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PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. ^ \V^ •^ IDTRDDaGTIOD. in 1890 I was pastor of a Gospel Mission at Louisville, Ky, For years I have labored as an independent missionary; and have made a study of man in every condition of life, having labored in missions, jails, work-houses, peni- tentiariesj and aone highway and byway mis- sion work of all kinds— preaching and lecturing on crimej lusts, ignorancej etc, in many of the evangelical churches, Sunday-schools, and colleges in several Southern and Western States— knowing that sin is the only curse and cause of all suffering to the human famiiyj the missionary work is to educate the masses, to show what sin is and its evils, endeavoring to help all parents to do their own home mission- ary work, If you do not do it, it will go unaone, THOMAS TELLER, Author, THE FORTUNE-TELLER. The wicked laid a snare for me. — Ps no. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. — I. Cor. 14. On the wicked he will rain snares. — Ps. 11, 6. We, then, that are strong, ought to bear the infirmities of the -weak. — Rom. 15, 1. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunken, nor revilers, nor extor- tioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God. — I. Cor. 6. Do not suffer a witch to live. — Ex. 22, 18. A fortune-teller is one claiming to reveal the past, pres- ent and future life of any man, woman or child, claiming a concealed power to discern things not present to the senses. Also to uncover and discover secrets, crimes and thieves, and bring to justice. The fortune-teller has lived in every age, known by one name or another, and operating by one method or another. The Holy Bible and general history has much to say about fortune-tellers. They are called clairvoyants, astrolo- gers, prophets, star-gazers, magicians, witches, sorcerers, dreamers, trance-seers, sooth-sayers, enchanters, conjurers, spiritualists, test-mediums, princes and princesses, madams, etc., of the transcendental, vague, illusive, delusive and hal- lusive arts. They are also talked about and known by other names, such as doves, hornets, demons, foxes, adders, scor- pions, raven, turkey, dice, queen, butterflies or caterpillers, crocodiles, trubell, cradle, marriage, love, divorce, wizard, hoodoo, voodoo, doodoo coctors, and many other names too numerous to mention. They represent every nationality 4 and are from every part of the globe. Likewise their vic- tims. Often newspapers contain advertisements of the just arrived in the city, prince, princess, or madam. THE WORLD'S RENOWNED MME. CUDDLE. A trance wonder, double gifted, three veils on the face when born. The ninth daughter. The last one of twenty children by her father. Her mother was his fourth wife — also a prophetess. Her father represented English and Swede. Her mother,. German and French, and she was born on the water at 7 o'clock, Thanks- giving night. Can and does tell you everything you want to know about love, money, business, marriage, di- vorce. Gives luck, happiness, and brings speedy relief to all in trouble.. Removes evil influences, and can give good luck to the broken-hearted. Can satisfy the professions with astonish- ing medium revelations. Full satis- faction at every sitting. Come and see the gifted, supernatural seer. Leave off silly skepticism. Come and be benefitted by this mysterious power. Your lucky day will come. At home day and night. Sundays, 6 a. m. to< 10 p. m. 100 Market Strert. mme. cuddle. Remember, she divulges your mystic enemies, etc. 5 The madam's hand-bills, large and small, are often cir- culated judiciously.. An} 7 one expressing a desire can have one to take home. They read about as follows, in large, beautiful type. The Renowned Fledium OF THE OLD WORLD. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE RICH; Why don't You look for a Fortune. $20,000 for an Kqtial. The greatest living Trancer. Tested by the Noble Pro- fessions, 20 years the Prophetess for Hamburg, Germany; LaCelle and Paris, France; London, England; Constantino- ple, Turkey and the great centers of the United States. Can tell you all yon want to know. She has a large lucky buck- eye which she places in the mouth on the tongue, that re- moves the power of slander from all those having that weak- ness, and gives good luck to all. She is the Seventh Wonder of the World. All witches and superstitions must go before her power. She removes the veil and gives you the key to Fortune, Love and Life. The Medium is able to diagnose }'Our case fully, inter- prets dreams, etc. The madam causes a powerful influence for good to permeate lodging-houses, homes, hotels, busi- ness and market places. Can point to the day and hour of marriage. Warns you of approaching dangers. Positively no imposition. The dead revealed in a dead trance. She exercises the utmost honesty. M}^ business is strictly con- fidential. Unlucky people, remember me. Fortune knocks once; let it smile upon you. The beautiful story of the future revealed may sweeten your life. The madam yester-