■ IwRR 91 £$H ^■n ^^B HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO MASSACHUSETTS BY THOMAS WESTON, A. M. OF THE SUFFOLK BAR BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY Cljr KitiergtUe press, CambrU)g;e 1906 MAP OF MIDDLEBORO IN .853 / HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO PREFACE This volume should have been written fifty years ago, during the lifetime of many men who were familiar with the early history and traditions of the town, which they had learned from older men with whom they had conversed in their younger days, who, in turn, had learned these stories from the early settlers. These men were Wilkes Wood, Zachariah Eddy, his son Samuel Eddy, Colonel Thomas Weston, Alfred Wood, and others. Wilkes Wood delivered an historic address in iS 1 5 ; Zachariah Eddy wrote the history of the First Church ; Sam- uel Eddy gathered many important facts not before recorded ; Colonel Weston was especially familiar with the genealogy and traditions of the settlers, and John Bennett left a number of valuable papers relating to their conveyances of land ; but when these men passed away, much of the early history which might have been preserved was lost forever. General Ebenezer W. Peirce, who was interested in the military affairs of the town and the early history of Lakeville, wrote an account of Middle- boro and Lakeville for the " History of Plymouth County," a genealogy of the Peirce family, and many articles which were published in the Middleboro "Gazette." We have transcribed what could be obtained relating to the early history from the records of Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Archives ; but it is unfortunate that in King Philip's War the records of the town and many ancient docu- ments were burned. There have been kept, however, many of the records of different purchases from the Indians, the original or early copies now being in the possession of the town clerk. The traditions here given have come down uniformly from father to son through generations, so that they may be regarded as trustworthy and correct statements of facts. Many of the incidents were told to the author in his boyhood by those men Vlll PREFACE before mentioned. For the account of Judge Oliver and the various stories connected with his life, the author is largely indebted to his father, who learned them from Mrs. Mary Nor- cutt, Judge Oliver's housekeeper. Many years ago, Granville T. Sproat published the same in the Middleboro " Gazette." Family genealogies have given more or less information con- cerning some of the individuals whose lives are recorded in the following pages. We desire to make special acknowledgment of the assistance rendered by Joseph E. Beals, chairman of the publication com- mittee, for many valuable suggestions and facts. The author also acknowledges the aid he has received from other members of the committee, from many interested in the preparation of this work, and from his daughter Grace, who examined and transcribed many historical documents, and from her researches added many facts not heretofore published. Most of the illus- trations are from photographs taken by Walter L. Beals, and the plates and designs have been made by or under the super- vision of Herbert S. Sylvester. In this volume we have adopted the shorter spelling of Middleboro instead of Middleborough. This book is submitted with the many imperfections and mistakes which, with the utmost care, a work of this kind must necessarily contain, but the author has endeavored to set forth the story of this ancient town, and something of the lives and character of the men, that they may not be forgotten amid the stirring scenes of the present age and generation. CONTENTS Chapter Page . xvii I. Indians . . II. Praying Indians 15 III. MlDDLEBORO AS FIRST KNOWN TO THE ENGLISH . . 21 IV. Early Settlers before King Philip's War . . .29 V. King Philip's War ..... VI. The French and Indian Wars, 1689-1765 VII. Slaves in Middleboro .... VIII. The Revolution IX. The Loyalists of the Revolution X. Middleboro in the War of 181 2 . XI. Middleboro in the War of the Rebellion XII. Local Militia XIII. Social Customs of the Eighteenth Century XIV. Lawyers XV. Physicians XVI. Education, Libraries, Newspapers, Post-offices XVII. Four Corners XVIII. Mad Mare's Neck, Waupaunucket, Fall Brook XIX. The Green XX. Thomastown, Rock, Rocky Meadow, Raymond Neigh borhood, France, South Middleboro XXI. Eddyville, Watervtlle, Soule Neighborhood, Hali FAX XXII. Muttock ■ • • • -355 XXIII. Thompson Road, The Lowlands, Warrentown, Pur- chade XXIV. Titicut XXV. Lakeville XXVI. Ecclesiastical History XXVII. Town Meetings, Herring Fisheries, Indian Paths, Roads and Highways, Fire District XXVIII. Town Officers, Public Officers XXIX. Civil History XXX. Early Purchases from the Indians .... XXXI. Fraternal Organizations XXXII. Cemeteries Descriptive Catalogue of Members of the First Church from 1695 to 1846 Index . . 101 ic6 145 157 168 193 206 225 238 245 272 3°3 3°9 3 2 9 342 386 398 419 439 495 5i7 544 582 631 634 639 687 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Town Hall, High School Building, Soldiers' Monument, Frontispiece Map of Middleboro in 1853 vii Map of Middleboro in 183 i xvii Proposed Division of the Town of Middleboro to form a New Town with a Portion of Taunton xix View of the Four Corners in 1832 from Barden's Hill . . xx Map of Middleboro in 1855 1 Alexander about to embark on the River 8 Indian Monument 14 The Beginning of the Lord's Prayer 16 Samuel Barrows's Autograph 36 Joseph Bumpus's Autograph 37 The Mayflower 42 Isaac Howland, Sr.'s Autograph 46 John Miller, Jr.'s Autograph 48 John Morton's Autograph 48 John Morton, Jr.'s Autograph 49 Samuel Pratt's Autograph 51 Davis Thomas's Autograph 53 John Tomson's Autograph 55 A Halberd of the Time 58 John Tomson, Jr.'s Autograph 59 George Vaughan's Autograph 59 Joseph Vaughan's Autograph 60 Samuel Wood, Sr.'s Autograph ....... 63 Samuel Wood, Jr.'s Autograph 63 Billington Sea . . . 64 John Cobb's Autograph 65 The Sturtevant Plough 67 A View of Assawampsett Pond, where the Body of Sassamon was concealed 72 Facsimile of John Sassamon's Letter to Governor Prince, while Secretary of Philip 72 Xll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS King Philip's Lookout 73 John Tomson's Gun 76 A View of the Rock upon which Isaac Howland shot the Indian at the Beginning of King Philip's War 77 View of Danson Brook, Thompson Street 79 Captain Benjamin Church's Autograph 81 Site of the Encounter at the Bridge, Lakeville . . .84 Indian Hatchet, Pipe, Mortar, and Pestle . . . . 87 A Copy of one of the Stamps under the Stamp Act . .106 ichabod tupper's autograph 1 24 Musket and Powderhorn 144 Doggett House 153 Ransome House 153 Soldiers' Monument 19 1 Kitchen Fireplace 206 A Family Loom of the Eighteenth Century . . . .214 The Attic of the Backus House 221 Samuel Prince's Autograph 227 Elkanah Leonard's Autograph 228 Wilkes Wood 230 Zachariah Eddy 232 Eliab Ward 234 William H. Wood 235 Everett Robinson • • • 236 Judge Wood's Office 237 Dr. Arad Thompson 240 Dr. Morrill Robinson 241 Dr. Ebenezer W. Drake 242 Dr. William W. Comstock 243 Dr. George W. Snow 244 High School 252 Old Baptist Church, Chapel, and First Academy. . . 253 Baptist Church and Second Academy 255 Professor J. W. P. Jenks 256 Enoch Pratt 2 59 Pratt Free School 260 Public Library 26 4 Thomas Sproat Peirce 265 The Silas Wood House 272 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Xlli The Old Morton House 273 The Dr. Clark House 27?; The Old Barrows House 277 Judge Wood's House 278 The Old Bourne House 278 Joseph T. Wood 279 Rev. Charles W. Wood 280 Rev. Henry C. Coombs 281 Ebenezer Pickens 282 Major Levi Peirce . . . 283 Peirce Academy 284 Colonel Peter H. Peirce 285 Home of Colonel Peter H. Peirce 285 Cqlonel Peter H. Peirce's Store 286 Branch Harlow 286 Elisha Tucker 290 Bank Block 292 Site of Bank Block in 1875 292 Peirce Block 293 Site of Peirce Block in 1875 293 Albert Alden 294 Nathan King 295 Horatio Barrows 296 The Four Corners 297 Four Corners in 1850 from Barden Hills .... 298 Four Corners at the Present Time from Barden Hills . . 299 Four Corners 300 The Old Barden House 302 Old Methodist Church of Fall Brook ..... 303 Colonel Benjamin P. Wood 304 Site of the Old Fall Brook Furnace 305 Abishai Miller 306 The Old Miller House 307 Rev. Samuel Fuller's Autograph 309 Second Meeting-house -311 Rev. Peter Thacher's Autograph 313 Rev. Sylvanus Con ant's Autograph 314 Sturtevant House 315 House of Rev. Sylvanus Conant 315 XIV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS John Bennett's Autograph 317 Nehemiah Bennett's Autograph 318 Old Sproat Tavern 319 Signboard of the Old Sproat Tavern 321 Colonel Ebenezer Sproat's Autograph 322 Colonel Ebenezer Sproat 323 Deborah Sampson 330 Deborah Sampson's Home 331 View of the Rock 334 Stillman Benson 340 Samuel Eddy's Autograph 343 Captain Joshua Eddy 344 Residence of Zachariah Eddy 346 Office of Zachariah Eddy 347 Residence of Samuel Eddy and Dr. Powers .... 347 William S. Eddy 349 John Soule's Autograph 350 Jacob Tomson's Autograph 352 John Morton's Autograph 354 John Tomson's Pistol 354 Oliver's Walk 360 Peter Oliver 363 Peter Oliver's Autograph 363 Plan of Judge Oliver's Estate and Works .... 365 Peter Oliver's Book-plate 366 Stairs in Sproat House . . " 373 Residence of Peter Oliver, Jr 374 James Bowdoin 375 James Bowdoin's Autograph 375 William Tupper's Autograph 376 Thomas Weston 380 Abiel Washburn's Residence 381 Ritchie House 382 Backpiece in Fireplace at Oliver Hall . . . ... 384 Captain Isaac Thomson 386 George Thomson House 387 Shipyard from Woodward's Bridge 388 Cephas Thompson 389 John Weston House 391 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XV Colonel Thomas Weston 392 Old Weston Tavern 393 Residence of Mrs. Tom Thumb 394 John Alden 395 Site of the Old Indian Fort 398 House of Rev. Isaac Backus 406 House of Rev. Mr. Gurney 4°6 Elijah E. Perkins 4 J o Site of Shipyard 4 11 Solomon Eaton 412 Oliver Eaton 4 J 3 First Congregational Church 415 Tared Pratt 4 X 6 Isaac Pratt 4*7 Map of the Ponds 4 J 9 Thomas Nelson's Autograph 420 Captain Job Peirce House 4 2 3 Sampson's Tavern 428 Major Peter Hoar's Residence 429 The Washburn House 43° The Ward House 43 1 George Ward 432 A Broadside of the Time, by Hannah Sproat . . . 432 Sprague S. Stetson 433 Town House 434 Cudworth House 436 Elkanah Leonard House 438 Thomas Palmer's Autograph 443 Ebenezer Tinkham's Autograph 445 Pulpit of First Church 456 First Congregational Church at the Green . . .457 Rev. Israel W. Putnam, D. D 458 Rev. David Gurney's Autograph 465 Congregational Church, North Middleboro .... 466 Central Congregational Church 468 Rev. I. C. Thatcher 469 Old Baptist Church, North Middleboro .... 470 Rev. Isaac Backus 47° Rev. Isaac Backus's Autograph 47 1 XVI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Baptist Church, North Middleboro 473 Rev. Ebenezer Hinds . 476 Baptist Church, Rock 478 Rev. Ebenezer Briggs 481 Central Baptist Church . . . . . . . . 483 Rev. Hervey Fitz 484 Rev. Ebenezer Nelson 485 Methodist Episcopal Church, Four Corners . . . 488 Methodist Episcopal Church, South Middleboro . . . 489 Unitarian Church 491 Episcopal Church 492 Roman Catholic Church 493 Square Pews of the Olden Time 494 Old Town House 497 View of Herring-Weir, Muttock . 499 Stick of Herring 500 Railroad Station 512 Seal of the Town of Middleboro 519 Map of Early Purchases of Lands from Indians . . . 582 The Old Oak Tree, Titicut 583 John Howland's Autograph 589 George Soule, Sr.'s Autograph 590 Constant Southworth's Autograph 591 Thomas Southworth's Autograph 592 John Alden's Autograph 593 Thomas Prence's Autograph . . . . . . . 598 Thomas Savory's Autograph 602 George Bonum's Autograph 604 John Chipman's Autograph 622 Isaac Cushman's Autograph 623 Thomas Doggett's Autograph 623 Entrance to Hill Cemetery 635 Gravestone of Rev. Samuel Fuller 637 INTRODUCTION HE history of Middleboro is that of an inland town of the Old Colony, remote from any business centre, a simple story of events, not so stirring as to seriously affect the history of the commonwealth, a story of men, thrifty, intelligent, and able, who have contributed their share to the advancement of the best interests of the country. By an act of the Colonial Legislature, June I, 1663, 2 the inhabitants at Nemasket "were accounted to belong to the town of Plymouth," and continued under that jurisdiction until the year 1669, when that portion of Plymouth was incorporated under the name of the Town of Middleberry. This name may have been given on account of its location, midway between Plymouth and the residence of the Pokanoket chief, or it may have come from the town of Middleboro in North Riding of York, England. It included what had been known as Assa- wampsett, Nemasket, the Titicut land of the Indians, the west- ern portion of the town of Halifax, and the whole of Lake- ville. Before the later division, but after that portion of Hali- fax was set off, it was, excepting Plymouth, the largest town in the state, measuring from north to south over eleven miles, from east to west fourteen miles, and containing an area of more than one hundred square miles. In 1 718 the proprietors of the Sixteen Shilling Purchase, with those who were in possession of much of the land in Taun- ton formerly owned by Miss Poole and her associates, desired to be incorporated into a separate township. Jacob Tomson drew a map, the original of which is now in the Massachusetts 1 " 1663 — 1 June — Prence, Gou r . " It is ordered by the Court that those that are sett downe att Namassakett to belonge to the towne of Plymouth vntill the Court shall see reason otherwise to order." Plymouth Colony Records, vol. iv, p. 41. XV111 INTRODUCTION Archives, and a copy on the following page. This project was principally urged by those living within the bounds of Taunton, but as there were few inhabitants at this time in that portion of Middleboro, it was soon after abandoned. In 1734 the northeasterly part of the town, included in the territory between its present boundary line on the northeast and that on the Winnetuxet River, was set off to form a por- tion of Halifax. The setting off of North Middleboro was for a long time the subject of much discussion. At a meeting held December 23, 1741, "The town taking into consideration the petition of Jabez Eddy and others respecting there being set off a sepa- rate township; and after the same was fully debated, upon a question being asked the town whether they would grant their request, the vote passed in the negative." In 1743 a petition was presented to the General Court signed by thirty-six sub- scribers and heads of families, asking that the northern por- tion of the town be set off from Middleboro to become a new town with part of Bridgewater. This, however, was never acted upon. In 1744 a similar petition was presented to the General Court, which resulted in their separation as a parish distinct from that worshipping at the Green. In 1792 a petition was presented to the General Court, but this was also refused. The last petition was presented in 1821 ; since then there has been no further attempt at a division of this part of the town. In 1853 the legislature incorporated as a separate town that part which was substantially included in the Sixteen Shilling Purchase, under the name of Lakeville. By the act of incorporation, the boundaries of some portions of the town were indefinite ; this gave rise to not a little con- troversy, which extended over many years, and in the case of the adjoining town of Bridgewater, was attended with consid- erable bitterness. The eastern boundary, which in the early history was the township of Plymouth, as well as the south- ern boundary, which adjoined Rochester, was settled by agents of that town in 1695. The dividing line between Middleboro and Bridgewater was settled by the agents of the two towns INTRODUCTION XIX •s'i'h ■'"*r— »i -t" ."-owrrrrc PROPOSED DIVISION OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO TO FORM A NEW TOWN WITH A PORTION OF TAUNTON (Drawn by Jacob Thomson in 1718) XX INTRODUCTION VIEW OF THE FOUR CORNERS IN 1832 FROM BARDEN'S HILL (From an old picture) in 168 1, and since that time the Taunton River has remained the northern boundary. The line between that portion of Taunton and Middleboro between Baiting Brook and Trout or Poquoy Brook was indefinite, the boundary having been the Indian Reservation, whose western limit was not settled until the year 1686. This has remained as then established, although the older inhabitants of the town claimed that Taun- ton had acquired a much larger amount of territory than the original act of the legislature authorized. That portion of the western side of Lakeville bordering upon Freetown has been changed ; in the year 17 18 the boundary was a straight line. It was not until after that time that the indentation as indi- cated upon the present map of Lakeville was made, but when or by whom authorized, we have been unable to ascertain. On the east a small portion of the town was given to Plymp- ton, and in 1842 a narrow strip of land at the southeastern part of the town was annexed to Carver. The Taunton River has always been the boundary line between Middleboro and Raynham. Most of the early settlers from Plymouth and the neighbor- INTRODUCTION XXI ing towns who came to occupy the lands they had previously purchased were farmers, whose prudence and industry soon enabled them to live in comparative independence, their farms, with the rivers, ponds, and forests, supplying them with the necessaries of life. The Lakeville lands were very productive, yielding large crops of corn and rye ; those bordering on the ponds were usu- ally exempt from the early frosts which proved so disastrous in other localities. Flax, at one time raised extensively, is not now cultivated. Fruits were abundant, especially apples. The census of 1781 gives the number of "581 houses, 18 Distill houses, 608 oxen, 1521 cows, 338 horses, 584 coaches, chaises, etc., and 2144 barrels of cider" for that year. For two generations the only mills were the sawmill, the grist-mill, and the fulling-mill, which have now almost entirely disappeared, and in place of the sawmill there are a few box- board mills. In the early part of the eighteenth century the deposits of iron ore in the larger ponds gave rise to the estab- lishment of six blast furnaces for the making of cast-iron ware. There was a large forge and one slitting-mill, both of which were used for the making of nail-rods, out of which hammered nails were made. In the early part of the last century there were four shovel factories, two cotton mills, and one tack fac- tory, all of which have long since disappeared. In 1837 the two cotton mills had two thousand three hundred and eighty- four spindles, and made about half a million yards of cloth annually. The building of a few ships along the Taunton River entirely ceased after the embargo of Jefferson in 1812. The public houses, or ordinaries, which in early times were scattered throughout the town, are no longer to be seen. Early in the settlement Muttock, Titicut, Eddyville, then connected with Waterville, and Fall Brook were places of business im- portance for more than a century, but of these villages Titicut alone has retained its population and industrial posi- tion, while the Four Corners, which a hundred years ago was sparsely settled, is now one of the largest and most prosperous villages of the country. Social, business, and religious interests XX11 INTRODUCTION have been drawn to this centre. The outlying churches, once so flourishing, have decreased in attendance and importance. The First Church, which was organized in 1694, was for generations one of the largest and most influential in the col- ony ; in 1800 there were more than fourteen hundred people included within its parish. As the town has grown in size, various societies have been formed, and now the churches are numerous. Next to the Four Corners, a greater change has occurred in Lakeville in one hundred and twenty-five years than in any other section of the town, there probably being not as many houses and inhabitants there by one third. Between the years 1772 and 1787, more than fifty families moved from Middleboro to Woodstock, Vt., led, probably, by Dr. Stephen Powers. Among these may be named : — Dr. Stephen Powers, 1774 Eleazer Wood, 1779 Joseph Darling, 1776 Caleb Wood, 1779 Isaac Tribou, 1776 Nathaniel Wood, 1779 Jabez Bennett, l 77& William Raymond, 1780 Jacob Churchill, 1778 George Sampson, 1783 Joseph Churchill, 1778 David Thomas, 1787 Others moved to various parts of Vermont, and not a few emigrated into that part of the state then known as the dis- trict of Maine. It was considered noteworthy that these families should go so far into the wilderness. This tide of emigration seems to have continued up to 1800, so that the descendants of Middleboro men in various pursuits and profes- sions are to be found all over the country, and their records indicate that they have not forgotten the ancestry from which they sprang. In the early part of the last century the town was noted for the general health of its inhabitants and their remarkable lon- gevity. Dr. Dwight, President of Yale College, in his letters containing an account of the towns in Massachusetts which he visited, has the following table, showing the mortality in the first parish between 1802 and 18 12 and their ages, namely : 1 — 1 Dwight's Travels, vol. ii, p. n. INTRODUCTION XX111 Years Above 90 So 70 5° 20 Under 20 Total 1802 I 3 2 2 3 8 19 1803 I 4 2 4 4 16 31 1804 4 1 7 2 6 20 1S05 6 3 14 6 29 1806 I 3 1 7 12 1S07 5 2 5 6 4 22 1808 2 10 7 4 8 3 1 1809 2 4 7 4 12 29 l8lO 2 3 4 5 6 20 1812 _A_ 2 4 5 7 22 Total < 7 24 37 39 48 So 2 35 From this table it appears that the average number of deaths in this precinct was 23.5. Of the whole number 235, seven, one thirty-third part, lived to be above 90; and twenty-four, a tenth part, above 80 ; thirty-seven, nearly a sixth part, above 70 ; and sixty-eight, the whole number that died above 70, was a little less than one third of the total. One hundred and seven died above 50, not far from one half ; while those who died under 20 were eighty, a little more than one fourth of the whole. The population has not materially increased during the past one hundred years as compared with some other towns of the commonwealth. There were not as many inhabitants in 18 10 as in 1790. Since i860 the population has steadily increased. No official census was taken of any of the towns in the province or in the commonwealth until 1765. The following table gives the population of Middleboro from that time to the present : — 1765 Province 3412 1S40 State 5085 1776 " 4119 1850 5336 1790 State 4526 i860 1 4565 1800 " 4458 1S70 4685 1S10 " 4400 1880 5239 1820 " 4687 1890 6065 1830 " 5008 1900 6885 1 The town of Lakeville was set off from Middleboro in 1S53, thus reducing its population. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO CHAPTER I INDIANS HEN the pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620, Middle- boro was occupied by the Nemasket Indians. 1 From them the place took its name until the incorporation of the town in 1669. They were a part of the great nation of Pokanokets, 2 under the sachem Massasoit, whose rule extended over all of the tribes in southeastern Massachusetts ; these, with the exception of the Nemaskets, had been greatly decimated by the plague which swept through this region. 3 The principal settlements were at Muttock on the Nemasket 1 The word " Nemasket " is probably derived from two Indian words, " Ne- man," meaning "a fish," and its terminal " et," meaning "the place of," and at this place the Indians from time immemorial had a fish weir, and from this the surrounding country was named. In the old records it was spelled Namasket. 2 The Pokanoket race was composed of the Wampanoags of Bristol County, in Rhode Island, the Pocassets at Rehoboth, Swansea, and Tiverton, the Saconets at Little Compton, the Nemaskets at Middleboro, the Agawams at Wareham, the Manomets at Sandwich, the Sakatuckets at Mashpee, the Mattakees at Barnstable, the Nobsquassets at Yarmouth, the Monamoys at Chatham, and the Nausets at Eastham. The islands at the south were also included. 3 " The devastation wrought by the disease was horrible . . . and strange to say, the Namaskets, who were in the centre of the path followed by the pesti- lence, were spared, the deluge of death dividing at that point and depopulating the country on each side of them." Goodwin's Pilgrim Republic, p. 136. See Isaac Backus in vol. iii of the Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. p. 148. " When Edward Winslow and Stephen Hopkins sent out their two messengers to visit Massasoit at Mount Hope, in July, 1621, they lodged the first night at Namasket, where so many Indians had died a few years before that the living could not bury the dead, but their skulls and bones appeared in many places where their dead had been." Prince's Chronology, p. 106. 2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1620 River, upon the borders of Assawampsett Pond, and Titicut, not far from where the Nemasket empties into the Taunton River. It was a characteristic of all of the North American Indians to select for their settlements the most sightly and beautiful locations in the country, where there was plenty of water for fishing and a broad outlook over their hunting-grounds. This seems to have been especially true of the Nemasket Indians. Their principal settlement was at Muttock, on the bank of the high hill on the westerly side of the river. There was an abundance of fish in the river below, across which they had erected a fish weir near the site of the present dam. Numer- ous springs of sweet water were at the base of the hill, and the land adjoining was fruitful and well adapted for their corn gardens. The settlements at Assawampsett were upon the borders of the beautiful inland lakes and upon the high ground sur- rounding. At Titicut they extended along the banks of both sides of the river ; the site of the wigwam of their sachem was probably upon what is now known as Fort Hill. The Indians living about Middleboro ponds were in the habit of going to New Bedford for the purpose of obtaining shellfish, and their path was the old pond road leading from Assawampsett Pond to New Bedford. At this time the Indians lived in wigwams, built of poles, which, fastened together at the top, formed a circle from fif- teen to twenty feet in diameter. These poles were covered with skins of bear or deer, and a hole was left in the top for the smoke to escape. The ground upon which the wigwam stood was usually hollowed some three or four feet in the centre, and in the middle a fire was built for cooking purposes ; the earthen floor was covered with mats or skins, while at the doorway hung a skin which was drawn back during the day, but dropped at night and secured by placing a stick against it. In the centre of the village stood the wigwam of the chief, painted with his totem, and others were placed around it, so near that conversa- tion could be heard from one to another. This continued to be the home of the Indians for almost a century, until they !62o] INDIANS 5 adopted many of the customs of civilized life and it gave place to the cabin, or hut, which formed a much more com- fortable shelter from the storm and snow of winter. The site of the chief's wigwam at Muttock may still be seen upon the top of what is known as Oliver's Walk. The dress of the Indians consisted of moccasins made of the skins of animals caught or killed in their hunting expedi- tions, breeches made of deerskin, and a kind of blanket made of deer or bear skin, which they threw over their shoulders. They wore nothing upon their heads, and as they gradually adopted the ways of civilized life, they were accustomed to wear whatever clothing could be obtained from the whites. From the earliest times they secured much of their food by fishing 1 and hunting. Maize or corn, 2 raised in corn gardens, 1 They used nets made of bark from a species of willow-tree, and of rushes and strong grass. 2 The following legend of the first growth of corn is interesting : — " Mon-do-min, an old hunter of the Wampanoag tribe, sat one night alone in his wigwam, on the shores of the Nemasket River. The night was dark and stormy, for Ke-che No-din, the Spirit of the Wind, was very angry, and threatened to tear up the oaks on the banks of the river and scatter them on the ground. Mon-do- min was old and lame ; his wigwam stood far apart from all the others; he could no longer hunt the wild deer, or bear ; he was very weak, and fainting with hunger, for he had not tasted food for many days. Then he looked up to the Great Spirit for help, and said, ' Oh, Great Spirit ! Shah-wain-ne-me-shin ! Have pity upon me, and look down out of your window in the southern sky, and send me help from your home in the ish-pe-ming [heavens].' Presently he heard a fluttering among the long poles at the top of his wigwam. He looked, and, lo ! a partridge [be-nah-nah] was caught among the poles, and could not escape. Mon-do-min took the partridge in his hand, and said, ' Now has the Great Spirit had pity upon me, and sent me food, that I may not die of hunger.' So he kindled a fire and prepared to dress the partridge for food. Presently, amid the pauses of the storm, Mon-do-min heard cries of distress. It was a woman's voice, crying bit- terly ; she had lost her way in the forest, and was crouching, for shelter, beneath the cover of the Great Rock, close by the door of his wigwam. Mon-do-min has- tened, with all the strength that his old and trembling limbs would permit, and found the woman. He raised her up, brought her into his wigwam, laid her on his own bed of bearskins, and chafed her bruised limbs (for she had fallen from the rock), and tried to restore warmth to her shivering frame. He then took the partridge he had prepared for his own nourishment and said, ' My sister, this is what the Great Spirit had given me to eat, when I was perishing with hunger. Take it ; it is thine; there is not enough for thee and for me. Thou wilt live ; but I must die. Thus has the Great Spirit spoken. But remember me, when thou 4 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1620 was an important article of diet, and the woods of the country abounded with wild cherries, wild plums, beach-plums, wild gooseberries, strawberries, huckleberries, raspberries, and black- berries. The soil was loosened by a sharp wooden stick ; a fish, usually a herring, was buried at a depth of five or six inches, covered by about two inches of soil, then a few kernels of corn were planted, pressed down hard, and this, being fertil- ized by the decayed fish, produced an abundant crop. When ripened it was shelled and dried, then placed in baskets and stored in pits in the earth, called "caches." It was pounded to meal in the stone mortars with pestles. Their food was often prepared in this way : — " It is generally boiled maize or Indian corn, mixed with kidney-beans, or sometimes without. Also they frequently boil in this pottage fish and flesh of all sorts, either new taken or dried, as shad, eels, alewives, or a kind of herring, or any other sort of fish. But they dry, mostly, those sorts be- fore mentioned. These they cut in pieces, bones and all, and seest one alone and perishing, as thou wert, and do to them as I have done to thee. Farewell, I shall not see thee again till we meet in the Country of Souls.' " Mon-do-min said no more. He laid himself down on the cold earth for his couch, and that night the Great Spirit took him to his dwelling, in the Country of Souls. " In the morning the woman awoke from her slumbers calm and refreshed, and looked, and saw Mon-do-min dead in the bottom of the wigwam. Then she arose, and went and called the chiefs of the tribe, and they came and buried Mon-do- min on the bank of the river, close by where his wigwam had stood. " When the Moon of Leaves [June] had come, they went, and behold ! the ground around the grave of Mon-do-min was covered with fine, springing shoots, like grass ; only the leaves were broader, and more beautiful in the sun. Then they wondered, and said, ' What is this that we see ? this that is growing around the grave of Mon-do-min?' And while they wondered, lo ! from a bright cloud that stood just above them, the Great Spirit spoke and said, ' My children, listen to what I have to say to you to-day. This that you see shall be food for you to eat, when it shall be ripened into full ears of grain. It shall be called Mon-do- min [corn]. It shall be called by his name, for his kindness to the poor and perish- ing one, that stormy night, when he brought her into his own wigwam, and gave her of his own food to eat, when he was himself perishing with hunger. And you shall tell it to your children, and your children's children, in all your tribes, when you see the green corn waving by the Lake of White Stones [Assawamp- sett] and the river of the Nemaskets.' " 1 620] INDIANS 5 boil them in the aforesaid pottage. Also they boil in this fermenty all sorts of flesh they take in hunting, as venison, beaver, bears flesh, moose, otters, raccoons, or any kind that they take in hunting, cutting this flesh in small pieces, and boiling it as aforesaid. Also they mix with the said pottage several sorts of roots, as Jerusalem artichokes, and ground nuts, and other roots, and pompions, and squashes, and also several sorts of nuts or masts, as oak acorns, chestnuts, walnuts ; these husked, and dried, and powdered, they thicken their pottage therewith. Also sometimes they beat their maize into meal, and sift it through a basket, made for that purpose. With this meal they make bread, baking it in the ashes, cover- ing the dough with leaves. Sometimes they make of their meal a small sort of cakes, and boil them. They make also a certain sort of meal of parched maize ; this meal they call nokake. It is so sweet, toothsome, and hearty, that an Indian will travel many days with no other food but this meal, which he eateth as he needs and after it drinketh water. And for this end, when they travel a journey, or go a-hunting, they carry this nokake in a basket or bag, for their use." 1 " The indians have an art of drying their chestnuts, and so to preserve them in their barnes for a daintie all the yeare. Akornes, also, they drie, and, in case of want of Corne, by much boiling they make a good dish of them ; yea, sometimes in plentie of Corne doe they eate thes Acornes for a novelty." 2 Women were held in great contempt, and were obliged to do all of the hard work. The wife had to skin and dress the deer killed by her husband, prepare the food which he devoured, leaving for her only what he did not care for, and work in the field while he smoked comfortably at home. The men were brave, courageous, fierce, and revengeful, "much addicted to lying 3 and speaking untruth," with little 1 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. iii, p. 216. 2 Roger Williams's " Key into the Language of America," in R. I. Hist. Coll. vol. i, p. 90. 3 The following is an Indian account of the origin of this trait of character : — " When the Pale Face came across the Big Waters [Te-che Gah-me], there were straight paths running all through our forests. Our warriors walked in them. They were very narrow. But our warriors' feet went straight forward. It did not hurt them to walk in straight, narrow paths. But the Pale Face could not walk in them. His toes turned out ; he was trying to walk two ways at once. He 6 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1620 regard for honor. With few tools, they were yet ingenious and skilful. They kept time by the sun and moon, and were observers of the stars. They were superstitious, submitting to their priests or "powahs " in their worship of many gods, the chief of whom were Kiehtan, the creator and giver of good hereafter, and Alamacho, the evil spirit. They believed that evil spirits always settled where the dark spirit Death, whom they called " Pau-guk," had been. They burned the wigwam to send away these spirits, and if they thought him near, would do their utmost to drive him away, beating drums, throwing hot water into the air, and making unearthly noises. The whip-poor-will was believed to be a messenger from the other world, and on hearing his mournful note they would cry, "Be still ! it is the bird from the Spiritland." Their principal burying-ground was on Muttock Hill. At sunset they would carry the body of the dead, wrapped in furs or mats, to the grave. A basket of meat was placed at his head, a pot of water at his feet, and his moccasins were in his hand. If he were a rich man, his jewels and wampum were buried with him. They then marched around the grave, chant- ing in solemn words, " Go on thy journey, brother. 'T is late and the sun is set. We will keep the fire for travellers burn- ing to light thee on thy way. We have put food before thee for thy journey and moccasins for thy feet. Fear not, for the dark roaring river thou must cross. Step lightly over and go on thy journey." After filling the grave, they built afire at the head and kept it burning four days and nights. They believed his desolate jour- could not walk straight. His ways were crooked. He taught our people to steal. He came creeping into our wigwams at night. He crept in like a mouse that nib- bles the children's corn. He had long fingers — so long that they would reach to the bottom of the sugar mo-ko-ks [birch-bark boxes]. He stole all the women's sugar out of them, made of the juice of the maple-tree. And when our people told him of this, and he opened his mouth to speak, we saw that he had two tongues. One tongue laid very still ; the other moved very fast. The lying tongue walked very fast. The Indian no longer walks straight, he has learned to walk two ways at once, like the Pale Face. The tongue that spoke the truth stands still. The lying tongue walks very fast. It is like the brook that runs over the stones. None can stop its babblings." 1660] INDIANS 7 ney through a prairie, where he was liable to lose his way, was without light save from this fire. If he had been a murderer, he was attacked by snakes, wild beasts, and evil spirits until he reached the banks of the Spirit River. This he crossed on a floating pole, guided by Meno Manito, the Master of Life, to the Happy Hunting-Ground. The wicked spirits could not follow, but the current took them away from him to the prairie. For half a century after the landing of the pilgrims at Plym- outh, the friendly relations which had been established be- tween the whites and the good king Massasoit continued. The two races for the most part lived together in peace and har- mony, the white settlers being careful to see that exact justice was done to the Indians, and that all of their rights of person and property should be fairly protected. Whenever a white man offended an Indian he was immediately brought to jus- tice, and compelled by the laws of the colony to make ample and full reparation, or suffer punishment for the offence com- mitted, and the Indians were obliged to submit to the same laws that governed the whites. Massasoit died of the plague in the year 1660, and was suc- ceeded by his son, Wamsutta. There is a touching incident related by Mr. Hubbard, that not long before the death of Massasoit, the aged chief came to Mr. Brown, who lived not far from Mount Hope in Rhode Island, and brought his two sons, desiring that there might be love and amity between them, as there had been between himself and the whites. It seems, however, that upon the accession of Alexander he failed to obey his father's injunction, and Mr. Hubbard further says that " he had neither affection to the person nor to the reli- gion of the whites." 1 In the year 1656 his two sons presented themselves before the court at Plymouth and desired that English names might be given them. Wamsutta, the eldest, was afterwards called Alexander, and Pometicon was then given the name of Philip. Some two years after the death of his father, although Alex- ander had become a party to the league with the whites and 1 Hubbard's Indian Wars in New England, Drake's edition, pp. 46, 47. 8 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1662 had received many benefits therefrom, rumors came that he was plotting with the Narragansetts against the English. At length these rumors became so numerous that he was sum- moned to Plymouth for an explanation. He was said to have been temporarily visiting on the shores of a pond in Halifax, but as he did not immediately respond, Governor Bradford and some others of the colony sought an interview. He had some excuse for not earlier obeying the command, but consented to ALEXANDER ABOUT TO EMBARK ON THE RIVER (From Harper's Monthly Magazine, vol. 71, p. 815. Copyrighted, 1S85, by Harper & Bros.) return with them. A little later, a satisfactory interview was held in Duxbury, and the party returned to Plymouth, Alex- ander informing them that he was to go to Boston. A few days after, he stopped at the house of Winslow, in Marshfield, where he was taken sick. From here he was carried by his attendants to Governor Bradford's house in Plymouth. His sickness continuing, his people bore him across the country through Plymouth and Middleboro to the wading-place, then along the Titicut path a little below the weir at Pratt's bridge, where they embarked in canoes, but he died before reaching I668J INDIANS 9 his home. 1 It was alleged that his death was hastened by ill treatment which he received at the hands of the English while in Marshfield and Plymouth, and that this was one of the causes of King Philip's War, which occurred some years later. There is, however, no proof of this charge. On the death of Alexander, which occurred in July, 1662, Philip became the chief sachem of all of the Pokanokets, and one of his first acts was to appear before the court at Plym- outh and earnestly request a continuance of the amity which had existed between the whites and his father, promising to endeavor in all things to carry himself inoffensively and peace- ably toward the English. This compact was witnessed by five of his chiefs. It is said that this was undoubtedly an act of treachery on the part of Philip, but it had the effect of allaying the suspicions which had been for some time excited in the colony. (See chapter on King Philip's War.) The territory ruled by King Philip was the greater part of southeastern Massachusetts, including a portion of Rhode Island. This was divided among various sub-chiefs, who held sway over the different local tribes. Among these was Paman- taquash, or, as he was familiarly known, the pond sachem, whose domain was the country near the ponds. About six years after Philip's accession, in 1668, this pond sachem, by an instrument which was recognized as binding by the court at Plymouth, bequeathed his rulership to Tispequin, the black sachem, a chieftain of great power and notoriety, of whom we shall speak hereafter. This will was written by Nathaniel Morton, secretary of the colony, and Samuel Spray. It is as follows : — " Witneseth these presents, Pamantaquash, the pond Sachem, being weak in body but of perfect disposeing memory, declared it to be his last will and Testament, concerning all his lands at Assawamsett, or elsewhere, that he is now possessed of, that he would after his desease leave them unto his , Tuspe- quin, alius the black Sachem, for his life, and after the sd Tus- pequin his decease unto Soquontamouk, alius William, his sone, 1 Between June 13 and August 26 (N. S.). Plymouth Colony Records, vol. iv, pp. 16, 25. IO HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1668 and to his heires forever, and desired several 1 of his men that were then about him to take notice of it and be witnesses of it if he should not live himself to doe the writing under his owne hande." This instrument was witnessed by Paempohut, alias Joseph, Sam Harry, alias Matwatacka, Wosako, alias Harry, and Felix, alias Nanauatanate. The following is an interesting copy from the records in Plymouth : — "The land that the said Pamantaquash challenges, the names of the places . . . said witnesses have made description . . . followeth Pachamaquast, Wekam, . . . Nekatatacouck, Set- nessnett, Anec . . . path that goes from Cushenett to . . . goes through it : " Wacagasaness : Wacom . . . Quamakeckett, Tokopis- sett ; Maspenn . . . Wampaketatekam : Caskakachesquash Wachpusk, ester side of ye pond : p . . . Pachest ; soe or Namassakett riuer Pasamasatuate. " Harry and his sone Sam, Harry, desiers that neither Tus- paquin nor his sone be prest to sell the said lands ... by any English or others whatsouer. "The lands Mentioned which Tuspequin posesseth, Ha . . . Wosako, w ch is long as he lives. " 29 October, 1668. "Witnes, " Wapetom, his mark. " Wasnukesett, his mark." Chickataubut was one of the "great sachems" among the Massachusetts Indians. He was styled the " greatest sagamore in the country." " His territory did extend from Nishamago- guanett, near Duxbury mill, to Titicut near Taunton and to Nunckatateset, a pond of considerable size in the southwestern portion of Bridgewater adjoining Raynham and from thence in a straight line to Wanamampuke which is the head of Charles River." 1 Who was his father, or how he obtained this rule, has not come down to us. He was one of the nine sachems who signed the Articles of Submission to King James on the 13th of September, 162 1, and Governor Dudley said of him, in 163 1, 1 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. iii, p. 332. 1631-69] INDIANS I I that " he least favoreth the whites of any of the sagamores that we are acquainted with by reason of the old quarrel in Plymouth wherein he lost seven of his best men." However, the whole intercourse of this chief with the Massachusetts colonies seems to have been friendly. He, with his squaw, visited Boston as the guest of Governor Dudley, and presented the governor with a hogshead of corn. He died of smallpox in the month of Novem- ber, 1633. His favorite resort was Titicut, and his land com- prised three miles on each side of the river, which was granted by his son Wampatuck to the Indians in Titicut before 1644. Wampatuck, called Josiah Wampatuck, succeeded him in his rule. During his minority, Mr. Gookin says, " he was bred up by his uncle Kuchamakin, a sachem, who resided at Nepon- set." He is mentioned as one of three sachems who, on the 5th of February, 1643-44, came to the governor of Massachusetts Colony in their own name, and " in the names of all the sachems of Watchusett and all of the Indians from Merrimack to Tecti- cutt, and tendered themselves " to the Massachusetts governor, and gave him thirty fathoms of wampum and promised to come to the court when it next met. The governor agreed " to accept their presents until the court came in, and if the court and they did agree then to accept them." Upon the coming in of the court, this was approved, it being stated that they desired "to be received upon our protection and government upon the same terms that the other Indians had been." The subsequent conduct of his uncle gave much anxiety to the colony. Under his influence, Josiah Wampatuck seems to have acquired much of the impetuosity and fickleness which characterized his after life. He at one time professed to be one of the praying In- dians, but afterwards turned apostate and separated from them, although he seems to have been a faithful friend of the whites, and in 1662 made extensive grants of land in Middleboro. We find him, however, in 1669, joining in the war between the Indians of New England and the Mohawk Indians as the chief sachem. This, however, proved a failure, and the Massachu- setts warriors were obliged to retreat, leaving a large number of their slain upon the different battlefields. He was among the 12 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1671-75 dead, and left a son Jeremy, who became a sachem in 1671. He left a son Charles Josiah, who was the last of his race. 1 Tispequin, the black sachem, who inherited the lands from the pond sachem, made many conveyances in Middleboro to the early settlers of this and adjoining towns. (See chapter on Early Purchases.) He was a fearless and able chieftain, one of the leaders in King Philip's War, upon whom Philip relied more than upon any of the sagamores of the country. He had mar- ried a daughter of Massasoit, and was a brother-in-law of Philip. Notwithstanding his numerous dealings with the whites, he never became accustomed to their ways or accepted their re- ligious faith. In the later years of his life his residence was outside of Middleboro, and from his personal relations with King Philip, it is not surprising that he became his confidant and most trusted warrior. It is a little remarkable that, con- sidering his influence and position, he did not succeed in in- ducing more of the Indians of the town to join Philip in the Indian war for the extermination of the whites in 1675. He had all of the malignity and cruel disposition of the most savage and bloodthirsty of his race, and notwithstanding all of the dealings he had had with the white settlers within his domain, it is not improbable that during the years in which these con- veyances of land were so freely given, he was meditating a plot in connection with Philip for the utter extermination of the whites, hoping thus eventually to regain the land conveyed. Upon the breaking out of the war he was the leader of most, if not all, of the savage exploits and terrible massacres in the old colony. (See chapter on King Philip's War.) What became of his son William, who would have been his legal successor as chieftain of the tribes of southeastern Massachusetts, is un- known. His other son, Benjamin, died from the effects of a wound received in battle during this war. One of Benjamin's daughters, it is said, married an Indian by the name of Quam, whose daughter received sufficient education to be at one time a school-teacher among the few remaining children of her tribe. 1 Drake's Booh of the Indians, Book II, pp. 44~45 ; N"*> England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. iii, pp. 339-34°- 1673] INDIANS 13 In a deed dated 1673, 1 wherein he made a gift to John Sas- samon of certain land at Assawampsett, he is called Old Tis- pequin. The descendants from Tispequin were called Squins, a corruption of the great sachem's name. In 1793 the tribe had so diminished that there were but eight families living in their Indian houses at Betty's Neck. There were in these eight families between thirty and forty Indians, who were poor and improvident, and who became very intemperate, the corn and rye raised on their land being usually sold for liquor. They obtained a meagre subsistence by the sale of brooms and baskets which they manufactured. 2 This tribe is now reduced in numbers to a single family. Beside the Indian burial ground on Muttock Hill there was undoubtedly an ancient place of burial at the Four Corners, near the site of the house of the late Allen Shaw on Main Street, and a little to the east of the residence of the late Colonel Peter H. Peirce on the other side of the street. In 1826, in making an excavation for the cellar of Mr. Shaw's house, Indian remains were found in a sitting posture. One of the skeletons had a brass kettle over his head, and his body had been profusely deco- rated with beads and other ornaments. These evidently were of English manufacture, and had probably been procured at Plymouth. Upon the farm of the late Ellis Weston, about half a mile from the Lower Factory, was an Indian settlement, which is indicated by the very rich black soil in circular spots, as though it had been under the wigwams. In ploughing fields in this neighborhood numerous arrowheads, battle-axes, and spears have been found. Some few years ago the water was drawn off from a pond made by an artificial dam, leaving exposed a large number of tree stumps in a perfect state of preservation ; against one of these stumps was found leaning a skeleton of an Indian chief with the remains of various implements of warfare, which had probably been buried with him. The skeleton was given by Mr. Weston to Professor J. W. P. Jenks, and was afterwards 1 History of Plymouth Colony, Lakeville, p. 292. 2 From notes of Nehemiah Bennett, Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 35. 14 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1831 moved to the Museum of Brown University. A large number of arrowheads, spears, and stone axes have also been found about the high ground on the east of Assawampsett Pond. Ben Simonds was the last of the full-blooded Indians who lived at Assawampsett. Upon his death he was buried in a cemetery in the westerly part of Lakeville, and a small gran- ite obelisk was erected by Mr. Levi Reed, which bears this inscription : — " In Memory of Ben Simonds, the last male of the native Indians of Middleboro. He was a Revolutionary soldier. Died May, 183 1, aged eighty years." INDIAN MONUMENT CHAPTER II PRAYING INDIANS NE purpose of the early settlers in both Massachu- setts and Plymouth Colony in leaving the old coun- try and enduring the hardships of the New World was to teach the gospel to the Indians of America. The Massachusetts charter takes notice of it, and letters from the settlers to their friends frequently refer to this purpose, show- ing that not a little was done in their endeavors to christianize the Indians in that province. The submission of the five great sachems to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts did much towards preparing for this laudable undertaking. Some of them had expressed the wish "to suffer their children to learn God's Word ;" "To worship Him aright and worship Him in their own way." An order was passed November 13, 1644, that the col- ony should take care that the Indians residing in their several shires should be civilized, and instructed in the knowledge of the Word of God. 1 In Plymouth Colony we find the same high motive in the reasons set forth by the pilgrims for leaving Holland, the country which had protected them from the persecutions of their native land. " Fifthly and last and which was not the least a great hope and inward zeal they had of laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way thereunto for the propagation and advancement of the Gospel of the King- dom of Christ, although they should be but as stepping stones unto others for the performance of so great a work." 2 In order further to carry on this work, Governor Winslow, 3 in July, 1649, was instrumental in forming a society for propa- 1 Barry's History of Massachusetts, vol. i, p. 350. 2 New England Memorial, p. 12. 3 Ibid., Appendix, p. 380. l6 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1674 NcDskurT~Resukq,ur q,utfcianaiamunach -koqwjsnonki ~Pe4nmooutch^ky.kkeia5Sutaml)^C"ku^^nan^dmeenk 1 ?ne »^£l^ c ^ 1~hker^~neane"kesukgu4: "—— - ^~^i ~ — = — — ~ - — ~ T ^~ : U THE BEGINNING OF THE LORDS PRAYER (From Eliot's Indian Bible) gating the gospel in New England, while ministers in the mother country stirred up their congregations to contribute liberally for its support. A correspondence was held with the commissioners of the United Colonies as agents, and at one time over seven hundred pounds a year was raised for the use of this society. As a result of these contributions, which were carefully distributed, not only was an attempt made to intro- duce a change in the customs and dress of the natives, but teachers were appointed to carry out the work of instruction. How well this work was done may be inferred from the fact that in 1 674 * there were in Plymouth Colony four hundred and ninety-seven praying Indians. Of this number, seventy- two could write, one hundred and forty-two could read the In- dian language, as it had been reduced to writing by Eliot, and nine could read English. In addition to this number, there were about one hundred children in the Indian schools in the colony, who were being taught not only to speak English, but to read and write. The Indians who early embraced Christianity were from the smaller tribes about Boston, the Cape, and Plymouth Colony, while the larger tribes and the prominent chieftains of New England were never in sympathy with this work. Massasoit, although always friendly with the whites, cared nothing for their religion, and was much opposed to its being introduced among his tribes; when the whites were negotiating for lands in Swansea, he endeavored to have them promise never to con- vert any of his subjects to Christianity. The successful Indian missionary, Eliot, at one time tried to make a convert of Philip, 1 Winsor's Duxbury, p. 75; also Gookin's "Historical Collections," in Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. i, p. 141. i6;s] PRAYING INDIANS 17 but he, taking hold of a button of his coat, said, " I do not care for your religion more than I care for that button." Of the Indian teachers and preachers whose names have come down to us, John Sassamon x was by far the ablest and best educated. He taught for a while at Natick, under the apostle Eliot, with such success that Eliot advised that his ser- vices should be paid for by the London society. He was settled as pastor and teacher over the church at Nemasket, and often taught and preached at Assawampsett and Titicut. His grave is supposed to be in an old Indian burial-ground on the south- ern shore of Assawampsett Pond. The membership in the Indian churches shows how earnest and faithful must have been the labors and the exemplary christian character of the descendants of the pilgrims living in Middleboro, who without a pastor themselves, did such effective missionary work. These churches adopted a form of church government ; deacons and officers were appointed by the differ- ent tribes to adjust and settle matters of depute and difficul- ties between them ; they had their own schoolmaster, and con- stables to enforce the orders and the decrees of their officials. 2 1 For further account, see chapter on King Philip's War. 2 Whether the attempt to establish a local government by the Indians for their own protection, which was instituted by Eliot for the Indians of Natick and Nonan- tum in connection with his schools and the establishment of christian churches, ever was adopted in Plymouth Colony may be a matter of doubt, but the employ- ment of the more intelligent christian Indians as teachers and preachers was al- ways acceptable to them and esteemed a great honor. They probably held courts in Barnstable for the adjustment of their rights and the punishment of crimes. Some amusing anecdotes of Indian justice and its administration have come down to us. The following warrant from an Indian court in Barnstable County was issued by one of the Indian magistrates to an Indian constable, and its con- ciseness and absence of unnecessary words are quite noticeable. This was the form of the warrant : — "I Hihoudi, You Peter Waterman, Jeremy Wicket; Quick you take him, Fast you hold him, Straight you bring him, Before me, Hihoudi." Davis, ed., Netv England Memorial, p. 415. 1 8 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1689 There were three churches, one in Nemasket, one in Titicut, and one in Assawampsett, with about thirty members in each ; the membership of the church at Assawampsett is said to have numbered thirty-five. 1 They had places of worship of their own, although only the site of that in Titicut on Pleasant Street, near the centre of the parish, can now be identified ; the Nemasket meeting-house was burned, with the larger por- tion of the dwelling-houses, at the time of the war ; the Old Pond Church was probably on the site of the Assawampsett meeting-house. Their pastors were devoted christian men, with a good knowledge of the scriptures, whose teaching and influ- ence were so beneficial in promoting friendship between the tribes and the whites that at the outbreak of the war most of them remained loyal to their white friends ; many following them to Plymouth and some joining the different companies against King Philip. Without this friendship, the entire colony must have been wiped out, and yet, in spite of this fact, they were distrusted by many. In 1689 Rev. Grindal Rawson of Mendon and Rev. Samuel Danforth of Taunton were appointed by the society to visit the several Indian settlements in the old colony. They re- ported " 20 houses and 80 persons at Assawampsit and Ouit- taub [probably Nemasket] John Hiacoomes preacher and constant schoolmaster at Kehtehticut are 40 adults to whom Charles Aham preaches also Jocelyn preacher." 2 After the war and abandonment of their church organization, the pray- ing Indians of Nemasket worshipped with the First Church, where a place was provided for them in the gallery. We have no further records of the church at Assawampsett, although it probably continued for some time. The church at Titicut was apparently well sustained until after the middle of the eighteenth century. Rev. Mr. Treat occasionally visited the Indians of this section, and labored earnestly for their spiritual welfare. Rev. John Cotton, pastor of the church at Plymouth, instructed them from the scriptures of the Old and New 1 Goodwin's Pilgrim Republic, p. 536. 2 Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. x, p. 134. 1674] PRAYING INDIANS 1 9 Testament. Most of the Indians at this time had learned to read the Bible and the books which the apostle Eliot had translated into their language. Some of them could write, and not a few could speak and even write the English language. Richard Bourne of Sandwich, another minister who often visited them, wrote on the 1st of July, 1674, 1 of the Plymouth Colony Indians : — "There is good hopes of diverse of them. Some of them being lately dead, having given a good testimony of their being in the faith, and so lifting up their souls to Christ as their Saviour and their All in All, as diverse of the well affected English know, and have been present among some of them that departed this life. I was with one of them, the last sum- mer, that had been sick for a long time, and I staid with him near one whole day, and there came from him very heavenly and savory expressions. One passage I will make bold to in- sert, the which is this : That he, being very sick, not expecting the continuance of his life, told me that his wife did much solicit him to forsake God and live, forasmuch as many that were not praying Indians were not so afflicted as he was. But he, using those words in Job II : 9, 10, gave her this answer : That he would cleave to God, altho' he died, rather than live and forsake Him." Governor Hinckley, in a report made by him concerning the praying Indians of the colony, says : — " Their manner is not to accept any to be praying Indians or Christians, but such as do, before some of their magistrates or civil rulers, renounce their former heathenish manners, and give up themselves to be praying Indians ; neither do they choose any other than such to bear any office among them. They keep their courts in several places, living so far distant one from another. Especially the four chief places often de- sire my help amongst them, at their courts, and often do appeal from the sentence of the Indian Judges, to my deter- mination, in which they quietly rest, whereby I have much trouble and expense of time among them, but if God please to bless my endeavours to bring them to more civility and Chris- tianity, I shall account my time and pains well spent. A great obstruction whereunto is the great appetite many of the young 1 Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. i, p. 198, 1st series. 20 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1746-60 generation have after strong liquors, and the covetous evil humour of sundry of our English, in furnishing them there- with, notwithstanding all the courts orders and means used to prohibit the same." x In 1746 the praying Indians in Titicut had given lands for the meeting-house, although at that time no action had been taken by the General Court to confirm the grant, which by a law of the colony was necessary, and no title could be confirmed until those steps had been taken. These three Indians, James Thomas, John Ahanton, and Stephen David, contributed thirty-eight and three quarters acres to the parish in Titicut, and the land included the site of the present meeting-house and parsonage, the public green, and the cemetery. 2 These grants were afterwards duly con- firmed by the General Court. Mr. Joshua Fobes has left on record that one at least of the three Indians was buried in the village cemetery, and he remembered the spot pointed out to him as the grave of James Thomas. Those connected with these churches were desirous of receiving spiritual instruction, and in their deportment showed that they were endeavoring to lead a godly life. They had great respect for the christian men and women living in that community, and seemed to look to them for an example of what their conduct and behavior should be. When Rev. Isaac Backus came to Titicut as preacher, Nehemiah Abiel, Thomas Felix, and John Simons were pastors there, of whom he writes, " John Simons was the minister of the Indian church and continued for nearly ten years," 3 at the end of which most of the Indians had disappeared, and their remaining land was sold in 1760. 1 Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. v, p. 134, 4th series. 2 Emery, History of A T orth Middleboro Church, p. 15. 3 Ibid. p. 8. CHAPTER III MIDDLEBORO AS FIRST KNOWN TO THE ENGLISH il N 1619 Sir Ferdinand Gorges sent aa expedition to look after certain fishing and fur interests which Captain John Smith had established two years before. Thomas Dermer, one of Smith's captains, was in charge of the expedition, with instructions to join one Rocroft on the Maine coast. On arriving, he found that Rocroft had gone to Virginia. He sent his ship of two hundred tons home, laden with furs and fish ; then with a few men and Tisquan- tum, or Squanto, as guide, proceeded to explore the country in a small boat from the Kennebec to Cape Cod. He went to Tisquantum's native place, Patuxet, and of this he says, " When I arrived at my savage's native country, finding all dead I travelled almost a day's journey westward to a place called Namasket, where finding inhabitants, I despatched a messenger a day's journey west to Pokanoket, which border- eth on the sea, whence came to see me two kings attended with a guard of fifty armed men, who being well satisfied with what my savage and I discoursed unto them, and being desir- ous of novelty, gave me content in whatsoever I demanded." On this trip he rescued two Frenchmen, who had been wrecked several years before. They had been subjected to a life of slavery since their capture ; a third had lived with them for a time, then had married, but soon after died and was buried with his child. 1 Of the two survivors, one was found in Nemasket, the other at Massachusetts Bay. The natives were hostile to the Englishmen, and later would have killed 1 " The pilgrims discovered the grave of this man. On opening it, they found a bow between two mats, a painted board shaped like a trident, bowls, trays, dishes, etc., and two bundles which proved to be the bones of a man with fine yellow hair and a child. This caused much interest, as it showed them that white people had been there before them." Goodwin's Pilgrim Republic, p. 78. 2 2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1621 Dermer had not Tisquantum interfered. After varied adven- tures he set sail for Virginia with the two Frenchmen, leaving Squantoat " Tawahquatook " Satucket, now Brewster. Two years later Squanto's services were required as guide by the pilgrims, who sent two of their number to Massasoit, "the greatest commander among the savages." They desired to ascertain where these Indians under the rule of Massasoit were, discover their strength, and make amends for any inju- ries which had been done. They also wished to continue their league of friendship and peace. Stephen Hopkins and Edward Winslow were chosen for this purpose. With Squanto as inter- preter, and a gift consisting of a coat of red cotton and lace to propitiate the chief, they set out at nine o'clock on the morning of July 13, 1621. They planned to spend the night at " Namaschet, a Town under Massasoyt," which they thought but a short distance from Patuxet, but found to be about fif- teen miles away. They fell in with several men, women, and children, who insisted on following them, much to their annoy- ance. At about three o'clock they reached " Namaschet," and were most cordially entertained by the inhabitants. They gave them an abundant repast of spawn of shad, a kind of bread called " maizium," and boiled musty acorns. As their journey's end was still more than a day's travel, Tisquantum advised their going a few miles further that night to a place where they would find a larger store of food. At sunset they reached a camp, where they halted and prepared to spend the night in the open fields, as there was no shelter. They found the Namascheuks (the name given to the people of Namaschet) fishing upon a weir they had made on the river (probably the old Indian weir at Titicut on Taunton River). Winslow wrote of this river, 1 " The head of the river is reported to be not far from the place of our abode. Upon it are and have been many towns, it being a good length. The ground is very good on both sides, it being for the most part cleared. Thousands of men have lived there, which died in a great plague not long since ; and pity it was and is to see so many goodly fields and 1 Young's Chronicles of the Pilgrims, pp. 204-206. 1621] AS FIRST KNOWN TO THE ENGLISH 23 so well seated, without men to dress and manure the same. Upon this river dwelleth Massasoit. It cometh into the sea at the Narrobigganset Bay, where the Frenchmen so much use." The messengers reached Massasoit on July 4, faint and weary. They had given generously of their food to the natives on the way, expecting to find an abundance with the chief. Unfortunately for his guests, he had little or nothing for them, so, worn and hungry, they sought rest with their royal host. Massasoit shared with them his bed, which consisted of a wooden platform a foot from the ground covered with a thin mat ; the guests slept at one side, he and his wife at the other, with two of his men close by. In such uncomfortable quarters they passed the night. The Indian custom of singing themselves to sleep was not as conducive to slumber for the whites as for the natives. The next day Massasoit gave them fish to eat, and early in the morning of the day following they set out for home. Winslow writes : " That night we reached to the wear where we lay before ; but the Namascheuks were returned, so that we had no hope of anything there. One of the savages had shot a shad in the water, and a small squirrel, as big as a rat, called a neuxis ; the one half of either he gave us, and after went to the wear to fish. From hence we wrote to Plymouth and sent Tockamahamon before to Namasket, will- ing him from thence to send another, that he might meet us with food at Namasket. Two men now only remained with us ; and it pleased God to give them good store of fish, so that we were well refreshed. After supper we went to rest, and they to fishing again. More they gat, and fell to eating afresh, and retained sufficient ready roast for all our breakfasts. About two o'clock in the morning, arose a great storm of wind, rain, lightning and thunder, in such violent manner that we could not keep in our fire ; and had the savages not roasted fish when we were asleep, we had set forward fasting ; for the rain still continued with great violence, even the whole day through, till we came within two miles of home. Being wet and weary, at length we came to Namaschet." J On their arrival they were 1 Young's Chronicles of the Pilgrims, p. 212. 24 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1621 urged to spend the night, but in spite of the weather they passed on, and reached home in safety. A month later startling news came to New Plymouth. Mas- sasoit, their friend and ally, had been driven from the country by the Narragansetts, and one of his sachems, Corbitant, chief of the Pocassets, was in command. He was known to be hostile to the white men, and did all in his power to break the treaty made between Massasoit and the settlers. At this time Ne- masket again became the scene of a meeting between the Indians and the English ; for this sachem lived here, and in his chieftain's absence sought by every means to weaken Massa- soit's influence, destroy his new allies, and raise himself to power. As soon as the colonists heard the news, they sent Hobomok and Squanto to ascertain Massasoit's whereabouts, and to ob- serve carefully the plans and actions of Corbitant and his fol- lowers. These emissaries proceeded as secretly as possible to " Namaschet," planning to spend the night there, but Corbi- tant, discovering their hiding-place, attacked the house, seized Squanto and his companion, and threatened them with death on account of their friendship with the white men. He had said that if Squanto were dead, " the English had lost their tongue," and was about to kill them both, when Hobomok, owing to his great strength, escaped from them, and dashed past the guard out of the wigwam. Making his way as rapidly as possible toward Plymouth, he related his experience and the manner of his escape, as well as his fears for Squanto's life. On hearing this news, realizing the hatred and fury of their enemy, the governor called a council to consider what was best for them to do. They took it for granted that Squanto had been killed, and appointed Miles Standish, with a little company of men, to avenge his death at Nemasket and quell the insurrec- tion against their ally, Massasoit. Standish and his men, with Hobomok as guide, set out for the "kingdom of Namaschet" on the 24th of August. They marched through the woods, in spite of a heavy rain, to within three or four miles of Ne- masket. Here they had been ordered to wait until night, that they might approach the town unobserved. While they rested, i62i] AS FIRST KNOWN TO THE ENGLISH 25 Standish called them together to plan their method of attack and to give each man his orders. His instructions had been to surprise the town at night and take all who had been con- cerned in the seizure of Squanto. If it was found that he had been killed, Corbitant was to be beheaded at once, and his assistant, Nepeof, a sachem, who had joined in the rebellion, was to be held as hostage until Massasoit was heard from. Midnight seemed the best time for the attack. They had not advanced far on the march when they discovered that the guide had lost his way. They were weary and drenched with the rain, and well-nigh discouraged, but one of the party, who had been to the place before, was able to lead them in the right direction. Before they reached there, they ate what food they had, threw away their knapsacks and baggage, and advanced to the house where they knew Corbitant had been staying. The sound of the wind and rain completely concealed the coming of Standish and his men, the Indians at this time having no thought of the pursuit of one of their chieftains. In the middle of the night they surrounded what was supposed to be the wigwam of Cor- bitant. It was filled with a large number of his braves, and Standish, with his known courage, suddenly burst open the door and rushed in among them. As they awoke at the sound of his voice and footsteps, they were paralyzed with fear and terror, and some endeavored to conceal themselves by hiding under the skins of the wigwam. Others attempted to escape through the door, but were intercepted. Some of the Indians, having heard that Standish never made war upon their squaws, most piteously cried out, " Don't hurt me, I am a squaw, I am a squaw ! " While they were making a fire and searching the wigwam, Hobomok climbed to the roof and called for Squanto and Tockamahamon, who came with many others, some having weapons, which were taken from them, to be returned later, and the object of the journey was explained to them. Standish then released all the savages whom they had seized, after hear- ing of Corbitant's departure. The next day they took breakfast with Squanto, while all of the friendly Indians gathered near, and again they spoke of their intentions against the hostile 26 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1622 Indians, threatening to destroy Corbitant and his followers if they continued to instigate trouble against them and against their friend and ally, Massasoit, or if he should not return in safety from Narragansett, or if Squanto or any other of Massa- soit's subjects should be killed. After renewing their offers of friendship, even agreeing to take with them those who had been wounded, that Dr. Fuller, their physician, might dress their wounds and care for them, they returned home the next day, accompanied by Squanto and other friendly Indians with the three who were hurt, having so impressed the natives with their bravery that ever afterward Standish was an object of especial terror. This first warlike expedition of the pilgrims in New England thus becomes the first event of importance in Middleboro history. In January of the next year Governor Bradford found it necessary to buy corn, and an expedition was sent to Mano- met and to Nemasket. The Indian women were prevented by sickness from carrying all the corn from Nemasket, and the remainder was taken by the pilgrims to Plymouth. In March news came to Plymouth that Massasoit was on his death-bed. In accordance with the Indian custom of friends visiting the sick one before his death, the pilgrims decided to send one of their number to the chief's home, and Edward Winslow was chosen. He was accompanied by an Englishman desirous of seeing the country, Hampden by name, and by Hobomok as guide. With numerous medicines and cordials for the chief, they set out, and spent the first night at Nemasket. After visiting Massasoit, they remained a night with Corbitant at "Mattapuyet," and then proceeded to Nemasket, where they again stayed over night. In the year 1633 Sir Christopher Gardner lived on the banks of the Nemasket, after his departure from England in disgrace. He had sent a petition to the king alleging various charges against the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies, which were denied by the governors, and the petition was dismissed by the king. In England he had been a gentleman of influ- ence, a knight of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, and a 1633] AS FIRST KNOWN TO THE ENGLISH 27 connection of the Bishop of Winchester, but a zealous papist in disguise. When he came into the colony he was accompa- nied by one or two servants, and it was understood that he had given up all worldly pursuits and would live a godly life in hum- ble circumstances. He had applied for admission to several churches, but was refused on account of his questionable char- acter. The authorities of Massachusetts Bay had attempted to arrest him, but he had eluded their pursuit, and was living with the Indians at Nemasket. Becoming suspicious, they gave information to the governor, who authorized his seizure, and directed that he be brought uninjured to Boston. The Indians saw him near the river and attempted to capture him, but he escaped in a canoe. Armed with a musket and rapier, he kept them at bay until the canoe was upset upon a rock and his weapons lost. He continued to defend himself with a small dagger, which they finally succeeded in knocking from his hands, and he was made prisoner. He was taken to Governor Winthrop, in Boston, who afterwards sent him to England to meet the criminal charges there pending against him. The settlers in Plymouth undoubtedly passed through Mid- dleboro on expeditions to Taunton and elsewhere, but until about ten years before the Twenty-six Men's Purchase there were probably no permanent residents. John Winthrop, Jr., who accompanied an expedition from the Narragansett Bay up the Taunton River in 1636, sailed up the river as far as Titicut, as appears by the following letter to his father : — Saybrook, Pasbeshuke, April 7, 1636. From John Winthrop, to the Right Worshipful and Much Honored Father, John Winthrop, who dwells in Boston. Sir: — My humble duty remembered to yourself and my mother, with love to my brothers and all of our friends with you. I suppose you have heard of our arrival at Titiquet, an opportune meeting with our vessels. Concerning that place I conceive it is about 22 or 23 miles from Waliston. Very fer- tile and rich land and so far as we went down it grew wide into Sachems Harbor and a ship of 500 tons may go up to about ten or twelve miles. There is no meadow or salt marsh all the way. The first of the month we set sail from Naragan- 28 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1637 set and in the evening about six o'clock arrived there. Thus craving your prayers and blessings I commend you to the Almighty and rest, Your obedient son, John Winthrop. He evidently sailed up the river as far as the wading-place at Pratt's Bridge, as the river is navigable for small ships of not more than five hundred tons up to that point. There is no record, however, that he and his party did more than make a temporary landing at this place. In 1637 a settlement was made at Titicut, bordering on the westerly side of Middleboro, by Miss Elizabeth Poole and her associates. She was the daughter of Sir William Poole, a knight of Colcombe, in the parish of Coliton, Devon, England. The records of the parish say that she was baptized August 25, 1588. This land was sometimes called the Titicut purchase, not because it was bought of the Indians residing there, but from the fact that it was within the original Indian reserva- tion, which had been conveyed to her and her associates be- fore it had been reserved for the exclusive use of the Indians. Her purchase was between the bounds of Cohanett (the former name of Taunton) and the Titicut weir, and bordered upon what subsequently became the western boundary line of Mid- dleboro between Poquoy Brook and Baiting Brook. Those who settled here about the time of Miss Poole's purchase were her brother, William Poole, Mr. John Gilbert, Sr., Mr. Henry Andrews, John Strong, John Dean, Walter Dean, and Edward Case, who, the next year, were made freemen in Plymouth Colony. The territory which she purchased was known for some time as Littlevvorth farm and Shute farm, and the re- cords state that it was here Miss Poole lost many cattle. The original purchase of Miss Poole ultimately became a portion of Taunton, and other farms purchased by her and her associates were often referred to in the early records as Meerneed, Bare- need, Cotley, and Pondsbrook, in accordance with the English custom. Bareneed was given to the farm of Edward Case and Pondsbrook to that of John Gilbert. CHAPTER IV EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIP'S WAR 3E: LTHOUGH Middleboro was only fifteen miles from Plymouth and halfway on the Indian Path to the Taunton settlement, it was more than forty years 3 after the landing of the pilgrims before the whites came to dwell there in large numbers. There were from fifteen to twenty thousand Indians within forty miles of Plymouth, and probably more in Middleboro than in any other part of the colony. For fifteen years after the early settlers came here to live, the territory was a part of Plymouth, and they were described as residents of that town ; but after its incorporation in 1669, they were known as "residing in Middleberry." They were mostly the sons or the grandsons of the pilgrims, and united their sturdy virtues and habits of industry with their enter- prise and courage. Their fathers had conquered many of the difficulties attending the first coming, and had become ac- customed to the new life on these western shores. Many of them had not only engaged in trading with the Indians in different parts of the country, but had purchased large tracts of land, which were being occupied, and there were not a few among their number who had already acquired a competence. The colony had been settled long enough for the people to begin to be attached to the place where they had been born and reared ; this younger generation knew no- thing of the luxuries, turmoil, and political distractions of the Old World, except what they had learned from their fathers and grandfathers. The population was increasing, although not as rapidly as that of Salem and of the Bay. The settlement of Middleboro was unlike that of other places, in that these men supposed 30 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1669 that the town was to be occupied in common with the abo- rigines, who were then the owners of much of the land. We can but note what must have been their heroism in thus choos- ing homes among the red men of the forest, well knowing, as they did, their characteristics, and the inevitable dangers which would continually confront them. Their manner of living is of interest. Although many frame houses had been built in Plymouth and the older parts of the colony, all houses in Middleboro prior to the breaking out of King Philip's War were of hewn logs. The doors were made of plank, either sawed by hand or hewn, and logs were hewn upon three sides to form a level floor in the house. The fireplaces were usually built of stone laid in clay, and some of the chimneys were of green oak logs plastered with clay. The latches and hinges of the doors were made of wood ; the former were raised by a string extending through the door outside. The windows were usually small and placed high up from the ground. Oiled paper 1 set in a wooden frame admitted light into the windows, although in the better class of houses in Plymouth they had commenced using window-glass in small diamond shapes set in lead. For generations they obtained from their farms all that was necessary for the support of their families. Most of their clothing was made of flax and of wool from the sheep, the women being skilled in spinning and weaving, and the men often wore trousers made from skins of sheep, deer, or bear, which they tanned. Their simple food was served from the table, a long, nar- row board on standards not unlike sawhorses, called a table board, and the linen covering was called a "board cover," not a table cover till later. Napkins were many and necessary, as they had no forks. The food was frequently "spoon meat," i. e. soups, hashes, etc., which could be easily managed with spoons and knives. The pewter platters usually contained the 1 Edward Winslow in his letter to George Morton, writing from Plymouth under date of December 11, 1621, says, " Bring paper and linseed oil for your windows, with cotton yarn for your lamps." Young's Chronicle of the Pilgrims, p. 237. 1669] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIP'S WAR 3 1 meat and vegetables, and this metal was used for drinking- cups and porringers. One of the most important articles for the table was a trencher, a block of wood ten or twelve inches square, hollowed out three or four inches. A man and his wife ate from one trencher ; an old Connecticut deacon made a trencher for each of his children, but was condemned by his neighbors as extravagant. Myles Standish and others of the "first comers" used trenchers in their homes. In the centre of the table was placed the salt-cellar, and guests were seated " above the salt," near the host, who sat by his wife. No china 1 and but very little silver was used in the colony. The native corn meal became a staple article of food ; the morn- ing and evening meals for one hundred and fifty years were commonly of boiled Indian meal, " ye Indian porridge," with milk or molasses. The Indians taught them how to plant and raise the corn, and how to grind it between stones, or with the pestle and mortar. This method gave way to rude hand-mills, called quernes, and grist-mills. Corn was so highly regarded that it was often used for ballots in voting. Suppawn, a coarse porridge of corn and milk, samp, and succotash, an Indian dish, were favorite foods. Roger Williams wrote that " suts- quttahhash was corn seethed like beans." Squashes and beans were native vegetables. The former was spelled in various ways, "squanter-squashes," " squontor- squashes," "isquonker-squashes." They had not been accus- tomed to drinking much water, and at first feared it might be dangerous. Home-brewed ale and beer were drunk freely, and liquors and wines were brought to the town from Taunton and Plymouth ; later, as the orchards grew, cider became a popular drink, and Middleboro cider was famous. In spite of the free use of all these, a writer from Massachusetts in 1641 said, "Drunkenness and profane swearing are but rare in this country." For coffee they used a substitute, made either from barley or from crusts of brown bread. For sugar they used 1 "As tea and coffee were unknown to the Forefathers, the many Delft-ware tea and coffee pots and cups preserved as Pilgrim relics are to be regarded as anachronisms." Goodwin's Pilgrim Republic, p. 588. 2,2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1669 sweet apples and the syrup obtained from beets and pump- kins. Herring, or alewives, were always abundant, and largely took the place of meat at their family meals. Although there were no schools in town until after the Indian War, the children were taught to " read, write and cipher ; " the Bible and a volume of Sternhold and Hopkins's Hymns, with the Bay Psalm Book and a few other books, could be found in almost every family. A study of their old primers well repays one interested in old books. At first the " good King Charles " was referred to, but after the Revo- lution we find books for children with the statement, " Kings and Queens are gaudy things." The New England Primer and their other books were as severe in binding as was the dress of the colonists, without decoration or ornament. Nearly all travel was on horseback. Women and children rode seated on a pillion behind a man. If several people were to make a journey, the ride-and-tie system was used. Certain ones would ride a distance, then tie the horse and walk on. The others would then take the horse and ride ahead, again leaving the horse for the two who were afoot. Many of the settlers brought with them from Plymouth articles of furniture which had either been made there or brought by their fathers from the old country. The bureaus, chests of drawers, etc., were on legs, so no dust could accumu- late underneath. Their homes were comfortable, neat, and tidy, although in the forests with savage surroundings. They often attended church at Plymouth, a distance of six- teen or more miles, going and returning the same day, until Samuel Fuller settled among them as preacher. They were honest, God-fearing men and women, having a clear know- ledge of the teachings of the scriptures, and a strong, abiding faith in the religion for which their fathers had suffered, leav- ing comforts and luxuries of the Old World. (See chapter on Social Customs.) In our review of these times we are never to forget the hardships which these men and women endured, without mur- mur or complaint, for more than a generation. The nearest 1669] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIP'S WAR 33 settlements were Plymouth, Bridgewater, Taunton, and Dart- mouth, reached only by the narrow Indian paths for the most part through dense forests. Their houses were remote from neighbors and distant from friends, the usual communication being only by foot ; they were liable at any time to unexpected visits from the savages, who might not be friendly and who were addicted to thieving ; they had neither medical skill nor scientific knowledge, when sickness, as a result of hardship and exposure, so often entered their dwellings ; they had none of the luxuries, or what we consider to-day comforts, of life ; there was also the extreme danger from hostile Indians before King Philip's War, and the constant annoyance and depreda- tions from wolves and bears, which attacked not only their crops, but sometimes the settlers themselves. They were con- tented and happy in their simple habits and mode of living ; honest and industrious, frugal and thoughtful, many of them men of character and enterprise, whom their posterity, remem- bering their virtues, ever do well to honor. By the laws of the colony " none shall vote in town meetings but freemen or freeholders of 20 pounds ratable estate and of good conversation, having taken the oath of fidelitie." 1 Those who had taken the oath of fidelity in town up to the uniting of the colonies in 1692 were but few, so that many of the expendi- tures and public acts were undertaken by the voters in connec- tion with the proprietors of the "liberties of the town," as the owners of land were then called, who were not all of them resi- dents. In 1677, after the return, a meeting was held, at which sixty-five of the proprietors and residents were present. 2 As the town records were destroyed in the war, it is impos- sible to give an exact list of men living in Middleboro before 1675. The number has heretofore been variously stated as sixteen, twenty, and twenty-six, but it is hardly probable that the court at Plymouth would have incorporated a town unless there had been a larger number of inhabitants. We give 1 Plymouth Colony Records, Laws, vol. ii, Part III, p. 223. 2 Old Middleboro Records, copy, p. 17. See also chapter on Civil History for list of names. .34 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1670 below a list of forty-one who are known to have lived here, as the names are to be found in Plymouth records, in deeds, as office-holders and freemen, from records of births and deaths, as well as from reliable family note-books, and seven who were here according to generally accepted tradition. Samuel Barrows Edward Bump John Bump Joseph Bump Gershom Cobb o Francis Coombs x o William Clark George Dawson John Dunham x o Samuel Eaton x Zachariah Eddy Obadiah Eddy o Samuel Fuller John Haskall William Hoskins o Isaac Howland o John Irish o John Miller Francis Miller John Morton o John Morton, Jr. x x Freemen in 1670. John Nelson o William Nelson x Samuel Pratt Andrew Ring John Shaw David Thomas David Thomas, Jr. Ephraim Tinkham o Ephraim Tinkham, Jr. Ebenezer Tinkham John Tomson o John Tomson, Jr. George Vaughn o Joseph Vaughn Francis Walker Adam Wright Henry Wood x Samuel Wood o Jonathan W 7 ood Joseph Wood o Office-holders before 1675. Of the seven following, four were in the fort, and are men- tioned in the "History of the First Church " in the list of those " who were here when the war broke out and who probably returned after the war : " — Francis Billington John Cobb John Holmes William Nelson, Jr. Jabez Warren Joseph Warren David Wood The following list of men in the fort was obtained from an old Eddy note-book quoted from Mercy Bennett, "whose grand- father was on the list and she had her information from him. This was confirmed from other sources : " — 1670] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIPS WAR 35 Commandant's Council John Tomson, Commandant Isaac Howland Francis Coombs Samuel Fuller John Morton Nathaniel Southworth i Ephraim Tinkham Henry Wood a William Nelson David Thomas John Cobb Jabez Warren Edward Bump Moses Simmons 1 Samuel Barrows Eaton (Samuel ?) Francis Billington George Soule 1 Obadiah Eddy Samuel Pratt George Vaughan John Shaw Jacob Tomson Francis Miller Holmes (John?) John Alden 1 This list differs slightly from that given in the "History of the First Church :" Samuel Eddy 1 is mentioned in place of Obadiah, and John Howland 1 in place of John Holmes. Samuel Barrows was one of the early settlers of Middleboro, and before the breaking out of the war had built a dam across 1 We find no record that these men were permanent residents of Middleboro. They were extensive land-owners and probably in town at that time. George Soule, Samuel Eddy, and John Howland had children living here, and John Alden had a son in Bridgewater adjoining the Twenty-six Men's Purchase. For a sketch of their lives, see chapter on Early Purchases. Not a few of the inhabitants of the different towns of the colony lived for a longer or shorter time in other places without changing their legal residence, and this may account for some of the early settlers being in Middleboro before King Philip's War who at that time were citizens of other towns. 2 As Henry Wood was not living, this probably refers to one of his sons. 36 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1665 the Nemasket River some fifty rods above the present Star Mills, and erected a grist-mill, in which he worked. On the morning of the attack upon the town, after the Indian had been shot, he saw a band approaching the mill and fled to the fort uninjured. The records of the First Church of Middle- boro show that he had acquired a share in the Twenty-six Men's Purchase before the breaking out of the war. The pilgrim ancestor of the Barrows families in this country was John Borowe, or Barrow, from Yarmouth, 1 England, who came to Salem in 1637, at the age of twenty-eight years, with his wife Anne. In 1665 his name appears in the Plymouth records, in which town he resided from that time, and perhaps earlier, until his death in 1692. The Samuel Barrows above referred to was probably his son. Although his name does not appear in any of the published genealogies which we have examined, it has come down in so many ways that there can be no doubt that he resided in Middleboro at this time, and was among those who returned from Plymouth on the re-settle- ment of the town. Robert, the oldest son of John, married, in 1666, Ruth Bo- num, and later married Lydia, daughter of John Dunham. He had a son Samuel, born in 1672, who about the year 1700 built a garrison house which is still standing and known as the old Barrows house. He was elected deacon of the First Church in 1725. He married first, Mercy Coombs, who died in 1718, and then he married Joanna Smith. He died December 3°> I 755> a g e d eighty-three. 2 Edward Bumpus. This name was originally spelled Bom- passe, now spelled Bumpas or Bump. He arrived at Plymouth in the Fortune, November 10, 162 1, and moved to Duxbury, where he bought land of Mr. Palmer at Eagle Nest Creek and 1 Maine Hist, and Gen. Register, vol. vii, pp. 136, 199. 2 History of the First Church of Middleboro, p. 53. < ^ c \'yyi.tia£'fyarr<7U2P 1669] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIP'S WAR 37 built a house and palisado, which he sold in 1634, and moved to Marshfield. He resided in Middleboro in the latter part of his life, and was in the fort at the breaking out of King Philip's War. He was the father of several of this name who became permanent settlers in Middleboro. He was one of the original owners in the Twenty-six Men's Purchase and in the Purchade Purchase, and was among the proprietors of the liberties of Middleboro in 1677. He died February 3, 1693, and was then called "old Edward Bumpas." He married Hannah while living in Duxbury. His children, as far as can now be ascer- tained, were Faith, born 163 1 ; Sarah ; John, born 1636; Edward, born 1638; Joseph, born 1639; Jacob, born 1644; Hannah, born 1646; Philip ; Thomas, born 1660. 1 John Bumpus, the oldest son of Edward, was born in 1636. Few facts are given concerning him. In Church's " Enter- taining Passages Relating to King Philip's War," 2 an Indian by this name is mentioned as killing horses with Tispequin, and in a note we find, " There are respectable white people in Middleboro by this name from the ancestors of whom he may have derived his name." His children born in Middleboro were Mary, born 1671 ; John, born 1673 ! Samuel, born 1676; James, born 1678. Other children were born in Rochester, where he lived later. Joseph Bumpus, son of Edward, was born in 1639, and lived in Middleboro later as "a principal settler." His wife Weibra was one of the ori- ginal members of the First ^ - Church in 1694. Their chil- £/^£P/£ ^llIYlfdiQ dren were Lydia, born 1669 '■> ^> Weibra, born 1672; Joseph, born 1674; Rebecca, born 1677; James, born 1679; Penelope, born 1681; Mary, born 1684; Mehitable, born 1691-92. He died February 10, 1704. 3 1 Barnstable Families, pp. 85, 86. 2 Page 144. 3 Barnstable Families, p. 86. 38 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1669 William Clark. Few facts are known concerning him. The Eddy note-book says his house, 1 with that of Mr. Coombs, was burned in 1675, and that William Hoskins lived with him as keeper of the records. There was a William Clark whose name appears on the treasurer's account for Plymouth Colony in 1660 and 1667, and there was a person by that name capable of bearing arms in 1643 in Duxbury and Plymouth ; he was on a committee to take the treasurer's account of the colony. June 7, 1674. He died in 1687. In 1655 a William Clark was constable of Dux- bury, surveyor of highways in 1659, admitted as a freeman in 1658, and was a constable in Plymouth in 1669. This may have been the Clark who subsequently moved to and lived in Middleboro in 1675, one °f those for whom the Five Men's Purchase was made. Gershom Cobb, a son of Elder Henry Cobb of Barnstable, was born the 10th of January, 1644-45, an ^ at one time lived in Plymouth. He married Hannah Davis and became a resi- dent of Middleboro, but the date of his settling here is uncer- tain. He was constable in the year 1671, and a member of the Grand Inquest in 1674. He was one of the settlers for whom the Sixteen Shilling Purchase was made. He was in Swansea at the first attack of the Indians upon that town at the begin- ning of King Philip's War, where he was killed with eight others, and was buried with them June 24, 1675. His brother John administered his estate, which was divided in equal por- tions to the children of Mr. Henry Cobb of Barnstable, except- ing John, the elder son, who had a double portion. 2 Francis Coombs was the son of John Coombs, who was in Plymouth in 1633 with his wife Sarah, a daughter of Cuthbert- 1 In the records of the General Court in 1734, we find a petition of Cornelius Bennett and Lydia Miller, where it is stated " That about the year 1675 tne dwelling house of the said Coombs and also the house where the keeper of the records in Middleboro lived was burned and the Indian deed was and is sup- posed to be burned also." Massachusetts Archives. 2 Barnstable Families, p. 171, Cobb Genealogy. 1 670] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIPS WAR 39 son. They had other children, but probably Francis was the oldest. He was in Middleboro as early as 1670, and was one of the men who took the inventory of the estate of Henry Wood. On July 1, 1674, 1 he exchanged four acres of land on the south of the Indian Path " which goeth from Namasket to Munhutehet Brook at the southerly end of land which he sold to Benjamin Church with Samuel Wood for the 16th lot on the west side of Namasket River, near the wading-place which was formerly Henry Wood's land, deceased." After the close of the war, he probably did not return for a year or two, but in 1678, when he was in Plymouth, he bought of Edward Gray for thirty-six pounds the 18th, 19th, and 20th lots on the west side of the Nemasket River between the stone weir and the wading-place. He also owned the 185th and 186th lots in the South Pur- chase and the 169th lot in the Sixteen Shilling Purchase. His inventory, which was taken January 5, 1682, by Isaac Howland and Samuel Wood, shows that he owned considerable real estate in town. He was a man of influence in Middleboro, and was a free- man in 1670. He was a selectman of the town in 1674, 1675, and 1680. In 1676 and 1677 he and Isaac Howland were ap- pointed commissioners to distribute charities from Ireland to such as were impoverished during King Philip's War. He was married twice ; his first wife was Deborah Morton ; his second wife was Mary Barker of Duxbury, who, upon the decease of Francis Coombs, married David Wood of Middleboro, in 1685. She was living in 171 1. He died in Middleboro, December 31, 1682, leaving a wife and several children. The license to Francis Coombs to keep an ordinary or an inn was granted in 1678, and after his death was renewed to his wife, Mrs. Mary Coombs, July 1, 1684. It was probably the same tavern which was kept seventy-five years ago or more by Captain Abner Barrows, and it is said that part of that house was perhaps a portion of the identical building of the Coombs tavern. 2 1 Eddy Note- Book. 2 History of Plymouth County, p. 947. 40 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1674 June 5, 1666, " liberty is granted by the General Court unto Francis Coombs as by right of his father who was an ancient freeman, to look out for land for his accommodation and to make report thereof to the court that so a competency thereof may be allowed unto him answerable unto other ancient freemen." 1 • His children were Deborah, born 1673 ; Mercy, born 1674 ; Lydia, born 1679; Ruth, born 168 1 ; Francis, born 1682. George Danson lived in that part of Middleboro known as Thompson Road, somewhere between Danson Brook and the home of John Tomson. 2 At one time he was "fined forty shillings 3 for doing servill work on the Lord's Day." He was one of the original proprietors of the Sixteen Shil- ling Purchase. There is some uncertainty about his name. Hubbard speaks of him as Robert Dawson or Danson. In Plymouth County Records he is called George Danson of Middleboro. 4 In the Thompson book he is called William Danson. In Middleboro Records he is called George. The references are probably all to the same person. 5 He was the owner of the 6th lot in the apportionment of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase before the breaking out of the war, as appears in the early records of the town, although his name is not among the owners of this land in the "History of the First Church of Middleboro." His name also appears on the list of proprietors who met, June 28, 1677, to take measures for the resettlement of the town. The clerk of that meeting evidently failed to record his death, and probably no administration had been taken upon his estate. He was shot by the Indians upon the breaking out of King Philip's War, at the brook which bears his name. He had been urged by John Tomson the night before to go to the garrison, but waited until morning. After starting, he stopped for his horse to drink, when he was shot. 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. iv, p. 127. 2 Thompson Genealogy, p. 7. 3 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. v, p. 156. 4 Ibid. vol. vi, p. 70. 5 Hubbard's Indian Wars, vol. ii, p. 41. 1655] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIPS WAR 4 1 John, or Jonathan, Dunham, Jr., was a son of Deacon John Dunham (generally spelled Donham) of Plymouth, who was a deputy to the General Court, and served in various offices in the colony 1 of Plymouth ; he died March 2, 1669, at the age of eighty. His will bears date January 25, 1668. The son John, or Jonathan, bought into the Twenty-six Men's Purchase, and was a resident in 1670, his name appearing on the list of freemen of Middleboro for that year ; he was one of the Grand Inquest in 167 1, and often served as one of the jurors in the trial of causes. He represented the town at the General Court "holden at Plymouth" in the month of Sep- tember, 1673, and was a constable of the town the same year ; he was one of the selectmen in 1674-75. * n l &7 1 ne was appointed as an inspector of ordinances in Middleboro "to prevent selling of powder to Indians and extensive drinking and report violence of this to the General Court, and to take notice of any abuse as may arise in reference to the premises or otherwise and make report thereof to the court." In 1656 he, with John Morton, Richard Wright, Samuel Eddy, and Francis Billington, " desired some portion of land to accommodate them for their posterity, and the court gave lib- erty unto them for that purpose. If found convenient, it shall be confirmed unto them for the ends aforesaid." He had a share of thirty acres of land on the western side of Nemasket River assigned to him by order of the court, June 7, 1665. He owned land in different places in the Twelve Men's, Five Men's, Little Lotmen's, and Sixteen Shilling Pur- chases. In 1 67 1 his lands at Nemasket were laid out by Wil- liam Nelson and William Crow. His first wife was Mary, a daughter of Philip Delano, whom he married November 29, 165 5. 2 His second wife was Mary, a daughter of Elder Henry Cobb, and a sister of Gershom and John Cobb. Some time after the resettlement of the town, he probably moved to Plymouth, where he became a minister to the In- dians, and afterwards to Edgartown, previous to 1684. He was 1 Savage, vol. ii, p. 81. ' 2 Barnstable Families, p. 171. 42 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1650 not installed over the church there until October 11, 1694, when, 1 it is said, he came from Plymouth, and the pastor of that town, with a delegate, was present at his installation. His salary was thirty pounds per annum, in addition to which the town made him various grants of land for his cattle, and half share on the common land. He was highly esteemed for his piety and his personal qualities, and died December 17, 171 8, at the age of eighty-five years. On his tombstone behind Tower Hill are these quaint lines : — " With toil and pains at first he tilled the ground; Called to God's Vineyard, and was faithful found; Full thirty years, the Gospel he did dispense, His work being done, Christ Jesus called him hence." 2 Samuel Eaton was a son of Francis Eaton, a passenger in the Mayflower, a carpenter by trade, who moved from Plymouth to Duxbury, where he died in 1633, insolvent. Samuel was born in England or Holland in 1620, and was one of the two passengers in the May- flower who became residents of Middleboro. Governor Bradford, in the appendix of his " History of the Plimoth Plantation," in a note concerning Francis Eaton, the Mayflower thus speaks of Samuel : " His sone Samuell who came over a suckling child is allso maried and hath a child." He was ap- prenticed for seven years to John Cook the younger. Before moving to Middleboro he resided for some time in Duxbury. He was a resident of the town before the breaking out of King Philip's War, and returned after its close. He was admit- ted as a freeman in 1670, and was among the purchasers of the town of Dartmouth in 1652, and of Bridgewater. In 1651 "the court admonished Samuel Eaton and Goodwife Hall 1 Barber, Hist. Coll. p. 152. 2 Historical Discourse, by Rev. John H. Hall, November 6, 1878 ; Barber, Hist. -Coll. p. 1 52. i66s] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIPS WAR 43 of Duxbury for mixed dancing." 1 He died at Middleboro in 1684. His estate was appraised at thirty-seven pounds, eleven shillings. 2 He was twice married ; his second wife was Mar- tha Billington, a daughter of Francis Billington ; his son, Samuel Eaton, was one of the original members of the First Church, and married a daughter of the first pastor, Rev. Sam- uel Fuller. Zachariah Eddy 3 was the second son of Samuel, born in 1639. He married Alice Paddock, May 7, 1663, and for his second wife, Abigail Smith. During his boyhood he was apprenticed to Mr. John Brown, a shipwright of Rehoboth, until he was twenty-one years of age. He was propounded for admission as a freeman by the court at Plymouth, June 16, 168 1, but there is no record of his ever having been admitted. He was living in Middleboro in 1665. His house stood on the twelve acres granted him by the court near what was known as Eddy's Furnace. 4 This house afterwards came into possession of Dr. Palmer's family. In 1670 his name appears with fifty- four others upon an instrument by which they consented to become inhabitants of Swansea, according to the terms pre- viously agreed upon between the church and Captain Thomas Willett, the original patentee of the land included in the town- ship, and in the allotment of this land under the peculiar plan the settlers there adopted, his name appears under the second rank entitled to receive two acres of land, but when he removed his residence to that town is unknown. He died in Swansea, September 4, 171 8, at the age of seventy-eight years. 1 Goodwin, Pilgrim Republic, p. 598. 2 Eddy Note-Book. 3 Eddy Genealogy, p. 115. 4 " June the 7 th , 1665. The Court haue graunted vnto Sachariah Eedey a smale gussett of land lying betwixt his land and the brooke from his house below the path to Namassakett vnto the aforsaid brooke vnto a bridge or way neare vnto YVillam Nelsons house ; the said psell of land soe bounded as aforsaid is graunted vnto the said Sachariah Eedey, to him and his heires and assignes for euer, with all the appurtenances belonging thervnto, on condition that the said Sachariah Eedey doe continew a bridge neare his house, in the place where it is needed, for horse and cart, for the vse of the country, for the full tearme of twenty years from the date heerof." Plymouth Colony Records, vol. v, p. 12S. 44 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1670 Obadiah Eddy, a son of Samuel Eddy, 1 inherited that por- tion of his father's land assigned from the Twenty-six Men's Purchase, where he was living at the breaking out of the war. He with his children took refuge in the fort, and when the garrison was abandoned, moved to Plymouth, where he remained for a short time. He was one of the first settlers to return, and rebuilt his house near the site of the first house (in that part of Middleboro now Halifax, near Winnetuxet River, in the field of Nathan Fuller), the cellar of which can be seen. He was admitted a freeman, June 3, 1683 ; was a constable in 1679, 1681, 1683, and 1689. In 1673, 1679, an ^ 1681 he was a member of the Grand Inquest ; in 1692 was a surveyor of highways, and in 1690 one of the selectmen. He was one of the jurors to lay out a road from Middleboro, Bridgewater, and other places toward Boston in 1683. He died in 1722, aged seventy-seven years, and divided his estate among his seven children. Samuel Fuller. — See chapter on Ecclesiastical History. John Haskell was born about 1640, and married Patience, a daughter of George Soule, in January, 1666. In the will of George Soule, bearing date August n, 1677, it is stated : "I have formerly given to my daughters, Elizabeth and Patience, all of my lands in the township of Middleberry," and in a cod- icil, bearing date the 20th clay of September, he refers to the lands he had given "his daughter Patience at Namasket allies Middleberry." Some portion of the estate of George Soule was evidently owned in common with Francis Walker, who had married his daughter Elizabeth. He lived in Middleboro before the year 1670, as the town records show birth of children between that time and the year 1684. He was one of twelve who were freemen before the 1 There is a tradition that the name Eddy originated in the fact that a person by the name of John lived near the eddy of a river and was familiarly known as John of the eddy or John by the eddy. The name occurs in the early records of the colony spelled variously, as Edy, Edye, Eddie, Edie, and Eedey. 1675] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIPS WAR 45 year 1689, and was a large owner of real estate in the Twenty- six Men's Purchase and other purchases. At one time he owned, with his brother-in-law, Francis Walker, a tract of land bounded by Raven Brook and the Indian Path, which included the pasture land and swamp later owned by Joshua Eddy, Esq. 1 He died May 15, 1706, aged sixty-six years. His wife, Pa- tience, bought the old meeting-house in 1701. She died March 15, 1705. William Hoskins came from England about 1633, an d was one of the freemen that year. He married Sarah Cush- man, and as a second wife, Ann Hynes, or Hinds. There is but little doubt that upon the incorporation of Middleboro as a town, in 1669, he was chosen town clerk, and continued in that office until 1693, although there is no official record of his election before May 24, 168 1. 2 At that time he was unanimously chosen to that office. His first election can- not be verified, as all of the town records were destroyed dur- ing the Indian War. He lived in Middleboro before the Indian War, in the house of William Clark, and kept the original deed and records of the Prince and Coombs Purchase, and probably the records of the town. He is one of the soldiers " from Middleboro " who took part in the war, and was pro- mised a giant of land for his services at Narragansett. His name is on the list of those who, on June 3, 1662, applied to the General Court at Plymouth in reference to a grant to be made to them as being the first-born children of this government, and for disposing of two several tracts of land lately purchased, the one by Major Winslow and the other by Captain Southworth. He was on the jury with John Tomson and Sergeant Ephraim Tinkham to try an Indian for murder in 1674. February 6, 1665, he was appointed administrator of the estate of Nicholas Hodgis, alias Miller, deceased. He had received a grant of land in Lakenham. 1 Eddy Note-Book. 2 Eddy Note-Book says he was town clerk, 1674-75. 46 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1670 He was one of the men in the Twenty-six Men's Purchase and also in the Purchade Purchase, but at the breaking out of the war he does not appear to have been an owner in any portion of that land. His name is among the former proprie- tors of the liberties of Middleboro, but before 1677 his interest therein passed to George Vaughan, Sr. He lived in Scituate, Plymouth, and Taunton, and in 1680 was "grown old and feeble." His children were Sarah, born September 16, 1636; William, born November 30, 1647; Samuel, born August 8, 1654. Isaac Howland, the youngest son of John Howland of the Mayflower, lived on the western side of the road, opposite the house of the late Thomas /I /fy /?C\ a o P ratt - H e was a leader of JJJQJXC JiOWwJW^ef^- public affairs, and town meet- ings were often held at his home. He owned land on which the present town house stands, and also in the Sixteen Shilling and Twenty-six Men's Purchases. When the families moved to the fort, Isaac How- land was ordered by Lieutenant Tomson to shoot the Indian who appeared upon the rock on the other side of the river. He was the first in the commandant's council, probably the man upon whom Lieutenant Tomson chiefly relied for advice when the garrison were in the fort, and he served with great bravery under Captain Church during the war. He married Elizabeth, daughter of George Vaughan, and in 1684 kept an inn. 1 His name is one of the most prominent in the early history as holding many offices. He was representative in 1689, 1690, and 1691. He died March 9, 1724, aged seventy- four. 2 His children were Seth, born November 28, 1677; Isaac, born March 6, 1678; Priscilla, born August 22, 1681 ; Eliza- beth, born December 2, 1682; Nathan, born January 17, 1687; Jael, born October 13, 1688 ; Susanna, born October 14, 1690;. Hannah, born October 16, 1694. 1 Savage, vol. ii, p. 479. 2 Eddy Memoranda. 1670] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIP S WAR 47 John Irish, the son of John and Elizabeth Irish, in his youth lived in Duxbury, and was the servant mentioned in the last will of Captain Myles Standish. In 1640 his father had a " mear- stead" 1 granted to him, and in 1641 a tract of land at Stony Brook. In the Pequot War he was a volunteer, but was not called into active service. His business seems to have been that of a roper. As one of the proprietors of Bridgewater and an owner in the Sixteen Shilling and Eight Men's Purchases, he was a resident of Middleboro as early as 1671, and con- stable of the town in 1672. He lived on land now known as the Sturtevant Place, and in the division of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase he was assigned the nth lot, which was on the north side of Taunton Path. In May, 1708, he married a sister of Captain Church. 2 He passed the later years of his life in Little Compton. Francis Miller is mentioned as one of the men who were in town when King Philip's War began, and in the garrison, but we find no trace of his history before or after that, except- ing that he was killed by the Indians, probably during the war. There is a monument erected to his memory at the Green Cemetery, on which is written : — "Francis Miller was one of the householders driven back to Plymouth from Middleborough by the Indians in 1675." John Miller was born in England, in 1624, and died May n, 1720, in the ninety-seventh year of his age. His monu- ment is at the Green Cemetery. He was a member of the Grand Inquest in 1672, and was among the proprietors of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase at their meeting in 1677. He bought a house-lot of Edward Gray previous to April 29, 1678 ; he owned lot 154 in the South Purchase, and was one of the owners in the Sixteen Shilling Purchase. He lived on Thompson Street, not far from the brook, near the house of the late Elijah Shaw; the site of his house is still pointed out. 1 Winsor's History of Duxbury, p. 273. 2 Savage, vol. ii, p. 525. 48 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1670 John Miller married x Mercy . Their son John was born in 1669, in Middleboro, c $^€«nu ¥*2^&£msi~ &°*i and died in 1727. He mar- ried Lydia Coombs. John Morton was the second son of George Morton, who lived in Austerfield, Yorkshire, the home of Governor Bradford. George early joined the pilgrims at Leyden, and came to America in the Anne, landing at Plymouth in 1623 ; he mar- ried Juliana Carpenter, 2 a sister-in-law of Governor Bradford, and died in Plymouth, June, 1624. His eldest son, Nathaniel, was a secretary of Plymouth Colony for more than forty years, until his death in 1685. John, his third fj^n^t y ^p( / Of^-(r t '^ i child and second son, was born at Leyden, 1 616-17, and came with his parents in the Anne. He was admitted a freeman of the Colony June 7, 1648, was a constable in Plymouth in 1654, a member of the Grand Inquest in 1660, a deputy of the General Court from Plymouth in 1662, assessor in 1664, selectman in 1666, and a collector of taxes in 1668. 3 He was a freeman of Middleboro in 1670. He moved from Plymouth to Middleboro a little before 1670, and soon after became a proprietor of the land in the Twenty- six Men's, the Sixteen Shilling, the Little Lotmen's, and the Five Men's Purchases. In 1670 he was the first representa- tive to the General Court from the town, and held that office until his death, October 3, 1673. He married, in the year 1648, Lettice . 4 She after- wards became the second wife of Andrew Ring, and died Feb- ruary 22, 1691. Soon after he moved from Plymouth to Middle- boro, he built a house near the river, the site of which is still pointed out, and aside from the large amount of real estate in the vicinity of his house, he held a tract of land of about fifty acres not far from the house of the late Dr. Sturtevant. 1 Gen. Register, 51, p. 192. 2 Morton Memoranda, p. 17. 3 Ibid. p. 25. 4 She may have been Lettice Hanford, widow of Edward Foster of Scituate. Jbid. p. 26. 1670] EARLY SETTLERS BEFORE KING PHILIP'S WAR 49 The inventory of his estate was taken in 1673 by George Vaughan and two other residents of the town. He was a man much esteemed for his intelligence and good judgment, and left numerous descendants prominent in the various walks of life, among whom was the Hon. Marcus Morton, a judge of the Supreme Court and governor of the commonwealth, and his son, Marcus Morton, Jr., chief justice of the Supreme Court. Volume viii, Plymouth Colony Records, page 35, speaks of him as follows : — "John Morton, Senir. of Middleberry, died on the third of October, 1673 ; hee was a godly man, and was much lamented by sundry of the inhabitants of that place. It pleased God, not- withstanding, to put a period to his life, after a longe sicknes and sometimes som . . . hopes of recouery." Lot 8 in the Sixteen Shilling Purchase was assigned to his wife, Lettice Morton, in the original apportionment of this purchase in 1675. John Morton, Jr., the oldest son of his father, was born at Plymouth, December 21, 1650, and with his father probably moved to Middleboro not far from the year 1670. He was remarkably well edu- ^C»£« '-y2fc''* / ''f~ t ''* t cated for a man of the period, and it is said kept the first public school in America at Plymouth, in i67i,for the education of "children and youth." 1 He lived with his father in the house near the river which was proba- bly burned during the Indian War, and was in the fort, one of the Commandant's Council. There is a tradition that he saw the Indians coming one evening, and fearing to remain in the house, he took a pail as if to get some water, but passed the well and did not stop until he found shelter in the fort. Soon after the return of the settlers to Middleboro he built ■ the southeastern part of what was known as the old Morton house, additions to which were made at different times by his descendants until it assumed the size which was well remem- bered by many of the people of the town. 1 Eddy Memoranda. 5^/^^ > c V T r ., Jy ^«*l^ -^y^JL c* Gtr^Jr CKTUtsU 4v>Q *?* 70T--,, <. t^J+yu a j pe£/i$r re tit e. T ( Per order of the David Jeffries \ n ... „ „ . J I Committee of Donations. To the Town Clerk and Committee of Correspondence at Middleborough. A few months after these objectionable measures, a Con- tinental or General Congress was called to meet in Philadelphia to consider what action the colonies should take. They de- manded among other privileges the right to levy all taxes and make laws in their own colonial assemblies. Massachusetts set up an independent government with John Hancock at its head to aid the cause of the liberties of the people. Twelve thousand volunteers were enrolled, of whom one third were "minute men." 1 Among this number were many men from Middleboro, where the tide of patriotic feel- ing was strong. The news of the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, spread like wild fire through the country, and the patriots began to arm and organize their forces, as it was generally believed that the time for a peaceful adjustment of the difficulties had passed. The news of the battle was brought to Thomas Ellis by Caleb Bryant, who came riding in great haste 2 over fences and 1 " The Provincial Congress ... on the 26th of October adopted a plan for organizing the militia. ... It provided that one quarter of the number enrolled should be held in readiness to muster at the shortest notice, who were called by the popular name of minute men." Frothingham, History of the Siege of Boston, p. 41. These were later reorganized, so that one out of every three were minute men. 2 From Eddy Note-Book. 1775] THE REVOLUTION II5 fields, there being no direct road between their houses. Upon hearing of this battle, Mr. Ellis took down his gun to repair it, put a long handle to his hatchet, and made preparations to go immediately to engage in the fight. He did not go, however, but sent his son soon after. A number of other men in the neighborhood started with him. The lieutenant of the com- pany in which he enlisted, during the first engagement, saw some of his neighbors dodging and exclaimed, " Don't ! don't ! I will tell you when to dodge." In May Ticonderoga and Crown Point were captured, fol- lowed soon after by the battle of Bunker Hill, and in July Washington took command of the army. The following year was a memorable one : the country realized that the time for independence had come. We find the following from the town records showing Middleboro's attitude : — May 20, 1776 said town did then give their vote and signify their mind whether if the honorable congress should for the safety of the united colonies declare them independent of the kingdom of Great Britain, they the said inhab- itants will solemnly engage with their lives and fortunes to support the measure. Voted and allowed by the town to support the above said measure, and then the moderator declared the meeting to be dissolved. 1 MASSACHUSETTS BAY Middleborough 24th June 1776 At a Legal Meeting of this town it was agreed and Voted to Send the Follow- ing Instructions to Uea n Benj m Thomas our Representative at Court Sir the Alarming Situation of affairs Between Great Britain and the United american Colonies Renders it In our opinion highly Necessary for all the People towns and Societies of Said Colonies to be as Explicit and particular In Declar- ing their Sentiments on Som Important Points Especialy of Independancy as Possable It is with Surprise and Deep Concern we have observed the Unrightous Cruel and Destructive Sistem and Measures of Administration adopted and Prossecuted by the British Ministry Monarch and Parliment against these Colonies and for no other Cause that we can Discern but to gratify Their Enormous Pride and avarice and to feed a Swarm of Idle useless and hungry Pensioners His majesty has Rejected with Disdain all the Remonstrances and humble Petitions Sent him from the Colonies both Jointly and Seperatly we have Prayed for Peace but he has sent us a Sword ; we have asked for the Restorations of Charter Priviledges 1 Book III, p. 52. I 1 6 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1776 but he has sent us Fleets and armies to crush and Ruin us and to Crown the whole he has sent for Large Numbers of foreign Troops to aid in Executing his tyranical Purposes These things Considered we have no alternative left us but Abject Submission to Arbitrary Power and Slavery or Vigorous Self-Defence We Deliberately Choose the Latter and therefore Relying on the Mercy and Providence of God to Pity our Miseries & to Plead our Cause we Direct you to make open Declaration for us and on our Behalf That in Case the Continental Congress in whose Wisdom and fidelity we firmly Confide Shall think it for the Safty and welfare of the United Colonies to Declare them free and Independent of the Power Government & Authority of the King and Parliment of Great Brit- ain and thereby open the way for a Republican or free State Reserving to Each Coloney the Power and Proviledige of Governing themselves by Laws of their own Making Consistantly with the good of the Whole we Seriously Declare we will Support them in so Doeing With our Lives and Fortunes Furthermore we Direct you to do all in your Power in Conjunition with the Rest of the Hon-ble Members of Court For the Defence and Protection of our Sea Coast also to Use your Best Endeavours that Person or Persons Who have High and Lucrative Places in the Executive Part of Government Should have a Seat in the Legislative Part thereof and further if any measures are or Shall be Pro- posed in Court for Better Regulating the Prices of things in General and of the Necessaries of Life in Particular the high Prices of Which affect the Poor and for keeping up the Just Credit of the Paper Currency we Direct you to Join with and Promote Such motion as to What further Concerns the Internal and Civil Reglation of the Coloney we Advise you to Prudance moderation and frugality always Resarving in ourselves a free Representation Nath 1l Wood Chearman Attest Abner Barrows Town Clerk At the commencement of the Revolution, the militia of the province had been apportioned by an act of the General Court among the various counties. It included all men between the ages of sixteen and sixty, divided into regiments, the governor, appointed by the Crown, being the commander-in-chief. The town was set apart into four military districts, with a company in each district. The commissioned officers were Ebenezer Sproat, major; Nathaniel Wood, captain of the first company ; Nathaniel Smith, of the second company ; Benjamin White, of the third company ; William Canedy, of the fourth com- pany. The officers of these four companies held their commis- sions from the king, to whom they had sworn faithful alle- giance ; therefore it was not thought prudent to ask them to join in the forces which were being raised. More than that, at least one of the captains was known to be in strong sympathy 1775] THE REVOLUTION I I 7 with the Crown, and many of the rank and file were in doubt at this time what course they ought to pursue. We have no record of the attempt on the part of these companies to engage in any active service, or even to hold any meeting, after the alarm at Lexington ; the organization was undoubtedly lost after that time. On April 19, 1775, at the famous Lexington Alarm, a com- pany was formed by reorganizing the four companies of the reg- ular militia. Nathaniel Wood, who had been captain of the first company, was its commander. First Company of Local Militia * commissioned officers Nathaniel Wood, capt. Joseph Smith (2d), ens. Amos Washburn, lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Zebedee Sproutt, sergt. John Pickens, corp. Jesse Vaughan, sergt. Amos Wood, corp. Ebenezer Thomas, sergt. Joseph Ellis, corp. Barney Cobb, sergt. Solomon Dunham, corp. MUSICIANS Zebedee Pratt, drummer William Clapp, fifer PRIVATES Caleb Thompson Zurashada Palmer William Bennett George Richmond Nathan Wood George Leonard Seth Miller Eleazer Thomas Ephraim Thomas, Jr. Samuel Pickens, Jr. William Armstrong Joseph Vaughan, Jr. Isaac Bryant Benjamin Leonard Israel Rickard Nathan Leonard Elisha Cox Jacob Miller William Raymond Nathaniel Thompson Joseph Redding Jonathan Sampson John Darling Jonathan Ryder Ebenezer Smith Samuel Raymond 1 These lists are taken from the History of Plymouth County, p. 1000. Il8 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1775 James Thomas Solomon Thomas Perez Thomas Seth Peirce Andrew Cushman Caleb Tinkham Micah Leach Joseph Richmond, Jr. William Wood Samuel Rickard David Shaw David Vaughan John Hackett Edmund Wood As no one seemed willing to raise another company, Cap- tain Abiel Peirce, who had served with distinction in the old French and Indian War, realizing the need, enlisted the fol- lowing men : — Second Company of Local Militia commissioned officers Abiel Peirce, capt. Benjamin Darling, ensign Joseph Macomber, lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED officers Josiah Smith, sergt. Bachellor Bennett, corp. Richard Peirce, sergt. Jeddediah Lyon, corp. Elias Miller, Jr., sergt. Samuel Eddy, corp. Job Macomber, sergt. John Bly, corp. MUSICIANS Caleb Simmons, drummer Nathaniel Foster, fifer privates Job Peirce John Fry Samuel Hoar John Douglas, Jr. David Thomas (2d) Ebenezer L. Bennett Michael Mosher Samuel Miller Jesse Pratt Isaac Canedy Jacob Hayford Daniel Reynolds Job Hunt Rufus Weston Henry Bishop Ziba Eaton Consider Howland Isaac Miller Noah Clark Nehemiah Peirce Cornelius Hoskins Samuel Bennett John Rogers Joshua Thomas Lebbeus Simmons Calvin Johnson 1775] THE REVOLUTION II9 Caleb Wood Joshua Read John Boothe Cryspus Shaw Ithamer Haskins James Willis John Reynolds Sylvanus Churchill Nathaniel Macomber Samuel Macomber Levi Jones Richard Omey Josiah Smith, Jr. Israel Thomas Malachi Hovvland, Jr. Ichabod Read Zachariah Paddock, Jr. Samuel Ransom Rufus Hovvland Daniel Jucket Sylvanus Perrington Three companies were organized as " minute men," con- sisting of a few of the members of the regular militia, but mostly of the young men of the town. They were apparently enlisted but for a short term of service, and held themselves in readiness to respond to any orders which might be issued from the Committee of Safety in Boston. Their names were as follows : — First Company of Minute Men commissioned officers William Shaw, capt. Wm. Thompson, ensign Joshua Benson, Jr., lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS David Thomas Job Randall, corp. Ebenezer Cobb (2d) John Soule, corp. James Smith, sergt. Peter Bates, corp. Caleb Bryant, sergt. James Cobb, corp. MUSICIANS Sylv. Raymond, drummer Samuel Torrey, fifer PRIVATES Elisha Thomas Samuel Raymond (2d) Nelson Finney Eliphalet Thomas Lemuel Harlow Sylvanus Bennett (3d) Isaac Thompson Joseph Thomas Edmund Wood, Jr. William Le Baron 120 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [!77S Zenas Cushman Joseph Pratt Phineas Thomas Caleb Thompson, Jr. Elisha Paddock Nathan Bennett John Soule, 2d Gideon Cobb Eliakim Barlow Ephraim Cushman Barnabas Cushman Ichabod Benson Ebenezer Raymond Solomon Raymond Thomas Bates Asa Benson John Perkins Joseph Shaw Joshua Eddy Seth Eddy Joseph Chamberlain Ebenezer Bennett Ebenezer Briggs (3d) Asa Barrows Benjamin Barden Jacob Thomas Nathan Darling John Sampson Thomas Shaw Japheth Le Baron Abiezer Le Baron Joseph Bennett Second Company of Minute Men commissioned officers Isaac Wood, capt. Abram Townsend, ens. Cornelius Tinkham, lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Abner Bourne, sergt. Joseph Holmes, sergt. John Benson, sergt. William Harlow, sergt. Samuel Wood, corp. Foxel Thomas, corp. Abner Nelson, corp. Joseph Churchill, corp. MUSICIANS Peregrine White, drummer Seth Fuller, fifer PRIVATES Robert Sproutt George Sampson Josiah Harlow Gershom Foster Ebenezer Elms Consider Barden Consider Fuller John Barrows John Townsend, Jr. Samuel Ransom James Peirce Job Smith Seth Sampson Levi Peirce George Williamson Abiel Chase John Tinkham, Jr. Nathaniel Holmes (3d) 1775] THE REVOLUTION 121 Gideon Southworth John Smith (3d) Samuel Wood, Jr. Elisha Clark Abraham Parris Noah Holmes (2d) Ebenezer Barrows, Jr. Elisha Peirce Abishai Sampson Samuel Barrows Peter Miller George Thomas Thomas Wood (2d) Eb. Howland Moses Sampson Daniel Tinkham Elisha Rider Isaac Cushman Abraham Shaw Samuel Muxum James Shaw Peleg Hathaway Peter Hoar Andrew Cole Aaron Cary Bartlett Handy Arodi Peirce John Hollo way James Ashley Levi Jones Jotham Caswell William Read (3d) Ephraim Reynolds Jonathan Hall Joseph Hathaway Samuel Parris Ebenezer Hinds Philip Hathaway Isaac Hathaway John Townsend Henry Peirce Third Company of Minute Men commissioned officers Amos Wade, capt. Lemuel Wood, ensign Archipus Cole, lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Isaac Perkins, sergt. Joseph Tupper, sergt. Ichabod Churchill, sergt. Isaac Shaw, sergt. Isaiah Keith, corp. Lot Eaton, corp. MUSICIANS John Shaw, drummer Daniel White, fifer PRIVATES Zebulon Vaughn Abner Pratt Nathan Pratt Joseph Leonard (5th) Elnathan Wood Joseph Hathaway John Drake Levi Hathaway Moses Leonard Solomon Howard Nathaniel Richmond Jonathan Washburn 122 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1775 Michael Leonard Thomas Cobb David Weston Edmund Richmond Samuel Pratt Seth Richmond William Fuller Asa Richmond James Keith Joseph Leonard (3d) Silas Leonard Solomon Beals Stephen Robinson Jonathan Richmond Daniels Hills Zephaniah Shaw Stephen Richmond Elijah Alden Lazarus Hathaway Joseph Clark Peter Tinkham Benjamin Hafferd Thomas Harlow The term of service for the five military companies was not long, and they were not included in the regular Continental Army, but probably served for a short time in and about Bos- ton. The first company of militia and the second and third company of minute men marched to Marshfield in consequence of the Lexington Alarm to suppress what was feared might be a rising of the tories, to whom Governor Gage had sent one hundred standard of arms. After two days' service, they re- turned to their homes. Nathaniel Wood, who had been captain of the first local militia, enlisted another company for Colonel Simeon Gary's regiment, which was included in the patriot army then upon duty in Roxbury. This company was sent to Roxbury some time in the month of April, 1776, for eight months' service. Its officers and privates were as follows : — COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Nathaniel Wood, capt. Job Pierce, 2d lieut. Joseph Tupper, 1st lieut. Jesse Vaughan, ensign NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Caleb Bryant, sergt. Benjamin Reed, corp. Andrew McCully, sergt. Josiah Jones, corp. William Bennett, sergt. John Sampson, corp. Joseph Holmes, sergt. Nathaniel Sampson, corp. MUSICIANS Sylvanus Raymond, Daniel White, fifer drummer 1775] THE REVOLUTION 123 PRIVATES Joseph Aldrich Philip Austin Isaac Bryant Stephen Bryant Ebenezer Bennett Ebenezer Barden David Bates Benjamin Cobb Gideon Cushman Robert Cushman Abel Cole Abel Cole, Jr. James Cobb George Caswell Jonathan Caswell Zeb. Caswell George Clemens Nathan Darling Paul Dean Ephraim Dunham Sylvanus Eaton Zibe Eaton Thomas Ellis Ephraim Eddy Andrew Fuller Thomas Foster Edward Gibsby John Holmes George Joshua Howland John Jones Consider Jones Thomas Johnson Jonathan Morse John Macomber William Pecker John Raymond Samuel Raymond Isaac Rider Nathan Richmond Daniel Shaw Nathaniel Shaw Aaron Simmons Josiah Smith Ezra Smith James Soule Barnabas Sampson John Strowbridge George Strowbridge Samuel Thatcher Samuel Thatcher, Jr. Eliph. Thomas Eleazer Thomas David Thomas Benjamin Thomas Silas Townsend John Thomas Amos Wood Peter Wood Abner Vaughan Ephraim Wood Robert Wood Jacob Wood Samuel Wood David Shaw Thomas Shaw Andrew Warren Captain Abiel Peirce, who had been the captain of the sec- ond company of the militia, soon after raised a company for Colonel Nicholas Dike's regiment on duty near Boston. This was composed of men from Middleboro, Bridgewater, Ware- ham, and Abington, and served for one year. The names of men enlisted from Middleboro were as follows : — 124 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO \M7S COMMISSIONED OFFICER Abiel Peirce, capt. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Josiah Harlow, sergt. James Peirce, corp. PRIVATES Joseph Booth William Bryant Ebenezer Borden James Bump Isaac Ballinton Ichabod Cushman John Fry Nathan Hoskins Jonathan Leonard Timothy Leonard John Harlow Nathan Peirce John Redding Joseph Richmond Benjamin Reynolds Samuel Snow Jacob Sherman Ichabod Wood Andrew Warren Abner Washburn Solomon Thomas Japhet Le Baron Although news travelled very slowly in those days, the sign- ing of the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July, 1776, seemed to spread throughout the country almost by magic. As soon as the report reached Boston, the bells were rung, and as the news was conveyed from town to town, it was received with joyful exultation. Ichabod, a son of William Tupper, living several miles away, hearing what had taken place, got up in the middle of the night and hurried to his father's house. On reaching the house, tf-V^ he rapped at the win- dow and shouted, " Father, all the bells are ringing between here and Boston, and we are free! we are free ! " The old man jumped out of his bed, rushed to the window, and, throwing it open, shouted at the top of his voice, " The angels will sing for joy ! " This is but one instance of the great gratification with which this news was received by the patriots of Middleboro. 1776] THE REVOLUTION I 25 The moral gain of this position of independence was fol- lowed by military disaster. The colonists were defeated at Long Island, August 27, White Plains, October 28, but in December, after crossing the Delaware, Washington won the battles of Trenton and Princeton. In the summer a*nd fall the Americans won the battles of Bennington and Stillwater, lead- ing to the surrender of Burgoyne, October 17, 1777. In the south events were less fortunate ; the defeats at Brandy wine and Germantown were followed, by a winter of suffering for the army at Valley Forge ; after the battles of Monmouth and Stony Point occurred three years filled with victories and disaster. In the early part of the Revolutionary struggle Rhode Island 1 was a theatre of activity on the part of the patriot army against the British forces. Although no great battle was fought, there were continual skirmishes between the opposing parties, and the whole surrounding country was menaced by the forces of the enemy. This lasted for about three years after the commencement of the struggle. The minute men and the reorganized militia of Plymouth and Boston were often sent there for short terms of service, and these calls were known as the " Rhode Island Alarms." As Middleboro men took part in these frequent expeditions, it is necessary to follow this local aspect of the war more in detail. Among these troops there were four companies from Mid- dleboro, which were enlisted some time during the year 1776. They were as follows : — First Company of Infantry commissioned officers Jonah Washburn, 1st lieut. James Smith, 2d lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Joseph Smith, sergt. Ebenezer Pratt, corp. Francis Thompson, sergt. Benjamin Cobb, corp. Caleb Bryant, sergt. Ebenezer Vaughan, corp. 1 Arnold, History of Rhode Island, vol. ii, p. 390. 126 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1776 Isaac Thomas, sergt. Jacob Thomas, sergt. Nathaniel Wood, corp. MUSICIANS Sylvanus Raymond, drummer Francis Bent, fifer PRIVATES Samuel Smith Ebenezer Cobb Jacob Thompson Silas Tinkham William Thompson John McFarlin Isaac Soule Nathan Darling Jacob Soule Abiel Leach Ebenezer Bennett John Cobb Zenas Cushman Luther Redding Nathaniel Billington Samuel Raymond John Raymond John Soule Ephraim Thomas Jacob Miller Daniel Thomas Joseph Cushman Job Thomas John Perkins Joseph Holmes Edward Wood, Jr. Gideon Cobb Nathan Cobb Elisha Freeman Job Randall Elisha Cox Ichabod Cushman Robert Cushman Samuel Torrey Jonathan Porter Thomas Foster Jesse Vaughan Sylvanus Harlow Thomas Ellis Charles Ellis, Jr. Samuel Eddy, Jr. Ebenezer Briggs Joseph Briggs Daniel Ellis Willard Thomas Samuel Snow John Redding James Tinkham James Soule Elkanah Bennett Solomon Thomas Noah Thomas Ephraim Wood Benjamin Thomas Elisha Thomas Cyrus Keith Thomas Bates William Soule Charles Ellis Zachariah Paddock Isaac Thompson Apollos Paddock Joseph Ellis Third Company of Infantry commissioned officers William Tupper, capt. John Murdock, lieut. 1776] THE REVOLUTION I27 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Samuel Eaton, sergt. Nathaniel Wilder, sergt. Benjamin Leonard, sergt. Sylvanus Warren, sergt. Abner Pratt, corp. Joseph Leonard, corp. Peter Tinkham, corp. PRIVATES Theophilus Crocker David Watson Joseph Bumpus Perez Leonard Elnathan Wood Ziba Eaton Jabez Cushman Zephaniah Morton Micah Bryant Lemuel Wood Benjamin Darling Benjamin White Cornelius Ellis Jepthah Ripley Isaiah Washburn Archipas Cole Jesse Bryant Ebenezer Williams. Jr. Zebedee Pratt Joseph Burden Ebenezer Wood Joseph Leonard Joseph Bumpus Samuel Reed Joseph Bates William Cobb William Cushman Philip Leonard Phineas Pratt Ezra Tupper Elisha Tinkham Job Peirce, capt. Josiah Smith, 1st lieut Fourth Company of Infantry commissioned officers Samuel Hoar, 2d lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Ebenezer Hinds, sergt. Abraham Peirce, sergt. Ezra Clark, sergt. Enos Raymond, sergt. Seth Ramsdell, corp. MUSICIAN Roger Clark, drummer PRIVATES Henry Peirce Isaac Howland John Allen Samuel Parris 128 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1776 Enos Peirce James Peirce Isaac Parris Stephen Hathaway Moses Parris John Hinds Braddock Hoar Abiel Chase Zebedee Boothe Eseck Howland Seth Keen John Haskins Joshua Caswell William Canedy Noble Canedy George Peirce Benjamin Reynolds Ephraim Reynolds Lebbeus Simmons John Boothe, Jr. John Douglas Fifth Company of Infantry commissioned officers Consider Benson, 1st lieut. Sylvanus Cobb, 2d lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS George Shaw, sergt. Phineas Thomas, sergt. Benona Lucas, corp. PRIVATES Roland Benson Asa Benson David Bates Josiah Bryant John Clark Japhet Le Baron Elijah Le Baron Joseph Lovell Thomas Shaw Eleazer Thomas Seth Thomas Sylvanus Thomas James Raymond Stephen Russell Stephen Washburn John Bennett Ebenezer Cobb Samuel Hackett William Raymond Mark Shaw These last made eight military companies which had been formed in Middleboro in the latter part of the year 1776. They were organized into a regiment, of which Ebenezer Sproat was the colonel, Ebenezer White of Rochester, lieutenant-colonel, Israel Fearing of Wareham, senior major, and John Nelson of Middleboro, junior major. This regiment was, in December, 1776, ordered to assist in the temporary defence of Rhode Island. They were mostly young men, who had seen no ser- 1776] THE REVOLUTION I 29 vice, were without military discipline and uniforms, and dressed in their ordinary citizen's clothes. They were armed with the king's arm, — one of which was found in almost every house in town, hung, as was the custom for years, over the fireplace in the kitchen, — a powder-horn, and a few bullets which had been moulded from the family bullet mould. They had no tents, but were obliged to find shelter at night in outbuildings or dwelling-houses on the line of march, or near their place of ren- dezvous. No provision was made for their supplies ; they depended largely on what they took with them, or what could be gathered from the country through which they marched. It was a matter of doubt whether they would receive anything for their services, but their patriotic spirit induced large num- bers of them to enlist for what had been demanded of them in and about Boston. Many of them were unwilling to take up arms for the defence of Rhode Island, and there was great reluctance on the part of many of the Middleboro men to respond to this order, as appears from the letter of Major Fearing to Colonel Ebenezer Sproat, the commander of the regiment, of which the following is a copy : — Headquarters Fourth Regiment, Fogland Ferry, 15th. of Dec, 1776. Sir, — In consequence of your orders the Towns of Roches- ter and Wareham have mustered the whole of their military and marched them accordingly to the place required by you. Being actuated by the most generous and noble motives, the said Towns are generally turned out to the assistance of their Sister State. But to my surprise I find the several Companies from your Town officered in part, but almost entirely destitute of Soldiers. One whole company have quitted their post without pay- ing any regard to the orders of Col. Cook, the commander here. But what is still more surprising to me, I found myself obliged to take the command of the Regiment, which, consid- ering my abilities is arduous and disagreeable, and which I determine to avail of if you or Col. White do not appear to take the command of. 13O HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1776 We are amazingly in want of men to guard this coast, therefore most seriously desire you to send your whole military force from Middleborough immediately. I have wrote to Col. White to send the other part of the Regiment. If any person hereafter return home without a furlow, I hope you will send them back to their duty. Your humble Servant, etc., Israel Fearing, Major. Their term of service, however, was short, and the Middle- boro companies soon after returned home. The calls for troops for the defence of Rhode Island seem to have been very frequent during the years 1776 and 1777. Captain Levi Rounseville of Freetown raised a company for the Ninth Regiment, which was designated as a part of the Massachusetts army, and the following officers and men were enlisted from Middleboro : — COMMISSIONED OFFICER Henry Peirce, lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Joseph Macomber, sergt. Hilkiah Peirce, corp. Job Hunt, sergt. Richard Peirce, corp. David Trowant, sergt. MUSICIAN Leonard Hinds, drummer PRIVATES William Armstrong Anthony Fry Joseph Boothe Levi Simmons Ephraim Douglas Nathan Trowant Henry Evans The General Court had passed several laws l affecting the 1 The General Court ordered a tax of ^100,000 in February, 1777, and of ,£240,000 in November. Bradford's History of Massachusetts, /yyj-8g, pp. 134, 152. 1776] THE REVOLUTION I3I people of the state, and an act for raising a sufficient sum for carrying on the expenses of the war. Middleboro and some of the other towns sent in petitions and requests calling for the repeal of these acts. They in no way objected to providing for the necessary expenses of the war, and urged that every- thing should be done by the legislature for that purpose, but doubted the expediency of this measure. As a result of these petitions, the act was so changed and modified that its objectionable features no longer remained upon the statute books. Following the capture of Burgoyne's army in New York in 1777, it was determined to drive the enemy from Rhode Island, and what was known as the secret expedition 1 was organized in September of that year. This expedition, attended with great expense in the colonies, was in charge of General Spencer. A force of some nine thousand men was collected in Tiverton near the stone bridge (which at that time had not been built), and boats had been provided for ferrying the troops across the river. There were many hindrances which prevented the ad- vance, and the men became so disaffected by what appeared to them the unnecessary delay and shiftlessness on the part of the commander, that nearly one half of them withdrew and returned home. The plan of attack was again changed, and the remaining troops finally embarked in boats to cross the river and make attack upon the island. But no sooner had the troops boarded the transports than General Spencer countermanded the order. 2 He suspected from the delay in the attack that the British had been apprised of his intentions, and seeing no opposition to his landing, he feared that if they allowed his troops to march into the country, they would then capture his whole army after having cut off their retreat and destroyed their boats. This afterwards proved true ; but great was the indignation of the patriot army because of the failure of this expedition, and General Spencer was summoned before a court of inquiry. He was afterwards acquitted, but was so offended 1 Bradford's History of Afassachusetts, 1775-8Q, p. 143. 2 Lossing, Field-Book 0/ the Revolution, vol. ii, p. 80. I32 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1776 that he resigned the command, and General Sullivan was ap- pointed in his place. Thus ended the expedition which upon its organization had promised so much. 1 There were two companies from Middleboro represented in this expedition. The one from Lakeville, enlisted December 9, 1776, by and under command of Captain Job Peirce, was as follows : — COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 2 Job Peirce, capt. Samuel Hoar, 2d lieut. Josiah Smith, 1st lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Ebenezer Hinds, sergt. Enos Raymond, sergt. Ezra Clark, sergt. Seth Ramsdell, corp. Abraham Peirce, sergt. MUSICIAN Roger Clark, drummer PRIVATES Henry Peirce Samuel Parris Isaac Howland John Hinds Stephen Hatheway John Haskins Enos Peirce Joshua Caswell James Peirce William Canedy Isaac Parris Noble Canedy Abiel Chace Benjamin Reynolds Braddock Hoar George Peirce Moses Parris Libeus Simmons Zebedee Boothe Ephraim Reynolds Eseck Howland Joseph Booth, Jr. Seth Keen John Douglas John Allen Captain William Tupper had a company, which had enlisted for six months' service in Rhode Island in May and June (1777). Their names were as follows : — 1 Arnold's History of Rhode Island, vol. ii, p. 408 ; Lossing's Field-Book of the Revolution, vol. ii, p. 80. 2 History of Plymouth County, Lakeville, p. 310. 1776] THE REVOLUTION 133 Joshua Wood Francis Wood Ezra Thomas James Cobb Sylvanus Raymond Ephraim Wood (3d) William Wood Peter Tinkham James Barrows Robert Cushman Homes Cushman Zenas Leach Perez Cushman Elisha Thomas Thomas Bates Captain Henry Peirce had a company enlisted from Lakeville which served in Rhode Island in the campaign of 1777. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Henry Peirce, capt. Peter Hoar, lieut. George Shaw, ensign. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Amasa Wood Daniel Ellis Joseph Wood Roland Leonard George Hackett Churchill Thomas Jeremiah Thomas Andrew Cobb Samuel Sampson James Palmer Elijah Shaw David Fish Jacob Soule Hazael Tinkham Jabez Vaughan Samuel Barrows Joseph Bennett John Morton John Morton (2d) Roland Smith Rounseville Peirce Peter Thomas Edmund Weston Joseph Tupper Lemuel Lyon William Halt James Le Baron Nathaniel Cole Israel Eaton Hazael Purrinton PRIVATES Ebenezer Howland Josiah Kingman Jacob Perkins Luther Pratt Seth Wade Noah Haskell Lemuel Raymond Manasseh Wood Francis Le Baron Asaph Churchill Samuel Thomas Nathaniel Thomas Edward Washburn William Bly Joseph Macumber Lemuel Briggs Jonathan Westcott Ephraim Dunham Isaac Harlow Nathaniel Cobb 134 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1776 William Littlejohn Andrew Ricket Daniel Cox Jonathan Porter Thomas Pratt James Porter David Pratt James Sprout Abiel Bothe John Thresher A large number of British remained 1 at Newport through the spring and summer of 1778. In addition to the troops already in the field, special calls were issued for the militia to assist in driving them out. 2 To meet this emergency, Captain Perez Churchill enlisted a company whose service commenced August 25, 1778 : — COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Perez Churchill, capt. James Weston, 2d lieut. James Shaw, 1st lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Samuel Smith, sergt. Stephen Clark, corp. Samuel Nelson, sergt. Luther Redding, corp. Amos Wood, sergt. John Holmes, corp. Nathaniel Thompson, sergt. PRIVATES Eliab Alden John Phinney Abner Barrows John Pratt Isaac Bumpus Jesse Nichols Robert Barrows James Raymond Ebenezer Burdin John Raymond Ichabod Burdin Electious Reynolds Joseph Briggs Jepthah Ripley Barnabas Clark James Soule Elijah Dunham Joseph Richmond John Ellis Ebenezer Thomas John Ellis, Jr. Caleb Thompson Eliphalet Elms David Weston Benona Lucas Perry Wood John McFarlin Ephraim Wood John McCully Robert Sturtevant Nathaniel Macomber Micah Bryant 1 Bradford's History of Massachusetts, iyj^-8g, p. 160. 2 Arnold, History of Rhode Island, vol. ii, p. 421. 1778] THE REVOLUTION 135 In September, 1778, a British force landed in what is now New Bedford 1 and Fairhaven, burned buildings and ships, and threatened the destruction of the place, when among other forces sent to their relief from Lakeville was a company en- listed by Captain Amos Washburn: — COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Amos Washburn, capt. Elisha Haskell, 1st lieut. Andrew McCully, 2d lieut NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Samuel Nelson, sergt. Job Townsend, sergt. Robert Strobridge, sergt. Abraham Shaw, sergt. James Pickens, corp. Josiah Jones, corp. PRIVATES John Townsend Job Howland John Peirce John Blye Andrew Perkins Henry Strobridge Ebenezer Briggs Thomas Nelson Roger Haskell Zebulon Haskell David Lewis Silas Peirce Jonathan Phinney Benjamin Smith Zephaniah Briggs Darling Shaw Andrew Cole Noah Clark Nathan Peirce John Blye, Jr. William Blye Cryspus Shaw Thomas Wood Thomas Pickens Alexander Pickens John Pickens William Pickens Andrew Pickens, Jr. William Strobridge Hugh Montgomery Solomon Dunham John Jones George Hackett Nathaniel Thompson John Sampson Samuel Pickens Joseph Macomber John Macomber Samuel Macomber Abner Townsend Nathaniel Shaw In 1778 there were seven Middleboro men enlisted for eight months' service in Colonel Jacobs's regiment. Their names were : — 1 Arnold, History of Rhode Island, vol. ii, p. 431. I36 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1780 Robert Cushman Isaac Billington Perez Cushman Timothy Cox Homes Cushman Jonah Washburn, Jr. Ezra Leach In August, 1780, great was the alarm over a British fleet of sixteen ships laden with troops which appeared off Newport. The militia of the entire state of Rhode Island was called out to repel the threatened invasion. At the urgent request of General Heath, the militia from Connecticut and Massachu- setts came to the rescue. After this force had assembled, the hostile squadron suddenly disappeared, and the troops were dismissed to their homes. They had no sooner reached home than they were recalled by the unexpected reappearance of the enemy. Another week of the most intense excitement fol- lowed, and then again the English withdrew, and the troops so hastily gathered were finally dismissed. In this expedition Middleboro furnished four companies. The second company was commanded by Captain Abner Bourne. Third Company commissioned officers William Tupper, capt. James Weston, 2d lieut. John Murdock, 1st lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Samuel Eaton, sergt. Peter Tinkham, corp. Benjamin Leonard, sergt. Joseph Leonard, corp. Abner Pratt, sergt. David Weston, corp. Nathaniel Wilder, sergt. Silas White, corp. MUSICIANS Joseph Barden, drummer. Lemuel Bryant, fifer PRIVATES Joseph Bumpus (2d) Robert Cushman Joseph Bumpus William Cushman Jesse Bryant Zebadee Cushman Archipus Cole Joseph Darling i 7 8o] THE REVOLUTION I 37 Eliphalet Elms Israel Eaton Robert Green Jabez Green John Hey ford Joseph Jackson Archipas Leonard Perez Leonard George Leonard Samuel Leonard Joseph Leonard Roland Leonard Ichabod Leonard Lemuel Lyon James Littlejohn Andrew Murdock John Norcutt Ephraim Norcutt Samuel Pratt Zebadee Pratt Ebenezer Richmond George P. Richmond Joseph Richmond Ezra Richmond Joshua Reed Jepthah Ripley Hushai Thomas Elisha Tinkham Joseph Tupper, Jr. Israel Thomas Levi Thomas Jabez Thomas Edward Thomas Enoch Thomas Daniel Tucker Seth Tinkham David Turner David Wilson Elnathan Wood Lemuel Wood Ephraim Wood Ebenezer White Edmund Weston Henry Peirce, capt. Peter Hoar, 1st lieut Fourth Company commissioned officers Ezra Clark, 2d lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Ebenezer Hinds, sergt. Robert Hoar, sergt. Nathaniel Macomber, sergt. Joseph Boothe, sergt. Ebenezer Hey ford, sergt. Benjamin Boothe, corp. Henry Edminster, corp. PRIVATES Daniel Collins Roger Clark John Church Ebenezer Howland Samuel Howland John Howland Joshua Howland Eseck Howland John Hoar John Holloway Josiah Holloway Samuel Parris Richard Parris George Peirce Uriah Peirce Ezra Reynolds 1*8 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1780 Electious Reynolds Benjamin Reynolds John Reynolds Enos Reynolds Isaac Reynolds Earl Sears Seth Simmons Lebbeus Simmons Isaac Sherman Nathan Trowant Fifth Company commissioned officers Perez Churchill, capt. Consider Benson, 1st lieut. George Shaw, 2d lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Daniel Smith, sergt. Benona Lucas, sergt. Joseph Thomas, sergt. Perez Churchill, sergt. Ezra Harris, corp. Japhet Le Baron, corp. William Shaw, corp. Eleazer Thomas, Jr., corp. MUSICIAN Josiah Thomas, drummer PRIVATES Benjamin Thomas Ichabod Benson James Le Baron, Jr. James Raymond William Churchill Mark Shaw Barnabas Shurtliff Joseph Bessie David Bates Seth Thomas Zephaniah Thomas Joseph Lovell Nathaniel Shaw Abel Tinkham Samuel Hackett John Raymond John Le Baron, Jr. Robert Sturtevant Caleb Atwood Stephen Washburn Solomon Thomas Hosea Washburn Zeb Thomas Nathan Muxom William Holmes Sylvan us Thomas Isaac Morse Asa Barrows Isaac Benson Samuel Thomas, Jr. George Howland Caleb Benson, Jr. James Raymond, Jr. Isaac Shaw Nathan Burden Ichabod Atwood Samuel Thomas Nathan Thomas David Thomas 1777] THE REVOLUTION 1 39 In addition to these companies of local militia which were enlisted for a comparatively short term of service in and about Boston, New Bedford, and in Rhode Island, there were many others who were in the continental army for a much longer term than the militia, many for the entire war, whose names it is now impossible to give. We learn of them in following the various family genealogies. In 1777 there were one hundred and seven men from Middleboro in the continental army for three years or during the war, some of whom have been men- tioned in other chapters. At one time there were over sixty- four from the First Church absent in active service. Captain Joshua Eddy 1 raised a company for three years from the adjoining towns for the regiment of which Gamaliel Brad- ford was colonel ; their first service was on the Hudson to resist the progress of Burgoyne. The final victory at Yorktown and Cornwallis's surrender brought the war to a close, and the final treaty of peace was signed at Paris, in 1783. Then followed the struggle for a union. The nation had no President, no money, a congress destitute of power. Well did Fiske call this the " Critical Period of American History." But the soldiers returned to their farms, and Middleboro soon settled into its regular routine of life. The following memoranda are taken from the Eddy Note- Book : — 1777 Jan. 31 Gamaliel Bradford Esq. Colonel Baracciat Bassett Esq. Lt. Col. Samuel Tubbo Esq. Major Joshua Eddy Capt. Cushman 1st. Lt ; David Peterson 2d. Lt Jonathan Haskell, Ensign Barnabas Bates of Wareham afterwards Lt. J. Eddy Capt. Amt. of wages from Jan. 1777 to 258 lbs. Paid by the Continent 95 — 5 — o; by the state 162 — 15 — o COMPANY Enlisted between Feb. and April 177- in obedience to an order of Council of Nov. 7, 1777 for the Continental service for 3 years or during the war (Bradford's Regt.) 1 For further service of Captain Eddy, see chapter on Eddyville. 140 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO ;i7So Samuel Thacher of and for M Ebenezer Raymond Simeon Prouty Joseph Chamberlain James Sampson William Maxwell of Tisbury h. — ag. 19, — April 1, 1778 3 yrs. ag. 30 — Feb. 23 " ag. 34 Feb. 21. 3 ys. 7, 1780 service to end 17, Feb. 19. 3 yrs. or during: war Scituate Plimpton Kingston Jan for Rochester Thomas Hackman of and for Plymouth 21 Isaac Wilson " John Clark John Hyller Joseph Hatch Samuel Green Emanuel Doggett (" Doged ") William Conant Joseph Samdin Jonathan Sanders Samuel Bates Salisbury Hichmond David Burges Benjamin Swift 2d Lt. Sturtevant Nathaniel Sturtevant Abel Suspason Warren Abner Morton John Tolman jr. John Hosea James Morris Charles Anthony Rochester 3 yrs. or during war 23 pd cost bounty 50 Jan. 15. 3 yrs. or during war 24 3 yrs. or during war 16 Jan. 20 May l 5 Wareham ag. 31 May 9, 1777 " 27 " 30 " " 2^ it " 16 " 19 " 17 " 17 Plymouth Feb. 21 Middleborough April 28 Plymouth ag. 18 Feb. 21, pd. cost bounty " " 17 enlist Feb. 21 ) U It a from Nath'l 4 l - Goodwin's u i< V Co. Rochester 35 (of John Cottle's Co.) 3 yrs. for Pembroke ? Samuel Green Samuel Eddy << of Middleboro for Bridgewater I8 | •7) By Isa Hatch from June 10 to July 9 1777 Nehemiah Curtis u 16 Moses Standish Joshua Prouty Plympton Scituate 40 27 pd. the cost bounty Pollipus Hammond Rochester 16 it Rowel Foot " 1 9 11 Able Suppossen for Pembroke 36 Feb. 78. James Newport Nathan Cobb Kingston Middleborough 20 48 i< (for N. Wood's Co.) Elisha Paddock " (for N. W.) 2 3 yrs. or during war 1777] THE REVOLUTION HI Stephen Cobb M lddleborough (tor JN. W.) ag. 19 3 yrs. or during war Zachariah Eddy 25 Thomas Eddy " " 20 " Nicholas Wood " " 18 Thomas Cushman Plimpton 18 Joseph Bump Washburn "enlisted," not draught, May 26, 1777 to serve till Jan. 10, '78 Isaac Willison Bridgewater for 3 yrs. to end in 1780 Alden's reg't. Thomas Cole Middleborough] Fe ^.?9. 7» from Capt. u { White s Co. in Col. Benjamin Simmons jr. Benjamin Hacket „ [ Sprout's reg't. Cont 1 . J Army. Lewis Harlow " during war Moses Sturtevant Wareham ag. 19 Nathan Faunce Middleborough " 33 (from N. Wood's Co.) (Jonah Washburn 1st. Lt.) 3 yrs. or during war Seth Cobb « Zebedee Caswell " ag. 22 " Benjamin Raymond (ar oted drummer) 20 " Carver Bates Middleborough 17 " Stephen Bryant u it Jona or Joshua Eatton a u Leach it u Ephraim Eddy tt Ebenezer Smith ti William Ellis a Leach a William Paddy Rochester William Randall " ag. 21 Barzillai Nicholson " " 29 (or 20) Cuff Perry " 28 Solomon Doty Middleborough Sampson David 1 Andrew Warren John Billington I FROM Capt. Wm. Tupper's Co. Francis Billington J Pelham Wood Wareham Shubael Bump " ag. 18 Feb. 19 Samuel Philips " " 19 Jan. 13 Joseph Bump 3d " 8 months John Mefrick Cary (a I ndian) Middleborough " 22 John Morris Plimpton " 29 I42 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1778 Perez Simmons Middleborough ag. 16 3 yrs. Gideon Cobb till Jan. 10, 1778 Simeon Cotton Rathem " 17 Micah Leach " 21 Thomas Gannet 39 A. Fuller, an officer afterwards a capt. Prior to 1778 the maintenance of the soldiers who were serv- ing in the different campaigns had been left to their families and neighbors. While the men were absent in service, the work on the farm was done by the old men, by the women, or by those too young to enlist. The long continuance of the war resulted in great hardship to many of those who were in the field. Accordingly we find that from time to time the town provided for their necessities by votes : — At a town meeting held January 5, 177S, it was voted that " the town treasurer hire the sum of $200. for the use of the committee to enable them to procure necessaries for the families of the soldiers in the continental service." And on the 9th of March, 177S, at a town meeting it was voted " to choose a committee of 7 persons to take care of the families of the soldiers that are in the Continental army, and that said committee deal out provisions to the families of the soldiers agreeable to a former act of the town. " Committee is as follows : — " Edmund Wood Edward Shairmin Zaddock Leonard Francis Thompson George Leonard Isaac Peirce Ichabod Wood." At a town meeting held May 5, 177S, it was voted that "the selectmen hire the sum of 626^ and 13 shillings in order to purchase clothing for the soldiers in the Continental army. " Voted to choose a committee of 5 persons to set a price to said clothing. " Voted that the select men and company of inspection assist the above said committee relating to the price of said clothing." May 5, 1778, committee reported on the price of clothing as follows : — "Shoes 1 pound, 16 shillings a pair. Shirts 1 " 7 " a piece, one shirt to contain 3 yards of one yard wide of linen and tow cloth. Stockens 1 pound a pair." The town voted to accept said report. 1778] THE REVOLUTION 1 43 May i8, 1778: — " Voted to pay the 26 Continental men now raising for Gen. Washington's army the sum of 30 pounds to be paid to each man," and also voted that " the town treasurer give his note for 30 pounds payable to each man in behalf of the town, said note to be paid in nine months from that date without interest." " Voted to deal stores to the families of soldiers of the Continental service to one fourth part of their wages, the committee to deal out said stores." 7th of July : — " Voted that the town treasurer give his note for 14 pounds in behalf of the town to each of the 19 men now raising for the service of the state of Rhode Island, said notes to be on interest to be paid on the first day of Jan. next." January 1st, 1779: — " J'oted that those soldiers that continue at home, with or without furlow, have no supply from the committee while absent from the army." "An Order sent out by the Great and General Court of the state of Massachu- setts Bay, dated June 8, 1779. "That the Town of Middleboro have 10 men to raise for the Rhode Island Service, to serve until the 1st. day of Jan. next, and said men are to be paid 3c lbs. each out of Treasury of said Town of Middleboro. Voted that the Town Treasurer give his note of 30 lbs. to each of said 10 men with interest till paid." June 14, 17S0: — " Voted to raise men to reinforce the army, 55 the number assigned to this town for the term of six months. " Voted that the town treasurer give his security to the men that engage in said service or that were held in said service, the securities, if any are demanded to be given, are to be given in farming produce or silver money or lumber or paper currency." On June 14, 1780, at a town meeting it was voted that the town treasurer hire money for the help of raising the men if wanted. " Voted that there be paid to each man that engages in the service as a soldier 200.1 f bloomery bar iron per month or farming produce in proportion to said iron. " Voted that 400 Continental dollars be paid to the men that engage in said ser- vice instead of 100 of iron, the said sum to be paid to him that demands it and cannot do without the same." July 3, 17S0, it was voted according to an order sent out by the Great and General Court of this state to raise 65 men for the term of 3 months for the present service of war. By resolve of the General Court December 4, 1780, the town of Middleboro was required to furnish 49,733 pounds of beef for the use of the army or money suffi- cient to purchase the same. The town remonstrated to the General Court that they were unable to meet such requisition for several reasons : that they had recently complied with a similar requisition with great difficulty; that the lumber in town which furnished money for inhabitants had failed ; that the men engaged in farming had been absent during the season for planting crops ; that a large 144 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OK MIDDLEBORO [1791 number had been in service and had not had Hie pay which was promised them, and that the town was not as fertile as many other towns, so that they were unable to realize either the money or the beef to meet with thai requisition. What action was taken by the General Court upon this requisition does not appear. Much 14, 1791 : — " Voted to loan all the old Continental paper money now in the Town Treasury to the United States and that the Town Treasurer be the person to put said mioney on loan in the Town's behalf." ^^....^rjr*" MUSKET AND POWDKKHORN CHAPTER IX THE LOYALISTS OF THE REVOLUTION T the commencement of and during the struggle for independence, Sahin, in his "American Loyalists," estimates that there were in the province of Mas- sachusetts Hay more than two thousand loyalists, for the most part wealthy influential and professional men of the colony. 1 Many of them had held commissions under the Crown, and had served with distinction in the army of George III, during the French and Indian and other wars. Others had held various civil appointments, which were then regarded as positions of honor. They were familiar with the history and the traditions of the mother country, and had the love and enthusiasm for England of loyal British subjects. While mind- ful of the wrongs and injustice that the colonies had suffered, the claims of the Crown were so strong that they could not readily throw them off. Many of the inhabitants of Middleboro had a great struggle in choosing the side of the patriots and taking up arms against the mother country. In the neighboring towns, many of the prominent families of Plymouth, Halifax, Freetown, Marsh- field, Rochester, and Taunton early espoused the cause of the king. The loyalists 2 all over the country were banished 1 John Adams was inclined to believe that in the colonies at large not more than two thirds were against the Crown at the breaking out of the Revolution. The last vote that showed the strength of the loyalists in the town of boston was in 1775, when the vote stood five against two. Of the three hundred and ten pci sons who were banished from the country and their estates confiscated, over sixty were graduates of Harvard College. Memorial History of Boston, vol. iii, p. 175. 2 " Upwards of eleven hundred retired in a body with the royal army at the evacuation of Boston. This number includes, of course, women and children. Among the men, however, were many persons of distinguished rank and consid- eration. Of members of the council, commissioners, officers of the customs, and other officials, there were one hundred and two ; of clergymen, eighteen ; of in- I46 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1776 and went to England, Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, and their estates were confiscated under the statutes of 1778 and 1779. The English government paid fifteen million dollars for their relief. Popular feeling early in the struggle was intense against them ; Washington was most severe in his expression of contempt. The term " tory " was applied to them as the most opprobrious epithet that could be used, and the position which many of them had held in the colony seemed to be no bar against the treatment they received. The following instances show to what lengths the popular feeling went in neighboring towns : Daniel Leonard of Taun- ton, an attorney and barrister of wide reputation, a graduate of Harvard College, and a member of the General Court, had been appointed a mandamus councillor ; against him the feeling was so strong that bullets were fired into his house by a mob, and he was obliged to take refuge in Boston. In 1776 he, with his family of eight, left for Halifax and England, and was ap- pointed chief justice for the Bermudas. Daniel Dunbar was an officer in the militia when in 1774 a mob demanded of him that he surrender the colors of his company, which bore the insignia of the British Crown. When he refused to do this, they carried him from his house, put him upon a rail, and held him there until he was exhausted. He was then beaten until he was forced to give up the standard to save his life. Jesse Dunbar bought some cattle of a mandamus councillor in 1774, and drove them to Plymouth for sale. So great was the indig- nation of the patriots that, on learning that Dunbar had pre- sumed to have business relations with such a hated officer, they commenced punishing him for his offence (after the animals had been slaughtered). He suffered great indignities at their hands. He was carried to Kingston and there delivered to a mob, which carted him into the town of Duxbury. Here another mob seized him, and after beating him severely and habitants of country towns, one hundred and five ; of merchants and other per- sons who resided in Boston, two hundred and thirteen ; of farmers, mechanics, and traders, three hundred and eighty-two." Sabine's Loyalists of American Revo- lution, vol. i, p. 25. 1776] THE LOYALISTS OF THE REVOLUTION 1 47 offering him many gross insults, they took him to a house and compelled him to give up the money he had received ; then he was left in the road with the remains of his slaughtered animals, to recover and return home as best he could. At the breaking out of the Revolution, Middleboro was one of the largest towns in the commonwealth, and contained many persons of influence who were well known throughout the colony. It was hoped that Judge Oliver, by reason of his long residence and the universal respect in which he was held, would induce the town not only to resist the tide of patriot- ism which was sweeping over the country, but to join the loy- alists of Marshfield. 1 There a company of one hundred men had been formed, and arms were sent to them to defend the rights of the Crown. Judge Oliver labored faithfully to induce prominent men of his acquaintance to side with him and to resist the growing sentiment against the English nation, but in vain. At one of these interviews Zachariah Eddy asked the judge if the king had done right. The judge replied, "As to that I cannot say, but he has the power." The people of Middleboro, however strong in sentiment and sympathy with the patriot cause, refrained from many outbreaks of violence toward the tories. A committee had been appointed to confer with them in the early stages of the war, but the most that could be obtained was a promise not to assist the enemy. The only indignity that was offered was burning the house of Judge Oliver at Muttock, in 1778. Judge Oliver, however, had left the colony with his family, with the avowed intention of never returning until the rebellious spirit of the British subjects in America should be subdued and the power of the British throne again reestablished. There were but two citizens of Middleboro who were ban- ished by acts of the legislature ; these were Judge Oliver 2 and his son, Peter Oliver, Jr. Ebenezer Spooner, a former citi- zen, was not then a resident of the town. Judge Oliver's son Daniel was a graduate of Harvard University in 1762, and 1 See account of minute men in the Revolution. 2 For life of Judge Oliver, see chapter on Muttock. I48 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1776 studied law. In 1765 he had been a representative to the Gen- eral Court from Middleboro. Later he settled in Worcester County and went to England with his father. He died in the year 1826 at the age of eighty-two. Peter Oliver, Jr., a graduate of Harvard University, was a physician, although he did not practise long in Middleboro. He was one of the eighteen country gentlemen who were driven into Boston in 1775 to address General Gage. In the act proscribing him, he was called " the Middleboro physician." After leaving the country, he resided in Shrewsbury, England, where he died at the age of eighty-one years. He had none of the regard towards his native land which his father showed in his later years, but was very bitter towards everything which reminded him of his former home. In his father's library was the only perfect manuscript of Hubbard's " History of New England." In 1814 the Massachusetts Historical Society de- sired to publish that work, and applied to Dr. Oliver to give or loan them this copy for that purpose, or to permit a tran- script of such parts of the manuscript as were missing in the American copy which we now have. His spirit of animosity against the country was shown in the very curt and surly answer which he sent, refusing to comply with either request, and in consequence, Hubbard's " History of New England," one of the earliest and most authoritative histories we have, is incomplete at the beginning and at the end. Portions of his diary may be of interest : — DIARY OF PETER OLIVER, JR., 1757 Abt. the 1st. week in Oct. I got home to Middleborough. In Novr., about the second week, I went to Boston with my father & mother, lodged at Milton at G. Hutchinson's, who was then only Mr. Hutchinson, or, perhaps Lieutenant-Govr. I remember it was of a Saturday evg. & the 1st. time I ever saw his eldest daughter, Sally, who was afterwards my wife. I went to meeting the next day with the family. In this month I was examined at Harvard College, Cam- bridge, & was admitted into the Freshmen's class under Mr. Handcock, the tutor, my elder brother, Daniel, being then a Senior Sophister. 1761-74] THE LOYALISTS OF THE REVOLUTION 1 49 In July my brother took his degree of B. A. and went home. Nothing very particular while at College, only I spent most of my time very agreeably, became much acquainted with Mr. Hutchinson's family (Elisha and I living together the greater part of my last two years), & especially with Sally. She had a very agreeable way in her behavior which I remember pleased me beyond any other of my female acquaint 55 , though I had not the least thought of any connection with her. While I was at college I lost a favorite uncle, Clarke, who was a physician in Boston, & likewise some cousins. In July, 1761, I took my deg e of B. A. In Aug* 21, follows, I went to live at Scituate with Dr. Stockbridge as an apprentice. Here I enjoyed a many happy & more happier Hour than I ever experienced in my life before. I had no care or trouble on my mind, lived easy, & became acquainted with an agreeable young lady in the neighbor- hood but only on a friendly footing. In March 21, 1764, I left Dr. Stockbridge's and went to Boston to reside at the Castle, to understand the nature of the smallpox under Dr. Gelston. I staid there till the last of Ap 1 follow?, when I cleared out, as they term it ; went to Middle borough in May ; and in June set up for myself in the practice of physic amidst many difficulties & obstructions. My father built me a small shop near his house. I gradually got a little business but poor pay. In June, 1765, first pay' d my addresses to Miss S. H., and obtained leave of her father in Aug 1 follows, being just before his House was tore down, he losing everything he had in his House ; his Daughters & rest of the family likewise shared the same fate. I went down in a few days after to see the family ; found Miss S. H. most terribly worried and distrest. I found that courtship was the most pleasant part of my life hitherto ; the family were very agreeable. 1 At a later date, we find these entries in his diary : — June 1st 1774. — The Gov r , Elisha, and Peggy, sailed for England, just as the Mandamus Counsellors were ordered to take their oaths by G. Gage, who succeeded the Gov r H. — Nothing but mobs and riots all this summer. Wednesday the 14 of Sep r I was mobbed. Aug. 23. — Well Col. Watson is sworn in to be one of His 1 An account of his wedding reception is given in the chapter on Muttock. 15O HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i774 Majesties Council ; he has got home ; they left the Meeting to the number of 40. The first Sunday they passed him in the street without noticing him which occasions him to, to be very uneasy. Some of our pupies in town are coming to wait on the judge [Peter Oliver, Sen.] You will hear more of it by the time you finish this letter. Sept. 2. — 3 men deputed from 40 Middlebg. brutes came to the Judges house the 24th to know ab l these difficulties, and they went away as dissatisfied as they came. Col. Ruggles, Murry, Willard and some others are obliged to retire to Boston to get rid of the mob. The Judge is now in Boston. We have been threatened and whether we shan't be mobbed is uncertain. I dread to think of the consequences that must follow our behavior here whether ever so mild mat- ters are struck upon by the ministry. If the ministry give way to us we are an undone people ; and if they set out to punish us according as we deserve it there will be bloodshed enough before they can reduce us. The Middleborough people and indeed the Province in general, declare solemnly never to sub- mit to this new plan of government. I wish I was safe with my family out of the reach of threats and insults. I never knew what mobbing was before. I am sick enough of confu- sion and uproar. I long for an asylum, — some blessed place of refuge. Sept. 10. — The Judge is in Boston yet for safety, and will be this one while. You have no idea of the confusion we are in ab 1 the Counsell and new mode of government. Sept. 14. — To-day I was visited by about 30 Middlebor- ough Puppies, who obliged me to sign their Articles. They proceeded and increased their number to 80, and attack'd Mr. Silas Wood, carried him off, and threatened his life if he would not sign their paper to stand by the Old Charter, and give up the Protest he had then in his pocket. He finally yielded. The next day they visited ab* 10 or 12 people who are called Tories, and made them resign to their unwarrantable demands. M. R. Spooner among the rest. 1 The following letters refer to this period : — Middleborough, Aug. 11, 1774. Sir, — We have just heard of the arrival of the Acts of Parliament by a Man-of-War, last Saturday or Sunday. Tues- day the General sent an express to the Judge, Col. Watson, 1 Diary and Letters of Thomas Hutchinson, pp. 246, 459. 1775] THE LOYALISTS OF THE REVOLUTION '51 Daniel Leonard, Col. Eden [doubtless should have been Edson], N. Ray, Thomas [Hutchinson], and a number of others in the Province, as we imagine as His Majesty's Council, upon the new Establishment. Col. Watson says he bids farewell to all peace and comfort in this world. I never see him so uneasy in my life. He will refuse, and if he does he will do the Tories more dishonor than ever he did them good. There are num- bers in the Province that swear they will never consent to this new plan. By next fall, the last of October, the whole matter will be decided." To his brother-in-law, Elisha Hutchinson : — Boston, June ist, 1775. Dear Brother, — We are besieged this moment with 10 or 15000 men, from Roxbury to Cambridge ; their rebell sentry s within call of the troops' sentrys on the Neck. We are every hour expecting an attack by land or water. All marketing from the country stopt ever since the Battle. Fire and slaughter hourly threatened, and not out of danger from some of the inhabitants within, of setting the town of [on] fire. All the interest the Judge and I ound [owned] in Middleborough exposed to the ravage of a set of robbers, M r Conant at the head of them. Poor Jenny and Phoebe, and children, we can't hear of, or get any word to, whether they are all living or not, or whether the works and buildings are left standing is rather a doubt with me, for we have heard since the Battle, that a number set out to destroy and burn our interest, but that the Selectmen interposed and saved them. James Bowdoin, Esq., is very ill in health, and has desir'd leave of the Judge to live in his house, and improve his land till he shall want it himself. What consummate impudence ! It is more than I would consent to, but the Judge will consent to it. 10th Instant. — Yesterday I heard from Plymouth : all well at present : can't send your letters. The rebells, I hear, have put out our Farm, to take the profits themselves : they have serv'd every friend to govern- ment in that way. O tempora ! O mores ! Y rs as usual, Peter Oliver, Jun r . 152 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1775 Boston, Dec" 7, 1775. Sir, — This by Nath 1 Coffin Jun r . I determine to write you by all the opportunities for the future, when I have anything to relate. This once happy country must for the future be miserable. Most of the Governments, especially these 4 Governments of N. England, are inevitably forfeited to His Majesty. All we poor Refugees must be made good our losses and damages. Hanging people won't pay me for what I have suffered. No- thing short of forfeited estates will answer : and after damages are sufficiently compensated, then hang all the Massachusetts Rebels by dozens, if you will. You may remember our Wilder, the Blacksmith : he has turn'd Rebell. Neighbour Tupper, on the hill as you turn to the Meeting House, or Boston Road : in fine, but a very few in Middleborough but what are Rebells or Devills. The Parson stands foremost in the list : he must be looked up one of the first. The rest of this matter in my next. Sally [his wife, the Governor's daughter] sends her love to you. — I am Y rs Affectionately Peter Oliver, Jun r . In a letter from Thomas Hutchinson, Jr., to his brother Elisha under date of September 22, 1774, he writes : — " It is become mighty fashionable here for the people to wait on any person who has done anything that they are pleased to look upon as unfriendly to the cause of liberty, and oblige them to confess, and promise reformation. D r Oliver was visited last week by about five hundred, who assembled at some distance from his house, and sent a Committee to confess him for having promoted some Address or Protest some time agoe, which penance he readily underwent, to get rid of his unwelcome guests, and I suppose may now remain at Middleborough with- out molestation." Others who were put under surveillance by the town author- ities were also men of property and of the highest respectability. Such was the confidence in the integrity of these men that although they were known to be in full sympathy with the British cause, they were not proscribed, or banished, neither were their estates confiscated as were those of other tories of the province. 1775] THE LOYALISTS OF THE REVOLUTION 153 DOGGETT HOUSE RANSOME HOUSE The house in which Simeon Doggett lived is still standing on South Main Street, Lakeville. He came from Marshfield in 1742, and was with his brother in the French and Indian War in the company of Captain Benjamin Pratt. He was a skilful cabinet maker, living upon the farm which he cultivated. He was generally known as "the tory farmer," and as a staunch Episcopalian he differed from most of the townspeople in his religious opinions. He was conscientious in his belief that it was wrong for the colonies to rebel against the mother country, and he took no pains to conceal this. Although no treasonable acts were ever proved against him for his opinions freely expressed, he was imprisoned in the New Bedford jail, but was afterwards released upon a promise that he would not leave his farm without permission. One of his contemporaries said that he and his tory neighbor, Lemuel Ransome, while under the injunction of the town, obeyed it carefully, but availed themselves of the privilege of walking daily to the bounds of their adjoining farms, discussing the turbulent state of the times and freely expressing their sympathy for the king they loved so well. When the war was over they regained the esteem and confidence of their fellow citizens. Mr. Dog- gett was the father of Rev. Simeon Doggett, a clergyman of reputation, at one time principal of the Taunton Academy. His daughter, Abigail, married Judge Weston. He was the grandfather of the Rev. Thomas Doggett and William E. Doggett, an eminent business man of Chicago. John Doggett, a minor and resident of Middleboro, sympa- 154 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1775 thized with his relative, Simeon Doggett, in the latter's political opinion, and left the country soon after coming of age. He moved to New Brunswick and settled on the Isle of Grand Menan, in the Bay of Fundy, where he died in 1830 at the age of seventy years. Lemuel Ransome lived upon the farm recently occupied by Clark Bump, lie was one ol the few men in town against whose character no one was ever known to speak, and his influence was very great until it was known that he espoused the cause of the Crown. Although the feeling was so intense, the community never lost confidence in Mr. Ransome, and regarded him as one of the most upright and honest of citi- zens. He was known throughout the country as " the honest farmer," receiving that name from the following incident : At one season there was a great frost and heavy drought in some portion of the state, so that almost the entire crop of corn ' was ruined and yielded but little more than had been originally planted. Mr. Ransome (probably on account of the peculiarity of the soil and the nearness of his farm to the neighboring ponds) was able to gather a large crop during that year. Speculators came to him, offering the highest prices for his corn, two or three dollars per bushel, but he would not sell. "This corn," he used to say, "belongs to the poor people of the town, and they shall have it at the ordinary price of fifty cents a bushel." Such unusual generosity won lor him the love and respect of all. Elkanah Leonard said of him, " I have seen an honest man." This trait of character made him conscientious in his loyalty to England. This was his argument: " We must honor the king. Does not the Bible say we must honor him ? I cannot go contrary to the Bible." Part of a conversation has come down to us, in which he said to Mr. Doggett, " Does it not make you feel sad to see all our people rising against their king?" "I know not how it will end, but I tremble lest some great calamity should come 1 It was at this time that part of Scituate received the name Egypt, as corn could be obtained there, and men went long distances, as of old, " to buy corn in Egypt." 1775I THE LOYALISTS OF THE REVOLUTION 1 55 upon the colonics for their treason against the royal Crown of England." He, as well as his neighbor, had been indicted for his public utterances, yet on September 2, 1779, the Com- mittee of Inspection petitioned the General Court thai The indictment against Lemuel Ransome, an inhabitant of Middleboro be stayed for the reason therein given, and that all proceedings in said indictment be and hereby are stayed until the further order of the court, and the Superior Court of Judicature be ordered to stay proceedings. (Signed by) Jonx Hancock, Speaker. Mr. Ransome lived to a good old age, and died respected by all. The attendance at his funeral was the largest Middleboro had ever seen. At the commencement of the Revolutionary War, Captain William Canedy, an influential man in that part of the town now Lakeville, had served with distinction in the French and Indian War. When questioned concerning his loyalty, he re- plied that he had fought for his king, had held a commission as captain from his Majesty's governor of the province, and he could not be a traitor in his old age. Stephen Richmond lived on Vernon Street, in the house now occupied by Daniel Aldrich. His temperament and dis- position were such that he had nothing of the position and esteem which the other loyalists received. He was known as the "d — d old tory." He died of smallpox in 1777, and was buried on the other side of a stone wall, opposite the grave of Mr. Paddock, the owner of the field positively refusing to allow such a man to be buried on his land. One George Gye was committed to jail by the committee of safety of Middleboro, January 14, 1777. He was brought be- fore the committee and fairly examined, and " Found to have been secretly moving about for several months past among the worst of our Tories who, we find, are all acquainted with him, and have received repeated visits from him, and that no other person but Tories have had the plea- sure to be acquainted with him and further we find him firmly 156 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1775 engaged in his mind for government against our liberties and many other things that might be proved against him." Upon a petition, the legislature paid the expenses of his being kept in jail. Soon after the battle of Lexington, the town took decisive action in its endeavor to suppress any influence which the loyalists might seek to exert in favor of the Crown. At a town meeting held July 3, 1775, " Com. of Inspection reported that Silas Wood, William Strowbridge 2nd., Simeon Doggett, Josiah Vaughan, Thomas Paddock, Zebulon Leonard, Lemuel Ransom, Joseph Bates Jr., Jacob Bennett and Peter Vaughan, have not given satisfaction to them that they are friends to the Country. " A Committee of five men were appointed to see what measures should be taken relative to these persons ; Adjourned for an hour and reported that said persons be confined to their own homes from the date hereof until such time as they shall make satisfaction to the town or Committee of Inspection excepting that on the Lord's Day they shall be allowed to attend public worship." At a town meeting held July 17, 1775, the following vote was passed : "Voted that the Committee of Inspection go and inquire into the conduct of William Canedy and John Montgomery Jr. and if they don't give satisfaction to the said Committee of Inspection, that the town have ordered that the captains of each of the military companies are ordered to keep on the homestead farm and not go off until such time as they give the said committee satisfaction, unless it be to attend public worship at the society to which they belong, on the penalty of being carried to the camps at Roxbury and delivered up to some military officer." At a town meeting held June 17, 1777, "the Selectmen reported the following persons as being enimicaily disposed toward the United States, Zebulon Leonard, William Strobridge, Lemuel Ransom, Simeon Doggett and Stephen Richmond. " Each person being called on, the vote put whether they were enimicaily disposed passed in the affirmative at said meeting. Moved by Isaac Perkins and seconded by Joseph Leonard. Voted and seconded that Stephen Richmond is enimicaily disposed towards the United American States, the vote being called passed in the affirmative and his name was entered upon the selectmen list." At a town meeting held July 28, 1777, " the following warned persons were re- ported as being enimicaily disposed toward the United States — Capt. William Canady, John Howland, John Montgomery Jr., Josiah Vaughan, James Keith, Thomas Paddock 2nd., and John Clark. Town examined and acquitted by vote John Howland, Josiah Vaughan, James Keith, Thomas Paddock 2nd, and Capt. William Canady and that the others be brought to trial by a court for that pur- pose." At a town meeting held December 29, 1777, "Article in the Warrant, To see if the Town will approve or disapprove of measures taken in carrying Simeon Doggett & Lemuel Ransom out of Town. " Voted not to act anything relative to this article." CHAPTER X MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF 1812 /^ _> T^ HE War of 18 12 was not generally popular with the people of Massachusetts. They believed- the causes which led to it might have been adjusted by diplo- macy, and the declaration of war was too hasty, the long extended coast of the state not being sufficiently pre- pared for defence. 1 The non-intercourse law came to an end in 1 8 10 without having produced any effect. France's attitude was such under Napoleon's deception that this law was revived against Great Britain. Her vessels watched the whole east- ern coast of the United States, and captured many American merchantmen. A conflict seemed unavoidable. With the new Congress, " submission men," who wished to avoid a struggle, were defeated, and "war men" elected, so that on June 18, 18 12, war was declared. The British navy numbered one thou- sand vessels, the American twelve, inferior in tonnage and armament ; the army was poorly equipped and disciplined ; money was scarce, most of it being in New England. The government endeavored to raise money by loans, but with such poor success that at the end of the war there was hardly enough to arm, feed, and clothe the soldiers. The principal theatre of the war was in the wilderness near Canada. In 1812 Detroit surrendered, and Canada was in- vaded with great loss. In the mean time the navy, which had not been expected to take a prominent part, won important victories, causing intense excitement. For twenty years Great Britain had been at war with almost every nation of Europe, and out of hundreds of battles between ships of equal force had lost but five. In six months the little American navy had 1 Bradford, History of Massachusetts, vol. ii, p. 174. I58 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1812 captured five vessels, and had not lost a battle. 1 The war- fare was carried on on the lakes, where both sides bought and built, to add to the power of their respective navies there. The Americans held their own on Lake Ontario, and won complete success on Lake Champlain, and in Perry's famous victory on Lake Erie, when he sent the official despatch, " We have met the enemy and they are ours, two ships, two tugs, one schooner and one sloop." The blockade of the Atlan- tic coast was enforced by British vessels from the beginning of 181 3. Early that year they took possession of the mouth of Chesapeake Bay as a naval station, and the government then ordered all lights to be extinguished in neighboring light- houses. At first they were inclined to spare New England, which was supposed to be friendly to Great Britain, but it too suffered with the other places on the shore. The entire coast was kept in a state of alarm, as British boats landed at exposed points to burn and plunder the towns, and private property was seized everywhere in the general pillage. The coast of Massachusetts was especially exposed to the ravages of the ships of the enemy, and the people justly complained to the general government that it was left without protec- tion. This war destroyed the fishing industries of the state. Its extensive commerce was paralyzed, and all business was at a standstill. While Middleboro had no shipping interests, the entire busi- ness of the town suffered. When war was declared, the people acquiesced in the action of the administration, and responded to the call for troops to defend the commonwealth. A gen- eral order 2 was issued by the governor on the 3d of July, 1812, requiring that all officers and soldiers enrolled in the militia of the commonwealth should hold themselves in readiness to march at the shortest notice, wherever their services might be needed ; but few of the militia were called into active service at that time. The town early made suitable provision for her soldiers. 1 Johnston's History of United States, p. 1S2. 2 History of Plymouth County, p. 1006. 1814] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF 1812 1 59 At the town meeting held July 27, 181 2, it was voted that "the detached soldiers of the town of Middleboro be allowed by said town in addition to their pay allowed by the government an amount sufficient to amount to the whole $13. a month whenever they are called by government into active service of the country." Also voted that " the non-commissioned officers have an additional sum in addition to their army pay allowed by said town which shall be in proportion to the soldier." Also voted that " the select men be directed to furnish a set of equipments for one soldier and if Rodolphus Barden, one of the detached soldiers be called into service of the country that the town turn out to him said equipments." Many of the ship-owners of New England, upon the decla- ration of war, manned their ships and fitted them out as pri- vateers. These were active and troublesome to the enemy ; numerous battles were fought on both sides. Middleboro's part in the war was in the coast defence of neighboring towns. In the summer of 18 14 the English ships, Superb and Nimrod, were hovering about the eastern shores of Massachusetts. They had sent detachments of soldiers, who had inflicted great damage at Scituate and Wareham 1 and were threatening an attack at Plymouth. A fort had been erected upon the Gurnet for the defence of Plymouth, Kingston, and Duxbury. Men from Middleboro were in Wareham at the time of the attack by the British soldiers in June, 18 14, but only the name of. Joseph Le Baron has come down to us. During this war the militia of Plymouth County were under one brigade, which was composed of four regiments of infantry,, a battalion of artillery, and a battalion of cavalry, which were under the command of Major-General Goodwin. On the 27th day of May, 18 14, General Nathaniel Goodwin issued the fol- lowing order : — "It is absolutely and indespensably necessary at this time when our shores are daily invaded by the enemy that every man should do his duty and all concerned will be responsible for any neglect. Upon any alarm being made at the approach of the enemy on or near our shore Towns or Villages within the limits of the 5th Division, the officers and soldiers of the militia of said Towns and Villages will immediately repair to their respective alarm posts completely equipt for actual ser- 1 Lossing, Pictorial Field-Book of War of 18 12, p. 8S9. l6o HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1814 vice, and there wait for their orders from their superior officers, if timely to be obtained, but should the necessity of the case be such that it would not admit of delay in the opinion of the commanding officer present, he will march immediately with the troops to the place or places in danger ; and afford all the aid and assistance in his power and repel by force and arms all such hostile invaders. When so marched the commanding offi- cer will give information thereof to the nearest superior officer." There is no record that any of the troops from Middleboro were in any engagement with the enemy during the war, but in response to this order from General Goodwin the companies were held in readiness. Three companies were sent to New Bedford under Major Levi Peirce. At this time (June, 18 14) New Bedford was blockaded by the Nimrod and La Hogue, 1 which continually threatened to land troops for the devastation of the city and the surround- ing country. There was gathered in compliance with this order for the defence of New Bedford and Fair Haven about one thousand men. The people of New Bedford were strong federalists and opposed the war 2 from the beginning, while those of Fair Haven were democrats and heartily endorsed the administration in its declaration of war and preparation for a vigorous assault on the enemy. They were glad to shel- ter the privateers and all other enemies of the' British, and had built a fort on a strip of land at the entrance to their harbor. It was well fortified and guarded by Lieutenant Selleck Osborne. The enemy had planned an attack on the fort and the destruction of the village ; everything was ready for the 1 Lossing, Pictorial Field- Book of War of 18 12, p. 889. 2 "On July 21, 1814, the town of New Bedford voted unanimously as the ex- pressions of the feelings of the inhabitants of the town that we have considered it our duty to abstain and have scrupulously abstained from all interest and concern in sending out private armed vessels to harass the enemy and which have appeared to us an encouragement to prosecute and increase the ravages of the unprofita- ble contest; that we have seen with disapprobation several private armed vessels belonging to other ports taking shelter in our peaceful waters and regret that we have not the authority of law wholly to exclude them from our harbor where they serve to increase our danger, where they incite disorder and confusion." New £edford Records. i8i 4 ] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF 1812 161 Nimrod to commence the attack before daybreak. Just before that time the tin horn of a mail-carrier and the galloping of his horse across the Acushnet bridge and causeway were heard. This was mistaken for the advance of a large number of Ameri- can forces. The Nimrod hastened to withdraw to a safe dis- tance from the fort, and New Bedford and Fair Haven were spared what might have been a bloody battle. The known friendliness of New Bedford to the British cause did not save the inhabitants from the general alarm. The names of the officers and soldiers of the three companies which Middleboro furnished were as follows : 1 — Captain Wilder's Company commissioned officers Nath'l Wilder, Jr., capt. Calvin Shaw, ensign Linus Washburn, lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Joseph Haskell, sergt. Isaac Stevens, sergt. Sylvanus Warren, sergt. Benjamin White, sergt. George Leonard, corp. Abner Leonard, corp. Abner Leach, corp. Stephen Burgess, corp. MUSICIANS Isaac Tinkham, drummer Joshua Haskins, fifer PRIVATES Benjamin Hayford Israel Keith John Perkins Daniel Snow Daniel Warren Jacob Bennett Jacob Stevens Andrew Warren Nathan Reed Benjamin Tinkham Calvin Dunham Ziba Eaton Willis Sherman Sylvanus S. Wood Ira Tinkham, Jr. Peter Winslow, Jr. Ichabod Wood (2d) Joseph Paddock Alby Wood John Barden Cushman Vaughan Rodolphus Barden Lemuel South worth William Southworth 1 For the list of men in these companies, see History of Plymouth Colony, p. 100S. l62 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1814 Hosea Aldrich Thomas Washburn Fran. K. Alden Alfred Eaton Silas Hathaway Solomon Reed Elisha Shaw Israel Eaton, Jr. Cyrus Nelson George Caswell John Shaw, Jr. George Vaughan Samuel Leonard Joshua Cushman Joseph Cushman, capt Pelham Atwood, lieut. Captain Cushman's Company commissioned officers Ebenezer Vaughan, ensign NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Zenas Cushman, sergt. Nathan Barney, sergt. Ezra Thomas, sergt. Joseph Barker, Jr., sergt. Levi Tinkham, corp. Soule, Jr., corp. Cyrus Tinkham, corp. S. Fuller, corp. MUSICIANS Geo. Thompson, drummer Samuel Bent, fifer PRIVATES Jacob Covington Caleb Tinkham Cyrus Ellis James Thomas, Jr. Joshua Sherman (2d) T. Wood Samuel Shaw Obed King (3d) Consider Fuller George Cushman Isaac Bryant (2d) Levi Bryant Darius Darling Zebadee Pratt Timothy Thomas Joshua Swift Ezra Eddy Joseph Farmer Isaac Briggs Enoch Tinkham (2d) Bosworth Josiah Robertson Joshua Shaw Merchant Shaw Cyrus Thrasher Standish Luther Washburn Edmund Hinds Leonard Hinds Thomas Sampson Amos Washburn Lemuel Robbins Abram Skiff George Peirce Bennett Briggs 1814] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF 1812 1 63 Captain Shaw's Company commissioned officers Gaius Shaw, capt. Abiatha Briggs, ens. Alclen Miller, lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Warren Clark, sergt. Earl Alden, corp. Jonathan Cobb, sergt. Caleb Washburn, Jr., corp. Abiel P. Booth, sergt. James Sturtevant, corp. Japhet Le Baron, sergt. Zenas Raymond, corp. MUSICIANS Joshua A. Bent, drummer Martin Keith, Jr., fifer PRIVATES Clothier Allen Eli Peirce Stephen Atwood Eliphalet Peirce, Jr. William Barrows Elisha Peirce Judson Briggs Enos Parris Malbone Briggs Enos Peirce Bumpus Henry Pickens Samuel Cole William Nelson Elnathan Coombs Robert Rider, Jr. Isaac Cushman (2d.) Henry Strobridge Daniel Gifford Silas Shaw Nathaniel G. Hathaway Andrew Swift Eliphalet Hathaway Winslow Thomas Samuel Hall Thomas Wood Branch Harlow Lemuel Wood Aberdeen Keith Jonathan Westgate Samuel Lovell Jonathan Westgate, Jr. Ziba Lebaron Joshua Lebaron Elijah Lewis The company under command of Captain Shaw served until July 8, 1814; the companies under Captain Wilder and Cap- tain Cushman, until July 10, 1814. Captain Cushman received a ten days' leave of absence, which had not expired when the following order was issued : — New Bedford, July, 1814. Capt. Nathl. Wilder: Sir,-^- You will consider yourself discharged from the pre- sent detachment, together with the officers and soldiers recently 164 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1814 under your command, and those officers and soldiers recently under the command of Capt. Joseph Cushman, whose absence from service had caused his officers and soldiers to do duty under your command. You will accept my thanks and also those of Major Levi Peirce, and through you to the Officers and Soldiers under your command, for your and their good conduct and prompt atten- tion to orders. Benjn. Lincoln, Col. Another order had been issued that regiments and battalions should be in readiness to march at the shortest notice to any point within the district. On the 17th day of September, 18 14, a battalion of two companies was sent from Middleboro to re- enforce the coast guard, stationed at Plymouth. This battalion was under the command of Major Ephraim Ward, who after- wards became a brigadier-general, with Captain Peter H. Peirce in command of one company, and Captain Greenleaf Pratt the commander of the other. The names of the officers and soldiers in Captain Peter H. Peirce's company are as follows : — COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Peter H. Peirce, capt. Luther Murdock, lieut. Orrin Tinkham, ensign NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Thomas Bump, sergt. Hercules Richmond, sergt. George Shaw, sergt. Ezra Wood, sergt. Ichabod Wood, sergt. Daniel Hathaway, corp. Abner Leonard, corp. Daniel Thomas, corp. Andrew Warren, corp. Oliver Sharp Jeremiah Wood Levi Wood Cyrenus Tinkham Gideon Leonard Peter Vaugrhan MUSICIANS PRIVATES Paddock Tinkham Thomas C. Ames Unite Kinsley Levi Haskins George Ellis Cornelius Tinkham i8i 4 ] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF 1812 165 Joseph Clark Edmund Ellis Eliphalet Doggett Oliver L. Sears Nathan Perkins Josiah D. Burgess Joseph Waterman Isaac Thomas, Jr. Joshua At wood, Jr. Andrew McCully Daniel Norcutt Seth Weston Abel Howard Benjamin Leonard Cyrus W 7 hite Benijah Wilder Levi Thomas (2d) Calvin Dunham Caleb Tinkham Abraham Thomas, Jr. Rufus Alden, Jr. Daniel Weston Joseph Paddock Nathaniel Macomber William Ramsdell John C. Perkins Edward Winslow, Jr. Isaac Cole Samuel Cole Thomas Southworth Daniel Vaughan Cushman Vaughan Sylvanus T. Wood Cyrus Nelson Augustus Bosworth Lorenzo Wood Jacob Bennett (2d) Andrew Bump Josephus Bump Nathan Reed Benijah Peirce William Littlejohn, Jr. Warren Bump, Jr. Francis Billington Joseph Standish Earl Bourne George Caswell, Jr. Israel Keith Sylvanus Vaughan Leonard Southworth James Bump Elijah Shaw James Cole Rodolphus Barden Sylvanus Barrows The regiment containing the Middleboro companies was under command of Colonel Lazelle, and troops from different sections of southeastern Massachusetts were hastening to the defence of Plymouth with all possible speed. The battalion in which were companies from this town was under command of Major Ward, but as they had not arrived or sent any word at the time they were expected, Colonel Hector Orr, one of the officers under Major-General Goodwin, was detailed to go out and ascertain the cause of the delay and hasten their approach to Plymouth. Colonel Orr met them in what was called the Bump neighborhood, which, at this time, did not have a good reputation, and found that they were marching in broken ranks without military order. The morning was wet and the roads 1 66 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1814 muddy, and their guns and accoutrements had been taken into the baggage wagons accompanying the regiment. He noticed that the men had no guns, and, approaching Major Ward, asked, " Where are your men's, guns ? " He replied, " In the baggage wagon." The colonel exclaimed, " What have you got them in the baggage wagon for ? You are in more danger from the Bumps in this neighborhood than from any British that you will meet." The names of the officers and soldiers under command of Captain Greenleaf Pratt are not known. The muster roll is not among the archives of the State House in Boston, and no copy of that roll is known to exist. No attempt was made by the enemy to pass the fort at the Gurnet or to land their troops, and after several months the men were dismissed and returned to their homes. On the 5th day of December, 1814, it was voted to make an addition to the pay allowed by the government to the soldiers who were called out by Major-General Goodwin for the defence of Plymouth : — Voted " to allow the non-commissioned officers and private soldiers who were detached from the town of Middleboro for the town of Plymouth in September last an addition of wages together with what is allowed by the government of this commonwealth which will raise their wages to $15. per month." It was many years before the town recovered from the great blow its business enterprises received during 18 12 and 18 14. Many of the inhabitants were employed in other towns, where they enlisted and served in the war, but their names can be ascertained only from tradition or genealogical records of vari- ous families. A company was organized, a portion of which was from Middleboro and did service on the frontier of New York, but the names of the Middleboro men in that company are not known. During the entire war the New England states were dissat- isfied. At first the army commanders had not been wisely chosen and suffered defeat, the coast defences were neglected, and the government seemed unable to protect them. Late in 1814] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF 1812 167 1814 they sent delegates to Hartford 1 to consider the difficul- ties. The meetings of this Hartford Convention — held in secret — alarmed the government, which feared it might be a plan of the federalists to break up the Union. They made a public report recommending that New England be allowed to protect her coast without waiting for the federal government. Peace was, however, soon declared, and no further steps were taken in this matter. The battle of New Orleans, January 8, 181 5, re- sulted in so complete a victory that in twenty-rive minutes the whole British line was in retreat, having lost the commander and two thousand five hundred men, while of the Americans eight were killed and thirteen wounded. Peace negotiations had been going forward, 2 and a treaty was ratified at Ghent in Belgium on December 24, 18 14, but the word did not reach America in time to prevent the last disastrous battle. One result of the war was the growth of power of the United States. The accurate aim of the American gunners had done much to win the victory. While the gunboats built in such large numbers for the coast defence proved a failure, the naval successes won for the country the respect of other nations, and never again did Great Britain attempt to enforce her " orders in council" or the impressment of seamen, which had caused the war. 1 Bradford, History of Massachusetts, vol. ii, chap. 13. 2 Montgomery, History of United States, p. 219. CHAPTER XI MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION IBERTY and Union, now and forever, one and in- separable," were the closing words of that " most remarkable speech ever made in the American Con- gress," when Daniel Webster replied to Hayne. Later, in his reply to Calhoun, " There can be no secession without revolution," his words found an echo in the senti- ment so widespread over the North. Middleboro was too close a neighbor to Marshfield, Webster's home, too close a neigh- bor to Plymouth, the home of liberty, too deeply imbued with the spirit of patriotism and loyalty to that Union for which her fathers had fought, not to be stirred to her depths as the murmurs of a great struggle began to be heard. Thirty years after Webster's famous speech, when the Civil War threatened to destroy the Union, thousands all over the land were willing to die to save it. It is beyond our province to trace the history of those thrill- ing times, how with the new discoveries, new inventions, new territories, came new problems, or old ones under a new guise. The Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Law, the strug- gle between North and South for the possession of Kansas, the Dred Scott Decision, the John Brown raid, the election of Lincoln as President, all led the way to the secession of the southern states from the Union (1861). On March 4, 1861, at his inauguration, Lincoln said, " I have no purpose directly, or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." At the same time he felt it his duty to " preserve, protect, and defend " the Union. On April 12, 1861, the first gun was fired at Fort Sumter. No longer was it possible to settle the slave question by a peace- 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION 1 69 ful arrangement ; war had begun, and the next day the Presi- dent called for seventy-five thousand volunteers. Middleboro furnished readily her full quota of men, and contributed most liberally to supply the varied necessities occasioned by this great national struggle. Few of the north- ern statesmen were more active or energetic than John A. Andrew, 1 the illustrious war governor, by whose foresight and alacrity Massachusetts was perhaps better prepared to meet the exigencies of the war than any of the northern states, and was the first to send her troops to the front. 2 Middleboro's patriotism is shown by the promptness with which she re- sponded to the first call. The order from the governor reached the town at six o'clock at night, requiring the company to re- port for duty on Boston Common at nine o'clock the next morn- ing. Captain Harlow lived eight miles from the station, and the members of the company were scattered through Middle- boro and the adjoining towns, covering an area of about fifteen miles, and yet such was the readiness with which the men responded, that when the morning train at twenty minutes past seven left the station in Middleboro, more than three quarters of the company were present. Of the seventy-five thousand men called to serve three months, Massachusetts, 3 on the 15th day of April, received an order for two regiments, and later for four, and so the Third, Fourth, Sixth, and Eighth were sent. The state system of organization of these regiments required but eight compa- nies, while the United States standard demanded ten, hence a reorganization was necessary where it was possible. The departure of these regiments for three months' service aroused the people to form recruiting companies, so that the call on May 3 for regiments to volunteer for three years met with a ready response. On August 4, 1862, the President called 1 Lossing, Field- Book of the Civil War, vol. i, p. 203. 2 " Before the lapse of forty-eight hours a Massachusetts regiment, armed and equipped, was on its way to Washington." Nicolay and Hay, Abraham Lincoln,. vol. iv, p. 85. 3 Bowen, Massachusetts in the War, z86r-/86j. 170 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 for three hundred thousand additional men to serve for nine months. These were organized on the plan of the Massachu- setts militia. Other regiments were sent to the field later. Before we sketch the history of these regiments in which men from Middleboro served, let us take a brief glance at the events of these four years, that we may be better able to follow our men in their brave struggle to defend the Union. The first great battle at Bull Run resulted in the defeat of the Union forces (July 21, 186 1). In February, 1862, Fort Henry and Fort Donelson were captured by the Union forces; in March occurred the famous battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac ; in April the victory at Pittsburg Landing and Island Number Ten. The greatest military achievement of that year was the capture of New Orleans (April 25), when Farragut passed the forts and destroyed the Confederate fleet ; the second battle of Bull Run, in August, was shortly followed by the battle of Antietam (September 17). From the Procla- mation of Emancipation on New Year's Day, 1863, the North strove to make the nation free — to restore the Union — with- out slavery. In the spring General Hooker met Lee and Jackson at Chancellorsville (May, 1863), where a fierce battle raged for two days, resulting in a dearly bought Confederate victory, and in the fall of their brilliant general, Stonewall Jackson. A month later Lee again attempted to pass to the North and was defeated at Gettysburg (July), while another great battle of almost equal importance was being fought at Vicksburg, followed by the surrender of Port Hudson. In the southwest the Union forces had been successful after severe battles at Chickamauga (September), Missionary Ridge, and Lookout Mountain (November). In May, 1864, occurred the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania ; in June the Con- federate victory at Cold Harbor and the siege of Petersburg, followed in August by Sheridan's raid in the Shenandoah Valley. At the same time Sherman was marching through Georgia, finally taking Atlanta (September 2), whence he marched to the sea. Meanwhile, Admiral Farragut's last great battle resulted in closing Mobile to Confederate supplies. Then Sheridan cut 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION 171 off Richmond on the west and south. Grant captured Peters- burg (April 2, 1865), and on the 9th of April Lee surren- dered to Grant at Appomattox Court House. In order to give an adequate conception of the service which our men rendered in this great rebellion, we have found it necessary briefly to outline the history of the different regi- ments in which the companies from Middleboro served. In the various engagements, it often happened that some of the companies were detailed to perform other duties than those in which the regiment was engaged, and in many cases it has been impossible to trace their movements in detail. 1 Second Regiment The Second Regiment was the first volunteer organization in the state to begin to form after the order for Massachu- setts militia, in April, 1861. Only one Middleboro man was in this regiment. Second Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) company 1 Alfred S. Thayer Third Regiment The Third, for the three months' service, like so many other Massachusetts regiments, was ready almost immediately after the call. It left Boston harbor on the 18th of April, 1861, and its first work was at the Gosport Navy Yard. The order had been given that the navy yard should be evacuated, and against the protest of Colonel Wardrop, the measure was car- ried out with the assistance of this regiment. It soon after arrived at Fortress Monroe, where it was made a part of the garrison, and engaged in some scouting duty in the vicinity of Yorktown, with a little skirmishing, but the regiment's main duty was to strengthen the fortress. It returned to Boston, and was mustered out on July 23. 1 For a complete sketch of all these regiments, see Bowen, Massachusetts in the War, 1861-/863. 172 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 In the summer of 1862 Middleboro's men were again called out, and the nine months' troops responded. Company B of this regiment was composed in part of Middleboro men. It was encamped for a while in Camp Joe Hooker, at Lakeville, and started on the 22d of October for Newbern. The regi- ment was not well equipped, the Austrian rifle musket being a poor weapon. The first expedition in which it took part was toward Goldsboro (December, 1862), where it assisted in tear- ing up the railroad track under fire of the enemy, and sup- ported the artillery during the repulse of the Confederate attack. It had before this taken a slight share in the engage- ments at Kinston and Whitehall. In January, 1863, it moved to Camp Jourdan, near Fort Totten. On the 6th of March it went on a five days' expedition into Jones and Onslow coun- ties, where it won the thanks of the commanding officers for the faithful discharge of duties. It then returned to camp near Newbern, and later joined General Prince's Division in the reconnoissance at Pollocksville ; it took part in the skir- mish at Blount's Creek and later at Core Creek, and was en- gaged with other troops in raising the siege at Washington, but was not in any of the decisive battles of the war. After some picket duty, it was mustered out on June 26. Third Regiment of Infantry (3 months' service) 1 company a Joseph S. Harlow, capt. Opher D. Mitchell Oreb F. Mitchell, sergt. William M. Tinkham James W. Bryant, corp. COMPANY H S. Loring, 2d lieut. Thomas Morton, Jr. William C. Alden Robert Parris Lorenzo L. Brown Lucius S. Raymond Seth E. Hartwell Francis S. Thomas 1 For the names of men from Middleboro enlisted in all regiments in this war, I have used the lists published in the History of Plymouth County, pp. 1009-1012. 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION I 73 COMPANY K Asa Shaw, 1st sergt. George N. Gammons Elbridge A. Maxim, corp. Martin F. Jefferson Eben A. Shaw, corp. Henry L. McFarlin Eli At wood, Jr. Leven S. Morse John S. Atwood Thomas W. Sampson Third Regiment of Infantry (9 months' service) 1 company b William S. Briggs, 2d lieut. Adoniram B. Lucas Asa Shaw, 1st sergt. Cornelius Ramsdell Gideon Shurtliff, corp. Ezra Shaw James Briggs Benjamin Shurtliff, Jr. Allen Cobb Marcus M. Willis George Darling Henry Wrightinton COMPANY K Samuel Jones Fourth Regiment The Fourth Regiment was the first organization to leave Boston (on April 17, 1861) for three months' service. It was ordered for duty at Fortress Monroe, where it remained until its dismissal, July 22. Company C of the nine months' troops of the Fourth Regi- ment was mustered into service on the 17th of September, 1862 (the day of the battle of Antietam), was ordered to Camp Joe Hooker, at Lakeville, and started for the front on the 30th of December of the same year. It joined General Banks's corps in New Orleans, and was for a short time in camp at Carrollton. It was attached to the First Brigade, Third Division, and on March 7 was sent to Baton Rouge, where it encamped for two or three weeks, taking part in skirmishes near Fort Bisland and in the assault at Port Hudson. The company was engaged in one or two skirmishes at Indian Bend, but no Middleboro men were killed or wounded. After- 1 The following men were killed : Company B : Asa Shaw, 1st sergeant. Company K: Samuel Jones, May 26, 1S63. 174 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 wards it was ordered back, and with the army went up Red River, and returned to Port Hudson in May, 1863. During the siege at this place it was for the most part engaged in skirmishing, the plan being to make a demonstration to aid Admiral Farragut, in order that his fleet might come up the river. On the 14th of June a fierce battle took place, in which the company lost most of its men. A large number left in charge of supplies were taken prisoners and sent to Texas. Among them were the following Middleboro men : x — William W. Abbott Joshua M. Jenney Andrew Alden Andrew Osborne Isaac Alger Morton Robbins William Barney Horatio N. Sampson George W. Barrows James M. Sampson Earle Bennett Dennis Shaw Grover Bennett E. Howard Shaw Augustus N. J. Buchel Winslow B. Sherman Edwin M. Cole Alfred O. Standish William H. Cole Henry Swift William A. Coombs Sergeant S. Swett Erastus E. Gay Sylvester R. Swift Jonathan L. Hall Winslow Thomas Daniel Handy James H. Waterman Reuben Harlow Thomas E. Waterman George H. Hermann Dura T. Weston These men were paroled soon after ; some of them reen- listed, joining other companies. During service the regiment suffered severely, one hundred and eighteen of its number dying from disease. It was mustered out at Lakeville on the 28th of August, 1865. Fourth Regiment of Infantry (3 months' service) company E Thomas Taylor company g Daniel F. Wood Isaac S. Clark 1 These names were furnished by Mr. John Sullivan, Register of Probate. 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION I 75 Fourth Regiment of Infantry (9 months' service) 1 company c Seneca Thomas, capt. Daniel F. Wood, 1st lieut. Sargeant S. Sweet, sergt. Frederick E. Wood, sergt. Orlando H. Shaw, sergt. J. Horace Soule, sergt. Davis S. Weston, sergt. Erastus E. Gay, corp. Sylvanus Mendall, corp. Dennis Shaw, corp. Isaac E. Macomber, corp. David A. Tucker, corp. George W. Barrows, corp. Francis S. Thomas, corp. W. W. At wood, musician J. M. Jenney, musician Asa B. Adams Andrew Alden Isaac Alger Miron E. Alger Elisha Benson Earle E. Bennett Grover Bennett Sylvanus Bisbee William B. Bart Augustus N. J. Buchel David H. Burgess Daniel Handy Reuben Harlow Reuben A. Harlow Levi Hathaway Conrad J. Herman George H. Herman Charles H. Holmes William N. Keith William Mitchell Harvey C. Pratt Cornelius Redding Morton Robbins Andrew P. Rogers William H. Rogers Howard E. Shaw Henry L. Shaw Joseph B. Shaw Ephraim Simmons Stillman S. Smith Rodney E. Southworth Alfred O. Standish John C. Sullivan Henry A. Swift Andrew E. Thomas Joseph Thomas Stephen F. Thomas Winslow Thomas 1 The following were killed in battle or died from wounds received : — Corporal Francis S. Thomas, d. at Carrollton Hospital, March 9, 1863. Miron E. Alger, d. at Brashear City, Louisiana, July 10, 1S63. David H. Burgess, d. August 28, 1863. Daniel Handy, d. at Centralia, Illinois, September 10, 1S63. Levi Hathaway, d. at Indianapolis, Indiana, August 20, 1863. Henry L. Shaw, d. (from wounds received at Port Hudson) October, 1863. Ephraim Simmons, d. at Brashear City, May 24, 1863. Andrew E. Thomas, d. at Brashear City, June 27, 1S63. Joseph Thomas, d. at Port Hudson, Louisiana, August 1, 1863. Stephen F. Thomas, d. at hospital in New Orleans, May 1, 1S63. Williams S. Eaton, Jr., d. (from wounds received at Port Hudson) at New Orleans, June 21, 1S63. Alva C. Tinkham, d. at Brashear City, July 15, 1S63. 176 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 Edwin M. Colo Alva C. Tinkham William A. Coombs James H. Waterman Richard Cox Thomas E. Waterman Williams S. Eaton, Jr. Dura Weston, Jr. Thomas W. Finney Charles M. Wilbur Asa M. Franklin ' Edward W. Wood Jonathan L. Hall Jacob Wood Ninth Regiment The Ninth Regiment was mustered in on June II, 1861. In the Peninsular Campaign of 1862 it was part of the Second Brigade in the Army of the Potomac. Ninth Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) Thomas B. Burt Eleventh Regiment The Eleventh Regiment was the third in the state to be mustered in for three years' service. It was ordered to Fort Warren, and left for the front on the 29th of June, 1S61, its destination being Washington. As it passed through Balti- more, the regiment was ordered to load with ball cartridges, remembering the reception which the Sixth 1 had met the April before. However, its passage through the city was without molestation, and it reached Washington .on July 3, where it remained ten days, marching on the 14th to Alex- andria, where, with the Massachusetts Fifth and others, it formed the First Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's army, under Colonel Franklin, and on the 21st took part in the battle at the first Bull Run engagement. It suffered severely in this disastrous battle, sustaining a loss of eighty-eight in killed, wounded, or missing. Later, it joined General Hooker's Brigade, taking part in the siege before Yorktown (April 12), and was one of the first to engage in the battle at Williamsburg. In this engagement it sustained a loss of sixty-seven men, and for gallant conduct received a new standard from Governor Andrew. Although 1 Lossing, Field-Book of the Civil War, vol. i, p. 413; Comte de Taris, Civil War in America, vol. 1, Book II, chap. 4. 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION I 77 not taking part at Fair Oaks, it did skirmish duty at Oak Grove, with a loss of eighteen, and took part in the recon- noissance and skirmish at Malvern Hill. On August 27, as it was leaving Catlett's Station, it came under fire of the enemy ; and on the 29th it w;is engaged in the second battle of Hull Run. In this terrific fight the loss was very severe ; the regiment had been so depleted that there were but two hundred and eighty-three men taken into action, and within twenty minutes, one hundred and twelve were either killed, wounded, or missing. On May 2, 1863, it reported to General Hancock and was directed to reconnoitre, and at once engaged in repulsing the enemy at Chancellorsville, receiving the thanks of the general for gallantry. Here it lost seventy-nine in killed, wounded, and missing. It arrived on the night of July I for the battle of Gettysburg. In the terrible struggle of July 2 this regiment again lost more than half of the number taken into action, a total of one hundred and twenty-nine. It was in the Mine Run campaign (November), and suffered a loss of twenty-nine men. In the battle of the Wilderness it lost seventy-five, and at Spottsylvania, forty-three. It took part in the various skir- mishes at Cold Harbor, and on the 12th of June, the term of enlistment having expired, the regiment returned to Massa- chusetts. Eight of the officers and three hundred and thirty- six of the men reenlisted, forming a battalion of five companies under the original name ; these were in active service until the close of the war. Eleventh Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) company i! Albert Dubois company c Jackson Donahue COMPANY E Robert King James Thompson John Pilkerton I78 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 COMPANY G John Foley Robert J. Jennings COMPANY K John Cunningham John Flanery Twelfth Regiment The Twelfth, or Webster Regiment, took its name from its colonel, Fletcher Webster. It left Fort Warren on July 23, 1 86 1, and was attached to Abercrombie's Brigade under Gen- eral Banks ; then became a part of General Pope's Army of Virginia, and later was under McClellan and Hooker. At the battle of Manassas it met with the heavy loss of one hundred and thirty-eight. At Antietam, for four hours, a terrible con- flict took place, in which, of the three hundred and forty taken into action, only thirty-four accompanied the colors to the rear. In the march south McClellan was succeeded by Burnside. In the battle of Fredericksburg the regiment suffered severely, as well as at Gettysburg, and later in the Wilderness. Twelfth Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) company A C. G. Tinkham, 1st sergt. 1 Andrew B. Morton Sixteenth Regiment The Sixteenth Regiment left Boston August 17, 1861, and joined the Army of the Potomac, Grover's Brigade, Hooker's Division, Heintzelman's Corps, with the First and Eleventh. The first test of valor was in a reconnoissance at Gosport Navy Yard. At Oak Grove, Malvern Hill, and Centreville it did valiant duty, engaging in various campaigns and marches during the rest of the year. At Gettysburg it lost one third of the men taken into action. It took part at Chancellorsville, Spottsylvania, and Petersburg, and after various movements in skirmishing and fortifying weak places, it was mustered out July 27, 1864. 1 Died October 1, 1862, from wounds received at Antietam. 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION I 79 Sixteenth Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) company D Benjamin McLaughlin company 1 Thomas Murphy Eighteenth Regiment More Middleboro men served in this regiment than in any- other. It joined the First Brigade, Porter's Division, and was a part of the Army of the Potomac. At the siege of York- town it was on picket duty, but was in no general engagement. After the evacuation it went to Hanover Court House, assisted in burying the dead, and on the 29th of May returned to the camp at Gaines's Mills. After this, it was in the reconnois- sance at the Chickahominy, and took an important part in the second battle of Bull Run, where Company D was detailed to support Burdan's sharpshooters. Captain Thomas was in com- mand of the regiment, and under him it won high praise for gallantry. It lost most severely, — forty killed, one hundred and one wounded, and twenty-eight missing. The morning this battle commenced, Company D was cut off from the Seven Days' Fight, and was obliged to fall back at White House Landing. During the battle of Antietam it supported the battery on the west side of the creek, and was afterwards sent to relieve Burnside. At this battle word came that Burn- side was out of ammunition, and everything had been taken to reenforce different parts of the army. Mr. Howes, a member of this company, was close by McClellan and General Porter when McClellan said, " What have you in reserve, Porter?" Porter answered, " I have the Eighteenth Massachusetts Regi- ment, but that regiment is a brigade." "Would to God," said McClellan, "it was a division; send it to relieve Burnside." It was in the fight from four o'clock in the afternoon until morning, and the next day was engaged in burying the dead slain in this battle. It was in the skirmish at Shepherdstown, which was a short but sharp fight, meeting with a loss of three l8o HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 killed, eleven wounded, and one missing. After various experi- ences it arrived opposite Fredericksburg. In this battle Com- pany D was in two charges which Burnside ordered, and was in the fight for three days. The loss to the regiment was thir- teen killed and one hundred and twenty-one wounded. So severe was this fight that every member of the color guard was wounded. These companies took an important part at the battle of Chancellorsville, were active through the whole of General Grant's campaign, and under fire in several battles. They were in the battle of Gettysburg, but did not suffer severely ; they occupied a position near Little Round Top ; at another time they supported the heavy artillery ; on the first day's fight they were on the extreme left ; the first night they lay back in the woods, and the next morning started farther on toward the left of the line down a ravine. Several men in this company were wounded. The regiment was regarded as one of the best in the service, and was held as a reserve force for emergencies. It was at Laurel Hill and near Spott- sylvania, in an engagement not far from Pamunkey River, and was in the fearful battles before Petersburg until the explosion of the mine. Major Weston, who had been promoted from captain to major, was in command of the regiment the latter part of the service. The term of enlistment of the men in Middleboro com- panies expired just before the battle of Petersburg, when some twenty-four of them reenlisted in the Thirty-second Regiment, and were in most of the battles with the Army of the Potomac until the final surrender of General Lee and the close of the war. Eighteenth Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) S. Thomas, lieut.-col. R. H. Holmes, sergt.-major Thomas Weston, major C. M. Vaughan, drum major Charles F. Edson, capt. R. F. Barrows, musician COMPANY B George F. Atwood, sergt. 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION l8l COMPANY C 1 Eli Atwood, sergt. John S. Raymond John S. Atwood, corp. Marcus M. Raymond George H. Swift, corp. Martin V. Raymond Frederick E. Atwood Thomas F. Shaw William M. Atwood Earl T. Smith Francis B. Cushman Watson N. Smith Josiah W. Dean Adoniram Thomas William M. Dexter Arad Thomas, Jr. Isaac Harlow Nelson Thomas Simeon Harlow Edwin J. Wrightinton John K. Maxim George W. Paul Charles A. Paul company d 2 Solomon F. Beals, sergt. Edgar Harrison, sergt. William H. Carle, sergt. John T. Haskell, sergt. 1 COMPANY C Corporal George H. Swift, d. in 1863 from wounds received at Chancellorsville. Frederick E. Atwood, killed in battle, August 26, 1862. William M. Atwood, killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Francis B. Cushman, d. May 13, 1862. Isaac Harlow, d. in camp, March 1, 1862. John K. Maxim, d. in hospital, January 27, 1865. Charles A. Paul, d. May 31, 1862. Martin V. Raymond, killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Adoniram Thomas, d. from wounds received at Bull Run, September 29, 2 COMPANY D Corporal Darius B. Clark, killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Corporal Henry M. Warren, d. December 20, 1862, from wounds received at Fredericksburg. Peleg F. Benson, d. November 17, 1862. William H. Brightman, d. in Libby Prison, September 28, 1862. Cyrus Hall, d. in hospital at Washington, October 19, 1862. Charles E. Hunt, killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Samuel Mellen, d. at Hall's Hill, January 10, 1862. Cyrus Perkins, d. January 1, 1863. Morrell Perkins, d. December 20, 1862, from wounds received at Fredericks- burg. James C. Record, d. in hospital at Alexandria, November 25, 1864. Samuel M. Ryder, d. December, 1862, from wounds received at Fredericksburg. James H. Wade, d. in hospital at Philadelphia, August 7, 1862. Charles W. Wilmarth, d. in Andersonville Prison, July 18, 1S64. T." 182 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 George N. Johnson, sergt. George W. Jones, sergt. John W. King, Jr., sergt. George B. Thomas, sergt. Charles I. Brown, corp. Darius B. Clark, corp. Nehemiah D. Davis, corp. Charles A. Howes, corp. James W. King, corp. Albert H. Pratt, corp. William B. Shaw, corp. Charles H. Smith, corp. Harrison O. Thomas, corp. Henry M. Warren, corp. MUSICIAN James S. Shaw WAGONER Erastus M. Lincoln PRIVATES Daniel W. Atwood John S. Baker Peleg F. Benson William Benson William H. Brightman Phineas Burt Ezra S. Clark Ezra S. Chase Charles A. Churchill Meletiah R. Clark James E. Cushman Timothy M. Davis Ichabod S. Dean Lysander W. Field George L. Finney Gilmore Fish Benjamin Gammons James Gammons Bernard Glancy Edward P. Gore Cyrus Hall Theodore P. Holmes Charles E. Hunt Ephraim A. Hunt Henry E. Johnson Ira O. Littlejohn Henry H. P. Lovell William H. Marshall James E. McMann Charles C. Mellen Samuel Mellen John R. Merrick Emerson P. Morse Henry S. Murray Robert Parris Francis J. Peirce Cyrus Perkins Edwin Peirce Morrell Perkins Nathan A. Perkins Thompson Perkins Thomas B. Pratt James H. Ramsdell Christopher C. Reading Milton Reed James C. Record Samuel M. Ryder Stephen C. Ryder Albert Shaw Charles D. Shaw Henry Shaw Charles H. Smith Cornelius Sullivan Elbron F. Taylor Benjamin L. Thompson William F. Thompson 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION 1 83 Charles T. Tillson Henry F. Whitcomb Charles Tinkham William R. Whitcomb George B. Tinkham Charles W. Wilmarth Charles R. Tripp William T. Withington James H. Wade John Young Calvin B. Ward COMPANY E Orien E. Caswell Marcus Soule William H. Dunham Erastus Wallen Charles L. Morse William Walley Levin S. Morse Thomas P. Weatherby Hercules Smith COMPANY F Albert F. Mellen John T. Whitcomb COMPANY H 1 Marcus Bumpus Cyrus White COMPANY I 2 Preston Soule, sergt. Thomas P. Young, unassigned recruit Nineteenth Regiment This regiment was sent August 28, 1861, for three years' service. MUSICIAN IN REGIMENTAL BAND Charles H. Gibbs Twentieth Regiment Early in July, 1861, this regiment was sent to the front. Many of the men were captured ; fifty died in Confederate prisons. It has an unusual record for the number of general 1 COMPANY H Cyrus White, d. November 19, 1862. 2 COMPANY 1 Sergeant Preston Soule, d. May 14, 1862. 184 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 officers which it gave to the service ; eleven became brigadier- generals. Twentieth Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) Henry H. Mathewson, corp. Twenty-second Regiment This regiment was raised and first commanded by Hon. Henry Wilson, the senator from Massachusetts. Company C was mustered in in September, 1861. After reaching Wash- ington, it joined Martindale's Brigade of Fitz-John Porter's Division with the Eighteenth. Twenty-second Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) company c Alexis C. Dean, corp. Peter Fagan Vanzandt E. Smith, corp. Joseph E. Tinkham Charles W. Clark Twenty-third Regiment This regiment, mustered in December 5, was part of the First Brigade with the Twenty-fourth under General Foster and later under Burnside, and took an active part with other Massachusetts regiments. It suffered loss at Roanoke Island in February, 1862, but pursued the Confederates through a swamp which had been considered impenetrable. In April this regiment formed part of the First Brigade, First Divi- sion, doing picket duty at Batch elder's Creek, and engaging in battle at Newbern and at Goldsboro. At Arrowfield Church it was called into more active service, and met with loss at Drewry's Bluff and at Cold Harbor. Yellow fever decimated the ranks while in camp, and after serving at Kinston it was sent back to Newbern, and on June 5 was mustered out. Twenty-third Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) company d Leonard B. Haskins Benjamin O. Tillson 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION 1 85 COMPANY E Warren Chubbuck Marcus F. Maxim Elbridge A. Maxim 1 Twenty-fourth Regiment The Twenty-fourth, known as the New England Guards, joined the First Brigade. COMPANY D Sergeant George N. Gammon 2 Twenty-eighth Regiment This regiment was mustered in in December, 1862, for three years' service. COMPANY B John Bergen Thirtieth Regiment (3 years' service) This was one of the regiments raised by General Butler, first known as the Eastern Bay State. COMPANY F John Grady Thirty-second Regiment This was the outgrowth of the First Battalion of Infantry at Fort Warren. In November, 1862, it went south and joined the brigade with the Ninth. After guard duty and loss from fever, it moved toward Manassas, where, as part of the Army of the Potomac, it was in the second battle of Bull Run. It took part in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettys- burg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Preble's Farm, and Hatcher's Run, besides many skirmishes and en- counters ; it marched to Sheridan's assistance near Appomat- tox Court House, and later was in the grand review at Wash- ington. During its three years of service this regiment engaged 1 Died July 25, 1864. 2 Died March 8, 1S62. 1 86 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 in thirty battles. Its history has been so often told that it need not be repeated here. Thirty-second Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) company A Charles H. Smith, corp. Thomas Morton, Jr. COMPANY B Nehemiah D. Davis, sergt. company c Orrin E. Caswell Meletiah R. Clark Ezra S. Chase COMPANY D Charles I. Brown, corp. George L. Finney Josiah W. Dean COMPANY E Jennison Morse Joseph Westgate Edward S. Westgate William Westgate Ezra T. Westgate 1 COMPANY H Francis J. Peirce COMPANY 1 James C. Record COMPANY K Marcus Soule William F. Thompson Elbron F. Taylor COMPANY L Henry F. Whitcomb UNASSIGNED RECRUITS John T. Haskell, sergt. George B. Thomas, corp. Solomon F. Beals, sergt. Charles W. Wilmarth 1 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 4, 1864. . 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION 1 87 Fortieth Regiment The Fortieth Regiment was stationed for some time in Vir- ginia. It was at Alexandria, at Williamsburg, at White House Landing, and at Baltimore Cross Roads, where it had a lively skirmish, in which this regiment won all the credit of the attack. On the 7th of August, 1863, the regiment embarked for Charleston Harbor, and served in the trenches at Fort Wagner until that stronghold was evacuated by the Confed- erates. In February it took possession of Jacksonville without opposition, and after some skirmishing captured Gainesville, where there was a large quantity of stores, and gained dis- tinction by repelling a force three times its own number, killing and wounding several without any loss to itself. Olus- tee Station was the scene of a severe fight of two or three hours. Retreating to Jacksonville, it was stationed at the Three Mile Run, then ordered back to Virginia. Upon joining the Army of the Potomac, it was in the expedition against Richmond and Petersburg, and was engaged in the battle of Arrowfield Church. In the advance on Richmond this regi- ment led the right wing, and was skirmishing for most of the first day's fight. At Drewry's Bluff it suffered a loss of ten killed, forty-two wounded, and twenty-two missing. The killed and wounded were left in the hands of the Confederates. At the battle of Cold Harbor the regiment suffered severely, and on the 27th of August, so great had been the loss by expos- ure, sickness, and fire of the enemy that but two officers and forty-five enlisted men in the whole regiment were able to report for duty. They were sent to Bermuda Landing for rest, where they remained until the sick and wounded had recovered. In the engagement soon after at Fort Harrison, Lieuten- ant J. Arthur Fitch of Middleboro was killed. On March 6, 1865, the regiment performed provost-guard duty for the city of Fredericksburg, while others who were on this expedition destroyed the railroad at Hamilton Crossing. After this the regiment was before Petersburg, where it remained until its i88 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 fall and the evacuation of Richmond. Its last service was hold- ing the lines near Signal Hill while the rest of the army were operating upon the left of the city. Fortieth Regiment of Infantry (3 years' service) 1 James W. Bryant, capt. Southworth Loring, lieut. Oreb F. Mitchell, capt. J. Arthur Fitch, lieut. Edwin P. Holmes COMPANY A William E. White, sergt. Henry A. Eaton J. Addison Shaw, Jr. COMPANY E W. H. Harlow, sergt. H. L. McFarlin, sergt. A. M. Perkins, sergt. William E. Bryant, corp. F. O. Burgess, corp. Albert F. Finney, corp. Francis M. Hodges, corp. Sidney B. Wilbur, corp. Benjamin W. Bump James Carter Oramel H. Churchill Ansel A. Cobb Robert V. Cole James C. Fessenden Hazen K. Godfrey Harrison Haskins George Hinckley Edward Jennings Henry F. Maxim Benjamin S. McLaughlin Silas H. Murdock Darius M. Nichols John J. Perkins Albert G. Pratt John Scanlin William N. Shaw Christopher C. Smith Timothy J. Sullivan Charles G. Tinkham Thomas E. Wilmot Asaph Writington Fifty-eighth Regiment This, called Third Veteran Regiment, was ordered to the 1 Lieutenant J. Arthur Fitch, killed at Fort Harrison, September 30, 1864. Corporal Francis M. Hodges, d. at Beaufort, October 27, 1863. Corporal Sidney B. Wilbur, d. June 2, 1864, from wounds received at Cold Harbor. Oramel H. Churchill, d. September 11, 1863. George Hinckley, d. February 24, 1863, from wounds received at Olustee. Edward Jennings, died. Timothy J. Sullivan, d. August 22, 1864, from wounds received at Petersburg. 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION 1 89 front in April, 1864, was assigned to the First Brigade, and was engaged in the battles at Chancellorsville, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, " Battle of the Crater," and at Poplar Spring Church. It took part in the grand review at Washington, May 23, 1865, and on July 26 was mustered out. Fifty-eighth Regiment of Infantry company b David W. Deane, corp. Richard Cox * company c John L. Cobb 2 COMPANY E David S. Pason COMPANY K Henry Fitsimons Fifty-ninth Regiment This regiment left the state earlier than the Fifty-eighth for three years' service. company g Benjamin Chamberlain 3 Cavalry Regiments Middleboro was represented in several regiments of cav- alry : the First, mustered in during the autumn of 1861 ; the Third, which was organized from troops actually in the field (Mass. Forty-first), travelled fifteen thousand miles, and en- gaged in more than thirty battles ; and the Fourth, which, not organized till 1864, was almost annihilated in the several battles in which it took part. In a company of unattached cavalry, several Middleboro men were enlisted, but it is impos- 1 Killed June 3, 1864. 2 Died August 12, 1864. 3 Died December 10, 1864. I9O HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 sible to trace in detail the varied and brave services of these regiments. First Regiment of Cavalry (3 years' service) company i R. S. Capen, sergt. William A. Smith Francis O. Harlow COMPANY K Thomas Doran Washington I. Caswell i John E. Smith Third Regiment of Cavalry (3 years' service) company H George Cummings 2 COMPANY l T. P. Benthuysen, sergt. COMPANY M John Grant Charles F. Smith read's company (so called) James E. Nichols Fourth Regiment of Cavalry (3 years' service) Robert S. Capen, sergt.-maj. company a Horace S. Flagg company b Andrew P. Rogers, sergt. company d Albert Eddy, sergt. 3 Thomas S. Ellis Jeremiah Callihan, corp. 1 Died August 29, 1863. 2 Died at New Orleans, July 28, 1864. 3 Died. 1861-65] MIDDLEBORO IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION 191 company b, unattached cavalry (known as butler's bodyguard) James G. Nichols Thomas Ellis Louis Phinney Thomas P. Vanbenthuysen Sanford Weston During the war Middleboro furnished about four hundred and sixty-five men, thirteen of whom were commissioned offi- cers, and had a surplus of twenty-one after filling its quota upon every call made by the President. The town expended, exclusive of state aid, $31,915.57. $6633 was also raised by private subscription, $7821 was raised by a club, and $5000 by persons liable to draft to procure substi- tutes, making the total amount raised by and in the town, $51,326.90. Of this amount there was repaid by the common- wealth for state aid which had been purchased, $36,- 962.40. Great sacrifices for the defence of the Union were made by the men of Mid- dleboro, and in no instance was there ever reported any lack of bravery or want of discretion on the part of the officers or pri- vates who went out from our town. Not a few of A m m -"■■ ) yj~-~ '"" — T~+- ■** SOLDIERS' MONUMENT I92 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1861-65 the inhabitants enlisted in companies in other parts of the state. SOLDIERS' MONUMENT This monument, erected by the citizens of Middleboro to perpetuate the memory of her soldiers who fell in the War of the Rebellion, stands on the lawn in front of the town house. It is built of selected Ouincy granite, nine feet at the base, rising to the height of -forty feet and eleven inches. Action was first taken towards its erection by the E. W. Peirce Post 8 of the Grand Army of the Republic, and those who served in the quota raised by the town. It was completed at a cost of about five thousand dollars, and dedicated May 30, 1896, with appropriate exercises and an address by Ex-Governor John D. Long. The monument is a beautiful structure, and will stand for all time to perpetuate the lives, the valor, and the sacrifices of Middleboro men in the War of the Rebellion. 1 1 The town first acted upon matters relating to the war on the 6th of May, 1861, when it was voted to raise a company for three years, and to guarantee each man $26 a month while in service. At the same meeting it was voted to raise $5000 for war purposes, $2000 of which was to be expended in uniforming and equipping the company, and each recruit was to be paid $1.25 a day while drilling, not to exceed three days in a week for four weeks, and when the company was called into service, each volunteer was to receive a month's pay in advance. July 28, 1S62, it was voted to pay a bounty of $125 to each volunteer to the number of 56 who should enlist for three years, to be credited to the quota of the town within twenty days. The 25th of August it was voted to raise a company for nine months' service, and to pay each volunteer for that term a bounty of $150, when mustered in and credited to the quota of the town. The 21st of September, 1863, the town voted that the selectmen should continue the payment of said aid to the families of soldiers who had been discharged for wounds or sickness the same as they had before received, this to be continued for six months, and to borrow money to pay the same. CHAPTER XII LOCAL MILITIA ILITARY affairs of the towns in the old colony form a very important place in their history. Next to the church and the town meeting, more interest seems to have centred about the militia than any of the organ- izations of the times. Few persons qualified to serve presumed to neglect that duty, and the most important men were se- lected to fill the various offices. In the early history of these towns they occupied so important a position in the defence against the attacks from the Indians, and were so efficient an arm of the government in resisting the encroachment of the French against the English sovereignty in the New World, and later performed such heroic service in establishing the liberties of the country, that their power and influence were always felt in all public affairs. The first account of a military drill was during the struggle of that small but brave band to maintain life on the barren lands of Plymouth. Early in 1622 rumors reached the pilgrims of hostile bands of Indians, and Canonicus, king of the Narra- gansetts, sent to Tisquantum, the pilgrims' interpreter, some new arrows tied with a rattlesnake's skin. Bradford, filling the skin with powder and bullets, sent it back, but as the messengers feared to carry it, it was passed along from one to another, finally returning to Bradford, having served its purpose of quelling Canonicus's revolt. Immediately, however, they began to fortify the little village, and Standish formed four companies of all those able to bear arms. The captain of each company in turn was to hold the command in his ab- sence. His military skill was such that he realized fully the value of drill and training, and the men received special instruc- tion in the tactics of the soldiers of the Old World, with which 194 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1685 he was familiar. The early record is that each company took its place for the defence with a discharge of musketry, then accompanied the captains to their houses, where " again they graced them with their shot and so departed." In a note to Young's " Chronicles of the Pilgrims," we find this was the first general muster in New England, and the embryo of our present militia system. Bradford says i 1 — " They agreed to inclose their dwelling with a good strong pale, and make flankers in convenient places, with gates to shute, which were every night locked, and a watch kept, and when neede required ther was also warding in y e day time. And y e company was by y e Captain and y e Gov r advise, devided into 4 squadrons and every one had ther quarter apoynted unto them which they were to repaire upon any suddane alarme. And if ther should be any crie of fire a company were appointed for a gard, with muskets, whilst others quenchet y e same, to prevent Indian treachery. This was accomplished very cherfuliy and y e towne impayled round by y e beginning of March." This little battalion of fifty strong was a garrison sufficient to defend the town, and with Standish's discipline and mili- tary tactics may well be called the first volunteer militia. By the old militia laws the men were required to give six days' 2 duty each year. The companies chose their own cap- tains. After the union of the two colonies the militia of each county was commanded by a lieutenant, and under him was a sergeant-major. 3 In the Plymouth Laws of 1683 4 we find : — " This Court doth order that Swansey and Middlebery shall chose some for Officers To lead theire Milletary Companies and Instruct them in Marshall disiplyne and that orders to each of those Townes to send such to the Court as they shall see Cause to choose." 1 History of the Pli?noth Plantation, p. 134. 2 Plymouth Colony Laws, p. 36 : " That the Inhabits of euery Towne w th in the Gouerment fitt & able to beare armes be trayned (at least) six tymes in the year." September 1, 1640. 3 Palfrey's History of New England, vol. ii, p. 51. 4 Plymouth Colony Laws. p. 201. 1689] LOCAL MILITIA 1 95 The first organized regiment of Plymouth Colony militia was commanded by Major William Bradford of Plymouth. At this time there were not men enough in Middleboro capable of bearing arms to form a full company, only sufficient for an ensign's command, and Isaac Hovvland was then in charge, holding such commission from the governor at Plymouth. One third of the company was required to be armed with pikes and the remainder with matchlock muskets, called snap- hances. The pike had been substituted for the halberd, which at first was brought from England, it being found that the pike was as efficient a weapon and much less difficult to manu- facture. In the matchlock musket the powder was placed in a pan similar to that in the flintlock, but exploded by a coal of fire or by a lighted string ; the end of this string was placed in the powder by hand, or by a simple device behind the pan. The muskets used in hunting were fired by sparks communicated to the powder from a flint ; they were not allowed in military drills, and were not used in war until after King Philip's time. The Indians would use no other, and they became very proficient in aiming and firing, which accounts for the large number of whites killed in King Philip's War. So cumbrous were the match and flintlock muskets of those times that they required as a support, when used, a forked stick about five feet in length, with an iron point at the other end, which was placed in the ground. For fifty-eight years after the incorporation of Middleboro, there was but one company. In 1727 the population had so increased that this was divided into two, known as the First and Second Foot Companies. The town was divided into two precincts, and this division formed the basis for the companies. The increase in number of inhabitants caused another division to be made soon after, and again in 1754. While Massachusetts remained a colony of England, all commissions in the militia expired at the death of the reigning sovereign, and were renewed on the accession to the throne of the next monarch. Governor Hinckley, in 1689, said that besides the commis- I96 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [177 S sioned officers there were in the train band five hundred and ninety able, effective men of the colony, and in the town of Middleboro there were forty-four, but their names are not given. 1 From 1754 until the commencement of the Revolution, there were four companies in Middleboro, and their assembly and parade were matters of considerable importance. These com- panies and their officers at that time exerted a strong political influence, and to be a captain was regarded as the introduction to any public office. John Adams said in a letter, " The Amer- ican States have owed their existence to the militia for more than two hundred years. Neither school nor town meetings have been more essential to the formation and character of the nation than the militia." In 1741 the First Cadet Corps grew from the state militia, and until 1777 attended the provincial governor upon all state occasions. The colonial law was that all from sixteen to sixty should serve in the local militia ; the only men exempt were " timorous persons." By act of the Continental Congress, July 18, 1775, it was provided that " all able bodied, effective men between sixteen and fifty in each colony should form themselves into regular companies of militia." It was also suggested that one fourth of these should be " minute men." 2 The whole state was organized under this provision of law into companies called the " train band." 3 Citizens from the age of fifty to sixty-five were included under the "alarm list." These two bodies of train band and alarm list were required to be ready for service upon the call of the governor. All former officers in the militia under sixty-five years of age were included in this alarm list. The equipment required was : a good firearm with steel or iron ramrod and worm, priming-wire and brush, a bayonet fitted to the gun, a cartridge-box holding at least fifteen rounds of ammunition, six flints, one pound of powder, forty leaden bul- lets, a haversack, blanket, and a canteen which would hold one 1 Hinckley Papers, Mass. Hist. Coll. vol. v, p. 11, 4th series. 2 See chapter on Middleboro in the Revolution. 3 This term comes from the famous train bands of Cromwell's army. 1717-1812] LOCAL MILITIA J 97 quart. In 1781, after the stirring events of the Revolution, the local militia of Massachusetts was reorganized. There were in this enrollment, in Middleboro, in 1782, 566 persons liable to perform this duty, of whom 421 were in the train bands and 145 in the alarm list. (There were probably over one hun- dred more, but the list of one company is lost.) In 1786 a new uniform of white faced with scarlet was adopted for the state. So important was the military organization of the town that in the year 1717a training-green was provided near the grounds of the First Church, and for more than a century the Training Day was one of the holidays, and the citizens generally came from all parts of the town to witness the drilling and manoeu- vring of these companies. This parade ground was given to the town by James Soule, who conveyed about two acres of this land "to the proper use, benefit and behoof of the mili- tary company of Middleboro forever successively." 1 With the decline of the military spirit before the middle of the last century, the parades were held in other parts of the town, and were not as largely attended as formerly. One of them was at Muttock, in the field bordering upon the pond and Nemasket Street, adjoining the shovel shop ; another, in Warrentown, on grounds opposite the residence of the late James Bump, and another at the Rock. After the close of the War of 18 12 more attention seems to have been paid to the uniform and equipments of the local mili- tia. Each company usually had a fife, drums, and sometimes clarinets and bugles. It consisted of commissioned officers, petty officers, musicians, privates, with some six or more in peculiar uniforms, called pioneers, who preceded the musicians as the company marched through the streets. At the time of their parade, it was often the amusement of the boys and spec- tators to erect barricades along the highways or at the gates through which the company was supposed to pass from differ- ent parts of the town, and then witness with delight the mas- terly exertions of the pioneers in clearing a way for the troops to enter the training-grounds for their military evolutions. 1 See chapter containing account of The Green. I98 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1710 One of the most interesting days of the year was the annual muster of the regiment or brigade, which sometimes was held on the level tract of land in Lakeville, not far from the school- house in the Upper Four Corners, and usually lasted one or two days. These annual musters drew together many from the surrounding towns, for the parades, drills, and reviews attracted much attention, and the music from the bands was always entertaining. The grounds were carefully guarded by sentries, and it was impossible to come within the military lines without a pass from the commanding officer. It required not a little tact and many men to keep mischievous intruders from the camp grounds. Upon the outskirts were booths for refresh- ments and various shows in tents, which never failed to interest the assembled multitude. Confectionery was then rare, and was sold in small quantities at large prices, but sugar ginger- bread was the staple article, and was eagerly purchased. The following is a bill of the expense at "the Militia Mus- ter," 1783, of Colonel John Nelson : — 20^ gallons rum at 2s 8d per gallon 2 — 14 — 8 29 Dinners at is 8d each 2 — 18 — 4 23 Bottles Wine at 2S 5d " 2 — 15 — 7 12 Bowls of Punch at 3s 4d " 2 — 3 — 4 17 Mugs of Punch at is 6d " 1 — 5 — 6 I Bowl of Punch o — o — 9 11— 8— 3 The earliest record of the first military company of Middle- boro, 1 taken January 19, 1710-11, is as follows: Captain, Jacob Tomson. Corp. Thomas Darling Sergt. Jeremiah Thomas Samuel Pratt, drummer " Samuel Eddy James Soule " Seth Howland Abiel Wood " Samuel Barrows John Miller Corp. Samuel Eaton John Soul " John Tinckom Elmer Bennet John Alden 1 From Eddy A T ote-Book. i7i°] LOCAL MILITIA 199 Josiah Connant Henery Wood Joseph Bumpus Ebenezer Tinkham, Jr. Ephraim Wood Jeremiah Tinkcom Elisha Vaughan Jonathan Morse John Raymond Jonathan Thomas John Barden Stephen Barden Abraham Barden Joseph Barden Samuel Warren James Bumpus Jabez Vaughan John Tomson William Hascol Samuel Wood George Vaughan William Reed Ebenezer Fuller Isaac Howland Jonathan Smith James Smith Ephraim Tomson William Thomas Benjamin Barden Samuel Cob Aaron Simmons William Barden Samuel Sampson Ebenezer Hall Josiah Hascol Ebenezer Redding Isaac Tinkcom Ebenezer Vaughan Shubael Tomson John Wood Nathaniel Thomas Nathan Howland Jonathan Cob Elnathan Wood Thomas Raymond Nathaniel Southworth Samuel Tinkcom David Wood John Fuller Josiah Thomas Nathaniel Barden James Raymond Thomas Tomson, Sr. Rodolphus Elms Thomas Tomson, Jr. John Cob Isaac Renolds Ebenezer Cob Joseph Thomas Joseph Vaughan Jeremiah Thomas, Jr. John Wood Experience Bent Benjamin Eddy Edward Southworth Joseph Bennett Shubael Tinkham Edward Hacket Jonathan Fuller John Vaughan Joseph Cob Peter Tomson Isaac Billington Abiel Wood, Jr. The captains of this First Company 1 were : — Jacob Tompson, to 1716. Joseph Vaughan, March, 17 16, to Peter Bennett. 1 These lists are from the History of Plymouth County. 200 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1762-1818 Ebenezer Sproutt, 1762 to 177- Nathaniel Wood, 1 1776 to July 1, 1781. William Shaw, July 1, 1 781, to . The captains of the Second Company were: — Ichabod South worth, 1727 to 17 — . Nathaniel Southworth, 17 — to 17 — . Ebenezer Morton, 17 — to 1754. Nathaniel Smith, July 23, 1754, to 1762. 'Gideon Southworth, October 27, 1762, to 1772. Robert Sproat, June 12, 1772, to 1774. Nathaniel Smith, October 10, 1774, to September 19, 1775. Nehemiah Allen, May 9, 1776, to 1778. John Barrows, April 8, 1778, to 1780. Abner Bourne, June 2, 1780, to July 1, 1781. Ezra Harlow, July 1, 1 781, to 1790. George Vaughan, April 12, 1790, to 1793. Peter Hoar, June 6, 1793, to January 4, 1797. Jabez Thomas, January 25, 1797, to 1799. John Morton, May 7, 1799, to 1802. Sylvanus Tillson, May 4, 1802, to 1805. Nathaniel Cole, May 7, 1805, to 1809. Abner Barrows, Jr., July 27, 1809, to 181 r. Ephraim Ward, March 18, 181 1, to 1814. Peter H. Peirce, February 18, 18 14, to 18 16. Orrin Tinkham, September 10, 18 16, to 18 17. Enoch Haskins, April 14, 1817, to February 25, 1818. This company was disbanded by order of the governor, February 25, 18 18. The captains of the Third Company were : — Joseph Tinkham, 175- to 17 — . William Tupper, 1776 to July 1, 1781. Nathaniel Wilder, July 1, 1781, to 17 — . Nathaniel Wilder, Jr., April 6, 1802, to 181 7. The captains of the Fourth Company 2 were : — Joseph Leonard, 17 — to William Canedy, 177- to September 19, 1775. 1 At the breaking out of the Revolution the four companies of local militia were reorganized, and Nathaniel Wood was the commander of the first company to respond to the Lexington alarm. 2 The men in this company were from the part of the town now Lakeville. 1776-1830] LOCAL MILITIA 201 Job Peirce, May 9, 1776, to 1778. Henry Peirce, 1778 to 1787. James Peirce, July 17, 1787, to 179- Abanoam Hinds, August 15, 1796, to 1802. Elkanah Peirce, May 4, 1802, to 1806. Elisha Briggs, September 29, 1806, to 181 1. Sylvanus Parris, March 20, 181 1, to 18 15. Ethan Peirce, June 6, 181 5, to 182- Apollos Reed, 182- to 1827. John Strobridge, May 19, 1827, to 1829. Samuel Hoar, June 6, 1829, to 1831. Silas P. Ashley, August 15, 183 1, to 18 — . The captain of the Fifth Company was : — Perez Churchill, 1776 to July 1, 1781. The captains of the Sixth Company were : — James Shaw, July 1, 1781, to 1784. John Miller, June 3, 1784 The captains of the Seventh Company were : — Amos Washburn, 177- to 1781. Abraham Shaw, July 1, 1781, to 1787. John Smith, July 17, 1787, to 1794. Ebenezer Briggs, Jr., August 4, 1794, to 1801. Elias Sampson, August 31, 1801, to 1807. Daniel Smith, May 5, 1807, to 18 10. Ebenezer Pickens, September 21, 1810, to 1814. David Sherman, May 2, 1814, to 1820. Abiel M. Sampson, October 17, 1820, to 1827. Richard B. Foster, April 28, 1827, to 1828. Horatio G. Clark, July 19, 1828, to January 28, 1829. James Pickens, May 29, 1829, to May 30, 1830. The captain of the Eighth Company was : — David Vaughan, July 1, 1781. There was a company of cavalry, consisting of men from Middleboro, Rochester, and Wareham. The captains of this- company were : — William Bourne, May 22, 1797, to September 12, 1803. Thomas Bennet, 1804 to April 10, 1807. 202 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1813-58 Seth South worth, August 2, 181 3, to 181 5. Nehemiah Leonard, June 3, 1818, to 1823. In 1 8 18 the second company of militia was disbanded, and two companies of light infantry were organized in Middle- boro, the captains of which were : — Isaac Stevens, April 3, 18 18, to 1823. Sylvanus Barrows, September 9, 1823, to 1827. Job Peirce, April 24, 1827, to 1829. Rufus Alden, June 8, 1829, to 1830. Josiah Tinkham, April 28, 1830, to 1833. Abiel Wood, May 7, 1833, to 1835. Morton Freeman, April 2, 1835, to 1840. Jacob T. Barrows, April 30, 1841, to 1842. Amasa J. Thompson, May 12, 1842, to 1844. Daniel Atwood, 1844 to July 10, 1844. Andrew J. Pickens, August 3, 1844, to 1846. Dexter Phillips, March 20, 1846, to 1847. Arad Bryant, February 20, 1847, to 1849. Albert Thomas, May 20, 1849, t0 185 1. Joseph Sampson, Jr., 185 1 to November 28, 185 1. The other company of light infantry was formed a little later, of which the following persons were captains : — Jonathan Cobb, June 16, 18 18, to 1824. Darius Miller, May 19, 1824, to September 12, 1828. Jacob Thomas, to 1830. Lothrop S. Thomas, April 24, 1830, to 1834. Levi Morse, September 27, 1834, to 1837. Sylvester F. Cobb, September 20, 1837, to 1842. Ichabod F. Atwood, July 26, 1842, to 1847. George Ward, March 12, 1847, to May 4, 1850. Stephen Thomas, May 29, 1850, to April 3, 1852. Lothrop Thomas, May 26, 1852, to 1853. Thomas Weston, July 6, 1853, to July 12, 1856. Robert M. Thomas, August 2, 1856, to August 6, 1857. Sylvanus Barrows, September 5, 1857, to September 25, 1858. This company was disbanded September 25, 1858. The captains of the train bands and alarm lists and the numbers in each company were as follows : — 1741] LOCAL MILITIA 203 FIRST COMPANY William Shaw, Train Band, 68. , Alarm List, 13. SECOND COMPANY Ezra Harlow, Train Band, 68. Abner Bourne, Alarm List, 39. THIRD COMPANY Nathaniel Wilder, Train Band, 71. Lemuel Wood, Alarm List, 32. FOURTH COMPANY Henry Peirce, Train Band, 45. , Alarm List, 8. SIXTH COMPANY James Shaw, Train Band, 66. , Alarm List, 17. SEVENTH COMPANY Abraham Shaw, Train Band, 53. Amos Washburn, Alarm List, 20. EIGHTH COMPANY David Vaughan, Train Band, 50. Josiah Carver, Alarm List, 16. The following is a list of officers residing in Middleboro who attained in the service of the local militia a higher rank than that of captain from 1741 : — General Officers Abiel Washburn, brigadier-general, September 4, 18 16, to 1824. Ephraim Ward, brigadier-general, January 27, 1825, to 1831. Darius Miller, brigadier-general, July 20, 1831, to 1833. Eliab Ward, brigadier-general, April 8, 1850, to 1855. 204 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1741-1853 Field Officers FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Elkanah Leonard, major, 1741 to 1745. Ebenezer Sproutt, major, 17 — to 1776. Benjamin Drew, Jr., February 14, 1835, t0 April 24, 1840. THIRD REGIMENT OF LIGHT INFANTRY Eliab Ward, colonel, July 10, 1844, to April 8, 1850. Elnathan W. Wilbur, colonel, May 4, 1850, to 1853. Stephen Thomas, colonel, March 12, 1853, to 1858. Lothrop Thomas, lieutenant-colonel, August 23, 1834, to 1836. Eliab Ward, lieutenant-colonel, September 15, 1843, to July 10, 1844. Daniel Atwood, lieutenant-colonel, September, 1845, t0 ^o. Ebenezer W. Peirce, lieutenant-colonel, April 3, 1852, to November 7, 1855. Thomas Weston, lieutenant-colonel, July 12, 1856, to 1858. Daniel Atwood, major, July 10, 1844, to 1845. Joseph Sampson, Jr., major, 1845 to 1849. Elnathan W. Wilbur, major, 1849 to May 4, 1850. George Ward, major, May 4, 1850, to 185 1. Ebenezer W. Peirce, major, August 2, 185 1, to April 3, 1852. Stephen Thomas, major, April 3, 1852, to March 12, 1853. FOURTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY Ebenezer Sproutt, colonel, February, 1776, to 1781. John Nelson, colonel, July 1, 1781, to 1787. Edward Sparrow, colonel, October 29, 1793, to April 1, 1796. Abiel Washburn, colonel, July 22, 1800, to September 4, 18 16. Ephraim Ward, colonel, April 25, 1817, to January 27, 1825. Benjamin P. Wood, colonel, September 7, 1826, to 1829. Darius Miller, colonel, August 31, 1829, to July 20, 1831. Thomas Weston, Jr., colonel, 1832 to 1834. Edward G. Perkins, colonel, February 4, 1837, to 1839. Nathan King, colonel, February 7, 1839, t0 April 14, 1840. William Tupper, lieutenant-colonel, July 1, 1781, to 1784. Edward Sparrow, lieutenant-colonel, July 17, 1787, to Octo- ber 29, 1793. Abiel Washburn, lieutenant-colonel, January 4, 1797, to July 22, 1800. 1776-1840] LOCAL MILITIA .205 Ephraim Ward, lieutenant-colonel, 181- to April 25, 181 7. Peter H. Peirce, lieutenant-colonel, April 25, 1817, to 1823. Benjamin P. Wood, lieutenant-colonel, October 10, 1823, to September 7, 1826. Southworth Ellis, Jr., lieutenant-colonel, September 7, 1826, to 1829. Thomas Weston, Jr., lieutenant-colonel, August 31, 1829, to 1832. Oliver Eaton, lieutenant-colonel, 1832 to 1834. Edward G. Perkins, lieutenant-colonel, May 1834, to Feb- ruary 4, 1837. Nathan King, lieutenant-colonel, February 4, 1837, to Feb- ruary 8, 1839. Peter Hoar, senior major, July 22, 1800, to 1807. Jacob Cushman, senior major, November 27, 1807, to 1809. Levi Peirce, senior major, 1812 to 18 16. John Nelson, major, May 9, 1776, to July 1, 1781. Edward Sparrow, major, July 1, 1781, to July 17, 1787. Abiel Washburn, major, May 1, 1794, to January 4, 1797. Peter Hoar, major, January 4, 1797, to July 22, 1800. Levi Peirce, major, June 8, 1809, to 181 2. Ephraim Ward, major, i8i4to 1816. Peter H. Peirce, major, 18 16 to April 25, 18 17. Branch Harlow, major, April 25, 1817, to 1823. Philo Washburn, major, September 7, 1826, to 1828. Darius Miller, major, September 12, 1828, to August 31, 1829. Oliver Eaton, major, August 31, 1829, to 1832. Isaac Fuller, major, February 8, 1839, to April 24, 1840. BATTALION OF CAVALRY William Bourne, major, September 12, 1803, to 1807. Thomas Bennett, major, April 28, 1807, to November, 1811. Harry Jackson, major, January 29, 1823, to death, in 1823. BATTALION OF ARTILLERY William Thomas, major, August 23, 1834, to 1836. Since the middle of the last century there have been many changes in the militia law of the commonwealth and the inter- est in that service seems gradually to have declined, so that at the present time there is no military organization in town. THE KITCHEN FIREPLACE CHAPTER XIII SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY HE people of Middleboro, like all of the colonists, were taught to employ every moment of their time. Children knew the value of everything in the house ; they knew how each article was made and its use. It was the natural outgrowth of their life that they should be thrifty and economical ; they had come to a new country, where much, if not everything, had to be made by hand. With the wealth of primeval forest, it is not to be wondered at that many a farmer's boy worked long and hard to obtain a jack-knife, and then what marvels he could make ! Daniel Webster said that these Yankee jack-knives were the direct forerunners of the cotton-gin and thousands of noble American inventions. We have spoken of the trenchers used in early times, cut out of wood ; sleds also were of home manufacture, the runners made from saplings bent at the root. Most of the farm imple- ments were of wood, 1 — ploughs, shovels, yokes for the oxen, 1 " The importance of locating near a spring of never-failing water, instead of attempting to dig wells, is apparent when we consider that shovels and spades in those times were made of wood instead of iron ; wooden shovels were used by the SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 207 cart-wheels, scythes, and flails. The making of these occupied the spare time of the men. No wonder the people devel- oped skill as well as sturdy, independent characters. They were their own masters, 1 dependent on no one ; their lives were a training for the test of independence which came in 1775. The frames of the dwelling-houses and barns of this period were of oak timber hewn with broadaxes, the sills, posts, and beams being often from nine to ten inches in diameter, fastened by tenons fitted into a mortised cavity and held in their place by oak pins. The raising of the frames of these build- ings was attended by a large number of friends, whose services were required to lift the heavy timbers into their proper posi- tion. It was customary for the owner of a building to furnish an ample supply of New England rum for the refreshment of his guests. 2 There are a few of these houses still standing in different parts of the town, and the massive oak frames have kept them in the same position as when first built. third and fourth generations from John Tomson. When Ebenezer, a grandson of his, had a wooden shovel pointed or shod with iron, it was considered a very great improvement, and was borrowed by the neighbors far and near. The ancient practice of building dwelling-houses near springs and running water accounts for the very crooked roads in many localities of the old colony." Descendants of John Thotnson, p. 23. 1 " It is interesting to observe how little the character of the gentleman and gentlewoman in our New England people is affected by the pursuit, for genera- tions, of humble occupations, which in other countries are deemed degrading. Our ancestors, during nearly two centuries of poverty which followed the first settlement, turned their hands to the humblest ways of getting a livelihood, be- came shoemakers, or blacksmiths, or tailors, or did the hardest and most menial and rudest work of the farm, shovelled gravel or chopped wood, without any of the effect on their character which would be likely to be felt from the permanent pursuit of such an occupation in England or Germany. It was like a fishing party or a hunt- ing party in the woods. When the necessity was over, and the man or the boy in any generation got a college education, or was called to take part in public affairs, he rose at once and easily to the demands of an exalted station." Autobiography of Seventy Years, by George F. Hoar, vol. i, p. 41. 2 At the raising of the house of Colonel John Nelson, about 1800, "A man stood on his head upon the roof-tree or ridge-pole, rum was drunk by the barrell by the best people, the better the people, the more the rum. With its painted inside walls this fine old house is still occupied by his descendants." Nelson Gene- alogy. 208 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO For a few years after the close of King Philip's War, dwell- ing-houses were sometimes covered with two-inch oak plank to render them bullet-proof against attack. The windows were small and placed high up in the wall, so that the family would not be exposed to the shots of any hostile Indian. The roofs and walls of these houses were covered with shingles, pre- pared by sawing logs about fourteen or sixteen inches long, which were split with a long iron knife into pieces about half an inch in thickness, and then shaved upon a bench, which every farmer had, to hold the shingles in their place. The shingles so prepared from the original growth of pine and cedar were very durable ; some which were put on the old Morton house at the time it was built retained their place when it was taken down, although they were not much thicker than paper. The kitchen was such an important part of the house that it deserves special mention. The huge fireplaces 1 were often built with seats on the sides. The back bar of green wood was fixed across the chimney, several feet from the floor. On this hung the many pots and kettles needed. Later, this back bar, or "luge-pole," gave place to one more practical of iron, and a hundred years after the first settlement, cranes were in use everywhere. Over the fireplace frequently hung rows of dried apples and pumpkins. The large brick ovens were at one side of the fireplace, and had a smoke "uptake" into the chimney. The door was of iron. Once a week a great fire of dry wood, or "ovenwood," was kindled in the oven and kept burning for several hours until the bricks were thoroughly heated. The coal and ashes were then carefully swept out, the chimney 1 " In the coldest weather the heat did not come out a great way from the hearth, and the whole family gathered close about the fire to keep warm. It was regarded as a great breach of good manners to go between any person and the fire. The fireplace was the centre of the household, and was regarded as the type and symbol of the home. The boys all understood the force of the line : — ' Strike for your altars and your fires !' " I wonder if any of my readers nowadays would be stirred by an appeal to strike for his furnace or his air-tight stove." Autobiography of Seventy Years, by George F. Hoar, vol. i, p. 46. SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 209 draught closed, and the oven filled with brown bread, pies, etc. In earliest days, the bread was baked on leaves gathered by the children. Later, Dutch ovens were used ; these were ket- tles on legs and with a curved cover, which were placed on the hot ashes and then covered with ashes. By the oven hung a long-handled shovel, called a "peel " or "slice," which was used to put dough on the leaves, and, when the bread was baked, to remove it. A " peel " was always given to a bride as a good-luck present. Thanksgiving week, the oven was kept hot in preparation for the greatest day of the year. Christmas day was too closely associated with the frivolity of the Old World to be observed as it is at present. At first pails were of wood or brass without bails ; tin was not used, but utensils were made of latten-ware, a kind of brass ; pots, kettles, gridirons, and skillets (made later in the blast furnaces of the town) had legs, as it was necessary to have these raised above the ashes. The first fork brought to America was in 1633 f° r Governor Winthrop. It was in a leather case with a knife and bodkin. " Probably not one of the Pilgrims ever saw a fork used at table." 1 The spoons were of pewter, and every family of importance owned a spoon mould, in which these could be made from the worn-out plat- ters and porringers. The large platters for holding the meat and vegetables were of pewter, — very little silver was to be seen at first. Later, handsome silver was found in the houses of the wealthy. Cups without handles were used till the early part of the last century. 2 1 Goodwin, Pilgrim Republic, p. 589. 2 From these old inventories we learn some of the articles in use : — September: the 5. 1695. this is a tru inventary of the Estate of m r Samuell fuller Teacher of the church of Middlebury Lately deaseased prised by us whose names are under written his wearin cloathing woollen and linnen 09 — 00 — 00 his books. o 4 _oo — 00 to beds with bedin 07 — 00 — 00 puter with table linnen 01 — 04 — 00 a still or — 00 — 00 the brase to kittells and a spise mortler 00 — 14 — 00 A. iron pot and kittell and mortler 00 — 16 — 00 2IO HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO The kitchen served as dining and sitting room, usually be- ing the only comfortable room in the house. The bedrooms tramells tongs and pot hooks oo — 08 — 00 chests and trays and dishes and chairs 00 — 15 — 00 tubs and pails 00 — oS — 00 Earthen ware and glases 00 — 02 — 00 runlets and barells and a churn 00 — 07 — 00 a siften trof and a frien pan . . 00 — 04 — 00 a loom and taklin 01 — 05 — 00 hors taklin 00 — 18 — 00 taklin for a teem and old iron 00 — 12 — 00 a pare of oxen 05 — 00 — 00 3 Cowes 04 — 10 — 00 3 heifer 03 — 10 — 00 2 calves 00 — 12 — 00 swine . 01 — 15 — 00 a hors and a mare 03 — 00 — 00 3 swarm of bees 00 — 08 — 00 at middlebury his dwellin hous and 20 Akers of Land and A full share of his six and twenty mens purshas only twenty-five Akers and twelf Akers of Land near John haskels and a parsell of Land commly called the sixteen shillin purshas and A hous and Land plimouth more to books and a bibell 00 — 15 — 00 tow pare of scalles 00 — 06 — 00 three wheells and a pare of cards 00 — 10 — 00 A pot and a Spoon 00 — 07 — 00 A gun 00 — 08 — 00 toue yarn 00 — 02 — 00 The widdows Bed not apprised josepth vaughan Samuell wood M r8 - Elizabeth ffuller Relict & widdow of m r Sam 1 ffuller above named made oath in plimouth September 25: 1695 that y e above written is a true Inventory of y e goods chattels Rights & credits of y e sd Deceased so far as she knoweth & that if more shall come to her knowledge she will make it known Before me Wm. Bradford Esq r &c. Attest. Saml Sprague Register Recorded in Plymouth County Probate Office, vol. i, p. 223. In the inventory of " Peter Oliver, Esq. late of Middleborough who is fled to our enemies " we find, among other things, " one gold mourning ring, picktor of Charlotte, Two umbrillos, green Camblet Skirt, White firstin Skirt, 12 pr Linnen Stockens, Ironin Blanket, Two Cracket Bowls, Medison Case, Small Chease press, Puter Basons, One Shays Wheel," etc. In another old inventory a " Brass Platter, a Brass Kettle," " for the use of my daughter," and " Brass Candle sticks, one bell-metal Skillet, two pairs of strong Iron Dogs, a Brass Mortar, a brass basting Ladle, a brass Chafing Dish, a true Looking Glass, a dozen Cane Chairs, Curtains and Vallurs for Bed, Tester and Camlet and Chintz Quilt," etc. SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 2 1 I were so cold in winter time that the huge feather-beds were very necessary, and the heating of the sheets by a warming- pan made them more comfortable. The problem of lighting was solved in the earliest days by the use of pine knots. To avoid smoke in the room, these knots were usually burned on a flat stone in a recess made in the side of the fireplace. Ministers all over New England wrote their sermons by this light, and every family laid in a supply of " light wood " for the winter evenings. Candles at four pence apiece were considered costly luxuries, and the making of them was part of the work of every household. Bay- berry was used for the nicer ones ; for the others, grease or fat from meat was carefully stored away to be tried out into tallow. The wicks were of loosely spun hemp, tow, or cotton, sometimes of milkweed, the silk down of which was " spun grossly into candle wicke." Two large kettles two feet in diameter, called seventy kettles, were hung over the fire on the hearth, half filled with boiling water and melted tallow, which had two scaldings and two skimmings. The candle-rods with six or eight wicks attached were dipped into the pot of melted tallow, then allowed to cool gradually, then dipped again and again until they were of the required size. Candles were after- wards made by turning the melted tallow into moulds, which were groups of metal cylinders with the wicks in the inside fastened by small wooden rods at the top and small pegs at the bottom. Later, itinerant candle-makers went from house to house, taking charge of the work, each autumn. Wax candles were made by hand by pressing pieces of heated wax about the wicks. Bees were kept for the wax as much as for the honey. Candlesticks, at first rough, grew to elegant metal standards, and later sconces, called candle arms, were an ornamental part of the house furnishings. For many years the method of striking a light was very primitive. If the fire went out, a small boy of the family was sent to a neighbor's (it might be at some distance) for coals to relight it. The tinder-box, a necessary part of the house furnishings, was usually a small, circular box containing flint, 212 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO steel, and a tinder of some vegetable matter ; scorched linen or cambric was the usual tinder to catch the spark. Another method of starting the fire was by flashing powder in the pan of a gun. It was not until 1827 that friction matches were made in England, and they cost twenty-five cents for eighty- four, a contrast to our time, when seventeen million can be made in a day, and the expense is trifling. Aside from the making of candles, there was the preparing of apples for winter use. Days were spent in drying apples and peaches, making apple sauce, which was stored away in barrels, and apple butter, which was made from apples boiled down with cider. An uninteresting, but necessary piece of work was the mak- ing of soft soap. All the refuse grease was stored through the winter as well as wood ashes from the fireplaces. Lye was first made from ashes and water in huge barrels (these barrels were frequently made from birch-trees) ; then the grease and lye were boiled together in a huge seventy kettle over the fire. It took twenty-four pounds of grease and six bushels of ashes to make one barrel of soap. A hard soap was made from bay- berry for the toilet, but the soft soap was used for the great monthly washings. For over a century, all the New England housewives allowed the family washing to accumulate for a month, and there was no weekly wash-day till a short time before the Revolution. We treasure the spinning-wheel as an ornament and an heirloom ; it was no ornament two hundred years ago, but a practical necessity. Every spring, as soon as the ground was prepared, flax and hemp were planted as regularly as the corn and beans. In June or July they were carefully dried. To accomplish this, " pulling or spreading," or turning the flax in the sun for several days, was done by the men and boys in the Middleboro fields. Then a heavy wooden or iron comb, called a ripple comb, was fastened on a plank. With this, the flax was "rippled ; " it was drawn through the comb, thus pulling off the seeds, which were kept for the next year. The flax was tied up at the seed end in "bates" and stacked, — SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 213 the base of the stalks spread out tent-shaped, — and then was well watered, to soften the fibres, for four or five days. It was then broken with a flax brake to separate the fibres ; on a dry, sunny day it was "scutched" or "swingled" with a block and knife to get rid of any bark. The clean fibres were made into bundles, " swingled " again, then " beetled " (i. e. pounded) until soft, then "hetcheled" or pulled through a comb or rows of fine, long wire bristles. After this wearying and dusty process, the fibres were spread and drawn to various finenesses of threads. After passing through twenty manip- ulations, the flax was at last ready for spinning on the small wheels. The spinning of two skeins of linen thread was a good day's work ; for it, a spinner was paid eight cents a day and "her keep." Is it to be wondered at that linen sheets, etc., were handed down from one generation to another and trea- sured with care ? Flaxseed was used extensively. The flax was allowed to re- main in the ground until it grew yellow, and the seed was then made into oil. In 1640 the court of Massachusetts passed two orders, for the growth of flax and for the teaching of boys and girls to spin, and a bounty was paid for linen grown, spun, and woven here. Deborah Sampson was one of the best-known spinners of linen and worsted. She was engaged to do the finest work at many a house, and frequently spun at the Morton, the Bourne, the Clarke, and the Sproat houses. In 1749 the fair spinsters of Boston met on the Common, and spun on a wager from sunrise to sunset. Spinning became very popular ; not to be a " spinster " was a disgrace. Neighbors frequently carried their wheels to each other's houses to work together ; classes were formed that young and old alike might learn, for each family must contain at least one skilled worker. Preceding the Revolution, so loyal were the women all over America that homespun goods were in great demand. They agreed to wear no imported linen or woollen. Prizes for spin- ning and weaving were given. Not only was linen made into garments, but wool goods were also home-made. In " New 214 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO England's First Fruits " is written : " Linnen fustian we are making already ; sheep are coming on for woollen cloth ; — deer, seal and moose skins are to be had plentifully which will help this way, especially for servants' clothing." As early as 1664 there were in Massachusetts about three thousand sheep. When Middleboro was resettled, sheep-raising was encour- aged, and the wool was much used. The fleeces were opened and cleansed, the coarser parts were spun into yarn, the finer were carefully prepared, tossed, and separated, then tied in bags to be " dyed in the wool." For this, indigo was in great demand, peddlers carrying it from place to place ; pokeberry boiled with alum made a crimson dye, and many flowers and vegetables were used in this art of coloring. After carding, the wool was rolled deftly, ready for spin- ning. The wool spinning was done on large wheels, the " spin- ster" standing, stepping a few steps forward and back, grace- fully guiding the threads to the motion of the wheel. The spin- ning of six skeins of yarn was considered a good day's work, and it is estimated that in do- ing that amount she must have walked backward and forward almost twenty miles, and all that by her wheel in her own room. The work easily furnished occupation for an entire family by the firelight, one carding the wool into rolls, one spinning it into yarn, one sitting at the clock reel, one filling quills with woollen yarn for the loom, one placing new teeth in a wool card, etc. Weavers (or websters) frequently went from house to house as well as spinsters. With the hand loom of early days, we must not forget other important industries showing the thrift of our mothers. No- thing was wasted ; old rags were carefully gathered and used to make rag carpets. The warp of these was frequently strong, coarse flax thread, while the filling was of narrow pieces of A FAMILY LOOM OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 21 5 rags cut about half an inch wide ; the different colors were sewed together in one long strip and rolled into a ball. A ball weighing a pound and a quarter would make about a yard of carpeting. Bed coverlids of remarkable and varying design can be found in many an old attic in town. Girls were taught to knit as soon as their fingers could control the needles, — one little girl of four knit a pair of stockings. All stockings, mittens, and scarfs were made at home. As a variety, scarfs were sometimes "pegged" or crocheted. The bead purses and bags now so popular called forth all the ingenuity and skill of our early grandmothers. They had landscapes and figures ; memorial bags in black and white with purple beads had " mourning designs " of weeping willows, urns, and gravestones. Some- times mottoes or initials were wrought in. Samplers were to be found in every family. Each girl proudly worked her name, age, and some appropriate motto on a strong, loosely woven canvas. With their love of needlework, we must not forget the patchwork quilts of varying design and color. So great was the interest in neatly sewing bits of wool, calico, or silk together that much skill was shown. Neighbors exchanged patterns of different names, such as " log cabin," "rising sun," "blue brigade," "fox and geese," "old maid's ramble," etc. When the patchwork was completed, it had to be quilted, and many a merry-making was held at these quilting- parties. The patchwork was placed on a lining, with layers of wool or cotton wadding between, and stretched on four bars of wood ten feet long, — the quilting-frame. Around this out- stretched quilt several would sit, fastening the whole together. At first, woollen pieces only were used ; calico was a later luxury, and still later silk. Netting and lace work was another industry, as well as straw braiding for hats. Lace veils were made by mothers and daughters for street wear, and the pre- paring of the bridal veil was of great interest to all. The work of the men was largely out of doors on the farms. In the winter they made and mended their utensils by the firelight. The crops had to be gathered and stored for the 2l6 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO winter, or prepared for sale and exchange. They had no white bread ; the barley, corn, and rye had to be taken to the mill to be ground. Threshing was done by huge hand flails made by the farmers. The apple crop was gathered, part dried for winter use, and part made into cider, for which Middle- boro was famous. Roads had to be cleared from one place to another in winter days, and all the farmers in the neighbor- hood joined in the " breaking out " with ploughs or sleds and oxen. Four-wheeled vehicles were but little used until after the Revolution. Before this, chaises had been used somewhat, but the usual mode of travel was by horseback. One of the most welcome visitors was the peddler, who made at least one annual tour through the villages of the town with his various wares. As stores were few, his coming was looked for with interest, with the possibility of buying some article necessary for the home work, a jack-knife for the boys, a needle, or a pin (rare in the early days) for the industri- ous housewife. Another visitor was the tailor, a woman who helped in the dressmaking as well as in the suit-making for men and boys. In early winter, if they did not raise the cattle and tan their leather, a family would purchase a calfskin, a "side of upper" and a side of sole leather, and a travelling shoemaker went from house to house making shoes. Calvin Dunham's name has come down as one of Middleboro's shoemakers of a few generations ago. He would bring bench and tools with him, the family would have the shoe thread on hand from the yearly spinning, and seated in a warm corner by the kitchen fire, he would make and mend the shoes for the family and neighbors who dropped in for a social evening. Hannah Reed was an- other shoemaker, noted for her energy and strength, 1 her wit 1 Hannah Reed's great strength can best be illustrated by the fact that she fre- quently walked to Boston — and back the next day — to purchase leather, etc., for her work. She made "good substantial shoes, well fitting to the feet." At one time two clerks in the store were talking, and one said, "There comes Hannah Reed. I bet you five dollars you don't dare to kiss her." He took the bet, and stepping up as she was making her purchases, kissed her. The indignant shoemaker turned, seized him by the collar and seat of his trousers, dragged him SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 21 7 and cheery disposition. Another travelling workman was the wheelwright or wagon repairer. Frequently men repaired their carts from the stock of wood kept on hand, but John Paddock was sent for in case of a serious break in axle-tree or other parts of wagons and sleds. When Franklin spent a few days here, 1 he gave them many practical suggestions in their domestic economy, as he told of his " Franklin stove," of an improved water trough for horses, of the corn broom in place of the stiff old birch broom. His visit was one of the great social events, as life was not filled with the excitement and rush of modern times. Aside from the gay assemblages at Oliver Hall and a few of the larger houses, there was none of the modern so-called social life. Card playing 2 and dancing were frowned upon by some ; the old-fashioned games were enjoyed by all ; quilting-parties, husking-bees, tea parties, were the occasions of merry-making. The old singing-school should be mentioned as one of the festive gatherings for the young people. At the tea parties, the guests frequently sat in little groups. Small tables were placed near them, and the tea was passed on large trays with gingerbread, cookies, and such dainties as the housewives of Middleboro knew so well how to prepare. Neighborliness was cultivated, — women would carry their work to others' houses for sociability. Frequently they would have what was called "change work:" if two were to make soap, candles, or sew,, one would spend a day helping the other. In a few days the visit would be returned. Even house-cleaning days meant social pleasure, for then they usually had a "whang," a gathering of the neighbors, and on the principle that many hands make to the door, and pitched him out. He won his bet, but never tried that trick again. 1 See chapter containing an account of The Green. 2 In Plymouth Colony Lazvs, Part III, p. 250, we find : — " Be it also Enacted, That no person in this Government, shall play at Cards, Dice, Cross and Pile, or any such unlawful Game, wherein there is Lottery, at any private house, or elsewhere in this Government on penalty of ten shillings fine, to be paid by every one that so playes, and twenty shillings by the Master or Head of a Family that shall know of and suffer such Gaming in his House or where he hath Command." 2l8 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO light work, a house was soon cleaned. This sharing of burdens helped much in accomplishing a task quickly. The dress of the early settlers was of the simplest all through the colony. 1 The court forbade the purchase of woollen or silk garments with silver or gold thread or lace on them. " Cut works imbroid or needle or capps bands & rayles," ruffs and beaver hats, were forbidden. In Plymouth Colony the dress was simpler than at the Bay or at Salem. From some of the old inventories which have come down we can judge of their clothing. Leather was used, — tanned buckskin breeches and jackets for out-of-door work. Before the Revolution dress had become very showy and elegant in some parts of Massachusetts. The gay dresses worn at Oliver Hall were frequently imported, and were equal to court costumes in their elaborate trimmings. In the country places, while silks were used somewhat, there was a marked difference. The pilgrim quietness in dress had not been altogether outgrown. Mrs. Rebecca Scollay Clarke wrote of a visit to the old church at Middleboro : — " I stood on the steps and saw the men and women come riding up — most of them on horseback; the women sitting behind the men on pillions. They dismounted at the horse block at the door. The sight was strange to me just from the city where we all walked our short distance to meeting. The women's dresses too looked very queer. They were nearly all dressed in linsey-woolsey of their own weaving. It was very handsome cloth, well pressed and glossy, almost as silk, but very different from what the Boston women wore, of foreign make and manufacture." At about that time the calash, a curious form of bonnet with a bridle in front to prevent its shutting up, was much worn. 1 One of the early members of the Bennett family was a well-to-do farmer, who, although having more money than many of his townsmen, dressed in a simple suit of homespun made from the undyed wool of his own sheep ; the buttons were of leather cut from the hide and sewed on with a stray piece of home-made cord. In this costume he stopped at one of Boston's old taverns for supper and lodgings. The landlord, fearing he might be a tramp, inquired if he had money to pay for this, at which the farmer drew from his pocket a rough piece of sheepskin, and unrolling, it, took out a hundred dollars, with the remark," If this is not enough, I will send out to Middleboro and get more, so I think you will be satisfied." SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 219 Long cloaks, or capes, called capuchins or pelisses, beautifully embroidered skirts, 1 and silk petticoats with daintily draped overdresses, thin-soled shoes which necessitated the wearing of overshoes, known as " goloe shoes " 2 and " pattens," mits knit or made of kid, are in the list of women's apparel, as well as " Sad Grey Kersey Wascote, blew Apron, Greene Searge Was- cote and Linsey Woolsey petticoats, Whittle that is fringed, Jump, fine Neck Cloath," etc. In the chapter on Muttock there is a description of the gowns of some of the ladies and the elaborate costumes of the men. When the early colonists came, they wore their hair shaved in contrast to the long hair of the cavaliers. This soon gave place to the wigs, which, uncomfortable as they must have been, lasted in fashion for a century and a half. The old men wore their hair braided in a queue, as shown in many of the old portraits in town. Jewelry was little worn at first, — a few rings, bracelets, pins, and sleeve-buttons were seen. Watches were rare luxuries, and clumsy at that. Time was frequently kept by sun-dials in front of the houses of the wealthy, but in the simpler homes " noon marks " were the time-keepers. These marks were usu- ally small cuts made in the window frames where the sun rested at high noon. There was a curious custom of collecting mourning rings, which were given to chief mourners at a funeral, and families of prominence all had them. They were usually of gold enam- elled in black or black and white, and ornamented with a death's-head, a coffin, a skull, or a lock of hair. Mottoes were frequently engraved, such as, "Prepare for Death," "Death Parts United Hearts," etc. So universal was this custom that 1 Fine embroidery was a source of great pride to the New England women, and in many of the old attics in Middleboro can be seen embroidered quilts, scarfs, and dresses. Miss Susan Hayes Ward has studied some of these dainty pieces, and revived the quaint stitches and designs from a bride's petticoat found in the Sampson family and from curtains in the Stetson family. These beautiful stitches, of old Persian coloring and pattern, have been restored as an important addition to the modern art work under the name of the New England stitch. 2 Thoreau calls them "glow-shoes." 2 20 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO many rings can be found among the old colony heirlooms, and such was the expense entailed that a vote was passed in 1767, in Boston, "not to use any mourning rings but what are manufactured here." Other gifts usual at the time were gloves, fans, white linen scarfs, etc. 1 As far back as 1633, in Samuel Fuller's will we find that his sister should have gloves worth twelve shillings ; "John Jenny and Job Winslow each a paire of gloves of five shillings." Funeral " baked meats " and drinks were an important part of the preparation on these occasions. Rum, cider, beverage, and beer were freely dispensed until a change in the cus- toms of drinking brought an end to this phase of hospitality. One old gentleman remarked, " Temperance has done for funerals." In the earliest times it was the custom to make the coffin from the trunk of a tree. This was hollowed out, and the body placed inside, then pieces of plank were nailed on the ends. John Tomson was buried in the Nemasket cemetery in this manner. Gravestones with inscriptions cut upon them were imported from London until about 1700. Before that, the sim- ple stones without inscriptions were used if the families were unable to meet the expense of imported ones. It was not the custom in early days to have any religious service at the burial. An address was made when Captain Jonathan Alden was buried, in Duxbury, in 1697, and this was considered a decided innovation. Not until 1720 did the custom become general. The church bell was tolled, and the mourners walked by the side or followed the body. On the death of any one in Middle- boro, the bell at the First Church tolled the number of years of his age. Before tolling it would strike three if a child had died, six if a woman, and nine if a man. A description of the church and its service has been given elsewhere. The sermons were long, and people frequently stood when they felt tired of sitting on the straight, wooden seats. One minister of the First Church is described as wear- 1 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. iv, p. 33. SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 22 1 ing black gloves with the fingers partly cut off, that he might the more easily turn the leaves of the Bible. Isaac Backus, writing February 20, 1794, says, speaking of the people in the old colony of Plymouth : — " There are very few men who are very rich, but the people are more upon a level than in most parts of our country, and the people retain many of the excellent qualities that were possessed by their fathers, and capital crimes are less known here than in many other places." There was but little money in the inland towns of the col- ony until some time after the beginning of the last century. Payments for work and other things were usually made in pro- ducts of the farm, wood, and lumber, the prices of which were fixed by a general understanding in the community ; contracts and promissory notes were often made payable in so many pounds of pig iron. During the Revolutionary War, to supply this want of money, the Continental Congress issued paper bills to pass as a circulating medium, which, however, soon so THE ATTIC OK THE BACKUS HOUSE 22 2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO depreciated in value as to become comparatively worthless. This money failed to supply the want of a standard value in currency, and served merely to embarrass people in the pay- ment of taxes which had become burdensome. Under an act of the legislature in 1777, standard prices were fixed by the selectmen of the town, which continued in force for many years. FOR THE INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBOROUGH Pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of the State of Massachusetts Bay in the year of our Lord 1777 — to prevent Monopoly and oppression it is hereby Enacted By the Selectmen and Committee of Said Middleborough That from and after the 24th Day of February 1777 — that the Goods Labor and Every Neces- sary and Convenient Article of Life herein after particularly Enumerated or otherwise included Shall not in said town of Middleborough Exceed the Price hereinafter particularly Enumerated or otherwise Proportioned to Said Goods and articles mentioned or included. Common Farming Labour in the Summer season From the middle of aprel to the middle of October at 2s 6d a Day Common Labour From the middle of Octo- ber to the middle of Aprel at 2s a Day mowing and Reaping at 3s 4d a Day Good Indian Corn at 3s 4d a bushel. Good Merchantable Wheat at 6s~4d a Bushel Good Merchantable Rye at 4s-2d a Bushell Good Merchantable Sheeps wool at 2s a Pound Good Merchantable Flax at is a Pound Good Beef at 2d! a Pound Good Fresh Pork at 4d a lb and Salt pork in proportion according to its Good- ness and the price of Salt Raw hides at 3d a lb and Calf Skins at 6d a lb Good Cheese at 6d a lb Good Butter at iod a lb potatoes at is : 4d a Bushal Small Tur- nips at is-Sd a bushel mens Best Yarn Stockings at 5s : 4d a pair and so in Pro- portion for a meaner Quality Mens Shoes made of neats Leather of the Best Common Sort at 8s a pair and so in Proportion for a Lesser or Meaner Quality Salted Beef at 3f-i2s-od a Barrel oats at is-Sd a Bushel Good tried tallow at 7di & Good yard wide tow Cloth at 2s a yard and so on in proportion for other tow or Linen Cloth according to its widths and quality Good yard wide flannel Cloth Striped at 3s : 4d a yard and other flannel or woolen Cloth in proportion according to its width and Quality, good oak Wood Delivered at the Door of the Byer at 7s a Cord tanned hids at is : 3d a lb and Currid Leather in usual Proportion according to the Price of oil home Spun yard wide Cotten and Linnen Cloth at 3s : 4d yeard and other widths and Quallities in Proportion Mutton & Lamb at 3d : J a lb Veal at 2d : f a lb Horse Keeping or one Yoke of oxen one night or 24 hours with English hay is : 2d Good English hay from the meadow at 2f : os : od a Load and in Winter or Spring at 2f : 10s : od a Load and so on in Proportion for a meaner Quality or Sort of hay Teaming Work one yoke of oxen one Day Equal to a man in Com- mon Labour and a Horse one day Two thirds as much as a yoke of oxen Excepting in plowing alone, and then equal to oxen : Horse hire at 2d l a mile for a single man and to Carry Double in proportion Milk in the Winter Season at 2d a quart SOCIAL CUSTOMS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 223 Charcole at 10s : a Load or one third Part of a 100 of Good Bloomd Iron : nail Rods at 2f : 5s : od a 100 allowing an addition Sufficient for the Extraordinary Price of Sea Coal Common Good White pine or pitch pine Merchantable Bords at 2f : 5s : od a 1000 and so in proportion for other Qualities and Sorts : Common Good Board Nails and all other Sorts and Sizes of Nails at a price in Proportion to the price of Nail Rods Now Equal to What nails and nail Rods were in the former Usual proportion Oak Bark for Tanners at 13s : 4d a Cord Delivered the tan yard Hemlock Bark in proportion according to Usual Custom a Good Din- ner at a Tavern is : od and Supper or Breakfast at : 9d : and Lodging at 3d J pr Night Good Sider at the press at : 6s : a Barrel and at other times at : 8s : a bar- rel Drawdoff Shoe Making at home at 3s a pair from mans or womans Shoes or Pumps and so on in proportion for Smaller Shoes or Pumps, and Shoe making abroad at two thirds the Price of that at home to be proportioned as above Linen foot Wheals at 13s: 4d a Pair Clover Sead at: 9c! : i a lb Hards Grass Seed at is : 2d a Quart. Shoeing a Horse with plain Shoes all round at 4s : 46: h and so in Like proportion for Steel Corks Consider the Price of Steel and all other Black Smith Work in Proportion to the above Said Shoeing Comparing The Same with former Smith work and the former prices of Plain Shoeing all Round at : 3s : 4d miling & masons work at 4s a day men Tailors Work abroad at 2s : 4d a Day Carpenters Joiners and other trades men not above mentioned at 3s 4d a Day and the Home Labor machaies and Tradesmen such as wheels plows yokes Carts Bedsteads Chairs and all other necessaries for Common Use not above mentioned are set at a price in proportion to farming Labour Compar- ing the former Price of Each article With the former price of farming Labour and all other Articles of Trade not above mentioned Common or Necessary among us not to be sold at a Greater Price Than in proportion with the present Price of the Articles above Mentioned Compareing the former price of Said articles of Trade with the former price of the Said articles Whereto a Price is now Set Given at Said Middleborough February ye 20th : 1777 Wishing Love and Unity Peace and Plenty Fortitude Strength and Victory to be Constant Portion of all the Geneuine Friends to America attest Zebedee Sprout By order of Said Selectmen and Committee attest Abner Barrows Town Clerk Notwithstanding the act of the legislature fixing the prices of all commodities, the depreciation of the currency issued by the Continental Congress deranged every branch of trade. All pecuniary obligations could be met by this depreciated money, which added to the great financial distress throughout the country. Middleboro, being generally a farming community, did not suffer as much as other towns, and to meet this con- dition, contracts and promissory notes were here often given, 2 24 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO payable in so many pounds of pig iron or other articles for which there was a constant demand, instead of money, although all taxes were to be in specie. 1 In 1780 pig iron was worth four dollars a pound in continental money. 1 The following bill of items and prices shows the value of the continental money in 1781 : — Captain A. M'Lane, Bo't of W. Nicholls, January 5th, 1781. 1 pair boots $600 6 3/4 yds. calico, at 85 ds 752 6 yds. chintz, at 1 50 ds 900 4 1/2 yds. moreen, at 100 ds 450 4 hdkfs., at 100 ds 400 8 yds. quality binding, 4 ds 32 1 skein of silk 10 $3,144 If paid in specie ^18 10s. Received payment in full, For Wm. Nicholls. Jona. Jones. Lossing's Field- Book of the Revolution, vol. i, p. 319. CHAPTER XIV LAWYERS FTER the resettlement of the town, although the purchases of land had included almost the entire township, transfers of the different allotments were very numerous, and questions were continually aris- in«- therefrom. There was no one in town who had sufficient knowledge of the necessary forms and requirements of law to enable him to engage in its practice until about the year 1723. While there must have arisen various disputes over the bounds of lands bought and sold and questions of property rights, we have records of only two such controversies between the early settlers. One of the first cases on record was that of trespass, March 5, 169 1, on the cedar swamp owned by the proprietors of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase, and a committee consisting of Lieutenant Tomson, Benjamin Bartlett, John Doggett, Isaac Howland, and Thomas Delano was appointed to prosecute the suit. The trespassers chose John Soule, John Nelson, and Adam Wright to defend them, and the tribunal so constituted decided that the trespassers should pay to the constable for the use of the proprietors : — The widow Thomas, trespasser by Edward Thomas 4 shillings William Thomas 3 " John Miller 2 Phillip Bumpus 1 " 6 d. Samuel Eaton 1 " 2 " James Wood 5 John Holmes 2 " The proprietors of the South Purchase held a meeting on the 17th of May, 1698. John Soule and Jacob Tomson were chosen agents by the inhabitants and proprietors to defend their 2 26 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1662 title in Assawampsett Neck, giving them " power to choose one or more attorneys to be helpful to them in the premises." In January, 1662, Josiah Winslow of Plymouth recovered forty pounds damage in an action of trespass against Nathan- iel Warren for felling timber upon lands included in his pur- chase. 1 These are the only accounts which appear in the early records of disputes between the inhabitants. Whatever ques- tions might have arisen seem usually to have been amicably settled without the aid of attorneys, or by reference to the selectmen, who had authority by statute to act in a judicial capacity. As the business of the various towns increased and necessarily became more complicated, it was found necessary to obtain professional assistance. Soon after the union of the colonies, the need of men learned in the law was recognized, and by statute of 1701 they were regarded as officers of the court, and an oath of office was required when they were ad- mitted to practice ; various enactments were passed regulating their practice, fees, etc. By the province laws of 1708, only two sworn attorneys were allowed to one party in any case. The distinction between attorneys and barristers recognized by the English courts continued here until after the Revolu- tion. 2 Barristers alone could appear and try cases in the highest 1 Records of Plymouth Colony, vol. vii, p. 106. 2 By rule of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Massachusetts Bay in 1761, no one was admitted as a barrister who had not practised three years in the inferior court, and no one but a barrister could appear before that court either in the trial of causes or arguing questions of law. It was the practice for them to wear the black silk gowns, bands, and wigs used by the barristers of England. This prac- tice seems to have been discontinued for a few years, but was resumed at the close of the Revolution and again given up a few years after. In John Adams's diary, this appears : " The bar has at last introduced a regular progress to the gown and seven years must be the state of probation." At that time three years' study in the office of a reputed attorney was required for an admission to the office of attorney at law. After the admission as attorney, two years' practice was required before the practitioner became a counsellor at law, and after two years' practice as a counsellor he attained the rank of barrister. In 1S06 the profession was divided into two ranks, attorneys and counsellors ; but a few years after, all distinction between attorneys and counsellors was abol- ished by the revised statutes. 1723] LAWYERS 227 court ; the duties of attorneys were to prepare causes for trial, draft the pleadings, advise clients, draw contracts, make deeds and wills, and do other work of lawyers, excepting the trial of cases in the higher courts. The office of barrister was regarded as one of great dignity, and while he might do the work of an attorney, it was rather beneath him. There were no barristers in Middleboro, and only three in the colony. They were James Hovey, Pelham Winslow of Plymouth, and Oakes Angier of Bridgewater. After the Revolution, those who had been known as barristers assumed the title of coun- sellors, and it was not until the early part of the last cen- tury that those admitted to the bar were called attorneys and counsellors at law. Samuel Prince began the practice of the law about the year 1723, but as a counsellor rather than as an advocate. Elkanah Leonard was much employed in the courts until his mental condition forced his retirement. The following is the list of lawyers who have been, or who are now, in practice in Middleboro : — George D. Alden Dennis D. Sullivan Bert J. Allan John C. Sullivan Hercules Cushman George Fox Tucker, Zachariah Eddy Francis M. Vaughan Elkanah Leonard Eliab Ward Samuel Prince James Washburn Everett Robinson Nathan Washburn George W. Stetson Wilkes Wood Isaac Stevens William H. Wood Samuel Prince was the first lawyer who ever lived in the town of Middleboro. Before taking up his residence here, he practised law in Sandwich and in Rochester, and in 1723 he ^ ^b «** ■ moved to Middleboro, where ^ *•»<***- /Vivir. Josiah Sturtevant, a physician in practice in the town of Halifax before the Revolutionary War. He early espoused the cause of the king, and on account of his pronounced utterances against 1 in- patriot cause, was compelled to leave the town and flee to Boston, He was there appointed a surgeon in the British army, but died soon after, and was buried under the Old South Meeting-House, Hoston. The following letter illustrates the feeling that existed at the time on the part of the loyalists : — August is, 1775. My dear husband departed this life at Hoston in his lifly-lifth year where he was driven l>y a mad and deluded mob for no other offence but his loyally to his sovereign. God forgive them and grant that his death mav lie sanctified to me and our children for om souls everlasting good. Lois Sturtevant. 240 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1774 Dr. Stephen Powers practised as a physician in Eddy- ville from 1760 to 1774. During his residence in town he was prominent in its affairs, and for a time was the leader of the choir in the First Church. He was so influenced by the general talk of the better opportunities for enterprising young men in what was then known as "up country," that with many other citizens he moved to Woodstock in 1774. While a resident of Middleboro he lived in the Harrison Clark house, and was then and ever after an earnest supporter of liberty in the stirring events which preceded the Revolution. After the battle of Lexington he came to Boston, and at the battle of Bunker Hill he rendered great assistance in caring for the wounded. He married Lydia Drew in 1760, and died in Woodstock, November 27, 1809, aged seventy-four years. He was the grandfather of Hiram Powers, the sculptor. Dr. Arad Thompson was born December 30, 1786. He was the son of Wil- liam Thompson, a large land-owner in Middle- boro, and a brother of Cephas Thompson, the celebrated portrait painter. He married Mercy, a daughter of Hon. William Bourne, in December, 18 16. He served for some thirteen years as ad- jutant of the Fourth Regiment of the mili- tia of this district. He was representative to the General Court x in 1825. He died April 23, 1843, at the age of fifty-six years. 1 Dr. Arad Thompson was for many years the moderator of the town meetings. DR. ARAB THOMPSON lS20] PHYSICIANS 24I Dr. Morrill Robinson was a much-beloved physician, who practised forty-five years in North Mid- dleboro. (See chapter on Titi- cut.) DR. MORRILL ROBINSON Dr. George King was born in Rochester, July 5, 1822. He received his medical ed- ucation in New York, and suc- ceeded to the practice of Dr. Hitchcock in Middleboro, in 1849. He practised from 1848 until 1857, when he moved to Franklin. In 1852 he married Lucy Ann Eddy, a daughter of William S. Eddy. August 14, 1862, he was appointed assistant surgeon of the Sixteenth Mas- sachusetts Regiment, and continued to serve in that capacity until March 18, 1864, when he was appointed surgeon of the Twenty-ninth Massachusetts Regiment by the War De- partment. He was taken prisoner at Fort Stedman and con- fined for a short time in Libby Prison. He died in May, 1902. Dr. Henry D. Hitchcock was born in Westminster, Ver- mont, in 1820. He was in practice but a short time, as he was killed in a railroad accident, February 23, 1847. So sure was he of being chosen to this office, which he always expected, that a wag suggested that it would be appropriate for him to call the town meeting to order and request the voters to bring in their votes for Dr. Arad Thompson as moderator. 242 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1864 Dr. Ebenezer W. Drake was born in Sharon, Mass., in 181 5. He entered Brown University in 1839, remaining there three years, then entered the medi- cal school in Balti- more, Md. After pursuing his studies there for a while, he continued them with Dr. Winslow Lewis of Boston, and was graduated in 1846 from the Harvard Medical School. He mar- ried Mary E. Capen, a daughter of the late Dr. Robert Capen of Boston. He practised in town from 1847 to the time of his death in 1887. Dr. Drake was influential in all town affairs, religious, educational, and political. He was a member of the school committee of the town for twenty-five years, and one of the first appointed medical examiners for southeastern Massachusetts, holding the office during his life- time. DR. EBENEZER W. DRAKE Dr. Henry Sutton Burgess Smith was born in Bridge- water, Maine, July 12, 1838. After graduating from Bowdoin College in 1 861, he taught school in Brunswick, and on August 26, 1862, he married Ophelia, daughter of Jason and Mary Cheney Ripley of New Hampshire. His ambition was to become a physician, and in the midst of school duties he studied hard. In April, 1864, he was commissioned as assistant surgeon of the Thirty-second Regiment Maine Volunteers, and started with the regiment for active service in Virginia. He was in i8 7 S] PHYSICIANS 243 battles at the James, Petersburg, Cold Harbor, and the Wil- derness, where he rendered valuable service. At the close of the war he attended a course of lectures at Berkshire Medi- cal College, then settled in Bowdoin, Maine, where he had a large practice. On the death of Dr. Comstock he moved to Middleboro, and continued in practice till his death, October 31, 1894. Dr. William W. Comstock was born in Smithfield, R. I., March 23, 1801. In 1826 he married Saba, daughter of Thomas Sturtevant. In 1829 he went to Buckfield, Maine, and at one time was elected as its representa- tive in the state legislature for a year. At the death of George Sturte- vant, he settled in Middleboro, where he remained until his death. In the early part of his practice he lived in the Sturtevant house, and after- wards moved to the Four Corners. He was a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, of the American Medical Society, and of the Bristol South District Medical Society. He was a man much respected and esteemed, not only as an eminent and skilful physician, but as a good citizen. Before his death he had the following motto printed for his grandchil- dren, " Power of thought is the only true measure of intellect, as force of principle is the only true measure of moral great- ness." He died October 20, 1878. DR. WILLIAM W. COMSTOCK 244 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1867 Dr. George Walter Snow was born in Rochester, Sep- tember 30, 1800, and was in active practice at the Rock and South Middleboro until his death, May 7, 1867. His parents died when he was young, and he was brought up in Providence in the home of his uncle, Hon. Tris- tram Burgess, then a member of Con- gress. He stud- ied medicine with Dr. John Perkins of South Middle- boro and surgery at Harvard. He married Jane H. Hines, August 23, 1832, but left no children. He was a member of the Rock Baptist Church and is buried in that cemetery. DR. GEORGE W. SNOW The following is a list of physicians who have been in prac- tice recently in Middleboro : — Joseph C. Baker, William Chamberlain, Chapin, C. S. Cummings, Benjamin Eldridge, George L. Ellis, Winsor F. Fryer, Gilman, Edward I. Hall, Thomas S. Hodgson, Daniel S. Holmes, C. S. Jackson, E. C. Knight, Amos B. Paun, John Perkins, J. H. Sherman, James F. Shurt- leff of Highlands, A. Vincent Smith, William K. Wells, A. C. Wilbur. CHAPTER XVI EDUCATION, LIBRARIES, NEWSPAPERS, POST-OFFICES ITH the exception of the professional men, there were few, if any, residents of the town who had received a college education up to the year 1750, yet the early settlers appreciated the value of sound learning. As early as 1663 the General Court at Plymouth recommended that the several townships within its jurisdiction should take some course by which every town should have a schoolmaster for the training of the children in reading and writing. In 1677 it was enacted, 1 — "That in whatsoever townshipp in this Gov r ment consist- ing of fifty families or upwards ; any meet man shalbe obtained to teach a Gramer Scoole such townshipp shall allow att least twelve pounds in currant merchantable pay to be raised by rate on all the Inhabitants of such Towne and those that have the more emediate benefitt thereof by theire Childrens good and generall good shall make up the resedue nessesarie to maintaine the same and that the profitts ariseing of the Cape Fishing ; heertofore ordered to maintaine a Grarner Scoole in this Collonie, be destributed to such Townes as have such Gramer Scooles for the maintainance therof ; not exceeding five pounds p anum to any such Towne unless the Court Treasurer or other appointed to manage that affaire see good cause to adde thereunto to any respective Towne not exceed- ing five pounds more p r anum, and further this Court orders that every such Towne as consists of seaventy families or upwards and hath not a gramer scoole therein shall allow and pay unto the next towne which hath such Gramer scoole kept up amongst them, the sum of five pounds p annum in currant merchantable pay, to be levied on the Inhabitants of such defective townes by rate and gathered and delivered by the Constables of such Townes as by warrant from any Majestrate of this Jurisdiction shalbe required." 1 Plymouth ColoJiy Laws, p. 185. 246 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [17 10 In 1706 we find by vote of the town John Bennett x was " to keep a free school and he doth engage to teach all to read, write and cast accounts as shall come to him to be taught." His service as schoolmaster could not have been long, as in 1709 the grand jury found a bill against the town for not hav- ing, or not being provided with, a schoolmaster according to law. What course they pursued in reference to this action on the part of the grand jury does not appear. A town meeting was held on the 1st of March, 1709, probably as a result of that action, and Ephraim Wood was employed to be the school- master. His salary for such service to be "as the selectmen and he can agree for the year." The next mention we have of a school in town is that recorded on the 1st of March, 171 1, when the town agreed with Eleazer Lewis " to teach all that shall come to him to be taught upon the same terms as was agreed with the schoolmaster for the last year." In 1713 2 a committee was appointed to choose a teacher; again, in 1715, we find a Mr. Gardner was employed " to keep school at the meeting house this ensuing quarter of the year." The grand jury, in 17 16, found a bill against the town for not being pro- vided with a teacher, and on May 18, 1716, " Mr. John Morton was chosen to answer the town's presentment for want of a 1 John Bennett, who taught school in 1703, made the following entries in his note-book : — Scollers com to begin the scole R Elizabeth Voge - - - May 10, 1703 r William Ring May 17 George Barrale 16 weeke October y e 18-1703 Captain Warrens Children 6 weeke October 18 M r Tonus 2 Children 2 weeke October 18 3 days M r Shirtlife weeks October 18 1 week 3 days 3 days M r Barnabie weeks October 18 1 week 3 days 2 At the town meeting March 8, 17 13-14, the town made choice of Mr. Ro- dolphus Elms, Mr. Nathaniel Winslow, and Mr. Nathaniel Southworth, " to be a committee in the town's behalf to seek out a schoolmaster to serve the town for this present year, or so much of the year as they shall agree for, and the town voted to pay said schoolmaster what said committee shall agree with him for which schoolmaster shall be removed four times a year for the benefit of the several neighborhoods in the town." i75°] EDUCATION 247 school master." As a result of the action of the grand jury, four schools were appointed to be kept in different parts of the town. These were taught by Thomas Roberts, who spent two or three months in each school. 1 It appears, however, that there were no schoolhouses, but it was the teacher's habit to gather the children in different neighborhoods at some dwell- ing-house and instruct them for a few weeks during each year. Among the teachers we find Mr. Foster, a relative of Madam Morton, Nathaniel Morton, the father of Governor Marcus Mor- ton, and Miss Anna Dilley, a quick, self-reliant little woman, who wrote poems, and lived by herself in the schoolhouse surrounded by an orchard near the residence of Deacon Abiel Wood. The low ceilings were covered with unpainted pine boards, and a large open fireplace occupied one corner of the schoolroom ; the desks were arranged upon three sides, and the older scholars sat with their backs to the master. Some of the older inhabitants remember the little red schoolhouse in Muttock opposite the house where Asaph Churchill lived. This was probably one of the oldest in town, built before the Revolutionary War through the influence of Judge Oliver. Not long after, others were erected, at least one in Eddyville, and possibly one within the bounds of the present town of Lakeville. Soon after the Revolutionary War there were schoolhouses in many neighborhoods, and before the middle of the last century there were forty, possibly more than within any other town of the size in the commonwealth. Schools were held in the summer and winter months, the 1 At a town meeting May iS, 1716, the town voted that Mr. Thomas Roberts " shall be the town schoolmaster for one year next ensuing, and that the town will pay him for the same ^20 a year and find his board, and that he shall keep school each quarter of the year at a several quarter of the town, that so the whole town may have the benefit thereof in the year's time, and that the town shall be divided into quarters by a committee appointed by the town, and that each quarter of the town shall have the privilege of keeping the school in such places as they shall find to be most for their general benefit, and also for boarding said schoolmaster at such place as may be most convenient. The men appointed for the aforesaid committee are John Morton, Samuel Eaton, Peter Bennet, and Jacob Thomson, which said committee shall also determine which quarter of the town the school shall first be kept in." 248 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1800 summer schools being taught usually by young women, while the winter schools were invariably taught by men. There were always a number of men and women who were well equipped to teach the rudiments of education as required in the district schools, so that the teachers were usually residents of the town. The winter school commenced on the first Monday after Thanksgiving, and continued from two to four months, as the number of pupils in the different schools warranted. The summer schools commenced about the first Monday in May, and continued during the summer. On the first day of the winter term, the names of pupils were taken, their places in class determined, and a " fire list " made out. This list con- tained the names of the larger boys, whose duty it was to see to the building of fires each day. After school closed at night, the boy appointed gathered wood, locked the schoolhouse door, and took the key preparatory to early work there in the morn- ing, — that the fire might be in readiness, a bucket of water drawn, and the room swept. Wood was furnished by those living in that district in pieces from eight to ten feet in length. The larger boys would cut it ; the smaller ones would pile it neatly, ready for use. There were various methods of punishing the unruly ; the simplest, but effective, was to make a small boy sit with the little girls. The children were not spoiled, if sparing the rod was the cause, for the white birch rod and ferule were used frequently on the larger boys to maintain discipline, and the teacher was usually respected for his strength. The teacher "boarded round" with the parents, a certain number of days for each pupil in part payment of wages. The average pay of the men who taught the winter schools was about the same as that received by skilled mechanics of the time, while the women who taught the summer schools received very much less. One of the most intelligent and honored men in the early history of the town said, " The only instruction I ever received was the six weeks' schooling during the winter months of the school at Muttock." In considering this seemingly meagre education, it must be remembered that these men read care- iSoo] EDUCATION 249 fully and with thought the few books they had. This gave them a mental discipline and grasp of affairs which enabled them to fill positions with honor and credit. As the population increased and the business of the differ- ent neighborhoods changed from time to time, the boundary lines of the school districts were subject to frequent altera- tions ; in many instances the population so diminished that the district was abolished, the schoolhouse removed, and the children were sent to adjoining neighborhoods for their edu- cation. These changes have been frequent, and in the latter years have been radical, so that, by a provision of the legisla- ture of Massachusetts, the towns were authorized to transport scholars from one part of the town to the other to save expense, rather than maintain a school in the respective districts. In each of these, school agents were chosen by the districts and approved by the next town meeting ; they were authorized to engage the teachers for the ensuing year and to look after the various interests of the school in connection with the com- mittee. The teachers, before entering upon their duties, had to pass a satisfactory examination. Before high schools were established, children desiring to fit for college, or to continue their studies in the higher branches of learning, were sent to some of the numerous academies which at this time existed all through New England. HIGH SCHOOL The New England academies had for many generations done much to foster a more extended education than could be acquired in the district schools. The advantage to be derived from such a course of study was apparent, and it was felt that the state should furnish means so that all should have the advantages which academies afforded for advanced study. This idea so generally prevailed that the legislature had passed a general law that "Any town containing five hundred families shall, beside the common schools, maintain a school to be kept by a master 25O HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1850 of competent ability and good morals, who shall, in addition to the branches of learning already mentioned, give instruc- tion in History of the United States, Book-keeping, Surveying, and Algebra, and such schools must be kept for the advan- tage of the inhabitants of the town ten months at least in each year." For many years this law had been a dead letter in our town, until the establishment of the high school, for which we are specially indebted to Mr. Thomas Covington, who for years had been a noted teacher in the district school. He was a man of superior intelligence, appreciating the value of learning, and was desirous that his own children should be further instructed without going to the great expense of sending them to an academy. He had for some time made a strong appeal that the town should establish a high school. His endeavors seem to have been disregarded, until at last he threatened to com- mence legal proceedings against the town unless they estab- lished such a school as the law required. He followed this mat- ter with such persistency that an article was inserted in the warrant for town meeting to be held the 6th of August, 1849, and, after much opposition, the town voted "to establish a high school as the law directs." In the school committee's report for the years 1849 an ^ 1850, which was the first printed, they make this statement : — " Your committee have attended to the duty assigned to them by the town in relation to the high school and report as follows : The first term commenced in the vestry of the church at the Green, which was under the instruction of Ephraim Ward, Jr. Number of scholars twenty-one. The results were very satis- factory. The second term was taught in the school house, District Number Twenty, Titicut, with the same teacher, num- ber of pupils fifty-five." The committee, however, did not regard the establishing of a high school under compulsion with much favor, as appears by another clause in this report wherein they say : — "Your committee share in the prevalent feeling of the town that the money expended for this school might be more use- I 86sJ EDUCATION 25 1 fully appropriated to the use of the other schools. The probable expense of the school will be about four hundred dollars for the year." The high school was continued with apparently but little success, and after the year 1853, when Lakeville was set off as an independent town, the requisite number of families had so diminished that they were not obliged by law to maintain such a school. No further action was taken until the year 1865, when the legislature enacted that " every town having four thousand inhabitants should maintain a school for all, having a teacher qualified to teach the higher branches and the languages." The committee recommended that such a school be supported, and urged that it would " raise the standard of the town, as the scholars would be ambitious for the honor of being members of the high school." They further suggested that it would be much the better way to have it located in some place near the centre, as the idea of a movable school was not practicable. This was the first definite action taken towards establishing and maintaining a permanent high school. In the year 1 867 the town appropriated one thousand dollars for that purpose, and the committee were instructed to locate such a school in four different sections. For lack of pupils, but two such schools were established, one at the Rock, and later an arrangement was made with the trustees of Peirce Academy that that build- ing should be secured for a high school. In March, 187 1, the town voted three hundred dollars for travelling expenses, and one central high school was held in the Academy build- ing, taught by Professor Jenks ; he so reorganized the course of study that it was completed in three years. It was not until the building of the new town house in 1873 that suitable accommodations were provided, four rooms being set apart as a high school, with Mr. J. H. Willoughby, a graduate of Dart- mouth College, as its principal. Under his management the school was systematized, and at the close of the year, in June, 1876, the first class was graduated. In 1886 the present com- modious building was erected. Since Mr. Willoughby with- drew from his position, the principals have been Dr. Charles 252 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1886 rrn f rrr i rrn t r ~, t1 HIGH SCHOOL S. Ober, A. K. Potter, Jr., and Walter Sampson. Under the latter's management the school has grown, and every year has sent pupils to the various colleges and professional schools of the country. The fondest hopes and expectations of the early founders have been more than realized in the success it has attained. PEIRCE ACADEMY The history of Peirce Academy has been interesting, and under the management of Professor J. W. P. Jenks it did much for the cause of education. During the middle of the last cen- tury there were more than four hundred students who came from all parts of the United States, and some from foreign lands ; its graduates are represented in every profession, and in the various departments of business and industry. In the early part of the last century many of the influential men of the town felt the need of an academic institution, and Major Levi Peirce, who realized the want of a place for public worship in the village at the Four Corners, decided to erect at his own expense an academy building, the lower part to be used for educational purposes, the second story for religious meetings. This plan was carried into effect, and on the 18th iSoS] EDUCATION 253 OLD BAPTIST CHURCH, CHAPEL, AND FIRST ACADEMY day of August, 1808, the building was raised. The following is taken from the records of the institution : — " Academy raised August 18, 1808; prayer on the founda- tion by Rev. Mr. Simeon Coombs. Thanks returned after the raising by the Rev. Mr. Wm. Bentley." The cost of this building, which was paid by Major Levi Peirce, was about two thousand five hundred dollars. Among the records in his handwriting is the following : — " The above academy with the lot on which it stands is given to the Trustees of the Baptist Education Fund by deed including all appurtenances thereto belonging, reserving, how- ever, the hall for holding religious meetings when it does not interfere with the school, and also if said Trustees neglect to keep a school in said Academy for twelve months, it shall return back to its original owner." Signed " L. Peirce." The hall of the Academy building was used by the Baptist Church until its house of worship was built in 1828. At first there were but few pupils in attendance, and the receipts were small. After the institution had been supported for a few years, it was neglected by the trustees of the Baptist Education Fund and so reverted to its original owner. During the first ten 254 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1835 years of its existence, part of the building was used for a dis- trict school in winter and part for academical teaching. The struggle to maintain this academy may be gathered from the memoranda which have come down in the handwriting of the Hon. Wilkes Wood, under the date of March 20, 1817 : — " The subscribers proposing to institute a school in the academy building at the Four Corners in Middleboro for one year do agree to support the same for said term in proportion to the numbers set against our respective names, provided there shall be twenty shares subscribed for." These names, with the number of shares taken, are as follows : — Wilkes Wood 3 Levi Peirce 2 Abiel Washburn 3 William Bourne 1 Levi Briggs 1 P. H. Peirce 2 John Shaw 1 George Leonard 1 James Sproat 1 Arad Thompson 1 Thomas Weston 3 Zachariah Eddy 1 Zachariah Weston 1 The result of this, with the interest taken by the above gentlemen, was that it was kept alive, and but a small amount of the money subscribed was paid. The next year the same gentlemen agreed to contribute globes for the use of the acad- emy. There seem to be no further records until the time of its incorporation in 1835. The incorporators and trustees were as follows : John Allen, John O. Choules, Harvey Fitz, Peter H. Peirce, Isaac Stevens, Wilkes Wood, Avery Briggs, Elisha Tucker, and James A. Leonard. The various principals connected with the school have been as follows : Hercules Cushman, Esq., Rev. Charles Wheeler, Mr. Hezekiah Battelle, Jr., Rev. Isaac Kimball, Rev. B. F Farnsworth, Abraham G. Randall, Rev. Leonard Tobey, Rev. Avery Briggs, and Professor John W. P. Jenks. The act of incorporation was the turning-point in the history of the academy. From the first it had fitted students for col- lege, competing without an endowment with other institutions i8 5 o] EDUCATION 255 BAPTIST CHURCH AND SECOND ACADEMY largely endowed, but it did not obtain great success until the year 1842, when Professor Jenks became its principal. From that time its reputation was not excelled by any academy in Massachusetts. When Mr. Jenks first took charge, it was entirely destitute of proper equipments, and it was the first duty of the princi- pal to supply this deficiency. By almost Herculean labor, by denying himself his salary and the aid of an assistant male teacher, he was able after a few years to secure suitable appa- ratus and a cabinet of natural history specimens. 1 In 1850 the reputation of the academy was so extended that more com- modious quarters were needed ; it had outgrown the old build- ing, which was sold for three hundred and thirty-five dollars. With this as a nucleus, the principal undertook the erection of another building at a cost of ten thousand dollars, one half of which was raised by private individuals through the solici- tations of the principal, and the remainder, assumed by him, was not repaid until the summer of 1855. After this, the first effort of the principal was to establish 1 In 1S79 tn i s museum was presented to the South Jersey Institute in Bridgeton, where it is now known as the Peirce Collection. Guild Memorial address. 256 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [186: an English department of a high order, together with a clas- sical and a mathematical department, which were placed in the hands of separate teachers ; music, drawing, painting, and biology were also taught. With this equipment, the institution soon outgrew its second building, and it was found necessary in 1853 to enlarge this to its present size by adding to both front and rear. For ten years it was barely sufficient to accommodate the in- creasing number of stu- dents who desired to avail themselves of its opportunities. With the establishment of hi^h schools in almost every town, affording facilities for an education without charge to pupils, this was given up in common with other unendowed academies in Massachu- setts, and after service of about thirty years, Professor Jenks resigned to take charge of the department of Natural History at Brown University. John Whipple Potter Jenks was born in West Boylston, May 1, 1 8 19, and was the oldest son of Dr. Nicholas Jenks, a phy- sician of that place. When thirteen years old he determined, through the influence of Dr. Messer, to obtain, if possible, a collegiate education. With great self-denial he was fitted for college, and by his own exertions met his expenses and was graduated with credit, having won a reputation for industry and scholarship which followed him all his life. He taught in a small village school in Georgia, and in 1840, having in the mean time prepared himself for the ministry, he accepted a call as a colleague of Dr. Mercer over the Baptist Church in PROFESSOR J. W. P. JENKS 1892] EDUCATION 257 Washington, Wilkes County, Georgia. Here he labored about a year, occupying the pulpit Sunday morning and conducting the prayer and conference meeting through the week. Among his hearers were Robert Toombs, Alexander H. Stevens, and other noted men of the South. When Dr. Mercer's health failed, he was unanimously invited to become the pastor of that church, although not twenty-one years of age. This he declined, not having as careful a theological training as he deemed necessary, and after remaining for two years in the South as a teacher in a seminary for women and adjunct pro- fessor in Mercer University, he accepted the invitation of Major Levi Peirce to become the principal of Peirce Academy. In 1872 he was appointed Professor of Agricultural Zoology and Curator of the Museum of Natural History at Brown University, where he remained until his death on the 26th of September, 1892. At the time of this appointment his large collection was removed from Middleboro and enriched their zoological cabinet ; to this he added many rare specimens during the latter part of his professorship from his extensive journeys in the South. He was the author of the greater part of Steele's "Fourteen Weeks in Zoology," and in 1886 revised and rewrote that book, making it a most acceptable and popular text-book. During the many years that he was principal of Peirce Academy, and later when connected with the university, he exerted a wide and helpful influence over all who came under his instruction. Perhaps there is no- thing in past years which has added so much to the reputation of Middleboro and made it so widely known as Peirce Acad- emy and its beloved principal. During the years following, the academy was taught by Dr. Charles Green, Professor Willard T. Leonard, and George W. Coffin. After it ceased to be used for academic purposes, it reverted, in accordance with the terms of the original founder, to the Central Baptist Society. Since that time it has been used for different purposes, for the Young Men's Christian Association, as a Post of the Grand Army, a lodge of the Sons of Temperance, etc. 258 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1864 TITICUT ACADEMY In 1856, by an act of the legislature, this academy was in- corporated, the expenses of the land and the buildings being secured by contributions of fifty dollars each from various individuals. The late Zebulon Pratt was largely instrumental in obtaining the act of incorporation, securing the necessary funds, and erecting the buildings. It remained as an academy for nine years, supported by the tuitions and contributions from friends. During this time it was taught by the follow- ing gentlemen : T. Newton Snow, Roland F. Alger, Arthur Lake, Nathan E. Willis, Lucien D. Fay, John Shaw, Barton F. Blake, and Linus A. Gould. In 1864 the shareholders voted to convey the property to Enoch Pratt 1 of Baltimore, who had expressed a wish to endow 1 The following is a copy of the deed of the Titicut Academy building : — Know all men by these presents that we the undersigned stockholders in the Titicut Academy situated in North Middleboro in the County of Plymouth do hereby sell and convey unto Enoch Pratt of Baltimore all the right, title and interest in the real and personal estate connected therewith and all shares of stock that we hold therein, to have and to hold the same to him his heirs and assigns forever. Nevertheless upon the following trust and conditions, namely, the said Pratt is to establish a Free School in the academy building now owned by said proprietors for the benefit of all the children residing within two and one half miles of said academy who are above the age of eight years, the same to be placed under the control of a board of Trustees to be appointed by said Pratt with the power of filling vacancies, the said board of Trustees to be Incorporated and to hold such estate for the purpose above specified for ever, and upon the fur- ther consideration that the said Pratt convey said estate to the said Trustees and endow the said Institution with a fund not less than Ten Thousand Dollars, the income of which is to be expended in keeping said academy building in repair and supporting Teacher or Teachers in said Institution and for the purchase of a library, apparatus, and for other necessary expenses connected therewith. Witness our hands and Seal Witness Wm. H. Wood Ebenezer Shaw Zebulon Pratt Daniel L. Hay ward Isaac Pratt Jr. Ex r will of Isaac Pratt A. F. Hooper Elijah E. Perkins Vassal Keith Morrill Robinson Otis W. Hathaway Albert G. Pratt Paul Hathaway Jared Pratt 2 d Bela Forbes Abraham Perkins Edwin Holmes Solomon White Holder W. Keith Job H. Johnson i86 5 ] EDUCATION 2 59 the school. Other citizens 1 besides the shareholders contributed money for necessary repairs and alterations in the building. On receiving the deed from the stockholders, Mr. Pratt sent the following letter : — Baltimore, Jan. 20th 1865. To Messrs. Zebulon Pratt, Dr. Morrill Robinson, Augustus Pratt, Rev. E. G. Little, N. F. C. Pratt. I wish to endow a free school for both sexes to be always located near the pre- sent meeting house in Titicut, North Middleboro, Mass., for the benefit of all children over eight years of age within the limits of Titicut Parish or a radius of two and one half miles, as my Trustees may determine. I appoint you a board of five Trustees to establish and organ- ize said Free School leaving all the details proper for its gov- ernment and future management to your judgement and dis- cretion, your num- ber to be always kept up, when a vacancy occurs you and your Lysander Richmond Jonathan Richmond James M. Alden Nathan Williams Samuel Keith Emory Johnson Earl H. Cushman William Shaw I. Sanford Wilbar Lucy Shaw Justin Andrews Job Hall Plymouth ss. Dec. 9" 1 1864 Then personaly appeared Zebulon Pratt and acknowledged the above to be his free act and deed of the Titicut Academy before me Wm. H. Wood Justice of the Peace. 1 Christopher C. K. Pratt, Jeremiah K. Pratt, Augustus Pratt, Hosea Wash- burn, and Seth Washburn. ENOCH PRATT 26o HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i86 S successors shall immediately fill such vacancy by a judicious selection from the capable male inhabitants of said Parish. Being informed the owners of the academy building and ground are willing to convey the same in fee simple free of all debt or incumbrance to such School, and that a proper char- ter free of taxa- tion can be ob- tained from your Legislature with a capital not exceed- ing $25,000 in per- sonal and real es- tate, I therefore propose to transfer after the first of April next Two Hundred Shares of the Stock of the Philadelphia, Wil- mington & Balti- more Railroad, the par value of Fifty Dollars each, now worth about Sixty- eight dollars per share. — The in- come from which to be devoted to the support of suit- able teachers to keep said free school open during all the scholastic terms, commencing about the first of September. — Also to keep the building insured, in repair, and the grounds in order, and I hope a moderate amount from said income may be devoted each year to the increase of a circulating library to be attached to the school, and for the free use of all the inhabitants of said Titicut Parish, but under no circumstances is the capital to be at any time expended or diminished. If at any time it produces no income, it is my wish the School to be kept up as far as possible by a moderate charge for tuition. I impose upon you and your successors to guard the capital with care, giving you full authority to invest, and reinvest, the same as PRATT FREE SCHOOL 1865] EDUCATION 26l in your judgement you deem proper, as I make this endow- ment solely for the benefit of the constant rising generation of my native place. I hope and trust the present and future generations will take such an interest in this free school as to guard it and its funds in the most sacred manner. I also authorize you and your successors to enlarge or di- minish limits and also the ages for the first admission of chil- dren, and also to take scholars from a distance under proper charges, but in no event to deprive the children as above named from having a preference, and a chance for a free education, I wish every youth to have the advantage to acquire a good English education. Trusting gentlemen without further details you will be able to establish and carry on this free school and to transfer it in a flourishing condition to your successors as time brings them forward, and I shall be pleased to receive notice of your acceptance of this trust, and with best wishes for the success of the school I am your obt Servant Enoch Pratt. Baltimore, Feb. 21st, 1S68. To the Trustees of Pratt Free School. Enclosed I hand you certificate for $10,000 U. S. 5/20 Stock interest from Nov. last in gold at Boston and worth to-day $11,000, which I add to the fund the income for the support of your School Library & Repairs. Yours Respectfully Enoch Pratt. In accordance with the offer of Mr. Pratt, in 1865, it was incorporated under the name of the Pratt Free School, 1 with 1 The act of incorporation is as follows : — COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty five An Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Pratt Free School. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same as. follows Sec. i.— Zebulon Pratt, Augustus Pratt, Nathan F. C. Pratt, Morrill Robin- son, Elbridge C. Little and their successors are hereby incorporated under the name of the Trustees of the Pratt Free School to establish and maintain a school to be located in Titicut Parish in the Town of Middleborough with all the 262 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1868 Zebulon Pratt, Augustus Pratt, Nathan F. C. Pratt, Morrill Rob- inson, and Elbridge G. Little and their successors as trustees. The act of incorporation provides that the school shall be maintained upon terms and conditions in accordance with the previous communication of Mr. Pratt to the trustees. In addi- tion to the fund originally given, Enoch Pratt from time to time added to it, until now it amounts to fifty thousand dollars. The following persons have had charge of the school as principals since its organization : Moses C. Mitchell, Earl Ingals, George G. Pratt, E. H. Peabody, H. B. Lawrence, T. W. Tilton, C. S. Jackson, B. J. Allen, H. LeBaron Samp- son, and Elmer W. Barstow. duties, liabilities and restrictions set forth in the general laws which now are or may hereafter be in force relating to such corporations. Sec. 2. — Said Trustees may hold both real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars to be devoted exclusively to educational purposes according to the intent of Enoch Pratt of Baltimore the founder of said School as set forth in the third section of the Act. Sec. 3. — Said Trustees shall maintain a free School in said Titicut Parish in the Town of Middleborough for youth of both Sexes during thirty-six weeks at least of each year so long as the income of the fund and estate held by them is sufficient for that purpose. The qualifications of the pupils to be received and the territorial extent of the School district shall be determined by the Trustees. Sec. 4. — Any vacancies occurring in said board of Trustees may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Trustees at any meeting so called for that purpose, Provided no person shall serve as a Trustee who is not a resident of said Titicut Parish. Sec. 5. — The Corporation heretofore established or under the name of the Titicut Academy in said town of Middleborough is hereby authorized to transfer and convey to the Trustees of the Pratt Free School all the real and personal estate which it now holds and upon such transfer said Titicut Academy shall cease to have any further corporate existence. Provided that all the outstanding liabilities thereof shall be assumed by said Trustees of the Pratt Free School and that the rights of any creditor of said Titicut Academy shall not be affected thereby. Sec. 6. — This Act shall take effect upon its passage. House of Representatives, March 13 th 1865 passed to be enacted. Alexander H. Bullock, Speaker. In Senate, March 15 th 1865 passed to be enacted March 16 th 1865. I. E. Field President. Approved, John A. Andrew, April 18 th 1865. A true Copy, Oliver Warner, Secretary of the Commonwealth. 1832] EDUCATION, LIBRARIES 263 In 1850 the Rev. Mr. Roberts, an English clergyman of ability, purchased an estate on the shores of Great Ouittacus, the grounds of which he laid out with care and expense after the style of the English parks. At the same time he estab- lished a Young Ladies' School, which was quite generally patronized for several years. At the time of his death in 1864 the school was given up, and the building afterwards became the residence of his son, A. J. Roberts. Mr. S. W. Marston established a boarding-school for boys on Grove Street about the year 1854. Some few years after that, about 1859, ne was succeeded by the Rev. Perez Lincoln Cushing, whose school was attended by pupils from different parts of the state. Mr. Cushing was assisted by his wife, who was formerly Miss Lavinia M. Parker, a preceptress of Peirce Academy for many years. Upon the death of Mr. Cushing it was conducted by Amos H. Eaton, under the name of the Eaton Family School, until 1898. LIBRARIES In the early part of the century an organization known as the Philological Society was formed for the purpose of read- ing, obtaining information, and diffusing knowledge in the community. The membership included the clergymen and prominent men of the town. Public meetings were often held in the First Church, at which there was either a debate upon some question of interest or an address upon historical or liter- ary subjects. These meetings were largely attended, and were regarded as among the important gatherings of the town. After this society had been in existence some twenty-five years, it seems to have been given up, and its books were purchased by the Middleboro Social Library, an association organized in June, 1832. The funds for its support were raised by sub- scription in sums from five to twenty dollars ; the library was owned by shareholders, and contained several hun- dred volumes, some of them of great value. This was main- tained with more or less interest for some twenty years, when 264 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1874 PUBLIC LIBRARY most of the books had disappeared and the organization was virtually extinct. Some time after 1870 the question of hav- ing a town library began to be discussed, and at a town meet- ing held on the 19th of September, 1874, it was voted to estab- lish the Middleboro Public Library, and to choose a board of nine trustees, who were to serve without compensation. Their duties were to select books and properly organize such a library as would be of service to the inhabitants of the town. About a year was spent by the trustees in obtaining books from dif- ferent sources, in making a catalogue, and in properly arrang- ing them for the convenience of the public. The library was formally opened September 27, 1875. The trustees succeeded in collecting many of the volumes which had formerly belonged to the old Social Library, as well as a few books from the Middleboro Agricultural Library, organized in i860. They also received books from Peirce Academy and from the Young Men's Christian Association, which at that time had been abandoned. Many of the citizens of Middleboro contributed liberally either in books or in funds for this purpose. 1904] LIBRARIES 265. Upon its opening, there were about two thousand volumes,, some of them of rare value. It was first located in the north corner room of the town hall. After the erection of the high school building in 1886 and 1887, the library was moved to the rooms formerly occupied by the school, and in March, 1904, to the new building. During the first year of its organi- zation, in addition to the appropriations of the town, money was raised by contribution, public lectures, and other means. In 1899 the sum of $10,000 was received as a bequest from the will of the late Enoch Pratt of Baltimore, the income of which is used for its support. By the generous provision in the will of the late Thomas S. Peirce, a large and commodi- ous building has been erected upon North Main Street upon the site of the old garden of its liberal benefac- tor, who bequeathed the sum of $50,000 for that purpose. It is of brick and stone, with a large read- ing-room, a young people's room, and rooms for the trustees, besides the delivery and stack rooms for books. There are about twelve thousand volumes in the main library, and the stack-room is planned to contain sixty thousand. Another legacy by the same donor gives $50,000 for the purchase of books and periodicals. The officers of the library have been as follows : — Presidents : William H. Wood, 1874-75 I William R. Peirce, 1875-95 ; Calvin D. Kingman, 1896 to present time. Secretary and Treasurer: Joseph E. Beals, 1874 to present time. THOMAS SPROAT PEIRCE 266 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1704 Librarians: N. Josephine Bullard, 1875-83; Charles M. Thatcher, 1883-84; Adelaide K. Thatcher, 1884 to present time. 1 NEWSPAPERS We have spoken of the taverns as news centres, where the gossip of the town was learned, and where tidings from the outside world were brought as travellers stopped to rest. In the olden time this social intercourse was the usual method of disseminating news. The printing of newspapers belongs to the nineteenth cen- tury. The first one in America, "Publick Occurrences," which appeared September 25, 1690, was discontinued shortly after its publication. Soon a paper was issued weekly in Phila- delphia, but in Boston the first daily, "The Boston News- Letter," was published April 20, 1704. This was printed on two pages of large folio sheets, the other two pages being blank so that letters could be written on that side ; a bit 1 The following have been trustees : — William H. Wood, 1874-82. William R. Peirce, 1874-96. George Brayton, 1874-97, and 189s to present time. Abner L. Westgate, 1874-86. Joseph E. Beals, 1874 to present time. James M. Coombs, 1874-1900. W. Clarkson Ryder, 1874-77. Willard T. Leonard, 1874-75. N. F. C. Pratt, 1874. Noah C. Perkins, 1875-80. Edward S. Hathaway, 1876 to present time. Everett Robinson, 1877-97. Warren H. Southworth, 1881 to present time. James H. Willoughby, 1883-86. Amos H. Eaton, 18S6-88. Calvin U. Kingman, 1SS7 to present time. Andrew M. Wood, 18S9 to present time. Nathan Washburn, 1896 to present time. Millard F. Johnson, 1897 and 1898. David G. Pratt, 1S99 to present time. Warren B. Stetson, 1900-03. Kenelm Winslow, 1903 to present time. 1852J NEWSPAPERS 267 of economy and convenience much appreciated by merchants and business men, who could thus send public news with pri- vate messages. Soon other papers were printed, so that there were one thousand two hundred and fifty-eight published in this country by 1835, the year in which Middleboro's first paper appeared. Although there had been a printing-office in East Middle- boro before the Revolution, from which almanacs, hand-bills, and small pamphlets had been issued, there seems to have been no newspaper in town until about the year 1835, when the "Old Colony Democrat," which had been published by Benjamin Drew, Jr., in Plymouth, was moved from that place to Middleboro Four Corners. Mr. Drew was an able editor, and a business man of sagacity, but for some reason the paper was not a success and was discontinued. About this time Benjamin Crandon began the publication of a small weekly paper, called the "Essay and Literary Journal," which was not long-lived. In 1852 Mr. Samuel P. Brown edited the " Namasket Ga- zette," a small weekly printed on a sheet seventeen by twenty- four inches. For a country paper devoted especially to local news, it obtained quite a circulation, when in 1854 it was sold to Rev. Stillman Pratt, who changed its name to the " Middle- boro Gazette and Old Colony Advertiser." Mr Pratt was a re- tired clergyman of literary taste and culture. Under his charge the paper gained a wide reputation for the number of histori- cal communications relating to the early history of Plymouth Colony, and particularly relating to historic matters of the town. These communications were from Granville T. Sproat, General Ebenezer W. Peirce, Benjamin Wilder, and others. Mr. Pratt continued as editor and proprietor for about ten years, and at his death the paper passed into the hands of his son, Stillman B. Pratt. In 1869 he sold it to Mr. James M. Coombs, who enlarged it and changed the name to " Middle- boro Gazette." In August, 1894, the paper was purchased by Lorenzo Wood and Wallace Tinkham, who, in connection with this, publish the "Wareham Times." 268 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1770 In 1 88 1 the growth of the town had become such that it was thought two newspapers could be well supported, and Mr. H. H. Sylvester published the " Middleboro News," which in 1901 was enlarged and issued semi-weekly. As an organ of the Republican party it has an extensive circulation, and is now owned and edited by Marcus M. Copeland. POST-OFFICES The early method of sending and delivering letters was rather precarious. In the colonial days before regular post- riders were appointed, letters were carried by chance travellers on horseback. In 1673 the first regular mounted post started from New York to Boston, but it was many years before the smaller towns had any service. In 1773 one Hugh Finlay was appointed postal surveyor from Quebec to St. Augustine. He reported carelessness as to mails and delivery; letters were often left in tavern tap-rooms to be pulled over by any and all loungers who frequented these places, and were thus lost. The early post-riders and stage-coaches plying between Boston and New Bedford and Plymouth, later by way of Taunton, would leave letters and chance papers and parcels at Weston's, Sproat's, or Foster's (Sampson's Tavern). A law was passed forbidding the carrying of letters by pri- vate messenger, as the postmaster's salary was paid according to the number of letters he carried. But these post-riders were chief offenders, carefully pocketing any money paid for postage, and carrying all way-letters at their own profit. No one would complain, lest he offend these petty officials ; it was part of the revolt of the colonies against the oppression of England. Bundles could be carried free by private persons, and to avoid any possible government detection letters were bound up in bundles. The stage-coach between Boston and New Bedford, driven by Rufus Godfrey, passed and stopped at the various taverns along the road : in Dorchester, at one kept by Mr. Eaton, next at Quincy, at Newcomb's Tavern, then through Weymouth, where there were two taverns, to 1804] POST-OFFICES 269 Abington which boasted three, and on to the two taverns at Bridgewater. The last stop, before reaching New Bed- ford, was at Sampson's in Lakeville. The advertised route was : — " New Bedford stage sets off from Waltons and Gales Broom- field Lane [Bromfield St., Boston] Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 4 a. m. and arrives at New Bedford at 4 p. m. leaves New Bedford, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 5 a. in. and arrives in Boston at 4 p. m." In winter and stormy weather the journey took a longer time. The first post-office of Middleboro was established about the year 1804, the office being not far from the present town house in Lakeville. It was a distributing office, and mails were left to be sent to the adjacent towns ; the mail was usually carried on horseback. The rules of the post-office give the fol- lowing as the rates of postage : — For a single letter, 40 miles 8 c 90 tt . . 10 c 150 << . . I2i C 300 n . . 17 c 500 n . . 20 c and over 500 << • • 25 c Magazines and pamphlets, not over 50 miles, 1 cent per sheet ; over 50 miles and not exceeding 100, i£ cent ; over 100 miles, 2 cents. Letters were enclosed in a bag, called a " post mantle," which could be carried on horseback or in the coach. They were usu- ally written upon one sheet, folded without an envelope, and addressed on the outside ; for a letter of two sheets, the post- age was double these rates. In 1 8 16 this tariff was changed by Congress, — a single letter carried not over thirty miles cost six and one-quarter cents, etc. Newspapers under one hundred miles or within the state where published, one cent, etc. A new tariff rate was adopted in 1845, another in 1855, and another in 1872. 27O HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1824-46 The first postmaster was James Washburn, a lawyer, who was then in practice in that part of Middleboro. The post- office continued at this place until 181 1, when it was moved to the Four Corners. In 1893 the system of appointing the postmaster's assist- ants by civil service examination was inaugurated, as was the free delivery of mails. In 1902 the rural districts were in- cluded in the delivery. POSTMASTERS James Washburn, Cyrus Keith, John Smith, Levi Peirce, Allen Shaw, Levi Peirce (second term), Allen Shaw, Jacob B. Shaw, Sidney Tucker, Andrew L. Tinkham, Charles W. Tur- ner, Augustus M. Bearse, Thacher B. Lucas, and Augustus M. Bearse (second term) In 1824 an office was reestablished in that part of Middle- boro now Lakeville, under the name of the Assawampsett post-office. Captain Daniel Smith was the first postmaster, and was succeeded by Elias Sampson, Jr. In 1831 the name was changed to the West Middleboro post-office, and the office was discontinued about the year 1846. In 1833 a post-office was established at Eddyville known as the East Middleboro post-office. The first postmaster was W. F. H. Weld. He was succeeded by Andrew B. Cobb, Nathaniel Eddy, Joshua M. Eddy, Anna C. Eddy, and William Pratt. In 1 82 1 a post-office was established in Titicut, officially known as the North Middleboro post-office. Jared Pratt was first appointed postmaster, but was soon succeeded by Isaac Pratt, February 1, 1821. He was succeeded by George Pick- ens, Jr., Rev. Philip Colby, Dr. Morrill Robinson, Solomon White, Nathan W. Pratt, Percy W. Keith, and Lucy H. Pratt. In 1846 an office was established in the southern part of the town, known as South Middleboro post-office. C. LeBaron was appointed postmaster in 1846. He was succeeded by Chandler R. Smith, Nathaniel Sears, Simeon D. Wilbur, John S. Benson, James M. Clark, and E. H. Gammons. l84< fi POST-OFFICES 27l In 1849 the Rock post-office was established. Israel Smith was appointed the first postmaster, and served until October 1889. He was succeeded by John 0. Morton, Harvey N Atwood Herbert L. Cushman, Clarence L. Cushman, and Joseph L. Turner. CHAPTER XVII FOUR CORNERS N the diary of Miss Rebecca Scollay we find many entertaining pictures of Middleboro life, and the places with which she was familiar. A quotation from this may help us to imagine the Four Corners of long ago. " I remember my first visit to where is now the village of the Four Corners. There was not a house there then. There were several farms scattered on the way between there and Muttock village. Morton town was quite a neighborhood with a goodly number of houses. There was a tavern there, kept by Mr. Levi Wood and called Wood's Tavern. There was also a hall at the Morton house where the young people used to assemble and have their dances and winter pastimes." This in 1775 ! It is hard to realize that the enterprising and flourishing centre of the town was then a densely wooded tract with a few houses at Court End. The tav- ern kept by Mr. Levi Wood stood on the site of the residence of the late Charles F. Peirce, and bore the usual sign of the king's coat of arms, which hung over the en- trance door. After the close of the Revolution this sign was removed and some appropriate words substituted, indicating that it was a place of resort for the patriots. The old Silas Wood house, now standing, was built shortly THE SILAS WOOD HOUSE iS6S] FOUR CORNERS 2 73 THE OLD MORTON HOUSE before the war, the date being on a tile in the chimney ; later it was occupied by Deacon Abiel Wood. A little to the south was the store kept by Mr. Silas Wood ; this, and that of Mr. Leach in Muttock, were the only stores in town. Mr. Wood was a wealthy and influential citizen, a man well known throughout the colony for his integrity and ability, and his opinions were sought after and respected in all matters relat- ing to public affairs. Of the houses built at the close of King Philip's War none, perhaps, attained so much celebrity as the Morton house, which at the time of its removal in 1868 was undoubtedly the oldest house in town. There was no monument so closely connected with the early history as this old Morton house, which stood directly in front of the spot where the house of the late Al- bert G. Pickens now stands, and it was with great regret to many that this venerable pile, associated with so many inter- esting events, and the home of so many prominent men and women, should have been taken down in order to straighten Main Street at this point. Mr. Pickens decided that the house was too old to be moved, so he sold the timber, and it is now in one of the Crossman houses on Crossman Avenue. He built a new house near the old site, but farther back from the road, 2 74 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1830 on the land owned by a descendant of the Morton family until within a few years. There is a tradition that this house was built before King Philip's War, and was spared in the general destruction of houses on account of the friendship existing between King Philip and John Morton, but this is undoubtedly erroneous, as it lacks confirmation, and there are many facts which prove the contrary, so that we may say that the old Morton house was built soon after the resettle- ment of the town, by John Morton, Jr. The first house, built by John, Senior, was near the river, the site of which can still be identified. There John, Jr., probably lived as a boy, and on returning after the war he erected this house. At the time of its removal it was about sixty feet in length, twenty feet in width, of two stories, with a gambrel roof, and stood upon an open green, without fence, trees, or shrubbery about it, with an end toward the street. When it was first built, the street was probably at some little distance ; it was considerably en- larged, additions having been made at two different times. The southern part was the original building, and upon the walls were shingles made of the first growth of pine, put on when the house was built, but worn so thin by exposure to the weather that they were not much thicker than ordinary brown paper. Portions of the garret were known as the " Guinea rooms," from the fact that they were occupied by the slaves. Ebenezer Morton inherited the place from his father. His wife, Madam Morton, a lady of remarkable intelligence and social influence, was an intimate friend of many in the colony, who often enjoyed the generous hospitality of her house. She was a devout christian woman, a member of the church, of strong will and energy, and a leader of the sect called the " New Lights." Their daughter Mary married Ebenezer Spooner in 1743, and their daughter Phcebe was the wife of Andrew Oli- ver. She did not choose to return to England with her father- in-law and family, but shortly after their banishment she came with her son and daughter to this house, where she lived until her death in 183 1. Before the Revolution the many guests at Oliver Hall in Muttock were in the habit of visiting: at the old 1750] FOUR CORNERS 275 THE DR. CLARK HOUSE Morton house and enjoying the cheer and hospitality which the family and their friends so bountifully dispensed. Another of the old houses in Morton Town was the Clark house, built about 1710 by Seth Morton, from whom it was called the Morton house until purchased by Dr. Clark. This nomenclature causes some confusion in the early history. Built of solid oak timber, with high pitched roof and steep gable ends, it was moved with difficulty to its pre- sent situation (the house now occupied by E. B. Dorrance) on rollers propelled by men with handspikes, a work of much interest to the towns- people. In the hurricane of 1815 much damage was done all through the village ; the roof of this house was so wrecked that a new one was necessary. Dr. Samuel Clark, a descendant from Thomas Clark, for whom Clark's Island was named, was born in Plymouth in 1732. He settled in Middleboro about the year 1752, and soon after married the daughter of Ebenezer Morton. He was not only a skilful physician, but a man of good judgment, commanding the universal respect of the people of the colony, scholarly in his tastes, and well informed on all matters of colonial his- tory. He kept a journal, in which he recorded the incidents of interest connected with the early history, particularly what had come to him from the first settlers relating to the Indian War and the struggles and hardships of those trying years. He was a friend of Dr. Franklin, and his journal contained an account of conversations, anecdotes, and interviews with him ; also, a minute description of Oliver Hall, of its distinguished guests, and of the reception which Dr. Peter Oliver gave to Dr. Franklin. It is a matter of the most profound regret that 276 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1775 this journal was lost, as its evidence would be invaluable upon matters relating to this history. Another occupant of this house was Dr. Joseph Clark, son of Samuel Clark, who, upon the death of his father, succeeded to his practice of medicine in Middlebqro and surrounding towns. He built what is known as the Briggs house soon after his marriage to Rebecca Scollay, an adopted daughter and niece of John Scollay. 1 She, with her brilliant aunt of the same name, had come to Middleboro during the siege of Bos- ton. They stayed at the Peter Oliver, Jr. House (Dr. Oliver had gone to England), and here it was that Dr. Clark met his future wife. The aunt, Miss Rebecca Scollay, 2 lived with her niece after the marriage. She was a woman of culture and of unusual intellectual gifts, a follower of Jonathan Edwards, and a friend of Dr. Hopkins and of Phillis Wheatley, the African poet. Dr. Clark, in addition to his extensive practice as a physician, was especially interested in matters of local history. He served as surgeon with General Cobb in the Revolution. He had a very retentive memory, and used to tell of thrilling scenes and experiences during the struggle for independence, and the interviews which he had with General Washington and other patriot leaders. He died in 1837, at the advanced age of eighty-seven. Among the houses of interest before the Revolution was that of Ebenezer Spooner, which stood upon what was then called Spooner Hill, probably on the site of the house owned by the late Alpha Crossman. Although not a resident of Middleboro at the breaking out of the war, he with the other loyalists espoused the cause of the English Crown, and left with Governor Gage and his troops in 1776, never to return. 3 From Morton Town there was a cow-path leading to the garrison house of Thomas Barrows on Main Street. This 1 A well-known merchant of Boston, for whom Scollay Square was named. 2 Mr. Pemberton (from whose family Pemberton Square in Boston was named) was an ardent admirer, but she declined his offer of marriage. At his death he left her furniture, money, and his coat of arms, which was hung in the Clark house. 3 Sabine, American Loyalists, vol. ii, p. 5S0. 1 7°o] FOUR CORNERS 2 77 THE OLD BARROWS HOUSE is perhaps one of the oldest houses now standing, having been built in 1700 near the site of the house of Samuel Barrows. After the resettlement of the town, so many Indians lived in Titicut and Lakeville that for many years most of the houses built were garrison houses, framed, cov- ered with oak plank from two to two and one half inches thick instead of boards, to be bullet - proof in case of attack. This house was built with small windows, very high from the ground, lest any shot should reach the family. There is still a port-hole to be seen in the corner of the house. The fort, or garrison house, built before King Philip's War and burned in 1675, stood on the brow of the hill not far from the Barrows house, some two or three hundred feet from Main Street where it turns to descend to the Star Mills. But slight description of this has come down to us. It was a large palisado, enclosed by logs set firmly in the ground, standing some eight or ten feet above the level, and there must have been a well inside. Tradition says that Miles Standish's encounter with Corbitant in 162 1 took place near here. The Briggs house formerly stood near the old town house. Dr. Joseph Clark sold this in 1812 to James Sproat, who sold it to Joseph Clark, Jr., for a public house ; from his hands it passed to Lemuel Briggs, from whom it takes its name. Next the Briggs house was the home of Judge Wood, built by John Morton and occupied by Judge Wood during his lifetime, and later by his sons. Between the Judge Wood place and the place known as the Thomas house stood the old town house, where Grove Street now crosses Main Street. Beyond the Thomas house, on the same side of the road, was the Major 278 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1815 JUDGE WOOD'S HOUSE THE OLD BOURNE HOUSE Bourne mansion, now known as the Charles F. Peirce place, by far the most pretentious of all the houses then standing at Court End. A schoolhouse on the corner of this land was the only building from here to the Silas Wood place. The old Bourne house was built by Dr. Samuel Clarke about 1752, and was afterwards sold to Captain Abner Bourne. Near the site of the present high school building stood the old Washburn place, which was moved to Webster Street in 1887, to give place to the high school building. In 1 8 1 5 Judge Wilkes Wood 1 gave an historical address before 1 In memoranda left by Judge Wood, 1838, he gives his recollection of the houses from the town house on the road to Plymouth as follows : — " The owners of dwelling-houses at my earliest memory standing N. E. of the Town House in Middleborough on road to Plymouth. " The house now owned and occupied by Maj. William Bourne, was owned, that is the back part of it, by Leon Wood. Sd. Bourne's house on the S. E. of the highway by Elias Miller. Sd. Bournes 3d. house formerly owned by his father Dea. Abner Bourne by Doct. Samuel Clark. The next house on the N. W. now owned by Abiel Wood by his Grandfather Silas Wood. On the S. E. near the present widow Miller's house, a small house by Abraham Miller. Next N. W. a small old house on the spot where I. Stevens since built a house. Next the house now owned by Abiel Washburn, by Isaac Cushman. Next on the N. W. a house since removed, standing where Elisha Tucker's house stands, by David Thomas. Next N. W. a house where Capt. Silvanus Barrows' house now stands, by Isaac Miller, with whom his father and mother lived. Next N. E. the house where Capt. Abner Barrows has since enlarged and now lives in by Abner Bar- rows now deceased. Next following old road, the house now owned by Albert Thomas, standing N. W. out of the road by Jabez Thomas and his son Jabez Thomas. Next a house long since removed, by Tilson Ripley. Next a house S. side near the river bridge by Widow Ruth Bennett and his sons William and iSS4] FOUR CORNERS 279 JOSEPH T. WOOD the citizens of Middle- boro, and at this time the company visited the site of the old fort, where appropriate ex- ercises were observed. In Judge Wood's house lived his son, Joseph T. Wood, who died February 6, 1890, at the age of seventy- one. In later years but few men have been more respected than Deacon Wood. He was educated in the public schools of the town, and worked upon his father's farm during his early manhood. In 1854 he was first elected representative to the General Court, and the same Sylvanus. Next after passing the bridge on the S. of road, on the hill out of the road by widow Sarah Elmes. " Next a two story house in front and one back near the brook, now owned by Jacob Barrows, by Ichabod Churchill, N. W. of road. Next Ebenezer Wood's house same side of the road, opposite Thomas Pratt's house. Mr. Pratt's house was built by Nehemiah Allen, and the first I recollect was after the frame was raised and before it was boarded when a mason was underpinning it. Next on the E. a house near the brook owned by N. Allen. Next N. W. upon the hill by widow Purrington and James Little — John her tenant. " Next N. W. a house long since gone down by Doct. Thomas Sturtevant. Next same side, where John Morey's house now is, a house by Lemuel Bryant, a tenant of John Morey. Next same side Capt. Thacher's house where Mr. Pool now lives. All the other dwelling houses between the Town house and the Easterly P. Meeting House have been built since my memory. " On the New Bedford road from Town house — " The great Morton house on the S. E. by Thomas & John Morton and widow Oliver. Next N. W. the old part of the house now occupied by Doct. Joseph Clarke family by Seth Morton. Next where Alpha Crossman lives. Next N. W. Dea. Ichabod Morton lately owned by Nathaniel Thompson. Next Thomas Doggett his Grandfather Simeon Doggett then N. Macumber then the Job Peirce house, then Seth Thacher, next N. Smith widow Howe by Job Peirce." 2 8o HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1855 year was chosen selectman, to which office he was elected again in 1855 and 1863, and afterwards each successive year up to the time of his death, excepting the year 1876, when he failed of an election, but was reelected at the April meeting following. He was one of the first water commissioners of the town, and held the office of a county commissioner for about ten years. He was one of the trustees of Peirce Academy, and at an early age was elected deacon of the Central Baptist Church. On Oak Avenue leading from Grove Street, a little dis- tance from the home of his father and brother, Rev. Charles W. Wood resided during the latter part of his life. He was born June 20, 18 14, and after studying at Peirce Academy entered Brown University, from which he was graduated at the age of twenty, in the class distinguished in later years for the num- ber of able men in busi- ness and professional life. After graduating, he spent four years in teaching at Rochester, Wareham, and Peirce Academy. He was first installed as pastor of the Congregational Church in Ashby, Mass., but on account of poor health he resigned, and was for some years an agent of the American Sunday School Union. Later, he accepted a call to the Congregational Church in Campello. For two years after that he occupied the position of superintendent of the schools in Brockton, and preached in Lakeville, and in Scotland, Bridge- water. He was a clergyman of ability, universally respected for his genial nature and his kind, sympathetic manner, and i ■ ■ 1 REV. CHARLES W. WOOD i8 5 o] FOUR CORNERS 28r had a wide influence for good as a friend of all with whom he came in contact. He was much interested in the early his- tory of the town and of Plymouth Colony, and did much to perpetuate events of interest within his knowledge. He died March 3, 1895. Rev. Henry C. Coombs was born in Beech Woods, September 3, 1810, and at the time of his death, April 5, 1904, he was the oldest ordained Baptist clergyman in the state. He was educated at Peirce Academy, and ordained by the Rev. Hervey Fitz, in De- cember, 1834. In his active life he was set- tled as a pastor in many places in this and other states, but for the last twenty years he made Middle- boro his home. He continued his minis- terial services when past the age of ninety years, and was always a strong advocate of temperance and an active worker in that cause. He was known as the " grand old man," and in his ninety-fourth year was often seen sturdily walking the streets, vigorous mentally and bodily, and was frequently called to supply neighboring pulpits. One of the well-known men who lived at the Four Corners was Ebenezer Pickens, son of Samuel and Matilda Briggs Pickens. He was born in that part of Middleboro now Lake- ville, not far from the Bell schoolhouse, October 6, 1787, and was the youngest of three brothers. He married, October 5, 181 3, Mary Bourne Thompson, a descendant of Francis Cooke. They had three children, Caroline Matilda, and Andrew Jack- REV. HENRY C COOMBS 282 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1S50 / / / son and James Madison, twins. They lived near his birth- place until the year 1832, when he removed his house to its present site near the corner of Main and Courtland streets. He resided there for twenty years, and in 1852 pur- chased land on the southerly side of Main Street and erected a large house with a room on the east side for an office and court-room for his use as trial jus- tice. He was appointed a justice of the peace in 1822, and trial jus- tice June 18, 1850, which office he held until his death. He was elected a county commissioner in 1847, an d served nine years. When he lived in Lakeville, and later, he attended church at the Green with his family, and, though it was eight miles distant, they were seldom absent from the services through the summer's heat or the winter's cold. On the formation of the Central Congregational Church, he was one of the deacons, an office he held until his death at the age of eighty years, May 8, 1868. Perhaps the selection of a proper place for the future busi- ness and development of the town was due more to Major Levi Peirce than to any other person. He was the son of Cap- tain Job Peirce, and was born in that part of Middleboro now Lakeville, October 1, 1773. His sister Elizabeth had married General Abiel Washburn, with whom he remained, serving as a clerk, until he attained his majority. He opened a store on the lower floor of the first addition to the old Morton house, EBENEZER PICKENS i8oo] FOUR CORNERS 283 while his family occupied a tenement on the floor above. After remaining here for a few years, he moved his place of busi- ness to a house which he had purchased near the town house. He became a partner of General Washburn and Major Wil- liam Bourne, and carried on business for a number of years in what was known as the "old store," which was burned about forty years ago, and on its site the present bank building was erected. Upon the dis- solution of this firm he commenced business with his brother, Peter H. Peirce. He was promi- nent in all the affairs of the town, was a delegate to the Constitutional Con- vention in 1820, and post- master for thirty -two years. He served upon the staff of his brother- in-law, General Wash- burn, and was afterwards promoted to the office of major in June, 1809, which office he held for many years. He was largely instrumental in the formation of the Baptist Church in Middleboro, and in the foundation of Peirce Academy, which was named for him, as it was largely through his benefaction that the academy and the Central Baptist church were built. About the same time his younger brother, Peter H. Peirce, who was born March 25, 1788, commenced his business ca- reer at this place. After the death of his parents, he was brought up in the family of Peter Hoar, a prominent citizen of Lakeville, for whom he was named. He had few advantages, but early developed unusual business ability, and by his en- ergy and persistent endeavor he became the leading business MAJOR LEVI PEIRCE 284 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i8is / PEIRCE ACADEMY man of the town. He began as a storekeeper in the two-story house now standing at the Upper Four Corners, but moved into the Four Corners, realizing that that would in future be the business centre, and that there he could enlarge his busi- ness and use the water power on the Nemasket River for manufacturing, which was then coming into prominence in the business interests of New England. He early formed a co- partnership with Horatio G. Wood, under the firm name of Peirce & Wood, and erected the factory at the Lower Works. When there came a decline in the cotton industry of New Eng- land near the middle of the last century, he erected a large shovel manufactory, and in connection with this, carried on a general retail store, which has stood in its present position for nearly one hundred years. Aside from his connection with the various manufacturing interests in the Upper Works, he became a large owner of real estate, and at the time of his death, was by far the wealthiest man in town. In addition to his ability as a business man, no one in southeastern Massa- chusetts had more political influence than he ; at great sacri- fice, he served several terms in the state senate. At the breaking out of the War of 181 2, he was in command of a ISI2] FOUR CORNERS 285 COLONEL PETER H. PEIRCE company which did coast - guard duty at Plymouth and else- where. He was after- wards promoted to the office of lieutenant- colonel of the Fourth Regiment of ' Infan- try of the Plymouth County Brigade, from which he received the title of Colonel Peirce. It was due to his in- fluence that the rail- road was laid near the Four Corners rather than in Titicut. He left a large family of children, his sons Job, Thomas, and James succeeding him in business. At one time his son Charles was in business in the West. William superintended the large farm and real estate interest, and gave his attention largely to literary pursuits. Thomas, who survived his brothers and inherited much of their wealth, gave at his death over half a mil- lion dollars to the town of Middleboro and a hun- dred thousand to the public library, after lib- erally providing for more than twenty-five of his relatives. Colonel Peirce's part- ner, Horatio G. Wood, was a descendant in the fourth generation from Henry, one of the first settlers. He was in the store of Hon. Thomas Weston as a clerk until the HOME OF COLONEL PETER H. PEIRCE 286 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLFBOKO [1861 COLONEL PETER II. PEIRCE'S STORK age of twenty-one, when he moved to Titicut to do business for two years. Later he became interested in the " Lower Factory " as one of the incorporators of the Middleboro Manufacturing Company, and was associated with Colonel Peirce until his death, September 9, 1861, at the age of seventy-two years and eight months. He originally built and lived in the house on the corner of Main and North streets, now occupied by George Brayton. lie married Mary, a daughter of Abner Weston of Vermont, for his first wife, and for his second wife Abigail, a daughter of Thomas Weston. He was deacon of the First Congregational Church, and a leader of the large choir for many years. Major Branch Harlow was born in Halifax, Sep- tember 18, 1792, and died in Middleboro in 1861. In the early part of his life he was a successful teacher in the public schools in Middleboro, and afterwards was en- gaged in the iron busi- m| BRANCH HARLOW 1815] FOUR CORNERS 287 ness at Fall Brook, Pocasset, and Sandwich. During the latter part of his life he lived in the "old Briggs house." He held various offices in the militia of the county up to that of major, and served as high sheriff from 1845 to 1854, an office he filled with satisfaction to the court and the county. Joseph Jackson, Milton Alden, and James Cole were ap- pointed successively as deputy sheriffs. They were favorably known as faithful and efficient officers of the law. STAR MILLS One of the manufacturing sections of the town has been known at different periods as the Bennett Mills, the Lower Dam, the Lower Factory, and more recently as the Star Mills. Upon a dam about three hundred feet above the pre- sent one was the first grist-mill, which, after the resettlement of the town in 1679, was rebuilt, probably by Mr. Barrows. It passed into the hands of Francis Coombs, as has been mentioned, and upon his death was owned and carried on by his daughter. This darn was capable of holding only water enough to run a grist-mill of that time, and at low water some rocks can still be seen which were used in its construction. It was abandoned probably in the early part of the last century, and the present dam built as more convenient and nearer the principal road from the Indian path, at the wading-place, to Plymouth. In the latter part of the eighteenth century Jacob Bennett became the owner of this privilege and erected, or carried on, a grist-mill. When the cotton industry was started in New England in the form of small, three-story factories, a corporation was formed, known as the Middleboro Manufacturing Company, in 181 5, for the purpose of making cotton yarn and cloth. The incorporators were Benjamin Shcpard, Jr., Thomas Weston, Horatio G. Wood, Nancy Nelson, Sarah W. Shepard, and Alanson Witherbee. They were empowered to hold real estate not exceeding $50,000, and personal property not exceeding $100,000. About the time of their incorporation, a small fac- 2SS HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1S13 tory was built, which afterwards passed into the hands of Peirce & Wood, on the site of the old fulling-mill, so essential in finishing the woollen cloth woven by the hand-looms. The grist-mill, however, continued here in operation. The shovel manufactory, before mentioned, of Peirce & Wood, furnished employment to a large number of operatives. These industries were succeeded by the Star Mills, incor- porated August 5, 1863. The mill was built that year on the old dam for the manufacture of fancy cassimeres, with eight sets of machinery. Its capital of $100,000 was furnished prin- cipally by New Bedford parties. President, Loum Snow ; Trea- surer, George Brayton ; Superintendent, Timothy L. Dunlap. In 1887 its name was changed to Star Mills Corporation, and new machinery was introduced for the manufacture of ladies' dress goods. President, Loum Snow, Jr. ; Treasurer, George Brayton ; Superintendent, Charles H. Tobey. On November 15, 1899, Frank S. Farwell of Valley Falls, R. I., became its manager, and it is now known as Farwell Worsted Mill No. 2. THE UPPER FACTORY A dam was built across the Nemasket River about the year 1762, and soon after a forge, which was owned by Silas Wood, Elias Miller, and others until the year 1785, when the forge was partially destroyed by fire but was rebuilt. This " New Forge" changed hands in 1796, when Benjamin Leon- ard, Abiel Washburn, George Leonard, and Abner Bourne be- came the owners. After other changes in 1801, we find that in 1809 it was owned by George Leonard and Levi Peirce. The forge continued in operation for about seventy years. By an act of the legislature of Massachusetts in 18 13, Abiel Washburn, George Leonard, Levi Peirce, Peter H. Peirce, William Bourne, Joseph Brown, John Barden, Jr., John Tinkham, Ephraim Leonard, Edward Sparrow, Jr., Wilkes Wood, James Sproat, Abraham Wilson, and their successors were incorporated under the name of the " New Market " 1830] FOUR CORNERS 289 Manufacturing Company, for the purpose of manufacturing iron, cotton and woollen cloth, and yarn, with power to hold real estate not exceeding $50,000, and personal estate not exceeding $150,000. This corporation erected a cotton factory at the upper dam, and for a while manufactured cotton cloth, until the depression of that industry throughout New Eng- land obliged them to abandon it. Afterward the corporation passed into a copartnership, which, in 1864, was known as the Nemasket Manufacturing Company. Here were a store and a grist-mill for many years. Among the leading business men connected with this company were Major Levi Peirce, Colonel Peter H. Peirce, Elisha Tucker, Allen C. Thatcher, and Major William Bourne. The Hon. William Bourne, a tall, portly man, was a son of Captain Abner Bourne. He once met some natives from the South Sea Islands, one of whom on observing his command- ing figure said, " You in our country, you be king." He was active in the militia, and was major of the Plymouth County Brigade from September 12, 1803, to 1807. He held many offices of trust in the county, and was a member of a court- martial which tried Captain Albert Smith of the Hanover Artillery. Major Bourne was a man of wealth, a prominent federalist, and a member of the state senate in 1820. He married a sister of General Abiel Washburn, and entered into partnership with him and Peter H. Peirce. Afterward, General Washburn moved his business to Muttock, and the firm was conducted under the name of Bourne & Peirce. During the later years of his life he lived in the house now occupied by Mrs. Charles F. Peirce, where he died December 10, 1845. Allen C. Thatcher was a quarter owner in the Nemasket Manufacturing Company, and at one time interested in what was known as the corner store with Major Tucker and Major Levi Peirce. He was born in Rochester, June 17, 1793, and as a young man left his native town and entered upon a clerk- ship in a wholesale house in Boston, where he resided until his removal to Middleboro in 1831. He retired from business in i860, and died May 13, 1885, at the advanced age of ninety- 290 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1S67 one years and eleven months. He lived in the house on Main Street adjoining the block recently erected by the Middleboro National Bank, and was a prominent member of the Baptist Church. Major Elisha Tucker, who died June 22, 1878, at the age of eighty-one years, became by his faithful industry and economy another of the prominent merchants and manufactur- ers of Middleboro. He lived in the house now occupied by Elisha T. Jenks. In addition to his business interests, he was active in the militia of the county, and for many years served as major in one of the regiments. He was for more than forty years treasurer of Peirce Academy, and in con- nection with his son- in-law, Professor J. W. P. Jenks, did as much as any of the trustees toward securing the erection of the new academy and its subsequent enlargement. He was always in- terested, from the time he first came to town, in the Central Baptist Church, and was its clerk and treasurer for many years, a regular contributor in making up the expenses of the church, and also gave largely to the various organizations connected with the denomination. In 1867 the company sold out to William L. Brown, Nathaniel B. Sherman, and Peter Washburn. Later the factory was burned, but a sawmill and grist-mill continued in operation for a few years. Quite recently an electric plant has been established upon this dam, which furnishes power for lighting the streets. ELISHA TUCKER 1828] FOUR CORNERS 29 1 Prior to the building of the Fall River Railroad through the town in 1842, the manufacturing interests of the Four Corners had been confined exclusively to the Upper and Lower Works, as they were called. There were then at the Corners a general retail store belonging to Peter H. Peirce & Co., and a confec- tionery store adjoining the site of the present Jones Brothers' block, carried on by Amos Thomas, always known as " Uncle Amos," and later by his son, Deacon Ira Thomas, as a general grocery store; he was succeeded by his son, Ira M. Thomas. At the corner of Main and Center streets was what was known as the old store for dry goods and groceries, owned at first by Major Levi Peirce and afterwards by Allen C. Thatcher, by George Vaughan, and by George Waterman. Enoch Tinkham had a store on Center Street, which is still standing. There was also an apothecary shop and post-office kept by Levi Peirce on the site of the Peirce building. Allen Shaw kept an apothecary shop, and was succeeded by his nephews, Jacob B. and John Shaw. About the time that manufacturing commenced at the Upper Factory, the Hon. Philander Washburn opened his store, in connection with his father's business. Upon the death of his father he sold his interest in this store, which was pur- chased by Sampson & King, and in 1854 it was doubled in width and a story added above, called American Hall. Mr. Washburn was state senator in 1848; he died September 6, 1882, at the age of eighty-four. His son, the Rev. George Washburn, D. D., has been for many years the successful president of Robert College, Constantinople. The manufacture of straw hats and bonnets was begun at the village about the year 1828, by Ebenezer Briggs, who had been in this business in Lakeville before he moved to the Four Corners. At this time hats were made from prepared straw, braided by women at home and taken to the factory. The braid was sent out and sewed by women in the neighbor- hood into hats and bonnets, which were returned to the fac- tory, properly sized, pressed, and finished ready for the market. At first only native straw was used, but this gave place to 292 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [iS S 8 BANK. BLOCK imported straw, which took away the occupation of many wo- men, who had braided it by hand. About the year 1844 Mr. Briggs sold out to Andrew J. Pickens, James M. Pickens, and William A. King, who formed a copartnership under the firm name of Pickens, King & Co. At the end of two years Mr. King retired, and the factory was conducted by the firm of Pickens Brothers. Andrew J. and James M. Pickens were men of great industry and enterprise, influential in church affairs and successful in their business, which, in a few years, had so increased that the few rooms occupied at first were insufficient, and in 1855 they erected the main building of the straw factory on Courtland Street. In 1858 Andrew J. SITE OF BANK BLOCK IN 1875 iS6 5 ] FOUR CORNERS 293 PEIRCE BLOCK Pickens sold the factory and business to Albert Alden. Be- tween 1858 and 1861 William A. King was associated with Mr. Alden under the firm name of Alden, King & Co. They were succeeded by Plummer, King & Co. In 1862 Mr. Alden purchased the property, and for several years carried on the business under the names of A. Alden and A. Alden & Co., and the general name of Bay State Straw Works. He was succeeded by his son, Arthur B. Alden, who died in 1895. From that time the business was not reestablished, and the buildings have since been taken down or removed and made into dwelling-houses, and a street has been cut through where the main building stood. When Mr. Alden took the business, SITE OF PEIRCE BLOCK IN 1875 294 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1840 it did not amount to more than $10,000 a year, but under his management it was increased to one quarter of a million in- vested capital, and gave employment to about four hundred operatives during the busy season. When much of the sewing on braid was done by hand outside the factory, as many as fifteen hundred in the families within a radius of twenty miles found work. Mr. Albert Alden, of the seventh generation from his ancestor, John Alden, was born in 181 7. He was a man of great energy and sagacity, and engaged in different enterprises in this and adjoining towns. Soon after the estab- lishment of the straw factory, the manufac- turing of boots and shoes was commenced in town. This was at first carried on in shops, where the upper and sole leather were cut by the manufacturers. The upper leather was sent out, and the neces- sary sewing and stitch- ing done in families in town ; then these " uppers " were taken to the manufacturer, who cut the soles into proper shapes, prepared the heels and other leather for the filling, and in turn handed them over to the different shoemakers, who completed the work in small shops, some of which may still be seen standing in different parts of the town. The shoemakers would take stock enough to make from one to ten dozen pairs of shoes at a time, return- ing them when finished. The manufacturer then packed these shoes and sent them to the different customers. About the ALBERT ALDEN i86o] FOUR CORNERS 295 year 1855 this method of making boots and shoes by hand gave place to machinery, which has since been improved, until now substantially the whole work is done in that way. The first shoe manufacturer was Stephen B. Pickens, whose business was very small, as compared with the large amount of capital and number of hands employed to-day. He was suc- ceeded by Eaton & Leonard, who occupied a small wooden building on the site of Wells Block on Main Street. Later, B. Sumner Washburn joined the firm. The firm of Ward & Doggett in Wells Block consisted of George Ward, who then lived in Lakeville, and William E. Doggett. In a few years they sold out to Bassett & Dunbar, who soon after sold their interest in Middleboro to Major Joseph Sampson, Jr., and Colonel Nathan King, and moved to Chicago, where they became large and successful shoe manu- facturers. Sampson & King's place of business was in the American Building. Colonel Nathan King, who lived for many years at Court End, died December 7, 1 90 1, at the advanced age of eighty-six years. In early life he was en- gaged in different mer- cantile pursuits. He was elected registrar of the court of insolvency in 1856, which office he held for the years 1857 and 1858, when the juris- diction of the court was united with that of the probate court. He was prominent in the militia, and was elected lieuten- ant-colonel from Febru- ary 4, 1837, to February 1840. For many years he served as the moderator in all general NATHAN KING 8, 1839, an d colonel until April 24, 296 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MJDDLEBORO [18S0 meetings of the town, and he was a member of the Massachu- setts senate during the years 1856 and 1857. James Allen Leonard and his son manufactured boots and shoes until the death of Mr. Leonard in 1870, doing business in a building adjoining Mr. Leonard's residence on Center Street, now owned by Dr. G. L. Ellis. In 1853 Noah C. Perkins, Charles E. Leonard, and Horatio Barrows occupied the building now known as T. W. Peirce's store. In i860 this firm was dis- solved, and Leonard & Barrows formed a part- nership in Wells Block. In 1862 C. D. Kingman joined the firm for a short time. In 1883 Mr. Barrows died, and since then the business has been carried on by Mr. Leonard with his sons, C. M. Leonard and A. H. Leonard, under the same firm name of Leonard & Barrows. They employ about six hundred operatives, and have a branch factory in Belfast, Maine. Noah C. Perkins, who was first connected with the firm, was prominent in the public affairs of the town, being a repre- sentative to the General Court, and a member of the Constitu- tional Convention to revise the constitution of Massachusetts, in 1853. After leaving the firm of Leonard & Barrows in 1867 or 1868, C. D. Kingman built a factory on the corner of Oak and Center streets, where he carried on a large business for some time, subsequently taking in his sons, C. W. and P. E. Kingman, HORATIO BARROWS i88 5 ] FOUR CORNERS 297 THE FOUR CORNERS as partners, and employing about two hundred and fifty men. In 1888 C. D. Kingman retired and left the management to his sons, who closed out the business in 1891. The firm of Leonard, Shaw & Dean, consisting of Cor- nelius H. Leonard, Samuel Shaw, and W. H. Dean of Ouincy, began business in 1895, and erected a factory on Peirce Street, employing about one hundred men. William O. Penniman and Josiah F. Penniman commenced business in 1890, under the firm name of Penniman Bros. Soon after, they admitted Elmer E. Phinney into copartner- ship under the firm name of Penniman & Phinney ; this was followed by another change, and Phinney, Penniman & Light- ford manufactured ladies' shoes till Mr. Lightford left the firm. In 1881 Andrew Alden, C. H. Leonard, George A. Ham- mond, and E. W. Richmond manufactured shoes under the firm name of Alden, Leonard & Hammond in North Middle- boro ; but in 1886 they moved to Cambridge Street, and in 1887 they were succeeded by Savory C. Hathaway, Rufus A. Soule, and Herbert A. Harrington, who had a large business, with factories in New Bedford and Campello. Arthur H. Alden, George A. Walker, William H. Wilde, and Frederick L. Alden commenced the shoe business under 298 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1SS5 FOUR CORNERS IN 1850 FROM BARDEN HILLS the firm name of Alden, Walker & Wilde, in 1900, occupying at first the old needle factory on Clifford Street, which, prov- ing inadequate for their business, was greatly enlarged. In 1904 their building was destroyed by fire, and they have removed from town. The varied business of the old blast furnaces of early history was revived in 1855, when John B. Le Baron and Samuel Tink- ham of Taunton, under the firm name of Tinkham & Le Baron, built a foundry at the Four Corners, and carried on business until the fall of 1864, when Mr. Le Baron purchased the interest of Mr. Tinkham for the casting of stoves. In 1884 he was suc- ceeded by his sons, J. Baylies and Eugene P. Le Baron, and later by E. Leonard and Frederick N. Le Baron. In 1888 Clark & Cole began the manufacture of boxes on Water Street, but as the building was not large enough, they moved to their present site on Cambridge Street near the rail- road, where from seven to ten million feet of lumber are used yearly in this industry. In 1885 the Murdock Parlor Grate Co., now known as the i88 9 ] FOUR CORNERS 299 FOUR CORNERS AT THE PRESENT TIME FROM BARDEN HILLS Murdock Corporation, bought the building on Cambridge Street which was built for the George Woods Co., manufac- turers of organs and pianos. In 1 90 1 the New England Rug Co. was started by J. A. White and W. Osgood Eddy for the making over of old car- pets into rugs. The office and factory are at 5 Clifford Street. About 1888 Carlton W. Maxim commenced the manufac- ture of woodwork for furniture and for the finish of stores and houses. From a small shop near the railroad station this has so increased as to occupy nearly the whole of the Hathaway, Soule & Harrington Factory on Cambridge Street. Elisha T. Jenks carries on a successful business on Ware- ham Street, in the manufacture of museum locks and bolts. A. H. Alger & Co., manufacturers of paper boxes, occupy one of the buildings f the old straw works. BANKS The Middleboro National Bank was organized in April, 1889, with a capital of $50,000. 300 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1895 / FOUR CORNERS The first President, Calvin D. Kingman Vice-President, George E. Doane Cashier, William R. Mitchell BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles F. Alden Dr. George W. Copeland Charles E. Leonard Charles M. Leonard George E. Doane Arthur B. Alden Matthew H. Cushing Calvin D. Kingman Herbert A. Harrington In the year 1900 William R. Mitchell became the president, upon the resignation of C. D. Kingman, with A. A. Thomas as cashier. In 1902 Mr. Mitchell resigned to enter other busi- ness, and Granville E. Tillson became president. For several years the bank conducted business in the town house, and in 1896 moved to the savings bank building. The officers at present are, — President, Granville E. Tillson Cashier, A. A. Thomas Book-keeper, Harriet B. Sylvester 1854] FOUR CORNERS 3OI PRESENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Arthur H. Leonard George E. Doane C. D. Kingman Matthew H. Cushing C. W. Kingman H. P. Sparrow. Charles M. Leonard George R. Sampson The Middleboro Savings Bank was incorporated on March 15. 1873. The first President, Everett Robinson Vice-President, Noah C. Perkins Treasurer, Cornelius B. Wood The Savings Bank occupied rooms in the town house until 1895, and then moved to the present building. James H. Harlow became the president after the death of Everett Robinson, and Andrew M. Wood succeeded Cornelius B. Wood as treasurer. James H. Harlow resigned in 1904, and David G. Pratt was elected in his place. Total number of open accounts at present . 4440 Total number of books issued 11,045 Total deposit in 1904 $1,499,154.35 Mr. Robinson died August 5, 1897. Mr. Cornelius B. Wood died March 23, 1885. Mr. Matthew H. Cushing is present Vice-President. The Middleboro Loan & Fund Association was organized in 1854 under the same principle as building and loan associa- tions of other states. The first president was Nathan King, the second and last president, Everett Robinson. Jacob B. Shaw was its secretary and treasurer during its existence. The monthly meetings were held in Jacob B. Shaw's store. The shares were two dollars a month and reached maturity of $500. They matured in 1867, when the Association was closed. The Middleboro Cooperative Bank, on somewhat similar 302 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1650 lines, was organized in May, 1889, and is still in existence. Shares one dollar a month and maturity $200. It has now assets of about $250,000. The first President, S. S. Bourne The present President, W. H. Southworth Secretary and Treasurer, Joseph E. Beals The Board of Directors composed of fifteen men Office of secretary, No. 1 Town Hall Building BARDEN HILLS Across the river, east of the Four Corners, is the neighbor- hood long known as Barden Hills. The old Barden house and lands have been in the family for a little more than two centuries. Probably all of the Bardens (or Burdens) in this country, and some of the Bordens, have descended from William Barden, who came over in the year 1638, and was appren- ticed for seven years to Thomas Boardman to learn the trade of a car- penter. After about seven months of service, his apprentice- ship for the remainder of the time was transferred to John Barker of Marshfield, for him to become a bricklayer. After completing his service, he lived in different places until about 1660, when he married Deborah Barker, his master's daugh- ter, and settled in Barnstable, and in 1684 they moved to Middleboro. She was one of the original members of the First Church. He became an owner in nearly all of the pur- chases made from the Indians in town, and twenty years after his death, which occurred in 1692, his estate was divided among thirteen children. THE OLD BARDEN HOUSE CHAPTER XVIII MAD MARE'S NECK, WAUPAUNUCKET, FALL BROOK BOUT the eastern shore of Great Ouittacus and Pocksha ponds, in the early days, a wild horse roamed, injuring the crops of the farmers, and from this the place takes its name. On the opposite shore lies Betty's Neck. Mad Mare's Neck is beautifully situated on the high land which commands an extensive view of the ponds in Middleboro and Lakeville, including the whole of the Twelve Men's Purchase and portions of the Sixteen Shilling and Snippi- tuet Purchases. Mar- ion Road and Miller Street are the princi- pal highways ; the lat- ter leads from Great Ouittacus to Fall Brook. On Pond Street stands the schoolhouse. In the early part of the last century the Miller family owned large tracts of land ; one of the lots on Miller Street being known as the Thousand Acre Lot. This farming region, noted for the fertility of the soil, has perhaps kept the number of in- habitants during the. last hundred years better than any of the outlying districts of the town. All the land bordering on the pond has been bought by the city of New Bedford in connec- tion with its water supply, and many summer residences are being erected in this vicinity. One of the best-known citizens of a hundred years ago was OLD METHODIST CHURCH OF FALL BROOK 3 is ^^**+ n \^y now standing on JJ Plympton Street, and the garden adjoins the land known as the " Upper Green." It was supposed that Middleboro would remain loyal to the Crown on account of the influence of Judge Oliver, but this was nullified by the ardent patriotism of Rev. Sylvanus Conant and Zachariah Eddy. From the beginning of the oppressive legislation, Mr. Conant was bold and fearless in his utter- ance in the pulpit and elsewhere against the injustice of the mother country. He not only went as a chaplain in one of the regiments, but, owing to his earnest words, thirty-five of the members of his church enlisted, and Captain Joshua Eddy raised a company for service during the war. The follow- ing anecdote is told of him at the time of the general alarm throughout the town and country on the entry of the British into New Bedford : " It was on Sunday, and a messenger came in breathless haste into the meeting-house where Mr. Conant was preaching, and standing in the broad aisle cried, 'There is an alarum ! ' There was no answer nor any stir ; the announcement was repeated ; the congregation were still un- moved ; again he cried in a loud voice, ' There is an alarum ! ' Mr. Conant, bending towards him, replied with great mildness and simplicity, 'We know it /' The messenger retired. Many of the men went out, but Mr. Conant resumed his discourse, most of his hearers being less disposed to be grave at the dreadful portent of the alarum than to smile at the manner in which the minister disposed of it." 2 Mr. Conant was a graduate of Harvard College, and deliv- ered an oration in 1775, in commemoration of the landing of the pilgrims at Plymouth. This, with a volume of sermons published during his lifetime, shows his patriotism, scholar- 1 History of the First Church of Middleboro, p. 37. 2 Eddy Note-Book. 1777] THE GREEN 315 STURTEVAXT HOUSE HOUSE OF REV. SYLVANUS CONANT ship, and profound knowledge of the great doctrines of the New Testament. It is said that upon his death there was weeping in every house in town, at the loss of one of their best and dearest friends. Some years after, Samuel Joseph May, one of the earliest anti-slavery men, said in a public utterance, " He was a strong man, he was a sound man whom many loved, his disposition was fortunate, for it was full of disposition for others. He seemed more than most men to be at home in the world. He found ways of doing good wherever he went, and thus made for himself of all places a heaven ; such glad interest for others beamed forth in his eyes that he seemed to have forgotten himself for others' welfare and their interest became his own. He was full of sunshine, radiant with hope, trusting in his God, and believing in man." He died of smallpox in the height of his usefulness as a minister of the gospel, a patriotic citizen, and a devout lover of his country, inspired with the belief that she would yet become a free, great, and mighty nation of the world. Eight of his parishioners, who died 1 between December 5 and 18, 1777, were buried with him in the field then owned by one of them, John Smith, near the house of the late Otis Soule. They were Zachariah Eddy, Widow Rhoda Smith, Joseph Smith, Bethia Smith, John Smith, William Soule, Sarah Reading, and Hannah Love. The following is the inscription on the stone at his grave : — 1 History of the First Church of Middleboro, p. 37. 316 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1808 Memento Mori. IN MEMORY OF REV. SYLVANUS CONANT, MINISTER OF THE FIRST CHURCH IN MIDDLEBOROUGH, WHO DIED OF SMALLPOX, DEC. 8, 1777, IN THE 58TH YEAR OF HIS AGE, AND 33D OF HIS MINISTRY. So sleep the souls, and leave to groan, When sin and death have done their worst, Christ hath a glory like his own, Which waits to clothe their wasting dust. Rev. Joseph Barker 1 lived in the Conant house during his ministry. He was a profound student, an able preacher, and a man of large influence throughout the town and county. At the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the church, he preached a commemorative sermon. A volume of his sermons, published at the time, is still extant, which indi- cates his scholarship and ability. While faithful in the dis- 1 Among his papers was the following letter to his daughter, which gives a picture of one phase of his life : — Washington, Jan. 5th, 1809. My dear Elizabeth : — Last Sabbath being new year's day, I preached for the first time for Mr. Bolch, to a respectible and attentive audience from Eph. 2:7. On Monday we had clear cold weather. This day attended levee at the Presi- dent's. A very large collection was there ; English, Scotch, Irish, French, Span- ish, Italian, German, Indian, Whigs, Tories, Federalists, Republicans ; men, women, old ladies and young ladies. We all stood about and walked about to see and speak to one another. I had considerable talk with one of our red sisters, she is the lady of Cherokee Sachem who is here ; she can talk some English though her husband cannot. She is dressed well in English habit with silk gown, &c. She appears to be a sensible woman and intelligent. She tells me that they spin and weave, make their own clothes, keep cows, make butter and cheese and attend to agriculture and all the employments of civilized life ; that they have schools for their children and the gospel preached among them sometimes by missionaries. Now, this great change in their habits has been effected by divine blessing at- tending the means used by Mr. Jefferson. All the missionaries ever sent there by the French and English have never done so much good as Jefferson has done since he has been President of the United States, and yet he is called an enemy to religion. - I heartily wish all enemies of religion had as much humanity, be- nevolence, wisdom, moderation and firmness as that one man whom Federalists and Tories are wishing to destroy ; but his character will shine upon the page of history, while those of his vile calumniators will not. I am your affectionate Father, Joseph Barker. 1665] THE GREEN 3 I 7 charge of his duties as a minister of this church, he was, from the beginning, deeply interested in the public events of the day, and was elected, in 1805 and 1808, by a large majority to represent southeastern Massachusetts in the Ninth and Tenth Congress. While a member of the national House of Repre- sentatives, he was highly esteemed for his learning and his broad, statesmanlike views upon the great questions then be- fore the nation. He served upon prominent committees, and took an important part in the debate upon the resolution pro- hibiting the importation of slaves into the country. Rev. William Eaton lived in the house formerly occupied by Ira Bryant. The other clergymen settled over this church have resided at the Upper or Lower Green. About one mile to the east of the church on Plympton Road was the farm of John Nelson, one of the first settlers of the town. 1 When Mr. Nelson went to Lakeville, he sold this farm to John Bennett. In 1824 Major Thomas Bennett, then the owner, while ploughing the ground where this first log house stood, came upon an Indian grave, in which were a knife, tomahawk, pipe, and other implements. There is no doubt that these belonged to the Indian who was shot from the fort and taken to Mr. Nelson's house, where he died. John Bennett was the son of Peter Bennett of Bristol, Eng- land, from which place he emigrated in 1665. He was a weaver by trade, and on ac- count of some do- /J^JPs^ ^C «A / * f mestic trouble, at the & ^^^ ^*>^^Ji*m^ death of his mother he moved to this country, at the age of twenty-three. He settled at Jamestown, Va., then went to Beverly, Mass., where he became a landholder. From there he moved at the time of the Salem witchcraft, probably to escape annoyance from that delusion, and after spending a year in Weymouth, he came to Middleboro in 1687. He lived near the Cox sawmill, then built a house between that formerly occupied by Elijah Shaw 1 See chapter on Early Settlers. 318 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 and the sawmill, and afterwards purchased 1 a farm owned by- John Nelson, where he built a house on the site of the one which had been burned by the Indians after the death of their comrade. He took the oath of fidelity in 1689, and was select- man of Middleboro in 1692, 1693, 1695, 1697, and 1698. He was elected town clerk, March 28, 1693, which office he held for about thirteen years. He was a proprietor ill the Twenty- six Men's Purchase at the running of the bounds in 1696, and owned lots in the Sixteen Shilling Purchase, and four lots in the South Purchase, of which he was clerk in 1689. 2 He married Deborah Grover of Beverly, in 1671. She died March 22, 171 8, aged seventy, and was buried in the grave with her husband. The house was built with a single room in front, and a porch projecting from one end, facing the highway. It was low in the ceiling, with large oak beams crossing overhead ; the sills and sleepers rested on the ground. The door was filled with large- headed nails for protection against the Indians. This house, fa- mous as the birthplace of several generations of Middleboro's citizens, was taken down in the early part of the last century. It had been visited by Peregrine White, the first child born to the pilgrims in this country, and was the home of Nehemiah Bennett and his wife Mercy. From him many facts relating to the early history of the town l^^^^<2^/y£^' were obtained by the Massa- * chusetts Historical Society, and published among their collections, and it is to him and his wife that we are indebted for much which would probably have been lost had it not been for their interest in local affairs. Mercy Bennett was born in 1699, and died in 1799. She was a woman of unusual intelligence, and retained her mental facul- ties until the time of her death. In the great snowstorm of 1 7 1 7, she with two other girls walked to Plymouth and back the same clay to attend public service. Upon the eastern corner of the Lower Green and facing 1 There is a discrepancy as to the date of this purchase. General E. W. Peirce says 16S7; Eddy Note-Book, 1691. 2 Early Records of Aliddleboro,^. 114. 1 75°] THE GREEN 319 OLD SPROAT TAVERN Plymouth Street stood the famous Sproat Tavern, taken down in the year 1898. For many years it was the only inn in this part of the town, and for more than two centuries was justly celebrated for its generous hospitality. One writer of New England history says, " Religion was an ever present thought and influence in their lives, but they possessed another trait — with them neighborliness was as ever present, as sincere as their godliness — hence the estab- lishment of the ordinary for the entertainment of travellers, the mutual comfort of the settlers." All through the country, licenses to keep taverns were granted on the condition that they be near the meeting-house, and inn-keepers were obliged to clear their houses during the church service. Orderly con- duct was required and drunkenness was frowned upon, yet liquor was freely used by minister and layman alike. As early as 1646 the General Court passed a law by which landlords were forbidden " to suffer anyone to be druncken or to stay drinking in his house above an hour at one tyme " 1 under pen- alty of five shillings. The use of tobacco was considered much more degrading than indulgence in intoxicating drinks. News- papers were not common, but at the tavern one could usually be found, and here men and women gathered to read and dis- cuss the news of the day and all items of interest. The tavern was so situated that the arrival of the stage-coach was an 1 Laws of Plymouth Colony, p. 50. 320 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 event of daily interest,— bringing visitors, or travellers on the way from Plymouth to Taunton and New Bedford. In the French and Indian War, the men of the town came here to enlist. In the Revolutionary War, it was the rendezvous for military men, and here the patriots of the town assembled to discuss the stirring events of the times. From this tavern, after the drill upon the Green, the companies, of Middleboro men marched to join the army in the different parts of the country. The spot is still pointed out where stood the famous liberty pole, 1 with the scale, showing the required height of the soldier. The prominent men of the colony, as well as distin- guished noblemen from England, on their way to visit Oliver Hall, have stopped here. Probably at few inns in the colony were more illustrious men entertained than in this noted hos- telry. It was the rendezvous of the men who marched to Plym- outh in the War of 181 2, and for a generation after, training day was observed on this " Green " each year. This famous old house was built by James Soule in the year 1700, and soon after was occupied by the well-known family of Littles. Originally, it was only one half as large as when taken down, the northeastern part having been built first. From the second story was hung the sign, which is still pre- served, and which is said to have been the first on any tavern to publicly express the sentiments of liberty, then creating so much excitement throughout the country. It was particularly daring on the part of Colonel Sproat, the proprietor of this old inn, to thus advocate the cause of independence in oppo- 1 In a letter of Dr. Peter Oliver, Jr., under date of October 27, 1774, he writes : " The week before last our Sons of Lyberty here, put up a Lyberty Pole on the Green. Our Minister grac'd the solemnity with his presence, and made a prayer under the Pole, and an harangue upon Lyberty. It was a day sat apart for the Officers of the Company to resign their offices. M r . Conant took the pikes, and gave them to the new Officers : he has rendered himself very ridiculous to many of his friends. " Ere this reaches, you will receive the News-Papers, which will give you an in- sight of our present troubles and difficulties. The Judge (Chief Justice Peter Oliver,) has been in Boston these 8 or 10 weeks, to save his life ; and Madam has been there these 3 weeks, and are both going to winter there." Diary and Letters of Thomas Hntc/iiiison, vol. i, p. 264. 1775] THE GREEN 321 SIGNBOARD OF THE OLD SPROAT TAVERN sition to the views of so influential a man as Judge Oliver. The house retained much of its original furnishing in the wainscot, the great fireplace, the deep-seated square windows, and latticed panes of glass. In the room which formerly led to the tap-room were to be seen a shelf and panel, relics of the past ; the tap-room continued for genera- tions with the same furnishing. The kitchen showed the large oak beams as first placed over the ceiling, with the Dutch brick and panel work of English make about the large fireplace. In the early part of the last cen- tury it was enlarged to accommodate the many patrons of the inn. Here many of the congregation who worshipped in the adjoin- ing old meeting-house used to assemble every Sabbath noon during the intermis- sion. There was a roaring fire in the large open fireplace, and near by was the well, still to be seen, with its long well-sweep. There are those now living who remember the gilded ball which hung on a post near the well. During the "noonings " the large room was crowded, and the conversation there carried on was interesting and instruc- tive. Some of the best thinkers of the town were there, dis- cussing the current news of the day, as well as the sermon from its theological, argumentative, and scriptural point of view. Captain Joshua Eddy in Revolutionary times, and later his son, Zachariah Eddy, were often the chief speakers on these occasions. It was at one of these noonings that Frank- lin met them and spoke concerning their crops and the best way of enriching and draining their land. He gave them a few copies of " Poor Richard's Almanac," which were after- ward eagerly sought after, and were usually hung over the fireplace under the king's arm. The old were never tired of repeating the sayings of that Sabbath afternoon, and taught them to their children and their children's children, so that the name of Franklin was one of the most honored in the 322 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i775 old parish. In after years, the men of Middleboro appreciated what George III had said to his ministers during the early days of the Revolution, " Beware of that crafty rebel, Ben- jamin Franklin, he has more brains than all the rest put together, and will outwit you all." Ebenezer Sproat was an influential man, of large and com- manding figure, and held the office of treasurer and selectman for some years. He was the proprietor of the Sproat Tavern, and under his management the house acquired much of its reputation. He died January 23, 1786, 1 aged sixty-nine. His son, Colonel Ebenezer, was born in the year 1752, and in- herited the virtues of his father, and in addition to this, he was noted for his boldness and energy, tempered by prudence and sagacity. When quite young he became interested in public affairs of the colony, and before he reached his majority, saw the inevitable consequences of the tyrannical acts of the Crown. He was one of the first to enlist in the Revolutionary army, and was with the troops to oppose the British possession of Newport at the time of its first invasion. He entered the army as captain, and such was his ability that he was promoted to the rank of major in the Tenth Massachusetts Regiment, com- manded by Colonel Shepard. In 1 778 he was with John Glover's Brigade of four regiments in Providence, as lieutenant-colonel. It was said at that time that he was the tallest man in his regi- ment, being six feet four inches in height, and of perfect pro- portions. He had winning ways, and yet the sternness of an able military commander. He was a strict disciplinarian, but his agreeable manner, his intelligence and cheerful disposition, made him a universal favorite with his officers and men. His knowledge of the art of war and the thorough discipline that he maintained attracted the attention of Baron Steuben, who 1 History of the First Church of Middleboro, p. 240. i 7 8i] THE GREEN 323 appointed him inspector of the brigade, an office he filled to the satisfaction of his superior officers. He was a friend of General Washington, and was frequently admitted to his con- fidence. Dr. Thacher, in his journal of military events, thus speaks of Colonel Sproat : — "In the mutiny which broke out in January, 1781, in the New Jersey line, stationed at Pompton, in New Jersey, a de- tachment of five hundred men was ordered out to suppress it. In this detachment Col. Sproat was second in command, and Maj. Oliver was one of the field-officers. The distance from the main encampment was thirty or forty miles, and the snow two feet deep; it took nearly four days to accom- plish the march. When they came in sight of the insurgents, Gen. Robert Howe, the commander, ordered his men to load their arms ; and as some of the officers distrusted the faithfulness of their own men, so prevalent was disaffection in the army, that,- before making the attack, he harangued the troops on the hei- nousness of the crime of mutiny, and the absolute necessity of military sub- ordination ; that the mutineers must be brought to an uncon- ditional submission. The men entered fully into the patriotic spirit of their officers, and marching with the greatest alac- rity, surrounded the huts so as to admit of no escape. Gen. Howe ordered his aide-de-camp to command the mutineers to parade in front of their huts, unarmed, in five minutes. Ob- serving them to hesitate, a second message was sent, when they instantly obeyed, and paraded in a line, unarmed, two or three hundred in number. The general then ordered three of the ringleaders to be selected for condign punishment. These COLONEL EBENEZER SPROAT 324 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBOKO [1781 unfortunate men were tried on the spot, Col. Sproat being president of the court martial, standing on the snow, and they were sentenced to be shot immediately. Twelve of the most active mutineers were selected for their executioners. This was a most painful task, and some of them, when ordered to load their guns, shed tears. Two of them suffered death on the spot ; the third one was pardoned, as being less guilty, on the representation of their officers. Never were men more completely humbled and penitent. Tears of sorrow and of joy si 1 earned from their eyes, and each one seemed to con- gratulate himself that his forfeited life had been spared. The general then addressed the men in a very pathetic and im- pressive manner : showing the enormity of their crime, and the inevitable ruin to the cause of the country, to which it would lead. They remained true and faithful soldiers to the end of the war." That service, Colonel Sproat often said, was the most pain- ful ever imposed upon him, but such was the position of the continental arm)' at this time that the insubordination man- ifested in the New Jersey troops called for most severe mea- sures, anil after that lesson there was no further mutiny on the part of any of the troops. 1 It is to the credit of the men from the New England colonies that no revolt ever occurred among them, and Washington said at one time in view of this, " God bless the New England troops." In the early part of the war Colonel Sproat was at home on a furlough, when his fondness for a joke was seen in the fol- lowing incident : Three soldiers, passing through Middleboro, stopped at the tavern, where his mother placed what he con- sidered a rather scanty meal before them. When they inquired the price, he called to his mother, " Mow much is it worth to pick those bones?" "About a shilling, I suppose," was the answer, lie returned to the room, took three shillings from the drawer, and handed one to each of the men, who went on their way much pleased at their treatment. Later, when his mother asked for the money, he exclaimed as if in surprise, " Money ! did I not ask you what it was worth to pick those 1 Hildreth, Lives of the Early Settlers of Ohio. 1805] THE GREEN 3 2 5 bones; and you replied a shilling? I thought it little enough for such a job and handed them the money from the till, and they are gone." After the war he lived in Providence, where he married Catherine, daughter of Abraham Whipple. In 1786 he was ap- pointed surveyor for Rhode Island of the lands west of the ( )hio, and later settled upon the banks of the Marietta River. His fearless character, as well as his fairness in dealing with the Indians, soon won their respect. The Indians called him Hetuck, or Big Buckeye, from his eagle eye and stately bear- ing. He rose to be a prominent man in the state, and from the name the Indians gave to him, Ohio took the name of the Buckeye state. At the recent celebration of the city of Mari- etta, Colonel Sproat was duly honored as the founder of a number of institutions which have rendered Ohio the Massa- chusetts of the West. He was an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati. He died in February, 1805. Colonel Sproat had a brother Thomas, who, upon the death of his father, succeeded to the paternal estate and successfully carried on the old tavern. It is much to be regretted that a building so connected with the historic events of the town, county, and state could not have been preserved as a memorial of former times. Dr. Thomas Sturtevant, a physician of skill, and widely known throughout this and adjoining towns, commenced his practice on the old Sturtevant farm, and died in 1836, leaving several children. George became a well-known physician, and succeeded to his father's estate and practice. Another son was Thomas, whose genial good-nature, ready wit, and remark- able fluency of language gave promise of much which was, unfortunately, never realized. There was scarcely an event in town which was not made a subject of his ready rhyme in longer or shorter poems, epitaphs, or sonnets. While a prisoner in Canada, in the War of 181 2, he wrote at one sitting, ap- parently without thought or preparation, the following acrostic on the Lord's Prayer: — 1 Hildreth, Lives of the Early Settlers of Ohio, p. 240. 326 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i8is " Our Lord and King, who reign'st enthroned on high, Father of light ! mysterious Deity ! Who art the great I AM, the last, the first, Art righteous, holy, merciful and just. In realms of glory, scenes where angels sing, Heaven is the dwelling place of God our King, Hallowed thy name, which dost all names transcend. Be thou adored, our great Almighty Friend, Thy glory shines beyond creation's space, Named in the book of justice and of grace. Thy kingdom towers beyond thy starry skies; Kingdom satanic falls, but thine shall rise. Come let thine empire, O thou Holy one, Thy great and everlasting will be done ! Will God make known his will, his power display ? Be it the work of mortals to obey. Done is the great, the wondrous work of love, On Calvary's cross he died, but reigns above, Earth bears the record in thy holy word, As Heaven adores thy love, let earth, O Lord ; It shines transcendent in th' eternal skies, Is praised in Heaven, — for man the Savior dies. In songs immortal angels laud his name, Heaven shouts with joy, and saints his love proclaim. Give us, O Lord, our food, nor cease to give Us that food on which our souls may live ! This be our boon to-day, and days to come, Day without end in our eternal home : Our needy souls supply from day to day. Daily assist and aid us when we pray. Bread though we ask, yet Lord thy blessing lend, And make us grateful when our gifts descend. Forgive our sins, which in destruction place Us the vile rebels of a rebel race ; Our follies, faults, and trespasses forgive, Debts which we ne'er can pay, or thou receive ; As we, O Lord, our neighbor's faults o'erlook, We beg thou'dst blot ours from thy memory book. Forgive our enemies, extend thy grace Our souls to save, e'en Adam's guilty race. Debtors to thee in gratitude and love, And in that duty paid by saints above. Lead us from sin and in thy mercy raise Us from the tempter and his hellish ways. Not in our own, but in his name who bled, Into thine ear we pour our every need. 1730] THE GREEN T> 2 7 Temptation's fatal charms help us to shun, But may we conquer through thy conquering Son ! Deliver us from all which can annoy Us in this world, and may our souls destroy. From all calamities which men betide, Evil and death, O turn our feet aside ; For we are mortal worms, and cleave to clay ; Thine 't is to rule and mortals to obey. Is not thy mercy, Lord, forever free ? The whole creation knows no God but thee. Kingdom and empire in thy presence fall ! The King eternal reigns the King of all. Power is with thee, to thee be glory given, And be thy name adored by earth and Heaven, The praise of saints and angels is thine own ; Glory to thee, the everlasting One, Forever be thy triune name adored ; Amen ! Hosanna ! blessed be the Lord ! " A little beyond the house of Dr. Sturtevant, southwest of the Deacon Tilson place, were the house and lands of Luke Short, who died at the age of one hundred and sixteen, having lived during the reign of eight British sovereigns. He was born in Dartmouth, England, where he spent the first sixteen years of his life. He had seen Oliver Cromwell ride through the streets, of whom he spoke as "a rough, burly, soldierly looking man and a good soldier," and was present at the execution of Charles I. After leaving England, he pursued a seafaring life in Marblehead, then settled in Middleboro and there reared a family of children. At one hundred years of age he used to work on his farm, and his mental faculties were but little impaired. He was hoeing corn one day, and stopping to rest at a rock near by, recalled a sermon preached ninety years before by John Flavel, the great London preacher, who at the close of his sermon had said : " How can I bless whom the Lord hath not blessed ! " He had paused and all was silence; no one moved, or spoke ; an English baronet who was present fell to the floor in a swoon. The recollection of this scene was so vivid that Mr. Short became a changed man, a devout christian, uniting with the church, of which he remained a loyal member until his death in 1746. 328 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1740 Rev. Thomas Palmer, 1 the second pastor of the church, lived in one of the garrison houses built soon after the re- settlement, later known as the Morey place, on the northern side of Plymouth Street, west of the house of Ira Bryant. The house had four gable-ends and two ridge-poles, after the style of the old meeting-house. He died June 17, 1743, aged seventy years. 2 A stone which has this inscription marks his grave in the parish burial-ground : — " All ye that pass along this way, Remember still your dying day, Here 's human bodies out of sight, Whose souls to have took their flight, And shall again united be In their doomed eternity." His wife Elizabeth died April 17, 1740, aged sixty-four. He had a numerous family, most of whom died young. His estate descended to a daughter, who married a Mr. Cheney, and from her to Mrs. Morey and her children, Jack and Hannah, well known for their marked peculiarities, which made them the subject of constant jest and joke. Until recently there has been no business here save a black- smith shop opposite the mansion house, and later one on the Green. 1 See chapter on Ecclesiastical History. 2 History of the First Church of Middleboro, p. 36, gives his age as seventy; p. 82 as seventy-eight. CHAPTER XX THOMASTOWN, ROCK, ROCKY MEADOW, RAYMOND NEIGHBORHOOD, FRANCE, SOUTH MIDDLEBORO ISTORY associates the name of Thomastown with that of David Thomas and his descendants, but Deacon Benjamin Thomas, whose residence is still standing, was, in the century before the last, per- haps the most prominent man of the place. He was not lib- erally educated, but was a man of strong common sense, of sturdy principle, well versed in the scriptures, conscientious in the performance of every duty, and was well known through- out the county. He was chosen deacon of the First Church May 23, 1776, and filled many important positions in the town. "In 1782, he was a representative, and in 1788, a member of the convention which adopted the Federal Constitution. When a bill was under discussion for repealing the law of pri- mogeniture, the deacon declared his doubts, as the Scriptures showed special favors for the first born. A Boston gentle- man said, the deacon mistook the Scriptures, for they said that Jacob, though the younger brother, inherited the birth- right. The deacon said, the gentleman had forgotten to tell us how he obtained it, how Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, and how Jacob deceived his father, pretending to be Esau, and how his mother helped on the deception — he had forgotten all that. The laugh was at first against the deacon, but at last turned against the gentleman from Boston." 1 He died January 18, 1800, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. Deborah Sampson, a young woman widely known for her patriotism in enlisting as a young man in the Revolutionary 1 History of the First Church of Middleboro, p. 61. 33° HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1779 army, lived in this neighborhood in the early part of her life. She was born in the adjoining town of Plympton, December 17, 1760, and was a descendant of William Bradford. Her father, Jonathan Sampson, Jr., was deprived of the portion of the property which should have descended to him, and is said to have fallen into habits of intemperance ; this finally led to the separation of his children, and the family were scattered. At the age of ten years Deborah was received into the home of Jeremiah Thomas, where she lived for ten years and more, until the time of her enlistment. Mr. Thomas, as an earnest patriot, did much towards shaping the political opinions of the young woman in his charge, who early developed talent and a strong de- sire for knowledge. Her perceptions were quick and her imagination lively ; she soon became absorbed in the stir- ring questions of the clay. For a few years before she lived with Mr. Thomas, she was in the home of the Rev. Peter Thacher, the third minister of the First Church. It is said that early in life she kept -a journal, recording her good deeds on one page and her bad deeds on the opposite page. The events during the early years of the war for inde- pendence made a deep impression upon her mind, and without informing her closest friend of her intention, she had probably determined to see something of the world beyond her neigh- borhood and to help in some way the patriot cause. Such was her ability that before she was nineteen, in 1779, she was employed to teach six months in a public school in Middle- boro. She had been bound out to service, but after this term expired, she was at liberty to choose for herself. The house in which her school was kept stood on the spot where Elisha Jenks now resides, but the building was afterwards moved to Water Street and occupied as a dwelling-house. She then DEBORAH SAMPSON 178: THOMASTOWN 331 boarded in the house of Abner Bourne, and such was her suc- cess as teacher that she was engaged for the next season. She was accustomed to attend church at the meeting-house in the Upper Green, but afterwards became interested in the preach- ing of Rev. Asa Hunt, a Baptist minister at the Rock, and joined that church. While she was with Deacon Thomas, she grew very skilful in spinning linen and worsted, and during the winter months was employed by many of the residents of the town to do their nicest spinning. She was often in the old Morton house, the Bourne house, and at the Sproat Tavern, engaged in her work. The hope that she might in some way serve her country had been cherished for months before she determined to assume male attire and enlist as a soldier in the Continental army. She had purchased from Mr. Leach's store in Muttock cloth which she secretly took home and made into a suit, working after her day's spinning was finished and at odd hours that her secret might not be discovered. It is said that after she had completed these clothes she walked to Taunton in the night for fear of meeting some of her old acquaintances on the road, and remained there until she be- came accustomed to her new attire. Early in the year 1782, as a recruiting officer was in Middleboro, she en- listed under the name of Timothy Thayer. When the supposed Timothy Thayer was signing the articles of agreement, an old lady who sat near the fire carding wool remarked that Thayer held his pen just as " Deb " Sampson did. Feeling that this circumstance would excite suspicion, she absented herself from that neigh- borhood. Her disappearance and the suspicions excited created no little talk thereabout, but her courage and determination were undaunted. It is said that from Middleboro she walked DEBORAH SAMPSON'S HOME 332 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1782 to Taunton, and from Taunton to New Bedford, where she offered to enlist on an American cruiser, but withdrew upon learning that the commander treated his men badly. From that place she walked to Boston, Wrentham, Worcester, Rox- bury, Dedham, and finally enlisted in May, 1782, in Medfield, with fifty others. She marched with her company to West Point under the name of Robert Shurtleff, and followed the fortunes of the army until the close of the war. She was in many of the skirmishes and battles of the Revolution, and belonged to Captain Webb's company of Light Infantry in Colonel Shepherd's regiment. In the first battle of the regi- ment she was wounded in the left breast by a musket-ball, and never recovered from its effect. She hastily staunched the blood, and by the light of the camp-fire took out the bullet with a soldier's sharp knife, and dressed and took care of her wound without any assistance. She said afterwards that the pain made her faint, but that was of small account compared with the danger of having her sex discovered, as it would have been had she submitted to the examination of a sur- geon. After the first battle she met Colonel Ebenezer Sproat, but fortunately he did not know her, although she had often been employed as spinster in his father's house. By her skill and adroitness she was not recognized as a woman by the army, although one clay, while waiting on a poor wounded soldier, she spoke to him in such tones of kindness that he exclaimed in amazement, " Bob Shurtleff, you are a woman, no man ever spoke in a tone like that ; " then seeing, no doubt, the distress his remark had caused, he said quickly, " but never mind, Bob, your secret is safe and I will never be- tray you." On one occasion her duty called her near General Washing- ton, and she used often to relate incidents and sayings which she had heard from the great father of his country. She served with Lafayette and worked in the trenches at the siege of Yorktown, where she was again severely wounded, but her sex seemed to escape the notice of the surgeon, and before the wound had healed she rejoined the army and continued to do 1784] THOMASTOWN 333 most valiant service. 1 In the spring of 1783 she was appointed aide-de-camp to General Patterson and taken into his family. At the close of the war she remained but little in Middle- boro, and the church with which she had been connected commenced proceedings against her, and excluded her for unseemly conduct in assuming the dress and manner of a man. This did not affect her standing in the estimation of all who had known her, and some of the ladies of Middleboro, after the war was over, used to say that they wished they had taken some part in the war as " Debbie " did. In the early part of 1784 she resumed the apparel of a woman and her old employment of spinning, and on the 7th day of April, 1784, she married Benjamin Gannet, a respectable and industrious farmer, who resided in Sharon. She was placed on the pen- sion list in 1805, and by a special act of Congress, her heirs were granted the same pension as was allowed to widows or orphans whose husbands or fathers had died from wounds received in the army. She was placed on the pension roll of invalid pensions by the commonwealth of Massachusetts, where she received $48 per year, which was afterwards in- creased to $76.80 per year. This she relinquished in 1818 for the benefit of the act of May 18, under which she received $8 per month, which was continued until her death. She died April 29, 1827, aged sixty-eight years. It is worthy of remark that while she served in the army and all through her subsequent life, no word of suspicion was ever raised against her character. She seems to have been a worthy, upright woman, respected and revered by all who knew her. 2 1 She used to relate that at one time she felt the wind from a cannon-ball, which passed over her head and killed four men behind her. She was with a detach- ment under General Lincoln opening trenches within a short distance of the enemy's lines. The labor and exposure were such that she contracted a severe cold, blistered her hands, and showed signs of extreme exhaustion. When General Lincoln noticed her condition, he said, " You have too great a mea- sure of fatigue upon you, my fine lad, retire to your tent and pleasantly dream an hour or two." Then followed several days when she was in the thickest of the fight. She witnessed the surrender of Cornwallis. Sampson Genealogy, p. 60. 2 For many of these facts, see the Life of Deborah Sampson, the Female Soldier of the War of the Revolution. 334 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBOKO [1845 ROCK A large ledge running for half a mile from one road to an- other has given the name to this thriving little village, which was before this called Beaver Dam. The post-office was estab- lished here in 1849. O n this rock the early settlers worshipped, and after the church was established it was called Rock Meet- ting-house, but this has now been changed to Rock. Since the erection of the Atwood Lumber Mill and the box factory, and the establishing of a post-office and the stores of Turner and Atwood, it has grown to its present size. In early days there was a training-green on the common, which was used until the land was sold, about 1845, and set apart as an addition to the Rock Cemetery. ROCKY MEADOW Rocky Meadow is sometimes known as Mahuchet, probably from an Indian chief by that name, and like many other parts of the town, was formerly much more thickly settled than at present. In this neighborhood is a hill called Robin's Hill, said to be the highest point of land in the county, and to the northwest is a remarkable tract of land, known as Rocky VIEW OF THE ROCK 1676] ROCKY MEADOW, RAYMOND NEIGHBORHOOD 335 Meadow Pond. It has an area of about forty acres entirely turfed over with grass, and is sometimes called Mahuchet Pond, and from it a brook by that name flows to the south. The roots are so woven together that when people walk upon them the surface waves like that of the ocean, but they are strong enough to bear up a man without difficulty. Under this depth of grass and roots there seems to be water to the depth of from twenty to thirty feet. Nearby there was a sawmill dat- ing back for more than one hundred years, owned by Captain Joshua Eddy ; on its site has been erected a house for the storing of cranberries, which are gathered in large quantities from the extensive boss. RAYMOND NEIGHBORHOOD In the change of population, this place has, within the past fifty years, lost much of its significance. It is situated between Waterville and Thomastown, and although in the early settle- ment its soil was productive, it is now one of the poorest and most uninviting parts of the town. A hundred years ago its population was quite numerous. They were the descendants of John Raymond, who came from Salem during the witch- craft excitement. While a resident of Salem, he early enlisted in King Philip's War in the company commanded by Captain Joseph Gardner, and was one of the bravest and most effi- cient men in his command. He was in the great battle at the taking of the Indian fort in the Narragansett country on the afternoon of Sunday, December 19, 1675, and is said to have been the first soldier who 1 entered the fortification. After this campaign, he continued in various commands until the close of the war. He united with the First Church, April 29, 1722, and was a worthy, devoted christian, a man of much influ- ence, commanding the respect of all. He died July 5, 1725, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. Some of his descendants, with other residents of Middleboro, moved to Woodstock, Ver- mont. 1 History of Plymouth County, p. 949. 336 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i7°3 FRANCE France takes its name from Dr. Francis Lebaron, 1 a native ■of France, who bought a large tract of country in the early part of the eighteenth century, some two miles in extent, on the south side of the Weweantitt River. 2 His son James and others of his descendants settled there shortly after. About the middle of the last century the numerous families of that name moved to other parts of the country, and only a few now reside here. Dr. Lebaron was a surgeon of a French ship of war which was wrecked in Buzzard's Bay in 1694, when England was at war with France. He, with the officers and crew of the ves- 1 The modern spelling is Le Baron. ,J The real estate purchased by Dr. Francis Lebaron in the South Purchase was as follows : — From Philip and Thomas Delano of Duxburrow, November 16, 1701, lots 145 and 146, containing 90 acres, more or less. From Abram Jackson of Plymouth, April 13, 1702, lot number 193 in the seventh division and lot number 215 in the eighth division, with other rights in the land belonging to the said Jackson. From Francis Curtis of Plymouth, May 6, 1702, lots 112 and 124. From John and Samuel Dogget of Marshfield, August 17, 1702, lots 142 in the fifth division and lot 176 in the sixth division. From John Jones of Marshfield, March 31, 1703, all of his share in lot 121 in the South division one half mile in length, and lot 143 in the fifth divi- sion. From John Benson, jr., of Rochester, April 17, 1703, lot 23 and lot 24. From Joseph Vaughan, June 16, 1703, lot 144 in the fifth division and one other lot bounded but not numbered in the deed. From David Thomas of Middleboro, July 5, 1703, two acres of meadow. From Jeremiah Thomas of Middleboro, August 31, 1703, one third of the meadow bought with his two brothers as appears in the town records of Middle- boro. From Nathaniel Jackson of Plymouth, October 19, 1703, one share of upland which was Major Winslow's in the 130th lot in the fourth division and lot 211 in the eighth division. One share which was John Winslow's in the 14th lot in the first division and in the I22d lot in the fifth division. One share which was John Alden's, the 109th lot in the fourth division and the 58th lot in the second division. From William Thomas of Middleboro, November 9, 1703, one half share of the lot 217. 1704] FRANCE 337 sel, was made a prisoner of war and sent to Boston. As they stopped at Plymouth for the night, they were lodged in the house of William Bacon near the Plymouth Green, where Dr. Lebaron learned that a lady residing in the town had suffered a compound fracture of the leg. The doctors were about to amputate it, but Dr. Lebaron, by his skilful treatment, pre- vented the operation. The war ended soon after the prisoners reached Boston, and such had been his success, and so win- ning were his manners, that at the request of the selectmen of Plymouth, with the consent of Lieutenant-Governor George Stoughton, he settled permanently in Plymouth. He married Mary Wilder, a daughter of Edward Wilder of Hingham, and died in Plymouth in 1704, and was buried on Burial Hill. He left three sons, James, Lazarus, and Francis. At the time of his capture he was called by his brother offi- cers " Le Baron," and refused to give his rank or name even to his wife and family. He was a cultivated gentleman, of courtly bearing, far better educated in his profession than the physicians of the colony, and was always reported to be a nobleman in disguise. The leading events in his life at Plym- outh, with his romantic marriage, are the subject of an inter- esting romance by Mrs. Jane G. Austin. He was a Roman Catholic, wearing a cross upon his breast, and although he had no sympathy with the religion of the colony, he remained silent in reference to his faith. His oldest son, James, inherited his father's ability, and in the early part of his life was a surveyor. There is a well- authenticated tradition that he came to Middleboro to survey the lands which his father had purchased, and while there was overtaken by a severe storm which made the roads impass- able for some time. He stopped in the house of John Benson, and while there became engaged to his daughter Martha. His proud-spirited father did not approve of this marriage, and threatened to disown him, but he afterwards became recon- ciled, and the son settled upon the land which had been pur- chased by his father. At his death he was a man of wealth, as 33$ HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i775 shown by his inventory, 1 and prominent in the affairs of the colony. Captain Joseph Lebaron, who served in the volunteer mili- tia in the War of 1812, and with his company went to the defence of Wareham, was a descendant of "the nameless nobleman." Among other men who lived in this neighborhood was Lieu- tenant Josiah Smith, and the cellar of his house can still be pointed out. He served in the army throughout the Revo- 1 A true Inventory of all & singular the Goods Chattels & Real Estate of Mr. James Lebaron prized at Middleboro Oct. 2nd. 1744 by John Shaw, Benjamin Churchill and Neh. Bennet as followeth, to the value of bills of the old tenor. Impremis. His apparel, silver spoons & silver buttons & silver pieces . . . ,£29. 4 Item His armes & Ammunition His Razor and hone .... 10. 6 Item his books of all sorts 3.19 Item his Beds & all y e furniture belonging to him 33-8 Item his puter Brass Glass & Leather ware 6.18 Item his holler Iron ware & Chimney brass 7. Item his chests chairs & wooden ware 16. 4 Item his Carpenter tools Blacksmiths tools 12. 3 Item his tools for husbandry, saddle & bridle 19. £136.12 Item his cattle sheep, Goats, Swine & horse 244.10 £382.12 Item his 142 and 143 with the improvement that is on them with his House, Barns Corn House & Orchard 600 Item his 112 lot part cedar swamp 86 Item his 121 lot with some improvement 60 Item his half of the 123 lot 20 Item his 144 and 145 lot So Item his 146 lot 50 Item his uppermost lot of meadow on South meadow river with half what is called the coast 140 Item his Meadow that lyeth below the double brook .... 100 Item his salt meadow by estimation two acres 100 Item his land that lyeth on the East side of South Meadow River by estimation twenty nine acres 25 Item his Indian Corn Rye & hay 42 Amounting to £1679.12 Ply. ss. Dec. 19, 1744. Martha Lebaron Adm. sd estate made oath that the inventory contains all his estate so far as she knows, and when she shall know of more shall give it in y 6 sd. appraisers being also under oath Before me J. Cushing Judge of Probate. 1775] FRANCE, SOUTH MIDDLEBORO 339 lutionary War ; he was with Ethan Allen at the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, and followed him, the second man to enter the fort ; he was at Valley Forge, crossed the Delaware with Washington, and for a time was a member of his body-guard. He used to say with pride that he had taken a glass of wine from the hand of Lady Washington. Soon after the Revolu- tionary War he moved to Wareham, and lived on Indian Neck. During the century preceding the last there were many large farms here, which, with the houses, were usually away from public roads, and connected by private paths from one farm to another. This place has now become an almost unbroken woodland, with scarcely any trace of its former prosperity, excepting the well-built stone walls which here and there are still to be seen marking boundaries of farms or extensive cultivated fields. The growth of pine lumber has been remarkable ; there is in this vicinity one lumber mill, known as Cushing's Mill, which with those at the Rock and South Middleboro saw not less than three thousand cords of white pine lumber a year, and have been doing so for a generation. SOUTH MIDDLEBORO South Middleboro was not settled until some time after the close of King Philip's War. In the latter part of the eighteenth century the Stillwater Furnace furnished employment for about forty men in the manufacture of hollow-ware from the iron ore obtained from the neighboring ponds, which was landed at the wharf on the eastern shore of Great Quittacus and carted from there to this furnace. This business was successfully carried on by Captain Zenas Wood, one of the best-known citizens, who also owned a retail store, to which Mr. Hooper succeeded on the death of Captain Wood. Mr. Hooper, a man much respected here, was often called to settle estates, advise with his neighbors, and adjust difficulties. Near the site of the furnace was a box-board and shingle mill. In the middle of the last century Stillman Benson built 340 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1775 and carried on the Benson Lumber Mill. He was elected to different offices in town, and was largely instrumental in secur- ing the location of the Cape Cod railroad and in establishing a station here. Here are the most extensive pine woods of the town ; their rapid growth has been remarkable, and they have not been materially diminished, notwithstanding the large amount of timber used in the lumber mills. Twenty-five years ago Middleboro was one of the largest lumber - producing towns of the state. There are now three mills in this neighborhood, known as the . Witham, Benson, and Gam- mons mills. Here lived Samuel Smith, whose eventful life is enti- tled to something more than a passing notice. He was born in Rhode Island in 1757, and after the battle of Lex- ington enlisted in the Con- tinental army. He was sta- tioned in the Highlands on the Hudson where Major Andre was brought into camp, and remained until he was hanged. At Red Bank he was engaged in a severe battle with the Hessians, and in November, 1776, he marched with others to Valley Forge, suffering great hard- ships from cold and hunger, with the army, during that terrible winter. He acted as attendant to the army physician, who became one of his warm friends. During all the years of success and defeat he continued with the patriot army, until it disbanded in 1783. He had various adventures at the close of the war in many parts of the world : he was a baggage driver from Providence to Boston ; a whaler to the coast of Bra- zil ; later, he shipped for the West Indies, and after several STILLMAN BENSON 1680] SOUTH MIDDLEBORO 34 1 voyages, he lived in Middleboro until his death. In 1853 an account of his life was published by the Middleboro " Gazette," which yielded him a small income during his old age. He lived in the house later owned by Frank Wallen. Captain Abiel Peirce, whose services in the French and Indian War have been mentioned, lived about two and a half miles southwest from the Rock meeting-house, on Miller Street. The farm he owned is now in the possession of Joseph Sherman, Esq. ; the house he occupied was taken down a few years ago and a new one erected on its site. CHAPTER XXI EDDYVILLE, WATERVILLE, SOULE NEIGHBORHOOD, HALIFAX DDYVILLE takes its name from Samuel Eddy and his descendants, who from the first settlement of the town have owned and occupied much of the land. They were men of character and influence, noted for their enterprise and public spirit, and have done not a little in aiding the various enterprises of the town ; some of them were widely known throughout the colony and the com- monwealth. The history of this locality necessarily includes much of the lives of the various members of this family. A sketch of the life of Samuel Eddy has been given in the chapter on Early Purchasers. The name of his wife is unknown. She came from Kent, and probably had not been educated to observe all of the religious tenets of her neigh- bors in the pilgrim church, especially as to the observance of the Lord's day. Among the records of the court in Plymouth, we find that at one time she presumed to hang out clothes washed just before the going down of the sun on a certain Lord's day, for which she was brought before the governor and council and fined ten shillings, but for reasons the records do not show, it was remitted. Again, she was brought before the council "upon a most grievous offense," in walking from Plymouth to Boston upon a Lord's day, but her answer was that she had taken this walk for charity for a sick friend, Mis- tress Saffin, whom she had known in the old country. The court excused this as an act of mercy, but admonished her to do so no more. Samuel Eddy's name occurs in the records of the colony in many transactions until about the year 1662. He possessed several hundred acres in the eastern part of the town, extend- 1759] EDDYVILLE 343 ing over a portion of Halifax, and including all of the land now known as Eddyville. In 1685 he was described as of Plymouth, living in Swansea. Part of the time before his death, in 1688, he lived with his son Obadiah, 1 who inherited his father's estate in Middleboro and Halifax, and after the war rebuilt his house, the site of which can still be pointed out in Halifax. His son Samuel built a house in Eddyville near the great pear-trees, which was destroyed by fire in 1720, and the next year he built and occupied a house, now owned by C. F. Eddy, his i^^^ W) A , descendant. This, probably one r) &&Uj!f of the oldest houses standing, was £/ inherited by Samuel's son Zacha- riah, and after his death was moved across the street, where it now stands. He was an ardent patriot, and four of his sons served in the Revolutionary War. On the northerly side of Plympton Street, nearly opposite the house of the late Andros Eddy, stood a printing-office, owned and carried on by John, the eldest son of Zachariah Eddy. This was the first printing-office in town, and prob- ably the only one in the old colony at that time. In 1759, at the age of twenty, he prepared and published an almanac from this office. It was printed in good type, and was quite similar in appearance to the Old Farmer's Almanac. The late Professor West said, " It was the best almanac that had ever been made up to that time." In the preface John Eddy writes : — "These calculations I believe, and do not doubt that my readers will find and agree that they are very near the truth. Some may condemn what is here wrote perhaps for nonsense and folly, but I shall have this for my consolation that the world is a scene of folly and strange if an almanack maker shall not have his part therein." The second almanac was written bearing this date, " Middle- boro, Sept. 1759." He- was a brilliant man, a mathematician, 1 See chapter on Early Settlers. 344 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [!77S and an astronomer. He was killed during the French and Indian War, at Crown Point, New York, when twenty-four years old. Upon the Green, opposite the house of Samuel Eddy, stood the house of Captain Joshua Eddy, which was burned in 1820, rebuilt by him, and occupied a few years before his death. This is now owned by William C. Eddy. Joshua Eddy joined the army in 1775, as a private in Colonel Cotton's regiment. He was present at the siege of Boston. In 1776 he was appointed lieutenant, and in 1777 he was offered a captain's commission in Colonel Gamaliel Brad- ford's regiment, on the usual condition of furnishing a certain number of men for three years. 1 Before leading on his recruits, he complied with a general order to go down to the hospital at Braintree and have the smallpox. He then started immediately, and took a large quantity of clothing, provisions, and equipments. He did not reach Ticon- deroga, but fell in with the American forces at Hub- bardstown on the retreat. His company suffered se- verely in that disastrous affair. The baggage was put on board boats to go to Skenesborough (Whitehall), but was taken or destroyed by the British. He remained at Albany with the army till they rallied, marched back to meet Burgoyne, and was present at the two battles by which he was compelled to surrender. In the second (October 7) they were reenforced by several brigades, and fought with courage. He 1 See chapter on the Revolution. CAPTAIN JOSHUA EDDY 1780] EDDYVILLE 345 used to speak of the ruin and the booty of Burgoyne's camp, after his retreat, as prodigious. The evening after the surren- der of Burgoyne they had orders to proceed down the river to yEsopus to meet General Vaughan. They pursued him to King's Bridge ; he retired into the city of New York, and they then passed over into New Jersey. They went into winter quarters with the rest of the army under General Washington in December. Captain Eddy did not remain there long; but on hearing of the death of his father, he applied to General Heath for a discharge. His request being refused, he applied to the commander-in-chief, but on account of the scarcity of officers, he was allowed only an indefinite furlough. He im- mediately returned, and spent the winter in settling the affairs, of his father. On April 10, 1778, he was married to Lydia Paddock, daughter of Zachariah Paddock of Middleboro. The next May he returned to the army, and was at the battle of Monmouth, June 28. His regiment was not called into action, but was employed in scouting and foraging. At the close of the battle he heard General Washington, in great excitement and pale with rage, accuse General Lee of disobe- dience of orders, saying with an oath, " Had you taken the position with your command as I directed, you would have captured the whole British army." Great was his surprise at Washington's profane language, but the consequences of this disobedience were so serious, and the disasters so great to the struggling patriot army, that it would have required more self-control than man possesses to have refrained from such an outburst. The summer of that year he spent with the Continental army in the vicinity of New York and Philadelphia. In the fall he again applied for his discharge ; but all he could obtain was, as before, an indefinite furlough, leaving him still liable at any time to be called. For his services he received an annual pension of ^20 a month, commencing April 4, 1818. 1 At the close of the Revolutionary War he settled upon his large farm, which he cultivated with care, kept a store on the 1 Eddy Family, p. 249. 346 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1800 RESIDENCE OF ZACHARIAH EDDY Green, and built and carried on a large blast furnace at Water- ville, known as Eddy's Furnace. During this time he built a schooner on the southerly side of Taunton River at Woodward's Bridge, which was launched and floated into Narragansett Bay. He is said to have been a man of deep religious feeling, and nothing better illustrates his christian character than the fact that, after his five sons were settled with their families about or near the Green, they were accustomed to meet for family prayers at his house every Sabbath afternoon and one evening in the week. He was a devoted, earnest member of the First Church, and was for some years one of its deacons. The only time his family ever saw him in tears was upon his return from the war on a furlough, when he found the state of religion so low that many had left the old church ; and it was mainly by his exertions that it was saved from going over to another faith with so many of the Old Colony churches. His son Zachariah, one of the prominent lawyers of the state, lived on the east side of the Green, Joshua lived next to his father, Nathaniel opposite, Ebenezer a half a mile away, and William S. in Waterville ; Morton and John, his other sons, did not live in town. Nathaniel occupied the store formerly owned by his father and next to that owned by his brother Joshua. The business reputation of the sons of Captain Joshua brought a large circle of men to the neighborhood, and the office of Zachariah Eddy was usually full of clients. His house is still standing on the eastern side of the Green, and the office, a little south of the house, remains as he left it. 1746] EDDYVILLE 347 j^Z-Stm OFFICE OF ZACHARIAH EDDY On Plympton Street, opposite Mr. Eddy's office, was the blacksmith shop of Captain William Ellis, a skilled workman, who had served in the Revolution, and who occupied the house built by Samuel Eddy in 1721. Later, in the store formerly occu- pied by Nathaniel, shoes were manu- factured for a number of years by Mr. George M. Leach and Joshua M. Eddy, a grandson of Captain Joshua. West of Eddyville, on Raven Brook, there was for many years a lumber mill, recently used as a box factory by Isaac Bryant. On Plympton Street, a short distance from Eddyville as you approach the village from the west, stands the Clark place, built and occupied by Samuel Eddy, Jr., about 1725. He was born in 1710, and died November 8, 1746. He was a man of note, and filled many important positions. During the troubles in the First Church which followed Mr. Thacher's death, his judgment and opinion were relied on. When the committee from the General Court were considering the matters which had been brought be- fore them, they are said to have stated that they could not understand the diffi- culties of the church until Samuel Eddy, Jr., came before them. It was a general re- mark at the time of his death that there was no member of the First Church who had so much intelligence, firm and consistent piety, and sound discretion as Samuel Eddy, Jr. 1 1 History of the First Church of Middle boro, p. 58 ; Eddy Genealogy, p. 247. RESIDENCE OF SAMUEL EDDY AND DR. POWERS 348 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1833 At one time this house was owned and occupied by Dr. Stephen Powers, the grandfather of Hiram Powers, the cele- brated sculptor, who, the latter part of his life, resided in Rome. Here Isaac McClellan, one of the poets of New England, often spent his summers. The house was later owned by Major Clark, and upon his death, by Harrison Clark, a well-known wit of the town, whose sayings have not been forgotten. Rev. Francis Greenleaf Pratt, a son-in-law of Zachariah Eddy, made this village his home, after retiring from the ministry. About the middle of the last century Eddyville was a place of much business activity as well as one of the social centres of the town. In 1833 a post-office was established there under the name of East Middleboro. WATERVILLE This village, formerly included as a portion of Eddyville, known as the Furnace, has within the past fifty years taken the name of Waterville. Eddy's Furnace, located on Whet- stone Brook and built by Captain Joshua Eddy, was carried on for a few years after his death by his sons. William S. Eddy commenced business in Plympton in one of the first cotton factories of the country, where he lost all of his money. It took him ten years to pay the amount lost. With his brother Nathaniel as partner, he took charge of the furnace. The hollow-ware, or iron utensils, pots, kettles, and andirons, were not only sold here, but were shipped in large quan- tities to supply the market in other sections of the country. The iron used for these castings was obtained from the ponds, and when the supply gave out, it was brought from New Jersey to New Bedford by ships and carted from there ; old iron was collected and brought to the furnace to be recast. This busi- ness furnished employment for about twenty-five men during the active season. When this furnace was in operation, one or two blasts were made during the year, which, when com- menced, were worked night and clay for a month or two. On the other side of the street and on the westerly side of the iS 4 o] WATERVILLE 349 pond stood what was known as the cook house, where the workmen boarded during the continuance of the blast. About the year 1840 the casting of hollow-ware was given up, and shovels were manufactured here, and still later, tacks. After Nathaniel re- tired from the firm, the business was car- ried on by William S. Eddy and his son, William C, who also kept a large store op- posite his residence. Upon the death of William S. Eddy, the privilege was bought by Albert T. Savery, who successfully car- ried on a lumber mill for many years. A little below, but upon the same stream, is a sawmill at one time owned by Joshua M. Eddy, but since his death it has been carried on by Mr. Savery as a box-board mill. In early times there was a hat factory here. The dam and privilege are now unused. A little to the west of the residence of Mr. Eddy was the house occupied by Mr. Ichabod Tilson, familiarly known as " Skipper" Tilson, a title given to the foreman of a blast fur- nace, who had charge of melting the ore, preparing moulds, and superintending the castings. It was a position of respon- sibility, as the work of the furnace depended largely upon his oversight and skill. A ridge of hills on the northerly side of the road has been known for many generations as Mount Carmel. The Plymouth railroad passes through this neighborhood, and has a station of this name. WILLIAM S. EDDY 350 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1690 SOULE NEIGHBORHOOD In the will of George Soule, the thirty-fifth signer of the compact in the Mayflower, he leaves his " Middleberry land " to his daughters. Elizabeth married John Haskell, and Patience, Francis Walker, both of whom became residents of the town. Later, there was some fear lest his son John should endeavor to dispossess his sisters of this portion of the estate, and steps were taken to guard against this. James moved from Duxbury to Middleboro in 1690, with his brother John, then a small boy. He married Lydia Tomson, a daughter of John Tomson, and built his first house about the year 1700 (near the site of the late Isaac Soule's house), which was soon after burned. It was a cold, wintry day, and the flames soon destroyed the wooden house, and with it all of his posses- sions. He and his young brother, who were alone in the house, barely escaped with their lives. In their distress he placed his small brother under a haystack while he went over the river Winnetuxet to his friends to obtain clothing for both of them. At the time of the running of the bounds of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase, he and John were extensive land-owners. James was fined, October 2, 1690, five shillings for refusing to go on the expedition to Canada. John Soule was born in 1632, and died in 1707. In his fa- ther's will he is referred to thus : " And forasmuch as my j * eldest son John Soule and his family hath (7^ ^ (\ c \dt& f in my extreme old age and weakness bin tender and careful of mee and very healp- full to mee and is likely for to be while it shall please God to continew my life heer therefore I given and bequeath unto the said John Soule, all the remainder of my housing and lands whatsoever." 1 He and John Tomson settled the dispute of the bounds of the town, June 24, 168 1. In this neighborhood Rev. Sylvanus Conant and eight of his parishioners, who died in 1777, were buried. The name of Wolftrap Hill is associated with these two 1 Windsor's Duxbury, p. 310. i 7 33] SOULE NEIGHBORHOOD, HALIFAX 35 1 brothers' early experiences. One of them was troubled by a wolf, which caught his poultry and otherwise injured the farm. He set a trap, digging a long trench in the ground, 1 and cov- ering it with boughs and bushes so that it was entirely con- cealed. One morning he found in one part of the trench a wolf, and in the other part an Indian. He soon killed the wolf, and after an examination he found the Indian was on his way from Nemasket to Plymouth upon legitimate business, so he was released and allowed to continue on his journey. Isaac Soule, a grandson of James, born about the year 1732, was an astrologer, or as then called, a conjurer, telling future events by the stars. His predictions were quite remarkable, and gave him an extended reputation ; he was visited by many people from a distance, who came to inquire into their future. One of the prominent men a century ago was William Soule, a great-grandson of the pioneer James. He was a man of stern principles, active in his religious duties. In different sections of the country there are many who claim James and John as their ancestors, but there are few of that name now living in Soule neighborhood. Aside from the farming here, there are now some shingle and box-board mills ; formerly there were two blacksmith shops, a brick kiln, and a tannery. HALIFAX " At a town meeting September 1 7, 1 733, the town by vote so far granted the petition and request of Mr. Thomas Thomp- son, John Drew, John Drew, Jr., Ebenezer Fuller, John Fuller, John Thompson, Ephraim Thompson, Jacob Thompson, Fran- cis Thompson, Ichabod Standish, Isaac Tinkham, Ebenezer Cobb, Timothy Wood, and Barnabas Thompson as to set off all the said petitioners and inhabitants that lie on the north- easterly side of Winnetuxet River in said town with their estates lying on the said side of the river to join with the adjacent parts of the towns of Plympton and Pembroke into a separate township, also the town chose Captain Ichabod Southworth, 1 This was the usual method of catching the wolves which caused the early settlers so much trouble. 35 2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 Benjamin Wood, Esq., and Mr. Thomas Nelson a committee to enquire into the circumstances of those of the said petition- ers that lie on the southwesterly side of the said Winnetuxet River respecting their joining with those on the north side of said river with the adjacent parts of Plimpton and Pembroke as aforesaid and the said committee to view the land by them requested to be set off on said southwest side of said river as aforesaid and to run and stake such lines and bounds as they shall think proper for setting off them or any part of them with their estates if the committee think reasonable, Jacob Thompson as surveyor to assist said committee in running the lines, the said committee or any two of them to make report of their doings and concur therewith if they think reasonable." As a result of this petition, in 1734 a small portion of the northerly part of what was formerly known as Middleberry was incorporated to form a part of the town of Halifax. Before this the boundary of the town extended to the Winnetuxet River. It was almost an unbroken wilderness, 1 but well adapted for agricultural purposes, as the soil was naturally rich. As the early settlers of the country depended entirely upon their farms for support, this portion of the town was considered most desirable. From the earliest time there have been large and valuable tracts of timber land, and the sawmills were among the first erected in this section. In the early part of the last century a large amount of ship timber was taken from here for the construction of vessels built in Kingston by the late Joseph Holmes. Jacob Tomson was the son of John Tomson, and lived near his father. He was born April 24, 1662, and died September 1, a - 1726, aged sixty-four. He was one ^jCXCQp c^TcYYlfoft °f t ^ ie 0I "i»i na l members of the ^-^ First Church, and selectman from 1697 to 1701 and again from 1706 to 1726, except in 1710, and representative to the General Court, 17 16 and 17 19. In the local militia he was ensign in 1700, and in 1708 1 Much of this territory was included in the purchase made by Lieutenant John Tomson of William Wetis-pa-quin, sachem of the Neponsets, and included, with •other purchases, about six thousand acres of land. Upon this land stood the log house built by John Tomson. 1664] HALIFAX 353 became captain. From 1720 he held a commission as justice of the peace, and was town clerk from 1706 for several years. His son Jacob, born in 1695, was town treasurer for several years and held various offices in town. His name is some- times confused with that of his father in the early records. In 1703, at the time of the dissension on account of Rev. Mr. Palmer, he became dissatisfied and left the church for some time, desiring a recommendation to join the church in Plymouth. 1 It occasioned much sorrow and hard feeling, and, as a result of a council, he and his family asked the forgive- ness of the church and were dismissed with great regret. He seems to have taken the lead in the deposition of Mr. Palmer and the conduct of the church in relation thereto. He was distinguished throughout the old colony as a sur- veyor, and as a most excellent and upright magistrate. He bought into the Twenty-six Men's Purchase before the war, and surveyed and divided it among the proprietors in lots ; he also surveyed many of the other purchases from the Indians and settled many estates in this and adjoining towns. He was a man who had the respect, not only of the town but of the colony. Upon the death of Lieutenant John Tomson, in the division of his estate, his homestead with about seven hundred acres of 1 " 1703. The Church of Christ in Middleboro having laid Leut. Jacob Tomson & his wife (who upon some scruples & dissatisfaction withdrew from ye com- munion of y e church & desired a dismission to ye church in ye New Society in plimouth that being nearer to y r dwelling &c) und r publique censure for y* s d with- drawing & refusing to grant y m s d dismission he & his wife sent to this church to send y e pastors & messengers to Joyn in Councill w th y e Elders & messengers of y e churches of weymouth bridgewater & Taunton (whom he had sent to) to be attended on y e 26 Oct. 1703, y e church made choice of our brother William Shertleff & our Brother Nathaniel Morton to Go w th y e pastor & Eld r to y e ser- vice. It must also be observed y* y e Sabbath before y e Councill was to meet y e church in Middleboro also sent Letters to us to be w th y ra (they Joyning w th Leut. Tomson in Councill) & sent also to y e chchs of Barstable and Sandwilch — y e s d Councill was attended on y e time abovs d & Came to a result y e Leu- tenant Tompson & his wife should make an acknowledgment for y* Irregular withdrawing from y e Communion of y e church and upon y' y e church should give y m a dismission to y e church in y e New Society in plimouth w ch were both Com- plyed w th and attended." 354 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i734 uu VftHWXtKfc*' an land fell to his son Thomas, who was born October 19, 1664. Among his intimate friends was John Morton. There is a tra- dition that Mr. Morton often urged im to marry, saying that he had arrived at a proper age, then being twenty-five years old. He replied, "I will marry that daughter of yours" (pointing to his infant child Mary, then lying in a cradle) " when she is old enough." He evidently waited, for we find the record of his marriage to Mary Morton when she attained the age of twenty-five years. Thomas Tomson was a farmer and glazier, setting the diamond-shaped panes of glass in lead, 1 and after the glass had been so prepared, adjusting it to the sash and window frames. At the time of his death, which occurred October 26, 1742, he was reputed one of the wealthy men in town, and was noted for his piety, large generosity, and wisdom in adjusting the various difficulties which arose among his neighbors. John Cotton said of him, "He was the wealthiest man in town, but what was more to his honor, he was rich toward God." 2 Among the other early settlers was Isaac Fuller, a son of the first pastor and a distinguished physician. In October, 1734, nineteen members of the First Church were dismissed to form a church in Halifax. (See chapter on Ecclesiastical History.) 1 Brown paper saturated in oil was at first used for windows. (See chapter on Early Settlers.) Afterwards small panes of glass set in lead took its place for about one hundred years until the wooden sash was introduced. 2 Descendants of John Thomson, p. 30. JOHN TOMSON'S PISTOL (From the original in Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth) CHAPTER XXII MUTTOCK [NDIAN names and traditions still linger about this place and give it a peculiar charm in its association with the past. The first comers gave it the name of Muttock, from Chesemuttock, one of the last of the Nemasket tribe of Indians, who resided upon the brow of the hill, now known as Oliver's Walk. The Indian name of Muttock was Pau-wa-ting, meaning " a swift river running between hills." This was one of the favorite resorts of King Philip before the Indian War, the residence of Wettamoo, the queen of Wam- sutta, from which, towards the close of the war, she fled. Her body was found near Mattapoisett, stripped of regal attire. Near this place Mary Rowlandson first met King Philip in her captivity after the destruction of her house and family, and here the Indian chief received her kindly and took good care of her. It was here, in all probability, that the deputa- tion sent out in 162 1 from Plymouth Colony to meet the great sachem Massasoit first stopped on their journey. On Muttock Hill, a few rods northwest of the house recently owned by Cornelius B. Wood, was the burial-place of the tribe, reserved in the Little Lotmen's Purchase. In this immediate neighborhood, west of the site of the wigwam of Chesemuttock, was probably the meeting-place for the forty praying Indians in 1660. In 1734 the Indians then living upon this reservation pe- titioned the General Court for leave to sell their land, which they alleged had become unprofitable by reason of long cul- tivation, while game in the immediate vicinity had become scarce. The petition was granted, and the Indians, after sell- ing the land here, moved to Titicut. 356 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1739 The following is their petition with the action of the Gen- eral Court : — To His Excelency Jonathan Belcher Esqr Capt Genii and Commander in Chief In and over his" majesties Province of the Mafsechusetts In New England &c — To the honourable his majesties Council and house of Representatives In Genii Court afsembled Boston may 1730 The Humble Petition of Samuel Thomas of middleborough In the County of Plymouth & Province aforsaid Indian Planter humbly Sheweth That Petitioner (haith in his own Right) for many years last past lived on & improved a Certain Tract of land, lying in mid- dleborough aforsaid upon an hill Called Chassemuttuck which Tract of land Contains fourteen or fifteen acres and is now worn out by long Improvement & no firewood or fenceing Stuff on the same and it lyes four miles or more Dis- tant from any other Indian plantation and your Petitioner being old & feble and in no wise able to gett a livelihood off of the abovesaid land & and there being good Land enough att Tetticutt in middleborough aforesaid where your Peti- tioner Belongeth and haith good Right to take up and Improve what land he haith occession for Therefore your Petitioner humbly prayeth that your Excel- ency & honr would be pleased to take these things Into your wise Concidera- tion and Grant to your Petitioner Liberty to Sell his land att Chassemuttuck aforsaid unto Mr. Samuel Thacher of middleborough aforsaid (who haith Relieved me In my Necessity) to whome I am Indebted and to whom it Lyy very Conveniently att the value to be apprised by Such meet Persons as your Excelencey & honr. Shall appoint That therby your Petitioner may be enabled to pay his just Debts to Settle himself and to Settle his said lands att Tetticutt where he may be neer the meeting and have many other Conveniencey which he is now Destitute off and your Petitioner as In Duty bound Shall Ever pray. we the Subscribers having been appointed By the Great and Gen" Court Trustees of the Judiary att Tetticutt and being desired by Mr. Samuel Thacher the Petitioner abovsd to view the Circumstances of the abovsaid Lands and we having viewed the same, we find it almost Destitute of fence & fenceing Stuff and firewood wherefore we are Humbly of opinion That it may be best for the Petitioner if he may Sell the land abovesaid for the Value Thereof. Benjamin White. Esra Clap. In the House of Representatives June 30th. 1739 Read and Ordered That John Allden and Elkanah Leonard Esqr. Be a Committee to Inquire into the Subject matter of this Petition That they Duly Consider the Same and Report Their Opinion att the next Setting of the Court what may be proper to be Done Thereon. A Copy from Files E. E. C. John Wanright Clerk Repr. In the house of Representatives Sept. 1739 Ordered that Ira Little Esq. (In the Room of John Allden Esq. Deceas d ) be added to the Committee to Con- scider & Report upon the Petition above Refer* & Report Thereon 1739] MUTTOCK 357 To all People To whom These Presents . . . Greeting Know yee That I Sam- uel Thomas of middleborough in the County of Plymouth in New England Indian man Planter For and In Conscideration of the sum of one hundred and fourteen pound to me In hand before the ensealing hereof well and Truely paid by Samuel Thacher of middleborough aforsaid merchant The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my self Therewith fully Satisfied & Con- tented and Thereof and of every part and parcel Thereof, do exonerate acquitt and Discharge him the Said Samuel Thacher his heirs executors & administra- tors forever by These Presents : Have given, esranted, Bargained, Sold, alien d Conveyed and Confirmed and by These Presents, Do freely fully and abso- lutely Give, Grant, bargain, sell, aliene, convey and confirm, unto him the said Samuel Thacher his heirs and assigns forever, all that my Orchard Tract and parcell of land and meadow lyeing att a place, Called Chassemuttuck in middle- borough aforsaid Supposed to Contain Fourteen or fifteen acres be the Same more or less Bounded Northeasterly by the mane Stream of Namaskett River North westerly by the Indian land Sold to the owners of the Slitting mill and South westerly by a highway That leads from the County Rhod by Deacon Barrows to Pochade Southeasterly by the Land now or late belonging to En- signe William Thomas or however otherwise the Same is bounded or Reported to be bounded with all the fences and appurtenances to the same belonging, I being enabled by the Genl Court held in December and January last To Sell and Convey the Same TO HAVE & to HOLD the said Granted and bar- gained Premises with all the appurtenances, Priviledges, Commodities To the Same belonging, or in any wise Appurtaining To him The said Samuel Thacher his heirs & assigns forever To his & their only use Bennefit & behoof forever, and I the Said Samuel Thomas for my Self my heirs, executors, administrators do Covenant, Promise & Grant to and with him the said Samuel Thacher his heirs and assigns, That before the ensealing hereof I am the True Sole & law- full owner of the above Bargained Premises and am lawfully seized & possessed of the same in my own Proper Right as a good Perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee simple and have in myself good right full power and lawfull authority to grant Bargain sell convey and confirm said Bargained Premises in manner as aforsaid and that the Said Samuel Thacher his heirs and assigns Shall & may from time to time and att all Times forever hereafter by force and virtue of these Presents, lawfully peaceably and Quietly, Have, hold, use, occupy, Possess & enjoye the Said demised and bargained Premises, with the appurte- nances Free and Clear & freely & Clearly acquitted exonerated & Discharged off from all and all manner of Former or other gifts, grants, Bargains, Sales, Leases, mortgages, wills, entails, joyntures, dower, judgements, executions or Incumber- ances of what Name or Nature soever that might in any measure or Degree obstruct or make void This Present Deed — Furthermore, I The Said Samuel Thomas for my Self my heirs Executors & administrators Do Covenant & en- gage the above Demissed Premisses To him the Said Samuel Thacher his heirs and assigns against the lawfull claims or Demands of any Person or Persons whatsoever forever hereafter to warrant Secure & Defend by These Presents — Furthermore Elizabeth The wife of the Said Samuel Thomas is Consenting to 35§ HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1739 the Bargain & Sale of the Premisses and hereby Surrenders and yeild up her Right of Dower or Power of Third in The Premises to the Said Samuel Thacher his heirs and assigns forever. In wittnes whereof The Said Samuel Thomas and his wife have hereuntoo Sett Their hands and Seals The fifth Day of April Anno Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and forty Anno que R R Georgei Secundi Decimo Tertio Samuel x Thomas (Seal) Signed, Sealed & Delivered by Saml Thomas his mark In Presence of us her Benjamin White Elizabeth X Thomas Ebenezer Barrows mark The committee appointed on the petition of Samuel Thomas of Middleboro Indian planter, having examined into the subject matter of said petition are of opinion it is best for the petitioner to be entitled to sell lands mentioned in the said petition, the lands being much worn and the fences almost gone, there being not timber or fencing stuff on the land sufficient to repair the fences and the lands being hemmed in by English land chiefly under improvements, and it fully appears to us that the petitioner can't improve his land to advantage ; then we are also of the opinion that the land petitioned to be sold lieth more conveniently for Mr. Samuel Thacher, it being partly in his mill yard and adjoined to his land and mill and we are further of opinion that the said In- dian lands are worth about ^"ioo — and that the same be sold and the produce arriving of thereby be applied according to the prayer of the petitions and agree- able to the order and direction of this court, all which is humbly submitted Dec. 21, 1739 Elkanah Leonard. In the House of Representatives Dec. 27, 1739, read again and ordered that the prayer of the petition be so far granted and the petition is hereby allowed and empowered to make sale of the land mentioned in the petition for the most the same will fetch for proceeding herein — To observe the direction in the act of the province of the 6th. year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George Chapter 3d. relating to real estates and Elkanah Leonard Esq. with such as shall be joined by the Honorable Board are hereby desired and empowered to be aiding and assisting the petitioner and see justice done him in the premises, the produce thereof to be applied according to the prayer of the petition, they to render an account of their proceedings herein to this Court. Sent up for concurrence J. Quincey Speaker. In Council January 2nd., 1739, reac * and concurred and John Cushing Esq. is joined in the affair Simon Frost Deputy Secretary Jan. 4th. Consented to J. Belcher. We The Subscribers Being appointed by the Gen'l Court to see Justice Done the Said Samuel Thomas In the Sale of the within Land and we accordingly 1744] MUTTOCK 359 Pursued the Order of the Genl Court and attended the Sale and took Care that justice was Done And In our Judgment the Land was Sold for the full worth of it witnes our hand April 5, 1740 Jno Cushing Elkanah Leonard Rec* march 3. 1740 and Recorded with the Records of Deed for the County of Plymouth Book 34, Folio 37-38 Jqsiah Cotton Reg Recording / A True Copy Compared with the original by me Samuel Thacher Here the first two settlers, Henry Wood and Ephraim Tinkham, lived. 1 In 1734 Moses Sturtevant and Peter Brown built a dam across the river in place of the old Indian weir. In March, 1734, 2 Benjamin White, Samuel Eddy, Joseph Bumpas, Shubael Tinkham, and Mrs. Thomas petitioned the court for their " free consent to build a slitting-mill on Ne- masket River on land of Moses Sturtevant." They had al- ready agreed to erect the building, and had procured timber for the mill and dam. Objections were made by many to enlarging the dam and putting up such a mill, because it would interfere with the catching of herring, would spoil several Indian weirs, and so destroy multitudes of the young fish. Notwithstanding the opposition, the petition was granted, though the dam was not built until later. There had been before on this dam a grist-mill and sawmill, among the first erected after the reset- tlement of the town. This dam then, as now, had a sufficient opening for the passing of herring up to the great ponds, and very careful provision was made that the herring fishery should in no way be obstructed by it or by subsequent en- largements and improvements. In 1744 Peter Oliver, a son of Daniel Oliver, one of the wealthy business men in the town of Boston and a brother of Andrew Oliver, who in after years became lieutenant-governor of the province, moved from Boston to Muttock and made it his permanent home. He was undoubtedly attracted by the 1 See chapter on Early Settlers. 2 See chapter on Civil History. 360 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1750 OLIVER'S WALK beauty of the place, and probably also by the notoriety it had attained from the petition of the remaining Indians dwell- ing at Muttock to sell their land and move to Titicut. Mr. Oliver was a graduate of Harvard College in the class of 1737, became a very prominent citizen in the colony, and per- haps did more for the town than any other individual. He early bought much of the land about Muttock, including the dam and water privilege, and at once proceeded to erect a forge and slitting-mill on the dam, and an iron foundry, known as Oliver's Furnace, a little below upon a point of land extend- ing into the middle of the river. The dam was considerably enlarged and strengthened for these new works. While it was being constructed, the bed of the river was changed by digging a canal above the pond, which extended near the stable of the late Earl Sproat, and ran into the river a little below. After- ward the ditch was carefully filled, although it can be traced at the present time in places. A blast furnace at this period was heated entirely by wood, and the walls of the wood house, with which it was connected by a bridge over the river, can still be seen. Judge Oliver was enabled to secure large contracts from the Crown, so that in addition to hollow-ware, heavy ordnance, consisting of can- I75 6 3 MUTTOCK 36 1 non, mortar, howitzers, shot, and shell, were here manufactured. Some letters relating to this are still extant. 1 There is a tradition, which the subsequent owners regarded as true, that when Judge Oliver came to Middleboro there was but one other slitting-mill of the kind, and that in a town near Boston. So carefully was it guarded that it was impos- sible for any one to ascertain the kind of machinery used, or its method of operation. Judge Oliver agreed to give Hushai Thomas, a young man of remarkable mechanical skill, a cer- tain sum of money if he would build him a slitting-mill which should produce nail-rods equal in kind and quality to those 1 Middleboro', March 21, 1756. Gentlemen, — Your Favour of 27th Febr. relating to supplyjng you with two Howbitzers I received on Saturday Night, & now send a Messinger to acquaint you that had I known of your having occasion for them 10 Days ago, I could have supplied you, but I finished my Blast 3 or 4 Days since; which I am sorry for, as I had been at a great Deal of Trouble & Charge to procure Mountain Ore to make warlike Stores, of which ore is of a far better Quality than any we have in these Parts, especially for Guns and Mortars. I have sent for more Mountain Ore, & expect to blow again this month, & if you should then want any Stores, I believe I can supply you with those of as good a Quality as can be made, for I am sensible of the Risque of making guns and Mortars from Bog Ore that I shall not attempt them again with that. I am, Gentlemen, your very humble Servant, Peter Oliver. . Middleboro', May 21, 1756. Gentlemen, — I received your Letter 19th instant this Day. I had already given my reasons for not writing, w ch , whether they are sufficient or not, I must leave to you gentlemen to judge of. The Carcasses are shipped, & I hope will be with you by the Time this Letter arrives, which I suppose are not engaged. As to the Granadoe Shells & Mortars, I have quitted them, & have lent Mr. Barker my Pattern for the mortars, who no doubt will send them soon, & had it been in my power to have forwarded the matter I should not have been wanting, but I have sent vessel after vessel, at great Expense, and have been daily expecting one after another with one proper to have a Furnace in order for stores of such Consequence, which, had they arrived, a few Days would have conveyed to New York sooner than they could be any other Way, unless they are made to Hand, for I had procured a Vessell to carry them. I am, gentlemen, with great esteem y very humi Servant, Peter Oliver. To the Hon ble Committee of War. 362 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1762 made near Boston. Mr. Thomas suddenly disappeared from the town, and some apprehension was manifested lest evil had befallen him, although it was noticed that his wife and family did not share the anxiety of the neighbors. A few days after, an unkempt person was seen in the vicinity of Boston, apparently a foolish, demented fellow. After lounging about, sleeping in barns and wherever he could find accommodation, he became friendly with the boys as they came and went from school, often playing with them about the mill. One day, he noticed that the door was open, and with the boys following, innocently ran in. He was there but a few moments, and the next day left the place, taking with him the secret of the mechanism of the mill. The long-absent Hushai Thomas returned. The foundation of the slitting-mill was immediately laid, and when in running order it was found that his journey had not been in vain. The single glance at the machinery by "this foolish, unkempt fellow" was all that was necessary ; the nail-rods of Muttock could now rank with any in the province. This, with the business of the foundry, made Muttock the lar- gest and most enterprising village of the town. In addition to these interests, Peter Oliver was a large owner of real estate and one of the most prudent and successful farmers of the country. In 1747 he was appointed judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and while occupying that position planned and super- intended the erection of the court house in Plymouth. In 1756 he was appointed judge of the Superior Court of Judi- cature, the highest court in the province, and in 1 762 was ap- pointed chief justice. Later on, he presided at the trial of the British soldiers for the massacre on King's Street just before the breaking out of the Revolution, and his charge to the jury was regarded as a clear and impartial exposition of the law. His rank as chief justice made him the second man in the colony, no one but the governor being his superior. He rode from Boston to Middleboro in his coach, with outriders dressed in scarlet, maintaining the dignity and elegance of the judges of the highest court in Westminster, London. Soon after coming to Middleboro, he built Oliver Hall, one 175°] MUTTOCK 363 OT^^^ of the finest country residences outside of Boston. It stood upon the level tract of land between the two hills at Muttock, about two hundred feet back of the residence of the late Mr. Edmund Deane and a little west of the wall on the brow of Muttock Hill. He enclosed as a part of his grounds and park all of the land between Nemasket Street and the river. This was laid out after the manner of an English park and garden. Indications of the driveway around the base of the hill from the bridge to the end of Oak Street may still be seen. The 364 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1750 principal entrance was through an avenue of trees from North Street opposite the former residence of I. D. Bump, follow- ing the road on the northerly side of the triangular common, at the top of Muttock Hill ; then turning, it passed in front of the residence of Edward Tinkham, and following the line of the road nearly to the house of the late Edmund Deane, turned again through an orchard until it came to the Hall. The other entrance was near the junction of Oak and North streets, at present indicated by a lane leading toward the pond. At the end of the lane the driveway divided, one part bordering upon the edge of the pond at the foot of the hill and the other passing over the brow and winding into the garden in front, and so connecting with the main driveway above referred to. Oliver Hall was built after the style of an old English mansion, with steep roof and deep, jutting eaves, with walls of white plaster and portico of oak, over which grew a rose not only celebrated for its beauty, but valued as a present to Madam Oliver from England. The doors and much of the inside fur- nishings were sent from London. The house contained the usual drawing-room of that period, the entrance-hall, the din- ing-room, a large and valuable library, and other apartments, with kitchen and extensive quarters for servants. The large hall opened on the river ; the lower part of the wall was wain- scoted with English oak, and the upper part was decorated with rich hangings of birds and flowers. When the house was on fire, some of the townspeople tore these off and preserved them as mementos of the days when " George was king, and Oliver was judge." The oaken floor was polished daily by the ser- vants until it fairly shone, and was so slippery that it is said one of the maids slipped and fell, spilling the hot tea and cream over the beautiful gown of one of the ladies and stain- ing her white satin slipper, whereupon the enraged guest from Boston " drew off the slipper and spanked her soundly, in high dudgeon." The furnishings of the hall were elegant and costly ; there were high crownback tapestry-cushioned chairs, with a Turkish carpet on the floor. The library was built sepa- rate, facing the north and connected with the hall by a lattice 1 750] MUTTOCK 365 PLAN OF JUDGE OLIVER'S ESTATE AND WORKS 1. Shovel Shop. 2. Blacksmith Shop. 3- Finishing Shop. 4- Finishing Shop. 5. Fishing-Weir. 6. Fishing Place. 7. Coal House. 8. Coal.House. 9. Hammer Shop. 10. Grist-Mill. n. Shtting- Mill. 12. Forge. 13. Iron House for Forge. 14. Coal House for Forge. 15. Sawmill. 16. Site of old Wood House for Judge Oliver's Furnace. 17. Site of Judge Oliver's Furnace before the Revo- lution. 18. Andrew Leach's Store. 19. Residence of Andrew Oliver. 20. Entrance to Oliver Hall. 31. Oliver Hall. 22. Site of Sachem's Wigwam. 23. Summer Pavilion. 3 66 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1760 gallery ; in it were portraits of the family, the celebrated coat of arms, and a bust of George III with the banner of England over it in loyal tory style. The dining-room was spacious, with a large, heavy, claw-foot table of English oak in the centre, with high straight-back chairs of the same wood, the royal arms carved at the top. It is said that in 1 762, when news was brought of an heir to the Crown, -. — -ps a notable company (^~)/j y^PH^z gathered there, the sound of re- joicing rang high, and many were overcome with the excitement and revelry. Within this dining-room companies, including distinguished men from abroad as well as the most prominent men of the colony, often partook of the sumptuous entertainment provided. In the hollow between two of the highest hills on Oliver's Walk, and overlooking the pond, was a small house, called by the family the banqueting-house, the site of which may still be seen. Guests at the hall often wandered about the grounds to this place, where they were not infrequently served with such refreshment as the generous hospitality of the judge never failed to provide. The spring adjoining this banqueting-house was reached by a flight of steps a few feet from the entrance, and was used to cool the wine during the long and hot summer ^C/^^^o •-o PETER OLIVER'S BOOK-PLATE i77°] MUTTOCK 367 days. Many years ago bottles were found bearing Oliver's ini- tials printed on the side. At the Hall was held the wedding reception of Peter Oliver, Jr., and Sarah, daughter of Governor Hutchinson. The mar- riage took place in Boston, 1 and later the party, distinguished by guests from home and abroad, were here entertained. The display of magnificent costumes was most brilliant. Ladies wore rich silks and satins with long trains, and their hair, puffed and powdered, was rolled high on their heads. This required so much care that it is said one of them sat up all night that the work of her hairdresser might not be dis- arranged, and another slept with her hands and arms tied over her head that they might appear white for the approaching reception. Gentlemen were there in gay colored suits of velvet with dainty satin vests, knee breeches, silk stockings with sil- ver knee and shoe buckles, their coats decorated with old lace ruffles at the neck and sleeves, others in full military and court dress ; but the ladies and gentlemen from the town, although not attired in the brilliant dress then worn by the fashionable people of Boston, received the same consideration and atten- tion from the judge and his wife as were shown to the titled personages from England. The hall was profusely decorated with plants and flowers taken from the gardens and grounds. Tables in the dining-room and banqueting-hall were laden with every variety of meats, pastry, fruits, and flowers, and wines and cider flowed freely. The guests from abroad remained four days, enjoying their lavish entertainment. The reception was regarded as one of the most brilliant affairs which had ever occurred outside of Boston. The estate contained a large variety of fruit, ornamental, and forest trees, which grew luxuriantly over the hills, but 1 In the diary of Dr. Oliver we find this amusing note of the " end of the hap- piest time : " — " Feb. 1, 1770. I was married by Dr. Pemberton to Mrs. [abbreviation for Mistress] S. Hutchinson ; exceedingly private, of a Thursday Evg., according to the Old Charter. Thus ended the happiest time of my life, as it was freest from cares and solicitudes, which now hastened apace. I was at this time in the latter part of my 29th year, and Mrs. Hutchinson in the 26th year of her age." 368 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1775 only a few large oaks at the side of the hill, and the pear-tree near the edge of the pond not far from the bridge, are now standing. There were numerous walks about the grounds and the garden, celebrated for its choice flowers. In their diaries Judge Sewall and John Adams speak of the beauty of the place and the pleasure they had in visiting the Hall. On the breaking out of the Revolution, Judge Oliver con- scientiously adhered to his sovereign, and his great wealth, his official position and influence, made him extremely obnoxious to the patriots, and in the troublesome time following the bat- tle of Lexington, notwithstanding his high character and the universal respect in which he was held, he was impeached for receiving a salary from the Crown, and compelled to leave the country, with many other tories. After the mob had attacked the house of his brother in Boston and destroyed its contents, he rode on horseback, unattended, from Boston to Middleboro, and arrived there in the edge of the evening, travel-stained and weary. He immediately entered the Hall, where he had spent so many happy years, went to a secret drawer, took out a box of valuables, cast a longing glance about, bade the faith- ful housekeeper good-by, and mounting his horse, galloped out into the night. The next day, with his family, he embarked with Governor Gage for London, never again to return to the home which he had enjoyed so much and where he had received such honor 1 and distinction. The last years of his life were 1 Judge Oliver's Diary from the time he left Boston until the time of his death was published in the second volume of the Diary and Lettej-s of His Ex- cellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. The following are extracts of the same, under date of 1776: — After having retired to Boston, under the protection of the King's troops, for the security of my person against the fury of the most unnatural, ungratefull, wanton, and cruel rebellion that ever existed, and after having been confined to the limits of that town for eighteen months, the rebels, who had for many months surrounded the town with strong intrenchments, began to bombard and cannonade it on the 2 d of March 1776, which held for three nights successively, but with very little damage. General Howe, the Commander-in-Chief, thought proper to abandon the town, and gave publick notice to the inhabitants, that such of them who inclined to quit the place, should have transports provided for them. 1782] MUTTOCK 369 spent in England in literary pursuits and in the society of his friends. He received an honorary degree from Oxford, and died in 1782, beloved by all who knew him. March loth. — Accordingly, on the tenth day of March I embarked onboard the Pacific, Indiaman, Cap' James Dun, which lay in King Road, it being a very commodious vessell, which General Howe was so polite as to appropriate to the accommodation of my friends and me. • nth. — There was an hot cannonading to and from Boston and Dorchester Neck, and also to and from Castle William and Dorchester Neck, which con- tinued from 8 o'clock at night untill the next morning. 1 2th. — Some firing at Boston in the night. 1 6th. — A hot firing at Boston ab' n o'clock at night, till 9 o'clock next morning. 17th. — The troops at Boston embarked, and about 20 sail fell down into King Road by 1 1 o'clock this morning. 18th. — The King's troops began to blow up the Castle William. 19th. — I dined on board the Chatham with Admiral Shuldham. The south Blockhouse of the Castle was burnt at night, and some of the walls of it blown up. 20th. — The blowing up of the Castle Walls continued: and at night all the combustible part of the Castle was fired. The conflagration was the most pleasingly dreadful that I ever beheld: sometimes it appeared like the eruption of Mount Etna ; and then a deluge of fire opened to the view ; that nothing could reconcile the horror to the mind, but the prevention of such a fortress fall- ing into the hands of rebels, who had already spread such a conflagration of diabolical fury throughout America, which scarce anything can quench but the — metu tremefacit Olympum. 21st. — The fleet fell down from King Road into Nantasket Harbour, which afforded a grand prospect, there being at least 150 sail of vessells at anchor. 2 2d. — A high N. W. wind. 23d. - D°. 24th. — A high N. W. and very cold at night, so that the vessell 's bows and cables were loaded with ice. 25th. — The first Division sailed from Nantasket to Hallifax, as also the Lord Hyde Packet, Cap" Jeffries for London, with M r Thomas Hutchinson and my son Peter, and their families, as passengers. 26th. — I dined on board the Renown, Commodore Banks. 27th. — I sailed from Nantasket, ab 4 70 sail, for Hallifax, under convoy of the Chatham, Admiral Shuldham, and of the Centurion, Cap" Braithwaite. here I took my leave of that once happy country, where peace and plenty reigned uncontrouled, till that infernal Hydra Rebellion, with its hundred Heads, had devoured its happiness, spread desolation over its fertile fields, and ravaged the peacefull mansions of its inhabitants, to whom late, very late if ever, will return that security and repose which once surrounded them ; and if in part re- stored, will be attended with the disagreeable recollection of the savage barbari- 370 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1778 On November 4, 1778, after reports had reached the colony of the disasters to the patriot army, an unusual number of people gathered in Muttock. In the night, flames were seen issuing from one portion of the house ; no attempt was made to extinguish them. The neighbors rushed in, took away the remaining furniture and hangings and many of the doors, 1 and in a few hours nothing was left of the beauty and splen- dor of Oliver Hall. Some of these doors were afterwards carried to the old Ward house in Lakeville, where they were placed to form the walls and ceiling of one of the chambers. The shrubbery, trees, and outbuildings were destroyed in the next generation, so that the grounds, once so beautiful, were desolate. Mrs. Mary Norcutt, when a young woman, was the house- keeper at Oliver Hall, and later in life she lived in the family of Judge Weston. She was very fond of giving a description ties, and diabolical cruelties which had been perpetrated to support rebellion, and which were instigated by ambition and malice, and infernal in their dictates. Here I drop the filial tear into the Urn of my Country. " O fortunatos nimiuni, sua si bona norint — Nov- Anglicanos. " And here I bid A Dieu to that shore, which I never wish to tread again till that greatest of social blessings, a firm established British Government, precedes or accompanies me thither. The Diary gives a detailed account of the events of his voyage, and upon his arrival a detailed account of how his time was occupied. It seems to have been largely in travel, with calls made and received from the prominent public men in England at that time. He mentions his visit at Lord Edgcumbe's seat as fol- lows : — 7th. — This morning visited Lord Edgcumbe's seat. . . . We then descended the walks around the sea shore, which were varied with taste, and yet seemed formed on the plan of nature, with seats to rest on, and with hermitages ; pro- montories on one side, and the sea opening through trees on the other, — filled the mind with pleasure. But I was in one walk deprived of pleasure for a moment, it being so like a serpentine walk of mine on the banks of the river Namasket, which so lately had been wrenched from me by the Harpy claws of Rebellion, that I was snatched from where I now was to the loss of where I had so late been in the arms of contentment. . . . 1 Most of the personal property of Judge Oliver had been removed and an inventory made which is now in the Probate Court, Plymouth. 1778] MUTTOCK 371 of the place, the parties, incidents, and prominent men who were accustomed to visit there. These incidents were often told to the father of the writer, and an account of the burn- ing of the hall as she used to relate it was written by the late Granville T. Sproat and published in the " Middleboro Gazette," a copy of which is here inserted. " We had long expected that the Hall would be burned — the people were so enraged ; especially after we heard how they had sacked Governor Hutchinson's house in Boston, and had brought out and burned all his fine library of books in the street. We never went to bed at night without thinkino- that we should be aroused before morning by the Hall being on fire. And it was so. One night, a little past midnight, we were awakened by a loud knocking at the door, and a cry, 1 Get up ! get up ! the Hall is on fire ! ' We sprang up ; we could see the Hall from our windows ; the main building was not then on fire ; it was the library which was connected with the Hall by a latticed gallery, that was all in a blaze. We ran out to the Hall ; a good many people had got there ; they had broken in the doors and were running through the building with the hopes of finding something to lay their hands on. But there was nothing there ; everything had been carried off months before. I ran up into the servants' room above the great guest parlor. This parlor was very high in its walls — higher than the other rooms of the house ; and the servants' chambers were above it — quite low, under the roof. There was nothing there ; everything had been carried off. I then ran into the great parlor, to the money closet. It stood open. I put my hand in on one corner of a shelf ; there was a piece of money about the size of a dollar. I took it home with me and kept it for years afterwards. I kept it as a keepsake, for it always reminded me of Judge Oliver and that last visit of his, and his looks — so pale and careworn — when he came into the house, the last time he ever entered it. "The Hall was a long time burning. It was covered with plaster of some kind on the outside, and did not burn very fast. The roof kept falling in, one part after another. It was a long time before the great guest parlor was burnt out. That was the most famous room in the house. It was wainscoted with oak below the windows ; above, it was hung with gor- geous paper hangings, all gilt and velvet. The women who were there tore off the paper and took it home with them. 372 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1778 They used to wear the sprigs of gold leaf in their hair, when they went to a dance in the town, for years afterward. I could not bear to see it, for I felt bad when I thought of the fate of the old Hall. " I tried to save the rose-bush — a present to Madam Oliver from London, which trailed over the east end of the house, but I could not do it. The fire was too hot and drove me away. All the elms and locusts around the Hall were burned. Nothing was left. Oh ! what a sight it presented the next morning ! I sat down and cried as if my heart would break ; for I never ex- pected to see Oliver's Hall brought to a pile of ruins like that. "After the Hall was burned everything went to ruin. The walk, so famous in the old times, and where the ladies of the Hall used to walk so much, grew up to bushes ; the benches on the sides rotted down, and the way to the summer house was all choked up. The summer house stood a good many years ; the tables grew black and mouldy, but they did not fall away very fast ; and the spring, close by, where they used to store their wine to keep it cool, was kept open for a long time afterward. I used to go and sit there and think of the merry times they used to have there. Well do I remember the day when an heir was born to his Majesty, George the Third, and Queen Charlotte — how a messenger came riding all the way from Boston to bring the news — how he rode up the hill, swinging his hat and shouting ' Long live the King ! A prince has been born to the royal family of. England !' There was feasting that night at the Hall ; and a great party assembled to drink wine and give toasts in honor of the occasion. Gov- ernor Hutchinson was there at the time ; and, that day, Lieu- tenant-Governor Oliver, with some ladies, came out from Boston. He wore a suit of scarlet silk velvet, with gilt or gold buttons, and lace ruffles for the sleeves and bosom. He wore short breeches, as was the fashion at that day. White silk long stockings, with gold shoe and knee buckles, made up his suit. Governor Hutchinson was dressed in nearly the same way ; only his suit of velvet was blue trimmed with gold lace. They had a dance at the Hall that night, and there was music and wine in abundance. " After about ten years there was but little left to mark the spot where Oliver's Hall had once stood. The seats of the walk were all gone ; the roof of the summer house had fallen in ; the tables had rotted down and lay scattered on the ground ; only the spring remained, and the spot where the summer house stood. After that the trees were cut down or 1778] MUTTOCK 373 gradually decayed with age, and it was hard to tell where the walk once was. It was the same with the spot where the Hall once stood. The trees around it had all been destroyed by the fire, and only the cellar remained to mark the spot. That, too, gradually filled up, so that I hardly knew the place where we used to store our winter supplies at the Hall ; and now the stranger can with difficulty find the place where the great Hall once stood. Oh, the change that a few short years have made in one of the loveliest spots that my eyes have ever beheld ! I remember, one day, hearing Governor Hutchinson say to Judge Oliver, as they were walking in the garden together, • Judge Oliver, you have here one of the loveliest spots in all his Ma- jesty's colony;' and I think he told the truth." Judge Oliver's son William married a sister of Captain John Fuller, and lived in the Haskins neighborhood near his wife's father. Andrew Oliver, another son, is said to have been remarkably fine looking ; he married Phcebe, a daughter of Ebenezer Spooner. She died at an advanced age in the old Morton house, and was known the latter years of her life as Madam Oliver. 1 Her husband, who died before the war, was of intemperate habits. At the time of the marriage, Mr. Spooner was much opposed to it and disinherited his daughter, but the judge provided for her t and is said to have built a house for them in Muttock. This was afterwards occupied by Jesse Bryant, Judge Oliver 's foreman in the forge and slitting-mill, and was taken down by the late Henry Arnold. An account of his other sons, Daniel and Dr. Peter Oliver, is given in the chapter on Loyalists. Dr. Oliver lived in the house which his father built for him in 1762, now known / ' STAIRS IN SPROAT as the Sproat house. In 1794 this was house 1 June 29, 1776, Phoebe Oliver, wife of Andrew Oliver, and daughter-in-law of Judge Oliver, petitioned the General Court for relief, as the selectmen of the town had taken the house which she had occupied for seven years, rent free, and two cows and firewood from her, and petitioned to the court that she would be destitute unless the court granted her relief. The petition was referred to a committee, but it is not reported what action was taken upon it. 374 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1785 purchased by Judge Weston, and was his home for nearly forty years until his death. During Dr. Oliver's time the slaves occupied the attic, but these rooms have long since been removed. This house is RESIDENCE OF PETER OLIVER, JR. famous for the men whose lives are associated with its hospitable halls. Governor Hutchinson was accustomed to spend part of the summer here, and one of the cham- bers was afterwards known as the Hutchinson chamber. James Bowdoin, also a fre- quent guest of the house, 1 spent parts of two years here, while governor. He was a large land-owner 2 in Middleboro, although 1 Peter Orlando Hutchinson, in his Diary and Letters of His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., vol. i, p. 463, says : " James Bowdoin had better have had Judge Oliver's house as that might have protected it from being burnt, a fate to which it soon arrived." 2 The following parcels of land were owned by Governor Bowdoin, in Middle- boro : — April 17, 1777, he received a conveyance of 80 acres of land in the Twenty- six Men's Purchase and 3^ acres of meadow land which was formerly owned by John Adams, one of the original purchasers. June 17, 1729, Lemuel Bosworth conveyed a tract of land in the 5 Men's Purchase. In October 7, 1729, Benjamin Durfey conveyed to him 40 acres of land in the West Precinct. In 1740 Thomas Crode conveyed to him \ of the 29th lot in the first allot- ment of the Sixteen Shilling Purchase, containing 44 acres. July 12, 1742, Elkanah Leonard conveyed to him 185 acres of land in the Six- teen Shilling Purchase. August 20, 1744, Peter Thacher's estate conveyed to him four and one -half sixteenth part of the slitting-mill utensils, forge, grist-mill on the dam across the Namasket River and 5 acres of land on the south side of the river and 1 acre of land on the north of the river, also a dwelling-house. In 1757 Robert Brown conveyed to him 72 acres of land. Another tract from Deacon Shaw containing 16 acres and another from Icha- bod Sampson containing 6 acres which was the nth lot in the first allotment of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase. The works and land at Muttock were conveyed to Peter Oliver and Jeremiah Gridley June 12, 1745. 1775] MUTTOCK 375 never a voter, and some of his official papers bear the mark and date from here. He was born August 8, 1727, died in Boston November 6, 1 790, and was buried in the Bowdoin vault in the Old Granary Burying-ground. In 1779 he was president of the convention to frame a constitution for Massachusetts, was gov- ernor 1785-86, and in 1788 a member of the State Convention to ratify the Constitution of the United States. His estate on Beacon Street, Boston, extended back as far as Ashburton Place, and contained one of the finest gardens in town. At the beginning of the insurrection, when in Cambridge to review the troops (he was then about fifty-eight years old), he is described as wearing a gray wig, a cocked hat, white broadcloth coat and waistcoat, red small - clothes, and black silk stockings. 1 As a public man he was firm and coura- geous, moderate in his opinions, and al- though an earnest friend of the patriot cause from the be- ginning, he was more conservative than many of his com- panions, an attitude which led some of the more zealous sup- porters to question his sincerity. During his administration the famous Shays's Rebellion occurred, and it was largely owing to his firmness and decision that it did not assume greater proportions. After it had been suppressed, he was defeated in his third term, mainly by the voters from the western part of the state, who were in sympathy with the insurgents, and John Hancock was chosen in his place. 1 Memorial History of Boston, vol. iii, p. 194. ^^crZUrTyu %Jkiu»& 376 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1778 He was the founder of the college which bears his name, an accomplished scholar, with an extended reputation for scien- tific studies and love of literature. Mrs. Bowdoin, while a resident of the town, presented the First Church with a large silver cup, which at one time was used upon the communion table, but is now preserved by the church as a relic. Dr. Benjamin Franklin was a guest of Dr. Oliver in 1773, attended the First Church, and at a reception given to him met many Middleboro people. Opposite the end of Nemasket Street, which has been dis- continued, stood the house of Asaph Churchill, and upon the other side of the street was the old red schoolhouse. For years the house was the IvriJjtSfA^ residence of William Tup- Py*^ per, whose name and family V have now become extinct in this part of the state. He was a well-to-do farmer and a staunch patriot, and is said to have been the only man in town who did not stand in awe of Judge Oliver, and who never hesitated to cross him in his endeavors to carry any particular matter either in town or in church. He and Cap- tain Joshua Eddy were more outspoken against his political views than any of the citizens. At one time, in the presence of a large number of people standing near the rock on the side of the pond between the two roads, he said to them in derision : "If Judge Oliver told you that that rock had been moved dur- ing the night, you are all d fools enough to believe it." At the close of the war, upon the reorganization of the militia of the county, he was appointed lieutenant-colonel. In the year 1778, by an act of the legislature, many of the tories of the province were banished and their estates confis- cated, including that of Peter Oliver. In 1786 Nahum Mitchell and Edward Winslow, appointed to dispose of the confiscated land of the tories, sold a portion of the Peter Oliver estate to Jesse Bryant and Abner Weston. This afterwards came into the possession of Andrew Leach, who had opened the first store iSoo] MUTTOCK 377 here about 1745. He was a Scotchman, keen and quick in manner and blunt of speech. Opposite the store was his house, which was burned many years ago. Soon after his death he was succeeded by Gamaliel Rounseville, a man of ability holding many offices in town, who also lived there. He carried on busi- ness for more than fifty years, and upon his death his stock of goods was sold at public auction ; this created unusual inter- est from the fact that many articles had been in the store for more than forty years. In the beginning of the last century there were in this vil- lage four stores : Mr. Rounseville's at the corner of the road ; one at the top of the hill belonging to E. T. Soule, which was later moved to another part of the town ; one owned by General Abiel Washburn, opposite his house, which was afterwards taken down and a new store, now standing, built and occupied by him ; and next to this, on the site of Dr. Oliver's office, the store of Judge Weston, since moved to a position near the herring-weir. A new store was erected on Muttock Hill and occupied by Colonel Thomas Weston. This also was moved away and used as a dwelling-house. The making of hammered nails is now one of the abandoned industries, to which it is interesting to give a passing note. Iron was collected from different parts of the county, together with what could be obtained from the blast furnaces, and was brought to the forge, where it was made into bars about six feet long, three inches wide, and half an inch thick. These bars were then taken to the slitting-mill, cut up, and rolled into nail-rods about six feet in length and about a quarter of an inch square, or according to the thickness of the nail desired ; these were bound up in bundles of fifty and taken by the farm- ers and others to their shops in this and surrounding towns and made into hammered nails, which were then taken to Mr. Weston's store, put into kegs, and shipped over the country. In addition to those at the forge and slitting-mill, there were over fifty men thus given employment when not at work upon their farms. The shops where these nails were made were from twelve to twenty feet square, and at the present day, as one SJS HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1S00 rides through the town, many of them may still be seen as reminders of an occupation which was superseded by the in- vention of the nail machine. Here shovels were manufactured by General Washburn and his son, Philander, and found a ready market all over the coun- try, the men employed being known as " shovel busters." After the confiscation and sale of Judge Oliver's property at Muttock, the works there were managed for short periods by different men, but in the latter part of the eighteenth century, when they came into the possession of General Abiel Wash- burn and Thomas Weston, a large and successful business was carried on for more than a generation. One can scarcely realize, in passing over the bridge, that a hundred years ago it was a place of so much business activity. At that time the follow- ing manufacturing establishments were built upon the dam : a large sawmill, the iron house for the forge, opposite - on the other side a large coal house, the ruins of which can still be seen, the forge, the slitting-mill, a grist-mill, the hammer and finishing shop, a large coal house on the other side of the dam, two finishing shops for shovels, a large blacksmith's shop, and on the other side of the street the shovel factory. Below the dam were the ruins of the old Oliver furnace and the wood house connected with it. The men employed here and the clerks in these stores were many of them among the brightest young men of the town. Some of the leading spirits were Louis Weston, Thomas Stur- tevant, Harry Hubbard, Joseph H. Bisbee, William E. Doggett, and Alpha Crossman. The stories of their witticisms, their fun, their genial good-fellowship, and the pranks which were played upon customers and countrymen who came to the vil- lage, have been repeated in the neighborhood with the zest of former times. Strange purchases were made : one desiring material for a suit of clothes was induced to buy several yards of furniture covering of a gay pattern as "the latest style." At the commencement of the great temperance movement in the early part of the last century, the stores in Muttock were among the first to discontinue the selling of rum, the 1S00J MUTTOCK 379 favored intoxicant among the common people. Afterward many of the topers, Jube, an old colored man, among the num- ber, would come and earnestly beg for a dram, and some strange mixtures were prepared by these clerks, compounded of almost everything in the store which would mix with water, with a large portion of cayenne pepper to give flavor to the drink. These practical jokes were not always confined to the village. A maiden lady, who by some of her remarks had pro- voked the enmity of these young men, had met with an acci- dent which was made the subject of another joke of a little more serious character. For generations it had been the cus- tom of those attending the First Church to send requests for prayers for the sick or bereaved. These were usually car- ried to the clergyman by the sexton after he had taken his seat in the pulpit. One Sabbath morning a man noted for his absent-mindedness occupied the pulpit, and as he was about to read the requests for prayers, a stranger walked hastily up and gave him an additional notice. Without glancing at it he opened it and commenced to read : — " Desire Morse desires prayers For falling down Deacon Nathan's stairs." The good man's thoughts were evidently elsewhere and he did not notice what he had read, but continued : — " She broke no bones but bruised her meat, Which was not fit for dogs to eat." Great was the consternation of the assembly, but the poor man was so absorbed in the duties before him that he did not comprehend the situation. While it was not known who was the author, it was not difficult to trace this to these fun-loving clerks. Many another tale could be told did time and space permit. The prominent business men in Muttock were Judge Thomas Weston and General Abiel Washburn. They were men well known for their business ability, their sterling integrity, and the esteem in which they were held throughout southeastern Massachusetts. 3 8o HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1834 Thomas Weston was born March 20, 1770. In the early part of his life he was engaged in business at Pope's Point furnace in Carver ; in 1798 he moved from Carver and made Mut- tock his home, having purchased a large tract of real estate there, in- cluding the Peter Oli- ver house and a portion of the works upon the dam. He held many public offices, was a member of the house and senate, and for four years a member of the governor's council. He was nominated as re- presentative for Con- gress when nomination of his party made elec- tion sure, but declined to serve. In the latter part of his life he was appointed chairman of the Court of Sessions, a posi- tion which at that time gave him the title of Judge. He died June 17, 1834, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. Upon his death his son, Colonel Thomas Weston, succeeded him in business until the year 1844, when he moved to Warrentown. General Abiel Washburn had previously been in business at the Four Corners with Major Levi Peirce and Major William Bourne, under the firm name of Washburn, Bourne & Peirce. This partnership was dissolved a little before Judge Wes- ton came to Muttock, General Washburn having purchased an interest in the dam and water privilege there, and a large farm, now occupied by his grandson, Charles E. Grinnell, a member of the Boston bar. He commenced manufacturing shovels, and built the hammer shop upon the dam. He was also interested in the sawmill and grist-mill. This business THOMAS WESTON I8i8] MUTTOCK 38l was continued until his death, and was afterwards carried on by his son, Philander Washburn, who had been in partnership with him for several years. General Washburn was the son of Edward Washburn, a patriot soldier in the Revolution, and from him he inherited what in those days was considered a large property. This was afterwards lost in business, but by his sagacity and enterprise he later became the wealthiest man and the largest tax-payer in town. He was for many years the acknowledged leader of the Federal party, which at that time was hopelessly in the minority, yet upon all important town mat- ters he was consulted, and his suggestions were usually adopted. He was interested in the local militia of the state, and held com- missions for thirty-six years through the dif- ferent grades of office to that of Brigadier-General of Plym- outh County Brigade, from 18 16 to 1824. General Washburn was a gentleman of the old school, of large and command- ing stature; he died June 17, 1843, in the eightieth year of his age, leaving a large family of children. Until the early part of the last century the highway from Muttock Hill to the Green was over the old dam upon which Oliver's works were located. On July 27, 18 18, the town voted, "that an agent be appointed to petition the court to locate a highway across the mill pond at Oliver's works." Judge Wilkes Wood was chosen, and was authorized to contract for the building of this bridge. The records do not show any further action, although by that contract the bridge was built and the road over Muttock Hill was made. The bridge was of wood, and the road over the hill was so steep that it was con- sidered unsafe. This gave rise to so much complaint that a town meeting was held May 12, 1856, when it was voted, " that ABIEL WASHBURN'S RESIDENCE 382 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [ iSoo the selectmen be a committee to cause to be rebuilt the bridge over Nemasket River at Oliver's works." May 9, 1859, a com- mittee was appointed to replace the bridge by a stone struc- ture and to raise the grade several feet ; at the same time the top of the hill was cut down some eight or ten feet, leaving the road as at present. In this neighborhood lived Ephraim Norcutt (the husband of Mary Norcutt before mentioned), who had taken part in the French and Indian War, and was afterwards in Judge Oliver's employ, working on his estate as "skipper" of the furnace. In the latter part of the eighteenth century John Ritchie, a Boston merchant, bought an interest in the confiscated Oliver's works, and built the house opposite the entrance to the ceme- tery which was recently burned. There is a tradition that very soon after Mr. Ritchie left, two ladies of apparent means and education came and lived in the place for a number of years. They refused to give their names, or to have any intercourse with the people of the town. They were very fond of flowers,and had a large garden on the south- erly side of the house. After residing there a few years, one of them died and was buried quietly in the cemetery opposite ; the other went away, leaving no trace of their names or previous history. In the early part of the last century Benaiah Wilder lived in the house occupied by the late Captain Leonard Driggs, and opposite this house he had anchor works until the em- bargo of Jefferson's administration destroyed that industry ; now a few cinders are all that mark the place. He was one of those whom Judge Oliver hoped to influence, but who disap- pointed him by joining the patriots early in the Revolution. He was a brother of Ebenezer Wilder of North Street, who for RITCHIE HOUSE , 74 5 ] MUTTOCK 383 a long time was a deacon and prominent member of the First Congregational Church. Henry Weston, whose home was with Captain Earl Sproat, served with distinction in the navy during the War of the Rebellion. Before he reached his majority he was a master's mate in Farragut's squadron, and was in many of the battles in the famous Red River expedition, where he was promoted for bravery in several engagements. He was in command of the gunboat Diana in one of the battles on the Atchafalaya River. After a most desperate fight, in which all of his officers were either killed or wounded and not men enough were left to fire a single gun, he was obliged to surrender his ship. He was then taken to the rebel prison in Texas, known as Camp Ford, where he remained until the close of the war. Beautiful for situation, between Plymouth Street and the Nemasket River, lying on its eastern bank, is the Nemasket Hill Cemetery, known as the Old Burial Hill, or simply The Hill. March 24, 1 885, it was incorporated as the Nemasket Hill Cemetery Association, and is the oldest and by far the largest in town. Soon after Peter Oliver came to Middleboro, he bought the following parcels of real estate : — Jan. 1 5, 1 742, From Joseph Haskall one half of a certain piece of land con- taining eight acres lying in Wareham near Wankinco River, with a mill dam and stream. Jan. 25, 1744, From Ebenezer Morton fourteen acres and a quarter of land in the 17th. lot of land in the 3rd. allotment of the little Lot Purchase in Middle- boro. Jan. 29, 1744, From Joseph Bumpas one half of the saw-mill on south side of Namaskett River in Middleboro near the slitting mill. March, 1744, From Nathaniel Bumpas one fourth part of a saw-mill on Namas- ket River in Middleboro, with utensils etc. Dec. 26, 1744, From Peter Thacher, with Jeremiah Gridley, six sixteenth shares of the slitting mill on Namasket River in Middleboro; also six sixteenth shares in the dam on sd river and tools & instruments of the mill ; also Thacher's remaining right in five acres of land lying on south side of river and some interest in a saw-mill. Mar. 30, 1745, From Samuel Thacher certain tract of land in Little Lot Pur- chase, 17th. lot in number about i6| acres. April 6, 1745, From Thomas Hubbard, with J. Gridley, tract of land lying in 3«4 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1748 Middleboro upon Chusamuttock Hill containing fifteen acres and the lands that Samuel Thacher purchased of one Thomas, an Indian ; also one eighth and one quarter of an eighth share in an Iron mill or forge, slitting mill, and grist mill, all near Namasket River. April 24, 1745, From Lemuel Donham, with J. Gridley, certain lot of land which sd. Lemuel bought of Simeon Totman, together with dwelling house thereon. May 1, 1745, From Ichabod Tupper, with J. Gridley, one acre of land in Middleboro butted on the country road adjoining lot of Moses Sturtevant, also adjoining Namasket River. May 13, 1745, From James Bumpas one fourth part of a saw-mill on Namas- ket River in Middleboro. June 12, 1745, From James Bowdoin, with J. Gridley, 4! sixteenth parts of a slitting mill, of a forge and of a Grist mill standing on a dam erected across Namasket River in Middleboro, also of five acres of land adjoining sd. works on south side of river, and of one acre ad- joining sd. works on north side of river; also of a Way through lands of Ichabod Tupper to the highway, and of buildings — Coal House, Store House etc. March 26, 1746, From Moses Sturtevant, with J. Gridley, certain tract of land in Middle- boro on the purchase commonly .called the Twenty-six Men's Purchase near Namasket River, containing about twelve and a quarter acres bounded by land bought by Gridley & Oliver from Tupper and by lands of Joseph Bumpas & Joseph Leonard. Sept. 4, 1747, From Benjamin White, with Jeremiah Gridley, one sixteenth part of a Grist mill on Namasket River in Middleboro, with tools and implements. Sept. 10, 1747, From Jeremiah Gridley his one, two & thirtieth share in Slit- ting mill, tools etc., Mill dam, one acre of land on northeast side of river, five acres on southwest side of river, with buildings Forge, Coal House, & Store House. Nov. 1747, From Simeon Totman, with J. Gridley, westerly half of a lot of land bought from Samuel Thacher in 1741, together with buildings thereon. Mar. 28, 1748, From Andrew Oliver, with J. Gridley, one hundred and sev- enty-three acres of land in Middleboro being part of the Great Lot in the Eight Men's Purchase of the whole 240 acres being the part lying on the southwest of the division line. Also, a 20 acre lot laid out in the right of John Blackwell in the second allotment in Eight Men's Purchase. Aug. 15, 1748, From Moses Sturtevant, a certain lot containing about 78 acres, being a part of the 10th. lot of the land called the Twenty-six Men's Pur- chase. Also, a 10 acre tract in the Twenty-six Men's Purchase, being a part of the 4th. lot in the last allotment of sd. purchase. BACKPIECE IN FIREPLACE AT OLIVER HALL i 77 4] MUTTOCK 385 Sept. 6, 1748, From Andrew Oliver, with J. Gridley, two lots in Eight Men's Purchase, one, the 3rd. lot in the 1st. allotment in John Blackwell's right, con- taining 60 acres; the other, the 4th. lot in the 1st. allotment in Francis Walker's right, containing 80 acres. Oct. 11, 1748, From Amos Ahanton lot of land in Middleboro, containing four acres commonly known by the name of Indian Burying Ground, near Oli- ver's other lands. Nov. 14, 1749, From Nathan Thomas, one eight part of slitting mill, forge, and grist mill on a dam across the Namasket River in Middleboro ; five acres of land on south side of river ; one acre of land on north side of river ; tools etc. ; Coal House ; Store House and dwelling house, right in an Iron ore lot ; dwelling house, barn and land adjoining any of forementioned premises. Sept. 1, 1758, From Jeremiah Gridley one half of : Slitting mill, forge, grist- mill, saw-mill, store house, dam, 5 acres of land on south side of Namasket River, one acre on north side, way through land of Thomas Tupper, 2 lots of land bought from Andrew Oliver, 1 lot bought from Sturtevant, 1 lot from Thomas Hubbard. Jan. 27, 1759, From Joseph Leonard, tract of land adjoining at lower corner the land Oliver bought of Sturtevant, on easterly side of Namasket River, con- taining seven acres. July 3, 1759, From William & Mary Sherman, homestead in Rochester con- taining 601 acres of land where Joseph Oliver (Peter Oliver's father) lived — adjoining Arthur Savorey's land. Also 17 acres laid out to W. Sherman in 1755 by Hiller, Briggs & Barlow. Sept. 3, 1767, From William Oliver (one of his sons to whom he had given or sold these mills etc.) one sixth part of : Slitting mill, forge, grist-mill, saw-mill, boulting mill, cider mill, axe house, all near dam across Namasket River, the dam, stream of sd. river, 5 acres south of river ; 1 acre north of river, way through Tupper's land, four lots in Eight Men's Purchase (total 335 acres), tract of land in Twenty-six Men's Purchase (107^ acres) four acres purchased Ahanton, build- ing etc. July 11, 177 1, From Nathl. Perkins & Ezekl. Lewis, all Jeremiah Gridley's right in lands in Middleboro, all his interest in one-half of 500 acres of land, 5 dwelling houses, saw-mill, forge etc. April 5, 1774, From Oxenbridge Thacher, one-half of the Tomb which is in the Burial Place in the East Precinct in Middleboro, near the East meeting house in sd. precinct. CHAPTER XXIII THOMPSON ROAD, THE LOWLANDS, WARRENTOWN, PURCHADE HE Thompson Road district extends for two miles and a half on Thompson Street on the western side of Bart- lett's Brook and the great cedar swamp. Thompson ,@ J)J Street was among the first roads in town, extending from the meeting-house toward Boston, substantially as at pre- sent. At one time many descendants of John Tomson lived here. What is known as Danson Brook crosses the street, running into Bartlett Brook between the houses occupied by the late Reuel and Ve- nus Thompson. Here George Danson, neg- lecting the warning of John Tomson, was shot by the Indians in King Philip's War. The resi- dents have been for the most part well-to-do farmers. Perhaps the most prominent man, next to the first set- tler, was Isaac Thom- son, a descendant of John Tomson, famil- iarly known as " Squire Isaac." He married Lucy Sturtevant * in 1775, and died Decem- ber 21, 1819, in the 1 Sturtevant is probably the same as Stuyvesant. Thompson Genealogy. CAPTAIN ISAAC THOMSON 1725] THOMPSON ROAD 387 seventy-fourth year of his age. He served the town in different capacities for more than twenty-five years. He was selectman for seventeen years, one of the representatives to the General Court for five years, and state senator for nine years. He was for thirty-three years a prominent member of the First Church, and was widely known throughout the county as a man of more than usual intelligence, thrifty, and faithful in the discharge of every duty. The house in which he lived is still standing on the western side of Thompson Road. Mr. George Thompson, who occupied this house from his early manhood until his death in 1875, was a worker in marble, and not a few of the gravestones in the dif- ferent cemeteries of the town were of his workmanship. Upon the western side of this neighbor- hood lay the great swamps known as White Oak Island, Beaver Dam Swamp, and Meeting House Swamp, which cover a tract of land almost entirely destitute of houses or cultivated land, measuring nearly four miles in length and a mile and a half in width. A familiar spot in the early history of the town was Bear Spring, opposite the junction of Plain and Thompson streets. It is often mentioned in bounds of land connected with the great swamps in this immediate vicinity. Upon Bartlett Brook, which flows a little to the east of Thompson Street along its entire length, was in 171 5 erected the first sawmill of which we have any record in the town of Middleboro. It was built by Edward Thomas, Jacob Thom- son, Henry Wood, and John Tinkham. They were owners in equal shares of the mill and the meadows lying near it. GEORGE THOMPSON HOUSE 3 88 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1748 September 10, 1725, Jacob Thomson, John Tinkham, and Isaac Tinkham, the owners, agreed that "the price for saw- ing boards should be twenty-five shillings a thousand, of two inch oak plank and oak slit work forty-five ; of two inch spruce plank thirty-five ; spruce and pitch pine slit work to be mea- sured by board measure twenty-two shillings and six pence, and to have half the slabs, the owners of said mill to saw by turn." In 1744 Isaac Tinkham, Jacob Thomson, and Caleb Thomson rebuilt this mill. THE LOWLANDS This place in the extreme northeastern portion of the town bordering upon Taunton River, including River Street and the northern portion of Thompson Street, was never thickly set- tled. It was the home of Thomas Darling, one of the early settlers, and for many generations his descendants have been found here as well as some of the descendants of John Tomson. Soon after the close of the Revolution, Captain Joshua Eddy built a small vessel at Woodward's Bridge. There was a shipyard from which small ships were built and launched in the river back of the house occupied many years ago by Thomas Covington. Upon the south of this neighbor- hood lies White Oak Island, partly included in the Thompson neighborhood, through which no street or road has ever been built. On River Street was the home of Captain William Thom- son, called "Squire Bill," a great-grandson of John Tomson, born February 15, 1748. He married Deborah Sturtevant, a lineal descendant of Peter Sturtevant, the celebrated governor ; ". "$ rw Flnl lllf. SHIPYARD FROM WOODWARD'S BRIDGE '775] THE LOWLANDS 389 of New York under the Dutch rule. Her portrait, painted by her son Cephas, is described as that of "a most beautiful woman." " Squire Bill," a captain of a company of militia in the Revolution, was at the battle of Bunker Hill, and was known as a most fearless advocate of the patriot cause. He was a large land-owner, and a man of great energy, who held many positions of trust until his death, March 14, 1816. His house, later occupied by his son, Cephas Thompson, was of solid oak boards and timber, and was prob- ably the last of the blockhouses built after King Philip's War to resist any attacks of the Indians. It would probably have stood for generations, had it not been destroyed by fire about the year i860. It was a one- story house, with the old-fashioned gambrel roof. In the front rooms were the " beau- fats," placed there when the house was first built ; one of the chambers was hung with ancient tapes- try of a beautifully wrought biblical scene, made by nuns at a convent in Paris. Cephas Thompson was born July 1, 1775, and from his earli- est boyhood could readily, with pencil and paper, draw excellent likenesses of his school friends. His great love for portrait painting made him a successful artist, and he attained great celebrity in the South, where he had a wide circle of acquaint- ances. He was a friend of Parke Custis, Jefferson, and Chief Justice Marshall, whose portrait he painted, and of whom he used to relate many interesting anecdotes. Once when in Rich- CEPHAS THOMPSON 390 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i734 mond, having occasion to go into the court house where the chief justice was presiding, he was invited to take a seat with him on the bench, and he remained there during the session of the day. Mr. Thompson had a select library, in which were some valuable books. In his parlor used to hang a number of pic- tures of tropical scenery which had been presented to him by his southern friends. The latter years of his life he spent in quiet in the enjoyment of his library and attractive stu- dio, a two-story building on the opposite side of the street. Here his friends used to gather ; and during the summer days one could rarely visit his home without finding men and women of note who came to spend a short time in his genial society. In most of the well-to-do homes in town of three generations ago could be found portraits from Mr. Thompson's brush. Cephas G. Thompson and Jerome B. Thompson, his sons, artists, and Marietta T. Thompson, his daughter, a miniature painter, settled in New York. His brother, Dr. Arad Thomp- son, was for years a physician in practice at the Four Corners. WARRENTOWN This village is situated on the road to Bridgewater, about two and a half miles from the centre of the town. It takes its name from Jabez Warren, an early settler, and from his numerous descendants, who, until the past twenty-five years, lived upon lands formerly owned by their ancestor. Mr. John Warren, his great-grandson, built and maintained a grist-mill, a shingle mill, and a sawmill on Murdock Street, across the Nemasket River. Business was done here for many years, but upon the death of Mr. Warren it was given up, and later the buildings and the dam were destroyed. The house of John F. Alden was the home of John Warren, and in the latter part of stage-coach days was a tavern. This is one of the old houses in town, and was probably built in 1734 by Edmund Weston for his son, soon after he i 7 8o] WARRENTOWN 391 JOHN WESTON HOUSE (Afterwards the home of John Warren) moved here from Plympton. At the time, he had purchased a large tract of land, which, upon his death, was divided between his sons, John ^ v taking this house and land, and Edmund tak- ing the house and land near Plain Street. Nathan Warren, a descendant of John Warren, was born in Middleboro in 1757, and died there May 28, 1807. He was a Revolutionary soldier, serving as private in several companies, and as sergeant in Captain Edward Spar- row's company from the 23d of July, 1777, to October 27, 1780. Another descendant of John Warren was Captain Sylvanus Warren, who lived on the Bridgewater road for many years. He was a day laborer, working on the farm of Judge Weston, and afterwards upon that of his son, Colonel Thomas Weston. Before that he had worked for President John Quincy Adams. In accordance with the custom throughout New England, the workmen were introduced to all guests, with whom they talked freely as they sat at table together. He was fond of relating that he had often dined with President Adams, and sometimes members of his cabinet and foreign ministers were at the table. Opposite the junction of Plain Street and the road to Bridge- water stood the shovel shop of Benjamin F. Warren. The hammer shop connected with this was on a brook which crossed the Bridgewater road a little to the north; here a dam had been erected, and a pond of six or eight acres fur- nished the water power. In the field stands the dwelling-house for many years occupied by Captain George Hartwell, where Abner Weston lived in the early part of the century, and here Edmund Weston was born ; in his boyhood he moved to 392 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1772 Vermont, and afterwards became a distinguished judge of the probate court in that state. In the year 1824 the town authorized the laying out and construction of Plain Street, running from the Bridgewater road to the lowlands. This was built as a substitute for a very crooked way which branched off from the Bridgewater road near the blacksmith shop of the late Eber Beals. It led to the pasture lands formerly owned by Colonel Thomas Weston ; crossing the brook at that place, it ran in an irregu- lar direction for about two miles to Thompson Street. A hundred years ago there were eight houses upon this street, all of which long ago disappeared. They were owned or occupied by a Mr. Nims, Josiah Dun- ham, who was nick- named "Governor Dun- ham," Edmund Weston, a Mr. Leach, and Livy Morton, the grandfather of Levi P. Morton, ex- Vice -President of the United States. In the latter part of the eigh- teenth century many descendants of the first Edmund Wes- ton lived near here. His house, which in 1772 had become so old as not to be habitable, was taken down, and the materials were used to erect the present one located on Summer Street, later occupied by Colonel Thomas Weston. This was a tavern during the Revolutionary War. A short time before the battle of Lexington, several British officers, on their way to Boston, stopped here for dinner. As they left, they saw a good horse fastened in the yard, and took it, leaving a poor one in its place. When the exchange COLONEL THOMAS WESTON 1775] WARRENTOWN 393 OLD WESTON TAVERN was discovered, the angry owner started in pursuit, and over- taking them, was so- forceful in his de- mands that the offi- cers returned his horse. This incident tended to increase the bitter hostility which was beginning to permeate the whole country. Colonel Thomas Weston was born February 27, 1804, an d died February 12, 1888. In the early part of his life he was engaged with his father in general mercantile business and in the manufacture of wrought nails. In 1844 he moved to the old Weston house, where he resided until shortly before his death. After retiring from active business, " he was espe- cially interested in agriculture, and at the time of his decease was the oldest member of the Plymouth County Agricultural Society, and for many years one of its trustees. In his early life he was active in the militia of his county, and held the office of colonel for some years in the Fourth Regiment of the First Brigade of Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. He was a member of the First Congregational Church of Mid- dleboro for more than sixty years, and was always active in promoting its temporal and spiritual interests. He was an unassuming man, of great strength of character, of positive convictions, of sterling integrity, of great industry, and an earnest and devout christian." 1 The descendants of Edward Bump have always resided in this neighborhood. In the latter part of the eighteenth cen- tury there were three named Joseph, called respectively Chin Joe, Thumb Joe, and Jockey Joe, the latter being widely known for his great strength ; he is said to have been able to lift and carry more than three ordinary men. Captain Nathaniel Bump lived on the road to Titicut, just 1 Doggett Genealogy. 394 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 RESIDENCE OF MRS. TOM THUMB across the Nemasket River. He was a man of great en- ergy, and was in command of the company from Middle- boro in the War of 1812. James S. Bump, the father of Lavinia Bump and Minnie Warren, lived in this vicinity. In 1863 La- vinia married Charles S. Stratton, known as Tom Thumb ; her sec- ond husband was an Italian, Count Magri. In 1864 Mrs. Stratton erected a summer residence upon the grounds near one of the old training-greens. Minnie Warren married Major Newell, but died soon afterwards. In the early part of the century there were here three wheelwright shops, owned and occupied by Reuel Atwood, Edward H. Waterman, and Venus Snow, and the three blacksmith shops of Thomas S. Harlow, John Warren, and William E. Bump. PURCHADE Purchade, formerly known as School District Number 19, takes its name from the purchase made from the Indians in the year 1662. It is principally on Purchade, Everett, and Plymouth streets, and includes a large tract of meadows known as the Purchade Meadows, through which flows a brook by the same name, which empties into the Nemasket River. The descendants of Francis Eaton have always lived here. John Alden, a grandson of the pilgrim John Alden, in- herited his father's homestead in West Bridgewater, but he conveyed this to Isaac Johnson and moved to Middleboro in 1700. Here his descendants have lived, very many of them residing in this neighborhood. His son, John Alden, 1 was 1 History of the First Church of Middleboro, p. 61. I8l2] PURCHADE 395 -3*M I 111 l^W N vM MUUM I HORO IN'-. IUU' >v K! \ ISA Vv |i U M rhe house in which Di Backus lived still stands, li is •> low, ihioned building, lull oi relics oi the past, and was occupied foi many years by his grandson, [oseph A Backus Man) valuable records .uui mi portant documents were given by I A Backus to his nephew, [suae i Perkins, the present ow nei ol the house, who h.i-^ loaned them to the Backus Historical Society ol Newton, on certain conditions Kv\ David Gurney, one oi the early ministers, was much ected and loved throughout this communit) ; hewasaman ol unusual intelligence, fond oi children and youth Tins love for young men i him to open i school in his own house, w hich was w ell ed, students coming from many town to \ his influence Man) men wen Undei his and foi t ho ministry He d an En nmar, which was used extensh el) time His salary was not fai from two hundred dollai - annum, the parish by saleol ministerial land and othei sources having i fund which yie ■ income for this purpose Mi Gurne) was ■■ intimate terms with Mi Backus pastoi ol the neighboring B ( hurcb He joth oi ful) . 1S1 s - ' Si : i ■■ . ■ ) ! \ H - , I - \ I \ \ . \ I I I It I I In the earh histon "i the country, there was -i foundry perhaps fift) rods west ol Piticut bridge on the Hridgcwatci side, where during the French and Indian and Revolutionan Wars cannon balls and cannon ' were made rhcre is q tradi ii« mi thai the first cannon cast solid In the United States were here made, and taken elsewhere to be bored Hie owneri ol this foundry endeavored to cast foui cannon which were six 01 seven feet long, to be used In the Revolutionan Wai , an undertaking attended with great expense rhc cannon were made, but upon bein^ tested, exploded, and the owni i lost .ill ni theit property In this venture rhe Re\ Philip * olby tried to obtain .1 pension foi the widow ol one oi these men, but it w.is not granted because he was not in active service, although the department a< knowlcdged the work 1 luring the earlj part oi the last century, fire-frames were manufactured here by Albert Pratt At Pratt's bridge, David Charles, isaai Wanno, and othei Indians, in i. 11 '. owned the land with the old mill privili h was used fot some /ears until, in 1 •■,, iron works were there established, and b company was then formed foi the manufacture oi hollow-ware In the early part oi the last century there were here a grist mill, b sawmill, .1 fulling null and .1 gun simp. In 1 jo Ebenezei Robinson had n sawmill and a furnace on the south side oi the rivei rhe dam foi th nulls was placed below Pratt's bridge, nol fai from the house oi Mi. 1 1 n ni ; the watei was taken from canals on each side 1 The following [1 ttei refers to thl Indu itrj W \K (Mill I ,,.,1, 1,1,., Sir, Vou are required to proceed to riticui to prepare the metal from the common ore foi cue ting twent) twelve poundoi foi tin hip Protector, which are to be bored completed and finished bj dv ftrel ol May next Vou an alio to dlrei 1 the boring oi the twentj foui pound • annon thai thi j may be Anlshi d without in-.', ni 1 mil- Col On will give vou even ai [stance thai you maj wanl .mil kin hi hi anything furthoi be necessary, the board « ill furnish ll \\ Ishing you 1 pleasant |oui and are with mui h regard youi friend and very humble lei i anl . luiiN Brown PPS I ,.1 M M.U-, •! III I, 408 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i755 of the river, both of which can be seen at low water. Some years later, when the large iron works were built at Squaw- betty, it was found necessary to construct another dam across the river at East Taunton. The company had the right of flowage, but their dam so interfered with the privilege above it that they were obliged to buy out the owners, and there has been no manufacturing at this place since. The Titicut bridge, at first a rude structure, stood a little further up the stream than the present one. There was much discussion in reference to its reconstruction, and as a result the General Court of the province, on the ioth of June, 1755, authorized the money for building this bridge to be raised by lottery, as appears by the following statute enacted by the General Court at that time : — Chap. 3. " June 3d 1755. A Petition of Ephraim Keith, Agent for the Pre- cinct of Tetticut in the Town of Middleboro, setting forth the Necessity of erecting a Bridge over the River there, and the Difficulty of getting the Charge thereof defrayed, & praying that the same may be done by a Lottery, to be allowed by the Authority of this Court. In the House of Representatives; Whereas it appears to this House to this House that a Bridge over the River in Tetticut is necessary not only for the great Advantage of the Towns of Bridg- water & Middleboro, but also for several other Towns in the Counties of Bris- tol & Plymouth, as also for the great Advantage of the Southern Inhabitants travelling Westward ; Therefore, Ordered that the Prayer of the Petition be so far granted as that the Petitioner have Liberty to bring in a Bill for the Pur- poses in the Petition mentioned ; — In Council, Read & Concur'd." J " April 14, 1756. A Petition of Ephraim Keith for himself, and the other Man- agers of the Lottery for raising a Sum for Building a Bridge at Tetticut, shewing that they have proceeded therein in preparing for drawing the said Lottery so far as to dispose of near half the Tickets, but have been hindered by Sickness ; and whereas the time for Drawing is at hand, Praying that this Court would consider & determine upon some proper way for their Relief — " In Council ; Read & Ordered that George Leonard Esq. with such as the Hon blc House shall join be a Committee to consider of this Petition & report what they judge proper for this Court to do thereon. "In the House of Representatives; Read & Concur'd; And Mr. Moorey & Capt. Howard are joined in the Affair." 2 "April 15, 1756. Report upon the Petition of Ephraim Keith, Entered yester- day — vizt — "The Committee appointed to take under Consideration the Petition Of 1 Council Records, vol. xx, p. 460. 2 Ibid. vol. xxi, p. 162. 1756] TITICUT 409 Ephraim Keith in behalf of the Managers of a Lottery for the Building of a Bridge over Tetticut River, so called, having met the said Managers & Con- sidered of the Difficulties they labour under respecting the Disposal of the Tickets for said Lottery, report that the Scheme of said Lottery be altered in the following Manner in Order to finish & Compleat the same — vizt. " That there be, " One Prize of .£125 — ^"125. — Three ditto of ^"40 each ^120. " Three ditto of ^25 each 75. — Seven ditto of £20 each ,£140. " Eleven ditto of ^"10 each no. — Twenty ditto of ^"5 — each .£100. " Fifty ditto of £5 each 150. — Six Hundred & Thirty of ,£1 each ^630. —- In all ^1450. — And that the Number of Blanks be proportioned to the said Prizes as in the Scheme, published by said Managers, and the Deduction of Ten per Cent only be made from the above Prizes for the Charge of Building said Bridge : which is humbly Submitted — By Order of the Committee — George Leonard — " In Council ; Read & Accepted, and Ordered that the said Scheme be and hereby is altered accordingly — In the House of Representatives ; Read & Con- cur'd — Consented to by the Governour." 1 The act authorizing the building of this bridge was passed on the 10th of June, 1755 : 2 — " Whereas the precinct of Teticut have represented to this court the necessity of building a bridge over Teticut River, and prayed this court would enable them to raise a sum, by way of lottery, for that purpose, — " Be it therefore enacted by the Governour, Council and House of Representatives, "That Samuel White, Esq., of Taunton, Israel Washburn of Raynham, Ephraim Keith and James Keith, both of Bridgewater, and David Alden of Mid- dleborough, or any three of them, be and hereby are impowered to set up and carry on a lottery, amounting to such a sum, as by drawing ten percent out of each prize, may raise a sum of two hundred and ninety pounds lawful money, and no more; and that the said sum be by them, or any three of them, applied to the building a good, sufficient bridge over the said river, and paying the charges of said lottery; and that the said Samuel White, Israel Washburn, Ephraim Keith, James Keith and David Alden, or any three of them, be the managers of said lottery, and impowered to make all necessary rules for man- aging thereof, and shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their said trust ; and as well the said managers as the said precinct shall be and are hereby de- clared answerable to the owners of the tickets, in case of any deficiency or mis- conduct ; and if the sum raised thereby shall be more than sufficient, after paying the charges of the lottery, to build the said bridge, the surplusage shall be lodged in the hands of the treasurer of the said precinct, to be put at interest, and the interest applied towards the repairs of said bridge. " Passed and published June io." 2 1 Province Laws, vol. iii, pp. 939, 940 ; Council Records, vol. xxi, p. 163. 2 Province Laws, vol. iii, p. 861. 4io HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1S61 About the middle of the last century this bridge was rebuilt by Mr. George W. Wood. A store was kept by Jared Pratt and his uncle Isaac near the Congregational Church ; they were afterwards succeeded by Seth Fuller. Another store on the turnpike near the Baptist Church was kept by Mrs. Goodwin. In 1812 Mr. Charles Goodwin was drafted into the service and went to Plymouth with the Middle- boro companies. His mother was so distressed that she trav- elled all the way to Plymouth to obtain his discharge. When this was granted, there was general rejoicing among his comrades. The first store on the hill was kept by Amos and Robert Clark. Afterwards, Mr. Hooper was ad- mitted as a copartner, and in 1861 the store was moved near the present post-office. The shoe business of this portion of the town since the middle of the last century has been an important industry. Mr. Amos Clark was the first to put out shoes to be made, from 1838 to 1848, the year of his death. About this time Mr. Hosea Kingman commenced this business, which he carried on successfully, selling his product generally in New Bedford. In 1848 Nahum Keith and Elijah E. Perkins also commenced manufacturing shoes. The former was in the business until 1849, an ^ again from 1856 to i860. The latter admitted his son, D. Sumner Perkins, as partner in 1865. They continued until 1881, when Sumner died and ELIJAH E. PERKINS iS86] TITICUT 4 II his father retired, and was succeeded by the firm of Stetson, Hammond & Holmes. Nahum Keith will always be known among shoe manufac- turers as the inventor of a jack for holding shoes. Mr. Jared Keith commenced business on the turnpike just north of the Baptist Church about 1847, and continued until about 1854. Stetson, Hammond & Holmes, who succeeded E. E. Per- kins & Son, were in business a few years, and were succeeded by Alden, Leonard & Hammond, who moved to the Four Corners. N. Williams Keith started manufacturing shoes in 1869. Herbert A. Pratt was admitted as partner in 1879, under the firm name of Keith & Pratt. Mr. Keith retired in 1905, and was succeeded by Mr. Pratt's son, Alton G. Pratt, the firm name continuing as before. C. H. Alden and Enoch Pratt started in business about 1886. After a few years Mr. Pratt withdrew from the firm, and soon after Mr. Alden moved the business to Abington. One of the most ingenious men who lived in this part of the town was Mr. Heffords, who was famous for clocks of superior quality, which he in- vented and manufac- tured, as well as for many other delicate pieces of machinery. His place of business was on "the corner opposite the Baptist Church. About a quarter of a mile below Pratt's Bridge was formerly a shipyard, and one ship was built there by Deacon Holmes of Kingston in the early part of 1800, called the Two Brothers. A little later, Captain Benjamin Pratt built several ships of forty or fifty SITE OF SHIPYARD 412 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1S04 tons burden, which were used in the coast trade which he and his sons carried on with the South. There was formerly a furnace on land of Mr. Stafford on the southeast portion of Center and Pleasant streets, where kitchen ware was cast, which was carted to Taun- ton and there sold. This business was carried on by a Mr. Shaw, who at one time left with a load of goods to sell and was never heard from afterwards. The first iron ploughs made in Massachusetts were brought into this neighborhood in 1835 an d put together by Mr. Nahum Keith, who endeavored to introduce them among the farmers. There was, how- ever, a great prejudice against them, and in order to do away with this feeling, he would allow neighboring farmers to use them, who tried in every possible way to break them, to convince people of the folly of "new-fangled ploughs." It is said that one man broke three. About forty rods east of the Congregational Church stood a two-story shop, where Williams Eaton and Otis Pratt manu- factured hubs, the only industry of the kind in eastern Mas- sachusetts. The turnpike, of which we have spoken in the account of Lakeville, was laid out in 1804, and was three years in con- struction. This corporation, with little stock held in town, was not a pecuniary success, and was assumed by the town after the Fall River railroad was built. There was a toll-gate in the Haskins neighborhood and another near S. Eaton's Inn. SOLOMON EATON 1777] TITICUT 4*3 The rates of toll were very high for those days, twelve cents for every ten miles. There used to be two stages a day, one from Boston and one from New Bedford, and about seven baggage wagons every week. There were three taverns well known between 18 10 and 1 81 2, when the turnpike was in full operation. One of the houses, known as the old Solomon Eaton house, is now stand- ing. It was a hostelry of the olden time, and over its door swung the customary sign of the proprietor, which in this case bore the name S. Eaton's Inn. It is related that two Irishmen passing by desired accommodation, but when they read the sign over the door, one said, " It 's Satan's Inn, begorra ! We don't want to be afther stoppin' here." Mrs. Goodwin kept another hotel on the turnpike not far from the Baptist Church. The Jonathan Leon- ard house is probably the oldest in this part of the town, and is now owned by E. G. Shaw. In 1777, during the prevalence of the smallpox, it was used as a pest-house. There are many pro- minent business men of past generations who have lived in Titicut ; among whom may be named Colonel Oli- ver Eaton, an archi- tect and master-builder. A great many of the churches in the old colony were planned and built by him. His first work is said to have been the Raynham meeting- house. His brother, Solomon K. Eaton, was also well known. He drew plans for the town house, but died before it was com- pleted. Captain William Pratt was an extensive land-owner, OLIVER EATON 414 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1872 holding at one time a large portion of the real estate in this neighborhood. Among the Revolutionary soldiers who lived here, we have the name of Captain Zadock Leonard, in whose honor his grandson has erected a stone, which now stands near the Green. IN MEMORY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY CAPTAIN ZADOCK LEONARD DIED DEC. 27 — I795 AGED 57 YEARS Erected by his Grandson Geo. W. Hayward of Providence, R. I. A Mr. Redding, who married a daughter of Daniel Leonard, lived just over the line in the Dunbar place. He went to the war, but never returned. Captain William Pratt, son of Captain Benjamin Pratt, noted for his bravery and sagacity, rendered most efficient service in the Revolutionary War. Harrison Gray Otis Colby, the son of Rev. Philip Colby, the pastor of the First Congregational Church, was graduated with honor at Brown University, and commenced the practice of law some time after 1847; he was appointed one of the justices of the court of common pleas, which office he held until the time of his death. Among the prominent clergymen may be mentioned Rev. W. H. H. Alden, who filled many pastorates with success. Rev. David Weston, D. D., after fitting for college at Peirce Academy, graduating at Brown University, and com- pleting his theological course in Newton Seminary, served as a pastor in several churches. He afterwards filled the chair of theology in the Seminary, where he acquired unusual repu- tation not only as a profound thinker, but as one of the most eminent theologians of his denomination. He was the author of a number of volumes, among them being the life of the Rev. Isaac Backus. He died in 1872. Dr. Morrill Robinson was born in South Raynham (now known as Judson), August 15, 1803. In 1827 he was gradu- ated from the Medical Department of Brown University, and '873] TITICUT 415 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH in the same year he settled in North Midclleboro, where he spent more than forty-five years in the practice of his profes- sion. He was a member of the state legislature in 1842-43, where he served on important committees. He was post- master at North Middleboro from 1836 to 1865, retaining his office through many changes of administration. On February 12, 1828, Dr. Robinson was married to Mary Shaw, daughter of Calvin Shaw of Abington. He died March 16, 1873, a g e d sixty-nine years and seven months. Among the successful farmers in the middle of the last century was Paul Hathaway. He lived on Pleasant Street and owned a large tract of land near the schoolhouse, and in the early part of his life was engaged in making sewed shoes. His son, Dr. Joseph Hathaway, lived for a while on Bedford Street, and with Cephas Thompson painted many of the portraits which are to be found in town. In addition to his ability as a portrait painter, he was a skilful chemist, and discovered the refining of petroleum for use as a burning fluid. After leaving Middleboro, he settled in New Bedford and Boston. 416 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBOKO [1858 In the middle of the last century Jacob Perkins, a black- smith, acquired a fortune of from seventy-five to eighty thou- sand dollars by careful savings and wise investments. He died in 1846 at the age of eighty years. Abraham Perkins, brother of Elijah E. Perkins, was an able business man and a prosperous farmer. Solomon White and his son, Solomon White, Jr., were re- spectively clerks of the Congregational Church from 1834 to 1894. Calvin, Ebenezer, and Zephaniah Shaw were among the early carpenters of this neighborhood, and lived on the west- erly side of Pleasant Street. The Pratt Free School, founded by Enoch Pratt, is near the Green. 1 Jared Pratt was born in Bridgewater, July 27, 1792. His parents were Josiah Pratt, a farmer, and Bethiah Keith Pratt. After receiving a good education in the public as well as in private schools, he taught in Taunton when he was nineteen, and then went into business there. He was at first clerk in the nail factory of Crocker & Richmond, but later worked with other manufac- turers. On January 1, 18 18, he was married to Jemima Wil- liams, daughter of Job King of Taunton. They made their home in North Middleboro, where he began business as pro- prietor of a general country store in partnership with Isaac Pratt. In 18 19 this firm, I. & J. Pratt, carried on business 1 See chapter on Education. JARED PRATT 1 864] TITICUT 417 in different lines at Wareham, where they owned a forge, a " bloomery." The business gradually outgrew its modest pro- portions, and became the large manufacturing establishment known as the Wareham Iron Company. The growth and ex- tent of this industry were due largely to the financial ability and shrewd business management of Mr. Pratt, who, as trea- surer, conducted the monetary affairs with great skill. In 1824 it was necessary for him to move to Wareham ; and in 1836 he went to Harrisburg, Pa., and established extensive iron works, where nails, bar-iron, plates, etc., were made. In 1842 his son Christopher was associated with him under the name of J. Pratt & Son. In 1859 he retired from business and settled in his North Middleboro home. Aside from his remarkable business abil- ity, Mr. Pratt was a valued citizen of Middleboro, doing much to assist in the growth and improvement of the town. From his wide experience his advice on all mat- ters was much sought after. He served as sergeant in Captain Keith's Company of East Bridgewater in the War of 1812, and later held a commis- sion as captain of the militia, by which title he was well known. He-died July 4, 1864. Isaac Pratt was born March 6, 1776. His father, the sixth generation from Phineas Pratt, was a farmer of Titicut, who married Mary King of Wareham. He was educated in the schools of Middleboro at a time ISAAC PRATT 418 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1864 when the schooling did not exceed two or three months in the year. He married Naomi Keith of Bridgewater, May 19, 1804. He early became interested in the manufacture of nails, and with his nephew, Jared Pratt, before mentioned, he carried on an extensive business. When the Reed nail machine was per- fected, this firm purchased the right to its use, gave up the store in Titicut, and moved to Wareham. Here they erected a mill, which was known as the " Parker Mills," for rolling iron into nail plates and then cutting the plates into nails. This firm was among the first in the United States to manu- facture cut nails upon a large scale. In 1829 their establish- ment was incorporated under the name of the Wareham Iron Company, with a capital of $100,000. Although this was a corporation, it continued under the name of the firm until 1834, when the partnership was dissolved and Mr. Pratt re- turned to his farm in North Middleboro. He died December 3, 1864, at the age of eighty-nine years. The Boston "Evening Traveller," at the time of his death, said : — " He was industrious, frugal, and unostentatious ; benevo- lent and hospitable ; a patron of educational interests, a kind neighbor, a devout Christian, and a public-spirited citizen. For more than seventy years he was an exemplary member of the Congregational Church. Although he adhered to the tenets of his faith with steadfastness characteristic of his Puri- tan ancestry, he was neither bigoted, dogmatical, nor ascetic. He was conservative, but liberal in his views. He will be remembered as a fine type of a class now rapidly passing away, — the sturdy, honest, liberty-loving farmers of the early days of the Republic." CHAPTER XXV LAKEVILLE AKEVILLE, incorporated as a separate town in 1853, comprised originally about one third of the west- ern portion of Middleboro ; it took its name from the number of ponds in this vicinity : Assawampsett, the largest body of fresh water in Massachusetts, Long Pond, Great Quittacus, Little Ouittacus, Pocksha, Elder's, Loon, Clear, and Dunham. This region has always been noted for the natural beauty of meadow and forests, hills and valleys, about these inland lakes. Here was one of the settlements of the Indians, and here a few contin- ued to live long after their lands in other parts of the colony had been purchased or occupied by the whites ; the last full- blooded Indian died in 1852. We are, however, concerned only with its history before its separation from the town of Middleboro. As before stated, this was included in King Philip's domain, and was under the rule of a sub-chief, Pamanta- quash, or as he was MAP OF THE PONDS 420 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 known to the whites, the pond sachem. His rule extended over all of the neighboring tribes, his seat being probably at King Philip's Lookout, Shockley Hill. At the close of King Philip's War, the General Court at Plymouth, in 1679, passed an act "that all lands formerly belonging to John Sassamon in our Collonie shalbe settled on Felix, his son-in-law." This land so conveyed has ever since been owned by Indians, and at the present time is occupied by two half-breed women, the last of the once powerful and numerous tribe which for so many centuries have had their homes about these picturesque ponds. It was not until other parts of Middleboro had been settled for more than a generation that the whites found their way to these Indian lands. Thomas Nelson, son of John, perhaps the first white settler in Lakeville, purchased what is known as the Thomas Nelson s-m*^, jj homestead on Assawampsett J ' /to 711 etf tfu&\S& T *' Neck, and moved there in 1 71 7. He was born June 6, 1 1675, and when an infant was taken by his mother from his father's house (the Bennett place) to Plymouth to escape the horrors of the Indian War. After he became dissatisfied with the conduct and preaching of the Rev. Mr. Palmer, pastor of the church at Middleboro, and moved to Assawampsett, he joined the Swansea Baptist Church. Every Saturday he travelled the twenty miles with his family, and returned on Monday morning ; while there he occupied a small house which he had built for this purpose. He is said to have been the first member of a Baptist Church in Middleboro. His farm, portions of which have always been held by his descendants, was between Long Pond and Assa- wampsett, the land on the other two sides being owned and occupied by Indians. His house stood near an apple-tree, opposite that now owned by Sydney T. Nelson, near the Perry place. Mr. Nelson married Hope Huckins, or Hutchins, of Barn- 1 The date is taken from the History of Plymouth Colony, but in the manu- script of descendants of William Nelson we find that he was born May 17. 1750] LAKEVILLE 421 stable, about the year 1698. She was a woman of strong charac- ter and great courage. There is a tradition that while they were living far distant from any white settlers, she heard a noise in the cellar one night when no man was about her prem- ises. Suspecting that an Indian had entered to steal, she went into the cellar in the dark and suddenly attacked him, so fiercely that he was surprised and made frantic efforts to release him- self from her grasp, succeeding only by the tearing of some of his garments. She became a member of the Baptist Church in Swansea August 5, 1723, and with her husband continued her member- ship there until the formation of the Second Baptist Church in Middleboro. She attended the communion service of that church after she was one hundred years old. Mrs. Nelson died December 7, 1782, at the age of one hundred and four years. The Rev. Isaac Backus, in an account which he gives in the Massachusetts Historical Collections, states that at her death three hundred and thirty-seven descendants had been born (of whom three were Baptist ministers), and that two hundred and fifty-seven were living. Thomas Nelson died March 28, 1755- Captain John Nelson, a grandson of the first settler, was born October 25, 1737, and died September 11, 1803. He lived upon a farm, which is still owned by his descendants, about two miles south, adjoining the Washburn farm. In the year 1800 he built a new house, which is still standing. He was major and colonel in the Revolutionary War, and was on duty in Rhode Island and New Bedford. He was a man of wealth and influence, justice of the peace, and for several years selectman of Middleboro. The following is a copy of a letter addressed to him by his former commander : — Middleboro, 17th Nov. 17S1. Dear Col. : Last Thursdays Paper gives an Account from his Excellency Gen. G. Washington and Congress of the Com- pleat surrender of Cornwallis ; and the Troops under his Com- mand, a long wished for period ; now we have no reason to 42 2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 Doubt or suspect it. In Consequence of which this is to Desire you to come next Monday afternoon and see us ; that we may join our generous hearts in festivals of triumph and joy ; while we Usher on the scene with the Crack of thirteen Guns to the honour of the States and give a toast to our worthy Brethren who have with such a becoming Ardor pressed forward with undaunted bravery till they have Compleated the Glorious work whereby Peace may not only be restored to us but extended from Pole to Pole. (Monroe Doctrine) At the same time let all the Glory be given to That omnipotent being who Crowns our Arms with such signal success. Be kind enough to take Doct. Montgomery and Capt. Shaw or any other you shall Please to nominate with you. . . . I am in haste with Sentiments of Esteem, Yours Obsequiously [Signed] James Sprout. The Spooner place, which borders on Elder's Pond, takes its name from Benjamin Spooner, Jr., 1 a soldier in the English army who served in the French and Indian War. Isaac Peirce, Sr., was probably the first settler in Beech Woods. He was born about 1661, and died at an advanced age. He enlisted as a soldier in the Narragansett War at about the age of sixteen, and was in the fight near Warwick, R. I., which resulted in the capture of the Indian fort. Mention of the services of Captain Job Peirce has been made previously in the chapter on the French and Indian War. As a boy, he was apprenticed to William Strobriclge to learn the trade of blacksmith. As he was very desirous of going to war, he purchased his time, was enrolled as " ward of William Strobriclge," and served for three campaigns in the French and Indian War. At the close of his second term of service, he embarked from Halifax with others in a transport for Boston, which, encountering a severe storm, became unmanageable and with great difficulty was kept afloat. It drifted for several weeks, the crew suffering great hardships from their scanty supply of food, until finally they came in sight of one of the West Indian Islands. Here they landed and remained during the winter, until they were discovered by a homeward bound 1 Peirce's Genealogy, p. 69. 1700] LAKEVILLE 423 vessel and brought into the port of New Bedford. The crew and returning regiment of soldiers had been given up for lost, and much sorrow was manifested throughout the colony. Funeral exercises were held, and a monument was erected in memory of the services of Captain Peirce. In the early spring, after his landing in New Bedford, he hastened to his home, and arrived there one Sabbath morning to find the family at church. As he entered, great was the consternation of the congregation, who had not heard of his rescue, and Rev. Mr. Hinds, who was about to commence his sermon, changed his text and preached from the verse, " For this my son was dead and is alive again ; he was lost and is found." Two years after, he enlisted in his Majesty's service in the company of Ephraim Holmes, and after his honorable discharge he spent the remainder CAPTAIN JOB PEIRCE HOUSE of his life upon the farm, honored and revered by all. His house stood on the site of the house recently occupied by Elbridge Cushman, but the time of its erection is unknown. Captain Peirce became the owner of it in the year 1767, when he added the porches and a portion of the main body of the house. It was taken down in 1870. A generation after its settlement Lakeville increased in population much more rapidly than other portions of Middle- boro, and before the Revolutionary War there were more people of wealth who occupied substantial houses of the colonial type than in any other section of the town. Assawampsett is the largest pond, and the surrounding coun- try was known to the Indians under the name Assawamp- sett, from two Indian words, "assah," meaning a "stone," and " wamsab," meaning "white," with the termination "et," 424 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1630 meaning "the place of," the whole word meaning "the place of the white stone." The Indian name was probably sug- gested by the white sands and pebbles about the shore. This pond seems to have attracted the attention of the General Court at Plymouth long before any whites had settled here. The early settlers learned from the Indians that formerly there were two islands in Assawampsett Pond, one on the west side about half a mile from the Indian shore, where there are now three large rocks in water not more than knee-deep, occu- pying a space about three rods wide and ten or twelve rods long ; the other one on the opposite side of the lake and about the same depth under the surface of the water. These islands were probably washed away by some severe storm, and the sites are considered dangerous on account of the rocks and the shallowness of the water. The following is an Indian legend of the enchanted island (Man-i-to Me-nis) : — On the first day of the Moon of Flowers (May), there was joy and hilarity in the village on the shores of the Assawamp- sett. The chief of the tribe had, that morning, sent forth a crier throughout all the village, saying, " To-morrow is the great feast of Me-ta-wa " (a festival, or dance of worship before the Great Spirit). " Come ye, all of you, to the feast ! " All that day, women might be seen coming in from the forest, bearing loads of evergreen on their shoulders, to build the Sacred Lodge for Worship. It was long and narrow, and open at the top; for they said, "The Great Spirit will want to look right down into the hearts of his children. He wants no covering to their Lodge of Worship." Hunters were scattered, that day, through all the woods in the neighborhood of the lake, to procure game for the feast ; and fishers plied their canoes on the waters, in search of fish. The children were out, gathering wild flowers to deck the Sacred Lodge, among all the hills that overlook the beautiful sheet of water on which the village was situated. Among the fishers on the lake were two brothers, named Kwah-sind (The Strong Man) and O-skin-a-wa (The Youthful). They were fishing by themselves in a distant part of the lake. O-skin-a-wa was successful in fishing, and soon had the bottom of his canoe covered with them, fluttering and shimmering in the sun. Kwah-sind, on the contrary, had not a single fish 1630] LAKEVILLE 425 in the bottom of his canoe. He had offended the Nee-ba-naw- baigs (Water Spirits), and they had frightened away all the fishes that came near his canoe. He was very angry. He said, " Here I have been fishing for hours, and have not had a single bite. It is the work of these hateful Nee-ba-naw-baigs. They are determined to be revenged. But. I will be revenged. I will find out some way to repay them for all this injury." Then, seeing that his brother's canoe was half filled with fishes, he said, "Give me a share of your own, that I may not return to the village empty-handed." But his brother said, " Not so. If you have offended the Water Spirits, it is no fault of mine. You, alone, must suffer the consequences. I must return and present my canoe load of fish to the chief, to be used for the festival." On hearing this, Kwah-sind was pale with rage. He raised his paddle, and struck O-skin-a-wa across his head. The blood flowed down into the canoe. He reeled over and fell into the waters of the lake. Then Kwah-sind, when he saw what he had clone, was in a great strait, and set himself down in the bottom of his canoe, thinking of some way to escape the consequences of his crime. He said, " I must not return to the village with my brother's blood upon my head. Therefore, I will go and hide myself in that little island yonder, until nightfall ; then I will escape to the country of the Pequods." So he steered his canoe for the island, laid himself down on its shores, and, overcome with care and anxiety, was soon fast asleep. Now the island was inhabited by a race of little people, called Puk-wudjees. They were smaller than the red men, and were, like them, subject to the rule of Ke-che Mani-to, the Great Spirit. They were sitting down to their simple feast of strawberries (O-da-me-non), which grew in abundance on the island ; also the wild gooseberries (Shah-bo-min). It was even- ing, and all was still. Soon they heard the plaintive cry of the Wah-won-a-sah (whip-poor-will) on a tree, directly overhead. They started up in alarm. They said, " W T hat can this mean ? Never before was the voice of the Wah-won-a-sah heard on the island of the Puk-wudjees. He has come to us with a message from the Land of Souls. Some one has suddenly entered it. He must have been murdered, and the murderer must be con- cealed somewhere on our shores." So they started to search the island for the murderer. Soon they discovered Kwah-sind 426 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1790 asleep in the shade of a willow. They said among themselves, " What shall we do with this man of blood ? He is not of our race ; but the Great Spirit will hold us guilty if we suffer him to escape. We will send for Wah-ba-no (magician), and he shall try his arts and incantations upon him. Perhaps he will put him into a deep sleep, that he will never awake again." So they summoned Wah-ba-no. He tried his skill on the murderer. He cast him into a long and deep sleep, and left him there, sleeping in the shade of the willow. When the villagers found that the two brothers did not return, they went, with their canoes, in search of them. They found the canoe of O-skin-a-wa half filled with fishes and covered with blood. They then searched the islands, far and near, for the murderer. Presently they approached the little island of the Puk-wudjees. They found Kwah-sind asleep on its shores. They tried to awaken him, but could not. They bore him home to the village, and many clays he lay before them, in that deep and dreamless sleep. Then his spirit de- parted from him, and they buried him in the burial-place for murderers. From that day the Indians would never approach the little island after nightfall, or lie down to rest on its shores ; for they said, "Although we have done no murder, who knows but that W r ah-ba-no may also put us into a deep sleep, that knows no waking, as he did the murderer of his brother, the strong man, Kwah-sind." 1 In the latter part of the eighteenth century abundant iron ore, much better than bog iron, was discovered in the bottom of these ponds ; that in Assawampsett was by far the best, and as much as five hundred tons a year was taken from this one pond. From a mine about one third of a mile from the shore, opposite the house now owned by Mr. Parkhurst or directly east of the old Pond meeting-house, a large quantity of ore was taken for many years ; the dredging and carting to the many furnaces in this and in the surrounding towns was a great source of income. It was taken from the bed of the pond with tongs, such as are used for oysters, lifted into boats, and carried ashore. For many years a man could easily pro- cure two tons in a day, but it was worked so extensively 1 Middleboro Gazette. i8i6] LAKEVILLE 427 that the amount was reduced to half a ton ; ere long, even this became exhausted, and the mine ceased to be worked. There was plenty of ore in the adjoining ponds, but it was raised to the surface with some difficulty, as the water was about twenty feet deep. Stephen Nelson, a lineal descendant of William Nelson, a man of note in his time, mentions in his diary the work done by himself and neighbors in taking out ore from the pond and carting it to the different furnaces. This indus- try was attended with not a little danger, and one or two men lost their lives while engaged in it. It was in this pond in Sampson's Cove, about opposite where the Pond meeting-house stood, that the murderers of John Sassamon concealed his body under the ice. From the top of Philip's Lookout is one of the most beauti- ful prospects to be found in the whole region. On the eastern side of this pond, at Betty's Neck, there are two rocks, on which are the imprint of a man's hand and a number of other marks supposed to be the work of the Indians. It is said that the impression of the foot is that of Betty, the wife of Felix and daughter of Sassamon. The date of this is 1747, and the name "Felix" is cut into the rock, but these are probably more recent than the marks. In 1816 "Abiel Washburn, Thomas Weston, Levi Peirce, and Horatio G. Wood, their associates and successors, were incorporated under the name of the Middleboro Canal Com- pany, to operate, maintain, and manage a canal from the north- erly part of Assawampsett Pond to unite with Nemasket River between said pond and Vaughan's Bridge." It was their pur- pose to supply a larger body of water for their cotton mill and other manufacturing establishments recently built at the new works at Middleboro. A large amount of money was expended, but it was not a success, and was soon after abandoned. The river now runs through a portion of this canal, and its site can still be traced through the remaining distance. In recent years a large number of summer cottages have been built on the shore of this delightful and historic lake. One of the hostelries for many generations was Sampson's 428 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1800 SAMPSON'S TAVERN Tavern, now a private house owned by Arthur E. Perry of New Bedford. The house was built and first occupied by a Mr. Foster, who was succeeded by Mr, Sampson. From Re- volutionary times to within the memory of many now living, it was celebrated for its good cheer and for the number of guests who were entertained at all seasons of the year. The stages to and from Boston and New Bed- ford stopped here. Some time during the latter part of the eighteenth century a very serious accident occurred in the vicin- ity of this tavern, on account of the great drifts of snow. The stage passed for some distance on the ice on the edge of the pond. Unexpectedly the ice had worn away, and it fell through. The driver was drowned and one of the passengers; the others were more or less injured by the great fright and exposure. At this tavern some of Hezekiah Buttervvorth's best stories were written. Just beyond where the stream connects Assawampsett with Long Pond, on the western side of the road, occurred the battle in the Indian War, the details of which are given in the chapter relating to King Philip's War. A little further on the eastern side of the road, at Betty's Neck, Captain Church with his men pursued the Indians, and fearing an ambush, retreated in the night to Dartmouth. Long Pond is the next in size in this group, the southern portion of which extends a little way into Freetown. There are here two picturesque islands, known as Nelson's Island and Lewis Island. The water is considerably deeper than that of Assawampsett Pond, and at the bottom iron ore has been found, but the water is too deep to make the mining of it profitable. Upon the eastern shore, on the road leading to iSoo] LAKEVILLE 429 Rochester, stands the house in which Governor Marcus Mor- ton was born and spent his early childhood days. The shores of this pond are exceedingly picturesque, and in recent years it has been a summer resort. Great Ouittacus, which takes its name from an Indian chief, has three rocky islands covered with pine-trees in its deep water. It was formerly noted for the variety and excellence of its fish. Upon the western shore, on the New Bedford turnpike, stood the house of Rev. Mr. Roberts. Later, the house passed into the hands of Mr. Jewett of New Bedford, and more recently was moved to where it now stands, on the Long Point road. In the early part of the last century it was used as a tavern. Elder's Pond, much smaller but deeper than the others mentioned, takes its name from John Montgomery, an elder in the First Baptist Church. At the beginning of the last century Upper Four Corners had more inhabitants than the present Four Corners, and promised to be the industrial centre of the town. A store was kept by Colonel Levi Peirce, who afterwards moved to the Four Corners. That store forms the southern portion of the two-story house now standing. A little to the north of this stands the residence of Major Peter Hoar, a well- known . and influ- ential man, whose house is a fine sample of the colonial man- sions of those days. He served in the company of militia commanded by Cap- tain Isaac Wood at the battle of Lexing- ton, and later was in several of the expe- ditions into Rhode major peter hoar's residence 43° HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1778 Island. He was major in the Fourth Regiment of militia of Massachusetts, and was afterwards promoted to the office of lieutenant-colonel, but retained the title of major instead of that of lieutenant-colonel. He was one of the selectmen of Middleboro for more than fifty years, and representative of the town in the legislature during the years 1809, 18 10, and 181 1. During his life he was an active member of the Second Baptist Church in Middleboro, and at his death he made pro- vision in his will for the church which worshipped in the Pond meeting-house. Upon Main Street, toward the Four Corners, stands the house of Simeon Doggett, and a little to the westward, on the Rhode Island road, the house of Lemuel Ransome ; a sketch of their lives has been given with the loyalists of Middleboro. Gamaliel Rounseville, the proprietor of one of the stores at Muttock, had before his removal a store a little this side of the present house of John H. Nelson. James Washburn, the first postmaster of Middleboro, built his house on the site of the present town house of Lakeville. He was unmarried, and after holding the office a few years, resigned in favor of Major Levi Peirce and afterwards moved to New Bedford. Upon the road lead- ing from Main Street to the Ward place was formerly a mill for mak- ing cotton batting ; this was in successful oper- ation until the breaking out of the War of 181 2, which caused such financial disaster to many of the industries of New Eng- land. A little later, a successful tannery was established in place of the cotton mill, and the business was carried on for a number of years by General Ephraim Ward and Mr. Barrows. A little distance to the west, at the corner of the road which THE WASHBURN HOUSE i 7 So] LAKEVILLE 431 fr= 1 ^ ^-^ ^— - — : — - — : : *^ THE WARD HOUSE leads to the station, stands the Ward house, probably the oldest house in town, but the exact age is unknown. James Sproat, 1 of Scituate in 171 1, was the owner of a tract of land upon which this house stands, and in the next year was a resident of Middle- boro. This estate was conveyed in 1737 to his son Robert, and in 1778 to Zebedee Sproat ; later to Wil- liam and Ebenezer Nelson, who in 1806 sold the property to General Ephraim Ward, from whom the place takes its name. At first it seems to have been a single house, with a doorway and room on the front ; a most interesting relic of the past, which has been enlarged from time to time by suc- cessive additions. Several years ago its late owner, Sprague S. Stetson, in making some repairs on the ancient part of this house, found that it was boarded by two and one-half inch oak planks, which were spiked on to the sills and beams to form a garrison house against attacks from the Indians. Over the chimney-piece in one of the chambers was the por- trait of King George, but upon the breaking out of the Revo- lutionary War, so intense was the patriotism of the owner, Mr. Robert Sproat, that a floral design was painted in its place, which can still be seen. This room was ceiled with panel work after the manner of ancient houses, and draperies were painted upon the walls. Before the house was much altered, there was a secret chamber, which it would have been almost impossible for a stranger to find. Upon the burning of Oliver Hall, some fifteen of the doors were taken out by Mr. Sproat and used for panels and ceilings in two of the chambers and upper entry way. 1 James and Ebenezer Sproat were sons of Robert, who came to America and settled in Scituate. His sons moved to Middleboro. 432 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1850 Mr. Zebedee Sproat was a man who showed much taste in beautifying this place ; he planted many trees about the house, and laid out a terrace garden with choice trees and shrubs, which remained until a late day. Tradition has come down that he was a very unpopular man. After the Revolutionary War, he committed many offences against the public and his family, and later was drummed out of town as a slight pun- ishment for the many wrongs which he had done. It is said that a daughter-in-law of Judge Oliver joined in the pro- cession which followed him as he left town. The story of the wrongs he inflicted upon his wife, Hannah Sproat, was pub- lished as a broadside in accordance with the custom of the time. From 1806 until his death in 1856, this house was the resi- dence of General Ephraim Ward. General Ward was a promi- nent man, extensively engaged in many busi- ness affairs, and repre- sented the town in the General Court for sev- eral years. He served as aide-de-camp on the staff of General Lazell upon the threatened invasion of Plymouth in the War of 1812, and for a series of years after was connected with the local militia of the state ; he was the father of General Eliab Ward, George, Rev. Ephraim, Mrs. Priscilla Stetson, the wife of Captain Peleg Stetson, and Mrs. Holmes, the wife of Horace Holmes. George Ward was born September 16, 1814. He was one of the first to manufacture shoes, in partnership GEORGE WARD " Faith F-o t.- nnd I. - G A R L N D He i : I ' ate who c often Jed aftrajrirum their Families, b; t'ic ilclu Borneo. pari la.Piri re (lei [ o '•; t . i \; . ret Tumi " Th. Sin n'i (■ el i ui voice I urn inoafd upon Ins brow. "Hii rain ii fare n I Uot neverTFomTjim could I learn I'M )U 7 VI ML . »r», j No mortal hand 'can Rive relief, \ Oi comfort can impart. . e. t .ill from the pinnacle of peace. Oil nailery and woe, Nothing on eauh can /jive me eafe, I Nor none my lorrows know. That in hit prcfence now of late, I muft not fpeak a word : ' - relations ne'er fo near, Neuhel unto my children dear, One liiiglc word can fpeak. 17. Aliho'tj pleafc htm I have flrov No pity can I have ; But horn his table I am drove, Jul! like .-. 11 rrb (lave. 6. My Father di'd and K ft mchere, I > s> - My character be ftrov: toftain, A \I ither ytt I kn >w. By lying and d Who hi. ip With lender care, | Hut hitherto it ii in vain, To them my (hanks I owe. 7. When I artiv'd to proper arc, 1 II foe to look out, I hail mi . >!h-r of man. M.ule me by Mr. 6 r. Whole kind propofaU won my hcartj I £ to him my hand ; md cli irlim ighta, And .,1 er otheri goes. 1 W iih many .1 1 1 1 tor curfe, ■ 1 j \ ■ m r C greeting me worfe and worfe. | 26. IV , 1 a and Sally f,rc*ell too, f Mu malice now ii grown fo great, j I pray vou maybe blef.'d ; « treats me rb abfurd. you all though dtovc from you < thall he near my heart. While I continue here. My Father and my M'.r I bid you h. th fjr^* Since I am btnifhed from yo'i. No more with you to dwell. my r v\M -f.uciNon. Farewell my little Kate ; (too Since I t.n.'t lonj Ci luc with And fell on his own pate. 19. So drunk wiih pillion in a rage, He played ft tor, ft kind a part, He licui'd a plc.il.tnt man. 9. In peace and joy our days we pall. For nearly twenty year?. He feemed wholly to be bent To keep my eyes from tears. 10. I was by him almoft ador'd. And car I'd his Angel bright, For many years could not a third To have me out iif, fight I lis hatred to difplay, Now in the decline of my age, Huh drove itic quite away. »nd Neigh bor* banifhed, A, id from m> .children dear, And all my hopes are vjn.uicd. Of being happy here. II, He dteve me out with Wtet> ched fpite. In a mod cruel form. And would not (belter me one night From a molt tedious florm. 22. With cruelty bcyi nd account, My youngeft child he tent t. But now alafi I the tcene H lurn'd, I Out of tne fUte up to Vermont, And gloomy afpects nlr, What heart would not relent. m with the reft. 27. Farewell my Friendi anJ Neigh- bor! lo thi.ikl rjiin.n ttvT wTrrryrrwr Hut love d.ith rtill remain. 28. Ai d n<^w thou taifc and trca« chrtou. 1 O think of what vou'vj d )ne I iify •• il v 1 can, Your r-iafs is almoft run. iy. When that ia out you m'jft. appea", Whenever death doth rail. To infwer fo: vour conduct here Before the Jui'ge of .11. jO. And can you hope then to be found, .^To ftand anaonc the tuft, When tifen frcm the dull 31. I hope repentance you will have Before that awful day. And h^ not lent down to the grive In fach a ihocking way. efe lines which 1 to you do fend Don't entettain a douht, But that they wcrecompos'd and pen'd By injur'd Hannah SproUT. Sold by the Travelling-Trade* ( Price Five Pence. ; i8S 3 ] LAKEVILLE 433 with William E. Doggett. He built the house opposite the Ward place, which was occupied by his widow. Upon the death of Captain Peleg Stetson, the old Ward place came into possession of his son, Sprague S. Stetson. He was born February 12, jHfet 1 84 1, and died January 12, 1899. He was a successful farmer, and held many positions of public trust. He was a member of the legisla- ture representing Mid- dleboro and Lakeville in 1883, and was ap- pointed by Governor Greenhalge a member of the Board of Agri- culture, upon which board he served for several years. He was a member of the Plym- outh County Agricul- tural Society. He was prudent yet enterprising, conscientious in the performance of every duty, always courteous and unassuming, and the cordial- ity of his manners and his thoughtful regard of others won the respect of the entire community. On the road leading from the Ward place past the residence of the late Josiah C. Bump, there was at one time a forge, the dam connected with it flooding the meadow land to the west of the road. In the early part of the last century, perhaps the most notable improvement in the western part of the town was the turnpike, constructed by private enterprise, running from the site of the present town house in Lakeville northerly in a straight course about six and one half miles to the Bridge- water line, and southerly, after winding about the western shore SPRAGUE S. STETSON 434 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1850 TOWN HOUSE of Assawampsett Pond, in substantially a straight direction to the Rochester line. The traffic between Boston and New Bed- ford made it desirable to have such a direct route as was being constructed in different parts of the state. It became the thoroughfare for the transportation of passengers in the stage- coaches and private conveyances, as well as the principal route for the baggage wagons with various kinds of merchandise. Tolls were charged between the town house and Bridgewa- ter. There were several toll-gates, 1 one of which was opposite the site of the present town house. After the construction of this turnpike many houses were built, and it con- tinued to be one of the great highways until the building of the Fall River and New Bedford railroads. In the year 1846 the town acquired possession of this road and kept it in excellent repair, but since the abandonment of the stage-coach and the baggage wagon there has been comparatively little travel, ex- cepting from the town house to New Bedford. That por- tion from the town house to Rochester was not included in the turnpike. Among the prominent families in the last century were the Canedys, the Montgomerys, the McCullys, the Pickenses, the Strobridges, and the McCumbers. 2 There is a tradition, which has always been regarded as true, that these families were of Scotch-Irish descent, and that, as protestants in the north of Ireland, they joined with William in the heroic resistance at the siege of Londonderry and the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. 3 1 See chapter on Titicut. 2 Land first acquired in Middleboro by William Canedy (or Kanedy), Decem- ber 2, 1717, from Nathan Rowland. Plymouth Registry of Deeds, vol. xiv, p. 25. William Strowbridge, December 3, 1728, from Thomas Tomson and Samuel Bar- rows. Ibid. vol. xxviii, p. 28. Thomas Pickens, December 26, 1732, from Barnabas Eaton. Ibid. vol. xxviii, p. ill. John Montgomery, May 19, 1735, from Elkanah Leonard. Ibid. vol. xxx, p. 92. John McCully, January 23, 1735, from Elkanah Leonard. Ibid, vol. xxxiii, p. 141. 3 Sullivan, Two Centuries 0/ Irish History, Part I, chap. i. 1723] LAKEVILLE 435 For their services they were rewarded by the British Crown with various tracts of land in the New England colonies, and nearly a generation after, those residing in and about Londonderry determined to leave the land for which they had fought and seek a home where they would be free from the persecutions to which they had been so long subjected. These families were probably among those who in 171 8 despatched Rev. William Bodye with an address to Governor Shute of Massachusetts, signed by two hundred and seventeen of their number. Such was their intelligence that of these, two hundred and ten wrote their names very plainly and applied to be allowed to emigrate to Massachusetts ; the governor's reply was such that they concluded to embark for Boston. It is said that some of these emigrants, after wandering about seeking in vain for a suitable home, finally came and settled in Lakeville, taking tracts of land, portions of which are still held by their descendants. They brought with them their sterling integrity and love for the English Crown and for the protestant faith. Alexander Canedy, the first of the Canedy family, was the father of William Canedy, one of the eminent men in Mid- dleboro in the early part of the eighteenth century. He served as lieutenant against the Indians in Maine. Isaac Winslow, the commander of that expedition, sent a letter to Governor Drummond showing his appreciation : — May it please your Hon r this comes by Ensign Canada who I percieve has had some hope of your Honors favoring him with a Leuit Commission which if it be acceptible to all that are concerned he being very deserving of it in my opinion having acquitted himself very well ever since he hath been out. thus beging your favor for him I am your most obedient servant, Isaac Winslow. Scituate January the 17 : 1723 In the troublous times preceding the Revolution, he could never forget the love he bore to his sovereign and to the home of his ancestors. He and Judge Oliver were among the first citizens of Middleboro to espouse the cause of the Crown, 436 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1720 and were included in the list of loyalists, but he was not ban- ished nor was his estate confiscated. He lived in that portion of Lakeville known as Beech Woods, in a two-story double house, of colonial style. This was taken down a few years since, but the site is still pointed out. William Strobridge, a descendant of the family whose name he bears, was also a tory in the time of the Revolution. The land which was acquired by the Strobridges is in one of the most beautiful parts of the town, and the site of his house is still to be seen. The numerous descendants of the Pickens family have al- ways occupied a prominent position in the affairs of the town and county. Among the men who came about 1720 from the north of Ireland and settled in this locality was Nicholas Roach. He was a devout christian, holding with great tenacity the reli- gious faith of the protest- ants of Ireland, and was one of the founders of the Pre- cinct Church, contributing largely to its support. He is buried in the Thompson Hill burying-ground. The tract of land originally owned by the Montgomery family was near Elder's Pond. From this family descended Hugh Montgomery, a lawyer in Boston of the last gener- ation, a man of learning, who added materially to the fortune inherited from his father. The old Cudworth house is another example of the substantial dwelling of a hundred years ago. The building, commenced by Samuel Nelson and finished by his son Wil- CUDWORTH HOUSE 1882] LAKEVILLE 437 liam, was bought in 1806 by General Ephraim Ward, and after- wards reconveyed to Mr. Nelson in exchange for the Ward place. At the beginning of the last century there was a store kept not far from the present town house ; there has always been a store near the Precinct Church. Before Lakeville was set off as a distinct township, there were a large number of school districts, known as the Upper Four Corners, the Haskins', Miller, Canedy, McCully, and Howland neighborhoods, the Tack Factory, the Bell school- house, and Beech Woods. The Bell schoolhouse is so called by reason of the bell placed upon it when it was used as a place of worship. That portion of the town known as Beech Woods in the early part of the last century had the unenviable reputation of being the home of Malborne Briggs, the thief, one of the most notorious criminals in Plymouth County. He would never commit any depredations in his immediate neighborhood, his operations being confined to other parts of the town and county. He had a large family of seven sons, who inherited the criminal tastes of their father, and in 1823, when the com- mittee of the governor's council visited the state prison at Charlestown, he and his seven sons were there imprisoned. The village known as the Tack Factory was early noted as a place of business activity in this part of the town. Upon the stream which flows through that neighborhood, there was a forge built by Major Thomas Leonard early in the century before the last, which was in operation for about eighty years. Later, there was a sawmill upon the same site, and afterwards a tack factory, from which this neighborhood takes its name, built by Albert Mason and three associates from Bridgewater. This enterprise was not a financial success, and was soon after abandoned, but is now in operation again. Albert T. Mason, whose house stood on Taunton Street, was the father of the chief justice of the Superior Court of the common- wealth, who was born here and educated in the public schools and Peirce Academy, and admitted to the bar at Plymouth in i860. He served with distinction as captain in the War of 433 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1882 the Rebellion, and on returning to practice rose rapidly in his profession. While a resident of Plymouth he held the office of selectman, and was afterwards appointed chairman of the River and Harbor Commission of the commonwealth. In 1882 he was appointed by Governor Long one of the justices of the Superior Court, and afterwards, upon the promotion of Marcus Morton, was made its chief justice. He was recognized by the bar as one of the ablest of the judges of that court. On January 2, 1905, he died at his home in Brookline. This neighborhood was also the home of Elkanah Leonard, an account of whose life has been given in the chapter on Lawyers. ELKANAH LEONARD HOUSE CHAPTER XXVI ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY w ITH the early settlers of Middleboro, in common with those in the other towns of the Old Colony, the reli- gious life entered so largely into their thoughts, du- ties, and activities that any account of those times would be incomplete which did not consider with more or less detail their church history. Their church organization and those who worshipped with its members included almost the entire population, and aside from the family, the church, its order, its care, and its teach- ings seems ever to have been foremost in their minds. It was here that they were strengthened in the faith and doctrines to which they adhered with such tenacity ; here they were encouraged to meet manfully not only the duties but the perils and hardships attendant upon their frontier life ; it was here at the weekly service on the Sabbath that they met their fellow citizens and learned the news of the day. The church meeting was the great social cord which bound them together. For more than one hundred years, the meeting-house of the First Church was generally the place for the transaction of all public business of the town. In 1675 the General Court at Plymouth, by an ordinance, enacted that every township within the colony should have a house of worship and a church duly organized, with proper provision for the support of an ordained minister, who offici- ated over such church. So few were the families, and so far removed were they from each other, that no church was organ- ized until December 26, 1694. Provision was made in 1675 for the support of the gospel, although the war prevented any action being taken until after the resettlement. 1 Mr. Fuller had, how- 1 " Whereas a committee was appointed and chosen by the proprietors of Mid- dlebery the iSth. of May in Anno 1675 vis. — Mr. Constant Southworth, Left. 440 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1678 ever, preached here before that time. Indian churches had been organized at Assawampsett, Nemasket, and Titicut. These were prosperous until the war, but afterwards seem to have been disbanded, and the members worshipped with other churches. Probably the majority of the early settlers were members of the church in Plymouth or in some of the neigh- boring towns from which they had come, and not a few of them were in the habit of attending public worship at Plym- outh, taking their families with them. In 1678 the inhabitants called Mr. Samuel Fuller to become their pastor, and the question of his accepting the call came before the church at Plymouth, of which he was a member, on the 19th of December. 1 On the 16th of January, 1679, the church unanimously recommended that he should preach to Morton, John Thompson, Joseph Warren and Isack Howland, who were im- powered to meet together for some orders in reference to the prosecuting and supportation of some help to teach ... of God att Middlebery and to settle some course to procure means for the erecting of a meeting house there, and for building of bridges and setteling high ways in that town, they the said pro- prietors did at this meeting reestablish and confirm the said order and did ratify the said power and settle it on the forenamed persons to act as aforesaid." Early Records of Middleboro, p. 18. 1 " 1678. December 19 : Our brother, Mr. Samuel Fuller being called to preach at Midlebury did aske counsellof the chh, which motion they tooke into serious consideration till the next cnn-meeting, which was on Jan. 16: & then the chh. did unanimously advise & encourage him to attend preaching to them as oft as he could, but not yet to remove his family but waite awhile to see what further encouragement God might give for his more setled attendance upon that service there. " 1694. November 28 : Divers of our brethren at Midlebury sent letters to us to desire our Counsell about their gathering a chh & calling a Teaching officer with them, the chh tooke it into consideration & after some-time manifested to them our consent to & approbation of their motion. Then those brethren & those of other ches & some others who offered to joyne with them sent let- ters to desire our Pastor with other brethren to helpe them in carrying on that worke on Dec. 26 : the chh chose Deac ; Faunce, Deac ; George Morton, Bro : Eliezer Churchel & Bro: Ephraim Morton to accompany the Pastor thither on that occasion, & voted, that if God carryed on the worke, that wee dismisse oar members, namely, five brethren & 4 sisters to be of that ctih ; that Pastor & those chh-messengers went at the time appointed, the chh was gathered, & then Mr. Samuel Fuller was chosen & ordained to be their Teacher." Records of First Church, Plymouth, vol. i, deposited in Pilgrim Hall. 1734] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 44 1 the inhabitants of Middleboro as often as convenient, but that he should not move his family there, but wait to see what further encouragement might be given him for a permanent settlement. This service on the part of Mr. Fuller probably continued until the organization of the church. In 1680 he became a permanent resident of Middleboro, the town having provided a house-lot and twelve acres of land. The first meeting-house stood on Plymouth Street, north of the Sturtevant house. It was probably built soon after the resettlement of the town, but its size and capacity are not known. It had no pews, and the congregation were seated on rude benches without backs. The records of the organiza- tion of the church were lost, but an authentic copy has come down to us : — Middleborough, March 8, 1734. — A copy of the record of the First Church of Christ in Middleborough, which was written by Mr. Samuel Fuller, first pastor of that church. THE COPY OF EBENEZER FULLER, IN 1 734 I. Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God hath led thee these forty years. Deut. 8 : 2. December 26, 1694 (O. S.). — A church of Christ was gathered at Middlebor- ough, formerly called by the heathen Namassacut, a fishing place, as some say. The persons and their names that entered into church fellowship, some of them members of Plymouth church before, being dismissed from Plymouth for that intent; some of them members of other churches dwelling here then, and some that were never in church fellowship before that time, whose names are as followeth : — Samuel Fuller and his wife, John Bennet and his wife, Jonathan Morse and his wife, Abiel Wood and his wife, Samuel Wood, Isaac Billington, Samuel Eaton, Samuel Cutburt, Jacob Tomson and his wife, John Cob, Jun., Hester Tinkham, The Widow Deborah Barden, Weibrah Bumpas, Ebenezer Tinkham, — his wife, Not being present by reason of sickness in their family, yet after owning the covenant of the rest, being in the esteem of the rest, it is as well as if she were present at that assembly. Ebenezer Tinkham, Isaac Billington, Jacob Tomson ; these then baptized. Soon after were baptized the children of John Cob in their infancy : John, Martha, Patience. Also Lidia Bumpas, the daughter of Weibra Bumpas. II. In order to the gathering to a church, it pleased God, who hath the hearts 442 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1750 of all men in his hands, to move upon the hearts of sundry of those to desire a church may be gathered in this place, — to desire and seek it of God; and Divine Providence made way for it. Letters were sent for ministers and brethren to assist in the work, namely : to Plymouth, Sandwich and Barnstable: and the Elders sent Mr. John Cotton, Mr. Rouland Cotton, Mr. Jonathan Russell, and brethren to assist them. Mr. Samuel Fuller, then ordained to be a Teacher to that church; who had lived there and preached the word amongst them, whose preaching God had made beneficial to divers of them, and made choice of by mutual consent. God can, and oft doth, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings ordain praise. John Bennet, Sen., our brother, ordained Deacon, — Deacon in the church of Middlebo rough, March 10, being the second Sabbath in that month, and chosen by a full consent to that office some considerable time before ; who formerly dwelt at Beverly ; whom God in the way of his providence sent to dwell in Middleborough to be serviceable there in church and town. The articles of christian faith and covenant, 1 similar to those of the church at Plymouth, were first printed in 1722, and reprinted in 1 771, with some changes. They were in accord with the teachings of the venerable John Robinson, pastor of the Pilgrim Church in Leyden. As this was for many years the only church in town, and was so prominent in the thought of the people, it may be of inter- est to cite some of the features of its polity. Any number of christian believers could organize themselves into a church for 1 These articles of faith and covenant are published in the History of the First Church of Christ, in Middleborough. "What is known as the " half-way covenant " was in force for more than fifty years after the organization of this church, and has made it difficult to deter- mine the question of full membership in most of the old churches of the Old Colony. It is very probable that the records of the church, coming to us in the way that has been noted, do not give the membership of all who, during the first thirteen years of its organization, were members. Ibid. p. 79. There were later about one hundred admitted under this covenant. Those who entered into the half-way covenant had the privilege of baptism for their children without being members of the church. The phraseology, although in different churches slightly changed, was in substance as follows : — " I take God the Father to be my chiefest good and highest end. I take God the Son to be my only Lord and Savior. I take God the Holy Spirit to be my Sanctifier, Teacher, Guide and Lawgiver. I take the people of God to be my people in all conditions. I likewise devote and dedicate unto the Lord my whole self, all I am, all I have and all I can do. And in all this I do deliber- ately, promptly, successfully and forever." 1694-1708] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 443 worship and for discipline, although they held that no church ought to consist of more members than could conveniently meet together for worship. They had the power of self-govern- ment, independence, open communion, and free toleration ; the majority ruled in all matters. They had a right to choose their pastor and church officers, and to maintain discipline by vote of the church, but in all of these matters the advice of neighboring churches was asked in council. All of the officers and members were equal in respect to their rights and privi- leges ; no pastor or elder could control or embarrass the action of the church over which he ministered. They communed with churches of other denominations in good standing, and dis- missed their members to the other churches when desired. The doctrine and polity of this church was the same authoritatively embodied in what is called the Cambridge Platform, and in a later period in the Saybrook Platform. MINISTRY OF REV. SAMUEL FULLER, 1 694-95 Mr. Fuller was born in 1624, and died August 17, 1695 ; he was called to preach in 1678, and was ordained December, 26, 1694. 1 MINISTRY OF REV. THOMAS PALMER, 1702-08 Upon the death of Rev. Samuel Fuller, after a ministry of a little more than seven months, Mr. Isaac Cushman 2 of Plymouth received a unanimous jS} call to the pastorate, j^m^ ^oULri&y- which was not ac- cepted, and he after- wards became the minister of the church at Plympton. Mr. Clapp and Mr. Cutting were invited to supply the pulpit, but for different reasons declined. In August, 1696, Mr. Thomas Palmer was engaged to preach one quarter of a year, for which he was paid a salary of thirteen pounds. This was the beginning of the most unfortunate ministry in the history of this church. In October the town voted him a yearly salary 1 For a sketch of the life of Mr. Fuller, see chapter on The Green. 2 See chapter on Early Purchases. 444 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1705 of thirty-five pounds. He continued his services as minister of the church from that time until his dismissal. In November, 1698, the town voted "that his goods should be brought from Plymouth at the town's charge." There was much opposition by some of the neighboring clergymen and members of the church to his becoming a settled pastor. After his ordination, May 2, 1702, the opposition increased, and the unfitness of Mr. Palmer for his position became more and more evident. Soon after his settlement, committees were chosen by the town and by the church to devise some means for the peace- ful adjustment of the difficulties which were increasing. In addition to these, Mr. Palmer was charged with misbehavior and with intemperance. A council was convened by the church ex parte, which condemned him and advised his removal. He and some of his friends felt aggrieved by the action of the council, and they, with the town and church, called a second council, " as the town earnestly desired both old and young to enjoy his ministry, and that he should continue his ministry until the council should meet more fully ; " finally, " twelve churches were convened, which were unanimous in sustaining the action of the former council." The church records under date of June 2, 1708, are as follows : — " Voted, by the church of Middleborough, that, in pursuance of the advice of twelve churches, in council here convened, which have declared that Mr. Thomas Palmer, the former minister and pastor, ought to be removed from the work of the Gospel ministry, and suspended from communion at the Lord's table for his scandalous immoralities, — therefore, in conformity to said advice of said coun- cil, as also upon the advice of a convention of reverend ministers at Boston, the church doth now declare that they now look on Mr. Thomas Palmer as no longer their pastor, but as deposed from the work of the ministry, and also suspended from the table of the Lord ; and we withdraw from the said Mr. Palmer, and unite in our endeavors to settle the ordinances of the Gospel among us." In 1705 his salary had been voted at forty pounds, and the next year the town voted the same salary, " provided he con- tinued in the work of the ministry the whole year, and if removed, to pay him proportionately ;" in November, 1706, some time before the final action of the council, such was the opposition that they "voted to seek out a man for the supply i70i] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 445 of the ministry." He did not preach through the whole of that year, but sued the parish for his salary, and recovered a judgment to the amount of fifty-two pounds up to the time when the council advised his dismissal. Upon final settlement this amount was somewhat reduced. After the action of the council, Mr. Palmer preached some time in his own house, where he had a few hearers, and then commenced the practice of medicine. He became sincerely repentant for his former course, and on November 13, 1737, the censure of the church was taken off and he was restored to his communion by unani- mous vote of the church, after full confession of his error. During his pastorate fourteen members were added to the church. 1 John Bennett, chosen deacon at the organization of the church, was ordained in 1695, and died March 21, 1718. 2 -£^^t £**>tV>^ Co* v *- / Ebenezer Tinkham was one of the first deacons, but there is no record to show when he was chosen. In August, 1 701, the first meeting-house in which the church worshipped was sold at auction for five pounds and two shil- lings, the town having the year before built a new house of worship on the Lower Green. It was thirty-six feet long and thirty feet wide, with the walls sixteen feet high, and had two ridgepoles and four gable-ends. This edifice, like all other meet- ing-houses of that time, had at first no pews. The congrega- tion were seated upon benches, without any support for the back. Rev. Mr. Thacher, after much opposition, obtained con- sent to erect a square pew with seats on three sides, for the use of his family and his distinguished father-in-law, Samuel Prince. Afterwards, this privilege was granted to nineteen others. But slight description of the second meeting-house has come down to us. In 1745 the old roof was taken off and a " pitched roof" 1 See Appendix. - In the History of the First Church we find the statement that " these first deacons and their wives died in March, 1738, and were buried in one grave." There seems to be a misprint, as they died in 17 18. 446 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1740 put in its place. This building was occupied as a place of wor- ship for more than fifty years. In the town records for 1723, we read that the " hind seat in the meeting-house and the hind seat in each of the men's galleries shall be for the boys." MINISTRY OF REV. PETER THACHER, 1 709-44 Rev. Peter Thacher began his ministry over this church some few months before the action of the council in suspend- ing Mr. Palmer. He commenced preaching before the church in September, 1707, but was not chosen pastor until the next June, and was ordained on the 2d of November, 1709. This was his first pastorate, and was begun when he was a little over twenty-one years of age. He commenced his services under very adverse circumstances, as the prejudice in favor of and against Mr. Palmer was still strong. In the course of a few months Mr. Thacher's ability was such, and his manner and bearing were so conciliatory, that he won the hearts and affec- tion of the entire church and congregation. At one time in his long pastorate, it is said that he seriously thought of preaching his farewell sermon and leaving the church, and he declared to his biographer that he would have done so, had he not been "embarrassed in finding a suitable text." In 1740 there was a revival, called the " Great Awakening," which lasted two years. During this time about one hundred and twenty-five persons were admitted to the church, and during his entire ministry four hundred and thirty, among them Samuel Prince, Nathan Prince, Madam Morton, Mercy Bennett, Dr. Isaac Fuller, Luke Short, John Alden, and Bar- zillai Thomas, a sketch of whose lives has been given else- where in this volume. During his ministry Samuel Barrows and Ephraim Wood were ordained deacons, July 25, 1725. Samuel Wood and Ebenezer Finney were chosen deacons January 30, 1735, and ordained March 5, 1737. Various members of the church were dismissed to form other societies. For about fifty years the whole town by law was constituted one parish, with this church as the place of 1745] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 447 worship. July 16, 17 19, the West Precinct was incorporated as a parish, and a church was organized October 12, 1725, by a number of the members who went from this church. In 1734 the town of Halifax was incorporated, which included a part of Middleboro, and nineteen members were dismissed to join the newly organized church and parish. February 4, 1743, a parish was incorporated in Titicut, where preaching service had been held regularly since 1741. At South Middleboro a church was afterwards organized. These various removals to form other churches materially diminished the attendance for a while, but the numerous accessions under Mr. Thacher more than made up for this decrease. MINISTRY OF REV. SYLVANUS CONANT, 1 745-77 After the death of the Rev. Mr. Thacher, serious troubles sprang up within the church, a reaction after the religious re- vival called the Great Awakening. Some of its resident mem- bers desired to settle a man who was in full sympathy with the former pastor, while others, with Deacon Barrows and a small number of the members of the church, desired a man of different religious teachings. This division gave rise to much feeling and discussion. The church extended a call to their former pastor's son, but probably as this was not acceptable to the parish, the call was withdrawn, and the Rev. Sylvanus Conant was asked, in September, 1744, to become their pastor. Notwithstanding conciliatory actions of the church, the parish invited the Rev. Thomas Weld to preach for them as a candi- date, the one preaching in the forenoon and the other in the afternoon ; but the feeling so increased that the parish refused to permit Mr. Conant to preach in the meeting-house, and he held his service in the "mansion house," then occupied by Madam Thacher. He continued preaching for several months. A council was called to consider the difficulties then existing, and as a result he was ordained in March, 1745, in front of Madam Thacher's house. Immediately after this, his friends commenced a new meeting-house on the Upper Green, which represented about three quarters of the members of the 448 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1745 church and one quarter of the members of the parish. Dur- ing this time about three quarters of the parish with its stand- ing committee and sixteen of the members of the church, with Deacon Barrows as their leader, called Rev. Mr. Weld to be their minister. He was a resident of Boston, and a graduate of Harvard College in the class of 1723. The church chose a committee, consisting of Edward Clapp, Edmund Weston, and Samuel Eddy, to attend the council and protest against any action which looked to his ordination. This, however, was without avail ; he was ordained in the old meeting-house October 3 of the same year, and commenced his pastorate, which continued for about four years, the church peremptorily refusing to concur in his call or in his ordination. This resulted in a more bitter feeling than had ever been witnessed, the different parties taking the name of the Old Lights and the New Lights, and sometimes that of the Church and the Standing Party. The old church edifice was much out of repair, a new meeting-house had been built, and there were two ministers and two churches to be supported. Those who had united in the call of the Rev. Thomas Weld held the old meeting-house, the ministerial land and parsonage, and were the legal representatives of the parish, while the church members who worshipped at the "mansion house," under the law as it then existed, were taxed to support Rev. Mr. Weld, and the parish were also obliged to pay the expenses of their own church services. Litigation had been commenced in re- gard to the custody of the records and other parish mat- ters. These difficulties were finally adjusted, and April 22, 1746, the church chose a committee, consisting of Ebenezer Clapp, Seth Tinkham, and Samuel Eddy, to present a petition to the legislature for relief. A law was passed by the General Court, by which every member of the society should have lib- erty to choose the Old Lights or the New Lights by filing his name with the society of which he desired to become a mem- ber. It is stated that more than two hundred members of the old parish were recorded in the year 1748. Religion was at a very low ebb in both churches. In a short time the church 1745] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 449 and society representing the New Lights became dissatisfied with the Rev. Mr. Weld, and after some dissension among themselves, he was obliged to leave. He afterwards com- menced suit for his salary, which he failed to recover. Under the winning spirit of the Rev. Mr. Conant, the pastor of the old church, the societies were united ; this action was after- wards confirmed by the legislature, and no further dissension prevailed in this old church and society. It is said that Mr. Conant, before the enactment of this statute, had petitioned that "no presentment might be made against this society for being destitute of a minister until the precinct is in a better condition to settle one." He continued as minister until his death l in 1777. Seventy- six joined the church during his ministry. In November, 1745, Benjamin Tucker and Gershom Cobb were chosen deacons. Benjamin Tucker joined the church March 24, 1729, and died July 9, 1781, in his seventy-sixth year. He had held the office of selectman of Middleboro for the years 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, and 1752. He was town treasurer in 1744, and representative to the General Court in 1746. He was a coroner for the county in 1754, 1755, and 1762. Gershom Cobb was born in 1714, and was admitted to the church July 1, 1739. Benjamin Thomas was chosen deacon May 23, 1776. 2 Before the final action of the council dismissing Mr. Weld, Elijah Packard was called as his successor in the old church. After the settlement of this difficulty, the old meeting-house, which had been sadly neglected, was sold to David Simmons for the sum of thirteen pounds, six shillings, and eight pence, exclusive of the pews and the pulpit, and the materials were used for building a dwelling-house where the present parson- age now stands. It had not been considered large enough to accommodate the church and parish, and in the early part of 1744, at the close of Dr. Thacher's ministry, measures had 1 For a further sketch of his life, see chapter on The Green. 2 For a further sketch of his life, see chapter on Thomastown. 450 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1745 been taken for building a larger place of worship. 1 Up to the year 1745, four hundred and eighty were enrolled as members. This, the third meeting-house, was by far the largest and most imposing structure at the time in town, and was situ- ated a little to the east of the present building. 2 It was built in 1 We the Subscribers Inhabitants of the Easterly Precinct within The Town- ship of Middleborough under Consideration of the Decay of our Old meeting house which we apprehend is not worth Repairing. Not Only By Reason of its Being old and much Decayed But also its Being So Small that there is not Suf- ficient Roome therein to accommodate Said Precinct wherefore we do Now by mutual Agreement Bind and Oblidge Our Selves to Buld a new meeting house (at or near the Same place where Our Old meeting house now Stands) of the following Demention (viz) 55 feet Long 45 feet wide & 25 feet in the walls and to proceed to Cut Timber There for and Provid Sutable matterials as Soon as may be (viz) now while the Season will permit Dated middleborough East pre- cinct February The i^ 1744 — Nathan Thomas Jonathan Smith Thomas Darling James Smith Benjamin Thomas Ebenezer Finney John Soul Seth Tinkham Samuel Smith John Cox John Tomson William Cushman Edmand Wood John Cobb John Canedy Gershom Cobb Joseph Thomas Samuel Wood Jun r Joseph Bates Jn r Daniel Vaughan John Smith Mary Thacher Edmand Weston William Thomas Jonathan Smith Jn. Henery Thomas Samuel Thomas Jn. Joseph Tinkham Benjamin Tucker Nathaniel Bumpas Memorandon That on the 16 th & 17 th Days of July A. D. 1745 we begun and finished Raising our meeting house and on the next Day which was the i8' h of July we met in the meeting house Frame Both fore and after noon : it Being the Day of General Thanks Giving Through out this Province on account of the Success of the English Armes against Cape Breton 2 The meeting-house was paid for by cash and materials furnished by mem- bers of the congregation, and afterwards the pews were assigned at the following prices : — Pew No. 49 to Ebenezer Cox for " " 48 to Jabez Cushman " " " 35 to Ichabod Morton " " " 32 to Simeon Dogget " " " 2 to Peter Oliver, Jr " " " 8 to Charles Ellis " £ s. d 17 6. 8 22. i3- 4 22. ib. 14. 10. 8 26. 13- 8 17- 9- 4 1745] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 45 1 1745, 1 and remained until 1829. It had upon its sides two rows of windows, in which were small panes of glass. It faced toward the east, where there was a large porch extending across the end, the main entrance of the church ; upon this was a steeple, £ s. d. Pew No. 46 to John Alden for 8. 13. 4 " " 40 to Jacob Soul " 20. o. o " "41 to Ephraim Tinkham " 23. 12. o " " 34 to William Harlow " 22. 16. o " " 43 to John Miller " 27. 1. 4 " " 52 to Elias Miller " 23.^ 9. 4 " " 39 to Hushai Thomas " 5.* 6. 8 " " — was taken by Elias Millin in " Roome of His old one." " 2. 2. 8 " " 22 to Isaac Cushman " 22. 5. 4 " " 36 to John Bennet " 22. 13. 4 " " 45 to Ichabod Wood " 26. 80. o " "13 to Andrew Oliver " 25. 12. o " " 54 to Francis Tomson " 13. 17. 4 " The Ground where the Woming Slaves were Taken up was Sold to Jeremiah Thomas " " 14. 5. 4 Gallery Pew No 25 to Silas Wood " 13. 12. o " " " 26 to Amos Tinkham " 13. 6. 8 " " " 27 to Nathaniel Bumpas " 12. 5. 4 " " " 28 to Shubael Tinkham " 9. 6. 8 " " " 29 to Elkanah Elmes " 8. 2. 8 " " " 34 to Isaac Soul " 13. 9. 4 " " " 33 to Thomas Ellis " 11. 6. 8 " " " 32 to Zechariah Weston " 11. 6. 8 " " "31 to Benjamin Thomas " 10. 2. 8 " " " 30 to Isaac Tomson " 9. 9. 4 Pew next forward and gives the precinct, taken by Capt. Prat " 1. 17. 4 Pew next forward taken by Ichabod Cushman and gives the Precinct " 1. 17. 4 Gallery Pew No. — to John Smith " 5. 12. o " " " — to Archipas Cole , . " 14. 18. 8 Little Pew between Madam Thacher's and Lut. Smith to Shubael Tinkham " 13. 9. 4 Little Pew No. 35 to Noah Cushman " 5. 14. 8 The Hon. Peter Oliver Esq. To have for the Addition to His Pew " 2. o. o Soon after completion, the remaining pews in the body of the house and galleries were sold to various persons who had been admitted by vote to be proprietors of the meeting-house. At a meeting of the proprietors held on the 7th of April, 1760, Peter Oliver, Esq., was admitted " to be a proprietor of said meeting house and to be entitled to all of the privileges thereto belonging and also that he have liberty to take up the two fore seats on the woman's side in said meeting house and in their place build two pews of his own cost and charge and to have one of the pews for his own and to give 13^ 6s. 8d. to the proprietors for the privilege." 1 For deed of land, see chapter on The Green. 452 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1745 with a place for a bell. Large doors opened from the porch into the body of the church, and from either side of the house were folding-doors opening directly into the audience-room. In this vestibule were posted notices of marriage intentions, town meetings, sales, and any other matters relating to the church and town. On the west side was a large window, in front of which was the high pulpit ; the inside of the church was surrounded with deep galleries upon three sides, while opposite the pulpit was a second higher gallery, occupied by the Indians and slaves. It is said that these galleries were always well filled. They were supported by pillars painted in rough imitation of marble sculpture by Cephas Thompson, the celebrated portrait painter of the town. The pulpit was ascended by a flight of steps, and the minister's desk was hung with velvet tapestry, while above the pulpit was hung the large sounding-board of panel work, circular in shape, supported by a rod from the roof. 1 The pews (sometimes spelled pues) were square, about five feet high, the upper part lattice work, through which the occupants could look into adjoining pews. They were on the sides of the house, with narrow, uncomfortable seats on three sides. These seats were hung on hinges, and were raised during the time of prayer, when the congregation stood. Oftentimes, at the close of the prayer, they were let down with a noise to be heard all over the house, and in some towns there was an ordinance to pre- vent unnecessary noise in the slamming of the seats in the pews. The space in the centre was filled with benches with- out backs for people who could not afford to own pews, and was so irregular that it was difficult sometimes to find one's way to the seats desired. In front of the pulpit was a large inclosure called the "deef " seats, where sat 2 members of the 1 The old sounding-board over the pulpit was to the children a most marvel- lous piece of work, as the supporting rods were out of sight. They were one day wondering what held it up, when one boy said, " Why, don't you know ? God holds it up, just as He does the world ; and that is why it does not fall down and break the minister's head." 2 Mr. Wood in an address gives the following amusing incident : In the meet- ing-house, it was no uncommon thing for the snow to drift in at the pulpit win- i 7 7o] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 453 congregation who were hard of hearing. Next came an ele- vated seat for the deacons, and before this was the communion table, the leaves of which were raised on hinges whenever that service was observed in church. Judge Oliver owned one of the pews, which his family always occupied ; with him frequently came the distinguished guests who, during the summer, were constantly at Oliver Hall. He was known to give up the head of his pew but once, and then to Governor Hutchinson, his guest, who came to church with his scarlet coat and sword. There was also the minister's pew, occupied by his family and such guests as were stopping with him. It was customary for members of the congregation to rise during the sermon when fatigued, and stand until they were rested, when they would resume their seats. In the gal- lery a seat was reserved for the tithing-man, always an impor- tant officer in every church. This was one of the churches where the great Whitefield preached during his visit to America. The church was then so crowded that his only way of reaching the pulpit was by a ladder to the window in the rear. Governor Bowdoin, while living in town, worshipped here, as well as Samuel Prince, father of the pastor of the Old South Church in Boston, and Benjamin Franklin on his visit to Middleboro. 1 It was cus- tomary to have a morning service, and then an intermission of an hour and a half or two hours. All of the families brought their lunches, and lingered in the meeting-house, at the tavern, or about the sheds in the rear of the church for conversation and the gossip of the day. As there were no means of heating the old meeting-house, the worshippers were obliged to sit during the long services wrapped in their overcoats and shawls. Some of them carried dow. One Sunday, the minister found the pulpit desk covered. He stood up, and with his right hand brushed off a portion of the snow, not noticing where it went till he observed that his congregation smiled. He looked over, and saw that he had sent a cold shower on the head of the solitary individual occupying the deaf seats. He then brushed the remainder off in the other direction with his left hand, only to find that the poor man, who had moved after the first fall of snow, was again a victim. 1 See chapter concerning Social Customs. 454 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1778 foot-stoves, — small, square tin boxes filled with live coals, the heat of which served to keep the feet warm. During the . nooning, those fortunate enough to possess a foot-stove were accustomed to repair to the Sproat Tavern to replenish the coals for the afternoon service. 1 The introduction of musical instruments met with great opposition on the part of many of the older members of the church and society. Several animated church meetings were held to consider the matter. 2 The violin was admitted if it could be played upside down as a viol, not as a "fiddle." As early as 1732 we find a vote, in regard to singing, that the pastor, Mr. Thacher, should " set the tunes of the psalms in the time of public worship as long as he could find it for the peace and satisfaction of the church and congregation." An- other innovation, which did not meet with approval, was the singing by a choir in the old meeting-house. 3 This, as well as the former churches, was used for the town meetings until the erection of the town house, which was raised in 1796, and soon after completed. MINISTRY OF REV. JOSEPH BARKER, 1781-1815 Upon the death of the Rev. Mr. Conant, Mr. Abram Camp, a graduate of Yale in 1773, was invited to supply the pulpit during the winter of 1778, and later, in December of the same year, the church voted to give him a call on probation, and in the February following, unanimously invited him to become 1 There was much opposition to the introduction of stoves. One woman was carried out fainting from " the effects of the heat," but when assured that the stove had not been lighted, she was somewhat surprised. 2 Among the most zealous opponents of the innovation was one who had been accused by his neighbor of trespassing upon his wood-lot and cutting and selling large quantities of wood for the market. In one of the discussions this gentleman said that " if such an innovation as introducing musical instruments into the church is permitted, I will never again attend the church meeting." His neighbor replied, " I wish those musical instruments could be carried up into my wood-lot." 3 One of the venerable dames, in expressing her disapprobation of the whole proceeding, wrote to a friend, " Even the judge of the land was in the gallery bawling with the boys." 1815] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 455 their pastor. In his reply to the invitation, he requested that the vote of the sisters might be taken, a decided innovation in church action. In November, 1780, there were five votes against him, due to his request ; he afterwards declined the call on account of this opposition. Upon the suggestion of that very eminent man in the denomination, v Rev. Dr. Em- mons, Mr. Barker was recommended as a suitable pastor for the church. He was a graduate of Yale in 1771, and on the 9th of August, 178 1, the church unanimously invited him to the pastorate ; he was ordained on the 5th of December of that year. His ministry, although strongly contrasted in many re- spects with that of Mr. Conant, was acceptable. He was of the Hopkinson school of theology, then prominent in most of the Congregational churches of the state, and it was undoubtedly through his influence that this church was kept from chang- ing its faith to that of the Unitarian denomination, as did the church of the pilgrims in Plymouth and a large majority of the churches in the Old Colony. How successful his ministry was may be judged from the fact that two hundred and forty- seven were admitted to the church during his pastorate. In 1807 and 1808 there seems to have been a general revival in town, during which over eighty persons united with the church. In 1794, at the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the church, Mr. Barker preached an anniversary sermon, which was published at the time, and from which we learn much relating to its history. He died July 25, 1815, deeply lamented, not only by his parish and congregation, but by the whole town. 1 During his absence in Congress, 1805-08, his pulpit was supplied by the Rev. Azel Washburn, Rev. Simeon Doggett, afterwards the principal of Bristol Academy in Taunton, Rev. Mr. Robinson of Westboro, and Rev. James Davis. MINISTRY OF REV. EMERSON PAINE, l8l6-2 2 Mr. Paine, a graduate of Brown University, 181 3, was settled over this church with some opposition, which so in- 1 For a further sketch of his life, see chapter on The Green. 456 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1S28 creased that, at his own request, he was dismissed by a council. Notwithstanding the embarrassment under which he labored, fifteen people united with the church. During the two years the pulpit was vacant, seventy-two joined the church. MINISTRY OF REV. WILLIAM EATON, 1 824-34 Rev. William Eaton, a graduate of Williams College and Andover Theological Seminary, was installed March 10, 1824. Some laxity in reference to intemperance and Sabbath-break- ing, with un-christian con- duct on the part of a few members, made it necessary for Mr. Eaton, during his pastorate, to make them the subject of discipline, which occasioned much adverse criti- cism. He, however, was con- scientious in what he did, and his course seems to have been generally approved by the church. He was dismissed by council, at his own request, March 3, 1834. During his ministry sixty-three persons were added to the church. The most important event at this time was the erection of the present meeting-house of the First Church in 1828, at a PULPIT OF FIRST CHURCH 1 1 The curtain back of the pulpit was placed there immediately after the edifice was completed. It was the occasion of much opposition on the part of the older members of the church and society. The leader of this opposition was Captain Joshua Eddy, then one of the deacons of the church. On the Sab- bath after it was put up he was in church, but said nothing about it until he returned home, when he called his oldest son, Zachariah, to his house, and said, " Zach, how about that curtain ? " He replied, " It is for glory and beauty, like Aaron's robe." There was a moment's silence, then the conversation turned upon other subjects, and no further opposition was heard in regard to the cur- tain. I82 9 ] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 457 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AT THE GREEN cost of from twelve to thirteen thousand dollars, which was paid by the sale of the pews. The vestry connected with the church was built the following year. Four acres of land were purchased of Zenas Cushman for the site of the new meeting- house and common in 1827. The parsonage was built in the year 1832, upon land purchased of Hercules Cushman. The architect of the church was James Sproat. The dedication sermon was preached January 1, 1829, by the most celebrated clergyman of his day, the Rev. Lyman Beecher, the father of Henry Ward Beecher. Daniel Webster, seeing it soon after its dedication, remarked that it was one of the finest church edifices in the country. For more than twenty years after its erection every pew was occupied. The early prejudice against musical instruments had so far abated that, in addition to the choir, there were for many years two double bass viols, two 'cellos, three violins, and two bassoons. The choir was led by Deacon Horatio G. Wood, and the double bass viols were played by Colonel Southworth Ellis and James M. Pickens. 458 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1835-65 MINISTRY OF REV. ISRAEL W. PUTNAM, D. D., 1835—65 Rev. Dr. Putnam was born in Danvers, Mass., on the 24th of November, 1786. He spent two years at Harvard College, and was graduated at Dartmouth in 1809. After reading law two and a half years in the office of Judge Samuel Putnam in Salem, Mass., he be- came impressed with the idea that it was his duty to become a min- ister of the gospel. He entered Ando- ver Theological Semi- nary, and was gradu- ated in September, 18 14. After a settle- ment as pastor in the North Church in Portsmouth, N. H., for twenty years, he was installed pastor over this church Octo- He received a degree f D. D. from Dartmouth REV. ISRAEL W. PUTNAM, D. D. ber 28, 1835 in 1853. Dr. Putnam was an accomplished scholar, always dignified in his bearing, a gentleman of the old school, courteous and large-hearted, the warm personal friend of every member of his church and society. He was sound in his denominational belief, yet charitable to those who differed from him. It was during his ministry that the First Church had its largest mem- bership. Among the congregation might be numbered twelve merchants, two or three physicians, and a number of law- yers ; a notable congregation. Worshippers would come from distant parts of the town, many of them travelling from three to five miles. The row of sheds bordered the parish com- 1866-1905] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 459 mon, and at the close of the afternoon service it was interest- ing to see the line of carriages which left the church to wend their way along the five different roads radiating from the Green. The parish extended almost ten miles, and it was the cus- tom of the pastor, in addition to the Sabbath service, to have evening meetings in the different neighborhoods alternately. This, in addition to the pastoral work, made the duties of Dr. Putnam very laborious. The most important event which occurred during his minis- try was the colonization of the Central Congregational Church at the Four Corners. In 1847 thirty-three of the members of the church were dismissed to form the new congregation, which was increased by most of the worshippers who lived at the Four Corners. This materially diminished the former large attendance. No pastor was ever more honored and beloved than Dr. Putnam. In 1865 he resigned, on account of the weight of years and failing health, and died May 3, 1868, at the age of eighty-one years. Two hundred and thirteen united with the church during his ministry. The parish at one time had a fund of nine thousand dollars. The house formerly owned by James Sparrow was built by the Rev. Sylvanus Conant, whose heirs sold it to the parish ; afterwards Mr. Barker bought it, and the proceeds were given as a fund for the support of the church. Samuel Tinkham, a member of this church, who died March 28, 1 796, left his farm in the little precinct to the parish, and the incomes of these two estates were used in part payment of the minister's salary until after the dismissal of the Rev. Mr. Eaton. During the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Putnam some of this fund was lost, so that there is but a small portion of it left, the income of which con- tinues to be appropriated for its original purpose. The pastors of this church since 1866 have been: Rufus M. Sawyer, 1866-69. Ephraim M. Hidden, 1869-74. Theophilus Parsons Sawin, 1875-78. Nathan Tirrell Dyer, 1878-85. Howard Alcott Hanaford, 1885-88. Josiah Weare Kingsbury, 1889-91. George Warren Stearns, 1 891-1905. 460 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1725-53 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AND SOCIETY OF LAKEVILLE Up to the 19th of July, 17 19, Lakeville was included in the parish of the First Church. At that time the town was divided into two precincts, known as the East and West ; the dividing line was from a point near the mouth of Fall Brook and run- ning westerly by the trout brook to the line of Taunton. The East contained the meeting-house of the First Church, and was by far the larger part of the town ; with the West was included a portion of Taunton. There was no stated preach- ing until July, 1723, and the next year the first meeting-house was erected a short distance to the east of the present house of worship. October 12, 1725, the church was first formed, partly from the First Church in Middleboro and partly from the adjoining towns. The early records were lost, as is the case with so many other churches. The number of women who first joined is unknown ; the number of men, so far as can be ascertained, was twelve : John Thrasher, Ebenezer Richmond, James Reed, Richard Waste, Samuel Hoar, Thomas Pickens, William Hos- kins, John Hackett, James Sproat, Electious Reynolds, Ed- ward Richmond, and William Strowbridge. MINISTRY OF BENJAMIN RUGGLES, 1 725-53 Rev. Benjamin Ruggles, the first pastor, was ordained No- vember 17, 1725, and continued his ministrations there until his dismissal, December, 1753. He was graduated from Yale College in 172 1. Soon after the ordination of Mr. Ruggles, Edward Rich- mond and John Hackett were chosen deacons of the church. From the death of Mr. Ruggles, for nearly eight years, the pulpit was supplied by seven different clergymen, in the absence of any settled pastor. Notwithstanding this, the old meeting-house was abandoned in 1759, and a large, and for those days an expensive church was erected. This was built in the usual form of the times, with galleries upon its three sides, 1761-1S51] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 46 1 a high pulpit, and a sounding-board. There seems to have been no steeple upon the church, and the outside was never painted. MINISTRY OF CALEB TURNER, 1761-180I Rev. Caleb Turner was ordained April 16, 1761. He was a graduate of Yale College, and continued as pastor of the church until 1 80 1, when he was dismissed upon his own request at an advanced age. During this period John Macomber, Seth Richmond, John Leonard, Benjamin Deane, and George Staples served as deacons. MINISTRY OF THOMAS CRAFTS, 1801-19 November 18, 1801, Rev. Thomas Crafts, a graduate of Harvard College, was installed as the third pastor, and re- mained eighteen years, until his death at the age of sixty-one. At the commencement of his labors the church numbered only twelve, but at its close had increased to forty resident members. MINISTRY OF JOHN SHAW, 1819-34 The fourth pastor was Rev. John Shaw, a graduate of Brown University, who was installed July 21, 18 19, and continued as pastor until 1834. After his dismissal, the church was without a pastor for two years. In 1835 they erected their present house of worship. MINISTRY OF HOMER BARROWS, 1 836-42 The fifth pastor was Homer Barrows, who was ordained in 1836. He was a graduate of Amherst College, and continued as pastor of the church until June 1, 1842, when he was dis- missed. MINISTRY OF JESSE K. BRAGG, 1842-51 The Rev. Jesse K. Bragg was ordained the sixth pastor Oc- tober 19, 1842. He was a graduate of Amherst College, and his pastorate continued until June 30, 185 1. At that time the church numbered one hundred and fifty resident members. 462 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1744 MINISTRY OF CALVIN CHAPMAN, 1851-57 1 Calvin Chapman was ordained October 22, 1851. In 1808 the church and society received from Nicholas Roach a fund of $4000, and later from Hugh Montgomery $3000, the income of which is appropriated for the support of the church. MIDDLEBORO AND HALIFAX Halifax was incorporated in 1734, and on October 13 the fol- lowing were dismissed from the First Church to form a church there : Hannah Fuller, Phoebe Standish, Ichabod Standish, Abigail Tinkham, Elizabeth Fuller, Mary Wood, Elizabeth Thompson, Mary Thompson, Sr., Mary Thompson, Lidea Cobb, Sarah Drew, Elizabeth Drew, Isaac Tinkham, Ebenezer Fuller, John Fuller, Timothy Wood, Thomas Thompson, Eben- ezer Cobb, and John Drew, Jr. The first pastor was John Cotton, who attained eminence in the colony and church. TITICUT CHURCH AND PARISH For more than three fourths of a century after the first settlement of the town, the residents of Titicut were in the habit of attending worship at the First Church, a distance of more than five miles. After the Great Awakening of 1740, Mr. Byram commenced preaching in this neighborhood, and in 1744 it was made a distinct parish. This extended to the West Precinct line on the Purchade Brook, with the excep- tion of certain estates which continued to belong to the old parish. It included a part of Bridgewater to the Four Mile line. The first parish meeting under this law was held at the house of Nehemiah Washburn on the 21st of March, 1744. The Indians gave land for a meeting-house. 2 The citizens of 1 The subsequent history of this church does not belong in this volume. 2 See chapter on Praying Indians. 1748] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 463 the place had been collecting materials, and had voted, as early as January 25, 1744, " to raise fifteen pounds old tenor for the support of their minister," but it was not until March 29, 1747, at a parish meeting held in the house of James Keith, that they voted " to provide materials to enclose and cover the meet- ing-house." This was a plain structure, with doors on three sides and the high pulpit on the north. The windows were small, with diamond-shaped glass set in lead ; it had no spire or bell upon it. It was situated in a pine forest, and was after- wards moved to a position near the site of the present Congre- gational Church. During these years a dissension existed, and for nearly four years after the incorporation of the parish there was no church organization. At this time, however, the Rev. Joseph Snow, pastor of a " New Light " Church in Providence, R. I., and Isaac Backus, a young man from Nor- wich, Conn., were preaching here. Both of these men were in sympathy with the Great Awakening, and the Rev. Mr. Backus was invited to remain with them for some time. The meeting-house, which had been raised and covered in 1747, was not completed, and in 1748 a tax was levied upon the whole parish for that purpose, which gave great offence to those who styled themselves " New Lights," and who had not worshipped there. February 16, 1748, the Congregational Church was formed, with the articles of faith and covenant similar to those of the First Church, which were signed and entered into by sixteen persons : Jonathan Woods, Joseph Harvey, William Hooper, Ephraim Leach, Onesimus Campbell, Samuel Alden, Joseph Phinney, Israel Washburn, James Hooper, Joseph Harvey, Jr., Leah Washburn, Ruth Leach, Sarah Leach, Esther Fobes, Abigail Fobes, and Abigail Fobes, Jr. During this year the membership was increased to forty-four ; then followed in the succeeding years dissensions upon the subject of baptism, so that the church was much divided, and five ecclesiastical coun- cils were held. Mr. Backus, having preached in the new house for a short time, turned it over to the " New Lights," and was taxed and 464 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1756-79 restrained for it, which he declares was all that he got for his preaching. Owing to the differences of opinion concerning baptism, Mr. Backus left this church on January 16, 1756, and organized a church in accordance with his views. Although the building had been partially completed in 1749, measures were taken to finish it, as seen in the account of the precinct meeting June 4, 1756, when it was voted "to sell the pew ground and appropriate the money toward finishing the meet- ing-house." Ephraim Keith, David Alden, and Abiezer Edson were appointed a committee to sell "pew spotts." The bids were made October 21, 1756, "in furnace credit, to be paid the next blast, and security given." " No 1 on ye west side of the pulpit, being 7 feet long and 5^ feet deep was sold to Mr. James Keith, at no old tenor, furnace credit ; " " No. 5 " was "under the men's stairs," No. 8 was "under the women's stairs." The men and women were separated ; the records mention the men's side and the women's side. On the same day, Rev. Solomon Reed was called as pastor at an annual salary of " sixty pounds law- ful money." MINISTRY OF REV. SOLOMON REED, 1 756-85 Mr. Reed, a graduate of Harvard College in 1739, lived on Pleasant Street, nearly opposite the old Hathaway place, in a house which was characteristic of that age, the roof coming nearly to the ground in the rear. During the term of his min- istry thirty persons were received into the church, and three of its members were dismissed to other churches. The first deacons were a Mr. Fobes, whose full name is not given, Samuel Keith, Zephaniah Wills, and Daniel Leach. Among other votes passed by the church, we learn that they should sing Dr. Watts's version of the psalms for the present, and Isaac Perkins was " to take care of the young people on Sabbath days." To show how Continental money had depreciated at this time, in 1779 there was voted to Rev. Solomon Reed " one thousand pounds for his salary for the year passed, the one thousand pounds being considered equal to the sixty pounds heretofore " 1787-1851] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 465 given him. Another vote on the 6th of September, 1784, was the petition " to the Great and General Court for a lottery to raise a fund in order to support a minister in this parish." There are in the library of the Pilgrim Society a few of his manuscript sermons. Mr. Reed died May 7, 1785. MINISTRY OF REV. DAVID GURNEY, 1787-1815 Mr. Gurney was called to this church September 27, 1787, was ordained December 5, the same year, and served until his death, July 30,1815. Sev- /Q/ r\ yp to the church s »—' during his pastorate. In 1808 the parish built a new meeting-house, the second in its history. This had a tower and bell, and its location was the subject of much discussion at the time. In 18 12 permission was granted to erect sheds on the common near the meeting-house, under the direction of the parish committee. MINISTRY OF REV. PHILIP COLBY, 1816-51 Rev. Philip Colby was born July 30, 1779, an d was ordained January I, 1 181 7. He continued as minister here until his death, February 27, 185 1. In the year 18 17, certain individ- uals having agreed to build a house for the use of their min- ister, land was leased to them by the parish for the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years, and here the parsonage was erected. During his ministry one hundred and seventy-eight persons were admitted to the church. The church edifice was burned February 28, 1852, but with great sacrifice the parish erected another house, which was also burned in 1898, and the pre- sent house of worship was then built. 1 In the records we find the following, showing the temperance movement had not arisen : "Voted to allow for spirits for ordination, $8.90," and again, "for spirits, $2.39," and next year, " for spirits not bro't into former bills, $2.50." 466 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [»793 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, NORTH MIDDLEBORO The pastors of this church since 1850 have been : Thomas E. Bliss, 1852-55. Charles Packard, 1855-57. E. G. Little, 1859-67. Henry L. Edwards, 1868-73. Samuel Hopkins Emery, 1874-76. Ephraim W. Allen, 1877-83. Dwight W. Prentice, 1884-86. Clarence Eddy, 1886-90. Herbert Keight- ley Job, 1891-98. Charles L. Tomblen, 1899- In 1808 Nicholas Roach left a legacy of $2000 to the church, Deacon and Mrs. Elijah E. Perkins gave $3000, Mrs. Seth Fuller $500, and Enoch Pratt $5000. The interest of this fund is used for the support of the gospel here. NORTH ROCHESTER PARISH In 1793 part of Middleboro was set off to form the town of North Rochester. A church had been formed there, prob- ably during the ministry of Mr. Weld. The records have been lost, but from the diary of Mr. Bennett, one of the mem- bers, it is learned that Rev. Calvin Chaddock was the first pastor. l8 47] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 467 BEECH WOODS A Separatist Church was formed in Beech Woods as a result of Whiten eld's preaching, but it was never in a flourishing con- dition. James Mead was ordained its pastor October 3, 175 1. He died in 1756, and its members joined the church over which Ebenezer Hinds presided. Their church edifice was purchased and removed by them from East Freetown, and, upon the dis- solution of the church, was occupied by the Second Baptist Church. It was destroyed by fire, May 19, 1798. INDEPENDENT CONGREGATIONALIST CHURCH In 1879 about twenty persons at the Rock covenanted to- gether under the name of the Independent Congregational Church, one of the chief objects being to teach the doctrine of holiness or entire sanctification. A commodious chapel was erected in 1880, and dedicated in June. This church was organized in 1882 and incorporated in 190 1. W. Clarkson Ryder, who was ordained in 1886, died in 1905. The present membership is thirty-nine. An annual camp-meeting has been held under the auspices of this church in a beautiful oak grove about a mile from the Rock station. THE CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Towards the middle of the last century the village at the Four Corners had so increased in population that it was by far the largest in town, and more than one hundred were in the habit of worshipping every Sabbath with the First Church at the Green, a distance of more than two miles. They had built a chapel for the purpose of holding evening and mid-week ser- vices, which were usually conducted by the pastor of the First Church, and here, on the 25th day of March, 1847, the Central Congregational Church was formed. An ecclesiastical council had been called, in which the organization of the church was heartily approved. The society then formed was not like the 468 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1849 CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH First Church by metes and bounds, but formed under the provisions of the statutes as existing at the time, the members who lived in this immediate vicinity being taken from the bounds of the old society. The First Church cheerfully, but not without regret, dismissed thirty-three of their members, recom- mending them to join the new church. Their names were as follows : Cornelius Burgess, Mrs. Melissa Burgess, Mrs. Betsey T. Burgess, Horatio G. Wood, Consider Robbins, Mrs. Ruth Reed, James D. Wilder, Mrs. Bathsheba Wilder, James Warren, Mrs. Margaret Warren, Nathan Perkins, Jr., John Perkins, Mrs. Ann S. Perkins, Ebenezer Pickens, Mrs. Mary B. Pick- ens, Mrs. Abigail S. Pickens, Miss Caroline M. Pickens, Mrs. Abigail W. Wood, Miss Emily T. Wood, Adoniram J. Cushman, 1 849-1 902] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 469 Mrs. Ann S. Cushman, Nathan King, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Wash- burn, Mrs. Olivia A. Hitchcock, Mrs. Freelove P. Rounseville, Mrs. Betsey Thomas, Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Miss Eleanor B. Wood, Mrs. Almira Goddard, Miss Sarah Jackson, Mrs. Zilpha M. Clark, Miss Hope Writhington, Mrs. Mary Dunham. In 1849 they built their present house of worship, which w: enlarged in 1891. MINISTRY OF REV. ISAIAH C. THATCHER, 1849-52 After the organization of the church and parish, a unanimous call was extended to the Rev. Isaiah C. Thatcher, a graduate of Union College in 1 84 1. He was installed by coun- cil, August 16, 1849. During his min- istry sixty - seven members were add- ed to the church. The pastors of this church since 1854 have been : Wil- liam C. Dickinson, 1854-56. Isaiah C. Thatcher, 1856-60 (a second pastor- ate). Harvey M. Stone, 1860-63. Stephen G. Dodd, 1866-70. Ellis R. Drake, 1871-76. Henry M. Grant, 1878-88. John B. Lawrence, 1888-93. Richard G. Woodbridge, 1893-1901. Samuel M. Cathcart, 1902-. REV. 1. C THATCHER FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH From the scanty materials which we have, and the conflict- ing statements relating to the two churches in Titicut, it is 47Q HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1756 OLD BAPTIST CHURCH, NORTH MIDDLEBORO difficult to give an accurate account of the early history of either. Mr. Backus, in his unabridged History of the Baptist Church, states that this church was organized in Titicut on the 4th of Febru- ary, 1749, consisting of six- teen members, and was after- wards dissolved. Mr. Emery, in his history of the Congre- gational Church, says, " If this be so, we can easily understand how this Baptist Church, organized about a year later than the New Light Church, and with the same number of members, has been confounded with it, and its dissolution been made to apply to the wrong church." Without attempting to recon- cile these conflicting and scanty records, it is sufficient to say that the present Baptist Church was organized on the 16th of January, 1756, Mr. Backus acting as pastor and preacher; and at that time the following individuals entered into cove- nant as a Baptist Church ; namely, Isaac Backus, Timothy Bry- ant, John Heywood, Susanna Backus, Mary Caswell, and Esther Fobes. The covenant en- tered into on the for- mation of the church is still in existence in the handwriting of Mr. Backus. This was one of the first Baptist Churches or- ganized in this part of the country, and attracted widespread attention in the call- rev. isaac backus i8o6] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 47 1 ing of various councils and in the discussing of the subject- matter set forth in the teachings of the leader. He says, in reference to his ordination, that a " number of brethren being convinced that thorough freedom towards all men ought to be shown as far as it can be in truth, yet truth limits true com- munion to believers baptized upon a confession of their faith." He was installed July 23, 1756, assisted by pastors from Boston and Rehoboth. Notwithstanding the earnest, devout piety of Mr. Backus and his great ability as a scholar and preacher, the church seemed to be small for many years, and it was not until a revival in 1779 S-SciP 4 - x2a±Si^ll^ and 1780 that it had increased from fifty-nine members to one hundred and thirty-eight. At this time about two thirds of the members of his church were residents of Bridgewater, and the remainder were from Titicut. He continued his ministry over this church until his death, November 20, 1806. 1 The records, under date of November 3, 1804, contain the following : " As the infirmities of old age have so far overtaken our pastor, Elder Backus, we chose Elder Kendall as our pastor with him." It is said that he never desired to leave Middleboro for another church. He is buried in the cemetery at North Middleboro, the stone marking his grave bearing this inscription : — HERE LIE DEPOSITED THE REMAINS OF THE REV. ISAAC BACKUS, A. M., WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE NOVEMBER 20, l8o6, AGED 82 YEARS AND 10 MONTHS, IN THE SIXTY-FIRST YEAR OF HIS MINISTRY. As a Christian and Minister the character of this man was truly conspicuous. As pastor of a church in this town, for fifty- eight years, he was eminently useful and beloved. His domestic and relative duties, as a husband and parent, were discharged with fidelity, tenderness, and affection. His zeal and persever- ing industry in the cause of civil and religious liberty, through a long, laborious life is still manifest in his writings as an His- torian of the Baptist denomination, and defender of the truths of the doctrine of Christ. Having uniformly borne testimony 1 For further account of Mr. Backus, see chapter on Titicut. 472 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1804-26 in his life, conversation, and ministry, of his ardent love to his Divine Master and the doctrine of the Cross, in an advanced age he was called from his beloved charge, and numerous Chris- tian friends and brethren, to sleep in Jesus, and his spirit into the garner of his heavenly Father, as a shock of corn fully ripe. God was his portion and his guide through this dark wilder- ness. And now his flesh is laid aside, his soul has endless Rest. MINISTRY OF REV. EZRA KENDALL, 1804-07 Rev. Mr. Kendall served as an assistant pastor with Mr. Backus until the time of his death. Some dissension having arisen, a little after the death of Dr. Backus, he resigned his ministry in 1 807, and was succeeded by Elder Samuel Abbott. MINISTRY OF SAMUEL ABBOTT, 1807-17 Elder Samuel Abbott was ordained August 29, 1804, an d filled the ministry here from July 29, 1807, to March 21, 1817. He had before served as minister in the Fourth Baptist Church at Lakeville. From 18 1 7 to 18 19, there was occasional preaching. MINISTRY OF SILAS HALL, 1819-26 Rev. Silas Hall was born in Raynham, January 16, 1789, and prepared for Brown University under the Rev. David Gurney of Middleboro. After his graduation in 1809 and theological course, he was pastor in several places. He was settled in North Middleboro at three different periods. He was a man of intellectual gifts, recognized as a scholar, and was especially proficient in Greek and Latin. After he was seventy-five he preached but little, spending his last years with his son \n Whitman. He died December 26, 1876, aged eighty-seven. From 1826 the pulpit was supplied by several men for a short time. MINISTRY OF SHUBAEL LOVELL, 1826 1 Mr. Lovell had been a physician, but gave up that profession 1 It is to be regretted that but few brief facts could be ascertained with regard to these ministers. 1829-47] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 473 BAPTIST CHURCH, NORTH MIDDLEBORO for the ministry, preaching in Rowley and Taunton before supplying here. MINISTRY OF JEREMIAH' KELLY, 1829-31 After leaving Titicut, Mr. Kelly preached in Hanson, Carver, and Halifax. MINISTRY OF ASA NILES, 1832-33 Asa Niles was born in North Middleboro, February 10, 1777, and died April 15, 1849. He preached to this church from September 23, 1832, to March 5, 1833. MINISTRY OF PROFESSOR AVERY BRIGGS, 1834-38 Avery Briggs was born in East Stoughton, July 5, 1795, and was a graduate of Brown. He was for eight years principal of Peirce Academy, and supplied this pulpit for a few years. He died October 26, 1883. SECOND MINISTRY OF SILAS HALL, 1839-47 474 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1847-1903 MINISTRY OF JAMES ANDEM, 1 847-49 Mr. Andem had been a business man before entering the ministry. He preached here from January i, 1847, t0 Novem- ber 18, 1849, when he went to North Bridgewater, and then moved to the West. The pastors of this church since 1850 have been: Silas Hall, 1850-51. Lorenzo Tandy, 1852-56. Samuel Richardson, 1856- 62. Alexander McLearn, 1862-65. Joseph Hutchinson, 1865- 75. George L. Ruberg, 1875-79. S. T. Livermore, 1879-80. Henry C. Coombs, 1880-86. Benjamin Francis Turner, 1886- 87. (For two years after this, he was a missionary in Burma.) James W. Tingley, 1887-88. Isaac W. Coombs, 1889-90. James W. Tingley, 1890-92. (Second pastorate here.) Doug- lass Hazard Simpson, 1892-94. Otis Osgood Ordway, 1895-97. George Fletcher Beecher, 1897- 1900. Frank S. Cann, 1900- 01. Alfred S. Hill, 1901-03. J. R. Lawrence, 1903-. This church, aside from being prominent in this - denomi- nation and from the extended reputation for scholarship and piety of its first pastor, has earned an enviable name as the mother church of its denomination, and as the church from which some seventeen ministers have gone forth. 1 SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH, LAKEVILLE Although the records of this church are probably lost, and it has been extinct for more than fifty years, its history is im- portant in the ecclesiastical annals of the town. Its first mem- bers were probably among those who were dissatisfied with the teachings of the Congregational Church, and who, owing to the great influence exerted throughout the colony by the preach- ing of Whitefield, assumed the name of Separatists, New Lights, or Come-Outers, as they were often called. This church was formed through the influence of Thomas Nelson, who had 1 James Mellen, Asa Hunt, Abner Lewis, Elijah Codding, Job Macomber, Samuel Nelson, Stephen S. Nelson, David Leonard, Zenas L. Leonard, Lewis Leonard, George Leonard, Samuel Tainter, Thomas Conant, Silas Hall, William Harrison Alden, David Weston, Joshua F. Packard. 1841] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 475 joined the church at Swansea; but in 1753 he and his sons, with several others who sympathized with him in his religious views, commenced worship in their house in Assawampsett, and secured the services of Ebenezer Hinds to preach for them. Two years before this, a Separatist Church had been organ- ized four miles southeast of this, with James Mead as the pastor and William Smith as deacon. Mr. Mead had been em- ployed in adjacent towns as a schoolmaster, and we find in the records of Freetown, under date of December 17, 1744, the fol- lowing quotation: "James Mead was dismissed from serving longer as a schoolmaster." He had previously worshipped at the Congregational Church at North Middleboro, and in 175 1, with William Smith, resigned, " to embody together into a church where they lived at Beech Woods in one edge of Mid- dleboro." At his death, in 1756, the majority of the church became Baptists, those who had worshipped in the house of Mr. Nelson uniting with them to form a church in the meet- ing-house at Beech Woods, November 16, 1757, with the Rev. Ebenezer Hinds as pastor, who was ordained January 26, 1758. On May 19, 1798, the church was accidentally destroyed by fire, together with the parsonage standing near. New buildings were erected a few years later near the site of the old ones ; the meeting-house was used until about the year 1843 ; the parsonage is now occupied by Dennis Tinkham. In 1840 Elder William Shurtleff, known as a "Christian" Baptist, became pastor, and as a result of his preaching this became a "Christian" Church. Although an extensive revi- val followed as a result of Mr. Shurtleff 's preaching, in 1841 the church was divided, a large part following Elder Shurtleff, while others formed a Free-Will Baptist Church, and the re- mainder adhered to the Calvinistic faith of that denomination. As a result of this division, three church buildings representing these different denominations were commenced ; the Baptist was never completed, and its church organization, with that of the Free-Will, soon became extinct. These churches were located on the County Road, a short distance to the west from Canedy's Corner. 47^ HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1753-1805 MINISTRY OF REV. EBENEZER HINDS, I753~93 Ebenezer Hinds was born in Bridgewater, July 29, 17 19, and was at one time a member of the Second Baptist Church in Boston. During his min- istry a revival of religion occurred, whereby this church was increased to one hundred and four per- sons. During the French and Indian War he served as chaplain in Captain Benjamin Pratt's com- pany, and was with them in their march to Sara- toga, where he often preached. He was a man of unusual ability, and an earnest and devout chris- tian pastor, who did much to build up his church and increase the spiritu- ality of its members dur- ing his forty years of service. He was remarkable for his bodily health and activity, and it is stated that at the age of eighty years he would spring upon his horse unaided and take long^ rides to visit his parishioners. Probably on account of his great age, he gave up his pastorate about the year 1793, and until the year 1805 there seems to have been no regular pastor, Mr. Hinds preaching occasionally as his strength would allow. At his death, April 29, 181 2, he conveyed to the church the par- sonage which he had built and the land upon which it stands. REV. EBENEZER HINDS MINISTRY OF REV. SIMEON COOMBS, 1805-15 The Rev. Mr. Coombs was a member of the Third Baptist Church in Middleboro, and at one time served as pastor of the Calvinistic Baptist Church in Montague, Mass., and in Wards- 1761] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 477 boro, Vt., from which he moved to Lakeville to accept the pas- torate of this church. From 18 15 to 1 840 there was no regular service, but during this time Elders Loring, Handy, Culver, and Whittemore occasionally preached. MINISTRY OF ELDER WILLIAM SHURTLEFF, 1840-41 But little is known of Elder William Shurtleff ; he was said to be an able preacher, although not in sympathy with the creed of this church. After the close of his ministry, a num- ber of his church and society followed him in the formation of a Christian Church. See Christian Church. THIRD CALVINISTIC BAPTIST CHURCH At the close of the Rev. Peter Thacher's ministry in the First Church, the dissension growing out of the New and the Old Lights extended throughout the town, and the families living in South Middleboro and the adjoining towns of Carver, Rochester, and Wareham called a Baptist minister to preach to them from time to time. In 1761 ten persons united in forming a Baptist Church under the name of the Third Cal- vinistic Church, with Rev. Ebenezer Jones as their pastor. At first the meetings were held in a private dwelling, but afterwards a house of worship was erected on the site of the meeting-house in South Middleboro, now occupied by the Methodists, and known in the last century as the Spruce meeting-house. At the close of the ministry of Rev. Asa Hunt, in 1789, so much dissension was caused by the removal of some of the members to Beaver Dam (now Rock), that it resulted in the church and society being moved there, and later the church edifice came into the hands of the Methodists, as mentioned above. Services were first held by the Baptist Church near the first parsonage on Miller Street, upon a ledge of rock from which the place took its name. After the removal of this church to Rock, the Rev. Samuel Nelson became the pastor, and from him for many generations the meeting-house, built in 478 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1761 BAPTIST CHURCH, ROCK 1795, was known as "Mr. Nelson's meeting-house." It was a house with sixty-eight pews. It had three alcoves, one at the end and one upon each side, and was built substantially like the meeting-house of the First Church at the Green. Since the removal of the church from South Middleboro to Rock, it has been small but prosperous. It was of this church that Deborah Sampson of Revolutionary fame was a member, and here she was disciplined for " unseemly conduct " in tak- ing male attire and serving as a private soldier. The church edifice was torn down in 1852, and the present one erected. MINISTRY OF REV. EBENEZER JONES, 1761-69 Ebenezer Jones had preached to them before his ordination, which occurred October 28, 1761. During the first year the 1771-1830] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 479 church enjoyed a revival, which spread throughout the com- munity, and many united with the church. Mr. Jones died in Albany in 1791. MINISTRY OF REV. ASA HUNT, 1771-89 Asa Hunt was born in July, 1744, and was ordained pastor here October 30, 1771. During his ministry the meeting-house was built, and in 1780 a great revival began among his people, and one hundred and thirteen were added to the church. In 1782 the church membership consisted of one hundred and ninety-four members. He died in Providence, September 20, 1791. MINISTRY OF REV. SAMUEL NELSON, 1794-1822 At the close of the ministry of Mr. Hunt the church was without a pastor for some time, and a dissension arose owing to the removal of ten members to Rock. They were fortunate in securing the services of Rev. Samuel Nelson, who was born April 6, 1748; he was a grandson of Thomas Nelson, one of the first settlers of Lakeville. Fifteen of the members still remained at South Middleboro, and for some time he con- ducted preaching services in both places, but soon the services at South Middleboro were discontinued. It was during his ministry that the first meeting-house was erected at Rock. Mr. Nelson was an able man ; during his first year thirty new members were added. He continued as pastor of this church, but on account of the failure of his eyesight and his feebleness in body, in 181 8 Mr. Isaac Kimball was chosen his assistant. Mr. Nelson died September 9, 1822, at the age of seventy- seven years, four months. He was a man small in stature, of sandy complexion, and very mild in his disposition. MINISTRY 1 OF REV. ISAAC KIMBALL, 1822-24 MINISTRY OF REV. WILLIAM HUBBARD, 1825-30 From 1830 to 1833 tne church was without a settled pastor, but was supplied most of the time by the Rev. Mr. Ball. 1 But few facts could be obtained concerning these ministers. 480 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1833-1900 MINISTRY OF E. C. MESSENGER, 1 833-3 7 MINISTRY OF REV. R. B. DICKEY, 1837-40 Thirty-one were added to the church during his pastorate. MINISTRY OF REV. ALEXANDER MILNE, 1841-43 Rev. Alexander Milne's ministry was marked by an exten- sive revival, which brought many members into the church. The pastors of this church since 1844 have been : Mr. Holbrook, 1844-45. George Daland, 1846-48. T. M. Symons and H. C. Coombs supplied the pulpit. J. W. Horton, 1852-57. P. R. Russell, 1857-60. A. E. Battell, 1860-63. George Car- penter, 1864. E. S. Hill, 1864-68. J. E. Wood, 1868-71. I.J. Burgess, 1871-75. C. D. Swett, 1876-82. William M. Weeks, 1883-84. J. W. Merrill, 1884-85. Philander Perry, 1886-88. Joseph Barbour, 1888-93. Ward Fisher, 1894-95. Archibald Kerr, 1 897-1900. Charles W. Allen, 1900-. FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH IN LAKEVILLE — UNITED BRETHREN This church was commonly known as the Pond Church. A number of members of the Second Baptist Church, probably desiring a nearer place of worship, met on the 30th day of November, 1795, for the purpose of building a meeting-house more convenient than that at Beech Woods. They organized a new society under the name of the United Brethren, and in the records we find the " old meeting-house is now very much decayed and quite out of centre, we find it necessary to build a new one. We therefore severally agree to contribute our assistance upon the following conditions." Here follow various items, and among others they " should have the liberty occa- sionally to invite ministers of good character of any denomina- tion to preach in said house and that the minister who statedly supplies the pulpit shall be in full fellowship with the Warren Association." At first it was voted that the church should be built upon i8oo] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 481 Shockley Hill, but the site was afterwards changed to the narrow strip of land between the highway and Assawampsett Pond. Major Peter Hoar seems to have been a prominent mem- ber of the society, and it was largely through his influence that the church edifice was erected and completed in 1797. It is said to have been a very fine structure, and was occupied as a place of worship until about the year 1861, when public worship was discontinued, and it was sold by the proprietors, a portion being made into a public hall, called Sassamon Hall, a portion into a grocery store, and the remaining part used as a tene- ment. It was burned in the early part of 1870. The church was not formed until August 19, 1800, when the organiza- tion took the name of the United Brethren, wor- shipping in the house which had been erected three years before. From the completion of the place of worship until the organization of the church, service was con- ducted by various cler- gymen of the Baptist denomination. During the first seven years of its organization there were thirty-three com- municants. In 1804 the church voted to change the name to the Fourth Baptist Church in Middleboro. The Rev. Samuel Abbott, the first preacher, remained over this church for a short time. Afterwards the pulpit was supplied at intervals by various clergymen, until about 1809 or 1810, when Elder Eb- enezer Briggs was chosen. He continued as the pastor of the church until 1846, and was widely known in this and the adjoin- REV. EBENEZER BRIGGS 482 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1828 ing towns as an able minister, genial and thoroughly devoted to his work, having the confidence and love of all. A fund was left to the deacons of this church under the wills of Asa King and Andrew Cole, which upon the dissolution of the church and society was transferred to the deacons of the Central Baptist Church of Middleboro and the Baptist Church of Raynham, to be held by them in trust to carry out the wishes of the donors. CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH In the early part of the last century Major Levi Peirce, then an influential member of the Pond (Assawampsett) Church, thought it desirable that religious services should be conducted under the auspices of the Baptist denomination at the Four Corners. He made arrangements for the erection of a building, the lower part of which was to be used for educational pur- poses, the upper part to contain a hall where religious services could be held. 1 On the 26th day of April, 1828, a meeting was held in the Academy Hall to organize a religious society of the Baptist denomination. Proper officers were chosen, a declara- tion of their faith was drawn up, and a covenant entered into similar to the one now in use in the church. Prominent cler- gymen and laymen from the adjoining churches were present, and at a council, August 13, unanimously voted to recognize the brethren and sisters so organized as a distinct church, to be designated the Central Baptist Church of Middleboro. Major Peirce erected at his own expense, at a cost of about four thousand dollars, the meeting-house for the church and society adjoining the academy grounds. He also erected a par- sonage and established a fund of one thousand dollars, which he soon after gave to the church. Upon its complete organ- ization the church property was deeded to trustees, to be held by them and their successors for the maintenance of religious worship. On August 9, 1828, eight persons were received from the 1 See chapter containing an account of Peirce Academy. 1828-32] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 483 CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH Pond Baptist Church, namely, Levi Peirce, Elisha Tucker, Molly Leonard, Prudence Holmes, Anna Hines, Sally Peirce, Sally B. Tucker, Thankful Miller, with Patience Barden and Priscilla Tinkham from the Rock Church. After the organization of the church, they called Elder Briggs, September 5, 1828, to become their pastor. This invi- tation was, however, declined. MINISTRY OF NICHOLAS MEDBERRY, 1828-32 October 4 of the same year a call was extended to Nicholas Medberry of Seekonk, which was accepted, and he was or- dained November 1 2, 1828. During Mr. Medberry 's pastorate more than one hundred united with this church. He resigned July 15, 1832. 4 8 4 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1832-36 MINISTRY OF REV. HERVEY FITZ, 1832-36 Upon the resignation of Mr. Medberry, on the 31st of August, 1832, a call was given to the Rev. Hervey Fitz, who continued as pastor of the church until May 15, 1836, when he resigned. He was born in Charlton, Mass., November 23, 1792, and was graduated at Am- herst College in 1826, and Newton Theological Sem- inary in 1829; in 1843 he was state missionary of the Baptist convention. He was a warm friend of Peirce Academy, and did much for it during his lifetime. During his min- istry fifty - seven people were added to the church, and William S. Peirce and Joseph T. Wood were He died in Middleboro June 10, 1878. REV. HERVEY FITZ elected deacons. MINISTRY OF REV. EBENEZER NELSON, 1 837-5 1 Ebenezer Nelson was born in Lakeville, November 19, 1787 ; he completed his theological studies at Waterville, Maine ; in 18 1 8 he was approved as a minister of Christ by his church, and two years after accepted a call from the Baptist Church in Lynn. On account of ill health, he soon after resigned his pastorate in that church, and was employed for some time as special agent for the Newton Theological Seminary. Having regained his health, he accepted a call to West Cambridge and remained there a few years, but at the earnest solicitation of the Northern Baptist Education Society, in 1834, he became their secretary. After two years' employment in that capa- 1837-98] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 485 city, he accepted a call to the Central Baptist Church in Middleboro, where he commenced his work as minister in January, 1837. He continued as pastor of this church for a period of fourteen years. His relation with the venerable Dr. Putnam, pastor of the First Church, was so cordial that they seemed like brothers. During his residence in Middleboro he did much for Peirce Academy, not only as president of its Board of Trustees, but he assisted by every means in his power the able and efficient principal who so long stood at the head of that institution. In September, 1850, he desired a vacation from his pastoral duties on account of ill health, and again accepted an agency for the Newton Theo- logical Seminary. His health, however, was so poor that he was obliged to give up this employ- ment, and realizing from ^^ % the nature of his dis- ease that he had not long to live, he desired to pass the closing days of his life in Lynn, among the people of his first settlement. He died on the 6th of April, 1852. One hun- dred and forty-one were added to the church REV. EBENEZER NELSON during his ministry. The pastors of this church since 1852 have been : Jonathan Aldrich, 1852-53. John B. Burke, 1854-55. John F. Bigelow, D. D., 1855-59. Alexander M. Averill, 1859-62. Levi A. Abbott, 1863-68. George G. Fairbanks, 1869-83. William H. Bowen, 1884-88. M. F. Johnson, 1889-98. J. H. Foshay, 1898. Elmer S. Williams, 1898-. 486 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1842 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Many years ago there was a small church of this denomina- tion in Lakeville, of which Rev. Daniel Hicks was the first pastor, and where afterwards the Rev. George Peirce preached for a little time. Abiel Nelson was the deacon and clerk of the church. It has, however, long since become extinct, and no records of the church organization are known to exist. THE CHRISTIAN SOCIETY OF MIDDLEBORO, NOW LAKEVILLE This church was organized February 19, 1842, by sixteen of the members of the Second Baptist Church, who seceded to form this organization under the leadership of Elder William Shurtleff. About the time of its organization it erected a church edifice, which is known as the Mullein Hill meeting- house. The following are the names of the pastors of this church : William Shurtleff, William M. Bryant, Bartlett Cush- man, George Tyler, E. W. Barrows, Theophilus Brown, M. S. Chad wick, and Elijah W. Barrows. Occasional preaching services are held by neighboring cler- gymen. CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH A meeting was held on the 15th of September, 1823, to form this church, and the usual Articles of Association of the denomination were entered into by the following persons, who were its original members : Edward Winslow, Deborah Winslow, Martha Thomas, Mercy Barden, Susan S. Clark, Augusta Clark, Nathan Savory, Alanson Gammons, and Nathan Perkins. They obtained permission to worship in the town hall, with Rev. Asa Kent as their first pastor. In October, 1830, a site was chosen for this society at Fall Brook, as the most central, and it was voted to build a house of worship, which was completed and dedicated early in 1831. Worship was continued in this chapel until the death of Rev. 1823-72] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 487 Israel Washburn in 1861 ; after this, services were held here, with various intermissions, until the latter part of 1889, when the chapel was closed and afterwards sold. During this time the following clergymen officiated : John Q. Adams, Theophi- lus Brown, Mr. Pierson, William Packard (Baptist preacher), Roland Gammons, and John Hull. In 1863 regular preaching service was again commenced at the Four Corners, and has been conducted by different clergymen settled over the church a few years, in accordance with the usual custom. A hall was secured over the furniture store of Mr. George Soule, and in 1865 the chapel formerly occupied by the Central Baptist Society was leased for three years, and dedicated in March of that year. From generous contributions the present church, costing $12,500, was com- pleted February 9, 1869. The membership has rapidly in- creased, and in the years 1876 to 1879 an extensive revival brought the number from one hundred and thirty to two hun- dred and eighty. Many improvements have been made in the church edifice, and a handsome parsonage on the corner of School and Peirce streets was given to the society by Mr. Abner L. Westgate, one of its most prominent members. 1 The pastors of this church and their terms of service have been as follows : Asa Kent, 1823-24. Isaac Stoddard, 1825. Lemuel Tompkins, 1826-27. Elias C. Scott, 1828. David Culver, 1829-30. Amos Binney, 1831-32. Lemuel Harlow, !833-34. Thomas G. Brown, 1835-36. Josiah Litch, 1837- 38. Proctor Marsh, 1839-40. Otis Wilder, 1841-42. George H. Winchester, Sr., 1843-44. Elijah Willard, 1845-46. Eben- ezer Ewer, 1847-48. William Tamplin, 1849-50. Edmund A. Standish, 1851-52. George Macomber, 1853-54. George H. Winchester, Jr., 1855-56. Philip Crandon, 1857-58. Asa N. Bodfish, 1859-60. Israel Washburn, 1861-62. John O. Adams, 1863. Jason Gill, 1864. Samuel Whidden, 1864-65. F. C. Newell, 1866-67. Freeman Ryder, 1868-69. S. T. Patterson, 1870-71. J. S. Carroll, 1872-74. Charles A. Mac- 1 For a further history of this church, see History of the New England South- ern Methodist Conference, pp. 108- no. 488 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1875-1904 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOUR CORNERS reading, 1875. E. D. Towle, 1876-77. A. W. Kingsbury, 1S78- 79. George W. Hunt, 1882-83. Edward L. Hyde, 1884-86. Samuel McBurney, 1887-88. Thomas J. Everett, 1889-91. William F. Davis, 1892-95. George A. Grant, 1896-1900. Eben Tirrell, 1901-03. Oscar E. Johnson, 1904-. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH MIDDLEBORO The Third Baptist Church had built their first house of wor- ship here, which they occupied from 1761 to 1795. There is no continuous history of any religious organization from 1795 to 1868, although the Reformed Methodist Church occupied this building. Among those who preached during this period were Messrs. Johnson, McLish, Todd, Wallen, Clark, May all, 1827-1904] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 489 and Barrows." Not all of these, however, were Methodists or -clergymen. During the preaching of Elder Pliny Brett, in 1827, there was a revival of religion ; Rev. Uriah Minor preached from 1830 to 1835, an d Theophilus Brown from 1841 to 1858. The present building was erected in 1841 upon the site of the old meeting-house of the Third Baptist Church, and the METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH MIDDLEBORO church was reorganized in 1847, Dut there seems to be no his- tory of it until 1 868. The following-named pastors have been settled over this church: John G. Gammons, 1868. Isaac B. Forbes, 1869. Benjamin L. Sayer, 1870-74. John W. Price, 1874. Philip Crandon, 1874-76. Charles Stokes, 1876-y/. Isaac Sherman, 1878-81. O. R. Higgins, 1881. S. P. Snow, 1882-84. J. Livesey, 1885. E. A. Hunt, 1886-90. J. A. Wood, 1891-92. J. S. Thomas, 1893-95. C. A. Purdy, 1896. Charles N. Hinck- ley, 1897-98. B. F. Ray nor, 1 899-1 901. J. S. Bell, 1902-03. C. E. Jenney, 1904-. 490 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1842-88 UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY The first organization of the Universalists was made in 1842, although twenty years before, several people had filed certificates of membership in the Universalist Society in Hali- fax and other towns. In this year the Rev. E. H. Lake organ- ized a society, and for a number of years meetings were held fortnightly, alternating between Peirce Hall at the village and the Purchade schoolhouse. Later, meetings were held at the School Street schoolhouse and in Hinckley Hall ; regu- lar resident ministers were employed, Rev. E. R. Crocker and Rev. Joseph Hemphill each serving for a term of years. In 1854 a lot on Oak Street was purchased for a meeting- house and conveyed to the First Universalist Samaritan sewing-circle ; a fund of money was accumulated and placed on deposit. The society gradually declined, the meetings ceased, and in 1872 the remaining members of the sewing- circle sold the lot to Jonathan T. Washburn and divided the proceeds. An effort was made a few years later to revive this society, but the project was finally abandoned, and the members united with the Unitarians. FIRST UNITARIAN SOCIETY In September, 1888, largely through the instrumentality of Rev. C. Y. DeNormandie of Kingston, services of this de- nomination were first held in Middleboro. Rev. C. H. McDou- gall of Rockland preached here Sunday evenings in connec- tion with his charge as secretary of the Plymouth and Bay Unitarian Conference. During his ministry a permanent organ- ization was made, March 5, 1889, of twenty-two individuals, under the name of the First Unitarian Society. "Its object shall be to provide for public religious worship and instruction and for such charitable and benevolent activities as belong to a religious society." Encouraged by the gift of a lot from Enoch Pratt of Baltimore, and of a thousand dollars from an 3-I9Q2] ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 491 unknown friend, the society, during the ministry of Rev. Wil- liam H. Ramsey, built a church on Pearl Street at a cost of ten thousand dollars, which was dedicated September 2, 1891. At the first meeting of the society Mr. Eugene P. LeBaron was elected president, and held that position until the time of his death, December 1, 1893. He was an able business man UNITARIAN CHURCH and an earnest supporter of this church, and perhaps the so- ciety owes more to his business and executive ability and generous contributions than to any one else. Since its first organization the church and society have always been in a prosperous condition. The following have been the pastors of the church : William H. Ramsey, from August, 1889, to May, 1892. William C. Litchfield, from September, 1892, to April, 1895. J. Foster Tucker, from September, 1895, to September, 1896. Frederic C. Brown, from October, 1896, to May, 1898. Fred R. Lewis, from September, 1898, to May, 1902. George E. Macllwain, from September, 1902-. 492 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1898 EPISCOPAL CHURCH This church was established in Middleboro in 1889, with an organization of eleven members. In the fall of that year the Rev. Mr. Cressey of Bridgewater assumed charge of the Sabbath evening service, and in November of the same year the first confirmation service was solemnized in the Central EPISCOPAL CHURCH Congregational Church, and the Church of Our Saviour was duly formed. For a while they worshipped in the hall of the Academy building, but in 1898 the new church was dedi- cated. This was built at a cost of about forty thousand dol- lars, largely through the munificent contribution of James E. Peirce, the treasurer of the parish from its organization to his death. The rectors of the church have been William Bayard Hale, 1889-99. Gilbert W. Laidlaw, 1899-01. Charles J. Ketchum, 1901-05. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 493 CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART In 1850 about thirty members of the Roman Catholic Church had become residents of Middleboro, and for many- years they were obliged to go to Taunton to attend mass. As their numbers increased, service was occasionally held at different residences, then at the old town house, until the hall over the store of the late Colonel Peter H. Peirce was engaged as the place of worship, a priest from some of the neighboring towns officiating. This hall was occupied for about ten years, but in 1880 the present church edifice was erected at a cost of nearly five thousand dollars, and dedicated in June, Arch- bishop Williams officiating, assisted by priests from churches in the neighboring towns. In May, 1885, the society was ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH made a separate parish, and since that time has had a resident priest. For about eighteen years during the early history of the church, Father Conlin, who was pastor of the church in Bridgewater as well as that of Middleboro, came here monthly. 494 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1883 In 1885 Father Oliver Boucher officiated for a few months, and was succeeded by Father P. J. Sheedy, and in 1890 by Father J. H. O'Neil. During his ministry the present rectory was built, the lot of land on the corner of Center and Oak streets was purchased, and the St. Mary's Cemetery was pur- chased in 1891. In 1896 he was succeeded by Father Murphy, and in 1900 the present priest, Father D. C. Riordan, took his place. ADVENT CHURCH There has been an organization of an Advent Church in this town for many years. They have no church building nor set- tled pastor, but worship in a hall on Jackson Street. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The Young Men's Christian Association was organized in the early seventies, with Professor J. W. P. Jenks as its presi- dent. In 1883 it was reorganized, and continued with varied success until March 19, 1892, when it was incorporated. Since then it has steadily grown in numbers and influence, until it now has a membership of over two hundred and fifty. The work of the association in its various departments is in a prosperous condition, and it has its rooms and gymnasium at present in the Academy building. SQUARE PEWS OF THE OLDEN TIME CHAPTER XXVII TOWN MEETINGS, HERRING FISHERIES, INDIAN PATHS, ROADS AND HIGHWAYS, FIRE DISTRICT HE provisions of the colonial laws x in reference to the government of the towns and the election of officers were very generally observed in Middleboro from its first incorporation until the commencement of King Philip's War. The early settlers then abandoned the town for two or three years, and did not return in sufficient numbers to warrant the reestablishraent of town affairs until about 1678. The town meetings were held in different dwelling-houses, and frequently at the house of Isaac Howland. There was a provision in the colonial law, as early as 1675, that there should be a "publicke house erected in every Towne " where the people could meet and worship God, "and in case any Town shall apparently neglect or refuse to build the said house it shalbe in the power of the Govr and Majes- trate to appoint and authorise a pson or psons to build the said house according to the abillitie and nesessitie of the people and the charge thereof to be defrayed by all the Inhabitants or propriators of the Towne." This provision was reaffirmed with some slight changes in the year 1678. The meeting-houses in the colony were used for the transaction of business of the towns. The records show that the First Church was so used as early as August, 1679, when the town meeting was held at the "town house." On the 18th of May, 1675, a few weeks before the outbreak of King Philip's War, a committee had been appointed to take measures for the erection of a "meeting house," which the war prevented; but plans were made, and the work was begun soon after their return. Mr. Fuller came to preach in the year 1679, and it is generally be- l Laws of Colony of New Plymouth, p. 175. 496 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i795 lieved that before he accepted the invitation, the meeting-house in which the First Church worshipped had been built. As early as 1681, the town agreed that if any neglected or re- fused to attend the town meetings, being legally warned, they should be liable to pay a fine of two shillings, six pence for the town's use. After the settlement of the Rev. Mr. Fuller, the town meetings were usually held in the meeting-house of the First Church, until the latter part of the eighteenth cen- tury, when the centre of population had so changed that an- other location was desirable. The erection of a town house for the transaction of public business met with much opposition. The first article appeared in the warrant, September 8, 1788, and was voted down ; again, on March 1, 1790, the town voted to take no action. The matter came up on March 16, 1795, and a committee was ap- pointed to take into consideration the expediency of building and the location of a new town house. The committee were Captain Joshua Eddy, Isaac Thompson, Esq., Dr. Joseph Clark, David Richmond, Captain Job Peirce, Colonel John Nelson, Captain William Canedy, Nehemiah Bennett, Esq., and Deacon Benjamin Thomas. They were to report at the April meet- ing. At that time they voted to postpone any action upon the report of the committee until the May meeting ; they then voted not to accept the report of the committee, but to build in accordance with the eleventh article of the warrant for the annual meeting, and agreed that a town house should be built on the hill opposite the dwelling-house of Widow Sarah Mor- ton. A committee was appointed to draw a plan and report at an adjourned meeting. According to the plan which this committee submitted, the building was to be forty feet long, thirty-five feet wide, to- gether with a back room twenty feet in length, fourteen feet in width, and twelve feet in the stud, four windows in front, three in each end, and three at the back, with a hip roof ; but at a meeting held February 1, 1796, the town voted "to reconsider all former votes passed in said town heretofore relative to the building of a town house." At the same meeting the question 1 79 8] TOWN MEETINGS 497 OLD TOWN HOUSE was put "whether the town will build a town house or not," to be determined by count, those opposing the measure to pass out of the house ; four were chosen to stand at the doors of the meeting-house and count the number. It was found that a majority of ninety-three opposed the building, but at the annual meeting, March 21, 1796, the measure was carried. The opposition continued, although somewhat weaker, there being one hundred and forty-six votes for and one hundred and six opposed. In regard to the location there was a division of sentiment, one hundred and forty-eight voting for the site near the dwell- ing-house of Dr. Joseph Clark as against one hundred and thirty-four opposed to it. They then voted to raise one thou- sand dollars for the building, and a committee of three were appointed to agree with Levi Wood for the land. This commit- tee consisted of Captain Joshua Eddy, Mr. Simeon Doggett, and Captain Joseph Richmond. At the next meeting in April, the town voted " to omit the building of a selectmen's room in the town house and directed that the building of said house be put up at public vendue and strike the building of the same off to the lowest bidder." The house was completed and accepted by the town January 2, 1798, but there were disputes in refer- 498 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 ence to various matters connected with the house which were not settled for some time. The house thus built served as the town house until 1872, when it was sold and a new one built, much of the material being used for a dwelling-house next to that of Mr. Job Braley on North Street. Negotiations for the new town house were made in the early part of 1872. The building committee consisted of Horatio Barrows, Albert Alden, Zebulon Pratt, and I. H. Harlow, who were empowered to transact all necessary business. Solomon K. Eaton of Mattapoisett, the architect and contractor, died before it was completed, and it was finished by Mr. Horatio Barrows, chairman of the building committee. It was dedi- cated in December, 1873, by a public celebration, at which appropriate remarks were made on the part of the building committee and representatives of the town, and a public ad- dress was given to commemorate the event. The cost of the building was $48,984.36. HERRING FISHERIES When Governor Wmslow stopped at Nemasket upon his visit to Massasoit, Indians were found fishing at a weir built across the river near the present dam. The herring fishery furnished much of their food ; they were familiar with smoking and drying the fish for a ready supply during the fall and winter. In the spring they used herring as a fertilizer in their corn gardens, which enabled them with little labor to produce abundant crops of maize or Indian corn. In the early part of the last century, during the fishing season, herring were so abundant that a person wading into the river, with a bushel basket, could in some seasons clip up a basket half full of these fish. Every spring, the last of March sometimes, but usually the first week in April, the herring leave the deep sea and as- cend the rivers all along the New England coast, to cast their spawn in the lakes, ponds, or head-waters of the rivers. " All the records of the early settlers, and the traditions of Indian lore, testify to the abundant yield of edible fish." At Titicut 1700] HERRING FISHERIES 499 VIEW OF HERRING-WEIR, MUTTOCK was a fishing-weir built by the Indians, from which they were in the habit of taking herring, and another near the dam a little above the wading-place at the Star Mills. There may have been another fishing-place upon the Nemasket River in the rear of Mr. Lorenzo Wood's house. As long as the Indians lived in town, they continued to take the fish from these weirs, and the town made generous provision for their supply. The herring and all that pertains to their protection have always been jealously guarded by the town, and probably no subject in the commonwealth has given rise to more enact- ments than that relating to the protection and the catching of alewives. The alewife takes its name from the Indian word "aloof," meaning a fish. Since the first introduction of water power as a means of propelling the machinery in the different factories and from the building of dams, great care has been taken to see that these did not in any way interfere with the fish going into the ponds in their season, nor with the catching of them at different weirs. From the earliest times many applications were made by the dwellers upon the river for the privilege of erecting new dams, and of catching fish in other places than at Titicut, 5oo HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 Nemasket, and the New Works, but these petitions were inva- riably refused by the town. For more than a century each inhabitant was entitled, upon the payment of a moderate sum, to have two hundred fish. Widows, spinsters, and those who for various reasons were unable to procure this supply had that number given to them. Agents were appointed every year to superintend the catching and the distribution of the fish, to collect the money due, and to see that the fish were properly guarded, and that none were caught except at the weir, by those authorized by the town, and at times appointed. Two days, sometimes three, in the week the herring were allowed to pass up into the ponds, but after sunset, men, as well as boys, had their hiding-places to catch the fish secretly, and boasted of their thefts afterwards and of their escape from the fish wardens. Many a one at night, stealthily fishing below the water- wheels of the different mills, found the gates suddenly open and a body of water rushing upon him sufficient to wash him into the stream, and with great difficulty he would escape drowning. The officers were subjected to great indignities, such as an ingenious and reckless company of enterprising youth could suggest. It was thought the best of sport, and the convictions were so infre- quent that these escapades were regarded with special zest by a large number of people who would probably not care to have their names known. The records are filled with votes relating to this matter, from which may be cited : — "At a Town meeting March 29th., 1706, the town hath agreed with Samuel Pratt and Ebenezer Tinkham Junior, to make up the weir and take the fish both this year and the next year, in the same manner as they used to be taken, and for STICK OF HERRING 1716-42] HERRING FISHERIES 501 the same they are to be paid six pence a load in money by those that have the fish, to be paid by the first day of June each year and the weir to be made up by the twelfth day of April each year, and that each man in the town shall have his turn to take one load of fish before any man shall have two loads, and so to keep turns, except when there is a glut of fish that come faster than they are fetched away by those that have not had their turns, in such case any man may take them, but they shall also be counted to him in the next turn ; and in taking turns he that first brings his cart to the weir shall have the first turn and that when any man in his turn hath had fish enough for what land he doth improve that then his turn shall cease, and that if any man shall presume to take and carry away fish, more than his turn, as aforesaid, he shall pay a fine of twenty shillings a load; and the town to make choice of and empower Mr. Isaac Howland and Ensign Joseph Vaughan to prosecute any breach of the aforesaid order upon complaint made to them, and they to be paid out of the said fine, for what charge they shall be at, concerning the same, and the rest of said fine shall be turned over by them unto the selectmen for the town's use." " It is voted that each man that had no fish the last year, shall have their turns to take a load of fish before any that had their turns the last year have any, provided they have their carts ready at the weir to take them when they come down and not else." " It is also voted that if there be any man in the town that doth not plant any Indian corn, he shall have no turn of fish, and he that plants so little that he needeth not a whole load of fish for it, he shall have no more than for what he doth plant ; in which proportion it is to be understood that he shall use but one fish to a hill, and that in all other respects the turns of taking fish shall be as was agreed upon the last year." "At a town meeting March the 22nd, 17 16, the town agreed with Ebenezer Bennett to take the town fish this present year as they use to be taken and he to load the carts and for the same he is to be paid sixteen pence a load by those that carry away the fish, and he is also to take care that there be free passage at the mill dam for the fish to go up the river, and also he is to take care that there be an orderly distribution of the fish that are taken as they come down, according to the rules which have of late years been ordered by the town." On April 5, 1725, at a town meeting, it was agreed that eight thousand fish should be accounted a load, the number of fish to be estimated by the man who attended the weir. In 1733, at a town meeting, it was voted that no fish should be taken by a seine. In 1733 permission was asked to build a dam at Muttock for manufacturing purposes, but strong objection was made on account of the detriment apprehended to the herring fishery, and the petition was not granted. "At a town meeting Feb. 15, 1742, it was voted and ordered that the slitting mill dam, so called, over Namasket River in said town be opened the ninth day 5es. " Sec. 1 provides that whoever shall presume to take any of the said fish in the aforesaid rivers or brooks, or any part thereof, by any ways or means whatever at any other place than at the old Stone Ware, so called, in Namasket River, and may refuse to discover their names, places of abode and occupation, by which means the prosecution of such offenders may be prevented, and the good design of this act be defeated; and there being some passages of said rivers and brooks that are narrower than others and by reason thereof the course of the said fish may be more easily stopped by canoes and other obstructions. " Sec. 2 and 3 provide for the execution and penalties of this law. " Sec. 4 provides that when any children or servants shall offend against this act, they shall be punished by whipping, not exceeding 5 stripes, or by being put in the stocks, not exceeding 24 hours, or imprisonment, not exceeding 24 hours, unless the offenders by themselves or parents or masters or others in their behalf shall forthwith pay the forfeits. " Sec. 5 and 6 provide as to the penalties and punishments connected with the act. " Sec. 7 provides that this act shall continue in force for the space of three years from its publication and no longer." 1 The Province laws of 1752 and 1753 provide for a brief extension of the above law. 2 The town has always received a revenue for the privilege of catching and selling these fish under the rules which they made, at their annual town meeting, from year to year. The following is among the votes passed : — " At the town meeting on Oct. 8, 1764, it was voted to sell the privilege of catching the fish at auction to the highest bidder ; after the regular business of the meeting, it was adjourned to the house of Ebenezer Sproutt where the fish were sold to Nelson Finney for eighty pounds, he being the highest bidder." 1 Province Laws, vol. iii, pp. 483, 484. 2 Ibid. vol. iii, p. 647. 1650] INDIAN PATHS 503 The rule was made that whoever bought the fish privilege should not pickle for foreign market, and should give sufficient security to the town for the payment of the fish. Of late the herring have from different causes so decreased in number that the amount received by the town is small, and but few rules and regulations are adopted as compared with former years. At the present day the price paid for the fish privilege per year is only one hundred and twenty to one hun- dred and forty or fifty dollars. Undoubtedly, in years gone by, the manufacturing interests of the town suffered in the endeavor to protect these fish, but the last few years would indicate that the time is not far distant when the herring of Nemasket River may become so far extinct as to cease to provoke much attention and action on the part of the town. INDIAN PATHS There were seven well-defined Indian paths running through the town. The more important were the upper and lower paths from the wading-place a little below the Star Mills to Plymouth. The lower path extended from the Star Mills, and passed very near the street from Middleboro to North Carver. The upper path led through the farms of L. B. Pratt and Chester Weston ; then following the boundary line of land formerly owned by Mr. Robins and Mr. Weston, striking Wood Street and following the line of Chestnut Street, it passed directly into the woods to P. W. Savery's ; passing along and following Wall Street, it followed the highway to North Carver, where it met the lower path. This formed the boundary line between the Five Men's Purchase and Henry Wood's Purchase, and then farther on, between the Five. Men's Purchase and the South Purchase, it crossed Mahuchet Brook to North Carver, following the highway to Plymouth. The Taunton path probably ran along the highway (which was discontinued some fifty years ago), or back of the house of 504 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1650 Dr. G. L. Ellis, to Jose Meadows, then on the easterly side of these meadows to Taunton Street, and followed that street to what was then Taunton village. The Rochester path probably commenced at the Green, passing through Waupaunucket neighborhood, and following substantially the Marion road. The Dartmouth path began at Muttock, passing in a southerly direction east of the junction of North and Main streets to the wading-place, then westerly to Main Street, and continued for some distance, following the New Bedford road. What is known as the Rhode Island road was an old Indian path commencing probably near the wading-place, then by Main Street to the Haskins neighborhood, where it crossed Baiting Brook, continuing on near Myricks Station through Assonet Village, and from there to Mt. Hope. The Acushnet path followed substantially what is known as the New Bedford road. The Titicut path commenced at the fording-place a little below Pratt's bridge on the Taunton River, passing Fort Hill not far from the banks of the river, then in an easterly direc- tion a little south of the Congregational Church it entered into what is now Plymouth Street, and following this to the wading-place across the Nemasket River, a little below the Star Mills, it there connected with the paths from that place to Plymouth. This was the path which Winslow and Hopkins followed on their first visit to Massasoit, spending the night at Fort Hill. There were two other trails leading out of the Titicut path : one to the north, beginning not far from the house of Lysander Richmond, thence a little south of the barn of Seth Alden, continued to Lyon's Neck, and there fording the river, it passed into Bridgewater ; the other went from the fording- place a little below Pratt's bridge along substantially what is now Vernon Street across the bridge over Poquoy or Trout Brook. While there were doubtless other paths running through the 1675] ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 505 town, these seem to have been best known, and all traces of any others have now been lost. These Indian paths were not wide enough for a carriage-road, but were well defined, having been for generations the accustomed trail of the natives. For many years after the settlement of the town they were often mentioned in the early deeds as boundary lines of land, and upon them were often places of importance. Aside from the Indian paths, there were several wading- places used by the natives. The most important was that across the Nemasket River near the bridge, a little below the Star Mills. Another wading-place was across the river on the northerly side of what is called Lyon's Neck. On the Taunton River there were several, one a little below Pratt's bridge near Fort Hill, and another just below where the Richmond town brook enters the Taunton River. There was probably another about an eighth of a mile down the river from Pratt's bridge, just beyond the bend near the old shipyard. ROADS AND HIGHWAYS Probably the first Indian path to be used as a public highway was the upper path from the wading-place to Plymouth, which followed what is now known as East Main and Plymouth streets. The path to Taunton and Dartmouth or New Bedford was another which early became a public highway. Whatever records there may have been relating to the laying out of these roads were lost in 1675, and we are unable to give their location except as they followed the Indian paths. After the first incorporation of the town, surveyors were among the officers chosen at the early town meetings. In all of the Old Colony towns, highways were laid out by a number of men, usually called "a jury," chosen for this purpose. That Middle- boro men soon recognized the importance of these provisions is seen in an early record. A committee was appointed by the proprietors of the town on the 18th of May, 1675, to settle, among other things, " some course to procure means for build- ing bridges and settling highways," and at a town meeting 506 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1633 soon after the return of the early settlers (the record of which is not given) this action was ratified and confirmed, and a committee, consisting of Constant Southworth, Lieutenant Morton, John Tomson, Joseph Warren, and Isaac Howland, was appointed. The expense of building these highways was met by the labor of the settlers who were immediately benefited by their location, and any persons obstructing them were liable to be fined five pounds. The duties of the surveyor of highways were accurately defined. 1 As early as 1633 the court had ordered that "at such con- venient times as shall seeme meet to the Gov r and Council upon three days' warning given all men meet together for the mending of highwaies, with such tooles and instruments as shall be appointed. And for default every person to forfeit three shillings." 2 Very many of these ancient highways, owing to the changes in occupation, methods of business, and the shifting of the population, have been discontinued, and other roads laid out in their places, so that now it is impossible even to trace them. In many instances they are included in parts of farms and the walls and fences have been taken away; in other in- stances they have grown up to woods, leaving no clue to what in the early history of the town were well-travelled highways, passing through cultivated farms and near many dwelling- houses. Soon the Indian paths gave way to the bridle-paths ; these, in turn, were widened to the carriage-roads. On the turnpike and principal highways, there was much travel — the stage- 1 " It is enacted by the Court that if an highway bee wanting in any township of this Gou r ment vpon due complaint that then the Gou r or any of the Assistants Impanell a Jury and vpon oath charge them to lay out such waies both for horse and foot as in Consience they shall find most benificiall for the Commonwealth, and as little prejudiciall as may bee to the pticulares, and that all old pathes shalbee still alowed except other provision bee orderly made ; and that where there are alowed foot pathes over any mans ground which is fenced up ; the own- ers of such fences shall make convenient stiles or Gates." Plymouth Colony Records, 1639, p. 1 12. 2 Ibid. p. 35. 1687] ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 507 driver being a man of importance as general news-carrier, second only to the landlord of the tavern. The New Bedford turnpike was chartered about 1805, and laid out in an almost straight line from a point near the pre- sent Lakeville town house to Bridgewater village, and thence on through Abington to Weymouth and Boston. Gates and tolls were in use for a few years, but these were soon aban- doned and it became a public highway. In 1846 the opening of the railroad from Boston to Fall River through Middleboro brought about a great change in the business of the town in many ways. It superseded the old line of stage-coaches from Boston to New Bedford. Over this line the merchants of Middleboro were in the habit of driving to Boston with their horses and chaises, usually taking some members of their family, and spending a day or two in the city for the purchase of goods and transaction of business. These journeys were taken two or three times a year, and were events of much importance to the family and neighbors. The railroad also superseded the baggage wagon which transported freight purchased in Boston or New Bed- ford for the use of the various stores in town. The last bag- gage wagon to run over this line was owned and driven by Russell Godfrey. This was a large, cumbrous affair, from fif- teen to eighteen feet long, covered with a round top canvas, some seven feet in height, and was drawn by three or four horses. 1684 " At a town meeting at John Nelson's house, Sept. 19, 1684, the town has made choice of four men namely, Mr. John Tomson, John Nelson, Isaac Tomson, and John Miller which are empanelled for the laying out of highways to send an answer to Bridgewater men to a letter they sent of a way they have found from their town to Middlebery." 16S7 " At this meeting the Towne seeing that of necessity something must be done in order for laying out of high wayes being at some loss in themselves about it in yt their records of them be burnt & that they doe the best they can to renew them againe as may be most beneficial to ye generall & as little preiudicial to any par- ticular as near as we can we have in order thereunto made choice of twelve men for a jury for to be help in this worke & doe prsent them to ye honrd Court for 5 o8 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1688-89 direction &a advice in ye same : ye names of ye men made choice of for a iury ar as followeth. Mr. John Tomson John Miller Ebeneser Tinkcum Mr. Isaac Howland John Bennet Samuell Wood David Wood Joseph Vaughan David Thomas Junir. Obediah Eddy Epharim Tinkcum Nathanill Warren John Allyn " The Jury was approved of by the County Court and Sworne by Justes Morton by order of Court." 1688 May 25, 1688. " The names of the Jury is as followeth, Mr. John Tomson, Isack Howland, Samuell Wood, Ebeneser Tinckom ; Ephraim Tinckom ; Na- thaniell Warren ; David Tomas ; John Allen ; Obediah Edie, Joseph Vaughan ; John Miller; have layd out his majesties high ways from Plymouth bounds to Taunton bounds beginning at the aforesaid Plymouth bounds and so along the former road that hath improve to a swamp at the head of raven brook and so along to a red oak tree at the wester most corner of John Hascalls great lot: and so along the north side of William Nelsons fence by the south side of a wallnit tree and so along to the north side of a black oak tree near William Nelson's house and so along to the south side of a white oak tree marked, and so along the aforesaid road to the house formerly the house of Mr. Cooms and so to the south side of a red oak tree marked and so along a range of trees marked, and so along to the aforesaid road, and so along the aforesaid road to Taunton bounds and for parting road it turns out of Taunton road at the going of a little hill at the head of a swamp commonly called John Mortons swamp, and so along the path to the bridge of rooty brook and so along partly by the path and partly by a range of trees marked to Assawamsett neck and so along the path throu the neck to Quiticus." 1689 At a Court held on the 8th of October, 1689, " a petition was presented by Lieut. John Tompson in reference to the want of an highway from Middlebury, Bridgwater, and other places, towards Boston. " The Court ordered that an highway for that end shall be laid forth and named a jury of sixteen men to have it done. The jury were ordered to meet at the house of said Tompson on the 9th of October. On the 6th of June, 1690, five men were added to the jury, and they were ordered to meet at the house of the said Tompson on the first Tuesday of July, next, to lay out the way. At a session of the Court oh the 7th of April, 1691, the following order was passed: " In pursuance of an order of Court, bearing date the first Tuesday of Octo- ber, 16S9, we, whose names are hereunder written, being impanelled on a jury, & being met together, according to an order of Court, June y e sixth, 1690, and having heard their pleas and vewed the ways according to y" order of sd Court, doe and have agreed and concluded, that the countrey rode, from Middlebury, Bridgwater, and other places, towards Boston, shall and doth begin at y e roads 1690-1701] ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 509 in Middlebury, by the new meeting house in said Middlebury, where we marked a red oak tree, near said meeting house, and on the westerly side of Plimouth road, & from thence said road runeth as y" old way now goeth to Aldens Brooke, where y e bridge now is, and from thence along the old way which lyeth on y e westerly side of the uper meadow to Bear Spring, and so along as ye way now goeth to ye old bridges at Winatuxet River, at or near the bounds betweene y e lands of John Tomson and ye lands of Alexander Standish, having marked severall trees on each side of sd road, & on y e Westerly side of sd river we marked a red oak tree, and from thence y e road runeth to y e road that goeth to Plimouth from Bridgwater, there being many marked trees on sd road, and so it runeth as that way goeth to Bridgwater, by y" house of James Latham, and from thence it runneth to Byrams Plain, as y e way goeth to Waymouth, and from thence as y e way now lyeth on ye westerly side of Andrew Foords house, & so on to y" patent line, where we marked two trees and laid a heap of stones." Signed by sixteen of the jury named. 1 1690 In 1690 the town of Bridgewater voted " to build a road from (Sproats) or the meeting-house in Middleboro over Tomson's bridges to the road leading from Bridgewater to Plymouth at Thomas Drews, then following the Bridgewater road by James Lathan's to Bryran's Plain to the road leading to Weymouth, then as the road goes on the westerly side of Andrew Ford's house and so to the patent line."' 2 1693 April 5, 1693, tne town voted that they would not mend the road that leads to Mr. Tomson's, and May 29, 1693, it appeared that some action had been taken by the court at Plymouth in reference to a defect in the above highway, and that the town received a warrant from the court to choose an agent to make their return " why they don't mend the way that leads from Mr. Tomson's," and at a town meeting legally warned on the 29th day of May, the town made choice of Joseph Vaughan for an agent to send to the court " to give them the reasons why we do not mend the way that leads to Mr. Tomson's, and to see whether the town can have no redress from the county court either by removing the way or also that the county will help bear the charge of mending of it." At this meeting the town gave Joseph Vaughan power "to choose a man or two to be helpful to him in that matter if need be and likewise the town pro- mised to bear the charge that shall be about it." 1701 May 20, 1 701. " Then was chosen for a jury to lay out the contry road from the meeting house in Midlebourroe to Cipican bounds or town line : Lieut. Tompson the foreman of sd jury : — 1 Plymouth Colony Records, Judicial Acts, 1636-1692, pp. 304, 305, 309, 310. 2 Mitchell, History of Bridgewater, p. 72. 5IO HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1702-05 Mr. Isack Howland Ensign Vaun Edward Tomas Ephraim Tinkom John Cob Peter Tinkom Ebeneser Tinkom James Sole Samuell Eaton Thomas Tompson Abiall Wood Thomas Nelson " 1702 "At a town meeting July the 2d, 1702, it is voted: In answer to a petition from the neighborhood at Purchade : That there shall be a neighborhood way laid out for said neighborhood unto the Kings highway. " At a town meeting July the 2d, 1702, eight men were chosen to be added to the former Jury for the laying out of the country rode towards Rochester : the men chosen are Samuel Wood: David Thomas: William Nelson: Jeremiah Thomas: William Thomas: John Fuller: Stephen Barden : Samuel Pratt: and it is also voted that the said Jury shall also lay out the way that is granted for the neighborhood at Pachade." 1705 "At a town meeting May the 24th, 1705, the town made choice of a Jury to joyn with a Jury from Bristol county to lay out a highway from baiting brook towards Freetown ; as far as it is needfull to be laid out in the line between Taunton and Midleborough ; the men chosen are John Morton, foreman Samuel Bowles Ebenezer Richmond James Bell Elkanah Leonard Ephraim Keen Samuell Richmond William Thomas Electious Renolds Samuell Pratt James Reed Samuel Holmes " RAILROADS The story of the steam railroads in Middleboro belongs to the history of the development of the railroads in this part of the state. In March, 1844, a charter was granted to the Old Colony Railroad Corporation for a road from Boston to Plym- outh. In 1845 the Old Colony interests were empowered to construct the " Bridgewater Branch " from South Abington to Bride:ewater. In the same month the Middleboro Railroad o Corporation was chartered to build a road from Bridgewater to a connection with the Fall River Branch, which had been built to Myricks. The incorporators named were Andrew Robeson, Nathan Durfee, Peter H. Peirce, and Philander Washburn. The plan had originally been to go directly from Myricks to Bridgewater, thus leaving the village of the Four Corners at a sidetrack. Through the influence of the Middleboro incorpo- 1848] ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 5 I I rators a detour was made, and the road brought to the west side of the village as finally located. The same month another charter was granted to the Ran- dolph and Bridgewater Railroad to run from Bridgewater to a point on the Old Colony at Ouincy or Braintree. In August, 1845, the Middleboro, Fall River Branch, and Randolph and Bridgewater were united under the name of the United Corporation. Peter H. Peirce and Elisha Tucker repre- sented Middleboro on the board of directors. In April, 1846, the United Corporation was authorized to take the name of the Fall River Railroad Company. In March, 1854, the Old Colony and the Fall River were united under the name of the Old Colony and Fall River Railroad Company. In April, 1846, the Cape Cod Branch Railroad was incorpo- rated to build a road from Middleboro to Sandwich, and on the 29th day of May, 1847, the first passenger train was run to Sandwich. Subsequently the name was changed to the Cape Cod Railroad, and the road was extended to Hyannis, then to Orleans by the Cape Cod Central Railroad, and finally to Provincetown. In 1848 the Taunton and Middleboro Railroad was chartered, but the stock was not taken up, and the charter was forfeited. In 1853 this was revived under the name of the Middleboro and Taunton Railroad, and was rim as a competing road with the Old Colony. Tickets for Boston were sold at the same price as on the Old Colony, although the distance was much greater. The promoters of that road planned to bring their terminal station into the village at a point not far from the Episcopal church, and the land for much of the way was bought and held for many years. But their plans failed to materialize on account of the difficulty in getting permission to cross the Fall River and Cape Cod roads at grade. Later, in the process of consolidation, the Old Colony interests bought up the stock, and the road was merged into the Old Colony system. The Plympton and Middleboro Railroad Company was in- corporated in 1849. The line as surveyed went through Mut- 512 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1890 RAILROAD STATION tock village near the dam, and entered the Fall River road not far from where the Plymouth and Middleboro road now enters, but that project was only a passing memory. In 1872 all the roads were consolidated under the name of the Old Colony Railroad Company. In 1892 the Plymouth and Middleboro Railroad was completed and leased to the Old Colony Railroad. The stock of this road was taken mainly by the towns of Plymouth, Middleboro, and Carver, Middleboro taking §20,000. By this time the Old Colony road had ab- sorbed, by lease or purchase, all the roads in this part of the state, and in 1893 it was itself, with all its divisions, absorbed by the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad. Upon the opening of the Fall River Railroad a station was built at the foot of Station Street. This remained until the year 1890, when the old station was torn down and the present com- modious brick structure was erected. STREET RAILWAYS There are three electric street railways running through dif- ferent sections of the town, which have tended to materially increase the value of property along their different routes. The first road to be built in town was known as the New Bedford, Middleboro, and Brockton Street Railway. This was built in 1898 and 1899. It comes into town at North Middle- boro, and runs through Plymouth, Everett, and Center streets to the Four Corners, and from there on South Main Street to the Lakeville line. The stock was soon after bought up by the 1705] FIRE DISTRICT 513 Brockton Street Railway, and this, with a number of other roads, was consolidated into the Old Colony Street Railway. By reason of its following the shores of the lakes for so long a distance, it is frequently termed the Lake Shore Route. The East Taunton Street Railway Company was incorpo- rated June 24, 1898, with a capital of $1 10,000. It was built in 1899, from Taunton through North Lakeville to Taunton and Center streets in Middleboro. The Middleboro, Wareham, and Buzzard's Bay Street Rail- way was built in 1901. It was chartered with a capital stock of $150,000, to run from the Four Corners to Rochester, and through Rochester, Wareham, Onset, and Bourne to Monu- ment Beach. This road was sold under foreclosure, and has been reincorporated as the Taunton and Buzzard's Bay Street Railway. FIRE DISTRICT The log houses with thatched roofs and large " catted " chimneys of the first settlers were hardly fireproof, and soon became so dangerous that the towns in the colony suffered much from loss by fire. Laws were passed forbidding the building of these unsafe chimneys ; fire wardens were ap- pointed to examine houses, that all precautions might be taken, and householders were obliged to have ladders. 1 Later, most of the householders owned fire buckets made of heavy leather, and marked with the owners' initials for identification after use. In the first organization of a military company under Standish, one portion was to constitute the fire alarm. 2 In Middleboro all of the men were expected to assist. When an 1 " Forasmuch as great losses have heretofore happened by fyer whereby men have had their houses and goods within the same utterly consumed, which might have been prevented in some good measure if Ladders could have beene had neere hand. It is therefore enacted by the Court That every householder within this Colony & Government shall have one sufficient ladder or ladders at least about his house which will reach ye top, upon penalty of every such default to forfaite tenn shillings to be leavyed to the use of the Government." Laws of Plymouth Colony, 1636, p. 56. 2 See chapter on Militia. 514 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1850 alarm of fire 1 was given by shouting or ringing a bell, the neighbors all gathered, buckets in hand ; if a man was delayed, he threw his buckets into the street that others might use them. A double line of people was formed from the burning building to the nearest pond or well, and the buckets filled with water were passed from hand to hand up one line while the empty ones came down the other line ; boys were usually placed on the latter side, called the "dry lane." When the fire was put out, or as was more usual, had burned itself out, the fire warden took charge of the buckets till they were called for by the owners, who hung them in the entry by their front doors ready for future use. The first fire engine in the country was a rude affair, made in 1650 by Joseph Jencks for the town of Boston, but in the country villages and towns the primitive buckets and ladders were used till a late date. It was not until 1852 that the fire district of the town of Middleboro was organized. In order to include a population sufficient to comply with the law in establishing such a district, its boundaries extended considerably beyond the village. 2 Its first officers were : Chief Engineer, William S. Peirce ; 1 As early as 1636 we find in Latvs of Plymouth Colony, p. 56: "That three pieces shott of distinctly one after another shalbe an allarum. And two peeces to give warneing of some house on fier." 2 " Commencing at that point on the Boston and New Bedford road near the house of Thomas Doggett where the road to the Alms House leaves said road, thence south thirty-three and one-half degrees east, six hundred and ninety- seven rods by said road to the road leading from the Four Corners to Ware- ham, near where a school house formerly stood, including the houses of Daniel Macomber, Alms House, Edmund Thompson, Jacob Thomas 2d, and Capt. Abram Bryant, thence north two and one half degrees east, three hundred and eighty-seven rods to the bridge at the foot of long hill near the house of Thomas A. Pratt, not including said house, thence north thirty-two degrees west one hun- dred and ninety-four rods to the corner of Lorenzo Wood's farm near Elisha Waterman's, thence north twenty-seven degrees west, four hundred and twelve rods, crossing the road in front of Nahum M. Tribou's house, running in the rear of Melzar Tribou's house to the bridge near Thomas Weston's, thence south forty-five degrees west five hundred and sixty-eight rods to an apple tree on the westerly side of Alfred Randall's house, thence south nine degrees east five hundred and forty-six rods to bounds first mentioned." 1884] FIRE DISTRICT 5 I 5 Assistant Engineers, Sylvanus W. Reed, Andrew M. Eaton, Sylvanus Hinckley, Lemuel G. Peirce ; Prudential Committee, Sylvanus Hinckley, Everett Robinson, Joseph Sampson, Jr. ; Clerk, Jacob B. Shaw. The fire apparatus consisted of a hand tub, as it was then called, under the name of the Bay State No. 1, and a hook and ladder company. Previous to or at the time of the establish- ment of the fire department, there was a very small hand tub, capable of being worked by three or four men at the most, which was kept in one of the buildings of the Nemasket Mill Company. On the night of the national election in i860, when a telegram had announced the certainty of the result, a party of boys, with a desire to celebrate, pulled out the old tub and commenced to parade. Others had built a huge bonfire in the middle of the street at the Four Corners. The tub was drawn near, and a faction in the crowd tipped it over into the fire, where it came to an untimely end. In 1877 a new ladder truck was purchased, and improved apparatus has since been provided. A house was built on School Street for the department. About 1875 a number of citizens purchased a hand machine named the Young Mechanic No. 6, which was replaced by a steamer in New Bedford ; an inde- pendent company was formed, and continued for several years. The district built a house for the company on Oak Street, and in 1882 a chemical engine was added to the apparatus. After building the water works in 1885 with hydrant service, the hand engines were abandoned and sold, and a hose wagon and reels were provided in 1 886. The equipments of the department in its buildings, appara- tus, hose, hydrants, and electric fire-alarms are modern, and their usefulness is shown in an emergency. When Lakeville was set off from Middleboro in 1853, all that portion of the new town which had been included in the district was taken from it. Later, a number of estates at the south end were set off, as well as all that part lying north and east of the Nemasket River. In 1884 the district was' incor- porated with its then metes and bounds, and authorized to 516 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1899 provide a water supply. The pumping-station was on land just outside. A few years later, the pumping-station lot and a large tract of land were re-annexed to the district. The bounds having become undefined, at the annual meet- ing in December, 1899, the District by a new survey estab- lished the bounds : — " Beginning at a stone bound on the northerly side of the Nemasket River, a corner of the towns of Middleborough and Lakeville, thence in said town line, north thirty-two degrees forty-six minutes west, nine hundred and forty-eight feet to a stone bound marking an angle in said town line; thence in said town line, north fifty degrees ten minutes west, three thousand four hundred and seventy-two feet to a stone bound on the northerly side line of the land occu- pied by the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company, lessees, known as the ' Fall River branch ; ' thence north two degrees forty-nine min- utes west, six thousand eight hundred and six feet to a stone bound on the easterly side of. Cross street, the westerly corner of a lot of land owned by George S. Clark and Elmer B. Cole, known as the ' Morton lot ; ' thence north sixty degrees one minute east, four thousand seven hundred and sixty-six feet to a stone bound on the northeasterly side of Everett street, a short dis- tance northerly from the house owned by Jennie L. Baxter, a corner of lands owned by George R. Sampson and Job Braley ; thence in the line between said Sampson and Braley, north eighty-seven degrees thirty minutes east, six hun- dred and fifty feet to a stone bound ; thence in the same course to the centre of the channel of the Nemasket river; thence upstream in the centre of the chan- nel of said river to a point marking its intersection with the centre of the channel of a brook which crosses the northeasterly part of the farm and home- stead of George H. Place ; thence upstream in the centre of the channel of said brook to a stone bound on the northerly side of East Main street ; thence south five degrees fourteen minutes west, six thousand three hundred and eighty-four feet to a stone bound on the northerly corner of the intersection of Wood and Wareham streets ; thence south seventy-four degrees twenty-one minutes west, two thousand seven hundred and forty-nine feet to a stone bound on the north- westerly side of Wood street, a corner of lands of Edward S. Hathaway and John W. Tinkham ; thence north seventy-one degrees three minutes west, one thousand one hundred and twenty-seven feet to the centre of a gate on the line of the water pipe running from Grove street to the Middleborough almshouse ; thence north sixty-two degrees nineteen minutes west, one thousand four hun- dred and thirty-two feet to a stone bound near the said Nemasket river; thence south seventy-six degrees forty-four minutes west, two thousand three hundred and seventy feet to the stone bound first mentioned. The points of compass given above are magnetic and are twelve degrees eight minutes west of true north." The District as thus defined contains about three and a quarter square miles. CHAPTER XXVIII TOWN OFFICERS, PUBLIC OFFICERS ROM the earliest settlement of Middleboro to the time of its incorporation in the year 1669, it was a part of Plymouth, and its inhabitants were subject to the jurisdiction of the General Court of the colony. As separate towns were incorporated, the civil affairs, which had been regulated by the court, the governor, and his assist- ants and deputies, became so numerous that other legislation was necessary to enable the towns to manage in a measure their own affairs, to provide more efficient government, to meet the necessary expenses, and to supply the growing wants of their increasing population. At the breaking out of King Philip's War the records of the town of Middleboro were burned with all of the houses. We gather, however, from the records of the colony kept at Plymouth, a probably correct list of a few officers of the town prior to the war. FREEMEN AND TOWN OFFICERS BEFORE 1675 1669. William Hoskins was the first town clerk ; John Nelson, constable and surveyor of highways; 1 John Tomson and Willam Nelson, agents of the town. 2 1670. Freemen of the town : 8 — John Morton, Henry Wood, Jonathan Dunham. Francis Combe, Wiltam Nelson, Sr., Samuell Eaton. 1671. Gershom Cobb, Constable ; 4 Jonathan Dunham, agent to inspect ordinaries, and to prevent the selling of powder to the Indians, and extensive drinking; 5 George Vaughan and John 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. v, pp. 18, 19. 2 Ibid. vol. v, p. 22. 3 Ibid. vol. v, p. 279. 4 Ibid. vol. v, p. 56. 5 Ibid. vol. v, p. 60. 5 1 8 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1672-75 Morton, agents to view damages done to the Indians by hogs and horses. 1 1672. John Morton, deputy to the General Court; John Irish, constable ; John Miller, Grand Enquest ; Isacke Howland, surveyor of highways. 2 1673. John Morton, deputy to the General Court ; Obadiah Eedey, Grand Enquest ; John Dunham, constable ; Samuell Wood, surveyor of highways. 3 1674. John Tomson, Jonathan Dunham, Francis Combe, select- men ; John Tomson, deputy ; Gershom Cobb, Grand Enquest ; Isacke Howland, constable ; Samuell Wood, Surveyor of high- ways. 4 1675. M r - Francis Combe, John Tomson, Jonathan Dunham, selectmen ; John Tomson, deputy ; George Vaughan, constable ; John Nelson, Grand Enquest. 5 At the close of King Philip's War, most of the original set- tlers returned slowly from Plymouth, and during the years 1676 to 1679 not all of the town offices were filled. They seem to have been so generally engaged in rebuilding their houses and preparing their farms for cultivation that but little, if any, thought was given to the civil affairs of the town. During the unfortunate administration of Governor Andros, in the year 1688, the government of the colony was much disturbed, no courts were held at Plymouth, and owing to the uncertainty of the times and the disturbances on the accession of William and Mary to the throne of England, everything of a political nature in the Massachusetts and Plymouth colonies remained at a standstill, and we find no records of the courts, or of any town officers being: elected. SELECTMEN Among the officers of the towns in the Old Colony, none were of more importance than the selectmen. This office was filled by the most influential and able men. They were given 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. v, p. 62. 2 Ibid. vol. v, pp. 90-93. 3 Ibid. vol. v, pp. 114-115. 4 Ibid. vol. v, pp. 144-146. 5 Ibid. vol. v, pp. 165-166. 1692] SELECTMEN 519 large discretion, and until the close of the Revolutionary War, in many ways had the entire management of the civil affairs. Then their duties were curtailed, or given to other officials under different enactments, which accurately determined their power as the growth of the town and the state demanded. The General Court at Plymouth passed the first statute, cre- ating this office and defining the duties of selectmen, in 1662. Their work was extended in 1666, 1681, and 1683 by further enactments, which provided that every town in the colony should, out of its freemen, choose from three to five select- men, who should be approved by the court at Plymouth. They were to act as magistrates for the pur- pose of hearing and determining all matters of dispute among the inhabitants of the town not ex- ceeding forty shillings ; they were also to hear and determine differ- ences between the Indians and white inhabitants in reference to damages done by their domestic animals ; they had power to sum- mon witnesses and administer oaths ; the matters submitted to their determination were to be heard upon competent evi- dence. Fines were to be imposed upon persons summoned who failed to attend at the time and place appointed for the hearing of these various causes. Their decisions could be appealed from by either party aggrieved, to the next General Court held at Plymouth, provided security was given for the costs which one might incur in prosecuting or defending such suits. The judiciary powers thus conferred upon the selectmen continued until the uniting of the colonies in 1692, when the new charter from the Crown provided for some changes in the administration of justice, and the judicial functions here- tofore performed by the selectmen were transferred to his Majesty's Justice of the Peace, an office of honor and distinc- tion in the colony. The selectmen continued to have the gen- SEAL OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO 520 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1674-93 eral management of the affairs of the town ; they were to encourage education ; they were to take notice of all persons desiring a permanent settlement in the town, who came with- out the approbation of the governor and his assistants, accord- ing to the order of court, and it was their duty to notify the governor and council of such. It was also their duty to call to account those who neglected to attend public worship on the Lord's day, and to require satisfactory reasons for their fail- ure to do so, and if any persisted in such neglect, to report their names to the General Court at Plymouth. They had power to provide for the wants of the poor in their respective towns, and such persons as were spendthrifts, or children dis- obedient to their parents, or persons living in families who were disorderly, or who refused to comply with reasonable requirements, were to be reported to the General Court at Plymouth. The precaution to be observed for a defence against any attack of the Indians, the building and maintaining a fort, and many other duties of a similar nature necessary for the proper protection and government of the town, were left entirely to their discretion. The following were the selectmen from 1674 to 1900 : — 1674. John Tomson, Jonathan Dunham, and Francis Coombs. 1675. John Tomson, Jonathan Dunham, and Francis Coombs. 1680. John Tomson, Francis Coombs, and Samuel Fuller. 1 68 1. John Tomson, Francis Coombs, and John Nelson. 1682. John Tomson, Francis Coombs, and John Nelson. 1683. John Tomson, John Nelson, and Isaac Howland. 1684. John Tomson, Isaac Howland, and Samuel Wood. 1685. John Tomson, John Nelson, and Isaac Howland. 1686. John Tomson, John Nelson, and Isaac Howland. 1687. John Tomson, Isaac Howland, and John Allen. 1688. No record to be found. 1689. Samuel Wood, Joseph Vaughan, and Nathaniel Warren. 1690. Joseph Vaughan, Ebenezer Tinkham, and John Allen. 1 69 1. Joseph Vaughan, Ebenezer Tinkham, and Samuel Wood. 1692. Isaac Howland, Joseph Vaughan, and John Bennett. 1693. Joseph Vaughan, John Bennett, and Samuel Wood. 1694-1722] SELECTMEN 521 1694. Joseph Vaughan, Samuel Wood, and Obadiah Eddy. 1695. Ens. Isaac Howland, Joseph Vaughan, and John Bennett. 1696. Isaac Howland, Joseph Vaughan, and Ebenezer Tinkham. 1697. Joseph Vaughan, John Bennett, and Jacob Tomson. 1698. Joseph Vaughan, John Bennett, and Jacob Tomson. 1699. Joseph Vaughan, Samuel Wood, and Jacob Tomson. 1700. Isaac Howland, Ebenezer Tinkham, and Jacob Tomson. 1 701. Isaac Howland, Lieut. Jacob Tomson, and Ens. Vaughan. 1702. Isaac Howland, Joseph Vaughan, and John Allen. 1703. Isaac Howland, David Thomas, and Thomas Tomson. 1704. Joseph Vaughan, Thomas Pratt, and Thomas Tomson. 1705. No record. 1706. Ens. Joseph Vaughan, Samuel Wood, and Jacob Tomson. 1707. Ens. Joseph Vaughan, Samuel Wood, and Jacob Tomson. 1708. Lieui. Joseph Vaughan, Samuel Wood, and Jacob Tomson. 1709. Lieut. Joseph Vaughan, Samuel Wood, and Capt. Jacob Tomson. 17 10. Lieut. Joseph Vaughan, Ens. Elkanah Leonard, and Rodol- phus Elmes. 17 1 1. Samuel Wood, Jacob Tomson, and Elkanah Leonard. 171 2. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Lieut. Joseph Vaughan, and Ens. El- kanah Leonard. 1 7 13. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Lieut. Joseph Vaughan, and Ens. El- kanah Leonard. 17 14. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Lieut. Joseph Vaughan, and Ens. El- kanah Leonard. 17 15. Capt. Jacob Tomson. Peter Bennett, and Rodolphus Elmes. 17 16. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Lieut. Joseph Vaughan, and John Ben- nett, Jr. 1717. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Capt. Joseph Vaughan, and John Ben- nett, Jr. 1 7 18. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Capt. Joseph Vaughan, and John Ben- nett. 17 19. Jacob Tomson, John Bennett, and Ichabod Southworth. 1720. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Capt. Joseph Vaughan, and John Ben- nett. 1 72 1. Capt. Jacob Tomson, John Bennett, and Lieut. Ichabod Southworth. 1722. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Capt. Joseph Vaughan, and Lieut. Ichabod Southworth. 52 2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1723-42 1723. Capt. Jacob Tomson, John Bennett, and Deacon Samuel Barrows. 1724. Capt. Jacob Tomson, John Bennett, and Deacon Samuel Barrows. 1725. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Lieut. Nathaniel Southworth, and Dea- con Samuel Barrows. 1726. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Deacon Samuel Barrows, and Lieut. Nathaniel Southworth. 1727. Capt. Jacob Tomson, Deacon Samuel Barrows, and Lieut. Nathaniel Southworth. 1728. Deacon Samuel Barrows, Capt. Ichabod Southworth, John Bennett, John Tinkham, and Elkanah Leonard. 1729. Deacon Samuel Barrows, Capt. Ichabod Southworth, John Bennett, Lieut. Nathaniel Southworth, and John Tinkham. 1730. Deacon Samuel Barrows, Capt. Ichabod Southworth, Lieut. Nathaniel Southworth, John Bennett, and John Tinkham. 173 1. Deacon Samuel Barrows, Capt. Ichabod Southworth, Lieut. Nathaniel Southworth, John Bennett, and John Tinkham. 1732. Deacon Samuel Barrows, Capt. Ichabod Southworth, John Bennett, John Tinkham, and Thomas Nelson. 1733. Deacon Samuel Barrows, Capt. Ichabod Southworth, John Bennett, Elkanah Leonard, and Jacob Tomson. 1734. Deacon Samuel Barrows, Capt. Ichabod Southworth, John Bennett, Elkanah Leonard, and Jacob Tomson. 1735. Capt. Ichabod Southworth, John Bennett, Jacob Tomson, Elkanah Leonard, and Benjamin White, Esq 1736. John Bennett, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Jacob Tomson, Elkanah Leonard, and Benjamin White, Esq. 1737. John Bennett, Nathaniel Southworth, Jacob Tomson, Elkanah Leonard, Esq., Benjamin White, Esq. 1738. John Bennett, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Jacob Tomson, Elkanah Leonard, and Benjamin White, Esq. 1739. John Bennett, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Jacob Tomson, Elkanah Leonard, Esq., and Benjamin White, Esq. 1740. John Bennett, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Jacob Tomson, Elkanah Leonard, Esq., and Benjamin White, Esq. 1 741. John Bennett, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Jacob Tomson, Elkanah Leonard, Esq., and Benjamin White, Esq. 1742. Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Jacob Tomson, Benjamin White, Esq., Ens. Jonathan Smith, and Deacon John Hackett. 1743-62] SELECTMEN 523 1743. John Bennett, Capt. Ichabod Southvvorth, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Lieut. Jacob Tomson, and Benjamin White, Esq. 1744. Deacon Samuel Barrows, Capt. Ichabod Southworth, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Deacon Samuel Wood, and Capt. Eben- ezer Morton. 1745. Capt. Ichabod Southworth, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Lieut. Jacob Tomson, Capt. Ebenezer Morton, and Peter Oliver, Esq. 1746. Capt. Ichabod Southworth, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Lieut. Jacob Tomson, Capt. Ebenezer Morton, and Peter Oliver, Esq. 1747. John Bennett, Capt. Ichabod Southworth, Capt. Nathaniel Southworth, Lieut. Jacob Tomson, and Capt. Ebenezer Mor- ton. 1748. Capt. Ichabod Southworth, Peter Oliver, Esq., Lieut. Jona- than Smith, Nathaniel Smith, and Deacon Benjamin Tucker. 1749. Capt. Ichabod Southworth, Lieut. Jonathan Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Deacon Benjamin Tucker, and John Weston. 1750. Capt. Ichabod Southworth, Lieut. Jonathan Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Deacon Benjamin Tucker, and John Weston. 1 75 1. Lieut. Jonathan Smith, Capt. Nathaniel Smith, Deacon Ben- jamin Tucker, Thomas Nelson, Jr., and Elias Miller. 1752. Lieut. Jonathan Smith, Capt. Nathaniel Smith, Deacon Ben- jamin Tucker, Thomas Nelson, Jr., and Elias Miller. 1753. Lieut. Jonathan Smith, Thomas Nelson, Jr., and Elias Miller. 1754. Lieut. Jonathan Smith, Thomas Nelson, Jr., and Elias Miller. 1755. Elias Miller, Elder Mark Haskell, and Joseph Tinkham. 1756. Elias Miller, Elder Mark Haskell, and Joseph Tinkham. 1757. Elias Miller, Lieut. Thomas Nelson, and Joseph Thomp- son. 1758. Lieut. Thomas Nelson, John Thompson, Gershom Cobb, David Alden, and Ens. Isaac Peirce. 1759. Lieut. Thomas Nelson, John Thompson, David Alden, John Montgomery, and Henry Thomas. 1760. Lieut. Thomas Nelson, John Montgomery, Henry Thomas, Lieut. Benjamin White, and Ichabod Wood. 1761. Lieut. Thomas Nelson, John Montgomery, Henry Thomas, Lieut. Benjamin White, Ichabod Wood. 1762. Lieut. Benjamin White, Ichabod Wood, Samuel Snow, Capt. Nathaniel Smith, and William Harlow. 524 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1763-82 1763. Lieut. Thomas Nelson, Lieut. Benjamin White, Ichabod Wood, William Harlow, and Capt. Gideon Southworth. 1764. Lieut. Thomas Nelson, Lieut. Benjamin White, Ichabod Wood, John Thompson, and Gideon Southworth. 1765. Lieut. Thomas Nelson, Lieut. Benjamin White, Ichabod Wood, Capt. Gideon Southworth, and Hon. Peter Oliver. 1766. Capt. Nathaniel Smith, Ichabod Wood, John Montgomery, Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt, and Joshua White. 1 767. Capt. Nathaniel Smith, Joshua White, Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt, Nathaniel Wood, and Edward Washburn. 1768. Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt, John Montgomery, Joshua White, Ens. Nathaniel Wood, and Zebulon Leonard. 1769. John Montgomery, Joshua White, Zebulon Leonard, Ens. Nathaniel Wood, and Nathaniel Bumpus. 1770. John Montgomery, Joshua White, Ichabod Wood, Zebulon Leonard, and Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt. 1 771. John Montgomery, Ichabod Wood, Zebulon Leonard, Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt, and Capt. Benjamin White. 1772. John Montgomery, Ichabod Wood, Zebulon Leonard, Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt, and Capt. Benjamin White. 1773. Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt, Capt. Benjamin White, Zebulon Leonard, Capt. William Canedy, and Jacob Bennett. 1774. Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt, Capt. Benjamin White, William Harlow, George Leonard, and Nathaniel Sampson. 1775. Maj. Ebenezer Sproutt, Capt. Joshua White. William Harlow, George Leonard, and Nathaniel Sampson. 1776. William Harlow, George Leonard, Nathaniel Sampson, Capt. Nathaniel Wood, and Abner Kingman. 1777. William Harlow, Nathaniel Sampson, Capt. Nathaniel Wood, Lieut. Abner Kingman, and Amos Nelson. 1778. Capt. Nathaniel Wood, Lieut. Abner Kingman, Maj. John Nelson, Deacon Amos Nelson, and Isaac Thompson. 1779. Isaac Thompson, Edmund Wood, Thomas Nelson, John Alden, and Henry Strobridge. 1780. Isaac Thompson, Edmund Wood, Thomas Nelson, John Alden, and Henry Strobridge. 1 781. Isaac Thompson, Thomas Nelson, Lieut. John Murdock, Lieut. Ezra Harlow, and Rufus Richmond. 1782. Isaac Thompson, Thomas Nelson, Lieut. John Murdock, Capt. Ezra Harlow, and Rufus Richmond. 1783-1801] SELECTMEN 525 1783. Isaac Thompson, Thomas Nelson, Lieut. John Murdock, Rufus Richmond, and Zachariah Weston. 1784. Isaac Thompson, Thomas Nelson, Capt. Ezra Harlow, Rufus Richmond, and Capt. Abner Bourne. 1785. Isaac Thompson, Thomas Nelson, Capt. Ezra Harlow, Rufus Richmond, and Capt. Abner Bourne. 1786. Isaac Thompson, Thomas Nelson, Capt. Ezra Harlow, Rufus Richmond, and Capt. Abner Bourne. 1787. Capt. Ezra Harlow, Joshua White, Esq., Lieut. Peter Hoar, Isaac Soul, and Noah Clark. 1788. Isaac Thompson, Thomas Nelson, Rufus Richmond, Capt. Abner Bourne, and Nehemiah Bennett. 1789. Isaac Thompson, Esq., Thomas Nelson, Rufus Richmond, Capt. Abner Bourne, and Nehemiah Bennett. 1790. Isaac Thompson, Rufus Richmond, Lieut. John Murdock, Nehemiah Bennett, Capt. Perez Churchill, Capt. James Peirce, and Lieut. Robert Strobridge. 1 79 1. Isaac Thompson, Esq., Nehemiah Bennett, David Richmond, Zebulon Leonard, and Hugh Montgomery. 1792. Isaac Thompson, Esq., Nehemiah Bennett, David Richmond, Zebulon Leonard, and Hugh Montgomery. 1793. Isaac Thompson, Nehemiah Bennett, David Richmond, Zeb- ulon Leonard, and Hugh Montgomery. 1794. Hon. Isaac Thompson, Nehemiah Bennett, David Richmond, Zebulon Leonard, and Hugh Montgomery. 1795. Hon. Isaac Thompson, Nehemiah Bennett, Esq., Capt. Peter Hoar, Hugh Montgomery, and Zephaniah Shaw. 1796. Hon. Isaac Thompson, David Richmond, Hugh Montgomery, Capt. Peter Hoar, Capt. John Carver. 1797. Hon. Isaac Thompson, Nehemiah Bennett, Esq., David Richmond, Hugh Montgomery, and Rufus Richmond. 1798. Nehemiah Bennett, Esq., David Richmond, Hugh Mont- gomery, Rufus Richmond, and Samuel Tucker. 1799. Lieut. John Tinkham, Ens. John Morton, Samuel Tucker, Samuel Pickens, and Zephaniah Shaw. 1800. Lieut. John Tinkham, Capt. John Morton, Samuel Tucker, Samuel Pickens, and Zephaniah Shaw. 1801. Maj. Peter Hoar, Lieut. John Tinkham, Samuel Tucker, Samuel Pickens, and Luke Reed. 526 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1802-21 1802. Maj. Peter Hoar, Lieut. John Tinkham, Capt. John Morton, Samuel Tucker, and Luke Reed. 1803. Maj. Peter Hoar, Lieut. John Tinkham, Capt. John Morton, Samuel Tucker, and Luke Reed. 1804. Lieut. John Tinkham, Capt. John Morton, Samuel Pickens, Luke Reed, and Elijah Shaw. 1805. Capt. John Morton, Samuel Pickens, Luke Reed, Capt. Wil- liam Thompson, and Ens. Samuel Cobb. 1806. Capt. John Morton, Samuel Pickens, Luke Reed, Capt. Wil- liam Thompson, and Ens. Samuel Cobb. 1807. Maj. Peter Hoar, Samuel Pickens, Capt. Calvin Pratt, Jo- seph Cushman, and Lieut. Seth Miller. 1808. Maj. Peter Hoar, Samuel Pickens, Esq., Capt. Calvin Pratt, Lieut. Joseph Cushman (2d), and Martin Keith. 1809. Maj. Peter Hoar, Samuel Pickens, Esq., Capt. Calvin Pratt, Lieut. Joseph Cushman (2d), and Martin Keith. 1810. Maj. Peter Hoar, Samuel Pickens, Esq., Luke Reed, Lieut. Seth Miller, Jr., and Thomas Weston. 181 1. Maj. Peter Hoar, Samuel Pickens, Esq., Capt. Calvin Pratt, Lieut. Seth Miller, Jr., and Thomas Weston. 1812. Peter Hoar, Esq., Samuel Pickens, Esq., Luke Reed, Seth Miller, Jr., Esq., and Thomas Weston, Esq. 18 13. Peter Hoar, Esq., Samuel Pickens, Esq., Luke Reed, Seth Miller, Jr., Esq., and Thomas Weston, Esq. 1814. Peter Hoar, Esq., Samuel Pickens, Esq., Thomas Weston, Esq., William Nelson, and Seth Eaton, Jr. 18 1 5. Peter Hoar, Esq., Samuel Pickens, Esq., Thomas Weston, Esq., William Nelson, and Seth Eaton, Jr. 18 16. Samuel Pickens, Esq., Thomas Weston, Esq., William Nel- son, Seth Eaton, Jr., and Samuel Bates. 18 1 7. Thomas Weston, Esq., William Nelson, Seth Eaton, Jr., Samuel Bates, and Capt. Ebenezer Pickens. 18 18. Thomas Weston, Esq., William Nelson, Seth Eaton, Jr., Capt. Ebenezer Pickens, and Capt. Enoch Haskins. 18 19. William Nelson, Seth Eaton, Jr., Capt. Enoch Haskins, Capt. Samuel Thompson, and Abner Clark. 1820. Seth Miller, Jr., Esq., Seth Eaton, Jr., Capt. Enoch Haskins, Capt. Samuel Thompson, and Abner Clark. 182 1. Seth Miller, Jr., Esq., Seth Eaton, Jr., Capt. Enoch Haskins, Capt. Samuel Thompson, and Abner Clark. 1822-41] SELECTMEN 527 1822. Seth Miller, Jr., Esq., Seth Eaton, Jr., Capt. Enoch Haskins, Capt. Samuel Thompson, and Lieut. Abner Clark. 1823. Seth Miller, Jr., Esq., Seth Eaton, Esq., Capt. Enoch Has- kins, Capt. Samuel Thompson, and Abner Clark, Esq. 1824. Seth Miller, Esq., Seth Eaton, Esq., Capt. Enoch Haskins, Capt. Samuel Thompson, and Abner Clark, Esq. 1825. Seth Eaton, Esq., Capt. Enoch Haskins, Capt. Samuel Thomp- son, Abner Clark, Esq., and Samuel Harlow. 1826. Capt. Enoch Haskins, Capt. Samuel Thompson, Luther Wash- burn, and Nathan Washburn. 1827. Luther Washburn, Nathan Washburn, Samuel Harlow, Brad- ford Harlow, and Andrew Haskins. 1828. Luther Washburn, Nathan Washburn, Samuel Harlow, An- drew Haskins, and Reuel Thompson. 1829. Luther Washburn, Nathan Washburn, Andrew Haskins, Reuel Thompson, and Col. Benjamin P. Wood. 1830. Luther Washburn, Nathan Washburn, Andrew Haskins, Reuel Thompson, and Col. Benjamin P. Wood. 183 1. Luther Washburn, Seth Eaton, Andrew Haskins, Bradford Harlow, and Col. Benjamin P. Wood. 1832. Seth Eaton, Esq., Andrew Haskins, Bradford Harlow, Col. Benjamin P. Wood, and Ethan Peirce. 1833. Bradford Harlow, Col. Benjamin P. Wood, Andrew Haskins, Capt. Eathan Peirce, and Lieut.-Col. Oliver Eaton. 1834. Bradford Harlow, Capt. Jonathan Cobb, Capt. Ethan Peirce, Capt. Nathaniel Staples, and Gamaliel Rounseville. 1835. Bradford Harlow, Capt. Jonathan Cobb, Luther Washburn, Capt. Nathaniel Staples, and Gamaliel Rounseville. 1836. Bradford Harlow, Capt. Jonathan Cobb, Luther Washburn, Capt. Nathaniel Staples, and Gamaliel Rounseville. 1837. Bradford Harlow, Capt. Jonathan Cobb, Luther Washburn, Capt. Nathaniel Staples, and Gamaliel Rounseville. 1838. Bradford Harlow, Capt. Jonathan Cobb, Gamaliel Rounse- ville, Zattu Pickens, Jr., and Thomas Doggett. 1839. Bradford Harlow, Gamaliel Rounseville, Zattu Pickens, Jr., Thomas Doggett, and Stillman Benson. 1840. Bradford Harlow, Gamaliel Rounseville, Zattu Pickens, Jr., Thomas Doggett, and Stillman Benson. 1841. Bradford Harlow, Gamaliel Rounseville, Zattu Pickens, Jr., Thomas Doggett, and Stillman Benson. . . 528 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1842-63 1842. Bradford Harlow, Gamaliel Rounseville, Zattu Pickens, Jr., Thomas Doggett, and Stillman Benson. 1843. Bradford Harlow, Gamaliel Rounseville, Zattu Pickens, Jr., Thomas Doggett, and Stillman Benson. 1844. Bradford Harlow, Gamaliel Rounseville, Zattu Pickens, Jr., Thomas Doggett, and Stillman Benson. 1845. Thomas Doggett, Stillman Benson, Jirah Winslow, Richard Sampson, and Venus Thompson. 1846. Thomas Doggett, Stillman Benson, Jirah Winslow, Richard Sampson, and Venus Thompson. 1847. Jirah Winslow, Venus Thompson, Ichabod F. Atwood, Wil- liams Eaton, and Nathaniel Sampson. 1848. Ichabod F. Atwood, Williams Eaton, Otis Soule, Nathaniel Sampson, and Job Peirce. 1849. Ichabod F. Atwood, Williams Eaton, Otis Soule, Nathaniel Sampson, and Abiel P. Booth, Esq. 1850. Otis Soule, Zephaniah Shaw, Asa T. Winslow, Ansel Benson, and Apollos Haskins. 185 1. Asa T. Winslow, Apollos Haskins, Zephaniah Shaw, Capt. Jonathan Cobb, and Samuel Thompson. 1852. Otis Soule, Apollos Haskins, Capt. Jonathan Cobb, Asa T. Winslow, and Everett Robinson. 1853. Otis Soule, Capt. Jonathan Cobb, Asa T. Winslow, Andrew Haskins, and Everett Robinson. 1854. Stillman Benson, Thomas J. Wood, and Joseph T. Wood. 1855. Joseph T. Wood, Nathaniel Shurtleff, and Lewis Soule. 1856. Col. Benjamin P. Wood, Lewis Soule, and Cornelius B. Wood. 1857. Col. Benjamin P. Wood, Lewis Soule, and Cornelius B. Wood. 1858. Col. Benjamin P. Wood, Lewis Soule, and Cornelius B. Wood. 1859. Col. Benjamin P. Wood, Cornelius B. Wood, and George W. Wood. i860. Col. Benjamin P. Wood, Cornelius B. Wood, and George W. Wood. 1861. Col. Benjamin P. Wood, Cornelius B. Wood, and George W. Wood. 1862. Col. Benjamin P. Wood, Sidney Tucker, and Ira Smith. 1863. Joseph T. Wood, Ira Smith, and Alpheus K. Bishop. 1864-1900] SELECTMEN 529 1864. Joseph T. Wood, Ira Smith, and Alpheus K. Bishop. 1865. Joseph T. Wood, Joshua M. Eddy, and Abishai Miller.. 1866. Joseph T. Wood, Joshua M. Eddy, and Abishai T. Clark. 1867. Joseph T. Wood, Joshua M. Eddy, and Thomas Smith. 1868. Joseph T. Wood, Thomas Smith, and Joshua M. Eddy. 1869. Joseph T. Wood, Thomas Smith, and Lewis Leonard. 1870. Joseph T. Wood, Lewis Leonard, and Isaac S. Cushman. 187 1. Joseph T. Wood, Lewis Leonard, and Sylvester F. Cobb. 1872. Joseph T. Wood, Lewis Leonard, and Stillman Benson. 1873. Joseph T. Wood, Lewis Leonard, and Stillman Benson. 1874. Joseph T. Wood, Lewis Leonard, and Sylvester F. Cobb. l8 75- Joseph T. Wood, Lewis Leonard, and Sylvester F. Cobb. 1876. Albert T Savery, Alpheus K. Bishop, and Warren H. South- worth. 1 1877. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Alpheus K. Bishop. 1878. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Alpheus K. Bishop. 1879. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Abishai T. Clark. 1880. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Nathaniel S. Cushing. 1 88 1. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Nathaniel S. Cushing. 1882. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Nathaniel S. Cushing. 1883. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Nathaniel S. Cushing. 1884. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Nathaniel S. Cushing. 1885. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Sylvanus Mendall. 1886. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Sylvanus Mendall. 1887. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Sylvanus Mendall. 1888. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Sylvanus Mendall. 1889. Joseph T. Wood, Albert T. Savery, and Sylvanus Mendall. 1890. Albert T. Savery, Sylvanus Mendall, and Joseph E. Beals. 189 1. Albert T. Savery, Jared F. Alden, and Joseph E. Beals. 1892. Albert T. Savery, Jared F. Alden, and Joseph E. Beals. 1893. Albert T. Savery, Jared F. Alden, and Edwin F. Witham. 1894. Albert T. Savery, Chas. W. Kingman, and Edwin F. Witham. 1895. Albert T. Savery, Chas. W. Kingman, and Edwin F. Witham. 1896. Albert T. Savery, Chas. W. Kingman, and Edwin F. Witham. 1897. Albert T. Savery, Chas. W. Kingman, and Edwin F. Witham. 1898. Albert T. Savery, Chas. W. Kingman, and Edwin F. Witham. 1899. Albert T. Savery, Chas. W. Kingman, and Edwin F. Witham. 1900. Albert T. Savery, Chas. W. Kingman, and Edwin F. Witham. 1 W. H. Southworth was elected, but did not accept, and J. T. Wood was afterwards elected. 530 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1681 TOWN CLERKS Among the offices which, under the colonial law, each town was obliged to have, was that of town clerk. By the statute of the General Court at Plymouth in 1646, it was enacted that in every town in the colony some one should be appointed as clerk, with the special duty of keeping a register of the mar- riages, births, and burials, and by a statute of 1671 he was required to publish all contracts of marriage. From the first he kept a record of the election of all officers, and the impor- tant votes and acts of the town. In many cases these were quite full and complete. The publishing of intentions of mar- riage was observed throughout the colony until about the mid- dle of the last century, when it was discontinued by an act of the legislature. These were posted upon a bulletin prepared for the notices in the vestibule of the church. There is a generally received tradition that William Hoskins ! (sometimes spelled Haskins, and sometimes spelled Hodskins) was the first town clerk of Middleboro, but this is authenti- cated by no record. He was chosen by the town May 24, 1 68 1, and according to tradition he had previously served for twelve years. He was one of the proprietors of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase, although at the breaking out of the war he was not in the fort. The rate of compensation for his services was fixed May 24, 168 1, when the town agreed that he should receive for keeping their records, a load of fish, taken at the herring-weir and delivered at his house, for each year's ser- vices. His successors in this office usually served for a number of years, and their records, beginning with that of 1681, are full and accurate. The following were town clerks from 1681 to 1900, with the date of election and the period for which they held this office : — William Hoskins, May 24, 1681, twelve years. John Bennett, March 28, 1693, thirteen years. Jacob Tomson, March 14, 1706, thirty years. 1 See chapter on Early Settlers. 1736-1905J TOWN TREASURERS 53 1 Nathan Bassett, March — , 1736, one year. Jacob Tomson, March 16, 1737, seven years. Seth Tinkham, March 14, 1744, one year. Jacob Tomson, March 5, 1745, three years. Ebenezer Sproutt, March 28, 1748, seven years. Joseph Tinkham, March 31, 1755, twelve years. John Morton, March 23, 1767, eight years. Abner Barrows, March 13, 1775, SIX y ear s. Nathaniel Wilder, March 5, 1781, six years. Jacob Bennett, March 5, 1787, one year. Nathaniel Wilder, March 10, 1788, two years. Cyrus Keith, March 1, 1790, fifteen years. Sylvanus Tillson, March n, 1805, seventeen years. Isaac Stevens, May 8, 1822, eight years. Reland Tinkham, March 3, 1830, two years. Foster Tinkham, March 5, 1832, three years. Allen Shaw, March 9, 1835, eleven years. Jacob B. Shaw, March 9, 1846, three years. Everett Robinson, March 5, 1849, two y ear s. George Pickens, March 10, 185 1, four years. Andrew M. Eaton, March 18, 1855, six years. Sidney Tucker, March n, 1861, two years. John Shaw, Jr., March 9, 1863, one year. Cornelius B. Wood, March 7, 1864, seventeen years. Charles T. Thatcher, March — , 188 1, to 1894. Augustus M. Bearse, 1894 to 1898. Amos H. Eaton, 1898 to the present time. TOWN TREASURERS The office of town treasurer was not created until after the union of the two colonies, when by a statute in 1693-94 it was enacted that there should be chosen in each town, at the time and in the same manner as other officers, " a town treasurer, who should have power to receive all debts and dues belonging or owing to such town or to the poor thereof, and to sue for and recover the same by due process of law ; also to pay out such monies according to order from the selectmen or officers of the poor as they shall receive instructions of the town, and 532 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1711-1861 such treasurer shall make a true account to the town of such payments and receipts when required." It is impossible to state when the first town treasurer was chosen under this law. The first to fill this office was Ephraim Tinkham, who served until March 1, 171 1. He had been a resident of the town for some time, and probably was duly chosen after the passage of this act, but of this we have no record excepting that he had been town treasurer up to March 1, 171 1. Town treasurers from 171 1, with the date of their election and term of service : — Ephraim Tinkham, from to March 1, 171 1. Deacon Jonathan Cobb, March 1, 171 1, four years. John Bennett, Jr., March 7, 17 15, seventeen years. Samuel Tinkham, March 17, 1732, three years. Simon Lazel, March 17, 1735, one year. Jacob Thompson, March — , 1736, eight years. Benjamin Tucker, March 14, 1744, one year. Jacob Thompson, March 5, 1745, three years. Elias Miller, March 28, 1748, nine years. John Thompson, March 14, 1757, ten years. Captain Ebenezer Sproutt, March 23, 1767, two years. John Morton, March 27, 1769, six years. William Bennett, March 13, 1775, four years. Nathaniel Wilder, March 1, 1779, twenty years. George Morton, March 11, 1799, six years. Levi Peirce, March n, 1805, two years. Sylvanus Tillson, March 2, 1807, fifteen years. Levi Tinkham, May 8, 1822, five years. Isaac Stevens, April 2, 1827, three years. Reland Tinkham, March 3, 1830, one year. Foster Tinkham, April 4, 1831, three years. Allen Shaw, March 11, 1834, twelve years. Jacob B. Shaw, March 9, 1846, three years. Everett Robinson, March 5, 1849, two years. George Pickens, March 10, 185 1, four years. Andrew M. Eaton, March 18, 1855, six years. Sidney Tucker, March 11, 1861, two years. 1863-1905] DEPUTIES 533 John Shaw, Jr., March 9, 1863, one year. Cornelius B. Wood, March 7, 1864, seventeen years. Charles T. Thatcher, March — , 1881, to 1894. Augustus M. Bearse, 1894 to 1898. Amos H. Eaton, 1898 to the present time. DEPUTIES The deputies to the Plymouth Colony Court were very im- portant officials in the Old Colony. As early as 1638, a law was enacted " that every town should make choice of two of their freemen, and the town of Plymouth four, to be the committees or deputies to join with the bench to enact and make all such laws and ordinances as shall be judged to be good and wholesome for the whole." These laws, however, "were to be propounded at one Court and not to be considered until the next Court, and afterwards to be confirmed, and that if any act, confirmed by the bench and committees, which, upon delib- eration, shall prove prejudicial, the freemen may, upon the next election, repeal the same and enact others useful for the whole." The expenses of these deputies were to be borne by the town ; they were to receive the votes, not only of the freemen, but of such others as had taken the oath of fidel- ity, masters of families and inhabitants of the towns in which they lived ; and in order that the purity of this body might be carefully guarded, it was left for the bench and other mem- bers of the court to dismiss such individuals as they deemed improper, and for the town to choose other freemen in their place. This act was passed in the early days, and the duties of the deputies were afterwards enlarged until they assumed all of the authority belonging to a legislative body acting for the benefit of the colony. In all matters which came before the magistrates they had an equal vote, and it was left with them to propose candidates for freemen. In the early history of Middleboro John Morton was chosen as the first deputy, for the years 1672 and 1673. In 1674 and 1675 J onn Tomson was 534 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1692-1750 the deputy, and there seem to have been no other deputies elected to represent the town until 1680, when John Tomson was reelected, and served for seven years up to 1686. At the close of Andros's administration Isaac Howland was elected for the years 1689 to 1692, when the Plymouth and Massa- chusetts colonies were united under the name of the Pro- vince of Massachusetts Bay in New England, and from that time the officers who had performed similar service in the Plymouth Colony Court were known as representatives to the Great and General Court. The representatives from Middleboro to the General Court of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England from 1692 until 1905 were as follows : — 1692. John Tomson, Isaac Howland. 1693-1714. No record. 1 7 15. John Bennett, Jr. 17 16. Capt. Jacob Tomson. 17 1 7. Malachi Holloway. 17 18. John Bennett. 17 19. Capt. Jacob Tomson. 1720. Dea. Samuel Barrows. 1721. John Bennett. 1722. Lieut. Ichabod Southworth. 1723. Edward Thomas. 1724. Nathaniel Southworth. 1725-28. Lieut. Nathaniel Southworth. 1729. Samuel Wood. 1730-31. Samuel Barrows. 1732. Lieut. Nathaniel Southworth. 1733-34. Dea. Samuel Barrows. 1735-37. Elkanah Leonard, Esq. 1738. John Bennett. 1739-43. Elkanah Leonard, Esq. 1744-45. Dea. Samuel Wood. 1746. Benjamin Tucker. 1747-48. Samuel Bennett. 1749. Peter Oliver. 1750. Voted not to send. 1751-1S06] REPRESENTATIVES 535 175 1. Peter Oliver, Esq. 1752. No record. 1 753-54- Capt. Nathaniel Smith. 1755-56. Ebenezer Sproutt. 1757. Capt. Nathaniel Smith. 1758-64. Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt. 1765. Daniel Oliver, Esq. 1766-67. Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt. 1768-69. Capt. Benjamin White. 1770. Capt. Ebenezer Sproutt. 1771-72. Capt. Benjamin White. I 773~74- Mr. Ebenezer Sproutt. 1775. Capt. Joshua White. 1776-77. Benjamin Thomas. 1777. Nathaniel Sampson. 1778. Maj. John Nelson. 1779. Dea. Benjamin Thomas. 1780. Dr. Samuel Clark. 1781-82. Ebenezer Wood. 1782. Isaac Thompson. 1783. Isaac Thompson. 1784. Isaac Thompson, Zebulon Sproat. 1785-86. Isaac Thompson. 1787. Joshua White, Esq., Ebenezer Wood, Perez Thomas, Noah Fearing, Esq. 1788. Benjamin Thomas. 1789. Zebulon Leonard. 1790. Zebulon Leonard, James Sproat. 1791-92. James Sproat, Esq. 1793. Nehemiah Bennett. 1794. James Sproat, Esq. 1795-98. Nathaniel Wilder. 1799. Capt. Nathaniel Wilder. 1800. Nathaniel Wilder. 1801-02. John Tinkham. 1803-04. Lieut. John Tinkham. 1805. Lieut. John Tinkham, John Morton, Levi Peirce, Chilling- worth Foster. 1806. Lieut. John Tinkham, Capt. John Morton, Levi Peirce, Dr. Chillingworth Foster. 536 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1S07-36 1807. John Tinkham, Levi Peirce, Maj. Jacob Cushman, Samuel Pickens. 1808. John Tinkham, Esq., Levi Peirce, Maj. Jacob Cushman, Sam- uel Pickens, Esq. 1809. Maj. Levi Peirce, Samuel Pickens, Esq., Maj. Peter Hoar, Thomas Weston. 1810. Samuel Pickens, Esq., Maj. Peter Hoar, Thomas Weston, Martin Keith, Esq., Hercules Cushman. 181 1. Maj. Peter Hoar, Thomas Weston, Esq., Martin Keith, Esq., Hercules Cushman, Esq., Capt. Calvin Pratt. 1812. Thomas Weston, Esq., Martin Keith, Esq., Calvin Pratt, Esq., Maj. Levi Peirce, Rev. Joseph Barker. 1813. Rev. Joseph Barker. 1814-1815. Thomas Weston, Esq. 1816. Samuel Pickens, Esq. 1817-18. Seth Miller, Jr., Esq. 1819. Thomas Weston, Esq. 1820. Had no representative. 182 1. Martin Keith, Esq. 1822. Seth Miller, Jr., Esq. 1823-24. Isaac Stevens, Esq. 1825. Seth Eaton, Arad Thompson, Thomas Sturtevant, Esq. 1826. Seth Eaton. 1827. William Nelson, Esq. 1828. Seth Eaton, Esq., William Nelson, Esq., Zachariah Eddy, Esq. 1829. Seth Eaton, Esq., William Nelson, Esq., Zachariah Eddy, Esq., Gen. Ephraim Ward, Oliver Peirce, Esq., John Benson. 1830. Hon. Hercules Cushman. 183 1. Hon. Hercules Cushman, Silas Pickens, Ziba Eaton, Andrew Haskins, Samuel Thompson, Esq., Elisha Clarke. 1832. Col. Benj. P. Wood, Reland Tinkham, Esq., Bradford Har- low, Capt. Nathaniel Staples, Luther Washburn, Tisdale Lincoln. 1833. Col. Benj. P. Wood, Bradford Harlow, Luther Washburn, Ephraim Leach, John Perkins, Capt. Ethan Peirce. 1834. Col. Benj. P. Wood, Samuel Thompson, Esq., Ephraim Leach, John Perkins, Capt. Ethan Peirce, Luther Murdock. 1835. Samuel Thompson, Esq., Andrew Haskins, Capt. Ethan Peirce, Ansel Benson. 1836. Andrew Hoskins, Ansel Benson, Capt. Jonathan Cobb, Reuben Hafford, Gamaliel Rounseville, George Atwood. 1837-80] REPRESENTATIVES 537 1837. Gen. Ephraim Ward, Andrew Hoskins, Jonathan Cobb, Esq., Reuben Hafford, Gamaliel Rounseville, Lothrop Thomas, George Atwood. 1838. Tisdale Leonard, Eliab Ward, Esq., Stillman Benson. 1839. Tisdale Leonard, Eliab Ward, Esq., Stillman Benson, Zebu- Ion K. Pratt. 1840. Zebulon K. Pratt, Dr. George Sturtevant, Consider Fuller, Thomas Doggett. 1841. Consider Fuller, Thomas Doggett. 1842. Eliab Ward, Esq., Dr. George Sturtevant. 1843-44. Dr. Morrill Robinson, William Shurtleff (2d). 1845-46. Capt. Josiah Tinkham, Asa T. Winslow. 1847. Cephas Shaw, Nahum M. Tribou. 1848. Cephas Shaw, Nahum M. Tribou. 1849. None sent. 1850-52. Joshua Wood, Everett Robinson. 1852. Joseph T. Wood, Eliab Ward. 1853. None sent. 1854. Joseph T. Wood, Richard Sampson. 1855. Col. Nathan King. 1856. Soranus Standish, Jared Pratt (2d). 1857. William H. Wood. 1858. Foster Tinkham. 1859. Everett Robinson. i860. Andrew M. Eaton. 186 1. Francis M. Vaughan. 1862. Andrew J. Pickens. 1863. Everett Robinson. 1864-65. George Soule. 1866-67. Andrew C. Wood. 1868. Levi A. Abbott. 1869. Augustus Pratt. 1870-71. Henry H. Shaw. 1872. Noah C Perkins. 1873-74. John Shaw. 1875. John B. LeBaron. 1876-77. Isaac Winslow. 1878. James P. Peirce of Lakeville. 1879. Mathew H. Cushing. 1880. James L. Jenney. 538 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1881-1905 1881-82. John C. Sullivan. 1883. Sprague S. Stetson of Lakeville. 1884-85. Albert T. Savery. 1886-87. James H. Harlow. 1888. Sidney T. Nelson of Lakeville. 1889. Jared F. Alden. 1890. Charles W. Turner. 1 89 1. Charles W. Turner. 1892. George L. Soule. 1893. Jabez P. Thompson of Halifax. 1894. George L. Soule. 1895-96. Samuel S. Bourne. 1897-98. David G. Pratt. 1899-1900. William C. Litchfield. 1901. William Perkins, Jr., of Plympton. 1902-03. William A. Andrews. 1904-05. George R. Sampson. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE There was no resident of the town who held the commission of a justice of the peace until 1720. From early days to the commencement of the Revolutionary War, this was considered an office of great honor all through the colony; many of the duties of the selectmen were transferred to his Majesty's jus- tices of the peace, who had civil jurisdiction in all matters of debt, trespass, etc., wherein the claim did not involve the title of their lands nor exceed forty shillings in amount. They were bound to keep a regular record of their proceedings, and from time to time their jurisdiction was extended to cover certain criminal offences which might be brought to and passed upon by them, with power to enforce their verdicts as the statutes provided. They held their office for the term of seven years, if during that time they conducted themselves properly in the discharge of said office. Most of the justices so appointed, at the expiration of that time had their commission renewed for a further term of seven years. In addition to the judicial power entrusted to this office, they could administer oaths, take the 1720-1841] JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 539 acknowledgment of deeds, and other legal instruments, and were generally conservators of the peace in the community. This office in early times was invariably filled by the most prominent men of the towns. The duties continued substan- tially the same until trial justices were appointed within cer- tain districts, who had exclusive jurisdiction in the trial of civil and criminal causes. The justices of the peace for the town up to the year 1850 were as follows : — July 22, 172c, Jacob Tomson Oct. 29, 1814, Abiel Washburn June 22, 1736, Elkanah Leonard Feb. 16, 18 16, William Bourne Aug. 18, 1744, Peter Oliver June 10, 1817, Charles Hooper June 26, 1755, John Fearing Feb. 3, 18 18, Noah Clark Oct. 31, 1760, Joseph Tinkham Jan. 23, 1819, Joshua Eddy, Jr. Aug. 28, 1775, Ebenezer Sproutt June 19, 1819, Levi Peirce Aug. 28, 1775, Joshua White Sept. 7, 182 1, Amos Washburn April 7, 1787, Samuel Clark Nov. 21, 182 1, Thomas Bennett April 26, 1787, Isaac Thompson Jan. 16, 1822, Ebenezer Pickens July 5, 1789, James Sproat Jan. 23, 1822, Isaac Stevens July 18, 1791, John Nelson Jan. 16, 1823, Abner Clark Feb. 20, 1795, Nehemiah Bennett Aug. 26, 1823, Abiel P. Boothe March 2, 1800, Wilkes Wood Feb. 17, 1824, William Nelson May 24, 1800, David Richmond Feb. 17, 1824, Oliver Peirce Feb. 20, 1804, James Washburn July 1, 1825, Peter H. Peirce Jan. 23, 1808, Samuel Pickens Feb. 15, 1826, Samuel Thompson Feb. 23, 1808, John Tinkham Jan. 2, 1828, Seth Eaton March 5, 1808, William Thompson June n, 1829, Paul Hathaway Feb. 17, 1810, Zachariah Eddy June 9, 1830, Arad Thompson Sept. 3, 1810, Martin Keith June 16, 183 1, Reland Tinkham Feb. 5, 181 1, Peter Hoar April 24, 1832, Joshua Haskins, Jr. Feb. 22, 1811, Thomas Weston March 26, 1833, Benjamin P.Wood Nov. 14, 181 1, Seth Miller, Jr. March 26, 1833, Bradford Harlow Oct. 29, 181 1, Hercules Cushman Aug. 25, 1835, Luther Washburn Jan. 25, 1812, Calvin Pratt March 18, 1836, Jonathan Cobb Aug. 3, 1812, William Canedy Jan. 27, 1837, Abiezer T. Harvey June 9, 1813, Jacob Bennett March 15, 1837, Silas Pickens June 9, 1813, Cyrus Keith March 6, 1838, Eliab Ward June 9, 1813, Thomas Sturtevant Aug. 24, 1841, Abishai T. Clark 54-0 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1842-95 March 31, 1842, Cornelius B. Sept. 20, 1843, Tisdale Leonard Wood Oct. 31, 1843, Andrew Weston Dec. 17, 1842, Bela Kingman Feb. 3, 1844, William H. Wood Jan. 5, 1843, Nathan King July 1, 1845, James G. Thompson March 14, 1843, Gamaliel Rounse- March 31, 1846, Apollos Haskins ville July 7, 1848, Everett Robinson March 14, 1843, George Sturte- Junes, 1849, Philander Washburn vant Oct. 2, 1849, Ichabod F. Atwood March 14, 1843, Stillman Benson April 25, 1850, Zebulon Pratt TRIAL JUSTICE Ebenezer Pickens By various legislative enactments the number of trial jus- tices throughout the commonwealth have been much reduced, and their jurisdiction transferred to the various police, district, and municipal courts. Between the years 1850 and 1868, the office of trial justice for the town was held by Ebenezer Pickens, after which the jurisdiction was enlarged by the creation of a district court under the name of the Fourth Plymouth District Court. FOURTH PLYMOUTH DISTRICT COURT This court was established by an act of the legislature in the year 1874, having the usual criminal and civil jurisdiction of the district courts of the commonwealth, embracing the towns of Middleboro, Wareham, Lakeville, Marion, and Mat- tapoisett, with courts held at Middleboro and Wareham. JUSTICES Francis M. Vaughan, appd. 1874, died 1891 George D. Alden, appd. 1892, resigned 190 1 Nathan Washburn, appd. 1901 SPECIAL JUSTICES Andrew L. Tinkham, appd. 1874, died 1887 Lemuel LeB. Holmes, appd. 1874, resigned 1895 1774] MANDAMUS COUNCILLOR 54 1 Nathan Washburn, appd. 1888, appd. Justice 1901 George W. Stetson, appd. 1895, resigned 1900 Dennis D. Sullivan, appd. 1900 Bert J. Allan, appd. 1901 CLERK William L. Chipham, of Wareham, 1874 up to the present time MANDAMUS COUNCILLOR August 9, 1774, Peter Oliver The appointment of Peter Oliver and others as Mandamus Councillors was one of the acts of the British Government against what was believed to be the just rights of the colo- nists as granted by their charter, and which perhaps did much to provoke open resistance to the Crown and led to the ultimate separation of the colonies from the mother country. In 1774, with the change on the part of the Crown in the appointment of the judges of the courts, the privilege of electing councillors was taken away from the legislature of the province, and their commissions were given directly from the Crown. These mandamus councillors were held in greater odium by the colonists than any other officers appointed by the king. So great was the feeling against them that jurors in many counties refused to serve under judges who were mandamus councillors, or who had received their commission from the governor and these councillors. It was among the first acts of rebellion which soon after led to open rupture at Lexington. It is doubtful whether Judge Oliver ever assumed the duties of this office, but his appointment as the chief jus- tice of the highest court of the province tended greatly to excite the enmity, not only of the people of the town, but throughout the whole province, and his blameless life did not shelter him from bitter opprobrium. With the evacuation of Boston, in 1776, by the British troops, the office became extinct. 542 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1779-1889 REPRESENTATIVE TO THE NATIONAL CONGRESS 1805-09, Joseph Barker MEMBERS OF CONVENTION FOR FRAMING A CONSTI- TUTION OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY 1779, John Miller 1 779, Captain William Shaw MEMBERS OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION TO ADOPT THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 1788, Rev. Isaac Backus 1788, Isaac Thompson 1788, Benjamin Thomas 1788, Isaac Soule MEMBERS OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS Nov. 15, 1820, Levi Peirce Nov. 15, 1820, Seth Miller, Jr. Nov. 15, 1820, Samuel Pickens May 4, 1853, William H. Wood Nov. 15, 1820, Thomas Weston May 4, 1853, Noah C. Perkins JUDGES OF PROBATE COURT 1821-43, Wilkes Wood 1858-72, Wm. Henry Wood REGISTER OF THE COURT OF INSOLVENCY 1857-58, Nathan King This court, in 1858, was abolished, and its duties assumed by the Probate Court, which became a Court of Probate and Insolvency. REGISTER OF THE COURT OF PROBATE AND INSOL- VENCY 1889 to the present time, John C. Sullivan HIGH SHERIFF 1845-54, Branch Harlow CLERK OF COUNTY COURTS 1811-13, Hercules Cushman 1828-1906] PUBLIC OFFICERS 543 JUDGE OF THE COURT OF SESSIONS 1828, Thomas Weston This court was abolished in the year 1828, and a board of County Commissioners was established, having jurisdiction and duties similar to those which had been exercised by the Court of Sessions. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1828-34, Thomas Weston 1873-82, Joseph T. Wood 1847-56, Ebenezer Pickens PUBLIC OFFICERS SENATORS 1796-1805, Isaac Thompson 1849-50, Philander Washburn 18 13-16, Wilkes Wood 1850-53, William H. Wood 1815-17, Thomas Weston 1856-57, Nathan King 1820-22, William Bourne 1867- Everett Robinson 1826-28, Peter H. Peirce 1876- Everett Robinson 1843- Eliab Ward 1889-90, James H. Harlow 1848-49, William H. Wood 1901-1903, David G. Pratt MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNOR'S COUNCIL 1759-66, Peter Oliver 1881-83, Mathew H. Cushing 1823-27, Thomas Weston 1896-99, Nathaniel F. Ryder 1848-50, William H. Wood 1906, David G. Pratt The first Provincial Congress of Massachusetts met at Salem, October 4, 1774; at Concord, October 14; at Cam- bridge, October 17 and November 23, and prorogued Decem- ber 10, 1774. Captain Ebenezer Sproutt was a member at that time. CHAPTER XXIX CIVIL HISTORY F the first settlement of the town, no authentic date can be ascertained. The copy of the records of the First Church in 1694 begins with the quotation from Scripture in these words, "Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God hath led thee these forty years." The early settlers were familiar with the scriptures of the Old Testament, and would hardly have made such a quo- tation at so solemn a time as the formation of their church had the reference not been true, and as it could only have referred to the time when the town was first occupied by white settlers, it has always been considered that the first settlement was in 1654. 1658 "These may certify all whom it may concerne, that the fourth of March, 1658, that these men whose names are vnder- written, by the intelligence of an Indian, came to a place a little below Namaskett, where the Indians tooke vpan English man out of the Riuer of Tetacutt, with a blew paire of stock- ings and a gray listed garter, and likewise pte of a lockorum paire of briches with wyer bottons fastened about his wast ; but wee found noe blemish about the man that should any way cause his death, but as wee conceiue was drowned acce- dentally ; and finding the man thuse, wee haue buried him, and haue satisfyed the Indians for theire paines. Samuell Edson Thomas Haward, Juni r Nathaneell Willis Wiltam Snow John Willis Lawrance Willis John Vobes Solomon Lenerson Arthur Harris Guydo Bayley John Haward, Seni r Nathaneell Haward Marke Laythorpe John Carew from Bridgwater." 1 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. iii, pp. 159-160. 1661-69] CIVIL HISTORY 545 1661-62 The Twenty-six Men's Purchase was made. 1662 Purchade Purchase was made. 1663 Five Men's Purchase was made. , " This year, there having been a complaint of the inhabitants of the town of Taunton for some years in reference to the bounds of their town, an order was made to establish those bounds." * 1664 Little Lotmen's Purchase is recorded. . 1665 This year the lands on the westerly side of the Namasket River were apportioned by the General Court among the vari- ous owners in the Little Lotmen's Purchase. 1667 " At the Court held on the 2d of July, there was granted Robert Finney 100 acrees of land where m r Alden and Cap- taine Southworth hath land att Namassakett River, if it may be had there ; if not, then to haue such a portion with Hugh Cole neare Acushenet. 2 " The bounds of the land of Francis Coombs were laid out lying on the westerly side of Namasket River and was called the ' Black Sachem's ' field, abutting upon the river against the stone weir." 3 1668 In 1668 Governor Thomas Prince and Francis Coombs pur- chased a tract of land within this territory (known as Prince and Coomb's Purchase). In June of this year the court ordered Major Winslow, Cap- tain Southworth, and Lieutenant Morton "to lay out this land, as they shall think meet or to settle the whole of it to him if on the site and view thereof, they shall see cause." 1669 From the number of purchases made by order of the court at Plymouth for different settlers during the ten years previ- 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. iv, p. 45. 2 Ibid. vol. iv, p. 160. 3 Ibid. vol. iv, pp. 171, 172. 546 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1670-71 ous, it is evident that there was a population sufficient for the town to become incorporated, although the number with the names of all who were then inhabitants cannot at present be accurately ascertained. At the court held on the 1st of June, 1669, the town was incorporated by the following order : " Att this Court, the Court graunted that Namassakett shalbe a township, and to be called by the name of Middleberry, and is bounded with Plymouth bounds on the easterly syde, and with the bounds of Taunton on the westerly syde, and the bounds of Bridgwater on the northerly side or end, and on the southerly side or end to extend six mile from the wadeing place, (and att the end of the said six mile to run east to Plymouth line, and from the said line west to Taunton line ; and incase the west line runes to the southward of Taunton line, then to run vntill wee come vp to the southermost pte of Taunton bounds, and then square of north to it.) And it is further ordered by the Court, that a competencye of land be prouided and reserued for a minnester within theire township, of such lands as are vnpurchased." l John Nelson was elected constable and surveyor of high- ways, and William Haskins was probably elected town clerk and served in that capacity for many years, although there is no record of his election until the year 1680. There is no record of any other town officer chosen that year. 1670 On the 29th of May, 1670, Nathaniel Morton, Secretary of the Court at Plymouth, made a transcript of all of the freemen in the colony at that time, and from that record we learn of the freemen in Middleboro. 2 In this year John Morton, who had formerly resided in Plymouth, bought into the Twenty-six Men's Purchase and took up his residence here, and was then chosen to represent the town in the General Court for the month of June, the first representative sent from Middleboro. 1671 No deputy was sent to the General Court, and the only town officer of whom any record is made is Gershom Cobb, who was chosen constable. 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. v, pp. 19-20. The addition of the part of the bounds in parentheses was made at the General Court July 7, 1680. Ibid. vol. vi, p. 48. 2 See page 517. 1672-73] CIVIL HISTORY 547 The tax of the colony, exclusive of officers' salaries or wages, for which all the towns were proportionately rated, was ^268, but Middleboro was not taxed for the year. At the General Court held on the 8th of July, the colony was ordered to furnish 102 men to meet a threatened insur- rection of the Indians, and Middleboro's quota was two men for this expedition. 1 " It was alsoe ordered by the Court, that the armes of the Indians of Namassakett and Assowamsett, that were feched in by Major Winslow, and those that were with him, are confis- cate and forfeite from the said Indians, for the grounds aboue expressed, they being in complyance with Phillipe in his late plott, and yett would neither by our Gou re order nor by Phillips desire, bring in theire armes, as was engaged by the treaty ; and the said guns are ordered by the Court to the major and his companie, for theire satisfaction in that expedition." 2 1672 The town was not taxed by the colony. An island in Ouitticus Pond, variously spelled, but in the record called " Ouettequas," was let by the colony to a Mr. Palmer to plant and sow. Elizabeth Howland, the wife of Mr. John Howland, Sr., deceased, came into the court of Plymouth and acknowledged that she freely gave and surrendered all her rights in the lands of her late husband lying at Namasket in the township of Middleboro to Mr. John Gorum of Barnstable. This year an agreement was made between Mr. Constant Southworth and Philip, the sachem, in reference to the boun- dary of the land at Assawampsett Pond. 1673 The South Purchase was made. John Morton was chosen deputy for the last time to the General Court this year. The town seems to have chosen no selectmen. In September there was another court at Plymouth, and a new summons was issued, and Jonathan Dunham was chosen to represent the town, probably on account of the decease of John Morton, the former deputy. The town was not taxed for its proportional part of the expenses of the colony. As there had been a former grant of certain lands between Assawampsett Pond and the bounds of the town of Dart- mouth, the town of Middleboro laid claim to a greater por- 1 Plymouth Colony Records* vol. v, p. 74. 2 Ibid. vol. v, pp. 63-64. 548 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1673-74 tion thereof, and the court ordered " that the town should re- cover these lands, and that the purchasers thereof have liberty to purchase land elsewhere." i 1673 "The Treasurer and Serjeant Tomson are appointed by the Court to make purchase of such lands in the township of Mid- dleberry as the Indians doe or may tender to sell, which may be by them purchased for the vse of the towne, and the propria- tors of the land in that township, and for the payment of such debts as the Indians owe to any as occation may require, and what lands they purchase ; the pay for it to be defrayed by the towne and propriators aforsaid, for the cecuritie of them the said M r . Constant Southworth and Serjeant Tompson, and in case the said purchassers and propriators doe not make pay- ment of the charge of the purchase within one yeare after the said purchase is made, that then it shalbe in the libertie of the said Treasurer and serjeant to make sale of soe much of the said land as will defray the charge thereof." 2 1674 The colony tax was ^188, 1 5 shillings, and 10 pence, Middle- boro's portion of which was ^4, 19 shillings. " In reference vnto the first propriators of the lands in the Majors Purchase, soe called, which is in the township of Middle- berry, between the two pathes, that wheras the record of theire graunte expresseth onely thirty acrees a peece and proportion- able comonage, the Court heerby declares, that theire intent was, that all the lands within that tract called the Majors Purchase is settled and doth appertaine vnto them and theire heires and assignes for euer, excepting such smalle psells as haue since bin graunted vnto seuerall psons within said tract, wherof a psell was thirty acrees in the said tracte graunted to John Dunham, Juni r , as followeth : — " Thirty acrees of land is graunted by the Court, with the consent and concurrance of such as are the propriators in the said Majors Purchase, vnto John Dunham, Juni r , being layed out & bounded by Willam Nelson by order from Captaine South- worth, is as followeth, vizs.: it lyeth on the easterensyde of the head of Rauen Brooke, marked with a stake att the northwest corner, and att the northeast corner with a smalle red oake, and on the southeast corner it is bounded with a rocke, and att the southwest corner it is bounded with a smalle red oake." 3 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. v, pp. 132-133. 2 Ibid. vol. v, p. 138. 3 Ibid. vol. v, p. 150. 1675] CIVIL HISTORY 549 1675 This was the most eventful year in the history of the col- ony or of the newly incorporated town of Middleboro. The probable designs of Philip had been previously reported to the government at Plymouth, and his conduct had been viewed with suspicion, although the authorities did not suppose a crisis was so near at hand. The town officers had been elected as usual, John Tomson being deputy ; George Vaughan, consta- ble; John Nelson, a member of the grand inquest, with Francis Coombs, John Tomson, and Jonathan Dunham, selectmen, and Obadiah Eedey and John Morton, surveyors of highways. Not- withstanding the excitement in the colony, the town seems to have continued in its ordinary business until after the attack and burning of the town of Swansea on the 24th of June. In June the court sitting at Plymouth ordered Mr. Constant Southworth and William Peabody "to run the line between Bridgewater and Middleboro. In case the treasurer, Southworth, neglected that, then Nathaniel Thomas, Lieutenant Morton, and John Thomas to supply." After the attack on Swansea and a burning of a portion of the houses in Middleboro in July, the court at Plymouth evi- dently thought that there would be a cessation of hostilities and that the Indians would desist from their plan, which gave rise to the passage by the General Court, on the 4th of October, of the following order relating to the resettlement of the towns of Middleboro and Dartmouth, which had suffered so severely by those attacks of the Indians : — "This Court, takeing into theire serious consideration the tremendus dispensations of God towards the people of Dart- mouth, in suffering the barborus heathen to spoile and destroy most of theire habitations, the enimie being greatly advantaged thervnto by theire scattered way of liueing, doe therfore order, that in the rebuilding or resettleing therof, that they soe order it as to Hue compact together, att least in each village, as they may be in capassitie both to defend themselves from the assault of an enimie, and the better to attend the publicke worship of God, and minnestry of the word of God, whose carelesnes to obtaine and attend vnto, wee fear, may haue bine a prouocation of God thus to chastise theire contempt of his gospell, which wee earnestly desire the people of that place may seriously consider off, lay to hart, and be humbled for, with a sollisitus indeauor after a reformation therof by a vigorous puting forth 550 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1677 to obtaine an able, faithfule dispenser of the word of God amongst them, and to incurrage him therin, the neglect wherof this Court as they must not, and, God willing, they will not pmitt for the future. " Alsoe this Court doth order, that the people of Middleberry doe attend the like course in theire rebuilding and resettleing, as is ordered for Dartmouth. " And that none shall for the future erect any house or cot- tage without speciall lycence giuen him, in any place soe farr remote from the publicke worship of God as that they can not comfortable attend the same." 1 December 10, 1675, when the forces of Massachusetts Colony which were to serve in King Philip's War were mustered on what was called Dedham Plain to march against the Narragan- sett fort, a proclamation was made to the soldiers in the name of the governor that if they " made the part, of men, took the fort, and drove the enemy out of the Narragansett country that was their great seat, they should have a guarantee of land beside their wages." This promise was not fulfilled until 1734, when, under that guarantee, various lands were awarded, and among others "the soldiers from Middleboro, Daniell Rams- dell, his son being a claimant, Isaac Peirce alive, Ellexander Reynolds (Rynge), and William Hoskins, with others, received lands in the Narragansett township number 4, now in the. town of Greenwich, R. I." 2 Many of the men who served in this war preferred to take their pay in land instead of wages, and a tract of land located at Assawampsett valued at one thousand pounds was so assigned. 1677 Some time in June, 1677, those who had formerly lived in town, together with those who owned land within its borders, to the number of sixty-eight persons met and agreed to resettle the town. They were styled the " proprietors of the town of Middleberry." "Whereas 3 by the late rebellion of the natives the inhabit- ants of Middlebery not only lost their habitations with most of their estates and forced to withdraw from them, but also lost their records, whereby great trouble is like to ensue if not finally prevented. Whereas divers of the said inhabitants of the said place are negotiated to return again to endeavor 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. v, p. 177. 2 Soldiers of King Philip's War, pp. 429 and 463. 3 Modern spelling has been used in many of the words in these votes. 1677] CIVIL HISTORY 551 their resettlement of the Town again, which cannot well be unless some good laws be first made for the resecuring of their records and orderly settleing againe. " By virtue therefore of a warrant directed unto us the in- habitants and proprietors of the said town from our honored Govr. bearing date the 9th of June 1677 we the said inhab- itants and proprietors in obedience thereunto being mett together at Plimouth on Weddenesday the twenty seventh of June aforesaid do unanimously agree by the permission of God and by his gracious assistance to make a beginning again in order unto the repossession of our lands and reeddification of our demolished buildings and habitations which some of us were before the late sad warr in actuall improvement and pos- session of, and to make such orders and conclusions as may hopefully have a tendency unto the laying a foundation of a towne and pious society in that place. "therefore we have here drawn up and Inserted an exact list of the names of the proprietors of the township of Mid- dlebery as followeth. " A List of the names of the Proprietors of the liberties of the township of Middleberry taken att Plimouth att a meet- ing of the maine or major part of the proprietors the 28th. of June Anno Dom a . 1677. Tho. Prence Esqr. Francis Combe 2 propriations Josiah Winslow now Mr. John Brooke Gabriel Hallowell 1 propriation Major Bradford now Gydo Baley Gyles Richard 1 propriation Edward Gray John Jordaine 1 propriation Capt. Perregrine White Elder Cushman 1 propriation William Bassett Anthonio Snow 1 propriation Nathaniel Warren John Morton 1 propriation Mr. John Alden Plimouth Ministry 1 propriation Sprague now Benja- min Bartlett Nathaniel Morton 1 propriation George Partrich Experience Michell 1 propriation William Pontus now Henery Sampson 1 propriation Thomas Borman Thomas Little 1 propriation Samuell Fuller of Plym- outh Thomas Paine 1 propriation Francis Cooke now Adam Wright and Sergant W'illiam Harlow 1 propriation John Tomson junr. Jonathan Dunham 1 propriation Francis Billington Sachariah Edey 1 propriation 55 2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [.678 Edward Bumpas Mr. William Brewster now John Turner Senr. John Shaw now Samuell Wood William Hoskins now George Vaughan senr. Resolved White now Isack Howland Moses Simons now John Soule Andrew Ring William Nelson senr. John Howland now George Danson George Soule now Francis Walker now John Haskall William Mullens now John Nelson Peter Browne Sergeant Epharim Tinkom Capt. Mathew Fuller Steven Deane now Thomas Doged Samuell Edey Lottis Morton now Lotis Ring Mr. John Winslow John Rogers Elder Chipman Jonathan Sparrow John Howland David Thomas John Miller John Irish John Tomson senr. For the ministry of Middleberry David Wood, Joseph Wood, Benjamin Wood Jonathan Wood Left. Morton Gershom Cobb William Codman Nathaniel Southworth propriation propriation propriation 1 propriation 1 propriation 1 propriation propriation propriation propriation 1 propriation 1 propriation propriation propriation 1 propriation 1 propriation 1 propriation The condition of the town may be inferred from the fact that no taxes were assessed during these years to support the expenses of the colony. 1678 In October we find the following record of court orders in Plymouth, namely, — " 1678, October. In answare to the petition prefered to the Court by Francis Combe, and likewise the Court being in- formed that Samuell Fuller is in a likelyhood to be procured to teach the word of God att Middleberry, they doe approue therof ; and incase hee be obtained, and be likely to settle amongst them, doe heerby signify, that they will indeauor that the propriators of the lands within that townshipp may be healpfull towards his maintainance." x The General Court at Plymouth estimated the expenses 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. v, p. 273. 1679-1681] CIVIL HISTORY 553 incurred by the colony in King Philip's War, and Middleboro's proportion was one hundred pounds. 1 1679 November 21, 1679, the records of the town show that the proprietors of the town appointed John Tomson, Sr., Joseph Warren, and William Crow to " set out and divide the 71 lots of land which were on the East side of the purchase line run by John Tomson and the Indian, Thomas Hunter, and other persons near Titicut, and that these 3 lots Titicut path is through them, 4 poles of land being allowed to them for the path or way that passes through them." There seems to have been more or less difficulty between the inhabitants of Middleboro and Bridgewater in reference to the location of the boundary line between them, and at the June court, this year, these towns were ordered to send their agents to meet at the next July court, that a settle- ment might be made. The matter, however, was further ad- journed until the September term, when the agents of Bridge- water abruptly went away before the matter was settled. They were then summoned " to the court to be holden at Plymouth the last Tuesday in April, next, to fix a reason for their so acting." The boundary not then having been settled, the following order was taken at the court of March 1, 1681 : — "The sum of 15 shillings is allowed to the three agents of Middleboro, to be paid them from the town of Bridgewater for their conduct in not attending court." 1680 " November the 6th. At a town meeting at the house of Isack Howland at Middlebery the town voted Mr. John Tom- son to join with the Clark of the said town to see that all such writings as are not yet recorded respecting the Towns consarns that they be speedily broat to record." This year Mr. Isaac Howland was propounded as a free- man. The court abated forty shillings from the tax which was due to the county from this town the last year. June 24, 1681. "A full agrement between the Agents of the Towne of Bridgewater and the Agents of the Towne of 1 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. v, p. 392. 554 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i€8i Middleborough in refference unto ye settlement of the bounde betweene the to foresayd Townes "Samuell Edson sen: Ensign John Hayward and John Willis sen : being chosen by the Towne of Bridgewater and John Tomson and John Soule chosen by the Towne of Mid- dleborough for the setlment of the bounds betweene the to Towns have agreed as followeth : namely from the center of the Towne of Bridgwater foure miels Est to heap of stones to the North of Satucket ponds neare a foot path as we conceive goes to Mamatakesset wch heap of stones is bounded about w th small marked trees : and from that heap of stones south- erly unto Alaxander Standishes land on the same range or line that was formerly run in year 1669 by William Nelson and John Soule for Namaskett and Elder Brett Samuel Edson sen : Ensign Hayward John Willis sen : and John Carver sen : for Bridgwater Leaving Mr. Standishes land only unto the towne of Middleborough and then the great river to be the bounds betwixt Bridgwater and Middleborough untill it come below Titicut and meat with the line betwixt Tanton and Bridgwater and from the fore mentioned heap of stones the line to be runn halfe a point more esterly from the North, then formerly was run into the extent of Bridgwater grant In witness unto the foresayd premises wee above mentioned have set to our hands Samuell Edson John Haward John Willis sen : John Tomson John Soule" At the July court the following order was passed : — "This court doth order that Mannamoyett and Middleberry, each of them doe make choise of a fitt man to exercise theire men in armes, and to see theire men well prouided with fixed armes and amunition for their respectiue places and to psent to the next Court for aprobation." At a town meeting on the 27th of August of this year, among other things Mr. John Tomson was appointed agent of the town to "represent their cause at the next court in the distribution of money arising from Mount Hope which was due to the country that they might have their portion of the same." At a town meeting on the 6th of December, 1681, at the house of Isaac Howland, the town decided that at all town meetings being legally warned to come together at the house 1682-83] CIVIL HISTORY 555 appointed and the time being past that the major part of those that are together have full power to act and yt to stand in full force about matters yt concern ye good and well being of ye town and this to stand as a town order and that all matters debated be carried on in peace and good order, the town hath made choice of three men to be moderators, namely : Mr. John Tomson, Isaac Howland and William Hoskins for this present year and the town meeting to continue for yt day until these three men dismiss them or some two of them. "It is agreed upon by the town yt all former neglects in town meetings be passed by to this day as an act of oblivion and not to be called upon but for the time to come whoever he be yt doth not appear being legally warned at the house appointed ye fine to be exacted according to the town order being 2 shillings 6 pence ye £ to be for ye constable and town clerk and the other half for ye town's use." 1682 No surveyor was elected. John Miller was perhaps chosen deputy for one of the later courts of the year. The tax was £3 out of ^244, the tax of the colony. 1683 April 21, 1683. "At a Town meeting held at Isaack How- land's house The Town hath agreed that their Clarke, Wil- liam Hoskins shall have a load of fish brought to his field at Lakenham at their own charge, for his services the year past & so yearly as long as he remains their Clarke & to be brought in season." At a town meeting at the house of Isaac Howland July 20, 1683, "the town hereafter jointly agreed in reference to Goodman Billington being in present want and for his releif they have left it to ye wisdom and discretion of ye selectmen to order ye matter and to take care about it and also to ye disposing of his daughter Dorcas, her land as they shall see cause and what charges shall arise to be defrayed by the town." July 20, 1683. Town Meeting held at house of Isaack How- land. Town hath also agreed "to build a substantial Ware for the taking of their fish & the men that are to undertake this work is Isaack Howland, John Allyn, David Wood & the Town is to allow them each man 2 s 6 d a day & they are to sett it up at the Bridge or Wading Place & what charges they are 556 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1684-85 out in building this Ware, they are faithfully to give an exact account thereof & they shall be faithfully repaid in silver money or in that which is equivalent thereunto." August 11, 1683. At this meeting the town made choice of Mr. John Tomson, John Nelson, and Isaac Howland " to agitate and draw up matters concerning the good of the town in order for a proprietors meeting and to act in their behalf as leading men." 1 1684 At the June session of the court at Plymouth the following order was passed : — "This Court granted liberty unto Isaac Howland to keep an ordinary at Middleberry and to provide with such necessa- ries for that purpose as are requisite, as lodgings and victuals for men and fodder for horses ; and that he keep good order in his house, that he incur no just blame by his neglect." William Green was warned out of town by John Tomson and William Nelson, probably in the belief that he might become chargeable to the town. July 19, 1684. "Town Meeting held at the house of John Nelson. The Town with the Courts approbation have agreed that John Stonewall shall carry a gun so long as he behave himself well & orderly, but if he shall misdemean himself & carry disorderly, the Town shall have liberty from the Court to call his gun in & dispossess him of it." September 19, 1684. "Town Meeting held at John Nelson's house. The Town do engage John Nelson if he can get either a man or men to sett down a good sufficient herring ware, near about where the Bridge now stands ; to pay to him or any man or men that he shall imploy to effect this work 3 d a thou- sand for the fish, to be satisfied for, as they shall fetch them, in money or halfe a pecke of Indian Corne a thousand & whereas the aforesaid 3 d a thousand is conceived to little to effect this matter, the Town hath agreed to allow 4 d a thou- sand in silver or in Indian Corne at silver price." 1685 John Howard was warned out of town by the selectmen that he might not be chargeable to the town. May 22, 1685. "Town Meeting held at house of John Nel- son. At this Meeting the Town have agreed with Samuel Wood to satisfy Joel the Indian for killing a wolfe & have 1 Bennett Note -Book, p. 33. l685 ] CIVIL HISTORY 557 ingaged to repay him again in his money, part of the next ^" At a Court of Assistants held at Plymouth the 7th day of July Anno 1685. ,, « HPfcrmu at his Majesties Generall Court held at New Plymouth, the fourth day of June An° 1685, the said Generall Court did order & impower, the Court of Magistrates, to take notice of & examine such grants of Court, as from time to time, should by any Town-Society or perticular person be brought before them & to confirm all such grants as they find "just, by causing the publick Seal of the Colony to be affixed to such grants or Confirmations. "And Whereas the Generall Court of this Colony in the year one Thousand six Hundred & sixty nine did grant that the Inhabitants of Namaskitt (then so called by the Natives) with such others as they should associate to themselves, should have the Priviledges of a Township, & be called & known by the name of Middlebury, & granted that the said Township should extend unto the borders and limits hereafter expressed : that is to say bounded easterly by the bounds of Plimouth Township & westerly with the bounds of Taunton Township: & northerly with the bounds of Bridgwater Township : and southerly to extend six miles from the wading place, & at the end of the said six miles to run east to Plimouth Line & from the said line to run west to Taunton Line. And in case the said West Line runs to the southward of Taunton Line, then to run untill it comes up with the southermost part of Taunton bounds, & then square off north to it, as the Records of the Court may appear. This Court doth therefore declare by these presents that all the Lands within the bounds & Imesabove expressed are of & belonging to the Township of Middlebury aforesaid, that is to say to be within the bounds and limits of the said Town. And do further Ratifie & Confirm unto all & every person or persons that are the owners & true Proprie- tors of any of said Lands, whether inhabiting in said Town or elsewhere, all and singular the Lands within the said Township of Middlebury according as each of the sd Proprietors is re- spectively interested in the same To have and to Hold the said Lands both Uplands & Meadows & Swamps, Woods & Waters, Trees & Underwoods, Rivers, Brooks & Ponds that are within the said Limits & Bounds, with all other the Rights Priviledges & Appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anV wise appertaining to them the said Proprietors & to every of them according to his & their respective Rights 558 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1686 therein according to the true intent and meaning of the said Courts Grants, & his & their respective Heirs & Assignes forever. To be Holden of our Sovereign Lord the King his Heirs & Successors, as of his mannour of East Greenwich in the County of Kent and Realm of England in free and common soccage, — Alwayes yielding & paying to our said Lord the King, his Heirs & successors and to the President of the Honourable Council for New England, all such part of the Gold & Silver Oar, as in & by our Charter or Patent is ex- pressed and reserved. " In Testimony whereof, this Court by vertue of the power committed to them by the said General! Court have ordered the publick Seal of this Colony to be affixed to these pre- sents. " Attest Nath l Clark e Secretary." " This instrument is recorded in the Book of Evidences & Lands inrolled Date 1681 & in pag 333. P Nath l Clarke Secretary " 1686 In the latter part of this year Sir Edmund Andros arrived at Boston bearing a commission as governor over all the New England colonies. During his administration there was no action taken by the General Court at Plymouth, and the records do not indicate that much was done by the respective towns. June 18, 1686. "Town Meeting held at the house of John Miller. The Town made choyce of foure men as their agents to treat with Capt. John Williams about his mill & also for the fish that they be preserved, yt both may be ordered as may be both for the good of the Town & beneficial to the owner. " The men chosen as the Town agents are Mr. John Tom- son, Isaac Howland, John Nelson, Joseph Warren." August 30, 1686. " Town Meeting held at house of John Miller. At this meeting the town made choyce & approved of Isaac Howland to keep ye ordinary. " At this meeting the Town voted & made choyce of Mr. John Tomson & Isaac Howland to agree with Jonathan Wash- burn or any other to make a pound, whipping post & stocks & what they do agree on in respect of pay the Town agree to make a rate to defray the charge in Come at money price in three months after the work is done." 1686] CIVIL HISTORY 559 RUNNING OF THE TOWN BOUNDS MlDDLEBORO April 6, 1686. We John Tomson and John Soul and Isack Howland : being chosen by the Town and proprietors of Middleborough : to settle the bounds of said township : as by the record of sd town bearing date Sept. 12 1683 appeareth : have according to the records of the Court dated June 1669: done the same as followeth : vis : having appointed a certain day for the doing thereof we gave notice to the propriators of the lands adjacent to that side of our town to be present at the doing thereof : and captain Nathaniel Thomas agent of the purchasers of the lands of parts adjacent appeared : and we began at the wading place over Namasket river and measured south six miles : at the extent of which we marked divers trees and saplings all on four sides standing near together — and from thence set east and ran about 50 or 60 rod and came to the river called by the Indians Pookpoawkquachoo river : alias Monhonkenock river : and marked divers trees in that east range on two sides : and one pine tree standing on the east side of the said river : and then went to the aforesaid trees marked on the four sides and set west : and ran about 80 rod and came to the easter- most of Ouitequsset ponds : and marked divers trees in said west range to the pond : on two sides : And from thence set over the pond west : and the line took over on the southerly part of two islands in the said pond : and came to the brook which runs out of the westermost of said Ouitequesset pond into the said eastermost pond : making there the brook the bounds. And we the said John Tomson John Soul and Isack How- land set west from the said brook and the line took over the westermost of sd Quitequesset ponds : unto a spruce tree marked on four sides : standing about 60 rod from the sd pond : and from thence ranging west on the southerly side of a high cliff of rock whereon stood the two spruce trees : and from thence ranging west to a red oak tree marked on four sides : standing by the eastermost side of a long pond : called by the Indians Ponaquahot pond : And so crossing the said pond to a heap of stones on a rock by the west side of the said pond : with severall small red oaks marked standing by it : And so ranging west to a great pine tree marked standing on a great rock : And still extending west by a rang of marked trees untill we passed over Assonet river: And on the side of the hill on the west side of the river we pitched a stake : and 560 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [16S7-90 marked several small saplings by it : which is the extent of our west line : And from the said stake we ran north through a swamp by a rang of marked trees unto Rode Island path and by the path we marked a pine tree : and from thence ran- ging north unto Tauntons most southerly bounds at Assonet river. 1 John Tomson seenr 3 John Soul 2 isack howland Memorand. That I the above named Nathaniel Thomas being then one of the agents of the purchasers of Pocasset lands was present with the above named persons when they ran the abovesaid six miles & when they ran from the extent thereof west so furr as the said Pocasset purchasers lands there joyned to the said Middleborough Township as witness my hand Nath ll Thomas. 1687 " The town being met together, at the house of John Miller do ioyntly agree by their vote to accept of John Bennett as a townsman and have the privileges of the same." 1688 The following named inhabitants of the town in the year 1688 took the oath of freemen: "Mr. John Tomson, Isaac Howland, Nathaniel Warren, David Tommas, Jr., Obediah Edy, Samuel Wood, Ebenezer Tinkham, Joseph Vaughan, John Tomson, Jr., John Allyn, David Wood, John Haskell ; " and the following took the oath of fidelity : " John Bennet, Jonathan Morse, Jeremya Tommas, Benjamin Wood, William Nelson, John Fuller, William Tommas, James Wood, Samuel Eaton, John Cobb, John Howard, Philip Bumpas, Jonathan Baker." 1690 The population of the town in 1690, as near as can be esti- mated, was about two hundred. The court at Plymouth, in July, ordered that " Middleboro should make choice of a fit man to examine their men in arms, and to see that they are provided with fixed arms and ammu- nition for their respective plans, and to be presented to the court for approbation." " Out of the tax of 245 pounds to be raised by the colony, Middleberry's portion for this year was 3 pounds." 1693-95] CIVIL HISTORY 56 1 !693 The town passed the following vote June 22 : — " Our town being met together do agree not to choose a re- presentative because we are few in number and not well able to bear the charge and the law do excuse as we conceive, being low in our estates. By order of the Town, John Bennett, Clerk." 1694 July 30, 1694. "Town meeting held at Town House in Middlebery. We, the inhabitants of said Town being greived that Capt. Williams of Scituate, now deceased, should upon his will goe to plant an Indian in the heart and midst of our Town, we fearing what damages & trouble may follow, have chosen & desired Joseph Vaughan & Samuel Wood to use & lawful means to prevent the same." October 9, 1694. " At a town meeting Mr. John Tomson was made choice of to go to Boston to endeavor to get our money which we, being over rated, paid ; and the town agrees to give him 3 s p r day for his charges, but if he gets the money then we agree to give him more." 1695 June 11, 1695. . . . " At the same meeting the town jointly agreed together by their vote to accept of Eleazer Lewis, John Gibbs, William Thomas, Edward Thomas and John Bennet Jr. as townsmen and to have the privileges of the same." July 30, 1695. ..." At the same meeting the town jointly agreed to accept of Jacob Tomson as a townsman and to have the privileges of the same." " Memorander that the Agents of Plymouth Middlebury & Rochester being impowered by their above sd Towneships did meet at Mr. Hovvlands house in Middleburry on the 23 instant and on the 24 of said month by mutual consent all went to the head south bounds of sd Towne being 6 miles from ye ware & so found being measured by Capt. Nath" Thomas of Marsh- field Agent for Pochasset & accompanied with Midleberry Agents from which south or head Bounds all the Agents of the 3 Townes above sd mutually agreed to run the East line as begun by Capt. Nath 11 Thomas &c and proceeded east by divers stations till they came on the 25 instant near ye south meadow River where they marked a small pine tree on 4 sides for a Boundary between the 3 Towns above sd two biger 562 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695 pine trees on each side thereof & both marked with M: P: R whence ye line runs between Plymouth & Middleberry about one rod on ye easten side of William Ellis his new house n & by w. on the 26 instant beginning at the corner Boundary marked M:P:R: the Line runs between Plymouth & Middle- berry n : & by w to 2 red oakes both marked and the one with M: P whence tho not on ye same yet on a straight line ye course is to the Bridge on south meadow River in the roade from Rochester to Plymouth. And from sd Bridge the River to be the bounds up stream unto the Lower part of the body of meadow there below the double brooks. And thence on the westerly side of said meadow with convenience of up- land for fencing to the place where Plymouth Towne line shall come from Mahutchit tree to the meadow " The above sd Agreement is on ye daye above written saned : & confirmed by us underwritten : [This date is Septem- ber 26, 1695] (John Bradford Agents of Plymouth < John Waterman ( John Murdo SJohn Soule Isaac Howland Jacob Tomson in behalf of his father ( Ichabod Wisewall Agents of Rochester < Joseph Dotey ( Aaron Barlowe " " At this proprietors meeting held at the house of Mr Howlaild this 12 th day of November 1695 John Richmond was chosen Moderator : John Sole and Joseph Vaughan chosen to regulate the meeting : finding many strong Indians living on Assawamset neck without our leave ; we have made choice of Joseph Vaughan and Jacob Tomson of Middlebery to treate with them for so doeing and for those Indians that have a right, to show their title for the same : and that such as can show a right title should not be molested : and such as cannot show an honest title to warn them of sd land : or if they will live peaceably they may let it to them on reasonable terms for one year and so from yeare to yeare till such time the proprietors shall see reason for the contrary and that the above named town men shall have power to chuse a counsell to be with them when they treate the Indians if they shall see cause. " This is voted by the proprietors at theire meeting held this 12 th Novemb r 1695." 1 695] CIVIL HISTORY 56, "At a meeting of the proprietors held at the house of Isack Howlands this 12 of November 1695 it was voated and agreed that all the house keepters and all the male persons at 21 yeares and upwards that have been brought up in the town and have theire residence now in the town shall be accounted Inhabitants in this case with the proprietors in this purchase purchased by Capt Church and M r John Tomson." " A List of the names of the Inhabitants and Proprietors of the township of Middlebery taken this 12th. day of Novem- ber 1695 is as followeth : Leiut. John Tomson Ensign Isack How- land John Allen Joseph Vaughan Samuell Wood Ephram Tincom Ebenezer Tincom John Bennet Seenr. John Miller Seenr. Abiall Wood Edward Tomas John Cob John Holms Daniell Vaughan John Tomson junr. Jacob Tomson James Soule Obediah Eddie Peter Tincom Jonathan Morse seenr. John Hascall seenr. William Nelson David Tomas Jeremiah Tomas James Wood Jonathan Cob Eleazer Lewis Joseph Bumpas Seenr Isack Billington John Fuller John Guibs Richard Warren William Harlow Francis Walker Plymouth Ministry Jonathan Sparrow Nathaniell Southworth William Cadman John Eddie Samuell Eddie William Tomas Thomas Nelson Joseph Barden George Vaughan William Ellis Isack Fuller Ephraim Morton Joseph Bumpas jr. Governer Prince Maj. Winslow now Joseph Warren Samuell Swift John Alden Ichabod Bartlett John Wadsworth John Churchill Benjamine Nye William King Thomas Fance John Doged Abraham Jackson Experience Michell in behalf Nathaniell Morton John Rogers deceast Robert Sprout paid 3 shillings in money to Arthur Howland for the defraying his part in the laying out of that purchas which was purchased by Capt. Church paid the 1st. of January 1696 Phillip Dillino Joseph Richmond Benjamine Warren Thomas Morton Middlebery Ministry Adam Right John Soule seenr Jonathan Dunham Zachariah Eddie Ebenezer Edie paid his fathers pur- chase money to Arthur Howland this 17th May 1698 564 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-98 Stephen Barden John Howland now John Hayward Samuell Richmond Samuell Eaton George Morton James Reed John Jones David Wood Edward Gray John Barden Paragrim White Jonathan Dunham Abraham Barden William Brewster have paid his pur- Samuell Pratt Matthew Fuller chase money to Thomas Tomson Francis Combs Arthur Howland Peter Tomson Grabrill Followell this 15 May 1698." John Miller junr Anthony Snow John Bennet junr Elder Chipman Peter Bennet John Morton John Soule junr. Henry Samson William Hascall Thomas Little Jonathan Morse junr. David Alden November 14, 1695. " At a Town Meeting held this day John Haskit was denied by the proprietors and inhabitants of our Town any residence within our Town as an inhabitant amongst us & he have been warned out several times as the law di- rects." " At a town meeting held at the town house in Middleboro this 1 2th. of Dec, 1695, Jonathan Cobb and John Bennett Sr. were chosen to treat with Mr. Cushman and to take his an- swer whether he will be our teacher or not, and if he declines to come to be our teacher then to take his proposition and terms on which he declines to come." 1696 May 20, 1696. " At the town meeting held at the Meeting- house, it was then voted thus : All those that are willing that a petition shall be drawn up to be sent to the Great Court at Boston in order for the procuring of help of the proprietors that live out of the town for the carrying on of the work of the ministry amongst us, let them manifest it by lifting up their hands. This is clearly voted." 1698 April 1 1, 1698. ... "At the same meeting Lieutenant Jacob Thompson and Joseph Vaughan are chosen and empowered to buy plank in redyness for the building of the meeting house and to pay for sd plank of that money which they take for the land which is assigned towards the building of said meeting- house." 1 7°°] CIVIL HISTORY 565 1700 Know all men by these presents that whereas wee Isral Chittington Josiah Edson and William Bassett having been nominated and chosen by Capt. James Warren, Insign John Waterman and Mr. William Shirtliff agents of the town of Plymouth of the one party and Lieut. Jacob Tomson Mr. John Sole, and Mr. Joseph Vaughan agents for the Town of Mid- dleborough of the other party, as a comitty run the line fix and settle the bounds and dividing line between the sd Towns of Plymouth and Middleborough part of the way between sd Towns as pr bounds enterchangeably given between the 3d partys dated the 14th instant may more fully appeare Wee the sd comitty have therefore run the sd line fixed and settled the sd bounds as followeth that is to say beginning att a great white oake tree marked on foure sides standing neere the place called Mahutchett on the southerly side of an old pauth by a swamp and thence running south a little easterly by marked range trees unto a great swamp pine or spruce tree marked on foure sides standing by the edge of a piece of fresh meadow neere the bever dam brook, and from that spruce tree running westerly on a straight line to the mouth of the brooke called Springie brook where it runs into Rockey meadow broke and thence unto a marked maple tree standing on the westerly side of sd Rockey meadow brooke and thence on a straight line to a pine tree marked on foure sides a little above the sd maple tree, and thence by marked range trees on the west- erly side of the meadow down to a marked pine tree stand- ing on the west side of a cart path neere the great body of meadow, and thence running partly by the east pauth on the westerly side of it and partly by marked trees untill it come to a pine tree standing above a rockey point riming down into the meadow, being marked on foure sides, and thence riming nere east northeast down to a greate pine tree marked on foure sides standing on the sd point and so on the sd streight line down to the river having had due regard to include ye meadows formerly granted to sd Town of Plymouth with con- veniencys of upland for fencing of sd meadows acording to Court grant In Witness whereof we have here unto sett our hands this 1 5th day of May 1 700. Israell Chittenden Josiah Edson Wm. Bassett 566 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 To all people to whom these presents shall come greeting &c : whereas there has been some contest continuously and debate between the town of Plymouth and the Town of Midlebery about and concerning the dividing line between the said Towns that is to say from a white oak tree standing at or near the place called Mahuchet formerly setled by the Court of Plym- outh : unto the lower part of the body of the meadow called the south meadow where it was on the 26th : of September 1695 agreed upon by the agents for the towns of Plimouth Rochester and Middlebery : now Know yee that wee James Warren : William Shurtliff and John Waterman : of and agents for the said town of Plimouth and wee Jacob Tomson John Soul and Joseph Vaughan agents for said town of Middleberry have as agents aforesaid mutually elected and chosen Capt. Israel Chitington Capt. Josiah Edson and Capt. W'illiam Bessit as a committee to settle and determine the said dividing line between said towns of Plimouth and Midlebery and the Court records and any former agreement made between the said Towns or their agents to be as a rule or direction for the said commite to ground their actions upon : and we the said agents before named do firmly bind and oblige ourselves together with the sd towns of Plimouth and Midlebery each unto the other : in the full sum of one hundred pounds in currant mony of New England : that the said towns shall stand to and abide by such a line or bounds as shall be run and stated by them the sd Israel Chitington Josiah Edson and William Bassit and the two of them : their said setlement being given unto of them : any time on or before the first day of date hereof In witness whereof th presents have to two Instruments of the tennour of these their hands and seals this 14th day of May 1700 James Warren In presence of Betty y/1/ Waterman William Shurtlef (Seal) her mark Anna A Ransom his Nehemiah ^ Bassit John Waterman (Seal) V„ mark May 20, 1700. " Being a town meeting it was voted by the inhabitants that 40 shillings shall be raised on the town to be expended on the raising of the meeting house for the refresh- i 7 oi-oG] CIVIL HISTORY 5^7 ment of such as shall be at the raising. It is likewise agreed on and carried by the vote of the inhabitants of the town that the meeting house shall be raised on that piece of land that lies between the two roads, that is to say, on the Northerly side of the County Road that leads to Plymouth and on the Southeast side of the road that leads to Bridgewater." 1701 August 5, 1 701. "Ata town meeting of the inhabitants of Midleberry Aug. 5, 1701, the meeting house was exposed to seale at an outcry and Patiance Hascall, the wife of John Has- call, bid five pounds, 2 shillings money to be paid to the select- men within 3 months and the meeting house to be removed some time between this and winter." 1702 February 15,1 702. " At a Town Meeting held this day, it is voted that whereas the Town have formerly agreed with Ed- ward Thomas concerning the raising of the Bridge & Causey near his house that it should be raised 3 foot and that the said Edward Thomas should make & maintain the Causey & the Town the Bridge, which accordingly hath been raised near the heights of aforesaid, wherefore the Town doth now agree with satd Edward Thomas that he shall keep the Causey in repair & the Town the Bridge, the length that the Bridge now is & when the Bridge shall have need to be repaired again it shall be Made as high as the Causey then is." 1705 "At a town meeting Dec. 10, 1705, the town voted that the Indians shall have 10 shillings for the lumber that was cut on their land for the building of our meeting house to be paid out of the next town rate." 1706 March 29, 1706. "The Town voted that each housekeeper in the Town shall sometime before the middle of June next bring or send in unto Peter Bennet six blackbirds heads upon the penalty of two shillings, that is to say four pence for each head that shall not so be brought in and whoever shall bring or send unto said Peter Bennet more than the aforesaid six heads shall be paid after the rate of twelve pence for six blackbirds heads, & the said Peter Bennet is hereby ordered to receive the said heads & keep an account of the same, & that one Crow s head shall be accepted instead of three blackbirds heads. 568 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1707-08 June 12, 1706. "Town voted that there shall be no ware nor dam set across Namasket River between the Town Ware, that is now to be set up by the Town & the mouth of Assa- wampsett Pond. "Also voted that there shall be a rate of 10 pounds levied on the inhabitants of the Town for the procuring a supply of the Town stock of Ammunition." 1707 June 3, 1 707. " Town agreed with Ebenezer Tinkham, Jona- than Cob & Jeremiah Thomas to provide for the Ministers & Messengers that are sent for to sit in Council the next week, & the Town vote to pay unto them after the rate of ten pence a meal each for their diet in money, to be paid by a Town rate by the last of July next & the Town voted that those that pro- vide for them either rum or wine, shall be paid in money for the same in said rate & that those who pasture their horses shall be allowed six pence for 24 hours for the same in money in said rate & said rate to be made by the Selectmen." 1708 The petition of Ephraim Little for himself and the other proprietors of the town, to the General Court of the state or province, May 26, 1708, sets forth that the general Court in 1703 appointed "a committee to hear the claims of sundry Indians to land on Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Assawam- set, Titticut &c a . which committee, having notified the Eng- lish & Indians concerned and heard the please & allegations on both sides, made their Report the said yeare, to this Court : the fourth paragraph whereof to Assawomset Neck, in Middle- berry aforesd. and contains as follows vixt. Concerning the Claim of Betty Sassamon to Assawomset Neck & other lands thereabouts, we find that the Will presented to us, which she saith was made by Pamattaqeasson dec d : is not truly translated, as having the original to compare with the copy ; and also by the comparison of Capt. Howdee one of the witnesses present that the said Will was written many years since the said " Mat- taqeason's death ; as also that the English do not molest the sd Betty from the quiet enjoyment of the 27 acres of land that was her father's John Sassamon's, neither do they molest her nor the heires of said Feelix from the enjoyment of the fifty eight acres formerly possessed by sd Feelix on Assawomset neck," — which report had lain before the court ever since the beginning of 1704, without being passed upon. 1717-18] CIVIL HISTORY 569 " In the House of Representatives, June 24th. Read 25th Read & Ordered That the praier of this petition be granted saving to the Indians the 27 acres & the 58 acres, as re- served in the Report," which was finally concurred in Octo- ber 27. Rev. Thomas Palmer brought several actions against the town for recovering his salary during the years 1708-09. 1717 During the winter of this year occurred the great snowstorm so often mentioned by older inhabitants of the town. It com- menced on Sunday, and continued until the next Wednesday night. The snow fell at an average depth of seven feet, and drifted to the depth of twelve feet. The lower windows of houses were covered, and so great was the weight of snow that supports had to be placed in many houses under the roofs in garrets to prevent their falling in. Paths were dug under the snow from houses to barns, and snow was melted for cattle to drink. In some instances trees were so buried that men walked to their neighbors' on snowshoes, going over orchards. When the snow melted, it caused great freshets, destroying many dams and mills throughout the colony. 1718 At a town meeting February 17, 17 18, the town voted "to make choice of Jeremiah Thomas to be their agent to go to Freetown and to treat with Mr. Craghdad and the scholar that is with him in order to procure the said scholar to come to us and to be with us about six weeks upon trial in order that his settling with us as school master if we can agree upon terms and our said agent to agree with him upon terms for the afore- said six weeks." At a town meeting November 26, 171 8, the town voted that "the gallery in the meeting-house shall be taken down on the Northerly side of the house 30 feet in length and that the pulpit shall be got home to the wall on that side of the house, and that the selectmen should agree with the carpenter in the town's behalf concerning the difference that there may be in the charge by reason of the taking down the gallery from what it would have been in the former way proposed." The town at a town meeting this year passed several votes in reference to allowing persons to build pews in the meeting- house. 570 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1721-28 1721 May 26, 1 72 1. "Town voted for the ensuing year there shall be liberty for swine to go at large being ringed & yoked according as the law directs & that the Field drivers be under- stood to be the proper officers to take care of the just obser- vation of the law in that case provided." 1722 April 17, 1722. "Town agreed with Thomas Nelson that he should take his fish at the ware that now is at Assawampsett Brook & load the carts, for 12 pence a load." 1723 At the town meeting March 10, 1723, " the town voted that the hind seat below in the meeting house and the hind seat in each of the men's galleries shall be for the boys to sit in and that Andrew Mansfield and Joseph Bale, two of the tithing men and Daniel Wood shall be empowered to have inspection over the boys to prevent their playing at meeting." 1724 At the town meeting February 17, 1724, "the town being informed that several of the neighbors are about to set a wear over Namasket River at Pochade Neck, the town voted their disapprobation of their proceedings therein and voted to leave it to the selectmen of the town to take due care to prevent the said wear from being built." 1726 September 13, 1726. "Voted that Zacheus, the Indian shall have 8 shillings for killing a wild cat in the Town." In 1726 so severe a sickness prevailed in town that more than four hundred and fifty persons were ill at one time for several months, and the number of well were not sufficient to attend to the necessities of the sick and the funeral services of those who had died ; no business could be transacted ; but little grain was sown or corn planted, and there were not enough well men in town to harvest the scanty crops. The selectmen petitioned the General Court for relief, and the court the next session remitted the whole amount of the town tax. 1728 At a town meeting May 7, 1728, "the town voted to take their part of the 60,000 pounds bills of public credit sent to them according to the act of the General Assembly and also 1729-30] CIVIL HISTORY 57 1 voted to make choice of Deacon Samuel Barrows, Lieutenant Nathaniel Southvvorth and Ensign Elkanah Leonard for their trustees to demand and receive the same of the province trea- surer and to let it out in the town upon good personal security at 6fo per annum and that no one person shall take out above 20 pounds nor under 10 pounds, the personal security to be a good surety or sureties, the principal and surety or sureties to be bound jointly and severally in the discretion of the trus- tees, etc." At the same town meeting it was voted "that Lieut. Na- thaniel Southworth and Mr. John Bennet and Ensign Elkanah Leonard be a committee to provide for the town 1 drum, 4 halberds, 1 flight of colors at as reasonable rate as they can, and the town to bear the charge thereof, the money to be raised at the next town rate." 1729-30 At a town meeting March 10, 1729-30, the town voted "to raise money for the enabling of Francis Wilks and Jonathan Belcher Esquires, to wait on the affairs of the province at the court of Great Britain and also to raise said money by way of subscription and whereas it is expected that said money will be returned to the town out of the province treasury wherefore the town voted that in case the money is not paid to the town or particular persons who subscribed the money out of the pro- vince treasury that in one year and that in case thereof the town voted to pay unto the particular persons their respective sums which they subscribed, the same to be made at the town rate." March 10, 1729-30, "an account of the money raised for the enabling Francis Wilks and Jonathan Belcher Esquires to wait on the affairs of this province at the court of Great Britain as followeth, that is, to pay money let to the town by the particular persons hereinafter named : — Lieutenant Nathaniel Southworth 2 pounds John Tinkham 2 pounds Deacon Samuel Barrows 2 pounds Jacob Thompson 2 pounds Samuel Wood 1 pound 10 shillings Thomas Thompson Sr. 2 pounds Mr. Samuel Palmer 10 shillings Mr. John Bennet 1 pound Shubel Tinkham 1 pound Joel Ellis 1 pound 572 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i73i"35 Jonathan Smith 15 shillings Capt. Peter Bennet 1 pound Capt. Vaughan 10 shillings Benjamin White 1 pound Ephraim Thompson 10 shillings. Ensign Jacob Vaughan 15 shillings Francis Miller 1 pound John Cobb 10 shillings Mr. Experience Sprout 1 pound John Thompson 1 pound Barnabas Thompson 1 pound "And on May 13, 1730, the above parties acknowledged that they had received in full of Mr. Samuel Wood each of us his- money that he raised for the use of Squire Belcher and Mr. Wilks and do aquit and discherge him, the said Samuel Wood and the town for the same as witness our hands." 173 1 At a town meeting September 15, 1731, "the town voted that they are humbly of the opinion that it is a duty incumbent on the honorable house of representatives to take care to main- tain their just and valuable privileges respecting the supplying the treasury and that no money ought to be issued out of the treasury without any inquiry of the house for what ends and use it is issued and that it is necessary for their consent and allowance thereto as well as of the other privileges of the legis- lative power to which is a privilege the house of representatives have enjoyed as an undoubted right under this present consti- tution." December 13, 173 1. "Town voted that they will make their cartways about 8 inches wider than they now are, by setting their cart wheels so much further at a distance, provided that the Towns of Bridgewater & Plimpton fall in with us & do the same sometime before the last day of April next." 1735 At the Town meeting December 8, 1735, Mr. Elkanah Leonard was chosen agent to appear in the town at the town's behalf at the next general session of the peace to be holden at Plymouth to answer the town's presentment for being des- titute of a Grammar School Master three months in the sum- mer past. " We Thomas Nelson and Thomas Peirce of Middleboroare 1738-46] CIVIL HISTORY 573 appointed by the Church of Swansea to take and give in a list to the assessors of each precinct of Middleboro of the names of all those called Ana-Baptists that we believe are con- scientious of their opinion and we desire they may have the benefit of the law in that case made and provided." The list is as follows : — Benjamin Booth, Sr., Thomas Nelson, Sr., Thomas Peirce, Sr., Joshua Howland, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Thomas Peirce, Jr., William Nelson, Jr., John Howland, Foxel Nelson. 1738 Middleboro Sept. 22, 1738. We whose names are hereunto subscribed hombly showeth to the assessors of the westerly precinct in Middleboro who acknowledge that we are of the Baptist opinion and who fre- quent their meetings at all hours and have done for the sup- port and willing so to do if occasion should serve and further do desire to be excused from paying minister's rates as the law directs. Isaac Reynolds. Ebenezer Peirce. Ephraim Reynolds. Isaac Peirce Jr. Electius Reynolds. Elisha Peirce. Ambrose Brayley. Timothy Rogers. Caleb Peirce. Wm. Holloway. and we do also inform you that each of the persons above mentioned do frequently and usually attend our meetings for the worship of God on the Lord's Day and we claim are con- scientious of the Baptist opinion from under our hands. Thomas Nelson, Thomas Prince chosen by the Baptist Church of Swansea. 1740 September 29, 1740. "Town voted that the selectmen shall provide at the Town's cost, for a Town stock, two barrels of powder, & shot in proportion to it, & that the Selectmen draw money out of the Town Treasury to pay for same." 1746 January 6, 1746. "This day being appointed for electing guardians to the Indians in their several plantations, the two houses proceeded to the said choice. And the following per- sons were duly chosen by the major vote of the Council and House of Representatives : ] — 1 Province Laws, vol. iii, p. 341. 574 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [i747"75 " For Plymouth, Pembroke and Middleboro, John Cushing and James Warren Esq., and Capt. Josiah Edson, Jr." "At a town meeting held at M. old meeting house July 21, 1746, Capt. Nathl. Southworth was chosen Moderator of said meeting. And then the town by vote chose capt. Nathl South- worth, capt. Ebenr Morton, John Miller, Mr. John Bennet, and Jacob Tomson a committee to view the Iron Ore in As- sawamset pond near Robert Richmond's and to lease out or sell the same to the best advantage they can for the use of the town ; and if they lease it, not to exceed the time of fif- teen years : Mr. Jonathan King of Taunton to have the prefer- ence in case he will give as much for the same as any other person." 1747 Town meeting held February 15, 1747. "Voted to proceed to choose a Committee of three Men to take care of all the Ore in Assawampsett Pond to the directions the Town shall now & from time to time give them. " Committee : Isaac Sampson, Joseph Padock, Capt. Ichabod Southworth. " Voted at same meeting that the above Committee shall dig & sell 50 tons of said Ore to the best advantage they can & render an account to the Town at the next Town Meet- ing after such Ore is dug & sold, the product thereof to be paid into the Town. Voted that the above Committee shall have the oversight of all the Ore in Assawampsett Pond, with full power to prosecute all & every person that shall dig or carry off any of the above Ore without their order until said Committee shall have other instructions from this Town of Middleboro." 1756 March 22, 1756. "Voted that there should be no Ale- wives taken at Assawampsett Brook (so called) this spring, saving at the Highway near Mr. Samuel Thrasher's & then only Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays in each week & no longer." 1775 "Town Meeting held at the Easterly Precinct Meeting- house in Middleborough on Monday, the 22nd. of October last, at said meeting, the Town then made choice of us, the sub- scribers to provide a place to keep the Town stock of ammu- nition in and accordingly we have agreed with Mr. Samuel 1777-78] CIVIL HISTORY 575 Tinkham Jun. to keep it in his Corn house, which he will do provided the Town will pay him four shillings as long as the Town shall see cause." 1777-78 This year the smallpox, one of the most dreaded diseases known to the country, was prevalent in Middleboro. A large number of inhabitants between the ages of sixteen and sixty were in the war, and it was with difficulty that persons could be found to take proper care of those who were sick. As soon as any one was known or suspected to have this disease, he was at once removed to one of the pest-houses in town. One of them was located in the Soule neighborhood, in the house now standing near Brook Street ; at the time it was owned by Seth Eddy, a brother of Captain Joshua Eddy. Rev. Sylvanus Conant and eight of his parishioners were taken here and died. Another of these houses was on a cross-road which led from Plymouth Street near to the resi- dence of the late Nahum M. Tribou across to Precinct Street, not far from the late residence of Mr. Foley. It was situated on the westerly side of this road about halfway between Plym- outh and Precinct streets, and known as the Baxter Place. But one person died here, and was buried not far from the house. The place where the house stood is now grown up to woods. The other pest-house was located in the Leonard house, still standing, on Vernon Street, in Titicut. A num- ber died here, and were buried by the side of the wall near this house. This disease was so dreaded that no one would take care of the patients, except those who had previously had it. This involved great inconvenience in obtaining what was needed. A certain part of the day someone from the pest-house would walk to within hailing distance of passers-by, call out their necessities, then return to the house. The person accosted would bring the articles wanted and leave them at a proper distance from the house, to be taken as soon as he retired. Often the fires in these houses would go out, and the inmates would call for live coals, which were brought in the same way, and thus the fires could be rekindled. At this time vaccina- tion was not generally approved, and there was great terror lest this disease should become more general. The matter came before the town at various times, and the following votes were passed : — 57^ HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1778 "Town Meeting held March 9- 1778. Voted not to allow an anoculation of the small pox to be set up in any house or houses in this Town. " Voted that the infected persons of this Town that have the small pox remain where they are under the inspection of the Selectmen. " Voted that the Selectmen of the town shall inquire into the conduct of those persons that have set up an anoculation of small pox in this town & proceed with them according to law. " Voted that no persons shall presume to go to the houses that are infected with the small pox, without a permit from the selectmen of this Town. " Voted to choose a committee of five men for inspection." "Adj. meeting held March 11-1778. "Voted to choose a Committee of nine men to make report to the town rela- tive to the small pox." " Report of the Above Committee : In consideration that the season of the year is now opening and a formidable preparation is now making by the invatorite forces of this land & at present it being very uncertain where the seat of war will be this present year, therefore it is in our opinion that all proper measures should be taken to prevent the spreading of the small pox in this place and we forthermore report that all those persons who have or shall for the future pre- sume to anoculate with the small pox shall be prosecuted according to law & that the selectmen shall immediately take all possible measures to prevent the spreading of the small pox and also that all the good people of this Town that are friends to their Country exert themselves to their utmost to secure the Town from the small pox." "Town Meeting held June 2, 1778. Report of Committee to draw plan for Town to admit of an Anoculation : — " To admit of one anoculation hospital in some convenient place in easterly part of Town and also another anoculating hospital in westerly part of Town. " That the Doctors & undertakers or managers shall be laid under good & suf- ficient bonds to see that there are good regulations kept up in said hospitals. " That no person shall pass the operation of the small pox by anoculation in either of said hospitals only by leave from the Doctors & managers of said hos- pitals and to give good and sufficient bonds that they will obey all rules and regulations accepted in said hospitals. " That there shall at all times be kept sufficient room for any that may be taken with small pox the natural way, and that all taken with small pox the natural way in this Town shall be received into the nearest of said hospitals, and be well pro- vided for and taken good care of by the Doctors and undertakers of said hospital. " That all persons or any clothing or any other thing directed to said hospital by the selectmen to be cleansed shall be renovated and sufficiently cleansed. " That all the cost arising shall be paid by those having the small pox if they are able, but the cost of any taken the natural way .if unable to pay the cost, then for the town to pay their cost. " Town Voted at said meeting : " That the selectmen have the whole power in providing the said hospitals and the time how long said anoculation shall continue." I779-S7] CIVIL HISTORY 577 Joshua White and Solomon Reade, March 18, 1778, peti- tioned the General Court for leave to erect a hospital at some convenient place in Titicut, " where persons may receive the Smallpox in the easiest manner which would save persons and their families great expense with going a great distance for inoculation." 1779 "Jan. 29, 1779, Committee chosen at a previous meeting regarding plans & best place to erect a work house, reported as follows : — " ' To take the house now owned by the Town standing on Mr. Jonathan Wood's land & move it & set it on the south easterly corner of the home farm of Israel Wood, near the land lately owned by Judge Oliver, to be under the inspection of & regulated by the selectmen agreeable to the law of this state. Signed John Alden Ichabod Wood ) George Leonard James Smith > Committee ' Henry Peirce ) " Town voted to accept the above report & chose David Vaughan Nathan Eddy & Ezra Harlow as a Committee to remove, set up & finish the house. " Also voted to take a lease of Mr. Israel Wood for 30 yrs. for the work-house to stand on his land ; said ' Wood ' promised the Town that so long as he received no damage by the house standing on his land, he would exact no cost." May 17, 1779. "Voted to repair the House owned by the Town that stood on the land of Jonathan Wood for a work- house where it now stands." 1786-87 During the troubles arising from the depreciated currency, which in other parts of the state led to Shays's Rebellion, there was no open revolt in Middleboro, and the only action taken by the town was the passing of the following votes after much discussion in town meeting and elsewhere : — At a Town Meeting holding at Middleborough Jan ye 2d 1786 for the Purpose of Instructing their Deputy at the Grate and General Court Respecting the a bank of paper money. To Mr. Isaac Tomson Sr. It cannot be that you are unacquainted with the Grate Scarsety of money which is utterly Inadequate to the Requission of authority made on us and answering the Purpose of a medium of Trade — you have Doutless bin Informed of the 57§ HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1786 Imprisonment of one our Collector and Should the Execution now in the hands of the officers be Leveld Grat Numbers of that Class of Men Would find them- selves in the Same Predicament With a Possabelaty of Prevension. Not to mention the Numberles Actions Daly Commensing in our Courts that the unhappy Defendant have it not in their Power Barely to pay the Cost which will Ruine We your Constituants therefore 1 Duty to Give you our Direction and you to obay them We Do Sr Injoin it on you that you Do to of your ability by Every Possable argument bring forward of a bank of paper money on the following establishment. . . . that it be made a Legal Tender in all Payments Throughout this State. Whatever and that the Tender on Said money be not Taken of on any Pre- tenc without Previously Obtaining the Consent of the People at Large, that the money So Do not Exceed the Sum of thirteen Hundred thou- sand pounds and that it Makes it way into Circulation by Dischargeing the Most Pressing Demands on the State with the Changes of Government and those Publick Cecurities that are on Intrest and Demandable there by Stoping their Intrest and affording an amediate Releas to the Distrest. that this States Treasurer be Directed to give it the Preference of to Gold or Silver in all and throughout this Commonwealth, that Said money Continue in Circulation the Irim of Nine years and to be Redeemed annually by applying to that Purpose all Duties Customs and & what Said Duties &c Doth not Redeem the Remainder to be on the & Estate of this Commonwealth in the then Currant money of Said State. their may be Sum of the that may Subject themselves to the Lost of their Property When rendered we Request their may be a Limited Time for Such to Demand and Receive their Money which if Neglected the Debtor to be Intitled to the Money and have a right of action against the Creditor for his Security and Cost. S r we Plainly forsee their will be Grat Opposition in the Esstablishment of a Paper Currency by Wealthy and Overbaring Setts of men who can build up their fortens on the Ruens of their Country in its Present Distrest Situ- ation than with a Lively Medium of Trade & we Sr Injoin it in you that this be made known to the Court that they may be made acquainted with our Dis- tresses and that all Execution be Susspended untill a Medium in trade be Sub- stituted. To the Gentlemen Representatives of the Town of Middleborough. Gentlemen as we have Chosen you to Represent us att the Great and Gen- eral Court who are to meet at Boston on the last wenday of This Instant May and Then from time to time to Do the benefits of this Common Wealth for the Ensuing year. 1 The original, from which this is copied, is so worn as to be illegible in places. 1786] CIVIL HISTORY 579 Special Trust and Confidence in your Loyalty, faithfullness Wisdom and zeal for the Good of this Common Wealth We Recommend the following In- structions for the General Rule of your Conduct. We think the Great Distress and Difficulty of the Present Unhappy Cituation and Disturbences of this Dis- tress : Commonwealth in General and of the western Countys In Particular is for want of some medium of trade we therefore expect you will use your En- deavors to Provide These for and an act of Indemnity for all These Pittyfull Peopil who Have Been Led a Stray from Good order so far as is Consistent with the Safety of this Common wealth Even those who are att Present Con- demned to Death from the highest to the Lowest and That the Troops in that part of this Common Wealth may be Calld Without loss of time this we give as our Possivitive Instructions. We think that a medium of trade is neces- sary in a Common Wealth as blood is in the veans of the Hemain Body We Instruct you to use your Influences to have a Bank of Paper money made to Redeem the publick Securities that the Interest May Stop and if a Suffi- ciency of paper for a medium Shod fall Short of Redeeming the whol of the publick Security Lett the Remainder thereof be Savd as other monies are we know of Nothing that will Substitute in the Lew of Silver and gold beter than paper. We Insist at all Events that the Sender act be Continued with the Inlarge- ment that the Same Committy that prize the Estate Shod also say what part of it shall be Sett of to the Creditor. We think the Constitution might be amended and we wod that the minds of the Common Wealth might be known and if the two thirds a Grea uppon an amendment we might be in a way to accomplish it. We think that a Small tax to be paid in flaxseed & in the Contry towns and in fish and oil in the Seeports towns Might answer Sum valuable purpus in the Lew of hard money. That you use your Influence to have the Cost Removed out of Boston as we think the members will be more attentive and Constant in the Publick business. We wish that this State might be Divided in three parts the old Colleny of Plymouth in one and Boston in one and the Province of Main in one and Each to have three Parts of the Lands and all other Privi- ledgies. We Recomend that a Duty may be Laid upon all Superflueitys as far as may be for the We Sopose that a Small Duty uppon Commissions of honner and Profit might answer a Good Purpus. That there have been Divers poor familys that have had but one Cow and that has ben taken for Rates where by the Poorwido and others have been Put to Extrem Poverty and wholly Dependent on the Neighbours &c. that you wod use your Influence that Something may be Done to Rel'eive Such Porpous That the Constables and Collectors for there tax Shod not be obligd Suddenly to Drive to Extremity for Gathering the &c Last. 580 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1793-1805 1793 July 11, 1793. " Voted that Capt William Pratt & Capt. Polycarpus Edson remove the whole of the dam or incumbrance put in by them into the River at Titiquot Falls, within three weeks from the passing of this vote." 1794 November 3, 1794. " Voted that the selectmen request the several ministers in said Town of Middleborough to call a contribution for the late sufferers by fire in the Town of Boston, said contribution to take place on the evening of Thanksgiving Day." 1801 May 13, 1801. " Voted that the Representative to the Gen- eral Court be instructed to oppose the petition of William Rotch & others respecting the cutting of a navigable canal from the Tide waters of Aquishnet River in New Bedford into the Long Pond in Freetown & from thence into the great Assawampsett Pond in Middleborough — Vote — yeas 214; nays 160." 1803 "Town Meeting held Mar. 7, 1803. " Voted, to accept the Report of the Committee chosen by the Town to draw up a plan for the sale of the Poor. " Voted, to sell the said Poor at auction this day in Town meeting agreeably to said report & the Selectmen appointed Capt. William Thomson, Vendue Master ; Capt. James Pierce, being the lowest bidder, bought the support of the Poor for one year for $769." 1804 "Town Meeting held May 9, 1804. " Voted, that the Selectmen be instructed to post up as the law directs, any person belonging to said Town, who shall be found tippling & spending their time & property in stores &c, in order as far as possible to prevent the unnecessary practice of tippling." 1805 "Town Meeting held April 1, 1805. " Voted that the poor man that keeps but one cow, have liberty to let it run on the highways & commons the present year." 1807-39] CIVIL HISTORY 58 1 1807 "Town Meeting held Apr. 13, 1807. " Voted to allow for a man 100, a yoke of oxen 100 per hour for all the work done on the highways & bridges before the first day of July next, & all the work done on the highways after that period to be allowed 70 per hour & a yoke of oxen 70 by the hour & for a horse, cart & plough, to be left to the discretion of the assessors to fix the price per day or hour as they shall think proper." 1839 This year sixty-four of the farmers of the town were paid bounties for raising wheat. The bounty was two dollars for every fifteen bushels, with five cents a bushel for every addi- tional one. There were thirteen hundred and thirty bushels, upon which bounty was paid to the amount of one hundred and forty-six dollars and fifty-seven cents. The largest amount raised by any one person was Peter H. Peirce, fifty-six bushels ; the next, Lorenzo Wood, thirty-nine bushels. CHAPTER XXX EARLY PURCHASES FROM THE INDIANS S the population of the colony increased, settlements were at first confined to the coast in Duxbury, Marshfield, and along the shores of Cape Cod. It was not long before the enterprising men foresaw the growing needs of the population and began to buy lands, usu- ally in large tracts in the outlying district. Not a few of them had made purchases which now include whole townships. In order carefully to protect the interest of the Indians and to see that no undue advantage was taken of them, as early as 1643 tri e General Court at Plymouth forbade the purchasing or hiring of any land from the Indians without consent of the magistrates of the colony, under a penalty of five pounds for every acre so purchased or rented. 1 Such was the fairness of the pilgrims of Plymouth and their immediate descendants that no portion of the land in the Old Colony was ever acquired from the Indians without their receiving its full value. 1 Plymouth Colony Laws, 1643, P- 74- " Whereas it is holden very unlawfull and of dangerous consequence and it hath beene the constant custome from our first beginning That no person or persons have or ever did purchase rent or hire any lands herbage wood or tymber of the Natives but by the Majestrates consent, It is therefore enacted by the Court that if any person or persons as hereafter purchase rent or hyre any lands herbage wood or tymber of any of the Natives in any place within this Governt without the consent and assent of this Court every such person or persons shall forfait five pounds for every acree which shalbe so purchased hyred rented and taken and for wood and tymber to pay five times the value thereof to be levyed to the Colonies use." Ibid. p. 129. In 1660, " In reference unto the law prohibiting buying or hiering land of the Indians directly or indirectly bearing date 1643 tne Court interpretts those words alsoe to comprehend under the same penaltie ; a prohibition of any mans receiving any lands under pretence of any gift from the Indians without the approbation of the Court." And in the edition of the General Laws pub- lished in 1672, the same provision is inserted. MAP OF ORIGINAL PURCHASES FROM THE INDIANS I I I ■ < * • / < v ■ « E V . - ^ i B C H A fl ■ / F4R7 Of i a \ - \ •-EJ3 1 1662] EARLY PURCHASES FROM THE INDIANS 583 While many of the towns in the present county of Plymouth were covered by grants, Middleboro was purchased from the Indians by some one or more persons appointed by the Gen- eral Court as agents for those who desired to become own- ers. 1 The first purchase was made in 1662, and in the next twenty years the greater portion of the town had been bought, excepting small tracts around the great ponds and the Titicut reservation, which the Indians retained. The purchases were carefully recorded, most of them having been preserved in their original form and deposited for safe- keeping in the town clerk's office. The boundary lines of many of these purchases and their subsequent divisions into lots were usually marked by oak or THE OLD OAK TREE (This marks the easterly boundary of the Indian Reservation in Titicut) pine trees. Most of these trees have long since disappeared, and there is at present but one known to exist and positively identified, which marked the easterly border of the Indian reservation in Titicut. This tree is probably more than three hundred years old, and is located on the brow of the hill on 1 Baylies, New Plymouth, p. 310. 584 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1661 the south side of Center Street, thirty rods west of Pleasant Street. Near it was the house of one of the three Indians who gave their land to Titicut parish. TWENTY-SIX MEN'S PURCHASE On March 7, 1661, Captain Thomas South worth of Plym- outh, in behalf of the court for the jurisdiction of Plymouth, bought of Josiah Wampatuck, Indian sagamore, for seventy pounds, land which has always been known as the Twenty-six Men's Purchase. It was confirmed by order of the court the June following, 1662-63, an d again in September, 1680. To all people to whom these presents shall Come Josias Wampatucke Indian Sagamore sendeth Greet &c Know yee that I the said Josias Wampatucke for and in Consideration of the full Sume of three Star (?) and ten pounds for which I have Received a bill of Edward Gray of Plymouth in New England in America Planter ; have freely and absolutely bargained allianated and sold, enfeofed and Confirmed ; and by these presents doe bargaine sell enfeof and Confirme unto Captaine Thomas Southworth of Plymouth aforsaid in the behalfe of the Court for the Jurisdic- tion of Plymouth in New England ; a Tract of land bounded as f olloweth viz : from William hopkins his house at Lakenham alonge the old Indian path ; to the wading place at Namassakett River, Namly all that land that lyeth bounded on the south side by the said path and on the west side by Namassaket River and on the East side by the brooke at Tepikamicut ; on the north side and end by Wimabusksett Brooke and the River that goes to Taunton; That is to say all theMand within the said bounds ; with all and singular the woods waters Rivers meddows and all other appurtenances privilidges and ennuities in and within and upon the said landsoe bounded as aforsaid with libertie to make use of the alewives with libertie for Cattle alsoe to pasture freely on the southerly side of the aforsd path excepting the Indian field by Namassaket River; To have and to hold all the said tract of land bounded as aforsaid with all and Singulare the privilidges and appurtenances belonging therunto or to any pt or prcell therof ; unto the said Captaine Thomas Southworth and Court of New Plymouth his and theire heires and assignes forever, from mee the said Josias Wampatucke and my heires. To him the said Capt. Thomas Southworth and Court of New Plym- outh his and theire heires and assignes forever ; To bee holden as of his Majties manor of Wast greenwich in the County of Kent in free and Comon Tenage and not in Capite nor by Knights service ; by the Rents and services therof and therby due and of Right accustomed warranting the sale therof and every pte. and prcell therof and all and singulare the appurtenances belonging therunto against all prsons whatsoever that Shall att any time lay or make any claime Right or Interest in the said premises or anypt or prcell thereof; Reserving i66i] TWENTY-SIX MEN'S PURCHASE 585 libertie for hunting within the said lands in any way ; excepting by seting of Trapps wherby theire Cattle may be Indangered ; which together with un Ne- cesary and un Reasonable dividing of theire Cattle thereon ; I doe heerby engage not to doe, also for the use of some few trees either Cedar or Spruce ; if occasion Shall Require ; as alsoe that the Indians Shall have libertie to gather fiaggs on the said ground ; if they shall see cause or have occasion; All the said lands with theire said appurtenances excepting those particulars last excepted and expressed ; I the said Josias Wampatucke doe by these presents fully freely and absulutely with all my Right, title and Interest ; make over sell and confirme unto the said Captaine Thomas Southworth and Court of New Plymouth to his and theire heires and assignes forever as above expressed warranting the sale of the said premises and all theire appurtenances against all prsons whatsoever as above expressed. Moreover I the said Josias Wampatucke doe by these presents give libertie for the said Captaine Southworth or Court of New Plymouth to enrowle these presents or to Cause them to bee Recorded or enrowled in the court records of Plymouth aforsaid according to the usuall manor of Recording or enrowling evidences in such cases provided. In Witnes wherof I the said Josias Wampatucke have sett to my hand and seale this seaventh day of March Anno, dom : one Thousand six hundred sixty and one 1661. Signed Sealled and delivered The mark "J - * in the presence of Josias Nathaniel Morton Wampatucke Joseph Bradford and his seale The X marke of Paxquimanekett The X marke of George Manakes After this land was surveyed, it was apportioned among the proprietors for whom it had been purchased. 1 The following is a list of the original purchasers : 2 — John Adams Samuel Eddy William Bassett Lieut. Matthew Fuller Francis Billington Samuel Fuller Thomas Bordman Edward Gray William Brewster William Hodskins Peter Brown John Howland Edward Bumpus William Mullins Francis Cook William Nelson Philip Delano George Partridge Thomas Dotey William (Pontus) ? 1 Plymouth Registry of Deeds, Book II, Pt. II, p. 109. 2 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. iii, p. 334. This is probably correct, although some records give other names in a few instances. It is impossible to give a more exact list, as accounts vary. See History of the First Church of Middleboro, p. 123. 586 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1637 Andrew Ring George Soule John Shaw Francis Sprague Moses Simmons Resolved White John Adams was the son of John Adams, a passenger in the Fortune, who came to Plymouth in 162 1, and settled in that part of Marshfield called Green Harbor. He was one of the Purchade purchasers, but neither he nor his descendants lived in town. William Bassett was probably a son of William, who came over in the Fortune. The first William lived in Plymouth, Duxbury, and in West Bridgewater. He was an extensive land-owner at the time of his death (1667). His son settled in Sandwich. 1 Francis Billington. See chapter on Early Settlers. Thomas Bordman, sometimes spelled Burman, at one time lived in Lynn, and in 1637 moved to Sandwich. He was one of the owners in the Sixteen Shilling and the Purchade Pur- chases. He probably disposed of his allotment in this tract before the resettlement of the town. William Brewster was the son of Jonathan Brewster, and grandson of Elder Brewster of the Mayflower. He lived upon land of his grandfather in Duxbury, and was also one of the proprietors of the Purchade Purchase. 2 Peter Brown. But little is recorded concerning him. He may have been a son of the Peter Brown who was a passenger in the Mayflower. In addition to his interest in this purchase, he had originally one of the lots in the Purchade territory. Edward Bumpus. See chapter on Early Settlers. 1 See Mitchell's History of Bridgewater, p. Ill ; New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. iii, p. 334. 2 Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 236. 1630] TWENTY-SIX MEN'S PURCHASE 587 Francis Cook was a passenger in the Mayflower, 1 and one of the proprietors of the Purchade Purchase. He died in 1663, aged about eighty-one. Neither he nor his descendants ever lived in town. The whole or a portion of this tract of land was conveyed to Adam Wright and John Tomson before the gen- eral meeting of the " Liberties of Middleberry " in 1677. Philip Delano was of French origin, and his name origi- nally was spelled De la Noye, from which the modern name of Delano is derived. He was born in 1602, was with the pilgrims at Leyden as a young lad, and came to this country in the Fortune at the age of nineteen years. He settled in Duxbury, and was admitted as a freeman in 1632. He was one of the original proprietors of Bridgewater, and of the Purchade and South Purchases. He married Hester Dewsbury in 1634, and for his second wife Mary, daughter of James Glass, in 1657. He died in 1681, aged seventy-nine years. Neither he nor his descendants ever lived in town. 2 Thomas Dotey or Doted was a son of Edward Dotey, who came over in the Mayflower. His father fought the first duel in New England, with Edward Leister, at Plymouth, June 18, 1621. Samuel Eddy was born in England in 1608. He was a son of Rev. William Eddy of England, a non-conformist minister. He came to this country with his brother John, who sailed from Buxted, England, August 10, 1630, and arrived in Plymouth in the ship Handmaid, October 29, 1630. Governor Winthrop says that this vessel had sixty passengers and lost one, and he further says that "one of the Eddy's told me he had many letters in the ship for me." On November 7, 1637, he had three acres of land in Plymouth set off to him, and in 1641 had six acres of land and thirty acres of meadow land set off to him. He bought a house of Experience Mitchell at Spring Hill, at 1 Goodwin, Pilgrim Republic, p. 474. 2 Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 251. 588 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [167S the end of Main Street, Plymouth, May 9, 1634. He owned land in other places than Middleboro and Plymouth. He spent a portion of the latter part of his life in Middleboro, and died in Swansea. He was erirolled as a person capable of bearing arms in Plymouth in 1643, and a freeman in 1658. On the 3d of June, 1662, Samuel Eddy with others petitioned to the court at Plymouth for right to be granted them as being the first-born children of this government, and that the right purchased by Major Winslow and Captain Southworth should be assigned to them. He died in 1688, aged seventy-seven years. 1 Matthew Fuller was a son of Edward Fuller, but his par- ents died soon after their arrival at Plymouth, and little is known of his early history. He was the earliest regular physician in Barnstable, where he settled in 1652. He probably came over to Plymouth in 1640, and was admitted as a freeman in 1653. In 1673 he was appointed surgeon-general of the troops of the colony, and served as a captain of the Plymouth forces in King Philip's War. He died at Barnstable in 1678. 2 Samuel Fuller. See chapter on Early Settlers. Edward Gray was a merchant and ship-owner in Plymouth, and lived not far from the Kingston line. He came to Plym- outh with his brother Thomas in 1643, and was a large owner of land at Rocky Nook. In 1678 he hired of the colony Clark's Island for seven years, with liberty to " keep ten neat cattle free of rent," but the people of Plymouth were to have liberty to bring wood for fencing and firing from the island. He died at Plymouth in 1681, and his grave is marked by a stone, one of the oldest upon Burial Hill. Neither he nor his descendants ever lived in town. He was an extensive owner of real estate in different parts of the colony, and was also one of those inter- ested in the Purchade, Sixteen Shilling, Little Lotmen's, and 1 Eddy Family, p- 102. 2 Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, vol. ii, p. 217. 1695] TWENTY-SIX MEN'S PURCHASE 589 South Purchases. At the time of his death he was the richest man in the colony. William Hodskins or Hoskins. See chapter on Early Settlers. John Howland was one of the passengers in the Mayflower. He married Elizabeth Tilley, a daughter of John Tilley, of the Mayflower. The Plymouth Colony Records speak of him ^^^^- ^^ftO^ as a "godly man, an ancient pro- fessor in the ways of Christ, and an instrument of good in his place." He was the last male survivor of those who came in the Mayflower, who remained in Plymouth. He died March 5, 1673, at the age of eighty. He was one of the persons for whose benefit the Sixteen Shilling and the Purchade Purchases were made. He probably sold that portion of his land included in the Twenty-six Men's Purchase before the breaking out of King Philip's War. 1 He left four sons ; Isaac lived in Middleboro. William Mullins was probably the son William, one of the signers of the civil compact in the cabin of the Mayflower, and his name is among the original Purchade purchasers. Neither he nor his descendants ever lived in town. William Nelson. See chapter on Early Settlers. George Partridge came to the colony in 1636. He always resided in Duxbury, and was admitted as a freeman from that town in 1646. He was one of the original purchasers of much of the territory of Bridgewater, and one of the proprietors of the Purchade and Sixteen Shilling Purchases. Neither he nor his descendants ever lived in town. He died about 1695. Of William Pontus but little is known ; a man of that name died at Plymouth February 9, 1652, leaving two daughters. 1 Goodwin, Pilgrim Republic, p. 507. 590 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1662 There was a William in " Namasakeesett " in 1663, and this is probably the man who bears that name in the original Twenty- six Men's Purchase, in the Purchade, and in the Sixteen Shilling Purchase. His interest in these had been conveyed before the meeting of the proprietors of the " Liberties of Middleberry," in 1677. 1 Andrew Ring. See chapter on Early Settlers. John Shaw. See chapter on Early Settlers. Moses Simmons, originally spelled Symonson, 2 came to Plym- outh in the ship Fortune in 1621. Governor Winslow says of him : " He was a child of one that was in communion with the Dutch Church at Leyden ; is admitted into church fellowship in New England and his children also to baptism as well as our own." He was one of the first settlers in Duxbury, an ori- ginal proprietor in Bridgewater, and one of the Purchade pur- chasers, but he never lived here. His name is, however, on the list of those in the garrison, but he was probably with other land- owners at this outpost at the time and sought refuge there. His sons were Moses, who settled in Duxbury and died in 1689, and Thomas, who settled in Scituate. George Soule was the thirty-fifth signer of the compact in the Mayflower, and a member of Governor Winslow's fam- ., ily. He married Mary ' *\ "C* Becket. In 1637 he £AC£o , Vl^>r ^O/M-^J^-Cjk**.* volunteered in the Pequot War, but was not called into service. He was the owner of land in Plym- outh, but before 1645 he sold that and moved to Duxbury. He was one of the deputies from that town to the General Court in Plymouth, and one of the original proprietors of the Six- teen Shilling and Purchade Purchases, and of the territory of 1 Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 293. 2 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. iii, p. 335. 1675] TWENTY-SIX MEN'S PURCHASE 59 1 Bridgewater. He died in 1680, a "very aged man." He never lived in Middleboro, but soon after its resettlement his de- scendants became residents of the town. The name was early- spelled Sole, Soul, and Soule. 1 Francis Sprague came to Plymouth in the ship Anne in 1623, and settled in Duxbury. He was a man of note in the early history of that town, an original proprietor of Bridge- water, and conveyed his estate in the Twenty-six Men's Pur- chase, before King Philip's War, to Benjamin Bartlett. He was one of the original owners in the Purchade Purchase. 2 Resolved White was the oldest son of William White, the eleventh signer of the civil compact in the cabin of the Mayflower, who died in the terrible winter of 162 1. He lived in Marshfield, and his allotment was conveyed to Isaac How- land before 1677. Constant and Thomas Southworth, the purchasers of this land, were very important men in Plymouth Colony, and their names often appear in the va- rious purchases of land made C&^?ft-«*J-- Qo**n\^*u4+n. of the Indians in Middleboro. Their father, Edward, married Alice Carpenter ; the sons, Con- stant and Thomas, were born in Leyden, Holland. Upon the death of their father Mrs. Southworth sailed for Plymouth, and later became the wife of Governor Bradford. Constant came to Plymouth in 1628, and Thomas soon after. Constant moved from Plymouth and settled in Duxbury about the year 1637. He was admitted a freeman that same year. He was in the Pequot War, and represented Duxbury as deputy for seventeen years. He was treasurer of the colony from 1659 to 1678, and also served as an assistant : he was in King Philip's War as Commissary-General. He was one of the 1 Goodwin, Pilgrim Republic, p. 475 ; New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. iii, p. 335. 2 Mitchell, History of Bridgewater, p. 306. 592 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1669 grantees in behalf of the court in the Great Men's Purchase, and treasurer in behalf of the colony of a purchase made from Philip, March 4, 1669, of a tract at the Nemasket Pond, and of the Sixteen Shilling Purchase with John Tomson. He died in 1679. His daughter Alice married Colonel Benjamin Church. In his will, he gave his daughter Elizabeth " my next best bed and furniture, with my wife's best bed provided she do not marry William F'obes ; but if she do then to have five shil- lings." The bed was considered worth thirty times as much as the five shillings, but it was the old story, and " Elizabeth chose to have five shillings with William to two beds without him." Thomas Southworth, upon the death of Elder Brewster, was elected ruling elder in the church at Plymouth, but through the influence of his stepfather, Gov- Ao D^cvU /ua>~/£ ernor Bradford, he declined that of- fice. He was an assistant to the governor in 1652, and continued in the government of the colony until his death in 1669. He was one of the commis- sioners of the United Colonics in 1659, an< J was appointed governor of the colonies' territory on the Kennebec River in 1664. He was known as Captain Thomas Southworth, and the "New England Memorial " thus speaks of him: "This year 1669 was rendered sorrowful and remarkable by the death of Captain Thomas Southworth, who full of faith and comfort expired at Plymouth December 8, being fifty-three years old, after he had served God in his generation faithfully both in public and private station." He was the grantee for the own- ers of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase in behalf of the court for the jurisdiction of Plymouth, and of the Little Lotmen's Purchase, with his brother Constant. In the History of the First Church we find Nathaniel South- worth and John Alden mentioned in the list of purchasers. Lieutenant Nathaniel Southworth was the second son of Constant Southworth. He was born at Plymouth in 1648, married January 10, 1672, a daughter of Edward Gray of 1690] TWENTV-SIX MEN S PURCHASE 593 Plymouth, and died January 14, 171 1. He always resided in Plymouth, and was prominent in affairs of that town. 1 1 in >9 rK /U2 veil Wvp-A,$^Qn- no- £~^* John Alden was the youngest of the pilgrims of Plymouth who took a prominent part in the government of the colony. He was born in 1599, an d died in ^ ^ t 'CJx 1687. His biography is too we known to receive an extended tice. He became a proprietor of the Twenty-six Men's Pur- chase before King Philip's War, and was one of the original proprietors of the town of Bridgewater. There is a tradi- tion, not substantiated, that for a little time he was a resident of Middleboro. 2 Soon after this purchase was made, many of the original proprietors transferred their shares, and at the commence- ment of King Philip's War, in 1675, the owners are mentioned as in the fort. 3 A LIST OF PROPRIETORS IN 1690 1. ffrancis Sprague, now in possession of Benj. Bartlett's son 2. John Adams " " " " Jabez Warren — since of John Wads- worth 3. George Partrage " " " " John Wadsworth and James Partrage 4. ffrancis Cook " " " " Lieut. Thompson and Adam Wright 5. Thomas Bordman " " " " Benjamin Nye 6. William Pontus " " " " William and John Churchill 7. Samuel ffuler 8. Edward Bumpus " " " " Joseph Bumpus 9. Francis BUlenton " " " " Isaac Billenton 10. William Brewster " " " " Solliman hewit 11. John Shaw " " " " Samuel Wood 12. Edward Gray " " " " Ephraim Tinkham 13. Edward Gray " " " " Ebenezer Tinkham 14. Resolved White " " " " Isaac Rowland 15. William Hodgkins " " " " Joseph Vahan 16. Andrew Ring " " " " William and Eliazer Ring 17. Moses Simmons " " " " John Soule 1 Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 314. 2 Goodwin, Pilgrim Republic, p. 566 ; Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 213. 3 See chapter on Early Settlers. 594 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1661 18. "William Nelson, now in possession of John Bennett 19. John Howland " " " " Thomas and Joseph Faunce 20. Georg Sole 21. Philip Dellano Sr. 22. William Mullens " " " " William Nelson and John Cobb jr. 23. peter Brown " " " " Peter Tinkham 24. Samuel Eady " " " " Obadiah Eddy 25. Lefton ffuller 26. William Twining " " " " John and Samuel Doggett March 5, 1690. "At a meeting of the proprietors above named on the 5th of March, 1690, at the house of Jacob How- land in Middleboro, all did agree upon the several lying lots ... as hereinafter recorded." A new survey of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase was made March 3, 1695, and Jacob Tomson was appointed surveyor. William Twining's name does not appear on the earlier lists. He was a son of William Twining of Eastham, born in England. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Dean, and had four children. " He was living in 1695." 1 PURCHADE PURCHASE 2 The second or Pachade Purchase was made July 9, 1662, in accordance with the following order of court passed June 4, 166 1 : — " Libertie is granted unto Major Josiah Winslow and others the first born children of the jurisdiction of New Plymouth in reference unto an order or grant of the Court bearing date 1633 to purchase certain parcells of land for their accomoda- tion ; viz. a parcell next to the Massachusetts' bounds, and an- other parcell between Namassakett and Bridgewater, and to make report thereof unto the Court that all such may be accom- odated as aforesaid." In reference to this purchase it was subsequently arranged by the court June 4, 1669, that the first mentioned tract should belong to those eight who had their allotments upon Pochade 1 Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, vol. iv, p. 353. 2 This is often spelled Pochade, Pachade, Pachaeg, Puchade. 1662] PURCHADE PURCHASE 595 neck and to their heirs ; and the second to not only those eight, but to those also who had their allotments on the east side of Nemasket River in Captain Southworth's purchase. Know all men by these presents that I Josias Wampetuck Sachem have and by these presents doe bargaine sell allien and dispose of ; in the behalf of myself and such other Indians as are Interested therein; a Certaine nocke of Land Comonly Called Pachaeg pond lying and being between Namassakett River and a certain Brook that falleth into Titicutt River ; namely the most westerly of the three Smale brooks that doe fall into the said River and bounded on the south by Certaine Swamps and low valleys that goe from the said Namassakett River on the east unto the above said brook with all the woods waters med- dows and all priviledges and appurtenances therunto appertaining and belong- ing unto Major Josias Winslow for himself and other English ; and alsoe all the meddows lying on the westward syde of said Namassakett River, as high as the wadeing place att the Taunton path and all such meddows as lye upon any the three brook es abovemensioned though without the Crosse exit that bounds the Nocke for and in consideration of twenty one Pounds of him in hand Received, and doe herby fully and absolutely Resigne and give up unto the said Josias Winslow pteners and to theire heires executors and assignes forever all and singulare the above mentioned lands woods waters meddows etc : with all privilidges and appurtenances by them to be held possessed and enjoyed forever ; and alsoe I the said Josias have as freely and absolutely sold unto the said Josias Winslow ; one other Tract of land and meddowes bounded by the lands of Plymouth and Duxburrow on the one syde and of Bridgwater on the other Syde ; and extending North and south from the land formerly purchased by Captaine Thomas Southworth unto the Great pond of Mattakeesett pro- vided it enclude not the Thousand acres given to my sonne and Gorg Wampey about those ponds ; and I doe by these presents Resigne up unto the said Josias Winslow his heires executors and assignes forever; all and singulare the lands above mensioned by him and them to be held possessed and enjoyed forever ; In witness wherof I have herunto sett my hand and seale this ninth day of July 1662. Signed sealed and delivered The mark of Josias -J* in the presence of Wampatucke the mark O of Edward Gray And a seale mark A of George Wampey mark X of John Wampenes 1 The lands abovemensioned sold by Josias Wampetuck to mee and to my pteners although Included in one deed are to be understood to be two definite purchases ; the former belonging unto those eight persons that had theire allot- ments upon Pochaeg necke and to theire heires forever; and the latter Tract mensioned lying between the bounds of Plymouth duxburrow and Bridgwater ; 1 Plymouth Registry of Deeds, Book III, p. 138. 596 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1662 and extending northward towards Mattakeeseet great ponds ; are belonging unto all the first propriators of Namassakett plantation on both sydes of the River ; viz. unto the eight shares upon Pachaeg and unto those that had theire allot- ments on the Easterly side of Namassakett upon the Purchase made by Cap- taine Southworth. In witness wherof I have hereunto sett my hand. Josias Winslow. This was done in the Court held att Plymouth the 4th. of June 1669. Upon the preceding purchases, the following orders of court were adopted June 3, 1662 : — " in reference to a petition profered to the Court by sundry of the freemen, and in reference unto a graunt made to some to looke out accomodations of land as being the first borne children of this government, and for the disposing of two small tracts of land lately purchased, the one by Major Winslow and the other by captaine Southworth, the Court having viewed the small lists of the names of those that desired to be ac- comodated therein, have settled it upon these whose names follow : — Mr. Prince Mr. Howland x . Mr. Bradford Francis Cooke 1 Major Winslow Lieutenant Matthew Fuller x Mr. Aldin 1 Lieutenant White William Mullins l William Pontus 1 Mr. Brewster 1 Steven Dean Phillip Delanoy 1 Andrew Ringe 2 Mr. John Winslow Francis Billington 2 John Adams 1 Moses Simonson 1 Peter Browne 1 Resolved White 1 John Chace William Bassett 1 Anthony Annable for his Edward Bumpus 2 daughter Hannah Bumpus Samuel Eddy 1 Francis Sprague l William Hoskins 2 Gorg Soule 1 Gorg Partrig 1 Nathaniel Warren ' William Nelson by right of his wife 2 Samuel Fuller jun. of Plym- outh 2 " Edward Gray to have a double share to be laid forth to- gether." a 1 See sketches of owners in Twenty-six Men's Purchase. 2 See chapter containing sketches of the lives of the early settlers. 1674] PURCHADE PURCHASE 597 A large majority of the men for whose behalf this purchase was made were among the first settlers, or owners of the other purchases. The following is an account of the lives of the remaining purchasers : — Anthony Annabel came in the Ann, in 1623, with his wife Jane and two children. In 1634 he moved to Scituate, where he was one of the founders of the town. In 1636 he was one of eight men, together with the Governor and Council, to prepare a system of laws for the colony. 1 In 1645 ne married Ann Clark. After moving to Barnstable, in 1640, he took a prominent part in all town matters, although unable to write his name, "and with the exception of Gov. Hinckley no Barn- stable man was oftener employed in the transaction of public business." He never received the title of Mr., but was known as Goodman. He died in 1674. 2 Hannah Bumpus was probably the wife of Edward Bum- pus. Captain Bradford was known in the latter part of his life as Major William Bradford. He was born at Plymouth, in 1624, and always resided there, one of her most honored citizens. Next to Standish, he was probably the principal military man of the colony. He was first made captain, and in King Philip's War held the rank of major. He was one of the owners of the Little Lotmen's Purchase, but never lived in town. He served as deputy assistant from Plymouth for twenty-four years, and for the last ten years of the colony's existence was deputy governor, excepting the three years of Andros's administration. From 1695 to 1702 he was the judge of probate. Captain Bradford is buried on Burial Hill at Plymouth, and the ancient tombstone bears this inscription : — 1 Goodwin, Pilgrim Republic, p. 401. 2 Barnstable Families, pp. 13, 14. 59§ HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1673 HERE LYES YE BODY OF YE HONOURABLE MAJOR WILLIAM BRADFORD WHO EXPIRED FEBR YE 20 I70f AGED 79 YEARS He lived long but stil was dojng good & in his countres service lost much blood After a life well spent hes now at rest His very name and memory is blest. In his will he mentions giving to his son John " my father's manuscript, namely, a narrative of the beginning of New Plymouth." This history, after having been taken by the Eng- lish from the Old South Church in Boston, in the time of the Revolution, and carried to England, was lost to the American people for many years. It was accidentally discovered by Rev. Thomas Barry, the author of the history of Massachusetts, and through the efforts of Senator Hoar and our minister to England, Mr. Bayard, has been recovered, and is now deposited in the library of the State House in Boston. In his will giv- ing certain lands to his children, they were enjoined to sell the land they received " to none that do not bear the name of Bradford and be not descended from him." 1 John Chase, Steven Dean. We have found no mention of the lives of these men. Thomas Prence. At the time of the Purchade Purchase, Thomas Prence was Governor of Plymouth Colony. He was elected in 1635, again in 1638 ^ iff- S^T*) ri and 1658, and continued in that v" * IS officeuntil the year 1673, when he died, aged seventy-two. He married Patience Brewster, in 1624. He had held many pro- minent offices in the colony. It was during his administration that the Quakers and Roger Williams were banished for then- interference with the political affairs of the colony. 2 1 Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 231 ; Goodwin, Pilgrim Republic, p. 466. 2 Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, p. 477. 1667] PURCHADE PURCHASE 599 Peregrine White, the son of William White of the May- flower, was the first child bom in Plymouth Colony. In 1646 he married Sarah Bassett, and died in 1704, at the age of eighty- four years. He moved to Marshfield with his step-father in 1632. In 1636 he was in the Pequot War, and in 1642 was an ensign in the train band of Captain Myles Standish, and later acquired the title of captain. His life is too well known to require an extended notice. Neither he nor his descendants occupied any portion of the Purchade or Little Lotmen's Pur- chases. By his will, dated July 14, 1704, he gave one half of his land in Middleboro to his son Daniel, and the other half to his two sons, Jonathan and Peregrine. 1 Nathaniel Warren, the son of Richard Warren, for whom Warrentown was named, was a passenger in the Mayflower. He was born in Plymouth in 1624, and was an extensive land- owner there and in other parts of the colony, and was one of the proprietors of the Sixteen Shilling Purchase. He was a member of the Plymouth militia in 1643, one °f the selectmen in 1667, the year of his death, and had been a representative to the General Court for seven years. In the apportionment of the Purchade Purchase, he was assigned to lot number five, and bought John Adams's share in the Twenty-six Men's Purchase. Josiah Winslow, whose name appears as Major Winslow, was the first of the Purchade purchasers, also one of the Six- teen Shilling proprietors. He was the son of Governor Ed- ward Winslow, born in 1628, and seems to have inherited many of his father's characteristics as one of the most prominent and honored men of the colony. He began his public life soon after he was of age, as a deputy from Marshfield. At the age of thirty he began a term of sixteen years as governor's assist- ant, and then was governor of the colony, until his death in 1680. In the Narragansett War, he was a general of the united forces of the colonies. He was for many years a resident of Marshfield, and his house, where Alexander was taken sick, 1 White Family. 600 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1663 is still standing. 1 He had command of the military company in Marshfield in 1652, and in 1658 was appointed major, after- wards commander, of the military forces of the united colo- nies raised in King Philip's War. Acting under authority of the court at Plymouth, he made this purchase, and with Edward Gray the Twelve Men's Pur- chase, for the benefit of those who afterwards received a title in these second tracts of land. John Winslow, one of the proprietors of the Purchade Purchase, was a brother of Edward Winslow, and arrived at Plymouth in 162 1, in the Fortune. He married Mary Chilton, who is said to have been the first woman who came on shore from the Mayflower. He early moved to Boston, where he died in 1674. MAJOR'S OR FIVE MEN'S PURCHASE Other purchases in town were made from Tispequin. The first of these was the Major's or Five Men's Purchase, so called, and made July 13, 1663, Tispequin conveying to Major Josiah Winslow of Marshfield a narrow tract on the east side of Nemasket River lying between the upper and lower Indian paths to Plymouth, and extending to the Carver line. Twenty acres of this tract having been before given to an Indian named Acomowett, he by his own deed conveyed it to the same purchasers. Know all men by these presents that I Tuspequin alias ye Black Sachem of Namasket out of my good affection and singular respect unto Major Josias Winslow of Marshfield Have given unto him the sd Major Winslow A certain Tract or parcell of land lying and being on ye easterly side of Namasket River & is next adjoining unto ye lands formerly bought by Capt. Southworth & is particularly bounded by ye said Namasket River on ye west and by ye cart path from ye said Namasket unto Tippecannicut on ye north and by another path called ye new path on ye south side and so unto a little brook called Manyhoot- set near Tippecannicut. All which lands bounded as above sd with all and singu- lar ye woods waters swamps meadows & all benefits Privileges & Immunities there unto appertaining I ye above said sachem do by these presents give grant 1 See chapter on Indians. 1650] FIVE MEN'S PURCHASE 6oi and bequeath unto my above said friend Major Winslow. To have and to hold to him and to his heirs for ever. And I do also acknowledge that I have received from him gratitudes in lieu of it to my content. And I shall warrant him quit possession thereof against all other claymers In witness whereof I have here- unto set my hand this 13th. of July 1663 : Witness The mark X of Peter Indian The ClZjEjD Mark of The mark X of Joseph Indian Tispequin. " The Names of such as are graunted Land in that Tract of Land comonly called the Majors Purchase, whoe are to haue thirty Acrees appeece out of the best of it, and Comoning pro- portionable. Willam Clarke, of Duxburrow .... one share 1 Jonathan Dunham one share 1 Benjamine Eaton one share Joseph Dunham one share Thomas Savory for his children . . . one share " It was ordered likewise by the Court, that wheras the lott of Mr. Howland and the lott of Willam Nelson, with two others, which are judged very meane, that they bee alowed twelue acrees apeece att the heads of theire said lotts." William Clark. See chapter on Early Settlers. John or Jonathan Dunham. See chapter on Early Set- tlers. Joseph Dunham was the son of John. In 1657 he married Mercy, daughter of Nathaniel Morton, and as a second wife, in 1669, Esther Wormall. Benjamin Eaton was the second son of Francis Eaton, born about the year 1627. He was in the family of the widow Bridget Fuller for some fourteen years, and while living with her attended school for two years. He was in Duxbury in 1648, and in Plymouth in 1650, but never lived in Middleboro. Thomas Savory is first mentioned in the records of the town as one of the company appointed in 1634 to remove trespassers on the property of the Plymouth Colony on the 1 See chapter containing sketches of the lives of the early settlers. 602 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1663 Kennebec River. Here he narrowly escaped being shot by the trespasser Hocking while executing a command of Captain -. John Howland. This •^^tt-mai* tfC*U4m*2^^ is characterized in Bradford's journal as "one of the saddest things which befel them since they come." In 1652 he was an under marshal of the court, and in 1655 he received one share of the Major's Purchase. In 1670 he was dismissed from his office of under marshal for negligence, but was soon reinstated. He died in 1674. His son Thomas was killed in King Philip's War, March 27, 1676, while serving in Captain Peirce's Company at Pawtucket. 1 GREAT MEN'S PURCHASE November 13, 1663. This purchase of land was made from Tispequin by Thomas Prence, John Winslow, Jr., Constant Southworth, and William Bassett, Jr. " The tract lies principally on the north of the River on the west side of the brook which is the western bound of Pachade neck and runs upon the south side of Titacutt river until the river winds about to the north and there it crosses and runs, at a breadth of half a mile from the river, down from the bite of the river up it to the mouth of Winnetuxet. " This tract the court disposed of to the propriators of Pachage Neck together with Kenelme Winslow and Josiah W. in right of their brother Gilbert W." LITTLE LOTMEN'S PURCHASE 2 The next purchase was made from Wampatuck August 16, 1664, by Thomas Prence, Captain William Bradford, and Edward Gray. Be it known unto all men by these presents that I Josiah Wampatuck Sachem and Watchtameske Squa Sachem of Namasket have freely bargained and really sold all our lands at Namasket. That is to say, on the western side of the said 1 Savery's Families, pp. 19-25 ; New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. ix, p. 80. 2 Perhaps properly called Little Allotment Purchase. 1664] LITTLE LOTMEN'S PURCHASE 603 Namasket river, from Pochauge neck to Mashucket brook all along by the side of the said river and westward up to the meadows sold formerly to the Major, be- longing to Pochauge neck, with all and singular the privileges thereof as woods, swamps, grounds, herbage &c. unto Mr. Thomas Prence, Capt. William Brad- ford, and Edward Gray of Plymouth. To them their heirs or assigns. To have and to hold forever for a valuable consideration in hand paid. Only reserving to ourselves eight acres to be set out by Edward Gray upon some convenient place upon the river where they shall desire, and ten acres upon the hill where James and Thomas the Indians now plant, as also a little hill reserved for a burying place for the Indians with liberty of firewood from the commons and free liberty for fishing for bass and eels, together with the English, and free lib- erty and access to the river for herrings for their use in the season thereof. These things excepted we acknowledge ourselves to be fully satisfied for the said tract of land above said and do warrant the sale thereof against all other demands of any other Indians whatever. In witness whereof we have set to our hands and seals this sixteenth of August Annus Domini 1664. Signed and sealed in the presence of us his Indian Sachem Tispaquine Josias JO Wampatuck (SS his g> mark mark his John Taber his yj mark Wachtamaske -f- (SS mark The " burying hill " " The Names of those that haue Lands graunted vnto them by the Court, vizs, the Land which is purchased on the westerly Side of Namasskett Riuer, which is to bee equally deuided amongst them, and being soe deuided, is conceiued it will amount vnto thirty Acrees a Share of good Land, as alsoe Co'moning adjoyning therevnto proportionable. " Imp r mes, to the towne of Plymouth for a minnester, one share To Namasskett for a minnester, one share To the Elder Cushman for his children, . . . one share To Henery Sampson for his children, . . . one share To Experience Michell for his children, . . . one share 1 To Edward Gray ten acrees, to lye in a square To Gabriell Fallowell one share 1 To Captaine Bradford, one share 1 To James Cole, Seni r , one share To Gyles Rickard, Seni r , one share To Mr. Josepth Bradford, . one share To Anthony Snow, one share To Nathaniell Morton, one share 1 See chapter on Early Settlers, or other purchases. 604 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1664 1 To John Morton, one share To Ephraim Morton, one share 1 To Edward Dotey, one share To Gorge Bonum, one share To Willam Harlow, one share 1 To John Wood, one share x To Henery Wood, one share 1 To John Dunham, Juni r , one share To Samuell Dunham, one share To Josepth Warren, . one share To John Jourdaine, one share In all 24 shares. " It was ordered by the Court, that the charge of the pur- chase of the said land shalbee equally bourne by all those which haue lands there, euery one a like proportion ; and that none shall posesse aboue two shares of that land either of the ptenors or any other ; and that if any one shalbee found to posesse aboue two shares thereof, it shalbee forfeit to the countrey." 2 George Bonum or Boneham in 1644 married for his sec- ond wife, Sarah Morton, a daughter of George Morton. He built a house W j , i fd — jt-w at Plymouth in * W 7!r °Z / * S * T ^ , vi/ / W»<^— ' — 1678, which is rs^ still standing, known as the Leach house. He always resided in Plymouth, and died April 28, 1704, aged eighty-six. 3 Joseph Bradford, the son of Governor Bradford by his second wife, Alice South worth, was born in 1630. In 1664 he married Jael, daughter of Peter Hobart. Thomas Cushman, familiarly known as Elder Thomas Cush- man, arrived at Plymouth in the ship Fortune in 162 1, with his father, Robert Cushman. He was at that time fourteen years of age. Five years after the death of Elder Brewster, he was appointed ruling elder of the church at Plymouth (1649). 1 See chapter on Early Settlers, or other purchases. 2 Plymouth Colony Records, vol. iv, p. 94. 3 Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, vol. i, p. 210. l66 9] LITTLE LOTMEN'S PURCHASE 605 He was the owner with Thomas Prince and others of a tract of land in Rehoboth. He died December 10, 1691, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. In his will, he gives to his son, Isaac Cushman, " one-half of my land at Namasket Pond in the township of Middleborough as also ye one-half of my right in the Sixteen Shilling Purchase so called in township above sd." He also gave to his son, Elkanah Cushman, by his will, "one-half of my land lying at Namasket Pond as also ye one- half of the Sixteen Shilling Purchase as above expressed also one-third of my meadow at Wintuxet." He was also one of the owners of the South Purchase. Samuel Dunham was the son of John or Jonathan Dun- ham, who married the widow of William Falloway in 1649. 1 Gabriell Fallowell came to Plymouth from Boston in 1639, an d was admitted a freeman September 1, 1640. He was a proprietor in the Sixteen Shilling Purchase and of the " Liberties of Middleberry," and there is a tradition that he was a resident of the town before King Philip's War. Savage in his Genealogical Dictionary says : " We only know of him that he died Dec. 28, 1667, aged 83." He probably had a son William, who married Martha Beal, daughter of one of the first settlers of Hingham, and who was the father of John Fallowell, who married Sarah Wood in 1669. 2 William Harlow, known as Sergeant William Harlow, is first mentioned as of Lynn in 1637 ; and later of Sandwich and Plymouth. He was born probably in England in 1624, and his stay in Sandwich and Lynn must have been short. He lived in Plymouth, where certain land had been granted, and in 1654 he was admitted as a freeman. In 1673 and 1675 ne was a deputy from Plymouth to the General Court, and was selectman for fifteen years between 1669 and 1691. He was a cooper by trade, and died August 26, 1691, aged sixty-seven. 1 Davis, Andetit Landmarks of Plymouth, p. 98. 2 Savage, vol. ii, p. 138; Davis, Aticienl Landmarks of Plymouth, p. 105. 606 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1645 He never was a resident upon the portion of the Little Lot- men's Purchase assigned to him, or of the South Purchase. 1 John Jordan or Jordane was one of the proprietors of the "Liberties of Middleberry " in 1677, and had a son in 1650, called Barack Jordan. He was an owner in the Sixteen Shil- ling Purchase. Experience Mitchell came from Leyden with the pilgrims in the ship Anne in 1623 ; in 1645 he moved to Duxbury, and in the latter part of his life to Bridgewater, of which he was one of the original proprietors, and where he died in 1689, aged ninety years. He was one of the original proprietors of the South Purchase. He married for his first wife Jane, daugh- ter of Francis Cook of the Mayflower. 2 ErHRAiM Morton was the sixth son of George Morton, and a brother of Nathaniel Morton, the secretary of Plymouth Colony. He was born on the ship Anne in 1623, on her voyage to Plymouth. He married Ann Cooper in 1644, and Mary Har- low in 1692. He became a freeman in 1648, and was a repre- sentative to the General Court for twenty-eight years from 1657. He was one of the first representatives to the Massa- chusetts General Court after the union of the colonies. In 1683 he was chosen a magistrate of the colony, and at the time of his death he was a justice of the court of common pleas. He was a member of the council of war in Plymouth, and served during King Philip's War. He never occupied any portion of this or the Sixteen Shilling Purchase. He died September 7, 1693. Nathaniel Morton, the eldest son of George Morton, was born at Leyden, Holland, in 161 3, and accompanied his parents to Plymouth in 1623. He was made a freeman in 1635, and 1 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. xiv, p. 227. 2 Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 282 ; Mitchell, History of Bridgewater, p. 241 ; Mayflower Descendants, vol. i, 1S99, pp. 97, 98. i68o] LITTLE LOTMEN's PURCHASE 607 in 1645 was chosen secretary of the colony, which office he held until his death in 1685 ; most of the records of the colony were made by him. He was the author of the " New England Memorial," a record of prominent events within his personal knowledge, and of many works of interest relating to the early history of Plymouth Colony. He died June 29, 1685. He was never a settler upon any portion of the Little Lotmen's Pur- chase, or of the South Purchase, of which he was a proprietor. In 1635 he married Lydia Cooper, and in 1674 Mrs. Hannah Templar. 1 Giles Rickard was a resident of Plymouth and a freeman in 1637. He married Judith , and for a second wife, Joan Tilson. He died in 1684, aged eighty-seven years. He had a son Giles, who married, October 31, 165 1, Hannah Dunham, perhaps a daughter of John Dunham. He was one of the own- ers of the Sixteen Shilling Purchase, and his name is among the proprietors of the "Liberties of Middleberry" in 1677. In October, 167 1, he was fined by the Court ten shillings for selling " syder " to the Indians. 2 Henry Samson or Sampson was one of the early settlers of Duxbury, and his name occurs in the list of men between sixteen and sixty, capable of bearing arms, reported to the court on the 2d of October, 1643. He was a constable in 1661, and a freeman in 1670. He was one of the original proprie- tors of the town of Bridgewater, but never lived upon the lot assigned him in this purchase. In 1666 he married Ann Plummer, and in 1667 was allowed by the General Court to select land for himself. He was an owner in the South Pur- chase. He died December 24, 1684, leaving a large family. 3 Anthony Snow was in Plymouth in 1638. He married Abigail, the youngest daughter of Richard Warren. He early removed from Plymouth, and settled at Green Harbor, Marsh- 1 Morton Memoranda. 2 Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, vol. iii, p. 527. 3 Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 300. 608 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1667 field. He often represented the town in the General Court of the colony, and was a man of considerable influence. Cedar Grove Cemetery, near the present meeting-house, was his gift to Marshfield a little before his death. His descendants lived in Middleboro at Muttock, in the north corner of " Great Gate," where in changing the street, «a few years ago, the workmen came upon the site of the house. WOOD'S PURCHASE Wood's Purchase was made August 9, 1667, by Henry Wood 1 of Plymouth, from Tispequin, with the consent of his wife Anny, for the consideration of four pounds. He sold also by the same deed six acres of meadow on the south side of the path from Nemasket to Agawam (Wareham). This Writing witnesseth that I Tuspaquin otherwise called ye Black Sachem with the full consent of my wife Anny for and in consideration of ye sum of four pounds to me in hand paid by Henry Wood of Plymouth do by these presents sell and make over all my right and title to a parcell of land lying on the east side of Namaskett River to ye Southward of ye Upper Way to Namaskett being bounded on ye one end by ye pond called ye Black Sachems pond ye Indian name being Wampaucutt, on ye other end by a little pond called Asnemscussett, on ye one side bounded from ye corner of that pond called Asnemscussett and twenty pole from it, and so upon a direct line to a place of the Brook that comes out of that pond called before Wampaucutt, to that part of ye brook that is stony like to a fall called Sawcomet, on ye other side bounded with a swamp or swamps. The swamps being included in ye sale. With all priviledges belonging thereunto ; With free liberty for his cattel to feed in ye places adjacent without being molested. Together with a parcell of meadow land being six acres lying on ye south side of the path goith from Namaskett to Agawam. To have & to hold all ye said land & meadow land with all priviledges & appurtenances belonging thereunto : do sell from me & my heirs to him ye said Henry Wood he his heirs & assigns forever. To have & to hold all ye above land to him ye said Henry Wood and his heirs forever. The said Tuspaquin Reserving liberty to get cedar bark in ye swamp above expressed : All ye above land expressed with all privi- legdes belonging thereunto I the sd Tuspaquin do warrant ye sale of these lands above expressed, from any other claim or right or title thereunto. In Witness hereunto I have set to my hand this present ninth of August 1667. In ye Presence of The mark of £ Tuspaquin John Morton Thomas Southworth The mark of ^ his wlfe Ann y 1 For sketch of life of Henry Wood, see chapter on Early Settlers, 1669] WOOD'S PURCHASE 609 The next purchase was made July 7, 1669, from Tispequin and his son William, a sachem, by Experience Mitchell, Henry Sampson, Thomas Little, and Thomas Paine. To all to whome these presents shall come, Wee Tispiquin alius Blacke Sa- chem and William Sonne of the sd Tispiquin, Indian Sachems sendeth greeting Know yee that wee Tispiquin alius Blacke Sachem and William Sonne of the sd Tispiquin ; for and In concideration of the sume of tenne pounds St| to us in hand payd ; by ; Experience Mitchell, Henry Sampson of Duxborough ; Thomas Little of Marshfield and Thomas Paine of Eastham wherewith we doe acknowlidge our selves Jointly & Severally, payd and fully Sattisfide, and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof doe Acquit, Exonerate, and Discharge the Afforesaid Experience Mitchell, Henry Sampson, Thomas Little and Thomas Paine, Their and Every of their Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them for- ever have Bargained ; and sold, alienated, Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents doe bargaine, sell ; Alienate, Enfeofe and Confirme, from us the Affore- said Tispiquine and William and our heirs unto the Afforesaid Experience Mitchell, Henry Sampson, Thomas Little, and Thomas Paine, theire heires and Assignes for ever All that our tract or parcell of Land that Lyeth on the west- ward side of a Tract of land Purchased by Mr. John Alden and others from the Sachem Josias Wampetucke wch Lyeth nere Assawampsett Ponds ; wch Aforesd Tract now sold by these p|sents is one halfe mile in Bredth, and is in Length from the Aforesd Ponds to Dartmouth Path where yesd Path Crosses the west- ward side Line of the Aforesd Land of Mr. Alden and others and from the said Dartmouth Path into the woods ye said Land Purchased by these presents is to extend in Length one mile and one halfe mile; ye Aforesd halfe mile in bredth is to be measured according to ye Square according to ye westward side line of the Aforesaid Mr. Aldens Land with all and Singular the Appurte- nances and Priviledges thereunto belonging; And all our right Title and Interest of and into the Aforesaid Premises and Every part and Parcell thereof : To have and to hold all that our said Tract or parcell of Land being one halfe mile in Bredth and in length one mile and halfe mile from ye-sd dartmouth path into the woods and from ye said path to Extend home to the Aforesaid pond wch pond is to be the bounds of one end of the sd land with all and singular the Appurtenances and Priviledges thereunto belonging and all our right Title and Interest of and into the Aforesaid premises and Every part and parcell thereof, unto the Aforesaid Experience Mitchell, Henry Sampson, Thomas Little & Thomas Paine ther Heires and Assignes forever With Warranties Against all people whatsoever for ever by these presents ; To Claime any Right, Title or Interest of or into the Aforesaid Premises with ther Appurtenances or any part or parcell thereof ; And wee the said Tispiquin, alius Black Sachem and William doe by these presents Authorise the said Experience Mitchell Henry Sampson Thomas Little & Thomas Paine either by themselves or ther Attorney to record and Enrolle these presents or cause them to be recorded and En- rolled before the Governo^ of Newplymouth or some one of his Assistantce for the time being According to the usuall mannor of Recording and Enrolling 6lO HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1672 Deeds and Evidence in ye Kings Maties Court of Newplymouth aforesd In wittnes whereof we the Aforesaid Tispiquin and William have hereunto set to our hands and Seales this seventh day of July one thousand six hundred sixty and nine Signed Sealed and Delivered in p^sents of Willyam Nickerson The mark \ of Tispiquin LS Mark of W m Crowe The 5" Samuel Henry ye Indian The Mark of {£ William LS The Mark of his sonne Danniell ye Indian The Mark 5^ of old Harry ye Indian This deed was acknowledg this 7th of July 1669: before mee John Alden Asist Ye words in breadth betwixt ye twelfe and thirteenth Line ; and land betwixt the thirteenth & fourteenth Line before the sealing and delivery hereof * TWELVE MEN'S PURCHASE June 30, 1672, Tispequin and Mantomapact, alias William, his son, in consequence and in consideration of a debt of the latter to Major Winslow for the amount of ten pounds, eight shillings, conveyed to Edward Gray and Major Winslow a tract on the east side of Assawampsett Pond, since known as the Twelve Men's Purchase. It was a triangular piece of land, extending upon the northern side at a distance of about three miles, and upon the easterly and westerly sides at a distance of about four miles. 2 1 From the original in the late Earl Alden's possession. The acknowledg- ment in bluer and paler ink, and is between the signatures of the witnesses and the Tispequins Deed very fairly and plainly written by the witness Nickerson. Seals cut out and lapped over. A stamp on the wax. Well preserved every way. 2 Tispequin to Edward Gray and Major Winslow, Plymouth Registry of Deeds, Book III, p. 238. 1672] TWELVE MEN'S PURCHASE 6ll To all people to whom these presents shall come Tispaquin the Black Sachem of Namaskett and Wantowapatt (?) allias William (his sonne) sendeth greet, and further know yee That we the said Tispaquin and William have Given Granted bargained sold allianed enfeofed and Confirmed and by these presents doe give Grant bargaine sell alien enfeofe and Confirm from us and our heires unto Mr. Edward Gray and Major Josias Winslow and theire heires forever a Certaine Tract or frcell of land settuate lying and being on the Easterly Syde of Ano- wamsett (?) pond, and is bounded as followeth, viz, beginning att that place of the said pond wher Namaskett River floweth out of the pond, and so Ranging southward the pond being the easterly bounds on till it comes to a Pynne tree marked standing neare the pond syde and so by a Range of Pyne Trees Runing to the Southward still, untill it Comes againe to touch upon another Corner of the pond, and then againe bounded by the pond on to a little brooke that floweth out of it, and Runs toward the east ; and soe to a great Cedar Swamp being the southeast boundary ; and from the said swamp is bounded on the easterly end or syde by a brooke that floweth out the said Cedar Swamp, and Runs Northeast- erly toward a pond comonly called Tispaquin's pond, and soe home to the lands formerly sold to henery Wood ; and from Tispaquin's pond by a brook Called the fall (?) brooke ; that Comes out of the saide pond, and falleth into Namas- kett River, and soe up the said River to the first mentioned boundary upon Na- maskett pond, only it must be understood that one hundred acres more or less as bounded; which was formerly sold to Mr. Thomas Prence; and lyeth on the southerly syde of the above mentioned fall brooke, although Comprehended within the above written bounds, is not hereby sold nor by us disposed unto the abovesaid Winslow and Gray, but all the Rest of the lands contained within the above mentioned bounds, wee the said Tispaquin and William doe herby fully freely clearly and absolutely sell and passe over from us and our heires unto them the said Major Winslow and Edward Gray and theire heires forever; Together with all the woods, waters and all other benefitts emolluments and privilidges therunto appertaining to them the said Winslow and Gray and theire heires from the day of the sale herof for ever, to be held possessed and enjoyed in the most free and ample tenor that lands by us sold can be holden in ; for the valluable consideration of twenty seven pounds of Good and Currant pay to us in hand alreddy payed, and of which sume and of every pt and prcell therof, wee doe herby fully and Clearly acquitt exonerate and discharge them the abovesaid Winslow and Gray and theire heires forever, and for this wee the abovesaid Tis- paquin and William doe Covenant to and with the said Buyers that wee att this day and untill the ensealing and delivery hereof, the true and Right proprie- tors of the above mensioned Lands ; and that wee will warrant and defend them now and att all times against any that shall or may claim from by or under us, and to doe and performe any further acte that may by them be Required according to law, for the clere making and the firme settling of the premises unto them ; In witness whereof wee have herunto sett our hands and seales this thirtieth day of June, Anno. Dom. one thousand six hundred seventy and two. Signed sealled and delivered Tispaquin X his mark and (seal) in presence of John Thomas The X mark of and Elizabeth Pelham. William or Wantomapatt and (seale) 6l2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1672 This deed of sale was acknowledged by Tispaquin and William his son this third day of July in open Court before mee Thomas Prence Govr. Major Winslow was allowed to make this purchase by the court in the May preceding, on his complaining to that body of the Indian's neglect or refusal to pay him his debt. In allowing this grant, the court directed that from this land the proprietors should pay all of the indebtedness of the Indians, and this was done before the close of the year. This is a cir- cumstance which should acquit our pilgrim fathers of fraud and injustice towards the natives in the purchase of lands. The names of those to whom the Indians owed money were : George Vaughan, Jonathan Dunham, John Nelson, Edward Gray, John Wood, Gershom Cobb, and John Dunham, Jr. LOTS Abraham Jackson John Dunham 1 Benjamin Warren Benjamin Warren Thomas Morton George Morton John Cob 1 Mrs. Clark for her children John Bennet 2 Mrs. Doritie Clark for Samuell John Morton 1 Nathaniell Morton * John Morton : Thomas Faunce, 1 the clerk who kept the records of these proprietors, was a son of John Faunce, who came over in the Anne in 1623. He succeeded Elder Cushman in 1699, and was the last ruling elder of the church at Plymouth. He was town clerk of Plymouth for more than thirty-five years, and died in 1745, in his ninety-ninth year. It is from him that 1 See chapter containing sketches of the lives of the early settlers and early purchasers. 2 See chapter containing an account of The Green. First Draught Second Draught I 2 l 9 18 3 16 4 24 5 6 14 17 7 8 23 15 9 21 10 22 1 1 00 12 20 13 00 1673] SOUTH PURCHASE 613 much of the early history of the pilgrims has been derived, particularly our knowledge of the genuineness of the rock at Plymouth. 1 Proprietors of the Twelve Men's Purchase, an account of whose lives has not previously been given : — Mrs. Clark. We find nothing relating to her. Abraham Jackson, an apprentice of Secretary Morton, was always a resident of Plymouth. He married Remember, a daughter of Nathaniel Morton, in 1657, and died October 4, 1 7 14. He was also a proprietor in the South Purchase. 2 George Morton, a grandson of the first George Morton who came into the colony, was known as Deacon George Morton. He was born in 1645, and died October 7, 1693. His father was Lieutenant Ephraim Morton. Thomas Morton. We find no record relating to him. Benjamin Warren. We find no one of this name of age at the time of this purchase. SOUTH PURCHASE July 23, 1673, Tispequin and his son sold for fifteen pounds to Benjamin Church of Duxbury and John Tomson of Barn- stable, for the inhabitants of Middleborough, an extensive tract conveying a part of what is now Rochester and Wareham and Carver as well as Middleboro, and known as the South Pur- chase. It contained all the unpurchased lands on the east and north bounds. By a subsequent adjustment of these bounds, the purchase extended on the south only to the southern bound- ary line of the town. 1 Goodwin, Pilgrim Republic, p. 469. 2 Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, vol. ii, p. 527. 614 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1673 Know all men by these presnts that one Tispaquin allies the black Sachem of Namassekett and William his sonn, doe acknowledge for and in consideration of the sume of fifteen pounds to us in hand paid by Benjamin Church of the Towne of Duxburrow in the Jurisdiction of Plymouth in New England in America house- carpenter and John Tomson of the Towne of Barnstable in ye Jurisdiction aforesaid housecarpenter and in ye behalfe of all & singular the Inhabitants and proprietors of ye lands in & within ye Township of Middleberry in ye Jurisdiction aforesaid where with we ye said Tuspaquin ye black Sachem & William his son doe acknow- ledge orselves fully satisfied contented and paid, and thereof & of every prt and prcell thereof doe exonerate acquitt and discharge them ye said Benjamin Church & John Tomson & all and singular ye Inhabitants & proprietors of ye lands in ye Township of Middleberry aforesaid them and every of them their and every of their heirs executors & administrators for ever. That we have freely & abso- lutely bargained allienated & sold enfeofed & confirmed & by these presents doe freely and absolutely bargaine alienate sell enfeofe & confirme from us ye said Tuspaquin & William his son, & our heirs, to them ye said Benjamin Church & John Tomson for & in ye behalfe of all & singular ye Inhabitants & proprietors of ye Towne of Middleberry aforesaid & their & every of their heires & assignes for ever, A certaine Tract of land lying at & near ye Township of Middleberry aforesaid bounded westerly by a River caled Monhiggin which runneth into a pond called Quitquassett ponds & so ye westerly side of a Cedar swamp & so ranging to a pond called Tuspaquins & along to ye lands of henery Wood & a Cedar swamp & so along to an old Indian path to a place called Pochaboquitt with all ye vacant land between Tuspaqins ponds & ye said Pochaboquitt Northerly it is bounded by ye said Indian path to Mahudsett River & from ye sd Mahudsett River to a swamp purchased by William Bassett & so to a River that runneth out of Swanhold unto a place called Tusconnanset, Easterly it is bounded with ye South meadow River, so caled, & so along by the said river to a place caled by the Indians Massapanoh, & ye Southerly bounds is from ye said Mas- sapanoh ranging to a pond caled Sniptuet to ye easterly side of an Indian field taking in a fresh meadow & so over ye pond to a little Hand & so to a Rivers mouth caled Tuppatwett which runneth into ye pond caled Quittuwashett & along ye ponds side to ye fore named River caled Monheggen Containing within ye said purchase all ye unpurchased lands lying on ye easterly & northerly boundes afore- said ; To have and to hold all ye said tract of land bounded as aforesaid with all & singular ye appurtenances & priviledges belonging thereunto or to any pne or prcell thereof, from us the said Tuspaquin and William his son & our heires to them ye said Benjamin Church & John Tomson, and in ye behalfe & to ye use of all & singular ye Inhabitants and proprietors of ye lands in ye Town- ship of Middleborough to them and every of them & every of their heires and assigns for ever. The sd Tract of land bounded as aforesaid with all & singu- lar ye woods waters meadows & meadow lands herediments profitts priviledges enrollments belonging thereunto or to any p""te or prcell thereof with all our Right title and Interest of & into ye same or any part or prcell thereof To belong & appurtaine unto ye only proper use & behoofe, of them ye sd Benjamin Church & John Tomson for and in ye behalfe & to ye use of ye Inhabitants & proprietors of ye lands in ye Township of Middleberry aforesaid. To them & every of them their & every of their heires & assignes forever free & clear & clearly acquitted of & 1673] SOUTH PURCHASE 615 from all other & former gifts grants bargains sales Ingagements & Intanglements whatsoever had made suffered comitted or done, or by us or either of our knowledge privity or procurement and to be holden of his Matie, Charles ye second King of England, etc: his manor of East Greenwich in ye County of Kent in ye realm of England in free & common soccage & not in capite nor by Knights service nor by ye rents & services thereof & thereby due & of right accustomed with war- rantie against all persons that by our right or title of or into ye same or any prte or prcell thereof, granting libertie unto ye said Benjamin Church & John Tomson for & in ye behalfe of ye Inhabitants & proprietors of ye lands of ye Towne of Middlebury aforesaid or either of them either by themselves or their Attorney to record & Inrole these presents or to cause them to be recorded or enrolled in his Maries Court of Records, for ye true performance of ye premises Wee ye said Tus- paquin ye sachem of Namaskett commonly caled & Knowne by ye black Sachem & William his son doe hereby binde orselves of heires executors & Administrators by these presents In witness whereof we ye said Tuspaquin & William his son have hereunto subscribed or hands & affixed or seals this twenty third day of July one thousand six hundred seventy & three 1673. Signed sealed & delivered The O mark of Tuspaquin (S in ye presence of the Black Sachem John Cotton John Cushen The <§ mark of William (S The mark ~fc of Sam Harry son to ye Black Sachem The mark §£. of Joseph of Namassakett Tuspaquin ye black sachem & William his son acknowledged this deed July 22, 1673 : before Josiah Winslow Governor It is doubtful who were the original parties for whom this South Purchase was made. They were to pay the expenses of the purchase, and have the territory apportioned among them- selves. For some reason, they did not pay or settle for the same, and John Tomson and Benjamin Church were allowed to take about one third of the southern portion of this land as their own, which was afterwards known as the Snipetuit Purchase, and the remainder was laid out as the South Pur- chase. November 1, 1673, William, Wetispaquin, Assaweta, Tobyas, and Beevatt In- dians, —for 10 lb. sold to John Tomson, Joseph Lathrop and Barnabas Lay. throp, all of Barnstable, — a tract bounded northerly by Quetaquash pond, east- erly by Quetaquash river and Snipetuet pond ; and from the eastermost end and southermost side of a little neck of land by the said Snipetuit pond, and so from the eastermost side of a little pond on a straight line from thence to Dart- mouth path 100 rods; southerly from Dartmouth new bound tree, and so all 6i6 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1698 along by Dartmouth path until within sight of Quatequash pond ; and from the path upon a straight line to the southermost end of the pond and by the pond. (Wit. John Bryant, Nath' Thomas ;) Old Tispaquin aHas the Black Sachem and Daniel Pachange the same day gave up their right in the above sd deed. Actee- wamequa resigned his June 25, 1674. July 13, 1685. This court allow & confirme all the lands contained in the above mentioned deed unto the 'bove mentioned Mr. Barnabas Laythrop, capt. Joseph Laythrop and John Thompson according to ye order of the General Court to hold to them the said Barnabas Laythrop, Joseph Laythrop, John Thompson their heirs & assigns for ever. Attest Nathl Clarke Secretary of the jurisdiction of New Plymouth. The following were the names of the proprietors of this purchase, found in the earliest list recorded : — "A list of the proprietors of the South purchase taken at the proprietors meeting at the house of Isaac Howland in Middleborough on Tuesday the 17 day of May 1698 and at said meeting upon the drawing of the Lots : the Lots fell as they are here in Respectively afixed to each proprietors name Experience Michill ' Phillip Dillinoe » Nathaniel Morton 1 John Rogers deceast Benjamin Warren 1 Thomas Morton * Midlebery Ministry Adam Wright 2 John Soule seen 8 Jonathan Dunham 2 Zechry Edie 2 Samuell Richman George Morton 1 John Jones 1 Plymouth Ministry Jonathan Sparrow Nathaniel Loweth William Cadman Liut Isack Little Edward Gray J John Dunham 2 18 146 7 203 14 J 45 83 169 140 H7 17 55 : XI 5 26 5 2 i74 107 163 .1 1 1 1 128 89 3 196 104 80 121 143 95 68 180 132 5° 3i 2 "3 99 171 34 161 97 J 59 Edward Gray ' Peregrine White ! Sollomon Huet Mathew Fuller 1 Francis Combs 2 Gabrill Followell 1 Anthony Snow * Elder Chusman 1 John Morton 2 Henry Sampson 1 David Alden William Harlow 1 Francis Walker and | John Hascall jur 2 J John Winslow 1 Abraham Jackson 1 Spare Lot is given to John Bennet theire clerk in way 4 of gratification of his service in the office of his clerkship " I 3 I 63 48 4i *35 136 191 181 185 186 74 38 20 149 l 33 *34 204 . 158 200 J 55 141 *56 70 27 93 : 102 14 152 '93 : 2I 5 205 : 46 1 See other purchases. 2 See sketches of the lives of the early settlers. 3 See chapter on Soule Neighborhood. 4 See chapter containing an account of the Green. 1700] SOUTH PURCHASE 617 David Alden, one of the proprietors of the South Purchase, was the son of John Alden of the Mayflower. He resided in Duxbury, was a man of influence in town and colony, and often employed in public matters. He died in 1719, aged ninety-three, when his estate in Middleboro, probably that portion which had been assigned to him in the South Pur- chase, May 20, 1 719, was appraised. He married Mary, a daughter of Constant Southworth. 1 William Cadman of Portsmouth, R. I., held many public offices. In 1669 land at Middleboro was conveyed to him by James Cole of Plymouth. This was afterward sold by his grandson to Seth Howland, in 1708. 2 Solomon Huet may have been the son of Thomas Huet, who settled in Hingham. In 171 5 Solomon Huet of Marsh- field bequeathed land in Middleboro to his son John. Isaac Little, the son of Thomas Little, was born at Plym- outh in 1646. He was chosen lieutenant of the Plymouth County militia, July 7, 1681, and was one of a Council of War of the colony, August 14, 1689. He died in 171 2. He and his brother Ephraim became residents of the town soon after its resettlement. In 1706 they kept an ordinary in what was afterwards known as the Sproat Tavern. Nathaniel Loweth. We have been unable to find any facts concerning him. Samuel Richmond, the son of John Richmond, was born in Taunton, September 23, 1668. His father was a large owner of land, and was one of the distributors of the Irish Charity in 1677, to distressed sufferers from King Philip's War. He took part in many matters of public interest in Taunton, and was the ancestor of many of that name in Middleboro. He 1 Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 214. 2 Plymouth Colony Deeds, vol. vii, p. 251. 6l8 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1675 was probably the purchaser of the lot standing in the name of his son Samuel. As this purchase was made from the Indians June 30, 1672, his son Samuel was only four years old, and the entry upon the records is either a mistake, or else was entered subsequently, after the death of his father. 1 John Rogers is named as " John Rogers deceased " in the list of proprietors of this purchase. He was probably the son of John Rogers, who was one of the early settlers of Dux- bury, having bought land in 1634. He died in 1660. John, Jr., who was also a native of Duxbury, married Elizabeth Pabodie in 1666, and died in 1696. Jonathan Sparrow, son of Richard, was constable of East- ham in 1656, and took the freeman's oath in 1667 ; in 1662 he was appointed by the court one of a committee to take an inventory of the "liquors, gunpowder, shot and lead that is brought into this government ;" in 1665 he was engaged as a schoolmaster. He was a deacon of the church. He was one of the selectmen of Eastham for ten years, deputy many years to the colony court, and representative to the Massachusetts General Court at Boston after the union of the colonies. In 1689 he was commissioned one of the justices of the Asso- ciation Court. In 1675 he was in the Narragansett fight as first lieutenant of the second company of Plymouth, and in the French and Indian War, in 1690, he was appointed captain of the militia of Eastham. 2 SIXTEEN SHILLING PURCHASE May 14, 1675, land was bought for ^33 by Constant South- worth and John Tomson, of Watispaquin (Tispequin) Sr., and William Tispaquin, " Indian sachems now dwelling within the township of Middleborough three tracts of land, called the 1 Genealogy of the Richmond Family, p. 3, 2 History and Genealogy of the Bangs Family, p. 20. 1675] SIXTEEN SHILLING PURCHASE 619 'Sixteen Shilling Purchase.'" This was by far the largest purchase, embracing what is now Lakeville. May 14, 1675 Wituspequin alias the Black Sachem, and William alias Will Tispequin bind and make oath to Constant Southworth and John Tomson and the rest of the proprietors of Middleboro all Assawampsett Neck or Necks and places adjacent as security for the peaceable enjoyment of those tracts lately bought by a deed of this date. Know all men by these presents that wee Witispican sinr and William Tispi- can iur : indian shachims now dwelling within the township of Middilbury in the iuzidickon of New Plimouth in New England in America : have for the iust some of thirty and three pounds starling: in hand paid before the insealing herof : by Constant Southworth and John Tomson of the same colliny or iuri- dicktion afore said : which said some wee doe acknowledge our selves fully satisfied contented and payd : and thereof : and of every part thereof : doe exonerate aquite and discharge the said Constant Southworth and John Tom- son : them there airs exsecutors and administrators forever : have freely fully absolutly bargained and sould infefed and confirmed : and by these presents doe bargaine sell infeefe and confirme from us and our aires (or any "other Indians now belonging or withing this iuridicktion as above said:) to them the said Constant Southworth John Tomson and the rest of thes parnors or pro- priators whose names are inroulled or recorded in the Records of the towne booke of Midd:bury " as is above expressed to whom it properly belongs unto : to them and every of them ther airs and every of ther airs for ever: all those trakts of lands boutte uplands and medowlands lying and beeing within the compus of these bounds herin exspressed : as namely one trackt or parsell of land lying on the south -southwest : and westerly side or parts of sertaine ponds as namely one is commonly called by the name of Ninipoket the other gos by the name of quitticus pond : the ponds being the bounds on the one sid and end : and we are to close home unto a purchase of land made by Tresurer Southworth and now belongs unto Elder Thomas Chushman's and some of the Littills : ther southerly bounds is our northerly : and from thire bounds by ther pond : upon the same point of compus as ther land runs wee are to extende three miles into the woods : and att the end of the three miles : then to rune or range away southerly till it meets with tow reed oke trees marked : the one is marked on foure sids the other on tow sids : they stand about a rode from eche other and on a littill knowle between tow swamps the one swamp runs away westerly the other northerly: and then from the aforesaid reed oke trees on a strait line through a sedar swampe till wee meete with tow white oke trees marked on foure sids ech of them and standing about three or foure roods asunder from ech other the one of them havth a heape of stones about him : and from these aforesaid white oks on a strait line southerly till wee meete with Dartmouth westerly line : and then to rune esterly as Dartmouth line runs till wee come to the path that gos from Middilebury unto Dartmouth wher stands by the path side a tree marked and is Dartmouth head bounds : and soe from the aforesaid tree notherly till wee clos with quitticus ponds : and soe to close 620 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1675 home to those lands purchased by John Tomson and the Lathrops : a second trackt of land is neck of land commonly cald by the name of Wappond : and is bounded on the northerly sid with Assawamset pond and on the westerly sid or end with a pond comonly cald Poksha : and on the easterly sid or end with a tract of land comonely cald by gray's purchase and is to run as that purchase runs till it meets with the abovesaid Assawamset pond : a third trakt of land is lying betwene the aforesaid Grais purchase : and a trake of land sould by Tis- paquin to his father in law an indian cald by the name of John Taswood : and is bounded on the one side by the above said purchas of Edward Gray where runs a littill brooke : that parts that purchas and this of ours : the brook is cald by the name of pocaset : and runs into Poksha pond and from the head of that brooke or swampe on a strait line esterly till it meets with a great scraged rock and from tha rocke on a strait line till it meets with the river caled Suckte- qesite : which River parts this land and the lands purchased by John Tomson and Bin Church : and soe as the River runs till it meets with a white oke tree marked on tow sids and stands by the River : and from the said white oke tree marked on a strait line till it meets with a great rocke clift in thre : and soe from this rock till it meets with some marked trees standing by a swamp sid: and from them unto the pond called qsastenaqut : and allsoe a sedar swampe lying at the head of stony brooke or fall River : and is compased aboute with the lands purchased by John Tomson and Bin Church on the one sid or end and the lands of hiniry Woods on the other sid or end : and the lands of Govr Prince on the one end and a pond at the other end: wee say all these trakts of land with the sedar swampe thus described and bounded with all woods waters and libirtys of fishing fowling with whatever apurtenances privildges Imunitys thereunto belonging or any ways thereunto apertaining : To have and to hould all thse abovesaid trakts of land unto them the above said Constant South- worth John Tomson and the rest of the proprietors to them and every of them thire airs and evry of ther airs forever : we say unto the proper use and behofe of Constant Southworth John Tomson and the rest of the proprietors to them ther airs and asigns forever : waringting the sale of hereof and of every part and parsall herof and titill or titills herof against all people whatsoever from by or under us the said Wetispican sir and William Tispican iur wee our airs and every of our airs forever : claiming any right titill whatsoe ever into any parte or par- sall of any of the lands above exspressed and bounded : wee say to have and to hold all thes abovesaid lands soe bounded be it more or les with all and sing- gelar the prividges and apurtences therunto belonging or therunto apertaining : quit and clerly aquitted and discharged of and from all other former gifts grants Bargains sals morgages Lesses Charges and all other incumbrances whatsoe ever : To be howld according to the manor of est in the county of Kent in fre and common sockkage and not in cappite nor by knits servis : the rents and servi's : the rents and servises thereof due and of Right acustomed : as allsoe it shall be lafull for the abovesaid Constant Southworth John Tomson or any of the proprietors to inrole or cause thes presents to be recorded or inroled in the records of Newplimouth according to the usshuall maner of recording of evidences of land : In witnes herof wee have herunto set to our 1679] SIXTEEN SHILLING PURCHASE 621 hands and efixed our seals the t fourtinth dayj of May one thousand sixe hun- dred seventy and five : 1675 Signed sealed in the presents of us Nicholas Byram The marke of wetispi ,'3^, can vj—- The mark The mark of 'j David 'Tjl Samuell Edson alius Jokome Pipiurphum The mark /t\ alius Joseph VV 1" *^*> of Wille Tispican This deed was acknowledged by old Tus- paquine and his sone William Tuspaquine to be theire free act and Deed so acknow- ledged the date abovesaid Pr me Will Bradford Assistant. The following are the original proprietors of the Sixteen Shilling Purchase, with the lots that were respectively assigned to them November 21, 1679 : — I. Joseph Warren 1 26. Giles Rickard, senior x 2. George Partridge 1 27. William Cadman 1 3- John Howland l 28. David Wood, 1 Joseph Wood, 1 4- Adam Wright and Benjamin Wood John Tomson ' 29. Nathanel Warren * 5- Joseph Vaughan 1 3°- John Nelson x 6. Guido Bayley, (now 3 1 - John Morton 1 Samuel Eaton) 1 3 2 - Frances Walker and John 7- Thomas Dogget Hascol, — A lot formerly 8. Lettice Morton ' 2 belonging to Ephraim Lit- 9- John Winslow 1 tle, now Thomas Palmer l 10. Isaac Little 1 33- William Nelson, Jr. 1 1 1. Edward Gray 1 34- William Bradford, Jr. 12. Middleboro Ministrey 35- Frances Coombs * J 3- William Pontus 1 36. Josiah Winslow, Esq. x 14. Peregrine White x 37- Phillip and Thomas Delano x 5- John Alden 1 38. Robert Sproat and 16. Samuel Wood l Caleb Samson 17- William Bassit ' 39- Frances Billington 1 18. Gershom Cob 1 40. Samuel Fuller 1 19. Andrew Ring J 41. Jonathan Wood 1 20. Plymouth Ministry 42. David Thomas, senior * 2 1. Jonathan Donham x 43- Nathanel Morton 1 22. John Jones x 44. Experience Mitchell 1 23- Benjamin Bartlett 45- Edward Gray 1 24. John Wood of Plymouth ! 46. Anthony Snow 1 2 5- Serjant William Harlow 1 47- Elder Chipman See chapter on Early Settlers, or other purchases. She was the wife of John Morton. 622 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1650 49 5o Si 5 2 53 54 55 60. Joseph Bumpas 1 61. John Jordan *■ 62. John Eddy 63. John Tomson, senior 1 Lieut. Ephraim Morton 1 John Soule J Frances Coombs 1 George Danson 1 68. Thomas Bordman 1 69. Samuel Little Gabril Fallowell » John Sparrow 1 64 65- 66. 67 70 7i John Irish 1 Thomas Prence, Esq. Thomas Pain Zachariah Eddy* Nathanel Southworth* John Turner, senior Isaac Howland a Ephraim Tinkham, senior 1 56. John Miller 1 57. Isaac Cushman and Elkanah Cushman 58. Matthew Fuller 1 59. John Rogers, senior 1 The proprietors of the Sixteen Shilling Purchase were numerous. Many of them were proprietors of the "Liberties of Middleberry " in 1677, and owners in the other purchases which made up the original town. The following are brief sketches of the lives of those not before mentioned : — Benjamin Bartlett was a son of Robert Bartlett. He married Sarah Brewster in 1656, and in 1678, Cecilia . His home was in Duxbury, where he was regarded as one of the wealthy men, at his death in 1691 leaving property to the amount of nearly four hundred pounds. 2 Elder John Chipman, the son of Thomas Chipman, was born in Dorsesthire, England, about 1621. He came to this country with his cousin, Rich- ard Derby, in May, 1637, and Qfl n ' ' landed in Plymouth. In 1646 s\ ftM/vfc'E ne married Hope, a daughter ^-S of John Howland ; in 1649 he was a freeman of Barnstable, and was the last ruling elder of that church. He was one of the committee appointed by the court in Plymouth, June, 1659, to attend the meetings of the Quakers, " to endeavor to reduce them from the error of their wayes." They recommended the repeal of the laws of the col- ony against Quakers, but their report did not meet with the 1 See chapter on Early Settlers, or other purchases. 2 Winsor, Duxbury, p. 225. 1650] SIXTEEN SHILLING PURCHASE 623 approval of the court. While living in Barnstable, he filled many of the offices of the town, but in 1684, after his second marriage, he moved to Sandwich, where he died April 7, 1708. 1 Isaac and Elkanah Cushman were sons of Elder Thomas Cushman, and each received under the will of their father one half of lot 57 in the Sixteen Shilling Purchase. ^2. $ * CCclC C. (xJ^O^y^* 4 ^ Isaac Cushman was a cler- " gyman, born February 8, 1647 ; he married Mary Rickard about 1675. He was one of the selectmen of the town of Plym- outh in 1685, 1690, and 1691 ; he was one of the deputies to the General Court at Plymouth, and was reelected in 1692 to the first General Court at the union of the provinces. Before the settlement of Mr. Fuller, he was called to the church in Middleboro, but declined ; after Mr. Fuller's death, he again received a call to be a pastor here, but at the same time the church in Plympton called him, and for thirty-seven years he acted as minister there, until his death, October 21, 1732. Elkanah Cushman was born June 1, 165 1, and lived in Plympton, where he was the deacon of the church about nine years. He represented the town at the General Court, and held the office of ensign in the military company of that town. He died the 4th of September, 1 727.2 Thomas Delano, the second son of Philip Delano, was one of the earliest settlers of Duxbury, where he always lived. He married for his first wife Mary, a daughter of John Alden. 3 Thomas Doggett, a prominent citizen of Marshfield, was born in England in 1607, and arrived at Boston or Salem in May, 1637, in wf0*«J ctA^ the Mary Ann. He first settled in _^*>*^ Concord, where his wife died in 1642. He then moved to 1 Barnstable Families, vol. i, pp. 155, 159. 2 Cushman Genealogy, pp. 1 01-124. 3 Savage, Genealogical Dictionary vol. ii, p. 34. 624 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1700 Weymouth, and finally settled in Marshfield, where he was an extensive land-owner. He died in Marshfield, August 18, 1692. His descendants in the middle and latter part of the eighteenth century were quite numerous in Middleboro, among whom were Jabez and Simeon Doggett, who served in the French and Indian War, the latter being one of the loyalists of the Revolution. Thomas Doggett gave to his son Samuel by deed "one-half of all my land in Middleboro." The Thomas Dogget who moved from Marshfield to Middleboro in 1741 was in 1732 a part owner of a sloop, called Middleboro. 1 John Eddy, a son of Samuel Eddy, was born December 25, 1637. In 1660 he was a blacksmith in Plymouth, and in 1689 was one of the proprietors of Taunton, where he lived for awhile. In 171 1 he resided in Tisbury, where he held public office until his death, in 171 5. During King Philip's War he had a personal encounter with the Indians, and after killing one of them, he made his escape to the house. He never occupied the lot assigned him in the Sixteen Shilling Pur- chase, and was not a resident of Middleboro. 2 Samuel Little, son of Thomas Little, was born in 1656, and in 1682 married Sarah Gray. He was one of the family mentioned above who kept the Sproat Tavern. Thomas Paine settled in Eastham, but at what date is not known. He married Mary, daughter of Nicholas Snow. In 1653 he was constable of Eastham; in 1655 was one of the nineteen mentioned as townsmen of Eastham, and in 1658 was propounded at the coiony court at Plymouth as a freeman. As one of the original purchasers of the Sixteen Shilling Pur- chase, he was assigned lot 50. He also purchased of Tispe- quin, the Black Sachem, and his son William, for ten pounds sterling, land adjoining John Alden's tract at Assawampsett Pond, and later owned land in Truro. In 1671 he represented Eastham at the colony court, and was a deputy for seven years. 1 Doggett Genealogy, pp. 325, 341. 2 Eddy Family, p. 103. 1690] SIXTEEN SHILLING PURCHASE 625 He moved from Eastham to Boston previous to 1695, but died at Eastham, August 16, 1706. 1 Caleb Sampson was a son of Henry Sampson, one of the first settlers of Duxbury, an account of whose life has been previously given. He was a resident of Duxbury, and married Mercy, a daughter of Alexander Standish. 2 Robert Sproat was in Scituate in 1660, but later became a resident of Middleboro, where he died in 171 2. He married Elizabeth, a daughter of Henry Sampson of Duxbury, and had several children. From him Colonel Ebenezer Sprout of Revo- lutionary fame descended. He left land at "Edy's Pond" to three daughters, and two lots in South Purchase to two others. He died in the Canada expedition in 1690, under Sir William Phipps, at the taking of Port Royal and the attempt upon Quebec. 3 John Turner was the eldest son of Humphrey Turner, who arrived at Plymouth in 1628, and resided there probably until 1634, when he moved to Scituate, where he was one of the founders of the church. He married Mary Brewster, and in 1683 was still living. Benjamin Wood was the son of Henry Wood. 4 On his father's death he, with Joseph and David, chose John Morton, Sr., to be their guardian. He was drafted into his Majesty's service in the expedition to Canada in 1690. On his way to Plymouth, July 19, 1690, in presence of John Tomson and John Allen, he made what is known as a noncupative will, as follows : " Being drafted upon his Majesty's service against Canada as he was on his way going to Plymouth on the 19th. day of July, 1690, did desire us whose names are under writ- ten to take knowledge of it if it should so please God that he should not return again that his brother James should have 1 Paine Genealogy, pp. 12-15. 2 Winsor, History of Duxbury, p. 300. 3 Dearie's History of Scituate, pp. 131 and 340. * Eddy-Note Book. 626 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1696 his estate." He probably died in the service, as his will was probated in Plymouth December 5, 1690. In his will he is called Benjamin Wood, alias At wood. As a boy he lived with his brothers Joseph and Samuel in Middleboro before the breaking out of King Philip's War, and was among those who returned upon the resettlement of the town. EIGHT MEN'S PURCHASE This purchase included about nine hundred acres, and ad- joined the Wood's Purchase ; its greatest width is about three hundred rods from the Wood's Purchase. Whereas there was a meeting of the proprietors of a certain purchase of land lying within the township of Middleborough and is bounded northerly by the Indian path that goes from the wading place towards Lakenham : westerly it is bounded by Governour Prences Purchase : and southerly and easterly it is bounded by Henry Woods Purchase : said meeting was held at the house of Mr. Isaac Howland in Middleborough : June the : 3d : 1696 : At said meeting it is agreed by the said proprietors that the bounds should be renewed between the said purchase: and the other purchases adjacent And whereas there is eight shares in said purchase it is agreed that there should be fifty acres laid out to each share or more at the dis- cretion of the layers out : and to be laid out for Quantity ac- cording to the Quality : The men appointed to do said work are : Jacob Tomson : David Thomas : James Wood : George Shaw : and John Hascol Junior : and said proprietors have agreed that the charge of doing said work shall be equally defrayed amongst them : it was also agreed that when said work is done : that there should be a meeting of said proprietors warned for the drawing of the lots and defraying the charg : David Thomas and John Hascol Junior are apointed to warn said meeting. In witness whereof we the aforesaid proprie- tors have hereunto set our hands this third day of June one thousand six hundred ninety six. George Shaw : for Daniel Done John Irish for himself and John Simmons David Thomas John Hascal Junr for himself & Francis Walker & John Blackwell James Wood l6 97] MINOR PURCHASES 627 The next year a meeting of the proprietors was held at the house of David Thomas, April 24, 1697, when a report was made of the laying out of the land included in this purchase, and the proprietors drew the lots of the first division in said purchase as follows : — First lot John Simmons Second lot Daniel Done Third lot John Blackwell Fourth lot Francis Walker Fifth lot David Thomas Sixth lot James Wood Seventh lot John Irish Eighth lot John Hascol Jr. Nothing definite is known concerning the owners of the first three lots. The others have been mentioned before. Other purchases of small tracts of land lying between the ones mentioned above were made at different times. Some of these are the following : — Tispequin sold two small tracts of land for £2 5s. to James Cole and John Rickard. One was at Tippicunnicut, beginning at a brook called Cadohunset, bounded on the south by a swamp ; on the north by a meadow compassing it, and so along Tippecunnicut brook; the other was on the west side of Tippecunnicut brook, on the south side of the old Ne- masket path, up to Mahuchet, and so running southward to the south end of the pond. The time of this sale is not speci- fied. 1 James Cole was in Plymouth in 1633, and was the first oc- cupant of the hill where the early pilgrims were buried. He kept an inn from 1638 to 1660, and was living in 1688, "very aged." He had a son James, who was called Junior in 1643, and was enrolled among those able to bear arms. It is doubt- ful whether it is the father or son who is referred to in the purchase. He probably moved early to Kennebec. 1 Eddy Note-Book. 628 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1651-69 John Rickard, son of Giles, married Esther Barnes in 165 1, and had several children. June 21, 1666, Wampatuck sold for ^20 a tract called Sammauchamoi, bounded north by the former purchase, south by Nemasket (Assawampsett) pond, southwest by a little brook which lies southwest of Rootey brook, and so northward to the pond which is the bound of the former purchase : ex- cepting one hundred acres of upland reserved for his loving friend John Winslow, Jr., to be laid out from Nemasket River to a pond lying by Taunton path ; and also one fourth of the meadow lying upon Rootey brook. 1668, October 29. " Whereas a former graunt hath bine made by the court unto Experience Michell, Henery Sampson, Benjamin Church and Thomas Little to look out for land for thire accomodation ; and that since the said graunt they have sought out a prsell of land for that end lying at Namassakett pond these are to be a memorandum that none shall Interfere spe as to deprive them of the said land untill the Court have taken course for the purchase of it and settling such a proportion thereof to the said prsons as shall be by the Court thought meet ; "The Court have graunted libertie unto the Govr Mr Thomas Prence to ex- change fifty acres of land adjoining to his land on the south side of the brooke that falls out of Tuspaquins pond : " Likewise that in case it may be purchased that a competencye of Land be graunted and Reserved thereabouts or neare unto it for the use of the ministry att Namassakett." 1668. "Thomas Prence and Francis Coombe, by order of the General Court of New Plymouth, purchased a large tract in Middleborough at Namassaket." It was subsequently ordered by the court that the remainder not disposed of — the commonage and profits — " should belong to Prence and Combe until otherwise disposed of by the court ; and the charges of the purchase to be paid by such as it was disposed of unto." An "ancient bound " of this Purchase to the east stood about one hundred and ninety rods north of the southerly range of the Eight Men's Purchase. 1669. "March 4, Phillip, alias Metacom, sachem of Pocano- kett and Tispequin alias the Black Sachem, in consideration of thirteen pounds sterling paid by Mr. Constant Southworth, treasurer, in behalf of the colony, sell a tract at Namassakett pond (Nesamamset) bounded on the south-east with the lands of Thomas Little & Experience Mitchells & others and to ex- tend along the said pond for the breadth of it three quarters 1669-75J MINOR PURCHASES 629 of a mile upon a line including all the land home to the pond — and to run from sd pond a mile for the length of it up into the woods," etc. " Wit. — Benj. Church, Nathl. Morton, Thomas the Inter- preter," and "William the Black Sachems son." On the same page of the records are the two following entries : — " In reference unto a former grant of accommodations of land under Mr. Thomas Cushman The Court doth grant and confirme unto him the one half of the last purchase of land made by the Treasurer of Philip sachem of Pocanokett : viz: the one half of that tract of land purchased by Mr. Constant Southworth Treasurer lying and being at Assowamsett ponds on the easterly syde of the said ponds : The other half belong- ing unto Thomas Little : Likewise the Court have granted unto the said Thomas Ciishman that in case any meddow can be found to be neare or convenient unto the aforesaid land that he shall have a convenient proportion thereof. "Likewise Mr. Constant Southworth is appointed by the Court to sett the bounds of the said Tract of land and Mr. William Crow and Mr. Edward Gray are appointed by the Court to make a division thereof between the said Thomas Cushman & Thomas Little." June 10, 1670, Tispequin with his son William sold to Ed- ward Gray, who purchased as usual in behalf of the colony, all their meadow in or near Middleboro on the west side of a tract belonging to John Alden and Constant Southworth, between Assawampsett Pond and Taunton path (which runs upon what is now the Assonet road, from the Four Corners). They sold also a small lot of meadow on the other, the north side of Taunton path, near or next to one of the three other parcels which was that formerly sold to Major Winslow and the other proprietors of Purchade. The deed was witnessed by Annie, the wife of Tispequin. TheTiticut Purchase was made April 20, 1675, from Owen, alias Thomas Hanter, and Popennohoc, alias Peter. Considera- tion, twelve pounds. They sold a tract from Pachusett brook on the east, where it runs into Titicut or Great River, to the lands before purchased ; and from the mouth of the brook 63O HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1673-90 westward, butting upon the river, one mile, till it meets with cer- tain trees by the side of the river, and thence to the Taunton bounds at the highway to Taunton and Rhode Island, where a brook runs through it. " At a Court at Plymouth the 4 th of July 1673 ; Liberty is granted unto Benjamin Church to purches a certaine parsell of land and swamp of Tispequin the Black Sachim and Wil- liam his sonne for the inhabitants and proprietors of the town of Middleborrow : and that the said Inhabitants and proprietors have Liberty untill the last of November next to make pay- ment to him or his order of what he shall disburse for the said lands for the purchas thereof : and in case they shall neglect to make payment thereof by the time perfixed that then the said land is to be his : vera copia as apears of records in Plymouth book of acts and passages of Court the day & year above written. Examined March the 18:1694/5. Sam l Sprague Keeper of Records." 1677. " Att this Court it was agreed by and between Mr. Constant Southworth and Philip the Sachem in reference to the land att Assowampsett pond that whereas the land pur- chased of the said sachem there was formerly to go three quar- ters of a mile broad and to goe over Wachamotussett brook ; it is now bounded by the said brook below ; and soe to goe up by a pond ; and what is wanting below by reason the breadth is cutt short ; by the said brook, it is to make up above." "On the 6th. day of Nov., 1690, Felix, an Indian of Assa- wampsett, conveyed in consideration of 4 pounds, to John Tomson Sr., of Middleboro, and Capt. Nath. Thomas, of Mansfield, the following described parcel of upland, being a part of Felix land at Assawampsett Neck out of the head, so called, of the land which he then owned. This tract of land was bounded at the Northerly corner with a heap of stones on the East side of a great stump ; and thence ranging South- west half a point Southerly 90 rods to a heap of stones ; thence ranging Southeast, half a point Easterly 59 rods to a heap of stones between 2 saplins, and from these ranging Northeast- erly 90 rods to a heap of stones ; and from thence ranging Northwesterly, half a point Westerly 59 rods to a heap of stones first mentioned." m CHAPTER XXXI FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS OR many years there have been in Middleboro various ■i \ ^ organizations having the general object bis of rendering assistance when needed, and of giving mutual and social benefit to the personal welfare of their respec- tive members. They are for the most part in a prosperous condition. A detailed account of its history, object of its work, with a list of officers and members, can be readily obtained from each society. The first Masonic organization in Middleboro was Social Harmony Lodge, formed in 1823. In 1828, by vote of the members, it moved to Wareham, holding meetings there for a few years. At this time the opposition to Masonry became so strong throughout the country that this, with most other societies, was abandoned, and was not revived until the year 1856, when Benjamin Leonard of Middleboro and Thomas Savery of Wareham met at the latter place and organized a society under the old charter, taking the name of the May- flower Lodge. Two hundred and sixty-six persons had been admitted to membership in 1903. Assawampsett Division, No. 34, Sons of Temperance, was organized May 12, 1858. About the year 1867 women were admitted to full membership, new interest was aroused, and the division became the largest one in the state, and held that distinction for some time. Later the interest declined again, and at the end of its forty-seventh year it had less than thirty members. E. W. Peirce Encampment, Post 8, Grand Army of the Republic, is the oldest in Plymouth County. It was organized 632 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1885 by Austin S. Cushman in 1867, and was named for General Ebenezer W. Peirce of Freetown, Mass. From the beginning to the present time, there have been three hundred and one members, but at present the membership has been reduced by death to one hundred and twenty. In connection with the E. W. Peirce Encampment, Post 8, G. A. R., is the Woman's Relief Corps, which was organized January 20, 1885, with forty charter members. The Union Veteran's Union, Stephen Thomas Command, No. 23, with twenty-four charter members, was organized June 23, 1896. The Sons of Veterans, T. B. Griffith Camp, No. 22, Divi- sion of Massachusetts, was organized November 10, 1887, with thirty-three charter members. At one time there was a society in connection with this post, called the Ladies' Aid Society, but this has gone out of existence. The Nemasket Tribe I. O. R. M. of Middleboro was instituted June 25, 1889, w i tn thirty-two charter members. The member- ship at the present time is one hundred and seventy-three. The Middleboro Lodge, No. 665, of the Knights of Honor was instituted June 1 1, 1877, with but three charter members ; its present membership is between sixty and seventy. American Legion of Honor, Old Colony Council, No. 11 52, was established in Middleboro August 9, 1883, with thirty-six charter members, but its present membership seems to be reduced to about ten. Lenhart Lodge, No. 102, A. O. U. W., was formed August 14, 1889. It has, at present, a membership of about one hundred. Middleboro Lodge, No. 135, I. O. O. F., was organized May 14, 1884, and has, at present, a membership of one hundred and seventy-nine. 1888] FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS 633 Colfax Encampment, No. 64, I. O. O. F., was instituted April 17, 1888, with thirteen charter members. It has, at present, a membership of one hundred and four. Assawampsett Lodge, No. 6995, I. O. O. F., M. U., was formed May 24, 1890, with a charter membership of twenty- three, and has now grown to a membership of one hundred and fifty. The Nemasket Grange, No. 158, was formed on the 9th of February, 1888, largely through the influence of the late Elbridge Cushman of Lakeville, to advance the interest of agriculture throughout the county. It has, at present, a mem- bership of ninety-two persons. Progress Assembly, No. 202, R. S. G. F., was organized October 9, 1888, with thirty-four charter members. This went into a receiver's hands in December, 1905. Tispequin Council, No. 23, Jr. O. U. A. M., was organized June 26, 1890, with twenty-three charter members. There are now about fifty members. The Citizen's Aid Society was organized September 28, 1893. It has a membership of forty-eight. Arbutus Lodge, No. 123, K. of P., was instituted November 17, 1895. It has a membership of fifty-eight. Knights of Columbus was organized, in Middleboro, April 29, 1897. It has a membership of fifty. The Business Men's Club is one of the active organizations, combining business and social elements, with a membership of more than one hundred. The Cabot Club was organized by the women of Middle- boro March 4, 1897. The present membership is over one hundred. CHAPTER XXXII CEMETERIES HE Nemasket Hill Cemetery, beautifully situated on a high bank on the Nemasket River, is the oldest in town. It was set apart by the proprietors of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase in 1662, and was used by the early settlers as their only burial-place for more than two generations. It was formerly known as the Old Burial Hill, or simply The Hill. The oldest stone is that of Elizabeth Vaughan, who died June 24, 1693, aged sixty-two years. It was not until the latter part of the seventeenth century that inscribed stones giving the name, birth, and death of the deceased were used to any great extent in any of the burial grounds of the Old Colony. The graves were usually marked, if marked at all, by ordinary stones set at the head and foot of the grave. Here most of the early settlers were buried, although the graves of John Tomson and Samuel Fuller are the only ones now known. It was incorporated by a special act of the legislature March 24, 1885, as the Nemasket Hill Cemetery Association. At the time of the Twenty-six Men's Purchase, it was controlled by them, and afterwards by their descendants, who had here the rights of burial until the time of its incorporation. The Parish Burial Ground at the Green, containing about two acres of land, was conveyed to about fifty persons as proprietors by James Soule in a deed dated March 30, 1717. 1 Many prominent in the history of the town are here buried ; among them Peter Thacher, Jacob Tomson, 'and Isaac Howland. It is probably the largest burial ground, there being ten hun- dred and seventy-four memorial stones now standing. Ad- joining this cemetery upon the northerly side are the tombs 1 See chapter containing an account of The Green. 1750] CEMETERIES 635 MP*J iwips WF*W '1 ; a^iSr^fi;^!-. • -*~?!!&*ft *-• '8«**'fc •£*5-'*i. - ■i , «W5T'-' ifv'j*^* 4 i? ■ ' __^~~~~-~**** ^■l ENTRANCE TO HILL CEMETERY of Zachariah Eddy, Esq., and Thomas Weston, and on the easterly side is the family tomb of Rev. Peter Thacher. Titicut Cemetery was set apart from land given by the Indian James Thomas in 1750. Some years ago it was enlarged by a gift of land from David G. Pratt. It is controlled by a board of trustees connected with the Titicut parish. A monument has been erected to commemorate the gift, which bears also the names of the three Indians who conveyed land for the Titicut church. Warrentown Cemetery, one of the oldest in town, is situated on the westerly side of Summer Street, between the houses formerly occupied by Mr. George Hartwell and Solomon Beals. The land was probably given by Daniel Warren in the early part of the eighteenth century. There have been but few recent interments. The oldest grave in this cemetery now marked is that of Elizabeth Lewes, widow of James Lewes, who died in March, 1744, in her ninetieth year. The Alden Cemetery, situated on Plymouth Street between Purchade and North Middleboro, was probably an old Indian burial ground, and many Indian remains have been there found. It was considerably enlarged in the early part of the last century by a gift from Obadiah Sampson, and has recently 636 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1771 been extended by the purchase of other adjoining land. At pre- sent it is controlled by a board of trustees. The first burial was that of Hepzibah Allen, who died November 28, 1728. In this, as in the other old burial grounds, there are no stones or monuments to mark the place of those interred before this date. The cemetery at South Middleboro near the Methodist Church was given by Consider Benson and others in 1768, and since that time has been twice enlarged by the purchase of adjoining land. It was incorporated a few years since, and is now managed by a board of trustees. The oldest burial is that of Joseph Harris, who died November 21, 1771, aged fifty-nine years and six months. The Central Cemetery is located on the northerly side of Center Street opposite Nevertouch Pond. In the early part of the last century the land was owned by Mr. James A. Leonard, who consented to its use as a burial-place, and after- wards, on August 18, 1842, and in 1858, by two deeds conveyed the land to the Central Baptist Society of Middleboro. It consists of about one and a half acres of land. The oldest stone in this cemetery is that of Bathsheba, wife of Hercules Richmond, who died October 24, 18 19. Rock Cemetery, situated west of the church, was used prior to 1795. It is controlled by the deacons of the Baptist Church and the Baptist Society. The oldest burial is that of Eunice, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah Barrows, who died August 22, 1 791, aged twenty-two years. There are other cemeteries at Rock, first used in the early part of the last century, one adjoining the old training-green, another lying on the east side of the church, the Ewer Ceme- tery on the south of the church, and Hope Rest Cemetery. The Wood Cemetery, known as the Thomas Wood Cemetery, was a family burial ground at the corner of Grove and Wood streets. It has been in disuse for almost a hundred years, and trees and bushes have now so grown over the entire lot that it is difficult to distinguish it in passing by. The oldest inter- ment here was that of Abner, son of Joshua and Hannah Wa- terman, who died July 18, 1796, in his twenty-second year. 1838] CEMETERIES 637 Thomastown Cemetery is a well-kept burial-place on Pur- chase Street, and consists of about two acres of land con- trolled by the Ladies' Sewing Circle of that neighborhood. The first burial here was that of Ruth Shaw, who died May 21, 181 1, in her twenty-first year. Waupaunucket Cemetery is situated on both sides of Vaughan Street, and has been used for more than fifty years. St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, on Wood Street, consists of eight acres of land, purchased and dedicated in May, 1891. Poorhouse Cemetery is a small lot on the east side of the railroad track near Wood Street bridge and the town farm, used only as a pauper burying-ground, and containing about thirty graves with rough stones but no inscriptions. It was first used about 1831. Tispequin Street Cemetery, near Fall Brook, is small and well kept. The oldest inscription is that of Zilpah, wife of Nathan- iel Atwood, who died August 28, 1838, aged fifty-six years. In addition to the above-named cemeteries, there are the Leonard Cemetery, on Taunton Street near the Lakeville line ; the Gammons Cemetery on Sachem Street near Fall Brook ; the Eaton Cemetery on Taunton Street between Center and Cross streets ; the Drake Cemetery on Pleasant Street, North Middleboro ; the Benson Cemetery, South Middleboro, which has not been used for more than one hundred years ; and the Old Smallpox Cemetery, now overgrown with pine wood and underbrush, at the corner of Brook and Soule streets, near the Plympton line. GRAVESTONE OF REV. SAMUEL FULLER CATALOGUE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH MIDDLEBOROUGH, MASS. The saints on earth, and all the dead, But one communion make ; All join in Christ, their living head, And of his grace partake. Reprinted from the History of the First Church, published 1854. INDEX TO THE NAMES OF MEMBERS ALDEN 32 John 33 Hannah 222 David 223 Judith 334 Noah 401 Solomon 427 John 617 Elijah 618 Mary 619 Elihu ALLEN 65 Mary 76 Nathaniel 305 Mary 326 David AMES 301 Elizabeth ANTONY 315 Else ATWOOD 720 John 721 Rhoda 840 Francis 841 Shadrach 962 Mary R. 1004 Joanna BARDEN 20 Deborah 85 Abigail 88 Stephen sr. 170 Abraham sr. 181 Mary 203 Elizabeth 204 Esther 229 Abraham jr. BARKER 545 Joseph, Rev. 579 Eunice 714 William 760 Anna 788 Elizabeth BARROWS 30 Mercy 59 Samuel 132 Samuel jr. 133 Susanna 208 Coombs BARROWS 248 Fear 274 Ruth 552 Ruth 914 Freeman BASSETT 125 Nathan 294 Nathan 302 Thankful BATES 86 Joseph sr. 144 Joanna 310 Joseph jr. 474 Mary 677 Susanna 678 Joseph BEN NET 3 John 4 Deborah 147 Samuel sr. 179 Nehemiah 1S0 Mercy 207 Mary 215 Eleanor 216 Ruth jr. 221 Ruth sr. 273 Thankful 538 Bachelor 763 Mercy 775 Mercy 780 Jacob 2d 794 Rebecca BENSON 477 Samuel BENT 671 Experience BILLINGTON 14 Isaac 186 Mary 499 Ichabod 518 Elenor BOOTH 472 Priscilla BOURNE 563 Abner 568 Mary 575 Abigail BOURNE 587 Newcomb 588 Abigail 607 Lydia 755 Abigail 765 Joseph 766 Sophia 815 Louisa 895 Lucy BRAND 1044 Joanna BRANNACK 520 Consider BRIGGS 490 John 491 Remember 522 Ebenezer 523 Abigail 708 George 709 Patience 1034 Mary BROWN 561 Elizabeth BRYANT 540 Margaret 580 Hannah 636 Jesse 637 Mercy 816 Hillyard BUMP 596 Mercy BUMPAS 18 Weibra 1 1 1 Mary 405 Nathaniel BURGESS 287 Jacob 782 Temperance 1041 Cornelius 1042 Melissa BUSS 842 Martin 843 Eliza CALIMINCO, 463 CANEDY 189 Anibal 432 Elizabeth CARVER 611 Josiah 612 Jerusha CARY 536 Ichabod 537 Hannah CASWELL 56 Mary 171 Daniel 192 Mary 277 Else 899 Polly W. CAVENDER 126 Ann 266 John CHAMBERLAIN 844 Joseph CHAMMUCK 383 Martha CLAPP 138 Ezra 139 Waitstill 362 Elijah 375 Ho P e 437 Manasseh CLARKE 77 Nathan 807 Josiah 80S Mary 809 Deborah P. 845 Elizabeth 1015 Zilpha CLEAVES 51 Eleanor COADE 774 Hannah COBB 17 John 22 Jonathan 23 Hope 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 641 COBB 57 Rachel 70 Lydia 119 Joanna 219 Thankful 236 Ebenezer 237 Lydia 272 Gershom 419 John jr. 421 John sr. 422 Mary 434 Patience 436 Hope 455 Meletiah 469 Ebenezer 470 Mary 518 Abijah 525 Mercy 628 Ebenezer 629 Lydia 644 Binney 645 Azubah 684 Mary 707 Jacob 754 Priscilla 846 Otis T. 84 7 Adeline 903 Olive T. COLE 473 Thomas COLWELL 966 Mary Ann CONANT 1 01 Elizabeth 468 Sylvanus, Rev. 492 Abigail CORNISH 593 William COX 307 Hannah 398 John sr. 410 John jr. 430 Hannah 431 Mary CROCKER 290 Lydia CROSSMAN 209 Barnabas 253 Hannah CURTIS 759 Sal] y CUSHMAN 368 William 369 Susanna 445 Ichabod 497 Deborah CUSHMAN 548 Susanna 565 Mercy 741 Sylvia 930 Susanna 1012 Adoniram J. 1013 Ann S. CUTBART 16 Samuel DARLING 42 Joanna 149 Thomas 265 Rebecca 365 John 423 Elizabeth 715 Daniel 716 Polly 84S Alanson 849 Hannah H. 850 Aurilla DEAN 964 Eliab 986 Lydia 987 Lois DELANO 89 David sr. 1 68 Meribah 169 Ann 438 David jr. DOANE 1 03 1 Calvin DOGGETT S03 Eliphalet DOTY 615 Isaac DREW 78 John 99 Sarah 173 Elizabeth i DUNHAM 162 Ephraim 211 Lemuel 260 Elizabeth 2S8 Joshua 289 Keturah 404 Ephraim 433 Mercy 983 Henry EARLE 1021 Halford 1022 Elizabeth EASTMAN 932 Mary Jane EATON 15 Samuel 226 Francis 886 William, Rev. S90 Lydia EDDY 60 Melatiah 61 Samuel 100 Abigail 234 Jabez sr. 243 Samuel jr. 244 Lydia 263 Jedidah 341 Zachariah 342 Mercy 450 Jabez jr. 451 Patience 516 Nathan 535 Samuel 543 Susanna 633 Joshua 634 Lydia 665 Seth 666 Jerusha 681 Silvanus 682 Nathaniel 683 Lydia 718 Zechariah 719 Sarah 761 Anna 797 Abby 851 Thalia 852 Anne Juliet 89S Lydia 915 Betsey 916 Betsey M. 944 Joshua 955 Jane Ellen 967 Charles E. 968 Eliza 969 Susan M. 970 Ann Elizabeth 988 Charlotte E. 1009 Lucy Ann 1010 Mary Jane EDSON S53 Charlotte ELLIS 190 Elizabeth 384 Elizabeth jr. 623 Lucia 677 Deborah 6S0 Southworth 971 Susanna M. 984 Lucia C. ELMES 172 Sarah 524 Elkanah 792 Leonard S04 Eliphalet jr. ELMES Si 7 Eliphalet sr. 818 Chloe S54 Lavinia 855 Louisa FAUNCE 476 Abigail FELIX 324 Thomas jr. FINNEY 240 Ebenezer 246 Jane 354 Nelson 586 Sarah 609 Martha 657 Margaret 819 Jane FOLEY 1035 James FREEMAN 486 Bethiah 676 John 820 Hannah 856 Mercy 893 Mary 972 Jane FULLER 1 Samuel, Rev. 2 Elizabeth 28 John sr. 29 Mercy 41 Mary 91 Isaac 94 Ebenezer 95 Elizabeth 97 Hannah 103 Elizabeth 146 Silence 151 Lydia 155 Mercy 156 John 247 Jabez 276 Mary 304 Timothy 370 Mary 647 Betty 673 Lucy 674 Sally 685 Sophia 799 Sylvia 857 Lauretta Ann 8 78 Jabez 879 Sally 881 Susan B. GIBBS 167 Elizabeth 642 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 GISBY 773 William 928 Thomas GODDARD 1045 Almira GRIFFETH 251 Elizabeth 283 Mary GUMEE 220 Sarah HACKET 48 Elizabeth 150 Lydia HALL 453 Mercy HARLOW 632 Betsey 767 Mercy 769 Hepzibah 936 David 989 Stephen jr. 990 Jonathan 991 Sarah 992 Betsey B. 993 Mary L. 1029 Bethiah O. HARRINGTON 956 Lucy HARRIS 420 Seth HASKELL 49 Mary 594 Abigail 598 Zebulon HASKINS 973 Jerusha HATHAWAY 331 Mary HAYFORD 225 Mary 239 Benjamin sr. HILL 945 Harriet HITCHCOCK 1038 Henry D. 1039 Olivia HOLMES 625 Thankful 858 Rufus 859 George L. HOLMES 860 Eunice HOWLAND 382 Joseph HUBBARD 728 Serena JACKSON 27S Joanna 335 J° hn J r - 462 Sarah 909 Sarah JENNY 416 KIDDER 687 Sally KING 79 Ichabod 83 Judith 279 Mary 787 Mercy 925 Nathan KNOWLTON 185 Martha 188 Thomas 388 Prudence LAWRENCE 965 Sarah LAZELL 312 Joshua LEACH 316 Abiel 361 Susanna 435 Sarah 504 John 505 Betty 517 Phebe 704 Susanna LEONARD 66 Charity 443 Margery 446 John sr. 603 Lucy 686 Betsey 888 Elizabeth 951 Sally LEWIS 26 Elizabeth 34 Mar y 285 Shubael 286 Hazadiah 381 Elizabeth LING 658 Jane LITTLEJOHN 805 Deliverance 821 Miriam 861 Hannah LOVELL 31 Mary 367 John jr. 40S Lydia 413 Thankful 449 Joseph 758 Jerusha LUCAS 599 Elijah 600 Sarah 822 Job LYON 201 Samuel 202 Joanna 228 Bethiah 293 William 329 Jedediah 389 Martha 390 Sarah 391 Phebe 589 Mary MACHAAN 152 Patience McDOWALL 641 John MANSFIELD 109 Andrew no Sarah MARGARET 36 MAXFIELD 521 Catherine MILLER 157 Lydia 264 Waitstill 409 John jr. 560 Sarah 882 Susanna MORSE 5 Jonathan 6 Mary 50 Mary jr. 284 Martha 498 Desire 549 Isaac 574 Thankful 626 Desire 712 Sage MORSE 889 Lucy W. S91 Ruth 1016 Marston S. MORTON So Hannah 127 Mercy 495 Ichabod 496 Deborah 662 Daniel O. 789 Hepzibah 862 Lendall P. 904 Eliza S. 910 Hannah D. MUXHAM 533 Edmund NICHOLS 974 Lucia Maria NORCUTT 622 Mary 905 Mary NYE 73 Elizabeth OLIVER 52S Peter jr. 531 Sarah ORCUTT 975 Harriett ORRINGTON 954 Mary Ann OSGOOD 942 Adeline H. PADDOCK 210 Ichabod 261 Joanna 699 Lydia 798 Julia PAINE 791 Emerson, Rev. PALMER 21 Thomas, Rev. 142 Samuel 158 Elizabeth 184 Elizabeth jr. 296 Job PARKER 461 Joseph PARLOW 153 Hannah 448 Hannah i 695- i 846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 643 PERKINS PRATT RICKARD SMITH 749 Lothrop 1026 Mahala S. 205 Elkanah 154 Sarah 750 Mercy 1032 Thomas A. 233 Bethiah 161 James 790 John 374 Japheth 309 Rachel 863 Nathan jr. PRINCE 313 Deborah 1023 Eunice 117 Nathan RIDER 318 Jonathan jr. 1043 Ann 120 Samuel 756 Jael 360 Samuel 121 Mercy 392 Sarah PEGGY 303 128 Mercy RIPLEY 417 Experience 129 Alice 576 Tilson 564 Susanna PERU 444 688 Hezekiah 679 Levi PRINCE 314 689 Priscilla 690 James PICKENS 691 Patience 896 Ebenezer PURRINGTON ROBBINS S65 Lydia 897 Mary B. 256 Hezekiah 1030 Consider 977 Mahala 943 Caroline M. 257 Mercy 1033 Abigail S. 507 Mercy ROGERS SNOW 108 Sarah 317 Jonathan PIERCE PUTNAM 642 Experience 939 Israel W. Rev. 941 Julia Ann ROUNSEVILLE 931 Freelove G. SOULE 55 Martha POMROY 1006 Harriot 0. 442 John jr. 475 Hannah 1036 William F. SAMBO 415 464 Rebecca 485 Francis jr. 465 Rachel POOL RANSOM 130 Sarah SAMPSON 67 Samuel 471 Esther 554 Sarah 906 Samuel 193 Obadiah 555 Lydia 907 Lydia RAYMOND 206 Mary 224 Bethiah 664 James 2d 710 John PORTER 620 Mercy 729 Sybil 776 Sarah 87 James 104 John sr. 1 87 Elizabeth 213 John jr. 562 Thankful 732 Samuel 733 L y dia SAVERY 711 Joanna 866 James 867 Ruth 952 Irene 978 Isaac 3d POWERS 254 Mercy 255 Alice 479 Mary 667 Daniel 979 Priscilla 980 Rebecca 500 Stephen 291 Christiana 668 Huldah 1 01 1 Alfred B. 501 Lydia 325 Barnabas 330 Patience SEARS SOUTHWORTH PRATT 373 Elizabeth jr. 333 David 69 Esther 27 Thomas 393 Ebenezer 399 Phebe 135 Nathaniel 191 Hannah 457 Thomas 703 Abiah 137 Jael 200 Phebe 458 Mary 308 Rebecca 227 Jane 459 Amos SHAW 270 John 460 Peter 4S3 Elkanah SPARROW 394 Eleazer sr. 527 Elizabeth 643 Rhoda 396 Joanna REDDING 529 Thomas 734 Josiah 406 Samuel 3d 62 Ebenezer 530 Mary 735 Minerva 407 Hannah sr. 123 Mercy 557 William 825 Bathsheba 440 Samuel jr. 245 Bennet 55S Lydia 441 Jerusha 353 Deborah 572 James SPROAT 466 Elizabeth 426 John 573 Loi s 136 Experience 604 Sarah 439 William 648 Isaac 143 Abigail 610 Margaret 467 Thomas 651 Samuel 292 James 621 Benaiah 478 Joanna 654 Mark 323 Ebenezer 624 Lucy 494 Thankful 793 James 646 Benjamin 508 Sarah jr. SHORT 827 Lucy 772 Thomas 513 Fear 197 Luke sr. 868 Thomas 823 Lydia 597 Luther 883 Mary 824 Phebe SIMMONS 864 Olive REED 447 Martha STANDISH 963 Betsey 937 Ruth 194 Ichabod 976 William SMITH 198 Phebe 1024 Benjamin F. RICHMOND 63 Jonathan 740 Irene 1025 Abby B. 58 Ebenezer 90 Abigail 826 Josiah 0. 644 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 STANDISH THOMAS THOMPSON TINKHAM 900 Jane 403 Asa 570 Mary 357 Martha 424 William 581 William 35S Agnes STAPLES 425 Benjamin 582 Deborah 359 Esther 929 Simeon 452 Barzillai 583 Isaac 397 Hannah 484 Elizabeth 584 Lucy 428 Ebenezer STROWBRIDGE 506 Elizabeth 585 Freelove 482 Isaac 106 William 509 Lucy 640 Otis 519 Hannah 107 Margaret 510 Lemuel 655 Weltha 526 Sarah STURTEVANT 195 Moses 532 Keziah 544 Daniel 656 Lydia 705 Reuel 551 Chloe 577 Lucy 546 David 706 Nathaniel 578 Ruth 196 Elizabeth 627 Sarah 731 Abigail 764 Priscilla 547 Churchill 722 Lydia 592 Jeremiah 550 Deborah 723 Lucy 595 Hannah 556 Mercy 724 Mary 601 Mary 566 Thankful 725 Irene 614 Elizabeth 779 Eunice 795 Fanny 602 Abigail 730 Ezra 631 Sarah 608 Nathan sr. 770 Arad 660 Squire SWIFT 638 Zilpah S71 Marietta T. 661 Anna 786 Lucy 828 Joseph jr. 829 Mercy 830 Lucy jr. 649 Perez 872 Cordelia 663 Silas 650 Sarah 926 Charles F. 771 John 669 Zenas 670 Mary 927 Florantha 935 Cephas 781 Orin 806 Susanna 692 William 98 1 Anna T. 831 Elizabeth THACHER 700 Edward 994 Venus 901 Barbara 35 Peter, Rev. 47 Mary 701 Lydia 995 J ane 933 Betsey 702 Betsey 996 Benjamin 93S Harvey 183 Mary 262 Peter jr. 736 Jacob 1007 Sarah T. 985 Jane 737 Eucy 1027 Mary H. 997 Oliver G. 275 Samuel 299 Thomas 738 Hope 743 Silvanus TILSON TISDALE 306 John 352 Susanna 454 Oxenbridge 744 Susanna 480 Ann 605 Jacob 785 Serena 515 Silence 694 Hannah 869 Daniel 652 Calvin 884 Silas 653 Joanna TORRY THAYER 885 Eleazer 693 Calvin jr. 590 Samuel 321 Abigail 887 Azel 739 Hannah 591 Mary 892 Phebe 796 Joanna 717 Lydia THOMAS 894 Betsey 873 Judith 43 Mar y 917 Hannah TOTMAN 44 David 918 Seneca TINKHAM 502 Experience 45 Susanna 919 Hope 1 1 Ebenezer 64 Lydia 920 Eunice 12 Elizabeth TRIBOU 81 Jeremiah sr. 921 Anna 19 Hester 695 Bathsheba 96 Elizabeth 922 Lucia Ann 24 Patience 98 Mary 923 Winslow 25 Priscilla TUCKER 105 Elizabeth jr. 924 Huldah 37 Mary _ 164 Benjamin 115 Hannah 957 Lothrop jr. 40 Ephraim jr. 165 Sarah 163 Miriam 958 Louisa F. 46 Ephraim sr. 327 Woodward 21S Susanna 959 Saba S. 72 Joanna 489 Sarah jr. 23S Henry 960 Mary Ann 74 Mary 541 Benjamin jr. 249 Abigail 961 Mary H. 93 Isaac sr. 635 Samuel 250 Anna 1017 Phebe 112 Hannah 746 Jedidah 258 Noah 145 Mary 757 Hannah 271 Abigail THOMPSON 148 Seth 912 Susanna 281 Mary 9 Jacob 214 Abijah 933 Mandana 282 Mary 10 Abigail 267 Mary 29S Israel 134 Mary 336 Peter sr. TUPPER 322 Mary 159 Mary 337 Samuel 3d 176 Ichabod 328 Benoni 23 , Thomas sr. 33S Susanna 259 Thomas 3,0 Eleazer 26S Caleb 345 Joseph 411 Rebecca 3S5 Phebe 269 Abigail 346 John jr. 386 Sarah 376 John 347 Hannah TURNER 387 Abigail 41S Lydia 348 Priscilla 456 Elizabeth 402 Sarah 569 Caleb jr. 349 Patience 616 Priscilla I695-IS46J MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 645 VALLER 606 Mercy VAUGHAN 38 Joseph 39 Joanna sr. 92 Deborah 113 John 114 Jerusha 131 Joanna 166 Faithful 230 Desire 241 Hinksman 297 Jabez 319 John jr. 320 Jerusha jr. 351 Elisha 363 Daniel 364 Joseph 371 Joanna 372 Sarah 395 Mercy 503 Abraham 567 Lucy VINICA 998 Rachel 999 Dorlisca N. 1000 Lydia WARREN 174 Samuel 175 Eleanor 1S2 Priscilla 343 Benjamin 344 Jedidah 511 Joseph 512 Mercy 659 Keziah 696 John S32 James 833 Margaret 908 Betsey 1019 George WASHBURN 539 Huldah 559 Azel WASHBURN 810 Abiel 811 Elizabeth S12 Abigail 813 Caroline 814 Louisa Jane 946 Elizabeth H. 982 Eunice WESTON 231 Edmund sr. 232 Susanna 300 Elizabeth 493 Hannah 571 Priscilla 613 Isaiah 745 Priscilla jr. 762 John 777 Hannah 778 Salome 834 Thomas S35 Abigail 836 Abigail jr. 837 Bethania 838 Lavinia 839 Thomas jr. WHITE 160 Benjamin sr. 199 Ann WILBUR 1018 Perry A. WILDER 639 Ebenezer 726 Mary 727 Mary 753 Susanna 875 James D. 1001 Bathsheba L. WILLIAMS 339 John 340 Elizabeth 481 Thomas 770 Jabez WILLIAMSON 412 Fear WILLIS 487 Ebenezer 488 Mary S02 Ebenezer 876 Jane 940 Sabina WING 874 Betsey L. 8S0 Lura 902 Lauretta WINSLOW 53 Nathaniel 54 Elizabeth 366 Susanna WOOD 7 Abiel 8 Abijah 13 Samuel 68 Ephraim 71 Rebecca 75 James 82 Samuel jr. 84 Experience 102 Sarah 116 Elnathan 118 Patience 122 Mercy 124 Elizabeth 140 Timothy 141 Mary 177 David 178 Joanna 212 Thomas 217 Jemima 242 Sarah 252 Hannah 280 Sarah 295 John jr. 311 Ephraim jr. 332 Bathsheba 355 Ephraim WOOD 356 Edmund 377 Joanna 378 Nathaniel 379 Ichabod 380 Patience 400 Samuel 414 Lydia 429 Lydia 542 Elizabeth 553 Rebecca 672 Sarah 697 Lydia 698 Lucy 713 Maria 742 Abigail 747 Israel 748 Ichabod 751 Elizabeth sr. 752 Theodate 768 Betsey 783 Ichabod 2d 784 Mary Soo Elizabeth jr. 801 Horatio G. 877 Lydia 911 Lucy C. 934 Matilda 947 Wilkes 948 Charles W. 949 Emily Louisa 950 Mary T. 953 William H. 1002 Abigail T. 1003 Mercy L. 1005 Mary C. 1008 Alfred jr. 1014 Abiel 1020 Mary 1028 Eleanor B. 1037 Phebe H. WRIGHT 534 Cuffee 630 Anna WRIGHTINGTON 1040 Hope EXPLANATORY NOTICE The Descriptive Catalogue contains the names of all persons who have been or are members of the First Church in Middleboro', including the successive pastors, so far as records and other documents which the committee have been able to examine will show. The half-way covenant, which was in practice from the earliest records until about 1760, has in some cases made it difficult to determine the question of full membership. The existing church records do not give the admissions of all, as is evident from other proceedings of the church ; and the absence of all records (except the Fuller copy of the organization), until 1708, makes it almost certain that a portion of the admissions of that period of thirteen years have not been ascertained. Much care has been taken to enrol none bur members in full com- munion; and the committee are not sure but a few others, excluded for want of fuller evidence, were not also members. It will be seen that the Catalogue is columnar in three respects, namely ; — the regular numbering of the whole church; the dates of admission ; and the names of the members, followed by a particular notice of each ; — the whole occupying but one line when practicable. The order of the particular notices is as fol- lows : — 1. A reference to ancestry or kindred, or both, by abbreviations and the regu- lar numbers if in the church, or by the christian name if not. 2. Reference to the wife or wives by their regular numbers in parenthesis, if members, or by their whole original name, if not. 3. The year of marriage. 4. Time of death and the age. This order varies only in the case of married women, where the name of the husband, or reference to his number, is placed next after her name, and the refer- ence to kindred after her original surname. In a few instances, where nothing else is known of a member, one or more of their children has been entered in the line. Members whose time of admission is unknown have been inserted near the time when they were found to have been such. The fourteen members, from Nos. 21 to 34 inclusive, were probably nearly all admitted during the time of which there are no records. The double dating of the years before Sept. 1752, is made to agree with New Style, but the day of the month conforms to the records. To bring these to New Style, add ten days to dates prior to the year 1700, and eleven days to dates occurring between 1700 and Sept. 2, 1752, when the New Style was first estab- lished in England. ABBREVIATIONS MONTHS Scitu. . . Scituate Ja. Ap. Jy. Oc. War'm. . Wareham Fe. Ma. Au. No. Mh. J u. Se. De. CHURCHES KINDRED C. C. C. Central Congregational Church of Middleboro' fa. . father N. P. North Parish, Middleboro' gr.fa. . grandfather W.P. West Parish, Middleboro' gr.gr. fa. great grandfather mo. mother br. brother MISCELLANEOUS sis. sister s. son abt. about dau. . daughter CE. agel chi. child or children Afr. . African h. . husband hap. . baptised w. wife bef. before wid. widow b. born m. married chh. church sr. senior d. died jr. iunior dis. dismissed to another church dea. deacon ex. . excluded C OUNTRIES fr. from Ind. Indian Eng. . 0. original or maiden name page oved from town, and no record Ir. Ireland or Irish A re. rem TOWNS of dismission re. in, resides in the town or State Barnsl. Barnstable specified Br/dg'r. Bridgewater re-ad. readmitted to this church after Carv. . Carver dismission to another HaPx. . Halifax Rev. Reverend Plym. . . Plymouth M. F. the May-Flower Plymt. . . Plymton UllC. uncertain Sandw. . Sandwich unm. unmarried Figures in parentheses t/nis (2) refer to the regular number of the husband or wife; when separated by a comma ///us (2, 12) they indicate successive husbands or wives, and refer to them. Figures not in parentheses, and preceded by abbre- viations, refer to the ancestors or kindred indicated, thus fa. 20 shows the father may be found at No. 20. Remarks or references in brackets apply to the person preceding, and who is not a member of this church. The names of members admitted by letters of recommendation from other churches are followed, without the comma, byfr. and the name of the town or place. Names of churches are not usually given. 1 When either tk., st., or d. follows the figures for the age, the person is supposed to have attained to within six months of the age stated ; without these additions, the exact age may exceed the figures six months. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE FROM THE ORGANIZATION IN 1695 TO 1846 1 A careful attention to the Explanatory Notice, p. 647, and to the table of abbreviations, including the note respecting th. st. and d. on the opposite page, will facilitate the under- standing of this catalogue. so £ vd -o 3° -w t/i 3 1 ? HI'S 32 £> % n o> "5 "> s £ 33 hS'S *■ 45th. Elizabeth Lewis, wid. of James, d. Mh. 1744, ae. 90th. Thomas Pratt, chi. Abigail, b. 1701, Hepzibah, b. 1705. ( John Fuller sr, fa. 1, br. 91, (29), chi. 94. d. abt. 1710, ae. 42. 1 Mercy Fuller, (28) m. 1686? o. Nelson, 2d m. Wm. Eaton. Mercy Barrows, (59), 0. Coombs, sis. 157, d. Mh. 4, 1718, ae. 44. Mary Lovell, w. of John bef. 1702, chi. 367, 413, 449. {John Alden, s. of Joseph & gr. s. of John of the M. F., (33) m. bef. 1702, d. Se. 29, 1730, ae. 56th. Hannah Alden, (32) o. White, dau. Eben'r of Weymouth, d. Oct. 5, 1732, ae. S2d. Mary Lewis, w. of Eliezer, chi. Keziah bap. 1713. REV. PETER THACHER Jr., 3d Pastor, (47), chi. 183, 262, 2 75. 299, 306, 352, 454, d. Ap. 22, 1744, ae. 56th. Margaret, (Afr.) servant of Jn. Alden, 32. Mary Tinkham. ( Joseph Vaughan, s. of Geo. fr. Eng.,? (39) m. 1680, 2d m. 1720, to Mercy Fuller, wid. of Jabez, o. Wood, d. Mh. 2, I '34, ae. 81st. I Joanna Vaughan sr., (38), br. 44, d. Ap. n, 1718, ae. 61st. Ephraim Tinkham jr., fa. 46, br. 93, (447), m. 1708, d. Jy. n, 1 713, ae. 31st. Mary Fuller, (91), m. bef. 1710, o. Eddy, br. 61. Joanna Darling, w. Thomas sr., chi. Thomas b. 1704. Mary Thomas, w. Jona., m. 1703, o. Steward; 4 chi. bap. David Thomas, "abt. 60 yrs. old," s. David, sis. 39, 1st w. Abi- gail bef. 1669, (96). Susanna Thomas, w. Wm. 2d., m. bef. 1711. Ephraim Tinkham sr., (19) m. 1678? d. Oc. 13, 1714, ae. 66th. Mary Thacher, (35), o. Prince, fa. 120, d. Oc. 1, '71, ae. 84. Elizabeth Hacket, w. John bef. 171 2, [Dea. at W. P.] dis. 1726 to W. P., d. Apr. 17, 1728, ae. 42. Mary Haskell, w. John Jr., m. 1699, o. Squier, dis. 1727, to Killingly, Ct. Mary Morse, mo. 6, m. Francis Moro, 1723. 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 651 VIZ- unc. 5i 52 53 54 55 Au - 4- Mh. 15 " i5 56 57 58 59 (.0 61 62 63 64 Eleanor Cleaves. A gr. chi. bap. 1721, bro't by her. Mrs. Raymond, styled "goodwife" in 1709, and with No's. 50, 51 and 6, " yielded grievances." Nathaniel Winslow fr. Rochester, (54). Elizabeth Winslow fr. Rochester, (53). Martha Soul, w. Jn. m. '01, o. Tinkham, d. Fe. 16, '58, se. 80. Mary Caswell fr. Taunton. Rachel Cobb, (17), m. 1688, o. Soul, d. Se. 18, 1727, ae. 65th. Ebenezer Richmond, m. bef. 1701, Re. to W. P. Samuel Barrows, (30), 1st m. bef. 1702; 2d w. Joanna, Dea. 1725, d. De. 30, 1755, ae. 83d. Melatiah Eddy, (61) m. 1703, o. Pratt, d. 1769, ae. 92. Samuel Eddy sr., s. of Obadiah, sis. 41, (60), d. 1752, ae. 77. Ebenezer Redding, (123, 131), d. May 5, 1751, ae. ab't 72. Jonathan Smith, m. Susanna Thomas 1713, (154), chi. 318, 360, d. Se. 6, 1767, ae. 79th. 7. Lydia Thomas, (81) m. 1684, o. Howland, dau. Isaac, sis. 595, d. Jy. 6, 1 71 7, ae. 52d. 1st burial in The Green Cemetery. 65IAU. -Mary Allen, (76) m. bef. 1708 in Bridgewater. 66 « —Charity Leonard, wid.; m. J. Perkins of Norwich 1722. 67 " — Samuel Sampson, d. Sep. 10, 1 744, se. 75th. [w. Mercy, o. Eddy, br. 61, d. 1743, *. 77th.] 68 " 22. Ephraim Wood, fa. 13, br. 82, m. Susanna bef. 1710, (2d w. 118), Dea. 1725, d. Jy. 9, 1744, «■ 6 5th. 6q oc. — Esther Southworth, w. of Ichabod bef. 1713. [he d. Se. 13, 1757, ae. 79th.] 70 " — Lydia Cobb. Oc. n 1714. Mh. 28 I7I5- Fe. 13. 20. Ma. 20. Ju. 12. Jy. 10. 17- 7i 72 73 74 75 76 1716 Ma. 27. Au. — 26. Oc. 7. Nov. 4. 25- So ; 25 Dec. 2 1717. Jan. 2 Rebecca Wood, (13) m. bef. 1679, d. Fe. 10, 1718, ae. 67th. Joanna Tinkham, wid. Jeremiah Jr. bef . 1711, [his fa. 11.] 2d.n1. 1720. Elizabeth Nye, w. Ichabod bef. 1713; chi. Sam'l b. 1715. Mary Tinkham; m. Henry Wood 171 7; chi. Moses, &c. James Wood, br? 7, (84?); chi. bap., Benj., Barna., Abel, Ich. Nathaniel Allen, s. of Sam'l of Bridg'r, (65), 1st w. Bethiah Conant, m. 1696; chi. 228, 305, 326. Nathan Clark, m. Jemima ; chi. Ichabod b. 1716. John Drew sr., (99); dis. 1734 to Hal'x. Ichabod Kingfr.Scitu., 2dm. 1 716, (83), istw. Hannah, [d. 1716, 32. 36 yrs.l dis. 1733 to Rochester. Hannah Morton, dau. Jn., sis. 131, 134, (125?). 652 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 1718. Ma. 4. " 4- June 1. Jy- 20. Au. 10. 10. 1719. 88 Mh. 19. 89 June 9. 90 No. 15. 1720. 9i Mh. 6. 92 Dec. 4. 1721. 93 Mh. 12. 94 " 12. 95 " 12. 96 " 12. 97 Ma. 14. 98 " 14. 99 Oc. 15. 1722. 100 Mh. 11. IOI Apr. 8. 102 " 16. 103 " 29. 104 " 29. i°5 Ju. 14. 106 Sept. 9. 107 " 9- 108 Oc. 17. Jeremiah Thomas sr., (64, 98), d. Fe. 2, 1736, ae. 77th. Samuel Wood Jr., fa. 13, br. 68, (124, 242), Dea. 1737, b. 1684, d. bef. 1754. Judith King, (79), wid. Gibbs bef., dis. 1733 to Rochester. Experience Wood, (75?) o. Fuller, fa. 1, brs. 28, 91. Abigail Barden, (88), chi. Sarah b. 1695, Abigail, &c. Joseph Bates, (144, 474), 2d m. 1743, d. Au. 31, 1778, as. 86th. James Raymond, m. Mercy Tinkham, 1716, 2d w. (187), dis. 1753, with w. and dau. 373, to Pomfret, Conn. Stephen Barden sr., (85), chi. Wm. b. 1697, &c. (ex. 1727.) David Delano sr., m. 1 706 Elizabeth Eddy. Abigail Smith, m. Eb. Dunham '19, dis. bef. 1731 to Plym. Isaac Fuller, fa. 1, (41), chi. Isaac b. 171 2, d. 1727, ae. abt. 50. Deborah Vaughan, (297), m. 1711, o. Bennet, fa. 3, br. 147, d. Ap. 26, 1 761, ae. 79th. Isaac Tinkham sr., fa. 46, br. 40, 595, (214), dis. 1734 to Hal'x; Deacon in Hal'x, d. Ap. 7, 1750, ae. 65th. {Ebenezer Fuller, fa. 28, br. 156, sis. 151, (95), m. bef. 1716. he & w. dis. '34 to Hal'x., d. '85 ? ae. 98th. Elizabeth Fuller, (94), o. Short, b. 1693 in Weymouth, dau of Luke jr., gr. fa. 197. Elizabeth Thomas sr. fr. Plymt. (44), m. 1718, o. Canedy. Hannah Fuller, (156), o. Thomas, dis. 1734 to Halifax. Mary Thomas fr. Taunton, (81) m. 1720, bef., wid. Durfee, d. Nov. 15, 1749, ae. 85th. Sarah Drew, (78), chi. Abigail b. 1721, dis. 1734 to Hal'x. Abigail Eddy, w. Benj'n, [br. 61, 234] m. bef. 1717; 2d m. 1747 to Elisha Hayward. 3d m. 1752 (161). Elizabeth Conant, w. Josiah, m. 1701, o. Washburn. Sarah Wood, w. John sr., chi. Stephen b. 171 2, David, &c. Elizabeth Fuller, gr. fa. or fa. 1, m. John Eaton 1729, dis. 1731 to Kingston. John Raymond sr., "in 74th yr."; d. Ju. 5, 1725, ae. 77th. Elizabeth Thomas, fa. 81, sis. 219, 242, m. John Tomson '23; dis. 1734 to Hal'x, d. Aug. 1776, ae. 86th. r William Strowbridge fr. Donaugh Ir. (107), Re. 1 725 to W. P., d. No. 14, 1777, ae. 87. I Margaret Strowbridge fr. Donaugh Ir., (106), dis. 1726 to I W. P., d. De. 8, 1776, ae. 83. Sarah Rogers; probably m. Samuel Ford in Marshfield. i 695- i 846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 653 109 no 1723. July 1. " 1. III " 1. 112 " 1. ^3 " 1. 114 " 1. 115 Il6 " 21. De. 15. 117 Il8 119 1724. Mh. - May 3. Ju- 3°- I20 Oc. 25. 121 " 25. 122 No. 8. I23 I24 125 126 127 " 29. 1725- Ma. 30. Jy- 4- " 29. " 29. 128 129 Se. 5. " 5- 130 I3 1 I32 " 5- Oc. 3. 1726. Ma. 1. *33 134 " 1. Jy- 17- 135 No. 27. 136 1727. Jan. 8 Andrew Mansfield fr. 1st ch. in Lynn, (no). Sarah Mansfield fr. 1st ch. in Lynn, (109). Mary Bumpas, w. Joseph, [b. 1674] m. bef. 1713. [fa. d. 1705.] Hannah Tinkham fr. Scitu., (176), d. Ap. 13, 1771, ae. 91st. f John Vaughan, fa. 38, (114), m. 1718, d. Ma. 8, 1770, ae. I 78th. I Jerusha Vaughan, (113), o. Wood, fa. 7, b. 1695, d., ae. 90? Hannah Thomas, m. 1721, o. Turner, chi., 2 s., 7 dau. Elnathan Wood, fa. 7, m. Mary Billington 1712, 2d. w. 1735 (380), d. Ap. 20, 1752, ae. 66. Nathan Prince, fa. 120, sis. 128, d. Jy. 25, '48, ae. 50. Patience Wood, (68), m. bef. 1724, chi. 332, & Manassah. Joanna Cobb, "on her bed at her house," (421), m. bef. 1714, o. Thomas, dau. Wm. sr., d. No. n, 1724, ae. 32d. f Samuel Prince Esq. fr. Sandwich, (2d w. 121), d. Jy. 3, 1728, ae. 80. I Mercy Prince fr. Sandw. (120), dau. Gov. Hinckley, m. bef. 1687, d. Ap. 25, 1736, ae. 73, chi. 47, 117, 128, 129. Mercy Wood, w. of Abiel Jr., o. Hacket, m. 1718. Mercy Redding, (62) m. 1706, o. Miller, d. Mh. 31, '28, ae. 43d. Elizabeth Wood, (82) m. bef. 171 7, chi. Joshua, Ann, &c. Nathan Bassett fr. Sand'h, (80?); Dea. in Mr. Weld's chh. Ann Cavender, (266) m. bef. 1731, chi. Catharine, b. 1731. Mercy Morton, (ad. 58), m. bef. 1722, o. Foster, d. Ap. 4, 1782, ae. 84th. Mercy Prince, fa. 120, sis. 47, 129, d. Au. 9, 1748, ae. 48th. Alice Prince, fa. 120, sis. 128, m. Samuel Gray of Harwich, d. July 4, i733> «• 3 j st. Sarah Ransom, w. Robert; chi. Wm., Robert, & c. bap. '29. Joanna Vaughan, wid. Elisha, o. Morton, sis. 80. 2d m. (62). ( Samuel Barrows Jr., fa. 59, br. 208, (133). He & w. dis. 1740 to Killingly Ct.; 6 sons and 2 daughters. ( Susannah Barrows, (132), chi. fr. 1724, Sarah, Geo., Sam. &c. Mary Tomson, (235), m. 1715, o. Morton, dau. John, sis. 80, dis. 1734 to Hal'x, d. Mh. 20, 1781, ae. 91st. Nathaniel Southworth, (137), m. bef. 1710, d. Ap. 8, 1757, ae. 72. Experience Sproat, "wid. of Lt. Ebenezer who with her was pro- pounded in July last." [He d. Sep. 28, 1726, se. 52d.] "I was, (says Mr. Thacher,) by an illness of n weeks, disenabled to proceed with them." Her 2d m. 1731 to Francis Miller, d. Nov. 19, 1758, ae. 74th. 654 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 1727. 137 Ja. 22. 138 " 22. 139 " 22. 140 Jy- 30- 141 3°- 142 De. — 143 ll 1728. 144 Ja. 28. 145 " 28. 146 " 28. 147 Mh. 10. 148 " 10. 149 " 10. 150 " 10. 151 " 10. 152 " 17. 153 " 24. 154 Ma. 12. 155 " 12. 156 June 6. 157 Jy- 14. 158 " 14- 159 Oc. 13. 160 No. 17. 161 " 17. 1729. 162 Mh. 24. 163 " 24. 164 " 24. 165 " 24. 166 Apr. 6. 167 " 6. 168 " 6. 169 " 6. 170 " 20. 171 " 20. Jael Southworth, (135), o. Bennet, d. No. 9, 1745, ae. 67th. Ezra Clap fr. Milton, (139), d. Se. 20, 1761, ae. 68th. Waitstill Clapfr. Milton, (138), o. Tucker, d. Jy. 31/68, ae. 73d. r Timothy Wood, fa. 7, (141). Both dis. 1734 to Hal'x. d. Au. 22, 1756, ae. 63. ( Mary Wood, (140) m. bef. 1726, d. May 12, 1756, ae. Samuel Palmer, fa. 21, mo. 158, sis. 184, br. 296, dis. 1731 as Pastor at Falmouth, Mass. Abigail Sproat, mo.? 136, m. Rev. John Wadsworth, of Canter- bury, Ct., 1729, d. 1778, ae. 71. Joanna Bates, (86) m. '17, o. Tinkham, d. Ju. 28, 1738, ae. 42d. Mary Tinkham, (148) m. bef. 1726, d. Ju. 16, 1745, ae. 43d. Silence Fuller, w. of Samuel, m. 1726, o. Short, b. 1704, dau. of Luke jr., gr. fa. 197. Samuel Bennet sr., fa. 3, sis. 92, (221) chi. Samuel, b. 1710. Seth Tinkham, s. Peter & Mercy, (145), d. Fe. 9, 1751, ae. 47th. Thomas Darling, mo. 42, br. 365, (265), d. No. 2, 1792, ae. 88th. Lydia Ffackett, w. Geo. m. 1724, o. Thomas, b. 1694. fa. 81. Lydia Fuller, fa. 28, (226) m. 1733. Patience Machaan, wid. of Duncan, dau. 291, bap. Hannah Parlow, wid. of Thomas, m. 1722, o. King.; 2d m. 1740 (161), d. Ap. 5, 1750, ae. 48. Sarah Smith, (63) m. '25, o. Churchill, d. Ju. 5, 1744, ae. 48. Mercy Fuller, m. Ford, "dis. 1761 to chh. in Paquague." John Fuller, fa. 28, (97, 244), 1st m. 1719, dis. 1734 to Hal'x. d. 1766, ae. 74. Lydia Miller, w. John, m. 1702, o. Coombs, dau. Francis, [who d. 1683] d. Mh. 6, 1735, ae. 56th. Elizabeth Palmer, (21) d. Ap. 17, 1740, ae. 64th. Mary Tomson, fa. 9, br. 268, sis. 180, m. Reuben Tomson, dis. 1734 to Hal'x. d. Jy. 19, 1769, ae. 58. Benjamin White sr. Esq., (199), d. De. 10, 1750, ae. 67th. James Smith, (153) 2d m. '52 (100), d. Se. 9, '63, ae. 72 d. Ephraim Dunham, m. Annas Smith 1725, s. Jona. b. 1726. Miriam Thomas, w. Jer'h, jr., o. Thomas, d. Ja. 10, '68, ae. 73d. f Benjamin Tucker, (165) Dea. 1745, d. Jy. 9, '81, ae. 76th. 1 Sarah Tucker, (164) o. Woodward, d. Mh. 13, '79, ae. 67th. Faithful Vaughan, m. 1720? d. Ap. 5, '53, ae. 66th. Elizabeth Gibbs. chi. Jabez, bap. Meriba Delano, b. 1709, dau. Nathan, m. C. Dexter, 1731. Ann Delano, sis. 168 probably. Abraham Barden sr., (181), chi. 229, Joseph, Isaac. Daniel Caswell, (192), chi. Mary, Deborah, Jael; bap. 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 655 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Au. 10 182 " 10. 183 " 10. 1730- 184 Ja. 18. 185 " 18. 186 " 18. 187 Jy- 19- 188 " 19- 189 Aug. 7. 190 No. 22. 1731- 191 Ma. 23. 192 Ju. 20. 193 " 20. 194 Aug. 8. 195 " 8. 196 " 8. 197 Se. 23. 198 Oc. 10. 199 " 10. 200 " 10. 1732. 201 Ja. 23. 202 " 23. 203 Apr. 1. 1729. Apr. 27. Sarah Elmes, w. Ignatius, m. 1728, o. Bennet, dau. Eben'r. gr. fa. 3, d. Jy. 1789, ae. 82. 27. Elizabeth Drew, dis. 1734 to HaPx., d. No. 14, 1779. July 6. J Samuel Warren, (175) m. 1704, chi. 182, Samuel, James. 6. 1 Eleanor Warren, (174), o. Billington, chi. Nathan, &c. 6. Ichabod Tupper, (112?) m. 1729. 6. ( David Wood, s. David, (178) m. 1720, d. Jy. 29/38, 32. S°- 6. ( Joanna Wood, (177) o. Tilson, chi. Edmund, David, &c. 6. ( Nehemiah Bennet, s. John jr., gr. fa. 3, (180) m. 1721, d. Au. I 15, i7 6 9. «• 74th. J Mercy Bennet, (179) o. Tomson, fa. 9, d. Se. 4, 1799, se. 99 I yrs. 10 mo. 11 days. Mary Barden, (170) m. bef. 1698, chi. Mary, 203, Sarah. Priscilla Warren, b. De. 12, 1704, fa. 174, br. 343, 511. Mary Thacher, b. 1711, fa. 35, m. Rev. Nathan Stone, 1751, dis. 1753 to Southboro'. Elizabeth Palmer, b. 1704, fa. 21, m. Eben'r Cheney, d. bef. 1780. Their dau. Mary m. Jn. Morey & d. here, 1821. Martha Knowlton, (188), 1st chi. at Ipswich, b. 171 2. Mary Billington, w. Isaac, [His fa. 14.] m. 1730, o. Dunham, d. Ju. 24, 1777, ae. 72d. Elizabeth Raymond, (87) bef. 1724, dis. 1753 to Ct. Thomas Knowlton, (185) d. Ju. 22, 1755, as. 69th. Anibal Canedy, chi. Hopestill & Sarah bap.; 2d m. bef. 1739 to Paine. Elizabeth Ellis, m. 1715? d. Ap. 3, 1753, ae. 66th. Hannah Pratt jr., w. Eleazer jr., o. Short, dau. Luke jr., gr. fa. 197, d. Se. 4, 1793, ae. 82. Mary Caswell, (171) m. bef. 1732. Obadiah Sampson fr. Marshfield, fa. 67, (206), chi. fr. 1737. Ichabod Standish, (198), dis. 1734 to Hal'x, d. Fe. 29, 1772. J Moses Sturtevant fr. Plymt., (196), s. Consider, b. 1733. 1 Elizabeth Sturtevant fr. Plymt., (195) s. Jos. b. 1734. Luke Short sr., chi. Luke, here. d. 1746, ae. 116. Phebe Standish fr. Plymt., (194) m. 1719, o. King, dis. 1734 to Hal'x. Ann White, (160), m. bef. 1727, d. Se. 13, 1778, ae. 81st. Phebe Pratt, w. Benaiah bef. 1737, d. Mh. 5, 1800, ae. 88. Samuel Lyon, (202), chi. 329, d. Fe. 22, 1756, ae. 76th. Joanna Lyon, (201), o. Bates? No chi. recorded here. Elizabeth Barden, mo. 181, b. Oc. 1, 1702, m. Sampson? 656 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 1733- Mh. 19. Ap. 29. '■' 29. ' 29. unc. 235 July 1 216 1. 217 M 1. 218 " 1. 219 a 1. 220 11 1. 221 Aug • 5- 222 u 5- 223 a 5- 224 M 5- 225 <( 5- 226 Se. 3° 1734- 227 Mh. 17 228 Ap. 28 229 Ju- 10 23O Au. 11 231 «( 11 232 u 11 233 Se. 29 234 29 Oc. 10. Esther Barden, (229), m. '26, o. Sampson, fa. 67, dis. '37. Elkanah Richard, 1st w. Ketura bef. 1730; chi. Nath'l, '30, Elhanah 1732, (2d w. 233), re. to Bridgewater. Mary Sampson, (193) m. 1731, o. Soul, d. 1743. Mary Bennet, w. Isaac, m. 1732, o. Drew; 4 sons & 2 daus. Coombs Barrows, fa. 59, m. '29 & '32, d. No. 30, '75, ae. 71st. Barnabas Crossman, (253) m. bef. 1729; 5 sons & 2 daus.; d. Oc. 1, 1744, ae. 44th. Ichabod Paddock, (261), m. bef. '23, d. Au. 26, '50, ae. 64th. Lemuel Donham, (260), m. 1735; 6 sons & 3 dau's. Thomas Wood, fa. 7, m. Hannah Alden, 1729. [Her fa. 32.] d. Ja. 27, 1745, ae. 42d. John Raymond jr., fa. 104, 1st. m. bef. 1703, 2d m. 1726. Abijah Tinkham, (93), o. Wood, fa. 7, dis. 1734 to Hal'x. d. De. 25, 1777, ae. 88th. Eleanor Bennet, b. 1711, fa. 147, sis. 216, m. Z. Whitman, of Bridg'r, 1733, d. No. 10, 1777, ae. 66. Ruth Bennet jr., b. 1714, fa. 147, m. Jona Snow, 1746. Jemima Wood, b. 171 2, fa. 116, br. 355, sis. 263, 414. Susanna Thomas. Thankful Cobb, w. James, m. 1718, o. Thomas, fa. 81, sis. 242, 105, d. Ap. 17, 1743, ae. 48th. Sarah Gumee; or Gurnee; perhaps Gurney. Ruth Bennet sr., (147) m. bef. 1710, o. Perry; chi. 215, 216. J David Alden, fa. 32, (223) m. bef. 1728, d. Au. 24, 1763, ae. 61. ( Judith Alden, (222) o. Paddleford, d. 1802, ae. 94th. Bethiah Sampson, m. 1727, o. Clark. Mary Hayford, (239) m. bef. 1728. Francis Eaton, m. 1727, 2d w. (151). Jane Pratt Bethiah Lyon, w. Eleazer, m. 1732, o. Allen, b. 1708, fa. 76. Abraham Barden jr., b. 1698, (204), 1st m. Priscilla Alden 1722, dis. to Stafford, Ct. 1737. Desire Vaughan, (241) m. bef. 1733, d. Se. 10, '84, ae. 89th. f Edmund Weston sr. fr. Plymt., (232, 300), d. Ap. 29/73, ae. 76. I Susanna Weston fr. Plymt., (231) m. bef. 1723, o. Jackson, I d. No. 4, 1734, ae. 28th. Bethiah Rickard, (205) m. 1733, o. Conant, dau. Nath'l. Jabez Eddysr. fr. Carv., 1 br. 61, chi. 450, Moses 263. "dis. Se. 6. 1749 to unite with members of Rev. Mr. Shaw's chh. at Titicut." Thomas Tomson sr., s. John fr. Eng., br. 9, (134), dis. '34 to Hal'x. d. Oc. 26, 1742, ae. 78. Then and until 1792 called " The second Church in Plymton." 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 657 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 1734- Oc. 10. 10. 10. 10. Nov. 3. " 21. 1735- Ap. 20. Ju. 12 " 12. 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 Se. 28. 1/36. Ja. 11. Ap. 11 Ju- 13- 13 13 July Se. Oc. 21 1737- Ap. 24 Jy- 17 1 Ebenezer Cobb, (237), dis. 1734 to Hal'x. 1 Lydia Cobb, (236), m. bef. 1731, dis. 1734 to Hal'x. Henry Thomas, m. Ruth Nelson 1726, chi. 452. Benjamin Heyford Sr., (225), sons Benjamin, John, Jacob. Ebenezer Finnea fr. Norton, (246), Dea. 1737, d. Sept. 21, 1745, se. 47th. Hinksman Vaughan, b. 1708, mo. 131, (230). 3 sisters b. July 1, 1 711; also 3 sons b. June 1, 1735. Sarah Wood, (82) m. '30, 1st h. Isaac Howland, o. Thomas, sis. 105, 219, d. Ap. 3, 175°. *• 68 - ( Samuel Eddy jr., fa. 61, (244) m. '33, d. '46, ae. 36. - Lydia Eddy, (243) o. Alden, fa. 32, br. 334, 223, sis. 271, 1 ' (2d h. 156,) d. Mh. 1, 1803, ae. 92. Bennet Redding (439) m- J 734, o. Eddy, fa. 61, br. 243, 34i, sis. 412, d. Jy. 15, 1797; *• 8 3 ? Jane Finnea fr. Norton, (240); chi. 354, Lewis, &c. Jabez Fuller, b. 171 7, s. Jona. m. Hannah Pratt 1744, gr. fa. 1; Re. to Medfield; himself & 3 chi. Tho., Jabez & Jona., Physicians. Fear Barrows, m. '36, o. Thomas, d. No. 2, '61, ae. 40th. Abigail Thomas, w. Edward jr., m. 1720, o. Parlow, d. Oct. 13, 1756, ae. 62d. Anna Thomas, w. Eben'r, m. 1731, o. Ransom, d. 1763, ae. 52d. Elizabeth Griffith, w. Jesse, m. 1723, o. Bent; dis. 1742 to Plymt, d. 1743. «. 37? Hannah Wood, 2d. w. John sr., m. 1731, o. Chiles. Hannah Crossman, (209) m. bef. 1729. Mercy Raymond, (393) m. bef. 1732- . Alice Raymond, (325) m. 1729, o. Bent, dau. Experience? f Hezekiah Purrington, (257); chi. Joshua, Sam'l, Jn 1 Mercy Purrington, (256) m. 1735, o. Bates, b. '19, fa. 86. Noah Thomas, s. Edw'd sr., br. 608, (281) d. De. 20, '58, ae. 49. Thomas Tupper, (411) m. 1735, re. to Munson, Ms. i 7 97? Elizabeth Donham, (211),- o. Tinkham, br. 337, sis. 357, 433, d. ae. 63. Joanna Paddock, (210), o. Faunce, d. May 4, 1758, *• 68 - Peter Thacher Jr., fa. 35, dis. 1748 to Attleboro, Pastor there; m. 1749 Bethiah Carpenter, d. Se. 13, 1785, se. 70th. Jedidah Eddy, w. Moses [fa. 234], m. 1735, o. Wood, fa. 116, d. Mh. 9, 1788, se. 73. 658 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 1737- 264 Se. 24. 265 No. 6. 1738. 266 Ap. 16. 267 Oc. 12. '739- 268 Fe. 17. 269 " i7- 270 Ma. 13. 271 " 13- 272 Jy. 1. 273 1. 274 1. 275 1. 276 Au. 19. 277 Se. 16. 278 Oc. 14. 279 " 28. 1740. 280 Mh. 11. 281 Ju- 15- 282 " i5- 1 741. 283 Ma. 7. 284 " 7- 285 " 10. 286 " 10. 287 " 10. 288 Ju. 21. 289 " 21. 290 " 21. 291 Au. 2. 292 " 16. 293 Dec. 6. 294 " 6. 29s " 6. 296 " 6. Waitstill Miller, (409), o. Clap, d. Au. 27, 1754, as. 38th. Rebecca Darling, (149) m. bef. 1725. John Cavender, (126); dau. Catherine b. 1731. Mary Tinkham. J Caleb Tomson, fa. 9, (269), d. Ja. 10, 1787, ae. 75. I Abigail Tomson, (268) m. bef. 1737, o. Crossman, d. No. 23, 1 791, as. 77th. John Pratt, s. Sam'l, m. H. Turner, 1725, 2d. w. 1729, (466?) Abigail Thomas, w. Nathan (608) m. 1735, 0. Alden, fa. 32, d. Ja. 1744, ae. 29. Gershom Cobb, b. 1714, fa. 421, br. 419, sis. 377, (455) Dea. 1745, Re., & d. in old age, in Hardwick, Mass. Thankful Bennet, m. 1724, 2d. m. Seth Samson 1758, o. Sproat. Ruth Barrows, w. Sylvanus bef. 1738 at Barnst., dis. to " Wend- ham," 1755. Samuel Thacher fr. Plym., fa. 35, m. Debo'h Bennet 1747, 2d. w. Sarah bef. 1759, 3d. m. 1779 Catherine Stephens, d. Mh. 21, 1795, ae. 78th. Mary Fuller. Else Caswell, m. Benj n. Heyford? 1752. Joanna Jackson, (335) m. 1735, o. Bates, b. 1718, fa. 86. Mary King, m. 1732, o. Green, dis. 1747 to Turkey, N. J. Sarah Wood, (295) m. bef. 1739, dis. 1744 to Berkley. Mary Thomas, (258) m. 1733, o. Alden, fa. 32, br. 222, 334, 427, sis. 271, 244, d. Au. 1, 1787, ae. 75th. Mary Thomas, (424) m. bef. 1733, d. Au. 4, 1768, ae. 58th. Mary Griffeth fr. Rochester. Martha Morse fr. Carver, w. Jona. d. 1805, ae. 95. f Shubael Lewis fr. Carv. (286); chi. Samuel b. 1739, &c. I Hazadiah Lewis fr. Carv. (285), o. Eddy, b. 171 2, fa. 234. Jacob Burges fr. Yarmouth 2d. chh., m. bef. 1741. ( Joshua Donham fr. Carv. (289.) 1 Keturah Donham fr. Sandw., (288) m. 1740, o. Barlow. Lydia Crocker fr. Carv., w. Theopholus bef. 1731. Christiana Raymond fr. Bridg'r., (460), o. Machaan, mo. 152. James Sproat, mo. 136, br. 323, Pastor d. 1793, as. 71. William Lyon, (389); s. Elisha b. 1744, Daniel b. 1761. Nathan Bassett Jr., fa. 125, 1st. w. bef. 1730, 2d. w. (302.) John Wood Jr., b. 1716, (280), dis. 1744 to Berkley. Job Palmer, fa. 21, br. 142, sis. 184, d. Ja. 1, 1746, as. 26th. 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 659 1742. 297 Jan ■ 3 298 " 3 299 ** 3 300 3 301 u 3 302 « 3 3°3 u 3 3°4 it 10. 3°5 It 10 306 u 10 3°7 a 10 308 << 10 3°9 a 16 310 a 24 3 11 a 24 312 24. 3 X 3 u 24 314 (( 24 3i5 11 24 316 << 24 3i7 it 24 3i8 Fe. 14 3*9 (< 14 320 14 321 14 322 14 323 14 3 2 4 14 325 14 326 14 327 Mh • 7 328 M 7 329 11 7 330 a 7 Jabez Vaughan, fa. 38, br. 113, (92) d. Ap. 13, 1773, ae. 91st. Israel Thomas, mo. 402, sis. 119, (391), d. Ju. 29, 1778, ae. 65. Thomas Thatcher, fa. 35, unm., d. De. 10, 1744, ae. 24th. Elizabeth Weston, (231) m. 1735, o. Smith? Elizabeth Ames, wid. of Seth, 2d. m. 1742 (312), o. Prince dau. of John, gr. fa. 120, d. 1753. Thankful Basset, (294) 2d. w. bef. 1740. Peggy, (Ind.) m. Tom (Afr.) 1741, servants of E. Leonard. Timothy Fuller, b. 1721, br. 247, dis. 1766 to Attleboro'. Mary Allen, b. Mch. 4, 1715, fa. 76, br. 326. John Thacher, b. Ap. 27, 1723, fa. 35, brs. 262, 275, 299. Hannah Cox, (398) m. 1721, o. Smith, d. De. 18, 1777, ae. 78? Rebecca Southworth, m. 1741, o. Ellis, mo. 190, br. John 384, d. Ju. 19, 1 781, ae. 60th. Rachel Smith, (360) m. 1738, o. Cobb, mo. 219, sis. 379, d. Mh. 2, 1767, as. 47. Joseph Bates Jr., b. 1722, fa. 86, sis. 257, 278, m. Eunice Tink- ham 1749, dis. 1787 to Hartland, Vt. Ephraim Wood Jr., fa. 68, br. 400, sis. 332, m. Mary Lazell 1742, 2d. w. (442) m. .1752, d. De. 14, 1781, ae. 66th. Joshua Lazell, (301), s. Prince b. 1745, dau's Elizabeth and Mary; d. in Bridg'r, 1749. Deborah Smith, o. Barden, d. Ja. 9, 1801, ae. 93d. Prince, (Afr.), (416) m. 1747, serv't of Eben'r Morton. Else Antony, (Ind.) d. about 1790. Abiel Leach fr. Hal'x, (435) m. bef. 1739, d. Oc. 2, 1787, ae. 87th. Jonathan Snow fr. Bridg'r, m. Sarah Soul 1728, 2d. m. 1746 to Ruth Bennet; gr. fa. of Aaron, d. 1783, ae. 81. Jonathan Smith Jr., b. Fe. 14, 1716, (417) m. 1737, fa. 63, br. 360, dis. 1753 to Boulton. John Vaughan Jr., b. Ap. 5, 1720, fa. 113, br. 364, 351, sis. 320, 478, 395, 4°5- Jerusha Vaughan, fa. 113, (346) m. 1743, d. No. 25, 1787, ae. 66. Abigail Thayer, b. 1718, dau. of Isaac, m. L. Kitts, 1754. Mary Thomas, m. James Willis 1759. Ebenezer Sproat, mo. 136, br. 292, (332), d. Ja. 23, 1786, ae. 69th. Thomas Felix Jr., (Indian.) Barnabas Raymond, b. Ma. 21, 1710, fa. 213, br. 393, (255). David Allen, b. 1713, fa. 76, sis. 305, m. Fear bef. 1745, [who d. 1753, ae. 53d.] Woodward Tucker, "aged 9 yrs" fa. 164, br. 541, 635, sis. 489, m. Mercy Tinkham 1756, d. Ap. 12, 1761, ae. 28th. Benoni Thomas, unm. d. about 1750? Jedediah Lyon, fa. 201, (589) m. 1743, d. Fe. 9, 1807, ae. 86th. Patience Raymond, b. No. 11, 1724, fa. 87. 66o HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 1742. 33 1 Mh ■ 7- 33 2 tt 7- 333 it 7- 334 tt 7- 335 u 7- 336 a 7- 337 it 7- 338 a 7- 339 tt 7- 340 it 14. 34i a 14. 342 a 14. 343 a 14. 344 a 14. 345 a 14. 346 it 14. 347 it 14. 348 a 14- 349 n 14. 35o a 14. 35i tt 14- 352 tt 14. 353 it 14. 354 tt 14. 355 a 28. 356 tt 28. 357 tt 28. 358 a 28. 359 a 28. 360 it 28. 361 it 28. 362 it 28. 363 << 28. Mary Hathaway, dis. 1745 to Berkley. Bathsheba Wood, fa. 68, (323) m. 1749, d. Ju. 28, 1798, ae. 74. David Sears, (399, 347) m. 1734 & 1781, chi. Zebedee, &c. Noah Alden, fa. 32, br. 222, 427, (371); dis. 1749 to Stafford, Pastor at Bellingham, d. 1797, ae. 71st John Jackson Jr., (278) Re. to St. of Maine, d. 1811, se. 95. Peter Tinkham sr., mo. 24, gr. fa. 11, m. 1730, d. Oc. 10, 1745, ae. 36. Samuel Tinkham 3d., gr. gr. fa. 46 sis. 357, 260, 433, (436) m. Patience Simmons 1760, d. Mh. 28, 1796, ae. 72. Susanna Tinkham, mo. 595, br. 346, sis. 359, 347, m. Jas. Cobb 1749, d. Ju. 21, 1813, ae. 88. John Williams. No early records of this name. Elizabeth Williams, m. Jabez Eaton 1759? f Zachariah Eddy, fa. 61, br. 243, (342) d. De. 6, 1777, ae. 66. j Mercy Eddy, (341) m. 1737, o. Morton, mo. 127, d. Au. 25, I 1802, 32. 80. j Benjamin Warren, fa. 174, (344) m. '41, d. Ja. 1802, ae. 81. 1 Jedidah Warren, (343) o. Tupper, d. Oc. 20, 1807, ae. 83d. Joseph Tinkham, mo. 25, (358) m. 1740, d. Ap. 28, 1767, ae. 45. John Tinkham Jr., mo. 595, (320) d. Au. 22, 1793, as. 74. Hannah Tinkham Jr., mo. 595, br. 346, sis. 338, (364, 333), istm. 1742, 2d. m., 3d. m. 1781, d. Ap. 14, 1802, ae. 79. Priscilla Tinkham, mo. 25, br. 345, (419, 368) m. 1743, 1751, d. Ap. 5, 1769, ae. 43d. Patience Tinkham, (356) m. 1744, d. Ap. 9, 1791, as. 74th. Eleazer Thomas, mo. 45, br. 425, 424, m. Mary Shaw Jr., 1746, d. Se. 23, 1808, ae. 83. Elisha Vaughan, fa. 113, br. 364, (359) m. 1746, b. De. 1723. Susanna Thacher, b. 1719, fa. 35, br. 262, 275, 299, 306, sis. 183, m. Samuel Tucker of Milton, 1742. Deborah Redding, b. 1722, fa. 62, br. 426, 439, 467, sis. 410. Nelson Finney, fa. 240? m. Martha Simmons 1749, Rosamond Thomas 1755; d. Ju. 22, 1781, ae. 53d. Ephraim Wood, fa. 116, (448) m. 1743, d. No. 8, 1783, ae. 68. Edmund Wood, fa. 177, (349) m. 1744, d. De. 29, 1805, ae. 84. Martha Tinkham, br. 337, (378) m. 1742, d. Mh. 20, 1744, ae. 24th. Agnes Tinkham, b. 1721, mo. 72, br. 428, (345, 477) m. 1740, 1769; a 3d. m? o. Mackfun, alias Maxwell. Esther Tinkham, b. 1721, mo. 595, br. 346, sis. 338, (351). Samuel Smith, fa. 63, br. 318, (309), d. De. 16, 1781, ae. 67. Susanna Leach, ae. 9 yrs. fa. 316, d. Mh. 22, 1751, ae. 18. Elijah Clap, fa. 138? br. 437? (375) m. 1741, d. 1790. Daniel Vaughan, fa. 297, sis. 371, (372), d. Ja. 8, 1812, ae. 99I. 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 66l 1742. 3 6 4 Mh . 28 3 6 5 a 28 366 << 28 3 6 7 a 28 368 <( 28 369 Ap. II 37° " II 37i (< II. 372 it II. 373 n II. 374 a II. 375 tt II. 376 it II. 377 it II. 378 it II. 379 tt 15- 380 it i5- 381 tt i5- 382 Ma — 383 a — 384 it — 385 a — 386 it — 387 (< — 388 tt — 389 it — 39° It — 39 1 tt — 392 It — 393 tt — 394 It — 395 it — Joseph Vaughan, fa. 113, br. 319, (347) m. 1742, b. Ja. 26, 1719, d. abt. 1746. John Darling, mo. 42, br. 149? (423) m. 1721; had 8 ss. & 5 daus. Susanna Winslow, wid. James m. 1732, 2d. m. 1744, to Jesse Bry- ant, o. Conant, mo. 101, sis. 422, d. Ap. 17, 1801, ae. 90th. John Lovell Jr., b. 1702, mo. 31, br. 449, (408) m. bef. 1729. [ William Cushman, (369, 348) m. '35, '51, d. Au. 27, 1768, ae. 53d. I Susanna Cushman, (368) o. Sampson, d. Se. 13, 1749, 33. ^. Mary Fuller, dau. Jonathan and Elinor, b. 1725, br. 247. Joanna Vaughan, fa. 113, br. 319, 351, 364, sis. 320, 395, (334) m. 1744, b. 1725, dis. 1749 to Stafford. Sarah Vaughan, (363) m. 1735, o. Cushman, d. Fe. 1, 1791. Elizabeth Raymond Jr., b. 1728, fa. 87, sis. 330, m. 1745 Silas Rickard, dis. 1749, to Pomfret, Ct. Japheth Rickard, m. Martha bef. '55, re. d. No. 25, 1798. Hope Clap, (362) o. Thomas, dis. 1792 to Brookfield. John Tomson, s. of Shubael, (418)? d. Ju. 22, 1766, ae. 49. Joanna Wood, (400) m. 1737, o. Cobb, b. 1715, fa. 421, br. 272, 419, Re. to Hadley, Mass. and died in old age. Nathaniel Wood, fa. 82, br. 379, (357), 2d. m. 1744 Mary Wins- low, dis. 1783 to Woodstock, Vt, d. 1803, ae. 78. Ichabod Wood, fa. 82, br. 378, m. 1743 Thankful Cobb, mo. 219, 2d. m. 1777 Priscilla Thomas, mo. 250, d. Au. 8, 1787, as. 68. Patience Wood (116) m. 1735; 1st. h. Ichabod Cushman sr., d. Se. 8, 1755, ae. 65th. Elizabeth Lewis, wid. (prob.) of Jas. m. 1716, o. Parlow. Joseph Howland. Martha Chummuck, (Afr.) chi. James bap'd. (415) m. 1748. Elizabeth Ellis Jr., w. John, o. Coomer, 8 chi. b. fr. 1742, to 1759, d. Mh. 3, 1 781, ae. 60th. Phebe Thomas, w. Jabez, bef. 1737, d. Fe. 12, 1772, ae. 58. Sarah Thomas, w. Eph'm. bef. 1740, d. Fe. 20, 1810, ae. 89th. Abigail Thomas, prob. w. Nath'l. sr., m. bef. 1722. Prudence Knowlton, w. John, m. 1742, o. Thomas, b. 1722, mo. 387- Martha Lyon, (293) m. 1740, o. Knowlton, b. 1718, fa. 188. Sarah Lyon, br. 293 ? sis. 391 ? Phebe Lyon, (298) m. 1742, br. 293? d. Ma. 27, 1795, ae. 72d. Sarah Smith, fa. 63, (467?) m. 1747, d. De. 8, 1777, ae. 50th. Ebenezer Raymond, b. 1703, fa. 213, (254) m. bef. 1732. Eleazer Pratt Sr., (407) chi. Eleazer b. 1705. Mercy Vaughan, b. 1727, fa. 113, m. Jos. Barden Jr. 1747. 662 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 17 \2. 396 Ma 27. 397 it 398 tt 27. 399 it 27. 400 it 27. 401 tt 27. 402 tt 27. 403 it 27. 404 Ju. 13- 405 tt 20. 406 it 20. 407 it 20. 408 tt 20. 409 tt 20. 410 it 20. 411 it 20. 412 Jy- 4- 413 a 4- 414 tt 4- 4i5 a 4- 416 it 4- 417 n 4- 418 it 4- 419 it 4- 420 a 4- 421 11 7- 422 tt 7- 423 tt 7 424 Au. 19 425 tt 19 426 a 19 427 tt x 9 428 tt 19 Joanna Pratt, wid. Hannah Tinkham, (428) m. bef. 1739, o. Shaw, d. Se. 5, 1794. ae. 79th. John Cox Sr., (307) m. 1721, d. Ju. 5, 1761, ae. 66th. Phebe Sears, (333) m. bef. 1734, d. Oc. 9, 1779, as. 67th. Samuel Wood, fa. 68, br. 311, sis. 332, (377) m. 1737, d. Jy. 12, i75°> «• 37- Solomon Alden, b. 1728, fa. 222, d. abt. 1813, ae. 84? Sarah Thomas, 2d. w. and wid. of Wm. sr., m. 1705, o. Barden, d. Ma. 9, 1745, ae. 62d. Asa Thomas, b. 1721, mo. 249, brs. Hushai, Zadock, &c. Ephraim Donham Jr., fa. 162, (433) m. 1741, d. abt. 1750. Nathaniel Bumpas, b. 1717, mo. in, m. Abiah Vaughan [her fa. 113] 1752. Samuel Pratt 3d. m. Wilberce Bumpas 1741, (ex. 1783.) Hannah Pratt Sr., (394.) Lydia Lovell, (367) m. bef. 1729, chi. Peter, James, &c. John Miller Jr., (264) m. 1732. d. Ma. 27, 1759, ae. 47th. John Cox Jr., m. Lydia Redding '46, d. Jy. 6, 1770, ae. 47th. Rebecca Tupper, (259) m. 1735, o. Bumpas, b. 1713, mo. in. Fear Williamson, w. Geo. Jr., m. '38, o. Eddy, fa. 61, Re. to N.J. Thankful Lovell, bap. 1723, mo. 31, br. 367. Lydia Wood, b. 1722, fa. 116? m. Benj'n. Shelley? 1745. Sambo, (Afr.), (383) m. 1748, serv't. of the Pastor. Jenny, (Afr.), (314) m. 1747, serv't. of Peter Bennet. Experience Smith, (318) m. 1737, o. Cushman. Lydia Tomson, (376?) m. bef. 1742, d. Ja. 28, 1761, ae. 39th. John Cobb Jr., br. 272, sis. 377, (348) d. Ju. 22, 1750, ae. 28. Seth Harris, m. Abiah Alden, dau. Samuel, dis. 1759 to Bridg'r., d. in Abington, 1797, ae. 74? ( John Cobb Sr., fa. 17, br. 219, sis. 447, (119, 422) m. bef. 1714, and 1725, d. Jy. 6, 1750, ae. 61. Mary Cobb, (421), o. Conant, mo. 101, d. Au. 16, 1795, ae. 92d. Elizabeth Darling, (365) o. Bennett, d. Ja. 22, 1774, ae. 73. William Thomas Jr., mo. 45, br. 425, (282) d. Ju. 7, '64, ae. 53d- Benjamin Thomas fr. Carv., mo. 45, br. 424, 350, (484), Dea. 1776, d. Ja. 18, 1800, ae. 78. John Redding, fa. 62, br. 439, 467, sis. 353, m. Sarah bef. 1748, d. Au. 14, 1750, ae. 31st. John Alden, fa. 32, br. 222, 334, m. Lydia, bef. 1740, m. Rebecca Weston 1750, d. Mh. 27, 1821, ae. 102. Ebenezer Tinkham, mo. 72, (397) d. No. 17, 1801, ae. 87th. 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 663 1742. 429 Au. 19 43° 19 43i a 19 43 2 « 19 433 a J 9 434 « 19. 435 (( 19. 43 6 Oc. 8. 437 a 8. 438 a 8. 439 a 16. 440 De. 5- 441 ii 5- 442 it 5- 443 " 5- 444 a 5- 445 unc. 446 « ( 1743- 447 Mh J 3- 448 (< 13- 449 a 13- 45° it 13- 45i a 13- 45 2 Ma 5- 453 a 5- 454 a 5- 455 Ju. 16. 456 a 16. 457 Jy- 28. 458 a 28. 459 a 28. 460 Se. 8. 461 u 8. Lydia Wood, m. 1728, o. Lovell, d. Oc. 3, 1789, se. 83. Hannah Cox, fa. 398, br. 410, sis. 431, 506, m. Benj. Philips, 1749, dis. 1776 to Ashfield. Mary Cox, b. 1725, fa. 398, m. Joseph Thomas 1746. Elizabeth Canada, m. '27, o. Eaton, b. 1701, fa. 15. Mercy Dunham, (404), 2d. m. to Joseph Besse 1756, o. Tink- ham, dau. Samuel Jr., br. 337, d. Fe. 16, 1811, ae. 85th. Patience Cobb, m. Wm. Winslow, '47, dis. 1784 to War'm. Sarah Leach fr. Bridg'r., (316), d. Ma. 21, 1795, ae. 87th. Hope Cobb, fa. 272, (337) m. 1745, d. Ju. 3, 1760, ae. 33d. Manasseh Clap, br. 362, m. Rebecca Cushman 1744, d. Mh. 17, !757> ae. 3 2 d. David Delano Jr., fa. 89, m. Deborah Holmes 1745. William Redding, fa. 62, br. 426, (245), d. Oc. 6, 1791, ae. 85. Samuel Pratt Jr., b. Ma. 15, 1697, (441, 604), 2d. m. 1751. Jerusha Pratt, (440) m. bef. 1726, d. bef. 1751. John Soul Jr., mo. 55, sis. 465, 471, m. Mary Leach 1750, [2d. h. (311)] d. Fe. 19, 1 751, ae. 46th. Margery Leonard, m. Eben'r. Briggs of Taunton, '46. Peru, (African). Ichabod Cushman, mo. 380, sis. 589? m. Patience McFunn, alias Maxwell 1751, d. 1768, ae. 52. John Leonard Sr., m. Abigail bef. 1735, d. abt. 1775. Martha Simmons, w. Aaron m. 1716, (1st. h. 40) o. Cobb, fa. 17, br. 421, d. Au. 8, 1775, ae. 84. Hannah Parlow, b. 1725, mo. 153, (355) m. 1743. Joseph Lovell, mo. 31, m. Patience Barrows 1751? d. Fe. 11, 1796, ae. 79. f Jabez Eddy Jr. fr. Carv., b. Ap. 14, 1700, fa. 234, (451). ( Patience Eddy fr. Carv., (450) o. Pratt. Barzillai Thomas, fa. 238, (506) m. 1757, only chi., Barzillai, d. No. 5, 1813, ae. 82. Mercy Hall, dis. 1750 to Raynham. Oxenbridge Thacher, b. July 11, 1725, fa. 35, removed. Meletiah Cobb, (272) m. 1727, o. Smith, b. 1705, dau. J'n. sr. & Mary; re. to Hardwick. Both d. in old age. Elizabeth Turner, w. Japheth, m. 1725, o. Morse. ( Thomas Raymond Sr., (458). 1 Mary Raymond, (457) m. bef. 1708; 9 sons & 4 dau's. Amos Raymond, b. 1710, fa. 457, m. Susanna bef. 1733, 6 chi.; re. to Martha's Vineyard. Peter Raymond, b. 1718, fa. 87, (291) m. 1739. Joseph Parker. He was here in 1749. 664 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 462 463 464 465 466 467 469 470 47i 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 483 484 1743- Se. 8 8 1744- Fe. 5 " 5- " 5- " 5- *745- Mh. 28. 1746. Mh. 2. " 2. Ju. 22. 1747- Au. 16. 1748. Fe. 14. De. 25. " 25. 1749- Ja. 15- 1750- Ju- 3- Se. 2. No. 18. i75i- Mh. 24. Oc. 6. 1754- Mh. 31. 1755- Au. 24. 1756. Ap. 11. Sarah Jackson, br. 335, m. Jacob Green 1746; 5 s., 3 dau's. Calliminco, (Afr.,) m. Anna; serv't of the Pastor. Rebecca Soul, mo. 55, d. Ja. 24, 1759, ae. 46; or dau. James and Lydia, d. Ju. 22, 1747, se. 47. Rachel Soul, mo. 55, m. Eb. Vaughan '44, d. Se. 4, 1778, ae. 59- Elizabeth Pratt, wid. (270?) m. bef. 1729. Thomas Redding, b. 1727, fa. 62, (392), dis. 1784 to Keene. REV. SYLVANUS CONANT fr. ? 4 th Pastor, (3d. w. 492), d. De. 8, 1777, ae. 58th. Tradition says, 1st. w. Bethan? of Boston; 2d. w. Williams of Roxbury. ( Ebenezer Cobb fr. Falmouth, (470). { Mary Cobb fr. Falmouth, (469). Esther Soul fr. Hal'x., br. 442, unm., d. Ma. 15, 1793, ae. 86. Priscilla Booth, w. John sr., bef. 1721, s. John &c. Thomas Cole Sr., d. Ma. 16, 1759, ae. 57th, s. Thomas &c. Mary Bates fr. Barnst., (86), o. Blossom, d. De. 30, 1750, ae. 42. Hannah Pumroy fr. Hal'x., br. 485, m. Jn. Eddy 1760; 2d. m. to Jn. Bradford 1765, d. in old age. Abigail Faunce fr. Bridg'r., w. James m. 1747, 2d. m. Jn. Jacobs 1766, o. Richard, d. Mh. 29, 1777, ae. 54th. Samuel Benson fr. Warm., m. Keziah bef. '30, 2d. m. '69 (358). _ Joanna Redding, w. Moses m. 1745, o. Vaughan, fa. 297, br. 363, d. Ap. 1805, ae. 85*. Mary Savery, w. Thomas m. 1738, o. Williams, dis. 1758 to Andover, Ct. Ann Tilson fr. Barnst., w. Johngr.,s. 652,0. Hamblin, resided in Carver, and d. in old age. Thomas Williams. Isaac Tinkham fr. Hal'x., fa. 93, (519) d. Oc. 28, 1779, ae. 59. Elkanah Shaw, s. of George, (527), d. De. 31, 1805, ae. 81. Elizabeth Thomas fr. Carv., (425) m. bef. 1743, o. Churchill, sis. 629, d. De. 26, 1804, ae. 80th. 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 66 ' 1757- 485 Jy- 3- 486 Oc. 16. 1758. 487 Ju. 25. 488 " 25. 489 " 25. 490 Au. 13. 491 " 13- 492 " 13- 493 Oc. 1. 1759- 494 Au. 12. 1760. 495 Ma. 11. 496 " 11. 497 Jy. 20. 1761. 498 Ju. 14. 1762. 499 Ap. 4. 500 July 4- 5°i " 4- 502 Oc. 3. 1763. 5°3 Mh. 27. 5°4 Ju. 19. S°5 " i9- 506 Jy- io - 5°7 " 10. 508 Aug. 7. 5°9 " 28. 5io Oc. 30. 5" " 30. 512 " 3o. Francis Pumroy Jr., m. Sarah Nye of Plymt. 1763, sis. 475, chi., Dr. John d. in Vt., 1844 ae. 80; Hannah b. 1766. Bethiah Freeman fr. Sandw., w. Josiah bef. 1725, o. Hall, dau. of Elisha, d. Mh. 4, 181 2, ae. 90th. f Ebenezer Willis Sr., (488) m. 1753, re. to Hardwick. ( Mary Willis, (487) o. Jackson, dis. to Hardwick, 1801. Sarah Tucker, fa. 164, br. 327, unm. d. Ap. 11, 1773, ae. 42. John Briggs fr. Hal'x., (491), m. Ab. Morse 1763, d. 1810? ae. 99. Remember Briggs fr. Hal'x., (490) m. 1740, b. 1719, fa. 213. Abigail Conant fr. Norwich, (468) o. Huntington, dau. Col. Hezekiah of Ct. d. Ja. 3, 1759, ae. 28. Hannah Weston. Thankful Redding, fa. 439, unm. d. Ja. 11, 1810, ae. 74. Ichabod Morton (496), Dea. 1782, d. Ma. 16, 1809, ae. 85th. Deborah Morton, mo. 127, (495) m. '49, d. No. 17, 1789, ae. 59- 1 Deborah Cushman, wid. John Jr., m. 1746, b. 1729, fa. 325. Desire Morse, mo. 284, sis. 574, bap. 1743- Ichabod Billington, b. 1737, mo. 186, m. Bette Peck, 1758. Stephen Powers, (SOl) re. tO Vt. ( chi., Susanna Mary John, and J Stephen, father of tlie Sculp- Lydia Powers (500), o. Drew. ( tor Experience Totman, w. Samuel? chi. Samuel, bap. Abraham Vaughan, fa. 241, m. Ann Russell 1764, d. Se. 14, 1811, ae. 76. A tri-birth with Eben'r. & Elisha, b. 1735. f John Leach, (505) m. 1759, 2d. m. 1785 Rebecca Sturtevant, d. No. 9, 1822, ae. 85, (ex. 1803.) ( Betty Leach, (504), o. Vaughan, fa. 363, d. Ap. 21, '73, ae*. 36. Elizabeth Thomas, (452) m. 1757, o. Cox, fa. 398, br. 410, sis. 430, 431, d. 1814, ae. 82. Mercy Purrington, b. 1737, fa. 256, br. Joshua, Jn. &c. Sarah Redding Jr., "age 10 yrs," fa. 467, m. Jas. Tinkham 1770 [his fa. 592], d. Ap. 2, 1774, &■ 22d. Lucy Thomas, w. Hushai m. 1756, o. Vaughan, dau. of David, d. Oc. 31, 1822, ae. 84. Lemuel Thomas, mo. 163, m. 1750 Mehitable Weston, d. Ja. 26, i77 6 > *■ 53 d - J Joseph Warren, b. 1715, fa. 174, (512) m. bef. 1757. ( Mercy Warren, (511). Both dis. 1771 to Ashfield. 666 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 513 514 Si5 5i6 517 5i8 519 520 52i 522 5 2 3 S 2 4 525 526 527 528 529 53° 53i 532 533 534 535 1763- De. 25. 1764. Ap. 22. ' 22. 1765- Ja- Au. 18. Se. 29. 1766. Mh. 20. Ju. 8. Au. 17. 1767. Ju. 17. " 17. No. 1. 1768. Ap. 3. 1770 Ja. 14. Se. 2 1771. Ja. 13 " 20. Fe. 24. 1773 Fe. 24. Mh. 28. Au. 8 Fear Redding, fa. 439, m. Nehemiah Holmes 1771, dis. 1773 to Plymt. d. here Mh. 6, 1816, ae. 69. Elenor Billington, w. Nath'l. m. 1756, o. Warren, dis. 1789 to Ashfield. Silence Tilson, w. Timo. o. Whitting; chi. Timothy bap. Nathan Eddy, fa. 243, m. Eunice Sampson 1757, [sis. 538], d. in N. Y. State, 1813, ae. 80. Phebe Leach, wid. of Samuel m. 1750, o. Rickard, 2d. m. 1766 to Joshua Willis. Abijah Cobb, w. Nathan m. 1753, 0. Tinkham, fa. 93, br. 482, d. Fe. 5, 1776, ae. 48th. Hannah Tinkham, (482) m. bef. 1754, o. Robbins, mo. ad. 35, d. Ja. 11, 1780, ae. 51st. Consider Brannack, m. Desire Simmons, [b. 1744, dau. of David sr.] 1764, re. to Vt. 1789. Catharine Maxfield fr. Carv., wid., d. after 1790? in old age. J Ebenezer Briggs fr. Hal'x. (523), d. Fe. 18, 1795, ae. 68th. I Abigail Briggs fr. Hal'x, (522) o. Bryant, d. 1808, ae. 88. Elkanah Elmes, b. '29, mo. 172, m. Sarah Lazell '50. (Ex. 1803.) Mercy Cobb fr. Barnst., wid. of Silvanus of Barnst., chi. 628, 644, d. Mh. 4, 1 781, ae. 75th. Sarah Tinkham, wid. Eph'm. m. bef. 1758, o. Standish, 2d. m. Adam Wright of Plymt. Elizabeth Shaw, (483) m. bef. '50, d. Au. 19, 1786, ae. 61st. Peter Oliver Jr., son of Judge O., (531) chi. Margaret H. b. 1771, Thomas H. b. 1772, Peter b. 1774; Re. 1775, d. in Eng. in 1822, ae. 81. ( Thomas Shaw, (530) m. bef. '71, d. in the army, 1778, ae. 40. ' Mary Shaw, (529) o. Atwood, d. Ja. 10, 1808, ae. 71st. Sarah Oliver, (528) o. Hutchinson, dau. Gov. H., Re. 1775. Keziah Thomas, w. Jedediah Jr., m. 1749, o. Churchill, sis. 484, 629, d. Ju. 21, 1800, ae. 67th. Edmund Maxham, m. Rebecca Faunce 1771, 3 sons b. Cuffee Wright, (Afr.), (630), d. Fe. 22, 1796, ae. 44th. Samuel Eddy, fa. 243, br. 516, m. Re. to N. Y. State, d. 1821, ae. 79th. 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 667 536 537 538 539 54° 54i 542 543 544 545 546 1773- Se. 18. " 18. " 26. 1774- Au. 7. 1776. Ju- 3° Se. 8. Oc. 6. 1777. Ap. 16. 1780. Jy- 30- 1781. De. 5. Au. 21. 547 " 21 548 " 21 549 1782. Ap. 28 55° " 28 55i " 28 552 " 28 553 Ju. 2 554 " 3o 555 " 30 556 Jy- 7 f Ichabod Carey fr. Bridg'r., (537), Re. to Chesterfield? I Hannah Carey fr. Bridg'r., (536), m. 1741, o. Gannett? Bachelor Bennet, m. Mary Sampson 1764, Re. to Vt. Huldah Washburn, w. Jonah m. 1756, o. Sears, b. Au. 10, 1737, fa. ^^^, dis. 1787 to Randolph, Vt. Margaret Bryantj w. Micah m. '70, o. Paddock; Re. to St. Me. Benjamin Tucker Jr., b. 1738, fa. 164, m. Mary Thomas 1760, dis. 1786 to Randolph, Vt., d. ae. 77? Elizabeth Wood, w. Nathan m. 1757, o. Shaw; Re. to Vt. Susanna Eddy, fa. 243, br. 535, unm. d. Jy. 29, '17, ae. 81st. Daniel Thomas, fa. 258, m. Thankful bef. 1778, 2d. m. Mary Jakok bef. 1781, d. Ma. 14, 1789, ae. 46th. REV. JOSEPH BARKER, 5th Pastor, (579, 760), s. of Joseph, of Branford, Ct. b. Oc. 19, 1751, chi. 714, 788, d. Jy. 25, 1815, ae. 64th. David Thomas, b. 1742, fa. 424, br. 743, m. Deborah Howland 1764, 2d. m. Mary Thomas, wid. (544), dis. 1793 to Woodstock, Vt. Churchill Thomas, mo. 532, m. Hannah Cushman, dau. Joseph, d. De. 31, 1809, ae. 48. Susanna Cushman, w. Zenas, o. Wild, d. Mh. 18, 1830, ae. 86. Isaac Morse, s. Jonathan Jr., mo. 284, gr. gr. fa. 5, m. Jemima Pratt bef. 1769, d. Se. 22, 1832, ae. 91st. Deborah Thomas, w. Joseph Jr., m. 1770, o. Thomas, b. 1736, mo. 386; Re. to Vt. Chloe Tinkham, w. James m. 1777, o. Rickard, dau. Sam'l. sr. and Sarah, d. De. 29, 1822, ae. 68. Ruth Barrows, mo. 274, m. James McFarland 1793, d. Fe. 20. 1808, ae. 51. Rebecca Wood, w. Lemuel m. 1765, o. Tupper, b. 1743, fa. 259; Re. to N. Y. State. Sarah Soule, wid. Wm. m. 1762, 0. Briggs, br. 490, 522, 2d. m. to Timothy Cobb, d. No. 4, 1820, ae. 80th. Lydia Soule, b. 1763, mo. 554, m. Alvin Robinson 1792, dis. 1803 to Sumner, Me. Mercy Thomas, w. John m. 1752, o. Shaw, sis. 645; dis. 1803 to Woodstock, Vt., wid. 668 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1S46 557 558 559 560 561 562 S63 564 565 566 5 6 7 568 569 57o 57i 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 1782. Jy- 7- 7- No. 17. 17- i7- De. 1. 1783- Ja- 5- 26. Jy- 2 7- Au. 3. ' 10. 1784. Ja. 18. Fe. 22. " 22. Ma. 16. Au. 29. 1785- Ma. 22. f William Shaw, (558), br. 572, d. Mh. 7, 1807, ae. 68. - Lydia Shaw, (557), o. Soule, dau. Jacob sr., d. Ju. 10, 1826, ( a;. 84. Azel Washburn, b. 1764, mo. 539, dis. 1789 to Royalton, Vt., d. 1841, se. 77. Sarah Miller, wid. of Elias m. 1732, o. Holmes, d. Se. 28, 1800, ae. 89th. Elizabeth Brown fr. Eastham, w. Thomas, Re. to Vt. St. Thankful Sampson fr. Eastham, w. Israel, m. 1780, o. Martin, d. Se. 24,1831, ae. 82. Abner Bourne, mo. 575, br. 587, (568), m. bef. 1770, Dea. 1796, d. Ma. 25, 1806, as. 59th. Susannah Smith Jr., fa. 360, (747), d. Ju. 24, 1824, ae. 72. Mercy Cushman, w. Noah, m. 1769, o. Soule, dau. Jabez, d. Mh. 24, 1788, ae. 40th. Thankful Thomas, mo. ad. 85, (648) m. bef. 1792, d. Fe. 27, 1847, &■ 95th. Lucy Vaughan fr. Bridg'r., w. Eben'r., o. Pratt, d. Ja. 1, 1822, ae. 74? Mary Bourne, (563) o. Torry, d. Ma. 9, 1837, ae. 88th. f Caleb Thompson Jr., fa. 268, (570); He and w. dis. 1810 to Windsor, Vt., d. Fe. 9, 1821, ae. 68. 1 Mary Thompson, (569), o. Perkins, dau. of Eben'r., sis. 711, I d. De. 9, 1816, ae. 60. Priscilla Weston, (762) m. 1776, o. Sturtevant dau. Dr. Josiah of Hal'x., chi. 777, d. Mh. 16, 1834, ae. 83d. ( James Shaw fr. Duxbury, (573), br. 557; He and w. dis. 1 791 to Bakertown, Pa. 1 Lois Shaw fr. Duxb'y, (572) m. 1749, o. Thomas. Thankful Morse, b. 1745, mo. 284; Re., m. Gannet? Abigail Bourne fr. Pembroke, wid. Eben'r. 0. Newcomb, d. De. 10, 1821, ae. 98th. Au. 21. " 28. Oc. 16. Tilson Ripley, "on a bed of sickness," w. Rebecca, 9 chi. b. fr. 1749, to '67, d. Ju. 16, 1785, ae. 67th. Lucy Tinkham, fa. 428, gr. mo. 72, gr. gr. fa. 11, m. Issachar Fuller 1785. Her memory of early families and facts was remarkable. D. Ap. 30, 1847, x - 95- Ruth Tinkham, fa. 428, sis. 577, unm., d. Oc. 9, 1805, ae. 51. Eunice Barker fr. Longmeadow, (545) m. 1785, o. Stebbins, dau. Wm. and Eunice, d. Oc. 6, 1809, ae. 49th. " 3o.|Hannah Bryant, w. Nehemiah, m. 1757, o. Totman, d. Fe. 16, 1814, ae. 83d. 1695-1846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 669 581 1786. Ja. 22 582 " 22 583 Ma. 14 584 585 " 14 Jy- 2 586 " 9 587 1787. Ap. 8. 588 589 590 591 592 " 8. Au. 12. Se. 2. " 2. 2 3- 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 No. 4 1788. Jy. 20 No. 6 De. 7 1789. Ja. 25. Mh. 15. AP- 5 5- Jy- 19- Au. 2. 2 3- 1790. Oc. 3. 1791. 605 Ju. 26. 606 Au. 14. T Wm. Thompson, fa. 268, (582) m. '70, d. Mh. 14, 1816, ae. 69. j Deborah Thompson, (581) o. Sturtevant, dau. Lemuel of Hal'x., sis. 584, d. De. 25, 1842, se. 96th. I Isaac Thompson, fa. 376, sis. 744, (5S4) m. 1775, d. De. 21, 1819, ae. 74th. ( Lucy Thompson, (583) o. Sturtevant, d. No. 6, '34, ae. 81st. Freelove Thompson, w. Jacob m. 1761, o. Finney, dau. of Pelatiah, d. No. 7, 1826, ae. 87th. Sarah Phinney, wid. John, 2d. m. 1799 to Ezra Holmes, o. Thompson, b. 1762, dau Nathan, dis. 1808 to Norton. Newcomb Bourne fr. Hal'x., mo. 575, br. "1 563, (588.) I dis. 1802 to Abigail Bourne, (587) o. Cushman. J Springfield, Vt. Mary Lyon, (329) m. 1743, o. Cushman, d. Ju. 8, 1796, ae. 73d. } Samuel Torry sr., b. 1753, s. of Wm. (591); 8 chi. bef. 1793. { Mary Torry, (590), o. Finney, b. 1757, fa. 354, Re. West. Jeremiah Tinkham, mo. 72, gr. fa. 11, m. Naomi Warren 1740, d. Ju. 7, 1790, ae. 76. William Cornish sr., sis. 677, m. Mercy Swift bef. 1786, 2d. w. Mehitable Bates, d. Fe. 24, 1836, ae. 79th. Abigail Haskell, (598) o. Tabor, d. Jy. 26, 181 1, ae. 54. Hannah Tinkham, wid. John sr., m. 1716, o. Howland, dau. of Isaac, and gr. gr. dau. of John of the M. F., sis. 64? d. Mh. 25, 1792, ae. 97. Mercy Bump, w. Joseph m. 1775, o. Barden, sis. 666, d. Ju. 5, 1811, ae. 57th. Luther Redding, b. 1748, mo. 478, m.; Re. to Taunton & d. Zebulon Haskell, (594) m. bef. 1785, d. Oc. 27, 1820. ( Elijah Lucas, (600), Re. to Freetown, d. Ju. 8, 1806. { Sarah Lucas, (599) m. abt. 1780, o. Shaw, fa. 529, br. 651. Mary Tinkham, w. Peter Jr., [fa. 336,] m. 1764, o. Thompson, fa. 268, br. 581, d. Ma. 30, 1815, ae. 70th. Abigail Thomas, w. Israel, 0. Finney, fa. 354, sis. 609, d. Fe. 6. 1829, ae 77th. Lucy Leonard, w. Henry, 1st. m. 1762 to Samuel Turner, 3d. m. to Mr. Doty, o. Pratt, mo. 191, d. May — 1835, ae. 93d. Sarah Pratt, (440) o. Fuller, mo. 146, d. No. 1794, ae. 64? Jacob Tisdell, (694), dis. 1795 to N. P., d. in N. Y. City. Mercy Valler fr. Carv., w. Silas, Re. to Freetown. 67O HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 6ig 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 1791. Oc. 9. 1792. Ap. 1. Se. 30. 1793- Ma. 26. Oc. 6. 6. 1794. Ja. 19. Fe. 2. " 9- Mh. 2. " 2. " 2. " 2. " 9- Au. 24. No. 2. " 2. " 2 3' 1795- Ap. 29. Au. 23. No. 15. 1796. Ju- 5 Au. 14 1797. Mh. 26 Lydia Bourne, w. Eben'r. m. 1788, o. Leach, b. 1766, dau. of Abiel Jr., gr. fa. 316. Re. to Milton. Nathan Thomas sr., b. 1707, s. of Edward sr., br. 258, (271) 2d. m. 1 751 to Abigail Sturtevant, d. in old age. Martha Finney, fa. 354, sis. 602, unm d. Mh. 11, 1833, ae. 69. Margaret Pratt, br. 772, unm. d. Se. 8, 1800, ae. 42d. ( Josiah Carver fr. War'm., (612), d. Ap. 5, 1799, ae. 74. J Jerusha Carver fr. War'm., (611), 1st m. 1744 to Edw'd Sparrow, o- Bradford, dau. Wm. & Elizabeth of Plym., I d. Apr. 23, 1820, ae. 97. Isaiah Weston, b. 1770, s. Zach'h, dis. 1794 to N. Bedford, m. Sarah Dean of Raynham d. Elizabeth Tinkham, w. Cyrus, m. 1788, o. Turner, b. 1764, mo. 603, sis. 716, d. at Colraine, abt. 1843. Isaac Doty, m. Nimlet '89, dis. '03 to Brookfield, Vt. Priscilla Turner, w. David, m. '86, o. Pratt; Re. to Me. f Elijah Alden, fa. 427, (618) m. 1779, d. Ju. 26, '26, ae. 72. ( Mary Alden, (617) o. Alden, fa. 401 ? d. Se. 22, 1839, x - 84th. Elihu Alden, b. 1775, fa. 427, dis. 1818 to Dixmont, Me. Mercy Porter, w. Jonathan, m. 1761, o. Redding, fa. 439, sis. 513, 494, d. Jy. 22, 1833, ae. 93. Benaiah Pratt, s. of Paul, gr. mo. 407, m. Louisa Warren 1792, Re. to Me., a 2nd. & 3d. m. Mary Norcutt, w. Eph'm. m. 1782, o. Kitts, mo. 321, d. Fe. 3, 1842, ae. 83d. Lucia Ellis, wid. of Matthias, m. 1743, o. Bennet, mo. 273, d. Oc. 3, 1804, ae. 79. Lucy Pratt, dau. Eben'r., br. 772, unm. d. Au. 19, 1844, x. 80. Thankful Holmes, w. Ezra, o. Clark, d. Apr. 2, '99, ae. 50th. Desire Morse, fa. 549, dis. 1819 to Hal'x., (re-ad. 1833.) Sarah Sturtevant, w. Dr. Thomas m. 1777, o. Soule, dau. Zach'h & Sarah, d. Mh. 11, 1839, 32. 83. ( Ebenezer Cobb, mo. 525, br. 644, (629), d. Au. 22, 181 1, ae. 80. ( Lydia Cobb, (628), m. '54, o. Churchill, d. Ja. 10, 1822, ae. 80. Anna Wright, (Afr.), (534), 2d. m. to Swansey Hart, d. Sarah Tinkham, wid. of Amos, [mo. 595], m. 1752, o. Tinkham, dau. Peter, gr. mo. 24, d. Fe. 13, 1820, ae. 85th. Betsey Harlow fr. Plym., w. Jonathan sr., o. Blackmar, dau. of John & Mercy, d. Se. 9, 1833, ae. 87th. I 695- I 846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 671 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 64S 646 647 1797. Ap. 9 " 9- Ma. 21. " 21. ' 21. 1798. Au. 5. 1799. Ap. 7. Ma. 12. 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 De. 29. 1800. Ma. 18. Ju. 29. Au. 24. 24. I 8OI. Ju. 20. Au. 16. 1802. Ju- 13- ' 13- ' i3- 1803. Ap. 24. Ma. 22. 1804. Ap. 8. 1805. Ma. 19. 1806. Ju. 8. r Joshua Eddy, fa. 341, br. 665, sis. 673, 856, (634) Dea. 1806, J d. Ma. 1, 1833, ae. 85. ] Lydia Eddy, (633), o. Paddock, dau. Zachariah, gr. fa. 210, L d. Fe. 13, 1838, ae. 82. Samuel Tucker, fa. 164, (757), d. Oc. 29, 1820, ae. 75th. J Jesse Bryant, mo. 366, (637), d. Oc. 26, 1828, ae. 82. 1 Mercy Bryant, (636), o. Shaw, d. Ja. — 1819, ae. 73. Zilpah Thomas, w. Jeremiah Jr. m. 1786, o. Wood, dau. of Amos, sis. 794, d. Mh. 15, 1825, ae. 61. Ebenezer Wilder fr. Chelsea, s. of Nathan'l, sis. 727, (726) m. 1800, d. Se. 21, 1848, ae. 76th. Otis Thompson, fa. 706, sis. 684; Pastor in Rehoboth, 1st. w. Rachael Chandler [d. 1827, ae. 48th.]; a 2nd. m.; Re. in Abington. John McDowall fr. Scotland Eu.; s. bap.; Re. to St. of Me.? Experience Peirce, dau. Wm., unm. d. Jy. 14, 1845, *• 7°? Rhoda Sparrow fr. War'm; w. of Edward, [his mo. 612] m. 1765, o. Bump, dau. Phillip, d. Ja. 10, 1816, ae. 68th. ( Binney Cobb, mo. 525, br. 628, (645) J Re. to i. Azubah Cobb, (644) m. 1762, o. Shaw, sis. 556, 1 Woods'k Vt. Benjamin Pratt, s. Noah of Plymt., sis. 713, m. Jemima Bryant 1785, d. Oc. 18, 1838, ae. 75th. Betty Fuller, w. John, o. Smith, dau. of John, gr. fa. 63, 164, chi. 685, 799, 1050, d. Se. 23, 1832, ae. 75th. Isaac Shaw, (566), chi. 1079, d. Fe. 2, 1824, ae. 75th. ( Perez Thomas, fa. 425, (650), Dea. 1803, d. Ju. 21, 1828, ae. 77. j Sarah Thomas, (649) m. 1774, o. Wood, fa. 378, d. Apr. 3, (. 1829, ae. 76th. Samuel Shaw, fa. 529, m. Lydia Cobb 1791, [fa. 628.] r Calvin Tilson, s. of Isaiah, gr. mo. 480, (653, 882), 2d. m. J 1824, Dea. 1819. d. Jy. 3, 1852, se. 83d. I Joanna Tilson, (652), o. Cobb, dau. Wm., d. Oc. 16, 1822, 3e. 56. Mark Shaw, fa. 483, m. Elizabeth Sampson 1785, [gr. fa. 193, br. 732, 2nd. h. (664)], d. Se. 5, 1806, ae. 47. Weltha Thompson, w. Thomas, o. Whitmore, sis. of Rev. Benj'n., d. Apr. 16, 1848, ae. 76. 672 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 1806. Au. 10 Se. 1 1, 1807. Ju. 28 " 28 " 28 Jy- I 2 12 26 Au. 23 2 3 Lydia Thompson, w. Solomon, m. '86, o. Murdock, dan. Jn. Margaret Finney, w. Lewis, o. Barden, d. Se. n, '29, ae. 55. Jane Ling, w. Sylvanus, m. 1796, o. Cushman, b. 1776, mo. 701, dis. 1839 to Lisbon Me. & Re. there. Keziah Warren, w. Nathan m. 1786, o. Weston, 2d. m. to Wm. White, d. Au. 17, 1830, ae. 66th. I Squire Tinkham, mo. 631, sis. 672, (661), m. 1797, Both dis. 1823 to Hartland Vt. d. Oc. 17, 1851, ae. 79. 1 Anna Tinkham, (660) o. Wood, fa. 747, d. Se. 1849, ae. 76th. Daniel Oliver Morton, fa. Livy, br. 862, sis. 910, d. Mh. 25, 1852, ae. 62. Silas Tinkham, s. Samuel, br. 526, gr. fa. 46? m. Lydia Smith [wid. of Jabez, o. Savery, br. 667], d. Ja. 22, 1816, ae. 77th. James Soule 2d., mo. 554, m. Eunice Thompson, dau. of Eben'r; 2d. m. 1813, (654), d. Fe. 2, 1845, ae. 83. Seth Eddy, fa. 341, br. 633, (666), d. Au. 17, 1837, ae. 83. Jerusha Eddy, (665), o. Barden, sis. 596, d. Oc. 29, '35, ae. 76. Daniel Savery, sis. 663, gr. gr. mo. 43, (668) m. 1794, d. Se. 21, 1836, ae. 72. Huldah Savery, (667) o. Soule, mo. 554, br. 664, d. Oc. 17, 1853, se. 78. Zenas Thomas, fa. 425, br. 649, (670), d. Ma. 12, 1821, ae. 59. Mary Thomas, (669) m. 1783, o. Vaughan, dau. of Jesse, gr. fa. 319, d. Fe. 24, 1828, ae. 64. Experience Bent, s. John, m. Salome Cushing of Hal'x, d. Jy. 13, 1849, *■ 85th. (ex. 1826.) Sarah Wood, (748) o. Tinkham, mo. 631, d. Se. 20, 1846, ae. 89. Lucy Fuller, wid. of Dr. Jonathan, m. 1775, o. Eddy, fa. 341, dis. 1834, to Fairhaven. (Re-ad. 1839.) Sally Fuller, mo. 673, m. Jenny, dis. 1829 to Fairhaven and Re. there. Deborah Ellis, (680) m. 1792, o. Hall, dau. Jabez and Deborah, d. Se. 6, 1826, ae. 59th. John Freeman, s. of Elisha, (893), Dea. 1833, dis. 1846 to Carver, d. Fe. 10, 1847, ae. 60th. Susanna Bates, w. Thomas, [fa. 86], o. Cornish, br. 593, d. Ju. 13, 1823, ae. 69. Joseph Bates, mo. 677, unm. d. Ju. 19, 1846, ae. 62d. Levi Smith, s. Israel, gr. mo. 313, m. Charity Bryant. Southworth Ellis sr., s. of Thomas & Ruth, gr. mo. 190, (675, 971), d. Dec. 15, 1840, ae. 72d. Sylvanus Eddy, s. of Sam'l. gr. fa. 341, m. — Fuller, dau. Sam'l of Hal'x., d. 1852 in Vt. I 695- I 846] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 673 1807. 682 Au • 23- 683 ct 23- 684 it 23- 685 (I 23- 686 u n- 687 << 23- 688 « 23- 689 " 23- 690 23- 691 (< 23- 692 it ?3- 693 tt 2 3- 694 <( 2 3- 695 it 23- 696 a 23- 697 u 2 3- 698 Se. 13- 699 u 27. 700 Oc. 11. 701 a 11. 702 K 11. 7°3 u 11. 704 " 11. 7°5 it 11. 706 No. 29. 707 << 29. 708 u 29. 709 « 29. Nathaniel Eddy, fa. 633, br. 718, 944, sis. 683, (761, 797), Dea. 1852. Lydia Eddy Jr., fa. 633, br. 718, 944, m. Barzillai Crane 1810, dis. 181 1 to Berkley, d. Fe. 10, 1842, se. 55th. Mary Cobb, w. Crocker, o. Thompson, fa. 706, br. 640. Sophia Fuller, mo. 647, sis. 799, (696) m. 1813. Betsey Leonard, w. Nathan'l. m. 1788, o. Bryant, fa. 636, d. Sally Kidder, w. Nathan, o. Chaddick of Sandw., Re. to Fox- boro', d. Fe. 28, 1840, ae. 61. f Hezekiah Ripley, (689), Both dis. '09 to Middlebury Vt. 1 Priscilla Ripley, (688) m. '92, o. Wood, b. '76, dau. Eph'm. James Smith, mo. 313, (691), m. 1766, d. Se. 29, 1815. ae. 78th. ) Patience Smith, (690), o. Wood, fa. 356, d. Ma. 12, 1822, ae. I- 76. William Thomas, fa. 649; Re. to St. of Me. m. d. 1821, ae. 34. Calvin Tilson Jr., fa. 652, unm. d. Ju. 19, 181 7, ae. 24th. Hannah Tisdale, (605) o. Shaw, dau. Elijah sr., sis. 740, dis. 1826 to N. Y. City. Bathsheba Tribou, w. Melzar, m. 1789, o. Thomas, dau. David and Rebecca, d. Fe. 13, 1837, ae. 71st. John Warren, mo. 659, br. 832, (685) m. 1813, chi. 1019. Lydia Wood, w. Jacob, m. 1784, o. Miller, dau. John & Zilpha, sis. 73s, d. Fe. 13, 1849, ae. 83d. Lucy Wood, w. Abner Jr. m. 1797, o. Thompson, fa. 581, br. 770, sis. 725, dis. 1831 to No. Rochester. Lydia Paddock, w. John, [gr. fa. 210], o. Cushing, dau. Col. Cushing, d. Ma. 30, 1826, ae. 60. ( Edward Thomas, mo. 509, (701), d. Ja. 16, 1844, ae. 85th. < Lydia Thomas, (700), 1st. m. 1774? to Sam'l Cushman, dau. I 658, o. Gano, dau. Jas? d. Ju. 8, 1839, as. 87th. Betsey Thomas, w. Daniel m. 1793, o. Alden, fa. 427, dis. 1847 to C. C. C, d. Au. 26, 1849, '<£■ 763- Abiah Sears, w. of Leonard, 1st h. Sebra Simmons, 0. Leonard, dau. Joseph, d. 1828, ae. ab't 55. Susanna Leach, w. Joseph, o. Sturtevant of Hal'x. Reuel Thompson, s. Francis, m. Thankful Wood 1802, [d. 1843, ae. 66th, fa. 747], d. Oc. 3, 1851, ae. 75th. Nathaniel Thompson, fa. 268, 569, m. Hannah Thomas 1775, dis. 1819 to Rehoboth, d. Ja. 31, 1833, ae. 82J. Jacob Cobb, b. 1782, s. of James, gr. fa. 628, m. Patience Bar- rows 1804, Re. in Hartford Me. f George Briggs, s. of Eben'r, gr. fa. 522, (709), He. & W. dis. 1818 to Hartford & Sumner Me. I Patience Briggs, (708), 1st. h. Holmes, o. Clarke. 674 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 73° 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 1807. No. 29. " 29. " 29. " 29. 1808. Fe. 21. Mh. 13. " 13- " 13. " 13- " i3- Ap. 20. 20. 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- 3- Ma. 15. " 15- Au. 14. M Se. {John Soule, s. of James, (711), d. Ja. 29, 1815, as. 66. Joanna Soule, (710), o. Perkins, dau. of Eben'r, sis. 570, 2d. m. Nathan Alden of Bridg'r, 1818. Sage Morse, w. Wm., o. Staples, d. May 21, 1834, as. 89. Maria Wood, w. Joshua, 1st. h. Hacket, o. Pratt, br. 646. William Barker, fa. 545, unm. d. No. 9, 1809, as. 22. r Daniel Darling, s. of Benj., gr. fa. 149, (716) d. No. 14, '14, as. 42. Polly Darling, (715) m. 1795, o. Turner, mo. 603, sis. 614, chi. 848, 849, 850, d. Ju. 17, 1843, as. 69. Lydia Torry, w. Caleb, m. 1789, o. Darling, b. 1771, br. 715, (ex. 1824.) d. Ja. 5, 1848, as. 77th. 1 Zechariah Eddy, fa. 633, br. 682, 944, sis. 683, (719.) < Sarah Eddy, (718), o. Edson, sis. 853, gr. gr. fa. 226, & gr. gr. ( gr. fa. 32, d. Se. 7, 1850, as. 69th. ( John Atwood, (721), d. Ju. 17, 1839, as. 63. 1 Rhoda Atwood, (720), o. Johnson, d. Oc. 11, 1814, as. 39. Lydia Thompson, fa. 583, br. 730, dis. to Plymt. Lucy Thompson, fa. 583, (935), m. 1819, d. Oc. 13, 1852. as. 66. Mary Thompson, fa. 583, m. Dr. R. Capen, Re. in Boston. Irene Thompson, fa. 581, br. 870, 935, m. Daniel Warren. Mary Wilder, (639), o. Bump, mo. 596, d. Mh. 30, 1848, as. 71. Mary Wilder, br. 639, m. Henry Holmes 1813, dis. 1815 to Alfred Me. d. there No. 14, 1847, &• 63d. Serena Hubbard, w. Ahira, o. Tucker, mo. 746, dis. 1810 to Windsor, Vt. (Re-ad. 1824.) Sybil Porter, dau. of Isaac of Hal'x, m. Noyes, dis. 1838 to Plainfield. Ezra Thompson, fa. 583, sis. 722, m. Cynthia Gifford, Re. in New Bedford. Abigail Sturtevant, mo. 627, d. De. 30, 1834, as. 51st. Samuel Sampson, s. John, gr. fa 193, sis. 654, (733), Dea. 1826, d. Jy. 30, 1850, as. 86. Lydia Sampson, (732), o. Holmes, d. Se. 13, 1828, as. 57th. Josiah Sparrow, mo. 643, (735) m. 1800, dis. 1827 to Roches- ter, 2d. m. wid. Clarissa Hayward, 3d m. wid. Alice Cush- ing, d. Ja. 25, 1851, as. 76. Minerva Sparrow, (734) o. Miller, sis. 697, d. Au. 15, 1839, as. 60. Jacob Thomas, s. of Jeremiah, br. 884, (737) m. 1799, 2d. w. Cynthia Thomas, [fa. 743]. d. Mh. 22, 1851, as. 77. Lucy Thomas, (736) o. Thomas, mo. 550, d. Jy. 10, 181 5, as. 40th. I695-IS46] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 675 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 75° 75i 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 1808. Se. 11 Oc. 16. ' 23 ' 23. 1809. Ap. 9. 9- Ju. 4. Jy- 2 3' Oc. 22. 22. 22. ' 22. 1810. Fe. 25. Ap. 8. Jy- 8 " 15 Oc. 14 Hope Thomas, b. 1787, mo. 550, sis. 737, Re. to Hartford Me. m. Phillip Ellis, d. before 1840. Hannah Tilson, w. Sylvanus, o. Southworth, mo. 308, gr. fa. 135, d. No. 30, 1821, ae. 66. Irene Standish, w. Jonathan, o. Shaw, sis. 694, br. Elijah sr., d. Fe. 28, 1822, ae. 44. Sylvia Cushman, \v. Jacob, m. 1796, o. Thompson, fa. 569, sis. 742, dis. 1829 to Bristol R. I., d. Oc. 13, 1845, &■ 67. Abigail Wood, w. Nelson, [br 782, gr. mo. 429,] o. Thompson, fa. 569, sis. 741, d. Mh. 31, 1843, ae. 60. Sylvanus Thomas, fa. 424, (744), d. Au. 30, 1814, as. 74. Susanna Thomas, (743) m. 1761, o. Thompson, br. 583, d. Se. 4, 1822, ae. 79. Priscilla Weston Jr., fa. 762, sis. 777, 778, m. Joseph Tinkham, dis. 1850 to Hali'x. Jedidah Tucker, wid. of Nathaniel, [fa. 164] m. 1767, o. Warren, fa. 343, chi. 728, d. Mh. 25, 1819, ae. 71. Israel Wood, fa. 379, m. Priscilla Vaughan, 1772, [d. 1808, ae. 59th. fa. 351], 2d. m. 1810 (564), d. Ma. 12th, 1829, 33. 85th. Ichabod Wood, fa. 379, (672) m. '75, d. De. 30, 1825, ae. 74J. rLothrop Perkins, br. 790, (750), dis. 1831 to N. Rochester; a 2d. m. J Mercy Perkins, (749), o. Cushman, mo. 565, d. Ap. 30, 1815, ae. 34. Elizabeth Wood, w. Gorham, m. 1799, o. Sparrow, mo. 643, sis. 882, 758, br. 734, dis. 1847, to C. C. C. Theodate Wood, br. 947, (792), d. Jy. 31, 1828, ae. 49. Susanna Wilder, vv. Benaiah, [he d. Ma. 15, 1818, ae. 43, br. 639], o. Bryant, fa. 636, d. Ja. 1, 1818, ae. 39? Priscilla Cobb, b. 1770, mo. 338, unm., d. in Vt. 1851. Abigail Bourne, w. Abner, o. Williams of Taunton? d. Ju. 15, 1845, ae. 64. Jael Rider, w. Jesse m. 1804, o. Elmes, b. 1772, dau. John, gr. mo. 172, dis. 1825 to Plym., d. Hannah Tucker, (635), o. Dunbar, d. No. 1, 1838, ae. 83. Jerusha Lovell, w. Joseph m. 1783, o. Sparrow, mo. 643, sis. 751, 882, br. 734, 2d. m. (771), d. Au. 6, 1843, ae. 77. Sally Curtis fr. Plym., w. David, o. Clarke. Anna Barker fr. Branford Ct., (545), 1st. h. Rev. Jason Atwater, 2d. h. Rev. Lynde Huntington, o. Williams, dau. of Rev. Warham, dis. 1816 to Branford. 676 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 761 1811. De. 22. 762 7 6 3 764 7°5 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 7§S 1812. Se. 6. 1813. Jy- 4- 4- Au. 15. i5- Se. 26. 26. 26. 26. No. 14. 14. 14. 14. De. 19. " 19 " 19 " 19- " 19 1814. Ja. 2 " 23 " 23 " 23 Ap. 10. Anna Eddy fr. Plainfield Ct., (682), o. Andros, dau. of.Dea. Abel of P., sis. 797, d. Jy. 13, 1812, ae. 28. John Weston, s. John & Content, m. Elizabeth Leonard 1757, 2d. m. 1776 (571), d. No. 15, 1815, ae. 82. Mercy Bennet, wid. John, m. 1791, o. Morton, dau. Seth, gr. mo. 127, d. Mh. 2, 1826, ae. 57. Priscilla Sturtevant, mo. 627, m. Robert Blair '13. [d.] r Joseph Bourne, fa. 563, (766), He & w. dis. 1816 to N. Bed- ford, d. there Ju. 17, 1829, £e. 41st. I Sophia Bourne fr. Fairhaven, (765), o. Bates, dau. Dea. Joseph of F., Re. in Newton Ms. Mercy Harlow, mo. 632, sis. 768, d. Mh. 30, '54, ae. 84th. Betsey Wood, w. Eliab m. 1808, [he d. Oc. 12, 1852, ae. 71st., fa. 747], o. Harlow, mo. 632, sis. 737. Hepzibah Harlow fr. Sandw., w. Samuel, o. Burgess; Re. Jabez Williams, (785) m. 1815, (ex. 1827)., Re. to Penn. John Tinkham, fa. 346, m. Mary Wood 1778, 2d m. Lydia Wood, wid. of Thomas 1810, 3d. m. (758), d. Ap. 5, 1829, *• 75- Thomas Pratt, b. 1775, s. of Eben'r, sis. 610, 624, (823). William Gisby, s. of Edw'd. br. 928, gr. gr. mo. 172, m. Ruth T. Bennett [dau. of Thomas & Ruth.] Hannah Coade, dau. of Joseph & Sarah of Plymouth, dis. 1837 to Dunkirk N. Y. (Re-ad. 1840). Mercy Bennet, w. Jacob, m. 1780, o. Porter, mo. 620, sis. 825, d. Jy. 6, 1847, ae. 85. Sarah Porter, dau. Zacha'h., gr. mo. 620, Re., m. Dr. Brown of Pa.; now a wid. Hannah Weston, fa. 762, sis. 745, unm., d. Ja. 6. 1840, ae. 49. Salome Weston, fa. 762, mo. 571, sis. 745, 777, (802). Eunice Sturtevant, mo. 627, unm., d. Ma. 14, 1815, ae. 22. Jacob Bennet 2d., s. Eben'r. Livy, (794), d. Au. 20, '50, ae. 76. Orin Tinkham, fa. 771, m. Achsa Townsend, Re. in Me. Temperance Burgess, m. Levi Wood 1814, [s. of Levi, gr. mo. 429], dis. 1837 to Fall River. Ichabod Wood 2d., fa. 747, sis. 661; Re. to Ind. m. bef. 1823, Left 4 chi.; d. Oc. 31, 1830, ae. 42. Mary Wood, (801), o. Weston, dau. Abner and Huldah, gr. mo. 539, gr. gr. fa. 231, d. Se. 30, 1827, ae. 40. Serena Thomas, dau. Seth, sis. 738, (770), m. 1815, dis. 1833 to Pittsburg Pa. 1695-^46] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 677 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 1814. Ap. 10. No. 20. " 27. 1815. Ma. 21. Se. 17. 1816. Fe. 14. Oc. 6. No. 17- 18 19- Ap. 4- Ma 16. K 16. Ju. 27. It 27. a 27. n 27. Au. is- « i5- iS- Oc. — 1820. Ja. 11. 1823. Se. — Oc. 19. a 19. 19. Lucy Swift, w. Joseph sr., o. Cornish, fa. 593, sis. 985. Mercy King, dau. John & Elizabeth, gr. mo. 384, m. Josephus Bump 1814, d. Se. 19, 1818, ae. 29? Elizabeth Barker, fa. 545, mo. 579, br. 714, dis. 1827 to Free- town; d. in Chicago, 111. Ap. 5, 1854, 32. 63d. Hepzibah Morton fr. Salsbury Vt, dau. Seth jr., gr. gr. mo. 127, sis. 1061, dis. 1840 to N. Bedford, d. Ma. 16, 1848 ? ae. 50 ? John Perkins, br. 749, m. Sarah Snow, 2 m. (1043), dis. 1825 to N. Rochester. (Re-ad. 1845). REV. EMERSON PAINE, 6th Pastor, m. Lydia Pendleton, Re. 1822, d. Ap. 26, 1851, ae. 65. Leonard Elmes fr. Abbeville S. C, fa. 817, (752), (ex. 1827), Re. in Dighton, 2d. m. Stephens. James Sproat, s. Robert jr., gr. gr. fa. 135, (827) m. 1800, Dea. 1833, d. Ap. 15, 1837, as. 63d. Rebecca Bennet, (780) m. 1802, o. Wood, dau. Amos, sis. 638, dis. 1828 to No. Rochester, d. Ma. 24, 1846, se. 67th. Fanny D. Sturtevant, mo. 627, unm., d. De. 22, 1845, x - 4&- Joanna Tilson, fa. 652, mo. 653, br. 693, sis. 873. Abby Eddy, (682), o. Andros, sis. 761, d. Oc. 28, 1848, 32. 55th. Julia Paddock, mo. 699, unm., d. Ju. 6, 1849, 32. 50th. Sylvea Fuller, mo. 647, sis. 685. Elizabeth Wood, mo. 751, m. Collester Wood [d. 1850]. Horatio G. Wood, s. of Eben'r., br. 947, sis. 752, gr. mo. 429, (784, 836), Dea. 1842, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. with 32 oth- ers. Ebenezer Willis, sis. 876, (778), d. Ja. 20, 1840, 32. 49. Eliphalet Doggett, s. of Mark, m. Sybil Peabody, dis. 1828 to E. Brid'r., 2d. m. Keith, Re. in N. Bedford Eliphalet Elmes Jr., fa. 817, (854), Re. in Taunton. Deliverance Littlejohn, w. Wm. m. '94, o. Muxham, dau. Jn., Admitted at her house, d. Ja. 11, 1820, 32. 51st. Susanna Tinkham, fa. 663, Admitted at her house, unm., d. De. 30, 1823, 32. Josiah Clarke, m. Hannah Harlow, d. Ma. 3, 1839, 32. 95. Mary Clarke, mo. 845, sis. 809, m. Edward Stetson 1827, dis. 1828 to N. Bedford, d. Oc. 13, 1836, 32. 37th. Deborah P. Clarke, mo. 845, sis. 808, gr. fa. 807, m. Geo. Thompson 1826, [his fa. 583], d. Mh. 23, 1853, 32. 55. 678 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 1823. 810 Oc 19 811 19 812 u 19. 813 it 19. 814 a 19. 815 tt 19. 816 tt 19. 817 « 19. 818 a 19. 819 tt 19. 820 a 19. 821 it 19. 822 it 19. 823 tt 19. 824 n 19. 825 a 19. 826 11 19. 827 tt 19. 828 tt 19. 829 it 19. 830 it 19. 831 a 19. 832 tt 19. 833 n 19. 834 it 19. 83s tt 19. 836 it 19. 837 tt 19. 838 it 19. 839 a 19. 840 No. 23- 841 (i 23- 842 a 2 3- 843 it 23- Abiel Washburn, s. Edward, (811), d. Ju. 17, 1843, ae. 80J. Elizabeth Washburn, (810) m. 1788, o. Pierce, dau. Job, sis. 895, d. Mh. 23, 1850, ae. 84. Abigail Washburn, fa. 810, dis. 1851 to C. C. C. Caroline Washburn, fa. 810, m. Rev. Francis Horton, dis. 1833 to Brookfield Ms., d. at W r . Cambr'ge Se. 20, 1849, x - 4 2 h Louisa Jane Washburn, fa. 810, m. Rev. Elam Smalley, dis. 1832 to Franklin Ms., Re. in Worcester, Ms. Louisa Bourne, mo. 895, sis. 870, m. Alexander Wood 1824, [fa. 748], Re. in Flanover, Ms. Hilliard Bryant, s. of Seth, gr. mo. 673, dis. 1827 to Amherst Ms. ( Eliphalet Elmes sr., fa. 524, (818), d. Au. 4, '30, ae. 77th. ( Chloe Elmes, (817) m. '77, o. Leonard, d. Jy. 5, '43, ae. 86th. Jane Finney, mo. 657, m. Eber Beal, d. Jy. 7, 1825, ae. 26th. Hannah Freeman, mo. 856, unm., d. Se. 22, 1842, ae. 59. Miriam Littlejohn, mo. 805, sis. 861, gr. gr. mo. 163. Job Lucas, s. of Samuel, m. Mary Morse. Lydia Pratt, (772), o. Macomber, dau. Simeon, sis. 854. Phebe Pratt, w. Zerubbabel, o. Stone, d. Mh. 4, '45, ae. 49. Bathsheba Sparrow, w. Edward, [d. No. 18, '53, ae. 86th,] m. 1798, o. Porter, mo. 620, sis. 775, d. Mh. 27, 1853, ae. 80th. Josiah O. Standish, s. Joshua sr., Re., m., Re. in Plymouth. Lucy Sproat, (793) o. Clarke, dau. Dr. Joseph & Rebecca, [sis. 544] gr. gr. mo. 127, d. De. 7, 1849, «• 6 9- Joseph Swift jr., mo. 786, unm., d. Oc. 9, 1829, ae. 20. Mercy Swift, mo. 786, m. Ich. Shurtliff, dis. '43 to Carv. Lucy Swift jr., mo. 786, m. W. Taylor of Pembroke, Re. Elizabeth Tinkham, fa. 663, unm., d. Mh. 28, 1846, ae. 74. f James Warren, br. 696, (833), He & W. dis. '47 to C. C. C. ( Margaret Warren, (832) o. Finney, mo. 657, sis. 819. Thomas Weston sr., s. Edmund jr., gr. fa. 231, (835), d. Ja. 17, 1834, ae. 64. Abigail Weston, (834), o. Doggett, d. Au. 11, 1830, ae. 55. Abigail Weston Jr., fa. 834, (801) m. 1830, dis. 1847 to C. C. C, d. Ja. 7, 1854, ae. 53d. Bethania Weston, fa. 834, m. Earl Sproat, [fa. 868]. Lavinia Weston, fa. 834, m. Reland Tinkham [d. Ma. 2, '54, ae. 56.]; his and her gr. gr. mo. 595; d. Oc. 15, 1849, ae. 41st. Thomas Weston Jr., fa. 834, gr. gr. fa. 231, (851). Francis Atwood, s. Wm., m. Elizabeth Ward, dau. Benj'n., 2d. m. Abigail Shurtliff, d. Ja. 22, 1853, ae. 79. Shadrach Atwood, fa. 840, Re., m., Re. in Franklin, Ms. f Martin Buss, (843), Re. ( Eliza Buss, (842), Re. i695-!S46] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 679 1823. No. 23. 23' n- 23 23 23 23- 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23' 23' 23 *3- 23 23' 23' 23. 2 3- Joseph Chamberlain, d. in Plymt. Oc. 6, 1825. Elizabeth Clarke, w. Joseph, m. 1791, o. Morton, dau. of John, gr. mo. 127, d. Mh. 19, 1840, ae. 70. Otis T. Cobb, mo. 684, dis. 1834 to Amherst, Ms., m. Maria Cady, dau. of Squire of Ct. Re. in Plainfield, Ct. Adaline Cobb, mo. 684, br. 846, m. Heraan Cobb, dis. 1840 to Plym. Re-ad. 1853. Alanson Darling, fa. 715, sis. 849, 850, (857). Hannah H. Darling, fa. 715, m. Spaulding, dis. 1837 to Lempster, N. H. Aurilla Darling, fa. 715, m. Hiram Fletcher, dis. 1832 to Lemp- ster, N. H. Thalia Eddy, fa. 944, br. 967, sis. 955, 968, 969, (839). Ann Juliett Eddy, fa. 718, sis. 988, m. Samuel Barrett, dis. 1833, to Cambridge, Re. in Newton, Ms. Charlotte Edson, sis. 719, Re. in Titicut. Lavinia Elmes, (804), o. Macomber, sis. 823, d. Oc. 29? 1836, ae. 29? Louisa Elmes, fa. 817, m. Samuel G. Drake of Boston. Mercy Freeman, w. Elisha, o. Eddy, fa. 341, d. Au. 19, 1828, ae. 82. Lauretta Ann Fuller, gr. mo. 647, (848). Rufus Holmes, s. of Zaccheus, (861) dis. 1828 to War'm., d. Mh. 20, 1839, ae. 35. George L. Holmes, mo. 860, Re., m., Re. in Tenn. Eunice Holmes, w. Peleg, o. Wood, dis. 1840 to N. Bridg'r. Hannah Littlejohn, mo. 805, (858), dis. 1828 to War'm. Lendall P. Morton, br. 662, (904), d. Ja. n, 1843, ae. 46th. Nathan Perkins Jr., gr. gr. mo. 172, (1023) 2d. m. Mrs. Sias, o. Dean, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. Olive Pratt, fa. 772, br. 1032, m. Darius Wentworth, dis. 1835 to Bridg'r. He d., she Re. there. Lydia Smith, dau. Jabez, gr. gr. fa. 161. James Soule 4th, aged 12 yrs., s. Wm„ gr. fa. 664. Ruth Soule, w. Isaac o. Fuller, d. Se. 30, 1849, x. 69th. Thomas Sproat, fa. 323, (883) d. Fe. 3, 1833, x - 75- Daniel Thomas, mo. 702, m. Phebe Thomas, '25, Re. in Pa. Arad Thompson, fa. 581, br. 935, sis. 698, 725, m. Mercy Bourne, [her mo. 895, sis. 815], d. Ap. 22, 1843, x - 56. Marietta T. Thompson, fa. 935, br. 926, sis. 872, 927. Cordelia Thompson, fa. 935, sis. 871, m. Benj'n. Bryant, Re. in Philadelphia. Judith Tilson, fa. 652, br. 693, unm. d. Ja. 22, 1836, ae. 305. Betsey L. Wing, mo. 880, m. Elii. Burgess, dis. '47 to C. C.C. 68o HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 1823. 875 No. 23. 876 " 23. 877 " 23. 1824. 878 Ja. 7. 879 " 7- 880 " 7- 881 Ap. 4. (738) " 4- 882 " 4- 883 " 4- 884 " 4- 885 " 4- 886 Mh. 10. 887 Jy- 4- 1825. 888 Se. 9. 889 " 9- 1826. 890 Ja. 22. 891 Jy. 2. 892 Se. 21. 1827. 893 De. 2. 1829. 894 Jy- 5- 895 Se. 27.] James D. Wilder, ae. 15th year, fa. 639, (1001), dis. 1847 to C. C. C; Dea. there, d. Fe. 7, 1854, a?. 45th. Jane Willis, dau. Eben'r and Joanna of Bridgewater, br. 802. Lydia Wood, dau. Timothy, br. 1014, gr. gr. mo. 429, gr. gr. gr. fa. 135, m. Caleb Bassett, Re. in W. P. ( Jabez Fuller fr. Wrentham, mo. 673, sis. 674, (879), he and W. dis. 1826 to Berkley. They Re. in Ver. ( Sally Fuller fr. Plymt., (878), o. Churchill. Lura Wing fr. War'm., wid. of Ansel, o. Leonard, dau. of Archippus, gr. mo. 338, d. De. 15, 1851, ae. 71. Susan B. Fuller fr. Plainfield Ct., w. Zachariah, [his mo. 673, br. 878], o. Barstow, d. in Plainfield, Ct. Serena Hubbard fr. Windsor, Vt. o. Tucker, gr. fa. 164, dis. 1838 to Chicago, 111. and Re. there; wid. of Ahira. Susanna Miller, wid. John [d. Jy. 16, '18, ae. 47th,] m. '92, (652), o. Sparrow b. 1772, mo. 643, br. 734, sis. 751. Mary Sproat, (868), o. Briggs, d. Sep. 3, 1834, ae. 73. Silas Thomas, s. of Jer'h, gr. mo. 387, 484, br. 736, m. Mary Shurtliff, d. Au. 10, 1834, as. 69th. Eleazer Thomas, s. of Eleazer, gr. fa. 350, (920). REV. WILLIAM EATON fr. Fitchburg, 7th Pastor, (890), dis. 1834, d. April 15, 1840, ae. 56. Azel Thomas, mo. 892, sis. 894, gr. gr. fa. 428, 298, m. Harriet Thompson 1837, d. Mh. 31, 1844, ae. 47th. Elizabeth Leonard fr. Plym., w. of Eph'm., 1st h. Geo. Church- ill, o. Harlow, dau. of Seth and Sarah Warren* Dea. NathH, 3 Benj'n, 2 Richard of the M. F., d. De. 28, 1846, ae. 78. Lucy W. Morse fr. Nor. Bridg'r., dau. of Sam'l, br. 1016, gr. fa. 549, m. Edw'd. Adams. Lydia Eaton fr. Fitchburg, (886), o. Sanford, dis. 1834, d. in Worcester Ms., Mh. 25, 1850, as. 55. Ruth Morse, w. of Levi, o. Savery, dis. 1839 to Carv. Phebe Thomas, w. Azel, m. 1796, o. Ellis, dau. of Geo., gr. mo. 623, d. in the St. of Me. Feb. 3, 1851, ae. 76. Mary Freeman, (676), o. Cole, dau. of Job, sis. 917, dis. 1846, to Carv., d. Ju. 13, 1852, ae. 65th. Betsey Thomas, mo. 892, m. Sam'l Ellis, dis. J ^ to War'm. Lucy Bourne, w. Wm., o. Pierce, dau. Job, dis. '48 to C. C. C. I695-IS46] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 68l 896 897 900 901 902 9°3 904 9°S 906 907 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 1829. Se. 27. " 27 " 27. " 27. " 27. " 27. " 27. No. 8. 1830. Ja. 20. Ap. 2. Au. 1. De. 5. " 5- 1831. Ju. 5- " 5- " 5- 918 (< 5- 919 " 5- 920 u 5- 921 u 5- 922 <( 5- 923 u 5- rEbenezer Pickens, son of Sam'l, (897), he and w. dis. '47 to ] C. C. C. 1 Maty B. Pickens, (896,) o. Thompson, dau. Benj'n. sis. 931, L 947, gr. fa. 563. Lydia M. Eddy, (944), o. Morton, dau. Joshua, sis. 971. Polly W. Caswell, w. Eleazer, o. Cobb, dau. of Lemuel, gr. gr. fa. 3°3- Jane Standish, w. John, o. Churchill dau. Elias; Re. Barbara Tinkham, dau. Eben'r. gr. fa. 592. Lauretta Wing, mo. 880, m. Wm. T. Estes, dis. 1843, to Taun- ton, d. in Sandwich, De. 24, 1852, ae. 43. Olive T. Cobb, dau. Levi, gr. fa. 628, gr. mo. 550, m. Philander Hacket, d. Au. 12, 1850, ae. 40. Eliza S. Morton, (862), m. 1824, o. Hacket, dau. George, sis. 924, br. 903, d. Ja. 12, 1843, ae. 38. Mary Norcutt, mo. 622, m. Dan'l Dunham, dis. '47 to C. C. C. I Samuel Pool, (907); they Re. in South Abington. I Lydia Pool, (906), o. Cox. Betsey Warren, w. Galen, |he d. Ju. 19, 1853, st - 55! Dr - 696], o. Tribou, mo. 695, gr. gr. fa. 298. Sarah Jackson fr. Windsor Vt., dau. of Joseph sr., gr. fa. 335, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. Hannah D. Morton fr. Shoreham Vt., fa. Livy, br. 662, 862, m. Horatio N. Wilbur, d. Jy. 26, 1846, ae. 37th. Lucy C. Wood fr. Scitu., (947,) m. '27 1st. m. Cushing, 0. Nichols, dis. 1847 to C. C. C, d. Se. 26, 1848, ae. 61st. Susanna Tucker, w. Daniel [fa. 327], o. Thompson, dau. Nathan, gr. mo. ad. 64, 16 chi. fr. '83, d. Fe. 25, '50, ae. 86th. Mandana Tucker, mo. 912. Freeman Barrows, mo. 971 , dis. 1832 to N. Bedford, Re. in Mo. ; m. Betsey Eddy, w. Eben'r, [fa. 633], o. Stetson, dau. Caleb, Betsey M. Eddy, mo. 915, gr. fa. 633, m. Amasa Thompson [gr. gr. gr. fa. 9], d. No. 17, 1851, ae. 38. Hannah Thomas, wid. of Ezra, [gr. fa. 425], o. Cole, dau. of Job, sis. 893, d. Jy. 5? 1853, ae. 63. I Seneca Thomas, fa. 649, br. 923, sis. 921, (919) Dea., 1852. ( Hope Thomas, (918), o. Faunce, dau. Ansel, gr. mo. 433. Eunice Thomas, (885), o. Shurtliff, dau. Gideon. Anna Thomas, w. Andrew, [d. 1853, ae. 75th. mo. 550], o. Thomas, fa. 649, br. 918, d. Ap. 12, 1833, ae. 49. Lucia Ann Thomas, fa. 885, unm., d. No. 30, 1836, ae. 20. Winslow Thomas, fa. 649, br. 918, m. Charity Thomas, [dau. of Isaiah], d. No. 14, 1843, ae. 52. 68 2 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1S46 924 925 926 927 928 929 93° 93i 932 933 934 935 93 6 (626) 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 183 1. 5- 5- 5- 5- Au. 7- 7- u 7- 7- " 7- it it 7- 7- 1832. Ap. 1. Oc. 17. 1833- Ma. 5. Ju. 2. " 2. 1835- Oc. 28. 1836. Ja- 3- Mh. 6. ii 6. No. 6. 1837- Mh. 5. " 5- " 5- Huldah Thomas, w. of Benj'n, 0. Hacket, dau. of Geo. sis. 904, d. Se. 25, 1852, £e. 60th. Nathan King, m. Ellen Thompson, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. Charles F. Thompson, fa. 935, sis. 927, d. Se. 3, '39, x. 23. Florantha Thompson, fa. 935, br. 926, sis. 871, 872, m. Gran- ville T. Sproat, dis. '39 to La Pointe, L. S. Thomas Gisby, br. 773, m. Mehetabel Daniels. Simeon Staples, s. of Eben'r of Taunton, m. Lydia Sampson, [her. fa. 732], d. Ja. 17, 1833, a;. 37J. Susanna Cushman, w. Adoniram, o. Bump, mo. 596. Freelove G. Rounseville, w. Gamaliel, o. Thompson dau. of Benj'n, sis. 897, gr. mo. 585, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. Mary Jane Eastman fr. Brunswick Me., m. Rev. Sam'l Utley, dis. 1838 to So. New Marlboro'. Betsey Tinkham fr. Wrentham, w. of Geo. W., o. Cole. Matilda Wood, (1014), o. Thompson, dau. of Samuel and Clara, br. 916; dis. 1852 to C. C. C. Cephas Thompson, fa. 581, m. Olivia Leonard, (2d. w. 723). David Harlow fr. Brookfield, s. Jesse, m. Finney, Re. in Plymouth. Desire Morse from Halif'x., unm., d. De. 29, 1851, ae. 80. Ruth Reed, w. Sam'l., o. Sampson, dau. Icho. dis. '47 to C. C. C. Harvey Tinkham, s. of Hazael, gr. gr. fa. 148, (985) ; 2d. m. Ramsdell. REV. ISRAEL W. PUTNAM fr. Portsmouth, N. H., 8th Pastor, s. of Eleazer of Danvers, 1st m. Harriot Osgood, 2nd. m. (941), chi. 1006, 1036. Sabina Willis fr. Hal'x., w. Martin, o. Thompson, dau. Isaac sr., br. 981, gr. gr. gr. fa. 9, dis. 1849 to Hal'x. Julia Ann Putnam fr. Portsm'h. N. H., (939), o. Osgood, dau. of Sam'l and Maria of N. Y., 1st. h. S. Osgood jr., chi. 942. Adeline H. Osgood fr. Portsmouth N. H., mo. 941, m. Wm. C. Eddy, [s. of Wm. S., gr. fa. 633.] Caroline M. Pickens, fa. 896, mo. 897, dis. '47 to C. C. C, m. John McCloud. Joshua Eddy, fa. 633, br. 682, 718, sis. 683, (898). Harriet Hill, came fr. and returned to Boston. Elizabeth H. Washburn, w. Philander, o. Homes, dau. of Henry and Dorcas of Boston, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. I695-IS46] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 683 94 949 95° 975 1837- Ma. 7 951 7 952 Ju- 2 953 Se. 3 1838. 954 Jy. 1. 955 Se. 2 956 << 2. 957 (i 2. 958 « 2. 959 11 2. 960 it 2. 961 a 2. 962 No. 4- 1839- 963 Ja. 4- (673) Jy. 6. 184 0. 964 Jy- 5- (774) « 5- 965 " 5- 966 Se. 6. 967 u 6. 968 u 6. 969 ti 6. 970 « 6. 971 it 6. 972 It 6. 973 It 6. 974 it 6. Wilkes Wood, s. Eben'r., br. 801, m. Betsey Tinkham 1798, [gr. fa. 345]; 2d. w. Betsey Thompson, 3d. w. (911), d. Oc. 1, 1843, *• 73- Charles W. Wood, fa. 947, dis. 1839 to Ashby, m. Eliza Ann Bigelow, 2d. m. Catharine Lemist, o. Clarke. Emily Louisa Wood, fa. 947, br. 948, 953, sis. 950, 951, dis. 1847, to C. C. C. Mary T. Wood, fa. 947, m. Russell L. Hathaway; Re. in Ind. Sally Leonard, w. Jas., o. Wood, fa. 947, d. Ja. 1846, ae. 43d. Irene Soule, \v. Otis, o. Cushman, dau. Jacob, of Plymt. William Henry Wood, fa. 947, br. 948, sis. 949, 950. Mary Ann Orrington, came from and returned to Boston. Jane Ellen Eddy, fa. 944, br. 967, sis. 851, 969, m. Timothy Cobb, dis. 1842 to Carv., Re. in Fall River. Lucy Harrington, w. Isaac, o. Raymond, dau. Joshua. j Lothrop Thomas Jr., gr. gr. fa. 350, (958). ( Louisa Faunce Thomas, (957), o. Thomas, fa. 918. Saba S. Thomas, fa. 885, unm., d. De. 18, 1845, ae. 25. Mary Ann Thomas, mo. 921, m. Soranus Wrightington. Mary H. Thomas, w. Albert, o. Churchill, dau. Edmund. Mary Reed Atwood, w. Daniel, o. Whitmarsh, dau. Wm. Betsey L. Pratt fr. Bridgewater, w. Simeon o. Leach, dau. of Levi, of Bridg'r, d. Ap. 19, 1839, ve. 27. Lucy Fuller from Fairhaven, d. Se. 13, 1839, as. 81 h. Eliab Dean, s. of Seth of Raynham, (986), chi. 987. Hannah Coade fr. Dunkirk N. Y. Sarah Lawrence, w. Dan'l, o. Custens, dau. of Thomas. Mary Ann Colwell, dau. Eben'r., m. Eben'r. Fuller, Hal'x. Charles E. Eddy fr. N. Bedford, fa. 944, dis. 1847 to Providence, m. Elizabeth Simmons of Prov. Eliza Eddy, fa. 944, mo. 898, br. 967, sis. 851, 955, 969. Susan M. Eddy, fa. 944, mo. 898, br. 967, sis. 851, 968, 955. Ann Elizabeth Eddy, fa. 682, mo. 797, sis. 1010, (976), dis. 1844 to Baltimore, Md. Susanna M. Ellis, (680), 1st h. Freeman Barrows, o. Morton, sis. 898, s. 914, dis. 1844 to N. Bedford. Jane Freeman, gr. mo. 856, (997), Re. in No. Bridgewater. Jerusha Haskins, w. Job, o. Raymond. Lucia Maria Nichols, w. James G., o. Cole, dau. Lemuel, gr. fa. 665. Harriet Orcutt, w. Alpheus, o. Soule, mo. 867; Re. in. W. P. 6S4 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 976 977 978 979 980 9«2 983 987 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 IOOQ I84O. Se. 6. 6. 6. 6, 6, 6. No. 1841. Ja. 4. " 4 " 4. " 4. " 4. " 4 " 4. " 4. " 4. " 4. " 4 Ma Se. " 12, No. 7 William Pratt, s. of Simeon, (970), dis. '42 to Bait. Md. Mahala Smith, w. Earl, 1st h. Alfred Soule, o. Shaw, fa. 654, dis. 1845 to Manchester N. H. Isaac Soule, 3d, mo. 867, m. Polly Fuller, dau. of Sam'l. Priscilla Soule, mo. 867, m. S. M. Stephens, Re. in Boston. Rebecca Soule, mo. 867, br. 978, sis. 975, 979. Anna T. Thompson, fa. 705, br. 996, gr. fa. 747, m. Isaac Thompson Jr., d. in. Hal'x. Ma. 11, 1852, ae. 38th. Eunice Washburn, w. Lewis, o. Leonard, dau. Jonathan. Henry Dunham fr. Carv., s. of Israel of Carv., m. Louisa Jane Pratt, [fa. 772, sis. 864]; dis. 1850 to C. C. C. Lucia C. Ellis, w. Southworth Jr., o. Thomas, dau. Noah, gr. fa. 350. Jane Tinkham, (938), o. Cornish, fa. 593, d. Se. 16, '48 ae. '54. Lydia Dean, (964), o. Paddleford, dau. Solomon. Lois Dean, fa. 964, mo. 986. Charlotte Elizabeth Eddy, fa. 718, sis. 852, m. Rev. F. G. Pratt Pastor Winthrop Church, So. Maiden. Stephen Harlow Jr., gr. mo. 632, br. 990, sis. 991, (1029). Jonathan E. Harlow, s. Stephen sr., br. 989, Physician in Hingham. m. Sarah Harlow, br. 989, sis. 992, m. John A. Williams. Betsey B. Harlow, br. 989, sis. 993, m. John M. Soule. Mary L. Harlow, gr. mo. 632, sis. 992, 991, br. 989, 990. f Venus Thompson, mo. 655, gr. gr. mo. 372, (995). 1 Jane Thompson, (994), o. Southworth, dau. Seth and Hope. Benjamin F. Thompson, fa. 705, sis. 981, m. Sarah A. Wood, [dau. David, gr. gr. fa. 356, d. Ja. 10, 1854, ae. 35]. Oliver G. Tinkham, fa. 938, (972), Re. in N. Bridg'r. Rachel Vineca, w. David, o. Vaughan, mo. 567. Dorlisca N. Vineca, mo. 998, m. Francis Thompson. Lydia Vineca, mo. 998, m. Martin Wood of Hal'x. Bathsheba L. Wilder, (875), o. Murdock, dis. '47 to C. C. C. Abigail T. Wood, mo. 742, sis. 1003, gr. fa. 569. Mercy L. Wood, mo. 768, gr. fa. 747. Joanna Atwood, w. of Jacob, o. Wood, mo. 742, sis. 1002. Mary C. Wood, w. of Eliab Jr., o. Freeman, fa. 676, mo. 893. Harriet O. Putnam, fa. 939, br. 1036, m. Charles F. Pierce, [s. Peter H., gr. fa. 868]. Sarah T. Thompson, w. of Reuel Jr. [fa. 705], o. Wood, dau. Alfred sr. and Rhoda, br. 1008. gr. mo. 672, 643. Aljred Wood Jr. fr. Woodstock Ct., sis. 1007, Dea. '52. Lucy Ann Eddy, dau. Wm. S., gr. fa. 633 m. Dr. Geo. King. I695-IS46] MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH 685 1841. No. 7. 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 101 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 io33 1034 i°35 1036 1037 1842. Ja. 2. 2. 2. Ju. 26. Se. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26. 4- " 4- 4- " 4- " 4- " 4- " 4 " 4- " 4- 1843. Ja. 1. Ma. 7. 7- Ju. 2. 1844. Ja. 7. " 7- " 7. Ma. 5. Mary Jane Eddy, fa. 682, sis. 970, m. Charles F. Thayer ; Re. in Ogdensburg, N. Y. Alfred B. Soule, mo. 977, gr. fa. 664, 654, dis. 1845 to Man- chester, N. H. Adoniram J. Cushman, 930, (1013), dis. 1847 to C. C. C. Ann S. Cushman, (1012), o. Reed, dau. of Dean H., dis. '47 to C. C. C. Abiel Wood, s. of Timothy, sis. 877, (934), dis. '52 to C. C. C. Zilpha m. Clarke, w. Joseph 3d., o. Miller, dau. of John, mo. 882, 1847 to C. C. C. Marston S. Morse, s. Sam'l, sis. 889, gr. fa. 549. Phebe Thomas, wid. of Israel, o. Thompson, dau. of Dan'l. Perry A. Wilbur, s. Jas., m. Betsey B. Wilder, dis. '49 C. C. C. George Warren, fa. 696, mo. 685, unm. d. Ap. 21, 1848, ae. 29. Mary W'ood, w. Thomas J., o. Tinkham, dau. Levi, gr. fa. 346. ( Halford Earle fr. Brunswick Me., s. Frederic, (1022), he and W. dis. 1847 to E. Thomaston Me. ( Elizabeth Earle fr. N. Bedf'd., o. Barker, dau. Joshua. Eunice Perkins, (863), o. Bisbee, dau. of Joseph, gr. gr. gr. fa. 68, d. Se. 16, 1844, as. 40. {Benj. F. Pratt, s. Benj. Jr., gr. fa. 646, (1025), Re. to Plymo.; 2d. m. Brayley, d. Ja. 21, 1853, x - 34 tn - Abby B. Pratt, (1024), o. Morse, br. 1016, d. Jy. 14, '44, ae. 25. Mahala S. Pratt, gr. fa. 646, br. 1024, m. Sam'l Morse Jr. Mary H. Thompson fr. Plymt., w. Edw'd, o. Bryant, du. of Micah. Eleanor B. Wood, mo. 751, sis. 800, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. Bethiah O. Harlow fr. E. Bridg'r, (989), o. Keith, dau. Geo. Consider Robbins fr. Carv., s. of Consider, m. Martha Rich- ardson, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. Calvin Doane, m. Huldah Willis, [mo. 940], Re. Thomas A. Pratt, fa. 772, sis. 864, m. Ruth C. Bradford. Abigail S. Pickens fr. Rochester, w. of Andrew J., o. Snow, dau. Linus of Rochester, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. Mary Briggs fr. W. P., w. of Eben'r Jr., o. Dean, dau. Rev. Joshua Dean, d. No. 1, 1846, 33. 28. James Foley, s. Laurens and Catharine of Ireland, m. Sylvia Standish, wid. Jn. C, o. Perkins, dau. Gideon. William F. Putnam, fa. 939, sis. 1006, dis. '49 to Brooklyn N. Y., d. in Middleboro', Feb. n, 1853, ae. 25. Phebe H. Wood fr. Pawtucket, w. of Ansel, o. Hamilton. 686 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBORO [1695-1846 1844. 1038 Jy- 7- 1039 7- 1040 7- 1041 No. 3. 1042 3- 1845. (79°) Ja- 5- I043 " 5- IO44 Ma. 4. 1846. IO45 Se. 6. [ Dr. Henry D. Hitchcock fr. Westminster Vt, s. David, (1039), d. by R. R. disaster, Feb. 23, 1847, se. 27J. I Olivia Hitchcock fr. Westminster Vt., (1038), o. Arnold, dau. Rev. Seth S., dis. '47 to C. C. C; a 2d. m. in Vt. Hope Wrightington, dau. of David, dis. 1847 to C. C. C, unm., d. Ja. 4, 1850, as. 43d. Dea. Cornelius S. Burgess fr. New Bedf'd, dis. '47 to C. C. C. Melissa Burgess fr. N. B., (1041), o. Cobb, dau. Nehemiah. Dr. John Perkins fr. No. Roch'r, (1043), dis. '47 to C. C. C. Ann S. Perkins fr. N. Y. city, (790), o. Nelson, dau. of Dr. Thomas [a native of Middleboro'], dis. '47 to C. C. C. Joanna Brand fr. N. P., (Ind.) unm. d. Jy. 31, 1851, se. 82? Almira Goddard fr. Roxbury, w. John H., o. Porter, dau. Aaron and Pauline, dis. 1847 to C. C. C. INDEX INDEX Abbott, Rev. Levi A., 485. Abbott, Rev. Samuel, 481; ministry of, 472. Abercrombie's brigade, 178. Abiel, Nehemiah, pastor of Indian church, 20. Abington, 123, 269, 411. Academies: New England academies, 249, 250; Pierce Academy, 251-257; Titicut Academy, 258-263. Acadia, capture of, 89; expedition to, 94. Acadians, 99, 100; bill for their sup- port, 100. Acomowett, 600. Actions against town, 569. Acushnet, 84, 545. Acushnet Path, description of, 504. Adams, John, 196, 585, 593, 596; life of, 586. Adams, Rev. John Q., 487. Advent Church, 494. Agents of town, 225, 226, 553, 554, 558, 559, 561, 562, 565, 572. Ahanton, John, conveyance of land to Titicut Parish, 20. Alarm list, 196, 197, 202, 203. Alarms, 74, 314; Rhode Island, 125. Alden, Albert, 293, 498; life of, 294; portrait of, 294. Alden, Andrew, 297. Alden, Arthur B., 293, 300. Alden, Arthur H., 297. Alden, C. H., 411. Alden, Charles F., 300. Alden, David, 464, 564, 616; life of, 617. Alden, Elijah, life of, 395. Alden, Frederick L., 297. Alden, George D., 227. Alden, John, 35, 394, 446, 545, 551, 563, 577, 592, 596, 621, 629; auto- graph of, 593; life of, 394-395. 593; portrait of, 395; slave of, 105. Alden, Corp. John, 198. Alden, John F., 390. Alden, Capt. Rufus, 202. Alden, Samuel, 463. Alden, Rev. W. H. H., 414. Alden Cemetery, history of, 635-636. Aldrich, Daniel, 155. Aldrich, Rev. Jonathan, 485. Alewives, 499, 502. Alexander, 7-9; embarkation of, 8; picture of Alexander about to embark on the river, 8; sickness and death of, 8, 9; visit to Marshfield and Plym- outh, 8. Alexandria, 176, 1S7. Alger, Roland F., 258. Algonquin tribes, 304. Allan, Bert J., 227. Allen, B. J., 262. Allen, Rev. Charles W., 480. Allen, Rev. Ephraim W., 466. Allen, Hepzibah, 636. Allen, or Allyn, John, 89, 254, 555, 560, 5°3- Allen, Capt. Nehemiah, 200. Almanacs, 343. America, 209, 213. American Congress, 168. American inventions, 206. American Legion of Honor, history of, 632. American navy, 157. American states, 196. Ammunition, 196, 568, 574. Amusements of the 18th centurv, 217, 218. Anabaptists, 573. Anchor Works, 382. Andem, Rev. James, ministry of, 474. Andirons, 348. Andrew, Gov. John A., 169, 176. Andrews, Henry, 28. Andros, Sir Edmund, 558. Angier, Oakes, 227. Annabel, Anthony, 596; life of , 597. Antietam, battle of, 173, 178, 179. Apothecary shops, 291. Apples, uses of, in 18th century, 208, 212, 216. Appomattox Court House, 171, 185. Archives of State House, 166. Arms, orders to exercise men in and to provide, 554, 560. Army of the Potomac, 178, 179, 180, 185, 187. . 690 INDEX Arrowfield Church, 184; battle of, 187. Arrows, 193. Articles of submission to King James signed by Chickataubut, 10. Artillery in local militia, major of battalion of, 205. Artillery in War of 1812, number of, 159. Artillery in War of the Rebellion, 172, 180. Ashley, Capt. Silas P., 201. Assawampsett, xvii, 2, 17, 18,270, 440, 475- 547- 55o, 568, 630. Assawampsett Brook, 570, 574. ■ Assawampsett Neck, 83, 226, 562, 568, 630. Assawampsett Pond, 1, 2, 304, 419, 428, 434. 481, 547. 568, 574, 5 8o > 6 . 2g - 630; canal on, 427; discovery of iron ore in, 426; history of, 423, 424; Indian legend concerning, 424-426; tradition concerning, 427; view of, 72. Assawampsett post-office, 270. Assaweta, deed of, 515, 516. Assessors, 573, 581. Atlanta, 170. Attorneys and barristers, distinction between, 226—227. Attorneys, duties of, in 18th century, 226, 227; province law concerning, 226. Atwood, Capt. and Lieut. -Col. Daniel, 202, 204. Atwood, Harvey N., 271. Atwood, Capt. Ichabod F., 202. Atwood, Nathaniel, 637. Atwood, Lieut. Pelham, 162. Atwood, Reuel, 394. Atwood, Zilpah, 637. Austrian musket, 172. Averill, Rev. Alexander M., 485. Backus, Rev. Isaac, 20, 221, 401, 406, 421, 463, 464, 470, 542; autograph of, 471; houseof; 406; inscription on gravestone of, 471, 472; life of, 402, 405; ministry of, 470, 471; portrait of, 470. Backus, Joseph A., 406. Backus Historical Society, 406. Backus House, picture of attic in, 221. Bags made and used in 18th century, 215- Baiting Brook, xx, 28. Baker, Jonathan, 560. Baker, Dr. Joseph C, 244. Bale, Joseph, 570. Ball, Rev. Mr., 479. Baltimore, 176. Baltimore Cross Roads, 187. Banks, General, 173, 178. Banks, 299-302; Middleboro National, 299—301; Middleboro Savings, 301; Middleboro Loan and Fund Associa- tion, 301; Middleboro Cooperative, 301-302; picture of bank block, 292, site of bank block in 1875, 292. Baptist churches, 469-485; First (Titi- cut), 469-474, picture of, 470; Sec- ond (Lakeville), 474-477; Third (Rock), 477-480, picture of, 478; Fourth (Pond) (United Brethren), 480-482; Central, 482-485, pictures of, 253, 255, 483; church in Swansea, 573-' Baptist Education Fund, trustees of, 253- Barbour, Rev. Joseph, 480. Barden, Abraham, 564. Barden, John, 564. Barden, John, Jr., 288. Barden, Joseph, 563. Barden, Mercy, 486. Barden, Patience, 483. Barden, Stephen, 564. Barden, William, life of, 302. Barden Hills, 302. Barden House, picture of the old, 302. Bareneed, Shute, and Littleworth farms, 28. Barker, John, 302. Barker, Rev. Joseph, 459, 542; life of, 316-317; ministry of, 45.4-455- Barns, description of, used in 18th cen- tury, 207. Barnstable, 302, 547, 613. Barrels, 212. Barricades, 197. Barristers, duties of, in 18th century, 226-227. Barrows, Abner, diary of, 95-98, 116. Barrows, Capt. Abner, Jr., 200. Barrows, Clement, 304. Barrows, Rev. Elijah W-, 486. Barrows, Eunice, 636. Barrows, Corp. George W., 175. Barrows, Hannah, 636. Barrows, Rev. Homer, ministry of, 461. Barrows, Horatio, 296, 498; portrait of, 296. Barrows, Capt. Jacob T., 202. Barrows, Capt. John, 200. Barrows, Nathaniel, 636. INDEX 69I Barrows, Samuel, 34, 35, 78, 198, 277, 446, 448, 571; autograph of, 36; life of, 35 -3 6 - Barrows, Capt. Sylvanus, 202. Barrows, Thomas, 276; picture of house of, 277. Barrows house, picture of the old, 277. Barstow, Elmer W., 262. Bartlett, Benjamin, 225, 621; life of, 622. Bartlett, Ichabod, 563. Bartlett Brook, 386, 387. Bassett, William, 551, 585, 596, 621; life of, 586. Bassett, William, Jr., 602. Batchelder's Creek, 184. Baton Rouge, 173. Battell, Rev. A. E., 480. Battelle, Hezekiah, Jr., 254. Bay berry, 211. Bayley, Guido, 621. Bayonets, 196. Beals, Eber, 392, 397. Beals, Joseph E., 265, 302. Beals, Sergt. Solomon F., 181, 186. Bear Spring, 387. Bearse, Augustus M., 270. Beaver Dam, 334. Beaver Dam Swamp, 387. Bed coverlids, 215. Bedrooms, 2 10-21 1. Beech Woods, 422, 437, 467, 475, 480. Beech Woods Church, history of, 467, 475- Beecher, Rev. George Fletcher, 474. Beevatt, deed of, 615-616. Belcher, Jonathan, 571, 572. Belgium, 167. Bell, Rev. J. S., 489. Bennett, Jabez, xxii. Bennett, Jacob, 287. Bennett, or Bennet, John, 60, 246, 305, 445, 560, 561, 563, 564, 571, 574, 594. 612, 616; autograph of, 317; life of, 3!7-3 l8 - Bennett, or Bennet, John, Jr., 561, 564. Bennett, Mercy, 34, 446; life of, 318. Bennett, Nehemiah, 31S, 496; auto- graph of, 318. Bennett, Peter (of England), 317. Bennett, Peter, 564, 567. Bennett, Capt. Peter, 306, 572; life of , 3°5- Bennett, Capt. and Major Thomas, 201, 205, 317. Bennett Mills, 287. Bennington, battle of, 125. Benson, Lieut. Consider, 128, 138, 636. Benson, John S., 270. Benson, Lieut. Joshua, Jr., 119. Benson, Stillman, 339; portrait of, 340. Benson Cemetery, 637. Benson Lumber Mill, 340. Benthuysen, Sergt. T. P., iqo. Bentley, Rev. William, 253. Bermuda Landing, 187. Betty's Neck, 13, 303, 428; tradition concerning, 427. Bigelow, Rev. John F., D.D., 485. Billington, Francis, 34, 35, 551, 555, 585, 586, 593, 596, 621; life of, 64-65. Billington, Isaac, 563, 593; life of, 65. Billington Sea, description of, 64; dis- coverer of, 64; picture of, 64. Bills of Continental money, value of, 224. Binney, Rev. Amos, 487. Bisbee, Joseph H., 378. Black sachem's field, 545. Blackbirds, 567. Blacksmith shops : Eddyville, 347; Green, 328; Muttock, 378; Pur- chade, 397; Soule Neighborhood, 351; Warrentown, 394. Blackwell, John, 626, 627. Blake, Barton F., 258. Blanket, 196. Blast furnaces, 209, 298, 305, 339, 360, 377, 378, 412. Bliss, Rev. Thomas E., 466. Blount's Creek, 172. Boarding-school for boys, 263. Bodfish, Rev. Asa N., 487. Bodkin, 209. Bog ore in ponds, 307, 426-427. Bonum, or Boneham, George, 604; autograph of, 604; life of, 604. Book of Evidences and Lands, 558. Booth, Benjamin, Sr., 573. Boots and shoes, manufacture of, 295, 296-298; methods of, 294-295. Bordman, or Burman, Thomas, 585, 593, 622; life of, 586. Boston, 124, 139, 171, 178, 220, 268, 413. 434, 5 6l > 58o. Boston Common, 169, 213. Boston Harbor, 171. Boucher, Rev. Oliver, 494. Boundaries of town, xviii-xx, 28; agree- ment as to, 561, 562; Bridgewater, 549, 553-554; incorporation, 546, 557-558; Plymouth, 565, 566; running of, 559-560; Taunton, 546. Bounty paid for linen, 213. 692 INDEX Bourne, Capt. Abner, 136, 200, 203, 278, 288; house of, 278. Bourne, Richard, 19. Bourne, S. S., 302. Bourne, Capt. and Major William, 201, 205, 254, 288, 380; life of, 289. Bourne house, picture of the old, 278. Bowdoin, Gov. James, life of ; 374-376; portrait of, 375. Bowen, Rev. William H., 485. Box factories at Eddyville, 347. Box-board mills, xxi ; at Soule Neigh- borhood, 351; at South Middleboro, 339; at Waterville, 349. Braddock, General, 92. Bradford, Col. Gamaliel, 139. Bradford, Joseph, 603; life of, 604. Bradford, Gov. William, 8, 193. Bradford, Capt. and Major William, 195, 551, 596, 602, 603; life of, 597- 598; inscription on tombstone, 598. Bradford, William, Jr., 621. Bragg, Rev. Jesse K., ministry of, 461. Braley, Job, 498. Brandywine, battle of, 125. Brass, 209. Brayley, Ambrose, 573. Brayton, George, 288. Bread, preparation and kinds of, used in 18th century, 216. Brett, Elder Pliny, 489. Brewster, William, 552, 564, 585, 593, 596; life of, 586. Bricklayers, 302. Bricks, manufacture of, at Purchade, 396; at Soule Neighborhood, 351. Bridges, price paid for labor on, 581. Bridgewater, xviii, 53, 80, 84, 123, 227, 26 9> 39 2 > 39 8 > 401, 433- 437. 462, 504, 509, 549, 553, 554, 567, 572. Bridgewater Path, description of, 504. Bridle-paths, 506. Briggs, Ensign Abiatha, 163. Briggs, Rev. Avery, 254; ministry of, 473. Briggs, Capt. Ebenezer, Jr., 201. Briggs, Elder Ebenezer, 291, 481-482, 483; portrait of, 481. Briggs, Capt. Elisha, 201. Briggs, Levi, 254. Briggs, Malborne, life of, 437. Briggs, Lieut. William S., 173. Briggs house, 277. British fleet in Revolution, appearance and withdrawal of, 136. British forces, 125; at Newport, 134. British navy, 157. British officers, actions of, 392-393. Broadaxes, 207. Brooms in iSth century, 217. Brown, Corp. Charles I., 182, 186. Brown, Rev. Frederic C, 491. Brown, Joseph, 288. Brown, Peter, 54, 359, 552, 585, 594, 596; life of, 586. Brown, Samuel P., 267. Brown, Rev. Theophilus, 486, 487, 489. Brown, Rev. Thomas G., 487. Brown, William L., 290. Brown bread, 209. Brush, 196. Bryant, Dr., 239. Bryant, Capt. Arad, 202. Bryant, Caleb, 114. Bryant, Ira, 317. Bryant, Isaac, 347. Brvant, Corp. and Capt. James W., 172, 188. Bryant, Jesse, 373, 376. Bryant, Corp. William E., 188. Bryant, Rev. William M., 486. Bugles, 197. Bull Run, battle of, 170, 176; second battle of, 170, 177, 179, 185. Bullard, N. Josephine, 266. Bullets, 196. Bump, Clark, 154. Bump, Bumpus, or Bumpas, Edward, 34, 35- 552. 585. 586, 593, 596; de- scendants of, 393; life of, 36-37. Bump, James, 197. Bump, James S., 394. Bump, or Bumpus, John, 34; life of, 37. Bump, Bumpus, or Bumpas, Joseph, 34> 359- 393, 563. 593. 622; autograph of, 37; life of, 37. Bump, Josiah C, 433. Bump, Lavinia (Mrs. Tom Thumb), 394; residence of, 394. Bump, Capt. Nathaniel, life of, 393, 394. Bump, William E-, 394. Bump Neighborhood, 165. Bumpas, Joseph, Jr., 563. Bumpus, Hannah, 596, 597. Bumpus, or Bumpas, Philip, 225, 560. Bunker Hill, battle of, 115. Burdan's sharpshooters, 179. Burgess, Betsey T., 468. Burgess, Cornelius, 468. Burgess, Corp. F. O., 188. Burgess, Rev. I. J., 480. Burgess, Melissa, 468. Burgoyne, Gen., 125, 131, 139. Burial customs of the 18th century, INDEX 693 Burke, Rev. John B., 485. Burnside, Gen., 178, 179, 184. Business, changes in, xxi. Business Men's Club, 633. Butler, Gen. B. F., 185. Byram, Rev. Mr., 462. Cabot Club, 633. Caches, 4. Cadman, or Codman, William, 552, 563, 616, 621; life of, 617. Cadohunset Brook, 627. Calhoun, J. C, 168. Calico, 215. Callihan, Corp. Jeremiah, 190. Cambric, 212. Camp, Abram, 454-455. Camp Joe Hooker, 172, 173. Camp Jourdan, 172. Campbell, Onesimus, 463. Canada, 157. Canals, 360, 427, 580. Candles, 211, 212, 217. Candlesticks, 211. Canedy, Alexander, 99; life of, 435- 43 6 - Canedy, Capt. William, 90, 91, 116, 155, 200, 435, 496. Canedy Family (Lakeville), tradition concerning, 434~435- Canedy's Corner, 475. Cann, Rev. Frank S., 474. Cannon and cannon-balls, manufacture of (Titicut), 407. Canonicus, revolt of, 193. Canteen, 196. Cape Cod, 21, 582. Cape Cod Railroad, 304. Capen, Sergt. R. S., 190. Capen, Sergt. -Major Robert S., 190. Card-playing in 18th century, 217. Carle, Sergt. William H., 181. Carpenter, Rev. George, 480. Carpenter shops, at Purchade, 397. Carpets of the 18th century, 214-215. Carriage roads, 506. Carroll, Rev. J. S., 487. Carrollton, 173. Carter, Richard, 397. Cartways, 572. Cart-wheels, 207. Carver, 477, 613. Carver, Capt. Josiah, 203. Cary, Col. Simeon, 122. Case, Edward, 28. Catalogue of members of First Church, 630-6S6; index of, 640-644. Cathcart, Rev. Samuel M., 469. Catlett's Station, 177. Cavalry, in local militia, 201, 205; in Rebellion, 189-191; in War of 1812, 159- Cemeteries, 334, 383, 634-637. Central Baptist Church, 482-485, 636; pictures of, 253, 255, 483. Central Congregational Church, 467- 469; chapel built, 467; picture of, 468. Central Methodist Church, 486-488; picture of, 488. Centreville, 178. Chaddock, Rev. Calvin, 466. Chadwick, Rev. M. S., 486. Chamberlain, Dr. W'illiam, 244. Chancellorsville, battle of, 170, 176, 177, 178, 180, 185, 189. Chapin, Dr., 244. Chapman, Rev. Calvin, ministry of, 462. Character of early settlers, 29, 32, 33. Charles, David, 407. Charles River, 10. Charleston harbor, 187. Chase, John, 596, 598. Chesapeake Bay, 158. Chesemuttock (an Indian), 355. Chickahominv, 179. Chickamauga, battle of, 170. Chickataubut, 10, 399; deed of, 399. Chimneys, 208. Chipman, Elder John, 552, 564, 621; autograph of, 622; life of, 622, 623. Choules, John O., 254. Christian Church (Lakeville), 486. Christmas, 209. Church, Capt. Benjamin, 81, 89, 428, 563, 613, 615, 628, 629, 630; auto- graph of, 81; campaign of, 81-86. Church, Richard, 55. Church councils, provisions to pay for expenses of, 568. Churches, 439-494; Advent, 494; Bap- tist, 469-485; Christian, 486; Con- gregationalism 439-469; Episcopal, 492; Methodist, 486-489; Roman Catholic, 493-494; Unitarian, 490- 491; United Brethren, 480; Univer- salist, 490. Churches, see Ecclesiastical History; act concerning, 439; first built in Plymouth, 55; First Church, 309-317, 354. 439-459; Halifax, 354, 462; In- dian, 17-20, 400, 401, 440; North Rochester, 466. Churchill, Asaph, 247, 376. 694 INDEX Churchill, John, 563, 593. Churchill, Capt. Perez, 134, 138, 201. Churchill, William, 593. Cider, 212, 216. Citizen's Aid Society, 633. "City, The," 396. Civil history (1 654-1 839), 544~5 81 - Civil War, 168. Clapp, Ebenezer, 448. Clapp, Edward, 448. Clarinets, 197. Clark, Major, 348. Clark, Abishai T., life of, 304. Clark, Amos, 410. Clark, Augusta, 486. Clark, Corp. Darius B., 182. Clark, Mrs. Doritie, 612, 613. Clark, Lieut. Ezra, 137. Clark, Harrison, 348. Clark, Capt. Horatio G., 201. Clark, James M., 270. Clark, Dr. Joseph, 239, 277, 496, 497; life of, 276. Clark, Joseph, Jr., 277. Clark, Robert, 410. Clark, Dr. Samuel, 239, 278; life of, 275; picture of house of, 275. Clark, Samuel, 612. Clark, Susan S., 486. Clark, Thomas, 275. Clark, Thurston, 54. Clark, or Clarke, William, 34, 601; life of, 38. Clark, Mrs. Zilpha M., 469. Clark House, description of, 275; pic- ture of the Dr., 275. Clark's Island, 275. Clarke, Nathaniel, 558. Clarke, Mrs. Rebecca Scollay, 218, 276. Clear Pond, 419. Clerks, Town, 530-531. Clocks, manufacture of, 411. Coat of arms, king's, 272. Cobb, Andrew B., 270. Cobb, Ebenezer, 462. Cobb, Gershom, 34, 449, 517, 518, 546, 552, 612, 621; life of, 38; death of, 75- Cobb, or Cob, John, 34, 35, 560, 563, 572, 612; autograph of, 65; life of, ^65. Cobb, John, Jr., 594. Cobb, Capt. Jonathan, 202. Cobb, or Cob, Jonathan, 563, 564, 568. Cobb, Lydia, 462. Cobb, Lieut. Sylvanus, 128. Cobb, Capt. Sylvester F., 202. Coffins, how made, 220. Colby, Harrison Gray Otis, life of, 414. Colby, Rev. Philip, 270, 407, 414; ministry of, 465. Cold Harbor, battle of, 170, 177, 184, 185, 187, 189. Cole, Andrew, 482. Cole, Lieut. Archipus, 121. Cole, Hugh, 545. Cole, James, Sr., 603, 627; life of, 627. Cole, Capt. Nathaniel, 200. Colonial laws, 196, 495, 530. Commissioners, 60. Committee of Correspondence, 109; letters of clerk of, 111-114; mem- bers of, no. Committee of Inspection, 155. Committee of Safety, 155. Committee to look into sale of Indian lands at Muttock appointed, 356; report of, 35 8 "359- Compromise of 1850, 168. Comstock, Dr. William W., life of, 243; portrait of, 243. Conant, Rev. Sylvanus, 313, 350, 459; autograph of, 314; death of, 575; house of, 315; inscription on grave- stone of, 316; life of, 314, 315; min- istry of, 447-449. Confectionery, 198. Confiscation of Indian arms, 547. Congregational churches: Central, 467- 469, picture of, 468; First, see First Church; Halifax, 462; Independent, 467; Lakeville, 460-462; North Ro- chester, 466; Separatist, 467; Titicut, 462-466, pictures of, 415, 466. Conlin, Rev. , 493. Connecticut, 89, 136. Constables of town from 1669, 517, 518, 546, 549. Constitutional Conventions, members of, _ 542. Continental Congress, 114, 221, 223; act of, 196, 223. Continental money, depreciation of, 464. Cook, Francis, 551, 585, 593, 596; life of, 587. Cookies, 217. Coombs, Combe, or Combs, Francis, 34- 35. 39. 76, 287, 306, 517, 518, 545. 549, 551, 552, 564, 621, 622, 628; life of, 3S-40. Coombs, Rev. Henry C., 474, 480; life of, 281; portrait of, 281. Coombs, Rev. Isaac W., 474. INDEX 695 Coombs, James M., 267. Coombs, Mrs. Mary, 39. Coombs, Rev. Simeon, 253; ministry of, 47 6 -477- Coombs Tavern, 39. Copeland, Dr. George W., 300. Copeland, Marcus M., 268. Corbitant, attack upon Squanto and Hobomok, 24; chief of Pocassets, 24. Core Creek, 172. Corn, xxi, 26, 31, 89, 501, 556; how planted by Indians, 4; used for bal- lots in voting, 31; legend of, 3-4. Corn gardens, 3. Cotley, Shute, and Littleworth farm, 28. Cotton, Rev. John, 18, 354, 462. Cotton-batting mills, 430. Cotton-gin, 206. Cotton mills, xxi, 430. County commissioners, established 1828, 543; list of, 543. County courts, clerk of, 542. Court End, 272, 278. Court of Assistants, 557. Court of Insolvency, Register of, 542. Court of Probate and Insolvency, Re- gister of, 542. Court of Sessions, judge of, 543. Covington, Thomas, 250, 388. Crafts, Rev. Thomas, ministry of, 461. Cranberry bogs at Rocky Meadow, 335- Crandon, Benjamin, 267. Crandon, Rev. Philip, 487, 489. Cranes, 208. "Crater, battle of the," 189. Cressey, Rev. , 492. Crocheting, 215. Crocker, Rev. E. R., 490. Crossman, Alpha, 378. Crowe, or Crow, William, 54, 60, 553. 629. Crown Point, 99, 115. Crows, 567. Cudworth house, history of, 436, 437 picture of, 436. Culver, Rev. David, 487. Cummings, Dr. C. S., 241. Cups, description of, 209. Currency, issued during the Revolu tion, 221, 222, 223; depreciation of 222, 223,464, 577; value of Continen tal, 224; votes relating to, 577—579. Cushing, Matthew H., 300, 301. Cushing, Rev. Perez Lincoln, 263. Cushman, Mr., 564. Cushman, Adoniram J., 468. Cushman, Mrs. Ann S., 469. Cushman, Rev. Bartlett, 486. Cushman, Clarence L., 271. Cushman, Elkanah, 622; life of, 623. Cushman, Herbert L., 271. Cushman, Hercules, 227, 254, 457, 542; life of, 232, 233. Cushman, Isaac, 622; life of, 623; autograph of, 623. Cushman, Senior Major Jacob, 205. Cushman, Capt. Joseph, 162. Cushman, Elder Thomas, 304, 551, 603, 616, 629; life of, 604-605. Cushman, Zenas, 457. Daland, Rev. George, 480. Dams, 35, 288, 305, 359, 360, 378, 407, 408, 433, 499' 5°i. 568, 580. Dancing, attitude towards, in 18th cen- tury, 217. Danforth, Rev. Samuel, 18. Danson, or Dawson, George, 34, 386, 622; life of, 40; manner of death of, 57- 75- Danson Brook, 40, 75, 386; view of, 79. Darling, Ens. Benjamin, 118. Darling, Corp. Thomas, 198. Darling, Thomas, 388. Dartmouth, 80, 428, 547, 549, 550. Dartmouth Path, description of the, 5°4- David, Stephen, conveyance of land to Titicut Parish, 20. Davis, Corp. Nehemiah D., 182. Davis, Rev. William F., 488. DeNormandie, Rev. C. Y., 490. Dean, Corp. Alexis C, 184. Dean, John, 28. Dean, Steven, 596, 598. Dean, W. H., 297. Dean, Walter, 28. Deane, Benjamin, 461. Deane, Corp. David W., 189. Deane, Steven, 552. Declaration of Independence, signing of, 124. Dedham Plain, 550. Deeds, early, 311, 312, 400; rights reserved to take ore, 307. Deeds, Indian, 357-358, 399, 584-585, 595-596, 600-601, 602-603, 608, 609-610,611-612, 614-616, 619-621. Delano, or Dillino, Philip, 563, 585, 594, 596, 616, 621; life of, 587. Delano, Thomas, 225, 621; life of , 623. 696 INDEX Delaware River, 125. Democrats, 160. Dentistry, early methods of, 238. Deputies to General Court, none sent, 1671, 546; 1673, 547; 1675, 549; 1682, 555. Deputies to Plymouth Colony Court, 533-534; duties, expenses, and choice of, 533; duties enlarged, 533; list of, 533-534- Dermer, Capt. Thomas, 21. Detroit, surrender of, 157. Diaries of, Abner Barrows, 95-98; Mr. Bennett, 466; Peter Oliver, Jr., 148-150; Miss Rebecca Scollay, 272. Dickey, Rev. R. B., ministry of, 480. Dickinson, Rev. William C, 469. Dike, Col. Nicholas, 123. Dilley, Miss Anna, 247. Dining-room, 210. Dishes, used by early settlers, 30-32; used in 18th century, 209. District schools, 248; description of, 247- 2 49- Doane, George E., 300, 301. Dodd, Rev. Stephen G., 469. Doggett, or Doged, John, 225, 563, 594; life of, 153-154. Doggett, Samuel, 594. Doggett, Simeon, 430, 497; life of, 153; picture of house of, 153. Doggett, Rev. Simeon, 153. Doggett, Rev. Thomas, 153. Doggett, Thomas, 621; autograph of, 623; life of, 623-624. Doggett, William E., 153, 378. Doggett House, picture of, 153. Done, Daniel, 626, 627. Dorchester, 268. Dorrance, E. B., 275. Dotey, Edward, 604; life of, 587. Dotey, Thomas, 585; life of, 587. Drake, Dr. Ebenezer W., life of, 242; portrait of, 242. Drake, Rev. Ellis R., 469. Drake Cemetery, 637. Dred Scott Decision, 168. Dress, of early settlers, 218-219; of 18th century, 215, 216, 218-221, 367, 375. Drew, Major Benjamin, Jr., 204, 267. Drew, Elizabeth, 462. Drew, John, Jr., 462. Drew, Sarah, 462. Drewry's Bluff, 184, 1S7. Driggs, Capt. Leonard, 382. Drummond, Gov., letter from Isaac Winslow to, 435. Drums, 197, 571. Drunkenness, how regarded, 319; law passed in regard to, 319. Dudley, Gov., 11. Dunbar, Daniel, life of, 146. Dunbar, Jesse, life of, 146-147. Dunham, Calvin, work of, 216. Dunham, or Donham, John or Jona- than, 34, 517, 518, 547, 549, 551, 563, 564, 601, 612, 616, 621; life of, 41. Dunham, or Donham, John or Jona- than, Jr., 548, 604, 612; life of, 41-42. Dunham, Joseph, life of, 601. Dunham, Josiah, 392. Dunham, Mrs. Mary, 469. Dunham, Samuel, 604; life of, 605. Dunham Pond, 419. Dunlap, Timothy L., 288. Durfee, Nathan, 510. Dutch ovens, 209. Duxbury, 8, 146, 159, 582, 601, 613. Dwellings, enclosure of, 194; protec- tion against fire of, 194. Dwight, President Timothy, tables of longevity, xxii-xxiii. Dyer, Rev. Nathan Tirrell, 459. Early purchases from the Indians, 548, 582-630; boundary lines how marked, 583; date of first, 583; Eight Men's Purchase, 626, 627; fairness of pil- grims in, 582; Great Men's Purchase, 602; Little Lotmen's Purchase, 602- 608; Major or Five Men's Purchase, 600-602; map of, 582; Middleboro, purchase of, 583; minor purchases, 627-630; old oak tree, 583, 584, pic- ture of, 583; Purchade Purchase, 594-600; Sixteen Shilling Purchase, 618-626; South Purchase, 613-618; Twelve Men's Purchase, 610-613; Twenty-six Men's Purchase, 584-594; Wood's Purchase, 608-610. Early settlers, 1, 2, 15, 21, 28, 29; be- fore King Philip's War, 29-67; char- acter of, xxi; first, 54; from Plymouth, xx-xxi; hardships of; 32, 33; lists of, 34,35; lives of , 3 5-67 ; religion of, 439 . East Freetown, 467. East Middleboro, 267, 270. East Middleboro post-office, 270, 348. Eastern Bay State Regiment, 185. Eaton, Amos H., 263. Eaton, Andrew M., 515. Eaton, Benjamin, life of, 601. Eaton, Francis, 394. INDEX 697 Eaton, Lieut.-Col. Oliver, 205; life of, 413; portrait of, 413. Eaton, Samuel, 34, 35, 225, 517, 560, 564, 621; life of, 42-43. Eaton, Corp. Samuel, 198. Eaton, Solomon, 413; portrait of, 412. Eaton, Solomon K., 413, 498. Eaton, Rev. William, 317; ministry of, 456-457- . Eaton, Williams, 412. Eaton Cemetery, 637. Eaton Family School, 263. Eaton's Inn, S., 268, 412, 413. Ecclesiastical history, 439-494. Eddy, Sergt. Albert, 190. Eddy, Andros, 343. Eddy, Anna C, 270. Eddy, Rev. Clarence, 466. Eddy, or Edie, Ebenezer, 346, 563. Eddy, Jabez, petition of, xviii. Eddy, John, 346; almanacs of, 343; life of, 343-344, 624; printing-office of, 343- Eddy, Capt. Joshua, 139, 321, 335, 346, 347. 348, 37°. 3 88 > 49°> 497. 575J life of, 344-346; portrait of, 344. Eddy, Joshua M, 270, 347, 349. Eddy, Morton, 346. Eddy, Nathaniel, 270, 346, 348, 349. Eddy, Eddie, Edy, or Eedey, Obadiah, 34. 35, 343- 5 l8 > 549. 5 6 o, 563, 594; life of, 44. Eddy, Eady, Eddie, or Edey, Samuel, 344, 347, 359, 44 8 . 55 2 , 5 6 3, 5 8 5> 594, 596, 624; autograph of, 343; life of wife of, 342; life of, 342-343. 5 8 7~ 588; residence of, 347. Eddy, Sergt. Samuel, 198. Eddy, Samuel, Jr., 343, 347; life of, 347- Eddy, Seth, 575. Eddy, W. Osgood, 299. Eddy, William C, 344, 349. Eddy, William S., 346, 348, 349; por- trait of, 349. Eddy, Eddie, Edey, or Edie, Zachariah, 34, 54, 147, 227, 254, 315, 321, 343, 346, 551, 563, 616, 622, 635; letter from, 404-405; life of, 43, 230—232; office of, 347; portrait of, 232; resi- dence of, 346. Eddy's furnace, description of, 348- 349-. Eddyville, 247, 270, 342-348. Edson, Abiezer, 464. Edson, Capt. Charles F., 180. Edson, Capt. Josiah, Jr., 574. Education, 245-263; methods of early settlers, 32. Edwards, Rev. Henry L., 466. Eight Men's Purchase, 626-627, 628; description of, 626; proprietors of, 627; vote in regard to, 626. Elder's Pond, 419, 422; description of, 429. Eldridge, Dr. Benjamin, 244. Electric light plants, 290. Eliot, Rev. John, labors of, 16, 17, 19. Ellis, Dr. George L., 244, 296. Ellis, Joel, 571. Ellis, Col. Southworth, 457. Ellis, Thomas, 114. Ellis, Capt. William, 347. Ellis, William, 562, 563. Elmes, Ens. Ignatious, 94. Emery, Rev. Samuel Hopkins, 405, 466, 470. England, 146, 14S, 154, 155, 195, 212, 320. Episcopal Church, 492; picture of, 492. Essay and Literary Journal, 267. Everett, Rev. Thomas J., 488. Ewer Cemetery, 636. Ewer, Rev. Ebenezer, 487. Fairbanks, Rev. George G., 485. Fair Haven, 135, 160, 161. Fair Oaks, 177. Fall Brook, 303, 305, 308, 460, 637; business at, xxi. Fall Brook Furnace, 305. Fallowell, or Followell, Gabriel, 564, 603, 616, 622; life of, 605. Farm implements, 206-207. Farnsworth, Rev. B. F., 254. Farragut, Admiral, 170, 174. Farwell, Frank S., 288. Faunce, Joseph, 594. Faunce, or Fance, Thomas, 563, 594; life of, 612—613. Fay, Lucien D., 258. Fearing, Senior Major Israel, 128; letter of, 129-130. Feather-beds, 211. Felix, 420, 427, 568, 630. Felix, Thomas, pastor of Indian church, 20. Fidelity, oath of, 33; list of men, 560. Fifes, 197. Fines, relating to, blackbirds' and crows' heads, 567; church, not attend- ing, 59; herring privileges, 501, £02; highways, repairing, 506; Indian lands, 582 ; sabbath-breaking, 40, 342 ; 698 INDEX town meetings, not attending, 496, 5 19, 555 ; war, refusing togo 10,89, 350. Finney, Corp. Albert F., 188. Finney, Ebenezer, 446. Finney. Ens. Xelson, 92. Finney, Robert, 545. Fire district, 513-516; bounds of pre- sent, 516; incorporation of, 515; or- ganization and officers of, 514, 515. Fire engines, apparatus, 515; first, 514. Firearms, 193, 194, 195, 196. Fire-frames, manufacture of, 407. Fireplaces, 208, 397. Fires, early methods of fighting, 514; military companies to assist at, 513; protection against, 194, 513. First Baptist Church (Titicut), 469- 474; pictures of, 470, 473. First Brigade, 173, 176, 179, 184, 185, 189. First Cadet Corps, 196. First Church, xxii, 18, 34, 35, 139, 197, 220, 379, 439, 460, 462, 467, 468, 477, 544, 592; first meeting-house, 441, 445; original parish of, 309; picture of pulpit, 456; pictures of, 311, 457; polity of, 442, 443, present meeting- house, 312, 456, 457; records of, 441- 442; second meeting-house, 311,445- 446, 449; third meeting-house, 450— 454; used as town house, 495-496. First Provincial Congress of Mass., 543. Fisher, Rev. Ward, 480. Fisheries, herring, 498-503. Fitch, Lieut. J. Arthur, 187, 188. Fitz, Harvey, 254. Fitz, Rev. Hervey, life and ministry of, 484; portrait of, 484. Fitz-john Porter's Division, 184. Five Men's Purchase. See Major's or Five Men's Purchase. Flags, 571. Flails, 207, 216. Flax, preparation and use of, 212-213. Flaxseed, 213. Fleeces, preparation of, in 18th century, 214. Flintlock muskets, 195. Flints, 196. Fobes, Mr., 464. Fobes, Abigail, 463. Fobes, Abigail, Jr., 463. Fobes, Esther, 463. Fobes, Joshua, 20. Food of early settlers, 30-32. Foot companies, 195. Forbes, Rev. Dr., 228. Forbes, Rev. Isaac B., 489. Forges, 288, 417, 433, 437. Forks, 209. Fort Bisland, 173. Fort Donelson, 170. Fort Duquesne, defeat and recapture of, 92. Fort Edwards, 99. Fort Harrison, 187. Fort Henry, 98, 170. Fort Sumter, 168. Fort Totten, 172. Fort Wagner, 187. Fort Warren, 176, 178, 185. Fort William Henry, 95. Fortress Monroe, 171. Forts, 593; abandonment of, 78; burn- ing of, 80; description of, 74, 277; location of, 74; men in, 34, 593-594- Foshay, Rev. J. H., 485. Foster, General, 184. Foster, Mr., 247. Foster, Capt. Richard B., 201. Foundries, 360; at Titicut, 407. Four Corners, xxi, xxii, 13, 103, 252, 254, 267, 272-302, 380, 390, 411, 429, 430, 467; view of, in 1S32, xx; views of, 297, 300; views of, in 1850, 298; views of, at present time, 299. Four Mile line, 462. Fourth Baptist Church (Lakeville), United Brethren, 426, 427, 480-482; called Pond Church, 480; organ- ization of church of United Brethren, 481. Fourth Plymouth District Court, 540- 541 ; clerk of, 541 ; establishment and jurisdiction of, 540; justice of, 540- 54i- France, 336-339. France (in Europe), 336. Franklin, Colonel, 176. Franklin, Benjamin, 217, 32T, 322, 376. Franklin stove, 217. Fraternal organizations, 631-633. Fredericksburg, 178, 185, 187. Freeman, Capt. Morton, 202. Freemen of town, 33, 533, 553; lists of, 34, 517, 546, 560. Freetown, xx, 130, 145, 428, 580. Free-Will Baptist Church (Lakeville), 475- French, 193, 336. French and Indian Wars, 88-99; diary concerning, 95-98; place of enlist- ment, 320; soldiers in, 90-93, 94~95> 99; tax for, 89. INDEX 699 French neutrals, 99-100; bills for their support, 100; number in Middleboro, 99, 100. Fryer, Dr. Winsor F., 244. Fugitive Slave Law, 168. Fuller, Lieut., 594- Fuller, Ebenezer, 462. Fuller, Elizabeth, 462 Fuller, Hannah, 462. Fuller, Isaac, 50, 563. Fuller, Dr. Isaac, 354, 446; life of, 238- 2 39- Fuller, Major Isaac, 205. Fuller, Capt. John, 373. Fuller, John, 462, 560, 563. Fuller, Capt. and Lieut. Matthew, 552, 564, 585, 596, 616, 622; life of, 588. Fuller, Rev. Samuel, 32, 34, 35- 44. 7 6 > 220, 495, 496, 55L 55 2 . 585. 5 88 > 593. 596, 621, 634; autograph of, 309; call to Middleboro, 440-441; grave- stone of, 637; inscription on grave- stone of, 310; life of, 309-310; min- istry of, 443- Fuller, Seth, 410. Fuller, Mrs. Seth, 466. Fulling-mills, xxi, 407. Funeral customs of the 18th century, 220. Furnace, the, 348. Furnaces, blast, xxi, 209, 298, 305, 339, 360, 378, 412; picture of site of old Fall Brook, 305. Gage, Gen., 109. Gaines's Mills, 179. Gainesville, 187. Gammon, Sergt. George N., 185. Gammons, Alanson, 486. Gammons, E. H., 270. Gammons, Rev. John G., 489. Gammons, Rev. Roland, 487. Gammons Cemetery, 637. Gardner, Sir Christopher, life of, 26, 27. Garrison houses, 277, 328, 431; de- scription of, 58, 277. Gay, Corp. Erastus E., 175. General Assembly, 570. General Court Acts relating to, arms, Indian, 547; arms, providing, 554, 560; boundaries of town, 549, 553, 557-558; churches, organization of, 439; Coombs, Francis, 40; dan- cing, 42, 43; drunkenness, 319; flax and linen, 213; French and Indian Wars, 88; guns, carrying to church, 75; highways, 506, 508, 509; houses remote from public worship, 550; incorporation of town, 546, 557-558; Indian lands, 356, 358, 548, 582, 630; Indian reservation, guarding of, 400; Indians, men for expedition against, 547; land at Assawampsett Pond, 630; land purchases, 548, 628, 630; lands, disposition of, etc., Thomas Cushman et als., 629; Little Lotmen's Purchase, 545, 603, 604; lottery for rebuilding Titicut Bridge, 408-409; Major's Purchase, 548, 601; military companies, 194; minis- try, support of, 552; Old and New Lights, 448; ordinaries, 60; Purchade Purchase, 594-596; Ransome, Lem- uel, 155; rebuilding town, 58; re- settling town, 549, 550; Revolution, expenses of, 1 30-1 31; Sassamon, John, 420; schools, 245; selectmen, 519; town clerks, 530; town deputies, 533; town treasurers, 531; Twelve Men's Purchase, 612; Twenty-six Men's Purchase, 584; Vaughan, George, 60; woolen and silk gar- ments, 218. General Court of the Province of Mass. Bay in New England, representatives to, 534-538- George III, 106, 145, 322. Georgia, 170. Germantown, battle of, 125. Gettysburg, battle of, 170, 177, 178, 180, 185. Ghent, 167. Gibbs, or Guibs, John, 561, 563. Gilbert, John, Sr., 28. Gill, Rev. Jason, 487. Gilman, Dr., 244. Gingerbread, 217; sugar, 198. Goddard, Mrs. Almira, 469. Godfrey, Rufus, 268. Goldsboro, 184. Goodwin, Mrs., 410, 413. Goodwin, Charles, 410. Goodwin, Gen. Nathaniel, 159, 165. Gorges, Sir Ferdinand, expedition of, 21. Gorum, John, 547. Gosport Navy Yard, 171, 178. Gould, Linus A., 258. Grand Army of the Republic, 192; his- tory of, 631-632. Grand Inquest, members of, 549. Grand Jury, action of, for not employ- ing a schoolmaster, 246. Grant, Rev. George A., 488. 700 INDEX Grant, Rev. Henry M., 469. Grant, Gen. U. S., 171, 1S0. Gravestones, 220. Gray, Edward, 47, 54, 67, 551, 564, 585, 593, 596, 602, 603, 610, 612, 616, 621, 629; life of, 588-589. Great Awakening, the, 446, 462, 463. Great Britain, 157, 158, 167. Great Cedar Swamp, 386. Great Court at Boston, 564. Great Men's Purchase, 602; date of, 602; description of, 602; disposition by court and purchasers of, 602. Great Quittacus Pond, 263, 303, 339, 419; description of, 429. Green, the, 309-328, 346, 381, 634; par- ish set off, xviii. Green, Dr. Charles, 257. Green, William, 556. Gridirons, 209. Grinnell, Charles E., 380. Grist-mills, xxi, 289, 290, 305, 306, 37S, 390, 407. Grover's Brigade, 178. Gun shops, 407. Guns, 75, 212; description of, used in 1675, 76-77; permission to carry, 556. Gurnet, 159. Gurney, Rev. David, autograph of, 465; house of, 406; life of, 406; min- istry of, 465. Gye, George, 155-156. Hackett, John, 460. Halberds, 195, 571; picture of, 58. Hale, Rev. William Bayard, 492. Halifax, xvii, 8, 55, 59, 145, 343, 351- 354, 490; church at, history of, 462; date of incorporation of, 462. Hall, Dr. Edward I., 244. Hall, Rev. Silas, 474; ministry of, 472, 473- Hallowell, Gabriel, 551. Hamilton Crossing, 187. Hammer shops, 391. Hammond, George A., 297. Hanaford, Rev. Howard Alcott, 459. Hancock, Gen., 177. Hancock, John, 114, 155. Hand Rock, description of, 77; pic- ture of, 77. Hand-looms, 214, 308; picture of, 214. Hanover Court House, 179. Harlow, Major Branch, 205, 542; life of, 286-287; portrait of, 286. Harlow, Capt. Ezra, 200, 203. Harlow, James H., 301. Harlow, Capt. Joseph S., 169, 172. Harlow, Sergt. Josiah, 124. Harlow, Rev. Lemuel, 487. Harlow, Thomas S., 394. Harlow, Sergt. W. H., 188. Harlow, Sergt. William, 551, 563, 604, 614, 621; life of, 605-606. Harrington, Herbert A., 297, 300. Harris, Joseph, 636. Harrison, Sergt. Edgar, 181. Hartford, 167. Hartford Convention, 167. Hartland, Vt., 305. Hartwell, Capt. George, 391, 635. Harvey, Joseph, 463. Harvey, Joseph, Jr., 463. Haskell, Lieut. Elisha, 135. Haskell, or Hascall, John, 34, 350, 560, 563, 567, 621; life of, 44-45- Haskell, Hascall, Hascol, or Hascal, John, Jr., 616, 626, 627. Haskell, Sergt. John T., 181, 186. Haskell, or Hascall, Patience, 567. Haskell, or Hascall, William, 564. Haskins, Capt. Enoch, 200. Haskins Neighborhood, 373, 412. Haskit, John, 564. Hat factory at Waterville, 349. Hats, manufacture of (Four Corners) , 291-292. Hatcher's Run, 185. Hathaway, Dr. Joseph, 415. Hathaway, Paul, 415. Hathaway, Savory C, 297. Haversack, 196. Hayne, Mr., 168. Hayward, John, 564. Heath, Gen., 136. Heffords, Mr., work of, 411. Heintzelman's corps, 178. Hemphill, Rev. Joseph, 490. Herring, 359, 570; agents appointed, 500; Assawampsett Brook, 574; In- dian uses of, 498; number first allowed each inhabitant, 500; pay- ment of town clerk's salary, 530, 555; picture of stick of, 500; present at- titude of town as to, 503; protection by town of, 499, 500, 502; revenue received by town from sale of, 502; rule as to fish privilege, 503; votes relating to, 500-502, 558. Herring fisheries, 498-^03. Hicks, Rev. Daniel, 486. Hidden, Rev. Ephraim M., 459. Higgins, Rev. O. R., 489. High school, 249-252; appropriations INDEX 70I for, 251; erection of building of, 251; law for establishment of, 249-250; picture of, 252; principals of, 251- 252; report of committee on, 250, 251. Highways, 505—510. Hill, Rev. Alfred S., 474- Hill, Rev. E. S., 480. Hinckley, Gov., 19, 195. Hinckley, Rev. Charles N., 489. Hinckley, Sylvanus, 515. Hinds, Capt. Abanoam, 201. Hinds, Rev. Ebenezer, 93, 467, 475; life and ministry of, 476; portrait of, 476. Hines, Anna, 483. Hitchcock, Dr. Henry D., life of, 241. Hitchcock, Mrs. Olivia A., 469. Hoar, Col. Jonathan, 99. Hoar. Lieut., Capt., Major, and Senior Major Peter, 133, 137, 200, 205, 481; life of, 429-430; residence of, 429. Hoar, Capt. and Lieut. Samuel, 127, 132, 201. Hoar, Samuel, 460. Hobomok, 24. Hodges, Corp. Francis M., 188. Hodgson, Dr. Thomas S., 244. Holbrook, Rev. , 480. Holidays, 197. Holland, 15, 107. Hollow-ware, 305, 339, 348, 407. Holloway, William, 573. Holmes, Deacon , 411. Holmes, Dr. Daniel S., 244. Holmes, or Holms, John, 34, 35, 225, 563; life of, 65. Holmes, John, Jr., life of, 65. Holmes, Joseph, 352. Holmes, Prudence, 483. Holmes, Sergt. -Major R. H., 180. Homespun goods, 213-214. Hooker, Gen., 170, 176, 178. Hooper, Mr., 339, 410. Hooper, James, 463. Hooper, William, 463. Hope Rest Cemetery, 636. Hopkins, Stephen, 22, 398. Horses, xxi, 568, 581. Horton, Rev. J. W., 480. Hoskins, Haskins, or Hodskins, Wil- liam, 34, 54, 460, 517, 546, 550, 552, 555. 585. 589. 593. 596; life and work of, 45-46, 530. House of Representatives, 572; mem- bers of, 534—538; orders of, 569, 573— 574- House-cleaning in 18th century, 217- 218. Houses, xxi, 584; destroyed in King Philip's War, 56, 78, 80, 549; not to be erected remote from public wor- ship, 550. Houses, description of, after King Philip's War, 20S-211, 389; after re- settlement of town, 277; new garrison house, 58, 277; of early settlers, 30; used by people of 18th century, 207. Hovey, James, 227. Howard, John, 556, 560. Howes, Corp. Charles A., 1S2. Howland, Arthur, 563, 564. Howland, Elizabeth, 547. Howland, Isaac, 34, 35, 76, 77, 84, 195, 225, 305, 495, 506, 518, 552, 553, 554, 555. 55 6 > 558, 559, 560. 5or, 562, 563, 616, 622, 626, 634; autograph of, 46; life of, 46. Howland, Jacob, 594. Howland, John, 305, 547, 552, 564, 573, 585, 594, 596, 621; autograph of, 589; life of, 589. Howland, Joshua, 573. Howland, Sergt. Seth, 198-. Hubbard, Harry, 378. Hubbard, Rev. William, ministry of, 479- Hubs, manufacture of, at Titicut, 412. Hudson, 139. Huet, or Hewit, Solomon, 593, 616; life of, 617. Hull, Rev. John, 487. Hunt, Rev. Asa, 477; ministry of, 479. Hunt, Rev. E. A., 489. Hunt, Rev. George W., 488. Hunter, Thomas, 553. Husking-bees of 18th century, 217. Hutchinson, Gov., 109; slave of, 105. Hutchinson, Elisha, letter from Peter Oliver, Jr., to, 151; letter from Thomas Hutchinson, Jr., to, 152. Hutchinson. Rev. Joseph, 474. Hutchinson, Thomas, Jr., letter to Eli- sha Hutchinson, 152. Hyde, Rev. Edward L., 488. Implements of warfare used in King Philip's War, 76-77. Implements used in 18th century, 206, 207. Imported goods, attitude of women before Revolution towards, 213-214. Incorporation of town, date of, 1, 517; order for, 546. Independent Congregationalist Church, 467. 702 INDEX Indian Bend, 173. Indian fort, 398; picture of site of old, 398- Indian graves found, 317. Indian legends concerning, Assawamp- sett Pond, 424-426; corn, 3-4; lying, 5-6- Indian monument, picture of, 14. Indian Paths, 29, 503-505, 506, 600. Indian relics found, 307, 317. Indian reservation, xx, 28; description of, 399-400; easterly boundary of, 583-584- Indian wading-places, 74, 505. Indian weirs, 359, 399, 499. Indians, 1-14,29,56,66-99, 193,307,355, 400, 401, 544, 547, 548, 553, 562, 567, 635; attack on town by, 36; churches of, 16-20, 440; customs of, 2-5; debts of, 612; extinction of, 14, 307, 400, 419; fishing privileges of, 498-499; guardians for, 573-574; lands of, 35 6 ~359' 401, 419- 5 62 ; la st, 14; pas- tors, 1 8, 20; petitions concerning lands of, 568, 569; petitions of, 355, 356; picture of utensils of, 87; protection of rights of, 582; purchases from, 582- 630; settlements, 1-2, 355, 401,419; tribes, 2, 304; warfare of, 68-99. Indians, Praying, 15-20. Indigo, preparation and uses of, in 18th century, 214. Infantry, in local militia, 202-205; in Rebellion, 1 71-189; in Revolution, 125-144; in War of 1812, 159, 161- 165. Ingals, Earl, 262. Inhabitants of town, as freemen, 34, 517, 560; at resettlement, 551-552; be- fore 1675, 33, 34, 35; before settle- ment, 29; in 1695, 563-564; pur- chases for, 582-630. Inn, S. Eaton's, 412; description of, 413. Inn-keepers, 413; to locate near meet- ing-house, 319; to clear their houses during church service, 319. Inscriptions on gravestones of Backus, Rev. Isaac, 471-472; Bradford, Major William, 598; Conant, Rev. Sylvanus, 316; Dunham, John or Jonathan, Jr., 42; Fuller, Rev. Sam- uel, 310; Leonard, Capt. Zadock, 414; Miller, Francis, 47; Nelson, William and Ruth, 66; Palmer, Rev. Thomas, 328; Tomson, John, 58. Insurrection of Indians, men furnished to meet, 547. Introduction, xvii-xxiii. Irish, John, 34, 518, 552, 622, 626, 627; life of, 47. Iron, 208, 212, 221, 224, 348, 377. Iron industry, 308, 377. Iron ore, 348, 574; discovered in ponds, 426-427, 428. Iron works at Titicut, 407, 408, 417, 418. Island Number Ten, 170. Islands: in Assawampsett Pond, 424; in Long Pond, 428; in Quittacus Pond let to plant and sow, 547. Isle of Grand Menan, 154. Jack-knives, 206, 216. Jackson, Abraham, 563, 612, 616; life of, 613. Jackson, C. S., 262. Jackson, Dr. C. S., 244. Jackson, Major Harry, 205. Jackson, Miss Sarah, 469. Jackson, Stonewall, 170. Jacksonville, 187. Jacobs, Col., 135. Jenks, Elisha T., 299. Jenks, Prof. J. W. P., 13, 251, 252, 254, 494; life and work of, 255—257; portrait of, 256. Jenney, Rev. C. E., 489. Jewelry worn in 18th century, 219, 220. Job, Rev. Herbert Keightley, 466. Joel (an Indian), 556. John Brown Raid, 168. Johnson, Sergt. George N., 182. Johnson, Isaac, 394. Johnson, Rev. M. F., 485. Johnson, Rev. Oscar E., 488. Jones, Rev. Ebenezer, 477; ministry of, 47 8 -479. Jones, Sergt. George W., 182. Jones, John, 564, 616, 621. Jones County, 172. Jordan, Jordaine, Jordane, or Jour- daine, John, 551, 604, 622; life of, 606. Justices of the peace, 519, 538-540; duties of position, 538-539; term of office, 538; list up to 1850, 539-540. Kansas, 168. Keith, Cyrus, 270. Keith, Ephraim, 464. Keith, James, 464. Keith, Jared, 411. Keith, N. Williams, 411. Keith, Nahum, 410, 411, 412. INDEX 703 Keith, Percy W., 270. Keith, Samuel, 464. Kelly, Rev. Jeremiah, ministry of, 473. Kendall, Rev. Ezra, 471; ministry of, 472. Kennebec River, 21. Kent, Rev. Asa, 486, 487. Kerr, Rev. Archibald, 480. Ketchum, Rev. Charles J., 492. Kettles used in 18th century, 208, 209, 211. Kimball, Rev. Isaac, 254; ministry of, 479- King, Asa, 482. King, Dr. George, life of, 241. King, Corp. James W., 182. King, Sergt. John W., Jr., 182. King, Lieut. -Col. and Col. Nathan, 204, 205, 301, 469, 542; life of, 295-296; portrait of, 295. King, William, 563. King, William A., 292. King George, 431. King Louis, 99. King Philip, 9, 12, 16, 195, 274, 355, 547, 549, 628, 629, 630; capture of, 84, 85; character of, 68, 69; death of, 85; number of his tribe, 68; territory ruled by, 9, 419-420. King Phil'ip's Lookout, 73, 420; picture of, 73. King Philip's War, 68-87, 88, 89, 208, 273, 274, 400, 420, 550; attack, 68, 549; cause of, 9, 68, 72; equipment of companies for, 76, 77, 195; ex- penses of, 552, 553; first Indian shot, 77; houses burned in, 57, 78, 80, 549; records of, destroyed, 517, 550; war- riors in, 71. King William's War, 88-89. Kingman, C. W., 296, 301. Kingman, Calvin D., 265, 296, 297, 300, 301. Kingman, Hosea, 410. Kingman, P. E., 296. Kingsbury, Rev. A. W., 488. Kingsbury, Rev. Josiah Weare, 459. Kingston, 146, 159, 352. Kinston, 172, 184. Kitchen utensils used in 18th century, 208-209. Kitchens, description of, 18th century, 208-210. Knight, Dr. E. C, 244. Knights of Columbus, history of, 633. Knights of Honor, history of, 632. Knights of Pythias, history of, 633. Knitting, 215. Knives of the 18th century, 206, 208, 209, 216. Kuchamakin, 11. Labor, prices paid by town for, 581. Ladies' Aid Society, 632. La Hogue, 160. Laidlaw, Rev. Gilbert W., 492. Lake, Arthur, 258. Lake, Rev. E. H., 490. Lake Champlain, 158. Lake Erie, 158. Lake Ontario, 158. Lakenham, 61, 555. Lakeville, 14, 172, 173, 198, 251, 269, 27°. 3°3> 3°9> 3!7. 399' 4", 4i9~43 8 > 474, 515, 540, 619, 637; changes in population, xxii; date of incorpora- tion, 419; history of churches in, 460- 462, 474-477, 480-482, 486; land in, xvii, xviii, xx; lands productive, xxi; map of ponds at, 419; men in secret expedition to R. I. in the Revolution from, 132; picture of town house in, 434; soldiers in Revolution, 132, 135, 153. Land, grants of, 583; claim laid by town to certain, 547-548; to Cush- man, Thomas et als., 629; to Finney, Robert, 545; to soldiers of King Philip's War, 55c. Latten-ware, 209. Laurel Hill, 180. Lawsuits: against George Vaughan, 59; against William Shurtleff, 59-60; ac- tion for felling timber, 226; action in regard to title to Assawampsett Neck, 225-226; action of trespass, 225; trial of cases, 226, 227. Lawrence, H. B., 262. Lawrence, Rev. John B., 460, 474. Laws concerning, alewives, 502; attor- neys, 226; fire, 513; letters, carrying, 26*8; non-intercourse, 157; settlers, early, 33. Lawyers, 225-237. Lazelle, Col., 165. Leach, Mr., 392. Leach, Andrew, 376-377. Leach, Daniel, 464. Leach, Ephraim, 463. Leach, George M., 347. Leach, Ruth, 463. Leach, Sarah, 463. Leather, 216, 218. LeBaron, C, 270. 7°4 INDEX LeBaron, E. Leonard, 298. LeBaron, Eugene P., 298, 491. LeBaron, Frederick N., 298. LeBaron, J. Baylies, 298. LeBaron, John B., 298. LeBaron, Joseph, 159. Lebaron, Dr. Francis, life of, 336-337. Lebaron, James, 336; life of, 337-338. Lebaron, Capt. Joseph, 338. Lee, General, 170, 171, 180. Legislature, acts of the, authorizing towns to transport scholars to save expense, 249; banishment of tories and confiscation of their estates, 376; for establishment of a high school, 249-250; to fix standard prices of labor, goods, etc., 222-223. Leonard, A. H., 296, 301. Leonard, Archippus, 396. Leonard, Benjamin, 288. Leonard, C. H., 297. Leonard, C. M., 296, 300. Leonard, Charles E., 296. Leonard, Daniel, 414; life of, 146. Leonard, Major and Ens. Elkanah, 154, 204, 227, 438, 571, 572; auto- graph of, 228; house of, 438; life of, 228-229; slave of, 105. Leonard, Ephraim, 288. Leonard, George, 254, 288, 577. Leonard, James A., 254, 296, 636. Leonard, John, 461. Leonard, Jonathan, 413. Leonard, Capt. Joseph, 200. Leonard, Molly, 483. Leonard, Capt. Nehemiah, 202. Leonard, Capt. Seth, 396. Leonard, Major Thomas, 437. Leonard, Prof. Willard T., 257. Leonard, Capt. Zadock, 414; inscrip- tion on gravestone of, 414. Leonard Cemetery, 637. Letters: Adams, John, 196; Clarke, Mrs. Rebecca Scollay, 218; Eddy, Hon. Zachariah, 404-405; Fearing, Major, to Col. Ebenezer Sproat, 129- 130; Hutchinson, Thomas, Jr., to Elisha Hutchinson, 152; Lincoln, Col. Benjamin, to Capt. Nathaniel Wilder, 163-164; Oliver, Peter, 361; Oliver, Peter, Jr., 150-151, 152; Oliver, Peter, Jr., to Elisha Hutchin- son, 151, 152; Pratt, Enoch, to stock- holders of Titicut Academy, 259, 261 ; Town to representatives of General Court, 578-579; Sproat, James, to Col. John Nelson, 421-422; Tomson, John, to Governor Winslow, 7-9; town to Isaac Tomson, 577-578; Winslow, Gov., to Capt. Benjamin Church, 81; Winslow, Isaac, to Gov. Drummond, 435. Letters, description of early, 269; early methods of sending and delivering, 268; law as to carrying of, 268; rates of postage on, 269. Lewes, Elizabeth, 635. Lewes, James, 635. Lewis, Eleazer, 246, 561, 563. Lewis, Rev. Fred R., 491. Lewis Island, 428. Lexington Alarm, 117. Lexington, battle of, 109, 114, 156, 392. "Liberties of Middleberry," proprietors of, 33, 622; list of, 551-552. Liberty pole, the, 320. Librarians, 266. Libraries, 263—266; Philological, 263; Middleboro Social, 263-264; Mid- dleboro Public, 264-266. Licenses, conditions upon which granted, 319; first granted, 60; to keep an ordinary, 39, 556. Lighting, method used for, in houses of 1 8th century, 21 1-2 12. Lightwood, Mr., 297. Lincoln, President Abraham, 168, 191. Lincoln, Col. Benjamin, letter to Capt. Nathaniel Wilder, 163-164. Linen, 30, 214, 308; bounty paid for, 2x3. Liquor, uses of, at funerals, 220; by laymen and clergy, 319. Liquors, used by early settlers, 31. Litch, Rev. Josiah, 487. Litchfield, Rev. William C, 491. Little, Rev. E. G., 466. Little, Ephraim, 568, 621. Little, Lieut. Isaac, 616, 621; life of, 617. Little, Samuel, 622; life of, 624. Little, Thomas, 551, 564, 609, 628, 629. Little Lotmen's Purchase, 355; dates when recorded and apportioned, 545; dates when made, 602; deed of, 602- 603 ; names of grantees, 603-604 ;order of court as to payment of, 604; sketch of lives of purchasers of, 604-608. Little Quittacus Pond, 419. Little Round Top, 180. Littleworth farm, 28. Livermore, Rev. S. T., 474. Livesey, Rev. J., 489. Local militia, 193-205; alarm list, 196; age of men in, 196; annual muster, 198; before the Revolution, 196; INDEX 705 companies, 194-196; drills of, 193- 194; equipment of, 195, 196, 197; first muster in New England, 194; first regiment, 195; influence of, 193, 205; laws in regard to, 194, 196, 205; letter of John Adams in regard to, 196; list of men in the Revolution, 117— nq; list of officers, 198—205; record of first company in Middleboro, 198— 199; reorganization of, 197; train bands, 196; training greens, 197; vil- lage protected by, 193-194. Long, Ex-Gov. John D., 192. Long Island, battle of, 125. Long Point Road, 429. Long Pond, 419, 580; description of, 428-429. Lookout Mountain, battle of, 170. Looms, hand. 214, 308; picture of fam- ily loom of the 18th century, 214. Loon Pond, 419. "Lord's Prayer," 325; acrostic on the, 326-327. Loring, Lieut. Southworth, 172, 188. Lottery, for rebuilding Titicut bridge, 408-409; for support of minister, 465- Louisburg, siege and capture of, 91; thanksgiving day appointed for, 91. Love, Hannah, 315. Lovell, Rev. Shubael, ministry of, 472- 473- Lower Dam mills, 287. « Lower Factory mills, 287. Lower Green, 311, 317, 318. Lower Path, 600; description of, 503. Loweth, Nathaniel, 616, 617. Lowlands, the, 388-390. Loyalists, 145—156; attitude toward, 146-152, 156; banishment of, 145, 146, 147; lives of, 147-155; number in Massachusetts, 145. Lucas, Thacher B., 270. Luge-poles, 208. Lumber-mills, at Eddyville, 347; at France, 339; at South Middleboro, 340; at Warrentown, 390; at Water- ville, 349. Lunt, Dr., 239. Macllwain, Rev. George E., 491. Macomber, Rev. George, 487. Macomber, Corp. Isaac E., 175. Macomber, John, 461. Macomber, Lieut. Joseph, 118. Macreading, Rev. Charles A., 487. Mad Mare's Neck, 303-304. Mahuchet Pond, description of, 335. Mahutchet (an Indian chief), 334. Mahutchet (Rocky Meadow), 334, 565, 566, 627. Maine, xxii, 89. Major's or Five Men's Purchase, 600- 602; boundaries of, 548, 600; com- missioners to establish bounds, 60; date when made, 545, 600; deed of, 600-601; division of, 548; lives of purchasers of, 601-602; purchasers of, 601. Malvern Hill, 177, 178. Manassas, 185; battle of, 178. Mandamus councillor, 541 ; appoint- ment of, and effect on colonists, 541. Manner of living of early settlers, 30-31. Manomet, 26. Mansfield, Andrew, 570. "Mansion house," 328, 448; descrip- tion of the, 313. Mantomapact, 610; deed of, 611-612. Maps: of early purchases of land from Indians, 582; of Middleboro in 183 1, xvii; of Middleboro in 1853, vii; of Middleboro in 1855, 1; of proposed division of the town of Middleboro to form a new town with a portion of Taunton, xix; of Judge Oliver's estate and works, 365. Marion, 540. Marks, J., killed by Indians, 78. Marriage intentions to be published, 53°- Marsh, Rev. Proctor, 487. Marshfield, 122, 145, 147, 168, 561, 582, 600. Marston, S. W., 263. Martha's Vineyard, 568. Martindale's Brigade, 184. Mason, Albert, 437. Mason, Chief Justice Albert, life of, 437-43 8 - Mason, Albert T., 437. Masonic organization, history of, 631. Massachusetts, 1, 9, 165,218,412, 419; army, 130; call for militia in Revo- lution, 136; men required and fur- nished in French and Indian Wars, number of, 89, 91; opinion concern- ing War of 181 2, 157; preparation for War of the Rebellion, 1 69 ; ravages of coast in War of 1812, 158; regi- ments in War of the Rebellion, 171, 184; sends first troops in War of the Rebellion, 169; sheep, number in 1664 in, 214. 706 INDEX Massachusetts Bay, 21, 26, 27, 145. Massasoit, i, 7, 12, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 355, 39 8 . 49 8 - Matches, use and cost of friction, in 18th century, 212. Matchlock muskets, 195. Mattapoisett, 355, 540. Mattashinnay, 73; execution of, 74. Maxim, Carlton W., 299. Maxim, Corp. Elbridge A., 173. Mayflower, the, 350; picture of, 42. McBurney, Rev. Samuel, 488. McClellan, Gen. George B., 178, 179. McClellan, Isaac, 348. McCully, 2d Lieut. Andrew, 135. McCully family (Lakeville), tradition concerning, 434-435. McCumber family (Lakeville), tradition concerning, 434-435. McDougall, Rev. C. H., 490. McDowell's a-rmy, 176. McFarlin, Sergt. H. L., 188. McLearn, Rev. Alexander, 474. Mead, Rev. James, 467; work of, 475. Medberry, Rev. Nicholas, ministry of, 483-. Medicines, 238. Meerneed, Shute, and Littleworth farms, 28. Meeting-House Swamp, 387. Meeting-house at Rock, 334. Meeting-houses: building pews in, 569; changes in, 569; location of first one, 309, 310-31 1 ; provision for erection of, 495; sale at auction of, 311, 567; seats in, 570; used for town business, 495; vote to pay Indians for lumber for, 567; votes to erect, 564, 566- 567- Mendall, Corp. Sylvanus, 175. Merrill, Rev. J. W., 480. Merrimac, 170. Messenger, Rev. E. C, ministrv of, 480. Methodist Episcopal churches: Fall Brook, 486-487, picture of, 303; Four Corners, 487-488, picture of, 488; South Middleboro, 488-489, 636, picture of, 489. Middleboro, attitude of, towards loyal- ists, 147-152; banks in, 299-302; boundaries of, xviii, xx, 557, 562; cemeteries, 634-637; cider, 216; civil history (1658-1839), 544-581; de- stroyed in King Philip's War, 68, 81, 517; division of, proposed, xviii, xix; early purchases from the Indians in, 582-630; education, 245-263; extent of, xvii; fire district, 513-516; flax in, 212-213; fraternal organizations, 631-633; French and Indian Wars, men required for, from, 89; health of, xxii; herring fisheries, 498-503; high school in, 249-252; in the Revolution, 106-144; in the War of 1812, 157- 167; in the War of the Rebellion, 168-192; incorporation of, 1, 517, 546; Indian paths, 503-505; Indians, number in, 29; King Philip's War, expenses of, 552-553; known as Mid- dleberry, 29; lawyers, 225-237; libra- ries, 263-266; men before 1675 in, 33- 35, 517-518; men from, xxii; name, origin of, xvii; newspapers, 267, 268; part of Plymouth, xvii, 29, 517; physicians, 238-244; population of, xxiii, 560; postmasters, 229, 270-271; post-offices, 269-271; prices fixed in, 222-223; public officers, 534-543; purchase of, 583; railroads in, 510-512; removal of men from, xxii; removal of men to, 83; resettlement of, 58, 518, 549, 550, 551; roads and highways, 505-510; schoolhouses, 247; schools, 245-263; seal of, 519; settlement, probable date of first, 29, 544; sheep-raising in, 214; social events in 1 8th century, 217-218; street railways in, 512, 513; town meetings, 495-498; town officers, 517-543- 549; town records burned, ^^, 517, 550. Middleboro Canal Company, 427. Middleboro Cooperative Bank, 301- 302. Middleboro Loan and Fund Associa- tion, history of, 301. Middleboro ministry, 552, 563, 616,621. Middleboro National Bank, 299-301. Middleboro Savings Bank, 301. Military drill, 193, 197; annual muster of regiments in, 198; at the Green, 197, 320; first account of, 193. Militia, Middleboro men in local, 198- 205; reorganization of local, 197; state, 196; to constitute part of fire alarm, 513. Militia in the War of 181 2: call for, 158; list of soldiers in, 161-165; of Plymouth Colony, 159. Militia in the War of the Rebellion: call for, 169; number in Second Regiment, 171. Militia in the Revolution, 116; local, 117-119, 134-138- INDEX 707 Militia laws, 194, 205. Miller, Abishai, 306; life of, 306-307; portrait of, 306. Miller, Lieut. Alden, 163. Miller, Capt., Major, Col., and Briga- dier-Gen. Darius, 202, 203, 204, 205, 306. Miller, Elias, 288. Miller, Francis, 34, 35, 305, 572; life of, 47-48. Miller, John, 34, 225, 305, 306, 518, 542, 552, 555- 558. 560, 563, 574, 622; life of, 47-48. Miller, Capt. John, 201. Miller, John, Jr., 564; autograph of, 48; life of, 48. Miller, Seth, 306, 308. Miller, Seth, Jr., 542. Miller, Thankful, 483. Miller family, 303, 305, 306. Miller farm, 305, 307; picture of the old Miller house, 307. Mills, at Lakeville, 430; at Titicut, 418. Mills, box-board, cotton, cotton-batting, fulling, grist, lumber, saw, slitting, xx i. Milne, Rev. Alexander, ministry of, 480. Mine, discovery of iron (Lakeville), 426-427. Mine Run campaign, 177. Ministry, support of, 465; court action in regard to, 552; town action in regard to, 564; Middleboro, 552, 563, 616, 621; Nemasket, 603, 628; Plymouth, 551, 603, 616, 621. Minor, Rev. Uriah, 489. Minute men, 196. Minute men in the Revolution, num- ber of, 114; list of, 1 19-122. Missionary Ridge, battle of, 170. Mitchell, Michell, or Michill, Expe- rience, 551, 563, 603, 609, 616, 621, 628; life of, 660. Mitchell, Moses C, 262. Mitchell, Nahum, 376. Mitchell, Capt. and Sergt. Oreb F., 1 72, 188. Mitchell, William R., 300. Mobile, 170. Money, 222-224, 577—579; scarcity of, in 1 8th century, 221. Monitor, 1 70. Monmouth, battle of, 125. Montcalm, General, 92. Montgomery, Hugh, 436. Montgomery, John, 429; slave of, 105. Montgomery family (Lakeville), tra- dition concerning, 434-435; land of, 436. Morey house, description of, 328. Morse, Jonathan, 560, 563. Morse, Jonathan, Jr., 564. Morse, Capt. Levi, 202. Morton, Lieut., 506, 545, 549, 552. Morton, Madam, 247, 446; slaves of, 103-104; life of, 274. Morton, Capt. Ebenezer, 200, 274, 275, 574- Morton, Ephraim, 563, 604, 622; life of, 606. Morton, George, 564, 612, 616; life of, 613. Morton, John, 34, 35, 60, 76, 246, 274, 2 77> 517. Si 8 - 546, 547. 549. 55*. 5 6 4, 604, 612, 616, 621; autographs of, 48, 354; life of, 48-49- 354- Morton, Capt. John, 200. Morton, John, Jr., 34, 49, 274; auto- graph of, 49; life of, 49-50. Morton, John Q., 271. Morton, Lettice, 48, 621. Morton, Levi P., 392. Morton, Livy, 392. Morton, Lottis, 552. Morton, Gov. Marcus, 49, 247, 429. Morton, Marcus, Jr., 49. Morton, Nathaniel, 9, 247, 546, 551, 563, 603, 612, 616, 621, 629; life of, 48, 606-607. Morton, Sarah (widow), 496. Morton, Seth, 275. Morton, Thomas, 563, 612, 613, 616. Morton family, 274; slave of, 104. Morton house, the, 49, 208, 272 ; descrip- tion of, 273-275; picture of, 273; tra- dition concerning, 274. Morton town, 272-276; houses in, 272- 276. Mount Carmel, 349. Mount Hope, capture of King Philip at, 85- Mullein Hill meeting-house, 486. Mullins, or Mullens, William, 552, 585, 594, 596; life of, 589. Murdock, Calvin, 396. Murdock, Lieut. John, 126, 136. Murdock, Levi, 396. Murdock, Lieut. Luther, 164. Murphy, Rev. , 494. Muskets, 144, 194, 195. Muster, expense of annual, 198. Muttock (or Chesemuttock), xxi, 1, 2, 708 INDEX 3, 147, 197, 219, 247, 248, 273, 274, 3°7> 355-3 8 5. 43°. 5°i- Muttock Hill, 6, 13, 355, 377, 381. Nail -rods, 362. Nails, manufacture of cut, at Titicut, 418; hammered, at Muttock, 377- 37»- Namascheuks, settlement of, 398. Nantucket, 568. Napoleon, 157. Narragansett, 26, 45, 550. Narragansetts, 8, 24, 71, 550; surren- der of , 82-83; Canonicus, 193. National Congress, representative to, 542- Neighborliness, 319. Nelson, Abiel, 486. Nelson, Ebenezer, 431. Nelson, Rev. Ebenezer: life and minis- try of, 484-485; portrait of, 485. Nelson, Foxel, 573. Nelson, Mrs. Hope, life of, 420-421. Nelson, John, 34, 62, 225, 305, 317, 420, 517, 518, 546, 549, 556, 558, 612, 621; life of, 50. Nelson, Capt., Major, and Col. John, 128, 198, 204, 205, 496; life of, 421- 422; letter from James Sproat to, 421—422. Nelson, John H., 430. Nelson, Nancy, 287. Nelson, Ruth, 66; inscription on grave- stone of, 66. Nelson, Samuel, 436. Nelson, Rev. Samuel, ministry of, 479. Nelson, Stephen, extract from diary of, 427. Nelson, Sydney T., 420. Nelson, Thomas, 66, 474-475, 563, 570, 572, 573; life of, 420,_ 421; autograph of, 420; life of wife of, 420-421. Nelson, Thomas, Jr., 573. Nelson, William, 34, 35, 60, 431, 437, 517, 548, 552, 556, 560, 563, 585, 589, 594, 596, 601; life of, 50-51. Nelson, William, Jr., 34, 573, 621; in- scription on gravestone of, 66; life of, 66. Nelson's Island, 428. Nemasket, 17, 18, 21, 24, 26, 83, 440, 498, 500, 547, 608, 628. Nemasket Gazette, 267. Nemasket Grange, history of, 633. Nemasket Hill Cemetery, 220; history and description of, 383, 634; pic- ture of entrance to Hill Cemetery, 635- Nemasket Indians, 1, 2, 18, 307, 547; burial place of, 6, 13, 355. Nemasket, ministry at, 603, 628. Nemasket Path, 627. Nemasket Pond, 628. Nemasket River, 1-2, 74, 288, 304, 305, 427, 499. 5°2, 503, 545, 568, 570, 595, 600, 603, 628. Nepeof, assistant of Corbitant, 25. Nevertouch Pond, 636. New Bedford, 2, 135, 139, 160, 268, 269, 288, 303, 320, 348, 410, 413, 428, 43°. 434. 580. New Bedford stage, 413, 428, 434; route of, 269. New Bedford turnpike, 412-413, 434, 5°7- New Brunswick, 146, 154. New England, 158, 159, 166, 167, 212, 3 J 9. 43°- New England academies, 249, 250. New England Guards, 185. New England rum, 207. New Jersey, 348. "New Lights," 274, 401, 463, 474, 477; history of, 448-449. New Orleans, battle of, 167, 170, 173. New Plymouth, 24, 628. New Works, 500. New York, 166, 268. Newbern, 172, 184. Newcomb's Tavern, 268. Newell, Rev. F. C, 487. Newport, 134. Newspapers, 266-268; Essay and Lit- erary Journal, 267; first in town, 267; Middleboro Gazette, 267; Middle- boro Gazette and Old Colony Adver- tiser, 267; Middleboro News, 268; Nemasket Gazette, 267; Old Colony Democrat, 267; scarcity of , 268, 319; taverns used as, 266; The Boston News-Letter, 266-267; Wareham Times, 267. Niles, Rev. Asa, ministry of, 473. Nimrod, the, 159, 161. Norcutt, Ephraim, 382. Norcutt, Mrs. Mary, 370, 382; descrip- tion given of Oliver Hall by, 371- 373. North Middleboro, 635, 637. North Middleboro post-office, 270. North Rochester Parish, 466. Nova Scotia, 99, 146. Nye, Benjamin, 563, 593. INDEX 709 Oak Grove, 177, 178. Oak trees: as boundary lines, 583-584; picture of, 583. Ober, Dr. Charles S., 251-252. Occupations, of early settlers, 29, 30; of men, 206-217; of women, 212-215, 216. Odd Fellows, history of, 632, 633. Officers, public, 534~543- Officers, town, 517, 543; before 1675, 517-518. Officers of court in the 18th century, 226. Old Colony Democrat, 267. Old English or Indian Church, history of, 401, 402. "Old Lights," 401, 477; history of, 448- 449. Oliver, Andrew, 274, 359, 373. Oliver, Daniel, 359, 373; instructions to, 106-107; life of, 147-148. Oliver, Judge Peter, 247, 321, 376, 378, 382, 453; autograph of, 363, book-plate of, 366; diary of, 368-370; estate, description of, 367-36S; lands of, 383-385; letters of, 361; life of, 147. 359-3 6l > 368-369; plan_ of estate and works of, 365; Oliver Hall, description of, 362-367, 370- 373; portrait of, 363; slaves of, 104. Oliver, Dr. Peter, Jr., 147, 148, 275, 373, 376, 377; diary of, 148-150; letters of, 150-152; life of, 148, 239; residence of, 374; slaves of, 105, 374; stairs in house of, 373; wedding, de- scription of, 367. Oliver, Madam Phoebe, life of, 274, 373. Oliver, William, 373. Oliver Hall, 104, 217, 218, 274, 275, 313, 320, 431, 453; burning of, 370; de- scription of, given by Mrs. Mary Norcutt, 370-373; description of, 362-367; picture of backpiece in fire- place at, 384. Oliver's furnace, 360, 378, 396; plan of, 365- Oliver's slitting-mill, tradition concern- ing, 361-362; plan of, 365. Oliver's Walk, 3, 355, 366; picture of, 360. Oliver's works, 360-362, 378, 381, 382; plan of, 365. Olustee Station, 187. O'Neil, Rev. J. H., 494- Onslow County, 172. Orchards, 51. Ordinances, regarding Indians, 41. Ordinaries: authorized, 319; licenses to keep, 39, 60, 556. Ordway, Rev. Otis Osgood, 474. Orr, Col. Hector, 165. Osborne, Lieut. Selleck, 160. Otis, James, 106. Ovens, description of, 208-209. Owen (an Indian), 629. Oxen, xxi, 206, 216, 581. Pachade (Pochade or Pachage) Neck, 570, 594, 602. Pachusett Brook, 629. Packard, Rev. Charles, 466. Packard, Rev. Elijah, 449. Packard, Rev. William, 487. Paddock, John, 217. Paddock, or Padock, Joseph, 574. Pails, description of, 209. Paine, Rev. Emerson, ministry of, 455, 456. Paine, or Pain, Thomas, 551, 609, 622; life of, 624-625. Palmer, Samuel, 571. Palmer, Rev. Thomas, 569, 621; in- scription on gravestone of, 328; life of, 239, 328; ministry of, 443-445; autograph of, 443. Pamantaquash (the pond sachem), 9, 419-420; will of, 9-10. Pamattaqueasson, 568. Pamunkey River, 180. Paris, treaty of peace, 139. Parishes, division of town into two, 447, 460, 462; first, extent of, 309, 448, 459; Halifax, 447, 462; North Rochester, 466; petition for setting off North Middleboro and Bridgewa- ter as a separate, xviii; suit brought against, 445; Titicut, 401, 462. Parish Burial Ground (Green), 328; description of, 634-635; names of purchasers, 311-312. Parris, Capt. Sylvanus, 201. Parsonages at the Green, description of the first one, 313. Partridge, Partrage, or Partrich, George, 55i> 585, 593. 59 6 > 621; life of, 589. Partridge, or Partrage, James, 593. Patchwork of the 18th century, 215. Paths, Indian, 29, 503-505, 600; de- scription of, 503-505. Patterson, Rev. S. T., 487. Patuckson, 73. Patuxet, 21. Paun, Dr Amos B., 244. Pawtucket fight, 51, 80. 710 INDEX Peabody, E. H., 262. Peabody, William, 549. Peace Session, agent to, 572. Peddlers in 18th century, 216. Peels, 209. Peirce, Capt. Abiel, 93, 99, 118, 124; life of, 93, 94, 341. Peirce, Caleb, 573. Peirce, Charles F., 272, 278. Peirce, Major, Lieut. -Col., and Gen. Ebenezer W., 204, 267. Peirce, Ebenezer, 573. Peirce, Elisha, 573. Peirce, Capt. Elkanah, 201. Peirce, Capt. Ethan, 201. Peirce, Rev. George, 486. Peirce, Capt. and Lieut. Henry, 130, J 33> J 37> 201, 203. Peirce, Henry, 577. Peirce, Isaac, St., 550; life of, 422. Peirce, Isaac, Jr., 573; slave of , 105. Peirce, Corp. and Capt. James, 124, 201. Peirce, James E., 492. Peirce, Capt. Job, 127, 132, 201, 282, 496; house of, 423; life of, 422, 423; slaves of, 105. Peirce, Lieut. John, 94. Peirce, Lemuel G., 515. Peirce, Major and Senior Major Levi, 160, 205, 252, 254, 270, 289, 291, 380, 427, 429, 430, 482, 483, 542; life of, 282-283; portrait of, 283. Peirce, Capt., Major, Lieut. -Col., and Col. Peter H., 13, 74, 164, 200, 205, 254, 283, 288, 289, 305, 493, 510, 511, 581; home of, 285; life of , 283-285; portrait of, 285, store of, 286. Peirce, Sally, 483. Peirce, Thomas, 572, 573. Peirce, Thomas, Jr., 573. Peirce, Thomas S., 285; bequests of, 265; portrait of, 265. Peirce, William R., 265. Peirce, William S., 484, 514. Peirce Academy, 251, 252-257, 482; students, 252; erection and struggle to maintain, 252-255; cost of, 253, 255; incorporated, 254; trustees, 254; principals, 254, 257; buildings, 252, 2 55. 2 S6; pictures of, 253, 255, 284. Peirce Block, picture of, 293; site of, in 1875, 293. Pembroke, 574. Peninsular campaign, 176. Penniman, Josiah F., 297. Penniman, William O., 297. Pennsylvania, 91. Pepperrell, William, 91. Pequot War, 64, 71. Pequots, 71. Perkins, Sergt. A. M., 188. Perkins, Abraham, 416. Perkins, Mrs. Ann S., 468. Perkins, D. Sumner, 410. Perkins, Lieut-Col. and Col. Edward G., 204, 205. Perkins, Elijah E., 410, 416, 466; por- trait of, 410. Perkins, Mrs. Elijah E., 466. Perkins, Isaac, 464. Perkins, Isaac E., 406. Perkins, Jacob, 416. Perkins, Dr. John, 244. Perkins, John, 468. Perkins, Nathan, 486. Perkins, Nathan, Jr., 468. Perkins, Noah C, 301, 542; life of, 296-297. Perry, Commodore, 158. Perry, Rev. Philander, 480. Pesthouses, 413, 575. Petersburg, 171, 187; siege of, 170, 178, 180, 187, 189. Petitions to General Court: by Indians to sell land, 355-358; to build a slitting-mill, 359; to incorporate Titicut, 401; to establish Titicut as separate precinct, 401 ; in regard to claim of Betty Sassamon, 568, 569; for relief on account of sickness, S7o. Pews, picture of olden time square, 494. Pewter, 209. Philadelphia, 114. Phillips, Capt. Dexter, 202. Philological Society, 263. Phinney, Elmer E., 297. Phinney, Joseph, 463. Physicians, 238-244. Pickens, Mrs. Abigail S., 468. Pickens, Albert G., 273. Pickens, Capt. Andrew J., 202, 292. Pickens, Miss Caroline M., 468. Pickens, Ebenezer, 201, 468, 540, 543; life of, 281, 282; portrait of, 282. Pickens, George, Jr., 270. Pickens, Capt. James, 201. Pickens, James M., 292, 457. Pickens, Mrs. Mary B., 468. Pickens, Samuel, 281, 542. Pickens, Stephen B., 295. Pickens, Thomas, 460. INDEX 711 Pickens family (Lakeville), 436; tradi- tion concerning, 434-435. Pierce, Capt. James, 580. Pierce, 2d Lieut. Job, 122. Pierson, Rev. Mr., 487. Pies, 209. Pig iron, payments made in 18th cen- tury in, 221, 224. Pikes, 195. Pilgrims, 1, 193, 209, 318, 582. Pine lumber, 339. Pine woods, 340. Pioneers, 197. Pittsburg landing, 170. Plague, 1. Platters, 209. Ploughs, 206, 216; introduction of first iron, 412; picture of wooden, 67. Plymouth, xvii, xx, 1, 8, 9, n, 24, 26, 29, 30, 55, 57, 80, 83, 87, 88, 89, 145, 146, 159, 164, 168, 193, 195, 268, 318, 320, 398, 561, 562, 565, 566, 567, 572, 574, 582, 584, 603, 608, 621, 630. Plymouth Colony, 15, 16, 218, 221, 355- Plymouth Colony Court, 533, 534- Plymouth Colony militia, 195. Plymouth County, 583; militia of, 159. Plymouth Court records, 342. Plymouth laws, 194. Plymouth ministry, 551, 563, 603, 616, 621. Plympton, 57, 391, 572, 637. Pocasset, 80, 561. Pocasset Swamp, 69. Pocksha Pond, 303, 419. Pokanoket, 21, 628, 629. Pokanokets, 1, 9. Pokeberry, 214. Pollocksville, 172. Pometicon, 7. Pond Meeting-house, 18, 426, 427, 482, 483; history of , 480-482. Pondsbrook, ' Shute, and Littleworth farms, 28. Pontus, William, 551, 585, 593, 596, 621; life of, 589-590. Poole, Miss Elizabeth, settlement in 1637 at Titicut, 28. Poole, Sir William, 28. Poor, vote to sell at auction, 580. Poor Richard's Almanac, 321. Poorhouse Cemetery, history' of, 637. Pope's army, Gen., 178. Popennohoc (an Indian), 629. Poplar Spring Church, 189. Population: changes in, xxi, xxii; in- crease of, 582; of colony, 29; of town, xxiii, 33. Poquoy Brook, xx, 28. Porridge, Indian, 31. Port Hudson, 170, 173. Port Royal, capture of, 89. Porter, Gen., 179. Porter, Fitz-John, 184. Porter, James, 305. Porter, Zachariah, 305. Porter's Division, 179. Postal rates, 269. Postal surveyor, first, 268. Postmasters,-2 70-2 7 1 ; first one, 2 29, 2 70 ; Assawampsett office, 270; East Mid- dleboro office, 270; Middleboro office, 229, 270; North Middleboro office, 270; South Middleboro office, 270; Rock office, 271. Post-offices, 268-271; first post-office, 269; Assawampsett, 270; East Mid- dleboro, 270; North Middleboro, 270; South Middleboro, 270; Rock, 271. Potomac, army of the, 178-180, 185, 187. Potter, A. K., Jr., 252. Pound, 558. Powder, 196, 212, 573. Powderhorn, picture of, 144. Powers, Hiram, 348. Powers, Dr. Stephen, xiv, 348; life of, 240; slave of, 105. Pratt, Albert, 407. Pratt, Corp. Albert H., 182. Pratt, Alton G., 411. Pratt, Augustus, 262. Pratt, Capt. Benjamin, 92, 98, 153, 411, 414. Pratt, Christopher, 417. Pratt, David G., 301; gift of, 635. Pratt, Enoch, 258, 411; gifts of, 262, 265, 490; letters from, 259-261; por- trait of, 259. Pratt, Rev. Francis Greenleaf, 348. Pratt, George G., 262. Pratt, Capt. Greenleaf, 164, 166. Pratt, Herbert A., 411. Pratt, Isaac, 270, 410, 416; life of, 417- 418; portrait of, 416. Pratt, Jared, 270, 410, 418; life of, 416- 417; portrait of, 416. Pratt, Lucy H., 270. Pratt, Nathan F. C, 262. Pratt, Nathan W., 270. Pratt, Otis, 412. Pratt, Phineas, life of, 52. Pratt, Samuel, 34, 35, 564; autograph of, 51; death of, 80; life of, 51-52. 712 INDEX Pratt, Rev. Stillman, 267. Pratt, William.. 270. Pratt, Capt. William, 413, 414. Pratt, Zebulon, 258, 262, 498. Pratt Free School, 258-263, 416; pic- ture of, 260. Pratt's Bridge, 8, 407-408, 41 1 ; vvading- place at, 28, 504, 505; weir at, 8. Praying Indians, 15-20, 401; churches of, 18, 355, 400. Preble's Farm, battle of, 185. Precinct Church, The, 437, 574. Precincts, east and west, 460, 462. Prentice, Rev. Dwight W., 466. Prescriptions, 238. Price, Rev. John W., 489. Prices: fixed by selectmen, 222-223; of food in French and Indian Wars, 89; paid for labor on highways and bridges, 581. Priming-wire, 196. Prince, Gen., 172. Prince, Nathan, 41.6; life of, 313. Prince, Samuel, 227, 313, 446; auto- graph of, 227; life of, 227-228. Prince, Thomas, 91, 228, 573. Prince, or Prence, Gov. Thomas, 545, 551, 563, 596, 602, 622, 628; auto- graph of, 598; life of, 598. Prince and Coomb's Purchase, 626; date of, 545; description of, 628. Princeton, battle of, 125. Printing-offices at Eddyville, 343. Prizes given for spinning and weaving in 1 8th century, 213. Probate Court, judges of, 542. Proclamation of Emancipation, 170. Progress Assembly, R. S. G. F., history of, 633. Proprietors of the liberties of Middle- boro, 33, 622; list of, 551-552. Proprietors of the town of Middleberry, 55°. 553. 559. 563-5 6 4, 630; list of, 563-564; to pay debts of Indians, 612. Proprietors' Meetings, votes of, 562, 563, 564; in regard to inhabitants of .town, 563; to divide land, 553; to treat with Indians, 562. Provincial Congress of Mass., First, dates, meeting-places, and members of, 543- Public Library, 264-266; picture of, 264. " Publick Occurrences," 266. Public officers, 534-543; clerk of County Courts, 542; County com- missioners, 543; deputies and re- presentatives, 534-538; judge of Court of Sessions, 543; judges of Probate Court, 542; justices of the peace, 538-541; Mandamus Coun- cillor, 541; members of Constitu- tional Conventions, 542; members of First Provincial Congress of Mass., 543; members of Governor's Council, 543; Register of Court of Insolvency, 542; Register of Court of Probate and Insolvency, 542; Representative to Congress, 542; Senators, 543; Sher- iff, High, 542; sheriffs, deputy, 287. Pumpkins, 208. Punkapoags, 71. Purchade, 394~397> 49°, 6 35- Purchade Brook, 462. Purchade Meadows, 394. Purchade Purchase, 594-600, 629; date when made, 545, 594; deed, 595-596; orders of court, 594-595, 596; lives of purchasers of, 597-600; purchasers of, 596. Purchases from the Indians: early, 582-630; men appointed to make, 548; map of early, 582. Purdy, Rev. C. A.," 489. Purses of beads used in 18th century, 215- Putnam, Rev. Israel W., D. D., life and ministry of, 458-459; portrait of, 458. Quebec, 268; battle of, 94; death of Generals Wolfe and Montcalm, 92; expedition against, 89; fall of, 92; soldiers of Middleboro in, 89-94. Quilting-frames, 215. Quilting-parties of 18th century, 215, 217. Quincy, 268. Quincy granite, 192. Railroads, 510-512; Bridgewater branch, 510; Cape Cod Branch R. R., 511; charter of Old Colony R. R. Corp., 510; Middleboro R. R. Corp., 510; Old Colony R. R. Co., 512; Plymouth and Middleboro R. R. Co., 511-512; Taunton and Middle- boro R. R., 511; station built and rebuilt, 512; picture of railroad sta- tion, 512. Railways, street, 512-513. Ramrods, 196. Ramsdell, Daniel, 550. Ramsey, Rev. William M., 491. INDEX 7*3 Randall, Abraham G., 254. Ransome, Lemuel, 153, 43°; life of > 154-155; picture of house of , 153. Ransome house, picture of, 153. Rattlesnake's skin, 193. Rawson, Rev. Grindal, 18. Raymond, John, 80; life of, 335. Raymond Neighborhood, 335. Raynham, xx, 10, 482. Raynor, Rev. B. F., 489. Reade, Solomon, 577. Reading, Sarah, 315. Rebellion, War of the, 168-192, 397. Red Men, history of, 632. Red River, 174. Redding, Mr., 414. Reed, Capt. Apollos, 201. Reed, Hannah, work of, 216-217. Reed, James, 460, 564. Reed, Levi, 14. Reed, Mrs. Ruth, 468. Reed, Rev. Solomon, ministry of, 464- 465- Reed, Sylvanus W., 515. Reformed Methodist Church, 488. Refreshments: at musters, 198; at rais- ing of houses in 1 8th century, 207; at raising of meeting-house, 566, 567. Regiments in War of the Rebellion: number from Mass., 169; Infantry regiments: Second, 171; Third, 171- 173; Fourth, 173-176; Ninth, 176; Eleventh, 176-178; Twelfth, 178; Sixteenth, 178-179; Eighteenth, 179- 183; Nineteenth, 183; Twentieth, 183-184; Twenty - second, 184; Twenty-third, 184-185; Twenty- fourth,' 185; Twenty-eighth, 185; Thirtieth, 185; Thirty-second, 185- 186; Fortieth^ 187-188; Third Vet- eran, 188; Fifty-eighth, 188-189; Fifty-ninth, 189; Cavalry Regiments, 189-191. Relics of Indians, 307. Religion: in 18th century, 319; of early settlers, 32, 439. Representative to National Congress, 542. Representatives to General Court, 561; instructions to, 107, 580; letter in re-depreciation of currency to, 578- 570- Representatives to the General Court of the Province of Mass. Bay in N. E. : list of representatives, 534 -53^; uniting of Plymouth and Mass. col- onies to form court, 534. Resettlement and settlement of town, 27, 29, 544, 549. 550-552, 582. Revolution, the, 106-144; action of Middleboro, 106-109; attitude of Middleboro, 11 5-1 16; condition of nation at close of, 139; correspond- ence at time of, 109-115, 129-130; currency during, 221-222; petition against tax, 130-131; soldiers in, 116- 128, 130, 132-142; votes of town, 109, no, 115-116, 142-144. Reynolds, Alexander, 550. Reynolds, Electious, 460, 573. Reynolds, Ephraim, 573. Reynolds, Isaac, 573. Rhode Island, 9, 80, 125, 130, 131, 132, 133, 139, 630; alarms, 125. Rhode Island Road, the, 430; de- scription of, 504. Richardson, Rev. Samuel, 474- Richmond, Mr., exhuming of, 400; life of, 400. Richmond, Bathsheba, 636. Richmond, David, 496. Richmond, E. W., 297. Richmond, Ebenezer, 460. Richmond, Edward, 460. Richmond, Hercules, 636. Richmond, Jonathan, 400. Richmond, John, 562. Richmond, Capt. Joseph, 497. Richmond, Joseph, 563. Richmond, Lysander, 397. Richmond, Robert, 574. Richmond, or Richman, Samuel, 564, 616; life of, 617-618. Richmond, Seth, 461. Richmond, Stephen, life of, 155. Richmond, Lieut. Sylvester, 92. Richmond, 171, 187, 188. Richmond Farm, Elisha, 397. Rickard, or Richard, Giles, Sr., 551, 603, 621; life of, 607. Rickard, John, 627; life of, 628. Ring, or Ringe, Andrew, 34, 552, 586, 590, 593, 596, 621; life of, 52-53. Ring, Eleazer, 593. Ring, William, 593. Riordan, Rev. D. C, 494- Ritchie, John, 382. Ritchie House: picture of, 382; tra- dition concerning, 382. . Roach, Nicholas, 466; life of, 436. Roads and highways, 505-510; court orders, 506, 508, 509; first public, 505; prices for labor on, 581; laying out and repairing of, 506-510. 7i4 INDEX Roanoke Island, 184. Robbins, Consider, 468. Roberts, Rev. Mr., 263. Roberts, A. J., 263. Roberts, Thomas, 247. Roberts' Tavern, 429. Robeson, Andrew, 51c. Robin's Hill, 334. Robinson, Everett, 227, 301, 515; life of, 236-237; portrait of, 236. Robinson, Dr. Morrill, 262, 270, 400; life of, 241, 414-415; portrait of, 241. Rochester, xviii, 145, 201, 429, 434, 477> 5 61 - S62, 566, 613. Rochester Path, description of the, 504. Rock, 197, 251, 334, 467, 477; view of the, 334. Rock Cemetery, 334; history of, 636. Rock Meeting-house (Rock), 334, 483. Rock post-office, 271. Rocky Meadow, 334. Rocky Meadow Pond, 334-335- Rocroft, 21. Rogers, Sergt. Andrew P., 190. Rogers, John, 552, 563, 616, 622; life of, 618. Rogers, Timothy, 573. Roman Catholic Church, 493-494; pic- ture of, 493. Rootey Brook, 628. Rotch, William, 580. Rounseville, Mrs. Freelove P., 469. Rounseville, Gamaliel, 430; life of, 377. Rounseville, Capt. Levi, 130. Rowlandson, Mary, 355. Roxbury, 122. Ruberg, Rev. George L., 474. Ruggles, Rev. Benjamin, life and min- istry of, 460. Rum, 198, 207, 568. Running of town bounds, 5^9-560. Russell, Rev. P. R., 480. Ryder, Rev. Freeman, 487. Ryder, Rev. W. Clarkson, 467 Salem, 218, 335. Sammauchamoi, description of, 628. Samplers, 215. Sampson, Capt. Abiel M., 201. Sampson, or Samson, Caleb, 621; life of, 625. Sampson, Deborah, 478; home of, 331; life of, 213, 329-333; portrait of, 330. Sampson, Capt. Elias, 201. Sampson, Elias, Jr., 270. Sampson, George R., 301, 396. Sampson, H. LeBaron, 262. Sampson, or Samson, Henry, 551, 564, 603, 609, 616, 628; life of, 607. Sampson, Isaac, 574. Sampson, Jonathan, Jr., 330. Sampson, Capt. and Major Joseph, Jr., 202, 204, 295, 515. Sampson, Obadiah, gift of, 635. Sampson, Samuel, life of, 395-396. Sampson, Walter, 252. Sampson's Cove, 427. Sampson's Tavern, 268, 269; history of, 427-428; picture of, 428. Sassamon, Betty, 427; claim of, 568. Sassamon, John, 13, 68, 71, 427, 568; death of, 72-73; facsimile of letter of, 72; lands of, 420; life of, 17,71-72. Savery, Albert T., 349. Savory, Nathan, 486. Savory, Thomas, autograph of, 602; life of, 601-602. Sawin, Rev. Theophilus Parsons, 459. Sawmills, xxi, 290, 306, 335, 352, 378, 387-388, 390, 407, 437. Sawyer, Rev. Rufus M., 459. Sayer, Rev. Benjamin L., 489. Scholars, punishment of, in early times, 248. School District No. 19, 394. School districts, 245-247, 249; in Lakeville, 437; number of, 247. School-teachers, 246-248, 250, 251, 252, 564, 569, 572. Schoolhouses, 247; Bell, 437; descrip- tion of oldest, 247; old red school- house, 376. Schools, 245-263; academies, 250-262; boarding, 263; early teachers of, 246, 247; grammar, 245; high, 249-252; summer, 247, 248; winter, 247, 248. Scituate, 80, 86, 159. Scollay, John, 276. Scollay, Miss Rebecca, 276; extract from diary of, 272. Scott, Rev. Elias C., 487. Scythes, 207. Sears, 2d Lieut. David, 92. Sears, Nathaniel, 270. Second Baptist Church, Lakeville, 474- 477- Selectmen, 518-529, 538, 547, 549, 567, 568, 569, 570, 573, 580; acts of, 222- 223; list of, 520-529; powers and duties of, 518-520. Senators, list of, 543. Separatist Church at Beech Woods, 467, 475- Settlement and resettlement of town: INDEX 715 court order for, 549-550; first set- tlement, 582; list of proprietors, 550-552; probable date of, 27, 29, 544- Settlers, early, xx, xxi, 439, 440; before King Philip's War, 29-67. Seven Days' Fight, 179. Seventy kettles, 211. Shaw, Capt. Abraham, 201, 203. Shaw, Allen, 13, 270, 291. Shaw, 1st Sergt. Asa, 173. Shaw, Ensign Calvin, 161. Shaw, Corp. Dennis, 175. Shaw, E. G., 413. Shaw, Corp. Eben A., 173. Shaw, Capt. Gaius, 163. Shaw, Ensign and 2d Lieut. George, 133. i3 8 - Shaw, George, 626. Shaw, Jacob B., 270, 291, 301, 515. Shaw, Capt. James, 201, 203. Shaw, John, 34, 35, 254, 258, 291, 552, 586, 590, 593; life of, 53. Shaw, Rev. John, ministry of, 461. Shaw, Sergt. Orlando H., 175. Shaw, Ruth, 637. Shaw, Samuel, 297. Shaw, Capt. William, 119, 200, 203, 542. Shaw, Corp. William B., 182. Shays's Rebellion, 577. Sheedy, Rev. P. J., 494. Sheep-raising, 214. Shenandoah Valley, 170. Shepard, Benjamin, Jr., 287. Shepard, Sarah W., 287. Shepherdstown, 179. Sheridan, Gen., 185. Sheridan's raid, 170. Sheriff, high, 542. Sheriffs, deputy, 287. Sherman, Gen., 170. Sherman, Capt. David, 201. Sherman, Rev. Isaac, 489. Sherman, Dr. J. H., 244. Sherman, Joseph, Esq., 341. Sherman, Nathaniel B., 290. Shingle mills: at South Middleboro, 339; at Soule Neighborhood, 351; at Warrentown, 390. Shingles, 208. Ships, built, xxi; at Lowlands, 388; at Titicut, 411-412, picture of site of shipyard, 41 1 ; at Woodward'sBridge, 388; picture of shipyard from Wood- ward's Bridge, 388. Shirley, General, 91, 99. Shockley's Hill, 420, 481. Shoe shops: Eddyville, 347; Four Corners, 294-298; Purchade, 397; Titicut, 410-41 1. Shoemakers of 18th century, 216. Shoes, in 18th century, 216, 219. Short, Luke, 446; life of, 327. Shot, 573. Shovel manufactories, xxi, 197; at Four Corners, 288; at Muttock, 378; at Warrentown, 391; at Waterville, 349- Shovels, 206; "Peel" or "Slice," 209. Shurtleff, Dr. James F., 244. Shurtleff, Elder William, 475, 486; ministry of, 477. Shurtliff, Corp. Gideon, 173. Shute farm, 28. Sickness in town, severe (1726), 570. Signal Hill, 188. Silk, 215, 218, 219. Silver, 209. Simmons, David, 449. Simmons, John, 626, 627. Simmons, orSimonson, Moses, 35, 586, 593- 596; life of, 590. Simonds, Ben, 14; inscription on grave- stone of, 14. Simons, John, 20. Simons, Moses, 552. Simpson, Rev. Douglass Hazard, 474. Singing-schools of 18th century, 217. Sitting-rooms, 210. Sixteen Shilling Purchase, 303, 618- 626; date of, 618, 619; deed of, 619- 621; list of proprietors of, 621-622; lives of proprietors of, 622-626. Skillets, 209. Slave question, 168-169. Slavery, 168, 170. Slaves, 101-105; anecdotes of, 101- 104; disappearance of, 105; number of, 101. Sleds, 206, 216. Slitting-mills, xxi; at Muttock, 359, 373' 377> 378; tradition concerning, 361-362. Smallpox, 344, 413, 575-576; pest- houses, 413, 575; petition for hospital in Titicut, 577; treatment of, 575; votes, 576. Smallpox Cemetery, Old, 637. Smith, Dr. A. Vincent, 244. Smith, Bethia, 315. Smith, Chandler R., 270. Smith, Corp. Charles H., 182, 186. Smith, Capt. Daniel, 201, 270. 716 INDEX Smith, Dr. Henry Sutton Burgess, life of, 242-243. Smith, Israel, 271. Smith, Lieut. James, 125. Smith, James, 577. Smith, Capt. John, 21, 201. Smith, John, 270, 315. Smith, Jonathan, 572. Smith, Joseph, 315. Smith, Ens. Joseph (2d), 117. Smith, 1st Lieut, and Sergt. Josiah, 118, 127, 132; life of, 338-339. Smith, Capt. Nathaniel, 116, 200. Smith, Widow Rhoda, 315. Smith, Samuel, life of, 340-341. Smith, Corp. Vanzandt E., 184. Smith, William, 475. Snaphances, 195. Snipetuit Purchase, 303, 615. Snow, Aaron, 397. Snow, Anthony, 551, 564, 603, 616, 621; life of, 607-608. Snow, Dr. George Walter: life of, 244; portrait of, 244. Snow, Capt. Jabez, 99. Snow, James, 397. Snow, Rev. Joseph, 463. Snow, Loum, 288. Snow, Loum, Jr., 288. Snow, Rev. S. P., 489. Snow, T. Newton, 258. Snow, Venus, 394. Snowstorm of 1 71 7, 569. Soap-making in iSth century, 212, 217. Social customs of the 18th century, 206- 224. Social events of 18th century, 217-218. Soldiers in local militia, 198-205. Soldiers in the French and Indian Wars, 89, 90-95, 99; Capt. Canedy's com- panies, 90-91; Capt. Pratt's com- pany, 92-93; Capt. Snow's company, 99; Capt. Thacher's company, 94-95. Soldiers in the Revolution, 116-117; Local militia: First Company of, 117-118; Second Company of, 118- 119; Minute men: First Company of, 1 19-120; Second Company of, 120- 121; Third Company of, 1 21-122; Capt. Wood's Company, 122-123; Capt. Peirce's company, 124; In- fantry: First Company of 125-126; Third Company of, 126-127; Fourth Company of, 127-128; Fifth Com- pany of, 128; Capt. Rounseville's Company, 130; Capt. Peirce's Com- pany, 132; Capt. Tupper's Company, 132-133; Capt. Peirce's Company, 133-134; Capt. Churchill's'Company, 134; Capt. Washburn's Company, 135; Col. Jacobs's Regiment, 135- 136; Second Company, 136; Third Company, 136-137; Fourth Com- pany, 137-138; Fifth Company, 138; Capt. Eddy's Company, 139-142. Soldiers in the War of 1812, 158-160; 163, 164; Capt. Cushman's Company, 162; Capt. Peirce's Company, 164- 165; Capt. Shaw's Company, 163; Capt. Wilder's Company, 1 61-162. Soldires in War of the Rebellion, 169- 170; Infantry: Second Regiment of, 171; Third Regiment of, 171; Com- pany B, 172; Third Regiment of, 172-173; Fourth Regiment of, 173— 176; Ninth Regiment of, 176; Elev- enth Regiment of, 176-178; Twelfth Regiment of, 178; Sixteenth Regi- ment of, 178-179; Eighteenth Regi- ment of, 179-183; Nineteenth Regi- ment of, 183; Twentieth Regiment of, 183-184; Twenty-second Regi- ment of, 184; Twenty-third Regiment of, 184-185; Twenty-fourth Regi- ment of, 185; Twenty-eighth Regi- ment of, 185; Thirtieth Regiment of, 185; Thirty-second Regiment of, 185-186; Fortieth Regiment of, 187— 188; Fifty-eighth Regiment of, 188- 189; Fifty-ninth Regiment of 189; Cavalry Regiments, 189-191. Soldiers' monument, 192; picture of, 191. Sons of Liberty, 107. Sons of Temperance, history of, 631. Sons of Veterans, history of, 632. Soule, E. T., 377. Soule, or Sole, George, 35, 350, 487, 55 2 , 5 86 » 594, 59 6 ; We of, 590-591; autograph of, 590. Soule, Isaac, 350, 542; life of, 351. Soule, Sergt. J. Horace, 175. Soule, Jabez, 56-57. Soule, James, 89, 197, 311, 312, 351, 563* 634; life of, 350. Soule, Sole, or Soul, John, 225, 312, 350, 35 1 . 554, 559, 5 6o > 5 62 , 5 6 3> 5 6 5> 5 o6 > 593, 616, 622; life of, 350; autograph of, 350. Soule, John, Jr., 564. Soule, Otis, 315. Soule, Sergt. Preston, 183. Soule, Rufus A., 297. Soule, William, 351. INDEX 717 Soule Neighborhood, 350-351, 575- South, 168. South Middleboro, 270, 339-341. 477. 637. South Middleboro Cemetery, history of, 636. South Middleboro post-office, 270. South Purchase, 613-618; meeting of proprietors of, 225-226; date of, 547. 613; deeds of, 614-616; payment for, 615; purchasers of, 616; lives of pur- chasers of, 617-618. Southworth, Capt., 545. 548, 595. Southworth, Constant, 506, 548, 549. 602, 618, 628, 629, 630; life of, 591, 592; autograph of, 591- Southworth, Lieut. -Col. Ellis, Jr., 205. Southworth, Capt. Gideon, 200. Southworth, Capt. Ichabod, 200, 574- Southworth, Capt. and Lieut. Nathan- iel, 35, 76, 20 °> 5 6 3> 57 1 . 574. 622 ; 1 life of, 59 2 -593- Southworth, Capt. Seth, 202. Southworth, Capt. Thomas, 584; hte of, 59I-59 2 ; autograph of, 592. Southworth, W. H., 302. Sparrow, Major, Lieut. -Col., and Col. Edward, 204, 205. Sparrow, Edward, Jr., 288. Sparrow, H. P., 301. Sparrow, James, 459. Sparrow, John or Jonathan, 552, 563, 616, 622; life of, 618. Spencer, Gen., 131, 132- Spinning, 213, 214, 216; prizes given in 1 8th century for, 213. Spinning-wheels, 212. Spooner, Benjamin, Jr., 422. -Spooner, Ebenezer, 274, 276, 373. Spooner Hill, 276. Spoons, description of, 209. Spottsvlvania, battle of, 170, 177, 178, 180, 185. Sprague, Francis, 586, 593, 59°; ll±e ot > 591- Sprav, Samuel, 9. Spro'at, Capt. Earl, 383. Sproat, or Sproutt, Major and Col. Ebenezer, 116, 128, 200,204, 312, 320, 543; autograph of, 322; letter to, 129-130; lifeof, 322-325; portrait of, 323. Sproat, Ebenezer, life of, 322. Sproat, Granville T., 267, 371. Sproat, Hannah, 432. Sproat, James, 254, 277, 288, 431, 460; letter to Capt. John Nelson, 421-422. Sproat, or Sprout, Capt. Robert, 200, 431, 563, 621; life of, 625. Sproat, Thomas, 325. Sproat, Zebedee, 431; tradition con- cerning, 43 2 - Sproat house, the, 105, 373~374J pic- ture of, 374; picture of stairs in, 373. Sproat Tavern, 268, 320, 325, 454; de- scription and history of, 318-322; people who gathered at, 320-322; picture of, 319; picture of sign on, 321. Sprout, Experience, 572. Spruce Meeting-house, 477. Squanto (or Tisquantum), 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 193, 398. Squawbetty, 72- St. Augustine, 268. St. George's River, attack on fort, 90; result of attack, 90. St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, 494; history of, 637. Stage-coach, uses and routes of, 268- 269, 319-320, 413- 428, 434, 5° 6 - Stamp Act, 106; copy of stamp under, 106. Standford, Ens. Robert, 90. Standish, Rev. Edmund A., 4§7- Standish, Ichabod. 462. Standish, Capt. Miles, 24, 31, 193, 194- Standish, Phoebe, 462. Staples, George, 461. Star Mills, 277, 503; history of, 287- 288. State militia, 196. Stearns, Rev. George Warren, 459- Stetson, George W., 227. Stetson, Capt. Peleg, 433- Stetson, Sprague S., 431; hfe of, 433! portrait of, 433. Stevens, Capt. Isaac, 202, 227, 254; hie of, 233. Stillwater, battle of, 125. Stillwater furnace, 339. Stocks, 558. Stoddard, Rev. Isaac, 487- Stokes, Rev. Charles, 489- Stone, Rev. Harvey M., 469- Stonewall, John, 556. Stony Point, battle of, 125. Stores: at Eddyville, 345, 347! at Fau Brook, 308; at Four Corners, 273, 291; atLakeville, 429, 43°'> at Mut " tock, 376, 377. 378; at Rock, 334; at South Middleboro, 339; at Titicut, 410; at Waterville, 349; scarcity of, in 18th century, 216. 7 i8 INDEX Straw hats, method of manufacturing, 291—292. Street Railways, 512-513; East Taun- ton, 513; Middleboro, Wareham, and Buzzard's Bay, 513; New Bedford, Middleboro, and Brockton, 512-513; Old Colony, 513. Strobridge, Capt. John, 201. Strobridge, William, 422, 436, 460. Strobridge Family (Lakeville), tradi- tion concerning, 434-435; land of, 43 6 - Strong, John, 28. Sturtevant, Dr. George, 325; life of, 2 39- Sturtevant, Isaac, 58. Sturtevant, Moses, 359; picture of plough owned by, 67. Sturtevant, Gov. Peter, 388. Sturtevant, Dr. Thomas, 238, 327; life of, 239, 325. Sturtevant, Thomas, 378; life of, 325; acrostic on Lord's Prayer, 326-327. Sturtevant farm, 325. Sturtevant house, 311, picture of, 315. Submission men, 157. Sullivan, Gen., 132. Sullivan, Dennis D., 227. Sullivan, John C., 227, 542. Superb, the, 159. Surveyors of Highways, 1675, 549; 1682, 555. Swamps: BeaverDam.387; Great Cedar, •586; Meeting-House, 387; Pocasset, 69; White Oak Island^ 387, 388. Swansea, 16, 43, 75, 80, 549, 573. Sweet, Sergt. Sargeant S-, 175. Swett, Rev. C. D., 480. Swift, Samuel, 563. Swine, vote concerning, 570. Sylvester, H. H., 268. Sylvester, Harriet B., 300. Symons, Rev. T. M., 480. Tack Factory, the (Lakeville), 437— 438- Tacks, manufacture of, in Lakeville, 437; in Waterville, 349. Tailors of 18th century, 216. Tallow, 211. Tamplin, Rev. William, 487. Tandy, Rev. Lorenzo, 474. Tanneries: at Soule Neighborhood, 351; at Lakeville, 430. Taunton, xvii, xviii, 10, 62, 69, 80, 145, 309, 320, 399, 460, 493, 545, 546, 630. Taunton Academy, 153. Taunton Path, the, 628, 629; descrip- tion of, 503-504. Taunton River, xx, xxi, 2, 22, 27, 80, 39 8 > 399- . Taverns, xxi, 268, 269; Briggs's, 277; Coombs's, 39; Eaton's, 413; licenses, 39, 60, 319, 556; Roberts', 420; Sampson's, 427-428; Sproat, 318- 322; in Titicut, 413; Weston, 392- 393; Wood's, 272. Taxes: abatement of, 553; levied on inhabitants, 568; not assessed, 547, 552; paid to colony, 548, 555, 560; remitted by colony, 570; vote to get rebate, 561. Tea party, the Boston, vote concerning, 109. Texas, 174. Thacher, Rev. Peter, 449, 477, 634, 635; slaves of, 101-103; life of, 313; min- istry of, 446-447; autograph of, 313. Thanksgiving, 209. Thanksgiving Day, 580. Thatcher, -Adelaide K., 266. Thatcher, Allen C, 291; life of, 289- 290. Thatcher, Charles M., 266. Thatcher, Rev. Isaiah C, ministry of, 469; portrait of, 469. Thatcher, Madam Mary, 313, 447; slave of, 105. Thatcher, Capt. Samuel, 92, 94. The Boston News-Letter, description of, 266-267. Third Baptist Church (South Middle- boro), 488, 489. Third Calvinistic Baptist Church, 477— 480; picture of, 478. Third Veteran Regiment, 188. Thomas, the Interpreter, 629. Thomas, Capt., 179. Thomas, Mrs., 225, 359. Thomas, A. A., 300. Thomas, Capt. Albert, 202. Thomas, Amos, 291. Thomas, Barzillai, 446. Thomas, (Deacon) Benjamin, 115, 446, 449, 496, 542; life of, 329. Thomas, Mrs. Betsey, 469. Thomas, or Tomas, David, xxii, 34, 35, 329, 552, 563, 621, 626, 627; life of, 53; autograph of, 53. Thomas, or Tommas, David, Jr., 34, 560, life of, 53-54. Thomas, or Tomas, Edward, 225, 387, 561, 563, 567. Thomas, Corp. Francis S., 175. INDEX 719 Thomas, Sergt. George B., 182. Thomas, Corp. Harrison O., 182. Thomas, Hushai, tradition concerning, 361-362. Thomas, Deacon Ira, 291. Thomas, Ira M., 291. Thomas, Rev. J. S., 489. Thomas, Capt. Jabez, 200. Thomas, Capt. Jacob, 202. Thomas, James (an Indian), 20, 635. Thomas, Tomas, or Tommas, Sergt. Jeremiah, 198, 560, 563, 568, 569. Thomas, John, 549. Thomas, Capt. and Lieut. -Col. Loth- rop, 202, 204. Thomas, Capt. Lothrop S., 202. Thomas, Lydia, 312. Thomas, Martha, 486. Thomas, Capt. Nathaniel, 549, 559, 560, 561, 630. Thomas, Perez, 82. Thomas, Capt. Robert M., 202. Thomas, Lieut. -Col. S., 180. Thomas, Samuel (an Indian), 356; deed of, 357~358- Thomas, Capt. Seneca, 175. Thomas, Capt., Major, and Col. Ste- phen, 202, 204. Thomas, Major William, 205. Thomas, Tomas, or Tommas, William, 225, 560, 561, 563. Thomastown, 53, 82, 329-333, 335. Thomastown Cemetery, description of, 637- Thompson, Lieut., 593. Thompson, Capt. Amasa J., 202. Thompson, Dr. Arad, 254, 390; life of, 240; portrait of, 240. Thompson, Barnabas, 572. Thompson, Cephas, 389, 415, 452; life of, 389-390; portrait of, 389. Thompson, Cephas G., 390. Thompson, Elizabeth, 462. Thompson, Ephraim, 572. Thompson, George, life of, 387; house of, 387. Thompson, Isaac, Esq., 496, 542. Thompson, Jacob, 571. See Tomson. Thompson, Jerome B., 390. Thompson, John, 572. Thompson, Marietta T., 390. Thompson, Mary, Sr., 462. Thompson, Mary, 462. Thompson, Reuel, 386. Thompson, Thomas, 462, 571. Thompson, Venus, 386. Thompson, Ens. William, 119. Thompson Road, 386-388. Thomson, Caleb, 388. Thomson, Isaac, life of, 386-387; por- trait of, 386. Thomson, Jacob, 387, 388. Thomson, Capt. William, 580; life of, 388-389. Thousand Acre Lot, the, 303. Thrasher, John, 460. Three Mile Run, the, 187. Threshing, 216. Ticonderoga, 99, 115. Tillson, Granville E., 300. Tillson, Capt. Sylvanus, 200. Tilson, Deacon, 327. Tilson, Ichabod, 349. Tilton, T. W., 262. Timber lands, 352. Tin, 209. Tinckom, Corp. John, 198. Tinder-box, description of, 211. Tingley, Rev. James W., 474. Tinkham, Abigail, 462. Tinkham, Andrew L., 270. Tinkham, 1st Sergt. C. G., 178. Tinkham, Lieut. Cornelius, 120. Tinkham, Dennis, 475. Tinkham, or Tincom, Ebenezer, 34, 445. 56o, 563, 568, 593; life of, 55; autograph of, 445. Tinkham, Tincom, or Tinkom, Ephraim, 34, 35, 76, 359, 552, 563, 593, 622; life of, 54-55; tradition concerning, 54. Tinkham, Ephraim, Jr., 34; life of, 55. Tinkham, Isaac, 388, 462. Tinkham, John, 288, 387, 388, 571. Tinkham, Capt. Joseph, 200. Tinkham, Capt. Josiah, 202. Tinkham, Ens. and Capt. Orrin, 164, 200. Tinkham, or Tincom, Peter, 563, 594. Tinkham, Priscilla, 483. Tinkham, Samuel, 298. Tinkham, Seth, 448. Tinkham, Shubael, 359, 571. Tinkham, Wallace, 267. Tippicunnicut, 627. Tippicunnicut Brook, 627. Tippling, =;8o. Tirrell, Rev. Eben, 488. Tispequin (the black sachem), 9, 10, 73, 81, 83, 86, 307, 602, 610, 613, 627, 628, 629, 630; deeds of, 600, 601, 608- 612, 614-616, 619-621; life of, 12-13. Tispequin Council, O. U. A. M., his- tory of, 633. 720 INDEX Tispequin Pond, 305, 628; description of, 307. Tispequin Street Cemetery, history of, 637- Tisquantum. See Squanto. Tithing-men, 570. Titicut, xviii, xxi, 2, n, 17, 18, 20, 22, 80, 270, 355, 398-418, 440, 469, 498, 499. 553, 568, 575, 577> 5.83, 584; extent of , 462; made a precinct, 401, 462; settlement at, 28; weir, 28, 499. Titicut Academy, 258-262; gifts to, 261, 262; incorporation of, 258; teach- ers, 258, 262; trustee of, 262. Titicut Bridge, 407, 408-410; lottery for rebuilding, 408-409; rebuilt, 410. Titicut Cemetery, history of, 635. Titicut Church, 462-466; description of first meeting-house, 463; description of second meeting-house, 465; first members of, 463; Indian gift of land, 462; lottery to support minister, 465; pictures of, 415, 466; tax, 463. Titicut Falls, 580. Titicut Indians, 20, 399, 462, 584. Titicut Parish, 401, 462, 463,465,584, 6 .35- Titicut Path, the, 8, 553; description of, 5°4- Titicut Purchase, 28, 629-630: con- sideration and date, 629; description of, 629-630. Titicut River, 602, 629. Tiverton, 131. Tobacco, how regarded by early set- tlers, 319. Tobey, Charles H., 288. Tobey, Rev. Leonard, 254. Tobias, 73-74; deed of, 615-616. Toll rates, 413. Toll-gates, 412, 434, 5°7- Tolls, 434, 507. Tomahawks, 70. Tomblen, Rev. Charles L., 466. Tompkins, Rev. Lemuel, 487. Tomson, Sergt., 548. Tomson, Isaac, letter to, 577-578. Tomson, orTompson, Capt. and Lieut. Jacob, 35, 198, 199, 225, 353, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 574, 594, 626, 634; autograph of , 352; life of, 352-354; map drawn by, xvii. Tomson, John, 34, 35, 60, 76, 89, 220, 35°, 353, 386, 388, 506, 517, 518, 549, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 558, 559- 560, 561, 563, 613, 615, 618, 621, 622, 630, 634; autograph of, 55; in- scription on gravestone of, 52; life of, 55-59; picture of gun of, 76; pic- ture of pistol of, 354. Tomson, John, Jr., 34, 551, 563; auto- graph of, 59; life of, 59. Tomson, Peter, 564. Tomson, Thomas, 89, 564; life of, 354. Tories, 122, 145-156; banishment of, 376. Towle, Rev. E. D., 488. Town clerks, 530-531, 546, 553, 583; duties of, 530; list of, 530-531; salary, how paid, 555; tradition concerning first, 530. Town hall, new, 265, 498; building committee, 498; cost, 498; date, 498; picture of, frontispiece. Town house, old, 495-498; committee to build, 496, 497; erection of, 496, 497; law concerning, 495; location of, 496, 497; meeting-houses used for, 495; picture of, 497; plan of, 496- 497- Town meetings, 495-498; abandoned and reestablished, 495; fine for not attending, 496; votes of, 106, 107-108, 109, iio-iii, 115, 142-144, 156, 159, 246, 250, 251, 264, 310,311, 351-352, 381-382, 392, 495-497, 500-502, 507- 5 IO > 553,554, 555- 556-558, 560, 561, 5 6 3> 5 6 4, 5 66 -574, 57 6 , 577, 5 8 o, 581; where held, 495, 496. Town officers, 517-533; clerks, town, 530-531; selectmen, 518-529; treas- urers, town, 531-533. Town officers before 1675, list of, 517— 518; vacancies in, 518. Town records, 311; burned, ^^, 517, 550; perfecting of, 553. Town treasurers, 531-533; duties of, 531-532; list of, 532-533. Townsend, Ens. Abram, 120. Townsman, men accepted as, 560, 561; men denied as, 564. Traditions concerning, Betty's Neck, 427; Lakeville families, 434-435; Mad Mare's Neck, 303; Morton, John, Jr., 49; Morton house, 274; Nelson, Mrs. Hope, and an Indian, 421; Ritchie house, 382; settlers, first, 54; slitting-mill at Muttock, 361-362; Sproat, Zebedee, 432; town clerk, first, 530. Train bands, 195-197; captains of, 202, 203. Training day, 197, 320. I Training-greens: at the Green, 197, 311, INDEX '21 320; at Muttock, 197; at Rock, 334, 636; at Warrentown, 394. Trashcr, Samuel, 574. Travel: early mode of, 32; mode of, in [8th century, 216. Treasurers, town, 531-533. Treat, Rev. Mr., 18. Trees, oak and pine, 583. Trenchers, 206. Trenton, battle of, 125. Trial justice, 540. Tribou, Isaac, xxii. Tribou, Melzar, 397. Tribou, Nahum M., 397, 575. Tribou, Nahum M., Jr., 397. Trout Brook, xx. Tucker, Benjamin, life of, 449. Tucker, Corp. David A., 175. Tucker, Major Elisha, 254, 289, 483, 511; life of, 290; portrait of, 290. Tucker, George Fox, 227. Tucker, Rev. J. Foster, 491. Tucker, Sally B., 483. Tucker, Sidney, 270. Tupper, Ichabod: autograph of, 124; life of, 124. Tupper, 1st Lieut. Joseph, 122. Tupper, Capt. and Lieut. -Col. William, 124, 126, 132, 200, 204; autograph of, 376; life of, 376. Turner, Rev. Benjamin Francis, 474. Turner, Rev. Caleb, ministry of, 461. Turner, Charles W., 270. Turner, John, Sr., 622; life of, 625. Turner, Joseph L., 271. Turnpike, the, 410, 411, 413, 429; de- scription of, 412-413, 43.3-434. 5°7- Twelve Men's Purchase, 303, 610-613; date and consideration of, 610; deed of, 611-612; lives of purchasers of, 612-613; order of court to pay Indian debts, 612; purchasers of, 612. Twenty-six Men's Purchase, 27, 225, 546, 584-594, 634; agreement of pro- prietors in 1690, 594; date, 545, 584; deed of, 584-585; lives of proprietors of, 586-593, 594; proprietors of, 585-586, 593-594; new survey made, 594- Twining, William, 594; life of, 594. Tyler, Rev. George, 486. Union Veterans' Union, history of, 632. Unitarian Society, First, 490, 491; pic- ture of meeting-house of, 491. United Brethren, 480-481. United States, 167. United Workmen, history of, 632. Universalist Society, 490; organization of, 490; united with Unitarians, 490. Upper Factory, The, 288-292. Upper Four Corners, 198, 429-430. Upper Green, the, 312, 317. Upper Path, the, 503, 600; description of, 505. Upper and Lower Works, 291. Utensils, used by early settlers, 30-31; used in iSth century, 208-209. Valley Forge, sufferings of army at, 125. Vaughan, Capt., 572. Vaughan, Daniel, 563. Vaughan, Capt. David, 203. Vaughan, Ens. Ebenezer, 162. Vaughan, Elizabeth, 634. Vaughan, Francis M., 227; life of, 237- Vaughan, or Vaughn, George, 34, 35, 64, 304, 517, 518, 549, 563, 612; autograph of, 59; life of, 59-60. Vaughan, Capt. George, 200, 291. Vaughan, Ens. Jacob, 572. Vaughan, Ens. Jesse, 122. Vaughan, or Vahan, Joseph, 34, 560, 561, 562,563,564,565, 566,593,621; autograph of, 60; life of, 60-61. Vaughan, Capt. Joseph, 199. Vaughan's Bridge, 427. Vehicles used in iSth century, 216. Vermont, xxii, 305, 335, 392. Vicksburg, battle of, 170. Virginia, 187. Wachamotussett Brook, 630. Wade, Capt. Amos, 121. Wading-places, 505, 555; at Pratt's Bridge, 28, 504, 505; at Star Mills, 499, 505; on Taunton River, 505. Wadsworth, John, 563, 593. Walker, Francis, 34, 350, 563, 616, 621, 626, 627; life of, 61. Walker, George A., 297. Wallen, Frank, 341. Walnut Plain (Waupaunucket) 304. Wampatuck, Josiah, 584, 602, 628; •deeds of, 399, 584-585, 595-596, 602- 603; life of, 11-12. Wamsutta, 7, 355. Wanno, Isaac, 407. War, French and Indian, 88-99, 3 20 - War, King Philip's, 68, 87. War, King William's, 88-89. War of 1812, 157-167, 396, 430; call for soldiers, 158; companies, 160- 722 INDEX 1 66; equipment and discipline, 157; list of soldiers, 1 61-165; result of, 158, 167; votes of town, 150. War of the Rebellion, 168-192, 397; call for volunteers, 169-170; causes, 168; companies in, 171-191; ex- pense of, 191; number from Mid- dleboro in, 191-192; soldiers in, 171- 191. War of the Revolution, 106-144. Ward, Lieut. -Col., Col., and Brigadier- Gen. Eliab, 203, 204, 227; life of, 233-234; portrait of, 234. Ward, Capt., Major, Lieut.-Col., Col., and Brigadier-Gen. Ephraim, 164, 165, 166, 200, 203, 204, 205, 430, 431, 437; life of, 432; home of, 431. Ward, Capt. and Major George, 202, 204. Ward, George, 295; life of, 432-433; portrait of, 432. Ward house, the, 430, 437; descrip- tion and history of, 431-433; pic- ture of, 431. Wardrop, Col., 171. Wareham, 123, 159, 201, 477, 540, 608, 613. Wareham Times, 267. Warming-pans, 211. Warren, Benjamin, 563, 612, 613. Warren, Benjamin F., 391. Warren, Daniel, 635. Warren, Corp. Henry M., 182. Warren, Jabez, 34, 35, 390, ^93; life of, 66. Warren, James, 468. Warren, John, 390, 391, 394; house of, 391. Warren, Joseph, 34, 506, 553, 558, 563, 604, 621; life of, 66-67. Warren, Mrs. Margaret, 468. Warren, Minnie, 394. Warren, Nathan, life of, 391. Warren, Nathaniel, 226, 551, 560, 596, 621, life of, 599. Warren, Richard, 563. Warren, Capt. Sylvanus, life of, 391. Warrentown, 390-394. Warrentown Cemetery, history of, 635. Washburn, Major, Lieut.-Col., Col., and Brigadier-General Abiel, 203, 204, 205, 1 " 254, 288, 377, 378, 379, 427; life of, 380-381; residence of, 381. Washburn, Capt. and Lieut. Amos, 117, 135, 201. Washburn, B. Sumner, 295. Washburn, Mrs. Elizabeth H., 469. Washburn, Rev. George, D. D., 291. Washburn, Israel, 463. Washburn, Rev. Israel, 487. Washburn, James, 227, 270; life of, 229, 430; house of, 430. Washburn, 1st Lieut. Jonah, 125. Washburn, Jonathan, 558. Washburn, Jonathan T., 490. Washburn, Leah, 463. Washburn, Lieut. Linus, 161. .Washburn, Nathan, 227. Washburn, Nehemiah, 462. Washburn, Peter, 290. Washburn, Hon. Philander, 378, 381, 510; life of, 291. Washburn, Major Philo, 205. Washburn house, picture of the, 430. Washing, when and how done, 212. Washington, 176, 185, 189. Washington, Gen. George, 115, 125, 146. Waste, Richard, 460. Waterman, Abner, 636. Waterman, Edward H., 394. Waterman, Hannah, 636. Waterman, Joshua, 636. Waterville, xxi, 307, 335, 348-349. Watson, Col., slave of, 104. Waupaunucket (or Wappanucket), 304- 305; known as Walnut Plain, 304. Waupaunucket Cemetery, history of, 637- Weapons, used by first military com- pany, 195. Weaving, 214; prizes given in 18th cen- tury for, 213. Webster, Daniel, 168, 206. Webster, Col. Fletcher, 178. Webster Regiment, 178. Weeks, Rev. William M., 480. Weirs, herring, 500, 502; Indian, 2, 28, 359, 498, 499; view of herring-weir, Muttock,499; votes concerning, 555— 556, 568, 570. Weld, Rev. Thomas, 466; ministry of, 447-449- Weld, W. F. H., 270. Wells, Dr. William K., 244. West Middleboro post-office, 270. Westgate, Abner L., 487. Weston, Abner, 376, 391. Weston, Rev. David, D. D., life of, 414. Weston, Sergt. Davis S-, 175. Weston, Edmund, 390, 391-392, 448. Weston, Ellis, 13. Weston, Henry, life of, 383. Weston, 2d Lieut. James, 134, 136. INDEX 723 Weston, John, no, in, 391; house of, 391- Weston, Louis, 378. Weston, Judge Thomas, 153, 254, 370, 374> 377> 37 8 . 379- 39 1 . 427, 542, 543, 635; life of, 380; portrait of, 380. Weston, Major, Lieut. -Col., and Col. Thomas, 180, 202, 204, 205, 287, 377> 3 8o > 39 1» 39 2 ; lif e of, 393; por- trait of, 392. Weston, Zachariah, 254. Weston Tavern, 268, 392-393; picture of old, 393. Wetispequin, deed of, 615-616. Wettamoo, 355. Weweantitt River, 336. Weymouth, 268. Wheat, bounties paid for raising, 581. Wheeler, Rev. Charles, 254. Wheelwright shops, 394, 397. Wheelwrights of 18th century, 217. Whidden, Rev. Samuel, 487. Whipping-post, 558. Whitaker, Ens. Stephen, 91. White, Capt. Benjamin, 116. White, Benjamin, 359, 572. White, Lieut. -Col. Ebenezer, 128. White, J. A., 299. White, Joshua, 577. White, Capt. and Lieut. Peregrine, 51, 551, 564, 596, 616, 621; life of, 599. White, Resolved, 552, 586, 593, 596; life of, 591. White, Solomon, 270, 416. White, Solomon, Jr., 416. White, Sergt. William E., 188. White House Landing, 179, 187. White Oak Island, 387, 388. White Plains, battle of, 125. Whitehall, engagement at, 172. Wicket, Feb, life of, 307. Wigwams, 3, 355; description of, 2. Wilbur, Dr. A. C., 244. Wilbur, Major and Col. Elnathan W., 204. Wilbur, Horatio N., 397. Wilbur, Corp. Sidney B., 188. Wilbur, Simeon D., 270. Wildcats, 570. Wilde, William H., 297. Wilder, Mrs. Bathsheba, 468. Wilder, Benaiah, 382. Wilder, Benjamin, 267. Wilder, Ebenezer, 382-383. Wilder, James D., 468. Wilder, Capt. Nathaniel, 61, 200, 203. Wilder, Capt. Nathaniel, Jr., 161, 163, 200; letter to, 163-164. Wilder, Rev. Otis, 487. Wilderness, battle of the, 170, 177, 178, 185. Wilks, Francis, 571, 572. Willard, Rev. Elijah, 487. Willett, Capt. Thomas, 43. Williams, Rev. Elmer S., 485. Williams, Capt. John, 558. Williams, Roger, 31. Williamsburg, 176, 187. Willis, Nathan E-, 258. Willoughby, J. H., 251. Wills, Zephaniah, 464. Wilson, Abraham, 288. Wilson, Hon. Henry, 184. Winchester, Rev. George H., Sr., 487. Winchester, Rev. George H., Jr., 487. Wine, 568. Winnetuxet River, xviii, 44, 602. Winslow, Gen., 93, 99. Winslow, Gov., 15, 22, 26, 398. Winslow, Deborah, 486. Winslow, Edward (Governor), 99, 376, 398, 486. Winslow, Gilbert W., 602. Winslow, John, 552, 596, 616, 621; life of, 600. Winslow, John, Jr., 602, 628. Winslow, Major Josiah, 545, 551, 563, 594, 596, 610, 611, 621, 629; life of, 599-600. Winslow, Josiah W., 602. Winslow, Josias, 226. Winslow, Kenelme, 602. Winslow, Pelham, 227. Winthrop, Gov., 209. Winthrop, John, Jr., expedition up Taunton River in 1636, 27; letter to his father, 27-28. Witherbee, Alanson, 287. Wolfe, Gen., death of, 92, 94. Wolftrap Hill, 350. Woman's Relief Corps, history of, 632. Wood, Capt. Abiel, 202. Wood, Deacon Abiel, 103, 247. Wood, Abiel, 563. Wood, Mrs. Abigail W., 468. Wood, Andrew M., 301. Wood, Benjamin, 89, 552, 560, 621; life of, 625-626. Wood, Lieut. -Col. Benjamin P., 205; life of, 304-305; portrait of, 304. Wood, Caleb, xxii. Wood, Rev. Charles W., life of, 280- 281; portrait of, 280. 724 INDEX Wood, Cornelius B., 301, 355. Wood, Cyrus, slave of, 103. Wood, Daniel, 570. Wood, 1st Lieut. Daniel F., 175. Wood, David, 34, 552, 555, 560, 564, 621; life of, 67. Wood, Miss Eleanor B., 469. Wood, Eleazer, xxii. Wood, Mrs. Elizabeth, 469. Wood, Miss Emily T., 468. Wood, Ephraim, 246, 307, 446; life of, 63- Wood, Sergt. Frederick E., 175. Wood, George W., 410. Wood, Henry, 34, 35, 76, 359, 387, 517, 604, 608, 626; life of, 61-62; tradition concerning, 54. Wood, Horatio G., 287, 427, 457, 468; life of, 285-286. Wood, Ichabod, 577. Wood, Capt. Isaac, 120. Wood, Israel, 577. Wood, Rev. J.^A., 489. Wood, Rev. J. E., 480. Wood, James, 225, 560, 563, 626, 627. Wood, John or Jonathan, 34, 552, 577, 604, 612, 621; life of, 62. Wood, Joseph, 34, 552, 621; life of, 63- Wood, (Deacon) Joseph T., 484, 543; life of, 279-280; portrait of, 279. Wood, Ens. Lemuel, 121. Wood, Capt. Lemuel, 203. Wood, Levi, 272. Wood, Lorenzo, 54, 267, 499, 581. Wood, Mary, 462. Wood, Capt. Nathaniel, 116, 117, 122, 200. Wood, Nathaniel, xxii. Wood, Samuel, 34, 60, 62, 446, 518, 556, 560, 561, 563, 571, 572, 593, 621 ; autograph of, 63; life of, 63. Wood, Samuel, Jr., autograph of, 63; life of, 63. Wood, Silas, 272, 273, 288; picture of house of, 272. Wood, Timothy, 462. Wood, Judge Wilkes, 227, 254, 277, 278- 279, 288, 542; life of, 229-230; portrait of, 230; picture of office of, 237; picture of house of, 278. Wood, William H., 227, 265, 542; life of, 234-236; portrait of, 235. Wood, William W., 313. Wood, Capt. Zenas, 339. Wood, 206, 209. Wood Cemetery, history of the, 636. Wood's Pond, 307. Wood's Purchase, 63, 608-610, 626; date and consideration of, 608; deeds of, 608, 609-610. Wood's Tavern, 272. Woodbridge, Rev. Richard G., 469. Woods, Jonathan, 463. Woodstock, Vt., removal of families to, xxii. Woodward's Bridge, 388. Wool, preparation, spinning and uses of, in 1 8th century, 213, 214. Wool goods, 213, 214, 218, 308. Workhouses, 577. Worm, 196. Worsted, 213. Wright, or Right, Adam, 34, 225, 563, 593, 616, 621; life of, 63, 64. Wright, Lieut. Benjamin, 90. Writhington, Miss Hope, 469. Yarn, 214. Yellow fever, 184. Yokes, 206. York, England, xvii. Yorktown: victory at, in Revolution, 139; siege of, in Rebellion, 171, 176. Young Ladies' School, 263. Young Men's Christian Association, 264, 494. Zacheus, the Indian, 570. (ftbe fiinetsiDe press Electrotyped and printed by H . O. Houghton 6" Co. Cambridge, J/ass., U. S. A. ^H LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 078 799 1 % ■HHL ■L