E 187 .055 Copy 1 OF REPORTS AND REPRESENTATIONS OF E PLANTATION COUNCILS, 1660-1674, THE LORDS OF TRADE, 1675-1696, AND THE BOARD OF TRADE, 1696-1782, IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE EDITED BY CHARLES M. ANDREWS Reprinted from the Annual Report of tlie American Historical Association for 1913, Volume I, pages 319-406 WASHINGTON 1915 LIST OF REPORTS AND REPRESENTATIONS OF THE PLANTATION COUNCILS, 1660-1674, THE LORDS OF TRADE, 1675-1696, AND THE BOARD OF TRADE, 1696-1782, IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE EDITED BY CHARLES M. ANDREWS Reprinted from the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1913, Volume I, pages 319-406 WASHINGTON 1915 El lai •A ^5- pes -<■- '?7 APPENDIX C. LIST OF REPORTS AND REPRESENTATIONS OF THE PLANTATION COUNCILS, 1660-1674, THE LORDS OF TRADE, 1675-1696, AND THE BOARD OF TRADE. 1696-1782, IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. EDITED BY CHARLES M. ANDREWS, of Yale University. 319 LIST OF REPORTS AND REPRESENTATIONS OF THE PLANTATION COUN- CILS, lGeO-1674, THE LORDS OF TRADE, 1675-1G96, AND THE BOARD OF TRADE. 1696-1782, IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. INTRODUCTION. The business of looking after the British colonies in America and elsewhere, during the period from 1660 to 1782, was intrusted in largest part to men who occupied in the British system of govern- ment a place no higher than that of advisers to the Crown. The select councils from 1660 to 1671:, the Lords of Trade from 1675 to 1696, and the Board of Trade from 1696 to 1782 possessed no in- dependent executive functions, and their decisions were merely rec- ommendations which the King could accept or reject as he pleased. In whatever form they might be presented, such decisions, to be effective, had to be confirmed by a sign-manual warrant or an order in Council, which alone could give legal expression to the King's will and pleasure. During the earliest of the three periods, that from 1660 to 1674, each recommendation took the form of a report, prepared usually by a committee of the Council, approved by the whole body at its regular meeting, and sent directly to the King. From 1675 to 1696, when colonial affairs were managed by a standing committee of the Privy Council, called the Lords of Trade, the reports were styled " memorandums," if the committee desired the lord president of the Council " to present ■' certain matters or " to move the king," and 'minutes," if the committee, having reached its own conclusion, agreed " to move," " to present," or " to offer opinions," etc. From 1696 to 1782, when once more and for the last time colonial business was placed in the hands of a select council, known as the Board of Trade, the communication took the form either of a " Re- port," if sent in reply to a request from the committee of the whole Pri"\^ Council, or of a "Representation," in case the board, of its own accord and on its own responsibility, desired to present some subject that it deemed proper and necessary to bring to the attention of the King. No great pains, however, was taken by the clerks to be precise in the use of these terms. Before 1696 the phrases "Address and Hum- ble Advice " and " Opinion and Humble Advice " are occasionally 62513°— 15 21 ■ 321 a 322 AMEEICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIOISr. found, and " Representation "' appears as early as April 26, 1G89. " Rej^ort " is, however, the usual term. After 1696 " Report " and " Representation " are the only terms used, though the distinction between them is not very exactly preserved. Owing to the fact that the Board of Trade was ordered by its commission to make " Repre- sentations " to the King, this term received official sanction and was put into use at once in the journal. Nevertheless "Report" was often written when '" Representation " was meant and had a generic significance, as is seen from the title " Clerk of the Reports," given to the official appointed in 1730 to aid in the drafting of these docu- ments. On the other hand, in half-a-dozen instances, the reports to the committee of the whole Council are called " Representations " ; and sometimes in the same entry the two terms are used interchange- ably. The rule, however, seems fairly well established that " Report " was a reply to a reference from the committee and "" Representation " an original recommendation submitted to the King, Queen, Prince of Wales, or lords justices. The total number of the reports and representations drafted dur- ing the years from 1661 to 1782 can not be less than 4,200. For the purpose of this report 4,148 entries have been listed, of which 591 belong to the period before 1696, and 3,557 to the period from 1696 to 1782, representing the output of the Board of Trade. The list, however, is not complete, as some of the communications were either not recorded, or, if recorded, have not been discovered. But in any case the omissions can not be numerous, probably not exceeding fifty altogether. The subjects dealt with are naturally of a varied character, but fall at once into two groups: those constituting the regular routine work of the board, and those constituting its manifold occasional activities. In the first group are the following: 1. Representations accompanying drafts of governors' commis- sions and instructions. 2. Representations proposing the names of governors, lieutenant governors, chief justices, attorneys general, and secretaries. 3. Representations proposing the names of councilors, and even submitting drafts of warrants for the King's signature. This func- tion involved inquiry into cases of suspension of councilors by colonial governors, and recommendations to restore, in case the causes for suspension appeared to be insufficient. 4. Recommendations to confirm or disallow colonial acts. Before 1718 such recommendations were usually based on the opinions of the attorney general or solicitor general, and after that date upon the opinions of the councilor to the board. The board might modify REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 323 the opinion of its adviser, just as the committee of the Privy Council might modify or alter the recommendation of the board. 5. Reports or representations accompanying drafts of proclama- tions. 6. Representations advising that passage be provided for govern- ors going to their posts in the plantations, including requests for allowances of ship, freight, and even money, for family, servants, and household goods. 7. Representations recommending or opposing leaves of absence for colonial governors, councilors, and other officials, on grounds of healtli or otherwise. 8. Representations recommending that governors be allowed to receive presents from colonial assemblies. 9. Reports or representations accompanying warrants for the King's engraver to make seals for new colonies, new seals for old colonies, or to destroy old seals that had been replaced. 10. Representations recommending convoys for merchant ships during the periods when commerce needed protection, either from pirates or from ships of the enemy in time of war. In the second group are all reports and representations that con- cern the remaining activities of the board. These reports and rep- resentations are contained in the list given below, from which all entries belonging to the first group have been excluded, except in a few instances. To have included these entries in the list would have lengthened this report beyond reasonable limits and have added very little to its value. Many of these representations are perfunctory communications, of trifling importance, while most of the others can readily be found elsewhere. Lists of councilors and of laws dis- allowed are printed in the appendices to the "Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial," and in most cases can be seen, calendared at greater or less length, in the body of that work, or, until 1703, in the '• Calendar of State Papers, Colonial." A list of governors' commis- sions and instructions has already been issued in the Report of this association for 1911. "What is here printed is, therefore, a select list, containing such reports and representations as disclose the activities of the various boards in other than the customary routine of their business. Con- taining as it does about 2,100 titles, it shows that half of the reports and representations dealt with matters that lay outside the regular functions of the boards. Taken altogether, the list is an impressive one, indicating the wide range of their business and the diversified character of the subjects upon which the}^ made reports. It connotes a greater activit)^ than has commonly been attributed to these ad- visory bodies. It shows how large a part the Lords of Trade and S24 AMEEICAN" HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the Board of Trade actually had in the business of colonial manage- ment, for a study of the orders in council makes clear that in the greater number of cases the ultimate authority, the King in Council, accepted without change the reports of its committee; and we know that the committee, as a rule, though there are some important excep- tions, followed the advice of the advisory board in making up its report. There is reason to believe that in some instances the board even went so far as to draft the order in Council itself, in confident anticipation of the Council's action. Reports arose under the following circumstances: The Privy Council, if a memorial, petition, or other matter were brought to its attention, either directly or through the secretary of state, as a rule referred it to the committee. In very man}^ instances the business went no further, being dealt with by the committee alone. But more often the committee referred it for consideration and report to some department, such as the treasury, the admiralty, or the ordnance, or, in by far the greater number of cases, to the Board of Trade. The board in reply sent not only information as to the facts in the case, but also advice as to the course to be followed. The members of the committee, having received the report, generally approved it and embodied all or a part of it in their own report to the Council. In probably 90 per cent of the cases the resulting Order in Council re- produced almost verbatim the recommendation of the advisory board. Representations, on the other hand, did not originate as a reply to a request from the higher authority; they were drawn up at the instance of the advisory board itself. Many of them are brief state- ments accompanying a warrant, commission, or instruction drafted by the board and submitted to the King ; others are of greater length, containing explanations and comments that define the position of the board on the questions involved; while still others are elaborate documents, covering many pages of text, and often followed by ap- pendices of illustrative material of great historical value. In mak- ing up such representations, the board utilized not only the papers in the Plantation Office and other record repositories, such as the Rolls Chapel and the Tower, but also reports obtained for the purpose from the Treasury, the Admiralty, the Ordnance Office, the Commissioners of Customs, and other departments of the government. Hence many of these representations are authoritative statements of departmental policy. In some of them the board, having come to a definite con- clusion as to the course to be followed, proposed that an Order in Council be issued at once; in others it submitted a statement of the facts and asked for an expression of the King's will and pleasure. In such cases the committee, having received the representation by reference from the Council, would sometimes transmit it, or a part of it, to some other department for further consideration and REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 325 advicGj and in the end "vvould draft a report of its own, based on the various opinions received. Owing to the growing importance of the secretariat in the period after 1702, the procedure followed by the board in submitting its re- ports and representations to the Council is involved in some ob- scurity. All of the reports made before 1675 were addressed to the King and sent directly to the Council. From 1675 to 1696 those sub- mitted by the Lords of Trade were despatched to the lord president for report to the Council, though as early as September 19, 1690, we meet with a memorial addressed to the secretary of state urging liim to move the King to a given end. The Board of Trade was instructed by its commission in 1696 to transmit its representations to the King or the Privy Council directly, and this would appear to have been not only the correct, but the usual method. In 1707, however, Secre- tary Sunderland found fault with the board for " failing to acquaint the Secretary of State with all business that relates immediately to bis province before it be brought to the Council," and the board re- plied that it would in the future comply with his request, " it being very reasonable that your Lordship be fully informed in all those matters from us that come before her Majest}'." Whether this agree- ment covered all the reports and representations of the board is not clear, but in any case, the Board of Trade two years later expressed itself as dissatisfied with the arrangement, because for the entire period the secretary had failed to inform it even once of the King's decisions on the matters presented to him. That transmission through the secretary was not considered the proper method is evi- dent from the action of the Privy Council, August 12, 1724, when it returned a representation for redelivery on the ground that the paper should have been sent, not through the secretary, but directly to the King at the board. Exactly what the practice was at different times in the board's history is not easy to ascertain. Many represen- tations were sent to the secretary with a letter desiring him to la}^ the matter before the King; but the greater number w^as undoubtedly delivered directly to the clerk of the Council at the Council Chamber. The offices were all very close together, in or near the Cockpit. The references here given are to the entrj^ books and other volumes and bundles in the Public Eecord Office. In addition, I have system- atically inserted references to the " Calendar of State Papers, Colo- nial."' to 1703, and to the '" Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial," after that date, with the idea of making the list in a sense an index to the reports and representations entered in those volumes. The list is, however, something more and something less than an index. Many of the reports and representations found in the Public Record Office are not entered in the printed works ; and vice versa there are reports and representations in the "Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial," 326 AMEEICAX HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. that have not been discovered in the Public Record Office. Doubtless some of the omissions are due to the failure of the clerks to record the committee's reference and the reply of the board, thus leaving out of the Register all mention of the report, which may in fact be reproduced in the committee's report to the Council. Some of the missing reports have been found among the unbound papers, as calendared in the sixth volume of the " Acts." In a nvimber of cases, the list supplements the " Acts " by noting the report where the printed entry does no more than mention the reference. Again, the printed entry occasionally mentions a report without giving its con- tents, and in such a case the full text can be found only with the aid of this list. A few errors in the dates and references given in the " Calendar " have been corrected here. A complete and satisfactory definition of British colonial policy can not be drafted until the opinions, reasons, and rules embodied in these reports and representations, and altered or modified bj^ the committee of the whole council, have been examined and their history traced. Such an investigation Avill demand a careful and critical study of the governors' commissions and instructions through- out the entire period, of all disallowances of colonial acts. West Indian as well as continental, of all comments upon colonial appoint- ments, councilors as well as governors, and of all statements of policy contained in the reports and representations here listed. With the Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial, now complete, with the Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, complete to the year 1703 and about to enter on a period of more rapid progress, and with the Journal of the Board of Trade now marked for printing as a separate undertaking, it should soon be possible for the student of colonial history to find out, with greater certaintj^ than has yet been at- tained, the motives that underlay the colonial policy of the British government and the part taken by the various advisory boards in originating that policy and giving it definite shape. Charles M. Andrews. 1661. April. Complaints regarding New England. C. O. 1, 15, no. 47 (draft not signed), 2 pp.; Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, IGGl-lGGS, § 80. July IS. Heads of a letter for Jamaica. C. O. 1, 15, no. 72, 1 p. ; C. S. P., 1661-1668, § 132. July 24. Jews, special license to reside and trade in Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 15, no. 7.J, 2 pp.; C. 8. P., 1661-1668, § 140. Dec. 4. Provisions for Jamaica. C. O. 1, 14, no. 50, pp. 40-41 ; C. ». P., 1661-1668, § 191. 1663. June 1, 5. Grievances in Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 14, no. 50, pp. 51-52 ; 17, no. 35. 2 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1661-1668, § § 462, 470. REPEESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OP TRADE, 327 1664. Feb. 1. Proposals to remedy the defraudiDg of the customs revenue. CO. 1, 14, no. 59, pp. 55-56 ; .Y. Y. Col. Docts., Ill, 50. No date. Servants for the foreign phintations. C. O. 324, 1, pp. 275-280 ; C. 8. P., 1661-1668, § 791. 1667. Jan. 23. Dispute regarding authority of a governor of Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 21, no. 8, 1 p. ; C. S. P., 1661-1668, § 1387. Oct. 17. Petition of Peter Stuyvesant. C. 0. 1, 21, no. 126; X. Y. Col. Docts., Ill, 165. Oct. 30. Treaty, Maryland and Virginia ; cessation of tobacco planting. C. O. 1, 21, no. 140, 2 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1661-1608, § 1618. No date. Recovering debts and rights in P>arbadoes. C. 0. 1, 66, no. 68, fos. 186-187 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 2029. 1668. March 12. Affairs of Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 22, no. 52, 1 p. ; C. 8. P., 1661-1668, § 1712. Nov. Dutch trade to New York. C. O. 1. 23, no. 83, 3 pp. ; N. Y. Col. Docts., Ill, 175. Dec. 4. Proposals regarding trade of the plantations. C. 0. 1, 23, no. 93, 2 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1661-1668, § 1884. 1670. Jaii^ 18. Newfoundland, chaplain to be sent but no governor. Captains to regulate abuses. C. O. 1. 66, no. 75, 1 p. ; C. S'. P., 1685-1688, § 2036. Aug. 22. Committee to receive (French part of) St. Christopher. C. O. 1, 25, no. 54, 1 p. ; 389, 5, p. 3 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 232 I. Nov. 17. Governor for Leeward Islands, independent of Barbadoes. C. 0. 1, 25, no. 97, 2 pp.; 1.5.3, 1, pp. 2-3; 389, 5, pp. 15-16; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 339. 1671. Feb. 14. Government of Leeward Islands. C. 0. 389, 6, pp. 86-87 ; C. 8. P., 1069-1674, § 412. March 2. Rules and orders for Newfoundland fishery. C. O. 1. 26, no. 5, 8 J pp.; 195, 1, pp. 52-62; 389, 5, pp. 20-25; Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial, I, § 916. Aug. 3. Taking of remaining English from Surinam. C. O. 1, 27, no. 14, 1 p.; 278, 2, p. 60; .389, 5, p. 88; C. S. P., 1669-1674, § 596. Aug. 12. Commissioners for New England. C. 0. 1, 27, COS. 15, 16, 17; 389, 5, p. 90, or part II, p. 5 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, §§ 439 I, 598. Nov. 24. Proclamation (Wheler) concerning St. Christopher. C. O. 1, 27, no. 46, 4 pp. ; 389, 5, pp. 91-94 ; C. 8. P., 1609-1674, § 658. Dec. 7. Against the same. C. O. 1, 27, no. 49, Ih PP. ; 389, 6, pp. 90-97 ; C. 8. P., 1069-1674, § 675. 1672. April 2. General state of the Leeward Islands. C. O. 1. 28, nos. 41, 42, 5 pp. and 2 pp. ; C. S. P., 1669-1674, § 804. May 10. Report on case of ship William and Nicholas. C. 0. 1. 28, no. 51 i, 1 p., 52, 1 p. ; 389, 5, p. 27 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 823. June 11. Petition from Capt. Archibald Henderson, Antigua. C. O. 1, 28, nos. 44 (original), 43 (copy) ; 389, 5, p. 29; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 806 i. 328 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. July 2. Propositions concerning the various West Indian colonies. C. 0. 1, 29, no. 1, 2 pp. ; 389, 5, pp. 97-99 (marginal notes) ; C. S. P., 1669-1674, § 879. July 19. Regulars in Leeward Islands. C. 0. 1, 29, no. 16, 1 p. ; ."89, 5, p. 99; C. S. P., 1669-1674, § 899. Nov. 8. Suggestions for the safety of Jamaica. C. 0. 389, 5, pp. 30-31 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 961. 1673. June 9. Long paper concerning St. Christopher. C. 0. 1, 30, no. 44, 4 pp. (closely written) ; 389, 5, pp. 50-54; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1105. June 23. Rodney petition ; property dispute, Nevis. C. 0. 1, 30, no. 47, 3 pp. ; 389, 6, pp. 63-64 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1110. Nov. 15. About the retailing of New York. C. 0. 1, 30, no. 81, 2 J pp. ; N. Y. Col. Docts., Ill, 211 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, §1165. 1674. Jan. 16. Petition of William Dyre for command of a ship. C. 0. 1, 31, no. 8, 1 p; 389, 5, pp. 74-75; C. 8. P., 1G60-1674, § 1208. Feb. 13. Governors to take oath of allegiance before departure. C. O. 1, 31, no. 11, 1 p. ; 389, 5, p. 102 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1221. Feb. 23. Case of the Rodneys, Nevis. C. O. 389, 5, p. 76, I p.; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1225. March 8. Petition of Edwin Stede, Barbadoes. • C. O. 1, 31, no. 20, 2 pp. ; 389, 5, pp. 71-72 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, §§ 1167 i, 1238. March 11. Case of merchants in West Indies, despoiled by Spaniards. C. 0. 1, 31, no. 12 IV, 1 p. ; A. P. C. Col., I, § 984. March 23. Concerning Surinam. C. O. 278, 2, pp. 61-63; 389, 5, pp. 10.3-104; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1249. Sept. 24. Concerning Surinam. C. 0. 1, 31, no. 61, 1 p. ; 278, 2, p. 65 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1355. Oct. 27. Removal of British subjects from Surinam. C. 0. 1, 31, nos. 67, 68 ; 278, 2, pp. 67-70 ; 278, 3, pp. 59-63 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1074, § 1367. Nov. 24. On points relating to Vaughau's commission and instructions, Jamaica. C. O. 138. 1, pp. 188-189 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1392. Dec. 4. Demands on Holland regarding Surinam. C. 0. 1, 31, no. 84, IJ pp. ; 278, 2, p. 71 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1401. Dec. 17. Regarding Indians brought thither from Guiana. C. 0. 389, 5, p. 105; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1409. Dec. 22. Regarding orders for governor of Surinam. C. 0. 1, 31, no. 91, 1 p. ; 278, 2, p. 74 ; C. 8. P., 1669-1674, § 1416. 1675. April 15. Hinton's petition concerning Newfoundland. C. 0. 1, 67, no.s. .30 i, 4 pp. (original i, 32 i, 9i pp. ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, §.S 443, 524. June 18. Regulars at St. Christopher. r 0. 1, 34, no. 91, 2 pp. ; 153, 2, pp. 3-6 ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 597. Oct. 19. Power of governor and council in Virginia to purchase lands of Cul- peper grant. C. 0. 1, 35, nos. 34, 35 ; 5, 1355, pp. 43-46; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 696. Oct. 19. Virginia, petition of agents for charter privileges. C. 0. 389, 3, pp. 20-22 ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, §§ 602 i, 697 i. Nov. 29. Capt. E. Cooke's claim against Spain. C. O. 1, 35, no. 48, 1 p. ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 719. REPKESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, 329 Dec. 20. Petition from Mason and Gorges. C. 0. 5, 903, pp. 79-81 : .SS9, 3, pp. .SO-31 ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 747. Dec. 23. Affairs in St. Christopher. C. O. 1, 36, no. 1, CI pp., no. 2, 4 pp. ; 15:!, 2, pp. 30-36 ; 389, 3, pp. 32-37 ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 757. Dec. — . Concerning St. Christopher. C. 0. 1, 35, no. 70, 2 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 759. 1676. Feb. 3. Regarding defense of St. Christopher. C. 0. 1, 36, no. 19, 8 pp. ; 153, 2, pp. 54-61 ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 809. April 24. Sonthwell's expenses and future arrangements for management of Lords of Trade. C. 0. 3S9, 3, pp. 69-71 ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 899. May 30. Craufield's services in taking off British subjects from Surinam. C. O. 1, 36, no. 75, 2 pp. (four papers annexed) ; 278, 3, pp. 167-168; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 933. June 15. Sarah Bland's petition. C. O. 1, 37, no. 5, 1 p. (report deferred) ; C. S. P., 1675-1676, § 951. July 20. Trial and condemnation of pirate in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 3, pp. 83-84 ; C. 8. P., 1G75-1676. § 995. Aug. 10. Simpson petition,. letter of marque against French. C. O. 1, 37, no. 45 ix, 3 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 1018 ix. Nov. 7. Barbadoes petition against Royal African Company. O. 0. 1, 38, no. 31, 3 pp. ; 29, 2, pp. 109-114 ; 268, 1, pp. 51-52 ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 1116. Nov. 24. Instruction to Atkins to secure company's privileges. C. 0. 29, 2, p. 118 ; 208, 1, p. 57 ; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 1157. No date. Men-of-war in channel to secure Virginia fleet. C. 0. 1, 38, no. 98, i p.; C. 8. P., 1675-1676, § 1197. 1677. Feb. 4. Laws of Jamaica may pass under great seal. C. 0. 1, 42, no. 25, 3 pp. ; 138, 3, pp. 180-183. Feb. 6. Rules for passes ; not to be offered to New England. G. 0. 1, 39, no. 26, 2 pp. ; 5, 903, pp. 170-181 : C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 41, J^-^rch 2G. On fishery and plantation of Newfoundland. C. 0. 1, 39, nos. 49, 3 pp.. 50, 2 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 101. April 30. Release of prisoners at Havana. C. O. 1, 40, no. 58 i, 4 pp. ; C. S. P., 1677-1680, § 204' i. May 3. Ordnance for Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 40, no. 61, 1 p. ; 29, 2, pp. 151-152 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 210. May 17. Affairs of Leeward Islands. C. O. 1, 40, no. 83; 153, 2, pp. 200-216; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 254. May 18. Pikes for militia in Barbadoes. C. 0. 1, 40, no. 87 ; 29, 2, p. 158 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 259. June 7. Affairs of Leeward Islands. C. O. 1, 40. nos. 101, 102; 153, 2, pp. 222-223; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 287. June 7. Regarding Randolph's paper on New England. C. O. 5, 903, pp. 208-200; C. 8. P., 1677-1681, § 289. June 12. Regarding certain parts of the same. C. O. 1, 40, no. 105, 2 pp. ; 5. 903, pp. 210-212 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 295. June 26. Petition of Robert Clowes, Jamaica. C. 0. 1, 39, no. 19 iv ; 1.38, 3, pp. 119-121 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 28 iv. June 26. Money affairs in Virginia. C. O. 1. 40, no. 114; 5, 1355, pp. 138-139; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 312. July 11. Complaints of receivers of duties in Jamaica. C. O. 1, 41, nos. 9, 10; 138, 3, pp. 109-110; C. 8. P., 1677-16S0, § 326. 330 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION". July — . Affronts offered by Spaniards iu West Indies. C. O. 1, 41, nos. 6, 7 ; 138, 3, pp. 129-1.33 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 323. July 11. Regarding the same. C. 0. 1, 41, nos. 4, 5 ; C. .S'. P., 1677-1680, § 324. July 11. Recruits for St Christopher. C. 0. 1. 41, no. 3, J p. ; 153, 2, p. 230 ; C. S. P., 1677-1680, § 322. July 17. Report of chief justices on claims of Gorges and Mason. C. O. 1, 41, no. 24, 3 J pp. ; 5, 903, pp. 219-220 (extract) ; C. S. P., 1677-1680, § 343. July 19. Upon examination of New England agents. C. 0. 1, 41, no. 29, 2 pp. ; 5, 903, pp. 223-225 ; C. S. P., 1677-1680, § 351. Sept. 11. Regarding receiA-ers of duties in Jamaica. C. O. 1, 41, nos. 65, 66 ; 138, 3, pp. 138-139 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 409. Oct. 10. Booth petition; goods seized by governor of Virginia. C. O. 5, 1355, pp. 183-185 ; C. 8. P., 1677-lGSO, §§ 407 ii, 448. Oct. 10. Petition of Sarah Drummond, Virginia. C. O. 1, 41, no. 75, 3 pp. ; 5, 1355, pp. 189-191 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 426. Oct. 19. Treaties with Indians in Virginia to be printed. C. O. 1, 41, no. 81, 2 pp. ; 5, 1356, pp. 198-199 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 444. Oct. 22. Petition of John Jeffreys for payment of wine destroyed at James- town. C. O. 1, 41, no. 80 I, 2 pp. ; 5, 1355, pp. 206-208 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 455. Oct. 22. Oaths for governor of Barbadoes and others. C. O. 1, 41, nos. 85, 86; 324, 4, pp. 49-53; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 451. Nov. 10. On Jamaica laws. C. O. 1, 41, no. 104, 1 p. ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 476. Nov. 13. State of Jamaica (fourteen numbered paragraphs). C. O. 138, 3, pp. 161-164 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 480. Nov. 27. Petition of Abi'aham Langford, Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 41, no. 113; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 495. Nov. 29. Commission of Oyer and Terminer for trial of pirates in Jamaica. C. 0. 1, 41, no. 115 ; 138, 3, p. 170 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 500. Nov. 29. Regarding Culpeper's commission and instructions. C. O. 5, 1365, p. 229 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 499. Dec. 6. Regarding Commissioners' charges against Berkeley. C. O. 1, 41, no. 122 ; 5, 1365, p. 240 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1080, § 511. Dec. 11. Concerning certain Virginia laws of Feb., 1677. C. O. 5, 1355, pp. 222-227 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 516. Dec. 18. Letter for Gov. Jeffreys of Virginia regarding treaties with Indians. C. 0. 1, 41, no. 127, IJ pp.; 5, 1355, pp. 243-244; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 524. Dec. 20. Reimbursement of Capt. Gardner's fine, Virginia. C. O. 5, 1365, pp. 214, 219-221 ; 1, 42, nos. 2, 11 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 527. 1678. Feb. 4. Observations on commission and instructions for Carlisle, Jamaica. C. O. 1, 42, no. 25; 138, 3, pp. 180-183; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, §§ 596, 600. Feb. 19. Acts against pirates and privateers, Jamaica. C. O. 1, 42, no. 30 ; 138, 3, pp. 192-193 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 607. April 18. On oath of allegiance in New England. C. O. 1, 42, no. 67, G pp. ; 5, 903, pp. 257-262 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 668. April 25. Recapitulation of reports on Leeward Islands. C. O. 1, 42, no. 65, 25 pp. ; 153, 2, pp. 274-299 : C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 679. June 21. Payment Virginia bills of Exchange ; Gould and others. C. 0. 1, 42, no. 96, 2 pp. ; 5. 1355, pp. 256-258 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 735. Dec. 16. Gov. Stapleton and Dutch claims to certain negroes (Leeward Islands). C. 0. 1, 42, no. 155, 2J pp. ; 153, 2, pp. 335-338; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 848. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 331 1679. Jan. 2. Case of inhabitants of Warwick, Rhode Island. C. 0. 5, 903, pp. 319-329. Feb. 6. John Crown and lands of Mt. Hope, New England. C. O. 5, 903, pp. 336-338 ; C. S. P., 1G77-16S0, § 881. Feb. 6. Privateers in Jamaica and logwood trade. C. O. 138, 3, pp. 275-276. Feb. 8. Regarding militia bill and a mint in Jamaica. C. 0. 1, 43, no. 20, 2 pp. ; 138, 3, pp. 257-260. Feb. 10. Advising restitution to Elizabeth Dudley of Virginia. C. O. 1, 43, no. 17, 3 pp. ; 5, 1355, pp. 276-278 ; C. S. P., 1677-1680, § 887. Feb. 10. Case of Golden Sun and cargo of negroes, Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 3, pp. 264-267; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, §§ 888, 900. Feb. 10. Petition of Robert ]Morris and other captains of ships in Virginia. C. O. 5, 1355, pp. 273-274 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 939. Feb. 18. Upon various affairs connected with Virginia. C. O. 5, 1355, pp. 266-272; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, §§ 893, 932; A. P. C. Col., I, § 1250. Feb. — . Proposals concerning Massachusetts. C. 0. 1, 43, no. 25, 3 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 912. April 2. Concerning the business of Jamaica. C. O. 1, 43, no. 39, 2 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 954. April 4. Certain advice for Gov. Carlisle, Jamaica. C. O. 138, 3, pp. 284-285; C. S. P., 1677-1680, § 961. April 16. Regarding negroes removed from Tobago. C. O. 153. 2, p. 349; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 970. May 22. Bringing off the remainder of the English from Surinam, and other matters. C. 0. 1. 43, no. 61, 7 pp.; 138, 3, pp. 305-312; 389, 6, pp. 293-296; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1002. May 22. Petition of Rene Petit and Jacob Guerard. C. 0. 1. 43, nos. 65, 141 i ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1000. May 28. On the laws and government of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 3, pp. 293-304 ; 389, 6, pp. 300-307 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1009. June 12. Petition of Capt. Joseph Crispe; further treaty of neutrality with France. C. O. 1, 48, no. 71 ; 153, 2, pp. 358-359 ; C. /S. P., 1677-1680, § 1021. June 18. Continuation of allowance for Virginia. C. O. 5, 1355, pp. 356-357 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1022. June 19. Draft of letter for New England. , C. 0. 5, 903, pp. 351-357 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1026. June 19. Salary and reward for Randolph. C. 0. 5, 903, pp. 358-359 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1026. June 19. Claim of William Harris and others, Pawtucket, Rhode Island. C. O. 5. 903, pp. .346-350; C. S. P., 1677-1680, § 1044. June 26. Petition of Col. Strode, farmer of four and a half per cent, export duty, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 2, pp. 26.5-209 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1035. June 27. Regarding allowances to governors and others in the plantations. C. O. 324, 4, p. 63 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1037. July 2. Claims of Robert INIason to New Hampshire. ' C. O. 1, 43, no. 82, 8 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1045. July 2. Heads of treaty of neutrality, British and French West Indies. C. O. 153, 2, pp. 307-372 : C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1043. July 4. Concerning laws of Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 43, no. 85 ; 29, 2, pp. 269-273 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1050. July 5. Regulating government of New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 903, pp. 360-366 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1058. 332 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. Oct, 22. Various lUfatters relating to the Leeward Islands. C. 0. 1, 43, no. 140, 6 pp. ; 15.3, 2, pp. 372-379 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1158. Oct. 30. Grievances of inhabitants of Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 1, pp. 77-80; C. S. P., 1677-1680, §§ 1168, 1184. Nov. 6. Restitution of St. Eustatius and Saba. C. 0. 1, 43, no. 151, 3 pp. ; 153, 2, pp. 390-392 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1176. Nov. 14. Regarding inspection of all ofDces in plantations, and division made of those to be filled by King and governor. C. 0. 1, 43, no. 156, 6 pp. ; 324, 4, pp. 67-71 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, §§ 1182, 1183. Dec. 4. Claim of the widow of Gov. Jeffreys of Virginia. C. O. 5, 1355, pp. 3G9-371 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1205. Dec. 4. Petition of John Crown and lands of Mt. Hope; latter should be granted to New Plymouth with a new charter. C. 0. 1, 43, no. 161 ; 5, 904, pp. 10-15 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1206. Dec. 4. Governors to give offices only to persons deserving the trust. CO. 1, 43, no. 160; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1204. Dec. 6. Bundles of papers concerning trade and plantations now in the Privy Council office to be lodged in office of the Committee. C. O. 1, 43, no. 163 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1209. Dec. 22. Regarding the capture of certain British ships by the Spaniards. C. 0. 1, 43, no. 177; 138, 3, pp. 357-360; C. 8. P., 1677-16S0, § 1241. Dec. 22. Scire facias to be brought against the Bermuda charter. C. O. 38, 1, pp. 83-84 ; cf. C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1184. 1680. Jan. 13. Unsettled state of Jamaica. C. 0. 1, 44, no. 6; 138, 3, pp. 342-343; 389, 6, pp. 308-309; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1260. . Feb. 7. No mercy for John Culpeper unless he make good £3000 which he took from customs (Albemarle). C. 0. 1, 44, no. 19, 2 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1289. March 4. Case between Ward and Palmer, New York. C. 0. 1, 44, nos. 37, 38, 4 pp. ; 5, 1111, pp. 47-49 ; C. S. P., 1677-1680, § 1314. March 8. Col. Stapleton's letters about St. Christopher. C. 0. 1, 44, no. 41 ; 153, 2, pp. 416-418 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1320. March 26. Regarding restitution of negroes in Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 3, pp. 377-378; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1332. April 27. Regarding Englishmen at Surinam. C. 0. 1, 44, no. 54, IJ pp. ; 153, 2, pp. 423-424 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1348. July 14. Ordnance for Jamaica. C. O. 138, 3, p. 397 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1444. Nov. 11. Regulating trade of Roj\al African Company with Jamaica. C. O. 268, 1, pp. 89-90 ; C. S. P., 1677-1680, § 1583. Dec. 18. Answering Jamaica proposals. C. O. 1, 46, no. 69 ; 138, 3, pp. 455-460 ; C. 8. P., 1677-1680, § 1622. 1681. Feb. 21. Affairs in Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 1, pp. 89-92 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 31. Feb. 24. Draft of charter for William Penn. C. 0. 1, 46, no. 104, 1 p. ; (7. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 29. March 9. Treaty of neutrality with France. C. O. 1, 46, no. 110; 153, 2, pp. 459-460; C. 8.- P., 1681-1685, § 44. April 12. Case against the admiralty court. Jamaica. C. O. 138, 3, pp. 462-465 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 77. May 3. Randolph's salary. C. O. 5, 904, p. 120 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 96. EEPKESEKTATIONS OF THE BOAED OF TRADE. 333 June 14. On Button's arrivnl in Barbadoes; bis proposal to the assembly and the latter's answer. C. O, 1, 47, no. 10 ; 29, 3, pp. G3-64 ; C. S. P., 1081-1GS5, § 140. Aug. 16. Concerning the revenue in Mrgiuia. C. 0. 5, 1355, pp. 404-405 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 203. No date. Attorney general for ISni-b.idoes, bat exchequer court not necessary. C. O. 29, 3, p. 84 ; C. S. P., IGS 1-1685, § 207. Sept. 29. Judgment against Thomas Darvall at JS'ew Yorlc assizes to be con- firmed. C. 0. 5, 1111, p. 52 ; C. ,S'. P., 1681-1685, § 235. Oct. 21. Draft of letter from the King to Massachusetts. C. O. 1, 47, no. 79, 12 pp. (with corrections) ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 266. Oct. 31. Foot companies in Virginia. . C. 0. 5, 1356, pp. 1-2 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 275. Nov. 10. Offices of register and examiner of chancery, Barbadoes. C. 0. 1, 47, no. 89 ; 29, 3, pp. 103-104 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 290. Dec. 3. Letters patent to Wilson, naval officer at Barbadoes. C. O. 138, 4, p. 52 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 310. Dec. 13. Various matters relating to Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1356, pp. 3-6 ; C. 8. P., 1681-16S5, § 322. Dec. 15. Virginia tobacco for Eussia ; encouragment of hemp and flax. C. 0. 1. 47, nos. 108, 109 ; C. 8. P., 1681-16S5, § 326. Dec. 20. Quo Warranto to be prosecuted against the Bermuda Company. C. O. 1, 47, no. 114 ; 38, 1, p. 98; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 334. Dec. 20. Foot companies in Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1356, p. 7 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 335. 1682. Jan. 13. Irregularities in New Hamphire. C. O. 5, 940, pp. 30-31 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 361. Jan. 21. Commission for Culpeper; wish directions as to councilors. C. 0. 5, 1356, p. 14 ; C. 8. P., 1681-16S5, § 372. Jan. 31. Draft of letter from King to the commander-in-chief in Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1356, pp. 63-65 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 389. iFeb. 7. Foot companies at St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 3, pp. 27-30 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 399. Feb. 2S. Commission for Cranfield, New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 940. p. 32 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 422. Feb. 2S. Officers of Port of Loudon object to drawing up monthly accounts of exports and imports, unless paid. C. 0. 324, 4, p. SI. April 8. Affairs of Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 3, pp. 119-122 ; C. /S. P., 1681-1685, § 463. April 11. Petition of Middleton, planter in Antigua. C. 0. 153, 3, pp. 49-50 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 471. April 20 or 21. Regarding colonial appointments to office, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 3, p. 125 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 480. June 14. Tobacco cutting riots in Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1356, pp. 74-77; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 561. June 28. Affairs of St. Christopher, condemnation of a ship there. C. 0. 153, 3, pp. 40-41, 43-44 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, S 586. July 21. Some one with powers to go to Virginia. C. O. 5, 1356, pp. 84-85 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 623. July 21. Creditors of the Earl of Carlisle; nothing for some years from the four and a half per cent, export duty. r. O. 1. 49, no. fi : 29, 3, p. 131 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 624, July 21. Petition of Sarah Bland to be admitted to appeal. C. 0. 5, 1356, p. 88 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 625. 334 AMEEICAX HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. July 21. Petition of William Dyre. C. O. 5, 1111, pp. 54-55 ; IJ. Y. Col. Docts., Ill, 320. July — . Commission of review for Narragansett country. C. 0. 5, 904, pp. 140-142 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 636. Aug. 24. Seizure of ship in Leeward Islands. C. O. 1, 49, no. 28, H PP. ; C -S. P., 1681-1685, § 661. Sept. 12. Petition of Abraham Langford, Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 49, DOS. 48, 49 ; C. S. P., 1681-1GS.~, § 686. Sept. 12. Eegarding Capt. Billop tried iu Barbadoes. C O. 1, 49, no. 47 ; C S. P., 1681-1685, § 685. Sept. — . Capt. Billop's case. C. 0. 1, 49, no. 50 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 687. Sept. 20. Agents f i-om New England ; insufficient powers. C. 0. 5, 904, pp. 16.5-166; C. ,S. P., 1681-1685, §§ 684, 697. Sept. 30. Concerning William Dyre. C. O. 5, 1111, p. 56; N. Y. Col. Docts., Ill, 321. Sept. 30. Against transportation of criminals, except on certain conditions. C. O. 324, 4, pp. 83-84 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 717. Sept. 30. Recruits for St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 3, pp. 66-67 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 720. No date. Petition of Earl of Doncaster, for lands in Florida, Cape Florida, or Guiana. C. O. 324, 4, pp. 84-85 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 696. Dec. 2. Petition of Mrs. Susan Jeffreys, Virginia. C. O. 5, 1356, pp. 90-92 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 827. Dec. 6. Affairs of Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 50, 2 pp. ; 29, 3, pp. 141-143 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 832. 1683. Feb. 10. Petition of Richard Thayre; lands in Massachusetts Bay. C. O. 5, 904, pp. 169-170 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 989. Feb. 14. Regarding privateers in Jamaica. C. O. 1, 51, nos. 30, 31 : 138, 4, p. 119 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 942. Feb. 28. Seizure of ship by Danish governor at St. Thomas. C. O. 1, 51, no. 55 ; 153, 3, p. 79 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 977. March 8. Goods of Richard Buller, Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1356, pp. 98-99 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1009. March 19. Petition of M. de Chambre, regarding estate in St. Christopher. C. O. 1, 51, no. 82, 2 pp. ; 153, 3, pp. 74-75 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1005. June 5. Letters in favor of the Royal African Company. C. O. 268, 1, p. 93; C. 8. P., 1681-16R5, § 1104. June 12. Recommend quo warranto against Massachusetts Bay. C. O. 5, 904, pp. 178-179 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1120. Aug. 17. Petition of Richard Brayne. Jamaica. C. O. 138, 4, p. 163 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1197, Aug. 24. Petition of Edwin Stede, office of provost marshal in Barbadoes. C. O. 1, 52, no. 70; 29, 3, p. 189; G. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1212. Aug. 24. Letters to Governors of Barbadoes and I^eeward Islands. C. 0. 1, 52, no. 71 ; duplicate in no. 72 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, §§ 1213, 1214. Oct. 31. Ketch of war for Virginia. C. O. 5, 1356, pp. 252-253 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1342. Nov. 8. Jamaica and the Royal African Company. C. O. 268, 1, pp. 105-106 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1349. Nov. 3. Case of Hanson against Sir Richard Dutton. C. O. 29, 3, pp. 201-203 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1368. Dec. 1. Gov. Lynch to treat with the pirate Laurens. C. 0. 138, 4, p. 178 : C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1424. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 335 168-4. Jan. 22. Appeal of Walton and Barefoot, New Hamphire, to be dismissed. C. O. 5, 940, p. 90 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 1513. Feb. 12. Sliip Fountain not to carry passengers to Tobago. C. 0. 1, 54, no. 26; C. S. P., 1681-1685, §§ 1533. Feb. 27. Laws restraining pirates and privateers, Jamaica. V. 0. 324, 4, p. 102 ; C. *'. /'., 1681-1GS5, § 15G0. Feb. 28. Suspension of Sir Henry Morgan and Col. Byndloss from the council, Jamaica. C. O. 138, 4, pp. 193-194 ; C. S. P., 1681-1685, § 1565. March 4. Jamaica and the lioyal African Company. C. O. 208. 1, pp. 107-108, 110-112; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1571. May 7. Confirmation of court of crown pleas, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 3, pp. 238-239 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1671. May 13. Gov. Stapleton to assist Danish governor of St. Thomas. C. 0. 153, 3, p. 117 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1G76. May 13. Capture of New Providence, Bahamas, by Spain. C. O. 324, 4, p. 110: C. 5r. P., 1681-1685, § 1680. May 13. Negroes supplied to Jamaica to be reduced from five thousand to three. C. O. 268, 1, p. 115; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1679. May 13. Assistance for new Danish governor of St. Thomas. C. O. 153. 3, p. 117; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1678. June 11. Three hundred malefactors for St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 3, p. 140 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1739. June 18. Regarding Morgan and Byndloss, Jamaica. C. O. 138, 4, pp. 260-261 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1777. July 2. Dispute between Gov. Stapleton and William Freeman. C. O. 153, 3, pp. 131-132 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1789. Nov. 22. Regarding complaint from governor of St. Thomas. C. O. 153, 3, p. 167 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 1054. Dec. 6. Proper legal procedure for those who suffered by the capture of New Providence. C. O. 324, 4, pp. 1.39-140; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 2013. Dec. 16. Debts and a proposal of the late Bermuda Company. C. 0. 1, 55, no. 48, IJ pp. (very rough draft) ; 38, 1, pp. 110-111. Dec. 31. Case of William Godwin or Goodwin sold in Maryland. C. 0. 1, 56, no. 131, 2J pp. ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 2028. 1685. Jan. 13. Proposal of the late Bermuda Company. C. O. 1, 57, no. 5 ; 38, 1, pp. 111-113 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 2044. .Tan. 13. Proceedings against Sir. John Witham, Barbadoes. r. O. 29, 3, pp. 254-256; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 2044. Jan. 17. Case of Capt. Young, carrying passengers without a ticket (West Indies). C. 0. 29, 3, pp. 261-262; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 2059. Jan. 20. Added clauses for Sir Philip Howard's commission, Jamaica. C. O. 138, 4, pp. 317-318; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 2055. Jan. 31. Trial of Col. Talbot, Maryland, by special commission in England. C. 0. 1, 57, no. 8, 2 pp. ; 5, 733, pp. 91-93 ; C. 8. P., 1681-1685, § 2064. Feb. 25. Concerning Gov. Cony and his troubles at Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 1, pp. 124-128; C. 8. P., 1685-1688. § SO. March 17. Case of Sir John Witham, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 3, pp. 271-279 ; C. 8. P., 168.5-1688, § 95. March 27. Gov. Cranfield's answer to articles against him. C. 0. 5, 940, pp. 138-139 ; C. S. P., 1685-1688, § 118. 336 AMEEICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. March 27. Disposal of effects of Moxon and Holloway, Antigua and Bar- badoes. C. O. 324, 4, pp. 169-170"; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 179. May 5. Petition of John Custis, Virginia. C. O. 5, 1356, pp. 323-324 ; C. 8. P., 168.5-1688, § 180. May 5. Regarding Antigua act and tlie Royal African Company's reasons against it. C. 0. 153, 3, pp. 184-185 ; C. S. P., 1685-1688, § 166. July 15. Recommendation of quo warrantos against Connecticut, Rhode Island, and the Jerseys. C. 0. 324, 4, pp. 230-231 ; 5. 904, p. 246 ; 5, 723, pp. 102-103 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, §§ 282, 283. Aug. 3. Randolph and the quo warrantos. C. O. 5, 904, pp. 249-250. Aug. 23. Randolph's proposals for a temporary government at Boston. C. O. 5, 904, p. 250 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 328. Aug. 26. Regarding clause for commission for New England. C. O. 5, 904, p. 251 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 333. Sept. 9. Lord Howard of Effingham's commission delayed. C. 0. 5, 1357, pp. 61-62 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 362. Sept. — . Regarding certain prisoners from Bermuda. C. O. 38, 1, p. 166. Oct. 17. Request from Randolph for flags. C. O. 5, 904, p. 25S. Oct. 31. Case of Sir John Witham, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 3, pp. 348-352 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 439. Nov. 7. Gov. Button and presents from assembly, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 3, p. 366. Nov. 7. Penn-Baltimore dispute. C. O. 5, 723, pp. 107-109 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 450. Dec. 2. As to employment of Stephen Duport, a Frenchman, St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 3, p. 196 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 484. Dec. 14. Case of Edward Plampin in Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1367, pp. 81-82 : C. S. P., 1685-1688, § 508. Dec. 21. An appeal of Christopher Billop. C. O. 5, 1111, pp. 76-79 ; y. Y. Col. Docts., Ill, 366. 1686. Jan. 16. Continuance of Gov. Cony as governor, Bermuda. C. O. 1, 59, no. 13 ; 38, 1, pp. 182-183 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688. § 544. March — . Regarding Gov. Duttou's prosecution of Goldingham and Lane. C. O. 29, 3, p. 356 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 595. March 24. Renewal of order (Dec. 13, 1682) regarding servants for the plan- tations. C. O. 324, 4, pp. 175-176 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 607. April 21. Issue of quo warrantos against Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, the Jerseys, and Delaware. C. 0. 5, 723, p. 109 ; 324, 4, pp. 232-233 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., Ill, 363. May 20. Appeal of Rainsford and Stokes (Barbadoes). C. 0. 29, 3, p. 373 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 698. June 3. Salary of Gov. Andros. C. 0. 5, 904, p. 281 ; C. S. P., 1685-1688, §§ 706, 712. June 3. Andros to go to Bermuda, to settle differences. C. 0. 38, 2, p. 1 ; C. 8. P., 16^5-1688, g 708. June 3. Regarding pardon for Charles Hudson, Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 5, pp. 155-156, 175-176; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 70G. June 10. Act of 22-23 Car. II, lately revived, not to be dispensed with (Irish plantation trade). C. O. 324, 4, pp. 225-226 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 720. eepresejSttations of the board of trade. 337 July 6. Duke of Albemarle's proposals for Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 5, pp. 242-243 ; C. 8. P., 1GS5-1688, § 758. July 6. Ordnance for Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 3, p. 378 ; C. *'. P., 16S.5-16SS, § 757. Sept. 12. Andros to demand surrender of Rhode Island charter. C. 0. 5, 904, pp. 305-306 ; C. S. P., 1685-1688, § 857. Oct. 10. Mines in New England not to be included in any general grant of mines in America. G. 0. 1, 60, no. 05 ; C. S. P., 1G85-1688, § 901 (where " to " should be " of "). Oct. 13. Recruits for St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 3, p. 212; C. S. P., 1085-1688, § 906. Oct. 23. Against mint at Boston. C. 0. 5, 904, p. 325 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 929. Oct. 23. Appeal of Thomas Cook, ship condemned at Nevis. C. O. 153, 3, pp. 232-233 ; C. S. P., 1685-1688, § 929. Nov. 6. Judgment against William Vaughan of New Hamphire, to be confirmed. C. O. 5, 940, pp. 156-157 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 975. Dec. 4. On appeal of William Vaughan. C. O. 5, 940, pp. 160-161. Dec. 8. Prisoners from Bermuda to be allowed to return. C. O. 38, 2, pp. 95-97 ; C. 8. P., 168.5-1688, § 1057. 1687. Feb. 2. On proposals of the Duke of Albemarle, Jamaica. C. O. 138, 5, pp. 25.3-258 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1120. Feb. 9. Trial of Sir Timothy Thornhill. Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 3, p. 405 ; C. 8. P., 16S5-108S, § 1126. March 10. Proposals of Sir Nathaniel Johnson, Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 3, pp. 246-247 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1180. May 18. Gov. Andros to see that Robert Orchard obtains redress. C. 0. 5, 904, p. 355 ; C. 8. P., 1685-16S8, § 1259. May 18. Writs of quo warranto. C. O. 5, 723, p. 110; C. S. P., 16S5-16S9, § 1259. June 3. Points from Duke of Albemarle and answers. C. 0. 1, 62, no. 68 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1289. June 15. Petition of New Jersey proprietaries to be sent to Gov. Dongan. r. 0. 5, 1113, p. 118; C. 8. P., 1685-1688. § 1302. June 15. Case of Good Intention, seized by Capt. St. Loe. C. 0. 153, 3, p. 268 ; C. 8. P., 168.5-16^9, § 1303. June 15. Andros to take Connecticut into his government. C. O. 5, 904, pp. 352-353 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1308. July 18. Negroes not to be imported from the Dutch islands. C. 0. 153. 3, p. 270 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1352. Oct. 25. Maryland and Virginia to prohibit exportation of tobacco in bulk. ("'. 0. 5, 1357, pp. 157-158; C. 8. P., 168.5-1688, § 1482. Oct. 25. Grant to Gov. Stede from assembly to be allowed. C. 0. 29, 3, p. 4.32 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688. § 148.3. Nov. 16. Appeal of Dame Ayliff Rainsford, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 3, pp. 455. 456 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688. § 1520. Dec. 15. Dismissal of appeal of Richard Scott, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 3, pp. 456-457 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1560. 1688. Jan. 25. Ship Joanna, confiscated at Penobscot, to be delivered up. C. 0. 5, 904, p. 377 : C. 8. P., 168.5-1688, § 1608. Feb. 15. Gov. Johnson to accept present of sugar given him by St. Christopher and Nevis. C. 0. 153, 3, p. 278 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1629. 62513°— 15 22 338 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. Feb. 22. Verdict against Sir Timothy Tliornbill to be confirmed. C. 0. 29, 3, pp. 449-450 ; C. S. P., 1685-1688, § 1643. April 10. Petition of Lord Culpeper and others regarding the Narragansett country. C. 0. 5, 905, pp. 8-9 ; C. S. P., 1685-1688, § 1695. April — . Lieutenant governor for New England ; Dongan to be recalled. C. 0. 1, 67, no. 56. May 4. Gov. Johnson to protect French Protestants settling in Leeward Islands. C. 0. 15.3, 3, p. 301 ; C. S. P., 1685-1688, § 1741. May 4. Petition of Richard Scott, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 3, p. 460 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1739. May 4. Lieut.-Gov. Hill of St. Christopher may accept present of sugar. C. 0. 153, 3, p. 294. May 4. French Protestants in West Indies to have letters of denization. C. O. 153, 3, p. 301 ; C. 8. P., 168.5-1688, § 1741. May 4. Recall of foot companies at St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 3, p. 318 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1742. May 25. Suspension of Col. Bourden from council of Jamaica confirmed. C. 0. 138, 6, p. 105 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1769. May 30. Col. Molesworth to be allowed to return. C. 0. 138, 6, pp. 96-97 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1770. June 14. Gov. Johnson and Lieut.-Gov. Blakiston of Leeward Islands to accept gifts from Montserrat. C. 0. 153, 3, pp. 322-323 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1794. July 6. Gov. Johnson to allow settlers on Crab Island. C. 0. 153, 3, p. 325 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1819. July 6. Money received from the wreck to be spent on new fortifications in New England (Secretary of State). C. O. 5, 905, p. 19 ; C. 8. P., 1685-1688, § 1821. Oct. 17. Report on New England proposals. C. 0. 5, 905, pp. 76-77. 1689. Feb. 22. Recommend a new governor and a new establishment for New England. C. O. 5, 905, pp. 79-80 •, C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 37. April 26. Proposals regarding war with France. C. O. 5, 1, no. 1 ; 324, 5, pp. 44-47 ; 138, 6, pp. 172-173. April 26. Regarding proprieties and their defense in the war with France. C. 0. 5, 723, pp. 117-118; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 90. April 29. Id., regarding St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 3, p. 399 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 94. May 4. Troops and ammunition for St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 3, pp. 402-403 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 106. May 16. Governor and stores for Bermuda, and for Newfoundland while the war lasts. Think it worthy the attention of Parliament whether Mary- land, Carolina, and Pennsylvania should not be brought into closer dependence on the Crown. C. O. .324, 5, pp. 50-51; 723, pp. 118-119; 38, 2, pp. 216-217; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 124. May 25. Relations of Maryland toward England to be brought before Par- liament. C. 0. 5, 723, pp. 119-120; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 145. May 29. Petition of Edward Thompson, office for enrolling servants for plan- tations. C. O. 324, 5, p. 65 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 151. June 3. Hiring ships for expedition to the West Indies. C. O. 153, 3, pp. 409-411 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 170. EEPKESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 339 July 3. Robert Ayleway wishes to be auditor general of Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1358, pp. 6-7 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 226. July 3. Letter from New York, praying orders for a settlement. C. 0. 5, 1, no. f) ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 22.'',. July 3. Concerning Molesworth's proposals (Jamaica). C. O. 138, 6, pp. 182-184; C. S. P., 1689-1002, § 227. July 27. Protection and fortification of Newfoundland. C. 0. 1, 67, no. 78, 5J pp. ; C. S. P., 1689-1692, § 301. Aug. 16. Earl of Stirling's claim to Long Island. C. 0. 5, 1113, pp. 197-199; N. Y. Col. Bods., Ill, 606. Aug. 16. Petition of Ralph Lane, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 4, pp. 134-13.5; C. 8. P., 1089-1092, § .354. Aug. 26. Petition of Col. Philip Ludwell, Virginia. C. 0. .5, 1357, pp. 268-270 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 412. Aug. 28 or 29. Memorandum concerning the plantations; arms, powder, etc. C. 0. 1.53, 3, pp. 433-435 ; 324, 5, pp. 72-73 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 384. Aug. 31. Letter from council. New York. C. 0. 5. 1113, pp. 202-203 : .V. Y. Col. Doets., Ill, 618. Sept. 7. Commission, Nicholas Saukey, Leeward Islands. C. O. 152, 37, no. 39 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 410. Sept. 13. Companies for New York ; King to appoint commission officers. C. 0. 5, 1113, p. 203 : .V. y. Col Docts., Ill, 618. Sept. 18. As to the state of the Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 4, pp. 68-69 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 432. Oct. 16. Petition of the Royal African Company against a Jamaica money act. C. O. 138, 6, p. 277 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 493. Oct. 28. Richard Lloyd for clerk of the crown in Jamaica. a. 0. 138, 6, p. 323 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 518. Nov. 6. Part of four and a half per cent export duty to be used to pay soldiers in West Indies. C. O. 153, 3, p. 456 ; 324, 5, pp. 93-94 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 530. Nov. 6. Defense of St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 3, p. 450 ; 324, 5, p. 88. Nov. 11. Commander of West Indian squadron to be of the council of Bar- badoes. C. O. 153, 3, p. 457 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 545. Nov. 11. Stores for St. Christopher. C. O. 153. 3, p. 454 ; 324, 5, p. 92 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 544. Nov. 11. Instructions prepared for commander of the West India squadron. C. O. 324, 5, p. 95. Nov. 23. Convoy fo merchant ships going to Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1358, pp. 15-16 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 596. Nov. 25. Salaries for Jamaica. C. O. 138, 6, p. 303 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 598. Nov. 28. Instructions for commander of We.st India squadron. C. O. 153, 3, pp. 46.3-464 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 609. Dec. 28. Remission of fine of John Towers, Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 6, p. 324 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 684. Dec. 28. Complaint of Col. Ivy, Jamaica. C. O. 138, 6, p. 326 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1092, § 658. Dec. 28. Men of Monmouth's rebellion, in Nevis, to be pardoned. C. 0. 153, 4, p. 54 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1092, § 658. 1690. Jan. 7. Reply to address from Maryland, ordering peace to be kept. C. 0. 5, 723, pp. 140-147 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 693. Jan. 9. Pardon for pirates and privateers. C. 0. 137, 44, no. 15 ; 138, 6, p. 331 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 703. 340 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Jan. 23. Bedding for the foot companies of New York. C. O. 5, 1, no. 24 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1092, § 736. Feb. 25. On the unsettled condition of the government of New England. C. O. 5, 855, nos. 67, 69; 5, 905, pp. 168-172; C. S. P., 1689-1692, §§ 773, 788 (date wrong). March 26. Petition of the Hudson's Bay Company. C. 0. 1, 67, no. 88, 2 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 1196. April 17. Trial of murderers of John Payne, Maryland. C. O. 5, 713, no. 7 ; 723, pp. 109-170 : C. S. P., 1689-1692, § 833. April 17. Dismissal of charge against Andros and others. C. O. 5, 905, pp. 188-190; C. S. P., 1689-1692, §§ 830, 846. April 24. Eeturn of records from Boston to New York. C. O. 5, 1081, no. 124 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 849. May 22. State of province of New York under Leisler. C. O. 5, 1113, pp. 255-250 ; 1081, no. 130 A ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 891. June 12. Various New England affairs. C. 0. 5, 905, pp. 222-227 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 939. Sept. 19. More seamen for Virginia, Maryland, and the West Indies. C. O. 324, 5, p. 130 ; C. 8. P. 1689-1692, § 1059. Sept. — . Joseph Dudley to be first of the council of New York. c. o. 5, 1113, p. 260. Sept. 27. Ships and men for the West Indies. C. O. 324, 5, pp. 142-143 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1077. Oct. — . Ordnance, engineer, and miners for the Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 4, p. 236 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1097. Oct. — . Various items regarding the Leeward Islands. C O. 152, 37, nos. 103, 104, 105; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, §§ 1108-1110. Nov. 3. Difficulties over repeal of the act in Barbadoes requiring INIonmouth rebels to serve. C. 0. 324, 5, pp. 137-140; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1184 (date wrong). Nov. 27. Danger from French, necessity for ships, Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 7, pp. 6-S ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1219. Dec. 22. Case between convention in Maryland and Lord Baltimore. C. 0. 5, 723, pp. 210-211 ; C. S". P., 1689-1692, § 1278. Dec. — . Gov. Codrington to exchange French prisoners first for British subjects. C. 0. 153, 4, p. 280 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1263. 1691. Feb. 23. On the application of the two shilling per hogshead duty in :Maryland. C. 0. 5, 723, pp. 217-218 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1333. Feb. 23. Lord Inchiquin's report on Col. Ivy. C. 0. 138, 7, p. 12 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1332. April 27. Shall governor in New England consent to laws or shall making them be left wholly with the people. C. O. 5, 905, p. 269 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1432. May 12. Attorney general to prepare draft of charter for New England. C. 0. 5, 905, p. 271 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1483. May 22. Engineer for Newfoundland. C. 0. 1, 68, no. 64 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1527. May 22. Letter in behalf of Mounteuey Boncle, Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 4, p. 339; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1528. May 22. Petition of Pate and Bayer in behalf of Joseph Crispe. C. O. 153, 4, p. 340 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1527. June — . Commissioners of Navy to accept bills drawn by Gov. Kendall of Barbadoes for provisions for the squadron. C. 0. 29, 4, p. 240 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1007. July 29. Proceedings in regard to new charter for Massachusetts. C. O. 5, 856, no. 177 ; 905, pp. 279-281 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1670. REPBESEXTATIOXS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. o4l July 29. On petition of Edward Davis and otliers, Virginia. C. O. 5, 1358, p. 6G: C. 8. P., 1GS9-1692, § 1666. July 29. Lord Culpeper's petition to be sent to governor and council of Virginia. C. O. 5, 1358, p. 75 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1679. Sept. 2. Ordnance stores for the Leeward Islands. C. O. 15:1. 4, p. 421 ; C. £r. P., 16S9-1692, § 1730. Sept. 16. Draft of charter for Massachusetts. C. 0. 5, 905, p. 298 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1760. Sept. 17. Appeal of James Smailes, Bermuda, to be dismissed. C. O. 38, 2, pp. 295-206 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1762. Sept. — . Petition of George Harris for secretaryship of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 7, pp. 14-15 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1770. Sept. 28. Frigates for New England and New York. C. 0. 5, 905, p. 399 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1788. Sept. 28. Usher's and Andros's accounts to be referred to the governor and council of New England. C. 0. 5, 905, p. 407, repeated on p. 411 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, §§ 1789, 1790. Oct. 6. Ships for New England should be of 40 guns or thereabouts. C. O. 5, 905, p. 399 ; C. &'. P., 1689-1692, § 1805. Oct. 12. Allowance to Col. Copley from the tobacco duty. C. 0. 5, 724, pp. 46-47 ; C. &. P., 1689-1692, § 1824. Dec. 15. Appointment of clerks of county courts, Maryland. C. O. 5, 713, no. 67 ; 723, p. 235 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1954. Dec. 15. Defenseless state of New England. C. O. 5, 905, p. 400; 1037, no. 81; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, §§ 1952, 1956. 1692. Jan. 10. Appointment of Allen and LTsher, New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 940, p. 182; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2006. Jan. 11. Nova Scotia taken by the French and New England left unguarded. C. 0. 5, 905, pp. 402-403 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 1999. Jan. 11. Vacation of Hender Molesworth's recognisance. C. O. 138, 7, pp. 26-27 ; C. 8. P., 16S0-1G92, § 2007. Jan. 11. Mr. Offley's petition for a grant to make pitch in America. C. 0. 324, 5, p. 255 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2000. Jan. 21. Suit of Sir John Witham, reversal of judgment. C. O. 29, 4, p. 276; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, §§ 2012, 2020, Jan. 25. Presentment of Commissioners of Customs about the four and a half per cent. C. O. 153, 5, p. 9 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2026. Feb. 27. Ordnance for New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 940, p. 208 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2078. Feb. 27. Needs of New York : defense and Indian presents. C. O. 5, 1113, pp. 363-364 : C. S. P., 1689-1692, § 2081. Feb. 27. Instructions for governors of Virginia, New York, and New Hamp- shire. C. 0. 5, 1358, p. 140 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2079. Feb. 27. Stores of war for Virginia. C. O. 5. 1358, p. 143 ; C. S. P., 1689-1692, § 2100. Feb. — . Commission for Gov. Fletcher; additional clause as to Pennsylvania. C. O. 5, 1113, p. 321 ; C. 8. P., 16S9-1692, §§ 2134 (date wrong), 2227. March 9. Opinion on Dr. Coxe's petition. C. 0. 5, 1113, pp. 398-399 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2115. March 11. Opinion on petition of Leisler, jr. C. 0. 5, 1113, p. 383; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, §§ 2121, 2127. March — . On state of the colonies in America and the West Indies. C. 0. 323, 1, no. 15, 5 pp. ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2147. 342 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. April 1. Intercession for Leisler, Beeckmau, and others as fit objects for mercy. C. O. 5, 1113, pp. 386-387 ; C. S. P., 1689-1692, § 2149. April IS. retition of Jacob Mauritz of New York. C. 0. 5, 1113, pp. 392-.393 ; 1037, no. 96 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2180. April 18. Scire Facias against the proprietaries of East and West New Jersey. C. O. 5, 1037, nos. 97, 98 : C. S. P., 1689-1692, § 2181. May 2. Regarding pardon to persons assisting Leisler. C. O. 5, 1113, pp. 388-389 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2216. May 2. As to Quakers and the oath, in the commission of Gov. Fletcher. C. 0. 5, 1113, p. 401 ; 1236, pp. 23-24 ; C. S. P., 1689-1692, § 2227. June 27. Virginia and Maryland to pass laws for ports and for prohibiting the exportation of bulk tobacco. C. 0. 5, 1358, p. 176; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, §§ 2299, 2300. July 1. Fletcher's commission to pass without fees. C. 0. 5, 1037, nos. 115, 116; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2309. July 8. General pardon for New York. C. 0. 5, 1113, p. 423 ; 1037, no. 118 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2325. July 29. Records of New Hampshire iu Boston to be returned. C. 0. 5, 940, pp. 209-210 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2371. Aug. 19. Gov. Bee.ston's proposals as to judges in Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 7, p. 77 : C. S. P., 1689-1692, § 2399. Aug. 19. /(/., military stores. C. 0. 138, 7, p. 78 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2397. Aug. 19. Id., frigate for Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 7, p. 79 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2397. Sept. 2. Two frigates to carry stores to Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 7, p. 113 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 24.34. Sept. 17. Resettlement of St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 5, pp. 101-102 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2482. Sept. 19. Arms and ammunition for Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 4, p. 295 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2484. Sept. — . Assistance for New York from neighboring colonies. 0. O. 5, 1113, p. 429 ; not calendared, but see C. -S. P., 1689-1692, § 2543. Oct. 11. Petition from Jamaica merchants against the planting of indigo in Africa. C. 0. 138, 7, pp. 124-125; C. 8. P., 1689-1692. § 2546. Nov. 28. Case of Ralph Lane, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 4, pp. 316-317 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2646. Nov. 28. Confirming appointment of Samuel Gardiner as lieutenant governor of Nevis. C. 0. 153, 5, p. 109; C. 8. P., 1689-1692, § 2649. Dec. 20. Charges against Gov. Richier, Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 3, pp. 37-38 ; C. 8. P., 1689-1092, § 2705. Dec. 20. About ministers' stipends in Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 5, p. Ill ; C. 8. P., 1689-1693, § 2704. Report of solicitor general on dispute between Lord Baltimore and the assembly. C. O. 5, 724, p. 62 ; not calendared. 1693. Jan. 7. Names of persons for government of Bermuda. C. O. 38, 3, p. 46 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696, § 9. Jan. 7. On petition of Stephen Duport, St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 5, p. 114 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696, § 8. Jan. 26. On clause in patent of a naval officer for Jamaica. C. O. 138, 7, pp. 135-136 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 29. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 343 Jan. — . Proceedings of Gov. Phips against persons cliarged witli witchcraft. C. O. 5, 905, p. 417 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1C96, § 33. Feb. 3. Gov. Nicholson to receive £200 from assembly of Virginia. C. O. 5, 1358, p. 222 ; not calendared. Feb. 11. Connecticut and Rhode Island to assist New York. C. O. 5, 905, p. 420 ; 1114, p. 12 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 76. Feb. 26. Petition of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Maryland. C. O. 5, 724, pp. 96-99 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 125, Feb. 2G. Objections of P. Colleton and Davers to two Barbadoes acts. C. 0. 29, 4, p. 319 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 128. March 1. Discharge of Capt. Lopdell's recognizance, Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1358, p. 233; C. 8. P., 169.3-169G, §§ 312, 327. March 30. Frigate for New York; arrears to be paid the foot companies. C. 0. 5, 1114, p. 15 ; C S. P., 1693-1696, § 231. May 1. Regarding ship Fortune stopped in Virginia. C. O. 5, 1358, p. 2:;;-. ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 328. May 3. On addresses from New Hampshire praying to be annexed to Massa- chusetts Bay. C. O. 5, 940, pp. 219-220 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 322. June 12. Arms and accoutrements for New York. C. 0. 5, 1114, p. 28 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 405. June 15. State of Jamaica. C. O. 138, 7, pp. 152-153 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 417. June 15. Admiralty courts in Barbadoes and Jamaica to proceed judicially on prizes. C. O. 138, 7, p. 144 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 431. Sept. 15. Sir Thomas Lawrence's case. C. 0. 5, 724, pp. 120-121 ; C. 8. P., 160.3-1696, § 556. Sept. 15. Petition of Col. Hallet of Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 4, pp. 360-361 ; C. ;?. P., 1693-1696, § 555. Sept. 18. Removal of soldiers from Piscataqua and placing a frigate there to preserve the masts. C. 0. 5, 940, p. 226 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 566. Sept. IS. Frigates for Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 4, pp. 372-373 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 567. Sept. 18. Defense of Barbadoes. C. O. 138, 7, p. 163 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696, § 567. Sept. 25. Appeal of Sir Richard ^Vhite from Jamaica. C. O. 138, 7, p. 166 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 576. Sept. 25. Charter, Sir Matthew Dudley and others, for working copper mines in New England. C. O. 5, 906, pp. 37-38 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 577. Nov. 14-23. Grant to Sir John Hoskins of Islands of Ascension, Trinidad, and Martin Vaz. C. O. 324, 5, p. 323 ; see C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 691. Dec. 6. Petition of Jahleel Brenton and others. C. O. 5, 906, pp. 69-72 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 719. Dec. 6. Petition of planters against a Barbadoes act. C .0. 29. 4, p. 434 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 720. Dec. 6. Troops to the West Indies. C. 0. 29, 5, pp. 47-48 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 721. Dec. 27. Companies of grenadiers for New York. C. O. 5, 1114, pp. 69-70; C. 8. P.. 1693-1606, § 754. Dec. 27. Gov. Russell of Barbadoes allowed to receive present from the assem- bly. C. O. 29. 4, p. 384 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696, § 747. Dec. — . Gov. Nicholson to be governor-in-chief of Maryland. C. 0. 5, 724, p. 130 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 753. 344 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATIOIT. 1694. Jan. 8. On New York act allowing a penny a pound rate for Gov. Fletcher. C. 0. 5, 1114, p. 86 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 782. Jan. 8. Crimes of Jean Reaux. C. 0. 5, 1114, p. 84 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 783. Jan. 8. Memorial of commissioners of the Leeward Islands. C. 0. 153, 5, pp. 162-163 ; C. S. P., 169.3-1696, § 784. Jan. 12. Petition of Charles Mein. C. 0. 29. 4, pp. 437-438; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 811. Jan. 19. Capt. Shorts's complaints against Sir William Phips. C. O. 5, 858, no. 10: 906, pp. 89-92; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 826. Feb. 2. Phips to attend in England. C. O. 0, 858, DO. 15 ; 906, pp. 93-94 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 862. Feb. 2. Penn's complaint against his propriety being under New York. C. 0. 5, 1114, p. 88 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 860. Feb. 2. Attorney general's report on a Barbadoes act to enable John Kirton to sell lands. C. 0. 29, 4, pp. 443-444 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 857. Feb. 2. Ships of war for Barbadoes and Leeward Islands. C. 0. 29, 5, pp. 51-52 ; 153, 5, pp. 160-161 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 858. Feb. 12. Firearms, shot, etc., for Leeward Islands. C. 0. 153, 5, p. 166 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 875. March 5. Gov. Nicholson before leaving England to be sworn to observe the acts of trade and navigation. C. O. 5, 724, p. 176 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 926. March 5. Regiment for Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 5, p. 61 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 928. March 5. Execution of Barbadoes act regulating freight of sugars, etc., to be suspended. C. O. 29, 5, pp. 69, 71 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 929, March 5. Commanders not to impress seamen without leave. C. 0. 138, 7, pp. 184-185 ; C. -S". P., 1693-1696, § 937. March 12. Pardon for Peeckman and others, New York. 0. 0. 5, 1114, pp. 91-92 ; C 8. P., 1693-1696, § 943. March 16. Sir Edmund Andros to have leave to go to any of the neighboring colonies for two months for his health. C. O. 5, 1358, p. 248; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, §§*958, 979. March 21. Accounts of Andros and Usher. C. 0. 5, 906, pp. 110-111; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696, § 974. March 21. Proposals of Ashurst and Evans, naval stores. C. O. 5, 906, pp. 58-60 ; 324, 5, pp. 340-342 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1690, § 982. March 26. Omission of clause proposed to be added to Kirton's act, Barbadoes. r. 0. 29, 5, pp. 72-73 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696, § 981. April 13. Convoy for Jamaica and Barbadoes. C. 0. 1.37, 3, no. 32 ; C. ;Sf. P., 1693-1696, § 1014. April 13. Uniting of neighboring colonies in defense of New York. C. O. 5, 1114, pp. 114-115 ; 1038, no. 50 : C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1015. May 15. Presents for Gov. Kendall, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 5, p. 80 ; C. 8. P., 1093-1696. § 1050. May 22. Petition of Earl of Stirling's children. C O. 5, 1114, pp. 103-104 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696, § 1059. June 1. Bedding for two companies in New York. C. 0. 5, 1038, no. 59 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1076. June 16. About ships trading between Scotland and Ireland and Virginia and Maryland. C. 0. 5, 1358, pp. 262, 266-267; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, §§ 1101, 1208. Aug. 1. Assistance of neighboring colonies for New York. C. 0. 5, 906, pp. 148-151 ; 1114, pp. 174-177 ; C. S. P., 1693-1096, § 1176. REPEESENTATIONS OF THE BOAED OF TRADE. 345 Aug. 1. and 3. William Penn's petition approved. C. O. 5, 1114, pp. 134-142 ; 1236, pp. 51-56; C. 8. P., 1693-1696. § H81. Aug. 8. Soldiers embarked for New York. C. 0. 5, 1114, pp. 169-170 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 1203. Aug. 8. Itew.ird for Capt. Gardner, Virginia. C. O. 5, 1358, p. 280 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 1224. Sept. 3. Forces for Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 7, pp. 217-218, 253, 304 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1279. Sept. 26. About recruiting the Leeward I.slands' regiment. C. O. 153, 5, p. 187 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 1350. Sept. 28. Petition of Capt. Weems. C. 0. 5, 1114, p. 182 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 1359. Nov. 1. Gov. Codriugton to prevent A'irgin Isles being settled by subjects of Elector of Brandenburg. C. 0. 153, 5, pp. 203-204 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1475. Nov. 1. Reward to Capt. Elliot for giving warning of tlie design of the French on Jamaica. C. 0. 138. 7, p. 407 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1476. Nov. 20. Concerning two companies at Plymouth, England, bound for New York. C. O. 5, 1114, p. 185 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1522. Nov. 20. Petition of Capt. Hyde, commanding one of these companies. C. O. 5, 1114, pp. 186-187 ; see also pp. 187-18S. Nov. 20. Condition of regiment of foot in Leeward Islands. C. 0. 153, 5, pp. 188-189. Nov. 2G. Shipping and provisions for regiment for Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 5, p. 90 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1557. Nov. 20. Petition of Sutton and Blackmore, Barbadoes. C. 0. 138, 7, p. 408 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1565. Dec. 2. State of preparations for expedition to Jamaica. C. O. 138, 7, p. 336 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1690, § 1571. Dec. 10. Petition of merchants and planters of Jamaica. C. O. 138. 8, p. 4; C. 8. P., 1693-1G96, § 1587. Dec. 14. Ships and recruits for Leeward Islands. C. 0. 153. 5, p. 192; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1599. Dec. (between 10 and 21). To know his Majesty's pleasure concerning expedi- tion to Jamaica. C. 0. 138. 7, pp. 345, 347; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1602. 1695. Jan. 7. Petition of Richard and Killian Van Rensselaer, New York. C. 0. 5, 1114, p. 192; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1635. Jan. 7. Request of Col. Lillington for power to grant commissions in his regiment. C. O. 138. 7, p. 349. Jan. 7. Instructions for distribution of prizes and booty. C. O. 138, 7, p. 387 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696. § 1634. Jan. 9 or 10. lOxpcdition to Jamaica; various orders, C. 0. 138, 7, p. 354. March 8. Ships and men for Leeward Islands. C. 0. 153. 5, pp. 196-198, 200, 207-208; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696, § 1405. May 22. Stores for Virginia. C. O. 5. 1358, p. 284 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1841. May 22. Gov. Russell to receive present from the assembly, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 5, pp. 12.5-126; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1838. May 22. Qualification of electors in Barbadoes. C. O. 29. 5, pp. 127-128; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1839. June 4. Indian presents, New York. C. 0. 5, 1H4, pp. 202-203 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1875. 346 AMEEICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. July 4. Case of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Maryland ; accusations to be dismissed. C. O. 5, 724, pp. 185-186 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 1937. July 12. Petition of Anthony Gomez and others in behalf of Jews in Jamaica and Barbadoes. C. 0. 138, 8, pp. 27-28 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 1958. July 25. Appeals from Barbadoes : William Sharpe, Barbara Newton. C. 0. 29, 5, p. 195 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1979. Aug. 7. Andros to apply the quit-rents to the service of the government, Vir- ginia. C. O. 5, 1358, pp. 29&-297 ; C. &'. P., 169.3-1696, § 1993. Aug. 7. Supplies for the King's ships, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 5, pp. 180-181 ; C. S. P., 169.3-1696. § 1995. Aug. 7. Case of Ralph Lane, prisoner in Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 5, pp. 190-191 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 1996. Aug. 14. Memorial of Henry Dunn, desiring to institute proceedings against Gov. Kendall, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 5, p. 197 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 2007. Sept. 14. Regarding annexation of New Hampshire to Massachusetts. C. 0. o, 940, pp. 270-275 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 2057. Oct. 10. Petition of Robert Livingston, New York. C. 0. 5, 1114, pp. 224-230 ; C. 8. P. 1693-1696, § 2085. Oct. 30. Address of the assembly of ^Maryland. C. O. 5, 1114, pp. 251-253 ; C. S-. P., 1693-1696, § 2109. Nov. 25. Memorial of Sir Thomas Lawrence, as to support of Protestant ministers in Maryland. C. 0. 5, 724, p. 204 ; see also p. 207 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 2157. Nov. 25. Address from Maryland about naval stores. C. O. 5, 724, pp. 206-207; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 2158. Dec. 2. Petition and appeal of Col. Hallet, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 5, pp. 208-210 ; C. 8. P., 169.3-1696, § 2176. Memorial for convoy for the New York stores. C. 0. 5, 1039, no. 32 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 2221. 1696. Jan. 23. Supplies for King's ships, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 5, p. 239 ; C. S. P., 1693-1696, § 2246. Jan. 28. On Randolph and trade, privateers, courts of exchequer, navigation acts, customs. C. 0. 324, 5, pp. 371-373, also 375 ; C. ;S?. P., 1693-1696, § 2249. Jan. 31. On the condition of Jamaica. G. 0. 138, 8, p. 60 ; C. 8. P., 160.3-1696, § 2260. Jan. — . Recruits for Leeward Islands. C 0. 153, 6, p. 227. April 11. Recruits and a fireship for Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 8, pp. 68-69 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 2322. April 11. For justification of Col. Lillington, Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 8, p. 61 ; C. 8. P., 1693-1696, § 2321. April 11. Proposal that men of war in New England and the northern planta- tions cruise in the Caribbee Islands during the winter. C. 0. 153, 6, pp. 237-238. April 18. Col. Holt to be of the council in the Leeward Islands. C. 0. 153, 5, p. 237 ; C. «■. P., 169.3-1696, § 2336. July 7. On the state of the northern colonies in America. C. 0. 324, 6, p. 11; 5, 1039, no. 48 i ; C. -Sf. P., 1696-1697, § 82. Aug. 10. Leave to Gov. Russell to accept present from the assembly of Bar- badoes. C. O. 29, 6, p. 4 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 134. Aug. 12. Oaths for governors of the proprietary colonies. C. 0. 324, 6, pp. 26-27 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 140. EEPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 347 Aug. 13. Admiralty courts in tlie plantations. C. 0. 324, 6, pp. 27-28 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 142. Sept. 7. Attorneys general for the plantations. C. 0. 324, 6, pp. 34-35 ; 5, 1, no. 32 i ; C. -S'. P., 1696-1697, § 189. Sept. 24. Convoys for tlie Virginia and Maryland trade. C. O. 5, 1359, pp. 12-14 ; 324, 6, pp. 68-70 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, S 255. Sept. 30. On the state of the northern colonies. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 59-68 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 227. Sept. oO. Convoys to the southern colonies. C. 0. 324. 6, pp. 71-76 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 287. Oct. 14. Instructions for naval stores, commissioners to New England. C. 0. 5,_ 907, pp. 43-47 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 318. Oct. 14. Various matters relating to New York. C. O. 5, 1115, pp. 28-3.3 ; 1079. no. 2 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 230. Nov. 11. Regarding resettlement of the French part of St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 6, pp. 18-19 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 383. Nov. 12. Advice boats to warn the West India governors. C. 0. 138, 9, pp. 34-35 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 391. Nov. 18. Ordnance for New York. C. 0. 5, 1115, pp. 38-39 ; 1079, no. 3; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 401. Nov. 25. ililitary governor and vice-admiral for New England. C. 0. 5, 907, p. 51 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 424. Dec. 3. AVeak state of Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 6, pp. 36-38, 39 (list of stores) ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 452. Dec. 3. Kecommendations for Barbadoes. C. 0. 138, 9, pp. 53-57 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 458. Dec. 3. Squadron for the West Indies. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 89-90 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 453. Dec. 10. Surveyor to be sent to Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 4, pp. 5-6; C. 8. P., 1<;0R-1097, § 487. Dec. 10. Convoy for Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 2, pp. 47-48 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 491. Dec. 10. Restitution of Tortola. C. O. 153, 6, pp. 30-31 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 490. Dec. 17. Objections of proprietary colonies to establishment of courts of vice- admiralty. C. 0. 5, 1287, pp. 16-17 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 511. Dec. 19. Recommending poor weavers for Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 9, pp. 59-61 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 519. Dec. 19. Passage money for ministers going to Maryland. C. 0. 5, 725, p. 25 ; not calendared. 1697. Jan. 13. Defense of Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 2, pp. 58-61 ; Jan. 21, pp. 68-73 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 583. Jan. 15. Differences between Hudson's Bay Company and :M. de la Forest. C. 0. 134. 3, no. 6: 135, 3, pp. 37-43; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 591. Jan. 23. Refusal of the commissioners of the customs to clear ships for West Indies under convoy. C. 0. 324. 6, pp. 95-97 : C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 615. Jan. 25. Additional report as to Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 2, pp. 74-76 : C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 621. Jan. 28. Appointment of Gov. Webb of the Bahamas. C. 0. 5, 1287, pp. 29-30; Feb. 11, pp. 50-51 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 643. Feb. 18. Complaints of lieutenants of New York companies. C. O. 5, 1115, pp. 83-88 ; 1079, no. o; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 740. Feb. 25. Union of northern colonies for defense. C. 0. 5, 907, pp. 134-139 ; V. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 259. March 4. Officials of admiralty courts in America. C. 0. 324, 6, pp. 117-119 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 780. 348 AMEEICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIOISr. April 1. Sixty or eighty " laborious tradesmen " for Jamaica. C. 0. 13S, 9, p. 80 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 887. May 11. Man of war, warlike stores, recruits, Indian presents, etc., for New York. C. O. 5, 907, pp. 183-185 ; C. *S'. P., 1696-1697, § lOOS. May 14. Defense of New England by sea and land. C. O. 5, 907, pp. 181-191 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 1024. May 17. Isaac Richier v. Gov. Goddard of the Bahamas. C. O. 38, 4, pp. 23-33 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 102S. May 18. Defense of New England ; pay of troops, etc. C. O. 5, 907, pp. 197-198 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 1033. June 24. Holman's expenses, etc., in defending Ferryland harbor, Newfound- land. C. O. 19.5, 2, p. 119; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 1105. July 6. Disbanding company of foot in Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 9, p. 113 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 1154. July 21. On the disorders in New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 907, pp. 214-216 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 1196. July 26. No colony willing to receive fifty women convicts, except the Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 6, pp. 86-88 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 1205. Aug. 10. On the Duchess of Hamilton's claim to the Narragansett country (long report). C 0. 5, 907, pp. 221-238 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 1234. Aug. 10. Scottish Darieu project, to be checked. C. 0. 389, 15, pp. 181-184 ; not calendared. Aug. 12. Appointment of Capt. Norton as lieutenant governor of St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 6, pp. 93-95 ; C. S. P., 1696-1697, § 1240. Aug. 26. Instructing governors to forbid renewing laws for a limited time. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 176-178 ; not calendared. Sept. 2. Petition of Capts. Weems and Hide against Gov. Fletcher. C. 0. 5, 1115, pp. 257-260 ; 1079, no. 7 ; C. ,S'. P., 1696-1697, § 1297. Sept. 16. Taking possession of Golden Island and a port opposite at Darien. C. 0. 389, 15, pp. 214-215 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1097, § 1305. Oct. 1. Offices of secretary and provost marshal, Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 4, pp. 48-49 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697. § 1360. Oct. 21. Case of Thomas Bulkley of the Bahamas. C. O. 5. 1287, pp. 168-175 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 1400. Oct. 21. Provisions for the forces at Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 2, pp. 130-131 ; C. 8. P., 1696-1697, § 1401. Oct. 27. Objections of several of the colonies to receiving convicts. C. 0. 324, 6, pp. 187-189 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 1. Oct. 27. Regarding port at Perth Amboy. C. 0. 5, 1287, pp. 176-185; N. J. Arch., II, 180. Oct. 29. Men-of-war for the West Indies. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 182-183 ; C. S. P., 1697-1698, § S. Nov. 4. Disbanded soldiers for Virginia, Maryland, Jamaica, and the Leeward Islands. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 190-203 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 25. Dec. 9. To restrain pirates in the plantations. C. 0. 324, 6, pp. 211-213; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 94. Dec. 9. Provisions taken up in Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 2, pp. 170-171 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 93. Dec. 23. Long account of the trade of the kingdom, with a paragraph on trade with the plantations. C. O. 389, 15, pp. 265-282; 390. 12, pp. 130-170; not calendared. Dec. 24. As to what part of St. Christopher is to be restored, and what de- mands are to be made regarding Hudson Bay, Nova Scotia, and New- foundland, in consequence of the late treaty. C. O. 1, 68, no. 113; 5, 1, no. 49; 153, 6, pp. 132-139; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 124. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 349 1698. Jan. 7. On island of Tortola. C. O. 153, 6, pp. 150-157 ; C. S. P., 1697-169S, § 156. Jan. 13. Suppression of piracy in the East Indies. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 222-225 ; C. S. P., 1697-160S, § 173. Feb. 10. Acts for increasing number of white men in the plantations to be effectually executed. C. 0. 324, 6, p. 234 ; C. S. P., 1G97-1698, § 218. Feb. 17. Recall of engineers sent to the colonies. C. 0. 324, 6, p. 241 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 236. Feb. 26. Piracy in the East Indies, supported chiefly by proprietary and charter colonies. C. 0. 324, 6, pp. 245-248 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 2C,5. March 18. Expedition against pirates in the East Indies; surrendered pirates not to be sent to American colonies, but to be tried in King's dominions. C. 0. 324, 6, pp. 253-260; C. S. P., 1697-1698, § 304. March 30. State and defense of Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 2, pp. 184-188 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 333. March 31. Captains of Newfoundland convoys to take all English subjects found on foreign ships, and to hinder foreign ships fishing between Cape Race and Cape Bonavista. C. 0. 195, 2, pp. 190-191 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 339. May 5. On method of furnishing H. M. ships in the colonies. C. 0. 29, 6, pp. 189-193 ; C. S. P., 1697-1698, § 427. May 11. Hudson's Bay Company's answer to French complaints. C. 0. 134, 3, no. 5 ; 135, 3, pp. 47-49 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 450. May 12. Draft of a bill for the trial of pirates. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 284-285. with bill, to 293 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 447. May 13. Gov. Grey of Barbadoes to receive present from the assembly. C. 0. 29, 6, pp. 20.5-207 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 457. May 26. Commander of convoys to have command of forts and soldiers in New- foundland. C. 0. 195, 2, p. 232 ; C. 8. P., 1697-169S, § 512. July 9. Forfeiture incurred by Gov. Beeston remitted. C. 0. 138, 9, pp. 209-210 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 652. July 9. Concerning the island of New Tortola. C. 0. 153, 6, pp. 215-219 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 653. July 12. Petition of Gov. Fletcher; his sureties released. C. 0. 5, 1115, pp. 273-274 ; 1079, no. 13 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 667. July 26. Affairs of New York. C. 0. 5, 1115, pp. 378-382 ; 1079, no. 14 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 359. July 28. Suppression of pirates in the East Indies. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 311-312; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 703. Aug. 23. Alteration in Gov. Nicholson's instructions. C. 0. 5, 1359, pp. 252-259 : C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 767. Sept. 1. Instructions for squadron going to East Indies. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 319-328, 332-341 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 788. Sept. 6. Trade instructions, Govs. Nicholson. BlakLston, Bellomont. C. 0. 324, 6, p. .329; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 798. Sept. 8. Proposed powers and directions to the commissioners accompanying Capt. Warren's squadron. C. O. 324. 6, pp. 332-.341 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 806. Sept. 12. Complaints of Walrond against Gov. Codrington. C. 0. 153. 6, pp. 256-277 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 817. Sept. 20. On death of Gov. Codrington. C. O. 153. 6. pp. 281-285; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 834. Sept. 22. Devolution of Codrington's authority ; no special instructions needed. C. 0. 153. 6, pp. 285-290: C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 841. Oct. 13. Instructions for expedition against pirates in the East Indies. C. 0. 324, G, pp. 349-350 ; C. 8. P., 1697-1698, § 889. 350 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATIOlSr. Oct. 19. On tlie province of New York. C. O. 5, 1116, pp. 1-34 ; 1079, no. 10 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 385 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, 63. Oct. 25. Claim of Sir Thomas Lawrence, Maryland. C. 0. 5, 725, pp. 304-309 ; C. 8. P., 1607-1698, § 935. Oct. 27. On denization of Arnold Noding, New Yorli. C. 0., 5, 725, pp. 309-313 ; C. S. P., 1697-1698, § 940. Oct. 27. Fortifications, New York; Col. Romer. C. O. 5, 1116, pp. 45-46 ; 1079, no. 21 ; C. S. P., 1697-1698, § 939. Oct. 27. Naval officers to give security. C. O. 324, 6, pp. 369-370 ; C. S. P., 1C97-1098, § 943. Oct. 28. Draft of letter to Gov. Bellomont. C. 0. 5, 1116, p. 47 ; 1079, no. 23 ; C. ,S'. P., 1697-1698, § 945. Dec. 21. Illegal trade and piracies, Rbode Island. C. 0. 5, 1287, pp. 275-2S1 ; C. S. P., 1697-1698, § 1071. 1699. Jan. 5. Trade insti'uctions, Barbadocs, Jamaica, and the Proprieties. C. O. 324, 7, p. 5 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 16. Jan. 10. Ships of war for the colonies on the continent of America. C. 0. 324, 7, pp. 4-7 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 29. Jan. 13. Enconragemeut of the woolen manufacture (Hou.se of Commons), C. 0. 389, 16, pp. 145-155. Feb. 9. Memorial from the agents of Jamaica. C. 0. 188, 9, pp. 270-273 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 91. Feb. 16. Impressment of the Mary Rose in the King's service. C. 0. 29, 6, pp. 242-243 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 105. March 9. Complaints of John and Nicholas Hallam, Connecticut. C. 0. 5, 1287, pp. 355-356 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 160. March 9. Affairs of New York. C. O. 5, 1116, pp. 262-282 : 1069, no. 29 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 479. March 30. -Newfoundland fishery. C. 0. 195, 2, pp. 277-280; C. 8. P., 1699, § 217. April 18. Commission for Gov. Codrington, with suggestions. C. 0. 153, 6, pp. 35.3-3.54 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 271. April IS. Dispute regarding Perth Amboy to be tried at Westminster Hall. C. 0. 5. 1287, pp. 400-401 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 272. April 25. Petition of Francis Brinley. Ithode Island. C. O. 5, 1287, pp. 410-411 ; C. 8. P., 1699. § 299. April 25. Suppressing pirates, coast of Guinea and in the West Indies. C. 0. 324, 7, pp. 38-39 : C. 8. P., 1699, § 300. April 27. Petition of Edward Chilton, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 6, p. 254 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 310. May 4. Remission of John Lucas's fine, Leeward Islands. C. O. 153. 6, pp. .358-3.59; C. 8. P., 1609, § 344. May 18. Petition of Sir William Waller and settlement of Tobago. C. 0. 29, 6, pp. 268-271 ; C. 8. P., 1C09, § 420. May IS. Instructions to governors regarding soldiers in pay. C. O. 324, 7, pp. 42-43 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 407. May 25. Peter Beckford, jr., to be tried in Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 9, pp. 329-331 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 449. May 2G. Scottish Darien expedition (Secretary of State). C. 0. 323, 3, no. 15. June 29. On complaint of Dutch amba.s.sador against Gov. Trott, Bahamas. C. O. 5, 1287, pp. 460-468 ; C. 8. P., 1690, § 575. June 29. Governors, particularly of proprietary and charter governments, to protect collectors. C. O. 20, 6, pp. 307-309; 324, 7, p. 58; C. 8. P., 1699, §§ 572, 573. July C. Petition of London moreh.inis contracting with tho Portugal Company to carry negroes to Cartha.gena, for aid from governors of Barbadoes and Jamaica. C. O. 13S, 9, pp. 342-343 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 610. EEPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 351 July 6. Dispute between Echvard Randoli-h and Gov. Day of Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 4, pp. 176-17S, 18.--1S7, 20.3-205; C. S. P., 1699, §§ 612, 642, 668. July 13. An address from Massachusetts Bay regarding appeals. C. O. .5, 908, pp. l."G-lfiO; C. 5?. P., 1699, § 646. July 13. ^Military stores for New York. C. 0. 5, 1116, pp. .307-309; 1079, no. 30; C. S. P., 1699, § 639. July 20. Drafts of various instructions. C 0. 153, 6, p. 3S9 ; C. S. P., 1609, § 670. July 27. Petition of Peter Van Belle, negroes seized by governor of St. Cliris- toplier; navigation act. C. O. 1.^)3. 6, pp. .393-395 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 685. Aug. 4. Col. ^larkham and Pennsylvania. C. O. 5, 1288, pp. 20-32 ; C. .9. p., 1699, § 694. Aug. 10. Illegal trade at New York. C. O. 5, 1116, pp. 316-321 ; 1288, pp. 68-73 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 542. Sept. 12. French settlements at St. Lucia. C. 0. 29, 6, pp. 32.5-328 ; C. S. P., 1699, § 775. Sept. 12. Further report about piracy. C. 0. 324. 7, pp. 63-72 ; y. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 583. Sept. 14. Sir Peter Colleton's executors v. Col. James Colleton, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 6, pp. 329-331 ; C. £.'. P., 1699, § 782. Sept. 15. Sea FUncer trading from Honduras to Venice with logwood. C. 0. 389, 16, pp. 345-348 ; C. S. P., 1699. § 791. Sept. 20. Petition of Richard Bate, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 6, pp. 333-335 ; 31, 5, pp. 480-481 ; C. S. P., 1699, § 790. Oct. 31. Draft of letter for governors, concerning pirates. C. 0. 324. 7, pp. 8.5-94 : C. S. P., 1699, § 909. Nov. 2. Instructions to Gov. Grey regarding St. Lucia. C. 0. 29, 6, pp. 350, 359; C. S. P., 1099, §§ 922, 939. Nov. 2. Complaint of Mears against Gov. Day, Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 4, pp. 233-234 ; C. S. P., 1699, § 916. Nov. 9. Fleet of ships of war to clear American coast of pirates. C. 0. 324, 7, pp. 106-109 ; C. .9. P., 1699, § 943. Nov. 10. Irregular pressing of seamen and landmen, Jamaica. C. O. 138, 9, pp. 399-402 ; C. S. P., 1699, § 946. Nov. IG. Ships of war not to carry off debtors or indentured servants. C. 0. 29. 7, pp. 1-3 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 968. No'<\ 22. Isaac Richier v. Nicholas Trott, Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 4, pp. 240-242 ; sec C. 8. P., 1699, § 988. Dec. 7. Gov. Codrington to recover goods plundered by Kidd. C. O. 153, 7, p. 22 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 1041. Dec. 14. Id., Beeston, Jamaica, salary. C. 0. 138, 9, p. 410 ; C. 8. P., 1699, § 1055. Dec. 14. Law officers for New York. C. 0. 5, 1116, pp. 438-440 ; 1079, no. 32 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 598. Dec. 21. On Dr. Coxe's title to Carolana. C. 0. 5, 1288, pp. 139-143 ; C. S. P., 1699, § 1082. 1700. Jan. 4. King's right and title to Toba.go. C. 0. 29, 7, pp. 15-20 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 9. Jan. 11. Dr. Coxe's memorial re.garding Carolana. C. 0. 5. 1288. p. 146 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 28. Jan. 11. Further directions to governors regarding pirates. C. 0. 324, 7, pp. 148-150 ; C. /S. P., 1700, § 29. Jan. IS. Scottish settlement at Darien. C. 0. 324, 7, pp. 152-159; C. 8. P., 1700, § 43. Jan. 25. Fortifications and barracks, St. John's, Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 2, pp. 339-340 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 54. 352 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIOlSr. Feb. 1. Letters to governors about pirates, with special reference to the latter for East and West Jersey. C. O. 324, 7, pp. 163-164 ; C. S. P., 1700, § 72. Feb. 15. Petitions of Sir Thomas Lawrence and others, for the government of Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 4, pp. 255-256 ; C. S. P., 1700, § 131. Feb. 28. On tlie misdemeanors of Gov. Day. C. O. 38, 4, pp. 261-264 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 173. Feb. 29. Terms proposed by Francis Burghill for the government of Bermuda not fit to be allowed. 0. 0. 38, 4, pp. 265-266 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 172. March 7. Proposals about Protestant refugees for Virginia. C. O. 5, 1359, pp. 391-392 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 199. March 13. Boundaries between New York and Connecticut. C 0. 5, 1117, pp. 99-104 ; 1079, no. 34 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 625. March 22. Advances made in the trade of England (House of Commons). C. O. 389, 17, pp. 20-37 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 244. March 28. Boundaries between New York and Connecticut. C. 0. 5, 1117, p. 121 : 1079, no. 35 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 267. March 28. Petition of Mr. Dupiu and others for a settlement on Tobago. C. 0. 29, 7, pp. 33-35 ; C -S. P., 1700, § 264. April S. Summary of Bellomont's report on Rhode Island. C. O. 5, 1288, pp. 1S4-1S6 : House of Lords M8S., V, 77 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 291. April 24. Letter from Bellomont about Indians. C. O. 5, 1117, pp. 198-213 ; 1079, no. 42 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 639. May 7. Commission for trial of pirates ; under great seal or Admiralty. C. 0. 324, 7. p. 202 : C. ,». P., 1700. § 401. May 8. Sir Thomas Day's defense of his son Gov. Day, Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 4, pp. 300-308 ; C. ,S'. P., 1700, § 411. May 8. Submit names of Capt. George Brook and other petitioners for govern- ment of Bermuda. C. O. 38, 4, pp. .^OS-309 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 410. May 8. Mary, stopped in New England by Bellomont, to proceed. C. O. 5, 909, pp. 16-17 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 407. May 8. Governors to secure the Bcckford galley and the pirates who seized her. C. 0. 324. 7, pp. 203, 297-299 (.Tunc 19) ; C. 8. P., 1700, §§ 406, 567. June 5. Passes for ships, regulations. C. 0. 324, 7, pp. 213-220 ; 3S9, 17, pp. 67-73 ; C. «'. P., 1700, § 497. June 5. Commissioners recommended for trial of pirates. C. 0. 324, 7, pp. 221-239 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 498. June 12. Security for governor of the Bahamas, Haskett. C. 0. 5, 1288, pp. 220-222. 238-239 (June 26) ; C. 8. P., 1700. §§ 539, 596. June 12. King's title to Dominica and trade of Royal African Company in Gambia. C. O. 29, 7, pp. 67-77 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 536. June 12. As to Lord Bellomont's salaries. C. O. 5, 909, pp. 25-27. 30-32 (June 22) ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 535. June 20. Appeal allowed in case of Cole and Bean, galley. C. 0. 5, 1288, pp. 239-240 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 595. June 28. Restitution of ship seized by the French while trading for negroes in Africa. C. 0. 389, 17, pp. 103-106: C. 8. P.. 1700, § 601. Aug. 2. Case against Lieut. -Gov. Norton of St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 7, pp. 63-64 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 684. Aug. 29. Imprisonment of Daniel Smith for piracy, Bermuda. C. O. 38, 5, pp. 58-62; C. 8. P., 1700, § 741. Oct. 3. Matthew Plowman's petition, New York. C. 0. 5, 1117, pp. 404-405 ; 1079, no. 49 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 811. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 353 Oct. 4. Bellomout's proposals. C. 0. 5, 1117, pp. 40.5-4.31 ; 1079, no. 51 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 700. Oct. 10. Mary, with lumber from New Hampshire to Portugal, to proceed. C. 0. 5, 909, p. 257 ; C. ,J>'. P., 1700, § 82S. Oct. 15. Upon the preservation of the King's timber in America. C. O. 5, 909, pp. 258-274 ; C. 8. P., 1700, § 841. Oct. 23. King's title to St. Lucia (Secretary of State). C. O. 29, 7, pp. 115-123; C. 8. P., 1700, §§ 856, 873. Dec. 4. As to validity of acts of Leeward Islands, passed on the death of Codrington. Null and void. C. O. 153, 7, pp. 125-128; C. S. P., 1700, § 969. 1701. Jan. 10. State of the forts in the northern colonies. C. O. 5, 1118, pp. 70-91 ; 1079, no. GO : V. Y. Col. Docts., IV, 830. Jan. 16. Deductions from soldier's pay, New York. C. O. 5, 1118, pp. 309-110; 1079, no. 64 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 41. Jan. 22. On claim of John Crown to Penobscot. C. O. 5, 909, pp. 349-350; C. 8. P., 1701, § 58. Jan. 23. Supplies for soldiers, Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 2, pp. 399-401 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § G2. Jan. 25. State of the forts, Bermuda, Bahamas, Leeward Islands (Secretary of State). C. O. 324, 7, pp. 363-368 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 79. Feb. 6. Delays of justice in Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 7, pp. 257-261 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 133. March 4. Draft of proclamation for apprehending pii'ates. C. 0. 324, 7, pp. 375-384 ; C. 5f. P., 1701, § 205. March 6. Four and a half per cent export duty for certain public uses in Bar- badoes. C. O. 29, 7, pp. 289-291 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 220. March 6. Commissions for vice-admiralty officers in Massachusetts and New York. C. O. Ills, pp. 214-215 ; 1079, no. 67 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 215. March 11. On delay of justice in Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 7, p. 299 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 246. March 2G. Charges against the proprietary and charter governments. C. O. 5, 1289, pp. 12-17 ; 1360, pp. 89-90 ; 726, p. 60 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 286. March 27. Review of the work of the boai'd (House of Commons). C. 0. 389. 17, pp. 107-191 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 287. April 10. Instructions about trying of pirates. C. O. 324, 7, p. 410; C. 8. P., 1701, § 324. April 23. Kelatiug to trade and courts of justice (House of Commons). C. 0. 324, 7, pp. 424-452 ; House of Lords M88., V, no. 1829. April 24. Petition of Samuel Allen, New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 909, pp. .399-401 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 365. April 29. Governors to be forbidden to receive presents. C. O. 324, 7, pp. 454-455 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 383. May 6. Lieut.-Gov. Norton of St. Christopher to be removed. C. O. 153, 7, pp. 167-168 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 405. May 8. Complaints against the proprietary and charter governments (House of Lords). C. 0. 5. 1289, pp. 66-68 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 420. May 21. Draft of a bill concerning religious worship in Maryland, to be passed by the assembly there. C. O. 5, 726, p. 66; C. 8. P., 1701, § 468. May 27. Appeal of John and Nicholas Hallam, Connecticut. C. 0. 5, 1289, pp. 100-101 ; C. 8. P.. 1701, § 481. 62513°— 15 23 354 AMEEICAX HISTOFJCAL ASSOCIATION. June 19. Petitions for jjlaces of lieutenant governors of St. Christopher and Montserrat. C. 0. 153, 7, pp. 188-190 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 556. July 9. Merchant ships in West Indies wearing H. M. colors. C. O. 324, 8, pp. 5-7 ; C. S. P., 1701, § 629. July 24. Stores of war for Jamaica. C. O. 138, 10, pp. 237-240 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 667. Sept. 3. Case of ship carrying logwood direct from Campeacliy to Leghorn. • C. O. 389, 17, pp. 231-234 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 818. Oct. 2. Long account of East and West New Jersey. V. O. 5, 1289, pp. 244-258 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 916. Oct. 16. Article in projected treaty with Morocco (passes) not to be inserted. C. O. 389, 17, pp. 236-237 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 954. Dec. 12. Irregularities in administration of justice, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 7, pp. 444-453 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 1074. Dec. 22. Secretary of Virginia to reside at Williamsburg. C. O. 5, 1360, pp. 98-100 ; C. 8. P., 1701, § 1107. 1702. Jan. 6. Surrender of the government of the Jerseys. C. O. 5, 1289, pp. 319-321 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 7. Jan. 8. Concerning firelocks for Nevis. C. 0. 153, 7, pp. 333-334 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 18. Jan. 24. Upon the state of defense of the several plantations in America. C. 0. 324, 8, pp. 87-63 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 55. Jan. 28. On constitution of courts of Chancery and Errors in Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 7, pp. 469-473 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 62. Jan. 31. As to the trade, security, and governors of the plantations (House of Commons). C. 0. 389, 37, pp. 241-308; C. 8. P., 1702, § 76. Feb. 5. Case of Mr. Freeman, St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 7, pp. 389-398 ; C. -S. P., 1702, § 95 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 49. Feb. 5. Proceedings in connection with trade, during 1700 and 1701, with returns of exports and imports from plantations (House of Commons). C. 0. 389, 17, pp. 235-297 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 97. Feb. 13. Complaint against Codrington, Nevis estate, Shipman and others. C. 0. 153, 7, pp. 400-408, 410-414 (Feb. 23) ; C. 8. P., 1702, §§ 113, 140. Feb. 16. Similar to that of Feb. 5, above (House of Lords). C. 0. 389, 14, pp. 299-386; 389, 37, pp. 310-415; House of Lords M88., IV, 436-463; C. 8. P., 1702, § 117. March 6. Stores and ordnance for Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 3, pp. 38-40 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 179. March 16. Regarding complaints of courts of justice in the plantations (House of Commons). C. 0. 324, 8, pp. 75-77 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 201. March 17. Upon the state of Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 3, pp. 55-62 ; C. «-. P., 1702, § 207. March 26. Small arms for Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1335, pp. 1-3 ; 1360, pp. 129-131 ; C. 8. P.. 1702, § 252. April 17. Relating to the application of the four and a half per cent. C. 0. 29, 7, pp. 507-517; 8, pp. 15-23 (April 29) ; C. ^«!'. P., 1702, § 349. April 17. Upon the general state of plantation defense. C. O. 324, 8, pp. 116-145 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 348. May 18. On Virginia address relating to assistance for New York. C. 0. 5, 1360, pp. 174-178 ; 1335, no. 17 ; C. S. P., 1702, § 497. May 21. Regarding the four and a half per cent. C. O. 29, 8, p. 31 ; 153, 7, p. 440 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 515. May 29. Case of Jeroniniy Clifford. C. 0. 389, 40, pp. 133-135 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 542. EEPEESEXTATIONS OF THE BOAED OF TEADE. 355 June 8. Virginia's assistance for New York. C. 0. 5, 1360, pp. 379-lSO; 1335, no. 33; C. 8. P., 1702, § 579. June 16. Remonstrance from Baliamas against Gov. Haskett. C. 0. 5, 1290, pp. 2f^-32 ; C. ,S'. P., 1702, § 604 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 64. June 18. The present state of Jamaica. C. O. 138, 10, pp. 340-341 ; C. S. P., 1702, § 627. June 25. On petitions for and against Gov. Hamilton's being appointed gov- ernor of New Jersey. C. O. 5. 994, pp. 18-21 : 1290, pp. 02-65, 102-103 (July 7) ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 664. June 26. Advising confirmation of appointment by the proprietaries of Nathan- iel John.son as governor, Carolina. C. 0. 5, 1290, pp. 92-93 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 671. Aug. 21. For security of Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 8, pp. 198-199 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 885. Aug. 22. Petition of Gov. Haslcett, the Bahamas. C. 0. 5, 1290, pp. 194-197 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 891. Oct. 28. On the woolen manufactory, in part referring to the plantations. C. 0. 412, 548, pp. 504-518 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 1103. Nov. 11. Regarding Hamilton as governor of Pennsylvania. C. 0. 5, 1290, pp. 237-239, 240-241 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 1141. Nov. 18. On the state of trade since the last session of Parliament (House of Lords). C. O. 389, 18, pp. 3-24 ; House of Lords M88., V, no. 1829; C. 8. P., 1702, § 1165. Nov. 24. Irregularities and state of Rhode Island. C. O. 5, 1290, pp. 224-248 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 1184 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 75. Nov. 26. Upon appeals from Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 8, pp. 263-264 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 1194 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 76. Nov. -28. Relating to the Proprieties, duties on dyeing wares, and Newfound- land, with lists (House of Lords). C. 0. 5, 1290, pp. 250-252, 253-258 ; House of Lords M88., V, no. 1829 ; C. 8. P., 1702, § 1202. Dec. 3. Gov. Dudley to receive present from New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 910, pp. 302-303 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 8. 1703. Jan. 18. On an act touching religious worship in Maryland. C. 0. 5, 726, pp. 170-172 ; C. ,S. P., 1702-1703, § 201. Jan. 21. Various regulations for the government of Pennsylvania. C. 0. 5, 1290, pp. 285-2SS, 302-305; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 218. Feb. 19. Petitions of Newfoundland traders. C. 0. 195, 3, pp. 161-164; C. 8. P., 1702-1703. § .342. Feb. 25. Requesting that her Majesty's picture and arms be sent to the colonies for their council chambers. C. 0. 324, 8, pp. 214-215; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 374. Feb. 25. Packet bo;it service with the colonies. C. O. 5, 1084, no. 15 ; 324, 8, pp. 215-218 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 373. March 4. Incorporation of Sir Matthew Dudley and others. C. O. 5, 910, pp. 404-409 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 404. March 4. Gov. Codrington to receive a present from the assembly, Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 8, pp. 139-140 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 407. March 5. Claims of children of the late Lord Stirling. C. O. 5, 1119, pp. 38S-3R9 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 416 ; .4. P. C. Col., VI, § 91. March 18. Lord Cornbury to receive present, New York. C. 0. 5, 1119, pp. 430-431 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 471. March 19. Relating to the defense and security of Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 3, pp. 204-207; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 479. April 2. Salaries of the plantation governors and the presents made them. C. 0. 324, 8, pp. 229-240 ;C. 8. P., 17p2-1703, § 536. 356 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. April 2. On Lord Cornbury's letters relating to the state of New York. C. O. 5, 1119, pp. 442-450 ; C. S. P., 1702-1703, § 533. April 9. Samuel Allen's title to lands in New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 910, pp. 450-453, 454-456, 463 (April 16) ; C. S. P., 1702-1703, § 564. April 16. Drafts of letters to the governors with regard to their salaries, etc. C. O. 324, 8, p. 243 ; C. S. P., 1702-1703, § 578. April 23. On Dudley's letters with reference to the state of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 911, pp. 6-14 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 611. April 23. Removing Gov. Partridge (New Hampshire) in favor of Usher. C. 0. 5, 911, pp. 4-5 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 612. April 29. Relating to George Larkin's being detained in Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 5, pp. 376-378 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 628. May 13. Drafts of letters for Dudley, Massachusetts, and for the lieutenant governor of Bermuda. C. 0. 5, 911, pp. 41-42 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 687, June 4. On Yaughan's petition against John Usher. C. 0. 5, 911, pp. 52-54, 62-64; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, §§ 789, 793. June 4. Convoys for Virginia and Maryland. C. O. 5, 1360, pp. 393-396 ; not calendared. June 16. Instructions for Dudley and Usher touching Allen's dispute. C. O. 5, 911, pp. 65-69 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 830. July 7. On appointment of an attorney general for Virginia. C. O. 5, 1360, pp. 399-400 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 889. July 7. Upon the authority and methods of api^eal of vice-admiralty courts in the plantations. C. 0. 324, 8, pp. 257-258 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 890, July 9. No objection to John Evans as deputy governor of Pennsylvania. C. 0. 5, 1290, pp. 350-352 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 904. July 16. On letters from Dudley relating to Massachusetts Bay, New Hamp- shire, and Rhode Island. C. O. 5, 911, pp. 92-95 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 922. July 22. Trade instructions for Penn; Evans's appointment. C. 0. 5, 1290, pp. 356-357 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 937. Oct. 15. Memorial of the officers of the two regiments at Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 11, pp. 43-48; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 1149. Oct. 29. Recommend that governors in the northern plantations send ships of war in winter as convoys to the southern islands. Also comment on Dutch and Spanish trade in the islands. C. O. 152, 39, fo. 208 ; 324, 8, pp. 262-266 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 1208. Nov. 23. Relating to the rates of foreign coins in the plantations. C. O. 324, 8, pp. 282-284 ; C. 8. P., 1702-1703, § 1299. Dec. 16. Account of state of trade. C. 0. 412, 549, pp. 69-169; 3S9, 18, pp. 60-154; C. 8. P., 1702-170.3, § 1390; House of Lords MSS., V, § 1951 ; Bulletin, N. Y. Public Library, XI, 469-497. 1704. Jan. 13. Upon the revenue acts in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 11, pp. 102-lOG; .). P. C. Co!., II. § 919, p. 835. Jan. 13. On irregularities in Rhode Island, also for repealing an act relating to an admiralty court there. C. 0. 5, 1290, pp. 413-416; A. P. C. Col., II, § 917; VI, § 112. Jan. 14. On levying the four and a half per cent, in the French part of St. Christopher. C. 0. 153. 8, pp. 2.36-2.38; A. P. C. Col, II, § 914. Jan. 26. Share of the Lord High Admiral of prizes in the plantations. C. O. 324, 8, pp. 331-333. Feb. 3. Gov. Granville's house rent in Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 8, pp. 376-377 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 918. EEPEESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 357 Feb. 16. Draft of letter to the governors relating to distribution of prizes. C. O. 324, 8, p. 346. Feb. 16. On letters from Gov. Dudley relating to refusal of assistance by Connecticut and Rhode Island. C. O. 5, 911, pp. 206-208 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 922. Feb. 16. Draft of a letter to governor juid company of Rhode Island. C. O. 5. 1290, p. 438 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 917. Feb. 16. Stores of war for Massachusetts. A. P. C. Col., II, § 920. Feb. 21. Stores of war for Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 8, p. 253 ; A. P. C. Col., II, 921. March 2. /(/., Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 8, p. 396 ; A. P. C. Col., II, 923. March 9. Petition of James Cowes, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 8, pp. 400-408; A. P. C. Col, II, § 816. March 9. Complaint of Nicholas Hallam, Connecticut, on behalf of tLe Mohe- gan Indians. C. O. 5, 1290, pp. 453-457; A. P. C. Col., II, § 925; VI, § 118. March 23. iJrafts of letters to Connecticut and Rhode Island on their refusal to assist Massachusetts Bay. C. O. 5, 1290, p. 479 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 922. March 23. Upon an order in Council touching Mr. Bridger's accounts. C. O. 5, 911, pp. 224-225, also pp. 237-238 (April 6) ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 90S. March 23. Relating to Newfoundland — fortifications, engineers, convoys, musters, provisions. C. O. 195, 3, pp. 2S9-293; A. P. C. Col, II, § 926. April 4. Petition of Edward Jones, provost marshal and secretary of Bar- badoes. G. O. 38, 5, pp. 468-469 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 910. April 4. Charter for Thomas Byfield and others, naval stores. C. O. 5, 1291, pp. 1-2 ; .4. P. C. Col, II, § 930. May IS. Relating to the production of naval stores in the plantations. C. 0. 5, 911, pp. 291-296; 3 (a bundle), 4 pp. June 13. Regarding negroes of Peter Van Belle, St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 8, pp. 312-314 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 924. June 13. On complaints against Gov. Nicholson, Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1360, pp. 479-482; A. P. C. Col, II, § 027. June 21. Present of £2000 to heir-at-law of late Gov. Selwyn. C. 0. 138, 11, pp. 278-279 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 937. July 10. Letter from Gov, Dudley relating to state of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 911, pp. 358-364 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 940. July 13. Renewal of commission for trial of pirates. C. O. 324, 8, pp. 481^83 ; A. P. C. Col, II, 342. Sept. 20. Memorial of merchants trading to Barbadoes; also of the Royal African Company relating to convoys. C. U. 29, 8, pp. 483-484 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 948, Oct. 26. Relating to a privilege assumed by the councilors of Barbadoes, whereby they shelter themselves from prosecution for debt. C. 0. 29, 9, pp. 69-75 ; A. P. C. Col II, § 949 ; VI, § 124, Nov. 7, Stores of war for Massachusetts Bay, C. 0. 5, 751, pp. 211-214 ; 911, pp. 399^04 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 951. Nov. 9. Ship Expectation to return from Virginia without convoy. C. 0. 5, 1381, pp. 41-43 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 916. Nov. 16. Petition of four suspended councilors, Barbadoes. C. 0. 20, 9, pp. 96-97; cf. House of Lords Mf?S!.. VI, 375-380; -1. P. C. Col, II, § 947. Nov. 23. Complaints against Gov. Granville, Barbadoes. C. 0. 20, 9, pp. 102-104 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 949. 358 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Nov. 25. Relating to the French being served with provisions from St. Thomas. C. 0. 153, 9, pp. 48-51. Nov. 30. Account of the state of trade (House of Lords). House of Lords M88., no. 18. Dec. 15. On New York act declaring illegal the proceedings against Bayard and Hutchins. C. O. 5, 1120, pp. 233-234 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 875. 1705. Jan. 10. Want of convoys for Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 9, pp. 75-76. Jan. 10. Petition from Robert Livingston, New York. C 0. 5, 1120, pp. 240-241 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 954. Jan. 11. Letter to Gov. Dudley, Massachusetts Bay. C. 0. 5, 911, p. 408. Jan. 25. Convoys for next year's trade to Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 3, pp. 400-402. Feb. 20. As to members absenting themselves from the assembly of Barba- does. C. 0. 29, 9, p. 185, 227-275 (March 29) ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 947. Feb. 22. Want of stores in New York. C. O. 5, 1120, pp. 271- 274 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 9G0. March 1. Recruits for the four companies, New York. C. O. 5, 1120, pp. 275-27G; A. P. C. Col, II, § 962. March 2. Regarding ships sailing without convoy. C. O. 5, 3, 2 pp. ; ISei, pp. 55-56. March 29. Complaints against Gov. Granville, Barbadoes. A. P. C. Col, VI, § 130. April 5. Relating to the settling of ports, etc., Virginia. C. O. 5, 1361, pp. 104-107 ; A. P. G. Col, II, § 965. April 2G. Trial of Lieut. Henly, Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 6, pp. 114-110; A. P. C. Col, II, § 968. May 26. On petition of merchants of Virginia and Maryland complaining of practices in the tobacco trade to Russia. C. O. 5, 1361, pp. 226-230 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 971. June 15. Complaints against Gov. Granville, Barbadoes. C. O. 20, 9, pp. 317-318 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 978 ; VI, 37. Oct. 5. Submitting that an act of Connecticut relating to heretics should be repealed. C. O. 5, 1291, pp. 210-211 ; A. P. C. Col, II, 832. Oct. 22. Complaint of George Lillington of proceedings of court of oyer and terminer in Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 9, pp. 3S6-3S8 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 976 ; VI, § 137. Nov. 14. Upon a petition of New England merchants for a person to instruct in naval stores. C. O. 5, 911, pp. 477-478. Nov. 29. On letter received from Gov. Seymour relative to a combination in Maryland against the government. C. 0. 5, 726, pp. 339-344 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 982. Dec. 13. Regarding proceedings against Col. Maycock in Barbadoes. C. O. 20, 9, pp. 456-458; A. P. C. Col, 11, § 977. Dec. 20. Relative to the misfeasances of the charter governments. C. O. 5, 912, pp. 65-68 ; 1291, pp. 238-253 (Jan. 10, 1706) ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 952 ; VI, § 139. ITOG. Jan. 16. State of the trade and fishery, Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 4, pp. 105-120. Jan. 16. Id., to the House of Commons. Brit. Mus., Egerton, 921, fos. 3-8. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, 359 Jan. 23. On an address of the assembly of Virginia against Robert Quary. C. O. 5, 1361, pp. 431-433. Jan. 24. Connnission's report on the Mohegan case, Connecticut. C. O. 5, 912, pp. 111-113; A. P. C. Col., II, § 925, Feb. 14. Defense of Newfoundland. C. 0. 105, 4, pp. 195-207, 219-230; A. P. C. Col., II, § 991. Feb. 21. To require that the fishery admirals keep a journal. C. 0. 195, 4, pp. 208-209 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 993. March 19. Petition of the assembly of Bermuda against Edward Jones, secre- tary and provost marshal, C. 0. 38, 6, pp. 170-171 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 910. April 8, Col. Ingoldesby's commission as lieutenant governor of New Yoi-k. C. O. 5, 1120, pp. 447-449, 452-154 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 99G. April 26. Upon memorials of Quary relative to convoys and the tobacco trade, C. O. 5, 3 (bundle), 13 pp.; 1362, pp. 44-53. May 24. The present state of the Bahamas. C, O, 5, 1291, pp. 387-392 ; 23, 12, fo. 80 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1004. May 24. Complaints of the inhabitants of Carolina. C. 0. 5, 1291, pp. 382-386 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1002. June 26. Commissioners for review in the Mohegan case. C. 0. 5, 1291, pp. 411-413 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 925, July 4. Regarding lowering of duty on bottled beer imported into Jamaica. C. O. 138, 11, pp. 489-491 ; 12, pp. 7-9 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1005. Oct. 17. Regarding Land Bank, Barbadoes, A. P. C. Col., VI, §§152, 181. Nov, 22. Mr. Hodges, suspended from the practice of law iii Barbadoes, to be restored. C. 0. 29, 10, pp. .352-353; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1009. Dec. 3. Proposal by Richard Butler and others for ensuring an annual con- sumption of English wool by clothing slaves and servants with linsey- woolsey. C. 0. 324, 9, pp. 131-133 ; A. P. C. Coh, II, § 1003 ; VI, § 150 (d). Dec. 11. For confirming Walter Hamilton lieutenant governor of Nevis, Michael Lambert of St. Christopher, and recommending Parke for next vacancy. C. 0. 153, 9, pp. 422-424 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1030. Dec. 20. Convoys for Virginia and Maryland. C. 0. 5, 1362, pp, 88-90*; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1016. 1707. Jan. 14. Four and a half per cent, export duty in Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 10, pp, 384-380 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1012 ; VI, § IGl. Jan, 23. Trade and fishery of Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 4, pp. 341-357, Jan, 29. The needs of Newfoundland, garrison, provisions, and convoys (a " yearly duty "). C. O. 195, 4, pp. 363-364 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1015 ; VI, § 163, Jan. 29. Commission of review on the Mohegan case. C. 0. 5, 1291, p. 437 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 925. Feb. 19. Recruits needed for Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 12, pp. 65-66; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1018. April 3. Mr. Squire to practise law in Barbadoes, C. O. 29, 10, pp. 433-434 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1020. April 3. Complaints against John Pogson, St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 9, pp. 477-478 ; A. P. C. Col, II., § 1024, April 22. Additional instructions for governors to prevent disputes between presidents and councilors on death of governors. C. 0. 324, 9, p. 137 ; A. P. C. Col, II, p. 791. April 22. Upon petition of Samuel Vetch and others against six acts passed in Massachusetts Bay imposing fines. C. 0. 5. 912, pp. 354-357 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1017. 360 amekicajSt historical association. May 28. Complaints against Col. Sharpe, president of the council of Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 11, pp. 2-24, 37-46 (June 10) ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1022. June 10. Ilelatiug to the disobedience of the proprietary and charter govern- ments to the royal proclamation about foreign coin. C. 0. 324, 9, pp. 143-145. June 13. Complaints against Mr. Cox, chief judge of court of oyer and terminer, Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 11, pp. 48-62 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1021. June 17. Upon the appointment of Robert Holden to be governor of the Bahamas. C. O. 5, 1292, pp. 6-9 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1060. July 1. Relating to the tobacco trade. C. O. 5, 1362, pp. 240-247 (cf. p. 24) ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1044. July 7. Suppression of the privateers of Martinique and Guadeloupe. C. 0. 153, 10, pp. 29-33 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1037. July 21. Thomas Barrow, to practise law in Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 12, pp. 123-126; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1032 A; VI, f 177. July 29. Upon two acts of New York. C. 0. 5, 1121, pp. 83-98 ; N. Y, Col. Docts., Y, 21 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 182. Oct. 23. Complaints of Sir Thomas Lawrence, president of the council and acting governor, about licenses in Maryland. C. O. 5, 726, pp. 482-488 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1042. Oct. 23. Complaints of Mr. Budge against the governor of New York. C. O. 5, 1121, pp. 99-103 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1041. Nov. 27. Regarding petitions of merchants complaining of losses through ill- timing of convoys (House of Lords). House of Lords MSS., no. 33. 1708. Jan. 22. Annual needs of Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 4, pp. 430-433 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1045. 4pril 1. Petition of Mr. Benger and wife regarding dispossession of a planta- tion, Ferrylaud, Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 5, pp. 25-29 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1048. April 27. Complaint of James Whitchurch of Jamaica of the escheat of a negro woman and her children. C. 0. 138, 12, pp. 245-252 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1065 ; VI, § 193. April 28. Settling of the Palatines on the Hudson River. C. O. 324, 9, pp. 177-180 ; A. P. G. Col., II, § 1062. May 19. Regarding the trade and fishery of Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 5, pp. 34-43 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1063. June 15. Escheat case in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 12, pp. 265-272 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1059. June 22. Weak defense of Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 11, pp. 256-258 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1054. June 28. Petitions for office of attorney and advocate general. New York. C. O. 5, 1121, pp. 274-281 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., V. 49. July 8. Complaints of A. Skene, secretary of Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 11, pp. 272-280 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1082 ; VI, § 197. Nov. 8. Addresses and memorials from New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 913, pp. 9-14 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1074 ; VI, § 205. Dec. 1. Memorial of Samuel Vetch, with a scheme for driving the French out of North America. C. O. 324, 9, pp. 269-279. Dec. 3. Petition of Mr. Pindar relating to passes for four ships to trade for negroes between Barbadoes and New Spain. C. O. 29, 11, pp. 33.3-336. Dec. 3. Complaints ag.iinst Gov. Crowe, Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 11, pp. 338-340; A. P. C. Col., II, §§ 1075, 1076; VI, § 211. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 361 1709. Jan. 7. Relntina; to the patenting of lands in Virginia and the boundaries be- tween Virginia and Carolina. C. 0. 5, 1362, pp. 329-335, 341-348; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1079. Jan. 19. Petition of Mr. Pilgi'im praying to be restored to an estate in Bar- badoes. C. 0. 29, 11, pp. 372-373; A. P. C. Col., II, p, 577-578; cf. VI, § 211. Jan. 19. Necessaries wanting at Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 5, pp. 72-75 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1078. Jan. 27. Long account of the state of the trade to Africa, with references to the plantations (House of Commons). C. 0. .".90. 12, pp. 172-239. with psipors to 282. Feb. 2. Distressed state of the Bahamas. C. 0. 5, 1292, pp. 92-95; 2:;, 12 (bundle), 4 pp.; A. P. C. Col., II, 551; cf. Yl, §§ 208, 212. Feb. 11. Gov. Crowe's answer to the councilors. C. 0. 29, 11, pp. 410-415 ; A. P. C. Col, II, 576. Feb. 14. Complaints of Mrs. Bowden against Gov. Parke. C. O. 153, 10, pp. 305-307; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1058; VI, § 214. Feb. IS. Petition of Mr. Skene, secretary of Barbadoes, relative to complaints against him. C. O. 29, 11, pp. 403-409, 444-447 (April IS) ; A. P. C. Col, II. § 1082; VT, § 216. March 14. Commission for settling the boundaries between Virginia and Carolina. C. 0. 5, 1362, pp. 358-360; A. P. C. Col, II, 588, March 24. Petition of George Gordon, provost marshal of Barbadoes, com- plaining of acts of assembly. C. 0. 29, 11, pp. 428-434, 458-459 (June 3) ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1093. June 2. State of H. M. pretensions to places in the West Indies now in the hands of the French, and of those places taken on either side during the late war. C. 0. 324, 9, pp. 294-305, and with appendices, to 399. July 8. Complaints against Gov. Parke. C. O. 153, 10, pp. 303-364. Aug. 2. Petition of Mr. Bentley, relative to a lawsuit in Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 11, pp. 480-482 : .4. P. C. Col, II, § 1099. Aug. 19. Complaints against Gov. Crowe. C. 0. 29, 12, pp. 13-19 ; .".lO, 1, pp. 101-104 ; A. P. C. Col, II, 577. Aug. 25. Id., petition of John Sober. C. O. 29, 12, pp. 20-22 ; .1. P. C. Col, II, § 1101. Aug. 30. Proposing the settling of poor Palatines in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 12, pp. 440-445 ; A. P. G. Col, II, § 1126. Sept. 2. Assumption by Ingoldesby of the government of New York on the death of Lovelace. C. O. 5, 1121, pp. 398-399; .4. P. C. Col, VI, § 226. Sept. 6. Seizure of goods in Carolina, belonging to some Indian traders of Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1362, pp. 415-419; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1106. Nov. 9. Upon settling Palatines in Jamaica. C. 0. 13S, 13, pp. 16-29. Nov. 9. Petition of I>ieut-Gov. Hamilton to be appointed lieutenant general of the Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 10, pp. 38.3-385 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1143. Dec. 5. Gov. Hunter's proposals for settling Palatines in New York. C. O. 5, 1121, p. 473 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1136. Dec. 19. Draft of an act for preservation of mast trees in New Hampshire. C. O. 324, 9, pp. 416-417 ; 5, 3 (bundle), 2 pp. (copy of the same annexed to a I'-tter of a year later, Nov. 10, 1710, as they fear it has been neglected). 362 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIOIn^. Dec. 19. Relating to the trade with Africa (indicates tlie number of negroes to each plantation since 1698 or 1G99). C. 0. 389, 21, pp. 7-16. 1710. Feb. 14. On the pitch and tar trade to Sweden, and advising their manufacture in the plantations. C O. 5, 3 (bundle), 11 pp. (copy), 12 pp.; 389, 21, pp. 61-71. Feb. 15. On complaints (from Whitehaven) of illegal trade in tobacco carried on by the Isle of ;Man. C. 0. 389, 21, pp. 71-74. Feb. 23. Present state of Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 5, pp. 133-139. March 14. On illegal trade (West Indies) by flags of truce. Pouch and Gashet. C. 0. 153, 11, pp. 4-9 ; A. P. C. Col., § 1110. March 14. Hardships of Sir Thomas Lawrence as secretary of Maryland. C. 0. 5, 727, pp. 171-175 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1130. June 15. Capt. Edward Cowley and the intended settlement of Tobago. C. 0. 29, 12, pp. 107-109; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1117. Sept. 20. Relating to the resettlement and fortifying of the Bahamas. G. 0. 5, 1292, pp. 220-222 ; A. P. C. Col., II, 551. Oct. 26. On patentees seating their lands in New York within three years. G. 0. 5, 1122, pp. 193-194, 200-201 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1125. Oct. 31. Relating to escheats found for her Majesty in Jamaica in 1709. C. 0. 138, 13, pp. 296-207 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1126 ; VI, § 235. Dec. 18. State of defense and trade of Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 5, pp. 177-190. 1711. Jan. 26. On the manufacture of steel and iron in the kingdom ; advise that no drawback be allowed on the reexportation. C. O. 5, 4, fo. 3, 2 pp. Feb. 1. On the African trade, the Company v. the separate traders, with refer- ence to Earbadoes and Jamaica. G. O. 389, 21, pp. 442-457. Feb. 8. Production of naval stores, and settlement of Palatines in New York. C. 0. 5, 1122, pp. 268-276; A. P. C. Col. II, § 1136. Feb. 12. James Campbell's losses in Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 5, pp. 193-201 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1089. Feb. 13. Penn's memorial relating to his surrender of the government of the province. C. 0. 5, 1292, pp. 255-261 ; 8. P. Dom. Entry Book, 245, pp. 237-242 ; cf. A. P. C. Col., VI, § 3S2. Feb. 16. Settlement of a revenue at New York. • C. 0. 5, 1122, pp. 278-286 ; A. P. C. Col, II, 642. Feb. 22. INIr. Craven as governor of Carolina. C. 0. 5, 1292, pp. 2G5-266. Feb. 22. Boundaries between Virginia and Carolina. C. 0. 5, 1363, pp. 252-261 ; 1335, no page, 12 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., II, 588. March 1. Disputes at St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 11, pp. 109-114. March 15. Draft of a revenue bill, New York. C. 0. 5, 1122, pp. 299-300 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., V, 197. March 21. Pupers relating to sloop St. James, Barbadoes. C. 0. .38, 7, p. 5 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1133. March 21. Naval stores and Palatines. r. O. 324, 9, pp. 455-480 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1136. April 13. Trade instructions for Carolina. C. 0. 5, 1292, pp. 273-274. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 363 April 17. Goverumont of the Virgin Islands. C. 0. 153, 11, pp. 285-289 ; 314, 1, fos. 36-38 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1152. April 19. Complaint of Edward Buncombe, Montserrat. C. 0. 15.';, 11, pp. 289-293; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1141. May 8. Address from council and assembly of Maryland against governor as custodian of the seal. C. O. 5, 727, pp. 251-253 ; A. P. C. Col., II, 633. May 8. Id., gauge for tobacco hogsheads. C. O. 5, 727, pp. 245-250 ; A. P. C. Col., II, G30. July 12. Edward Hyde as governor of North Carolina. C. O. 5, 1292, pp. 313-315; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1145. July 19. Petition from son of Gov. Seymour, Maryland. C. 0. 5, 727, pp. 278-2S0; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1148. July 26. Petition from Loi'd Baltimore about the nomination of governors for Maryland. C. O. 5, 727, pp. 291-293. Nov. 13. Refusal of assembly of New York to raise money for the support of the government. C. 0. 5. 1122, pp. 452-456 ; A. P. C. Col., II, 642. Nov. 29. That the governor of the Leeward Islands be admitted into the councils of each. C. O. 153, 11, p. 407. Dec. 3. Debentures for the suffei'ers at Nevis and St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 11, pp. 408-410; 10 Anne, c. 34; Guide, I, 217-218; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1069. 1712. Feb. 15. Relating to the want of a fund for supplying the plantations with stores of war. C. 0. 324, 10, pp. 1-2. Feb. 21. Petition of Simpson and Gandy ; unjust prosecution by the collector at Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 13, pp. 386-390; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1153. Feb. 28. Compbiints against Jones, secretary of Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 7, pp. 34-35 \ A. P. C. Col., II, § 1205, March 12. Proposing Tobias Bowles as governor of Maryland. C. 0. 5, 727, pp. 312-313. March 15. Settlement of the African trade — negroes for the plantations. C. 0. 889, 22, pp. 447^51. Nov. 7. Petition of Mr. Onslow and others, merchants of Jamaica, regarding a debt due to them from the factors of the Asiento. C. O. 138, 13, pp. 404-407; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1177. Nov. 20. Dispute between Gov. Lowther and Secretary Skene of Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 12, pp. 444-449 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1163. Nov. 25. Uix)n a representation from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel regarding hardships of T. Poyer, New York. C. O. 5, 1123, pp. 60-62 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1168. Dec. 19. Ilnrd.^hips of A'irginia Iiidinn traders. C. 0. 5, 1363, pp. 437-439; 1335 (bundle), 3i pp. 1713. May 7. Nomination of Robert Johnson, governor of South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 1292, p. 379. May 18. Id., Charles Eden, North Carolina. C. 0. 5. 1292, pp. 382-383. May 28. Privileges of members of the assembly of Jamaica, Saunders's case. C. 0. 138, 13, pp. 428-430 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1184. 364 AMEEICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION". 1714. Jan. 15. New England complaints against Spanish seizures of ships at Tortudas. C. O. 5, 913, pp. 464-467. Feb. 9. Trade complained of between New England and Surinam, as it affects the sugar plantations. C. O. 5, 913, pp. 469-471 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1200. March 12. Recommending pardon of John Fryday, under sentence of death in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 14, pp. 94-95. March 12. Reconsidering case of Simpson and Gandy. C. O. 138, 14, pp. 92-93. May 5. Settling the late French part of St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 12, pp. 118-126, 183-186 (Feb. 24, 1715) ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1210. Aug. 6. Submitting draft for proclaiming King George in the plantations. C. O. 324, 10, pp. 51-52 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 253. Sept. 2. Upon the making of temporary laws in the plantations, so as to evade the King's prerogative. C. 0. 5, 1292, pp. 418-421 ; A. P. C. Col., II, 616. 1715. March 4. Lord Baltimore and the appointment of Gov. Hart of Maryland. G. 0. 5, 727, pp. 444-445. March 17. How Nova Scotia may be made of use and advantage to this kingdom. C. 0. 218, 1, pp. 171-183. April 25. Instructions for Gov. Hamilton of Jamaica, with a state of the island. C. O. 1.38, 14, pp. 221-229 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1224. May 3. Settlement and disposal of the late French part of St. Christopher. ' C. 0. 239, 1, fos. 78-81 ; 153, 12, pp. 192-199 ; A. P. C. Col.. II, § 1210. May 4. Claims of French Pi-otestants in St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 12, pp. 200-210; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1210. July 6. Taking off duties on timber imported from America, with tables annexed. C. O. 5, 4, fo. 46 ; 914, pp. 56-60. Sept. 2. Address from council and burgesses of Virginia on decrease of two shillings per hogshead revenue and praying for relief out of the quit- rents. C. 0. 5, 1364, pp. 239-244 ; 1335, no page, 4 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1234. Sept. 9. Settlement of Virgin Islands. C. O. 153, 12, pp. 335-337 ; A. P. C. Col., II, 656. Sept. 16. Cargo of Three Sisters seized at Antigua. C. 0. 153, 12, pp. 347-.350: A. P. C. Col., II, § 1241. Dec. 14. State of the Bahamas. C. 0. 5, 1292, pp. 492-503; 23, 12 (bundle), 7S pp.; A. P. G. Col., II, § 1232. 1716. March 2. Abuses committed in the trade and fishery of Newfoundland with proposals. G. 0. 195, 6, pp. 242-261. May 15. More about the Virgin Islands. C. 0. 153, 12, pp. 384-388; A. P. C. Col., II, 656. June 22. Stores of war for the Leeward Islands. C. O. 153. 12, pp. 419-420: A. P. C. Col.. II, § 1255. July 28. Case of Page and Arlington against Gov. Hamilton of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 14, pp. 457-458 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1260. EEPRESENTATIOXS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 365 Aug. 16. Petition of Col. Partridge relative to a grant of land .nnd a settlement to the eastward of New England. C. O. 5, 915, pp. 6-11 ; .1. P. C. Col., II, § 1259. Aug. 17. Petition. Liddale and Clayton, about lands in the French part of St. Christopher. C. O. 230, 1, fo. 01, 2 pp. ; A. P. C. Col, II, 684. Oct. 16. Appointment of William Keith deputy governor of Pennsylvania. C. 0. 5, 1293, pp. 29-,S0; .4. P. C. Col, II, 803. Nov. 22. Id., Robert Johnson, South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 1293, pp. 34-36 ; A. P. C. Col, II, 794. Nov. 22. Upon an order in Council relating to petition of Mr. Thompson in behalf of Gov. Hamilton of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 15, pp. 47-49 ; A. P. C. Col.. II, § 1261. Dec. 14. Ordnance stores in Leeward Islands and four and a half per cent, in Barbadoes. C. 0. 153, 12, pp. 470-474 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1255 ; VI, § 273. Dec. 17. Instructions for Gov. Keith of Pennsylvania (sent to Mr. Peun). C. 0. 5, 1293, pp. 53-54. Dec. 20. Duport's petition, lands in St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 12, pp. 475-479; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1235; cf. VI, § 275 (Thauvett's case). 1717. March 28. Naval stores from the plantations, with accounts annexed. C. O. 5, 4, no. 69, 16 and 5 pp. : 380, 26, pp. 72-86 ; 390, 12, pp. 85-108. May 6. Complaint of irregularities at Newfoundland, by Weston and Cleeves, fishing admii'als at St. Peters. C. 0. 195, 6, pp. 316-321 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1265. July 26. Proposals of Capt. Woodes Rogers relative to the Bahamas. C. 0. 5, 1293, pp. 108-112; 23, 12 (bundle), fo. 105. Aug. 9. Right to the Virgin Islands against claim by Danish envoy. C. 0. 153, 13, pp. 67-75 ; 314, 1, fos. 64-67. Aug. 16. Memorial of Gov. Hamilton relative to money advanced, etc. C. O. 138, 15, pp. 289-291. Sept. 18. Propose renewal of commissions for trying pirates. C. O. 324. 10, pp. 136-137; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1276. Sept. 25. Relative to cutting log^'ood at Campeachy. C. 0. 389, 26, pp. 145-168. Oct. 17. On petition of the agents of Barbadoes complaining of an attempt by William Gordon, clerk, to erect an ecclesiastical court there by virtue of a commission from the Bishop of London (Secretary of State). C. 0. 20, 13, p. 301 ; cf. 300, 12, pp. 316-328 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1310. Dec. 21. Petition of the South Sea Company against a Jamaica act laying a duty on negroes exported from Jamaica, which included those landed only for refreshment. C. 0. 138, 16, pp. 32-43; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1278. 1718. Jan. 2.3. Petition of William Cockburne against a decree of the court of chan- cery in Jamaica. C. 0. 138. 16, pp. 60-61 ; .4. P. C. Col, II, § 1280. Jan. 24. Petition of Christopher Stoddard to be reinstated in his plantation in St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 13, pp. 206-211 ; .4. P. C. Col, II. § 1281. Feb. 10. Various commissions for trying pirates. C. 0. 324, 9, pp. 161-185. Feb. 20. That there must be a commission under the great seal in order to try pirates, an instruction will not do. C. 0. 324, 10, p. 190. 366 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION^. March 3. William Byrd's petition relative to judges in tlie court of oyer and terminer in Virginia. C. O. 5, 1365, pp. 52-57 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1282. April 9. Proposals of Sir Robert Montgomery to settle families in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 1293, pp. 145-147 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1285. April 23. Mulford's complaints against Gov. Ilunter, New York, about the whale fishery. C. 0. 5, 1124, p. 22; 1079, 1 p. ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1222. May 21. Petition of disbanded soldiers and officers for land in Maine and Nova Scotia. C. O. 5, 915, pp. 115-118 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1217. May 30. Memorial of Gov. Philips of Nova Scotia regarding settlement, forti- fication, and the fishery. C. O. 218, 1, pp. .'JG2-375 ; see A. P. C. Col., II, pp. 764-TB5. June 18. Petition of traders to New Jersey in connection with an act allowing Quaker affirmations. C. 0. 5, 995, pp. 440-441 ; see A. P. C. Col, II, § 1291. July IS. Observations on a memorial from the Danish envoy in answer to the claim of Denmark to St. John's and Crabb islands, Virgin Islands. C. O. 15.3, 13, pp. 35.3-.363; 314, 1, fos. 78-81 (Oct. 1, 1724, sis years later). Dec. 19. Relative to the trade and fishery of Newfoundland. C. O. 105, 6, pp. 416-464 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 277. Dec. 24. Heads of a bill for redressing the grievances in the Newfoundland trade and fishery. C. 0. 195, 6, p. 464. 1719. March 4. Leave of absence for Gov. Hart, Maryland. C. O. 5, 727, fo. 489; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1309. June 4. On a petition of merchants trading to New York against an act passed there in 1717 about debts. C. O. 5, 1124, pp. 9.3-107 ; 1079, 21 pp. ; N. Y. Col. Docts., V, 522. June 4. Instruction for Gov. Philips, Nova Scotia, and other proposals. C. O. 218, 1, pp. 409-410; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1320. June 4. Petitions for lauds in Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 1, pp. 404-408 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1299. June 5. Memorial from M. Herriberry or Hirriberry as to the seizure of his and other French effects at Canso by Capt. Smart of H. M. S. Squirrel. C. 0. 218, 1, pp. 411-415, 479-481 (Oct. 6, 1720) ; see A. P. C. Col, II, § 1314; VI, §§ 286, 295, 298. June 19. Remarks on the commission and instructions for Gov. Philips of Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 1, pp. 417-421. July 21. Approving action of Gov. Keith in refusing to act by a new commis- sion from Mr. Penn and continuing to act by his old one approved by the King. C. O. 5, 1293, pp. 217-219. Aug. 26. Commission and instructions submitted for Col. Bladen to treat with the French commissioners. C. O. 391, 117, pp. 123-126. Sept. 11. Papers relating to the claim of the state of Guipuscoa to fish at New- foundland. (A copy of this paper was sent with Pitt's letter to the Eail of Bristol, Aug. 1, 1758, in connection with the Spanish claim of that date to fish in these waters.) C. 0. 195, 6, pp. 512-517. REPBESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TEADE. 367 Oct. 2. King's title to St. Lucia, as against tlie design of tlie Frencli to settle there. C. 0. 29, 14, pp. 14-20; 253, 1 (two copies) ; 260, 3 (bundle). Dec. 5. Memorial of Gov. Hamilton, late governor of Jamaica, relating to money advanced. C. 0. 138, 16, pp. 244-247. 1720. June 24. Trade instructions for Gov. Calvert of Maryland. C. O. 5, 727, pp. 493-494. July 2. Complaints from tlie Admiralty of encroachments on the jurisdiction of their courts in the plantations. C. O. 324, 10, pp. 280-281. July 25. Petition of Lord Craven relative to his title to the Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 1, pp. 36-45. July 29. As to the government of Nova Scotia. C. O. 21S, 1, pp. 467-470. Aug. 4. Complaint from Gov. Shute upon the refusal of the governor of Canada to release captives taken in the late war. C. 0. 5, 916, p. 313. Aug. IL Additional instructions to governors about bills of credit. C. 0. 324, 10, p. 286. Aug. 30. Instructions for the same, with comment on the defense of Carolina and Nova Scotia, frontier provinces. C. O. 5, 400, pp. 31-40 ; 381, p. 9, 17 pp. ; see A. P. C. Col., II, § 1336 ; VI, § 296. . Sept. 9. On the state of the Bahamas, with suggestions for security. C. O. 24, 1, pp. 49-53 ; see A. P. C. Col., II, § 1232. Sept. 15. King's title to the island of Canso and dispute with the French about the fishery there. C. 0. 218, 1, pp. 474-476, 484-485 (Oct. 18) ; see A. P. C. Col., II, § 1314. Sept. 23. Affairs in South Carolina, fortification, settlement, Indian trade, etc. C. 0. 5, 400, pp. 126-133 ; 318, p. 29 ; see A. P. C. Col., II, § 1336. Oct. 27. Commission for trying pirates, South Carolina. C. O. 5, 400, pp. 13.5-136. Nov. 3. Complaints from Gov. Lawes of Jamaica regarding depredations com- mitted by the Spaniards. C. 0. 138, 16, pp. 270-271. 1721. March 30. Complaints against Samuel Cox, president of the council of Bar- badoes. C. O. 29, 14, pp. 101-105 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1328 ; VI, § 299. June 13. Commission for Philip Livingston to succeed his father in New York. C. O. 5, 1124. pp. 259-261 ; 1079, 3J pp. June 30. Petition of the copartners for settling the Bahamas for a charter of incorporation. ('. O. 23, 12, fo. 133; 24, 1, pp. 58-64 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 12,32. June 30. Relating to desire of Gov. Bellhaven of Barbadoes to receive presents from the assembly. C. O. 29, 14, pp. 124-128; see A. P. C. Col., Ill, 238. Aug. 15. Against a proposal by the Spanish minister to open a trade from the Canary Islands directly to the British plantations. C. O. 389, 28, pp. 43-45. Sept. 1. Petition of Capt. Charles Gookin for a grant of islands in the Delaware River. C. O. 5, 1293, pp. 238-241 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1332. 368 AMEEICAlSr HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. Sept. 8. Long account of the state of tlie plantations. C. O. 324, 10, pp. 296-430 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., V, 591-630. Sept. 8. Suggestions how to encourage the importation of timber, naval stores, and mineral ores from the plantations. C. 0. 324, 10, pp. 433-435. Sept. S. Enumerating the alterations made in the instructions of Gov. Hart of the Leeward Islands. C. 0. 15.3, 14, pp. 75-81; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 19. 1722. Feb. 1. Petition of the Duke of Montagu for a grant of St. Lucia and St. Vincent. C. O. 29, 14, pp. 286-290. March 28. Memorial of the Duke of Portland, governor of Jamaica, relative to the expiration of some laws there. C. O. 138, 16, pp. 411^15; cf. p. 417 (April 13). June 14. Upon Capt. Charles Gookin's petition. C. 0. 5, 1293, pp. 248-252 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1332 ; VI, §§ 306, 311. Aug. 29. Petition of Col. Moody regarding lands claimed by him at Placentia upon which forts had been built. C. O. 195. 7, pp. 84-85 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1331. Sept. 26. Relative to exorbitant grants in New York. C. O. 5, 1124, pp. 295-313 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., V, 650. Dec. 20. Complaint of the Spanish ambassador as to the new fort built on the Altamaha, South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 400, pp. 159-160 ; 381, p. 3. 1723. Jan. 10. Upon an order of the committee of council of Nov. 9, 1722, relative to a petition of several pirates to be pardoned. C. 0. 324, 11, pp. 3-6 ; see A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 34 ; VI, § 319. March 22. Boundaries between Connecticut and Rhode Island, with maps annexed (map printed, A. P. Col., Ill, appendix V). C. 0. 5, 1293, pp. 280-296 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 4. March 29. Additional instructions to the governors relative to passing private acts. C. O. 324, 11, pp. 6-7. May 30. Trade instructions for proprietaries of North Carolina. C. O. 5. 1293, pp. 297-298. Aug. 6. Petition of Conrad Weiser in behalf of several Palatines at New York. C. 0. 5, 1124, pp. 326-327 ; 1079, 5 pp. Sept. 3. Memorial of Gov. Shute of Massachusetts complaining of the assembly assuming powers not warranted by the charter. C. O. 5, 915, pp. 378-389 ; see A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 75. Sept. 3. Petition of the agents relating to Gov. Shute's complaint. C. 0. 5, 915, pp. 389-391 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 75. Sept. 4. Petition of Col. Vetch and others for lands in Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 2, pp. 35-38 ; A. P. C. Col., II, § 1325. Nov. 14. Regarding maladministration in office by Thomas Brook, collector and receiver, Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 8, pp. .5-6 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, §§ 16, 49. Nov. 26. Delafaye's complaint that two French vessels had been chased from their fishing at Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 7, p. 99. Dec. 17. Memorial of Henry Newman relative to military stores for New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 915, pp. 398-400. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 369 Dec. 20. Petition of Quakers against two acts of Massachusetts Bay for apportioning taxes, etc. C. 0. 5, 915, pp. 393-396; cf. pp. 400-402 (May 6, 1724) ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 51. 1724. July 14. Petition of merclmnts against a New Yorlc act about Indian trade. C. 0. 5, 1124, pp. 346-352 ; N. Y. Col. Docta., V, 707 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 63. July 21. Conditions and restrictions proper in grants of laud in Nova Scotia. C. O. 218, 2, pp. 43-48. July 24. Relative to the sugar and tobacco trades, with particulars of the totals of both trades, from 1702. C. 0. 389, 28, pp. 175-219 ; cf. pp. 226-227 (Sept. 15) ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 62. 1725. Jan. 13. Kegarding a plantation in the late French part of St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 14, pp. 178-184 ; see A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 78. Jan. 28. Complaint of shipwrights of London against .shipbuilding in New England. C. 0. 5, 916, pp. 431-433. Feb. 19. Upon several laws of Jamaica relative to the settlement of a revenue there. C. O. 138, 17, pp. 1-23 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 68. March 2. Upon the i»etition of Dr. Berkeley and others for erecting a college in Bermuda. C. O. 38, 8, pp. 27-28. Slarch 19. Upon a petition of Henry Roost for a grant of one of the Bermuda islands. C. 0. 38, 8, pp. 30-32. April 16. Trade instructions for the proprietaries of North Carolina. r. O. 5, 1293, p. 344. April 27. Petition of Col. Fry, suspended as councilor, Montserrat. C. 0. 153, 14, pp. 187-189. May 27. Additional instructions to the governor of Jamaica — revenue laws. C. O. 138. 17, pp. 38^0. June 2. Petition of Mr. Toshack complaining that his house at Placentia had been taken into the fortifications. C. 0. 195, 7, pp. 137-139. June 16. Seizure of St. John's, Virgin Islands, by Danish governor of St. Thomas. C. O. 153, 14, p. 192. June 16. On the New York Indian trade acts. C. 0. 5, 1124, pp. .'i66-.'579 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., V, 760 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 336. July 28. Memorial of Richard Fltzwilliam, surveyor general of customs, to be of the councils in his district, Virginia, South Carolina, and Jamaica. C. 0. 324, 11, pp. 29-31 ; 5, 4, fo. 96. Aug. 5. Petition of merchants against Gov. Hart, Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 14, pp. 193-196 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 86. Oct. 8. Address of general assembly, Massachusetts Bay, for assistance from neighboring colonies against the Indians. C. O. 5, 752, p. 138; 915, pp. 438^45. Dec. 22. Petition of Miranda and Da Costa relative to indigo seized at Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 17, pp. 52-54 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 26. 1726. Jan. 25. Boundaries between Connecticut and Rhode Island. C. O. 5, 1293, pp. 346-351 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 11 ; VI, § 344. Feb. 25. Relative to a plantation in St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 14, pp. 206-207 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 112. 62513°— 15 24 370 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. March 30. As to the sahiry of Gov. Shute. C. O. 5, 915, pp. 450-452 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 104. April 15. Trade instructioas for the proprietaries of Pennsylvania, C. O. 5. 1293, pp. 362-363, May 4, Draft of a bill to be passed in Jamaica relative to the settlement of the revenue. C. 0. 138, 17, pp. 60-67 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 68. May 19. Petition of Wavell Smith and Savil Oust, secretaries of the Leevpard Islands. C. O. 153, 14, pp. 211-214 ; see A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 145. July 28. Additional instruction to the governors about suspending execution of judgment in cases of appeal, C. O. 324, 11, pp. 32-33. July 28. Salary of Gov. Shute. C. O. 5, 915, pp. 458-461 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 104 ; VI, § 349. Aug, 31. Boundaries between Virginia and North Carolina. C. O. 5, 1365, pp. 299-301 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 108. Nov. 10. On the state of the Bahamas — necessity of an assembly, etc. C. O. 24, 1, pp. 85-87 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 151. Nov. 10. Petition of Henry Newman, relative to boundaries between New Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay, the preservation of the woods, grant- ing of lands, etc. C. 0, 5, 915, pp. 478-482; A. P. C. Col, III, § 102; VI, § 357. 1727. March 16. Petition of English merchants complaining of Gov. Gledhill of Placentia. C. 0. 195, 7, pp. 148-150 : see A. P. C. Col, III, 221-222. March 17. Memorial and papers from the Royal African Company — trade in negroes to the plantations. 0. 0. 389, 28, pp. 305-312. May 12. Petition of Gov. Spotswood relative to lands taken up in Virginia and Spottsylvania. C. 0. 5, 1365, pp. 325-335 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 129 ; VI, § 380. May 31. Petitions of the South Sea Company and others against duties laid on negroes and flour imported and exported at Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 17, pp. 136-145 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 163-165 ; VI, § 384. June 6. Instructions to the governors relative to laws about* blasphemy, pro- faneness, etc. C. O. 324, 11, pp. 40-41. June 7. Relative to the civil government, peopling, and preservation of woods, etc., of Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 2, pp. 57-71 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 116. Nov. 8. Additional instruction to governors of Jamaica, New York, New Jersey, relative to rights of admiralty, etc. C. 0. 324, 11, p. 52; A. P. C. Col, III, § 130, p. 819. Dec, 1. Upon the possession of a fort on the Altamaha River, South Carolina, C. 0. 5, 400, pp. 233-237. Dec. 6. Against the partition act passed in New York. C. 0. 5, 1125, pp. 108-111 ; N. Y. Col Docts., V, 843. 1728. Feb. 27. Petition of the Duke of Montagu for a grant of Tobago. C. 0. 29, 14, pp. 434-4.38, 441-447; A. P. C. Col, III, § 150; VI, § 401. March 20. Draft of a bill for encouraging the importation of naval stores. C. 0. 324, 11, pp. 65-80; A. P. C. Col, III, § 143; VI, § 399, March 29. Case of negroes detained in West Indies, stated in letter from M. Maurepas to Count Broglie. C. 0. 153, 14, pp. 318-320. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 371 April 5. Behavior of Col. Gledhill, of Placentia. C. O. ion, 7, pp. 152-154, A. P. C. Col., Ill, 221-222, 269-270. April 5. Additional instructions to tbe governors of the northern colonies to assist the surveyor general of the woods. C. O. 324, 11, pp. 97-98; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 184, 189. April 10. Gov. Mathew of Leeward Islands to be accountable for money given for fortifications in St. Christopher. C. O. 153, 14, pp. 325-327 ; 239, 1, fos. 122-123. April 12. Submitting and explaining instructions for the Earl of Londonderry of the Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 14, pp. 328-332 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 817. May 23. Petition of John Elliot setting forth his services. C. O. 218, 2, pp. 74-75 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 128. May 31. Petition of Gov. Philips of Nova Scotia, with a state of that province. C. O. 218. 2, pp. 77-79 ; see A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 143 passim. June 20. Itelating to a petition of Francis Whitworth, secretary of Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 15, pp. 23-24 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 154. June 20. State of British possessions in America disputed by the King of Spain and account of injuries done by Spaniards, with list of ships seized. C. 0. 389, 28, pp. 347-361, 364-365 (additional schedule) ; see A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 151. Aug. 28. Letter from Mr. Donovan, agent for the contractors for victualling royal ships at Jamaica. C. 0. l.':S. 17, pp. 251-254. Oct. 1.. Complaints ayaiust Gov. Phenuey, Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 1, pp. 98-101 ; 23, 12, fo. 231. Nov. 6. Commissions for trying pirates. C. O. 324, 11, pp. 111-133; cf. 133-134 (Nov. 14); A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 158; VI, i 413. Nov. 20. Commission for Capt. Woodes Rogers of the Bahamas, and advisa- bility of purchasing these islands from the proprietaries. C. 0. 24, 1, pp. 103-104 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 196. Dec. 5. Concerning the silk, linen, and woolen manufactures in the plantations. C. O. 324, 11, pp. 136-142 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 161 ; VI, § 414. Dec. 20. Relating to the trade and fishery of Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 7, pp. 158-175; A. P. C. Col., Ill, §§ 168, 195. 1729. Jan. 15. Papers from the Admiralty, Navy Commissioners, and the contractors for New England masts. C. O. 5, 916, pp. 175-177 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, p. 184, § 168. Feb. 12. Richard Fitzwilliam to be of the councils of Virginia, South Carolina, and Jamaica. C. 0. 5, 1366, pp. 12-13; 324. 11, pp. 144-145. March 21. Memorial of Col. David Dunbar about settling Irish families and Palatines in Nova Scotia. C. O. 218, 2, pp. 124-129; .4. P. C. Col., Ill, 184, 187. March 27. Salary of Gov. Burnet, Massachusetts. C. 0. 5, 916, pp. 184-189, 190-191 (March 27); 752, p. 157; see A. P. C. Col, III, 260. May 13. General and trade instructions for Gov. Woodes Rogers. C. O. 24. 1, pp. 125-127 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 204-205. May 14. Petition of Col. Dunbar, as above. C. 0. 5, 4, p. 72 : 5, 916, pp. 192-197 ; 218, 2, pp. 130-139. May 27. Judge of the supreme court to be of the council, Jamaica. C. O. 138, 17, pp. 271-272. July 8. Petition of Lord Viscount Micklethwaite relative to money due him as secretary of Barbadoes. C. 0. 29. 15, pp. 110-111 ; A. P. C. Col, II, § 1264. 372 AMEEICAIS- HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. July 31. Advising appointment of a governor to remedy tlie great confusion in South Carolina. C 0. 5, 400, pp. 243-244 ; 381, p. 91 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 176. Aug. 14. Relating to twenty acres on Lynch's Island, near Jamaica, for naval base. C. 0. 13S, 17, pp. 276-279 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 220. Aug. 14. Exemption of purchase rights and quit-rents to grantees in Brunswick and Spottsylvania, Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1366, pp. 38-47 ; A. P. C. Coh, III, §§ 129, 181. Sept. 2. Complaints of council of South Carolina against Dep.-Gov. Everard. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 5-7; A. P. C. Col, III, §§ 182, 186. Sept. 7. Complaint of Joseph Browne, judge of vice-admiralty court, Pennsyl- vania. ' C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 12-15 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 217 ; VI, §§ 430, 433. Sept. 8. Complaints against Gov. Burnet of Massachusetts. A. p. C. Col, III, 190. Sept. 23. Additional instructions to governor of Leeward Islands, relative to fortifying English harbor, Antigua. C. O. 153, 15, pp. 31-33 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 185. Dec. 4. Further accounts from Col. Dunbar. C. 0. 5, 4, fo. 158 ; 218, 2, pp. 158-165 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 188. 1730. Jan. 27. Additional instructions to Gov. Philips and Col. Dunbar relative to the settlement of families between the Penobscot and the St. Croix. C. O. 218, 2, p. 168, 178-179 (amended, March 25) ; A. P. C. Col, III, 189, § 209. Feb. 5. Additional instructions to governors relative to their claims on the produce of whales. C. 0. 324, 11, pp. 100-161 ; see A. P. C. Col, III, § 197. Feb. 17. English vessel plundered and carried away by a French ship-of-war from Santa Cruz. C. 0. 153, 15, pp. 45-46. March 20. Indicating alterations made in general instructions to Gov. Belcher. C. O. 5, 916, pp. 268-275 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 196. March 25. Title of Great Britain to St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and Dominica, and the di-sputes with the French at Santa Cruz. C. 0. 29, 15, pp. 130-132. April 7. Proposals for furnishing naval stores from the plantations, and also on the establishments of the governors and governments there (House of Lords). C. 0. 324, 11, pp. 167-174. April 23. Commission for trying of pirates in North Carolina. C. 0. 5, 323, pp. 27-29 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 212. May 11. Instructions to governors concerning admiralty courts. C. O. 324, 11, p. 236 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 205. May 23. Regarding the eighth share of Lord Carteret in the soil of South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 400, pp. 277-279 ; 381, p. 103 ; A. P. G. Col, III, § 199. May 2G. Salary of governor of Leeward Islands. C. 0. 153, 15, pp. 53-56 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 226. June 10. Alterations in instructions for Gov. Johnson of South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 400, pp. 283-291 ; 381, p. 109. June 12. On the conduct of Gov. Osborn, Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 7, pp. 251-253. June 25. Additional instructions to Gov. Belcher and Col. Dunbar. C. 0. 5, 916, p. 388 ; cf. A. P. C. Col, III, § 224. July 9. King's title to St. Lucia, with thirty-six appendices. . C. 0. 29, 15, pp. 139-176 ; 253, 1, 37J fos. or 85 pp. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 373 July 23. Purry's plan for settling 600 Swiss Protestants in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 400, pp. 378-381 ; 381, p. 129 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 219. July 30. Amendments to instructions for Gov. John.son. C. 0. 5, 400, p. :]S2 ; 381, p. 125 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 219. Aug. 11. Lord Carteret's answer regarding his eighth part of South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 400, p. .^83 ; 381, p. 137 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 268. Aug. 13. Additional instructions to the governors relative to naval stores. C. 0. 324, 11, pp. 237-238. Aug. 20. King's title to St. 'N'incent. C. 0. 29, 15, pp. 179-192 ; 2G0, 3 (bundle), 23 pp. Sept. 7. King's title to Dominica. C. 0. 29, 15, pp. 197-205; 71, 2 (bundle), 16 pp. Sept. 8. Consideration of what sum may be given for the Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 1, pp. 190-194 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 197. Nov. 20. Evacuation of St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and Dominica. C. 0. 29, 15, pp. 217-221. Dec. 10. Complaint of Richard Bradley, attorney general of New York, regard- ing non-payment of salary. C. O. 5, 1125, pp. 148-155 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 203. Dec. 17. Petition of Lord Percival and others for establishing a charitable colony in South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 8-14 ; 15-16 (Jan. 14, 1731) ; A. P. C, Col., Ill, § 223. Dec. 31. Petition of Belcher and Dummer in behalf of the inhabitants of Connecticut about securing to them their estates (intestacy question). C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 24-28 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 208 ; VI, § 431. 1731. Feb. 9. Alterations in Instructions to Gov. Philips and Col. Dunbar with regard to the setting out of woodlands for the navy before granting lands to private persons. C. 0. 218, 2, pp. 224-226, 247 (April 22) ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 229. March 29. Petition of Sir Joseph Eyles and others for a tract of land in New York called the Equivalent Land. C. O. 5. 1125, pp. 156-158: Guide, II, 233; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 231. May 11. Complaint of Gov. Pitt of Bermuda of losses incurred by the with- drawal of licenses for whale fishing. C. O. 38. 8, pp. 156-158 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 265. June 8. Petition of Anthony Rutgers for a tract of land called the Swamp, near New York City. C. 0. 5. 1125, pp. 166-168; .4. P. C. Col., Ill, § 227. June 9. Memorial of Gov. Phenney regarding his losses. C. O. 24. 1, pp. 196-201 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 234. June 10. Alteration in the commission for Col. Cosby relative to the devolution of government in case of death or absence of the governor. C. O. 153, 15, pp. 107-109 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 2.37. June 10. Letters from Gov. Belcher regarding support for the governor in Massachusetts. C. O. 5. 916, pp. 415-418; 897, 1, 9 pp. ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 240. July 15. Regarding two regiments lately sent to Jamaica to reduce rebellious negroes. C. 0. 138, 17, pp. 322-326, 337-343 (Aug. 11). Aug. 10. Petition from Jonathan Belcher, son of Gov. Belcher of Massachu- setts regarding salary question. C. 0. 5, 916, pp. 426-428 ; 897, 21, 4 pp. ; A. P. C. Col, III, 262-263. Aug. 25. Petitions of English merchants against an act passed in Jamaica, laying a duty on negroes and convicts. C. 0. 138, 17, pp. 344-349 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 161. 374 AMEEICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Aug. 31. Fortifying a harbor in Antigua for the use of H. M. ships-of-waj. C. 0. 153. 15, pp. 111-113; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 250-251. Sept. 21. Regarding an offer to sell Tobago to Sweden. C. 0. 29, 15, pp. 234-236. Nov. 2. Lieutenant governor in New Hampshire always to be the first of the council. C. O. 5, 916, p. 434 ; 897, 31, 2J pp. ; A. P. C. Col., III. § 256. Nov. 4. Dispute between Gov. Belcher and Lieut.-Gov. Dunbar of New Hamp- shire. C. 0. 5, 752, p. 275 ; 896, 39 ; 917, pp. 1-6 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 252. Nov. 4. Address of House of Representatives of Massachusetts Bay on paper currency, etc. C. 0. 5, 917, pp. 9-12 ; 897, p. 35 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 326-327. Dec. 8. Return of the Independent Company to Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 8, pp. 163-165 ; A. P. C. Col., III. §' 248. Dec. 10. Proposing Capt. Phenney, surveyor general of customs, to be a coun- cilor in Virginia and South Carolina. C. O. 5, 1366, p. 81 ; cf. A. P. C. Col, III, § 277. Dec. 22. Western boundary to new settlements in South Carolina petitioned for by Lord Percival. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 23-24 ; 381, 177. 3 pp. ; A. P. C. Col, III, 304. Dec. 22. Stores of war for St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 15, pp. 122-124 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 255. 1732. Jan. 21. On the want of laws in the plantations for the recovery of debts. C. 0. 324, 11, pp. 248-253 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 247. Jan. 28. Petition of merchants, planters, and traders to Jamaica relative to encouragement for raising coffee. C. 0. 138, 17, pp. 355-.356; A. P. C. Col, III, § 257. Feb. 15. On the laws made, manufactures set up, and trade carried on in the plantations (House of Commons). C. 0. 324, 11, pp. 253-302. March 9. Purchase of the Bahamas by the crown. C. 0. 24, 1, pp. 209-212 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 197. April 0. Disorders at Newfoundland, etc. C. 0. 195, 7, pp. 263-266 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 195. April 6. Petition of Gov. Belcher against Atkinson as councilor of New Hamp- shire not to be granted. C. 0. 5, 896, 50, 3 pp. ; 917, pp. 34-35 ; A. P. G. Col, III, § 256. April 0. French encroachments on New York. C. O. 5, 1125, pp. 208-210; 7v^. Y. Col. Docts., V, 932. April 18. Additional instructions for the governors, against passing laws whei'eby natives of plantations may be put on a more advantageous foot- ing than those of Great Britain. C. 0. 324, 11, pp. .",03-304 ; .4. P. C. Col, III, 348. May 5. Case of Brown, judge of vice-admiralty in Pennsylvania. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 47-48 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 217 ; VI, § 435. May 25. Petition of Micklethwaite and Whitworth for arrears due as secre- taries of Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 15, pp. 286-291 ; A. P. C. Col, II, 719. May 26. Grant in South Carolina for Swiss settlers. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 32-40 ; 381, 187, 14 pp. ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 219. June 6. Petitions of Samuel Waldo for land between the Kennebec and St. Croix rivers. C. O. 5, 897, p. 65, 42 pp., rough draft ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 209 ; VI, § 434. June 13. Memorial of Worsley, late governor of Barbadoes, for arrears of additional salary. C. 0. 29, 16, pp. 293-299; A. P. C. Col, III. 235, KEPRESEXTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 375 June 27. Kegarding case of Brown, Pennsylvania. C. O. 5, 1294, p. 55 ; .4. P. C. Col, III, § 217. July 20. Petition of Sir Willinni Keith and others for land westward of Great Mountains in Virginia. Lord Baltimore claims that the land desired is in Maryland. Commissioner to be appointed. ('. 0. 5, 1366, pp. 86-88; 1344 (bundle), 4 pp. Aug. 24. Memorial of Anne Jones relative to a silver mine in Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1366, pp. 90-91 ; 1344 (bundle), 3 pp. Aug. 31. Petition of Col. Hart for lands on the Bay of Fundy. C. 0. 218, 2, pp. 256-260; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 264. Sept. 5. Address of governor of Rhode Island against an act relative to bills of cre;lit. C. O. 5, 1294, pp. 57-62 ; 1302, 21, 14 pp., fo. Sept. 6. Relative to Jamaica act laying duties on negroes. C. O. 138, 17, pp. 374-378 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 163. Nov. 29. Instructions for Gov. Howe. C. O. 29, 15, pp. 30.5-;:06, 414 (Dec. 12) ; A. P. C. Col, III, 238. Dec. 26. Memorial of Jonathan Belcher, jr., regarding his father's salary. C. 0. 5, 917, pp. 76-77 : 897, 123, 4 pp. ; A. P. C. Col, III, 261, 262 ; cf. 5, 917, pp. 78, 91. 1733. Feb. 1. On the state of the colonies — laws made, manufactures set up, trade carried on, etc. ; also the instructions to governors about money, forts, etc. (House of Commons). C. 0. 5, 5, fos. 1-24 (48 pp.) ; 324, 11, pp. 313-370. March 7. On certain proposals of Gov. Fitzwilliam of the Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 1, pp. 215-221 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 271. April 3. Alteration in the commission for Gov. Mathew, Leeward Islands. C. 0. 5, 195, pp. 457-458 ; 153, 15, p. 139. April 25. Complaints against Wavell Smith. C. O. 153, 15, p. 225 ; A. P. C. Col, III. § 280. May 2. Petition of Sir J. Eyles and others relative to a tract of land granted to them in New York being erected into a county or united to some counties adjacent. C. 0. 5, 1125, pp. 297-298 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 231. May 31. Instruction to Gov. Cosby to annex the Equivalent Laud to some county in that province. C. 0. 5, 1125, p. 299; A. P. C. Col, III, 315. June S. Surveyor general of customs in Barbadoes to be a councilor. C. O. 29. 15, pp. 416-417; A. P. C. Col, III, § 277. June 27. Relative to the pretended sale by the French of the island of Santa Cruz to the Danish West India Company. C. 0. 15.3, 15, p. 228; 389, 29, pp. 76-78; see A. P. C. Col, III, § 326. July 19. Petition of Robert Thorpe, relative to a claim of lands in South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 71-73 ; 381, p. 259 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 274. Aug. S. Memorial from Gov. Fitzwilliam relative to a fortification at New Providence, Bahamas. C. O. 24. 1, pp. 29.3-294 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 375-376. Oct. IG. Advising that commissioners be appointed to settle Lord Fairfax's lands in Virginia. C. 0. 5. 1366, pp. 110-113; A. P. C. Col, III, § 281. Oct. 23. Petition of Agatha Campbell relative to claim to certain inhabited lands in Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218. 2, pp. 27.3-202; .1. P. C. Col, III, § 262. Dec. 11. Want of cannon shot at Antigua. C. 0. 153, 16, pp. 236-238 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 288. 376 AMEEICAlSr HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 1734. Jan. 23. On tbe laws made and manufactures set up and trade carried on in the Britisli plantations in America (House of Lords). C. O. 324, 12, pp. 7-72; 5, 5, fos. 55-76; printed; extract in Carihheana, II, 62-64. Feb. 15. Petition of Col. Horsey for a tract of laud "in South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 87-90 ; 381, p. 275 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 289. Feb. 15. Petition of Thomas Cooper and others against a South Carolina act. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 85-86 ; 381, p. 271 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 286, March 8. Upon the state of defense of the Bahamas. C. O. 29, 15, pp. 428-430 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 376. April 11. Stoi-es of war for the Leeward Islands. C. 0. 153, 15, pp. 251-252 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 408. April 19. Arrears due late Gov. Parke. Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 15, pp. 254-256 ; A. P. G. Col., Ill, § 290. July 24. Want of stores of war in the Caribbee Islands. C. 0. 29, 16, pp. 1-11 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 409. Aug. 29. ilemorial of Jonathan Belcher, jr., on behalf of his father, governor of Massachusetts Bay, regarding bill, June, 1732, for raising a sum of money for his support. C. 0. 5, 917, pp. 98-100, 103 (Nov. 4) ; 897, pp. 159, 167 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 282-263. Sept. 5. Petition of Col. Purry relative to settlement of Swiss in Purrysburgh. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 105-113 ; 381, 327 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 293, 394. Nov. 19. Petition of Richard Shelton for confirmation of a grant of laud in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 114-115 ; 381, p. 341 ; see A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 317. Dec. 19. Complaints of inhabitants of South Carolina against the governor for obstructing grants of laud. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 118-126 ; 381, p. 367. 1735. Jan. 14. State of the British islands in America, their trade, strength, and fortifications (House of Lords). C. 0. 5, 5, fos. 102-123 ; 324, 12, pp. 79-120. Jan. 16. Lord Baltimore's petition for a new grant of Maryland. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 71-78 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 336 ; VI, § 441. Feb. 4. Upon the treaty lately concluded between the French governor of Mar- tinique and the Dutch governor of St. Martin's. C. 0. 153, 15, pp. 279-285. Feb. 21. Advising granting petition of the minister and congregation of a Ger- man Lutheran church in Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1366, pp. 120-121 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 332. April 22. Title of the Crown to Santa Cruz. C. 0. 153, 15, pp. 300-314 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 326. May 7. Address from Massachusetts Bay for cannon and stores of war. C. O. 5, 917, pp. 113-116 ; 897, p. 175 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 311. June 5. Settlement of boundary line between Massachusetts Bay and Rhode Island. C. 0. 5, 917, pp. 117-123 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 323. June 12. Ordnance stores for Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 18, pp. 18-20 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 315. June 12. Hemp seed for New England. C. 0. 5, 879 (part of Cc, 3, 2 pp.) ; 917, pp. 12.3-124 ; A. P. C. Col., III. § 335. June 13. Petition of Robert Wright, chief justice of South Carolina, for his salary. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 137-139 ; 381, p. 377 ; A. P. O. Col., Ill, § 339. June 26. Petition of Thomas Rutherford for laud in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 141-143 ; 381, p. 385 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 342. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 377 Jnlj' 4. Mr. Partridge's petition for cannon and other stores for a fort at Newport, Rhode Ishiud. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. SO-81 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 338. Jnly 9. Heads of a bill for the better peopling the island of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 18, pp. 20-27, 39-40 (JuJy 24) ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 346. July 11. Consideration of petitions of merchants on an act of South Carolina for appropriating a sum of money for the public debts. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 143-147 ; 381, p. 3S9. July 25. Ordnance and stores for Montserrat. C. O. 153, 6, p. 4 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 333. Aug. 26. In favor of Gov. Belcher's request to receive his salary from the assembly annually. C. 0. 5, 896, p. 6G; 917, pp. 130-132, 148 (Oct. 31) ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 264. Aug. 27. Recommending that Maj. ^Mascerene be sent to Boston as an engineer. C. 0. 5, 917, pp. 133-134 ; 897, p. 193; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § .351. Aug. 27. Relative to high duties laid on English manufactures in Sweden and proposing to encourage importation of bar iron from America. C. 0. 3S0, 29, pp. 199-2U5. Aug. 27. Stores of war for Jamaica. C. O. 138, 18, p. 49 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 425. Sept. 4. Hemp seed and instructors for New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 879 (part of Cc 3) ; 896, p. 68; 917, pp. 135-136; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 335. Sept. 16. Fortifications and stores for the Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 1, pp. 305-308 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 376. Nov. 26. Petition of Mr. Morley, provost marshal of South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 162-163 : 381, p. 413 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 354. Nov. 28. Petition of Mr. Hodgson for lands in South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 164-165 ; 381, p. 417 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 353. 1736. Feb. G. Opinion of the attorney general and solicitor general upon governor's sitting and voting in council. C. 0. 5, 1126, p. 22 ; :S\ Y. Col. Docts., VI, 40 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 371. March 2. Henry McCulloh's petition for land in North Carolina. C. O. 5, 323, pp. 227-231 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 368. March 18. Relative to heavy taxes being laid on the Jews in Jamaica. C. 0. 138. 8, pp. 64-66 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 366. April 1. Commissioners for settling the boundaries between Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 897, p. 211 ; 917, pp. 164-165 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 128. May 7. Proposals offered by Swiss Protestants for a settlement in North Carolina. C. 0. 5, 323, pp. 233-239 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 376. June 10. Complaint of the Mohegan Indians against Connecticut. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 86-95 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 392. June 18. Papers relative to the suspension of Rip van Dam from the council of New York. C. O. 5. 1126, pp. 29-31 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 352. June 29. Petition of several merchants complaining of hardships in their trade. C. 0. 138, 18, pp. 73-89 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 367. Aug. 5. Petition of New Jersey for a separate government. C. 0. 5. 996, pp. 390-391 : A. P. C. Col.. Ill, § 377. Oct. 28. Petition of Storke and Livingston for a grant of land in Albany. C. O. 5, 1126, pp. 3.3-35 ; .4. P. C. Col., Ill, 461. Nov. 24. Petition of Crymble and Huey for lands for settlement of Swiss Protestants, North Carolina. C. O. 5, 323, pp. 247-251, 254-256 (AprU 20, 1737) ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 379. 378 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Nov. 24. Petition of Samuel and Joseph Wragg for lands in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 186-189 ; 381, p. 449 ; A. P. C. Co}., Ill, § .349. Dec. 8. Boundaries between Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 897, p. 227 ; 917, pp. 175-183 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 130. 1737. Feb. 9. On the state of the paper currency in the several colonies of New England. C. 0. 5. 897, p. 243 ; 917 pp. 189-202 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 507. March 8. Complaint by the Dutch envoy of Dutch vessels captured in the West Indies and damage done to inhabitants of St. Eustatius. C. O. 153, 16, pp. 78-93 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 543-544. March 15. Petition of six ofBcials of South Carolina against act for ascertain- ing public officers' fees. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 205-207 ; 381, p. 477 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 396. March 24. Commission of review for settling boundaries between Connecticut and the Mohegan Indians. C. O. 5, 1294, pp. 99-101 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 532-533. April 1. Several papers relating to the distressed state of Jamaica. C. O. 138, 18, pp. 102-106. April 21. Paper delivered I)y M. Maurepas to Lord Waldegrave relative to cap- tures, with proposals for preventing like irregularities in the future. C. O. 153, 16, pp. 99-114 ; 318, 3, fos. 14.3-149 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 544. April 22. Petition of Thomas Coram and others for settlements in Nova Scotia and on Cat Island, one of the Bahamas. C. 0. 218, 2, pp. 337-341 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 405. May 5. Petition of "Sir. Zouberbuhler for land for a settlement of foreign Protestants in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 209-216 ; 381, p. 483 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 548. May 19. Mr. Shirley's petition for a fixed salary as attorney general. C. 0. 5, 752, p. 282 ; 897, p. 283 ; 917 pp. 219-223. June 14. Payment of commissioners for settling the boundaries between North and South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 217-219 ; 381, p. 495 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 567 ; VI, § 447. June 30. Upon the proposal of the French minister to Lord Waldegrave in Paris for terminating the disputes in America. C. 0. 5, 5, fos. 131-132; 1.53, 16, pp. 116-120; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 545. Sept. 1. Upon Mr. Zouberbuhler's petition. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 221-223 ; 381, p. 499 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 548. Sept. 4. Dispute between South Carolina and Georgia about the Indian trade. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 224-233 ; 381, p. 503 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 512. Nov. 17. Upon John Hamilton's petition for land in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 241-244 ; 381, p. 515 ; .4. P. C. Col., Ill, § 413. Dec. 3. Proposal from M. Amelot to Lord Waldegrave for adjusting disputes in the West Indies. C. 0. 153, 16, pp. 130-132 ; 318, fos. 153-154. Dec. 8. Supply of stores for Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 8, pp. 210-211 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 424. 1738. Jan. 20. Petition of Mr. Zouberbuhler for more land in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 24.5-247; 381, p. 519; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 549. Feb. 7. That an ordinance passed in South Carolina in 1736, for ascertaining and maintaining the rights and privileges of the inhabitants should " lye by." C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 251-252 ; 381, p. 523 ; see A. P. C. Col., Ill, 512. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 379 March 2. Complaints of Chaloner Jackson, collector of customs in the Bahamas, against Gov. Fitzwilliam. C. 0. 24, 1, pp. 320-324 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 510. April 13. Remarks on a commission and instructions submitted for Gov. Van- brugh, Newfoundland. C, O. 104, 21, no. 3 ; 195, 7, pp. 410-416 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 4.37. April 21. Adhering to the report of Jan. 20, 1737, upon the petition of Mr. Zouberbuhler. C. 0. 5, 401, pp. 255-258 ; 381, p. 537 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 550. May 10. Recommending the marking out of boundary line between Massachu- setts Ray and Rhode Lslaud eastward. C. 0. 5, 896, p. 94 ; 917, pp. 241-244 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 437. May 11. Upon a petition of the two Johnsons of Antigua against an act attaint- ing them. C. 0. 153, 16, pp. 134-138; A. P. C. Col., III. § 425. May 12. Petition of James Wimble on loss of a brigautiue from the Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 1, pp. 326-327. June 21. Memorial of Henry McCuUoh relative to quit-rents in America. C. O. 324, 12, pp. 240-241 ; .4. P. C. Col, III, § 439. June 21. Regarding Indian trade, Georgia and South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 26.5-266, 269-270; 381, pp. 549, 553; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 512-51.3. June 22. Petition of John Cartwright and others for land in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 272-278 ; 381, p. 559 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 440. July 4. Petition of David Dunbar for reimbursement of expenses in building forts, etc., in Maine and Nova Scotia. C. O. 5, 10 (part of no. 53) ; 896, p. 98 ; 917, pp. 248-252 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 441. July 13. Instructions to Gov. Horsey, South Carolina, showing alterations from previous ones. C. 0. 5. 401, pp. 292-296; 381, p. 577 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 607. July 13. Petition of merchants of London and others against a bill passed in South Carolina, bills of credit. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 285-290; 381, p. 583 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 399. July 25. Proposing erection of a court of exchequer in South Carolina, espe- cially for the recovery of quit-rents. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 297-298; 381, p. 596: A. P. C. Col, III, 607-608. July 25. Proposing a supply of stores for South Carolina. C. O. 5, 401, pp. 29S-300; 381, p. 591 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 602. Dec. 20. Settling dividing line between Massachusetts Bay and Rhode Island eastward. C. O. 5, 897, p. 290 ; 917, pp. 257-259 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 439. 1739. Feb. 9. Ordnance for Montserrat. C. O. 15.;, 16, pp. 155-157; A. P. C. Col, III, 623. April 11. Upon a bill passed in Massachusetts Bay for the emission of bills of credit, which seems to affect British trade. C. O. 5. 897, p. .■;()::: 917, pp. 259-268: .1. P. C. Col, III, 562: VI. § 452. July 27. Dispute about boundaries of Lord Fairfax's lands in Virginia. C. O. 5, 1366. pp. 301-322 : 1335, 22 pp. : .4. P. C. Col, III, 388. Aug. 3. Petition of Andrew Lessly and others against Antigua act for lessen- ing the rate of interest. C. 0. 5, 153, 16, pp. 101-162; A. P. C. Col, III, § 464. Aug. 10. Memorial of Gov. Glen, South Carolina, praying some alteration in his instructions. C. O. 5, 402, pp. 1-1 ; .4. P. C. Col, III, § 458. Aug. 10. Concerning a separate governor for New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 881 (part of Dd, 30) ; 896, p. 100; 917, pp. 281-283; A. P. C. Col, III, 637. 380 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Aug. 30. Petition of Heni-y JIcCulloli relative to his office of inspector of quit- rents, North and South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 402, pp. 4-6 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 462. Aug. 30. Petition of John Hammerton, regarding his office of register of South Carolina. C. O. 5, 402, pp. 7-11 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 444. Oct. 17. Further consideration of a separate governor for New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 917, pp. 290-296 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 6.'i7-638. Nov. 23. No maps in Plantation Office ancient enough to show bounds of Lord Fairfaxes grant in Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1366, p. 32S ; 1335, 1 p.; A. P. C. Col, III, 388. Nov. 27. Stores of war for Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 16, pp. 167-170 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 623-624. Dec. 5. Regarding the Independent Company of Bermuda. C. O. 38, 8, pp. 310-311 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 6.54. Dec. 6. Stores of war for Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 8, pp. 312-31.5 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 654. Dec. 20. Presents for the Six Nations. C. 0. 5, 1126, pp. 90-95 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., VI, 156. 1740. March 5. Defenseless state of Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 7, pp. 481-485 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 658-661. March 25. Petition of John Mason, trustee for the Mohegan Indians. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 127-131 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 534-536. March 27. Upon paper currency and the value of gold and silver coin in America. C. O. 324, 12, pp. 245-248, 251-253 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 496. June 17. Commission for settling the Rhode Island boundaries. C. O. 5, 917, pp. 306-314 ; A. P. G. Col, III, 444. June 18. Petition of New England merchants desiring fortifications at Canso. C. 0. 5, 897, pp. 329-332 ; 218, 2, pp. 848-351 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 651. June 25. Upon the disorderly condition of the Virgin Islands. C. O. 153, 16, pp. 155 bis-159 bis ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 498. Aug. 7. Difficulties likely to arise by conflicting instructions over colors to be worn by letters of marque. C. O. 29, 16, pp. 211-213; A. P. C. Col, III, 636-637. Aug. 8. Commission of review — the Mohegan case. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 141-143, 143-145 (Dec. 29) ; A. P. C. Col, III, 536. Nov. 13. Petition of merchants against proposed land bank, Boston. C. 0. 5, 917, pp. 329-331 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 504. Dec. 19. Approving petition of merchants and others in New Hampshire for a separate governor. C. 0. 5, 917, pp. 335-337 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 638. 1741. Jan. 21. Regarding bills of credit in the plantations. C. 0. 324, 12, pp. 269-273 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 677. March 25. Account of what duties of gunpowder are laid on shipping in the plantations. C. O. 153, 16, pp. 194-197 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 689. June 12. About salary to the governor of Barbadoes. C. O. 29, 16, pp. 218-220. June 12. Against petition of Thomas Hutchinson to have several townships in New Hampshire reunited to :Massachusetts Bay. C. 0. 5, 917, pp. 360-363 ; A. P. C. Col, III, 600. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 381 1742. Jan. 28. Reconsideration of Virginia act for clocking entails — case of Philip Lightfoot (many other similar cases not entered in this list). C. O. 5, 1366, pp. 34.'?-.'i44 (Dec. 2, 1741), 344-.345. Feb. 2. Petition of William Livingstone and others for lands in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 402, pp. 49-52 ; A. P. C. CoL, III, § 523. March 2. Approving Gov. Shirley's veto of act emitting bills of credit, and enjoining him to di.scourage the land bank. C. 0. 5, 918, pp. 64-70; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 684. July 8. Petitions of merchants of Pennsylvania relative to the security and defense of the province. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 210-217 ; .4. P. C. Col., Ill, § 532. Nov. 2. Recommend lessening the quit-rents in Georgia. C. 0. 5, 402, pp. C2-6G ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 549. Dec. 2. Commissioners for trial of pirates, South Carolina. C. O. 5, 402, pp. 67-68 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 551. 1743. April 29. Extract of letters from Gov. Shirley about bills of credit. C. 0. 5, 918, pp. 85-88 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 530. Aug. 23. Present state and condition of Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218. 2, pp. 361-371. Sept. 28. Address from Bermuda asking for an alteration in an article (73) of the governor's instructions. C. 0. 38, 8, pp. 344-346 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 572. 1744. April 12. Petition of George Evans for lands in New York. C. O. 5, 1126, pp. 265-268. May 3. Memorial from Gov. Trelawny, Jamaica, proposing an Independent Company for the Mosquito Shore. C. O. 324, 12, pp. 284-285 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 575. May 3. Upon proposed settlements on the island of Rattan and on Belize River, Honduras. C. 0. 324, 12, pp. 287-292, 293-295 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 579. June 27. Upon the petition of several planters in Leeward Islands against acts passed there laying taxes on absentees. C. O. 153, 16, pp. 245-246; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 557; IV, § 48; VI, §§ 457, 461, 465, 471. Aug. 2S. On New Hampshire's neglect to provide for Fort Dummer. C. 0. 5, 918, pp. 13.3-135 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 787-788. Nov. 7. What the legislature of Pennsylvania has to do for security against a foreign enemy. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 221-222 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, 712-713. 1745. Feb. 28. Memorial of Capt. Gorham praying for a grant of the Isle of Sables, Nova Scotia. C. O. 218, 2, pp. 379-382 ; A. P. C. Col., Ill, § 611 ; VI, « 466. July 11. Memorial of Gov. Clinton complaining of a mistake by which Moore has obtained precedence in the council over Warren and Murry. C. 0. 5. 1126, pp. 292-295 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 7. Aug. 15. Petition of Philip and Perrin for a grant of royal mines in Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 19, pp. 25-33 ; A. P. C. Col, III, § 560. 382 AMEEICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 1716. March 20. Complaint against Barbadoes act of 1720. Do not advise either repeal of act or granting an appeal from the decree of chancery there. C. O. 29, 16, pp. 346-351. Dec. 12. Letter from governor of Jamaica that he has removed two assistant judges from their seats. C. 0. 138, 19, p. 55 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 38, 1747. Jan. 15. Address from council and assembly of Jamaica requesting a commis- sion to hold a court of chancery. C. O. 138, 19, pp. 61-62. Jan. 21. That Edward Legge, commanding H. M. ships at Barbadoes, should be temporary councilor there. C. 0. 29, 16, pp. 435-437 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 47. March 6. Petition of Thomas Lowndes for land in South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 402, pp. 123-125 ; .1. P. C. Col, IV, § 39. April 7. Petition of council of Massachusetts Bay to be reimbursed for its expenses in the Cape Breton expedition. C. O. 5, 918, pp. 17G-197 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 13. April 7. Petition of merchants for the encouraging the production of Madeira wines in Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 8, pp. 450-453 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 26. April 29. Petition of Richard Partridge on behalf of the governor of New Jersey. C. 0. 5, 997, pp. 153-157 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 32. May 1. Petition of Jamaica planters, residing in England, against an act passed there taxing absentees. C. O. 138, 19, pp. 63-67 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 48, May 12. Claim by Rhode Island for reimbursement of expenses incurred in expedition to Cape Breton. C. 0. 5, 1294, pp. 240-249 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 13. May 12. Id., Connecticut. C. O. 5, 1294, pp. 249-251 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 13. May 21. Petition of Gov. Belcher, New Jersey, salary question. C. 0. 5, 997, pp. 157-159, 162-164 (May 28) ; A. P. C. Col, IV, §§ 53, 54. Aug. 7. Memorial of Parke Pepper praying a governor for Belize River, Hon- duras. C. 0. 324, 12, pp. 297-301 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 55. Aug. 13. Proi)osal from Gov. Glen relative to the building of an Indian fort in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 402, pp, 134-135 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 65. Nov. 20. Claim of New Hampshire, Cape Breton expedition. C. 0. 5, 941, pp. 182-192 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 13. 1748. March 25, On the refusal of New Hampshire to admit representatives of cer- tain towns. C. O. 5, 941, pp. 194-200. May 24. Regarding the want of civil officers for the administration of justice in Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 8, pp. 179-181 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 74. May 24. Memorial of Rev. J. Woodside relative to a garrison built by him at the he;ul of Caseo Bay. C. O. 5, 918, pp. 207-209 ; A. P, C. Col, III, 789-790 ; VI, § 477. REPEESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 383 June 10. Address of the assembly of Bermuda relative to the allowance to the governor in lieu of profits from the whale fishery. C. O. 38, 8, pp. 459-405, 478-479. Aug. 30. Petition of the Palatines for repossession of lands in North Carolina. V. O. 5, 323, pp. 318-324 ; .1. P. C. Col., IV, § 63. Sept. 2. Gov. Gooch's letter regarding applications for grants of land ou the western side of the Great Mountain, Virginia. C. O. 5, 1386, pp. 411-417 ; 1355, 91 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 75. Oct. 2. Letter from Gov. Glen, South Carolina, stating his refusal to assent to bill for emitting bills of credit to meet the expense of two sloops. C. O. 5, 402, pp. 171-173. Dec. 14. Petition of John Hamilton for land in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 402, pp. 1S1-1S4 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 79. 1749. Feb. 23. Petition of John Hanbury and others for grant of land in Virginia. C. O. 5, 1366, pp. ■i■27-r.y.^ ; A. p. C. Col., IV. 55-56. May 11. On a Ma.ssachusetts act for drawing in bills of credit, etc. C. O. 5, 897, p. ."..•:7 : 918, pp. 216-224 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 113. June 2. Petition of Mr. Keimersperger (Mersperger) regarding Wurtembergers desiring to settle in South Carolina. C. O. 5, 402, pp. 195-206; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 105. Aug. 2. Petition of Kichard Partridge, agent of New Jersey about acts. C. O. 5, 997, pp. 196-206 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 25. Aug. 3. Regarding Fort Dummer. C. 0. 5, 397, p. 349, 20 pp. ; 918, pp. 225-241 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 25. 1730. Feb. 28. Statement of expenses incurred by the New England colonies for the intended expedition to Canada, 1746-1747 (Treasury). Trcas. 64, 44, fos. 1-92 ; C. O. 324, 13, pp. 1-236. June 1. Upon the present state of the province of New Jersey. C. O. .''.. 997. pp. 208-345 : A. P. C. Col., IV, 79 : VI, §§ 485, 494, p. 310. Oct. 23. Relative to the powers of collating benefices granting licenses for marriages in the Leeward Islands. C. O. 153, 17, pp. 89-90 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 141. 1751. Feb. 1. Relative to the court of chancery in Antigua. C. 0. 153, 17, pp. 99-103 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 139. April 2. Upon the state of the province of New York. r. O. 5, 1127, pp. 44-492 ; .1. P. C. Col., VI, § 488 ; N. T. Col. Docts., VI, 614-703 ; cf. A. P. C. Col., IV, 209. May 8. Draining morasses in the island of Jamaica. C. O. 138, 19, pp 138-145; .1. P. C. Col., IV. § 148. Aug. 6. Upon a memorial of the Trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia. C. 0. 5, 402, pp. 286-291, 292-302 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 149. 1752. March 12. On consideration of a memorial of the Georgia Trustees, have taken the opinion of the attorney and solicitor general which is herewith laid before [the committee of the Privy Council] for information and direc- tion, e. 0. 5, 402, pp. 305-307 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 125-126. 384 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. March 12. Complaining of the improper publication in Kew Jersey of an order of the Council. C. 0. 5, 997, pp. 365-370. March 17. Remittance of a fine on a youth under age in Virginia for assault. C. O. 5, 1366, pp. 510-511 ; 1344, 2 pp. June 24. Memorial from the Trustees of Georgia particularly as to the culture of silk. C. O. 5, 402, pp. 311-315 ; 657, 48, 10 fos. ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 149. July 9. Considerations upon the same. C. 0. 5, 402, pp. 315-328 ; 657, 52, 32 fos. ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 177. July 9. On disputes between Gov. Wentworth and the assembly of New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 941, pp. 267-281 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 32. July 9. Disordered state of afi'airs in New Jersey. C. 0. 5, 997, p. 374 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 80-81. July 23. Proposals for settlement and trade in Labrador. C. 0. 5, 6 (bundle), fos. 38-54. July 23. Report from the attorney general and solicitor general about affairs in New Jersey. C. O. 5, 997, pp. 375-379 ; see A. P. C. Col., IV, 80. July 23. Papers from Gov. Belcher about the same. C. O. 5, 997, pp. 379-380. Nov. 7. Complaint of Peter Wraxall against Gov. Clinton. C. O. 5, 1128, pp. 18-24 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., VI, 768. Nov. 10. Address of the House of Burgesses in Virginia relative to laws lately repealed, and a representation of the judges of the general court that salaries may be enlarged. C. O. 5, 1366, pp. 514-515; A. P. C. Col., IV, §§ 186, 187. Nov. 17. Petition of the guardians of Lord Baltimore relative to the deferring of Penn's petition till the February following. C. 0. 5, 1295, pp. 20-23 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 168. Nov. 21. Dispute between Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire regarding maintenance of Fort Dummer. C. 0. 5, 918, pp. 280-282 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 17. Nov. 29. Extract of a letter from Gov. Wentworth on the action of the assem- bly, New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 941, pp. 284-285 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 32-33. Nov. 29. Extract of letter from Gov. Belcher and journals of the New Jersey assembly relative to riots. C. 0. 5, 997, p. 381. Dec. 20. Civil government and encouragement of the silk industry in Georgia. C. 0. 5, 672, pp. 6-11 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 188. Dec. 22. Gov. Wentworth and the assembly of New Hampshire. ■ C. 0. 5, 941, pp. 293-294. 1753. Jan. 17. Urging plan of government for Georgia. C. 0. 5, 672, pp. 16-25 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 177-178. Feb. 2. Disputes in New Hampshire over propriety of lands — Mason's claim, etc. C. O. 5, 941, pp. 299-846; A'. H. Province Papers, VI, 896; see A. P. C. Col., IV, § 202. Feb. 8. Address of council and representatives of Jamaica relative to trade and fortifications. C. 0. 138, 19, pp. 377-378 ; see A. P. C. Col., IV, § 201. Feb. 13. Ordnance stores for Jamaica. C. O. 138, 19, pp. 382-383 ; see A. P. C. Col., IV, § 199. Feb. 13. Petition of judges of the general court, Virginia. C. 0. a, 13G7, pp. 10-18. repeesejsttations or the boaed of trade. 385 Feb. 14. Address of the council and House of Burgesses of Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1367, pp. 13-19. Feb. 22. State of tlie island of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 19, pp. 388-452 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 201. March G. As to the utility of building forts on the Ohio River. C. 0. 5, 1367, p. 23 ; 1344, p. 66 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 207. March IG. :Mouey wherewith to buy goods for a present to the Twightwee Indians. • C. 0. 5, 1367, pp. 24-20 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 206. April 18. Complaint (Spencer Phips) that assembly of Massachusetts will not regard additional instruction for revising the laws. C. 0. 5, 918, p. 284 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, ^ 210. May 10. Cannon and ordnance required for forts in "\'irginia. C. 0. 5, 211, pp. 1-3, 5-8 ; 1367, pp. 31-34 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 207. June 6. Upon a South Carolina act regarding bills of credit (1746), with general consideration of the same subject. C. O. 5, 402, pp. 347-426; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 213. June 7. On the plan of civil government for Georgia. C. O. 5, 672 pp. .34^1 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 188. July 12. Instruction relative to appeals, prepared by the attorney and solicitor general, to be sent to all governors. C. 0. 324, 16, pp. 335-336 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 185, 775. Aug. IG. Designs of the French upon the Ohio. C. 0. 5, 1367, pp. 44-47 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 233 ; cf. 1344, fo. 81 (original). Nov. 28. Complaint from the Ordnance Board against the governor of Jamaica. C. O. 138, 19, pp. 502-503 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 199. Dec. 5. Relative to appeals in the plantations in cases of error. C. O. 324, 15, pp. 340-341 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 775. Dec. 7. Proceedings of the French at St. John's. C. 0. 218, 4, p. 495. 1754. Feb. 20. Memorial from Gov. Popple, relative to disputes with the assembly of Bermuda. C. O. 38, 9, pp. 22-26 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 230. March 14. Observations and opinions upon a body of laws transmitted from North Carolina relative to the royal prerogative and state of the province. C. 0. 5, 323 (end of book, not paged), 1025 PP. March 14. Memorial of Gov. Dobbs regarding salary. C. 0. 5, 323, Si pp. ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 230. March 18. Petition of New Jersey house of representatives about issuing bills of credit. C. O. 5, 997, pp. 411-i20; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 224. April 4. Battery for Halifax harbor, Nova Scotia. C. O. 218, 5, pp. 45-46; .1. P. C. Col., IV, § 234. April 4. Address from the general assembly of New York. C. 0. 5, 1128, pp. 332-335 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 235 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., VI, 614. May 22. Petition of Jamaica merchants relative to removing the seat of government. C. O. 138. 20, pp. 20-22 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 2.36. May 22. Remission of fine imposed upon Kennedy for sending a challenge to one Hog. C. O. -138, 20, pp. 24-25 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 242. May 22. Address of thanks from council of Massachusetts Bay for supply of ordnance. C. O. 5, 918, p. 291 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 208. May 23. Petition of Lord Baltimore claiming a tract of laud in Newfoundland called Avalon. C. 0. 195, 8, pp. 329-332 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 217. 62513°— 15 25 386 AMERICAN KISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. May 24. Renewal of commission for holding courts of admiralty for trying pirates at Jamaica. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 27-28 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 243. May 24. Supply of cannon for the Bahamas. C. O. 24, 2, pp. 49-51 ; A. P. G. Col., IV, § 160. May 28. Money due Henry McCulloh as comptroller of quit-rents, South Carolina. C. O. 5, 323, 21 pp. ; 402, pp. 434-436 ; .1. P. C. Col., IV, § 245. June 18. Proposing Jonathan Belcher to be chief justice of Nova Scotia (many other similar appointments follow). C. O. 218, 5, pp. 49-50, 51 (.Time 21) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 240. June 20. Address of House of Burgesses of Virginia praying indulgence for settlers westward of the Great ^Mountains. C. O. 5, 1367, pp. 69-75 ; 116-117 (Aug. 6) ; A. P. G. Col., IV, § 229. June 25. Upon petition of the Ohio Company for an enlargement of their grant. C. 0. 5, 1367, pp. 76-87 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 233. June 27. Petition of Virginia merchants for repeal of clause in an act of 1749 for executions in cases of debt. C. O. 5, 1367, pp. 88-92. June 27. Grant to Georgia for presents for Indians. C. 0. 5, 672, pp. 52-58 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 244. July 24. Defense of the Leeward Islands. ('. O. 153, 18, pp. 12-13 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 249. Aug. 9. Plan of general concert for the colonies. C. 0. 5, 6, fos. 8G-89 (original, sealed), 91-94; 324, 15, pp. 369-379; N. T. Col. Docts., VI, 901. Oct. 15. Disputes between Gov. Knowles and the assembly and courts of justice in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 41-75, 81 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 252; VI, § 501. Oct. 15. Remission of the tine upon one Fornichon, a Frenchman in Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 20, p. 82 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 251. Oct. 15. Removal of seat of government in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 83, 84, 98-101 (Dec. 13), 101-103 (Dec. 19) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 236; VI, § § 499, 507. Oct. 29. Proceedings of the commissioners at Albany. C. O. 5, 6, fos. 104-111 (original, sealed), 219; 324, 15, pp. 402-417; ^\ Y. Col. Docts., VI, 91G. Nov. 20. Ordnance for Nova Scotia. G. 0. 218, 5, pp. 89-90, 106-107 (Dec. 17) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 246. Nov. 27. Regarding proposed act of Parliament giving Maryland liberty to import salt. C. 0. 5. 1295, pp. 101-162 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 254. 1755. Jan. 15. Relative to conduct of Chief Justice Fuller and Judge Morse in Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 20, pp. 104-105 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 252. Jan. 23. Ordnance for Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 17, pp. 124-125, 131-134 (March 19) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 279. March 12. Id., Nova Scotia. C. O. 218, 5, pp. 112-113; A. P. G. Col., IV, 246. March 19. Petition of house of representatives of New Jersey for approval of an act concerning bills of credit. C. 0. 5, 997, pp. 437-442 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 224. March 20. Defenseless state of Georgia. C. O. 5, 672, p. 328 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 268. March 20. Civil government for the Virgin Islands. C. 0. 153, 18, pp. 33-41 ; A. P. G. Col., IV, § 267, REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 387 April 10. Defenseless state of North Carolina. C. O. 5, 324, pp. lGo-164 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 204-205. April 24. Ordnance for North Carolina. C. 0. 5, 324, p. 176, 2J pp.; A. P. C. Col., IV, 205. May 2. Petition of William Bollan, Massachusetts Bay. C. O. 5, 941, pp. 356-357 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 253. May 9. Remonstrance of house of representatives of Georgia against regula- tions as to clearing lands. C. 0. 5, 672, pp. 335-336 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 276. May 9. Regarding the southern boundary of Georgia. C. O. 5, 672, p. 337 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 277. May 30. Address from Pennsylvania regarding the governor's refusal to pass an act for bills of credit. C. 0. 5, 1295, pp. 16.3-181 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 269. May 30. Expediency of augmenting the regiments in the Leeward Islands. C. O. 15.3, 18, pp. 42-62: A. P. C. Col., IV, 265. July 1. Remonstrance of the council and assembly of Georgia against the governor's proclamation about cultivation of lands. C. 0. 5, 678, pp. 350-356 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, g 276. July 3. Regarding removal of the seat of government in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 113-127: .1. P. C. Col., IV, 249-251. July 8. Petition of Rev. Timothy Walker of New Hampshire. C. O. 5. S41, pp. 357-360 ; .1. P. C. Col., IV, § 202. July 15. On a petition of the inhabitants of Number Four, in New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 941, pp. 360-303 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 27S. July 29. Gov. Dobbs's proposal to build a fort at Cape Lookout, North Carolina. C. O. 5, 3C4, pp. 18.3-184 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 205. Aug. G. Remonstrance of assembly of Georgia against (1) vesting power of settling fees in governor and council only, and (2) qualifications of electors. C. 0. 5, 672, pp. 360, 361, 369-372 (Nov. 12) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, §§ 284, 285. Aug. 6. Return of barrack-bedding wanted for troops in Nova Scotia. C. O. 218, 5, p. 132; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 505. Aug. 29. Detailed account of the number of white inhabitants of North America. C. O. 5. 7 (bundlo), fo. 7; 324, 15, p. 423. Sept. 18. For packet boats to America. C. 0. 5, 7, 3 fos.; 344, 15, pp. 427-428. Oct. 8. Defenseless state of the Leeward Islands. C. 0. 153, 18, p. 67 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 266-267. Nov. 4. Wish of Gov. Knowles of Jamaica to resign his government. C. O. 138, 20, p. 137 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 273. Nov. 6. Grants of land in North Carolina uix)n easier terms of cultivation. C. O. 5, 324, pp. 198-199 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 272. Dec. 11. Thomas Penn's proposal to grant lands in Pennsylvania to officers and soldiers in the public service. C. 0. 5, 7, 24 fos. ; 1295, pp. 185-196. 1756. Jan. 21. Petition of several members of the assemblj- of Jamaica relative to illegal proceedings there. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 150-153 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 250-251. Feb. 4. Cannon for the Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 2, pp. 51-52; A. P. C. Col, IV, 147-148. Feb. 4. Relative to a permanent revenue for support of the government in New York. C. 0. 5, 1129, pp. 48-53 ; A^. Y. Col Docis., VII, 32. 388 AMEEICAI^ HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATIOlSr. March 3. Petition from Pennsylvania jtraying for relief and help in matters of defense. C. 0. 5, 1295, pp. 197-211 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 304. March 12. Stores of war for the Virgin Islands. C. 0. 153, 18, pp. 74-75 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 309. April 15. Petition of Dr. Cadwallader Evans for a grant of islands in the Delaware. C. 0. 5, 1295, pp. 224-227 ; A. P. G. Col., IV, § 296. May 11. Present state of defense of several colonies in America (also see below). C. 0. 324, 16, pp. 41-90 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 311. May 25. Suggestions regarding preventing correspondence with the French. C. 0. 324, 16, pp. 94-95 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 312. July 1. Papers relating to the ill-behavior of Judge Fairchild of Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 17, pp. 301-303. July 20. Present state of defense in Connecticut, Maryland, North Carolina, and Bermuda. C. 0. 324, 16, pp. 104-119. July 29. Present state of Georgia and conduct of Gov. Reynolds. ' C. O. 5, 657, 74 fos. ; 653, 48 pp. ; 672, pp. 388-425. Oct. 9. Petition of Henry McCulloh for arrears of salary, North Carolina. C. 0. 5, 324, pp. 215-220 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 260-261. Oct. 9. Small arms and powder for Georgia. C. 0. 5, 672, pp. 437-440 : A. P. C. Col., IV, § 323. Nov. IS. Augmentation of regiment in Antigua. C. 0. 153, 18, pp. 84-91. Dec. 7. Fortifications and ordnance for New York. C. O. 5, 1129, pp. 99-100 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 325. Dec. 16. Address of assembly of Jamaica relative to the seat of government. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 177, 178 (Dec. 28), 183 (Jan. 25, 1757) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 252. Dec. 24. Apprehensions in South Carolina and Georgia of an Indian war. C. 0. 5, 7, 31 fos. ; 403, pp. 177-192 ; 653, 15 pp. 1757. Jan. 27. Boundary between New Jersey and New York. C. 0. 5, 998, pp. 8-15. Feb. 3. Ordnance stores for Halifax. C. 0. 218, 5, p. 298 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 328. Feb. 9. Upon Gov. Hardy's desire to resign his government, New York. C. 0. 5, 1129, pp. 103-104 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 3.30. March 9. Petition of the inhabitants of Number Four, New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 941, pp. 387-388, 395-396 (March 30) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 300. April 22. Proceedings of the council and assembly in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 204-205 ; A. P. C. Col.. IV, § 332. May 25. Boundary line between New York and Massachusetts Bay to be settled and expense shared. C. 0. 5, 1129, pp. 119-127 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., VI, 223 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 335. May 25. Seat of government in Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 20, pp. 208-215. June 15. Principal harbors of Bermuda. C. 0, 38, 9, pp. 160-161, 183-189 (June 29, 1758). July 12. On the defense of the Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 2, pp. 55-57 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 148. July 13. Petition of William Bollan; ordnance for Massachusetts. C. O. 5, 918, pp. 442-446 ; .4. P. C. Col., IV, § 333. Nov. 6. Bad state of the fortifications of the Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 2, p. 58 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, p. 148, § 336. EEPEESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 389 Nov. 6. Petition from members of the council in Nortli Carolina, praying for allowances as councilors and judges. C. 0. 5, 324, pp. 247-248, 256-259 (Dec. 22) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 342. Nov. 6. Boundary line between New Yorlc and Massachusetts. C. 0. 5, 1129, pp. 127-132; 918, pp. 454-457 (Dec. 20) ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 352. Nov. 9. Skilful engineer or two in South Carolina. C. (). 5, 403, pp. 200-212 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 340. Dec. S. Plan for the division of Jamaica into three districts. C. 0. 138, 20, pp. 22S-23G ; A. P. C. Col, VI, § 509. 1758. Jan. 27. Weak and defenseless condition of South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 403, pp. 222-234 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 344. Feb. 10. Petition of Hutchinson Mure for license to carry negroes to the West Indies and to bring thence indigo. C. O. 318, 3, SJ pp. Feb. 16. Payment of arrears due Henry McCulloh. C. 0. 5, 324, pp. 200-263 ; .4. P. C. Col, IV, 2G2. Feb. 16. Reinforcement of regular troops in Jamaica. C. 0. 318, 20, pp. 264-269 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 367-369. Feb. 21. Petition from the agent of New Jersey regarding bills of credit. C. O. 5, 998, pp. 55-63, 250-256 (June 9) ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 343. April 2S. Complaint of Antony Balaguier regarding injustice done him in Jamaica. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 397-403 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 352. May 12. Defenseless state of Jamaica. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 40.3-406; A. P. C. Col, IV, 369. May 12. Boundary between New York and Massachusetts. C. 0. 5, 918, pp. 462-463 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 352. July 12. Memorials of Bristol and London merchants regarding injury to trade from two Virginia acts. C. 0. 5, 1367, pp. 332-341 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 390. July 12. Fortifications of the Bahamas. C. O. 24, 2, pp. 61-65 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 148-149. July 12. Petition from the assembly of Maryland complaining of an act of Parliament prohibiting the exportation of grain, etc. C. O. 5, 1295, pp. 252-258 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 355. Nov. 1. Salaries of the justices of the superior court in New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 941, p. 398, 408-409 (Nov. 24) ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 364. Dec. 6. Memorial of Causaponakeesa (Mrs. Bosomworth) praying reimburse- ment for her services, Georgia. C. O. 5, 673, pp. 195-206 ; see A. P. C. Col, IV. § 287. 1759. Jan. 16. Address of the assembly of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 20, p. 411 ; .4. P. C. Col, IV, 399. May 16. Alteration in instructions (1st article) of Gov. Ellis of Georgia. C. 0. 5, 673, pp. 23.3-2.38, 238-239 (.Tune 21). May 24. Congratulatoi-y address of general assembly of Jamaica on success of the King's arms. C. O. 138, 20, p. 420. June 1. Petition of Benjamin Franklin, agent for Pennsylvania, relative to differences between the inhabitants and the Indians. C. 0. 5, 1295, pp. 259-288 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 376. July 4. Memorial of the clergy of Virginia concerning a recent act affecting their salaries. C. 0. 5, 1367, pp. 373-381 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 394. 390 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIOlSr. July 11. Question of the validity of the commission of the lieutenant governor of Jamaica. C. 0. 1.38, 30, pp. 428-429; cf. 435-445 (Aug. 1) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 400. July 31. Petition of London merchants trading to Virginia against :ui act of 175S. C. 0. 5, 1367, pp. 382-383. Aug. 31. Should the trade and commerce of Guadeloupe be subject to certnin regulations and limitations? C. O. 153, 18, pp. 155-164 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 428-429. Aug. 31. Upon several vessels belonging to North America being taken and carried into Jamaica by H. M. S. Assistance. C. O. 138, 20, pp. AA1-Af,l ; A P. C. Col., IV, § 417. Nov. 16. Bad state of the fortifications in Jamaica. C. 0. 138. 20, p. 461 : A. P. C. Col., IV, § 409. Dec. 11. Memorial of Edward Dismore. deputy postmaster general of Jamaica. C. O. 138, 20, pp. 466-469 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 381. Dec. 12. Address of assembly of Massachusetts. C. O. .", 919, pp. 50-51. Dec. 18. Two inquisitions in New York respecting some lands escheated to the crown. C. O. 5. 1129, pp. 156-157 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 410. Dec. 20. Several papers relating to the terms and conditfbns proposed to several inhabitants of the colonies who wish to settle on lands vacated by the French in Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 381-392; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 414. 1760. March 12. On a bill prepared by Massachusetts concerning bankrupts and creditors. C. 0. 5, 919, pp. 61-65. June 13. Applications for grants of unpatented lands in New York. C. O. 5, 1129, pp. 172-175 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 424. July 31. Petition of Peter Farrell of Jamaica, merchant. C. 0. 138, 21, 5 pp. July 31. Petition of the Earl of Stirling for land in New England called the county of Canada. C. 0. 5, 919, pp. 67-75 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 423. Aug. 1. Petition of Reuben Cognetew, a Mohegan Indian, for himself and the tribe of South Shore Indians, as to encroachments on their lands. C. O. 5, 919, pp. 76-81 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 427. Nov. 12. Letter from the governor of Jamaica regarding a pernicious trade carried on with the French. C. O. 324, 17, pp. 33-34 ; cf. A. P. C. Col, IV, § 4.38. Nov. 12. Illicit trade in the Bahamas. C. O. 24. 2, pp. 189-190. Dec. 2. On the suspension of Francis Corbin, North Carolina. C. 0. 5, 325, p. 2 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 433. 17G1. Feb. 11. Should not Canadian trade be subject to the same regulations as those prescribed for other colonies. C. O. 324, 17, pp. 51-53. Feb. 24. Request from governor of Georgia for swivel guns and shot for forts and block houses. C. 0. 5, 674, pp. 11-12. March 5. Proposals of Alexander McNutt for introducing settlers into Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 59-64 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 476 ; VI, § 520. REPKESENTATIOKS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 391 April 1. Insufficiency of troops in Jamaica. C. O. loS, 22, p. 44 ; A. P. C. Col, VI, § 521. April 17. Dispute between Jones and Morris for the office of chief justice of New Jersey. C, O. 5, 999, pp. 34-35 ; N. J. Arch., IX, 264. May 20. Address of general assembly of Virginia concerning acts disallowed by the King. C. 0. 5, 1368, pp. 179-185. June IG. Commissioners for trying pirates. C. O. 324, 17, pp. 73-121 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 451. Sept. 10. Complaints of Reuben Cognetew, as above. C. 0. 5, 920, pp. 124-125 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 461. Nov. 11. Letters and papers from New York relative to lands and .ludges' com- missions. C. O. 324, 17, pp. 129-148; S23, 15, 7 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 460 ; VI, § r.:jO. Nov. IS. Upon the further proceedings of the assembly of New York for making judges' commissions during good behavior. C. O. 324, 17, pp. 160-lGl ; .V. Y. Col. Docts., VII, 471. 1762. Feb. 17. On a New York act of 17G0 regarding seamen in the merchant service. C. 0. 5, 325, pp. 189-193; 1130, pp. 174-177. March 10. Suggesting that a bill be brought into Parliament for the trial and punishment in the plantations of cases of murder committed there under the admiral's jurisdiction. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 178-lSO ; 324, 17, pp. 176-179 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 474. March 27. For the removal of Gov. Hardy from New Jersey. C. O. 5, 999, pp. 135-138 ; ^\ J. Arch., IX, 361. March 27. Trade carried on to Alonte Cristi. C. O. 138, 22, p. 240; see also A. P. C. Col., IV, § 417 ; VI, §§ 513, 536. April S. Alexander JIcNutt's pi-oposals to send settlers to Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 153-160; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 476; VI, § 537. May 19. Governor of Nova Scotia to permit settlers from Ireland under the conditions laid down by the Board of Trade, March 5, 1761. C. 0. 218, 6, p. 161 ; .1. P. C. Col., IV, 533-534. June 10. Petition of French Protestant refugees to be settled in the British colonies in America. C. 0. 324, 17, pp. 187-190 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 481, June 3. Petition of merchants of Albany against grants of land at Niagara. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 191-193 ; .V. Y. Col. Docts., VII. 502. June 11. Proceedings of assembly of New York relative to the tenure of judges. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 200-207 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., VII, 505 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 538. Nov. 24. Letter from Benjamin Pratt, chief justice of New York, regarding salary and tenure. C. 0. 5. 1130, pp. 207-208; .1. P. C. Col., IV, 550-551. Nov. 24. Regarding a prisoner of war in the West Indies. C. O. 138, 22, pp. 253-255 ; .4. P. C. Col., IV, § 512. Dec. 22. Boundary dispute between North and South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 404, pp. 175-184 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 496; VI, § 542. Dec. 24. Letter from Gov. Dobbs relative to lands and quit-rents in North Carolina. C. O. 5, 325, p. 223 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 497. 1763. Jan. 14. Complaint made by the Delaware Indians against the proprietaries of Pennsylvania. C. 0. 5, 1296, p. 11, 4 J pp. ; J. P. C. Col., IV, § 499 ; VI, § 544. 392 AMEEICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. Juu. 21. S;ecoud uiemorial of Alexander McNutt regarding settlers from Ireland for Nova Scotia. C. O. 218, 6, pp. 188-190, 198-201 (April 27) ; cf. A. P. C.-Col., lY, 534; VI, § .546. Jan. 25. Upon draft of a bill for the pnni.shment in the plantations of persons guilty of murder within the admiral's jurisdiction. C. O. 324, 17, p. 197; 21, IJ pp. Jan. 31. Upon a petition from Adm. Knowles, late governor of Jamaica. C. O. 138, 22, pp. 256-2G0 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 498. Feb. 17. Papers relative to resolutions of the assembly of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 22, pp 261-262 ; cf. A. P. C. Col., VI, § 550. March 15. Relating to necessary alterations in instructions to the governor of Newfoundland in consequence of the treaty (5th and 6th articles). C. O. 195, 9, pp. 85-91, 93-95 (March 21) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 778 ; VI, § 554. April 27. Two letters from Secretary Egremont to the governors of Virginia and Connecticut. C. O. 5, 1296, p. 15, 3 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 556. May 6. Letter from Gov. Dobbs submitting an alteration in his instructions. " C. 0. 5, 325, pp. 226-227 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 497. June S. Measures to secure the advantages of the cessions of the late treaty. C. 0. 5, 65, p. 127, 41 pp. ; 324, 17, p. 212, 49J pp. ; 21, 44 pp. ; 325, 1, VIII. Aug. 5. Concerning the western country acquired at the peace, question of civil government, etc. C. O. 324, 17, p. 263. 9^ pp. ; 21, 12J pp. Aug. 30. Memorial of Sieur de Stumpel for a grant of lands in Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 218-220, 254-258 (Dec. 15) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 527. Oct. 10. On annexing certain lands south of Georgia. C. 0. 5. 674, p. 251, li pp. ; .1. P. C. Col., IV, § 521. Oct. 26. Letter from Gov. Lyttelton, relating to some proceedings of the assem- bly of Jamaica. C. O. 138. 22, pp. 276-277 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 592 ; VI, § 573. Nov. 3. Upon the most reasonable and frugal method for peopling and settling new governments in America (the Floridas). C. 0. 5, 563, pp. 121-126; cf. A. P. C. Col., IV, §§ 522, 526. Nov. 3. Upon the method of disposing of lands in Grenada, Dominica. St. Vincent, and Tobago. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 121-172; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 525. Nov. 18. Memorial for the settlement of French Protestants in South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 404, pp. 200-202 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 539. Nov. 18. Address from the chapter of Quebec praying for the appointment of a Roman Catholic bishop. C. 0. 43, 1, p. 1.39 ; .4. P. C. Col., IV, § 598. Nov. 25. Memorial of Capt. Richard Gridley for a grant of the islands of Madalaine (Magdalene) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 25.3-254 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 494. Dec. 20. On Capt. Holland's proposals for a survey of North America. C. O. 324, 17, p. 317 ; 21, 3J pp. ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 537. Dec. 20. ^Memorial of John Marteilhe for a grant of land in Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 259-261 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 611. Dec. 20. i.Iemorial of several officers for confirmation of lands near St. John's River, Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 262-265 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 532. Dec. 20. iNIemorial of Price and Knuttan for grant of land in Quebec. C. O. 43, 1, pp. 143-147 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 820. Dec. 24. On the letters and papers concerning the Ordonnance lately published by the French in the West Indies. C. 0. 324, 17, p. 328, 8 pp. ; 21, 9 pp. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 393 1764. Jan. 2. Claim of Sieur tie la Fontaine to the island of Mingan on the coast of Labrador. C. O. 43, 1, pp. 140-158. Jan. 31. Ships of ^ar to be sent to Tobago to accommodate the lieutenant governor till his habitation is ready. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 182-183. Feb. 9. Memox'ials of merchants, bounties on hemp, American trade. C. 0. 5. 65, p. 399, 19 pp. ; 324, 17, p. 343, 90 fos. ; N. J. Arch., IX, 405 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 538. Feb. 13. Memorial of the Earl of Egmont praying for a grant of the island of St. John. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 268-273, 394-405 (March 23) ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 542. Feb. 23. Settlements in East Florida. C. O. 5, 563. p. 1.10, 31 pp. March 1. Conduct of Rev. Thomas Bernard, Barbr.does. C. O. 29, 18, pp. 150-151. 156-157 (Dec. 11). March 1. Plan and proclamation respecting the disposal of lands in Grenada. C. 0. 102, 1, p. 184. March 6. Proposals of the French court respecting the Newfoundland fishery. C. O. 195, 9, pp. 232-235. March 6. Petition of tlie planters of Jamaica against double taxation of absentees. C. O. 138. 22, pp. 281-285; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 454; VI, §§ 465, 473, 479, 588. March 23. Transiiorts to convey ordnance, stores, and Indian presents to West Florida. C. 0. 5, 599, pp. 163-164 ; Adm. 1, 5166; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 545 ; VI, § 593. March 23. Northern boundary of West Florida. C. O. 5, 599, pp. 165-166 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 551. March 23. Survey of Nova Scotia. C. 0. 324, 17, p. 398. April 20. Memorial of the French ambassador relating to the situation of Pointe Riche. C. O. 195. 9, pp. 330-356. May 1. Appointment of four ministers of the Gospel in East and West Florida. C. 0. 5, 563, p. 146 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 597. May 4. Two hulks to be stationed at Tobago. C. O. 102. 1, pp. 244-245 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 535. May 8. Quit-rents in East and West Florida. C. 0. 5, 563, p. 148 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 552. May 8. Application for lands in the same. C. O. 5, 563, p. 151, 4 pp. ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 552. May 15. Memorial of the Duke of Richmond praying for a grant of Cape Breton. C. 0. 218. 6, pp. 414^16; A. P. C. Col, IV, 660. May 15. Governor of East Florida not to grant lands frequeutetl by the sea-cow. C. 0. 5, 563, pp. 156-157, 161-162 (May 28) ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 555. May IS. Meiuorial of the French ambassador relating to certain lands and a fishery in Phillippeaux Bay belonging to French subjects. C. 0. 195. 9, pp. 358-359. May IS. }iIeniorial of Philip Skene for land in New York. C. 0. 5, 1130, pp. 225-229 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 817. May 18. /(/.. Lieut. Donald Campbell. C. 0. 5. 1130, pp. 230-233 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 818. May IS. Id.. James Napier. C. 0. 5, 1130, pp. 234-237 : A. P. C. Col, IV, 817. June 5. Memorial of the governor of Bermuda for increase of salary. C. 0. 38, 10, pp. 307-308 ; A. P. C. Col, tX, § 55.3. 394 AMEEICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. June 5. Grants of land in We.st Florida. C. 0. 5, 599, pp. 180-181, 182-183 (.June 18) ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 813-815. June 5. Id., Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 422-425 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 815-817. June 19. Respecting the Acadians remaining in Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 428^30, 456 (July 16) : A. P. C. Col., IV, § 556. Jul.y 10. Proposals for working coal mines in Cai)e Breton. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 435-440 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 543 ; VI, § 590. July 10. Grants of lands in East Florida. C. 0. 5, 563, pp. 173-174 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 81.3-815. July 10. Boundary between New Hampshire and New York. C. 0. 5, 942, pp. 284-302 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 559. July 10. Id., between New York and New Jersey. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 237-240 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 571. July 10. Grant of land in New York to Lord Holland. C. 0. 5, 1130, pp. 242-243 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 818. July 10. Id., Earl of Ilchester and Clotworthy Upton. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 243-244, 245-246 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 818. July 10. Id., Lieut. James Macdonald. C. 0. 5, 1130, pp. 247-248 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 818. July 10. Id., Nova Scotia, Col. Archibald Montgomery. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 443-444 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 816. July 10. Id., other military officers. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 445-446 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 816-817. July 16. Memorial of Hon. William Howe and associates for a tract of land on Cape Breton. C. O. 218, 6, pp. 45.3-455 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 543. July 16. Petition of assembly of South Carolina against Gov. Boone's action relating to state oaths. C. 0. 5, 404, pp. 226-229 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 529. July 16. Petition of James Duncan and others, Massachusetts Bay ; id., Gov. Berna rd. C. 0. 5, 920, pp. 174-186; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 533; VI, § 616. July 20. Commission for settling boundary between New York and New Jersey. C. 0. 5, 1088, p. 94 ; 1135, p. 255 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 687. July 23. About King's College. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 259-263 : N. Y. Col Docts., VII, 645 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 563. Aug. 15. State of his Majesty's right to Turks Island. C. 0. 24, 3, pp. 184-190 ; 325, 2, V. Nov. 29. Memorials of Lieut.-Col. Charles Lee and Capt. Walter Patterson, New York. C. 0. 5, 113G, pp. 266-267, 268-269 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 815, 818. Dec. 11. Letters from Gov. Palliser, Newfoundland, relative to the proceedings of the French at St. Pierre and Miquelon and the defenseless state of the island. C. O. 195, 9, pp. 360-364. Dec. 11. Attitude of Massachusetts Bay and New York toward Great Britain. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 270-274 ; N. Y. Col Docts., VII, 678 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 578 ; see also C. 0. 5, 897, pp. 485-489; 920, pp. 187-189 (Dec. 12). 1765. Jan. 9. Memorial of the French Inhabitants of Canada and other papers relative to the presentment of the grand jury (case of Thomas Walker). C. O. 43, 1, p. 179, 181-182 (April 29), 199-207 (.Tune 26), 209-211 (Sept. 2) ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 606. Jan. 17. On certain votes of the assembly of New York. C. O. 5, 1080, pp. 81-82 ; 1130, pp. 275-276. KEPEESEXTATIOXS OF THE BOAKD OF TRADE. 395 March 1. Objections put forv/ard by France to the validity of the treaty of 1686. C. 0. 5, 66, pp. 21-23 ; 324, 17, pp. 451-453. March 1. Some proceedings of the assembly of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 22, pp. 295-296 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 594. March 18. Petition of Hutchinson Mure and others for laud in the island of St. John. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 408-470 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 595 ; VI, § 639. April 16. Complaints and proposals of the French regarding the French fishery, Newfoundland. C. 0. 195, 9, pp. 369-393 ; A. P. C. Col., \I, § 647. April 29. Upon the state of Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 9, pp. 397-424 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 604. May 1. Losses on the surrender of St. Pierre to the French. C. O. 195. 9, pp. 427-429; .4. P. C. Col, IV, § 602. May 21. Petition of Nicholas Herbert, Andrew Stone, and John Pownall, secretary, register in chancery, and naval oflBcer, Jamaica ; fees. C. O. 13S, 22, pp. 307-314 ; .1. P. C. Col, IV, § 592. May 30. Address of the chapter of Quebec, with jilan for the free exercise of the Roman Catholic religion under certain restrictions. C. O. 43, 1, pp. 18.3-186; Brit. Mus.. Add M8S., 35914, fos. 8^-Q ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § .598; VI, §§ 6.54, 779. June 1. Grant of lands to John De Berniere, New York. C. 0. 5, 1080, pp. 89-91 : 1130, pp. 279-280 ; A. P. C. Col, VI, 390. June 6. General recommendation regarding land grants. C. O. 324, 17, pp. 458-461, with annexed list to 464. June 17. Gov. Lyttelton on proceedings of the new assembly of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 22, pp. 314-316 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 709 ; VI, § 659. Aug. 27. Letters from the governor of Virginia regarding distui'bances in that colony (Stamp Act). C. O. 5, 1336, pp. 113-119; 1368, pp. 261-270; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 621. Aug. 20. Proposal of Sir William Johnson to hold a general meeting of the Indians. C. 0. 5, 66, pp. 119-121 ; 324, 17, pp. 471^72. Aug. 30. Memorial of Robert Trail for land in New Hampshire. C. 0. 5, 896, pp. 111-112; 942, pp. 308-309; A. P. C. Col, IV, 817. Sept. 2. Calling an assembly at Quebec, and complaints against the governor there. C. 0. 43, 1, pp. 215-219 ; .1. P. C. Col, IV, § 586. Sept. 2. Courts of judicature. Quebec. C. O. 4.3, 1, pp. 220-2.59; 42, 87, pp. 81-128; A. P. C. Col, IV, 697. Sept. 3. Address of assembly and merchants of Bermuda relative to ports of entry and clearance. C. O. 38, 10, pp. 324-327 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 623. Sept. 13. Memorial of Robert Rogers with reference to a northwest passage to China. C. 0. 324, 17, pp. 475-476 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 627 ; VI, § 675. Sept. 24. Complaint against Rev. Thomas Bernard of Barbadoes. C. 0. 29, 18, pp. 164-166; A. P. C. Col, IV, §§ 541, 632; VI, 624A, 640. Sept. 24. Upon several ordinances of the governor and council of Quebec. C. O. 43, 1, pp. 263-280 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 696. Sept. 27. Affairs in Massachusetts Bay. C. O. 5, 897, pp. 491-493 ; 920, pp. 190-191. Sept. 27. Further news from Virginia, attack on the Cherokee Indians, etc. C. 0. 5. 1336, pp. 125-127 ; 1368, pp. 275-277 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 620. Oct. 1. Proceedings of the assembly of Massachusetts Bay. C. O. 5, 897, pp.^495-511 ; 920, pp. 192-202; A. P. C. Colj IV, § 621 ; VI, § 671. 396 AMERICAISr HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Oct. 1. Pardon for two i)ersons condemned for murder iu Virginia. C. O. 5, 1336, pp. 133-134 ; 1345, pp. 173-174 ; 1368, pp. 277-279. Oct. 2. Military stores for Bermuda. C. 0. 38, 10, p. 318 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 628. Oct. 2. Further information in the case of Walker, Quebec. C. 0. 43, 1, pp. 281-282 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 720. Oct. 10. Regarding riots in Boston. C. 0. 5, 897, pp. 515-517 ; 920, pp. 203-204 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 733 ; VI, 408. Oct. 17. The same. C. O. 5, 897, pp. 519-520; 920, pp. 205-206; A. P. C. Col., IV, 733; VI, 410. Nov. 8. Gov. Knowles's reasons for dissolving the assembly of Jamaica. C. 0. 138, 22, pp. 317-318. Nov. 8. Petition of Acadians in Pennsylvania and Maryland to be allowed to return to Nova Scotia. C. O. 5, 66, pp. 157-164 ; 218, 6, pp. 480-i89. Nov. 19. Regarding the misconduct of Rev. Thomas Harris of St. Lucy's, :5ar- badoes. C. 0. 29, 18, pp. 168-171 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 632. Nov. 19. Petition of reduced officers for land in the back part of New York. C. O. 5, 1080, pp. 109-115 ; 1130, pp. 347-352 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 590. Nov. 22. Alteration of 32d article of Gov. Moore's instructions. C. 0. 5, 1080, p. 117 ; 1130, p. 353 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 629. Nov. 26. Memorial of Capt. Joseph Smith Speer, expenses at the ^losqnito Shore. C. 0. 138, 22, pp. 320-322. Dec. 10. Measures to be taken in the Bahamas to counteract the French trading activities at St. Domingo. C. O. 24, 3, pp. 194-200 : A. P. C. Col, IV, § 640 ; VI, § 687. Dec. 10. For an assembly in Grenada. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 252-250, 258 (Feb. 27, 1766) ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 636. Dec. 17. Letter from Gov. Bernard concerning the Stamp Act. C. 0. 5, 897, p. 527 ; 920, pp. 207-208 ; see A. P. C. Col., IV, 733 ; VI, 412. 1766. Jan. 24. Memorial from Gov. Boone, South Carolina, recommending additional instruction for new governor. Lord C. G. Montagu. C. O. 5, 404, pp. 360-362, 364 ; 381, p. 637, 5 fos., 641, 2 fos. ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 637. Feb. 14. General rules for grants of land in America. C. O. 324, 17, pp. 501-503, with list to 506. March 25. Memorial of the governor of the Bahamas with regard to his salary. C. 0. 24, 2, pp. 201-205 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 642 ; VI, § 702. March 27. Trade and defense of Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 9, pp. 440-456 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 718 ; V, 183 ; VI, § 704. March 27. Andrew Symmer's memorial relating to the present state of the Bahamas and Turks Island. C. 0. 24, 3, pp. 206-207 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 746 ; VI, § 703. April 23. Grants of laud in East Florida and Quebec. C. 0. 5, 563, pp. 194-195 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 815, 820. April 23. With regard to duties on liquors in Virginia. C. O. 5, 1368, pp. 299-303 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 641. May 8. Extraordinary proceedings of the late assembly of Jamaica with regard to their privileges. C. O. 138, 22, pp. 331-332; A. P. C. Col, IV, 711. May 8. Upon an order in Council, May 9, 17G4, concerning grants of land in St. John and Newfoundland, according to surveys made by Capt. Holland. C. O. 324, 18, pp. 7-10 ; A. P. C. Col, IV, 659. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 397 May 13. Memorial of the proprietors and occupiers of fishing posts in Labrador. C. 0. l(ir., 9, pp. 470-495; .1. P. C. Col, IV, § 659. May 15. Proposals of Alexander McNutt regarding settlers in Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 6, pp. 496-504 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 647. May 16. On bills of cretlit. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 357-.'-.60; iV. Y. Col. Docts., VII, 827; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 646; VI, § 709. July 4. Petition of Lieut. Donald Campbell for land, New York. C. 0. 5. 1080, p. 141 ; 1130, p. 305; A. P. C. Col., IV, 820; V, § 5. July 11. Upon Gov. Bull's refusal to suspend Dougal Campbell .".s clerk of common pleas. C. 0. 5, 404, pp. r>70-371 ; 381, pp. 65.3-655; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 6(!2. July 29. Lands to be granted in the Floridas, Nova Scotia, and Quebec. C. O. 324, 18, pp. 14-18. Aug. 1. Dispute bet«'een the governor of West Florida and the commanding officer there. C. 0. 5, 583, pp. 157-160 ; 599, pp. 216-218. Aug. 1. Papers relative to the assembly of Grenada. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 269-272; A. P. C. Col., V, § 3. Aug. 1. Governor of Jamaica and the new assembly. C. 0. 1.38, 22, pp. 339-341 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, 712; V, § 4. Aug. 29. On the New Hampshire grants. C. 0. 5, 896, p. 119; 942, p. 344. Aug. 30. On the case of the Wappinger Indians. C. O. 5, 66, pp. 307-317 ; 324, 18, pp. 23-31 ; 2V. Y. Col. Docts., VII, 868. Aug. 30. Salary for Andrew Symmer. C. O. 24, 3, pp. 209-210. Sept. 3. Relative to an establishment of government on the Illinois. C. O. 5, 66, pp. .367-368 ; 324, 18, pp. 3.3-34. Sept. 3. Land grants in East Florida. C. O. 5, 563, pp. 217-220; 323, 19, p. 9 ; 4. P. C. Col., IV, § 624 ; VI, §§ 715, 725. Sept. 3. Id., case of John Gordon. C. O. 5, 563, pp. 210-216; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 624. Nov. 18. Instructions for Andrew Symmer, agent for Turks Island. C. 0. 24, S, pp. 212-213. 1767. Jan. 2. Alterations, etc., made in instructions to governors and proprietaries. CO. 5, 1296, pp. 131-133; .4. P. C. Col, V, 4. Jan. 23. Claim of Madame La Marquise de Rigaud de Vaudreuil to part of the fort at La Baye de Puan on Lake Michigan. C. O. 43, 1, pp. 3.32-343. Feb. 10. Memorial of Sir William Johnson. C. 0. 324, 18, pp. 73-86; N. Y. Col Docts., VII, 896; A. P. C. Col, IV, § 643. April 16. Statement of the establishment of the salaries of the governors, judges, and other officials in America (Secretary of State). C. 0. 5, 67, pp. 575-591 ; 216, pp. 21-29 ; 324, 18, 14S-170. May 8. Land grants in East Florida. C. 0. 5, 563, pp. 230-238 ; A. P. C. Col, V, 590. May 8. Id., West Florida. C. 0. 5, 699, pp. 22.3-226 ; A. P. C. Col, V, .593. May 26. For better settling and strengthening the province of Georgia. C. O. 5, 674, p. 311, 10 pp. May 28. Upon the petition of the inhabitants of Louisburg complaining of discouragements. C. O. 218, 7, pp. 193-197 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 71. May 28. Petition of Maj. Hamilton for himself and others — grant of land in Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 7, pp. 198-203; also 204-209. 398 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. June 2. Petition of the S. P. G. for lands in New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 896, pp. 123-128 ; 942, pp. 401-495 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 31 ; VI, § 740. June 2. Petition of Anthony Merry and others regarding trade in Canada. C. O. 43, 1, pp. 3.51-35.5; A. P. C. Col., V, § 18 ; VI, §§ 734, 7.59. June 3. Commissioners to run boundary between New Jersey and New York. C. 0. 5, 1051, pp. 19&-197 ; N. J. Arch., IX, 623 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 17. June 26. Upon Gov. Hutchinson's letter regarding a Massachusetts act repeal- ing two acts concerning debtors and creditors. G. O. 5, 920, pp. 22.3-230. June 26. Grant of land to Sir William Johnson. C. 0. 324, 18, pp. 171-173 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., VII, 942 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 643. June 26. Petition of Col. George Mercer on behalf of the Ohio Company. C. 0. 5, 24, pn. 291-295 ; 1368, pp. 324-328 ; 1336, p. 207 ; A. P. C. Col., IV, § 612 ; V, § 52. July 8. On the rights of townships in Massachusetts Bay to send representa- tives to the general assembly. C. 0. 5. 920, pp. 231-238 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 32-34. July 10. Concerning the Presbyterian Church, New York. C. 0. 5, 1080, pp. 201-205 ; 1130, pp. .398-401 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., VII, 943 ; A. P. O. Col., IV, § 651; VI, §§ 699, 768. July 13. Petition of F. and H. Mounier, praying for land in Quebec. C. 0. 43, 1, pp. 356-360 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 600-601. July 16. Grants of land in East Florida (Sir Edward Hawke and others). C. O. 5, 563, pp. 238-2.39, 240-246 ; A. P. C. Col, V, 599. July 24. Regarding the preservation of white pine trees. C. 0. 5, 920, pp. 242-267 ; A, P. C Col., V, § 11. July 29. Distribution of land in the island of St. John. C. 0. 218, 7, pp. 216-218 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 28. Nov. 20. Upon the address of the new subjects in Grenada. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 285-288. Nov. 27. Memorial, Lieut. John Pigott, for land in Georgia. C. O. 5, 674, pp. 830-331 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 595. Dec. 21. Separate government for Dominica. C. O. 102, 1, pp. 289-297, 299-302 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 12. Dec. 24. On a Virginia act of 1766 for giving a salary to the speaker of the House of Burgesses. C. 0. 5, 1368, pp. 332-333 ; 1375, p. 7 ; 1336, p. 221 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 60. 1768. Jan. 29. Relative to the absence of several members of the council of Bar- b a does. C. O. 29. 18, pp. 401-403. Feb. 4. On the expediency of keeping up the office of baron of the exchequer in North Carolina, r. O. 5. 311, pp. 17-20 ; 305, p. 65 ; 325, pp. 420-422 ; 328, pp. 31-34. Feb. 4. On the right of Massachusetts Bay to choose an agent. C. O. 5, 757, pp. 13-16 ; 766, pp. 80-85 ; 920, pp. 269-272 ; 825, 1, XI ; see A. P. C. Col., V, 264. Feb. 4. On disputed claims to lands between Quebec and New York near Lake Champlain. C. O. 5, 1099, pp. 53-54 ; 1130, pp. 412-413 ; 1137, pp. 87-89 ; 1080, p. 227 ; A. P. 0. Col.. V, 22-23. Feb. 4. Grants of land in East Florida (Johnson). C. 0. 5, 563, pp. 249-250 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 592. Feb. 25. Upon the ordinance for establishing an assembly in Dominica. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 303-814 ; .1. P. C. Col., V, 7-15. Feb. 25. Petition of I.snac Levy against Thomas Bosomworth for loss of lands in Georgia. C 0. 5. 674, pp. 33.3-341 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 45. REPEESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 399 March 3. Claims of Ciignet and Tacket to lauds and fishing posts in Labrador. C. 0. 42, 28, PI). n.-.-llT; lO."., 9, pp. 408-50:'.; .1. /'. C. Col., V, § 119. March 7. Indian affairs; also question of establishing three new governments. C. 0. 5, 69, p. 119, 53 pp., and appendix, 30 pp. Also in 226, 1088, 324, 18, 21; N. Y. Col. Docts., VIII, 19-34, witli part of the appendix; A. P. C. Col., VI, 513. March 7. Ortu-ers' petition for land in St. John. C. 6. 218, 7, pp. 227-231. April 21. Petition of Lieut. MacDougal for grant of Hog Island, three miles from Detroit. C. 0. 324, 18, pp. 209-212; A. P. C. Col. V, § 53. May 4. State and trade of Turks Island. C. O. 24, 3, pp. 374-381. May 7. Complaints against Thomas Atwood, assistant judge of the supreme court in Dominica. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 340-353. May 7. Petition, Henry Bostwick, and others, for grant of mines near Lake Superior. C. 0. 5, 69, pp. 305-308 ; 226, pp. lSS-190 ; 324, 18, pp. 267-270, 270-273 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 65. May 7. On acts and proceedings of New York. C. O. 5, 1080, pp. 243, 18 fos. ; 1130, pp. 414-419; N. Y. Col. Docts., VIII, 63. May 7. Petition of ,7ohn Tabor Kempe for increase of salary as attorney general of New York. C. O. 5, 1099, pp. 175-177; 1130, pp. 421-423; 1137, pp. 172-174; 1030, p. 237. June 10. Upon an ordinance of the governor of Grenada establishing a general council in Tobago. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 354-359; A. P. C. Col., V. 11-12. June 10. As to the expediency of permitting settlements to be made on lands to the westward of the Ore.-it Mountains. C. 0. 5, 1346, pp. 29-36 ; 1368, pp. 34.5-354 ; 1372, pp. 27-33 ; 1336, p. 249 ; see A. P. C. Col., V, § 124. June 10. Address of the A^irgiuia House of Burgesses for issuing paper money. C. 0. 5, 1346, pp. 21-24 ; 1368, pp. 356-359 ; 1372, pp. 35-37 ; 1336, 261. July 21. Petition of George Croghan for land in New York. C. O. 5. 1130, pp. 424-425 : 1080, p. 257 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 596. July 21. Petition of Jamaica planters for confirmation of an act dividing the island into three counties. C. 0. 138, 23, pp. 77-SO ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 797. Aug. 3. ProiH)sed division of New Hampshire into five counties. C. O. 5, 935, pp. 159-160 ; 942, p. 495 ; 945, p. 58 ; 896, p. 127. Aug. 3. Memorial of Gen. Gage for lands on the Mohawk River. C. 0. 5, 1130, pp. 426^27 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 596. Aug. 3. Petition of Daniel Coxe of New Jersey. Grant of lands to be given him in New Jersey on condition he surrenders all title to the tract called Carolana. C. 0. 324, 18, pp. 273-276 ; A. P. C. Col.. V, § 68. Aug. 3. Boundary line between New York and Quebec. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 428-430 ; 1080, pp. 261-263 ; see A. P. C. Col., V, § 70. Aug. 4. As to appropriating quit-rents in New Hampshire toward repairing roads and encouraging a.griculture. C. 0. 5. 896, pp. 129-132; 942, pp. 505-507; A. P. C. Col., V, § 77 ; VI, § 802. Aug. 6. Petition. Edward Mea.se, for laud in West Florida. C. 0. 5, 599, pp. 467^68 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 594. Nov. 11. Jurisdiction in cases of murder committed by seamen on board H. M. ships. C. O. 138, 23, pp. 96-99. Nov. 11. Land grant. John Maurice, in East Florida. C O. 5, 563, pp. 251-253 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 591. 400 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. Nov. 11. Petition of proprietaries of Maryland and Pennsylvania. C. O. 5, 1296, pp. 215-216 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 35. Nov. 17.. Friedenburg's petition for lauds in New York. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 433-4.35 ; 1080, pp. 271-273. Nov. 22. With regard to a question raised by the governor of New York about consenting to acts in cases where neither confirmation nor disallowance has been received. The board refers to its previous report of May 20, 1761, for Virginia, and think that the governors' instructions should stand. C. 0. 5, 1130, pp. 436-438 ; 1080, pp. 275-277. Dec. 22. Land grant in Nova Scotia (Hale). C. O. 218, 7, pp. 241-242 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 598. Petition from members of the council of North Carolina for allowances for their services. Endorsed " This representation was not signed." C. 0. 5, 305, p. 29, 11 fos. 1769. Feb. 11. Grants of land in East Florida (Haven). C. O. 5, 563, pp. 254-256 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 592. Feb. 15. Id., West Florida (Comyn). C. O. 5, 599, pp. 472-474 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 594. Feb. 15. Moravian mission in Labrador. C. 0. 195, 9, pp. 509-516; A. P. C. Col., V, § 103. I'eb. 15. Land grant in New York (Pryce). C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 440-442 ; 1080, pp. 283-286 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 596. leb. 15. Question as to passing acts whereby slaves may be declared "chattels personal." C. 0. 5, 694, p. 339, 7 fos. ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 97 ; VI, § 807. March 7. Governors not to assent to any act raising money by lottery. C. 0. 324, 18, pp. 281-284 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 187-188. March 7. Grant of a township in Nova Scotia (Mayne). C 0. 218, 7, pp. 256-259 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 599. March 7. Land grant in Quebec (Dutens and others). C. 0. 4.3, 2, pp. 62-66 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 601. April 10. Memorial of Sir Jeffrey Amherst for a grant of land in New York. C. 0. 5, 1130, pp. 444-446 ; 1080, pp. 291-293 ; A. P. C. Col, V, 596. April 11. Land grants in East Florida (Bowman). C. 0. 5, 663, pp. 258-259; A. P. C. Col., V, 592. April 25. On the boundaries of Indian lands. C. O. 5, 70, p. 375, 22 pp. ; 227, p. 100, 21 pp. ; 824, 18, pp. 317-344 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., VIII, 158. May 4. Land grants in East Florida (Strachey, Astle, Cusack, Wynn). C. O. 5, 563, pp. 260-261, 262-264, 26-5-267, 268-270 (May 11) ; A. P. C. Col., V, 592. May 9. Petition of Gen. James Murray about lands. C. O. 5, 1130, pp. 447-451 ; 1080, p. 295 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 144-145. May 11. Upon the Dominica treasury bill. C. O. 102, 1, pp. 382-387 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 120. May 11. Memorial of Gen. Phineas Lyman, for himself, officers, and soldiers, to settle a colony on the Ohio. C. O. 5, 1369, pp. 18-21 ; 1336, pp. 327-329 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 67. May 30. Separate government for the island of St. John. C. O. 218, 7, pp. 260-270 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 80, 82-85. July 10. Petition of Capt. Jonathan Carver. C. 0. 324, 18, pp. 350-355; 21, 5J pp.; A. P. C. Col., V, § 115; VI, § 816. July 10. Upon the state of Quebec, referring to order in council of Sept. 2S. 1768 (not in A. P. C. Col.). C. O. 43, 2, pp. 67-152; A. P. C. Col, V, 97. July 17. Land grant in West Florida (Taitt). C. O. 5, 599, pp. 475-477 ; A. P. C. Col, V, 594. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 401 July 17. Petition of Henry Bostwicli further considered (see ante, May 7, 176S). C. 0. 324, 18, pp. 356-361 ; 21, 5 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., V, 130-131. Dec. 20. Petition and address from New Yorl< to emit bills of credit. C. 0. ?>, 1131, pp. 34-38 ; 1080, p. 325, 9 fos. ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 130. Dec. 21. Action of the house of representatives, New York. C. O. 5, 1131, pp. 39-41 ; 1080, p. 331. 3 pp ; X. Y. Col. Docts., VIII, 194. Dec. 22. John Stuart, superintendent of Indian Affairs, to be extra member of several councils. C. O. 324, 18, pp. 3G2-364 : 21, 2 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 139. 1770. Feb. 7. Laud grant in East Florida (Thornton, Cornwall, Humphreys). C. O. 5, 663, pp. 271-273, 274-276, 278-279 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 593. Feb. 7. Id., West Florida (Wildman. T.yman. Timberlake). C. 0. 5, 600, pp. 29-31, 210-211, 214-215; A. P. C. Col., V, 594. Feb. 7. Id., Nova Scotia (Greeve, Baillie). C. 0. 218, 7, pp. 27.3-275, 279-281 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 599. Feb. S. On the New York act for emitting bills of credit. C. O. 5, 1131, pp. 42-45 ; 1080, p. 335, 51 pp.; A', Y. Col. Docts., VIII, 202. Feb. 15. Laud grant in Georgia (Youge). C. 0. 5, 674, pp. 344-345; .4. P. C. Col, V. 595. Feb. 15. Letter from Gov. Hutchinson with one from the American Board of Customs Commissioners at Boston, complaining of being required to pay the province tax. C. 0. 5, 769, pp. 49-51 ; 765, pp. 77-78; 897, pp. 535-537; 920, pp. 278-280; A. P. C. Col., V, 264-265. Feb. 23. On the constitution of South Carolina and the usage with respect to raising and issuing money. C. 0. 5, 404, pp. 406-424 ; .1. P. C. Col., V, § 140. March 1. Separate government for Dominica. C. 0. 102. 1, pp. 392-397; .1. P. C. Col, V, 12-15; VI, § 837. March 2. Petition of six members of the council of Gx'enada complaining of their suspension by Gov. Fitzmaurice. C. O. 5, 26, p!). 179-195 ; 102, 1, pp. 39^-424 ; .1. P. C. Col., V, § 145 ; VI. § 838. March 29. Report of commissioners for sale of lands in the Ceded Islands, and need of additional military force in St. Vincent. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 428-420; soo A. P. C. Col, V, § 138. April 4. Land grants in New York (Sir John Thompson, Martin). C. 0. 5, 1131, pp. 47, 52-53; 1080, pp. 347. 359; A. P. C. Col, V, 596. May 4. Consideration of a memorial delivered by the French ambassador complaining of obstructions in their concurrent Newfoundland fishery. C. O. 195. 10, pp. 108-117; 12, pp. 88-93; £f. P. Foreinn, rrniwe, 280. May 4. Petition from Gov. Bernard for confirmation of lands granted him in Massachusetts. C. 0. 5, 897, pp. 54.3-548 ; 920, pp. 304-308 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 135 ; VI, § 843. May 21. Memorial of Edward Bell for lands on the Ohio. r. 0. 5, 1369, pp. 28-29 ; 1336, pp. 369-370 ; A. P. C. Col, V, 595. June 7. Petition of Sir Jeffrey Amherst for grant of the estates belonging to the Jesuits in Canada. r. O. 4 3. 2. pp. 1.-9-161 : A. P. C. Col, V, § 150. June 7. On the proclamation of the governor of New Hampshire respecting gold and silver coin. C. O. 5. 896, pp. 144-146: 943, pp. 8-10; ,) . P. C. Col, V, § 122. June 15. Pai)ers regarding the proceedings of the assembly in Jamaica. C. 0. 138. 23, pp. 111-115 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 851. 62513°— 15 26 402 AMEEICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. July 13. Claim of Connecticut to the Mohegan lands. C. 0. 5, 1296, pp. 350-35.3 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 133. Dec. 5. Petition of freeholders in Bermuda regarding the whale fishery. C. 0. 38, 10, pp. 336-340 ; see A. P. C. Col., V, 554. Dec. 5. Grant in East Florida of land to Earl of Dartmouth and others. C. O. 5, 563, pp. 280-282 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 593. Dec. 6. Commissions for trial of pirates in Grenada and Dominica. C. 0. 102, 1, pp. 4.35^38, 439-446 (Dec. 19) ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 174. Feb. 8. Land grant in East Florida (Martin). C. 0. 5, 663, pp. 285-286 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 593. Feb. 22. Petition of Frederick Philipse of New York for lease of a mine. C. O. 5, 1131, pp. 419-424 ; 1080, p. 401, 7 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 186. March 8. Land grant in Georgia (Macldnnen). C. 0. 5, 674, pp. 356-357 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 595. March 17. Refusal of request from South Carolina that additional instruction to governor be withdrawn. C. 0. 5, 404, pp. 4.39-442 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 235. April 10. Land grant in New York (Markham). C. 0. 5, 1131, pp. 430-431 ; 1080, p. 419 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 596. April 12. Id. (Howard). C. 0. 5, 1131, pp. 432-433 ; 1080, p. 423 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 596. April 24. Commissioners to mark the final boundary between North and South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 404, pp. 443-446 ; 381, p. 731 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 123. April 24. Alteration in the mode of granting lands in Quebec. C. O. 43, 2, pp. 162-164 ; .1. P. C. Col., V, 600-001. May 31. Irregularity of the conduct of Andrew Symmer, agent for Turks Island. C. 0. 24, 3, pp. 383-392. May 31. Land grant in New York (Lieut. Campbell). C. O. 5, 1131, pp. 410-442: 1080, p. 443; A. P. C. Col, V, 596. May 31. Petition of Samuel Crooke against the court of errors in St. Chris- topher. C. 0. 15.3, 20, pp. 44-47 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 177. June 6. Upon certain proceedings of council and assembly at St. Christopher. C. 0. 153, 20, pp. 48-51 ; cf. A. P. C. Col, V, § 160. June 6. New Hampshire grants. C. 0, 5, 1131, pp. 443-455 ; 1080, p. 447, 25 pp. ; N. Y. Col Docts., VIII, 272 ; Doc. Hist. N. Y., IV, 435 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 157. June 21. Refusal of petition of certain iiersons in the Isle of Skye for land in North Carolina, because such emigration lessens the strength of the king- dom and prejudices the landed interest. C. O. 5, 326, pp. 183-186 ; 305, p. 123, 4 pp. ; A. P. C. Col, V, 346, see also p. .340. June 27. Against the late practice in Georgia of passing laws under the name of ordinances for the appointment of persons to executive offices. C. 0. 5, 674, pp. 364-367 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 206. June 27. Reconsideration of Bostwick i)etition. C. O. 324, 18, pp. 388-391 ; 21, 51 pp. ; A. P. C. Col, V, 131-132 ; VI, § 857. Dec. IS. Petition of Lewis Dumesnil de St. Pierre on behalf of certain emi- grants and himself — lands in South Carolina. C 0. 5, 407, pp. 457-460 ; 381, p. 753, 6 fos. ; A. P. C. Col, V, 595. 1772. Feb. 1. Petition of George Milner, merchant, relating to losses in Newfound- land. C. 0. 195, 10, pp. 118-120 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 75. EEPEESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 403 Feb. 1. Memorial of Henry Remseu and associates about Indian lands pur- chased near Albany. C. O. 5, 1080, pp. 479-481 ; 1131, pp. 457-460 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 210. Feb. 2G. Memorial of John Waduiiin for grant in Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1369, pp. 245-248 ; 1336, p. 495 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 208. March IG. On a memorial from the court of France, asserting a right to fish in the canal which separates St. Pierre and Miquelon from Newfound- land. C. 0. 195, 10, pp. 137-150 ; S. P. Foreign, France, 284. March 17. Maj. Robert Rogers's proposal about a northwest passage. C. 0. 324, 18, pp. 409-413 ; 21, 4 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 199 ; VI, § 883. April 13. Petition of certain landholders of Georgia stating that they are too poor to defend their titles. C. 0. 5, 674, pp. 376-379 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 182. April 20. On the memorial of Thomas Walpole. C. 0. 5, 1369, pp. 251-295 ; 501, 68 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 124 ; VI, § 887, p. 556 ; printed, ITTl", report, obRervjitions, and answers; also in Franklin's Works, V, 1-75. May 12. Land grant in East Florida to Swiss Protestants (Roux). C. 0. 5, 6G3, pp. 290-293; A. P. C. Col., V, 593. May 12. Petition of Bishop of Chester and others for land in New York. C 0. 5. 1131, p. 473 ; 1080, p. 491 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 597. May 17. Petition from the Earl of Rochford for isLmds, grounds, and shoals in Delaware River. C. 0. 324, 18, pp. 414-424 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 220. May 21. Petition of the rector and inhabitants, New York City, for remission of quit-rents on a tract of land in Gloucester County. C. O. 5, 1131, pp. 466-468 ; 1080, p. 495 ; N. Y. Col. Boots., VIII, 271 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 8SS. May 20. Petition of .John Wadmau (above Feb. 2G). C. 0. 5, 1369, pp. 297-299 ; 1363, p. 571 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 208. June 2. Address from the college of Now York. C. 0. 5, 1131, pp. 469^72 ; 1080, p. 499 ; N. Y. Col. Docts., VIII, 296. June 14. Land grant in West Florida (Grossett). C. 0. 5, 600, pp. 241-245 ; A. P. C. Col, V, 594. June 16. Land grants in Dominica. C. 0. 102, 2, pp. 217-219 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 230. June 16. Late proceedings of general assembly of New York. C. 0. 5. 1131, p. 475 ; 1080, p. 507 ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 231. June 24. Pajier drawn up by the merchants of Great Britain relative to the case of the proprietors of the seal fisheries on the coast of Labrador under grants from the governor of Quebec. C. O. 10.". 10, pp. 222-231, 247-250 (March 2) ; A. P. C. Col, V, § 232. Nov. 0. Jlemorial of Gov. Wright of Georgia on the state of the province. Long appendi.x. C. 0. 5, 661, p. 327. 16 pp. and 85 pp. ; 674, pp. 380-394 ; 679, pp. 29-41. Nov. 30. Land grant in New York (Howard). C. 0. 5, 1131, pp. 483-480 ; 1080, p. 517 : .1. /■. f'.-To?., V, 590. Nov. 30. Claim of M. Ilocquart (Michel Chartier de Lotbiuiere), late intendant of Canada, to a fishing post at Gros Mecatinat. C. O. 195, 10, pp. 232-239 ; see A. P. C. Col, V, § 70, p. 348. Dec. 3. The New Hampshire grants. C. O. 5, 1131, pp. 487-515: 1080, p. 523; X. Y. Col. Docts., VIII, 330; Doc. Hist. N. v.. Ill, 803 (IV, 488) ; Force's Archives, 4th ser., IV, 704 ; A. P. C. Col, V, 267-276. 17T.3. Jan. 22. Pai>ers desired by the House of Commons relating to the Caribbee Indians. C. 0. 102, 2, pp. 243-246. 404 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Jan. 22. Petition of tlie Earl of Egliutown aud others to establish a colony on the Mississippi. C. 0. 324, 18, p. 432 ; 21, 12* pp. ; A. P. C. Col., V, 176. Feb. 18. Petition of Henry Semsen (above Feb. 1, 1772). C. 0. 5, 1131, pp. 523-526 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 210. March 1. Petition of William Bollan, in bph^lf of Massachusetts Bay. C. 0. 5, 897, pp. 589-591 ; 920, pp. 415-417 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 236. March 2. Memorials : George Cartwright — grant of land between Cape Charles and Cape St. Lewis ; North and Pinson— sealing posts in Labrador. C. O. 194, 28, 4 pp. ; 195, 10, pp. 242-246; 12, pp. 148-151 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 232. April 8. Letter of Gov. Hutchinson in connection with the controversy in Mas- sachusetts. C. O. 5, 897, pp. 493-496; 920, pp. 419^21. May 6. Petition of Thomas Walpole. C. 0. 5, 1369, pp. 326-:!.".5 ; 1336, p. 575, 28 pp.; A. P. C. Col., V, 210; VI, § Oil, p. 556 ; Franklin's TVorls, X, 364. May 10. Complaint of Peter Livius, chief justice of Quebec, against Gov. Wentworth of New Hampshire. C. O. 5, 943, pp. 26-36 ; 945, p. 247, 8k pp. ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 255 ; VI, 531. June 3. Petition of John Aguew and others for grant of all mines, minerals, etc., in Newfoundland. C. O. 195, 10, pp. 251-256 ; A. P. C. Col., V, .§ 253 ; VI, § 012. June 14. Memorial of James Montgomery, lord advocate of Scotland, for grant of island of St. John. C. 0. 227, 1, pp. 132-134 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 267. June 14. Land grant in East Florida (Gordon). C. 0. 5, 563, pp. 297-303, 475^81 (March 16, 1774) ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 98. July 1. Respecting vote of money to Gov. Wentworth by the New Hampshire assembly. C. 0. 5, 943, pp. 37-39 ; 947, pp. 74-76 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 259. July 1. Petition of Gen. John Bradstreet for confirmation of lands purchased of the Indians. C. 0. 5, 1132, pp. 9-13 ; N. Y. Col. Docis., VIII, 378 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 242 ; VI, § 905. July 1. On certain votes of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. C. 0. 5, 1369, pp. 356-360 ; 1336, p. 607 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 258. July 16. Settlement of boundary between New York and Massachusetts Bay. C. 0. 5, 1132, pp. 14-15 ; 1080, p. 595 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 257. 1774. Feb. 14. Memorial of the Moravians, Labrador. C. 0. 195, 10, pp. 259-261 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 184. Feb. 14. Memorial of merchants and traders praying removal of the custom house, Newfoundland. C. 0. 5, 247, pp. 183-184 ; 195, 10, pp. 257-258. March 10. Memorial of William Gerard de Brahm for a vessel. C. O. 324, 18, pp. 480-481 ; 21, 2 pp. ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 289. March 21. Petition of George Clarke against Gov. Tryon. C. O. 5, 1132, pp. 21-25 ; V. Y. Col. Docts., VIII, 413 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 20. June 20. Land grant in West Florida (Daniel Coxe). C. 0. 5, 600, pp. 252-255 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 142. June 20. Land grant, Virginia (Lord Dunmore and Capt. Foy). C. 0. 5, 1369, pp. 365-366 ; 1366, p. 619 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 595. Dec. 12. Petition of Henry Flower and two others about Indian lands. New York. C. 0. 5, 1132, pp. 33-34 ; cf. A. P. C. Col., V, § 40. Dec. 19. Memorial of London, Bristol, and Liverpool merchants against Jamaica act imposing additional duty on negroes. C. 0. 138, 23, pp. 342-350, 351 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 313. REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE. 405 1775. May 25. Petition of officers for lands in New York. C. O. 5, 1132, pp. 3S-43; ,Y. 1'. Col. Ducts., VlII, 575. May 25. Petition and claims of M. Hocquart (de Lotbiniere). C. O. 5, 1132, pp. 44-50 ; N. Y. Col. Docta., VIII, 577 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 147 ; VI, § 942. June 1. Suspension of Chief Justice Drayton by Gov. Bull of South Carolina. C. 0. 5, 405, pp. 147-148 ; A. P. V. Col., V, § 317 ; VI, § 943 ; cf. C. 0. 5, 556, p. 221 ; 563, pp. 483-490. June 1. Relative to the boundaries of Pennsylvania. C. 0. 5, 1297, pp. 61-G3 ; cf. A. P. C. Col., VI, § 908. 1776. Jan. 30. Petition of Thomas Desbrisay for islands adjacent to St. John. C. O. 227. 1, pp. 1.39-141 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 382. Feb. 13. Case of M. de Lotbiniere. C, O. 5, 1132, pp. 53-55 ; N. Y. Col. Docta., VIII, 6G9 ; A. P. C. Col., VI, § 946. June 3. Two memorials from the inhabitants of the Mosquito Shore. C. 0. 5, 248, pp. 317-319 ; 324, 18, pp. 494-496; 21, 3J pp. June 20. Concerning the island of St. John (Prince Edward Island). C. O. 227, 1, pp. 144-152 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 332. July 25. Charges against Francis Legge, governor of Nova Scotia. C. 0. 218, 7, pp. 47.5-489. Aug. — . Petition for lands in West Florida (Milne and Humphreys). C. O. 5, 580, pp. 35-36 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 594. 1777. March 11. Petition from refugees in East Florida. C. 0. 5, 563, pp. 492-504. May 6. Petition of Bruno Largarite, a free mulatto, and others against Domini- can act relating to the manumission of slaves. C. 0. 72, 1, pp. 405-408, 411-415 (May 6, 1778) ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 346. June 3. Land grant in West Florida (Col. Douglas). C. O. 5, 600, pp. 259-261 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 594. June 12. Id. (William Roberts). C. 0. 5, 600, pp. 262-264 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 594-595. Dec. 9. Memorial of seven members of the council of St. Vincent against Gov. Morris's proceedings in relation to grants of land. C. 0. 261, 1, pp 152-155 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 340; VI, § 964. 1779. March 2. Memorial of Peter Livius, complaining of his removal from office as chief justice of Quebec. C. O. 43, 2, pp. 399-426 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 463, 464 ; VI, § 979. May 18. Land grant in West Florida (Gordon). C. 0. 5. 600, pp. 279-280 ; cf. A. P. C. Col, VI, § 940. July 1. Memorial of Rev. Peter de la Roche, relating to land grants in Lunen- burg, Nova Scotia. C. O. 218, 7, pp. 503-504 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 374. Aug. 6. Complaints against Gov. Browne of the Bahamas. C. 0. 24, 4, pp. 5-15, 177-197 (Jan, 29, 1781) ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 390. 1781. Feb. 13. Memorial of Andrew Symmer, agent of Turks Island, enclosing regulations as to salt there. C. O. 24, 4, pp. 198-204 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 392. 406 AMEEICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. March 9. Petition of four assistant justices of tlie supreme court of judicature in Jamaica, recently removed, from office. C 0. 138, 24, pp. 1-6 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 396. April 10. Upon two ordinances passed in Quebec in March, 1780, relating to exportation of wheat and to persons deemed forestallers. C. O. 43, 2, pp. 474-479, 480-490 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 401. May 8. Commerce of Canada. A. p. C. Col., VI, § 1001. June 14. Recommends for confirmation an act of Georgia for granting his Majesty certain duties, etc. C. 0. 5, 674, pp. 418-419 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 578. June 20. On an act passed in St. John in July, 1780, for altering the name to New Ireland. C. O. 227, 1, pp. 166-167 ; A. P. C. Col., V, 583 ; VI, 583. 1782. Feb. 22. Considerations upon a memorial by the province of Nova Scotia against passing a bill exempting from duty rum and molasses for the use of the troops. C. 0. 218, 8, pp. 21-26 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 419. April 16. Papers containing a complaint against Gov. Cunninghame of Bar- badoes. C. 0. 29, 19, pp. 365-371 ; A. P. C. Col., V, § 402 ; cf. VI, § 1006. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 710 262 1;