' o 1^ ^ ^ * o « '.jfS^VS.** '" ^^-;^. >°/^i>- ./^>^'*'^- oo^^%,■^ min 1 1 Which Will lie Marry? 30 min. 2 8 White Caps (The). musical, 30m. () 8 Who is Who, 40 min 3 2 Who Told the Lie? 3t) ui in,.... 5 '.i Wide Enough for Two. 50 min. 5 2 Woman Hater (The), 30 min... 2 1 Wonderful Letter. '25 min 4 1 Wooing Under Difficulties, 35 min 4. 3 Yankee Peddler, 1 hr 7 3 The publisher believes that he can say truthfully that Denison's list of plays is on the whole the best se- lected and most successful in the market. JV^eiv IHays will be added from time to time. For Ethiopian Plays see Catalogue T. S. DENISON, Publisher, 163 Randolph St., Chicago. r- ^POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS Price, Illustrated Paper Covers, 25 cents each. IN this Series are found books touching: every feature in the enter- tainment field. Good paper, clear print and each book has an attractive in- dividual cover design. DIALOGUES. All Sorts of Dialofiues. Selected, fine for older pupils. Catchy Comic Dialogues. ~ New, clever; for young: people. Children's Comic Dialogues. Brig-ht, original; for children from six to eleven years of ag:e. Dialogues from Dickens. Thirteen selections. The Friday Afternoon Dialofiues. Twenty-tive original pieces; 45,000 copies sold. From Tots to Teens. Dialogues for vouths.children.little tots; pieces for special occasions. When the Lessons are Over. Dialogues, drills, plays. Wide Awake Dialogues. Brand new, original, successful. SPEAKERS. MONOLOGUES. Choice Pieces for Little People. A child's speaker. The Comic Entertainer. ReciLations.monologues.dialogues. Dialect Readiniis. Irish, Dutch, Negro, Scotch, etc. The Favorite Speaker. Choice prose and poetry The Friday Afternoon Speaker. I'or pupils of all ages. Humorous Monoloifues. For amateur and professional mon- ologists. Particularly for ladies. The Patriotic Speaker. Master thoughts of masterminds. The Poetical Entertainer. Choice poems for reading or speaking; fine illustrations. Pomes ov the Peepul. Wit.humor.satire; funny poems for reading or speaking; illustrated. Scrap.Rook Recitations. Choice collections, pathetic, hum- orous, descriptive, prose, poetry. 14 Nos., per No., 25c. DRILLS. ^ The Best Drill Book. « Very popular drills and marches. The Favorite Book of Drills. Drills that sparkle with originality. The Surprise Drill Book. Fresh, novel, drills and marches. SPECIALTIES. The Days We Celebrate. Entertainments for all the holidays. Good Thiniis for Christmas. Recitations, monologues,exercises, dialogues, drills, tableaux, etc. The Little Folks, or Work and Play. A '^em of a book. The Little Folks* Budiiet. Easy pieces to speak, songs. One Hundred Entertainments. ' New parlor diversions, socials. Pranks and Pastimes. Parlor games for children. School and Parlor Tableaux. For school, church and parlor. Shadow Pictures, Pantomimes, Charades, and hew to prepare. Tableaux and Scenic Readings. New and novel. For all ages. Twinklinif Finiiers and Swaying Fiiiures. Finger plays, motion songs, catchy music; illustrated. HAND BOOKS. The Debater's Handbook. Bound only in cloth, 50c. Everybody's Letter Wrlter, A Handy Manual. Good Manners. Etiquette in brief form. Private Theatricals. Selecting piays, cast, rehearsals, stage setting, rain, lightning, eto- Social Card Games. Complete in brief form. MINSTRELS. JOKES. Black American Joker. Minstrels and end men's gags. A Bundle of Burnt Cork Comedy, Original cross fire conversations, monologues and stump speeches. Neiiro Minstrels. All about the business. The New Jolly Jes»er. Funny stories, jokes, gags, etc. Lartfe Illustrated Citaloi^ae Free. T. S. DENISON, Publisher, 163 Randolph St., ChlcaiJo. f ^^^ ^^^%^/ ^^ ^<^ \^ I ' B •lo^ 4,0 -n^. |o ^ C^ ♦ ^ <; ^0 4 c» 4 o^ I. ' • O A« ^^^^ .-t"-* v^.« HECKMAN (INDERY INC. 1^ MAY 85 N. MANCHESTER, ^^ INDIANA 46962 iP-^*.