M3«cUsV*r. V.-g.-- . Bo-^ .\ t«d. Jk su*r»ma*-V 'A ^ iyar ipas ] ^ witU a S^a-*^ COMMERCE Cu;.n^ JUL 2S 189 „<1. MANCHESTER, VIRGINIA. BOARD OF TRADE, 1896. . ( r. BRAXTON GARLAND, EDITED E\ (CLARENCE E.' WEAVER. T. II. PATTESC)N, PresiMent \RENCE YADEN, Secretary E. H. WELLS, Treasurer. \ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. \ T H. BETTY, A. L. ADAMSON, ' AUGUSTINE ROYALL, J. C. SNELLINGS, ]. P. ROBINSON, W. B. BRADLEY, 1. L. PULLIAM, B. W. NUNNALLY, , G. EVANS, B. B. WEISIGER. By trfiT»f«^«=*^ City of Manchester. A Brief Summary of Her Past: Some Facts and Figures about Her Present, with a Glance at Her Prospects for the Future. The cit}^ of Manchester, Va., is situated on the James River, opposite the city of Richmond, and, while a separate corporation,- is, in its business rehitions, practically part of that city. Man-- chester is bordered on the north and east by the James River,- which almost entirely hugs it in, with .its romantic falls and splendid and unsurpassed water-povrer, and lower down with its line wharfage and shipping facilities. It is bordered on the south and west by the county of Chesterfield,, with its fine farming and trucking lands, beautiful suburban residential sites, healthfiil and life-giving mineral springs, splendid railway facili- ties, magnificent granite quarries, excellent manufacturing loca- tions, and beautiful parks. This part of the county embraces Manchester in its loveliness and beauty ; and is, for all busine^sj purposes, a part and parcel of the city. Manchester is situated on a series of high and gently sloping hills, which originally formed natural terraces, extending from the crests of these ridges to the river. These hills have now been graded and arranged for the purpose of one of the most thrifty and progressive little cities of the State. It was established in Colonial days by an act of the House of Burgesses of the Colony. For many years it was one of the most beautiful and influential villages of Vir- ginia, retaining much of the sim.plicity and attractiveness of an English village. It kept these characteristics, in the main, until a short period before the late war, and after that date rapidly altered its conditions and evirons to meet the demands of the new order of things. Beautifully and niost advantageously lo- catea, it has attracted much attention in the past and is dt5stined to a!;tract more in the future. POPULATION. Manchester's population, jrroper', is about eleven thousand. Besides this large collection of her orderly and hard-working- people, the out-lying suburbs, Embracing Swansboro', and other immediately adjacent territories, but not including beautiful Woodland Heights, West Manchester, Forest-Hill Park, Home- stead, &c., contain about three thousand more people. These people, are characterised by industry and good sense, and dis- tinguished for their orderly conduct and sterling qualities of character and disposition. Men of all conditions of life can find a home and associations in Manchester, and locations to suit the rich or the poor, as all sorts of lots, admirably situated and in easy access to business and work centres, can be bought cheap and on good terms. The people are intelligent, genial, polite and sociable, and are prompted by fine impulses. AREA. The city limits embraces 687 acres, and are irregular in tbrm, the river lorming tlie corporate lines on two sides, and lines be- ing drawn from the same on the other two sides. Along the lines of the river front there is the most superb water-power in the State, and it is creditably stated, and we believe can be demonstrated, that this water-power is equal to any in extent, location, accessibility to shippin^^ by water and rail, and facility of management, to any in the United States: CLIMATE AXD TEMPERATURE. The climate of the city is the beautiful and healthful climate of Tide-water Virginia. Being situated high and dry on the slopes ot hills, and naturally well drained, with the southern winds blowing from an unpolluted country territorv, the city is cool and healthy. SANITARY CONDITIONS AND HEALTHFULNESS. Manchester is reputed one of the healthiest cities of the State. Until recently she did not have a complete system of sewerage ; but without such she could boast of better health among her peo- ple than her sister cities, and notably her near sister city of Richmond, in which, notwithstanding lier vast sewerage system, which has been established and maintained at immense cost, the mortality is greater than in this city. This is attributable, to some extent, to the fact that Manchester is situated on the Southern side of the James River, and consequently has the summer winds from the south blowing nothing from the river into her midst, but all from her ; and also because all the winds hat she enjoys during the summer are from the country — pure and untainted by any corrupting sources or substances. Within the last year a most improved and excellent sewerage system has been placed in the cit}', which will soon be in operation. It •is natural to tliink that the health and sanitation of the citv art- bound to be vastly improved and promoted by these admirable and extensive improvements, and that Manchester is destined to rank as one of, if not the most healthy, city in the State. Within half ii mile of the city is the splendid spring at Fonticello, which is one of the finest health-giving springs in Virginia. Within one mile of the city is the beautiful, romantic and unique Forest- Ilill Park, a freak of nature, that has placed in the very heart of the populations of two cities a miniature mountain-pass, with all of its wild beauties, embowered dells, towering boulders, spark- ling brooks, and lovely springs of pure water, one of which, at least, being a spring of fine medicinal properties. Within four miles of the city is one of the boldest and most beautiful springs in the State, appropriately named Beaufont, a spring of the most •crystal clearness and of splendid mineral and medicinal proper- ties. Then, there are the finest of springs at " Holy Springs," ■" Campfield,"' and many others of equal excellence and potency, ■with their health-giving and refreshing waters. The bulk of these water resorts are near the city and of easy and quick ac- cess by street-railways or railways. There are many beautiful drives around the city that lead to these springs and other places of equal beauty and attractiveness. The water from these springs is furnished by daily delivery at cheap rates at our very ■doors. COURT-HOUSE. The city has a fine court-house situated in the heart of tht- 'business part of the city in a lovely public square, and the same is well equipped for the business of the court. CITY GOVERNMENT. x\ll laws are rigidly and impartially enforced, and the city is •considered and praised as being one of the most orderly and well-conducted in the country. CEMETERY. Maury Cemetery, the public burying-place of the citv, is •owned by thi' city. It is a beautiful spot, and under proper management is becoming more beautiful each vear. PUBLIC SCHOOUS. The public scht)ol system of tlie city is good and well con- ducted. There are two large school buildino-s. One on Bain- bridge street is tor the white children, and the other, on Maury street, is for the colored children. There are twelve separate schools, under the management of a principal, in the wiiite school building: and eight schools, under the management of a princi- pal, in the colored school building. 68 1 white children were en- rolled in the white schools last session, and 439 children in the colored schools. The children are taught from the primary grades up to a fine course in the Iligh-Schools. The schools are well arranged, located, ventilated and equipped with suitable 6 apparatus. Important improvements are contemplated .in the schools, which will be carried out from time to time, and in- crease their efficiency. CHURCHES. The church tacilities of the cit}'" are most excellent. There are churches, distributed among the various denominations, as follows: One Episcopal Church, three Baptist Churches, four Methodist Churches, one Christian Church, and one Presby- terian Church. Some of these church buildings are marked by great architectural beauty, and are gems of convenience and comfort. The denominations are bretheren in work and good- fellowship. WATER-WORKS . The cit}^ has a most excellent S3'stem of water- works. A full supply of water is furnished to the citizens, and all the water for tires and street purposes is well supplied to the cit}" b}^ its own works. The city has a system of water plugs, »fcc., that afford great facilities in cases of fire. LIGHTS. The city is lighted b}^ electricity. There is an arrangement on foot to furnish the entire people with gas or electricity bv the citv itself. RAIL\\'AY.S. There are two rail\va3^s that pass through and stop in the cit}-,. the Southern and the Atlantic Coast Line. .Each have shops in the cit}'. The Southern has large and extensive shops here. They are finely and elaborately equipped. Many hands are- employed at them, while a goodly number are employed at the Richmond and Petersburg shops. There is a connection of the R. F. & P. Railroad and the Atlantic Coast Line, called the Belt Line, which passes a short distance outside of the citv, in the county of Chesterfield, along all of which railroads are the most admirable and convenient sites lor all sorts and kinds of manufactories, shops and mills. The Southern connects with the wharfs on the James River below the city, and thence has an out-let to the sea. An inspection of these roads will demon- strate to all that the shipping facilities and conveniences of Man- chester are as great as that of any city in the South. She has the most accessible transportation to all points North and South, and to foreign countries. STREET RAIL^^•AVS. Manchester is traversed bv two street railways. Each extend from Richmond, and connect with all of the street railways of that city imder the management of the Richmond Railway and Electric Co, ; and transfers are given to all these connections. and vice v^ersa. These roads extend out into the county, and centre at Forest-Hill Park. One begins at the corner of 14th and Main streets, Richmond, and passes across Mayo's Bridge. through Manchester, up Hull street, through Swansboro'. and West ' Manchester to Woodland Heights, and through that lovely part of the cit}'' to Forest-Hill Park. The other branch commences at Broad and 7th streets, Richmond, and extends across the Free ]5ridge, througli Manchester, on 7th and Perr}', Cowardin avenue, and Semmes avenue, through Woodland Heights, to Forest-Hill Park. Thus Manchester enjoys four miles of street railway, and most excellent facilities in this line. All parts of the city are brought in close communication with the other parts, with all parts of Richmond and its out-lying ■pleasure resorts, and all the beautiful country and parks around Manchester. Other extensive improvements in the street rail- ways, and the establishment of others, are in contemplation. WATER-POWER. The falls of the James River extend from BDsher's Dam, Avhich is about eight miles above the city, to Mayo's Bridge, Avhich is at the foot of Hull street, in the very heart of the place. All along the river, for this great distance, the water-power is unexcelled by that in any other spot of the United States. The water of the river, which is abundant, could be collected and hus- banded all along, and used to propel thousands of wheels ; and, thus employed, afford an inexhaustible motive power for manu factories, mills, &c. The water could thus be used over and over. The value of the water-power is enhanced by the fact that the river is bordered, the greater part of the way from Bosher's Dam to the termination of the falls, by the Southern Railway. When it is not in actual contact with the same, and other railroads, it is very near and of easy access to them. This vast and splendid water-power needs but the " Enchanter's wand" of wealth to make it the most powerful and far-reaching in this country. MANUI ACTURIXG SITES. It goes with saying that there are magniticient manufacturing sites all along the river, w^here the water-power, just described, can be utilized. But in addition to these admirable sites, there are equallv as fine ones, (where steam could be used), all along the railroads, in the city, and in the county. The Southern, the Atlantic Coast Line, and the Beit-Line being notably advan- tageous in this respect. Miles of splendid and admirable sites are here presented, which can be procured at reasonable rates of cost, and which ofter the best advantages of transportation, climate, and facility of access, &c. FACTORIES WANTED. With all the fine opportunities offered here for sites, &c., it is natural that the people of the cit\' are solicitous of building up her advantages in this respect. Investments in this line and the establishment of works and factories of all kinds are wanted. To a considerable extent these things are new and undeveloped in 8 this cit}^ and they are solicited. All information will be readily furnished and all enquiries answered b}'^ the Board of Trj\de. OUR MANUFACTORIES. We have here now, which employ a large number of hands , the Southern Railway Shops, the Richmond and Petersburg^ Railway Shops, Marshall Mills Manufacturing Co. (cotton)^ Manchester Spike Plant, The Old Dominion Iron and Nail Works, Old Dominion Cotton Mills, Manchester Paper Twine- Co., Manchester Standard Oil Co., Dunlop Mills, (flour), Man- chester Mills, (meal, &c.), Stacy's Shuck Factor}^, Johnson's Car Axle Works, Toler & Sons' Furniture Factor}^ Richmond Wood Working Co. A. D. Shotwell & Co. (tannery), J. C. Hogan & Co. (tannery), Virginia Leather Co. (tannery), Chemi- cal Works, Transparent Ice Co. WAREHOUSES. Owing to the cheapness and accessibility of the lands of the- city, for such purposes, most admirable sites for warehouses can be found here. The parts of Manchester suited for these pur- poses are adjacent to the river and the railroads, and are ver}- easy of access to Richmond ; and therefore afford splendid op- portunities for the merchants and business men of that city to erect and equip them here. This advantage has been percei'/ed by some enterprising Richmond business men, and several ware- houses are being erected here, and others are in contemplation. All should investi^;ate this matter and invest where thev find it advantageous. Manchester's board of trade. The Board of Trade of the city is a bod}' of active and ener- getic gentlemen, who take deep interest in all that pertains to the advancement of the business and welfare of the cit}^ All information desired can be procured from and through the Board. ^ M/HAT /S GOOD STORE-KEEPING ? Without saying much about it, we are trying each day to show what we think a good Dry-Goods store should be. Our intelligent shopping pubhc includes the wisest retail buyers in the country. They are keen to detect humbug ; quick to encourage worthy en- terprise. The career of this lousiness has been co-operative. We have shown the public the grand possibili- ties of retailing. The public has rewarded us with the appreciation that makes success. Clear knowledge on these points underlies our policy. You have a right to expect both the service and • the merchandise to improve constantly; and you'll not be disappointed. Ivcspectfull}' yours, MILLER & RHOADS, 509-511-513 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. % 10 I »'•'«-*»»«»«» •«»(«W(KBl 1 200 farms for sale in sizes from ten to two thou- sand acres each. Prices from $3 per acre up. Several sites suitable for manufactories, some with water- power and railroad connections. City and suburban real estate for sale and rent. Pine and white oak timber lands. Coal lands and granite quarries. For further particulars, apply to A. L. A DAMSON, 911 Hull Street, Manchester, Ya. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF MECHANICS AND MERCHANTS BANK, Manchester, Virginia, At Close o£ Business July i, 1S96. LIABILITIES. Capital stock', Surplus Fund, Individual Deposits, Certificates of Deposit, Dividend Unpaid, Undivided Profits — Net, RESOURCF.S. Bills receivable, $ 150.349 64 Furniture and Fixtures, i,5o-> 00 Due from National Bank- ■1 171565 88 Due from State Bank of Virginia, Richmond, \' a.. 9,084 72 CVash on hand, 21,527 77 Real Estate owned, 2,534 08 Total, $2 02,562 09 45,000 00 10,000 00 122,706 89 22,854 21 1,470 00 530 99 Total, $202,562 09 MECHANICS AND MERCHANTS BANK, *)13 Hull Street, Manchester, Ya. Commenced Business April 15, i88g. CAPITAL, - - - $4.1.000. SURPLU;^, - - - 10,000. i'ividends paid annually, since commencement of business, of 7 per cent. Busi ness solicited and accommodation given as fully as possible, consistent with safe management. A. L. ADAMSON, President. J. H. PATTESON, Cashier. BRIEF SKETCHES OF OXJR. MERCHANTS AND ENTERPRISES. Augustine Royall& Company, Real Estate and Insurance Agents and Auctioneers. Office No. 19 Tenth street, Leader Building, Manchester, Va. — The above tirm has, with the exception of a tew years (from 1883 to 1887), been in existance since 1872. They are tuUy equipped to do the real estate and insurance business in all of its branches. They have a large quanity of improved and unimproved real estate in this city for sale and rent on the most favorable terms ; also a large number of farms in the counties of Powhatan and Chesterfield for sale at low figures, some exceed- ingly desirable farms, with good improvements, mills, &c. Manufacturers, wholesale merchants and others doing large amount of shipping, will find it greatly to their advantage to in- spect the valuable locations this firm represents, lying on the various railroads passing through the cit\'. Sites for warehouses, &c., can be gotten for very low figures, and thousand of dollars can be saved annually in drayage and extra labor by having ware- houses situated on the line of the railroad, where goods can be liandled at the ver}- lowest possible cost. Consult Messrs. Ste- phen Putney & Co., wholesale dealers in shoes, boots, «S:c., and J. R. Johnson & Co., car axle manufacturers, what they think of saving in doing business in this city, having their places of busi- ness immediately on the line of the railroad. Those who de- sire similar situations will find it to their interest to call on the above firms. AUGUSTTNK ROVALI.. GeO. E. GarV Go to R. A. GibbS — Where you can buy fresh meats at lowest prices — such as beef, pork, veal, mutton, etc. No. 151 2 Mull street, between i^th and i6th. 12 Friend Bros., Druggist and Seedsmen.— Drug store corner Hull street and Cowardin avenue, where can always be found a very complete stock or pure drugs and medicines, fine stationary, toilet articles, soaps, smokers' goods, etc. Physicians' prescriptions are carefull}^ compounded day or night b}' registered clerks. Seed ware-rooms 1803 Hull street, field and garden seeds, seed oats, seed potatoes, German and red clover, and all useful seeds of tried and known merit. When in want of field or garden seeds, call upon us, and we will gladly show you through our seed ware-room. All orders by mail promptly at- tended to. EstaMislied 1880— J. P. Robinson.— Dealer in choice Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. This stock of wines and liquors is specially selected and recommended for medicinal and family use. They are guaranteed free of adulterations and chemically pure. Sixteen 3'ears experience in this special line is sufficient guarantee that the qualtiy is the best, and the pricey the lowest. For the convenience of families, the store will be open from 6 A. M. to 10 P. M. ; during those hours my personal attention will be given to those who may desire to sample every brand known to the trade. Being the agent for Peter Stumpfs Brewing Co,, I can offer their special beer bottled and packed in cases containing one and two dozen, delivered, without addi- tional cost, at any residence south of the, James, at short notice. J. P. Robinson, 1437 Hull street cor. 15th, Manchester, Va. M. B. Staples, Baker and Confectioner.- Dm i n g his four 3'ears business career in our cit}^ has been popularly known in business circles as an able representative of the bakery and confectioner}^ business, whose proficiency is generally acknowledged. ]Mr. Staples, as a manufacturer of his own goods, can guarantee their ingredients to be free from adulteration, and always fresh. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Mr. Sta- ples is a wholesale and retail dealer in all latest novelties in confectionery. Toney & Brown, Coal and Wood.— This firm name is well-known to commercial centres as a highly honorable and safe firm ; its proprietors are natives of our city, Mr. Toney be- ing our postmaster. The excellent facilities possessed by the firm enables them to furnish our factories and homes with the highest grades of coal, and all kinds wood — long, sawed and split, at lowest market prices. Their winter's supply of fuel is always ample, while their means of deliver}' is prompt, and you will always receive good weight without dust. Pioneer Meat Market, M. Stein, Proprietor. Thirtv vears airo ]Mr, M. Stein, when Manchester was a mere 1 13 village, established this business which still bears his name, though' is now conducted by Mr. Geo. Stein, son of IMr. M. Stein, who has prosecuted the business affairs of the '• Pioneer' since July, 1895, with great success, and to-day this pioneer es- tablishment ranks as the leading market in ^Manchester, where we procure our best meats at lowest prices. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Mrs. J. H. Nichols, 1202 Hull Street.— About aine years ago Mrs. Nichols, who is well known to our people, suc- cessfully conducted a 5 and 10 cent store, though her business has branched out in other directions, adding new departments — the 5 and 10 cent department remains a prominent teature,.and man}^ good 5 and 10 cent bargains are to be had, and notions, confectioneries, school books, stationery, crockery, glass and tinware are alwa^^s in stock. Mrs. Nichols has always a genial flow of humor and welcome for all. J. C. Snellings, Pharmacist, 1226 Hull Street.- The citizens of Mannhester should congratulate themselves upon having in their midst such a thoroughly appointed pharmac}', one in wdiich every confidence can be placed, equalh* as regards goods, proficienc}^ and fair charges, as that of J. C. Snelling's, W'ho has been identified with the drug trade of our city for the past twent}^ years, and by long experience has acquired high qualifications as one of our oldest and ablest druggist. The Doctor's Julian Chill Pills and Chapped Skin Cure are, indeed, messengers of relief to the suffering. A large stock of drugs, medicine and toilet articles are always on hand. J. S. Sykes. — Wholesale and retail dealer in best grades of wood and coal, also, laths and lumber cut to order. It would only be carrying coals to New Castle to tell the people of this or adjoinining States anything about the extent or character of this business establishment, as it stands for progress in the general development of Manchester, and the activity which characterizes every department is due to that initiative energy and enterprise of the proprietor, Mr. J. S. Sykes, which he daily displays in the management of his business. The yards cover about a square and a half, aftbrding every facility for the receipt and reship- ment of the heavy consignments which are being continually re- ceived of best classes of anthracite and bituminous coal of all sizes and kinds ; also coke. These products are purchased direct from mines and are sold at wholesale and retail in car lots or quantities to suit purchasers. The business has prospered for seven years, being extensively patronized by both Manchester and Richmond people. The lowest market quotations are given in coal and wood to consumers and jobbers by Mr. Sykes. ^ Local orders and foreign correspondence invited. Yard and otlice cor- ner Seventh and Semmes streets. 14 Nunnally & BrO. — Dealers in Groceries and Liquors at the corner of Eighth and Hull streets, have a two story place, and a -warehouse besides for heavy goods, also a branch house at nth and Hull streets of equal facilities. Thev are leading grocers of Manchester and are natives of the city, having been merchants since '72, and are men of substantial resources, owning conside- rable Manchester propert}^ and country lands. R. C. Petzolcl, Pharmacist, 12th and Hull Sts.— Mr. Petzold honorably sustained himself in his examination be- fore the Virginia State Board of Pharmac}^ and ranks now as one of our best known young druggist, having been a resident of our city for seven years, whose store is well fitted up, while the prescription labrator}^ is equipped with ever}- modern facility for compounding medicines. D. D. Harrison, Druggist and Apothecary, 1510 Hull St. — This is Manchester's popular local pharmacy, en- joying an excellent reputation, which has always been liberally patronized. D. D. Harrison, the proprietor, creditably acquitted himself before our State Board of Pharmacy, who presides over his prescription labratory. Physicians' prescriptions and family recips are compounded in an accurate and prompt manner. The line of drugs and chemicals carried are of the purest phar- macopial strength. Toilet and fancy articles are also in stock in profusion, while courteous attention is extended all. Bowen & Bradley, General Merchandise, 1301 and 1303 Hull St. — ^t would be superfluous to tell a citizen of Manchester an3'thing about the extent or character of the busi- ness done by this up-to-date house, as we all know the iirm stands for progress in mercantile methods in Manchester. Twenty years ago the firm was organized, and from its very inception the names of Messrs. Bowen and Bradley have been suggestive of the blessing the patron receives from the upright dealing's of the firm. Be sure and remember their two cardinal rules : their stock is the most perfect and varied in Manchester, and such goods cannot be bought in Richmond for j same mone}'. Give them a trial order. Manchester Oil & Paint Co., 1102 Hull Street.-- In the interest of truth and justice it becomes our ' duty to call particular attention to the Manchester Oil & Paint Co., whose products are of the highest standard. Their goods are not only handled by the local trade, but are shipped throughout the State and many points in the South. It is hardly necessary to mention all their different brands, as thev are well known. The com- pany manufactures all their goods, and can guarantee their in- gredients to be pure. 15 H. V. Des Fortes, D. D. S., 91U Hull St.— Amono the able representative dentists of this section of country there are none more highly regarded for professional skill than Dr. H. V. Des Portes, a graduate of the IJaltimore College of Den- tal Surgery, class 1880. Dr. Des Portes practices all branches of modern Dental Surgery, making a specialty in gold crown and bridge work, in which branch his proficiency is recognized. Teeth are extracted and natural teeth are filled with gold or plastic fillings in a most durable and skillful manner. Dr. Des Portes is the only resident dentist of our city whose skill and prices will favorably compare with any Richmond dentist. We should go to him for professional services and not to Rich- mond. Central Meat Market, I. H. Reynolds, Prop.— Such a well regulated meat market as that of the Central is well recognized by us all, not only to be a convenience, but an abso- lute necessity to our city, where we can go an}' hour of the day and procure the freshest meats from refrigerators kept scrupu- lously clean. Mr. Reynolds has been with us as a merchant about eighteen months, and our people freel_y give him his much merited reputation of furnishing us with the best meats reqinred bv the trade — also excellent groceries. The Toney Steam Laundry, 1022 Hull Street.— The citizens of Manchester may be congratulated upon having in the Toney Steam Laundry such ample and excellent facilities for procuring ihe best possible service in that line. The S3'stem w^iich pervades tlie entire establishment leaves nothing to be de- sired, and the firm has deservedly secured the patronage of our people, as we all appreciate the luxury of clean, well laundered linen, either for wear or our beds and our tables. Messrs. To- ney & Davis, proprietors, invite a trial prder to convince the most fastidious that they can do up an article in just as good st3de as any Richmond laundr}'. Mrs. D. E. Lipscomb, 1204 and 1206 Hull St.- Having been established in the Dry Goods and Milliner}- busi- ness for twenty years, carries a large and tastefully selected stock. jNIrs. Lipscomb has acquired a thorough knowledge ot* her line, and handles it with skill and ability — is popular with the trade, commanding a large patronage. Vaden & Company, Hardware, 1502 Hull St.— The hardware trade necessarily forms an important feature in the general commerce of Manchester, while Messrs. Vaden & Company is recognized as our representative hardware establish- ment. A very large and comprehensive stock is carried, which embraces shelf and heaw hardware, farminir implements, un- 16 dertakers' supplies, carriage and wagon materials, builders' and contractors' supplies, sash, blinds and doors. This firm always sell their goods for prices as low as Richmond merchants. Messrs. Vaden & Weisiger, the proprietors, have always resided in Manchester. In 1890 they embarked in business, and, as Manchester citizens, deserve our patronage. H. C. Beattie,— Successor to H. C. & D. D. Beattie, Beat- tie Block, — Mr. H. C. Beattie has been familiarly known in business circles during the past twenty-four years as an able representative of the dry goods and shoe business, as a member of the old firm of H. C. & D. D. Beattie, which has recently been dissolved, and is now known as H. C. Beattie, in whose management is combined an experience in the business and a familiarity with the wants of the trade, which makes his stock diversified, handsome and complete, in boots, shoes, dry goods, notions, etc. You will always find here excellent grades of goods, at bottom prices, to select from, and it will be to your interest to deal here. F. U. Moxley, Grocer, Fourth and Hull Sts.— Mr. Moxley is popularly known to our people as a reliable groceryman, who has been a resident of Manchester since 1876. He can at all times furnish you with all kinds of groceries at prices that defy competition, and as regards fine wines, liquors, also tobacco and cigars, he is prepared to give 3'ou the best, for he is an excellent judge of these goods. We heartily recom- mend you to patronize him, knowing his proficiency to serve you. J. E. Trevillian, Baker and Confectioner.— Mr. Trevillian is one of Manchester's youngest merchants, whose keen business ability has brought him to the front, clearly de- monstrated by his now flourishing business. He has a high re- putation for manufacturing a class of goods noted for purety and excellence, as well as for reasonable prices. Mr. Trevillian is a native of Manchester, who well deserves the signal success which has attended his three years business career. Give him your patronage. He can serve vou better than Richmond. R. D. Walker, Carpenter and Builder, 7th and Perry Streets. — -^^ a carpenter and builder we know of no firm better qualified to meet the demands of our city than Mr. R. D. Walker, who, as a skilled mechanic in his department of trade, has no superior in Manchester. Mr. Walker established himself here in 1881, since which period he has erected many substantial buildings in our midst, which are monumental to his ability as a reliable contractor. Mr. Walker supervises all his work, guaranteeing' satisfaction. 17 The firm of A. J. DaffrOll — Is one of the best known in the State, though Mv. DatTron is a young man, being only 32 j-ears old, he is old in the business. lie is thoroughly a furniture man, being descended from furniture people. ]Mr. Daftron commenced bvisiness here in a small way about seven years ago. Prior to that he was book-keeper for his father, Wm. Daflron, of Richmond, Va., for over nine years, making in all about sixteen years ex- perience in the furniture busines. Possessed of a thorough knowledge of the business, long experience, ample capital and unlimited credit, no house is better fixed to know the wants of the people or in a better position to fill them. Mr. Datiron draws his stock from the great furniture markets all over the country, and can therefore give you better value for your money. His business has continually increased in the face of the general business depression, and each year has been an increase over the proceeding one. The cut ac- companying this article is taken of Mr. Daffron's es- tablishment some four or five years ago, to which he has since ad- ded many im- provements. His stock consists generally of all kinds of fur n i- ture, such as par- lor, chamber, dining-room and hall — carpets, mattings, oil cloths, refrigerators, babv carriages, stoves, clocks, curtains, etc., etc. In fact, IVIr. DafiVon can furnish your house from top to bottom, with neatness and taste, and, the beauty of it, at a less cost to you than others will do it for. He will also let you have them on very liberal terms, if 3'ou have not all the money. Go and see him ; he will credit you, at cash figures. We advise all who are thinking of investing in his line to call on A. J. Daflron, Sixteenth and Hull streets, Manchester, Va. Mr. Dafiron is a member of the Board of Trade, and chairman of its committee on New Business. In all movements and public gatherings, which have for their ob ject the advancement of any industrial or commercial interest of Manchester, he is alwa3's found in the front with a liberal hand and clear head, cognizant of the fact that Manchester's latent facilities must be developed through the efforts of her own people. 18 J. J. Barker & Co., Plumbers and Tinners —The plumber, steam and gas-fitter is every day becoming more im- portant m Manchester, as she gradually assumes the characteris- tic features of a city ; from this fact J. J. Barker six months ago located m our city. The plumber's profession is of vital in- portance to the public health, and no bungling or imperfect work can be tolerated without great danger. Messrs. Barker & Co. come well recommended as plumbers, who use utmost care and skill m their work. Their good work in our city is alreadv beginning to advertise them, for our people recognize their pro- ficiency. HUSTLER. Charles H. Berry, THE ONLY Wholesale and Retail "^.i^ -iC;^ Nil? .cd. GMIOCER i.i\r -n • MANCHESTER. YA. Tea^s sirLd. Coffee a, speci^lt37". Eighth and Hull Sts., Berry's Corner. DAVID L. PULLIAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Commissioner in Chancery of Circuit Court Chesterfield, and Hustings Court Manchester. Special attention to the examination of Titles. Tractices in all the courts of Manchester, Chesterfield, Richmond and Henrico. P. O. Lock Box in. OFFICE : Leader Building, Rooms Nos. 1 and 2, Corner Hull and Tenth Sts., Manchester, Ya. HOMEIER & ^ CLARK, y^ 525 East W >^ Broad street, -. EIGHMOND, HIGH-CLASS ^ VIRGINIA. Portraits in CRAYON, PASTEL AND WATER COLORS. , .^ Moderate Prices! ^\^ COMMERCIAL and VIEW ^5^ PHOTOORAPHY. X^ *^ UP TO BATE ^ INiEVERYtPARTlCDLAR, r ■ E, H. CLOWES k CO., Agents, 713 East Main Street, 'Phone 133. RICHMOND, \ A. BAR LOCK TYREWRITER, NEO STYLE DUPLICATOR AND RAMBLER BICYCLE. Rambler Bicycle in tep models, four colors, ... ^lOO 00 Fast Flying Yankee liicycle in five nioflelB, three colors, - 100 00 Zenith Bicycle in five models, three colore - - - - 100 00 Swell Newport Bicycle in five models, three colors, - - 100 00 Shelby Ideals Bicycle, with linnihler running ji-oar, - l-'iy to 75 00 Chicago Ideals, $30 to 50 00 All the above 1896 Wheels reduced 15 per cent, balance of the season. Kow's the tiiiK! to buy your Wheels ; 97 patterns will be found at $100. BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND WHEELS AND TYPEWRITERS, ALWAYS ON HAND. lEElS \\m W \\l mX BAI, lEfl Ai iONIH, Typewriting and Duplicating- a specialty. Repair Shop Complete. Prices Low ! Rambler 189C Bicycle, in ten models, - . . . $100 00 Reduced to $85, balance of season. Nos. 1 and 3 Shelby Ideals, Rambler running gear, - - 75 00 Reduced to $65, balance of season. Fast Flying Yankee, $100, reduced to Zenith, $100, reduced to $85. \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^'H ■t-iy f:. ■M 0^ ^■:'rM:f^i^\^ f%^'^/\^ j ■'^Mi