mM&L _ f5;f^v x^^ OFFICrAJL DO^TAXIOIN'. SCHOOL LAW OF OHIO ACCOMPANIED BY JJL ± PREPARED BY THE SECRETARY OF STA' roR OF SCHOOL OFFICERS. COLUMBtrS,:'': , , OSGQOD & BLAKE, PRINTEES, 1853. V^ ^'V^f Is oxohangc O.T.Po^iniMP. SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE, Columbus, Ohio, July, 1853. To School Officers: Gentlemen : — In compliance with, the joint resolution of the General Assembly, passed March 14th, A. D. 1853, I have prepared forms to accompany the school law herevfith published, with as much care as my ofl&cial duties would allow. It is believed that they embrace all the topics contemplated, without tran- scending the limits prescribed by the resolution. It is hoped they will aid school officers in the discharge of their duties under the law, and contribute to render them less intricate and difficult to be performed. Side notes have been prepared with great care ; and a copious index, both to "the law and to the forms. It will be observed that the accompanying act repeals the law, transferring the duties of Superintendent of common schools to the Secretary of State. No pro- vision having been made for the discharge of duties, heretofore devolving upon the School Department, previous to the election of a School Commissioner in October next, I am in the daily receipt of letters from all parts of the State, making inquiries in regard to such points of the law, as appear ambiguous or difficult to comprehend. In many instances these complaints of ambiguity are well founded, owing doubtless to the magnitude of the subject, and the necessarily complicated nature of the system embraced by the law; but in a large majority of cases the difficul- ties are imaginary, resulting from an indisposition on the part of those charged with its execution to examine, and study the law in all its parts. In conclusion, I beg to remark to all those who may be charged with the execu- tion of the law, that all the forms that can be prepared, or explanations that can be made, will not obviate the necessity of closely studying its provisions as a whole and in detail. Yery respectfully. Your ob't servant, WILLIAM TREVITT, Secretary of State, AI ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REORGANIZATION, SUPERVISION, AND MAINTENANCE OF COMMON SCHOOLS. § 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State J^^p^se'^ls- Ohio. That hereafter each and every organized township in the tncts ; school , , . districts arc State shall compose but one school district lor all purposes sub -districts. connected with the general interests of education in the town- ship, and shall be confined to the management and control of a board of education, and the several school districts and frac- cation. tional parts thereof, which now are, or may hereafter be estab- lished in the several organized townships of the State, shall be regarded as sub-districts, and be confided to the manage- Local Direct- Board of Edu- ors. Cities, (fee. ;g..-«-l l/W Klivy ixiutii^gj ment and control of local directors, as hereinafter provided; but nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to give to the township board of education, or to local directors in sub-districts, jurisdiction over any territory in the township included within the limits of any city or incorporated village, with the territory annexed thereto for school purposes, which shall elect or appoint a board of education as hereinafter pro- vided, or which now is or may hereafter be governed as to schools, by any speciai or other act, specified in the sixty- seventh section of this act. ELECTION OF LOCAL DIRECTORS. § 2. On the second Monday of April ii the year eighteen when, whew hundred and fifty-three, there shall be held at the usual hour ^^*J ^^'^ '^■ •' ' . . . rectors elect- and place of holding district meetings in each of the sub-dis- ed. 6 Term of office. Minutes of tlie meeting;. Clerk to re- cord. Clerk to certi- Hoirr of hold- ing election. Who may des- ignate. Five days notice to be given. Official oath. Vacancy, how fiHed. tricts of the several townships of the State, a school meeting of the qualified voters resident within the sub-district, and hav- ing the qualifications of voters at the State and county elec- tions, who, when assembled, shall organize by the appointment of a chairman and secretary, and proceed to elect by ballot, three school directors for such sub-district; of tliose so elected, the person receiving the highest number of votes shall hold his office for three years; the person receiving the next highest number, shall hold the office for two years; and the person re- ceiving the next highest number, shall hold the office for one year; and each shall continue in office until his successor is elected and qualified. In case two or more persons so elect- ed have received an equal number of votes, the duration of their respectiveiterms of office shall be determined by lot in the presence of the chairman and secretary of the meeting; and annually thereafter in the same manner on the second Monday in April, there shall be elected in each sub-district of the proper township, one school director for the term of three years; and the minutes of the proceedings of any such sub- district meeting shall be signed by the chairman and secretary, and delivered to the directors who shall have been elected as aforesaid, to be recorded by the clerk in the records of the sub- district, and the said clerk of the sub-district shall forthwith certify to the township clerk, the names of the local directors so elected, specifying the term for which each was elected; if the directors of any sub-district so elected shall deem it expe- dient, they may designate the specific hour of the day on which the annual election for such sub-district shall be held, and in such case, shall cause five days notice thereof ia writing to be posted up in three of the most public places in such sub- district. § 3. The said directors, w^ithin five days after their elec- tion, shall take an oath or affirmation to support the constitu- tion of the United States and of the State of Ohio, and faith- fully and impartially to discharge the duties of their office; w^hich said oath the directors are authorized to administer to each other. And in case a vacancy shall occur in the office of director, by death, resignation, refusal to serve, or otherwise, it shall be the duty of the township clerk to fill such vacancy within ten days after being informed thereof, by appointment for the unexpired term. § 4. If the qualified voters of any sub-district shall fail to special meet- meet and elect school directors, as prescribed in the second ^"iJ^fj;'^*' section of this act, it shall be lawful for any three qualified voters of such sub-district to call a special meeting of the voters of such suD-district, for the purpose of electing direct- ors, en first giving five days notice in writing of the time and place of holding such meeting, by posting the same in three of the most public places in such sub-district; and the directors so elected at such special meeting, shall hold their offices for the same terms of time as if elected on the second Monday of April, as prescribed in said second section, except that their said terms of office shall be considered as havmg commenced ^^.^ on the second Monday of April next preceding the time of holding such special meeting. •§ 5. It shall be the duty of the directors, any two of whom How directors shall constitute a quorum, to meet as soon as practicable after *nrfheir*'' having been elected and qualified, at such place as mav be meetings. most convenient in the sub-district, and organize by appomting one of their number clerk of the sub-district, who shall pre- Clerk of sub- side at the official meetings of the directors, and record their ties of. ' proceedings in a book to be provided for the purpose, together with the minutes of the proceedings of the annual school meetings held in the sub-district by the qualified voters thereof, which shall be a public record; and all such proceedings, when so recorded, shall be signed by the clerk of the proper sub- district. The duT-ctors may meet as frequently as they may think necessary for the transaction of business, and fill any va- cancy in the office of clerk which may occur in the sub-dis- trict, or, in case of his absence, either of the other directors may officiate temporarily in his place. DUTIES OF LOCAL DIRECTORS. Their duties. § 6. It shall be the duty of the school directors in each sub-district to take the management and control of its local interests and affairs, to employ teachers, to certify the amount due them for services to the township clerk, who shall draw an order on the township treasurer for the amount; and to dis- Township ^ _ ' clerk to draw miss any teacher, at any time, for such reasons as they may orders on trea- deem sufficient; and to visit the school or schools of the sub- ^^^' 8 Duties of local directors con- tinued. Wiea consent of board to be obtained. Contracts to be reported to board. Board responsible for perform- ance of con- tracts. EiiT;meration of youtli. district at least twice during each term by one or more of their number, with such other person or persons competent to ex- amine pupils in their studies, as they may choose to invite. § 7. It shall be the duty of the directors, in their respect- ive sub-districts, to negotiate and make, under such rules and regulations as the township board of education may prescribe, all necessary contracts in relation to providing fuel for schools, repairing, building or furnishing school houses, purchasing or leasing school house sites, renting school rooms, and making all other provisions necessary for the convenience and prosperity of schools within their sub-district; but no contracts shall be made by the directors, under the provisions of this section, for the payment of money from the township school fund applica- ble to such purposes, which in any one year shall exceed the amount distributable to the sub-district in proportion to the enumeration of scholars resident therein, without first obtain- ino- the consent or order of a majority of the township board of education; and all contracts made by the local directors under the provisions of this section, shall be reported to the said board at their next meet ng after the making of such con- tracts, and said township board of education, in their corpo- rate capacity, on the part of the sub-district, shall be held re- sponsible for the performance^ thereof. § 8. It shall be the duty of the directors in each sub-dis- trict to take, or cause to be taken, annually, between the first and third Monday of October, an enumeration of all the un- married white and colored youth, noting them separately, be- tween the ages of five and twenty-one years, resident within such sub-district and not temporarily there, designating be- tween male and female, and return a certified copy thereof to the township clerk; and in case the directors in any sub-dis- tric'.s shall fail to take and return the enumeration aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the township clerk to employ a competent person to take the same and allow him a reasonable compen- sation for ms services, and shall proceed to recover the amount so paid for such services in a civil action, before any court hav- ing jurisdiction, in the name of the State of Ohio, against said directors in their individual capacity; and in such suits, said clerk shall be a competent witness; and the money so collect- ed shall be applied to the use of common schools in the proper # 9 township. The township clerk shall make an abstract of the enumeration so returned to him, designating |the number of youth in each sub-district, and transmit such abstract, duly Abstracttobe certified, to the county auditor, within twenty days after the fuaftor!*^^*" return made to him by the directors, or the person appointed to take such enumeration. § 9. If any civil township or part of a township compos- Different sur- posing a sub-district, shall be partly situated in the Virginia ^d separate*' Military District, the United States Military District, the ly- Western Reserve, or in an original surveyed township, or fractional township to which belongs any of section sixteen or other lands in lieu thereof, or any other lands for the use of schools, or any interest in the proceeds of such school lands, the local directors shall, in taking the enumeration of youth resident within their jurisdiction, return separately those re- siding in. the Virginia Military District, or United States Mili- tary District, or Western Reserve, or original surveyed town- ship or fractional township to which belong any school lands or interest in the proceeds of school lands. TOWNSHIP BOARDS OF EDUCATION.- Of whom § 10. That the township board of education shall consist of the township clerk and of the local director from each sub- composed, district of the township, who has been appointed clerk in his sub-distnct, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for Qx^omm. the transaction of business; and the clerk of the township shall ^p ^ • be clerk of the board, but shall not be entitled to a vote. It clerk to be shall be the duty of said clerk to De present at the meetings of the board, and to record in a book to be provided for the pur- pose, all their official proceedings, which shall be a public re- cord open to the inspection of any person interested therein; and all such proceedings, when so recorded, shall be signed by the chairman and clerk. § 11. The said township board of education in each town- Powers and ship of the State, and their successors in office, shall be a body ^^^^ies. politic and corporate in law, and as such may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity in this State, and may receive any gift, grant, donation or devise, made for the use of any school or schools within their jurisdiction; and moreover "they shall 10 Sessions of the board, re- gular and ad- journed. Management of central and hicfh schools. When to act as local di- rectors. be and hereby are invested in their corporate capacity with the title, care and custody of all school houses, school house sites, school libraries, apparatus or other property belonging to the school districts as now organized, or which may here- after be organized, within the limits of their jurisdiction, with full power to control the same in such manner as they may think will best subserve the interests of common schools and the cause of education; and when in the opinion of the board any school house or school house site has become unnecessary, they may sell and convey the same in the name of the township board of education of the proper township; such conveyance to be executed by the chairman and clerk of said board, and shall pay the avails over to the township treasurer of the pro- per township for the benefit of schools, and all conveyances of real estate which may be made to said board, shall be to said board in their corporate name and to their successors in office. § 1 2. It shall be the duty of the township board of educa- tion to hold regular sessions on the third Monday of April and on the third Monday of October in each year, in the usual place of holding township elections, or at such place in the immediate neighborhood as may be convenient for the transaction of any business which may be necessary in rela- tion to the subject of either the primary or graded schools of the township, with power to adjourn from time to time, or to hold special meetings at any other time or place within the proper township as they may think desirable for the transac- tion of business as aforesaid, and at all such meetings shall ap- point one of their number to the chair, and in case of the ab- sence of the township clerk, may appomt one of their own number to serve temporarily as clerk. § 13. The township board of education shall have the man- agement and control of all the central and high schools of their proper township which may be established therein under the authority of this act, with full power in respect to such schools, to employ, pay, and dismiss teachers, to build, repair and furnish the necessary school houses, purchase or lease sites therefor, or rent suitable school rooms, and make all other necessary provisions relative to such schools as they may deem proper; and it shall also be the duty of said board 11 of education, to exercise all the powers conferred on local di- rectors in respect to sub-district schools, whenever such local directors shall neglect to discharge their duties in any sub-dis- trict as required by this act; and it shall also be the further duty of said board to prescribe rules and regulations for the To prescribe government of all the common schools within their jurisdiction; ^^^ ^^' said board of education may provide for German schools for Mayprovidf the instruction of such youth as may desire to study the Ger- for German -^ •' •' schools. man language, or the German and English languages together, and if the board shall deem it necessary, they may appoint -^ appoiM one of their number the acting manager of schools for the actmgmana- . O'er. township, who shall do and perform all such duties as the "^ board may prescribe in relation to the management and super- vision of the different schools, and the educational interests of the township, and may allow him a reasonable compensation for his services. § 14. The said board shall prepare, or cause to be prepared. Map of towa- a map of their township, as often as they deem necessary, on ^^^ ^ which shall be designated the sub-districts of the township, alter sub-dis- which they may change or alter at any regular session, and Sub-districts the number of scholars assigned to each; but no sub-district not to contain . . . Isss than 60 shall contain within its limits, less than sixty resident scholars scholai-s, es- by enumeration, except in cases where in the opinion of Sc?iool in each the board it is necessary to reduce the number; and it shall, sub-distnct, be the duty of the board to establish a school m each sub-dis- trict of the township of such grade as the public good in their opinion may require; and in the location of primary schools, or schools of higher grade, the board shall have refer^ice to population and neighborhood, paying due regard to any school house already built, or site procured, as well as to all other circumstances proper to be considered so as to promote the best interests of schools. § 15. The board shall have power to assign such number of scholars to the several primary schools as they may think best, -Assignment of , scnoiSirs to and when such assignment has been made, shall furnish the tea- higher schools cher a list of the scholars so assigned; and the board shall also have full power to regulate and control the admission of scholars to schools of a higher grade, according to age and attainments, and may admit scholars over twenty-one years of age, and may suspend, or authorize the local directors to suspend, from scholars may the privileges of either of the schools, any pupil found guilty ^ ^^^P^^ ^ • < ^. /W Xj ./yr/ 12 Division of i^owuship for educational purposes. Scholars mav be transferred to another township. Boaj-d to de- termine studie^jbooks Librarian. To ?ive bond. of disorderly conduct, which suspension shall not extend be- yond the current session of the school. § 1 6. Whenever it shall happen that persons are so situated as to be better accommodated at the school of an adjoining township, or whenever it may be desirable to establish a school composed of parts of two or more townships, it shall be the duty of the respective boards of the townships in which such persons reside, or in which such schools may be sit- uated, or of the townships or parts of which the school is to be composed, to transfer such persons for educational purposes to the township in which such school house is or may be located; but the enumeration of scholars shall be taken in each township as if no such transfer had been made, and such school when so composed, shall be supported from the school funds of the respective townships from which the scholars may have been transferred; and the board of that township in which the school house is situated, shall have the control and management of such school, and the board of the adjoining township or townships so connected for school purposes, shall each make the proper estimates of their share of expenses of every kind necessary to sustain said school, and certify the same to the auditor of their proper county, as part of their annual estimates for school purposes, and draw orders on their respective township treasurers for such sum as will be in proportion to the enumeration of schol- ars so transferred, in favor of the board of that township in which such school is located, to be appropriated to the pay- ment of teachers, and for other purposes connected with the establishment or maintenance of said school as far as applicable. § 17. The said board shall have power to determine the studies to be pursued, and the school books to be used in the several schools under their control, and shall make and enforce such rules and regulations relative to the use and preservation of the school libraries and apparatus as they may think advisable, and shall appoint, or authorize the local directors to appoint a a suitable person to act as librarian and to take charge of the school apparatus, resident at some convenient place in the neighborhood where the school is kept, and may require such librarian to give bond for the faithful discharge of his duties, and alow him such compensation as they may think reasonable. 13 REPORT REQ,UIRED OF TEACHERS. ^ § 18. It shall be the duty of the school teacher to make What report out and file with the township clerk at the expiration of each ^^^ ^ ^^* term of the school, a full and complete report of the whole number of scholars admitted to the school during such term, distinguishing between male and female, the average attend- ance, the books used, the branches taught, the number of pupils engaged in the study of each of said branches, and such other statistics as he may be required to make by the town- ship board or local directors, and until such report shall have been certified and filed by the said teacher as aforesaid, it shall not be lawful for said board or local directors to pay said teacher for his or her services. STATEMENT REQ,UIRED OF DIRECTORS. § 19. The board of education in each township shall pre- Board of edu pare, or cause to be prepared and forwarded to the county cation to i-«- , . ^ . . , , „ , . port to audi- auditor at the same time when the return or the enumeration tor. of scholars is required to be made, a statement exhibiting the number of children in the township, between the ages of five and twenty-one years, distinguishing between male and female, the number of schools, specifying the different grades, the number of teachers male and female, the number of children male and female who have attended school during the past year, the average attendance, the length of the terms of schools, compensation of teachers male and female, the num- ber and condition of the school houses and furniture and the estimated value thereof; the number and condition of the books in the school libraries; the number of libraries; the kind of school books used in the schools; the number and value of school apparatus, and a full account of the expenditures for school purposes, together with such other statistic^' and infor- mation in relation to schools, as the state commissioner of schools may require. CENTRAL OR HIGH SCHOOLS. § 20. Each township board of education shall have power, ^stabli h - as hereinafter provided, to establish in their respective town- mentof, and ships such number of graded schools, or such modifications of o/cSldrerSi. 14 them, as the public interests may require; and in case of the establishment of such graded schools, it shall be the duty of the board so to classify the children of the township as to se- cure to all as far as practicable an equitable participation in the advantages thereof; and the board shall designate the sub- districts by numbering them, and schools of a higher grade than primary, shall be known by the appellation of central or high schools. Vote to beta- § 21. Whenever, in the opinion of the board of education,^ ken in estab- [^ g}^a.ll become necesary or desirable to provide one or more lisliiEs: such. ,,•,• • 1- 1 sciiools. such central or high schools m their respective townships, the said board shall estimate the probable cost thereof, and call a special meeting of the qualified voters of the township and who are not residents of any of the territory or districts named in the first section of this act, over which the jurisdiction of the township and local directors is excluded, at the usual place of ^\r A ,-, holding elections, first giving twenty days' notice of the time notice to be" and obiect of holding such meeting, by posting the same in "^ " ' some public place in each of the several sub-districts of the township, in which notice the amount or rate of tax as esti- mated by the board shall be stated, and the electors, when con- vened in pursuance of such notice, shall decide by vote, any questions which may be deemed important in relation to the cost and location of the building or buildings, or other provi- sions necessary for the establishment of any such school, and also the amount of township tax which may be levied for the ,-^r^ . » purpose; and the chairman and clerk of the board shall be the meeiing. chairman and clerk of the meeting, and the clerk shall record in the records of the board the action of the meeting, and the board shall be governed by the direction and vote of said meeting in relation to the subjects or matters so submitted. ANNUAL ESTIMATES TO BE CERTIEIED BY THE BOAIiD. § 22. It shall be the duty of the board of education in any organized township of the State, annually to determine by es- timate, as nearly as practicable, the entire amount of money necessary to be expended in the township for school purposes other than for the payment of teachers, and also such addi- tional amount as the board may think necessary, not exceeding two mills on the dollar valuation of the taxable property of the 15 township, for the exclusive purpose of sustaining teachers in the central or high schools, or for the purpose of prolonging, after the state funds have been exhausted, the terms of the several sub-district or primary schools in the township, or for both purposes, as the board may adjudge best, which several ^g^^^^^e^g^ amounts of money so estimated, the board shall make known mates on the by certificate in writing, on or before the first Monday in June erty of town- in each year, including any tax which may have been voted by P° a special meeting of electors as provided in the preceding sec- tion, to the auditor of the proper county, who shall thereupon assess the entire amount of such estimates on all the taxable property of the township not included in any city or incorpo- rated village or territory annexed thereto forming any special district, to be entered by said auditor on the tax duplicate of the county, and collected by the county treasurer at the same time and in the same manner as state and county taxes are collected; and when collected shall be paid over to the trea- Funds to be surer of the proper township, on the order of the county audi- fhip treasuxCT tor: and said county treasurer shall be entitled to receive for Hispercent- ao'e. collection, one per cent, on all moneys by him collected for school purposes, and no more. § 23. The township board of education shall have power, when tax to when in their opinion justice and equity require it, to estimate ^^^^^g^f,^^^'^ ^''^ separately the cost of purchasing a school house site and erect- sub-district to ..-,,, ,, . ,. , , purchase sites mg or repau'mg a school house thereon, m any particular sub- and build district of the township wherein the inhabitants have noi here- school houses. tofore borne a reasonable share of the burden of taxation for such purpose in comparison with other sub-districts in the township, and certify such portion as they may deem just and equitable, of the amount of such estimate to the county audi- tor of the proper county, together with a map of the lands and names of the tax payers in any such sub-district, which amount so certified shall be assessed by the auditor on the property therein subject to taxation, and placed on the county duplicate, specially, and be collected and paid over in the same manner as other school taxes, and be applied for the specific purpose of providing a school house in such sub-district. 16 DISBURSEMENT OF SCHOOL FUNDS. Funds to be paid out on or- der of clerk, except teach- ers. How teacliers paid. Disbursement of funds. To provide for seven months school in each sub-district. § 24. All school funds which may come into the hands of the township treasurer, from whatever source, shall be paid out only on the order of the clerk of the board of education, under the direction of the board: except in paying teachers for their services, the said clerk may, on such teachers' pre- senting their certificates of qualification, and depositing with the clerk true copies thereof, draw the requisite orders on the treasurer for such amount as may have been certified to be due by any two of the local directors of the proper sub-dis- trict in which the teacher was employed; and so much of the school moneys coming into the hands of the treasurer, as may be derived from the state tax, or from any township tax levied for the continuation of schools after the state fund has been exhausted, shall be applicable only to the payment of teachers in the proper township, and shall be drawn for no other pur- pose whatever; and all school funds made applicable to the payment of teachers only, shall be distributed to the several sub-districts and fractional parts thereof, in the township, in proportion to the enumeration of scholars, with the exception of so much of the township tax as may have been levied and reserved by the board for sustaining teachers in the central or or hio-h schools: and such school funds as arise from the sale or rents of section sixteen, or other lands in lieu thereof, shall be distributed to the localities to which such funds belong. Ail other school funds of the township, not raised for the central or high schools, nor made applicable to the payment of teach- ers, as aforesaid, shall be applied, under the direction of the board, in repairing, building or furnishing school houses, in procuring school house sites, and in making such other provi- sions for schools in the sub-districts of the proper township, as may in the opinion of the board be necessary; and each town- ship board shall make the necessary provisions for continuing the schools in operation in their respective townships for at least seven months in each year. DIVISION OF DUTIES AND LIABILITY OF CLERK. Duties of clerk, &c. § 25. The clerk of the board of education, or any one more of the board designated for that purpose, or the acting mana- 17 ger of schools of the township, may do and perform all such duties and services connected with the interests of schools as the board may direct, and report the same to the board for their action and approval; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the board to keep a full record thereof in connection with the records of the other official proceedings of the board, and in case of failure to keep such record or other records required by this act, the clerk of the board shall be liable in a civil ac- tion for all loss or damages that may ensue to any person or persons or to the school district, in the name of such person or persons, or board of school directors, as the case may be, and shall moreover be liable on complaint filed in the name of the State of Ohio, before any justice of the peace or other court having jurisdiction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dol- lars, which, when collected, shall be paid over to the treasurer of the proper township for the benefit of schools. SETTLEMENT WITH TREASURER. §26. It shall be the duty of the board of education to make Board to set- settlement with the township treasurer at their regular session shiptreasum- in April annually; but if for want of time or other reason a set- tlement cannot be made at said session, then it shall be the duty of the board to appoint a committee composed of one or more of their own members to make such settlement as soon as practicable, and report the result to the clerk of the board, who shall record an abstract thereof in the records of the board. • TREASURER, AND HIS DUTIES. § 27. The township treasurer in each township shall be the Duties of treasurer of all school funds for school purposes belonging to guTer— togiVe the township, arisina; from whatever sources, and on his elec- bond— itscon- ^ . . dition, Local Directo?'s. ORDER ON TOWNSHIP TREASURER FOR TEACHERS' PAY. $ . No. . To the Treasiu^er of Township, County, Ohio: Pay dollars for services as teacher in sub-district No. , of said tow^nship, frora ^ 185 — , to , 185 — , in all days, at per month. , 185 — . , Toivnship Clerk. 38 DISMISSAL OF TEACHER. Whereas, It has been represented to us that , who has been employed, and is now engaged in teaching a school in sub-district No. , township, county, is negligent, {or here insert any other sufficient cause) as such teacher* And, whereas, we have become satisfied of the truth of said representation: or Whereas, We have been required by the Board of Examinei's, of count}', to dismiss , now engaged as a teacher in sub- distiict No. , township, and county aforesaid, for the following causes : {Here set forth the causes.) Therefore, said is hereby dismissed as teacher as afore- said. Witness our hands , 185 — . Local Directors. VISIT TO SCHOOL. 185—. This day the undersigned, Local Duectors in district No. , townsliip, county, Ohio, in company with ■ and , who were invited for the pm*pose, visited the school in said sub-district, taught by , and the following was the result of the examination and visit : They found, &c. {Here set forth the opinion as to the vianagement of the schools, <^-c.) ,) ,> Local Directors. 5 . 39 CONTRACTS. This memorandum of an agreement made this day of eighteen hmidred and fifty , between and , and — , as directors of sub- of the one part, district number — nesseth, That said township, county, Ohio, wit- agrees to deliver at the school-house in said sub-district, on or before the day of next, bushels of coal of a good quality, at cents per bushel. And said ■ , • and , as trustees as aforesaid, are then and there to certify in favor of said , for the sum due for said fuel. Witness our hands, &c.. -,> Local Directors. JToTE. — ^If not too lengthy, copies sliould be furnished to the Board of Education, as all contracts must be reported. ENUMERATION 1. Enumeration of youth between the ages of Jive and twenty-one years, ixsiding in sub-district number , , tonmship, the , 185 — . IfAMES OF Parents oe, Guardians. !N"ames of Children. Males. Females Total jstumber. j!^o. of8ec. IN WHICH Youth Reside. White Youth. Colored Youth. We hereby certify the above to be a correct list of the white and colored youth in sub-district number , township, county, for the year 185 — , — — -,> Local Director. 185- 40 o ^ o Cr- ^ a ct> 1^ S o E^2 1— ' GO •^"s^. iJ^ " C? s p cr o < o o o s rt- 3 o ><: o ^ ra I-+ p p CD 3 o o C" ra o ^ p— > (Ti C/J 3 ■^ c-t- O i= CD ^^ P &- &- CD r-t- pr p ^§ p o u- n p Vi ,-, '^l ^^ O Tl o P" o ^* cr CD p ,_, cr &; cr CD ;: - ; P o cc o : d k! • o ; cc C o EC |J p'r= 03 o ■ j 2 o o J Si j a g CD :- EL 5! o 3' 2 EL •uopoag JO "OiM : ^ < if Is- I00 a? s ?s ?1 ^•- & ic.^ a a c> g ^ c^ 2 1^ a^ ?5 fes-g:. S:^ "^ cs S-'*^ a S^ S Cf q ^ -?^ b'^.^ tow stri O ;:; ^ N £>S- 1 !^ twen I part 1 "^-/•^ t3 -•a i O c^ 1-^ ■^ 1^ O >s 1 § ^ CO. (V a St ^1- a s <^ bi S^ ■^ ^■:?' 41 OH o tr o '^ "^ CD CJC! i_i. s . OQ i-J I-" on "' 0^ ^ . i-S CD > -3 0_ • -3 o'o t» »^ CD B fD p! J? 1 H" j j p j j P £■ j j P j j !2i p B' j J •uoi^oag JO '-0^ uaqmn^ !> c-i s » SI- s 5j- 1 » !^ 'Ci S5., -h a ^ c^ ^ ^ c% ff- S Si- 2 (■■^ ^ a- ^ ^.^ I—" Sr- s CD ^ ?S ^ • S5-, 15 c% a" ">! ^-s- S5-, ^j uth b ersig tg ^ s ^ ^s ^ rn. "^ H =- ^ ^■a. H ^'^ ^"^h 1 ^S =c s & S5 sr **^ ^^ *^ Ot. ^ § s H g^ t*1 ^i te3 ^ Cli >^ ^^ «. » ^ ^ b^§- ^rh 42 FORM OF DEED. This Indextuee, made the day of one tliousand eight hun- dred and fifty , between and his wife, of the county of , in the State of Ohio, parties of the first part and as Township Board of Education of the township of , count}' and State aforesaid, party of the second part wit- nesseth, That the said parties of the first part, in consideration of — '■ to them duly paid before the dehvery hereof have bargained and sold, a.nd by these presents do grant and convey to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, {here describe the prem- ises) with the appurtenances, and all the estate, title and interest of the said parties of the first part therein. And the said parties of the first part do hereby covenant and agree with the said party of the second part, that at the time of the delivery hereof, the said parties of the first part were the lawful ow^ners of the premises above granted, and seized thereof, in fee simple absolute, and that they will warrant and defend the above granted premises, in the quiet and peaceful possession of the said part}^ of the second part and its successors and assigns forever. In icitness ichereof, The said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above v/ritten. Sealed and declared in presence of [seal.] [seal.] The State of Ohio, County. Personally appeared before me, and , his wife, grantors in the above deed, and acknowledged the same to be then' vol- untary, act and deed, and the said being at the same time examined by me, apart from her said husband, and the contents of the above deed made known to her, she there declared that she voluntarily signed, sealed and acknowledged the same, and that she is still satisfied therewith. Witness my hand and seal this day of , A. D., 185 — . E"oTE. — Tlie Boai-d sliould carefully investigate tlie title to property before purchasing, and no school house should be erected, until a satisfactory title is obtained. The property should be declared in the corporate name of the " Township Board of Education," and not in the ni Q e. directors. FORM OF LEASE. This Indenture, made the day of , one thousand eight hundred and fifty , between of the county of , in the State of Ohio, of the first part, and the Township Board of Edu- cation of the township of , county and State aforesaid, of the second part,witnesseth — that the said party of the first part, for the con- sideration hereinafter mentioned has demised, granted and leased, and does hereby demise, grant and lease, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Qiere describe the premises) with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging. To have and to hold the said demised premises with the appurtenances, for and during the term of from the day of • , and the said party of the second part for itself, and assigns agrees to pay the said party of the first part, for the said premises the annual rent of dollars, in quarter yearly instalments, on the day of — , re- spectively. In testimony vjhereof, The said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this ■ — — day of ,■ A. D., 18 . [seal.] In presence of [seal.] Chairman of the Board. [seal.] Clerk. State of Ohio, County. Before me personally appeared , grantor in the above instru- ment, and acknowledged the same to be . voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, this day of , A. D., 18 . N"oTE. — If the lease be for three years, or more, it must be acknowledged, attested by two witnesses, and recorded. If for a less tenn, it need not be executed with these formalities The time of paying rent may be filled up according to contract. The consideration may be money, or any thing else, and the form varied accordingly. 44 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING MANAGER. , 185—. TKis day the Board of Education of Township, Countj', met, and deeming it necessary, did appoint Acting Manager of Schools for said Township, and empowered him to perform the fol- lowing duties : 1. To, &c. By order of the Board. , Clerk. ASSIGNMENT OF SCHOLARS. , 185-. This day the Board of Education of Township, Count}^, met and assigned scholars to primary schools in said township as follows : To sub district No. — A. B. CD. etc. To sub district No. — E. F. G. H. etc. By order of the Board. , Clerk. Note. — A copy of the assigament to eacii sub district, is to be furmshed to tlie Teacli«r. I 45 APPOINTMENT OF LIBRARIAN. , — , 185-. The Board of Education of Township, County, has this day appointed to act as Librarian, and to take charge of the school apparatus in sub district No. — ■, of said Township, for the term of — year . By order of the Board, , Clerk. BOND OF LIBRARIAN. Know all men by these presents, that we and are held and bound unto the State of Ohio in the sum of hundred dollars, for the payment of which we jointly and severally bind ourselves, our and each of our heirs, administrators and assigns. Sealed with our seals this day of , eighteen hundred and fifty . The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the Board of Education of Township, County, on the day of , eighteen hundred and fifty , appointed and authorized said to act as Librarian and to take charge of the school apparatus in district No. of said township : Now, if said shall faithfully, honestly, and impartially, and in ac- cordance with such rules and regulations as may, from time to time, be prescribed by said board, discharge his duty under and by virtue of said appointment, for the term of year, and until his successor shall be duly appointed, then this obligation shall be void. — ■ , [seal.] _, ^ [seal] Attest : IfoTE. — The foregoing minutes and bond can readily be clianged to apply to appointments made by the Local Directors. In such case, the Board should enter in the record an entry similar to the following 46 AUTHORITY OP LOCAL DIRECTORS TO APPOINT LIBRARIAN. , 185-. The Board of Education of— — • Township, County, met this day, and authorized the Local Directors of sub district No. — to appoint a suitable person, resident within the sub district, to act as Librarian, and to take charge of the school apparatus in the sub district, for such length of time and under such rules and regulations as the Local Directors may from time to time prescribe. By order of the Board. , Clerk. 4T FORM of Teacher's Daily Register. CO a >^ 9 Branches a Pupil's na o CD a U2 -a O i^ 6 "^ taught. 1 2 A. B. C. D. 1 p. a. 1 'p.' f.' * 1 1 1 Orthography. Reading. • 2 E. F. 1 1 1 .... 4 Writing. 4 G. H. 1 1 1 p. f. 1 61 Arithmetic. 5 I. J. K. L. p. a. 1 1 p. a. 1 1 1 3 4 Geography. Eno-. Grammar. o Note. — This register maj be kept on a single sheet of paper, and should be incorpo- rated weekly in the general register, as per form on page 48. To find the average number in daily attendance, let the number of days present be added up and divided by the Avhole number of days. The signifies absent, 1, pres- ent, p. f. present forenoon, p. a. present afternoon. 48 1—' o •sjBpqog JO -os^'. •> ^ ^ '^ >• ; 1 11 Time of attend- ance;. I -+-t- '. '. '. •ItldBiSoipio What branches they have studied. Text Books. -}- --^- J. •Sinp-Ba'a -^ ->• '. - •SUTITI^ : -f--}- -oi^aniifiiJY ^ -^-^ I ■iBiuiue.i-Q ^^ j •A'qdBiSo9f) ^ - - - - •■BiqaS];^ 1 -Xqanioag 1 •Xt;sTTnai[Q •Xqdosojrqj ; -XnionojisY •SnTjf9Ajng Algebra. , Geography. Grammar. Arithmetic, c^ ^ 49 s ^ ^ ^ Kl H ^ -<5 O SQ ^ s t-s >3 ^ ,. § ^ 1—1 O 1 E:^ 1 Pi ^ S g c:^ O l'^ ^ ^ O ■^ ^ S 53 ^ Cd 1 CQ 00 rH ft^ r fee E ■d 03 CO o n o H \ •noi;in| loj o •i-H !=l CO o b •SntXaAJng ^ •/raono.i^sy •i!qdoso];Tt[j ■Xi^sun9T[3 ■Xi^a'nioog •i3iqa§];Y •jfqd'B.iSoar) ■.r,3niDiB.iQ ■oi)9rai];:jT.iY SIBpipS JO -OJJ pq ^ -JO SniiCpn^s S-IBJOtlOS JO -0 JJ p4 S •aoxre -pu9;;'B X^rep s-repnosjo-oj^ f^l ^ •payp-iira SJBpHOS JO -OJiJ Fr ^' Tiaaq sbt:[ poi[DS lam -rans si[:^uora jo -O]^ i no3 -TItA :[ S"Bq poqo i. sqiuora J 3 .mi -0^ 1 i 50 CENTRAL, OR HIGH SCHOOLS. Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of township, count}', that in the opinion of said board it has become desu-able to establish'a Central, or High School in said township ; that for such pur- pose it is necessary to levy a tax of — mills to the dollar, {or say of hundred dollars) and that on the day of , at — o'clock, — . — ., there will be a meeting of the o,ualified voters of said township, at the place of holding elections in said township, when and where important questions will be submitted to the voters of said township, relative to the cost and location of the building, and other provisions necessary for the estabhshment of a Central or High School in said township, and also the amount of tas vrliich shall be levied for the purpose. . 1S5 — . Bi/ order of the Board. , Clei^k. CERTIFICATE OF AIN'NUAL ESTIMATES. To the Auditor of County: It is hereby certified by the Board of Education of township that the entire amount of money necessarj- to be assessed on the taxable propert}- of said township, and expended therein, for school pm^poses, as directed in the 22nd section of the '•' act to provide for the reorganization, supervision and maintenance of common schools," passed March 14, 1853, is dollars, as follows : For continuing school seven months, . _ - - g For , , 1S.5 — . By order of the Board. = , Clerk. 51 FORM OF A BOND FOR TOWNSHIP TREASURERS, AS TREASURERS OF THE SCHOOL FUND. Know all Men by tliese Presents, That we, ■, , and , of comity, Ohio, are held and firmly bound, to the State of Ohio, in the sum of dollars, for the payment of which we do jointly and severally bind ourselves, our and each of our heirs and legal representa- tives. Sealed with our seals, and dated this day of , in the year 18 . The condition of this obHgation is, that, whereas, the said • J was, on the day of , 18 , duly elected treasurer of township, county. Now if said , as treasurer, shall faithfully disburse and pay over, according to law, all such school or other funds, and moneys, as shall, from time to time, come into his hands for school purposes, then this obligation to be void; otherwise, to be and remain in full force. , [seal.] , [seal.] -, [seal.] Executed in the presence of Note. — This can readily be altered to apply to city treasurer, as proyided i.u Sec. o4r** '|^ g, Certificate of Treasurer's Bond. • It is hereby certified that has executed and filed with me a bond for the faithful disbursement, as Treasurer of Township, County, of all school funds that may come into his hands as such Treasurer; which bond, date April , 185 — , is in the penalty of dollars, and has been approved by the Trustees of said Township. Township Clerk said Township. Note — The above can he altered so as to apply to the City Treasurer's Bond, pro- Tided for in section 34. 52 ORDER ON TREASURY, (1.) To the Treasurer Toicnshijy, County : Pay . dollars, for By order of the Board. -, Clerk. ORDER ON TREASURY, (2.) To th£ Treasurer of Toicnship, County: Po-y ; dollars, for services as teacher in sub- district Xo. — , commencing , 185 — , and ending , 185 — , in all ~ — — days. By order of the Board of Education, . Clerk. 53 5Q ^ O o o a. m CI O 1:3 o Q a, ;5 o So i H ' ^ • rt f- ^ JS "1> O) o '^ ^ a o 2 ^^ 0^ o \> CO S M to OQ l=i rt >-l -+^ ■4^ 0) li «4-l tK m i? « f3 ".^'§ fl ^ ^ .2ij ? So;) fH cS o3 P^ 3 M CO S .2^ o r£5 02 O o ^ .ir cS O I o^ c3 Jl Oi SO P! I ^ O .2 «'? .2-0 O (D O ma &o cc cc GQ •^ a r-t +J be Pi 9 O 03 O o EH 64 13 o o W. IB o o O o I o d o • 6 b trict N le Tow Vouch paid Sub-Dis the order of tl erk, as per :.1 S.s Pi O W ^^ § pj - oj ,- a 2 P^ ^ S en t>. 1 P q :: :: .^ S »> 1 § 1 S CO S -^ ; • ;-, >i a • ^ +i t>l :^ > ' cc a . aj — Si o O i r • 1 r^ : " i ^ 1 CD . ca v-i ; 1 1 ^^ cS ^j a !=1 r^ a Cm : B • g a. 2 2 c Si • « 'ii 9i bD -^ rs us 1-0 i 11 ■3 • ^ d ^ ■I '-' r^ S M ;S ^ pi rt =i '^^ s s c3 Eh =^ tj:5 =^ tdO M -*^ >-5 ^ ^ 2 :: E- H , >i . >> 1 V. ]• ^ e e ' s ' s CO S CO g "^ }S. 3 k; 3 i 1 H aj 3 d :3 rl P) 14 ?-i Tl f) fl ce C > riJ b 't:3 rt ,rj P-( .■^ 1^ ^ ^-c '^ 6fJ n ■^ cd br a -^ cS T3 en _ ,^ te CI S ^ .S "! 2 Ph c ^ ^^ 55 p r^ ^ U2 ,_^ 133 Ss. OJ Jg r£3 ^ o fcJD » bD o w o 'oj •♦O I— I 115 _r^ O .'^ C/i Ph ^3 a> o a> o « ^ ^ ^ !z ^ ^ - S o^ o^ °^^ «^^ ^^ t>0 >rrt 03 « O '' O „ C« ^^ If r I I I o I ■« Qh .Oh CO »- ■ cs p» TO ^r ^ f^ m u ^ 05 f^ 1 ^ «5^ C5 <+H O) o ^ ■^ GQ ',-1 a (>il o o pq §; S 5Si >-, S 1:g ^ s o O 5^ ^ OD o 5v '^ <3i o P^ O an ^ •iCuB^og ■jfraonoi^jsy CO HI o •jfj^STTnaqQ m •jfqdoso]^TT{j; rf H a •SuijfaAang tq ■Xi^^araoaf) •BiqaSiY o5 • •j^raBJCQ -gag; ^ 3 •iqdBiSoaQ M Hi O O •opoinq'jT.iY 0} •Snt^T.1^ ■Smp'ea'a; •j^qd^iSoq^jQ •saprag^ •sapi^ •aon-BTiTipnoo JO aratj, •a:>Bogi:naO JO .laqtnnj^ Pt^p^ Opq ^H ft H^ pj ^ 1 E^2 M 'SHIP CLERK, to fiU vacancy in local directors 3 Form in such cases 36 to draw order in favor of teacher 6 Form in such case i 37 to have enumeration taken in a certain event 8 to make abstract of enumeration 8 Form of abstract 41 member of Board of education 10 clerk of said Board " if absent, clerk to be appointed 12 . clerk at meeting relating to high school 21 his hability , 25 when to prosecute treasurer on his bond 27 to make certificate of amount of such bond 28 Form of 51 to report to State commissioner if required -. 52 TOWNSHIP BOARD, (see ''Board of Education:' TOWNSHIP TREASURER, funds to be paid to 22 settlement with Board 26 his duties 27 bond Form of 51 to furnish auditor certificate of the amount of bond. 28 Form of certificate 51 his per centage 28