\ 32 4673 9py ^ English HiBtory SCHEDULE OF English History. ^. ( u.- Prepared for use in 3 / GLOUCESTER HIGH SCHOOL, -JsJv . o. BY / MARY E. WILDER. 1890. t::^ The following topical arrangement has been found useful in guiding immature pupils in the study of English His- tory. The deeper constitutional and ecclesiastical subjects have been purposely avoided, owing to the youthfulness of the classes. The books of reference repi-esent the working library of the school and not, in every instance perhaps, the best which the world affords. A few names of historical novels, dramas, etc., have been added, as they serve to give us a pictui-e of manners and customs, which is lacking in the history proper. The name of the author only is given with the topic, except when more than one work of a writer has been referred to. The following is a list of books used in these topics : Armitage : Childhood of the English Nation; Allen: Anglo-Saxon Britain; Bright : History of England ; Cordery & Phillpott: King and Commonwealth; Church : Story of Early Britain ; Henry V. (T. E. S.) Creasy : Fifteen Decisive Battles; Creighton: Age of Elizabeth (E. S.), Wolsey, (T. E. S.) ; Dickens : Child's History of England; Fisher: History of the Eeformation; Freeman: Old-Eng. History; Norman Conquests, Short Hist. of Nor. Conq., William the Conqueror (T. E. S.) ; Froude: Hist, of Eng.; Gardiner: Puritan Revolution (E. S.) Gairdner: Houses of Lancaster and York (E. S.), Henry VII. (T. E. S.); Green: Making of Eng., Conquest of Eng., Hist, of Eng.Peo., Shorter Hist, of Eng. Peo.; Mrs. Green: Henry II. (T. E. S.) ; Guizot: Eng. Revolution; Hale : Fall of the Stuarts (E. S.) ; Harrison: Cromwell (T. E. S.); Hughes : Life of Alfred; Hume : Hist, of Eng. (Student's Ed.) ; Hunt : Norman Britain; Jewett : Story of the Normans; Johnson : Normans in Europe (E. S.) ; Keightley : Hist, of Eng; Knight : Popular Hist, of England. Lappenberg: Hist, of Eng. under the Anglo-Saxon Kings; Macaulay : History of Eng. ; McCarthy : History of Our Own Times; Moberly : Early Tudors (E. S.) ; Morris : Age of Anne (E. S.) ; Scarth : Roman Britain ; Stubbs: Early Plantagenets (E.S.); Thierry: Norman Conquest; Traill :' William III. (E. S.) Warburton : Edward III. (E. S.) ; Yonge : Cameos from Eng. Hist. T. E. S., Twelve English Statesmen; E. S., Epoch Series. Green : Eng. Peo. Harper (4 vols.) Keightley: Hist, of Eng., Family Lib., (.5 vols.) M. E. W. MUD^&fc Copyright, 1891, by Mary E. Wilder. ENGLISH HISTORY, Ancient England. Montgomery, 1-2. Original Inhabitants : f Armitage, 4, 5. i Churcli, 1-10. Dickens, 1-5. Hnme, 2-6. Freeman, 1-12. Keig'litley, i. 15-19. Lappenherg, i. 2-17. t Scarth, 14, 15. Remains of Work : f Encyelopsedia. Avebuiy, J Freeman, 7. Knight, i. 12, 13. [ Scarth, 7, 8, 12, 13. Character, Government, Mode of Life, EeUgion, Stonehenge, ' Roman Conquests. Montgomery, 12-30. Invasions : f Armitage, 5-7. Church, 12-30. Dickens, 6. Hume, 7, 8. I Freeman, 12-14. Caesar, ■] Keightley, i. 19. Knight, i. 2-12. Lappenherg, i. 22-27. Ranke, 6. Scarth, 20-34. 3 (55 B. C— 449 A. D. Anderson, 15-27. yV Emp. Claudius, Plautius, f Church, 31-38. Dickens, 7. Freeman, 15. Hume, 8, 9. ] Keightlej^, i. 20. Knight. 1. 16-21. Lappenberg, 1. 28-32. Scarth, 35-45. Suetonius, Attack on Druids, Revolt of Boadicea, f Church, 48-57. Dickens, 8. I Freeman, 16. I Hume, 9. ] Keightley, i. 21, 22. Knight, 1. 22-26. Lappenberg, i. 28-35. Ranke, 7, 8. L Scarth, 46-54. Church, 58-65. Dickens, 9. Freeman, 17-19. Gov"t of j Hume, 10. Agricola, ' Keightley, i. 22, 23. Knight, i. 26-29. Lappenberg, i. 36-39. Scarth, 57-65. f Church, 66-74. I Freeman, 20. AVall of ' Hume, 11. Hadrian, | Keightley, i. 23. I Knight, i. 29, 30. [ Scarth, 66-68, 73-78. f Church, 76-78. I Freeman, 20. Severus,^^upe i;^- ^^, ' I Knight, 1. 29-31. I Lappenberg, i. 52, 53. L Scarth, 88-92. f Allen, 20. Pirates, -{ Hume, 12. [Eanke, 9. Roads, Forts, Language, Religion, Dickens, 10, 11. Freeman, 20, 21, Green, Making of Eng., 3, 4. Hume, 13-15. Knight, i. 32-38. Lappeuberg, i. 44, 45, 59-61, 64-67, 81-85. Searth, 114-123, 159-160. Wheeler, 25-30. Shakespeare : Julius Caesar. Ebers : The Emperor. Church : The Count of the Saxon Shore. [Hadrian . ] English Conquest. 499 B. C— 1066 A. D. Montgomery, 31-57. Anderson, 28-69. Allen, 1-8, 23-25. Armitage, 8, 9, 11. Bright, i. 1, 2. Church, 94-111. Dickens, 12-14. Freeman, 22-41. Freeman, Sh. Hist, of Nor. Conq., 7 Settlements,^ Green, Eng. Peo., i. 22-31. Green, Sh. Hist., 7-16. Green, Making of Eng., 44-52. Hume, 21-28. Keightley, i. 25-29. Knight, i. 63. Lappenberg, i. 115-126. King Arthur, Buifinch, Age of Chiv. Church, 100. Cox, Popular Romances. Freeman, 35-36. Hume, 27. [Lappenberg, i. 129-131. Character of Conquest, King, Government, f Armitage, 9, 10, 12-17, 34-41. I Green, Eng. Feo., i. 30-36, 93. j Green, Sh. Hist., 9-lG. Green, Conquest of Eng., 32-37 Hume, 70-76. [Wheeler, 30-35. Coming of Christianity Allen, 85-92. Gregory Augustine, rVrmitage, 18-22, 26, 27. Bright, i. 3, 4. Church, 120-131. Dickens, 15. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 42-50. i Freeman, i. 19-23. I Green, Eng. Peo., i. 37, 38, 40-42. -{ Green, Sh. Hist., 17, 18. Green, Making of Eng. Hume, 30, 31. Keightley, i. 30-32. Knight, i. 64-69. I Lappenberg, i. 171-175. I Thierry, i. "28-33. L Wheeler, 35-39. 201-210. Cfedmon, Allen, 209, 210. Armitage, 25. Church, 151-155. Green, Eng. Peo. i. 54, 55. Green, Sh. Hist. 27-29. Green, Making of Eng., 357, 358. Hughes, 19-21. [Hume, 35, 77. Allen, 61, 109-112, 213. Church, 157-161. Freeman, 74. Bseda, ^ Green, Eng. Peo., i. 64-67. Green, Sh. Hist., 38-40. Green, Making of Eng., 383-390. Lappenberg, i. 265, 266. Egbert, Allen, 120-124, 131. Arraitag-e, 42-44. Bright, i. 5. Church, 180-184. Dickens, 16. j Freeman, i. 27-33. J Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 95-106. Green, Sh. Hist. 42-44. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 71, 72. Hughes, 32, 33, 40-43. Hume, 34, 36, 39, 40. Keightley, i. 35-39. ' Knight, 1. 75-79. Lappenberg, ii. 1-12. Altred Allen, 136. Armitage, 45, 46. Church, 199-202. Dickens, 18. Childhood, Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 113-116. Youth 1 ^^'^^"r Conquest of Eng., 94-96. ' Hughes, 34-37, 47-55. I Keightley, i. 46, 47. Knight, i. 82-85. Lappenberg, ii. 29, 30, 50-54. Wheeler, 44-51. f Allen, 12.5-141. Armitage, 46-50. Bright, i. 7. Church, 202-205. Dickens, 18-20. Freeman, Sh. Hist. Nor. Conq., 8. " Old Eng.Hist.108-13, 117-23. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 73-75. Danish Invasions, \ Green, Sh. Hist. ,45-47. I Green, Conquest, 96-105. ! Hughes, 68-113. Hume, 43-45. Keightley, i. 40-43. Knight, i. 93-104. Lappenberg, ii. 60-73. .Thierry, i. 67, 68. Guthrimi, f Allen, 137, 138. Armitage, 51. Bright, i. 7, 8. Church, 206-208. Dickens, 19, 20. Freeman, i, 31, 32, 37. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 123-127. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 74, 75. Treaty of -{ Green, Sh. Hist., 47-50. AVedmore, Green, Conquest, 107. Hughes, 105-113, 127. Hume, 44, 45. Johnson, 19-21. Keightley, i. 42-46. Knight, 1. 105-107. Lappenberg, ii. 65. Thierry, i. 69, 70. Improvements : Alien, 138, 139. Armitage, 52, 53, 60. Church, 215-219. Strongholds, Freeman, i. 35-37. Palaces, Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 132, 133. Navy, ■{ Green, Conquest, 127-140. Army, Green, Eng., Peo., i. 81. Laws, Hughes, 44, 45, 139-41, 149-53, 160-67. Knight, i. 108, 109. Lappenberg, ii. 77-82. Ranke, 19. Allen, 139. Armitage, 53-56. Church, 219-224. Dickens, 21, 22. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 130, 131. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 78-80. Green, Sh. Hist., 51, 52. Literary Work, ^ Green, Conquest, 149-161. . Hughes, 278-300. Hume, 46. Keightley, i. 47. Knight, i. 110-112. Lappenberg, ii. 82-85. Ranke, 19. Hastings, ^ Character, Six Boy Kings, f Allen, 138. I Armitage, 58, 59. Bright,"!. 9. Church, 209-14. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 136, 137. Green, Eng. Peo. i. 81. Green, Sh. Hist., 53. Green, Conquest, 162-167. Hughes, 251-283. Keightlev, i. 45-47. i Knight, 1. 114-116. [Lappenberg, ii. 66, 67. Allen, 136, 137. Armitage, 61. Bright, 1, 9. Dickens, 23, 24. Freeman, i. 33-36,48-52. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 113, 114. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 75-79. Green, Sh. Hist., 50,51. Green, Conquest, 167-169, 178-180. Hughes, 307-309. Hume, 45-46. Knight, i. 115, 116. Lappeuberg, ii. 100-102. Thierr.y, i. 66, 67. f Allen, 141-150, 164-167, 169. Ai-mitage, 64-73. Bright, i. 10-15, 19. Church, 232-264. Dickens, 25-37. Freeman, i. 37-46, 177-181, 225-228, 254-257 Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 138-233. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 82-86, 95-99. Green, Sh. Hist., 54-62. Hume, 49-55. Jewett, 171-173. Keightley, i. 49-66. Knight, i. 121-138, 142-149, 155. Eanke, 22-25. Danish Line Sweyn, Canute, Harold, Hardicanute, f Allen, 169, 170. Armitage, 73-88. Bright, i. 20, 21. Church, 262, 276, 277, 285-319. Dickens, 38-43. Freeman, i. 247, 266-73, 290-93, 320-26. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 211-251. " Sh. Hist. Nor. Conq., 13-15,17-24. ^ Green, Eng. Peo., i. 98-103. I Green, Sh. Hist., 64-67. Green, Conquest of Eng., 392-409. Hume, 57-61. Jewett, 178-184. Keightley, i. 68-71. Knight, i. 156-161. Lappenberg, ii. 240-248, 265-270. 277-284. [Wheeler, 57-61. English Line : Allen, 170. Armitage, 89-95. Bright, i. 20-23. Church, 328-335. Dickens, 43-47. Freeman, Sh. Hist. Conq., 25, 26, 28, 39-4]. Freeman, i. 274, 275, 283, 285, ii. 20-22, 84- 104, 232-235. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 259-262, 264-269. ^^ -, . I Green, Eng. Peo., i. 103-105. Godwm, ^^,^^^^ Sh.'Hist., 67-70. I Green, Conq., 460-65,480-83, 508-10, 514-21. Hume, 62-64. Hunt, 64-68. Jewett, 184, 188, 189. Keightley, i. 72-77. Knight, i. 162-7, 171. Lappenberg, ii. 286, 287, 300-304, 313-315. Thierry, i. 114-18, 122, 123, 128-132, 136-140. Yonge, i. 23-29. 10 Allen, 170. Armitage, 88. Bright, i. 21-24. Chiu-eh, 320-323. Dickens, 43-49. Freeman, Sli. Hist. Xor. Conq., 24,25. Freeman, i. 354, ii. 3-11, 14-18, 337-343. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 252, 2.53,258- 262, 269, 270, 293-296. Edward the j Green, Eng. Peo., i. 103-106. Confessor, "] Green, Sh. Hist., 68-70. Green, Conquest, 467, 8, 472, 3. Hume, 61-6. Jewett, 186-194. Johnson, 109-116. Keightley, i. 71-79. Knight, i. 162-167, 176. Lappenberg, ii. 285-91, 296-300,332. Eanke, 26, 7. Thierry, i. 124-127. Youge, i. 26-29. Armitage, 95-104. Bright, i. 23-27. Church, 340-343, 351-360. Dickens, 50-54. Freeman, Sh. Hist. ISTor. Conq., 43-63. Freeman, ii. 23-28, 236-240, 244-246, 291, 270, 271, 283. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 297-348. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 106, 107, 111, 112. Green, Sh. Hist., 70. Harold.^ Green, Conquest, 535, 545-548. Hume, 66-69. Hunt, 68-75. Jew^ett, 255-272. Johnson, 125-131. Keightley, i. 79-81, 83, 85. Knight, i. 172-177, 181-183. Lappenberg, ii. 327-329, 334, 3;^5. Ranke, 27. Thierry, i. 141-143, 146-157. Yonge, i. 30-37. 11 Cowper: Csedwalla or Saxons in Isle of Wight. Bulwer : Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kino;s. Kingsley : Hereward, the Last of the English. Scott : Harold the Dauntless. Tennyson : Harold. Shakespeare : Macbeth. Norman Conquest. 1066—1154. William the Conqueror, 1066—1087. Montgomery, 58-70. Anderson, 72-81, 84-92. Allen, 170-173. Armitage, 104, 105. Bright, i. 24-26. Church, 344-50, 361-9. Freeman, Sh. Hist. ]Sror. Conq., 30-38. Freeman, William the Conq., 34-50. Freeman, ii. 110, 113-124, iv. 64-65. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 262, 263. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 109-112. In Kormandv, -i Green, Sh. Hist., 76-78. Green, Conquest, 457, 472, 499-502. Hume, 79-81. Hunt, 34-44. Jewett, 166-170, 195-216. Johnson, 86-91, 116-125. Keightley, i. 80, 82-85. Knight, i. 177. Thierry, i. 134, 5, 159-165. Yonge, i. 18-22. 12 Araiitage, 104-109. Bright, i. 26, 27. Church, 369-375. Creiisy, 182-214. Dickens, 52-54. Freeman, William the Conq., 82-91. Freeman, iii. 266-273, 301-344. Freeman, Sh. Hist, of Nor. Conq., 71-85. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 113-115. ■ Green, Sh. Hist., 78-80. Hastings,^' Green, Conquest, 549-551. Hume, 68, 69. Hunt, 77-80. Jewett, 304-311. Johnson, 131-135. Keightley, i. 83-85. Knight, i. 180-182. Lappenberg, ii. 355-370. Thierry, i. 165-179. Wheeler, 67-71. Yonge, i. 43-49. Crown- ing of William, f Armitage, 111. j Bright, i. 41, 42. I Freeman, Nor. Conq., iii. 373-375. Freeman, Sh. Hist. Conq., 87-89. Freeman, William the Conq., 94-97. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 115. Green, Sh. Hist., 81. ' Green. Conquest, 551, 552. Hume, 82, 83. Jewett, 314. Keightley, 1. 97, 98. Knight, i. 185, 186. Ranke, 34. ^Thierry, i. 188, 189. 13 f xirmitage, 111-115. . Bright, i. 40-42, 45-47, 50, 51. I Dickens, 55-59. Freeman, Nor. Conq., iv. 3-5. Freeman, Sh. Hist., 93-108. Freeman, William the Conq., 93-96, 110- 121, 150-156. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 116-118. Kesistanee , Green, Sh. Hist., 82, 83. of EDgland,' Green, Conq. of England, 553-556. Hume, 84-87. Hunt, 82-89. Jewett, 315, 316, 325-331. Johnson, 154-158. Keightley, i. 100-105. Knight, i. 186-190, 192-199. Thierry, i. 200-208, 212-27, 239-43, 263-72. Yonge, i. 50-57. Feudalism, a. in Eng., b. under William, Armitage, 77-88, 117-122. Bright, i. 28-37. Freeman, iSTor. Conq., i. 62, 63,ili. 87-90, V. 42, 246-325. Freeman, Sh. Hist., 125, 126. '^ William the Conq., 121-136. ] Green, Eng. Peo., i. 92-94, 127-31. Green, Sh. Hist., 83-85. Hume, 71, 72, 124, 125. Hunt, 2, 3, 5, 90-92, 99-101, 115-121, 153. Jewett, 316-319. Johnson, 140-154, 158-161. Keightley, i. ]39, 141. L Knight, i. 214, 215. 14 Domesday Book, New Forest, 'Armitage, 122, 123. Bright, i. 38, 39, 43, 55. Freeman, William the Conq., 171, 189, 191. Freeniaii, Nor. Conq., ii. 113, iii. 370, 371, iv. 43, 44, 107, 145, 412- 414, 469-472, v. 1-3, 432-434. Freeman, Sh. Hist., 124, 125. Curfew, Tower ^ Green, Sh. Hist., 85, 87. of Loudon, Churches, Castles, Hume, 91-93. Hunt, 85, 92-98, 134-136. Jewett, 251, 331. Johnson, 178. Keightly, i. 114, 115. Knight, i. 203-206, 211, 213. Thierry, i. 196, 301-304. Yonge, i. 6,5-67. Character of William, f Arraitage, 110, 124, 125. Freeman, Nor. Conq.,ii. 107-113, 136,iii. I 53, 108, 109, 180, iv. 418-425, 436. Freeman. Sh. Hist., 140. Freeman, William the Conq., 195-200. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 125, 126. Green, Sh. Hist., 74-76. Hume, 92. i Hunt, 130-133. Jewett, 149-151, 342-344. Johnson, 86. Keightley, i. 113, 114. Knight, i. 191, 218, 219. Ranke, 32. Wheeler, 72-77. Yonge, i. 64, 65. 15 Character Conquest, Of^ f Armitage, 115. I Bright, i. 36, 37, 42, 43. Green, Conq. of Eng., 520, 521. Freeman, IS'or. Conq., ii. 226, V. 36, 42. Freeman, Sh. Hist., 1-5. Keightley, i. 138. iv. 8, Results of Conquest, f Armitage, 116-121, 130-133. I Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 42, 43, 226-228, I 262-265. ^ Freeman, Sh. Hist., 135-147. I Green, Eng. Peo., i. 130-132, 135, 136. 1 Johnson, 221-238. [ Stubbs, 11, 12. William Rufus : 1087—1100. Montgomery, 70-72. Anderson, 81. f Armitage, 134-139. Bright, i. 56-62. Dickens, 64-71. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 47-50, 97, 98. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 136-140. Green, Sh. Hist., 89, 90. Character of -{ Hume, 95-98. Reign, Hunt, 138-144, 169. Jewett, 345-353. Keightley, i. 116-121. Knight, i. 219-231. Johnson, 182-192, 197-200. Wheeler, 77-82. Yonge, i. 77-84. 16 Fii'jit Crusade, f Armitage, 201-210. Dickens, 6$, 69. Freeman, ISTor. Conq. Hume, 96, 97. Jewett, 351^352. Johnson, 192-197. Keio-htley, i. 118-121 . Knight, i. 226-230. „ Yonge, i. 86-94. 60-63 Henry I. 1100-1135. Montgomery, 73-75. Anderson, 81-84. Charter, Marriage, f Armitage, 145. I Bright, 1. 63, 64, 73-76. I Dickens, 72, 73. Freeman, v. 110-112. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 140-142. Green, Sh. Hist., 91. -i Hume, 99. Hunt, 186-188. Jewett, 354. Johnson, 202, 203. Keightley, 1. 122. Kniglit, i. 233-237. Theirry, i. 343-349. Bright, i. 65, 66. Dickens, 73-77. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 114-118. Quarrel Green, Eno". Peo., i. 141-143. with' ^ Hume 99-101. Kobei-t, Johnson, 203, 204. Keightley, i. 123-125. Knight, i. 233-241. L Yonge, i. 102-105. 17 ' Arniita^e, 149. Bright, i. 6^69. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 132-138. Gre^n, Eng. Peo., i. 146, 147, 150. Angevin J Green, Sli*-Hist., 100, 101. Marriage, I Hume, 101, 102. Johnson, 213. Keightley, i. 127, 128. Knight, i. 244, 245. L^Yonge^ i. 121, 122. Administration, f Armitgge, 146-149. I Bright, i. 74-76. I Freeman, v. 102-110. Green, Eng. Peo.. i. 143-146. Green, Sh.' Hist., 96. 97. Hunt, 190-197. Johnson, 216, 221. Wheeler, 82-85. Stephen, 1135-1154. Montgomery, 75-77. Anderson, 84-86 'Armitage, 149-152. Bright, i. 80-88. Dicl^ens, 83-87. Freeman, v. 162-170, 176-178, 189, 190, 195-210. Battle of the | ^^^^^^' «T^^iT?t''"im^^V^^- Standard, \^Z:fo3-?of'^''^^^^^^ I Hunt, 198-209. Keightley, i. 130-137. ' Knight, i. 249-253. 261-269. I Stubbs, 14-34. I Thierry, ii. 25-32. [ Yonge, i. 125-134. Civil War, 18 The Angevixs ok Plantagenets. 1154-1399. Henry 11. 1154-1189. Montgomery, 87-97. >*Ander3on, 95-102. Thomas a Beeket Chancellor, Archbishop, Armitage, 161-168. Brio-ht, i. 92, 95. Dickens, 8&-100. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 441-443. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 163-165. Green, Sh. Hist., 108. \ Mrs. Green, 24-26, 78-81, 86-104. Hume, 109-112. Keig'htley, i. 151-155. Knight, i. 271-^273, 280-283. St^ibbs, 67-74. Thierry, ii. 52-61. Yonge, i. 135-141. Reforms : Goustitutions of Clarendon, Assize of Clar- endon, and others, Armitage, 152-158, 168-172, 181-183, 186, 187. Bright, i. 93-97, 106-109, 113, 114. Freeman, v. 449-457. Green, Eng. Peo.,»i. 162-68, 179, 180. Green, Sh. Hist., 106-112. ' -> Mrs. Green, 68-126. Hume, 111, 118. I Knight, i. 296-299. Stubbs, 91. Thierry, ii. 125, 127-135. Yonge, i. 159-169. Armitage, 183-185. ^ Bright, i. 103-105. Green, Sh. Hist., 109. ^,. ., ,,, I Mrs. Green, 170-190. ^^^^^^'^^•'^ Hume, 117, 118. Keightley, i. 173, 174. Knight, i. 299-301. Stubbs, 95-98. 20 Armitage, 187-189. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 161. 102. Green, Sh. Hist., 103-105. Character, -j^^-^-^^:^,t'iV'^^"^^- ' I Hume, 119, 120. Keightley, i. 176. I Kniglit, 1. 274, 275. L Stubbs, 36-39. Richard. 1189-1199. Montgomery, 97-103. Anderson, 102-306. Zeal against Infidels, Bright, i. 115-123. Dickens, 110-120. Freeman, JSTor. Conq., v. 459-166. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 183-188. . Green, Sh. flist., 112-114. ' Hume, 120. Keightley, i. 180-188. Knight, i. 305-320. Stubbs, 110-122, 128-130. Yonge, t 181-193. John. 1199—1216. Montgomery, 103-109. Anderson, 106-111. Loss of ]S'ormand«y, ^ Bright, i. 126-129. Dickens, 121-126. Freeman, ISTor. Conq., v. 468-470. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 189, 190. Green, Sh. Hist., 115. Hume, 132, 133. Keightley, i. 195, 196. Knight, i. 333-336. Stubbs, 140-144. Yonge, i. 201-205. ^21 Contest with Church, ^Stephen Langtou, Bright, i. 130-136. Dickens, 126-lSO. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 472,473. Green, Eng.^Peo., i. 229-239. Hnme, 134-137. Keightley, i. 196-202. I Knioiit, i. 337-343. I Stubbs, 147 150. [ Yonge, i. 206-214. f Bright, i. 137-139. I Dickens, 130-134. j Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 474-479. I Green, Eng. Peo. i. 240-249. I Green, Sh.' Hist., 128-132. Magna Charta, ^ Hume, 137-140. Keightley, i. 202-208. Knight, 1. 345-351. Stubbs, 151-158. Wheeler, 96-100. Yonge, i. 215-221. Henry HI. 1216-1272. Montgomery, 109-115. A.n(ierson, 111-114. Simon de Mont- ford, the Mad Parliament, Bright, i. 152-161. Dickens, 143-145. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 274-78, 290-95. Green, Sh. Hist., 152-156. ] Hume, 145, 146. Keightley, i. 218-224. Knight, i. 371-373. Stubbs, 193-199. Y''onge, i. 250-257. > 22 T.ewes, Evesham, fBri2:ht, i. 162-168. Dickens, 143-148. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 295-304. GreenrSh. Hist., 157-160. Hume. 147, 148. Keightley, i. 224-232. Knight, i. 373-376. Stubbs, 200-209. Wheeler, 116-121. [ Yonge, 1. 258-263. [Bright, i. 164, 165. I Green, Eng. Peo., i. 299-301. House of j Hume, 147, 148. Commons, j Keightley, i. 228. 229. I Knight, 1. 375, 376. t Stubbs, 207, 208. Edwaki) I. 1272-1307. Montgomery, 115-121. Anderson, 114-121. Welsh Campaign, fBriglit, i. 175-177. I Dickens, 153-155. Green, Eng. Peo. i. 324, 325, 332-334. Green, Sh. Hist., 161-169. Hume, 153, 154. Keightley, i. 237-240. Knight, i. 383, 384, 387-390. L Stubbs, 217-220. f Bright, i. 179. I Green, Eng., Peo., i. 336-341. I Green, Sh. Hist., 205. Banishment J Hume, 155. of Jews, i Keightley, i. 259. I Knight, i. 386, 387. I Stubbs, 239, 240. LYonge, i. 282-283. 23 r Bright, i. 184-190. I Dickens, 155-157. Trouble with ' Hume, 157, 158, 160. France, ] Kei^btley, i. 2447 '^-S- I Stubbs, 243, 244. [Yonge, i. 299-303. 247, 248. Bright, i. 180-18G, 189-192. Dickens, 158-167. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 341-346, 362, 365-371, 380, 381. Scotland. Green, Sh. Hist., 187-193. William Wallace, ^ Hume. 155-158, 160-162. Kobei-t Bruce, | Keightley, i. 241-243, 246-255. I Knight, i. 411-426. ■ Stubbs, 240-243, 257-261. Wheeler, 121-125. Yonge, 1. 288-298, 306-314. ~ 360- Eeforms in Bright, 1. 172-175, 1S5-188, 193-196. Green, English Peo., i. 321, 325-332, 334- 336. 349-359, 362-365. Hume, 152, 157-159. Church and^ Keightley, i. 256-259. State Knight, i. 385, 386. Stubbs, 222-238, 248-256. Yonge, i. 281-285. 301-305. Bright, i. 172, 173. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 313-321. Green, Sh.^Hist., 181-184. Character, -{ Hume, 162. Keightlev, i. 256. Stubbs, 212-215. Yonge, i. 280,281. 24 Edward II. 1307—1327, ]\[ontgomery, 121-1-24. Anderson, 122-126. r Bright, i. 197-206. Dickens, 168-171. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 380-385. Green, Sh. Hist., 207-209. Tiers Gaveston,^' Hume, 162-164. I Keightley, i. 260-263. I Kni^lit, i. 428-430. I StulDbs, 263-273. [ Yonge, i. 315-322. ►Scotland Eegains its Independence, f Bright, i. 200-205. Dickens, 172, 173. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 385-389. Green, Sh. Hist., 209. Hume, 164, 165. Keightley, i. 264-266. Knight, i. 430-439. Stubbs, 266, 273-276, 282. Wheeler, 126-134. Yonsre, i. 323-332. New Favorites, Deposition of Edward, Bright, i. 205-211. Dickens, 173-178. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 389-392. Green, Sh. Hist., 209. \ Hume, 164-166. ■ Keightley, i. 266-271. Knight, i. 441-443. I Stubbs, 277-290. LYonge,i. 340-351. 25 Edward III. 1327—1377. Montgomery, 124-134. Anderson, 126 133. War with Scotland, T^eville's Cross, Bright, i. 214-218, 228. Dickens, 179-181. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 399-402, 436, 437. Green, Sh. Hist., 223. 224, 228. Hume, 169, 170, 175. Keightley, i. 274-277. Knight, i. 443-445, 451, 464. Warburtou, 8-16, 25-34, 90-92, 122-125, 160, 161. Yonge, ii. 26-32, 34-37, 57, 58. Rise of Eng. Corn- Bright, i. 217-224. Dickens, 181, 182. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 398, 399, 402- 415. merce. Causes of -{ Green, Sh. Hist., 224, 225. French War, Hume, 170-172. Keightlev, i. 277-279. Knight, 1. 452-454. Warburton, 34-44, 55-78. Yonge, ii. 1-11. Sluys, Crecy, Calais, Bright, i. 220, 224-228. Dickens, 182-187. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 416-425. Green, Sh. Hist. 225-228. Hume, 173-176. Keightley, i. 279-290. I Knight, i. 453, 456-467. I Warburton, 80-84, 107-133. I Wheeler, 134-139. [Yonge, ii. 38-53. 26 Black Death, Its Effects, Bright, i. 229. Dickens, 188. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 428-433. Hume, 176. Knight, i. 469-472. Warburton, 140-155. Wheeler, 140-144. Yonge, li. 55, 56. f Bright, I 229-234. I Dickens, 188-190. I Green, Eng. Peo., i. 434-438. Poictiers, I Green, Sh. Hist., 229, 230. Treaty of ^' Hume, 177-180. Bretigny, Keightley, i. 291 296. Knight, i. 473-478, 483. Warburton, 165-177, 190-192. Yonge, ii. 58-66. f Bright, i. 234-236. Dickens, 190-192. Black Prince Green, Eng. Peo., i. 448-454. in Castile, , Hume, 180, 181. Loss of French j Keightley, i. 297, 298. Possessions, | Knight, i. 483-487. I Warburnton, 197-205, 217-232. (^ Yonge, ii. 88-109, 27 Good Parliament, Blight, i. 237-240. Gairdner, 3. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 465, 466. Green, Sh. Hist., 231-235. Hume, 182, 226-228. L Warburton, 239-241. f Green, Eng.Peo. ,1.426-28,438-40, 469, 470. Character | Green, Sh. Hist., 218, 219. of King -I Hume, 181, 182. and Eeign, \ Keightley, i. 300-303. ^ Warburton, 256-263. Richard II. 1377—1399. Montgomery, 134-141. Anderson, 134-142. Kew Tax, Wat Tyler, Bright, i. 242-245. Dickens, 195-198. Gairdner, 12-19. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 472-485, \ Green, Sh. Hist., 251-253. Hume, 184-186. Keightley, ii. 7-12. Knight, ii. 3-7. Yonge, ii. 129-134. Bright, i. 248-254. Dickens, 205. Gairdner, 50-61. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 517-521. ^ .,. , Green, Sh. Hist., 264. Deposition, i ^^^^^ ^^gS, 189. Keightley, ii. 21-27. Knight, ii. 23-38. Wheeler, 149-154. Yonge, ii. 195-209. 28 Literature State of Language, Bright, i. 270-272. Gairdner, 62, 66, 67. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 502. 503. Green, Sh. Hist., 217-219. Warburton, 257, 258, 274-277. LAVelsh, i. 173-176. Wycliffe, J Lollards, 1 Bright, i. 266, 267. Froude, 11. 25-36. Gairdner, 4-8, 65. Green, Eng. Peo., 1. 444-447, 467-469, 488- 496. Green, Sh. Hist., 235-244. Hume, 190, 191. Keightley, 11. 28-32. Knight, il. 8-11. Warburton, 247-255. Wheeler, 144-149. Yonge, ii. 112-115, 118, 124, 142-144. Chaucer, -^ Bright. 1. 273, 274. Gairdner, 63, 64. Green, Eng. Peo., 1. 504-509. Green, Sh. Hist., 219-223. Knight, i. 479-483, 11. 11, 12. Warburton, 279-281. Welsh, 1. 204-232. Yonge, 11. 83, 113, 115, 135, 146, 180. fBrlght, 1.273. 1 Green, Eng. Peo., 1. 440-443. Wm. Langland, -j Green, Sh. Hist., 255-257. I Warburton, 278, 279. L Welsh, 1. 177-180. 29 Seott : Count Robert of Paris (1090) ; Betrothed (1187) ; Talisman (1193) ; Ivanhoe (1194) ; Castle Dangerous (1306). Yonge : Prince and Page (Ed. I.). Porter: Scottish Cliiefs. Gilliat : John Stand- ish. Froissart, Chronicles of. Shakespeare : King John ; Edward III. ; Richard II. Gray : The Bard (1282). Scott: Lord of the Isles (1307); Halidon Hill (1333). Southey: Wat Tyler. Chevy Chase. Houses of Lancaster and York. 1399-1485. House of Lancaster. 1399-1461. Henry IV. 1399—1413. Montgomery, 150 154. Anderson, 146-148. Bright, i. 276-282. Church, 10-21. Dickens, 2U7-212. Gairdner, 67-72, 76-85. Conspiracies J Green, Eng. Peo., i. 524-533. and Revolts,^ Green, Sh. Hist., 265, 266. Hume, 193-195. Keightley, ii. 32-39. Knight, ii. 40-50. Yonge, ii. 209-236. Persecution of Lollards, " Bright, i. 284-286. Dickens, 206. Gairdner, 86-88. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 522-524, 533-536. Green, Sh. Hist., 265-267. Keightley, ii. 39-41. Knight, ii. 44-46. Yonge, ii. 236-242. 30 Henry V. 1413—1422. Montgomery, 155-158. Anderson, 148-151. Persecution of Lollards, Sir John Oldeastle, Bright, i. 287-289. Church, 97-104. Dickens, 213, 214. Gairdner, 93-96, 107, 108. Green, Eug. Peo., i. 538-540. ] Green, Sh. Hist., 266, 267. Hume, 197. Keightley, ii. 42, 43. Knight, ii. 53-55. Yonge, ii. 242-246. War with France Harfleur, Argincourt, Bright, i. 291-296. Church, 61-64, 67-91. Dickens, 214-221. Gairdner, 96-103. Green, Eng. Peo.. i. 540-543. - Green, Sh. Hist., 267, 268. Hume, 197-199. Keightley, ii. 43-49. Knight, ii. 55-64. Wheeler, 154-160. Yonge, ii. 266-284. 31 Siege of Rouen, Treaty of Troyes, Bright, i. 298-301. Church, 109-130. Dickens. 221-224. Gairdner, 107-113. Green, Eng. Peo.. i. 543-545. Green, Sh. Hist., 269, 270. Hume, 199, 200. Keightley, ii. 52-54. Knight, ii. 67-72. I Yonge, ii. 296-305, 322-324. Henry YI. 1422—1461. Montgomery, 15S-164. Anrlersou, 151-157. Renewal of War : Bright, i. 304-311. Creasy, 218-236. Diclvens, 225-236. Gairdner, 130-147. Orleans, Green, Eng. Peo., i. 546-559. Joan of -{ Green, Sh. Hist., 274-279. Arc, ! Hume, 201-205. Keightley, ii. 55-66. Knight, ii. 81-91. Wheeler, 161-166. Yonge, ii. 341, 342, 361-395. Bright, i. 312-319. Dickens, 236-239. Gairdner, 148-161. Loss of Green, Eng. Peo., i. 562, 563, 568. 569. French ] Green, Sh. Hist., 279-281. Possessions, Hume, 205-208. Keightlev, ii. 67-71. Knight, ii. 91-93. Yonge, iii. 44-56. 32 Jack Cade's Rebellion, Bn^ht, i. 319-321. Dickens, 239-242. Gairdner, 155-158. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 564-568. \ Green, Sh.' Hist., 281-283. I Hume, 208, 209. Keightley-, ii. 72, 73. I Knight, ii. 131-135. [Youge, iii. 57-64. Wars of Roses. 1455—1485- Bright, i. 320-327. Dickens, 242-246. Gairdner, 161-173. Green, Eng. Feo., i. 570-576. First Battles,^' Green, Sh. Hist., 283-285. Hume, 209-212. Keightley. ii. 76-84. Knight, ii. 134-146. Yonge, iii. 95-114. House of York. 1461—1485. Edward IV. 1461—1483. Montgomery, 167-169. Anderson, 157-160. Bright, i. 328-340. Dickens, 247-255. Gairdner, 173-209. Continuation Green, Eng- Peo., ii. 26, 27, 32, 39-47. of War, \ Green, Sh. Hist., 285-288. Hume, 213-219. Keightley, ii. 85-100. Knight, ii. 152-166. t Yonge, iii. 114-116, 131-140. 33 f Bright, i. 322-327, 331-335. Dickens, 243-253. Gairdner, 163-168, 179-181, 183, 185-194. Warwick, the Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 24-45. King-maker. Green, Sh. Hist., 286, 287. Hume, 207, 210, 211, 214-217. Keightley, ii. 76-96. Knight, ii. 156-165. L Yonge, iii. 127-140. f Bright, i. 353. Introduction I ^'^^^"' ^"^- ^^^'^ ^^' ^^^~^^' ^fL^^^S i Green, Sh. Hist., 295, 296. of Pnntmg, ^ j.^.^^;^^ .. ^qq, 201. L Yonge, iii. 83-85, 122, 165. Edward V. 1483. Richard III. 1483—1485. Montgomery, 169-174. Anderson, 160-164. f Bright, i. 341-349. Dickens, 256-266. Gairdner, 209-236. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 59-66. Green, Sh. Hist., 299-301. Hume, 222-224. Keightley, ii. 108-114. Knight, ii. 193-207. Wheeler, 176-180. Yonge, iii. 174-192. Revolts, Bosworth Field, Effects of Wars, f Bright, i. 350-354. Gairdner, 236-239. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 5-26. Green, Sh. Hist., 301. Hume, 225. L Keightley, ii. 114, 115. 34 Bulwer : The Last of the Barons. Scott : Fan- Maid of Perth (1402). Yonge : The Caged Lion, (James of Scotland) . Shakespeare : King Henry lY. ; King Henry Y. ; King Henry YI. ; III. Schiller: Maid of Orleans. King Richard The Tudors. 1485—1603. Henry YII. 1485—1509. Montgomery, 179-187. Anderson, 171-175. The Two Pretenders, Bright, ii. 358-362. Dickens, 268-276. Gairdner, Henry vii. 48-62, 102-120. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 68, 69, 72, 73. Green, Sh. Hist., 301, 302. Hume, 231-236. Keightley, ii. 128-131, 135-141. Knight, ii. 212-214, 221-233. Moberly, 27-34, 42-49. [Yonge, iii. 193-201, 225-231. Foreign Alliances, Star Chamber, rBright,ii. 359, 363-365. I Dickens, 276-278. Gairdner, Henry vii. 164-183. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 74-77, 90, 91. Green, Sh. Hist., 302. Hume, 237-239. Keightly, ii. 141-148. Knight, ii. 234-243. Moberly, 55-62, 71-73. Yonge, iii. 271-286. 35 Discoveries, New Learning, f Dickens, 278. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 77-87, 93-105. Green, Sh. Hist., 303-307. Hume, 239. Keightley, ii. 148. Knight, xii. 245-250. Moberlv, 76-98. t Yonge, iii. 272, 287-299. Henry VIII . 1509—1547. Montgomery, 187-201. Anderson, 175-189. Battle of Spurs, Flodden, Bright, ii. 369-372. Creighton, Wolsey, 23-27. Dickens, 280-282. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 92, 93. Green, Sh. Hist., 311, 312, 380. "> Hume, 242, 243. I Keightley, ii. 150-156. i Knight, ii. 263-272. I Moberly, 114-122. [Yonge, iii. 310-338. Wolsey's Kise and Greatness, f Bright, ii. 375-380. Creighton, Wolsey, 18-149, 211-221. Dickens, 283, 284. Green, Eng. Peo.,ii. 106, 107, 110-113, 116-123. Green, Sh. Hist., 322-331. Hume, 242-244. Keightley, ii. 158-166. Knight, ii. 264-268, 274-279. Moberly, 136-138. Yonge, iii. 282, 283, 362-366. 36 f Bright, ii. 378, 379. Crei2;litou, Wolsey, 76-100. Dickens, 284, 285. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 108, 109, A ^ • Air 113-123. Austrian Alliance, , -, ^. „• , 004 Charles V., ^ ^leen, j n . uist., dz^. ' Hume, 24o-2o0. Keightley, ii. 159-166. Knio-ht, li. 2S0-288. Moberly, ] 38-143. [ Yonge, iii. 375-386. f Bright, ii. 384-388. I Creighton, 150-210. I Dickens, 287-292. I Froucle, 1. 99-lC-O, 193, 194, 238, 239, 272-278. 436-446. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 133-141, 149,150, 153. Green, Sh. Hist., 329, 331. Hume, 250-254, 257. Keightley, ii. 173-183. Knight, ii. 309-324. j Moherly, 156-167. I Wheeler, 185-190. L Yonge, iv. 29-40, 59, 60. f Bright, ii. 394-410. Dickens, 295-298. Fronde, ii. 396-435, 322-324. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 146, 147, 152-163, 171, 172, 197-204. Green, Sh. Hist., 337-347. Divorce from Catherine, Fall of Wolsey, Act of Supremacy, Subjection of Par- liament Suppres- i g;;^ ^51-266 sion of Monasteries ' ' and Eesults, Keightley, ii. 186, 187, 192, 195, 196, 201-203, 209-220. Knight, ii. 355-58, 366-79, 397-414. Moberly, 167-17], 187-208. ; Yonge, iv. 53-66, 86-98. 37 Thomas Cromwell, Execution of More -f and Fisher, Bright, ii. 389-396. Dickens, 291-295. Froude, ii. 226-232, 359-376, iii. 405-410, 446-457, 474-480. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 141-145, 150- 152, 164-173, 188-191. Green, Sh. Hist., 332-348. Hume, 256-266. Keightley, ii. 185, 186, 192-201, 228-231 Knight, ii. 352-56, 362-68, 426-430. Moberly, 171-187, 213-217. Wheeler, 190-194. i Yonge, iv. 53-71, 76-82, 86-97. Reformation : Germany, Martin Luther, England, Tyndale, Latimer, Henry's Religious Changes, Bright, ii. 383, 384. Dickens, 286, 287. Froude, ii. 39, 40. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 123-126. - Hume, 247. Keightley, ii. 168-173. Knight, ii. 289-291. Moberly, 150-155. [Yonge, iii. 342-356, 386-399. Bright, ii. 398, 410-412, 419-421. Dickens, 305. Froude, ii. 40-42, 333, 334, 359- 376, iii. 80-87, 98-108. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 126-131, 178- 181, 186-191, 217-220. Green, Sh. Hist., 351-360, 366. Hume, 259, 265. Knight, ii. 338, 420-422. Moberly, 155, 156, 192, 193, 236, 237, 242. Yonge, iv. 61. 38 Edward VI. 1547—1553. Montgomery, 201-204. Anderson, 189-194. Cranmer, Prayer Book, Thirty-nine f Bright, ii. 442-447, 451. Creighton, Age of Eliz., 14-29. Dickens, 305-316, 319, 320. Froude, v. 43-49, 64, 140, 141, 170-207, vi. 19-33, 42, 43, 180-184. Articles, Dis-^ Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 224-242. satisfaction. Green, Sh. Hist., 361, 362. Lady Jane Hume, 273-281 , 286. Gray, Keightley, ii. 245-271, 283, 284. Knight, iii. 9-13, 46-48, 51-56, 65-67. . Yonge, iv. 144-158, 166-190, 199, 200. Mary. 1553—1558. Montgomery, 204-208. Anderson, 194-197. Bright, ii. 448-455, 459-461. Creighton, 32-37, 87-90. Dickens, 318-322, 327. i Froude, vi. 70, 71, 102-109, 119-123, 132- I 140, 150, 151, 188, 190, 207, 222-229. Philip 11.,^ Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 246-256. Green, Sh. Hist., 362, 363, 368, 369. Hume, 285-287. Keightley, ii. 279-281. Knight, iii. 58-60, 74, 75. . Yonge, iv. 195-197, 212-218. Bright, ii. 451-456. Creighton, 39-47. Dickens, 317-328. Religious Froude, vi. 85-88, 192, 215, 256-268. Persecu- J Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 256-258. tions,Loss ' Green, Sh. Hist., 363-369. of Calais, Hume, 287-290. Keightley, ii. 293-314. Knight, iii. 66-73, 79-93, 100-106. [Yonge, iv. 204-206, 231-43, 254-63, 274-85. 39 Elizabeth. 1558-1603. Montgomery, 208-228. Anderson, 198-216. Difficulties of Position, Re- ligious Policy, Strength of Parties, Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity. f Bright, ii. 488-495. I Creighton, 45-52. I Froude, vii. 5-13, 21-25,54-58, 78-84. I Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 295-310. ^ Green, Sh.^Hist., 369-379. Hume, 292-294. Keightley, iii. 8-14, 61-65. Knight, iii. 107-114. Yonge, iv. 286-297. Mary, Queen of Scots : Knox and Scot- tish Reformation, Mary's Character and Ability, Reign, Flight into Eng- land. Imprisonment, Conspiracies, Death, [Bright, ii. 495-500, 505-512. . j Creighton, 59-69, 72-82, 104, 105. I Dickens, 330-338. Froude, viii. 348-379. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 310-313, 330- 338, 340-354, 361-364, 372-375. Green, Sh. Hist., 379-388. Hume, 294-304. Keightley, iii. 14-49. Knight, iii. 115-128, 133-157. Yonge, iv. 298-307, 341-353, v. 3- 22, 39-47. f Bright, ii. 514-525, 544 558. I Creighton, 105-108, 166, 175-178. I Dickens, 339-342, 344-350. 1 Froude, xii. 222-363. I Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 375-384, 436-439. ] Green, Sh. Hist., 388-392, 415-417. I Hume. 304-307, 310, 317-324. I Keightley. iii. 50-60, 66-68, 82-104. Knight, iii. 157-163, 168-174, 168-204. Wheeler, 206-213. L Yonge, V. 48-55, 83-92, 191-98, 218-37. 40 RelatioQ of England with France, Spain, and tlie ISTether- lands. Naval Enterprises of Drake and others, f Bright, ii. 501, 502, 512, 513, 516, 525- I 534, 564-566. 1 Creighton, 69-72, 90-96, 113-23, 168, 173. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 313-15, 325-28, 337- 340, 345, 346, 370, 371, 399-403, 418-29. Green, Sh. Hist., 411-416. Keightley, iii. 15. 68-72, 75-76. Kni|ht, iii. 174-178, 181-185, 238-240, 264-266. Yonge, V. 66-82, 94-131, 199-210. Bright, ii. 554-559, 560, 572. Creighton, 173-181, 189-193. Dickens, 350-352. Froude, viii. 483-95, ix. 362-70, xi. 31-33, 109-12, 393-411, 418-29, xii. 161-168. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 423-427, 432, 433. Hume, 312, 313, 316, 325, 326, 329. Keightley, iii. 72-74, 113-116. Wheeler, 220-225. ^ Yonge, V. 65. 181-190, 252, 253, 343-352. r Bright, ii. 559-563. Creasy, 239-263. Creighton, 181-187. Dickens, 350-352. Froude, xii. 391-544. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 440-453. Green, Sh. Hist., 417-420. Hume, 325-329. Keightley, iii. 105-110. i Knight, iii. 213-237. Wheeler, 213-219. L Yonge, V. 258 272. f Creighton, 68, 128-148. I Froude. xii. 580-587. Character of | Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 316-323. Elizabeth \ Green, Sh. Hist., 370-376. and her reign, Hume, 337. I Keightley, iii. 125-129. t Wheeler; 200-205. 41 Spanish Armada, Literature : fCreighton, 213, 216. Sidney, -{ Greea, Eng. Peo., ii. 457, 458. L Welsh, i. 341-347. fBright, ii. 574, 575. I Creigliton, 216-218. SDenser \ ^^^^^' ^^^- ^^^•' ^^- 461-467. opensei,i Qj-^en, Sh. Hist., 422-426. I Knight, iii. 300. [Welsh, i. 358-373. Bacon, - Drama Bright, ii. 575. Creighton, 214, 215. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 485-490. [ Welsh, i. 456-472. Greene, Jon son, Marlowe, Shakespeare, 'Bright, ii. 574. Creighton, 218-226. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 470-485. ■ Green, Sh. Hist., 428-436. Knight, iii. 298, 299, 301. Welsh, i. 313-321, 373-400, 444-456. Miss Muelbach : Henry VIIE. and his Court. Mrs. Manning: Household of Sir Thomas More; Mrs. Anne Askew. Mark Twain : The Prince and Pauper. Mrs. Charles : The Schoenberg-Cotta Family. Scott : The Monastry (1559) ; The Abbot (1568) ; Kenilworth (1575). Miss Yonge: Unknown to History (Mary Stuart). Kingsley: Westward ho ! Ebers : A Word; The Burgermaster' s Wife, Scott: Marmion; Lady of the Lake ; Lay of the Last Minstrel. Schiller : Maria Stuart. Shakespeare : Henry VIII. Tenny- son : Queen Mary ; Pevenge. 42 House of Stuart. 1603-1649, 1660-1714. James I. 1603-1625. Montgomery, 229-238. Anderson, 219-225. Great Petition, Hampton Court f Bright, ii. 587-592. Dickens, 357-367. Gardiner, 13-24. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 58-65, Conference, Gun- -J Green, Sh. Hist., 479-484. powder Plot, Hume, 347-350. Keightley, iii. 145-158. Knigtit, iii. 314-337. Yonge, vi. 21-47. Bright, ii. 582-584, 597-599. Dickens, 367-375. Gardiner, 26-30. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 71-74, 84-99. ^ Green, Sh. Hist., 477-479, 485-488. Hume, 352, 353. Keightley, iii. 163-168. Knight, iii. 341, 364-370. t Yonge, vi. 74-82, 152-157. Divine Eight of Kings, Favorites, American Colonies, Virginia, Pilgrims, f Gardiner, 85-88. I Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 167-171. ^ Green, Sh. Hist., 505-508. I Hume, 354. L Knight, iii. 343-346. 43 Charles I. 1625-1649. Montgomery, 238-247. Anderson, 226-243. Impeachment of Buckingham, Illegal Taxes and forced Loans, Petition of Right, Monopolies, f Bright, ii. 615-625. Cordery and Phillpotts, 34-47, 54, 55, 240. Dickens, 376-380. Gardiner, 54-63. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 127-131, 135- 138, 146-148. Green, Sh. Hist., 497-503, 517. Guizot, 15-33. Hmne, 364-371, 394-396, Keightley, iii. 195-204. Knight, iii. 390-404. Macaulay, i. 66, 67. Yonge, vi. 103-202, 210-14, 271-73. Wentworth, Star Chamber, '■'Thorough," Laud, High Commission Court, Ship Money, John Hampden, f Bright, ii. 626-640. Cordery and Phillpotts, 47, 48, 58-69, 72 73. Dickens, 380-385. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 150-164, 173- 178, 182. 183. Green, Sh. Hist., 516-525, 527-531. \ Gardiner, 9, 10, 74-81, 88-91, 94-98, 101-106. Guizot, 38-42, 65-68. Hume, 371-376. Keightley, iii. 205-219. Knight, iii. 409-411, 415, 423. Macaulay, i. 67-70. Yonge, vi. 273-287. 44 Puritan Revolution Acts of Long Parliament, f Bright, ii. 644-656. Cordery and Phillpotts, 82-111. Dickens, 385-395. Gardiner, 115-130. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 193-199, 209,210. Green, Sh. Hist., 535-544. i Guizot, 88-93, 100-109. Hume, 380-394. Keightley, iii. 232-261, 270-273. Knight, iii. 448-463, 466-476. Macaulay, i. 74-85. ' Wheeler", 232-243. t Yonge, vi. 332-350, 365-375. Civil War Edgehill, Rise of Cromwell, Marston Moor, Naseby, f Bright, ii. 657-686. I Cordery and Phillpotts, 123-188, 209, 210. I Dickens, 395-404. Gardiner, 130-156. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 217-243. Green, Sh. Hist., 547-559. ^ Guizot, 161-171, 183, 184, 235-41, 270-276. Harrison, Oliver Cromwell, 55-99, 120-25. Hume, 397-421. Keightley, iii. 289-320, iv. 19-37. Knight, iv. 1-17, 29, 30, 33-48. Macaulay, i. 88-96. [Yonge, vii. 8-14, 42-58, 45 Pride's Purge, Rump Parlia- ment, Trial and Execution of the King, Bright, ii. 686, 687. Cordery and Phillpotts, 236-247. Dickens, 404-408. Gardiner, 156-160. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 253-262. Green, Sh. Hist., 568-572. Guizot, 414-436. Harrison, 125-129. Hume, 421-426. Keightley, iv. 59-78. Knight, iv. 103-112. Macaulay, i. 96-100. Wheeler, 244-250. Yonge, vii. 110-128. Commonwealth. 1649-1660. Montgomery, 247-257. Anderson, 243-251. Cromwell in Ireland, Cromwell in Scotland, Battle of Worcester, Parliaments, Protector, Richard Cromwell, Bright, ii. 688-721. Cordery and Phillpotts, 281-284, 311- 316, 324-327, 333-366. Dickens, 409-427. Gardiner, 160-194. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 267-303, 313-319. Green, Sh. Hist., 572-600. Harrison, 130-228. Hume, 427-452. Keightley, iv. 89-100, 104-109, 111-156. Ktiight, iv. 121-127, 132-140, 158-161, 182-190, 201-203, 209-211, 214-224. Macaulay, i. 101-116. Wheeler, 250-267. Yonge, vii. 144-148, 158-162, 165-168, 210-214, 226-230, 236, 237. 46 Milton, ^ Punishment of Eegicides, Religious Persecutions, Covenanters, Bun van, Roval Favorites, The Cabal, f Cordery and Phillpotts, 207, 208, 259, 296, 382, 383. Gardiner, 91, 92, 99, 100, 146, 147, 182, 201- 204, 214. Green. Eng. Peo., iii. 21-23, 164, 167, 329, 376-381. Green, Sh. Hist., 464-467. 525-527, 600-604. Welsh, i 472-495. Restoration. Charles II. 1660-1683. Montgomery, 257-270. Anderson, 251-262. Bright, ii. 722-729, 732. Dickens, 428-430, 432, 443-447. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 354-357, 361-364, 375, 376," 398-402. Green, Sh. Hist., 467, 617-628, 640. Hale, 37-42. Hume, 453-459. Keightley, iv. 178-190 Knight, iv. 244-252, 267, 268, 275, 345, 346, 366, 367. Macaulay, i. 123-130, 138, 139, 143-145, ii. 176, 177. Welsh, ii. 45-54. Yonge, vii. 248-256, 267-275. Bright, ii. 730-734, 739, 740. Dickens, 430-432, 437-439. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 336-339, 364, 371, 386-393. Green, Sh. Hist., 630, 635-639. ^ Hale, 20, 21. Hume, 464, 465. Keightley, iv. 206-213. Knight, iv. 265, 299-307. Macaulay, i. 164-168, 171-178. Yonge, vii. 293-300. 47 Plague, Fire, Bright, ii. 738. Dickens, 433-437. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 373, 382. ] Hume, 461, 463. Keightley, iv. 199-201, 204, 205. Knight, iv. 269-275, 282-288. Yonge, vii. 281-284, 289-291. Dutch and French Affairs, Bright, ii. 734-749. Dickens, 437. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 349, 371-375, 381-385, 394-397, 411. Green, Sh. Hist., 628, 629, 635-640, 646, 648, 649. Hale, 3-5, 33. Hume, 459-473. Keightley, iv. 196-206, 220-31, 238-43. Knight, iv. 277-282, 297, 298, 310-313, 315-318, 324. Macaulay, i. 149, 150, 154-63, 168-78. Yonge, vii. 276-281, 284-288, 291, 2, 301-328. r Bright, ii. 750-760. Dickens, 441-443. Green, Eng. Peo., iii. 420-424, 450, Green, Sh. Hist., 649-852, 661. Plots, -{ Hale, 21-26. 60-66. Hume, 476-482, 493-496. Keightley, iv. 243-258, 288-296. Knight, iv. 332-338, 345, 371-375. Macaulay, i. 181-185, 208-210. 451. 48 James II. 1685-1688- Montgomery, 270-280. Anderson, 262-269. Monmouth's Rebellion, Sedgemoor, Bloody Assizes, f Bright, ii. 764-768. I Dickens, 454-460. Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 7-10. I Green, Sh. Hist., 655-666. J Hale, 95-102. j Hume, 500-503. I Keightley, v. 10-19. I Knight, iv. 390-400. I Macaulav, i. 451-526. [ WheelerJ 212-278. Popish Measures, Declaration of Indulgence, Petition and Trial of Seven Bishops, f Bright, ii. 769-779. I Dickens, 460-463. I Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 13-25. I Green, Sh. Hist., 667-672. J Hale, 107-115, 125-129. Hume, 504-508. Keightlev, v. 20-36. Knight, iv. 407-414, 418-429. Macaulay, ii. 7-9, 66-69. 164-167, 267-305. Invitation to Will, of Orange, His Coming, Flight of James, f Bright, ii. 779-789. Dickens, 464-468. Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 25-35. Green, Sh. Hist., 678-681. Hale. 129-131, 134-152. ] Hume, 510-515. Keightlv, V. 36-50. Knight, iv. 433-442. Macaulay, ii. 318-321, 369-395, 428- 430, 450, 460. Traill, 20-38. 49 House of Orange-Stuart. William and Mary. 1685-1702. Montgomery, 280-289. Anderson, 269-275. f Bright, iii. 806-811. I Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 44-47. Bill of Eights. Mutiny Bill, Toleration Act, Green, Sh. Hist., 682-684, 688-691. I Hale, 160-165. I Hume, 523, 524, 527. - Keightley, v. 55-58. Knight, iv. 444-447, v. 73-76. Lecky, i. 552. Maeaulay, ii. 509-513, iii. 34-8, 394-96. McCarthy, Four Georges, i. 3, 4. [Traill, 52-55, 63-66. f Bright, iii. 813-836. I Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 37-43, 50-54. I Green, Sh.""Hist., 685-694. Siege of | Hale, 154, 155, 168-176, 181-86, 198-202. Londonderry, | Hume, 525-530. Battle of the -{ Keightley, v. 58-78. Boyne, Glencoe, Knight, V. 82-94, 105-112, 131-144. Maeaulay, iii. 113-128, 179-190, 496- 503, iv. 153-170. Traill, 67-70, 83-92, 99-103. t Wheeler, 282-286. Bright, iii. 836-841, 847, 856-859. Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 54-8, 65. 66, 72, 73. Green, Sh. Hist.. 696-700. Hale, 206-219, 230-232, 237-244. Hume, 532, 533, 535, 536. Continental Wars, Peace -| Keightley, v. 79-92. of Ryswick, Knight, V. 121-124, 147-154, 161-166, 178-181, 198-200. Maeaulay, iv. 186-195, 209-225, 464-477, 629-643. Traill, 93-98, 104-108, 111-118, 147-155. 50 f Bright, iii. 840, 843, 844, 852, 853. National Debt, | Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 62. Bank of -{ Hale, 221, 222. England, j Knight, v. 157, 158, 171. L Macaulay, iv. 255-264, 391-403. Anne. 1702-1714. Montgomery, 289-300. Anderson, 275-280. War of the Spanish Succession, Marlboroug Peace of Utrecht, Bright, iii. 832-834, 846, 875-921. Creasy, 265-288. Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 77-101. Green, Sh. Hist., 705-720. Hume, 537-539, 549-565. Keightley, v. 103-117, 121-141. Knight, V. 259-261, 274-289, 290-310, 337-346, 364-369, 374-381. Lecky, i. 38-54, 106-138. Macaulay, ii. 197-201, iii. 346, 347, 444- 448, iv. 46-51, 127-137. McCarthy, Four Georges, I. 22-26, 52- 54, 92-95, 208-211. Morris, Age of Anne, 5-12, 25-29, 40- 48, 56-65, 73-105, 128, 129, 132-138. Wheeler, 286-293. f Bright, iii. 924-928. I Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 90-92. Union of | Green, Sh. Hist., 714, 715. Scotland with - 13 House of Hanover, 52 56 House of Lancaster, 30 17 House of Lancaster and 19 York, 30 22 House of Orange-Stuart, 50 30 House of Stuart, 43 I 44 In Normandy, William, 12 Introduction of Printing, 34 44 Invasions, Danish, 7 Invasions, Roman, 3 40 Inventions, 59 8 Invitation to William of Orange, 49 25 Ireland, 20 60 Ireland, Cromwell in. 46 'f. 49 Ireland, Union with. 58 21 Irish Famine, 60 J Jack Cade's Rebellion, Jacobite Rebellion, 54. 33 59 James I., James II., 43 49 James II., Flight of, Jane Gray, Lady, Jews, Banishment of, Joan of Arc, John, Page. 49 39 23 32 21 King, King Arthur, King-Maker, Warwick, Lady Jane Gray, Lamb, Lancaster, House of, Lancaster and York, House of, Land Act, Langland, William, Langton, Stephen, Language of Ancient England, Language, State of, Latimer, Laud, Law^, Poor, Laws of Alfred, Laws, Corn, Learning, New, Legislative Reform, Macaulay, Mad Parliament, Magna Charta, Marlborough, Marlowe, Marriage, Angevin, Marriage of Henry I. Marston Moor, Martin Luther, Page. John Hampden, 44 John Wesley, 55 Johnson, 59 Jonson, 42 5 Kings, Divine Right of, 43 6 Kings, Six Boy, 9 34 Knox, 40 39 Lewes, 23 59 Life of Ancient England, 30 Mode of, 3 Line, Danish, 10 30 Line, English, 10 61 Literary Work of Alfred, 8 29 Literature, 29, 42, 52 22 Loans, Forced, 44 Lollards, 29 5 Lollards, Persecution of, 30, 31 29 London Tower, 38 Long Parliament, Acts of, 44 Lord Chatham, 59 Loss of Calais, 8 Loss of French Posses- 60 sions, 36 Loss of Normandy, 58 Luther, Martin, 15 45 54 39 27, 32 21 38 IVL 59 Mary, 39 22 Mary Stuart, 40 22 Mary, Ability of, 40 51 Mary, Character of, 40 42 Mary, Conspiracies of, 40 18 Mary, Death of, 40 17 Mary, Flight of, 40 45 Mary, Imprisonment of, 40 38 Mary, Reign of, 40 Page. Page. Mary, William and, 50 Monasteries, Suppression of, 37 Measures, Popish, 49 Money, Ship, 44 Methodism, 55 Monmouth's Rebellion, 49 Mill, 61 Monopolies, 44 Milton, 47 Montford, Simon de. 22 Mode of Life in Ancient More, Execution of. 38 , England, 3 Mutiny Bill, 50 N Naseby, National Debt, Naval Enterprises, Navy of Alfred, Netherlands, Relation of Engjand with, Neville's Cross, 45 New Favorites, 25 51 New Forest, 15 41 New^ Learning, 36 8 New Tax, 28 Norman Conquest, 12 41 Normandy, Loss of. 21 26 Normandy, William in, 12 o Orange, Invitation to Orleans, 32 W^illiam of. 49 Oldcastle, Sir John, 31 Orange-Stuart, House of, 50 Opium ^A^ar, 60 Original Inhabitants, 3 Palaces, Parliament, Acts of. Parliament, Good, Parliament, Mad, Parliament, Rump, Parliament, Subjection of, Parliaments of Common- w^ealth. Parties, Strength of, Peace of Ryswick, Peace of Utrecht, Persecution of Lollards, 30, 31 Persecutions, Religious, 39 47 Petition, Great, Petition of Right, 8 Petition and Trial of Seven 45 Bishops, 49 28 Philip II., 39 22 Piers Gaveston, 25 45 Pilgrims, 18 37 Pirates', 5 Pitt, William, 54 46 Pitt, The Younger, 57 40 Plague, 48 50 Plantagenets, 19 51 Plautius, 4 31 Plots, . 48 47 Poictiers, 27 43 Poor Law^, 59 44 Pope, 52 Popish Measures, Position, Difficulties of Elizabeth's, Possessions, Loss of French, 27, Prayer Book, Press, Freedom of, Pretenders, Two, Quarrel with Robert, je. Page. 49 Pride's Purge, 46 Prince, Black, 27 40 Printing, Invention of, 34 Prison Reforms, 57 32 Protector, 46 39 Punishment of Regicides, 47 57 Puritan Revolution, 45 35 Q 17 Queen of Scots, Mary, R 40 Rebellion, Jack Cade's, Rebellion, Jacobite, 52, Rebellion, Monmouth's, Reforms, Reforms in State and Church, Reforms, Prison, Reform Bill, 58, Reform, Legislative, Reformation, Reformation, Scottish, Regicides, Punishment of Reign of Edward IIL, Character of. Reign of Elizabeth, Char- acter of. Reign of Mary Stuart, Character of. Reign of William Rufus, Character of, Relation of England with France, Spain and Netherlands, Religion of Early Eng- land, Religion of Original In- habitants, 33 Religious Changes of 54 Henry VIII., 38 49 Religious Persecutions, 39, .47 19 Religious Policy of Eliz- abeth, 40 24 Remains of Work, 3 57 Renew^al of War with 61 France, 32 58 Repeal of Test and Cor- 38 poration Acts, 58 40 Resistance of England, 14 47 Restoration of Stuarts, Results of Norman Con- 47 27 quest, Results of Suppression 16 41 of Monasteries, 37 Revolts, 34 40 Revolts and Conspiracies, 30 Revolt of Boadicea, 4 16 Revolution, 56 Revolution, Puritan, 45 Richard, I., 21 4 Richard II., 28 Richard III., 34 5 Richard Cromwell, 46 Rights, Bill of, 50 3 Right of Kings, Divine, 43 Right, Petition of, Riots, Rise of Chartists, Rise of Cromv^'ell, Rise of English Commerce, 26 Rise of Wolsey, 36 Robert Bruce, 24 Robert, Quarrel with, 17 Page. Page. 44 Robert Walpole, 53 56 Roman Conquests, 3 59 Roses, Wars of, 33 45 Rouen, Siege of, 32 Royal Favorites, 47 Rufus, William, 16 Rump Parliament, 46 Ryswick, Peace of, 50 s Scotland, 24 Scotland and England, Union of, 51 Scotland, Cromwell in, 46 Scotland Regains its In- dependence, 26 Scotland, War with, 26 Scottish Reformation, 40 Scott, 59 Second Jacobite Rebellion, 54 Second War in America, 58 Sedgemoor, 49 Settlement of England, 5 Seven Bishops, Trial of, 49 Seven Years War in Eu- rope and America, 55 Severus, 4 Shakespeare, 42 Shelley, 59 Ship Money, 44 Sidney, 42 Siege of Londonderry, 50 Siege of Rouen, 32 Simon de Montford, 22 Sir John Oldcastle, 31 Six Boy Kings, 9 Slave Trade, 57 Slaves, Emancipation of, 59 Sluys, 26 South Sea Bubble, 53 Spain, Relation of Eng- land with, 41 Spain, War with, 53 Spanish Armada, 41 Spanish Succession, War of, 51 Spenser, 42 Spurs, Battle of. 36 Stamp Act, 56 Standard, Battle of, 18 Star Chamber, 35, 44 State of Language, 29 State, Reforms in, 24 Steele, 52 Stephen, i8 Stephen Langton, 22 Stonehenge, 3 Strength of Parties, 40 Strongholds, 8 Stuart, House of, 43 Subjection of Parliament, 37 Euccession, Spanish, 51 Succession, War of Aus- trian, 53 Suetonius, 4 Suppression of Monasteries, 37 Supremacy, Act of, 37, 40 Sweyn, 10 Swift, 52 T Page. Page. Taxation, 56 Trade, Slave, 57 Taxes, Illegal, 44 Treaty of Bretigny, 27 Tax, New, 28 Treaty of Troyes, 32 Tax, Tea, 56 Treaty of Wedmore, 8 Tennyson, 61 Trial of Charles I., 45 Test Act, Repeal of. 58 Trial of Seven Bishops, 49 Thackeray, 61 Trouble with France, 24 Thirty-nine Articles, 39 Tudors, 35 Thomas a Becket, 19 Tw^o Pretenders, 35 Thomas Cromwell, 38 Tyler, "Wat, 28 "Thorough," 44 Tyndale, -38 Toleration Act, 50 Tyndall, 61 Tower of London, 15 u Uniformity, Act of Union of Scotland with , England, Virginia, 40 51 Union of Ireland with England, Utrecht, Peace of , V 43 ^/V Wallace, William, Wall of Hadrian, W^alpole, Robert, War, Causes of French, ■War, Crimean, W^ar, Civil, i8, 20, W^ar, Continental, "War, Continuation of. War, Effects of, War in America, W^ar in the East, \A^ar in Europe and America, \A^ar in India, War of Austrian Suc- cession, 58 51 24 Wars of Roses, 33 4 W^ar of Spanish Succes- 53 sion, 51 26 War, Opium, 60 60 War with America, 56,58 45 War w^ith France, 31,57 53 War with Scotland, 26 33 War with Spain, 53 34 War, Renewal of, 32 60 W^arren Hastings, 56 54 Warwick, King Maker, 34 Wat Tyler, 28 55 W^edmore, Treaty of. 8 60 Welsh Campaign, 23 W^entworth, 44 53 Wesley, Charles, 55 Page. Wesley, John, 55 Whitefield, 55 William the Conqueror 12 W^illiam, Character of. 15 W^illiam, Crowning of, 13 W^illiam Langland, 29 William IV., 58 W^illiam and Mary, 50 ^A/illiam of Orange, In- vitation to, 49 Younger Pitt, The, 57 Youth of Alfred, 7 York, House of, 33 Page. William Pitt, 54 William Rufus, 16 ■Wolsey's Rise and Great- ness, 36 Wolsey's Fall, 37 W^orcester, Battle of, 46 ■Wordsworth, 59 W^ycliffe, 29 Y York, House of Lancas- ter and, 30 Zeal of Richard I., against Infidels, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 684 523 5 1 y