©ne IRectpee Breab Cakes pies ©2 (Site, mellie Hmmia Osn® 2Stradlff@d. Tw@inity°IFaV cap IB By MRS. NELLIE IMMIG Copyright, 1915, by Mrs. Nellie Immig minutes. CURRANT LOAF Three cups Presto, two-thirds cup butter, half cup sugar, one cup clean currants, grated rind of one lemon. Rub butter into Presto and sugar. Add cur- rants, lemon rind, and enough milk to make thick drop batter. Bake 40 to 50 minutes in moderate oven. Try some Presto corn-bread. With some honey thickly spread, Bake it just a little while, You will find it's just your style. 10 RICH CORN BREAD Mix together one cupful of corn meal, two cup- fuls of Presto flour. Melt some butter enough to measure three-quarters cupful, stir this in and also quarter cup of sugar and one cupful sweet milk and two eggs well beaten. Bake in shallow or gem pans for 30 minutes. 11 PLAIN CORN BREAD One and one-half cups Presto Flour, one-half cup yellow meal, one tablespoon butter, one table- spoon sugar, one cup mi4k. Sift corn meal, Presto and sugar. Add milk and last butter. Bake 30 minutes. 19 CINNAMON COFFEE CAKE Two cups Presto Flour, one-third cup sugar, half teaspoon cinnamon, one egg, four tablespoons melted butter, one cup milk. • Mix Presto, sugar and cinnamon together. Sift twice, add well beaten egg to milk, then add to Presto, and then melted butter. Put in well-but- tered shallow pan. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and cinnamon. Bake 25 to 30 minutes. 13 CRUMB COFFEE CAKE Two cups Presto flour, one-third cup sugar, one teaspoon cinnamon, one egg, four tablespoons melted butter, one cup milk. Mix Presto, sugar and cinnamon together. Sift twice, add well-beaten egg to milk, then add to Presto, and then melted butter. Put in well-but- tered shallow pan. For top take one tablespoon butter, two tablespoons Presto, one-half teaspoon cinnamon, two tablespoons granulated sugar, and mix in bowl until it forms crumbs, and spread on dough. Bake 25 to 30 minutes. 14 COFFEE CAKES Mix through sieve two cups Presto Flour, two tablespoons sugar. Pwt in two tablespoons butter. Beat two eggs, and half cup milk. Add more milk if necessary to mix to soft dough. Roll out one inch thick, sprinkle with one cup chopped dates, almonds and figs mixed together. Roll a little thinner, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Lay on greased shallow pan, and bake in hot oven. Break in squares and serve hot. 15 RAISIN COFFEE CAKE One-quarter cup butter., half cup powdered sugar, one and one-half cups Presto, one egg. quarter teaspoon cinnamon, one cup raisins, half cup milk. Cream butter until light, add sugar slowly, then well-beaten yolk of egg. Mix Presto and cinna- mon together. Sift three times, add Presto alter- nately with milk, then raisins, which have been rolled in Presto sprinkled into the dough, then fold white of egg last. Bake 30 minutes. APPLE STRUDEL CAKE Sift two cups of Presto, work in two tablespoons lard or butter, add a little milk and water to make soft dough. Roll half inch thick. Take one cup chopped nuts, one cup raisins, two cups apples cut like dice, two tablespoons sugar, half teaspoon cinnamon. Mix all together. Cut dough in two pieces, spread fruit on, cover with other piece of dough. Brush top with milk. Bake in quick oven from 25 to 30 minutes. 17 POP-OVERS One cupful Presto Flour, two teaspoons melted butter, seven-eighths cup milk, two eggs. Sift Presto, add milk gradually in order to ob- tain smooth batter ; add eggs beaten until ligrrt and melted butter. Beat 5 minutes, using Dover eggbeater; turn into hissing hot greased pan-s. Bake from 30 to 35 minutes. Mother got an awful fright. For all the cake was out of sight, She took some Presto which is light, And made some pop-overs with delight. 18 WAFFLES Beat 2 eggs light and then alternately add 2 cups Presto Flour, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon melt- ed butter. Bake in hot waffle iron until golden brown. If you find the time is slow, Mix up quick some Presto dough, With some butter and some milk, They will be as fine as silk. 19 TEA CAKES Three cups Presto Flour, two-thirds cup sugar, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoon caraway seeds, milk to mix soft biscuit dough. Roll out one- quarter inch thick and cut in circles. Bake in flat pan in hot oven. 20 SPICED BUNS Three cups Presto, one-quarter cup lard and one-quarter cup butter, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, half teaspoon cinnamon, 1 cup milk. Work lard and butter into Presto. Sift sugar with Presto, also cinnamon. Add milk to make thick batter. Drop in muffin tins. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. 21 CINNAMON BUNS Sift 2 cups Presto Flour, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons butter, and add milk to make, soft dough. Roll half inch thick. Spread with soft butter, a little cinnamon and granulated sugar. Roll like jell)'' roll, cut in inch slices, lay close to- gether in greased pan. Bake in quick oven 20 to 30 minutes. Hot cross buns, hot cross buns, One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns, If you're brother won't eat 'em, put them wise. Tell them of the Presto in 'em and watch their surprise. 22 JELLY DOUGHNUTS Beat 1 egg light, add three-quarters cup sugar, half teaspoon nutmeg, 1 cup milk and enough Presto to make soft dough. Roll half inch thick, cut in rings or small ball. Put a little jelly in the center. Fry in hot fat until golden brown. 23 CRULLERS One cup sugar, 1 cup sweet milk, 2 eggs, half teaspoon cinnamon, 2 teaspoons lard or butter. Enough Presto to roll. Mix sugar, eggs and shortening, add milk and cinnamon, lastly add the flour. Roll this out, cut as you do doughnuts; fry in deep lard, which is hot enough to brown a piece of dry bread. Add \ cup currants if wanted. 24 MUFFINS Quarter cup butter, quarter cup sugar, 1 egg. seven-eighths cup milk, 2 cups "Presto" self-raising flour. Cream the butter ; to it gradually add the sugar, mixing the two well together. Beat the egg and add it to the butter and sugar, and then add alternately "Presto," and milk. Turn into a but- tered gem pan and bake for twenty minutes in a hot oven. You may bake Presto puddings, You may bake Presto pies, But if you eat the muffins, They'll drive away your sighs. 25 H-O MUFFINS Sift 2 cups Presto Flour, 1 cup oatmeal, work 2 tablespoons lard or butter. Beat 1 egg, add 1 cup milk, and add to the above ingredients. Make thinner batter than plain muffins. Bake in hot oven 15 to 20 minutes. , 26 DROP BISCUITS Two cups Presto, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 table- spoon lard, and enough milk to make a thick bat- ter. Sift Presto twice; work butter and lard into Presto and add milk slowly until Presto is quite wet, not too thin, half fill greased muffin tin. Bake in hot oven from 20 to 30 minutes. Tell me not in mournful numbers, All cakes are not what they look ; Oft it is the flour encumbers, And at times it is the cook. 27 H-O OATMEAL GEMS One egg, cupful of cooked oatmeal, cupful of Presto, 1 cup sweet milk. Beat egg very lightly, add milk to egg, then oat- meal, and then Presto ; beat good. Put in well- greased muffin tins. Bake 20 minutes. 28 APPLE FRITTERS One and half cups Presto Flour, 1 tablespoon melt- ed butter, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 apples cut in quar- ter inch slices, 1 well beaten egg, and enough milk to make drop batter. Sift dry ingredients into bowl, add milk to egg and stir liquid into dry materials, beating thoroughly and add melted butter last. Cover slices of apples with batter, dip out by tablespoonfuls and drop in deep fat. Cook 3 to 4 minutes. Drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar. 29 GRIDDLE CAKES Sift 2 cups of Presto flour, beat 1 egg light, add 1 tablespoon of melted butter, a little molasses or syrup, and add enough milk to make very thin batter. Bake quick on gridiron. When as with dough my Julia bakes, Then, then methinks how fine she makes, Those light and golden griddle cakes. 30 DUMPLINGS FOR POTPIE Sift 2 cups Presto flour. Beat 1 egg light, add a little milk, and then add to the above to make a thick batter. Drop in teaspoonfuls into the chicken or mutton broth, or cook in boiling water for IS minutes. Keep cover on tight. 31 H-O COOKIES— No. 1 Cream 2 talbesppons butter and 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs — whites and yolks beaten separately, 1 tea- spoon baking powder, half teaspoon salt, 3 cups H-0 oatmeal. Flavor with almond extract. Drop from teaspoon on buttered tin an inch apart. Bake in quick oven from 10 to 15 minutes. This makes 50. Will keep several weeks. "Make some cookies of H-O, You will find it won't be slow, It will make the children grow. 82 H-O COOKIES— No. 2 One cup brown ^ugar, half cup lard or half cup butter, 2 eggs, half teaspoon soda in 4 tablespoons of water, 2 cups Presto flour, half teaspoon cinnamon, 1 cup chopped raisins, half cup chopped nuts, 2 cups H-0 oatmeal. COOKIES Two cups Presto, three-quarters cup butter or lard, 2 eggs, 2 cups H-0 oats uncooked, half cup milk, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, half cup chopped raisins, half cup nuts, chopped fine. Drop teaspoon of batter in each muffin tin. Bake 20 minutes. Mix butter with Presto, beat eggs light add to milk, and then add to Presto. Add H-O. then cinnamon, and chopped raisins and nuts last. 34 H-O CAKE Two cupsful boiling water, half cupful molasses, tablespoon salt, tablespoon butter, half yeast cake dissolved in half cup lukewarm water, cupful H-O, 4 and a half cupfuls flour. Add boiling water to oats and allow to stand one hour; add molasses, salt, butter, dissolved yeast cake and flour. Let rise, beat thoroughly, turn into bread pans greased; let rise again and bake. 35 DELICIOUS FRUIT TARTS One cup Presto., tablespoon butter, 1 egg, a little milk. Sift Presto twice, work butter in, beat egg light, add milk enough to make thick batter. Put a little in well-greased muffin tins, with half a peach, sprinkle with sugar. Bake 20 minutes. Serve with whipped cream or meringue. Beat white of egg with a little powdered sugar until dry, add a little vanilla, and put a little on each peach. Put back in oven till meringue is brown. The same for apple tarts, only sliced apples. Maid of Athens "ere we part, Give, oh give me back my tart, If you won't yet I implore, Here's some Presto, make some more. 36 ALMOND SQUARES Cream 1 cup butter, and add 1 cup powdered sugar. Beat 2 eggs light and add to above. Add 1 cup Presto Flour, quarter teaspoon extract of al- mond, spread very thin in shallow pan. Sprinkle chopped nuts and granulated sugar on top. Bake 10 to 15 minutes. When baked cut in squares. 37 PEACH OR APPLE TORTE Line pudding dish with sliced peaches or apples. Sprinkle with sugar, then layer of Force on top. Wet with a little milk and dot with butter. Bake half hour. Apple sauce can be used. Serve with lemon sauce or whipped cream. Berries or pine- apple can be made the same way. "Try a layer of some Force, And some apples spread across, A little sugar and some spice. You will find it verv nice." 38 NUT OR DATE TORTE Two eggs, 1 cup granulated sugar, 2 cups Force, 1 cup chopped dates, 1 cup chopped nuts, 1 tea- spoon vanilla. Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff, add the beaten yolks and the other ingredients. Bake slow- ly in moderate oven for 25 minutes. Serve with whipped cream. 39 NUT OR DATE LOAF To 1 cup Presto add 1 porrnd dates cut small, 1 pound walnuts cut small, 1 cup sugar, yolks of 4 eggs. Mix thoroughly, add 1 teaspoon vanilla. Fold whites in last. Bake in loaf tin, slow oven from 40 to 50 minutes. (d FRUIT TURNOVERS One cup dates, chopped tine, grated rind and juice of 1 lemon, 1 cup sugar, 1 large teaspoon Presto, 1 tablespoon orange juice. Mix all together. Roll pie-crust thin. Cut in 4-inch squares. Put table- spoon of the mixture on one half, turn the other half over. Press edges tight. Bake in moderate oven for over 30 minutes. Use half cup raisins, half cup currants in place of dates, if desired. 41 DATE CAKE One lb. dates cut small, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 4 eggs, three-quarters cup sugar, half cup milk. Stir all together and add 2 tablespoons of Presto Flour. Bake in shallow pan or layers. Serve with whipped cream and put a dash of nutmeg or cin- namon on top of cream. 42 FRUIT DROP CAKES Half cup butter, one and half cups brown sugar. 3 eggs, 2 and half cups Presto. 1 teaspoon cinna- mon, half teaspoon cloves, 1 lb. English walnuts, (broken in small pieces), 1 lb. dates, (chopped line). Drop from teaspoon and bake in hot oven. 43 GINGERBREAD Cream quarter cup butter, add half cup sugar, yolk of 1 egg, half cup molasses, 1 and three-quar- ters cup Presto, 1 teaspoon ginger, half teaspoon cinnamon, quarter teaspoon cloves, altogether. Trfcn alternately add half cup milk and Presto. Fold white in last. Bake slow 30 minutes. Nice with whipped cream or chocolate icing. 44 APPLE OR PEACH CAKE Work 1 tablespoon butter or lard into 1 cup Presto Flour sifted with two tablespoons sugar. Beat 1 egg light add little milk to the above to make soft batter. Spread very thin (like pie crust) in shallow pan. Slice fruit and arrange in rotation, press around the edges so as dough will be raised. Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top and a few currants. Bake 20 minutes. For covered fruit cake use 2 cups Presto, 2 tablespoons shortening, divide into 2 parts, for top roll thin and cover the fruit. Press edges to- gether; brush top with milk. Bake 20 to 30 min- utes. (Berries can be used the same way). 45 BAKED FRUIT OR BERRY PUDDING Quarter cup butter, half cup powdered sugar, half cup milk, cup of Presto, half teaspoon vanilla, Cream butter, add sugar slowly, then well-beaten yolk of Qgg, then add Presto and milk alternately, and then add vanilla. Fold white in last. Put sliced fruit or berries in pudding dish, sprinkle sugar, add a little water and pour cake batter over. Bake 30 to 40 minutes. Serve with whipped cream or hard sauce. Try some fruit in a dish, Whatever kind you may wish. A little sugar and Presto Flour, Then you bake it for half an hour. 46 PLUM PUDDING One cup chopped suet, cup raisins, cup currants, cup bread crumbs, cup molasses, cup cut citron, lemon and orange peel, half cup whiskey, 3 tea- spoons cinnamon, 1 and a half teaspoons cloves, teaspoon nutmeg, half teaspoon mace. Cover and let stand a few days until wanted. Add 2 cups plain flour, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk, 2 large teaspoons baking soda. Put in well greased pud- ding mold. Let boil 3 hours. Sauce One cup milk, cup of water. Put in double boil- er, thicken with 2 teaspoons cornstarch, 2 table- spoons sugar, yolk of 1 egg, and half glass wine or whisky. Hard Sauce Cream small piece butter, add yolk of 1 egg and powdered sugar until hard. Use any kind of flav- oring. Put on ice. 47 YUM YUM CAKE Three teaspoons cinnamon, half teaspoon cloves, 2 cups sugar, 2 cups water, 2 tablespoons lard, 1 box seeded raisins. Boil 5 minutes, let cool and add 5 cups Presto. Bake slow 40 minutes. Use more fruit and spices, also small glass of brandy, and cut citron in slices if richer cake is wanted. 48 FRUIT CAKE Two cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 4 eggs, 1 cup mo- lasses, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, half teaspoon cloves, quarter teaspoon mace, 1 cup strong coffee, (cold), 4 cups Presto Flour, half lb. currants, half lb. citron, half lb. raisins, quarter glass brand}. Cream butter, add sugar and well beaten eggs. then molasses. Sift spices with Presto Flour. Roll fruit in flour and then alternately the Presto, fruit and coffee. Fold whites in last. Bake slow for 40 minutes. 49 CHOCOLATE SPONGE CAKE Beat the yolk of 6 eggs light and add 1 cup pow- dered sugar. Melt 3 tablespoons cocoa with little butter over hot water. Let cool and add to above, then add 2 cups Force, half lb. ground nuts and last the beaten whites. Bake in 2 shallow pans. When cool, cover with any kind of jelly. Put icing on if wanted. Cut in squares or diamond shape. Bake from 15 to 20 minutes. 50 RICH FRUIT CAKE One lb. flour, 1 lb. sugar, 1 lb. butter, half sliced citron, 4 lb. currants, 4 lb. raisins, 9 eggs, table- spoon cinnamon, 1 nutmeg, 3 gills brandy. Mix fruit together, add flour, mix spices with sugar. Cream butter, add sugar, yolks of eggs then brandy, whites of eggs and lastly flour. One lb. chopped almonds may be used instead of raisins Bake slow for three hours. Put pan of cold water under cake to prevent burning. When hot throw away and refill again with cold water. Can be used for any kind of cake; will not make it soggy ''Try some Presto for your cake, And you'll always like to bake, It's a very famous flour, The cook will use it everv hour." 51 DRIED APPLE FRUIT CAKE Half lb. dried apples soaked over night, chop and boil with 2 cups molasses for 2 and a half to 3 hours, add three-quarters cup butter, 1 cup granu- lated sugar, 2 Qggs, half lb. raisins cut in half, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, quarter teaspoon ground cloves, a little allspice, and enough Presto to make a stiff batter. Cream butter, add sugar, also well- beaten yolks, then apples and molasses. Sift Presto with spices. Bake 1 and three-quarters of an hour in slow oven. 52 APPLE SAUCE CAKE— No. 1 Two cups Presto, half cup butter, 1 cup sugar half cup seeded raisins, 1 cup apple-sauce, teaspoon cinnamon, half teaspoon ground cloves, half tea- spoon grated nutmeg. Quarter teaspoon soda to be put in apple-sauce. Cream butter, add sugar, then apple-sauce. Sift cinnamon with Presto, and add to the first mix- ture, and then cut raisins. Bake 40 minutes in medium oven. 53 APPLE SAUCE CAKE— No. 2 Two cups brown sugar, 1 cup butter, 1 cup sour apple-sauce, 3 cups Presto, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves, half teaspoon mace, half tea- spoon grated nutmeg, quarter cup soda put in apple-sauce, pound raisins. Cream butter and sugar. Dissolve soda in fresh- ly made apple-sauce, add sugar to sauce, fruit and spices. Bake in slow oven 45 minutes. 54 APPLE SAUCE CAKE— No. 3 One cup apple-sauce, 2 cups sugar, 2 cups Presto, quarter teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon cloves, teaspoon allspice, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 cup raisins, half cup lemon peel. Bake slow. v 55 MARBLE CAKE Half cup butter, l cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 tea- spoon vanilla, 2 cups Presto, two-thirds cup milk or water. Cream butter, add sugar and well-beaten yolk. Mix 'thoroughly and then alternately add Presto and milk, then add vanilla. Fold whites in last. Separate in three parts. To one bowl add a few drops of pink coloring, to the other 2 table- spoons cocoa melted with 1 teaspoon butter over hot water. Drop a spoonful of each in a well-buttered deep cake pan until all gone. Bake 40 minutes. 50 SPICED CAKE Four cups Presto, 1 cup butter, 1 cup brown sugar, half cup cold water, half cup sour milk, 2 eggs, one-third cup molasses, 2 teaspoons cin- namon, quarter teaspoon cloves, quarter teaspoon ground nutmeg, quarter cup citron, cut fine, 1 cup cut raisins, quarter cup currants, quarter cup walnuts, cut fine. Flavor with lemon rind and juice. Cream butter, add sugar, then well-beaten yolks of eggs, then molasses. Add cinnamon, cloves and nut- meg to Presto and sift three times. Add this to first mixture alternately with sour milk and cof- fee. Add raisins, currants, citron (flour well), and add lemon. Fold whites in last. Bake 1 hour in medium oven in well-greased loaf pan. 57 SPICE CAKE Sift 2 and one-half cups Presto, 1 tablespoon mixed spices together. Beat 1 egg light, add two-thirds cup sugar, two-thirds cup molasses. Stir in dry ingredients and 1 tablespoon vinegar. Add two-thirds cup melted butter. Bake in shal- low pan 30 minutes. Use a cup of milk or water. 58 MOLASSES FRUIT CAKE Three cups Presto Flour, half cup molasses, quarter cup butter, 1 cup ground walnuts, half cup raisins, 1 cup water, 2 eggs. Bake for 30 minutes. 59 MOLASSES PLAIN CAKE One cup molasses, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup black cof- fee or 1 cup sour milk with 1 teaspoon essence of coffee. 3 cups Presto Flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, half cup lard or but- ter. Bake slow for half hour. Add fruit if wanted. 60 CHOCOLATE PUDDING Put 3 cups milk in double boiler, thicken with 3 large tablespoons cornstarch blended with milk, 3 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoa until nice and smooth, add yolk of 1 or 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Can be used for pie or cake filling or put in small mould which has been dipped in cold water. Serve with whipped cream or white of egg beaten dry. For pudding put in deep pan and put beaten whites on top. Bake until golden brown. 61 MEAT PIE Put gravy left over from roast meat on fire with a few sliced onions and a little water. Let cook a while then add cooked meat; cut small; add little salt and pepper, some cooked potatoes, also any other vegetables. Don't boil — Let them heat good, put in deep pan. cover with soft drop biscuit dough or roll thin and cover. Bake 20 to 30 minutes. 62 SILVER LAYER CAKE Half cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup milk, 3 cups Presto, whites of 6 eggs, bake in 3 layers. Filling. Two cups sugar, whites of 3 eggs well beaten, 1 cup cocoanut, half cup seeded raisins chopped, half cup figs chopped, half cup dates chopped, half cup currants chopped, 1 cup blanch- ed almonds. For the filling boil the sugar with enough water until it threads. Pour slowly into the egg whites, beating steadily all the time, then add the fruit to the icing gradually, stirring all the time. When well blended spread between the layers, and on top layer, sprinkle plenty of cocoanut. 63 ICE CREAM LAYER CAKE Half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, half cup milk, 2 cups Presto, whites of 4 eggs. Mix dry ingredients. Cream butter and sugar, add milk, then flour, and beat. Add whipped whites and beat again. Flavor wth almond ex- tract. Bake in three jelly tins in hot oven, and when cold put together with boiled icing flavored with almond extract. Icing Boil 1 cup granulated sugar until it spins a thread. Beat white of tgg' a little, add it to the hot syrup. Beat until cold and add a few drops of coloring, any desired shade. Also flavoring. 64 MOCHA LAYER CAKE Four eggs, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 cup Presto Flour, 1 tablespoon mocha essence. Beat yolks very light, add sugar slowly, Presto, then add mocha essence. Beat white of egg and fold in last. Filling One small bottle whipped cream, add 2 table- spoons powdered sugar and 1 teaspoon mocha essence. Spread between layers and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Filling— No. 2 Quarter cup butter, 1 cup confectioner's sugar, 2 teaspoons dry coca, 4 large tablespoons hot strong coffee, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cream butter, add sugar slowly, add cocoa, then coffee, and last vanilla. Add more sugar if not thick enough. Spread between and on top of lay- ers. Sprinkle chopped nuts on. 65 CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE One-third cup butter, 1 cup powdered sugar, 2 eggs, 2 cups Presto, grated rind and half juice oi 1 lemon, three-quarters cup milk. Sift Presto three times, cream butter, add sugar slowly, then add the well-beaten yolks of eggs, then rind and lemon juice, and then add milk and Presto alternately. Fold whites in last. Bake 12 to 15 minutes. Filling One cup powdered sugar, 2 large tablespoons cocoa, enough milk to wet chocolate and sugar. Put in double boiler until melted, add yolk of 1 egg very slowly, a small piece of butter. Cook 2 minutes, take from fire and add 1 teaspoon vanilla. As I was going to St. Ives, I met a women who was not wise, Until she used some Presto Flour, And now her wisdom turned to power. 66 CARAMEL LAYER CAKE Half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups Presto, 3 eggs, three-quarters of cup of milk. Cream butter, add sugar and cream together. Add eggs, one at a time and beat well. Add va- nilla. Sift Presto and add alternately with milk. Grease layer tins, pour in cake mixture and bake in moderately hot oven for 15 minutes. Filling One cup cream or milk, 3 cups brown sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla, half cup chop- ped nuts. We may live without friends, We may live without books But civilized men, Cannot live without cooks. 67 COCOANUT CAKE Boil sugar and milk for 20 minutes or until it strings. Remove from fire and add butter and vanilla. Beat until it begins to thicken. Then add nuts and spread between layers. Half cup butter, 1 cup sugar. 1 egg, 1 cup milk. 2 cups sifted Presto. Cream the butter and sugar and add the beaten yolk of the egg; then the milk and flour alternate- ly and last the whipped white of the egg. Beat in three jelly tins in a quick oven. Filling Half cup shredded cocoanut, the juice of 2 oranges, the grated rind of quarter of one orange. 2 tablespoons corn starch, 3 tablespoons sugar. To the orange juice and grated rind add enough water to make 1 and one-half cupfuls of liquid. Bring to a boil, and stir in the cornstarch made smooth in a small quantity of cold water. Add the sugar and cook for 10 minutes or until done. Spread one-third of this mixture on to the first layer of cake; sprinkle with shredded cocoanut; repeat operation with the second and third layers, and finish with a thick blanket of cocoanut on top of the cake. 68 LEMON LAYER CAKE One-third cup butter, 1 cup powdered sugar, 2 eggs, 2 cups Presto, 1 teaspoon vanilla, three-quar- ters of cup of milk. Cream butter and sugar slowly, then well-beaten yolks of eggs. Add Presto and milk alternately and then flavoring. Fold whites in last which have been beaten until dry. Bake in layer, time 12 to 15 minutes. Filling One grated lemon rind and juice, 2 cups confec- tioners sugar, enough hot water to wet sugar. Spread between layers and on top. 69 ORANGE LAYER CAKE One-third cup butter, 1 cup powdered sugar. 2 eggs, 2 cups Presto, 1 teaspoon vanilla, three- quarters of cup of milk. Cream butter, add sugar slowly, then well-beaten yolks of eggs, then add Presto and milk alternate- ly, and then add flavoring. Fold whites in last which have been beaten until dry. Bake in layer tins 12 to 15 minutes. Filling and Icing One large orange grated and juice, 2 cups con- fectioners sugar. Add enough hot water to wet sugar, after juice has been removed shred orange, adda little sugar. Put a little icing between layers with shredded orange. Cover cake with rest of icing. 70 CHOCOLATE CAKE Cream hall cup of butter, add 1 cup powdered sugar, 2 eggs, 2 cups Presto, a little water and chocolate mixture. Mixture Half a cup of sugar, half cup of milk, 2 large tablespoons cocoa, let melt. When cool, add yolk of 1 egg, then add to above. Bake in loaf 30 to 40 minutes or in layers.. Serve with cream or icing. 71 CHOCOLATE FRUIT CAKE Cream half a cup of butter, add 2 cups of sugar, 3 eggs, half a cup of milk, 2 large tablespoons cocoa, half a cup of hot coffee over cocoa, 3 cups of Presto Flour. Bake in loaf or layers 40 min- utes. Filling Beat white of 1 egg with half a cup of sugar. Grate large apple, add juice of 1 lemon. Beat to- gether for filling. Let it get warm through. 72 RAINBOW CAKE Cream 1 cup butter, add 2 cups powdered sugar. Beat 4 egg yolks light and add to but- ter and sugar. Mix thoroughly and then alter- nately add 3 cups Presto Flcur, a little water and any kind of flavoring. Fold whites in last and separate into 4 parts. Add a few drops of red coloring to one; a few drops of green to the other; and 2 tablespoons of cocoa melted and when cool, add to the third part. Drop a spoon- ful of each in square shallow pan alongside of each other until all one. Bake 40 to 50 minute.-. Icing Two cups confectioners sugar, a little hot water, any kind of flavoring, also a little color- ing. If for luncheon you would take, Presto muffins quickly bake, Nothing tastes quite as good, I know you'll eat them as you should. 73 CHICKEN PIE Cook chicken with a few onions until tender, add some rice. Put in deep dish; (Cover as Meat Pie). Bake 20 to 30 minutes. Some soldiers once they asked a cook, To bake a cannon ball; But she replied that Presto biscuits, Were not that kind at all. 74 CUSHION CAKE One cupful sugar, half cupful butter, 2 eggs, half cupful milk, l teaspoon vanilla, 2 cupfuis Presto. Cream sugar and butter, add well-beaten eggs and milk. Sift Presto and add to the above mix- ture. Divide dough into 2 parts and to 1 part add:— 2 tablespoons molasses, 1 cupful raisins, half teaspoonful cloves, 1 teaspoonful cinna- mon, half teaspoon nutmeg. Bake dark part 20 minutes. Take out of oven. Spread white part on top. Return to oven and bake until done. 75 GOLD CAKE Five tablespoons butter, three-quarters cup sugar, half cup milk, 4 egg yolks, 1 and one- half cups Presto. Cream butter and sugar. Beat t'he egg yolks until very light and add to creamed mixture, alternating with the milk. Bake in a moderate oven 30 to 40 minutes. If you think you are too thin, Try some Force with berries in, A das'h of sugar and some cream, You will find this dish to be a dream. 76 SILVER NUT CAKE Half cup butter, l cup sugar, whites of 4 eggs, half cup milk, half teaspoor vanilla, 2 cups Presto, 1 cup pecans or English Waluts, (cut small). Bake in loaf 40 minutes. Cream butter, add sugar slowly, add Presto and milk alternately, and then add chopped nuts. Fold whites in last. Bake 40 minutes. Birds of a feather flock together, And so do foods of course; That's why you find three of a kind Like Presto, H-O, Force. 77 COCO AN UT CAKE Cream half cup butter, add 1 cup sugar. Beat 2 eggs light. Keep quarter cup out for the top. Add to above: — 2 cups Presto, 1 cup milk, 3 teaspoon vanilla. Put in shallow pan. Cover dough lightly with Presto. Then spread on egg and sprinkle with cocoanut. Bake 30 minutes. 78 LEMON LOAF Cream 1 cup butter, add 2 cups powder sugar, yolks 4 eggs, grated rind and little juice of 1 large skin lemon, and then alternately add 3 cups Presto and little water. Fold whites in last. Bake in loaf 40 minutes. Add 1 cup cocoa- nut if wanted. Icing Two cups confectioners sugar, the juice of lemon and little hot water. Add few drops of lemon coloring to make icing yellow. 79 LEMON COCOANUT LOAF Two cups Presto Flour, l cup powdered sugar. 2 eggs, half cup butter, half cup milk. 1 grated rind and half the juice of 1 lemon. 1 cup shred- ded cocoanut. Cream the butter; add sugar slowly, then well-beaten yolk of eggs, grated lemon, and juice. Add milk and Presto alter- nately, then add cocoanut. Fold whites in last. Bake in well^buttered loaf pan for 30 minutes. Icing One cup confectioners sugar, half of the lemon juice, enough hot water to wet sugar. Spread on the cake. M CITRON LOAF Cream half cup butter, add 1 cup sugar, 3 well- beaten yolks, add rind and juice of 1 lemon. Add 2 cups Presto and half cup milk alternate- ly. Stir a scant cup cibron sliced very thin. Fold whites in last. Bake 30 to 40 minutes. Repeat same for raisins or currant loaf. Spread with icing. 81 PLAIN ICING FOR CAKE Two cups confectioners sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, add a little hot water, beat until smooth, and then add a few drops of any coloring, or use fresh fruit syrup instead of water coloring. If you think you're getting old. Eat some H-0 hot or cold. Make this in a little gem. You will surely eat lots of them. 82 CHOCOLATE ICING No. 1 Mix 2 cups confectioners sugar, 2 large table- spoons cocoa, add a little hot water and a tea- spoon vanilla. Thin down with milk, cream or water. Spread on cake. No. 2 Two cups confectioners sugar, 2 tablespoon* dried cocoa, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and enough hot coffee to wet sugar. Mix until smooth. No. 3 Two cups powdered sugar, 2 ounces melted chocolate, 1 teaspoon vanilla. 83 COCOA FROSTING Four teaspoons cocoa, 2 tablespoons cold water, 3 tablespoons hot water, 'half teaspoon vanilla, 2 cups confectioners sugar. In times of old, sang pirates bold: "Yo ho, my lads, yo ho" ; But now they flout that song and shout : "H-O, my lads, H-O." 84 COFFEE ICING No. 1 Two cups confectioner's sugar, a little hot water, 1 tablespoon mocha essence. 1 teaspoon vanilla. No. 2 Two cups confectioners sugar, half cup hot steaming coffee, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Stir until smooth. No. 3 Beat 2 whites stiff, add 2 cups powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon mocha essence, 1 teaspoon vanilla. 85 BEAT JUICE FOR COLORING Boil large beet, when cooked remove skin Press through sieve or cheese cloth until juice is all out. Put in bottle, use for icings, cake or custard. Keep bottle well-corked. "In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to tho.ughts of love,' If you feed him right and use the recipes you read above. 86 BURNT SUGAR FOR COLORING Take 2 cups granulated sugar. Put in frying pan with very little water; let it burn. Take from fire, when cool put in bottle, use for mak- ing cake dark or meat gravy. If you're feeling kind of blue, And you don't know what to do, Mix up quick a fritter batter, Use any kind of fruit, it doesn't matter. SI ALMOND CREAM LOAF Two cups Presto, 3 eggs , 1 cup powdered sugar, small bottle thin cream. One teaspoon flavoring or quarter teaspoon extract of almond or grated rind of 1 lemon. Beat yelks until light, and add sugar slowly. Sift Presto 3 times, add cream and Presto alter- nately, then flavoring. Fold white in last, which have been beaten until dry. Put shelled almonds in bottom of well-buttered cake pan and pour dough over. Bake 40 minutes. 88 CHOCOLATE LOAF Three cups Presto Flour, half cup butter, 1 large cup sour milk, half cake melted choco- late, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 4 eggs. Cream butter, add sugar, then yolks of eggs and chocolate. Add the milk and Presto alter- nately, then add the vanilla, fold whites of eggs in last. Bake 40 to 50 minutes. 89 PEACH OR BANANA LAYER CAKE Slice fruit, cover layers with whipped cream Spread fruit on ; repeat same for top. Use at one* for they get black. Make layer cake recipe for pineapple, shred, add a little powdered sugar with cream. Cherries can be used when pitted. Try a sponge or Moche Tart, With some Presto for a start, You will think it's very fine, When you sit down to dine. 90 SPONGE CAKE Beat 4 eggs light, three-quarters of cup of sugar, three-quarters of cup of Presto, grated rind and half juice of 1 lemon. Bake in loaf M minute? or in layers 12 to 15 minute?. Cocoa sponge made by using one-half cup of cocoa sifted with flour. One lemon rind and juice. 1 yolk of egg, 1 table- spoon butter, half a cup of sugar. Boil until thick. Let cool, and spread between layers. 91 LEMON OR ORANGE SPONGE CAKE Beat 8 eggs very light, add 1 cup of powdered sugar, grated rind and half the juice of 1 orange, 1 cup sifted Presto, and last add 3 tablespoons hot water. Bake in layer or jelly tins from 10 to 12 minutes. Lemon cake is made the same way by using quarter juice. FILLING Beat half a pint of cream, add one-third cup of sugar, a little juice or vanilla, add orange or lemon coloring to cream for desired shade. n COCOA FUDGE One and one-half cups pulverized sugar, 1 cup granulated sugar, pinch of salt, 6 table- spoons cocoa, and two-thirds cup rich milk. Boil until it makes a firm ball when dropped in cold water. Remove dish from the fire, add 1 large table- spoon butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat until like thick molasses and turn into buttered pan. Score into squares before entirely cold. A cup of cocoanut or broken up nut meats may be added for variety. 93 LEMON OR ORANGE COTTAGE PUDDING Quarter cup of butter, half cup of sugar, 1 cu? of milk, 2 cups Presto flour, 1 egg, a little lemon juice. Bake for 20 minutes in shallow pan. Sauce One tablespoon cornstarch, 1 tablespoon but- ter, half a cup of sugar, 1 egg. Beat well, add 1 pint boiling water and cook. Add juice and rind of 1 lemon or orange. Pour sauce over cake. Same sauce may be used for sponge cake. 94 JELLY ROLL— 1 Three eggs, 1 cupful sugar, half tablespoon milk. 1 cupful Presto. 1 tablespoon melted butter. Beat eggs until light, add sugar gradually, milk, then Presto and lastly the melted butter. Grease a dripping pan with butter. Cover bottom of pan with mixture and spread evenly. Bake 12 minutes in a moderate oven. Remove from pan, spread with jelly and roll. This must be done quickly or the cake will crack while rolling-. Presto flour is the thing. That makes sweets to suit a king, It is cheap both quick and sure, And besides it's always pure. 95 JELLY ROLL— 2 Beat 3 eggs together lightly. Add 1 cup pow- dered sugar, 1 cup Presto, 1 teaspoon vanilla or any other flavoring. Put in jelly tin and make from 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from pan and spread with jelly. Roll while hot. Take two tea- spoons jelly with a little hot water, mix together, spread on top and sprinkle with cocoanut. For cream roll use half a pint of whipped cream. 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla. 96 FILLING FOR CAKE Boil one and one-half cups powdered sugar and three-eighths of a cup of water until it spins a thread. Stir the boiling syrup into 2 whole eggs beaten together. Mix with 1 cup of chopped rai- sins and 1 cup of chopped blanched almonds Flavor with vanilla and spread between the layers. Finally make a white frosting and spread over the whole cake. Try some meat in a dish, Whatever kind you may wish. Cover with a 'biscuit dough." Bake it in the oven slow. 97 APPLE FILLING— 1 Cut 4 large apples, put in earthen dish with 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, half- cup sugar, quarter teaspoon cinnamon. Cover and bake in oven until dark red and tender. When cold, spread between layers. Serve with whipped cream. APPLE FILLING— 2 One large apple, cooked and strained. When done add grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 egg, and 1 cup sugar. Put whipped cream or powdered sugar on k)p. 98 FIG FILLING Half lb. figs, finely chopped, half cup boiling water, half cup sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Cook the ingredients in double boiler until thick enough to spread. 99 FRUIT FILLING Four tablespoons finely chopped citron, same of finely chopped seeded raisins, half cup chopped blanched almonds, quarter lb. chopped figs, whip- ped whites 2 eggs, half cup sugar. Whip whites with sugar, add fruits and beat well. Shortening and yeast, shortening and yeast, Now when you bake your troubles will cease. Just follow this tip, you'll have none in the least, Use Presto Flour, then mv, what a feast. 100 CHOCOLATE FILLING Quarter lb. sweet butter, 1 cup powdered sugar. 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 4 squares melted choc- olate. Cream butter and sugar. Add beaten eggs and vanilla; then chocolate. If Oliver Twist, poor laddie, craved. For more o.f'the BEADLE'S stuff, Just think how he probably would have behaved, 1 f he i?ot H-O enough. 101 MAPLE FILLING— 1 One cup maple sugar, 1 egg white and 4 table- spoons water. Boil sugar and water together until it spins a thread. Beat egg white stiffly and add syrup gradually. Beat until stiff and spread on cake. MAPLE FILLING— 2 Half cup maple syrup, half cup sugar, 3 tea- spoons cold water. Let all boil until it strings, (about 5 minutes). Beat white of 1 egg just a little, into that pour the hot syrup, stirring all the time; then beat till cold or it begins to thicken. Bake a Presto layer cake, It is something that will take; Bake it in a layer tin, And spread with Maple-ine quite thin. 102 COCOANUT FILLING One cup sugar, one-third cup water, 1 teaspoon vanilla, half cup grated cocoanut, 1 egg white. Boil sugar and water together and boil till it spins a thread. Beat egg white stiff and add syrup gradually. Add vanilla and beat until thick. Spread on cake and sprinkle over with grated cocoanut. 103 COCOANUT CUSTARD FILLING One cup sugar, 1 and one-half cups milk, one and one-half heaping tablespoons corn-starch, yolks of 2 eggs, 1 cup shredded cocoanut, half tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon extract vanilla. Scald milk in double boiler, add cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk and cocoanut last. Stir till smooth. Add sugar, cook 10 minutes. Add egg yolks cook 4 minutes take off and add vanilla. Cook she thinks the time is slow, She quickly makes some Presto dough, The biscuits bake so very quick. You know the Presto does the trick. 104 MARSHMELLOW FILLING Three-quarters cup sugar, quarter cup milk, quarter lb. marshmallows, 2 tablespoons hot water, half teaspoon vanilla. Boil sugar and milk 6 minutes. Melt marshmal- lows over tea-kettle. Add hot water, vanilla and other ingredients. Beat until thick and creamy. Spread between layers. If you'll like some marshmallow, Hurry up and don't be slow; Spread it on your Presto layers, It will drive away your cares. 105 BERRY SHORT CAKE Rub 2 tablespoons of lard or butter into 2 cups of berry sifted Presto, and add a little milk or water to make a smooth dough. Spread half even- ly in layer tin, brush melted butter over, add the rest of dough. Bake from 10 to 15 minutes. When done they will separate. Take berries and crush in bowl with sugar spread between layers. Put whole berries on top and whipped cream or cus- tard. Use layer cake recipe if wanted. If you're feeling kind of sad. And you wish you really had. Crushed with berries and not too Sour. Short cake made of Presto Flour. 106 QUICK LAYERS 1 Put 2 eggs in cup fill with cream. Put in mixing bowl, add 1 cup sugar, 2 cups Presto, and 1 tea- spoon vanilla. Use any kind of filling. Bake 12 to 15 minutes. QUICK LAYERS 2 Put 2 eggs in cup, 2 tablespoons melted butter, fill cup with milk, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups Presto, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Bake 12 to 15 minutes. QUICK LAYERS 3 Put in cup, whites of 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons melt- ed butter. Fill with milk, 1 cup granulated sugar, 2 cups Presto, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Bake 12 to 15 minutes. 107 HUCKLEBERRY SHORTCAKE Cream quarter cup butter, add half cup sugar, 1 box crushed and strained huckleberries, half cup milk with 2 cups Presto Flour. Must be thick- batter. Bake in shallow pan from 15 to 20 minutes. Cut in squares. Serve hot with butter. Try a 'pot pie' with some chicken, Drop some dumplings in to thicken, Cook them in some boiling water, For ten minutes to a quarter. 108 BERRY CAKE Work 1 teaspoon butter into 1 cup Presto, 2 tablespoons granulated sugar. Beat 1 egg, add a little milk, and add to the above to make scoft dough. Spread thin in shallow pan. Using any kind of berries and sprinkle sugar on. If huckle- berries are used, cover crust quite thin with Force, then put berries on. Bake 20 to 30 minutes. 109 PIE CRUST Measure half cup of lard or half cup of butter. Put in bowl ice-water. Sift 2 and one-half cup? Presto Flour, chop the shortening into the Presto Add a little ice-water to keep together. Cover and put ice-box. Make a few days before wanted. This will make two pies or four uncovered ones To keep under-crust crispy, take a little piece of dough, dip in white of egg and cover bottom be- fore putting fruit in. Do same to top crust. No. 2 Half lb. sweet butter, half pint cream and enough PrestQ to make a stiff batter. Cream butter until very light, add cream, beat hard, and add Presto last. Can be used for cooking by adding almond and raisins or any kind of fruit. Jumbles may be made also. 110 PUMPKIN OR SQUASH PIE Mix 3 cups thick stewed and sieved pumpkin or squash, 2 cups milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, half teaspoon, cinnamon, pinch clo.ves. Line two pie plates with crust. Bake in moderate oven. Ill RHUBARB CUSTARD PIE One cupful rhubarb, 1 cupful sugar, 1 table- spoon flour, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon lemon extract, 1 cupful milk. Mix sugar and flour thoroughly. Cut rhubarb in small pieces and mix with sugar and flour. Beat egg yolks, add milk and lemon extract. Line a pie plate with plain pastry and fill with rhubarb mixture. P-o.ur custard over and bake until firm Cover with a meringue made of 2 egg whites beaten stiff to which 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar have been added. 119 LEMON CREAM PIE One and one-half pints milk, 3 tablespoons corn- starch, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons butter, grated rind and juice of 2 lemons, and yolks of 4 eggs. Boil milk, add oo.rn-starch dissolved in a little cold milk; when it re-boils, take off, beat in yolks butter, lemon-juice, and rind. Pour at once into pie plates lines with paste, having high rim. Bake in hot oven until paste is cooked, about 20 min- utes or it meringue is desired, whip cream of -1 eggs to dry froth; slo.wly incorporate l'ctip sugar; spread over top of pie. When baked, dust with powdered sugary return to oven to set fawn color. "Try an apple Presto pie, It's a flour that'll never die.' 113 CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE One cup milk, pinch of salt. 2 large tablespoons cocoa, 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 tablespoons flour. 2 eggs, (yolks). 5 tablespoons sugar. Put milk, salt and chocolate in upper part of double boiler, and when hot and smooth, stir in the flour, which has been mixed with enough cold milk to be thin enough to pour into the hot milk. Cook, stirring constantly until it thickens ; then let it cook 8 to 10 minutes. Mix the eggs and sugar together and pour the hot mixture over then-v stirring well; put back in double hoiler and cook, stirriing constantly for 1 minute. Remove and when cook add vanilla. 114 STRAWBERRY PIE Beat 2 eggs light, add half cup sugar. Stir in 1 box of berries. Put in baked crust and set in oven until crushed. Serve with whipped cream or put maringue on top if wanted. Johnny is going to marry cook, And build her a little nest, She'll make him the pies for which he sighs, And Presto will do the rest. 115 PINEAPPLE PIE Shred 1 pineapple, add half cup sugar. Let it cook for awhile and add 2 teaspoons corn-starch, yolk of 1 egg. When cool, put in open pie-crust with meringue on top or bake in double crust. The eating's tht proof of a pie they said. In days that have gone by; But today that rule, cook doesn't dread. That is, if its Presto pie. 116 APPLE PIE Three tart apples, halt cup sugar, half lemon rind grated. Peel core and slice apples very thin. Line pie-plate with pie-crust; put in apples, sugar and a little water. Wet the edges, cover with crust; rolled out thin and wash with milk. Bake in steadv moderate oven 20 minutes. 117 APPLE MERANGUE PIE Bake under-crust. When put done, apple sauce in. Beat 2 whites with a little powdered sugar and a little vanilla. Spread on top. Put in oven till nice and brown. Peaches to be made the same way or sliced with whipped cream on top. If you'd really like to know, Ho.w to make the Presto dough, Buy a book of recipes, And you'll find that it will please. 118 FILLING FOR PIE AND LAYER CAKE One pint milk, let scald, add 1 tablespoon corn- starch, half cup sugar, pinch salt and add yolks of 2 eggs. Cook until smooth, then^add 1 teaspoon of flavoring. Set aside to cool. Before it con- geals stir in half bo.x of whole strawberries, a little sugar. Put in baked pie-crust and whip whites of eggs with a little sugar and vanilla. Then spread on top and set in oven until nice and brown or— put between layers and spread beaten whites on top or— put in mold and cut in squares for des- sert. Use any kind of fruit. 119 MINCE WITHOUT UNDER CRUST Slice apples or peaches, sprinkle with sugar and a little water. Cover with pie-crust. Bake 30 to 40 minutes. Berries can be used the same way. Doctor says go light on pastry, Don't you think he's rather hasty? He's surely never tried the flour. Called the Presto of the hour. 120 MINCE MEAT Two lb. lean beef boiled tender and chopped, half lb. suet, 1 and one-half lb. raisins, seeded and cut in half, 2 lbs. cleaned currants, half pint mo- lasses, half teaspoonful cloves, 3 pints cider, half lb. citron shredded, half ,peck apples, half tea- spoonful mace, half teaspoonful allspice, half tea- spoonful cinnamon, half lb. light brown sugar. 1 pint brandy. Pepper and salt as much as would be served with the meat. This is a New England recipe. Will keep all winter and will make fifteen large pies 121 BERRY OR FRUIT DUMPLING One cup Presto, beat 1 egg light, add little milk to make thick batter. Put 1 cup water, 1 cup stgar on fire to heat. Add box of any kind of berries or fruit. Let boil and drop teaspoonful of butter in, cover tight. Boil 15 minutes. Serve with hard sauce. Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross, To buy little Johnnie a package of Force, It made him so fat and made him so strong, II you would use it, you'd be like him e'er. long 122 FRUIT CANDY Put 1 lb. granulated sugar on fire with enough hot water to prevent burning. Let boil; drop orange, lemon or sliced citron in. Boil a few minutes. Put in bowl to cool, then in glass jars. Lady Bug, Lady Bug, where are you flying? I'm going a shopping she said; And Lady Bug tell me pray, what you'll be buying. Some Presto to make me some bread. 123 PANOCHE Two cups light brown sugar, 1 cup granulated sugar, quarter teaspoon salt, three-quarter cup thin cream. Boil until it forms a soft firm batt when a small portion is dropped into half cup cold water. Add 1 tablespoon butter, l tea- spoon vanilla and two-thirds cup of either sliced walnuts or pecans. Beat until thick and creamy; then pour into buttered pans. 124 SEEL* CONGRESS 013 974 677 6