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The orders are for the most part in the handwriting of Major Samuel Shaw. The War Department at Washington possesses several of Washing- ton's Orderly Books, but none covering the period of the present volume. APPLETON P. C. GRIFFIN. Boston, February, 1897- ORDERLY BOOK oXXo Officers for duty Tomorrow Head Quarters i8 May 1778. Brig. Gen^ Patterson Lt. Col°. Cropper Major Conway Brigade Major Marvin Inspector from Learned's Brigade The Commander in Chief has the pleasure to inform the Army, that the honorable Congress have been pleased to come to the following resolutions In Congress, May i 1778 Resolved Unanimously, That all Military officers commissioned by Congress who now are, or here- after may be, in the Service of the United States, and shall continue to [serve ?] during the war, and shall not hold an [office] of profit under these States or any office after the conclusion of the war, shall be [en]titled to receive for the term of seven y[ears] if they live so long, one half of the present pay of such Officers, — Provided, that no General Officers of the Cavalry, Artillery, or Infantry, shall be en- titled to receive more than the one half of the pay of a colonel of such Corps respectively — and pro- vided, that the resolution shall not extend to any 2 ORDERLY BOOK OF officer in the service of the United States unless he shall have taken the oath of allegiance to and shall actually reside within some one of the United States. Resolved unanimously that every non commis- sioned Officer and Soldier who hath enlisted or shall enlist into the service of these States for and during the war and shall continue therein to the end thereof, shall be entitled to receive the further reward of 80 dollars at the expiration of the war — The whole Army are directed to prepare in the best manner possible for immediate and sudden movement Brigade Orders Officer of the Day Cap' L' McClure Col" Lamb gives the Orderly to Head Quarters & Col° Crane to the Brigade — Detail FOR Guards s p c F D M TOTAL Crane - I - - — 10 II Lamb I I I I I 13 18 Porter I - I - - 16 17 2 2 I I 39 46 19'^ nmr^rc, C ^^^S Gen' Wayne — I CoP Greene — L' Col° Ballard for duty ^ Tomorrow Brigade Major — Minnis Inspector from Patterson's Brigade Commanding Officers of Regiments are to make returns to the Q. M. General of the number of tents GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON 3 absolutely wanting in each, for such men as cannot be accommodated consistent with their health and comfort in huts. It will be relied upon in these returns, that none will make a larger demand than the real situation of their respective regiments requires. The Q. M. G. will make his issues upon these returns. At a Gen^ Court Martial whereof Col° Bauman was President the 1 3 Inst, John Reynolds Artificer in Major Pollard's Corps tried for striking Lieu'. Hemmet found guilty and sentenced to receive one hundred lashes. The Commander in Chief ap- proves the sentence and orders it executed on the grand parade tomorrow morning at guard mount- ing- Samuel Raymond at the same Court tried for pre- senting a loaded musket at L'. Hemmet. Upon due consideration the Court are of opinion that he is guilty of the charge exhibited against him ; but the extreme and unpardonable warmth with which the officers conducted themselves, renders the action of the prisoners in some measure excusable, and operates with the Court so strongly in his favor that they only sentence him to be reprimanded by the commanding Officer of the company to which he belongs. Also John Coffin tried for abusing Cap* Gowerly when attempting to supress a riot on the other side of Schuylkill, found not guilty and ac- quitted — The General approves the sentences and orders them to take place immediately — The Sub and Brigade Inspectors, Majors of Bri- 4 ORDERLY BOOK OF gade, and Adjutants of the Army will assemble at the Baron Stubens quarters at lo o'clock precisely, where they will receive particular orders — Advertisements. — A stray Horse taken up in Gen^ Scott's Brigade — Enquire of Cap^ Killpatrick — Another in Gen\ Poors Brigade, enquire of L' Cherry Also a number in Col Van Schaicks Reg', at Cuckold's Town. — Brigade Orders Officer of the Day Cap'. Kingsbury — CoP Lamb gives the Orderly to Head Quarters & Col° Procter to the Brigade — Detail for Guards s s c F d M total Crane - I I O o ID 12 Lamb - I - - - 13 14 Procter i — I I I 16 20 20 ^rr r Brig. GenV Maxwell -. 1 ^ , Col° Chambers — Major Winslow tor duty ■< .^^ . , ,;r • ^i -i T, 1 Brigade Maior Claiborne lomorrow ' ^ r -.tt 1 > i-, • i i^ Inspector from Weedons Brigade Brigade Orders Officer of the Day. Cap' Eustis Col" Procter gives the Orderly to Head Quarters & CoP Lamb to the Brigade GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON Detail for Guards s s C F D M TOTAL Crane I I - I I ID 14^ Lamb I I - - 13 15 U^ Procter - - I 16 17 J I 2 2 I I 39 46 21' ^rr ( Brig. Gen' Varnum for dut^ J ^'- ^^^° Reed — Major Moore ^ I Brisrade Major McCormick J omorrow l^ Inspector from Muhlenburgh The Inspectors &'' will attend at the Baron Stu- ben's quarters tomorrow at the hour appointed in the orders of the 1 9 instant. If there are any persons in the Army who under- stand making thin Paper, such as bank notes are struck upon, they are desired to apply immediately to the Orderly Office, where they will be shewn a sample of the Paper — Officers commanding Regi- ments are to publish this in Regimental Orders — M' Vowles Adjutant in the Virg^ Reg', is approved to do the duty of Brigade Major in Gen'. Woodford's Brigade till further orders. At a General Court Martial the 15 inst whereof Col° Bowman was President, Cap* Cleaveland, of Col° Mich'. Jackson's Regiment, tried for behaving in an unofficerlike manner in refusing to do a tour of duty when duly notified, found not guilty of the charge exhibited against him, and acquitted with honor. Although Cap* Cleaveland ought not to have been 6 ORDERLY BOOK OF warned for duty when return 'd sick, yet the General cannot applaud the spirit which actuated him in refusing obedience to a positive order, and declining a tour of duty such a kind as might have been in all appearance easily performed by Cap^ Cleaveland in his circumstances — Cap'. Cleaveland is released from his arrest — At a Brigade Court Martial whereof L'. Col°. Cropper was President, Cap'. Eward [j-zV] Hull of the 15 Virg^ Reg' tried for gaming when he ought to have been on the parade the 1 2 instant, unanimously found guilty of that part of the charge exhibited against him relative to gaming, but acquitted of nonattendance on the parade, and sentenced to be reprimanded by the Commanding Officer of the Brigade in present \_su^ of all the officers thereof. At the same Court Lieu'. Thomas Lewis of the same Reg', tried upon a similar charge found guilty and sentenced the same as Cap' Hull. The Commander in Chief, however unwilling to dissent from the judgement of a Court Martial, is obliged utterly to disapprove these sentences ; the punishment being in his opinion entirely inadequate to the offence. A practice so pernicious in itself, as that of gaming, so prejudicial to good order and mili- tary discipline, so contrary to positive and repeated general orders, carried to so enormous a height as it appears, and aggravated certainly in the case of L'. Lewis, by an additional offence of no triffling mili- tary consequence — absence from parade, demanded a much severer penalty than simply a reprimand. — Cap' Hull and Lieu'. Lewis are to be released from arrest — general george washington \ Brigade Orders Officer of the Day Cap' L'. Finley CoP Procter gives the Orderly to Head Quarters & Col° Crane to the Brigade — Detail for Guard s s c F D M TOTAL Crane — I lO II Lamb I I I I I 13 18 Procter - I - - - 16 17 39 46 22'- Officers for duty Tomorrow Brig Gen' Scott Col° Brewer — Major Hopkins Brigade Major Berrien . Inspector from Late Conway's The Auditors Office is removed to Ja^ Cloyd's within a mile and a half of the Pay Master Generals. At a General Court Martial the 1 6 ins\ of which CoP Bowman is President Lieu^ Edison of the Ger- man Battalion tried for behaving in a manner un- becoming a gentleman and an officer in abusing CoP Nixon's family, unanimously found guilty of the charge exhibited against him being a breach 21 Art. 14 Sec. Articles of War and sentenced to be discharged from the service. — The Commander in Chief approves the sentence and orders it to take place immediately. At a Brigade Court Martial the 18'°^* Major Wallis President, L' Marks of the 11* Virg^ 8 ORDERLY BOOK OF Reg', tried for not attending the parade on the 13 ins', and unanimously acquitted of the charge with honor. Likewise, L'. W"". Powell tried upon the same charge and acquitted in like manner — The General observes that sickness or indisposi- tion is certainly a sufficient excuse for not attending the parade but it ought to be an established rule to signify it either personally or in writing thro' the Adj'. to the Commanding Officer of the Regiment to which the Officer concerned shall belong. These Gentlemen in not doing this were dificient in the line of regularity and propriety. Hereafter the excuse shall not be admitted unless this rul be observed except where any particular circumstances render the observance impracticable, which can rarely happen — Brigade Orders Officer of the Day Cap' Porter CoP Lamb gives the Orderly to Head Q". & CoP Crane to the Brigade. Detail s s c F D M TOTAL Crane I 10 II Lamb I - - - 13 H Procter I I I I I 16 21 39 46 23 Officers for Duty < Tomorrow Brig Gen' Patterson Col° Dayton M Briggade Major Stagg Inspector from Hunting'^"' Brigade GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON 9 Till some further arraignment \_sic'] of the Army is made Major Gen^ Lee is to take Charge of the Division lately Commanded by Major Gen' Greene, and in Case of Action or any general Move of the Army, the three eldest Major Gen'' present fit for Duty are to Command the two Wings & 2'^ Line according to their Seniority — The Commanding officers & Reg'' & Corps will immediately apply upon the Coming of military Stores for all the arms and Accoutrements wantinof for their Men — The Q M of Brigades will also make out Returns, & apply for orders for ammunition to compleat each man with 40 rounds & two Flints — All officers are calld upon to see that their Men's Arms & Accou- trements are put in the best order possible, they will likewise take particular Care that their men have wooden Drivers fixed in their peices at the Hours of Exercise to prevent an unnecessary wait of Flints, they are not to be absent from Camp on any pretence whatsoever but be in actual Rediness to march at a Moments Warning — Brigade Orders Cap' Lieu' Jones Officer of the Day — CoP Crane gives the Orderly to Head Q'^ & Col° Lamb to the Brigade — Detail s s c F D M TOTAL Crane i I I I I 14 19 Lamb - - I - - II 12 Procter - I - - 14 15 39 46 K) ORDERLY BOOK OF 24'^ 1778 Officers for Duty to Morrow Brigadier Wayne Co* Patten, Major Sumner B : M : Bannister Inspector from Varnums Brigade The Gen^ Court Martial Whereof Co'. Bowman is President is Disolved, another is Ordered to sit to Morrow Morning 9 O. Clock to try all Such per- sons as Shall be brought before them Co'. Chambers will preside Each Brigade gives a Cap', for the Court. All persons Concerned to Attend — At a Brigade Court Martial May 22''. 1778 — Lieu*. Col Cropper president. Lieu* Davis of the 11*. Virg\ Reg*, tried for Encouraging a soldier to stay away from his Reg*, for Refusing when the soldier was Sent for by a Guard to let him go, to his Reg*, and for Speaking Disrespectfully of the officer who sent the Guard who Sent the Guard [i'^V] a second time, upon Mature Deliberation the Court are of opinion he is not Guilty of Speaking Disrespectfully of the Officer who sent the Guard for Serj*. Davis, tho' of Oppinion that his Detaining the Serj*. was unwar- rantable. But Considering that his Error Seemes to have Arose from what he thought was Doing his Duty Do Acquit him — Lieu*. Davis is Ordered to be Released from his Arrest — Brigade Orders Officer of the Day Cap* L* Brice Col°. Lamb gives the Orderly to Head Quarters & CoP. Procter to the Brigade — GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON II Detail s s C F D M total Crane - I I - — 14 16 Lamb i I - I I II 15 Procter - - I - - 14 19 I 2 2 I I 39 46 Officers r^^^S ^^^' Muhlenburg for dut J ^°^° ^^^^^ ~ ^' ^^^° Hubley rr I Brigade Major Haskell Tomorrow ' ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ , , t^ • V Inspector from M''lntoshs B^g^ The Regimental Surgeons will apply to the Flying Hospital store for hogs lard and sulpher — They are to make their returns more punctually on Mondays — Several guns, packs & cartridge boxes belonging to some soldiers in the Army are left at the orderly office. The Muster M"^. General and Commissary of Prisoners have removed their quarters to M^ Evans' house half a mile north of Sullivan's bridge near Perkiomy Creek — The Reg'. Pay Masters to give in their abstraets to the P. M. General immediately for examination for the Months of April. At a Gen'. Court Martial the ist May — of which Col" Febiger was President, Lieu'. Adams of the 10 Pen^ Reg', tried for " ungentlemanlike behavior in propagating a report that an officer of the 10 Pen^ Reg' had behaved cowardly, in the action of 12 ORDERLY BOOK OF Germantown and, when desired by Col°. Hubley to name the officer, for refusing to do it in an unbe- coming manner " — unanimously found guilty of the charge exhibited against him, being a breach of 21 Art. of the 14 Sect. Article of war, and sentenced to be dismissed the service — His Excellency the Commander in Chief approves the sentence, and orders it to take place immediately. After Order Signals will be given this afternoon in manoeu- vering by a small field piece. This notice is given to prevent an alarm. — Brigade Orders Officer of the Day Cap'. L'. Cotnam Col". Procter gives the Orderly to Head Quarters — & Col°. Crane to the Brigade Detail s s c F D M TOTAL Crane - - I - - 14 15 Lamb - I - - 8 9 Procter i I I I I 17 22 I 2 2 I I 39 46 Lieu'. Ford is appointed to do duty as Adjutant in CoP. Lamb's Reg', and is to be respected and obeyed accordingly 26'^ t^rr fBrior. Gen' Poor Orncers ^ r J , , Col° Grayson, L' Col° Wisenfeldt's rp _ Brigade Major Learned lomorrow _ ^ ^ ttt ^r i I, Inspector from Woodiords GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON 1 3 The Commander in Chief perceiving that the Regimental returns materially differ in the number of sick absent from the Hospital reports, notwith- standing these were lodged with the Adjutant Gen- erals that the regimental returns might be rectified and adjusted by them, calls upon the Commanding Officers of Regiments to make returns tomorrow to the Adjutant General specifying the names of all their sick absent, the places where they are and the times they were sent to them, that the difference above mentioned may be satisfactorily accounted for. In doing this the strictest regard to be paid to the Hospital reports. An independent corps commanded by Cap*. Selin are immediately to bury the offal & carrion near the black bull. The Com^ Gen' of the Staff will in future apply to the commanding officer of that corps for a party to bury any offal which may be near his stall. A Sub-Serj'. Corpl & 8 men with the commissary from each brigade are to be put immediately into the vicinity of their respective Brigades to seize the liquors they may find in the unlicenced tipling houses. The Commissaries will give receipts for the liquors they shall seize and notify the inhabit- ants or persons living in the vicinity of camp that an unconditional seizure will be made of all liquors they shall presume to sell in future. A Flag goes to Philadelphia tomorrow — Brigade Orders Officer of the day Cap* Lieu'. Powars — Col° Lamb gives the Orderly to Head Q'. & Col° Crane to the Brigade — 14 ORDERLY BOOK OF Detail S S C F D M TOTAL Crane i - i i i 14 18 Lamb - i - - - 8 9 Procter -11--17 19 I 2 2 I I 39 46 Brig Gen Varnum Officers ^ 1 -r^ , ,^ T»/r r T^ ^ J Col° Read M^ Murray ^°' °"'y ] B Major Ten Eyck I. Inspector from Scott's Brigade tomorrow The Commanding Officers of Reg' are to make returns on Friday next of the Arms that were in posession of their respective Corps the i" of Nov", last of those they have since dehvered in, of those they have since drawn, & of those now in actual posession, tis expected they always have exact accounts kept of arms, Cloathing Camp Utensils &" furnished their men as they must be responsable for their due application. Major Gen^ Mifflin hav- ing been permitted by Congress to repair to & serve in this Army is to take the Command of the Division late Lincolns. — The Field Officers of Reg'* who have drawn Money from any of the pub- lic offices for recruiting their respective Corps are desired as soon as possible to furnish the Auditor of the Army with lists of Money advancd by them, their officers for that Service — Capt Turbedille is appointed aid de Camp to Major Gen^ Lee till further orders. & is to be respected accordingly — Officers are to see that the mud plastering around the Hutts be removd. & every other method taken to render GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON 1 5 them as airy as possible, they will also have the powder of a Musquet Cartridge burnt in each Hutt dayly to purify the Air, or a little Tar if it can be procur'd, the Commissary of military Stores will provide blank Cartridges for this purpose — Brigade Order Officer of the Day Cap'. Cook CoP Crane gives the orderly to Head Q* & CoP Lamb to the Brigade Detail for Guards s s c F D M TOTAL Crane I — - — 14 15 Lamb i - I I I 8 12 Procter - I I - - 17 19 1 2 2 I I 39 46 A Gen^ Court Martial of which L' Col° Oswald is appointed President will set tomorrow at 9 o'clock at the Presidents quarters for the trial of such pris- oners as shall be brought befor 'em. Cap^ Wilkenson Cap*. Eustis — Cap* Van Heer — Cap' Kingsbury Cap'. L'. Browne — Cap'. L'. M'^Clure. 2 Subs from Col° Crane 2 from Col° Lamb 2 from Col° Procter Members — Cap' L'. Finley, Judge Advocate I 6 ORDERLY BOOK OF 28 Officers for duty Tomorrow Brig. Gen^ Scott , CoP Irvine — L' Col° Bassett - ^ ^ ] Brigade Major Johnson [ Inspector from i Penn^ Brigade Commanding Officers of Brigades, in pursuance of former orders to hold themselves in readiness to march are to apply immediately to the Q M Gen' for a sufficient number of waggons to transport their baggage, and are to have their respective brigades supplied as completely as possible with camp uten- sils, and necessaries of every kind requisite towards taking the field. The Commissary will have a quan- tity of hard bread and salt meat prepared to issue to the Army when called for; As we may expect every moment to march the Army is to be prepared in all respects for that purpose. Guards of every kind are constantly to hold them- selves in a collected state with their accoutrements on, and ready to act at a moments warning. The General forbids all exercise and diversions, particu- larly such as cause them to disperse and put off their accoutrements, which is equally incomitant with the safety and good discipline. A Board of General Officers to set tomorrow morning ten o'clock at Gen' Lee's quarters to examine into L' Col° Regnier's claim of rank in the N York line, and report their opinion thereon. The other Lieu' Colonels of that line present are to attend. The Commander in Chief will lay be- fore the Board the memorial presented by L'. Col" Regnier with other papers. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON \J A court of enquir-y to set tomorrow to examine into the conduct of L^ Col°. Parks, reported to have been absent from camp without leave, and to have been negligent in his duty. All persons concerned will attend, Col° Johnson is appointed President; Col°. Parker, L' Cols. Bunner and Starr, and Major Fenner will attend as Members at the Presidents quarters 9 oClock tomorrow morning. — Returns from the several Brigades of such cloath- ing and necessaries as are absolutely wanting to be made next Saturday at orderly time. Brigade Orders Cap*. L^ Bussey Officer of the Day Col° Lamb gives the Orderly to Head Q". & Col° Procter to the Brigade. Detail for Guards s s c f d m total Crane - i 2 - - 14 17 Lamb - i - - 8 9 Procter i - - i i 17 20 I 2 2 I I 39 46 Officers 29 Brig. Gen' Huntington L* CoP Burr— Major Still ^ ^ 1 Brigfade Maior Seely lomorrow t. r ^t^ .t^- i [ Inspector from 2^ renn^ Brigade The Commanding Officers of Regiments and Corps are not, under any pretence whatever (unless duty requires it) to permit their officers or men to 1 8 ORDERLY BOOK OF be absent from camp, that they may be ready to march at an hours warning. At a Gen^ Court Martial, Col°. Chambers Presi- dent the 25 instant, Cap^ Medaras, of the North Carolina Brigade, tried for forgery — after mature deliberation the Court are of opinion that Cap' Ma- daras is guilty of the charge exhibited against him but as he could not have been actuated by motives self interested or injurious to Cap* Jones, the Gentle- man whose name he signed, and as he had before been perfectly acquainted with Cap'. Jones's senti- ments, the Court (thinking his crime, tho' he is yet truly blameworthy, alleviated by these circumstances) do sentence him to be reprimanded in General Orders. The Commander in Chief approves the Sentence, and is much concerned to find that an Officer in this Army, should presume to sign a Brother Officer's name without his permission. Cap' Medaras is or- dered to be released from his arrest. At the same Court W"" Whiteman Waggoner, tried for desertion and sentenced to receive sixty lashes — approved and ordered to be put in execu- tion tomorrow morning on the grand parade at grand mounting — Also, John Cline of the loth Penn^. Reg', tried for desertion and attempting to escape to the enemy, and for stealing a horse — found guilty of both charges and sentenced to receive 200 lashes, 100 for each crime. The Gen^ approved the Sen- tence, and orders it put it execution this evening at roll call at the head of the Regiment to which he belongs GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON 1 9 Also, John Wood Serj'. in the 8 Penn^ Reg', tried for desertion and attempting to the enemy, acquited and ordered to be released from his confinement. Advertisement On the night of the 27'^ inst. James Barry an Inhabitant was robbed of ^160 Cont'. Money, 13 hard dollars, a diamond ring, silver spoons, buckles gold buttons, a sword, and some valuable men's & women's wearing apparell, & many other articles. Fifty Dollars reward will be given to any person that will discover the robbers, that the Owner may recover his articles. All Officers are desired to order the strictest enquiry to be made that the Villains may be brought to justice, as it is sup- posed they belong to the Army Brigade Orders Officer of the Day — Cap'. Browne. Col°. Procter gives the Orderly to Head Q"^. & Col Crane to the Brigade — Detail for Guards s s c F D M TOTAL Crane - I - - - 14 15 Lamb i I I I I 8 13 Procter - I - - 17 18 I 2 2 I I 39 46 The Quarter Mast'', of Reg*, is to make returns by Eight O Clock this evening, to the Brig^. Q' W of the Marques Horsmans Tents Common Tents & Knap Sacks, Camp Kettles & Canteens, and 20 ORDERLY BOOK OF what Officers are posses'd of the Marques & Horse- mans Tents, as no further Issues can be made till such returns are compleated, — They will also pro- duce at the same time if possible or as soon as it is convenant returns Signed by them, for such Stores & Camp equipage as have been Issued since the 2 2^ oi March last, specifying what part thereof has been Issued through the hands of Brig*^ Q M'^ in order that the same may be duly compared with the Gen' Acco' of Issues. The General expects a punctual compliance with the above order, and that the returns of cloathing call'd for in yesterdays orders be made out in order to be carried in by the Brigade Major at the pre- cise time therein mentioned. 30* 1778 Officers for Duty to Morrow Brigadier Patterson Co'. Bradley — B : M : Marshall Inspector from Poor's Brigade The Commanding Officers of Brigades are to Appoint a sufficient Number of Proper Officers to be left in Charge of the Sick and such others of their Respective Brigades as will be Enable to march with them in Case the Army moves from the present Camp — The Regimental Surgeons will make out and Lodge, with the surgeon Gen', of the flying Hos- pital Exact Returns, of the sick belonging to their several Reg'\ who shall be left in Camp when the Army Marches — The board of Gen', officers held agreeable to the Order of the 28''' Ins' have made GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON 21 the following Report, the claims of Lieu*. Col°. Regnier & the other Lieu*. CoP. of the State of N. York — Respecting their standing in Rank, being considered, the board are of Oppinion that Lieu*. Co'. Regnier will take Rank of those Gen- tleman on Courts Martial Detachments on all Duties from the Line, but that the[y] Command him in the line of the State, for notwithstanding Lieu*. Co\ Regnier Rank as Lieu*. Co\ was Anteceeded to theirs in the Line yet his Appointment in that state was postirior The Commander in Chief Approves the above Report At a Brigade Gen' Court Martial May 27*'' 1778 Lieu* Co'. Cropper, president Cap*. Hull of the 15*'' V: Reg*, tried i'*'^ being so far Ellivated with Liquor when on the parade for Exercising, on the 14*'' Ins*. as rendered him imCapable in doing his Duty with precission. 2*^'^ for accusing Lieu*. Sam'. Beans Jones of not deposing the truth when Called on Both to give Evidence against him on the i8*\ Inst, acquited of the i^*. Charge but found guilty of the 2^ & Sentenced to be Reprimanded by the Command- ing Officer of the Brigade in presence of all the Officers therein — Cap*. Hull is Ordered to be re- leased from his Arrest. — At a Gen'. Court Martial May 28- 78, Co'. Chambers President Ensign James Walker of Co'. Guests Reg*, tried i*'^ Deserting a Waggon he had in his Charge at the Appearance of one of our Light Horse and loosing his party in his flight. 2^'^ for telling several falshoods in Relating the Events when Returning to Camp Unanimously found guilty of the Charges Exhib- ited against him, being breaches of 5*'' Article 18 22 ORDERLY BOOK OF Sec', of 2 1" Article 14'^ Section of the Articles of War, and Sentenced to be Cashiered — The Com- mander in Chief Approves the Sentence and Orders it to take place Immediatly. At the same Court John Lewis Drew Co*. Angel's Reg', tried for threatning to take the lives of Several Officers of that Reg.' found guilty & sentenced to Receive 60 Lashes — Approved & ordered to be put' in Execution at Roll Call this evening at the Head of the Reg', he belongs — A Quantity of Continental Currency lately found in the hands of Lieu'. Dexter. Co^ Angel's Reg', the owner may Receive the same by proving his prop- erty. Brigade Orders. Col". Cranes Regiment is to be mustered on Monday next at ten oClock — CoP. Lamb's & Col". Procter's at the same hour on Tuesday — & Col° Harrison's on Wednesday — The Officers will be careful to have their Muster Rolls made out correctly, and see that their men have their blankets neatly rolled up, as they must parade with them on. — Cap'. Brown's & Cap'. Dorsey's Companies are annexed to Col° Harrison's Regiment with whom they are to do duty till further orders — Officer of the Day Cap'. Seward Col" Procter gives the Orderly to Head Q'^ & Col° Harrison to the Brigade. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON 23 Detail SUB s c F&D M TOTAL Crane - I I - 12 14 Lamb & 1 _ Kingsbury I 7 8 Procter i - 2 7 10 Harrison & 1 2 Companies J - I - 19 20 45 52 Officers for duty Tomorrow 31 Brig Gen^ Wayne L'. Col° Livingston L' Col° Miller Brigade Major Marvin Inspector from Glover's Brigade The 2^ State Reg' of Virginia is for the present to be annexed to Muhlenburg's Brigade, and Col" Van Schaicks regiment till further orders is in like manner to be joined to the 2^ Penn^ Brigade in lieu of the 8 Pen^ Reg', which is to be detached on other service. A Surgeon from each Brigade is to remain in camp to attend the sick of it which shall be left behind under the direction of Docf. Hutchinson, till relieved by surgeons from the general hospital, then they are immediately to join their respective regi- ments — Men in the small pox, or under enoculation, are to be comprehended in the number of the sick — Regimental Medicine Chests are to go on with the 24 ORDERLY BOOK OF Army — A Sufficient number of Camp Kettles must be left for the use of the sick. Commanding Officers of Regiments will assist the Regimental surgeons in procuring as many women of the army as can be prevailed on to serve as nurses to them, for which they will be paid the usual price. Orderlies are also to be left; one to every 20 sick men, who are to be such as, for want of cloathing, from lameness and the like, are least fit to march with the Army, but at the same time, capable of this duty. — A Commissary is likewise to be left to sup- ply the sick with provisions. A commissioned officer to every fifty men is to remain, and a Field Officer to superintend the whole. The arms of the sick in each regiment are to supply as far as may be necessary the deficiency of those unfit for duty. If any remain they are to be left in care of the officer who stays with the sick — The Vaults are to be well covered before the Brigades quit the ground. Commanding Officers of Divisions and all others are to pay the strictest attention that no women be suffered on any pretence to get into the waggons of the Army on the march. Some Hospital Tent poles were delivered at the Q M Gen'^ store through mistake. Those who have them in possession are desired to return them immediately — Brigade Orders Officer of the Day Cap'. Lee Col°. Harrison gives the Orderly to Head Q'\ & Col° Crane to the Brigade general george washington 25 Detail for Guards sub s c f & d m total Crane — -i - lo ii Lamb _ i _ _ 5 ^ Procter -11- 9 11 Harrison i - - 2 20 23 I 2 2 2 45 52 At a Brigade Court Martial whereof L' CoK Oswald was President, the 28, 29, & 30, Instant, Serj*. John Nevil of Col° Lamb's Reg^ tried for " losing a bullock by neglect when Serj^ of the Com- missary's guard" was by them unanimously acquitted. Jon^ Gill of Cap*. Browns Company, tried for " drunkeness on his post " pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to receive 50 lashes. Ja^ Whaling, Drummer of Col" Procter's Reg'. tried for " desertion and attempting to get into Philadelphia " plead guilty. The court in consid- eration of his youth, and his having received no pay or bounty except some cloathes, as appeared from CoP Procters evidence, do Sentence him to receive only 30 lashes. Michael Nash, of Cap*. Kingsbury's Company, tried for " drunkeness on duty, and absenting him- self from his guard " plead guilty, and sentenced to receive 50 lashes — John Gibbons, of CoP. Procter's Reg*, tried for " absenting himself from camp without leave " was sentenced to receive 50 lashes — The General approves the sentence & orders Serj* Nevil to be released from his confinement — 26 ORDERLY BOOK OF Some circumstances appearing in favor of Ja^ Whal- ing, the 30 lashes are remitted — The punishment order'd the others is to be inflicted tomorrow morning at guard mounting at the head of the regiments to which they respectively belong. The Court Martial whereof L'. Col° Oswald is President is dissolved. June i ^rr fBrig. Gen^ Muhlenburg r 1 , J Col° Wigglesworth — Major Church ^ I Brigade Major Minnis 1 omorrow 1 * •* (^Inspector from Learneds Brigade Col° Cortlandt is appointed to tarry in camp to superintend the sick left on the ground when the Army moves, and to send on the recovered men properly officered to join their respective Corps and Major will repair to the Yellow Springs and the hospitals near Camp, and superintend the Sick there. They will apply tomorrow at the Orderly office for written instructions — The following will be observed as a standing model for the order of march, whether of the whole Army, a Division, Brigade, or Battalion. It may happen that some changes may be necessary in the strength and number of the advanced, rear, and flank guards, and in their relative distances to each other and to the main body, Sl"^. ; which are to be determined according to particular circumstances, and which the officers commanding will judge of. — But the general principles and rules here laid down are, in all cases, to be practised, only with such GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON 27 variations in applying them as different situations may require. When a Battahon receive orders to march, each company forms before its own quarters ; the Captain having inspected into their arms and accoutrements conducts it to the regimental parade, where the Field Officers inspect the whole, forms each Battalion into 8 plattoons for charging, agreeable to instructions given, and march it by plattoons to the rendezvous. When only one battalion marches, the Colonel orders out an advanced and rear Guard, each consistingf of I Lieu*. 3 Non-Com-Officers i Drum and 20 privates — A Brigade composed of several Battalions has an advanced and rear guard, each consisting of i Cap- tain, 2 Subs, 6 N. C. O. & 40 or 50 privates. — When several Brigades march together each Brigade fur- nishes a proportionable number for the advanced and rear guards — When the whole Army marches the new guards of the day form the advanced guard, and the old ones the rear guard. The new guards being assembled on the grand parade the Brigadier of the day forms them into a Battalion of 8 plattoons, the eldest field officer of the day takes the command of it, and marches at the head of the column. The Brigadier of the preceeding day having assembled the old guards, forms them in the same manner, the eldest Field Officer taking the com-mand and march- ing in the rear of the column — The advanced guard should be from 50 to 200 paces in front of the col- umn. Each advanced guard should send forward a detatchment to serve as an advanced guard to itself ; and that detatchment should also send out a patrole in front, each . an hundred paces in front of the 28 ORDERLY BOOK OF other — Thus, i Capt 2 Subs, 6 n. c. off. — i Drum, & 50 men will send out a non c. off. & 12 men — and that N. C. O. will also advance 4 men in his front. An advanced guard of a Lieu*. & 20 men will advance i n. c. o. & 8 men, who will also ad- vance 2 men in his front. The rear guard will observe the same rules, sending its detatchments in the rear as the advanced guard does in front — When a Brigade, Division, or the Army, marches by the right it is supposed the enemy is on the left ■ — and the contrary. — Each Battalion will therefore send out on the flank exposed to the enemy, i Sub, 2 N. C. O. & 16 men as a flank guard, who will march in a plattoon by files from the right opposite the centre of the battalion, at the distance of 80 or 100 paces from the column. When the Army marches in 2 columns, the right column has its flank guard on its right and the left column on its left, — when in one column, and the position of the enemy uncertain, guards must be sent out on both flanks. The advanced, rear, and flank guards must always have their bayonets fixed. Whenever the grounds will permit, the battalions must march by plattoons ; during the march each Colonel must stay before his battalion, and each Captain & Subaltern before his plattoon ; the inter- vals between the battalions and plattoons must be strictly observed during the march — When there is a creek or defile to pass, the Brigadiers must stop till their Brigade have passed, and the Colonels till their respective battalions have passed. They will take care that the men pass with as large a front, and as quick, as possible. The advanced guard GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON 29 having passed the defile should take such a situation as to be able to see all around, and shall send out patroles 500 paces round. The head of the column halts before it enters the defile to let the plattoons get at half distance, and when half the column has got through it halts till the whole has passed and then continues its march. When the road will not permit to march by plattoons, the march is to be made by 4 in front, in the following manner, — each ofhcer divides his plattoon into sections — for exam- ple, a plattoon of 16 files makes 4 sections; they will break off by the right or left, each section 2 paces from the other, and continue the march — If a plattoon has 15 files the last section will have 3 files — if 14, the last will have 4 men in one rank, if 1 3 files the last will have 5 files — When marching in this order by the right the officers commanding plattoons will be on the left of the first section, the Serj'^ on the right stays in his place, and the Officers & N. C. O. who were in the rear will be on the right flank. If they march in this order by the left the C. Off. of the plattoon remains on the right of the first section and the others on the left flank; so that by wheeling the sections the plattoon will be formed, and each officer and n. c. o. will be in his place. During the march each Officer must keep his plattoon in order; the Officers & N. C. O. in the rear must prevent the soldiers leaving their ranks on any account. If the soldiers have occasion for water the officer must send a n. c. o. with some men to fill their canteens and the n. c. o. must bring them back to their plattoons immediately. 30 ORDERLY BOOK OF The flank guard will never suffer any non c. offi- cer or soldier to pass them during the march, and the rear guard will take care to bring up all strag- glers. Brigade Orders. Officer of the Day Cap' Sargent Col" Harrison gives the Orderly to Head Quarters — & Col° Crane to the Brigade Detail for Guards s s c f&d M TOTAL Crane I I I 2 lO 15 Lamb - - o - 6 6 Procter — — - - 9 9 Harrison - I I - 20 22 I 2 2 2 45 52 A Brigade Court Martial to sit tomorrow morning 9 oclock, at a tent near the General's house — for the trial of such prisoners as shall be brought before them — L' Col° Du Plissis is appointed President Cap* Cook Cap* L* Powers ^ f 2 Subs from Col° Crane Cotnam ^ J i Coltman r< 0^ ^° (UNO fl^^^ c vf * ZX^A3ivc^ ~ \ -I ~ '^ > /$<^d!JS5^