"■ftiiiili Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 ^9/^ S^^— . -».., ..-■ ^^'•* ^'' iiiiii ssaaoNOD do LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, i UNITED STATES OF AMERKA. THE G , -.Ac, p,>rtiii,ilii to e.rpre.ss imrse/res, <(s iretl as to set the reoi/rr arnjht. This heaiitiful/i/ coiislnu-le^t and hajhtij iiinajliiatire poem, suhlimc in its siniplifilij and ijraiid in its pnrltij, ccuaefrom the busi/ pen nf a ijomnj antlna- n-hn is fast as- cending to thnt position attained unli/ lii/ ftii/lils '>/' i/cnins. This pneni is ivartlnj of Ihr highest consideration, and, j anioinj irlaiterer Coinininiiti/ it niaij jind its iraij, iril' have there a Instiiaj impression. The author Inis pleas- i»gh/ delineated, lii/ jiersani/ication, life from its origin to its terininiis — carrijing irith it eril and holiness, side by side, through all stages until tli.e end comes, when the ' reward IS giceii. We feil jnstijied in saying that this p,„'in a- it I knock i and gain entrance to the hearts of thonsands. and there lie received and cherished iritli as ivarm affections as it tvas received by i THE PUBLISHERS. ^ p THE HOLY FLiiWER. The floi;^ PloWc^i'. A heautfous plant calird \hv Iluly FImwlm ('(.iite-nteil it dwelt in tlie loivst o-hide. Iter skirt, uli.-re tlie maples" slia,: ) ^ 1 )is].layed their iinai;-e .ni the verdant j;'ivei *2^ And solitude lingei'ed in eveiT scene. As pnre as the Imur that a\v-ether we dwell, The bell that nnited shall toll our knell ; For the frosts will eonie and the cold winds blow, And we'll perish alike heneath the snow." Yet the Flower said nan,i;lit, but smiled with love, And lifted its an;i-eli<' eyes above ; And seeming to say, in a silent jM-ayer : "O, life evei'lastino- awaits us there. Thy Father's commandments fultill below, And fear not the wind, and di'ead not the snow, But follow the path that thy Saviour trod, And trust in the "lorious words of (bid " IK|.;r SOI.ITUMK 'I'llAI' lOVEHVIlIIXC WORI- As tVi.. SuiniiKT wiin.Ml ;um1 the Aut.nun st(MMi. Rea.ly to cul.ir the lawn mid the w- -lades With the rieliest ,.f melaiicholv shaer I search the less I know ; So ril seek no longer His mystical lore, r.ut trust in the Creator all the more." Then the huntsman's head sank down on his hreas And he slept in the forest, the sleep of rest. The night was ciiill, hut his simuher was sound, An.l the Hrst white frost cvered tree and ground. His dog lay silent, on guard at his feet, And his smiling face tol.l his dreams were sweet. When the nu.rrow hroke, and the faintest ray Procltiimern was chill II. ,w he bore it home o'er meadow and hill ; How it hhK.med afresh when the morrow came, Like the mortal sold, when the holy tlanie Is ,inenche