Vf3l " — - 1 The Formulation of Standards of Educational Achievement for a State BY WILLIS E. JOHNSON SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA JUNE, 1919 1 THE FORMULATION OF Standards of Educational Achievement for a State BY WILLIS E: (OHNSON SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA JUNE, 1919 t- 'i ?c>^ Contents I. Introduction -. II. Tlie Problem 2 HI. The Outcomes ^ 1. A means of raising standards. 2. The improvement of methods of instruotion. 3. A better time distribution. 4. A check on teacher efficiency. 5. Types and modes of distribution and variability. 6. Stimulus to interest. IV. Other Studies of a Similar Nature. 4 1. Origin of standardii^ed tests. 2. The first school survey. ; 3. Types of survey, 4. Indiana survey. a. Method of procedure, to. Results. 5. Other studies. r 6. General method used in this study. ■ V. Methiod of Procedure " g 1. Derivation of standard scales and tests. ^ 2. Securing of data. 3. Tiabulating and graphing of data. r 4. Statistical methods involved. a. Median. b. Variability, c. CoriTBlation. VI. Formulation of Standards g 1. Suhjects chosen. 2. The tests' used. , 3. The invitation to co-operate. 4. Bureau of Educational Research. a. Foreword. b. Scale use illustrated. 1. Handwniting experiment, a. Results, 0. Us© of istandard tests-. d. Significant situationsi reveale'd. 1. Studies in Arithmetic. 2. Studies in Hamdwritinig, ' 3. Studies in Spelling. 4. Studies in Reading. e. Dates for igiving tests. ; f. Special aid, g. Additional tests. h. Correspondence invited. :' i. Giving of the tests. j. Directions for giving tests. k. Testing for accuracy. 1. Resulting ta'bles. VII. Report on Handwriting 25 1. Fall tests. 2. Median explained. 3. Quartile range. 4. Percentage of variability, 5. Distribution. 6. Spring tests. 7. Comments. a. Work as a whole. b. Range of variability. c. Grade diagnosis. d. Influence of suggestion. e. Recommendations. f. Graph. g. Table — Quaility. h. Table — Speed. VIII. Report on Spelling 33 1. The test. 2. Comments and reoommendations. a. Class and city diagnosis. 3. Table. 4. Graphs. a. 50-word list. b. Grades by separate lists. c. Fall and spring distribution. d. Fall and spring scores by cities. IX. Report on Reading 40 1. Spring tests. 2. Comments and recommendations. a. Class diagnosis. b. Range. c. Conclusions. d. Significance of the papers. 3. Graph — estate by grades. 4. Table. 5. Graph — fall and spring scores by cities. X. Report on Arithmetic 45 1. Tests used. 2. Comments and recommendations. a. Comparison with Kansas ajnd Indiana. b. State as a whole — ^addition. 3 Graphs. a. Accuracy in the four fundamentals. b. Speed in Addition and Subtraction. c. Speed in Multiplication and Division. 4. Tables. a. Addition, speed and accuracy. b. Subtraction, speed and accuracy. c. Multiplication speed and accuracy. d. Division, speed and accuracy. Summary of South Dakota Standards 56 XI. Conolusionsi and Recommendations 57 XII. Correlations 58 XIII. Bibliography 66 niiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I. INTRODUCTION. The present study was undertaken solely as an effort to co- operate with the more progressive superintendents and principals in South Dakota cities and towns for the better understanding of school conditions with a view to bettering them. From its inception the writer had no thought of receiving scholastic recog- nition for the study and research. Indeed, this idea came only after the work was well under way and most of the first series of tests had been given. In standard scales and tests the educator of today has instru- ments for diagnosing educational situations. By using some of the best understood and most thoroughly standardized of these tests the writer wished to find answers to these four questions : 1. How well can the children in the elementary grades of the city and town schools of South Dakota read? 2. How rapidly and accurately do these children perform the four fundamental operations in arithmetic? 3. How proficient are they in spelling? 4. How well can they write and what is the speed at which they write ? These questions have been answered with a very high degree of accuracy. Innumerable other problems connect themselves with the solution of those enumerated as will appear in the fol- lowing pages. Numerous comparisons are possible now that these fundamental outcomes are known. While the writer takes some pride in the completion of the present task he is overwhelmed with a keen realization of the fact that the real problem of betterment is still for the future. He recognizes that this study is only a small beginning on a small area of the illimitable school field. It is but the beginning but it is a beginning. The writer wishes to acknowledge a deep debt of gratitude to Dean Lotus D. Coffman, of the University of Minnesota, for pointing out not only methods for solving this big and challeng- ing problem but also for the suggestion that a close analysis of the processes involved would constitute a worthy contribution to the science of education. It has been the author's privilege to have had the personal counsel of the authors of the standard tests and scales used, Dr. M. E. Haggerty, Dr. Leonard P. Ayres Page one llllllllllllliiilliitiililillllliiliiilliiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiniiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliriiiliii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiriiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and Mr. S. A. Courtis, and to them he feels personally grateful. To Professor Van Wagenen, of the College of Education, Uni- versity of Minnesota, and to Professor C. C, Stech and Pro- fessor Harry N. Fitch, of the department of education of the Northern Normal and Industrial School, the author is indebted for many valuable suggestions ct details in plan and method. The writer also wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Mrs. Leroy Crawford, Miss Ivy Husband, Mr. Clayton Schmidt and to a score or more upper class students of the Northern Normal and Industrial School for many hours spent in assisting in the countless scorings and computations which this undertaking has involved. While the co-operating superintendents and prin- cipals and their hundreds of teachers may be thought of as the prime beneficiaries of this study, without their hearty co-opera- tion the project would have been impossible. II. THE PROBLEM. The problem, in brief, is to ascertain what standards of edu- cational accomplishment actually obtain in the elementary grades of town and city schools of South Dakota. This problem involves a study of the methods of obtaining reliable data and a carefully worked out plan of obtaining the data. This, in turn, is based upon problems of statistical methods and of standardized educa- tional tests and measurements. Finally come the problems of the organization of the data in tabulated, comparative and graphic forms and the testing and demonstration of these data for reliability. Reliable conclusions may then safely be derived and confidently submitted to the teachers of the state. These measures of present efficiency will constitute temporary goals of achievement for schools that fall short of the median standards and points for advance or transfer of emphasis for the schools that are above the standard. III. THE OUTCOMES. What may we expect from a research of this kind? "What's the use?" These omnipresent questions need to be answered in definite terms. The following are set as objectives and outcomes to be realized through this study. 1. A means of raising standards. Definite knowledge of Page two iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIMIIIirillllllMIIMI Mlinillf IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllMlllllltlltlllllllll actual conditions must precede intelligently directed progress. There can be no such thing in education as the complete realiza- tion of aims ; a new goal is always projected from the one already attained. To learn in definite, objective terms what attainments have been made is to obtain a vantage ground for projecting plans for further progress. This is particularly true when it is discovered that the pupils are short of the attainment of the majority in the same grades. 2. The improvement of methods of instruction. The ultra conservative criticise modern educational measurements on the ground that they are simply diagnostic ; they are not prescriptive ; they reveal the disease but not the remedy. There is a measure of truth in this criticism. Prescription, however, is based upon diagnosis. Definite knowledge of the existing pathology is the sine qua non for intelligently directed remedy. To know where weakness exists is to know where to place emphasis. In most cases a remedy is immediately suggested. 3. A better time distribution. The appraisal of attainments and a knowledge of their distribution suggests immediately points for maximal and minimal stress. A most cursory glance at , comparative standards reveals the fact that some elements of attainment are being sacrificed at the expense of more desirable ones. The tables showing the time devoted to a subject in a given school are very significant, indeed. 4. A check on teacher efficiency. This is a mediate out- come. The present study is of a confidential nature and protects the inefficient school and inefficient teacher from public criticism. The data, however, are at hand for such an appraisement and the way is pointed out for an ultimate check on teacher efficiency. 5. The types and modes of distribution and variability. Under this head is grouped a number of outcomes of far-reaching significance. Several kinds of arithmetical abilities are patently revealed in the simple Courtis tests. There are several kinds of spelling abilities and reading abilities. Even the objective out- comes of handwriting reveal several kinds of attainments, one pupil's handwriting showing legibility but not uniformity or beauty, another showing a marked degree of beauty with a low degree of legibility, a third sacrificing quality for speed, etc. The high percentage of variability in attainments in certain schools suggests a searching for the causes in faulty gradation, irregu- Page three IIIIIIIIIIIMillllMlllllllirilllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIlllMIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiii i larity of attendance, variability of extra-school surroundings, poor teaching methods, etc. Indeed, the whole gamut of educational factors is opened to re-examination. 6. A stimulus to interest. Comparisons may sometimes be odious but they are usually stimulating. Not only are compari- sons of schools made possible but comparisons of attainments are also possible. The former may be said to stimulate emulation and the latter to suggest elimination. It is the almost invariable experience that these studies when properly conducted cause the teachers and pupils to take a marked interest in their work and in the process of learning. The latter is a most desirable outcome if not carried too far. When the teacher asks herself, "Why are my pupils inaccurate in adding," or the pupils ask of themselves a similar question, there is hope for immediate im- provement. The most universal type of school motivation is superinduced, the desire for progress. IV. OTHER STUDIES OF A SIMILAR NATURE. In 1892 a series of articles on "The American Public School," by J. M. Rice, appeared in The Forum.^ They purported to be word pictures of actual teaching in some of the schools of certain cities in the United States with the author's scathing criticisms. A few years later Dr. Rice conceived the idea of giving the same tests in arithmetic and spelling in various schools and succeeded in accumulating much interesting data. This seems to have been the beginning of the modern movement in education in deriving standard tests and scales and in using them to evaluate teaching conditions and achievements. In 1908 C. W. Stone^ took up a similar problem in a more systematic manner. S. A. Courtis^ then started his work upon his now famous tests in the four funda- mentals in arithmetic. In 1910 E. L. Thorndike* developed his handwriting scale. Since that time a great many standard scales and tests have been derived, covering practically all subjects of the elementary and high school. The value of these instruments of evaluation 1 The Forum, Vol. XIV,. p. 145 et seq. 2 Stone, C. W., "Arithmetical Abilities and Some Factors Determining Them." Columbia University Contributions to Education (1908). 3 Courtis, S. A., "The Courtis Standard Tests in the Three R's" (1914). 4Thorndike, E. L., "Handwriting" (1916). Page four iiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii and appraisal of school work is inestimable. In 1910 the first definitely planned school survey^ was under- taken in the city of Boise, Idaho. During the next year a survey^ of the schools of New York City was begun and in this survey the Courtis arithmetic tests were employed. Since this time a great many surveys have been made and standard tests and scales have been employed more and more in these surveys. Two types of surveys to which this study is related are under- taken. One is an intensive study of some one school system, the other is an extensive study of the work being done in certain subjects in many systems. As this investigation is of the latter type we may note a few examples more in detail. One of the first thoroughgoing studies of a character similar to the present one was undertaken under the direction of M. E. Haggerty,^ in Indiana, in 1914. A comparative study of arith- metic abilities among the elementary school pupils in twenty cities was made, using the Courtis tests. Tests were given in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Information was also obtained as to when the children taking the tests had begun the study of arithmetic and the total school time devoted to the subject. A detailed tabulation was made of the number of attempts (speed) and rights (accuracy) of each operation (addition, sub- traction, multiplication and division) of each grade of each city, both in gross numbers and in per cents, with medians and varia- bilities. These data were also graphed. Tables showing the ranking of the grades of each city in attempts and rights and the total rankings were also given. An attempt to ascertain the optimum period for beginning arithmetic and the optimum period to be devoted to it were also made from a study of the tables showing the distribution of the times for beginning the study and the times devoted to it in comparison with the records of achievement of the children. Some rather startling results appeared in the tables. Some grades showing superior ability were devoting much less time to the subject than other grades which showed poorer ability. The fact that the test covered only the four fundamental operations, whereas the time reported 5 Van Sickle, J. H., "Progress in City School Systems," in Report of Commissioner of Education (1913). Vol. I, p. 109. 6 Supra (1914), Vol. I, p. 39. 1 Haggerty, M. E., "Arithmetic: A Co-operative Study in Educational Measurements" (191S). Indiana University Bulletin, Vol. XII, No. 18. Page five iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii covered all other arithmetical operations as well, prevented any very decisive conclusions. Among other somewhat similar surveys are those of Ash- baugh/ Bobbitt^ and Judd.^ Since these pioneer studies were made many similar ones have been made in nearly every state. This study follows, in the main, the methods used in the fore- going surve3^s. It differs in the kinds of tests and scales used and in the extent of the application of them, being more in kind and greater in extent (number of towns and cities) than most other similar undertakings. It also has the advantage of having made two tests of equal difficulty during the same school year. V. METHOD OF PROCEDURE. 1. Derivation of Standard Scales and Tests. A detailed examination of the methods of deriving a standard test or scale does not concern this study excepting that the principles involved must be understood, rightly to interpret the data derived from the giving of the tests. Uniformity of procedure with uniform material, and results from large numbers of children are essential to the standardiza- tion of a test or scale. This briefly summarizes the principles observed by Ayres in deriving the spelling and writing scales used, by. Courtis in deriving the arithmetic tests, and by Hag- gerty in revising the Thorndike reading test. The Ayres spelling scale has one advantage over other scales in that the spelling difficulties are distributed according to a fre- quently used probability surface.* This makes it possible to make a rigid mathematical analysis of the spelling difficulties, with a narrow range, of all of the thousand words in his list. 2. Securing of data. The custom which has obtained in this study and in studies of a similar nature to this has been as follows : a. Tests are sent to co-operating teachers with full printed instructions as to the giving and tabulating of the tests. 1 Ashbaugh, E. J., "The Arithmetical Skill of Iowa School Children." University of Iowa Extension Bulletin No. 24 (1916). 2 Bobbitt, J. F., "The Illinois Survev" (1917), p. 223. SJudd, C. H., "Measuring the Work' of the Public Schools" (1916). * Treated as Form A, by Thorndike. (See Chapter XIII of his Mental and Social Measurements.) Page six iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii b. Score sheets together with all test papers are received. c. Scoring of individual papers is checked and tested for accuracy and rescoring made when neces- sary. Tabulated returns are corrected when necessary. 3. Tabulating and graphing of data. 4. Statistical methods involved. The classification and interpretation of the data are based upon certain accepted statis- tical methods. A few of the definitions, explanations and form- ulae employed in this study are as follows : a. Median. This is the point above and below which are found an equal number of cases. In determining this point the formula used by Whipple^ was followed in computing the spelling N + 1 medians in the first test. Formula : M— 2 After the appearance in the Seventeenth Year Book, Part II, pp. 121-2, the National Society for the Study of Education, of N Buckingham's arguments for the formula M=: — , the latter was 2 adopted for the remaining computations. The method of com- puting the median is explained in following pages. Intervals of distribution are interpreted by the method used by Courtis.^ If the measures are 1, 2, 3, etc., the interval is inter- preted as extending from 1 to 1.9; from 2 to 2.9, etc. b. Variability. In computing variability the measures "me- dian deviation" and "percentage of variability" are employed. Median deviation is the median of the deviates of the several measures in the distribution from their median or central ten- dency. Where distributions are normal this is the "probable error." Percentage of variability is the measure of variability (median deviation) divided by the central tendency (median). The quartile range is explained on following pages. c. Correlation. The principle was adopted that calculations should not be refined beyond the accuracy which their original 1 Whipple, Guy Montrose, "Simple Processes," p. 9. 2 Courtis: "Standard Tests," Folder D, Series B, p. 8. This is the "Definite Step" of James. See School and Society, March 16, 1918, pp. 319-20. Page seven iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii measures would warrant.^ The method employed for calculating correlations was the rank difference method: F=l n(n2— 1) r is found from table.^ No r is considered as entitled to scientific consideration unless it is > 3 P. E.^. Other correlations and statistical treatments are explained when used. VI. THE FORMULATION OF SOUTH DAKOTA STANDARDS. 1. Subjects chosen. The subjects chosen were the four fundamental elementary school subjects: (1) writing, (2) spell- ing, (3) arithmetic, and (4) reading. It was believed that stand- ard attainments in these subjects would constitute a fair index for appraising the character of the work in the elementary schools of the state. 2. The tests used. Arithmetic: Courtis Standard Research Tests, Series B, Form 4. Handwriting : A stanza of simple poetry written and rewrit- ten for three minutes and scored with the Ayres Handwriting Scale, Gettysburg edition. Spelling : Three tests from three lists taken from the Ayres Measuring Scale for Ability in Spelling. Reading: Haggerty's Understanding of Sentences, Scale Beta I. 3. The invitation to co-operate. An invitation to all of the principals and superintendents of town and city schools was pre- pared and extended.^ Forty-two of them responded and have actively co-operated in getting these data. In preparing this invitation the fact that this kind of work is comparatively new was borne in mind. An attempt was made to put the invitation in such form as would secure the attention of the principals and superintendents and interest them in the project. The invitation, therefore, reported some of the results of related research work in non-technical terms and gave only enough tables and graphs to illustrate the possibilities of studies of this kind. As this invita- 1 Strayer and Norsworthy: "How to Teach," p. 283. 2Thorndike: "Mental and Social Measurements," p. 168. 3 Rugg: "Statistical Methods," p. 272. 1 Bulletin of the Bureau of Research, Northern Normal and Industrial School, Aberdeen, South Dakota, July, 1918. Page eight iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tion to co-operate was prepared by the writer and was an essen- tial step in this investigation and study, it is given in full. BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. Foreword. Within recent years a great movement has been started in the field of education in measuring educational progress and in test- ing methods and procedures. While present methods of educa- tional and mental diagnosis leave much to be desired they have proved to be instruments with which every teacher should be thoroughly familiar. For a number of years the Northern Normal and Industrial School has been doing considerable work in familiarizing its pros- pective graduates with these recent scientific studies in education, in helping them to acquire the use of scales, measures, and tests and teaching them how to interpret data derived from their use. The splendid practice facilities afforded in the city schools of Aberdeen make this work unusually successful. It is the purpose of the Bureau of Educational Research to widen the scope of this scientific study of problems of education. It is the desire of the school to stimulate this type of study and investigation on the part of progressive superintendents and teachers of the state and to be of service to them. The school can be of assistance in giving tests and in organizing and tabulat- ing the data and in drawing conclusions from the educational situations revealed. Scale Use Illustrated. This bulletin will fall into the hands of some teachers and superintendents who are not familiar with these studies. The following illustration of the use of a scale may make clearer these studies and experiments whereby education is being made more definite. Two samples of handwriting were passed out to a class of fifty-nine normal students, most of whom had had teaching expe- rience. These samples were of exactly equal quality and two were used simply to facilitate the work of grading. The students were asked to grade the papers, each one marking independently of the others the grade in per cent on a card. They were asked Page nine iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiriiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii to grade on the basis of legibility. One person estimated the handwriting to be worth 35, and four thought it should be graded 90, the range of grades covering 55 points. The distribution of grades is shown in the following diagram. Each dot represents a student's grade. The median or middle grade was 75 and the average grade was 72. The mode or number most often was 80 . 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Fig. 1. Grading a Paper Without Using Scale. Distribution of 59 normal school students' grades given a paper in handwriting without the use of a scale. Each dot repre- sents the grade assigned by one student. Page ten iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Illlllllllliuilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Fig. 2. Grading Same Paper, Using Scale. Same as Figure 1 excepting that the normal school students used a scale in grading the same handwriting sample. The same experiment was made with a class of forty-nine students in a university college of education, all of whom were teachers of extended experience. The following diagrams show that the results were essentially the same as with the normal school class : Page eleven iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiinii 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Fig. 3. Grading a Paper Without Using Scale. Distribution of grades given to the same sample of handwrit- ing as used in Figures 1 and 2, by 49 college students, no scale being used. 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Fig. 4. Grading Same Paper, Using Scale. Same as Figure 3 excepting that the college students used a scale. This experiment clearly demonstrated to these classes the fact that judgments of teachers are far more reliable when a standard scale is used. Many investigations which have been made in recent years have demonstrated the wide variation and lack of standards in evaluating school work, rating teachers, pro- moting pupils, etc. When a county superintendent in South Dakota reported the failure of a boy to pass the eighth grade the Page twelve iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiinitiriiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiniiriiiiiiiriiriiiiiiriiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii irate parent flashed before him the pupil's monthly reports show- ing his grades from month to month never fell below 90 and averaged over 95! What was the trouble? Either the teacher did not have any definite or fair standard of evaluating his work or the teacher was dishonest. The latter alternative may be dis- missed. There was a time when such measures as mileb, feet, inches and other measures of definite value where unknown. Primitive people can only evaluate distances in such vague terms as "very far," "many days' journey," etc. In this early period of develop- ment economic values, weights, bulk, etc., were similarly vague. A horse was worth "heap-much," a large quantity was "like the leaves in the forest." Civilization was possible only when defi- nite, quantifying processes of evaluation were discovered and generally accepted. While the analogy can not be pressed, in a general way it may be said that education is emerging from the state of "very good" in handwriting to "number 14" in the Thorndike scale, or "85 in the Ayres scale" ; when "poor in com- position" is supplanted by a definite measure as "rated number 5 in description, Harvard-Newton Scale" ; when "passing in third grade spelling," is "Ayres Scale, 84 in J, 79 in K," etc. Take the instance of the handwriting sample which was judged by the classes as just described. Let us say it is rated 40 with the Ayres scale. The pupil can use the scale and see that that is a fair rating. Indeed, it is a great stimulus to the pupil to have such a scale before him and permit him to measure his prog- ress. This sample was taken from a fourth grade pupil in St. Paul. The Ayes standard for the fourth grade is 46. This is the median score of thousands of samples of fourth grade hand- writing obtained from many cities. The median of practically all of the fourth grade pupils taken in St. Paul is 49. Such a report as the following could be made : Report of Fourth Grade Handwriting Score 40 (Ayres standard score 46, St. Paul standard score 49.) Such a report would be intelligible to any well trained grade teacher in the United States. It would have definite significance to superintendent, supervisor, teacher, pupil and parent. Page thirteen iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iliiiiiiriiiiiiiiitiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiriiiiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiitrtiitiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiliiiiiliiiiliiii Use of Standard Tests. Figure 5 shows the improvement made by six third grades in reading in a South Dakota city. These grades are designated by rooms as A, B, C, D, E and F. The lower curve represents the scores made by the six third grades in December; the upper curve shows the standings of these same grades in the following May. 40 35 50 25 20 15 10 -^ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ I \ s^ May/ iVERAG r / _^ ^'^ / De< .EMBER Aver \QZ ^ Rooms A B D Fig. 5. Comparison of Reading Scores In Six Third Grades, December and May. The following table gives the scores of each of the third grades : Page fourteen IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIilllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Room December Score May Score Improvement A 3.8 38.3 34.5 B 5.0 37.7 32.7 c 8.7 17.9 9.2 D 10.9 18.8 7.9 E 12.4 36.3 23.9 F 17.2 19.4 2.2 It is quite noticeable that while all third grades improved in the five months' interval, not all grades improved equally. It is a remarkable fact that room A, which ranked lowest in Decem- ber, with a score of 3.8, improved the most both relatively and absolutely (34.5 points), finishing in first rank. The teacher of room A was considerably stimulated by the low ranking of her class in the December scores. She set deliberately to work to improve her grade and Figure 5 shows that she accomplished her purpose, this in spite of the fact that the children of her room, who were from the poorer homes, were thought by the rest of the teachers to be incapable of normal improvement. Is it not an excellent thing for a teacher to know the comparative standing and the improvement made by her pupils? On the other hand, room F, which ranked first in December, with a score of 17.2, improved the least, both relatively and absolutely (2.2), finishing the school year with rank four. Similar studies in any city are almost sure to reveal equally illuminating facts. Superintendents and teachers find the scientific use of stand- ard scales and tests splendid instruments for evaluating their methods. Are the customary methods employed in teaching the four fundamental operations in arithmetic the best that can be evolved ? The fact to be mentioned presently that one city gave twice the time to arithmetic that another city gave and got poorer results, shows that great improvement in methods is possible. An experiment was made in the fifth grades in two South Dakota schools to test the efficacy of a certain form of number drill. The following table shows the results, school W being the one em- ploying the special drill, school M using the customary number work, both schools devoting the same amount of time to arith- metic work between the October test and the April test. Page fifteen iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiimiimmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilililll School W School M Speed 1 Accuracy Speed Accuracy Addition October Score 6.5 7.6 + 1.1 43% 58% + 15% 6.4 6.4 .0 39% April Score 43% Change + 4% Subtraction October Score 6.8 8.7 + 1.9 51% 78% +27% 6.6 8.1 + 1.5 58% April Score 61% Change + .3% Multiplication October Score 5.9 8.1 +2.2 44% 68% +24% 5.7 5.3 — .4 53% April Score 73% Change +20% Division October Score 4.1 5.2 + 1.1 39% 67% +28% 3.9 5.0 + 1.1 36% April Score 60% Change +24% From this table it will be seen that in the process of addi- tion school W improved in speed from 6.5 examples to 7.6 exam- ples, making an improvement of 1.1 examples; the increase in accuracy was from 43% to 5S%, a gain of 15%. On the other hand school M made no improvement in speed, remaining at a score of 6.4 examples ; and it increased in accuracy from 39% to 43%, a gain of only 4%. School W showed a decided gain in accuracy over school M in all operations and a superior gain in speed excepting in division, where the schools tied. It is quite evident from these data that the particular system of drills employed in school W gave better results than the cus- tomary methods employed in school M. In a similar way scien- tific measurement may be employed in other phases of education as well as in arithmetic. Significant Situations Revealed. Work of this kind often reveals many interesting and signifi- cant situations and opens the way to remedying defects thus dis- covered. A few scattered cases may make this clearer. One fifth grade in city A in South Dakota was found to be better in thought getting in silent reading than any sixth grade in the city and than several seventh grades. Was this a fact worth Page sixteen iiiii!iinMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllltlllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII discovering? A seventh grade in city S in Minnesota was found to be twelve points higher in speed in writing than the median for that grade in the city, but six points lower in general quality. Was a discovery of this sacrifice of quality for speed worth knowing? City number fifteen in Indiana spent one hundred thousand minutes in arithmetic in the grades, city number eight in the same state spent fifty-two thousand five hundred minutes in arithmetic. The pupils in city eight, however, worked twelve per cent faster than those in city fifteen and were equally accurate. Was an investigation into the methods in use in city fifteen in order? Without this scientific study how long would it have been before such an investigation would have been made? Two twins looked and dressed very much alike. They were rated by the personal judgments of their teachers as equal in ability. Careful tests, covering several months, showed them to be mentally very unlike, and educationally at least fifteen per cent apart. Was there a need for an objective, impersonal meas- ure and did this startling showing help the teacher in revising not only her estimate but also her teaching? On what definite facts do you base your judgments as to the qualities of your teachers or your teaching? Do you know how your ten-year-olds are distributed in the grades, in subjects, and in rate of progress? One leading superintendent in South Dakota said, after co-operative investigation with us and study for a year, "If all the information we have obtained concerning the actual work going on in our schools had been valueless, though it was far from that, the work was well worth the while in the spur and the quickened interest it gave all of us, superintendent, supervisors, teachers, and pupils." Work Proposed for 1917-18. For the year 1917-18 the Bureau of Research of the Northern Normal and Industrial School will undertake work along four lines, as follows: A. studies in arithmetic; B. studies in hand- writing; C. studies in spelling; D. studies in reading. A. Studies in Arithmetic. The Courtis standard tests in arithmetic have been used widely in measuring the results of school work in the four fundamental processes. In several states Page seventeen iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii iiriiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiii they have been used by superintendents in co-operative investiga- tion. Standard state scores have been established in some states. It is proposed to make a similar use of the tests in South Dakota. If a number of superintendents and principals will give the tests during the current year and send the results to the Bureau of Educational Research, comparative studies will be made and the results will be issued in printed form. Each school officer will thus be able to know the ranking of his own school in reference to the South Dakota standard which will be developed. No gen- eral publicity is given by this Bureau as to the results of tests in any school or city. Schools and cities are designated by symbols in all tables or published statements. The use of the Courtis Arithmetic Tests is advised in grades five to eight. B. Studies in Handwriting. In the field of handwriting an opportunity will be afforded for the use of one of the newest edu- cational scales produced by Dr. L. P. Ayres, of the Russell Sage Foundation, the Gettysburg edition of his handwriting scale. The test sheets used in obtaining the samples of pupils' handwriting are especially prepared in order to render uniform and standard the condition of testing from school system to school system. The use of this test is advised in grades three to eight. C. Studies in Spelling. The study in spelling will be largely concerned with words in common use in English writing. The list of words used will be selected from the studies of recognized authorities. The use of this test is advised in grades three to eight. D. Studies in Reading. Reading is considered by ma,ny the most important single subject in the common school cur- riculum. Conflicting methods in teaching reading are the subject of much discussion and controversy. Definite data obtained through careful investigation are needed in this field. The Read- ing Scale Beta for the Understanding of Sentences has been widely used as a test of thought-getting ability. It is hoped that a South Dakota reading standard may be determined and that scientific methods of testing results in reading may be encour- aged. These reading tests are devised for grades three to eight or nine, one set being for grades three to five and the other for grades six to eight or nine. Dates for Giving Tests. That relatively uniform conditions may be obtained it is urged that two tests be planned, one in the Page eighteen iiiinintMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirMiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiMiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitMiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiM early fall and the other in the late spring. Progress in learning may then be measured and fall and spring standards derived for the state. It is urged that these tests be given during the last week in September or the first week in October so that the results can be treated, as a whole, as October 1st scores, and that the tests to be furnished for the spring be given the last week in April and the first week in May so that the results may be treated as May 1st scores. Any school not giving the tests at approximately the same dates and under other uniform conditions will lose the opportunity to make comparisons with other schools as to condi- tions and progress. Special Aid. Frequently school executives are unable to secure adequate assistance in compiling the data obtained by means of standard tests. The Bureau will arrange and compile gratis any and all materials included in the four proposed fields. In these fields all that the co-operating members need to do, is to conduct the giving of the tests and to return all materials to the Bureau where the compilations will be made. By special arrange- ments the school will furnish an expert to give tests and any instructions relative to this work. Additional Tests. Although it seems best for common educa- tional interests that an intensive study be made along a few lines only, prospective members who are interested in other fields of work may receive suggestions and other aid from the Bureau on tests in the following school subjects: reading (vocabulary), lan- guage, composition, grammar, arithmetic (Woody tests), geog- raphy. United States history, algebra, and Latin. Correspondence Invited. Persons desiring to become identi- fied with the Bureau should determine what line or lines of inves- tigation they wish to follow and write for further information regarding the problems in which they are interested. The Bureau will be glad to answer questions regarding any of the proposed studies. Address all communications to Bureau of Educational Research, Northern Normal and Industrial School, Aberdeen, South Dakota. 4. The Giving of the Tests. Full and complete instructions for each test were furnished each room teacher or principal who gave the tests. These instructions were as follows : Page nineteen IMIMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMinilMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIII iHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiii HANDWRITING Directions for Giving and Scoring Tests. 1. Materials. Paper with a stanza of simple poetry printed at the top. 2. For grade 3 two well sharpened pencils. 3. For grades 4-8, pen and ink. 1. Method of Giving Test. Distribute to each pupil one sheet of the paper. 2. Have the pupils write the information called for in appropriate blanks at the top of the page. 3. Have the children read the stanza through silently sev- eral times so that they may write it easily without looking back at the printed form too frequently. 4. Give the following instructions to the class: "I am going to test your handwriting. You will be given three minutes in which to write. If you fill one page turn the sheet over and write on the other side. You will be graded both on the amount you write and how well you write. You must, therefore, write as well as you can, and also as fast as you can. When I say 'Ready,' seef that your paper is properly placed and that your pen is inked. When I say 'Start,' begin to write and continue to write until I say 'Stop.' Remember : Fast work and gOod work. Ready. Start." Give exactly three minutes. The time can be kept with the second hand of an ordinary watch. The teacher will find it advantageous to start the children at the beginning of the minute when the second hand is on the 60 mark. Before taking up the papers have each pupil count the num- ber of letters he has written. He should write this number at the top of his test sheet. The Ayres Scale. The Ayres scale was arranged on the principle of legibility, i. e., the time required for the reading of a specimen of handwriting determined where it should be placed on the scale. The specimens at the right are quickly read. Those at the left require a longer time for the reading of the same number of words. In using the scale, this fact must be kept in mind. Method of Scoring. The method of using the scale is a Page twenty iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitieiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiMiMiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiini method of comparison. Arrange the papers of the class in an alphabetical order. Take the first child's paper and place it beside the lower part of the scale. If you judge the handwriting to be better than the specimen under 20, compare it with those under 30 and so on up the scale until you find the section it is most nearly like. In making the comparisons it is best to pass on up the scale until you reach specimens which are clearly superior to the one you are grading. You then go back on the scale until you reach the section again which you deem most like the writing you are grading. Several movements up and down the scale may be necessary to fix the correct score. If you judge the writing to be not so good as the specimen on the scale but better than the one next lower on the scale, give it a value intermediate between the two. In order to use the scale effectively, it is necessary to keep in mind exactly what it is supposed to measure. Your judgment should not be based on similarity of form, of slant, of alignment, of spacing, or of beauty. The Ayres scale is a scale for legibility, i. e., ease of reading and the judge should keep this fact con- stantly in mind. On your ability to do this will depend your efficiency in using the scale. If judgment is made on the likeness of any other element, the result will be unsatisfactory. Final Score. When you have located the specimen satis- factorily, write the name of the pupil on the class record sheet and write the score beside the name in the column marked "First Judge." Do not put any mark on the child's paper. Secure similar marking for each paper from two other persons who know how to use the scale. When all the marks of the three judges have been recorded on the class record sheet make out the "final score" for each pupil. For this "final score" choose the value intermediate between the other two scores. Thus, if a composition is graded 45, 55, and 60 by three judges, the intermediate value is 55 and this would be the "final score" of the writing. (1) Class Score. Arrange the final scores in a column in order of magnitude, placing the highest score at the top. (2) Divide this column by drawing a horizontal line through a score or between two scores so that as many scores Page twenty-one iiiiiiniiiiUHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllltllMIIIMMHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllli appear above the line so drawn as appear below it. (3) In a similar fashion, divide the scores falling below the line into two halves. When this is done, three-fourths of all the scores of the class will appear above the line just drawn, (4) The score immediately above this line will then be considered the score for the class, because three-fourths of the class will equal or exceed that score. DIRECTIONS FOR TESTING SPELLING ABILITY IN GRADES 3 TO 8. The Test. The test consists of SO words divided into three lists, two of fifteen words each and one of twenty words. The lists are as follows : List 1. dress begun sight goes paid ticket recover deal event again follow case those who few List 2. List 3. engage motion addition improvement firm total debate arrive represent assist entire examination estate affair due neither field marriage Saturday serious themselves condition justice opinion wonderful piece although witness imprison system terrible property convict factory relative Method of Giving the Test. These words should be pronounced by the teacher to the Page twenty-two niniiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii correctly during the entire test. In the column marked "Per Cent," record the per cent of all words correctly spelled. Class Score. As there are fifty words in the three lists the value of each word is 2%. Thus if a pupil spells thirty-two words correctly, his score in per cent will be 64. The totals are found by adding each of the four columns, including records from all of the children in the class. The "class percentage for each list" is found as follows : To find the class percentage for list 1, multiply the number of children by 15 (the number of words in list 1), and divide the total correct spellings in that list (shown as total in list 1) by that product. Suppose there are thirty children in the class and the total number of correct spellings in the first test, list 1, is 270, the percentage of this class for list 1 will be 60 (i. e., 270 -^ (30 X 15) =60 per cent). The percentage for list 3 will be found in exactly the same way as for list 1 as there are fifteen words in list 3. In list 2 it should be observed that there are twenty words and therefore 20 should be substituted children as an exercise in written spelling. One list should be given each day. The children should not know about the words previous to the spelling exercise. There should be no previous practice in the spelling of these particular words and the spelling test should be kept out of sight of the children. At the top of each test paper the child should write his name, sex, age in years and months, grade, school, name of teacher, and the date of the test. These tests may be written on any paper of convenient size and, if possible, the same sheet should be used for all three lists, each list being properly headed. Immediately after each test the sheets should be collected and the scores recorded on "Class Record Sheet Number 1." Method of Scoring the Test. Individual Scores. The paper of each child should be scored for the number of words correctly spelled. This score should be recorded at the top of the test paper. Arrange the names of the class alphabetically on the class score sheet. Copy from the individual test sheets the number of words correctly spelled by each child each day. In the column marked "total" record the total number of words spelled Page twenty -three iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii for 15 in making the computations. At the bottom of the columns headed "1st list," "2d list," and "3d list," respectively, will be placed the class percentage for each list. At the bottom of the column headed "total" will be placed the class percentage for the three tests. This is the total class score. This is found as follows : Multiply the num- ber of children in the class by 50 (the total number of words in the three lists) and divide the total number of correct spellings in all three lists by this product. These directions will not be found difficult if they are fol- lowed literally and one step is taken at a time. When the individual children are recorded on Class Record Sheet No. 1, count the number of children making 100 per cent and record opposite 100 on Class Record Sheet No. 2. Proceed similarly with the number of children making each score. Grade and City Scores. Grade and city scores can be made in a manner similar to the making of class scores. In returning the results to the Bureau of Educational Research, include the individual test papers as graded and all class record sheets made out. READING AND ARITHMETIC. The directions for giving and scoring the tests in reading were those published as "Form 9" as arranged by the Bureau of Cooperative Research of the University of Minnesota. The directions and explanations published as "Folder D, Series B," Courtis Standard Tests, were sent out to. each of the cooperating cities and towns. 5. Testing for Accuracy. Upon receipt of the test papers of the pupils and the score sheets prepared by their teachers a painstaking work of verification was begun. Many papers had to be rescored and score sheets filled anew. In some cases considerable correspondence was necessary to ascertain, verify or confirm some information. Excepting for the fact that many different teachers gave the tests, a handicap which any extensive research of this kind must inevitably possess, the data may be considered accurate and reliable. • 6. Resulting Tables. The towns and cities cooperating in this study are as follows: Page twenty-four iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Aberdeen Ashton Belle Fourche Bradley Britton Brookings Chester Clark Conde Dallas Egan Fort Pierre Freeman Garretson Groton Hecla Huron Kimball Lake Preston Langford Lemmon Marvin Mcintosh McLaughlin Miller Mobridge Nisland Philip Redfield Sioux Falls Sisseton Sisseton (Rural) Stratford Volin Watertown Waubay Wilmot White Lake White Rock These towns and cities are indicated by numbers. The order is not alphabetical. Not all cities and towns completed the work in such form as made the data available for this report. VII. REPORT ON HANDWRITING. 1. Fall Tests. The handwriting tests were given in South Dakota cities and towns about October 1, 1917. For various reasons data from a number of the cooperating schools are not given in this report. Each city in these lists is designated by the letter C and a number, and each town by the letter T and a number. Neither list is arranged alphabetically. The handwriting attainments of the children in these cities and towns rank considerably below those of cities in general, as will be seen from the tables and graphs. The report shows the median scores for the school children in each city and town, by grades, the quartile range and the per cent of variability. As these terms may not be familiar to all, they are explained and illustrated as follows: 2. Median Explained. The median, or middle score, is used instead of the average for several reasons, principally because a few very good scores or a few very poor scores disturb the position of the average, but not of the median. The method of computing the median may be illustrated as follows : Page twenty-five iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Per No. of Cent Pupils 80 1 75 1 70 2 65 1 60 2 55 4 50 7 45 5 40 15 35 17 30 18 25 6 20 1 iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Here are the distributions of the scores made by seventh grade pupils in city 7 in quality of handwriting. There are 80 pupils in this grade. One scored 80%,* or more than 80% and less than 85%; one scored 75%, or more than 75% and less than 80%; two scored 70%, or more than 70% and less than 75%, etc. The median pupil is the 40th. (This is, strictly speaking, the mid-point.) To find the score of the 40th pupil we may begin at the bottom and count upwards, 1 + 6 + 18 = 25. The 40th is in the group of 17 pupils who score from 35% to nearly 40%. He is the 15th in the group. Let us suppose these 17 are evenly distributed from 35% to 40%.t The 15th in the group will be 15/17 of 5%, more -than 35%. This is 39.4%, the median score. This may be verified by counting downwards from the high- est ranking pupil to the 40th. l + l+2 + l + 2-|-4-(-7-|-5 -|-15 = 38. Two more will make 40. The second pupil down- wards into the group of 17 is the median. 2/17 of 5% less than 40% is his score. This is 40% — .6%, or 39.4%. 3. Quartile Range. By quartile range (Q) is meant the distribution of half of the class about the median, one quarter above and one quarter below. As this value is highly signifi- cant, the method of calculating it is illustrated as follows : Take the case of the 80 seventh grade children. The score of the 20th child from the bottom is the mark of the first quartile (or quarter, designated Ql). This score is computed by the same method as the median. Beginning at the bottom 1 -|- 6 = 7. The 13th case of the 18 in the next group is the score of the 20th child, or Ql. As we assume that the 18 children are scattered along evenly from 30% to 35%, the 13th of the 18, * Strictly speaking, these are not per cents. Ayres derived his scale by distributing his carefully rated samples in four equal steps on each side of SO, getting 20 as his lowest and 90 as his highest. In the attempt to simplify and avoid technicalities some slight inaccuracies may be pardoned. Those who wish to make a more complete study of statistical methods may consult Rugg: "Statistical Methods as Applied to Education"; Thorndike: "Mental and Social Measurements," and Monroe: "Educational Tests and Measurements," chapter VIII. An excellent bibliography of studies in educational measurements will be found in Part II of the Seventeenth Year Book of the National Society for the Study of Education. t If this sentence is understood there will be little difficulty in what follows. Page twenty-six iMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMi llllllllllllllimilllllMllilllllllllHIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIUIIIMIMIIIIIIIIimillllinMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilMIIIIMIIUIIIII who come between these per cents, will score 13/18 of 5% more than 30%. 13/18 of 5 = 3.6. 20% + 3.6% = 33.6% or Ql. Now the third quartile (Q3) will be the score of the 60th pupil. Adding from the bottom 1 + 6 + 18 + 17 -f- 15 = 57. The 60th will be the third in the group of 5 scoring from 45% to 50%. As the 5 are assumed to be evenly distributed from 45% to 50%, the third will score 3/5 of 5%, more than 45%, or 48%. This is Q3. The middle half of the pupils, from the 20th to the 60th, range in scores from 33.6% to 48%, or 14.4%. The quartile range will be one-half of this, or 7.2%. Thus we see that the middle quarter of the class vary 7.2% from the median.* 4. Percentage of Variability. This is a measure which takes into account both the median and the quartile range. It is found by dividing the Q and the M. From this fraction Q/M it will be seen that the smaller the Q or the larger the M (both marks of superiority), the smaller will be the quotient or per- centage of variability. 5. Distribution. One of the greatest discoveries of this century in education is the fact of individual differences. It was an underlying assumption of the pedagogy of the past that all children, save idiots and imbeciles, could make equal progress if they worked hard eflOUgh. The use of mental tests or meas- urements has clearly revealed a wide range of variability in intellectual capacities. A group system of instruction, however, must be based on fairly close classification. Too wide a range of abilities in the same class seriously interferes with successful teaching. This is less true, perhaps, in the case of writing than in other subjects. The following table shows the distribution of the 80 seventh grade pupils in quality of handwriting by grades according to Ayres' standard: Grade . ♦2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 36 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 35 13 11 4 5 4 3 2 Ayres Standard Scores. Number Children 66 4 • Less than second grade. •* More than eighth grade. From this it will be seen that although the 80 pupils were classified in the seventh grade 35 of them had less than second * If the distribution is normal Q is the same as the "probable error" (P. E.). Page twenty-seven IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllillllllillllllllUIMIIIIIIIIIIIIHniillllll llllilUIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii grade ability, 48 had less than third grade ability, etc. Only three in the group had seventh grade ability. It should be remembered that the Ayres scores are rather high and are mid- year or May scores, whereas these samples were taken in October. It should be remembered, too, that Ayres' standards are median scores, not passing scores. Spring Tests. The handwriting tests were given again in South Dakota cities and towns about May 1, 1918, each city and town keeping the same identification number used in the fall tests. In order to make the scoring for quality as nearly accu- rate as possible, all samples were judged by the same three people. The following table gives the median score, quartile range and variation for both fall and spring. Comments. A study of the following table and graph will immediately reveal the fact that as a whole the work of all grades is considerably below the standard for quality but above in regard to speed. It would look as though speed had been over-emphasized to the neglect of quality. In the fall the third and fourth grades were far below the standard, while now the third grade has sprung up above the standard for the fourth grade, and the fourth grade is slightly above the standard for the fifth grade. There is a very wide range of variability. The widest range in quality exists in the seventh grades, where TIO has a median score of 65% (above the eighth grade standard), and T13 has a median score of 35.8% (below the second grade standard), making a range of 29.2%. The eighth grade ranks next in regard to range, it being 26% between T2, with a median of 60% (2% below the eighth grade standard), and Tl, with a median of 34% (6% below the second grade standard). The lowest range of variability is shown by the fourth grades, where C13 has a median score of 39% (7% below standard), and C8 has a median score of 30.8% (15.2% below standard), a range of 8.2%. The range of variability is even greater in speed than in quality, it being greatest in the third grade, where Cll has a median score of 81 letters per minute (two letters per minute above the eighth grade standard score), and CI has a median score of 30.3 letters per minute (13.7 letters per minute below Page twenty-eight iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii vo PO 70 50 40 ^ i ^ f^ ^.' % ^ ® / /" / / ' n 2) . 1 if (a / 1 1 1 1 1 i \ \ 1 «0 40 ^O Quality HANPWRmNe 60 ro Page twenty-nine iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMii tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiMtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OS s MO OP5 OlO OCM 050 r-oweo oceinLO o t^ot-- neMTfc^mdoaoaooioaeoo MOSf'Sl^OSCR^IOOOCOe lftOsr)'T)'OM«I--WOOONf* -itwor-" «DL'5Mt^TfT-05O00"fl'«w«Dt» -eaosso i-^OMOoeor^-^Tj-ooooo •oAot~' «ST-i'*inaoo«»50»0!M05SSNi-i«r> OOOOSOrf^NNMOSCOT-iMOOM o9tor~-^05t-t>.ooct^t^®oini» ooeocsooocooirtooo'^o T- ® •* 1-1 M ■^ ■* 00 m r« in 1-1 00 ■^ •>* M- r- t^ •* » O fCi-i WO 00 CC O OCMi-O Ot'lrtMPtOO oeocirt e ut in 0^ M in tt i ecinri'in^s© «C 00 1- M O M t-' «' 1- 1- oc«cc cmMo ir: »-f" r^ O5 00 c. -w ■>*■«■ V in 1^ >P M IS o > OSOOr^OOMCOTHMMOOSOt^MON-^fOO-rf eO'*oinoi*o»coooNo»»Hmt>.T-iTHocoinco T" 1-1 N th T-l r< 1-c Ti T-i Tl 1-1 r- IN CO 1-1 IN M IM Ti «ee^^o^5c>^oo■*r-.ooootooJmc^^^Dlncn«o^^ ioinost^-9'coe<5"*t»ioi-»'*inMNTfoooo oiH0990ooocoooo«ooooinoo:>oin i-'t~-inini3VT-'O»tONI--T-i00«iOO3riNCOi-iC»J i<«'5T)'Tf"cnTj'coco^itT)ic<0"*-^co-^ini3"T»'Tj' to o ■lcor^oooot>.{ococo c01i"^»c^^1-'lNooo5l;DOsosoc^Ir»o>osc>^l-»co »H Tl 1H 1-1 W 11 i-< iH CM th iH 111-1 CMiii-t cowino-^fooeoosooNcomMMoeooos Trint-««ot~"inc4eomt^O'W«t^Tf'o>t>.in oinoeoo-a'OTj'otDowoooi-iot^o mco t^ t^t- T-roiii-iw •*l^ffOOi-i ■niint-t^co oot^oin in CO IN in r^. 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The fourth grades come second with a range of 49.6 letters per minute, where C13 has a median score of 105 letters per minute (the eighth grade standard is only 79), and C6 has a median score of 55.4 letters per minute (just above the stand- ard). The lowest range is shown by the fifth grade, where TIO has a median of 93.7 letters per minute (14.7 letters per minute above the eighth grade standard), and C7 has a median score of 64.4 letters per minute (.4 letter per minute above the fifth grade standard), making a range of 29.3 letters per minute. Every fourth, fifth and sixth grade represented here is above its standard in speed, likewise 15 thirds, 14 sevenths and 9 eighths (in all 90 classes), while there are 1 third, 2 sevenths and 4 eighths below the standard. In quality, TIO is the only place above standard in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, and Til is the only place whose third grade is above standard; thus there are but four classes among those represented herein which are above the Ayres standard. Among the third grades Til is the only one up to or above the standard in both quality and speed. TIO stands by itself as being the only place above Ayres' standards in both quality and speed in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades. More attention, however, should be given to quality in the eighth grade, where it fell considerably since fall, being sacrificed for unnecessarily high speed. It would now look as if quality is being sacrificed for speed rather widely throughout the state. Influence of Suggestion. After the fall scores had been computed and tabulated a circular letter was mimeographed and sent to the schools together with a tabulation of the scores. In this letter attention was called to the low rate of speed in the handwriting in the lower grades. It is probable that this sug- gestion to "speed up" was in part responsible for the exceptional increase in rate shown in the spring tests as the following table shows. The graph "Handwriting" shows this very vividly. Page thirty-two iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiniMiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiliiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiniiiiiiuiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiitrMiiiMiiiiiiiiriiiMiiiii Ill IV V VI VII VIII Fall 33.0 56.4 23.4 44.0 46.7 64.6 17.9 55.0 62.3 71.8 9.5 64.0 71.2 81.5 10.3 71.0 76.4 83.6 7.2 76.0 84.1 Spring 88.2 Gain 4.1 Ayres Standard 79.0 Handwriting — Gain in Speed. Recommendations. The first thing to be done is to bring the quaHty a little nearer the standard, permitting those classes which are writing at such a high rate to slow up a trifle, and speeding up those few which are slightly low, such as CI, third grade. Some classes, such as Tl, eighth grade, show merely a change of emphasis, writing a little more rapidly, but corre- spondingly poorer. Such classes need much more intelligently supervised practice. A careful study of scores by the individual schools will reveal their own weak and strong points, and when seen no doubt the remedy will be self-evident. VIII. REPORT ON SPELLING. The situation and progress in spelling were tested by means of three lists of words. The first list consisted of fifteen words selected by chance from Ayres' list J ; the second list, twenty words selected by chance from Ayres' list M ; the third list, fifteen words selected by chance from Ayres' list Q. The median score in the total of the three lists for each grade in each city is given. This afifords a very fair basis for comparison, grade for grade, city for city. The median on the first list is also given for the third and fourth grades, with an opportunity for comparison with Ayres' standard (list J. 84% for the third grade and 94% for the fourth grade). The same showing is made for the fifth and sixth grades with the second list (Ayres M), and for the seventh and eighth grades in the third list (Ayres Q). Lists of equal difficulty were given in spring and fall. The graph and table show the result for both spring and fall, permitting many comparisons, only a few of which can be drawn in this report. Page thirty-three iiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiriiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii itMiitiiniiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiii i iiimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Comments and Recommendations. The graph shows very conclusively what the children can do so far as words of the degree of difficulty of those represented are concerned. The scores as a whole are very high. It looks as if some schools are over-emphasizing the easy words and neglecting the more diffi- cult words. Til, third grade, is below the median in the 50 word list, and above the median and the standard for list J (the easiest words). CI and C7, third grade, are in somewhat the same position and show a strong lack of homogeneity. C3, C9 and Tl, fifth grade, are rather low on the 50 word list, but above standard for list M, indicating that not enough emphasis has been placed upon the more difficult words. C3, sixth grade, is below the standard, and more work is needed on all classes of words, it being low on list M, and below the fifth grade state median, in fact being only slightly above the fourth grade state median for the 50 word list. CJ , sixth grade, is also just above the fourth grade state median on the 50 word list, but is above the standard in list M, showing need of work upon the more difficult words. Til, seventh grade, needs more difficult words also, as does Tl, eighth grade. C9 is very good in spelling in all save the fifth grade. TIO deserves favorable mention, as do several others. It may be well to notice that the greatest improvement in the 50 word list median was made by C9, third grade, with 45 points, while Tl, third grade, comes next with 40 points. The third grade in TIO is equal in spelling to the state median for the fourth grade, and is as efficient as the sixth grade in C3 and C7. The seventh grade in C9 and the eighth grade in Tl are no better than the fourth grades in C8, C9 and T2. There is little difference in the state medians for grades five and six, seven and eight. The chart representing the distribution of medians will show that the general trend is higher in each grade for the spring. There is practically no difference between the spelling abil- ity of children in the cities and those of the towns. Page thirty-four iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIMIIItlllllllM IIIIMIIirrilllMtlllMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIHIIMIIinillllllllllMllltlllllllllfllllUIIIIIIIMI tlllMIIIHIItllll IIMMirillllMIII J ira c>q -m M ft — c 1-5 oc 1^ in 1^ -f --2 ■ ■ ■ r^ 1^ o L-3 o -nn c^ »-< M !>• M r^ O M O ic O C3 « OOOOOTI-ONOM oinooomoooM n i.T w lo -:> 1^ — n rt lO M^Masc-rotciaei^ C5 T-> s\j — • ft i."5 ;= M r^ o»ro — c'w-i-oo ?5 o s c c c oc <= m J 'T Ut <= Kt O OOO ft M oocffs- t>^ It C5 rr ft O Lt ft C: ft l.O C". c 'T 10 c o ooc < o c 1 OCOTf I'- l.t t^ I C O CIO t^cji.tccooe; = 00 LtOOCCCft — COOCDO C CftOO 00 1^ I-- o-fl- SOOt-OC C ft C3 ft o ftO l^ftOO -r'-rft r^in-^ 00 C". o r- C5 so b.^b'./:^;/3U.v:h> Pfl^e thirty-five iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiriiiMiiii .„„„„,„......... ................".">""""""" """"""" „„„„„iiiimiiiimiMiiiiiiirii niiu.iiniinm m n 17 T3 GRADES PRELUM 6 - 50 WORPS 301 "ZIQ Page thirty-six „.„„„„„„ "--""■ ■ """"•"■•""• „„„„ „ miiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiHi n Ill iiimimniiiMMmummmimmimmiiniiimiMim LIST -J- LI5T-M- m w Grades 85 30 7^ _ LI3T-Q- 100, 7^ 85 80 7«5 CD m Page thirty-seven „u iiniiiini iiiuiiiiniHiiiiniii unm miiiiiiiiMmiiiimiumMiimiiiiiii.iiinmnHi»i«M»"<""""" iiiiiiiiiiii iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THIRD GRADE * * * ***** ****** 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 100 FOURTH GRADE * * ***** ****** 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 FIFTH GRADE SIXTH GRADE * * * * .* * * * * * * * * * 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 SEVENTH GRADE 75 80 85 90 95. 100 EIGHTH GRADE * * * * * * * * * * « « 85 90 95 100 85 Oa 95 100 Each dot represents the fall median of some town or city, and each asterisk represents the spring median of some town or cit}'. Page thirty-eight iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin '*^-1 90 60 70 eo GRADE F ( ' , I ;c / T/o ' ' ^C6 CjC^i --^ 90 BO 70 e>o too 90 80 70 ■n r- I I ! c 7 r2 C 9 Grade vs C S <-' 6 ~iT-rJ^r I rn c^ c3 no C9 c8 c r r-// -< . • M rt o «3 C^I O l^ • • -r 30 . O ifj OO o • ■' -f' o .' ; o o o o i:d oc C5 • O O O C^ O ^ Tl • r^ y: c^ rt ^^ c^i f » ; Ti c c^ => o M 3c " • -r o ?^ 1.1 ^ i.o -r 5 = "-T 30 -r C5 c-5 o CO => •i-iajS:c5?i?ic' I" CO .-1 OO CJ M' OO -r O O • Co" — •' lO O IC — ' r-' o i-o 1^ iQ o — — 1^ 5 iQ -oi: '^ ^. ^ ^^ '"" 00 CM lO CO O ■ <= O O C: -^ o ~T W op m' M -< ri -j' r-' — O • 00 CO o" C^I r^ (m" oi CO ^i CO ci T~.-r£^^. -, ?i :S-^~:i '": '^ ^ '•? '^ -^ "* ~ ^ *< ■ ■= i-o ic o -r -o ITT ■©35i>5»r"rr^oci~»>nc;o ; ?J ^ ^ «: i; ^ —' o i^rj c ; 1 - "-; 00 o i- <= ^ir: c^^ o ! S 1^ £i "7 li '2 — '^ '^ "= = I -r fi 1.0 — »-• c ^"i'^o = rS • CO -r 3C o <= c 01 o o o c^' c^i *-< c-i *- --r c*i <— oc *« ■ — o Moc 1^ o"T~IH~c;~ - X CNi -rr 1^ If? 1-1 ' - ^ To ;i-;oocooci^cofOt;coo' • iM r~ CO CO o: o c^i c; lo m o ^?I lo Vn rJ lo c ^ c S = o " • '-' 1^ 00 CC — C cc OC OC — o •CMO »-. 1^-r-C O 1^ CO C C~ • CO lo i^ --r c^i c^i ^ c^i c^ oc o i^To oVToo^o CO cTc o~ • oc i^ o -r r- ■•— cvf ^- jsi o lO • ICO oe c to ■<* I <=; ci. 0-. oc -» • o n j_^;^co M- CO ;r-.^o. CI r^ _ • t^ ;s; " ■= '-•' —————— i^r: £5 n ; — • o ; oc oc oc oc lo •CO •00 -W t^-?).'r.i«5 = coo CI M c: CO C CO c o • C 1.0 UO •o'cico ■^ c o" •~ d ii^n n £2 £2 rr £i£2 ti s £^1 £2 _ o ::? _: 2 ^ cJ "? S ; O. -^^ C .O TT = CI -_ W O CO O Ot 00 o • >.o ^ ^5 ^ ^-loor^comi^r-ojo ■o oocor^r^r*co'^i*vi CI ■— CVI 1-1 CI Ti CI ^ CO ^ ;=^'-;oooco?oi^coci!=cic5"co<=:t^co" :=^sdi^'cjd-^r^--f£;ddddci • codr^ • 0-. IT, ^ CO Tl • d = d 1- d « D Bcor-I toy)—- ■ooocpoo^-ocioco^ . •-rd^-dci«;d_-.--d,-_-^-^;-d : :odd : :dcir.-co-cr; o -.o in •Qi o CO in o to co - CS O CO 00 CO i^ c «c»o05i-ii>^--rT-«i-Jd -ycocociiOi-i— ■cofoS r o T CO CJ OO o —■ lO CO lO —" CO ci d d • to lO LO CO lO CO — -oioco-r — aco^S ;Wr»ooT-mo>T->;~coroioco=- ci^o' ;^3?£*o t^C^^l^COCIOSOOOl OO O O O lO O -5< lO lO o »-iOT-'COT-CIl--oai-i p»o co^-"»d-~i-ia5 _: CO CO CO 10 :^^?^a;3^ ggggog°cgd ; r^jdd : jjdiidd •CI«-Trr>.,-^or^^i-,o,^-c:c5Cvi=. -"^loSS^^C S^^S • 1^ lO if.' CO CI _-COCl^CMcO .COl-.^'^TC ^gg_?ji g?^g:3g : :^^s-;y;so:: sooo^odr:d : r,^^- • oocciooi-Hi-i •^C5^c: — <=i' ■ ciT^T^oj d jj^jr^^^^'d : — CI. j N«oooinor)..t-is.-rri.r.c»ooi--ocooocicit^c=.ooLOLOLO^co I ^5S]nE2S!5'='!:^=»-r?'-='-rdi-.'r-.'ddo0i-;ddcii-'o5'on'c; " ^' " ' ' :Or-0. CO r^ LO »o CO r^ Cl *— • o> o CI i^OT!.c£>cimoociod •cici'^ • 1-1 ,-ir-..-i CI - i-irtr^ •ocoooinoioi^ci •r^ccio> • CO lo cct ^ r>. o CI o • 1^ lo d ;=»'-< «0i0 0Il-^O05C0i0r-'l^' • CI r>. o c: •^ ~ d o 00 T- d CM oo ''^ ~ — •" CI d CI Cl CI •oooooocr^moooo •ow g_ • i~.^^g g g-. .^gS-' -ciocic •O'^'-iT O — OOM •Cl^,-^ •OC2 00 = = — -i7o^ir=o"ccO ■ Cl Cl o -< G> ■ cj i^ ifi 00 -* •ClT-»roOCI ■ -rr e^. ai C-. oi • cT o o CO c? ■ -^CO O 5C CO •coc:= .loocoi-id CO lo •>; ' 1^ d -d i^ S • O — 00 M . M r- LO " •cicocsocor^oico lo 00 m cj i-> o 1 0T-.0 • 1- lO -^ 1^ CO S - • CO — 1^ CS O CO OCi 1 •dcoi- • .ooio-o-oooot-. •^oi" •-5r£5 -?S = S ^.-^r^SJir •SUT:2;'2" •■ooiocco ^ = ~co •ocoooeo •'dcoCTi'^ ~ -r =; i^ci^cr. i^li^^B3-i i = SJi !! =:i!l!M!: ci '•'' s '" Q < z w o B ^ niiniiiiiiniiiii ;:,•.« U, yj i, yj u, V3 i -y: -,■/: u, -/^u, -y: -, -y; -, y: ;i, .y:^, ^'^ ,_^_ ^ -^ r ^_ ^-^ ^^^ r' CO T« 'O U (J U tj CJ y 1-1 I- >-l — T-l Cl y O o o H H H H H Pa^e forty-thr ee '""*""" i"*'*'"> lIj^ "I I , 2r., rc-6^ c9_^Ci3_ ORAPEW. — 1 I ,5ot/c/ Line - Fa// Score's ^ro/fen /i/neS/i>r//7^ Scores \ 1 Reaping Page forty-four lIUIIilllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiMiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii X. REPORT ON ARITHMETIC. The Courtis Standard tests in the four fundamental opera- tions in arithmetic have been used very extensively and are, perhaps, the best known of all standard tests. These tests were given in the cities and towns of South Dakota both in the fall and in the spring, the results being given in the following tables and graphs. Comments and Recommendations. No fair and complete comparison can be made with the norms of Kansas,* whose results were gained by the use of tests given in midyear, but the Indianaf norms are May scores, and so it is fair to South Dakota schools to say that they are ahead in both speed and accuracy in all grades. The showing made by the state as a whole is very gratifying. Courtis Standards have been thought to be very high, almost unattainable in fact, but if as great progress is made in addition (which is the poorest) in the coming year as was made in the period between the October and May tests of last year, all except the eighth grade will be above the standard for speed, and will be rather well up in accuracy as well. The showing is a trifle better in subtraction, the sixth grade being the only one below standard to any noticeable degree, while the seventh is actually a little above. Accuracy is much more creditable, and equal progress during next year will put all grades up to a 100 per cent accuracy, the ultimate mark. In multiplication the fifth and sixth grades are slightly below standard, and the seventh and eighth are above, while equal development of accuracy will put all grades near 90 per cent, which is creditable. In division the state is well up in speed and accuracy, all grades being close to or above the standard for speed, while equal development of accuracy will raise all grades to the 100 per cent mark. For the state as a whole addition needs most care. The rec- * Monroe, W. S. : "A report of the use of the Courtis Standard research tests in Arithmetic in 24 cities." Bureau of Educational Measurements and Standards. 4 No. 8, p. 94. State Normal School, Emporia, Kansas. t Haggerty, M. E. : "Arithmetic, a co-operative study in educational measurements." University of Indiana Studies. Bulletin 27, 1915, 385-508. Page forty-five iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiniiriiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiitiiiiiiiMiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiMMiii ord in both speed and accuracy is here the farthest from the standard set by Courtis. Addition. A study of the tables will reveal many most interesting conditions, only a few of which may here be men- tioned. Til, fifth grade, addition, was lowest in speed in the fall, and in the spring was highest, while at the same time it made good progress in accuracy, although it did not rise to the state median. Progress in both speed and accuracy looks well, inasmuch as it shows that neither is permitted to suflfer for the sake of the other. On the other hand, C13 made a little progress in speed, but fell decidedly below its fall record for accuracy, showing merely a change of emphasis, though its accuracy record is still above the state median. C6 is up to standard in speed and above the state median in accuracy, a good showing. C3 is best in accuracy, in spite of the fact that it was below the state median in the fall, and has likewise made some progress in speed, though not as much as might be desired. C9 deserves notice as being about as accurate as the state as a whole, and above the state median in speed. Among the sixth grades sev- eral deserve special notice. T13, median speed, accuracy about 82; Til, speed above state and accuracy above state median; TIO, median speed, accuracy above state median ; T9, gain in speed, loss in accuracy, still below fall median in accuracy, but a little above state median in speed; Tl, wonderful progress in both speed and accuracy, in fall way below median, now almost up to median accuracy and up to Courtis Standard in speed; C8 developed a speed greater than the Courtis Standard, but is low in accuracy, though still above median; C6 has made the same progress in speed and accuracy as has the state as a whole, above median to some extent in both characteristics; C5 is now very little better than the state median for last fall. In the seventh grades T13 is sacrificing speed to accuracy, while Til is sacrificing accuracy for speed ; TIO deserves notice, as it has made remarkable progress in both speed and accuracy, being first in the state in both speed and accuracy among the seventh grades ; T2 is sacrificing speed for accuracy to too great an extent ; C9 deserves notice, being above standard in speed and above median in accuracy ; C8 has too high an accuracy for its speed, being second in state in accuracy, but below the state fall median Page forty-six iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiriiiMiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiriiiiriiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii in speed ; C6 again makes progress corresponding to that of state median ; likewise C5 ; C4 is up to Courtis Standard in speed and above median in accuracy, making very good progress ; CI has sacrificed speed for accuracy too much. C8 and TIO, eighth grade, deserve notice, because they are up to Courtis Standard in accuracy ; TIO is also above Courtis Standard for speed, but C8 is a trifle below the median for the state in speed. C9 has a very good record, as has Til ; C4 is doing good work; C5 is no better in speed (below state median for fall) than it was last fall, and shows a lesser degree of accuracy, it being the only city to drop in accuracy. C13 is doing good work; CI is up well in accuracy, but low in speed. Subtraction. There are several cities deserving notice among the fifth grades. CI, below the fall state median in speed, came up to Courtis Standard, and leads the cities in accuracy; C6 is. up to standard in speed and above median for accuracy. C8 is sacri- ficing speed too much ; C9 is above Courtis Standard in speed and above the median for accuracy; T2 is in excellent condi- tion; T9 needs work in accuracy; TIO ranks first in speed and is almost up to the median in accuracy ; T9 is in the best condition of any places here represented. Among the sixth grades CI is sacrificing speed for accuracy a little too much ; C3 needs a great deal more work in speed ; C5 is as efficient both in speed and accuracy as the state was last fall ; C6 is in excellent condition ; C8 is well up, as is also C9 ; CIO is progressing well ; C13 is sacrificing speed for accuracy to a greater extent than any other city. Tl has made good progress, but T2 is low; TIO has done good work; and Til is well up with the state. The following sixth grade classes need work in speed, C3, C5, C8, Cll, Tl, T2 and Til; C5, C7, C9, Tl, T9, Til and T13 in accuracy; CI is in excellent condition, as are also C6, CIO and TIO. Among the eighth grade classes, C8, C13 and TIO are in excellent condition, while CI, C3, C5, C6, CIO, Tl, T2 and T13 need work in speed in varying degrees, and C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C9, CIO, Cll, Tl, T9 and Til can well stand some work on accuracy. Multiplication. The following fifth grades are in good con- Page forty-seven IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiDiiiiMiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim dition: C4, CS, C9, T2. TIO, Til and T13. C3, CIO, C13 and Tl need to do their work more rapidly ; C7 , CIO and T9 ought to be more accurate ; C5 is very low and more work is needed, while C13 merely changed the emphasis from accuracy to speed, but shows no real progress. Most of the sixth grades, C4, C8, CIO, Cll, C13, T2, TIO and Til are in good condition. CI and C3 need more work in speed ; C9 and T13 need to work more accurately ; C5 is low in both speed and accuracy, the record showing no progress, only change in emphasis; likewise C6. Tl needs work in both speed and accuracy, as does T9. The seventh grades show up well as follows: CI, C4, C6, C7, C8, C9, CIO, C13, TIO, Til and T13 are in good condition; C3, C9 and T2 need speed work, while C5, Tl and T9 are inaccurate. The majority of eighth grades, C4, C8, C13, T9, TIO and Til, are in excellent condition; C7, C9, CIO and Cll are doing good work; CI and T2 show change of emphasis, but little progress; C3 needs more drill; Tl and T13 need to work more rapidly. Division. Among the fifth grades the towns stand up better than the cities, Tl, TIO, Til and T13 being in splendid condi- tion, though T9, perfectly accurate, is unreasonably slow. C6 and C9 are doing splendid work; C8 and Cll are doing well. The following need work in speed and accuracy : C3, C4, C5 and C13; CI is slow, and CIO is inaccurate. The following sixth grades are in splendid condition: C4, C6, C8, C9, CIO and TIO; CI and C13 are very slow, and Cll needs a little speed drill. C3, C5, C7, Tl, T2 and T9 need work for speed and accuracy; Til is inaccurate, though above Courtis Standard in speed. The seventh grades are fairly well up in accuracy. Cl, C7, C8, CIO, C13, TIO, Til and T13 are in excellent condition; C4, T9 and Til are inaccurate; C9 and Til are slow, while C5 and Tl need work for speed and accuracy. The eighth grades are doing very accurate work, Til being the only one noticeably low in accuracy as well as speed. Cl, C4, C5, C9 and Tl need some speed work. Page forty-eight iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiii iiiMiiiiiiiiiiriiiitMiiiiriiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiriiiiiiiiiiMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Grapes Addition 3 6 7 GRADES 3UBTRACTION ARITHMETIC" Accuf^^cy 70 I" ^50 AO ,30 V^ ■^,i^t£''- y 5 6 7 8 5 6 6RAP€3 OffAPES Multiplication Division ARITHMETIC- Accuf^Acy Page forty-nine iiiiitiniiiiiiiiiriiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiriiiitiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiniini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiriiiiiniiiiiiii 8 k / J// /.' / / / / ' / / / / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 V y-'" ^3'' ^ 5 6 -y 3 5 6 Grades gradcs Multiplication 0/ vision Arithmetic - ^pc^p Pagefijty nuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiintiiiiiiiiiii iniinilllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllMllrlllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII f3 y .' / • "^ y,' 4^ / ^'■ -^ to / /i / / "'■■ f ,- / / / / / > y 5 6 7 85 6 r Grapcs GRAoes Apdition Subtraction Arithmetic- ^p^eo Page fifty-one iiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiirniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiriiiiiinitiiriiiririiiiiiiiiiriiiii iriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiii o \ Wr-INN-^T-ICOCOM • Cvj tH -i-i i-i ■!-< M i-i -^ M r-HOMOOCO-fl-tDCMW •■giOt^OOl^T-IOOTS.OOO COIM ■ 1>10 05" T-i>i>ioooor^ooo?i" ■CCOt-i WCC • oomoocMCMC'50Tii>05r-ococor^t>050oco c; cs t-i t-< t^ t-i o r^ co r~. •;:t1 10 o :i5 r^ c: T!< T-i CO ■ 5 lO C5 o N -* CO < T-< T-C n M T-i C^ ■ co-3'Or-oooc^ocot--t^u; t-icooccccr^orrT-ii^ i(MiccocviT-"0 ■«■■^(^tc■l.'^«:C'!C•oCT-l ' a e>j t^ a co oocoo c^i otooco-n' o •coiooofoo-^iooooosoo t-H c>t o o If; OT o ir. in m •c>Ti«««too Oi-(OOOOOOOt-i«-*«Ot1 tt th 00 CO • o c^j CO d5 o rH n< ■*-3'inM'*co-*i^'*c*iracjinc^ -co -co-^-^T-ic^iiraco JTPccca •T-iT-ioccco -i-Mt^r-ot ><3>KCM -ocrcroo •i^ostcco >T-iWd • u; u; cn; If: CO • r- tj- r-i ■* r^ T-l-fl>iOOWCCvlOOIMCOlMC^ir5 ■!> •SMOO«-.OOt^ -T-l •WO-rfOCOi < C^ Ca r-l n N r-l(N M T-i C^J T-l Tl tH • C< OCMOO •rtir-imiO c T-icoifrift c c: c; o i(NN tHtItitH ■ e>] q>inoc«5cc^i -Otl-tt:!^ .T-l|MT-(TH«T-l01rHl-( •SM«MTHOJrHCMT-lWT.T-io9503T-l>05T-H^«3T-iOOC>ICOOSS>IOOOOOOOOOO>CNlriCOOO I':- CO -CaOSCCCOdftCO •■»)'-^T"00 (Moocr.c\jm rioctiuio OOOOCOOl^rHr~.C5000i:DOCOOOOi-ll>o|>-flOO«St~0 0OC5 .r^t^d«CC005CO •OSr^C.t^O T" ocooooooor-c^icoco •o«DomowmT-o> 'iico iM C« IM M -* T-1 C»J CO CM tH c^ •T-m^ C' 03 o -^ ■ ocoesooN CO CM CO ic CD T-I th o CO «o CO •o>oiracot>-*if305coWLOt^ ■^eo -lo 00 w CO 00 CO in -i^ocMmcc' T-1 CM T-* r-l T-H-l -I-C CI r-l T-1 T-< • CM TH T-I »-» »-l r< T-t TH T-t IT* t-l T-1T"< . 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Handwriting. (Quality measured by Ayres Scale.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Quality 36 33 34 56 35 47 36 65 37 62 41 72 43 71 43 81 47 76 49 84 49 84 51 Speed 88 Spelling. (Words from Ayres Scale, Columns J, M, Q.) Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct, May South Dakota . Ayres 77 96 J84 100 100 J94 91 96 M92 95 100 M96 94 99 Q92 100 100 Q96 Reading. (Scores for Beta I in October and Beta II in May.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May South Dakota. . . 20 9 23 13 31 40 40 45 42 49 46 52 Arithmetic. (Scores for Courtis, Series B.) Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Oct. May Addition — Speed Addition — Accuracy Subtraction — Speed Subtraction — Accuracy Multiplication — Speed MultipHcation — Accuracy. . . Division — Speed Division — Accuracy 5.6 40.3 6.4 54.0 5.5 51.1 3.5 39.4 7.5 62.3 8.8 77.8 7.5 68.6 5.6 70.6 6.3 48.6 7.5 65.5 6.7 63.2 4.1 56.5 8.3 68.8 9.5 85.6 8.5 74.5 8.0 83.5 7.5 54.0 8.8 74.6 8.1 67.9 5.6 71.1 10.0 69.8 12.1 89.0 10.7 78.9 9.9 88.7 8.6 60.1 10.6 77.6 9.7 73.5 8.3 82.6 10.1 73.5 12.9 91.5 11.9 81.8 12.2 91.4 Page fifty six lllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllll iiiiniiMiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii XI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. From the foregoing it is very evident that the schools as a whole are not making a consistent study of the achievements and abilities of the children in the various subjects in the several grades. Some teachers are doing excellent work in all subjects, some are doing good work in certain subjects, but poor work in others, and others are doing poor work in all subjects. Until they are confronted with the results of standard objective tests, they will have no way of measuring their strengths and weak- nesses. They will not know where to place emphasis. The superintendent would do well to make a series of graphs of the results in his city or town, and then study these together with his teachers. From such study the places for emphasis would be very apparent. Second, the writer would suggest an analysis of the time element of instruction. An analysis should be made of the time devoted to each subject and its distribution in the program. It should be remembered that 50 minutes per week for a subject will give different results if given in a single period, if given in two 25 minute periods, or if given in five 10 minute periods. Third, a study should be made of the methods in use in each subject. By carefully conducted measurements the methods should be tested for results. Fourth, this survey is but the beginning of a study. There should be a constant survey of conditions. The norms to be attained should be clearly known by each teacher, at least the norms which have been attained in other schools and systems, and frequent measures taken to note where the pupils stand in relation to such norms. Only by a process of constant evaluation is any progress possible in a consciously directed proceeding. This evaluation should be objective, impersonal, definite, and understandable. Finally, the writer would not have anyone think that he entertains the idea that the data and criteria of this study are absolute. No pretense is made of perfect accuracy and finality. This is equally true of other tests unless often repeated. In measuring an educational attainment many things are often measured besides the one element whose measure is sought. The Page fifty-seven niiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiii Iillliiiiilliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii conclusions which this study reveals, striking though they are in many particulars, are only tentative and symptomatic. They are highly indicative of conditions, they are highly suggestive of remedies, but, after all, they are only indicative and suggestive. XII. CORRELATIONS. It has been found in numerous studies* of teachers' marks that students who get high marks in one subject usually get high marks in all other subjects and those who rank high in one grade tend to rank high in all other grades, even on through college. An examination of the correlations between the dif- ferent subjects in the various grades in this present study is somewhat disappointing. The correlations in many cases are little more than those of chance. A grade in a city which ranks high in reading is almost as likely to rank low in spelling, writing or arithmetic. A study of individual children in a given class would doubtless show more persistently high positive correla- tions. The following table shows the principal correlations computed. Correlations Between City and Town (State) Medians. Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reading and Writing (Quality) .... Spelling and Writing (Quality) Spelling and Reading .04 ,.30 .39 .46 .42 .50 .59 .28 .64 .161 .06 .06 .04 5 .142 .13 .34 .27 .283 .30 .14 .58 Reading and Arithmetic .03* 1. Addition, speed. 3. Multiplication, speed. 2. Subtraction, accuracy. 4. Division, accuracy. * Dearborn, W. F. : "The Relative Standing of Pupils in the High School and in the University," Bull. 312, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1909. Jones, A. L. : "The Value of College Entrance Examinations," Educational Review, Sept., 1914. Kelley, T. L. : Educational Guidance. Lowell, A. L. : "College Studies and the Professional School," Harvard Graduates' Magazine, Dec, 1910; Educational Review, Oct., 1911. Miles, W. R. : "Comparison of Elementary and High School Grades," Iowa Studies in Education, I, 1. Nicholson, F. W. : "Success in College and in After Life," School and Society, Aug. 14, 1915. Smith, F. O. : "A Rational Basis for Determining Fitness for College Entrance," Uni- versity of Iowa Studies in Education, N. S., SI, Dec, 1912. Thorndike, E. L. : "Educational Diagnosis," Science, Jan. 24, 1913. "The Future of the College Entrance Examination Board," Educational Review, May, 1906. Also Science, Vol. 23, p. 289. "The Permanence of Interests and Their Relation to Abilities," Popular Science Monthly, Nov., 1912. Pa^e fifty-eight IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllilUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIirilllllllUIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIil IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII Relation of Speed and Accuracy. As has already been shown, a low but positive correlation was found between speed and accuracy in the arithmetical processes in the different grades as shown in both fall and spring tests. The children who are rapid in their calculations have a well defined tendency to be more accurate than the children who are slow. The following question seemed worthy of an answer : If the pupils develop an increase in speed will they grow corre- spondingly more accurate? Also, if they develop greater accu- racy will they develop a corresponding increase in rate? The converse of these questions will naturally be answered in the answers to these questions. The answers to the foregoing questions may be found by two kinds of studies, a. An experiment under controlled condi- tions in which emphasis was placed upon speed in the teaching directions in one group and emphasis upon accuracy in another group was made by Dr. M. E. Haggerty* with the result that . with emphasis upon one or the other of these attributes, though one may be rapidly increased, the other will remain fairly con- stant. An emphasis upon speed will produce speedier work but the percentage of accuracy will remain fairly stable, and an emphasis upon accuracy will result in greater accuracy but will not greatly affect the speed, b. In the present study no attempt was made to superinduce an attitude directed toward increasing only one of these attributes. A study of the gains in speed com- pared with the gains in accuracy results in the following coef- ficients of correlation: Relation of Gain in Speed to Gain in Accuracy. Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Grade r Grade r Grade r Grade r 5 .03 5 .10 5 .22 5 .21 6 .30 6 .12 6 .47 6 — .39 7 .02 7 — .06 7 .59 7 — .10 8 .02 8 — .04 8 .06 8 .14 Save in multiplication the coefficients are those of chance and indicate that growth in ability to solve problems quickly is * From class room notes. The study has not been published. Page fifty-nine iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii no index to growth in ability to solve them accurately. While the coefficients for multiplication are all strongly positive no good case can be made out from these data, in the light of the results in the other processes. There seems to be no inherent reason why gain in speed in multiplication should be indicative of gain in accuracy in that operation any more than in the other operations. Perhaps one shoilld not speak too dogmatically on this sub- ject, however. It should be remembered that the foregoing results are based upon a growth of the seven months of the school year from the end of the first month to the beginning of the ninth month and that several thousand children contributed to them. The results indicate an outstanding difference in case of multiplication and it is possible that a further study may explain them rather than explain them away. The data of this study are not adequate for this task. Relation of Speed and Quality. The study of handwriting has revealed no positive correlations between speed and quality of handwriting, and has shown no constant correlation between gain in speed and gain in quality. The latter fact is easily explained in the suggestion which was sent to the teachers after the first test to the effect that their children were too slow — were drawing letters rather than writing them. This conclusion is different from that of Haggerty in his study of the effect of suggestion upon gain in speed and accuracy in arithmetic. In the latter case gain in one respect did not affect the status in the other. In case of handwriting the suggestion of emphasis upon speed seems to have had the effect of causing an actual sacrifice of quality for speed in many schools. These results throw open a great field for teacher study and much experi- mentation needs to be done in different subjects and aspects of subjects in the several grades. It is apparent that in suggestion the teacher has a powerful instrument. Relation Between Gain in Speed and Gain in Quality. Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 r .42* — .09 — .34 .11* .32 13* Net loss in quality, net gain in speed. Page sixty iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIItllMIIIII Ill llllllllllllllltllllllllltlllllllllllMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIimllllillllllilllinillllllllllllllllllltl Relation of Time Given to Subject and Gain. A very impor- tant pedagogical question is raised when one asks, "Does an increase in the time devoted to a subject yield a proportional increase in skill in that subject?" The answer to this question was sought in two ways in this study. a. By a study of the relation of the scores made by classes in a grade to the times devoted to the subject. That is to say, do the cities and towns devoting most time to a subject tend to make the highest scores in the subject? An examination of the following table will readily show that no such positive cor- relation exists. It does not follow from this that the time devoted to a subject is of no consequence or even of slight conse- quence. The conclusion to be drawn from this fact is that within the limits of time devoted to a subject in the towns and cities of South Dakota there is not enough difference in out- comes to counterbalance other factors which affect the teaching process. The superintendent or supervisor cannot say, "Go to now, I will increase the time devoted to a subject and get a proportional increase in the educational outcome." Within cer- tain limits of time there are apparently other factors of such paramount importance that even doubling the time may produce no appreciable increase. Relation of Time to Score. (Spring scores used.) Grade *Add. r Sub. r Mult, r Div. r Spell, r Read.r Speed Writ, r Quality Writ, r 3 .43 .23 .31 .03 — .41 .07 .30 .12 .06 .25 — .05 — .45 .19 .16 .06 .13 .28 .18 .16 4 — .08 5 6 7 8 .36 — .23 — .02 .06 .06 — 15 — .06 .03 .08 .27 .05 .42 — .i6 .18 .04 .30 .29 .08 — .13 .09 • Arithm etical ace uracies. A study of the table showing time and proficiency distribu- tions reveals some marked anomalies. CU gives half the time to third grade spelling that Tl gives and yet shows a better score. C3 gives 125 minutes per week to third grade spelling and the pupils score 51.0 per cent on the 50 words, whereas Cll gives but 75 minutes per week and scores 68.5 per cent. A Page sixty-one iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiii)iii>ii'i>iii">iiii"""""""""""*"""" itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii great many similar anomalies will be found in the data. Com- parisons between schools in this way, however, may not be altogether fair as the time indicated in the table does not repre- sent the incidental teaching of a subject; for example, the teach- ing of spelling in the reading and other lessons. The records, too, are for but one year and the pupils' abilities have been acquired during several years when, perhaps, the program showed a different time distribution. It is of great importance for a superintendent or teacher to have some such diagnostic instru- ments as standardized tests and measurements to detect uneco- nomic time distributions. Similar results have been found in other studies of this kind, such as those in Wisconsin, conducted by the State Department of Public Instruction. Theisen* draws the following pedagog- ical conclusions from his study of the time devoted to spelling and the average spelling scores : "In Table 16, counties 3 and 7 give more time to spelling than any of the others. Do they make the best showing on the test? County 3 makes the best score in the third and fourth grades. In the fifth grade, its score is low, but still superior to that of the other counties. On the whole, this county pays high for results which, with two exceptions, are not above the expected average. In county 7, no grade reaches Ayres standard. This county likewise pays high for what it gets. In county 5 spelling is taught in connection with reading through grade five. The unsatisfactory results in this county may be noted from the fact that it makes the poorest score in four of the six grades tested. The table indicates further that the best seventh and eighth grade scores were made in counties devoting not more than ten minutes per day to spelling. ^ "Table 17 gives the time devoted to spelling and the average scores made in ten first-class state graded schools (i. e., schools with three or more grades). "Here again it is evident that more time does not necessarily g?uarantee better results. The best scores in the three upper ♦W. W. Theisen, "The Use of Some Standard Tests," Bulletin No. 1, for 1916-17, pp. 33-34. Page sixty-two iiininiiiiiiMtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiniiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii grades were made on a seventy-five minute per week schedule. The best scores in the third, fourth, and fifth grades were made in schools giving one hundred minutes per week. In grades three and four, however, they are only slightly superior to the averages made in schools in which spelling receives only one-half as much time." b. A study of the relation of the time given to a subject and the gain in proficiency. Here again the range in diflference in time seems not to have been sufficient to show marked tendencies in results although the range was often equal to or greater than the lowest unit, e. g., handwriting deviated from 45 minutes to 125 minutes per week in the same grade. It sometimes happens that the school giving the greatest amount of time to a subject shows during the school year an actual decline in score. Thus TIO devotes 125 minutes to handwriting per week in the fourth grade. The quality score of the children in that grade in October was 42.0 on the Ayres scale, better than the average of the state — indeed, but two cities in the state equalled it. In the test given the following May the same children scored only 33.3, being lower than the average of the state — indeed, the very lowest in the state at that time. In the meantime the fifth grades in the same town were giving slightly less time to the subject (though more than the median for the state) and brought up their quality score from 39.0% in the fall to 57.5% in the spring. Another factor tends to prevent any strong positive correla- tion between such an important factor as time and the teaching outcome. The distribution of pupils' achievement scores in a grade spreads over the standards for several grades. In a fourth grade class in handwriting are often found pupils having hand- writing abilities covering all of the grades of the elementary school. This heterogeneous distribution of pupils tends to nullify the refinements of measures. A yardstick may be sufficiently accurate for measuring sticks of unassorted lengths, whereas a micrometer or vernier scale is needed for measuring those of almost uniform length. Pa^ sixty-three lltlllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiriiiiMiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirriiiiiiiiiiitriiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirtiiiiiiiii Relation of Time to Gain. Grade *Add. r Sub. r Mult, r Div. r Spell, r Read, r Speed Writ, r Quality Writ, r 3 .46 .55 .01 — .19 — .04 — .30 — .25 — .09 .09 — .19 4 — .35 5 .29 — .10 — .15 — .13 .72 6 — .23 — .31 — .10 .15 — .15 .34 — .10 .13 7 .18 —.51 — .35 .44 — .28 — .20 .18 .24 8 .26 .02 .52 — .30 .05 — .32 .07 — .15 * Accuracy. Relation of Pupil Gain and Teacher Training. This study was not at all satisfactory and conclusive as the training of the teachers throughout the cities and towns varies so slightly, the medians ranging from one to two years beyond a four-year high school course. Hence very little reliance can be placed upon the coefficients of correlation. Had the study been extended to cover rural schools as well as city and town schools the results might have been significant. The amount of teacher training in cities is slightly higher than that in towns, but the difference is apparently not sufficient to show in measureable teaching out- comes. Pupil Gain and Teacher Training. Grade Add.r Sub. r Mult, r Div. r Spell, r Read, r Writ, r 3 .06 — .04 .18 — .12 .11 .27 .14 4 — .24 5 .00 .11 — .16 .21 .07 6 .06 .20 — .11 .23 .01 — .30 — .19 7 — .10 .12 .15 — .14 .28 — .13 .26 8 .13 — .06 .20 .02 — .12 .09 .16 Other Correlations. Studies were also made as to relation between teaching experience and objective results of pupil tests and between experience in the present position and results of tests. Here again there was not sufficient variability to show any positive relations; at any rate the coefficients of correlation were nearly those of chance. Page sixty-four IIIIIIIIMMMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIinitllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllirillllllllllllllKIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A more searching inquiry covering a series of years with the same pupils is necessary to determine the effect of teacher train- ing, teacher experience, and teacher experience in the same posi- tion. Since pupils pass from teacher to teacher by semi-annual or annual promotions, it is not easy, without a careful follow-up method, to disentangle the educational outcomes attributable to the several teachers and to the several types of teachers classified on basis of training and experience. So far as these factors are concerned it is apparent that the present study is simply a revela- tion of the limitations of the method employed and the measures used in the given field. A study of the effect of the number of pupils per teacher was also made with equally unsatisfactory results. The cities having the greatest disparity were C9, with an average number of 27.6 pupils per teacher, and CIO, with an average number of 39.1 pupils per teacher. CIO, however, shows not the slightest inferi- ority in the several tests, taken as a whole, although these cities give a very nearly equal time to the different subjects. \^^ Page sixty-five iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii XIII. BIBLIOGRAPHY. General. Alexander, C. "Standard tests as an aid in Supervision." Am. Sch. Bd. Jour., 54: 1917, 17-18, 66-67, 69. Ayres, L. P. "Making education definite." Second Ind. Conf. Ed. Meas., 13: 1915, pp. 85-96. "The measurements of educational processes and products." Supra. pp. 127-133. Bagley, C. W. The need of standards for measuring progress and results. Proc. Na. Ed. As., 1912, 634-639. Ballou, F. W, The function of a department of educational investigation and measurement in a school system. Sc. Soc, 1: Feb. 6, 19J5, 181-190. Improving instruction through educational measurement. Ed. Adm., 2: June, 1916, 354-367; also Na. Ed. As. Bu., 4: 1916, 196-203. Birch, T. B. Standard tests and scales of measurement. Ps. CI., 10: April, 1916, 49-57. Bliss, D. C. School measurements and school administration. Ed. Adm., 1: Feb., 1915, 77-88. The application of standard measurements to school administration. Fifteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1916, 69-78. Standaird tests and a basal method of teaching reading. El. Sch, Jr. 18: 662-79. Bobbitt, F. Some general principles of management applied to the problems of city school systems. Twelfth Yb. Na. Soc. Pt. I, 1913, 7-96. Plan for measuring educational efficiency in Bay City. El. Sch. Jr. 18: 343-56. Boston, Bulletins I and IV, Dept. of Ed. Invest, and Meas. Buckingham, B. R. Principles of scale derivation. Third Ind. Conf. Ed. Meas. 2: Feb., 1917, pp. 48-84. Courtis, S. A. The comparative test as an educational ruler. Am. Ed. 15: Sept., 1911, 13-18. Objective standards as a means of controlling instruction and economizing time. Sc. Soc, 1: Mar. 27, 1915, 433-436. Supervisory control by means of objective standards. Second Indiana Conf. Mes., 13: Oct., 1915, 37-68. Educational diagnosis. Second Indiana Conf. Mes., 13, 1915, 135-171; also Ed. Adm., 1: Feb., 1915, 89-116. Standardization of teachers' examinations. Proc N. Ed. As., 1916: 1078-1086. Courtis tests in arithmetic: value to superintendents and teachers. Fifteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1916, 91-106. Cubberly, E. P. Standard tests in the work of school administration: round table. Third Indiana Conf. Mes., 2, 1917, 21-34. Significance of educational measurements. Third Indiana Conf. Mes., 2: 1917, 6-20. Gray, W. S. Use of tests in improving instruction. El. Sch. Jr. 19, 121-42. Haggerty, M. E. Some uses of educational measurements. Sc. Soc, 4: Nov. 18, 1916, 762-771. Measurement and diagnosis as aids to supervision. Sc. Soc, 6: Sept. 8, 1917, 271-285. Hall-Quest, A. L. Measuring the ultimate product. Sc. Soc, 1: May 29, 1915, i(n-m. Kansas City, Mo., Research Bulletin No. 2. Kelly, F. J. Teachers' marks: their variability and standardization. Teh. Page sixty-six llllllllllilUIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllJIIIIIIItllllllltllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiii Coll. Con. Ed., 66: 1914, pp. 139. Kirkpatrick, E. A. Measurements, standards and teaching. Sc. Soc, 1: Feb. 20, 1915, 278-281. Lane, H. A. Standard tests as an aid to supervision. El. Sc. J., 15: March, 1915, 378-386. Littell, H. V. Testing efficiency in schools. Proceedings 28th Annual Meeting Associated Academic Principals and Council of Elementary Principals and Teachers, State of New York, 1912, 67-75. Manahan, J. L. Standard educational tests and educational administra- tion. High School Quarterly, 5: July, 1917, 247-250. Monroe, DeVoss, and Kelley. Educational Tests and Measurements. Monroe, W. S. Standard tests and their uses. Teh. 1: Nov. 15, 1914, 9-14. Nutt, H. W. Rhythm in Handwriting. EI. Sch. Jr., Mar., 1919. Rugg, H. O. Statistical methods applied to education. Starch, D. Standard tests as aids in the classification and promotion of pupils. Fifteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. 1, 1916, 143-148. Strayer, G. D. The use of tests and scales of measurement in the administration of schools. Proc. Na. Ed. As., 1915, 579-582. Measuring results in education. J. Ed. Ps. 2: 1911, 3-10. Strayer and Norsworthy. How to teach. Swift, G. C. Standard tests for teachers' use. Sch. Sc. 8: 117-18. Theisen, W. W. The use of some standard tests for 1916-17, Bulletin No. 1, State Dept. Pub. Inst., Madison, Wisconsin. Thompson, J. E. Educational Measurements. Sc. Home Ed.: Nov., 1916, 69-72. Thorndike, E. L. The measurement of educational products. Sc. R., 20: May, 1912, 289-299. Units and scales for measuring educational products. Proc. Con- ference on Educational Measurements, Indiana University Bulletin, 12, No. 10, 1914, 128-141. Round Table: the use of the new educational scales in ordinary school practice. Proc. Conference on Educational Measurements, Indiana University Bulletin, 12, No. 10; 1914, 142-154. Woody, C. Tests and measures in the school room and their value to teachers. Sc. Soc, 6: July 21, 1917, 61-66; also Northwest Journal of Education, 28: Dec, 1916, 154-158. Arithmetic. Ashbaugh, E. J. The arithmetical skill of Iowa school children. Un. Iowa Extn. Bu., 24: Nov., 1916, pp. 63. Ballard, P. B. Norms of performance in the fundamental processes of arithmetic J. E. Pd., 2: Dec, 1914, 396-405; vol. 3, Mar., 1915, 9-20. Ballou, F. W. Educational standards and educational measurements, with particular reference to standards in the four fundamentals of arithmetic. Bulletin No. 3, School Document No. 10, 1914. Boston, pp. 21. Bell, J. C. A class experiment in arithmetic. J. Ed. Ps., 5: Oct., 1914, 467-470. Boston, Department of Educational Investigation and Measurement. Provisional minimum standards in addition, subtraction, multiplica- tion and division for pupils in grades 4 to 8. Bulletin No. 2, School Document No. 9, 1914, Boston, pp. 2)7. Department of Educational Investigation and Measurement. Arith- metic: the Courtis standard tests in Boston, 1912-1915. An appraisal. Bulletin No. 10, School Document No. 15, 1916, Boston, pp. 48. Brown, J. C. An investigation on the value of drill work in the funda- mental operations of arithmetic. J. Ed. Ps., 2: Feb., 1911, 81-88 3: Page sixty-seven iiiiiiiiiitiiiMiiiiiMiitiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiHiiii Nov., 1912, 485-492; Dec, 1912, 561-570. Buckingham, B. R. The Courtis tests in the schools of New York City. J. Ed. Ps. 5: Apr., 1914, 199-214. Bush, M. G. The fundamental number facts. Sc. Soc, 6: Sept. 1, 1917, 265-268. Chase, S. E. Waste in arithmetic. Teh. Coll. Rec, 18: Sept., 1917, 360-370. Childs, H. G. A half-year's progress in the achievement of one school system as measured by the Courtis tests, Series B. Fifteen Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1916, 83-90. Cole, L. W. Adding upward and downward. J. Ed. Ps., 3: Feb., 1912, 83-94. Counts, G. S. Arithmetic tests and studies in the psychology of arith- metic. Supplementary Educational Monographs, 1, No. 4: August 27, 1917, pp. 125. Courtis, S. A. Measurement of growth and efficiency in arithmetic. El. Sc Teh., 10: Oct. and Dec, 1909, 58-74 and 177-199; 11: Dec, 1910, and Mar., 1911, 171-185 and 360-370. Standard Scores in arithmetic El. Sc. J., 12: Nov., 1911, 127-137. Courtis, S. A. The Courtis tests in arithmetic. Final Report Com- mittee of School Inquiry, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, New York City, I: 1911-1912, pt. 2, 389-546. Courtis, S. A. The reliability of single measurements with standard tests. EI. Sc. J., 13: March and June, 1913, 326-345 and 486-504. Third, fourth and fifth annual accounting of the Courtis Standard Research Tests, 1913-1916; also Capacity, ability and performance in relation to standard scores and summary of tabulations. Bulletin No. 4, Department of Co-operative Research, Detroit, Mich., pp. 111. Arithmetic Tests, Series A. and Series B. Detroit, Mich. Davies, G. R. Elements of arithmetical ability. J. Ed. Ps., 5: Mar., 1914, 131-140. Gist, A. S. Errors in the fundamentals of arithmetic. Sc. Soc, 6: Aug. 11, 1917, 175-177. Gray, P. L. Norms of performance in the fundamental arithmetical processes. J. E. Pd., 3: June, 1916, 318-322. Green, J. A. Normal performances in fundamental arithmetical processes. J. E. Pd., 3: June, 1916, 318-322. Haggerty, M. E. Arithmetic: a co-operative study in educational measurements. Indiana Un. Sd., No. 27: Indiana Un. Bu., 12: 1915, 385-508. Studies in arithmetic. Indiana Un. Sd., 3, Sept., 1916, pp. 109. Hahn, H. H. and Thorndike, E. L. Some results in addition under school conditions. J. Ed. Ps., 5: Feb., 1914, 65-84. Heilman, J. D. and Shultis, F. W. A study in addition. Research Bulletin No. 1, State Teachers' College of Colorado, Greeley, 1916. Hill, D. S. Measurements by the Courtis arithmetic tests. Annual Report of the New Orleans Public Schools, 1915-16, Pt. 3, 74-77. Hinkle, E. C. Tests for efficiency in arithmetic. Educational Bi- monthly, 8: Dec, 1913, 123-135. Experiments for efficiency in arithmetic The Courtis tests. Edu- cational Bi-monthly, 8: Feb., 1914, 189-201. Jessup, W. A. Current practices and standards in arithmetic. Fourteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1915, 116-130. Economy of time in arithmetic^ El. Sc. Teh., 14: June, 1914, 461-576. Jessup, W. A. and Coffman, L. D. The Supervision of Arithmetic. New York, 1916, pp. 225. Kerr, Mary. Use of Courtis tests in central school building. Bloom- ington, Indiana. Indiana Conf. Nes., 12: 1914, 90-94. Mead, C. D. An Experiment in the Fundamentals. Yonkers, 1917. Page sixty-eight iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiriiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii iiiiiiuiiMiiiiiniiiMiiiiiiiitiniiiiMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiiMiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiMiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiti Mead, C. D. and Sears, Isabel. Additive, subtractive, and multi- plicative division tested. J. Ed. Ps., 7: May, 1916, 261-270. Monroe, W. S. A report of the use of the Courtis Standard Research Tests in arithmetic in twenty-four cities. Kansas Bur. Mes., 4: No. 8, pp. 94. O'Hern, J. P. Practical application of standard tests in spelling, lan- guage, and arithmetic. Otis, A. S. and Davidson, P. E. The reliability of standard scores in adding ability. El. Sc. Teh., 13: Oct., 1912, 91-105. Phelps, C. L. A study of errors in tests of adding ability. EL Sc. Teh., 14: Sept., 1913, 29-39. Rice, J. M. Educational research: arithmetic. The Forum, 34: Oct., 1902 to June, 1903, 281-297, 437-452, 588-607. Reprinted in Scientific Management in Education, New York, 1913. Scott, W. Errors in arithmetic. J. E. Pd., 3: June 5, 1916, 296-307. Smith, J. H. Individual variations in arithmetic. El. Sc. J., 17: Nov., 1916, 195-200. Starch, D. A scale for measuring ability in arithmetic. J. Ed. Ps., 7: April, 1916, 213-222. Starch, D. and Elliott, E. C. Reliability of grading work in mathematics. Sc. R., 21: April, 1913, 254-259. Stone, C. W. Problems in the scientific study of the teaching of arith- metic. J. Ed. Ps.. 4: Jan., 1913, 1-16. Arithmetical abilities and some factors determining them. Teh. Coll. Con. Ed., 19: 1908, pp. 101. Taylor, E. H. A comparison of the arithmetical abilities of rural and city school children. J. Ed. Ps., 5: Oct., 1914, 461-466. Thorndike, E. L. Means of increasing efificiency in arithmetic. Indiana Un. Bu., 12: 1914, 9-25. The relation between speed and accuracy in addition. J. Ed. Ps., 5: Nov., 1914, 537. Measurements of ability to solve arithmetical problems. Pd. Se., 21: Dec, 1914, 495-503. Practice in the case of addition. Am. J. Ps., 21: 1910, 483. Todd, J. W. Preliminary Courtis tests in North Dakota. Sch. Sc, 9: 65-68. Uhl, W. L. The use of standardized materials in arithmetic for diagnosing pupils' methods of work. El. Sc. J., 18: Nov., 1917, 215. Wood, E. R. Tests in efificiency in arithmetic El. Sc. J., 17: Feb., 1917, 446-453. Woody, C. Measurements of some achievements in arithmetic. Sc. Soc, 4: Aug. 19, 1916, 229-303. Measurements of Some Achievements in Arithmetic. New York City, pp. 63. Arithmetic Scales. New York City. Zeidler, R. Tests of efficiency in the rural and village schools of Santa Clara, Cal. El. Sc. J., 16: June, 1916, 542-555. Handwriting. Ashbaugh, E. J. Handwriting of the Iowa state children. Extension Division Bulletin No. 15, University of Iowa, March 1, 1916, pp. 24. Ayres, L. P. A Scale for Measuring the Quality of Handwriting of School Children. "Three Slant Edition." New York City, 1912. A scale for measuring the quality of handwriting of school children, Russell Sage Foundation, Bulletin E 113, 1912, pp. 16. A Measuring Scale for Handwriting: "Gettysburg Edition." New York City. Ballou, F. W. Penmanship. Bulletin No. IX, Dept. Ed. Invest, and Meas., Boston. Page sixty-nine iiiiriiiiiMMiiiiniiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiii llllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIHIIIIIIinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllirilllllllllMIMIIIIHIMItllMIIIIIIIIIIIIII Boston, Department of Educational Investigation and Measurement. Penmanship. Determining the achievement of elementary school graduates in handwriting. Bulletin No. 9, School Document No. 6, 1916, pp. 43. Breed, F. S. Comparative accuracy of the Ayres Handwriting Scale, Gettysburg edition. El. Sch. Jr., 18: 458-63, Feb., 1918. Breed, F. S. and Gulp, V. An application and critique of the Ayres' handwriting scale. Sc. Soc, 2: Oct., 30, 1915, 639-647. Note on the relation of legibility and form in handwriting. Sc. Soc, 4: Dec. 2, 1916, 870-872. Breed, F. S. and Down, E. F. Measuring and standardizing handwrit- ing in a school system. El. Sc. J., 17: March, 1917, 470-484. Gourtis, S. A. Gourtis Standard Research Tests. Handwriting. Series W. Detroit, Mich. Freeman, F. N. Freeman's Handwriting Scale. Ghicago, 111. Some practical studies of handwriting. El. Sc. J., 14: Dec, 1913, 167-179. Handwriting. Fourteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1915, 61-77. An analytical scale for judging handwriting. El. Sc J., 15: April, 1915, 432-441. Freeman, F. N. Handwriting tests for use in school surveys. El. Sc. J., 16: Feb., 1916, 299-301. Handwriting. Sixteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1917, 60-72. Graves, S. M. A study in handwriting. J. Ed. Ps., 7: Oct., 1916, 483-494. Gray, T. G. The training of judgijient in the use of the Ayres' scale for handwriting. J. Ed. Ps., 6: Feb., 1915, 85-98. Harris, J. H. and Anderson, H. W. A study of handwriting in the public schools of Dubuque, Iowa. Bureau of School Measurements, Dubuque, 1916, pp. 10. Johnson, G. L. and Stone, G. R. Measuring the quality of handwriting. El. Sc. J., 16: Feb., 1916, 302-315. Johnson, J. H. A comparison of the Ayres and Thorndike handwriting scales (containing a table of equivalent values in the two scales). North Garolina High School Bulletin, 7: Oct., 1916, 170-173. King, I. and Johnson, H. The writing abilities of the elementary ^nd grammar school pupils of a city system measured by the Ayres scale. J. Ed. Ps., 3: Nov., 1912, 514-520. King, I. and Newcomb, R. E. Improvement in handwriting. Ed. Adm., 2: Oct., 1916, 493-502. Koos, L. V. The determination of ultimate standards of quality in handwriting. El. Sch. Jour., Feb., 1918. Manuel, H. T. Studies in handwriting. Sc. Soc, 5: March 17, 1917, 327-330 Nutt, H. W. Rhythm in handwriting. El. Sc J., 17: Feb., 1917, 432-445. Rusk, R. R. A class experiment in scoring handwriting. P. Ed. Ps., 5: Sept., 1914, 417-418. Sackett, L. W. Comparable measures of handwriting. Sc. Soc, 4: Oct. 21, 1916, 640-645. Starch, D. The measurement of handwriting. J. Ed. Ps., 4: Oct., 1913, 445-464. The measurement of efficiency in writing. J. Ed. Ps., 6: Feb., 1915, 106-114. Scale for measuring handwriting. Sch. Soc, 9: 154-158. Thorndike, E. L. Means of measuring school achievements in hand- writing. Ed. Adm., 1: May, 1915, 300-305. Handwriting. Teh. Goll. Rec, 2: March, 1910, 1-93. Teachers' estimates of the quality of specimens of handwriting. Teh. Goll. Rec, 15: Nov., 1914, 279-291. Handwriting Scale for Grades 5 to 8. New York Gity. Wilson, G. M. The handwriting of School Children. El. Sc. Teh., 11: June, 1911, 540-543. Page seventy iiiiiiiiiiiuiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniitiiiniiiiniMiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiMiiiiiiiiiriiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MiiMiiiiiiiiMiniiiiitMiMiiiitiiMiiiiriiMiiiiriiiiMiiiiiriiMiiiifiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiriiitiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiii Reading. Ballard, P. B. Norms of performance in reading. J. E. Pd., 3: Dec, 1915, 153-161. Boston, Department of Educational Investigation and Measurement. Standards in silent reading, with suggestions on how teachers may test their pupils in silent reading. Bulletin No. 12, School Docu- ment No. 18, 1916, pp. 24. Breed, F. S. Comparison of two methods of measuring comprehension in reading. Sch. Soc, 7: 266-270. Brown, H. A. The measurement of the efificiency of instruction in reading. El. Sc. Teh., 14: June, 1914, 477-490. The measurement of ability to read. New Hampshire Department of Public Instruction Bureau of Research, Bulletin No. 1, pp. 57. Courtis, S. A. Standards in rates of reading. Fourteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1915, 44-58. The problem of measuring ability in silent reading. Am. Sc. Bd. J., 54: May, 1917, 17-18, 81. Gray, C. T. Types of reading ability as exhibited through tests and laboratory experiments. Supplementary Educational Monographs, 1, No. 5: Aug. 29, 1917, pp. 196. Gray, W. S. Methods of testing reading. El. Sc. J., 16: Jan., 1916, 231-246 and Feb., 1916, 281-298. A co-operative studv in reading in eleven cities in northern Illinois. El. Sc. J., 17: Dec, '1916, 250-265. Studies of elementary school reading through standardized tests. Supplementary Educational Monographs, Chicago, 1917. I, pp. 157. Reading. Survey of St. Louis Public Schools, Vol. II. Haggerty, M. E. Scales for reading vocabulary of primary children. El. Sc J., 17: Oct.. 1916, 106-115. The ability to read: its measurement and some factors conditioning it. Indiana Un. Sd.. 4: Jan.. 1917. pp. 63. Visual Vocabulary Scale and Reading Tests for the Understanding of Sentences. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Minn. Harris, J. H. and Anderson, H. W. Measuring primary reading in the Dubuque schools. Dubuque. 1916. pp. 23. Holmes. H. W., et al. Harvard Bulletin in Education, No. 5, June, 1917. Judd, C. H. Report of the committee on tests and standards of efficiency in schools and school systems: reading tests. Proc Na. Ed. As.: 1915, 561-565. Reading. Fifteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I. 1916, 111-119. Kansas State Normal School, Bureau of Educational Measurements and Standards. Standardized Tests in Silent Reading. Emporia, Kan. Kelley, T. L. Thorndike's reading scale Alpha 2, adapted to individual testing. Teh. Coll. Rec, 18: May, 1917, 253-260. Kelly. F. J. The Kansas silent reading tests. J. Ed. Ps., 7: Feb., 1916, 63-80. The Kansis silent reading test. Bulletin No. 7, Vol. IV, State Normal School, Emporia. Kansas. King. I. A comparison of slow and rapid readers. Sc. Soc, 4: Nov. 25, 1916. 830-834. Comparison of the efficiency of slow and rapid readers. Sc. Soc, 6: Aug. 18. 1917, 203-204. Llewelyn, E. J. Reading in the Mount Vernon, Indiana, city schools. El. Sc J.. 17: Oct., 1916, 123-127. McGinnis. W. C. Reading. Journal of Education, 86: Sept. 6, 1917, 207-208. Mead, C. D. Silent versus oral reading with one hundred sixth-grade children. J. Ed. Ps., 6: June, 1915, 345-348. Page seventy-one iiiniiiiiiiiiniitiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiitiniMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii Monroe, W. S. A report on the use of the Kansas Silent Reading tests with oyer one hundred thousand children. J. Ed. Ps., 8: 1917. Oberholzer, E. E. Testing the efficiency of reading in the grades. El. Sc. J., 15: Feb., 1915, 313-322. The effects of efficiency tests in reading on a city school system. Fifteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1916, 138-140. Peters, C. C. The influence of speed drills upon the rate and eflfective- ness of silent reading. J. Ed. Ps., 8: June, 1917, 350-366. Pintner, R. Oral and silent reading of fourth-grade pupils. J. Ed. Ps., 4: June, 1913, 333-337. Pintner, R. and Gilliland, A. R. Oral and silent reading. J. Ed. Ps., 7: April, 1916, 201-212. Richards, Alva M. and Davidson, P. E. Correlations of single measures of some representative reading tests. Sc. Soc, 4: Sept. 2, 1916, 375-377. Starch, D. Starch's Silent Reading Tests. Madison, Wis. The measure- ment of efficiency in reading. J. Ed. Ps., 6: Jan., 1915, 1-24. Starch's English Reading Vocabulary Test. Madison, Wis. Reliabilities of reading tests. Sch. Soc, 8: 86-90, El. Sch. J. 18: 662-679. Thorndike, E. L. The measurement of ability in reading. Teh. Coll. Rec, 15: Sept., 1914, 207-277. Tests of oral and silent reading. Indiana Un. Bu., 12: 1914, 37-51. Thorndike's Scale Alpha for Measuring and Understanding of Sen- tences. New York City. Improved Scale for Measuring and Understanding of Sentences: Scale Alpha 2, Parts 1 and 2. New York City. An improved scale for measuring ability in reading. Teh. Coll. Rec, 16: Nov., 1915; and 17: Jan., 1916, 40-67. Thorndike, E. L. Improved Scale for Word Knowledge or Visual Vocabulary: Scale A 2 and Scale B. New York City. Measurement of achievement in reading: word knowledge. Teh. Coll. Rec, 17: Nov., 1916, 430-454. Reading as reasoning: A study of mistakes in paragraph reading. J. Ed. Ps., 8: June, 1917, 323-332. The understanding of sentences: a study of errors in reading. El. Sc J., 18: Oct., 1917, 98-114. Uhl, W. L. The use of the results of reading tests as a basis for plan- ning remedial work. El. Sc J., 17: Dec, 1916, 266-275. Wassen, A. W. Report of an experiment in the use of the Kansas silent reading test with Korean students. Ed. Adm., 3: Feb., 1917, 98-101. Whipple, G. M. and Curtis, Josephine, N. Preliminary investigation of skimming in reading. J. Ed. Ps., 8: June, 1917, 333-349. Zirbes, L. Diagnostic measurement as a basis for procedure. El. Sch. Jr., 18: 505-522. Spelling. Ashbaugh, E. J. Variability of children in spelling. Sch. Soc, 9: 93-98. Ayres, L. P. A Measuring Scale for Ability in Spelling. New York City. A measuring scale for Ability in Spelling. Bulletin E139, New York City, pp. 56. Ballou, F. W. Measuring Boston's spelling ability by the Ayres spelling scale. Sc Soc, 5: March 3, 1917, 267-270. Boston, Department of Educational Investigation and Measurement. Provisional minimum and supplementary lists of spelling words for pupils in Grades 1 to 8. Bulletin No. 1, School Document No. 8: 1914, pp. 48. Buckingham, B. R. Spelling ability: its measurement and distribution. Page seventy-two iiiiiiiMiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiriiirirrMiiiitniniiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiitiMriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiii IMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIinillirilllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIMIIIIIIMMrillllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllinilllll Teh. Coll. Con. Ed., 59: 1913, pp. 116. Cook, W. A. and O'Shea, M. V. The Child and His Spelling. Indian- apolis, 1914, pp. 282. Cornman, O. P. Spelling in the Elementary School: an Experimental and Statistical Investigation. Boston, 1902, pp. 98. Hill, D. S. Experimental studies in achievement in spelling. Annual Report of the New Orleans Public School, Pt. 3, 1915-16, 39-59. Houser, J. D. The relation of spelling ability to general intelligence and to meaning vocabulary. El. Sc. J., 16: Dec, 1915, 190-199. Jones, W. F. Concrete Investigation of the Material of English Spelling. Vermillion. South Dakota, 1914, pp. 27. Kansas City, Mo. A report on w^ords missed by elementary school pupils. Research Bulletin, No. 2, Nov., 1916. Lewis, E. E. Testing the spelling abilities of Iowa school children by the Buckingham spelling tests. El. Sc. J., 16: June, 1916, 556-564. Otis, A. S. The reliability of spelling scales, involving a "deviation formula" for correlation. Sc. Soc, 4: Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11, and 18, 1916, 677-683, 716-722, 750-756, and 793-796. Pryor, H. C. Spelling. Fourteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1915, 78-89. A suggested minimal spelling list. Sixteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1917, 73-84. Rice, J. M. The futility of the spelling grind. The Forum, 23: Mar.- Aug., 1897, 163-172, 409-419. Reprinted in Scientific Management in Education, New York, 1913. Sackett, L. W. Disparity of spelling scales. J. Ed. Ps., 6: Dec, 1915, 627-630. Sears, J. B. Spelling efficiency in the Oakland schools. Sc. Soc, 2: Oct. 9 and 16, 1915, 531-537 and 569-574. Full report in Board of Education Bulletin No. 9: 1915, Oakland, Cal., pp. 79. Starch, D. The measurement of efficiency in spelling and the over- lapping of grades in combined measurements of reading, writing, and spelling. J. Ed. Ps., 6: March, 1915, 167-186. Studebaker, J. W. Results of an Investigation of Pupils' Ability to Spell. Boston, 1916, pp. 57. Suzzalo, H. The teaching of spelling. Teh. Coll. Rec, 12: Nov., 1911, 259-330. Suzzalo, H. and Pearson, H. C. Comparative experimental teaching of spelling. Teh. Coll. Rec, 13: Jan., 1912, 1-66. Thorndike, E. L. Means of measuring school achievements in spelling. Ed. Am., 1: May, 1915, 306-312. General Reports On the Use of Tests and Scales in Schools. Ballou, F. W. Work of the department of educational investigation and measurement. Annual Report Superintendent of Schools, Boston, School Document No. 17, 1915, 84-118. Bobbitt, F. B. The work of the schools. Elementary schools. Report of the School Survey of Denver, Col., Pt. 2, 1916, 59-74. Brown, G. A. Helps from the use of standard scales of attainment in school subjects. Sc Home Ed.. 33: April, 1914, 300-302. Chapman, J. C. and Feder, R. B. The effect of external incentives and improvement. J. Ed. Ps., 8: Oct., 1917, 469. Courtis, S. A. Courtis Standard Research Tests. Sixth Annual Account- ing. • Also Standard Scores in Silent Reading. Detroit, 1917. Cubberley, E. P. Use of standard tests at Salt Lake City, Utah. Fifteenth Yb. Na. Sec, Pt. I, 1916, 107-110. Haggerty, M. E. Elementary teachers and co-operative research. Indiana Un. Bu., 12: 1914, 94-110. Harlan, C. L. A comparison of the writing, spelling and arithmetic abilities of country and city children. Ed. Adm., 2; Nov., 1916, Page seventy -three iiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiititiiiiiriiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii 560-572. Judd, C. H. Measuring the work of the public schools. The Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, 1916, pp. 290. Melcher, G. Studies by the bureau of research and efficiency of Kansas City, Mo. Fifteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. I, 1916, 120-137. Morrison, J. C. The supervisor's use of standard tests of efficiency. El. Sc. J., 17': Jan., 1917, 335-354. Sears, J. B. The efficiency of the instruction measured. Report of a Survey of the School System of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1915, 127-186. Starch, D. The Measurement of Efficiency in Reading, Writing, Spell- ing, and English. Madison, Wis., 1914. Strayer, G. D. Standards and tests for measuring the efficiency of schools or systems of schools. U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 13, 1913, pp. 23. Correlations Between Abilities. McCall, W. A. Correlation of some psychological and educational measurements with special attention to the measurement of mental ability. Teh. Coll. Con. Ed., 79: 1916, pp. 87. Correlation of some psychological and educational measurements; with special attention to the measurement of mental ability. Sc. Soc, 5: Jan. 6, 1917, 24-30. Starch, D. Correlations among abilities in school studies. J. Ed. Ps., 4: Sept., 1913, 415-418. Terman, L. M. A trial of mental and pedagogical tests in a civil service examination for policemen and firemen. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1: March, 1917, 17-29. Articles About Surveys and Lists of Surveys. Allen, W. H. Contrasted methods of surveying higher education. Sc. Soc, 5: Feb. 10, 1917, 171-173. Ayres, L. P. A survey of school surveys. Second Indiana Conf. Mes., 13: 1915, 172-181. Bobbitt, J. F. The school survey: finding standards of current practice with which to measure one's own schools. El. Sc. J., 15: Sept., 1914, 41-54. Buchner, E. F. School surveys. Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education, 1, chapt. 24, 1914. Educational surveys, 1916. Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education, 1, chapt. 21, 1916. Elliott, E. C. State school surveys. Am. Sc Bd. J., 48: March, 1914, 9-10 and 62. Koos, L. V. The fruits of school surveys. Sc. Soc, 5: Jan. 13, 1917, 35-41. Smith, H. L. and Judd, C. H. Plans for organizing school surveys with a summary of typical school surveys. Thirteenth Yb. Na. Soc, Pt. 2, 1914, pp. 85. Van Sickle, J. H., Ayres, L. P., and others. The investigation of the efficiency of schools and school systems. Proc. Na. Ed. As.: 1915, 379-402. City Surveys. Ashland, O. Constructive survey of the public school system of Ash- land, Oregon. By F. C. Ayer, C. R. Frazier, and D. C. Sowers. University of Oregon Bulletin, 12: 1915, pp. 52. Atlanta, Ga. Report of Survey of the Department of Education. By S. G. Lindholm. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York, Dec, Page seventy-four iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii linilllllllMIIMIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllirillllllllllltlMIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1912, pp. 24. Survey of the Atlanta Public Schools. By Miss C. S. Parrish. State School Department, Atlanta, May, 1914, pp. 33. Boise, Idaho. Report of C. N. Kendall, Commissioner of Education of New Jersey, on the Boise Public Schools. Board of Education, Boise, December 18, 1910, pp. 31. Expert Survey of Public School System, Boise, Idaho. By E. C. Elliott, C. H. Judd, and G. D. Strayer, 1913, pp. 31. Special Report of the Boise Public Schools. Board of Education, Boise. June, 1915, pp. 96. Brookline. Mass. Educational Survey of the Public Schools. By. J. H. Van Sickle and others. The School Committee. Brookline, Mass., 1917, pp. 436. Butte, Mont. Report of a Survey of the School System of Butte, Mont. Board of School Trustees, Butte, Mont., 1914, pp. 163. Chicago, 111. Survey of Chicago Public Schools. By E. F. Young, Chicago, 111., 1914, pp. 257. Cleveland, Ohio. Report of the Educational Commission Appointed by the Board of Education to Examine into the Government, Super- vision and Course of Study of the Cleveland Public Schools. Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio, 1906, pp. 120. The Three R's. Improvement in Them. Place in present Course of Study, Cleveland Public Schools. Board of Education, Cleveland, 1909, pp. 30. The Cleveland Education Survey. L. P. Ayres, director. Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland, 1915-1916, 25 vols. Denver, Col. Report of the School Survey of School District No. 1, in the City and County of Denver. School Survey Committee, Denver, Col., 1916. Glastonbury, Conn. Educational Enquiry. State Board of Education, Hartford, Conn., 1916, pp. 37. Janesville, Wis. An educational survey of Janesville, Wis. State Department of Education, 1918. Leavenworth, Kans. Report of a survey of the public schools of Leaven- worth, Kansas. Bureau of Educational Measurements and Standards. Kansas State Normal School New Series, 4, No. 2: Emporia, Kans., 1915, pp. 202. Minneapolis, Minn. A Series of Monographs on the Minneapolis Public Schools. Board of Education, Minneapolis, Minn., 1916 and 1917, Newburgh, N. Y. Public Schools. By F. Zeiger and Z. L. Potter. The Newburgh Survey: Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1913, 5-20. New York City, N. Y. School Efificiency. A Constructive Study Applied to New York City, being a Summary and Interpretation of the Report on the Educational Aspects of the School Inquiry. By P. H. Hanus, Yonkers, N. Y., 1913, pp. 121. New York School Inquiry. Reply of the Superintendents. By J. S. Taylor. New York, 1914, pp. 116. Oakland, Cal. Summary of a survey of the school department of Oak- land Report No. 19, Tax Association of Alameda County, Oakland, Cal., June. 1915, pp. 20. San Antonio, Texas. A Survey of the San Antonio Public School Sys- tem. By J. F. Bobbitt. San Antonio, May, 1915, pp. 257. San Francisco, Cal. Some Conditions in the Schools of San Francisco. School Survey Class, San Francisco, May, 1914, pp. 96. Seymour, Conn. Educafional Enquiry. State Board of Education, Hartford, Conn., 1916, pp. 26. Springfield, 111. The Public Schools of Springfield, Illinois. Under the direction of L. P. Ayres. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1914, pp. 152. Page seventy-five iiiiiititiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiii iiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiuiniiiiiitniiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiriMiiiiiiitiiiiriiiiiiiii State, Coiinty and Other Surveys. Alabama. Alabama's public school system. A comparative study. Department of Education Bulletin, No. 55, Montgomery, 1916, pp. 32. Alabama (Covington, Macon and Morgan Counties). An educational survey of three counties in Alabama. Department of Education Bulletin No. 43, Montgomery, 1914, pp. 179. Colorado. The rural and village schools of Colorado. An eight-year survey of each school district, 1906-13, inclusive. By C. G. Sargent. Colorado Agricultural College, Series 14, No. 5, 1914, pp. 106. Connecticut. Report of the Special Educational Commission. State Board of Education, Hartford, 1909, pp. 14. Georgia (Bulloch, Clayton and Taliaferro, Jackson, Monroe, Morgan, Raban and Randolph Counties). Educational Surveys. By M. L. Duggan. Department of Education, Atlanta, 1914-16. Illinois. Reports of the Illinois educational commission to the General Assembly of the State of Illinois. Biennial Reports of the Super- intendent of Public Instruction, 1908-10, 506-612 and 1910-12, 30-34. Illinois School Survey; a Co-operative Investigation of School Con- ditions and School Efficiency. L. D. Coflfman, Director. Illinois State Teachers' Association, 1917, pp. Zll . Indiana (Greene County). Educational Survey. By D. C. Mclntyre. Bloomington, Indiana, 1916, pp. 110. Maryland. Report on the Educational Situation in Maryland by a Special Committee of the Board of State Aid and Charities. Mary- land School for Boys, Loch Raven, Md., 1914, pp. ZZ. Public Education in Maryland. A Report to the Maryland Educa- tional Survey Commission. By A. Flexner and F. P. Bachman. General Education Board, New York, 1916, pp. 176. Maryland (Montgomery County). An educational survey of a suburban and rural county. By H. N. Morse, E. F. Eastman, and A. C. Monahan. U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. Zl, 1913, pp. 68. Michigan (Upper Peninsula). Report of the bureau of research of the Upper Peninsula Education Association. Mining Journal, Mar- quette, Sept., 1913, pp. 48. Minnesota. The rural school system of Minnesota. A study in School Efficiency, by H. W. Foght. U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 20, 1915, pp. 56. New York (Westchester County). A Study of Local School Conditions. By A. J. Inglis. Westchester County Research Bureau, White Plains, N. Y., 1912, pp. 29. North Dakota. Report of the Temporary Educational Commission to the Governor and Legislature of North Dakota. Grand Forks, N. D. The State, 1912, pp. 61. Oregon (Lane County). A rural survey. By F. C. Qyer and H. N. Morse. University of Oregon Bulletin, New Series, 13, No. 14, Aug., 1916. Education treated, 71-109. Pennsylvania. Report on rural schools. Pennsylvania State Educational Association, Harrisburg, Dec, 1914, pp. 103. Texas. A study of rural schools in Texas. By E. V. White and E. E. Davis. University of Texas Bulletin No. 364, Extension Series No. 62, Oct., 1914, pp. 167. A Survey of Rural Schools in Travis County, Texas. By E. E. Davis, Austin, Texas, 1916. Vermont. Secondary Education in Vermont. By R. McFarland. Mid- dlebury, 1912, pp. 42. Virginia. Report of the Virginia education commission to the General Assembly of Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia. Senate Document No. 3, 1912, pp. 102. Page seventy-six iiirniniiiiiiiiiiiHiMiMMMiiiiMiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitMiiiitiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiin llflinilllllllllinitlMIIMIIIIIIMIIIMIII IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Washington. A survey of educational institutions of the State of Wash- ington. U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 26, 1916, pp. 228. Wisconsin. Preliminary Report on Conditions and Needs of Rural Schools in Wisconsin. State Board of Public Aflfairs, Madison, 1912, pp. 92. Wyoming. Educational survey of Wyoming. By A. C. Monahan and Katherine M. Cook, U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 29, 1916, pp. 120. Page seventy-seven iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiMiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [j'BRARY OF CONGRESS 019 841 027 5