It.. HANS ON VITAL RECORDS rhss P] L^ K VITAL RECORDS OF HANSON MASSACHUSETTS TO THE YEAR 1850 PUBLISHED BY THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY ' AT THE CHARGE OF THE EDDY TOWN-RECORD FUND BOSTON, MASS. 191 1 <-^\^ THIS publication is issued under the authority of a vote passed by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, November 6, 1901, as follows: Voted: That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund to be called the Eddy Town-Record Fund, for the sole purpose of publishing the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary for such publication. And the treasurer is hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by the Council for this purpose. Committee on Publications Henry Winchester Cunningham Francis Everett Blake Charles Knowles Bolton Don Gleason Hill Edmund Dana Barbour Editor F. Apthohp Roster Stanbopc ipress F. H. CIL.SON COMPANY BOSTON. U.S.A. J) Y J THE TOWN OF HANSON, Plymouth County, was formerly part of Pembroke. February 22, 1820, it was established as a town. Popu ■ation by Census : 1820 (U.S.), 917; 1830 (U.S.), 1030; 1840 (U.S.), 1040; 1850 (U.S.), 1217; 1855 (State), 1231; i860 (U.S.), 1245; 1865 (State), 1196; 1870 (U.S.), 1219; 1875 (State), 1265; 1880 (U.S.), 1309; 1885 (State), 1227; 1890 (U.S.), 1267; 1895 (State), 1380; 1900 (U.S.), 1455; 1905 (State), 1490. EXPLANATIONS 1. When places other than Hanson and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. 2. In all records the original spelling is followed. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual might be found under different spellings. 4. Marriages and intentions of marriages are printed under the names of both parties. When both the marriage and in- tention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record is printed ; and where a marriage appears without the intention recorded, it is designated with an asterisk. 5. Additional information which does not appear in the origi- nal text of an item, i.e. any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used to show the difference in the spelling of a name in the same entry, to indicate the maiden name of a wife, to enclose an imperfect portion of the original text, and to separate clauses in the original text — such as the birthplace of a parent in late records. ABBREVIATIONS a. — age aht. — about b. — born ch, — child chn. — children Co. — county C.R.I. — church record, First Congregational Church C.R.2. — church record, Baptist Church, South Hanson d. — daughter; died; day Dea. — Deacon dup, — duphcate entry G.R.I. — gravestone record, Fern Hill Cemetery, Hanson, formerly Second Precinct of Pembroke G.R.2. — gravestone record, Hobert Cemetery G.R.3. — gravestone record, Munroe Burying Ground in South Hanson G.R.4. — gravestone record, tomb of John Thomas h. — husband hrs. — hours inf. — infant int. — publishment of intention of marriage Jr. — junior m. — married; month min. — minutes P.R.I. — private record, from the Nathaniel Bonney Bible, now in the possession of Miss Eliza B. White of Hanson P.R.2. — private record, from the Joseph White Bible, now in the possession of Miss Eliza B. White of Hanson P.R.3. — private record, from the Snow Baker Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Mary C. Sturtevant of Hanson P.R.4. — private record, from the Luther Josselyn Bible, now in the possession of Charles S. Josselyn of Hanson P.R.5. — private record, from the Benjamin White Bible, now n the possession of Mrs. Florence Webb of Hanson 5 ABBREVIATIONS P.R.6. — private record, from the Nathaniel Soper Bible, now in the possession of William E. Barker of Hanson P.R.7. — private record, from the Eleazer Josselyn family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Florence Webb and Mrs. Alice Hammond of Hanson P.R.8. — private record from the Thomas Macomber Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. C. M. Carr of Hanson p.R.Q, — private record, from the Moses Carr Bible, now in the possession of Miss Malinda A. Carr of Hanson — private record from the Samuel Perry Bible, now in the possession of Miss Malinda Carr of Hanson P.R.ii. — private record, from the Alvin Brown Bible, now in the possession of William G. Elms of Hanson P.R.I 2. — private record, from the John L. Elms Bible, now in the possession of William G. Elms of Hanson P.R.13. — private record, from the Byram Sampson Biblcj now in the possession of William G. Elms of Hanson P.R.14. — private record, from the Lot Phillips Bible, now in the possession of Miss Josephine Estes of Hanson P.R.15. — private record, from the Chelcias Howard Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. AmeHa Dweliey of Bryant- ville P.R.16. — private record, from the Floran Estes Bible, now in the possession of Nathaniel T. Howland of Hanson P.R.17. — private record, from the Perez Howland Bible, now in the possession of Nathaniel T. Howland of Hanson P.R.18. — private record, from the Charles Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Charles Thomas of Hanson P.R.19. — private record, from the Nathaniel Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Ellen P. Bearse of Hanson P.R.20. — private record, from the Elijah Damon Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Angeline Damon of Hanson P.R.21. — 'private record, from the Benjamin Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Gushing O. Thomas of Hanson P.R.22. — private record, from the Nelson Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Ruth A. Thomas of Hanson P.R.23. — private record, from the Albert House Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Emily F. Brown of Hanson ABBREVIATIONS 7 PR 24. — private record, from the Oliver Bourne Bible, now in the possession of Miss Marcia H. Bourne of Hanson PR 25. — private record, from the Bible of Edwin Clark, now in his possession p R 26. — private record, from a Bible presented to the Han- ' son Library Association by T. S. Mitchell of Plymouth p_R_27. — private record, from the Ezekiel Bonney Bible, now in the possession of Ellen J. Ford of Hanson PR 28. — private record, from the Jeremiah Stetson Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Florence Josselyn of Hanson P.R.29. — private record, from the George F. Stetson Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Florence Josselyn of Hanson P.R.30. — private record, from the Joseph Barker Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Mary E. Read of South Hanson PR 21. — private record, from the Andrew H. Bates Bible, ' now in the possession of Albert Bates of Hanson PR 22. — private record, from the Bible of Nahum Stetson, now in his possession PR 23. — private record, from the Joseph Bearce Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Deborah Soper Howard of Hanson PR 24. — private record, from the Friend W. Howland Bible, ' now in the possession of Mrs. C. L. Howland of Hanson p_R_2^^ — private record, from the Isaac Pratt Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Edwin Pratt of Hanson P.R.36. — private record, from the Joseph Bearce Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. L. H. Bonney of Bryantville PR^y, — private record, from the Benjamin H. Bearce Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Polly Bearce of Hanson P.R.38. — private record, from the Jeremiah Soper Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Julia E. Thomas of Hanson p R 2g_ — private record, from the Levi Z. Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Julia E. Thomas of Hanson P.R.40. — private record, from the Cyrus Munroe Bible, now in the possession oT Mrs. Lydia Munroe of Whitman ABBREVIATIONS P.R.41, — private record, from the John A. Whiting Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Cornelia J. Cook of Hanson P.R.42. — private record, from the Robert Perry Bible, now in the possession of Henry J. Perry of Hanson P.R.43. — private record, from the Cushman D. Hill family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Carroll Wash- burn of Bryantville P.R.44. — private record, from the Isaac Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Miss Sally B. Cushing of Hanson P.R.45. — private record, from the Oren Josselyn Bible, now in the possession of Samuel House of Hanson P.R.46. — private record, from the Elijah Damon family record, now in the possession of Miss Angy Damon of South Hanson P.R.47. — private record, from the Deborah Leavitt Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Otis L. Bonney of Hanson P.R.48. — private record, from the Fuller family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Elbridge G. Fuller of South Hanson P.R.49. — private record, from the Bearce family record, now in the possession of Mrs. George Stetson of Hanson P.R.50. — private record, from the Bible of Thomas G. Clark, now in his possession P.R.51. — private record, from the Jeremiah Stetson Bible, now in the possession of Marshall Stetson of North Hanson P.R.52. — private record, from the Reed and Josselyn family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Ellen P. Reed of North Hanson P.R.53. — private record, from the Isaac Ramsdell Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Isaac Ramsdell of Hanson P.R.54. — private record, from the Jacob Josselyn Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Ida E. Turner of Hanson P.R.55. — private record, from the Ebenezer B. Keene Bible, now in the possession of Frank Keene of South Hanson P.R.56. — private record, from the Keene family record, now in the possession of Miss Josephine Estes of Hanson P.R.57. — private record, from the Keene family record, now in the possession of Miss Mabel Keene of Hanson ABBREVIATIONS 9 P.R.58. — private record, from the White family record, now in the possession of Lucius White of Pembroke P.R.59. — private record, from the Nathan Stevens Bible, now in the possession of Nathan White of Hanson p,R.6o, — private record, from the Benjamin Josselyn Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Emily A. Josselyn of Hanson P.R.61. — private record, from the Zaimon Briggs family record, now in the possession of John Briggs of South Hanson P.R.62. — private record, from the Shadrach Thomas Bible, now in the possession of Miss M. EHzabeth Thomas of Neponset P.R.63. — private record, from the Nathan Stevens Bible, now in the possession of Hiram H. Stevens of Bryantville P.R.64. — private record, from the Keene family record, now in the possession of Miss Mabel Keene of Hanson P.R.65. — private record, from the Nathan Stevens Bible, now in the possession of Nathan White of Hanson P.R.66. — private record, from the Joseph Howland Bible, now in the possession of Miss Maria W. Howland of Rockland P.R.67. — private record, from the Levi Everson Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Fred U. Corson of Melrose P.R.68. — private record, from the Bartlett Sampson Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Bartlett Sampson of East Whitman P.R.69. — private record, from the Bryant family record, now in the possession of Oscar Stevens of Marshfield P.R.70. — private record, from the Noah Bonney Bible, now in the possession of Lucian Bonney of South Easton rec. — recorded s. — son Sr. — senior v). — wife; week wid. — widow widr. — widower y. — year HANSON BIRTHS HANSON BIRTHS To THE YEAR 1 8 JO ALDRICH, Stilraan, "Member of Co B 3d Reg.," [1826]. G.R.I. ALLEN, Daniel, June 17, 1821. p.R.14. Diana, Aug. 25, 1824. p.R.14. Ethan, Nov. 22, 1823. p.R.7. Joseph Gary, May 24, 1827. p.R.14. AMES, John C, s. Marcus and Sarah H., July 2, 1842. ARNOLD, Caleb [Feb. — , 1828]. g.r.i. Lucius W., s. Caleb, shoemaker (b. Abington), and Prisilla, Mar, 3, 1849. ATKINS, Almira D. [ ], w. John W. [July — , 183 1]. G.R.I. John W. [Nov. — , 1827]. G.R.I. BAILEY, George C. [h. Julia] [Oct. — , 1824]. g.r.i. Julia [ ], w. George C. [Dec. — , 1828]. g.r.i. Sagy, d. Col. John, w. Dr. Gad Hitchcock, Jan. 31, 1759. g.r.i. BAKER, Gushing, [i79Sl- p.R.3- Hannah B. [ ], w. Herbert, Nov. 12, 1842. g.r.j. BALDWIN, Deborah Soper [?m.], , 1829. g.r.i. BARKER, Albert Smith, s. Josiah and Eliza [(Gushing), P.R.30.], Mar. 31, 1843. Benjamin [Jan. — , 181 1]. g.r.i. Betsey [ ], w. Daniel, [1792]. g.r.i. Betsey, ch. David and Betsey, Oct. 28, 1827. Blaney P., s. Benjamin and Sally, Oct. 22, 183 1. Bowen, M. D., Mar. 11, 1800. g.r.i. Caleb [h. Catherine] [Feb. — , 1813]. g.r.i. Catherine [ ], w. Caleb [May — , 1816]. g.r.i. Charles, s. Benjamin Jr. and Deborah C., Oct. 2, 1847. 13 14 HANSON BIRTHS Barker, Charles, , 1848 [sic, see death], g.r.i. Deborah A., d. Benjamin, carpenter, and Deborah C, Apr. 23, 1844. Deborah D. [ ], w. Lot P., , 181 5. g.r.i. DeWit [dup. Dewitt] Clinton, s. Lot P., shoemaker, and Deborah B, [dup. D.], Mar. [dup. Nov.] 28, 1847. Eliza, d. Daniel and Betsey, Apr. 30, 1822. Eliza, , 1841. G.R.I. Eliza Cushing, ch. Josiah and EHza [(Cushing), p.R.30.], Nov. 5, 1837. Elizabeth [ ], w. George [Feb. — , 181 7]. g.r.i. Elizabeth Cushing, d. Josiah and EHza [(Cushing), p.R.30.], Aug. 28, 1835. Florinda Williams, ch. Lot P. and Deborah D., Sept. 19, 1840. George [h. EHzabeth], [1817]. g.r.i. Hannah [ ], w. Dr. Samuel [Jan. — , 1774]. g.r.i. Helen A. " ], w. John [July — , 1843]. g.r.i. Huldah, ch. Benjam'.n and Sally, May 14, 1825. Isaac Bowen, s. Josiah and Eliza [(Cushing), p.R.30.], Nov. 25, 1839. Issabella [dup. Isabella] Amelia Ann, d. Caleb, house carpen- ter, and Catherine, Feb. 9 [dup. Feb. 5], 1844. Jane, d. Benj[ami]n and Sal y, Apr. 17, 1820. Josiah [h. Eliza (Cushing)] [Oct. — , 1804]. g.r.i. Lot P. [h. Deborah D.], , 1813. g.r.i. Lucius, s. Benjamin and Sally, June 28, 1828. Lydia, ch. Benjamin and Sally, Mar. 10, 1823. Mary E. [dup. Elizabeth], d. Josiah, shoemaker, and EHza, Jan. 26, 1847. [Mary Elizabeth, ch. Josiah and Eliza (Cushing), p.R.30.] Mary T. [Nov. — , 1794]. g.r.i. Phillip , Henry, ch. Lot P. and Deborah D., Jan. 29, 1845, in Livermore, Me. Ruth, Sept. ID, 1796. G.R.I. Sarah Elizabeth, ch. Lot P. and Deborah D., May 26, 1842, in Livermore, Me. BARSTOW, George W., ch. Rev. George and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1802. Jane W., ch. Rev. George and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1810. Lucy A. F., ch. Rev. George and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1818. Sarah W., ch. Rev. George and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1805. BARTLETT, Eliza [ ], w. Rev. Freeman P. Rowland, Mar. 22, 1801, in Plymouth, g.r.i. HANSON BIRTHS 1 5 BATES, Clara W. [ ], w. Elbridge G. [Mar. — , 1826]. G.R.I. Deborah [? m.], Sept. 4, 1819, g.r.i. Elbridge G. [h. Clara W.] [Sept. — , 1821]. g.r.i. Gilman, Nov. 11, 1843. P.R.31. Gilman, s. Andrew H. and Abigial N., Nov. 10, 1846. Zilpha A., d. Andrew H., shoemaker (b. Hanover), and Aba- gail N., Aug. 22, 1849. [Zilpho Ann, p.R.31.] BEAL (see Beals), Alden, ch. David and Mary, Sept. 15, 1805. [[h. Naomi] g.r.i.] Alice, d. Edwin, farmer, and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1849. Alonzo [h. Hellen (Gray)], , 1S40. g.r.i. Bernard C, s. Lucinda [dup. Lucenda], May 6, 1833. Charles C, ch. David and Mary, Feb. 22, 1803. Charles Marshal, ch. Alden and Neomi, Dec. 19, 1836. Cornelia O. [ ], w. Bernard C. [Feb. — , 1845]. g.r.i. Edwin [h. Sarah D. (Gibson)], , 1814. g.r.i. George Barstow, ch. Alden and Neomi, Mar. 10, 1840. George P., ch. David and Mary, Oct. 4, 1808. [[h. Mary] G.R.I.] Gibson, s. Edwin, farmer, and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1843. Henry A., ch. Alden and Naomi, Oct. 29, 1831. [Oct. 30, G.R.I.] Jesse [h. Celia (Curtis)], , 1775. g.r.i. Job H., ch. David and Mary, May 9, 181 1. Lucinda, ch. David and Mary, Apr. 4, 1807. Martin, ch. David and Mary, Apr. 26, 1804. Martin Luther, s. Alden and Neoma [dup. crossed out, Naomi], July 10, 1834 [dup. crossed out, 1837]. [s. Alden and Naomi [July — , 1834], g.r.i.] Mary [ ], w. George P. [July — , 1809]. g.r.i. Mary A. [? m.]. Mar. 9, 1841. g.r.i. Mercy [ ], w. Dea. David [Nov. — , 1768]. g.r.i. Naomi [ ], w. Alden [Aug. — , 1808]. g.r.i. Naomi Thompson, ch. Alden and Neomi, Aug. 13, 1842. Sarah, d. Edwin, farmer, and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1845. Sidney, , 1847. g.r.i. William O. [dup. Otis], s. Alden, shoemaker, and Naomi [dup. Neomi], Oct. 31, 1844. BEALS (see Beal), Betsey, w. Allen M. Porter [Aug. — , 1792]. g.r.i. George H., s. George P., shoemaker, and Mary, April 12, 1847. 1 6 HANSON BIRTHS BEARCE, Benjamin H. [h. Polly (Bourne)], July 22, 1822. P.R.37. Betsey, d. Joseph (Berce) and Betsey, Sept. 3, 1820. [Bet- sey D., ch. Joseph and Betsey (Dammon), p.R.36.] Betsey D. [ch. Joseph and Fanny (White)], Dec. 17, 1845. p.R.36. Chloe Whitman, ch. Isaiah and Marina A., Feb. 8, 1843. [Bearse, w. Joshua Perkins, g.r.i.] Deborah S., ch. Joseph and Betsey [(Dammon), p.R.36.], Dec. 5. 1832. Elijah D., s. Joseph and Betsey [(Dammon), p R.36.], Jan. 20, 1824. Frances A. [ch. Joseph and Fanny (White)], Sept. 16, 1838. p.R.36. Isaiah [h. Maria A. (Turner)], Nov. i, 1801, g.r.i. Joseph F. [ch. Joseph and Fanny ,;^ White)], Oct. 8, 1841. p.R.36. Loretta W. [ch. Joseph and Fanny (White)], Jan. 27, 1844. p.R.36. Maria Antoinette, ch. Isaiah and Marina A., Nov. 10, 1847. Marina Winslow Turner, ch. Isaiah and Marina A., Nov. 24, 1836. Millie Keith, ch. Isaiah and Marina A., Dec. 23, 1834. [Meli- cent Keith Bearce, p.R.49.] Sophronia Parris, ch. Isaiah and Marina A., Nov. 10, 1830. Virgil Delphini Parris, ch. Isaiah and Marina A., Mar. 16, 1841. Virgil Parris, ch. Isaiah and Marina A., Sept. 17, 1839. p.R.49. William Wallace, ch. Isaiah and Marina A., July 23, 1832. BELL, Mary Jane, ch. W[illia]m and Anna, Jan. i, 1837. BESSE, Rebecca E. [? m.], Feb. 29, 181 2. g.r.i. BLOUNT, Charles H. [h. Emily S.], Sept. 14, 1840. g.r.i. Emily S. [ ], w. Charles H., June 3, 1844. g.r.i. BONNEY, Allen F., ch. Roland and Thirza, Apr. 24, 1820. Angeline D. [ ], w. Ezekiel [May — , 1807]. g.r.i. Angeline W., d. Ezekial [dup. Ezekiel Jr.], furnaceman, and Angehne, Apr. 26, 1828. [Angeline White Bonney, ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Angeline (White), P.R.27.] Calvin, s. Noah and Electy [ch. Noah Jr. and Electa (Allen), P.R.70.], Apr. 8, 1826. Cephas W., s. Cephas and Deborah, June 20, 1826. HANSON BIRTHS 1 7 BoNNEY, Chloe [ ], w. Nathaniel, June 21, 1777. g.r.i. Crowd, s. Crowel and Betsey, Aug. 18, 1818. Deborah Soper Perkins, d. Cephas and Deborah, Dec. 9, 1832. Eibridge P., , 1829. g.r.i. Eleazar, s. Crowel and Betsey, June 4, 1823. Ellen J., d. Esekiel, furnaceman, and Angeline, Feb. 22, 1845. [Ellen Josephine, ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Angeline (White), P.R.27.] Eunice C, d. Horatio, shoemaker, and Mary A., Apr. 28, 1845. Ezekiel [h. Angeline D.] [Apr. — , 1801]. g.r.i. Franklin W. [dup. Warrin], s. Ezekial [dup. Ezekiel], furnace- man, and Angeline, Nov. 27, 1842 [dup. 1843]. [Frank- lin Warren Bonney, ch. Ezekiel and Angeline [Nov. — , 1842], G.R.I.] [Franklin Warren Bonney, ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Angeline (White), Nov. 27, 1842, p.R.27.] George, s. Nath[anie]l and Polly (second w.), Dec. 2, 1826. [[h. Julie A.] G.R.I.] Harvey [June — , 1786]. g.r.i. Henry Bartlett, s. Cephas and Deborah, July 19, 1828. Hiram B., ch. Roland and Thirza, Apr. 27, 1818. Horatio, ch. Roland and Thirza, June 22, 1822. Jane, ch. Noah and Electy, Apr. 10. 1828. [ch. Noah Jr. and Electa (Allen), Apr. 8, p.R.70.] Josiah, s. Nath[anie]l and Polly, i)ec. 4, 1828. [[w. Martha C] G.R.I.] Julia A., d. Ezekial, furnaceman, and Angeline, Sept. 28, 183 T. [Julia Ann, ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Angeline (White), p.R.27.] Julie A. [ ], w. George, Mar. 10, 1835. g.r.i. Laura Ann, ch. Roland and Thirza, Dec. 23, 1824. Lucian, ch. Noah Jr. and Electa (Allen), Mar. 27, 1S34. p.R.70. Martha C. [ ], w. Josiah, Mar. 14, 1830. g.r.i. Martha P., d. Ezekiel, farmer, and Angeline, Feb. 9, 1847. [Martha Perry Bonney, ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Angeline (White), p.R.27.] Mary Eliza, ch. Seth and Eliza, June 10, 1834. Melinda [? m.] [Oct. — , 178S]. g.r.i. Mercy M. [? m.], , 1832. g.r.i. Morton V. B., s. Ezekial, furnaceman, and Angeline, Mar. 8, 1841. [Morton Van Buren Bonney, ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Angeline (White), p.R.27.] l8 HANSON BIRTHS BoNNEY, Nathaniel [h. Chloe] [h. Polly], July 6, 1776. g.r.i. Noah, [1783]. G.R.I, Otis L., s. Ezekial, furnaceman, and Angeline, Dec. 2, 1838. [Otis Lafayette Bonney, ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Angeline (White), P.R.27.] Polly [ ], w. Nathaniel, Mar. 23, 1786. g.r.i. Sarah [ ], w. Capt. Lemuel, [1776]. g.r.i. Sarah Maria, ch. Crowel and Betsey, Feb. 23, 1830. Theodore L., s. Ezekial, furnaceman, and Angeline, Oct. 27, 1836. [Theodore Lyman Bonney, ch. Ezekiel and Ange- line, G.R.I.] [Theodore Lyman Bonney, ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Angeline (White), p.R.27.] Theodore Lyman, ch. Ezekiel Jr. and Angeline (White), Dec. 8, 1834. p.R.27. William F., s. Cephas and Deborah, Apr. 11, 1831. William Lewis, s. Lewis and Henrietta, Dec. 5, 1825. BOURN (see Bourne), Augusta, d. Charles, farmer, and Deborah, Nov. g, 1848. Betsey, ch. Charles and Deborah B., Nov. 2, 1827. Diantha B., ch. Warren and Rachel, July 11, 1825. Ebenezer, s. Warren and Rachel, Jan. 22, 1820. [Bourne, g.r.i.] Eliza P. [dup. and second dup. omit P.], ch. Abel and Elisa- beth [dup. EHzabeth] P., Mar. 31, 1824. Fidelia, ch. Warren and Rachel, May 5, 1822. Francis W. [h. Jane], [1796]. g.r.i Isaac, s. Charles, laborer, and Deborah B., Feb. 7, 1844. James M., s. Joseph, shoemaker, and Mary (b. Lexington, Me.), July 24, 1849, in Halifax. John, ch. Abel and Elisabeth P., Sept. 3, 1827. [John T. Bourne, g.r.i.] Josiah, ch. Oliver and Clarissa, July 26, 1827. [Josiah C. Bourne, p.R.24.] Marcia H., ch. Oliver and Clarissa, Apr. 9, 1826. Martin W. [Jan. — , 1829]. g.r.i. Mary J. [? m.] [Nov. — , 1841]. g.r.i. Nancy H. [ ], w. S. T. [Sept. — , 1837]. g.r.i. Polly, ch. Charles and. Deborah B., Dec. 17, 1829. [[Bourne, w. Benjamin Harrison Bearce] p.R.37.] Zarah, d. Charles, farmer, and Deborah, Apr. 17, 1846. BOURNE (see Bourn), Abel [h. Elizabeth] [Oct. — , 1798]. g.r.i. Alice, d. William H., merchant, and Jane (b. Madrid, Me.), Aug. 6, 1848. . HANSON BIRTHS I9 Bourne, Berdinand A., Sept. 24, 1821. g.r.i. Calvin T. [Dec. — , 1834]. g.r.i. Clara, Sept. 20, 1833. p.R.24. Elizabeth [ ], w. Abel [June — , 1797]. g.r.i. Emeline N. [ ], w. Samuel T. [Oct. — , 1S33]. g.r.i. Ephraim B., Feb. 22, 1831. p.R.24. Harriet [ ], w. Charles W. [Feb. — , 1837]. g.r.i. Jane [ ], w. Francis W. [Nov. — , 1800]. g.r.i. Levi L., Sept. 16, 1837. p.R.24. Levi L. [Oct. — , 1839]. g.r.i. Alary J. [? m.] [Apr. — , 1828]. g.r.i. Rachel [ ], w. Warren [Feb. — , 1791]. G.r.i. Sylvia [? m.], Dec. 6, 1800. g.r.i. William, Apr. 23, 1799. g.r.i. William H. [Apr. — , 1824]. g.r.i. BOWKER, Abigail J., d. Richard and Mary Ann, Dec. 31, 1822. Andrew, ch. Gad and Clarissa, Dec. 12, 1828. Ann Louisa, ch. Richard and Mary Ann, Dec. 14, 1826. [in Pembroke, p.R.25.] Benj[amin] H., , 1820. g.r.i. George Thomas, ch. Gad, Sept. 25, 1833. [[h. Miranda C] G.R.I.] Hannah, d. Gad, Nov. 13, 1835. Harriet [ ], w. Turner [Nov. — , 1808]. g.r.i. Harriet Turner, d. Turner and Harriet [May — , 1838]. G.R.I. John A., s. Gad and Clarissa, Sept. 4, 1824. Luther, s. Gad and Clarissa, Jan. 4, 1831. Mary [ ], w. Richard, , 1799. g.r.i. Miranda C. [ ], w. George T., May 27, 1833. g.r.i. Rachel [? m.], [1816]. g.r.i. Richard [h. Mary], , 1791. g.r.i. Rosilla W., ch. Gad and Clarissa, Jan. 28, 1827. Sarah J. [ ], w. Andrew [Aug. — , 1830]. g.r.i. Turner [h. Harriet] [May — , 1813]. g.r.i. W[illia]m Marshal, s. Richard and Mary Ann, Oct. 3, 1820. BOYLES, James Henry, s. Patrick and Pamela, Jan. 9, 1825. BRAINING, John, "Member of Co S 18^ Reg Mas Intry," [1840]. g.r.i. BREWSTER, Bethiah [ ], w. Phillip [June — , 1793]. g.r.i. 20 HANSON BIRTHS Brewster, Bethiah, ch. Phillip and Bethiah, June 25, 1824, Charles C, ch. Phillip and Bethiah, May i, 1816. Christiana, ch. Phillip and Bethiah, Mar. 14, 1828. Edwin J., s. James B., farmer, and Racheal J., Feb. 12, 1847. James B., ch. Phillip and Bethiah, Mar. 20, 1819. [[h. Rachel] g.r.i.] Lucy, d. Phillip, farmer, and Bethia, June 17, 1832. Maria T., d. James B., farmer, and Rachel (b. Scituate), Apr. 17, 1849. Phillip [h. Bethiah] [June — , 1791]. g.r.i. Phillip T., ch. Phillip and Bethiah, Apr. 20, 1814. Rachel [ ], w. James B. [Feb. — , 1820]. g.r.i. Sophronia, ch. Phillip and Bethiah, Aug. 27, 182 1. William, ch. Phillip and Bethiah, Oct. 18, 181 2. BRIGGS, Hannah Holmes (see Briggs). Jane H., d. Sam[ue]l and Lydia, , 1830. g.r.i. John S., s. Zalmon, farmer, and Mary, Jan. 20, 1841. [John Sumner Briggs, June 20, P.R.61.] Lydia C. [ ], w. Samuel, , 1806. g.r.i. Mary R., d. Zalmon, farmer, and Mary, Jan. 5, 1828, in Pembroke. Samuel [h. Lydia C], , 1800. g.r.i. Seth M., s. Zalmon, farmer, and Mary, Nov. 22, 1835, in Pembroke. Zalmond Franklin, s. Zalmond, farmer, and Mary, July 6, 1844. [Zalmon Franklin Briggs, ch. Zalmon and Mary, July 6, 1843, P.R.61.] [Hannah Holmes], d. Zalmon, laborer, and Mary, Apr. 16, 1847. [Hannah Holmes Briggs, p.R.61.] BROWN, George Franklin, ch. Alvin and Betsey, June 28, 1823. P.R.II. George S., ch. Alvin and Betsey, Feb. 18, 1822. p.r.ii. BRYANT, Elizabeth Ellen, d. Josephas and Fanny W., May 21, 1841. George, ch. Cephas and Lucy,.Feb. i, 1837. James Bradford, ch. Cephas and Lucy, Dec. 8, 1839. John, s. Cephas and Lucy, June 16, 1826. Josephus, Mar. 28, 1817. g.r.i. Joshua T., s. Cephas and Lucy, Sept. 4, 1830. Lucia, ch. Cephas and Lucy, Nov. i, 1832. Lucy, ch. Cephas and Lucy, Dec. 15, 1828. Susan Lincoln, ch. Cephas and Lucy, Apr. 15, 1835. HANSON BIRTHS 21 CARNES (see Karnes). CARR, Alfred W., Dec. 9, 1843. p.R.9. Malinda A., Mar. 7, 1845. p.r.q. Melinda [ ], w. Moses [July — , 1807]. g.r.i. Moses [h. Melinda] [Apr. — , 1798]. g.r.i. CHAPMAN, Henry W., s. Luther and Huldah A., Aug. 25, 1827. Huldah A. [ ], w. Luther [Apr. — , 1805]. g.r.i. Luther [h. Huldah A.] [Jan. — , 1805]. g.r.i, CHASE, Nancy M., w. Nahum Keene, , 18 16. g.r.i. CHATMAN, Luther Warren, s. Luther and Huldah A., Dec. 15, 1834. CHURCHILL, Margaret E. [ ], w. Edwin E., , 1800. g.r.i. CLAPP, Eliza Ann, ch. Paul and Lydia, Aug. 23, 1825. Ozias, ch. Paul and Lydia, Apr. 7, 1829. CLARK, A. Louisa [ ], w. Edwin, , 1826. g.r.i. • Edwin, Dec. 23, 1824, in W. Bridgewater. p.R.25. Edwin T., s. Edwin, shoemaker (b. W. Bridgewater), and Ann L. (b. Pembroke), Aug. i, 1849. Eliza A., d. Thomas, wheelwright, and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1836. Ellen, d. Thomas, wheelwright, and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1838. Jane, d. Thomas, wheelwright, and Sarah, Nov. 21, 1834. Joseph F., s. Thomas, wheelwright, and Sarah, Mar. 28, 1843. Mary W., d. Thomas G., wheel-wright, and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1844. Sarah H. [? m.] [Dec. — , 1802]. g.r.i. Thomas, s. Thomas, wheelwright, and Sarah, Mar. 20, 1827. Thomas G. [Feb. — , 1804]. g.r.i. Thomas G., s. Thomas, wheelwright, and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1831. [Thomas G. Jr., ch. Thomas G. and Sarah How- ard (Keith), P.R.50.] COBB, Betsey [? m.], [1777]. P.R.26. Betsey [ ], w. Cornelius, Oct. 12, 1778. g.r.i. Cornelius [h. Betsey], Feb. 10, 1775. g.r.i. Cornelius, ch. Cornelius and Betsey, Dec. 6, 1815. g.r.i. Cornelius C, ch. Cornelius and Betsey, Oct. 4, 1810. g.r.i. Elvira Gushing [ ], w. John B. [Apr. — , 1805]. g.r.i. Grace, Jan. 22, 1806. g.r.i. 22 HANSON BIRTHS Cobb, Helen Maria, d. Cornelius and Betsey, June 15, 1818. Lucia, d. Cornelius and Betsey, Oct. 24, 1820. [Oct. 6, G.R.I.] COLE, Danville, s. Job and Mary, Feb. 9, 1821. Franklin, s. Job and Mary, Jan. 31, 1829. Lydia H., oh. Job and Mary, Sept. 13, 1826. Mary D., ch. Job and Mary, Dec. 27, 1823. Silvesta [ ], wid. Nathaniel, [1779]. g.r.i. COLLAMORE, Caroline F., ch. Capt. Nath[aniell and Mary, Mar. 25, 1822. Charlotte W., ch. Capt. Nath[anie]l and Mary, Aug. 31, 1814. Mary Hobart, d. [dup. adds Capt.] Nath[anie]l and Mary, May 29 [dup. May 27], 1820. Mercy W., ch. Capt. Nath[anie]] and Mary, Sept. 5, 1823. Nath[anie]I, ch. Capt. Nath[anie]l and Mary, Oct. 15, 1826. Thomas W., ch. Capt. Nath[anie]l and Mary, Aug. 18, 1816. Williams, ch. Capt. Nath[anie]l and Mary, July 9, 1818. COLTON, Alonzo [h. Sophronia], Jan. 28, 1816. g.r.i. Sophronia [ ], w. Alonzo, Aug. 27, 1821. g.r.i. CONANT, Charles (see Conant). Winslow T., s. Peter and Lucy, Sept. 23, 1824. [Charles], s. Winslow, furnaceman, and Phebe (b. Maiden), Aug. 2, 1849. COOK, Jane I. [? m.], , 1819. g.r.i. Judith S., , 1817. G.R.I. Lucy [ ], w. John [Oct. — , 1797]. G.R.i. Lucy D., ch. John and Lucy, Nov. 6, 1819. Sarah B., ch. John and Lucy, Jan. 15, 1822. COPELAND, Elizabeth C. [ ], w. Roland T., , 1820. G.R.I. Roland T. [h. Elizabeth C], , 1815. g.r.i. COX, Albert F. [h. Mary], , 1840. g.r.i. Caroline [ ], w. Levi S., , 1830. g.r.i. Eliza Jane, ch. Ephraim Jr. and Charlotte, May 28, 1833. Ephraim [Mar. — , 1800]. g.r.i. Esther, ch. Enos and Betsey, June 11, 1814. Joseph H., ch. Enos and Betsey, Dec. 4, 1815. [[h. Lydia C] G.R.I.] Levi S., ch. Ep[h]raim Jr. and Charlotte B., Oct. 9, 1826. [[h. Caroline] g.r.i.] HANSON BIRTHS 23 Cox, Lucy W., ch. Ep[h]raim Jr. and Charlotte B., July 23, 1822. [w. Bartlett Sampson, p.r.68.] Lydia C. [ : — ], w. Joseph H., Sept. 11, 1821. g.r.i. Maria H., ch. Enos and Betsey, Apr. 15, 1809. Mary [ ], w. Albert F., , 1844. g.r.i. Mary A., d. William and Phebe, Mar. 5, 1842, Mary D., ch. Enos and Betsey, June 4, 1824. Mary Ramsdell, d. Ephriam and Nancy, [1805]. g.r.i. Nancy [ ], w. Ephriam, [1779]- g.r.i. Samuel Otis, s. Joseph H., shoemaker, and Lydia [dup. adds C], Mar. 3, 1844 [dup. 1846]. s. J. H. and L. C, Mar. 3, 1844, g.r.i.] Susanna N., ch. Enos and Betsey, Apr. 15, 1810. Whitcome L. [h. Almira (Ford)], [1805]. g.r.i. CROCKER, Calvin Russell, ch. Calvin, Apr. 5, 1825. Florintine Nickerson, ch. Calvin, Sept. 14, 1837. JuUa Ann, ch. Calvin, Aug. 12, 1828. Luther Harlow [h. Mary (Osborne)], Mar. 15, 1805. g.r.i. Luther Osborne [h. Ohve (Munroe)], Jan. 11, 1829. g.r.i. Mira Kinsley, ch. Calvin, Jan. 10, 1833. Sarah Jane, ch. Calvin, Aug. 29, 1830. Silvina [? m.] [Feb. — , 1778]. g.r.i. Silvina Harding, d. Luther Harlow and Mary (Osborne), Apr. 15, 1833. G.R.I. Volney Albeon, ch. Calvin, Mar. 23, 1835. CURTIS, Celia, w. Jesse Beal, , 1775. g.r.i. GUSHING, Anna, d. Capt. Elijah, [1785]. g.r.i. Charles, s. Elijah, farmer, and Eliza, May 5, 1844. Charles, s. Nathaniel W., farmer, and Rachel C, Mar. 3, 1846. Deborah, w. Rev. Freeman P. Howland, Feb. 9, 1800. G.r.i. Delia [ ], w. Dr. Ezekiel Dodge, [1798]. g.r.i. Elijah [h. Eliza] [Dec. — , 1805]. g.r.i. Eliza [ ], wid. Elijah [May — , 1801]. g.r.i. Eliza, w. Josiah Barker [May — , 1813]. g.r.i. Ehzabeth [ — '■ ], w. Edward, Apr. 23, 1772. g.r.i. George, s. Elijah and Eliza, Sept. 5, 1832. Isaac, [1780]. g.r.i. N. W. [Jan. — , 1812]. G.R.I. Nathaniel W. Jr., s. Nathaniel W., farmer, and Rachel, May 24, 1847. Rachel [? m.], [1777]- g.r.i. 24 HANSON BIRTHS Gushing, Rachel C. [ ], w. N. W. [Feb. — , 1823]. G.R.I. Sally Blake, d. Nath[anie]l W., farmer, and Rachel C. (Thomas), Oct. 26, 1843. Theodore, s. Elijah and Eliza, Feb. 5, 1838. DALAND, D. [ ], w. H. L. [Dec. — , 1803]. g.r.i. Daniel B., Feb. 4, 1828. g.r.i. H. L. [h. D.] [Nov. — , 1804]. g.r.i. DAMMON (see Damon), Angeline, d. Elijah and Emely, July 22, 1834. DAMON (see Dammon), Caroline Matilda, ch. Nathaniel and Mary, June 15, 1842. P.R.S7. Charles Wesley, ch. Nathaniel and Mary, Jan. 6, 1837. P.R.57. Elijah [Apr. — , 1797]. g.r.i. Elijah, twin ch. Elijah and Emily, Nov. 3, 1829. Emily [? ra.], , 1805. g.r.i. Emily, ch, Elijah and Emily, June 10, 1828. Emma Frances, ch. Nathaniel and Mary, Feb. 18, 1846. P.R.57. Henry Parker, ch. Nathaniel and Mary, Sept. 19, 1837. P.R.57. Mary, w. Charles Keene, , 1827. g.r.i. [ch. Nathaniel and Mary, Sept. 10, p.R.57.] Nathaniel, ch. Nathaniel and Mary, July 27, 1829. p.R.57. Rebecca, ch. Nathaniel and Mary, Feb. 17, 1833. P.R.57. Wesley, ch. Nathaniel and Mary, Jan. 6, 1835. P.R.57. William, twin ch. Elijah and Emily, Nov. 3, 1829. DAVIS, Ann Eliza, ch. William Jr. and Sophia, Nov. 20, 1828. W^illiam P., ch. William Jr. and Sophia, July 23, 1830. DRAKE, Betsey L., d. Mardin, boxmaker, and Bathsheba, Sept. 6, 1844. Lucinda [ ], w. Ebenezer F., July 9, 18 14. g.r.i. DRAYTEN (see Drayton), John [h. Rebecca M.], , 1822. g.r.i. DRAYTON (see Drayten), Flora, d. John, shoemaker, and Rebecca, May 26, 1847. George W., s. John, shoemaker (b. Taunton), and Rebecca, Mar. 26, 1849. [Drayten, g.r.i.] HANSON BIRTHS 2$ DREW, Cyrus [Apr. — , 1820]. g.r.i. Frank D., s. Cyrus, merchant (b. Halifax), and Eveline (b. Falmouth, C, C), July 25, 1849. Irena O. [? m.], , 1820. g.r.i. DUNHAM, Charles Wheeler, s. Silas, house carpenter, Apr. 17, 1844. Lavinia, d. Silas and Martha, Feb. 13, 1840. ELLIOTT, George D., [1840]. g.r.i. ELLIS, Charles Henry, s. Jason and Sarah B., Dec. 31, 1838. Elizabeth Fenno, ch. Cyrus and Lucy, Sept. 18, 1837. Emeline L., d. Jason, shoemaker (b. Maine), and Sarah, Oct. 20, 1848. ELMES (see Elms), William G., s. John, shoemaker, and Harriet, Oct. 14, 1848. ELMS (see Elmes), Abigail [ ], w. Daniel R. [Nov. — , 1816]. G.R.I. Augustus F., "Co. K. Mass. Vols." [May — , 1840]. g.r.i. Daniel R. [h. Abigail] [Nov. — , 181 2]. g.r.i. George, ch. John L. and Harriet, Jan. 30, 1835. John L. [h. Harriet] [Nov. — , 181 2]. g.r.i. Sarah L., ch. John L. and Harriet, Mar. i, 1842. P.R.12. ESTES, Bethiah [ ], w. William [Dec. — , 1795]. g.r.i. Betsey, d. Floran, shoemaker, and Lydia, Aug. 26, 1844. [Aug. 26, 1845, P-R-i6.] [Aug. 26, 1844, P.R.17.] Calvin, s. W[illia]m and Bethiah, Mar. 8, 1827. Daniel, ch. William and Bethiah, Jan. 22, 1839. Dorothy, ch. William and Bethiah, Jan. 3, 1834. Floran, ch. W[illia]m and Bethiah, Nov. 14, 1819. Floran, ch. W[illia]m and Bethiah, Nov. 15, 1820. Florin, s. Florin, shoemaker, and Lydia, June 19, 1843. Florin P., s. Florin, shoemaker, and Lydia (Barker), Nov. i, 1847. [Floran P., Nov. i, 1848, P.R.16.] Helen [dup. Hellen], ch. Will[ia]m and Bethiah, Mar. 8, 183 1. Lucy J., ch. W[illia]m and Bethiah, Dec. 15, 1817. Mercy, ch. W[illia]m and Bethiah, Dec. 2, 1824. Stephen H., Oct. 7, 1825. g.r.i. William [h. Bethiah] [July — , 1794]. g.r.i. William, ch. W[illia]m and Bethiah, Mar. 29, 1816. EVERSON, Adelia D., d. Barnabas, mason, and Deborah B. [dup. crossed out, omits B.] (b. E. Bridgewater), June 3, 1849 [dup. crossed out, 1848]. [Adelia Deborah, g.r.i, 1 26 HANSON BIRTHS EvERSON, Alpheus, ch. Levi and Mary T., Sept. 7, 1841. P.R.67. Barnabas, s. Richard and Mary, Jan. 4, 1825. Bathsheba [ ], w. Levi, Jan. 20, 1785. Bathsheba, ch. Levi and Bathsheba, Dec. 25, 1809. Betsey, ch. Levi and Bathsheba, Sept. 27, 1803. Calvin, ch. Silvanus and Lydia, Mar. 19, 1819. Caroline, ch. Levi and Mary T., Sept. 15, 1847. p.R.67. Fidelia W., ch. Levi and Mary T., May 14, 1839. p.R.67. Francis M., ch. Levi and Mary T., Feb. 22, 1835. P-R-67. Francis N., s. Richard and Mercy, Apr. 8, 1830. George N., s. Richard and Mercy, Aug. 11, 1827. Harriet [ ], w. John L. [May — , 1813]. g.r.i. Henry H., ch. Levi and Bathsheba, Jan. 18, 1818. Isaac, ch. Levi and Bathsheba, Apr. 14, 181 1. Issachar E., s. Issachar, shoemaker, and Betsey C. (b. Pem- broke), June 14, 1848. Issachar F., ch. Levi and Bathsheba, Sept. 17, 1819. Jane B., ch. Levi and Bathsheba, Feb. 15, 1805. Joseph H., ch. Levi and Bathsheba, Oct. 8, 1826. Levi [h. Bathsheba], Jan. 31, 1779. Levi, ch. Levi and Bathsheba, Dec. 29, 1807. • Levi T., ch. Levi Jr. and Mary, May 9, 1830. [L. Tillson, s. Levi and Mary T., p.R.67.] Lucy, ch. Silvanus and Lydia, Dec. 5, 1822, Lydia D., ch. Silvanus and Lydia, Mar. 7, 1826. Lysander, ch. Levi Jr. and Mary, Sept. 29, 1831. [Lysander W., ch. Levi and Mary T., p.R.67.] Margaret Emeline, ch. Richard and Mercy, Sept. 28, 1832. Martha S., d. Richard and Mercy, Mar. 23, 1835. Mary J., ch. Levi and Mary T., May 18, 1833. p.R.67. Mercy [ ], w. Richard [May — , 1794]. g.r.i. Orlando D., s. Issachar F. (Eversan), shoemaker, and Betsey C. (b. Pembroke), Nov. 21, 1849. Richard [h. Mercy], [1791]. g.r.i. Sarah D., ch. Levi and Mary T., Feb. 17, 1837. P.R.67. Silvina Williams, d. William F., shoemaker, and , Nov. 17, 1843. Sophronia P., d. Richard and Mercy, Mar. 6, 1821. William F., ch. Levi and Bathsheba, July 18, 18 4. FORD, Almira, w. Whitcome L. Cox [May — , 1808]. g.r.i. Betsy D. [? m.], Dec. 17, 1831. g.r.i. N. Augustus [Sept. — , 1827]. g.r.i. HANSON BIRTHS 27 FOSTER, Calvin T., s. Seth and Joanna, Nov. 13, 1823 [dup. 1824]. Hezadiah Crocker, d. Isaac, shoemaker, May 13, 1843. Horatio, ch. Seth and Joanna, Feb. 24, 1826. Isaac N., s. Isaac, shoemaker, and Susanna (b. Buckfield, Me.), Sept. 5, 1848. Joseph, twin ch. Seth and Joanna, June 22, 182 1. Jumalier, s. Isaac, shoemaker, and Susan, July 9, 1840. Mary, twin ch. Seth and Joanna, June 22, 182 1. Mary R., ch. John B. and Bathsheba H., Nov. 3, 1828, Nahum F., ch. Seth and Joanna, Apr. 9, 1828. Phebe F., d. Isaac, shoemaker, and Susan, Dec. 29, 1841. Seth, s. Isaac, shoemaker, Jan. 23, 1845. Susan, w. Charles Hill, , 1805. g.r.i. FRANKLIN, Lorenzo, ch. Lucinda Hill, Feb. 25, 1831. FULLER, EKza B. [ ], w. Lucius T. [Oct. — , 1831]. G.R.I. Lucius Tisdale, s. Barzillai and Patience, Oct. 19, 1822. [[h. Eliza B.] g.r.i.] Nancy D., only d. Barzillai and Patience, [1833]. g.r.i. Patience B. [ ], w. Barzillai [Nov. — , 1794]. g.r.i. GANNETT, Eliza [ ], w. Seth [Aug. — , 1795]. g.r.i. George O., s. Thomas, tacker, and Angeline, Dec. 24, 1844. Jane F., d. Thomas R., tackmaker, and Angeline, Feb. 10, 1847. Lavina C., ch. Seth and Eliza, June 28, 1831. Seth [h. Eliza] [Feb. — , 1793]. g.r.i. GARY, Winfield S., s. Rufus L., nailer (b. Taunton), and Mary (b. Bath, Me.), Apr. 23, 1849, in Taunton. GIBSON, Lillis [ ], w. Rev. John B., Sept. 30, 1775, in Warren, R.I. g.r.i. Sarah D., w. Edwin Beal, , 1814. g.r.i. William, Aug. 23, 1806, g.r.i. GLOVER, David, [1771]. g.r.i. GOSS, Louisa [ ], w. Henry B. [Dec. — , 1830]. g.r.i. GRAY, Hellen, w. Alonzo Beal, , 1844. g.r.i. GREEN, Leonard L., s. Leonard and Sylvia, Feb. 21, 1829. Lydia W., ch. Leonard and Sylvia, July i, 1825. 28 ' HANSON BIRTHS Green, Mary S., ch. Leonard and Silvia, Mar. 24, 1831. Orpah B. H., ch. David R. and Orpah B., May 3, 1831. GUE.NEY, Almira J., ch. Eben[eze]r B. K. and Almira, June 4, 1831. [Almira Jane, ch. Ebenezer^ourn Keen, p.R.69.] Deborah, d. E. B. K., stone layer, and Almira, May 4, 1839. Ebenezer H., s. E. B. K., stone la)i'er, and Almira, Nov, 25, 1836. Ebenezer H., s. E. B. K., stone layer, and Almira, Jan. 23, 1841. Eli E., s. Jacob, shoemaker (b. Abington), and Harriet, Feb. 2, 1849. Ella Josephine, d. E. B. K., stone layer (b. Abington), and Almira (b. Pembroke), Nov. 21, 1849. George, s. E. B. K., stone layer, and Almira, Mar. 24, 1845. Mary M., ch. Eben[eze]r B. K. and Almira, June 19, 1832. [Mary Maria, ch. Ebenezer Bourn Keen, p.R.69.] Thomas 2d, s. Ebenezer B. K., shoemaker, and Almira, Sept. 17 1834. HALL, Davis, ch. Davis and Betsey, July 10, 1829. Eliza Ann, ch. Davis and Betsey, Aug. 23, 1826. HARDEN (see Harding), Amos [h. Hannah] [Apr. — , 1784]. G.R.3. Elmar H., s. Alpheus C, farmer, and Hannah C., May 29, 1848. Hannah [ ], w. Amos [Oct. — , 1786]. G.R.3. Lemira A., d. Harvey, farmer, and Louisa, Aug. 20, 1842. HARDING (see Harden), Alpheus C. [h. Hannah C] [May—, 1821]. G.R.2. Hannah C. [ ], w. Alpheus C. [July — , 1S23]. g.r.2. HARRIS, Hannah H. [ ], w. Seth L., Apr. 2, 1810. G.R.I. Seth L., Mar. 31, 1816. g.r.i. HATCH, Betsey Ann, d. Lemuel B. and Ann C, May 2, 1836. Henry T., s. Nathaniel T., shoemaker, and Lydia T., Apr. 22, [i8]47. Lem[ue]l B., twin ch. James and Orj^ah, Aug. 31, 1806. Lewis, twin ch. James and Orpah, Aug. 31, 1806. Lydia F. [ ], w. Nathaniel T. [July — , 1825]. g.r.i. Nath[anie]l, s. Nath[anie]I and Jane, Sept. 10, 1825. Nathaniel T., s. Zephaniah and Nancy T., Sept. 13, 1824. [[h. Lydia F.] g.r.i.] HANSON BIRTHS 29 Hatch, Olive S., ch. Zephaniah and Nancy T., May 21, 1823. Theodore, s. Nath[anie]l and Jane E., Oct. 2, 1823. Zephaniah W., s. Zephaniah and Deborah, July 31, 1826. HAWES, Mary E., d. Sam[ue]l and Sarah, Jan. i, 1836. Samuel E., s. Sam[ue]l and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1837. HAYDEN, William W., s. Lewis, shoemaker, and Hannah, Dec. 27, 1844. HAYWARD, Almira T. P., d. Kingsley and Sarah [Oct. — , 1848]. G.R.I. Kinsley [June — , 1810]. g.r.i. Luther W., s. Kingsley and Sarah [Jan. — , 1839]. g.r.i. HEALEY, Eliza A., , 1838. g.r.i. HEMMENWAY, Daniel K. [h. Josephine K.], Sept. 19, 1844. g.r.i. Josephine K. [ ], w. Daniel K., Apr. 8, 1842. g.r.i. HEWIT (see Hewitt), James Elmer, s. Elmer and Mary J., Sept. 24, 1834. HEWITT (see Hewit), Elmer, Rev. [h. Mary Jane], , 1805. g.r.i. Lucia C, d. Rev. Elmar (b. Pomfret, Vt.) and Mary J., May 9, 1848. Mary Jane [ ], w. Rev. Elmer, , 1808. g.r.i. Miranda B., d. Rev. Elmer and Mary J., Mar. 7, 1844. HILL, Charles [h. Susan (Foster)], , 1801. g.r.i. Charles R., s. Charles and Susanna, Jan. 7, 1831. [ , 1830, G.R.I.] Francis C, ch. Cushman D. and Lucy (Thomas), Mar. 24, 1842, in N. Bridgewater. p.R.43. Horace W., s. Freeman and Lucia, Mar. 29, 1819. Joanna, d. Cliarles, shoemaker, and Susanna, May 29, 1835. Leonard B., ch. Cushman D. and Lucy (Thomas), Jan. 24, 1848. P.R.43. Lucy A., d. Cushman, shoemaker, and Lucy, May 2, 1845. [ch. Cushman D. and Lucy (Thomas), May 2, 1844, p.R.43.] Marcia, d. Thomas and Melinda, Nov. 9, 1823. Sam[ue]l, s. Thomas and Melinda, May i, 1826. , s. Jacob P., shoemaker (b. E. Bridgewater), and Almira, Nov. 2, 1849. 30 HANSON BIRTHS HITCHCOCK, Abigail L., d. Capt. Charles and Abigail, July II, 1830. Bailey H., s. Charles and Abigail, Apr. 22, 1828. Catharine, ch. Daniel and Martha, Dec. 18, 1830. Charles, s. Charles and Abigail, Apr. 4, 1827. Henry James, s. Charles and Abigail L., Feb. 19, 1834. Sarah, d. Charles and Abigail, June 5, 1825. HOB ART, Eliza T., d. Thomas, forgeraan, and Eliza (b. Abington), Oct. 28, 1848. Isaac [h. Lettice] [Jan. — , 1785]. g.r.2. Israel [h. Mary J.] [July — , 1811]. g.r.i. Lettice [ ], w. Isaac [Feb. — , 1785]. g.r.2. Lucy O. [ ], w. George C. [Nov. — , 1849]. g.r.i. . Mary J. [ ], w. Israel [Apr. — , 1816]. g.r.i. Sarah H. [ ], w. Theodore, , 182 1. g.r.i. Theodore, ch. Isaac Jr. and Lettice, May 27, 182 1. [[h. Sarah H.] g.r.i.] Thomas, ch. Isaac Jr. and Lettice, Dec. i, 1818. HOLLIS, Abigail D., ch. Abel and Betsey, Feb. 27, 1826. Joshua, s. Abel and Betsey, May 16, 1828, HOLMES, Daniel C, s. Luther and Nancy, July 16, 1828. [Daniel Cushing Holmes, P.R.3.] Edward, s. Luther, farmer, and Nancy, Feb. 21, 1835. Joseph, s. Luther and Nancy, Dec. 18, 1830. Luther [h. Nancy B.], , 1797. g.r.i. Luther S., s. Luther and Nancy, Oct. 16, 1823. Mary C, d. Luther, farmer, and Nancy, Feb. 18, 1833. Nancy B. [ ], w. Luther, , 1792. g.r.i. Sarah Ann, ch. Luther and Nancy, Feb. 14, 1826. HOUSE, Albert [h. Jane] [Aug. — , 1805]. g.r.i. Albert Jr., ch. Albert and Jane Barnes, Oct. 2, 1831. p.R.23. Nancy [— ], w. Albert [Feb. — , 1810]. g.r.i. Nancy P., d. Albert, shoemaker, and Nancy, May 11, 1845. [Nancy Philena, p.R.23.] Sam[ue]l, s. Sam[ue]l Jr. and Ruth, May 15, 1823. Samuel T., s. Samuel, farmer, and Mary C, Jan. 17, 1844. Sarah Jane, ch. Albert and Jane Barnes, July 28, 1830. p.R.23. HOWARD, Amelia S., June 11, 1837. p.R.15. Augusta A., Mar. 14, 1835. p-R.iS- Catharine C, Mar. 21, 1829. p.R.15. Francis Y., Aug. 29, 1825. p.r,i5. HANSON BIRTHS 3 1 Howard, Friend VV., Oct. lo, 1823. p.R.15. Henry, July 29, 1842. p.R.15. Mary A., Mar. 29, 1827. p.R.15. Solomon, Sept. 3, 1832. p.R.15. Willard, s. Chelcias and Clarissa, Dec. 24, 1839. HOWE, Albion H., s. Alfred, shoemaker (b. Abington), and Delphinia (b. Pembroke), Sept. 7, 1848. ROWLAND, Albert, s. Asa, farmer, and Cynthia, Nov. 15, 1847. Betsey, ch. Jonathan and Lydia, Jan. 31, 1820. Calvin L., s. Friend W., mason, and Lucy, Aug. 21, 1845. [Calvin Leavitt Howland, ch. Friend W. and Lucy (Os- borne), P.R.34.] Caroline Frances, ch. Freeman P. [Rev. Freman, g.r.i.] and Deborah, bp. Oct. 25, 1840. c.r.i. Charles, ch. Warren and Peddy, Feb. 17, 1809. Charles W., ch. Rev. Freman, , 1838. g.r.i. Charles W., s. Charles, furnaceman, and Sophronia, Apr. 22, 1845. Charles William, ch. Freeman P. and Deborah, bp. Oct. 25, 1840. C.R.I. Cornelia O., d. Joseph B., farmer, and Mary, Feb. 10, 1845. Daniel Cushing Sawin, s. Deborah, bp. Oct. 24, 1830. c.R.i. Davis William, ch. Friend W. and Lucy (Osborne), Dec, 8, 1837. P.R.34. Deborah Cushing, ch. Rev, Freeman P. and Deborah, Oct. 17, 1831, Edward C, s, F, P. [Rev. Freman, g.r.i.] and Deborah, Apr. 22, 1836. Edward Cushing, s. Freeman P. and Deborah, bp. June 10, 1838. CR.I. Eliza B., ch. Rev. Freeman P. and Deborah, July 7, 1830. [Eliza Bartlett, c.r.i.] [Eliza B., ch. Rev. Freman, g.r.i,] Ethan, ch. Warren and Peddy, July 12, 1807, Ethan, s. Ethan and Frances, Aug. 6, 1829. Freeman P., Rev. [h. Deborah (Cushing)] [h. Eliza (Bart- lett)], "Grad Amerst College 1824 Ordained pastor is church in Hanson," Sept. 3, 1797, in Sandwich, g.r.i. Freeman P., s. Rev. Freeman P. and Deborah, Sept. 29, 1833. [Freeman Parker Howland, c.r.i.] [Freeman P., ch. Rev. Freman, g.r.i.] Friend White, ch. Friend W. and Lucy (Osborne), Oct. 7, 1834. P,R,34. 32 H.A.NSON BIRTHS HowLAND, George, s. Asa and Cynthia, Apr. 5, 1840. George B., s. Friend W. and Lucy, Nov. 24, 1832. [George Briggs Howland, ch. Friend W. and Lucy (Osborne), P.R.34.] Henry W., s. Sam[ue]l and Dulcina, June 3, 1827. Isaac Gushing, s. Rev. Freeman P. [Rev. Freman, g.r.i.], May 16, 1843. Isaac J., ch. Jonathan and Lydia, May 24, 1813. James H., ch. Warren and Peddy, Oct. 9, 1818. John, s. Lewis and Pamela, Aug. 19, 1829. John S., ch. Rev. Freman, , 1845. g.r.i. Jonathan, ch. Jonathan and Lydia, July 27, 1822. Joseph [h. Mehitable W.], , 1787. g.r.i. Joseph B. [h. Mary] [Apr. — , 1816]. g.r.i. Joseph W., s. Joseph B., furnaceman, and Mary (b. E. Bridge- water), Feb. 25, 1849. [Joseph Wilson Howland, g.r.i.] Julia E., ch. Charles and Sophronia, Oct. 18, 1840, in W. Bridgewater. Lewis, ch. Warren and Peddy, Mar. 31, 1806. Lewis Thomas, s. Lewis and Pamela, Dec. 23, 1826. [Serg[t]. L. T. [h. Mary], "Co A. 16 Reg Mass Int.," g.r.i.] Lucinda W., ch. Jonathan and Lydia, Jan. 30, 1815. Lucy [ '■ — ], w. Luther [July — , 1800]. g.r.i. Lucy 0., d. Friend W., mason, and Lucy, Nov. 28, 1849. Lucy W., ch. Sam[ue]l and Dulcina, Dec. 15, 1828. Luther [h. Lucy] [Sept. — , 1798]. g.r.i. Lydia [ ], w. Jonathan [Aug. — , 1790]. G.R.i. Lydia, ch. Warren and Peddy, Oct. 28, 1810. Lydia J., ch. Jonathan and Lydia, Mar. 25, 1817. Mariah W., ch. Joseph and Mehitable, Oct. 29, 1837. [Maria W., P.R.66.] Martin, ch. Jonathan and Lydia, May 3, 1825. Mary [ ], wid. Joseph B. [Dec. — , 181 5]. g.r.i. Mary [ ], w. Calvin L. [Mar. — , 1820]. g.r.i. Mary [ ], w. L. T., , 1827. g.r.i. Mary Vesta [ ], w. C. L. [Jan. — , 1829]. g.r.i. . Matilda [ ], w. James B., , 1832. g.r.i. Mehitable W. [ ], w. Joseph, , 1793. g.r.i. Nath[anie]l Thomas, s. Asa, furnaceman, and Cyntha, May 21, 1843. [s. Asa and Cynthia, May 31, p.R.17.] Pamelia Lewis, d. Lewis and Pamelia, May 6, 1847. Peddy W., ch. Lewis and Pamela, Jan. 18, 1833. Richard, s. Joseph Jr. and Mehitabel W. [Mehitable, p.r.66.], Apr. 3, 1820. HANSON BIRTHS 33 Rowland, Sarah J., ch, Jonathan dec'd and Lydia, June 6, 1828. Warren, ch. Warren and Peddy, Jan. 23, 1813. Warren, s. Warren, tack maker, and Deborah, Dec. 26, 1845. Wealthy, ch. Warren and Peddy, July 2, 1815. William Jasper, s. Andrew B., furnaceman, [and] Lydia, June 19, 1843. HUMBLE, Francis, s. Marshal, butcher (b. Abington), and Emily (b. Abington), Mar. 17, 1849, in Abington. HUNT, Liman E., s. Isaac N., teamer (b. Milton), and Jeru- sha, Aug. 9, 1848. INGLEE, Edward, , 1818. g.r.i. JENKINS, William Newton, s. Geo[rge] and Phebe, bp. May 4, 1834. C.R.I. JONES, Amos Henry [Amos Henry Jones, written in pencil], Andrew, s. Baker and Deborah, Apr. 16, 1831. Benjamin B., s. Baker and Deborah, Mar. 31, 1828. Polly C, d. Baker and Deborah, July i, 1826. Sarah A., w. John S. Pratt, Aug. 12, 1823, in Manchester, Eng. G.R.I. JOSSELYN, Abby R., ch. Benjamin and Jarusha [ch. Ben- jamin and Rusha P. (Ells), p.r.6o.], Apr. 5, 1834. Abigail W., ch. W[illia]m and Ruth, June 30, 1821. Albion, s. Luther, tackmaker, Feb. 22, 1847. Benjamin W. [h. Lucy A.], Feb. 25, 1825. g.r.i. Betsey T. [ ], w. [Juhus], , 1818. g.r.i. Charles, ch. Oren and Mary, Oct. 17, 1826. P.R.45. Chloe, [1802]. G.R.I. David A. [h. Sophronia] [Dec. — , 1823]. g.r.i. Deborah [? m.], [1783]. G.R.i. Edward, Aug. 20, 1813. g.r.i. Eli Coolidge, ch. Oren and Mary, Mar. 13, 1822. p.R.45,. Elijah, Apr. 2, 1809. g.r.i. Elisabeth Ann Eells, ch. Benjamin and Rusha, June 13, 1829. [Elizabeth A. E., ch. Benjamin and Rusha P. (Ells), P.R.60.] Ethan A., s. Eleazar and Alice, Nov. 22, 1823. [Ethan Allen Josselyn, ch. Eleazar and Alice W., p.R.52.] Ethan A., s. Isacher, shoemaker, and Frances, July 22, 1845. 34 HANSON BIRTrite JossELYN, Eugene M., s. Capt. William and Ruth, , 1826. G.R.I. Ezra, twin ch. Eleazar and Alice [Alice W., p.r.S2.], Dec. 6, 1820. George Russell, ch. Oren and Mary, June 7, 1834. P.R.45. Georgiana M. W. [ ], w. [Julius], , 1830. g.r.i. James W., s. Jarvis, shoemaker, and Mary O., July 6, 1849. Jane [ ], w. Luther [Oct. — , 1817]. G.R.i. Jane Reed, d. Luther, tackmaker [and] (b. Abing- ton), Nov. 10, 1848. Jane Russell, ch. Oren and Mary, June 6, 1829. P.R.45. Jarvis, s. Francis Jr. and Deborah, Mar, 20, 1821. Julius G., s. Julius, shoemaker, and Georgiana (b. Pembroke), July 16, 1849. [J. Oilman Josselyn, s. Julius and Geor- giana M., G.R.I. ] Lucy A. [ ], w. Benjamin W., June 17, 1832. g.r.i. Luther [h. Jane] [Feb. — , 1809]. g.r.i. Luther A., s. Luther, mechanic, and Jane G., Feb. 25, 1844. [Feb. 25, 1845, P.R.4.] Maria J., ch. Benj[ami]n and Rusha [ch. Benjamin and Rusha P. (Ells), P.R.60.], May 19, 1831. Mary [Feb. — , 1794]. g.r.i. Mary, [1811], g.r.i. Mary Gushing, ch. Oren and Mary, Feb. 6, 1820. P.R.45. Mary Elizabeth [? m.], July 19, 1834. g.r.i. Mary F., d. Jarvis, shoemaker, and Mary O., Jan. 8, 1844. Ruth [ ], w. Capt. WilHam, , 1796. g.r.i. Sarah L., d. Ira and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1842. Sophronia, twin ch. Eleazar and Alice [Alice W., p.R.52.], Dec. 6, 1820. Sophronia [ ], w. David A. [July — , 1834]. g.r.i. William, Capt. [h. Ruth], , 1796. g.r.i. William Eustis, s. W[illia]m and Ruth, Sept. 22, 1823. KARNES, Ann, ch. , bp. Aug. 5, 1820. c.r.i. John Maxwell, s. Hue, bp. June 9, 1822. c.r.i. KEEN (see Keene), Almira Jane, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gurney), June 4, 1831. P.R.57. Almira S., ch. Isaiah Jr. and Averick [dup. adds S.]. Apr. 15, 1827. Bethiah, ch. John A. and Lovisa, Apr. 27, 1834. [Bethia Keene, ch. John Allen and Elvira, p.R.57.] Charles Thomas, s. Isaiah Jr. and Averic, Mar. 2, 1837. Daniel Webster, ch. John Allen (Keene) and Elvira, Sept. 4, 1837. p.R.57. HANSON BIRTHS 35 Keen, Deborah, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gurney), May 4, 1839. P.R.57. Ebenezer [May — , 1816]. g.r.i. Ebenezer B., Lt. [h. Mehitable] [Feb. — , 1782]. g.r.i. Ebenezer Henry, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gurney), Nov. 25, 1836. P.R.57. Ebenezer Henry, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gurney), Jan. 20, 1841. P.R.57. Ella Josephine, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gurney), Nov. 21, 1849. P.R.57. Elvira Jane, ch. John A. [John Allen, p.R.57.] and Elvira, Mar. 2, 1831. George, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gurney), Mar. 2, 1843. P.R.57. Georgiana La Forrest, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gur- ney), June 17, 1847. P.R.57. Isaac, ch. John Allen (Keene) and Elvira, Apr. 14, 1843. p.R.57. John A., s, John A. and Elvira, Dec. 13, 1825. [John Allen Keene, ch. John Allen and Elvira, p.R.57.] Joseph Bonney, s. Nahum, Mar. 12, 1835. Lorenzo, s. John A. and Elvira, May 27, 1828. [Lorenzo Dow Keen, ch. John Allen Keene and Elvira, p.R.57.] Louisa, ch. Isaiah Jr. and Averick S., Jan. 14, 1831. Lucinda, ch. Isaiah Jr. and Averick S., Nov. i, 1828. Mary Ann, ch. Isaiah Jr. and Averick S., Jan. i, 1833. Mary Ann Elizabeth Earl, ch. Nahum and Maria, Apr. 27, 1833. Mary Maria, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gurney), June 19, 1832. P.R.57. Thomas, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gurney), Sept. 17, 1834. P.R.57. KEENE (see Keen), Almira [ ], w. Luther [June — , 1807]. G.R.I, Averick S. [ ], w. Isaiah [Mar. — , 1801]. g.r.i. Bethiah A., d. John, furnaceman, and Elvira, Aug. 7, 1844. [Bethia Augusta, ch. John Allen and Elvira, p.R.57.] Blaney B., ch. Ebenezer B. and Mehitable, Jan. 20, 1823. P.R.5S- Caroline H., d. Naum [Nahum, p.R.56], farmer, and Maria A., Jan. 9, 1845. Charles, ch. Ebenezer B. and Mehitable, June 27, 1825. P.R.S5. 36 • HANSON BIRTHS Keene, David L. [Oct. — , 1840]. g.r.i. [David Loring Keene, ch. Luther and Almira, Oct. 7, p.R.56.] Diana H., ch. Ebenezer B. and Mehitable, May 5, ,1829. P-R-55- Drusilla, Mar. 29, 1812. g.r.i. Elizabeth E., ch. Nahum, Apr. 27, 1833. p.R.56. Ellen M., , 1835. g.r.i. [Ellen Maria, ch. Nahum, May 20, p.R.56.] Ellen M., ch. Nahum, Apr. 4, 1843. p.R.56. Frank Freeman, s. Nahum, farmer, and Nancy M., Apr. i, 1847. Frederick L., s. Nahum (Keen), farmer, and Nancy M. (b. Walpole), Mar. 14, 1849. [Fred L., p.R.56.] George, ch. Ebenezer Bourn and Almira (Gurney), Nov. 11, 1845. P.R.57. Isaiah [h. Averick S.] [Mar. — , 1801]. g.r.i. Leonard L., May 18, 1836, g.r.i. Luther, Capt. [h. Almira] [May — , 1805]. g.r.i. Luther, ch. Luther and Almira (Reed), May 18, 1836. p.R.56. Mary R., Sept. 16, 1836. g.r.i. Mehitable [ ], w. Lt. E. B. [May — , 1783]. g.r.i. Nahum [h. Nancy M. (Chase)], , 1808. g.r.i. Rebecca, ch. Nahum, May 27, 1838. p.R.56. Sophronia F., ch. Luther and Almira (Reed), Aug. 18, 1834. p.R.56. William, ch. Ebenezer B. and Mehitable, May 30, 1820. P-R-55- William B., ch. Nahum, July 8, 1840. p.R.56. William Herbert, ch. William and Emily (Munroe), June 5, 1848. p.R.56. KEITH, Abby H. [? m.] [Oct. — , 1796]. g.r.i. KILEY, Alvin A., Dec. 22, 1839. P.R.5. KINGMAN, David [h. Mary] [Mar. — , 1804]. g.r.i. Mary [ ], w. David [Oct. — , 1806]. g.r.i. LAMB, Margaret M. [ ], w. George H., [1838]. g.r.i. LAWRENCE, Rebecca, [1791]. g.r.i. LEACH, Elbridge L., s. Elbridge and Deborah, July 10, 1828. Ethan A., s. Elbridge and Deborah H., Mar. 3, 1827. Henry, s. Elbridge and Deborah, Jan. 4, 1830. Rodney March, ch. Elbridge and Deborah, Sept. 14, 1834. Sarah Alice, ch. Elbridge and Deborah, Apr. 8, 1832. HANSON BIRTHS 37 LEAVITT, Mehitable W. [ch. VVinslow and Mehitable], Feb. 19, 1847. P.R.56. LEWIS, Ann I. [ ], w. Thomas H., May 20, 1830. g.r.i. Thomas H. [h. Ann I.j, Jan. 21, 1825. g.r.i. LINCOLN, Rufus, [18 12]. g.r.i. Rufus W., s. Rufus, shoemaker, and Lucy D., July 8, 1845. LORING, Joseph B., , 1838. g.r.i. LOVICE, Henry D., s. Calvin, shoemaker (b. Hingham), and Emeline (b. Marshfield), Feb. 12, 1849. LOWDON, Isaac [h. Anna (Holmes)] [Mar. — , 1780]. g.r.i. LUTHER, E. L., Capt. [h. Georgiana L. F.], , 1839. g.r.i. Elisabeth F., ch. Capt. Job and Lucy, Sept. 9, 1829. Georgiana L. F. [ ], w. Capt. E. L., , 1847. g.r.i. Job, , 1796. g.r.i. Job, ch. Job and Lucy, Apr. 30, 1831. Lucy [? m.], , 1804. g.r.i. Lucy A., ch. Job and Lucy, July 31, 1825. MacLAUGHLIN, Benjamin F., s. Benjamin S., laborer, and Emeline, Jan. 31, 1847. MACOMBER, Caroline W., d. George, tackmaker, and Mary M., Apr. II, 1849. George [h. Mary M. M.] [Jan. — , 1809]. g.r.i. Mary M. M. [ ], w. George [Nov. — , 1813]. g.r.i. MANN, J. C, s. Josiah, Nov. 13, 1847. g.r.i. Josiah, Oct. 16, 1801. g.r.i. Mary C. [? m.], Oct. 20, 1808. g.r.i. MITCHEL (see Mitchell), Samuel, , 1800. g.r.i. MITCHELL (see Mitchel), Elisha [h. Joanna L.], [1792]. G.R.I. Joanna L. [ ], w. Elisha [Dec. — , 1804]. g.r.i. MOORE, Charles G., s. Granville C, shoemaker (b. Lex- ington, Me.), and Mary, Jan. 9, 1849. MORSE, Mary P., d. Granville C. and Mary, Apr. 4, 1847. MONROE (see Munro, Munroe), Cyrus [h. Sarah], May 6, 1816. g.r.i. Sarah [ ], w. Cyrus, June 14, 1823. g.r.i. 38 HANSON BIRTHS MUNRO (see Monroe, Munroe), Charles, s. Charles J. and Lucy, Jan. 22, 1822. MUNROE (see Monroe, Munro), Abigail, ch. Cyrus and w., , 1823. G.R.I. [June 25, P.R.40.] Crissa W. [ ], w. Cyrus, , 1793. g.r.i. Cyrus [h. Crissa W.], , 1791. g.r.i. Cysa W., ch. Cyrus and w., Oct. 3, 1820. p.R.40. Deborah T., ch. Cyrus and w., , 1840. g.r.i. [Deb- orah B., ch. Cyrus and Deborah (Stetson), Mar. 21, p.R.40.] Deborah W. [ ], w. Cyrus, , 1798. G.R.i. Ella D., d. Charles, farmer, and Lucy, July 18, 1848. Ethan, ch. Cyrus and w., , 1813, g.r.i. George W[illia]m, twin ch. Charles J. [Charles J. Sr., p.r. 62.] and Lucy, Mar. 26 [sic], 1827. John F., s. Hiram, shoemaker, and Amanda, June 5, 1846. Julian, twin ch. Charles J. and Lucy, Mar. 24 [sic], 1827. Mary W., ch. Cyrus and w., , 1813. G.r.i. Olive, w. Luther Osborne Crocker, Mar. 3, 1836. g.r.i. [ch. Cyrus and Deborah (Stetson), p.R.40.] Ruth [ ], w. Benjamin W. [Oct. — , 1816]. G.R.3. NASH, Betsey [sister Welthy], Sept. 23, i8io. g.r.i. Welthy [sister Betsey], Sept. i, 1816. g.r.i. OLDHAM, Elizabeth E., Dec. 20, 1820. p.R.22. ORCUTT, Almira W., ch. Gershom and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1829. Joseph H., ch. Gershom and Sarah, July 31, 1826. Sarah W., ch. Gershom and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1827. OSBORNE, Barak, Aug. 27, 1780. g.r.i. Joseph [h. Martha] [h. Abigail], Oct. 18, 1817. g.r.i. Martha W. [ ], w. Joseph, [1828]. g.r.i. Mary, w. Luther Harlow Crocker, Sept. 4, 1806. G.R.I. Polly [? m.], Jan. 19, 1788. G.r.i. William A., Mar. 22, 1829. g.r.i. PACKER, Henry H., Jan. 25, 1818. g.r.i. Jane [? m.], July 6, 1828. G.r.i. PARDY, Alfred O., Sept. 17, 1817. g.r.i. PATTEN, Isabella Graham, d. Rev. Abel, bp. Oct. 14, 1838. C.R.I. PERKINS, Alfred E., s. Thomas, farmer, and Chloe [Chloe B., G.R.I.], July 28, 1845. HANSON BIRTHS 39 Perkins, Andrew J, S., ch. Thomas and Chloe B. [Jan. — , 1842]. G.R.I. Chloe [ ], w. Thomas, [1809]. g.r.i. Joshua [h. Chloe W. (Bearse)], Nov. 13, 1837. g.r.i. Linus, Feb. — , 1798. g.r.i. Mary C, d. Phillimon H., machinist, and Betsey, Dec. 11, 1846. Nancy, Mar. 4, 1^19. g.r.i. Samuel A., s. Thomas, anchor-smith (b. Bridgewater), and Chloe (b. Pembroke) [Chloe B., g.r.i.], June 18, 1848. Thomas [h. Chloe], [1788]. g.r.i. PERRY, Betsey [ ], w. Robert [Apr. — , 181 2]. g.r.i. Henry J., s. Robert and Betsey, Jan. 20, 1839. [Henry James, p.R.42.] PETERSON, Asaph [Apr. — , 1808]. g.r.i. PHILIPS (see Phillips), Calvin T., s. Ezra Jr. and Catherine, Mar. 3, 1836. PHILLIPS (see Philips), Aaron, ch. Edmond and Mehitabel, Sept. I, 1828. Alfred T., s. Ezra Jr., tack manufacturer, and Catharine (b. Yarmouth, C. C), Nov. 16, 1849. Bethia [ ], w. George [May — , 1825]. g.r.i. Betty [Apr. — , 1757]. g.r.i. Calvin, ch. Edmond and Mehitabel, Nov. 27, 1830. Catharine [dup. adds H. T.] [ ], w. Ezra, , 1807. G.R.I. Catharine, d. Ezra, tack manufacturer, and Catharine, May 14, 1842. Charles F., s. Ezra, tack maker, and Catharine H., Apr. 21, 1846. [Charles Follen Phillips, g.r.i.] Deborah M., ch. Blaney and Chloe, July 18, 1824. Deborah M., d. Blaney and Chloe, Oct. 2, 1826. Edmond, ch. Edmond and Mehitabel, Aug. 2, 1827. Ezra [h. Lucy] [Oct. — , 1779]. g.r.i. Ezra, ch. Ezra and Mehitabel, Oct. 10, 1810. [[h. Catharine] G.R.I.] George, ch. Ezra and Lucy (second w.), July 7, 1824. Loiza [dup. Louisa], d. Blaney and Chloe, Sept. 28, 1819. Lot, s. Ezra and Nabby, bp. July 18, 1841. g.r.i. [ch. Ezra and Lucy, b. Feb. 13, p.R.57.] Lucy C, d. George, shoemaker, and Bethiah B. (b. E. Bridge- water), Sept. 25, 1848. 40 HANSON BIRTHS Phillips, Lucy P., ch. Ezra and Lucy (second w.), May 30, 1818. Mary W., d. George and Berthia B. [May — , 1846]. g.r.i. Mehitabel A., ch. Ezra and Mehitabel, Dec. 22, 1811. Morril Allen, s. Ezra Jr., tackmaker, and Catherine H., Feb. 27, 1844. Nabby [ ], wid. Ezra [July — , 1798]. g.r.i. Sally B., ch. Blaney and Chloe, July 9, 1822. Will[ia]m, s, Absolom and Abigal, Dec. 24, 1819. PORTER, Allen M. [h. Betsey] [Nov. — , 1791]. g.r.i. Eliza L. [? m.] [Jan. — , 1818], g.r.i. PRATT, A. Jane [ ], w. John Q. [May — , 1847]. g.r.i. Almira F., d. Thomas, shoemaker, and Harriet, Mar. 29, [i8]47. Alphonso, s. Joshua H., nailer, and Sarah, July 16, 1848. Angeline [ ], w. John S. [Oct. — , 1827]. g.r.i. Carrie [July — ,1849]. g.r.i. Chloe M., ch. Nath[anie]l and Clarissa, Mar. 28, 1823. Clarissa [ ], w. Nathaniel, [1784]. g.r.i. Clarissa B., ch. Nath[anie]l and Clarissa, Sept. 4, 181 2. Doraertus, s. Joshua H., mechanic, and Sarah M., June 3, 1844. Edwin W. [ch. Isaac and Lucinda W. (Howland)], Oct. 22, 1839. P.R.3S. Elisabeth D., ch. Nath[anie]l and Clarissa, Mar. 18, 181 5. Isabella J., d. John S., May 8, 1842. John Q., s. John S., mechanic, and Sarah A., Jan. 24, 1844. [Capt. John O. [Jan. — , 1845], g.r.i.] John S. [h. Angeline] [Mar. — , 181 1]. g.r.i. Lucinda [ ], w. Isaac, [1815]. g.r.i. Lucy A., d. Joshua H., tackmaker, and Sarah M. (b. Ply- mouth), May 21, 1848. Lydia H. [ch. Isaac and Lucinda W. (Howland)], May 5, 1841. P.R.35. Mehitable [? m.], [1788]. G.r.i. Mercy B., ch. Nath[anie]l and Clarissa, Jan. 30, 1821. Nathaniel [h. Clarissa] [Jan. — , 1783]. g.r.i. Nath[anie]l, ch. Nath[anie]l and Clarissa, Jan. 29, 1826. Orange S., s. Josiah Sherman, laborer (b. Plymouth), and Deborah Sterns (Stevens) (b. Duxbury), May 30, 1842. Sarah E., d. John S., shoemaker, and Sarah A., Mar. 15, 1847. Sophia B., ch. Nath[anie]l and Clarissa, Dec. 30, 1818. Susanna T., ch. Nath[anie]l and Clarissa, Mar. 18, 181 7. Thomas S., [1790]. g.r.i. HANSON BIRTHS 4 1 PRINCE, Joshua, s. Martin and Esther, Apr. 19, 1826. PROUTY, Charlotte [ ], w. Joseph E., [1828]. G.R.I. PURDY (see Pardy). RAMSDEL (see Ramsdell), Bathsheba [dup. Ramsdell], d. Isaac and Diana, Nov. 2, 1820. Dorothy Bishop, d. Levi and Amy, Nov. 24, iSig. Sally, d. Isaac and Diana, May 11, 1822. Samviel Dexter [dup. Ramsdell], s. Sam[ue]l Jr. and Rebecca [dup. Rebekah], Aug. 9, 1818. William Bainbridge, s. David and Bethiah, June 28, 1820. RAMSDELL (see Ramsdel), Asa T., ch. Sam[ue]l Jr. and Rebekah, May 21, 1825. Barker, ch. Diana, May i, 1827. Betsey Cox Josselyn, ch. Elijah and Betsey, Oct. 15, 1833. Charles H., July 27, 1846. g.r.i. Eliab, s. Sam[ue]l Jr. and Rebekah, Apr. 3, 1828. Elijah W., s. Ehjah and Betsey, Dec. 15, 1830. Eliza, ch. Sam[ue]l Jr. and Rebekah, Jan. 15, 1816. Emeline [ ], w. Isaac, [1830]. g.r.i. Fanny, ch. Isaac and Diana, Oct. 13, 181 7. Hannah B., ch. David and Bethiah, May 29, 1822. Hannah P., ch. Nath[anie]l and Mary, Jan. 7, 1824. Harris N., s. Robert, shoemaker, and Elizebett B., Nov. 11, 1846. Isaac, ch. Isaac and Diana, June 8, 1S19. Isaac, s. Levi, shoemaker, and Amy, Aug. i, 1822. Levi [h. Nancy] [Mar. — , 1810]. g.r.i. Martha, ch. Sam[ue]l Jr. and Rebekah, Dec. 20, 181 2. Mehitable Cushing Joslyn, d. Elijah, laborer, and Betsey, Aug. 29, 1843. Nancy [ ], w. Levi [Sept. — , 1807]. g.r.i. Rebekah T., ch. Sam[ue]l Jr. and Rebekah, Nov. 21, 1810. Silas D., s. Elbridge and Mary, Nov. 13, 1836. RANDALL, Ethan A., "Co E. 7'" Mass Vol's," , 1824. G.R.I. READ (see Reed), Joseph B., Rev., May 12, 1830. g.r.i. REED (see Read), Elizabeth C. [ ], w. Hezekiah, Mar. II, 1818. G.R.I. Hezekiah [h. Elizabeth C], July i, 1812. * g.r.i. 42 HANSON BIRTHS Reed, James C, , 1845. g.r.i. Robbert E., s. Hezekiah, shoemaker, and Elezabett C, Dec. 19, 1845. RIDER, Archibald, ch. Nathaniel and Deborah, bp. Dec. 25, 1823. C.R.I. Deborah, ch. Nathaniel and Deborah, bp. Dec. 25, 1823. c.R.i. Elizabeth, ch.'Nathaniel and Deborah, bp. Dec. 25, 1823. c.r.i. Mary Ann, ch. Nathaniel and Deborah, bp. Dec. 25, 1823. C.R.I. ROCKWOOD, Samuel G., s. Rev. Samuel L., Apr. 13, 1842. Samuel G., s. Rev. Samuel L. and Christ[i]na, Mar. 16, 1844. RODGERS (see Rogers), George S., [183 1]. G.R.i. ROGERS (see Rodgers), Mary, d. Charles (Rogrs), w. John Thomas, Sept. 28, 1788. G.R.4. SALE, Sarah Floyd, w. Heman Soper, , 1800. g.r.i. SAMPSON, Andrew W., s. Bartlett, shoemaker, and Lucy VV., Apr. 7, 1844. [ch. Bartlett and Lucy W. (Cox), Apr. 7, 1845, P.R.68.] Aurelia, ch. Byram dec'd and Desire, Jan. 13, 1823. Aurelia, d. Biram dec'd and Desire, bp. May 13, 1832. c.r.i. Bartlett Jr., [twin] ch. Bartlett and Lucy W. (Cox), Nov. i, 1843. i'-R-68. Byram [h. Esther H.] [Nov. — , 181 1]. g.r.i. Byram 2d, [twin] ch. Bartlett and Lucy W. (Cox), Nov. i, 1843. P.R.68. Byram, ch. Byram and Esther H. (Cox), Aug. 17, 1848. P.R.13. Desire, w. Byram, [1783]. g.r.i. Esther H. [ ], w. Byrum [June — , 1814]. g.r.i. Fanny [? m.], [1817]. g.r.i. Josephus, ch. Byram and Esther H. (Cox), June 5, 1840. P.R.13. Margaret E. [ ], w. George T. [Aug. — , 1832]. g.r.i. Mary Augusta, ch. Byram and Esther H. (Cox), Feb. 19, 1838. P.R.13. Mary Augusta, d. Byram, shoemaker, and Ester, Sept. 2, 1843. [d. Byrum Jr. and Esther H., g.r.i.] [d. Byram and Esther H., P.R.13.] Phebe H., ch. Byram and Desire, Feb. 19, 1821. Phebe Hopkins, d. Biram dec'd and Desire, bp. Sept. 23, 1832. C.R.I. HANSON BIRTHS 43 SAWYER, Charles H., s. Jeremiah, farmer (b. Deerfield, N.H.), and Elisabeth (b. Nottingham, N.H.), July 24, 1848. Elizabeth [ ], w. Jeremiah E., [1816]. g.r.i. SEARS, Josephine M., , 1834. g.r.i. SHAW, George, s. Ruben and Abigail, Sept. 29, 183 1. Sarah W., d. Daniel and Lydia, Mar. 3, 1827. SHELDRON, Lincoln, s. Thomas, shoemaker (b. N.H.), and Caroline (b. Turner, Me.), Aug. 8, 1848. SHOREY, Jane R. [? m.], , 1848. g.r.i. SHURTLEFF (see Shurtliff), Adoniram J., s. Rev. Flavel and Lucy A., Aug. 19, 1841. SHURTLIFF (see Shurtlefif), Ann Hassletine Judson, d. Rev. Flavel, Aug. 9, 1843. SIMMONS, N. Philena [ ], w. John E. [May — , 1845]. G.R.I. SIMONDS (see Simons), Martha J., d. Oliver, shoemaker, and Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1844. SIMONS (see Simonds), Augusta, d. Oliver and Elizabeth, Feb. 17, 1840. Julia A., d. Oliver and Elizabeth, July 19, 1842. SMITH, Abigail C, d. Thomas and Abigail, Sept. 8, 1825. Caroline Moore, d. Joshua, June 12, 1839. g.r.i. Catharine, d. Joseph Esq., [1801]. g.r.i. Edward, s. Joshua and Saba D., Jan. 28, 1837. [June 28, G.R.I.] Franklin W., s. Jonathan W., shoemaker (b. Horton, N.S.), and Marcia G. (b. Canton, Me.), Oct. i, 1849. Jane Briggs, d. Capt. Joshua and Saba (Drew), Aug. 19, 1834. John, s. Thomas and Abigail, Oct. 9, 1833. Joseph, s. Capt. Joshua and Saba, Nov. 11, 1830. Joshua [h. Saba D.], Aug. 23, 1793. g.r.i. Judith, d. Joseph Esq., [1809]. g.r.i. Lucia, Mar. 19, 1785. g.r.i. Mary B. [ ], w. Reuben [Dec. — , 1795]. g.r.i. Nabby C. [ ], w. Thomas [July — , 1800]. g.r.i. Reuben [h. Mary B.], [1797]- g.r.i. Sabra D. [ ], w. Joshua, Mar. 6, 1796. g.r.i. Thomas, Dea. [h. Nabby C] [Sept. — , 1795]. G.R.I. 44 HANSON BIRTHS SOPER, Almira, May — , 1840. p.b.6. Arabell, twin [ch. Gad], Apr. 4, 1836. p.r.6. Betsey, ch. Gad and Charlotte (second w.), July 27, 1825. Charlotte [ ], second w. Gad, [i797]- g.r.i. Charlotte, ch. Gad and Charlotte, May 19, 1828. [Charlotty, P.R.6.] Deborah H., ch. Heman and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1827. Elizabeth Adaline, d. Joseph E. and Adaline, July 10, 1834. Eunice, ch. Gad and Charlotte, Oct. 10, 1832. Florinda, ch. Gad and Rebecca, May 10, 1818. Gad [h. Rebecca] [May — , 1791]. g.r.i. Harriet M. [ ], w. Nathaniel [Apr. — , 1836]. g.r.i. Heman [h. Sarah Floyd (Sale)], , 1797. g.r.i. Henry A., ch. Gad and Charlotte, Aug. 19, 1830. Isabell, twin [ch. Gad], Apr. 4, 1836. p.r.6. James B., s. Jeremiah, trader, and Mary B., July 27, 1844. [James Birney Soper, ch. Jeremiah and Mary Briggs (Hayward), p.R.38.] Jeremiah [h. Mary B.] [Dec. — , 1805]. g.r.i, [[h. Mary Briggs (Hayward)] Dec. 6, 1806, p.R.38.] Joseph W[illia]m, s. Joseph E. and Adeline, Apr. 21, 1832, Julia Edwards, d. Jeremiah, trader, and Mary B, [Briggs (Hayward), p,r,38.], July 28, 1843. Mary, d. Jeremiah, trader, and Mary, Feb. 15, 1846, Mary Ann, Aug, 4, 1838. p.r.6. Mary B, [ ], w. Jeremiah [Mar. — , 1816]. g.r.i. Mary Hayward, ch, Jeremiah and Mary Briggs (Hayward), Feb, 15, 1846, p.R.38. Nath[anie]l, ch. Gad and Charlotte (second w.), Feb. 13, 1827, [Feb, 13, 1829, P.R.6.] Rebecca, ch. Gad and Charlotte (second w.), May 26, 1824. [Rebecca M,, w. John Drayten, g.r.i,] [Rebaker, May 27, P.R.6,] Sarah S., ch, Capt, Heman and Sarah F,, Apr. 16, 1830. SPRAGUE, Betsey [ ], w, Nathaniel [Sept. — , 1801]. g.r,i. Charles H. [h, Fannie] [Aug. — , 1835]. g.r,i. Fannie [ ], w. Charles H., [1840]. g,r,i. Herbert W,, s. Nathaniel D., shoemaker, and Almira, Aug, 30, 1849, Isaac W, [May — , 1841]. g.r.i, Julian, ch, Nathaniel and Betsey, Feb, 28, 1829, Lucy Maria, ch, Nath[anie]l and Betsey, Nov, 26, 1831. Mary D. [ ], w. Melzar, [1799]. g.r.i. HANSON BIRTHS 45 Sprague, Melzar [h. Mary D.] [Mar. — , 1800]. g.r.i. Nathaniel [h. Betsey] [Nov. — , 1806]. g.r.i. Nath[anie]l D., ch. Nathaniel and Betsey, Jan. 7, 1827. Nathaniel D. W., s. Nathaniel D., shoemaker, and Almira S., Apr. 18, 1847. STEPHENS (see Stevens), Lucy Walker, ch. Edward and Deborah, Mar, 3, 1832. STETSON, Alden, s. Thomas Jr. and Asenath, Sept. 14, 1828. Asenath [ ], w. Thomas Jr., Dec. 2, 1804. g.r.i. Betsy D., ch. Jeremiah 3d and Lydia, Jan. 6, 1820. P.R.51. Charles Henry, s. Isaiah, shoemaker, and Tiley S., July 22, 1842. Chloe M., ch. George F. and Chloe M., Mar. 7, 1835. p.R.28. Chloe Murdock, d. George F. and Chloe M., bp. Oct. 8, 1832. C.R.I, [b. Apr. I, 1831, P.R.2S.] Cordelia, ch. Jeremiah Jr. [Jeremiah 3d, p.R.51.] and Lydia, Apr. 6, 1821. Diana A., d. Eli and Harriet, Dec. 9, 1823. Dorothy B. [ ], w. George F., Mar. 29, 1835. g.r.i, Eli [Oct. — , 1794]. g.r.i. Eliza M. [? m.], , 1837. g.r.i. [Eliza Maria, Nov. 25, P.R.32.] George 2d [July — , 1825]. g.r.i. George Eli, s. Eli and Lucy (Holmes), July 3, 1834. p.r,49, George Forbes, s, Geo[rge] F. and Chloe M., bp. Sept. 15, 1833, C.R.I, [George F. Jr., b. Apr, 11, p,r.28.] Harriet M., ch. Eli and Harriet, June 15, 1826, Hiram, s. Thomas Jr. and Asenath, Mar. 12, 1831. Jeremiah 4th [July — , 1810]. g.r.i. John Murdock, ch. George F. and Chloe M., bp. Aug. 27, 1837. C.R.I, [b. Mar. 13, p.R.28.] Lucinda [? m.] [Aug. — , 1817]. g.r.i. Maria [? m.], , 1810. g.r.i. Mary A., ch. Ethan A. and Hannah, Nov. 3, 1826. Mary J, [? m,], , 1837, g.r.i, Nahum, , 1805. g.r.i. Nahum, , 1832, g.r.i, [Nahum Jr., Apr. 10, p.R.32.] Sarah Bartlett, d. George F., bp. Oct. 9, 1842. c.r.i. [b. Apr. 24, p.R.28.] Thomas [h. Betsy], [1773]- g.r.i. Thomas [h. Asenath] [Oct. — , 1803]. g.r.i. STEVENS (see Stephens), Albert Willmot, s. Edward, Jan. 5, 1835. 46 IL4NS0N BIRTHS Stevens, Araminta, d. Edward and Mary G., Feb. 12, 181 7. G.R.I. Benjamin H., s. Nathan Jr. and Hannah, May 29, 1827. [[h. Sophia M.] g.r.i.] Edward [h. Mary] [Mar. — , 1784]. g.r.i. Edward W., s. Edward and Mary, Nov. 20, 1823. Ellen, d. George, shoe manufacturer (b. Boston), and Ellen (b. Bath, Me.), Sept. 21, 1849. Experience, [1776.] g.r.i. Experience Williamson, d. Nathan Jr. and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1821. Frederick Roach, s. Nathan Jr. and Hannah, Oct. 29, 1809. George L., s. George, shoemaker, and Ellen, Mar. 7, 1846. George W., ch. Nathan and Hannah, May 2, 1820. P.R.59. Grace R., May i, 1817. g.r.i. Henry T., s. Thomas G., shoemaker, and Clarisa W., Jan. 19 [dup. Jan. 14], 1843, in Pembroke. Hiram F., s. Thomas G., shoemaker, and Clarisa W., Nov. 20, 1840, in Pembroke. Hiram H., s. Nathan and Lucy O., Sept. 29, 1835. p.R.63. Sophia M. [ ], w. Benj[amin] H., Dec. 14, 1825. g.r.i. STOCKBRIDGE, Harriet, Apr. 6, 1835, in Randolph. P.R.39. STOLLARD, James P., s. Richard and Sarah, [1844]. g.r.i. Richard [h. Sarah] [Aug. — , 1806]. g.r.i. Sarah [ ], w. Richard, [1803]. g.r.i. STURTEFANT, George W., , 1831. g.r.i. SYLVESTER, A. Frances [? m.], , 1846. g.r.i. TAFT, Andrew J. [h. Eliza L.], , 1817. g.r.i. Eliza L. [ ], w. Andrew J. [Apr. — , 1810]. g.r.i. THAYER, Julia A., d. Luther, shoemaker (b. Smithfield, R.I.), and Deborah (b. W. Bridgewater), June 18, 1849. THOMAS, Aaron [Aug. — , 1817]. g.r.i. Abba A., d. Nathaniel, farmer, and Pamelia, Apr. 13, 1845. [Abby Augusta, ch. Nathaniel Bailey and Pamelia Otis (Fuller), Apr. 13, 1844, P.R.19.] Abby Augusta, , 1843. g.r.i. Abby F., d. Isaac, farmer, and Abby, Sept. 27, 1847. Abby S., ,1823. G.R.I. Abidan, ch. Levi Jr. and Phebe C., Mar. 3, 1829. ' HANSON BIRTHS 47 Thomas, Abigail G. [? m.], , 1805. g.r.i. Almira, ch. Nelson and Anna, May 8, 1829. Alonzo, ch. Robert and Lydia, May 31, 1821. Angelina Augusta, , 1833. g.r.i. Anna, ch. Nelson and Anna, May 2, 1814. Av^erick S., ch. Nelson and Anna, Sept. 2, 1806. Bathsheba, ch. John and Mary, Dec. 22, 1823. Benjamin [h. Mary C], , 1819. g.r.i. [Oct. 17, P.R.21.] Betsey [ ], w. Ira [Apr. — , 1788]. g.r.i. Betsey B. [? m.] [Dec. — , 1813]. g.r.i. Betsey J., d. Charles, shoemaker, and Betsey, Aug. 27, 1844. [Betsey I., p.R.18.] Bridget [ ], w. William O. [Dec. — , 1829]. g.r.i. Catharine [ ], w. Isaac, Mar. 21, 1756. g.r.i. Charles, s. Nelson and Anna, Jan. 28, 1822. Christina [dup. Christiana] [ ], w. Elihu, Mar. 14, 1828. g.r.i. Cornelia E., d. Lewis L., shoemaker, and Anna, Dec. 4, 1839. Daniel, s. John and Mary, Mar. 20, 1820. Deborah, ch. Shadrach and Lydia, Feb. 24, 1820. p.R.62. Ebenezer [dup. Ebenezar], s. Nelson and Anna, May 27, 1820. Edward, s. John and Mary, Jan. 8, 1822. Elihu [h. Christina], Sept. 24, 1817. g.r.i. Elijah C. [Aug. — , 1810]. g.r.i, Elisabeth, ch. Nelson and Anna, Mar. 10, 1828. Elizabeth [ ], w. Orenius H., Oct. 17, 1821. g.r.i. Ellen M., d. Heman, trader, and Abigial C, Aug. 22, 1846. Emely Susan, d. Levi, shoemaker, and Phebe C, June 2, 1843. Eugene, ch. Robert and Lydia, Oct. i, 1810. Eugene, ch. Robert and Lydia, Sept. 18, 1816. Fanny J., d. Benj[amin], shoemaker, and Mary C. (b. W. Bridgewater), Jan. 3, 1849. [Fannie J., Jan. 16, P.R.21.] George L., s. Lewis L., shoemaker, and Anna, Nov. 14, 1841. George N., s. Nelson, shoemaker, and Elisabeth (b. Duxbury), Sept. 28, 1849. [George Nelson Thomas, p.R.22.] Gershom B., s. Lewis L., shoe maker, and Anna, Sept. 12, 1843. Harriet [ ], w. Levi Z., Apr. 6, 1835. g.r.i. Harriet L., d. Lewis L., shoemaker, and Anna, Feb. — , 1836. Helen Marion, , 1846. G.r.i. Heman, , 1808. g.r.i. Ira [h. Betsey] [Apr. — , 1781]. g.r.i. Ira, s. Ira and Betsey, Sept. 22, 1827. Isaac, , 1815. G.R.I. 48 HANSON BIRTHS Thomas, Jerome, ch. Robert and Lydia, Sept. 24, 1808. John [h. Mary (Rogers)], Jan. 3, 1789. G.R.4. Josiah S., s. Isaac, farmer, and Abby, Mar. 21, 1848. Julia Ann Drury, d. Isaac, farmer, and Abba A., May 15, 1843. Julia S., [twin] d. Aaron, tackmaker, and Betsey, Sept. 27, 1847. Lemiro I., ch. Charles and Betsey (Bourn), Apr. 6, 1848. P.R.18. Levi Z., ch. Levi Jr. and Phebe C, Dec. 18, 1826. [Levi Zelida, p.R.3g.] Lewis L., ch. Nelson and Anna, Feb. 20, 1813. Louisa [d. Marcus and Rebecca T.] [Feb. — , 1834]. g.r.i. Lucy, ch. Nelson and Anna, Jan. 29, 1816. Lucy G., Mar. 6, 1833. Lydja [ ], w. Robert, Sept. 11, 1785. g.r.i. Lydia A., [twin] d. Aaron, tackmaker, and Betsey [d. Aaren P. and Betsey W., g.r.i.], Sept. 27, 1847. Marcus [h. Rebecca T.] [May — , 1810]. g.r.i. Mary, ch. Nelson and Anna, Aug. 16, 1825. Mary A., ch. Benjamin and Mary C. (Warren), June 4, 1846. P.R.21. Mary C. [ ], w. Benjamin, , 1828. G.r.i. Mary E., d. Alonzo, laborer, and Susan, Sept. 25, 1847. Mary H., d. Jerome, painter, and Julia, Oct. 15, 1846. Melissa, ch. Robert and Lydia, Mar. 17, 1819. Nathan, ch. Nelson and Anna, Nov. 29, 1807. Nathan Alden, Oct. 5, 1834. Nathaniel Theodore, ch. Nathaniel Bailey and Pamelia Otis (Fuller), Dec. 11, 1841, p.R.19. Nelson, ch. Nelson and Anna, Oct. 17, 1809. Nelson, ch. Nelson and Anna, Jan. 19, 1818. Orenius Haviland, ch. Shadrach and Lydia, July' 15, 1824. P.R.62. Pamelia A., d. Levi, shoemaker, and Phebe (b. Carver), Mar. 28, 1849. Phebe Agness, ch. Levi Jr. and Phebe, Aug. 15, 1831. Polly B., d. Charles, shoemaker, and Betsey, Mar. 7, 1846. [Mar. 31, P.R.18.] Rachel C, ch. Ira and Betsey, Feb. 16, 1823. Rebecca T. [ ] [w. Marcus], Nov. 21, 1810. g.r.i. Robert, ch. Robert and Lydia, Nov. 10, 181 2. Rosina I., d. Lewis L., shoemaker, and Anna (b. Duxbury), July 27, 1848. Sandrus Hail, ch. Shadrach and Lydia, Nov. 19, 1822. p.R.62. Sarah B., ch. Ira and Betsey, Jan. 16, 1825. HANSON BIRTHS 49 Thomas, Sarah Elizabeth, d. Aaron, shoemaker, and Betsey T. of Pembroke, July 14, 1843. Silvanus, ch. Nelson and Anna, June i, 181 1. Tamar C. [? m.] [Aug. — , 1817]. g.r.i. Thatcher, ch. Robert and Lydia, Nov. 30, 1806. W[illia]m, s. John and Mary R,, Jan. 28, 1828. W[illia]m Otis, s. Nelson and Anna, Oct. 31, 1830. , s. Nathaniel Bailey and Pamelia Otis (Fuller), Dec. i, 1840. p.R.ig. -, s. Nathaniel Bailey and Pamelia Otis (Fuller), Aug. 7, 1848. P.R.19. THOMPSON, , d. (b. Halifax), Apr. 19, 1840. THRASHER, George, s. Israel, shoemaker, and Lucy, Sept. 9, 1844. TILDEN, Catharine [ ], w. Calvin, M.D., [1783]- G.R.I. Catharine, d. Lucius and Matilda [Mar, — , 1848]. g.r.i. Christopher Columbus, s. Dr. Calvin and Catharine, Aug. 29, 1823. Elizabeth [? m.], [181 7]. g.r.i. Fanny, d. Dr. Calvin and Catharine, May i, 1821. Fanny H., d. Dr. Calvin and Catharine, Apr. 11, 1826. Francis H., [1826], g.r.i. TH^LSON (see Tilson), Deborah [ ], w. Isaiah, Feb. 24, 1820. G.R.I. Isaiah [h. Deborah] [July — , 181 7]. g.r.i. TILSON (see Tillson), Aurelia C. [dup. Tillsen, omits C] [ ], w. W. B., May 7, 1844. g.r.i. TOLMAN, Averick [ ], w. John, [1782]. g.r.i. Benjamin, s. John and Averick, Aug. 23, 1824. Charles, s. John, shoemaker, and Eliza, Dec. 11, 1846. Daniel S., s. John J[r]. and Eliza R., Aug. 21, 1834. John [h. Averick], Sept. 3, 1777. g.r.i. TOMLINSON, Elizabeth [? m.], Aug. 21, 1809. g.r.i. TORREY, Almira [ ], w. Rev. Joseph, , 1796. g.r.i. George Little, s. Rev. Joseph and Almira, Feb. 5, 1822. Henry 0., , 1845. g.r.i. Joseph, Rev. [h. Almira] [h. Maria], , 1787. g.r.i. Joseph Grafton, s. Joseph Jr. and Almira, May 10, 1820. 50 HANSON BIRTHS ToRREY, Maria [ ], w. Rev. Joseph, , 1798. g.r.i. Shepherd Leach, s. Rev. Joseph and Maria, 183 1. g.r.i. TOWER, David, s. David Jr. and Rutt M., Mar. 2, 1847. TUBES, Benjamin [Dec. — , 1786]. g.r.i. Benj[ami]n T., s. Benj[ami]n and Deborah, May 13, 1829. Betsey, w. John Wiliett, Sept. 27, 1800. g.r.i. Cordelia W., d. Benjamin and Deborah, Apr. 27, 1820, TURNER, Amy Dunbar, ch. William and Betsey, Mar. 27, 1824. George Williams, s. Seth, shoemaker, and Deborah, July 31, 1843. Maria A., w. Isaiah Bearce, July 11, 1807. g.r.i. Nathan, s. Seth and Deborath, Sept. 18, 1833. Priscilla B., d. Seth, shoemaker, and Deborah, Oct. 15, 1845. VINAL, Gushing O., s. Gushing, trader (b. Scituate), and Deborah, Sept. 27, 1849. WAID, Betsey Thomas, ch. Thomas and Betsey, Nov. 3, 1815. WALES, Mary Hobart, d. Nath[anie]l and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1820. WALKER, Betsey Thomas, ch. Isaac and Betsey, Mar. 5, 1822. Sarah E. [ ], w. L. G., [1844]. g.r.i. WARREN, Mary G. [w. Benjamin Thomas], June 23, 1828. P.R.21. WASHBURN, Augusta W. [ ], w. Alfred L., [1846]. G.R.I. Maria A. [? m.], [1828]. g.r.i. WHITE, Algernon J. [h. Gharlotte A.], "Go. G. i8th Mass. Vol.," Jan. 13, 1843. G.R.I. Bartlett, Dec. 9, 1833. p.r.2. Benjamin, ch. Welcome and Urania H., May 18, 1817. Betsey [ ] [Betsey White] [w. Gyrus] [July — , 1816]. G.R.I. Catherine M., Feb. 11, 1839. p.r.2. Gharlotte A. [ ], w. Algernon J. [Feb. — , 1842]. g.r.i. Glayton [Feb. — , 1839]. g.r.i. [Feb. 11, p.r.2.] Gornelius Jr., s. Cornelius and Harriet [Nov. — , 1826]. g.r.i. Cyrus S., Jan. 28, 1847. p.R.27. Dorothy [ ], w. Ezra [May — , 1834]. g.r.i. HANSON BIRTHS 5 1 White, Eliza B., June ig, 1836. p.r.2. Eliza D. [ ], w. Joseph [May — , 181 1]. g.r.i. [May 15, P.R.2.] Ellen P. [ch. Benjamin and Dorothy], June 14, 1845. ^-^-S- Experience [ ], w. Lewis, , 1S21. g.r.i. Ezra, s. Welcome and Urania, Jan. 11, 1830. Joseph [h. Eliza D.] [May — , 1807]. g.r.i. [May 15, 1808, P.R.2.] Joseph [June — , 1832]. g.r.i. [Joseph Jr., June 14, p.r.2.] Louisa, d. Benjamin, shoemaker, and Dorothy, May 20, 1843. Lucius, ch. Welcome and Urania H., Aug. 25, 1827. Lucy Ella, d. Welcome Jr. and Phebe A. [Sept — , 1845]. g.r.i. Mary, w. Algernon Josselyn, Aug. 24, 1810. g.r.i. Ruth S. [ ], w. Cyrus [Sept. — , 1786]. g.r.i. Sarah J., May 29, 1840. p.r.2. Urania [ ], w. Welcome [Mar. — , 1796]. g.r.i. Welcome [h. Urania] [May — , 1792]. g.r.i. Welcome, s. Welcome and Urania, July 12, 1823. Wendell Phillips, [twin] s. Cyrus, tackmaker, and Betsey H., Mar. 28, 1847. William Lloyd, [twin] s. Cyrus, tackmaker, and Betsey H., Mar. 28, 1847. WHITFORD, Reuben [h. Sarah C], [1833]. g.r.i. Sarah C. [ ], w. Reuben, [1829]. g.r.i. WHITING (see Whitten), Almira [ ], w. John A. [Mar. ^, 1810]. g.r.i. Cornelia J., ch. John A. and Almira (Fish), May 26, 1847. P.R.41. Francis A., s. Aurora and Judith, Oct. 18, 1844. Henry A., ch. John A. and Almira (Fish), Feb. 13, 1837. P.R.41. Mary H., d. John A. and Almira [(Fish), P.R.41.], May 18, 1840. Sarah B. [ ], w. Thomas E., , 1848. g.r.i. Thomas F., s. John A., mill-wright, and Almira, Mar. 26, 1844. [ch. John A. and Almira (Fish), Mar. 26, 1845, P.R.41.] WHITTEN (see Whiting), Abigail Mcfarland, ch. Aurora and Judith, July 27, 1838. Amanda, ch. Oliver and Mary (second w.), Apr. 7, 1813. Amanda M., ch. Aurora and Judith, Sept. 4, 1831, Angeline O., d. Aurora and Judith, Oct. 27, 1827. Anglina, ch. Oliver and Lucy, Nov. 14, 1803. 52 HANSON BIRTHS Whitten, Augustus J., s. Aurora and Judith, Nov. 20, 1829. Aurora, ch. Oliver and Lucy, Aug. 30, 1800. Caroline F., d. Angeline, Aug. 23, 1849, Henraetta Foster, [twin] d. Auro[r]a, labourer, and Judith, July 28, 1843. Henry A., s. John A., millwright, and Almira, Feb. 13, 1837. Henry Williams, [twin] s. Auro[r]a, labourer, and Judith, July 28, 1843. John A., ch. Oliver and Mary (second w.), Sept. 2, 181 1. [Whiting [h. Almira], g.r.i.] John O., s. Aurora and Judith, June 23, 1833. Joseph W., s. Aurora and Judith, Oct. 2, 1823. Lucy H., ch. Aurora and Judith, July 8, 1825. Mary B., ch. Auro[r]a and Judith, Sept. 6, 1835. Mary H., d. John A., millwright, and Almira, May 18, 1840. WILKINSON, Sarah B. [? m.] [Jan. — , 1825]. g.r.i. WILLET (see Willett), Betsey B., ch. John Jr. and Betsey, Aug. 12, 1829. Emeline Holbrook, ch. John Jr. and Betsey R., Sept. 24, 1833. Henry Call, s. John Jr. and Betsey, June 30, 1835. Isaac, s. John Jr. and Betsey, Sept. 28, 1827. John W., s. John Jr. and Betsey, May 22, 1824. Lovisa, d. John Jr. and Betsey, Mar. 7, 1826. [Lovice, g.r.i.] WILLETT (see Willet), Cordelia [ ], w. Isaac [Aug. — , 1830]. G.R.I. John [h. Lovisa], [i774]- g.r.i. John [h. Betsey (Tubbs)], Feb. 2, 1802. g.r.i. Louisa A. [? m.], Feb. 24, 1812. g.r.i. Lovisa [ ], w. John [Mar. — , 1772]. g.r.i. Lucy Ann, ch. John Jr. and Betsey, July 6, 1831. WOOD, Adeline, , 1825. P.R.33. Esther, ch. John and Eunice "People of Color," Mar. 4, 1827. Eunice, ch. John and Eunice "People of Color," Nov. 20, 1825. John S., s. John and Unice "people of Color," May i, 1823. Rhoda v., ch. John and Eunice, Feb. 4, 1822. UNIDENTIFIED , A. Jane, w. John Q. Pratt [May — , 1847]. g.r.i. , A. Louisa, w. Edwin Clark, , 1826. g.r.i. , Abigail, w. Daniel R. Elms [Nov. — , 1816]. g.r.i. , Almira, w. Rev. Joseph Torrey, , 1796. g.r.i. G.R HANSON BIRTHS 53 Almira, w. Luther Keene [June — , 1807]. g.r.i. Alraira, w. John A. Whiting [Mar. — , 18 10]. g.r.i. Almira D,, w. John W. Atkins [July — , 1831]. g.r.i. Angelina, w. John S. Pratt [Oct. — , 1827]. g.r.i. Angelina D., w. Ezekiel Bonney [May — , 1807]. g.r.i. Ann I., w. Thomas H. Lewis, May 20, 1830. g.r.i. Asenath, w. Thomas Stetson Jr., Dec. 2, 1804. g.r.i. Augusta W., w. Alfred L. Washburn, [1846]. .1. Aurelia C. [dup. omits C], w. W. B. Tilson [dup. Tillsen], May 7, 1844. g.r.i. Averick, w. John Tolman, [1782]. g.r.i. Averick S., w. Isaiah Keene [Sept. — , 1806]. g.r.i. Bathsheba, w. Levi Everson, Jan. 20, 1785. Bethia, w. George Phillips [May — , 1825]. g.r.i. Bethiah, w. Phillip Brewster [June — , 1793]. g.r.i. Bethiah, w. William Estes [Dec. — , 1795]. g.r.i. Betsey, w. Cornelius Cobb, Oct. 12, 1778. g.r.i. Betsey, w. Ira Thomas [Apr. — , 1788]. g.r.i. Betsey, w. Daniel Barker, [1792]. g.r.i. Betsey, w. Nathaniel Sprague [Sept. — , 1801]. g.r.i. Betsey, w. Robert Perry [Apr. — , 181 2]. g.r.i. [Betsey] [w. Cyrus White] [July — , 1816]. g.r.i. Betsey T., w. [Julius] Josselyn, , 1818. g.r.i. Bridget, w. William 0. Thomas [Dec. — , 1830]. g.r.i. Caroline, w. Levi S. Cox, , 1830. g.r.i. Catharine, w. Calvin Tilden, M.D., [1783]. G.r.i. Catharine, w. Ezra Phillips, , 1807. g.r.i. Catherine, w. Caleb Barker [May — , 1813]. g.r.i. Charlotte, second w. Gad Soper, [1797]- g.r.i. Charlotte, w. Joseph E. Prouty, [1828]. g.r i. Charlotte A., w. Algernon J. White [Feb. — , 1842]. G.R.I. Chloe, w. Nathaniel Bonney, June 21, 1777. g.r.i. Chloe, w. Thomas Perkins, [1788]. g.r.i. Christina, w. Elihu Thomas, Mar. 14, 1828. g.r.i. Clara W., w. Elbridge G. Bates [Mar. — , 1826]. g.r.i. Clarissa, w. Nathaniel Pratt, [1784]. g.r.i. Cordelia, w. Isaac Willett [Aug. — , 1830]. g.r.i. Cornelia O., w. Bernard C. Beal [Feb. — , 1845], g.r.i. Crissa W., w. Cyrus Munroe, , 1793. g.r.i. D., w. H. L. Daland [Dec. — , 1803]. g.r.i. Deborah, w. Isaiah Tillson, Feb. 24, 1820. g.r.i. Deborah D., w. Lot P. Barker, , 1815. g.r.i. 54 HANSON BIRTHS Deborah W., w. Cyrus Munroe, , 1798. g.r.i. Delia, w. Dr. Ezekiel Dodge Gushing, [1798]. G.R.I. Dorothy, w. Ezra White [May — , 1834]. g.r.i. Dorothy B., w. George F. Stetson, Mar. 29, 1835. G.R.I. Eliza, w. Seth Gannett [Aug. — , 1795]. G.r.i. Eliza, wid. Elijah Gushing [May — , 1801]. G.R.i. Eliza B., w. Lucius T. Fuller [Oct. — , 1831]. G.R.i. Eliza D., w. Joseph White [May — , 181 1]. G.R.i. Eliza L., w. Andrew J. Taft [Apr. — , 1810]. G.r.i. Elizabeth, w. Edward Gushing, Apr. 23, 1772. G.r.i. Elizabeth, w. Abel Bourne [June — , 1797]. G.R.i. Elizabeth, w. Jeremiah E. Sawyer, [1S16]. g.r.i. Elizabeth, w. George Barker [Feb. — , 1817]. G.r.i. Elizabeth, w. Orenius H. Thomas, Oct. 17, 1821. g.r.i. Elizabeth G., w. Hezekiah Reed, Mar. 11, 1818. g.r.i. EUzabeth G,. w. Roland T. Copeland, , 1820. G.R.I. Ehdra Gushing, w. John B. Gobb [Apr. — , 1805]. G.R.I. Emeline, w. Isaac Ramsdell, [1830]. g.r.i. EmeHne N., w. Samuel T. Bourne [Oct. — , 1833]. G.R.I. Emily S., w. Gharles H. Blount, June 3, 1844. g.r.i. Esther H., w. Byram Sampson [June — , 1814]. G.r.i. Experience, w. Lewis White, , 182 1. g.r.i. Fannie, w. Gharles H. Sprague, [1840]. g.r.i. Georgiana L. F., w. Gapt. E. L. Luther, , 1847. G.R.I. Georgiana M. W., w. [Julius] Josselyn, , 1830. G.R.I. Hannah, w. Dr. Samuel Barker [Jan. — , 1774]. G.R.i. Hannah, w. Amos Harden [Oct. — , 1786]. G.R.3. Hannah B., w. Herbert Baker, Nov. 12, 1842. g.r.i. Hannah G., w. Alpheus G. Harding [July — , 1823]. G.R.2. Hannah H., w. Seth L. Harris, Apr. 12, 1810. g.r.i. Harriet, w. Turner Bowker [Nov. — , 1808]. g.r.i. Harriet, w. John L. Everson [May — , 1813.] G.r.i. Harriet, w. Levi Z. Thomas, Apr. 6, 1835. G.R.i. Harriet, w. Gharles W. Bourne [Feb. — , 1837]. g.r.i. Helen A., w. John Barker [July — , 1843]. g.r.i. Huldah A., w. Luther Ghapman [Apr. — , 1805]. g.r.i. HANSON BERTHS 55 Jane, w. Francis W. Bourne [Xov. — , 1800]. g.r.i. Jane, w. Luther Josselyn [Oct. — , 1817]. g.r.i. Joanna L., w, Elisha Mitchell [Dec. — , 1804]. g.r.i. Josephine K., w. Daniel K. Hemmenway, Apr. 8, 1842. G.R.I. Julia, w. George C. Bailey [Dec. — , 1828]. g.r.i. Julie A., w. George Bonney, Mar. 10, 1835. g.r.i. Lettice, w. Isaac Hobart [Feb. — , 1785]. G.R.2. Louisa, w. Henry B. Goss [Dec. — , 1830]. g.r.i. Lo\'isa, w. John Willett [Mar. — , 1772]. g.r.i. Lucinda, w. Ebenezer F. Drake, July 9, 1814. g.r.i. Lucinda, w. Isaac Pratt, [1815]. g.r.i. Lucy, w. John Cook [Oct. — , 1797]. g.r.i. Lucy, w. Luther Howland [July — , 1800]. g.r.i. Lucy A., ^v. Benjamin W. Josselyn, June 17, 1832. G.R.I. Lucy 0., w. George C. Hobart [Xov. — , 1849]. g.r.i. Lydia, w. Robert Thomas, Sept. 11, 1785. g.r.i. Lydia, w. Jonathan Howland [Aug. — , 1790]. g.r.i. Lydia C., w. Samuel Briggs, , 1806. g.r.i. Lydia C., w. Joseph H. Cox, Sept. 11, 1821. g.r.i. Lydia F., w. Nathaniel T. Hatch [July — , 1825]. g.r.i. Margaret E., w. Edwin E. Churchill, , 1800. g.r.i. Margaret E., w. George T. Sampson [Aug. — , 1S32]. g.r.i. Margaret M., w. George H. Lamb, [1S38]. g.r.i. Maria, w. Rev. Joseph Torrey, , 1796. g.r.i. Martha, w. Joseph Osborne, [1828]. G.r.i. Martha C, w. Josiah Bonney, Mar. 14, 1830. g.r.i. Mary, w. Richard Bowker, , i799- g.r.i. Mary, w. Da\'id Kingman [Oct. — , 1806]. g.r.i. Mary, w. George P. Beal [July — , 1809.] g.r.i. Mary, w. Joseph B. Howland [Dec. — , 1815]. g.r.i. Mary, w. Cahin L. Howland [Mar. — , 1S20]. g.r.i. Mary, w. L. T. Howland, , 1827. g.r.i. Mary, w. Albert F. Cox, , 1844. g.r.i. Mary B., w. Reuben Smith [Dec. — , 1795]. G.r.i. ]SIary B., w. Jeremiah Soper [M3.T. — , 1816]. g.r.i. Mary C, w. Benjamin Thomas, , 182S. g.r.i. Mary D., w. ^lelzar Sprague, [i799]- g.r.i. Mary J., w. Israel Hobart [Apr. — , 1816]. g.r.i. Mary Jane, w. Rev. Elmer Hevritt, , 1S08. g.r.i. Mary Vesta, w. C. L. Howland [Jan. — , 1S29]. g.r.i. Matilda, w. James B. Howland, , 1S32. g.r.i. S6 HANSON BIRTHS G.R Mehitable, w. Lt. E, B. Keene [May — , 1783]. g.r.i. Mehitable W., w. Joseph Howland, , 1793. g.r.i. Melinda, w. Moses Carr [July — , 1807]. g.r.i. Mercy, w. Dea. David Beal [Nov. — , 1768]. g.r.i. Mercy, w. Richard Everson [May — , 1794]. g.r.i. Miranda C, w. George T. Bowker, May 27, 1833. .1. N. Philena, w. John E. Simmons [May — , 1 845]. g.r.i. Nabby, wid. Ezra Phillips [July — , 1798]. g.r.i. Nabby C, w. Thomas Smith [July — , 1800]. g.r.i. Nancy, w. Ephriam Cox, [1779]- g.r.i. Nancy, w. Levi Ramsdell [Sept. — , 1807]. g.r.i. Nancy, w. Albert House [Feb. — , 1810]. g.r.i. Nancy B., w. Luther Holmes, , 1792. g.r.i. Nancy H., w. S. T. Bourn [Sept. — , 1837]. g.r.i. Naomi, w. Alden Beal [Aug. — , 1808]. g.r.i. Patience B., w. Barzillai Fuller [Nov. — , 1794]. g.r.i. Polly, w. Nathaniel Bonney, Mar. 23, 1786. g.r.i. Rachel, w. Warren Bourne [Feb. — , 1791]. g.r.i. Rachel, w. James B. Brewster [Feb. — , 1820]. g.r.i. Rachel C, w. N. W. Gushing [Feb. — , 1823]. g.r.i. Ruth, w. Capt. William Josselyn, , 1796. g.r.i. Ruth, w. Benjamin W. Munroe [Oct. — , 1816]. G.R.3. Saba D., w. Joshua Smith, Mar. 6, 1796. g.r.i. Sarah, w. Gapt, Lemuel Bonney, [1776]. g.r.i. Sarah, w. Richard StoUard [Aug. — , 1806]. g.r.i. Sarah, w. Gyrus Monroe, June 14, 1823. g.r.i. Sarah B., w. Thomas E. Whiting, , 1848. g.r.i. Sarah G., w. Reuben Whitford, [1829]. g.r.i. Sarah E., w. L. G. Walker, [1844]. g.r.i. Sarah H., w. Theodore Hobart, , 1821. g.r.i. Sarah J., w. Andrew Bowker [Aug. — , 1830]. g.r.i. Silvesta, wid. Nathaniel Gole, [1779]. g.r.i. Sophia M., w. Benj[amin] H. Stevens, Dec. 14, 25. G.R.I. Sophronia, w. Alonzo Golton, Aug. 27, 1821. g.r.i. Sophronia, w. David A. Josselyn [July — , 1834]. g.r.i. Urania, wid. Welcome White [Mar. — , 1796]. g.r.i. HANSON MARRIAGES HANSON MARRIAGES To THE YEAR 185O ALLEN, Electy and Noah Bonney Jr., Sept. ii [1825].* AMES, Phoebe of N. Bridgewater, and Welcome White, Jan. 5, 1845.* P.R.58. ARNOLD, Caleb, 22, shoemaker, of Abington, and Priscilla S. Pratt, 19, of Abington, d. Thomas and Mehitabie, Sept. 19, [i8]47.* Sarah J., 17, of Abington, d. Jonathan and Mary, and Charles H. Blarney, 24, boxmaker, of Abington, Oct. 17, 1846.* ASHPORT, Albert, 27, laborer, of Bridgewater, s. Calvin and Lydia, and Eunice Wood, 22, of Bridgewater, Sept. 10, 1846.* Noah, 20, farmer, of Bridgewater, b. Bridgewater, s. Calvin and Lydia, and Ester Wood, 18, d. John and Eunice, Aug. 17, 1845.* AUSTIN, John, 34, bootmaker, s. William and Elisabeth, and Emeline Gassett, 20, d. Elisha and Polly, Jan. 24, 1849.* BAKER, Henry, 19, shoemaker, of Pembroke, s. Hewitt, and Lucy Shaw, 18, of Pembroke, d. Lydia, Nov. 24, 1846.* Maria and Sam[ue]l Poole, May 31, 1830.* Nancy and Luther Holmes, Sept. 24, 1822.* Nehimiah P. of Hanover, and Huldah Studly of Hanover, June I, 1843.* BARKER, Benjamin and Mrs. Lydia Rowland, Dec. 9, 1834.* Deidamia and Levi Lincoln, Nov. 25, 1822.* Elisabeth and Otis Shermon of Scituate, Apr. 13, 1823.* Joshua and Deborah Sturtevant, Mar. 13, 1831.* Josiah and Eli^a Cushing of Scituate, Nov. 5, 1834.* p.R.30. Lydia and Floran Estes, Jan. 15, 1842.* P.R.16. Maria and Rev. Joseph Torrey, Jan. 2, 1823.* * Intention not re in 47th y. G.R.3. Harriet, Feb. 13, 1832, a. 38. Henry [h. Hannah], Apr. 14, 1794, a. 79. G.R.3. John F., s. Hiram and Amanda, chlora infantum, Oct. 2, 1849, a. 3 y. 8 m. 27 d. Mary, w. George W., Sept. 2, 1839, a. 69. G.R.3. Sarah, w. George, w. William, Sept. 16, 1787, a. 37. G.R.3. Tirzah, w. Benjamin, Apr. 18, 1843, ^- 49 y- 4 ^i- G.R.3. OLDHAM, David, Apr. 17, 1834, a. 93. Rebecca, Mar. 18, 1825, a. 77. ORCUTT, Gershom, "Who by the Sevirity of the weather, and depth of the Snow, perished, on his return home from Abington," Jan. 25, 183 1, a. 36. OSBORN, (see Osborne, Osbourne), Barak Jr., Mar. 6, 1830, a. 15. [Osborne, ch. Barac and Polly, g.r.i.] Briggs, Mar. 5, 1830, a. 18. [Osborne, ch. Barac and Polly, a. 19, G.R.I.] I02 HANSON DEATHS OsBORN, George, s. Barak, Feb. 23, 1830, a. 7. [Osborne, ch. Barac and Polly, a. 8, g.r.i.] OSBORNE (see Osborn, Osbourn), Abigail, w. Joseph, May 19, 1847, 3" 28. G.R.I. Deborah, w. George, Sept. 15, 1816, a. 79. g.r.i. OSBOURNE (see Osborn, Osborne), George, Apr. 7, 181 2, a. 79. g.r.i. PERKINS, Betsey B., w. Thomas, Apr. i, 1838, in 35th y. g.r.i. John Henry, s. Daniel H. and Caroline M., Oct. 27, 1849, a. 2 y. I m. 12 d. g.r.i. Linus, m., harnessmaker, b. N.H., consumption, Feb. 23, 1847, a. 50. Nancy, Sept. 8, 1845. g.r.i. PERRY, Alice, Dec. 30, 1835, a. 88. Bethiah, Mrs., Jan. 19, 1822. Content, w. Henry, Mar. 20, 1820, a. 53. Fanny, Mrs., Mar. 19, 183 1. Henry, Mar. 23, 1815, a. 79 y. 6 ra. 14 d. g.r.i. Henry, Aug. 10, 1837, a. 72. James, "hanged himself," Aug. 15, 1831, a. 63, in Scituate. Seth, m., farmer, b. Pembroke, ch. Samuel and Eunice, old age, Sept. 21 [1846], a. 91 y. 2 m. 25 d. PETERSON, Betsey, b. Abington, d. Asaph and Mehitable, dysentery, Oct. 9, 1848, a. 7. PHILLIPS, Bianey [h. Christian], Dec. 21, 1800, in 80th y. G.R.I. Bianey, Dec. 9, 1824, a. 88 y. 5 m. P.R.57. Bianey, May 8, 1829, a. t,^. [a. 33 y. 5 m. 8 d., g.r.i.] Catherine, d. Ezra Jr. and Catherine H., bowel complaint, Dec. 30, 1843, a. I y. 7 m. 16 d. [Catharine, d. Ezra and Catharine, a. i y. 7 m. 15 d., g.r.i.] Christian, w. Bianey, d. Christopher Wadsworth, Oct. 6, 1798, in 84th y. G.R.I. Christopher, Feb. 3, 1806, in 54th y. g.r.i. Crissa, May 8, 1829. p.R.14. Deborah M., ch. Bianey and Chloe, May 12, 1825, a. 10 m. Diana, w. Lot, Sept. 17, 1805, a. 49 y. 2 m. 6 d. g.r.i. Lot [h. Diana], Sept. 12, 1S12, a. 57 y. 9 m. g.r.i. Lucy, Mrs., June 7, 1832, a. 47. [w. Ezra, a. 47 y. 2 m. 9 d., G.r.i. P.R.57.] HANSON DEATHS ^°3 Phillits, Lydia, Oct. - 1820. /•^•?4- Mehittable, w. Ezra, June 22, 1812, in 34th y. G.R.i. Mercy, Aug. 3, 1831, a. 44- Sally, Sep[t]. — 1833- p-R-i4- Seth, Aug. 10, 1828, a. 79. p-R-57- PRATT, Darius, s. Joshua R. and Sarah, lung complaint, guishment, Oct. 29, 1847, a 45 Y- 2 m. [Deborah b., w. Joshua S., a. 45 Y- i m. 24 d., G-R-i-J . John, July 16, 1833, a. 57- U^^V ^^' ^^ 57th y., g.r.i.1 Jonathan, Sept. 22, 1836, a. 13- Joshua, Nov. 21, 1824, in 80th y. Jotham, Oct. 26 [dup. Oct. 24],.i824, a. 32. Lydia H. [ch. Isaac and Luanda W. (HowlandjJ, uci. 2, Mary E','d.^Jo;hua S. and Deborah S., Dec. 19, 1839, a. 7 m. Sept. 6, 1849, a. 29 y. 24 d. [Sarah A. joneb, w. j S. Pratt, a. 29 y. 25 d., g.r.i.J PRICE, Susanna, Nov. 27, 1812, in 50th y. g.r.i. PROUTY, Jesse, s. Jesse and Betsey P., disease of brain, Oct. 27, 1849, a. 2. RAMSDEL (see Ramsdell), Isaac, Apr. 13, 1822. [Rams- dell, in 35th y., G.R.I.] Lot, Nov. 9, 1822, a. 75. Rachel, Mrs., Oct. 15, 1822, a. 73- 00 ,, , h g r i [broken\nner, wid. Samuel, Dec. 19, i794, a. 88 y. 4 d. g.r.i. RAMSDELL (see Ramsdel), Betty wid, Dec 11, 1830, a^ 77. [Elisabeth Ramsdel, C.R.I. 1 [Elizabeth Ramsdel, in 77th y., P.R.53-] Dalay, Nov. 18, 1825, in 6th y. p.R.53- Deborah, Jan. 3, 1836. Diana, wid., Oct. 10, 1832, a. 36. Dorothy B., ch. Levi and Amy Nov. ^^1825, a. 6^ Dorothy Bishop, d. Levi and Ama, Nov. 6, 1813, a. 5. G.R.I. Elisabeth (see Betty). , p r c? 1 Nathaniel, Feb. 4, 1842. a. 39- g.r.i. [m 37th y., P.R.53-i I ©4 HANSON DEATHS Ramsdell, Sam[ue]l, Apr. 22, 1830, a. 84. [Samuel L., p.R.53.] Silas, July 12, 1825, a. 3 m. 27 d. P.R.53. REED, Hope R., b. Boston, d. Thomas and Charlotte, cholera infantum, Dec. 23, 1846, a. 10 m. 11 d. Simeon, Aug. 7, 1847, a. 68. c.r.2. Sophronia, Dec. 19, 1847. p-R-?- [w. Walter, d. Eleazar [and Alice W.], p.R.52.] Thomas, Feb. 28, 1843, a. 84 y. 8 m. 21 d. g.r.i. Zadok, Jan. 17, 1822, in 73d y. RIDER, Barzilla E., s. Ezra and Eleanor, Sept. 8, 1825, a. 4 y. 4 m. 21 d. G.R.2. Ezra, Oct. 27, 1826, a. 43. [Oct. 28, a. 43 y. 5 m., g.r.2.] RIPLEY, Sarah, w. Christopher, d. Maj. Edward Hayward, Sept. 6, 1768, in 34th y. G.R.3. ROCKWOOD, Clara Frances, d. Rev. S. L. and C. G., May 8, 1842, a. 23 d. G.R.I. SAMPSON, Aurelia, ch. Bryam and Desire, Nov. 26, 1822, a. 9. Aurelia, ''posthumous" ch. Byram and Desire, May 20, 1832, a. 9. Bartlett Jr., [twin] ch. Bartlett and Lucy W. (Cox), Nov. 19, 1843. P.R.68. Byram, Oct. 24, 1822, a. 40. Byram 2d, [twin] ch. Bartlett and Lucy W. (Cox), Nov. 19, 1843. p,R.68. Byram (see Sampson). Josephus, Jan. 3, 1841. p.R.13. Mary A,, Dec. 18, 1838. p.R.13. , s. Byram and Ester, croup, Apr. 14, 1848, a. 8 m. [Byram, Apr. 13, P.R.13.] SHERMAN, Angeline, Mrs., Sept. 16, 1831, a, 28. [a. 27 y. 10 m. 2 d., P.R.41.] Charles, shoemaker, b. Scituate, s. Samuel, dropsy, Jan. 17, 1848, a. 13. Elisha, Oct. 21, 1832, a. 68. [h. Ruth, g.r.2.] Ruth, wid. Elisher, Oct. 4, 1836, a. 74. g.r.2. SMITH, Bathsheba, wid., old age, Jan. 24, 1844, a. 86 y. 2 m. 12 d. [wid. Joseph Esq., g.r.i.] Catherine, May 27, 1836, a. 35. HANSON DEATHS I05 Smith, Christopher, Capt., "Unfortunately drowned. . . on his passage from Fairhaven to New York," Jan. 4, 1823, a. 40. Joseph [h. Bathsheba], Aug. 11, 181 1, a. 70. g.r.i. Judith, Mar. 21, 1836, a. 46. SOPER, Alexander [h. Mary], Apr. 6, 1801, in 78th y. g.r.i. Alexander, July 2, 1829, in 80th y. p.r.6. Betsey, w. Capt. Nath[anie]l, Feb. 8, 1823, a. 63. [suddenly, C.R.2.] Deborah, w. Isaac, Jan. 23, 1841, a. 71. g.r.i. Elizabeth, , 1831, in 21st y. p.r.6. Elizabeth, w. Eli, July 31, 1843, a- 47- P-R-6. Eunice, Oct. 5, 1848, a. 87. c.r.2. [wid. [Capt.] Nathaniel, G.R.I.] Isaac, widr., farmer, b. Pembroke, s. Alexander and Mary, old age, [rec. June 20, 1846], a. 83 y. 10 m. 5 d. [[h. Deborah ]Apr. 12, 1846, a. 80, g.r.i.] [[h. Deborah] Apr. 12, 1846, a. 80 y. 10 m. 5 d., p.R.57.] Lucy, Dec. — , 1839, in 29th y. p.r.6. Mary, w. Alexander, Feb. 12, i-jSlbroken], in 6ist y. g.r.i. Nath[anie]l, Capt., July 7, 1830, a. 73. [[h. Betsey] in 73d y., G.R.I.] [in 72d y., p.r.6.1 Rebecca, Mrs., Sept. 9, 1822, a. 24. [w. Gad, g.r.i.] Sarah, m., b. Chelsea, d. John Sales and Deborah, con- sumption, Feb. 26, 1849, a. 48 y. 11 m. 4 d. [Sarah Floyd (Sale), w. Heman, g.r.i.] William, s. Isaac and Deborah, Oct. 24, 1817, a. 15. g.r.i. SPRAGUE, Almira, m., housekeeper, d. Isaiah Keen and Averic, erysipelas, Sept. 30, 1849, a. 20. Andrew J., only ch. Melzar and Mary D., Oct. 17, 1841, a. 18. G.R.I. Eunice, Mrs., Jan. 3, 1824, a. 43. Mary Turner, d. Danford [?] and Eunice, Oct. 26, 1805, a. 3 m. 20 d. G.R.I. , s. Nathaniel D. and Almira, erysipelas, Oct. 22, 1849, a. 3 m. STETSON, Alden, s. Thomas and Betsey, Dec. 22, 181 7, a. 4 y. 8 m. g.r.i. Asenath, m., housewife, b. Hanover, d. George Bailey and Asenath, cancer, July 20, 1849, a. 44 y. 7 m, 19 d. [w. Thomas Jr., July 21, g.r.i.] Betsey, ch. Jeremiah Jr. and Lydia, Dec. 9, 1821, a. 2. I06 H.\NSON DEATHS Stetson, Eetsey, Mrs., June 3, 1833. a. 51. [w. Thomas, g.r.i.] Chloe M., ch. George F. and Chioe M., Oct. 25, 1832, in 2d y. [a. I y. 6 m. 25 d., p.R.28.] Elizabeth, Apr. ig, 1840, a. 67 y. 6 m. 19 d. p.R.28, Ethan, s. Ethan A. and Hannah, Aug. 3, 1830, a. "nearly" i. Harriet, Mrs., Jan. 28, 1828, a. 30. [a. 29 y, 10 m., p.R.54.] Jeremiah, Dea., Sept. 14, 1803, in 73d y. G.R.i. Jeremiah, Jan. 29, 1847, a- -^5 y. 4 m. 9 d. P.R.28. John, Apr. 16, 1830, a. ^^. p.R.28. John M., Oct. 29, 1838, a. I y. 6 m. 16 d. p.R.28. Lucy, wid., Oct. 22, 1820, a. 90. [w, Dea. Jeremiah, a. 89 y. II m., P.R.29.] Lydia, Dec. 24, 1841. c.r.i. [Dec. 2^, a. 76 y. 9 m. 11 d., p.R.28.] Thomas, Dec. 24, 1821, a. 80. STEVENS, Abraham L., widr., blacksmith, s. Nathan and Rebecca, Sept. 20, 1849, ^- ^7 Y- n na. [a. 68, g.r.i.] Deborah, Mrs., Mar. 5, 1833, a. 69. [w. Nathan, in 69th y., G.R.I.] [w. Nathan, p.R.47.] Lavina, m., housekeeper, b. Scituate, d. Edward Jenkins and Jerusha, May 25, 1849, a. 62 y. 2 m. 22 d. Lucy W., shoe fitter, d. Edward [d. Edward and Deborah W., G.R.I.], throat ale, Dec. 5, 1843, a. 11 y. m. 2 d. Mary, Mrs., Feb. 20, 1828, a. 45. [w. Edward, a. 45 y. 5 m. 27 d., G.R.I. ] Nathan [h. Debora], Apr. 14, 1839, in 95th y. g.r.i. Nathan Jr., m., nailer, s. Nathan, consumption, Oct. 22, 1843, a. 38. Nathan Ellis, b. Weymouth, s. Nathan Jr., May 13, 1843, a. 10 m. Rebecca, w. Nathan, Mar. 8, 1815, in 69th y. g.r.i. STOLLARD, Elisabeth W., d. Richard and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1842, a. 2 y. I m. g.r.i. STURDAPHANT (see Sturtefant), Mary, July 24, 1834, a. 77. [Sturtevant, c.r.i.] STURTEFANT (see Sturdaphant), George W., , 1837. G.R.I. TAYLOR, Jane, Mrs., Jan. i, 1822. THOMAS, Abby Augusta, , 1844. g.r.i. Abby Augusta, ch. Nathaniel Bailey and Pamelia Otis (Fuller), Sept. 23, 1847. P.R.19. HANSON DEATHS IO7 Thomas, Angeline Augusta, , 1S42. g.r.i. Anna, w. Isaac, Aug. 14, 1821, in 62d y. Averick, w. Zadock, Dec. 4, 1807, a. 63. g.r.i. Betty, w. Nathaniel, Sept. 27, 1842, a. 87 y. 6 m. g.r.i. Catharine, w. Isaac, Mar. 26, 1785, a. 29 y. 5 d. G.r.i. Celia, ch. Celia, wid., Dec. 31, 1823. Christina A., d. Ebenezer and Eliza C, cholera infantum, July 17, 1847, a. II m. 19 d. Edward, Lt., s. Capt. Edward and Rachel, May 7, 1778, in 39th y. G.R.I. Edward, Capt., Dec. 26, 1802, in 90th y. g.r.i. Elizabeth, house work, b. Kingston, cancer, Oct. 12, 1843, a. 74 y. 6 m. 7 d. Eugene, s. Robert and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1813, a. 3 y. 13 d. George, ''death was premature and awful, providentially occasioned by a flash of lighting," Aug. 13, 1824, a. 23. [s. Shadrach and Lydia, a. 22, g.r.i.] Helen Marion, , 1847. g.r.i. Ira, s. Ira and Betsey, May 11, 1828, a. 8 m, Isaac, Dec. 23, 1830, a. 84. Joseph, s. Capt. Edward and Rachel, July 2, 1753, a. 3 m. G.R.I. Joseph, Dec. 16, 1822, a. 37. Josiah C, May i, 1826, a. 35. Julia Ann, d. Lewis L. and Anna, canker rash, Nov. 25, 1843, a. 5 y. II m. 16 d. Lydia, w. Robert, Sept. 11, 1785. g.r.i. Lydia, w. Shadrach, Oct. 9, 1840, a. 58 y. 3 m. 14 d. g.r.i. [Oct. 9, 1842, P.R.56.] Marcus, s. Levi and Phebe C, cholera infantum, Sept. 18, 1846, a. 3 m. 18 d. Nathaniel, s. Lt. Nathaniel and Betty, Oct. 30, 1775, a. 13 m. 19 d. g.r.i. Nathaniel [h. Betty], May i, 181 1, in 6ist y. g.r.i. Nathaniel, s. Ira and Betsey, "accidentally Killed by the explosion of a rock," Sept. 4, 1848, a. 28 y. 11 m. [a. 29, G.R.I.] Nathaniel Theodore, ch. Nathaniel Bailey and Pamelia Otis (Fuller), Oct. 17, 1847. P.R.19. Nelson, s. Nelson and Anna, Sept. 19, 1810, a. i. Nelson, widr., farmer, b. Plimpton, s. Zadock and Averick, paralytic shock. Mar. 9, 1848, a. 66 y. 9 m. Pamelia A., d. Levi and Phebe C, scarlet fever, Aug. 3, 1849, a. 4 m. 6 d. I08 HANSON DEATHS Thomas, Rachel, w. Capt. Edward of Pembroke, Dec. 8, 1794, a. 80 y. 20 d. G.R.I. Robert, blacksmith, rheumatic, Oct. 5, 1843, a. 60. [w. Lydia, g.r.i.] Ruth H. [w. Nelson Jr.], Feb. 5, 1842, a. 25 y. 10 m. 13 d. P.R.22> Sandres H., machinist, s. Shadruch and Lydia, typhus fever, July 28, 1847, a. 24. Sarah, w. John, Oct. 22, 1813, in 68th y. g.r.i. Shadrach [h. Lydia], Mar. 29, 1839, a. 61 y. 4 m. 3 d. G.r.i. Thatcher, s. Levi and Phebe C, scarlet fever, July 30, 1849, a. 8 y. II m. 12 d. Zadock [h. Averick], Dec. 20, 18 10, a. 76 y. 8 m. g.r.i. , s. Nathaniel Bailey and Pamelia Otis (Fuller), Dec. 3, 1840. P.R.19. , s. Nathaniel Bailey and Pamelia Otis (Fuller), Aug. 7, 1848. P.R.19. THOMPSON, Asa, Feb. 4, 1830, a. 82. THRASHER, Lucy, ch. Israel and Ruth, Sept. 15, 1821. TH^DEN, Calvin Jr. Esq., Nov. 22, 1831, a. 26. Calvin, Dr., Jan. 28, 1832, a. 57. [[h. Catharine] g.r.i.] Christopher C, m., shoemaker, s. Calvin and Catherine, dysentary, Sept. 30, 1849, a. 26 y. i m. 2 d. Fanny, d. Dr. Calvin and Catharine, May 21, 1821, a. 21 d. Nathaniel, s. Maj. Daniel and Joanna, Sept. 27, 1777, a. 8 m. g.r.i. TILLSON, Deborah M., d. Isaiah and Deborah, June 25, 1839, a. 10 m. 16 d. g.r.i. TOLMAN, Averick, ch. John and Averick, Sept. 16, 1828, a. 4 m. TORREY, Almira, w. Rev. Joseph, Feb. 14, 1822, a. 27. Charlotte, Sept. 20, 1835, a. 39. g.r.i. Joseph, Capt., Mar. 23, 1822, in 58th y. [[h. Mary (Dodge)] G.R.I.] Joseph, Rev,, Apr. 29, 1835, a. 77. c.R.2. [[h. Almira] [h. Maria] G.r.i. ] Mary Dodge, w. Capt. Joseph, Aug. 10, 1802, in 28th y. G.R.I. Nathaniel Cushing, s. Capt. Joseph and Mary (Dodge), Sept. 27, 1802, a. 2 m. G.R.I. Phebe, w. Capt. Joseph, Apr, 5, 1801, in 35th y. g.r.i. HAIJSON DEATHS 109 ToRREY, Sarah, wid. Capt. Joseph, Feb. 9, 1837, a. 63, in Foxboro. G.R.I. Shepherd L., s. Rev. Joseph and Maria, Oct. 7, 1831, a. 3 m. [Shepherd Leach Torrey, g.r.i.] TOWNSEND, Daniel C. (Towsend), b. Abington, s. Daniel and Harriet B., croup, Dec. 2, 1849, a. 2 y. 7 m. 22 d. TUBES, Benjamin T., s. Benj[ami]n and Deborah, July 3, 1830, a. I. [Benjamin Tracy Tubbs, July 3, 1829, a. I y. I m. 19 d., G.R.I.] Nehimiah, "being of insane mind, was found dead in his apartment," Dec. 22, 1827, a. 50. Ruth S., Nov. 13, 1820, a. 18. TURNER, Seth, May 15, 1823, a. 38. VINAL, AdeKa T., b. S[c]ituate, d. Gushing and Deborah, Feb. 2, 1846, a. 2 y. 9 m. 10 d. WADE (see Waid), Hosea, "left his family in a deranged State of mind, on the 25 of Aug'. 1828, and died in the Great Gedar Swamp (so called:) but his Remains were not found until Feb''. I4'^ 1829, which were then de- cently interred," a. abt. 41. Isaac [h. Lucy], Jan. i, 1834, a. 81. Lucy, wid. Isaac, Nov. 13, 1842, a. 89. WAID (see Wade), Deborah, wid., Jan. 17, 1828, a. 88. Melvin, May 15, 1826, in 42d y. WALES, Mary H., Aug. 24, 1838, a. 18. [Nabby H. [d. Rev. Nath[anie]l], g.r.i.] Nath[anie]l, Rev., June 20, 1829, in 36th y., in Belfast, Me. G.R.I. WALKER, Isaac, "unfortunately killed by a Gun," Nov. 21, 1821. WARD, Elisha, s. Hosea, drowned, July 29, 1838, a. 15. G.R.3. WARNER, Beriah, mortification, June 7, 1846, a. 63. WHITE, Bartlet, drowned, Aug. i, 1835, a. i. [Bartlett, ch. Joseph and Eliza D., a. i y. 8 m., g.r.i.] [Bartlett, P.R.2.] Catharine M., ch. Joseph and Eliza D., Jan. 18, 1845, a. 3 y. II m. g.r.i. no HANSON DEATHS White, Cynthia Ann, d. Cyrus and Betsey, bowel complaint, Aug. 23, 1843, a. 9 m. 15 d. John, carpenter, b. Halifax, s. Bethuel and Seviah, putre- faction. Mar. 28, 1848, a. 47. Louisa, d. Benjamin and Dorothy, bowel complaint, Aug. 30, 1843, a. 3 m. 10 d. [Louisa E., P.R.5.] Lydia, d. Cyrus and Ruth, Feb. 12, 1825, a. 16. William [White] [ch. Cyrus and Betsey], Mar. 7, 1840, a. II m. 20 d. G.R.I. WRITTEN, Amanda M., ch. Aurora and Judith, Oct. 25, 1831, a. 3 w. Francis S., s. Aurora and Judith, drowned, Apr. 11, 1849, a. 4 y. 5 m. 19 d. [s. Amasa and Judith, Apr. 9, a. 4 y. 5 m. 22 d., G.R.I.] Lucy, w. Dea. Oliver, Aug. 13, 1809, a. 38 "wanting" i m. G.R.I. Mary, w. Oliver, Feb. 4, 1824, a. 50 y. 5 m. "wanting" i d. Oliver, Dea., Jan. 12, 1834, a. 68. [Jan. 11, c.r.i.] Peddy [w. ], d. Joseph Rowland, Mar. 2, 1842, a. 64. P.R.17. Wn^LETT, , ch. John and Betsey (Tubbs), "Spring of" 1841, a. 2. G.R.I. , ch. John and Betsey (Tubbs), "Spring of" 1841, a. 4. G.R.I. -, ch. John and Betsey (Tubbs), "Spring of" 1841, a. 6. G.R.I. WINSLOW, Susanna, Jan. 10, 1822. c.r.2. WOOD, Abigail, collourd, d. Eunice, Apr. 2, 1844, a. 8. Eunice, Sept. 14, 1820. Ruldah, colored, "unfortunately drowned in Oldham's Pond," June 19, 1820. James, s. Eunice, consumption, Apr. 19, 1844, a. 5. Joanna, colored, "unfortunately drowned in Oldham's Pond," June 19, 1820. Joseph, s. Nathan and Eunice, June 17, 1822, a. 6. Mary Ann, colored, "unfortunately drowned in Oldham's Pond," June 19, 1820. Nathan, colored, "unfortunately drowned in Oldham's Pond," June 19, 1820. Sally M., colored, "unfortunately drowned in Oldham's Pond," June 19, 1820. Susannah, coloured, d. Eunice, consumption, Aug. 25, 1844, a. 15. T.'l