.-. ^^Mr.'i - ^^c. V.^'^ -^^Qfe". t^ A^ /^Va:« -^^^ c'?^"' ^j^<=>- "-^^^' 'bV- j-°r*. V.Q' J.*^ ..^''^ ^ * o M o ' O, V*^-'/ .... v^y - - - '^°*- ^. r- ^^ .o.*^ *:ccVa- ^^. ,c>* -s A LIST I OF DESERTERS AND NON-REPORTINU DRAFT ED MEN or Tin: ICTII COiNGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OK P E N N 8 Y L V A X I A. I'KOM Tin; 8i:vEU.\L NATIONAL DRAFTS OF 1803-G4, ARRANGED BY SUB-DISTRICTS AND COUNTIES IN THE ORDER OF THE DRAFTS, ALPHABETICAL INDEX. CII AMiJEiiS B [JRii, VA. I'lUMliJJ AT THE OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN BEl'O'ilTOUV. 18B5, jUl 22 lyob D. Qt 0* E E M A R K S . It will be observed, that this Pamphlet purports to be a "List of Deserters and Non-Rq)orting Di^aftcd Mcn,^' from the several Drafts heretofore made in this District. It is not claimed, therefore, that all are actual deserters. Many persons whose names appear are doul)tless in honorable service, but having gone off from their enrollment districts, and enlisted in other and remote localities, it was impos- sible for the Board of Enrollment to follow and keep ap- prized of their doings. In cases where rumor has brought any information, however vague, with regard to such, a remark has invariably been printed opposite their names. It will give the Board pleasure, at all times, to place these parties right upon the Records of this Office, if they or their friends will take the trouble to furnish satisfactory evidence of the date of their enlistment, and the organi- zation in which they are serving. Then, too, a number may have removed permanently, and in good faith, without appreciating the importance of liaving themselves at once enrolled at their new homes, and forwarding the evidence upon which to strike oft' their names here. All such should communicate at once with this Office, so that the facts may bo nscertained, and a proper decision had in every case. IV, A rowavd of tliirtv dollnrs will ha paid for the nppre-. hension and delivery to the nearest (District) Provost Mar- shal, of eaeli of tlie men named in tliese pages, who shall he held to service as a delin([uent drafted man. It should he knowji and kept in mind, that all persons on tliese lists, who shall hereafter report and he discharg- ed, as well as any who may he discharged after arrest, should preserve carefully, and keep with them, their ex- emption papers, so as to l)e ahle at all times to show officers and others in possession of copies of the lists, that they are no longer j'cgarded as delinquent. GEO. EY8TEE, Cnpf. mid Pro. Mar., 16//' ./)/>/., Po. CUAMUERSBrRG, PeNN'A, \ Fehnian Ist, 1805. <, ADAMS COUNTY. BERWICK TOWXSIIIP.— Sub. Dipt. 1 Draft, August 24, 1863. Names. Wallett Lin\ns Age I Occupation. Remarks. 20lLaborer Lauu-liiiian Alexnii4. 38;Cyarpenter 34 Farmer 22 1 Huckster Noel Amos 1 22 1 Farmer FliEEDOM TOWNSHIP.— tSuu. Disx. 6. Draff, August 24, 1863. Hill John II., (col'd) |26|Laborer i Snyder Adam i20l " | Draft, Jane 3, 1864. Cretin Andrew L. [25'Lal)()rer I Keilly James 1 30: " I Draff, .hi hi 5, 1864. r Frirloughed on ac- j count of recent sick- I ness. Failed to re- import again. Stultz Isaiah II. 41 Fai'iner GEKMANY TOWNSIIir.— Suu. Disx. 7. Draff, AuijKst 24, 1863. Kuert Edward [21[Shoemak'r I Gouger John l25!Lime hu'nr! Draff, Jam 3, 1864. Davis William Me. |20|Laborer | Dnft, June 5, 1864. ,>•, ,M- I.-)^Iat 1- • ^ I r Deserted after lieinu^ Kite.^ Ehas |37|Machunst | -j ^^^^^Cn^^ ^^^^ s Adams coint'^ (i1':TTVSIU'K(; iUUiOlGll.— Su;. Dist. 8. Drnfi, A'Uiust 24, 1864. Names. \k^\ Ocfiijiiitioii. Pii'siilenco. Cull) liufiis K. '20 Student Sai<}t()l»c'in Sig. Col•[»^ ITAMlLTOXiJAX TOvVXSlI li'.— Si n. Dist. DniJ'f, A'Kjtisf 24, 18lw3. JJixuu Williaiii 1!. 21lFariuer Jiuehler John 21 Lulxtrcr Draft, .1(1 in; ;j, 1804. AlalKtry Wni. (curd) j24|Lal)()re'i' j Saunders AFilliaiu |24i "■ Drcft, Xorciiihvr 14, 1804. ISaid to lie ^ick. 10. Izer William 21) Laborer ISIoser Joliu ('. 21 Wao-oniii'i Biesecker l)aui( ■1 32 Slioeniak"] Ander.>^ftu Xatli Ul 39 Laborer leaker Jolin ^X . 37 "•' [rous Jolni 20 Wetzel Jacob 23 Farmer Eyler AVilsou 22 Laborer Anderson Thonijisou 30 Miller Jolni 38 Laborer Shindledeekei- 1 A'Vi 25 '- l>ostiek l*atton 21 - Baker Peter 27 Farmer Baker John E. 36 ci Snider Jackson A. 3o 1.. Baird Ilenrv 24 Laborer Culbertson Tlionias 20 Fanner Draft, Novfinher 28, 1864. Oautfman Isaac j32|Farmer j Strasbauo'b Francis !26!Laborcr I HUNTINGDON TOWNSIIir.— Sub. Dist. 11. Draft, Aaf/ast 24, 1863. Donnelly John IL 28 Clerk Draft, Jane 3, 1.S64. Gehvicks J. II. 23 (Merk ADAMS COUNTY. & LATIMOKE TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. No. 12. Draft, August 2^, 1863. I Age I Occupation. Remarks. Slieetz Jeremiah Gardner Amos Farmer Laborer f Said to have enlist- \ ed since the draft. Said to be in service. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 13. Draft, Awjast 24, 1863. Bronner Joseph |22|Laborer | Said to be a cripple. Draft June 3, 1864. Brougli Jacol) |32[Laborer | Draft, July 5, 1864. AVhitmore Lewis |40|Laborer [Said to be dead. Draft, November 14, 1864. Baker John 24 Laborer BoUing-er Jesse 28 Farmer Sanders Edmnnd 24 Laborer Brett Lewis II. 26 u Said to be a non-res't. Martin William 22 Orendorfl' Joseph 85 Farmer Draft, November 28, 1864. Kready Peter 25 Teacher Gallagher James W. 42 Laborer Finefrock David S. 34 a Hunter Samuel S. 20 (( / Said to be a citizen ( prison 'r in the south. Sanders Daniel 35 (.(, MENALLEN TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 14. Draft, August 25, 1863. Heller George W. |32|Farmer | Deserted after report'g Draft, June 3, 1864. Wank Isaac Howard Edward Boyles James Warn George 2 28 Laborer 24 Farmer 36 Laborer Draft, July 5, 1864. |25|Laborer | 10 ADAMS COUNTY. MOUNT JOY.— Sub. Dist. Draft, August 25, 1863. 15. Names. Age Occupation. | Remarks. Klingel William 34 Shoemak'r Good John 28 Laborer Draft, June 3, 1864. Clark Johu 28 Huckster | Draft, July 5, 1864. Jaeoby Jacob 34 Slioemak'r Deserted after report'g Baker Jacob Saiiiuel 22 Li Said to be in Indiana. Tawney Joliii Jr. 21 Mason Bowers Josiali 34 (( Karns John 35 Laborer McSherry James 28 a MT. PLEASANT TOWNSIIir.— Sub. Disx. 16. Draft, August 25, 1863. Rodenbauglier Frank 1 30 [Farmer Zauble Amos Socks John Creager "William Weaver Rufus Myer Peter Parr Jacob Grupp Peter Shultz Anthony Dougherty John 1 28 1 " iSaid to be dead. Draft, June 3, 1864. Merchant Laborer Cooper Laborer Lime-Bur' Laborer Farmer Deserted after report'g r Claimed Epilepsy, < but failed to produce ( proof as required. Draft July 5, 1864. Yohe George Houck William II. Nace William (col'd) Fink William Laborer Carpenter Laborer Carpenter OXFORD.— Sub. Dist. 17. Draft, August 25, 1863. Gephart Michael Peters Jacob Diehl Samuel R. Fleming Charles Miller Shoemak'r Laljorer ADAMS COUNTY. Draft, June 3, 1864. 11 Names. I Age I Occupation. Remarks. Shane John Emmert John 1 231 Carpenter | Draft, July 5, 1864. 1 20 1 Miller I READING TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 18, Draft, August 25, 1863. Moul Levi |30|Laborer i Earnst Michael |24l " | Draft, June 3, 1864. Eversole Leauder Marks Daniel Davis Hiram Laborer Carpenter Farmer Deserted after report'g Said to be in Tennessee STRABAN TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 19. Draft, August 25, 1863. Shull Samuel |23|Farmer i Snider Philip A. |2l| " | TYRONE TOWNSHIP. —Sub. Dist. 20. Dr Mummart Jonas C. Mummart George Sheets Samuel aft 26 37 42 , June 3, Agent Farmer Laborer 1864. Said to be in Indiana. Said to be in service. UNION TOWNSHIP— Sub. Dist. 21. Draft, AugiLst 25, 1863. Welsh David 28 Laborer # Draft June 3, 1864. Schibert Michael 1 20 [Laborer i Conklin Samuel II. 1351 " I Draft, July 5, 1864. Allen John |221Laborer i BEDFORD COUNTY. BEDFORD BOROUGH.— Sub. Dist. 22. Draft, August 25, 1863.. Names. |Agc| Occupation. Remarks. Mower William Reed, John P. Jr. 132 99 Pedler. Student, I Said to he in Canada. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 23 Ih^aft, August 25, 1863. Supposed to have Teacher Hughes Scott W. Corle Daniel Ickes Mathias Diehl A^ron Bagley Ilenry II. Minnich Jacob Jolmson Moses (col'd) Armstrong Jacob Croyle John Bagley Samuel Beegle Thomas 21 Pauper Laborer Farmer Laborer Machinist Laborer Carpenter a Laborer Farmer been intheSixMo's Service at the time he was drafted. ( Said to be in Alms \ House at Bedford. Said to be sick. Said to have enlisted and gone to S. Car'a. Bes'd after reporting. a u a S'd to have left theDist, Draft, June 4, 1864. Lino Jacob Fearson John (col'd) Butcher Laborer f Said to be in the \ 184th Regt. P. V. Said to be in service. BEDFORD COUNTY. 13 Names. |A§'e| Occupation. Remarks. Croyle Adam Mansfield Joliii Young Peter (col'd') Diehl Daniel B. Smith Jacob Wilson John D) Blackburn Martin Klavenspice Andrew Sill Frederick Lucket Alex'r (col'd) Clubernator Charles L. Brown Thomas J. Zigler Daniel Earnest Adam 24 41 30 22 21 42 Carpenter Wag'onm'j" Laborer Farmer Laborer Said to be a desert- erf m 134th or 138th Rcg'tP. V. Deserted after report'g f Said to be in the \ Army as teamster. Said to be in ]S[evada. Deserted after report'g / Saidtobeinl84t]i \ Reg't P. V. xift, July 5, 1864. 39 39 20 38 36 23 22 27 Laborer Farmer Laborer Blacksm'h Farmer Laborer Naugle Henry Kegg Andrew J. Stair John Wackfoss Conrad MuUer Joseph Thompson James Koons Charles Souers Jacob Fletcher William Colfelt James P. Thompson Samuel Wans Edwin (col'd) Barnhart Abraham Bemiller Joseph 34 36 21 35 33 23 30 23 35 20 40 29 26 99 Saddler Carpenter Parmer Baker Farmer Lal)orer Farmer Said to Said to Draft, September 21, 1864 Weisel William W. 21 Machinist Coile Frederick 35 Cooper Reighard Andrew J. 35 Laborer Bucher Samuel 24 Sauler Wm. B. (col'd) 29 Farmer Beegle Adain 21 l)e m service, be in ITevada. Paid Com'n Juno, '64. Said to be in service. Is at Cumberland, Md. Claims to have substitute in serv'e. Said to lie dead. / Said to be in Gov't \ emplo3' in Tenn'o. 14 BEDFORD COUNTY. Names. |Age OccupatioB. Remarks. Croman Jolm Colbaugli George Beard David Smith Emanuel Beegle Adam Brideham Henry W. Tildon Jackson (col'd) Stiffler Michael Drenning William Cobler George Griffith John Sigler Washington Leasure John Mason Carpenter Farmer Laborer Farmer Said to be in service. Said to be in Nevada. Said to be in service. Said not to be able ^ to walk for 14 years. Carpenter Said to be in service, f Said to be an in- \ sane pauper. Draft, November 14, 1864. r Said to have gone < West, day before no- ( tice was served. Defibaugh Harrison Griffith Jacob Beigle Samuel Claar Henry Laborer Farmer Farmer ( Said to b e in Stark ^ Co., O. Left three ( weeks before draft. Draft, November 28, 1864. Ruby Jackson Beegle Solomon Shinier Benjamin F. Blacksm'h Farmer Laborer Said to have died in service. Said to be in service. Said to be an idiot. BROAD TOP TOWNSHLP.— Sub. Dist. 24. Draft, August 25, 1863. Deserted after report'g O'lSTeill Patrick 24 Miner Shorthill David R. 32 (( Bowen Daniel 35 (( Thomas John 26 Farmer Griffith Thomas 20 Miner Young Oliver 21 Farmer Steel John 28 Miner Ray John 38 u BEDFORD COUNTY. 15 Names. Age Occupation. Remarks. Lehman George M. 33 Carpenter Hammer Jolm J. 23 Blacksm'h. Fraley John 20 Miner ^ Healy James 35 u Roney James 21 Carpenter Ward Thomas B. 31 Plasterer Draft, June 4, 1864. Meek John 26 Farmer Gibb Thomas 30 Miner Donelson Levi 29 Laborer Said to be in service. Malone John S. 22 Shoemak'r James John 30 Miner Thomas Josepli 30 a Smith George 37 it Said to be in service. Pierson Thomas 30 u Anderson George W. 26 Carpenter Said to be inTaylor t'p Love James 22 Farmer James Edward 35 Miner Melton Henry 22 a Blythe David 30 u Glass John 24 u Shore Enoch 29 Carpenter Spicer 25 Laborer O'Neal Jolm 22 Miner Gregory James 20 Carpenter Spicer Daniel 26 Coachmk'r Hardie James 37 Miner Edwards John 23 Farmer Dr aft July 5, 1864. Kelly Michael 25 Miner James William 34 u James David 35 ii Stevenson William 35 a Miller Henry 26 Shoem'ker Miller Andrew 26 Miner Lewis AYilliam T. 27 a Beltz Andrew J. 20 Teacher Hamilton Wilson 21 Machinist Teeters John W. 34 Miner Kelly Michael 25 u Donaldson AndreAv 30 Farmer Bitner Andrew J. ■32 Miner 16 BEDFOKD COUNTY. COLEliAm TOWNSIIIP.— Sub. L>lst. 25. Draft, August 25, 1863. Names. Age Occnpation. Remarks. Smouse James Kiunanioii George 21 Teacliei- " At tlie time of this draft Colerain and Snake Spring t'ps, - constituted one Siil)- Dist. — Smouse is of Snake Spring, and ^was reported sick. Draft, June 4, 1864. Boyd William Drenning William Dield Isaac Vauglian John W. Keely James Shoemak'r Carpenter Blacksm'h. Shoemak'r Carpenter. Said to be in theWest S'dtobeinSdPa.Art. Said to have gone West last Fall.^ Beegle Daniel Millburn William Kegg Levi Draft Jt(hj 5, 1864. Laljorer Plasterer Tailor Said to be in service. Draft, September 21, 1864. Sliafcr Geoi'ge Bittinger Jacob Shafer Jacob Corle Martin Diehl Nicholas Croyle Daniel Gilliam Michael McDaniel William Sellers Jacobs Diehl Joab Shafer Josiah Earnest William Pepple eTosiah Bingham William McEldowney Hezek'h Williams Samuel D. Farmer Laborer Farmer Blacksmith StoneMas'n Laborer Farmer u Farmer Farmer StoneMas'n Farmer Miller Clerk Said to be in the West. Said to be dead. Said to be in service. Furloughed to get proof of minority. — Failed to rep't again. SaidJJtobein^theAVest. f Was in 100 Days' \ Ser'eatjtime of draft. fiKDFOKl) COUNTY. Drafts Nocanhcr 14, 1864. 17 UDies. |Age Harkelroad Jacob 135 Ott Francis 1 20 Boston John (col'd) |3o Occupation. Carpenter Farmer f Said to have l)een \ killed in the service. Diehl Levi May Nathaniel C Draff, November 28, 1864. !20!Farnier I 1261 SNAKE SPlilNG.— Sujj. Disx. 25i Draft, Jane 4, 1864. Fetter John Ramsey George (col'd) McName George F, Plowden Benj'n(col'd) 23: Blacksmith 23 Laborer Fuller Laborer Said to be in service. Said to be in service. Draff, JaJjj 5, 1864. llerj'ington Dennis Diehl Joel 34 Laborer C^ooper Draff, Sepfe)nber 21, 1864. Friend Cliristian Koontz Peter of J. Little Philip Stoutenour Samuel Laborer Farmer Laborer Said to be in service. Draft, November 14, 1864. Mortimore Joseph P. j36|Farmer i Harkelroad Benj. F. |25lLaborer | CUMBERLAND VALLEY.— Sub. Dist. 26. Draft, August 25, 1863. Miller Jeiterson Wertz David Cunder Wm. (col'd) Lantz Dennis Henser Jesse Wertz Joseph Reed Lewis (col'd) Growden George Trout John C. Farmer a Laljorer Farmer Laborer Carpenter / Said to have enlisted \ since draft. j Said to have enlisted \ since draft. Draft, June 4, 1864. Laborer Farmer iSaid to be in service. |S'd to be liv'g inSaxton 18 BEDFORD COUNTY. 40 !20 Names. Voole John W. Welsh John . Boor AYilliam Warren Xniirod(cord)j 28 21 35 43 30 23 24 25 jAge| Occupation. Remarks. '41 ! Blacksmith Wertz Emanuel Wertz Henry lianev Patrick Brant Francis A. Morgart Peter Brant Grafton Defibangh Ilenrv i Miller John P. Miller Henry Elliott James Norris John W. Woltbrd Daniel Bruner Duncan Zembower James Yauts Dennis Miller Samuel Carpenter Farmer Laborer a Carpenter Farmer Farmerj : r Furloughed to reco- -< verf'm recent illness ( Failed to rep't again Said to be in ^SlarylVl. Said to be in service. Supposed to be in Me in Ohio. 23 43 36 21 34 20 Draft Noreiiiher 28, 27 Farmer n |25' 30| i20! H. 21 S'd to have died in ser'e Said to 1)0 in Ohio, Said to 1)0 in service. LS(;4. More:art Samuel 32 Dicken (J. M. S. 21 If this 1)0 the same Sam'l Morgart who Uves in Colerain t"p, he is exempt, a sub- stitute having been furnished. Said to be in Ohio. 20 BEDFORD COUNTY. Names. Age| Occupation. Remarks. McFerraii James 20 Farmer Hook Elias 23 Laborer Clowdeii Jacob (eol'd) 44 a j Probably Plowden. \ Said to be in service. Hudson Hosea 32 Physician Said to be in service. McCoy Jolm 30 Farmer ' Richey Geo, of W Feight Daniel Rouzer William Conrad George Rile}^ Benjamin Badgley Joseph Fragcy John College George Foor John T.^ EAST PROYIDEI^CE.— Sub. Dist. 27. Draff, August 26, 1863. Said to have o-one to Farmer Ohio. Draff, June 4, 1864. Deserted after report'g Farmer a Laborer Farmer Said to be in service. " " in the West. Mellott William Richey Levi [21 Chamberlain Jacob 129 Richev Adam 31 Draff, July 5, 1864. |22|Laborer Farmer Carpenter Draff, tSepfember Barnitz Lemuel Barnitz William Peck David McDaniel Amos Conner Isaac Koons John H. Rice Samuel Stailey William A. Richey Jacob of M. Dunlap John Hinish Henry Eshelman Samuel Smith Lewis Carnes Jacob Foor Lucius Farmer 21, 1864. Said to l)e in Ohio. S'dtobeonBroadTop. Said to be dead. Blacksmith Laborer Farmer Said to be in service. Said to be dead. Said tobe inW.Prov.tp Said to be dead. Said to be in service. BEDFORD COUNTY. Draft, November 14, 1864. 21 jAgej Occupation. Remarks. Ketsinger George j 33 i Carpenter ISaid to be dead. " Draff, November 28, 1864. Clark William 1 25 [Farmer iSaid to be dead. J^ycum William 1 21 1 " [Said to be in service. HARRISON TOWJ^SIIIP.— Sub. Dist. 28. Draft, August 26, 1863. Barman John Fauble Augustus Elder James Clark John 1 27 [Laborer j Draft, JvMc 4, 1864. 20 Farmer C'ook Joseph M. Taylor eTeremiah Bletz Samuel ( Supposed to be at < I^ew Albany, Maho- (ning CO., Ohio. Said tojbe in the West. / Said to be in service \ at jS'ashville. Laborer Deserted after report'g Draft, June 5, 1864. i27iBIacksmith ISupp'd tobe in Juniata Draft, September 21, 1864. Cyphers John Leonard John Dull John Hardman Shannon Stihl Jacob Watters David Nicodemus Joseph Miller Elijah Knepper Oliver Keyser John Comp Solomon Huglies Baley 26 26 43 29 39 Farmer Farmer Teacher Shoemaker, Farmer Blacksnuth Said to be in the West Said to be in Maryl'd. Said to be in service. K there be not two persons of the same name in the town'p, this man has paid commutation. ( Said to be in serv'e < and tohavep'dcom- ( mutation. S'd to have died in serv. 22 BEDFORD COUNTY. Braft, November 14, 1864. I Age I Occupation. Remarks. I Said to be in Marvl'd. Style Jaeol) 120 Laborer Diehl John 26 Beniia Lewis 24 Farmer Knoiiff Jeremiah 23 " Draft, November 28, 1864. Whiteliiie Nicholas * 4l!Farmer Said to be deranged. May David Bowles John 20 HOPEWELL TOWis'SIIir.— Sub. Dist. 29. Draff, Auf/ust 26, 1863. College George H. j22| Teacher j Livingston Snmnel |22lLaborer jDeserted after report'g Draft, June 4, 1864. White John Wliite George Cooper Laborer Sage David (col'd) |36 Francis Charles |36l Draft, September 21, 1864. Hefther James Grove Samnel •Ross Joseph Heed William Miller Fredei-ick 28iBoss i32iLaborer I ! I j i36|Farmer 34 Collier 36Car]K'nto Donaldson Benjamin j.34iLaborer Broadstone Jacob N. iSlJFarmer j24!Laborei- Shafer Josiah Stillinger Michae! Nicelv Christian Hefther Samuel 1211 26 Brakesman j 431 Farmer Rath John Gladwcll George W. 1 24: Laborer Dunlay Jeremiah 33 Mollnev ThomaK 24 Saidto be in Michig'n. ( Said to have been < in 100 Days' Serv'e ( at time of draft. ( Said to have been 1 1 in 100 Days" Serv'e I (at time of draft. f Said to have enlist- , \ ed after draft. ; ( Said to have been I I in 100 Days' Serv'e I ( at time of draft. Said to be inLil)erty t'p jSaid to be in service. {Said to be at C'Ove Station, Hunt. Kn COUM Y. 23 JUNIATA TOVVNSlill'.— «UB. Dl^t. 30. Draft, Am/ust 26, 1863. |Age| Occupation. Remarks. Luman Barney Imgrund AndreAV Bovlau John Baselioar Georg"c Shafer Jackson Lehman Samuel J). Frazger John H. Filson George Ludwig Martin Kmsey Benjamhi F Corlej Josepli Kinsey William S. McCrary Stephen Lafterty Edward Adams Samnel Smith Daniel Spiser Frank Adams John Burns Jolni Frazger William Shafer Hngli Allen Lewis Skelly. Abraliam Geller Jesse Kinsey Scott 1 40 [Farmer I20I " Draft., Jam 4, 1864. Farmer 20 30 28 25] 8li i25|Farnier 33iLaborer Farmer 20 28! ;34j :26^ Draft, July 5, 38 1 Farmer 31 !35 136 33 Miller 28 Farmer i28! 41 Sides Lewis 22 AVambaugh Lewis 25 Riflae Peter 37 Distiller Ellenberger John |36|Labore]* Ellenberger William :24;Farmer Bedelbrun Lecas !23l " Beltz Andrew 20 ! *' Bolrancr Eli?,* (cord) f Said to beat Portt^- \ mouth, Scioto CO., O. f Said to be at Tipton, \ Cedar co., Iowa. Said to be an Epileptic, f Said to haye been ill \ at time of draft. 1864. [Deserted after report 'g ( Supposed to be the ■< same asW. S . Ki n sey ( S'd to be anEpileptic r Claim'dnon-resid'c. -< Failed to furiush ev- ( idence as required. 24 JiKlU-'OKl) COL\MY DraJ't, Sepf ember '21, 1864. Names. I Age I Occiipation. Ellenberger (-Teoi-ge Kingler Frank Kiiisey Dewald Flamming- Michael Smith John G. Hillegass Jacob Moyer David Coughenoiir James Slianefelt Jo.seph Keyser John Miiler John Brant John McCollof Thomas AkelherryWashingt'n McFarn John Tricker Benjamin F. Beard David Miller John Stroup Frederick liickey Michael Hochard Matliias Farmer Laboi'er Farmer Miller Farmer Said to be dead. Said to be in the West. Said to be in the West I'robably Brunt, Said to be in service. Said to be in the West. a u Draff , ^ November 14, 1864. Burket Jacob 20 Laborer Said to be in service Smith Solomon 20 a a a a AVyant Adam 29 a Strupman Augustus 35 Tailor May Daniel G. 36 Farmer Hillegass Henry 28 (( a it ii Lafferty John 34 a Ilochard Simon 27 a Draft i^ hvember 28, 1864. Warner Andrew 27 Farmer Beltz Daniel E. 25 Teacher Said to be in service Kegg John F. 35 Blacksmith Spicer John 21 Farmer Streng Lewis 25 a Hide John 24 urket William 23 " Harden John 25 u t^hroyer Daniel Willason Jacob Draft, i^cpternbir 21, 1864. Devore Greenbn]T Smith Jesse Moser iN'athan Lodgson Joh]i E. Simpson Ganze (col'd) Boor John T. Steer Augustus Shrover Jacob Jjeeber Daniel Albright Jacob L. Lowrey Franklin Wilhelm Samuel L. Lewis Robert (col'd) Harden John Luman Aaron Farmer Lal)orer Farmer 37 24 "■ 20 Lal)orer Farmer 41 Cooper Lal)orer 23iFarmer 35 28 26 25 23 Green Casper JS". (col.) j 23 Farmer Laborer Draft, November f Said to to be in Stan- \ ton, Clay co., Ind. S'dtohavediedin serv May be in Virginia. rXanie prob'lytrans- < ferred. Said to be ( in Cumberland, ]Md. S'd to be inCumb. , Md. i Said to have been s sick at the time he : ( was ordered to rep't. Said to be in Iowa. Cook Samuel 20 Porter Leonard 37 Porter Moses of Evan 24 Burley Thomas 21 Stufts David 37 Miller Andrew J. 38 Boon Sanmel |20 Johnson Charles IL |43 Farmer Laborer 14, 1864. Said to be in service. Minister Laliorcr Farmer Shafer Ils'athan Suiith Solomon i37jMiller 20; Laborer f Said io Im: at Seal}) ( Level, Candtria co. , ( Said to base been ( killed in service. Said to be in the West. REDFORI) COUNTY. 27 Draft, November 28, 1864. Names. |Agc| Occupation. Greene Jacol) K. R. Boor Peter Logson Samuel Boiiiiell AVilliam Hoy man Samuel Hi ley Daniel Ilvsuno; .Tolin '25 1 24 21 41 20 22 85 Lal)orer Miller Laborer Farmer Laborer Farmer Mulatto: said to be at Mt. Sa^'age, Md. Said to beonB'dTop. Said to be in Maryl'd. Said to l)e in the West. MIDDLE WOODBURY.— Sub. ])i8t. m. Draft, Auf/ust 23, 1863. Brown Clirintian B. |21 Strayer Jacol) ! 23 Da.slier Alexander 21 Steel John A. 33 McAleer Charles 30 Barley Jackson i21 Robinson Samuel 122 I Hoover Philip II. 34 Maun Samuel 22 Kauft'man Jose])!) 21 Dell Peter 21 Dempsey James 28 Xelson John 33 Laborer Farmer Manufact'r. Miner Farmer Laborer Farmer Cooper Farmer Miner Collier Deserted after report'^ / Said to have enlist- \ ed after di-aft. j Said to be lame and \ a non-resident. Said to be aPai-alytic. Said to ])e a con- lirmed cripple. Myers Jacob Perkins Steplien Draft, June 4, 1864. USljCollier jPro])ab]v in service. t39iBlacksm'h | Draft, Septcrnher 21, 1864. Glenn Josiah Ober Daniel Strayer Samuel Appleman Samuel .rustice Jesse Croft Jeremiah Ross Charles Hoover Peter Wilen Jacob Potter \Yilliam 24 [Teacher 28 i Farmer 35l 36 1 " 35|Lal)orer 24!Keeper 291 Miller 27 1 Teacher 39Teamste; 29'Miller Said to be in service. Said to be in service. i*8 BEDFOTU) OOrXTY. Names. |Ajs^ft| Occiipatiflu. T]'iml>atli Jainos W Carper William S. Dick Mieliao] Mitclu'll Ilcnrv Reed Nathaniel P. Appleiiian Jnlni Drollino-er Eiios Sraitli Jacob N. Jr. Flaiig'h Augustus; McClain George Dolan James Clopper llenrv Me.ssiier Jolm Blake Eastoii Ilartman Fran k Tn i Smith Jacoh McGreo-or William Stall William Ilolling-er Jacob Madder ( 'harles '21 'Farmer j30lMiner I30! 8] Contract! ))• 120 !27 Miller Farmer Miner [22 |2.3' 22 "■ |4l! ' 30 j Laborer M 121 !21 Moulder Mechanic Farmer 42 1 Teamster 28k\)llier 21 'Farmer 44! Collier llciiiarks. i Sujjposed to be at 1 some Ii'on Works. I Said to be at Per- 1 rvville,Ashl'dco.,r). ( Saidtol)e intheWest -< Probably at Lanark, (Carroll (-o., III. Said to be i n Pittsbn rg. An Irishman. Said to be in the West. }Nameprobal>ly Sam'l. I Said to l)e in se]■^•iee. Detvviler John Imler ITriah Ells Jolm Carper David L Farrey Jolm B. Metz John C Drr/ff, Xomnhrr 14, 1864. OI/1 ^, „ f SaidtobeinSWood- 04 ( ooi)er ■'■,-, TT 11^ ! i ' I I bury or Hopewell tp. !23jLaborer Said to be in Napier tp. 32 Mason 20|Farmer , 371 In ckster IDeserted after report'g j I I r Lives in a place call- '36 Chairmak'r -^ edthe 'IIarbor,'inE. I or WestProvid'e tp. ArONROE TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 34. Draff, AHrjvaf 26, 1863. Mills Isaiah Markler Henry, Jr, .Tones Willinm 1 25 I20 Lal)orer Farmer 22iLaI>oror ! r Fniloughed on ac- i -^ count of injuiy. — I (Failed to rep't again. I ( Deserted after re- ' < portino-. Said to be dead. ' BEDFORD COUNTY. Names. Stoiier ('lii'ist()]>lu'r 2J:} Agej Occupation. | Remarks. ! ( Case continued tor : j< evidence wliieli was I j ( never su])])lied. Draft, Jane 4, ISiU. Wagoner Hteplien Pennell Tlionias Blankley Joal) \"anstine Jolni l^ayton Barton \Vliitaker Jonathan O'Xeal Phili]. j42:Faniier I23 '' 120; ^2l| - 37| - 201 30' ilSaid to l)e in service. f kSaid to be at York, \ Montgonierv co., (). Said to be in service. 8 aid to l)e dead. Braff Jiil;i 5, 1864. iranks William Winter Jose])li Moris David Layton Wesley 35 j Lveh Samuel 27j Felton Peter 1 20 1 Davis Mason |23| iIoopeni>-arden ITenrvJ30 Fletcher David ' |31{ i I Conner David • j24j j I McDaniel Williaiii |20l ; 21 j Farmer i 30 'Carpenter ' Draff, Sepfemhrr 21, 18(14. 26iFarnier : Said to be in service. Said to be in ser\'ice. [ Furlonghed on ac- 1 •( coimtofinjury, Fail- 1 ( ed to rep'tas requii*'d ■Said to lie in service. Miller hartley Stuckey A])raliam Gar lick Abraham O'Xeale Joab Keel (leorgc Roberts Georg-e Evans Thomas (Joii'lev Samuel Drafts Noremhrr 14, 18(;4, 20iFarmer 30; 22! " 29i 35l 20J " 20! " 2oiBlacksmith Said to be in service. Draft, Novcmher 2S, 18G4, McDaniel Daniel |21!Farmer I NAPIER TOWNSHIP.- -Sub. DiST, 80 7) roft, A /f/ast 26, 1863. llinton William 'iSOjL iborer iSaid t UKDIOKI) ColNl^' SlMlEIJ.SlUlid UOROl'dll.— Su;. Disr. ih\. JJnij'f, June 4, 1(S()4. Names. Asfe; Occupation. ! lleniarks. ( Fiii'Ioiiti'licd on a((^'! Davis Kphraiin ofi-ec'tilbrs: slioiiM ( n'[)"t tor final cxaiu'n Dr"ff, JhI;i T), 1SH4. i>rooiubiiu/7//'/, A>i laker Edward 135 Weaverling Stephen j37 (Uark Zaehariah |35 Tlill Morgan Manspeaker Joliii C^abinetrn'r. C'Ooper Blacksmith 22 Fai-mer 33i Probably Blaher Said to l)e in service. Said to l)e in service. Helmet John Leader David ^24 j24| Carpenter jMay be Lcasni-c Draft, November 14, 1864. Afortimore Alexander! 20 ^Farmer I ! Moo-le George. ! 20; Laborer J Eei)orted dead. — \ Xamemay bel^agle. Frv Henrv (col'd.) 127 Trice David |21 Clarke John i24 Drift, November 28, 1864. Laborer Farmer Said to be in service. Said to be dead. Said to be in service. BLOODY RUX.— Sub. Dipt. 40^. Draft, June 2, 1864. Klaher Herman I'eddicord Frankli Sparks Abraham 127 Laborer 1 20 Cal)inetm'r. Saidtobc in service. 124 Carpentei' f Said to be in Wyo- [ net. Bureau co.. 111. Draft, Jnhi 4, 1864. Weimer Joseph !23,Blacksmith j Ramsey Jeremiah 34lSh()emaker.i j 1 I r Claimed non-resid'e M r-- 11 T 1 A oo!\r- • 4- • Was furlo'd to pro- AlcKuidless Jolm A. i28'.Mmister |< i . -, v ^ j ! j j (luce evidence. JNot ■ (^ since hearli (col'd) Age! Occupation. •i^lLaborer 38i 40' Lewis William (cor(l)j25 Deariiig William S. Sanders Joslma (t'oPd) MeLitire Uohevt W. 25 27; 21/ Draft, Norci/ihf 14, LSH4. Drover Laborer (looshoru David |34ri^'iiiter ILirvey John l-SSiLaborer Mague William I). 22 Junkins James S. j27 Ileekman Albert |28 llockenberrv Morrow 43 (Taston AVilliam A. 120'Farmer Gamble Xatban C^ i20|La1:)orer Rowls John H. 38 StoneMas"ii Zigler Price 20 Laborer C'rawtbrd James 31 Physician Piper Wilson 33 Farmer Fortnev Solomon 37 Laborer Mills Thomas M. 28 Farmer llockenberrv John S. 35 Laborer Long: Abraliam D. 28 Shoemaker : Draft Novcraher 28, 1864. 125 Ilockei d) eri'V D enny Fagan William Penn Linn Ilngh W. Ci'onse Michael Campljell Jolm Stake Jolm Steward Simon Fagan William S. Doyle Dominiek llockenberrv John Wilson Matthew 0. (Ingston Jefferson L.:21 Ervin Joseph j20 Steward David 23 Stake A\llliam i29 Laborer Tinner Laborer Tanner Laborer 33iFarmer 24 Laborer 36 Farmer 44 42; Shoemaker Lal)orer Farmer Laborer StoncMas'n iDeserted after rejiort'g Said to be in Ohio, KKANKLIX COUNTY. 41 Dnijl^ Dcriiihn- 2:5, 18c]\jaiiiiii (colM) 22i '^ 1 (liiiiaven Joliii O. 23! >[aivyK()bert (colM) 20; Seilici-t Xatliau '' Wilson .James M. 20:\\'a,u'i)iima"r b'ortiicy Saiinu'l 22 Lahoi'er l*ars()]i Franklin D. 24 Donelly William M. 2(» Student RiMiiark GKEEX T()\VXS1[1L\— Sii;. Disx. 15. Unfff, AiuiHst 28, 1863. JJrooks.lolm Al.(cord) !22'Laltorer \ Uussell James (eoPd) 21: Uussell Elklumna 2(5 lilacksmith ; Shawallow Thomas 30 Laborer i ]ieeklGy(Teorge(eord) 2.")! GUILFORI) TOWXSinP.— Sin. Disr. 40. Drxff, Aiupisf 28, 1803. Smith Ueuhen (cord) |24Jjaborer ' Hill .lames (eoTd) 20 Donelly Patriek ;23i Sellers' Amos ,] . '20 Blaeksmitli Uitner Havid 3S Farmer i T()ll)ertAVilliam(e(.rd) 30 Laborer JiessiekslJeo.ir.fcord) 21 i HAMILTON TOWNSHIP.— Si j;. Dist. 47. J>,uiff, AiKjiist 28, 1803. A rnistronii" l)a\'id 24 I^aborer Hanks.lames li. (eoPd) 21 ... , ,. ., J-, rn 1 f Fiirlom-'li'd and fail- Ward Da-vid 21 1 eaelier . , , '^ , I ed to report. • laekson Wm. (cord) 2S Ijab(»rer 24 Draft Mi(>i ■.^{), I SOL Newman .lolin (eolM) 24jLaborer Stilzcl I)a)iiel 28:Sa\vyer Dosertodaftor roport'ju; 42 FHAXKLIN COUNTY Draft, Jahj 19, 1864. Names. ■ Age Oecupation. \ Remarks. W^illiams Jame8(cord) 30 Laborer Care lEcnrv 22 (.i Strike Reuben 23 Carpenter Keilv Henry 42 Fanner Martin DaA'id 27 4( Howe John 29 Cooper LETTERKEXXY TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 48. Bnift, August 28, 1863. Thonuis William 23 Laborer 20 Carpenter i ,^ ! f S'd to be in the West Farmer -' - Fortna Cosmos K. S[»reelier Lewis II 22 Kite John of J. Lhigle Christian Sehrader Michael I*. Mim Jeremiah MeCreary Daxid Ilepfer John M. Oeker John j \ Likely in the serv'e Bruft Maij 30, 1864. •^'^ Farmer Said to be in the West. Laborer j Cripple. Shoemaker j Deserted after re[»ort'g Laborer ■ '' Draft, July 19, 1864. , 35jLaborer '20I " 23; 37 137 i20 LURGAN TOWI^SIIIP.— Sui). Di^t. 49. Draft, August 28, 1863. Coleman Adam 1 23 i Cooper I Myers Christian 23JFarmer j Patterson Robert 25i Carpenter Cilles Charles (eol'd) |23iLaborer | Draft, 3Iay 30, 1864. Cipedohn [38 [Mason [ Dr(ft, July 19, 1864. Rhone Xoah !36!Laborer ! METAL TOWXSIIIF.— Sn;. Dist. oO. Draft, May 30, 1864. Martin Jeremiah |24lFarnier i Deserted after report g Wilson William M. I20^ " 'S'dtol)einArkansas. FRANKLTX COUNTY. Draft, Noranbcr 14, 1864. 43 Names. I Age I Occupation. Remarks. Allen Joliii Hartmire Jacob Giles Thomas iSniitli George (col'd) Ivoseiiberry Daniel Laborer Farmer Laborer I Said to be in service. Farmer 'Deserted after i-eport'i Draft, November 28, 1864. Taylor James i40iFori>:eman ! MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 51. Draft, August 28, 1863. Grosh David Plireaner John II. Myers Matthew Peterson "VVm. (col'd) Baxter Wm. 0. Carson Ely (col'd) Carson Elias (col'd) IlattawayJas.S. (col'd) Pensinger William TL Lawson David Niswander Joseph Groll Levi Swisher George W. |20' " I P»urgess.Ton'a!i(col'd)l32| " Draft, Ma// 30, 18(54. DIair Martin j20jLal)orer j ilaggie Daniel (col'd);22 " 'Said to be In the West. Whitmoi-e Abraham i27| " j '' Draft, July 10, 1864. Strock Henry |35[Farnier | Tlavs Edward !43Miller Said to l)e in Illinois. 20 Lal)orer 20 (( 24 a 28 a 26 Coachmak'r 28 Laborer 20 u 21 a 21 Miller 28 Farmer 23 Laborer 90 ti. I'ETERS TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. :^2. Draff, AuguM 29, 1863. ( Jrimes John [21 ILaborer Sprinkle elacob (col'd) 21 (^iff Samuel (Vorrl)l23| Ibirgcr .b)lin 2.V(\v>]ier 44 FRANKLIX COUNTY. Draft, Mdji 30, 1864. Names. Agci Occupation. | Remarks. Sowers David 26 \ Laborer ' Deserted after report\ii" Potter Henry J. 22 Fanner Said to be in service. McLellan H()bt. L. -21 - " '' Draff, Jnhj lO, 1864. Phoenix Tlios. (('ord)!20 Laborer Said to be in service. Ovler ITenrv 2o| " | " " " (iUTXCY TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 5:J. • Drafi, Atn/usf 29, 1863. Knepper Andrew J. 20 Laborer Pentz Harrison 25 " Sn])M to be in scr\'iee. (^-ejis James (\ 23 Cooper Draft, Maij 30, 1864. Xuneniacker Benj'n 30 Laboi'er I FnrloM to ii-et]»roof Miller David AL i36lCarpenter -^^ of Epilepsv. Failed I \ (to retnrii. Pogne John 36|Forgeman ; Mentzer Wm. of J. 120; Laborer I'atterson West(eol'd)|3li " ' Ilellane Daniel {24jCV)oper Deserted arierre])ort'ii' Draft, Jiihi 19, 1864. Strasner Paul j 221 Laborer Thoni])son John i35t " ST. THOMAS TOWNSHIP.— Srn. Dist. :,4. Draft, Aur/ust 29, 1863. Ta y1 or JosejJ i i 23 \ Shoemaker, t Martin William l22!Laborer Des'd after reportin"-. SOUTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. .35. Draft, Aagust 29, 1863. P>yers Joseph ;28|Miiler [ Draft, May 30, 1864. Ilnll John (eol'd) i33;Laborer Hoo-an Oharles (eoJM) .34 " i FUANKIJX COFNTV 4/1 Draft Jidtj 19, 1864. I Age I Occupation. [ Roinarlvs. Snyder Joliii A.J. 22|Co'chTrimi- Cooper Thomas (cord) 25! Laborer Alexander Levi (<.'ord)j2l' " CJiiie Robert l28iFarnier McXeal Joint 80 Laborer ; Luekett Jolm (colM) 8:^ WARTIEX T()A\^XSni]\— SrT5. DrsT. Droft, Mi 80, 1864. Shirk ireiirv |21iLaborer i MeCleary George ; 231 Shoemaker ] AVard A'cqiiilla' 86|Farmer | Draft, Xorrnihcr 14, 1864. Siiffieoll We.slev ' 22^ ! Peck Philip ■ i80| ; Tanner Jacob '21;Tanner I Veakle Emanuel 25|Laborer j Phenecie Stephen L. 85iFarmer i r){j. Fritz Levi ITewet Jacob C. Phenecie William \l AH Her Denton Keefer Alartin fjong- Michael J\^ck Jerome Draft, November 28, 1864. ;22!Laborer i21i " 271 " 1 20 1 Farmer 20 Laborer Draft, December 23, 1864. i83|Farmei- i 199! a WASHTNOTOX TOWXSIIIP.— Sub. Dist. Draff, Au(/usi 29, 1863. Masters John 22 Laborer ^i Iligli Jacob \). 25 Cabinetm'r.l Kittle A\"illiam (coPd) 28 Laborer Butler John (coPd) i27[Ostler .)ohu John II. i 20 1 Cooper (\)r(h'1l .lohn '20 Laborer 46 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Names. Bouchet Joseph Delph Michael M. Beard Lewis F. Waddle Henry J. Jackson Charles Tracy David C. Tweedy Robert • Needy Jacob Hall William Hoof Milton Davis Robert Draft, May 80, 1864. I Age I Occupation. Stonecutt'r. Laborer Farmer Laborer Draft July 19, 1864. Laborer Drover Cooper Laborer Desert'd after report'^. WAYNESBORO'.— Sue. Dist. 57*. Draft, Majj 30, 1864. Overfield Addison 1 24! Teacher IDeserted after rept'g. Lambkins Benj.(col'd)l25lLaborer I Draft, July 19, 1864. Hoke William |20 Was^onm'r j Rider Francis S. 1 22 1 Shoemaker. Miller James W. 30'Blacksm'li FULTON COUNTY. AYR TOWNSHir.— !SuB. Disi. Draft, August 29, 1863. Names Occupation. Tlioiiias John .l*ittinan James Thomas Moses (cord)j28| Thomas John (cord)! ' 128Lahorer 125 .38. Remarks. Sowers Jacolj Lanvre Adam I'ittman Qeorge of A Sowers John, Jr. Baehtel PhiUp Payh)r WiUiam Peck Moses Ilarr David Gorden John Farrenhurg Samuel l?ine A8l)nrv Everts Samuel Gordon John d. Nelson Joliu, Jr. ( -raig A. J. Pittman Daniel Draft, Si'pfciiiljcr |25|Lal)orer i 31 'Farmer 25l 27 28 35 34 20 29 42 32 39 24 20 33 33 Lai )orer Deserted after report'g Said to be in service, f Sui>pos'd to he same I \ as Moses Thomas. 19, 1864. Farmer a Lahorer Farmer Lahorer Farmer Carpenter Farmer /))€ 3, 23 Lal»orer 30 Farmer 26|Lahorer 1 36 Farmer 21 'Laborer — Sub. Dist. 1864. 59. 48 KILTOX COLNTV. Names. ^lellott Westlev Mellott Abner " Smith Barteiniur Sipe Ileiirv Cruthers Isaac Plasino-er Joliii Draft, J,il;i ;•), 1864. ;Age Occupation. ' Remarks 21 Laborer 30 Fanner ■34 28 22 Laborer 26 Farmer Driift-, Stptv.inhcr 10, 1S64. Foimer Lenjamiii Fi.slier Amos Peek Peter of H. C' Everts Isaac Peck David Garland Jacob Mellott Jeremiali (Garland Moses Clark Thomas AValtz Dennis Mellott Joseph Everts John hjnnth JacoV) Smitli George Knnvan Plieneus Lake Daniel Evans David Stair David liyiich David Wink Al)ner Everts I^^aac Morgret Dennis (Jreairrv Joab Mellott Daniel Mallott J)avid IL TiMiax John (\)rrell Caleb i*la.-iiiu-er S(dumon 23 Farmer 28, 33 Laborer 20 Farmer 36; 34- 31 Laborer 25 Farmer 36 Laborer 20 Farmer i28 Laborer 32 Farmer 30 23; 30 26 JJrti/f, Xorc/ii/x r 22 FaiMiier 22 26 21 29 20 Farmer 14, 1864. 27 39 24 Laborer 30 Wagon m'r. 23 Laljorer iJnifl^ Xorc/i/ur 2>!, 1864. Mellott Aloaloiii 24 Kariiier l>i^l^mg Powell W. ;'>.") Laborer Kline John of (Sam'l) 2.j Farnu-r 'I'riiax Samuel 26 " Fletcher Jo?>epli ,36|Tanner EvertR Joliii ,36 Laborer I'lL'I'O.N COUXTV. 49 JJETIIEL ToW:N'«lliJ.'.— «LiJ. Di^L Draft, Aiiijiist 29, 1863. (JO Names. Occupation. Reraarics. Smitli \Villiam Wink Ileiirv Mason (4eorg'e -Mann John Wilson Thoina: Dciici'ii HaliZLT 11. Ijaiuliart Abiier Laytoii Isaac liicliards David I);!i-nliaj'(l tSainuc! (' Marvin George Sniitli Jolm II. Deneen Jacob Winters Amos (iarland George IMasinger Jacol) Xorris dames i )eneeu JosL'[(h Kislu'r George Tvsou William Skives Da_yton U Winter Levi Lvncli W^esley Trnax Benjamin Simmons Jo'un Said to be in service. Deserted after report' 1864. Said to be in service. Des'd after reporting. 22 Jjaborer 23 30 Boatman 20 j Laborer :25!Boatman Drnff, Jniie 8, ioli Laborer j40 1 Farmer I20: |24 Laborc'i" 27 25. - J25! '■31iGar]ienl(.T 25 28 41 Farmer 22 Lal>oiH'r Dvriji, .J>il>i :., 18b' 1. '22 Lahore r 43 Farmer 40iLahorei- '21i " 32Farmer 43 33C'ar})enter '21 Lal).orer ' Dnift, Sepfnnher 19, 1864 ler Benja.min 21ILaborer 22 22 31 40^^ - 35 Tan tier 25 36 Boatman 20 Lahorer 30 Paperhaiigr, 23:Farnier ^ I Deserted after report' Farmer W light William Smith Silas ( Jinger Andrew Laiiihart Aimer Whisler Ghristian Diehl Boston Harmon .Jacob Da ling Jolm ( '0011 -W^illiam Hart Abner Flowers AVilliam 44'Laborer lloopengardner Jonas 28 Farmer 7 Deserted a tier rei tort u' Fur'diVi'aird to rcLuri A' 50 FULTON COUNTY. Names. | Age Occupation. Remarks. Burnhart Peter 27 Farmer Booth Denton 25 a Rhine? Daniel 44 CoUier Bedford .Benjamin 29 Farmer Hooper John 39 a Lake WiUiam B. 27 Laborer Hughes Thomas 44 Farmer Mann Morgan 27 a Morris Isaac 39 a Bishop William 20 Laborer Robison Isaac 42 a Iloopengardner Jos. 89 Farmer Barton Henry 20 Laborer Smith William 38 (i: Hiles George 23 a Boor Jonathan 42 Farmer Selvy Ezra 20 Laborer S'd to be in Cecil co Md Deeker William 36 a Mellott Job 32 Mail Cont'r Crothers William M. 21 Teacher Smith Levi 35 Farmer ' Brown Wm. J. 21 Laborer Draft, November 14, 1864. Linn ^oah K. 21 Laborer Wilson Thomas 25 Boatman Ginger Jacob 36 Farmer Hess Benner 21 Laborer Rohm Jacob 30 Miller Deenen Job 29 Carpenter Fisher Frederick 26 Farmer Stley Daniel 35 Laborer Lay ton Denton 0. 25 Farmer Yonker John 43 a Shives Thomas 20 Laborer Winters Joseph 37 Miller Brown George 23 Laborer Funk Eli M. 22 a Draft November 28, 1864 Flowers William 44 Laborer Brakeall George 32 u Wittclinton Greenb'y 25 Farmer Ilendershot Charles 21 a Eddons Ralph 41 li Lehman Isaiah 25 a FULTON COUNTY. 51 Names. Agc| Occupation. Remarks. Little William 35 Farmer Morgret Silas 21 Laborer Diehl Samuel 21 Farmer Fisher Job 41 i(. Barney Jacob 28 Laborer IIoopengardiierDent n 29 Farmer Diehl Uriah 33 (( Dielil Isaac 22 ii Engle Lorenzo 41 u Morgret Henry 40 (.(, Draft, December 28, 18G4. Hoffman John 23 Laborer Diehl Cornelius 29 Farmer Hess Job 31 Laborer Bohrer Peter 27 Farmer Truax Andrew 35 (; Bertan George 23 Laborer Carson Robert 30 Farmer Trivc Martin 37 Laborer BRUSH CREEK .1 ^OWNSHIP .—Sub. Dlst. 61. Dmft, August 29, : L863. Brosies Benjamin 35 Farmer Said to be in service. Lodge Timothy H. 22 Laborer Draft, June 3, 18 64. Hanks Jacob C. 24 Laborer Ilixon Acquilla 25 u Bagley James G. 35 Farmer Trail Nathan B. 24 Shoemaker Peck Joseph 29 Innkeeper DiYift, July 5, 18 34. Fields George |37 Blacksmith Dillen Ezekiel 35 Laborer Lodge Benjamin M. 21 Student Segal Gabriel 36 Laborer Barton David E. 21 a Drcf f, September 21, 1864. Garland George 34 Laborer Akers William H. 21 a Pittman James 28 (( Sproat Joseph R. 25 Farmer McDaniels Moses 27 Laborer 52 FULTON COUNTY. Names. Ag'C Occupation. Remarks. Foster Jacob 26 LaboiVr Biveiis Mieliaol 28 ''• Lo(lo;e Jazabed •35 Farmer Kolm Jacol) M. 28 a Fisl.or Pliili]. 80 Tanner Draff, Norcnihcr 14, 1804. Fislier John W. :31 Meeliaiiic Fields George 37 Blacksmith : Smith Jackson 35 Farmer Sproat Georo-eli. '34 " ' Draft, Novemhrr 28, 18(11. Riley Jolm |25|Tjal)orer McDaniel Emanuel 36 Mechanic Bado-lev John 40 Tanner DITBLTX TOWXSHII\— SuD. Dtsi Draff, AucjuM 29, 1863. Linn Simon P. 32; Carpenter John ITenrv (col'd) 33 Jjaborer StC-lair John 26 Moulder Keliaugh Georo-e 28 Laborer • I Draff, June '22 Farmer 1 21 Carpenter 135 Moulder !2TMailCarriei Geedy William Geedy George Stumbaugh Wm, F. (•lapsaddle Daniel Cline William T. Brown Israel Flora John Miller Jacob W. Brahm Len. Cowen Samuel Dillon William ' Miller James F. Gracv Thomas 1864. Said to be in the West 21 Laborer 38 Merchant 43! Tailor 36 Farmer 27 Miller jSaid tobe i I Said to l)e [Said to be iSaid t(~> be nthc in ser insan in sei West, ■vice, e •vice. Yates Elias Xerlin Jonathan Markey Joseph (ireer William Crawford I)avid ITolhmd (Tcorii'c W. 38 Carpenter 21 Farmer 29 Carpenter 40!Farmer i Draff, Julji 5, 1864, ^34lLaborer 186 Farmer 80 [30 Laborer |21 26 Tcaehcr DesertM alVr ac. in sei- Fri.TON COUNTY. o:^ Draft, September 2J, 1864. i\arton Paltzer ' :38|Farmer Scbooley Daniel II. Disliono; Morgan 1 )ecker Baltzer Mellott George W. .\ritcliell John L. I less Dennis ,\[ellott William II. Scbooley George AV Mellott Emann'el '^Prnax Jonas 1 Fart Dennis Stc\'ciis l>nvid 20 (4 24 (( 27 Tanner 23 u 40 Innkee]H 41 Farmer 23 44 21 Laboi'ei' 21 Farmei- 25 44 30 44 Said to l)e at correll Ilarrislnirg. Said to be in tbeWest S'd to be neai' MansfiM 54 FULTON COUNTY. Names. I Age I Occupation. Remarks. Tice Martin Sipe Nelson J. Kline Morris Truax Daniel H. Pittman Dennis Sipe Samuel Kline John B. D. Sipes Dennis B. Mellott Matthew Laborer Stockdealer Laborer Farmer Laborer Farmer Laborer Farmer Laborer Draft, November 14, 18G4. Dishong John B. Mellott'Noah Cline Uriah W. Daniels Jacob Swope William Davis Charles R. Kline William A. Snider William Mellott Jonas Strait George Wink Elias 21 24 30 32 32 35 28 20 30 21 20 Laborer Farmer Laborer a Farmer Deserted after report'g Draft, November 28, 1864. Dishong David M. Dishong John J. Mellott Nathan Sipe George R. Kline Conrad S. Vallance Adam Farmer Laborer a Farmer Laborer Draft, December 23, 1864. Daniels Reuben |26lLaborer I Michael David L. 1371 " I M'CONNELLSBURG BOROUGH.— Sub. Dist. Draft, August 29, 1863. 64. Richter Julius A. Bushnell E. C. 128 Weaver iMusicTea'r Dre(ff, July 5, 1864. Bender Martin M. 1 21 [Carpenter I Hoke Henry M. l43!lnn Keeper ISaid to be in the West. FULTON COUNTY. 55 Draft, hicpteinber 21, 1864. Names. |Agc| Occupation. Orth William Logan Charles E. Magsam John Hoover Andrew Ilawlman William H. Fritchey Edward Baker James H. Sanson! Philip W, Teater John Alender John B, Bender Sam'l Farmer Teacher Lal)orer Miller Farmer Constable Farmer Telegraph'r Ijaborer Printer Ca1)inetm'r Draft, November 14, 1864. Goldsmith David 1 35 [Tailor I Bender Sam'l ISS'Cabinetm'r ! Draft, December, 23, 1864. Smith William D. 1 25 1 Miller I Shatter John W. 1 20 'Printer I TAYLOR TOWNSHIP.— b 5UB. DisT. 65. Drcft, AufjKst 31, 1863. Lohr Joseph 22 Laborer Lamberson David 28 Draft, June 3, 1864. Sipes John 20 Said to be in service Heeter George 42 Farmer Cntchall Jacob 36 u Draft, .M,j 5, 1864. Osbune Daniel P. 21 Laborer Said to be in service McXerlin James 30 " " " " Drift, SeptemlHT 21, 1864. Gordon Peter 38 Laborer Lamberson William 25 a Miller John P. 20 u Bollinger Benjamin 24 a Anderson Septimns 41 1 Farmer Lamberson Daniel A. 24 Laborer Black John A. 35 Farmer Gam])ell Denton D. 20iTjab()rer Fields Robert J. 20 ii. Witter Daniel 29 Cabinetm'r Dunlap Andrew J. 42 Farmer ■)(i FIJ.TO-N CorM'V. Ntimcs. I Age I Occupation. iicniarKs ks. Mniisl)oriz:er Jolm 20 Laborer l>liic'k Andrew 20 a Jit'iH'v Williaii) 20 Laborer Deaver Jesse' A. 20 " Dniff, Xoranhcr 14, 180 L lloekersmith liarvey 21 Laborer | Ste[)hens Jacob S, ^>4 Shoemaker i THOMl'SOX ToWXSIIir.— SiD. Di.-^x. 06 Draft ^ Axipist 31, 180o. Jiari'is John i33|Laborer ! Dnift, June 3, ISO 4. Rieliartl Josejih L. 20;Laborer ; 28k^ar(]er IJntts Thomas \\'oo(h'iitt' Edward Yonker (Teorgc Creek rfolin A. Kiiable Daniel Funk FJi Trott Henry ( l)t>ser!ed after ae 1^ eepte, 1801. j38iFarmer i3o: j20i - 24 '35 Smitli l*liihinder l)isliop Martin (TritHn Jolm X. I*eck Denton fhiekson Ilenrv Keefer Ijevi 125, liiehard -Jonathan :30'i Laborer Trum[>our Georii'c j35jFanner Akelberry Joseph j 23 Laborer (-rordon David 20 CovaU Daniel 124 Fai-mei' Morgret Samuel |20 '' Dnifl, Xornn/ur 14, 1801 J olmson Martin V,l>. 21 Farmei- I rittnnui Joliu 1\. :43| '' I'eek Benjamin !30|Laborer \ Mann John :29 Farmer I Miller Isaae ;20' " j Souders Arthur 124, " '. Kl'JiTON COUNTY. I)r()i'er TODD TOWXSIIII'.— Sin. Dist. 67. J)r. 22 Laborer Sti\"(ler Ueoru'e White .John Myers David Ashwill Austin Sherman Samuel I'echtle IMiilip Kittle Harrison IJowman John W . 27 Farmer Draff, June ^\. 42 Lahorer !20| 22! " 1864. Said to !)e in the West. 24! Said to be in service, f Deserted after ac- [ ce}?ted into service. Dr'(fl Jiil;i 5, 1864. {28 !23 121 Laborei' Farmer Laborer Dnift, Sepfnnhcr 21, 1864. Ott Xiciiohis ;28 Laborer 1 W'agnei- l\ih>v Cowen James 1 taker Cniarles' Uaker Audre\v J. Polk William Dnncle Oliver Uunnnell flohn K. Vivff, Noccjii/xT 14, 1861. Corltin J ndas (coPd) 28 Laborer Bownuin George W. ;34j "■ Leidv Jacob j 26 i Farmer Polk David ; 40 1 Laborer J)ivelbiss Hubert 27' Farmer 8 23 u 34 iL 36 Farmer 29 11. 39 ljal)orer 34 ci 21 U •58 FULTON COUNTY, Ura/t, Aoccmbcr 28, 1864. Names |Agc| Occupation. | Remarks. Kotz Jacol) |21|Laborer | IIenn_£^ Martin jSOiTailor llaiuDiel Jolni Irwin ; 241 Laborer I Draff, December 23, 1864. 15ri)wn VV^illiani |21i Laborer Miller Jacol) 1371 " WELL.s TOWXSIIir.— «UB. Dlst. 68. Miller David L. Keith Samuel Ake Jacob Klioam John Dreifi, Jane 3, 1864. Student. Fanner Laborer jSaid to be in the West. Drap, Jalji 5, 1864. !43! Carpenter i Drap., ;^epteniher 10, 1864. Koronian flacob j38iFarnier Bowls Robert 34 " Loonias John j35 Carpenter Blankney Mielinel 37 Miller Goodwin JereniiahW.^36 Cooper, Duvall John W. 1 20 Laborer Draft, November 14, 1864. Cunnini>;hani Jehu i 34 Blacksmith ! Keady Georg-e W. J27jGentlenian. i Mullin John |27|Carpenter | Dretft, Nuvcmber 28, 1864. Deserted alter report" Carell Stewart K. Gritlith Jehu W. Ake Thomas Allowav W^illiam Keith AVilsou II. Aker Timothy n. Ueadv fb)lin A. 20jFarmer 23' Student. 20|Farmer 24! 22| Laborer 2.5iMerchaiit. 23 (Jentkuuau. SOMERSET COUNTY. ADinSOX TOWNSHIP.— Sub. r>isT. 69. Draft, August 31, 1863. Names. |Age Brooke Richard Nicklow Jesse Siu'der Andi'ow Lenliart Jolm Bownuin Jolin Miller Isaiah May John II. McClintoek James Ilartzell Irwiii Eckel Joliii Tisiie ^Vfadisoii Augustine John 11, Hardin Jesse Roberts Charles A I lb right Jacob Bender Micliael Occupation. Remarks. 1 31 Tanner I 130 Laborer iDeserted after report'g Draft, June 2, 1864. 40 Laborer Farmer Li Laborer Furlonghedto obt'n proot'ot'non-resid'e. Deserted after being accepted into scrv'e. Parr William 38 CUd)inetm'r. Angnstine Jeremiah 21 Laborer Montgomery Michael 22 Smitli William II. 21 Burgess John " 20 " Meese Christian 30 " Yoder Cornelins 35 Farmer Spear James 20 Laborer Findlay Franklin A. 30 Shoemaker Martin Casper 24 Farmer Nickelsori -John 35 Laborer Angnstine dosepli 2LTeaclu'r 22 " 20 1 Saddler 31'C'0O])er 1 20 Laboi-er |27iFarmer ' 144: Dnff, Jul;] 19, 1864. 37jShoemaker.iSaid to be in service. 26 Laborer / Said tobein Amish, \ Johnson co., Iowa. 32 Farmer Said to be' in service. S'd tobeinWest.Va. Said to be in service. Said to be in Fa3^ette CO., or Pittsburg. Said to be insane. f Said to be in Amish, \ Johnson co., Iowa. Said to be in service. Sai i21 " Hescrted after reporfg SOMERSET COUNTY. 61 Draff, Jme 2, 1864. Names. Age Occupation. Remarks. W^are John 22 Lal)orcr Jordoii Lawrence 21 u AV^onibangli Francit^ 29 (( Warner All)ert 35 Farmer Detter Henry 31 4k Mull Michael 30 Laborei' f I )e8ertetLiiter ])einii- ( accented into serv'e. Weber William 28 Farmer Farner John 0. 21 Laborer Lnman Aaron 21 4t (May William 22 4( Men^-as Franklin 21 (.i Suhre Elias Sarver William Thomas Abraham l>i-i(lo-e Georo-e Sarver (Teoro-e Ringler Jefferson Snttmiller Francis N'alcntine William Sai'ver Joseph Wolfhop John Burkhart Jacob .L W^olfhop AVilliam Menjj'as (leorii-c Shafei James Jordon Michael \ren<>-as Jose))h ( riii'er John Draft, July 19, 1804. 1:^1 1 Laborer 1 29 Farmer 1 20 Laborer ! 20| " 26 1 Farmer 28 i Laborer 35! Farmer 23 Laborer 21 Farmer \ 23 Laborer i 24^ <4 I File (}eorge P(.)\vell Georo-e W. Madary Angnstus Kllenberger William lloyle John MoAvery John Troiitman Solomoji Shafer George Uurkhart Jacob F. A\^are Amos Ware William Miller Daniel 23 20 ^' 23 1 37} Farmer 43: '^ Draft, Sepfemher 26, 1864. 29 Shoemaker.] 36 Farmei- 40 22 Laborer 38 Farmer 27 Lahore)' 35 Miller 39Farmer 27j 27: Laborer 32 24 Snp'd to l)e in service. Said to be in Illinois. 62 SOMERSET COUNTY. Names. Age Occupation. Remarks. Couo-heiiour Isaac S. 39 Farmer Weimer reter 36 " Desert'd after report'g. Keefer Daniel 35 u U ii ii Felton Joliii 20 Laborer Miller John L. B. 35 Farmer Said to be in theWest. Eastman William 25 (( Nnll Samuel 26 Laborer Will Augustus 20 u Bowman Elias 30 (( (7 rove John 36 Farmer Braft, November 15, 1864. Hillegas John C. Tipton Joseph Suhry Cornelius Mengas George Glessner Jeremiah Brandt George D. Lnman William Schrack .Ton as 121 [Laborer >: Farmer I Laborer 25: 20| 231 " 39 1 Farmer 30! 20!Laborer 26 1 Farmer Draft, December 23, 1864. Biddlebroom Ineus !20'Laborer ! Said to be in service. Said to be in service. Said to be in service. ( Furh^ughed to re- < Y)ort at Chambers- (burg, Jan. 30, 1865. BROTHERS' VALLEY.— Sub. Dtst. 71. Draff, Am/asf,m. 1863. Rupp John Brancher Jeremiah Ilam Jacob Laborer Merchant IDeserted after reporfg Christner Freeman Rodemer Henr}^ A. Iskin Casper J. Iloft'man Jacob Keefer Israel Draft, June 2, 1864. Deserted after report'g i20 Laborer 20 Mechanic 23 Farmer ,20 Laborer ! 24 Merchant Draft, Juh/ 19, 1864. Bittner David 1 22 Laborer I Fornev Samuel S. |2l| " I Said to be in service. Draft, September 26, 1864. Said to be in Alle- gheny tp. Laborer I " Said to be in service. Tavman Auii'ustu^ Hoover Petei Fritz Israel Shiller John Farmer rtOMEKSET COUNTY. ()3 Names. I Age I Occupation. Remarks. Fa rue V John Bittiior Zacliariali Scvitri Aljraluim Baiiclier Gilliam j 21 1 Farmer j32 Laborer 24 Mason 31 Laborer Deserted after report'g Said to be in service. Draft, Norrnihcr 15, 1864. Name may be Boy- Bare Karnton er or Boger. Has ] been a Teamster at Wasliino-t'n Citv. BERLIX BOBOUGH.— Sub. Dist.' yIJ. Bender Joseph Longsdort" Jesse Ivappes Ilarman Myers Philip Keefer Peter Draft, Jane % 1864. r L) e s e r te d at t e r 1 ) e i n g •< accepted into serv'e. ( ^N'ame maybe Josiah 138 120 Turner Student 23 'Shoemaker. I Draft, Jalij 19, 1864. 1 21 1 Shoemaker i |23lWagonm"r | Draft, September 26, 1864. Berkevbile Alexander 41iWao:onma'ri Markle George Rnbriglit David Miller Thonnis B. Ilarman John Sheets William Hoover Job n Ferrel Samuel Ort Charles Indioff Josepli Hclf John 0. Gessner (J liver Turner Laborer I ClockMakri Farmer iSaid to be in service. 21 1 Cooper Draft, November 15, 1864. 20 1 Laborer 32 ^Moulder jCow-Doct'r 23 C^arpenter f Ih'obably Hainan.' — ( Said to be in service. Said to be in service. Said tobeinCincinnati Said to 1)e in service. Draff, Dercmbcr 23, 1864. I33|Moulder iSaid to be in service. i2liPrinter Said to be in California (^OXEMAITGH TOWKSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 72. Draft, Aagmt 31, 1863. Bender John 34 Laborer Berkebilc Ephraim !35| f Said to have been ( sick at time'of draft. 64 .SOMKKSKT CUl.NTV. Names. Draft Jaly 19, 1864. Agcj Occupation. \ Ecmarks. Stone John |22! iSaid to l»e in service Draft, September 26, 1864. Younian Joseph Forrest AiulreAV Berkey Jonatlian Keafter Jacob K, Barnhart -losiah Stone Jolni Mishler Jose].>li .1. l41|S]ioeniak'r Said to he in sei'vice. 120 Laborer "■ jSSjCari.enter IsSIFariiier 21 Laborer ■22' 40!Cari>ei»ter ( FurloM t(» jtroeiirt' -, evidence of Fj tih'psy ( — Faih'd to i'ep(»i-t. Said to Ite in Indiana. Said to be in service. ELK LIClv TOWXSIIII*.— Sun. Disx. T-I Draft, Aariud i)l, 1868. Grittith Francis 1 25 Laborer ; Tie David !25l " \ SALlSBl'l{^' BOROUGH.— S IB. Uist. 7o..i Toplin Aln-ahani Meese Samuel G. Foucht Jot^ephus \\^agiier Josepli Wao-ner Wells Draft, Jane 2, 1864. r,n M- • 4. f Saidtoliein (>hio. 29 Ahnister ^^- i • /^ r I JNanie })rol) y I ojtlm olBlacksniith Said to ])e in Ohio. Draft, Ju((/ 19, 1864. i 20 i Apprentice Said to i)e in Ohio. 20'Lal)orer ' •j4 Shoeniak'r i GRFKXEViLLE TOAVXSHIF.— Sui3. Di:r-ii i,^i- T1 T 1 ' f Deserted al'r'r heiiiii; Millerhlias 21 Laborer i. i • x ' '^ [ aecepted iiitoserv c. Smith I'eterS. 21 Slioeniak'r M-ii rii-- 1 T,.r 1 ' ( Deserted ai't'r beiiiii' Aldler Elijah 2() Laborer i- ^ i- . -' i ( accepted into serve. Hay Audi-ew 30, Farmer ISaid to be in service. JJnift July 19, 1864. Miller Isaac 24 Laborer | Ankeiiy David i 25 Blacksmith i iJnrft^ Septotiher 26, 1864. IJriudle -loiiathan 20 Laborer iSaidto be in ser\'ieo. McCoy Iliram I). 37j Potter \ " " Whipskey .Vlsram 40'Farmer iSMtobein Leeco., 111. Tr 1 1)1 •!• T.'r 1 f S'dtobeatlviim'stoii Hannah I'hdii) 23 Laborer i •; rv^ i • ^ "^ i i ( City, Jjima CO., Iowa Beck Peter 20 '' | Gardner irenry il. 22 " iSaid to bo in service. Draft, Nocciulia- 15, 1864. Baker Creorgc W. !22jCooper [Said to be in service. Draft, December 23, 1864. Beck Jacob, Jr. '28jFarmer | Lowry AVilliam F. '32{Laborer Friedline David 22i " ISaid to bo in service. JEXXEK TUWXSlLli'.— Si u. iJisi. 76. Draff, Aufjust 31, 1863. Yaiser Gotleib |27jManntact'r j Blout^li Levi i34!Laborer I Draft, June 2, 1864. Shat'er John 31|Laborcr iSaid to be in service. i> , , , • .,_ r 1 ! f])eserted alter beini; lto(hly JjCWLs 3/:Laborer j t i • i. •' I I (^accepted into service 9 m SUMEK.SET CUUISTV Draft, JSe^Jle/nOe)- 26, 1864. Names. lAgei Occupation. Ivcinarks. Dar Jjicob liorucr Geoi'ii'c Altliouso Jolin Ileiple AU'Xiiudor Keim Jacol) Ijerkej Jost Homer Ilenry Sanderson II. L. Eliresnian Jacol) Uoffiiian William Waslicr Alosvons Sclnuidt John 11. Kaiitz Abraham 1 37 Laborer 36 1 Farmer |24jWagonm'r 3!yFarmer 20: '^ ■ |2l'LalK)rer i20' '26 Dentist 30 Shoenudcer 27i Blacksmith 2.3 Cooper 36! Weaver 33' Waijonrn'r f S'dto be in I)oneo-al \ tp.AV'estmorerd <•(). Deserted after report'^ f Said to be in Taze- \ well CO., Ill, f Name prob'lv Jush- [ na: saidtobein Ind. S'dto be in Maschns'ts Said to l>e in service. " '' Michie iu ser\'ice. Xicklow Williaui J. 28 Teacher TTarued .Tohu 37 Farmer f S'dtobeatnavwood \M'Leauco.,Til. ^ FIT) OLE GREEK TOWXSHIP.— Sub. Ptst. 70. Draff, August 31, 1863. (■ramer Weruuiu j21jCarpeuter j Rk'cher TTcnry |20iFarmer ' Dr(ff, Sepfemfjer 26, 1864. Pi"<)1)ab]y Xickloii Deserted after report" MTLFORD TOWXSirir.— Sub. Dtst. 80. Draff, August 31, 1863. Slunvman Alexander '21!Laborcr ! Praff, June 2, 1864. Flick Isaiah :24;Faniu'r Gary Jacol) 42 Farmer Xickla Michael 35 i.L Kiuo- Samuel T'. 29 U Hittuer Jacob 33 i( (larv Solomou 28 CI Ivini;' Smith T>. 21 '^ 68 • SOMERSET COUNTY. Draft, ScjJtt'mber 26, 1864. Names. Sterner Emanuel Iliekler Franklin Long Peter II. Eector Tillman Baker Hiram Greenawalt Abraham Miller Daniel A. Humbert Joseph Pile Moses Snider Ross II. Poister Jacob Critehtield David Ankenv (Teoriiv Koontz Ilenrv jAgej Occupation. 1 36 j Farmer 26; Laborer I ! 37 Farmer 44 1 Cooper 27 1 Laborer 36 Chairmak'r Remarks. Farmer Laborer Farmer 20 Teacher '27iMiller 31|Farmer l24 Luml)erm n 87 Farmer Said to be in Adams CO., Iowa. f S'dtohavel)elono-ed I to serv. but deserted r)eserted after report'g Said to be in service. Said to be at Xash- ville. f Said to be in Black \ Hawk CO., Iowa. f Said to be in IIow- \ ard CO., Ind. J Saidto bein West- [ morel'd co., Pa. Said to be in service, r Said to be in Carroll I CO., Illinois. Said to be in service. XEW CEXTPvEVILLE BOROrOIL— Sub. Dist. 80L Draft, Septeml)er 26, 1864. Smith Daniel G. ;37iButcher | NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 81. Draft, June 2, 1864. Sweitzer Daniel }39 Laborer Whipskey Garrett I Dively Noah j 36 Farmer Tidenberg- John |42 " Draft, July 19, 1864. Deserted after report'g Caton John D. 37jLaborer Wagaman Samuel 20 1 " Coughenour Herman 40 Farmer Snyder William j27 Laborer Beck George j36|Farmer Emrick Valentine '26i jDeserted after report'g Said to be in the West. Said to ])e in service. SOMERSET COUNTY. Draft, Septanbcr 26, 1864. 69 Poorbangli Jonathan Mnll Andrew Larew Francis W. Tiittnor Dennis Age I Occupation. Remarks. Conghenonr David Elriek Isaac Farmer Laborer Farmer Said to be at or near Dixon, Lee co.. 111. J Said to be at or near ( Dixon, Lee co.. Til. Said to be in service. Grumm Otto Leidiii" Denni; Draft, Noremher 15, 1864. |42|Farmer [Said to be in Illinois. 1.33 " I Said to be in the West PAIXT TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 82. Draft, June 2, 1864. (ijorden John Lehman Ilenrv Waltbrd (^onrad Miller :N"oah Laten John Lees Oil ban 26 Farmer j 22 Laborer | 38 Farmer I 21 Laborer | Draft, July 19, 1864. I35lFarmer jSaid to be in service. i20'Laborer i Draft, September 26, 1864. Ouster Samuel Mishler William Wible Jonathan Berke}' Aaron Sixes William P. Oaks Joseph Brebes John (Traha2:in Thomas K. Livingston Jacob D. '36lLaborer ;36'Blacksmith i30 43 24 20 27 34 36 Border Daniel Fees Jolm Farmer La])orer Farmer Laborer Shoemaker Said to be in Cam- 22 Laborer -l bria co.. Pa., work- ing at a st'm saw-mill Said to be in White t'p, Indiana, CO., Pa. Draft, November 15, 1864. .Ilershberger John '24 Farmer ISaid to l)e in service. Sees William l40 Wao-onma'r! " '' " Orres .Toseph 38 Blacksmith i " " " Said to be in service. Said to be in Indiana CO., Pa. Said to be in service. 70 •SOMERSET rOUXTY QUEMAHONIKG TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dlst. 83. Draft, September 26, 1864. • Names |Agc| Occupation. | Taylor Samuel Berkey Daniel Bowman Peter Replogle Jacob Ilamer Levi Boorman Benjamin Blancct Isaac Baltzer George Bealman Peter 25 Farmer 44' " I 39| 36 Laborer 40| 23 Blacksmith 133 Joiner j 26 j Farmer 1271 " I Said to be in service. jBeserted after rept'g. / Said to be in Wood- j I ford county, 111. Said to be in service. Said to be in service. i ! , r Said to be in service. Vanhorn Isaiah 143 Manufact'r !^ Had moved to Alle- i : ! ( 2:henv ( ^itv. Draft, November 15, 1864. Keisor Abraham ! 28 1 Laborer I STOYSTOWN BOBOUGH.— Sub. Dist. 83i. Draft, September 26, 1864. S'dtol)easutlerof a Garmen Joseph A. :43;Coachma'i Saupp Andrew 124 Wao'onm'r, reg't., and a prisoner nowatlvichmond. Penrod Annaniali Irwin Fraidv IF. Draft, November 15, 1864. |43iLaborei !2l!Telegraph'r Said to 1)0 ill service. SHADE TOWXSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 84. Draft, September 1, 1863. McGregor Sanuic Ling David Rankin Franklin Cartitf John Wright ( 1 eorge Ling Gephart 31Lab()ivr |23i I I 24: f S'dtohavelieeii sick \ at time of drafting. Said to be in service. Draff, June 2, 1864. 2rMiHcr Malsberry William 42i(^arpenter , / Deserted after being ( accepted into ser^■ice Berkebilcfesse Crissey Samnel Darr Henry Ivoss .lames i28!Farmer |38i '25i 24L:il)()rcr iSaid to be in service. SOMIOKSKT COUNTY Drafi, Jul.;/ 19, 18(34. Names. Age Occupation. Remarks. P^walt Jacob 20 Laborer Potts Theodore J3. Deserted after report "g Miller JohirW. 24 - Said tolteintheAYest. Thomas Jacob 42 Farmer Lnii>" Benjamin M Laborer .. Bisl)in2: John 38 Farmer Deserted after report "g Ilallar Henry 22 Laborer lihodes Echvai'd 20 '• Xelson Isaac 23 Wagon m"r Miller Henry S. 24 Laborer ShuU William 39:Laborei Laton Jacob Hamers Nathaniel Berkebile Ovrus Ewalt Dayid Berkebile Samnel 41lFarmer 20! Laborer 24 Farmer Laborer 120 21 (lohn George Vrincey Benjamin Zinimernum Frank' n 33 Farmer 34 Laborer I 25i Burket Leyi 38 > Wagner Jacob 33lFarmer Logue Daniel 30 Laborer Vrincey Bewab i23| " Draft, Nor ember Voimg Frederick ISOjLaborer 20, 1804. Said to l)e in service. " "• Cand)riaco. Said to 1)0 in service " " Lidiana. I S"d tobein serv. t.^' to \ ha'ep'dcommntat'n Said to be in service. [ f Said to be in West- \ morel and co Pa. iSaid to be in service. I Deserted after report'g ii. (.1. a jSaid to be in service, 15, 1864. I Said to be ill Paint t[i. SOMERSET Bono UGH.— Sub. J)l^t. :N'o. 85. Draft, Scpfrrnl>rr 1, 1863. Pile Aai-oii 11. !29jMiner Lives in California. Wilt Ldward 26 '^ " Carroll Edward (col'djl 20 Barber jSaid to be in service. 72 SOMEKSET COUNTY. JSOMEKHET TOAVNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 8(J. Draff, Sept ember 1, 1863. Names. yclimucker Cyruf Reese George L. Shallis Franklin Mentzer David Neiiuiller Isaac Kline Jolm Age I Occupation. Remarks. Broni William Fike John : 24 Teacher 25; Laborer 1 25 Farmer 1 341 Weaver Draft, June 2, 1 39 i Laborer I '30 Farmer i I Draft Sej)fcinl)er . !30|Farnier i39l Countrvman Isaac Stall Samuel Mullenberg Henry Queer Daniel Rislev John D. liayman Charles G under Xoali Fisher William Young William H. Weller Daniel Shultz Xorman B, Fox Samuel Shallis Alexander Beck Philip Shafer Ephraim Auman Peter Reese Samuel Rhoades Simon Coleman John Barrone Ludwig Claycomb John Dormayer Jonathan Ivnai)snyder George Stahl ILirman Shrack Jonathan iSQlLaborer 1221 i I 30 1 Mason Tailor Laborer Farmer 1864. ; f lle[»oi-ted to ha\-e ' [ his leg broken. 26, 1864. Deserted after report'g Said to be at or near Dixon, Lee CO., III. Said to be a Lunatic. Said to be in service, [ Said to ])e in Berlin, 1^ Somerset co., l*a. Said to be in service. 20!Lab(n'er 33:Farmer 20 25 40 l43 1 20 I2I Laborer Carpenter Laborer oi |22 " 1 901 j26iGun-smitli 44 Farm e r 20 Laborer 109 1 '' Said to be in service. Said to be at Water- loo, Iowa. Said to be in service. Said to be a Teams- ter at Washt'n City. iDeserted after report'g Said to be in service. I U U Ck 1 r Said to be at Dixon, l^Lee CO., 111.. Said to be in service. Said to be in service. SOMERSET COUNTY. 73 Names. Draft, Nuccnbvr 15, 1864. jAgcl Occupation. \ Remarks. Fi.slier Samuel C'oleiiiaii Levi Fisher Ilcnrv I'eok Samuel '27 j09 Laborer Farmer '23 Joiner '20 Lahore I Said to be in service, f Said to liave l.teeii ) killed ill serxiec. Said to be in service. IJeal John D. Emrick Herman Emrick Sol'n, of Jos Folk Jacob SOUTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 87. TJrnff, Srpfcjnbcr 1, 1863. 20 i Farmer Deserted after report' j;^ 251 23j 34| Laborer Said to be in service. JDn/ff, June 2, 1864. Emrick Frank j27iFarmer Boyer Cliauncey 35 Landlord Desert'd after reporPg. Lei dia; John 27 Farmer i Leydig George W. |21| " Des'daft'rbe'gaccepM Baker John i20i '" Said to be in Illinois. Sturtz Peter 39! " 'Des'datVrbe'gaccep'd Broft, Jain I'N 1<"^^^- Kennell Valentine j22iFarmer [Deserted after reporPg Draft, September 26, 1864. {Furlo'd on account of sickness. Failed to return. Deserted after reporPg Piltner Moses < Jaumer Jesse i26 " Troutmaii Benjamin 2(5 "• Uine John 23 Laborer Dittner Jacob 44 f Said to be in AUe- \ glien^j CO., Md. STOXY OREEK TOWNSHIP.— Sui3. Dlst. 88. Draft, Septonfjer 1, 1863. Bahlwin Ivomaiius 25!norseDeal r'Deserted after reporfg 27JMiller I 22 Shoemak'r 23'Laborer 29I " I Lape Harman Jones William Yutzey Chauncev Fisber David 10 74 SOMERSET COUNTY. Di^aft, June 2, 1864. Names. Agc| Occupation. Remarks. Shank Charles 29 Carpenter Boyer John 23 Farmer Reed John 36 Laborer Draft, July 19, 1864. Fleagle Samuel 34 Farmer | Said to be an Epileptic. Duly William 30 Said to be in service. Draft September 26, 1864. Spangler Solomon 27 Miller r Said to be in Bed- \ ford CO., Pa. Burket Cyrus 28 Laborer Mostholder John 39 Farmer Said to be in service. IIoss Simon 24 u ii, a li ( Furlo'd on account Keefer Noah 24 Laborer < of sickness. Failed (to return. Yutzey Jonathan 35 (4 Flagle Jeremiah 31 (( Said to be in service. ISTuU George 44 (( Deserted after report'g Shunk Jacob 28 it, Reitz John 25 Carpenter SUMMIT TOWNSHIP.— Sub. Dist. 89. Draft, September 1, 1863. Hantz William |25iShoemak'r I UPPER TURKEYFOOT.— Draft, September 1 Friend Josiah Bittner George Tressler Samuel Tressler Harrison Phillippi William Wable Foster Laborer Blacksmith Laborer Carpenter Sub. Dist. 90. 1863. Deserted after report'g Said to be an idiot. Draft, September 26, Fadley Samuel Carver John M. Faidley Simon May John Farmer Tailor Laborer Laborer 1864. C Said to be at New (^ Philadelphia, 0. fSaid to be at New Philadelphia, O. Sick when he repor- ted. Furloughed un- til recovery. Should report when able. SOMERSET COUNTY. 75 Names. I Age I Occupation. Wilkison John Nicola Moses Cole William Cupp Aaron Genk John 26 Laborer Farmer r Said to be in Mus- [^ catine co. , Iowa. Probably Nicklo r Said to be in Adams 1^ CO., Iowa. Draft, November 15, 1864. 38 Shoemaker '■|{ S'd to be at Ogle Sta- tion, Lee CO., 111. BOARD OF ENROLLMENT Of the 16tli District of Pennsylvania, as constituted Feb. 1, 1865. GEORGE EYSTER, President. JOHK GULP, Commissioner. WTLLTAM C. LAXE, Suroeon. The following gentleiuen have been Officers of the Ponrd since its organization, but have resigned: JOHN T. MelLIIENNY, Esq., Commissioner. Dr. EAYMOJs^) S. SET8P, Surgeon. Dk. sam'l g. lane, EMPLOYEES OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL AT SAME DATE: Barxet P]arley, Chief Clerk and Deputy David A. Wertz, Special Agent. William P. Huston, " "" J. Georoe Wolff, Permanent Clerk. CiiAS. E Mull, " Aug. E. Armstrong, " " John A. Seiders, " " William M'Lenegan, " " Edavard C. Grove, " " Christian ¥.. P^yster, " " DEPUTY PROVOST MARSHALS AND SPECIAL AGENTS OF COUNTIES. James M. Rouzer, Adams county. William F. Houpt, Bedford county. Jacob Crouse, '^ David Hoke, Fulton connty. Herman G. (^'nxixgham, Somerset conntv. INDEX. Anidt Goorge AmItM'son Nathan Anderson Th()nii).son Allen John Armstrong Jacob Anderson George \Y. Arnold Allen Antzel Henry Adams .Samuel Adams John Allen Lewis Ackelberry AVashiiigton Albiight Jacob L. Applemaii Samuel Applenian John Andrews John Allison .John Andrews George Akers Uriah Adams George \V. Adams William Aughinbuugh John ('. Arnold Nicholas Armstrong David Allen John Akers William II. Allender John B. Anderson Septimus Akelberry Joseph Alexander Levi (col'd)- Ashwill Austin Ak(^ Jacob Ake Thomas Alloway William Aker Timothv If. Augustine John H. Allbright J acob Augustine Jeremiali Augustine Joseph Allbright Mai'tin Ankeny David Althouse John Ansel Alexander Ankeny David Auman Peter IJaker Andrew Ballvveg Fredei'ick IJare David H. IJledner William Ueainer Walter J. I'eal* (Jeoi'ue ,1. (•) Bucher Isaac Buehler John Biesecker Daniel Baker John ^y. Bostick Patton liaker I'eter Baker John E. Baird Henry Bromu'r Jose|)li Brougli Jacol> Baker John liollinger Jesse Brett Lewis H. Boyles James Baker Jacob Samuel Bowers .losiah Bagley Henry H. Bagley Sanniel lieegle Thomas Blackburn Martin I>ro\vn Thomas J. Bucher Sanniel Beegle Adam Barn hart Abraham Bemiller Josejjh Beard IXivid Beegle .Vdani Brideham Adam Beigle Samuel Beegle Solomon Bowen DUuiel ];iythe David Beltz Andrew J. ])itner Andrew J. Boyd William lieegle Daniel Bittinger Jacob Bingham William lioston John (col'd) Boor William Brant Francis A. J {rant (i raft on Bruner Duncan Boor ilartln T. Bagley William Brununell Cieorge Boor Balsor l>adgley Joseph Barnitz licnmel Barnitz William iSarman John 7 Beltz Samiiel 21 8 Benna Lewis 22 8 Bowles John 22 8 Broadstone Jacob N. 22 8 Boj'lan John 23 8 Burns John 23 8 Bedelbrun Lecas 23 8 Beltz Andrew 2;i 9 Bolruner Elias (col'd) 23 9 BasehoJir George o;; 9 Brant John 24 9 Beard David 24 9 Burket Jacob 24 9 Beltz Daniel E. 24 10 Blake William 25 It) Berkstrosser John 25 12 Burket Jesse 25 12 Burket John 1>. 25 12 Burket William 2(; 13 Boor John T. 2(; ]:! Burley Thomas 2(1 V.i Boon Samuel 2G 13 Boor Peter 27 13 Bonnell William 27 13 Brown Christian B. 27 14 Barley Jackson 27 14 Blake Easton 28 14 Blankley Joab 29 14 Brown David 30 14 ]5rown David :!0 14 Berkebile Samuel :50 15 l^asehore George :!o 1.5 Black John :50 15 Bowers Michael 31 If) Blackburn Augustus 31 10 Blackburn Samuel S. 31 1(5 Border John H. 31 I() Blackburn David 31 17 Broombaugh Andrew 32 18 Barns Joseph 32 IS Bennette John 32 b>^ Bridges Abi-aham 32 IS Bridges Benton 33 IS r>uxt(in (^eorge W. 33 19 Burch Thomas H. C. 33, 19 P)lackburn Barclay T. 33 19 liivens Franklin 33 20 Blackburn Joseph 34 20 Bissel Noah 34 20 Beckley George W. 34 21 r.arkley David 34 '8 INDEX. Bradley Edward 35 Blackburn Thomas 35 Barns Jeremiah 35 Burkholder George W. 35 Blackburn Andrew 35 Blackburn Isaiah 35 Burket William 36 Berkheimer Moses 36 Bloom David 36 Bouser Joseph M. 36 Bolen Thomas 36 Blaker Edward 3 Briggs Eichard (col'd) 38 Beckel William 40 Brooks John M. 41 Bitner David 41 Bessicks Geo. H. (col'd) 41 Banks James K. (col'd) 41 Baxter William C. 43 Burgess Jonathan (cord)43 Blair Martin 43 Burger John 43 Byers Joseph 44 Butler John (col'd) 45 Bouchet Joseph 46 Beard Lewis T. 46 Bachtel Philip 47 Bamhard Samuel C. 49 Buruhart Peter 50 Booth Denton 50 Bedford Benjamin 50 Bishop William 50 Barton Henry 50 Boor Jonathan 50 Brown Wm. J. bO Brown George 50 Brakeall George 50 Barney Jacob 51 Bohrer Peter 51 "Bertan George 51 Brozius Benjamin 51 Bagley James G. 51 Barton David E. 51 Bivens Michael 52 Badgley John 52 Brown Israel 52 Brahm Len 52 Barton Baltzer 53 Bushnell E. C. 54 Bender Martin M. 54 Baker James H. 55 Bender Samuel 55 Bender Samuel 55 Bollinger Benjamin 55 Black John A. 55 Black Andrew 56 Butts Thomas 56 Bishop Martin 56 Bivens Michael 57 Bowman John W. 57 r)Owman George W. 57 Brown William 58 Bowls Robert 58 Blankley Michael Brooke Richard Bowman John Bender Michael Burgess John Bird Noah Bridge George Burkhart Jacob J. Burkhart Jacob F. Bowman Elias Brandt George D. Biddlebroom Ineus Brancher Jeremiah Bittner David B'.ttner Zachariah Baucher Gilliam Bare Harmon Bender Joseph Berkebyle Alexander Bender John Berkebile Ephraim Berkey Jonathan Barnhart Josiah Beal Jesse Brinker Christopher C. Brindle Jonathan Beck Peter Baker George W. Beck Jacob Jr. Blough Levi Berkey Jost Burworth Jeremiah Bittner Jacob Baker Hiram Beck George Bittner Dennis Berkey Aaron Brebes John Border Daniel Berkey Daniel Bowman Peter Boorman Benjamin Blancet Isaac Baltzer George Bealman Peter Berkebile Jesse Bisbing John Berkebile Cyrus Berkebile Saunu'l Burket Levi Brom William Beck Philip Barrone Ludwig Beal John D. Boyer Chaunccy Baker John Bittner Moses Bittner Jacob Baldwin Romanus Boyer John Burket Cyrus Bittner George Cretin Andrew L 58 Culp Rufus E. 8 59 Culbertson Thomas 8 59 Cauffman Isaac 8 59 Clark John 10 59 Creager William 10 60 Conklin Samuel H. 11 61 Coile Daniel . 12 61 Croyle John 12 61 Croyle Adam 13 62 Coile Fredei-ick 13 62 Colfelt James P. 13 62 Croman John , 14 62 Colbaugh George 14 62 Cobler George 14 63 Clarr Henry 14 63 Corle Martin 16 63 Croyle Daniel 16 63 Cunder W^illiam (col'd) 17 63 Chilcoat Aaron W. 18 63 Cessna Buchanan 19 63 Clowden Jacob (col'd) 20 64 Conrad George 20 64 College George 20 64 Chamberlain Jacob 20 65 Conner Isaac 20 65 Games Jacob 20 65 Clark William 21 65 Clark John 21 65 Cook Joseph M. 21 65 Cyphers John 21 66 Comp Solomon 21 67 College George H. 22 67 Corley Joseph 23 68 Cougheuour James 24 68 Carlisley John D. 25 69 Clark Thomas 25 69 Clark James 25 69 Conn George W. 25 69 Clitz Philip 25 70 Clitz Levi 26 70 Cook Samuel 26 70 Croft Jeremiah 27 70 Carper AVilliam S. 28 70 Clopper Henry 28 70 Carper David L. 28 70 Conner David 29 71 Cai'ten George (col'd) 30 71 Cappet William 30 71 Crisman Jackson (of A.)31 71 Coons Charles 32 72 Collins James 33 72 elites Abram 33 72 Castell Jesse 33 73 Crisman Joseph 33 73 Clark William A. 34 73 Crisman Andrew 34 73 Clark Robert 34 73 Chilcoate Tiel 35 73 Conrad Isaac 36 74 Clacomb Nathaniel 30 74 Croyle Abraham 36 74 Clarke Alexander :17 7 Clark Zachariali 37 Clfirk John Cordell Henry Carter Chai-les (col'd) Connaii}' David J. Carter Joseph (col'd) Crawford James Crouse Michael Campbell John Clugston Jefferson L. Care Heniy Coleman Adam Carson Ely (col'd) Carson Elias (col'd) Cuff Samuel (col'd) Creps James C . Cooper Thomas (col'd) Cliue Kobert Cordell John Craij? A. J. Cruthers Isaac Clark Thomas Correll Caleb Coon William Crothers William M. Carson Robert Clapsaddle Daniel Cline William T. Cowen Samuel Crawford David Cline John D. Cammerer Andrew Cline Uriah W. Cutchall Jacob Creek John A. Covalt Daniel Cowen James Corbin Judas (col'd) Cunningham Jehu Carrell Stewart R. Close John Christner Henry Clay William Coughenour Isaac S. Christner Freeman Christner Sihis Cunninghfini Geo. F. Cramer Werman Critchfield David Caton John D. Coughenour Herman Coughenour David Custer Samuel Cartiff John Crissey Samuel Carroll Edward (col'd) Countryman Isaac Coleman John Claycomb John Coleman Levi Cai-ver John M. Cole William Cupp Aaron Davis Williaui Mc. INDEX. 79 37 Dixon William H. 8 Delph Michael M. 46 38 Donnelly John H. 8 Dishing Powell W. 48 39 Dougherty John 10 Deneen Baltzer H. 49 3'J Diehl Samuel R. 10 Deneen Jacob 49 4(1 Davis Hiram 11 Deneen Joseph 49 4U Diehl Aaron 12 Diehl Boston 49 40 Diehl Daniel B. 13 Daring John 49 40 Drenning William 14 Decker William 50 40 Defibaugh Harrison 14 Deneen Job 50 42 Donelson Levi 15 Diehl Samuel 51 4-2 Donaldson Andrew 15 Diehl Uriah 51 43 Drenning William 16 Diehl Isaac 51 43 Diehl Isaac 16 Diehl Cornelius 51 43 Diehl Nicholas 16 Dillen Ezekiel 51 44 Diehl Joab 16 Dillon W^illiam 52 4") Diehl Levi 17 Dishong James 53 45 Diehl Joel 17 Dishong Morgan 53 45 Defibaugh Henry S. 18 Decker Baltzer 53 47 Dicken G. M. S. 19 Dishong John B. 54 48 Dunlap John 20 Daniels Jacob 54 48 Dull John 21 Davis Charles R. 54 48 Diehl John 22 Dishong David M. 54 49 Donaldson Benjamin 22 Dishong John J. 54 50 Dunlay Jeremiah 22 Daniels Reuben 54 51 Deeds Christopher 25 Dunlap Andrew J. 55 52 Dunlap Henry 25 Deaver Jesse A. 56 52 Donalson Benjamin 25 Duncle Oliver 57 52 Devore Levi 25 Divelbiss Robert 57 52 Devore Westley 25 Duvall John W. 58 53 Devore Jeremiah 26 Darrail John S. 60 53 Devore Greenbury 26 Davis Jefferson J. 60 54 Dasher Alexander 27 Davis John (col'd) 60 55 Dell Peter 27 Detter Henry 61 56 Dempsey James 27 Dar Jacob 66 56 Dick Michael 28 Dively Noah 68 57 Drollinger Enos 28 Darr Henry 70 57 Dolan James 28 Dormayer Jonathan 72 58 Detwiler John 28 Duly William 74 58 Davis Mason 29 Eyler Wilson 8 60 Dougherty David L. 30 Emmert John 11 60 Dull Solomon 30 Earnst Michael 11 61 Diehl Noah 30 Eversole Leander 11 62 Darr Washington 31 Earnest Adam 13 62 Davis Ephraim 32 Edwards John 15 65 Dicken Jerome 32 Earnest William 16 67 Donahoe Francis 32 Elliott James 18 67 Diehl Perry 33 Elliott John M. 19 68 Dougherty Levi L. 33 Eshelman Samuel 20 68 Dodson John 34 Elder James 21 68 Defibaugh Harlem 35 Ellenberger John 23 69 Dively 13artholomew 36 Ellenberger William 23 69 Donely Walter 3(i Ellenberger George 24 70 Doyle James A. 3c'^ Egolf Jacob 24 70 Dixon Jacob 38 Ells John 28 71 Dingwald Alexander C 39 Evans Thomas 29 72 Davis Robert L. (col'd) 39 Emmert Valentine 31 72 Dorsey Jctseph J. (col'd) 39 Evans Josiah 32 72 Day Levi 40 Eddison Henry S. 32 73 Dearing William S. 40 Eversole Christian S. 33 74 Doyle Dominick 40 Easter William 34 75 Donelly William M. 41 Ebersole Christian 35 75 Donolly Patrick Davis Robert 41 Easter Nicholas 35 7 4G Evaus Appletou 3tf 8U INJJKX. I'.vitts John :;<» lOwin Josfjdi ■!() Evercts SunniL-l 47 Everts John 4S Evans David IS Everts Isaac •IS Everts John 4S Everets Isnac li^ Eddons Ifalpli .')(( Engle Lorenzo 'A Eckel John .')i> l-^llenberger William in Eastman William (i-2 I'jhresman Jacob (•)() Einerick Valentine CS Elrick Isaac (19 Evvalt Jacob 71 Ewall- David 7J Emcrick Herniaii 7:5 Emerick Solomon ot J. 7:? Emerick Frank 7:5 Finefrock David S. <.l Fink William 10 Flemming Charles 1(1 Fearson John (col'd) lt> Fletcher Willinm m Fraley John jr, Fetter John 17 Friend Christiiin 17 Fisher Adam J I) Feight Daniel •20 Fragey John •20 Foor .Tohn T •20 Foor Lncins •20 Fauble Angnstns '21 Francis Charles •>•> P"'razger John 11. •j:! Filson George •j;5 Frazger William ■2;> Flanuning jNIichnel •24 Ferm Michael ■i.") Flaugh Angnstns •JS Farry John 15. ■2S Feltnn Peter •29 Fletcher David •29 Ferguson William SI Felix William :n Fisher James 32 Furrey Lewis :53 Fye Jacob 34 Feighter John, of (ieo ;?5 Fickes John W. :36 Fry Henry (col'd) 37 Feltenburger John 38 Fortney ^^'illiam 39 Fanston John J. ;>9 French Simon M. 39 Fortney Solomon 40 Fagan William Penn 40 F.agan William S. 40 Fortney Samuel 41 Fortua C!osmos K. 4-2 Fi'itz Levi 45 Farrenbnrg Samuel Fonner Benjamin Fisher Amos Fletcher Jose]ili I'^islier Geoi'ge Fisher IVMijamiii I'lo^vers Willi;im Fisher Frederick Funk Eli M. Flowers ^^'illianl l'"isher .lob Fields George Foster Jacob Fisher Philip Fisher John ^\'. Fields (Jeorge Flora John Fi-aker Andrew Fritchev Edward Fields IJobert .). Funk Eli Foreman Jacol) l-'indlay Franklin A. Frantz Jonathan Earner Henry L'. Earner John C. l"'ile George Felton John Forney Sannu'l S. Farney John Ferrel Samuel Foirest Andrew Foucht Joseph I'riedline David Fyerstone Emanui-I l-'ulton William Mick Isaiah Fees John Fike .lohn Fisher William Fox Sanuu'l Fisher Sanniel Folke Jacob Fleagle Samuel Flagle Jeremiah Friend Josiah Fadely Samuel Faidley Simon Gwin James ('. Gintling Frank Gonger John Gel wicks J. H. Gardner Amos Gallagher James W. Grnpp Peter (fephart Michael (4ood John Gubernator Charles L Griffith John Griffith Jacob (iriffith Thomus Gibb Thomas Glass John (iregory James (iillinm iSlichael Grovvdeu George Grove Samuel Gladwell George W. (idler Jesse (ii'eene George (c(d'd) Greene William (col'd) (ireen Casper N. (col'd) (ireene Jacol> P. 1^. (ilenn Josiah Garlick Abraham (iogley Samuel (iari'etson Ed^vin ^'. (Jephart Peter (iriffith Allen (Griffith Alex'r. ot J. (iriffith John, of Jos. Gnrn George J. (iangley William (Jarlick Nicholas (t ((((shorn David ( iaston AVilliam A. (iamble Nathan C. (iinaven .lohn (). (iillis Charles (col'd) (iipe .lohn (iiles Thomas (ir((sh David (iroll Levi (Crimes John Gordon John Goj'don John .F. {i((rdon Dennis (iarland Jacol* (Jarland Moses (rreagry .loab Garland George (Jinger Jacob (linger Andrew (iarland Ge((rge (Jeedy William (ieedy George Curacy Thomas Greer William Glunt John Greenfield David Goldsmith David Gordon Peter Gambell Denton D. Griffin John N. Gordon David (ioodwin .leremiah (iriffith Jehu W. (ilass .leremiah Giger John Grove John (ilessner Jeremiah Gessner (Oliver Griffiith Francis Glatfelty Simon Gardner Henry II. (bearing John l.M)EX. 81 ('iiry .Jiui>li ti? llouser Andrew .]. ;i2 Hoover An Garinen Joseph A. 70 Harshbarger Jacob 34 Hering Martin 58 (toIih G(?orge 7] Heinsner William 35 Hammel John Irwin 58 Gundcr Noah 72 Heit Samuel 3.5 Hartzell Irwin 59 (lauiner Jesse; 73 Hendrixson Sim(»n 3.5 llardin Jesse 59 Genk John 75 Houser j\Iark 35 Harden William 60 Hafer Joseph 1!. f) Hair Silas 36 Hillman lto))ert 60 Horn Abraham (i Honstine Samuel 36 Harden Isaac i)0 Haines (ioorge 7 Hite William 36 Heavener Harman 60 HiUJohn H. (cord) 7 Hankst Jacob 36 Hoyle John 61 Hnnter Samuel S. <) Hill Morgan 37 Hillegas John C. 62 HeHer G(.'orge W. 1) Helmet John 37 Ham Jacob 62 Howard Edward* y Hemsley John (col'd) 38 Hofl'man Jacob 62 Houck William H. 10 Hiukle John 3S Hoover Peter 02 Hughs Scott W. 12 Hudson Henry (col'd) 39 Harman John 63 Healy James 15 Hockenberry Herman 39 Hoover John 63 Hardie James J 5 Hockenberry Denny 40 Helf JohnC. 63 Hammer John J . 15 Harvey John 40 Hochstetter Jonallian 65 Hamilton Wilson 15 Heckman Albert 40 Hay Andrew 65 Hark<;lroad Jacob 37 Hockenberry Moifow 40 Hannah J'hilip ()5 Herrington Dennis J 7 Hockenberry John S. 40 Horner (icorge (!() Harkelroad Benj. V. 17 Hockenberry Denny 40 Heiple Alexander 66 Henser .Jesso 17 Hockenberry Joim 40 Horner Henry 6() Haney Patrick 18 Hill James (ool'd) 41 Hoffman William (i(i Hook James 18 Hepfer John M. 42 Hinebaugh Jackson 6(i Haas John A. 18 Hartmire Jacob- 43 Hufline Abraham 67 Haney William T. lit Hattaway Jas. S. (col'd) 43 Harbaugh David 67 Hook John w Haggie Daniel " 43 Hyatt .losiah (!7 Houk Oliver P. H. 19 Hays Edward 4:; Harned John 67 Hook Elias 20 llellane Daniel 44 Hickler Franklin C»i Hudson Hosea 20 Hull John (col'd) 44 Humbert Joseph 68 Hinish Henry 2(1 liogan Charles (col'd) 44 Hershberger John (59 Hardman Shannon 21 He wet Jacob C 45 Hamer Levi 70 Hughes l^alcy 21 High Jacob D. 45 Haller Henry 71 Heffner James 22 Hall William 46 Hamers Natiianiel 71 Heflner Samuel 22 Hoof Milton 46 Hoss Simon 74 Hillegass Jacob 24 Hoke William 46 Hantz William 74 Heickey Michael 24 Harr David 47 Izer William 8 Hockard Mathias 24 Hess Nelson 47 Irons John 8 Hillegass Henry 24 Harraan Jacoli 49 Ickes Mathias 12 Hockard Simon 24 Hart Abner 49 Her Joseph J!) Hide John 24 1 roo))engardi]er Jonas 49 Imgrund Andrew 23 Hefner John 25 1 loopcr Jolni 50 Imler Uriah 28 Hoover ^Vashmgton 25 Hughes Thomas 50 Iniler William 31 Harden John 261 Hoopengardner Joseph 50 liams John 33 Harden John 20 Hiles George 50 Ickes Samuel 34 Hoyman Samuel 27^ Hess Benner 50 Ickes Samuel 34 Hysung John 27: Hendershot Charles 50 Imler Adam H. of J. 36 Hoover Philip H. 27: Hoopengardner Denton 51' Ickes William 3() Hoover Peter 27 Hofi'man John 51 Imler Adam H. of J. 36 Hartraan Franklin 28 Hess Job 5] Iskin Casper J. 62 Hollinger Jacob 28 Hanks Jacob C. 51 Imhoft' Joseph 03 Hanks William 29 Hixon Acquilla 51 Irwin Frank H. 70 Hoopengarden }£eury 291 Holland George W. 52 Jacobs Samuel 6 Hinton William 29, Houk Isaac, 53 Johns William 7 Hull Daniel 30 Hess Dennis 53 Jacoby Jacob 10 Hammer Samuel 31 Hart Dennis 53: Johnson Moses (col'd) 12 Hall Jacob 31 Hojte Henry M. •^4i Jajnes John 15 u 82 INDEX. JamtM Edward 15 vlaher Herman 37 Lowrey Franklin 26 James William 15 velly Cyrus F. 41 Lewis Robert (col'd) 26 James David 15 inepper Andrew J. 44 Luman Aaron 26 JohuRon Chark's II. 26 Keefer Martin 45 Logson Samuel 27 Justice Jesse 27 Kittle William (col'd) 45 Layton Barton 29 Jones William 28 ivline John, of Sam'l, 48 Layton Wesley 29 Johnson William (col'd 30 [vebaugli George 52 Lyeh Samuel 29 Johnson Ilegia 32 [verlin Jonathan 52 Layton George W. 31 Jefferson Wm. H.(c()rd)38 Kelly Nathaniel D. 53 Larah Jacob 32 Jefferson George (col'd^ 38 [vuhn George 53 Leighty Samuel 32 Jackson Wesley 39 [vline Morris 54 Lingenfelter Daniel 33 Junkins James S. 40 Kline John B. D. 54 Lamburn John 36 Jackson William (col'd^ 41 [vline William A. 54 Leader David 37 John John H. 45 [vline Conrad S. 54 Lear Jacob 38 Jackson Charles 46 [vnable Daniel 56 Lewis William (col'd) 40 John Henry (col'd) 52 Keefer Levi 56 Long Abraham D. 40 Jackson Henry 56 Kittle Harrison 57 Linn Hugh W. 40 Johnson Martin V. B. 56 Keith Samuel 58 Linn John 41 Jordon Lawrence 61 Keith Wilson R. 58 Leckley George (col'd) 41 Jordon Michael 61 Keefer Daniel 62 Liugle Christian 42 Joder Benjamin J. 64 Keefer Israel 62 Lawson David 43 Jones Willam 73 Kappes Harman 63 Lucket John (col'd) 45 Kinnamon Jacob 5 Keefer Peter 63 Long Michael 45 Kinnamou John 5 Keaffer Jacob K. 64 Lambkins Benj. (col'd) 46 Kesseling George 6 Keim Jacob m Lauvre Adam 47 Kepner Hiram 6 Knepp Henry 66 Lake Daniel 48 Kuert Edward 7 Kantz Abraham 66 Lynch David 48 Kready Peter 9 King Alfred 67 Lainhart Abner 49 Klingle William 10 King Samuel P. 67 Layton Isaac 49 Karns John 10 King Smitii B. 67 Lynch Wesley 49 Klavenspice Andrew 13 Koontz Henry 68 Lainhart Abner 49 Kegg Andrew J. 13 Keiser Abraham 70 Lake William B. 50 Koons Charles 13 Kline John 72 Linn Noah K. 50 Kelly Michael 15 Knapsnyder George 72 Layton Denton 0. 50 Kelly Michael 15 Kennell Valentino 73 Lehman Isaiah 50 Kinnamon George 16 Keefer Noah 74 Little William 51 Keely James 16 Laughman Alexander 5 Lodge Timothy H. 51 Kegg Levi 16 Laughman William 6 Lodge Benjamin M. 51 Koontz Peter, of J. 1/ Laughman John 6 Lodge Jazabed 52 Kaylor Michael 19 Laughman Emanuel 6 Linn Simon P. 52 Kelly Josiah 19 Line Jacob 12 Long Adam 53 Koons John II. 20 Lucket Alex, (col'd) 13 Linn Amos S. 53 Ketsinger George 21 Leasure John 14 Lum Hugh 53 Knepper Oliver 21 Lehman George M. 15 Logan Charles E. 55 Keyser John 21 Love James 15 Lohr Joseph 55 Knotiff Jeremiah 22 Lewis William T 15 Lamberson David 55 Kinsey Benjamin F. 23 Little Philip 17 Lamberson William 55 Kinsey William S. 23 Lantz Dennis 17 Lamberson Daniel A. 55 Kinsey Scott 23 Lee Henry W. 18 Leidy Jacob 57 Kinsey Dewald 24 Leisure George 18 Loomas John 58 Keyser John 24 Luman Solomon 18 Lenhart John 59 Kegg John F. 24 Lee Nathan 19 Long Peter 60 Kensinger James 25 Luman Jonathan 19 Luman Aaron 61 Kellerman William 26 Leonard John 21 Luman William 62 Kauffuian Joseph 27 Livingston Samuel 22 Longsdorf Jesse 63 Keel George 29 Ltiman Barney 23 Ijowry William F. 65 Kooster Baniel 30 Lehman Samuel B. 23 Long Peter H. 68 Kooster Willian) 3t Ludwig Martin 23 Lareu Francis W. 69 Koons Henry R. 3( Lafferty Edw^r4 23 Leidig Dennis 69 Kuhl Nathan B. 31 Lafferty John 24 Lehman Henry 69 ]\M Pl|i|ip 32 Logtsuu William Lodgson Johu ^, ?5 Ln.tei} Johii 69 Kegerice Christian 32 2b Lees Gillian 61) Kocheri( liiviu^fstpnJftCHbp (in Ling David Ling Gephart Lakm Jacob Logiio Uanic'l Ling Benjamin Loitlig John Leydig George W. Lape Harman Myers Lewis S. Myer Philip Mallory William (col'd) Moser John C. Miller John Martin William McSherry James Myer Philip Moul Levi Marks Daniel Mummart Jonas C. Mummart George Mower William Minnich Jacob Mansfield John MuUer Joseph Meek John Malone John S. Melton Henry Miller Heniy Miller Andrew Millburn William McDiiniel William McEldowney Hezekiuh May Nathaniel C. McName George F. Mortiniore Joseph P. Miller Jefferson Morgart Peter Miller John P. Miller Henry Miller Samuel McGuire William Miller Jacob, Jr., Miller Martin Miller Archibald Miller Jeremiah Miller Thomas Morgart Samuel McFerran James McCov John Mellott William McDaniel Amos Miller Elijah May David Miller Frederick Mclhiey Thomas McCary Stephtui Moyer David Miller John McCoUof Thomas McFarn John Miller John May Daniel G. McGuire Willioin INDEX. 83 70 McGriger Enoch 25 Myei-s Christian 42 70 Miller William 25 Martin Jeremiah 42 71 Moser William 25 Myers Matthew 43 71 Miller Samuel S. 25 Miller David M. 44 71 Moser Nathan 26 Mentzer William, of J. ,44 73 Miller Andrew J. 26 Martin William 44 73 McAleer Charles 27 McLellan Robert L. 44 73 Maun Samuel 27 McNeal John 45 6 Myers Jacob 27 McCleary George 45 6 Mitchell Henry 28 Miller Denton 45 8 McCIain George 28 Masters John 45 8 Messner John * 28 Miller James W. 46 8 McGregor WiUiam 28 Morgret James 47 9 Madder Charles 28 Mellott Wesley 48 10 Metz John G. 28 Mellott Abner 48 10 Mills Isaiah 28 Mellott Jeremiah 48 11 Markler Henry, Jr. 28 Mellott Joseph 48 11 Moris David 29 Morgret Dennis 48 11 McDaniel William 29 Mellott Daniel 48 11 Miller Bartley 29 Mellott David II. 48 12 McDaniel Daniel 29 Mellott Absalom 48 12 McCreary Thomas 29 Mason George 49 13 Miller Peter A. 29 Mann John 49 13 Miller Samuel, ot Benj ,30 Marvin George 49 15 Mahauey William 30 Mann Morgan 50 15 Miller Jacob H. 30 Morris Isaac 50 15 Mangus Jacob 30 Mellott Job 50 15 Miller John 30 Morgret Silas 51 15 Miller Henry S. 30 Morgret Henry 51 16 Miller William 30 McDaniels Moses 51 16 McCleary Andrew J. 30 McDaniel Emanuel 52 16 Miller Solomon 31 Miller Jacob W. 52 17 McClenen Albert 31 Miller James F. 52 17 ilickel John J. 31 Markey Joseph 52 17 Maun Samuel 33 McCoy George 53 17 Miller Jesse 34 Miller David 53 18 jMachtley Henry 34 Mellott George W. 53 18 Mock Hiram 34 Mitchell John L. 53 18 More Joseph 35 Mellott William H. 53 18 Miller Thomas 35 Mellott Emanuel 53 19 Mechtly William 35 Mellott Matthew 54 19 Meelt'ee David 36 Mellott Noah 54 19 Morehead William F. 36 Mellott Jonas 54 19 Myers George 36 Michael David L. 54 19 Myers Henry B. 36 Mellott Nathan 54 19 Mench George 37 Magsam John 55 19 May Israel 37 McNerliu James 55 20 McDaniel Lewis 37 Miller John P. 55 20 Manspeaker John 37 Mansberger John 5G 20 Mortiniore Alexander 37 Morgret Samuel 56 20 Mogle George 37 Mann John 56 21 McKindless John A. 37 Miller Isaac 56 22 Mason George 38 Moats John 57 22 Maun Samuel 38 Morgret Dennis 57 22 Mull Paul 39 Myers David 57 23 McClure Henry 39 Miller Jacob 58 24 Mclntire Robert W. 40 Miller David L. 58 24 Magee William D. 4() Miillin John 58 24 Mills Thomas M. 40 Miller Isaiah 59 24 Marcy Robert (col'd) 41 May John H. 59 24 Martin Darid 42 McClintock James 5!) 24 Mim Jeremiah 42 Montgomery Michael 59 25 McCreary David 42 Meese Christian .59 84 INDEX, Martin Caspor :.o Nicklow Daniel 60 Peterson Wm. (cor5 Peck Peter 57 Mitchell Joel 67 Osbune Daniel P. 55 Peck Michael 57 Mountain Walter S. G7 Ott Nicholas 57 Pittman Benjamin F. 57 McNair Lorenzo 1). ()7 Ort Charles 63 Pechtle Philip 57 Miller Daniel A. (J8 Oaks Joseph ()9 Polk William 57 Mull Andrew 69 Orres Joseph 69 Polk David 57 Miller Noah G9 Pitzer Samuel, Jr. 6 Parr William 59 Mishler William (i9 Patterson George 6 Powell George W. 61 McGregor Samuel 7U Parr Jacob 10 Pritz Israel (52 Malsberry Williahi 70 Peters Jacob 10 Plecher Henry 67 Miller John W. 71 I'ierson Thomas 15 Pile Moses (i8 Miller Henry S. 71 Pepple Josiah 16 Poister Jacob V,f< Mentzer David 72 Plowdeu Benjamin(cor dl7 Poorbaugh Jonatiian r>9 Mullenberg Henry 72 Poole John W. 18 Penrod Annaniah 70 May John 74 Peck David 20 Potts Theodore B. 71 Mostholder John 74 Porter Leonard 26 Pile Aaron H. 71 Null David 5 Porter Moses, of Evan , 26 Peck Samuel 73 Noel Amos 7 Perkins Stephen 27 I'hillippi William 74 Nace William (col'd) 10 Potter AVilliam 27 Queer Daniel 72 Naugle PTenry 13 Pennell Thomas 29 Kiley William 6 Norris John W. 18 Potts Jacob 32 Reilly James 7 Nycum William 21 Perrin Amos 32 Kites Elias 7 Nicodemus Joseph 21 Potter Lewis 33 Kodenbatigher Frank 10 Nicely Christian 22 Perdew Henry 34 Reed John P. Jr., 12 Nelson John 27 Pilkington James H. 36 Reighard Andrew J. 13 Northcraft Hczekiah 33 Price David 37 Ruby Jackson 14 Newman Arthur (col'd) 38 Peddicord Franklin 37 Ray John 14 Newman John (col'd) 41 Pratts Samuel L. (col'd) 38 Roney James 15 Niswauder Joseph 43 Powell Levi 38 Ramsey George (col'd) 17 Nunemacker Benjamin 44 Peck George 39 Reed Lewis (col'd) 17 Needy Jacob 46 Piper William 39 Rice Daniel 18 Nelson John, Jr., 47 Piper Wilson 40 Rice George 19 Norris James 49 Parson Franklin D. 41 Nicklow Jesse 59 Patterson Robert 42 Rore Henry Jr., 19 Nickclson John :.9 Plireaner John TI. 43 Richey Levi •20 INDEX. 85 Richey Georoe of \V. Koiizer NVilliaui Eiley iJenjamin Richey Adam Rice Sanuifi Richey Jacob ofM. Ross Josepii Reed William Rath John Riffle Peter Ringler Frank Rush Jacob Riley Daniel Robinson Samuel Ross Charles Reed Nathaniel P. Roberts George Rourer Joseph Itipple John Rock Samuel Risvvick William Riley George C. Robinson John Robinson Samuel Rowland John A. Roland Hezekiah Richter Adam Reesy Joseph Ridenour John Rininger Daniel Itininger Joseph of Jac. Renner Isaac Rose Adam Russel Jacob Rininger William of J. Rininger Joseph Rininger Josiah Richter Charles W. Riley J. Henry Ramsey Jeremiah Robison David (col'd) Rule Isaac N. Richardson Jas. (col'd) Robison Charles (col'd) Ross Thomas Rowls John Ross Benjamin (col'd) Russell James (col'd Russell Elkhanna Reily Henry Rowe John Rife John of J. Ithone Noah Rosenberry Daniel Rider Francis S. Reed Martin Runyan Pheneus Richards David Rhiner Daniel Robison Isaac Rhom Jacob Rdiin Jacob M. Kilev Job II 20 Richardson George 20 Richter Julius A. 20 Richard Joseph L. 20 Richard Jonathan 20 [Raker Charles 20 1 Raker Andrew J. 22 Rummel John E. 22 Rotz Jacob 22 Rhoam John 23 Ready George W. 24 Ready John A. 26 Roberts Charles 27 Ringler Jefferson 27 Rodemer Henry A. 27 Rupp John 28lRubright David 29! Roddy Lewis 80 i Ream William 30 Rhoades David L. 30 Roomsburg (Jeorge 30 Rush Evans 31 Rector Tillman 32 j Rankin Franklin 32! Ross James 32 Replogle Jacob 33! Rhodes Edward 33 i Reese George L. 33 " 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 53 1 Stiffler Michael 54!Sigler Washington 56[Shimer Benjamin F. r,r, I Shorthill David R. 57 Stell John 571 Smith George Risley John D. Rayman Charles Reese Samuel Rhodes Simon Rine John Reed John Reitz John Sourbeer Emanuel 35 Stahl Edw ard H. Sourbeer Edward Stanower Eli Swartz Henry V. Sn3'der Adam Slyder William J. Snyder Adam Stultz Isaiah H. Saunders William Shindledecker Levi Snider Jackson A. Strasbaugh Francis Sheetz Jeremiah Sanders Edmund Sanders Daniel Socks John Shultz Anthony Shane John Shull Samuel Snider Philip A. Sheets Samuel Schibert Michael Smith Jacob Sill Frederick Sauler Wm B. (col'd) Stair John Souer» Jacob Shore Enoch Spicer Spicer Daniel Stevenson William Smouse James Shafer George Shafer Jacob Sellers Jacobs Shafer Josiah Stoutenour Samuel 65! Simpson Samuel Strauder James (col'd) Shultz Frank Sigler Joseph Strauder Willis (col'd) Stailey W^illiam A. Smith Lewis Stihl Jacob Style Jacob 71lSage David (col'd) 52 Smith Emamiel Shafer Josiah Stillinger Michael Shafer Jackson Smith Daniel Spiser Frank Shafer Hugh Skelly Abraham Sides Lewis Smith John G. Shanefelt Joseph Stronp Frederick Smith Solomon Strupman Augustus Spicer John Streng Lewis Smith Frederick Shafer Joseph Shroyer Adam Shroyer Daniel Smith Jesse Simpson Gauze (col'd) Stoer Augustus Shroyer Jacob Stufts David Shafer Nathan Smith Solomon Strayer Jacob Steel John A. Strayer Sanmel Smith Jacob N., Jr., Smith Jacob Stull William Stonei Christopher Stuckey Abraham Spidle Milton Snively John Stickler fJeorge 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 J 9 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 86 INDEX. Strickler Henry 30 Sleek Nicholas 3U Stuhz William 31 Souzer Henderson 3J Snyder David 31 Shafer Daniel 31 Stichler Charles 31 Smith Andrew J. 32 Smith Elisha 32 Sommei"ville Robert 32 Smith Maleon 33 StuU Joseph 33 Straley James 33 Sleek John A. 34 Sleek James 35 Seice Nicholas 35 Sleek Thomas 35 Snyder Jacob 36 Shafer William 36 Snyder William 36 Sleek Theodore 36 Sleighter David 37 South James 37 Sparks Abraham 37 Streets Keuben (col'd) 38 Streets Robert (col'd) 38 Saylor David 38 Shrader John 38 Shaffer William 39 Shearer Jonathan 39 Skinner John A. 39 Shield Augustus 39 Shields Peter E. 39 Sanders Joshua (col'd) 40 Stake John 40 Steward Simon 40 Steward David 40 Stake AVilliam 40 Shawallow Thomas 41 Shields Arthur 41 Seibert Nathan 41 Smith Reuben (col'd) 41 Sellers Amos J. 41 Stitzel Daniel 41 Strike Reuben 42 Sprecher Lewis H. 42 Schrader Michael P. 42 Smith George (col'd) 43 Swisher George W^. 43 Strock Henry 43 Sprinkle Jacob (col'd) 43 Sowers David 44 Strasner Paul 44 Snyder John A. J. 45 Shirk Henry 45 SufficoU Wesley 45 Sowers Jacob 47 Sowers John, Jr., 47 Smith Bartemius 48 Sipe Henry 48 Smith Jacob 46 Smith George /) 48 Stair David f) 48 Smith William Smith John H. Shiver Dayton O. Siumions John Smith Silas Smith William Selvy Ezra Smith Levi Stley Daniel Shives Thomas Segal Gabriel Sproat Joseph R. Smith Jackson Sproat George R. St. Clair John Stumbaugh Wm. F. Snyder John Spicer Samuel Schooley Daniel H. Schooley George W^ Stevens David Sipe Nelson J. Sipe Samuel Sipes Dennis B. Swope William Snider William Strait George Sipe George R. Sansom Philip W. Smith William D. Shaffer John W. Sipes John Stephens Jacob S. Smith Philander Souders Arthur Souders Jacob M. Snyder George Sherman Samuel Snyder Andrew Smith William H. Spear James Sterner Levi Sterner Jacob, of J. Sloan Benjamin F. Sterner John Spiker Henry Suhre Francis Suhre Elias Suwer William Sawer George Suttmiller Francis Sawer Joseph Shafer James Shafer George Suhry Cornelius Schrack Jonas Shiller John Sevits Abraham Sheets William Stone John Stone John Smith Peter S. Shnfer John 49 1 Sanderson PL L. 491 Schmidt John H. 49 1 Smith Samuel Showman Alexander Sterner Emanuel Snider Ross H. Smith Daniel G. Sweitzer Daniel Snyder William Sixes William P. 51 1 Sees William 51 Saupp Andrew 52 Shull William 52 Schmucker Cyrus 52 Shallis Franklin 52 Stall Samuel 53 Shultz Norman B. 53 j Shallis Alexander 53 Shafer Ephraim 53|Stahl Harman 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 57 57 57 59 59 59 GOjThomas W^illiam 60 1 Taylor James 60 Thompson John 60 1 Taylor Joseph 60 1 Tanner Jacob 60|Tracey David C. 61 [Tweedy Robert Shrack Jonathan Sturtz Peter Shank Charles Spangler Solomon Shuuk Jacob Tawney John, Jr., Thompson James Thompson Samuel Tildon Jackson Thomas John Thomas Joseph Teeters John W. Trout John C. Taylor Jeremiah Tricker B'^nj amin F. Trimbath James W^. Taylor Samuel Tucker B. F. Twig Francis Taylor William (col'd) Toibert William (col'd) 41 Thomas John Thomas Moses col'd) Thomas John (col'd) Truax John Truax Samuel Tyson William Truax Benjamin Truax Andrew Trive Martin Trail Nathan B. Truax Jonas Truax Daniel H. Tice Martin Teater John Trott Henry RD-94 \ INDEX. 87 Truuipour George 5(3 White John Tisue Madison 59 White George Thomas Joab 60 Wambaugh Lewis Thomas Abraham 61 Wyant Adam Troutman Solomon 61 Warner Andrew Tipton Joseph 62 Willason Jacob Tayman Augustus 62 Wilhelm Samuel L. Tie David 64 Wilen Jacob Topliu Abraham 64 Wagoner Stephen Tissue Newton 67 Whitaker Jonathan Tissue William M. 67 Winter Joseph Tidenberg John 68 Wonders John Taylor Samuel 70 Whiteline William Thomas Jacob 71 Wonders Jacob Troutman Benjamhi 73 Wagoner John Tressler Samuel 74 Wilson Thomas Tressler Harrison 74 Wngfield John B. Vaughan John W. 16 Wigfield Thomas Valentine Levi 19 Wigfield Elias Vanstine John 29 Wilkison William Vallance David 53 Wallace Hiram Vallance Adam 54 Wentz Jacob Valentine William 61 Weller John Vanhorn Isaiah 70 Wright Dorwin Vrincey Benjamin 71 Walker Isaac Vrincey Dewalt 71 Wertz Balser Wallett Lewis 5 Weister George of J. Wolff Jeremiah 5 Wilson Samuel H. Wolff Calvin F. 5 Weaverliug Stephen Wiel J. F. H. 5 Weimer Joseph Wertz Samuel A. 6 Wilson William H. H. Wetzel Jacob 8 Wilson Matthew C. Whitmore Lewis 9 Weight John Wank Isaac 9 Wilson James M. Warn George 9 Ward David Weaver Rufus 10 Williams James (col'd) Welsh David 11 Wilson William M. Wilson John 13 Whitmore Abraham Weisel William W. 13 Ward Acquilla Wackfoss Conrad 13 Waddle Henry J. Wans Edwin (col'd) 13 Waltz Dennis Ward Thomas B. 15 Wink Abner Williams Samuel D. 16 Wink Henry Wertz David 17 Wilson Thomas Wertz Joseph 17 Winters Amos ^Velsh John W. 18 Winter Levi Warren Nimrod (col'd) 18 Wright William Wertz Emanuel 18 Wiiisler Christian Wertz Henry 18 Wilson Thomas Wolford Daniel 18 Winters Joseph Wertz John W. 18 Wittclinton Greonbury Wertz Jacob 18 Wible Jacob Wirl Samuel 18 Wallace James W. Wertz Taliaferro 18 Wallace Annitage Wertz John J. 19 Wink Elias Watters David 21 Witter Dnnii'l Whiteliuc Nicholas 22 Woodruff Edwanl 22 Wagner Napoleon B. 57 22 White John 57 23 Wagner Riley 57 24 White Richard R. 60 24 Werner Benjamin GO 26 Werner William 60 26 Ware John 61 27 Wombaugh John 61 29 Warner Albert 61 29 Weber William 61 29 Wolfhop John 61 30 Wolfliop William 61 30 Ware Amos 61 30 Ware William 61 31 Weimer Peter 62 31 Will Augustus 62 32 Wagner Joseph 64 32 Wagner Wells 64 33 Whipskey Abram 65 33 Washer Alozeous 6() 33 Wilhelm Samuel C. 67 34 Whipskey Garrett 68 35 Wagaman Samuel 68 35 Walford Conrad 69 35 Wible Jonathan 69 36 Wright George 70 38 Wagner Jacob 71 39 Wilt Edward 71 37 Weller Daniel 72 37 Wable Foster 74 39 Wilkison John 75 40 Yohe George 10 41 Young Peter (col'd) 13 41 Young Oliver 14 41 Yauts Dennis 18 42 Yinglin Martin 34 42 Young Henry L. 34 43 Yager George 35 45 Yeakle Emanuel 45 46 Yonker John 50 48 Yates Elias 52 48 Yonker George 56 49 Yoder Cornelius 59 49 Youman Joseph 64 49 Yaiser Gotleib 65 49 Younkin Foster C. 67 49 Young Frederick 71 49 Young William H. 72 50 Yutzey Chauncy 73 50 Yutzey Jonathan 74 50 Zauble Amos 10 53 Zigler Daniel 13 53 Z embower Jaraea 18 53 Zenbower Josiah 19 54 Zigler Price 4(t 55 5(! Zimmerman Franklin 71 ^o o V % ^^. « *^ tj^titS^*^ -P. 0^ »•"-•" o- •0^ *''J : "^^0^ .0 ^ "'' -vV . *V •"*' A? '<^ -•• ° ^. "■• <5>^ °^ ^"-' .^^ 'oK '^0^ -./ -^^'t "W" • Jfe': \/ -^-t %. .•b^r ^6 vH BO ^o-n^ '.^^^* ,-?^°^ AUGUSTINE <;) -^v *^%iit«*;* ^K "^ FLA. ^ 'Ji* * • • ^ * ^V" -^ - " ■ » Ay -^ W'&>:mmmmm LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 009 939 907 7