulster County (Jazettee, ISCO, .Mijskiii-nm Messenger, 1S1.5. Laws of the United States ISOt. Comic opera in two acts, 17!)L'. Annotations on Ijooks of old ami new testanienti I'.il.lo, 17iK). Prayer l)0ol<, 17:'.0. Book of songs, 1780. German testament, 1773. Book— Christian Piety— 1GG8: Bible 17."i4. Hymns, 1701. Book of Sermons, KWl. Inaugural address President Wiliiiim ITenry H: white satin German hymn book, 1709. Freeman's .b.urnal 1798. Book l.nil.ln's ,lcwel, 174(!. Book .Joscplius, very old— nn date. Colle(,'ti..n of .\lnuiniu-s from \S:i2 U, lS(i7 P(>RTR.\1TS AN!> PfCTURKS-. Gen. Greene, of Revolutii>nary War, life size in Capt. Daniel Greene, in oil, life size Picture of the first span bridge west of the Allej^ river at Chillicothe, Ohio. Dr. Gleason and wife— date orior to 1800. Mrs. Martha Spencer Wilson, in oil. Painting, "Valley of the Tilier," (sinull strcan Marietta ) Oil painting of Marietta about ISi'ft Painting — water color of the last century — Ko\. Photograph, Mrs. Frani'is Fielding (Twallmn Gen. Washington,- taken 187(i for Centennial at I'l tha Washington's dress. Geo. Dana, Sen., in oil. Deborah Ames Fisher, wife of Geo. r)ana, Sen., Mary Bancroft Dana, mother of Geo. Dana, h'en Portrait of Maj. Anslem Tuppcr, life size, oil, oi eers 1788, surveyor of the Ohio Company. Print, General Lafayette. Portrait Col. Inchabod Xye, the pioneer, in oil. Portrait Hichaid Dodge, in oil. Portrait Mrs. Richard Dodge, in oil. Photograph- group of early pioneers. Picture Thomas Corwin, print. Picture death of Henry Clay, print. Portrait Peter Von Stuy vesant, first governor of Torlnill .luln, !\I..ycrs, iniHy settl.-r, in ..11, (i.-n. I.MlavcK.-. print l.i,.„>n^( -n.M.nsM.vlius-i.enril .Inuvin;:. P,„t.;ut.«i..n. F.au-.n.l Tni:|.,-,-, r.,i-|rnit (», I,. r.ni.ir..i-.l. l.ivn in l;,M,.r»- IT'Jil. (Iill.;iinlin;r,,)' 1m, il IhiiiiKir. ,-v.,-t.-.l IVS.".. Oil PninlinK'C:ir..i.ns .Martitis, erected I'TSS. Oil paiiilin-.'. l!in.lin;^'..f tlie l'i..n,-ers, Ajiril 7 17R.S Oil painlinuof !\I:irietta, V/SS. r.irtvait, ..il, Dr. S P. Fliliin'th, Lorn ITSO. I'.irtrait, ..|1, Dr. .I..lin ('..lt..n. I'..rlrait. Kev. .I..hn ('.,tt<.n. IWtrait, iirint. It. .T. Mei-s. I'ortrait, i.li.,t..-rapb, .less,. Ilil.lerl.ran.l. INirtrail, tlru. Uufns I'ntnani. l.el..n;.'iny t" American Union :Lor, pioneer of 17SK>, -Cravi.ns. Maj. <;co. \V. liarlv-er. Portrait. Mrs. Kineline Dev..l Barker. P.)rtra.t, ph.ito^rapli, Amos Porter the iii..neer. Picture of 0;inipus Martins. Portrait Anne Dnrant Ballolle, last centnry. Portraits Khenezi^r Battelle an.l wife. Picture (ireen.-'s Si,. ne Castle, \Varwi,-k. Pv. I. Pictnre lirst CliiUh-en's II. .me in Ohio, fonn,le,i by Miss Catliarinc .A. Fay. Pictnre. tessi.m of conirri'SS 1795, from r,.n'_'rcss aall.'rv. P,.rl:,. 1. (lerman Print) l.onis Kos.sulb l',.rlr,iil .Ii.seph TomlinsoH I'.irti:;;! i^li/.alieth Ton\linson. Portrait (ieor-e IIen,lers,.n. Portrait Mis. .lane II. Heniiernon. Miniature, ivory, Jolin Yates. P..rliail. lensiraviivj;) Kaiser Welhehn, ((Jerraan.) Pli,.Pii;rapli, Melzor Nye, early .settler of Washington ,-,.unty, hit.r ..I .Mei-s. Cravon Hon. Pere:;rine Foster, born 17')!), survey.. r oliio Com- CHrNA. GLASS AN!) SILVF.R WAR K. f'ine large (thina disli of Martlui Speni'cr Wilson, [irior to \SU()'.- Old plate, (Delpt.)' Tea-pot and large glass tmnbler, Mrs. Peregrfiie Foster. Tea caddy, creamer and three cups, Mrs. Augnstus Stone, tfth cenfiuy. Soup toureen comn>eniorating landing Gen. I-afayette nt .V. Y. Silver sjwons Rev. Jo.seph Buckminster, 1790. Silver spoons, large griffin, Sarah Greene, 17S.S, Silver spoons 250 years old. Piece of ware to convnieinoratc the inaugin-ation of I'h-sidi'ut \V:i ington. Antique silver scent I)o,\ Butter Bowl, Eddleston, UiSS. China brought to Marietta, 1789, by Dudley Woodhridge. Silver spoons V)elonging to Gen. George Morgan, 17ti.S. Silver spoons manufactured in Kentucky from coin, 181(>. Vinaigrette belonging to Mrs. Daniel Greene, given as a wcM present by the wife of Sir Francis Biiring, London, head of the \ki ing hou.se, 1780. German Pitcher, 178;j. Table cloth, (German) 17:W. Lace shawl, (German) 1713. Two silver spoons, 171.H. German mug, 1763. Silverware belonging to Baron DeStelguer Ancient dish belonging to Pioneers of 1788 Sugar shears brought to America, 179.5 an living, i er 100 years old. Plate belonging to Thomas Hntcdiinson, horn in r.Io<-k Hr>use. 17 AUTHOGRAPH LETTERS AND M ANUSCIUPT. Autograph Letter, General Lafayette. Commission of \Vm. Mason, the pioneer, signfd hy (i.n St. CI and Winihrop Sargent (irailt of l;lli(l fnmHMii.. ( ..i,i|.any, I7:ii;:ili!ll. Deeil, Frances tiuitteau, 1744. Letter, Jonathan Russel, Shareholder Ohio Co., 179ii. Letter, General Arthur St Clair, ISlo; Commission of Brewster Hijiley, by Gov. St. Clair, 1801. (^irnmission of Brewster Hifrley, by Gov. TitHn, lSO:i. .Xutoijraph letter of General Geo. AVashilifiton. MISCELLANEOUS. Ostensorium, Tlie property of tlie Wisconsin State Historical S^o- ciety, e.xhibiteil by I'rol. Jani.'S D. Butler, who represented this So- c'lety and tlic State nl Wisconsin, at IIh' .Maiictta (' l-">th-:;Hli, ISS.S. Ma.l<'..r snli.l silv.-r, liflcrn iurln-s nrately wrought with pn-.-ritation iiis,i'|,ti..ii to t Xavier Mission, liy Nirln.hc. l',-i io(, .in its lias,., da unique relic was ii!..mi t !]. n.i.,e,v.lsa„,|.l,.ran.l a,>nm, last rentury, .Mahu-any KnUiua Tin, Inan \v."i(l of ship ■'Mayllower," brought I) Ohio, 1790, by Col Israel Putnam. Set ot' tools for making wooilen .shoes, ;(Jerman.) Handkerchief, woven by hand, 1817. Collection household utensils and table x\ are-Gennan, very old. Giiia watch, London, 17(;!i, nia.le liy Jnlni Vates. Picture on ivorv of John Vates. Sword, foun.l ou battle lield of Brandvwine. Sword, captured from the French at ( luebe,-, 17.-.;i, au.l al'terwanis ised at Bunker Hill, I77."i. (iloVeaiKl bat, nse.l at Bunker Hill, Frin-es, made durin.ii the P.evohitiou Asbestos cloth. 1747. Baleys blanket. 1747. Infant's skirl, 17Sl'. .1741 Wilson, 17fc>. Buttons, made by the Pioneers of 177S, Small Revolutionary Cannon, swivel and breeidi i>in with descrip- ive history, used on war ship "Bon Homme Richard." I'otir pieces Continental money. Battle axe, foun,k , IM.". Wagon jack, used in wagonin.i;' aci-.>ss the n Box, belonging to Amos Porter, the ]>• ionce) Warming pan, Welcli, 1700. Bed tray, from buckeye tree in Caiii]n IS :\ia Clock, brought from Irelam!, 17(10. J'.cUows, hrought from Kntrlau.l, i7S(i. Collection of ohl time siir.,Mr:il instnii iicnts Sword, 1743. Lock, from the first liousc l„iili i„ V 'utnai cw.s and his brother, ISOJ. Coffee pot, bought at Duniphn-ys. Va .. 17i; ever since, Trunk, brought over in the "Mayllow er." 1 box by Ezra Tuttlc, one of tlie (.'oiiuccli icut C from the Plymouth Colony in 17::i. i)il liii fj: tulil< ;, f I>r, •ss diif; tab Ic. l,;n low iMir tai If H.rcail, (i- nu< ■k <;a!iiiHc 111 K.' \- ! to Blt'lUH- s. C'i,As.sii-ii:ii i;v lv\Mii,iics. U.KNNEKIIASSETT KKl.IC'J ainy. vcrv lar-f. Wash Talilr, slan.l. 1. fn.iii tl: It' Wanl I'owtr 1- basin. C-ntn ,■ table. .Mrs. 1 '.kMinerh assctl's Cut •_'! I'ou-.l. a!i8 ])lat lit cbiiu' I'l-:'. |i KnitV, t..rk an .1 spoon Slal.l.' ■ kpys. I'.unk rack. Can.-, from ai-ple Ircc of Ww ..n-l.anl. i',R.\l)F()R|i C()LM:CTI»iX. Tortrait of (). L. Bra.iford, born in Hclim-. () . \7W. Swonl, [Hvsentc.l to Maj- R M Brmlf-nl by (m^ji. Lafayrtt.-. at Yorklowu, Oct. llltb, I7S1. A chair, bronsrht- to ncli>rc from Plynioiitli. Mas.s., in 17S!(. IJKX covered l)y Paul Fearing. .\iniy chair. Holsters. Canteen used by Private Fearin;.; Knife, fork and sjioon. use.l by I'rivaW 1 co in^.;. Uallet .ase Two picture frames, tilbnl with pbol.. graphs of ollicers of the iale One naintiiiy; of (ieiicral Thi>nias. 14 A Lieutenant's coiniuission ■;iven U< Maj. Rolvcrt Ki-iulfonl b.\- (.'('Cr Morris, 182H. Amliron, bnnifirht over in the iSfiiyHtnver by Geo. Brmlfonl. Kll'd.' Note book, made in 1774 by wife of Maf Bradford. Cap, worn by Bins O. B. Bradford, 1838. One pewter basin, (Blennerlia.ssett.) One Japanese fan belonging to BI. A. Lewis, a relative of Wash- ington. Wedding slippers of Mrs. O. L Bradford. Babv cap. Horn spoon, (Scoteb ) eonfederate sword from 8biloh. BUELL KKLICf lidaid side board, General .Joseph BuelL Brass andirons, General .Toseph Bucll. Old Dutrh oven, fnlaid folding centre table. Wine fhest with six cut ala.ss bnttle.'.. Inlaid bnck case. I'.rass candlesticks. China pitcher and tea pot. Gini'iiil .lusc] Collection Bnrr and BlennciliasMi- ,,.-,| ;st and detention. General .Jusi-iili r.ucll. COFFINBERi; V C( )1.LK( 'TI< >N. Indian snow shoes. Iron bear trap. Indian whistle, from T'liper Michigan. Cane, stalk of red-wood from California, liandle, a doe's fool Michigan. Piece of a battle lh)ii rarrie.l through- ' Bull fiin Fight," b "OldTlnnr' Mirliigau fufautry Map of (hivernment work at Lowell. Ohio, drawn in 1-840, b L. Coflinberry. Map of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Totem, Indian tribal sign. Specimens of cojiper and iron-ore, i>f (|Uartz an 1 woods, nal Michigan. Models of inventions by W. L Cotfinberry. Old newspajjers. \ DALK A\D 1).\-\A COr.LKCTION. ri.tiiic nfllon. reirgriiK' Fost.T. Imni l7-"i!i, one ..f tfir Survey.. >ilk l.iora.le dress, 178(1, part ..I tli.^ bridnl outfit of .Mrs. IN-rr'^rii F..stcr. Tea-pot. iii.livi.lunl, iise.l in 1770, nvIhii it was 11..I ronsi.ier,-! ]ia liotie to.lrink tea exrept in sirkii,.ss. I'iere.il tine linen. I'nneh alass. rwo china bowls. Silver shoe Imrkles, Deborah Fisiier Dana. I'lale, 1774. l'.ook—.\ treatise eoneerninj; th.e State of Departed Souls, printi ill 111.:;;, from Library bn.u-ht to ( )hio by Rev. Jeremiah Ihde. .I llatehet, used by Oapt KHlniuml Haiu-roft. in Bev.,lution. 1771. 7'.. father of .Mary lianoroft Dana. Oak plank, from '-.Mayliower,'' om- ..f Hatb..als wliieh br..u._'lit tl ,arly settlers t.. Marietta— Afterw ar.ls us.-.l in buil.lin..; his In.use i r.elpre, by Aaron WaUlo Putnam, tin- iH.r.s.- was torn .lown in Iss ^^hen Mr. W. F. Dana soenreil several planks. FKAlUNt; Col.l.FCTIOK. Two P.U-nnerbas.sott chairs Pipe lighter. D..mijohn. I itliee chair, belonjiing to Paul Feaiin..'. the first lawyer a.bnitt. to the bar in Xorthwest Territory. ( ra.lle, 02 years old, used in the oM Fort. >illiouetle 01 Paul Feariiijr. Knee buckles, Paul Ffaviivj. ( anrlle stick, ilO years .jld. I.inen el...ak clasp.s. t'liotograi)li of (Joiicnil 141 h army corpti tiaji. Cnnfederate Hag. OneCoirfeik'i-ate shirrt. Sword, General Fearin Cap, General Fearing. Flag penwiiXT. Hand glass. ittir Held ..f Sl.ilol,. I.v (.eneial Feaniit; in liatlle ..f Chirk; Coat. U(ii-n l>v (ii'iicial l-'iMiiii- in ll.' ).:itllr- .^1 Sh Kinville, stars n.adr l.y n s.,Mi.T ;in.l iml ii, \,\:.r. • .if 1 Two small liays, ns.-,ll,\ i ;,ii,i:il l-,.;.r:iij iii 1 us tcr Spnrs. Leggings. Two sashes. Afghan captured on Ahiri'li l.. llie Sea. Two transi>areneies, with all ilic great lialt les ..f printed upon them, used liy the I leneral at an ilhno .-l.ise of the war. (iRKENE .-WD' HALL GOLLEC" riON Portrait of Capt. Daniel Greene, came to Ohj. ., isi." Portrait of (Jenera! Nathaniel (ireene. Set \-er\ old cast(>rs, f old talde spoon. Old smelling l.ollle. INIO. Pair candle sticlvs. Cheese toa.sterand liill for same, ISl:^. Pieces of old lace and ril>bon. Sampler over 101) years old. Cane presented by Lafayette to Capt. W. Hali. Silk i)icture of Lafayette. Autograph letter of Lafayette to c"ai)t. Hall. ISi'S Eight i)ieccs of jewelry 120 years old. One cane cut from a tree in Fort Dn(|uesne. l.sL'O. Five old fashioneil dresses, ISOO to 1S20. Autograph letter of Henry Clay. Tele.scope used in war ISli*. Silver candlestick beaten fromr solid silver. COL. DAVID GREEXE COLLECTION. Pible owned by Col. David Greene 1742, ^enauji owned 1.-- Col. Davi.l Crcen, Hymns, owned by Col tDavid (ireei Sword, captured from Frenrli at i^u Hill by John Greene, son of Mavid (.ir Hat and glove worn by Jobn (inrne 2 infants blanUets, onr "I ^■atin. imr Linen, 147 years old. Diary of Col. Greene, 1750. Dairy of Jobn (xreene, 1781. Krin^re.^. made during tbe KevobUin Vest, worn by Joseph Wil.son, lOti \ Infants shirt,' worn by Joseph Wils, I'wo i)ew ■ter libit es. jld style ! ladies dress. binen towel. Solid sib i'er <-ani t'hilds d rcss, ol. il style Chinap lates. Pair of 1 loekets. Sampler Cliild's snort i;i ■ w n Silver e np, l,eb iie.'injr to Maj. hen killc 'd by tl le Indi ans. , 171M Portrait (oil,) J oseph Toi: ade the first settlement at Wil or MrM-ihon, I. 4 . with bis lirotlier Samuel, iwn. \V. Va , opposite Mari- (■tta, 1773 Portrait (oil,) Klizabrtb Tondinson. wile of Joseld^ painted at the atje of So. Portrait, Mrs. Jane U. Henderson, wife of Alexander Henderson. Cashier of the first Bank at Marietta. Portrait, Geo Henderson, son of Alexander, 1802. China platter with illustration, "I'.ride of Lammermoor." GICNERAI. LAKAVF.TTI-: KKMCS. Autograph letter, 1828 Four Lafayette plates, made to conimemorate liis bindinf; at New York. Cane, bowl, Revolutionary cap and datr.uer. Cane, presented to Capt, Wyllis Hall bv (ieneral Lafayette, who was a passenger on liis boat, wlien sunk on the Ohio River. Picture of General I,afayette., (print.) Sand box. rs MATHEWS COLI.ECTIOX. One box and stamp case, belonging to John Jratliews. One locket, belonging to John Mathews. Seven buttons belonging to John Mathews. Three okl coins, belonging to John Mathews. One bracelet, belonging to John Mathews. One seal and ring, belonging to John Mathews. One silver watch, belonging to John Mathews. One piece satin embroidery, made by the Counte-!s Petite, Atinl of John Mathews, over 100 years old. One sampler, made by Mary A. Greene, wife of Gapt. PanicI Oreene, over ICO years old. One picture of John Mathews, One picture of Countess Petite, Aunt of John Mathews. One pair of slippers belonging to the Mathews family, A. D. 1790. One Commission of Deputy Purveyor to John Mathews. One Badge Membership, Washington Benevolent Society, John: Mathews, admitted March 10, 18H. One ledger of the Gallipolis Company, kept by John Miithe-vvs, 1701-92-93. CiOV. R. J. MEIGS RELICS. Old nrantles, from the ciM resilience, Marietta. Hickory rocking chair^ Stand table. Portrait photograph. Tea caddy. Six pieces fine china. Large folding table. Two old engravings, Venetian scenes. CLARKSBURGH, W. VA, COLLECTION. Silver aumulet, presented to Gov. Meigs by an Indian. Silver teapot, large pitcher, tumblers and tablespoons, belonging to the silver service of Gov. and Mrs. Meigs brought from Connecti-- L-Ut. Scarf, belonging to Gov. R. J. Meigs, in which General Montgom- ery was carried ofTthe field at the siege of (.iueliec. Music, copied by Mary Sophiia Meigs, only child of Gov. Meigs, in- 180(>, at the age of ll'. Portrait of R. J. Meigs, father of Gof . Meigs, Colonel of the Con- necticut Regiment at Stony Point, who was presented with a sword, by ac-t of Congress, in acknowledgment of good service rendered on that day. He also served in the ' American army at the battle of. Hunker Hill. ]0 Tonrait. Gov. R. J. JU'igs rPurtrait, Mrs. K. J. Moigs. NYE AND TUPPER C()Lr,KCTTO^■ . r.ox of Washington clothes, woven diivino; Revolution. Photograph of France.s Finlding tJvvatlmiey, grand noice of Wash- ington. .\ntogra|)h letkT. Henry Clay. .Vnto'jraitli letter, W. H. Harrison. I'ortrait of Major An.solni Tupiier, oflioer of lievolntion. pionct'r o Ohio, April 7th, 1788. I'icture c!f Lafayette. P(]rtrait of Col. Ichabod Nye, pioneer, of Aug. i'tli, 17.SS. Portrait of Richard Dodge, son of (Jliver IVxlge, pioneer, of April Portrait of Mrs, Betsey M. Dodge First willow baby carriage used in Marietta, bought in New Or- leans in 1S:?0. Tools from the first tannery in "North AVest Territory, established in 17S>0. Ijolh handled frying pan, 17SS. Five |)ieces of china belonging to Mi-s. Rebecca Dodge Stone, lS]-2. Two Dresden plates, belonging to Mrs. Alexander Henderson, iirought from Eastern Virginia, last century. One creamer, belonging to Mrs. Natlianic«! Dodge, ISOfi. Six pieces er Snl. of Washington county. Old picture of Jlarietta, in frame of c-arvcl ,,al<, taken fiom llr.st log house in Putnam, Ohio. Picture of Thomas Corwin. Picture of.the death of a son of lle^ry Clay. Picture of Campus Martins. Portrait of Major Horace Nye, war 1812. Portrait of General Edward W. Tapper, war 1812. Account book of Edwin Putnam, dating from I7ill. Pistol and sword of Major Horace Nye, war 1812. Chair of King George the Seconil. Cu) eii.-i-al \Vasliii,i;t.>ir« sa.l.ile plates. Sugar bowl . Decantur, IT.'iS. Hook, publislHHUn UUU. ('andlestiok, used in the lirst Masonic lodge in Marietta. Plat of Campus Martins, showing houses occupied l>y dill'e families, during the Indian war, drawn by M. Nye, for K. W. Ny Ladle, spoon and old table linen, (old.) Old corn mill u.sed in Campus Martins Brick from first chimney in Campus Martins. Two lace veils in frame, made by Patience Guiteau. Shelling cob, brought from Shenandoah Valle)', 1825. Co'umission to Gen. Benj. Tupper, signed by Hancock. ( 'iinunission to Gen. Benj. Tupper, by Continental Congress. I'liotograph. M. Nye, pioneer. <)ld ^liiic lieiirh, first in the Territory. Arm i'ii:iir, .Mnjor Horace Nye. Tv\.. (Ill ..;lass .lecanturs, 1790. Silver baking disli, (old ) Knglish watch, (gold,) belonging to Betty Washington Lewis. Tea caddy, belonging to Nancy Manchester Dodge, 1780. Kac simile of Gen. Washington's accounts. China cup, belonging to Mary Cram, 1738. Photograph of Sergeant Theodore Tupper, killelalt<.r, hn.n-ht from .Vc« Imryport, Muss., by Ly.lia Moulto.i, with wchlins r:ik.'. Copy of .losophns, pul)Iisheil in H)75 I'bi' iilenticul cups and saucers tliat wore carridl into Campus .\l;irlius when tho Iiiclians maile tlie attack. Tea cannistcr, belonging to Dr. f.eoiiard, the first i)bysic)an at MarioUa 22 Tumbler, purchat^cMl from IIk^ lirst slcrc l.uat laii.ling :'t Jljuietta 1803. Spectacles, Mrs. \Vm. I'luiiier, 1804. Specla. Irs, Mrs. Wm. Kulton, ISO:.'. Walrli. Iri-I,,) Mrs. Elizabeth Fulton, 178S. Tliiiiil.lcs. .Mrs. Elizabeth Fulton. Salt cellar, 17()0. Very old plate, Sarah Fulton f.iuileau. Plate, Mary Bartlett, ISOd Decantur, Lydia Moulton, ITi-S. First sheep bell used at Marietta. Woolen blankets and wool, from liist sheep liri>u,i;lit to Marietta Cream colored blanket, exhihiteil at the lirst County Fair held a Marietta. PUTNAM RELICS. Gun, used during the Revolution war. Powder horn. Gen. Israel Putnam, 17.'i(>. Brass bullet moulds, Gen Israel Putnam. Large magnet. Gen. Israel Putnam. Razor horn. Autograph letter, Gen. Israel Putnam. Holster with two pistols, Gen. Israel Putnam. Gun case. Gen. Israel Putnam. Commissary chest with six bottles. Gen. Rufus Putnam. Tea pot. Gen. Rufus Putnam. Plate china, Gen. Rufus Putnam . China cup with handle. Gen. Rufus Putnam. Silver teaspoon, marked — R. P.l'. Table cloth. Bed curtains. Corner of linen sheet, manufactured, marked anil used in fauiil> of Gen. Rufus Putnam. Mahogany stand table. Gen. Rufus Putnam. Antique clock, Gen. Rufus Putnam. Foot stool. Gen. Rufus Putnam. Warming pan. Gen. Rufus Putnam. Army chest and sword, of Gen. Rufus Putnam from American Union Lodge, No. 1, F. & A. Masons. Picture of Gen. Rufus Putnam. Masonic apron and sash, of Gen. Rufus Putnam, A. V. Lodge, No. 1, F. & A. Masons. Piece of table linen, Israel Putnam, 3rd. Portrait, in oil, life size, Gen. Israel Putnam. Military coat, presented to Gen. Israel Putnam by Lafayette, at- 23 t(>r the siu-reii(lcr uf Oonnvullis at Yorktown. Cant", lielonf,'iii- to Gen. Israel Putnam. Bi-dcade wedding' ilre.s.s, Mrs. Israel Putnam. :\Iilitary suit nf Major L. J. P. Putnam, descendant of Gen. Israel Putnam. Mirror, Gen. Israel I'utnain. Mahogan}' rolling pin, from \vo

[ayflo\ver," brought to Ohio by Col. Israel Putnam, 17!)0. Bed curtains, belonging to Gen. Israel Putnam. Chair, used by Gen. Rnfus Putnam. Set of spoons, Gen. Rufus Putnam. Reel, of Persis Putnam Howe, daughter of Gen. Rufus Putnam. Knee buckles, of Gen. Rufus Putnam. Military sasli and epaulette. Gen Rufus Putnam. WASHINGTON RELICS. Telescope, used by Washington, having been left by him in Phila- deliihia for repairs, and never called for, well authenticated. Thread and cloth, spun and woven in the Washington family, du- ring Revolutionary war, well authenticated by descendants, resident at Marietta. Photograph, Mrs. Frances Fielding Gwathmey, grand neice of I fen. Washington, taken in ]87(), for the Centennial at Philadelphia, in Martha Washington's dress. .lapanese fan and wedding slippers, (Mrs. Lewis.) Piece of saddle skirt, used by Washington. Piece of ware, commemorative of Washington's inauguration as' President. Pair of slippers, made by Nellie Custis, step-daughter of Washing- ton. ■ Part of the original cornice of Gen. Washington's house. Cup and saucer, used by Washington. •Vutograph letter of Cxen. Washington. WOODBRIDGE COLLECTION. Log cabin, in which Gov. St. Clair nuule a treaty with the Indians 1780 Specimen of Giant's Causeway, weighing 120 pounds, taken from the Irish shore in 1S37. The first bank safe used in North West Territory. A stone mortar and pestle used by Indians — The mortar cut from rock in Decatur Township, Washington County. Ohio. .\c ase of mound-builders tools, arrow-heads, pipes, ornaments. iVic, &c. The first business ledger opened in the North West. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS |lll||ll1||l|lll|ll|||ll|1l|||l||l||11l1||||!t||l|||l II III I 111 III III III I II II tlililllilll' II UN' 014 571 678 9 24 Fewter plate, two rip uxe knives, halo o from the Fort Harmar well. Brick from the curbing of the well at Camp Likeness of Mrs. Blennerliassett. Lawn chair of Mrs. Blennerhassett, Letter of Mrs. Blennerhassett. Letters of H. Blennerhassett. Likeness of H. Blennerhassett. Likeness, Louisa St. Clair. Likeness, Judge Dudley Woodbridgc. Likeness of Gov. Woodbridge, of Michigan Likeness of Dudley Woodbridge. Likeness of John Woodbridge. .Ml of wlw in 1789. Likeness of Mrs. Nanc.v Frost, born in 17:: 1789, and is still living. Letters of Henry Clay and Daniel \Veb.«tei Crittendon. The door and some of flje chinking of ih Commodore Whipi)le. China plate brought to Marietta, in ITS'.i. I Woodbridge. Silver spoon, one hundred and t\vent\ \ property of Gen. George Morgan. Silver spoon, manufactured from coin in K Book, entitled "The Decay of Christian I'i twenty years old. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 571 678 0'