Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873 by George M. Bakee, in tlie Office of the Librariam of Congress, at Washinston, SPEirCEE'S UUIVEESAL STAGE. A Collection of COMEDIES, DRAMAS, and FARCES, adapted to either Public or Private Performance. Containiuf) a full description of ail the necessanj Stage Business. PRICE, 15 CENTS EACH, l^^ No Plays exchanged. 1. I.ost iu I^oiidon. A Drama in ThrcR Acts. Jlule, 4 Female chai-- actcrs. 2. Kicliolas Flam. A Comedy in Two Acts. By .1. 15. Buckstoue. 5 Male, 3 Female cliaractera. 3. Tlie ^Velslx iiirl. A Comedy in One Act. By Mrs. Planche. 3 Male, 2 Female characters. 4. John Wopps. A Farce in One Act. By W. E. Suter. 4 Male, 2 Female characters. 5. Tlie Tuikisli Batli. A Farce in One Act. By Montague Williams and F. C. IJurnaud. Male, 1 Fe- male character. 6. The Two Puddifoots. A Farce in One Act. Uy J. M. Morton. 3 Male, 3 Female characters. 7. Old Honesty. A Comic Drama in Two Acts, r.y J. M. Morton. 6 Male, 2 Fem;ile characters. 8. Tavo GJentlemen in a Fix. A Farce in One Act. By W. E. Suter, 2 3Iale characters. 9. Smasliinafton «oit. A Farce in One Act. "l5y T. .1. Williams. 5 Male, 3 Female characters. 10. Two Heads Better thanOne. A Farce in One Act. By Lenox Home. 4 IMale, 1 Female character. 11. Jolin I>ol}bs. A Farce in One Act. Bv J. 31. Morton. 5 Male, 2 Female characters. 12. Tlie I>awgliter of tlie Regi- ment. A Drama in Two Acts. By Edward Fitzball. G Male, 2 Female characters. 13. Annt Charlotte's Maid. A Farce in One Act. By J. IM. Morton. 3 Male, 3 Female characters. 14. Brother Bill and Me. A Farce in One Act. By W. E. Suter. 4 Male, 3 Female characters. 15. I>one on Both Sides. A Farce in One Act. By ,J. 31. Morton. 3 Male, 2 Female characters. H. T>unducketty's Picnic. A Farce in One i\ct. By T. J. Williams. 6 Male, 3 Female characters. ■) 17. I've -^vritten to Browne. A Farce ) - in One Act. By T. J. Williams. 4 ) , Male, 3 Female characters. Leitdin^? a Hand. A Farce in One ( j) Act. By G. x\. A'Becket. 3 Male, ^ 2 1' emale characters. My Precious Betsy. A Farce in One Act. By J. M. Morton. 4 Male, 4 Female characters. 21. My Turn IVext. A Farce in One Act. By T. J. Williams. 4 Male, 3 Fe- male characters. Nine Points of the I^aw^. A Com- edy in One Act. By Tom Taylor. 4 ilale, 3 Female characters. 22. The Phantom Breakfast. A - Farce in One Act. By Charles Sel- ) ^^ by. 3 Male, 2 Female characters. ^ 23. l>andelions I>odges. A Farce in )^ One Acf. By T. J. Williams. 4 ^ Male, 2 Female characters. ^ ^ 24. A Slice of Lnck. A Farce in One ^ Act. By J. M. Morton. 4 Male, 2 Female characters. Alw^ays Intended. A Comedy in One Act. By Horace Wigan. 3 Male. 3 Female characters. A Bnll in a China Shop. A Com- edy in Two Acts. By Charles Mat- thews. Male, 4 Female characters. Another Olass. A Drama in One Act. By Thomas Morton. Male, 3 Female characters. 25. 26. 27. 28. 30. 31. Bowled Ont, A Farce in One Act. (. ) By H . T. Craven. 4 Male, 3 Female characters. Cousin Tom. A Commedietta in ^ One Act. By George Roberts. 3 () Male, 2 Female characters. ( \ Sarah's Younj^ Man. A Farce in ( ) One Act. By W. E. Suter. 3 Male, ^ 3 I'^emale characters. Hit Him, He has IVo Friends, (h A Farce in One Act. By E. Yates ( ) and N. H. Harrington. 7 Male, 3 ( j, Female characters. 32. The Christening A Farce in One Act. By J. B. Buckstone. 5 Male V^ 33. 34. 35. G Female characters. A Race for a \Vido\v. A Farce in One Act. By Thomas J. Wil- ^ liams. 5 Male, 4 Female character.s. (- ) Your Iiife's in I>anger. A Farce in One Act. By J. M. Morton. 3 Male, 3 Female characters. True unto I>eath. A Drama in Two Acts. By J. Sheridan Knowles. (J) G Male, 2 FemaL- characters. :)^QrvQCOCOCODOCOO^t>£)€QCOOOOOC£)COCOOOt>Q'COCO ^ i,H THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. / / / BY THE AUTHOR OF " Sjivia's Soldier," " Once on a Time," " Down by the Sea," " The Last Loaf," " Bread on the Waters," " Stand by the Flag," " The Tempter," " A Drop too Much," " We're all Teetotalers," "A Little more Cider," " Thirty Minutes for Kefreshments," " Wanted, a Male Cook," "A Sea of Troubles," "Freedom of the Press," "A Close Shave," "The Great Elixir," " The Man with the Demijohn," " Humors of the Strike," " New Brooms sweep Clean," "My Uncle the Captain," " The Greatest Plague in Life," " Xo Cure, no Pay," "The Grecian Bend," " War of the Hoses," " Lightheart'3 Pilgrimage," " The Sculptor's Triumph," "Too Late for the Train," " Snow-Bound," " The Ped- dler of Very Nice," " Bonbons," " Capulettd," " An Original Idea," " My Brother's Keeper," " Among the Breakers," "The Boston Dip," " The Duchess of Dublin," "A Tender Attachment," "Gentlemen of the Jury," "A Public Benefactor," " The Thief of Time," " The Hypochondriac," " The Runaways," " Coals of Fire," " The Ptcd Chignon," " Using the Weed," " A Love of a Bonnet," " A Precious Pickle," " The Revolt of the Bees," " The Seven Ages," 4' BOSTON: GEORGE M. BAKER & CO., 149 "Washington Street. ^nV- ? ■ Entered, accordiiic^ to Act of Congress, in the year 1873 by GEORGE M. BAKER, lu the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Hand, A very, &* Frye, Printers^ Boston, THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. AN ALLEGORY. FOR FEMALE CHARACTERS ONLY. CHARACTERS. Regina, Queen of the Bees. Thriftie, Gatlie, Leaders of the Working Bees. Trusta, Warna, Guardians of the Hive. GoLDWiNG, Brighthue, Varia, Spotila, Butterflies. This allegory is 'particularly designed for school exhibi- tions. Choruses should be sealed on the platform, R. a^d L. An open stage should be left between the speakers. Scene. — Exterior of the Hive. Bank, c. {Invisible Chorus. Air, " Up ! Away ! ") Ho, Awake ! Ho, Awake ! Ho, Awake ! All ye dwellers in the hive, Away let us speed, for the day is alive. How freely the flowers are opening their cups, How glisten the dewdrops each greedily sups ! 69 70 THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. The fairest and brightest yield sweets as we strive With treasures of honey to fill up the hive. Labor gives high delight, delight beyond all measure, Our hive we love so well we'll fill with sweetest treasure; Labor gives high delight, delight beyond all measure ; O, high delight, the hive we love to fill. Enter ^ L., Warn a, r., Trusta. Warna. Hark to those welcome sounds : our vigils o*er, The hum of labor stirs the hive once more ; Sweet sister Trusta, in your nightly round, Hath ought suspicious or uncouth been found? Trusta. Nay, nay, good Warna, 'twas a quiet night ; Nought but the moon hath crossed my weary sight. Ah me ! 'tis very hard to keep awake While our companions of sweet sleep partake. What should we fear? What need of guarding thus? Who'd care or dare to interfere with us? Warna, 'Tis an old custom, Trusta, a bee law, In which our tribe has never found a flaw ; Our code of government is very wise, And ancient as the orbs that rule the skies ; One rules — our gracious queen ; the rest obey ; Some forth in search of honey daily stray. Some mould the cells within our tasty hive. Some store our treasure, some with burdens strive, While others guard with jealous care the way, That no unbidden guest may hither stray. Each has a task, and all together strive With fruits of " Industry" to store the hive, And keep its motto bright above the door. No laggards here, where all should work and store. THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. 71 Trusta. To work and store. For what? When all's complete, Rough-hauded men assail our calm retreat, Disturb our labors, and our workers slay, Rifle our cells, our treasures bear away. If this is Industry's reward for toil, Surely our labor's not repaid by spoil. Warna. Trusta, your long night vigil makes you wild. Why, this is treason, rank rebellion, child. Should your bold words but reach the royal ear, You'd he disgraced by punishment severe. I marvel at this rude, complaining mood In one who hitherto so fair hath stood. Trusta. Well, marvels never cease, the wise ones say. I marvel, Warna, that we never play Among the flowers, as yonder sportive flies, Bent to no tasks, on airy pinions rise ; Dance, race, and flutter, in the summer air, Making a pastime where we find a care. Warna. Hush, foolish Trusta; hither comes our queen ; Meet her with welcome voice and face serene ; Let not the idle fancies of your brain Lead you in word or act to give her pain. (Chorus. Air, " Up ! Away /" as before.) Enter, R., Thriftie and Regina. Eegina. Once more a brilliant morning gilds our hive ; The woods with early songsters are alive ; The grateful incense of a thousand flowers, Borne on the gentle breeze in unseen showers, 72 THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. Invites our happy tribe, with quickening zest, To favor gaylj labor's just behest. Forth to your tasks, my subjects ; boldly beat The choicest flower for its hidden sweet. You, Thriftie, our most tried aod trusty guide, tSliall lead your column to yon mountaiu side, The fabled home of many a wondrous flower, Endowed with sweets of pungency and power ; You, Warna, still stand guardian at the door; You, Trusta, hold your station as before. Aiion we'll change the guards ; till then beware Noue enter here, to trap us unaware. Thriftie. Thanks, thanks, my queen : with confidence elate, My swift-winged followers, all-impatient, wait The call to duty. Gladly to obey Thy lightest wish, we eager haste away. Proud of thy favor, ere the sun's retreat, We'll lay the choicest treasures at thy feet. \_Exit^ R. Queen. Ay, zealous Thriftie, thy true, loyal heart Can life and grace to any task impart. Loving strong labor for the good it brings. All toils are light where cheerfulness lends wings. Enter, R., Gatlie, slowly. What! laggards here? Gaylie, this sluggish pace Befits no leader of our active race. Gaijlie. I'm weary, gracioiis queen, of so much work, And long tins day's accustomed task to shirk : From morn till uinrht 'tis work. 1 fain would rest THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. 73 A little while within my cosy nest, Or, parted from the toilers of to-day, Lighily for pleasure o'er the meadows stray. Queen. Gay lie, no more : you know not what you ask. Pleasure alone comes with a finished task ; Rank idleness is but a torturing pest, Goading to sin, the mockery of rest ; Crush out at once the feverish desire. And to some more exalted state aspire. This be your task : o'er yonder field of clover, With those you lead, upon the instant hover; Gather t!ie sweets that there in richness lie. And with your burdens to our mansion hie ; !No more complaining, and no more delay, Arrange your force at once. Away ! Away ! \_Exit Gaylie, r. Now, guardians of the hive, be wise and wary, Pass none within save those who burdens carry. [^Exit, r. Warna. Trusta, you see that Gaylie's idle mien Hath found no favor with our gracious queen. Trusta. Yet, I confess, her weakness hath a charm My pulse to quicken and my bosom warm. {Invisible Chorus. " Boating Song.") Gayly our pinions swift bear us along, O'er the green me;ulo\vs our fliglit we prolong. Freely and b'ghtly we skim the still air, Realm of the buttertlies, heart free from care. Brightly are gleaming our wings as we fly, Gay is the life of the free butterfly ; Brightly are gleaming cur wings as we tiy, Gay is the life of the free butterfly. 74: THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. Trusta. Listen ; the butterflies are on the wing ; They have no task to check life's jojaiis spring. [_Exit, R. Warna. An idle tribe, who all unthrifty roam, The gypsies of the field, no care, no home. \_Exit^ l. (^Chorus. " Boating Song^' repeated^ during which enter ^ R., GoLDWiNG and Varia, l., Brighthue and Spotila.) Gold, Good morning, sisters of the sportive wing. What gay report of frolic do you bring? Bright. Goldwing, kind Nature ne'er made morn like this. My early flight was one full draught of bliss ; O'er waving corn, through fields of new-mown hay, Up flowery banks, triumphant was my way ; Light as the fleecy clouds, as free from care, 1 sped, a careless rover of the air. Spotila. My flight was on the bosom of the stream, Sparkling with diamonds from the sun's first beam. Forward and backward did I dancing go. Chasing my shadow in the depths below. Varia. I sailed on easy wing to yonder peak, The god of day's first welcome kiss to seek ; There danced I in the splendor of his rays. Amid the trees with golden tints ablaze. Gold. A morn of pure delight you well have told. Listen while I my wanderings unfold ; Hiding awhile beneath a dewy rose Which in yon garden gloriously grows, A fair-haired child, with merry, dancing eyes, Peered in upon me in a glad surprise ; THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. 75 With wily hand, to covetous embrace He sought to snatch me from my hiding-place. But all in vain ; my airy wings outspread, Awhile I hovered o'er his golden head, Then led him on a merry, dancing race I'o many a nook and corner of the place. Till qnite o'erpowered, and mourning at iiis loss, He sank to sleep upon a bed of moss. Bright. Goldwing, you are a wicked, teasing sprite. Varia. To tempt and tease was always her delin^ht. Spot. This uev/ adventure gives me no surprise ; Mischief has built its nest in Goldwing's eyes. Gold. Right, right, fair Spotila ; to frolic free In field or woodland is the life for me. Hearken, sweet Brighthue ; here, amid the trees, There is a busy hive of honey bees. Who earnest labor through the livelong day", Spending no time in frolic or in play ; Grant me jour aid^ and from the weary task, I'll lure them to the fields wherein we bask. Teach them to sport and flutter in the breeze, To race and chase amid the flowers and trees. Disclose the glorious powers which we enjoy, Pleasure and sunshine with no base alloy. Bright, I'm with you, heart and hand, my joyous sprite ; 'Twill to our pleasures add a new delight. Varia. 'Twill cause a hubbub in the busy hive, Should you succeed in that for which you strive. Gold. For that we care not ; only lend your aid Till of the leader I've a captive made. 76 THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. The rest will follow to the fields anon. Silence ! stand close ; the bees are moving on. \_They retire to L. (Chorus. " Hunting Song," during luhich enter Tiikiftie and her Attendants, R.) On airy wing, with busy luira, Blithely to work we come, For sweets to store the home. The worker loves to roam Where birds are singing, So for, so near. So far, so near, Where flowers bright upspringing ^ Bestow their treasures dear. Gold. Whither so fast, fair friends? Thriftie. . To yonder hill, Seeking for treasures our fair hive to fill. Gold. The day is warm ; the labor hard to wrest The honey sweets from out the thorny breast. Leave toil and care awhile, and freely stroll, Light-wioged, across yon green and grassy knoll. Bright. I challenge thee to try thy pinions' flight In a wild race to yonder crowned height. Spot. I dare you to a race o'er yonder plain. Varia. Thy speed 'gainst mine, yon silvery stream to gain. Thriftie. Nay, nay, good friends ; my queen our task has set, And at my call my train have early met. With grateful thanks, we mast decline to play, When duty calls for work another way. THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. 77 Gold. Nay, not so fast ; lay by your toil aod care, And freely all our promised frolic share. Tlierc Labor waits its weary power to press, Here Pleasure beckons' with a warm caress. \_Points., l. (^Distant Chorus. Repeat " Boating Soiig^^' during luhich Thriftie steps hack, c, Gold wing, Bright- " HUE, cross stage., take tiuo Attendants., place their arms about their waists., and pass slowly across stage to L. Varia and Spotila c?-os.s, and have their arms about the waists of the other Attendants^ facing c. as the song closes.) Thriftie {loud). Halt. {Stands c, with hand raised. Two Attendants pass quickly to Thriftie, stand just behind heron each side^ loiih hand lightly resting on her waist ; the other tiuo fall on one knee., r. and l. of Thriftie, with hands raised to her luaist. The Butterflies R. l.) Tableau. Music shoidd be soft until the attention of the audience is fixed. Base pleasure-seekers, vain Are your arts to tempt my faithful train. True are their hearts when Thriftie leads the way ; With love they labor and with trust obey. Off to your frolics ; we have stai^d too long ; We move to duty ; list our cheery song. (Chorus. ^^ Hunting So7ig" repeated, during which Thriftie and Attendants march off^ r.) Bright. Gold wing, your plot has failed. 78 . THE REVOLT OP THE BEES. Gold. Nay, pause a while ; ril find a M'ay these grubbers to beguile ; The zcjilous Thriftie is the model bee ; None so industrious in the hive as she ; Anon we'll meet some more congenial soul, Who'll gladly frolic on yon grassy knoll. And here comes one with whom I gossip daily, The grumbler of the hive. Enter Gatlie, and three Attendants^ r. Good morrow, Gaylie. Gay. Ah, neighbor Gold wing, you're a merry elf; You have no care ; you never toil for pelf. {ThcTf sit together on hank^ c.) And yet no sister of our thrifty race Wears gayer garb, or shows such cheerful face. (^One of the Attendants moves up, stands behind Gaylie, R., loith hand on her shoidder. Brighthue does the same with Goldwing, l.) Gold. Ay, free from care am I ; at will to roam O'er hill and meadow, everywhere at home. Come, Gaylie, join us in a sportive race ; 'Twill smooth the wrinkles from your troubled face. {Another Attendant sinks at Gaylie's fcet^ R., luith her loft arm resting in her lap, looking into her face. Varia does the same, L.) Gay. Nay, neighbor Goldwing, I must now away ; Our gracious queen will brook no more delay ; THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. 79 O, for one hour of your gay, careless mirth ! 'Twere brighter than the sunshine to the earth. {Another Attendant kneels on the side of hank, R., her clhoio on hank, head resting on her hand. Varia does the same, L.) Gold. Then shall the gayest revel be prepared, And Avith you, neighbor Gaylie, freely shared. O'er yonder mead we'll frolic light and free, And you the empress of our sports shall be. Your presence will our gayety enhance. List, Gaylie, to the music of the dance. (Tableau. As arranged, Gaylie and the Attendants look, l., luith a pleased, eager , listening expression. The Butterflies ivatch Gaylie attentively. Tkusta steals in, l., Warna, r., luith fingers on their lips ; stop in entrance, and, leaning forioard, appear to he listening. Soft music until all is still, then distant chorus. '• In light tripping measure.^') " In light tripping music, surrounded by pleasure, ■ We count the gay hours that too hastily fly ; Hence, care and sorrow ! daren't come nigh," &c. Gay. What joyous sounds ! O, how I long to share Such merry pastime, free from toil and care ! Gold. Then come with us, leave toil and care behind ; Come where the Butterflies enjoyment find ; \. Spread wings, sail free ; the happiest are they Who make of life a frolic and a play. Gay. (starting up ; all rise). I will, I will ; no more a toiling bee, Your free and roving life delighteth me. Off to your sports ; I'll follow with my train. ..-^ 80 THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. Warna (cornea forivard). Hold, hold! rash Gaylie, on 5''our life refrain. Gcnj. Wtirna, what right have you to interfere? Warna. As guardian of the hive we hold dear. I warn you, Gaylie, that a dire disgrace Falls on the luckless member of our race Who disobeys our Queen's supreme decree. Beware, O Gaylie, lest it fall on thee. Gay. Warna, thou art a despot's willing slave. Away ! your warning and her frown I brave. With these g.\y rovers to the dance I fly. 1st Alt. ril follow, Gaylie. 2fZ Att. So will I. 3cZ Att. And I. Gold. Ho ! bravely said ; away on nimble wing, For pleasm-e beckons as we merrily sing. (Chorus repeated, ^'' In light tripping measure,'" during luhich Gaylie and Goldwing, Spotila and Attend- ant, Brighthue and Attendant, Varia and Attend- ant, march in pairs around stage to l.) Gold. I've conquered ; now my joy is all complete. Gaylie once banished from her sweet retreat, The bees demoralized will warring strive, In factions, for possession of the hive. Mischief, thou trusty friend, in power arise, And seal the triumph of the Butterflies. Warna. O Gaylie, by the glories of our race, I charge thee, pause, and shun this dire disgrace. Trusta. Nay, Warna, you're too strict. Let Gaylie go, THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. 81 An hour's sweet pastime in the air to know ; I'll keep her secret, wait her safe return ; The abseace of the truant none shall learn. Warna. False guardian, cease, at duty's high decree, Fiiendship can have no power to silence me ; Ilogina must upon the instnnt know This base attempt her sway to overthrow. Gaylie, Gaylie, by the love we bear, 1 pray you this unwelcome duty spare ; Tliink of the thrifty name our hive has borne, Think of our sisters, who your loss will mourn. Homeward ere now they cheerful move along, Easing their burdens M'ith a happy song. (Chorus. " Summer Evening ^^ during which enter ^ R., Thriftie and Attendants.) Bees with light wings move sprightly Home to the welcome nest, Bearing their burdens so lightly, Of treasure the sweetest and best. As we give songs, give songs of rejoicing, The hive we love is near; Let us give praise, give praise and glad voicing, The home we love is here. Thriftie. Ah, sister Gaylie, 'twas a luscious treat Yon rich and flowery mountain side to beat. Such loads and loads of sweets, 'twill well repay The labors of our tribe for many a day. Gajj. And what is this to me? You drudging bees May pluck and store its richness, if you please. Witii these gay friends I mean to sport in air, And, free from labor, all their pleasures share. 6 82 THE REYOLT OP THE BEES. Warna. O Thrift ie ! In some wild and wicked snare Our once good Gaylie's fallen unaware ; Mocks at the orders of our gracious queen, And rails at duty with a traitorous mien. Thriflie. Gaylie, forbear ; a dangerous path you tread ! By no deceitful counsellors be led. Gold. Be bold, fair Gaylie ; freedom is the stake. We are your friends ; you will not us forsake. Gay. Never I Thriftie, I will toil no more. Enter Queen, miperceived, r., stands c. hack. Slave to no sovereign whose despotic power, Some task gigantic finds for every hour, Henceforth I'll freely rove, myself a queen, With w-ill as mighty, and with air serene, As she whom you obey. Now off I fly. Who dares to check my progress? Queen (^stepping forward). I. All. The Queen ! Queen. Ay, loyal subjects, here Your Queen appears. Tis time to interfere. Vile discontent, the curse of happy hives, To raise a fierce revolt insanely tries. Unseen, unknown, I've wituessed all its course, And now to check it bring a last resource. Gaylie, thou traitress, leader of a host Of all my subjects loved and trusted most, These wily Butterflies, so debonair. Have of thy weak complainings made a snare. Their life they picture as so bright and gay. Is short and vapid, lasts but for a day ; THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. 83 While we, by labor, energy, and worth. Long live and prosper; and o'er all the earth Our busy traffic, with its proud renown, Sets brightest ornaments in labor's crown. Thou hast rebelled against our righteous laws, . And cast a foul reproach upon our cause. Away! Thou wouldst be free. I here renounce All claims, and doom of banishment pronounce. Gay. {falls at her feet). No, no, not that; O, gracious Queen, forbear, Here, at your feet, I do implore you spare. 'Twas folly's promptings, pleasure's wild desire, That, all unchecked, rebellion did inspire. Gold. Gaylie, forbear ; let not those drudging bees Behold our chosen empress on her knees. Gay. Tempter, away ; thy flattery is base ; Too late I read thy falsehood in thy face. O, gracious Queen, withdraw thy fell decree ; Let me a toiler with my sisters be ; No wild desire, no feverish unrest, Shall tempt me from the haven of our rest. Queen. It cannot be. Thrlftie. My prayers I lend, Trusting, O, gracious Queen, th}' will to bend. Place Gaylie in my charge ; I'll stake my life My teachings will o'ercome all thoughts of strife. Queen. I do relent. Gaylie, thy place no more Can be a leader's. Henceforth, as of yore, Within the ranks of those who burdens bear, Thou must their service and their duties share. This be thy punishment. But by the love We bear thee, Gaylie, thy repentance prove. 84 THE REVOLT OF THE BEES. Gay. Thanks, gracious mistress ; let my actions speak ; Your favor to regain will Gay lie seek. Gold. Gaylie, thou false one, pleasure calls. Farewell ! Think of our pastimes in thy gloomy cell. [_Exeunt^ L., GoLDWiNG, Brighthue, Varia, and Spotila. Queen. Idlers, away ! disturb no more our drove, But to your gay and senseless follies move ; And now to work ; Gaylie's revolt is o'er ; Into our hive your choicest treasures pour ; And as you strive our products to increase, With industry, the germ of joy and peace, Remember not alone in garnered show Of wealth does she her bounteous harvests know, But that true hearts may find, in every task, Pleasure more lasting than the tongue can ask ; Its busy hum is music's gayest measure. And love of labor is its richest treasure. (^Chorus. " A Wish for the Ifountains.") Where the flowers are hills adorning Where the clover beds unfold, Where the early rays of morning Rim the leaves of green witli gold, Wliere the brightest roses grow, Tliither, thither will we go, Tliither, thither will we go. {Bepeat chorus ; then inarch off^ Warna and Trusta, Queen, Thriftie, and Gaylie, their Attendants, l.) Note. — The tunes used in this allegory may all be found in *' The Grammar School Chorus," used in Boston schools- It can be obtained of the publishers, Lee & Shepard. Trice $1.00. Plays for Amateur Theatricals. BY GEORGE M. BAKER. Author of "Afnaietir Dramas,^' " The Miinic Stage" " The Social Stage,'" &'c. nitAMAS. In Three Acts. My Brother's Keeper, 5 male, 3 female characters. 15c. I?t Two Acts. Among the Breakers. 6 male, 4 female characters. 15c. Sylvia's Soldier. 3 male, 2 female characters. 15c. Once on a Time. 4 male, 2 female characters, 15c. Down by the Sea. 6 male, 3 female characters. 15c. Bread on the Waters. 5 male, 3 female characters. 15c. *"The Last Loaf. 5 male, 3 female characters. 15c. /« 0?ie Act. Stand by the Flag. 5 male characters. 15c. * The Tempter. 3 male, i female character. 15c. COMEDIES AND FAUCES, The Boston Dip. 4 male, 3 female characters. 15c. The Duchess of Dublin. 6 male, 4 female characters. 1 5c. * We're all Teetotallers. 4 male, 2 female characters. 15c. *A Drop too Much. 4 male, 2 female characters. 15c. Thirty IMinutes for Refreshments. 4 male, 3 female characters. 15c. *A Little More Cider. 5 male, 3 female characters. 15c. Alale Characters Only. Gentlemen of the Jury. 12 characters. 15c. A Tender Attachment. 7 characters. 15c. The Thief of Time. 6 characters. 15c. The Hypochondriac. 5 characters. 15c. A Public Benefactor. 6 characters. 15c. ♦Temperance pieces. PLAYS FOR AMATEUR THEATRICALS. COMEDIES AND FARCES {continued). The Runaways. 4 characters. 15c. Coals of Fire. 6 characters. 15c. Wanted, a Male Cook. 4 characters. 15c. A Sea of Troubles. 8 characters. 15c. Freedom of the Press. 8 characters. 15c. A Close Shave. 6 characters. 15c. The Great Elixir. 9 characters. 15c. *The Man with the Demijohn. 4 characters. 15c. Humors of the Strike. 8 characters. 15c. New Brooms Sweep Clean. 6 characters. 15c. My Uncle the Captain. 6 characters. 15c. Female Characters Only. The Red Chignon. 6 characters. 15c. Using the Weed. 7 characters. 15c. A Love of a Bonnet. 5 characters. 15c. A Precious Pickle. 6 characters. 15c. The Greatest Plague in Life. 8 characters. - 15c. No Cure No Pay. 7 characters. 15c. The Grecian Bend. 7 characters. 15c. ALLEGOBIES. Arranged for Music and Tableaux. The Revolt of the Bees. 9 female characters. 15c. Lightheart's Pilgrimage. 8 female characters. 15c. The War of the Roses. 8 female characters. 15c. The Sculptor's Triumph, i male. 4 female charac- ters. 15c. MUSICATj and Dramatic Entertainments. The Seven Ages. A Tableau Entertainment. Numer- ous male and female characters. 15c. Too Late for the Train. 2 male characters. 15c. Snow-bound j or, Alonzo the Brave and the Fair Imogene. 3 male, i female character. 25c. Bonbons ; or, The Paint-King. 3 male, i female char- acter. 25c. The Pedler of Very Nice. 7 male characters. 15c. An Original Idea, i male, i female character. 15c. Capuletta; or, Romeo and Juliet Restored. 3 male, I female character. 15c. * Temperance piece. SPENCER'S UNIVERSAL STAGE. V, 51. I T>iainontl cut 1>iainon(l. An In- tcMiudc in One Act. V.y \Y . H. Mur- ray. 10 Male, 1 Female character. Ijook after Brown. A Farce in One Act. I?y Goor<>-e A. Stuart, M. D. (> Male, 1 Female character. Monseigneiir. A Drama in Tlnce Acts. l'>y Thomas Archer. 15 Male, 3 Female characters. A very pleasant Evening. A Farce in One Act. liy \V. E. Suter. 3 Male characters. Brotlier Ben. A P^arce in One Act. IJy .J. M. Morton. 3 Male, 3 Feunale cluiracters. Only a Clod. A Comic Drama in One Act. Hy J. P. Simiison. 4 Male, 1 Female character. Gaspartlo tlie Gondolier. A Drama in Three Acts. Ky George Almar. 10 Male, 2 Female charac- ters. Sunshine tlirougli tlie Clouds. A Drama in One Act. Hy Slintjsby Lawrence. 3 Male, 3 Female char- acters. Don't Judge by Appearances. A Farce in One Act. By J. M. Mor- ton. 3 jMale, 2 Female characters. Nursey Chickweed. A Farce in One Act. Hy T. J. Williams. 4 Male, 2 Female characters. Mary Moo; or, IVliicU sliall I Marry? A Farce in One Act. By W. E. Suter. 2 Male, 1 Female character. East Liynne. A Drama in Five Acts. 8 Male, 7 Female characters. Tlie Hidden Hand. A Drama in Five Acts. By Robert Jones. Itj Male, 7 Female characters. Sil verstone's IVager. A Commedi- etta in One Act. By K. K. Andrews. 4 Male, 3 Female characters. Dora. A Pastoral Drama in Three Acts. By Charles Keade. 5 Male, 2 Female characters. Blanks and Prizes. A Farce in One Act. By Dexter Smith. 5 Male, 2 Female characters. Old CJooscljerry. A Farce in One Act. By T. J. Williams. 4 Male, 2 Female characters. 53. Wlio's IVlio. A Farce in One Act. By T. .). Williams. 3 Male, 2 Fe- male characters. 54. Bouquet. A Farce in One Act. 2 ilale, 3 Female characters. 55. Tlie ^Vife's Secret. A Play in i'ive Acts. By George W. Lovell. 10 Male, 2 Female characters. 50. The Bahes in the ^Vood. A Comedy in Three Acts. By Tom Taylor. 10 Male, 3 Female charac- ters. 57. Putkins : Heir to Castles in the Air. A Comic Drama in One Act. By W. ]{. Emerson. 2 Male, 2 Fe- male charac.ers. 58. An X^gly Customer. A Farce in One Act. By Thomas .J. Williams. 3 Male, 2 Female characters. 59. Blue and Cherry. A Comedy in One Act. 3 Male, 2 Female charac- ters. 00. A Doubtful Victory. A Camon and Pythias. A Farce. I 6 Male, 4 Female characters. 69. A Husband to Order. A Serio- , Comic Drama in Two Acts. 5 Male, I 3 Female characters. 70. Payable on Demand. A Domes- I tic Drama in Two Acts. 7 Male, 1 Female character. Price, IS cents each. Descriptive Catalogue mailed free on application to CEO. M. BAKER Sl CO., 149 Washington St., Bostov. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 785 409 4 Wx Amateur Theatricals. By GEORGE M. BAKER. Authoi- of " Amatevr Dramas," " The Mimic Stage." " The Social Stage" ^' A Bakers Dozen," Sfc. The Drawing-room Stage,' Titles in this Type are IVe^v Plays. DRAMAS. /« Three A cis. as. Uly Brotlier's Keeper. 5 male, 3 female characters 15 In Two Ads. Amon^ the Breakers. 6 male, 4 female characters 15 Sylvia's Soldier. 3 male, 2 female char- acters 15 Once on a Time. 4 male, 2 female char- acters IS Down by the Sea. 6 male, 3 female characters 15 Bread on the Waters. ' 5 male, 3 fe- male characters 15 The Last Loaf. 5 ma'e, 3 female char- acters .15 In One A ct. Stand BY THE Flag. 5 male characters. 15 The Tempter. 3 male, i female charac. 15 COMEDIES and FAUCES. The Boston T>ip. 4 male, 3 female characters The l>uchess of Dublin. 6 male, 4 female characters We'ke all Teetotalers. 4 male, 2 female characters A Drop too Much. 4 male, 2 female characters Thirty Minutes for Refreshments. 4 male, 3 female characters A Little More Cider. 5 male, 3 fe- male characters Male Characters Only. Cientlenien of the Jviry. 12 char. A Tender Attachment. 7 char. . . The Thief of Time. 6 char. . . . The Hypochondriac. 5 char. . . A Public Benefactor. 6 char. . . The ItunaAvays. 4 char Coals of Fire. 6 char Wanted, a Male Cook. 4 char. . . . A Sea of Troubles. 8 char FARCES. Freedom of the Press. 8 char. . . . A Close Shave. 6 char The Great Elixir. 9 char The Man with the Demijohn. 4char. Humors of the Strike. 8 char. • . . New Brooms Sweep Clean. 6 char. . . My Uncle the Captain. 6 char. . . . Female Characters Only. The Red Chignon. 6 char Using the ^Veed. 7 char. . . . < . A l-iove of a Bonnet. 5 char. . . . A Precious Pickle. 6 char. .... The Greatest Plague in Life. 8cha. No Cure, no Pay. 7 char The Grecian Bend. 7 char ALLEGORIES. A rrnjiged for Music and Tableaux. The Kevolt of the Bees. 9 female characters Lightheart's Pilgrimage. 8 female characters The War of the Roses. 8 female char- acters The Sculptor's Triumph. 1 male, 4 fe- male characters MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. The Seven Ages. A Tableau En- tLVtainmeit. Numerous male and fe- male characters Too Late for the Train. 2 male char- acters Snow bound ; or. Alonzo the Brave AND Ti E Fair Imogene. 3 male, i female character Bonbons; or. The Paint-King. 3 male, I female character The Pedler of Very Nice. 7 male characters An Original Idea, i male, 1 female character Capuletta ; or, Romeo and Juliet Restored. 3 male, i female character. TEMPERANCE J'lECES. The Last Loaf, s male, 3 female characters The Tempter. 3 male, i female character. We're all Teetotalers. 4 male, 2 female characters. A Drop too Mixh. 4 male, 2 female characters. . . . A Little More Cider. 5 male, 3 female characters. . The Man with the Demijohn. 4 characters