THE AMATEUR BENEFIT -000-' An Entertainment m Three Acts by Bronson Howard. —ooo — ■ Act Third. n^- ie ainiature prorira;a ne all piec- es which are not to be sun;^. Have Harry Opdyke, as ^^oi-er- il manager, apologize away everything, without exception which appears in the prograotje — (other things being sub- stituted,) thus satirizing the 'reijeral \matQur habit of •making nunercus apologies, briefly referred to in Vet 1st, page 0. He would give various fe.ainij:e caprices aiid .aas- culir; : laistak :s as t'lo reasons for the cJianges, The oth.^r acts re::iain as tJiey nov/ stand. Various Amateur avfkwardnensos, ir.- the getting on \ud off the stage, introductions, xc, would come in part. The \utI'.or has oaitted everything of this kind, in th -• fol- lowing I'urlesquG, for t^;e reasor: that less eoiild be gained frc it than from the IJurlesque v/ell ^ictod throughO'iL. The "Part First" would bef?iri with «Tho ^ix Halves Trio -iri'd Ovorture." Tho orchoL'.tra havitjf^ played the introdaction, tho nurtain ris3c abOMt fifteon inchon, diGC0V'3riri.^ the lej^s of tho throo 2^''-'t"l--^on (i-- drc-.'-j trov/sers) all standing with thoir Irjickn to the? Curtain, as i f they v/ora lookinrj at tho f>ettin:_f of th'3 scone. The orchastra would bo morrtly depend- odcdupcr.' for the music, hero, but tho jentleraen would sin:^ a trio supported perhaps by the female voices without, Iii each pair of le^^G one foot rises aiid scratches the calf of tho ot'^cr loij in time with .nusic; tl^if:; alternately v/iL': the re- spective pairs, at first, tlien all tor^ether. At the end, tho three pair of lerjs walk off in the same direction. Then th© curtail- rices for Part First, with flit in 'Ic, 1. In this part the ladies would appear in elegant evetiiri^j drotioeo, arj rich as desirable. The gentlemen in dr 3G£-GUitc. F a u n - o f - t h 9 ~ G ^ e n, o r The C i V i 1 i z G d Indian. V ^ocioty Dtaina, oco •- nharactors. Sittiiij^-DovYn-Bulldori* (Chief of the '^ioux.) Tco old for Civilization. The Earl of Kensin.^ton. The Final Product of Civilization. :iulI-Puppi-9;ik-lJni-^ahI (S. D. Balldofj Jr.) K J^emi-Civilized '^woll. War-cloud. Civilized up to hie Chin. Favu:--cf-thG-Gloii. (Mir.r. Ilarie Louise Hulldoj.) Fully Civilized, and a trifle iaoro. The MarchicncGG of ijelf^ravi.:. . \ Flcw<^r of Civilization. <^- C E N K. The Hrawinn-RooQ for the !^ioux Chief. The drav/inj-rocn ir. Eupposed tc open, on or;e side, to the sleepina' apartaent of the Chief and his faraily. Upon th.e other side it opens to his kitchen and tliO 'ireat West. In t!;e distance a view of Early Ilorninr; in Dakota, durin,,{ Oc- tober. In the for 3.-^ro'.iT:'d it is in the month of June, vdlh sunset ofT'Ct. ■.'oto to Mana^jeaent -- Pronouiice the naae of Hull-Pupryi-!=:ik- um-'^ah, — T.> ull ~Pupt)i-<^>ik~Ura- ^ah . Note Tho Actir}[^ of t'^i''; l-'irlocquG. It irj ab s o I g t o 1 V os r. e n t i .i 1 . for the propor effect of th.^ p.url'3r>q\io, that it bo act^d with as rauch Qari:osti:-OGG and seri- Qurii:oar;. t'TOughout — ao fir xs tho sr-okor: linos are concern- ed as if it w^ro a play of real life, rhe slightest evidence that the actors in> tend to do or say anytliinjj "" will de- stroy the toiio of the wh^le piece froa beginninfj to ond» If any "garjG" are iiitf^oduced, the raana \lh lio llillu in c t Ob or " a j'Ood .a odol x^or distan GO. Or: th 5 loft it 2 or 3 a 3salv:;r. Centra- tablo dovn: '^. with ornanor^tal bocl Ts cir' ir-atand, cut-rr l .'."■-. d :g -inter of br.indv. ■:laD"^?'^ "^c. \ ritrii-^ of '-y f '^icalpD and a strir-;^ of v/a.ap u.a on the h^ill-treo; il^^c a toraahav/k ar^d an aiabrella. r"swTr7r?Tr7J^-bTnT"Tn~3pFin^ c troo, L. 1. with a cord tc bo pullod frc.2 wit'i- oit. V bjll-ccrd and tassel ]lan;•^ in.^ frog the tr :;e, R.l. ii:. , to pull a boll ( wh i ch i s t c be IV oar d vvithoit) R. Var 1 >-. us art id on of elef^'-an t i3 rio- a-brac, ct abc It Gt ai^e; varse 3 h anj>- i '• < by rin rj3 fro. a T K -i trees; 1 at e:; att .^Qha d to t?! trun kli. xr> on -./al " f.". of dr w'l m '-r ■-■ ' ..i ' 3, fie . uC Th r* '"> "• or four c il p.^ir :tin,i l; in ;Jllt fr i .a Jo hun ;; u]^ OI' Q "} o ' on 0, i f roo.a on Gta Li " f CJt and ii-i^; upon :. ]-i andGOm r\ eaGol.) DiGCovorod:-- Sit Linij-^) /Ul ' i :. i :; sitt in,; en tJiO ,;round, L. C. CrCG3-l0,',i ed, pi ay in ;; en a to;a-tcu and sj uw^in .aonoto nouG Indian Chant. 'le in dres cod in an old blanket; old bat t jt ed hi,vh ha t; vest turned wron,4 side ou t, with bri.jht colored linin,^; 1 ^\S-{ in.^s; an old beaded noccisiu on on foot. 'vorn aii d qii'V- dy shoo on th oth or; •/ar-pain tl Ion;], unkopt, straight , blach h lir. Or: tho opic'iit :- -Jid- cf th-; Gta ^r •-» UL Tnrii:.r. in n it,ti!:j on f Vi r^ -rr'c MLd. (War-clo'icl) : iz c o:u plotoly onvol- op: ::j:;:t : ^ b l;i:.::ot, G'lOv;- in:j '^i': ho;:: \ .;0V.^ it. "'in f- C J 13 da iply J.r-d Gava^joly , -cod Y/ith war- paint; bild sc.lp. ■oxcjdL -I top- knot of black hair, fro a \;hich lon,^- caiilj foathors d:?pend do a- his b xc'.:. He 13 the yory pi ct ar-ij of i taci tarn and fi re ■:; Indian v/ arrior. ^3 1 OCkG sto adi any ly b ofore h i-H v;ith : a t . .■lOV J :i-r t oi' hin d, durin,i all th It fcl unt 11 is or;. ) hi'Jic. Tndi an^ Chant .J "Voices o" tiio Fcroct" iJulldo;^. This ia .i coaic Indian Chan^-, with tcia-ton and crchoGtral accoapanimont aonoton U3 and without iint^lish v/ords; simply a guttaral rig-n- irolo of syll> bl93 and nrunts ioitativo of th :■ '.roll knov/n "Tr^dim ^hant** Tho crchostral ace c^r.p an 3 :aor: t .:i'.v ;^i\'"o it v:pio:.v hv vari.-ur.' un xpooto:' rffoctG en diffor- ont ir«c tran oiitn. Th:^ C'-a n t ^ndr, V'JiV ain, to bo rocurrod to froi:aal2. b- .hj ctho r t'.o ;^3ntloaon of tho CO: ipany • \ft2r tha Chmt and the rofrain one 3 sunr^, "dalldor^ risos, han^is )\ii^ h at and tOip.-tOLa on tho h^ll^ treo, L • cror.:;os to tablo "^^ pcura of brindy fro^a cut -[ilaGG do- cantor; drinl'o it; takos a cigar frca Gt and and liahtc it. Th i r. bus in or. rj ir^ all dclibor^to . with a slight orchostral acco.apaniQont, v/hich con ; tinu OG duriii ; th folIo\ •^iiiH addross to th \udioDC ■3. Dulldo;-; delivers this in a Itlain, si:apl9 b'-isin^ss- ■like raanner. HO ,aay, i r do- sirable. move a luxurious arm-chair to fror.t. C. and doliv or part of th e words r.ittinr ^ Bulldog. LadioG arid gentlemen: Tt is evident tc ray mind, that thor? ziust be a.i!;y persons in the Audience who do net fully under- stand the exact moaning of the song, in :ay native Indian lan- guage, v;hich T have junt boon rendering. T make the reaark v/ithout desinnjj to throw any reflection on the high culture of thin audience; and T trust you will not regard mo as ego- tistical, if T take the liberty of explaining to you v/h .it I have been singing, in the simplest possible English* I have been indue 3d to enter into this explanation only at the ear- nest request of the author, I told him it wa:^ hardly fair to ask an Indian V/ar-Chief tc do a thing of this kind, even to ae- coia.uodate an audience; bit the Author insisted that he could^ n't thinl: of any other way to begin the play. Trusting, there- fore, that I shall succeed in making everything sufficiently clear tc you tc enable us to go on v/ith the piece, I will proceed. (:,!usic Refrain. The slight orch est ral acco .apar :i:aent sudc ieiily swells in to the R e frail:; a and Bull do g sin as it, with voices without as befo re. Near the end, he StOF >5 abru Ptly and h'l ■ shes the orchei-^- tra. ) T beg your pardon ladies and gentleiaen, I dropped into ay na- tive dialect again quite unconsciously, \s I was going on to remark; ray name is .*^itting-l)own-Bulldog, I ara Chief of t'-:e Sioux Nation. The L^nited <^.tates Government has placed us on a Roservttion, and it is now trying to civilize us. The experiment has thue fir been highly gratifying in its re- sults. Nearly all the members of the tribe are dead; — or missing . General '^.herman insists that they are missing; and he's try it: g tc find them. (Music Refrain. The accompanimen t suddenly swells into the refrain again; Bulldog sing ir-^rj it v/ith voices and hushini:{ it abruptly as before.) Civilization- has had the same effect in our l^eservatioi: as on our tribe. Most of that, also, is missing. \i'hat there is loft of it yo'i GOG b^To^o you. Vaq foroijround balongr. to an. Th of th ? tribo ara uiiasing; and ho contitiuoj; to distr.ibat> blankets a!5 asnal, Ei^'ht thouoand a y^jar. Wo divido thoa equally, ho taken throo fourths, and T havo tho rost. ('fo breaks saddonly into Tndin., .i aomont. ''p^akir-:' net c.iii;,ar:'. \ S'3rio3 cf '.-''itliiral . (nintr; '?<;. v/j Lh oarnoc't oxproa;.iQr; ar.-d r_;arjturos, and as if fv? :a:2dior:Ce cculd irKlorntaLd h 1.3 > T^vo 1g ,£iis. half of 'Sinht., -Uid si:: ic tho i2.1]ia.r half. ( \tr^ii^ gpo..;kG o.arr;-^Gtly in Tr-di .rj Tho Agoiit say:; I'::; not aaf fici-.?:: tly •'ivilizc'I y- \ •^-.dir- 3 taiid ar i thno tic. T don ' t V'3 rofrait: d-niin; thi^ ti;ao throti,^ to th } Ofjd.) Tho author orjly desire?? me to add, ladies and gentleman, th'-.t I havo dono =3Vorything ib ay pov/or to assi*?t the Unitoa '^tatir, t'iovori^raori t in itn philai>thropic efforts to civiliz<5 :ay r \ca. T «ont ay or^ly d-uu/^hter to bo od'icatod id N*5v; York, acd fir.— irihsd in Paris; ai.'d T hav6 obtained thi?:. ol®r*;iiit zoi of f ir- r^iturs :it:(l t?io jraxid piar-c, froi the East, at an expenDo of ODo th-usand bl-ir:kotr>. (Th7 boll o:: tro^ L> 1. ;;:. rJn,;'"- vicln:tly» ThQ Indian dowf '^, who h .r> la^d ■ L>- nigi: or .uctici. fro:.) tlio ba|; ,, ri■^:i3 frc; hi:::; bl-iDl::)t, direr: i I.-; it ■ihoro ho :':at. IJa is droG:;e..; ii: :, coaploto dr^jcs-saitj v/ h i t o t i , . . ''•^ X t -5 ri 1 c y e s , polish •:> d boctn, ^tc. ^.c. iLVory thiii:^. bolow hi^ chin t^c pr;r f'?ct t3^'/'3ll w^itor, but tho Ea,T!la-" fcitb :?r3 h'My- dov/n bi^^ ■:)JlC < and hir; txQo li.d scalp aro t^ono of a fi'i?rco I::dli;. v/arrior* \11 bat hio hc?ad n .3 ".)::r; coi;C-al-)d Ur^di^r / th^ blank ■?t t^ tot'MG ::ic-a^fat. Ifo cro.s r i?n L. v/it' t!io nrav-3 iaai.r;er cf ,a trail: ;d w-iitar, takor; tho silver aalvpr, :ioar h--vll-troj. ai.d ,(03C v^ it Oallorsl War nicudl ( Callir.!r{ out .) ,..:*:■- a^w -.,u fi^.a-i. J^oiao of th.'-.t \pacho tribo, T suprc-. 7i r.'Oxt r jOG-rvatioi- t./on- ty-five fe-et squaro, To-uorrov/ is Paio'c ro^jular racoptioij day — Thursday, (Rg-ent'sr tho Indian ^^ervar^t^ L > 1. E. v/ith throo cards on g -Ivor which ho t'ikcr> to ■jiUldOf,^ n. 1 r Q r '3' L"l d ! car an » } *«Mrs. Dald-headed-F.agle. " ^lor Hnnband'c entiro irjcome is ci..- ly sevon h^indred blankets — after deductinr; the V^^rit'c <^o:a- ;nission, "Misci Bald-Headed-Ea^lG* — "Misn a^,^, .->n .-^-of-thQ- Prairio" Bald-!Tead.3d-EafjlQ". V/ar-nioud — (\ few v;ordr; cf Tndiin 'ibberish to tho Dorvint, th'?n in 'ir.'.'linhl) '.lisr; !3alldc;-j ic nev :r at hoao to tho ;ja?.d-Ue ad od-Ea^lon. ^Replacinri tho cardg on salv?r» Tho G o r V \n t d e •■'> . - r , i fc s th-'?;:! on ta.jle L. crognoG to '<, ^!>v^h^ro he stands ri:-^- idly. ) Old !3ald-]i9adod-l£arjle is try in;; to lay aia out on civilization. But he can't take my scalp yet I Ife' s Just ,^ot a new set of drav/ini^-rooia furniture, too. Hut Jv? didn't nond one of H i s dau[jhters to be educated in Nev/ York, and finished in Paris! ][Q* r. got a ne',' [^jrand piano, too, i^ut noithor of his girls can rl'^y o:: it. To hear mx ..'irl :jive one of her civilized Parisiat} v/ar~ :hoop3, aid r;o for tv^at>o -~ '.'/h-o-c-pl (Givinu a roll in,; Indian whoop pattiri'jj his lips with -irj hand) Old Bald-Headed- lia^jle isn't in. it. (War-dance a ccciapaniiaent r-uddenly aiid 3trann-l y. \s Bull do rj flivoG the v/hoop, he rfo er^ into the peculiar n^o- ticr^s of the Indian dance The ner- vant in dre? s-Guit, ctill ntandinrj t,. n. ri.ridl V« boninc the came ,no- ticnr; of the knee, v/ithcu t leavini^ hi', place, an d look in. '^ sol eanly front. TJull-d0;j :!icv o'-] to hall-tr ee, taken tomahav/k and ui^brella, to n--en the latter aero?. :; to the serv >Trlrr- v/h catches it. T;-iey danc ~ th e v/ar— d.ince teeth er,v;if' full and reno— nant orcheGlraT acco-iPai' i: ; ; the kettle-drua predoiiinat inj, ir^ i.nita- tion of the to;a~ton. Occasional • roll in : : v/ar-v/h c c}> fro. ■A hulld0|3. Thv flourish the toinahavrk and u;nbrella. alternately, crouch in; 1 before sach other, ) 10 Indian vfar-Danco, nalldO|-{ and ^^orvant. U'llldo:: fin -illy flourisho:-. lii i^o-ua- hia; at.d r^iv:ci J.n una-^rthly wh^v^l', lQad:?r than All th-3 otherG» Entor t?^Q Fain-of-tho-aion. L. U. E. r.ho rush OS iu and r.trikoo a pictur-s- esque, doprecatii}:-^ attitud-). Tableg'-i. Bull do;:; liov/QrG his toaa" hav/k and itiov^s L. abashed* The sor^ vant rises and asna.nos ri;-;id v/ait - er's attitudo. }R ! ^ (C. drawiri:; up wit'' v-^ry dii^nified and Glo;':::ryt mantjor.j Papa, dear J \'^eJ In cur very drawing-room! I a.n ashaiao d of ycu, papai (Arran^^in:j '^ or ^^Icve.) Hothin.: could bo nioro vulju^r I DulldOj^ Vulvar I to hor own father! Tmi co.aos of educatin;^ a girl in Ne'v York and finishinr^ hor in Paris, (_Tho Faun's costune is a pic turosque combination of aodern fashic n an d tho cor-'Vor^t i c n a 1 T n d i ;. n Pr i n C03G droris. Th 3 skirt falls to bo low hor knoo, v/ itb for or: L loavoc and flov/^rr. v/ro ath Gd ;-;racof'.Tlly about it. Dainty pink or oth :t cclorod Fronch- hoolod f;iait ors. v.'aist hi 'h aiid X noatly fitt inj at thi throat , or of v;hatevor .la y bo of tho jost fashion- ablo nhapo for 'lov; York boll OS. Lci :;, inai'y^ buttonod kid ,ilov OS. Coif four of latost stylo, artistic- ally ornaiao litod v/ith a fov; c harac- tori Stic In di an feathors. \n ol e- g'ai>t fan. Perhaps a paraso 1, c-^C. 8:C. 5C, H er face, for host effect should be of a li.-^ht b'lt do cidodly Indian huo; but t'iis is not a'-so- lutoly osrio nti 1. Tho Faun' s man nor must bo tha t of a rofinod an d olo- C^Lut socioty younK lidy.v/ith a to ich of afroctioi:; jri^fj-.t and livoly; 'out G0;aeti:30s. ;s aftor h or firr.t 3r:trarjcg, vary di^r.-ified. \s she addror.sGS hor fathor^ Goryart and othors, sh 3 arraniJes her r/loves, as above, dalli OS v/ith h or fac o. tou ches ' ' ' s h-jv CO if fear, r^ lane on at hor skirt \,ar-Clcud, yu i ..i .y retire. ( Th o s e r vai: t starts) Or.-a aoaent. fife stopr. . ) You may viv: over to the Pi-Ute reDorvation, and ask Mr.-:, ' "'-dCi.':^-or:-riro if Gh e v/ill kindly lend :ne her ccpy cf Z-ol?. *s last French novel. (Exit sorvarv. i^i^-tv^jiv, Fv. 1 . l. ; liulldopf. Coed reIi;jiGur. girl. Faun is. She dotes on French Sunday- School bocks. Faun T aa really astonished at you father, \fter the effortn T have laado, since my return froj a!>ro.e prosot;CO of a lady. Dulldo.^. I nev?r aot a white laan that .didklt. cv/oar. Faun When ladioG are got present, n othin;T is acre civili::^3d, T b j- 1 iev : . C* est Un e ant re chone . ^j.or) porn. Bull do >^ b:h? . J -i r« r» s T p "! 'T '^ h ^ o ; T T ' "I t . aun .ijUlldO:j (The Faun speaks a r:.?nte! ■ .: ii> Tr^diac} ^^ibjorish, ^:» if tr^nsKUmj t'^ hi.a »; Q — hJ Why tiie devil didn t you .SSX so ? ( \r>id^. )" Thoy tau;-;ht that ;iirl French in '^ew York --^v^' -^ -• spent six aonthn ir Paris without fcr^-^ettini^ it. (MG GPoaks to ' -:r in "Indian") Undoubtedly, '.ay doar fat'ior. Uut, by the bye — ( ^■ho continue^' the G'jntenC'^ in In- dian. ) 1^; Dull dor. To a certain oxtent. \t the sam© ti:3o — (He continuoG in Indian.) Faun What you say is vo^y true, papa; and yet — (She continues in Tndi:-:ij»j How much will it cost? Hulldo?^ Faun Lot me aeo — (Oontinuos in Indian* ) ijulldon I'll think of it. Oh, n'ioipcrte, papa — n'lmportol Tr :~la-la-la. (^riirnin;:{ up Gtaiie and runr^in^; ovor tho keys of the- piano . ) Tr a- 1 a- 1 a- la. DuIIdoR . Tho 13ald-]leadod-e:aijl3 j^irls aro nov/hor ?! Thero isn't a whito / girl in /Viaerica that can look dcviu on h or venorablo father with laore supreas contempt. (The F'^aun sii>;;5G. IJalldo:^ strolls up; ^llan C GS at the ke ttla. ;'ivos it a Gtir or tv/o v/ith a 'on,\ stic'.: and v/alks cut, L . U . E « ^. n a "Finished in Parir*.." The Faun. (b:ith9r in the interval ausic, or after the son;;^ is finished, the Faun dances daintily, in a 'nanner appro- priate to her character; v/ith pret- ty af focticr:::! of Qanr.or; usin.; her fan, arrunrr.:);( her nlcv:-n. openm,! and Gv/ii::;in.i ^ p:,raGoll ."o. «^c. Per- ]iaps the best \;ay is to ^c throujh t'lo::::? acticns ar. she sin.:is the lines. v/ith a dance at the end of the son >) Finish Gd in Paris Original Sonf^ Honry r. , LQ±\zh. I v/as "finiGhod" in Paris, and v/ho can dony That I'ia up to tho s-ylo of to-day ? <^ould you hopa to discover, v/hore'or you may try, r.uch a modol of "Chic", ^*il vous Plait ? Thsro's a dash, there's an ease, there' s an elej^ant graco \nd a kind of a J^ J2^ sais guoi, That v/o learn in that siiaple particular placo. here's a proof in your liiodel, jHost Pinis}v3d in Paris! Oh Joy, oh delij^htl Am I not nearly perfectior:- or quite ? tl '■'or your pert little misses Mew' York's pretty v/oll, V/here I v/ont lon;j ago to a schocl; T v/as taurjht how to v/rito, how to cypher and spell, \nd T locked all the time like a fool. I could punish my scales, I could sprawl throuijh a danc^ I could siiy^ with a horrible squeak. Tt 'Yas only 'mach later, on ,;;ettin?^ to France, That T learned vyhat is called la ;iuriuue . Finished in Parisl Oh, joy. Oh delij^htl \m I not nearly perfection or quite ? ITT I r era einber the days v/heii a mild little joke V/ould my sense of propriety vex; — \nd I blushed like a poppy v/henever I spoke To a soul of the opposite sex. I am fend of a Jest, ai 'J c^n make it myself — Mow the end of my trainin,'j is o'er; \iul my blushes are carefully placed on the shelf, To be v/orn, v?ry likely, no,. nor e. Finished in Paris! Oh Joy, Oh delight! \in 1 not nearly perfection or quite ^ 1 r> IV 'Tir> the quoon of all citiQS in Pro^roGS and \rt; 'Tig tho contre of laucic and nirth; 'iLv'ry trao-born \mGrican thinks in hie heart It' 3 a Paradise placeftupon earth. I', if anyoRo prer-ont is ea.-;or to find iMl the wondars that Paris can do, Or a sa.aplo of v/hat 3h 3 can f^vo to mankind. It is andor nose, XOySZ. y.9'^.g' Finished in ^arisl 0'-, ;jcy. Oh dDli-.-jhtl \.n T not noarly porfecticr: or quit 3 ? Faun '\t card^tablo L.) Callers durinj^ my absence, Mrs. Bald- Moadod-C-ijlo ai.'d her tv/o daughters. :iice 'tSirlc, mi so. uncul- tivated. They have never been to Paris, \h, the post-iaan has been here. A letter for me. The postman hasn't called before for six- months. Papa has had ^XL the staj^e-coachos rob- bed lately. It is very inconveniont. Pt^om the Marchioness of iielgravial the dearest and v/aruiest friend I had in t':uropo. Postmarked "Chicaj^o," ?^he is already in Vaerical (reads lat- ter, I "My darlin,^ ;.iarie Loui.':Te — Uy brother, the Earl of Kensington and myself — m-m-m The Earl has heard so much of you"fro:n me, he is impatient to make your acqu:aintance-m — m--!u-~m — m — m-- (Dulldort strolls in L, a, S.and dov/n They should be here by this' time, I — I v/ondor — Oh, papa, dearl Did you and brother arrange to rob the last stage-coacJ- the one that is coaini^ nov/? a c :• 1 IJulldo^. null-Puppi-?^ik-Um-^ah is now on a busip.esG tour; and ho v/ill probably tike that in. Oh, papa: The .Marchioness of Belgravia, who became my most intimate friend, during my recent visit to En^jland, on my re- turn from Pa-is, is undoubtedly in that coach, v/ith hor broth- er, the Earl of Kensington, v/ho is comin- here with the avow- ed purpose of offering me his hand. lJulldor{ That's awkward. I'J L;\na. I do wish tl^.at you and brothor v/onld [jivo up rita-^o- coach rob- birirf er-tirely, Tt ij> sue'-- ::i vulgar buninGnr.. Now sho'c ashamed of ay roij ilar businonsl Rcbbinc^ stage-coach- 92, vulnaril Faun You havo tc,kill poopio, ycu kiiov;, and that ic,'avs nioro or leSG do trop . ir^ i^ocd socisty. Do you think tliat IJul 1-Pupi- i- Sik-Ua-'-.ah may, perhaps, .-aako c:- ---c-'-^ • -• -= - ^^ror cf ^z-- ilarchicnosn and hor broth or ? juainess is busin^s^. ]'>ulldo,<^ Faun / T do. v/ish you v/ould rotiro, pap: ■lulldof^ :.Iy cliild — ^r-ravoly » ) Ycu :'c i^ot und;5rr.rtand th^ exi.jonci^s of my soaev/h it peculiar pociticn. T havi found it exceedintj- ly difficult to keep up the necess ry expenses of civilizaticjv oven under the fostering care of -.i paternal [;cver::.uer t, arid when on{ja;jed ii-; active businenr, purcuitr.. Faun *^urely, yc i have enourjh, uy '^^ther. ^Julldog The merest accident may at any moment deprive rae of the chief y source of iuy inco.iie — the blankets cf my absent tribe. T!ie [jov^rr^met' t .t V.'ash in- ton ra i '^h t aproii't an honer, t Indian \rjont. Faun .jut 1^ Guc'^, an accid9r:t probabl e. p nui.Tf'c^ Tt i^as never yet occurred. But v/e must be prepared for any ciaer'^-;er:cy v/hich an inscrutable ProvidoiiCe — T v/culd say, an inscr "it ''1 "> ,"rynr-T^ry-^r■.f — may ^>t.'- in r.tor!; for our rac":. Faun Of course T know nothing about businosr, ciatters, papa. ;3ut a gentleaan in 'lew York sccioty usually stops robbin^^ his neif*hbors, and retires froi businesr. entirely, as soon ax; the amount of his savings justifies him doinr* so. 17^ The v/arricr rJhief of the Plain v/ill v/alk it, tho footstepc of ^hrirtian (^ivilizaticn. T will stop robbiri;: sta,^3-coach-3G 'ifi'l killin,.^ their inaatoc,as scon ar. .jy ocnnciofica v;ill por- lit me to take that important stop. ( Tho boll on troo L. 1. C. rin;::; nuddanly viole; tly . ) Ka'Ui \nl (lookin/( I..) f^afe! Tt m tho Marchionoss, herself I (Kntor the :i::irchicr>ess of loln'- -^v-i-"^. rapidly v;ith outntretcho^l ar:aL3. L. 1, E.) I.Iy darli Marc'-'ioner.G T n 'IT nr,\ Fa ^ m :;arc)^ionor.s For.'fivo mo for not v/aitm-^ for t>^o sorv^ft t was so iiapatient tc aeot you affaitit Faun Don't inontion it, T an dolii^hted to ycu! (Thoy einbraco ai^d kiss 11^ Ijull^lon has movod tc T.. C. I^ntor tho l£arl of Konnln.iton. ^. 1. H. :Io is en lon-^ ulrlor, v/ith fur tippot and (-,^1ovog; crush hat,^lo oye~rflaGr,. He v/alkr it: v.-ry d-1 ibor-:.t oly ai:d stops L. f cin : ijul ' do,'j, and lookiniT :i t I"! i :n t h. r o u ; h h i-> o y o- ; ; 1 :'. n ::■ » Th o y face eacii othor, both joticnleGs; ono v/ith tho stolid ;jti'e of tho In- dian; the other v/ith tho quiet per- sistoi.ce of the Cnr-il' . ) "• Fa tin Tako off your thinrf-,, at once, \u-'usta. '.'arc)U(-r;os^-. Thank you, no, :ny dear. We'll cot sit dov.: • i.e ai ^- j^in;.,' on to ralircrria, ycu know, T just happenor in tc introduce 13 ray brother. Wo* 11 inako you a nico lotifi call oi: our v/ay back. Faun Out you'll bo so warm in the drawin;^ room with your cloak on. You must stay a little whilo, JiarchionQSc. Very y;o11, my lovo. Dut, roally, you munt excuse my trav- el linj^-dross, (Thro'.vinL: off opora clor^k and laca scarf, and disCovoriti'r: full v/hito ball-droGs; coiffour; ^lv/o1V6 p'itton kids; fan, ^c , 8:C.) ;,Q have Just had nino hundrod miles in the stage-coach ~- ovn^ th-T plainn — and it v/as vsry dusty. Faun Dcn*t apologize, my lovo. Now, my dear marchioness, you must tell me all the news froi.i Nev/ York and Europe. Is the Duch- ess of Monteagle v/^11 ? and Lady Peiiloy ? Of course you must have seen the last opera-bouffe --v/as it nici an-d wicked Hull dor: (\side) If I'm net introduced to this Enr^lishman dammed socn, it'll become Gmbarrassinrj. (He and the Earl continue to stare at each oth'3r quietly and -vithcut the ali,;jhtest motion on either si da, as before. You like it then, ( To Marchioness, referring to her own costume) Worth desir^ned it for me, at ray ov/n sUj^nestiotj; appropriate to an Indian maiden you know — yet something of dear old Paris about it. iiarch . Exquisitol it: perfect taste, my lovo. (Bull-doij still star in:: ^t the Earl, addressinij him in a few Indian [jrunts. Earl _ T bof? your pardon. (l3ulldor:l repeats the grunts ) Really — I — ah — pardon mo — but — T — ah — 19 Oh, papa! (Bulldo,-^ drav/s a lonn P'^f^i Ven takes ci[;--r frcn his gout''-; apd of- fors it to tho lilarl to siaoke* Tho Earl drav/G back, Gurprisod ai.d dis~ ^•listed , tun-in;; front. I3uIldos> starts back, drav/ir:;,' up indiigjantly thot:- [(ivoo a v/ar-v/hcop. ) ^'a.ur. I3alldor.T The palofaco rofusos to G.acka tho pipe of peace. Faun y doar papal ( Goir;;{ to him. Tho IgarchiCDoss ;ardG B-illdofj throur^^ri a pair of ff.old evQ--[{lasGos> ) i)Ulldor^. Tho ?.on of the Moon and the 5[av/k hasn't tha slightest objec- tion to digf^inij up the hatchet, if tho gentleman wishes his to» T always kojp one buried in the backyard — about six inches deep — for use in my diplomatic relations with the United States Goverriiaent. I arn perfectly ready to accomao- date cur guest. Faun Dsally, T hvpe ycu v/ill excuse my father. civilize' yet. lie hasn' t bo^n r;Ulldof; Civilization bo (Faun puts her h:Li:d over his .-go itlt) T am a gejitlenan of the old school. Faun It is my fault. T owe you all an apology. Mlo'V ne — ,jy father, Mr. Si tting-Down-Bulldog — her ladyship, the ;vi."irch ion- ess of Belgravii. (The Marchioness curtseys 1cm a r: d fori.ially. Bull^Iog re.uov.^s hin hat * . I . .... ' ■ > V and bows with, dignity ar. d gracoTT March. My brother — his lordshi'Fi the Earl cf Kensington — lin 20 ■:3uIldog — ;,iir;5 iilldOf^. ( MI bcw .7it^! formal dii^nitv. ) ery happy -- T — ah — assure yo-i, (Ho take;:; i hatKlsoaa aeorschaug cii^or holder froui a caso ii' hi'j> pocket. ) Por.nit ;.-]G. ( LxtondJL;.; h.iG ii-iLd. iJilldcj .jivo: -. hi:ii t'.Q ci,-^ar. Ho giiiGtly plac::3 it in the hold .r and drav/G i '.uff or two, J Thanks, Havana.. Bull don Rosa Honcha 'Colorado, nonii- ^cticut wrappers. ^ \3ide) Wo v/oro CD the vevifQ of another Indian war. ( Moud) I say -- Earl - (aiancini^ at the ;^aun who is a{;^ain chattirr' wit^": V^o March i ones r.i, and Pui.-chin ( the S'lrl undor the ribs. ) T s .y — Earl — (Poi!:ts over his sl^culdor, raises l-iJG 1Q(^ J^c. in tlvj *'\moroas--old-'ia an " ;G youiiij squav/I — eh -- koel do as T did v/ith her raother - ,jivo hor an Kn relish v/ur-danco. {V.Q acyes up sta;;9 and stirs kettlo) ^aun PardOD uc, your lordship — pray reiaove your ulster (<^h9 pulls !) ell -cord han[?ini^ fro.;, troe R, .3 ell heard loudly without t'^ar 1 Thank you. f ne:;icvii::^ ulsiier an-d furs, discov^r-- in;{ full evonm ■ dross-suit: v/}) i t o tie; w?^.ite kids; flcv/ers in otrt- ton-hole .^cc. ) Pardon ay travel lin^ suit. (The sorvur:t onters R. 1. E.and takc3D the Ear 1 ' s uls I or"-? ic. , hw^n:din;^ th^:ii ■■ on 3 tall t r e e R. 'Ch e iiarl stares at h i .i tHrc i,^h his Hi ass. He and the servant confront each other and stan d facG to face » The Earl 1 ooks the servant up and do v/n, struck 21 with the i'leti ti ty r th oir cofsturaes. ]fe locks at h is wh i t9 i; lOV'3 d ha.'idG; then at -liG '.V li • "ilV3l: at hici v/hitj n c !•: t le; .irr ■Ml dr.- ' h 1 ?. OUti as 'to doe:^ so. ITi (O -.orv I!: t i^iit atoG }i.i5 ..lOtiOL'S. T'-i h:arl fm ^Uy S t OP G Jiside ■a. I) d thj r. orva r:t ia CV 3 G nravoly L . 1 . b) . t '^ Kar I ' .?, ^y e:-> s t i 1 T or- h i .3 . ) Karl Tn spite cf the fact th i t I am an Enrtlish nobloaan, T — I a.a ah — coiivinC'5d, at last — th it -- ah — civilization crossed tho \tlantic Ocoan before T did. (Moves ^.} . Hull don (Lookiij,-^ into th d kottlo) Th a t * s a v/o ll-traii-od dO;^; he hasn't barlcod once siiics he was first bcilDd. I v/onder if *''•■■*" ^ ". : • • to stay to di*- -*'". (\t i'ianc wit^ March. loc!cin:: ovor laasic) -fero is one of yc'ir favorite selections. Ycu mast sin;;^ it for us. I will accompany you, and his lordship shall turn the rausic for us. Oertait.^^y — ;y .;L1 .-i3ans — Lu. " tppy, I assure you. ( r;ovj« in.^ foppishly and dancinr^. across) Particularly pleased, I assure ycu — dali,;hted to assist ycu at tho piano. ( ''.ovfir; 1 -I n d s ^rup xl; ] » Sh ■-? r o -, ; on -4 O 9,^o si ts at P iinc ^ I'e arran:! OS laus uC, X;ir: ; ov -i"* ]. or, srairk in;^' at:d C'-. UC :lin.-, in th ,1 usual fop pis: \ at tent iv 3 sty le. ^h runs ov er the koys Icc-kinr^ up it hiji sv/JotlyJ \h — Donizetti — ( Or othor Go.ipcnor soloct :;:.!) oxquisite touch, Aliss i'ulldofj — and fingers as exquisite as their touch. Faun \h — my lord! iiarl 'Pci: ny honor as an Iinf.lish r^obleraan, Mis': "MlidOij. ^fa-ha- he-hc! (Chucklii^:^ and bov/in^,^ over her; (Hayinr? be or watch in ■! th9:3 contomp- tuously; lacvin;: down L») That's v.'hat he calls an Enr^lish war-dance, T suppose, D-a-ia-n civilization . ( He crawls throif-jh entr-mce of Mi^isa L,C» and disayvpears. The Marchion- esG sin.^s.) Operatic •^Glocticn: Frenc;-, or T tali :n. (Th Fa Uli accc.ip aijioG, or app ea^c; to dc r^o, at piano, fl irtat ion bus in3G - bet'.*/ en her : md th e earl. T)^. e :,lar ch icn 2SL-; mover.:. frci fr n t a ^3 she sin '1 f^. , with riiusic in her haiid. Orchestral accorapanim^nt, ) Faun (\t end of selection risinr; ^r'-d .-icv- ina down to Mar c!i icn ess I^« 'iravol briviGSiiaal Your voice ic as delicious as ever, my ,..,., ■• ;T-,->N -1^^,23,3 ^ Yne upper re.jicter Id charaini^ly clear, j4arch • Thank you, my darlir.,^^. Do you keep in practice ? Faun Only so-so. It in do disccura[jin,i in ^.ur society here. The Pi-Utes are hardly beyond the tOui-toci; at:d oven the \pach9*s prefer a si:aple Enr^lish aelody to a classical sy;j- Phcny from l^eethoven. (March, cross 33 to R.C.J Old Italian Master -- (starin;^ throui-^h .':'lasn at one of the oil palntinr{s ) \h — Landseor — ( at another ) ^ir Joshua Reynolds — Lancther) IJy-the-bye, Mis" ".Vil 1 dorj -- ( looks at a plate on tre e) \h -- :iajolica (Mayclica) did my sister, the Marchicnos'.-;, tell you -- (his hand on a vase which han^is from tree) Limo^^e ( Loemozho) did she mention a little -jr ah — ir.cident -- that ' apponed to us on our way here ? TJi a -- ah - the stacje- coach was — ah - robbed -- you know. Faun Robbedl 23 Oh, yes -- T really fcr^jot to raotitic:: it F.arl All the rG3t cf tho pascenrjerc \/ero — ah — .aurdered, you know. Faun ( Vsido) They will disccv^^r ny father' r, basines:, -- and it is sc vulgar. March. In the first joy of meotin^ ay olf friend, the fact Lh it .all our fGllovz-pasr.onnorc woro kill id, and v/o or-ly oncapod by a lairaclo, quite Glipp>5d my mind, Ons of tho rjontloniGn v/hc acGault:?''' the stage-coach was just about to kill lae also, \7hen a youi},] liidi m Prir^co, v/ho r.'H^ned to be t'lo loador of tho party, roquostod hi.:i not to do sc, ^ Ro.uan tically ) We seoiaed to undorntand e.tch cthor'G thcu.;jht3 in l moacnt. ( Vsido) My brother! aun March . Forijiv? my blushes. [^aun ^he is it; love 'vith him J ?!arch \t lay particular request, the ycun.j Indim Prince consented to save :ny brother's life, also. Earl Y-G-s. lie v/as — ah -- particularly polite to both, of us. :3ut vP cannot remain lonn, Miss r5ulldc,j. Porrait ;ae to remark that a personal interview fully confirms my previous impres- sions. \s my sister intimated to ycu in her 1 ist letter, I dropred in merely to make yoi a proposal of marria;-^e» a an T am deeply ser^sible, mv lord, of the overwhelming honor thus extended by any l::n,ilish nobleman to an \meric:a-.> lady. ( De- mur el y ) Earl Y-e-s. Certainly. \llow me to offer you, ir. person, my heart and my estate. Pa an Bslievo rjel my lord, T havo ci trao v/oaar^'s nat iro -- I accent th 3": both. iLo-rl \lso, ray titlo. Faun I car- so far cvorcome my ;^^public?.ti projudices, my lord, as tc accopt that, alr»o. ( Lixt ondii';! hor handn. Orchoc-tra bg{{inc; ii:trc(iucticD. ?;v^ :::arl cros >o"- ~ii;(\ ':ir3noG h?r >).i.r-d.} Du'n: "}Ieurt, TIlL'J a[:d oGtats." (Original: M -nry r., Loi.O;) fe:^4ri \ c c o p t my vo v/ g , oii ch ari t i n ^^ i? i ^ ^- 1 l^Jelieve ae, T cm claim Tho noblo rank of t^ii relish Earl And our ancestral nane. Fa an Tc princely woalth ar^d -joandlo'jr, land 1 gladly link my fato: I ta!'3 your titlo, taKo year hai^d, Your heart ar^d your ©ntato. 'Refrain: lloth. \h, lovQ, younij Icvo, c :.n fool no foar, \:id nood r^ot doubtful v/.iit, V/hon lev or brir^^^js )^ir. lov^r doar \ title u)d est at G. TT Faun T Icve your wealth, T lovo your lands, Much ..lore T cannot Gay: Th'3 church at loact vfill Join o^ir h:ir:ds, Lot h oar t s bo v/h or o t h cy ..ray . Earl Tho placo of spcuGo, tho plac :. of v/ife, T aok you nov/ to fill: \r;d, if you fail to choor ny 11 fo, I'll s^olt for ono that v/ili. Refrairv: HQj.h \h , lovo, youn^^ love - ITT^ In England all. our peorn raay claia Tho ri^jht of i^ritish caste. Our lad ion fair adorn our ■.■h'5iy lovo ai '.y lonn bo past. Ccnxoiiior-t plaii — I frooly /aake Thir, vcv/, boforo v/o part; Your hand, your titlo I v/ill tako, Viid risl:, my lord, your hoart. Refrain: }lcth, \h, lovo — youiu^Xpve -- 3:c. dc ( \t th g ond of th e du 3t, the iiarl has hi S ar:ii about the waiGt of the Paun, an d h 'JT h 0'?- d r 9 3tn affoction- atoly OI; h i : J Ghou Idor A loud war- v/hoop v; i tho- It, R, Mi start.) That voicol \:y brother I Your brother ? 13ull-Puppi-'^i:' -U.u-^ah . .jarch I'ain U&rc Faun Ear-l 'here ic, Go^iethir^;^ fiilliar a;.)Out that voice. T.he v/ar-v/hcop aj^jain out R.TJ.E. It ffiUGt be he. March . •^aun You must really excuse ray brother, }]q_ is only half-civil- ized. ]{e accoiapanied Red ^loud to V/ashinif^ton a fev; years ai^o. or course he picked up a the way of civiliza- tion; but there isn't much tc learn, in that -direct lOri, a$f V/ashini^tcn, you kn^-W, even for a white man. on ( \ li o t ?V3 r v/ g r - v/)i o c P R.U.E. rralldon ro-appoara on all fcurc, ii, ontranc- ; of tci.'t, L» C. -i-nd rjivosa v/ar-v/hocp in roply.) F^iia Oh, papal March . Tt iG t'-'O Indian Pririco! Pe still - lay heart. Cjug ic 1: tro'Inctory tc foil ov/ i r; rJ sonr; • Old l]'illdo,j cr a>.vlG cut and da DC OG Tndi.irs fashion dovvf} t. ThG ^arl an d March ioiiO'' ; r otiro R, Dull lo; niv'irj u-otiv 3r v/hocr • It is answ-rod without by liul L-Puppi-; ^ik-Ui.i-^ah, ^-/hc- coiao G in u . V, E . , ■ ,-1 dancinr; dov/n i t bout sooir-i' ETTe hlarl and f'-e .'.iarch icnosr. ilo sin ;r,J ( Th i '^> s o n r{ i ^ s an , { v/ i t h w o r d s and business b^tw jen the stanzas as be-" 1 ow . Bull-Puppi-9ik~Um~^ah's ccstriiae is a mixture of a younr^ Fifth Wenue sv/oll's walk in r: suit. an-' the ccn- venticnal India n dr:-n s. \ noat- ly fitliiii-j sacq ao coa 1^ f '.'/ 1 L ' ', G L y~ lish scarf and latost cut of collar neat vosL. v/atc h .;nd iTuard. '.h^r^ h- ©Pons coat. \ doVjy hat, kid walk- ih:[ alovjz] a cane; ncld eyc- [5lasses o;- sin.i^ I 2 .;la c.g; a cinar. Hutton-hole bou quot. Einbroiderod Indian 1 on R in. is and b ead3d mocQasii-c. War paint on face. Smooth scalp with top-knot and f e Withers un- dor hat, to be seen afterwards. ) «The semi- Civilized .^well" (Original '^oni^) by Henry '^. Lei-ih. I. \ yo'Ui^'i serai-civilized savarje a;a I; •Vnd a host of advon tares T*vo '?ad, ■jy-'the~;;ye Sinco tho chiefs of our tribes — on diplotaacy bon t Tn a delsj-^ation tc 'VaGhiDijton v.'Ont. T v/ar. ar.xiouG to travel, and eager to learii, '^othat most of tho states I've oxplorod in thoir \nd T candidly think T may venture to say, That I've picked up a notio::- or t^/o 0[; ay v/ay. (Refrain) Yes, r>ull-Puppi-Sik-U:a-f^ah knoivs pretty v/ell That, if halfway a savage, he's halfway a c;/oll. f_^£oaks) Well, gav'ner, hov/'s your scalp, old laan. Fa .in, old girl; I've been out on a business tour, ( '^■in;T3» ) Yes, lJull-Puppi-.'^i!<-a:Q-Sah knowr pretty v/eil, That, if halfway a sava;^e, he'r halfway a swell. ^ Intorvil gu.xC. Tjull-Puppi dancer . Q-- steps P and L» March, ^ Th r o u/{ ' ' i n t o rva 1 ;a u 3 i c , ) It jnust be he! T do not recorj- t:izo tho drecn — but -- (Lookin;: at •'. im thrcu. h h'^r ;^lar. sen) possibly ho has changed it. That vcica -- t'at fac-:- — T cannot be raistakenl Earl (Lookln:; it hi::: through glasses) My - - b -" < ■ • - ■• r - i - 1 .1 >. / 1 TT \ v;igv/a:a is all vory pleasant, T kncv/ Tf its v;alls are adoriiod by the scalps of t^.e fee, ?^'till T fancy a fellCA' i:iore pleasantly lives. In th'j comfort a hour:e on Fi ft'-, \venue gives. *Tis a pleasure, perh'-Ps, to be all running loose, V/hon v^o'ro huntin.! the buffalo — tracking the :acose; Yet T seor,! to be quite as coiit-:n:t -.^nd at hoao, V/hen T'.n trot tin,,' my nag in tho Park of { Refrain ) Yes, ^]ull -Pupr>i-.<^i''-!J:n-?^ah kncus ,Sc, .^c. (Rpeaks) Well, old nan, T attended to that last bit of busi- ngs n — stage-coach. Five hundred brick si (llulldcg gives a rolling whcop. pull-Puppi does the sa:ne and sin:.,^s. ) 28 Yos, Dul I-Pupi:i-f^ik-Uia-*^ar! knowr? prc-tty ..:)1T, That, if halfway a savago, he's h;ilf'.vay a g'7 311. (Interval inisic, daiico or ntops) LHarl Charming yoani;^ ^o^l ]fe desorves a dinner in liOGtou — ') It cai>not be helped, Thoy will dir.cov^r my f a t 'i o r ' s b • 1 r> i r :• o v, v. I Bull Puppi (StoPPii',;! the danco: inusic co:ir,os.) I've made a vary ijood trip, r^'uv'r^or. Bulldc.^ My dear boy, I was afraid you had beoi; no^jlectinij your busi- n e s 3 on g i 'j orn e n t n . Bull-Puppi . Neglect iii-jj ? T knov/ cf liOthinr; in ray career as a ycun::( busi- nosn man, ray dear father, to justify you in a suGpicion of that nature, ?.ince you did mo t?io honor to take me in a:; a partner, I havo always made the interests of the firm lay first consideration, S. I), I3ulldofj -S r:on! Ycu laay rely upon t'".o proiaptnesrj and discretion of the junior p ?.rtner, undor all circ^JUTictances. ITT Th'? prairie Icokn all very well in its way, :Jut aj-^ainst Saratoga ther6c nothir:j to say; For the squaws of the white uian, it's protty v;ell known \re as nicely and properly dressed as cur ova^. We are happy, no doubt, ir:> our villa,'jes here, \nd the trees and the lak.?s to the red men are dear; But foi- fun and for frolic, for mischief and iiiirth, Doney Island is not quite a hell upon earth. ('Refrain ) YOUnr: ■>U11-PUTV i-q;] :r-rT,ri-.c;.;,^ knows " C . (SP.eakin:!) In the course cf the presor.. t transact icti, my dear f-jither ( w i pi i. , ; { j la s s e s viith silk h an dk or c)i i e f J wo fcmd it do* 20 sirable to kill six pasnen^^ars iDd the driver. (Btilldor; nives a v/hoop. f ollov/<3d by Hall--Piippi, v;hc siLr.{3.) Youn;: I3aIl-Puppi-?^i':-Un-*^.ah knov/r, protty v/ell, That, if h:ilfv/ay a savage, he'B halfway a swell. (Interval niasic. Dancinri or st<3p-« yiii-l up R. and L . Faun ( Throui^h intorv:! [nuGic) Oh I if fathor wire only a prof-3GC4- ion;il Lian — a lav/yer or a clergyman -- ;.]arch '.'/hat ,;^rac9j what an air: Ball-Puppi (^topping the danc?: music ct\3oz) Yes, guv'iicr, f Loc::i;j;^ at nct>3":)Cok) ^ix passsn^orn and a drivorJ. Bull do,' Did you 'jrinrj thoir scalps alon^, my boy ? Bui 1-PuPPi f^c.:ilp£5 V Pardon ra^a, father. Tho practice of dotachmg scalps fro;u the of thoir original proprietors — ( Trif- linrr v/it h v;atch :^uard) iv now considered vul2.:.r. Vulj^ar! nov/ he's at it. ^^calps — vulgar: Such refinoiaent, ?>^^ I ."I.- Pup Pi When I v/as in V/ashin;jton and New YorK, father, v/ith your es- teemed predec ?s3or -od <^lcud, I learned that it v/as quite possible to rob people, effectively and with hijhly com.:r2Ld- able thoroughness, -vithcut the slii-jhter.t interference v;ith their natural hair. You have not been civilized, father, to a certain extent, X '^ave. I spot.t tv/o Sunday afternoons on Fifth \ venue, T vfas enabled to study the customs and man- ners of civilized younj^ j-jentlemen -- passimi tc and froi church — many of them enr^aged during the week days, in our ov;n lino of business. I trust T b ive profited by my cbser- vaticns. TV \ clij'^t eccentricity r>Gems to iritrudo 1.U > ur v/;ayr> atid our habits, our contuuioG and food: '^.c T'vo carefully tric-d ir: V\iz> costuiao of mine, To lot Civilization and Mituro combine. In a aixturo of }jroadv;ay and national paint, I prer^ont an appearaiice 9ffectiv-> and quaint: \nd my garb is an oxcollent sample, I [niess Of ?. y< ma, semi-civilized savage's dross, ( Refrain) Cf^poakiij :■ ) !,V7--th 3-bye, father, I omitted to mention it be- f or ■:; -- T a:i in lev?. In love I J arch. (j;vtar'r^erir-fi and supported by the Earl) T n 1 ov e I nulldorr (?fe reives a '//ar-whoou. Bul'^-PuDPi Sd;^'3 and sin[js. ) i^or FiulI-Puppi-fNik-Um-^ah knows pretty oil. That if halfway asavas-^e, he's halfway a swell. (Tiitery.^l munic; darico or steps n , an d T. . } Faun ^Throur'h interva l inur.ic) Ucv: romantic! Jle fell in Icvo v/ith the 'larchicner^n, tec. ^•e loves atjothorl Uarch. Hull -Pup pi Yes, father, T aai in lovej BulldO)^ V/ith one of then damned \pacho '?ald-headed-eajle j^i^^^ ? Hull-Pup pi Vc ? Pi-L^tOG ? Builders Ijull-Puppi \'eit1)er tho i3ald-h3ad^d-liarjle3 -- nor yet Pi-Utos — Enj;;lir}h. (The March icnGsr, start:; uP) Tho l;?.dy doGcribod horcolT ac t'-^o .'iarchicriCGG of !>Gl[fravi:i. March. T. breathe ar^ain. Bull- Pup p i \ft3r vYo had icillcd th3 otiior pacsoKijorij, lay oy ?s foil upor: a lady in .i simple travel liri^^,' droLis, Sho was with her brother. I f-jll i:.' lov3 at chc.2 and iritroducud :aysolf, I told thorn that it v/as -Ait of the ordinary line of buainecG not to kill all the passengers; but if it ,iiade no particular difference to thora, T preferred to make an exception in their case. They assented to the proposition* Vs T before said, ray dear father, T am deeply, passi nately , in love, (Turning R. as he speaks the last aencence, he Gees the ".jarc hioness and starts bad: v; 1 th h i s h an d on h: r. h 3art% r.h '? aovec a step for~ ward, viiih he^^ hand on h :r heart.) March* That fcrral that voicel I reco^n^ized your vcicol Y/as differ Giit, but — dress UulT-Puppi T had on ray uusinesr. suit, v/hen \-:o last met% Possibl^P, how- ^v ?r . (Raisin.i his hat, and displayinfj bald scalp, top-knot and feathers ) iiarch \ - h I ( ydvancin.^ with outstretched Uull-Puppi 'ly ov;nJ (Receiving hor in his ar.ns) f Pulldo,^ [jiviG a v/hocp. ]]ull-Puppi sane. All sinj) Quintett e ■\h,null-Puppi-<^ik-iJm-^'ah' knows pretty ell, That, it halfway a sava^ie, he's halfway a swell. (Repeat) Ijull-Puppi (•Make yourS'3lf at ") \h , licw my arms are roiiiid your neck, M y !v3a r t is boat i i :• is h i ^h : Your ov/ri I fool upon my breast, By turns ycu laugh and cry, Yo'i pale and blush and pout ai.d nmile, 'Jut n^vo^ bid laii roJiia; You \'^•^i3''^Q^ low and gentle sij^h "Pray make yourself at hOine," barl ("Little ?v/o o th eart ) Little Sv/Oetheart co:ao and kisr> rae, Just once raoro before I go T-^^I Lie truly will you .ni33 .no, \s T v/andor to and fro ? :iarch. at:^d liull-Fupri (Refrain) "Pray laake yourself at homo, Pray laake yourself at hoine How 3v/eot to hoar those lovinij \7ords, Pray make yourself at home. Pa i.n and Sari (Refrain) Littl^ Oh t.,/my sv/G e th oar t , c ora e an d kiss la e , Come and v/hisper sv/Cot and lo\.'. That your heart v/ill sadly laisr. rae, is TV:\v:ind^r to and fro. You\ Faun, IDarl, ;.]archioness and Hull-Puppi, (Tn the Gloauiin^.) In the gloaminf^, oh, my darling. Or the brightest light of day In your absence — in your presence I; ore or there, be v/here you laay. :;y own hoart will turn v/ith Ionising In the evening or the day. T v/ill lovQ you, fondly, dearly, ]]e you noar or far av/ay. r a i> d P i n a 1 o. * Q,uintotte. - (Orijjinal; ITonry F.. Lei;;Mi) ; Very brif^ht air with "i',o" '< . ^J.rl , ^foro'-: it: Olid of jy iv^c^^lo ^.roujlos, ;• 'vo capturod a jg'/gI, 'tic plain. All the ploasurea of oarth zii\Q can doiblo, ■ And v/hisk av/ay half of itc; pain, '- Va'.ii:, I'vo appear'3d a bit flippant, it may be, ]";ut mean v/hen I sottle for life, J To be laeek as a mouse or a baby, \rKl make you a aodol ycunij v/ifo, ' •1 Q,uintettQ refrain* ] his arrance/uent is equal to choss-playin[;j quite j 'hero the v;hitos take the blacks and the blackr. take tlv;- white ; till a v/OLian and sister — a man and a brother — < .hate'er be the station, if* each to each other. ^ jall-P* Ti ,.]y v/;LyG have boon rather erratic, I'll soon make a^nends for the past. \ Ih a circle :acr ;• aristocratic, \ ■\ swell I shall grew very fast, j ; ar ch . The follies you mention, I'm s ir-^, dear, =< Were merely intended in sport < \L'd such habits you'll rapidly cure, dear ; ^rfheu once ycu're presented at ^ourt. ^ ^^efrain as before. ■; This arran^^ement is equal — ^^cc. .^cc. : (Then ,':Jo sa>... .-i: ^^ ^::Lo the Iridian re- t frain. Bulldorf with his toa-toa L. 4 The "Voices" now by ilall-Puppi and the Earl on stage instead of with- it, \11 dance, Dulldo;^ t|oes • 34 f fh 3 Poculiar Indian stop, with Bui '-Pupri al tor- bo i}dir:_r^ kr^eo. r;-itely daijcon to hi a in thic sava:-:Q style, thon tt the ..;.;rch iunec.r;, tun, in.: ho^- ig ;Tr-ico fully j-g a Fifth \venMo sv/oll C. Faun, R. do-i;s picturosqao attitadoG to Earl then sv/in'r{s with him in the maEr-or of :. socioty 'jolle,) C u, r tain. THE AMATEUR BENEFIT -^ ooo An Entertainment m Three Acts by Bronson Howard, ooo--- Ret First. T ff E /. T K U R R '^^ ^^ E 7 T T A :• m e n t 1 li Three Acts b y IJiJl. 1^. Leigh) Indian Princess Dance:-- "Lover's Duet — T.'^olected) Uocitations (Selected) "Rouveo and Juliet" — f^ong of the Stage Wanager" (Original Tenry .'^. Leigh) Quarrel Quintette — !«'inale. Act r>econdr — "Tho ''•'ar of the Tuning Fiends" (Original) •In her Brother's Dress" — (Oragjiial, ilenry S. Leigh) --• ?al- IftdffJ (.Selected ) Recit^.tj^n (Selected) Scnr^s of the Day — Medley! Finale — solos, duets and quartet t^.-- "Little Sweetheart" — "Pray make ./uurself at hoii.o" (He., ..--^rdt;) "in the Gloan'ing,* Act Third! — "Voicos of tho T?orest " — a To.'i-toii. •'Ihant. (Original) — 'Yar Dance!!! "i^inishod in Par] s" -- f Original Henry '-\ Leigh.) -- Ana — "( .qelectod) "Haart, Titlo and Estate" (Original Duet: Honry ^, Leigh) "The *^'6iiii- civilized Swell" (Original: Henry P-, Leigh) Grand ^j.nale — Ouin- totto — (Original: Heni7 ?^. Laigh, ) Characters, Cpiptain Harry Opdyke, U.S.A. i'n leavo and off f\uty The Rov.ErnQiit Duckworth, On duty without iiis leave. Vr. Booth i-'cC, "orrest. A > .;c..v. ....;;•... :..^,- lihiitly '^ treated. Fiss Kitty Plurupet, A burn actretjs, .vith a special y lino, and a nian at tho end of it vi^, ':;aii;illa "/estlako, The model young widov/ — born, like the poet — she can* t be ii";ado. Act First!-- Rehearsal at lloiiie. Act Second!-- Rshsarsal at tho '^heatre. Act Third! — The Per forrwanc e. Part ^''irst :s suppos'ad to have paj3od. Part r^econi. I^aan-of-the-Crl on, or The C i V i 1 i z d I n f\ i an, — -. — ooo A "^ o c i 3 t y Drama, ^it.ting-nov/n T3ulldog (Chief of the Sioux) Too old for civilization. The Earl of Kensington (The final product of .'Civilisation) Bull-Puppi-'^ik-Uiii-Sah, .S, n. Bulldog, Jr. fA seia- civilized svvoitl). War-cloud, f Civilized up to his chin.) Faun-of-the-Glon , '-'iss Varie Louiso bulldog, f I^'ully civilized — and a trifle rrore) The Marchioness of Belgravia, fA Plov/er of '/ivilizati on, ) J^ c e n e. The 9rawinjr;-room is supposed to open on one i:ido, to the sleeping apartrnontG of the Chief and hi;:, f airily , Upon the other side it opens to his kitchen and the great ./est; In ti.c distance, a viov/ of early ii^orning in Dakota during Octo- ber, In the forer' round it is the n:or>4h of June. Koto to T.J ana < \ oni o n 1 1 ~ -^ Harry Opdyk.3 or l^orrost .;ill pl^iy "Hulldoe" and "Bull-Puppi-Sik-Um-Sah" respeoti voly , as may be arranged by ra:inat:ensGn t , The linon in Act ;3n^. , paf-jo 0, are adaptable to either arrangeKont , The other characters, according to tho lines in previous act 3, viz: "The Earl" -- Eanest: "The Paun-of-the-Clen" — Kitty; Thy "Marchioness" Cair.illa: The part of "War- Cloud" is a silent onu, but ./i th a dance. It is to bo done by the silent servant of Act 1st, s t u in e s. Captain Harry Opdyke. Act n'irst:-- 1st Undress U. S. Officer's nniforn--. 2nd, Character — for PvOctt^i^«in, 3rd, Return to fi'irst. Act Second! — 1st, Gentleiiian' s easy afternoon ur morning 2nd, Character, for T?e.n tati^^n. 3rd, Return to First. Act Third;-- According to //hich of the char.~cters he plays in the burlesque. ^''or Hi t ting-r.)o.;n Bulldog, see pa^^e 4, act 3rd. n'or Pull- Puppi-Sik~Uir.-vSah, sec page 31, act 3rd. :ev. Ernest Ouckv/'ort|j, Act I^irst;-- Gen t loir. an ' s afternoon callinj^: costi'iT-e, ',vi th a slifjhtly clerical saiic^^^^^^n , or not. Act "Second, Ea^3y aft.;rnotjn oc i-orning. Act Third! — Knglish ."^.'/ell charucter: ulster, fur tip- pet and [gloves; crush hat on hoad: ul- ster -^rc, to be ren-oved, shov/inrr full gv^- ninij dress: hat crushed under an^i, &c. Booth McC Porrest, Ac t ^i r s t ; — I : o n 1 1 ei^an ' s a f t e i* no on •' a i ki nj/ ; ,j .. ,.. ^ , , trifle loud, but neat: close red wig. Act .'^^ooondl-- ^.asy r:":Orriint; or businei::ci. A(;t T}^iird: — Accoivlinj:: to v/hich of tho characters ho plays: in burlesque. ''Or "Sittin;:-Dov/n- Hulldog" SGo pa.'jo 4, Act 3rd. ^-'or "Bull" Puppi-Sik-Uin-Sah" see pa{:ie 3i, Act 3r^i. War- Cloud. Act Third: — ^eo papo 4, and alsu pafio 8, Act 3rd. Vi;iS Kitty Pluii.pot. Act 7irst.-- l:3t. Klogant indoors aftornoon costuine. 2rA, Indian Princess* s costume: very ornaniental and vory scant. 5^ee page 27 act 1st, Aftenvards with opera cloak thro./n about her »vaist as a skirt to con- ceal her legs, and forming part of cos- tuir, G. '^QO page 20, and also page 32 Act 1st, Act .'Second.-- Large ulster to feet: derby hat: oye- ;:,1 as s : c an e , ■^- c . s e '-i P ag a 7 , Act 2nd. Afterwards ulster thrown off, discovering clos:-;] y- f it ^ing ruJ"l*s v/alking dress. See page 11, Act 2nd. Act Third: — Indic^n Princoss costiuue: not that os Act 1st, but a ir.ixture of Indian maiden's and fashionable society dress, ^ee page 11 , ;.jt 3rd. Vrs, GaDiilla West lake. Act F'irst! — 1st, filegant indoors afternoon costume. ^nd, Pull 'ivoning ball toilet: light col- ored silk, satia or vt;lvet. Act second: — Handsome Lady' s walking dress. Act T]:ird. — "^ull ball toilot: s!Jto silk or satin. Lace soarj and opora cloak to thro.v off See pige 21, Act -3nd, Music and Spcciciltios. Aot First, 1 Page — f Selected) — 'louble-air Duet, Kitty and Gai.iilla, 2 Page 13 — f. Selected) — Opera - Prir^ia Donna "burlesque. Kit ty. 3 Pages 14,1'.;, 17 & 18f.S'l»t) Gems from the operas. Soioc. Camilla, v/ith Harry in a final Duet.) 4 Pace ;c52 — f On jjinal ,. Leigh) «The Jolly Young Parson" Song Ernest, v/itli Harry and Ca- milla in trio refrain and danc e, 5 Pages 27 to 29 Indian Princess*^ danCe. Kitty. 6 Page 34, f^olected) Lovers' Duet, Kit ty and Ernest, 7 Page 35 (Selected) Recitation, Harry. Pages 33 to 40 f Selected) Pecitationj ••Romeo and Juli^it" Harry and Kitty, with bus- iness v/ith Errjest and Ca- milla. 9 Pages 43 to 30 f Original , Leigh) «Song of the stage Mana- ger" Porro-it. 10 PagJ:: oO l-J to end of Act. Quarrel Quintette. All, Attei-'pted quintette, broken up by a quarrel a- rnong the levers, v/ith bus- iness and lines. See note, par,-i3 54, Act 13 1, lOC'^ Act Second. Pages 1 to 4 fOriji^inal) ••The War of the tuning Fiends." Song. Forrest, v.ith instrumental specialties by ov^l^es^^a. Pages 7 to 11, T Ori^iinal , Leigh) "In her brother's Dross" Sonn. Kitty, v/i th liuuij and danco by Uarry and Forrest, PiJit^e 17, ff^el acted) Ballad. CcUiiilla. Page 18, ^Selected) Recitation Harry Pag 03 27-28 (Selected) 5^on^;s of th3 Day. T'edley, All; with effort tc re- hearse quiiitette. Page 32 to end of act: "Little Sweetheart" fOrii^iual and selectodt "^ray make yourself at home" (new words) "In the Gloaming" f^Vords rearranged) ■Solos; Duet* Quartette. Harry, Ernest, Kitty and Camilla: f.ith lines and busi ne;-.s. ) Act Third, 1 PafjT'S 'i- t.o n f Original) "Voices of the Forrest* Indian Chant. Bulldog, .vith toiE-tom or- chestral effects, and voices of 'anci birds y.'ithont , 3 Page 10 Indian '^'ar 'ance. Bulldog and w^r-Cloud, 3 Page 15 f Original, Leigh) "Finished in Pctris" Song. Faun (Kitty) with dancG, 4 Page 20 (Selected) Aria — operatic. •'archioness fGainilla), 5 Page 28 (Original, Leigh) "Huart-. Titlo anr] Estate* Duo t . Faun and Earl, (Ernest. G Pago 31 ( Ori gi hal L-Ji-:h) "Th-.- ^.y.i- oivili ".u:i Swoll" Song, ^ull-Puppi-Sik-Ura-Sah, vath incid^jntal linv;ij «^c. by ill. 7 Pago 39, (Original, Leigh) Quintette: Grand Finale. All: v/i th dance. JOO" Act I, ooo- .Scon q;— r'Vs. WQstlak.3»s nrawinfi-roon) , iu-^~ hall back. Poor L, 3 h, ar^d also r.j if doslro d. ( ^jg I^arr.' s oxi t, pa.^e 3(). ) Album on tabl-^ L. Opera cloak (s)o pd;;js IG f^: 29) on chair a sofa T?: ^i^no np L. ^Vritinf^ desk R. against flcit. Lively rEusjc, Oiscovored; T'tl-.. Caialla r/ostlake and ■'iss ^'jMy Plur^pet. They aro moving R, and L. and up and stage, vigorour>ly, ^Ith play-book's in thoir hands, loarrjin,^; thair ro- spectivo parts. Thcjy arc tii: ti r^^vly* oblivious of oach othor, e^Idq qyov their //ords in the usual sin^-sinn style of tho loam or; olai-.cin:- at ■ their books nov/ and then. The cur- tain music continues li[;htly until further n^tico. rPa^jo G) Tho la- dies apeak through it. Th^j busines and vyords givon bel.>v/ in the doublo columns are to be sinml t^ineously . If on. J of the ladio;^ speaks onounh faster thar, the other to J^ake i t noces:-:a>-y , -jor-'s :ust bo put in ur taken out accordingly ^t rehearsal . It is irrpossi bio t.p ouaro thj... ex- actly in t!ie I.'^ss. At rlso or cur- tain the ladies are noyigq R, and t,. front: then a fu.y turns un and down P. and T,. then pass each other obli-;;uely fror: ppper corners to lovver corner:-:. The music should bo brisk, the actions, fTost^ires R-o spirited, without pause for « re- ception" applause. ""top the Laisic ,Yhen the curtain is v/ell up and the ladies begin to spoak.l * KittY . "Rehearsinp^ hor part as she moves ) A //ar dancel T arn asharn- ed of you! War-cloud — av/ay: I am astonished: Vy goiitle liiothor the wild flower of the Valley — your daughter is a Princess of hor tribe. The fi'jrce warrior of tie plc,ins — the son of the and its Uawk — av/ayl — away — away! That form: (Look In r out '?. ) ft is the E-.rl hi^^sclf, Canal la. f Rohearsin? hur Part as she moves) Vy doar V'arie Louise; ^^e are together again at last. Exquisite: in perfect taste, my love. Allow li-e — rr.^y brother, his lordship, the Rarl of Kensington. All our fellow-passengers were killed, Onowas about to l:ill i:.o, when a youn^^ Indian Prince — That voice! fjiistoninp; suddenly out J,.) Tt must bo he! T cannot be mis Lake, ! - Kitt> ( Down R, ) Let me soel The Karl v/ill be — there. GaLdlla f Down L ) The young Indian Prince vail be — there, (Both tako chairs. ) Kitty fPlacinp; her chair down R, ) That's the Earl of Kensinnton, Camilla fPlacinn hor chair L. ) That' s the Indian Prince. Kitty (Actinr to chair .vith business suited to v;-ords) The ?.'ar-- chionoss introduces me -~ that's it — lUs Lordsiiip, the Earl of Kensington ~- H'aun-of- the-Glon. She curtosys; he bows. (Tips the chair to make it bow.) Really, rry lord! yos, my l^rdl 1 havj a true woman's nature. Alas' 1 am only a poor simple Indian maiden — but you — rich — powerful — ni^^^^i Love, my lord? Love! Does the Kaun love the brook that brin;,s it coolinjj draught — dost say thcu loves b n e ? A-hl Camilla (Acting to chair with business suited to ./ords) Our eyes liiot ! we understood each other in a iroment . 'forgive my blush- es. You saved our lives — you! T do not recofinize the d^ess but that voiczj — thcit — that forLi — I cannot be de- ceived. You are the Prince! -vhat grace — what an air! The :i...Lj:" iiioro 1 see of Id m the more I loyo him. ?I{j iii in lovel Ah — 1 breathe anain: 'Vhat j oy is this that rraket; my heart boat faster? Kitty ( Readinp. ) "The Earl croasos to "C* f Naming letter) I v/on- dor .vhat that ifieuns? Ah, yea, 1 roifiOir-bor — it moans the :r.i(l- cae. Gamil la. ^Roaciinrr) "Thcj Indian Ponce mov 23 "R and L" I '/ondor whc^re f R. and L. "is ! Kitty (RoadinL: — puaalod) -R — U — E. » CaiLil la ( Reading ) «C — • D — F» Kitty The Earl goas buanoin^i around ai:iong the letters — -.vhy don't he say the whole alphabet and bo done with itl Whore is, the Earl ? CaiidJ la. f Roadin Q) "The Marc h ion wii^ falls into . ^.-^ Prince's ar»ns, " 1 0^1 and .r stand tiiat . anyway, Kitty f Roadinn ) "Tho Indian Princoss sinks back upon the Earl's bosoiL" I can do that « wherever he is! (Reads) "The Earl places his arit about her waist" I'll find hin;!, A-h, fPallini' back 0. front. Qqr.-Jlla 13 doing the rjaT.e. ) GaiTiil la. A— h! Kitty That's where my song is introduced, GaiLi] la The symphony for ir^y aria begins here. fThjy sink back ar^ainst oa ch other 0. Up to this point thoy hcive not shown the slifihtest realization of Il oach other* s presence. Thoy start up .yjtfi little s .3 reams , and sLi'Jdenly qq on with their part_i; rapidly arid siu^^^tjunt^ , rx.ovinc up and dovvn, kitty R aiid c^::illa L. ) Kitty The Earl of Kensington is on hi^s v/ay hore from Enbl""^ with hiij sister, the !^archionoss of Helgravia, The Kaun-of->ho Glen loves the Paleface hero. Her father i^ the son of the Woon and the Ha>vk. Cciiijilla. All our fellow- pas'sengers wore killed and \.'o only e.^oaped by a miracle. The assaulted the staoe-coach and woi-e Just about to kill me, also, — the leader of the party ciie^ked his up- raiSGd arm — we .vere saved 1 They cuiie down R. and L. sincin^:; a duet oo different airs. fjai^illa, a s lo./ sentiLiontal air: Kit tj . a very lively ai r ^ .ihieh •b^^''^ with the other and to saiie orciiostral accoinpaninient . Kitty dances to her song. CaiLJlla iroyeo gracefully with sent indent al f^esLures. The curtain giusic has continued lightly froiL the first and changes during the last few words above to the intro- duction for the accon paiiiri.v'^nt . \ • «D o u b 1 e - A i r Duet" Kitty and Gainilla. (Note : -- The only two airs the author happens to know which go together are "Home, Sweet Ilome" and an Entail sh .*^;c:iotti sche called "The National", A copy of this ,;i ll be found in the accompanying music at the beginning of this Act, ujarl-ed NO. 1, As ^Ilotue, sweet Homo* is so very hackneyed, ho./ev;r, it ..ill bu bet if the nusical conductor can select two other pieces of similarly different ch.aracters that will go together. The author will have words n!it to any airs chosen, if noceskiary , Ho woul-i hci,w<^ hcxd words put to the schuttischo nonti 0:1^*3 if he had bo en certain that it would be used. Of courso, the words m tiiis case dro of slight c on sj dera- tion at» their sense .vil 1 hardly bo distinguished. The contract of music and action iti depended un for a pretty effect as a finale of the opening scone. If the "National .^chotti sche" be used, the parts iDarkcd "A" and «B" 1^0 with the 1st and 2nd parts of "Poljg, .'^.veot Homo" respect ivoly , ) Kitty I sjian't sing that son at the perforii^ance. Call ilia 3 don't like nine either: but the prograiciiios are printed, -Kit ty Never n^ind the prograniriios. Kake one of the ^jentlcrr.on apolo- gize, Thcy's mistake us for professionals if sorro one didn't apologize tv.o or three tjnes during the evening. V/e' re Ama- teurs, Oariilla. Did I tell you? Mrs. Mortbank has sold tv/-'nty-fi vettckets rjhe went around t^ the gontleinen' s offices, Kitty Yes; she's real pretty, but Mrs. Brov/nloy is prettier: J^he' s sold forty tickets, I told V.r. Garncross he neod never to £peak to me again if he didn't taio fif'tein tickets, }\q took en , OaiiU 11 a ViV, Bates took ten fro'i ■ •.•^. T told h in^ the sarTiO thing. Kitty. Gentlei-nen always buy amateur benefit tickets. (Bell outside) ^he begins repeat- ing iier y^irt a,, ^:ith lines t'ror. above. A S'ji^'jr^t enters: gives a note to C an- i 1 1 a qi: d re ti r o s ; ^'^hil e Camilla is reading it, up L.O. Kitty v^ J i i is HQinR throuHh business yyith chair, dov;n R, as if ainkjnct into geiUluiiian* s ari..s, 8:q, OcUiiil la Ahf Kitty I '''r. l^ tzruaurioe i^ callj'i aw<^j ::>a4deDl^ go Mqv/ Yorh — by teler^raph. The Karl I My Earl! "liuportant bu^incssl Kitty Cair;illa That's the third chan^^o in my lov;3rs since wc began, "VhOi^a bosom am I going to fall on? — that's »Yhiit | v/ant to know. It's bad onoui^h to havo your lover . ri t es ) Pastor ^f the church, under the auspices of <,hich this ben of it is >jiven, Gairdlla Surely ho — a clergyman — lie .vill not take a part. Kitty f^till v/ritin^) Yes, he v/ill. I'll make hin:! lie's one of the Jolly sort, anyv/ay. Ho told mo once, if lie hadn't gone r a iut o the pulpit he* d hav^- -^n-^ ^n the stciga; and he didn't know in v.'hich callintf ho nlglit havo dono th^-* niOst good. Be- sides, wo' re ongagod to hi rnarriod, and ho can't htjip hii-solf! 'lanilla Can» t holp hiiiiself ? Kitty 1*11 '..■..^'. iiii.. ^.. A'O do tJ-ie {juntl.jii^oii ^— .. - .: - - — -to. Th^y can't help therrselves. I'll tell hirr; never to spoak to mo again unless ho doe;-, it. T :^hall insist on his bsing Dy lover on tho stage as woll as off. There. f^-hirls round in >;hj:ir: roaMs t'l. lott.-r .^'he hao ..ritLen ) "To the Reve- rend 5rn:3St Duvjkworth" It's a bisanjss n-att^r, so T'vo wrote it formal and business like, you kno./ — "To the Reverend Ernest Duckworth — my darling Erny — Dear '^ir — Ploaso ooir.o and soo mo at once. J ./ich to sreak you on sery im- portant business connectod with the interests of the parish. Very respectfully your obedient servant, witli d do^on v/aitn kisses, Katharine Plumpot — Kitty" '"herei doesn't that Soiffnd line a rej^ular business 1-tter ? fOro;^s^3; to Oaf^tilla. ) Caniilla. Ha! haj ha! ha! f Rin; Idj boll on table) A stri^nlj business letter. ( Enter servant) Kitty f Gi V i n.f ^ 10 1 1 or top gird 11a. ) T^y as.'iurnint: a business tone he will consider it in.portant. fr.ntor servant. ,\'ho reeoivos letter cind i I::- 1 rue ti jns fra" riair.illa: Kitty, rr.t'aii tii' o, [y^'itig tl.rcut:h bus- in. u;ii, ■.■•jt'noor ..jt'oDt .;^rd3^ c.s b fore. ) 1 can do that sinking on his bosom a groat deal bettor now I knov. jt*s going tu bo RiT^ost. I3ut .':on» t it bo jolly, la? Your real lover. Captain Harry Opdyko -- Gaiii lla Vy real lover ? Kitty I^arry is sure to propose to you before wo got t'u'ourors. Kit tv . The ccstuir^or's ? Is that all uhe sunt ? .ihe ^vas to send mo tho whole costume tins rroi-nmt!. I ./a;.: :;iiro y'^ ' >.'■ >^.i '' dis- appoint L.<:, f ^he tak'js box ^--a, and opons lottpr^ Gairdlla ( ^ At Piano) Tra-la-la-la 111- la f T r y 1 iVf\ a n o t he r op ^ r a t j c ai r , Kitty oundenl V r(iv33 a li t'l. oC i" •.}ari:. CaiDilla starts an d look s -ir oiin -^ ^t her. :■' itty ;:3V-^ a noth. or 1 jttlG 3^ /o aiii , hoi 'i nr; u u^- t N >j j'[ bv the stri nr. on ho r f in i\ *'- r, .. r ; rl «.• i.arf.orinp back as if Ocii.i il ^ con es down . Kitty The - the - costuLicr - (catching, hor breath) says - my- n;y ;vti rf> cw:-*nr-fi, as t'e Tndjo'i '^rincoss - is in that b.q ^F Tho entire — Gaitors and all! Ha-ha-ha- ha-ha- ha 1 Cairdlla Kitty C.^.F,. ) Ha-ha-ha-hal Imagine L.e droaticd in that: f Hoi -'in,: up box ) before an audionco, llai hal ho.1 a paj r of f^ditors and a bow u:id arrowi }Ta-ha-hjl And the Royorend L:r. Duchvrorth as the Earl! ![a-ha-hal Tf Ernest should ever see mo in it ev Jn by c^ccidend, ho couldn't .vrito a s innon for the next six weeks; }(a-ha-hai Tra-la-la! f Dances and 3in;s herself out,) R.l.^.. ) TNota: — Tf thought botter busines.., let Kit'.y, nntJ! pa^je 9, open box, instead of n.oroly h Idinfj it on her finger, and diiiplay tights, gaiter:. and ex t r eii.el y j hor t skirt.) Cat-j 11a, f Alone, as Kitty noes out.) Ha- ha- ha I -Vhat a nuisance th.)SO dresojs arol t.'y o./n oostuiiie should be hoiiio this inorriing, f Tiookin;; :^t opera cloak R. ) I hiirdly Uiink this op^ra cloak Y;ill ^-ha, 1 v/ondor how the fello,. -ill ^'o it: I dare say he is revolving some plan of ■ Men assault in his mind, 1 must be on uy guard — like a -d general. But v/hich of the operatic arias shall T sing JL. tliat scene? Let irie seo: "Traviata?" Oenis iroj. the Opera:-- ColmiIu, f F^ho sings the choicest soprano bi t frQtr> Traviata. ./ith orcho:-'tra, act- ing^' g s sh o si n gs ) Nol I'll not oinn that. « Rigol- ttC ? Lf^h-^' sin;::. siLMl£.rly frorr "Ri^-^clot t p) Nol 1 don't qint>3 like that either. "Nortra?" Tra-1 i-la-lal f S i n r. >s a f vj .V ba rs .•' i 1 1 i ^u t ore Iv-'- ::i t r a : s '. or) o fill ^1 (ie 1 1 1 v ct li if t. h 3 nki n [^ ) " ^avori t^:?" Tra-lcji-l.i- 1 a-I al fA I'o// u^-rs as ctbove) Lu^ire- tia Horciia?" Tra-l.^-l^-la! f /■ r-^v/ bL;rs of tho laufhir^^^ Sunp) NO' An — "Trovatorol " f ohe iiint-s fr-^i' "Trovat'or'j" ./ith oroiiOotra, c^nd -ith tho Ut-i u al son- tiK.ontal r:^j:^t'::- -s ar,d :r. JVV) '.,-;. ts of Leonora* ti part . T'arry Or-' dyko out .:-ro , at fJ, \ f roi;.: R, as i:i:iO : 1 3 sin^inf; the latt ;r part • He 2 rad- uallv ap;iroacho .; i\or. .'^ho, st ii i actin^^ the part of Looii .ra . sin '. v> baok as if into !:^iCr 1 V n'» 3 arm 3 » >{a r ry o a r c h « s h or. Sho £]t an d a ' iJl Hi th a lit. bio c ry , look. in- ov or her Go onl shou Idar) !{arry ff^ho -iv}>.; a c;jqu3ttiGh l^u^h ^\\d thy finish the oassare as a duet. ITotol-- Thj above s-jloction fro::. operas arc purely arbitrary, and n:aj bo variod, of course, as nianaf'er ox- conductor sees fit. Alter ^andl- la' H lafit spaoch above acc^rdintj to selections nade, Harry T aiT; here, youseo, ii:y dd_-.r "ra. ^"^TeiitlakG , half an hour before the tifiie for rehearsal, Gau.illa ore than niilitary proL.ptn .Jija. T oa;. o in time for a llttlo private rehear^sal on i:> o ,,n ac- count. A private rohjaj-sul? C an. ilia Ilarrv Of a boene that isn't in the prcgrairime. A little coK.edy v/ith t'.vo cijaracters, (3 u; ilia ( Aoido) He is goiui^, "^ pr^poael Harry I'll tell you the plot, A y-^un^ officer.-- Carr.jlla A youni.; officer ? The plot irj very interestinc , '^^ far, ^-'ariry Very, Hut the next tiiini is u.-ore interei-^inr otlll. A youn^; ./idcv — Dam ill a You con^-i'lor thdt n;Ore int orootin?: ? Harry I'.'uch -- to a young orfioor, Mo,,' for tho rjhoarsal. You are to bo tho young widow. Garni 11a A y-un^ v;idov/l — iioxghoi Of coursj it is o. pathetic part. r groppinp, ht^r hocxd and puttjnr^ ht^r hundk-^r chief to hor '^y^'*^') Harry 'ihe has boon a widov.^ four yearis, Daii'-illa OJil rRoiiiirvjher head a nd sruilin.r) 1 ra-ehbcn'; vou Eaid it v/as a ooiaody. Scovo, ")ra\Yinj.j- roo,'. of ':h itT y^ounf^- v/idow: Zritor }"^unn officer. Gairdlla I don»t know a lino of my part. Harry Evor} vord of it /.ill coii.^j; Lo j^ou aa vve go on, (Crosses to R. ) (Enter Rev. Ernest Duck.vortli CD. Tro)'! T?. H(i ;jtops up 0. SQein^^ theff- front. ) Harry Young offiijor spoaking a^^ ho antors — Ernost ( Asi cl e ) They are rehearsing, 1 will not interrupt then^. , f Sits) Gainilla Well ? Harry The — T -- the — the t'i rijt words have eseaped my ov;n ir>ind, I don't quite knov; how it dooi-; begin. Caaulla Nov/ that you remind me, perhaps 1 can help you. 1 rejnaii ber the piece. Harry ( Aside) ,'^ho» s played in it before. Cairdlla The younf^ officer is speaking to hiiriself as he enters. He is sayinc exactly v/hat he thinks — of the younn v/idow, JIarry Oh — yos — exactly. Oaixdlla Go en . Harry F^he is an an eel ! Oarnilla Oh, no; nothing of the k'ind. He is supposed to be a real lover, not a sham one -- paying pretty coirpliments. Ha r ry f^he i s a ./auan — Camilla That^-s better. Harry — whoir. onoo to t is to ad- re. Ooiiilla No — no — no.7 you aro in hoaven again; oome back to earlhl Harry You can ir.ako earth a heave u for i^e! fTo her directly and ogrnestly) Ernest ( Asi d e ) Vory good actor, Hurry ia. Theso military men al- ways are, Co on. That's not my ciio, Harry I love tho' y Jung wi'io^/ frar- the bottuL- of my hoart? That is ffi> cue. Why do^ji my hoart flutter so .vhen ho ap- proaches? Harry ( Ea/^erly ) Doos it really flatter — does it really flutter v;hcn i jon.e ear V la T 'bonder nov/ if the young officer really and truly dooa love li.e. " Harry Upon my soul he does! fSprin;-inp; to her ea^urly) He loves you devotedly, earnobtly, sincerely — ( ^oi zi uh ho r han d ) Mo man over loved a woman more d>ieply — n^iieelJ-nLl ) more pas- sionately — more — Eronet travel bravo! f01appin{2 his hands and rushing foi^ Y/ard. Harry :>tart^ back. E rnest nrasp:f. both hi^ hands, shakin;.-^ them enthusiastically, arid followinrj him up R. ) Magnificent, my dear Harx-y! you do it splendidly — splendid- ly I ny deay boy — splendidly! GalldlliX Ha- ha- ha- ha- ha- ha- ha ! Ernest So perfectly natural — wasn't he, Vrs. Westlake ? Gair.illa ( }]Q drops on p iano stool touchin^tho Perfectly natural: ]lL.-ho.-ha-ha! Ernost It was like a scene frorr. real life. }]Q drops keys lightly and carolossly ) . Camilla If Captain Opdyke doeti it naturally the next tiL;© \;o have a •private rehearsal" T shall almost believe it i^ a scene from fror; real life. Ha-ha-ha-hal Harry Laughin;;;^ at me!- ( Aai de) A man al/»'ays maizes a donkey of hin> self v.'hen ho proposes to a wanan. Ah, v/cll — T 'arfJ r^ay sho wouldn't accept hjrn if he didn't. Hhe vvouldnft think he meant it. Ern'ist . (^inyjnp^ t.'ie refrain to Ovvn ac- coL:T)anirr)-nt ) A\'d.y fro!. his church and a,va> froiL Jiis books, A young parson is not such a stain t a^ ho looks, "The Jolly young Parson: — Ernest. Song and Trio, (After the refrair., ErnjJt rises, coiLos down C and sinns the full " " _sont:^ .vith re.^'ilar orjhe:jtral accoE'-^ paniinent. The refrair: at the end _of each stani^a is re-: o.^ ted as a trio chorus >Yi th Harx-y and CaJ:-illa. They all fiance a.s the> sing, or dur- iii? iriterval rrusic. I, the first chorus CrrC'.'Jt tako^. Camilla daintily b> the finger-tips, t u r n i n p, ./ i, t h hor v/hilo Harry dances rouna t.hor n R <'; Tj. In the next ]!arry >.altzes \vith his"^ Q,ri. about CaJi-jlla, ErriO;..t dancinf^ around thori: to J?,^ L, So alternately ThJ idea of the aon^ and action should bo that of jollity, not fast- nosa, on the part of EriiO;:,t, ) The jolly Young Parson i? Original .Sono. 'Vords by Henry ^. Leif;:h. A Parson — a nico-lookinrj parison — an: 1, As religious as most of my noichbors; 1* d like to haar -Jiny one dare to -'eny That T stick like a brick to my labors. But thou[5hts, nov/ and then, that are x)lfjadant and [,'ay In the clerical boiiom will riso up; V(o can* t keep a sanctified visapt? all day, And be turning the .whites of our eyes up. Away from his church, and a.v"ay froiXi his books, A youn^ Person is r:ot such a Sctint as ho looks, (Tr io rjhorus ) Away fron") his church, etc, II. I never could think it excessively wror^g , To give v/ay to good spirits and laughter: I cannot believe that a dance or a song, Ts a crime to be punished hereartv,'r. In canting and whining', our days to employ, Ts a woaknesri as well as a folly , Our li^es v/ere not given to waste, but enjoy, f^o I mean that my own shall be jolly. Away froiii his ciiurch, and a//ay frou r:is books, A young Parson is not such a saint as ho looks. (Trio Chorus) r ''rtv.' ' i ;-; church, etc, TTI. It seec;s pretty rough upon clerical iLon To bo looked at as despex*ate sinne.s ['or playing a rubber of whist no^- and then Which ii: harrjless as eatin^i our dinners, ir billiards are v/icked arid cards are profane, A most horrible fate will befall me: I've played theni before, and shall play then, again; Mover rrdnd what the pious may call me. Away from his church and away from his books, A young Parson is not such a saint as he looks, f Trio Chorus. ) Away from his church, etc, IV. At private theatricals, amateur plays, T Would fain be a prorr^inont f:3atnro: But ah, how my vestry would frown v/ith amaze, At so riafjrantly wicked a creature, T*'p partial to pleasure, T candidly own; Thou^.^h ray flock very nau'^hty may term it. T don't iiiean to live in a cavern al-^ne, And exiist upon roots like a hernit, Av/ay from his church, and a.vay from his books, A youno Parson is not such a saint as he lo.ks, (Trio Chorus) Away fro^:; his church, etc, \ Ernest Those are my sentim.ents embalmed in verse and sot to music. Two hundred years ago I would have been hiong for them. But what is this "important but^inass connected with the interoi-st of my parish" — what on earth can Kitty Plumpot — charity or trouble in the vestry ? Oaiiiilla Ila-ha-ha-ha! An object of charity, certainly — A poor girl who lost Ernest Her parents V Qi^xmilla I o, her lovorl 'Vhethjr there will also be trouble in the Vestry, remains to be seen fUell outside ) But the lady niust Speak for h'3rsfe3jf, fF.nter eorvant with huge drpss-box as large as he cttn carry.) Ah, my costiuno as the "Marchioness of Belgravia" Harry I £ci to be the Indian Prince; Ac^ 1 to GiKbr^cQ all that in the love scene ? Camilla I will send you the box to practice on. If you v/jll excuse me, gentloiiion, 1 will try on my costume at once, Harry Oh — by- the- bye, you icno.v the sketch 1 a.\ t*^ do in "Part First" — 1 brought the costuiae with me. It's in the hall, Camilla Thomas, show Captain Opdj^kjj to tho blue r^oiu; and then take the costuiuo box Lo my apartment. Au rcvoir, J^,eiitlelijell. Au revoir. fExit servant C, D. to R, ) Both fSxit Caiiiilla CD. to l. Harry is going up. Ernest pinches him.) Ernest Harry, old boy, you pretended to make lovo to thdf widow raajg- nificentlyi you're an actor, Harry I'll do it still better the next time I "pretend" to make 1 ov e to h er . ( Exit CD, to P. ) P,rnest . l^e did it so well I almost thought he was in earnest, (Kitty's voice is heard v/ithout l (singing a bright air, !'usic ) Kitty I dear Kitty 1 alvrays singing or laughing! (Listens: the singing continues.) And yet so modest with it all, T aii' a luck> } oung dog of a parson. Kitty ./ill make a goud, bright, sv/eet, clergyman's wife. "Tiiipcrtant bat^iness coiinoct jd with tjie interests of the Parish" Kitt} (^nthout ) Oh -- Caiiillal Ha-ha- ha- (sin^s) Camilla — hi ha-ha! -w. f She comes bouncin^^ in L.3 E. in the Indian Pringpss* 3 costuiie. It is highly ornaniental v/ith ox t rem ply sh or t sk i r t : red In 1 J an- fl sh tip:ht-,: fruiters; feathers: bow and arrovvs, tea, She prc.tDo«6S in across stage v/ithout seeing^ Ernest • who starts and stares at hor. as- tonished, shocked and bovvildercd. She rattles on as if apoakinfy to Candllai but dancinp to and fro front, to iiusic: strikincr atti- tudes, dropping to one knee with tlie bent bov/, ■^••j. throv/infj ur her heels r.errily. ) The Indian Princess! Ha-ha-hal '^'ouldn' t the audience be astonished, Cai-illa ? Ila-ha- ha-ha! T/iss Katharine PluDipet ^ for this occasion onl^ , as t'.e i^aun-of- the-Glen! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Wouldn't the ucvorend Ernest Duckworth be shocked — i f he could only sec me in this ? ]!a- ha- hci- ha-ha! f "usic ) Indian Princess Dancel — Kitty. (Ernest regard,.; ^er with staring eyes an d g est u res , whi c h s hov/ hov/ as t on - isjied and chocked he is. Ho edges behind piano or other piece of fur- niture: dropping out of si^ht whou the mov omen t of Kitty's dan c e mak es it necessary so that she may not see him. He throws in remarks, as «A cl er;^yinan* s vvife! "Irriportant bus- iness!" "The interests of the Pai^ ish" as the ii^usic aljov/s. At last Kitty su'ldonly confronts him and screams vigorously, Sho trusn, quick as thought: snatches yp the opera-cloak R. ^. throvvs it about her waist and oyer her legs: and curls up on a sofa, Or in a > chair R bawling aloudblike a spoiled child. Covers her face v/ith her hands, Er- nest approaches her, ) Go Kitty av/ay , you n\ml Go a./ay , you r:;an , you! Ernest My doar Kitty — Kitty, Go av/ay , you nr^^^ ^^iily r^^an! T didn't know any body wa£> in the house but Camilla. I just put it on Tor run, 0-o-hI f Bawls ) Ernost Vy darling Kittyl T — T — confosi, I was a little startled, at first, but of c-v^urso it was only — Kitty 0-o-oh! Ernos t There, my pot — don't cry I fKneelinr at her side) Kitty 0-o-o-h! a^o places his ami about h'^r neck and brin::s hor head to his shoulder sn^ot heriny! hoc sob suddenly. ) Ernesto It was only a^n accident. fRjloas.^s her haad^ Kitty 0-o~o-o-hl ( }\e brings her head dov/n a^ain . her nriout!- i'V-^inst his shoulder, ehokinn h'3 r i Ti t. o s ud d eij ■;• i 1 en c e , as be fore , again re 1 e c^ s ^ -^ h > n* . ) fAnain ehokes 1:1^31', Releases her) f.Saiie business) ( 9.3iuQ ) fSaine; >:>:;e x-^ at labt silent.) Ernest There , riiy pot : f Tenderly, with his eheek afjainst hers^ I knov/ you didn't intend an> body but Vrs, Westlake to see you; nut really — I — 1 think — 1 t'^ink you looked very pretty- in the costume. 0-o-o-h! 0-0- hi 0-h! — Kltty (With a sudden srile, rai^;in^^ Jier head.) Yuu eally think I looked pretty in it. Oh, ^hat makes a difference V Ernest Ha-hal An-' you're not qu2 te eopry 1 saw you in it, aftor all? Kitty Yes, T aru, too. You great mean brute of a man, youl 0-o-o-o-h Ernest A-h! There! (The previous business repeated un~ ti I s h ar: ai n bee cir. as ci ui e t . ) You \,rote n-e that you v/ished to see il-b on important business" connected with the interests of the Parish, Ki'ty. Fitty Very ii::portLinl bu..ina:is, indeed. Ernest ? (T-;l:in{^'. liis urm frot:> ubout her neck, and ri:-anr. to turn aA'ay. ) Kitty O-o-o — ^ (He kneels again quickly, throvvs hi s arm about her neck and brinrrs her head to lii s shoulder. ) Ernest '"hat ,vas the inportant businoso you referred to ? Kitty I v.ant you to bo the Earl, Ernest The Earl? — I — Earl ? Kitty V-m. The l^arl* s my lover, in the play — for the Benefit, The other fellow has gone to New York. He's the third lOver T've had since we be^^an to rehearse. I'm tired of changing. A girl 'A ants scfTiO one in particular for a lover — even on the stage, 7 v/ant you • -> b" r^y lover in the play — :?' ' T v/ant you to stciV so. f Durinc this speech she loosen her be It and buo kles it ar-und the top of tl- .6 op or a Gl ^ak , iroUD'i } ,or vaist al so but t ons up the cluok i n f r .n t oyer hor 1j^-3> Ernest rises tliOUKhi full^ 1 >tfalkin^^ L. ) Ernest Really, Kitty, — T — T should be glad to oblige you — but — Kitjty But vv'hat ? Erne:.: t You l-jio.^' T haven't the{jhtost objection to — indedd, 1 oncouraf-o every kind of innocent aiiiusoinent ; 1 danco -- and play billiards — myself: but, roc*lly , the dignity of H'y — Kitty f.'^tartinr; up) Tf you can tidnk of anything more dionified than b^^ing iny lover, go and do it I (Vovin^ up stage angrily) The opera cloak '■)■-'■. furi'.s a haii ' ' ^i or. ; y sk i r t ,^QJiii-: W3 ■ h the roi^-amdor of the d re ^^ ^» in color, an d c oii.p 1 o t i n:f a ^ beautiful and {-{racoful co^tuii'o. It Just touches the sta.^o behind arid ^' air. til/ sl-o.ys the tops of t!:o ?!ai~ ' ters m f r...nt. ) Ernest But, riiy darling Kitty, 'Jonsidor iLy Vestry — Kitty (Turning sharply) Go and carry your vestryl E Hi est The congregation — jgtty ?/arry the vz-hole congretjati on I 0-o-o-o-hl fOorrinH do.Yn ^. >. Brne^:t run^ .o hoc puts his ari' abou^^ hor ij jck , ^-.nd chebks h^^n" sob on his shoulder as before. ) Erne at There — thorel novor irand the Vestry I Kitty And the cong — eong — coiigregatiun; Ernest 1*11 be your lover — on the stage or anywhere el ^j8. Kitty You — you will be the Earl ? Ernest I'll be the Earl. A- hi K X 1 1 y f^^milin^: and lookin;. upat }iin. lovo in^jly ) Em est But what a^T": 1 to say ? Kitty It's all down in the book: overy word — and all the letters^ too . V Erenst The let ters ? Kitty M-n:i That's f/her^^ you've got to go. R. •.. , and L, E, ; and G. ^, — and cverywhorcl I haven't the least idea where you'll have to go — but wherever you go, I* 11 go, Ernest My Ruth! f Affuctionatelv. ) Kitty f.LookinF: up sjfllinf^. on l-is shoulder) 'Vherever the book says (The Indian Princess :^i j.^ into the dgiT.^ oT the Earll — I'll bo there. Ernest A-hl KiU^ And we must smti a duet togethor. .^in^ a duet ? There's another one down in thu book, but perhaps the One ^-^e often sine together ^•.ill do. Lot's try it, no.v. Iiovers' Duet — ""elected, rAlternato verses froii: sentiiLontal ;our:r.s: lively OD'J Tor Kitt'y. The / sinp: t)ie refrain of each i:ion?- to- t^Hhor: alsu the f i i al Qitanza of one of then.. Action by b'-^th to suit v/ords. Dux^in;; tlie 1^j-jI r'^^rt of t:-.e duet, Harry rQ-entars ",.1. froi:'. R. in eharaeter costume for recitation, and v/i th suj table manner arid gi^t for it. He stops suddenly up ^. seeing Ernest and Ki'ty, at . _Qn d f d ue t , i n 1 ovi ng a 1 1 j t ut e , h-jr l.<)^.l on hi.:i shoulder and his ann about hor nock. Ho kisse:^i her. jlari'y claps iii.-^ hun-h-;, cries "braver an d li n r i uf. s for .\ a r d , s e 1 z i nf; li! r n e j ts i^giids. siiakinr: t,i-.c?ir) enthusiastically ' and folio, in;: hiii> up L. ) Harry MaBuif icent , my dear i^rnjat: you do it ^^nlendidly — splen- dioly, n,y dear boy — splcr^didlyl Kitty f R) Ha-ha-ha-h..-ha-hal .Harry F.Q perfectly natural, //usn't he Kitty ? Xitty It oanio just as natural as cuuld be, . }larry Ha-hu-hal Bag pardon the interruption: I was i)ooking f^r Camilla; 3ho has gone to try on her dress as t- j ''arc hi on ess aiid t ./ished to surprise hoc in it. Excuse h:o: ] * 11 be back in a ffioniont, to do one of my recitations for "Part ^irst" ""the Benefit. n*Qvinf: up) T inust do it all ovcx' c:f-ain, (Exit CD. to R. ) Ernest ( Asido) Vo liked the wa> I dii it, Kitty, f Oro.'^^sinrr r) Kitty So did T. You'll doffortiie Earl, T* 11 not havo to ^:;ot another lov^r. f'"^G-ent'3r Harry >. D. i coir, p.) Recitution — (Selected) — Harry, ( '''h^Ai he finishes the rocitabjon, Harry f.:u :3 out ejthor ■":,■), or R, 3 E. as r:v-y Vjj li.ost effectJve. Ernest . and Kitty applaud. Harry accepts the recall of the' audience ao if it ■ came fr^n: Erno;Jt and ICittv. buvinf: to tiier fjrst, then to the audjenco rle t h '-j n d i ■:. ^p poa rs . ) Harry Beware of lovers* vo«.v3 for they are false as oaths. Get thee to a nunnery -- no — Qol ^Exit , ) Ernest Harry missed his vocation when he \vont into the army in::tead of on the stage. Kitty No, he didn'f^^ When our officers aren't killing Indians they have to kill tiiue. n'lirtinj^, Firjht-ing and aicateur act- ing are all the}' havo to do. fpe-eiiter ^lar.illa CD. froi;; L, in full b^ll-ruOi.. t Pilot of brilliant G o 1 o r ;j . ) Ernest A transforrnati or. :^f.;!JOfi, Kitty Her Ladyship, the Varchioneijs of ^el^ravial c; an ill a Her Royal Hi.^hne-rs, the Indian Prineossi (They '^urtojy v ? ry 1 o./ to each other) Kitty Allow p:--' — h:i;s Li.'rdshjp, t'-? ^^n.rl of '■"'onsmot on, (^Tntroci'jclng Ernest: ■■o and OaJ'^iHa bo.v. uu t el 1 rv o the men ,/ore hec o ? ':;ai.:illa Th^i — J..on *? Oh! H^--hi;-ha-hc.-ha-ha — I soo. Kitty So did Ernest, Cc„i.:illa Ha-ha-ha-hal You tmst forgiv o me, Ki'-ty. T was so much in- terested in n^y o..'n costuiie that I quite forgot the eneii:y lay in anibush for the Indian Princess. Ha-ha-hal But it is ti'::e that Mr" ^ooth ^'oC, Porrest, the great tragedian, was h^i^^, Ernest The tragedian ? Kit ty nh , yes — he is playing at the theatre, you knov;, iio is a friend of Oaptain Op dyke, and the Captain has seoured his servues to rehearse us in t lie play. Oaiuilla He is to be here this ii.orning. Kitty I'n jus't dying to seu hin. off tiie stage, Ofci' ilia So ain 1, Ernest Youngit ladies are always "dyinj-" for something or other. But it doesn't affect the U'ur tali \jj lists, Kitty Here is his photograph f^it. h album L) in "Hcjrdet". 'fow ro- Hiantic he lou^b, GaiLilla Such eyes I fLo^kint: ov^r c^lbu.:.. ) Kitty L o n <; , d a rk , f 1 o a i n g 1 oc ks I Gai: il la 3ro is his P.OiiooI I'- 1 t tv Rich bro.m curls fallin}.' over hi t^ sli^uldersl Isn't he just lovelyl Wo saw him in Rotneo nijjnt before last, 0-h! that scone where Ron.eo and Juliet — fGobl^inues the sentence acoording to the scene soleotod f-^r folio. -inC rocitcition. ) Recitation -- ^Romeo and Juliet* Kitty aijd Harry. natty b 1 eg ins th scene •.vith Juliet Vi Ixnjs. liar ry r e- t)n t o i L'S as she 1 s spo^.k 11. ni. Ao S]-j 3 finifaJidS JUiJ 'Tt *s first s P'-J'^Ci! sii 'J b a y S ' "Th en nor..^j" ai. d is about to 50 on V /ith his part) Harry ( Intorrup tinn) I'll do Roiiieo ! f The^ rocite tj .j scene selected, no^^ in burlJsqa^J^ b'lt as prottilv as possible, until a r/Oint ■>.'hero T^.or^ }0 eiub races Juliet) Harx-y Then Roineo e!i; braces Juliet, Kit t> ( tjoldin^ of f ) Ko — 1 — ,ve ~- //e areii' t roh.earsing that ^ you know — and we aren't obliged to do it. Harry f Passing:: h-jr over to Ern-j^t) Yuu do the bUL;inos^i . Ern-st , and 1*11 say the linos. ( T hey p r Q c e q d wi t h the s a ^^ n e : K i t n j say i n;-^ t ho 1 j p .3 s of J u ] i e t an d (^t--. braciHf;, F.rnest, R. Harry rosp-^nd- inn to her, with Roinoo* a IJnoa and eix-braoin}--; '^cUiglla L. ) Candllal T^^rry I Harry fAftvir 7inal lin o apa rt to ^'■; arra 1 1 a , earn .-i-tlj : !do anr. stall about hpr v/aist ) naiiilla n'ill i'ou b^j — h-j v/ii'o 9 I — 1 — :'our — ? Harry G'^illa Harry l!y vdfu ? Gaii.illa 1 — 1 — do lot me go! yov. ^im cruiihin^j idgI Willi fherol 1 -- yes — 1 Harry (Aloud I as i f f-uvlnn stai'o diro^tion;^ ' Roi:;30 kiss'js Juliet. (Jeuian! he it. Jiuro! Oanij 11a. Show Vr. Forrest in, (Eait s/:;rvant) Kitty rorosGinr: '^:. ) I wondor if he looka likj his photograph, Isn't it sp Ion did, Oairjlla. Camilla HaiTjlct and Romeo in our very Hr awing- rooir! Kitty A r^al live actor! (The ladies are watching for his ap* peararjj ; ja^erly T.. Enter "'r. Booth Tr*cG. Forrest CD. from R, ife stops in door\vay a second. He is a dap -" per little man v/jth close-cropped, red wig: neatly and stylishly drassod, in sacque coat ^c. His manner quick, proupt and businoss- • like. The ladies start, smkin?? back in astonistoent as he appears in doov'ffay. He Uioves briskly down to Harry >/ho ipoets him up R. 0. and shakos h andfc> with sharp quick jnove- *' 'I " I ' I T i r I ' m ill > M l ment . ) Is th^t Romeo ? Kitty Hamlet! Camilla Kitty li on g , dark, f 1 ov/i n g 1 oc k s I Camilla Rich brov^/n curls fallinj-. over his sh^julders. }?a r ry Ladies, allov/ mo: >/r. Booth Vc C. Forrest, tho eiuinant trage- dian. The Reverend Ernest Duckworth. f Formal bows and curtesies from the ladaos and Ernest) 7<'q r r e s t Ladies; fNoddinR briijkly. IntrocJuco speech about church aiid stage) ¥r. Duckworth, what's the play ? fRoceivea book fraL Harry) Ah — "Paun-of- the-Glen"-- played old Indian Ohief in that ir.yseir fifteen years a.go, '^ho* s the Faun ? Kitty 1 — I*ni the ?'auri, i^iv» Porrest And you' re the l^avchioness ? The Earl ? Ernest I'm tho Earl. Forrest You're the young Indian Prince — and the old chief ? Harry He hasn't arrived yet. Forrest I'll give you his cues. We'll get tu bu^^mesis at .nco. f%ra- in-m-::.-!.:- i^ Reading and turninp; panes rapidly) -ffi-n;-Ri~ scene — forest — Indian -vigwam — rocks right and loft — set tree right centre -- Hvoves to and fro setting pieces of furniture fur scenery ^-g) The table will be the rock. That'll be a set tree ( rihair ) There' s another tree. (Placing piano stool. .So on with ^ different articles and pieces of fuHiiture as ir.ay be found Sffoctiyoj ThJ pianj //ill be the v/igwarij. Old indian chief discovered — in-m-ra-rL- long speech — Paun ready — (Kitty starts ) h.-m-r:-:..- "waters" Kitty H-w ? Others in succession Eh'!* what ? Ho,'/ ? Forrest Paun! — "of waters" Kitty . Eh? That. *t your cuq, "Father of water;:.-'' ( Aside) ^hQ wants rr.o to read her tha whole play for a cue, Camilla ^ Ap ct r t ) 'Vhat in a cue, Kitty ? Kitty ( Apart ) It's another of those letters Forrest Hovvever, I dv^re say you undoratand t-vj fir^t po.rt perfect ly. It'll be quite unnesessary to go through these simpler scenes. We'll coiiie at once to — (Tarnin/' P:i,'v3^)) Ah, here 3 t is -- Indian "^ar- whoop — livrn-in-Ci- all on stage — the two pairs of lovers are standing together right and left. Allow lEe, (He leads Oamjlla and Ernest R. and places '^arry and !'itty Tf. ) Now, ladies and gentleir*en, you vv'ill please take up the cue froLD — ah — ho re it is -~ v/ar.vhoop — f Gives a rolling whoop) *^on of the Voon ai:id tho I'av/k«» 1 beg your pi.rdoD, Exciise mo -— but — We — Really , vve — Kitty Erenst Harry Clai i 1 la K i t ty 'Ve four lovc;rs aren't fixod right. Forrest Eh? Oh — I beg your pardon, (The 1 1>'0 gentlerion cross R. and L, ) to "heir proper ladtes) Now, ladiOLj and gentlei^en — "T.'oon and the Ha.vkl " — business! Ernoat and harry Business ? Duub-show. ^e specially devoted to your r'3spective ladies, }^arrY and Ernest. Oh! Kitty They' i'^ both ou more and more every day, Kitty. porrest no. fPlacmr his hand on the shoi:ldor of R rn '-i .s t ^ ..ho starts r oun -i ■■ i t h ax. The Earl moyos up left. Ernest The — Ih^ — ::arl V Oh — aer^^. i.lj. f>!e 1 -i led UP a fe// steyjs L bv -^or- rost and loTt thorer) Fur root fTur} "l. and reading fi-oii- b^ok) "The Indian Prino,- walks up stage, stops ri^jht oeutrc and turn,, fr nt" '''ay T trouble you, "r. Op dyke ? fOpdyko is deep in flirtation .vith Daii.ill'-^ an'l pa>s no ctt^ntion what- ever. Forrest rooves to near hirr. apeak iriB to his back) The Prince walks up stago. Harry (To Cr.aailla) Upon ir-y word, I was n^'ver lEOre in earnest in my lifel You really _do love mo ? Porrest AllOiA' rr.G. (Placing his hand on I'^wij's ahoul- dar. ITo turn^ >sharulv with an "Eh") Tho Prinoo v/alks up stage -.arr/ The Pc — Prince ? Oh — certainly. K o r r o s t ( G) No-', ladies and gentl^iirGn, v/hilo the charactar.s are in this position — (Looking at book? Ernest returns to Kitty. Porost reads.) The ol I Indian Ohie-f ir.oving across to the Earl — (Voves L. to v/here Ernost should bo: sees iiin. d own v'i t h K i 1 1 v f r ^ n t . Ho liioves do'tvn to then:, ) You will par-.fon une — but — (Ernest i^^nora^ hji:. , in deep att^^n~ tion to Kitty) You k/ill par'ion me, I say — but vyh3 le the young Prince is up right centre and the l\!arohioness down ri^ht — it is positive- ly necessary fur the offoct of this scene, that — (Glancing aroiujci, as he speaks, sees Harry down ^'SOo to the others) The Earl, as 1 before reiijarked, L.u.^t positively be — 1 say, tlie Earl — must — be ( M^ attention. ]'o re-cross-os R. ) The young Prince — ( and x-e-crosses in v^n atteiiipts to p:Qt their att'jntion) the Earl — the Prince — the — the ( then , stopping C ) Ladies and gontloriien, it io absolutoly iroposGible for ii;e to proceed with this rehearsal, unless. -- I say — it is — it is — i say, ladies and gentloiiien, it is — 1 — it ----I say — it — it is — f Glances frorr. one couple to the othjr turns up C. Look::^ back. The two cou-los f^Q on chatting virrorousiy without the sli»^htest apparent kno.Yl edge or hi.s presence. Vc takes a chair and thujr. ps i t on the stane" "^' f 1 Our to attract t hei r a t to ri'.i w n . It has no effect. He finally dro^s upon piano stool: strik es a hoavy chord and runs over the keys. Th:n looks aroun I at then:. No effect. He breaks into g loud accui-ipaninignt of the followin.: son^ , and bej^jns sjnninp; it. Tne orchestra takes i^p the accoL rjc^nln.ent: Furr est mov..;^ down after c; T-jw bars and sinj, s the entire sonn« front . Sonj-j of thu Stage Manc.i^or." '''or rest. (Forrest speaks as below, betv/een the St an a a and the r'^'frajn: an<^ n'oyos T? .>nd L darinr: the interval niusic . tryinp to net the attention or the others in duoaJb show. Thro UHhout the en t iro sonp^ the tv^o coup 1 e s r on: ai n ent ire ly absorbs id in each other, no t nc >ticing him in ^n y v/ay whatever, j nor int errupting thoir dumb show flirtation for a ii^oinont. T h ■) 1 QU d era n cl j ol 1 1 .) r t he n: u s j c of the sonji, the bettor) ^ong of the stage Manager. Original by Henry 0, Leigh. Sharp, sharp, is th-' .--^rd; luc^k i-aive and jq oi.oady, Do just as 1 bid youj 'i;y n:erry icen all. Hurry up, and reiLcn.bor we've soun to bo ready So pray be alert at your manager's c,ai. For, dov;n to the footlights and np tu sky-borders All ov.'r the stage T.*rn buoaing our show, It is T who^oirmand it, it is 1 v/ho gives orders, And you that a bey then- eibv^ve and belo\\-. f Speaks, us if trying, to not their attention. R. c^. L. ) As I was roir.arkinn, liidies and gentleiren — the Indian Prince thG Earl — ni. ho — T — ( ^inrs rofram. ) It is I v/ho cornijiand it, It is T v/ho ai 7.^:^; ordorb, And you that obey their., above and belo.v, flnt'jrvc-l iiiusic. l^orrest rnoves H, a L« trying; tu S6c;nre their attontion in diHLb show.) IT Our scenes, I imagine, could scarcely be bettered, So neat is the touch, and so lively the tone. The artist by llature declinet; to be Tettered, But puts on the tints in a style of his own. Suppose that a cloud — by an accident merely — Should hook, feovv and then — to the branch of a tree Tho folks in the front will perceive pre i; by .jlearly the .fainter* 3 to blano — so it*s nothing to me . (Speaks R, and J., as before) It is absolutely impossible for liie yo proceed .vith this rehearsal, ladies and gentlemen, unless — T — 1 -- I assure you — the — ( Sjncs) The folks in tho fr-.^nt v/ill perceive pretty clearly Tne painter's to blame — so it*s nothint? to iv.e, (Interval i*iuc:.ji.;> :;ju.-.;in'^'s>j a.'j uj-'.-vo) ITT Our music 1-^ all very c ate hint: and clever! The brightest of player^,., the Xij_,htosL u i' air^ Just listen for once, and you'll wish theiri forever To soften y^ur t>orr'>>v/s and ban is 11 your cares. The piecolo, trumpet and violincello, Are all of thai, ready their strength to combine, You cannot, I think, be a v*-:ry good follow, Unless you adi;,it that our iiiusic is fine, ( Speaks) Have 1 succeeded in securing your attention — yet — ladici: and f^entlon;en ? ( Sin^js, ) You cannot, I think, be a very ^ood fellow, Unless you ad^it that cur music i^ fine. (Interval rousic. Rusincsj) I'LL fiiVG thai, a touch of tho strictly Is^ji tirnate. r Ho turns up 0. and comos dovm sud- donly. Richar^'i Tliiri biT^rinc3:i3) "A horsel a horsel my kingdom for a horsol ha-ha! fVory loudly, crouchin^j doz/n //ith cane rattlin^j on stago as a sword. g. front;' The otb/^gs starfe around and stare at hiin , in attjtudtss. Forrest rises v/ith his hands in his pockots and Koes un quietly) We v/ill proceed with the rt^jhocirsal, Harry Rehearsal ? Oh — yos, I forgot that. X ^'^•'^ ^'^ ^Q here, fGoinf.' to position ur- r, ) Ex-nest The rehearsal quite slipped iLy mind, 2.^''^^ "^ ^^^ ^P hero lUp L. ) Porrest (Taking- book fron. poetot ) The quintette at the end — Kitty Oh — yesi we've all practised that — except the Earl. Ernest I'll pick up the air as you i^o along, f Lookinr at bopk ) (Forrest str kes key-note on piano . Harry bo[^ins, Orchestia ) Harry ( ^in}\in--: ) If my vvays have been ratiier erratic, I'll soon make ain-ends for tho past. Oh — by the v/ay — f ■'^udrjerily stoppinp^. Orchostr^ also stops I forgot the letter. !^orro^t We ;_v^n'jrally cut i:nat , Harry . Oh — I've got it all written out. fTakinL^ letter fron- pock- et ) in a good bold hand, so that T.'rs, v/estlake can r«ad it, (HandinL' her the letter) The I'archionoss roads it just be- fore the quintette. Caniil la i Readinr; ) "My dear Harry** — (Uarrj and Kitty start) Harry Oh, that* 3 not the ri^^ht lottor. "Ky dear Harry — " That isn* t tho one I "Vy dear Harry — " That's the y/ruiir l:^ttor! Oarrilla Harry Camilla l^rry Ernest Tho v/r.>nji letter ? Camilla "I'y dear Harry — The slippers are all ready — » Kitty ( Start inr. ) "lippers! It's the one I_ wrote him ye-torday, Carrdlla "The slipporb are all ready j^n^. I hope they'll fit. Come around this evening. Ernest will not be here to-night. He coL'.os nearly every evening, and we may not [lave another chance to be alone, so that you can try the nev^ slippers on. Kitty" Kitty /To ^arry) Oh — you stupid! TIarry 1 gave it to her by mistake. f J'oveL-: up protesting, with her. Ca- la and Ernest dQv;n front, Ri ^- L. indignant . ) Ernest ( "Severely ) A_very great mistake I GaZLil la Undoubtedly a mistake. P^rrest LStrikinR keynote on piano) Ladies and gentlemen, the quin- tette. Finale of Act. (The orchesta strikes np and contin- ues through a 11 that folio. VS. The scene is an effort to rehears 9 the final quintette of act 3rd, inter- rup ted by the lovers* quarrel , whi ch has su ddenly Sprung up. For full words see fii lale of Act 3rd. Thft spoken words of this Scene must ex- ac tly fill up ti- le tiEue of the omi t- ted Words of the ; quintette; 1 ihe orche stra keeping on as ifthe singing were uninterrupted; and the next singer, in each case, join- ing in at the proper note . Drop the music to pp. during the spoken words, and retard a trifle.) Harry (Singing ) If my ways have been rather arratic 1*11 soon make amends for the past, C amilla To fill time for /And he just proposed to me. I stan* d next two lines \let him know I care for it. (Singing ) I've appeared a bit flippant, it rriay be, But I shan't when I'm settled for life. Ernest . {Kitty shall see that I'm indifferent. Forrest The quintette refrain, if you please. Quintette. This arrangement is equal to chess-playing quite, Where t:.e whites take the bl:: ^■'" and the blacks take the white. C ami 1 1 a ^Oh — I shall choko! Ernes t I — I — I shall certainly swearl To fill 3rd and 4th lines of refrain;The Earl. Forrest ■"i Ernest , Where the devil — fTurnin;^ paper) Kitty >hl ( SerearLing) Ernest (Singing from book) Here's an end of my bachelor troubles, I*ve captured a jewel, 'tis plain. Ernest A jewel! To fill next two lines. Camilla \ My bosom f riendl Kitty ^You donkey I (To Harry) Camil la ( Sin p. in g) The follies you mention, I'm sure, dear, Were merely intended in sport. Harry ^ (To K itty) Ho.v can we explain ? We can* t. To fill next two 1 i ne s . Kitty Ernest I* 11 not be the Earl! Camilla I'll give up the play! Quartette This arrangement is equal to chess playing quite, rhere the whites take the blacks and the blacks take the white .Xt63 Ibneiil moaod yM 1 ,-.i: •ad cfc . Quartette This arranj^^oiiitJDt is dqiial to G*hec;s-pldyiri{^ qujte, 'v^on the tfM-.t!»s take +1^-? blaoks and the blacks take tha whit Ernest Orchestra pauses. 1 darand an explanation, sir. f To Tfar^y 1 la I (To Kitty ) You 'iorrid thing! ritill a rt' and sister — a iircn -dnd a brother — V/hatoVcr bo t ho station — is each to eaoh other. Quarrol Tableau, n r t a 1 n. Note: ^4- Tho quintet to is sun^j in its entirety and CO r root I J at tho end cf the last act; and the abovo is intende^-J f^r a spooial of foot en- tirely difforont froir. its final rendorang, bat -ith the saiTe njusical air runnin;^ through it. As to tho spoken v/ords of tiie intervouing quai^ rel, hor.?, it, is impossible, of oouri^o, to in- sert thoir. accurately without the chosen music. If the music can bo sent to London the author will arrange them as nearly as p•os^Jible; though, in any case, they iLUSt bo finally ar- ranged at rehearsal. It will be noted that in the next act, also, there is another at- tempt to rehearse this quintette, though with a mere touch of the music and under different cirGUEi.Gtances. it aeeii.s wqII to bind the va- rious acts together musically, by some suoh slender Oc-rd as this recurrence of the sume air in one .va> or another i>n each act and Ltt the end, Th<3 air si.ould be original, if pos- sible, taking, and ;vi th a dashin;; niovement. THE AMATEUR BENEFIT, .000 An Entertainment m Three Acts, by y Bronson Howard. .000 Act Second. Act T T. 000 S c e i: 3 1 — C^hQ staH 9 of thQ Theatre as at a niorrirH rehearsal. 'Packs of sceng s. '''lats and yyinj^s asko^y. '^art of a balcony stardir^ against y/irn L. Another part of same af^ainst v/irg n . A fcreen bank .':. C. ^pp^ dan/Uin.^ over it from flies. A broken '-apital or a S3t rock, R. C. a set- v/indow" a[iainst-..-.7infJ up h, ■\ statue or ped- ostal. R. [jeaninr^ against or near \yin^T. All these pieces i*or practi- -jal use as r,er busineas. The !)ack wall of the stano as it really is; or covered in ')y tv/o flats of radical- ly different scenes. At riso of curtain^ Music. ) ^ n H . "The "'ar of the '^unir^' ^iends." '■'orref^t . f 'U3t':;before the curtain x-iges the ijusicxans bepin tuning: their intru •- monts vinor'.'usly , sei^arat ely ^ ir ro- tation; then on"? joins the other until t;-ey are all tunir^^ at once. The sounds harn-.oni:-;e for the iiost part, but a few coi.u.ical discords. The l3 dor novf .joins the tuning v^ith violin, and the air of t!-ie openirf^ son[i gradually j]iri-Hes froi.i the Musi- cal cha os. "^he sound of c>,.rpent er* s ' harirners in tine v/ith th:? orch--?strQ heard behind curtain. ^^^3 rises discoverini ^orr^iot , .rho sink's. A carpenter or his kne^s haJiiierin*^ 3 or a pi3C9 of scongry. ^ourd of arothQr* carpenter* 3 haninvjr v/ Tr t h.9 Rpfrair of tho followin^j song each instrumort niv^s a sharp^ sound as it is rainod, th? '^ir[j3r imi- tating the hiotior of playing it. Tr the interval r\us±o after each refrain one of the instr umer ts — viol in ^ flnte "c. — sustains the laelody, .rhile the oth?r irstruiMnts coi'aq in with ludicrous tuning sounds; but alwdys i n har rao n y , ex c e ijt n ow a r d t her: a comic discord. A final burst of ab- surd discord from all to v/-ind up the gong yyith. '''or rest fills the tinae of the interval music by moving about looking, at scenery and giving direc- tions. ) The '''ar of the Turing '^ierds. ^^rigiral ) T. (To ■■far pent er, ) That* 11 do for I'^^jt bale cry. ^V 11 not rsod this bark to-ni^i'ht, TqH' om to hcj.rd it up. ( Our p or t or a 1 1 at.; l"i '3 s t he har. ginij r o p 'j to 5^rogr bank, u, C. ard £sOQS out. '''orro3t« iiiQanti; 3« calls loudly U!) to tjallery. ) Oh — "ro-.7n! — put t ho palaco on tho aasol c.r:d touch it up ..ith gold. "'3 in-st use the back of tho orison — score for a tgardor. unock tho kitchor into u tjonso«»ratory ard sling ^ soa yioY/- on tho fjack of tho Gathedro,!. ( w oMes d ov/n 1 o ok i nt at his v;atch. ) Tor o'clock — tinio thosoaniatours wore hore. You'ro music's c^ll ri^^ht, T suppose. <'Vo loader, over tho foot li;;hts. ) ' lu 1 san c o , t h -^s o an;a t our s ! A r j .^y officer, war lu friond; — actors and array officers alv/ays cJ^a warm, personal frionds. Think t hoy can act — amatours alv;ays do. ( ■ 'a !' !*■'■ en ^er .3 su ddonly, "j. Toad first f ill* Qdtih Cx pj. 30 O of scenery, standing a i'/^ inst Y,'" ^-r^B t L, ^»o gathors hinsolf u £- ard sh. ..kr5 3 hi; tnds .,ith i^'orrestas Good . .or ring! if nothing Iv^d hapiJonod. ) Harry . "-''or rest. Pardon uo, but that is part of iwy balcony scene for ^'-oruoo and Juliet , to-ni^ht . Harry . Oh, is it? — sorry. Tf I'd knov;n that, I'd have coi.^j in soiie other .vay. You can disporao with tho rope ladder; cravvl throuijl^ ^nd climb up on tho other side. 'lore's tho nusic for ''iss Plunipet' s song in Part ^irst. fto loader) "Tn her brother's Dress" •' — 'uio' s f-^^ii^o to try :.t in this morninij. '^■'\q is m tho dressm^-r ooni no\Y. -y tho by I^orrost T' m a little nervous about that recitation of I'dno in Part 'irst. "^ill you be kind enouj^h to iiear lao throu^ih it before the others coiiia V 'oi'y est . ortainly, ijy boy, [-jO ahead. f "^its in oliair P^. ) HariX- "^orrest, hi/ dear boy, T have a special favor to ask. The 5 tiertlor;iun who wus to pl:.y tho old Trdiar Ohiof has had ar. acci- d©rit — Bot ir^irriad day bafore yostorday — b^ can' t play tho 0' !i i f part any laoro. Yoji havo no p3rrornianc-3 on ''•^ednosduy aft.-irr.oon — wiill you tak? the part, to oblige ? ^"e* 11 niako it all r i'jht at your b ere fit or ''Yiday, iiy boy. You said you played it Tifteer years ago -- and of course you krov; evey \7 or d . ^■^ or rest . fifteen years! — of course! — every line of it, Ho^eyn*, if it's all the same, TVll tijaoiianodate you ^yitn the ycurg In- dian Prince. That* s shorter by half. -tarry . ;iy ov;r part ^ .^ or rest . n^e* 11 talk it ovei- betv/aen ourselves, after rehearsal. iiarry Very v/ell, '"e' ll go on to day as usual^ ^'xitty's head sud^^enly annears thro i.:h a piece of si^qnery leaning against vrir.g, R. '^he screams. Ifar- ry holds the piece of scene ry to as- gigt her, 'for he:.d dis rippec^rs. ) ^orrast. That's the other part of iiy Juliet's balcony. — (Tp leader. ! Nice, cornijf or ti-ible people, these AmaJtj&urs! (I^nter 'rfeg; cigar in nQ ^f- schetum-holder; double eye-glass v;ith string, '^e. ) Kitty. (As she enters. ) 'Veil* T neve;" did see su(5h a place. I' ye been stumbling up-stairs and around corr'^rs, brick v/r.lls and beg^s, and ropes, and paint, and .i.11 kinds of rubbish, T never did get into such a place. Tov/ will t h i .^ do, Harry? Harry . Excellent! — Your "brother's Iress." Mlusio. ) ^ o r. ij. **Tr. h3r '-roth::;!'' s i^ross." Kitty , nUisir^ss« i^c. b(3t'.733r stanzas ^ ag bolo\Y- ) Jn her 'brother's Press Ori[^iral *=?ong by Tr sLicjh a h.urly suit as this -~ ^■'ith h<.t ard cano ard ^il-t^r clad, T think T dor' t look niuch, "l-f 3tyl3 , in, is far from bad, T lov3 to don th33'3 yo thful to^js; Tr fast T fre^^ly confess T f39l thg prirc3 of jovial dogs, ^'^h3r0* or T w^ar iwy brother* s dr 3S3» ^iy broth 3r * s dr -■ 3 3 , my br 1 h 3r' ? d r "? 3 s , "^hor* "^r T v/-9ar '■•:"■ '^r '-"t """-^r* <=? d^'is*:!. fTrtirval mu3i(3 Kitty renairg p-ir- fsctly ir.otionl33S, C* ^orr33t hu s h ■ 9S lat.isic. ) >4ay T nmko a sugn^stior, Miss Plumpet ? T -ras a 8or;.if? sir per mysalf, b3for3 T became a tragdian . Tt -rill add to tho 3f- i9ot, if you dance, durirg the rausic, b3tv/93n the stanzas. It* 3 th3 resijjlar "prof 33s i oral* v;ay. XittT . Oh, certainly. fThe interval music repeated . Kitty da nc es in very inircinL^ little s t ops , '.yithout movirc from her place 6 ^'"'orrost stares at h'3r fe^t. She re- peats refrain. ) TI Papa is ^ood, manu-ia is kind, ^^ut ko'^ps us very strict at home; Ard that' s the r-3asov we' re inclined •^ •:r,;«t irnes upon the sly to roam, A harmless little joke T love. And f 3el a bliss T cu,n* t express — A joy all earthly joys abo^/e, ''^^er. T cc^n v/ear my brof^^er's dr?<3S» My brother's dress, my brother's dress, T*^h9r T can vr^ox riy brother' s dress, (Interval rinsic. ^he ^anees in the same mincing ri^inner. )' " ^orrsst . ^ardor i-i cj-.:^uir. , ^'iss Pluiapet. fHushinf{ iiusic. ) Allov^ me. The professional manner is more inithis vmy , you \yill find the effect much better — a certain freedO} .i of r.iotion, so to speak ^Tnterval of Lv.isic a[,^ain. "^orre st dances vigorously, L^ throwing his leas v-iry hi^.'h. ) Certainly! — that vmy! ^arr-. ( Also dance? in tj^te same luarrer, H, Kitty stands 0. '/ithout dancing, star in,^ fro m one to the other.) Kitty. T'fell, if you think Miss Katoarine Plumpet is going to d^.nce in that stylo, in public, for the benefit of the Church Mis- sionary 5;ociety, you' re very much mistaken. (Rspeats Refrain. 4- Ill This Ulster c^ves n-e hu^e dolit^ht: This protty jane l gaily sv;ing. Vy hat 1 brush with all my mi^jht: Ahd think ny cullar';:^ (Uite the? thing. Oh, had 1 bo»3ii by oh.aiiC o a boy, Ivy lucky titars l*d ever blytJti, To irake my lifo a round of joy I might have kopt iry brother* a droas. T.'y brother* a dress, my brother* s drejs^ 1 might have Kept i'y brother's dtestu M'.itty daucos vory daintily an d ird ne- inf^ly , "J, . as before, ''arry ar, d Porrest dance viHonously ar-d w ith hi^/n ki f. V c- r? ^: .;L. he rep jats refrain, ) 'TV ^y only a.ii:. on earth woiUd be 1 to captivate the [gentle sex. Vy .vinnirg v.'ays , 1 clearly see, Their ^as and Vas ar.d Aunts would v -x. But T*rn a c^^^^ — ^ tender dove — And so I seo v/ith deep distress, My fate n^ust be to try and love ■-"-oine swain thatr^/earri a brci^-hor' s dress. A brother's dress, a brother* s dre^^^s , ,<^orr.e sYmin that '.years a brotiier*s dress. M'ittY throws off the ulster, disoov- orinf^ close] y-fittin a d .jaunty ^irl* s v/alkin{j dres, her '^erbv hat iri[;: ^ith it as V^ cos tuBie. r.rt of a feminirtg .:.d nanco'bythe three in au turng hizcl: » ) ''> tji:j //ay, huve you s^^eii Vrs, '"est- lako this ii.o ruing '^ Pputinrr. ) '''o , 1 haven't, Yoij, I did, v;e p^ssod each oth'jr un t;,e st,rcot. .She barely cjoi.; descended to bov/ to i: e, ^'arry, Ernest wouldn' t do us liiuch as that to rr.e, i e looked across the street, fThoy converse ^. ?. ) Forre .t . f At bcicK looking up L, ) I 3ay , Brownl — this window for Don Toasar de ^azan naeds a. touch of r.aint. Look out for that sl-y to-night, it oau^-ht on the cottage yesterday. Is the noon all r3;;:ht, no.v ? T' 11 come up ther*?. ( IDxit T,. U. E« ) )In convjrsaticn vd th harry down P....) Ernest didn't c^i-o for u.Q this i-or:-i.iG, an-i 1 don'" car(2 whether 1 over s^e hi'-'^ again or n t — after A'hat he said Alien he ^iaine to s .30 iro la:::t ni^,ht. I v/as t^oing to tell hin; all about that letter — and Hake up with him — and lot hin' kiss rne. '^at ho .vas so cross and he said such n;ean things — 1 wouldn't tell a single word. I'arry , 1 called u on Vrs, "''ostlake, last evening, to explain r.atters. But she v/as so exceedin{;,ay sarcastic and so very cold, if she wishes it that v/ay , of course she ^s quite at liberty to have it so — quitel I didn't atterpt to explain. Kitty. T--1 don't luve ^'rnest — a — ^k'fcnjnr ba-;k her — a bit, any 11. ore. The ideal — there 7 — 1 — "l .vas only jraking hin, a ru-iir of slippers to surprise hin on his birth- day, to-riiorrow, arid his boos fit your feet -- and T only • anted to try * .iin on ~- and he's Taking a!i 1 thiii fiiss about that letter, 1 wont explain a "hingi Me :nay get the rest of t: e gj rls in the >arish to enbroider h] i> slii-ers aft.:-r this — just as all unn":arried clergyn'on do, Mlalf sobbing. T — 1 woulin' "" go on ,/i th the play at all, only we've sold so i::ury tickets — urd vz-e' ve ;iot t h.3 rior^jy — ard — and the liotls tjunnibals do need it so iii'Kjh! f'Viping her eyes.) Neither would J, (.Qoir.n to hor consolirHl/. ) Only the most pressing necessity, or t '^a part of the cannibals in the Pacif- ic Ocean leads i-^e to go on \yith the rehiarsals. " othmg but a stern sense of duty — f Placing his arm aj o it her w^ist.V -Tarry. U^-^; (Resting her hand on his shoulder,) A sense of duty, !Tarry . ^'•^ith us military men, duty is the first consideration. ^^akin?^ one of "ior hands tender 1:; and pre'jsing hQV more closely.) Kitty. And T am a Sunday School teacher, you know. fhalf droppin g ner head on his shoulder. ) Harry. Nothing but a sense of duty could impel me to v/-aste ny time — (Tenderly ) and sacrifice my pleasure in this manner. riCitty looks up suddenl./; then at his arm about her waist.) i would say — T — that is — T me^n — speakir^j of the lit- tle cannibals — Kitty They do need our assistance so much. )Tarry. We' 11 go on .rith the good work — (Pressing h ^r hand more tenderly still. ) Kitty. '^oweyer disagreeable it may be to both oT us- ' Tarry. Tn spite of our aYirsicr to the task; v/e will go on. I'o yoi r;3Diamber, Kitty — (^'^alking down Pv. ^'^ith her. ) — ^''hen you and T v/31-3 children together. Kitty. Oh, yes, l^Q.vrf — before you went to ^'^est point. 'Tarry, W-i used to TTciiy. ir the fi^l^s to^ethar .' i AiLorr t.ha wil'is flrr-rs. And we ::ic>: d ittle carrioals — ^fac3 tc s^gdi'^ree, ) T isei-j blac'iberr ies — ';**" t'3 bush-s. ( Irnest e :-:ea is h^^ad first breakin g t-^irou'^h tn^ wirdo^, l^ejir;^ s^&irg ' wirg, jp I». Te gathers Hiraelf jp ^r i ccnes dcyr ?ith digrityrT Captiiir Opd/ke. Mr. Djcirjcrth, grr 33t. ^^ T> ^"^~- ?oyg with gtiff fcrnal-tr s.-- Its 'i. r. ^. ) rT:est Miss Pl'jrr3 3t. KittY. (Sc.rir^ fay-/.- h?r . ■ Mr I>jc>:3t>rth, Arrest • A trifle chillr this morrir . ^lezxr.^! ^ -side* ) I'll ser'! these slippers the lit t la Has Camilla — ^Aside. ) OaiLilla! rnest . •xl'.tV ffrrest lias ^ii's, ^estloke tirrired et '* V/> c^ -ugh: Co xr ^itlX, j"^? IS T did . eet her this ixi -rning. "^he told nie there was six hu: drod dollars' worth of tiokots sold already. Kitty . T wish the Mjssicnary "^^oci^ty ^.vould s^r.d y o . u out v/ith the r^o 5/. M3 ^ — with t h3 liioray They* d eat you! Jllrrefet . iHJL fTu rrirK up st ci|-{e pi 'orokod. i^rt Cil Oai:illa L. ii. f:. ler di ■ ^S5 , as Sh3 orters, bi •ushes dovrr the U9 and p^d?;3tal, wh ic h fall npor the Stci ;^e, shattei 'Qd. She comes ir wit j^re at dignity not paying the slii^ ht- 9St tit tortior to the ace id or t • Jl- sho'-^t of nvisic ir her hard. ) OaiMilla. Mr. Duckworth — fsmilirr;. ) you are here before me, after all Miss Plumpet. (coldly ?drawin;j up. ) (Jj, C. ) Mis. "^estlake. Kitty. ^""he..^ bo-^ with corstrair^d formality C Camilla. Captain Henry Opdyke has not arrived yet ? Srnj33t . Captain <'>pdyke left Miss T^lumet * s side a fev/- lainutes at^o- r?^ovin;: to ^. C. ) Gairdlla. Indeed ? '^? is tryirjj on hi'j si i orders, perhaps. (Aside. ) Oh, the spiteful thin^ ! :^rn3st . Which way do you go after th.3 rehiarsal, V.vs, ^''estlake '^ (^'^ith attentiYo i;arnex'.) T sh^.ll be happy to accor.pany you. (^lirta'sion in duir.b-show H, c. ) Kitty T v/ish T w^re a carr.ibd, nr/j-lf! T» i :..t ♦ ^m both! f^'-.^ si fe or the ^r<^9r bank L, C. ) ^:rr^st shar' t b-3 my lovar in the plc^y. T' ■.^? he.' J thri3 before him — and T» n <^r^t Ltr other, Camilla, f To ^rr 3st. ) Tinr.iodiat oly uTtir ^ho rehearsal ther, '•^hil3 v/9 ar^ vA-iting» T v/ill try i:iy yoi<3 ; in t ho theatre! my ballad ir Pa]'t f^irst. ( ■ i V i n^ down ("/. "^ron t . ^ h -> ^lar d s h ar i.ii.isio to t, h 1 1^ cul^-r 0"/ n ! ^. 3 fcO ^ — lights. .vit h a smil 0. Th3 load 3r r'3<3 iivis it ■. /It '"N M rod. i.rd S '3t S it ir. his nusic rack. ) '!u3i(3 '^cillad. • "Jullad. '^^l^ot?d. (\:'^r the ballad. Cc^hdlla r.iQV3n uv, to ??rr.i3t. ) Kitt^. ^ ^till on bc^nk. ) U» m! "^lirtinj tc^.. : ■: .: ^^b.xr, j ist to tease i.^e! "'n-i^r 'darry comes back, v/e* 11 show ' 3m! ^''rrost shov.'S Ounillo, out, uj '^. with marlod attention.) > ./ouldr* t b3 a cler^jyiaar' s .iTe, ar.ywuy, T don't cler- gy m3r. T n3Y3i- did# T hat g, * em. (Ro-3r.t9r Harry ^ ir character cos- tumo, ."-. 'vitty contir-uos to sit nout- ir^ bark. ) '"*.9Cxti,tior. fS'-^lectod. ) ^gxit Harry R. ) If tha -•?r3r 3nd "!rr'3st D-.ic -cv/or th ev-^r says another ov/rd to i:<3 , (■^Utho'it -j. ) '\^-dl ap! 'orr 3st . C^'i3 ^roen bar: : is suddenly hoisted to th3 riio.s. •Utty s. /•liTest . y darlir.g Kitty! f^h? is on her foot quickly and draws h^rsoir up. r^a.r!ill& r^'^-ert^rs up liil Thank you, '^^- Puckv/orth, T do not ria"^d /our a.ssistar.0f3 ir t]\,^. f^h9 ':0333J h3r ''^^H.^^ ^rd v/;-.Vrr? to H. G. \Yhvi--3 she sits, v/ith ar air , uj^or: t'--^ broh^r ccipit.^I or 3 :^t rook. Tt cr'.iaii:;:i b^r. eut. h ■.'3r weight j-rd ,--. -5 .■; ,•; ,a ' 1 ;T. u p r ti\'3 St.. ;^^^ _V ■ . Uv X i ■ .iitih anot'V^r s«reuia, di'rest iiolps h^i* up. t r you! '\ i 1 1 ■/ . If irdi-in ;:;-r.t ard half crying^ ) '>o a^./ay, you uBan thir.g rstainpi-PH hei' fooo ard Roirn '-«« ••-I'V.e^ Dpygs to Cauilla, Fv. a lit'le busi^ r'333 tjet.Y'^^'jn -rr^st and Kitty across stcve h3 flirti::g v/ith ^ 'arulla! aiha poutir.^^. ) Kit ty . -1! Thr3y iiicty say v/'^at they please agai-st th^ canribals, but T dor.' t blam^ 'em for 3atir.ii cl3rgyingr a bit. I'm gittirg oyjiiiry.* My^3ir! ^'?^-?rt-r '-un-y L. U. 'Z. ) Urs, "sstlake. (Coldly, ) 'lL-.rr_2_; ^(^Oldl -. ) '^c-utuin O^jdyke. Tf !'iss T^l^u-p-^t am v.-;nrr;';lf are r-^aiy to go vvith tho rah^ai'sal -- Harry You ar.d ]\t. Iiuck.rorth ar.3 also raa'.Jy. ''e vrill procB^d. fGro33irr; to Kitty. ) You are looking 73ry chariiiirg this afternoon, 'M33 ;titty. ixltt f^part.) That's I'lB^t, k--?: it up! ''^\3 lov3 to luel Oh , y ou r lat I er er ! ^lirtatior ir ri.uiiib-show- ) ■uiri-y. fAsidg. ) Confound hiia! he is puyir{i hor cornv.l imontc. f^o Kitty. Aloud. ) T nover saw yoii loo';i prettior, Miss Kit ty. ^^ ,A.pb.rt to h'iv . ) ''ta ij it » you say s iethirij too. Kitty. f Apurt , ) T can* t, T* n too mad. lLlT33t. (To CariiLilla. ) May T call 'Lhis rr ' ? Harry. Call! a pastoral visit T suppose. (Kitty pinches him hard in t ho Liri:i; ig .starts tound m pain.) Kit ty . Go on niakirg love to rr:e^ you stupid! Harry . A part. R'jbbin,j; his aruu ) lovr the devil can T niake love to you, if you pitch iia like that ? Kitty. (Apart ) Say something swe^t to 1:^3, you donkey! Camilla. (To !^.rnest. ) T shall be expeotinK you this evening. ■iarry . '■'ill you b3 cit hOi.3 ttus 3Y-ir.xv.g^ r.liss Ax.^-y v (Siiiiling with an effort still rub- bjng i'\i3 ari-i.T Y3S, T v/ill. fanappingly. ) Conie early and st.-y late; and I hope we shan' t be inlerrupt,o.d. (Si[jnificantly , glancing across. ) Ernest . (To Gaiiiiulla. ) Half-past seven than. T shull be there Tf T soe hir. Lioir^ in thc*t dir^cnior, T' ii knock tho ch irch nilitart into the iuddl3 o? next -.vo-3' • f^'3--nt.3r '^orrest, briskly. L. ]L> ?. . '''orr33t . (as hj 3nt: ^'3.4 "^li^ reh jursal, la^Uis and 'i^nt,! ;^i!.^3r. '^ >'^ .itL>/33 at tho cru3ir3d 'Capital; thon at th^ brogcen s t at 1/3; ther. at th.3 iiiaces of sjonary a.rd the wirdo rnoYir:: about briskly as ho dO'Ss so» Calls UP to th3 ;;cJ.lQry, up ctg^e. ) T say, Hrc-.vr! paint now scsr-jry for av 3ry pieco T do v/-hil'i t h ^is 3 aiiia t 3 ur s ar 3 re hear s 1 n ,^ . fT'-r^r r^laasartly coiiiArg dowr. C. v^^ith book in his hard. ) .All ready, iL-dios am ;f^-^rtlomQr W3 vz-ill procoed with the rc^h^arsql. ^T,.. rr-. P'all ir! Riijht dross i -ourt. off by Tours. Iorr3^. T beg you pardon, those are not strictly i;rof essional tarhis. Harry . Pro , — Oh, very v;ell. ''reak ranks! You' re in cora;.and. Give your O'.m oiMers. ^'i'he follcyin;; ^^usiness slvould be V 3 r y i • c. p i d , an d 1 uay , if d 33 i i' a b 1 e , b e elaborated at rahec-rsal. 1 T^orr \7t. (Loo'-in:: at book. ) The ^auti-of-t he-^-len, left. ^KTtty .'/alks briskly across to ex- tr 3;..o ri;^ht . ) i'xcuse nie. '^hat side is left. Cpointin^^O- Kitty . ^^'^' ( "^hi ].L.,:-Gh33 strai^^iit across; stops.) ^ or rest . That's it — "c un-of-the-Gi^n, dov/r Ijft. Q.i-L, ■.opa to one nee or sitting.) The '?arl at rijjht upper cojT-er. f i^'nest v/andars about up stage* ) 17 The T-^aruhioness — ri^^ht, if /o.i plpj&se. '■'ii.iir.ri th'3 aurliBnco. li:y'?s frort! ( iQ strolls to R. C. ) '^orr-33t . Thi .ikivl — I 'u3g your put' dor sir; you aro now in tho Left uppar cor r or. i^rrost • Aj- or -• ^st ■"•' lli-iUiL upper corror,if you plo..3e (i^rrest crosses ': o ^^. at b:i3k, stnub- lir.o ov?v jcii.otx^ir [,', ) ('rourd Arms! i<..ri'y •'err est . K'5ep your ey^s out of tho flios sir, '''he P-url cro^sses st. ^g as ho ^rtars to oxtrsme left. C?^rrest -.Tc-.lks str^^i^^ht facrosF sta^;a to L, At b.^ok: ^urrs ghurn angle c.r.d ccr.Gs do\/r .b. ) iiurr 'il3 ri-ht! lUilt! Wr f rilW I-*ardon ;.iq; Mr. Duckv/orth, '^'aq :*!arl rnoyes dir ^otly dovm from ri[5ht upper corner to extreme left front. ■J 3ft oblxqu3l I'O'vn 3l-!.nting. ^u>r:y ■•u—iilla »h — T .3 3 — aoro33 t!^:3 iniiLle aisle. Oon.e do\/n bias. ■if ''' Caurt-ir-maroh to th.^ rif^ht ard try it acw,in. P or rest . Thfcit \/iIl do fcr th-3 pr3S3rt. '^I'^o Tr lu.r ^^rirco — Uarrj . '«^r 3 ! (Drav/in;* ur) \yith a stc^rt.) . A 1 1 'jrt i or ! ' '"'rossntir. , cane as s\yQrd. ) '''orr^st . ^^tarding, if /ou please, ''is.'ri f^lur:ip?t. Kitty. You said T v/as "dov/T l'?ft" friRin;{. ) '^orrest . ^'' ov/ , 1 u d i 3 s L.r d g :; r 1 1 ^iiier , •,? 3 *•" ...y o t h 3 position of all t h o charfict^rs at the baiiinninii; of tr.3 quint gtta — the reheursa of vz-hioh v;a,3 broker off rather s iddorly y-^sterda/ nionring. Th3 orchis tr^ is now hara, ard we will go through the quin- tette oar^fully. A:.-. T said 7'^3t3r(la/, the :;{.^rt l^iu^n \fill as' 3U2-.3 uttitudi3 of loY?rlike dSYotion to their rfispoctive la-* dios. ("f^ach "^c'iit '.lrv.\/s up ard turrs av/• •} '^arcl T"^ey whisper ir each othors ear.) 'iarry i'lrrost ( They come dowr . ) V/e ,/ill obay yo.u- ao.Liards, Ic^dios. '^rrist v/ill bo th-? Tr- ■■tarry . [3 , Icid diar Pi'ir.ce and T vrill b^ thg "ilarl. ^orr 33t ba ri 13 3 ar d j 3 r 1 1 -?it! an — t ^ ■ 3 qii ■. t 3 1 1 e . ^nTsie. Medley. "^onjs of th3 Day. •Ml. (Tha\r to sir.{ th^ "iral giji r- tgtto of Act Third; ard it is a^iair L. railur3, as at the 3nd of th<3 pre- vioas act; this tine because the t'.70 ^ertloriiOr: ho>yo char{i3d ;;.£-.rt3 ard i^l confasod as to their v/ords '^0, as '1 olljpv/s. Orchestra, ) -iarr/ jSin^inj, ) Tf i.iy uayj^ -he^ve been rath3r erratic, T* 11 30 on in&ke — 21 In'o, that's not th^ !^arl! Kitty f^-in i^ng) -■iers* 3 tin ind of r.iy bachelor tr^ublgs T' y3 captur-^H a — Canal la, 'it's tho "larl* s part, r.ot the Pr in a 3*3. grro3t ( '^ir.:^ir:;j ) Tf tiy ways have bo^n r^thir erratic T' ^^'i captured a J^wol — Kitty. o\/ you'ro ^ottirij b 1 1> parts i dx 3d up. Hora' 3 ar. 3rd of uy bach3lor troubl'is, T* 11 soon 1 ake tuii^rds -- iiitt^ ■q ui'o i.ou! Vou'rg both Jui.Vjilin^' up the '''arl and tho ^•irco ard tha 'Vxnce and uh3 Karl — n3ith'3r of us ear tell vrhich is oar ov/r lor^r. Harry '3ll, hang it! \v3*Vi charged parts, hov/ car .79 siru it ? L3t' 3 :3in^ what W3 ploa3<3 — 3Y3ry ono of us! ) ta sudd3nly laurch33 out into soiao bright uorjular aorr^ of tho day. th3 oroh->stre joinirjj a moment after, as if takirti it up. '3 sings or(^ stan- za. Sr n 3 3 1 d . >. 3 h 3 s in i.umi 3 d 1 ^t 3 1 y ,/ith or.Q stanza of soiie oth-ar popu- la'- song. '"'^or rost, tf-ho has moyed up, c ouvi 3 v/i t: h an ot her , oach of th3 ladies irrturn sings a stanza of a diff3r3r:t song or ballad. ^Qiio oC tha .-gfrains or stanzas, por - haps in ehoi*us» A g antral air of raekl33s joIlJTyi as if tho r^hsarsdl mijjht go,tQ t[)3 dogs. Tn tho case of 3ach differ •n:t song, tha orehostre com^s in a bar or aftar — not liarj- ing, but as if it meraly came in vfith- out pi'9viou3 a.rrangQia3nt» Tf necess' ^.ry to th-3 sirgQr a sir^^^le piteh~ rote may b^ v/orkod in each tine, b y soi:i3 instrument. ^ach singer runs On froru ttie l^st ;yithout a pause or br^ak, so far us possible. ) ^ or rest. (at t !'.3 end ) "t is Liy opinion thL.t this r3h^:re3t Thoy i-nay dire on ono another. Toadies and gentleraer, ^^ood- da/. ( -txit rapidly, 3ither up C. and out -J. U. ''^. v^r across and Gut h. 1. f'!. with hands in pockets or under coat. ) Harry i'he rehearsal a failure ? by no wears! it has just commenc- ed, .^^rnist and T hay3 changed parts — he is the ''"ndian Prince and T aj.i the ''-arl — we know our v^ordsi already, v/i th- ou t a nioni > n t ' 3 s t u dy . H!rnest Perfectly; v/e knoy/ every lino of oar rev/ parts. !arry f To Kitty L. ) '!y d...rlin:.; Kitty — T lyould say — my darling i^aun-of-t,Ii3-ni3n -- Ernest (^'0 Oai'-J-illa )R. ) nj clear Canilla — ^ ./oald say, d/ dear Jtarchioness, T have long loved you in secret. (Kitty starts and.:draw3 up h* ^ (To Kit by . ) T have lo /:-''. you frou O'lr early childhood. (Camilla starts and draws up ^^. ). j^nest^ True, T j^ave ..^y nand Lo ano^h-jr — :iarrX-. T have never spoken my thoughts till now. Uy heart !u,s b-aor /ours from t^io first. (Kitty turrs ^^.rd moves 0. ^lightly up up st^j^ii^y 7h,>roo3h3 stands lookxrg at "-'enr^st cj.rd wamilXa, 'Without payirg tho slit1?^test attantior to Ugrry. TfvT^^^'j n3rm'4m^n go on simultara usV -Jc^rryjo .it^^rVg b^ack, .^(^ >i^^^(^st to CaL.IlXa. 'lown R. ) A life of ctovot ion, ^ha iovitig .^^flFiiratior. of a v/orshippor c*t the f9'Jt of b3aut/?shall bs yours." Jieath and death only shall diyid9 us. I a;.: your slave. ■ • Uarrv '^he most ardert passio^n of a warm and lovin^^ h^art is yours, fair ar.gel of my brightest "transports of joy fill my broast at every thought of your britjht face, r.iy fair en- chant r ess i KiUx (_Angi-il/, !:urn in H' suddenly down L. ) Oh! T* d like to scratch their ey es out I Hurry f T^vir.i^ folio zed her, and t enderly, over her shoulder.) ;Iy dear Kitty, T mean, "./ d 3ar '^aun, v/h 3r v/e ^rere childrert to- gether, T dreamed of you, ar.d yon only as my future vrife. fCanilla starts and listens intent- ly, ijlrnest m^kirn love to her ir dumb shov/. ) If T had spoken tenderly to another, it was because T thought you .vere indifferent to me — a mere flirtatior on my p;..rt, T was desperate! ((Camilla moves 0., slib^^tly up stage , and stares at ^hem, pattir.;, '''•er foot , and not payin;{ the slightest attenticr^ to 'Ernest. '^h-^ t.70 ;:ertl3mer speak again simjltaneously ; Jlrnest to Da-. mi 11a* s buc k , and • Tarr y to K i tt y , down It*) Srnest Nothing shall ev3r tear uj asunder. '^he charm of lif^ is gone when T do not see your smile- The one cherished hope of my existence is vO be near thj^^ — thee only! — ror.3ver! 'Jopo Ld.i\33 in I ly breast ./h'ln yon are absert, T liv3 only in your prosence. V./uy frcni the swoot sunshine of your face, T aiii utt:3rly vr/etched. You, only, are tho or3 bri^^ht r^ttcr of my live! ami 11a. f / n gr i 1.;' , !: ur n i n r. s u d .! 3 r ly d o./n ^ . ) Oh, — T — T T cannot t033p ray tsijiper much lonj^or! (Ernest sings to her.) f music ^ 'inal — '"olos, Duets '< Quart etts. All. .rn 33 1 . f\ir "Jjittle Sweetheart" K'o. 3 aocon- pany ini{ . us io. ) Olivet te introducjtioni ■f'iittle Sweetheart, aoriie and ki53S lue, ■T ist once iiie before T go Tell me truly v/ill you miss me, As T v/ander to tind fro. fl^jsical pai]-^?!- ) Kitty , i cry, but T jont! ■iet i:i'3 fe^i the tender i^i-essing Of your ruby lips to mine, ^■^ith your dimple hands caressing, And your snowy arms entwine. (H^fram 3nin[^ by ;-^rnest and Ccmill^ j.n duet, she taking his hand and r-^st ing her ctlvsr hc.rd ...r. his shoulder. Kitty vYatches • em , mo\^in?{ u b ou t liitt 0^. : ... , . r." L^iiy, -arry lollovyin;, her and mak- ing ardent love ir dumb show at h?r back. She makes suddan turns and he is oblif^^d to dodge her %g.) ^i sweetheart, coins ^.nd kiss me, ^ome and v/liisp^r 3,v;3t and low! That your hs^^rt v/ill sadly miss As T> wcind-^r to and fro, youl (•"-Un.iintirinimediatQly to Kilty, down Ij. "^ra/ '"ciA9 Voui'self at Home" — 1 v' 3 v/ vvo r d 3 . Vo . 3 ac c oiiip any ir f^ nius i c . To b3 sun^ in doubli-guick tirue.) T Whon first v/3 nvjt , T lov^d you, pet; ^^ u t you \( 3 r G coy an d 3 hy . T held your hand and told ray love; T': necirly ..^ado y;u cry. You 'jlushod and grsv/ a rosy rad, '^ut did not L»id rao roam; You ./hiaparod lov/ and gently said, " Pr ay nia k o y o ur 3 o I f a t hoiiu • " ( lUllaa Taylor. '"usical ^ause,) Canulla. T^T^T postively shall not cry! As days pass 3d on T oft on came And sat with you, my d3ar, rpon the sofa, sida \yj si! 3 — "'3 could not bo rior3 noar. You folt my arm, you di-oppod your hgad, Hut did not bid uq roam; You whispered low and gently said; "Pi- ay i-iaka your3 3lf at home." (Refrain sun;', jy Harry and Kitty in duet :v? .3 t akma his r^and ai:d res' irg h3r ot her iiand OE his shoulder. Cau.i 11a ^v,.. , t c !■•. •33 t;T- )i:\^ aoyir il a-:o It angr i ly ; Er n 05 1 folio .ring hor a nd leaking ar.' 3rt lore in dumb show to hir back; do dging hor ^c. "c. ) '* Pj' ay make y ur s ol f at hor .3 , " "Pi' ay liiaka your so If at homo," il) whispered l^v/ and g'-si tly siiid; y ou) "Pi' ay Liaka yourself at home. Ard nov/ our lov3 ijrov/s v/-arm, ray d^ar. Our lips, Lhoiiis<^lv'3s, Uvve mot; And v/iier thsy part, thoy lii^et i^^air. ; T^^in oft3r thoro niy pet. Ard vrhor T* ni ihoro you 1-^t hie stay^ Nor 3ver bid mo roaLi, You whi3p3r lov/ and ^erlly say; "Pi^ay make yourself at hoin9." ''hen e' cr Liy onus ar^ rourd your rack ■'y htet-t is b'^cting hi:jh; Your own T^f^el upon rny brear.t; By turns you lau^h and cry, Hrow pal 3 u-id blush and potat and siuile, 'Sut nevir bid ras roara; You w'hispor low and g'^ntly si^^-i " Pr ay i^^a ]■: e yourself at h oriK3 . " (Refrain ir dust. He n >w places his arioi about her waist ard she r-^sts her head on his shoulder ^ Very af- fectionate attitude. 4 " ?i-ay make yourself at hofuo! " "Pray niake yourself at hoiue," T Iwhisper low and gently sic^^i youJ^ "Pi- a; make yourself at hoi^ie." P.rn. " Cai. . Little}^ Oh, at heart, coi-i3 and kiss me, Oome and wi'^isper sweet and low, That your heart will s.^dly miss m.e, As I wander to and fro. you- (GojS into The nioaminij "^ynphony . Caiiiilla in "Ernest* s arms; her head or :-.j.s shoulder. Very af f ec?*: lonate attitude . Kitty looks across and sudd3r«ly^ rises from -arry^ s arms , Pishi-n^i hiiu away? \ Kitty 0-o-hl — 1 — I don' t like it this v/ ayl ( Risir.;. from grresf s arms .:.nd pashinH him avray . ) V.rj i t h sr do T! Camilla! Kitty! 0-o-o-ohl 0-o-o-o-h! Kitty O'cxTCiillb. Kitty la r^oth bur.stir,^ '-rto taars, droppir^ t/b.eir facGS ir.lo thoir hands and sob- bin^i. 'arr.7 and l^iTOst sign to ^.llcI oth-y, aid '3X(3hange pli.ces, £^cross st,ao'3, each jioinij to his own lady. 'ho/ sii:^ in duat.) Har '^- grn. f Air "in tho 01 earning" ^'o 1 aceonipuny i n ^ inu s ie . ^.?o i' d s re -ar r an [^ od . ) X Tn thQ [gloaming, oh, my darling! ■'Vh3n th3 liiihts ai'o dim and loyr. And the quiit shadov/s falling, ^>oftly c ms and softly go; Whan the ./inds ar 3 gliding' faintly With a gent 1 ^ , t or dgr si gh ; Will you think of r-.o t-nd love mo As you do '.Then T an ni;_;h ? TT Tn the gloaming, '-h, i y dcrlirg! Think oh, lovingly of po! Tho' T ar.. not irros^nt \fith you, ^'^hen you*r3 lonely, think of mo. l\f ov/n 'oart .-/ill turn v.dth longing, '^han, as ovor unto thoe: T ./ill 330 thO'O, tho' T» ir. absent, IiOV3 tho3 truly, lo /o but thea. quettishly to tr>9 r-^sntlemer , placir.[j their hards ir theirs.) The ladies Sink back into th-3ir lovers* urins ; ^rd t^3 riral st.rza is surg as a quartette. ) (Togeth^H" TTT Tr the [jloaniirfi, oh., niy durlin,^! Or the bri^l^test light of day. In your absence, in your pre-ierce, Here or thore:^ be wher i you uiB.y'i Hy o^y r. h '3 ai" t v/ ill turn \r i t h lor H i ' ■ g » Tn th^? evening or the d-y; T v/ill lov^ you fondly , dear ly , '^e you near or fi^r away. T vrill lovd you fond and true '^"e you near or fai* av/ay. Curtain LIBRARY OF CONbRbbb 016 117 610 2 P