L ni .HHf\H ANSWERS BV THE President of the Board of Education TO QUESTIONS PROPOUNDED BY REPRE- SENTATIVE J. K. KAHOOKANO. UesJ:i^lati\-e A.^«ei iiHlv. J tily 11, IHQO. -^^ v.'^ \ 0^ \ ^^0 Okkick ok the Board of Education, Honolulu, July I5th, IHIK). Hon. J. S. Walkek, PreMent of the Legislative Assembly. Sir:— Referring to a resolution of Your Honorable Body intro- duced by the Hon. Representative Hookano on the llth inst., I have the honor to say in reply, that enclosed will be found a list of the school teachers in the employ of the Board of Education and the amount of their respective sal- aries, in answer to questions (A) and (B). Also a list of the teachers imported from abroad by the Board of Educa- tion, and the length of time of their service under tht^ Board, in answer to question (C). In reply to question (D), viz.: " What was the reason for sending abroad for school teachers ? " I will say, that the home supply of teachers has been inadequate to meet the needs of the schools, hence importations from abroad were necessary. In answer to question (E), 1 enclose a list of the houses and their locations that have been provided by the Board for the use of school teachers. [ have the honor to be. Your obedient servant, CHAS. R. BISHOP, President of the Board of Education, (2) RESOLUTION. Wliereas the members of this Assembly are unable to ob tain certain important information from the Report of th*^ Board of Education, therefore, be it resolved that the Presi- dent of the Board of Education be requested to lay before this House in writing within ^we days from this date a report relating to the following acts of the Board: (A.) The number of school teachers in this Kingdom, (B.) The names and amount of salary of each teacher. (C.) The number of teachers imported from abroad and when they were sent for. (D.) What was the reason for sending abroad for school teachers. (E.) Who are the school teachers who have been furn- ished with houses by the Board of Education. And in what districts are these houses situated. J. K. KAHOOKANO. Representative from Kohala. Honolulu. July 11, 1890. V 10 lyoH D. ot D. ? Names of Government School Teachers and the Salary per Annum of P:ach, in Answer to Questions (A) and (B). ^^^'^^' SCHOOL. SALART Aaams, H. (. Haou qnr) Agnew Miss M. F Kalihi-uka ' .' \" " 30 Aiu. Thomas Kailua ..:;;; goO Alexander, Rev. J. B Kilauea Altman, Mrs. A. R Lihue 650 1,200 Amalu, T K. Robert Hookena ''.''^''^'.W f;o(, Andrews, Christian Kaupo ' " ' 1 000 -^--"^Jd'C. E Hakalau :::: '90 Atkinson, Miss Zoo Pohukaina 6(W) ^^^^1"' HZ Waihee ...■.:•• 1 2(^ Austm, Mrs. H. Z Waihee " 70 ^^^\' ^^^^" onomea .::;■.::; 300 ^"^^*»' ^^« Hookena 300 ^^1^^)°' J^- ^ Lahainaluna j 500 Baldwin, Miss W Lahaina . . . . : ' '4^0 Barnard. Miss J Paauilo ^00 Brickwood, Miss Louisa Royal , on Brown,MrsJ.H . . R^al ;: ^'700 Brown, Miss Lillie Fort street 1 oo Brown, Miss Nellie Royal " " '^00 Brown, Miss Louisa Waiakea : ^m Brown, Miss M. E Ulupalaku,,. > »«^^^".J-K Koloa ,500 240 Barnard, Miss B .:;;;: Pohulaina 600 Campbell, Mrs. Orpah Makapala 600 Campbell, Miss Ida Makawao \\\\\ 500 ^^^^^^ ^-^ >^aioli 800 ?ark,Mis.E .W^^y- •• ^''' Caimo, Miss M. de Huflo n II,- rV ■ ■. Hamakuapoko 400 Coan, Mis. Hattie .Hilo Foreign BOO Copp, M.SS Ellen Makawao ^. 3O0 Corney Miss S. F Pohukaina 1 |o Corscadden, Mrs. A Waiakea 50f Coursen Miss M.J Fort street ,000 .■•"ok, W. ( Paia C Crook, Mrs. W. C . .. . Paia fini Crook, Miss Angela Huelo: 700 Crook, Miss R. E Paia ^„" ^-<">o,w :;.... Marquesviue::;:::;. 'Z (4) NAME. SCHOOL. .SALAHY. Daniels, Miss E Wailuku 500 Davison, Miss Rose Manoa 400 Davison, Miss Emma Manoa . 300 Davis, O. M , Lihue 700 Deyo, Miss I Hilo Union 60(t Dickenson, Hv nry Lahaina Union 1 ,200 Dickenson, Mrs. H Lahaina Union 48(> Dickenson, Miss Lahaina Union 48 Dudoit, Miss A Pohukaina 55(> Duncan. Miss Lnura Beretania street 800 EdWards, G. i Waiawa 90(» ^dari, Miss Hattie Kapoho 240 Fredenberg, Miss Lizzie Lihue 48(> Fueger, .1. G Laie 600 Fuller, Solomon Halawa 800 Gallagher, H. J • Kalihi-waena ] ,050 Gear, A. V Fort street 1,500 Gibson, T. H Waimea 1 ,500 Gibson. Mrs. T H Waimea 700 Gieson, J. H. Van Halawa 900 Grant, J. B Makua •. . . 300 Haaheo. S. H Kalapann 600 Hall, Mrs Hamakuapoko 700 Hanuna, B. K Haou 240 Hapai, Miss Lillie Hilo Foreign 300 Hardy, F W Makawao 1,200 Hare, Miss Jane Kauluwela 36(> Harris, F. P Pahala 800 Hayselden, Mrs. T. J Lahaina Union 780 Holii, losepa Papa 150 Hookano, Mrs. P Moanalua 30(^ Hore, Edward Waialim 1,000 Hugo, Mrs Pahoehoe 240 Hugus, iMrs. H Kapaa 500 Huntsmtin, D. L Papaikou 1 ,000 Hussey, Mrs. Thamar Makapala 400 Imlay, L E , Kekaha 1 ,000 Imlay, Mrs. L. E Kekaha 500 Iwa, J. P Kaumakapili 220 ..'T (5) NAME. SCHOOL. SALARY. John, Abhe Haou 80(' Josiati, Mrs Kaunakakai 120 Kaanaanan , 8. K Milolii 20() Kaaukakai, Miss E Kalapana 12(i Kaawa, Samuel Hookena 20(' Kawewehi, J Keauhou 160 Kahele, J Makalawena 15(i Kahipa, Moses Pololu 175 Kahaulelio, D. H Kaluaaha 480 Kahauleliomaikai, W. E Keokea 360 Kahoopae, B Hana 480 Kahoopae, Mrs. B Hana 240 Kairaana, John Honomakao 200 Kairaana, Mrs. John Honomakao 176 Kaiwi, K. P Honoipu 17o Kaleo, J. A Piiako 175 Kaikuahine, fj. W Kawaiahao 15i', Kainaawahine, T. H Kalaupapa 12(i Kaiole Reforraatoiy 240 Kailieha, Miss Luka Waianae 240 Kaleihoa, Abraham. Keawekapu 300 Kaiwiaea, J Kipahiilu 240 Kamalae, Phillip Papaikou 300 Kanakeawe, A Karaaoa 150 Kamokenui, Moses Kalalau 150 Kapule, Victor .... Wniawa 300 Kapoloho, J. K Waimanu 200 Kuaimoku, Mrs. Mjirv Punaluu 15(' Kauhane, Miss Annie Waiohinu 480 Kalohi, J Kalawao 120 Kauila Kapulaoa 150 Kaomeii, T. B Niihau 100 Kauhi, OTCorize Honokohau 360 Kealoha, Miss Emoi;i Kapaa 300 Kealoha, Miss Lucy Anahola 300 Keahi, Henry " Olaa 180 Kekoovvtn, S" H Waialau 120 Ken3^on, J (.'arson Kalihi uka 900 Keola, S. K Kaalaea 200 Kia. Mrs Pahoehoe 240 Kihei. Isaac . Kalaoa 150 Kiliona, ( . H ...Lihue 200 Kino^, J D Kapaa 1,200 Kirikiiia, Mrs S. M Roma Wahim- 200 Konoeau, D K Pohakupuka 400 NAMK. SCHOOL. SALARY. Kratzer, D. VV Oiiomea 1,100 Kiiaolu, P Koloa 200 Kumalae, P Papaikou 300 La(i(l, Miss Helen Royal 500 Ladd, Miss ^'abel Royal 500 Lainaholo Pauoa 150 I.ake, Charles Kaupo 240 Lane. Miss Maria Hauula 500 Lewis, Miss Sophronia Paauilo 700 Litrhtfoot, S Ookala 900 Lighttoot, Mrs. J Ookala 300 Ijindsay, Miss K:»te W^aimea 500 Lishman, Miss Kate Karaoiliiii 450 IvOgan, NoriTian Napoopoo 1,000 Loi'd, P. L Hilo Union 1,400 iid, Mrs. PL Hilo Union 600 Low, Miss C Ainakea 500 Lucas, W. F Lihue 1,500 Lydgate, Miss M. A Laupahoehoe 500 Lynch, Miss Koele 500 l/yons. Miss E . . . Waimea 500 Malielona, Mrs. M VVaianae. ... 360 Makamu, Z Kahana 150 Makaimoku, J Wainiha 250 Makainai, Jesse Kailua 240 Mackintosh, Rev A Royal .... 2,400 Mclntyre, Miss Kate Royal 400 Makahi, Miss Ellen Koele 180 Markham, Miss Fanny. ... . Waikiki-kai 400 Maroni, Miss F. M Lihue (100 Marra, H Kahei 175 Maule, Miss Hattie Waihee 250 Malakaua, Moses Hilea 400 Mika, Miss E Nahiku 180 Mitchell, B. D Hana 1,200 Moore, Jno. A Labainaluna 1,700 Moore, Mrs. Louisa Wailuku 1 ,000 MuUer, Valdemar Pahoehoe 900 Muller, W. O Kaneohe 900 Murray, Ed Waiahole 900 Naahielua, G Honaunau 240 Nakanelua, T. 1. K. Kawaihae 200 Nakookoo. J . K Haena 300 V' (7) SCHOOL. NAMK. ff-^r :: -iXari: Nakaleka J^ ...Pulehu Namau John Koloa vt'^L^; w r Reformalory Needham, Miss N tort street Newton, Mrs Noah, Peter Olowahi. . Haiku . . ,v,. . 1 u .Honomu . . Oliviera, J d _, , ^. ^„ Olohia, Lewis w "°h n,? Orden, Lewis Van Wa.ohmu Overend. Mrs R- M Honokaa Pa, Mrs.M. A S"^'^^^ Pakuli, Mrs. A. N S^^'f*? Pali, Miss L Kahakuloa Pea, J. U Pitero, Sam Pringle, E. D Peck, H. W Kauaea Kailua Hanapepe Royal Piianaia, A. H. C Ulupalakun Quinn, Edward Hanapepe.. Rose, Miss Annie Haaheo Saffrey, W. M Saunders, J. P Scott, M. M Scott, Mrs. M 'F Scott, J. F Schoen, Miss L Severance, Miss Helen Smith, Armstrong „r • • Smith, Cyril Waip|o . . Sorenson, Miss Anna t7^' , Sprinks, E. L Makapala Starkey, W. B. . . . Sunter, Mrs Sylva, Mrs. Dinah Waialua Keanae Fort street Honokaa Waianae Waihee Haaheo Kukuihaele Kilauea Kona-waena Keekee Taner, Miss Julia Roval Thatcher, A. J Amakea Thatcher, Mrs. A. J u CL.i Taylor, Miss L Honokowa. SALARY 480 •240 176 150 500 1,200 720 300 860 400 250 900 1,000 300 •200 300 24(' 240 720 1,200 600 90tf 30(' 240 420 2,400 900 1,200 650 500 1,200 600 500 ] ,000 720 650 240 600 1,200 800 300 («) «- SCHOOL. SALARY. Thompson^ Miss K . Honokowai 360 400 800 Torbert, Miss E Paia Turner, Miss C. L Ainakea lla, John Keei. . . Vredenberg, Wiimot Waimej Woolsey, P. L Lahainalu Wood, Mrs M. A Kauluwela 200 840 Walker, Miss M Fort street 720 Walker, Miss A. S Royal 600 Wells, W.J Waioli 800 West, Miss Alice Hilo Union 600 VV^ilder, Miss Lita Kalihiwaena 400 Wilson, A. J Kaunakakai Winter, Miss F Fort street White, C. H Kauluwela White, Miss CM Kauluwela . . . 800 720 1,200 750 na 1,100 660 Y ates, W. A Kapulena 600 Yorke, E. E Waikapu 900 Zumwalt, L. W Haiku 750 H^/ (^) A List of the Teaohers Imported From Abroad by Order of the Board of Education, with the Date of Arrival of Each IN THIS Kingdom, in answer to question (C). name of teacher. date of arrival. Adams, A. C September Arnold, C. E September Austin, H. Z Mav Austin, Mrs. H. Z May Brown, Miss Lillie A .April Burkeit, J. K December Campbell, Mrs Orpah September Cnrey, E. E Janu.iry Crook, W, C January Davis, O M November Dry den, H W January Du. can. Miss Laura September Fueger, J. G April Gear, A V Septeml)er Gibson, T. H April < Harris, F. P March I Huntsm^tn, D L September Imlay, L. E January Imlay, Mrs. L. E Januaiy Kratzer. D. W September Lucas, \^.T April Maroni, Miss M. F November Mitchell, B. D September Moore, Jobu A , September Orden, Lnuis Van. . Sf^ptember Pringie, ED. February Peck, H. W October Scott, MM September Scott, M F September Scott, Mrs. M. F September Scott, J F. , November Schoen, Miss L September Spinks, EL... September Thatcher. A J December Thatcher, Mrs A J September Turner, Miss C L September Wells, W I January Wilson, A J September —White, Miss CM.. May Woolsey, PL January Yorke, E E March Zum wait L W May r (10) Houses and rHEiR Locations, Provided by the Board of Educa- tion FOR THE Use of School Teachers, in Answer to Qi ESTION (E). district, location. Hilo Ookaia 'i Hakalau 4' Onomea Papaikou Kau : Pahala '<■ Waiohinu Kona Paboehoe North Kohala Ainakea " " Makapala Hamakua Kukuihaele '4 Honokaa Lahaina Lahainaiuna Wailuku Waihee " Wailuku Makawao Paia '^ Hamakuapoko ^' Huelo Hana Haou ' ' Kaupo Ewa Waiawa Waianae Pokai Waiaiua Ainabou Koolaupoko Waiahole ' ' Kaneobe Waimea, Kauai Pokii 'V • • Hanapepe Koloa. '^ Koioa Lihue, • Lihue Kawaihau. ' Kapa^ Hanalei, Waioli LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 879 576 8 H /ATION. ibokala |akaiau Hioraea ''ailuku Paia lapoko Huelo Haou upo (Wa u LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 879 576