LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. "KG & l Chap. Copyright No. Shelf ...D-l.'b UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 9—404 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH SIMPLE WAYS OF Promoting Harmony and Vigor In Physical Life BY F. E. ORMSBY f PUBLISHED BY F. E. ORMSBY & CO. CHICAGO 4710 Library of Cong 7 mo Cowes Recew*o JAN 10 1901 SECOND COPT Osliwnd to ORDER DIVISION JAN 12 1901 RG2\ COPYRIGHTED 1 899 By F. E. Ormsby, Chicago, III. .OR*\ssy.„ PREFACE. Life is backed up by the forces of nature, making it self -existent so far as we are concerned. We exist in spite of all the antagonisms about us until Nature — the primal law of our being — changes its course of action, when our bodies cease their activities and the soul passes to the astral sphere or zone. Health is the most perfect harmony in which it is possible for an individual organism to be, according to its environment. Health is the result of both natural and special causes. We mean by natural causes that a person may be born under such conditions as insure the best of health and vice versa. The special cause re- lates to the mind, the knowledge, the understand- ing of oneself, the offices of the various functions of mortal life and in caring for the same. The aim of the author is to present in this work a simple illus- tration of these several functions, showing the nature of each and the manner in which the inharmonies — discordant vibratory currents — produce what are called diseases, and in connection therewith sugges- tions as to simple and readily applied methods of treatment in harmony with each. It is not a difficult proceeding to restore a diseased organism to a con- dition of health. Although all are not subject to the same degree of harmony, strength and purity of blood, yet all may be made well comparatively, and placed in the best possible condition, according to the native environment — the natural law of being. With a view to aiding all who may read this little volume and many others, in getting understanding relative to the great question of Health, the chief de- sideratum of man, the price is placed at one dollar a copy. It is put up in this compact form to be car- ried in the pocket, a safe and reliable guide in caring for those who seek the simplest and best means of ob- taining health. THE AUTHOR. MY MOTTO / Take nothing for food which does not con* tain the vital life principle when ready to be cooked or when eaten in its natural state, 2 Take nothing for fdod that Nature does not yield to the hand of man without resistance, F, E, ORMSBY. WAT£Ry CENTAL CY 1 #>LATE No. 4. SOLAR ANATOMY Copyrighted 1899 By F E. Ormsby. All RU'hts Rrcprvrri The accompanying illustration shows the different or- gans and functions of the system and the location of various sensitive points where diseases culminate and produce their severest effects. The names of various ailments ascribed to each function may be traced around the embryonic circle. The different diseases treated are according to this circle of anatomical functions. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH, DISEASES OF THE HEAD. The head, which includes the brain and is the con- scious point of all the senses, is subject to a greater variety and number of ailments than any other one function of the body, or, in fact, all the other func- tions put together. Therefore it is important that the brain be kept in the most harmonious state pos- sible, in the treatment of any disease, whether of the brain itself or some other function of the organism. In connection with the brain, however, we will illustrate those special ailments which really belong to this function, all of which result from inharmonies produced therein. As there is but one ailment, which is inharmony, that is, friction too intense for peace and pleasure, there is but one desired result and that is harmony. The activities of the mind are such that almost in- stantaneous changes may be produced in connection with this particular function. In this respect, the head, the brain, is very much different from any other 12 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH part of the organism. It may take weeks to produce a harmonious state of the liver, owing to the slower processes of this function in comparison with the brain ; hence the brain, as a function, is the most delicate, complex, active and changeable center in the whole anatomy. The brain is subject to many and varied symptoms of disease or inharmony, owing to the fact that dis- turbances of every kind in all the several functions or centers produce a discordant wave upon the mind. These are not, however, diseases of the mind, Christ- ian Science (?) notwithstanding. They are func- tional disorders distant from the brain and all effects upon the brain are simply symptoms of the disturb- ance. The brain as a function, therefore, has its own sep- arate and distinct ailments and they are called by many and varying names. Among the more readily understood terms are Brain Fever, Apoplexy, Neuralgia, Asthma, Epilepsy, Impaired Sight and Hearing and Headaches of all kinds. These are all results of a disturbance of the cellular tissue of the brain. We will treat them according to their several natures, as each one is the result of a separate and distinct cause. VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH 13 BEAIN FEVEK. This affliction is something to which only certain natures are subject. The cause is much deeper and more hidden than is generally supposed. It may come on under various conditions and the period of its stay depends upon these conditions. About seven days without a change is the usual run of a fever, therefore when a person is taken with this malady it is well to consider that its nature is to run about this length of time. It is an overstimulation of the activ- ities of the brain cells, caused by planetary transla- tion. In extreme cases or under extreme conditions the period of its run sometimes extends to fourteen, twenty-one and even twenty-eight days, the latter be- ing a complete circuit of the moon. It is not the purpose to enter into a detailed statement here of how the planetary translations produce these varying phases of fever, but to show that such affliction is of the nature shown and that a patient should not be alarmed because a fever cannot be checked readily. A fever should never be checked for best results. It should be allowed to run its course. The vibrations or currents of magnetism, as said before, are greatly intensified. At the same time there is a lack of blood to meet the increased demand 14 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH and the tissue burns out, exhausts itself, spoils by over-heating, loses its temper. TKEATMENT. An outward application of linen and ordinary cold water — not ice water — rain water if possible, should be placed all around the head except at the top, which should be left open. This will greatly assist in reliev- ing the distress of the patient. These wet applica- tions should be changed often. Ice should never be used. In order to increase the action of the blood, copious draughts of strong, hot, red pepper tea should be taken every hour or so. This will quench thirst much better than cold drinks. For food, take green natural food, such as boiled rice, to be eaten slowly without milk, sugar or butter, just plain rice. Berries and fruits generally that can be eaten fresh without preparation. Top onions are excellent for fevers. Tomatoes and cabbages, eaten raw, are good. Whole wheat bread is alright. Un- leavened bread is much better. By following these simple instructions and allow- ing the fever to run its natural course, there are very few attacks that will not pass away in due time and leave the patient well and- free from the effects of drugs, usually administered in cases of this nature. All fevers of the head may be treated in like man- VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH 15 ner. There are some feverous conditions of the head which are symptoms of functional disorders else- where, but are not brain fevers. APOPLEXY AND EPILEPSY. There is very little difference between these two afflictions, the difference being in the natures of those suffering from them. They are the result of sudden changes in the circulation, caused also by planetary currents in translation through the brain — a change of the positive and negative currents under extreme conditions. These ailments show that the brain is under extreme planetary polarities, hence every pre- caution should be taken to prevent undue excitement of the mind as w r ell as the emotional nature, for a sudden rush of blood to the naturally w T eak brain pro- duces stagnation of the senses, blindness and loss of will and consciousness. Such attacks are periodical, usually regular in their coming and going. It is a great mistake to treat such affliction by administering drugs. What the patient needs most of all is a gentle right hand of a magnetic person, high in vital strength, placed upon the low r er brain, or "cerebellum/' and held perfectly quiet. It is well to place him face downward on a hard surface, not in a feather bed or even on a mat- tress. It is Avell to place a flannel wet in warm water 16 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH upon the navel. Everything that tends to thicken the blood should be avoided in the diet of such an one. Toffee should never be indulged in and stimulants generally let alone entirely. The system needs mas- sage every day in order to keep the circulation of the physical functions active enough to supply the brain with power whenever the periods of attack are due. This particular affection of the brain can be overcome by keeping the other functions at their best, by rea- sonable diet and moderate and regular exercise. NEURALGIA AND OTHER HEADACHES. These things are the result of impeded circulation, thick blood and improper diet. Planetary conditions produce stricture of the brain cells, while improper diet causes the congestion in the circulation. . TREATMENT. Proper diet will reduce the same to the minimum and remove all of the annoying features of a sick headache, and exercise such as is mentioned else- where in this work will keep the brain cells as w r ell expanded as they will admit of and thus place one beyond the pain usual to sufferers of this kind. (See general instructions on diet, digestion, circulation and defecation.) With the system in proper work- ing order there will be no more serious headaches. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 17 ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. The inflammation of the nasal cords causes a weak- ness in the muscles of the breathing apparatus which interferes with their action and reaction. This is accompanied very often with more or less of a ca- tarrhal affection, making a complication of troubles of the nose and parts affected. In short, it is a gen- eral inflammation of the glands and cords of the nose, back to the center of the head, just in front of che ear. It is seldom that it extends beyond this cen- ter, therefore it properly belongs to the function of the head. TREATMENT. As the part affected is simply the avenue through which air is conveyed to the lungs, the whole system of breathing must be strengthened, and long deep breathing, holding the breath and bringing a pres- sure from within to bear upon the front or inflamed parts, will be found very beneficial. In addition to this, head sweats produced by breathing camphorated steam as shown in illustration of steam bath, will allay the inflammation and a thorough massage of the muscles of the nose while the breathing pressure first mentioned is on, will strengthen the same and grad- ually restore the power to inhale and exhale regularly and freely. 18 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH It should ever be borne in mind that butter, grease, dressings, pastry of all kinds, confections and condi- ments should be let entirely alone by those subject to this ailment. Half the trouble will be avoided if this one matter of diet is attended to. (Red pepper is not a condiment and it is good for people subject to this malady.) IMPAIRED OR FAILING SIGHT. This is something that sooner or later comes to every person in a greater or lesser degree. There is, however, a way of relieving a large portion of the suffering caused by impaired sight. The pains and objectionable inflammations and excretions may be reduced to very minor troubles by using a few sim- ple applications. The optic nerve is probably the most sensitive of any nerve in the human body. It is used and strained more than any other. People abuse this nerve more than any other for the reason that it conveys more to the consciousness. It is overtaxed by reading, by tech- nical study and work, and by constant polarization to particular classes of labor such as will overtax the most perfect and healthy circulation. Impaired sight, therefore, is a very common thing, and while, in the majority of cases, it may readily be improved and made clear, there are numerous cases that are VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 19 hard to deal with and produce entirely satisfactory results to the sufferer. A great many are apt to be careless with the eyes for a number of years, and then expect to have them restored as perfect as ever in a few weeks' time. This is unreasonable for the rea- son that they give way only after the severest trials. This is in reference to ordinarily sound eyes. There are primal planetary causes which, from birth, give weakness to the optic nerves, or congestive conditions to the eyeballs, and when this is the case defective sight is a natural result. In such cases, it is important to know to what extent this primal affection will operate against the sight, in order to protect the same as much as possible from the start. Severe afflictions of this kind result in loss of sight, owing principally to carelessness, colds that are al- lowed to run, constipation and imperfect or dormant circulation and lack of proper exercise, bathing, etc. TREATMENT. Eyes that have been ordinarily sound up to middle life, which begin to show signs of failing sight, need, above all things, a rest. This rest is absolutely neces- sary to restoration. Stop reading, stop working on things that require constant attention of the eyes, and thoroughly cleanse the system, inside and out, by the use of sweat or steam baths and natural health 20 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH foods. Physical exercise, breathing, packing and massage will strengthen the muscular system and in addition to these things the application of thick, coarse or sheer linen wet in hot rain water, to the temples on retiring at night or during the day if the eyes feel badly. It is not necessary to put on glasses. Better not to, as it is quite a strain on the eyes for one to become accustomed to their use. Keep the eyes closed when not necessary to use them. Calm the mind and allow nature to equilibrate the circulation. The sight of most people may be extended many years by this simple process. TKEATMENT OF PAEALYSIS, CATAKACT, ETC. Paralysis of the optic nerve should be treated the same as above, but it must not be supposed that a speedy cure is possible in all cases. If the paralysis is partial only, a few weeks careful attention will greatly improve it ; but if severe, as it sometimes is, it will take much longer to restore the sight. It is far better to restore the circulation gradually than to use harsh measures, which are very liable to cause weakness of the tissues and complicate matters in a way to endanger the loss of vision entirely. In addition to the general treatment of the eyes, VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 2\ as before stated, it will be a great help to include in the dietary, whole flaxseed. A dessert spoonful daily is sufficient. Mustard in moderate quantity eaten on bread is also good. The flaxseed is by far the best, however. The application of the linen and hot rain water is all-important in cases of paralysis. CATAEACT. This particular phase of eye trouble is the con- gestion of the parts about the eyeball as well as the ball itself. In some cases it results in a tough film, growing over the ball or pupil, from weakness and waste of nervous energy. Therefore the nervous sys- tem needs putting in order and all impurities sent downward in the proper channels. It is the lodging of the impurities in the nervous system and being carried to the weak place, the eyes, that give rise to this film. If the impurities are turned out of the system' by sweats, massage and proper diet they will cease feeding the troubled parts and in due time the film will cease to grow and will finally pass away. The eyes must not be strained and they should be washed frequently with rain water and cleansed by putting a teaspoonful of gasoline on a small piece of sponge, and closing the eyes, gently wipe downward across the lids a few times. This is very penetrating 22 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH and will reach through and relieve the pupil. In some advanced cases, when this film has cov- ered the pupil and is ripe, so to speak,, it may be taken off by a competent surgeon, when the sight will be free, and, in a short time, strong as usual. GRANULATED OR SORE EYES. The same general treatment will put the system in order for a final cure of granulated or sore eyes, both of which are the result of an over-abundance of fire or heat in the system. Red pepper is especially good for the system of one who is troubled with either of these annoyances. Sulphur is also beneficial ; a small amount, one-quarter of a teaspoonful, once a day in connection with the diet, just after meals. The gasoline wash is very cleansing and should not be overlooked in these cases. Once or twice a day is sufficient. HEARING. Impaired hearing is very generally the result of catarrhal affection, but it may be paralysis of the ear drum. Usually, however, if the drum is para- lyzed, total deafness results. Planetary vibrations often produce the latter condition at birth or perhaps shortly after, in which case it is hard to produce a change, even when conditions show that it is possible. Slight impairment of this sense may be removed by VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 23 the thorough renovation of the system and the head sweats. It is necessary to abstain from greasy foods, confections and pastry, as these things all feed ca- tarrhal affections. The head exercise is very bene- ficial in strengthening the cords, muscles and nerves that center at the ear drum. Bathing the head thor- oughly every day in cold rain water will aid much toward improving the sense of hearing. Any kind of water will do, however. Note — As it is natural for some to have defective sight, taste, smell and hearing, it must not be sup- posed that a cure can be produced and the best of hearing, seeing, smelling and tasting realized when the primal stamp at birth is defective in any of these respects, but to restore any one of these senses to the best normal condition possible is to produce a cure, and that is all that can be accomplished. It is far better to do this than to attempt more and fail with a much worse condition in the end. This completes the chief ailments which properly belong to the function of the head, and we will pass to the next function in regular order, which is the back brain, throat and neck, comprising 24 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Under this head we have Nervous Prostration, Cerebro-spinal Meningitis, Tonsilitis and Diph- theria. Of course it is best to know early in one's life whether or not one is subject to serious ailments of this function that the life and habits may be gov- erned accordingly. However, when cases are well or partially developed proper and safe treatment is nec- essarily desired. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. This is the result of a primarily weak nervous or- ganism, although it may be so hidden that a person may appear to be a giant in strength and is a giant in strength so long as he holds out. There are all de- grees of danger in this affliction. Some have very slight attacks, while others are stricken to death by the sudden collapse. TREATMENT. As the central station of the nerves loses connec- tion with the several functions and disorder of the nervous system results, a living, vital, magnetic cur- rent is the most effective thing that can possibly be applied. Therefore a magnetic healer, any person having strength to impart force to another, can give VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH 25 immediate relief in cases of this kind, and by careful attention restore the nerves to a state of rest and harmony. The right hand should be held quietly at the base of the brain over the cerebellum, and the tips of the fingers moved softly and but slightly against the nerve center, the back of the head and neck. Moderately cool water should be applied to the front brain (never use ice) by means of the linen cloth, or, in this case, a sponge will answer, the object being to draw slightly upon the naturally ex- hausted brain that more complete consciousness may be secured. A little care, judgment in diet and the magnetic treatments will do all that is necessary to be done. To avoid such attacks keep the system in order and do not allow yourself to be overtaxed and unduly ex- cited. Study the law of your organism and learn to know when such trials are apt to come and prepare accordingly. CEREBROSPINAL MENINGITIS This is the result of a severe, primary, planetary condition at birth, yet if people could understand this in the beginning they would care for such children in a way to prevent most of the trouble that arises from it. As it is purely a nervous affliction, the magnetic treatment is the safest and best, and plenty of time 26 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH should be taken to restore harmony to a system thus afflicted. It cannot be done in a day, as the whole system must be gradually strengthened. The diet and a very moderate exercise should never be for- gotten. In giving the magnetic treatment it will be well to gently touch the spinal column along down as far as the spleen, but it should not be rubbed until toward the last of such treatments, when the organism should be in a condition to withstand it and be benefited by such massage. The individual effort put forth in exercising is far better than massage in cases of this kind. TO^s T SILITIS. Inflammation of the tonsils is not difficult to cure. The application of cold, wet linen will gen- erally reduce the inflammation and a thorough cleans- ing of the throat with clear cider vinegar, and ab- stinence from all sweets and rich foods, dressings, etc., will do the rest. DIPHTHEEIA. This is a much dreaded ailment, yet one that is quite easily cured if taken before it reaches the cul- minating stage. It is not contagious as many sup- pose, so there need be no fear when a case is found. Repeated applications of the cold, wet linen, a head bath or sweat twice a day, using a teaspoonful of VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 27 chloride of lime in the steamer, inhaling the steam in both mouth and nostrils until the pores are well open, applying the cold, wet linen shortly after to the throat. (The eyes should be kept closed when using the lime.) These simple things will carry the patient through without much trouble. Everything sweet, all pastry, confections, grease, meat, butter, cream, milk and lozenges must be avoided. Gargle the throat with lime juice occasionally, change the wet linen often and give the disease a chance to run along a few r days and work out its period of attack. This is all that is needed. It is sometimes difficult to handle little children but the fumes of chloride of lime can be used in a small room by using a stronger dose and it will not hurt the attendant in the least. It is good for every one occasionally. MUMPS. This is an inflammation of the gland that salivates the throat. It has a period according to planetary conditions at birth. It will run its course without harm if care is taken in keeping the body warm to prevent taking cold. The back of the neck, shoulders and spinal column down to the waist especially should be kept warm. As this affection sometimes affects the spermatic cord in males, it is well to keep 28 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH the testicles in a suspensory well drawn up, so there will be no strain of their weight upon the cord. A steam sweat bath is beneficial and hot red pepper tea should be taken occasionally. The bowels should be kept free and easy. Natural food diet is always good. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 29 THE FUNCTION OF THE LUNGS. In this region we find some very marked afflictions, the most difficult to cope with being consumption and pneumonia. Ordinary colds or minor inflammations being common with the majority of people are not considered of any great moment, as they may be re- moved by one or two vapor baths. CONSUMPTION. This dread disease is caused primarily by plane- tary irritation of the trachea, the tube that leads to the expanding lobes of the lungs. It is not a con- tagious disease and it is not the result of hereditary conditions or causes, as many and nearly all people, including physicians, are wont to assert and believe. Neither is it the result of microbe attacks from with- out. It is a disturbance of the cellular tissues, which, when filled with or fed with the impurities of the sys- tem, become heated, congested and in due time jotted to such an extent that there is no longer sufficient whole tissue to protect the passage of air in its proper action upon the system. There are two distinct varieties and four separate phases of this disease. About three-fourths of all the 30 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH cases are curable, one-fourth being necessarily fatal, owing to the severity of the primal vibration polar- ized to this function. The following treatment is suited to all the varying conditions found in this ail- ment, and in order to say whether a case is curable or not, it is necessary to make a diagnosis according to the law T of birth. (See last page.) TBEATMENT. First, and above all things, the system must be purged and a natural food diet instituted. No mat- ter what the appetite calls for, a rigid diet must be adhered to. Unleavened bread should be the staple food. Meat, the remains of dead animals, substance which decays quickly, should not be eaten at all. Pastry, confections, dressings and sweets of all kinds must be cut out of the system and left out of the diet. Butter, especially, is very bad for consumptives. Hot cant, and fresh flaxseed eaten occasionally will be very beneficial. Eaw cabbage, of tender growth, sor- milk in moderate quantity may be used as a lubri- rel, parsley, spinach, young mustard leaves and all greens and natural foods may be eaten as suits the taste. Breathing exercises should be taken several times a day in the open air. A few minutes at a time is sufficient. A thorough sweat and bath with the chlor- VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH U ide of lime vapor should be taken at least once a week, care being taken afterwards to prevent taking cold. A good massage of the entire body, using a little sweet oil or vaseline about the joints will prevent tak- ing cold. The bowels must be kept free in order to keep impurities from accumulating and lodging in the affected parts. JSTow, in addition to these things, especially in well developed cases and those that may develop, if pos- sible to secure the bark of the balsam tree on which the balsam blisters have formed, it should be done; open the blisters, suck out the fluid and hold in the mouth, allowing it to trickle down the throat. This will greatly aid in the restoration of the cells of the trachea. Pine, hemlock, spruce and balsam boughs, small trees or limbs of trees placed in sleeping rooms are strengthening to the lungs. If possible to spend the summer months in natural pine, hemlock and spruce forests, there is no better place for a consumptive. As said before, three-quar- ters of all consumptive cases may readily be cured or reduced to the minimum by the above method. PNEUMONIA. This is inflammation of the lungs and may be mild or severe, according to the vitality and magnetic nature of the person afflicted. It is not a difficult 32 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH thing to break up if attended to in time. It is one of those conditions co-ordinating with the planetary chain that needs plenty of cold water taken internally, which, with the application of the steam bath, using essence of peppermint in the vaporizer, will, in most cases, produce the desired result. The diet should be loosening to the bowels. CHILLS AND FEVEB. These alternating currents of the system may be cured and warded off by the use of the chlorine vapor bath and natural food diet. Chloride of lime pro- duces wonderful results in cases of this nature. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 33 THE CHEST. _ There are two disturbances of this function, the first or more vital being Cancer and the other Pleurisy. They are primarily caused by planetary inharmonies or polarizations. Cancer is promoted by improper diet, indigestion, constipation and im- paired circulation generally. Therefore, it is imper- ative that the system must be purged of all the ac- cumulations of matter which feed this malady if a cure is expected. With this as a starter its continued operation with good live food, massage and exercise there is little els'e to do. As this disease attacks the vessels that connect with the heart very closely it may properly be called a blood disease, hence, must be reached through the blood. All of the things mentioned for the relief of con- sumptives are also good for those subject to cancer and will produce a cure in curable cases. Cancer is more prevalent among females than among males, on account of the mammary glands and the more active circulation in this section of fluids generally with females. 34 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH SPECIAL NOTE. In bathing, sweating and massaging the system be careful to avoid massaging the part affected. Work from this point or function outward or downward. Use plenty of red pepper tea and red pepper in the food. Do not draw with poultices or plasters. A few T only can survive such treatment. Work it back and down the proper channel for refuse matter. This is the safe way. It must be borne in mind that it takes a long time for a cancer to develop and to cure it properly by this method it must be done slowly. All curable cases will vield sooner or later if these in- structions are carried out. Cancer is fatal only when the severest planetary currents prevail at birth the same as with consump- tion. These instructions on so vital a malady may seem too simple for some, but we know whereof we speak, and boldly say it is the one safe way to health. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 35 THE HEART. The heart is the most vital organ of the system, being in constant service, controlling the blood and its circulation. The stoppage of the action of the heart for one moment is cause for alarm. The primal causes are planetary, the same as with all other func- tional disorders, hence to keep the blood as pure as possible and free from those elements which tend to thicken it, is absolutely necessary to the circulation in all cases of impaired heart action. The system of diet and exercise given in this work will keep the heart in the healthiest condition, and there is no need of other treatment. Coffee, above all other things, should be let alone by people with weak hearts. In fact, stimulants of all kinds should be used very spar- ingly. It is necessary to keep the system in order at all times by using natural foods and breathing exer- cises, as the planetary currents strike this function severely at various angles and may cause repeated at- tacks and produce great suffering, even when there is no danger of a final collapse. To avoid this suffering look well to the things that cause the aggravation of the primal state of this section. 36 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH The right hand of a highly magnetic person placed over the navel and held quietly will help to restore the harmony of the circulation when one is suffering from this malady. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 37 STOMACH, LIVER AND KIDNEYS. These organs all belong to one function, the kid- neys being located at the lower point of this func- tional division. A weak stomach may be the result of one or more of many and varied planetary causes. A special diagnosis in each case is necessary in order to determine the real cause. (See diagnosis, last pages.) The stomach being the receptacle for the food taken into the system it stands to reason that different kinds of foods produce different sensations within the same, therefore it is necessary to select such foods as give the most pleasing and harmonious results to this function. (Not alone pleasing to the taste but to the stomach. ) This is easily determined by the sensations at the stomach while the digestive process takes place. There is nothing like natural food (see list and combinations elsewhere in this work) for regulating the system of man, and a red pepper is one of Na- ture's co-ordinates to this function, the stomach, liver and kidneys. 38 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH CANCER OF THE STOMACH, GASTRITIS, SICK STOMACH. These three things are experienced, more or less, the first being the most severe of all. This ailment comes on gradually as a result of indigestible foods, constipation and overeating. A weak stomach can- not be overtaxed and remain healthy. It becomes sore from overwork and impurities lodge in the arte- ries and veins from the blood which cannot be sup- plied with nutriment sufficient to keep up a healthy flow to these parts. Natural food diet alone will cure and keep cured a disorder of this kind. Massage of the bowels just below the stomach will do much toward relieving any stomach irritation or disturbance. Gastritis especially may be greatly relieved by such massage. Proper diet and abstinence from sweets, pastry, cake, etc., will do away with much that causes gas to form in the stomach. Sick stomach is the result of a primary weakness or sensitiveness and the action of undesirable food taken at times when the planetary currents are acting upon this function. The moon has much to do with this extremely sensitive state of the stomach, hence it lasts generally but a short time and needs only that VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 39 the food taken be vomited out and a little pepper tea taken shortly after to tone up the walls and harmonize its action. THE LIVER The liver, so intimately associated with the stom- ach, is affected only under certain planetary currents which disturb this function as a function. Owing to there being three organs in this section, it is very im- portant to know just what the primary case may be in order to tell whether the stomach and liver are simply sensitive, or subject to extreme disorders, such as cancer, congestion or stagnation. It is often the case that these organs are simply sensitive and have no or- ganic weakness or disease. In such a case it is not necessary to give attention to the latter as a careful selection of food and drink will do away with all trouble. Dormant liver needs onlv diet and exercise and plenty of red pepper in the foods suited for it to be mixed with. The vapor baths, as already explained, the. mas- sage, abstinence from all pastry, confections and es- pecially fried foods and grease, these alone cure liver difficulties in a reasonably short time. KIDNEYS. The kidneys have an intimate connection with the 40 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH nervous system. That is to say, a more vital con- nection than either the stomach or liver, hence, peo- ple subject to kidney disease are generally of nervous temperaments. Disease of the kidneys is nothing more nor less than the lodgment of impurities and weak blood in this primarily weakened section, and the rigid dietary and bath treatment is necessary to a cure, the same as in nearly all other ailments. The massage should be from just below the kidneys downward, not above them. This is important. New onions, asparagus, greens of spinach and mustard, are excellent stimulants for the kidneys. There is one drink, however, that surpasses all other things for the relief of disordered kidneys, and that is fresh rain water. Drink all you want, and if you don't want enough, drink more. After two or three trials it will be very agreeable to the taste, and a healing balm to the afflicted parts. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 41 THE BOWELS, The diseases of the bowels are the least dangerous of any thus far treated, yet they are often fatal. The most prevalent afflictions are constipation, inflamma- tion, diarrhoea. We also place typhus in this func- tion. The chief apparent cause of all these afflictions is improper digestion and constipation, except diarrhoea which is a result of weakness or rather of over sensi- tiveness as mentioned with regard to the stomach. These difficulties are easily remedied by natural foods, massage and exercises, breathing, dancing, etc. In severe attacks of inflammation, a thick piece of red flannel wet in hot water, put on the bowels as hot as one can bear it, will give almost instant relief. Six drops of spirits of camphor taken in half a glass of hot water will do the rest. Go to bed and cover up for warmth. TYPHUS. Typhoid fever should be mildly physiced if there has been any previous retardation of the bowels' ac- tions, which is usually the case. This should not be carried too far, as it reduces the strength of the patient too much. 42 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH 111 order to give vent to the heat of the body, cold packs produce quick results and give great relief. Wet a sheet in cold water and wrap the whole body, changing as often as it becomes heated, for four or five times. Plenty of pepper tea is always good for fevers, so it should not be forgotten in cases of this kind. Ex- ercise sufficient to produce perspiration will give im- mediate relief and usually put one by the danger point. / VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 43 SEXUAL DISORDER. Gall stones, inflammation of the bladder, displace- ments, disordered menses, abscesses and appendicitis. These are the usual functional disturbances. The first two are readily cured by natural foods and the use of rain water for drinking purposes. There are very few cases of stone, or lime in the bladder that will not yield to rain water and the proper care of the system. They will dissolve and pass away without danger. Displacement of the womb is a common affliction and is due to weak ligaments principally. A general renewal of the blood, loosening of the stays or clothing and the removal of the heels of shoes should be the first proceeding. On retiring at night, after getting into bed, raise the hips high above the head and shoulders and move the lower limbs back and forth a few times, lying down carefully aftenvards. This will place the womb in its natural position and it is not liable to get out of place again until the next day. Repeat every night. Beware of overindulgence. An injection of rain water warmed in the sun's 44 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH rays once a day will give strength and health to these parts. The vapor bath is the most effective in retarded menstruation and massage and exercise will restore the same to regular periods. Abscesses, or inflammations, sometimes called can- cer of the womb, will generally yield to the above treatment, for with a good digestion and circulation nature will restore the parts to a natural and healthy state. Wet a piece oi flannel, double thickness, and lay on the lower part of abdomen down over the pelvic bone on retiring. It will strengthen the parts and help to draw the womb into its proper position. APPENDICITIS. This is the popular ailment of the times and is con- sidered by most people a very dangerous thing, for the reason that so many people are butchered by the professional class, who seem to think an operation is the one means of relief. The appendix is to the bowels and circulation what the end of the spinal column is to the nervous, or cerebro-spinal system. Therefore it is a very vital point and when inflamed causes severe pains and suf- fering. The difficulty is merely an inflammation of the nerves of the bowels. VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH 45 TREATMENT. Be very careful of the diet, as everything that passes this point will add to or take from the inflam- mation according to its nature. A raw potato is cool- ing and healing. Flaxseed well masticated will pro- duce good results. Any kind of fresh greens will be found excellent. Rain water should not be missed. It is a wonderful healer of inflammation. If the case is a severe one, requiring drastic measures, apply a red flannel and hot water to the abdomen, below the navel and to the right side. Repeat until relieved. A dose of six drops of spirits of camphor in hot water will help reduce the inflammation. Massage the spinal column, full length, in order to increase the action of the nerve fluids throughout the system. Avoid undue nervous strain. An occa- sional magnetic treatment at the navel and at the back of the head occasionally will help to restore the nerves to their proper order. Hot milk and unleavened bread, a poached egg, some boiled rice, anything good, natural and mild in its action upon the bowels will soon bring about a cure. The hot milk is especially good for one suffer- ing from this trouble. Don't be alarmed for it is not much worse or more dangerous than an inflamed tonsil. 46 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH THE HIPS. Hip disease is primary weakness according to planetary polarities and the trouble in these parts comes from a strain of some kind at some time during life. The strain may be at birth and the real dif- ficulty not develop until the system has become de- ranged, the blood impaired and the habits of life such as greatly aggravate the naturally weak parts. People who are weak here are subject to accidents usually, and they should ever be careful so as not to give the parts undue strain. 4 TEEATME^T. After a thorough cleansing of the system and a few weeks of proper dieting for the purpose of making new and healthier blood, the sitz bath in hot water for thirty minutes just before retiring will draw to these parts a surplus of blood and strength. This should not be done, however, unless the blood is in a good average condition, the bowels free and easy and the general circulation in good order, for it will only increase the complications by rushing im- purities to this point. Take a little more time and do it right. This is a hot water cure, and proper for this ail- ment. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 47 THE BONES, CORDS, ETC. Rheumatism may affect any part of the system to a certain extent. Paralysis also, but the severest strain upon the system in this respect is in the lower limbs. It is needless to say, after mentioning the matter so often, that the blood and circulation must be kept in order if one expects to be free from rheu- matic attacks. There is nothing that compares with natural food, massage, baths and exercise for the relief of people subject to this annoying ailment. One thing is especially important in connection with dieting and that is not to eat too much. Fasting will always drive out rheumatism. Now, bear in mind, some are subject to this af- fliction by nature and every time a little pain is felt it is not necessary to take a dose of some kind. Just the opposite is needed. That is, cease taking things into the system. Coffee is very bad ; meat is a pro- moter of the disease, as mam 7 animals have the same thing, and to feed upon such products is enough to aggravate any tendency one may have in that direc- tion. Never eat all your appetite calls for, but enough to satisfy the demand for strength and health, using 48 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH your reason instead of your appetite to decide the matter. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. This is a gradual paralyzation of the lower limbs, usually resulting from constipation. Therefore it is only necessary to cure the latter to relieve the former. Sometimes this is brought on by exposure, in which case repeated steam baths and massage exercises will gradually limber up the affected parts and restore the circulation. The course of diet designed for loosen- ing the circulation is specially recommended in cases of this nature. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 49 THE LOWER LIMBS. From Knee to Ankle. In this section, varicose veins, dropsy, irritations and nervous sores appear, the first two being the severest of all. There is nothing to do for them except to put the system in a good healthy state and keep the limbs in a horizontal position as much as possible. It is not desirable to massage below the navel, as it tends to carry more deposit and excitement to the affected parts. With the upper portions of the system prop- erly cared for, all dropsical complaints and varicose veins will be reduced to very minor annoyances. IRRITATIONS AND SORES. These need the same general treatment, and in ad- dition thereto, one should get the bare feet onto the ground, in dewy grass, in the mud and rain as much as possible. A tub of blue clay which may be wet up as desired is a good way to have a little of this treatment in the house. After washing, a mild rub with a sponge and a little gasoline will aid in healing the abrasions. In severe cases linen should be kept bandaged over the 50 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH sores. It may be wet without removing, thus keeping the parts protected. No trouble to cure these things if the system is properly dieted and massaged. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 51 THE FEET. Corns, bunions, chilblains and ingrowing nails are knotty formations resulting from planetary currents upon this function, aggravated by methods of living, ill-shapen hosiery and shoes, and overstraining of the cords by too active or too long periods in the standing position with entire weight resting upon these natur- ally weak parts. The first thing in order is the care of the other eleven functions above this one, to see that there is nothing detrimental which one is liable to draw down. After a few weeks' preparation, as repeated over and over heretofore, it is very desirable to soak the feet in hot water, or in the mud wet up with hot water, and when corns are softened enough to yield they may be removed readily. Bunions may be removed by continuing this treatment daily until all the impuri- ties are soaked out. Then one should take good care of the system and not be on the feet except when absolutely necessary, for weak functions must needs have rest. Ingrowing nails will readily yield to the same treatment and in order to hasten matters, just scrape the center of the nail from the flesh towards 52 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH the end of the toe until the center is very, very thin. Do not touch the edges where it grows in. This should be let entirely alone except to push a little mite of cotton under each side. Nature w T ill do the rest. Chilblains may be soaked out in like manner, though in severe cases it takes a long time to get rid of the itching sensations, but this method does no harm and cures for good. All the ills of the flesh may thus be treated and cured, wdienever curable, without expense or very much effort. Remember the reasoning faculty will enable one to pass smoothly through life according to his nature, and his health is practically in his own keeping if he uses his reason. No matter wdiat the customs of the times may be, relative to sickness, have no fear, for when one's time comes to die nothing can save him, and until that time comes there is no danger, so it is useless to have any fear when sickness overtakes one. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 53 EPIDEMIC DISEASES. SMALLPOX, CHOLEKA, LA GKIPPE. It is supposed that because smallpox, cholera and la grippe sometimes develop in large numbers of people in a community at or about the same time that such diseases are epidemic in nature. The fact is that when the vibrations of the planets are severe upon any locality, those subject to these afflictions are very apt to be taken down; but because a certain number are taken is no sign that all may be. Those not subject to smallpox will never take the disease at all. Vaccination therefore is one of the fallacies of the medical fraternity. It is a curse upon human blood to inject such poison into the system with a view to preventing an attack of smallpox. It does not prevent, as thousands can testify who have been vaccinated repeatedly and then taken the disease, suffering all the horrors of the dreaded scourge. People who bathe freely and keep their systems in healthy order are not apt to take the disease, and if they do, it will act mildly upon the system, for the gross impurities with which many are loaded, simply make this disease a most horrible thing with which to contend. 54 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH Smallpox is a culmination of a complicated, pri- mary, planetary condition at birth which gives too much heat to the system, coupled with that which congests and disorganizes the tissue acting through the brain, the point of attack. In order to throw out this surplus heat and cast off the wasted tissue, the system needs plenty of fluid within and extreme sweating. Soft water, rain water, is the best to drink and bathe in, and the red pepper tea and red pepper on vegetables, bread, etc., is a most beneficial stimulation of the circulation neces- sary to complete the run of this disease. With plenty of pepper and water inside it is safe to use packs outside to draw away the fever, but it is dangerous to use cold packs unless the system is well filled with the fluid and pepper, as it might retard or check the circulation and increase the inward heat and cause death. In other words, the circulation must not be checked. Frequent sweating and plenty of exer- cise are needed also. The steam bath with plenty of sulphur and a little lime in the water will produce good results. Keep warm throughout the entire run of the disease. Don't ever be afraid of taking small- pox unless you are subject to the disease, for there is no danger. Have a diagnosis which shows whether you are subject to the disease or not. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 55 CHOLEKA. Cholera is a disease that affects people in certain localities and like smallpox, has its favorite natures. It is muscular, rheumatic, congestive and inverting. That is, the currents of the system reverse. ' Thus it is that vomiting is one of its chief symptoms. People subject to this malady in its more severe form are those born under planetary conditions that are extreme in vibrant action, such as extreme action and extreme calm. Slow and rapid changes in the translating influences throughout the system. Lack of vitality also aids its ravages. To restore the normal circulation, therefore, is the thing desired. This can be accomplished best by the application of flannels, wet in hot water, and placed along the spinal column from top downward and from the stomach down in front. Massage the lower limbs. Place the feet in hot water or use the flannel packs. A rigid, scant and simple diet, consisting of un- leavened bread, hot milk, plain vegetables and fruit only, should be taken. Only one vegetable at a meal. Don't mix foods when this disease is in force. LA GRIPPE. As the planet that caused the fourteen-year run of this disease will pass the danger line in 1901, we will 56 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH see no more of the real "grippe" for many years, but we will give a simple method of treatment. This disease attacks the system through the lungs and lowers the vibration and vitality and chills the whole organism. The proper way to start up the circulation is to take cold drinks and wrap the body in numerous cov- erings of warm, dry flannels. Wrap the head and feet. It is well to place an iron, brick or stone at the feet, sufficiently hot to give extreme heat. Thus plenty of cold water inside and extreme dry heat outside will break up any case if attended to when it first appears. The same treatment is good any time, but may not overcome the worst cases after being doped with divers remedies. ALL OTHER DISEASES NOT MENTIONED HERETOFORE IN THIS WORK. All of the various ailments, pains, irritations, swellings, eruptions, etc., etc., which are given a hun- dred and one names by the medical profession, all, we say, may readily be overcome by the course of diet, bathing, massage and exercise given in this work. A little care of the person will prevent the worst of any and all the ills that flesh is heir to. It is only in the most severe cases that there is anything to worry about. All others may be done away with in short order. PAKT SECOND. PHYSICAL EXERCISE. Volumes have been written on the subject of physi- cal exercise in its relation to health, and divers devices have been invented for the purpose of facili- tating or promoting exercise in the treatment of various forms of disease. There is very little neces- sity for contrivances of this kind as the secret of health is within the system itself, and exercise of a very simple nature is sufficient to give the most har- monious action to the functions of the body. That exercise is absolutely necessary to healthy tissue, good circulation and peace of mind, is con- ceded by all, therefore a few simple rules are here- with appended, which, if reasonably well followed, will produce phenomenal results in promoting the health of all who try them. These exercises, remember, are good for those in health as well as others, as they aid in keeping the system in order when once it is put in this condition. STRETCH AND SHAKE. The horse and the dog, as well as many other ani- 5S VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH mals, on arising in the morning, stretch out the limbs, curve the head downward and put a strain upon the entire system, and then to complete the operation give a sudden and intense shake sideways, at right angle to the line of stretching or the spinal column. Dogs practice this probably more than horses, yet horses are often seen performing this simple exercise for the purpose of harmonizing the feelings. Man can, if he will, profit much by this simple les- son from the animal kingdom. When you get up in the morning remove all cloth- ing, raise the hands high above the head, take a long, deep breath, hold it and stretch yourself up on the tips of the toes, stand firm half a minute, letting the breath out slowly. Now drop the arms loosely to the sides, bend the head forward, relax the muscles and without moving the feet give four or five shakes of all the muscles of the system, back and forth side- ways. It is well to tfirow the hips out backward as much as possible in doing this shake. If repeated several times it will be all the better, especially with those who exercise but little during the day. This exercise should be followed by a cold bath all over, not too cold, but about the same temperature as the room, and a brisk rubbing with a linen (not VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 59 cotton) crash or Turkish towel. This simple health producer takes about five, or at the most, ten minutes of your time and costs you nothing. Follow this up every morning and, if ail- ing, take the stretch and shake every night on retir- ing and repeat several times during the day, with the clothes on, and it will be worth more than any other one thing that you can do. It will require several days practice to get handy with the real, beneficial shake. It is not an easy thing to do and do well. MASSAGE. Massaging the body is simply going over the sur- face, rubbing and working the skin, flesh and muscles in order to liven them up and increase the flow of blood to all the parts and to the outer surface of the system. The process is so simple that any one can operate upon himself without difficulty and there need be no set movement, as all kinds of movements are pro- ductive of good. CAUTIOX. JsTOTE. — Whenever one has an organic trouble, such as cancer, or any other ailment, in massaging the system, do not rub toward the afflicted parts, but from the outer edge of this diseased section away from it. 60 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH In general massage, place one hand a little dis- tance above the other and holding steady on the flesh, work the hands in opposite directions. This can be applied crossways up and down the spine and over the whole system. Taking hold of the flesh with the hand and raising it up and down is good practice for loosening up the parts. The head should have a thorough rubbing every morning, as it livens up the activities of the brain ai}d prepares one for mental labors. It is not desir- able to do this on retiring, as it sometimes prevents one from going to sleep readily. DANCING— EXEECISE. There is nothing so conducive to health as dancing. The dance, of whatever name or style, is a natural harmonizer of the cells of the body. It expands them, throws off effete matter, intensifies the circu- lation, increases breathing, thus expanding the lungs, stretches the cords, opens the pores, glands and ducts, relieves the worries of the mind, and in this state of exaltation gives nature a chance to equilibrate the functional movements of all the organs of the svstem. Dancing is one of the finest of arts. It is an agree- able and fascinating way of cultivating pose, move- ment and expression, the three graces that charm and delight the beholder. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 61 The American dance is very rangy compared with that of other nations, which give more attention to muscular movement than to execution of difficult or fancy steps with the feet. All are good, but the Oriental movements are to be commended for their health-producing effects upon the system. To stand firm upon the feet and be able to agitate the muscles — any muscle — at will is a high art and one that is of inestimable value to the physical well- being of any person. DIRECTIONS m MUSCULAK EXEECISES. Begin this system of exercise by standing squarely upon the feet and working the muscles of the limbs siclewavs. The limb mav be moved back and forth slowly, the knee, of course, swaying the greater dis- tance. Do this slowly at first and increase the speed gradually until a short rapid movement will enable you to agitate the muscles only. Rapid movements of the arms to and from the body at the sides produce similar results. To give a good movement to the shoulders, close the hands tightly, raise up nearly to the shoulders and move rapidly up and down. This is one of the best movements for the lower half of the spine and hips. It is an excellent movement for indigestion, constipation, kidney and liver disorders. 62 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH A very effective method of shaking impurities from the system and intensifying the circulation is by standing firm on the feet with the arms hanging ea:?y at the sides, and gradually shaking the whole body up and down by slackening and tightening the lower limbs at the knee joints. This should be done rapidly enough to produce a quiver of all the muscles. STEP DANCES. Step dancing is producing rhythmic movements of the feet and limbs, in a way to give accent to vari- ous measures of time. There are so many beautiful steps in dancing we will not attempt to describe them, but each and every one is a health-producer that should not be overlooked in training the young. Little children should be taught these various move- ments very early that they may the more readily keep themselves in health and harmony. As an all-around agitator of the physical body, the hardest of all movements, a step called the "pigeon-wing," is the most effective. This is espe- cially beneficial to those whose circulation in the lower extremities is sluggish. The dance of whatever name or kind, therefore, is nature's harmonizer and the only special health exer- cise necessary to the physical well-being of man. Trappings of all kinds are superfluous. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 63 DIET. Man's natural primary powers are stamped upon him at birth, but he is sustained from day to day by the potencies of his food. He feels good or other- wise according to the action and reaction of the cellu- lar tissues of his body. If depressed by planetary transit, he becomes ill, if his system is not in a good, healthy, active condition previous to such transit. When in good health a bad transit will simply annoy and irritate, but will seldom prostrate one and give serious trouble. It stands to reason, therefore, that in connection with the exercises heretofore mentioned, proper food must be taken in order to complete the harmonic action upon the system. We give a list of various kinds of natural foods which are good for man, in their natural state, and we suggest a trial of the same for the promotion of health. NATURAL FOODS. WHEAT — This cereal is in direct harmonic rela- tion with the brain of man, hence is the most natural sustainer of this function and the best promoter of its activities. 64 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH In order to get the most out of it, it should be eaten raw. To facilitate this, soak it about a day in water set in the sun, when the kernels will soften and may readily be masticated. RICE, EYE, CORN, OATS AND PEAS— These products may be treated the same as wheat and eaten in like manner. The hull or outer cover- ing of oats, while it is not particularly good for food, is an assistance to the stomach and especially the intestines in digesting and carrying food through the system. Oats, however, in their natural state, are much better adapted to the horse, owing to the coarser and stronger nature of the animal's stomach and intestinal canal. Cabbage, cauliflower, onions, tomatoes, melons, radishes, carrots, turnips and potatoes, all of these may be eaten in their natural state and much benefit derived from them. They are not easily reduced to a fine pulp, so they seldom clog or pack in passing along the intestinal canal. They produce an easy, smooth and clean evacuation, which few people ever experience. They are nature's restoratives in this particular respect. Aside from these things, fruits and nuts in great variety should be in their natural state when eaten. All of these things are natural foods. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 65 UNNATURAL FOODS. Meat, bread, cake, pie, puddings, dressings, canned goods, preserved fruits and everything that is changed from its natural state is unnatural food. Some of these are worse than others in effect upon the system, and none are as beneficial as those first mentioned in their natural state. HABIT. People are in the habit of cooking, cooking, cook- ing, a great portion of the time, and in connection with the subject of cooked foods we give a few simple suggestions. Observe this: in cooking food the object should be to combine the four primal elements of nature — - fire or heat, earth or the product, water and air. Nature combines the elements in proper proportions in all natural foods ; therefore we should, in cooking natural foods, follow natural or Nature's method. Some products contain a large proportion of water, while others have but little. The former, like pota- toes, turnips, squash, carrots, etc., may be baked with very good results. All natural foods, however, are best prepared by cooking with water. The best way is to steam them. This latter method best meets the natural require- ment for a perfect food result. The steam should 66 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH be well under way when the product is placed in it, as much of the flavor may thus be retained that is usually boiled out and carried off by the general process of cooking. It is much better to cook every- thing without peeling, as the outer covering of all products is necessary to the retention of the better elements of -flavor and nutriment. The steam cooker is by far the best implement of the kitchen. It saves labor and gives more nutriment than any other method of preparing the various food products. UNLEAVENED BKEAD. This is bread of the most palatable, nutritious and healthful kind. It is made by taking a quantity of whole-wheat flour, graham flour or rolled wheat (called by various names) and adding cold water sufficient to make a batter thin enough to pour. A little salt should be added. Stir rapidly and pour into a hot buttered pan, about one-half inch deep, place in a hot oven and bake fifty minutes, or until well browned. Eat warm, or when cold eat in hot. milk. It makes an elegant meal for any one, but especially so for one who is sick. It is a laxative, a mind or brain harmonizer, restores the natural and healthful action of the stomach and liver, and gives great strength throughout the system. This bread eaten with fruits or vegetables in place VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 67 of raised bread will work a revolution in the sys- tem and accomplish more than all the medicines known in medical practice. There is no set rule by which to govern the diet of all natures at all times but we give a few simple combinations of food, and leave it to the judgment of each to select such as may seem best at any time. BREAKFAST. NO. 1. If the stomach is out of order, a glass of hot water ; or, if the stomach is all right, a glass of cold water, (not ice water), after the morning bath and exercise, followed in half an hour with : Fruits in season as desired. Oat meal, rice or cracked wheat (rolled wheat), with hot milk. Unleavened bread is also an excel- lent morning food. This is sufficient for those who perform moderate labor or exercise. It is well not to mix too many things together, as it takes too much power to digest such combinations. No. .2. It is always well to take a glass of either hot or cold water about thirty minutes before the morning meal. Water is magnetic and life-giving. A little fruit or melon prepares the glands and starts the action of the stomach in a mild and sooth- ing way. 68 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH .Baked potatoes, steamed parsnips, asparagus, caul- iflower, cabbage or squash. Any one of these is suffi- cient, and, with wheat, rye or corn bread, makes an excellent breakfast, A cup of pepper tea is not out of place here, and chocolate is also a natural drink. The selection for breakfast may be varied so long as only four or five different kinds of food are included in the meal. (See natural food bill of fare.) DINNER It is customary these times to "lunch" at noontime instead of partaking of a regular dinner. It is for convenience that this practice has come to be observed. With natural food as an important factor in the diet, it matters not when one takes the chief meal of the day, as there will seldom be any trouble- some after-effects. DINNEE NO. 1. Lima bean, Navy bean, vegetable or corn soup. Mashed potatoes, stewed tomatoes, green corn, bread, berries, nuts. Here we have seven articles besides drink. Many will not care for all of these when once the idea of great variety is eliminated from the mind. VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH 69 NO. 2. Steamed potatoes, beets, turnips, squash, cabbage, onions, unleavened bread, olives, almonds, prunes, dates or seeded raisins. This surpasses any "New England boiled dinner" ever gotten up. SITPPEK NO. 1. The evening meal should consist of sleep-producing foods unless one is going out or expects to be up late. Boiled rice, milk (easy on the brain cells), dates, figs, nuts (hot-climate products), olives. NO. 2. Bread, steamed potatoes and onions or sliced Ber- muda onions, berries, bananas, nuts and a cup of chocolate. We give these formulas merely as suggestions and refer the reader to the following bill of fare, from which to make his own selection, according to his desires : 70 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH NATUKAL FOOD MENU. SOUPS. Vegetable. Lima bean. Navy bean. Pea. • Barley. Cauliflower. Vegetable oyster. Lentil. Corn. Tomato. Vegetable soups may be varied by using about four different products in each. Patotoes, onions, celery and rice make a good com- bination. Lentils, parsley and onions are excellent, Corn, celery and tomatoes, a good thing. Lima bean, Navy bean and vegetable oyster soups are better plain. Serve with celery, salted wafer, bread and olives. POTATOES. Baked Irish. Baked sweet. Steamed Irish. Steamed sweet. Steamed, peeled and Steamed, peeled and mashed Irish. dressed sweet. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 71 MISCELLANEOUS VEGETABLES. Baked parsnips. Baked squash. Baked beans. Baked Lima beans. Baked turnips. Baked onions. Baked tomatoes. Steamed parsnips. Steamed beets. Steamed carrots. Steamed turnips. Steamed cabbage. Steamed cauliflower. Steamed onions. GAEDEN GKEEN GOODS. Green peas. Green corn. String beans. Spinach; Young beets with tops, Asparagus. Badishes. Carrots. Young cabbage, raw. Cucumbers, sliced. Tomatoes, sliced. Lettuce. Water cress. Green onions. Watermelons. Muskmelons. BEEADS. Graham. Hop yeast. Salt rising. Boston brown. German rye. Corn bread. Eustic biscuits. Eye biscuits. Soda biscuits. 72 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH Vienna rolls. Whole-wheat muffins. Trinity hoe-cakes. Unleavened health bread. These breads are for well people principally. The latter one is especially for the sick. CEKEALS. Steamed wheat. Steamed oats. Steamed rye. Steamed barley. Hominy. Hulled corn. Rice. Corn-meal mush. Coarse graham mush. FRUITS. Apples, prunes, dates, figs, seeded raisins, bananas, oranges, berries, lemons, plums, cherries, etc., are all good in their natural state, and one or more of them should be on the table and used in place of pastry, cakes, etc., for dessert. It is better still to eat such delicacies along with other foods during the progress of the meal. They aid digestion and assimilation. VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH 73 SAUCES, ETC. Apple sauce. Baked apples. Sliced bananas and cream. Berry sauce. Cherry. Currant. Cranberry. Peach. Pear. Plum. Pineapple. Orange. Rhubarb. These things may be eaten sparingly by some per- sons with no serious effects, but they should never be eaten by one who is troubled with any functional disease. The natural product is far better, because it is harmless and beneficial to health generally. NUTS. Almonds, black walnuts, hickory, Brazil, butter, pecan, cocoa, English walnuts, filberts and peanuts, as well as many other varieties of nuts, make very desirable food for health and strength, for they are concentrated essences of an enduring and vigorous kind of life. They are highly magnetic, stimulating and lubricating, producing the best of results when eaten along with other foods. The almonds espe- 74 VIBRATIONS OP HEALTH cially are good for those troubled with constipation or any other functional or nervous disorder or inflam- mation. PICKLES. Olives, cucumbers, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc. A sour pickle after eating sweets of any kind will clear the throat and the alimentary canal and acidify anything that may have lodged or adhered to the tis- sue. This is something that should be observed by those subject to consumption, catarrh, diphtheria or any throat irritation. DRINKS. Teas made from various plants, seeds, etc., by infusion, are natural drinks. Coffee, however, is different, and cannot be termed natural, owing to its being burnt to a crisp before steeping or boiling. Therefore teas are far superior to coffee as bever- ages. There are many things that possess stimulat- ing and health-giving qualities which are seldom used except when one is ailing. If good for the sick, why not for those in health as well? Among these products are : The tea plant. Catnip. Smartweed. Ginger. Peppermint. Red pej Spearmint. Senna. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 75 Slippery elm. Wheat bran. Flaxseed. Celery seed. Tansy. Cinnamon. Elderberry. Cocoa. Wintergreen. Chocolate. FRUIT NECTARS. Lime juice, lemon juice, grape juice, apple cider, orange cider, currant cider, and various other fruit juices. All of these make desirable beverages when prop- erly infused. Drinking tea and coffee regularly is merely a habit. It is desirable to have a change, and the above list will enable any one to make a selection to fit any occasion. Try them. EGGS. Eggs are a natural food, as is milk, cheese and butter. Oils of various kinds, such as cocoanut, olive, cottonseed and numerous others, but being very rich, they should be used sparingly. SENNA LEAVES. Senna leaves should be on every table, and if one's bowels do not act freely a half-dozen leaves eaten 76 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH right after the meal is finished will produce a free passage in about twelve hours. They act quicker on some, but generally the time is about twelve hours. Eat them slowly and thoroughly saturate with saliva. CHEWING GUM. Chew gum for about fifteen minutes after meals and it will greatly aid digestion, keep the mouth clean and produce a pleasing effect. Do not form the habit of chewing at all times and for longer periods, as it exhausts the saliva glands. From the above list of foods one may have a large variety of meals and gratify his appetite to the full- est extent without serious effects, while a reasonable indulgence means the best of health so far as food is capable of producing it. 31. J VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 77 DEFECATION. To defecate the bowels without interferences the spreading of the hips. Otherwise there is liable to be just enough pressure on the muscles of the colon or passage way to prevent a smoothe and easy discharge. The usual result is a strain which enlarges the space above and crowds too much matter into a bunch, mak- ing the defecation both difficult and painful. Con- stipation, together with this straining process, will bring on inflammation of the parts, resulting in Piles, Fistula, etc. NEVER STRAIN THESE PAKTS. Rather than strain these parts in order to force out the faeces, one should take a syringe and inject about a pint or a quart of warm water into the colon, which w r ill immediately soften all matter and relax the muscles of the parts, giving an immediate and easy passage. The ordinary Family Fountain Syringe is the best for this purpose. We will fur- nish them as desired at prices from $1.00 to $2.50, according to quality; $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 by express. No one troubled with Piles or Fistula should be without one of these syringes. All constipated per- LrfC. 78 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH sons must have them or suffer untold misery for the need thereof. Piles and Fistula may be cured by the use of this simple health producer, in connection with the Diet and Exercises heretofore mentioned. A little cam- phorated vaseline, applied once a day to the parts will soothe the irritations and enhance the healing of abrasions. It is not necessary to use the knife if the proper means are used to correct the general health. Remember the rectum is the opposite end of the nervous system and when one has an attack of the piles the nerves are unduly wrought up. Mas- sage the spine crosswise and take the side shake often, shaking the hips intensely. This will strengthen the nerves above and remove the strain at this vital nerve point. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 79 THE BATH. This is one of if not the most important matter in connection with a person's health. There are too many nasty people in the world. They do not bathe sufficiently to keep off the excretions of the system. THE STEAM BATH. This is the great renovator of the system. Strong, healthy persons should take a steam bath at least once a week in order to keep the pores free and clean. Those suffering from any functional disorder need two a week until cured. Some persons are naturally weak and should be careful not to overdo the sweating. HOW TO TAKE IT. Procure a Bath-tent (see last page), place about a gill of wood alcohol in the burner, and about a quart of boiling water in the basin above. In the latter may be placed a few drops of essence of pep- permint or spirits of camphor, in case of a cold, or any herb or bark one may desire in the treatment of skin or other ailments. Raise the edge of the tent and sit on a wood bottom chair under which the alco- hol and water are placed; light a match and drop 80 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH into the cup; let down the tent and remain quiet. It is best to breathe in the steam and heat as long as it can be borne without too much discomfort. A lit- tle opening in the tent enables one to get a f resh, cool breath if desired. By the time the alcohol is burned out the perspira- tion should be flowing in streams down the body. As the fire goes out proceed at once to the bath tub, if convenient, and plunge into moderately cold water. It will feel good to one so warm, and the effect is reactionary and invigorating. Do not remain long in the cold water, but soap and rinse off quickly, giv- ing the entire surface of the body a thorough rub- bing. The exercise will warm one up just right for comfort and a generally pleasing condition. AIE BATHS. People need to expose their bodies to the air and sun occasionally in order to gain needed strength and health. Every opportunity should be afforded for getting out in the open air with as little clothing as possible. Bathing suits should be made for this ex- press purpose. KAIN BATHS. These baths should by all means be encouraged. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 81 There is nothing so conducive to health as a Eain Bath. Ordinary bathing suits are all that is neces- sary in the way of clothing. To be out in a thunder shower and remain in the sun afterwards to dry off and get the benefit of the living currents of the combination is to come close to the nectar of the Infinite. Make the Eain Bath popular and the health of the people will improve fifty per cent at least. SAND BATHS. Every home should have a large pile of sand for the children as well as older members of the family. A sand bath consists in rubbing the body with the hand full of fine, dry sand. This should be done carefully so as not to scratch the skin. It removes all dead tissue and leaves the skin smooth and clean. Bathing-beaches should be established wherever it is possible, where people, old and young, ladies and gentlemen, may go and give freedom to the limbs and enjoy the health-giving exercise jof such rare resorts. Bain baths may be taken so easily in the door- yard, upon the lawn, in parks or most anywhere, and they should be made popular by those having good sense enough to lead in a movement of this kind. 82 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH CLOTHING. Clothing is an important item in relation to health. It is not so much the quantity that keeps one best protected from cold in winter, but rather the shape and build of the garments. Some need warm clothing for the lower half of the body, including the limbs, while others need the upper half more thoroughly covered and protected. In either case it is more healthful to use medium weight weaves, as they insure a better circulation of the blood. Clothing should be soft and easy. It should not bind or hang heavy, as the weight, with those of low vitality, takes most of the strength to carry it around. The neck and spine, down nearly to the end, needs most of the protection. An ordinary gauze shirt used during the summer is the best thing to wear next to the body in winter, and for warm-blooded people, who are not exposed to any great extent, no other or heavier garment is needed. Those, how- ever, who lack vitality need an extra garment for the neck and spine. This should consist of a body pro- tector made from woolen, knit goods or cloth the same as that from which underwear is made. It is not necessary to have sleeves in it, and the arm holes VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH 83 should be very large and roomy. It should come up high at the back, nearly to the top of a standing linen collar, so that the bands about the neck will hold it close to the back of the neck. This prevents a cold draught along the spine. The front needs only to but- ton. It may open low at the neck, as it is not neces- sary to protect the front part of the body, it being the throwing-off portion of the system. The cur- rents run from the spine around the front, and the heat, magnetism, etc., is given off here. Those who are subjected to much exposure may need a heavier weight undershirt next to the body, but for all ordinary wear, for both men and women, the gauze shirt with this Health Vest is the more comfortable. The body must be free and the circula- tion of the blood unimpeded in order to keep up the natural warmth of the system. The Health Vest insures all this. 84 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH CONCLUSION. We are aware that it is much easier for one to read over the foregoing rules than it is to put them into practice, for the habits resulting from proscribed modes of procedure are so fixed with most people that it is hard for them to change, even though it is less burdensome to do so. However, we give these things as the result of years of practical application, knowing that once put into use by any person means new life and better health and an appreciation of the good things of this world in a way never dreamed of before. It is more natural to be healthy than to be sick ; most of the ills of the flesh being distorted or strained conditions, resulting principally from ignorance of the Vibrations of Health. F. E. OEMSBY. VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH So DIAGNOSIS. It is very important, when a person is ailing, to know just what the primary cause of the ailment may be, as a great amount of time and money is often wasted before one learns the real seat of the trouble. In order to meet the growing demand for a cor- rect diagnosis of a person's anatomy according to the Universal Law of Magnetics, we make a specialty of writing the same according to the law of one's being from the date of birth. We have never known a diagnosis of this kind made by us to fail. It shows one the real nature of any disease with which he is, or may in future, be afflicted. It prepares one to avoid attacks by showing him how to treat his sys- tem and keep it free from the aggravating elements that give severity in nearly all the ills of the flesh. It is important, therefore, to have a diagnosis of your system properly written as a guide to health and hap- piness. The cost may be saved many times over during one's life, and the comforts of living greatly enhanced. Send Date of Birth. Price $5.00. NOTE. — Be careful to state clearly the year, month, day and time of day as near as possible. If the time of day is not known a photograph will answer, and will be returned with the diagnosis. 7 <~> 86 VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH BATH TENTS For Steam, Vapor, Medicated and Sweat Baths. This simple arrangement consists in a very fine cloth tent, so made that a person sitting on a chair may be entirely covered or enclosed, and with the VIBRATIONS OF HEALTH hi accompanying alcohol burner and stand for holding a basin of water, a steam, vapor, medicated or plain sweat bath may be taken any time, anywhere, with- out inconvenience or expense. Made to carry in trunk or valise. Convenient for the traveling public. May be used in your room at any hotel. The simplest thing for health ever in- vented; scientifically tested, the dimensions being adjusted to produce just the right heat and the proper amount for best results. This bath tent with alcohol burner, stand and full instructions for taking different kinds of baths, medi- cated and otherwise, sent by express. Price $2.50. NOTE. — This bath tent is made so it may be laundered occasionally and thus kept clean and free from accumulations of every kind. SPECIAL MENTION. If the reader is interested in the study of Uni- versal Law, attention is called to the Simple System of the Planets and the Zodiac for Beginners by the author of this work. Also The Law and the Proph- ets, a book which explains the Signs, Symbols and meanings as well as the application of the oldest science known to man. Write for particulars, cir- culars, etc., to F. E. OEMSBY & CO., 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Jan - 17 1901 JAN 10 1901