D 21 .P51 Copy 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 485 680 -5 REVIEW OTJESTIONS — OX ANCIENT AND MODERN HISTOBY, D LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A kiew-Diicstiisoii.Eloss' Aiicieiit Historj, ASSYRIA. Question i. Whence do we derive any reliable history of the origin of our species, and how corroborated? 2. What country is considered to have been the cradle of man? 3. Of what country was Nineveh the capital? How situated? Founded by whom first ? Who the second founder ? Give date. 4. Who was Semiramis, and how did she immortalize her name? 5. How is it proved that neither she nor Ninus ever lived? 6. What do we learn from the history of art and civilization attested by the monuments of Nineveh ? 7. Who was Sardanapalus, and for what was his reign remark- able ? 8. What caused the fall of Nineveh ? 9. What city rose to importance after the fall of Nineveh, and who was its sovereign ? 10. Who succeeded him, and what the extent of his conquests? 11. Where were the hanging gardens ? Built by whom ? 12. In whose reign were the Jews taken captive to Babylon, in what year ? Name some of the captives. 13. Where was Tyre? By whom besieged, and how long did siege last? 14. How was Nebuchadnezzar punished for his pride? 15. Tell of the downfall of the Second Assyrian Empire. Who the king at that time? Date. . .v/. .-^rrhibMr. EGYPT. I hi'H U 1884 1. What is known of the early history of Egy^i^^y^^/ ^ '^ ''^■ 2. What the chief object of worship, and how worshfpn^f*' 3. What animals were sacred, and how mourned for ? 4. What was one of their chief religious beliefs ? 5- Which of Noah's descendants peopled Africa, and which one founded Egypt, and built what city? 6. What was the city of lOO gates? Built by whom ? De- scribe it. 7. Who founded the oldest library mentioned in history ? 8. Whence did Shepherd Kings come, and what city did they build? 9. At what period was Joseph sold into Egypt, and whom did he marry ? 10. Where was Lake Mooris, and for what use was it intended? 11. Where are the ruins of the statue of Memnon's image? For what remarkable ? 12. What was the name of the king who endured the ten plagues, and what the tradition of the Red Sea? 13. What proofs have we that there ever was such a king as Sesostris ? 14. What design had his father in his education, and what con- quests did he make ? 15. What is told of Proteus, and what of Cheops? 16. How was one of the kings of Egypt delivered by the aid of rats? What was his name? 17. Tell how Psammetichus came to the throne. 18. What two great enterprises did Pharaoh Necho undertake ? 19. What brought about the ruin of Egypt ? 20. In whose reign was it said to be perfectly happy, and what famous Grecian visited the country then ? 21. Of what country did Egypt become a province ? PERSIA. 1. What kind of government existed in Persia ? 2. What was their chief occupation originally, and what is told of their manufactures ? 3. What their object of worship, and what a sacred emblem ? 4. Who founded the sect of Magi, and what was their duty ? 5. Who is considered the progenitor of the Persians ? 6. What of the Medes ? Who their first king, and how did he become king ? 7. What city did he found, and how was it built ? 8. What foreign king took the city, and why did he attack it ? 9. Who was Cyaxares ? By whom was his country overrun ? 10. How did he get rid of these invaders, and to whom did they apply for help ? 11. What caused the Lydians and Medes suddenly to make peace ? 12. Why did Cyaxares marry his daughter Mandane to a needy Persian prince, and who the son of that marriage ? 13. Tell of Cyrus' youth. 14. What of his first expedition, and how did his uncle behave? 15. What brought about his second military expedition, and result ? 16. What two Assyrian noblemen joined Cyrus ? 17. Who was Panthea, and who fell in love with her? 18. What parties fought the battle of Thymbra? 19. Which side was victorious, and what friend of Cyrus fell? 20. What of Croesus after this battle ? 21. What city next fell ? How taken, and who its king ? 22. Whom did Cyrus marry ? 23. What of Daniel at this time, and how long did Babylonish captivity last ? 24. Who succeeded Cyrus, and what the character of his reign ? 25. Who succeeded him, and how ? 26. What kind of king did he prove, and how was he compared to Cyrus and Cambyses ? 27. How was Babylon taken the second time ? 28. What is told of the Scythian expedition and the message ? 29. What important war occupied the latter part of his reign ? 30. How did the Greeks insult the Persians? Date. 31. To whom was the first expedition entrusted, and how did it end ? 32. How did the second one end ? What decisive battle fought ? Who the commanders on both sides ? 33. Who succeeded Darius, and did he pursue the war ? 34. What was the first great battle fought ? The result ? 35. What other battles of this war, and what the result ? 36. Who succeeded Xerxes ? 37. What historians completed their writings in this reign, and who followed them in profane history ? 38. Who was the young Cyrus, and what of his acts ? 39- Who was Xenophon, and for what noted ? 40. In what battle was Cyrus killed ? 41. What is told of the vengeance of Parysatis ? 42. How did Persia fall from her high estate ? GREECE. 1. Which of Noah's sons was progenitor of the Grecians ? 2. What was the oldest city of Greece, and when founded ? 3. Who were the Pelasgi and who the Hellenes ? 4. Name the founders, with dates, of Corinth, Athens, Sparta. 5. What was the Amphictyonic Council ? Why so named ? 6. What city was founded by Cadmus ? Whence did he come ? 7. What name was given to SouthernGreece,and why so called? 8. What was the Argonautic expedition ? 9. What caused the Trojan war ? Give the date. 10. Who the leader of the Greeks, and how related to Helen? 11. Name the principal leaders of both sides. 12. How long did the siege last, and how did Troy fall ? 13. What were the consequences of this war? 14. What was the Dorian invasion, and what did they accom- plish ? 15. Who was Codrus, and how did he distinguish himself? 16. Who was Homer, and when did he write ? 17. What were the Olympic games ? Where celebrated ? 18. Where was Sparta, and why ruled by two kings? 19. Who was the law-giver of Sparta ? Where did he go ,to collect his laws, and how did he establish them ? 20. To what end were all the Spartan youths trained ? 21. What class of people performed all menial services? 22. What caused the first Messenian war, and what its result? 23. What caused the second? Who the hero, and what the last stronghold ? 24. What compliment to the Messenian hero ? 25. What became of the exiled Messenians? 26. After the death of Codrus, what caused the first difficulty in Athens, and how did it end ? 27. Who was the first law-giver of Athens, and what the nature of his laws ? 28. What caused the recapture of Salamis, and who the second law-giver ? 29. What was the chief object of his laws ? 30. Tell how the court of Areopagus was formed, and its especial use. 31. What other laws have been founded on Solon's ? 32. What caused the first sacred war ? 33. What was the curious response of the oracle ? 34. Who interpreted it, and how did it end ? 35. Why did Solon go to Asia, and how did he secure a test for his laws ? 36. Who was Pisistratus, and what his character ? 37. What did he do for Athens, and whose poems did he collect ? 38. What was the Golden Age of Greece ? 39. Who were the Pisistratidas, and tell of their career ? 40. Why did the Spartans interfere about Hippias ? 41. What part did a Persian satrap take in the affair? 42. What was the first public transaction between Greece and Persia ? 43. What especially enraged Athens against Persia, and how did it result ? Date. 44. What was tlje situation of the Greeks at this time? 45. Which of the States refused to giv2 earth and water? 46. Who commanded the first expedition against Greece, and its result? 47. Who were the two great leaders in Athens, and how did they decide to meet the Persians ? 48. What the first great battle, who its leader, and what the result ? 49. How did the Athenians commemorate the victory ? 50. What was the end of Miltiades, and who his son ? 5 r. How did Darius act after this defeat ? 52. Who led the next invasion, and how long after Marathon ? 53. Who were the Greek leaders now, and what had become of Aristides ? 54. What did Themistocles induce the Athenians to do ? 55. Where was the first battle of this invasion fought ? 56. Who the leaders on each side, and what the result ? 57. Why is the battle the most remarkable on record ? 58. What naval engagement the same day? 59. How did Themistocles persuade the Greeks to fight at Salamis ? 60. What became of Xerxes after that battle ? 61. What was the next battle, who the leaders, and what result ? 62. What striking proof in it of the effect of Spartan training? 63. How did Pausanias show to his soldiers the difference between themselves and the Persians ? 64. Why was the battle of the Strymon famous ? 65. How did the Greeks honor the heroes of Thermopylae? 66. How was Themistocles honored at this time? 67. Who was Pausanias ? How did he fall from his high estate ? 68. What great man was involved in his ruin, and how? 69. What was the end of Themistocles ? 70. What that of Aristides ? 71. Who was Cimon, and what his double victory? 72. What was the effect of this victory? 73. About this time what encouraged the Helots to revolt? 74. To whom did Spartans apply for aid, and how did that re- sult ? 75. What great man arose now in Athens, and what work of Themistocles did he finish ? ']6. What did his rival say of him, and how did he improve the city ? "JJ. What family quarrel now took place among the Greeks ? 78. How did it end, and what jealousies, and to what war did it lead ? 79. What was the result of the first invasion ? Who the Spar- tan king ? 80. How was Pericles blamed for the plague, and what his end ? 81. How came Cleon to take a leading position in Athens ? 82. How long had the Peloponnesian war lasted when they made a truce for fifty years ? 83. Who now rose to prominence in Athens, and how did he bring on war ? 84. What expedition did the Athenians next send out ? Who the leaders ? 85. How came the Spartans to take any part in it ? S6. Relate the results of this war? Its effects on Athenians? 87. What course did Alcibiades then pursue ? 88. What was the result of the tyranny of the 400 ? 89. Who fought the battle of Abydos, and what was the result? 90. Hov/ did Alcibiades enrich Athens, and how received there? 91. How did he fall, and who appointed to his command? 92. Who was the great Spartan general, and what of the battle of the Arginusae ? 93. Who fought the battle of ^-Egos Potamos, and what its re- sults to Athens ? 94. Who after this ruled in Athens, and how were they relieved ? 95. What was the end of Alcibiades ? 96. Who was the great philosopher of this period, and why was he killed ? 97. Who was king of Sparta at the end of Peloponnesian war? 98. And how did he conduct himself afterwards ? 99. By whom were the 10,000 Greeks employed ? For what, and give an account of their career and retreat ? Who their leader ? 100. What was Agesilaus' plan about Asia, and what his success ? 10 1. What cities leagued against Sparta ? 102. What caused Agesilaus' recall ? What great battle did he fight ? 103. What great victory did Athenians gain, and who their leader ? 104. What change did this bring to Athens ? 105. What peace ended this war, and how was it soon broken ? 106. How did Thebes get into the possession of Sparta? 107. How was it relieved, and who the Theban leaders ? 108. Who fought the battle of Leuctra, and which side victorious ? 109. Give an account of the career of Epaminondas and Pelopidas, 1 10. What historian wrote at this period ? 111. What was the last enterprise of Agesilaus, and what his end ? 112. What great philosopher, disciple of Socrates, founder of what school, and what did he write ? MACEDONIA. 1. From whom did Macedonians claim descent? 2. When did they first figure in history, and under what king ? 8 3- At what court was he brought up, and what effect had it upon his Hfe ? 4. What difficuhies surrounded his accession to the throne? 5. Which of the Grecian States was against him, and who their leader? 6. What brought about another sacred war? 7. Who was Philomelus, and what State did he induce to help him ? 8. How did Philip gain distinction in it, and what of the double vote ? 9. When and where was Alexander born ? What other omens the same day ? 10. What famous Athenian always opposed to Philip? 11. What brought on third sacred war? What great battle, and who the hero ? 12. What was the great object of Philip's ambition? 13. What caused the failure in attaining it ? 14. Who was Alexander's famous teacher, and how did he feel towards him ? 15. What response had he from the oracle? 16. What brought about the ruin of Thebes, and whose house alone was spared ? 17. What passed in Athens, and what danger did Demosthenes escape ? 18. After Alexander had subdued all of Greece, what did he undertake ? 19. What his first battle, and its details ? 20. What temple did he cause to be built, and on what spot ? 21. Who was Ada, and for what remarkable ? 22. Where was Gordium, and for what noted ? 23. What was the first battle fought with Darius in person, what the result, and who the captives ? Date. 24. What remarkable siege next engaged him ? How long was it ? 25. What offer from Darius, who approved, and how received ? 26. What happened at Jerusalem ? 27. Name some of the treasure cities, and where did he found a city ? 28. What object had he in visiting Lybian desert? 2g. What was the second battle fought with Darius, and its result ? 30. What of the spoils at Susa, and what statues there ? 31. What is told of the end of Darius ? T,2. Who was the most trusted of his generals, and what his end ? 2,^. What was the fate of Bessus ? 34. How did Alexander offend his followers at this time ? 35. Where did he require "winged soldiers"? 36. Tell of his conduct to Clytus, and why especially ungrateful ? 37. Who was Perus, and how treated by Alexander ? 38. Describe the tomb of Cyrus. 39. What great friend died at this time, and how did he act? 40. Where did Alexander die, and what the circumstances? 41. Name his two wives, and who died of grief at his death ? 42. What was the condition of things after his death ? 43. Who constituted the royal family, and how was the crown settled ? 44. What decisive battle was fought between the generals of Alexander, and how did they agree to divide the world ? 45. What was the Achaean League, and who its first leader? 46. What did he accomplish ? 47. Who was Pyrrhus, and why did he go to Italy ? 48. How did Rome become involved in Grecian affairs ? 49. Whom do historians call the "last of the Geeks," and why ? 50. Why did the Romans send Flaminius to Greece, and how did he behave to the Greeks ? 51. What now stirred up the Etolians, and what league did they form ? 52. What did Philopoeman accomplish, and how did he die? 53. Who was Perseus, and who conquered him? 54. What Roman general took Corinth ? When and how did he act ? 55. What did Greece finally become, and how divided? ROME. 1. When was Rome founded ? How long did its rule last ? 2. Name the hills on which it was built ? 3. How were the Roman citizens divided into classes ? 10 4- What was the rehgion of Romans ? Who composed the Senate ? 5. What the chief occupations of early Romans, and what did S. P. Q. R. mean ? 6. What was the fabulous history of early settlement of Italy? 7. Give the account of the birth of Romulus, and founding of Rome. 8. How was the union with the Sabines effected, and who was Tarpeia ? 9. Give an account of the death of Romulus, and who suc- ceeded him. 10. For what was Numa remarkable, and what temple did he build? 11. Name all the kings in succession, and tell some distinguish- ing act of each one. 1 2. In whose reign did the Sibyl appear, and what of her books ? 13. After the expulsion of kings, how was E.ome governed? 14. Relate the efforts of Tarquin to recover his throne. 15. Who were the first two Consuls? What proof did one of them give of his love for the laws of his country ? 16. Who was Porsenna, and what did Mutius do ? 17. Why were the Romans forced to create a Dictator? Who the first? 18. How was the office of Tribune of the People established ? 19. What was the origin of veto power ? 20. Give an account of Coriolanus. Who was his mother, and who his wife ? 21. Why was Cincinnatus made Dictator, and what did he accomplish ? 22. Give an account of Siccius Dentatus. 23. What change took place in the government? 24. What was the story of Virginia, and what was effected by her persecution ? 25. How did the Romans finally establish an army? 26. Give an account of the taking of Veii. Who the hero ? 27. Why was Camillus banished ? 28. What brought about a difficulty with the Gauls? Who their king? 11 29- What did the Gauls do in Rome, and where was Camillas then ? 30. What did Pontius Cominius do, and what did Brennus attempt ? 31. Who was Manlius, and how rewarded for his bravery ? 32. How did Camillus act, and what the result ? 33. What was the origin of the Licinian law? 34. What of the latter part of the life of Camillus ? 35. In what war were the Romans next engaged ? How long did it last ? 36. Relate the story of Manlius Torquatus, and what of this battle ? 37. Who was Pyrrhus, and how came he to be involved with Rome ? 38. Who was Fabricius ? Relate the two proofs of his great honor. 39. What was the result of the third battle with Pyrrhus ? 40. What was the military strength of the Romans at this time ? 41. Tell of the founding of Carthage, &c. How long before Rome ? 42. What now brought about a war with Carthaginians ? 43. How did the Romans form a navy, and who first led the Romans to Africa ? 44. Tell the result, and all about Regulus. Date of this war ? 45. How long did first Punic war last, and what followed at Rome ? 46. Wheij did Marcellus first distinguish himself? 47. What caused the second Punic war, and how long had peace lasted ? 48. Give an account of Hannibal's passage of the Alps. 49. What of his first two battles ? Who the Roman leaders ? 50. What of the battle of Thrasymenus, and how was the news received ? 51. What was the Fabian policy, and how did it succeed ? 52. Give an account of the battle of Cannae. 53. Who were appointed leaders of the Romans after that? 54. What brought about the ruin of Hannibal, and how long had he stayed in Italy ? 55. Tell of the siege of Syracuse. What great man fell there? 12 56. What did Scipio determine upon, and what the result? 57. What the last great battle, who the generals, and the date ? 58. What was the end of Hannibal, and what, two other great men died that year ? 59. What caused the third Punic war, and what did Cato say ? 60. What was the result of this war, and what Grecian city fell then? 61. Give an account of the Gracchii. Who was their mother ? 62. What caused the Jugurthine war, who closed it, the date, and who was born that year ? 63. What caused the Social war ? Who the distinguished leaders ? 64. Give an account of Mithridates, and what he did to bring on war with the Romans. 65. What caused trouble between Sylla and Marius ? 66. Tell of the rest of his career and end. 67. Of Sylla and his acts. 68. What two rivals next rose in Rome, and which sent against Mithridates ? 69. What was the conspiracy of Catiline, and how did it end ? 70. What the end of Mithridates, and what of Pompey's return ? 71. How was the first Triumvirate formed? 72. How did they cement their union, and how divide the world? 73. What the end of Crassus ? 74. What did Cjesar accomplish, and how did that affect Pompey ? 75. How did Pompey's friends act, and upon what did Caesar decide ? 76. On the approach of Caesar, how did Pompey behave ? 'j'j. What battle first fought between them ? 78. Give full account of the next, and its results. 79. What was the end of Pompey the Great ? Date. 80. What did Caesar do in Egypt ? 81. What became of the remnant of Pompey's army? 82. How did Caesar behave on his return, and how received ? 83. Give a full account of his end. 84. Who were the chief conspirators, and how did Antony act ? 85. Who was Octavius, and what followed on his retufn to Rome ? 18 86. How was the second Triumvirate formed, and who sacri- ficed by each ? 87. How did Cicero die, and for what wa? he famous ? 88. Who fought the. battle of Philippi ? What became of Brutus ? 89. After this battle, where did Antony go, and what did Octavius do ? 90. Whom did Antony afterwards marry, and what new divi- sion of the Empire ? 91. What brought about a rupture between Octavius and Antony ? 92. Tell of the battle of Actium, and what followed. Date. 93. Who was Augustus, and what great event now happened ? 94. What of his latter years, and whom did he marry? 95. Who succeeded, and why was he jealous of Germanicus ? 96. Who was the wife of Germanicus, and how was the latter treated ? 97. To whom did Tiberius give the government, and with what result ? 98. What was the end of Tiberius, and who his successor? 99. Name the peculiarities of Caligula, and who succeeded ? 100. How did Nero come to the throne, and who his mother ? 1 01. Give an account of Nero's reign. To whom very cruel? 102. Who was his preceptor, and how treated by him ? 103. How did Nero die, and who his great general ? 104. How long did his successor reign ? Who was he ? 105. How came Vitellius to reign, and who dethroned him ? 106. In what was Vespasian engaged at the time of his becom- ing Emperor ? 107 How was Jerusalem built, and what factions prevailed there? 108. Name the omens that foretold its coming doom. 109. Who took it, on what day, and what happened ? 1 10. What occurred on Titus's return to Rome, and what among the spoils ? II I. What remarkable occurrences in the reign of Titus? 112. What great public structure completed? 1 13. Who was the last of the twelve Caesars, and what his char- acter ? 14 14. Who was Trajan, and who his tutor? What did Trajan accomplish ? 15. What was a maxim of Adrian, and how many years was he in carrying it out ? 16. In whose reign were Justin Martyr and Polycarp burned? 17. Who were the five bad emperors, and which one "the Tennis Ball of Fortune"? 18. Which one went to Britain against the Picts and Scots? 19. Tell of the fate of the good Valerian. :>0. Who was Zenobia, and who captured her ? 21. What is told of Diocletian? Whom did he persecute? 22. In whose reign was the last triumph in Rome ? 23. Who was the first Christian emperor ? Relate his conver- sion. 24. What changes did he effect, and what was the date ? 25. What family did Constantine leave ? 26. Who was Julian the Apostate, and what did he attempt? 27. In whose reign, and about what time, did the Huns come down ? 28. Who was the last sole emperor, and how did he divide the empire ? 29. What barbarous tribe, about the year 400, overran Rome ? 30. Who was emperor, and who his general ? 31. What was the result of this invasion? How old was Rome then ? 32. Where was Alaric buried? Who succeeded him? 33. What is told of the beautiful Placidia ? 34. Who the next invaders, and who their leader? Give result. 35. What had been assigned for the fatal period of Rome ? 36. What the third horde of barbarians, and who their leader? 37. What did he do, and how was Venice founded ? 38. What induced him to withdraw, and how was he buried ? 39. To whom did Eudoxia apply for aid ? What the result ? 40. Who was the last man invested with imperial purple ? 41. Who was Odoacer, and by what title did he rule? 42. What the date of end of Roman Empire ? How long after the foundation ? 16 hestions on Stiidciits' Himie. ENGLAND. 1. To whom were the coasts of Britain first known ? Give the date. 2. From what time have we any certain knowledge of its his- tory ? 3. Who were the original inhabitants of the island ? 4. How was this tribe divided, and from which are the Britons and Gauls descended ? 5. What the religion and what the sacrifices ? 6. Did Cassar meet with any resistance? Give date of con- quest. 7. What was the stronghold of the Druids, and in whose reign subdued ? 8. What was the size of London A. D. 470, and what is told of Boadicea ? 9. What Roman general finally subdued Britain? Date. 10. What two emperors built walls across the island, and for what ? 11. Who was the last emperor who lived in Britain, and who his son ? 12. Whence came the Picts and Scots, and how did they treat the Britons ? 13. What was the occasion of the " Groans of the Britons," and why not answered ? 14. How long did Roman dominion last in Britain, and what effect had it on the country ? 15. How early is Christianity supposed to have existed, and how introduced ? 16. Who were the Angles and Saxons? 17. How did they obtain a foothold in Britain ? Date. 18. Who were Hengist and Horsa, and what of Vortigeru? 16 ig. At what period is Arthur of the Round Table supposed to have lived ? 20. What was the Heptarchy, and what the title of their chief? 21. Who was the first Christian king, and how converted? 22. Who was Gregory, and what attracted him to the conver- sion of Britons ? 23. Who was Augustine, and how received, and what churches built? 24. Who was the fifth Bretwalda, and what caused his conversion ? 25. What was the first and foundation of Bishopric of York ? 26. Who was Egbert, and with what formidable invasion did he contend ? 27. What title was he the first to bear, and who succeeded him ? 28. What relation was Alfred the Great to Egbert ? 29. When did Alfred reign, for what remarkable, and what his character ? 30. How did he conquer the Danes ? Who was Guthrum ? 31. How did Alfred use the latter years of his life ? Date of his death. 32. What proves that a more extended intercourse with conti- nent existed ? 33. Who was St. Dunstan? In whose reigns did he flourish ? 34. Of what act of cruelty was he guilty ? 35. Why was " Edward the Martyr" so called? 36. Who succeeded him, and for what was his reign noted? 37. What was the Danegelt, and who the king of the Danes then? 38. Whom did Ethelred marry second time, and what his object? 39. What cruel act did he execute soon after, and who one of its victims? 40. How avenged, and where did Ethelred go ? 41. What was the name of Sweyn's son ? What did he accom- plish ? 42. Whom did he marry, and who the powerful earl at this time ? 43. What was Canute's famous rebuke to his courtiers ? 44. What children had Edmond Ironsides left, and what chil- dren did Ethelred leave by Emma? 45. Who succeeded Canute? Who followed next, and how did he act ? 17 46. Who was Edward the Confessor, and how did he enrage his people ? 47. Who opposed this, and how did the contest end ? 48. Who was Harold, and what promise did he make ? 49. Whom did Edward intend should succeed him, and who did? 50. What caused the Norman invasion ? What great battle, and date ? 51. Where was Normandy ? Why so named? What its capital? 52. Tell the origin of William the Conqueror, and how related to English kings ? 53. What two powerful earls, and whom did they proclaim? 54. What was the insurrection of 1068? 55. What caused the death of William ? 56. What effect had the conquest on the natives ? 57. What of his forest laws, and what custom did he introduce? 58. What was the Doomsday Book, and what the number of inhabitants in England at that time ? 59. What children did he leave, and which one succeeded? 60. What project engaged all of Europe at this time, and how was Normandy acquired ? 61. What was the result of first crusade, and its date ? 62. What caused the death of William Second, and what was his character ? 63. Who succeeded, who the rightful heir, and how did he act? 64. How did this contest end, and what calamity to Henry ? 65. Why did Henry's first marriage please the people ? 66. Who his second wife, and what child did he leave ? (i"]. What was the character of Henry First ? 68. Who the rightful heir, who the usurper, and how did they settle matters ? 69. Who succeeded Stephen, and what relation was he to Wil- liam the Conqueror ? 70. Of what house was he the founder, and for how long did it rule? 71. Who was his wife, and what portion of France in his pos- session ? 72. Who was Thomas a Becket, and what of his career? 73. What act of Henry's enraged the Pope and Frange, and how did he atone ? 18 74- By whom was Ireland peopled ? By whom converted ? Date. 75. Who the only Englishman who ever sat on Papal throne ? 76. What were Henry's domestic troubles ? yj. What hastened his death, and who succeeded him ? yZ. What were the first acts of Richard First ? 79. Whom did he marry, and who was king of France then ? 80. What took place in his own country ? Tell of his return. 81. Whose son was John, and what is this period of English history called ? 82. Whom did he marry, of what murder guilty, and how pun- ished ? 83. What caused the establishment of the Magna Carta ? 84. What does the great charter secure to the people ? Its date. 85. What caused the civil wars, and to whom was the throne offered ? 86. What of John's character? Who succeeded him? 87. Whom did the latter marry, and how did he provoke his subjects ? 88. Who was Simon de Monfert ? What did he accomplish, and who fought the battle of Lewes ? 89. What brought about the battle of Evesham, and what the results ? 90. What may be considered first meeting of House of Com- mons ? 91. Who succeeded Henry Third, and where did he first dis- tinguish himself? 92. What conquest did he undertake ? What title did he establish ? 93. In what dispute was he made arbiter, and how did he use it? 94. What famous Scots did he contend with, and what of the Stone of Scone ? 95. How was the House of Commons firmly established in this reign ? Date. 96. Relate the fate of Wallace. 97. What concession did England extort from this able monarch ? 98. What expedition was he about to undertake when he died ? 99. What kind of a king was Edward Second, and who was his wife? 100. How did he offend the people, and what was his end ? 19 tOl. In the early part of reign of Edward Third, who ruled, and how did he fall ? 102. What caused the war with France, and what claim had Edward Third ? 103. What again attracted him to war with France ? First battle, and date. 104. What used for first time ? What of king of Bohemia, &c. ? 105. What place next fell into his hands, and for what remarkable? 106. Who was Edward's wife, and whom did she save ? 107. What was the origin of the Order of the Garter? 108. What calamity caused cessation of hostilities between the two countries ? 109. Who now came to the throne of France, and what brought on war ? 1 10. How long after battle of Crecy was battle of Poictiers ? 111. Who the hero, and how did he behave ? 112. What was the peace of Bretigni ? How kept? 113. Whom did the Black Prince assist at this time ? What the result ? 114. What blot on his character, and how accounted for ? 115. What children did Edward Third leave ? Why called the " Father of English Commerce " ? 1 16. Whose son was Richard Second, and what insurrections occurred ? 117. How did he act then, and how afterwards disappoint his people ? 118. How treated by his uncles, and how did he dispose of the Duke of Gloucester? 119. How did he come in contact with the Duke of Lancaster? 120. How did the latter act? What was his position in the kingdom ? 121. What was the end of Richard Second, and what his character ? 122. Why should the Lancastrian kings not be regarded as usurpers ? 123. Who was the reformer in this age, and who the father of English poetry ? 1 24. When Henry Fourth came to the throne, who was the right- ful heir ? 125. What was the cause of the rebellion of the Percies ? 20 Jt26. What Scottish prince did he detain in custody ? 127. How long did he reign? Who was his wife, and what children had he ? 128. Who succeeded, and who was king of France ? Date. 129. What caused the domestic troubles in France then ? 130. Who fought the battle of Agincourt, and for what was it famous ? 131. What was the treaty of Troyes ? 132. How long did he survive this marriage, and how old was he ? 133. What was the character of Henry Fifth, and what offspring did he leave ? 134. Whom did Catherine marry afterwards, and what children did she leave ? 135. How was the government settled for the minority of Henry Sixth ? 136. For what reason did Bedford release Scottish king? 137. Whom did the latter marry, and for what was he noted ? 138. How long did Charles Sixth survive his son-in-law, and what of his successor ? 139. What famous female flourished now? Give an account of her. 140. What did she accomplish, and what was her fate ? 141. Was Henry Sixth ever crowned king of France, and what his character ? 142. What two parties in England contended for the control over the king ? 143. Whom did Henry marry, and what was her character ? 144. Why did queen and nobles combine against the Duke of Gloucester ? 145. How did they offend him, and what was his fate ? 146. In consequence of incapacity of Henry Sixth, who came forward to claim the throne, and what right had he ? 147. What powerful support had he, and what of this earl? 148. What increased the discontent of the people ? 149. What caused the fall of Suffolk, and what followed ? 150. How did the Duke of York act, and what event decided his course ? 151. What was the first battle of the civil war, and what its result ? 152. How long was this conflict to last, and how signalized ? SI 153. After the king had been restored, what produced a rupture ? 154. What happened in 1460, and how were matters arranged? 155. How did the queen act, and what the next decisive battle ? 156. Who fell in this battle, and what children did he leave ? 157. What of the second battle of St. Albans, and what soon followed ? 158. Who was this young Edward, and what his character ? 159. What the symbols of the parties, and to whom did the queen apply ? 160. Who fought the battle of Hexham, and what the condition after it ? 161. What marriage did Edward now make, and how received ? 162. How was Warwick offended by this, and how did he act ? 163. What arrangement did he make with Margaret's party? 164. Tell of the battle of Barnet. Give the date. 165. What was the result of the battle of Tewkesbury, and what followed ? 166. How did Edward Fourth change after this, and how did he treat Clarence ? 167. What was the treaty of Pecquigni, and what became of Margaret ? 168. What children did Edward leave ? 169. Who was the Earl of Rivers, and what art did he introduce ? 170. Who came to the throne, and how did Gloucester act? 171. Whom did the latter marry, and how was it revolting? 172. To whom did the people look to relieve them from Richard Third ? '173. What marriage was now proposed to unite both parties ? 174. What decisive battle between the rivals? Date, and result. 175. The reign of what houses ended with Richard Third ? 176. What house now came to the throne, and what era does this introduce ? 177. What strong family feeling did Henry Fourth bring to the throne ? 178. Whom did he marry, and how was his jealousy excited then ? 179. Who was Lambert Simnel, and what his career? 180. Who the next Pretender ? Whom did he represent, and his career ? tSl. What the great blemish on Henry's reign, and how did he excuse it ? 182. What marriage did he project for his son, and what the attraction ? 183. What the ruHng passion of Henry, and who his vile agents? 184. What the character of his reign, and what prevented his having a share in the discoveries of the age ? 185. Whom did Henry Eighth marry, and what kind of young man was he ? 186. Who was Wolsey, and to what did he attain? 187. What was the battle of" Spurs," and why so called? 188. Who fought the battle of Flodden, and who fell? 189. What relation was Queen of Scotland to Henry? 190. What alliance took place with France? How long did Louis live? 191. Whom did the Queen of France afterwards marry? 192. Who was now king of France ? 193. To what high office was Wolsey raised, and how did he execute it? 194. To what extensive government was Charles of Spain elected? 195. Who his rival, and what steps did he at once take ? 196. How did Charles try to counteract these, and what promises to Wolsey ? 197. What was the " Field of Cloth of Gold," and result of the meeting ? 198. What was especially exciting all of Europe at this time? 199. What title was given Henry by the Pope, and why was it ? 200. What was the occasion of the emperor's second visit to England ? 201. What happened to Francis at this time ? 202. What serious doubts did Henry begin to entertain ? 203. Give an account of the proceedings, and who suggested a plan ? 204. Whose fate was involved in the decision, and what did he say ? 205. Who was second wife of Henry, her fate, and what child left? 206. What relation was Catherine to Charles Fifth ? 207. What caused quarrel between the Pope and Henry, and how did it end ? 23 208. Did he still maintain Catholic religion, and who in Wolsey's place ? 209. What title did the Parliament confer on the king, with what powers ? 210. What two distinguished men refused to sanction it? 21 1. How did the bishops really assist in spreading the Bible? 212. What act of the Pope now roused the indignation of the king ? 213. Who were executed, and how did the Pope act ? 214. What was Henry's next arbitrary act in cjiurch matters ? 215. What effectual apology did Henry make for treatment of Anne Boleyn ? 216. In what year was first complete copy of English Bible or- dered by Henry to be placed in every church ? Whose translation ? 217. Who was Henry's third wife, and what real sorrow had he now? 218. What act brought to Henry the violent action of the Pope ? 219. How did Henry treat Cardinal Pole? 220. What was the law of Six Articles ? Aimed at which party? 221. What the two succeeding marriages of Henry, and their end? 222. How did both parties suffer through his religious tenets ? 223. Who was his last wife, and how did she barely escape the block ? 224. What connexion with Scotland was projected, and why upset? 225. How did he leave his crown, and give his character ? 226. Whose son was Edward Sixth, and who was appointed protector ? 227. How long did Edward reign, and what ambitious noble in latter part of reign ? 228. To whom did Edward leave the crown, and whom did he exclude ? 229. Tell the career of Lady Jane Grey and Northumberland, 230. Who succeeded Edward, what her first acts, and whom did she marry ? 231. How did she treat Elizabeth, and who befriended the latter? 232. How did she behave to the Protestants, and who some of the victims ? 24 233- What brought on war with France, and what great loss to England ? 234. What the character of her conjugal relations, and what the cause of her death ? 235. Where was Elizabeth when she heard of Mary's death, and how did she act? 236. What did she at once do about religious affairs ? 237. What relation was Mary of Scotland to Elizabeth ? 238. What soon caused a feeling of jealousy toward her? 239. What caused the removal of Mary from France ? 240. Tell how she was received in Scotland. 241. What progress had reformation made in Scotland .'' 242. What promises did Mary make, and how treated ? 243. How did Elizabeth employ herself at this time? 244. What feeling seemed to exist now between the two queens? 245. How did Elizabeth behave about Mary's marrying, and whom did she marry ? 246. What caused the murder of Rizzio, and of Darnley ? 247. Who was Bothwell, and what of his career ? 248. What was the battle of Carberry Hill, and what became of Mary? 249. Into whose hands was the government placed ? 250. What attempt was next made for Mary's release ? 251. What did Mary determine to do, and how did Elizabeth act? 252. What was the conspiracy of the Duke of Norfolk, and how did it end? 253. How did Norfolk try to conciliate the queen ? 254. What incident now increased her animosity to Mary ? 255. What new sect arose about this time, and who the Marian exiles ? 256. Why was Norfolk executed ? 257. What terrible event took place in France, and what the effect in England? 258. What proposition did the Netherlanders make the queen, and why ? 259. Who was the great seaman, and how did he make his name famous ? 260. What proposal of marriage was now made, and how did the queen act ? 25 26i. What association was set on foot, and how did the Queen of Scots regard it ? 262. What was the object of the High Commission Court? 263. Against what foreign power did she now engage, and who her favorite ? 264. Who was Sir Philip Sidney, and where did he fall ? 265. What precipitated the fall of Mary, Queen of Scots ? 266. How did Elizabeth act ? Give date of execution. 267. What enemy now threatened an invasion ? 268. Name the English naval commanders, and who led the Armada ? 269. Give an account of its defeat. 270. What new favorite now rose high in favor, and how did the queen treat him ? 271. How did he fall from favor, and what his end ? 272. Who was the cause of his not applying for mercy ? 273. How did the queen act after his execution ? 274. What was the character of the reign of the Tudors ? 275. Who were the great literary men of this age? 276. What house now came to the throne ? Trace the claim. lyj. What was the character of James, and who was his tutor ? 278. What conspiracy in the early part of this reign ? 279. What was the origin of the Gunpowder Plot ? 280. What struggle took place between the Parliament and king ? 281. Who the two favorites of this reign ? Give the career of each. 282. What celebrated naval commander executed, and why ? 2S3. What is told of Lord Bacon ? 284. What caused discontents of the people, and why did the king adjourn the House of Commons ? 285. What foreign match had been projected, and how broken off? 286. Whom did Prince Charles marry? What the character of the king ? 287. What was the character of Charles' first Parliament ? 288. What inflamed them against Buckingham ? 289. How did Charles further offend the nation ? 290. What was the " Petition of Rights," and how did the king act? 291. What caused the fall of Buckingham ? 292. What was tonnage and poundage ? 4 26 293- What did the Commons insist upon, and how did king act? 294. After determining to do without Parhament, how did the king supply his wants ? 295. What course did Hampden pursue, and with what effect? 296. What caused discontents in Scotland ? Who helped the Scots ? 297. What was the Covenant ? 298. How was Charles forced to call a Parliament ? How long since one had sat ? 299. What the character of this house, and who some of its members ? 300. How did the king act, and what followed ? 301. What the title of next Parliament, and what caused impeach- ment of Strafford ? 302. How did the king act, and how did Strafford behave ? 303. What took place in Ireland, and how did it end ? 304. Why were the bishops impeached ? How did Parliament act? 305. To what did all this lead, and how did the queen help the king ? 306. What terms did Parliament propose to the king, and how received ? 307. What was the first battle of the civil war ? Who the leaders on both sides ? Give date, and result. 308. To what countries did each party resort for help ? 309. Tell the fate of Hampden. 310. What two prominent men now arose, and on which side were they? 311. What was the Solemn League and Covenant ? 312. Who fought the battle of Marsten Moor, and who the hero? 313. What two parties now existed in Parliament? Tell the difference ? 314. To which did Cromwell belong, and what the self-denying act? 315. How did Cromwell escape being dismissed with the rest? 316. Who was Laud, and why executed now? 317. Which party was defeated at Naseby ? Who blamed for it? 318. To whom did the king fly, and how treated? 319. By whom was he recaptured ? ^1 320. How did Cromwell get possession of the army? 321. Which party now had most power, and what did it decide with regard to the king, and how did Scots take it ? 322. To what castles was the king confined ? How treated ? 323. How did Charles behave during the trial, and what did he say? 324. What was the great blemish on his character ? 325. What action did the House take immediately? 326. What the condition of affairs in the new republic ? 327. Where did Charles Second make an attempt, and with what result ? 328. How was the Commonwealth settled, and in what war at once engaged ? 329. Who were the famous naval commanders on each side ? 330. Who fixed a broom to his mainmast, and for what ? 331. How did Cromwell act with regard to Parliament ? 332. What was the character of his first Parliament, and what his title ? 333. What motives actuated him in making war on Spain ? 334. What permanent conquests did he make? 335. By what was his conduct in foreign affairs characterized? 336. How did he behave at his own court, and to what did he aspire ? 337. What was the Humble Petition and Advice, and why did he refuse ? 338. How were his latter days disturbed, and what his character ? 339. To whom was the Government left, and how did he act? 340. How did Monk act, and how was Charles Second restored ? 341. What was the famous declaration of Breda? 342. How was Charles received, and what the act of Indemnity ? 343. What was the first standing army under the monarchy ? 344. How was Clarendon allied to the royal family, and what his advice ? 345. Why did Charles hate the Scots, and what his opinion of Presbyterians ? 346. What was the act of Uniformity, and what the Corporation act? 347. Whom did Charles marry, and what of this match ? 348. What two famous men were brought to trial, and how did each behave ? 349. To what church did Charles and the Duke of York incline ? 350. What brought on the Dutch war, and who sided with latter ? 351. Who was entrusted with conduct of this war, and what method did he introduce ? 352. What great calamity in London during this war? Date. 353. Who the great naval commanders, and what great battle fought ? 354. What the second great calamity in London? 355. What caused a panic in London, and how did the Govern- ment act ? 356. What peace ended the war, and what the chief gain to Eng- land ? 357. What calamities were attributed to Clarendon, and w^hat his punishment ? 358. What was the Cabal Ministry, and who was king of France? 359. Why was the Triple Alliance formed? 360. What was the secret treaty of Dover, and how disgraceful ? 361. Give an account of Blood's career. 362. What occasioned the Duke of York's declaration of his faith ? 363. What the next arbitrary act of the king to supply his funds ? 364. What caused another war with Holland, and who the hero ? 365. Who were the De Witts, and what their fate ? 366. How did William of Orange baffle Louis Fourteenth, and what did he say ? 367. To what crisis was Charles now brought, and how did he act? 368. What was the Test act, and whom did it especially affect ? 369. What marriage in the royal family offended the people ? 370. What double-dealing did the king practice now ? 371. Whom did Princess Mary, daughter of Duke of York, marry ? 372. What was the peace of Nimeguen ? 373. Give an account of origin of the Popish Plot? 374. How did the Parliament act, and what did the king think of it? 375. What were some of the effects of this excitement, what char- acter of men encouraged by it, and how did Duke of York behave ? 376. What caused the dissolution of ParHament, and what their feehng to the king? 377. Who was the Duke of Monmouth, and what his hopes ? 378. What forced the king to call a new Parliament, and how did he try to conciliate the people ? 379. What the object of the Exclusion bill, and what the act of Habeas Corpus ? 380. When did the two parties. Whig and Tory, come into vogue? 381. Who was the last victim of the Popish Plot? Tell of his death. 382. What was the spirit of new Parliament, and what change in public sentiment ? 383. Why was London deprived of its charter? 384. What was the Rye-House Plot? Who the distinguished victims ? 385. Were they really guilty, and tell the conduct of each? 386. Why was Monmouth banished ? 387. How did the king try to gain favor of the people, and what did James counsel ? 388. What the death of Charles, his character, and what has been said of him ? 389. Who succeeded, and what were his first acts? 390. Give an account of Monmouth's career. 391. What were the horrid acts of Kirke and Jeffreys? 392. What the bearing of the king towards the Parliament, and what especially excited the people against the Catholics ? 393. What caused the revival of Court of High Commission? 394. What changes did James make in religious affairs ? 395. What was the affair of Magdalen College? 396. What caused imprisonment of the seven bishops, and how received ? 397. How was the birth of the Prince of Wales received by the people ? 398. How did Prince of Orange act, and who informed James? 399. What did James do to prevent extreme measures ? 400. What great man deserted the king, and how did Anne act? 401. Where did James seek refuge, and how received? 402. What struggle was ended by the Revolution of 1688 ? Had lasted how long ? 403. Give a short review of the Stuart dynasty. 404. Give a list of the great men. 405. What was the character of William Third, and what soon made him think of giving up the Government ? 406. What caused mutiny and discontent, and what the Tolera- tion act ? 407. Wh|t attempt did James make, what battles, and what the result? 408. What was the Bill of Rights, and what attainders reversed by Parliament ? 409. Tell of the next attempt of James, its battles, duration, and result ? 410. What disgraceful massacre in this reign ? Is William sup- posed to have sanctioned it ? 41 1. What distinguished man intrigued for the return of James ? '412. How was he punished, and why was the Greenwich Hos- pital founded ? 413. What caused the unpopularity of William, and how did the conspiracy end ? 414. What caused the death of Mary? What her character? 415. What was the treaty of Ryswick ? Date. 416. What succession was about to disturb Europe, and what part did William take ? 417. What was the act of Settlement? Who died at St. Ger- mains ? 418. What caused the death of William? How is he regarded? 419. What claim had Anne to the crown, and who soon gained power over her ? 420. In what war engaged, and what victory won ? 421. What title did Marlborough gain, and what of his cam- paigns of 1703 and 1704 ? 422. Who fought the battle of Ramillies ? 423. What was the act of Union ? Date. 424. What other battles did Marlborough gain ? 425. What caused the decline of his power, and who succeeded in the queen's favor ? 31 426. Of what was Marlborough accused ? Was it just, and what his end ? 427. What was the peace of Utrecht ? Date. 428. Where did Anne die, and what her character, and whom did she marry ? 430. Who was George First ? Did Anne leave children, and what his claim ? 431. How was he received, and what was Mar's rebellion? 432. Who was the Pretender who now made an invasion ? What success ? 433. What caused the unpopularity of the king? 434. What was the effect of treaty between Holland and France on the Pretender ? 435. What was the South-Sea Bubble, and what its results? 436. What great general died now, and what were the Drapier Letters ? 437. What caused the death of the king ? 438. What the character of George Second ? Who his wife, and what of her influence? 439. What caused the rupture with Spain, and who the great minister ? 440. What was the war of Austrian succession, and what part did England take ? 441. What caused war with France, and what of the battle of Fontenoy ? 442. Whose son was Prince Charles Edward ? 443. Give an account of his attempt in Scotland, battles, &c. 444. What were the feelings of George to his son, and how did he act ? 445. What was the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ? 446. For what was Admiral Byng executed ? 447. What was the Seven Years' War? How was America involved ? 448. What two heroes fell in latter country ? In what battle ? 449. Whose son was George Third, and whom did he marry ? 450. Why did Pitt resign, and to what had he raised England? 451. Give a short account of the rise of Indian Empire ? 452. What caused the article in No. 45 North Briton, and what the result ? 82 453- What were Lord North's taxes on America, and how received ? 454. What caused the change in Pitt's conduct now? 455. What was the effect of tea duties in America ? 456. Name some of the battles, result, and date of independence. 457. What foreign aid had America, and what nobleman? 458. What hastened the death of Chatham? 459. What were the Lord George Gordon riots ? 460. What capitulation ended the American war ? Date. 461. Give short account of Warren Hastings' career, and why impeached ? 462. What was the character of the king's malady, and did he recover ? 463. What great outbreak in France, and how did it affect the English ? 464. What part had the English in siege of Toulon, and what of Napoleon there ? 465. Who fought the battle of Cape St. Vincent ? 466. With what invasion was England threatened ? Who fought the battle of the Nile ? 467. Who England's great minister, her great heroes, and last battle of this war ? 468. Who successively followed George Third on the throne, and what the date of present reign ? Who introduced the Catholic Relief bill ? 33 Students' France. 1. What people first settled Gaul ? Whence did they come ? 2. Where did Phoenicians settle, and what city was founded by Greeks ? 3. When did the Gauls sack Rome ?* What did it cost the Romans, and how long did it take to expel the Gauls be- yond the Alps ? 4. Where did they make their first permanent settlement in Gaul ? Date. 5. What the present name of this place, and what caused invasion by Teutons ? 6. What two nations were now to struggle for dominion in Gaul ? 7. To whom was the conduct of the conquest given, and with what success ? 8. In 52 B. C, what great leader opposed Caesar, and what of siege of Alesia ? 9. What was the fate of Vercingetorix ? What does Plutarch tell us of this conquest ? 10. What was the general type of government and state of society then? 11. What the religion, its influence, and its sacrifices ? 12. In 28 B. C. what was the population of Gaul ? 1 3. What the effect of Roman occupation ? Name some of the buildings still extant? 14. How did Augustus try to put down Druidism ? Tell of Julius Sabinus and Eponina. 15. What is known of the foundation of Christian Church in Gaul? 16. What is told of St. Hilary and St. Martin ? Date. 17. What of Constantine in Gaul, and what of Julian ? 18. What the name of Paris then, and what ruins may still be seen there ? 5 34 ig. What caused the decline of Roman power in Gaul ? 20. What were the three chief tribes in Gaul, and what of the Franks ? 22. Who was Aetius, and what did he accomplish ? 23. Who the great Hunnic leader, and how was Lutitia saved? 24. What two Powers were now contending for supremacy in Gaul ? 25. By whom and why were the Salian Franks called in to assist? 26. Who was Clovis ? What of this epoch, and what his pos- sessions in present France ? 27. Tell the incident of the Vase of Soissons. 28. Whom did Clovis marry, and how a wise step? 29. What the circumstances of his embracing Christianity ? 30. By what means did he become sole sovereign ? Date. 31. How was the kingdom divided at his death ? Name the sons. 32. What the effect of this arrangement, and who finally was sole emperor ? 33. What the origin of name of celebrated palace St. Cloud ? 34. What was the origin of the two provinces Neustria and Austrasia ? 35. Who ruled over each of these, and who over Burgundy ? 36. Who were Brunehaut and Fredegonda, and what the cause of hatred ? ^/. Tell something of their struggles and fate of Brunehaut? 38. What was the foundation of the power of the mayors of the palace ? 39. Who was Dagobert, and what his character as king ? The glory of what race expired with him? 40. Who were the " Rois Faineauts," and who gained power during their reigns ? 41. Give an account of the career of ^Pepin d'Heristal. 42. What the origin of Charles Martel ? Date. And with whom did he contend at first ? 43. Over what three kingdoms did he gain power, and who ruled in Aquitaine ? 44. How did Charles reward his followers, and how justified in it? 45. Of what system was this the foundation, and what the obli- gations ? 35 46. What was one of his chief exploits, and where did he gain his surname ? 47. Was he really king, what was his title, and how regarded ? 48. Who succeeded to his power ? State how he gained the throne. 49. For what was the era of Carlovingian dynasty noted ? 50. What was the first occasion on which the Pope claimed his promise? 51. What was the famous " Donation of Pepin," and the foun- dation of what power ? 52. Who was the last of the Merovingian princes, and his fate ? 53. What is said of Pepin le Brep ? 54. What sons did he leave, and how was his kingdom divided? 55. How did Charlemagne gain the ascendancy ? 56. Why did he invade Lombardy ? Who was the Pope ? 57. In what memorable war was he soon engaged? 58. Who opposed him at first successfully, and what blot on his memory ? 59. In what undertaking was he unsuccessful ? 60. What the extent of his dominion at its widest development? 61. Who was Pope, and what scene took place at St. Peter's on Christmas day ? 62. How should this elevation be regarded? Whom did he think of marrying ? 63. What the noblest monument of his genius, and who was Alcuin? 64. What the date of his coronation in Rome, and that of his death ? 65. How were his last days spent, and what his last words ? 66. Who succeeded, and what his character ? 67. To what impolitic step was he induced, and what the con- sequence ? 68. What is told of Bernhard ? Who his first wife ? 69. Why was he persuaded to marry again, and whom did he select ? 70. What children by first marriage, and who the son of Judith ? 71. How did Lothaire behave, and what followed ? 72. How many times was he dethroned by his sons, and what of his death ? ']'>y. What was the treaty of Verdun ? Date. 74. What three monarchies arose on the ruins of Charlemagne's empire ? 75. From what foreign invasion did France suffer during this period ? 76. How was feudalism more firmly established, and what its power ? 'JJ. What noble Saxon had opposed the Normans ? Ancestor of whom ? 'j'^. Who succeeded Charles the Bald, and what children had the latter? 79. Who succeeded Louis Third, and who the rightful heir ? 80. What was the immediate cause of another Norman invasion? 81. Who the leader, and what memorable siege of 9th century? 82. Who the brave defender, and how did Charles the Fat be- have ? 83. After Charles the Fat, how was the empire divided ? 84. How was Eudes rewarded, and who succeeded him ? 85. What was the character of this prince, and what invasion during this reign ? 86. Who the leader, and what proposition did Charles make him ? %"] . Tell the circumstances of his taking the oath of fealty, and name of his province ? 88. Who now ruled Charles the Simple, and what followed during his life? 89. Whose son was Louis d'Outremer, and whence his title ? 90. Who was Hugh le Blanc, and what part did he take in affairs ? 91. At the death of Louis, who for the third time might dispose of the crown ? 92. How did he act, and how must he be regarded ? Who his eldest son ? 93. Who succeeded Louis d'Outremer, and what of his reign ? 94. Who was Louis the Fifth, and what his surname, and what of his death ? 95. How came Hugh Capet to be proclaimed king ? 96. What family ended here ? Give date, and what new dy- nasty ? 37 97- What three members of this family had been raised to royal dignity ? 98. What was the position of a king of France at this time, and why? 99. Who was Charles of Lorraine, what effort did he make, and what the result ? 100. How did Hugh Capet gain the title of Defender of the Church ? 10 1. How did he secure the succession to his son, and what of his death ? 102. What the character of Robert, and what his domestic troubles ? 103. Who was the new queen, and what her character? 104. For what was the opening of the eleventh century remark- able ? 105. What the result of this excitement, and who the first to suffer for religious belief? 106. How were the last years of Robert's life disturbed? 107. What difficulty had his son Henry First in succeeding? 108. To whom did he apply for aid, and how did he pay for it? 109. What terrible affliction to the country, and what some of its effects ? 1 10. Give a sketch of the life of Robert the Devil. Why did he go on a pilgrimage ? 111. To whom did he make his subjects swear fealty, and to what was he destined ? 112. How did William secure his kingdom ? 113. How many times was Henry First married, and who his last wife ? 114. What child of this marriage? How old at his father's death ? 115. What remarkable expedition took place during his minority ? 1 16. Give the date, the decisive battle, and the result. 117. Tell of a former conquest by the Normans, and how that affected this one. 118. Why did William the Conqueror burn Mantes, and what followed ? 119. How did Philip supply himself with means for his own , gratification ? 38 120. What his next outrageous violation of decency, and its re- sult? 121. Who the Pope at this time, and in what project was he interested ? 122. Who the great Preacher? Born where, and what did he do? 125. Give an account of that crusade; its leaders; its result; and date. 126. What the character of this king, and what the length of his reign ? 127. What was the condition of the country when Louis the Sixth came to the throne ? 128. By what means did Louis strengthen himself against the nobles ? 129. What name is given to this social revolution ? 130. To whom is the origin of this movement due? Date. 131. How was Louis involved in war with Henry the First of England ? 132. What was the character of Louis the Sixth, and who his counsellor ? 133. Who were Peter Abelarde. and who St. Bernard? What the influence of the latter, and what title did he acquire ? 134. Who now came to the throne, and how was early part of this reign connected with history of England, and what of Vitry ? 135. Tell of the second Crusade ; its result, &c. Date. 136. What became of Suger, and why did he oppose divorce of the queen ? 137. Why was it done, and what the result ? 138. How did Henr}^ the Second of England get the advantage over Louis ? 139 Who was Louis the Seventh's third wife? Mother of whom ? 140. How did Louis now try to annoy Henry the Second ? 141. What act of Henry brought on the vengeance of the Pope and France, and how did Louis act ? 142. Whom did Philip Augustus marry, and why was this a popular act ? 143. What did he soon show was to be his policy, and what his first acts ? 39 44- What caused the third Crusade ? Who the chief leaders ? Date. 45. What was the last transaction between Henry and Philip, and its results ? 46. Who took the lead in the third Crusade, and how did Philip act ? 47. How did he show his revenge on his return ? 48. What caused a Papal interdict, and who was now king of England ? 49. How did Philip act under the interdict, and what arrange- ment between himself and John of England ? 50. Why did he soon violate this treaty, and what the result ? 51. What conquest did Philip soon accomplish, and what does it prove? 52. What caused the Albigensian war, who the Pope's legates, and which one afterwards the founder of the Inquisition ? 53. Who the leader on the Albigensian side ? 54. How was Simon de Montfort rewarded, and what his char- acter ? 55. Tell of his career, and the result. 56. What conquest did the Pope now propose to Philip, and why? 57. What did the people of England extort from John ? Date. 58. What of the battle of Bouvines and its consequences? 59. How did Philip benefit his country, and what is said of him as a king ? 60. What was the object of the fourth Crusade, and how did it end ? 61. Who succeeded Philip Augustus, and what strengthened his hold on France ? 62. How long did he reign, and what children did he leave ? 63. Who was now regent, and why did the nobles rebel ? 64. How did she act, and for what was her regency remarkable ? 65. Whom did Louis marry, and in what contest was he soon engaged ? 66. Why did he go on the first Crusade ? What the great bat- tle, and its result ? 6j. Who ruled in his absence, and how did she act in the rising of Pastoreaux ? 40 68. What proofs did Louis give of his moderation and justice? 69. What act laid the foundation of contest between the houses of Anjou and Aragon ? 70. What induced Louis to go on the second Crusade, and what the consequences ? 71. What of his last moments, and what testimony does Vol- taire bear to his character? 72. How did Charles of Anjou act after Louis' death, and what era closes here ? "J},. Who succeeded Louis Ninth, and what sad circumstances surrounded him ? 74. What the chief interest of this reign, and what the Sicilian Vespers ? 75. How did Charles act, who his brave opponent, and who the admiral ? 76. What of the king's death, and who his successor? yj. How is his reign regarded, and why so famous ? 78. Who was king of England at this time, and what double marriage took place? Date of this reign. 79. Why did Edward make war, and who assisted him ? 80. How did Boniface offend Philip the Fourth, and why did he attack Guy ? 81. What compact was made between Philip and Edward? 82. What was the end of contest with Flanders? 83. What caused renewal of this war, and what of the battle of Courtrai ? 84. Why did Philip determine to give up the contest? 85. What compact did he make with them, and for what is this struggle noted ? 86. What was the origin of the quarrel between king and Pope? 87. What did Philip gain in this quarrel, and for what period did the Popes reside in France ? 88. Who were the Templars, and why obnoxious to Philip ? 89. Who the Grand Master at that time, and how were they treated ? 90. What incident is told of the death of Jacques de Molay? - 91. Give a summary of this reign, and tell what sons he left. 92. Who succeeded, and how long did he reign ? 93. Who was regent, and how did question of succession arise? 41 194- What was the Salic law; whence derived; and what its effects ? 195. What two kings came to the throne in quick succession? 196. What was the condition of the succession at death of Charles the Fourth ? 197. What claim had Edward of England to the throne of France, and how settled ? 198. What house came to the throne, and who the king ? 199. How did he try to blind the nobles while he increased his power ? 200. What induced his expedition into Flanders, and what the result? 201. What king did him homage, and what his secret resolve? 202. Who was Robert of Artois, and why should Philip have been his friend ? 203. What caused a quarrel and his banishment ? 204. To whom did he apply for assistance, and what course did Philip pursue? 205. How did Edward receive him, and what was the conse- quence ? 206. Who was James van Artevelde, and whom did he assist? 207. How did this quarrel end. and what caused fresh outbreak? 208.^ What distinguished female flourished at this time ? 209. By what act of treachery did Philip break the treaty, and what followed ? 210. What calamity checked the angry passions on both sides ? 211. What great victory and conquest had England just before this ? Who the hero ? Date. 212. How was the title of Dauphin established, and who the first? 213. Who succeeded Philip Sixth, and how did he at once offend Charles the Bad ? 214. Who was Charles the Bad, what his first act, and how did John act ? 215. What brought about a collision between John and Charles? 216. Who fought the battle of Poictiers, who the hero, and what the result ? Date. 217. Which one of John's sons acted bravely, and what title had he afterwards ? 218. How was Government conducted during John's captivity ? 6 42 219- Who a leading spirit in these insurrections, and what name given them ? 220. How did the Dauphin act, and what the general result of this rising ? 221. What was the treaty of Bretigny, and how kept? Where did John die ? 222. Who now came to the throne ? What his character and title ? 223. What struggle in the beginning of this reign, and who the premier ? 224. How did Black Prince stain his fair name, and what caused decline of power of England in France ? What places remained ? 225. What caused a quarrel between Charles Fifth and Du Guesclin ? 226. Where did the latter die. and how long did Charles survive him ? 227. What did he do for art, and what fortress and library were founded by him ? 228. What contentions disturbed early part of reign of Charles Sixth ? 229. Tell of the battle of Rosebecque. A triumph of which party? 230. Whom did Charles marry ? What power had Philip the Bold? 231. What acts of his uncles caused Charles to dismiss them? 232. What revenge did they take, and how conduct themselves afterwards ? 233. Who Charles' able minister, and what the outrage upon him ? 234. What the consequence of this, and what calamity to the king ? 235. Who was now placed at the head of affairs, and how did he act to de Clisson ? 236. What circumstance caused return of king's malady ? 237. How was Valentine treated by the Duke of Burgundy? 238. What was the condition of affairs at opening of fifteenth century ? 239. Who was Duke of Orleans, and how was the struggle for power ended? 43 240. Who was Jean Sans Peur, and what caused his first quarrel with the Duke of Orleans? 241. What was the end of their first encounter, and how did they seal their compact ? 242. What treachery to the Duke of Orleans? Who the author, and how did he act ? 243. What proves the depravity of the times ? Tell of Jean Petit ? 244. What princes now allied to put down the Duke of Bur- gundy ? How ended ? 245. To whom did the Orleanists apply, and how was it finally settled ? 246. Who was now king of England ? What demand did he make? 247. Who fought the battle of Agincourt, and for what remark- able ? 248. What was the occasion of the inscription of "Laisser passer la Justice du Roi " ? 249. Why did the Queen and the Duke of Burgundy now unite interests ? 250. How did they act ? What events tended to unite all parties ? 251. What was the murder at the bridge of Montereau ? 252. What was the consequence of this outrage ? 253. What unexpected turn of fortune relieved France? 254. What child did Henry the Fifth leave, and who managed English affairs in France ? 255. What the title given to the real king of France ? 256. What alienated the Duke of Burgundy from Bedford ? 257. What city did the English now besiege, and how was it relieved ? 258. Tell the rest of the career of the Maid of Orleans. Date of execution. 259. What effect had her death on the fortunes of England in France ? 260. What was the peace of Arras ? 261. How did Charles the Seventh now display his energy, and what did he establish ? 262. What marriage took place with an English Prince ? 44 263 What possessions had England in France at the end of this reign ? 264. What epithet had Charles fairly won, and how did his son behave to him ? 265. Who succeeded, and what was his firm resolve from the first ? 266. What his capacity for carrying it out, and what one of his first acts ? 267. What the League of Public Good, and the battle of Montl'hery ? 268. What the object of his expedition to Peronne, and its result ? 269. What famous historian saved him ? 270. In the war of the Roses how did the king and Duke of Bur- gundy side, and why ? 271. How was Jeanne Hachette distinguished, and who was Philip de Comines ? 272. Between what parties was the peace of Pequigny ? 273. What the fate of Constable St. Pol ? 274. Tell of the last struggle of the Duke of Burgundy. 275. How did Louis the Eleventh take this, and how did Mary of Burgundy overreach him ? 276. What the story of Jacques D'Armagnac, and what the treaty of Arras ? 277. Upon what could Louis congratulate himself, and how did he die? 27S. Who succeeded him, and who contended for control during minority ? 279. Whom did Charles marry, and from whom did he take her? 280. What was the peace of Etaples, and what ambitious motives caused this peace ? 281. Who was Ludovico Sforza, and how did that contest end ? 282. What era does this reign mark ? What caused his death ? 283. To what line did the succession fall, and who the king? 284. What the character of Louis the Twelfth, who his wife, and why did he afterwards marry Anne of Brittany ? 285. What claims did he immediately prosecute, and what the fate of Ludovico ? 286. How did he accomplish the partition of Naples? 287. How did Louis lose power in Italy? What the great battle? 45 288. What effect had this on Louis? What was the league of Cambrai ? 289. Who was "ChevaHer sans peur et sans reproche," and what did he accomplish ? 290. How did Pope Julius Second act, and what holy league ? 291. What distinguished young officer under Louis, and where did he fall ? 292. What gratification had Julius before his death ? 293. What combination was now made against Louis ? 294. After this, how were England and France united 't Who the king of England ? 295. What is this period called? Name some of the buildings. 296. Who succeeded? Who his mother, and what his first acts? 297. What the most famous battle, date, and what the Paix Per- petuelle 'i 298. What the famous Concordat, and how received by the people? 299. Who now came to the throne of Spain ? 300. In what year was Europe at peace ? 301. What circumstance placed Charles and Francis in oppo- sition ? 302. What monarch courted by each, and gained by which one? 303. What occasioned first show of hostilities, and what of Ignatius Loyola ? 304. What caused the revolt of the Constable, Duke of Bourbon ? 305. Where were he and Bayard engaged against each other, and how did the latter die ? 306. How far did Bourbon push his victory ? 307. What false step did Francis take now, and what of the bat- tle of Pavia ? 308. How did Regent Louisa act ? What treaties followed ? 309. How did Charles the Fifth act on taking Francis, and how was the latter restored ? 310. In what direction did Bourbon now turn his arms ? 311. Tell of the sack of Rome, and how Charles behaved about the Pope. 312. What caused the failure of the French in Italy ? 313. What was the Paix des Dames ? Date. 46 314- What great religious movement now, and where did it originate? 315. How did Francis regard it, and what induced him to abate persecutions ? 316. What marriage now took place, and how did Charles break the treaty ? 317. Who became medium of peace? 318. Relate how nobly Francis acted towards Charles, and how repaid. 319. How did Francis disgrace the last years of his reign ? 320. What the besetting fault of his reign, what its leading features, and what the public buildings, &c.? 321. Whose son was Henry the Second, and what his character ? 322. Who became the most influential persons about him ? 323. Who the young queen, and how was she treated ? 324. Give a history of the Guises, and what their policy ? 325. Why was the battle of Pinkie fought, and what its result ? 326. What brought about renewal of the war with Charles ? 327. What the most memorable siege of this struggle, and who the generals r" 328. What most unexpected conquest took place ? 329. What project did Guise now undertake, and how did it succeed T 330. After this, how did Guise raise himself to the highest pitch of popularity ? 331. Who ruled in England, and what the peace of Cambresis ? 332. To what extent had the Reformation reached, and who its leaders ? 333. What children did Henry the Second leave, and which one succeeded ? 334. What marked the early part of this reign ? 335. What conspiracy against the Guises, and who the insti- gators ? 336. How did the Guises abuse their success, and what the effect? 337. Who now came forward to advocate milder measures ? 338. What distinguished men fell into hands of Francis the Second ? 339. What caused the death of Francis? Who his wife, and what became of her ? 47 340. Who now succeeded, and who became regent ? 341. For what struggle is this reign noted, and who the leaders? 342. How did the Duke of Guise come to his death ? 343. What the condition of Huguenots after his death ? 344. How long was Montmorency constable of France, and how did he fall ? 345. How did the Government finally determine to exterminate the Protestants ? 346. Describe this event. Give date, and what illustrious victim ? 347. How did Charles the Ninth try to justify this act, and what its effect on him ? 348. Who succeeded him. and what his character ? 349. On what step did Henry of Navarre now determine ? How had he been lulled into security, and what did he say on escaping ? 350. What was the " War of the Henries " ? 351. What .act of Elizabeth stimulated the French against the Huguenots? 352. What faction ruled in Paris ? In whose service was it ? 353. Who fought the battle of Coutras, and what the result? 354. What followed his entry into Paris between Guise and himself? 355. What took place on day of Barricades, and what the edict of Union ? 356. Who was the Duchess of Montpensier, and how did she act ? 357. What brought about the fall of the Guises, and what did Henry say ? 358. How was this news received, and to what did it lead ? 359. What compact was now made between the king and Henry of Navarre ? 360. What was the fate of Henry the Third, and to whom did he leave the throne ? 361. Against whom did Henry of Navarre have to contend for the crown ? 362. Who fought the battle of Ivry, and what the consequences ? 363. What reverses did Henry meet with ? 364. What brought about the conference of Suresnes, and what the result ? 48 365. How must we regard the recantation of Henry the Fourth? Date. 366. Who opposed his entrance into Paris? How received? 367. What were his first acts, and with vvhom soon at war ? 368. What peace concluded this war, and what edict followed ? Date. 369. How long had the religious war been desolating the coun- try ? 370. What was the internal condition of France at this time ? 371. Whom did Henry make his financier, and what his domes- tic troubles ? 372. Who opposed his plans, what the result, and whom did he marry ? 373. Was this a happy union, and what children of this marriage ? 374. What was a favorite project of Henry's, and why not car- ried out ? 375. What was the end of Henry the Fourth, his age, and what his character? 376. How old was Louis the Thirteenth ? Who was made regent, and why did Sully retire ? 377. When did Richelieu first appear in political affairs? 378. What caused the arrest of Prince of Conde ? By whose advice ? 379. Who was Marshal D'Ancre, and how did Louis get rid of him ? 380. What insurrection took place, and how did De Luynes act? 391. Who came into power now, and what the chief objects of his rule ? 392. Against what Power were his first measures directed, and what marriage ? 393. Why did he not push to extremity the Huguenots, and what the first conspiracy against him ? 394. What caused ill-feeling between England and France, and what of the siege of La Rochelle ? 395. What attempt did Spain now make, and how thwarted? 396. What the fresh intrigues against Richelieu, and what was this called ? 397. What caused the death of Montmorency ? 398. What was the first transaction of France in thirty years' war? • 49 399- What important place did Richelieu take, and what friend did he lose ? 400. What circumstance gave great joy to the country? 401. What was the conspiracy of Cinq-Mars, and how did it end? 402. To what point had Richelieu attained, and how long did he enjoy it ? 403. How did Louis receive the news, and how long did he sur- vive him ? 404. In what does his chief merit consist, and who was lelt regent ? 405. To whom did give the ministry, and what of his first acts ? 406. Who fought battle of Rocroi, and who gained great fame? 407. What was the peace of Westphalia, and what did France gain ? 408. What is said of government of Mazarin, and to what did it lead ? 409. What parties were in antagonism? What was this war called? 410. Who the chief spirits ? Give a short account of it, and its result. 411. How did the war with Spain progress, and what marriage ended it ? 412. Where was it celebrated, and what Mazarin's character? 413. What were Louis the Fourteenth's first acts, and what had Mazarin said of him ? 414. In what enterprise was Louis soon engaged, and what the triple alliance ? 415. Who was his great minister? What royal marriages took place ? 416. Who the famous leader in Holland, and what the result of his opposition ? 417. How was Charles the Second of England connected with Louis, and how did he disgrace himself? 418. What great general did the French lose, and who succeeded him ? 419. What was the peace of Nimeguen, and what Louis' posi- tion now ? 420. What title given him, and who ruled him privately? Who was she ? 7 50 421. Who was his confessor, and who instigated fresh perse- cutions of Huguenots? 422. To what extent was it carried, and what edict did he re- voke ? 423. How did this affect France, and what advantage to Holland? 424. Why did not Holland at once join the League of Ausburg? 425. What caused the war that followed, and what did Louis in the Palatinate ? 426. In what does the chief interest of the early part of this war lie? 427. What famous battle was fought, and what the result ? 428. Who was Louvois, and what caused his fall ? 429. How long did this struggle last, what peace ended, and what the chief article ? 430 Give an account of the different claims in Spanish succession. 431. What was the first partition treaty, and what the second ? 432. How was the crown finally left, and how did Louis decide ? 433. What political mistakes of Louis brought about the second grand alliance, and what countries joined it? 434. How were both sides prepared with leaders ? Who the English chief? 435. Name four great battles, and tell how Louis treated Villeroi after the battle of Ramillies. 436. What the condition of affairs in 1708? What offer made by Louis ? 437. What treaty wound up this war,. and on which side the advantage ? 438. What the domestic results of this war, and what the soli- tary gain to Louis ? 439. Tell of the latter days of Louis, his death, and who to suc- ceed ? 440. What of the "Age of Louis the Fourteenth," its famous men, and what religious controversy ? 441. What the Bull Unigenitus, and what female advocate? 442. How was Louis' will treated, and who the regent ? 443. Who controlled the Government, and how did Philip of Spain regard the regent ? 444. What was the quadruple alliance, and what the stipulations ? 445. What the conspiracy of Cellamare ? 51 446. After settlement of these affairs, what was the financial con- dition ? 447. What was John Law's scheme, and how did it result? 448. Who became minister, and how did he prevent war? 449. Whom did Louis marry? 450. Why were the Jansenists again persecuted ? 451. What war did the peace of Vienna conclude ? 452. How did the death of Charles the Sixth of Austria affect Louis ? 453. Who was queen of Austria, and how did France treat her? 454 What caused the death of Henry ? Did he always main- tain his fair fame ? 455. What female now ruled the king, and how did she influence him ? 456. Who fought the battle of Dittingen, and what combination formed after it ? 457. What of the king's illness at Metz.and what event happened then in Austria ? 458. What change did this make in affairs, and how did Marshal Saxe act ? 459. How did the war terminate? Name the treaty, and who gained most ? 460. What celebrated woman now ruled Louis, and how did he act after the war ? 461. What was the struggle between court and Parliament, and how was his life endangered? 462. What caused war with England ? 463. With whom did France ally, and what the cause of seven years' war ? 464. Tell of Frederic's exploits, and his two great battles ? 465. Who the celebrated minister in England now? 466. What of this war in North America? Who the two great heroes ? 467. What family compact was formed, and what the treaty of Paris ? 468. What religious sect was suppressed in this reign ? 469. Who their two great enemies ? Did Louis favor it? 470. What deaths took place soon after this ? What sons left by the dauphin ? 52 471- How did Louis act after the death of the queen, and who succeeded in royal affections? 472. What her character, and what caused the fall of Choiseul? 473. What the effect of the changes of sentiment in this reign? 474. What was the character of the young prince, and whom did he marry ? 475. What two ministers of finance had Louis the Sixteenth, and what of the latter one ? 476. What foreign Power did France now assist, and who the deputies ? 477. What young nobleman offered his aid? Give date. 478. What made Neckar resign, and who succeeded him ? 479. What brought about financial trouble ? 480. Name some of the causes of popular indignation, and what caused the fall of Colonne? Who succeeded him ? 481. In what condition did the latter find the Parliament ? 482. What passed between them, and what proposition was made? 483. What further exasperated the Parliament, and what followed ? 484. Did Louis consent to call States General, and whom did he recall ? 485. What questions arose on assembling of States General ? 486. On what day did States General assemble, and how remark- able? 487. What disputes arose at once ? What unfortunate act of Louis ? 488. What remarkable scene after the king's speech ? Who the leader? 489. What instance of weakness of the king and ill-advised act of the court ? 490. What the immediate result, and how did the king try to conciliate, and how received ? 491. Who was the first victim of" a la Lanterne," and what the vote of 4th of August? 492. How did the court now offend the people, and what the consequence ? 493. Who was the leader of the mob, and what did they force the king to do ? 494. Who tried to protect the king? How did the National Assembly act ? 53 495- What the effect of this upon the nobihty,and what occurred on the Fete de Federation ? 496. Why did Neckar resign, and what scheme did the queen and Mirabeau concoct ? 497. What did Mirabeau predict, and what the result of the scheme ? 498. What was the last act of the National Assembly, and what the title of the new Order? 499. Who were the leaders, and into what parties did it divide? 500. How did the king and the Assembly come into direct oppo- sition ? 501. What was the royal sitting at Pilnitz, and what action did they adopt ? 502. Name some of the Girondist leaders, and tell how they came into power. 503. What was the occasion of Roland's letter to the king? Who wrote it ? 504. What happened on 20th of June, and how did the king act? 505. What happened on the famous loth of August? 506. In whose hands was supreme power now, and how did the}^ dispose of the king? 507. How did La Fayette offend the Assembly, and how treated? 508. What event greatly excited Paris, and how did Danton act, and what of 2d of September ? 509. When did National Convention meet, and what two parties composed it? 510. What did they proceed to do to the king, and which party his friend ? 511. Who was the president of the National Convention, and who defended the king? 512. What followed, and how did one of the royal family act? 5 13. How did Louis receive the announcement, and what of his execution? 5 14. What children did he leave, and how was the news received in Europe ? 515. Against what countries did France declare war? 5 16. What was the immediate consequence of the death of Louis to the two opposing parties? Tell of the fall of the Girondists. 64 517- How did a female distinguish herself at this time? 518. What province rebelled, to which party devoted, and what of Toulon ? 519. Give the date of this siege, and who distinguished himself? 520. Which was the leading party yi the Reign of Terror ? Name the leaders. 521. What the fate of Egalite, and for what was Marie Antoinette tried? 522. Tell of some of the famous victims about the same time, and what did Madame Roland say ? 523. What was the action of the Convention with regard to religion ? 524. Which two were moderate comparatively, and how did Danton fall ? 525. Who was now undisputed master? How did he act, and how fall ? 526. What his character, and what the circumstances of his death ? 527. To what did this put an end, and what were the armies of the Republic doing while all this was going on? 528. What followed at Paris, and what was the Day of Sections? 529. Who the hero, and what new form of government after this ? 530. What was the financial condition of the country ? 531. What the chief glory of the administration of the Directory, and who the hero ? 532. Whom did he marry, and how did the Directory show their jealousy ? 533. How did he act, and what did he accomplish ? 534. Why did not the Government reward his great services. and how did he employ himself? 535. For what was he next called upon by his country ? 536. What did he persuade them to do? Give an account of this expedition. 537. What caused his unexpected return, and what the state of the Directory ? 538. By whom was the Directory overthrown, and how ? 539 What is this revolution called? Who now held the power? Date. 540. How may his assumption of power be considered ? 541. What was his first political step, and what the result ? Date. 55 542 What his first act of internal administration ? 543. What his first great military undertaking ? What memor- able battle, its result, and who was killed? 544. Who fought the battle of Hohenlinden, and what followed ? 545. What peace signed at Amiens, and how regarded ? 546. What attempt made on Napoleon's life, and what of his internal administration ? 547. What maybe considered the most valuable gift at this time ? 548. What was the object of the Legion of Honor, and how did the Republicans regard it ? 549. What question was now put to the people, and what the ■ result ? 550. Date of this period, and how should it be regarded ? 551. What of the insurrection of St. Domingo? Who Napo- leon's brother-in-law ? 552. What led to hostilities between England and France? 553. What was the conspiracy of Georges Cadoudal, and to what did it lead ? 554. Who the distinguished victim, and what the fate of Moreau ? 555. What took place at the coronation? What crown used? Date. 556. What the result of Napoleon's letter to England after his coronation ? 557. What coalition formed against him, and what of his cam- paign in Austria ? 558. What happened at Trafalgar, and what at Austerlitz ? 559. To what' crowns did he assign his brothers ? 560. Who fought the battle of Jena ? How did Napoleon behave in Berlin ? 561. What was his continental system, and how carried out? 562. What new crown did he bestow on Jerome, his brother? 563. What peace was now concluded, and how received on his return to Paris ? 564. What action did he take towards Spain now, and who the general sent there ? 565. Who was proclaimed king, and how did the Spaniards act? 566. What of the siege of Saragossa, and what was Joseph forced to do ? 56 567. What nation came forward to assist Spain ? Who their general ? 568. Where did Sir John Moore fall ? What had caused Napo- leon to leave Spain ? 569. Tell of two battles in second Austrian war, and what did Napoleon accomplish ? 570. How did he behave to the Pope, and to whom was the crown given ? 571. Who fought the battle of Talavera, and what title gained there ? 572. What step did Napoleon now resolve upon, and what fol- lowed ? 573. To what country did he assign Bernadotte, and how did he act? 574. Name some of the battles in Spain, and the generals op- posed to each other? 575. What brought about a rupture with Russia? 576. What of Napoleon's sojourn in Dresden, and what did he say of Russia ? 577. What happened at Moscow ? Date. 578. What of the battle of Borodino, and what building did they destroy ? 579. Tell of the passage of the Berisina. What the loss to the French ? 580. What course did Napoleon pursue, and how received? 581. What army did he raise, and what his subsequent career? 582. What mistake did he now make, and what of Prince Metternich ? 583. Who attacked him at Dresden, what the result, and who fell? 584. What important battle followed, and to what was he forced? 585. What sovereigns met in triumph in Leipsic ? 586. What of the retreat from Erfurt, its consequences, and how did Marat behave ? 587. What of the campaign of 18 13 in Spain? Who the hero? 588. Plow did Napoleon act on his return to Paris, and what did the army of allies do ? 589. Upon what struggle was Napoleon now entering? 57 590. Upon what perilous movement did he decide, and what fol- lowed ? 591. What generals had been left to defend Paris, and what the result ? 592. How were the allies received in Paris, and to what was Napoleon forced ? 593. What was the treaty of Fontainebleau ? 594. Who now came to the throne of France ? Whose son was he? 595- What royal personages accompanied him ? Date of entry. 596. What was the Congress of Vienna? What event occurred during its sitting ? How long since the abdication ? 597. What troops first opposed Napoleon's advance ? How did he act ? 598. Why might he be doubtful of Ney, and how did he over- come him ? 599. What was his- reception at the Tuileries, and what became of the king? 600. Give a short review of the "Hundred Days," the last great battle, the famous generals on each side, and Napoleon's fate. 601. Give the date of this battle, and who shared his exile ? 602. What did the allies now demand, and of what indiscretion was the king guilty? 603. Tell the fate of two distinguished victims after the Restora- tion. 604. What was the end of Murat? 605. What great distress in the royal family, and how accounted for? 606. What birth in the royal family? 607. When did Napoleon die? How long after his exile? 608. When did Louis die? To whom did crown descend? 609. Whose son was Charles the Tenth, and what his character? 610. What caused the insurrection of "Three Days of July"? What the result ? 611. Who was a leading man in this Revolution, and who was made head of National Guard ? 612. Who was proclaimed king, and what became of Charles the Tenth ? 8 58 613. Who was Louis Philippe, and what his two leading prin- ciples? 614. What attempt was made on his life? 615. When did M. Thiers obtain a share in directing affairs ? 616. Who was Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, and what did he attempt ? 617. What caused abdication of Louis Philippe, and where did he spend the rest of his life? 618. What kind of government followed, and how did Bonaparte set on the throne ? Whose son was he ? Give date. END. n:i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS liiiillliliill 018 485 680 3 •