Class. Book.. ^^5 CopyiightE?, COFXRIGHT DEPOSm The Westinghouse Air-Brake Handbook A CONVENIENT REFERENCE BOOK For All Persons Interested in The Construction, Installation, Operation, Care, Maintenance, or Repair of the Westinghouse Air-Brake Systems, or in the Control of Trains by Means of the Air Brake BY International Correspondence Schools SCRANTON, PA, 2d Edition, 13th Thousand, 3d Impression scranton, pa. International Textbook Company .S66 ^ Copyright, 1913, 1918, by International Textbook Company Copyright in Great Britain All Rights Reserved PRESS OF International Textbook Company Scranton, Pa. ©Gl.A4978ai 4^^ / 72084 Ij^ PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION ^ Since the introduction of the quick-action brake, ( a growing yearly increase in passenger traffic has brought with it a growing increase in the length ' and weight of passenger trains, in the train speed, I and in the frequency of service. Each increase ' reduced the comparative efficiency of the existing brake system and necessitated improvements. , In freight service, the increase in the capacity of the cars, the tonnage, and the length of trains I augmented the difficulty of brake control to such an extent that new brake apparatus for both engines and cars had to be devised in order that ' the brake could safely and efficiently control the \ train. These improvements have been so rapid I and have resulted in such a multiplicity of air- I brake systems and air-brake apparatus, and the apparatus is made in so many sizes, that today it is a difficult matter to distinguish the different pieces of apparatus and to tell accurately without special information on the subject, to what par- ticular system a piece of apparatus belongs. The purpose of this handbook is to supply this special information and to present in convenient form complete reliable data relative to the differ- ent Westinghouse Air-Brake Systems. Among iv PREFACE other things, it gives the piece and reference nunT bers of each part of the apparatus with special instructions for ordering the apparatus; thejj weights and dimensions ; the number of sizes in which each piece of apparatus is made, and the particular equipment that each size is to be used with; the construction, operation, and care of the equipment; tables of capacities of reservoirs, and methods of calculation of capacities; tables of capacities of air compressors ; methods of piping two or more compressors to give either greater capacity or greater pressure, and tables of capaci- ties when so piped; tests of apparatus;' data of both standing and running tests of trains fitted with the different equipments; information rela- tive to the air-signal system, and the water-raising system; etc. The various tables have been selected with care, and the rules and formulas given are stated sim- ply and concisely, their applications being clearly illustrated by examples and their solutions. Care has been exercised to arrange the matter in a convenient and logical manner, and a very full index increases further the facihty with which any subject may be located. This handbook was prepared by Mr. J. F. Cosgrove, Director, Railway Department. International Correspondence Schools April, 1913 PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION Since the introduction of the Westinghouse Air-Brake Handbook in 1913, considerable new- apparatus has been introduced into regular service; also a number of changes have been made in existing older air apparatus. The present revision of the Handbook has been made so as to incorporate data relative to the new equipment and to the changes made in the old equipment. The revised Handbook includes over-all dimen- sions of the equipments, also spring-identification tables for all equipment containing springs. These tables are for the convenience of air-brake men, storekeepers, and others interested in iden- tifying the various springs used in the different apparatus. International Correspondence Schools October, 1917 INDEX 8-in. air compressor, 29 92-in. air compressor, 27 U-in. air compressor, 40 9i-in. air compressor, Out- put of, 57 . 11-in. air compressor. Out- put of, 58 9i-in. and U-in. air com- pressors, Steam con- sumption of, 61 92-in. and U-in. compres- sors, Time to compress air from to 90 lb. with, 63 U-in. and 9i-in. air com- pressors, Comparative tests of, 59 8i-in. cross-compound air compressor, 44 lOi-in. cross-compound air compressor, 51 Adjusting compressor gov- ernor, 105 Air-brake hose, M. C. B. specifications for, 409 compressor. Output of 8-in., 56 compressors, 29 compressor oil cups, 88 gauges, 412 -signal equipments for passenger, baggage, mail, or express cars, 20 -signal equipments, Lo- comotive, 33 -signal equipments rec- ommended, 432 Air-signal equipments, Spring identification of, 431 -signal whistle, 426 -signaling system, Train, 424 -storage reservoirs, 106 strainer, 39 Angle cocks, 417 Automatic brake for freight- or switch-en- gine tender, 15 Auxiliary reservoirs, 367 reservoirs, Capacity and weight of, 369 reservoirs for locomo- tives, tenders, and cars of different weights, 246 reservoirs, Standard sizes of, 369 reservoirs used with dif- ferent size brake cylin- ders, 369 B B-6 double-pressure feed- valve, 160 -6 feed-valve, Care of, 163 -6 feed-valve. Regula- tion of, 162 -6 feed-valve, Spring identification of, 161 Brake cylinder. Force ex- erted in, 362 cylinder, Type C, 8'' X 12" combined, 355 cylinder, Type C, 10'' Xl2" combined, 355 cylinder*. Type D, 8" X 12", detached, 356 cylinder, Type D, 10" X 12", detached, 358 INDEX Brake cylinders, Capacity of, 361 cylinders. Cleaning, 359 cylinders. Cross-sectional area of, 360 cylinders, Dimensions of type M passenger, 346 cylinders, Dimensions of type N passenger, 350 cylinders. Engine-truck, 338 cylinders for locomotives, tenders, and cars of different weights, 246 cylinders, Piece numbers of the type M passen- ger, 347 cylinders, Piece numbers of type N passenger, 351 cylinders. Piece and ref- erence numbers of parts of type K tender, 343 cylinders, Piece and ref- erence numbers of type L tender, 344 cylinders. Piece and ref- erence numbers of type M passenger, 348 cylinders. Piece and ref- erence numbers of parts of type N passenger, 352 cylinders. Piece numbers of type K tender, 342 cylinders, Piston-rod crossheads for driver, 336 cylinders. Push-down driver, 335 cylinders, Schedule of lo- comotive, 26 cylinders. Tender, 339 cylinders. Type B driver, 332 cylinders, Type C driver, 334 cylinders. Type M pas- senger, 345 -pipe strainers, 397 Brake-pipe vent valve, 248 valve, C-7, 121 valve, D-8, 121 -valve feed-valve pipe connection, 165 valve, G-6, 124 valve, H-5 automatic, 129 valve, H-6 automatic, 134 valve. Operation of, 127 valve, Operation of H-5 automatic, 131 valve, S-3 straight-air, 150, 153 valve, S-6 independent, 142 valve, SF-1 independent, 140 valves. Care of, 156 valves, Lubricating, 156 C-6 feed-valve. Operation of, 158 -6 feed-valve. Regulation of, 159 -6 feed-valve. Spring identification of, 158 -6 single-pressure feed- valve, 157 -7 brake valve, 121 Capacity and weight of supplementary reser- voirs, 370 dimensions, and weight of Westinghouse a i r ^ compressors, 50 ■ of air-storage reservoirs, B 108 ■ of brake cylinders, 361 ■ Calculating main reser- voir, 115 recommended for main reservoir, 109 Car discharge valve, 430 ■ Care of B-6 feed-valve, 163' T of brake valves, 156 of distributing valve, 286 Causes of compressor fail- ures, 51 II INDEX Centrifugal dirt collectors, 394 Cleaning and oiling S-3-A straight-air brake valve, 155 brake cylinders, 359 triple valves, 244 Comparative steam and coal curves of air com- pressors, 67 tests of 11-in. and 9|-in. air compressors, 59 Comparison of output of 9i-in., 11-in., and 8J-in. cross - compound air compressors, 59 of plain and quick-action triple valves, 185 of types K and H-1 (F-36) triple valves, 200 Compressor, 8-in. air, 29 8i-in. cross-compound air, 44 92-in. air, 37 lOJ-in, cross-compound air, 51 11-in. air, 40 failures. Causes of, 51 governor. Adjusting, 105 governor, Type S-4, 91 governor, Type SD-5, 96 governor. Type SF-5, 98 governors, 89 governors, Sizes of, 91 governors, weights of, 90 Compressors, Air, 29 Comparative steam and coal curves of air, 67 in series, Operating, 69 in series-compound. Op- erating, 69 Piping diagrams for two air, 106 Pistons and rings for re- bored air, 78 Temperature test of air, 62 Conductor's valve, B-3-A, 401 valve, C-3, 402 Conductor's valve, Opera- tion of, 403 Construction of control valve, 301 Control valve, Construction of, 301 valve, Lubricating the, 331 valve, No. 3-D passenger, 300 valve, No. 3-E passenger, 295 valve. Operation of, 313' valve. Spring identifica- tion of No. 3-E passen- ger, 300 Coupling-groove cleaning tool, 409 Cross-compound compres- sors. Lubricating, 54^ -sectional area of cylin- ders, 360 Cut-out cocks, 418 Cylinder cap. No. 6 dis- tributing valve quick- • action, 256 D-8 brake valve, 121 Development of passenger triple valve, 210 of PC passenger brake, 287 of the ET locomotive brake, 258 Diagrammatic views of L triple valve, 227 Dimensions, capacity, and weight of Westinghouse air compressors, 50 and weights of brake- pipe strainers, 398 and weights of centrif- ugal dirt collectors, 394 of hose and couplers, 405 Dirt collectors, Centrif- ugal, 394 collectors, Dimensions and weights of cen- trifugal, 394 INDEX Distributing valve, Care of, :^6 valve, No. 5, 250 valve. No. 6, 253 valve, Operation of, 273 valve. Pressure-maintain- ing feature of, 283 Double-pressure control, Engine and tender equipment for, 13 Drain cock, Spring identi- fication of main reser- voir, Z72 Drain cocks, Reservoir, 272 Dummy couplings, 408 E Empty and load brake for freight cars, 24 Energy of train at differ- ent speeds, 288 Engine-and-tender hose connection, 407 equipment with straight- air brake, 14 -tender equipment for double-pressure control, 13' -truck brake cylinders, 338 -truck brake for locomo- tive with A-1 engine equipment, 12 Engineer's brake valves, History of, 117^ Equalizing reservoirs, 367 Equipments, Index to, 2 F F crossed-passage pipe bracket. 163 -1 (H-24) plain triple valve, 167 -2 (F-46) plain triple valve, 167 Features of type K triple valves, 192 of type L triple valves, 223 Feed-valve, B-6 double- pressure, 160 Feed-valve, C-6 single- pressure 157 Filler blocks, Z6Z Force exerted in brake cylinder, 362 Freight-brake tests, 203 -brake tests. Standing, 209 -brake triple valves, 174 -car equipments. Twin- cylinder type, 23 or switch-engine tender. Automatic brake for, 15 Functions of triple valve, 170 G G-24 and F-25 plain triple valve, 169 -6 brake valve, 124 -6 brake valve, Spring identification of, 127 Gauges, Air, 412 Governors, Compressor, 89 H H direct-passage pipe bracket, 165 -1 (F-36) quick-action, freight, triple valve, 179 -2 (H-49) quick-action, freight, triple valve, 181 X -5 automatic brake valve, ■ 129 " -6 automatic brake valve, 134 -6 automatic brake valve. Operation of, 137 -6 brake valve. Spring identification of, 137 High-speed reducing valve, 390 Hose and couplers. Di- mensions of, 405 couplings and fittings, 404^ couplings and fittings. Weights of, 409 Index to equipments and schedules, 2 J INDEX K K-1 triple valve, 186 -2 triple valve, 188 li L-2-A quick-action, passen- ger, triple valve, 217 -1-B quick-action, passen- ger, triple valve, 215 -3 quick-action, passen- ger, triple vaive, 220 LN equipment for passen- ger, baggage, mail, or express cars, 18 equipment, Operation of, 230 equipment. Piping dia- gram of, 226 Locomotive air-signal equipments, 20 brake cylinders. Schedule of, 26 brake. Development of the ET, 258 brake, No. 6 ET, 4 equipment, Old standard, A-1, 6 equipment. Old standard, AD, 8 equipment. Old standard, AG, 10 with No. 6 ET equip- ment, Standard engine- truck brake for, 12 Lubricating brake valves, 156 cross-compound compres- sors, 54 simple compressors, 53 the control valve, 331 M Main reservoir capacity, Calculating, 115 reservoir capacity recom- mended, 109 reservoirs. Cross-section area of, 116 reservoirs. Location of, 115 Main reservofrs. Standard stock sizes of", 112 reservoirs, Style and con- struction of, 110 M. C. B. specifications for air-brake hose, 409 No. 3-D passenger control valve, 300 3-E passenger control valve, 295 5 distributing vaive, 250 6 distributing valve, 253 6 distributing valve. De- scription of, 265 6 distributing valve, Duty of parts of, 720 6 distributing valve quick-action cylinder cap, 256 6 distributing valve. Spring identification of, 257 6 ET equipment. Piping arrangement of, 261 6 ET locomotive brake^ 4 Oil cups. Air-compressor, 88 Old standard, A-1, locomo- tive equipment, 6 standard, AD, locomotive equipment, 8 standard, AG, locomotive equipment, 10 standard quick-action brake for freight cars, 22 Operating compressors in series, 69 compressors in series- compound, 69 Operation of brake valve, 127 of C-6 feed-valve, 158 of conductor's valve, 403 of control valve, 313 of distributing valve, 273 INDEX Operation of H-5 automatic brake valve, 131 of H-6 automatic brake valve, 137 of LN equipment, 230 of plain triple valve, 171 of quick-action triple valve, 183' of S-3-A, straight-air brake valve, 154 of S-3 straight-air brake valve, 151 of S-6 independent brake valve, 145 of type K triple valves, 196 Output of 8-in. ait com- pressor, 56 of 9J-in. air compressor, 57 of_ 9i-in., 11-in., and 8|- in. cross-compound air compressors, Compari- son of, 59 of 11-in., air compressor, P-1 (F-27) quick-action, passenger triple valve, 212 -2 (F-29) quick-action passenger triple valve, 213 Passenger brake. Develop- ment of PC, 287 -brake tests, 237^ tender brake with A-1, AD, or AG engine equipments, 15 PC equipments for heavy passenger, baggage, mail, or express cars, 19 equipment service and emergency reservoirs, 371 passenger equipment. Functions and features of, 290 PC passenger equipment. General arrangement of, 292 Pipe bracket, F crossed- passage, 163 bracket, H direct-pas- sage, 165 connection, Brake-valve, feed-valve, 165 Piping arrangement of No. 6 ET equipment, 261^ diagram of LN equip- ment, 226 diagram of PC passenger equipment, 293 diagrams for two air compressors, 1C6 Piston-rod crossheads for driver-brake cylinders, 2,2,6 Pistons and rings for re- bored air compressors, 78 Plain triple valves. Opera- tion of, 171 triple valves for engines and tenders, 166 triple valves, Spring identification of, 169 Pressure heads for truck and tender brake cylin- ders, 366 -maintaining feature of distributing valve, 283 -retaining valves, 374 Push-down driver-brake cylinders, 335 Quick-action brake for pas- senger, baggage, mail, or express cars, 17 R Rack fests, Passenger- brake, 237 Reducing valve, High- speed, 390 valve, Operation of high speed, 393 I II IXDEX deducing valve, Signal, 427 valve, Spring identifica- tion of high-speed, 393 R.egulation of B-6 feed- valve, 162 of C-6 feed-valve, 159 R.elease valves, 373 R.eservoir drain cocks, 372 [Reservoirs, Air-storage, 106 Auxiliary, 367 Capacity of air-storage, 108 Equalizing, 367 PC equipment service and emergency, 371 Supplementary, 367 Retaining valve, Dimen- sions of single-pressure spring-type, 383 valve. Purpose of, 374 valve. Single-pressure weight-type, 374 valves, double-pressure spring-type, Piece num- bers of, 384 valves, Double-pressure, weight-type, 379 valves, double-pressure, weight-type. Operation of, 379 valves furnished with single-cylinder freight- brake equipments, 384 valves furnished with empty and load freight brake, 384 valves. Operation of, 378 valves, Single-pressure spring-type, 380 valves, single-pressure spring-type. Piece num- bers of, 384 valves, single-pressure spring-type, Pressures retained by, 382 valves, single-pressure spring-type, Size of cylinder used with, 384 valves, Spring identifica- tion of, 383 Retaining valves. Standard boxes for packing, 383 Reversing cock, 165 Running freight train tests, 209 S-3 brake valves. Spring identification of, 154 -3 straight-air brake valve, 150 -3 straight-air brake valve. Operation of, 151 -3-A straight-air brake valve, 153 -3-A straight-air brake valve. Cleaning and oiling, 155 • -3-A straight-air brake valve. Operation of, 154 -6 independent brake valve, 142 -6 independent brake valve. Operation of, 145 -6 independent brake valve. Spring identifi- cation of, 155 SF-1 independent brake valve, 140 Safety valves, Operation of, 389 valves,* Spring identifica- tion of, 389 valves. Types of air- brake, 386 Schedule of locomotive brake cylinders, 26 Schedules, Index to, 2 Signal-pipe strainer, 400 reducing valve, 427 valve, 428 Simple compressors. Lubri- cating, 53 Size of supplementary res- ervoirs, 370 Sizes of auxiliary reser- voirs, 369 INDEX Sizes of compressor gover- nors, 91 Speeds, Energy of train at different, 288 Spring identification of air-signal equipments, identification of B-6 feed- valve, 161 identification of C-6 feed- valve, 158 identification of G-6 brake valve, 127 identification of H-6 brake valve, 137 identification of high- speed reducing valve, 392 identification of K triple valves, 192 ' identification of main reservoir drain cocks, 372 identification of No. 3-E passenger control valve, 300^ identification of No. 6 distributing valve, 257 identification of plain triple valves, 169 identification of retain- ing valves, 383 identification! of S-3 brake valves, 154 identification of S-6 in- dependent brake valve, . '^^ identification of safety valves, 389 identification of strainer and check-valves, 399 identification of type H quick-action triple ^ valve, 182 identification of type L triple valves, 222 identification of type P triple valves, 215 identification of water- distributing valve, 437 Strainer, Air, 39 Standard engine truck brake for locomotive with No. 6 ET equip- ment, 12 schedule with K triples for freight cars, 21 Standing freight-brake tests, 209 Steam consumption of 9i- in. and 11-in. air com- pressors, 61 Strainer, i-in. air, 400 1 in. branch-pipe, 401 and check-valve, 398 and check-valves, Spring identification of, 399 Signal-pipe, 400 Strainers, Brake-pipe, 397 Dimensions and weights of brake-pipe, 398 Supplementary reservoirs, 367 reservoirs, Capacity and weight of, 370 reservoirs, Size of, 370 T Temperature test of air compressors, 62 Tender brake cylinders, 359 Tests, Freight-brake, 203 Passenger-brake, 237 Passenger-brake rack, 237 Passenger-brake stand- ing, 241 Running freight-train, 209 Standing freight-brake, 209 Time to compress air from to 90 lb. with 9^in. and 11-in. compressors, i i 63 1 1 Train " air-signaling sys- ' tem, 424 Triple valve, Development of freight-brake, 174 • i valve. Development of ! passenger, 210 i valve. Diagrammatic views of L, 227 INDEX Triple valve, Functions of, 170 valve, H-1 (F-36) quick- action, freight, 179 valve, H-2 (H-49) quick- action, freight, 181 valve, K-1, 186 valve, K-2, 188 valve, L-l-B quick-ac- tion, passenger, 215 valve, L-2-A quick-ac- tion, passenger, 217 valve, L-3 quick-action, passenger, 220 valve, Operation of quick- action, 183 valve, P-1 (F-27) quick- action, passenger, 212 valve, P-2 (F-29) quick- action, passenger, 213 valve, Spring identifica- tion of type H quick- action, 182 valves. Cleaning, 244 valves, Comparison of plain and quick-action, 185 valves. Comparison of types K and H-1 (F-36), 202 valves, Features of type K, 182 valves. Features of type L, 223 valves for locomotives, tenders, and cars of different weights, 246 valves. Freight-brake, 174 valves, Operation of type K, 196 valves. Spring identifica- tion of type K, 192 valves, Spring identifica- tion of type L, 222 valves. Spring identifica- tion of type P, 215 Triple valves. Styles of type L, 222 Truck-hose connection, 407 Twin-cylinder-type freight- car equipments, 23 Type B driver-brake cy- linders, 332 C driver-brake cylinders, 334 C, 8" X 12", freight-brake cylinder and reservoir combined, 355 C, 10''xl2", freight-brake cylinder and reservoir combined, 355 C, 8" X 12", freight-brake cylinder and reservoir 4etacHed, 356 D, 10"xl2", freight-brake cylinder and reservoir detached, 358 M passenger brake cylin- ders, 345 S-4 compressor governor, 91 SD-5 compressor gover- nor, 96 SF-5 compressor gover- nor, 98 V Vent valve. Brake-pipe, 248 W Water-distributing system, 433 -distributingvalve. Spring identification for, 437 Weight, dimensions, and capacity of Westing- house air compressors, 50 Weights of compressor governors, 90 of hose, couplings, and fi.ttings, 409 The Westinghouse Air- Brake Handbook AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND SCHEDULES The air-brake and air-signal equipments manufactured by the Westinghouse Air-Brake Company are divided into so many classes and each class contains so many devices that a positive means of identification is necessary in order to facili- tate the ordering of apparatus. The scheme of identification adopted is given in the accompanying tables. It will be noticed that each equipment is given a designating symbol or schedule — such as EJ, A-1, AD, etc., for locomotive equipment. When the No. 6 ET equipment is used in passenger serv^ice or in helper service or with Mallet locomotives, a quick-action cap, Pc. No. 16,528, is recommended for the distributing valve. When schediile SWB is used on tenders equipped with schedule HK or PK, the cylinder head must be properly drilled and tapped for combined automatic and straight-air brake, unless the triple valve is placed on a bracket. If the tender is equipped with a high-speed reducing valve, the safety valve may be omitted. Tender brake cylinders are not furnished with slack adjuster connection nor arranged for use with straight-air brake schedule SWB, unless specified in the order. For double-pressure control, one E-1 safety valve, Pc. No. 10,526, should be ordered in addition to the proper schedule, and at an extra charge. For locomotives in double-heading service and in helping service, it is recommended that a brake-pipe vent valve, Pc. No. 15,280, be included in the locomotive brake equipment, with 10 in. by 24 in. reservoir and a 1-in. centrifugal dirt collector, Pc. No. 36,454. An extra charge is made for these. The vent 2 AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT valve is less sensitive than a quick-action triple valve and is far less liable to cause undesired quick action. The empty-and-load brake equipment provides a higher per- centage of braking power throughout a loaded train than does the standard quick- action brake, thereby greatly increasing tonnage capacity on grades and eliminating the tendency to shocks and stresses in mixed trains of loads and empties. A list of the apparatus included in each equipment is given in the tables as indicated in the following condensed index: CONDENSED INDEX TO EQUIPMENTS AND SCHEDULES Locomotive Page Engine and Tender Schedule, No. 6, ET 4 Engine, Without Truck Brake Schedule, A-1 6 Engine, With Truck Brake Schedule, AD 8 Engine, With Truck Brake and Apparatus for High and Low Pressures Schedule, AG 10 Truck Schedules, D-68, D-87, D-812, D-108. D-1,010, . D-1,012, D-128 12 Schedule, D-2 12 Double-Pressure Control Schedule, U 13 Straight Air Brake (Engine) Schedule, SWA 14 Straight Air Brake (Tender) Schedule, SWB 14 Tender (Passenger) Schedules, HK-812, PK-1,012, PK-1,212, PK-1,412, PK-1,612 15 Tender (Freight and Switch) Schedules, FL-812, FL-1,012, FL-1.212, FL-1,412, FL-1,612 16 AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 3 Passenger Car Standard PM Schedules, PM-1,012, PM-1,212, PM-1,412, PM-1,612 17 Standard LN Schedules, LN-1,012, LN-1,212. LN-1.412, LN-1,612, LN-1,812 18 Standard PC Schedules, PC-2-14, PC-2-16, PC-2-18 19 Air Signal Locomotive Schedules, J and L 20 Car Schedule, K 20 Freight Car Standard Schedules, KC-68, KC-88, KC-812, KC-1,012 21 Schedules, KD-68, KD-88, KD-812, KD-1,012 21 Old Standard Schedules, HC-68, HC-88, HC-812, HC-1,012 22 Schedules, HD-68, HD-88, HD-812, HD-1,012 22 Twin Cylinder (Standard) Schedule, KD-2-68 23 Twin Cylinder (Old Standard) Schedule, HD-2-68 23 Empty and Load Schedules, KCE-88, KCE-810. KCE-108, KCE-1,010. KCE-1,012 24 Schedules, KDE-88. KDE-810, KDE-108, KDE-1,010 KDE-1,012 25 Brake Cylinders for Schedules A-1, AD, and AG Equip- ments 26 Driver, Truck, and Tender Brake Cylinders for No. 6 ET Equipment 28 AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT S o O 6 1 cc (N 00 CO (M CO <© (N (M cT oo* oo" CO CO CO 00 05 (N CO O CO ^. ^_ Ol" ■^ X>. - CO ^ - 05 (M 00 ^ t^ (N CO -o CO C<[ (N .-1 l> a (M lO CO o 05 l> r^ K t>. (N .-H 1 l> lO ^ lO CO rf 05_ l> C5 t> c\ w (h U o o w w cS OJ to vh ;h <:ij ftft S BBu U (-1 1^ 9 9 o O o O > > g 3 d o o o i^' . t/j b O b/ u be D aj 1 Qj5 0) essor :omp :omp ssor o ssor 'alve valv valv t-i u u v^ V V <" 0) ompre team \ steam steam a aa ft W M fe Ih B o as o o C W OT good o vh ^1 5 6 o CJ o o o o o . . . ^ o <-» M . . .s .Si .d.S.S 't >0 S-sli ^I'j, 'S%'Jl*(^ di Oi oTi^ F-HOOOOC/D m C/3r-^^^ (N C^C0'-i00OC0iOC00505iO (N a> CO O t^(N i-H ,-H 00 O CO lO ■«t CXD (N CX) OS >-l ja ^^ N rt nJ (U :3'0 rrc 0) r:^ •w c3 ; rt •i:-^ u ^ ^ ^ o bo f^^.aj ^"bi bo O (J o ;^i ^^ -I T-H C/3 10 CO O ^ ^ § ^ s -• •: : &^- M o o o^.';^ ^ . +j .7:; ft • r\ u l°3g8ga^^ e*#!D rH Q «>NfH ^ .-I fin ^f-H •oN'onO «'• S C <|xr H »H ,-H ^ fe "NrH AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT s tij •-• f-H ^ bj pq ^ ^ o O ^ ^ P4 ^ ^ < td ^ -^ o 1^ t« K ^ H ^ ^ CO P4 ^ s :?: t3 o* H i 1 o O I a "3 cr < O e5 1H|N 00 1 a 00 CO ^ co" o 1-1 1 05 o 1 d 1— 1 Oi 1 1 1 ) i 4 a C e .51 1 \ 00 N 00 I <£» (M CO 1 CD (N CSJ ci 00 00* CO CO CO 00 CJ (M CO O l> tH 05* »H t> - ro (N »-H ■K 05 (N 00 l> (N CO •o CO N (N S CO o6 00* s CO CV3 ^ Oi 05 (M I> CO O ^. t^ Tt* f^ co" ^" C; t- 05 CS| lO CO O Ci l> TJ^ ^ s s t^ lO ^ 1 lO cv- ■^ 05 t>._ C5 1 ^ r- t^ CN y u g ^ U OJ p nft aa c), jj ^^ c iiissl a o o o o o o o^^^"! C .S.S.S.S.S't loco ^.SS '^iC ,HNrHri|H«-.|«ClH c 05 i-H 1-1 00 00 C/2 WW-^T-H^ ,- cs r- cs *- cs ^ 1-H 1-H »H 1 t^ CM 00 CO (< T^ 00 1-H o o Xi bo IP AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT I » co> - i^ >. > w^ ' r! (U w ° > 1H (N (N 1-1 ,-( ,-H •5^ .tr"^ -'■*■ S-c . a^ occ ^^ > +^ 3 -M be o o • -H :3 (u 3 _,^cs, g C o u o^^ £ .... v,X 3 C C C C X- r^ '.i.':^^ AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT P f 5 5 ^ s il ^ •- ■* t> cq (N .__ Tf C5 ^ I> CO (N 1- g c P cc 5< a> (N 00 l> (N ;0 ^ <© (N (M^ o ^ h g CO oo" 00* ^ s CO CO ^ — - :^ g ^ 1 0. P c ^ O Ci rJH |.{ J C cs " fC ?^" ^' 1 ' i P c r-- Oi (N lO CO O 05 t>. ^_ ss ^ < e HI a ^ cq " fePQ bq - «rt^ .^ 05_ I OH ^ fe ^^ *^H -^^ Hp-^ r^O-^ IS! ' s s (O p c :: ^ c c > > > c t s d :3 o o o < rt 1 P 1 a ' r (L i§ii22|||ilS oouoouooo^t^t^ .c i< 'P "c 'c 1 wT.X^ "Jii "XI.fe fe PiH -7 -"^-X ^ ^ a, c u OiC5'-iT-H0000C/3COC/Df-i^'-i C ^ a: c/: cs ,_ cs ^ cs ^ ^ ^ 1 1 AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT ►2 <>> 30 CO CO CO C. - — < C i 5 c ' i C f lO CO O 05 1> Ttl C < h o- " c\ ,-1 ,_( t^ (N .-1 c l> lO i-H .^ 05 a (N 1-H t/- V^ t-i $«. QiPi s S C w, ti ui ,H 9 o o o o ^ «J c c c (^ TJ'U CD 0) (U C G > > > c v^ 3 ::! o o o ^c '5) w w o o bo bo bfl ai .^ CO tP C^ rt< rf »H to h^ ^^, S"! ^ tZ^ fe R^. R?, .. 9< >> ^ io O fe P:^ U &H Q << Q Oh »f*«N«;*,J^ ;-^ ^ fe H < -**' X . ^,HT-(,-H(M,-H,-l(NC0IN'-li-Hi-lT-l»-l^i-l(NCw o OS 'o t >> V-i •J < ■5 Q S ° X 1 " 2 !^ 270 99 D 10"X12" 10"X28" 260 35 D 10"X10" 10"X28" 235 55 D 10" X 8" 10"X28" 200 43 D 8"X12" 10"X20" 175 11 D 8"X7" 10"X20" o Q 5 ^ ^ 00 X X ^ b .5? : o CO Shipping weight pounds Number of cyl- inder Brake cylinder size Auxiliary reser- voir size AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 13 ) -. lO c^ O 00 {> '<^'" c^ C5 O (N (M 00 00 O TJ. 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HHtO Is AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT ^XX^X:: :: h^- J, oXX^X-H 2 ^" O -'w o ^ ' > bfl ID 0) (U bo >^ i^ o d ^ V. ft ii r^ fi I r-. r-J v^ 1:0 CD CO lO O "^ 1> 05 1— I Ol> 05 cooi> iocoi> TjH lOCOiOO"^ t> 05 i-H 00 1> Oi »ooi>cccoi> 1-H tH"^ -^ O CO '^Oi!HoOO>0 Tt 000 CO toco t^CO"^ ooco (M Oi '-' C^ O lO COOOO (N lOCO (M l> -* 10 1-1 05 i-O '^5 i-^ C5 O CO CO_X_ 00 01-105 (N (M ^ 1-1 rv Vh K/" -. 1 -^ TO w > a3 aft& c^COCOiOCOtHCOCOCOINCO ^THi-HCOCOlOOqCOrH-^O <; i> (N '"I'-i'^^'O '^.'* c^^oq ^ l> 10 C cd"05 TjTfNCO c5 1; O C ■S ? ?^ 5X-^|^ 8^ o • a w • to §0^ bflf^ x"^.8 xx§ - - 'd rH|-*n|« i-l-HplH AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 2xXX (nX, •^ rs.1 "^ xx _(NOO > »^' fl C " C0 "^COCO "o . > 5 • o w -d : > ^ ^ w w ?^ ^ «H > « (M O O ,-( Tj< CO CO »0 i-H »H > X§ AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 21 ' CD Tt CO 00 5>»OC^I> o 00 lO '-*'-< -^TJHIOC^I o Q ^XM ■g W 00 (N Q $S ^ CDOC^t- CO gx5 O COi-tiO(M Q ^ cioo*i>c > 00 lO^^ CO lOC^ 2 1 O o o 00 r^ Nt* 00 ^ iO CD Tj* »0(M 1 O 00 00 r^^ b '^ ^ Si :3 o Q ^ Z Q-§ ^t.' ^ . 3 w. C c« wPQH 1^ wt ,_(,-(r-« Q CD 05 CO CO CO (N "C: rH Tt 05 »0 rH Tj< vJ Ci" (N CQ cd' 00 r-T o t» 00 00 f2 d _ ^ CO* TtH'rJH" Op ^ 00 CO i:^^ T3 6 00 1 s 'S 00 00 U I> o III 00 (N* ^'cj 1 - 00 . ^ l>l> ^ o 1 1-1 *M C O > "S •13 cij 0) Q . H H H b^h> ^ '-^,«- Vj iomh i-l iH »H iH 1-* 1 I • CO Oi (N CO ^^ (M K? T-l T^ OS lO rH TJH < Tt< T}< O Tjl TjH (M > > Vh' I'q, : ^ 8 S)-S ^ ^ ,-( r^ rHi-t ,HtH,M,HNC^ AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 23 G • (N ^ 0) 0) jJ .aaft^ i-(C^ifHi-ItHt-Iip-4C > > c'^. V-i CJ O rt • . • v/ C wcoco a;.H.S.S^ AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 25 S3xx!t Tf O -^00 coco Tj^l-H 000005 COOOi-H CO ^ S : 03 »- V- ™ o o ^^ ^t>-CCC0 050 ^CO CO '-H05 10 'oq_ 00 ^_r-i_q •o'o'c^Tco'oo* TT Orr c^_ CO ^^ M*CO' • 0) (U (U •^ > > g • > > > c S S o w, »!^ '^ ■? c 03 > > O g g^ 9 9 ^ (D (U 1 , V^ 4> . cooocoo cococococo Q Piece Number Cylinder Complete T-tTt. COi-iO»^iO ^COi-Hrh^O lOcOOl^'-H COCNrfHOTtH COrHcOiOCO 1 00COI><©000 i! COOOOOOOO 000(N(N C^^^OO OOOOOOO a >. H pqpQWpqw pqpQpqpQpQ pqpqpqpqpq OOOOO AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 27 cotDOcOi:0 cccorococo COCOCOCOO COOCOCD CO(N(N(N(N (NroCCCOCO COCOCOCOfN (N(Ni.(N20 °^<^o^'^ »H(MC i>oooooooo oocx)ooc»oo oqoot^i> oqoqcxDoqoq oqoooq r<*H^r^HWHl« HWH^hNH^-W rtNlHHHNrtHlHN H^HH- H|«-*I COTjH-^TtiiO iO'-Hi-i(NCS! COCOCOCO-^ rJ^Tt^lO^O 0:iOiOi CiCi 05C3^05C5 OlCiCTsOO d C:i d Oi o o o o q. o o q_ o q_ o^ o o o o o o o o coco"co"?o"ro" coco'co'coco co'cocococo" cocococo 00 ic o I© CD CD r^ t>» 0. xxxxx XXX OOCOO OOQCSl ^O5iOC500 uOC5(N00'-l C0051>»0 CD(NI>iOi-i cOCO-^Tj^i-H (NC^iOtJI (M^,-H^(M (MioOCOCO COCOCOCOCO COCOCOCO ooooo o C^00Ooco5oqoq oqiooq OOi-hOO oi>o QQQQQ QQQ 00 1>(N X O (M 00 05 COXOOOO OOC1C5 28 AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT H l-H & ■^1 sua I o w bfl "g o !>.0 ^ oW oco .a ^ <1> ^1 O>.-4 00»O00 OOOSOSOiO 8t Oiosasoir-i (Nc^rcsTcico" 2 o ^,_(rt^,_, SO a-g C»0(Mrt> WMMMM H AIR COMPRESSORS 29 AIR COMPRESSORS TYPES OF COMPRESSORS INTRODUCTION The first air compressor employed in connection with air brakes, was a Cameron, steam-driven water pump, in which the hydrauUc cylinder was replaced by an air cylinder. This pump demonstrated the practicability of operating brakes by means of compressed air. The 6-in. compressor was the first successful air compressor operated by steam that was furnished as a part of the air-brake system. This type served its purpose for several years, when the demand for greater pump capacity brought forth the 8-in. compressor as its successor. This provided sufficient pump capacity for a considerable period, but eventually was succeeded by the 9^-in. compressor. Still further demand for increased capacity brought out the 11-in. compressor, and later, the 8^-in. cross-compound compressor. The success of this cross-compound compressor in air-brake service, was such that a larger compressor of the same type, known as the 10^-in. cross-compound compressor, was designed for industrial service. The original 8-in. air compressor, now obsolete, was an 8"X7|''X9" air compressor. This means that it had an 8-in. steam cylinder, a 7|-in. air cylinder, and a 9-in. stroke. The valve mechanism was in the side of the steam cylinder instead of in the top cylinder head. The new standard 8-in. compressor is an 8'' X 8" X 10" compressor, and has the same style of valve mechanism as the 9^-in. and the 11-in. compressors. 8-IN. AIR COMPRESSOR The new standard 8"X8"X10" air compressor is shown in Fig. 1 ; the view (a; being a side view showing a vertical cross- sectional view of the main valve and bushing, and the other a vertical sectional view of the compressor showing the back half. The compressor weighs 450 lb. The lift of the air valves is ^-in. for all valves. 30 AIR COMPRESSORS When ordering this compressor or ordinary parts of one, the piece number, reference number, and name of the part wanted should always be given. The piece number of a 8"X8"X10" air compressor complete is 11,379; the numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 11,380 2 Top head, complete, includes one each 14, 15, 16, 17. 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, eight of 48. 11.382 3 Steam cylinder, complete, includes one each 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 58, 59, two each 57, 60, four of 61. 11,384 4 Center piece, complete, includes one each |-in. pipe plug and 55, two each of 40, 41, 42. 11.383 5 Air cylinder, complete, includes one each 34, 35. 36, 53, two each 31, 32, 33, four of 30. Lower head, includes 54. Steam piston and rod, includes one of 11 and two each of 9, 10, and 12. Air piston, includes two of 80. Piston ring. Piston-rod nut. Reversing-valve plate. Reversing-valve-plate bolt. Reversing-valve rod. Reversing valve. Reversing-valve-chamber bush. Reversing-valve-chamber-cap. Main-valve bush. Main-valve pistons and stem, complete, includes 19, 21, 23, and four of 24. Large main-valve piston, includes two of 20. Large main-valve piston ring. Small main-valve piston, includes two of 22. Small main-valve-piston ring. Main-valve stem. • Main -valve-stem nut. Main valve. Right main-valve cylinder head. Left main-valve cylinder head. Right main- valve head gasket. ♦Piece No. 11,387 covers steam piston with standard steel rod. If piston with chrome vanadium steel rod is desired, specify Piece No. 24,583. 11,385 6 *11,387 7 7,255 8 4,629 9 1,557 10 1,925 11 12,068 12 1,928 13 1.868 14 31,253 15 1,869 16 31,251 17 2,194 18 5,167 19 1,865 20 5.168 21 1,866 22 1,861 23 1.864 24 1,867 25 1,873 26 5,166 27 V,876 28 AIR COMPRESSORS 31 Lu Lu — cjr -'3^ fa) Fig. 1 32 AIR COMPRESSORS ,E)fHAU6T AIR COMPRESSORS ' 33 Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part Left main-valve head gasket. Air valve. Air-valve seat. Air-valve cap. Air- valve cage. li-in. union stud. li-in. union nut. Ij-in. union swivel. 1-in. steam-pipe stud. Governor-union nut. 1-in. steam-pipe sleeve. Stuffingbox. Stuffingbox nut. Stuffingbox gland. Piston-rod packing (vulcabeston) , sei: (sufficient for two stuffingboxes) . |-in, pipe plug. f in.X2| in. T-head bolt and nut. f in.X2| in. T-head bolt and nut. I in.X7i in. T-head bolt and nut. I in.Xli in. main-valve head capscrew. Upper steam-cylinder gasket. Lower steam-cylinder gasket. Upper air-cylinder gasket. Lower air-cylinder gasket. Air strainer. Cylinder-head plug. Oil cock. Piston-rod swab. Drain cock. Steam-cylinder lagging set. Steam-cylinder jacket. Steam -cylinder-jacket bands. Jacket-band screw, j^ in.Xi^ in. Packing-nut wrench. T-head bolt and nut, | in.X2f in. Air-piston ping. The list given applies only to standard 8-in. air compressor having air cylinder 8 in. in diameter. Orders for repair parts for special 8-in. compressors having air cylinder other than 8 in. in diameter, or with water-jacket, should omit piece number, but give reference number, name of piece, and either diameter of air cylinder or serial number on name plate of compressor. 1,877 29- 31.388 30 8,795 31 7,076 32 7,073 33 1,882 34 1.883 35 1,884 36 1.885 37 1,886 38 *1.950 39 1.912 40 1,914 41 1,913 42 2,090 43 1,635 24.937 45 13,172 46 13.170 47 1.878 48 11.389 49 11,390 50 11,391 51 11.391 52 12.659 53 1,919 54 *1,916 55 15,038 56 1,887 57 13,168 58 13,166 59 13,167 60 1,898 61 15,551 62 24.937 66 4,629 80 * Furnished only when specially ordered, when governor is not to be attached directly to compressor. 34 * AIR COMPRESSORS When this compressor is ordered complete, for industrial, or other than railroad-brake service, order should so state, and specify Piece No. 19,392. When so ordered, packing and cap- nut wrench, Piece No. 1,935 (instead of Piece No. 15,551), air- valve-seat wrench, Piece No. 7,188, air- valve-cage wrench. Piece No. 7,189, and wrench for |-in. nuts. Piece No. 11,392, are included with the compressor without extra charge. Operation of Steam Cylinder. — When the pump is at rest, the pistons generally settle to the bottom of their cylinders and the reversing plate strikes against the button on the reversing rod and pulls the reversing valve into lowest position. When steam is admitted to the pump, it enters the main-valve bush- ing, and, as the area of the large piston is greater than that of the small piston, forces the main valve to the right, passes into the cylinder below the piston, and forces the piston upwards. Any steam above the piston will exhaust to the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe. As the steam piston nears the end of its upward stroke, the top of the reversing plate strikes the shoulder on the reversing rod and forces the i reversing valve upwards. This permits steam to enter the chamber at the right of the large piston and balance the ' pressure on the piston W of the main valve, and the pressure on this piston W then forces the main valve and the slide valve to the left until the cavity of the slide valve connects the steam to the lower end of the cylinder port with the exhaust port. The steam port to the upper end of the cylin- der is uncovered and steam flows into the steam cylinder above the steam piston, forcing the piston downwards. The steam below the piston flows through the steam ports and the cavity in the slide valve, and out of the exhaust. As the piston nears the end of its downward stroke, the bottom of the revers- ing plate strikes the button on the reversing rod and pulls the rod and reversing valve to their lowest positions. This move- ment exhausts the steam from the chamber to the right of the piston 20 and allows the main valve to move the slide valve to the right, thus permitting steam to pass underneath the piston and force it upwards. Operation of Air Cylinder. — When the air piston makes an upward stroke, it produces a partial vacuum below it, while AIR COMPRESSORS 35 Fig. 2 (a) 36 AIR COMPRESSORS 48. 27 29 22 18 20 28 2f> Pig. 2 (6) AIR COMPRESSORS 37 the air above is compressed. Air then flows in through the screened air inlet and passes downwards through the receiving valve into the lower end of the air cylinder, filling it with air at atmospheric pressure. The air that is compressed above the piston holds the receiving valve on its seat, and passes out through the discharge valve to the main reservoir. On the downward stroke of the air piston, a partial vacuum is formed above, and the air is compressed below it. Air then flows in through the air inlet, passes through the receiving valve, and fills the upper part of the cylinder with air at atmospheric pressure. As the air is compressed below the piston, it holds the receiving valve on its seat and passes out through the discharge valve to the main reservoir. 9HN. AIR COMPRESSOR The 9V'X9|''X 10'' compressor, Fig. 2, is made in two styles, right-hayided, and right-and-left-handed. The latter is furnished only when specially ordered. The compressor weighs 550 lb., the lift of all air valves is ^ in., and the capacity is 49 cu. ft. at 120 single strokes per minute. The operation is the same as the operation of the 8-in. compressor. Normal speed, 120 single strokes per minute. When ordering, the piece number, reference number, and name of the part wanted should always be given. The piece number of a right-hand 9|-in. air compressor complete is 51,477; of a right-and-left- hand 9|-in. air compressor complete, it is 51,496. The numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 1,853 2 Top head, complete, includes one each of 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 46, eight of 48. * 1,880 3 Steam cylinder, complete, includes one each of 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 58, 59, 104, three of 57, four of 61, |-in. pipe plug and ^-in. pipe plug. tl,958 3 Steam cylinder, complete, includes one each of 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 58, 59, 60. 104, two of 57, four of 61. 1,910 4 Center piece, complete, includes one of 55, two each of 40, 41, 42. *For right-hand compressor. tFor right-and-left-hand compressor. k 38 AIR COMPRESSORS No. Name of Part Air cylinder, complete, includes one each of 34, 35, 36, 53, two each of 31, 32, 33. four of 30. Lower head, includes 54. Steam piston and rod, includes 11, and two each of 9, 10, and 12. Air piston, includes two of 80. or 80, Piston ring. Piston-rod nut. Reversing- valve plate. Reversing- valve-plate bolt. Reversing- valve rod. Reversing valve. Reversing- valve-chamber bush. Reversing- valve-chamber cap. Main-valve bush. Main-valve pistons and stem, complete, includes 19, 21, 23, and four of 24. Large main-valve piston, includes two of 20. Large main- valve-piston ring. Small main-valve piston, includes two of 22. Small main-valve piston ring. Main- valve stem. Main- valve-stem nut. Main slide valve Right main- valve cylinder head. Left main- valve cylinder head. Right main- valve head gasket. Left main-valve head gasket. Air valve. Air- valve seat. Air- valve cap. Air- valve cage, li-in. union stud. 1^-in. union nut. 1^-in. union swivel. 1-in. steam-pipe stud. Governor-union nut. ^^^^ 1-in. steam-pipe sleeve. ^^^^B Stuffingbox. H^H Stuffingbox nut. Stuffingbox gland. *Piece No. 51,480 covers steam piston with standard steel rod. If steam piston with chrome vanadium steel rod is desired, orders should so specify and Piece No. 51,526, will be furnished for this item, but at an additional charge. tFurnished only when specially ordered, when governor is not to be attached directly to compressor. Pc. No. Ref. 1,901 5 5,165 6 1 7 *51,480 8 . 9 1,557 10 1,925 11 12,068 12 1,928 13 1,868 14 31,253 15 1,869 16 31,251 17 18 19 ' 20 21 22 1,861 23 1,864 24 1,867 25 1,873 26 5,166 27 1,876 28 1,877 29 24,396 30 8,430 31 1,906 32 1,904 33 1,882 34 1,883 35 1,884 36 1,885 37 1.886 38 tl,950 39 1,912 40 51,344 41 1,913 42 AIR COMPRESSORS 39 Pc. No. 2,090 1,933 1,879 1,934 1,878 1,929 1,930 1,931 1,930 tl2.659 1,919 1.916 15,038 1,887 tl,897 Ref. No. Name of Part 43 Piston-rod packing (Vulcabeston) set (suf- ficient for two stuffingboxes) . 45 Capscrew, f in. X If in. 46 Capscrew, f in. X2 in. 47 Capscrew, f in. XQi in. 48 Main- valve head capscrew, | in. Xli in. 49 Upper steam-cylinder gasket. 50 Lower steam-cylinder gasket. 51 Upper air- cylinder gasket. 52 Lower air- cylinder gasket. 53 Air strainer. 54 Cylinder-hea d plug. 55 Oil cock. „ „ 56 Piston-rod ^^rP'PE 6 2 PIPE 57 58 *1,962 58 1,894 tl,895 *1,961 60 1.898 61 15,551 62 18,728 *8,727 1,933 *1,896 tl,961 66 104 104 Piston -rod swab. Drain cock. Steam-cylin- der lagging set. Steam-cylin- der lagging set. Steam-cylin- der jacket. Upper steam- c y 1 i n d e r- '3 'S jacket band. Upper steam- cylinder- jacketband. Jacket -band screws, t& in.XiT in. Packing- nut wrench. li-in. pipe plug. 1^-in. pipe plug. Capscrew, f in.Xlf in. Lower steam-cylinder jacket band. Lower steam-cylinder jacket band. Fig. 2 (c) Right-and-left-hand 9-2-in. compressor arranged with double steam and exhaust connections may be ordered. When a suction strainer of greater capacity than that reg- ularly included with the compressor is desired, order the strainer, Piece No. 54,780. Net weight of strainer, 23 lb., tFor right-hand compressor. *For right-and-left-hand compressor. 40 AIR COMPRESSORS including 15 oz. pulled curled hair. Names of parts: 52,693-2, head complete, includes two of 53,694-3 shell, 56,603-4 strainer case, 27,906-5 f'X2i"stud and nut, 54,781-6 2'' X 1|'' bushing. This strainer, Fig. 2 (c), with No. 6 omittedmay be used with the 8|-in. cross-compound compressor. 11-IN. AIR COMPRESSOR The pump shown in Fig. 3 is a 11"X11"X12" compressor. It is of the same construction as the 8-in. and 9^-in. pumps and operates in the same manner. The compressor weighs 850 lb. All air valves have a lift of g^ in. When ordering this compressor or ordinary parts of one, the piece number, reference number, and name of the part wanted should always be given. The piece number of the 11-in. air compressor complete is 3,679; the numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 3,648 2 Top head, complete, includes one each of 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 82, ten of 48. 3 649 3 Steam cylinder, complete, includes one each of 101, 102, 57, 58, 59, 103, 37, 38, two of 60, four of 61, Ij-in. pipe plug, and 2-in. pipe plug. 3,650 4 Center piece, complete, includes one of 55, two each of 40, 41, 42, and 57. 3,653 5 Air cylinder, complete, includes one each of 34, 35, 36, 53, two each of 31, 33, 32, four of 30. 5,170 6 Lower head, includes 112. f 7 Steam piston and rod, includes one each *r^i A7Q J of 10, 11, 79, 81, two of 9, and three of 12. Oi,^/,3 < g ^-j. piston, includes two of 80. 19 or 80, Piston ring. Piston-rod nut. Reversing- valve plate. Reversing- valve-plate bolt. Reversing- valve rod. Reversing valve. Reversing- valve-chamber bush. Reversing- valve-chamber cap. Main- valve bush. Main- valve pistons and stem, complete, in- cludes one each of 19, 21, 23, and four of 24, *Piece No. 51,473 covers steam piston with standard steel rod. If piston with chrome vanadium steel rod is i^desired, order Piece No. 24,585, but at additional price. 1,590 10 1,688 11 12,065 12 1,709 13 1,706 14 31,404 15 1,710 16 31,402 17 |1S AIR COMPRESSORS 41 isreF— ®® Fig. 3 (a) 42 AIR COMPRESSORS ST£AM INLET AIR COMPRESSORS 43 Pc. No. Ref. No, Name of Part \ 19 Large main- valve piston, includes two of 20. Large main- valve piston ring. Small main-valve piston, includes two of 22 Small main- valve piston ring. Main- valve stem. Main- valve- stem nut. Main slide valve. Right main- valve cylinder head. Left main- valve cylinder head. Right main- valve head gasket. Left main- valve head gasket. Air valve. Air- valve seat. Air- valve cap. Air- valve cage. Air- discharge stud. Air- discharge union nut. Air- discharge union swivel. 1-in. steam-pipe stud. Governor-union nut. 1-in. steam-pipe sleeve. Stuffingbox. Stuffingbox nut. Stuffingbox gland. Piston-rod packing (Vulcabeston) set (suf- ficient f o r two stuffingboxes) . Upper steam-cylinder gasket. Short T-head bolt, f in.X2f in., and hexagon nut. Long T-head bolt, | in.XSi in., and hexagon nut. Main-valv e-head capscrew, | in.Xla in. Lower ste am-cylinder gasket. Upper air- cylinder gasket. Lower air- cylinder gasket. Air strainer. Cylinder- head plug. Oil cock. Piston-rod swab. Drain cock. Steam- cylinder lagging set. Steam- cylinder jacket. Steam- cylinder- jacket band. Jacket-band screw, j^g in.Xi^ in. Packing-nut wrench. T-head bolt, and nut, | in.X2| in. Piston-rod cotter. Piston-rod jam nut. * Furnished only when specially ordered, when governor is not to be attached directly to compressor. |20 121 [22 1,696 23 2,052 24 1,707 25 1,599 26 5,169 27 1,716 28 1,715 29 29.177 30 8,269 31 1,697 32 1,708 33 1,882 34 1,883 35 1,884 36 1,885 37 1,886 38 *1,950 39 1.702 40 61,343 41 1,703 42 4,862 43 1,711 44 3,661 45 3,662 46 1,759 48 1,712 50 1,713 51 1,714 52 12,659 53 1.919 54 1,916 55 17,582 56 1,887 57 9,584 58 9,582 59 9,583 60 1,898 61 15,496 62 3,661 66 1,589 79 1,591 81 44 AIR COMPRESSORS Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 31,405 82 Reversing- valve-rod bush. 3.269 91 Short capscrew, f in.X2 in. 3.270 92 Long capscrew, f in. X2f in. 2.682 101 Exhaust stud. 2,684 102 Exhaust-union nut. 2.683 103 Exhaust-union swivel. 8,728 li-in. pipe plug. 8,726 2-in. pipe plug. Standard 11-in. air compressor has steam- and exhaust-pipe connections similiar to those of the so-called right-and-left - hand 9|-in. compressor, and it can therefore be installed on either side of the locomotive with equal facility. The list given applies only to standard 11-in. air compressor having air cylinder 1 1 in. in diameter. Orders for repair parts for special 11-in. compressors having air cylinders other than 11 in. in diameter, or with water-jacket, should omit piece number, but give reference number, name of piece, and either diameter of air cylinder or serial number on name plate. When this compressor is ordered complete, for industrial, or other than railroad-brake, service order should so state, and specify Piece No. 19,394. When so ordered, packing and cap-nut wrench. Piece No. 2,482 (instead of Piece No. 15,496), air-valve-seat wrench. Piece No. 2,485, air-valve-cage wrench. Piece No. 2,483, and wrench for f-in. capscrews, Piece No. 1,938, are included with the compressor, without extra charge. 81-IN. CROSS-COMPOUND AIR COMPRESSOR Piston-Valve Type. — The 8|-in. cross-compound air com- pressor, shown in Fig. 4, is of the Siamese type, having two steam and two air cylinders arranged side by side respectively. The steam cylinders are at the top. The high-pressure steam cylinder is 8^ in. in diameter, the low-pressure 14^ in. in diam- eter, and the stroke is 12 in. The low-pressure air cylinder is 14f in. in diameter and the high-pressure air cylinder, 9 in. in diameter. The valve gear is on the top head of the high- pressure steam cylinder and is of a design similar to that of the 9^-in. and 11-in. pumps. The high-pressure steam piston with its hollow rod contains th€ re versing- valve rod that operates the reversing valve and, M LKV J^^^^mxaiira ■' «^g3]L_ll V V r 1 . II l^ ? 1 1 5&-^4- \ ''v^ 0/J i o 1 ' 0/ c- ^C i AIR COMPRESSORS 45 thus, the main valve and its slide valve, which controls steam admission to, and exhaust from, both the high- and low-pressure steam cylinders. The low-pressure steam and high-pressure air pistons are connected by a solid piston rod, having no mechanical connection with the valve gear, being simply floating pistons. The valve gear and its operation are essentially the same as those of the 9i- and 1 1-in. pumps. The reversing valve performs the same duties and is operated by the reversing-valve rod in the same manner as that of the 9|- and 11-in. pumps. The main slide valve is provided with the usual exhaust cavity and four elongated steam ports in its face. The two outer and one of the intermediate ports communicate with two cored passages extending longitudinally in the valve and serve to make the proper connection between the high- and low-pressure cylinders during the expansion of steam from one to the other. The remaining port controls the admission of steam to the high-pressure cylinder. The cavity governs the exhaust from the low-pressure cylinder to the atmosphere. The valve seat has five ports. Of these the two back ones lead to the bottom and top ends, respectively, of the high-pres- sure cylinder; the first and third ports to top and bottom ends of the low-pressure cylinder, and the second port to the exhaust. The steam cylinders are compounded. Steam from the boiler is admitted into the high-pressure cylinder. After doing its work, it is delivered to the low-pressure cylinder where it is expanded again and is then exhausted to the atmosphere. The air cylinders, also, are compounded. Free air is taken out the larger air cylinder and by compression is forced into the smaller cylinder where it is compressed to main-reservoir pressure and forced into the reservoir. The compressor is designed for 200 lb. steam pressure, working against 140 lb. air pressure. Its normal speed under those conditions is 131 single strokes per min., and its displace- ment is 150 cu. ft. per min. The weight of the pump is 1,500 lb. ; the lift of all air valves is -^ in. The piece number of the 8^-in. cross-compound air com- pressor is 39,668; the numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. 46 AIR COMPRESSORS Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 40,332 Top head, complete, includes one each of 2, 22, 24, 25, 33, 35, 61, 62, four each of 34 and 36. 23,616 2 Top head, bushed, includes 23, 87, 106, 107. 11,312 3 Steam cylinders, complete, includes one each of 63, 77, 78, two of 79, six of 91. 20,503 4 Center piece, complete, includes one of 65, two each of 37, 39, 43, 44, 46, 47, 64, 76, four each of 53, 54, 55. 12,417 5 Air cylinders, complete, includes one each of 41, 42, 49, 50, 89. 20,632 6 Lower head, complete, includes one of 65, two each of 38, 40, 45, 48, 67. 39.664 7 High-pressure steam piston and rod, com- plete (vanadium steel), includes one each of 15, 16, 17, 18, two of 11, three of 19. 39.665 8 Low-pressure steam piston and rod, com- plete (vanadium steel), includes one each of 15, 16, 17, two of 12. 39,667 9 Low-pressure air piston, includes two of 13. 39.666 10 High-pressure air piston, includes two of 14. High-pressure steam-piston ring. Low-pressure steam-piston ring. Low-pressure air-piston ring. High-pressure air-piston ring. Piston-rod nut. Piston-rod jam nut. Piston-rod cotter. Reversing- valve plate. Reversing- valve-plate bolt. Reversing- valve rod. Reversing valve. Reversing- valve-chamber bush. Reversing- valve-chamber cap. Piston valve, complete, includes one each of 30, 117, 118, 119, 120, two each of 27, 29, six of 28. Large piston- valve ring. Exhaust-piston-valve ring. Small piston-valve ring. Piston-valve bolt, complete, includes two of 31. Piston- valve-bolt nut. Large piston- valve cylinder head. Large piston-valve cylinder-head cap- screw, I in. X 1 2 in. 39,669 35 Small piston- valve cylinder head, bushed. 11,276 11 11.278 12 11,278 13 11,277 14 12,136 15 12,137 16 1,018 17 1,688 18 12,065 19 20,103 21 1,706 22 31.328 23 13,302 24 45,583 25 34,762 27 34,764 28 34,763 29 20,591 30 1,625 31 20,565 33 1,759 34 AIR COMPRESSORS 47 Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 1,759 36 Small piston- valve cylinder-head cap- screw, f in.Xll in. Upper inlet valve. Lower inlet valve. Upper intermediate valve. Lower intermediate valve. Upper discharge valve. Lower discharge valve. Upper inlet- valve seat. Upper inlet-valve-chamber cap. Lower inlet-valve cage. Upper intermediate- valve seat. Upper intermediate- valve cap. Lower intermediate-valVe cage. Upper discharge- valve cap. Lower discharge-valve cage. Stuffingbox. Stuffingbox nut. Stuffingbox gland. Air-cylinder lubricator. Upper steam-cylinder gasket. Lower steam-cylinder gasket. Upper air-cylinder gasket. Lower air-cylinder gasket. Small piston-valve cylinder-head gasket. Large piston-valve cylinder-head gasket. i-in. drain cock. ^-in. drain cock. Air strainer. Lower head plug. Piston-rod swab. Top head-bolt and nut, f in.XSf in. T-head bolt and nut, | in.X2| in. T-head bolt and nut, | in.X2| in. T-head bolt and nut, f in.X2f in. T-head bolt and nut, f in.X2| in. T-head bolt and nut, f in.XSf in. Guard plate for upper intermediate valves. Lagging. Jacket. Jacket band. Packing-nut wrench. Piston-rod packing (Vulcabeston) set (suf- ficient for two stuffingboxes) . Reversing- valve-rod bush. Upper discharge-valve seat. Jacket-band screw. T-head bolt and nut. f in.XSi in. T-head bolt and nut, f in.Xo in. T-head bolt and nut, f in. X5x in. 29,177 37 29,177 38 24,396 39 24,396 40 29,177 41 29,177 42 20.623 43 1,697 44 1,708 45 8,430 46 1,906 47 1,904 48 1,697 49 1,708 50 1,702 53 51,343 54 1,703 55 21,414 56 11,227 57 11,227 58 11,310 59 11.310 60 20,561 61 20.560 62 1,887 63 7,716 64 12.124 65 1,919 67 17,582 68 32,608 69 12,146 71 12,146 72 12,146 73 12,146 74 12,150 75 17,990 76 11,315 77 11,313 78 11,314 79 15,496 82 4.862 86 31,329 87 8,269 89 1,898 91 12,148 92 12,152 93 25,092 94 48 AIR COMPRESSORS Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part *21,497 Lubricator, bracket, and pipe connections, complete, includes one each of 99, 103, 104, two of 56, four each of 100, 101, 102. 21,439 99 Lubricator bracket. 21,595 Oil-pipe union-connection, complete, in- cludes 100, 101, and 102. 20,470 100 Union stud. 2,001 101 Union nut. 1,892 102 Union swivel. 21,597 103 Oil pipe to low-pressure air cylinder. 52,291 104 Oil pipe to high-pressure air cylinder. 25,848 106 Piston-valve bush. 25,847 107 Large piston bush._ 36.239 Large piston portion with rings, includes one each of 28 and 117, and two of 27. 20,583 117 Large piston portion, less rings. 36.240 Exhaust-piston portion with*rings, includes one of 118 and four -of 28. 20,585 118 Exhaust-piston portion, less rings. 45,206 Small piston portion with rings, includes 28, 119, and two of 29. 45,201 119 Small piston portion, less rings. 54,693 120 Small piston valve cylinder cover bush. . 20,556 123 i^'^xr cotter. Operation of Compressor. — While steam is being admitted to the bottom end of the high-pressure cylinder, forcing the piston upwards, the piston valve opens the bottom end of the low-pressure cylinder to the exhaust; also the cored passages in the piston valve connect the top end of the high-pressure cylinder to the top end of the low-pressure cylinder, thus allowing the steam above the high-pressure piston to expand into the low-pressure cylinder and force the piston downwards. During this time, free air is taken into the bottom end of the low-pressure air cylinder, while that in the top end is compressed into the high-pressure cylinder to about 40 lb. A similar increase obviously takes place in the pressure above the high-pressure air piston, which exerts a downward force on that piston the same as does the steam above the low- pressure steam piston. On the lower side of the high-pressure ^ air piston, the air under compression to the main reservoir exerts a resistance equal to the area of the piston times the I *When air-cylinder lubricator is to be mounted on the boiler head or inside of the locomotive cab, state so and specify Piece No. 21,984 instead of Piece No. 21,497. AIR COMPRESSORS 49 main-reservoir pressure; this is considerably less than the combined pressures exerted by the steam and air pressures on top of their respective pistons. When the pump mechanism is reversed the action is simply a repetition of that just described. It is of little importance whether the high-pressure !(Terjfffyr£y9&o/f Fig. 5 air piston varies in its stroke or not, since it can neither interfere with the valve-gear travel nor govern the quantity of free air taken into the pump; therefore, its action is immaterial so long as it forces all the air received from the low-pressure cylinder into the main reservoir. 50 AIR COMPRESSORS g Q O) CO t3 o w o CO rh C» S CO ^ Ph I o CO O CO • . ^ a w :3 l-t w o sol o ooO g i 05 03 CTJ O -^ (M O »0 1> ,_(»-l«> V, 00 r-H rH T? 13 (N ,-1 1-1 (N rH Qf.^000000 »0 THrHOS i-Hr-l(MrHT-l,-li-( O 00 ..In • WO • o .a H r-J M Vh Cfl _ 0} D g.;:^r-. CO a! I I (h 1^ 1^ b is o QQa3cJ^co<:<:2; 0) D O) , rt § r ' • ^ o.S • ^ ^ S /_f3 ft o • '^ r<'^ • fri£ ^ ; 05.S U O P. i G^S ft p. o o ^ boa5(N s C0^»ocO00OiC^"3 tHtH 8 0000»0»OiOO -^lOOt^-OOOCOW g OOI>Q0OC0i©O § OI>000(N»0 00 o 05 § OOOlTHCO^Oi o 1-H 05 O (M TtH> T-1 rHTHTHTHCNi i owcocoos 1-1 r-H 1-i iH tH o CO 2§gi22 rH tH T-l i-( CNl § (NTMC0 05 g C0>OI>O i-Hi-HrH(M 1 §§8 1-HtHtH o i0t>-0 i 8S THrH i tHi-H i 2§ Cu. Ft. of Free Air Compressed Der Min. to 8^5 t^lOCOrHO500 »0 CO rH 05 00 CD (M tH T-l T-l rH S3 -4 iO(NC>?OTrf(MC00 l^ Ti- CO CO (M (M (N 1-H r-t ^-H ■r-\ T-i ji^^S"^^^*^*^ ®''® ^ '^ 58 /AK COMPRESSORS 1 1 i i 0) o 1 i a; ^^2SggSS5ggRg s 2£SgJ§Sg8g§82 § i-HCNC0Tt00C5O T-HrHrHi-l o 00 t^rHrHlOOOOlOO^lOOtO § COOOOiiOO^iOOiOiOOiO (MCO'*<01>0005rH(MTt05 g c 1— 1 00i000i0ur5i00»00»00 1-1 T-H 1-1 i-H T-4 COOOOiOiOiOuoOOO (rOiOC000050(NCOOXi-l o OOOiOiO^OOOiOO (ro<:oi>o:iOojcoioi>0 o ^^^§SII§§ o Oi»0(MtOiOiCOOO TtH>O5i-l(NTt 05 i OOOOiOOiOOO CC050CO'lOC005i-I 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 (N c LO lO 1> lO o o o CO 05 1-1 Tt< CO 00 O THi-lrH,-H(N 1 OOOiOOO l>0(M ^l>05 o lOOTt^iOOiO i>rHCOCOOOO i OiOO5 o OiOOiOO 05(MiO00O 1-1 1-1 1-1 (N iou:)coo 05C0CDO Cu. Ft. of Free Air Compressed Der Min. to S3 C0O'-i(N00rt^i-H00i0(MCT>'-0»0 O5COtOTjiCOMC0C0Oi>TtOOTt rH|^iOTt<'t>-«0 AIR COMPRESSORS 59 4 The accompanying table shows that the capacity of the 8^-in., cross-compound compressor is over 3^ times that of the 9^-in. and 2i times that of the 11-in. compressor. COMPARISON OF 9HN., 11-IN., AND 8*-IN., CROSS- COMPOUND, AIR COMPRESSORS Type of Pump Steam Pressure Pounds Constant Main- Reservoir Pressure Pounds .Free Steam Air per Con- Minute sumption ^ , . per 100 ^^^^ Free Air 9Hn 200 200 200 130 130 130 89 58 131.04 60.00 11-in. 58.00 %^-in. cross-com- pound 19.65 COMPARATIVE TESTS OF 11-IN. AND 9i COMPRESSORS -IN. AIR Test No. 1, Time Required to Pump From to 90 Lb. Pressure With 1-In. Steam and IJ-In. Exhaust Pipe Name of Com- pressor Boiler Pressure Pounds Time Required to Compress Air From to 90 Lb. per Square Inch i s Piston Speed Feet ty of Reservoirs and Pipes ubic Inches Start Fin- ish Min. Sec. Total £-. 1 11-in 9^in 11-in 9Hn . — 195 198 199 195 189 190 197 190 1 2 1 2 55 36 55 36 168 263 171 244 336.0 175.3 438.3 168.5 342.0 178.2 406.6 156.4 37,850 38,200 38,130 38,200 60 AIR COMPRESSORS Table — (Continued) 11-In. Compressor 9Hn. Compressor Amount of Compression Time Required Time Required Min. Sec. Min. Sec. Min. Sec. to 20 lb to 40 lb to 45 lb. to 50 lb. . ..... to 60 lb. . _ . . to 70 lb. to 90 lb. \ 1 1 1 • 1 24 48 2 15 28 55 1 1 1 1 24.5 49.0 2.0 15.0 27.0 55.0 1 1 2 30 10 36 Test No. 2, Time Required to Pump From to 90 Lb, Pressure With 1-In. Steam and I^-In. Exhaust Pipe Name of Com- pressor Boiler Pressure Pounds Time Required to Compress Air From to 90 Lb. per Square Inch "o a Piston Speed Feet ity of Reservoirs and Pipes ,ubic Inches Start Fin- ish Min. Sec. Total Per Min. 1 11-in.... 11-in.. .. 195 195 185 180 1 1 48.5 48.5 189 190 378 380 208.8 210 38,100 38,100 Amount of Compression With an 11-In. Compressor From Time Required Min. Sec. Min. Sec. to 20 Ih to 40 It to 50 11 to 60 n to 70 11 to 90 11 1 1 1 23.0 46.5 58.5 11.0 23.0 48.5 1 1 1 23.0 46.0 59.0 11.0 23.0 48.5 1 AIR COMPRESSORS 61 -S ° oj 5 S e^ . '«" S " f 3 . i ^ 03 C5 O ^ O O O , b^ .2 (U^ ,- •-; u w.t:; 5 oj i4 tj ■ >! w Q^ C <^ CTm «^ 5i G ^ I a A ^5 s=? f^ c^" S 5^ ei.c/2 1^ S*^ +j ^-^M-. ar5 OCD OCO 99 0(N • • • D'hl • 62 AIR COMPRESSORS i u •JH I Joj :;99^ 9.672 9,600 •ZQ as9x JO pna :^^ 2 2 < < (N q CO 8 ui ja^^B^ 1 1 r a s o >o CO (N* cium 00 CO CO 1 jnoH ^S9X JO 9mix I^^ox ; rH rH •S9-y; UTBp^ •UI -bs'j^d qT OOT w i i I ' SuiU9dO JO 9ZTS % X ^1 sil-S u "si si ^(3 c IP ■s.sil 1— ! A 72? COMPRESSORS 63 lis § d O o O O Tj4 N 1 ^'^'^ o o o o o ^ fS^;^ d d o CN 05 hI; (N oo" CO & _ ^ ^ (3 _j P OO S S CO fl^ 2^ 005 cq CO q C5 d^ ^ ^ d gc. ^ " CO p o CO c a c^ CO CO HH g «:!n3 c-^P^ ■^ '"' (N . -<# 00 lO c & (N ^ lO ^ '"'h-i s '"' o ■ o ' O • W • ^. •'4H • . =^ : "* ! ^ :^^-a :^ :^ ^ : $ : V 1 o • a : 2 : o i i; c* : B : la; :3 . Is: 3 : 11; 1; 3 • ?; u w i O if en 1 o sn -*i i-^ ^ o o CO dl c^. CO o CO OS a. a § o o lO do. QJ CO CO 00 CO r* S . p -,— ' v; aJ O '^^^^^ C ^ oft AIR COMPRESSORS Qo Approximate data on the 10|-in., cross-compound, air com- pressor showing capacity, steam consumption, volumetric efficiency, displacement, steam pressures for operating at constant speed with various air pressures, and steam pressures 160 140 130 120 ^110 I (^100 ^ 80 ^ 60 ^^ ^ 60 30 20 10 — =^ n >3p/^'c^)r^e'nf Wff. Wj^Af/A — y / ^ y "^ y ■" -^ lA->> ^ /" y ■^ r^^=:?tit>^>. y — '-? ^ " '- .,/?- y ,f r«^ ff^'^i r ' ^ ^ ^ __ _ ^^e/r. 'cf-ff/A-^. p. h-| — ■ ^0_ ^ n rr i>e/^'r^ — — — ■l£ i E ,amPEJi. -^ 1 60 80 JOO 120 140 ^'r Pressure Pig. 1 for operating against constant air pressure at various speeds are shown in the charts given in Figs. 1 and 2. The first chart shows that at a constant speed of 130 single strokes , per min. and 80 lb. air pressure, the steam pressure required 6 66 AIR COMPRESSORS is 96 lb. The actual amount of free air delivered is 122 cu. ft. per min. The volumetric efficiency is 81 i%. The steam 190 ISO I ^ Z^!;(^ .c'^f^^ "^ ^ rf) ^ r ^ '' ^ / D^ /' y r^in \Ji}^ ■^ y y iS fV Y^ ^ ^ y y y^e^ ^ y y Cill K^^" X •^ rfC'^ p "^ ^ ^^ ■-' 1 (^ ])- y ^ ^^ ll> '' ^ ^ ' -^ " O' ' - ■ — — — ^ — ffi ^,* -fp W r/ ''e, 1 Cu f ^/ ^ p. - = — — = = = — — — — — — — — — ~ — ~ .. I \ZQ 130 i40 150 160 I70 ISO S/hgf/e Strokes flsrM//?ute , M?/e:'S/roAej less T/7ap/J{?/^r^//7uteGaye^nsafiyfacfifry TiiU Fig. 2 consumption is 18 ^ lb. per 100 cu. ft. of free air and the dis- placement is approximately 149 cu. ft. per min." AIR COMPRESSORS 67 The second chart shows that at 90 lb. constant air pres- sure and 120 single strokes per min. the steam pressure re- quired is 98 lb. The actual amount of free air delivered is 108 cu. ft. per min. The efficiency is 80%. Steam consump- tion is 19 lb. per 100 cu. ft. of free air and the displacement is 138 cu. ft. per min. COMPARATIVE STEAM AND COAL CURVES Fig. 3 shows rates of air delivery of the 11 in. X 11 in. X 12 in. and the 8^-in. cross-compound compressors at 185 lb. steam pressure and 110 lb. air pressure; compressor speed con- trolled by li-in. governor set at 110^ lb.; coal required com- o 1 o §180 o "^ pf. f^ / ^140 •|ioo •^80 hS/'Co, wre'sso; A ' M^ y \ 65% Sd wrtg ,,x^i ^ r 1^ ( 50^ ^ 0^ Corr essoin team 8^'c.C. Bii^ 1 pressor - 60 > ^ ^65% Saving I _. 1 . _ _ 30 40 50 60 70 QO 90 Delivery of Cubic Feet Free Air Per Minute Fig. 3 puted on the basis of 7 pounds of water evaporated per pound of coal, and on 1,000 hours continuous service. Example: At 50 cu. ft. free air per minute 11-in. com- pressor uses 129 tons of coal and 8|-in. cross-compound com- pressor uses 52 T. of coal. 129 — 52 = 77 T. saving. 3% = .60 or 60% savings. 68 AIR COMPRESSORS AIR COMPRESSORS 69 OPERATING COMPRESSORS TOGETHER COMPRESSORS IN SERIES In industrial service, when it is desired to deliver air pres- sures between 150 and 300 lb., two compressors are often oper- ated in series; that is, the air-delivery pipe from the first air compressor is connected indirectly to the air-intake connection of the second compressor, as shown in the illustration on page 68. The compressor on the left-hand, or the low-pressure compressor, discharges through a radiating coil into a long, narrow, intermediate reservoir, which has the greatest pos- sible cooling surface. The right-hand, or high-pressure, com- pressor receives its air supply from this reservoir and discharges through a second radiating coil into the air-storage reservoir. The governor is connected to the steam-admission pipe to the high-pressure compressor and is actuated by the pressure in the air-storage reservoir. When the pressure in the reservoir reaches normal, the governor stops the high-pressure com- pressor, and the low-pressure compressor is in turn stopped by the intermediate-reservoir pressure when that pressure becomes high enough to stop the compressor. Each radiating coil should contain at least 25 ft. of cooling pipe. The steam throttle valves of each compressor should be regulated so as to cause the relative speeds to give the required intermediate-reservoir pressure; otherwise the final delivery pressure will not corre- spond to that in the accompanying table. All sizes of 8-in. compressors given in the accompanying table refer to the new pattern compressor. COMPRESSORS IN SERIES-COMPOUND When the question of economy in steam consumption is important, two compressors of different sizes may be con- nected in series, not to obtain a high-delivery air pressure, but to increase the quantity of air compressed at the ordinary pressure per unit of steam used. The low-pressure pump has an air cylinder of large diameter and the pumps are connected as before. The size of the air cylinders, the speeds of both 70 AIR COMPRESSORS 111! Rll| 'rJ ^ QJ "^ «-' 'feQ 11^:^11 ill ^j o w ^ 0) p Q, P) :§c3 U2r^ i-i I '^' ! o „„ ' O «> ^ O H d; OT vL^ O ^ ;!« 5 ^ ?i <| ^ PL, ^ CO 3 o 2P ^"^ M a ^--e 03 d , i-HC5CX)'-IO500i-iai00rHO500T-IO500i-IC500i-HC500 ooooooooooooooooooooc OO0O000OO0OO0OCX)O0O0O0O0O0OOC»OOO0OO0OO0O. AIR COMPRESSORS . 71 ^OS00tHO500'-HOS'-''-HTHrHO5THO5THO500'-'O500T-4OS00THO500i-4O500r-4 :3iOCDCOCOr>.|>00050cCCOt^l>aOOOXOOi05000'-iT-iTH(N(MC c^c^c^(^lc^(Nc^(^1C^c<^c^c^(Nc^c<^c^(^^c^(NC^c^c^c^c^c<^(Nc^(Nl^l(^^(^^ AIR COMPRESSORS Approx- imate Free Air Delivered per Minute Cubic Feet sH^sjHs^^ssss^ssgsss^sss Approx- imate Speed of High- Pressure Com- pressor Single Strokes 0000(M(NOcoOTt<0(M<£)i01>CO(M»-iOpCO0000O0000O0^OT-HOC;J^'*t^(NCDt> Approx- imate Speed of Low- Sal -bi)^ §S§S§8gSSSS§§SiS8S88S £^K^5^ % Air Cylinder Inches OOI>OOil>OOi|>OOSOOr-(OiOO'-HO(MO(NOJ> Steam Cylinder Inches H|f» H|N ^If, Hlfl HlN h!N H|N ^H i^H T^ fH ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H Steam Pressure Pounds C0C0'«^Tf'^§iOO«DC0(C>t>.|>l>000005a>OC0l> > IP Air Pressure Pounds oooooooooooooooocoooo i AIR COMPRESSORS 73 rt^lOTtllOTJ^Tt^u^COOOTt^lOu^Tt^Tt^^Tt^->!t^COlOO•LOlOTt^■^'*|»OlO>OTr■^■' t>OOOt»OOl^c005GOCDCi000100l>OCi!>OCil>OCiX'-tC500'-iOO(M »-IO5'-IOS'-IO500rHO500i-IO5'-iO>00rHOi00THOS00'-IO5(X)»HOi00i-tCiC5'-l 74 AIR COMPRESSORS Approx- imate vSteam Used Com- pared With Single- stage Com- pressors Per Cent. l>COC000OOt^cD0CO00(NTj<05rH Free Air Delivered per Minute Cubic Feet <©l>l>OC01>t>-00«OCDI>000 Approx- imate speed of High- Pressure Com- pressor Single Strokes OO'*TtOOiO«Ol>0005tOCOI>OOCiO 2 a < imate Delivery Air Pressure Pounds ioio»oiooccot^r^i>j>i> AIR COMPRESSORS 75 OOOOiO»OiOiOOOO»OiOiO>^iOOOOiO»0>OiOiOiOOCO 00t>l>000"^01>l>0000Tt^C;l>l>00000'^<©t>.t^ »OOOOOOOOOiOOiOO'-HO»OiOOi00050'Ol^^OOC 0(NCD(N(Na)COCOOOO'-li-HCOOQiOCqXOO!M * * oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OO0-JCqOOOOO.oooiOr-iiooi>(X)a>0'-i(Nmcoi^coo50'-t(Ncoioc>t^oo OOOOOOOOOOOCX)Oi0505050iCSOi050000000C 76 AIR COMPRESSORS Approx- imate Steam Used Com- pared With Single- stage Com- pressors Per Cent. I^T^OOi»Hi-HG5i>OTiirt(t^OOOOT^(N iOCO':OiOtOI>CD»OiO>0»0»00»0>0 Free Air DeHvered per Minute Cubic Feet i-1i-Ii-ItH 1-1 1-1 i-H 1-1 f-i Approx- imate Speed of High- Pressure Com- pressor Single Strokes S§|g?5§|2S|8|S^§ High- Pressure Compressor Air Cyl. Inches 0500rH»OI>l^aD0505005»-ICOCO Steam Cyl. Inches CriTH005i-l'-lrHTHi-IC5^0505i-IOi 1-1 THi-irHrHi-l i-l r-i Approx- imate Inter- mediate- Reservoir Pressure Pounds c:ii>fOoO'^TjHTf(Mi>cooOT^a> Approx- imate Speed of Low- Pressure Com- pressor Single Strokes (NOOOOOO(N0»0»OrHT-ii-iCOCOCO»0»«»0»00»H(M(N(NeOCOiOiO»0 i-HrHi-H0505'~''^"~^'~''~^'~^'~^050505'- 78 AIR COMPRESSORS compressors, and the intermediate-reservoir capacity are so proportioned as to divide the work of compression about equally between the two compressors, thus obtaining the most economical condition. To obtain the final pressure and free- air capacity desired, it is important that the steam pressures and approximate speeds be maintained as nearly as possible to the values given in the accompanying table. This method of compression is called the series-compound method. In this method, the steam throttle of each compressor should be regu- lated so as to cause the relative speeds to give the reqmred intermediate-reservoir pressure; otherwise the final delivery pressure will not correspond to that given in the table. PISTONS AND RINGS FOR REBORED AIR- COMPRESSOR CYLINDERS To facilitate repair work in railroad 'shops, reduce to a mini- mum the number of pieces necessary to carry in stock, and greatly simplify the ordering of repair part?, the Westinghouse Air-Brake Company has adopted standard repair pistons and rings for both air and steam cylinders as well as main-valve bushings worn in service, when rebored to certain dimensions. It recommends reboring steam and air cylinders in steps of 3^-in. and main-valve bushings in steps of 3^2-in. In no case, however, should the maximum cylinder diameters specified in the accompanying tables be exceeded. Also, for both new and worn pistons the company advises that packing rings of the standard thickness, viz, the dimension of a ring fitting between the sides of a new piston groove, be employed. The adoption of packing rings of standard thickness is a decision that has been brought about by extended experience and experLments, which demonstrated that the wear of the piston groove is practically negligible except in case of defective material or lack of maintenance. A true bearing is an indispensable con- dition for satisfactory and efficient air-compressor operation, hence, since a true bearing is rarely if ever obtained by filing a piston ring to fit a groove, the practice is not recommended. In order to meet all possible conditions and methods of fitting rings both to standard and to recut grooves, the AIR COMPRESSORS 79 Westinghouse Air-Brake Company furnishes in addition to rings of standard thickness, cut rings for air and steam pistons .006 in. thicker than standard, uncut rings for air and steam pistons .012 in. thicker than standard, and uncut main- valve Fig. 1 piston rings .0®6 in. thicker than standard. No extra charge is made for repair pistons and rings of the standard stock sizes listed. The reference numbers for the parts of the steam and air pistons for 8-in., 9^-in., and 11-in. pumps are given in Fig. 1, while the reference numbers for the parts of the main- valve pistons are given in Fig. 2. Only the sizes of pis- tons and rings given in the ^^" accompanying tables are made and carried in stock. The pis- tons and rings are designated by the diameter of the cylinder for which they are suitable, proper allowance for clearance and fitting being provided for. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 The reference numbers for the parts of the high-pressure steam piston and low-pressure air piston are given in Fig. 3. 80 AIR COMPRESSORS tfi 3 1 6 00 1 34,712 34,693 13,991 13,992 34,496 d l-H ^ tH t^ 00 lO 1-1 Oi 00 00 05 l> CO^ 05 05 ^^ TjT TfT CO CO '^'" CO CO T-t 1-H CO d >— 1 00 O 05 CO Tt< -^ r-1 00 00 00 05 l> CO 0> O) Tj< i i 2 2 ^" CO 00 d t— 1 00 a !>• 05 O CO o 00 t^ 00 o i> CO 05_ 05 T^ '<^'" TjT CO oi -^ CO CO 1-1 l-H CO o 00 lO ^ CO (N O 00 1> t^ Oi i> ^^ CI ai ril •^ r/ii CO CO*" TlT CO CO i-< tH CO o 00 l^ CO rH Cq 1-H O 00 1> i> o> i> cq_ CI CI T^ TjT -*" co" oo" ^'' CO CO 1—1 1—1 CO d 00 1> lO 05 o o oo iO C TiT CO*" TfT r-i tH CO 00 O o S 1 1 •s| il ;1 ;i ;|| »wSl^ : g ^H § c « CO <^ p4 pL, Oh s ^^ § g i ^ ^ s ^ s 05 05 Oi suo^sid JXB puB ureat^s AIR COMPRESSORS , O500 O ^C30 l> CO Ct:j C (MCD CO CO(M Cs| CO HN aJ.HW> cqi> i> '^'^ ^ ^ (m'o o" rsr<>f (N csT Cvl CO (M 00 00 5 ;j Tt^kO ""^ y-irH CO y-t hsShs ^ 9.9. 9. 99 9 9. d"o" O" ci O O" (N •§ (N CO o (N(N (N (N ^-dd S lOO OS "^00 1>, »> % Tj-iO CO yf^ CO 1-1 o HsShs 99 9 99 9 9 oo" o" (NO" O (N (N CO (NC^ (N C^(N (N (N Tt lO COX CO CO 03C0 CO i-iCO CO 1-t rHTH 00^ CO^^-i 00^ CC^ ;^ t^co (NO T-T (N»0 rH (N (N ^•' (N (N 2 -S"^ .S i^^'H d :ti a .«4-l Ctf udes ;woc tand 006 woo tand 8 "* --d be • • 4-i W ring, cut. . . eludes ring, Is t .§.§, (^ S^cS B^'6S ^-d "B ton, CO d four -■e piste ve pis ve pis tandan e pisto ve pis >i5 ^ .22 C^-^^.*^ ^^Irt+^'S « ve p 23, a in-va ain-v ss, cu ain-v than in-va ain-vi ss, cu ain-v than '«i^ 00 C50 O ^(N (N P^^ rH r-lCS CM (N CO CO i-H t> 0_ (© 05 O ^"^ ^•" [nT CO (N d (N O T-H (M r-l Tfi l> CO CO 1-1 I> CO 05_ Oi_ CO :^!s r-T ip-T CO CO CO CO 0> CO a Wl'* Cfl T-H rH tC CO oi o lO lO ^ (N ,Q OJ d a O 00 rj< lO Oi S '"^ Tt< CO (N (N O 1> CO 05 C5, CO_ rtlsD u h|h i-T >H CO co" (N (U C5 tH ,-H 00 C CO CO CO (N O U 1> CO^ CO Oi CO^ th th tC co" ci Ol iO VO 1-H C^ d 00 CO o 00 t- CO CO O 1-1 O . i> co^ i> 05_ cq_ •12 1-H r-T CO*" CO (N 05 lO lO tH T-H (N O (M TlH t^ CO d 00 00 (N 1-1 O •—I TfH^ rJH^ 05 O CD_ HlN tH r-T »H CO (N 05 lO lO 1-1 (M rod, in- and two des two standard n. thick- i, cut. .. n. thick- ., uncut. . 4J 13 rd_ (Xl u u u P^^ coo 0> 05 Oi suoc^sid Ji-B pu-B uiBa^s AIR COMPRESSORS 83 t— I pHHH B 5 HSce^5 O5 00 (NO cot>. ^00 cocq (©CD lOCO i-H o^ -< a d) §1 ■SI O c8 ^ to O cti •CO • o • o •^ Ctf n< hi ■H n* : 5 o 51 (U > • a; C . <^ > •— J rr-j nS C3 (U c3 c i '^ (u (u-S o:5 .a " bo bO"-" to J2 (N aj aj +J nJ y 5J2 c6-p ci w .5 ce ^ nits • g 6 |S^ cca2 c/2 C^^ suo:^sid aAjBA-urej^ 84 AIR COMPRESSORS s o ml* i 51,799 51,703 13,968 13,969 22,686 d i^ 51,798 51,702 13,964 13,965 22,685 1— 1 Hi-* T— 1 51,797 51,701 12,930 13,961 22,684 51,796 51,700 13;957 13,958 22,683 d 51,795 51,699 11,119 13,954 22,682 i-H 51,737 51,698 13,950 13,951 22,681 c 51,473 51,475 1,687 13,949 22,680 i Steam piston and rod, in- cludes one of 11 and two of 9, 10, and 12 Air piston, includes two of 80 Piston ring, standard thickness, cut Piston ring, .006 in. thick- er than standard, cut. . . . Piston ring, .012 in. thick- er than standard , uncut . . 0)0 7 8 9 or 80 9 or 80 9 or 80 suo;^sid Jive pu'B ui'B9:;g AIR COMPRESSORS 85 o ^ X CO rj c . ^ i r^^ O -^— O -1 ^.^« i> l>l> t>-, l> SiSrtSR oq'tN oi" ofoi" ci (N CVI CO (N(N iM t-. o^ i>r> i> i> o ^ (N u nW 03 H« o"d" d" oTc" o" oi" lO ^. ^O -^ Tt< :iR^:t co^co*" '-'" ofco' i-T of * 00* 00* 00 1 Tjl CO CO CO J3 d a lO CD 00 Oi P u d -* 0> 05 05 m|oo tH (N O 05 (N* LO* l>* l>.* . rt< 05 05 Oi o , T-t 05 Oi 05 *h ci iC i>* i>* 00 ■^ CO CO CO -^ CD T-i CV5 d CD t^ 05 05 •"^ CD^ (N O 05 oT th t," tC 00 CO i-H CO CO JL *'.'*-• »-. a -^ • t>.* b-* 1 •^, CO CO CO d M o lo CO r* hH t^ 00 00 00 s :^1S QO OS Oi 05 ci3 »-< l> t>r t>* S •* TtH CO CO CO 1 fj 00 rj< CO T}< 9. CO OS 00 ^ usloo ^ 00 (N OS OS ■^ £ T-i lo i> isT Ttl CO CO CO d CO t>. 00 00 •IS 00, OS OS, OS »-t l> |> !>" -* CO CO CO t^ 00 b- 00 CO t^ t^ t^ HIM q. IN OS, OS -^ OS t-H i>" t>r CO 1-H CO CO J •'S 'd d ; T3 • S -"^ ^ •'^ : 73 c $S . 4J . ^ • bo ■ bB bio -a c ;? ■e 5 . w. : »-• :3 *^ C c« o . : o jj Ph ". • a . c . d . C • O • O'd OT) O • 4J ; +j Vh +j »H ■M '.W c.W Oj W rt .2 ; a-- ft'^ ftTJ B re air p re air- cut 1^ re air- an Stan re air- an Stan ::ico:3w:3,G3^ [g'-58ii2t ^t ^.^.^.^. V> o OS CO CO CO P ^^ »H 1-4 •^ 1 AIR COMPRESSORS 87 Q M O n o o o m O CX5 >* «^ o g s o < o 03 H CO « P CO CO O d (M (N CO TjH 212 ^, o q q (N OO' OO" 00* Tl< CO CO CO 1-H 00 Oi O nf* '-J. q q 05 -* (N |>" |C b," (fl TJH CO CO CO 6 Kl O lO CO l> o 0) CO 00 00 00 £ ^12 XI «-^ q q q CO Tp 6 (N i>r i> !>' « 3 ^ Tt< CO CO CO 1 c § 05 Tt< CO -* lO 05 00 00 10i« rH (N C5 05 -"J^ 0^ (N »o" l> t>* '>. '■^ CO CO CO O ~T c 00 Oi O 1^ uO 1> 00 00 HS '~J_ q q q TP (N* t^T iC i>" 1-H j3 Tji CO CO CO lO 00 i> 00 rtiN CO I> I> 1> q CQ q q Tt^ 05 i-T !>" iC T-l CO tH CO CO com- 12... idard d ; (M • .^w ^ . 'D o ?3 • . q '• d ro two g. si ring bo • o ^ cj a '^ a : S ?, c! s fg StC^ •'§''5^ VM .«^.^ ! ft'o'.^'d" O s 2^12^.2^12^1 S'gS^S'^S'S ^i^ ^-^ ?"S 9^-^ ^-^ ^x: ^,E ^^ o P< o+S o+S 042 hJ iJ .-3 1-^ '^' 6 00 t^ t>. 1— 1 00 q q q hW '-I t^ t^ i> O OJ Tt< CO CO CO m — 9 d CO H2 00 05 05 Oi '-I i> i> tC 9 Oi 1 rt< CO CO CO P Oj a o »o i> 00 1 s c § s § g »H lO 1> t>." , lO CO CO CO CO O 00 q q q CO HS ^ CO CO CO O Oi — CO t^ o ^ • Q fc ^ d CO i> CO CO '^^ <^, Ol Oi_ Os" 1-^ t> I> o. M ^ CO CO o o ^ •'^ . Ih • Ih • 9° CO :^ : S u t a : w 8 :o : <« §< 1 ;l \ H . Weight rp^,. Weight ^yP^ Pounds ^^'P^ Pounds S-3 11 SD-4 19i S-4 13 SD-5 25 S-5 191 SF-4 19 S-6 23 SF-5 25 AIR COMPRESSORS 91 STANDARD GOVERNORS AND STEAM VALVES FOR STEAM-DRIVEN AIR COMPRESSORS The Westinghouse Air-Brake Company made an extended series of tests to determine the conditions under which their several types and combinations of one or more compressors will operate to the best advantage. They recommend the following combinations: Size of Branch Size of Main to Each Steam Supply Compres- No. of Size of Compres- Compres- sors sor Inches n 11 11 *8^ Size of Steam Valve Inches 1 u u u u Size of Governor Inches 1 - U li u Pipe Inches 1 u u II u sor Inches u u TYPE S-4 (1-IN.), COMPRESSOR GOVERNOR The piece number for the type S-4 compressor governor, complete, shown in Fig. 1, is 24,974; for the steam portion, complete, it is 2,048; and for the diaphragm portion, complete, 20,782. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. The 1-in. union swivel, Pc.No. Ref. No. Name of Part 2,018 2 Steam-valve body. Cylinder body. Cylinder cap. Steam valve, complete. Piston, includes 7, for standard cylinder, 2^ in. diameter. Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2^ in. diameter. Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2j^ in. diameter. Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2x1 in. diam.eter. Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2| in. diameter. Piston ring, for standard cylinder, 2i in. diameter. Piston ring for rebored cylinder, 2^ in. diameter. 2,028 2,024 2.023 2,173 17,282 17,283 17,284 17,285 15,013 15,583 6 *These are the S^-in., cross-compound, air compressors. 92 AIR COMPRESSORS AIR COMPRESSORS 93 Pc No. Ref. No. Name of Part 15,584 7 Piston ring for rebored cylinder, 2^ in. diameter. 17.214 7 Piston ring, for rebored cylinder, 2^ in. diameter. 17.215 7 Piston ring, for rebored cylinder, 2j in. diameter. Piston nut. Piston spring. 1-in. union nut. 1-in. union swivel. |-in. union swivel. Diaphragm body, includes 29. Spring box. Check-nut. Regulating nut. Regulating spring. Diaphragm, complete, 32 to 36, inclusive. Diaphragm ring. Strainer. Union swivel, f-in. O. D. copper pipe. Union nut. Diaphragm nut. Diaphragm valve. Diaphragm washer. Diaphragm-valve spring. Diaphragm, 2 pieces, each. Union swivel, |-in. iron pipe. Piece No. 1,949, is used with the new-style 8-in. (8"X8"X lO'O, the 9|-in., and the 11-in. pumps. The |-in. union swivel, Piece No. 2,051, is used with the old-style 8-in. pump (8''X7^"X9'0. Where i-in. iron pipe is to be used for air connection, specify Piece No. 2,049, for the S-4 steam compressor governor, com- plete, and Piece No. 2,047, for diaphragm portion complete; then union swivel, Ref. No. 40, will be substituted for union swivel, Ref. No. 30. If governor is to be used with old-style 8-in. (8"X 7^''X9") air compressor, specify Piece No. 24,975, for S-4 steam compressor governor, complete, with air con- nection for copper pipe, or Piece No. 10,700, for S-4 steam compressor governor, complete, with air connection for i-in. iron pipe; and Piece No. 10,701, for steam portion only; f-in. union swivel, Piece No. 2,051 will then be supplied. Operation of Governor. — The regulating spring is, generally, adjusted to just withstand a main-reservoir pressure of 90 lb. pushing upwards on the diaphragm. When the pump is in 2,022 8 2,027 9 1,948 10 1,949 11 2,051 11 9,033 15 2,033 16 2,034 17 2,035 18 2,036 19 2,043 20 1,064 21 2,046 29 5.384 30 15,291 31 2,041 32 2,039 33 2,040 34 2,042 35 2,088 36 2,045 40 94 AIR COMPRESSORS operation the pressure in the main reservoir increases until it reaches 90 lb. When the pressure below the diaphragm slightly exceeds the force exerted by the regulating spring, the diaphragm is raised, carrying the diaphragm valve with it. The air below the diaphragm passes by the unseated dia- phragm valve into the chamber on top of the piston, forcing it down, thus seating the steam valve. As long as main- reservoir pressure remains at 90 lb., the diaphragm valve will be held from its seat and the pressure in the chamber above the piston will hold the steam valve to its seat. If the main-reservoir pressure falls below 90 lb., the thrust of the spring tending to force down the diaphragm will overcome that of the air pressure tending to force it up; consequently, the diaphragm, will move downwards and seat the diaphragm valve. This shuts off the air supply from the chamber above the piston, and the air confined therein by the diaphragm valve closing will escape to the atmosphere through the vent port c. The pressure now being removed from above the piston, the piston spring, aided by the steam under the steam valve, forces the piston upwards, unseating steam valve, and allowing steam to pass through the governor to the pump. The piston is made enough larger than the steam valve to enable a moderate air pressure to hold the steam valve to its seat against the combined upward force of the steam pressure under the valvef and the push of the piston spring. Regulating the Governor. — To increase main-reservoir pres- sure, remove check-nut 17 and turn regulating nut 18 to the right, increasing the tension of the regulating spring 19 until the desired pressure is obtained; then replace check-nut 17. To decrease main-reservoir pressure, turn the regulating nut 18 to the left, decreasing the tension on the regulating spring 19 until the pressure is decreased to the desired amount. Testing the Governor. — The pump governor should be tested to see whether standard pressure is obtained when it stops the pump, also to see whether it will start the pump promptly when a light reduction of not more than 2 lb. is made in the pressure that operates the governor. If the pump stops either before or after standard pressure is obtained, adjust the governor by means of the adjusting screw, until it AIR COMPRESSORS 95 Fig. 2 96 AIR COMPRESSORS regulates the pump properly. If the governor does not start the pump promptly on a slight reduction, it may be due to leaky diaphragm valve, or to the vent port being stopped up. TYPE SD-5 COMPRESSOR GOVERNpR The piece number of the SD-5, compressor governor, com- plete, shown in Fig. 2, is 22,067; for the steam portion, com- plete, 17,879; and for the diaphragm portion, complete, 20,782. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. If j-in. iron pipe is to be used for air connections, specify Piece No. 18,019, for SD-5 compressor governor, complete, and Piece No. 2,047, for diaphragm por- tion, complete; then union swivel, Ref. No. 40 will be substi- tuted for union swivel, Ref. No. 30. Pc. No, Ref. No. Name of Part 17,668 2 Steam-valve body. 17,672 3 Cylinder body. 17,671 4 Cylinder cap. 17;670 5 Steam valve, complete. 17,916 6 Piston, includes 7, for standard cylinder, 2f in. diameter. 21.606 6 Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2f| in. diameter. 21.607 6 Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2x1 in. diameter. 21.608 6 Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2f| in. diameter. 21.609 6 Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2 1 in. diameter. 18,033 7 Piston ring, for standard cylinder, 2f in. diameter. 21.598 7 Piston ring for rebored cylinder, 2ff in. diameter. 21.599 7 Piston ring for rebored cylinder, 2H in. diameter. 21.600 7 Piston ring for rebored cylinder, 2f^ in. diameter. 21.601 7 Piston ring, for rebored cylinder, 2| in. diameter. Piston nut. Piston spring, li-in. union nut. Ij-in. union swivel. Siamese fitting. Diaphragm body, includes 29. Spring box. 17,674 8 17,673 9 2,154 10 2,155 11 6,558 14 9,033 15 2,033 16 2,035 18 2,036 19 2,043 20 1,064 21 6,868 22 2,046 29 5,384 30 15,291 31 2,041 32 2,039 33 2,040 34 2,042 35 2,038 36 2,045 40 AIR COMPRESSORS 97 Pc. No. Ref. No. Name nf Part 2,034 17 Check-nut. Regulating nut. Regulating spring. Diaphragm, complete, includes 32 to 36, inclusive. Diaphragm ring. Vent-port screw. Strainer. Union swivel, f-in. O. D. copper pipe. Union nut. Diaphragm nut.' Diaphragm valve. Diaphragm washer Diaphragm- valve spring. Diaphragm, 2 pieces, each. Union swivel, j-in. iron pipe. Operation of Governor. — The operation of the duplex gov- ernor is exactly the same as that of the S-4 governor, since only- one diaphragm portion operates at a time. Both the dia- phragm portion and the steam portion of the duplex governor are exactly the same as the corresponding parts of the improved single governor. The only difference is that the duplex gov- • emor is provided with the Siamese fitting and an extra dia- phragm portion. This valve is merely a combination of two ordinary governors, and it operates in exactly the same way as the ordinary governor, since one or the other of the dia- phragm bodies is always cut out. The description of the improved single governor applies to this governor also. The pipe connections between the duplex governor and the engi- neer's brake valve are shown in Fig. 3. The duplex pump governor is necessary on engines equipped A\4th the high-speed brake and the high-pressure control or special apparatus, for loaded freight trains, and it is also neces- sary on many engines not used in this special service. It pro- vides a means for carrying two pressures in the main reservoir; a moderate one while running with brake released and a much higher one while the brake is applied, so as to provide a high excess pressure for the prompt release of the brake. This is done by piping the low-pressure side of the governor to the feed-valve port / in the F-6 brake valve shown, a hole being drilled through the bottom case of the valve through the lower 98 AIR COMPRESSORS gasket into the port. When the brake valve is in running po^ tion, the air in port /is at main-reservoir pressure; when this! pressure reaches 90 lb. it operates the governor, which shutsl off steam from the pump. During an application of the brake or I while the brake valve is on lap, the pressure in port / is shut off 1 from the main reservoir and is much lower than 90 lb. Usually I it is the same as that in the brake pipe, and cannot be raised tol 90 lb.; consequently, the low-pressure side of the governor j being cut out by the brake valve, does not operate, and the 77? Tra/rr P/pe pump continues to work and raises main-reservoir pressure^ until the high-pressure side of the governor (usually set at 110 lb. and operated by main-reservoir air) stops it. TYPE SF-5 COMPRESSOR GOVERNOR The piece number of the SF-5, compressor governor, com-- plete, shown in Fig. 4, is 21,799; for the steam portion,' complete, which includes No. 2 to No. 11, inclusive, it is 17,879; for the excess-pressure head, complete, 20,783; for the AIR COMPRESSORS 99 Fig. 4 100 AIR COMPRESSORS maximum-pressure head, complete, 20,782. The SF-5 (li-in.) governor is recommended with all locomotive brake equip- ments that include two 9^-in., one 11-in., or one 8^-in. cross- compound air compressor. If i-in. iron pipe is to be used for the air connections, specify Piece No. 18,672, for SF-5 gov- ernor, complete; Piece No. 13,552, for excess-pressure head, complete; and Piece No. 2,047, for maximum-pressure head, complete; union swivel, Ref. No. 40, will then be substituted for union swivel, Ref. No. 30, and union connection. Piece No. 20,485, which includes Ref. Nos. 37, 38, 39, will be omitted. The SF-6 duplex governor is recommended with all locomotive brake equipments which include two 11-in. or two 8i-in. cross-compound air compressors. It weighs 40 lbs. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 17,668 2 Steam-valve body. 17,672 3 Cyhnder body. 17,671 4 Cylinder cap. 17,670 5 Steam valve, complete. 17,916 6 Piston, includes 7, for standard cylinder, 2f in. diameter. 21.606 6 Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2f| in. diameter. 21.607 6 Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2i| in. diameter. 21.608 6 Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2f| in. diameter. 21.609 6 Piston, includes 7, for rebored cylinder, 2 1 in. diameter. 18,033 7 Piston ring, for standard cyHnder, 2f in. diameter. 21.598 7 Piston ring for rebored cylinder, 2|f in. diameter. 21.599 7 Piston ring for rebored cylinder, 2^1 in. diameter. 21.600 7 Piston ring for rebored cylinder, 2f^ in. diameter. 21.601 7 Piston ring for rebored cyHnder, 2| in. diameter. Piston nut. Piston ring, li-in. union nut. li-in. union swivel. Siamese fitting. Diaphragm body, includes 29. Spring box for maximum-pressure head. Check-nut for maximum-pressure head. il 17,674 8 17,673 9 2,154 10 2,155 11 6,558 14 9,033 15 2,033 16 2,034 17 J AIR COMPRESSORS 101 Pc. No. 2,035 2.036 19 2,043 20 1,064 6,868 13,457 13,456 13,459 13,458 2,676 10,734 2,046 5,384 15,291 2,041 2,039 2,040 2,042 2,038 20,485 2,001 16,286 20,470 2,045 Ref. No. Name of Part 18 Regulating nut for maximum-pressure head. Regulating spring tor maximum-pressure head. Diaphragm, complete, for maximum-pres- sure head, includes 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36. Diaphragm ring. Vent-port screw. Spring box, for excess-pressure head. Sprmg-box extension for excess-pressure head. Check-nut for excess-pressure head. Regulating nut for excess-pressure head. Regulating spring for excess-pressure head. Diaphragm, complete, for excess-pressure head, includes 32. 33, 34, 35, and 36. Strainer. Union swivel, | in. O. D, copper pipe. Union nut. Diaphragm nut. Diaphragm valve. Diaphragm washer. Diaphragm-valve spring. Diaphragm, 2 pieces, each. Union connection, complete, includes 37, 38, and 39. Union nut. Union swivel. Union stud. Union swivel, |-in. iron pipe. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Spring Identification Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire B, In. Free In. No. Coils Name of Spring Triple, Used in *17,673 t2,036 *2,676 t2,042 *2,027 1* 8 1 i .22 .109 .049 .109 2* 2| 2 2 8 91 11 31 8 Piston Regulating Regulating Diaphragm valve Piston SF-5. SF-6 SF-4. SF-5. SF-6 SF-4, SF-5, SF-6 SF-4. SF-5, SF-6 SF-4 * Nickeled steel. fSteel. JBrass, 102 AIR COMPRESSORS Operation of Governor. — The duty of the SF pump governor is to so restrict the speed of the pump, when the desired main- reservoir pressure is obtained, as to prevent this pressure from rising any higher. During most of the trip, the brake valve is carried in running position to keep the brakes charged. But little excess pressure is then needed, and the governor regulates the main-reservoir pressure to about 20 lb. above the brake-pipe pressure, thus making the work of the pump easier. Air from the main reservoir flows through the automatic brake valve (when the latter is in release, ninning, or holding position) to the automatic brake-valve connection 30 into the chamber below diaphragm 36. Air from the feed-valve pipe enters at the feed -valve connection 39 to the chamber above the diaphragm 36, thus aiding the pressure of the regulating spring 27 in holding the diaphragm down. As this spring is adjusted to about 20 lb., this diaphragm will be held down until the main-reservoir pressure in the chamber below the diaphragm slightly exceeds the combined air and spring pressure in the chamber above the diaphragm. At such time, the diaphragm will be raised, unseat its pin valve, and allow air to flow to the chamber above the governor piston, forcing the latter down- wards, compressing its spring and restricting the flow of steam past steam valve 5 to the point where the pump will just supply the leakage in the brake system. When the main-reservoir pres- sure in chamber 36 becomes reduced, the combined spring and air pressures above the diaphragm force the diaphragm down, seating its diaphragm valve. As the chamber above the gov- ernor piston is always open to the atmosphere through the small vent port, the pressure in that chamber will then escape to the atmosphere and allow the piston spring, and steam pressure below the steam valve 5, to raise the valve and the governor piston. Since the connection from the main reser- voir to the chamber below the diaphragm 36 is open only when the handle of the automatic brake valve is in release, running, or holding positions, in the other positions this governor head is cut out. The main-reservoir connection in the maximum- pressure head should be connected to the main-reservoir cut- out cock, or to the pipe connecting the two main reservoirs, so AIR COMPRESSORS 103 as to be always in communication with the main reservoir, so that when the excess-pressure head is cut out by the brake valve, or by the main-reservoir cut-out cock, this head will control the pump. When main-reservoir pressure in the cham- ber below the diaphragm 36 exceeds the adjustment of spring 19, the diaphragm will raise the diaphragm valve and allow air to flow into the chamber above the governor piston, controlling the pump as just described. The adjustment of spring 19 thus 104 AIR COMPRESSORS forms the maximum limit of main-reservoir pressure. Thi^T when the brake- valve handle is in running position, the excess- pressure side of the governor limits the main-reservoir pressure to 20 lb. above the feed- valve pressure, no matter what feed- valve pressure is being carried. The maximum-pressure side forms a limit beyond which the main-reservoir pressure can- , TO F££D VALV£ P/PB (ST.). -0 B/^AHE P/P S (OTHEP SCP£OC/L£S) ro exHAusT s -p/pe. (a) Fig. 6 not rise. Therefore, a change in feed-valve regulation auto- matically produces a corresponding change in the governing pressures. As each governor head has a vent port 22, from which a small amount of air escapes whenever pressure is present in the chamber above the governor piston, to avoid an unnecessary waste of air, one of these should be plugged with a vent-port screw 22. AIR COMPRESSORS 105 Adjusting the Governor. — To adjust the excess-pressure head of the SF-5 governor place the handle of the automatic brake valve in running position, remove the cap nut 25 and turn the adjusting nut 26 imtil the compression of spring 27 gives the desired difference between main-reservoir and brake- pipe pressures. TO FEED VAL V£ P/PE fE.T.X TO BffAKE P /PE (OTMERSCHEDVLES) /^' STEAM MLVE To adjust the maximum-pressure head, place the handle of the automatic brake valve on lap, remove the cap nut 17. and turn adjusting nut 18 tmtil the compression of the spring 19 causes the piimp to stop at the maximum main-reservoir pressure required. It is recoromended that spring 27 be 106 AIR COMPRESSORS I adjusted for 20 lb. excess pressure, and spring iP for a pressure ranging from 120 to 140 lb., depending on the service. Pipe Connections to Old-Standard Equipment. — The method of connecting an SF governor with the old standard equipment is shown in Fig. 5. When so connected it is appli- cable to the high-speed brake or the double-pressure control equipments without changing or moving any of the governor- pipe connections. By regulating the maximum-pressure side to, say, 140 lb., duplex main-reservoir regulation may be obtained, for feed-valve pressures up to 110 lb, since the excess- pressure head will stop the pump at 130 lb. thereby giving an excess pressure of 10 lb. PIPING DIAGRAMS FOR TWO AIR COMPRESSORS For two 9^-in. compressor installations, a Ij-in. steam supply pipe should be used together with an SF-5 (l|-in.) governor and a Ij-in. steam valve. A 1-in. supply pipe, governor, and steam valve are too small and throttle the supply of steam, reducing the speed of the compressors too much. Where both pumps are on one side of the locomotive, they should be con- nected up as in Fig. 6 (a); where they are on opposite sides of the locomotive, connected up as in (b). For two 11-in. pumps, a l|-in. supply pipe, governor, and steam valve should be used, the pumps being connected up as shown. AIR-STORAGE RESERVOIRS The necessity for an air reservoir in connection with nearly all air compressor plants is well understood. It receives the air in pulsations from the compressor and delivers it at uni- form pressure. The reservoir also acts as a depository for such moisture, oil, and other foreign matter as passes through the compressor. The condensation of water resulting from the compression of air can never be entirely prevented, but the amount may be lessened by obtaining the coolest and driest air possible for the air intake to the compressor, and by locating the reservoir and radiating pipe in the coolest possible place. These conditions are requisite for the most satisfactory service. Each reservoir should have a drain II AIR COMPRESSORS 107 cock or small pipe connection at its lowest point by means of which all residue may be drawn off at frequent intervals, as water or oil collecting will soon materially decrease the air- storage capacity of the reservoirs. Fig. 1 shows the welded pipe, that is, steel tubing with heads welded in, fiimished in diameters of 16 in. and under, and Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 2 the riveted type, made of steel sheets with longitudinal seam and heads riveted, furnished in diameters of 18^ in. and over. The reservoirs are tested to a pressure of 140 lb. They are built to the W. A. B. standard specifications for railroad service and designed for pressures up to 125 lb. per sq. in. The accompanying table gives the standard sizes of these reser- voirs; they may be placed either vertically or horizontally, as preferred. In either case, however, it is advisable to have the air inlet and outlet near the top and on opposite sides of the reservoir, but not directly opposite each other, and the drain cock should be located at the lowest point. Main Reservoir. — The standard main reservoir is a store chamber in which a large supply of compressed air is main- tained to charge the brake pipe and auxiliaries; to release brakes, if set, by charging the brake pipe to a higher pressure than that in the auxiliaries; and to feed any brake-pipe leaks while the brakes are released. Also, it often provides air for operating sand blowers, bell ringers, blow-off cocks, water scoop, and other devices with which the engine is equipped. The usual main-reservoir pressure is 90 lb., but this is exceeded in mountainous districts when handling very long trains, when the train is equipped with the high-speed brake, or when the Westinghouse special attachment for controlling heavy trains on long down grades is used. ICS AIR COMPRESSORS AIR-STORAGE RESERVOIRS Size Approximate Size Approximate Inches Capacity Cubic Inches Inches Capacity Cubic Inches 12 X 60 6,000 201 X 72* •21,700 12 X 66 6,600 201 X 78 23,600 12 X 72 7,200 20 2 X 84* 25,500 12 X 78 7,800 20- X 90 27,400 12 X 84 8,500 20 2 X 96* 29,200 14 X 54 7,300 20^X102 31,000 14 X 60 8,200 201X108 33,000 14 X 66 9,000 201X114 35.000 14 X 72 9,900 201X120 37,000 14 X 78 10,800 22^X 36 12.600 14 X 84 11,600 22iX 42 14,900 16 X 48 8,500 22iX 48* 17,100 16 X 54 9,600 22iX 54 19,400 16 X 60 10,800 22 -X 60* 21,700 16 X 66 11,900 22^ X 66 24,000 16 X 72 13,000 221 X 72* 26,300 16 X 78 14,200 22IX 78 28,500 16 X 84 15,300 221 X 84* 30,800 16 X 90 16,400 22^ X 90 33,100 16 X 96 17,600 22 2 X 96* 35,400 16 X102 18,700 22^X102 37,700 16 X108 19,800 22^X108 39,900 16 X114 21,000 222X114 42,200 16 X120 22,000 221X120 44,500 18-X 42 10,000 242X 36 15,000 IS-X 48* 11,500 24^ X 42 17,700 18-X 54 13,000 24 3 X 48* 20,400 18-X 60* 14,500 24iX 54 23.100 I82X 66 10,100 24 2 X 60* 25,800 18 2 X 72* 17,600 241 X 66 28,500 I82X 78 19,100 24 ^X 72* 31,200 18 2 X 84* 20,600 24^ X 78 34,000 18^X 90 22,200 24 -X 84* 36,700 18iX 96* 23,700 24^ X 90 39.400 I82XIO2 25,200 24-1 X 96* 42.100 I83XIO8 26,700 24^X102 44,800 18^X114 28,300 24^X108 47,500 18^X120 29,800 26^X 36 17,500 201 X 36 10,400 26 2 X 42 20,700 2O1X 42 12.300 261 X 48* 23,900 20- X 48* 14,200 261 X 54 27,100 201 X 54 16,000 26^ X 60* 30,300 20,X 60* 18,000 26- X 66 33,500 2O5X 66 19,800 26 5 X 72* 36,700 * These sizes are always in stociL. AIR COMPRESSORS Table — ( Contin iied) 109 Approximate Size Approximate Inches Capacity Cubic Inches Inches Capacity- Cubic Inches 26- X 78 39,800 28^X 90 53,600 26 2 X 84* 43,000 28^ X 96* 57,300 26- X 90 46.200 30^ X 36 23,400 26^ X 96* 49,400 30^ X 42 27,600 28 2 X 36 20,300 30 2 X 48* 31.800 28 2 X 42 24,000 30- X 54 36,100 28^ X 48* : 27,700 30 2 X 60* 40,300 28^ X 54 31,400 30^ X 66 44,600 28. X 60* 35,100 30^ X 72* 48,800 28^ X 66 38,800 30^ X 78 53.000 28^ X 72* 42,500 30^ X 84* 57,300 28^ X 78 46,200 301 X 90 60,500 281 X 84* 49,900 301 X 96* 64.800 The main reservoir varies in size according to the kind of service — freight or passenger- — in which the engine is employed. In the best practice, a main reservoir of not less than 40,000 cu. in. capacity for passenger, and from 50,000 to 70,000 cu. in. for freight, service is used. For freight service the following schedule is recommended. Main -Reservoir Pump Capacity Capacity Cubic Inches One 9^in 50,000 Two 9Hn 65,000 One 11-in 60,000 Two 11-in 70,000 One 8|-in. cross-compound 70,000 If the train is long and the main reservoir small, a high pressure must be carried in the latter in order that it may equalize with the brake pipe at a sufficiently high pressure to promptly release the brakes and recharge the auxiliaries. When the main reservoir is large, a much lower reservoir pressure can be carried, and the pump can also store a greater quantity of air while the brakes are applied. When, there- fore, the main reservoir is small, the pump must work both *These sizes are always in stock. 110 AIR COMPRESSORS .« o & CO < 00 PI •H|f« •** ^xV. (N . CO a 13 6 . ^ > (M a CD JH ■SO a (M < 1, Riv( Semic Heads elded i o < - :- 11^ W|M b 00 a o T-H < 1— > CO (N 11 -iK* (D—i °:w.s '^ > o Q S^l! 4) m «o «5 H« ^ (N'T? ^r% rt^ *> S (D rt ^ '^ Q..X.-S 1 (M >> c ^ Shell, O. Pipe Conve Head Welded < O T r^ - ;-i ^_ C 0005i-i(Nrt<»Ot^0005 00 1-1 Tf t'^C^CO Tj^^i-l^OS CO CO O^I^TjH^'-H 05 CD CO O l> -^^^tH O" CO lO !> O (m" '*' I> Oi (m" O Oo" O CO" CO 00 ir-T T^' |> oi" (N lO" iO«O>OtOcOcOT-i,-lrH(N(M(NC0C0C0C0-^TtOCOC0l>l:^00050iOO'-i(N(N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx c^^(^^(^^(^^(^^<^l(^^(^^(^^(^^(^l(^^(^^(^^(^^(^^(N(^^(^J(^^(^^(^^ spunO(j OOCD^fNOOOCOTHCqOOOcOCiOOSCiOSOSOiOSOSOS COGOO(M'^lOI^05'-'COTtOI> cocoTJ^Tt^TJ^TJ^TI^T^iOO»o»Ol-^(^^(^^(^^(^^(^^cocococo oiqno A^oisd'SQ CCCO'Tf<(NOOOcOTt<r500 CDl-HCOlOOTt^05TH05T:t^OClCOlOTt^O'-lTt^l>rHrJ^^>0 CO 05 TjH^ q_ co^ 1-H CO (N t^_ CO 00 tjh^ rn th o o^ 05_ 00 00 1> CO cq_ uf O oo' O' i-H CO"" T^" Co' l> 05 O C^" O' C^f Tti" CO~ b-* O^" .-H CO >o" t-" (M(N(MCOC0COC0COC0COTtHTjHrH,-(i-li-li-li-(Cl(N(N(M sanouj nv J9A0 ozis ^>000i XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 22 22222^22222 22 2222gg§gS§^ggg spuno^ Oi(NtOOO(NiOOOTHT^l>OCOCOOCOC005(NrH05t^iO 05rH(NcoiocDt^o:>0'-HcoTjHioi>oooiOcoooc;^co i-H(M(M(M(N(NCsj(NCOC0C0C0C0COCOC0^T-li-(T-i(N(N oiqnQ A%p^d-BQ rtrHrH00Tt<'-i00TH^00Tt00(5 C0^rH05l>^(MOt^>^C0O00cDC0'-iO'^C0t-'-i»O i-^O 05 1> CO iq TtH^CO '"lO^OS 00 CO lO^TJ^^cq rH 00 T^ lO l> 00 o »-H ,-H (N co" T^ »o co" t^r oo" oo' 05 o" rH (m' CO TjT o* i> oo" 05 o" rH rH ,-H r-l T-H f-l rH ,-H ,-H ,-1 rH T-H (N (M (N(M C^ rH 1 sovpui nv -i^Ao azis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx '<*^Tt^T*^rfTt^Tt^r}^T:t^'<^TJ^Tt^Tt^Tf^Tt^Tt^Tt^TJ^ cO«CO CO CO CO 1 spuno^ '-lOOOCOlOCOi-<050CCO'rtCO I>0000050^(N(MCOTtl>00050'-i(N.'-t CO 00 (N t^i-HiOOTj^OSCOOO (N t> '-^ '^R'^.c^l'^.Q^.*^.^- (N* (N co' CO* Ti^' r)H' lO i6 lO co' co' t-' !>' 00 OO" Oi o' Oi O O i-h fH saqouj IIV -19^0 8ZIS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx oooooooooooooooooooooo AIR COMPRESSORS 113 iOOO'-i'OPOI>0'^t^'-tTt^CO'-'TtiOO'-005 ooooo50>aiOOcocO'<^-«^-<*io»OiOoocDi>t>.t^ooooooa>c5a>ooo XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX c3i05a505050>aiOio>050io:)aiC5ooi>i:ooiocsji>co(Nr-(OooiOt^N- ■^i>'r:cocoocooc35cocoo5C^(NOoooTticM'-Hcn>ocoT-(C5i>iopO'-i '^^ "^. '^^ '^^ ^. '^. '"1 p. '^^ *^. "^^ '^- ^- '"1. '^^ ^- ^- '^.. ^1 ^- p. '^- ^- ^- '^^ ^- '^~ R ^. '^« OT i-T CO ^ N." O T-T Co" T^ CD" x" o' (M" (N t^ o" go' '-i' Co" lC CO* O" (m' Tf" t^" ci" 1-i" T^' CC' 00 (NC^COCOCOCCTtl>0005C5COT-H(N(>JCO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0000000000000 01C^(N(NCl(N(NC^lCJC^cq(N(>q(rq (^^c^(Nc^c^c^c>OC0(NO00O'-'t^OXOTT-«NOC/DOTfC^O (^^c^(NMcccococoTrTt^•<*^Tt^TJ^Tt^OlOOLOuorHT-H(^^(^^(^^!N(^l(Ncccoco CO(MCX)'^OCO(NOOTt^OO(NOOTtl>00050500'-i(N(MCOCO'^^>OCOCC«::)CO'^T}i>CCDC)J>l>OOC5C5 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -^|MHlNw:NrH;NHl?»iH|N^|«virt;f3W|M,^lMrtlfl COCOCOCOCDCCCOOCCCOOOCDCOCCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOXOCOOOOOOOO L0Oi-H(NC0TtoocO'«*co 'HT} ^^ cd" o r^ooc»xa>0500rH,-H(N IIV ^3^0 9ZIS 00Ttcoi>THiooo(Ncoort rH >0^ OC (N CO O Tt^ 00 1-H 00 (N l-^" r-T lO o" ■** Oi CC I> (N (MCOCO^TjHiOiCOCOCOt^ saqouj IIV ^9^0 azis (Nob'«^OCO(NOOTfOcO(N TfrfiOCOCOt>t-00050iO xxxxxxxxxxx COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO spunoj iO(NO:»COC0T-<00iO(MO5t^Oi t^rHTt<00l>t>0000050505O:J.CDCOOl>. (MCCOTt-oooo DiqUQ Tt.0>O'-i(NC0Tt< CO O l> T)^^ rH 00 iq CO O t-^ TfH^ rH O" tJh" tC th' iO OO' rH (MCSKNCOCCCO'^'^iOiOOCO saqouj IIV J^^O COCqOOrt0005050 xxxxxxxxxxxx OOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOO CM (N (M !N e air to flow to the atmosphere gradually through the opening marked exhaust, Fig. 1. When the pressure in chamber D is reduced the desired amount, the handle is moved to lap position, thus stopping any further reduction in that chamber. Air will continue to discharge from the brake pipe until its pressure has fallen to an amount a trifle less than that retained in chamber D, permitting the pressure in this chamber to force the piston downwards gradually and stop the discharge of brake-pipe air. It will be seen, therefore, that the amount of reduction in the equalizing reservoir determines that in the brake pipe, regardless of the length of the train. Lap Position. — The lap position is used while holding the brakes applied after a service application until it is desired either to make a further brake- pipe reduction or to release them; and to prevent loss of main-reservoir pressure in the event of a burst hose, a break-in- two, or the opening of the conductor's valve. In this position all ports are closed. Release Position. — The release position, which is used tor releasing the train brakes after an application, without releas- ing the locomotive brakes, has already been described. The air flowing from the main-reservoir-pipe connection through port a, in the rotary valve, and port b, in the valve seat, to the brake pipe, raises the pressure in the latter, thereby causing the triple valves and equalizing portion of the distributing valve to go to release position, which releases the train brakes and recharges the auxiliary reservoirs and the pressure cham- ber in the distributing valve. When the brake-pipe pressure has been increased sufficiently to cause this, the handle of the brake valve should be moved to either running or holding position; the former when it is desired to release locomotive brakes, and the latter when they are to be still held applied. 140 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES Holding Position. — In holding position the locomotive brakes are held applied while the train brakes recharge to feed-valve pressure. All ports register as in running position, except port /, which is closed. The only difference between running and holding positions is that in the former the locomotive brakes are released, while in the latter they are held applied. Emergency Position. — The emergency position is used when the most prompt and heavy application of the brakes is re- quired. Port X in the rotary valve, and port c in the seat, make a large direct opening between the brake pipe and atmosphere. This makes a sudden heavy brake-pipe reduction, causing the triple valves and distributing valve to go to the emergency position. Main-reservoir air flows to the application cylin- der through port j, a groove in the seat, cavity k, port n in the valve, and port u in the seat, thus maintaining application-cyl- inder pressure. Equalizing-reservoir air flows through port v in rotary valve, port g in seat, and the exhaust port o, reducing equalizing-reservoir pressure to zero during an emergency application. SF-1 INDEPENDENT BRAKE VALVE I I PIECE AND REFERENCE NUMBERS The SF-1 independent brake valve, Fig. 1, is a part of, and is regularly supplied with, the No. 5 ET locomotive brake equipment; its weight is 14 lb. The SF independent brake valve, formerly supplied with the No. 5 ET equipment, dif- . fers from the SF-1 valve in the items, Ref. Nos. 9, 10, 12, 27, and 28, in the accompanying list. The SF valves now in service may be readily changed to incorporate the new type of spring and housing by drilling a j^-in. hole for the stop-pin and substituting Ref. Nos. 9, 10, 12, 27, and 28 in place of similar details removed. It is impossible to apply either the spring or any detail of the new construction to old SF valves unless the complete set of details comprised in the improved arrangement is first changed and the ^-in. hole is drilled accord- ing to directions, which will be furnished by the Westinghouse Air-Brake Company on request. In ordering repair parts for this valve, note carefully whether they are desired for the SF ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 141 UTOMATIC BRAKE VALVr j-li'— 2i Fig. 1 142 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES or SF-1 valve. The piece number of SF-1 independent brake valve with brass handle and pipe bracket, complete, is 21,736; with malleable-iron handle and pipe bracket, complete, 21,737. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 10,214 2 Rotary- valve seat. Body, includes 11, 20, and 27. Pipe bracket, includes 23 and 24. Rotary valve. Rotary- valve key. Rotary-valve spring. Key washer. Return spring. Return-spring casing. Screw for return-spring casing. Upper clutch. Cover. Cover screw. Brass handle, includes 17, 18, and 19. Malleable-iron handle, includes 17, 18, 19. Handle nut. Latch spring. Latch. Latch screw. Oil plug. Upper gasket. Lower gasket. Holding s-^ud. Holding nut. Bolt and nut. Fillister-head screw. Return-spring stop. Lower clutch. 21,738 3 12,306 4 11,934 5 14,299 6 6,763 7 6,760 8 17,445 9 19,072 10 11,943 11 19,071 12 11.925 13 12,304 14 11,966 15 18,748 15 9,926 16 9,810 17 11,932 18 1,368 19 6,753 20 28,659 21 36,475 22 12,305 23 10,844 24 15,332 25 12,309 26 17,138 27 19,070 28 S-6 INDEPENDENT BRAKE VALVE PIECE AND REFERENCE NUMBERS The S-6 independent brake valve. Fig. 1, is a part of, and regularly supplied with, the No. 6 ET brake equipment. Its weight is 14 lb. The piece number of S-6 valve with brass handle and pipe bracket, complete, is 15,326; with brass handle, complete, without pipe bracket, is 21,990; with malleable-iron handle and pipe bracket, complete, 19,293; and with malleable- iron handle, complete, without pipe bracket, 21,991. ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 143 Fig. 1 144 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 15,328 15,300 15,327 19,072 17,445 15,303 11.943 17,255 17,248 13,109 6.7G0 19,071 9,926 11,966 18,748 9,810 1,368 11,932 12,304 6,653 15,332 12,305 10,844 36,476 28,467 19,070 17,138 12,304 18,365 18,364 202 15,292 203 18,363 204 Pipe bracket, includes 22 and 23. Rotary- valve seat. Body, includes 8, 20, and 27. Return spring casing. Return spring. Cover Screw for return-spring casing. Rotary valve. Rotary- valve key. Rotary-valve spring. Key washer. Upper clutch. Handle nut. Brass handle, includes 16, 17, and 18. Malleable-iron handle, includes 16, 17, 18. Latch spring. Latch screw. Latch. Cover screw. Oil plug. Bolt and nut. Holding stud. Holding nut. Upper gasket. Lower gasket. Lower clutch. Return-spring stop. Fillister-head screw. Distributing-valve union connection, com- plete, includes 202, 203, and 204. Union stud. Union nut. Union swivel. ^1 Spring Identification of S-6 Inde- pendent Brake Valve Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire ^, In. Free Height C,In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring 9,810 13,109 17,445 i4 .047 .057 IH 20 9^ 6^ Steel Steel Steel Latch Rotary valve Return J ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 145 OPERATION OF S-6 INDEPENDENT BRAKE VALVE The independent brake valve receives air from the main reservoir through a reducing valve that reduces the pressure to 45 lb. It is connected to the exhaust port of the distributing valve, and to the automatic brake valve by the release pipe. Also, it is connected to the application cylinder of the dis- tributing valve through the application- cylinder pipe, a T-connection being placed in this pipe to which the applica- tion-cylinder pipe from the automatic brake valve is coupled. The independent brake valve does not deliver air direct to the brake cylinders, but passes it into and out of the appli- cation cylinder of the distributing valve. This operates the distributing valve and causes it to admit air to the locomotive brake cylinders and exhaust air from them. Also, the brake valve controls the passage of air from the exhaust port of the distributing valve through the release pipe. Release Position. — The release position is to be used to release the locomotive brakes without regard to the position of the automatic brake valve and equalizing valve in the dis- tributing valve; also, to release the locomotive brakes while the train brakes are being held on by the automatic brake valve, as well as to release the brakes, when desired, on the following engine of a double-header. When the valve is held in this position, air from the application cylinder of the distributing valve passes through the application-cylinder pipe, a port in the rotary-valve seat, a groove in the rotary valve, and the exhaust port in the rotary- valve seat to the atmosphere and releases the locomotive brakes. Also, in release position, a port in the rotary valve, which acts as a warning port to the engineer, registers with a port in the rotary-valve seat and allows air to pass out to the atmosphere through the warning port. The handle of the independent ' brake valve must be held in release position against the ten- sion of the return spring 6; otherwise, the spring will automat- ically return the handle to running position. Running Position. — The brake valve should be carried in running position except when it is being used to operate the distributing valve. If carried in any other position, it will be impossible to control the release of the locomotive brakes 146 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES by the use of the automatic brake valve. In this position, a groove in the face of the rotary valve is moved away from a port in the rotary- valve seat, so that air from the appli- cation cylinder of the distributing valve cannot exhaust to the atmosphere. The port leading to the distributing- valve release pipe is connected by means of a groove in the rotary valve with a port in the valve seat, which leads to the release pipe and to the automatic brake valve; consequently, the air in the application cylinder and the chamber of the distributing valve can pass through the distributing-valve release pipe to the independent brake valve, thence into the release pipe, and out to the atmosphere through the automatic brake valve, provided the latter also is in running position. To release the locomotive brakes through the automatic brake valve, both brake valves must be in running position. If the automatic brake valve is in running position and the locomotive brakes are being operated by the independent brake valve, they can be released by placing the independent brake valve in running position, because air from the application cylinder of the dis- tributing valve can then pass through the release pipe and automatic brake valve to the atmosphere. Lap Position. — The lap position is used when it is desired to blank all ports in the rotary- valve seat and prevent air from passing through the brake valve. When the valve handle is in this position, all ports are blanked so that air cannot pass through the brake valve. With the independent brake valve in lap position, the locomotive brakes can be applied by means of the automatic brake valve by reducing brake-pipe pressure, but they cannot be released through the automatic brake valve. Slow-Application Position. — The slow-application position is to be used when it is desired to apply the locomotive brakes lightly or gradually and independently of the train brakes. Also, when the locomotive is standing, this position is used to 1 maintain brake-cyUnder pressure so as to prevent the locomo- tive brakes from leaking off through brake-cylinder leakage and thus allowing the engine to start when standing on a grade | or when the throttle is leaking. When the handle of the valve ' is placed in this position, the ports in the rotary valve and ! its seat are still blanked as in lap position, except that one port ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 147 in the face of the rotary valve registers with a port in the rotary- valve seat. This allows air at a pressure of 45 lb. to pass from the reducing- valve pipe into the application-cylinder pipe and the application cylinder of the distributing valve, thus applying the locomotive brakes slowly. To graduate the appUcation of the locomotive brakes, the handle should be moved to slow-application position until the desired pressure is obtained in the application cylinder, when it should be returned to lap position. The red hand on the duplex gauge will register the brake-cylinder pressure of the application. When the engi»e is. standing at a coal chute, a water plug, or on a turntable, or while work is being done on it, the indei)endent brake valve should be left in slow-application position so as to keep the locomotive brakes applied. Quick-Application Position. — The quick- application position is used when it is desired to make a quick application of the independent brake. In such cases, the handle of the indepen- dent brake valve should be moved to quick-application position and held there until the locomotive brakes are fully applied. If the handle is not held in quick-application position, the return spring 6 will move it back to slow-application position. When the handle is in qmck-application position, the rotary valve forms -a direct connection between the reducing- valve pil>e and the application cylinder of the distributing valve. RETURN-SPRING ARRANGEMENT The return-spring arrangement of the S-6 independent brake valve, shown in Fig. 2, is intended to make it impossible for the engineer to leave the brake-valve ^ ^^ ^ handle either in re- lease position or in quick- application | position. It con- sists of a return- spring casing 6, return spring 6, an upper clutch 13, and a lower clutch 26, all of which when assembled fit in the return-spring chamber in the body of the brake valve. This chamber is shown in 148 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES Fig. 3, which is a sectional view of the brake- valve body with the return-spring arrangement removed. In this view is shown the return-spring casing screw 8 and the return spring stop 27. Moving the valve handle from running position to release position puts the return spring under tension, so that the spring will return the handle to running position if the handle is let go. The spring exerts no influence on the brake- valve handle between running and slow-application positions. Moving the handle from slow- to quick- application position again puts, the spring under tension that returns the handle to slow-application position if the handle is let go. The brake valve, therefore, will not stay in either release or quick-applica- tion position unless held there. Action of Mechanism. — The return-spring mechanism is operated through the medium of the rotary -key stem and the brake- valve handle. The lower clutch has a lug on. its lower end that by resting against the return-spring stop, Fig. 3, prevents this clutch from being turned to the left in the spring chamber. Its upper end is notched out to fit a similar notch in the bottom end of the upper clutch. These notches are such that the brake-valve handle can turn the upper clutch from slow-application position to release position without disturbing the lower clutch. In moving the handle to the right, however, the two clutches engage in slow- application position, so that moving the handle beyond that position toward quick-appli- cation position causes the upper clutch to rotate the lower clutch to the right. As the casing holds the upper end of the spring stationary, this places the spring under tension and fur- nishes the power to move the handle back to slow-application position. The lower end of the return spring rests against the far side of the lug of the lower clutch, which holds it stationary; Fig. 3 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 149 the upper end of the spring rests against the stop lug of the casing. In the running position of the brake valve, the lug on the upper clutch strikes against the lug on the casing, and moving the handle to release position causes the casing to be rotated to the left. As the lower end of the spring is held stationary by the lower clutch, turning the casing to the left puts the spring under tension and furnishes the power to return the handle to running position. Removing Return-Spring Arrangement. — To remove the return-spring arrangement, first move the rotary- valve handle to release position and while holding it there remove the casing screw. Fig. 3. Move the handle back to running position, remove the handle nut, take off the rotary- valve handle, take out the three cover screws, and remove the cover. Place the thumb over one of the casing lugs and hold down the cas- ing while prying up the upper clutch by inserting a pointed tool under the lug that engages the lug of the casing. This will disengage the upper clutch from the lower one and release the tension of the return spring, as will be indicated by a slight click. The upper clutch, casing, spring, and lower clutch can then be removed in the order stated. Replacing Return-Spring Arrangement. — In order to replace the return-spring arrangement easily, the rotary- valve key and stem should be in position in the valve body and the casing screw removed. Place the lower clutch on the rotary- key stem with the lug down, drop it into the return-spring chamber, and turn it until the lug is against the return-spring stop and to the right of it, the front of the brake valve facing the person doing the work. Next, drop the spring over the key stem and lower clutch and bring the end of the spring against the right face of the lug of the lower clutch. Next, drop the casing over the spring and bring the return-spring stop lug up against the top end of the spring. Turn the rotary-valve key until the position pin (located near the top of the key stem) points toward the casing-screw hole. Place the upper clutch properly on the key stem with the fiat end up, and press the clutch down as far as it will go; this brings the clutch lug between the lugs of the casing. Next, place the brake-valve handle on the key stem and move it to release position; this will put 150 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES tension on the spring and will bring the screw slot opposite the casing screw. Pres^ down the casing until its lugs are flush with the top of the valve body, and then screw the casing screw all the way in ; it will extend into the slot in the casing as intended. Let the brake- valve return to running position and press the upper clutch down as far as it will go; this will cause it to take its proper position with respect to the lower clutch, the two clutches fitting together. Next, remove the handle, secure the cover in place, and replace the handle and secure it by means of the handle nut. STRAIGHT-AIR BRAKE VALVES S-3 (HN.) STRAIGHT-AIR BRAKE VALVE Piece and Reference Numbers. — The S-3 (|-in.) straight-air brake valve, shown in Fig. 1, is a part of, and is regularly supplied with, the combined automatic and straight-air brake; it is known as schedule SWA and weighs 16 lb. The piece number, with brass handle, complete, is 2,626; with a malleable- iron handle, 19,382. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given ih the accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 43,647 2 Body. 2,620 3 Shaft cap nut. 2,621 4 Valve cap nut. 1,289 5 Quadrant. 2,310 6 Quadrant bolt and nut. 2,628 7 Shaft, complete, includes steel plates. wearing 2,426 8 Leather shaft washer. 2,619 9 Shaft- spring washer. 2,616 10 Shaft spring. 2,629 Valve, complete, includes 11, 12, 14. Valve stem. 13. and 4,855 11 2.623 12 Valve. 2,624 13 Valve leather. 2.625 14 Valve nut. 2.616 15 Valve spring. 2,632 16 Brass handle, comolete. includes 19. 20. 21. and 22. 17. 18. 18,721 Malleable-iron handle, cot^^olete. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. and 22. includes ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 151 Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 1,367 17 Latch spring. 1,292 18 Latch. 1,368 19 Latch screw. 5,191 Handle clamp bolt, complete, includes 21 and 22. 1.293 20 Clamp bolt. only. 1,294 21 Thumb nut. 1,291 22 Pin. 2.616 27 Valve spring. CHECK VALVE Fig. 1 operation. — To apply the brake, the handle 16 is m^oved to application position. This movement causes valve 12 to be unseated, and allows air to flow from the chamber below the valve, past valve 12, into the upper chamber and thence into the pipe leading to the brake cylinder. In this position, the 152 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES other valve is closed so that no air can escape to the exhaust. If the handle is left in this position, the brake-cylinder pressure will equalize at 45 lb. — ^that being the pressure at which the slide-valve feed- valve for the straight-air equipment is set to reduce to — ^and no higher brake-cylinder pressure can be ob- tained with the straight air. To make a partial application of the brake, the handle 16 is moved to application position until the desired brake-cylinder J PIPE TO AUTO. SfOE OF OOUBLe CHECK VALVE Fig. 2 pressure is obtained, when it is moved to lap. To increase the application, move the handle to application position for the proper increase, and then back to lap. In lap position, both valves are closed, so no air can pass into the brake cylinder, or from the brake cylinder to the atmos- phere. Valve 12 is held up against its seat by the combined ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 153 efforts of spring 15 and the pressure beneath the valve; the other valve is held up against its seat by spring 27 and the pres- sure beneath it. To release the brake, move the handle to release position. This allows valve 12 to close and cut off the supply of air to the brake cylinder, and the other valve is opened and allows brake-cylinder air to escape to the atmosphere. A graduated release can be made by moving the handle to release position until the desired reduction of brake-cylinder pressure is made, and then moving it to lap. The notches at the ends of the quadrant that the latch fits into are intended to hold the handle in position against the tension of the springs 15 and 27. If these notches become worn, the force of the spring ^7 is liable to return the handle to lap position from release position. Since February, 1917, the S-3-A quadrant has been made standard for the S-3 brake valve also. S-3-A (f-IN.) STRAIGHT-AIR BRAKE VALVE Piece and Reference Numbers. — The S-3- A (|-in.) straight- air brake valve, shown in Fig. 2, is special and is supplied instead of the S-3 brake valve where independent driver- brake release is desired and when specified on orders; its weight is 18 lb. Its piece nimiber, with brass handle, com- plete, is 17,537; with a malleable-iron handle, 19,168. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. If it is desired to add the inde- pendent driver-brake release feature to S-3 straight-air brake valves already in service, order should specify Piece No. 16,235, which includes all parts necessary to change an S-3 into an S-3-A brake valve; viz.. Ref . Nos. 5, 23, 25, 26, 27. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 43,647 2 Body. 2,620 3 Shaft cap nut. 2,621 4 Valve cap nut. 16,125 5 Quadrant. 2,310 6 Quadrant bolt and nut. 2,628 7 Shaft, complete, includes 9, 2,426 8 Leather shaft washer. 2.619 9 Shaft-spring washer. 2,616 10 Shaft spring. 154 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 2,629 Valve, complete, includes 11, 12, 13, and 14. 4,855 11 Valve stem. 2.623 12 Valve. 2.624 13 Valve seat. 2.625 14 Valve-stem nut. 2,616 15 Valve spring. 2,632 16 Brass handle, complete, includes 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. 18,721 16 Malleable-iron handle, complete, includes 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. and 22. 1.367 17 Latch spring. 1.292 18 Latch. 1.368 19 Latch screw. 5,191 Handle clamp bolt, complete, includes 21 and 22. 1.293 20 Clamp bolt, only. 1.294 21 Thumb nut. 1,291 22' Pin. 16,124 23 Check- valve stem, complete, includes two each of 13 and 24. 1,738 24 Check- valve nut. 16.121 25 Check-valve case. 16.122 26 Check- valve cap nut. 16,190 27 Valve spring for driver-brake release attachment. Spring Identification of S-3 and S-3-A Straight- Air Brake Valves Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire B,ln. Free Height C,In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring 1,367 2,616 16,190 .057 .095 .114 If 2 2 16 8 7 Steel f Nickeled I Steel /Nickeled I Steel Handle latch Shaft Valve Driver-brake release valve Operation of S-3-A Straight-Air Brake Valve.— The S-3-A straight-air brake valve is a special valve furnished only when it is desired to provide for independent driver-brake release. It is similar to the S-3 brake valve, except for the addition of a device called the driver -brake release attachment (reference ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 155 numbers 23, 24, 25, and 26), and the addition of a running- position notch to the quadrant corresponding to the release posi- tion of the S-3 brake valve, the release position of the S-3-A brake valve being used for the independent release of the driver brake. The driver-brake release attachment screws into the body of the brake valve as shown in Fig. 2, in place of the valve cap nut 4, Fig. 1. and makes possible the releasing of the driver braked after an automatic application, without affecting the brakes on the train or tender, thereby providing for inde- pendent operation of the driver brakes. The driver-brake release attachment is connected to the automatic side of the driver-brake double check-valve, the other brake-valve connections remaining as in the S-3 brake valve. When brakes are applied automatically, the double- seated check-valve 23 will be forced against the upper seat, pre- venting escape of air through the brake-valve exhaust port. To make an independent release of the driver brakes after an automatic application, the straight-air brake valve is moved to release position, which forces the extended portion of release valve 1% against the upper projection of the double-seated check-valve, forcing the latter from its seat and allowing the driver-cylinder air to pass by the check-valve and to the atmos- phere through the brake-valve exhaust opening. The operation when applying the brakes by straight air is the same as with the S-3 brake, except that the brake-cylinder pressure is on top of the check-valve 23 and forces it to its lower seat, thus preventing brake-cylinder air from escaping through the triple-valve exhaust port by way of connection to the automatic side of the double check-valve. The release can be made by using release or running position, but the handle should invariably be returned to and left in running position. Cleaning and Oiling. — In cleaning and oiling the straight-air brake valve, all parts should be wiped clean and the applica- tion and release valves replaced without oil; a little heavy oil or brake-cylinder grease can be used to good advantage on the main shaft and its gasket. The slide-valve reducing valve should be thoroughly cleaned and a small amount of valve oil used on its piston and slide valve. The double check-valves and safety valves should be cleaned, but not oiled. 156 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES CARE OF BRAKE VALVES There is a wide range of variation in the time a rotary valve will continue working satisfactorily in general service. Some valves will run 3, 4, or 6 mo., while others will not run as many weeks. Tallow or vaseline are good lubricants for the rotary, but oil of any kind should be used sparingly on any part of the brake apparatus, except the steam end of the pump. Oil that has a tendency to gum should never be used. Whenever the rotary valve works hard, the brake valve should be taken apart and the rotary cleaned and oiled, to prevent cutting. At the same time, the packing ring should be cleaned, but without removing it, since, if removed, it is liable to be sprung out of true, which will necessitate refitting to the bushing in which it works. Clean the stem and seat of the exhaust valve thoroughly, but leave no oil on either, as it will catch particles of dirt and scale and cause trouble. Rotary Working Hard. — The chief causes of a rotary working hard are; too free use of oil in the air end of the pump, or the use of poor oil; constant use of the emergency position of the valve, which tends to draw dirt and scale from the train pipe on the rotary seat; a hot pump, the heat from which will cake the oil on the rotary seat; the handle nut 7 being screwed down so tight as to cause key washer 13 to bind on the top casing of the engineer's valve; the gasket may be worn so thin that the rotary key 12 rubs against the valve body. Lubricating Brake Valves.- — If the handle of either the automatic or the independent brake valve does not operate easily, the rotary valve or the rotary- valve-key gasket is prob- ably dry from lack of lubrication. To remedy this trouble when the brake system is charged, close the double-heading cock in the brake pipe below the brake valve; also, close the main-reservoir cock in the main-reservoir pipe. Operate the brake valves to remove all pressure from them ; remove the oil plug in the automatic brake- valve body, fill the hole with good valve oil, and move the valve handle from full-release to emergency position and back a few times, to work the oil between the rotary and its seat. Fill the oil hole and replace thvi plug. Next, remove the cap nut from the top of the ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 157 rotary-valve key, fill the hole in the key with oil, push down on the key, and move the handle a fev/ times; then, again fill the hole with oil and replace the cap nut. Treat the inde- pendent brake valve in the same manner. FEED-VALVES C-6 SINGLE-PRESSURE FEED-VALVE Piece and Reference Numbers. — The C-6 feed- valve. Fig. 1, has superseded the B-3 feed- valve and is regularly supplied Fig. 1 with G-6 brake valve, and as a reducing valve with the ET locomotive brake equipments, and with schedule ^SWA. Its weight is 10 lb. The piece number of the C-6 feed-valve, complete, without pipe bracket or gasket, is 18,480; with F crossed-passage pipe bracket and gasket, complete, 18,481; with H direct-passage pipe bracket and gasket, complete, 18,482. 158 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 18,460 2 Valve body, bushed. 18.458 4 Flush nut. 8.946 5 Cap nut. 18,454 6 Piston. 18.455 7 Supply valve. 1.411 8 Supply- valve spring. 18.286 9 Piston spring. 3.054 10 Piston- spring tip. 16.183 12 Regulating valve. 1.060 13 Regulating- valve spring. 6.509 14 Regulating-valve cap nut. 1.062 15 Spring box. 1.064 16 Diaphragm ring. 1.063 17 Diaphragm, 2 pieces required, each 1.065 18 Diaphragm spindle. 40.452 19 Regulating spring. 11.261 20 Regulating nut. 1.067 21 Check-nut. Spring Identification of C-6 Feed Valve Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire B,ln. Free Height C. In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring 1.060 40.452 1 .049 .22 2 7 6^ Brass Steel Regulating- valve Regulating Operation of Feed- Valve. — ^When the feed-valve is not under pressure, the supply valve 7 is closed and the regulating valve 12 is open. The regulating spring 19 forces the supply valve 17 back until it covers its port, while the regulating spring 19 forces the diaphragm to unseat the regulating valve 12. With less than 70 lb. brake-pipe pressure, both the supply valve and the regulating valve are open and air is feeding into the brake pipe. Main-reservoir air enters the chamber to the left of piston 6, forcing the piston forwards until the supply valve uncovers its port. The air then flows into the brake pipe, increasing the pressure. While brake-pipe pressure is less than 70 lb., the regulating valve is held oflE its seat by the regulating spring making a direct ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 159 opening between the chamber on the right of piston 6 and the brake pipe. Leakage that takes place past the piston 6 passes directly to the brake pipe, so the chamber to the right of pis- ton 6, and the chamber to the left of diaphragm 17, are main- tained at brake-pipe pressure. When 70 lb. is obtained in the brake pipe, the pressure on the diaphragm 17 is sufficient to compress the regulating spring enough to allow the regulating valve to close. This cuts off communication between the cham- ber to the right of piston 6 and the brake pipe, and the leakage occurring past piston 6 then quickly charges the chamber to the same pressure as the pressure in the cham^ber to the left of piston 6, which allows the piston spring to move piston 6 and the supply valve to closed position. In this position no air can feed into the brake pipe, since the supply port is closed. The parts of the feed-valve remain in these positions as long as the brake-pipe pressure remains at 70 lb. Any reduc- tion of brake-pipe pressure, however, allows the regulating spring 19 to expand and unseat the regulating valve; pressure in the chamber to the right of piston 6 is then immediately reduced to brake-pipe pressure, so that the greater pressure of the air in the chamber to the left of piston 6 forces the piston to open position. Regulation of Feed-Valve. — If the feed-valve does not regulate brake-pipe pressure to the proper amount, it can be made to do so by adjusting the tension of the regulating spring by means of-the regulating nut £0. If it maintains a pres- sure below the standard, slov/ly turn the regulating nut to the right until the tension of the spring is sufficiently increased to give proper regulation. If it maintains too high a pressure, place the brake valve in ser\dce position and reduce the brake- pipe pressure several pounds below standard; then turn the regulating nut to the left so as to relieve the spring of a little of its tension, place the brake valve in running position, and note the pressure that is then maintained. If still too high, proceed as before, and continue until the feed-valve is properly adjusted. In order to turn the regulating nut SO, the check- nut 21 must first be rer^oved. After the regulating spring has been properly adjusted, the check-nut must be replaced. 160 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES B-6 DOUBLE-PRESSURE FEED-VALVE Piece and Reference Numbers. — The B-6 double-pressure feed- valve, shown in Fig. 2, has superseded the B-4 double- pressure feed- valve, and is a part of, and is regularly supplied with, the ET locomotive brake equipments; its weight is 10| lb. The piece number of the feed-valve, complete, with- out pipe bracket or gasket, is 18,477; with F crossed-passagc 'd3ff/t Fig. 2 pipe bracket and gasket, complete, 18,478; and with H direct- passage pipe bracket and gasket, complete, 18,479. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part Valve body, bushed. Flush nut. Cap nut. Piston. Supply valve. Supply-valve spring. Piston spring. Piston-spring tip. Regulating valve. Regulating-valve spring. Regulating-valve cap nut. 18,460 2 18,458 4 8,946 5 18.454 6 18,455 7 1,411 8 18.286 9 3,054 10 16.183 12 1,060 13 6,509 14 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 161 Pc. No. Ref. 13,241 15 1,064 16 1,063 17 13,243 18 40,-i51 19 13,259 20 13.808 21 13.809 22 12,304 23 No. Name of Part Spring box. Diaphragm ring. Diaphragm, 2 pieces required, each. Diaphragm spindle. Regulating spring. Regulating hand wheel. Inner hand- wheel stop, includes 28. Outer hand- wheel stop, includes 23. Stop -screw. Spring Identification of B-6 Feed Valve Wt-C- ^^B U Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire B,ln. Free Height C,In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring — 1,060 40,451 1 .049 .22 21 7 9 Brass Steel Regulating- valve Regulating Description of B-6 Feed-Valve. — The B-6 feed-valve, used with the No. 6 ET equipment, is an improved form of feed-valve. In construction and operation it is practically the same as the C-6 feed-valve except that it will charge to the regulated pressures somewhat quicker and will maintain the pressure more accurately under the variable conditions of short and long trains. It is connected to a pipe bracket located in the piping between the main reservoir and the H-6 brake valve, and is supplied with air from the main reservoir. It regulates the pressure in the feed-valve pipe as well as in the brake pipe in running and holding positions of the H-6 brake valve. It has a double-regulation feature, so that it can be quickly adjusted to change the regulated pressure from one standard pressure to another. This feed-valve is inter- changeable with previous types of slide-valve feed-valves and can be attached to the F-6 and G-6 brake valves, thereby doing away with the reversing cock, the extra feed-valve, and the pipes connecting it to the brake valves. There is a quick-thread screw on the regulating hand wheel 20 that will change the adjustment of the regulating spring 19 162 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES from 70 to 110 lb., or to other moderate differences of pressure when the wheel is turned. Stops 21 and 22 are split rings that fit around the spring box 15 and are clamped in their proper positions by the screws 23. The regulating spring unseats the regulating valve and determines the pressure to be carried in the feed-valve pipe. When the pressure in the chamber above the diaphragm 1 7 is less than the tension of the spring 19^ the diaphragm is held over against the pressure of the air and the regulating valve is held off its seat. When the pressure in the feed- valve pipe reaches the stand- ard desired, the pressure above the diaphragm will overcome the tension of spring 1.9 and move the diaphragm to the right, allowing the regulating-valve spring to move the regulating valve to its closed position. Spring 13 holds the regulating valve 12 against the diaphragm in open position, and against its seat in closed position. The diaphragm ring 16 makes an air-tight joint with the diaphragm against the valve body, and prevents the escape of air past it into the regulating-spring chamber. Regulation of B-6 Feed-Valve. — To insure accuracy in regulating, the B-6 feed- valve should be connected with a correct pressure gauge. The regulating hand wheel 20 should be screwed in to increase the pressure at which the valve will close, and screwed out to reduce the pressure. To adjust the wheel, first slacken screw 23 and turn the adjusting wheel until the valve is adjusted properly for the desired lower pressure. Then move the outer hand-wheel stop 22 until it comes against the pin in the wheel and fasten the stop in thi^ position on the spring case 15 by means of screw 23. Next, turn the hand wheel 20 in the opposite direction until the valve is adjusted properly for the desired higher pressure and then move the inner hand-wheel stop 21 around to bring the stop against the pin in the wheel and secure it in that position with screw 23. Once the feed-valve is adjusted for the proper high and low pressures, the pressure in the feed-valve pipe can be quickly changed from high to low or from low to high by simply turning the regulating wheel so as to move the stop-pin from stop 21 to stop 22 or from stop 22 to stop 21. If it is desired to carry a pressure between the low and the high ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 163 pressure, the wheel can be stopped at any point betvv^een the stops £1 and 22. Care of B-6 Feed-Valve, — In order that the feed-valve may perform its functions properly, it is necessary that it be cleaned and oiled occasionally. If the feed- valve is to be cleaned when the air-brake system is charged with air, it must be relieved of all pressure before it can be taken apart. To do this, close the cut-out cock in the brake pipe underneath the brake valve, so as to save the air in the brake pipe, and place the brake valve in service or emergency position to empty the feed-valve and the short piece of brake pipe above the cut-out cock; the feed- valve may then be taken apart and cleaned. Clean both the piston 6 and its cylinder, and the supply valve 7 and its bushing, very carefully, leaving no lint on the parts, for it will cause trouble; clean, also, the regulating valve and its seat and the hole in the regulating-valve cap nut into which the regulating valve extends. In oiling the supply valve, only a small amount of valve oil, vaseline, mutton tallow, or some similar lubricant should be used, the oil being applied with the finger. Only a very small amount of some light lubricating oil (engine oil will do) should be used on the supply-valve piston and its cylinder, and that should be well rubbed on with the fingers. If too much or too heavy oil is used on these parts, it will get into the grooves of the piston and act as an oil packing and will interfere very materially with the action of the feed-valve. The regulating valve should not be oiled, but should be replaced dry. PIPES, BRACKETS, AND REVERSING COCKS PIPE BRACKETS When the feed- valve is placed in the piping of a brake equip- ment instead of on the brake valve, as in the ET and the SWA equipments, a pipe bracket to which the feed- valve is attached must be used. F Crossed-Passage Pipe Bracket. — The F pipe bracket shown in Fig. 1 is the standard for the ET locomotive brake 164 ENGINEER'S BRAkE VALVES equipment, and is regularly furnished therewith unless other- wise specified on orders; its weight is 5^ lb. The piece number Fig. 1 of the F crossed-passage pipe bracket, complete, is 18,240; of the F pipe-bracket body, 18,239; and of the stud and nut, -2l S0...0® 5212 ililli -.J.L.4L|il (6) Fig. 2 35,385. The reference number of the pipe-bracket body is 2; ^ and of the stud and nut, 3. I ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVES 165 H Direct-Passage Pipe Bracket. — The H pipe bracket, shown in Fig. 2 (a), is the standard for schedule SWA, and is regularly furnished therewith unless otherwise specified on orders; its weight is 5 lb. The piece number of the H direct-passage pipe bracket, complete, is 18,463; of the H pipe-bracket body, 18,464; and of the stud and nut, 35,385. The reference num- ber of the pipe-bracket body is 2; and of the stud and nut, 3. The two ports between the two studs 3 are the inlet and outlet ports of the bracket. They come opposite the similar ports of the feed-valve. The arrow on the projecting part at the top of the bracket shows the direction of flow of air through the brackets. Feed-Valve Gasket. — The piece number of the feed-valve gasket is 2,012; the gasket is shown in Fig. 2 (b). BRAKE-VALVE FEED-VALVE PIPE CONNECTION In the schedule U and the high-speed equipments, the feed- valve is removed from the brake valve and two feed- valves are placed on a reversing cock. In these equipments, therefore, the brake valve is supplied with a feed- valve y^J^Z7Z^^^~^^^I^^\ , , . I P"' Kyi M'i (^ :h the pipes to V >-^rf.\'._Jt^^'"' are connected. / |""^^T"r"fe^" connect ion , aipRiLL p — z' — — iV'i 1 pipe bracket to which the reversing cocks The feed-valve pipe connect ion , ii^rill Fig. 3, is furnished with the G-6 -pj^, g brake valve, piece numbers 2^585 and 22,096, and with the high-speed brake, schedule AG, and the double-pressure control, schedule U; its piece number is 2,586, and its weight, | lb. REVERSING COCK The reversing cock, shown in Fig. 4, is used in connection with double-pressure control, schedule U, and high-speed brake, schedule AG, equipments; its weight is 14 lb. The piece num- ber of the reversing cock complete is 2,574; the piece and reference numbers of the various parts are as follows: Pc.No. Ref. No. Name of Part 2,576 2 Body, bushed. 2,579 3 Key. 166 TRIPLE VALVES 2,098 2,097 2,100 2,305 4 5 6 7 Key spring. Cap. Handle. Stud and nut. 1,635 i-in. pipe plug. The left feed-valve is adjusted, usually, to 70 lb.; the rigS is adjusted to 110 lb. There are two positions in which the handle of the revers- ing cock may stand. The position to the left is used when the engine is to be coupled to a train having the ordinary quick-action brake. In this position, the feed-valve that is adjusted for 70 lb. is cut in and the one for 110 lb. is cut out, and the brake-pipe pressure is regulated to 70 lb. per sq. in. Coupled to a train of high-speed brakes, the handle is moved to the right position. This cuts into service the 110-lb. feed- valve. Fig. 4 TRIPLE VALVES PLAIN TRIPLE VALVES FOR ENGINES AND TENDERS Prior to 1903, the F-24 plain triple valve and, later, the G-24 triple were recommended for all driver-brake cylinders 10 in. or less in diameter, with or without truck brakes, the F-25 plain triple for 12-in., 14-in., and 16-in. driver brakes, with or without truck brakes, and the F-46 for high-spfeed brakes with all sizes of driver-brake cylinders with or without truck brake. Later, the F-46 triple was recommended for universal use for 12-in., 14-in., and 16-in. driver-brake cylinders, with or without truck brake, and the H-24 triple for all driver-brake cylinders 10-in. or less, with or without truck brake. J TRIPLE VALVES 167 For both freight-engine and switch-engine tenders, the G-24 triple was suppUed for use with 8-in, and 10-in. cylinders, and the F-25 triple for 12-in. cylinders. The G-24 plain triple valve, formerly furnished for use with 8-in. and 10-in. freight- and switch-engine tender brake equip- ments, has been superseded by the F-1 (H-24) triple valve. The F-25 plain triple valve, formerly furnished for use with 12-in. freight- and switch-engine tender brake equipments, has been superseded by the F-2 (F-46) triple valve. Triple valves can be distinguished by their letter and number (such as F-25, H-24, etc.) cast on the valve body. F-1 (H-24) PLAIN TRIPLE VALVE The F-1 (H-24) plain triple valve, shown in Fig. 1, is used with 6-in., 8-in., and 10-in. freight- and switch-engine tender brake cylinders, and with all 6-in., 8-in., and 10-in. driver- and truck-brake cylinders either with or without high-speed attachments. It is tapped for |-in. pipe connections and marked F-1 on the valve body; its weight is 24| lb. The piece number of the F-1 plain triple valve, complete, is 4,233; the piece and reference numbers of the various parts are; Pc. No. Ref.No. Name of Part Body, bushed. Cylinder cap. Cap nut. Piston, includes 12. Slide valve. Graduating valve. Graduating stem. Graduating spring. Graduating-stem nut. Cylinder-cap gasket. Piston ring. Bolt and nut. Slide-valve spring. F-2 (F-46) PLAIN TRIPLE VALVE The F-2 (F-46) plain triple valve, formerly designated as the high-speed plain triple valve. Fig. 2, is now used w4th 12-in., 14-in., and 16- in. freight- and switch-engine tender brake cylinders; and for all 12-in., 14-in., and 16-in. driver- and truck- brake cylinders, with or without high-speed attachments. It 4,234 2 1,837 3 1,838 4 4,236 5 1,835 6 1,809 7 1,748 S 1,811 9 1,747 10 1,839 11 L0,031 12 4,879 13 1.787 14 168 TRIPLE VALVES is tapped for |-in. pipe and marked F-2; its weight is 24| lb. The piece number of the triple valve, complete, is 1,826; the piece and reference numbers of the various parts are: 5^" t Pc, No. 1,827 1,837 1,838 1,832 1,835 1,809 1,748 Ref. No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of Part Body, bushed. Cylinder cap. Cap nut. Piston, includes 12. Slide valve. Graduating valve. Graduating stem. TRIPLE VALVES 1,811 9 Graduating spring. 1,747 10 Graduating-stem nut. 1,839 ' 11 Cylinder-cap gasket. 10,032 12 Piston ring. 4,879 13 Bolt and nut. 1,787 14 Slide-valve spring. 169 G-24 AND F-25 PLAIN TRIPLE VALVES Pc. No. G-2J, 1815 1810 1825 1820 1822 1732 1748 *1811 1747 1813 10,030 4879 1823 Pc. No. F-25 1797 1810 1812 1802 1806 1809 1748 *1811 1747 1813 10,030 4879 1730 Ref. No Name of Part 10 11 12 13 14 Body, bushed Cylinder cap Cap nut Piston (includes 12) Slide valve Graduating valve Graduating stem Graduating spring Graduating stem nut Cylinder cap gasket Piston ring I in. X2 in. tee head bolt and nut Slide valve spring Spring Identification of Plain Triple Valves Triple Valve Pc. No. A* In. r In. G* In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring F-1 F-2 G-24 G-25 1,811 1,811 1,811 1.811 H .083 .083 .083 .083 2h 2h 2h 2h 12 12 12 12 Phosphc'r- bronze Phosphor- bronze Phosphor- bronze Phosphor- bronze Graduating Graduating Graduating Graduating *A, B, C are dimensions of spring at points indicated in cut. 1^0 TRIPLE VALVES FUNCTIONS OF TRIPLE VALVE The triple valve has three duties to perform: to charj the auxiliary, to apply the brakes, and to release the brakes. When an engine is coupled to a car, air from the main res- ervoir flows into the brake pipe, thence through the branch II pipe, into the triple valve. When the triple is cut in, the air can flow in at the brake-pipe connection, and down through a port into the chamber below piston 5. If piston 5 were down, the air pressure B would force it up into release position. m TRIPLE VALVES 171 This movement of the piston opens a feed-groove in the body bushing and air therefore feeds past piston 5, through the feed-groove into the sHde-valve chamber which communicates with the auxiUary reservoir. The air continues to feed past piston 5 as long as brake-pipe pressure is greater than the auxiliary pressure. The usual brake-pipe pressure is 70 lb., and when the auxiliary pressure has reached this amount, the pressures in the chambers above and below the piston are equal and the auxiliary is said to be fully charged. The lower side of piston 5 is generally referred to as the brake-pipe side and the upper as the auxiliary side, or the slide-valve side. Charging Auxiliary Reservoir. — A jnodem triple valve should charge an auxiliary from to up 70 lb. in about 70 sec, with a constant train-pipe pressure of 70 lb. With the triple in release position and the auxiliary charged, there will be 70 lb. in the train pipe, 70 lb. in the auxiliary, and the atmospheric pressure in the brake cylinder, since the slide-valve cavity connects the brake cylinder with the atmosphere. OPERATION OF PLAIN TRIPLE VALVES Applying Brakes. — To apply brakes, it is necessary that the brake-pipe pressure be reduced below auxiliary pressure; this may be made in the usual way by the engineer, by the use of the conductor's valve, or by a break-in-two, a burst hose, or a heavy leak in the brake pipe. If the engineer makes a reduc- tion of 7 lb. in the brake pipe, only 63 lb. will remain in the chamber below piston 5, whereas at the beginning of the reduc- tion there will be 70 lb. in the chamber above piston 5. The greater auxiliary pressure will force piston 6 downwards; this closes the feed-groove and unseats the graduating valve 7, allowing auxiliary air to enter the slide valve. By the time the graduating valve is unseated and the feed-groove closed, the shoulder on the upper end of the piston stem has engaged the sUde valve and begun to move it down. As the slide valve moves down, the exhaust cavity is first closed, preventing the escape of brake-cylinder air. When the knob touches the graduating stem, the piston 5 is prevented from making any further downward movement. With the triple piston in this position, the service port of the slide valve is directly 172 TRIPLE VALVES in front of a port leading to the brake-cylinder pipe connection. This position of the valve is called the service position. When the graduating valve is ojff its seat, there is an open communication' between the auxiliary and the brake cylinder and air flows from the auxiliary into the brake cylinder, where the pressure will force out the brake piston and set the brakes. Just as long as the auxiliary pressure is greater than that in the brake pipe, so long will piston 5 be held down and the gradu- ating valve remain unseated; but the auxiliary pressure gradu- ally expands into the brake cylinder, until the pressure in the lower chamber is sufficiently greater than that in the upper chamber to overcome the small friction of the packing ring 6 and cause piston 5 to be moved upwards and seat the graduating valve. The pressure on the brake-pipe side of the piston 5 still slightly exceeds that in the auxiliary, but not to such an extent as to overcome the additional friction encountered in moving the slide valve 3\ the piston therefore stops as soon as the graduating valve has been seated. This is called the lap position of the triple valve. In this position all ports are blanked. The brakes are now partly set; a further brake-pipe reduction will be necessary to apply them harder. If another 5-lb. brake-pipe reduction is made, the greater auxiliary pressure again forces down the piston, but in this case the slide valve is already in service position, and it is only necessary to move the piston sufficiently to unseat the graduating valve. This is accomplished by the time the knob touches the graduating stem 8\ and once more, by means of the service port of the slide valve, communication is established between the auxiliary and the brake cylinder. The graduating valve is again seated automatically by the piston 5 when the auxiliary pressure becomes a little less than that in the brake pipe. After the slide valve has once been moved down, it remains in service position until the brakes are released. Each reduc- tion of brake-pipe pressure causes the brake to set harder, and these reductions may be continued just as long as the pressure in the auxiliary is greater than that in the brake cylinder. When these pressures become equalized, the brake is fully set, ?nd a further brake-pipe reduction will be a waste I J TRIPLE VALVES 173 of brake-pipe air. Ordinarily, a brake-pipe reduction of about 20 lb. will cause a full application of the brakes. Releasing Brakes. — To release brakes, either the brake-pipe pressure must be increased above auxiliary pressure, or auxiliary pressure must be reduced below brake-pipe pressure. The usual method is for the engineer to allow the air stored in the main reservoir to feed quickly into the brake pipe. When the pressure on the brake-pipe side of piston 5 is sufficient to overcome auxiliary pressure and the friction of the working parts, the piston is forced upwards to release position, carrying the graduating and sL'de valves with it. In this position, the feed-groove is opened, and air from the brake pipe feeds through to recharge the auxiliary. At the same time, the pressure in the brake cylinder escapes through the exhaust port into the atmosphere. Emergency Application. — To apply brakes in an emergency, it is necessary to make a sudden and heavy brake-pipe reduc- tion. This sudden reduction causes piston 5 to move down very quickly and, compressing the graduating spring, to trav- erse the full length of its stroke. In this position, a direct connection is established between the auxiliary and brake cylinder across the upper end of the slide valve. Auxiliary air passes direct into the brake cylinder without having first to pass through the service ports of the slide valve. As the large ports are used only in emergency position, they allow the pressure in the auxiliary and brake cylinder to equalize more quickly than do the smaller ports used in the service position. With a plain triple, the brake sets more quickly in emergency than in service, but not with greater force. To get the full emergency action of the brakes with plain triple valves, it is necessary to make a sudden reduction of over 20 lb. in train-pipe pressure. After an emergency application, the release of the brakes is accomplished in the same way as after a service application. 174 TRIPLE VALVES FREIGHT-BRAKE TRIPLE VALVES DEVELOPMENT OF FREIGHT TRIPLE VALVE The original idea of providing a system of brakes that could be applied to all the cars of a train and be under the direct control of the engineer was suggested to George H. Westinghouse in 1866 by a collision between two freight trains. In its beginning, therefore, the brake was regarded merely as a safety device and as such it was brought into use and developed. The first air brake, namely, the straight-air brake, was applied to a train consisting of a locomotive and four cars. Cn the first run of this train, the engineer, by a prompt appli- (fation of the brakes, prevented what would likely have been a serious accident had the train been equipped with any other brake then in existence, thus demonstrating the value of the air brake as a safety device. The control of the train equipped with the straight-air brake was so superior to the control that could be obtained by means of any other brake then in use that the idea of using the brake to control a train made up of more than four cars suggested itself. Accordingly, in September, 1869, a six-car Pennsylvania Railroad train was equipped with the air brake, and in November of the same year a ten-car train was thus equipped. As the brake in most general use at that time was a cumbersome chain brake applicable to only four- or five-car trains, the success of the air brake in handling ten-car trains at once made it valuable as a dividend earner. The earning power of the air brake consisted in its ability to handle longer and heavier trains at higher safe speeds than was possible with other brakes then in existence. The ado'ption of the straight-air brake by a number of the leading railroads, on which it was pressed into general service, eventually brought out the serious defects of the air brake and made a further development of it necessary. ' This resulted, in 1872, in the invention of the plain automatic brake, the triple valve of which made possible the automatic brake of the present day. TRIPLE VALVES 175 The automatic brake was developed during the years 1872 and 1873, and it was so superior to all other forms of brake that it was adopted as the standard for passenger-train service. Up to that time no power brake was in use in freight service, and the attempts to increase the length of freight trains led to numerous accidents and break-in-twos, caused chiefly by lack of proper train control. These accidents led to the belief that the automatic brake could be successfully used in handling long freight trains. To find out whether or not this could be done, the Westinghouse Air Brake Company, in 1882, fitted up a fifty-car train with the plain automatic air brake and took it over the Alleghany Mountains. Tests made on this trial trip clearly demonstrated that the braking power of this type of brake was sufficient to control the speed of the train even on the heaviest grades. The success of the automatic air brake brought several comi)etitive brake systems into the field, and in 1885 the Master Car Builders' Association appointed a committee to investigate the relative merits of these brake systems as well as to report on the feasibility of controlling a fifty-car freight train by means of a continuous power brake, a point much in controversy at that time. A series of tests with fifty-car trains, known as the "Burlington tests," was begun in 1886 and completed in 1887. The Westinghouse brake and three others were entered in these tests, which clearly demonstrated that none of the brake systems could be successfully used in every-day service on trains of fifty cars. The Westinghouse brake worked satisfactorily in service applications, but in applying it in emergency the interval between the application of the brake on the first car and the last car was so long that the shock caused by the rear cars running into the front cars was terrific. This necessitated a modification of the plain triple valve for fifty-car freight-train service. Accordingly, in 1887, the quick-action triple valve was brought out. This triple was applied to the fifty-car train, which had been left at Burling- ton. Tests were made to try out the triples and they were found to be so satisfactory by the railway officials and by the persons conducting the tests that the train was sent on 176 TRIPLE VALVES a tour through the Middle West and the East. This tour established the quick-action brake as the standard for both freight and passenger service. As will be noted, the straight-air brake and the plain triple valve were developed for passenger service, whereas the quick-action triple valve was developed for freight service, although eventually it was adopted as standard for both freight and passenger service, also, the quick-action triple was designed and developed for use on trains of fifty cars or less, the fifty-car train to be the maximum. From the very beginning, the length, weight, and speed of trains have been limited by the capacity of the brake for the safe and efficient control of the train. The hauling power of the locomotive has always been a step or two in advance of the brake control; consequently, when the length of the train was limited to fifty cars by the brake control, the tonnage of the train was increased to the hauling power of the loco- motive by increasing the capacity of the cars. As the capacity of the cars increased, the braking power on the car was neces- sarily increased in proportion, as was also the hauling power of the locomotive. The desire to haul trains of more than fifty cars led to the "part-air train" practice, which consisted in using a sufficient number of the head-end brakes to control the train, the rear- car brakes not being used. This practice was quite success- ful, and under it the length of the train gradually increased from fifty to eighty and ninety cars. As fifty or fewer than fifty brakes were in use on such trains, the brake system oper- ated without difficulty and engineers soon learned to control the slack of the non-air cars so as to prevent severe shocks and break-in-twos. Next came the rule to increase the percentage of air-braked cars from time to time, until now it is customary to run all-air trains. As sixty- to eighty-car trains have become a fixed practice, and one-hundred-car trains are not uncommon, the air-brake manufacturers have been kept busy experiment- ing and improving their apparatus in the endeavor to keep the brake up to the requirements of the service. To control an all-air train of eighty to one hundred cars by means of the 1 TRIPLE VALVES 177 brake is a vastly different proposition from controlling an eighty-car part-air train. The length as well as the volume of the brake pipe is practically twice that oi the original fifty-car train. Therefore, the difficulty experienced in 1887 in emergency applications with the plain automatic brake is now experienced in service applications of the automatic brake; that is, the interval between the application of the brake on the first car and that on the last car is so great in service applications that if a heavy reduction is made without taking due precautions a terrific shock will be caused by the rear cars running in the amount of the slack and colliding with the front cars held by a good application of the brake. In addition, the recoil of the rear cars after the shock, aided by the action of the compressed springs and the application of the brake taking hold on them, tends to snap the train in two. Another serious difficulty, due to the increased brake-pipe volume (which is twice as great as with a fifty-car train) and to the increased back flow of air into the brake pipe from the auxiliaries, due in turn to the slower reduction, is that the time necessary to make a given brake-pipe reduction is doubled. This makes the time of application twice as long, which makes the application of the rear brakes more uncertain and very materially lengthens the distance required to make a stop. Every second lost at high speed in getting the brake fully applied adds many feet to the length of the stop. In releasing brakes, the interval between the release of the first brake and the last brake is so great that the brakes on a good portion of the train release and the slack runs out before the brakes on the rear portion release, tending to break the train in two. Also, the brake is slow in releasing, and the rear brakes are especially slow on account of the increased brake-pipe volume to be discharged and the increased size of the auxiliary reservoirs of the large capacity cars that are taking air from the brake pipe during recharge. As the brakes are slow in applying and releasing, both the danger and the time of making a stop and a start are increased. The difiiculty of brake control increased with the length of the train above the limit of fifty cars. However, the brake manufacturers, profiting by their experience, foresaw 178 TRIPLE VALVES the difficulties ahead and bent their energies to improve the brake apparatus so that it would correct the defects of the quick-action brake. Their efforts were along the lines of a uniform application and a uniform release and recharge of all brakes, for if that object could be attained the brake would safely and efficiently control trains of any practical length. The TRIPLE VALVES 179 result of the experiments and tests conducted resulted in an improved type of freight triple valve called the type K triple valve. H-1 (F-36). QUICK-ACTION, FREIGHT, TRIPLE VALVE The H-1 (F-36), quick-action, freight, triple valve, shown in Fig. 1, was used with 6-in. and 8-in. freight-car brake cylinders and 8-in. passenger-tender brake cylinders, but it has been quite generally superseded by the K-1 quick-action, quick- service, uniform-release, and uniform-recharge freight triple valve, which is regarded as standard for this service. It weighed 38 lb. Though similar in appearance, this valve differs essentially from other quick-action triple valves, and should never be used except as specified. In addition to being marked H-1 on the valve body, it may be distinguished from the passenger triple valves, type P, by the fact that it has two exhaust outlets (one of which is plugged) and from the H-2, 10-in., freight, triple valve in having two instead of three bolt holes in the back flange. The bore of the H-1 slide- valve bush is Ij in. in diameter. The piece number of the H-1 triple valve, complete, is 1,717, the piece and reference nimibers of the various p'arts are given in the accompanying hst. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 20,220 2 Body, complete, includes f-in. pipe plug. Slide valve. Main piston, includes 5. Main-piston ring. Slide-valve spring. Graduating valve. Emergency piston. Emergency- valve seat. Emergency valve, includes 11 and 28. Rubber seat. Check- valve spring. Check- valve case, complete, includes i-in. pipe plug. Check- valve-case gasket. Check-valve. Strainer. 1-in. union nut. 1-in. union swivel. Cylinder cap. 1,729 3 1,725 4 10,032 5 1,730 6 1,732 7 1,733 8 1,740 9 1.735 10 1,737 11 1,745 12 12,850 13 1.754 14 1,744 15 1,751 16 1,749 17 1,750 18 1,746 19 Pc. No. Ref. 1,747 20 1,748 21 1,057 22 1,753 23 10,863 24 1,752 25 1,004 1,755 27 1,738 28 1,734 2.427 No. Name of Part Graduating-stem nut. Graduating stem. Graduating spring. Cylinder-cap gasket. V'X IF' T-head bolt and nut. i"Xl|" square-head capscrew. ^-in. pipe plug. Union gasket. Emergency- valve nut. l-in. plug for exhaust outlet, not shown. Triple- valve gasket. TRIPLE VALVES 181 H-2 (H-49) QUICK-ACTION FREIGHT TRIPLE VALVE The H-2 (H-49) quick-action freight triple valve, shown in Fig. 2, was used with 10-in. freight-car brake cylinders only; it weighed 44 lb. It has been quite generally superseded by the K-2 quick-action, quick-service, uniform-release and uniform -recharge freight triple valve, which is regarded as standard for this service. Though similar in appearance, this valve differs essentially from other quick-action triple valves, and should never be used except as specified. In addition to being marked H-2 on the valve body, it may be distinguished from the passenger triple valves, type P, by the fact that it has two exhaust outlets (one of which is plugged) and from the H-1 8-in. freight triple valve in having three instead of two bolt holes in the back flange. The bore of its slide-valve bush is If in. Fig. 3 shows two perspective views of the slide valve 3. In ordering slide valve or grad- uating valve for the H-2 freight triple valve, the order should state clearly whether old- or new- style parts are de- sired, because these are not interchangeable. The new- style (present standard) slide valve, Piece No. 29,138, has straight drill through longi- tudinal center line of slide valve, for the new (present standard) ^-in. graduating valve, Piece No. 29,139. The old-style slide valve Piece No. 1,769. has i-in. drill with counterbore. The graduating valves may be distinguished by the difference in diameter and the fact that the old style has a shoulder. The piece num.ber of the H-2 triple valve, complete, is 4,870. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 20,216 2 Body, complete, includes f-in. pipe plug. 29,138 3 Slide valve. 1,767 4 Main piston, includes 5. 10,032 5 Main-piston ring. 1,730 6 Slide-valve spring. I 182 TRIPLE VALVES Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 29,139 7 Graduating valve. 1.733 8 Emergency piston. 1,740 9 Emergency- valve seat. 1,735 10 Emergency valve, includes 11 and 28. 1.737 11 Rubber seat. 1.745 12 Check- valve spring. 13,392 13 Check-valve case, with |-in. pipe plug. 4,876 14 Check- valve- case gasket. » 1,744 15 Check-valve. 1,751 16 Strainer. 1.749 17 1-in. union nut. 1.750 18 1-in. union swivel. 1.746 19 Cylinder cap. 1.747 20 Graduating- stem nut. 1.748 21 Graduating stem. 1,057 22 Graduating spring. 1,753 23 CyUnder-cap gasket. 10,836 24 Bolt and nut, for cylinder cap. 4,880 25 Bolt and nut, for check-valve case. 1,004 ^-in. pipe plug. 1,755 27 1-in. union gasket. 1.738 28 Emergency-valve nut. 1.734 f-in. plug for exhaust outlet, not shown. For old-style slide valve or graduating valve specify: Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 1,769 3 Slide valve. 1,732 7 Graduating valve. These parts are not interchangeable with the standard parts. The new-style slide valve. Piece No. 29,138, has a straight drill through the longitudinal center line of the slide valve for the new ^-in. graduating valve. Piece No. 29,139. The old-style slide valve, Piece No. 1,769, has i-in. drill with counterbore. The graduating valves differ in diameter, and the old-style valve has a shoulder. Spring Identification of Type H Quick-Action Triple Valves Triple Valve Pc. No. A* In. In. C* In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring H-1 H-2 1,745 1,057 .072 .059 If 21 11 16 Brass Nickeled Steel heck- Valve Graduating ♦A, 3, C are dimensions of spring at points indicated in cut. I TRIPLE VALVES 183 OPERATION OF QUICK-ACTION TRIPLE The quick-action triple contains two distinct sets of mechan- ism. One of these, consisting of the triple piston 4 with stem, slide valve 3, and graduating valve 7 with graduating stem 21 and graduating spring 22, is used in making service stops and in releasing brakes; it is often called the service part of the triple. The other set, consisting of the emergency piston 8, emergency valve 10, and brake-pipe check- valve 15, is only brought into use in an emergency application of the brakes; hence, it is often called the emergency or quick-action part of the triple. Release Pqsition. — The operation of the quick-action triple in released position is the same as that of the plain triple. The slide valve of the quick-action triple is shown in release posi- tion in the" figures. In this position, any air that may be in the brake cylinder can pass through the slide valve, out through the exhaust port to the atmosphere, thus releasing the brake. At the same time, brake-pipe air can pass the main piston 4 through the feed -groove, thus recharging the auxiliary reservoir. Serdce Position. — The operation of the quick-action triple in service application is the same as that of the plain triple. When a service appUcation of the brakes is made, the triple piston 4 moves out until the knob touches the graduating stem, after which any further movement is prevented. The exhaust port closes first, and the service port and graduating port of the slide valve connect with the brake cylinder by way of the brake-cylinder port. As the graduating valve 7 opens before the slide valve moves forwards, air passes from the auxiliary reservoir through this graduating port to the brake cylinder until auxiliary pressure is reduced just a trifle below brake-pipe pressure, when the triple piston moves to lap position and the graduating valve 7 is closed. During suc- ceeding reductions, the graduating valve simply opens and closes without moving the slide valve, as in the plain triple. 184 TRIPLE VALVES I EMERGENCY PART OF TRIPLE When, in cases of danger, etc., a sudden reduction of brake- pipe pressure is made, the emergency part of the triple valve is called into play; the triple piston 4 moves out quickly, the graduating spring 22 is compressed, and the triple piston trav- els the full length of its stroke. In this position, auxiliary pressure can pass into the brake cylinder. The removed comer of the slide valve has reached a position directly above a port leading to the chamber above the emergency piston, thus allowing axuiliary air to pass down on to the top of the emer- gency piston 8, forcing it downwards. This downward move- ment unseats the emergency valve 10, and allows the air in the chamber above the emergency check 15 to escape. Brake- pipe pressure beneath this check- valve forces the latter from its seat and air from the brake pipe passes up by it through the unseated emergency valve 10, into the brake cylinder. The emergency valve remains unseated until the pressures above and below piston 8 are nearly equalized, when the spring 12 forces the emergency valve to its seat. . The position of the removed corner q on the slide valve is such that, as the valve moves forwards to emergency position, it connects the port leading to the chamber above the emer- gency piston with auxiliary pressure before the emergency port in the slide-valve port connects with the port leading to the brake cylinder. The emergency valves therefore open first, consequently, brake-pipe air — which passes like a flash through the large openings of the emergency valves — ^is admitted in suffi- cient quantity to give a pressure in an 8-in. brake cylinder, with standard piston travel of about 24| lb, when check-valve 15 closes. Afterwards, auxiliary pressure discharges into, and equalizes with, the brake cylinder; but, as the cylinder already contains about 24^ lb. pressure, they equalize at about 60 lb. pressure instead of at 50 lb., as in a service application. The opening through the emergency port of the slide valve is made smaller than the service port, to retard the flow of air somewhat from the auxiliary reservoir to the brake cylinder during an emergency application of the brakes, so as to allow as much air as possible to enter the brake cylinder from the brake pipe, and thus increase the final brake-cylinder pressure. I TRIPLE VALVES 185 COMPARISON OF PLAIN AND QUICK-ACTION TRIPLES Plain and quick-action triples work exactly the samq^ in a service application, but in emergency the quick-action triple sets the brake quicker and gives a greater brake-cylinder pressure. Also, the quick-action triple sets its brake harder in emergency than it does in service application, owing to the emergency valve, piston, and check- valve operating so as to allow brake-pipe pressure to enter the brake cylinder and aid the auxiliary pressure in applying the brake. The plain triple sets its brake quicker in emergency than it does in ser- vice, owing to the use of larger ports; but the brake does not set any harder, because it simply has auxiHary pressure to use in applying the brakes in either service or emergency. When a quick-action triple goes into emergency position, a sudden brake-pipe reduction is made near it when the emer- gency valve opens. This sudden reduction starts the next quick-action triple, and that starts the next, and so on through- out the train. If from any defect one triple goes into quick action, all will follow. Ordinarily, a gradual brake-pipe reduction of about 20 lb. will cause a plain or a quick-action triple valve to equalize the pressures between the auxiliary and brake cylinders at about 50 lb. In emergency, with a quick-action triple, the pressures are equalized at about 60 lb., while with a plain triple, the same pressure is obtained in the cylinder in emer- gency as in a full-service appHcation, namely, 50 lb. With quick-action triples, a sudden brake-pipe reduction of 10 or 12 lb. will produce a full emergency action of the brakes; while, with a plain triple, a reduction of about 201b. is necessary. The reason for this is that a 12-lb. reduction will cause the emergency valves of the first triples to open and produce a further brake-pipe reduction. Brake-pipe pressure is not affected in this way when a plain triple goes into emergency, and, therefore, while a sudden 12 lb. reduction would force the triple to emergency position, it would not stay there, as it would be forced back to lap or perhaps to release, as soon as auxiliary pressure had reduced the 12 lb. It is necessary, therefore, to reduce brake-pipe pressure below that at which 186 TRIPLE VALVES the auxiliary and brake cylinders equalize, to obtain a full emergency application with plain triples. • K-1 TRIPLE VALVE The K-1 triple valve, shown in Fig. 4, is used with 6-in. and 8-in. freight-car brake cylinders; its weight is 40 lb. The piece number of the valve, complete, is 27,852; the piece and reference numbers of its parts are as follows: Pc. No, Ref. No. Name of Part 27.851 2 Bodv, complete, includes |-in. pipe plug. 12.513 3 Slide valve. 12.852 4 Main piston, includes 5. 10,032 5 Main-piston ring. 6,520 6 Slide-valve spring. 12.514 7 Graduating valve. 1.733 8 Emergency piston. 1,740 9 Emergency- valve seat. 1,735 10 Emergency valve, includes 11 and 28. 1.737 11 Rubber seat. 1.745 12 Check-valve spring. 12,850 13 Check-valve case, complete includes \-m, pipe plug. 1.754 14 Check- valve-case gasket. 1,744 15 Check-valve. 1.751 16 Strainer. 1.749 17 1-in. union nut. 1.750 18 1-in. union swivel. 1.746 19 Cylinder cap. 1.747 20 Graduating-stem nut. 1.748 21 Graduating stem. 1,057 22 Graduating spring. 1,753 23 CyHnder-cap gasket. 10,836 24 Bolt and nut, for cylinder cap. 1.752 25 Capscrew. 1,004 |-in. pipe plug. 1.755 27 1-in. union gasket. 1.738 28 Emergency-valve nut. 27,328 29 Retarding-device body, marked K-1. 27,846 31 Retarding stem. 29,105 33 Retarding spring. 9,862 35 Graduating-valve spring. 1.734 1-in. plug for exhaust outlet, not shown. 2,427 *Triple-valve gasket. The standard retarded-release portion of the K-1 triple valve, illustrated in Fig. 4 and 5 (6), is not interchangeable with the ♦Listed for convenience only; not included in K-1 triple valve. t TRIPLE VALVES 187 retarded-release portion supplied with the old-standard K-1 triple valve, Piece No. 20,319, illustrated in Fig. 5 (a); there- fore, the following piece numbers, covering the retarded- release portion, must be specified when ordering repair parts for old-standard triple valve. Piece No. 20,319, otherwise all repair parts for both triple valves are identical. 188 Pc.No. 10.498 20,278 2 10,511 18,581 10,510 9,919 1,523 10,068 29 30 31 32 33 34 TRIFLE VALVES Ref.No. Name of Part Release-retarding device, complete, in- cludes 29 to 34 inclusive. Triple-valve body, complete, includes l-in. pipe plug. Ret arding-de vice body. Retarding-device screw. Retarding stem. Retarding-spring collar. Retarding spring. Retarding-stem pin. When the old-standard H-1 triple valve. Piece No. 1,717, is converted to the K-1, Piece. No. 28,991, a special retarded- release portion, as illustrated in Fig. 5 (6), is supplied; there- fore, the following piece numbers, covering the retarded-release portion, must be specified when ordering repair parts for converted triple valve. Piece No. 28,991, otherwise all repair parts for both triple valves are identical. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 29,001 2 Triple-valve body, complete, includes l-in. pipe plug. 27,325 29 Retarding-device body, marked K-l-C. 28,944 31 Retarding stem. K-2 TRIPLE VALVE The K-2 triple valve, shown in Fig. 6, is used with 10-in. freight-car brake cylinders; it weighs 451b. Its piece number is 28,968; the piece and reference numbers of its various parts are given in the accompanying list. TRIPLE VALVES 189 Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 28,888 2 Body, complete, includes f-in. pipe plug. Slide valve. Main piston, includes 5. Main-piston ring. Slide-valve spring. Graduating valve. Emergency piston. Emergency-valve seat. 28,959 3 12,864 4 10,032 5 6,520 6 28,956 7 1,733 8 1.740 9 190 TRIPLE VALVES Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 1,735 10 Emergency valve, includes 11 and 28. 1,737 11 Rubber seat. 1,745 12 Check-valve spring. 13.392 13 Check- valve case, complete, includes |-in. pipe plug. 4,876 14 Check- valve-case gasket. 1,744 15 Check-valve. 1,751 16 Strainer. 1,749 17 1-in. union nut. 1,750 18 1-in. union swivel. 1,746 19 Cylinder cap. 1,747 20 Graduating-stem nut. 1,748 21 Graduating stem. 1.057 22 Graduating spring. 1.753 23 Cylinder -cap gasket. 10,836 24 Bolt and nut, for cylinder cap. 4,880 25 Bolt and nut, for check- valve case. 1,004 ^-in. pipe plug. 1,755 27 1-in. union gasket. 1,738 28 Emergency-valve nut. 27,334 29 Retarding-device body, marked K-2. 28,613 31 Retarding stem. 29,105 33 Retarding spring. 31.528 35 Graduating- valve spring. 1,734 -|-in. plug for exhaust outlet, not shown. 4,886 *Triple- valve gasket. The present standard retarded-release portion of the K-2 triple valve, illustrated in Fig. 6, is not interchangeable with the retarded-release portion supplied with the old-standard K-2 triple Fig. 7 valve. Piece No. 20.230. illustrated in Fig. 7 (o), therefore the following piece numbers, covering the retarded-release *Iasted for convenience only; not included in K-2 triple valve. TRIPLE VALVES 191 portion, must be specified when ordering repair parts for the old-standard triple valve, Piece No. 20,230, otherwise all repair parts for both triple valves are identical. ^]L^:i, Fig. 8 Pc.No. Ref.. Vo. Na7ne of Part 10,563 Release-retarding device, complete, in- cludes 29 to 34 inclusive. 20,148 2 Triple-valve body, complete, includes l-in. pipe plug. 10,561 29 Retarding-device body. IS.i^Sl 30 Retarding-device screw. 10,081 31 Retarding stem. 9,919 32 Retarding-spring collar. 1,523 33 Retarding spring. 10,068 34 Retarding-stem pin. When the old-standard H-2 triple valve, Piece No. 4,870, is converted to the K-2, Piece No. 29,191, a special retarded 192 TRIPLE VALVES release portion. Fig. 7 (6), is supplied; therefore, the following piece numbers, covering the retarded-release portion, must be specified when ordering repair parts for converted triples. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 29,206 2 Triple- valve body, complete. 27,331 29 Retarding-device body, marked K-2-C. 28,942 31 Retarding stem. i«MSSIIS§».^^§^§^^i#^ m\\*ssi»s«is#iii^ Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 8 shows two perspective views of the slide valve 3, and Fig. 9, the slide-valve seat ; Fig. 10 shows the graduating valve 7. Spring Identification of K-1 and K-2 Triple Valves Triple Valve Pc. No. A* In.. In. In. No. Cls. Material Name of Spring K-1 & K-2 K-1 & K-2 ^ K-1 & K-2 K-1 & K-2 Old Standard 1,745 1,057 29,105 1,523 S If .072 .059 .092 .080 21 11 16 4 131 Brass Nickeled Steel Nickeled Steel Nickeled Steel Check-valve Graduating Retarded Release Device Retarded Release Device *A, B, C are dimensions of spring at points indicated in cut* FEATURES OF TYPE K TRIPLE VALVE The type K freight triple valve is used only in freight service and was designed to meet the conditions brought about by the increase in train speeds, in length of trains, and in car ca,pacities that obtain at the present time. It is made in two sizes, distinguished by the mark K-1 or K-2 on the side of TRIPLE VALVES 193 the valve body. The K-1 triple is used with 6-in. and 8-in. and the K-2 triple with 10-in, brake cylinders. The K-1 triple has but two bolt holes while the K-2 triple has three bolt holes in the reservoir flange. The K-1 triple and the F-36 triple are so made that they wHU bolt to the same reservoir; the K-2 triple and the H-49 triple are so made that they will bolt to the same reservoir. Fig. 11 A diagrammatic \new of the triple valve is given in Fig. 11. Quick-Service Feature. — The object of the quick-service feature is to quicken the serial application of the brakes on long trains, so as to reduce the interval between the application of the first and the last brakes. This is accomplished by each triple valve venting brake-pipe air momentarily through a restricted passage into the brake cylinder, thus producing at each triple a slight brake-pipe reduction that is cuickly transmitted from car to car throughout the brake pipe in a 14 194 TRIPLE VALVES manner similar to a quick-action application. With a train of all K triple valves, this feature very materially reduces the time of application below that required by H triples; applies the brakes more uniformly throughout the train; insures the application of all the brakes with light brake-pipe reductions; gives a higher brake-cylinder pressure, increasing the brake- cylinder pressure about 1 lb. on equalization with standard piston travel; and effects a considerable saving in air. By venting brake-pipe air into the brake cylinders, the K triple reduces the time of discharge of brake-pipe air from the brake- valve exhaust for a given reduction considerably below the time necessary with H triples. The quick-service feature operates only on trains of such lengths that the volume of the brake pipe is too large for brake-pipe pressure to be reduced at the proper rate through the brake- valve exhaust. If the reduction can be made at the proper rate, as with short trains, the quick-service feature automatically becomes inoperative. Retarded- or Uniform-Release Feature. — To release the brakes, main-reservoir pressure is thrown into the brake pipe, so as to cause a wave of pressure to flow from the head end toward the rear. The head triples feel the impulse first and move to release position quite an interval before the rear triples. They cannot be prevented from going to release position first; therefore, to get a uniform release of the brakes throughout the train the exhaust port of the head triples is restricted, which retards the exhaust of brake-cylinder air sufficiently to permit the head and rear brakes to let go at about the same instant. The object of the retarded- or uniform-release feature is to retard the exhaust from the brake cylinders of the head brakes so as to make the release of the brakes more uniform throughout the train. With H triples, the head brakes begin to release first. After a 15-lb. reduction on an eighty-car train, they fully release 30 sec. before the rear brakes. With K triples, the head triples move to release position first, but about the first thirty triples are forced past normal release to retarded-release position and their brake cylinders release through a restricted port; only the rear triples move TRIPLE VALVES 195 , to normal release position and exhaust through the full size of the exhaust port. The relative sizes of the restricted and normal exhaust ports are such that the head and rear triples exhaust their brake cylinders in approximately the same time; consequently, the brakes release uniformly throughout the train and in less than half the time required by H triples. This results in much smoother operation, and greatly reduces the shocks and consequent break-in-twos, slid flat wheels, and damage to equipment and lading. To move a triple valve to retarded-release position, the brake-pipe pressure must be raised about 3 lb. above auxiliary- reservoir pressure. On a long train it has been found im.possible to obtain this difference of pressure beyond about thirty cars back of the engine; consequently, the triple valves beyond that point do not go to retarded-release position. Uniform-Recharge Feature. — The object of the uniform -re- charge feature is to increase the rate of rise of brake-pipe pressure in the rear end and to make the auxiliary reservoirs throughout the train recharge at approximately the same rate, thus insuring a more prompt action of the rear-end brakes and preventing the head brakes from reapplying when the brake valve is moved to running position. When H triple valves are used, ail the feed-grooves are of the same size; consequently, the head auxiliaries overcharge on account of the higher brake-pipe pressure they are subjected to with the brake valve in release position. Thus, when the brake valve is moved to running position, the pressure in the head end of the brake pipe drops until it equalizes with the lower pressure in the rear end of the brake pipe and the head-end brakes reapply. With K triple valves, the feed-groove (located in the ridge on the back of the triple position) through which the auxiliary charges when the triple is in retarded-release position, is about half as large as the feed-groove used when the triple is in normal release position; consequently, the head-end auxiliaries charge through a restricted opening that compensates for the higher brake-pipe pressure in the head end and permits more of the air passing into the brake pipe to flow to the rear end of the train, charging the brake pipe to a higher pressure, and releasing and recharging the brakes more promptly. . 196 TRIPLE VALVES In releasing the brakes, the pressure in the head end of the train rises much more rapidly and to a higher pressure than in the rear end. This is due to the head end being nearer the supply of air, to the frictional resistance offered to the flow of the air by the brake pipe, and to the fact that each triple valve starts to recharge its auxiliary the moment it moves to release position. The primary object of the uni- form-recharge feature, therefore, is to increase the rate of rise of brake-pipe pressure toward the rear end, thereby obtain- ing a quicker release and recharge of the rear brakes; this results in shortening the time necessary to release all brakes, in a more uniform release of all brakes, and in a more uniform and quicker recharge of all auxiliaries. OPERATION OF TYPE K TRIPLE VALVES Full-Release and Charging Position. — When the engineer's brake valve is placed in full-release or running position, the air entering the brake pipe raises the pressure in chamber B above that in the slide-valve chamber C and the auxiliary reservoir, and moves the triple piston, slide valve, and gradu- ating valve to the right. If brake-pipe pressure in chamber B does not exceed the auxiliary-reservoir pressure in chamber C by 3 lb., as is usually the case on all cars back of the thirtieth car of a long train, the retarded-release stem and spring will | stop the triple piston and slide valve in full-release position. When in this position, the feed -groove in the triple-piston bushing is uncovered and brake-pipe air passes through it past the triple piston and charges the auxiliary reservoir; also, a port in the slide valve registers with a port in the slide- valve seat and conveys air to the slide-valve chamber and the auxiliary, thus assisting in charging the auxiliary reservoir, the check- valve 15 being unseated by brake-pipe pressure while air is passing to the auxiliary reservoir. The cavity in the slide valve fully connects the brake cylinder with the exhaust so that brake-cylinder air can escape freely to the atmosphere. Air flows from the brake pipe through the feed-groove into the auxiliary until the pressures equalize and the auxiliary reservoir is fully charged. Air flows through the feed -port TRIPLE VALVES 197 into the auxiliary until the pressures are equalized near enough for the check-valve spring to seat the check-valve, after which the auxiliary charges through the feed-groove alone. Quick-Service Position. — ^When a service reduction is made in the brake-pipe pressure at the brake valve, the pressure on the brake-pipe side of the triple piston is reduced faster than auxiliary-reservoir pressure can reduce through the feed-groove. This produces a difference of pressure on the two faces of the piston, and when this difference becomes about 2 lb. per sq. in., the auxiliary-reservoir pressure, being the greater, forces the piston forwards to application position, taking the graduating valve 7 with it and closing the feed groove. This moA^ement of the triple piston first causes the graduating valve to uncover the graduating port and to connect two ports in the back of the slide valve through the cavity in the valve; then the shoulder on the triple-piston stem engages the slide valve and moves it to application position. If the difference in pressure on the two faces of the triple piston is not sufficient to compress the graduating spring 22, these parts will be held in quick-service position. In this position, the triple piston is close to or against the graduating stem but does not compress the gi^aduating spring. The sHde valve cuts off the connection between the exhaust ports so that brake -cylinder pressure cannot pass to the atmosphere. Auxiliary -reservoir air now flows into the brake cylinder and appHes the brakes; also, brake-pipe pressure, raising check- valve 15, passes to the chamber above the emer- gency piston, from which place it can pass the emergency piston, which fits loosely in its cylinder, to the brake cylinder. Ports- leading to the chamber above the emergency piston are so restricted that the flow of air through them, when con- nected, is not great enough to raise sufficient pressure above the emergency piston to force it down and cause an emergency action of the triple, but the air that passes to the brake cylinder reduces the brake-pipe pressure locally at each triple valve just enough to cause the next triple valve to operate promptly. This local reduction acts to transmit quickly and uniformly the brake-valve reduction from car to car in a manner similar to the serial action during an emergency application, only the 198 TRIPLE VALVES amount of the reduction is not so great. As a result of this serial action, the time interval between the operation of the first and last brakes on a long train is greatly reduced; also, with a long train of K triples, the time required for the air to exhaust from the brake-pipe exhaust valve of the brake valve for a given reduction will be greatly reduced below the time required with a train of H triples. The venting of brake- pipe air into the brake cylinder results in a pressure on equali- zation that is about 1 lb. higher. After the triple piston has moved the slide valve to quick- service position, the slide valve does not move again until the brake is released or a sufficient reduction is made in brake- pipe pressure to move it to full-service or emergency position; the graduating valve controls the quick-service ports in the slide valve, so that they are opened each time the graduating valve opens the service port and closed each time the piston moves the graduating valve to lap position. The quick-service feature of the K triple valve operates only when the brake-pipe reduction is being made at less than the proper rate, as when. the train is long. With a short train, the brake valve can reduce brake-pipe pressure as fast as is necessary, and the local reduction is not desirable; hence, under such conditions, the quick-service feature automatically goes out of service by the triple valve going to full-service < position. Full-Service Position. — The strength of the graduating spring 22 is such that when the reduction in the brake pipe is being made at the proper rate, the difference in pressure on the triple piston will be great enough to compress the gradu- ating spring sufficiently to permit the slide valve to assume full-service position. Thus, as the quick-service feature is not needed, it is automatically cut out of commission. When the brake-pipe reduction is slower than it should be, as when the train is long or during moderate reductions, the service port is opened sufficiently to prevent enough differ- ence of pressure from being formed to compress the graduating spring 22. With the triple valve in full-service position, the graduating port and brake-cylinder port register fully. The quick-service TRIPLE VALVES 199 port is blanked by the slide valve so that no brake-pipe air can pass to the brake cylinder through the feed-port. The local reduction of brake-pipe pressure at each triple valve is thus prevented because the reduction is being made as fast as desirable at the brake valve, and any local reduction will cause undesired quick action of the brakes. However, the brakes will apply promptly because the service port is fully open and auxiUary pressure reduces at the same rate as brakepipe pressure. Lap Position. — The lap position assumed, by the triple valve, from quick-service position is different from the lap position assumed from full-service position. This is due to the fact that the slide valve rem.ains stationary and is not moved when the triple piston moves the graduating valve to lap the service ports. The triple valve is held in service position as long as the brake-pipe pressure continues to reduce. When it ceases, auxiliary-reservoir air still flows into the brake cylin- der imtil the auxiliary pressure is reduced below brake-pipe pressure sufficiently to cause the triple piston to be moved toward release position and the shoulder of the stem comes in contact "^'ith the sUde valve. The difference in pressure necessary to move the piston and graduating valve is not sufficient to overcome the friction of the slide valve, so that any further movement of the piston is stopped by the sHde valve. When the piston starts to lap position from quick-service position, the parts come to rest in quick-service lap position. In this position the graduating valve 7 closes the top ends of the graduating port and the port leading to the top of the emergency piston 8, so no more air can pass to the brake cylinder either from the auxiliary reservoir or from the brake pipe. If the triple valve is in full-service position when the reduc- tion of brake-pipe air at the brake valve ceases, it will assume lap position in the manner just explained, but the triple piston . will be assisted in its movement to lap position by the gradu- ating spring 22, which was slightly compressed, and the piston will be stopped in full-service lap position, instead of in quick- service lap position. 200 TRIPLE VALVES CO |9A^JX (N^OOiOOI>«DiOrt< 9JnSS9JtJ j9puHAo l>O(MCD(NiO00iOO 9dTtJ 9JlBJa m (N (M (M CGC001>Q0Q0CX)l>X 'p. 19A^JX iOOOCO t-H(M(N(NCOTj|BJa CO Ti^ (N O O O O CO lO 00000C0OO0O0CX)l>t> TRIPLE VALVES 201 go ^1 1 1 1 I9A^JX (N i-H O O X t^ !C LC T*i 9anss9J(j U^XC50^l>Tji|^« 9dld 93l^Ja uoi:^onp9-g ooocccooo uoi:^3np9-jj J9:^JY 9jnss9Jjj JIOAJ9S9'g OiOCOOS'-*— X 1 o 1 I9A^JX (NT-HCCiXt-Xi-O^ 9JnSS9JjJ JSpUIXAQ 9(Il(J 93lBJa UT uoi^onpg-^ occccccco uoT;onp9-a 1 J9;JV 9X11SS9J(I o C O O C a Ct Ci 00 JIOAJ9S9-JJ i>i>t^-sCr^/7cf.s/rfp/77Moyem6nf of drake i^/ye/far/7af/fi Fig. 1 characteristics in the fall of brake-pipe pressure in various parts of the train and the relative pressures on the different cars indicated at any time during the reduction. For instance, at 25 sec. the pressure on the first car had fallen 48 lb. ; on the fifteenth car, 26 lb.; on the thirtieth car, 15 lb.; on the fiftieth car, 7 lb. ; on the seventy-fifth car, 6 lb. ; on the one-hundredth car, 5 lb. This shows a difference of 43 lb. in the brake-pipe 204 TRIPLE VALVES pressure of the fifst and the one-hundredth cars. It will noted that the fall in pressure from the fiftieth to the one-hun- dredth car was practically uniform, showing that the reduction was due more to the expansion of the air in the brake pipe back of the fiftieth car rather than to a flow of the air. This shows that enlarg^ing the outlet from the brake pipe at the brake valve will not hasten the application of the brakes. 7^ 60 I \ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 1 H ^ ^ ^v •;^g5 S \ ^Carn ^ ;;3- Can ffe/^ 7^ ca/ ^oJ >- . ^ ^ ^ ^^^ '■ — < I ^O ^ /^ /^ ^O 2^ JO J^ -^ Time /nJeconafs from fifo^emenf of ffra/fel<7/ire/fa/7e//e Fig 2 Also, it shows the necessity of the quick-action feature and the quick-service feature of the K triple valve for trains of this length. The second test was to determine the fall in brake-pipe pressure on individual cars of a one-hundred-car train, 4,000 ft, long; type K triple valves were cut in; and a service reduction was made. The results of this test are shown in Fig. 2. Com- paring these curves with those in Fig. 1, shows how the local TRIPLE VALVES 205 reduction at each triple valve, due to the quick-service feature of the triple valve, gives the necessary rate of reduction toward the rear of the train. For example, after 25 sec. the pressure on the first car had fallen 15 lb.; on the fifteenth car, 12 lb.; on the thirtieth, 10 lb.; the fiftieth and seventy-fifth, 8 lb.; and on the one-hundredth, 7 lb. This shows only 8 lb. dif- ference between the first and last cars. The third test v\^as a comparison of fall in brake-pipe pressure throughout a one-hundred-car train, 4,000 ft. long, equipped 7C? ^ ^ ■ — = 60 k ^ -70 ^ ^ -^ ^ ^ =^ fe. ^ i B ri ^ — ^ 'eUc r/i/i L5- Je^ '-y/'i -e /i[ee/uc:^/on S ^ 1 r-S/i ■3=" ^ ^ =_ — — ^ g ^ ^-: _ = f s ^ ^ g ^ 1 i ^ ^ = ^ '^^ " '40 \ ^40 /r 7r/fi Je^ ^/^ £'^- -Je "y/^ v/i ^edi ^r// 7/7 ^'c 7 /c £ ? J :? 4c 9 I y/r? .3 6c 7 7 :? d( ? i'^ ? /^ with types K and H triple valves, when service reduction was made. The results of this test are shown in Fig. 3. These curves show how the brake-pipe pressure throughout the train actually falls during a continuous full-service reduction of the brakes. It will be noted with the H triple valves that 25 sec. elapsed before sufficient brake-pipe reduction had taken place at the last car to cause any movement of the triple valve; the head end had reduced to 55 lb. so the first 206 TRIPLE VALVES brake had set nearly in full. With the K triple valves, whei the brake-pipe pressure at the first car had fallen to 55 ib., the reduction at the last car was 62 lb. so the rear brakes were applied with a good effective reduction. It required the same interval, 25 sec, with both types of triples to reduce the pressure at the first car to 55 lb.; consequently, the curves show clearly that the quick-service feature of the K triple valves causes a more uniform reduction throughout the train. The fourth test was a comparison of rate of propagation of brake-pipe reduction throughout a train of one hundred cars, 4,000 ft. long, equipped with types H and K triple valves, when I len^ lb.. ^1 /J /4 /3 /2 \/0 " '~ ~ ^ ^- '""" y . / ^ /' ^.^^ ,^ / ^ ■^ . ■ ^t^ _ :'-*- 4 s^/ ^ ^^ kf ^ ''^ ^J/'ro'/^/ '?f/.//7efor Co/77par/30/f \^ / ^ •^ / ^ / '/J V e _ .■'< ^ 2 / ^^ ^ >^ '1^^ J <^ ^' 1 / 9 2 -^ h ■^ ^ —- :? O^ , ' yoo 7S'^ " ■ > < „-^ -"/ ] m- » \ y t^ ^ <. / \ \r\ ^ K' / y a\ ^ ^ ^ ^ — == =^ — — — — — 30 ^O SO 60 // 7r/)p/e /a/i^e SO 90Jec> JO ^O JO oo /f^ 7r/p/e /^/ye /}// SraAes /fjpp/fe<2^ Fig. 5 The time required to obtain 20 lb. brake -cylinder pressure with H and K triple valves on an eighty-car train is shown in Fig. 6. The curves show that the H triple required 25, 93, and 95 sec. to give 20 lb. pressure in the first, fiftieth and eightieth cars, respectively. The K triple required only \1\, 37, and 39^ sec, respectively. The K triples, therefore, gave 20 lb. brake-cylinder pressure in the last car 55 i sec. before the H triples did, or before 20 lb. was obtained in the 208 TRIPLE VALVES ^O /O 20 30 40 SO 60 70 30 Cars Fig. 6 A/i/ml>er Offhe Car Fig. 7 \o / /\ ^y y" / /* / i^ / f 500 1000 1500, lengf/> ofSfojj in feet / Fig. 8 TRIPLE VALVES 209 twentieth car. This shows why the slack in a train equipped with K triples gives so much less trouble from bunching and recoiling than it does in a train of H triples. Standing Tests, — The time required to release brakes on an eighty -car train, equipped with H and K triple valves and standing, is shown in Fig. 7. These curves show that all the brakes having K triple valves released at practically the same time, in approximately from 14 to 16 sec. The brakes having H triples, however, were very ununiform; the first nstant ation Hour ft o 1 nstant ation Hour ft o 02 o> ^■^ !r. ^ 1 2-^ fe O (U edat App les p( rt ft ft 1-;^^^^^ Fig. 6 Fig. 7 for safety-valve opening. Fig. 5 shows two perspective views of the slide valve 5;' and Fig. 6, a view of the slide-valve seat; Fig. 7 is a perspective view of the graduating valve 7. Valve spring No. 53,003 is not interchangeable with previous spring No. 13,861. L-3, QUICK-ACTION, PASSENGER, TRIPLE VALVE The L-3 triple valve, shown in Fig. 8, is used with 16-in. and 18-in. brake cylinders. The piece number, with E-7 safety valve, complete, is 16,370. Its weight is 70 pounds. PcNo. Ref. No. Name of Part 16,080 2 Body, bushed. 16,095 3 Slide valve. 16,372 4 Main piston, includes 5. 16,306 5 Main-piston ring. 16,294 6 Slide-valve spring. 16,292 7 Graduating valve. 1,733 8 Emergency piston. 1,740 9 Emergency- valve seat. 1,735 10 Emergency valve, includes 11 and 16 1,740 11 Rubber seat for emergency valve. 1,745 12 Check- valve spring. 12,187 13 Check- valve case, complete. 12,183 14 Check- valve-case gasket. 1,744 15 Check- valve nut. 1,738 16 Emergency- valve nut. 16,293 17 Graduating- valve spring. 16,287 18 Cylinder cap. 16,289 19 Graduating-spring nut. 16.288 20 Graduating sleeve. 16,301 21 Graduating spring. 16,305 22 Cylinder-cap gasket. 4,879 23 Bolt and nut. for cylinder cap. 4.880 24 Bolt and nut, for check- valve case. TRIPLE VALVES 221 222 TRIPLE VALVES Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 13,136 25 By-pass piston, includes 26. 14,284 26 By-pass-piston ring. 51,529 27 By-pass valve. 51,528 28 Rubber seat. 53,003 29 By-pass- valve spring. 14,560 30 By-pass- valve cap. 12,984 31 By-pass- piston cap. 16,214 32 Strainer. 15,549 33 E-7 safety valve. 12,848 34 End cap. If the triple is used with a brake cylinder equipped a high-speed reducing valve, the safety valve is not used, orders must specify: Piece No. 19,061, L-3 triple valve, plete, less safety valve, with safety-valve opening plugged Piece No. 19,052, cap nut for safety-valve opening. By-pass valve spring No. 53,003 is not interchangeable with previous spring No. 13,861. Spring Identification of Type L Triple Valves Triple Valve Pc. No. In, In. In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring L-l-B L-2-A L-3 L-l-B L-2-A L-3 1,745 53,003 } 1,523 16,301 If .072 .051 .08 .105 If U 21 31 11 81 m 16 Brass Phosphor - Bronze Nickeled Steel Nickeled Steel Check-Valve By-Pass- Valve Graduating Graduating *A, B. C are dimensions of spring at points indicated in cut. STYLES OF TYPE L TRIPLE VALVES The LN passenger brake equipment derives its name from t;he fact that a type L triple valve is used in combination with a type N passenger -brake cylinder. The older form of eqmp- ment was known as the PM equipment, because a P triple was used in combination with an M brake cylinder. The type N passenger-brake cylinder is designed for use with the L triple valve, the seat for the triple on the pressure head TRIPLE VALVES 223 being suitable for the L triple. All the pipe connections are made direct to the brake-cylinder head, no pipe connections being made to the triple valve. A triple can be removed and replaced by another without disturbing any of the pipe con- nections, by simply removing from the triple-valve stud the nuts that nold the triple to the cylinder head. The brake- cyUnder head has pipe connections for the brake pipe, auxiliary reser\'oir, brake cylinder, and supplementary reservoir. The L triple valve is made in three styles. The letters and numerals designating the style of triple are cast in the side of the valve body. Other features that distinguish the L triple valve are the by-pass arrangement and the safety valve. FEATURES OF TYPE L TRIPLE VALVES The features added to the brake system by the L triple are: (1) High-emergency pressure feature; (2) quick-service featiire; (3) graduated-release feature; (4) quick-recharge feature; and (5) service-application safety-valve feature. High-Emergency Pressure Feature. — With the same brake- pipe pressure, the high-emergency pressure feature gives a much higher brake-cylinder pressure in emergency than the high-speed brake, and the full pressure is retained during the complete stop, thus enabling much shorter stops to be made. Tne feature consists in the use of a supplementary reservoir in addition to the regular auxiliary reservoir. The supplemen- tary reservoir has about two and one-half times the capacity of the auxiliary reservoir, and in emergency applications it equalizes with the auxiliary reservoir and the brake cylinder, providing a high pressure, which is held throughout the stop. Also, it assists in obtaining the graduated release of the brakes. Qtiick-Service Feature. — With the high-speed brake, the interval between the application of the first and the last brake increases with the length of the train. The quick-service feature of the L triple reduces this interval by venting a small quantity of brake -pipe air into the brake cylinder in service applications so as to produce a light serial application of the brakes similar to the quick action in emergency applications. Graduate d-Release Feature. — A graduated release cannot be made with P triples, but the supplementary reservoir of the 224 TRIPLE VALVES LN equipment makes a graduated-release feature possible for the type L triple valve. With type L triples, therefore, the brakes can be graduated either on or off, thus adding much to the flexibility of the brake. This results in reducing shock effects on long, heavy trains, and eliminates the loss of time and the risk incident to two-application stops. Also, graduat- ing the brake off greatly reduces the risk of wheel sliding, and, in connection with the quick-recharge feature, makes it possible for a large number of applications to be made without exhaust- ing the air supply. Quick-Recharge Feature. — Increased weight of coaches neces- sitated an increase in the size of the brake cylinders used, until on the heavy coaches of today 16-in. and 18-in. cylinders are used instead of 10-in. and 12-in. cylinders. With an 8-in. piston travel, the 18-in. cylinder has a capacity of 2,036 cu. in. against a capacity of 675 cu. in. for the 10-in. cylinder. The 18-in. cylinder, therefore, will take three times as much air from its auxiliary at each application as the 10-in. cylinder. In recharging, therefore, the feed-groove of the triple of the 18-in. cylinder must be much larger than that of the triple of the 10-in. cylinder, in order to have the two recharge in the same time. Large feed-grooves, however, have a tendency to make a brake sluggish in applying on moderate reductions, on account of the back flow from the auxiliary reservoir; consequently, they are undesirable. The L triple valve uses the regular size of feed-groove; besides, it employs in the slide-valve seat a quick-recharge port that is controlled by the slide valve, the check- valve pre- venting any back flow from the auxiliary reservoir during applications. This results in a rapid recharging of the auxiliary reservoirs, to nearly standard pressure, so that nearly full braking power is obtained immediately after a release has been made; consequently, a number of applications can be made in quick succession without materially reducing the pressure in the brake system. Service-Application Safety-Valve Feature. — The auxiliary reservoir used with the LN equipment is smaller for the same size of brake cylinder than the auxiliary reservoir used with the other equipments. This limits the brake-cylinder pressure TRIPLE VALVES 225 226 TRIPLE VALVES :ing I j at equalization to an amount that gives the proper braking power with the proper brake-pipe pressure while reducing the danger of wheel sliding to a minimum. As a protection against excessive brake-cylinder pressure during service appli- cations, due to too high brake-pipe pressure, there is provided a reducing valve that operates only in service applications and is automatically cut out of service when an emergency application is made. This constitutes the service-application safety-valve feature of the L triple valve. PIPING DIAGRAM OF LN EQUIPMENT Fig. 1 shows the piping diagram of the type LN passenger equipment. The general arrangement of the piping and the location of the parts of this equipment are practically the same as in the ordinary PM passenger equipment, except that with the LN equipment the L triple valve replaces the older form of triple valve and the N brake-cylinder head, which is especially designed for use with the type L triple valve, takes the place of the older form of brake-cylinder head. Besides, a supplementary reservoir is added to the older form of passenger- car equipment. The brake-pipe, which extends throughout the length of the car, has a branch pipe that connects to the brake-pipe connection on the brake-cylinder head. The centrifugal dirt collector in the branch pipe takes the place of the brake- pipe strainer formerly used with the car equipment. The cut-out cock in the branch pipe is for the purpose of cutting out the brake on that car when necessary. The function of the auxiliary reservoir is the same as in the older equipment. The pipe leading from the auxiliary reservoir is connected to the brake-cylinder head at the auxiliary-reservoir connection and this reservoir is charged through the triple valve the same as in the older form of equipment. The supplementary reservoir, which has a capacity about two and a half times that of the auxiliary reservoir, carries an extra supply of air, which assists in obtaining the graduated release" of the brakes and makes possible the very high brake-cylinder pressure obtained in emergency applications. Also, it recharges the auxiliary reservoir quickly, after a service application and TRIPLE VALVES 227 release, to nearly standard pressure. The supplementary reservoir is charged through the triple valve from the brake pipe at the same time and to the same pressure as the aux- iliary reservoir. It is connected to the triple valve by means of a pipe leading from the reservoir to the supplementary- reservoir connection on the brake-cylinder head. There is no direct connection between the auxiliary and the supple- mentary reservoir. The triple slide valve controls the flow of air from, the auxiliary reservoir to the supplementary reserv^oir and from the supplementary reservoir to the auxiliary reservoir. The cut-out cock in the supplementary-reservoir pipe is for the purpose of cutting out the reservoir when desired, as in the case of the car being in a train in which most of the cars are equipped with the type PM brake. At such times, the cut-out cock between the triple valve and supplementary reservoir should be closed in order to have the L triple valve work in harmony with the older forms of triple valves. Closing this cut-out cock renders the graduated-release and the high emer- gency-pressure features inoperative. In trains of mixed LN and PM equipments, the LN equip- ment may be left cut in if desired and the brakes operated accordingly, provided that more than half the cars have the LN equipment. However, it must be remembered that, in using the graduated-release feature, the PM equipments will release entirely at the first graduated release. The cars having the LN equipment, therefore, will have to do the braking for the entire train during the remainder of the stop, and there will be danger of wheel sliding on those cars. To avoid wheel sliding, the brake-cylinder pressiire should be graduated down to a safe pressure before the speed is low. DIAGRAMMATIC VIEWS OF TRIPLE Fig. 2 gives a diagrammatic view of a type L triple valve with the check- valve case 13, and the cylinder cap 18 removed. The triple valve is represented as having the auxiliary-reser- voir end, the cylinder-cap end, the check- valve-case end, the slide-valve seat, and the by -pass mechanism in the same plane so as to show more readily the relations of the ports to each other. TRIPLE VALVES TRIPLE VALVES 229 It will be noticed that port e in the cylinder-cap end leads to port e in the check- valve-case end; also, that the ports a in the auxiliary-reservoir end lead to the ports a in the check-valve-case end. The ports a connect with corresponding ports in the brake- cylinder head and convey brake-pipe air to the space under the check- valve 15, thence through port e and passage G to chamber H. Port C in the auxiliary-reservoir end connects with a port in the brake-cylinder head that leads into the brake cylinder. Port C leads from the auxiliary-reservoir end of the triple valve to chamber X, and the ports r in the slide-valve seat lead into port C; hence all air entering in the brake cylinder through the triple valve must pass through port C. Port p in the auxiliary-reservoir end leads to port p in the slide-valve seat and connects with a port in the brake-cylinder head that leads to the atmosphere. Port x in the auxiliary-reservoir end divides, one branch leading to port x in the slide-valve seat and the other branch leading to chamber x back of the by-pass valve. Also, port x connects with a port in the brake-cylin- der head that leads to the supplementary-reservoir connection. Port c in the slide-valve seat leads to the chamber back of the by-pass piston. Port g, located in the upper part of the slide- valve bushing, is used to supply auxiliary-reservoir pressure to chamber /, in front of the by-pass valve, and through port h to the chamber in front of the by-pass piston. Port y in the check- valve-case end leads to port y in the slide-valve seat; also, it connects with a port in the check- valve case 13 that leads to chamber F, between the emergency valve and the check-valve. Port t leads from the slide-valve seat to the chamber above the emergency piston. Port h in the slide-valve seat leads through the triple- valve body to the chamber below the safety valve. In most of the illustrations, port h is indi- cated as being but one port, whereas, there is one port b in the slide-valve seat and two ports extending from the outer surface of the slide-valve bushing to the chamber below the safety valve. The only reason for having the two ports h is that it is desirable to drill the ports and the thickness of the metal in the triple-valve body will not permit of a single drill of suit- able size to be used. As the ports h are drilled, the drilling must naturally commence at the check-valve-case face of the 230 TRIPLE VALVES triple valve, which accounts for the ports extending from the safety-valve chamber to the check- valve-case face. It is not necessary to plug this end of the ports, because the check- valve-case gasket blanks the ends of the ports. Fig. 3 Fig. 3. is a diagrammatic view of the triple valve showing the positions the parts assume in full-release and charging positions. OPERATION OF LN EQUIPMENT Charging Position. — When the brake pipe is first charged, brake-pipe air will pass through the passages into chamber H and move the main piston 4 to the right to full -release position, provided it is not already in that position. This movement opens the feed-groove and allows brake-pipe air to pass into cham- ber R and the auxiliary reservoir. The slide and graduating TRIPLE VALVES 231 valves are moved with the main piston to release position. The pressure in passage a raises the check-valve 15 and as port y in the slide-valve seat and port j in the slide valve register, brake-pipe air can also pass through port y into chamber R and the auxiliary reservoir. Port k in the slide valve registers with port x in the slide-valve seat, so that air can pass to the supplementary reservoir, which is charged at the same time and to the same pressure as the auxiliary reser- voir. In this position of the slide valve, port c in the seat is not covered; hence, the chamber back of the by-pass piston into which port c opens, is charged to auxiliary -reservoir pres- sure. The chamber in front of the by-pass piston into which port h opens, is at all times connected to chamber R and the auxiliary reservoir through the ports g and h\ thus, the pres- sures on both sides of the by-pass piston 25 are always equal except during emergency applications, when port c is connected to the brake cylinder through ports d, n, and r, and the by-pass- valve spring holds the by-pass valve 27 to its seat. Also, port f leads from port g to the cham.ber in front of the by-pass valve 27, and this chamber is likewise charged to auxiliary-reservoir pressure. In the charging position, port n in the slide-valve registers with port r in the seat, cavity w in the graduating valve connects the upper ends of the ports with another port in the slide-valve face that registers with the exhaust port p, so that any air in the brake cylinder can pass to the atmosphere through this passage. Release and Recharge. — ^When releasing the brakes, the brake-pipe pressure and the pressure in chamber H is increased above the auxiliary -reservoir pressure. This causes the main piston 4. with the slide valve and the graduating valve, to be moved to full-release and charging position. Port n registers with port r, port m registers with port p, and cavity w in the graduating valve connects ports m and n on the back of the slide valve, thus allowing brake-cylinder air to escape to the atmosphere. The main piston 4 uncovers the feed-groove i, which allows brake-pipe air to pass to the auxiliary reservoir. Port j registers with port y, which also allows brake-pipe air from chamber F to pass to chamber R and the auxiliary reservoir; also, port x registers with port k and, as standard 232 TRIPLE VALVES auxiliary-reservoir pressure was confined in the supplementary reservoir during the time that the brakes were applied, this pressure now assists in recharging the auxiliary reservoir, j The auxiliary reservoir, therefore, begins to recharge from two sources — from the brake pipe through the feed-groove and through ports y and j, and from the supplementary reservoir, equalizing with it through ports x and k. As the supplement- ary reservoir is charged only to standard auxiliary-reservoir pressure, it only assists in quickly recharging up to the point i of equalization of the two reservoirs, after which both reser- ^ voirs must be recharged together. As the supplementary reservoir is about two and one-half times the size of the aux- iliary reservoir, every pound of pressure it is reduced in charg- ing raises auxiliary pressure 2^ lb. Thus, after a 21-lb. reduction from 90 lb., equalization will ocbur when supple- mentary-reservoir pressure is reduced 6 lb., or to 84 lb.; aux- iliary pressure will be raised 15 lb., or from 69 to 84 lb. The reservoirs, therefore, will equalize for about two-thirds of the recharge, and will have to be recharged from the brake pipe for the other third; but as this occurs through the feed-groove i and the quick-recharge port y, the time of full recharge is much less than the time for the old triples. During recharge and while graduating the release of the brakes, the pressures on the brake-pipe and auxiliary-reservoir sides of the main piston 4 are nearly balanced. This insures a prompt response of the brakes to any reduction or increase of brake-pipe pressure, irrespective of what operation may have just preceded. If, after releasing the brakes, the brake valve is placed in run- ning position, the triple piston will remain in release position, and the auxiliary and supplementary reservoirs will be fully recharged. Quick-Service Position. — When a service reduction is made in brake-pipe pressure, the pressure in chamber H is reduced faster than air can pass through the feed-groove i. As the auxiliary-reservoir pressure in chamber Ris then greater than that in chamber H, the main piston 4 will be moved to the left, closing the feed-groove i, and shutting off communica- tion between the brake pipe and the auxiliary reservoir. The grad{uating valve moves with the main piston 4 and closes t TRIPLE VALVES 233 ports i, m, and k at the top of the slide valve, shutting off communication between the auxiliary and supplementary reservoirs, chamber Y, and the slide-valve chamber R, and between the brake cylinder and the atmosphere. It also uncovers port 2, and cavity v in the graduating valve connects ports / and o. As the main piston 4. continues to move, the shoulder on the end of its stem engages the slide valve; all these parts then move together until the knob on the main piston 4 strikes the graduating sleeve; the triple valve is then in quick-service position. In this position port k in the slide valve is moved away from port :v, which leads to the supple- mentary reservoir; port z registers with port r, and the aux- iliary-reservoir air can' pass to the brake cylinder through ports z and r and passage C; ports y and o register so that brake- pipe air from chamber Y passes to the brake cylinder through ports y and o, cavity v in the graduating valve, port I, cavity g, port r, and the passage C. The pressure in chamber Y being reduced, check-valve 15 will rise and allow brake-pipe air from passage a to be supplied to this chamber as fast as it passes out through port y. This local reduction in brake-pipe pressure will assist in applying the brakes, but will not cause an emergency application, because the air must pass through the restricted port /. The tendency to produce quick action is also guarded against by proportioning the valves and locating the ports so that the service port z will not fully register with port r while port y is connected to port o, and any movement tending to compress the graduating spring will increase the opening of the service port 2 and decrease the opening through port y. This grad- ually increases the rate of discharge from the auxiliary reser- voir, and decreases the rate of discharge from the brake pipe, until port z is opened its full extent and port y is entirely closed. When this takes place, the triple valve is said to be in full-service position. Triple valves in a short train will usually assiune this position, because the reduction in a short brake pipe is more rapid than that in a long brake pipe. When in either quick-service or full-service position, cavity q in the slide valve connects the brake-cylinder port r with port h, thus connecting the brake cylinder with the safety 234 TRIPLE VALVES valve. The safety valve, being set at a pressure of 62 lb., will prevent the brake-cylinder pressure from rising above 'this amount during a service application. Full-Service Position. — ^When a service reduction is made with a short train, brake-pipe pressure will reduce faster than when the train is long, resulting in a greater difference between brake-pipe pressure and auxiliary-reservoir pressure being formed. This will cause the triple piston to compress the graduating spring slightly and move the slide valve and gradu- ating valve a little beyond quick-service position until port o ceases to register with port y. The triple is then in full-service position. "When the slide valve is in this position, ports z and r register fully, the quick-service port y is blanked by the slide valve, and no brake-pipe air can pass to the brake cyl- inder from chamber Y. The local reduction of brake-pipe pressure at each triple valve is thus prevented, for the reason that it is not necessary; the reduction is as quick as desirable. The brakes apply promptly, because the service port z is then fully opened. Service Lap Position. — The lap position assumed by the • triple valve from quick-service position differs from the posi- tion it assumes from full-service position, owing to the fact that the slide valve is not moved when the piston moves the graduating valve to lap the service ports. The triple valve is held in service position as long as the brake-pipe reduction continues. When the brake-pipe reduction ceases auxiliary-reservoir air continues to flow into the brake cylinder until auxiliary-reservoir pressure is reduced below brake-pipe pressure sufficiently to cause the triple piston to be moved toward release position and the shoulder of the piston stem to come in contact with the slide valve. The difference in pressure necessary to move the piston and graduating valve is not sufficient to overcome the additional friction encountered in moving the slide valve, so that further movement of the piston is stopped by the slide valve. When the piston starts to lap position from quick-service position, the parts come to rest in quick-service lap position. In this position the graduating valve 7 closes port z and its cavity v is moved from over port I, so that no more air can TRIPLE VALVES 235 pass to the brake cylinder either from the auxiliary reservoir through port z or from the brake pipe through port y. If the triple valve is in full-service position when the reduc- tion of brake-pipe air at the brake valve ceases, it will assume lap position in the same manner as just explained, but the triple piston will be assisted in its movement to lap position by the graduating spring, which was slightly compressed, and the piston will be stopped in full-service lap position instead of in quick-service lap position. Graduated Release. — The triple assumes full-release posi- tion in discharging air from the brake cylinder to the atmos- phere diiring a graduated release of the brakes. To graduate the release of the brakes, the brake-pipe pressure should be increased just enough to move the main piston, slide valve, and graduating valve to release position, and the brake valve should then be returned to lap position, which will prevent any further increase in brake-pipe pressure. As the main piston and the slide and graduating valves have been moved to release position, brake-cylinder air escapes to the atmosphere through ports C, r, w, cavity w, port m, and the exhaust port p ; but, as the increase in brake-pipe pressure has ceased on account of the brake valve being lapped and as air from the supplementary reservoir still flows through ports x and k into chamber R, the pressure on the auxiliary -reservoir side of piston 4 is increased sufficiently above that on the brake-pipe side to move piston 4 and graduating valve 7 to graduated- release lap position. In this position, piston 4 closes the feed- groove i and the graduating valve closes ports m, j, and k, on the back of the slide valve. This cuts off the flow of air from the brake pipe to the auxiliary reservoir through the feed-groove i and the port j and from the brake cylinder to the atmosphere through port m, as well as from the supple- mentary reservoir to the auxiliary reservoir through port k. In this way the brakes are only partly released, as only a portion of the brake-cylinder air is allowed to escape to the atmosphere. In releasing the brake, a series of such graduations may be made until the brake-pipe pressure has been restored to the pressure at which the auxiliary and supplementary -reservoir 236 TRIPLE VALVES pressures will equalize; then the brakes will fully release. The amount of reduction in brake-cylinder pressure for any given graduation depends on the amount of air pressure that is put into the brake pipe each time the brake valve is placed in release, or running, position during such manipulations. This will also determine the rate at which the brake is recharged. Emergency Position. — ^When a heavy and sudden reduction in brake-pipe pressure is made by the brake valve or in some other way, the triple valve moves into emergency position. The pressure in chamber H of the triple valve reduces suddenly and the greater auxiliary-reservoir pressure in chamber R causes piston 4 to move rapidly to the extreme left of its chamber, moving the slide valve and graduating valve with it. The graduating spring is compressed and the triple piston rests firmly against the cylinder-cap gasket 22. When the slide valve is in emergency position, the service ports do not register. The end of the slide valve uncovers port t in the slide-valve seat, which allows auxiliary-reservoir air to pass into the cham- ber above the emergency piston, forcing this piston down and thus unseating the emergency valve 10. This allows the air in chamber Y to escape to the brake cylinder; then brake-pipe air in passage a raises the check-valve 15 and flows into the brake cylinder in large volume through chambers Y and X and passage C. This produces a local reduction in brake-pipe pressure, which causes the next triple valve to operate quick- action, and so on throughout the train. At the same time port d in the slide valve registers with port c in the seat and allows air in the chamber back of the by-pass piston 25 to escape to the brake cylinder through ports c, rf, n, r, and C The pressure in the chamber back of the by-pass piston 25 will be considerably reduced and the by-pass piston will be moved backwards by the auxiliary-reservoir pressure in the chamber in front of it. This movement of the by-pass piston will unseat the by-pass valve 27 and thus connect the supplementar> reservoir with the auxiliary reservoir through ports x, /, and g. This gives, in effect, an auxiliary-reservoir volume approxi- mately three times the size of the one that supplies air to the brake cylinder during a service application of the brake. I TRIPLE VALVES 237 During an emergency application, communication between the auxiliary reservoir and the brake cylinder is established through port 5 in the slide valve and port r in the seat. Check- valve 15 will remain unseated until the brake-cylinder pressure is nearly equal to the brake-pipe pressure; the emer- gency valve 10 will be seated as the auxiliary and brake-cylinder pressures equalize; and the by-pass valve will remain unseated until the auxiliary-reservoir and brake-cyHnder pressures are nearly equal to the pressure remaining in the supplementary reservoir. This action will result in a brake-cylinder pressure nearly equal to maximum brake-pipe pressure, and as cavity q in the slide valve is moved from over port r the safety valve is no longer connected to the brake cylinder; consequently, the high brake-cylinder pressure will be maintained until the brake is released in the usual manner. PASSENGER-BRAKE TEST Rack Tests. — In Fig. 1 are shown the results of standing train tests made with the high-speed and the LN equipments, III ■w xi/0\ m |.^ 93 90 ^ejf -:::, .^ ^:>^ - f ^<' ^^^f^^ ^ "v/cff:^ u/pme, p^: r T h /y O S /O /J 20 23 JO J^ ^O ^S 7/me-Jeco/T(/s Fig. 1 to determine the comparative time required to recharge the auxiUary reservoir after a 20-lb. service reduction has been made. The six-car trains carried 110-lb. brake-pipe pressure 238 TRIPLE VALVES and were equipped with old or high-speed, brake and new, or ] LN equipments. The brake-valve handle was placed in full release for 6 sec. and then returned to running position. The LN equipment required only 4.4 sec. to raise auxiliary-reservoir pressure to 105 lb. pressure, whereas the high-speed brake equipment with P triple valves required 27 sec. The slow rate of charging with P triples is due to the fact that the rise in auxiliary pressure cannot exceed the rise in brake-pipe pres- sure. The rapid rise of auxiliary pressure with the LN equip- ment, shows the ability of this equipment to make a number of successive applications and releases with excessive reduction of the resultant brake-cylinder pressure. 1^^ ^/// ' ve/7t J ~— - ^^^ /5 20 2^ JO js ^q ^^ JO j^ 60 ej 70 Fig. 3 throughout the stop; the old equipment gives a maximum of 83 lb. in about 5 sec, but this pressure gradually decreases to 60 lb. in about 45 sec; the pressure though is maintained constant thereafter. For the same initial brake-pipe pressure, therefore, the LN equipment gives 21 lb. higher maximum brake-cylinder pressure, and 32.5 lb. average pressure for the first 45 sec. After 45 sec, the LN equipment gives 44 lb. greater brake-cylinder pressure. This greater pressure through- out the stop is provided to compensate for the lowered coef- ficient of friction between the brake shoes and the wheels that results from the increased amount of work required from each brake shoe with the LN equipments. 240 TRIPLE VALVES In Fig. 4 are shown the pressures in the brake cylinder, brake-pipe, and auxiliary reservoir of an LN equipment that has 110 lb. brake-pipe pressure, when a 30-lb. service reduction is followed by an emergency application and release. The curves show that it required about 6.5 sec. to make the 30-lb. brake-pipe reduction in this case. This reduced auxiliary //o wo ^^ \ Jery/ce /ippf/caf/t n \60 1,11 ~\ \ Cmen renci^ y^PO/iC 7f/a/7 arcf/fe F. Ds ^ «^ 20 " \ 1 • . 1 _lW.- 'ill. ..II . . Ill 1 ^ f / T-rN 20 Pig. 4 ja JS ^o pressure to 82 lb. and gave a brake-cylinder pressure of over 60 lb. After about 10.5 sec. from the beginning of the appli- cation, an emergency application was made reducing brake- pipe pressure to 0, and raising the brake-cylinder pressure to 104 lb., but without further reducing auxiliary reservoir pres- sure; 20 sec. from the beginning of the application, a release TRIPLE VALVES 241 was made and in about 3 sec. the brake pipe and the auxiliary- reservoir recharged to practically normal pressure. Standing Tests. — In Fig. 5 are shown the results of emer- gency applications made while the train is standing. The first car having the new, or LN, equipment used 90 lb. brake- pipe pressure; the first car having the old equipment used 110 lb. brake-pipe pressure. The chart shows that the new, or LN, equipment gave a greater emergency average brake- cylinder pressure for the stop than the old equipment though the latter carried 20 lb. greater brake-pipe pressure. Running Tests. — The emergency application and retardation curves for two engines alone and ten cars alone in break-away tests, and for an entire train of two engines and ten cars are /J 20 2S JO J^ ^42 Jeconafs Fig. 5 shown in Fig. 6; the brake-pipe pressure was 110 lb. One train equipped with the old, or high-speed, apparatus was stopped from a speed of 84.2 mi. per hr., and the other, equipped with the new, or LN, equipment, was stopped from a speed of 82 mi. per hr. Retardation curves 1 and 2 are for the high- speed equipment engines alone, and for the cars alone in a break-away test, the engine having been cut off at the point of brake application in each case. Retardation curve 5 is for the train entire, consisting of the two engines and the ten cars. For the LN equipment, ^ is the retardation curve for the engine alone, 5 the curve for the cars alone, and 6 the curve for the entire train. The curves show the difference in holding power of the engines and car brakes for both equipments; also, the TRIPLE VALVES diflerence in holding power of the two types of brakes. The engines vach the high-speed equipment, curve 1, passed the pomi at which the cars stopped, curve 2, at a speed of about 53 mi. per hr. and with a wrecking energy of 110,000 ft.-lb. per 1,000 lb. of engines. The engines with the LN equipment, curve 4f passed the point at which the cars stopped, curve 5, at a speed of about 55 mi. per hr., and with a wrecking energy of 108,000 ft.-lb. per 1,000 lb. of engines. This shows clearly 400 eOO /BOO /ffOO BOOO 2400 2800 J3200 JffOO 'WOO OisTtr/rce in feet ' ^ " Fig. 6 that the efficiency of the car brakes is much greater than that of the locomotive brake, due to the unbraked weight of the locomotive and to its relatively low per cent, of braking power. The train with the high-speed equipment, curve 3, passed the point at which the train with the LN equipment stopped, curve 6, at a speed of about 36.5 mi. per hr. and a wrecking energy of about 48,000 ft.-lb. per 1,000 lb. of train. i The comparative retardation curves for an eight-car train, when service applications are made, are shown in Fig. 7» TRIPLE VALVES 243 The old, or high-speed, equipment train had a brake-pipe pressure of 110 lb. and the new, or LN, equipment train, a brake-pipe pressure of 90 lb. The old-equipment train was P/sfamce/rt/eef- Fig. 7 stopped with two applications as will be seen by the cylinder- pressure diagrams; with the new equipment, the brake was first applied heavily and graduated off as the end of the stop was approached. The comparative retardation curves for an eight-car train, when emergency applications are made, are shown in Fig. 8. /ooo Fig. 8 The brake-pipe pressure was 90 lb. and the total weight of the train was 532.5 T. The curves show that when the train equipped with the old, or high-speed, equipment passed the 244 TRIPLE VALVES point at which the new-equipment train had stopped, its speed! was 32 mi. per hr. and it had a wrecking energy of 35,810,0001 ft.-lb. It passed the point at which the new-, or LN-, equip-] ment train stopped, 7.5 sec. before the new-equipment train j reached that point. It was running at over 20 mi. per hr. and I had a wrecking energy of over 14,000,000 ft.-lb. at the instant 1 the new-equipment train stopped. It ran over 100 ft. after j the other train stopped. The total work done, in foot-pounds J per second, was 3,014.5 with the new brake and 2,442 with the J old. The work per brake shoe was 27 ft.-T. per sec. with the J new and 21 ft.-T. per sec. with the old. CLEANING TRIPLE VALVES Triple valves should be inspected and thoroughly cleaned at least once every 3 mo. The main piston and attached valves should be immersed in kerosene while cleaning the other parts. Remove and examine the emergency parts, then clean and replace them without oiling, as they are seldom used and the oil will only serve to collect dirt. The slide valve and main-piston chamber should be cleaned with kerosene and a piece of cloth, and care sliould be taken not to leave any lint clinging to the parts. All the grooves and ports should be thoroughly cleaned by means of a pointed, hardwood stick to remove the gum from the grooves. Give the triple-piston chamber and slide-valve seat a light coat of oil. Then remove the parts from the kerosene, and clean the slide valve and grad- uating valve. The main-piston packing ring should be worked around until all the dirt is removed from it; it should not be removed from the piston unless a new ring is to be applied. Care should be taken to wipe all parts perfectly dry before lubricating them, because, if any kerosene is left in the triple or on any of the parts, it will tend to destroy the lubricating qualities of the lubricant. Also, care should be taken not to apply too much oil or grease, as practical experience has shown this to be one of the chief causes for undesired quick action. The face of the slide valve and graduating valve and the main- piston packing ring should be lightly lubricated with oil TRIPLE VALVES 245 provided for that purpose, and these parts put back into place. See that the graduating spring and sleeve work properly, and that all gaskets are in good condition; a defective gasket should be replaced with a new one. Examine and clean the by-pass valve and piston of the type L triple valve and replace without oiling. If the rubber seat of either the emergency valve or the by-pass valve is defective, a new one should be substituted. The safety valve of the type L triple valve should also be taken apart and cleaned, and reassembled without oiling. The safety-valve and brake-pipe strainers should be thoroughly cleaned. After the triple valve has been cleaned and put together, it should be tested on the triple-valve test rack. TRIPLE-VALVE EQUIPMENT In the accompanying table the approximate light weights for cylinder sizes specified are calculated for 50-lb. cylinder pres- sure for all types of equipment — plain and quick-action triple valves, and ET engine and tender equipments — and for a total leverage not to exceed 9 to 1. 7D 60 r r r fO 6B.22 6rs4' " ^^ ^ \' ^^ • ^^^^ -«.^^ ^ -<^/^ fqur/?mi »/7/ A/eM' S/^c//prrf errf>^ K \ \. /6733>K 9037.66n 5 fO /5 20 25 30 35 4 1 1 Tyme'.,^ Seconds i 1 O/a 1 -^TSf .ffO/ /2S7 /SSO /790 /947 1 /^ew 1 -^77 S79 /I99 /4S4- 16/9 \ D/sf^7/7ce /WFee/' O/a 1 4X9 1 ^23 1 33e 1 293 1 240 1 /57 ^a66-3J9S£C /Ue^l ^7/ \ ^fOa \ 3SO 1 2SS \ I6S \5^-4S£d, Fig. 1 Comparative speed-time-retardation curves for an eight-car train, when emergency applications are made, are shown in 246 TRIPLE VALVES eof liary rvoir bes re ro 0?' ro !M X coco TjHb-eococo rococccc'*'* tH(N(M(M coco (MIMCOCOCO xxxxxx XXXX XX xxxxx OiMrHcOcrcO 000 °3 rH rH (N (Tjl !N (N (M(N '-HrH(N(M(M fepl^piLfep^fc^ pid, fe^fefeplH H 5-^ -(J •a .C! M ooooo ooooo •2P N ooooo ooooo "^^o^^ & o o o o q, cothcTi-Tco ooooo (N»0 0'"0 0" P.'^ Vh^ tfl sis >> (N-'^iOOOO (M CO O O O Droximal Weights inders f o Specific Pound ooooo ooooo M -M -M -(J +J +J ooooo 4J +J 4J +J +J ooooo ooooo ooooo S^ ooooo oo_oq_o ^ § OJ S=! lo'cor-TcTi-r lo'c^Tioo'cT ^ O i-KNrJHtOOO T-tC^COiOO a)"'5'o > ml ^ *^ ^ o s 'C 0) 1-1 ^ o & III Q 1 u a .2 1 o 1 1 ■ p TRIPLE VALVES 247 1^ -•-> wi ^.^ w 0) c3 M CJ.JH > m 02 THr-.(N(N^^^ o,qqq qo odr^'cOOCo" CO X V co" d" co' co" io'aJ'cD'"t^"o'i> i-HO't^'x" r-^t^OO (M ^ CC X -H rH 0^ -^ CO X r-H rt (N CO L-: t^ O CM s^ CO coo CSJ CO «o o o o o o OOOOOOO CO 033 0000 000 o o o o o oooooo ,-^ — N -^ — , --, ^ 000 00 0,000 00 5 5 Up 2,00 2,00 7,00 ^(Ml-- occ_qo oxTiicocd v^qo^o^qo^q co" x" Tt-" co' d" c:5" qo^qqo^q cd"L0"c5*cD'"l>.'"o' rH c^ ro 1^ T-KMrJ^OOO 1-1 (N T^ CD X --> (>4 01C0 C^CO (N(N(N> j2 ^ 60 w PU CU fe fe 248 TRIPLE VALVES Fig. 1 ; the brake-pipe pressure was 90 lb. These curves show the speed-time and speed-distance relations existing through- out the stop. A chart showing the progress of air-brake efficiency, as indi- cated by the comparative distances in which a train made up t/anef Brer/re Sfra/ahtAfr P/a/nAutomar/c /aF2 Qu/c/f Ac f ion ■ Aufomaf/e /aa7> H,^^;Spee^ /a94 //O Lt>. B.ap. so Li>. B.P.P ^^uj^n^nr f/OLt>.£.P.P. /OOO /600 SOOO Fig. 2 sooo ssdo of a locomotive and six cars has been stopped from a speed of 60 mi. per hr. for various types of equipment is given in Fig. 2. BRAKE-PIPE VENT VALVE The brake-pipe vent valve, here shown, is furnished when ordered with either ET or old automatic (schedule FL) tender- brake equipments. For a complete installation, a 10"X24" reservoir. Piece No. 3,091, is required, and with ET equip- ments, a brake-pipe air strainer with a f-in. side opening. The weight is 27 lb. This valve is intended for use in place of the triple valve on tenders of engines that are to be used in double-heading or as helpers in a train. The vent valve requires a 10"X24" reservoir. As a vent valve is much less sensitive than a quick-action triple valve, this apparatus can be used wherever brake-pipe venting is desired, with TRIPLE VALVES 250 TRIPLE VALVES entire freedom from undesired quick action. At the same time it insures the certainty of obtaining quick action through the entire train when desired. The piece number of the brake- pipe valve vent, complete, is 15,280. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 15,234 2 Body, bushed. 15,235 3 Cylinder cap. 10,030 4 Piston ring. 15,239 5 Piston, includes 4. 15,237 6 Cylinder-cap gasket. 15,246 7 Slide-valve spring. 15,240 8 Slide valve. 15,244 9 Check- valve cap. 15,245 10 Check-valve spring. 15,243 11 Check- valve, complete, includes 12 and 13. 10,417 12 Rubber seat for check- valve. 15,242 13 Check-valve guide. 15,273 14 Pipe-bracket gasket. 19,249 15 Pipe bracket, complete, includes 16, 17, 18, and 19. 16.288 16 Graduating sleeve. 18,286 17 Graduating spring. 14,357 18 Graduating-spring nut. 15.282 19 Stud and nut. 11.002 20 Bolt and nut, | in. X If in. | DISTRIBUTING VALVES NO. 5 DISTRIBUTING VALVE The No. 5 distributing valve is a part of, and is regularly supplied with, the No. 5 ET locomotive brake equipment. An exterior view of the distributing valve and the reservoir is shown in Fig. 1; in Fig. 2 is shown a cross-section through the valve. The piece number of the valve, complete, with reservoir, is 13,017; without the reservoir, 13,018. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 12,809 2 Body, bushed, includes Piece No. 3526. 14,283 3 Application-valve cover, includes Piece No. 1635. 6,268 4 Cover screw. TRIPLE VALVES 251 252 TRIPLE VALVES Fig. 2 Pc.No. Ref.No. Name of Part 10.918 5 Application valve. 14,281 6 Application- valve spring. 10,872 7 Application-cylinder cover. 10,836 8 Cylinder-cover bolt and nut. 10,870 9 Cylinder-cover gasket. 12,271 10 Application piston, includes 1*5. 10.914 11 Piston follower. 10,920 12 Packing-leather expander. 10,913 13 Packing leather. 10.915 14 Application-piston nut. _ 12,891 15 Application-piston packing ring. 10,917 16 Exhaust valve. 14,281 17 Exhaust-valve spring. 10.916 18 Application-valve pin. 10.919 19 Graduating stem. 1,523 20 Graduating spring. 9,283 21 Graduating-stem nut. 10.857 22 Upper cap nut. 12.348 23 Equalizing-cylinder cap. 10,836 24 Cylinder-cap bolt and nut. TRIPLE VALVES 253 Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 10,869 25 Cylinder-cap gasket. 13,021 26 Equalizing piston, includes 27. 10,032 27 Equalizing-piston packing ring. 12,589 28 Graduating valve. . 12,887 29 Graduating- valve spring. 12,588 31 Equalizing slide valve. 17,237 32 Equalizing slide-valve spring. 12,586 33 Lower cap nut. 10,526 34 E-1 safety valve, complete. 10,397 35 Double-chamber reservoir, complete, in-. eludes two of 37 and four of 36. 12,274 36 Reservoir stud and nut. 10,076 37 Reservoir drain plug. 3,526 Distributing-valve drain plug. 10,884 39 Application-valve cover gasket. 12,270 40 Application-piston cotter. 9,696 41 Distributing- valve gasket. 1,635 Pipe plug. « NO. 6 DISTRIBUTING VALVE The No. 6 distributing valve with plain cylinder cap is a part of, and is regularly supplied with, No. 6 ET locomotive brake equipments. The quick-action cylinder cap is supplied only when specially ordered; its weight, complete, with plain cap and reservoir, is 165 lb.; with quick-action cap and reservoir. 170 lb. The piece number of a No. 6 distributing valve, with plain cylinder cap, E-6 safety valve, and reservoir, complete, is 16,945; with quick-action cylinder cap, E-6 safety valve, and reservoir, complete, 16,946; with plain cylinder cap and E-6 safety valve, complete, without reservoir, 16,937; with quick- action cylinder cap and E-6 safety valve, complete, without reservoir, 16,938. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. In Fig. 3 is shown the arrangement of the valve and reservoir; in Fig. 4 is shown a cross-section through the valve; and in Fig. 5 is shown a section through the union stud, union nut, and union swivel. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 19,338 2 Body, bushed. Application-valve cover, includes 42- Cover screw. Application valve. Application-valve spring. Application-cylinder cover. Bolt and nut. 16,521 3 6,268 4 16.940 5 14,281 6 10,872 7 10,836 8 254 TRIPLE VALVES TRIPLE VALVES 255 Pc.No.Ref. 10,870 9 16,939 10 43,605 11 10,920 12 10,913 13 10,915 14 12,891 15 16,479 16 14,281 17 16,482 18 10,919 19 1,523 20 9,283 21 16.481 22 18,650 18,649 23 10.836 24 7o. Name of Part Cylinder-cover gasket. Application piston, includes 15. Piston follower. Packing expander. Packing leather. Application-piston nut. Application-piston ring. Exhaust valve. Exhaust -valve spring. Application-valve pin. Application graduating stem. Application graduating spring. Application graduating stem nut. Upper cap nut. Plain cylinder cap, complete, includes 23, 44, 45, and 46. Plain cylinder cap. Bolt and nut. 256 TRIPLE VALVES 16,512 26 10,032 27 12,589 28 12,887 29 18,601 31 9,721 32 18,602 33 15,890 34 16,941 35 12,274 36 10,076 37 16,520 39 12,270 40 68,013 41 6,753 42 16,214 43 13,251 44 14,357 45 1,811 46 1,635 18,365 18,364 202 15,292 203 18,363 204 Fig. 5 Pc. No. Ref. No, Name of Part 16,491 25 Cylinder-cap gasket. Equalizing piston, includes 27. Equalizing-piston ring. Graduating valve. Graduating-valve spring. Equalizing valve. Equalizing-valve spring. Lower cap nut. E-6 safety valve, com- plete. Double-chamber reservoir, complete, in eludes two of 37 and four of 36. Reservoir stud and nut. Reservoir drain plug. Application- valve-cover gasket. Application- piston cotter. Distributing -valve gasket. Oil plug. Strainer. Graduating sleeve. Cap nut for plain cylinder cap. Graduating spring for equalizing piston. i-in. pipe plug. Distrib uting-valve union connection, corri- plete, includes 202, 203, and 204. Union stud. Union nut. Union swivel. No. 6 Distributing-Valve Quick-Action Cylinder Cap. — The quick-action cylinder cap, shown in Fig. 6, is used with the No. 6 distributing valve for engines that are to be used in double-heading service, or as helpers in a train, and is fur- nished only when specially ordered. It weighs 12 lb. The piece number of the cylinder cap, complete, is 16,528. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 16,936 47 Cylinder cap, bushed. 16,526 48 Emergency valve. 15,244 49 Check- valve cap nut. 16,527 50 Valve stem. 15,242 51 Check-valve guide. 10,417 52 Rubber seat for check-valve. 15,243 53 Check- valve, complete, includes 51 and 52, 26,179 54 Check- valve spring. 1,811 55 Graduating spring. 16,524 56 Cap nut. 16,529 57 Emergency-valve spring. 17,605 58 Stop plug. TRIPLE VALVES 257 Union T. — The union T, shown in Fig. 7, is used in the appli- cation cylinder pipe that connects the distributing valve with the automatic and inde- pendent brake valves. The piece number of a |-in. O. D. copper-pipe union T, complete, which includes 203, 204, and 205, is 18.366; 204 I OD. Copper F/pe Fig. 6 ^OO Copper F/pe ' Fig. 7 the piece and reference numbers of the various parts are: Fc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 15,292 203 Union nut. 18,363 204 Union swivel. 18,362 205 Union T. Spring Identification of No. 6 Distributing Valve Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire B,In. Free Height C,In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring 1.523 If .08 21 13^ Nickeled Steel Application- Graduating 1,811 H .083 2^ 12 Phosphor- Bronze Equalizing- Graduating 26,179 H .091 IH 8^ Phosphor- Bronze Quick-action Cylinder -Cap Check- Valve 24.113 a .106 1 2H 151 Nickeled Steel Safety-Valve 258 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE DEVELOPMENT OF ET BRAKE When the straight-air brake was first put into service, the locomotive was not fitted with brakes lest the drivers might slide and flatten. However, the desire for maximum braking power for the train soon led to the use of a tender brake and, later, to a brake on the drivers. After the auto- matic brake superseded the straight-air brake, a truck brake was added, thus completing the locomotive equipment. The next step was to equip the locomotive with a straight-air brake in combination with the regular automatic air brake, thus pro- viding the engineer with independent control of the locomotive brake, which greatly increased the flexibility and efficiency of the brake system as a whole. Although the combined straight-air and automatic brake greatly increased the flexibility of control of the engine brake, especially in switching and in handling slack in freight service, it increased considerably the number of pieces that went to make up a complete locomotive brake equipment. Then the duplex main-reservoir regulation, the double-pressure control, and the high-speed brake equipment added more apparatus to the equipment, making it still more cumbersome. In fact, from the very adoption of the automatic brake, all improve- ments were made by adding apparatus to the equipment existing at the time; consequently, as the improvements pro- gressed, the equipment became more and more complicated. With the increase in speed and weight of trains, the con- ditions of train service necessitated still further improve- ments in the brake system. It was apparent that to meet the requirements by the addition of the necessary apparatus to the brake system then in general use would make the system too cumbersome. This naturally led to the design of a locomotive brake equipment that would include in one apparatus all the desirable features of the existing brake system and eliminate many of the undesirable features, NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 259 besides providing new features necessary to meet the require- ments of prevailing conditions of road service. This new brake system is known as the ET locomotive-brake equip- ment, the letters ET being an abbreviation for engine and tender. The ET locomotive brake equipment is adapted for all classes of engines and for all kinds of service, the only differ- ence in the equipment for locomotives of different size or for different service being in the size of the brake cylinders used. It was introduced in 1905, and was known as the No. 5 ET equipment. The No. 6 -ET equipment is an improvement on the No. 5 ET equipment, as it accomplishes in a simpler manner all that the No. 5 ET equipment does, besides intro- ducing other features that experience with the No. 5 ET equip- ment has suggested. The ET brake equipment differs materially from the older form of locomotive brake equipment. It consists of less appa- ratus, as many of the valves are replaced by others of different construction, and the method of its operation is somewhat different. The same air pump, main reservoirs, duplex gauge, and brake cylinders, together with their apparatus for carrying the power to the brake shoes, are left in service, but the older forms of automatic brake vajve, slide-valve, feed-valve, and duplex governor are replaced by new ones; also, the independ- ent brake valve takes the place of the older form of straight- air brake valve. The distributing valve replaces the triple valves, auxiliary reservoirs, and high-speed reducing valves formerly used on the engine and tender, and a new form of slide-valve feed-valve fitted w4th the regulating device adapted for a quick change of pressures takes the place of the reversing cock and duplex feed-valve. The reducing valve for the independent brake- valve also acts as a reducing valve for the air-signal system so that the style of reducing valve formerly used with the signal system is dispensed with. The double check- valves used with the combined automatic and straight-air brake are also dis- pensed with in the ET equipment. This new type of locomotive brake equipment can be applied to any locomotive, whether used in high-speed or 260 NO. GET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE i ordinary passenger service, double-pressure-control service, freight service, or any kind of switching service. It has all the advantages of the older types of brake equipment and many other i«mportant advantages found by practical experi- ence to be necessary in modern locomotive brake service. The locomotive brakes can be applied with a graduated, a full-service, or an emergency application. They can be applied and released in conjunction with the brakes on the cars or independently of them, and they can be released either wholly or partly at the will of the engineer. Also, it is possible to release the train brakes and hold the locomotive brakes applied full force. When double-heading, the brake on either locomotive can be applied or released by the engineer on that engine without affecting any other brake. This is a valuable feature, because it permits the engine brake to be released in case the drivers slide and applied again as soon as the wheels begin to turn. The supply of air for the locomotive brake cylinders is taken direct from the main reservoir, and the distributing valve is designed so as to supply automatically brake-cylinder leakage, from the main reservoir, thus preventing the loco- motive brakes from leaking off as they do when the brake- cylinder supply is taken from the auxiliary reservoir. Neither the length of the brake-piston travel nor the brake- cylinder leakage affects the brake-cylinder pressure, and so long as the brake piston does not strike the non-pressure head of the cylinder or the brake rigging does not catch something that will prevent the power exerted on the piston from being transmitted to the brake shoes, the engine and tender brakes will be applied with the same pressure. If the brake is applied with the independent brake valve in order to prevent the engine from moving after being stopped, it will not leak off; and when standing on a down grade the locomotive brake can be applied independently to hold the train while the auxiliaries on the cars are being recharged. NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 2.1 PIPING ARRANGEMENT AND EQUIPMENT The general arrangement of the various valves, pipes and pipe connections of the No. 6 ET equipment as applied to the locomotive is shown in the accompanying piping diagram. The discharge pipe conveys the compressed air from the air pump to the first main reservoir. The reservoir connecting pipe connects the two main reser- voirs. The main-reservoir pipe leads from the second main reser- voir and serves as a supply pipe to deliver full main-reservoir pressure to the automatic brake valve, the distributing valve, the B-6 feed- valve, the C-6 reducing valve, the maximum- pressure governor, and the red hand of the large air gauge. The main-reservoir cut-out cock is placed in the main-reser- voir pipe so that main-reservoir air can be shut off from the brake system when it is necessary to remove any of the apparatus while the brake system is charged. It contains a small bleed hole that allows the air to escape from the piping to the atmosphere when the cock is closed. The governor pipe H is connected to the main-reservoir side of the main-reservoir cut-out cock and leads to the maxi- mum-pressure head of the duplex governor, so that this head of the governor is always subjected to main-reservoir pressure regardless of whether the cock is opened or closed. The distributing-valve supply pipe E conveys main-reservoir air from the main-reservoir pipe to the distributing valve for use in the locomotive brake cylinders. The distributing-valve cut-out cock in pipe E is for the purpose of cutting off the supply of main-reservoir air from the dis- tributing valve when necessary. The pipe N leads from the main-reservoir pipe to the red hand of the large air gauge, which registers main-reservoir pressure. The brake pipe connects with the train brake pipe, so that it is in direct communication with all triple valves on the cars in the train. It connects with the automatic brake valve through the pipe 0, and with the distributing valve through the pipe F. 262 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 263 The double-heading cock (in the brake pipe just under the brake valve) is for the purpose of cutting out the automatic brake valve from the brake pipe on the following locomotive of a double-header. It is closed when its handle is parallel with, and open when its handle is at right angles to, the pipe. The by-pass for charging dead engine consists of a pipe leading from the brake pipe to the main-reservoir pipe, together with a cut-out cock, a strainer, and a non-return check-valve. The purpose of this arrangement is to provide a means of supplying air for the distributing valve and brake cylinders of a dead engine (or one with a disabled air pump) from the supply in the brake pipe that is furnished by the other engine. When necessary' to use the by-pass arrange- ment, the double-heading cock in the brake pipe must be closed and the cut-out cock in the by-pass pipe opened. When the by-pass arrangement is not in use, the cut-out cock in the by-pass pipe must be closed. The brake-cylinder pipe leads from the distributing valve to the driver and tender brake cylinders; also it connects with the engine-truck brake cylinder when the engine is provided with a truck brake. The driver, tender, and truck-brake cut-out cocks are for the purpose of cutting out their respective brakes in case the brake becomes disabled. The choke fittings in the tender and truck brake-cyHnder pipe have a restricted opening that will allow air to pass to and from the engine-track and tender-brake cylinders fast enough to operate their brakes properly; but if the hose con- nections to these cylinders should burst or become uncoupled, the choke fitting will restrict the flow of air so that the dis- tributing valve can hold the pressure up to the standard in the other brake cylinders; hence, the bursting of a tender- or truck-brake hose will not disable all the locomotive brakes during the stop. The B-6 feed-valve reduces the main-reservoir pressure to the standard desired for use in the train brake pipe. The C-6 reducing valve reduces the main-resen.'oir pressure to 45 lb. for use in the independent brake valve and in the air-signal system. 264 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE Tht; feed-valve pipe leads from the B-6 feed-valve to the pipe bracket of the automatic brake valve and conveys air at feed-valve pressure to the automatic brake valve. The excess-pressure governor pipe leads from the feed-valve pipe to the chamber above the diaphragm in the excess- pressure head of the duplex governor. The reducing-valve pipe conveys air at a pressure of 45 lb. from the C-6 reducing valve to the independent brake valve and the air-signal pipe. A branch pipe leads from the reduc- ing-valve pipe to the combined strainer and check-valve through which air passes to the signal pipe. The gauge pipe L conveys air from the brake-cylinder pipe to the red hand of the small duplex gauge, which thus registers the pressure in the locomotive brake cylinders. The governor pipe K leads from the pipe bracket of the auto- matic brake valve to the chamber below the diaphragm in the excess-pressure head of the duplex governor. It supplies air at main-reservoir pressure to this chamber when the auto- matic brake valve is in release, running, or holding position. The gauge pipe U is connected to the brake pipe below the double-heading cock and leads to the black hand of the small duplex gauge. The black hand of this gauge therefore registers brake-pipe pressure at all times, whether the double- heading cock is open or closed. The equalizing-reservoir pipe connects chamber D of the automatic brake valve to the equalizing reservoir. The gauge pipe M leads from the equalizing-reservoir con- nection of the brake valve to the black hand of the large duplex gauge. The black hand of this gauge therefore registers equalizing-reservoir pressure at all times. The application-cylinder pipe connects the automatic and independent brake valves with the application cylinder of the distributing valve. The distributing-valve release pipe leads from the application- cylinder exhaust of the distributing valve to the independent brake valve. The release pipe extends from the automatic brake valve to the independent brake valve and connects the automatic brake valve with the application-cylinder exhaust port of the jl NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 265 distributing-valve through the independent brake valve and the distributing- valve release pipe when the independent brake valve is in running position. The automatic brake valve is for the purpose of operating the locomotive and train brakes. The independent brake valve is for the purpose of operating the locomotive brakes only. The distributing valve controls the flow of air to and from the locomotive brake cylinders. It is the most important feature of the ET equipment and takes the place of the engine and tender triple valves, their auxiliary reservoirs, and the high- speed reducing valves used with the former type of locomo- tive brake. DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION DESCRIPTION OF VALVE The No. 6 distributing valve with its double-chamber reservoir is the most essential part of the ET equipment. This valve operates the locomotive brakes only. It takes Fig. 1 the place and performs all the functions of the triple valves, auxiliary reservoirs, double check- valves, and high-speed reducing valves used with the former types of locomotive 266 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE brake. Fig. 1 shows the dividing line between the distribu- ting valve and its double-chamber reservoir. The distributing valve (the piece to the left) is directly connected"tj the double- chamber reservoir, and all the pipe connections, of which theie are five, are made to the reservoir so that the distiibuting valve can be separated from its double-chamber reservoir without disturbing any of the pipe connections. Fig. 2 is a side view of the double-chamber reservoir sec- tioned in such a manner as to show the partition between the pressure chamber and the application chamber, as well as the relative sizes of these chambers. This view also shows the Fig. 2 ports MR, BP, and o, and the core and drain plugs. The pressure chamber represents an auxiliary reservoir, and the application chamber, combined with the application cylinder of the distributing valve, represents a brake cylinder. These chambers have the relative proportions to each other of an auxiliary reservoir and its proper brake cylinder with 8 in. of piston travel; thus, when the pressure chamber is charged with air at 70 lb. per sq. in., the same as that in the brake pipe and auxiliaries on th-e train, the volume of air therein will equalize in both chambers at 50 lb., and in that propor- tion at every other auxiliary-reservoir pressure. The volume NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 267 of the application cylinder of the distributing valve is included in the volume of the application chamber at all times except when the equalizing slide valve is in emergency position, at which time the equaUzing valve closes communication between Fig. 3 the application cylinder and the application chamber. The volume of the equalizing-valve chamber in the distributing valve is included in the volume of the pressure chamber in all positions of the distributing valve. 268 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE In Fig. 3 is shown a view of the distributing valve with the valve body sectioned vertically; all the movable parts of the valve are shown in place. Fig. 4 shows two views of the equalizing valve 31; Fig. 5, a view of the valve seat; and Fig. 6, a view of the graduating valve. As shown in Fig. 4, port z extends through the equalizing valve, and k, n, and q are cavities in the face of the valve. Port r extends through the valve, and port x leads from port r into the cavity q. Port 5 extends through the valve into a groove in the valve face, which is in two widths. In the valve seat. Fig. 5, port / leads to the safety valve; the ports h combine Fig. 4 and connect with the appli- cation cylinder and with the application-cylinder pipe connec- tion 2; port i leads to the distributing- valve release-pipe con- nection 4', and port w leads direct to the application chamber. In Fig. 7 are shown ^^^^ the exhaust - valve seat, with the ex- haust ports d and e that lead to the brake - cylinder ex- lO 0* 0^ a^^i Fig. 5 Fig. 6 haust port of the distributing valve; the exhaust valve 16 and spring 17, the side of the valve being broken away to show the port /that extends through the valve; the face of the application valve 5, showing its port a and the opening into which the pin IS NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 269 fits ; and a view of the application-valve pin 18. This pin is made of steel and fits snugly in the opening 18 in the appHcation-pis- ton stem. It extends upwards into the large round opening in the face of the appHcation valve 5, and its function is to trans- mit the motion of the application piston ^0 to the applicatioa mmmmmm mmm Fig. 7 valve 5. It is grooved to receive the pin ah in the application piston and a similar pin in the opening in the appUcation valve -5, so that the application valve cannot be put in wrong end to. Also, a view of the application piston iO is shown. This piston controls the movement of the appUcation valve 5 and the exhaust valve 16. It ii moved back and forth by creating 270 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 1 a difference of pressure on its two faces. In this view the stem is broken away so as to show the rivets a that secure the exhaust-valve yoke 1 to the stem and the pin ab that fits in the groove in the application- valve pin 18. The guide, or solid piston, 4-7 around the stem just back of piston 10 fills the cylinder between the application-piston cylinder and the exhaust-valve bushing, so that it is nearly air-tight. This acts as a dashpot to make piston 10 move back and forth gradually and thus steadies the movement of the valves 5 and 16. The other figures show the application graduating stem 19 and spring W, and the application graduating-stem nut 21. DUTY OF PARTS The duty of the equalizing piston 26 is to control the move- ment of the equalizing valve 31 and the graduating valve 28, as well as to open and close the feed-groove v. It is caused to move by creating a difference of pressure on its two faces, the greater pressure moving it toward the lesser pressure. The equalizing valve 31 opens and closes communication between the pressure chamber, the application cylinder, and the application chamber, and between the application cylinder, the application chamber, and the distributing- valve exhaust. The equalizing valve is made shorter than the distance between the shoulders on the equalizing-piston stem, so that, when it is in service position, the piston can move the graduating valve far enough to open and close port z without moving the equali- zing valve. The graduating valve 28 opens and closes port s in the equalizing valve 31, and thus graduates the flow of air from the pressure chamber into the application cylinder when a graduated-service application is made with the automatic brake valve. The graduating valve also opens communica- tion between the application cylinder and the safety valve through ports r and 5 in the equalizing valve when in service position, and closes this communication when in service-lap position. The application piston 10 controls the movement of the application valve o and the exhaust valve 16. It is caused move by increasing or decreasing the pressure in the application 1 NO. SET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 271 cylinder g above or below that in the exhaust-valve cham- ber. The application valve 5 controls or graduates the flow of main-reservoir air from chamber a to the exhaust-valve chamber and the locomotive brake cylinders when the brakes are being applied by either the automatic or independent brake valves. The exhaust valve 16 opens and closes the brake-cylinder exhaust ports e and d. It is made shorter than the distance between the shoulders on the application-piston stem, so that when the exhaust valve is in lap position, piston 10 can move valve 5 far enough to open and close port b without disturbing the exhaust valve. The application-piston guide 4'^ is made nearly an air-tight fit in its bushing, so that in addition to acting as a guide for piston 10, it acts as a dashpot that assists in steadying the movement of the application piston and its slide valves 5 and 16. The application graduating stem 9 and spring 20 act as a cushion for piston 10 when it is moved to application position. They also assist the pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber in moving the application piston 10 back to lap position when the pressure in this chamber and that in the application cylinder are nearly equalized. The graduating stem 19 and its spring 20 are held in the stem of piston 10 hy the nut 21. The stem 19 touches the cap nut 22 just as the piston 10 starts from lap to application position; thus, as piston 10 moves to application position, the spring 20 is compressed, and when the pressure in the exhaust -valve chamber becomes a trifle greater than that in the application cylinder, spring 20 will assist in moving piston 10 back to lap position. The equalizing-piston graduating sleeve 44 and spring 4^ perform the same functions as the graduating stem and spring in a triple valve. They assist in preventing the equalizing piston from moving past service position during a service appli- cation on a short train, and also aid in starting the equalizing piston from emergency position. The application piston 10 is provided with a packing leather 13 and a packing-leather expander 12, as well as with a brass packing ring 15. These prevent air from leaking from the application cylinder s into the exhaust-valve chamber during an appHcation of the brakes. 272 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE The function of the application-valve pin 18 is to move the application valve 5 when piston 10 moves. The pin fits snugly in the stem of piston 10 and in valve 5\ thus, piston 10 cannot move without moving valve 5. Whenever it becomes necessary to remove piston 10 from its cylinder, the applica- tion valve 6 and pin 18 must first be taken out. The upper, or application, piston of the distributing valve controls the movement of the supply and exhaust valves that control the brake-cylinder air supply during an application of the locomotive brakes and exhaust brake-cylinder air to the atmosphere during a release of the brakes. The lower, or equalizing, piston controls the movement of the equalizing and graduating valves. The equalizing piston, equalizing valve, and graduating valve operate the same as the triple piston, slide valve, and graduating valve of a triple valve. They con- trol the flow of air from the pressure chamber into the applica- tion cylinder and the application chamber during an automatic application of the brakes, and from the application cylinder and the application chamber to the distributing-valve exhaust when the brake is to be released by the automatic brake valve. The equalizing piston is operated by variations in brake-pipe pressure, and the application piston is operated by changes of pressure in the application cylinder or in the exhaust-valve chamber. With the ordinary automatic brake, the pressure in the brake cylinder depends on the amount of air the tiiple valve passes from the auxiliary reservoir into the brake cylinder; but with the ET equipment, the supply of air for the locomotive brake cylinders comes from the main reser- voir, and the pressure in the brake cylinders is determined by the pressure in the application cylinder of the distributing valve. With an automatic application, the pressure in the application cylinder depends on how much air the equalizing piston and its slide valves pass from the pressure chamber into the application cylinder. In another method of varying the pressure in the appli- cation cylinder to apply and release the locomotive brakes, no movement of the equalizing piston and its valves is required. This operation is performed by means of the independent brake valve. This brake valve can be operated to pass air I NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 273 from the reducing- valve pipe direct into the appUcation cylinder or to discharge air from the application cyHnder to the atmos- phere. This operates the application piston independently of the variation in brake-pipe pressure and applies or releases the locomotive brakes. Inasmuch as the supply of air for the brake cylinders is taken from the main reservoir direct and the •operation of the application piston depends on the pressure in the application cylinder, as long as the pressure in the appli- cation cylinder is maintained, the same pressure will be main- tained in the brake cylinders, regardless of brake-cylinder leakage or variations in brake-piston travel. AUTOMATIC OPERATION OF DISTRIBUTING VALVE A conventional view of the distributing valve and its double- chamber reservoir is shown in the accompanying illustration. As the parts, ports, and cavities in the distributing valve are located so that they cannot be shown in a true sectional view, this conventional view has been prepared to help in the study of the operation of the valve. It shows the pressure and application chambers of the double-chamber reservoir as a part of the distributing valve and of a different shape from the original, being smaller in proportion to the size of the valve, but with the same relative proportion to each other. However, it must be borne in mind that conventional views are given in order to simplify the tracing of the air through the various ports, as well as to help explain the operation of the valve, rather than to show its actual construction and the proper location of the various ports. Automatic Charging Position. — ^When the distributing valve is charging, air from the main reservoir enters at Mi?, and passes into the application- valve chamber a. This supply of main- reservoir air is always present around the application valve 5, unless the main-reservoir cut-out cock or the distributing- valve cut-out cock is closed. When air is first admitted to the brake pipe, it enters the distributing valve at the brake-pipe connection and passes into chamber p. If the equalizing piston is not already in release position, the air entering chamber p will force it to release 274 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE position ; then all parts will assume the positions shown. The feed-groove v is opened by the piston 26^ and air from chamber p will pass through it into the equalizing-valve chamber, thence through port o to the pressure chamber, until full brake-pipe Ub Bra/(e P/fi4 pressure is obtained in this chamber. The feed-groove v is made of such a size that it will charge the pressure chamber at the same rate as the feed-groove in a triple valve will charge its auxiliary reservoir. NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 275 Automatic Service Position. — When making an automatic service application of the brakes, brake-pipe pressure is reduced. This reduces the pressure in chamber p of the distributing valve, and as the feed -groove is very small, the pressure in chamber p can reduce faster than the air can pass back through the feed-groove v. The greater pressure in the equalizing-valve chamber will then move the equalizing pis- ton 26 to the right. This movement cuts off communication between the equalizing- valve chamber and chamber p, by closing the feed-groove v. The graduating valve 28, which fits snugly between the shoulders on the piston stem, is also moved on the back of the equalizing valve so as to uncover the upper end of port z in the equalizing valve, and cavity i in the graduating valve 28 connects the ports r and s in the top of the equalizing valve. By this time, the shoulder on the end of the piston stem has engaged the equalizing valve, and a further movement of piston 26 carries the equalizing valve with it and all these parts will assume service position. When the valves are in this position, cavity k in the face of the equalizing valve is moved from over ports h and w, so that these ports are no longer connected with the exhaust port i. Cavity n in the face of the equalizing valve connects ports h and w in the valve seat, thus opening communication between the application cyl- inder and the application chamber; also, port r is moved over port h, and port 5 over port I. As ports r and 5 are con- nected through cavity t in the graduating valve 28, this opens communication between the application cylinder, the applica- tion chamber, and the safety valve. Port z in the equalizing valve registers with port h in the valve seat. This allows air from the equalizing- valve chamber and the pressure chamber to flow through ports z and h into passage h, thence to the application cylinder, and also through port h, cavity n, and port w into the application chamber. The equalizing piston stands against the graduating sleeve, but does not compress the graduating spring, because of its resistance and the fact that the slightly greater pressure in the equalizing- valve cham- ber is gradually reduced by the air passing through port z. If the pressure in the equalizing- valve chamber should be greatly in excess of the pressure in chamber p, the graduating spring 276 ^0. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE would be compressed and the parts would assume emergency- position. Air passing from the pressure chamber into the application cylinder builds up a pressure on the left side of the application piston 10, which forces this piston to the right. This movement of piston 10 also moves the application valve S and exhaust valve 16 over to the right. The graduating stem 19 strikes the cap nut, and the graduating spring 20 is compressed. When the exhaust valve 16 moves to the right, it first closes the exhaust ports e and d, and thus cuts off the brake cylinders from the exhaust port Ex and the atmosphere. Application valve 5 then connects chamber a with port b, and thus allows main-reser- voir air to flow from chamber a through port b into the exhaust- valve chamber, thence through port c to the brake cylinders. If the reduction in the brake-pipe pressure is not great enough to equalize the pressures in the application cylinder, the applica- tion chamber, and the pressure chamber, air from the equalizing- valve chamber will continue to flow through ports z and h until the pressure on the pressure-chamber side of the equalizing piston £6 is a trifle less than that remaining in chamber p and the brake pipe. The greater pressure in chamber p will then move the equalizing piston 26 and graduating valve 28 to the left, until the graduating valve closes the upper end of port z, stopping the flow of air from the pressure chamber to the application chamber and the application cylinder, thus pre- venting any further increase in application-cylinder pressure. The graduating valve has also closed the top end of port 5 and cut off communication between the application cylinder and the safety valve, so that if the safety valve leaks, the leak cannot reduce the pressure in the application cylinder. Air from chamber a will continue to flow to the exhaust-valve chamber and out through port c to the brake cylinders until the pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber slightly exceeds that in the application cylinder, when the greater pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber, assisted by the graduating spring 20 and stem 19, will move piston 10 to the left far enough to close port b and stop the flow of air from chamber a to the exhaust- valve chamber. This position, is called automatic service lap position. NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 277 Automatic Release Position. — To release the locomotive brakes through the automatic brake valve, both the H-6 and S-6 brake valves must be in running position. When the auto- matic brake valve is placed in release position, air from the main reservoir passing into the brake pipe increases the brake- pipe pressure, which causes the triple valves on the cars to move to release position and release the train brakes. At the same time, the increase of brake-pipe pressure also increases the pressure in chamber p of the distributing valve above that in the equaH zing- valve chamber, which forces the equalizing piston 26 to the left, carrying with it to release position the equalizing valve 31 and the graduating valve 28. When in this position, the equalizing piston 26 opens the feed-groove v, which allows air from chamber p to flow past piston 26 to the equaHzing-valve chamber, and out through port and passage into the pressure chamber, until the pressure equalizes on both sides of the equalizing piston 26. The graduating valve 28 has the top end of port z blanked, and communication between ports r and 5 is cut off. Cavity k in the equalizing valve con- nects ports h and w with the exhaust port i that leads to the distributing- valve release pipe, but as the automatic brake valve is in release position, its rotary valve closes the opening from the release pipe to the atmosphere and prevents the distributing valve from releasing the locomotive brakes. In order to connect the distributing-valve release pipe with the atmosphere and thus release the locomotive brakes with the automatic brake valve, the automatic brake valve must be moved to running position. This allows the air from the at)plication cylinder and chamber to escape to the atmosphere through ports h and w, cavity k, and port i into the distributing- valve release pipe, thence through the S-6 brake valve into the release pipe and out to the atmosphere through the automatic brake valve. As the air in the application cylinder reduces, the greater pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber moves piston 10 to the left, carrying with it the application valve 5 and the exhaust valve 16. This movement of the application valve does not affect port b, but the exhaust valve i^ connects the brake cylinders with the atmosphere and brake-cyUnder pres- sure exhausts through ports d and e, thus releasing the brake. 278 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE To graduate the release of the locomotive brakes, through the automatic brake valve, the handle should be left in running position just long enough to reduce the application-cylinder pressure the desired amount, after which it should be moved to lap, holding, or release position. As the pressure in the applica- tion cylinder g reduces, the greater pressure in the exhaust- valve chamber will move piston 10 and valves 5 and 16 to the left and the exhaust valve 16 will allow brake-cylinder air to escape through ports d and e until the pressure in the exhaust - valve chamber is slightly less than that remaining in the appli- cation cylinder, when the greater pressure in the application cylinder will move piston 10 and valve 16 to the right and stop the flow of brake-cylinder air to the atmosphere. The equal- izing valve being in release position, the application chamber and the application cylinder are connected to the safety valve through ports h, s, and l. Automatic Emergency Position. — ^When a sudden and heavy reduction in brake-pipe pressure is made, it causes the distrib- uting valve to operate quick-action, and the movable parts will assume automatic emergency position. The pressure in chamber p of the distributing valve being suddenly reduced, the greater pressure in the equalizing-valve chamber quickly moves the equalizing piston 26 to the right with sufficient force to compress the graduating spring 4^, thus allowing the equal- izing piston 26 to move its full stroke and rest against the gasket 25. This movement carries the equalizing valve 31 with it to emergency position, port h in the equalizing-valve seat is uncovered, and ,air from the equalizing valve chamber passes through port h to passage h and the application cylinder. Cavity n in the equalizing valve is also moved away from port h, thus closing communication between the application cylin- der and the application chamber. Under these conditions, the pressure chamber has only the small volume of the application cylinder to fill, consequently the pressure chamber and the application cylinder will equalize quicker and at a much higher pressure than during a service application. The operation of the application piston 10, the application valve 6, and the exhaust valve 16 in emergency applications is the same as in service applications, except that they are moved to application NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 279 position much quicker, and port b is opened wider than in ser- vice applications. When the pressure in the exhaust -valve chamber becomes equal to that in the application cylinder, the application piston will be moved to automatic emergency lap position. When the pressure chamb^ is charged to 70 lb., an emergency applica- tion will equalize the pressures in the pressure chamber and the application cylinder at about 65 lb., but when the automatic brake valve is in emergency position, air from the main reservoir will pass through a small port in the rotary valve and a port in its seat, into the application-cylinder pipe, thence to the appli- cation cylinder of the distributing valve, which raises the pres- sure therein above 65 lb. The amount of pressure that will be allowed to accumulate in the application cylinder will be deter- mined by the adjustment of the safety valve, to which it is connected. Main-reservoir air can pass through port n in the rotary valve of the automatic brake valve in about the same volume that it can pass to the safety valve through port x in the equalizing valve, so that a pressure of 68 lb. will be held in the application cylinder, as this is the pressure for which the safety valve is set. As the pressure in the brake cylinders is determined by the pressure in the application cylinder, also, 68 lb. will be obtained in them. This high brake-cylinder pres- sure will cause a shorter stop to be made than with a service application. In high-speed brake service, the operation of the distributing valve is exactly the same as in ordinary service, but with the high-speed brake service, the brake pipe being, charged to a pressure of 110 lb. and the main-reservoir pressiore being about 130 lb., an emergency application will raise the pressure in the application cylinder, and consequently in the brake cylinders to about 93 lb. In this case, however, the small port X in the equalizing valve will allow air to pass from the application cylinder to the safety valve a little faster than it can enter the application cylinder through the small port in the automatic brake valve, so that the safety valve will reduce the pressure in the application cylinder from 93 to 75 lb. in about the same time as the high-speed reducing valve will reduce the brake-cylinder pressure to 60 lb. 280 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE When the application-cylinder pressure is reduced to 75 lb., a main-reservoir pressure of 130 lb. will force air into the applica- tion cylinder through the small port n in the rotary valve of the automatic brake valve as fast as it can escape from the applica- tion cylinder through the small port x in the equalizing valve, so that a pressure of 75 lb. will be maintained in the application cylinder and consequently in the locomotive-brake cylinders. When the equalizing piston 26 and valves 28 and 31 are in emergency position, and the application piston and valves 6 and 16 have moved to service position and then lapped the ports in the application- valve and exhaust- valve seats, the distributing valve is said to be in automatic emergency lap position. If the emergency application is caused by a burst hose, by the opening of a conductor's valve, or by the train parting, the automatic brake valve must be lapped to save main-reservoir air. Under these conditions the distributing valve will operate in the same manner as previously explained, but, since the auto- matic brake valve is not in emergency position, no main-reser- voir air will pass to the distributing valve through the applica- tion-cylinder pipe, therefore, the brake-cylinder pressure will not be as high as if the application were made by the automatic brake valve. In high-speed service carrying 110 lb. of brake- pipe pressure, the brake-cylinder pressure will be reduced to 68 lb., this being governed by the safety valve. If only 70 lb. of brake-pipe pressure is carried, the resulting brake-cylinder pressure will be but 50 lb. After a full-service application, if a greater brake-cylinder pressure is necessary, main-reservoir pressure may be conveyed to the application cylinder of the distributing valve by placing the automatic brake valve in emergency position. Automatic Release After an Emergency Application. — The automatic brake valve is operated in the same manner to release the brakes after an emergency application as after a service application, but the effect on the distributing valve is somewhat different. When the H-6 brake valve is placed in release position, the brake-pipe pressure in chamber p of the distributing valve is increased above that in the equalizing- valve chamber and the equalizing piston and the valves 28 and II NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 281 31 are moved to release position. Cavity k in the equalizing valve 31 connects port h with ports w and i, which allows the pressure in the application cylinder to expand into the applica- tion chamber, and the pressure will quickly equalize at 15 lb. This will cause the application piston iO to reduce automatically the brake-cylinder pressure to the same amount, which will be retained as long as the automatic brake valve is in release position. To release the brake fully, the automatic brake valve must be placed in running position in order to connect the dis- tributing-valve release pipe with the atmosphere. INDEPENDENT OPERATION OF DISTRIBUTING VALVE Independent Application Position. — ^When the distributing valve is operated by means of the independent brake valve, piston 10 and valves 5 and 16 are the only parts that move. The equalizing piston 26 and its valves 28 and 31 are not influenced by the operation of the independent brake valve. When the independent brake valve is moved to either slow- application or quick-appUcation position, air from the main reservoir, reduced to a pressure of 45 lb. by the C-6 reducing valve, passes through the independent brake valve and applica- tion-cylinder pipe directly to the application cylinder of the distributing valve. This movement of the rotary valve of the independent brake valve also closes communication between the distributing- valve release pipe and the atmosphere, so that air from the application cylinder and chamber cannot escape through the distributing- valve exhaust port i. The pressure in the application cylinder forces the application piston 10 to the right to independent application position. The application valve 5 and the exhaust valve 16 will move with it, valve 16 will close the exhaust ports d and e, and valve 5 will then open port a to port b. Main-reservoir pressure from chamber a will pass through port b into the exhaust-valve chamber and out to the brake cylinders through port c until the pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber is a trifle more than that in the applica- tion cylinder, when the greater pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber assisted by the graduating spring 20 will force piston iO to the left until valve 5 closes port b. This position of the distributing valve is called independent lap position. 282 iVO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE A graduated independent application may be made by admitting a certain amount of pressure to chamber g in the distributing valve and then placing the independent brake valve in lap position, continuing this as often as desired until a full application is obtained. Each time the brake valve is lapped, the distributing valve will assume independent lap position. When a full independent application is obtained, there will be a pressure of 45 lb. in the application cylinder and the locomo- tive brake cylinders, this being the pressure for which the C-6 reducing valve is set. When the equalizing valve 31 and piston 26 are in release position, if the reducing valve is out of order or improperly adjusted, the safety valve will prevent the applica- tion-cylinder pressure rising above 68 lb., the pressure for which it is set, provided the independent brake valve is in slow-appli- cation position; but if the independent brake valve is in quick- application position, the larger ports in the brake valve will supply air to the application cylinder faster than it can escape through the safety valve; consequently, the brake-cylinder pres- sure will be increased above the amount for which the safety valve is set. Independent Release Position. — If the equalizing piston 26 is in release position when the locomotive brakes are being released by means of the independent brake valve, the movable parts of the distributing valve will assume independent release position, which is exactly the same as when the brakes are released by the automatic brake valve. When the independent brake valve is moved to release position, it allows air to flow from the application chamber and cylinder to the atmosphere. The greater pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber then moves piston 10 to the left, carrying valves 5 and 16 with it. Valve 16 opens port d, and port /, through valve 16, registers with port e. This allows air from the exhaust-valve chamber and brake cylinders to escape to the atmosphere through the exhaust port Ex. When the equalizing piston of the distributing valve is in release position and the automatic brake valve is in running position, the locomotive brakes can be released by placing the independent brake valve in running position. Under these circumstances, application-cylinder and application-chamber air NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 283 will flow through ports h and w, cavity k^ and port i into the distributing- valve release pipe, and then through the independ- ent brake valve into the release pipe and out to the atmosphere through the automatic brake valve. The locomotive brakes may be released by the independent brake valve after they have been applied in service or emergency by the automatic brake valve by moving the independent brake valve to release position. This allows the air in the application cyHnder to escape through the application-cylinder pipe and the independent brake valve. However, if the auto- matic brake valve is in emergency position when releasing the locomotive brakes through the independent brake valve, it will be necessary to hold the independent brake valve in release position in order to prevent the brakes from reapplying, because, with the automatic brake valve in emergency position, main- reservoir air will be supplied to the application cylinder through the maintaining port n in the rotary valve of the automatic brake valve. To graduate the release of the locomotive brakes through the independent brake valve, the handle of this valve should be moved to full-release position (or to running position, if the automatic brake valve also is in running position) long enough to reduce the pressure in the application cyHnder the desired amount, and then moved to lap position. As the pressure in the application cylinder and chamber is reduced, the greater pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber will move the application piston 10 and exhaust valve 16 to the left and reduce the brake-cylinder pressure a trifle below the application- cylinder pressure, when the application piston 10 and the exhaust valve 16 will move to the right and close ports d and e and retain the remaining pressure in the locomotive- brake cylinders. PRESSURE-MAINTAINING FEATURE OF DISTRIBUTING VALVE The pressure-maintaining feature of the distributing valve is very valuable in connection with the ET equipment, for as long as there is air pressure in the application cyHnder of the distributing valve, the same amoimt of pressure will be 284 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE maintained in the locomotive-brake cylinders, regardless of the length of piston travel or the ordinary brake-cylinder leakage. This is due to the fact that the supply of air for the locomotive- brake cylinders is taken from the main reservoir, and when the application piston iO is in service lap position, due to either an automatic or an independent application, a leak that reduces brake-cylinder pressure will also reduce the pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber of the distributing valve, which will cause the application piston 10 and valve 5 to be moved to the right by the greater pressure in the application cylinder. As the application valve 5 is moved to the right, it will open com- munication between chamber a and the brake cylinders through port b in the application-valve seat and allow main-reservoir air to pass to the locomotive-brake cylinders until the pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber, and consequently in the brake cylinders, is equal to that in the application cylinder, when the application piston 10 will move valve 5 to the left far enough to close port b. This action of the distributing valve will be repeated each time the leaks reduce brake-cylinder pressure below that in the application cylinder. It is possible for the leaks from the brake cylinder to cause the application piston 10 and valve 5 to be moved to the right just far enough to supply main-reservoir air to the brake cylinders through port b as fast as it can escape through the leaks, in which case piston 10 would not move valve 5 back to lap position until the brakes were released through the brake valves. If there are any leaks from the application cylinder of the distributing valve, this maintaining feature will be destroyed, because, with the brakes applied and the brake valve in lap position, the leak will continue to reduce the pressure in the application cylinder. This will allow the greater pressure in the exhaust-valve chamber to move the application piston 10 and its valves to release position and exhaust brake-cylinder air. In such a case, however, it will be possible to hold on the brakes by placing the independent brake valve in slow-applica- tion position. Automatic Emergency Position With Quick-Action Cylinder Cap. — The valves in the quick-action cylinder cap do not operate during a service application, but when an automatic I NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE 285 emergency application is made, they operate to vent some of the brake-pipe air to the locomotive-brake cylinders. The brake- pipe air vented to the locomotive brake cylinders by the quick- action cylinder cap does not give any higher brake-cylinder FadraAeP/pe pressure, but causes a local reduction in brake-pipe pressur« that insures the quick-action operation of the train brakes. The positions of the various parts, when the valve is in auto- matic emergency position, are as here shown. 2g6 NO. 6 ET LOCOMOTIVE BRAKE When a heavy and sudden brake-pipe reduction is made, piston 26 moves out quickly the full length of its cyHnder. The knob on the piston strikes the valve stem 50 and moves it over against the tension of the spring 55. As the emergency valve 48 fits snugly between the shoulders on the valve stem 50, it also moves to the right and uncovers port j in the valve seat. This allows brake-pipe air from chamber P to pass through port j to chamber X, which forces the check- valve 53 down against the resistance of spring . J^. This allows brake-pipe air to flow to passage m in a large volume; it then passes through passage u to the chamber back of the application piston 10, and through port c into the brake cylinders. This makes a local reduction in brake-pipe pressure, which insures that the next distributing valve, or quick-action triple valve, will go into quick action. When the brake-cylinder and brake-pipe pressures have nearly equalized, spring 54 forces valve 53 back to its seat, so that no air can pass from the locomotive-brake cylinders into the brake pipe. When the brake-pipe pressure is increased sufficiently to force piston £6 back to release position, the grad- uating spring 55 forces the stem 50 and emergency valve 48 back to their normal positions. During this movement, valve 48 closes port j. CARE OF DISTRIBUTING VALVE In order that the distributing valve may work properly, the valves and pistons must be kept well lubricated and free from dirt. The distributing valve and its reservoir should be regularly drained and the pipe connections should be kept tight. If the distributing valve is to be repaired or cleaned and tested, it should be removed from the double-chamber reservoir; this is done by removing the nuts from the reservoir studs. As all the pipe connections are made to the double-chamber reservoir, removing the valve in this manner will not interfere with the pipe joints. If the gasket between the distributing valve and the reservoir becomes torn or injured while removing the valve, a new one must be supplied, as a very slight leak across this gasket, from one port to another, will interfere seriously with the operation of the valve. When the pipes are PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 287 first installed or when new ones are applied, they should be blown out with steam or compressed air before the valves are attached, to clear them of foreign matter. If the distributing valve becomes dry from lack of lubrication, or if it becomes corroded or very dirty, a greater difference of pressure .will be reqmred to overcome the excessive friction and to operate the movable parts. If the pipes and passages become corroded or very dirty, the engine brakes wiU not apply and release as promptly as when they are clean. If the engine brakes fail to apply when the brake system is fully charged and a 5-lb. service reduction is made, the trouble is most likely due to excessive friction in the working parts of the distributing valve, which should then be removed, cleaned, and lubricated. Sometimes the equalizing- piston packing ring sticks in its groove and prevents the equal- izing piston from being moved by variations in brake-pipe pressure. PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT OF EQUIPMENT The schedule PC equipment was designed especially for pas- senger-train service to control passenger cars weighing 130,0001b. or more. Passenger-brake cylinders had been increased from time to time as the increased weight of the cars demanded, until the 18-in. cylinder finally came into use. This brake cylinder pro- vided for cars of maximum weight up to 127,000 lb. When cars of 150,000 lb. or more were imder construction, it became necessary either to use a 20-in. brake cylinder or to redesign the brake rigging so as to provide for a suitable brake for this service. A very serious objection to the use of a 20-in. cyhn- der was the time necessary to apply the brake to its full capacity. At 80 mi. per hr., the speed is 116 ft. per sec; and at 60 mi. per hr. it is 88 ft. per sec. A couple of seconds lost, therefore, means a couple of hundred feet passed over before the brake begins to be effective, thus greatly lengthening the 288 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT distance in which a stop could be made. Another objection to the use of a 20-in. cylinder is that on account of leakage the stop will be lengthened still more, it being impossible to obtain packing leathers large enough and of sufficient uni- formity to prevent excessive leakage. Then, too, the piston rods, levers, etc. will be so large and heavy that they will take up too great a percentage of the power developed. The increased weight of the cars naturally brought increased length of trains, and the larger cylinders and greater train length mean that a much greater volume of air must be handled through the brake pipe. This would make the action of the brake on a train of cars with 20-in. cylinders so slow that it would be impossible to control the heavy cars with nearly the same effectiveness as is obtained with the brake used on lighter cars. Train Energy to Be Controlled. — The accompanying table has been compiled in order to give a clear idea of the tremendous amount of energy that the brake of a modem heavy passenger ENERGY OF TRAIN AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS Speed Miles per Hour Velocity Head Feet Energy per 1,000 Lb. of Weight Foot-Pounds Total Energy of Train Weighing 1,650,000 Lb. Foot-Pounds 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 3.55 14.20 31.95 56.80 88.75 127.80 173.95 3,550 14,200 31,950 56,800 88,750 127,800 173,950 5,857,500 23,430,000 52,717,500 93,720,000 146,437,500 210,870,000 287,017,500 tram has to destroy in stopping the train. The velocity head multiplied by the weight of the train, in pounds, will give the energy, in foot-pounds, for that speed. The third column of the table gives the energy of each 1,000 lb. of train at the differ- ent speeds given in the first column. The rate of change of the energy of 1,000 lb. of train with the increase in speed is indicated PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 289 by the curve in the accompanying chart, which was plotted from the values given in the third column of the table. Both the table and the curve show that the energy of each 1,000 lb. of train is four times as great at 20 mi. per hr. as at 10 mi. per hr.; nine times as great at 30 mi. as at 10 mi. ; sixteen times as great at 40 mi.; twenty-five times as great at 50 mi.; thirty-six times as great at 60 mi.; and forty-nine times as great at 70 mi. In ^'- ^■. 20000 4 6 S 10 12 14 160000 Energy in Foot-Pounds per 1000 Pounds of Train Other words, at 70 mi. per hr., the brake has to do forty-nine times as much work to stop the train as it would at 10 mi. per hr. Suppose that a train weighs 1,650,000 lb. Then, according to the fourth column of the table, the brake must destroy 5,857,500 ft.-lb. of energy in stopping the train at 10 mi. per hr.; whereas, at 70 mi. per hr., it must destroy 287,017,500 ft.-lb. of energy, an amount sufficient to raise the entire train 174 ft. 290 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT vertically in the air. The magnitude of the energy that must be destroyed in stopping the train running at a speed of 70 mi. per hr. is too great to grasp without a special effort. But to give an idea of the magnitude, it may be said that if a person were to count 150 in each minute, or 90,000 in 10 hr., he would have to count 10 hr. a day at this rate for about 3,189 da., or every day for about 8f yr., to count the number of foot-pounds of energy to be destroyed in stopping the train running at a speed of 70 mi. per hr., or 287,017,500. This energy, if con- verted into heat, would produce 268,917 units of heat, an amount sufficient to raise 2,598 lb. (311 gal.) of water from 70° F. to the boiling point, or to raise the temperature of 16 T. of iron 100° F. To destroy, within a distance of less than 1,200 ft. and with- out endangering the safety of the passengers and equipment, the enormous energy stored up in modem trains of heavy cars moving at high speeds, requires a brake of high maximum emergency stopping power; to perform the ordinary service functions and to provide the automatic safety and protective features necessary for a service of this kind, requires a very flexible and efficient service stopping power. It was to provide a brake that would fulfil these requirements that the PC pas- senger equipment was designed and introduced into service. FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES OF BRAKE In the PC passenger equipment, the triple valve is replaced by a valve known as a control valve, which performs several new functions in the manipulation of the brakes. The features of the brake, as well as its functions, are as follows: Graduated release and quick recharge, which are obtained in a manner similar to that of the type L triple valve. The emer- gency reservoir furnishes the air necessary for obtaining the graduated release and for assisting in recharging. Certainty and uniformity of service action, which are obtained by so designing the parts of the control valve that the feed- grooves are closed on the slightest brake-pipe reduction. The design is such that the differential necessary to move the parts PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 291 to service position is then built up as the brake-pipe reduction progresses. Quick rise in brake-cylinder pressure, which is provided for by prompt movement of the parts of the control valve and by direct, unrestricted passages from the reservoirs to the brake cylinders during applications. Uniformity and maintenance oj brake-cylinder pressure dur- ing service stops, which are provided for as in the distributing valve of the ET equipment. Predetermined limiting of the service braking power, which is freed by the equalization of the pressures in the application chamber and the pressure chamber of the control valve. This feature does away with the necessity of the safety-valve feature of the ET and other equipments. Automatic emergency application on depletion of brake-pipe pressure, which is insured automatically by the movement of the parts of the control valve to emergency position just as soon as the brake-pipe reduction becomes less than the pres- sure at which the pressure chamber and the reduction-limiting chamber equalize. Full emergency braking power at any time; the operation of the emergency and quick-action parts of the control valve is such as to give the full emergency braking power whenever the parts move to emergency position. The parts can be moved to emergency position at any time by making an emer- gency application either v/ith the brake valve or the conductor's valve, or by other means; hence, full emergency braking power can be obtained at any time, even after a full service applica- tion has been made. Separate service and emergency features, thus giving the neces- sary flexibility for service applications without interfering in the slightest with the emergency features of the equipment. A low total leverage ratio and greater brake efficiency, due to the use of two brake cylinders on each car; also, this arrange- ment gives a higher service equalization pressure. Less tendency to undesired light applications of the brake, because the apparatus is less sensitive than others to the light fluctuations of brake-pipe pressure; this insures against brakes creeping on and dragging. 292 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 1 thus 1 1 Maximum Possible rate of rise of brake-pipe pressure, insuring greater certainty of all brakes releasing when a release is made. This is due to the fact that the brake pipe alone has to be charged by the air that flows through the brake valve; the pressure in the pressure chamber of the control valve is restored by air from the emergency reservoir, which raises the pressure at the same rate as brake-pipe pressure up to the point of equalization (about 5 lb. less than normal brake- pipe pressure) of the emergency reservoir and the pressure chamber. After equalization, the reservoir and the pressure chamber are charged up to normal pressure from the brake pipe; this insures a rapid and certain release of all brakes and a rapid recharge and prompt response to succeeding reductions that may be made. Greatly increased sensitiveness to release, due to the fact that the rate of rise of brake-pipe pressure is much greater, because only enough air to charge the brake pipe must flow from the main reservoir through the brake valve to release the brake. Means of eliminating the graduated release feature during the transition period; if a PC equipment is used in a train of cars not so equipped, the graduated-release feature can be quickly and easily cut out. GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF BRAKE Piping diagrams showing two methods of arrangement of the PC equipment are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 1 shows the arrangement when the two brake cylinders point in opposite directions, whereas Fig. 2 shows the arrangement when the cylinders point in the same direction. The arrangement shown in Fig. 1 permits of a simpler arrangement of the hand-brake rigging; on the other hand, the arrangement shown in Fig. 2 brings, on some cars, the slack adjusters into a more conve- nient position. The choice of arrangements, therefore, depends largely on the construction of the underframing of the car and on the location of the apparatus under the car. Two brake cylinders are used on each car. The service cylinder is used in both service and emergency appUcations; I PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 293 294 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT PC PASSENGER'BRAKE EQUIPMENT 295 the emergency cylinder operates during an emergency applica- tion, but does not operate during a service application. Thus, in emergency applications, the maximum service braking power is doubled not by increased brake-cylinder pressure, as in the other equipments, but by the use of the second cylinder. Each cylinder is provided with a slack adjuster, and both adjusters are connected to the slack-adjuster hole in the serv- ice-brake cylinder; thus, they will operate simultaneously and take up the slack evenly in the tv/o brake cyUnders and in accordance with the requirements of the service cyUnder. Two reservoirs are used with this equipment. The service reservoir supphes air to the service-brake cylinder; the emer- gency reservoir supplies air to the emergency cyHnder during emergency applications; also, in service operations, it furnishes the air used in obtaining graduated release and quick recharge of the equipment. A third reservoir, forming part of the con- trol valve, has three chambers called the pressure chamber, the application chamber, and the reduction-limiting chamber. NO. 3-E PASSENGER CONTROL VALVE The No. 3-E passenger control valve, superseding the No. 3-D control valve, is standard for and regularly furnished with PC (two-cylinder) schedules for very heavy passenger cars; i. e., PC-2-12, PC-2-14, PC-2-16, and PC-2-18. In Fig. 1 {a) is shown the release portion of this valve and in (&), the appUca- tion portion; the equalizing portion is shown in Fig. 2 and the emergency and quick-action portion in Fig. 3. The piece number of the control valve, complete, is 37,896. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No.Ref. No. Name of Part 37,873 Equalizing portion, complete. 32,143 Application portion, complete. 36,435 Eniergency portion, complete. 35,598 Quick-action portion, complete. 37,849 2 Equalizing body, complete, includes one each of 19 and 37. 36,420 3 Release piston, complete, includes one of 9. 37,042 4 Release-slide valve. 296 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 297 -OS PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT Pc.No. Ref. No. Name of Part Release side-valve spring. Release graduating valve. Release graduating- valve spring. Release-piston cap nut, for equalizing portion. Release-piston ring. Release-cylinder cap, bushed and plugged. Release-cylinder-cap gasket. Square head capscrew, ^ in,Xl| in. Release-piston graduating sleeve. Release-piston graduating spring. Release-piston graduating nut. Check-valve. Check-valve cap nut. Release regulating cap. Stud and nut for release regulating cap. Equalizing piston, complete, includes one each pf 21 and 32. Equalizing-piston ring, large. Equalizing slide valve. Equalizing slide-valve spring. Equalizing graduating valve. Equalizing graduating- valve spring. Large equalizing-cjdinder cap, bushed and plugged. Large equalizing-cylinder-cap gasket. Square head capscrew, l-in. X 1 |-in. Equalizing-piston stop sleeve. Equalizing-piston stop spring. Equalizing-graduating nut. Equalizing-piston ring, small. Small equalizing-cylinder cap. Gasket for small equalizing-cylinder cap. Square head capscrew, ^-in. X 1 |-in. Cap nut for small equalizing - cylinder cap. Small equalizing-piston bush. Service-reservoir charging valve, complete, includes 39 and 40. 1-in. charging- valve piston ring, li-in. charging- valve piston ring. Charging- valve seat. Charging- valve washer. Internal charging- vab'-e nut. External charging- valve nut. Gasket for release regulating cap. Body, bushed. Piston, complete, includes 76, 78, 81, 82 83, 84, and 85. Piston-stem, complete, includes 77. Piston ring, small. 9,326 5 37,040 6 31,530 7 36,421 8 28,928 9 36,381 10 36,410 11 25,418 12 38,384 13 36,406 14 36,387 15 36,023 16 36,401 17 55,353 18 4,887 19 36,823 20 28,928 21 37,870 22 9,326 23 3o,374 24 35,987 25 36.383 26 36,411 27 25,418 28 36.824 29 1,523 30 36,830 31 20,493 32 36,405 33 36,391 34 25,418 35 36,826 36 37,127 37 36,044 38 32,227 39 36,043 40 36,415 41 36,560 4-2 36,558 43 36,559 44 36,399 45 32,144 75 32,145 32,027 76 15,013 77 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 299 Pc, No. Ref. No. Name of Pari 31,558 78 Piston head, complete, includes 79 and 80. 30,603 79 Piston seal. 45,055 80 Piston ring, large. 31,429 81 Piston folio vver. 31,491 82 Piston-packing leather. 31,529 83 Piston-packing-leather expander. 31,440 84 Piston nut. 12,270 85 Piston cotter, ^-in. XI T-in. 32.030 86 Exhaust valve. 33,556 87 Exhaust-valve spring. 32.031 88 Application valve. 14,281 89 Application-valve spring. 32.032 90 Apphcation -piston holt. 36,810 Spring box, complete, includes 91, 92, 93, and 94. 36,395 91 Spring box. 36,384 92 Piston-spring sleeve. 36,406 93 Piston spring. 36,387 94 Graduating nut. 32.033 95 Application- valve cover. 32.044 96 Application- valve cover gasket. 24,496 97 Square head capscrew for application- valve cover, |-in, X 2 -Jr-in, 36.457 107 Body, bushed and plugged, includes 119. 36,762 108 Piston, complete, includes 109. 10,030 109 Piston ring. 36,686 110 Slide valve. 32.045 111 SHde-vaive spring. 36.458 112 Small cylinder cap. 36,460 113 Large cylinder cap. 36.459 114 Small cylinder-cap gasket. 36,462 115 Large cylinder-cap gasket. 18,286 116 Piston spring. 25,418 117 Square head capscrew, Hn-Xl^-in. 32,106 118 Oval fiUister head capscrew. 31,928 119 Emergency-piston bush. 36,049 130 Body, bushed and plugged. 9,753 131 Piston, complete, includes 132. 1,791 132 Piston ring. 60,527 133 Quick-action valve, includes 134 and 135 1,737 134 Quick-action valve seat. 1.794 135. Quick-action valve nut. 49,932 136 Quick-action-valve spring. 43,533 137 Quick-action- valve cap nut. 36,080 138 Quick-action-valve cover, bushed. 27,195 139 Quick-action closing valve. 25,598 140 Quick-action closing-v^lve spring. 25,597 141 Cover cap nut. 36,053 142 Cover gasket. 25,418 143 Square head capscrew for cover, J-in.X If-in. 300 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 32,156 153 Reservoir, complete, includes four of 154, seven of 155, twelve of 156, six of Piece No. 1,899. 33,148 154 li-in. cap nut. 31,550 155 Stud with hexagon nut 3f in. long. 32,111 156 Stud with hexagon nut 3| in. long. 8,728 l|-in. pipe plug. 34,037 157 Emergency-cylinder gasket. 34,036 158 Quick-action cyUnder gasket. 32,008 159 Large reservoir gasket. 32,008 160 Equalizing-cylinder gasket. Spring Identification of No. 3-E Passenger Control Valve ^:jb_j Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire B,In. Free Height C,In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring 1.057 1,523 18,286 25,598 32,045 36,406 49,932 1 .059 .08 .072 .057 .032 .135 .08 21 21 i 51 m 16 m 15 9 91 181 lU Nickeled Steel Nickeled Steel Nickeled Steel Phosphor- Bronze Phosphor- Bronze Nickeled Steel Nickeled Steel Upper Equalizing Piston-Stop Lower- Equalizing Piston-Stop Emergency Piston Quick-action Closing-Valve Emergency Slide Valve Release- Graduating & Application Piston Quick-Action Valve NO. 3-D PASSENGER CONTROL VALVE Emergency and Quick-Action Portions. — The No. 3-D pas- senger control valve differs from the No. 3-E control valve in having the emergency portion reversed in position as shown in the figure. P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 301 CONSTRUCTION OF CONTROL VALVE The control valve takes the place of the triple valve of the older equipments, and, in a general way, corresponds to the distributing valve of the ET equipment. The external construction of the control valve is shown in Fig. 1, which gives a Fig. 1 302 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 1 view of the right side of the valve, showing the lines of separa- tion of the equalizing portion. It will be obse'n/ed that the application, quick-action, and emergency portions extend into the reservoir B when in place, so that when the control valve is assembled only the flanges of these portions are visible. PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 303 Compartment Reservoir. — Sectional views of the control valve are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 in order to illustrate how the reservoir is divided into compartments. Fig. 2 is a section taken lengthwise through the center line of the reservoir, and Fig. 3 a section taken crosswise of the reservoir on the Une X Y, Fig. 2, the part to the right of the line being removed and the reservoir turned so as to show the section of the front portion of the reservoir. It will be observed that there are three chambers or compartments in the reservoir. The application chamber X extends from the partition a. Fig. 2, forwards, and also on both sides of the reduction-limiting chamber Y, Hke a pair of saddle bags. There is a drain plug on each side of the compartmetit •^'^'servoir, so that each leg of 304 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT the application chamber can be drained. At 157, Fig. 3, is shown the emergency-cylinder gasket; at 158, the quick-action- cylinder gasket; at 159, Fig. 2, the large-reservoir gasket; and at 160, the equalizing-cylinder gasket. The functions of the application chamber are similar to those of the application chamber of the ET equipment. :]on ■ : m Fig. 4 The reduction-limiting chamber Y is the space contained within the inner reservoir wall b. The application portion of the control valve extends into this space, but it is not in any way open to chamber Y, The function of the reduction-limiting chamber is to limit the service braking power to a predeter- mined amount by maintaining the equalization of the pressure ll PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 305 and application chambers of the control vaive. If, after equalization has taken place, a further brake-pipe reduction occurs, air is automatically vented from the pressure chamber into the reduction-limiting chamber, up to the pcir.t of equal- ization, fast enough to maintain the pressure-chamber pressure constant at the pressure of equalization. This, of course, maintains the appHcation-chamber pressure corjstant, which ® © '6 ® ® S ® © ® ® ® Fig. 5 Fig. 6 automatically maintains the brake-cylinder pressure constant. The capacities of the application and the pressure chambers are such that, with a 24-lb. reduction from 110 lb. of brake-pipe pressure, they will equalize at 86 lb.; from 70 lb. of brake-pipe pressure, they will equalize at 54 lb. with a 16-lb. reduction. In Fig. 2, the drain plug for the reduction-limiting chamber is shown at Id^a- 1 306 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT The pressure chamber Z extends backwards from the partition a, Fig. 2, and surrounds the inner-reservoir wall b, as shown; the drain plug for this reservoir is numbered 154' J Equalizing Portion. — The equalizing portion of the control I valve consists of two parts, the release portion, and the equal- izing portion. The release cylinder is shown in section in Fig. 4. The release slide-valve seat is shown in Fig. 5. Port p leads to chamber P of the large emergency piston; port j, to chamber 5 of the small emergency piston; port e, to the direct and Fig. 7 graduated release cap 18; ports Ex, to the emergency-piston exhaust; port q, to the direct and graduated release cap; port V, to the application-chamber exhaust and to the direct and graduated -release cap; port /, to the application chamber; port r, to the quick-action closing valve; port c', to the emer- gency reservoir; and port i, to chamber F of the small equalizing piston. The release slide valve is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Fig. 7 (a) is a sectional view; (b), a plan of the face of the valve; (c). PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 307 a plan of the top of the valve; (d), a vertical section, showing the ports e, V, and r. Port e extends through the valve, as shown. Port i leads from the cavity i in face of the valve to the upper face of the valve; port j, from the face of the valve into port t; and port V, from the face of the valve to the small port /' in the upper face. Port I connects with port q and leads to the small port / in the upper face. At r is shown a tail-port, or groove, in the end of valve. Port t leads from the face of the valve to the small port / in the upper face. The release valve graduating valve, merely has two Fig. 9 cavities in its face. One of these cavities is always connected to the emergency-piston exhaust in all positions of the valve» 308 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT so as to release the pressure on that part of the valve and insure sufficient differential pressure on the valve to hold it on its seat at all times. Equalizing Cylinder. — The equalizing cylinder is shown in section in Fig. 9. The equalizing slide-valve seat is shown in* Fig. la 0^ ® ® V o W V PI- .0 U o z r \ I ° ? ? (a) ^" "* .1 — |l \i T Fig. 11 Fig. 10. Port c leads to the emergency reservoir; port c\ to the under side of the emergency-reservoir check- valve; port &, to the brake-pipe through chamber B\ port e, to the direct and graduated release cap 18\ port w, to the reduction-limiting chamber exhaust ; and port v, to chamber G, the small end of the service -reservoir charging valve. Ports w unite and jnd of I I I leadll m PC PASSENGER-BILIKE EQUIPMENT 309 piston E.tid_ pisfon_ End Fig. 12 310 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 1 to the reduction-limiting chamber Y. Port x leads to cham- ber K, the large end of the service-reservoir charging valve; port y, to chamber E of the release slide-valve chamber; port /, to chamber C, the application chamber, and the front of application piston; port c', to the emergency reservoir; port/, to the pressure chamber Z; and port i, to chamber F of the small equalizing piston. The slotted tail-port in the end of the valve is shown at d. The equalizing slide valve is shown in Fig. 11, (a) being a view of the face of the valve and (b) a view of the top of the valve. Fig. 13 There are so many ports in this 'I'alve and they are so inter- twined that it is impossible to make one illustration that will show the relations of all the ports. The views in Fig. 11, there- fore, will be used to show the exact relation of the ports on the two faces of the slide valve, and those in Fig. 12, to show the ports that connect with each other and at the same time show how they are situated in the valve. Fig. 12 (a) shows how the ports b, c\ d, and z pass from the lower to the upper face of the valve without connecting with any other port or passage. PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 311 Ports b and c' pass through the valve in a similar manner. View (&) shows the location of ports w and I and illustrates how they too pass through the valve without connecting with other ports or passages. View (c) shows how port c leads from the bottom face of the valve to the top face, and how it connects with the ports e and v of the valve. View (d) shows how the port y passes from face to face of the valve and connects with C/ner/ies.- £'/?7e/:CY/ L57 the ports /, i, and x. It will be noted that port i is bushed, or restricted, at the lower face of the valve. The equaUzing grad- uating valve has simply a cavity in the face of the valve. Application Portion. — The application portion is shown in section in Fig. 13. It will be observed that the construction and operation of this portion of the control valve is similar to the construction and operation of the application portion of the distributing valve of the ET equipment. 312 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT I ' (a) Fig. 15 (5) Fig. 16 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 313 Emergency Portion. — The emergency portion of the control valve is shown in section in Fig. 14. The emergency slide valve and seat are shown in Fig. 15, in which view (o) shows the valve seat and (6) the slide valve. In view (a), port n leads to the service brake cylinder; port en, to chamber M, back of the application piston; port o\ to the emergency-cyUnder exhaust; and port o, to the emergency cylinder. In view (6), port n passes through the valve. Both em and o are cavities in the face of the valve. Quick- Action Portion. — The quick-action portion is shown in section in Fig. 16. OPERATION OF CONTROL VALVE Diagrammatic View. — The control valve contains so many parts, ports, and passages that it would be impossible to describe its operation clearly without the use of a diagrammatic view, which is here given. It will be noted that port a leads from the brake-pipe con- nection to chamber Y, below the quick-action valve 133; also, that it leads into chamber B, ahead of the release piston 3, and into chamber A, ahead of the equalizing piston W. Port b leads from chamber B, through the equalizing check-valve 16, to port b in the equalizing slide-valve seat. Port c leads from the face of the equalizing slide-valve seat to the top side * of the emergency check-valve 16a; continuing, it divides and one branch leads to port c in the release slide-valve seat, and the other branch leads to chamber R, between the two emergency pistons and to the emergency reservoir. Port c' leads from port c' in the equalizing slide-valve seat to the under side of the emergency check-valve 16a. Port e leads from the equalizing slide-valve seat to the direct and graduated release cap 18, thence to port e in the release slide-valve seat. Port / leads from the port / in the equalizing slide-valve seat to pressure chamber Z; it also leads to the under side of the pressure- chamber check-valve 16b. Port g leads from the service reser- voir into the application chamber N; also, a branch leads to chamber H between the two pistons of the service-reservoir charging valve. Port h leads from chamber E, surrounding 314 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 3i5 the release slide valve, to the upper side of the pressure-chamber check- valve 16b. Port i leads from the release slide-valve seat to the port i in the equalizing slide-valve seat; also, a branch leads to chamber F, surrounding the equalizing piston stop. Port j leads from the release slide-valve seat to the chamber below the small piston of the emergency valve 108. Port k connects the two ports in the application-valve seat and leads to the service-cylinder exhaust. Port I leads from the equal- izing slide-valve seat to the application chamber X] also, one branch leads to port / in the release slide-valve seat, and a second branch to chamber C, ahead of the application piston ?S. Port y leads from the release slide-valve seat to the appli- cation-chamber exhaust; also, a branch leads to the direct and graduated release cap 18. Port m connects the two ports m in the equalizing slide-valve seat and leads to the reduction- limiting chamber y. Port em leads from chamber M, back of piston 78, to the emergency slide-valve seat. Port n leads from the service cylinder to chamber 0, in the application portion; also, it is connected by a branch en with port en of the emergency slide-valve seat. Port o leads from the emergency slide- valve seat to the emergency cylinder. Port o' leads from the emergency slide-valve seat to the emergency-cylinder exhaust. Port p leads from the release slide-valve seat to the chamber P. above the emergency piston 108. Port q leads from the release slide-valve seat to the direct- and graduated-release cap 18. Port r leads from the release slide-valve seat to chamber W below the quick-action closing valve 139. Port 5 leads from the chamber T above the quick-action closing valve 139 into the passage o. Port u leads from the chamber D surrounding the equalizing slide valve to such a position in the small equal- izing piston bush 37, that when the piston is in certain positions, the port connects chamber D with chamber F. Port v leads from the equalizing slide-valve seat into the chamber G above the small piston of the service-reservoir charging valve. Port X leads from the equalizing slide-valve seat to the chamber K below the large piston of the service-reservoir charging valve. Port y leads from the equalizing slide-valve seat to the chamber E surrounding the release valve. Port qx leads from chamber X, below quick-action piston 131, to the quick-action exhaust. 316 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 1 Release and Charging Position. — In the release and charging position of the control valve, the parts are in position to release the brake and to charge the pressure chamber and the emer- gency and the service reservoir. In charging the equipment, air enters at the brake-pipe connection and passes through port a into chamber B and chamber A , thereby forcing the equal- izing piston 20 to release position. This causes port b' of the equalizing slide v^,lve to register with port b' of the valve seat and permits brake-pipe air to pass from chamber B, through port b, the equalizing check- valve 16, and ports b\ into chamber D. It will be noted that there is no feed-groove for piston 20. Also, port c' of the slide valve registers with port c' in the seat, so that air from chamber D flows through ports c', raises the emergency-reservoir check- valve 16a, and passes through port c to chamber R and to the emergency reservoir. Some of the air that passes the check-valve 16a flows through port e of the slide valve 22 and port e of the valve seat to the direct- and graduated-release cap 18, thence through port e in the release slide valve into chamber E, as shown. In passing, through port e of the slide valve 22, part of the air branches off at port V and passes through chamber H of the service- reservoir charging valve and port g to the service reservoir and to chamber N in the application portion. From chamber B, brake-pipe air also flows through the feed- groove s' into chamber E, so that this chamber charges by two paths. Air from chamber E passes through port y, thence through port / of the slide valve 22 and through port / of the valve seat direct to the pressure chamber Z, charging this chamber to brake-pipe pressure. Part of the air passing' through port y of slide valve 22 passes through port x of the' slide valve and seat into chamber K below the large piston of the service-reservoir charging valve. This gives brake-pipe pressure in both chambers G and K and a service-reservoir pressure, which is much lower, in chamber H, so that the service-reservoir charging valve is held in the position shown until recharging is completed by the greater upward pressure on the large piston. The chamber K is relatively small and the ports leading to it are large enouorh to charge it more quickly than the chambers G and H. PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 317 Chamber F, at the small end of the equalizing piston, is con> nected to the atmosphere through the port i, cavity i in the release slide valve, and the emergency-piston exhaust Ex^ thereby removing the pressure on the small piston that tends to force the piston forwards. This makes the force of the presr sure, in chamber .4 , that tends to hold the big piston in position greater than the force due to the pressure in chamber E that tends to move the equalizing piston forwards, so that the piston is held in the position shown. Chamber 5 is connected to the atmosphere through port j, the cavity i in the release slide valve 4> and the emergency- piston exhaust Ex. This removes the pressure on the lower end of the small piston and makes the force of the pressure in chamber P greater than the force, in chamber R, that tends ■ to move the emergency piston, so that the piston is held in the position shown. The reduction-limiting chamber Y is connected to the atmos- phere through the port m, the cavity w in the slide valve 22,. and the reduction-limiting chamber exhaust w. The application chamber X and the chamber C ahead of piston 78 are connected to the atmosphere through port /, port I in the release slide valve 4> port V, and the application-, chamber exhaust. The ser\'ice cylinder and chambers M and are connected to the atmosphere through ports w, em, and en, chamber O, port k, and the service- cyHnder exhaust. The emergency cylinder is connected to the atmosphere through port o, the cavity in the emergency slide valve, port o', and the emergency-cylinder exhaust Ex. The small cavity in the release graduating valve is con- nected to the atmosphere through port and cavity * in the slide valve 4 and the emergency-piston exhaust Ex. This relieves the face of the graduating valve of sufficient pressure to insure the graduating valve being held firmly on its seat under all conditions. Preliminary Service-Application Position. — A reduction in brake-pipe pressure lowers the pressure in chambers A and B below that in chambers D and E, thus tending to move both the pistons 20 and 3 forwards from release position. Piston 3 318 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT moves with a less differential pressure, however, owing to the fact that the chamber F at the small end of the piston 20 is open to the atmosphere in release position, thus reducing the area that chamber- Z) pressure acts on. A greater reduction in brake-pipe pressure, therefore, is necessary to move piston 20 than to move piston 3, so that during a brake-pipe reduction piston 3 moves first. There is a small amount of space between the graduating valve and the release piston, and considerably- more between the release slide valve and the release piston. When sufficient brake-pipe reduction is made to overcome the friction of the piston 3, the piston moves forwards, and when it strikes the graduating valve it moves that valve forwards, until, finally, it strikes against and moves the slide valve to the preliminary service position, and the parts assume this position only momentarily on their way to service position. In this position, the piston 3 has moved past the feed-groove s' and has come to rest against the release graduating sleeve 14, as shown. In moving the slide valve, port /, leading from the applica- tion chamber to the application-chamber exhaust, is closed. The reduction-limiting chamber Y, the service cylinder, the emergency cylinder, and the chambers O and M are all still open to the atmosphere. The connection between chamber F and the atmosphere is now closed, and chamber F is connected through port i and port t of the release slide valve with cham- ber E, and thence through port h, check- valve 16b, and port /, with the pressure chamber Z, thus charging chamber F to pres- sure-chamber pressure and equalizing the pressures on the two faces of the small piston. Secondary Service-Application Position. — The instant that the pressures on the two faces of the small piston of the equal- izing valve are equalized, the pressure in chamber D exerts a force on piston 20 that is greater than that of the pressure in chamber A ; hence the equalizing valve is moved forwards toward service position. During this movement it momen- tarily assumes secondary service position. In this position, the shoulder on the end of the piston stem is just against the slide valve 22; also, port e of the slide valve registers with port c and the graduating valve uncovers port c in the top of the slide valve. PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 319 so that there is a momentary connection between the emergency reservoir and chamber D while the sUde valve is moving past the secondary service position. The object of this is to charge chamber D from the emergency reservoir an amount sufficient to compensate for the increase in volume in chamber D as the piston 20 moves forwards to service position, and thus prevent a drop in chamber- D pressure due to the increased volume. Also, momentary connection is made between chamber D and the pressure chamber Z through the groove d in the equal- izing-valve seat, port d in the valve face, the cavity dw in the graduating valve, and ports / in the sUde valve and seat. This prevents chamber D from being highly overcharged and main- tains the pressures in chambers D and Z equal. The pressure in chamber E is maintained equal to the pressure in chamber Z through port /, check- valve 16h, and port h as the piston 3 moves forwards. In fact, during an apphcation of the brakes, this connection practically makes chambers E and Z but one chamber in volume; that is, during a reduction the connection through the check-valve 16h maintains the pressure equal in the two chambers, so that to reduce the pressure in chamber E, the pressure in chamber Z must be reduced a like amount. Service Position. — The piston 20 moves forwards from sec- ondary service position to service position, where it is stopped by the equalizing graduating spring 30. In this position, port u connects chambers D and F, thus equaUzing the pressures in the two chambers. The pressure chamber has a direct con- nection to chamber D by way of port / and a port through the equalizing slide valve 22. Also, it has an indirect connection with chamber D through the check-valve 16h, port h, chamber £, port t of the slide valve 4. and port i\ port i divides, one branch leading to chamber F and the other to a port in the equalizing slide valve. These two paths make provision for a considerable volume of air to flow from the pressure chamber into chamber D. Pressure-chamber air, after flowing to chamber D, can pass through port / in the slide valve 22 and port I in the valve seat to chamber C ahead of the apphcation piston 78, and to the application chamber X. The pressure thus admitted into chamber C moves piston 78 backwards to its apphcation 320 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT position, compressing the applicfation-piston spring 93. In this position, the- exhaust valve closes the service-cylinder exhaust ports ^. The port in the application slide valve is opened and permits air from the service reservoir to flow through port g' and chamber N into chamber O, and through port n to the service-brake cylinder, applying the brake with the pressure developed by that cylinder. The pressure in chamber M is maintained equal to that in the service cylinder through the port en, the cavity in the emergency slide valve, and the port em. Air will continue to flow into the service cylinder and chamber M until the pressure becomes about equal to the application-chamber pressure on the other face of the piston 78, when the application-piston spring 93 returns the piston 78 and slide valve back to service lap position. This holds the brakes applied with a service-brake-cylinder pressure about equal to the pressure admitted to chamber C and the appli- cation chamber. The operation of the application portion of the control valve for all operations of this brake is exactly the same as the operation of the application portion of the J distributing valve of the ET equipment. In service position, the emergency-brake cylinder and the reduction-limiting cham- ber are open to the atmosphere. Service Lap Position. — As there is direct connection between the chambers D, E, and Z in service position, it follows that any reduction of pressure in chamber D will produce a like pressure in chambers E and Z. When a brake-pipe reduction is made to apply the brake and the parts move to service position, air from chamber Z flows by way of chamber D into chamber C and chamber X. The air continues to flow from chamber D ■ until the pressure is reduced sufficiently below brake-pipe pres- 1 1 sure to overcome the resistance of the piston 20, when the equal- ' iziiig valve will be moved back to service lap position. It makes no difference in the operation of the control valve whether the piston 3 moves to lap position or not, because it is the equal- izing graduating valve that laps port /, thus stopping the flow of air into the application chamber X and holding the pressure that was built up in chamber C. The pressure in chamber C deter- mines the pressure in the brake cylinder, because brake-cylin- der pressure is automatically maintained equal to chamber-C li^l f PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 321 pressure by the application portion, as follows: Any reduc- tion in brake-cylinder pressure reduces chamber-O pressure and causes chamber-C pressure to force piston 78 backwards and open the port in the application valve. Air from the service reservoir, therefore, flows through chamber A^ into chamber O and the brake cylinder until chamber-O pressure is enough greater than chamber-C pressure to overcome the frictional resistance of the piston 78, when the application valve closes and cuts off the flow of air to the brake cylinder. The pressure- maintaining feature of the control valve is the same as that of the ET distributing valve. As will be noted, both chamber Y and the emergency-brake cylinder are open to the atmosphere. Overreduction Position. — The pressures in chambers D and E cannot be reduced below the pressure of equalization of the pressure chamber and the application chamber, which is 86 lb. from a brake -pipe pressure of 110 lb. and 54 lb. from a brake- pipe pressure of 70 lb. If the brake-pipe pressure is reduced below the pressure of equalization — that is, if an overreduction is made — ^the equalizing piston will be moved by chamber- D pressure beyond its service position to the overreduction posi- tion. In this position, the equalizing piston 20 compresses the graduating spring 30 and bottoms against the equalizing-cylin- der cap gasket £7. Release piston 3 remains in service position owing to the higher resistance of the graduating spring 14$ which is stronger than the spring 30. In moving forwards into overreduction position, slide valve £2 is moved so as to close, with port m of the seat, the port I leading to the application chamber and to port I of the slide valve. Port m leads to chamber Y, so that on an overreduction the air from the pressure chamber flows into the overreduction chamber Y instead of into chamber C and the application chamber. The pressure in chamber C is thus held constant at the presstire at which the pressure chamber and the appli- cation chamber equalized; hence, the service-brake-cylinder pressure is limited to this amount and maintained equal to it. The reduction-limiting chamber Y is of such size that it will equalize with the pressure chamber at about 60 lb. from a pressure-chamber pressure of 86 lb., or at about 35 lb. from a 70-lb. pressure-chamber pressure. 3^:: PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT In the overreduction position, chambers C and X are oon« nected through port /, ports / and y of sHde valve 22, and poi V of the seat with the chamber G above the service-reservoi charging valve. Also, pressure chamber Z is connected throug] port /, chamber D, ports c and v of the slide valve, and port x of the seat with the chamber K below the service-reservoir charging valve. The pressure in chamber C and, therefore, in chamber G is maintained constant; the pressure in chamber K reduces with the pressure-chamber reduction during an over-i reduction, thus insuring that the service-reservoir chargi: valve will be held down on its seat. The service reservoir, the pressure of which is maintained] about equal to chamber-C pressure by the pressure-maintaining feature of the application portion, is connected through port with chamber H. Any slight leakage from the appHcation chamber in this position of the control valve will be supplied from the service reservoir past the packing ring of the service- m reservoir charging valve that separates chambers H and G.m The capacity of the service reservoir is relatively large when^ compared with the capacity of the application chamber; there- fore, the pressure in the reservoir will be higher than that „ in chamber G when a leak develops. Reservoir air will thusM leak past the piston-packing ring that separates chambers H . and G and prevent any material drop in chamber-C and appli- cation-chamber pressure. Maintaining chamber-C pressure in this manner practically eliminates the possibility of the brakes gradually leaking off, due to application-chamber leak- age, because the pressure-maintaining feature of the control valve will automatically maintain brake-cylinder pressure equal to chamber-C pressure. Overreduction Lap Position. — When an overreduction is made, the piston 20 moves to overreduction position. This connects chamber D with chamber F, so that the pressure in. chambers D, E, and Z gradually reduces by the air discharging into chamber Y. When chamber- D pressure becomes enough less than chamber-A pressure for the latter to overcome the frictional resistance of piston 20, the piston and the graduating valve 24 will be moved back to overreduction lap position; that is, until the shoulder of the equalizing-piston stem strikes P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 323 against the slide valve 22. The graduating valve 24 will then cover or blank port / and thus close communication between the chambers Y and Z. Each succeeding reduction, provided it does not produce equalization between chambers Y and Z, will cause piston 20 to move to overreduction position and. finally, back to overreduction lap position. Also, in this position, the graduating valve 24 blanks the port v leading to chamber K, Therefore, in case the brake is held applied in overreduction position for a sufficient length of time and the leakage from the application chamber is so great that sufficient service-reservoir air cannot leak past the piston-packing ring, from chamber H into chamber G, to supply it, the service-reservoir charging valve will finally be moved upwards, opening direct connection between the service reservoir and the application chamber through port g, chamber H, ports v and y, port /in slide valve 22, and port /. Should an overreduction reduce the brake-pipe pressure below the pressure of equalization of chambers Y and Z, quick-action will result. Preliminary Release Position. — In releasing brakes, a rise in brake-pipe pressure above the pressure in chambers D and E will cause the piston 20 to move toward release position. The equalizing piston 20 moves first, because the release piston and valves are designed so that they will require a greater differential pressure to move them than is necessary to move the equalizing piston and valves. When the equalizing slide valve 22 has been moved to preliminary release position, it is held momentarily with port 2 of the slide valve in register with port y of the seat. In this position, the pressure chamber Z is connected with chamber F by port/, ports w and i of the slide valve, and port i of the seat. Chamber-Z pressure in chamber F and the force of the equalizing-piston stop-spring 30 insure the slide valve 22 siifficient time in the preliminary release position to reduce chamber- £ pressure below that in the brake pipe by an amount that makes positive the return of piston 3 to release position. Chamber-jE air exhausts through port y, port z of the sHde valve, cavity dw of the graduating valve, and port w of the slide valve, to the reduction-limiting-chamber exhaust w. Secondary Release Position. — The reduction of chamber- £ pressure results in the release piston moving to release position 324 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 1 while the equalizing piston still momentarily remains in position with port 2 of the slide valve in register with port y of the seat. This position is called the secondary release position. With piston 3 in release position, chamber F is connected with the emergency-piston exhaust port Ex by port i and cavity i of the release slide valve. At the same time, the pressure chamber Z is connected to the same port i and chamber F by the port /, ports / and i in the slide valve 22, and port i. The exhaust of chamber-Z air through port i tends to maintain the pressure in chamber F temporarily while slide valve 4 is increasing the port opening from chamber F to the atmosphere to insure the exhaust from chamber E being held open until after the release piston is in release position. As the movement of the release slide valve toward release position increases the size of the opening of port i, the pressure in chamber F gradually decreases until it is low enough for the differential pressure acting on the piston 20 to start the piston toward release position. This movement of the slide valve 22 gradually restricts and, finally, closes port /, thereby stopping the flow of chamber-Z air into port i and chamber F. Chamber-F air then exhausts to the atmosphere, and the equalizing piston is moved to release position and held there. When the slide valve 4 assumes release position, and before the slide valve 22 moves to release position, a second passage is made for the exhaust of chamber- £ air to the atmosphere. In the release position of slide valve 4> port e of the slide valve registers with port e of the valve seat; therefore, cham- ber- £ air can pass through the ports e, the cavity w of the slide valve, and the reduction-limiting-chamber exhaust w. This connection, like the connection between ports z and y, is but momentary and is simply a second, or additional, opening from chamber E to the atmosphere. It should be understood that a brake-pipe pressure of from 1^ to 2 lb. above that in the appli- cation chamber X is all that is necessary to move the parts through the momentary successive positions of preliminary and secondary release to release position. With release slide valve 4 in release position, chamber-C and application-chamber air exhaust to the atmosphere through the port I, ports I and V in slide valve 22, and port T in the i PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 325 seat, to the application-chamber exhaust. As chamber-C pres- sure reduces, chamber-0 pressure forces piston 78 forwards to release position and exhausts the service-brake-cylinder air through port n, chamber O, port k, and the service-cylinder exhaust. The pressure in chamber M exhausts through the ports em and en into port n and thence to the atmosphere. Graduated-Release Position. — ^With both piston 20 and piston 3 in release position, the control valve is said to be in graduated-release position, when the direct- and graduated- release cap 18 is turned, so as to cut in the graduated-release feature. If the cap 18 is turned into the position for direct release, the control valve is said to be in direct-release posi- tion. In both cases, the control valve is in release position, but the term graduated or direct is prefixed to show whether the cap 18 is turned so as to give a graduated or a direct release of the brake. The application chamber and chamber C are open to the atmosphere through ports I and V and the application-chamber exhausts. If it were not for the graduated-release feature, the release would be complete. However, the emergency reservoir is connected with chamber E through port c, ports c and e of the slide valve 22, port e, through the cap 18, port e, and port e of the shde valve 3, into chamber E. Before this connection was made, the chamber- £ pressure was reduced with the pressure- chamber pressure when the brake application was made. The emergency reservoir, on the other hand, is charged to normal brake-pipe pressure. Therefore, air from the reservoir will flow into chamber E, thence through port y, ports y and / of slide valve 22, and port / of the seat, to the pressure chamber Z. This pressure tends to increase the pressure in chambers E and Z at the same time that brake-pipe air is increasing chamber-5 pressure. If chamber-^ pressure rises faster than chamber- B pressure, the differential pressure thus created on piston 3 will tend to move the piston toward the graduated-release lap posi • tion, and either wholly or partly stop the flow of air from the application chamber to the atmosphere and from the emergency reservoir to chamber E. If brake-pipe pressure increases very slowly, the increase in differential pressure may be sufficiently rapid to cause the release piston and graduating valve to 326 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT graduate the release. If the rise in brake-pipe pressure is not slow enough to produce this action, the movement of piston 3 toward graduated-release lap position wiU be sufficient to restrict the flow of air from the emergency reservoir into chamber E to an extent sufficient to adjust the rate of rise of pressure in chamber E equal to the rate of rise of brake-pipe pressure in chamber B. In this case, the release of air from the application chamber and chamber C will be correspondingly prolonged. Whether the brake will be released completely or be gradu- ated off depends on whether chamber-C pressure is exhausted completely at one time or is exhausted by degrees, the pressure being partly exhausted and then held stationary for a time, this operation being repeated several times. The pressure in the reduction-limiting chamber and in chamber 5 below the emergency slide valve is completely exhausted when a release is made, regardless of whether the release is graduated or direct. Chamber E (and the pressure chamber) is connected to cham- ber K through the port y, ports y and x of slide valve 22, and port X in the valve seat, and emergency-reservoir air can pass to chamber G through port c, ports c and v of slide valve 22, and port v when slide valve 22 is moved to release position. Whether the service-reservoir charging valve will be operated and thus permit the service reservoir to be recharged will depend on the relative pressures in chambers G and K and the service reservoir. With the ordinary manipulation of the brake, the service-reservoir charging valve will not be operated, so that no air will pass from the emergency reservoir into the service reservoir; the pressure chamber, however, will be recharged with emergency-reservoir air to within 5 lb. of the pressure in the emergency reservoir. The service-reservoir charging valve then opens and forms connection between the emergency reservoir and the service reservoir through chamber H, and the service and emergency reservoirs and the pressure chamber Z are all recharged to normal pressure by air from the brake pipe. In other words, in recharging the brake, first, the pressure chamber alone is recharged to within 5 lb. of emergency-res- ervoir pressure by air from the emergency reservoir, during vthich time the brake pipe alone is being recharged from the PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 327 main-reservoir air supply through the brake valve. Connec- tion is then made between the service reservoir, the emergency reservoir, the pressure chamber, and the brake pipe, and the final stage of the recharging of all these parts is accomplished by air from the main reservoir passing through the brake valve. As main-reservoir air has the brake pipe alone to recharge during the first stage of the recharge, the rise in brake-pipe pressure is much more rapid than with the older types of brakes; hence, the release of the brakes throughout the length of the train is much more sure and positive than with the other types. Release Lap Position.-^The release of the brake is accom- plished by placing the brake valve in release position so as to raise brake-pipe pressure, recharge the brake pipe, and move the pistons 20 and 3 to release position. If the handle of the brake valve is left in release position, the brake will release in one continuous exhaust of brake-cylinder air without any graduations of brake-cylinder pressure. On the other hand, if the brake valve is moved to release position for a time and is then moved to lap, only part of the brake-cylinder pressure will be exhausted, and by repeating the movement of the brake Valve from release to lap positions the brake can be gradu- ated off. In graduating off the brake, while the brake pipe is recharging through the brake valve, the pressure chamber and chamber E are recharging with air from the emergency reser- voir. If, the brake-valve handle is moved to lap position when the brake pipe is only partly recharged, the continued flow of air from the emergency reservoir with chamber E will raise the pressure in chamber E above that in chamber B, which is now stationary, and cause the release piston 3 to move to graduated- release lap position. In this position, the shoulder of the stem of piston 3 is against the slide valve 4, the flow of air into cham- ber E ceases, and the graduating valve blanks port / and stops the exhaust of air from chamber C and the application chamber. This holds chamber-C pressure constant, and the application portion maintains brake-cylinder pressure constant and equal to chamber-C pressure. If the brake valve is again moved to release position and then back to lap position, piston 3 will be moved to release position and then back to release lap position, 328 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT and this action will be repeated. The gradual release of the brake can be continued until the emergency reservoir and the pressure chamber equalize at a pressure about 5 lb. below nor- mal brake-pipe pressure. Release Position — Charging Pressure Chamber and Emer- gency and Service Reservoirs. — The recharging of the pressure chamber to within 5 lb. of brake-pipe pressure is accomplished with emergency -reservoir air. By the time this is accomplished the service-brake cylinder is entirely released, and the final stage of recharging the pressure chamber and the emergency and service reservoirs is accomplished by the use of air from the brake pipe. Direct- Release and Charging Position. — The direct-release position is the same as the graduated-release position, except that the direct and graduated-release cap 18 is turned to the position for the direct release of the brake. With cap 18 in this position, the brake cannot be graduated off. Changing the position of cap 18 cuts off the connection between the emergency reservoir and the application chamber and chamber E. During direct release, therefore, the cham- bers E and Z are recharged from the brake pipe through the feed-groove s' past the piston 3. There is direct connection between chambers E and Z through port y, ports y and / of slide valve 22, and port / of the valve seat. As chamber E charges from chamber B, chamber-£ pressure cannot increase above chamber-5 pressure; therefore, piston 3 cannot be moved to graduated lap position and the brake cannot be gradu- ated off. The chambers C and X are open to the atmosphere through port /, ports I and q of slide valve 4. port q, cap 18, port /', and the application-chamber exhaust. This affords an exhaust outlet for chamber X, which cannot be closed as long as the release slide valve 4- remains in release position. A second path from the application chamber to the exhaust leads through port /, port I in slide valve 4. cavity dw in the graduating valve 6, ports V in the slide valve and seat, and the application-cham ber exhaust. It is possible, however, for this path to be partly restricted or, perhaps, entirely closed by the piston 3 moving the graduating valve 6 so as to close port / in the slide valve 4 P C PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 329 partly or wholly. The first path, however, insures direct con- nection to the atmosphere. There are two outlets from the application chamber to the exhaust in direct-release position, while there is only one outlet when cap 18 is turned so as to give graduated release. The capacity of the release port, therefore, is greater for direct release than for graduated release, and thus gives a more rapid release with the direct-release adjustment, which is desirable. Quick- Action Valve Venting. — Either a brake-pipe reduction that is too fast or a reduction so heavy that it reduces brake- pipe pressure below the pressure of equalization of the pressure chamber and the reduction-limiting chambers will produce a differential pressure on pistons 3 and W that will move them to their emergency positions. With the slide valve 4- in emergency position, emergency- reservoir air passes through port c direct into chamber E, thence through port r to the space below the quick-action closing valve 139, Chamber T, above valve 139, is connected by port s with port o and the emergency-brake cylinder, which is con- nected to the atmosphere through port o, the cavity in the emergency slide valve, port o\ and the emergency-cylinder exhaust; consequently, the quick-action closing valve 139 is raised from its seat and emergency-reservoir air flows into the chamber W above the qmck-action piston 131. This forces down piston 131 and opens the quick-action valve 133 against the brake-pipe pressure in the chamber V that vents brake-pipe air to the atmosphere through chamber F, port qx, and the quick-action exhaust, thereby producing a local drop in brake- pipe pressure that transmits the quick-action serially through- out the train. Air from the emergency reservoir, after flowing to chamber E, passes through port / direct to chamber C and the appli- cation chamber. This forces piston 78 back into application position, which closes the exhaust ports k and opens the appli- cation-valve port wide, thus allowing the service reservoir and the service-brake cylinder to equalize through port g, chambers N and O, and port «. The movement of the slide valve 4 to emergency, position also opens the chamber P above the large emergency piston 330 PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 108 to the atmosphere through port p and cavity i in slide valve 4' Emergency-ceservoir pressure in chamber R forces the emergency piston 108 and the slide valve 110 to their emer- gency positions, thereby connecting the emergency-brake cyl- inder with the emergency reservoir through port c, chamber R, and port o and allowing the pressure to equalize in the cylin- der and reservoir; also, chamber R is connected to the service cylinder through port en and port n, thus allowing all the ser- vice- and emergency-brake cyHnders and reservoirs to equalize with one another. Chamber M, behind piston 78, is connected to the atmosphere through ports em, the cavity in the emergency slide valve, port o', and the emergency-cylinder exhaust. This is done to assist the pressure in chamber C moving the piston 78 quickly and positively to emergency position. It will be noted that in emergency position the pressure chamber Z is connected to chambers D and E, and chamber D is connected to chamber Y. The purpose of this is to equalize the pressure in all the cham- bers and reservoirs and to insure sufficient pressure on all the slide valves and graduating valves to hold them to their seats. Quick- Action Valve Closed. — The closing of the quick-action valve 133, after making a local vent to the atmosphere to trans- mit quick action serially throughout the train, is accomplished as follows: As soon as quick action occurs, emergency-cylinder pressure and, therefore, chamber- T pressure, begins to rise, while the pressure in chamber W and the emergency reservoir begins to fall. When the pressures in chambers T and W become nearly equal, the spring of valve 139 closes the valve and stops the flow of air into chamber W. The air thus trapped in chamber W escapes through the leakage hole Ih in the piston 131 to the atmosphere through port qx and the quick-action exhaust. This balances the pressure on the two faces of piston 131, and the spring of valve 133 and brake-pipe pressure closes the valve 133 and stops the escape of brake-pipe air to the atmosphere. If the brake-pipe pressure is entirely depleted, the spring of valve 133 will close the valve and thus insure against a loss of brake-pipe air when a release is made imme- diately after the quick-action application. PC PASSENGER-BRAKE EQUIPMENT 331 LUBRICATING THE CONTROL VALVE Equalizing Portion, — The equalizing portions of the control valve should be lubricated with a high grade of dry graphite (not flake graphite) of the highest obtainable fineness and purity. Oil should not be used for this purpose. A free use of oil should be made in "rubbing in" the bearing surfaces of the equalizing portion, but all oil, gum, or grease should be thor- oughly removed from the slide valves and seats before lubrica- ting them, as foUows: Rub graphite on the face of the sHde valves and their seats, on the face of the graduating valves and their seats, and on the upper portions of the bushings where the slide-valve springs bear. The graphite should be applied in such a way as to fill in the pores of the brass and leave a very thin, light coating on the seats. After lubricating the parts, care should be taken not to touch them with the hands, as moisture tends to remove the thin coating of graphite and thus destroy the lubrication. The graphite is best applied with a stick about 8 in. long, to one end of which is glued a small pad of chamois skin. The skin on the end of the stick is dipped in the graphite, and the graphite is rubbed on the surfaces to be lubricated. A few light blows of the chamois on the valve seats will leave sufficient loose graphite on them. After the pistons and slide valves are replaced in the equal- izing portion, they should be moved to release position so that a little oil may be rubbed on the piston bushings; the pistons should then be moved back and forth several times to make sure that the oil is evenly distributed on the bushing. Only a thin coating of oil should be used, and it should be well rubbed in so that there will be no free oil left on the parts after they have been oiled. Application Portion. — The application valve and seat and the exhaust valve and seat of the application portion of the control valve should be cleaned; then they should be rubbed in with oil, which should be thoroughly removed; and finally, they should be lubricated with graphite in the same manner as the sHde valve and seats of the equalizing portion. During the time that the piston is removed, the cylinder should be 332 BRAKE CYLINDERS le off icate ■ ■ cleaned and the walls lightly lubricated with a good grade valve oil. Clean the piston and piston ring and lubricate the ring and packing leather with a little good valve oil. Emergency Portion. — To lubricate the emergency portion of the control valve, remove the parts and thoroughly clean the bearing surfaces; rub in the parts, using oil for the purpose, and thoroughly clean off all oil and grease; then lubricate the bearing surfaces with graphite. Remove the top cover and take out the loose-fitting cylinder bushing; lubricate the large piston with a few drops of a good grade of triple-valve oil and apply the slide valve to the portion; lubricate the stop-bushing for the small emergency bushing, applying a few drops of oil to its inner surface; then replace the bushing and bolt on the top cover. Move the slide valve to release position and apply a few drops of good triple-valve oil to the walls of the large cylinder bushing, and then move the piston back and forth several times to distribute the oil properly. Quick-Action Portion. — Only the quick-action closing-valve piston 131 and the cylinder bushing of the quick-action portion require lubrication. Just a few drops of oil are sufficient; the piston, however, should be worked back and forth several times to distribute the oil properly. BRAKE CYLINDERS wSf I TYPE B DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINDERS In ordering type B brake cylinders, Fig. 1, or repair parts, specify the proper piece number and name. The driver-brake cylinders are furnished with outer and side flanges full unless the order specifies to the contrary. Either outer or side flanges will be removed when so specified on orders, in which case complete directions, with print showing exact dimensions desired, should accompany order. Ref. No. Name of Part 2 Cylinder body. 3 Piston and rod, includes 13 only 4 Non-pressure head. 5 Pressure head. 6 Release spring. BRAKE CYLINDERS 333 334 BRAKE CYLINDERS PIECE NUMBERS OF TYPE B DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINDERS Cylinders Piece No. of Cyl. Com- Cylinders Piece No. of Dia. Stroke Type Dia. Stroke Type Com- In. In. No. plete In. In. No. plete 6 8 48-B 8,618 12 8 13-B 7,318 8 6 33-B 1,148 12 10 15-B 7,339 8 7 11-B 1,134 12 12 39-B 7,378 8 12 43-B 6,236 14 10 21-B 7,203 10 6 51-B 9,687 14 12 42-B 7,260 10 8 55-B 1,115 16 10 101-B 22,038 10 10 o5-B 1,120 16 12 47-B 7,447 10 12 99-B 1,101 Ref. No. Name of Part 7 Cylinder-head bolt and nut. 8 C^dinder gasket. 9 Push-rod holder. 10 Follower." 11 Packing leather. 12 Packing expander. 13 Follower stud and nut. 14 Push-rod with pin and cotter. 15 Oil plug. 16 Push-rod holder pin with cotter. 17 Push-rod pin, with cotter. TYPE C DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINDERS The piece numbers of the type C driver-brake cylinders » complete, shown in Fig. 2, are as follows: PIECE NUMBERS OF TYPE C DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINDERS Cylinders Piece No. of Cyl. Com- plete Cylinders Piece No. of Dia. In. Stroke In. Type No. Dia. In. Stroke In. Type No. Com- plete 8 8 10 10 10 10 6 7 6 8 10 12 33-C 11-C 30-C 55-C 35-C 99-C 1,207 4,847 1,192 1,198 1,184 1.204 12 12 12 14 14 8 10 12 10 12 13-C 15-C 39-C 21-C 42-C 1,169 1,175 1,179 1,258 1,265 BRAKE CYLINDERS 335 7 i"PIPE TAP Fig. 2 Fig. 3 The reference numbers of the various parts are as follows: Ref. No. Name of Part 2 Cylinder body. 3 Piston and rod, includes 9 only. 4 Non-pressure head. 5 Pressure head. 6 Push rod, with pin and cotter. 7 Cylinder-head bolt and nut. 8 Cyhnder gasket. 9 Follower stud and nut. 10 Follower. 11 Packing leather. 12 Packing expander. 13 Oil plug. 14 Push-rod pin, with colter. PUSH-DOWN TYPE DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINDERS The piece numbers of the push-down type of driver-brake cylinders, complete, shown in Fig. 3, are as follows: 336 BRAKE CYLINDERS PIECE NUMBERS OF PUSH-DOWN TYPE DRIVER- BRAKE CYLINDERS 1 Cylinders Piece No. of Cyl. Com- plete Cylinders Piece No. of Dia. In. Stroke In. Type No. Dia. Stroke In. In. Type No. Cyl. Com- plete 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 6 8 6 7 6 8 10 66 48 33 11 30 55 35 2,529 1,972 1,358 1,311 1,333 1,339 1,342 10 12 12 12 14 14 12 8 10 12 10 12 99 13 15 39 42 1,345 1,319 1,325 1,329 1.354 1.348 The reference numbers of the various parts are as follows: Ref. No. Name of Part 2 Cylinder body. 3 Piston and rod, includes 13 only. 4 Non-pressure head. 5 Pressure head. 6 Release spring. 7 Cylinder-head bolt and nut. 8 Cylinder gasket. 9 Crosshead. 10 Follower. t 11 Packing leather. 12 Packing expander. 13 Follower stud and nut. 14 Oil plug. I PISTON-ROD CROSSHEADS FOR DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINDERS In Fig. 4 are shown the cross-sections and plans and the piece numbers of the piston-rod crossheads that may be used with driver-brake cylinders. BRAKE CYLINDERS 337 Pc.No.3743- PCNO.369.. (p~~0) fTTJ Pc.N0.3749. PcNo.3763. Pc.N0.3769. pc.N0.3771. Pc.N0.3693. Pc.N0.3694. iOi i n: Pc No 3725 Pc.Nb-3721. Pc;No.3-78 'PcNo.3779. 09 ^ ■ Pc.N0.3695:. Pc.No.j732.pc.N0.374o. Pc.N0.3744. Pc.N0.3925. Pc.N0.3927. Pc.N0.3787. ."^^^^1109 r^^ ^~Q ) '^■''"''' """" PcNo.j^35>. p=rQczi:^ Pc2Jo4758. (o) pc.N0.362a >c.No.36l7" PcNo.38 1 7. ' PcNo 37**-^ PcNo.9398. Fig. 4 u " Co; 338 BRAKE CYLINDERS ENGINE-TRUCK BRAKE CYLINDERS A cross-section of the engine-truck brake cylinders is shown in Fig. 1; the piece numbers of these cylinders are as follows: PIECE NUMBERS OF TYPE D ENGINE-TRUCK BRAKE CYLINDERS Cylinders Piece No. of Cylinder ± Complete | i Diam. In. . Stroke. In. Type No. 6 8 48-D 9,729 8 ' 7 11-D • 40,815 8 12 43-D 1,964 ^ 10 8 55-D 40,825 1 10 10 35-D 40,827 1 10 12 99-D 40,829 1 12 8 13-D 7,551 m 12 12 39-D 40,831 « The reference numbers of the various parts are as follows : Ref. No. Name of Part 2 Cylinder body. 3 Piston and rod, includes 13 only. 4 Pressure head, with lever bracket. 5 Non-pressure head. 6 Release spring. 7 Cylinder-head bolt and nut. 8 Cylinder gasket. 9 Push-rod holder. 10 Follower. 11 Packing leather. 12 Packing expander. 13 Follower stud and nut. 14 Push rod, complete, includes 17. 15 Oil plug. 16 Push-rod holder pin, with cotter. 17 Push-rod pin, with cotter. 18 Detachable lever bracket. 19 Lever-bracket bolt and nuts. Cylinders are not provided with bosses tapped for slack- adjuster connections unless so specified on orders. Should orders including truck brake cylinders or cylinder heads also cover slack adjusters, detachable brackets will be omitted, and cylinders arranged for attachment of slack adjusters. BRAKE CYLINDERS 339 TENDER- BRAKE CYLINDERS TYPE K AND TYPE L CYLINDERS Type K and type L tender-brake cylinders. Figs. 1 and 2, are pro- vided with detachable fiilcrum and seat for type P or type H triple valve. They are not arranged for slack-ad- juster connection, or for combined automatic and straight air, unless so specified on orders. All tender-brake-cyl- inder pressure heads with connection for quick-action triple valve are furnished as in Fig. 3 (h), except that for ordinary equipments port c is not tapped, and bosses A and B not drilled. "When order- ing such pressure heads for the combined auto- matic and straight-air brake equipment, sched- ule SWA-SWB, specify port c to be tapped for |-in. pipe and plugged, plug to be flush on cylinder side of head; also that either of bosses A OT B should 340 BRAKE CYLINDERS BRAKE CYLIXDERS 341 be drilled and tapped for ^-in. pipe. The types K and L brake cylinders are not arranged for slack adjuster con- nection, or the type K cylinder for the combined auto- FiG. 3 matic and straight air, unless so specified on orders. Slack adjusters are not recommended for xise with the No. GET equipment. The piece numbers are given in the accompanying tables. 342 BRAKE CYLINDERS ^ O X tH ,-H t>^ rH ^ CO (N T^ ci ^ th (N (N (M CM CD CSI CO (N g 05 CM r-l t^ X 05 05 "^ <». » rf< Si ^, d C. s a as (N 05 O X ;z; CD 00 .CO 00 (N Os" CO oT M o c^ o o rH N 'p^ n W i: p!i CO 05 00 CO l> OS J> T* CO CO CO O 05 l> l> o coi-Hcococo CO cc^>t>.^-^>oocooooo^Hr-^ooooco T}< l> lO (N l> »0 050C5rH COOOOOCO COO'^'CI>'<^COCOC0005t^l>0 C<|^T_(^l^00cOC0(Ni-irH0000CO 05 o q_ o q_ ^^»> t>.__ o o oc rn x^i> |> T-^ 1-H irH tH lO CXT 00 i-T Tj^*" O lO Tli" •C0(NOiC0 ^__cqo^(Ncq lO" iOCOt-hiOCO COCOiOCOOTt0 »~tC0CCC00500C0OC0i0i-i0000C0 TjJ^ O o O^ O^ T-H t>.^ I> 0_ TlH_ 00 i-H 00 1> t^ T-( T}< lO 1-t l> i>»oococo TjH »c i-J^ '-T •^ tjh" o Ttu:) r* ,^^^^^ 00 i-T »Oi-h"i-h"30*o6' CO CO!NOiOOiOCOCOI>COOiOO OCTfrHTtT-HOOOOO-^lOrHT-l P_ i-H l>. 1-J^ i-H C0_^ 00_ 00_ '-J^ -^^ 00_ UO co" i-^" 00* »-H T-T (m" tjI" Tt 1-1" 1-H o" C5 . C^ ^'d W':P y; 0% g . . "JJ M {/3 "^ Co C fli Jnt^ d ^ ^-j; J)0 Ui ^ ^ u u Wp ^H^ c a;;?o • 55 m w c 5? g i-^-^ctf^^ 5 o oi^ a; u O nJ ctS . u X o (N a; N UJ ^ (M X o (N 1-1 X O) ^^ y^t^ to Ci 05 (N CO CO J> Oi b» tH CO CO ^5 O OS OiW CO i-H CO t^ rfi t^ 1> t> t^ 00 CO CO X --H ,-t Ti^o cooocoTi^oooqooT-n>r^oooo Ciio Ttio^(rqoTtT^cocc^cooo5 OiOO O Oi O 05 Tt< 1-1 rH ,-1 r^ 00 CO CO (M r-H i-H coco cqcqoo^OiOOOO'pHi>.t^^o_o_ac I COI> Tt< 1-1 C: 00 l> CO lO CO O rt^ CO r-i 00 CO 05 1>05 1> CO (M 00 l> CO CO CO 05 00 CO O CO lO T-i -HrH 1-^_cqo^o^>oo_oorH^>^>.p_Ti^_oq ifSid LC' CO i-< Tl^'TJ^"1-^1--^1-^ tH 10 00 05^ i-Hi-J"o (N ^1^ "^(Ni '-.'^l'-loi>T-ii-Hi-HT-Hcqoqx_'-*_TtH_oq * r-T TjT T^" rH i-T r-T tH Oi Tf Tf .-J' rH O' c^ico a^cot^o^c^o>ooiococoi>coo5 l>T-i rj^ Ttt T-i |> t>. Tt^ —I Tf 1-1 O 00 00 Tt^ »0 i-H — T-J kOrHT-HlOTJ^T400*1-^1-^"(^^'" " 00 O O '-i (M CO T^ lO • ^ W (U (J (V cj d d u O X ► --( CD di fe fet^ ^ 2i 2^ 2^ - ■S.S-dO A ^ ^ o I 3^ t- pi.S CO Tt< lO lO I> 00 a^ d, ^ rtl00H|00Hl«H«HNHl-* o^ zi . h1n«,1«h|Sh1n«|*h|S Tt( Tt« Tt^ rJH tH TtH s^ CO Tj^ lO CO l> 00 n|«Ml«,«I=o«|»H|2«l^ ■rti iC CO l> 00 C5 M^ -.^ :^S1S1SS|2S|2hK w^ -^ Tt- Tf Tt( Tj< rt^ o ^ niTKH|*;::;|2Hi?.HiNmi<» COTtlTM>l>00 fe « w^ lO CD »0 lO lO lO Q >i CO CO TJH lO to CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ^^ ic »-- r^ i> i> t^ m^ t^OOI>l>l>t^ <5 d to CO »o CO CO CO Cylinder Size In. xxxxxx CCOOOC^ Tt^CO Cylinders of 10 in. diameter or less are flat on top. The cylinders, end flanges and the walls of the body do not extend above the supporting flange. P-1 triple valves are used for cylinders, 6 in.X12 in., 8 in. X12 in., and 10 in.X12 in.; P-2 triple valves are used for cylinders, 12 in.X12 in., 14 in. X12 in., and 16 in.X12 in. The dimensions and weights of the cylinders and their piece numbers and the piece and reference numbers of the vari- ous parts are given in the ac- companying tables. The slotted crosshead, Ref. No. 6, is used when the hand brake rigging is designed ti work in harmony with the air- brake system, an arrangement that is recommended for all con- ditions where it is practicable. Unless otherwise specified, the quick-action triple-valve head with slack-adjuster lug. with a detachable lever bracket is furnished on all orders for or including this part. This bracket can be easily removed to allow the application of the American automatic-slack ad- juster, thus obviating the neces- sity of changing the head. Shotild orders including cylin- ders or cylinder heads also cover slack adjusters, detachable brackets are not supplied. i BRAKE CYLINDERS 347 ^ (N »-4 CO lO l^ t^ CO O Tt* X O t^^ CO t>.^ 1-1 tJh" O -^^ CD (N (N (N v> psi ^ g 1-H O «^ lO cc CO CO Tt* Tt< ^ X »q r>._^ t^_^ b* S 5 rH T*i" TtJ" -<}<" ■^ (N (N (N o ^ 1 t*^ a 5 ,D i-T T^ TjT rjT n .s ^ l> t>^ Oi CO 1-^ "^t rfn" tJh" ^ (N (N (N Pi cq t^ C5 OS O lO (N CO '**< CO CO t>^ ^ s X CO* co" TjT '(jT (N (N H CO pq M N 05 O l> 00 (^ Tt^ »0 CO CO 1-1 ^^ t>.^ N. fa X O O TtT Tjl* tH 1-1 N c^ o CO CO p< a -iPM til PQ diJi ' QrN.ooJOiOTt*(N OOiLOl>QClt^'-H>001>COOOCOa)'-''-'OCCOOO l> O uD O C^^t^^O^i-H CSJ^i> 1-H t>. 00 O 00 C3 CO O (M TJ^' .-T O" rH T-H 00 1-H »0' 1-H 00 O tJh" tJh" T^ O" rH tH tH (N tH rHrH C^ 00 CO CO COa>'COI>OI>OOr«»OrJ<(M CDlOl>(N»-li-trH00l>C000C000'-lrH00C0OO t'^cq»oooi> OrHoi>,-Hi>oqooqcQ iX)0(m tH 00 O" rH i-H OO' 1-4 lO 1-H OO" »0 rl^" tJi" tJh" O" r4' rH rH oi r-H C^ I— I •S X M-^ 1 1^ O »-i O I ^ U- LC ^.1 C<)l>tOOOCOCOOiTt o i-H o^ p t^ o^ i-H o i> --H t>-__ 00 "^^ 00 (N o^ q_ (N t>CC05 »-H i_0 Tt^ TH^THTfOOTHoqioocouOt^ COOt>'-iO'-HTHO'-HXQOtN t>lOT-l.-li-ir^r-ICOr-HOOi-fT« COOOiO'^fM ^1-HOOCOOO TjHOOCMCOOtM T+f 1-H CO T-l .-H 00 .-( C^ i-H •«* lO C^ T-H O i-H i-i r-l (N COi-<(N pp_co t-o'cc'co COrHTfllXNOlOlOOCOOOt^ i-HOI>TtHrtHi-tTt^O'-H00'-l(N (X)lO.-lrHT-U>,-H(rO>-HOClO'^ CO Ci »0 kO rt< -^ iOt-hXCOOO Tt^OOfM COOO CO rH CO i-H i-H 00 i-H (N rH Ttl Oi (M rH O rH .-H rH r CO IT! 00 i^b-co 00 00 00 rHi-HTtCO00i> lOOt>^C0OTlH^l>00rH(M rHlOrH(M(N|>C^C000CJ0lCTf CO 05 lO »0 -"iH -^ lOrHOOCOOO Tf ooc>>^ ■.S.S ^ ^"^ *,«-'>,«-' » I _C . rr. i7 o3 > o c a >^ BRAKE CYLINDERS 349 350 BRAKE CYLINDERS 3a o»oio»ooo Pi eN':3|SHl^HSM|«H|« Hi r-i«.-i«-l:s:2is 00 00 i-H tH »-i (N en c HSHSh1ch|n«|oo«-|2 00 00 t^ 00 aA TtiOiOi>ooo oi ^d o« ^« «|«HSh|««I«12 Tt^ Tt^ -* Tj< Tf iO 2£ -SIS HOOH,* Tt< lO CD b- 00 05 nloo ml* n|ao rtlrtmhCnN" W ^ .,«;1S.^H«H«o^ »-)^ ;:is:lsis«Hs ffi.^* -Tt Tj^ Tt* •TtH Tj^ rtH o d Tt^ -"t l> t^ 00 Oi HlOO HNHlM-HlNHlC* W a r>. lo t> i> t> i> oi CD Tf< r- r- 1^ C5 CO CO CO CO CO CO O t^t^r^i^t^oo « 05 !>• 05 05 05 05 -"^i CD lO CD CD CD t^ Cylinder Size Inches 8X12 10X12 12X12 14X12 16X12 18X12 TYPE N PASSENGER-BRAKE CYLINDERS The type N passenger-brake cylinders. Fig. 2, are used with new schedule LN quick-action, quick-service , g r a d u a t ed-re- lease, quick-recharge, high- emergency pressure, passenger- car brake equipments, the seat on the pressure head being suit- able for the type L triple valve. Cylinders of 10 in. diameter or less are flat on top; end flanges and walls of body do not ex- tend above supporting flange. It is strongly recommended that for all conditions where it is practicable, the hand-brake rigging be designed to work in harmony with the air-brake system. Where this is done, a slotted cross-head is used. Unless otherwise specified, the quick-action triple valve head with slack adjuster lug having a detachable lever bracket is furnished on all orders for or including this part. The lever bracket can be easily removed to allow the applica- tion of the American auto- matic slack adjuster, thus obviating the changing of the cylinder head. If orders in- clude slack adjusters, lever brackets will not be supplied. The dimensions and weights of the cylinders are given in the accompanying tables. BRAKE CYLINDERS 351 ^ 1 s (N «0 00 ^ t- i^ r^ X "5 > X CO CO CO •> rt S ®' o' ;S > 00 to o lo Tt< ^ r^ »H (N tH rt 0) *>, r-l C) p? 5 O "o C^ l> 00 (M CO OJ (M (N »0 »0 .2 X <0 . O l> t*^ » cq Qi rH ^ (M CI. en s a< §3 ?Q (M CO O ^ m uo o lo a > X CO_ CO l> l> 2 Tf Tf Tf '>1<' » b (M Oi Ol OOlO CO t^rHCDl>-<* •rt X 00 00 !>.__ CD C0_ O O > (M'cvTfM'" tH Oo"'-i'(N(N ^ THT-HrH ,-1 tOlO(N'-HnH :: s (M 00«NrH 05 OiMiOCOCO »O001> b- 00iOI>00t^ "^ X iO"T-r r-T CO C0*'»-rO'-H'-H hJ o t & ? S c^ O'-iiO T^M C005Tt 0) OOCOCO rt^ rfHiOl>cqrH le 1 O X o T-Hiqiq TfH^ TjH^cDiOOO > 'p. tH 1 ;3 io^"^" tC t>rood"rHi-r CtO00CO tH ^ t^O'-l rH (M-^t^COCO (M (0 X ,-^^io_»o CO <:qcqrHp_p_ § uoi-ri-r i> tCio'co*'i-ri-r »-!; 02 c^ tH rH tH s 1 Ccooi o i>^Tt I>OOi 00 OSOt^r-O 11 X '"1^.^. p. R^.^^.'-l > ufrHrH Co' o'rHC0''rHrH o r-l T-H T-l *§ > CsJ 05-*^ CO lOrHTt^iXNJ H X COi-i(M 00 t^Ot-Tf^Tt^ lO'co'co" co" T-HrHCo'rHr-r h:? 00 i-H T-H r-< 1— 1 UH* 6 (NCOTt< iQ iO<:OOl>00 ^ ^ • "i -i ^ •*"" • « = if ils t ^1 -^^"^l i t -^ g D 1 go'««::(^::(a^go •*- -i- ■X- 1 BRAKE CYLINDERS 353 lO lO *-H M (N iC Tfi TfH iC t^ T-< Lf^ -^ 'M :C '-i"^o;Ococsio2t>.ooi>QOcoooocc t^. t> ^ '^^ t^ '^. '^^ '^^ *^> ^. <^ '^ R *^. ^. ^. OO' .OOl:-CO(NOi> '-*'-' 00 coo OOfO i-ht-ioOI>CO lOOO'-H'-'QOCOOOOrC t>.^P^rH0^1> C0X_OX^CCt^CDO>TfiO '-icCGOOSCOOOOOOOt-hoOCO oorc 0(M O C0T--i T-iC^Ji-t T-iT-tO'-'oOTfo lOi-Hooco oorc OC T-^ > >_ ^Q4i :.t^ . . . +j P bo 9* bo iM bo rt'^ O rt (U o 0) iL-S P< (u a a a h:3C c- <- bi !- rt .c > rt ^ > Pn bi :3 £ ^ oJ w ^ Tl 05 CX ■S H (1) ^ .iii, C/3 ^H •5> 03 a ^ ,i«J rt ^ f, CJ CO rG 03 w Vh "^ bo w Tl 1 1 03 1 ^ u ■i m C bo V. > 03 C . 3 CD a ;_ 1) w w rl u u <0 (U «3 u-< 'O^ C ^-5 T) c ^ 3 •^:S 03 c^;^ g cr H ft to _jj ^ :3 ^^1 ^ JsC ^* 'C ^^ +J a) XI c CO-- u i CJ v< ^H 1 c 0) > 012 ^ ^ u n (L) fri 1 ^ -0 >^ (U'O ?> ^ CrC ;^ 00'-H'«tt-Oi ^^,-,,-1 >. '■^2^ O '-H 00 Oi "^ O 00 CO -^ CO l> o 05 (N 00 O (N to 00 t^ (N CO t> Tt^iC CD (N i-^* (N O H« n3 CO CO CO C "^ O "* 00 CO t^ CO CO CO (N 00 b p '-<(NCSl(MCO(NCOCOCO'«t'*'S.53 XXXXXXXXXXXC4^ J32 ndar it iro ndar it iro OOOOO(N(NT^C0c0c0rt ^ i5^ M O W U *-v-^ '-v-^ 00 lO rH CO (N t>. CO ''t lO CO O Oi 00 lO CO O C^ 05 C^ 05 C^ Oi 05 05 05 C^ CO rr*00O00O00OOOO(N -^^ rjT ^' CO "^f CO rococo' coco' CO (N -- 5 5 C^C^ C^ N i-< CS| C^ 370 SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVOIRS SIZE OF SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVOIR, WHEnl ONE PER CAR IS USED Used With Capacity of L Triple Valves, Passenger Car Piece Size of Reservoir Weight of No. Reservoir Cubic Reservoir Inches Inches Pounds Cylinders Inches 3,094 14 X33 4,476 110 . 1 3,095 16 X33 5,724 145 10 1 1 13,220 16 X48 8,577 195 12 1 1 23,384 201X36 10,158 205 14 1 23,385 201X48 14,003 255 16 \ r 27,505 221X54 18,967 410 18 SIZE OF SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVOIR. WHEN TWO PER CAR ARE USED Used With Piece No. Size of Reservoir Inches Capacity of Reservoir Cubic Inches Weight 9f Reservoir Pounds L Triple Valves, Passenger , Car Cylinders Inches - 3,092 10 X33 2,125 60 8 3,093 12 X33 3.088 85 10 3.094 14 X33 4,476 110 12 3,095 16 X33 5,724 145 14 3,096 16 X42 7,436 175 16 : X8 1 23,384 201X36 10,158 205 EQUALIZING RESERVOIR The equalizing reservoir is used in connection with automatic brake valves. It is tapped for |-in. pipe and has a capacity of, 812 cu. in. The piece number of the 10"X14^" equalizing reservoir is 4,884. II SUPPLEMENTARY RESERVOIRS 371 43 t/5 iCiOOOiO a)Oi>oso ,-i,-i,-i(N tfl _Jh 4^ «* 00OOI>00 oot>cot>-»o V. OTt;_'*^»0'-H rt-^ :d co^t^ccS O O cocoes GOO CJ COCOrt^Tf CO 0) xxxxx a •"" i-H'-H^rHCSJ w 1>QOOOC5CO 05 05 CO CO CO o o (^ ^ rJ^TiTco'co'co'" CO CO CO CO CO t3 .§ JU ■ ■ V^TJ O 4J inders Standa th Service an( gency Reserv( wo Cylinders idamental Wi C Equipment (N(N(M(N(N G XXXXX 1— 1 O(NTt r^"" A TjTio'oo'o'Tf O O 0) CO CO 00 CO 00 0) . COCO-^ CO Tf o xxxxx CO CO CO OO c^ T-t rH T^ (N CSJ 00 05C5 CO (M O5O5C0C0l> -P^ P^Z i^'S^"i" 372 RESERVOIR DRAIN COCKS RESERVOIR DRAIN COCKS i-IN. AUXILIARY-RESERVOm DRAIN COCKS The piece number of the i-in. auxiliary-reservoir drain cock, shown in. Fig. 1, is 41,814; its weight is i lb*. U^pipc, 1 '' ... * - 1 3^" a di ■^i'PlPE Fig. 2 m Fig. 1 i-IN. MAIN-RESERVOIR DRAIN COCKS The piece number of the |-in. main-reservoir drain cock, shown in Fig. 2, is 7,716; its weight is 1^ lb. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts are : Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 7,718 . 2 Body. 2,229 3 Key. 34,086 4 Cap. 2,231 5 Spring. 9,035 6 Handle. Spring identification tables are shown to enable railroad storekeepers, air-brake men, and others interested in air-brake apparatus, to readily identify the various springs used in the different apparatus. JIM NORMAL Spring Identif^ation, Main-Reser- voir Drain Cock Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire B,In. Free Height C,In. No. Coils Material Name of Spring 2.231 f .091 1 3^ Brass Key RELEASE VALVES 373 RELEASE VALVES Auxiliary-reservoir release valves, or bleed cocks, as they are often called, are made in two types. The vertical type, Piece No. 2,416, and shown in Fig. 1, is regularly furnished as standard with full sets of freight brake equipment; the horizontal type, Piece No. 30,059, and shown '-^'ii" — ^ ^ •^'■ in Fig. 2, is furnished F^G. 1 only when specified and at an additional charge. The hori- zontal valve can be cleaned and repaired, or the internal parts may be replaced without remov- ing the valve from the auxiliary reservoir simply by removing the valve cap 24- The vertical valve weighs l^ lb., whereas the horizontal valve weighs 2 1 lb. The piece and reference numbers of the various parts of the vertical release valve are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No, Ref. No. Name of Part 2,417 23 Cyhnder, bushed. 2.420 24 Stud. 2,421 25 Vent valve complete. 2,424 26 Spring. Handle. 2,425 27 2,423 28 Rubber seat. The piece and reference Fig. 2 numbers of the various parts of the horizontal release valve are given in the accompany- ing list. 374 PRESSURE'RETAINING VALVES Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 30,093 23 Cylinder, bushed. 30,092 24 Valve cap. 2,421 25 Vent valve, complete. 2.424 26 Spring. 2.425 27 Handle. 2,423 28 Rubber seat. Operation of Release Valve. — The release valve is located on the auxiliary reservoir, and is used to reduce auxiliary- reservoir pressure in the event of a brake sticking, due to the triple valve not moving to release position. Also, the valve is used to relieve the auxiliary reservoir of pressure when a brake is cut out. In using the release valve to release a brake, the valve must be quickly opened its full amount and then closed the instant a blow is heard at the triple-valve exhaust port. PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES PURPOSE OF RETAINING VALVES The pressure-retaining valve is included in all freight-brake equipments, whether specified or not. It is furnished with passenger equipments, without extra charge, if specified on the order; it is not a part of the regular passenger schedule, however, and must be specified if desired. Care should be exercised to indicate the proper type of valve, depending on whether or not the car is of the vestibule type. It is located at the end of the car, within easy reach of the trainmen when the train is in motion, and is connected by a pipe with the exhaust port of the triple valve. Its purpose is to retard the discharge of air from, and retain a predetermined pres- sure in, the brake cylinder while the triple valve is in release position and the engineer is recharging the auxiliaries after a release on a grade, to be ready for another application of the brakes. SINGLE-PRESSURE WEIGHT-TYPE RETAINING VALVE^ Two types of pressure-retaining valves are now in use; thff weight type and the spring type. Both types are made in the PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES 375 form of single-pressure and double-pressure retaining valves. The type 15-0 retainer. Fig, 1, has a vent port ts in. in diameter and is used with 6-in.,8-in., 3» and 10-in. freight- or pas- ^^'-^^^-^^ senger-brake cylinders; it — weighs 4 lb. The type 15- A retainer, Fig. 2, has a vent port | in. in diameter and is used with 12-in., 14-in., and 16-in. freight- er passenger-brake cyUn- ders ; it weighs 6| lb . Type 15-B and type 15-C retain- ing valves, Figs. 3 and 4, have adjustable handles for vestibule passenger cars having partitions 2| in. to 6 in. thick. The 15-B retainer is used with 6-in., 8-in., and 10-in. brake cylinders, and weighs 5^ lb.; the 15-C, with 12-in., 14-in., and 16-in. cylinders, and weighs 8 lb. The double-pressure type retainer has three positions of the handle: Straight down is release position; TO TRIPLE VAUVe Fig. 2 horizontal is low-pressure position; midway is high-pressuro position* 376 PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES Fig. 3 Fig. 4 1 PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES 377 The piece and reference numbers of the type 15 pressure- retaining valves are given in the accompanying lists. Pc.No,. Ref. No. Name of Part 2,449 Type 15-0 pressure-retaining valve, com- plete. 2.450 Body, complete, includes 5, 6, 7. and 8. 2.452 2 Body, bushed. 2.457 3 Case. 2,458 4 Weight, complete. 2,105 5 Handle. 2,455 6 Cock key. 2.367 7 Cock cap. 2,231 8 Key spring. 4.661 Type 15- A pressure-retaining valve, com- plete. Body, complete, includes 5, 6, 7, and 8. 4,670 4,662 2 Body, bushed. 2,457 3 Case. 2,458 4 Weight, complete. 4,415 5 Handle. 4,095 6 Cock key. 3,758 7 Cock tap. 2,145 8 Key spring. 7,813 Type 15-B pressure-retaining valve, com- plete. 9,602 Body, complete, includes 5 to 14 inclusive. 8,786 2 Body, bushed. 2,457 3 Case. 2,458 4 Weight, complete. 7.672 5 Handle. 7.812 6 Cock key. 2,367 7 Cock cap. 2,231 8 Key spring. 7,811 9 Extension socket. 8,049 10 Extension-socket cotter. 7,674 11 Extension-socket sleeve. 7,676 12 Extension-socket sleeve pin. 7,673 13 Handle plate. 2,238 14 Handle pin. 7.647 Type 15-C pressure-retaining valve, com- plete. 9,609 Body, complete, includes 5 to 14 inclusive. 7.645 2 Body, bushed. 2,457 3 Case. 2,458 4 Weight, complete. 7,672 5 Handle. 7,646 6 Cock key. 3,758 7 Cock cap. 7,679 8 Key spring. 7,671 9 Extension socket. 8.049 10 Extension-socket cotter. ^j 378 PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 7,674 11 Extension-socket sleeve. 7,676 12 Extension- socket sleeve pin. 7,673 13 Handle plate. 2,238 14 Handle pin. OPERATION OF RETAINING VALVES With the retaining-valve handle in release position, or straight down, the air that escapes from the exhaust port of the triple valve passes through the retainer pipe and out through the retainer exhaust port without passing up into the valve case, thus giving a free exhaust for the air from the brake cylinder. If the handle is turned up to the horizontal, or retaining, position, the free exhaust opening of the retainer is closed and the air from the brake cylinder must then pass around^ the retainer plug valve and up against the retainer valve.l This valve is held on its seat by a weight in the weight types of retainers, or by a spring in the spring types, either of which is designed to hold the valve down against a predetermined pressure, usually of 15 lb. If the air coming from the brake cylinder has a pressure exceeding 15 lb., it will raise the valve and pass up into the retainer case 3. It must then pass out through a small vent port, the diameter of which at its smallest part is t"* in. for the 15-lb. retainer. This retards the flow of air so that it takes about 20 to 25 sec. for the air to pass out of an 8-in. cylinder with 8-in. travel and to reduce the pressure from 50 to 15 lb.; thus sufficient time is given for the auxiliaries to recharge from 50 to 70 lb. before the pressure is reduced to 15 lb. The brake cylinder reduces gradually during the recharging, and the retainer finally keeps 15 lb. until the retainer handle 5 is turned down to the vertical position and opens the exhaust port. With larger cylinders, the use of this size retainer would make the time for reducing the pressure i from 50 to 15 lb. proportionately longer. The small vent port I would choke the discharge of air so that the weight 4 would close the weight valve at short intervals during the reduction. The restricted opening of the vent port is a valuable feature of this valve. PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES 379 DOUBLE-PRESSURE WEIGHT-TYPE RETAINING VALVES The double-pressure weight-type of retaining valve is fur- nished for two different sets of pressures; namely, 15-30 lb. Fig. 1 and 25-50 lb. The 15-30 lb. retaining valve. Fig. 1. regulates the pressure at 15 lb. when the handle is horizontal, or in the low-pressure position, and at 30 lb. when the handle is in the high-pressure position. It is used with 6-in., 8-in., and 10-in. brake cylinders, and weighs 6^ lb. Type Pc. No. A B Net Weight 15-30 25-50 10.970 7.880 l^in. If in. IHin. 1| in. 6^ lb. 7ilb. The 25-50-pound retaining valve regulates the pressure at 25 and 50 lb. It is used with 6-in., 8-in., and lO-in. brake cylinders and weighs 7f lb. The piece and reference numbers of the valves and of their various parts are given in the accom- panying list. Operation. — This t^Tpe of pressure-retaining valve operates like the older types, except that the weight can be increased so as to make it a two-pressure retainer. The weights 4 and 10 are equal. The weight 10 is cylindrical and surrounds the weight 4- It can be raised off of weight 4 or lowered on to it [. 380 PRESSURE'RETAINING VALVES 15-30 25-50 Ref. No. Name of Part Piece Numbers 10,970 7,880 Valve, complete 10,973 9,610 Body, complete, includes 5, 6, 7. and 8 10,922 7,877 2 Body, bushed 10,977 7,869 3 Case 11,756 7.878 4 Inside weight, complete 7,871 7,871 5 Handle 7,870 7,870 6 Cock key 7,875 7,875 7 Cock cap 2,231 2,231 8 Key spring 7,879 7,879 9 Weight-lifting rod 10.976 9,611 10 Outside weight, complete by turning the handle 5 to the proper position. With the handle' straight down, the retainer is cut out of service. In this position the handle engages rod 9 and raises weight W off of weight 4 so as to reduce the wear of the valve seat. With the handle in its intermediate position, the weight 10 rests on the weight 4- This doubles the amount of retainer weight, so that the high pressure is retained, as the pressure must raise both weights to escape. With the handle horizontal, the weight 10 is raised off the weight 4 so that the weight 4 alone is in use; thus the low pressure is retained. SINGLE-PRESSUIIE SPRING-TYPE RETAINING VALVES The spring- type retaining valve is of an improved design providing a uniform blow-down of cylinder pressure; that is, in proportion to the size of the cylinder. It is provided with an oi>ening tapped for a gauge connection, thereby permitting of brake-cylinder leakage being readily tested without having to disconnect the retainer pipe at the triple valve. Single- pressure, Fig. 1, or double-pressure, Fig. 2, retaining valves are provided for freight-brake equipments, and a single-pressure valve, Fig. 3, for passenger equipment. The single-pressure retainers for freight and passenger equipments are sufficiently I different in appearance to be readily distinguished. Both are made for two pressures, one to retain 10 lb. and the other ' 15 lb. The double-pressure retaining valve is made for three pressures, to retain 10-20 lb., 15-30 lb., or 25-50 lb. The « PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES 381 passenger equipment retaining valve is made in two sizes. The one used with 8-, 10-, and 12-in. cylinders weighs 4^ lb.; Fig. 1 that used with 14-, 16-, and 18-in. cylinders, weighs 5f lb. The single-pressure freight retainer weighs 3j lb., and the double-pressure retainer, 4 lb. Either the freight or the passenger single-pressure retaining valve will be furnished with locomotive brake equipments I PIPE TO TRIPLE VALVE Fig. 2 when specified on the order, but an additional charge is made for it. 382 PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES . The piece and reference numbers of the single-pressure freights retaining valves are given in the accompanying list. This retain- ing valve will be furnished if specified with all single-cylindej freight equipments, but an additional charge is made for it. SINGLE-PRESSURE, SPRING-TYPE FREIGHT RETAINING VALVES Ref. No. 20 Size of cylinders, in. , Pressure retained, lb. Name of Part Valve, complete. . , Body Cap nut (vented) . Valve Handle Cock key Cock-key cap Cock-key spring. . Spring 8X12 10 Pc. No 44,889 44,883 43,449 42,130 43,554 42,136 42,137 2,231 42,362 15 Pc. No, 44,888 44,883 43,449 42,130 43,554 42,136 42,137 2,231 44,629 10X12 10 Pc. No, 44,886 44,883 43,451 42,130 43,554 42,136 42,137 2,231 42.362 15 Pc. No. 44,885 44,883 43,451 42,130 43,554 42,136 42,137 2,231 44,629 The double-pressure spring- type retaining valve is furnishedj when specified for use with all single-cylinder freight-brake equipments, but an additional charge is made for it. It is furnished regularly as a fundamental item with empty and load freight brake equipment. It may be applied to locomotives. PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES 383 The single-pressure, spring-type, passenger retaining valve. Fig. 3, is of the non-vestibule type, the piece number of the vestibule type being 46,398. It is furnished for use with all passenger-car brake equipments without extra charge, if specified on the order. DIMENSIONS OF RETAINING VALVE, FIG. 1 Size of Cylinder A B C D E F G H Used With, In, In. In. In. In. In. In. In. Inches 8-10-12 li^ H 2f 2f 51 If fpipe fpipe 14-16-18 n U 31 2^ 6 11 ^pipe Ipipe i. Spring Identification, Retaining Valves Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire B, In. Free Height C, In. No, Coila Material Name of Spring 2 231 42,362 44,628 44,629 45,265 46,422 7,679 f .091 .0356 .04 .04 .051 .057 .091 2^ 2^ 2^ 3^ 29 29 19§ 19 5 Brass Phosphor- bronze Phosphor- bronze Phosphor- bronze Phosphor- bronze Phosphor- bronze Brass Key Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve Key Retaining valves are packed in standard boxes, containing a definite n\imber per box. The single-pressure spring type used with single-cylinder freight brake equipments, and the 15-C single-pressure weight type, come packed 100 to the box. All the others are packed 50 to the box. Ordering by standard boxes aids in handling, inventory, etc. 384 PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES ' 1 '5 XXX ooo XXX oooooo o (N I O X o I (Mi-HC0O^CDI>rH(Nrt<(M T-iTH00OrtOC0C0C0cO00CO cq lO lO^ '-^ lO rH T-H (N CO CO CO CO CO CO C ^ (N Oi 00 CD<£>CDC0»OC0C0C0CDC5(N iOiOiOt-iiOt-It-i_2 : PQU>ffiUOO>0> PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVES 385 X o coco 00 00 '-I "* o C5 c; C5 !M ^ CO OCI> CO t^ c^ "^. <^. "^. ''t ^. ^. ■* ic lo' CO* cc' L':* i> o" ■^ Tt^ ^ rf •^ Tt^ COCO O"0 t^OO 3cO00l>:; h ^ ^^ ^^ '^ Tj^CO ■5 Oi O M - ;ot>-c^ i-HCO 00 00 ^Tf OCTJ -cooot> 05 Ci >-o coi>;o (M cc C^ s;s lO ^ CO CO lO t>- O icoq CO rf O C5 Ci CR C^ CO CO X !>• CO I>(M (N c; coco 45,266 45,264 46,480 46,479 45,269 7,679 45,265 CO 00 co'oo' o Tt^ o lo CO cr. c^ »o CO 00 O Tf r- s^ TJH_ (N r^ cc l> --O^ rt^__ ic lo" co" od" L-:" i> co" rf^ Tfl -"^ ■'T Tf »0 CO 00 O rf r- o **. =^. <^l lO" lO" CO* oo' iC I> o* Tt< Tt< Tt^ Tf Tf rr 05 Tt< o »£: CO oi c^ Tj< CO 00 O rf Ir^ C^ '*. :0_^ Tt|_ lO" to" CO* OC ^ t>* CO Tt< -* -.^ Tt- rf rt< 00"^ OOO CO 00 co'oo Oi '* O to CO C5 ►o Tt< CO 00 O Tf i> CO -* CO_ !N »0 iO* CO* X* lO* l>* "O* TJH Tt< "^ Tt Tl* rt" ^4 "*. CO '^^ lO lO* CO* 00* lO I> CO Tt^ Tj^ Tt Tf TT rr COTt< OOO CO 00 -^ O >0 CO Oi ^ f COOOOrJ^t^. CO t^ (N "<# X t^ -O C<1 ,> Coo >.r2 c^ cd o O 1^ oj >ffiOCJ^> cqco rt*iO<©l>000 386 SAFETY VALVES SAFETY VALVES ^^^K TYPES OF AIR-BRAKE SAFETY VALVES Four types of air-brake safety valves are made; viz., E-1 and E-6, which weigh 3 lb., and E-3 and E-7, which weigh 3^ lb. While types E-1 and E-3 are designed for air-brake service, they can be used for any service where a high-grade, air-pressure, safety valve is required. However, the ranges of pressures given must not be departed from, as they cover the limits under which satisfactory operation can be obtained Fig. 1 Fig. 2 from the different springs. The pressure range for which the valve is adapted is now stamped on the hexagon portion of the body. The E-1 safety valve, shown in Fig. 1, is suitable for general service where a high-grade, air-pressure, safety valve is required, except where it is necessary to have a close or adjust- able range between the opening and closing points of the safety valve, in which case the type E-3 should be used. SAFETY VALVES 387 The E-1 safety valve, which has a range from 35 lb. to 75 lb.. Piece No. 10,526, is the valve most commonly used with driver- and tender-brake cylinders, in connection with schedules SWA, SWB, and U; on passenger cars temporarily used in trains equipped with high-speed brakes; and with No. 5 distributing valve. The E-3 safety valve, shown in Fig. 2, is provided with an adjustable exhaust regulating ring, by means of which the drcp, or range between the opening and closing points of the Fig. 3 Fig. 4 safety valve, can be adjusted to any desired amount. It is, therefore, particularly adapted for use w^here it is desirable to keep this range at any given amount, large or small. The E-6 safety valve, shown in Fig. 3, is a special valve not used for general purposes. It is a part of and is regularly sup- plied with the No. 6 distributing vab^'e. The E-7 safety valve, shown in Fig. 4, is a special valve, and not used for general purposes. It is a part of, and is regularly supplied with, type L triple valves. The piece and reference numbers of the different types of valves, and of the various parts of each, are given in the accom- panying lists. L.. 388 SAFETY VALVES Type E-1 Safety Valves Pc. No. Ref. No, Name of Part 28,487 Type E-1 safety valve, 5 lb. to 25 lb. 18,598 Type E-1 safety valve, 10 lb. to 40 lb. 10,526 Type E-1 safety valve, 35 lb. to 75 lb. 24.106 Type E-1 safety valve, 60 lb. to 100 lb. 24.107 Type E-1 safety valve, 80 lb. to 130 lb. 24.108 Type E-1 safety valve, 110 lb. to 150 lb. 10,528 2 Body, bushed. 9.029 3 Cap nut. 10,524 4 Valve. 10.523 5 Valve stem. 18,286 6 Spring, 5 lb. to 25 lb. 18,414 6 Spring, 10 lb. to 40 lb. 1,498 6 Spring, 35 lb. to 75 lb. 3,639 6 Spring, 60 lb. to 100 lb, 24.112 6 Spring, 80 lb. to 130 lb. 13,434 6 Spring, 110 lb. to 150 lb. 9.030 7 Regulating nut. Type E-3 Safety Valves Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 24.109 Type E-3 safety valve, 50 lb. to 90 lb. 24.110 Type E-3 safety valve, 80 lb. to 130 lb. 12,705 Type E-3 safety valve, 110 lb. to 150 lb. 24.111 Type E-3 safety valve, 140 lb. to 225 lb. 15,494 Type E-3 safety valve, 210 lb. to 325 lb. 26,079 Type E-3 safety valve, 300 lb. to 400 lb. 12,795 2 Body, bushed. 9.029 3 Cap nut. 10.524 4 Valve. 10.523 5 Valve stem. 24.113 6 Spring, 50 lb. to 90 lb. 24.112 6 Spring, 80 lb. to 130 lb. 13,434 6 Spring, 110 lb. to 150 lb. 24.114 6 Spring, 140 lb. to 225 lb. 12,490 6 Spring, 210 lb. to 325 lb. 26,078 6 Spring, 300 lb. to 400 lb. 9.030 7 Regulating nut. 12.797 8 Exhaust-regulating ring. 12.798 9 Lock-ring. Type E-6 Safety Valve Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 15,890 E-6 safety valve, 50 lb. to 90 lb., complete. 15,554 2 Body, bushed. 9,029 3 Cap nut. 10.524 4 Valve. 10,523 5 Valve stem. 24.113 6 Spring, 50 lb. to 90 lb. 16,087 7 Regulating nut. SAFETY VALVES Typ£ E-7 Safety Valve Pc. No. Ref. No. ^9^^. of Part 389 15,549 E-7 safety valve, 35 lb. to 75 lb., complete. 15.538 2 Body, bushed. 9,029 3 Cap nut. 10.524 4 Valve. 10.523 5 Valve stem. 3,639 6 Spring, 60 lb. to 100 lb. 16,087 7 Regulating nut. 12,797 8 Exhaust-regulating ring. 12,798 9 Lock-ring. Spring Identification, Safety Valves Pc. No. 18.286 18.414 1,498 3,639 24,112 13.434 24,113 24.112 13.434 24.114 12.490 26,078 Out. Dia. A, In. if _»_ 16 I DLa. Free Wire Height ^, In. C,In. .072 2H .080 2H .095 31- .109 3t .121 3^ .121 3i .106 2H .121 3^ .121 31 .135 3^ .148 3U .162 3i No. Coils 15 14 20 181 17 17 15^ 17 17 151 16f 13i Type E-1 E-1 E-1 1 and E-7 E-1 E-1 E-3 and E-6 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 Range of Pressure Lb. 5 to 25 10 to 40 35 to 75 60 to 100 80 to 130 110 to 150 50 to 90 80 to 130 110 to 150 140 to 225 210 to 325 300 to 400 Material of all springs, nickeled steel OPERATION OF SAFETY VALVES The safety valve operates as follows: Air enters the safety valve and exerts an upward pressure on the under side of the valve 4- When the pressure underneath the valve slightly exceeds the tension of the adjusting spring 6, the valve 4 is raised, and, as it rises, a larger area is exposed to the air pressure, which then causes it to move upwards quickly until the stem strikes the cap nut 3. During this movement, the upper end of the two vertical ports in the valve bushmg are closed by 390 HIGH-SPEED REDUCING VALVE ^ the valve 4 and the horizontal ports in the bushing and the body 2 are opened. This allows air from the valve chamber to pass to the atmosphere, and as the pressure in this chamber decreases, the adjusting spring moves the valve 4 down toward its seat. During this movement, the horizontal ports are closed and the upper end of the vertical ports in the valve bushing are opened. This allows air from the valve chamber to pass into the chamber above valve 4. from which place it can escape to the atmosphere through the vent ports in the valve body. The air from the valve chamber can pass into the upper chamber through the vertical ports in the bushing faster than the air can escape from this chamber to the atmos- phere through the vent ports. This causes a pressure to accumulate above valve 4 and assists the spring 6 in closing the valve with a pop action. The promptness with which valve 4 will close depends, to a certain extent, on the rate at which air can escape through the vent ports in the body 2 and the rate of discharge of air through these ports can be regulated by the exhaust-regulating ring 8, which is locked in position by the lock-ring 9. HIGH-SPEED REDUCING VALVE PIECE AND REFERENCE NUMBERS The high-speed reducing valve, shown in the accompanying illustration, is made in five sizes for use with 8-in., 10-in., 12-in., 14-in., 16-in., and 18-in. cylinders, hence care must be observed to use the proper size valve for the brake cylinder. The weight is 35 lb. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 4,128 Reducing valve, complete, for 8-in. cylinder. 11,176 Reducing valve, complete, for 10-in. cylinder. 3,712 Reducing valve, complete, for 12-in. cylinder. 11,275 Reducing valve, complete, for 14-in. cylinder. 3,711 Reducing valve, complete, for 16-in. and 18-in. cylinder. II HIGH-SPEED REDUCING VALVE 391 Fig. 1 392 HIGH-SPEED REDUCING VALVE Parts Common to All Valves Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 2 Body, bushed. Spring box, bushed. Piston, includes 5. Piston ring. Piston stem. Piston-stem nut. Slide valve. Slide-valve spring. Cap nut. Regulating spring. Regulating nut. Check-nut. Union stud. Union swivel. Union nut. Air strainer. Union gasket. Bolt and nut. Piston seat. Piston disk. Spring abutment. Cotter, ^-in. street L. l-in. pipe plug. PARTS NOT COMMON TO ALL VALVES, BUT TO BE ORDERED AS NOTED 2,402 3 2,392 4 10,030 5 2,396 6 2.397 7 8 2,400 9 2,401 10 2,406 11 2,407 12 7,094 13 2,410 14 2,412 15 1,749 16 2,411 17 1,755 18 5,198 19 2,394 20 2,395 21 2,405 22 3,942 23 13.225 24 2,202 25 Name of Part Piece Number When Used With Ref. No. 8-In. Cyl. 10- In. Cyl. 12-In. Cyl. 14-In. Cyl. 16-In. and 18-In. Cyl. 2 8 B9dy Slide valve . . 4.124 4,125 11.124 4.125 3,349 3,351 11,128 11,129 3,346 3,347 Spring Identification, H-S Reducing Valve Pc. No. Out. Dia. i4.In. Dia. Wire J3. In. Free Height C.ln. No. Coils Material Name of Spring 2,^06 If ^ 91 19^ Steel Regulating HIGH-SPEED REDUCING VALVE 393 OPERATION OF REDUCING VALVE The slide-valve seat in the body bush has a long narrow port (which will be designated a) extending crosswise with the slide valve 8. The slide valve has a triangular-shaped port (which will be designated b) with its apex pointing toward the cap nut IG. In release position of the reducing valve, port b is above port a. As long as the cylinder pressure remains less than 60 lb. per sq. in., the reducing valve plays no part in an ordinary service application o£ the brake, the valve remaining in its normal position, with port a blanked. Suppose, that in making a service application, the brake-cylinder pressure should increase above 60 lb.; the pressure above the piston 4 will be sufficient to compress the regulating spring, and the piston and slide valve will be forced downwards until the base, or largest part of port b, registers with port a. In this position, brake-cylinder air is free to flow to the atmosphere through the exhaust fitting 24 until the pressure is reduced to 60 lb., when the regulating spring forces the piston and slide valve upwards into their normal positions again. In an emergency application of the brake, air enters the brake cylinder from the train pipe and auxiliary reservoir in much greater voliime than it could possibly escape through the ports a and b of the reducing valve; hence, piston 4 of the latter is forced downwards the full length of its stroke, and assumes a position such that the apex of the triangular port b registers with port a. In this position, the passage through ports a and b is small and air discharges quite slowly from the cylixider. As the pressure in the cylinder, and conse- quently above piston 4> gradually decreases, due to the dis- charge through ports a and b, the regulating spring gradually raises the piston and slide valve, and, as the slide valve is raised, the opening through ports a and b gradually increases; consequently, the discharge from the cylinder increases accord- ingly until the brake-cylinder pressure is reduced to a safe amount (60 lb.), when the reducing valve assumes its normal position, covering the opening a so that no more air can escape from the brake cylinder until brakes are released. 394 CENTRIFUGAL DIRT COLLECTORS CENTRIFUGAL DIRT COLLECTORS The centrifugal dirt collector, which is shown in Fig. l,i supersedes the brake-pipe air strainer and is now regularly | furnished as a part of the standard air-brake equip- ments. When included with full sets, no extra charge is made. The collector is made in three sizes, I in., 1 in., and \\ in. The |-in. collector, Piece No. 32,342, is used on locomotives; the 1-in., Piece No. 27,950, is used on pas- senger cars; and the Ij-in., Piece No. 31,802, is used on freight cars. The dimensions and weights are given in the accompanying table, and piece FiG. 1 and reference numbers of the different sizes, and of the various parts of each, are given in the accompanying list. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF CENTRIFUGAL DIRT COLLECTOR Size Inches Width Inches Length B Inches Length C Inches Weight Pounds 1 1 4- 4- 4- 7 7f 8H 9^ 9^ 8^ 9 f-;lN. Centrifugal Dirt Collector Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 36,452 f-in. centrifugal dirt collector, complete. 36,451 2 Body. 36,450 3 Deflector and plug. I CENTRIFUGAL DIRT COLLECTORS 395 1-In. Centrifugal Dirt Collector Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 36.454 1-in. centrifugal dirt collector, complete. 36,453 2 Body. 36,450 3 Deflector and special plug. li-lN. Centrifugal Dirt Collector Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 36,456 li-in. centrifugal dirt collector, complete. 36.455 2 Body. 36,450 3 Deflector and special plug. With the brake-pipe strainer, there is a tendency for dirt and foreign matter to clog the strainer, thereby restricting the flow of air through it, which frequently results in imperfect operation of the brakes; also, to clean the brake-pipe strainer. the pipe connections must be broken. With the centrifugal dirt collector no strainer is used; hence, the air passage through it remains free and unrestricted at all times. Dirt and foreign matter drop to the bottom of the chamber and can be quickly removed without disturbing any pipe connections. A good 396 CENTRIFUGAL DIRT COLLECTORS idea of the internal construction and the operation of the centrifugal dirt collector can be obtained from the horizontal section shown in Fig. 2. Air from the brake pipe, on its way to the triple valve, enters at A, passes through the pas- sage c, into the chamber E, thence up passage /, and out at B. The air on its way through the passage c receives a whirling motion when it enters chamber £, which tends to cause any for- eign matter in the air to be carried close to the walls of the chamber. Then, as the air is com- pelled to rise in order to escape through pas- sage /, the foreign mat- ter drops to the bottom of the collector whence it can be removed by unscrewing the special plug 3. In Fig. 3 is shown the application of the centrifugal dirt collector to a car. The |-in. vertical centrifugal dirt collector. Fig. 4, is recom- mended for use with electric locomotive brake equipments to protect the feed- valve and reducing valve. It is furnished only when specially ordered, and an additional charge is made for it. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 56.483 i-in. centrifugal dirt collector, complete. 56,486 2 Body. 56.484 3 Deflector and plug. 2,166 5 i-in. union swivel. 2,204 6 ^-in. union gasket. 2,165 7 J-in. union nut. \ Fig. 4 AIR STRAINERS 397 AIR STRAINERS Fig. 1 BRAKE-PIPE STRAINERS Two sizes of brakp-pipe strainers, shown in Fig. 1, are made. The 1-in. strainer was formerly furnished with locomotive and passenge r-car brake equip- ments. The IJ in. was for- merly furnished with freight- car brake equipments, also with locomotive brake equipments when l^-in. brake pipe was specified. To meet special conditions, a pattern is provided for a II" XlF'Xl" brake-pipe strainer, Piece No. 6,141, to avoid the cumbersome appearance of the standard l^-in. strainer, Piece No. 2,151, if bushed. Piece No. 6,141 will be made up and sup- plied only as ordered and can be furnished with |-in. side open- ing bushed to | in. (Piece No. 6,145) or to f in. (Piece No. 11,496) if desired. Repair parts for these special strainers are the same as for the standard, except body. Piece No. 6,142, for the li"Xli"X|" strainer, and bushings, l"X¥\ Piece No. 9,332, and f"X|", Piece No. 10,089. If desired to have side opening bushed for smaller than 1-in. pipe, orders should so state and specify as follows: 1"X l''X I" brake-pipe strainer. Piece No. 4,989; V'Xl"X¥' braloe-pipe strainer. Piece No. 2,179; or 1"X1"X|" brake-pipe strainer, Piece No. 10,039. Repair parts for these strainers are the same as for the standard, except bushings, 1"X|'', Piece No. 6,983, 1"X^", Piece No. 2,181, and l^Xf, Piece No. 10,045. The dimensions and weights of each size are given in the accompanying table; the piece and reference numbers of the strainers and their various parts are given in the accompanying lists. 398 AIR STRAINERS 1 DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF BRAKE-PIPE STRAINERS Size Inches Length of A Inches Length of B Inches Length of C Inches Weight Pounds {' 21 3i 3i tl P 1-In. Brake-Pipe Strainers Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 2,148 1" X 1" X I" brake-pipe strainer, complete 2,180 2 V[ X I" X V strainer body, includes 6. 1,750 3 1-in. union swivel. 1,749 4 1-in. union nut. 1,755 5 1-in. union gasket. 2,150 6 Strainer. li-lN. Brake-Pipe Strainers Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part d 2,151 2,182 2,155 2,154 2,183 2,153 li^Xli^XlF' brake-pipe strainer, com- plete. li"XlF'Xli" strainer body, includes 6. li-in. union swivel, li-in. union nut. l|-in. union gasket. Strainer. fli C STRAINER AND CHECK-VALVE The C strainer and check-valve, shown below, is now superseding the B-2 types. Type C-1-3-6 is used with schedulp ^ OHOKE FITTINO L air-signal equipment for locomotives having No. 6 ET brake equipment; it weighs 3| lb. AIR STRAINERS 399 Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 24 ,899 C-1-3-6 strainer and check-valve, complete. 25,908 2 Body, bushed. 1 14,661 3 Cap nut. 1 25,909 4 Check-valve. ( 25,921 5 3-lb. valve spring. , 24,893 6 Valve cap. ' 1,044 7 Strainer (2 pieces) each. ! 8 Curled hair. 14,204 9 Union swivel. 2,165 10 Union nut. 1 2,204 11 Union gasket. ' 15,473 12 Choke plug with ^-in. hole. 25,788 13 Leather seat. Type C-1-20-8 strainer and check-valve is used with dead engine fixtures, No. 6 ET equipment; it weighs 3i lb. Pc, No. Ref. No. Name of Part 24,898 C-1-20-8 strainer and check-valve, com- plete. 25.908 2 Body, bushed. 14,661 3 Cap nut. 25.909 4 Check-valve. 25,920 5 20-lb. valve spring. 24,893 6 Valve cap. 1,044 7 Strainer (2 pieces) each 8 Curled hair. 14,294 9 Union swivel. 2,165 10 Union nut. 2,204 11 Union gasket. 25,906 12 Choke plug with |-in. hole. 25,788 13 Leather seat. T0m/M, ^p^'"«i'i«8t«,t«.Tivfr'"^^^"' Pc. No. Out. Dia. A, In. Dia. Wire jB, In. Free Height CIn. No. Coils Material Type 25.921 25,920 if .0403 .072 If lA 15 10 Phosphor- Bronze Phosphor- Bronze C-1-3-6 C-1-20-8 1 400 AIR STRAINERS SIGNAL-PIPE STRAINER The signal-pipe strainer, shown herewith, is furnished witi schedule K, passenger-car, air-signal equipments; it weighs 1| lb. The piece and reference numbers of the strainer and its parts are given in the accompanying list. MAIN SIGNAL ^ PIPE — ^-PIPE TAP. Pc. No. Ref, No. Name of Part 2,240 r'X f'X h" signal pipe stramer, complete 2,497 2 Strainer body, includes 6. 2,166 3 ^-in. union swivel. 2,165 4 |-in. union nut. 2,204 5 ^-in. union gasket. 2,242 6 Strainer. I-IN. AIR STRAINER The f-in. air strainer, shown below, is furnished with schedule J, locomotive air-signal equipments; it weighs If lb. The piece and reference numbers of the strainer and its parts fPIPE are given list. in the accompanymg Pc. No. Ref, No. Name of Part 3,272 |-in. air strainer, complete. 3,273 2 Body. 4 1,044 3 Strainer (2 1 pieces), eacJW 3,274 4 Cap. 5 Curled hair. CONDUCTOR'S VALVES 401 1-IN. BRANCH-PIPE STRAINER The 1-in. air branch-pipe strainer, shown below, is used in connection with pipeless triple valves; it weighs 1| lb. The piece and reference numbers of the strainer and its parts are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 9,523 1-in. branch-pipe strainer, com- plete. 9,522 2 Body. 2,411 3 Strainer. 1,749 4 1-in. union nut. 1,750 5 1-in. union swivel. 1,755 6 1-in. union gasket. CONDUCTOR'S VALVES « PiPC ATMOSPHERE B-3-A CONDUCTOR'S VALVE The B-3-A conductor's valve. Fig. 1, is tapped for |-in. pipe, is of the non- self-closing poppet-valve type, which, when opened, must be clpsed by hand. Its weight is 4 lb. This PE valve is standard, and complete passenger - car braliPB TO SIGNAL PIPE the discharge valve and forces the valve from its seat. Air from the signal pipe then passes through TRAIN AIR-SIGNALING SYSTEM 431 3 M Valve Used With Car Discharge Signal Reducing Signal Reducing Signal Reducing 1 1 1 2 Valve Spring Supply Valve High- Pressure Regulating Key Brass Brass Steel Brass . to ^6 00O5O5C0 Free Height C, In. Dia. Wire B, In. ii^-i Out. Dia. A. In. ;^H2--- 6 6 2.161 2,372 40,451 2.231 the branch pipes into the discharge valve, past the dis- charge valve, and out to the atmosphere, causing a reduc- tion in signal-pipe pressure. As soon as the signal cord is released, the spring 4 forces the discharge valve to its seat again and stops the discharge of air from the signal pipe. The branch pipe to the discharge valve is supplied with a strainer (where it connects with the main signal pipe) and a cut-out cock, the former to prevent dirt from re^-ching the discharge valve, and the latter to enable the discharge valve to be cut out in case it is disabled. The handle of the cut-out cock stands parallel with the pipe when the discharge valve is cut out, and at right angles to it when cut in. Also, the cut-out cocks in the signal pipe on either side of the signal hose are closed when the handles stand parallel with the pipe, and open when at right angles to it. The couplings in the signal hose are the H P-4 type, and are of a different size than the F P-5 couphngs of the regular air-brake hose, so that signal hose and brake hose cannot be coupled by mis- take. 432 TRAIN AIR-SIGNALING SYSTEM The piece and reference numbers of the valve and its pai are given in the accompanying list. parts Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 2.156 Car discharge valve, complete. 2,157 2 Body. 2.158 3 Stem, complete, includes 11. 2.161 4 Spring. 2.162 5 Handle. 2.163 6 Stop-pin. 2,164 7 Cap. 2,165 8 ^-in. union nut. 2.166 9 ^-in. union swivel 2,204 10 ^-in. iinion gasket. 2.160 11 Rubber seat. AIR-SIGNAL EQUIPMENTS Locomotive Cars A-1 ET Recommended For Net Weight Lb. J L K Pieces Required Pc. No. Details 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2,360 2,156 2,205 2,804 3,272 24,899 2.240 15,213 2,233 2,237 53,553 20,810 Signal reducing valve. . . Car discharge valve. . . . Signal valve 8 16 1 Signal whistle ^ 1 |-in. strainer 1^ C- 1-3-6 strainer and check valve with ^-in. choke 31 rxrxr signal-pipe strainer. . . ... I5 2 4 4 Hn. cut-out cock f-in. cut-out cocks f-in. angle fittings 1 i" X 22" hose with HP- 4 couplings and f-in. nipples 2| 10 2 H dummy couplings .... I WATER-DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM 433 WATER-DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM ARRANGEMENT OF TANKS AND AIR VALVES In the accompanying illustration, Fig. 1, is shown the arrange- ment of the tanks and air valves of the water-raising system, in ^ux/r/ary/fese/yo/r of//re £ra/f6jysfem ^ P/pe t> '^3/ra/ner \-Goyernorya/rfi ^efisi SQ/Jr^ : /f // Pressure /feserye/r ffec/i/a/raHrffie Je/af20/lf.' =f=^ O/tOutCocM Fig. 1 combination with the air-brake system. The supply of air i taken from the auxiliary reservoir of the brake system. AIR-PRESSURE-GOVERNOR VALVE The accompanying cross- section shows the construction of the air-pressure-governor valve for the water- distributing system on Pullman cars, which weighs 5 lb. The piece num- ber of the valve is 2,590; the piece and reference numbers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. 434 WATER-DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM Fig. 2 Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 2,591 2 Valve body, bushed. 2,594 3 Spring box. » 2.599 4 Check-nut. 2,600 5 Supply -valve cap. 2,605 6 Union swivel. 2,165 7 Union nut. 2,204 8 Union gasket. 2,604 9 Strainer. 2,595 10 Diaphragm, complete, includes 11 to 15, inclusive, 2,038 11 Diaphragm, 2 pieces each. 2,040 12 Diaphragm washer. 2,041 13 Diaphragm nut. 2,039 14 Diaphragm valve. 2,042 15 Diaphragm-valve spring. 1,064 16 Diaphragm ring. 2,597 17 Regulating spring. 2,598 18 Regulating nut. 2,601 19 Supply valve, complete. 2,160 20 Rubber seat. 2,603 21 Supply-valve spring. WATER-DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM 435 The governor valve should be placed between the auxiliary reservoir and water-supply air-pressure reservoir, so that the auxiliary-reservoir connection is at AR and the air-pressure reservoir connects at PR. The adjustment of spring i 7 is such that a pressure in cham- ber e of 60 lb. on diaphragm 11 is required to raise its valve from its seat. Therefore, the auxiliary reservoir of the air brake is charged to this extent before any pressure passes to the air reservoir of the water-supply system. Air pressure from the auxiliary reservoir entering the valve atAR reaches chamber e through port d, and as it approximates 60 lb., diaphragm il and its valve are lifted, and valve 19 is forced from its seat, thereby permitting the pressure to pass to chamber /, and through port g to the air reservoir of the water- supply system. The stem h of valve 19 is purposely made a comparatively snug fit in its aperture in order to produce a sluggish feed of air past it to the air tank, causing auxiliary- reservoir pressure to be only slightly affected by any demand upon its air supply. REDUCING VALVE The reducing valve shown in cross-section. Fig. 3, weighs 6 lb. Its piece number is 2,663; the piece and reference num- bers of the various parts are given in the accompanying list. Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 2,664 2 Valve body, bushed. Spring box. Check-nut. Supply-valve cap. |-in. union swivel, ^-in. union nut. 5-in. union gasket. Strainer. Piston, complete, includes 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. Piston stem. Large diaphragm. Small diaphragm. Piston, includes 13. Piston ring. Piston nut. Cotter. Diaphragm ring. 2,675 3 2,599 4 2,680 5 2,166 6 2,165 7 2,204 8 2,604 9 15,348 2,670 10 2,672 11 2,673 11 2,668 12 13,206 13 2,671 14 42,388 15 2,674 16 436 WATER-DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM Pc. No. Ref. No. Name of Part 2.676 17 Regulating spring. 2.677 18 Regulating nut. 2.678 19 Supply valve, complete. 2,423 20 Rubber seat. 2,603 21 Supply-valve spring. Connect union fitting 6 with the pipe from the air reservoir, and connect the pipe to the water reservoirs at WT, inserting a check- valve, cut- r— ^ "* 1^^ — * r ^^^ cock, and five- 6 7 20 19 21 5^*^B^^ «"^ "'' ^^y cock in this '^ ' '* pipe. The valve is adjusted to deHver 20 lb. pressure on the water for forcing the water through- out the car. Neces- sary readjustments are made by nut 18. Pressure entering the valve at PR passes to chamber a, thence past valve 19 to chamber b, and by passage c to WT and the water tanks. As the pressure in the latter approxi- mates 20 lb., piston closes valve 19. As the Fig. 3 12 is forced down and spring air pressure in the water tanks diminishes through the use of water, the pressure on piston ij^ is likewise affected, and the piston being forced upwards by spring 17, opens valve '19 and restores the air pressure in the water tanks. WATER-DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM 437 (A H o i I T3 5^ > «» 13 rt > > V. , o u J^ c o TS i§ 2 Ul M jTi > M 1> (U > 1 ^ ^ ^ 1 1 s << (ij< fe ^ > bo> bo*^ rt Oi C13 c S ^ (n o 1 i 2: t| 1| tc '5 c % 'o (U li CO «0(N d 6 NlEPvIORANDA 1 NlEISs^ORANDA IvlENIORANDA NIEMORANDA NIENIORANDA 1 MENIORANDA ISrlENIORANIDA 4 I MEMORANDA M:E:M:oRANr)A 1 Promotion Advancement in Salary and ' Business Success ^ Secured Through the Complete Air Brake Locomotive Running Mitchell's Models Trainmen and Carmen's Roundhouse Boilermaking COURSES OF INSTRUCTION OF THE International Correspondence Schools International Textbook Company, Proprietors SCRANTON. PA., U. S. A. ( ^ ^ ^^-^ SEE FOLLOWING PAGES \-^ Earns $8 a Day My position when I enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Complete Trainmen and Carmen's Course was that of a freight conductor at a salary of $3.60 a day with the Alabama Great Southern Railroad. Since I took your Course I have been promoted to the position of general yardmaster for the same road in Birmingham, Ala. , and from that position I was promoted to train master. Having filled these positions with satisfaction, I have now chosen to take back my rights in train service, and am at pres- ent a passenger conductor for the same road at a salary of $8.11 a day. R. E. Broyles, 5216 Grand Ave., Woodlawn, Ala. NOW FOREMAN Floyd D. Munn, Portsmouth, Ohio, was a freight-car buildei earning a small salary when he enrolled with the I.C.S, for the Air Brake Course. He is now employed as air-brake foreman by the Norfolk and Western Railway Co., receiving a salary of $120 a month. A BETTER POSITION W. N. BuRMASTER, 333 Eliza St., Algiers, La., was an apprentice machinist when he took our Air Brake Course. This has enabled him to become shop and engine foreman for the New Orleans Southern and Grand Isle Railroad at a salary of $110 a month. A GRADUATE'S SUCCESS F. R. CoLTON, 25 Seller's Location, Hibbing, Minn., was a machinist when he enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Complete Air Brake Course. Since graduating, he has become foreman of machine shops for the Oliver Iron Mining Co., where he has organized a Mechanical Club among the locomotive engineers* steam-shovel men, and shop men under his direction. PROMOTION WITHOUT "PULL" F. W. Stoll, Collinwood, Ohio, recommends the I. C. S. Air Brake Covirse, because it secured for him promotion without "pull." He was employed as a cook at $50 a month when he took up our Course He now holds, in addition to hi? rights as an engineer, a position as division superintendent of air brakes with the Lake Shore and the L. E., A. & W. Railroads at a substantial increase in salary and expenses. NOW INSPECTOR Alfred Jobin, 11 H South Heart Avenue, Quebec, Can., a graduate of our Complete Air Brake Course, was hardly able to read and write in English when he enrolled with the Schools, having picked up his knowledge by reading newspapers and magazines. Since graduating, he has become inspector in com- plete charge of the lower city section of the Quebec Railway, Light and Power Co. System. NOW BAGGAGE MASTER J. F. Cain, 102 Alexander Place, Buffalo, N. Y., enrolled for our Complete Air Brake Course, while holding a position as flagman on a Lehigh Valley express train. He is now baggage master for the same company at a salary of $124 a month, and has also obtained his rights as train master. Now Car Inspector I am anxious for the management of the I.C.S. to know of the way I was benefited by taking the Air Brake Course. When I enrolled with the I. C. S. I was working for the small salary of $40 a month, having very little education. At the time I did not know a triple from an auxil- iary, but at the end of 6 months I could do any* kind of work in that line that turned up. My salary was increased, which was entirely due to the way the I.C.S handle their students. Failure is impossible for a student having enough knowledge to write his own name, for that is about all I could do at the time of enrolment. On the other hand, it matters not how much experience one has had, he can be benefited by taking a Course with the I. C. S. At present I am employed by the C. C. C. & St. Louis Railroad as car inspector. A. L. Bryant, 515 E. 7th St., Mount Carmel, 111. NOW GENERAL FOREMAN G. C. Livingston, 827 South Hawley St., Toledo, Ohio, was earning 15 cents an hour when he enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Air Brake Course. He found his work with the Schools a pleasure rather than a task, and was soon advanced both in salary and position. He is at present general foreman of the Car Department for the Hocking Valley Railroad, at Wal- bridge, Ohio. SALARY INCREASED $76 A MONTH When W. M. Wieland, Villa Grove, 111., enrolled with us for the Complete Air Brake Course he was pumping water at $40 a month. He recommends his Course to any one desiring to improve his condition, because it has enabled him to become extra engineer for the C. & E. I. R. R. with an increase in his salary of $7G a month. PASSED HIS EXAMINATION EASILY W. ScHAEFER, 910 Buffum St., Milwaukee, Wis., was working as a fireman at the time of his enrolment for the Complete Air Brake Course. This he found of great benefit to him, since it enabled him to pass his examination for promotion easily. He is now an engineer on the C. M. & St. P. Railway. STEADY PROMOTION Charles H. Lamb, 1661 Locust St., Terre Haute, Ind., was working for $1.50 a day when he subscribed for the Complete Air Brake Course. Soon his wages were raised, and he was steadily promoted until he has now become air-brake foreman of the roundhouse of the Vandalia Railroad Co. at a salary of $117 a month. THE I. C. S. PAVED THE WAY A. Skinner, 312 Ash St., Tokepa, Kans., was earning $1.60 a day as an air-brake inspector when he enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Complete Air Brake Course. He found our textbooks so simple that he easily mastered them. He says that the road to success is not hard when the I. C. S. paves the way. His wages have been increased 180 per cent. A GRADUATE'S SUCCESS Homer H. Stuckey, 6215 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., a graduate of our Air Brake Course, was earning about $80 a month as an air-brake inspector on the Lake Shore at the time of his enrolment. He is now regarded as an expert in his line, and his salary has been increased some 50 per cent. Earns $200 a Month Walter J. Brown, 292 North Ave., 23, Los Angeles, Cal., was working in the Air-Brake Service of the D. & J. R. R. R. at the time when he enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Air Brake Course. At the time he had received nothing more than a common-school education. After graduating, he entered the service of the South- em Pacific Railway Co., where he is now em- ployed in the capacity of conductor earning from $150 to $200 a month. A GRADUATE'S SUCCESS Frank V. Brose, 609 Parker St., Mason City, Iowa, was a fireman for the C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., when he enrolled for our Locomotive Running Course. He found this very helpful to him in passing the examinations required by the road, and it has enabled him to become, since graduation, an engineer for the same company, earning from $100 to $150 a month. MADE THE EXAMINATION EASY Thomas Hesser, 46 Weaver Ave., Buffalo, N. Y., says that his Locomotive Running Course, for which he subscribed with the I. C. S., made his examination easy. Before he finished the Course he was promoted from the position of fireman to that of engineer on the Lackawanna, and his salary has been increased 100 per cent. mS BEST INVESTMENT Peter Deneef, 612 DuBois St., Elmira, N. Y., declares that the money he has spent for his Locomotive Running Course was the very best investment he ever made, since it brought about his promotion to his position as engineer within 2 years after he began to study. When he came up for examination, Mr. Deneef obtained a rating of 100 per cent. NO LONGER HANDLES THE SCOOP J. E. Camirand, Sherbrooke, P. Q., Can., says that the Locomotive Running Course for which he subscribed with the I. C. S. is responsible for his promotion to his position as engi- neer. He was a fireman when he enrolled, and he declares that but for his Course he would still be handling the scoop. DOUBLED mS SALARY Hans C. Brown, 14 East Linden St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa., a native of Norway, was working as a fireman on the Lehigh Valley Railroad when he enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Loco- motive Running Course. He says that without this instruction he could not have passed the examination for engineers. With the help of the Schools, he has now become an engineer for the same company, and his salary has been increased more than 100 per cent. THEN $45 A MONTH— NOW $130 A MONTH Nicholas Colilar, Costello, Potter County, Pa., was earn- ing $45 a month as a fireman when he enrolled with the Schools for the Locomotive Running Course. He is 'now running an engine for the Emporium Lumber Co., earning $130 a month. Often Earns $200 a Month Carl O. Barnes, Cranesville, Pa., was firing on the Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad, earning during the summer season from $70 to $100 a month, at the time when he enrolled with the International Correspondence Schools for the Locomotive Running Course. Previous to this time, he had obtained only an eighth-grade com- mon-school education. After completing the Course, he obtained promotion to the ix)sition of engineer for the same company, and he now earns from $150 to $200 a month. AVERAGES $35 A WEEK H. F. Stowe, 934 North 3d St., Springfield, 111., did not know anything about running a locomotive, nor how to repair its machinery at the time he enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Complete Locomotive Running Course. At the time he began to study he was earning on an average about $85 a month as a fireman. His Course enabled him to pass a good examina- tion and to secure promotion to the position of engineer, where his pay is now from $120 to $200 a month. AI>WAYS RECOMMENDS THE I. C. S. Fred Ockershauser, Baraboo, Wis., was a fireman when he enrolled for our Locomotive Running Course. Although the Northwestern Railv/ay has the reputation of giving more thorough mechanical examinations than any other company, he was able to pass a good examination, and is today working as one of the company's engineers. His advice to all who wish to better their conditions is "Take a Course with the I. C. S." His income has been increased 60 per cent. NOW FOREMAN C. Jacobes, Box 173, Sausalito, Cal., had suffered bodily injury at electrical work, and was serving as a fireman when he enrolled with the Schools for the Complete Locomotive Running Course. He is now foreman in charge at night of the North- western Pacific Railway Co.'s shops and roundhouse at Sau- salito, Cal. SALARY INCREASED $70 A MONTH Clarence A. Reed, 72 Richards Ave., Dover, N. J-, praises the I. C. S., because our Locomotive Running Course has ena- bled him to pass successful examinations to secure promotion ^om the position of fireman to that of engineer on the D. L. & W. Railroad, thereby increasing his earnings from $90 a month to $160 a month. GRATIFYING ADVANCEMENT B. P. Walker. Newton, Tex., enrolled for our Complete Loco- motive Rurming Course while he was earning $1.75 a day as a fireman. He is now employed as an engineer on the Frisco Lmes, earnmg from $130 to $150 a month. mS COURSE BROUGHT SUCCESS B. L. SiMPKiNS, 113 Baldwin Ave., Bluefield, W. Va., was earning about $55 a month when he enrolled for our Locomotive Running Course. He says that the Schools not only helped him to pass a good examination, but that they also kept him posted on all new equipment coming into use on various roads. He now has a daylight run as a locomotive engineer on the Norfolk & Western Railway, earning from $175 to $195 a month. 9 Three Times His Former Salary J. C. Written, 76 Danforth St., Providence, R. I., was employed as a locomotive fireman on the Worcester Division of the N. Y., N. H. & Hartford Railroad at the time of hts enrolment for the Locomotive Running Course. Because of poverty in his youth, he had no chance to obtain an education, knowing little of arith- metic and being obliged to use the dictionary continually to make sure he understood the meaning of every word in his Course. Mr. Whitten praises the Schools, because, in spite of his handicap, he was able to pass a very satis- factory examination, and to become first-class engineer on the Providence Division of the Rail- way company above named. He is now receiv- ing about three times what he was paid at the time of enrolment. 10 MADE 100 PER CENT. William K. Shirk, 901 Indiana Ave., Elkhart, Ind., was working as a fireman when he enrolled with the l.C.S. for the Complete Locomotive Running Course. When he came up for examination for promotion to the position of engineer on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, he received a rating of 100 per cent, in all his studies. Mr. Shirk says that his success was entirely due to his Course. He is now an engineer for the same company, with a salary increase of 75 per cent. DOUBLED HIS SALARY Although Clinton F. Wertman, 554 Jackson Ave., Jersey City, N. J., had not finished the grammar school, he had no difficulty in mastering his Round House Course. When he enrolled he was a fireman earning $75 a month. He now receives $150 a month as an en- gineer on the L. V. R. R. HIS COURSE DID IT W. L. Stull, Brunswick, Md., a fireman on the B.&C, enrolled for the Complete Locomotive Running Course. Within a year he was made traveling fireman at $100 a month. He is now engineer for the same road. He de- clares that his Course is responsible for his promotion. 100 PER CENT, INCREASE Fred L. Edwards, 104 Jerome Ave., Joliet, 111., was firing a locomotive, earning about $70 a month, at the time of his enrolment for the Locomotive Running Course. He praises his Course as the best in the world, since he has been promoted to the position of locomotive engineer for the C, R. I. & P. R. R., averaging $150 monthly. GLAD HE ENROLLED C. A. Ganz, Box 291, Trafford, Pa., is glad that he enrolled for the Complete Air Brake Course, since it got him into the position he holds today. Since obtaining his diploma, he has become assistant foreman of air- brake and car inspectors at the Pitcairn yard. His salary has been increased $42 a month, PROMOTED— SALARY DOUBLED When A. B. Chandler, Spencer, N. C, came up for examination he missed only one question, although one- third of the firemen who were examined, failed to pass. Mr. Chandler declares that his l.C.S. Complete Loco- motive Running Course was the cause of his promotion to the position of engineer on the main line of the Southern Railroad. His salary has been doubled. n Averages 4,500 Miles a Month I was a fireman, earning $2.30 a day, or 100 miles, when I enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Locomotive Runhing Course. Before I had finished half the lessons, I passed a satisfactory examination as required by the Frisco Railroad to become an engineer. I have been engaged as a locomotive engineer 9 years, 4 years in freight, and 5 years in the passenger service. No one who has completed your Course need have any fear of any criticism from his employers, because he will know what to do and how to do it. I am making now on an average of 4,500 miles a month, making a salary of $200, an increase over my former salary of 150 per cent. John Quinn, 703 F Avenue, Lawton, Okla. 12 SALARY DOUBLED E. A. Dudley, 514 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, 111., was employed as a foreman on the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- road when he enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Locomotive Run- ning Course. He had only a common-school education at the time. He says he has only the I. C. S. to thank for his success in passing the examination, which advanced him to the posi- tion of engineer for the same company, doubling his salary. CHIEF INTERCHANGE CAR INSPECTOR A. Singer, Texarkana, Ark., was a freight -car inspector, earning $1.60 for a 12-hour day at the time he enrolled for the Trainmen's Course. He is now chief interchange car inspector for the four important railways that pass through his city, at a salary of $150 a month. A GRADUATE'S SUCCESS J. F. Luther, Bellville, Tex., since graduating from our Complete Locomotive Course, has been advanced from the position of fireman to that of extra switch engineer with a sub- stantial increase in salary. THREE TIMES HIS FORMER SALARY A. C. De Lange, Summit, S. Dak., was earning on an average $60 a month as a fireman when he enrolled with the Schools for the Complete Locomotive Running Course. This has enabled him to advance to the position of engineer, tripling his salary. NOW GENERAL FOREMAN The general foreman of the C, S. P., M. & O. R. R. Co. is Mr. J. O. Enockson. When he enrolled with the I. C. S. for the Locomotive Running Course he held a position in the same employ as a fireman. He has found our methods of education so beneficial that he is now studying a Course in Mechanical Engineering. SALARY INCREASED 200 PER CENT. Harry Stephens, Clarion, Iowa, was receiving $45 a month in a roundhouse at the time he enrolled with the Schools for the Roundhouse Course. He is now a steam-shovel engineer for the Chicago & Great Western Co., and his salary has been increased, since enrolment, 200 per cent. 13 Found His Course Profitable It kept me hustling to make $45 a month as a fireman on a switch engine at the time of enrol- ment with the I. C. S. I had quit the public schools in the fifth grade, and had no other edu- cation except what I picked up at the time of enrolment. In 1 year after enrolment, at the age of 21, with no other instruction than what I received from the Complete Locomotive Running Course, I began to run on the C. & E. I. Railroad. I now have a local run, making 55 miles a day with every night and Sunday off, three meals a day. I am making from $150 to $200 a month, and one month I made $212, being on the passenger that month. I owe my present position to the I. C. S. Charles L. Withers, 2107 Main St., Danville. 111. 14 BECAME FOREMAN When Herman L. Walton, 531 Berwick St., Easton, Pi,., started to study his 1. C. S. Boilermaker's Course, he could not work out simple questions in long di\'ision, and did not know how many pounds of steam a boiler could carry without guessing at it. He now holds the position of foreman of boilermaking at the South Easton Shops of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. at a salary 100 per cent, greater than when he enrolled. HOLDS AN IMPORTANT POSITION B. B. Fitch, Room 506, 112 Water St., Boston, Mass., was an engineer and janitor in charge of one of the public schools when he enrolled for the Boilermaker's Course. He was then 36 years old, and had been earning a living for 18 years at a laborious occupation. After 1 year's study of his course he passed successful examinations and secured the position of boiler inspector for the Fidelity; & Casualty Co. of New York, with a material increase in his salary. A FOREIGNER'S RISE Joseph Molinek, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, Can., could barely read or write w^hen he enrolled with the Schools for the Boilermaker's Course, having been in this country but 2 years. He says that our Course has made him foreman of the structural shop for the Brown Machine Co., employing 350 men, with an increase in his wages amounting to 150 per cent. SALARY TRIPLED Christian Eeck, 215 S. East St., Clinton, lU., was earning $35 a month as a machinist's helper at the time he took up our Complete Locomotive Running Course. He is now an engineer on the Illinois Central, making from $125 to $150 a month. BETTERED HIS POSITION— DOUBLED HIS SALARY While firing a locomotive for the Foster-Lahinear Lumber Co. earning $50 a month, O. H. Joseph, 433 Indiana Ave., North Fond du Lac, Wis., enrolled for our Complete Locomotive Running Course. From this he graduated. He is now em- ployed on the "Soo" line, drawing $120 a month. CHIEF AIR INSPECTOR J. A. McGuyer, 1517 South 19th St., Terre Haute, Ind., was working as a car repairer at the time he enrolled for the Complete Air Brake Course. He is at present chief air inspector at Terre Haute, having increased his salary 25 per cent. He declares that his advancement is chiefly due to the Course he took with the I. C. S. 15 A Good Record I have been employed by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Co. for 25 years, 4 years as a loco- motive fireman, and 21 years as an engine man. Being considered an A No. 1 engine man made me a little conceited and I imagined that I was too perfect to need any further training; but since graduating from the Complete Locomo- tive Running Course, for which I subscribed with the I. C. S., I am forced to change my mind, and must now admit that my knowledge before studying the Course was very limited and ordinary. In fact, I would not change the knowledge and benefits that I have received for $1,000 in cash. On October 1, 1911, I was pro- moted to the position of Road Foreman of Engines with jurisdiction over the Cincinnati Division, headquarters at Covington, Ky. D. T. Evans, 1220 Madison Ave, Covington, Ky. 16 Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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