L 120 B33 Copy 1 mcial and Statistical Extracts From Report of luperintendent of Public Instruction For the Years Beginning July 1, 1918, and Ending June 30, 1920 Published by ioard of Directors of State Institutions, by autlwrity of Chapter XVIII Title 1, Revised Statutes of Arizona 1913, Civil Code r -: : -W^"m^ c WlimM CU*^hri*s>\ &£*M~ Financial and Statistical Extracts From Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction For the Years Beginning July 1, 1918, and Ending June 30, 1920 Published by Board of Directors of State Institutions, by authority of Chapter XVIII Title 1, Revised Statutes of Arizona 1913, Civil Code 3^ A. WATKtNS PRINTING CO., PHOENK LlilWRV OF CONGRESS" I «ECEIVE D DOCUMENTS OlV^uj J REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Office of SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION October 1, 1920. To His Excellency, Thomas E. Campbell, Governor of the State of Airzona. Sir: I have the honor of submitting to you, in compliance with the requirements of law, the following report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the years beginning July 1, 1918, and ending June 30, 1920. Very respectfully, C. 0. CASE. Extracts from Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction For the Years Beginning July 1, 1918, and Ending June 30, 1920 STATE OF ARIZONA MILITARY DEPARTMENT Phoenix December 1, 1920. From The Adjutant General, Secretary of Normal and High School Cadet Commission. To . Mr. C. 0. Case, Chairman, Normal 'and High School Cadet Commission. Subject: ANNUAL REPORT 1. Cadet Companies have been organized this year in the fol- lowing high schools, Casa Grande, Florence, Nogales, Clifton and Morenci. Thirteen additional High Schools will probably qualify in another year. Approximately 2,800 students are taking Military Training in one Normal and twenty-one High Schools, as follows: Had Training Last Year: Holbrook, Winslow, Jerome, Glendale, Phoenix, Tempe High, Tempe Normal, Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler, Yuma, Tucson, Douglas, Bisbee, Safford, Globe, Miami. New Schools Taking the Course This Year: Casa Grande, No- gales, Clifton, Morenci, Florence. Expect to Qualify within the Next Year: Kingman, Clarkdale, Flagstaff, Williams, Ajo, Peoria, Wilcox, Benson, Duncan, Thatcher, Ray, St. Johns, Metcalf. 2. New equipment purchased during the fiscal year 1920 con- sists of 100,000 rounds .22 cal. ammunition; 10,525 rounds of .30 cal. ammunition; 100 Winchester rifle model No. 52 .22 cal., and one set of colors. This stand of colors is to be awarded to the best uniformed and 6 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT trained company in the Cadet Corps and will be designated as the Color Company of the Regiment for the year. Tempe Normal School was awarded the colors for last year. GOVERNMENT AID Prescott High School made application for Government aid un- der Special Regulation 107 Douglas, Phoenix and Tucson have obtained Government aid under General Order No. 48, War Depart- ment, and now have their equipment. The Cadet Regiment in the State of Arizona as a whole is in very good shape considering the limited time available for training. In some schools the Military Training period is before school hours, in other schools they take up from thirty to forty-five minutes of the noon hour, all of which does not tend to create a good spirit among the students. The law should be amended requiring all schools to include the training in their regular cirricula. If this period could be arranged in the middle of the afternoon in the second or third periods it would be of great benefit to the student both physically and mentally. A few schools have the training three times a week and taking one hour each period. This is very poor practice, and in order to derive the greatest benefits from the training it should be taken each day and made short and snappy. Thirty minutes of good snappy physical exercises will do more to develop a student than hours of slow, uninteresting drill. TARGET RANGES Several companies engaged in target practice upon available ranges with the service rifles. One rifle match was reported in which teams from two companies, geographically widely separated, met at their own expense. Would suggest that the commission authorize an annual rifle match with a team from each school consisting of three students and that the State stand the expense' of the railroad fare, and offer suitable prizes and a cup. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION EXPENSES OF THE NORMAL AND HIGH SCHOOL CADET BATTALION Travel Expenses: August $ 32.57 September 7.15 October 32.75 November 47.30 $ 119.77 Stationery and Office Supplies: July $ 17.60 17.60 Postage : July $ 4.00 November 10.00 14.00 Pay of Inspector-Instructor: July $ 150.00 August 150.00 September 150.00 October 25.00 November 280.00 755.00 Exqyress, Freight and Drayage: January $ 7.41 February 4.85 March 4.74 June I.94 November n.87 30.81 Printing and Publications: June $ 200.00 August 105.00 November 610.00 915.00 New Equipment: July $4,055.24 4,055.24 Replacement Equipment: July $ 538.00 538.00 Miscellaneous : December $ 213.75 February 42.60 June 1,097.03 July 214.53 1,567.91 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT Totals : Travel expenses $ 119.77 . Stationery and office supplies 17.60 Postage 14.00 ■ Pay of inspector-instructor.... 755.00 Express, freight and drayage 30.81 Printing and publications 915.00 New equipment 4,055.24 Replacement equipment 358.00 Miscellaneous 1,567.91 $8,013.33 Expenditures by Months: December $ 213.75 January 25.01 February 47.45 March 4.74 April May 1,097.03 June 5,013.71 July 150.00 August 287.57 September 157.15 October 57.75 November 959.17 $8,013.33 W. S. INGALLS. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9 AVERAGE MONTHLY SALARIES FOR TEACHERS IN ONE- ROOM RURAL SCHOOLS, CALCULATED ON A TWELVE MONTHS BASIS Year 1919-1920 Year 1920-1921 Counties Paid To Be Paid Apache $66.16 $ 84.28 Cochise 70.27 113.40 Coconino 67.02 83.76 Gila _ 73.31 106.12 Graham 70.69 90.06 Greenlee 73.40 98.14 Maricopa 74.38 96.11 Mohave 64.93 88.81 Navajo 67.82 84.32 Pima 81.56 97.50 Pinal 77.10 112.56 Santa Cruz 70.56 82.31 Yavapai 76.10 91.92 Yuma 71.25 87.78 10 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT co 3 -73 O ^ CO CO U5 t-^ COlO^OOlOCO'* a "a 1* a> i > £ £ p; * Hi * a w -^ «■, CC Ph 02 g O > Ph Ph E^ h! M bX) o CJO JS •3 rH 0) J) CO CJ0T3 ■ — | « cS A ^ "J Ph cu X > ^ fe tf" fe d Ph « Q S bis* W Q ffi 5 C C M H 1- ^ m m |m k S'Sh ^ a 53 ^ PQ QJ T3 & +3 T3 ft P c3 3 HIS & Ph O c ■H « j: be o 3 fl bJO &J0 "^ Ph fe N M « Q if co Oj O q ^ W Hi tf W W ^ ffi > d ^ d ■r. J) .H 15 J ^ ^ O PpH M 'ri W^^ U m'^/r <3fqWOOOOQQpHfHO^OOabW§ 5 a> a> -h o o §§^£ OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11 o^r-oooioeo C-NMO®ffit-fl>W(OOm U3 CO r-i so OS CO so o CM oo C^- oo CO t- co so CO o 1—1 so us CM oo o t- co CO cm o to CO IM Cijm^H^Nt-NHTfMtti T3 x 5 O S CO M.B-8 m ^ 3 £^0 co v - f 8 a O > fc - t -' c "S ►r o ^ Ph h £ a>

O O O i «H _ o 03 . o' Q) «2 C 33 3 C 1— 1 -Q CO 03 CM OS > SC a 1—1 -i-j '""' o c o w £ £j P o8 S =H Pi W &0i S SPfc 0_, TO to TO HHh^^^^iBHfc * 3 bJD 12 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT STATE AID Moneys paid out of the General Fund as reimbursement for ex- penditures made for vocational education by the High Schools and Normal Schools: Reimbursements Reimbursements 1918-19 1919-20 Covering Covering Expenditures Expenditures 1917-18 1918-19 Bisbee High School $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Benson High School 2,500.00 2,500.00 Douglas High School 2,500.00 2,500.00 Tombstone High School 363.01 1,024.00 Willcox Union High 2,500.00 2,500.00 Williams High School 759.58 Miami High School 2,500.00 2,500.00 Globe High School 2,500.00 2,500.00 Safford High School 2,500.00 2,500.00 Clifton High School 2,500.00 2,500.00 Morenci High School 1,927.02 1,624.15 Metcalf High School 1,504.02 1,839.46 Duncan High School 440.70 2,418.68 Phoenix Union High 2,500.00 2,500.00 Glendale High School 2,500.00 2,500.00 Tempe Union High .: 2,500.00 2,500.00 Mesa Union High 2,500.00 2,500.00 Chandler Union High 1,386.92 2,500.00 Gilbert High School 978.68 2,463.48 Mohave County High School 2,436.59 2,500.00 Winslow High School 2,500.00 2,419.74 Holbrook High School 805.79 1,847.36 Tucson High School 2,500.00 2,500.00 Casa Grande High School...... 1,600.00 Florence Union High 2,500.00 1,836.14 Nogales High School 1,634.96 2,500.00 Jerome High School 1,011.12 2,250.06 Prescott High School 2,500.00 2,500.00 Clarkdale High School 622.73 2,500.00 Yuma Union High 2,500.00 2,500.00 Northern Arizona Normal.... 2,500.00 2,500.00 Tempe State Normal 2,500.00 2,500.00 TOTAL $61,371.12 $71,823.07 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 13 GENERAL SUMMARY OF APACHE COUNTY. School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children : 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 1487 1456 Between 8 and 16 years of age 967 972 Native born, native parents 1436 1434 Native born, one parent foreign 28 13 Native born, both parents foreign 10 9 Foreign born 13 Enrolled in common schools 1028 1280 Enrolled in high schools Attending private schools 79 60 Who have not attended any school 490 Deaf and Dumb of school age Daily average attendance, common schools.... 680 864 Average daily attendance, high schools Percentage of school population enrolled.... 65 82 Percentage of enrollment in daily attendance 66 69 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 22 23 Number of school houses newly built Number of school houses owned by districts 15 20 Number of school houses rented by districts 9 Number of high schools ._ Number of grammar schools 17 15 Number of primary schools 23 14 Teachers : Number of volumes in school libraries 1150 575 Number of male teachers employed 15 9 Number of female teachers employed 27 35 Number holding first grade credentials 22 31 Number holding second grade credentials .... 13 11 Specials Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers 95.66 $110.55 Female teachers 91.25 96.15 14 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919 AND JUNE 30, 1920. APACHE COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund - - -$ 2,303.66 $ 2,416.70 (b) School District Funds 7,307.80 3,123.19 (c) Building Funds - 3,065.79 9,923.90 (d) Miscellaneous Funds ...'.. 102.72 2,585.11 Total School Funds on Hand July 1st Receipts : (a) State Funds $ 11,775.40 (b) County School Taxes 36,211.10 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 1,317.50 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses --.- - (e) Special Tax for maintaining schools .:.;. 7,295.36 (f) Sale of Bonds ._ 8,791.92 ." (g)) Miscellaneous sources 1,920.76 Receipts for 1919 ....; $ 60,016.68 Total Receipts Including Balances $ 2,041.07 $ 18,048.90 18,141.40 34,701.05 2,215.00 $ 57,975.61 $ 80,401.71 Expenditures : (a) School maintenance (b) Building purposes (c) Miscellaneous purposes (d) From County School Fund 37,163.83 1,090.98 781.45 1,953.95 Balance on Hand June 30th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund $ (b) School District Fund (c) Building Funds (d) Miscellaneaus Funds Total School Funds on Hand — June 30th _ 2,416.70 2,765.38 10,766.73 1,036.59 49,160.34 1,827.00 5,025.99 2,337.56 Total Expenditures .$ 40,990.21 $ 58,350.89 1,287.82 7,630|40 8,096.90 5,035.70 $ 16,985.40 $ 22,050.82 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 15 GENERAL SUMMARY OF COCHISE COUNTY School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children: 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 12387 13474 Between 8 and 16 years of age 8129 7774 Native born, native parents 6217 6824 Native born, one parent foreign 1082 1044 Native born, both parents foreign 2211 3331 Foreign born 2877 2275 Enrolled in common schools 10930 12341 Enrolled in high schools 886 1031 Attending private schools 491 102 Who have not attended any school 2710 Deaf and dumb of school age 2 2 Blind of school age Overage daily attendance, common schools 6894.90 6856.69 Average daily attendance, high schools 557.10 774 Percentage of school population enrolled 88 92 Percentage of enrollment in daily attend- ance 63 60 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts ' 89 79 Number of new school houses built 4 2 Number of school houses owned by districts 84 Number of school houses rented by districts 3 Number of high schools 5 5 Number of grammar schools 168 128 Number of primary schools 150 171 Number of volumes in school libraries 7630 10540 Teachers : Number of male teachers employed 18 32 Number of female teachers employed 287 325 Number holding first grade credentials 268 289 Number holding second grade credentials .... 30 35 Specials Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $127.22 $166.36 Female teachers 94.98 116.99 16 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919 AND JUNE 30, 1920. COCHISE COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund $ 23,855.87 $ 107,802.98 (b) School District Funds 75,228.45 113,209.00 (c) Building Funds 16,752.80 21,428.48 (d) Miscellaneous Funds ...„..'. 150,047.09 170,839. 63 Total school funds on hand July 1st $ 265,884.21 $ 413,281.08 Receipts : (a) State Funds _ $ 187,672.10 $ 162,081.40 (b) County School Taxes 182,824.75 220,687.02 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 40,017.00 21,889.55 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses - 14,446.55 9,085.47 (e) Special Taxes for maintaining Schools 164,190.72 204,818.25 (f) Sale of Bonds 91,410.00 471,975.00 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 208,179.98 240,039.76 Total Receipts Including ■ Balances ._ $1,154,625.31 $1,743,857.53 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance _ _._$ 458,678.63 $ 613,799. 3F (b) Building Purposes 86,734.32 209,231.34 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 187,388.24 220,338.60 (d) From County School Fund 8,521.02 9,786.89 Total Expenditures ...$ 741,322.21 $1,053,156.18 Balance on Hand June 50th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund .....$ 107,825.00 $ 112,064.81 (b) School District Funds 113,209.99 103,922.53 (c) Building Funds 21,428.48 284,172.14 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 170,839.63 190.541.87 Total School Funds on Hand — - June 30th ..$ 413,303. lu $ 690,701.35 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 17 GENERAL SUMMARY OF COCONINO COUNTY School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children: 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 1440 1597 Between 8 and 16 years of age 852 1290 Native born, native parents 1011 1068 Native born, one parent foreign 170 299 Native born, both parents foreign 191 199 Foreign born 66 31 Enrolled in common schools 1491 1480 Enrolled in high schools 17 45 Attending private schools 23 7 Who have not attended any school 130 Deaf and dumb of school age Blind children of school age Average daily attendance, common schools .. 86449 961.86 Average daily attendance, high schools 121 31 Percentage of school population enrolled — - 96 Percentage of enrollment in daily attend- ance 58 65 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 18 22 Number of school houses newly built 1 4 Number of school houses owned by districts 14 17 Number of school houses rented by districts 2 2 Number of high schools 1 2 Number of grammar schools 18 15 Number of primary schools .. 28 19 Number of volumes in school libraries 2877 3569 Teachers : Number of male teachers employed 4 5 Numberof female teachers employed 50 58 Number holding first grade credentials 46 36 Number holding second grade credentials .... .... 3 Specials ■... 5 6 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $163.75 $195.00 Female teachers 102.70 122.36 18 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919 AND JUNE 30, 1920. COCONINO COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920 Fund _$ 419.89 $ 28,598.10 (b) School District Funds 11,813.25 5,169.81 (c) Building Funds 4,000.00 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 118. IT 1,222.50 Total School Fund on Hand July 1st $ 16,351.31 $ 34,990.41 Receipts : (a) State Funds $ 22,828.20 $ 19,930.30 (b) County School Taxes 46,042.65 1,200.00 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 3,916.25 4,062.75 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses 12,407.00 13,231.50 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 4,880.97 12,000.00 (f) Sale of Bonds 6,641.61 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 67,547.61 Total Receipts Including Balances $ 113,067.99 $ 152,962.57 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance .....$ 72,089.53 $ 108,974.79 (b) Building Purposes (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 5,988.05 8,284.53 (d) From County School Fund _. Balance on Hand June 30th: Total Expenditures .$ 78,077.58 $ 117,259.32 (a) Unapportioned County School Fund , •. .$ 10,276.47 $ 749.85 (b) School District Funds 17,442.21 31,043.50 (c) 'Building Funds 6,500.00 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 771.73 3,909.90 Total School Funds on Hand June 30th ,.. _$ 34,990.41 $ 35,703.25 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 19 GENERAL SUMMARY OF GILA COUNTY School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children: 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 6123 6862 Between 8 and 16 years of age 8129 4299 Native born, native parents .' 3636 3944 • Native born, one parent foreign - 617 518 Native born, both parents foreign 977 1190 Foreign born - 1003 1210 Enrolled in common schools 5917 5813 Enrolled in high schools 342 368 Attending private schools 41 41 Who have not attended any school 1061 Deaf and dumb of school age 3 3 Blind of school age 1 1 Average daily attendance, common schools 3558.09 3725. O'i Average daily attendance, high schools ...A.. 276 318.14 Percentage of school population enrolled 96 90 Percentage of enrollment in daily attend- ance .-- 61 65 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 34 35 Number of new school houses built .... 10 Number of school houses owned by districts 35 33 Number of school houses rented by districts 7 6 Number of high schools 2 2 Number of grammar schools 16 80 Number of primary schools 34 60 Numbor of volumes in school libraries 3669 3501 Teachers: Number of male teachers employed 6 15 Number of female teachers employed 149 142 Number holding first grade credentials 160 134 Number holding second grade credentials .... 8 6 Specials - 15 15 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers ..'. - - $136.66 $172.36 Female teachers 109.47 122.84 Male teachers in high schools 197.22 Female teachers in high school 123.93 20 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919, JUNE 30, 1920. GILA COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920 Fund $ 30,146.00 $ 15,227.70 (b) School District Funds ..,. 22,870.51 27,420.61 (c) Building Funds 4,609.71 3,615.75 (d) Miscellaneaus Funds 89,973.75 118,712.49 Total School Fund on Hand July 1st ....$ 147,599.97 $ 164,976.55 Receipts : (a) State Funds _ $ 92,340.80 $ 74,700.60 (b) County School Taxes _. 118,014.28 196,065.10 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 17,677.50 17,992.50 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses 2,645.00 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 24,280.54 62,709.74 (f) Sale of Bonds .-.. ___._ 329,809.04 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 123,149.09 142,453.76 Total Receipts Including ; Balances .$ 523,062.18 $ 991,352.29 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 257,816.94 $ 331,261.12 (b) Building Purposes 993.96 299,721.23 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 94,410.35 124,362.91 (d) From County School Fund 4,864.38 6,565.69 Total Expenditures ..$ 358,085.63 $ 761,910.95 Balance on Hand June 30th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund ..$ 15,227.70 $ 28,745.09 (b) School District Funds 27,420.61 29,189.35 (c) Building Funds 3,615.75 33,703.56 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 118,712.49 137,803.34 Total School Funds on Hand June 30th $ 164,976.55 $ 229,441.34 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 21 GENERAL SUMMARY OF GRAHAM COUNTY School Pojyulation and Attendance: Number of School Children: 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 3357 3427 Between 8 and 16 years of age 2127 2268 Native born, native parents 2993 3050 Native born, one parent foreign 165 183 Native born, both parents foreign 64 130 Foreign born 135 64 Enrolled in common schools 2863 3121 Enrolled in high schools 107 91 Attending private schools 13 Who have not attended any school 624 Deaf and dumb of school age 2 Deaf and dumb of school age ■ Blind children of school age 2 Average daily attendance, common schools 1772.35 2122.16 Average daily attendance, high school 65.40 68 Percentage of school population enrolled 85 93 Percentage of enrollment in daily attend- ance 61 69 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 36 36 Number of new school houses built 2 10 Number of school houses owned by districts 40 36 Number of school houses rented by districts 5 8 Number of high schools _ 1 1 Number of grammar schools 48 24 Number of primary schools _. 31 36 Number of volumes in school libraries 2760 4467 Teachers : Number of male teachers employed 5 16 Number of female teachers employed 84 88 Number holding first grade credentials 60 58 Number holding second grade credentials 29 28 Specials 2 5 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $127.50 $137.93 Female teachers 92.58 100.98 22 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919, AND JUNE 30, 1920. GRAHAM COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920 Fund ...,$ 12,155.00 $ 2,286.75 (b) School District Funds 7,132.40 41,664.26 (c) Building Funds 2,887.62 2,053.20 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 9,275.58 7,580.67 Total School Fund on Hand July 1st $ 31,450.60 $ 53,584.88 Receipts : (a) State Funds _ $ 36,962.30 $ 41,235.98 (b) County School Taxes 46,147.75 57,801.05 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 2,702.50 2,720.00 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses - 386.15 31,386.32 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 5,158.63 (f) Sale of Bonds 53,393.40 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 16,614.33 36,374.49 Total Receipts Including Balances ._$ 145,916.93 $ 276,001.45 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 57,518.16 $ 103,112.30 (b) Building Purposes 1,518.32 24,878.93 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 18,309.24 28,594.28 (d) From County School Fund 3,146.18 2,000.00 Total Expenditures $ 80,491.90 $ 158,585.51 Balance on Hand June 30th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund $ 2,286.75 $ 9,856.37 (b) School District Fund 41,560.08 48,773.92 (c) Building Funds 2,053.20 37,424.77 (d) Miscellaneous Funds ....... 7,580.67 15,360.88 Error in Previous Report 11,944.33 Total School Funds on Hand ■- June 30th $ 65,425.03 $ 111,415.94 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 23 GENERAL SUMMARY OF GREENLEE COUNTY. Number of School Children : 1918-19 1919-20 School Population and Attendance: Between 6 and 21 years of age 4997 4623 Between 8 and 16 years of age 3192 3017 Native born, native parents 1716 1281 Native born, one parent foreign 267 377 Native born, both parents foreign 1539 1658 Foreign born 1483 1307 Enrolled in common schools 4227 4057 Enrolled in high schools 241 243 Attending private schools 255 246 Who have not attended any school 1296 Deaf and dumb of school age 8 2 Blind children of school age 6 1 Average daily attendance, common schools 2925.30 2916.37 Average daily attendance, high schools 176.4 185.4 Percentage of school population enrolled 84 98 Percentage of enrollment in daily attendance 69 72* School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 19 18 Number of new school houses built ... . 3 Number of school houses owned by districts .... 24 Number of school houses rented by districts 4 4 Number of high schools 4 4 Number of grammar schools 38 43 Number of primary schools ..:.', 55 53 Teachers: Number of volumes in school libraries 2079 1991 Number of male teachers employed 6 11 Number of female teachers employed 100 103 Numbe:" holding first grade credentials 105 92 Number holding second grade credentials .... .... 5 Specials 4 4 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $189.31 $172.32 Female teachers 108.20 118.81 Male teachers in high school 158.57 Female teachers in high school — 127.16 24 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919, AND JUNE 30, 1920. GREENLEE COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920. Fund $ 2,096.66 $ 17,495.65 (b) School district Funds *3,301.72 2,976.45 (c) Building Funds 8,540.64 146,864.24 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 20,562.61 1,915.28 Total School Fund on Hand July 1st ___ _ $ 27,898.19 $ 169,251.62 Receipts : (a) State Funds $ 58,353.20 $ 61,071.00 (b) County School Taxes 80,669.59 105,875.82 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 20,777.00 7,520.50 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses 7,606.81 6,579.35 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 7,688.84 8,559.45 (f) Sale of Bonds 155,945.00 27,847.71 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 68,345.26 111,244.12 Total Receipts Including Balances $ 427,283.89 $ 497,949.57 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 150,724.30 $ 179,105.93 (b) Building purposes 17,627.05 80,132.20 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes _.. 86,992.59 109,224.00 (d) From County School Fund 2,688.33 2,513.40 Total Expenditures $ 258,032.27 $ 370,975153 Balance on Hand June 30th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund - _ $ 17,495.65 $ 9,973.92 (b) School District Funds 2,976.45 18,484.97 (c) Building Funds 146,864.24 94,579.75 (d) Miscellaneous Funds _ 1,915.28 3,935.40 Total School Funds on Hand June 30th $ 169,251.62 $ 126,974.04 * — Overdrawn. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 25 GENERAL SUMMARY OF MARICOPA COUNTY. School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children : 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 20869 25133 Between 8 and 16 years of age 13650 15225 Native born, native parents 16527 18537 Native born, one parent foreign 1126 1436 Native born, both parents foreign 1535 2329 Foreign born 1673 2831 Enrolled in common schools 15834 20324 Enrolled in high schools 1659 2291 Attending private schools 456 874 Who have not attended any school 5026 Deaf and dumb of school age 3 10 Blind children of school age 1 4 Average daily attendance, common schools.. 8776 11281 Average daily attendance, high schools 1240 1669 Percentage of school population enrolled 75 93 Percentage of enrollment in daily attendance 54 57 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 54 52 Number pf new school houses built 4 7 Number of school houses owned by districts 358 109 Number of school houses rented by districts 10 12 Number of high schools 6 6 Number of grammar schools 152 176 Number of primary schools 206 239 Number of volumes in school libraries 13441 12461 Teachers : Number of male teachers employed 34 48 Number of female teachers employed 325 351 Number holding first grade credentials 441 265 Number holding second grade credentials .... 13 38 Specials 10 16 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $146.13 $172.64 Female teachers 95.69 119.15 Male teachers in high school 160.46 Female teachers in high school 120.11 26 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919, AND JUNE 30, 1920. MARICOPA COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920 Fund .___ ....$ 3,883.85 $ 56,230.67 (b) School District Funds ' 45,975.40 129,077.27 (c) Building Funds 86,437.10 169,328.23 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 118,837.62 111,733.42 Total School Fund on Hand July 1st - $ 255,133.97 $ 466,369.59 Receipts : (a) State Funds $ 259,921.50 $ 254,601.80 (b) County School Taxes 184,688.16 214,157.25 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 20,682.50 34,265.00 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses : • 10,318.12 8,442.27 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining schools 131,886.77 ' 196,060.60 (f) Sale of Bonds 1 114,004.50 719,564.48 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 278,840.04 479,858.64 Total Receipts Including Balances $1,255,475.56 $2,373,319.63 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 466,630.07 $ 719,512.25 (b) Building Purposes 31,113.37 629,759.60 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes ..... 285,944.24 427,780.30 (d) From County School Fund 5,418.29 9,178.13 Total Expenditures $ 789,105.97 $1,786,230.28 Balance on Hand June 30th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund $ 56,230.67 $ 91,793.20 (b) School District Funds 129,077.27 72,351.28 (c) Building Funds 169,328.23 259,133.11 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 111,733.42 163,811.76 Total School Funds on Hand June 30th $ 466,369.59 $ 587,089.35 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 27 GENERAL SUMMARY OF MOHAVE COUNTY. School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children: 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 1059 1097 Between 8 and 16 years of age..... 670 672 Native born, native parents 861 863 Native born, one parent foreign 96 83 Native born, both parents foreign 81 97 Foreign born 21 54 Enrolled in common schools 881 1036 Enrolled in high schools 69 73 Attending private schools 20 Who have not attended any school 202 Blind children of school age Deaf and dumb of school age Average daily attendance, common schools 555.56 619.9 Average daily attendance, high schools 435 56 Average daily attendance, high schools 435 56 Percentage of school population enrolled 83 94 Percentage of enrollment in daily attendance 63 65 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 21 21 Number of new school houses built Number of school houses owned by districts 20 20 Number of school houses rented by districts 2 3 Number of high schools 1 1 Number of grammar schools 29 10 Number of primary schools 6 6 Number of volumes in school libraries 1383 1920 Teachers : Number of male teachers employed 4 6 Number of female teachers employed 32 30 Number holding first grade credentials .....\._ 39 20 Number holding second grade credentials .... 2 5 Specials 6 3 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $138.75 $116.06 Female teachers _ 92.81 106.09 Male teachers in high school 123.75 Female teachers in high school 98.33 28 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919, AND JUNE 30, 1920. MOHAVE COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st'. (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 Fund _ .. $ 2,611.30 (b) School district Funds 4,970.78 (c) Building Funds 4,934.48 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 6,920.91 Total School Fund on Hand July 1st $ 19,437.47 Receipts : (a) State Funds '. $ 19,164.19 (b) County School Taxes 27,475.79 (c) School (Poll) Taxes __ 2,005.50 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses 1,600.75 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 94.50 (f) Sale of Bonds .„...- 23.20 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 11,706.33 Total Receipts Including Balances $ 81,507.73 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 41,459.47 (b)) Building Purposes 4,110.90 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 6,046.85 (d) From County School Fund 2,459.77 Total Expenditures $ 54,076.99 Balance on Hand June 30th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund $ 3,258.86 (b) School District Funds 10,744.71 (c) Building Funds 846.78 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 12,580.39 Total School Fund on Hand June 30th $ 27,430.74 1920 3,258.86 6,104.24 846.78 17,220.86 $ 27,430.74 $ 12,919.80 36,185.50 1,640.00 1,363.78 52.30 2,182.94 10,550.44 $ 92,325.50 $ 55,526.11 381.63 6,166.55 2,988.87 $ 65,063.16 $ 4,528.01 4,800.69 969.36 16,964.28 $ 27,262.34 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 29 GENERAL SUMMARY OF NAVAJO COUNTY School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children: 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 2808 2975 Between 8 and 16 years of age 1628 1817 Native born, native parents 2586 2713 Native born, one parent foreign - 49 53 Native born, both parents foreign 52 23 Foreign born 121 186 Enrolled in common schools 2068 2068 Enrolled in high schools 141 155 Attending private schools 121 Who have not attended any schools Deaf and dumb of school age 1 Blind children of school age Average daily attendance, common schools 1455.92 1462.2 Average daily attendance, high schools 105.16 116.2 Percentage of school population enrolled .... 73 79 Percentage of enrollment in daily attend- ance 70 71 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 24 22 Number of school houses owned by districts 16 20 Number of school houses rented by districts 12 3 Number of new school houses built 2 Number of high schools 2 2 Number of grammar schools 17 21 Number of primary schools 41 29 Number of volumes in school libraries 5006 2351 Teachers: Number of male teachers employed 15 14 Number of female teachers employed 58 60 Number holding first grade credentials 53 50 Number holding second grade credentials .... 18 Specials - ~ 4 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $122.92 $131.61 Female teachers 58.00 100.42 Male teachers in high school 156.25 Female teachers in high school 115.50 30 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919 AND JUNE 30, 1920. NAVAJO COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920 Fund $ 2,394.68 $ 1,508.70 (b) School Districts Funds 13,582.50 15,752.21 (c) Building Funds 2,491.42 453.58 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 20,612.45 10,672.16 Total School Funds on Hand ^ — ■ July 1st $ 39,081.05 $ 28,386.65 Receipts : (a) State Funds ....$ 28,928.00 % 34,300.10 (b) County School Taxes 35,941.35 58,841.46 (c) School (Poll Taxes 4,285.00 5,002.50 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses 447.54 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 17,331.41 26,620.30 (f) Sale of Bonds 30,500.00 23,750.00 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 42,355.15 54,853.30 Total Receipts Including Balances $ 198,421.96 % 232,201.83 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 81,438.35 $ 115,251.32 (b) Building purposes ...J 32,537.84 256.29 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 42,169.23 41,090.26 (d) From County School Fund 3,763.68 2,027.97 Total Expenditures $ 159,909.10 $ 158,625.84 Balance on Hand June 30th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund $ 1,508.70 $ 20,372.33 (b) School District Fund 15,752.21 4,821.19 (c) Building Funds 453.58 23,947.29 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 20,798.37 24,435.20 Total School Fund on Hand June 30th .$ 38,512.86 $ 73,576.01 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 31 GENERAL SUMMARY OF PIMA COUNTY School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children: 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 7400 9097 Between 8 and 16 years of age 4738 5469 Native born, native parents 2967 5815 Native born, one parent foreign 1208 905 Native born, both parents foreign 1446 1010 Foreign born . 1779 1367 Enrolled in common schools 5174 5658 Enrolled in high schools 433 538 Attending private schools 775 183 Who have not attended any school 1932 Deaf and dumb of school age — 8 Blind children of school age 8 Average daily attendance, common schools 2934.64 3261.23 Average daily attendance, high schools 309.68 416.1 Percentage of school population enrolled — . 69 70 Percentage of enrollment in daily attend- ance 56 60 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 32 30 Number of new school houses built 2 2 Number of school houses owned by districts 25 27 Number of school houses rented by districts 15 15 Number of high schools .:.. 1 2 Number of grammar schools 55 47 Number of primary schools 69 80 Number of volumes in school libraries 2283 2000 Teachers : Number of male teachers employed 8 18 Number of female teachers employed 148 159 Number holding first grade credentials 159 123 Number holding second grade credentials .... 9 10 Specials 7 17 \ Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $148.54 $174.38 Female teachers 101.95 126.16 Male teachers in high schools 159.12 Female teachers in high schools 148.94 32 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919 AND JUNE 30, 1920. PIMA COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920 Fund (b) School District Funds . 36,922.53 41,410.22 (c) Building Funds 39,875.51 34,614.29 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 21,535.83 13,139.65 Total School Funds on Hand July 1st _ _$ 98,333.87 $ 89,164.16 Receipts : (a) State Funds (b) County School Taxes (c) School (Poll) Taxes $ 219,781.77 $ 294,512.22 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses 4,080.06 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 5,369.28 14,405.68 (f) Sale of Bonds 90,269.32 64,364.40 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 308,885.53 450,460.39 Total Receipts Including Balances $ 722,639.77 $ 916,986.91 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 220,663.36 $ 277,040.22 (b) Building Purposes 95,510.54 93,819.85 (c) Miscellaneous purposes 317,281.71 426,111.88 (d) From County School Fund... Total Expenditures ...$ 633,455.61 $ 796,971.95 Balance on Hand June SO th : (a) Unapportioned County School Fund (b) School District Funds $ 41,410.22 $ 77,367.96 (c) Building Funds 34,634.29 5,158,84 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 13,139.65 37,488.16 Total School Fund on Hand June 30 $ 89,184.16 $ 120,0.14.96 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 33 GENERAL SUMMARY OF PINAL COUNTY School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children : 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 3725 3601 Between 8 and 16 years of age 2436 2464 Native born, native parents 2967 1908 Native born, one parent foreign 1208 399 Native born, both parents foreign 1446 538 Foreign born 1779 756 Enrolled in common schools - 3573 3432 Enrolled in high schools 105 123 Attending private but not public schools.... 35 Who have not attended any schools Deaf and dumb of school age — Blind children of school age Average daily attendance, common schools 1982.95 2085.19 Average daily attendance, high schools 67.87 95 Percentage of school population enrolled .... 95 99 Percentage of enrollment in daily attend- ance 58 61 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 37 Number of new school houses built 1 39 Number of school houses owned by districts 30 34 Number of school houses rented by districts 9 Number of high schools 3 3 Number of grammar schools 17 20 Number of primary school 23 30 Number of volumes in school libraries 2001 3352 Teachers : Number of male teachers employed 3 6 Number of female teachers employed 90 93 Number holding first grade credentials .... 83 79 Number holding second grade credentials.... 12 3 Specials 2 1 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $J.44.44 $168.63 Female teachers 95.47 112.07 Male teachers in high school 157.54 Female teachers in high school 129.86 34 REPORT. OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919 AND JUNE 30, 1920. PINAL COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920 Fund :„. _..$ 10,285.70 $ 27,048.15 (b) School District Funds 24,712.35 26,059.78 (c) Building Funds .,...-.. 45,177.45 9,886.87 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 8,447.09 11,894.40 Total School Funds on Hand July 1st $ 88,622.59 $ 74,889.20 Receipts : (a) State Funds ....$ 59,266.90 $ 45,445.00 (b) County School Taxes 64,208.56 56,182.14 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 11,490.00 8,463.24 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses *209.68 829.36 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining School , 820.11 69.62 (f) Sale of Bonds 589.49 38,048.22 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 39,130.37 66,188.93 Total Receipts Including Balances $ 264,337.70 $ 290,115.71 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 110,063.18 $ 144,183.10 (b) Building Purposes 35,880.07 40,437.49 (c) Miscellaneous purposes 42,761.64 50,344.21 (d) From County School Funds .7,257.69 9,429.16 Total Expenditures ..$ 195,962.58 $ 244,393.96 Balance on Hand June 30th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund $ 27,048.15 $ 1,545.98 (b) School District Funds 26,059.87 13,576.97 (c) Building Funds 9,886.87 3,075.78 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 5,380.32 27,523.02 Total School Fund on Hand June 30 $ 68,375.12 $ 45,721.75 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 35 GENERAL SUMMARY OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY 19 School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children: Between 6 and 21 years of age Between 8 and 16 years of age Native born, native parents Native born, one parent foreign Native born, both parents foreign Foreign born Enrolled in common schools Enrolled in high schools Attending private but not public schools .... Who have not attended any schools Deaf and dumb of school age Blind children of school age .. Average daily attendance, common schools Average daily attendance, high schools • Percentage of school population enrolled.-.- Percentage of enrollment in daily attend- ance School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts Number of new school houses built Number of school houses owned by districts Number of school houses rented by districts Number of high schools Number of grammar schools ... Number of primary schools Number of volumes in school libraries 1339 Teachers : Number of male teachers employed Number of female teachers employed ... Number holding first grade credentials . Number holding second grade credentials Number holding specials 18-19 1919-20 3250 2971 1762 1632 708 663 447 349 509 616 1586 v 1343 1992 2187 73 291 206 1231 1778.02 1412.25 60 61 83 89 24 65 24 23 23 5 5 1 1 20 15 37 19 39 1238 6 10 61 55 57 34 6 5 5 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $140.83 $132.86 Female teachers 98.35 112.59 36 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919 AND JUNE 30, 1920. SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund - $ 2,853.52 $ 1,173.94 (b) School District Funds 4,896.91 8,029.53 (c) Building Funds 5.00 5.00 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 14,282.40 11,004.44 Total School Funds on Hand July 1st ...$ 22,037.83 $ 20,212.91 RGC&'i'DiS ' (a) State Funds ..:... $ 43,647.00 $ 39,650.00 (b) County School Taxes 16,130.00 30,958.87 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 1,995.00 1,240.00 (d) Licenses, fines and other pur- poses (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 25,657.82 24,631.79 (f) Sale of Bonds (g) Miscellaneous Sources 19,112.34 25,750.33 Total Receipts Including • Balances $ 128,579.99 $ 142,443.90 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 83,349.16 $ 87,366.96 (b) Building Poses - (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 22,390.30 26,018.83 (d) From Courfty School Fund 2,627.62 4,226.51 Total Expenditures $ 108,367.08 $• 117,612.30 Balance on Hand June 30th: (a) Unapportioned County School Fund ;-.$ 1,173.94 $ 3,025.24 (b) School District Funds 8,029.53 10,832.35 (c) Building Funds 5.00 5.00 (d) Miscellaneous Funds , 11,004.44 10,969.01 Total School Fund on Hand June 30 $ 20,212.91 $ 24,831.60 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 37 GENERAL SUMMARY OF YAVAPAI COUNTY. School Poimlation and Attendance: No of School Children: 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 3783 5179 Between 8 and 16 years of age 3223 3377 Native born, native parents 3349 3324 Native born, one parent foreign 405 466 Native born, both parents foreign 822 821 Foreign born 510 568 Enrolled in common schools 4529 4455 Enrolled in high schools 274 279 Attending private schools 192 259 Who have not attended any school 1111 Deaf and dumb of school age' 4 6 Blind children of school age 2 2 Average daily attendance, common schools 2437.80 2767.38 Average daily attendance, high schools 176.79 212.3 Percentage of school population enrolled 83 96 Percentage of enrollment in daily attendance .... 53 63 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 46 50 Number of new school houses built 2 4 Number of school houses owned by districts .... 40 41 Number of school houses rented by districts .... 14 15 Number of high schools 3 3 Number of grammar schools 26 46 Number of primary schools 28 62 Number of volumes in school libraries 5476 6486 Teachers: Number of male teachers employed 11 13 Number of female teachers employed 150 152 Number holding first grade credentials 137 126 Number holding second grade credentials 9 8 Specials 13 9 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $165.15 $180.38 Female teachers 107.18 124.09 Male teachers in high school 170.00 Female teachers in high schools 139.02 38 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919, AND JUNE 30, 1920. YAVAPAI COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920 Total Receipts, Including Bal- Fund .'... .-$ 8,940.27 $ 12,107.77 (b) School District Funds 31,456.88 25,975.96 (c) Building Funds - 8,053.61 25,080.55 (d) Miscellaneous Funds ....... 17,158.02 24,734.34 Total School Funds on Hand July 1st '. $ 65,608.78 $ 87,898.62 Receipts : (a) State Funds - $ 71,121.80 $ fi8.036.20 (b) County School Taxes 89,791.64 117,129.09 (c) School (Poll) Taxes - 8,907.50 14,245.00 (d) Licenses ,fines and other Pur- poses 8,984.29 _ (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 27,229.75 95,057.38 (f) Sale of Bonds 50,075.00 10,166.66 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 79,929.24 103,220.06 Total Receipts, Including Bal- Total Receipts, Including Bal- ances $ 401,648.00 $ 495,753.01 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance $ 205,208.14 $ 261,561.32 (b) Building Purposes . 45,086.06 31,144.82 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 72,352.92 100,589.02 (d) From County School Fund Total Expenditures $ 322,647.12 $ 393,295.16 Balance on Hand June 30th : (a) Unapportioned County School Fund $ 3,210.03 $ 26,702.29 (b) School District Funds .'. 25,975.96 44,348.58 (c) Building Funds 25,080.55 4,042.39 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 24,734.34 27,364.29 Total School Fund on Hand June 30th _ $ 79,000.88 $ 102,457.85 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 39 GENERAL SUMMARY OF YUMA COUNTY. School Po])ulation and Attendance: Number of Children:: 1918-19 1919-20 Between 6 and 21 years of age 3789 3721 Between 8 and 16 years of age 2162 1910 Native born, native parents 2669 2444 Native born, one parent foreign 419 365 Native born, both parents foreign 364 457 Foreign born 337 455 Enrolled in common schools 2963 3036 Enrolled in high schools - 227 210 Attending private schools 3 64 Not attending any school f. 1300 Deaf and dumb of school age Blind children of school age " Average daily attendance, common schools 1523.15 1648.2 Average daily attendance, high schools 180.72 160 Percentage of school population enrolled 78 89 Percentage of enrollment in daily attendance .... 51 56 School Districts and Schools: Number of school districts 25 22 Number of school houses built .— 6 Number of school houses rented by districts .... 1 4 Number of school houses owned by districts .... 32 30 Number of high schools 1 1 Number of grammar schools '. 34 22 Number of primary schools - 28 31 Number of volumes in school library 2342 1984 Teachers: Number of male teachers employed 2 8 Number of female teachers employed 66 69 Number holding first grad e credentials 54 62 Number holding second grade credentials 4 7 Specials — - 7 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers - $180.00 $168.96 Female teachers 97.14 115.58 Male teachers in high schools 200.00 Female teachers in high schools 121.11 40 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919, AND JUNE 30, 1920. YUMA COUNTY Balance on Hand July 1st: (a) Unapportioned County School 1919 1920 Fund - $ 14,088.43 $ 31,268.62 (b) School District Funds 21,909.53 15,398.86 (c) Building Funds 936.57 7,135.31 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 13,126.53 19,827.94 Total School Funds on Hand July 1st $ 50,061.06 $ 73,630.73 JFL&cci/Dts i (a) State Funds $ 43,769.40 $ 46,225.80 (b) County School Taxes 28,103.38 44,155.10 (c) School (Poll) Taxes 4,962.50 6,517.50 (d) Licenses, fines and Other Pur- poses ..'.,. 3,260.50 8,084.64 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 5,106.63 25,410.28 (f) Sale of Bonds , 12,200.00 344,129.00 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 42,127.52 60,723.32 Total Receipts, Including Bal- ances $ 189,590.99 $ 608,876.37 Expenditures : (a) School Maintenance - $ 71,770.30 $ 100,253.51 (b) Building Purposes 6,001.26 91,098.62 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 35,506.67 61,347.87 (d) From County School Fund 2,727.03 4,157.40 Total Expenditures $ 116,005.26 $ 256,857.40 Balance on Hand June 30th : (a) Unapportioned County School Fund $ 31,349.18 $ 52,989.08 (b) School District Funds 15,353.86 19.595.63 (c) Building Funds 7,135.31 260,165.69 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 19,747.38 19,268.57 Total School Fund on Hand June 30th :ft $ 73,585.73 $ 352,018.97. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 41 PER CAPITA COST OF HIGH SCHOOL MAINTENANCE FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 1919-20 BASED UPON AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE Average Daily Total Cost of Per Capita Cost Attendance Maintenance of Maintenance Tombstone 30 $ 5,164.00 $ 172.13 Bisbee 284 53,539.15 188.52 Douglas 265 38,737.82 146.14 Benson 25 18,262.45 730.495 Willcox 69 14,702.39 213.075 ' St. David 23 6,582.50 286.195 San Simon Flagstaff 12 4,911.95 409.325 Williams 19 4,408.75 232.055 Globe 300 39,635.64 132.115 Miami 118 24,055.52 203.01 Safford .'.. Duncan 35 11,244.90 321.25 Clifton 98 27,914.27 284.84 Morenci 51 27,651.16 542.175 Metcalf 12 9,750.43 812.53 Phoenix 883 156,970.80 181.14 Mesa 386 53,625.00 141.515 Tempe 116 15,905.80 137.115 Glendale 165 20,926.46 181.31 Chandler 69 16,020.00 232.18 Gilbert 50 14,050.00 28-1.00 Kingman 56 16,316.70 291.37 Holbrook 28 4,425.61 158.06 Winslow 89 14,379.09 161.56 Tucson 416 52,747.67 126.80 Florence 33 16,555.28 501.68 Casa Grande 41 9,723.84 237.17 Ray 21 9,717.92 462,76 Nogales 60 17,161.29 286.02 Jerome 51 13,050.93 255.90 Clarkdale 51 13,989.18 274.29 Prescott Ill 25,798.00 .232.42 Yuma 160 42 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT PER CAPITA COST FOR MAINTENANCE OF LARGER TOWN AND CITY SCHOOLS BASED UPON AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE 119-20. Average Daily Total Cost of Per Capita Cost Attendance Maintenance of Maintenance _§t. Johns .' 159 $ 7,992.32 $ 50.26 Eager _ 128 6,325.07 49.41 Tombstone 197 9,871.76 50.11 Bisbee 2,484 154,863.43 102.20 Willcox 191 15,662.42 82.00 Douglas 2,662 180,256.06 67.00 Benson 144 7,167.55 49.08 Flagstaff 306 41,515.96 135.67 Williams 246 18,987.30 77.18 Globe 1,135 115,031.94 101.35 Miami 959 80,771.74 84.23 Lower Miami 556 43,432.75 78.12 Hayden 380 26,794.97 70.51 Safford 483 21,903.76 45.35 Thatcher 297 13.441.38 45.26 Solomonville 138 6,868.33 49.77 Pima 232 11,760.67 50.69 Duncan 143 7,863.09 54.99 Clifton 1,019 64,567.07 63.36 Morenci 1,080 62,815.57 58.16 Metcalf 417 24,897.32 59.71 Phoenix 3,501 176,360.00 50.37 Tempe 550 29,641.20 53.91 Mesa 996 41,625.00 41.80 Osborne 433 31,087.23 70.18 Peoria 406 26,324.00 64.84 Creighton 210 11,152.65 53.11 Pendergast 202 17,588.69 87.07 Alma 311 17,438.86 56.07 Buckeye 149 9,201.82 61.76 Madison 148 11,441.66 77.31 Glendale 763 47,988.99 62.90 Gilbert 350 22,419.13 64.06 Scottsdale , 186 12,039.84 64.73 Chandler 569 47,195.04 82.94 Roosevelt 280 16,506.67 58.95 Kingman 234 13,195.04 56.40 Winslow 600 33,599.56 56.00 Holbrook 170 18,369.61 108.06 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 43 Snowflake 174 Tucson 2,172 Ajo 313 Florence 264 Ray 883 Superior 264 Nog-ales 834 Prescott 506 Cottonwoood 180 Ciarkdale 370 Jerome .'... 662 Humboldt 146 Yuma 710 Somerton 213 12,252.74 70.42 .84,640.00 85.00 42,330.69 135.24 14,471.90 54.82 64,123.90 75.18 13,447.22 50.94 51,573.31 61.84 41.494.23 82.00 21,395.87 118.87 36,268.58 98.02 69,945.06 105.56 15,079.02 103.28 34,530.36 48.63 12,340.64 57.94 44 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT TOTAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL MONEYS FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1919 AND JUNE 30, 1920. STATE OF ARIZONA. Balances : (a) Unappropriated County School 1919 1920 Funds __ _ $ 116,034.83 $ 306,424.59 (b) School District Funds 290,861.97 461,372.38 (c) Building Funds .. 227,767.70 431,236.18 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 490,795.33 • 523,082.89 Total .....: :..$1,125,459.83 $1,722,116.04 Receipts : (a) State Funds _ $ 935,750.79 $ 878,339.38 (b) County School Taxes 967,902.30 1,162,286.15 (c) School (Poll) Tax __ j 360,517.52 422,285.76 (d) Licenses, Fines and Other Pur- poses 59,219.85 86,175.29 (e) Special Tax for Maintaining Schools 414,537.34 682,849.38 . (f) Sale of Bonds ., 560,450.04 2,085,230.85 (g) Miscellaneous Sources 1,240,295.95 1,849,265.15 Total Receipts, Including '■ Balances ..:. .....,..$5,664,133.51 $8,888,548.00 Expenditures: (a) School Maintenance , r $2,314,573.42 $3,146,108.62 (b) Building Purposes 358,204.67 1,502,689.00 (c) Miscellaneous Purposes 1,218,323.48 1,635,279.23 (d) From County School Fund 45,427.95 55,211.58 Total Expenditures $3,936,529.51 $6,339,288.43 Balances: (a) Unappropriated County School Fund _ $ 279,307.80 % 363,633.99 (b) School District Funds 477,778.26 486,739.32 (c) Building Funds 438,599.01 1,014,474.58 (d) Miscellaneous Funds 519,974.70 684,411.68 Error in Graham County, Previous- ly Reported 11,944.33 Total $1,727,604.10 $2,549,259.57 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 45 APPORTIONMENT TO COUNTIES FROM THE STATE SCHOOL FUND FOR SCHOOL YEAR 1918-19 Totals Counties Jan. 13, 1919 May 12, 1919 1918-19 Apache $ 6,988.80 $ 8,198.40 $ 15,187.20 Cochise 65,920.40 77,329.70 143,250.10 Coconino 7,820.80 9,174.40 16,995.20 Gila 32,401.20 38,009.10 70,410.30 Graham 17,009.20 19,953.10 36,962.30 Greenlee 26,852.80 31,500.40 58,353.20 Maricopa 93,782.00 110,013.50 203,795.50 Mohave ,. 5,517.20 6,472.10 11,989.30 Navajo 13,312.00 15,616.00 28,928.00 Pima 38,168.00 44,774.00 82,942.00 Pinal 20,441.20 23,979.10 44,420.30 Santa Cruz 14,216.80 16,677.40 30,894.20 Yavapai 25,240.80 29,609.40 54,850.20 Yuma 15,558.40 18,251.20 33,809.60 Total $383,229.60 $449,557.80 $832,787.40 APPORTIONMENT TO COUNTIES FROM THE STATE SCHOOL FUND FOR SCHOOL YEAR 1919-20 Totals Counties Jan. 12, 1920 May 10, 1920 1919-20 Apache $ 8,178.50 $ 9,962.90 $ 18,141.40 Cochise 68,128.50 82,992.90 151,121.40 Coconino 7,920.00 9,648.00 17,568.00 Gila 33,676.50 41,024.10 74,700.60 Graham 18,463.50 22,491.90 40,955.40 Greenlee 27,527.50 33,533.50 60,061.00 Maricopa 114,779.50 139,822.50 254,601.80 Mohave 5,824.50 7,095.30 12,919.80 Navajo 15,444.00 18,813.60 34,257.60 Pima 40,700.00 49,580.00 90,280.00 Pinal 20,487.50 24,957.50 45,445.00 Santa Cruz 17,875.00 21,775.00 39,650.00 Yavapai 27,973.00 34,076.20 62,049.20 Yuma 20,839.50 25,386.30 46,225.80 Total $427,817.50 $521,159.50 $948,977.00 46 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OJU Ul co lo •<* ; t- O LO o M S CM CM t- ; i-H CO S3 CO '—' 3 „ ea o 5. T# co ■* : oo os co &< u >J T-H CO t- o pq 5 .3 ~ E-rJtrfi-iC-CO-^OO^Oi lOCN-O COC-t-COinr-liO^DlOt- ; N OiO (Do>fflcooj^Tft>jqco : co «r> c- WHiOcOMHHt>Tfrii ; N lO O CO w Q ® CM i— I tH tH i-H t}< tHt-< rt^cO^MWNOO^lOO^^® ca .3 CD O co £ pq iH CM r-l r-l r-l CM H i— I T}( i— I CO Oi M t- (O !C MMOaONOrf i— I ; O) H H t}< i— I i— I < *n 7h ^ o 03 ■ PH 1—4 0) & fe 1* HH CO m < 73 C CM o pq J o U .3 oo si O) O >H -|J w «© W >> pq •*CMt-CMrHt-00Tj aH« 3 ' i:i5, *i> !: ' ;iH r ° OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 47 ^ 03 3 qj r- be m g g 3 a> >> 3 ^ o ^ o CM ^ tH i-l tH 3 55 fn N H O O n co 10 oo -* co co 60 to "Tj : t- io : : xa ^H T-l : co io : oo : cm QJ ; i-i lo : i-H co : i—i i-i : to 3gS cs g o CO 3 b i—i Wo CJ O O w >> O M O OjO «U CO 3 ^ T3 • 3. 3 0) CQ !h 3 O O 5 co >> o o : °° lO : °° : CD . "S o be : ih ■^ : r-t z<: PQ bc.S .5 •£ o o §« ^ : o : cm CM Z 3 pq TO § be- .3 : cm IO c « ^ : ih -^ £ g »b OS CD f-t H 3 3 u 3 O "3 : oo <—! o |° c? CM z£ « 3 1 >< J 8 &-0- 5* 3 S to .3 OS 0--0-J3 3j5a>xr! 3 ^ S3 48 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT GENERAL SUMMARY STATE OF ARIZONA 1920 School Population and Attendance: Number of School Children: Between 6 and 21 years of age .. Between 8 and 16 years of age Native born, native parents Native born, one parent foreign Native born, both parents foreign... Foreign born Enrolled in the public schools Enrolled in high schools Attending private schools Deaf and dumb of school age Blind children Average daily attendance, common schools Average daily attendance, high schools Percentage of school population en- rolled Percentage of enrollment in daily attendance School Disti'icts and Schools: Number of school districts Number of school houses newly built Number of school houses owned by districts '. 648 514 Number of school house's rented by districts Number of high schools Number of grammar schools Number of primary schools Number of volumes in school li braries 19,066 57,365 Teachers : Number of male teachers employed 215 211 Number of female teachers employed 1,825 1,744 Number holding first grade creden- tials 1,847 1,476 Number holding second grade cre- dentials 135 239 Specials ^. 164 42 Average Monthly Salary: Male teachers $145.26 $164.86 Female teachers 101.68 118.77 1918-19 1919-20 77,785 85,213 49,721 52.186 48,547 53,868 6,321 6,490 10,358 12,408 12,548 12,447 63,470 70,288 4,503 5,597 3,032 2,696 31 35 12 9 38,139.17 41,983.32 3,220 4,437.2 87 89 61 61 481 473 18 44 95 85 32 30 655 662 759 849 OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 49 Number of Graduates Attending Commercial and Number of Boys County Normal Schools County Taking Military Boys Girls Drill Tombstone . 1 Tombstone ... Willcox 3 Willcox 33 Douglas 2 Douglas 119 Miami 1 1 Miami 50 Morenci Morenci Safford Safford 36 Duncan Duncan Phoenix Tempe Phoenix 576 Tempe Chandler C Chandler Winslow Winslow 42 Tucson Tucson 230 Florence Prescott Yuma 54 102 KINDERGARTEN SCHOOLS Number Number Number Kindei •garten Kinderg irten Kindergar ten Pupils Teachers Average Schools Enrolled Employed Salary Bisbee 10 425 5 $140.00 Ray 1 30 1 112.50 Globe 2 85 2 144.44 Winslow 2 80 2 100.00 10 $496.94 50 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT T3OT-IOC0>-1C-'*«£>0000C0r-L0^0 ^ n m^ >* oo h o m q o^ to ^* h ■* q P r-T co" t-T us eo ■^ o" r-T co" ltT co of ^ eo g rH CO O a W N W CO t- M t- C- N fK Si CO CO i— I rH CO i— I CO H ' H H 00 o *j -■OooHMoo^Haiotocoo^oin h_ Sh CO M N ri t- ri CO H HCQ IN O £ h as i— i O OOLOOO©MCOI>1001ffiOlO OJOOa>HlOOOffiNCONMI> m n n o r- ( lo co ih co co oaiNNHfflnaioiotoo l>t-O10MH00l00003t-O HiocoooHHHinNNo:^ O "O CO 03 i— I Tf LO N H H lO M O t- CO CO CO oo co as o t- i-i o o o o to co as co H N © « N ^ xf a "OfliooooHat-oiototooowHa) fi [jHOriOM^OOHNtOMIMO^ 00 ± co" r-T co" MffiOCOHCO'l'Tf^iniXCt-NO fl-niDO(MlO©N(0(OCjOMtoa» CO !-, a CO CO ■S" O CO-^lOOOOrMOOOLOCOOO ■*MC5N!C(MW^o:W'*W gj 2 *s c F e fl " « o « ,s .s « c* -<00000^§^(^PhK>h>h h OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 51 ca o o 2 * M lO 00 Tf CO l> 00 N O M <£> lO «D i-l H O N CO N ffl 03 lO t- Ot-HOOion',0 00 © w •* o u; h o w ■"* i> a ri<* t> in OS Ol ffi CO C5 o -^ rG * F— I O o X o 02 >h H o o >t pg Q W H O £ O CO ^ CO H H X« o o H L, g 1 g S o : 25 ^ o J3 ^ OS eo co o io m o t- © -* CO oo io 3 CO H00 ffl 00 © c- t- t- 01 00 of ©" 00 ^m22 l>00C " T ' ,l ' H W H O00 1 ®. W . ^ t- H t- O N !M lO W a N N (M O) i— I © r- 1 rl< t- O t- TP O H H IS -^ f~ ITS

t~ t> lO N os tj< oo o" tjT th" to oo co" c- CO i—l co t~ •* "^ r-l tO Ol Ol i-H 0) J) K O o JS co a) o > .a « O -3 cj .£ «JoooooS^£E£wi*^ 52 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT -U Si «H C S O O X #00CO" 'J 00 ffl 00 oot-Tco coo i-T ot t-T oo S3 C o or* CD CO U CO O CM CO OS OS OS o 00 1-1 : os : <© r- 1 oc CO : : : co T-H o 00 00 co : cm in CM co CM TH o t-i to t- lo o co hK2 4J r. OS OCOi— It-HCOOOiOCOOCOCOt-IO ©t--"tfCOOOOOSOSCOOSTt <3 " o v. «! .3 .5 c3 * pq Q H H fa pq O fa S ^ => CO co E-" H fa O Eh Cm • fa HH fa o O ►— i < fa o o CO fa O fa § o: w Ph fa CO &* p <_, (N OS l> sc t- 00 *tf t- rH 00 CD CO Q a iH Ol co so t-H o T* rH CD CO CD ■■* £ 2 03 CO — < iH CC CO rH o XD r* "3 w c o o fa if T3 cd OJ >h -H "tf lO (N lO c- o 01 tC U0 C kK> OS DC OS l£> co Ol c- OJ IN t- Id o -P os 3 &c m t> m BC CO- c- c- t- o IN CO' OS la 09 O "»i C CO lO IN -? -H (N (N IN CM o *r~ t-I H CJ B UJn^HNt-MMNtO'JffiLOH _g iq oo t-_ h q o m oo m oq ■* lo ^ ^ O t- Os" O o" Tf" t-" o oo o>" H 03 io fa CO ffi N IO N CO N H (O N H ■* H rO as ro cS £ ^ fa M r-. Q sc CO o to ■f — UO to Ol CO t- : rH (N Ol o l0 ~. 01 t- cc co os : TO 0-1 rH ■CO o 00 o -* CC © co : fc- U3 0-1 Ol tH co 00 iH ■X to rH co Ol *.y r^_ !-■ »v ->-h /-**, /^.t j^^ ^s i /*« <* r^ ^ r^ cm __j i r*\ e^\ fa a lO OS M ■* H fa -c .2 c5 Ph o _3 IS c 2 .-rt iH H>H 54 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT O O O -P 0> (3 >-i o t- m o r - CM i-l os o _> ex c 0) i tO OS i-i t- to CI "* CO CM OS LO oo Ol OS t- o 00 'oa C t-< t- r-l to CM co Tf co to ^H id "^ OS Tt< -# to 3 '-£ "Q} OS to i-H 00 CM c- CM 00 c- to OS -f t- c- c- c~ u o O P, H 1-1 CM — I OS m -P "tf co c- CO 1-1 ^ CM •<* X K CM 00 w W €«■ t& 5 (3 o o o u ox o CM CQ tc c OS -(J c 3 p 1—1 OS H B3 t- o 1—1 T— 1 o o TO CO o to lO 00 c- OJ o o ee -tt< co T* c- 01 ifO -p CO 0-1 Ol 1-H CO CO -r i—i OS 01 tr- to to 2? ^ O Q O o _. « o * HNHHNioiot-iBnujfflt-a O i— I OS OS O -tf t- ^ N ■* lO O 2 ' t- M l> H J * to lO 00 CO fx cs h n h oT in" ^" m" oo os to rH i-l o __ cc oo oo oo" oo" co" th" -i*" cm" J -c s 2 c a o +i O H ^ H t- O H H M s n t-oo o oo ai QJ OS^ N H tO_^ OS^ i-H^ !>< ®lOO*^H CM~ 00 CM t CM CO t- OS o to 00 CO i-l C- OS CM ■<* CO i-t CO O » N *>D lO 00 » oo t> os" © -i#" oo co" i— i m cm i— i co i-i o w O o fl O - -5 D u u » « e o o c .2 H J3 > o -~ c > s o Eh EXPENDITURES FOR HIGH SCHOOL MAINTENANCE 1919-2C for ies 8.15 )0.05 • 1,48 '4.84 11.22 .5.95 6.95 12.42 i0.42 50.63 S9.99 57.41 58.25 )0.00 )0.00 57.51 50.00 )0.00 )0.00 14.92 51.99 16.81 36.78 32.08 ^7.50 58.84 51.49 55.39 L0.33 )1.40 Paid for Fuel, Light & Water $ 54.90 4,888.26 410.15 229.03 1,294.00 18.00 1,925.83 Paid for Janitor 100.00 2,301.33 1,741.51 1,080.01 973.50 120.00 Paid for Repairs 5,421.38 1,947.45 361.63 304.31 124.88 3,650.40 965.00 9,245.08 1,740.01 Paid for Furniture $ 493.99 2,378.44 1,177.44 475.21 1,115.37 125.57 Paid for School Apparatus $ 205.87 1,364.47 1,227.61 205.87 745.58 209.84 203.06 446.51 30.00 1,320.00 455.07 763.63 2,683.52 425.00 1,546.49 101.50 451.28 400.96 293.91 3,322.58 3,204.01 34.90 15.58 127.79 2,000.00 3,000.0U 15,000.00 2,500.00 7,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 300.00 732.13 1,000.00 300.00 228.60 414.40 1,700.00 826.70 699.41 366.35 420.00 500,00 700.00 350.00 350.00 900.00 300.00 430.60 1,415.00 3,382.78 120.52 488.53 211.32 950.00 71.63 200.15 37.10 252.99 125.00 84.31 2,047.50 3,012.68 563.65 642.74 608.75 43.65 818.83 4.40 120.00 14.65 25.60 2,172.75 505.14 832.00 2,325.66 778.03 1,642.63 1,332.40 5,946.28 117.12 605.35 353.41 257.18 405.00 1,334.85 155.50 493.40 $20,544.91 $30,534.30 $57,852.82 $11,850.42 $21,169.99 EXPENDITURES FOR SCHOOL MAINTENANCE, HIGH SCHOOLS, YEAR 1918-19 Na ;of District Tombstone Bisbee Benson Willcox Douglas .... Williams Globe .. .. Miami S.-.fford .... Duncan Clifton Morenci .... Metcalf .... Phoenix .... Mesa Tempo Glendale .... Chandler . Kingman .. Winslow .... Holbrook .. Tucson Florence .... Casa Grand Ray Nogales .... Prescott ... Jerome Clarkdale .. Yuma TOTALS -.... 3,220.7 Lverage Daily Paid for Teachers' Paid for Paid for Fuel, Paid for Paid for Paid for Paid for Paid for Paid for Paid for Total Per Attendance Salaries Supplies Light & Water Janitors'Services Repairs Furniture School Apparatus Libraries Rents Census Marshal Miscellaneous Expenditures 21.04 $ 2,650.00 $ 144.00 $ $ ? $ $ 47.64 $ $ $ $ 531.06 5 :i,:i72.70 $ 160.61 216.05 36,948.89 795.58 67.25 31.34 8,586.74 46,379.80 214.62 8,117.66 1,009.11 362.46 468.61 4,929.93 14,887.97 351.96 56.20 . 9,646.66 504.61 1,792.01 2,789.40 14.732.68 262.ir. 231.00 20,541.88 6,452.12 7,565.63 22.56 9,399.82 43,982.01 190.40 12.10 3,800.00 696.45 325.25 986.35 180.00 5,988.05 494.88 178.40 23,346.25 3,361.22 1,492.22 2,649.35 7,356.83 75.85 269.20 323.37 761.35 39,635.64 222.17 97.60 14,645.88 3,664.25 341.35 1,647.45 2,017.90 928.55 203.16 533.30 73.68 24,055.52 246.45 65.40 5,234.19 5,234.19 80.08 34.20 5,483.04 1,057.17 450.01 1,210.00 8.00 57.04 337.23 58.10 67.45 8,728.04 255.21 83.80 13,205.00 1,786.24 1,015.60 225.95 359.11 49.78 218.36 2,225.73 .50 3,424.40 20,510.67 244.76 46.30 8,730.50 1,453.67 309.40 294.97 477.94 1,505.94 759.40 48.44 1,320.00 410.00 15,310.26 330*68 12.20 7,637.00 1,034.57 1,425.64 726.25 717.87 62.10 468.62 120.16 52.50 12,244.71 1,003.66 716.00 59,782.14 5,516.64 500.00 2,650.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 16,649.50 91,598.28 127.9:1 248.00 20,842.29 4,776.13 433.70 1,800.00 100.00 200.00 5,011.32 33,163.44 133.72 88.00 9,072.00 132.10 560.00 1,080.00 150.00 5,774.27 Hi, 7i;s.:!7 90.55 107.00 11,108.16 78.02 409.70 1,450.00 203.12 245.56 209.32 2,000.00 15,703.88 146.76 49.00 6,166.26 598.65 286.00 360.00 200.00 1,017.26 8,628.17 176.09 43.50 5,427.00 647.39 535.29 1,200.00 716.06 551.34 49.85 114.35 9,241.28 212.44 88.60 15,676.00 187.81 178.54 1,152.50 429.38 1,522.62 238.94 1,167.13 447.78 21,000.70 237.03 16.60 5,340.02 359.35 507.58 976.66 370.40 1,636.72 66.67 29.46 587.15 651.40 LQ.526.41 634.06 309.70 30,230.96 1,170.86 402.00 1,502.16 724.43 561.99 25.00 605.54 876.26 36,639.20 118.31 23.58 9,781.17 389.01 31.27 1,348.34 208.87 9.00 83.40 1,103.02 12,953.72 650.20 5,826.27 63.02 96.45 255.50 1,186.63 302.09 383.15 8,112.81 1,125.00 260.14 1,514.65 2,899.79 7,086.24 597.04 1,011.81 845.68 3,036.21 563.05 1,253.15 241.42 121.9'i 416.67 15,173.20 95.40 13,645.25 50 7.52 562.05 1,365.81 1,903.26 334.20 995.84 79.89 1,150.80 20.544.62 116 '., 38.00 10,681.25 868.87 356.88 925.00 143.97 179.01 68,23 334.03 105.05 13,662.29 359.53 43.40 7,180.00 508.30 149.41 400.00 42.94 80.00 165.57 288.52 625.00 9,439.74 217.51 185.70 27,291.02 27,291.02 1 16.96 3,220.72 $406,247.98 S39.159.84 §11,283.70 $23,810.12 $24,899.09 $ 8,029.57 $19,635.08 $ 4,843.91 $ 5,912.59 $30,452.35 $34,133.93 $608,408.16 $ 188.90 Average Daily County Attendance Tombstone 30 Bisbee 284 Douglas 265 Benson 25 Willcox 69 St. David 23 San Simon Flagstaff 12 Williams 19 Globe 300 Miami 118 Safford 71 Duncan 35 Clifton 98 Morenci 51 Metcalf 12 Phoenix 883 Mesa 386 Tempe 116 Glendale 165 Chandler 69 Gilbert 50 Kingman 56 Holbrook 28 Winslow 89 Tucson , 41G Florence , 33 Casa Grande 41 Ray 21 Nogales 60 Prescott 112 Jerome 51 Clarkdale 51 Yuma 160 TOTALS 4,119 Paid for Teachers' Salaries $ 4,260.34 20,632.83 24,095.95 8,432.93 10,171.60 3,436.24 . 4,905.00 4,408.75 33,961.39 24,838.89 6,550.20 15,297.50 13,789.25 7,917.00 104,670.80 35,025.00 12,601.92 16,675.00 12,000.00 11,000.00 7,252.53 11,140.98 3,334.08 38,675.76 11,055.65 6,428.69 5,313.20 6,824.00 15,041.90 10,220.00 8,732.21 Paid for Supplies $ 8.15 1,900.05 1,191,48 74.84 2,381.22 15.95 EXPENDITURES FOR HIGH SCHOOL MAINTENANCE 1919-20 Paid for Fuel, Paid for Paid for Light & Water $ 54.90 4,888.26 410.15 229.03 1,294.00 18.00 6.95 6,232.42 2,260.42 1,360.63 2,839.99 4,167.41 1,368.25 7,000.00 5,000.00 427.51 60.00 600.00 300.00 544.92 451.99 1,846.81 366.78 1,962.08 217.50 738.84 831.49 835.39 710.33 30.00 2,683.52 400.96 34.90 2,000.00 500.00 732.13 414.40 420.00 350.00 430.60 211.32 37.10 84.31 642.74 4.40 505.14 1,642.63 353.41 257.18 3,650.40 965.00 1,320.00 425.00 293.91 3,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,700.00 500,00 900.00 1,415.00 950.00 252.99 2,047.50 608.75 120.00 832.00 1,332.40 Janitor Repairs 100.00 $ 2,301.33 1,741.51 1,080.01 973.50 120.00 5,421.38 1,947.45 361.63 304.31 124.88 9,245.08 1,740.01 455.07 1,546.49 3,322.58 15,000.00 300.00 300.00 826.70 700.00 3,382.78 71.63 125.00 3,012.68 43.65 14.65 2,325.66 5,946.28 'aid for Paid for Paid for Paid for urniture School Apparatus Libraries Rents 493.99 $ 205.87 $ .60 $ 2,378.44 1,364.47 1,829.77 1,177.44 1,227.61 335.89 475.21 205.87 101.40 1,115.37 745.58 99.11 125.57 209.84 71.26 101.50 451.28 3,204.01 15.58 127.79 2,500.00 7,000.00 228.60 699.41 366.35 350.00 300.00 2,172.75 778.03 605.35 301.07 308.24 131.50 177.54 464.55 219.29 500.00 300.00 111.64 184.60 250.00 200.00 48.80 124.64 13.04 50.70 517.53 382.82 280.80 Per Capita Cost Paid for Total Av. Daily Census Marshal Miscellaneous Expenditures Attendance 19.00 42.55 300.50 1.50 1,485.00 765.94 193.01 14,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 2,042.24 83.28 $ 40.15 12,822.62 1,797.95 1,402.80 7,722.78 2,360.76 2,773.69 4.612.51 333.51 4,389.95 523.49 67.62 121.77 286.03 18.40 6,526.96 1,968.18 650.89 2,014.47 2,865.32 5,164.00 53,539.15 18,262.45 14.702.39 38,737.82 6,582.50 4,911.95 4,408.75 58,108.88 35,417.25 11,244.90 27,914.27 27,651.16 9,750.43 156,970.80 53,625.00 15,905.80 20,926.46 16,020.00 14,050.00 16,316.70 14,379.09 4,425.61 52,747.67 16,555.28 9,723.84 9,717.92 ' 17,161.29 25,798.00 13,050.93 13,989.18 $ 136.60 184.955 68.91 588.095 561.705 286.195 409.325 284.615 193.695 300.145 321.28 284.83 542.175 812.535 177.78 138.92 137.115 187.43 232.17 281.00 273.51 513.535 492.75 126.795 501.675 234.725 457.995 286.02 230.335 255.90 274.29 $45,601.40 $20,544.91 $30,534.30 $57,852.82 $11,850.42 $21,169.99 $ 7,419.( $30,225.52 $53,295.85 $789,759.47 Per Capita Cost Paid for Paid for Paid for Total Av. Daily Libraries Rents Census Marshal Miscellaneous Expenditures Attendance $ .60 $ $ $ 40.15 $ 5,164.00 $ 136.60 1,829.77 12,822.62 53,539.15 184.955 335.89 1,797.95 18,262.45 68.91 101.40 1,402.80 14.702.39 588.095 99.11 7,722.78 38,737.82 561.705 71.26 2,360.76 6,582.50 4,911.95 4,408.75 286.195 409.325 284.615 301.07 19.00 2,773.69 58,108.88 193.695 308.24 42.55 4.612.51 35,417.25 300.145 131.50 300.50 333.51 11,244.90 321.28 177.54 1.50 4,389.95 27,914.27 284.83 464.55 1,485.00 523.49 27,651.16 542.175 219.29 67.62 9,750.43 812.535 500.00 1,300.00 14,000.00 156,970.80 177.78 300.00 10,000.00 53,625.00 138.92 111.64 500.00 15,905.80 137.115 184.60 20,926.46 187.43 250.00 1,200.00 16,020.00 232.17 200.00 1,000.00 14,050.00 281.00 48.80 2,042.24 121.77 16,316.70 273.51 124.64 765.94 83.28 286.03 14,379.09 513.535 13.04 193.01 18.40 4,425.61 492.75 6,526.96 52,747.67 126.795 50.70 1,968.18 16,555.28 501.675 517.53 650.89 9,723.84 234.725 2,014.47 9,717.92 * 457.995 382.82 147.16 1,400.00 2,865.32 17,161.29 . 286.02 280.80 25,798.00 13,050.93 230.335 255.90 414.81 1,485.90 13,989.18 274.29 7,419.60 $ 5,740.06 $30,225.52 $53,295.85 $789,759.47 COMPARISON OF CITY AND TOWN AND ONE ROOM RURAL SCHOOl ance Av. Daily Percentage of Attendance No. One Room oom Attendance ty for County 864 6,857 962 3,725 2,122 2,916 11,281 619 1,462 3,261 2,085 1,412 2,767 1,648 41,981 of One Room Schools to Total in County .23 .10 .14 .06 .08 .04 .02 .35 .13 .09 .17 .17 .13 .06 .09 Rural Schools in County 15 57 10 19 13 11 12 16 14 17 30 17 26 265 Average Daily Attendance in Rural Schools 13 12 13 16 13 11 16 13 14 18 11 13 14 12 13.5 COMPARISON OF CITY AND TOWN GRADE SCHOOLS AND ONE ROOM RURAL SCHOOLS 1918-19 Average Daily County Attendance Rural Apache 177.00 Cochise 795.90 Coconino 143.30 Gila 284.66 Graham • 381.58 Greenlee 101.50 Maricopa ^ 260.75 Mohave 220.57 Navajo 218.30 Pima 318.06 Pinal 421.05 Santa Cruz 259.17 Yavapai 467.47 Yuma 160.30 STATE OF ARIZONA 4,209.61 Average Daily Average Daily Percentage of Rural Number Rural Average Attendance Total Cost Attendance City Attendance Total Attendance to Total Schools in County in Rural Schools Rural Schools Cost Per Pupil Total Cost City Schools Cost Per Pupil 50.5.00 680.00 .260 15 12 5 13,944.26 $ 78.78 ? 21,776.15 $49.25 6,099.00 6,894.90 .115 64 12 64,615.13 81.18 393,306.18 64.49 721.19 864.49 .165 12 12 11,531.82 80.47 51,813.44 71.82 3,273.43 4,558.09 .080 29 10 22,017.36 77.34 235,017.37 73.02 1,390.77 1,772.35 .215 24 16 23,143.79 60.65 59,814.17 43.00 2,823.80 2,925.30 .034 11 9 10,582.54 104.26 137.090.53 48.54 8,515.25 8,776.00 .030 14 19 14,473.29 55.51 475,928.27 53.52 334.99 555.56 .396 18 12 14,277.18 64.72 17,079.39 50.09 1,237.62 1,455.92 .149 16 14 14,094.12 64.50 88,459.15 71.47 2 616.58 2,934.64 .108 20 16 27,326.33 85.91 193,420.72 73.92 1,561.90 1,982.95 .212 35 12 29,729.00 70.60 78,602.07 50.32 1,518.85 1,778.02 .145 20 13 18,668.74 72.03 08,908.04 45.37 1,970.33 2,437.80 .191 35 13 35,340.62 75.62 162,640.90 78.22 1,362.85 1,523.15 .105 .110 13 326 12 13 12,046.59 75.15 65,283.99 47.90 38,139.17 33,929.56 $311,790.77 $ 74.06 $5 !,053,140.37 $60.51 COMPARISON OF CITY AND TOWN AND ONE ROOM RURAL SCHOOLS 1919-20 Average Daily Attendance Av. Daily Attendance A v. Daily County One Room Schools in Larger Than 1-Room Attendance in County Districts in County for County Apache 197 667 864 Cochi 724 6,133 6,857 Coconino 137 825 902 Gila 220 3,505 3,725 Graham 179 1,943 2,122 Greenlee 132 2,784 2,916 Maricopa 200 11,081 11,281 Mohave 217 402 619 Navajo .... 202 1,260 1,462 Pima 309 2,952 3,261 Pinal 355 1,730 2,085 Santa Cruz 232 1,180 1,412 Yavapai 387 2,380 2,767 , uma 99 1.549 1.648 Percentage of Attendance of One Room Schools to Total in County Per Capita No. One Room Average Daily Cost One Room Total Cost Per Capita Rural Schools Attendance in Total Cost Rural Schools City Schools Cost of in County Rural Schools Rural Schools in County Larger Districts Larger School; 15 13 $ 15,480.15 $ 78.525 $ 33,680.39 ?50.50 57 12 63,968.16 88.37 537,914.14 87.63 10 13 12,028.03 87.21 87,136.30 88.79 19 16 21,122.33 96.01 311,217.40 105.62 13 13 12,607.60 70.43 90,338.95 46.49 11 11 12,112.63 91.77 166,881.23 59.94 12 16 14,240.54 71.20 640,075.40 57.76 16 13 15,525.53 71.55 23,366.78 58.13 14 14 13,949.33 69.06 81,603.70 64.77 17 18 22,226.20 71.93 254,409.47 86.19 30 11 30,317.11 85.40 115,871.52 66.98 17 13 15,982.68 69.30 67,068.84 56.84 26 14 31,532.33 81.48 ' 224,550.88 94.34 8 12 8,476.53 85.62 87,949.39 56.78 TOTAL 3,59 38,391 41,981 1919-20 Per Capita Cost One Room Total Cost Per Capita Total Cost Rural Schools City Schools Cost of Rural Schools in County Larger Districts Larger Schools $ 15,480.15 $ 78.525 $ 33,680.39 $50.50 63,968.16 88.37 537,914.14 87.63 12,028.03 87.21 87,136.30 88.79 21,122.33 96.01 311,217.40 105.62 12,607.60 70.43 90,338.95 46.49 12,112.63 91.77 166,881.23 59.94 14,240.54 71.20 640,075.40 57.76 15,525.53 71.55 23,366.78 58.13 13,949.33 69.06 81,603.70 64.77 22,226.20 71.93 254,409.47 86.19 30,317.11 85.40 115,871.52 66.98 15,982.68 69.30 67,068.84 56.84 31,532.33 81.48 ' 224,550.88 94.34 8,476.53 85.62 87,949.39 56.78 $289,569.15 $ 80.66 $2,722,064.39 $70.90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 482 178 3