GV THE La - ^mM4ma A SOLO SPANISH CASTINETTE DANCE. DESCRIBED AND COPYRIGHTED BY, PROF. H. Ji. ORANT, Master of Dancing. BUEFALO. N. ¥.( ^^R x3^^^^*^- X Co|)yiighttd by H. N. Grant, April 1896 Class Book. Copyright ]J^. COPYRIGHT DEPOSnV on& Step on R. to 2nd Po. c 1. Swing L. across in front of R. c 2. Step on L. to 2nd Po. c 3. Swing R. up in front of L. c 4. .. .. 1. Step on R. to 2nd Po. c 1. Draw L.to IstPo. c 2. Step on R. to 2nd Po. c 3. Swing L. up in front of R. c 4. .. .. 1, Repeat the first three bars, and on the fourth, mjike a pirouette, or turn toward the right, com- pleting the eight bars of the chorus, and then be- gin step one. During the chorus, hold the hat ribbons, one in each hand, and swing them carelessly in front, i. e. wh^n you swing the right foot in front of left, swing the hands loward the left, and the reverse. THE LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL, 23 STEP ONE. USED AFTER THE CHORUS. Hop on L aod on the same count, place R. toe in 5th Po. back, e 1. Hop on L. and on the same count, kick with R. c 2. Step with R. to 5th Po. back, c 3. Make a short step with L. to the left, c &. Step on R. to 5th Po. front, c 4. .. .. 1. Full count 1-2 3&4, or' [Hop Kick, R-L-R. ] Hop on L. and on the same count, place R. toe in 6th Po, front, c 1. Hop on L. and kick with R. c 2. Step on R. in 5th Po. back, c 3 Step a little to the side on L, c &. Step on R. in 5th Po. front, c 4. .. .. 1. Repeat the above bar, making three bars, and moving toward the left side. For the fourth bar, make a pirouette, or turn to- ward the left, moving about eight feet. Repeat the four bars described, making the first kick with L. from 5th Po. front, moving toward the right, and make the pirouette toward the right, completing the first eight bars. STEP TWO. Hop on L. and on the same count, place R. toe in 5th Po. back, c 1. Hop again on L. and on the same count, kick with R. c2. Hop on L. and come down with R. toe in 5th Po. front, c 3. Hop again on L. and on the same count, kick with R. c 4. .. .. .. .. .. 1. 24 SONG AND DANCE. Bring II. to 5th Po, back, c 1. Step on L. to 2nd Po. c 2. Pirouette toward the left, by carrying the R. around in front of L. turning on the toes, c 3-4. Hop on R. and on the same count, place L. toe in 5th Po. back, c 1. Hop on R. and on the same count, kick with L. c2. Hop on R. and on the same count, place L. in 5th Po. front, c 3. Hop on R. and on the same count, kick with L. c4 Bring L. to 5th Po. back, c 1. Step with R. to 2nd Po. c 2. Pirouette toward the right by carrying the L. around in front of R. c 3-4. Four bars have been described, now repeat the entire movements for the following four bars, and do the break. BREAK. Step with the right foot back of L. c 1. Step with L. to 2nd Po. c 2. Step with R. over in front of L the left toe re- maining on the floor where it is, heel raised, and all weight on R. c 8. Throw the hands up toward the left, looking over the right shoulder, c 4. THE LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL. 25 Transfer the weight onto L. which is resting back of R. c L Step with R. to 2nd Po. c 2. Step with L. over in front of R. the toe of R. rest- ing* lightly upon the floor, hands up toward the right, looking over the left shoulder, c 3. Rest in this position, c 4. THE WALK. FOLLOWING THE BREAK. Step a little back on the R. turning one fourth to- ward the left, c J. Step quickly forward on L c 2. Step forward on R. c .3. Rest, c 4. Step forward on L. c 1-2. [a slow movement. ] Step forward on R. c 3-4. Step forward on L, c 1. Close R. quickly to 5th Po. back, c 2. Step forward on L. c 3. Rest, c 4. Step forward on R. c 1-2. Step forward on L. c 3-4. Step forward on R. c 1. Close L. to 5th Po. back, c 2. Step forward on R. c 3. Rest, c 4. Step forward on L. c 1-2. Step forward on R. c 3-4. 26 SONG AND DANCE, Step forward on L. c 1. Bars. Close K. quickly to 5th Po. back, c 2. Step forward on L. c 3. Rest, c 4. .. .- .. .. „ 1 Pirouette to the right, c 1-2-3-4. .. .. 1 NOTE.-This walk is the same as the entree, except- ing the beginning with the right foot, and ending with the pirouette to the right. The walk is made in a circle toward the left, and around to the same position to sing the second verse. Now sing the second verse and chorus, and do the final dance, omitting the break. Steps where repetitions occur, will be divided in to sections, designated by letters. STEP THREE. FINAL DANCE. Step on L. as you are, c 1. Weight on R. heel in 2nd Po. c &. Step on L. as you are, c 2 Hop on L. as you are, bringing the R. up back of L. c3. Step down on R. back of L. c &. Place the Iv, heel out in 2nd Po. c 4. .. 1 Step on P. resting the weight on L. heel, c 1. Paise the Iv. heel and put it down in the same place, c &. Step on P. as you are, c 2. Hop on P. as you are, and bring the L. up back of P. c 3. Step down on the Iv. back of P c tt. Place P. heel out in 2nd Po. without weight, c 4. THE LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL, 27 Step with R. over in front of L. c 1. Bars. Step back on L. c t^. Slide R in to place of L. c 2, Bring- L. around, and over in front of R. and down, c 3. Step on R. still back, c c^. Slide L. into place of R. c 4. .. .. 1 Step on R. to 'ind Po. and pirouette to the right, c 1-2-3-4. 1 The following will be a repetition of the same movements, only beg-inning with the other foot. Step on R c 1. Step on L heel in 2nd Po c &. Step on R as you stand, c 2. Hop on R. as you are, bringing the L. foot up back of R c 3. Step down on L. back of R. c &. Place the R. heel out in 2nd Po. c 4. .. 1 Step on L. resting the weight on R. heel, c 1. Raise the R. heel and put it down in the same place c &. Step on L. as you are, c 2. Hop on L. as you are, and bring theR. up back of L. c3. Step down on the R. back of L. c &. Place L. heel out in 2ad Po. without weight, c 4 1 Step with L. over in front of R. c 1. Step on R. which is back, c &. Slide L. into place of R. c 2, Bfing R. around, and over in front of L. and down c3. Step on L. a little back, c c^. Slide 1\. into place of L. c 4, .. .. 1 28 SONG AND DANCE. Step on L. in 2nd Po. and pirouette to the left, c 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 STEP FOUR. — A— Hop on L. and at the same time, touch R. toe in 5th Po. back, c 1. Hop again on L. and at the same count, kick with R. c 2. Step down on R. in front of L. c 3. Step a very little to the left with L. c &. Slide R. into place of L. releasinsf L. c. 4, .. 1 — B— Hop on R. and on the same count, place L. toe in 5th Po. back, c 1. Hop ag-ain on R. and at the same count kick with L. c 2. Step down on L. in front of R. c 3. Step a very little to the right with R. c &. Slide L. into place of R. releasing R. c 4, .. 1 — C— Bring- R. around in front of L. and down, c 1. Step on L. back, c &. Slide R. into place of L. c 2, Step again on L. back c &. Slide R. into place of L. c 3. S*.ep ag"ain on L. c &. Slide R. into place of L. c 4, .. .. .. 1 Move a little diagonally backward toward the left. Note. —The movements described are the same as the Newport or Ripple. THE LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL. 29 — D- Carry the L. around in front of R. crossed over and down, taking" the R. up quickly, c 1. Step on R. a little further back c &. Slide L. into place of R. c 2. Step on R. a little further back, c &. Slide L. into place of R. c 3. Step on R. a little further back, c &. Slide L. into place of R. c 4, ., ,. .. 1 Repeat Section B. '^ A. " " D. " " C. STEP FIVE, — A— Spring- onto L. crossed over R. toward the right Bide, c 1, Kick R out to the right, touching the ball of the foot to the floor as it goes out, holding it out, c &. Hop on L. retaining R. out, c 2. Bring R. up in front of L. touching it to the floor as it is brought up, c c*t. Hop on L. holding R. up in front, c3. Step on R. heel well out in 2nd Po. c &. Step quickly on L. as you rest on R. heel, and take R. up, c 4. Move about four feet to the riarht. 30 SONG AND DANCE, — B— Spring- onto R. over in front of L. c 1. Kick L. out toward the left, touching the ball of the foot as it goes out, c &. Hop on R. as the L. is out, c 2. Bring L. up in front of R. touching the floor as it is brought up, c &. Hop on R. as h. is up in front, c 3. Step with L. heel well out in 2nd Po. c &. Step on R as you are resting on L. heel, and take L. quickly up, c 4, .. .. .. .. 1 — C— Hop on R. placing the L. toe in 5th Po. back on the same count, c 1. Hop on R. kickiog the L. out to the left on the same count, c 2. Hop on R. placing the L. toe in 5th Po. front on the same count, c 3. Hop on R. kicking the L. out to the left on the same count, c 4, -. .. .. .. 1 Move about four feet to the right on this bar. — D— Hop down onto L. and place R. toe in 5th Po, back on the same count, c 1. Hop on L. and kick R. out to the right side on the same count, c 2. , Hop on L. and place R. toe in 5th Po. fronton the same count, c 3, Hop on L. and kick R. out to the right side on the same count, c 4, .. .. .. .. 1 THE LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL, 31 Move about four feet to the left on this bar. Repeat Section B. " A. " D. " " C. STEP SIX. — A— Step on L. over in front of R. crossing- the legs c 1 Step a little back on R. c &. Slide L. into place of R. c 2. Carry R. around in front of L crossing the leg's 3."^ Step a little back on L, c &. Slide R. into place of L. c 4, On Section A move a little backward. — B- Step a little forward on L. c 1. Step a little forward on R. heel, c &. Step on L, as you are resting on R. heel, c 2. Bring R. back to 1st Po. and down, c 3. Step a little forward on L heel, c &, Step on R. as yon are resting- on L. heel, c 4, Move a little forward. — C- Spring up and come down on both feet about eig-ht inches apart, c 1. Spring- up and come dome on both feet, the R. crossed over the L. c 2. Spring up and come down on both feet about eight inches apart, c 3. Spring up and come down on both feet, the L. crossed in front of R. c 4, 32 SONG AND DANCE, — D— Step with li. to 2d. Po., and cary L. around in front, and pirouette to the right, — E— Step with R. over in front of L., and down, c 1. Step on L. a little back, c &. Slide R. into place of L., c 2, Cary L. around in front of R., and down, c 3. Step on R. a little back, c &. Slide L. into place of R., c 4, — F- Step on R. in 1st. Po., c 1, Step on L. heel forward, c &. Step again on R. as you are resting the weight on L. heel, c 2 Bring L. back to 1st Po., and down, c 3. Step on R. heel forward, c &.. Step on L. as you are resting weight on R. heel, c4, Move a little forward on section F. — G- Spring and come down on both feet about eight inches apart, c 1. Spring and come down ou bolh feei crossed, L. in front, c 2. Spring again, separating the feet, c 3. Spring again, crossing R. in front, c 4, Step on L. to the left, and cary the R. around in front, making a pirouette to the left, In sections C and G, keep the heels well up from the floor. THE LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL, 33 STEP SEVEN — A— Hop on L., and place E. toe in oth Po. back on the same count, c 1. Hop on ly., and on the same count, kick with. R.. c 2. Hop on L., and place the toe of R. to the center of L. foot on the same count, heel turned out, c 3. Hop on L.. and on the same count, place R. heel to the toe of L., c 4 Hop on L, and place R. toe to toe of L. c 5. Hop on L. and place the R. heel again to the toe of L. c 6. Hop on L. and place the E. toe in 5th Po. back, c 7. Hop on L. and kick with R. c 8. — B- Step down on E. in 5th Po. back, taking L. up on the same count, c 1. Hop on R. turning around toward the left wall keeping L. up, and carying it back on the same count, c 2. Step down on L. well back, c 3. Draw the E. up to 3fd Po. c 4. -C— Step back on L. c 1. Hop on L. turning toward the right wall, cai-ying the E. around back, c 2. Step down on E. well back, c 3. Draw the L. to 3rd Po. c 4. Section A is stationary B and C moving backward. — D- Hop on R. facing front, placing L. toe in Sth Po. back on the same count, c 1. 34 SONG AND DANCE. Hop on R. and kick with L. c 2. Hop on R. and place L toe to the hollow of R. c 3. Hop on R. and place L. heel to the toe of R, c 4. Hop on R, and place L, toe to the R. toe, c 5, Hop on R. and place L. heel to the R. toe, c 6. Hop on R. and place L. toe in 5th Po. back, c 7. Hop on R and kick with L. c 8. .. 2 Section D is stationary. — E— Step down on L. in 5th Po. back, c 1. Hop on Iv. and carry R. around back, turning- to- ward the right wall, c 2. Step down on R. well back, c 3, Draw L. to 3d Po.,c 4, .. .. .. 1 — In- step back on R., c 1. Hop on R., and swing L. around back, turning to- ward ths left side, c 2. Stei) down on h. well back, c 3. Draw R. to 3d Po., c4, .... .. 1 Move backward on sections E and F. STEP EIGHT. — A— Step forward on R. c 1. Kick forward with L. and hop on R. c 2. Step well forward on L, c 3. Draw R. up to L. c 4. THE LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL, 35 — B— Step with R. to the right, and close L. to 5th Po. back on the same count, both arms up to the right, and looking over the left shoulder, c 1. Raise on the toes, c 2, one half bar. Step with the left to the left, and close R. to 5th Po. back on the same count, both arms up to the •left and looking over the right shoulder, c 3. Raise on both toes, c 4. .. .. 1 Note-B and C are a waltz balance ste^) to the right and left, making one bar for both. — D— Step with R. to 2nd Po. and carry L. well around in front, making a pirouette to the right, .. 1 — E- Step with R. back of L. c 1. Step with L. t'O 2nd Po. c 2. Step with R. over in front of L. letting the end of L toe rest on the floor, c 3. Rest in this Po. c 4, .. .. 1 -F- Step forvvaj'd on L. c 1. Kick R, forward and hop on L. c 2. Step well forward on R. c 3. Draw L. up to R. c 4. .. .. 1 ReiDeat C Repeat B. Step with L. to 2d Po. and carry R. well around in front, making a pirouette to the left. .. 1 ^^XolJC^ 36 SONG AND DANCE. Step with L. back of R. c 1. Step with K. to 2nd Po. c 2. Step with L. over in front of R. letting- the end of R. toe rest on the floor, c .'>. Rest in this Po. c 4. .. .. 1 This step is composed of slow and graceful move- ments. STEP NINE. exit: — Move toward the right, still facing au- dience, and continue until off the stage, or to the side of the hall. Kick R. out to the right, touching the ball of the foot to the floor as it g"oes out, c 1. As R. is still up, spring" from Iv. onto R. toward the right, holding L. up. c 2. The head should be inclined toward the right, the right hand holding the ribbon of the hat, and throw a kiss with left hand during the above two counts. Step down on L. in 5th Po. back,- c 3. Stej) quickly on R. c &. Step on L. taking R up, c 4. .. .. 1 This is a waltz step in two counts to the side; end- ing with R. up. Now repeat, kicking the R. out, etc. until off. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS