\ PRICE 25 CENTS. NO PLAYS EXCHANGED. No. 15. Gabe's Home Run By William and Josephine Giles. ADOLPH E. REIM, Publisher, MILWAUKEE, - WISCONSIN. ©CLD 24013 No. 15, Gabe's Home Run. A ONE ACT COMEDY. By William and Josephine Giles. Time — Midnight. CAST. Gabe Watson Black Face. Liza Watson Black Face. (Man and wife). DIAGRAM. Wood o Trees. o Country Road. ADOLPH E. REIM, Publisher, MILWAUKEE, - WISCONSIN. / Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1910, by Adolph E. Reim, in the office of tin Librarian of Congress at Washing- ton, D. C. TMP92-009233 GABE'S HOME RUN. SCENE. — Wood. A country road right and left, trees right and left. See diagram: ( Enter Liza at R.). Li za — (Looking off at left). Now heah it am way late again, and dat Gabe Watson not home yet Ise all done gettin tired Ob this, and I*e gwine to put a stop to it. I wonder what I kin do, Ise all done tried everything I could think ob, but breakin' his good for nothen head. He am de worst nigger I ever sawd, and Ise seen a good many, but day don't all look alike to me when he am in de crowd. But, let me see what can I do to get de best ob dat coon? (Thinks). Oh, I hab it now, he am de scarest nigger dat I ebber saw, why he am scared ob his shadder. Why, jist de other night we herd a noise out in de hen house, and he all done made me So ahead and carry de lantern, him a follerin' along behind wid de shot gun, and jist as we done got to de door ob de coop, dat ole domineck rooster flopped his wings and let a crow out ob him, and dat durn fool nigger fell in a tub of soft soap I had jist made dat day, and de gun sploded and blowed de lantern all to pieces. Oh, I tell you he am a brave nigger, dar ain't none like him. But Ise all done gwine ter stop dis goin' to town eber night and stayin' till midnight, and leaven me all alone, jist see if I don't, Ise all done know what Ise gwine ter do. (Looks off at left). Dar he am corn- in' now. (Shakes fist at him). Never yo mind old man, yo am gettin' gay, but yo am all done gwine to come down a notch or two, and yo old woman heah am de one dat am gwine ter bring yo down. Ise gwine ter make you make a home run to-night. Gabe Watson I (Exit at b.)« 4 gabe's home run. (Enter Gabe at l. with lantern). Q aoe — Well, well, I jist can't help thinkin' about Liza, heah I am all done got a whole lot of trouble. Liza, she am all done got a foolish notion in her head, dat she am got to hab a new bonnet and a new dress, and where in de debbil am de money to come from to get all dis finery? Now I don't know what Liza means to bother me wid all dis foolishness, but I tell you dat she gib me to under- stand dis morning dat she meant business, and Ise tell yo when she looks at me in dat tone ob voice Ise all done put nigh habe to do what she done tells me. Liza always did appitite good clothes, Ise spose de reason dat she wants all these fine duds she am figurin on goin' into one ob dem soap clubs. Oh, I tell yo Ise all done gwine ter get it to-night, Ise* done forgot it was gettin' late when I done got into a card game wid dat Andy Jackson, gee Ise bet Liza am mad, I wish I could see a good friend ob mine and borrow fifty cents off of him, den Ise could tell Liza dat Ise all done been workin', but it am too late now to see anybody around heah. Oh, Liza will all done be scared ter death up dar in de cabin all alone, I wish I had went home before dark, but one thing am sure this nigger won't be long gettin up dar. Ise wonder if Liza am lookin' fo me? Ise all done see a light in de window, Ise wish she wouldn't waste so much oil. Oh, Lord dis ole nigger am sure to catch it, Ise see Liza at the window now. (Waves hand). How do honey, oh it am de cat settin' in de window. (Enter Liza at r. unseen by Gabe, gets behind tree r. tvith white sheet around her). Gabe — Liza don't like fo' me to trabble dis road alone after dark; but what am dar to be scared of? Dis nigger am not scared ob nothin' why Ise done been all over dese hills alone too after dark and Ise hab seen all kinds ob curious sights, but what am dar ter be 'fraid ob? Why Ise could whoop de ole debble himself. Liza — Bo-o-o- gabe's home eun. 5 Gabe — (Stands still, rolls eyes right and left, then smiles). Huh, Ise not scared, Ise jist listening Ise thought I heard Liza callin' me. Liza — Bo-o-o- Gabe — (Rolls big eyes around trembling all over). Oh, Ise not scared, but I thought I heard soniethin'. Liza — Bo-o-o- bo-o-o — Gabe — (Jumps, runs right and left). Oh, golly what am dat, which way will Ise go? Ise not scared, but, but — Liza — Bo-o-o- Gabe — Oh, Lordy, it am a ghost! Liza — (Coming up sloicly icith sheet around her). Gabe — (Drops on his knees). Oh, Lord, sabe me! Liza — What am your name, Gabriel Watson? Gabe — Oh, Lordy I all done forgot. Liza — Am your name Gabriel Watson? Gabe — Yes, yes, dat am it, dat am it. Liza — Well, Gabriel Watson, I was all done sent heah to warn yo dat if yo don't be careful yo am goin' ter meet wid some great kalamity. Gabe — Oh, Lord, Ise don't know who dat am — Liza — But if yo will done' promise to reform, and treat yo old woman better, yo will be sabed. Gabe — Oh, Lord, Ise promise anythin', anythin' if yo will let me off dis time. Liza — Well, Gabriel Watson, will yo all done stay at home at night wid yo old woman? Gabe — Yes, yes, Oh, I'll all done stay at home all de time. Liza — And chop de wood? Gabe — Yes, yes! Liza — And feed de chickens? Gabe — Oh, Lord, yes! Liza — And slop de hogs? 6 gabe's home run. Gaoe — Yes, yes, I'll do everythin'. Liza — And go to work and get dem new things, yo old woman was all done axen for? Gaoe — Yes, yes, I'll all done do dat if Ise nab ter sell de clothes off mah back. Liza — Well den yo all done remember, what yo hab promised? And now yo make a home run, and don't yo ebber forget! Gate — (Rising runs off at e.). Oh, Liza — Liza — for de Lord sake Liza! (Exit at e.). Liza — (Throws off sheet, stands hands on hips laughing). —CURTAIL— APR 21 191! One copy del. to Cat. Div. R 21 IS!? LIBRARY OF CONGRESS