F 541 . 13 Copy 1 1918 Suggestions for County and Local Celebrations of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Admission of Illinois into the Federal Union ISSUED BY THE ILLINOIS CENTENNIAL COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD [Printed by authority of the State of Illinois] 1818 1918 Suggestions for County and Local Celebrations of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Admission of Illinois into the Federal Union ISSUED BY THE ILLINOIS CENTENNIAL COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD [Printed by authority of the State of Illinois] T>4/ IMPORTANT DATES IN 1918 APRIL 18 One hundredth anniversary of the date upon which the Illinois Enabling Act was passed by Congress. AUGUST 26 One hundredth anniversary of the date upon which the first State Constitution was adopted. OCTOBER 6 One hundredth anniversary of the date upon which the first Governor was inaugurated. DECEMBER 3 One hundredth anniversary of the date upon which the Illinois Constitution was approved by Congress and the State admitted into the Union. n, of P.- iJEC 24 t918 A BILL For an Act to create the Illinois Centennial Commission and to define its powers and duties. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General AssemMy: That there be and is hereby created a commission to be known as the Illinois Centennial Commission. Such commission shall be ap- pointed by the Governor and shall consist of fifteen members, who shall serve without compensation, but who shall be allowed their actual expenses while engaged in official business of the commission and in attending meetings of the said commis- sion. In case any vacancy shall occur on said commission, the Governor shall fill the vacancy by appointment. The Governor shall designate the member who shall be chairman. The com- mission shall elect from its membership a secretary and may engage such employees as shall be deemed necessary. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Illinois Centennial Commission : 1 — To arrange for and conduct a celebration in honor of the Centennial of the admission of the State of Illinois into the Federal Union. 2 — To compile and publish a commemorative history of the State. 3 — To report to the Fiftieth General Assembly the arrange- ments for such celebration. -To make a complete report to the Fifty-first General Assembly. Section 3. The Illinois Centennial Commission shall ex- pire when it shall have completed its duties and shall have made a complete report thereof to the Governor and the Fifty- first General Assembly, including a complete statement of its receipts and expenditures. Section 4. Whereas, an emergency exists ; therefore, this Act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Approved January 21, 1916. ILLINOIS CENTENNIAL COMMISSION OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION CAPITOL BUILDING, SPRINGFIELD Dr. Otto L. Schmidt, Chairman, 38 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago. Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber, Secretary. Capitol Building, Springfield. Edward Bowe, Jacksonville. Michael J. Daugherty, Galesburg. Nicholas W. Duncan, LaSalle. EvABTS B. Greene, Oscar W. Eckland, 315 Lincoln Hall, 1114 East 63d St., Urbana. Chicago. Hugh S. Magill, Jr., Royal W. Ennis, Leland Office Building, Hillsboro. Springfield. Otto L. Schmidt, 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Frederic Siedenburg. John Schultz, 617 Ashland Block, Beardstown. Loyola University, Chicago. Thomas F. Scuixt, County Building, Charles H. Starkel. Chicago. Belleville. John E. Traeger, County Building, Chicago. Peter A. Waller, Kewanee. Jessie Palmer Weber, State House, Springfield. COMMITTEES OF THE ILLINOIS CENTENNIAL COMMISSION EVABTS B. Greene, Chairman Committee on Centennial Memorial History, Royal W. Ennis, Chairman Committee on State-wide Celebration. Hugh S. Magill, Jr., Chairman Committee on Celebration at State Capital. Frederic Siedenburg, Chairman Committee on Publicity. Peter A. Waller, Chairman Committee on Centennial Memorial Building. Michael J. Daughebty, Chairman Committee on Historical Statues and Markings. Committee on Centennial Committee on Centennial Memorial History Memorial Building EvARTS B. Greene, Chairman, Peter A. Waller, Chairman, Charles H. Starkel, N. W. Duncan, Frederic Siedenburg, Charles H. Starkel, Royal W. Ennis, Oscar W. Eckland, 0. L. ScHMmT. John B. Tbaegek. Committee on Celebration at Committee on State- Wide State Capital Celebration Hvgu S. Magill, Jr., Chairman, Royal W. Ennis, Chairman, Edward Bowe, M. J. Daugherty, Oscar W. Eckland, N. W. Duncan, John Schultz, John E. Traeger. Peter A. Waller. Jessie Palmer Weber. Jessie Palmer Weber. Committee on Publicity Frederic Siedenburg, Chairman, Thomas F. Scully, Edward Bowe, Hugh S. Magill, Jr., N. W. Duncan. Committee on Historical Statues and Markings M. J. Daugherty, Chairman, Evarts B. Greene, Charles H. Starkel, Thomas F. Scully, John Schultz. Sub-Committees of Committee on Celebration at State Capital Committee on Dedicatory Pro- Committee on Historical Pageant, gram, Hugh S. Magill, Jr., Jessie Palmer Weber, Chair- Chairman, man. Committee on Centennial Expo- sition, Edward Bowe, Chair- man. c A^'.v r.-^ &■/■ etsvly d. ce.nbur/ sJ^o bliei-e. wi>.s Cis.i-^e,(l out or bl2e old l^i'bliwGsb ^crribor/ev. acw sb^be, clG9bii2ecl bo pl^y.b nd\d.a bribes Uidl c(sni&io a breviic and on bisboric SLwi'vgcJ Roc1<\ (bbc bisbor/ or III11201S is ^v^oadGrrul sboi|^ "flcr r<\W proMnes l2c\\)e beconze procJucbiv'G f-lGlds. Pioi2Ger scbblenzeabs I2c\\)g cJevJcloped irabo \?ill^AGS,^xl2d OillivAes ii2bo drcb-b clbiGs. W2e\'e one'hundred yei.rs d.QO on bbe shores oF b^ke MicbiAcsiz sboocl loiielx Fork DG^ sbc>.i?ds OLirArGi\b njcli-opolls. i?o kumd^ri miiid AceabuiyAgo, hovt'cv'Gr povc/erFtil ibs n,T2aAii2Abioii, could biNv>e dreixraed oF bbe tbiiiAs tizcxb I2a\?g b.c\:uc\]\y como, bo pd.ssh Illinois. GrG