'^ 1-^' '%^ .0^^ :•?:- c^ y V,. •- • ^-^ i9 ^j N^'S .0' ^-^ ^^^ ^^ »by' '. '-^..0^ /, V ' • » 5 * > v^<^^ k> rt « O ^ o , n . <^* , <. ' • ^ ^J, <>. '"•** ^^ „«„ "V. .O^ r .0 " " -» O «^ Manometiana Number Four or, a Collection of the Epitaphs of the "Old Burial Hill," Plymouth Manoniet, Mass. Compiled by Rev. Haig Adadourian Pastor Second Cougregational Church in Plymouth Manomet, Mass. Plymouth, Mass. 1899 ^ .."^ ? o^' ^>433 To Mr. Cornelius Briggs, who, like Cornelius of old, is truly devout and fears God, and is one of the "■pillars" of the Church of Christ in Manomet, this book is lovingly dedicated by his pastor. We speak of a Merry Christmas, And many a Happy New Year: But each in his heart is thinking Of those that are not here. — Longfelloiv. INTRODUCTION. Two things have induced pamphlet-form the epitaphs in the Ojdil Burial Hill in Manomet, Plymouth. One is the great value of the cemetery as to its age, situation, and mem- ories associated with it, and the other is the in- herent worth of the inscriptions replete with sound, Christian sentiments, which have always characterized New England. The burial ground above-mentioned is un- doubtedly the second oldest cemetery (for white people) on Plymouth soil. There is no way, however, by which the date of the first interment can be ascertained. The oldest epitaph bears the date of 1 71 7. But judging by the fact that Manomet or South Plymouth was settled in 1639, only 19 years after the landing of the Pilgrims, w'e can be sure that this venerable cemetery was in use long before 17 17, perhaps not many years after 1639. The cemetery has an enviable situation on the crest of a hill, which is literally covered with shapely cedars reminding one of the cedar- crowned hills of Lebanon. It is in full view of Massachusetts Bay, which must have been a part of the route of that famous craft, the Mayflower, bringing in her precious cargo of humanity. -( — There one can listen to the incessant music of the majestic ocean, the lap-lapping of the waves in calm weather, and the roaring of the billows in the times of storm. There the zephyr has its headquarters and the Boreas its rendezvous. No other spot on Plymouth soil is better fitted to be "God's acre" than this piece of ground hal- lowed by the memories of the past. Some of the epitaphs are highly interesting specimens of the art of sepulchral inscription of years gone by. With all their orthographical, srrammatical and accidental errors, with their crude engravings of lachrymatories or "tear- bottles," with their skulls, and crossbones, and weeping-willows, and finally with their ungainly chirography, they present to the eye as attractive a collection as any archeologist would desire to behold. I have made no attempt at editing these epitaphs, I have copied every inscription in the cemetery, excepting three which are undecipherable. The epitaphs in this pamphlet are, therefore, the true — verbatim ct literatim et punctuatim — pictures of the originals, minus the picturesque appear- ance of some of the engravings. The inherent value of the inscriptions lies in the sentiments they express. Read the unar- tistic rhymes; note the Scriptural quotations, and give attention to the different unpolished senti- ments, and you will at once be able to form an approximate idea of the character of the men and women in whose memory these records have been preserved. Living in and with Christ; dying in Christ with an indescribable joy; being transformed into the image of the Saviour; submission to God's will; devotion to Christ; salvation by grace and through watchfulness for the last hour; and finally, a firm belief in the immortality of the soul and in a blissful existence beyond this life — these are some of the indications that give us an insight into the character of the glorified dead of Manomet. It was the spirit dominant in these men and women of God, these heroes and heroines in home-spun, that ha-\& electrified — I was almost saying Yankeefied — not only every section of this country, but of the whole world. It was this spirit that under God made America what it is to-day. May the enviable name they have transmitted to their posterity ever remain unblemished, and the goodly heritage they have submitted to their care be kept untarnished is the earnest prayer of Haig Adadourian, The Compiler. Parsonage. Manomet, Plymouth, Mass., De- cember 25, 1899. POSTSCRIPT. A word explanatory of the title of this book- let is not ont of place here. I have already pub- lished three pamphlets concerning Manomet. The first is a sermon entitled. "If Jesus Came to Manomet," the second contains the proceedings of the one hundred and sixtieth anniversary cele- bration of the Church of Christ in Manomet, and the third is a repository of the obituaries of some Manomet people. Following the order of publication, I have christened this fourth booklet with the title of "Manometiana Number Four." The word Manometiana is neither a lexicon word, nor a col- loquial expression. It is a term improvised for the occasion by The Compiler. NECROLOGY. Hoiv beautiful it is for a man to die Upon the ivalls of Zion! to he called Like a zvatch-zcorn and iveary sentinel, To put his armour oif, and rest in heaven. Nathaniel Parker Willis. HERE LYES Ye B0r3Y OF BENfAMIN RARTLET AGED 39 YEARS DIED March Ye ii 17 17 HERE LYES BURIED YE BODY OE DEACON THOMAS CLARKE WHO DEC. MARCH YE 20lh 1726-7 7ETATIS 68 MANY THAT NOW ARE FAST ASLEEP IN DUST OF the EARTH REMAIN SOME TO EVER LASTING LIFE. AWAKE FROM THENCE AGAIN DAN Ye 12 & Ye 2d BODY OF EBENEZER SILVESTER DECd FEB Ye 22d 1729 30 IN ye 22d YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LYES Ye BODY OF MRS LYDIA RIDER WIDOW OF mr SAML RIDER SHE DECd SEPbr ye 17th 1740 IN ye 83 YEAR OF HER AGE IN MEMORY OF CAP* JOSEPH BARTLETT WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE JULY Ye 13 1756 IN Ye 64th YEAR OF HIS AGE. Job 19th 26 Although by Worms destroy this body be yet in my flesh I surely god shall see. (footstone) Capt JOSEPH BARTLETT WHO DECd JULY Ye 13th 1756 — II — IN MEMORY OF MRS MERCY BLACKMER DAU. OF MR. JOHN & SARAH BLAC KMER WHO DIED SEPt Ye 23 1765 IN Ye 23 YEAR OF HER LIFE (footstone) M B 1765 In Memory of M^s ELIZABETH BARTLET WIFE of Capt JOSEPH BARTLETT who Departed this Hfe January the lot^ AD 1773 in the y^i y^^^ of her Age. In memory of Mr. Jonathan Harlow. who died June 1785 in his 66 year. (footstone) J Harlow -12- In Memory of Lois Holbrook Daughter of Mr Naaman & Mrs Mary Holbrook , who died June 9 1786 in ye 13 year of her age Amidst these solemn heaps of fate Lie young & old, the small & great, But all with sober accent cry Think mortals what it is to die. (footstone) L H 1786 In Memory of Mrs ABIGAIL DILLINGHAM Consort of Mr BRANCH DILLINGHAM and Daur to Capt JOHN & Mrs MARCY BARTLETT who died March 19th 1792, in the 29th Year of her Age also in Memory of Mr JOHN BARTLETT Brother to the Deed ^^yho died at sea Febry 6tli 1790. In the 24th Year of his Age. (footstone) Mrs. ABIGAIL DILLINGHAM 1792 in memory of Mrs. Sarah wife of Mr. Jonathan Harlow, who died May 1794 in her jt^ year. In Memory of ^Irs SARAH BARTLETT wife of Mr ANDREW BARTLETT Jur who died May 31, 1794 in ye 23 year of her age. Beneath these clods in silent dust, I sleep where all the living must, The gayest youth, the fairest face Must shortly sleep in this dark place. (footstone) M^s Sarah Bartlett 1794 To the memory of Dean JOHN BLACKMER who died Sept 28 AD 1794 Aged 84 With silent steps he meekly trac'd the way To the bright relms of love his wished abode Nor did he ask a moment's longer stay When the last summons call'd his soul to god. (footstone) J B 1794 Memento mortis In memory of Mr. William Ellis Jun, who died Jan 15 1795. Aged 76 years wanting 6 Days. A husband kind and good, a parent dear To all obliging & to all sincere True to his God, the orphans friend He lived beloved and lamented di'd. (footstone) Mr. William Ellis —14— To the memory of MRS BETSEY CLARK wife of MR JOHN CLARK who died March 21, 1795 age 21 years Beneath this stone in silent dust i lay, Watching the summons of the rising day When gabriel sounds that awful glorious sound Arise ye dead, with joy i'll meet the lord. (footstone) B C 1795 Memento mortis. In Memory of Mr. Lemuel Cornish, Son of Mr. Benjamin Cornish & Mrs. Rhoda his wife who died May 2d 1795 Aged 21 years 2. M. (footstone) Mr. Lemuel Cornish JACOB JOHNSON died June 7. 1798 aged 63 years. "The path of glory leads but to the grave." —15— To the memory of Mrs Betsey Johnston Wife of Mr Jacob Johnston Died December 4 1799 In the 25 year of her age As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for Death to follow me (footstone) B J 1799 In Memory of Cap. Zacheus Bartlett who died sixth day of March 1800 aged seventy five Peaceable & without an enemy (footstone) Z B 1800 In Memory of Lieut Thomas Ellis he died April ye igth 1800 in his 38 year When friends do part Or where there graves do fall It Matters not To tie in Christ is all. (footstone) Lieu. Thomas Ellis. — 16— Abigail daui" of Capt. Hosea Bartlett & Mrs. Mercy his wife died Sepr 26 1800 Aged I yr 5 mos & 26 ds CORNELIUS MOREY died April 6, 1803, 7E. 45 years m • JERUSHA MOREY his widow died Nov. 21, 1848, 7E. 89 years. Our flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpets joyful sound Then burst the bars with sweet surprise And in our Saviour's image rise. (footstone) C. M. & J. M. In Memory of Mrs Patience widow of Mr William Ellis she died May 8 1803 in her 84th year (footstone) Mrs Patience Ellis —17— In Memory of Mr Seth Holmes, who died Oct. 1803 in his 68 year. (footstone) Mr. Seth Holmes. In memory of Rev. IVORY HOVEY who died Novi" 4. 1803 in ye 90 year of his age. By faith he lived, by faith he died, CHRIST was his portion, theme and guide, In precept and example shone. With love to GOD and love to man His daily course of action ran. Till GOD, his Saviour, called him home. In Memory of Mr Nathaniel Cornish who died June 5th 1804 in the 60th year of his Age (footstone) Mi- Nathaniel Cornish In memory of Mr. William Serjent who died June 18 1804 in his 79 year In Memory of Mr George Bartlett who died Aug 14, 1804 aged 36 years (footstone) G. B 1804. Lucy dau of Rev. Seth Stetson & Mrs. Lucy his wife died Nov. 27, 1804 aged 4 mths & 17 ds. Mrs. Hannah Clark wife of Mr. James Clark- was born Sept 17 1727 died Feb 26 1805 The tender pure and loving wife Hath now resigned her mortal life We mourn the loss but yet trust She dwells rejoicing with the just. (footstone) Mrs. Hannah Clark —19— Mrs. OLIVER HOVEY Wido of Rev. IVORY HOVEY died June 8 1805 in her 84 year Thus long in wisdom's ways she trod Bless'd with Christ's presence here, Until prepar'd to meet her GOD, He call'd her to appear. (footstone) Mrs. O. Hovey, In memory of Mr. SETH CLARK who died June 11 1805 In his 40 year. (footstone) Mr. Seth Clark In Memory of Margaret Bartlett widow of Zacheus Bartlett, who died June the thirtieth 1805 aged seventy three (footstone) M B 1805 -20- In memory of M''-' Lucy Holmes Consort of Mr Bartlett Holmes who Died Deer i8 1805 in the 63 year of her age. The Christian's hope established by grace No tryals shake it nor no clouds efiface Thus firm belie\'ing in her God was still And bowed submission to his sovereign will (footstone) L H 1805 In memory of Mr. John Clark who died December 29th 1806 Aged 35 Year and 7 Day Death by the ruins of the fall Doth reign and triumph over all But as it is decreed by GOD Let mourners bow and kiss the rod. (footstone) Mr. John Clark 21 To the memory of Mr Bartlett Holmes who Died April 5 1808 in the 65 year of his age (footstone) B H 1808 To memory of Mr Andrew Bartlett who died Decmr gth 1808 aged y'] years (footstone) A B 1808 JOHN BARTLETT 17^6 — 1809 MERCY, His wife 1737— 1796. There is rest in Heaven. Erected to the memory of MRS. ANNE BARTLETT, Consort of Deacon Abner Bartlett, & dantr of the late Revd Ivory Hovey; who died Sep'' 22, 1810, Aged 55 years, 10 months, & 16 days The God who gave me children here, And in affection made them near With love toward my partner great; Yet when my Jesus spake the word I freely gave them back to God. (footstone) Mrs. Anne Bartlett. --'3- In memory of Cornelius Morey 3 who died May 11, 1813 in the 25 year of his age Also in memory of his oldest Son Cornelius who died Januy 31 18 12 aged 10 months & 12 days Also in memory of James H Morey who died August 28, 181 2 aged one day Why do we mourn departing friends Or shake at death's alarms? Tis but the voice which JESUS sends To call them to his arms. (footstone) C M 1813 C M 1812 J H M 1812 To the memory of Mr NATHAN HOLMES who died March 8 1812 in the 24 year of his age (footstone) N H 1812 —24— ERECTED In Memory of JOSIAH CLARK Departed this life May 23, 1 81 3, in the 34 year of his ag-e Receive O earth this faded form In thy cold bosom let it lie, Safe let it rest from ev,ry storm Soon must it rise no more to die. (footstone) J. C. This Stone is erected to the memory of DEACON ABNER BARTLETT Who was born March 2. 1755 and Died October 28 1813 Mortals prepare eternity's at hand GOD is your Judg-e, and you are in his hand Be reconciled and own Lis ways are Just Adore his will and on him lean and trust (footstone) DAB 1813 -25- HANNAH JOHNSON wife of JACOB JOHNSON died Sept. 14 18 14, aged 71 years Friends and Physicians could not save, My mortals boddy from the grave, Nor can the grave confine me here, When Christ shall call me to appear. In Memory of Mr. JAMES CLARK who died Feb. 5, 181 5 in his 93 year (footstone) Mr. James Clark. This Stone is Erected to consecrate the memory of Mrs. Sally Holbrook, Consort of Cap. Gideon Holbrook who died March i 1818 aged 33 years Alas and has she gone, and has she fled, Gone to the mansions of the dead She is gone we trust to Join the Joy on high With saints and angels o'er the starry sky. (footstone) S H. —26— In memory of JOHN CORNISH, who died May 21, 1818, aged 84 years. Also his four wives LYDIA. SARAH. PHEBE. & BETSEY. (footstone) J. C. (footstone) In memory of Mrs. Lucy Clark wife of Mr. James Clark who died Sept 24 1818 aged 52 years C 1818 In memory of Lewis Clark Son of Mr James Clark, who died September 25, i8i< aged 15 years & 8 months. (footstone) L C 1818 —27— In memory of Mrs. Thankful Holmes Widow of Calvin Holmes Deceas'd, who died October 7, 1818, aged 26 years (footstone) T H 1818 In memory of David Clark, Son of Mr. James Clark, who died October 25, 18 18 aged 18 years & 5 months. (footstone) D C 1818 In memory of Hannah Clark Daughter of Mr. James Clark who died October 25 18 18 (footstone) H C 1818 —28— This Stone is Erected to consecrate the memory of Miss Mary Holbrook Daughter of Cap Gideon 'Holbrook and Mrs. Sally his wife who died January 13 18 19 Aged seventeen years 3 months Farewell bright Soul, a short farewell Till we shall meet again above, In the sweet grave where pleasures dwell And trees of life bear fruits of Love, (footstone) M H 1819 In memory of Sarah Drew Stetson Daughter of Rev Seth Stetson & Mrs Lucy his wife who died June 3 1820 Aged 8 years 8 months & 9 days Death thou has conquer'd me And by thee I am slain. But Jesus Christ hath conquer'd thee, And I shall rise again. (footstone) S D S • —29— In memory of Mr James Clark, who died May 6, 182 1 aged 58 years & 7 months (footstone) J C 1821 FREEMAN CORNISH, died Jan. 30. 1822; 7E. 39 y'rs. — m ^ Jesus can make a dying bed, Feel soft as downy pillows are. Whilst on his breast I lean my head. And breathe my life out sweetly there, (footstone) F. C. — 30— . Sacred to the memory of REV, MOSES PARTRIDGE Who was ordained April 21, 1824, as pastor of the 2d Church in Plymouth & died Sept. 25, 1824 aged 36 years & 18 days. Having been a devoted missionary & an able, faith full. & affectionate Minister of Christ, he died dee- ply lamented w^ith a HOPE full of immortality. "Mark the perfect man; and behold the upri- ght; for the end of that man is peace." (footstone) 7E. 36. Dea: BENJAMIN CORNISH died Feb. 15. 1825 7E 60 y's. I mo. EXPERIENCE Widow of the above died Feb. 12, 1846. /E 75 y'rs. When Christ, who is our life shall appear Then shall ye, also appear with him in glory. (footstone) B. C. —SI- ANNA BARTLETT wife of Joseph Bartlett Esq died May 21, 1826, aged 66 years. The cold beneath the dampy sod Thy Hmbs in peaceful slumber lie Thy spirit seeks A gracious GOD And flits its passage through the sky. (footstone) A B. SETH CLARK died June 5, 1828, aged 61 y.rs. Friends & Physicians could not save This mortal Body from the grave. (footstone) S. C. SETH CLARK Jr died April 10, 183 1 Aged 40 y.rs & 10 mon. (footstone) S. C. Jr. —32— HARRIET wife of Nathl Clark died Sept. 2T), 1 83 1, aged 33 years & 7 mon. (footstone) H. C. CATHARINE, wife of Israel Clark, died Feb. 22, 1832, aged 29 y.rs & 10 mo. My days were as the grass. Or like the morning flower. (footstone) C. C. ABBEY C. Dang, of John & Meriah Cornish, died April 2t,, 1834, Aged 2 years & 8 mon. Yes, the fair flowers nipped in the bud Nor was it left to bloom at even; Transplanted from this earthly clod. That it may bloom bright in heaven. (footstone) A. C. Cornish. —33— JOSEPH BARTLETT ESO. * died December 21, 1834, aged 74 years. What joy must heave that breast of thine To quit this jarring earthly sphere When the full chorus all divine Breaks in loud rapture on the ear. (footstone) J B. In memory of THOMAS CORNISH, died April 19, 1838, Aged 80 y'rs. Also his Wife JERUSHA, died April 6th 1825, in her 66th year. (footstone) T. J. C. C. CHARLES PETERSON Born Nov, , II, died 1788, A Nov. 17, : ged 57 y'rs t845. 6 da's. (footstone) C. P. *Meant for "E S Q." (The compiler). —34— SYLVESTER * MATILDA * BETSEY THOMAS Dau. of Charles & Thankful Peterson, Born March. 17, 181 5, Died Nov. 22, 185 1, Aged 36 y'rs 8 mo's. 5 days. m m (footstone) B. T. P. REV. CLARK CORNISH died Feb. 15, 1852 M. 69. "By grace are ye saved." (footstone) C. C. ^Sylvester is Charles Peterson's son, and Matilda is Sylves- ter Peterson's wife. (The compiler). —35— ELIZABETH D. F. daughter of Clark & Betsey. Cornish. died July 4, 1854. aged 2y years. God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave. (footstone) E. D. F. C. EUNICE widow of Seth Clark; died Feb. 22, 1856; ^ 89 y'rs. * • In life how dear, how blest in Death. (footstone) E. C. CAPT. LABAN COFFIN, Died at St. Michaels, Western Islands, 18 14, Aged 50 y'rs. ABIGAIL, his wife. Died Aug. 20, 1857, Aged 91 y'rs. (footstone) L. A. C. C. -36- SARAH HARLOW, died Oct. 9, i860; rE.73 y'rs. o m Why do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at deaths arlarm, 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call us to his arms. (footstone) S. H. MARY wife of SETH CLARK, died Feb. 2. 1862, aged 99 y'rs. 9 mo's. 15 da's. ''To her, Christ was precious.' (footstone) M. C. THANKFUL CLARK, widow of Charles Peterson. Born April 26, 1793. Died April 10, 1863, Aged 69 y'rs 11 mo's. 15 days. ♦ * (footstone) T. C. P. —Z7— LAURA, wife of DEA. ISRAEL CLARK, died Sept. 21, 1871. aged 78 y'rs 8 mo's. (footstone) L. C. NATHANIEL CLARK died Jan. 9, 1874, aged 81 yrs. 4 mo's. (footstone) N. C. MARY C, wife of Nathaniel Clark died Mar. 7, 1883, aged 86 y'rs. I mo. DEA. ISRAEL CLARK. Died Nov. 2, 1884 aged 90 y'rs. 3 mo's. (footstone) I. C. -38- CYNTHIA HOLMES DIED Sept. 25, 1888, Aged '7 1 y'rs. i mo. 9 days. * • Asleep in Jesus. (footstone) C. H. ^/ . - -- \^^s j^ ^: >^^ is* -fc^ "^ o^JCXF* ^"^ "^ •^11^* ^ ^ •** aV -^^ ■^ •** • <^B^^ ° ^' "-^ A*- Ta a"* DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDING 0^ ST. AUGUSTINE V^ ^I^AJ:" flc -^- -, o , ,. ^^ FLA. , /^ »*^ife'"* ^ C.-^ »'rC(\%f A** '^ ^ 014 079 384 A