^ - * % A* <& - P f <$> Χ * >^ ^ 'ο ,ν 7 c *< *5 ^ V W ^ ■% ο* .Λ .* ■* C Λ \ -ν C, ?.* % *• .' .* ^ ^ ^ \ ν V ς, .ν ν * \ Λ* λ' Ρ ο. "" ο •\ \ // 6 ν? ν 9φ '%^ s^ V %. LEXICON THUCYDID^UM: A DICTIONARY, IN GREEK AND ENGLISH, OF THE WORDS, PHRASES, AND PRINCIPAL IDIOMS, CONTAINED IN THE HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR OF THUCYDIDES. > > ^ •, . ■> . " - LONDON: PRINTED FOR G. B. WH1TTAKER, AYE -MARIA-LANE ; J. PARKER, OXFORD ; AND DEIGHTON AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE. 1824. j\s> vr* ^ \ . Xn LONDON : printed ey r. gilbert, st. jou.n's square. • • • > ', , XiCON THUCYDID/EUM. A, 'ABA "AIT Άβασανίστως, 1, 20. With- out examination, without applying to the touchstone, βάσανος. αβασ/λευτοι, 2, 80. who have no king. αβλαβ?)ς, 5, 18. σττονδας «δόλους και αβλαβείς, Sincere and inoffensive conditions of peace, 47. αβλαβώς, 5, 47. α. και αδό- λως, without violence or fraud. αβουλία,, 1, 32. folly ; 5, 75. ες την α'βουλ/αν, Oil account of their unwise conduct. άβουλος, 1, 120. unwise, unskilful . άβ|θοδίαιτου, 1, 6. δια το a&oo- Siairov, luxury of manners. αγαθός, 1, 86. 120, 121. 2, 37. 44. 3, 43, 44. "Ην τε και ενουτες τι ζυγγνωμης εϊεν, ει τη πόΧει μη αγαθόν φαινοιτο, and, although they had some pretensions to a pardon, [yet would I not grant it,] unless it were for the interest of the State: 1, 131. ουκ επ αγα^Ιω, not for any good purpose, 121. το αγαδον^ bravery, cou- rage; 4, 87. 118. τυχτ? άγα$£ tij Αθηναίων ποιεισζαι την εκε- χ£ί|θ/αν, a solemn form in trea- ties, 5, 90. 6, 78.7,77.8,92. αγάΧΧομαι, 2, 44. ηγαλλεσ^ε, to exult, pride one's self, 63.: 3, 62. τοντω, 82. επι τω (πα- νούργοι κεκλησζαι) αγαΧΧονται, they take a pride in being so called : 4, 95. α'γάλλεται πα- τρίδα έχων πριοτην εν τοις ' Ελ- λησίν, to take a pride in hav- ing: 6, 43. to glory, exult, rejoice (in any thing.) , άγαλμα, 6, 28. a statue. άγαν, 2, 49. 5, 71. 7, 63. 8, 46. too much. αγανακτεω, 8, 43. αγανακτών, to be indignant. αγανακτησις, 2, 41. αγανα- κτησιν εχειν,, to cause indigna- tion, to have (in one) a sub- ject of indignation. αγαπάω, 6, 36. to be con- tent, to think one's self well Oil, 18. αγάπησα ντες την ησυ- χίαν, to be contented with, to acquiesce in. αγγελία, 1,61. 2,5. 3, 110. 6, 36. rumours, news, re- ports : 5, 44. a message : 8, Β ΆΓΓ ΆΓΡ 15. αγγελία της Χ/ου, the rela- tion concerning Chios, 39. αγγελιαν εττεμπον επι τας εν τ^ Μιλητω νανς rs ζυ^ίτταρακο^ισ^τί- ναι, concerning the convey- ing, in order to be conveyed by them, Matth. Gr. Gr. 457. αγγέλλω, 6, 34. ayyελoιμεθa επί τύ ττλεΓον, Tac. /;ζ majus nuntiare, to be exaggerated in report, to be reported with exaggeration, 36. : 8, 1. ?}γγελ$ϊ7, was told by messen- gers, 4, 93.: 4, 25. άγγελ&ί- ar /ς, to be reported, an- nounced: 7, 17. τ?γγελλον, to announce, to bring word : 7, 8. οι αγγελλοντεΓ, messengers: 8, 26. αγγελλεται: 5, 63. 7, 97. άγγελμα, 7, 74. ττοος ro άγ- γελμα, according or conform- ably to the intelligence. άγγελος, 5, 82, πρέσβεων απο τε το;ν εν τη πολει αγγέλων καί των εζω Αργείων, ambas- sadors having arrived (as) messengers, (i. e. to bring intelligence,) both from those in Argus, and from the fugitives from it: 2, 6. 3,36. 7,8. αγεφω, 1, 9. to assemble collect, muster. α-γηρως, 2, 43. α-γηρων επαι- vov, immortal praise, that never decays. άγκυρα, an anchor, επ ay~ κνρων ορμιΖ,οντες (sc. πλοία,) to moor, station at anchor. ayvoUo, 2, 49. αγνόησαν, not to know, i. e. recognize: 4, 96. rjy νόησαν τ ε και vmh•* κτειναν αλληλας\ 5, 18• ηγνοείτο: 7,44. άγνοεισθαι*. 3, 53. άγνω- τες αλλήλων, unacquainted with each other. άγνοια, 3, 111. ignorance, doubt: 6, 89. (al. άνοια,) ab- surdity: 2, 47. ayvo'ia, from or through ignorance: 8, 92. άγνώς, unknown, inglori- ous, ignorant/ 1, 137. 3, 53. άγνωσία, ignorance, unac- quaintedness with, 8, 66. ayopa, a market, 6, 50. ayopav παρεζειν, to furnish ΟΓ allow a market to any one, to allow any one to buy provisions, 44. ου δεχόμενων αντονς αγο^α, 1 1 . the market- place, forum. ayopaZb), 6, 51. ηγοραζον, to market, to walk up and down the market, to spend one's time, to loiter, εν dyopa δίετρι€ον. ayopευoμaι, 2, 35. to be spoken or pronounced (as an oration). άγος, a pollution, 1, 126. άγος ελαυνειν τον θεον, 134, 135. γράφος, unenrolled, 1,40: 2, 43. άγραφος μνήμη της γνώ- μης, an unwritten record of the mind. The record, which every man's mind bears, in opposition to the record τον ipyov, of monumental inscrip- tion : άγραφοι νόμοι, unwritten, • not enacted. άγριος, 6, 60. aypιωτεpov, more ferocious, savage, cruel. άγρος, 2, 14. αγροις, til6 country: 2, 5. κατά τονς ΆΓΡ ΆΔΕ aypovg, in the fields, in the country: 1, 126. εκ των αγρών, from the country : 2, 1 3. τους αγρούς, an estate, farms. aypvvvla, 2, 49. sleepless- ness, want of sleep, inability to sleep. αγχίστροφος, 2, 53. μεταβο- λών, a sudden change, a re- verse, quick revolution, (of circumstances.) αγχώ«αλος, 3, 49, nearly equal: 7, 71. άyyωμaλa εναυ- μάχονν, to fight with like success, equally, indecisive- ly: 4, 134. αγω, 5, 6. άζοντα, leading, bringing: 5, 7. ήγε, to lead on: 5, 12. ήγον, to lead, to conduct: 8, 12. άζων, about to lead, raise: 8, 21. αγα,γέ- σθαι, to take in marriage: 7, 46. άξων στοαπαν, with inten- tion to bring an army: 5, 48. είρηνην άγει ν, to preserve peace: 5, 59. to live at peace, 7, 32. άξειν (τον στρατον,) to lead, to conduct: 7, 16. ayovra είκοσι τάλαντα αργυρίου, to carry: 5, 54. άγοντες την ήμεραν, to keep or celebrate the day: 3, 86. άγομαι, to be imported. αγωγή, 5, 85. Η ες ολίγους αγωγή, this audience with the nobility : 4, 29, a transport- ing. άγωγος, a guide, conductor, 2, 12. 4, 78. άγων, a contest, conflict, an engagement, 5, 1 1 . a task, trial, 2, 45. a dispute, ques- tion, 46. 4, 50. εν τφ αγώνι, in the place of contest, 3, 38. contention (of oratory :) 7, 71. αγώνα της γνώμης, agOliy, anxiety of mind, 49, αγώνας ποπ/σονται : to engage in bat- tle, 66. 2, 42. μι) περί ίσον ήμίν είναι τον aytova και οις, that the contest is not about things of equal importance to us and them, 3, 49. ή\θον ες αγώνα της δόξτ/ς, to come to a con- flict of opinion, contend in support of different opi- nions. aywviCb), 1, 6. yyiovitovTo, to wrestle, to contend: 2,63. αγων/ζεσθαι, to contend, strive: 3, 104. αγωνιουμενοι εφοιτων, to resort for the purpose of contending: 6, 16. αγωνίσα- σθαι περί των απάντων, to fight for their all, to stake their all: 29. αγωνίζεται, to be tried, contested : 8, 27. άγωνισασθαι, to fight: 4, 87. α'γώνισις, 5, 50. a COntest- ing ; , α'γώνίσμα, 8, 12. an achieve- ment: 7, 56. a prize-compo- sition: 86. 1, 22. the prize of victory: 3, 82. a glory, distinction: 7, 85. καλόν το αγώνισμα ενομΐ4, ε ^ οι είναι, lie thought it would be a glori- ous distinction for him. αγωνισμυς, 7, 70. προς αλ- λήλους, a contention, rivalry. αγωνιστής, a prize-fighter, combatant, 3, 37. άδεής, fearless, unalarmed, secure: 2, 20. α'δεεστερον, with less fear, more boldlv, 13 2 ΆΔΕ ΆΔΟ 1, 36. less alarmingly, 4,92. 6,91. άδεια, 4, 92. security, tran- quillity: 3, 58. fearlessness, absence of apprehension : 6, 60. immunity, indemnity : 4, 108. small risk : 7, 29. con- fidence : 8, 77. 81. αδελφή, 2, 29. ου είχε την άδελφην Σιτάλκης, wllOSe Sister Sitalces had in marriage. άδελφιδοΰς, 4, 101. A ne- phew. αδεσμος, 3, 34. εκείνον εν φυλακή αδεσμω EiVfi"f,tO put him in custody without chains, Lat. Libera custod'ia, 36. αδεώς, fearlessly, safely, se- curely, 4, 114. πολιτευειν, to live in security, 118. 6, 27. άδηλος, 1 7 2. invisible, un- certain, 78. εν αδηλω, in the dark, as yet unknown : 2, 1 1 . άδηλα τα των πολέμιων, things fall out unexpectedly in war, war is uncertain: 7, 50. αδηλότατα ως ηδύναντο, as securely as they could : 8, 108. αδήλως, secretly, 6, 58. αδικεω, 1, 6. ηδικησθαι, to be aggrieved: 1, 34. νδίκουν, were the agressors: 3, 38. ηδικηκότων, the culpable in- jurers : 6, 29. αδικεί, to be guilty of any breach of law : 1, 120. άδικεϊσθαι, to suffer injury: 5, 5. ηδίκησεν, to do mischief, to injure: 5, 30: ηΰικουντο, to suffer injury, conceive one's self slighted : 3, 47. ηδικηθηναι εκόντας, to be willing to be injured, to con- nive or put up with an in- jury : I, 53. αδικείτε, ώ άνδρες 'Αθηναίοι, πολέμου άρχοντες και σπονδας λυοντες, With Certain verbs, of which αδικείτε is one, the participle serves to ex- press the action, with refer- ence to which the finite verb determines any condition or quality, Matth. Gr. Gr. 844 : 1. 120. άντρων yap σωφρόνων μεν εστίν, ει μη αδικοιντο, ησυ-χα- Ζ,ειν, αγαθών δε αδικούμενους εκ μεν ειρήνης πολεμειν, the part. is put here in the ace. because it belongs to the infm. but by an exception to the general rule, which requires it to be in the gen. because the sub- ject of the infill, is the same as the object of the preceding- sentence, Matth. 809 : 3, 56. θηλαίοι δε ττολλά ημάς και άλλα η$ίκησαν, two accus. are taken by some verbs not only of the nearer and more immediate object of the action, but also of the more remote object, i.e. the person or thing to which the action with its immediate object passes. Matth. 579. αδίκημα, . J , 37. προς αδική- ματα μάρτυρα εγειν, to have a witness of their evil actions, 35. αδικηματι θτ/σονται, to Con- sider it an injustice, 4, 23. αδικία, 3,66. wrong, injus- tice, 8, 40. άδικος ,4, 85. ελευθερίαν, free- dom, not justly so called, a false pretext of freedom, 3, 9. 66, 67. 4, 61*. 6,39. άδικωτατος. αδίκως, Unjustly, 2, 71. αδόκητος, 7 , 29. απο του αδό- κητου, unexpectedly, through 'ΛΔΟ ΆΘΗ some unforeseen contin- gency, 6, 34. το άδόκητον, an unexpected, unlooked for cir- cumstance, 4, 36. 47. άδο- κητως, 4, 17, unexpectedly. άδολος, sincere, without guile, 5, 18. αδόλως, sincerely, without treachery, 4, 118. αδόλως, καί αδεως, without fraud or fear, a for inula in treaties : 5, 23. άδοξία, 1, 76. disgrace. άδυνασία, 8, 8. weakness : 7, 8. τοΰ λέγειν, incapacity, inability. αδύνατος, 1, 1. 25. 2, 11. 3, 42. ; 88. αδύνατα ην, impos- sible, Matth. Gr. Gr. 644 . : 4,86. 129.7, 1 . "Ων ού^ αδύνα- τος, to be powerful, have great power. 15, 28. αδ?'»νατοι εγε- νοντο τοίς γ^ρημασι, to be Weak in money, in want of treasure. 8, 56. 68, 100. Μηθυμναίων yap ούχ οϊ αΰννατωτατοι φυγάδες, Matth. 669. : 1, 5. α&υνατωτα- τος. αδώ, 2, 54. αδεσθαι, to be ι. y ' t j chanted, repeated. αδωοος, 2, 65. αδωρότατος χρημάτων, most incorruptible in respect of money, Matth. Gr. Gr. 454. αεί, 1, 11. 22. ες αεί, for ever, 4, 36.7, 71. incessantly, every moment. : 4, 68. ο αεί εντός γιγνοαενος, as fast as they came severally in from time to time : 7, 61. Συστρατευόμε- νοι del, from time to time, on each occasion, 57. ετπ.τους αεί 7Γολε/κ.ι'ους σφισιν αποδεικνυμε- νους, enemies for the time pointed out, who happen to be proposed : 3, 23. ο δε διακοαι£όαενος αεί ίστατο, and ever as a man got over, he drew up : 2, 36. del oi αυτοί οίκούντες, the same people inhabiting a country from age to age : 3, 37. των άά λε- γομένων ες το κοινον, advice given on each successive de- bate for (the good of) the public, i. e. wise but ordinary advice: 2, 14. δία το del τους πολλούς εν τοις d -γροις ΰιαιτασθαι, by reason of most of them being used to live in the country. αείδω, 2, 8. see αδω. αείμνηστος, 1, 33. Not to be forgotten, that which is to be perpetually (for ever) com- memorated. αίημιος, 2, 37. harmless, in- flicting no real injury. αήδων, 2, 29. εν μνήμη αη~ δονος, in the mention of the nightingale. αηθεια, A 3 55. εκ της πρίν αηθείας του κτακοπραγεΓν, from being formerly unaccustom- ed to reverses. αηθης, unwonted, extraor- dinary, 4, 34. αησσητος, 6, 70. 7, 44. un- broken, unvanquished. 'Αθήναι, 5, 47. towards Athens. Αθηναίος, an Athenian, 1, 52. ορωντες πpoσyεyevημεvaς ναΰς εκ των Αθηναίων ακραιφνείς, for έξ 'Αθηνών, an instance of the interchange of subst. amongst one another, as also in 1, 107. 110. " words which signify the inhabitants of a ΆΘΛ ΑΙΡ country, are sometimes put for the the name of the coun- try/' Matth. Gr. Gr. 617: 1, 89» Αθηναίων δε το κοινον διε- κομίζοντο, a plur. after a verb of number in the singular, because the idea of several subjects is always included in such noun, Matth. 437. αθλητής, 4, 121. a wrestler, combatant, victor in the Olympic games. άθλιος, woeful, wretched, miserable. άθλον, 2, 46. άθλα αρετής prizes for virtue, 87. αθλοις τοΊς ττροσηκονσιν της αρετής, the re- Wards which belong to good conduct: 1, 6. 3, 82. αθρεω, 5, 26. to view, con- template. αθροίζω, to collect, assem- ble, crowd together: 6, 44. ηθροίζοντο, to muster : 5, 64. προειπον ζυμμάγοις αθροισθειαιν Ίεναι, to be assembled : 1 , 50. 5, 6. : 7, 85. το αθροισθεν του στρατεύματος, the part of the army which was crowded into one common mass. αθροισις, 6, 26. an accu- mulation, a collectd store. αθρόος, 4, 34. collected, united, embodied : 6, 34. Τω ταγυναυτουντι αθροωτερω } sailing quicker and closer together: 2, 39. αθρόα rr? δυνάμει, the whole assembled forces (of a state,) 4, 55. αθρόα, μεν ουδαμοΰ ry δυνάμει, with nowhere a collected force: 1, 141. άθρόον φθειρό- μενον, to perish unperceived: 1, 3. 11. 2, 31. 3, 78. 6, 56. 80. αθυμεω, 8, 11. αθυμησαντες, losing heart : 7, 75. ηθυμονν, to be out of heart, to be de- pressed, 21. to be alarmed: 5, 91. αθυμ'ια, 7, 55, εν παντι δη άθυμίας, in absolute, total de- jection of spirit, 24. : 2, 51. 4, 26. 7, 24. αιγίαλος, 6, 52. σπόντες ες τον arymXov, to touch on a coast, to come close up to a shore: 1, 7. επ αυτοϊς τοις α^ιαλοίς, on the very shores. αίσιος, 2, 41. perpetual, everlasting, 64. ες αιδιον, for ever: 4,87. δόξαν, 20. 7, 21. αι^οϊα, τά, the privy mem- bers. αιδώς, 1, 84. αιδώς σωφροσύ- νης πλείστον μετεγει, modesty, largely partakers of pru- dence : 5, 29. Matth. Gr. Gr. 890. αικ'ια, 7, 75. η άλλη αικία, the calamitous disgrace of the rest. αΊμασιά, 4, 43. a hedge of thorns, a quickset-hedge. αιματοω, 7, 85. ηματωμενον το ύδωρ, to be stained with blood. αιματώδης, 2, 49. bloody in appearance. αίρεσις, 5, 3. a choice (being given between war and security :) 2, 75. a cap- ture, a taking of a town : 3, 97. a choice, an option, 2, 58. 61. 8, 89. αίρίω, 3, 52. βία, to take ΑΙΡ ΑΙΣ by storm, to catch, seize, surprise, take by seige : 4, 66. ελεΐν (τα μακρά, τείχη,) to take, to seize, 68. εαλωκότων (τών τειχών,) being taken : 8, I. ελεσ0α«, to choose : 6,44. εΧομεντι, to choose, elect : 2, 19. ελεΓν, to take (by siege :) 6, 8. ηρημενος, appointed to command, 1, 62. νρηντο, to appoint (as a general :) 3, 49. γροΰντο υπνον, to Sleep, to enjoy sleep : 2, 75. αιρείσθαι v7rvov και σίτον, to take rest and food : 7, 43. Vjpow, to take possession of: 1, 90. ελομενους, chosen : 1, 11. 55. είλον, to take (as a town:) 5, 3. ίαλωκυϊαν, having been taken : 8, 23. εάλωκεν, had been captured : 5, 3. εΧόντες, having taken, having made one's self master of: 8, 31. 3, 29. Ημεραι δε μάλιστα ήσαν τύ) Μυτιλήνη εαΧωκυια. επτά, to be nearly seven days after Mytilene was taken : 4, 29. 7, 31. -ρρεβη, to be chosen, elected, made choice of: 1, 103. ηρηκότες, which they had just taken : 4, 20. ελώμε- Θα ειρηνην αντί τον πολέμου, to prefer: 3, 63. είΧεσθε, to choo&e for one's self: 4, 60. to take for one's self: 2, 68. 78. 4, 20. 130. 8, 82. αίρω, 1. 90. 118. |?ρετο, to arise: 6, 18. Ήφαν ες τάδε, to raise, exalt any thing (to a certain pitch :) 5, 10. αραντες, having lifted, taken away, 4, I I . having weighed anchor, 45. 1, 52. τάς ναυς, to put off from the land, 3, 32. αράς, to weigh anchor, 7, 26. to strike tents, move camp, 8, 28. to decamp : 1,49. γρθη, to be raised (as a signal,) 63. 7, 34. άρθεντος, having been raised, hoisted : 4, 111. οπότε το σημειον αρθε'ιη, when the signal was raised, ele- vated: 3., 39. ηραντο, to raise war: 7, 41. ηρμέναι, sus- pended, hung up : 1, 80. αρασθαι πόλεμον, to raise war, to undertake, commence a war: 2, 23. αραντες εκ των 'Αχαρνών, to raise their camp and depart from Acharnae : 1, 130. πολλω μάλλον ηρτο, to be raised, elevated, in- toxicated, buoyed up : 6, 59. ουκ r?pTO νουν ες ατασθαΧιην, (poetic phrase). αισθάνομαι, 1,47. 4,89. 7, 4. 48. 8, 7. 9. to perceive, learn, hear, observe: 4, 81. πείρα, αισθομενων, knowing by experience : 6,59. αΊσθανόμενος αυτούς μέγα παρά βασιΧει Δαρίιυ ΰύνασθαι, an instance of the infin. after αισθάνομαι instead of the participle, Matth. Gr. Gr. 8, 36. : 5, 83. ψθοντο τεί- χιζόντων, they perceived them walling: 1, 72. ως ησθοντο των λόγων, as they had heard of the speeches : 1, 50. γσθημενοι, to be aware : 7, 65. παρ-ην αισθάνεσθαι Τυ- ΧΊππω, to be able to discern: 7, 30. αισθομενος εκ Χο^ισμοΰ, to perceive by calculation, to compute, perceive by in- telligence, to hear : 5, 3. : Α1Σ AIT 2, 51. αίσθοιτο κάμνων, to feel one's self falling ill : 1, 26. Κερκυραίοι επειδή γσθηντο τους οΊκητόρας τήκοντας, perf. formed from α'ισθεομαι, Matth. 313. : 8, 24. γσθόμην. I am ac- quainted with, 9. αίσθησις, 2, 50. αϊσθησιν παρεϊχον, to afford means of observation, 3, 22. to occasion a discovery : 2, 4. a discovery : 2, 6. αϊσθησιν έχει, to have (in one) an occasion or cause of feeling or perceiving to another, (as in Latin habere invidiam, i. e. causam invidice). αίσχρός, disgraceful, dis- honourable, base, 3, 58. 5, 111. 6, 11. 8,27. 2, 40. αί- σχιον, 6, 10. εκ του αισγίονος, from a more dishonourable cause, on more dishonourable grounds, 2, 62. αισχιον £έ έχοντας αφαιρεθηναι η κτώμενους άτυχησαι, it is more disho- nourable,, when one has aught, to be deprived of it, than to fail in making an ac- quisition : 3, 59. αισχίστω τω οΧεθρω Χιμώ τεΧευτησαι *. α'ισχιον, 1, 82. 2, 62. 4, 86.: 6, 2L α'ισγρον δε βιασθεντας απεΧθειν ύ) ύστερον εττιμεταπεμττεσθαι, το ττρωτον ασκετττως βονΧευσαμε- νους, an instance of the positive employed for the comparative, Matth. Gr. Gr. 662. αΊσ^ρως, 6, 80. disgrace- fully. αισχύνη, i, 84. 2,27. shame, disgrace, modesty, a feel- ing of honour: 5, 101. al- σγννην υ^λειν, to incur dis- grace : 104, 111. . 2, 37, αισχυνών ομοΧο-γουμενιιν φερουσι, to bring (certain) confessed shame, disgrace, upon any transgressors : 8, 73. : 4, 19. ετοιμότερος εστίν αισχύνη εμμε- νειν οϊς ξυνεΟετο, the Use of the dat. for the Lat. abl. answering to the question, from what, whence, Matth. Gr. Gr. 567. αισχϋνω, 4, 92. τάς προσή- κουσας αβτάς, to shame, dis- grace : 2, 43. α'ισχυνόμενοι εν τοΐς εργοις, to have a sense of shame in action : 3, 44. αισγυνθεντες τάς των Ελλήνων Ις νμας, to respect, have re- gard to the hopes, which the Greeks repose in you : 1,84. 3, 14. 36. αιτεω, 1, 40. δίκας, to seek, ask, demand a trial, satisfac- tion, 5, 30. ψιωντο, to blame, accuse: 3, 61. ονδε ητιαμενων, not even a charge being- made : 6, 46. αιτεομαι, to ask for, require the loan of any thing to borrow : 2, 97. 3, 59, 113. αίτησις, 75. a request, pe- tition. αιτία, a blame, fault, re- proach, cause, motive, an occasion, expostualation, a reprehension, 1, 35. εν πΧείονι αιτία εξομεν, to hold a thing in great reprobation, 5, 60. εν αιτία, εϊχον ττολλ?^, to blame se- verely : 6, 46. ποΧΧην την αιτίαν εϊχον νττο των στρατιωτών, to be AIT ΆΚΙ severely censured by, 75. επιψερομένην αιτιαν ες την μα\α- κίαν, a reproach for coward- ice cast upon them : 6, 14. αΊτίαν σχείν, to carry blame (with it:) 3, 13. αίτια ν ειχετε μη βοηθεϊν, to be blamed for not assisting, 53. ό μη ρηθεις λόγος τοις ω δ' εγονσιν αΊτίαν αν παρασγοι ως, ει εΧέγθη, σωτή- ριος αν ην, a speech, not being spoken by men circumstan- ced as we are are, would give occasion for saying that, had it been spoken, it would have Saved: 1,69. αίτια μεν yap φίλων ανορων εστίν αμαοτανον των, κατηγορία δε εγθρών α$ικη- σαντων, αιτιάζω, 1, 120. αίτιάω, 1, 82. αίτιάομαι, to blame, cen- sure, find fault with, expos- tulate with, 140. αιτιασθαι την τυχην, to accuse fortune : 3, 61. -φτιασμένων, an instance of the perf. pass, of verbs, which are used as active, occurring in a pass, sense, Matth. Gr. Gr. 716. αιτιαμα, 5, 72. δια τούτο, Ζ. fault. αίτιος, culpable, obnoxious, guilty, instrumental, cau- sing, promoting, 7, 56. αίποι αυτών, the author of them, i. e. of the benefits to re- dound to Greece, 3, 38. υμεϊς, you are to blame : 2, 21. αίτιον σφίσιν ενόμιί,ον, they thought them to blame for, 65. αίτιον δε ην, and the rea- son was : 3, 50. αίτιωτάτονς της αποστάσεως, most instru- mental in causing, principal authors : 4, 30. αίτιώτερος : 4, 26. αίτιον δε ην οι Λακεδαιμόνιοι ττροειποντες, for αίτιοι ήσαν, 3, 93. 8, 9. see Matth. Gr. Gr. 445. αιφνίδιος, 8, 14. sudden, unexpected, 20. αίφνίδιον, suddenly: 4, 125. φυγην, sudden, 75. 5, 65. 8, 20. αιφνιδίως, 7, 23. suddenly, at once. αίχμαλωι-ος, 1, 52. a pri- soner of war : 3, 70. 6, 5. αίων, an age, the life of man, 1, 70. δι δλου του αιώνος, through all their lives. αιωρέω, 7, 77. αιωρούμαι, to be Suspended, εν τω αυτω κιν- δννω τοίς φαυΧοτάτοις, in the same danger with the meanest among you, Matth. Gr. Gr. 539 άκαιρος, unreasonable, ill- timed, unprofitable, 5, 65. ακάτων, a small boat, a skiff, 4, 67. ακέραιος, pure, unmixed, entire, unbroken, un-injured, fresh, sound, untouched, 2, 61. ΰνναμιν, 3, 33. ι 2, 18. 3, 3. άκηρυκτι, 2, 1. without a herald, without the inter- vention of a herald. άκηρνκτως, 1, 145. without the formality of a herald. ακίνδυνος, without danger, risk, secure, 4, 18. 5, 16. : 4, 72. ακινδυνοτερος. ακινδύνως, 6, 80. την αυτικα ακινδύνως δουλείαν, servitude without danger for the pre- c ΆΚΙ ΆΚΡ sent : 7, 68. το ακινδύνως άπελ- άκοτ), report, hearsay, fame, Θεϊν αυτούς, their departing 4, 8. ακοή νομισάντων, to judge safe, unhurt, without risk, by report : 1, 4. 20. 3, 38. danger to us, sine nostro 4, 126. 6, 53. periculo. ακολασία, licentiousness, in- άκίνητος, immoveable, sta- temperance,, arrogance, tionary, unvarying, 3, 37. άκολουθέω, 7, 57. ηκολούθουν, νομοις : 1, 71. to follow : 4, 42. To follow, άκλιτος, unbidden, un-in- to be in train, 4, 94. άκο- Vlted, 1, 118. 6, $7. λουθησαι rrj -γνώμη, to follow άκμαζω, 1, 1. ακμάζοντες an opinion : 2,98. 3,38. νσαν, i. e. ηκμαΖ,ον, to flourish, ακόλουθος, a servant, ser- to be at the highest point of ving man, an attendant, 4, prosperity: 7, 12. ήκμαζε, to be 118. complete, perfect, in a flou- άκονιτί, without trouble, rishing condition, (of a fleet:) ακοντίζω, 3, 23. ηκόντιζον, 7, 63. ήκμαζε, to be in one's to throw a javelin : 7, 40. prime, to flourish : 2, 20. ες τάς ναύτας. ακμάζοντας πολλή νεότητι, to ακόντιον, a dart, javelin. abound in young men : 3, ακοντιστής, 7, 6. A darter, 3. ακμάζοντος του πολέμου, to javelm-man. be at its height, to be VlgO- ακούσιος, 3, 40. το άκούσιον, rously prosecuted : 2, 19. what is involuntary : 4, 98. ακμάζοντος θέρους και του σίτου, αμαρτημάτων, involuntary. midsummer, and the harvest ακουσίως, with reluctance, ripe. 31. to be in its prime, ακούω, 1, 22. ηκουσα, to (of a City:) 6, 17. ακμάζω hear: 5,28. κακώς ηκουσε, to μετ αύτης (νεότητος,) to flourish labour under a bad reputa- in youthful ardour : 2, 49. tion, to suffer in the opinion άκμάζοι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 774. of: 7, 71. άκούσαι πάντα ομού ακμή, the height, highest (ην,) all were to be heard at point of perfection, the once : 1, 125. επειδή dο- λισαντο, to fight with mis- siles : 4, 34. to throw darts upon. ακρο&οΧισμος, 7, 25. a skirmishing with missile weapons. ακροθίνων, 1, 132. the first fruits, prime spoil. ακρόπολις, 3, 72. the for- tress : 4, 130, 131. άκρος, 6, 57. extreme, at the end : .4, ] 00. ακραν κε- ραίαν, the extreme mast, i. e. at the end of the mast, 57. άκροις τοις κρημνοίς, the sum- mit of the precipice: 6, 97. ακροτελεύτιου, 2, 9. 17. last, fag-end. ακροφυσιον, 4, 100. the spout of a pair of bellows. ακρωτηρίου, 2, 49. 4, 24. 6, 44. the promontory, head- land. άκυρος, 3, 37. νοαοις, not binding, without authority, ineffective. c 2 ΆΚΩ ΆΛΛ άκων, 8, 3. reluctant: 2, 90. in spite of one: 6, 34. άκοντος ηγουμένου, to be ap- pointed commander against one's will : 3, 40. άκοντες itXa -φαν, to do an involuntary injury : 4, 37. άκοντα προσα- ναγκά£«ν, to press any one against his wish : 3, 37. 63. άλάομαι, 2, 102. to wander, Matth. Gr. Gr. 811. αλγεινός wretched, pain- ful, woeful, 7, 75. αλγεινά αϊσθεσθαι, wretched to behold, dreadful to see : 2, 39. τοϊς μεΧΧονσιν αλγεινοίς μη προκά- μνειν, not to sink under cala- mities only in prospect. αλγεω, to grieve, to endure grief, 2, 65. άΧ-γιστος, 7, 68. most grievous. αΧειφω, 1, 6. ηΧειψαντο, to anoint themselves : 4, 68. αληλιμμενων, to be anointed. αΧεζω, 5, 77. άλε£εμεναΐ, to ward off, drive away, (Dor. for άλεζειν.) αλέω, 4, 26. αΧηΧεσμενον, to be pounded, Matth. Gr. Gr. 207. αλήθεια, truth, 2,41. βλάψει, the truth will destroy, con- fute, 35. 4, 120. αληθής, 6, 34. τη αττο του αληθούς δυνάμει, 1. e. τη άΧηθεϊ δυνάμει '. 7, 67. το αληθέστατο ν γνύτε, know for certain: 3, 53. 4, 126. β, 89. αληθώς, truly, in fact, 8, 87. αληπτος, difficult to be laid hold of, impracticable, im- pregnable, unarraignable, not to be convicted, 1, 27. 143. αΧηπτοτεοος. αΧίμενος, without port, har- bour, 2, 25. αΧίσκω, 7, 23. ηΧισκετο, to be captured: 2, 31. εάλω, άΧφ, have a passive signif. from the root άλοω, see Matth. Gr. Gr. s. 222. to be taken prisoner, captured as a town, 1, 102. : 4, 46. άν τις άλω, if any one be caught running: 1, 121. μια νίκη άλίσΑτονται, to be undone, ruined by one victory or other, 8, 34.: 7,40. κόπφ αΧΊσκεσθαι υπο σφων αυτών, to be seized or overcome with fatigue by themselves, their own means. άΧιτηριος, sacrilegious, 1, 126. της θεού, founded on the sense of the gen. with respect to, this adj. derived from a verb active (αΧιτέω τινά,) ex- pressing an idea of relation not complete without the ad- dition of another word, takes it in the gen. Matth. Gr. Gr. 460. αλκή, strength, 1, 80. 2, 84. 3, 108. 6, 34. : 2, 87. τέχνη δε άνευ αΧκης ούδεν ωφε- Χεϊ, unless it be backed by energy, unless it be en- forced. aXXa, 5, 43. Ου μεντοι αλλά και φρονηματι φιΧονεικων ηναν- τιοΐ>το 9 to give opposition not through love of contempt in- deed, but through mortifi- cation and wounded pride ; 'ΑΛΛ ΛΛΛ not to oppose for opposition- sake, (or from pure love of the sport,) but from a feel- ing of wounded pride : 5, 60. αλλ' η, except, but only, fur- ther than, 7, 50. ούδε ό Νικίας ■ηναντιουντο, αΛΛ η μη ψανερως ye αξιών ψηφιζεσθαι , Nicias did not oppose them further than requiring that it should not openly at least be put to the vote, 77. 2, 44. αλλήλων, αλληλοις, αλλή- λους, one another, ], 24. εν αλληλοις, with one another, 66. ες αλλήλους, reciprocally, 1,1. προς αλλήλους, against one another: 4, 19. 61. 66. 7, 34. 40.: 3, 81. oi πολλοί των ικετών — $ιεφθειραν αυτοΰ εν τω ιερω αλλήλους, where the reciprocal is for the re- flexive, Matth. Gr. Gr. 710. αλλοθεν, from elsewhere, 1, 22. πόθεν, some from one quarter, some from another, 35. from any other quarter whatever. άλλοθι, elsewhere, 1, 77. αλλοθί που, anywhere else, 16. from other quarters. αλλοΓος, different, changed, varied, 4, 106. οί δέ πολλοί ακουσαντες αλλοιοτεροι εγενοντο τας γνώμας, the majority were becoming inclined to change in their sentiments, their sentiments were beginning to be somewhat changed. αλλοιοω, 2, 59. ηλλοίωντο τας γνώαας, changed their minds, sentiments. αλλόκοτος, 3,49.monstrous. Η αλλομαι, 7, 45. αλλε<τθαι κατά των κρημνών, to leap. άλλος, 6, 70. Τα μεν άλλοις — τα δε αυτούς, on the one hand, Side: 7,27. τον άλλον χρόνον, for the rest of the time, the remainder of the year: 4, 120. ουόεν άλλο η νησιωται, nothing else but islanders : 1, 15. το άλλο Ελληνικού, the rest of Greece : 7,58. άλλος όμιλος, a multitude besides, 50. στρατιάν αλλην — καϊ τους εκ της Πελοποννήσου όπλ'ιτας, besides an army from — troops also from Pelopon- nesus, (αλλην refers to και τους, etc. and not to any pre- vious army from Sicily :) 3, 19. άλλης στρατιάς πολλοί, many others of his soldiers : 8, 92. : 1, 77. η άλλη Έλλας, the rest of Greece, where the art. prefixed to the adjective substantives it, Matth. Gr. Gr. 393. αλλοσε, to elsewhere, to any other place, 7, 30. ά'λ- λοσε ποι της Σικελίας καθεζομέ- νους, to go to another port of Sicily, to settle, anywhither, 51. αλλότριος, alien, foreign, another's, strange, 4, 95. ώς εν τη αλλότρια (yy) ου προσή- κον κίνδυνον αναρριπτοΰμεν, un- necessarily to volunteer dan- ger in the enemy's country, 92. αλλοτριοις ιεροις το πρώτον επελθοντας οικεία νυν κεκτησθαι, to gain possession of the temples of other countries, and afterwards possess them ΑΛΛ "ΑΜΑ as their own : 3, 82. και μην considerate, 5, 99. τω αλο- και το ζυγγενες του εταιρικού -γ'ιστω, by rashness, άλλοτριώτερον ty ενετό, rela- αλο^Ίστως, 1, 37. Without tionship was not so near a good reason, rashly : 3, 45. tie as fraternity, association absurdly, without reason, in parties, clubs, and con- άλογος, irrational, absurd, spiracies : 6, 21. ες άλλοτρίαν without reason, rash, unac- πασαν (γί?ν,) an entirely countable, inexcusable, 1, foreign land: 1,78. αλλοτρί- 32. επιτήδευμα προς υμάς ες αις -γνωμαις πεισθεντες, to be την γοε'ιαν ημίν άλογου, a CUS- persuaded by fqreign senti- torn, which ' is irrational, ments, the opinions of when viewed with reference foreigners, 70. τοϊς σωμασιν to our interests as now con- αλλοτριωτάτοις ύπερ της πόλεως nected With you : 6, 46. χρώνται, to use their bodies αλο-γωτερα, what one less cal- for the service of the State culates upon : 3, 82. 6, 59. as much as possible, as if τόλμα άλόyιστoς, inconsider- they did not belong to them, ate, rash, foolhardy courage : i. e. in the most unselfish 6, 85. manner, with an utter dis- αλόγως, 6, 79. without regard of labour and dan- good reason, good grounds, ger : 3, 82. αλλοτριώτερον : 3, inexcusably, 84. absurdly : 13. 4, 98. 5, 104. 8, 27. rashly. αλλοτριοω, 3> 65. 8, 73. to αλοχος, 3, 104. a Wife. alienate. αλυσις, 2, 76. 4, 100. a αλλόφυλος, of another tribe, chain . race, foreign, a stranger, 6, αλφιτον, barley, bran, 3, 9. αυδράσιν : 4, 64. 86. 49 : αλψιτα, bread {generally άλλως, 6, 47. otherwise, for means of sustenance :) 4, in vain, uselessly, to no end. 10. άλφίτων, 16. I, 10. 70. 7, 1. άλλως τε /ecu, αλωσιμος, easy to be Cap- especially, more especially tured, 4, 10. το χωρίον. as, 7, 75. άλλως τε κα\ απο αλωσις, 2, 2. a capture, οίας λαμπρότητος — ες οίαν τε- taking, seizure, the reduc- λεντην αφϊκτο, especially tion of a town, 5, 15. cap- (when they reflected) from ture, surrender : 4, 70. 113. what a splendid condition 7, 24. to what a miserable end αλωτος, 6, 77. conquer- they had come : 2, 3. 4, 36. able. αλμυρός, 4, 26. brackish, άμα, at the same time with, briny. besides, 7, 72. άμα εω, at αλογ/α, 5, 111. absurdity, dawn, as soon as it was morn - αλόγιστος, irrational, in- ing, 23, τ^ εω : 5, 80. άλλ' η ΆΜΑ ΆΜΑ άμα, otherwise than in con- neuters ; in this instance the junction with : 1, 25 : άμα δέ author had άρματα in his head. και, as well as, s70, και άμα, Matth. Gr. Gr. 439. moreover, besides, 48 : 4,79. άμαρτάνω, \, 38. to err: 3, τελευτωντος τον -χειμωνος άμα 62. ημαρτεν, to err, μη μετά ίρι, as soon as the winter νόμων, not with the conni- broke up and the spring be- vance of the laws : 7, 18. gan, 5, 20.: 4, 93. ο^ως ψύλα- ημάρτητο, to sin, fail in duty: κες τε άμα είεν, as well together : 2, 65. Άλλα τε πολλά ημαρ- 3, 11. άμα μεν — εν τω αυτω δε, τηθη, many other errors were they (at once) and at the same committed : 1 , 92. άμαρτάνον- time : 2, 5. της αγγελίας άμα τες της βουλήσεως, to fail ill ρηθείσης προσεζοηθονν, as SOOn One's design .* 3, 47. όσον αν as, 20. 4, 27. 100. 6, 47. καΐ τοΰτο άμαρτάνοιτε, llOW άμαθης, 3, 82. untaught, ig- much you will err in this norant, simple, 37, άμαθεστε- respect, 53. μη αμφοτέρων άμα ροι, less wise, 1, 119.: 6, ημαρτηκαμεν, lest we have 39. αμαθέστατοι, most stupid, missed of both at once, 40. blind. ως ζνγγνωμην αμαρτειν ανθρω- άμαθία, 2, 40. ignorance, πείως λη-φονται, to receive want of skill, information, 1, pardon for erring, 98. των 142. awkwardness, 68. άμαθία. οδών άμαρτάνοντας, to miss χρίΐσθε, to be ignorant: 3, 37, the way: 3, 20. εμελλον dulness, meanness of intel- άμαρτησεσθαι, to be likely to lect, want of parts: 2, 62. err (in computing:) 4, 56. αττο αμαθίας εντνγους, from και παν ο,τι κινησειαν φόντο lucky ignorance, ignorant άμαρτησεσθαι, they expected luck. to fail in whatever they un- αμαθώς, 1. 140. uncertainly, dertake: 7, 54. άμαρτων τον darkly, on no certain grounds, ' Ακράγαντος, to fail (in his by no fixed laws, unexpect- designs) upon Agrigentum : edly. 1, 32. γνώμης αμαρτάνει, he IS άμαζα, 2, 34. 5, 72. a wag- not correct in his opinion, gon, wain, cart, baggage- αμάρτημα, an error, a fault, waggon : 1, 93. δύο άμαζαι slip, mistake, transgression, εναντίαΐ άλληλαις, two Carts 2, 65, γνώμης, ail error of meeting each other : 2, 3. judgment, 53. των άμαρτημά- άμάζας ες τάς οδούς καθίστασαν, των την τιμωρίαν αντιΰονναι, to ϊν αντί τείχους ρ, this is a rare be punished for offences, to deviation from proper con- pay the penalty of offences, struction; with the plur. fern, (literally, to give satisfac- the verb is singular, as with tion, the punishment being ΑΜΑ 'AMI considered as the price,) αντί αμαρτημάτων I 5, 26. αμαρτή- ματα, trespasses, transgres- sions : 4, 30. 98. 7, 5. αμαρτία, an error, a mis- take, fault : 3, 46. άμαρτίαν καταλΐισαι,, to cancel a fault : 1, 32. δόξης μάλλον αμαρτία, through error of opinion, 78. : 4, 29. αμάρτυρος, untestified, un- witnessed, 2, 41. ου $η T(H αμάρτνρόν γε, surely not un- testified. αμαχητί, Without Contest, a blow, 4, 73. άμαγί, without contest, a blow, 5, 7. 7, 14. αμβλύνω, 2, 87. αμ€>λύνεσθαι, to have one's courage blunt- ed, spirits damped. άμζ\νς> 2, 40. blunt, lan- guid, remiss, insensible, hardened, 65. insensible, hardened, άμζλυτερα ποιείν, to enfeeble, impede : 3, 38. tyj opy-rj ά/χβλυτερα, duller re- sentment, resentment having its edge blunted. αμεινον, 1 , 140. Ως εμοιγε αμεινον δοκει είναι; as Ι ΙΟΓ my part think the better way : , όο- αμεινον προς τους άλ- λους, better as regards the rest: 1, 138. 5, 47. 115. αμέλεια, carelessness, in- difference, negligence, 1, 141. παρά την εαυτοΰ αμελειαν* on account of, or by means of his own neglect: 5, 38. αμελεω, 5, 44. not to think of, not to heed, to disregard: 6, 33. τοΰ ζυμπαντος αμελήσετε, to be guilty of a total neg- lect : 3, 40. άμελησαντες των πολεμίων I 1, 68. αμελουμενοι υπο υμών, to be neglected, Matth. Gr.Gr. 711. αμελής, negligent, careless, 5, 30. αμελέστερου y somewhat carelessly, with too much negligence: 2, 11. αμελέστε- ρου τι παρεσκευασμενους, pre- pared at all less carefully. άμελώς,6, 100. negligently. αμέτοχος, 1, 39. not par- taking. αμηχανεω, 7,48. to be With- out resource, not to know what to do, to be in great difficulties. αμικτος, not to be mixed up with others, incommuni- cable, separate and different, incompatible, 1, 77. α μικτά yap τα τε καθ υμάς αυτούς νό- μιμα τοις άλλοις εγετε, your in- stitutions have nothing in common with those of the rest of Greece. άμιλλα, 7, 71. a contention, striving to be first, a race, Contest, fight, 6, 32. αμιλλαν εποιοΰντο, to make haste, crowd all sail. αμιλλάομαι, to strive, con- tend with, 6, 31. άμιλληθεν προς αλλήλους,, to strive, con- tend with, rival one another. αμιύ,ια, 1, 3. αλλήλων, Want of intercourse, correspon- dence. α^ΐ7Γ7Γος, along with a horse, 5,57. a foot- soldier appoint- ed to accompany a horse- soldier. ΑΜΝ *ΑΜΦ άμνημονεω, 3,54. to be for- able: 2, 67. άμύνεσθαι τοΊς getful, to lose the remem- αύτοϊς — οίσπερ, to inflict the brance of : 5,18. same punishment which — to αμνηστεω, 1, 20. χρόνω α- retaliate in the same way μνηστουμενα, to be erased from that: 1, 42. αμυνεσθαι τοις the memory, obliterated by όμοίοις, to requite with simi- time. lar benefits : 4, 92. ήσυχάζον- αμόθι, 5, 77. Somewhere. τα και εν ry εαυτού μόνον αμυνό- αμπελος, 4, 100. a vine- μενον, only acting upon the stalk. defensive. αμυδρός, 6, 54. -γράμμασι, αμφηρικος, 4, 67. ακάτιον, half or nearly worn out, having two oars. hardly legible, almost erased άμφι, about, 7, 40. τά άμφι by time. το αρίστου, preparations for αμυνω, 5, 3. ημύνοντο, to breakfast. resist, defend, 10. to defend αμφίβολος, ambiguous, equi- one's self, to offer resistance: vocal, (literally, shot at on 4, 11. 68. to encounter, op- both sides, in Thuc. shot at pose : 4, 56. ημύνατο : 2, 36. on every side, 4, 32. : 2, 76.) ΙΙμυνάμεθα βάρβαρου /cat ' Ελ- εν αμφιζοΧω γίγνεσθαι, to be ληνα πόλεμον επιόντα, to repel exposed to weapons on a war coming on, whether every side : 2, 15. 4, 36. Greek or barbarian, waged άμφάηριτος, 4, 134. νίκη against us by Greeks or βένετο, disputed, undecided, barbarians : to ward or hold άμφΊΧο^ος, 5, 79. dubious, off any thing or person, 4, 118. disputed. either τι τίνος, or τι τινι, any άμφισ&ητεω, 6, 10. τά αμ- thing from any one or any φισζητούμενα, controverted thing for any one, (with a points, 7, 18. dat.) to assist, SUCCOUr, de- αμφισζητητος, 6, 6. περί "γης fend, support, 5, 38. τω άμφισζητητου, concerning the δεομενω, 2, 60. αύτρ, 1, 105. debateable land. Αι•γινηταις: 1, 69. ου τη δυνάμει, άμφορευς, 4, 115. ύδατος, a άλλα Ty μεΧΧησει αμυνόμενοι, to Vessel, pitcher. repel not by an exertion of άμφότερος, 7, 48. *V άμφοτε- force, but by delay : 3, 38. ρων έχων, to be dubious, to αμυνεσθαι δε τω παθεΊν οτι εγγν- hesitate between two things, τάτω κειμενον, αντιπαΧον αν, re- 47. κατ αμφοτεοα, Oil two ac- venge or vengeance follow- counts, in two ways: 1, 13. ing as close as possible αμφότερα, both ways, (viz. by upon the injury, being sea and land :) 7, 44. άμφο- equivalent or proportion- τερων ουκ ολίγοι, numerous on D ΆΜΦ 'ΑΝΑ both sides: 1,83. 4, 73. 6, μαι,) 2, 80. 93. 6, 18. 7,62. 78. 8, 18. "It is joined with infinitives άμφοτερωθεν, 4, 1. 11.5, 73. and participles, and gives to from both sides. these moods (not the sense of αν, 6, 38. αν γενοαενα, which the future, although in Latin will happen, likely to tj$p- it can only be expressed by pen, Schol. ούκ οία τε γενέσθαι: this sense, but) the same 7, 62. ha το βλάπτειν αν, be- signif. as the opt. conj. or cause it would injure : with infin. with αν would have, in a participle for ει with the the resolution by means of finite verb νομίσατε, 6, 18. τ6 the finite verb." Matth. 922.: τε φαυΧον και το μέσον και το 2, 34. μία δε κΧίνη κενή φέρεται πάνυ ακρι&ες αν ζυγκραθεν μα- εστρωμενη των αφάνων οι αν μη λιστ' αν ίσχυειν, for οτι μάΧιστ εύρεθωσιν, (Si qui ΠΟΙΙ inveni- αν ισχνοί, ει ζνγκραθειη, see UntUT,) εις αναιρεσιν, — ανηρ Matth. Gr. Gr. 5, 97. : 1, ηρημενος υπο της πόλεως, ος αν 136. εκείνον δ αν, ει έκδοι'η αν- -γνώμη τε δοκτ? μη άζύνετος είναι τον, σωτήριας αν της φυγής και αζιωματι προηκη, λέγει έπ- α ττοστερησαι, here αν IS re- αυτοις επαινον τον πρέποντα, dundant, where the princi- where the proposition is ge- pal proposition, to which αν neral ; the conj. with αν is belongs, is divided by a pa- used after the relative, (and renthesis, Matth. Gr. Gr. not the opt.) when the 927. see too Hermann, ad. proposition is of something Viger. 781. : 3, 37. ως ουκ αν present or future, (not the δηλώσαντες την -γνωμην, as if indie.) and when the rela- they could not display their tive does not refer to a de- judgment: 2, 18. Και εδόκουν ol finite thing, Matth. 787. Πελοποννησιοι επεΧθόντες αν δια ανα, along, 4, 72. ανά το τάκους πάντα ετι εξω καταΧα- πεδίον'. 3, 22. ανά το σκοτεινον, βεΓν, on the infin. with αν see through or in the dark. also 3, 11. 89. άνευ σεισμοί) ουκ αναβαίνω, 7, 2. άνα&άς, hav- αν «οι δοκεΓ το τοιούτο ζυμζηναι ing ascended : 3, 22. to go -γενέσθαι, the same as ούκ αν up, to ascend (a ladder :) 4, ξυνέβη, where the conditional 44. άναζάντες επ\ ναΰς, to em- limitation is contained in bark, go on board, 5, 6. 7, άνευ σεισμού, 1. e. ει μη σεισμός 67. αναζησεσθαι, 7, 4. ανα&ε- tjv, 2, 49. τα εντός ούτως εκαι- ζηκεσαν, 5, 9. ανα€ηναι : 5, 6. ετο, ώστε ηόιστα αν ες νοωρ ώστε ουκ αν ελαυεν αυτουεν ορ- ■φυγ^ρον σφας αυτούς ριπτειν, I.e. μώμενος ο Κλέων τω στρατω, ώστε ερριπτον αν, they Would όπερ — άνα&ησεσθαι, the rela- gladly have thrown them- tive explained by an infin. selves, 2, 20. (see Ιττεξέρχο- Matth. Gr. Gr. 687. \ANA 'ANA αναβάλλω, to throw or cast insufficient, v. Schol. tt Βαυ. : up, 4, 90. εκ του ορύγματος 5, 99. της αργής το αναγκαίου , α'νεβαλλον αντί τοΰ τάγους τον necessity, compulsion : 4, χουν, 63. τας ιδίας διαφοράς ες 87. $όκησιν, a necessary ίη- αυθις άνα£αλωμεθα, let US defer ference : 7, 69. ούχ ικανά our private quarrels to a fu- μάλλον η αναγκαία, not so ture time: 5, 82. αναβαλμένοι much what was enough, τας γυανοπαιδ/ας, to defer the adequate, as what he could, celebration of the games, 46. what the time would allow, α'ναβάλλεσθαι τον πόλεαον, to necessarily brief : 4, 60. put off the war, 45. η εκκλη- οιαλλακτάς πολύ των εμών λό- σια αυτή ανεζληθη , this assem- γων αναγκαιότερους Αθηναίους, bly was adjourned. the Athenians much more αναβιβάζω, 7, 33. ακοντιστάς urgent reconcilers than any τινας επι τάς ναυς, to put or Speech ofmine: 5, 8. δπλισιν, take on board, 35. αναβιβά- sorry armour, just such as ζοααι, to embark, go on board, could be got : 1, 84. εν τοϊς α'ναβοάω, 1, 53. to shout άναγκαιοτάτοις, in great diffi- OUt. Culties : 4, 60. αναγκαιότερος, αναβολή, 2, 42. αναζολην 1, 84. 90. 7, 82. αναγκαιοτά- του οεινου εποιησατο, to put Oil, τος '. 1, 2. αναγκαίος τροφή, decline, get out of the way see Matth. Gr. Gr. 150. of the danger: 7, 15. άναγκα'ιως φερειν, 2, 64. to αναγγέλλω, 4, 122. to an- bear with resignation what nounce. cannot be helped. αναγιγνώσκω, 3,49. 4,50. άναγκαστος, Compelled, COn- 7, 10. to read, peruse. strained, pressed, on com- αναγκάζω, 2, 15. ηνάγκασε, pulsion, 7, 13. οι άναγκαστοί to compel : 7, 38. ηνάγκαζεν, έσβάντες, who were pressed 58. ες rov πόλεμον, to compel into the service, 58. : 8, 24. to go to war: 8, 3. : 4, 125. compelled to serve, involun- ιίνάγκασαν, to be forced of tary. necessity : 7, 57. ?ίναγκά£οντο, άνάγ/07, necessity, 4, 87. to be forced (to fight:) 7, κατά δυο άνάγκας, on two ur- 62. ηναγκάσμεθα ες τούτο, to be gent aCCOUllts : 3, 40. συν reduced to any thing : 6, 22, ανάγκη τι παθών, to suffer αναγκασμένος, to be con- any thing of necessity : 4, strained, obliged: 1, 71. 98. εν rp ανάγκη, on a pres- 136. 3, 2. 5, 84. sing emergency: 4, 120. ούκ αναγκαίος, 7, 6. necessary, ανεμειναν ανάγκην σφ'ισι προσγε- absolutely expedient : 6, 37. νεσθαι, not to wait until ne- αναγκαίας παρασκευής, hasty, CeSSlty forced them. D 2 'ANA 'ANA άνά-γραπτος, 1, 129. en- up, give out as fire does graven in one's memory. smoke, 58. η γί ονεδ/δου, to αναγράφω, 3, 57. ες τον τοΊ- yield fruit as the earth, ττοδα, to inscribe upon a tri- ανάδοχος, restored, re- pod : 5, 47. to write out, in- turned, scribe from one end to the άναΖ,ητεω, 2, 8. to weigh, sift, other. examine thoroughly. ανάγω, 1, 137. αναγόμενης, αναθαρσεω, 6, 3 1 . 7, 71. to a vessel bound for Ionia, επ take courage, heart, recall Ίονίας : 6, 65. άνηκται, to be one's courage, Matth. Gr. gone, set out, to sail, : 8, 10. Gr. 925. ανήγοντο, to set out from, 11. ανάθημα. 1, 132. an offer- α'νηγαεναι, had set out, 12. ing : 2, 13. a votive build- avriyero, αναγαγόμεναι, 19. sail- ing, depository of offerings, ing out: 23.; 31. ανάγεται, perhaps merely an offering: sails forth : 3, 104. -χορούς 6, 46. αναθήματα, things de- dvriyov, to get up dances in dicated in a temple, honour of Apollo : 4, 31. to άναθρεω, to look up, 4, 87. put Out to sea : 1 } 69. ανάγε- τα έργα εκ τών λόγων αναθρου- σθαι όσον ουκ εμελλον, to be on μένα, actions examined by or the point of putting out to with a view to speeches, sea. αναίρεσις, 2, 34. carrying off α'ναγωγη, 6, 32. εύχάς τας the field for burial, 3, 107. .\ νοαιζοαενας προ της dvayωyης, 7. 72. leave, liberty to fetch the solemn prayers before away the dead : 3, 113. putting out to sea, 29. άναιρεω 3 4, 97. άνελοαενοι αναγώνιστος, see avavTayu>- τους νεκρούς, to pick up, 1 14. νιστος. 2, 22. : 4, 44. άνείλοντο, to άνα^άΧομαι, to parcel out, receive back : 8, 24. άνείλον, make a division of, 5, 4. ο to pull down, destroy : 4, <$ημος την y -ην επενόει αναμασά- 12. ανελοαενοι, to take : 6, σθαι, to make a division of 38. αναιρείται άyωvaς προς τους the lands. πολεμίους, to take up, under- άναΰέω, 7, 25. άνα^ονμενοι, go, sustain a conflict, con- to fasten, bind with a rope, test with any one : 1, 126. cable, 74. 4, 121. χρνσω to take up (the bones of the στεφάνω, to crown with : 2, dead :) 5, 33. to destroy, 90. raze : 5, 1. to remove, car- άναδιδάσκω, 3, 97. to teach, ry away: 1, 118. 2, 54. prove, shew (by a detail of ανείλε αυτοΐς, to answer as an particulars,) 8, 86. oracle: 6, Ι. άνηρουντο πόλε- α'ναδίδωαι, 3, 88. to send μον, to undertake. 'ΑΝΑ ΆΝΑ αναίσθητος, 2, 43. 6, 86. to carry off, convey back : dull, unobservant, without 2,31. ανακομίζομαι, to return, sense, feeling, perception: (of a fleet.) I, 69. δια το αναίσθητου, ΟΏ. ανακόπτω, 4, J 2% άνεκόπη, to account of your insensibility, be cut down. stupidity. ανακρίνω, to examine, in- άναισθητως, blindly, stu- terrogate, 1, 95. 7, 62. pidly. άνάκρονσις, a tacking about, αναισχυντεω, 1, 37. to be a retreat performed by back- shameless, to brazen it out. ing water, a rowing back αναίσχυντος, 2, 47. 52. ες stern-foremost keeping the αναίσχυντους θηκας ετράποντο, prow still Opposed to the to have recourse without enemy, which was done by shame to the sepulchres of striking the oar the contrary others, for the burial of the way, i. e. pushing it towards dead : 8, 45. the stern or from the rower άνακαλεω, 1, 3. 7, 69. 73. instead of pulling towards to call upon, to address, the prow and the rower, 7, name: 1,131. to recal (age- 36. 70. : 7, 62. αϊ σχησουσι neral from his command:) πάλιν άνάκρουσιν, to prevent 7, 70. to call out aloud up- a falling back. on any One, 73. to Call OUt ανακρούω, 7, 38. άνακρουό- for any one. μενοι, to be mutually driven άνακειμαι, 3, 114. to be de- back, 40. ανακρουσασθαι προς posited in : 7, 71. άνακειμε'νων την πόλιν, to retreat, fall back, ές τας ναυς, to be laid up in, 62. τ6 μήτε αυτούς ανακρουεσθαι, to centre in, to depend up - μτίτ' εκείνους εαν, neither to re- on, (equivalent to εν ταΐς treat ourselves, nor to suffer ναυσίν.) . them to do so. ανακηρύσσομαι, 5, 50. to be άνακταομαι, to re-gain, re- proclaimed. acquire, 6, 92. άνακτασθαι. ανακλάω, 7, 25. τους σταυ- άνακώς, sedulously, dili- ρους, to Crane up, pull up: gently, 8, 102. όπως αυτών 2, 76. to pull (a thing) OUt ανακύς εζουσιν, Matth. Gr. Gk of its direction, to draw 465. aside. ανακωχή, a truce, cessation ανάκλησις, 7, 7. θεών, a call- from hostilities, an absence ing out upon, an invocation of them, a suspension of hos- to, the gods, 71. Matth. Gr. tilities, an armistice, 1, 40. Gr. 925. 66. 3, 4. 4, 117. ανακομιζω, 8, 13. to bring αναλαμβάνω, αναλαμβάνομαι, back: 6,7. άνεκόμισαν σίτον 9 to recover, regain possession 'ANA of, to resume, take along or associate with one, take on board again, under one's command (as an army,) put one's self at the head of, (in order to lead to an enter- prize or to march,) take re- venge, recover one's self (from disease,) take into one's own ranks, 7, 83. άνα- Χαμ&άνουσιτά οπΧα, (where the present tense is put for the aorist, Matth. Gr. Gr. 737.) 7, 1. αναλα€ων τους ωπΧισμε- νους, to put one's self at the head of: 6, 26. ανειΧηφει εαντην απο της νόσου, to re- cover from disorder : 7. 74. αναλαβόντας αυτά δσα, to take along with them only or merely the things, which — : 3, 38. αναΧαμ&ανει μαΧιστα την τιμωρίαν, to take especial vengeance : 2, 62. άναΧηψο- μενην, 16. ανειΧηφοτες '. 8, 27. αναΧα&όντας, to take Up. ανάλγητος, not aggrieved, 3, 40. αραλγητοτεοος. ανάΧηψις, 5, G5. βουΧομενην, an intended reparation. αναλίσκω, 1, 117. 2, 41. 8, 4. άναΧίσκεσθαι, to be spent : 7, 48. αναΧισκοντας εν περιττο- λίοις, to expend upon works around the city: 6, 31. άνα- Χωκει περί το σώμα και ες την ναΰν, to expend or lay out on his person and ship : 2, 70. αναΧωκυιας ες την ποΧιορ•_ κιαν } to expend upon the siege: I, 117. γ^ρηματα ava- Χωθεντα, expences, 109. ανα- λοΰτο, to be expended : 2, 'ANA 14. 3, 81. 8, 45. ανάλουν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 314. άναΧω- κέναι, Matth. 725. : 8, 31. αναΧωσαν. αναλογίζομαι, 5, 7. to weigh, reflect upon, 3, 32. 8, 83. αναλογίσ^ος, 3, 36. reflec- tion, re-consideration, 8, 84. αναΧωμα, 1, 99. ικνουμενον, incidental expences, as much as they might amount to : 7, 28. αναΧωματων προσ- πιπτοντων. ανάΧωσις, 7, 31. expence. ανάΧωτος, not taken, cap- tured, 4, 70. ο'ιόμενος την Νί- σαιαν ετι καταΧηφεσθαι άνάΧω- τον. αναμάγομαι, 7, 61. to fight again, engage the enemy over again. αναμένω, 2, 84. to wait for, A, 120. to procrastinate, de- lay, 135.: 1, 90. αναμ'ενειν τους ζυμπρεσζεις, to wait for his fellow ambassadors. άναμιμνησκω, to remind a person of (any thing,) 6, 6. y ■ t » / \ ζνμμα-χιαν αν αμιμνησ κοντές τους 'Αθηναίους, an instance, where the active of a verb of recol- lecting, (which usually takes the gen.) is constructed with a double accus., Matth. Gr. Gr. 464. άναμίζ, promiscuouslv, 3, 107. ' αναμναομαι, 2, 54. ανεμνη- σθησαν του^ε τοΰ έπους, to be- think themselves of, call to mind. αναμφισβήτητος, 1, 132. in- dubitable, unquestionable. ΆΝΑ ανανδρία, 1, 83. pusillani- mity. άνανδρος, effeminate, 3, 82. a coward. άνανζόω, to renew, 5, 18. 43. 80. άνανεωσάμενοι τάς σπόν- τας τοΊς Έπιδαυρίοις, to renew the truce with the Epidau- rians, 49. ανανεουσθαι τους όρκους. άνανίωσις, a renewal, 6. 82. αναντα'γωνιστος , Without ail antagonist, unmatched, with- out rivalry, 4, 92. άναντα^ω- νιστοι απ αυτών ουκ απιασι, not to go away without having met with their match, with- out a severe struggle : 2, 45. εύνο/α, goodwill unmixed with feelings of rivalry, without any thing to de- tract from it, pure, unmixed. αναζίως, 3, 59. undeserv- edly. ανάπαυλα, cessation, rest, 2, 38. των πόνων ανάπαυλας τη 'ννωμ'η επορισάμεθα, to provide rest, recreations for the mind from labour, 75. άνάπαυσις, 4, 20. cessation. αναπαύω, 4, 11. to cease : 7, 73. αναπαύομαι απο ναυμα- χίας, to rest from or after battle. άναπζ'ώω, 8, 5. to persuade, 1, 126. to persuade, prevail upon, 140. 5, 80. to seduce : 1, 84. άναπείθομαι, to be per- suaded, 3, 94. to change one's opinion, 6, 87. 89. 2, 65. άνεπείθοντο δημοσία, to be won over, to comply in mat- ters of state. •ANA άναπειράομαι, to try, exer- Cise, practise, 7, 7. οΐ τε Συρα- κούσιοι ναυτικον επληρουν και άνεπειρωντο, the Syracusans went on board and practised with the fleet, manceuvered for exercise, 53. άνεπειρωντο νμερας οσαι, as many days as, 12. αναπειρωμεναι. αναπέμπω, 2, 67. to Convey up, give a convoy up (the country.) αναπιμπλαμαι, 2, 51. άναπιμ- πλάμενοι, {της νόσου Under- Stood,) to be filled with in- fection. άναπίπτω, to fall back, to yield, 1, 76, αναπιπτουσιν επ' ελάχιστον, as little as possi- ble, 70. αναπληροω, 2, 28. ανεπλη- ρωθη, to become full again, to have its orb renewed (of the sun after an eclipse.) αναπρασσω, 8, 107. και χρή- ματα ανεπραζαν, to exact. αναρκτος,5,99. unsubdued, ανάρμοστος, 7, 67. unpre- pared. άναρπάζω, 6, 104. a false lection for αρπάζω. άναρρη-γνυμι, to cleave Up, break to pieces, 7, 36. άναρρη- ζειν τα πρώραθεν (ταις εμ£ολα7ς χρωμενοι,) 40. ανερρη-γνυσαν τάς ναυς επι πολύ της παρεζεψεσίας, to shatter the vessels very much on the forecastle, the part betwixt the beak and oars, 34. αναρριπτεω, αναρριπτω, to cast up, throw, 5, 103. ές άπαν το υπάρχον αναρριπτουσι, II 'ANA (sc. Kvtov,) to toss up for all, that belongs, i. e. to run the risk of one's all to cast (the die) for one's all (the stake,) to venture one's all ; hence άναρριπτεϊν COHies to mean, to venture, run the risk : 4, 85. τοσόν^ε κίνδννον άναρριπτοΰμεν, to venture SO great a danger, incur so great a risk as this, 95. 6, 13. αναρρωννυμι, 7, 46. πάλιν αν άναρρωσθεντες, to take heart, to be re-animated, to re-gain courage once more. αναρχία, 6, 72. anarchy, misrule, confusion, disobe- dience. άνασείω, to wave aloft, 4, 38. άνεσεισαν τάς γειρας^ to wave the hands. ανασκευάζω, to rebuild, re- fit, 4, 116. την Αηκυβον καθε- λών και κατασκευασας τέμενος άνηκεν άπαν, to pull down and then rebuild in a different form and for a different pur- pose : ανασκευάζομαι, to gather together one's furniture, stores, baggage, 1, 18. άνα- σκευασάμενοι, ες τας ναΰς εμ^αν- τες, ναυτικοί ε-γενοντο. ανασκοπεω, 1, 132. 7, 42. to revolve in one's mind, to reflect upon. ανασπάω, to draw up, draw (vessels on shore,) 4, 9. τάς τριήρεις ανασπασας υπο το τει- χισμα, to draw up the tri- remes under the fortification, 97. το υοωρ ανασπασαντας ύ- δρεύεσθαι, to draw up and use 'ANA the water for common pur- poses. άνάσσω, to rule over, 1, 10. πολλρσι νησοισι και ' Αργεί παντι ανασσειν. ανάστασις, 2, 14. a removal, 7, 75. a breaking up (of a camp,) dislodging, removal : a raising up from a posture of supplication, a departure from a temple, where sanc- tuary had been taken, 1, 133. πίστιν εκ τοΰ ιεροΰ δίδοντος της αναστάσεως, he pledged his word that no danger should attend his removal from the altar. ανάστατος, overturned, dis- placed, transplanted, 6, 76. Ίτοιείν ανάστατους, to subvert, 8, 24. ανάστατα εποίησαν, Sub- verted, laid in ruins : 6, 5. ανά- στατων "γενομένων πολεμώ υπο Συρακούσιων, to be expelled. άνασταυροω, to Crucify, 1, 110. προδοσία. ληφθείς άνεσταυ- ρωθη, αναστέλλω, to send for back, check (a pursuing army,) 7, 70. ανεστελλον τους οπλ'ιτας ; 3, 98 αναστέλλομαι, to retreat. αναστρέφω, 2, 49. to turn upside down, to disturb (the stomach,) occasion vomit- ings : 4, 43. πάλιν δε από των νέων ανεστρεφαν οι Αθηναίοι, the Athenians drove them back again from the ships : αναστρέφομαι, to turn One's self about, move about back- wards and forwards, 4, 35. εν τψ αυτω, in the same spot : 7, 44. εν στενοχώρια άνεστρε- 'ΑΝΑ ΆΝΔ φόντο, to be engaged in a nitively the continuance of small space, (of two armies:) the one action during the 8, 94. passing of the other, Matth. ανάστροφη, 2, 89. a turning Gr. ς order to accompany you:) ΆΘ., tO let gO, tO let the 3, 7. αναστησας Άκαρνανας Athenians slip through their πανΰημεί, to raise the Acarna- ΆΝΙ .NT nians en masse, to call out the whole force of the Aear- nanians, 4, 90. 'Αθηναίους, πανΰημά, having set in mo- tion, having marched off, (in an active sense :) 4, 77. το ζνμμαχικον, having set in mo- tion: 5, 1. to remove, to expatriate, to disturb : 1, 136. ανίστησι, to raise from a pos- ture of supplication: 6, 4. αναστάντες εκ της θάφου, to re- move from, or to be expelled from, 1, 12. to be expelled, 6, 2. νπο Λιγύων, 2, 27. .* 1, 105. άναστησεσθαι, to recall (troops) απ Αιγίνης I 7, 50. αναστάντες, removing, (they repented) they had not re- moved: 1, 8. to be expelled, to change one's abode, οί κακούργοι ανεστησαν υπ αυτόν, the malefactors were com- pelled by him to change their abode : 8, 45. ανΊσωσις, 8, 87. equalizing, making equal. ανόητος, 6, 11. mad, foolish. άνοια, 3, 42. madness, folly : 3, 48. indiscretion, rashness, unadvisedness : 6, 17. folly, extravagance, η εμη δοκοΰσα είναι, my seeming folly, this which seemed to be folly in me: 2, 61. ανοίγω, 4, 68. τας πυλας, to open : 2, 2. ανέωξαν, to open (doors, gates :) 5, 10. : 7, 29. ανεωγαένων, being open : 2, 4, ανεωγαεναι είναι, to be Open: 4, 111. αι πυλαι ανεωγοντο : 3, 65. 4, 130. ανοικί£ω, 1, 58. άνοικίσασθαι ες 'Όλννθον, to migrate, to transfer their habitation to Olynthus: 1,7. άνωκισμενοι, to be settled or planted at a distance from up the coast : 8, 31. και εκελευσεν αυτών τους τα Αθηναίων φρονουντας ανοικ'ι- ζεσθαι ες τον Α,αφνουντα και προσγωρείν σφίσι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 412. άνοιζις, 4, 67. των πυλών, the act \>f opening (gates,) 68. ανοικοΰομεω, 1, 89. to re- build: 8, 16. αν ω κονόμησαν, had built. άνολκη, support, rearing, propping, 4, 112. προς λίθων άνολκην, for the purpose ο drawing up stones. ανοΧοφύοομαι, 8, 81. to la- ment, bewail. ανομία, 2, 53. Πρώτον τ τ}ρξε— — επι πλέον ανομίας, to be the first beginning of licen- tiousness, lawlessness, to a greater extent. άνομοίως, 1, 84. dissimilarly. άνομος, 3, 67. άνομα, out- rages. ανόμως, 4, 92. sacrilegi- ously, in contempt of privi- lege. ανορθοω, 6, 88. ανόρθωσαν- τες, to re-erect. % άνοσος, 2, 49. ' Ανοσον ες τας αλλάς ασθενείας, free in respect of all other diseases, com- plaints, healthy. αντα•γωνιΖω, 6, 72. avTayh)- νισαμένους, to contend against, to Strive with : 3, 38. αντα- γωνιζόμενοι τοις τοιαύτα λέγουσι, to resist, to contradict. ANT ANT αντα'φω , 3, 32. ανταιρομενονς χήρας, to lift up (their) hands against, to carry arms: 1,53, ανταιρόμενοι οπ\α } to take up arms against us. ανταιτεω, 4, 19. ανταιτονντες τους εκ της νησον > άνδρας, claiming in return, asking as a price. ανταΧΧάσσω, 3, 82. αντηΧ- λσ£ον, to change (a name) for another : 4, 14. αντηλ- λαγ /ufvoc, having been inter- changed : 8, 80. ανταμννω, 4, 19. ανταμυνό- μενος, holding out, resisting. αντανάγω, 1, 29. αντανα- -γόμενοι, to put out to sea for action, 1, 117. αντανα^ομενας, to be drawn up against : 7, 52. αντανηγον, to put OUt, to launch out, to sail out, 40. avravYjyovTo, to advance against, 4, 13. to put out to sea in opposition : 8, 38. άν- ravayouv, 80. ανταναμενω, 3, 12. to Wait in turn. αντάνειμι, 2, 75. αντανηει, to ascend, to be raised over against. άνΓαξιόω, 6, 16. to claim or to require in return. ανταπαιτέω, 3, 58. to claim a return : 5, 17. ανταπαιτουν- των, to demand in exchange. ανταπο$ί$ωμι, 4, 19. αρετην, to contend in generosity, to make a return of generosity : 1, 43. ανταπόδοτε to ίσον, to make a requital, 3, 40. to retaliate, 63. to return a kindness. ανταπο^οσις, 4, 81. χωρίων, exchange. ανταποφαινω, 3, 38. ανταπο- φηναι, to shew on the other hand, to prove on one's own side, 67. ανταποφαίνομεν, to make a counter-disclosure. α ντ ειπείν, 2, 65. έχων, being enabled to contradict, gain- say, oppose: 1,40. αντείπομεν, to maintain a contradiction : 5, 43. αντείπεν, to Speak against: 1, 138. to deny: 1, 86. αντεϊπον, to reply to : 4, 22. αντεϊπον, to say again, to answer; 3, 61. αντείπειν, to Contradict, 8, 9. αντειπόντος, opposing. αντεκπλεω, 4, 13. to Sail out opposite. αντελπίζω, 1, 70. to hope something in compensation of a loss. αντεμ.€ι€ά£ω, 7, 13. αντεμζι- taaai, to take on board in- stead of another. αντεπανα^ω, 4, 25. αντεπα- ναηόμενοι, having been led out to sea against. αντεπειμι, 4, 96. αντεπ7^σαν, to assault again or in turn, to answer the attack, 33. to make a corresponding move- ment forward, 7, 4. to go to meet, to march against an advancing army, 7, 6. to proceed against from the opposite side. αντεπεζα'γω, 8, 104. αντεπε- ξηγον, to advance against in turn. αντεπεζειμι, 7, 37. to gO OUt against on their side. 'ANT αντεπεξελαυνω, 4, 72. αντε- πεξελάσαντες, having ridden out up against. αντεπεξέρχομαι, 4, 130. av- τεπεξελθόντες, to advance against in turn. αντεπι€ουλευα>, 1, 33. to counterplot, 3, 12. αντεπιαελλησαι, 3, 12. to de- fer in return, to delay on our part. αντεπιτάσσω, J, 135. αντεπε- ταζαν, to require in return or in answer. αντεπιτειχι'ζω, 1, 142. άντε- πιτετειχισαένων, to erect COM1- ter-works. αντεπιτιθημι, 1, 129. επι- στολών, to write a letter in answer. άντερώ, 3, 38. 44. to gain- say : 1, 73. αντεροΰντες τοις έγκληαασι, to contradict, to reply to, to rebut. αντέξω, 6, 69. ες όσον η επιστήμη αντέχοι, to extend, reach: 2, 49. άντείχε, to bear up against, to resist (a mala- dy :) 7, 34. άντείχον, to hold out against, to maintain a contest, 1, 11. to strive against, to contend with, 4, 35. 7, 22. : 4, 68. αντέχον- τες, maintaining opposition, holding out against: 2, 64. αντεσγομεν πολέαοις μεγιστοις : 1, 14. αντ'ισγειν προς, απαντάς, to withstand, to stand out against all : 2, 70. αντε^ειν, to hold out against a siege : 3, 102. άντι'σχωσιν : 7, 43. αντίσγον, to make a stand against, to check : 2, 64. ΆΝΤ αντέχει επί πολύ, to last long, αντέχουσιν έργω μάλιστα, to resist most steadily indeed : 6, 22. αντέχωσι προς το ιππι- κον, to withstand, to make head against. αντηρϊς, 7, 36. prop, raft planted against any thing to support it. αντί, Ο, ob. αντ αυτόν, in exchange for it, instead of it, in lieu of it : 7, 28. αντί τοΰ φόρου, in the place of, in- stead of: 7, 68. ανθ' ων, wherefore, 86. ingratitude for which : 1, 62. ανθ' αυτού, instead of himself as his de- puty. αντ&άΧλω, 7, 25. to shoot, to throw darts in return. αντιβοηθέω, 7, 58. αντεβοτ)- θησαν, to bring aid on the contrary side. αντιζολία, 7, 75. a suppli- cation, beseeching. αντιγράφω, 1, 129. αντε^ε- Ύραπτο, to be written in reply. αντιδίδωμι, 1_, 41. αντώοθη- ναι, to be returned : 3, 40. αντιδίδοσθαι, to be repaid, to be given in turn: 3, 66. αντιΰουναι ΰίκην, to submit to punishment, 63. αντι$ι$6ναι, to return a favour. αντικαθεζομαι, 1, 30. to be stationed over against one another : 5, 6. αντεκάθητο, to take up a station opposite, to occupy a corresponding post. αντικαθιστημι, ], 71. αντικα- θεστηκυίας, to be an adver- sary, to be set up in opposi- Ά NT ΆΝΤ sition, the perfect is used in all moods, when the writer wishes to shew that the con- dition mentioned is to be continued on, Matth. Gr. Gr. 730 : 1, 62. άνηκαθί- σταντο, to take a station over against : 3, 47. α* ντικα0ι στα - μενης, to be adverse, hostile : 2, 65. αντικαθιστη επι το θαρσειν, to re-instate in confidence : 2, 13. αντικαταστησαι, to put in the place of, to restore : 7, 39. αντικατασταντες, to Op- pose mutually, to face one another. αντικελευω, 1, 128. to COUn- ter-desire, 139. to direct any thing to be performed in re- turn. αντικρούω, 6, 46. αντεκεκρού- κει, to happen, turn out con- trary to one's hopes, to dis- appoint, blast, cross one's hopes. ανηκρνς, 1, 122. plainly, absolutely : 5, 30. openly : 6. 10. πολεμονσιν, downright, 49. straightforward, directly: 1, 132. 8, 64. άνπλαβη, 7, 65. a means of laying hold of, something to catch hold of. άνπλαμ€άνω, 3, 22. ανπλα- €olvto του άσφαλοΰς, to gain a place of safety: 2, 8. αντι- λαμβάνονται, to take in hand, to undertake, set about a thing : 2, 62. αντιλαμβανόμε- νοι, to keep fast hold of: 7, 77. ' Ην αντιλά&ωμεθά του ψιλίου γωρίου, if we reach a friendly territory : 3, 40. ανπλη^ονται εκ τοΰ ευ ειπείν, to receive in return in conse- quence of, 7,60. άντιληψεσθαι, to reach (a place,) to arrive at: 7, 66. αντελάβεσθε αυτών, to lay hold of, i. e. to em- brace, to take in hand, to undertake (προθυμως :) 3, 58. ανπλαβείν, to get in return, 1, 143. to possess one's self instead of. αντιλέγω, 3, 41. 5, 45. to argue against : 7, 49. α'νπλε'- -γοντος, to object, 8, ,£4. to deny : 4, 3. άντιλεγόντων, refusing : 5, 49. άντελεγον μη δικαίως κατα$ε$ικάσθαι, to deny that they were justly fined : 1, 77. άντελεγον, to alledge against any one, 5, 30. to deny, to contradict, to give an answer to, 6, 15. to op- pose, 1, 28. to reply: 8, 45. άντίλεκτος, 4, 92. dubious, subject to discussion. αντΊλτγψις, 2, 49. των ακρω- τηρίων, a seizure of the ex- tremities of the body (by the plague:) 1, 120. a return. αντιλογία, 4, 49. 59. δι' α'νπλογιών, by debates, by offering [their] respective opinions : 5, 78. debate, wordy contention : 1, 73. ες ανπλογιαν τοις υμετεροις ζυμμά-χοις εγενετο, for dis- puting with, for the pur- pose of debating with, the dat. often accompanies a subst. which is derived from a verb governing the dat. Matth. Gr. Gr. 558. : 1,31. a debate, dispute : 2, 87. an ΆΝΤ ΆΝΤ excuse, something to alledge in one's defence. αντιμάχομαι, 4, 68. to fight on the other side. αντιμηγαναομαι, 7 , 53. αντε- μηχανησαντο, to contrive, de- vise in opposition to. αντιμίμησις, 7, 67. imitation in return, on the part of. αντιναυπηγνυω, 7, 36. 62. to counteract the enemy in the construction of ships, to pro- vide against the enemy's expedients, Matth. Gr. Gr. 637. αντινεναυπηγαένας ομοίως, to be similarly constructed on their part, to have their ships on their side built in like manner. ανηπαλος, 1, 142. equal in strength, of equal power : 7, 13. opposite, fronting: 5, 8. a match, an equivalent : 7, 38. 4, 10.: 4, 92. 117. ττρος τε yap τους αστνγειτονας πασι το αντιπαλον και ελεύθερον, the balance of power is the secret of liberty, 1, 91. μη απο αντίπαλου παρασκευής, un>- less there is a balance of power, in the use of the dat. for the Latin abl. answering to the question, wherewith ? whereby ? it is observed that instead of the dat. sometimes a gen. with a prep, is used, Matth. Gr. Gr. 566.: 3, 11. δέος, mutual fear, equal awe, each of the other : 7, 12. αντιπάλους τω πλήθει, equal in number, force : 2, 45. φθό- νος προς το αντιπαλον, envy, a spirit of contention towards rivals, competitors, towards that, which rivals (any one :) 3, 49. αντίπαλων ααλιστα προς άλληλας, diametrically oppo- site to each other. άντιπάλως, 8, 87. equally. αντιπαρακαλέω^ 6, 86. to ex- hort, invite on our part, 88. αντιπαρακελευομαι, 6, 13. τοίς πρεσ€υτέροις, to COUnter- exhort, to exhort on my side in turn. αντιπαραλυπω, 4, 80. to harass in opposition, to make reprisals. αντιπαραπλεω, 2, 83. to sail against. αντιπαρασκευαζω, 1, 80. αν- τιπαρασκευασόμεθα, to make counter-preparations : 7, 3. αντιπαρεσκευάζοντο αλληλοις ως ές μάχην, to make ready against each other for battle : 5, 59. αντιπαρεσκευάζοντο, to prepare themselves in oppo- sition,, 7, 3. αντιπαρασ-χωσιν , 6, 21 . to furnish, afford on our side in opposition to. αντιπαρατάσσω, 1, 63* άντι- παρετάζαντο, to draw them- selves up in opposite array : 1, 48. 7, 5. 37. αντιπαρετάσ- σοντο: 5,9. αντιπαραταγθεντος, in battle array. αντι,πασγω, 3, 6 1. αντεπασγον, to suffer retaliation : 6, 35. α'ντιπάβοιεν, to be made to suffer in turn : 4, 35. αντιπατα'^εω, 3, 22. αντιπα- τα-γοΰντος ψόψω_, to drown, over-power a noise, to make a noise in opposition to. ΆΝΤ ANT αντιπεμπω, 6, 99. to send in άντιστρατοπε&ευω, 4, 124. to turn. encamp over against : 1,30. αντιπερας, 1, 10. Opposite, χψτεστρατοπε^ευοντο, to make over against, 2, 66. 86. op- an hostile encampment over posite to, on the opposite against some one. COast: 4, 92. Εύβοεας, 2, 66, άντισγυρΊΖ,ω, 3, 44. αντισχυ- άντιπΧηρόω, 7, 22. αντιπΧη- ριζόμενος, to assist, maintain ρύσαντες, having manned in in return, on the contrary, opposition, (against the ene- αντίσχω, 1, 7. 65, 4, 68. m y 7, 69. άντεπΧηρουν, to £££ άντεγω, man on their side : 8,17. αντίταζις, an opposite draw- ανηττοίεω, 1, 28. ανπποιουν- ing up, a corresponding dis- rai, to justify one's self, to position: 7, 17. προς την persist in thinking one's Self σφετεραν αντίταζιν την φνΧακην right in opposition to ano- ποιούμενοι, to keep guard over ther, to alledge in one's own against, to watch, face their behalf: 4, 122. άντεποιουντο (i. e. the Corinthian) line of (της πόλεως,) to lay claim to. battle drawn up in front of αντιποΧεμεω, 1, 23. αντιπολε- them. μουντών, to attack One's fel- αντιτάσσω, 2, 87. άντιτάζασθε, low citizens in a sedition : 3, to match against, to array 39. άντεποΧεμησαν, to make ΟΓ against : 4, 55, άντετάζαντο, wage war against. to draw out again : 3, 83. αντιποΧεμιος, 3, 90. an an- αντιτετάγβαι αΧΧηΧοις τη -γνώμη tagonist in war. άπίστως, to match their wits άντιποΧιορκεω, 7, 28. to be- one against the other with- . siege on the other hand. out any mutual confidence, αντιπρεσ^ενω, 6, 15, to send 5, 55, : 3, 56, 4, 55. an opposition-embassy. άντιτείχισμα, 2,11 , a coun- αντιπροσειμι, 6, 66, άντιπρό- ter-WOrk. σψσαν, to march out to meet άντιτέγνησις, 7, 70. red- an enemy, to draw out. procal, mutual contrivance, αντίπρωρος, 2, 91. with counter-manoeuvring, prow facing the enemy, or αντιτίθημι, 3, 56. to set off towards the open sea: 7, 34. against the balance : 6, 18. 36. 40. with prows opposed: to object, to urge against, 4, 14. 8, 85. on the contrary, in opposi- αντισόω, 3, 11. αντισονμενου, tlOll : 2, 85. αντιτιθεντες, to set to be equal to, on a level off against, to compare with. With, on equal terms. άντιτιμωρησασθαι, 3, 82. to αντιστράτηγος, 7, 86. the make a revenge, commander on the enemy's άντιτολμάω, 7, 21. to be side. daring, adventurous, enter- .f 2 ΆΝΤ "ΑΞΙ prising against an enemy, jectare, to thrust, dash, cast who is equally so : 2, 89. to with violence. dare to meet (in fight.) . ανώμαλος, 7, 71. unequal. αντιτυγχανω, αντιτυχειν, επι- ανώτατος, 4, 110. ή>υ\ακτη- κουρίας, 6, 87. to obtain in ρίου, the heights, higher return (for something else.) place. αντιφυλακη, 2, 84. προς αλ- α'νωφελης, 2, 47. to no pur- ληλους, caution towards each pose: 4, 122. ίσχύϊ, useless, other (to prevent collision.) unavailing : 6, 33. hurtful, άνπχεφοτονεω, 6, 13. 24. dangerous, Cic. Multis modis to hold up hands against, to inutile, i. e. noxium. vote against any thing. αξία, 6, 68. Τ^ς υμετέρας άντοικποΰντας, 3,40. to pity αυτών αζίας μνησθεντες, mind- in return, the Doric form of ful of your worth, value : 7, the fut. for ίσω, Matth. Gr. 77. πάρα την άζίαν, ου κατ Gr. 221. άζίαν, unmerited. αντονομάζω, 6, 5. άντωνο- αξιόλογος, 1, 14. 4, 23. 48. μασε, to change the name (of worth mention : 1, 1. αξιο- a place,) to call by another λογώτατ-ον, 6, 60. άνθρωποι, name instead of the old one. reputable, respectable : 5, α'ντοφείλων, 2, 40. One, who 74. αξιολογωτάτων, most COn- owes a good turn to another, siderable, ώστε και αξιόλογον who has to return an obli- τι άποψνεσθαι, so as to be of gation. any material consequence : ανυδρία, 3, 88. deficiency 2, 10. αξιολογωτάτους παρεΐναι, of water, the shallowness of most deserving, fit to be the water about the island. present: 1, 17. αξιόλογον, άνυποπτόΥερος, 3, 43. more of consequence, unsuspected. αξιόμαχος, 4, 57. 5, 2. in άνυτειν, 2, 75. to expedite fighting condition, trim : 5, the work, to complete, to 60. αξιόμαχοι δοκουντες, hav- fill up, 76. ing the reputation of being ανω, 1, 137. 3, 34. τ£ς ανω a match : 8, 38, 80. πόλεως, the upper city, i. e. άξιος, 1, 70. entitled, 36. farther from the sea : 3, 22. 73. λόγου, worthy of consi- εγενοντο, to be Up (upon a deration, 6, 21 . της διανοίας, wall :) 7, 54. 64. worthy of the plan, design : άνωθεν, 7, 63. των άνωθεν το 4, 81. πλείστου, of the greatest ipyov, the business, duty of service, consequence : 7, 30. those above, i. e. on deck : 4, ολοφύρασθαι, deserving that 74. ύδατος άνωθεν -γενομένου, one should deplore it, wor- from above : 3, 21. thy one's lamentation : 7, 56. άνωθεω, 8, 93. α'νώσαι, ob- deserving of notice, praise, ΆΞΙ ΆΞΙ 4, 120. άξιωτάτους επαίνου, 72. to claim (a victory,) most worthy of applause: 3, 64. 7, 34. : 1, 133. to 3, 63. αξιώτεροι πάσης ζημίας, desire : 5, 36. αξιώσει, to more worthy of all punish- deem right : 4, 65. ηζίουν, merit : αζως θαυμάσαι, from the to claim, to require, 4, principle of the infin. after 40. to think, to hold an an adj. expressing fitness and opinion: 3, 42. άζωυσθαι in ability, by which adj. a verb μειζόνων, to deserve : 7, 38. following is affected, in this άξιονσθαι, to be thought to instance, but this partic. adj. deserve, to be judged wor- has here as sometimes the thy : 3, 37. άζωυσιν άμαθεστε- verb act. infin. for the pass., ροι είναι, not to pretend to be Matth. Gr. Gr. 799.: 2, 40. wise: 3, 14. άνδρες οΊΌυσπερ αξία ν είναι την ττόλιν θανμά£ε- νμας αξιουσι,ΙΉβη, such as they σθαι, Dignam esse qua, in think, judge you (to be :) 3, admiratione sit, Matth. /. c. : 44. άξιώ υμάς άπωσασθαι, to ask 8, 83. of you, to entreat, to de- άζιοχρεως, 6, 34. ει τι α'ξιό- mand that you reject: 7, 15. χρεών a they would be freed, 1, 143. 2, 42. αντηλλάγησαν, to depart this life : 7, 53. τον κινδύνου, to be freed, delivered from (any thing :) 1, 138. απήλ- λακτο, to be rid of, to be re- moved from, κρίναι ικανώς ονκ άπηλλακτο, to be unable ta form a complete j udgment : 6, 40. α'παλλαγητε των ayysXiiov, to abstain from, to desist from (any thing:) 1, 122. απίλ- λακται, to be rid of, to avoid : 4, 28. awaWayriawOai, to be rid of: 6, 82. άπηλλ^ημεν της α'ρχίς, to be freed from : 1, 129. άπαλλάξαυτα, to dis- miss from government : 7, 42. ει πέρας μη$εν εσται σφίσι τον aπaWayηvaι τον κινδύνου, an end of danger, (literally) an end w r ith respect to de- livery from danger: 8, 106. 12 ΑΠΑ ΆΠΑ απαναΧΙσκω, 7, 14. to con- sume: άπανηλωθη, 7,30. to be destroyed, 11. άπαναλωκυίας, deducting: 2,13. άπανηλωθη, to be disbursed. απανιστημι, 7, 48. άπανίστα- σθαι, to rise up from before a town, to raise a siege : 1,2. άπανίσταντο, to change one's habitation, to remove: 1, 61. άπανίστανται, to depart from : 2, 70. απανίστασαν, to make to rise up from before a place, to force to raise the siege, to remove from, 1, 140. άπανί- στασθαι, απαντάω, 4, 91. κηρυκι, to meet, 70. 78. απαντησαντες, having come to oppose : 4, 89. ταϊς νανσιν, to meet (by appointment:) 7, 2. ως άπαν- τησόμενα εζηλθον, to go Out to meet any one: 7, 1. ες n γωρίον, to meet at an ap- pointed place, 35. ες το αυτό, 31. αυτω, to meet, encounter (amicably :) 6, 34. άπαντησαι, to go to meet, to confront: 7, 2. άπαντησόμενοι, having inten- tion to meet: 5, 38. to meet, fall in with : 7, 22. άπηντων £7τί τάς — , to go against (an enemy,) to go to meet : 4, 127. άπαζιόω, 1, 5. to disdain, scorn (a thing.) απαραιτήτως, 3, 84. incura- bly. άπαράκλητος, 2, 98. unin- vited, voluntary, Schol. εκού- σιοι. απαράσκευος, 6, 84, un armed, Apparatu belli car ens: 1, 69. 80. unprepared, 3, 4. 13. 5, 9. απαρασσω, 7 , 63. απαραζητε, to dash, beat, drive, sweep from. άπαρίθμησις, 5, 20. a reck- oning, computation, sum- mary. απαρνούμαι, 6, 56. απαρνη- θεντα την πε'ιρασιν, to decline. απαρτάω, 6,21. ες άλλοτρ'ιαν πάσαν (γτ)ν «?C\) άπαρτησαντες, to depart from, to set out. άπαρχη, 3, 58. 6, 20. tithes, first-fruits, tribute. άπας, 7, 69. υπέρ απάντων παραπλήσια, alike for all, 58. απαντάς, altogether : 5, 9. 38. : 4, 100. άπασαν κεραιαν εκοί- λαναν, to hollow throughout : 2, 13.4,68. απατάω, 3, 38. απατάσθαι, to be deceived, gulled: 5, 9. άπατησας, having deceived, out-manoeuvred, 85. άπατη- θωσι, to be led astray, 16. ■ηπατημενων, being OVer- reached, deceived : 2, 33. απατηθεντες εξ ομολογίας, to be deceived through a compo- sition, a feigned agreement : 5, 46. απάτη, 4, 46. 86. η βία η άπάτγ, by force or fraud : 1 , 55. deceit, manoeuvre, 34.: 7, 74. a cheat, deception. απαυστος, 2, 49. δίψρ Συνεχό- μενοι, to be seized, possessed with unconquerable, insati- able thirst. απαντομολεω, 7, 75. απηυτο- μοληκεσαν, to have deserted. άπάγθομαι, 1, 75. απηγβημί- ΑΠΕ ΑΠΕ νους, to be regarded with hostility: 2, 63. Καί κίνδυνου ων εν ry α ρ\# απηγθεσθε, Ου offensas in imperia contractas. α7τεδος, 7, 78. plain, even. απείδω, 7, 71. απιδοντες, 1. q. σκοπουντες, βΧεφαντες, to look from one place to another, 4, 18. looking upon, beholding. απαθής, disobedient, 2, 84. απειθεστερας τάς ναΰς παρειγον. more unmanageable. άπεικότως, 1,73. unreason- ably, improperly : 2, 8. ουκ, not without reason, as was natural, to be expected : 6, 55. Abs re, Immerito, with- out reason. απειΧεω, 8, 33. απειΧησας, to* menace. απειλή, a threat, 4, 126. 8, 40. απειμι, 5, 44. απόντες , being away, 1, 141. απο τών ιδίων, to be absent from their do- mestic, private business, concerns, labours : 6, 24. απούσης, far off, remote : 5, 37. απιόντας, returning, com- ing away : 5, 10. α7Γΐοΰσιν, turning away, 36. άπψσαν, to be on the way back : 2, 46. 8, 87. α7Γεΐ7Γον, 5, 32. to reject, refuse,, 43. απειποντος, to re- nounce, 7, 60. απεΐπον, to forbid, 5, 23. απεϊπειν, to an- nul, deny, negative, 6, 89. απειπόντων, to renounce. αττειργω, 4, 39. απειρξαντες, to keep off: 2, 39. άπείργομέν rcva ι? μαθήματος η θεάματος, to debar, exclude any one from schools, spectacles, or sim- ply, from learning or getting sight of any thing, from any thing to be learned or seen : 2, 53. άπείρ-γει, to restrain, withhold : 3, 45. άπείρζει, to prevent : 4, 37. απειρία, \, 80. ώστε μήτε απει- ρία, επιθυμησαι τίνα του ερ-γου, μήτε α-γαθον και ασφαΧες νόμισαν- τα, neither from inexperience nor from conjecture; the dat. put in the sense of the Latin abl. answering to the ques- tion, from what ? whence ? Matth. Gr. Gr. 567. the part, stands for various conjunc- tions with the finite verb, here in assigning a reason, because, 865. : 2> 8. wo απειρίας, from inexperience, 89, want of .skill: 4, 114. απειρία (πεφοζησθαι :) 7, 21. want of skill, inexperience. απειρόκακος, 5, 105. το α., simplicity. άπειρος, 1, 141. χρονιών ποΧψων, inexperienced in wars long-protracted, of long continuance : 2, 4. ig- norant of, unable to find : 6, 1. uninformed, ignorant : 4, 29. της χωράς, unacquainted with: 1,49. αττειρότερον, ra- ther unskilfully : 2, 35. one unacquainted with any thing, Opposed tO ξυνειδώς : 1, 72. ων άπειροι ήσαν, of what they were ignorant : 8, 61. απ-ειρό- τατος. α7τελαύνω, 6, 56. απηΧασαν, to reject, spurn, 8, 45» απη- Χασεν, drove away. ΑΠΕ απεοικοτως, 6, 55. see απεικό- τως, Matth. Gr. Gr. 352. απέραντος , 4, 36. Επειοη οε απεραντον ην, interminable. άπερεω, 1, 121. απερουσιν, to refuse, to deny to pay: 1, 29. άπεροΰντο μη πΧεΐν, to forbid from sailing : 5, 48. άπείρηντο. απερ'ιοπτος, 1, 41. απάντων παρά το νικαν, regardless or careless of every thing in comparison of victory. απερίσκεπτος, 6, 65. απερι- σκεπτότερον, too incautiously, rashly: 4, 108. ελπίδι. απερισκεπτως,4, 10. thought- lessly, recklessly, carelessly: 6, 57. without regard to any thing, without consideration. απέρχομαι, 2, 34. 7, 13. : 5, 13. άπεληλυθότων, having de- parted : 6, 18. άπεΧθεϊν, 5, 8. 7, 48. : 5, 10. άπελθών, having made one's departure, 1, 24. 5, 4. : 1., 134, άπηΧθον, 5, 3. 27. 33.37. 54. 56. 7,48.: 8, 63. πνθομενσς τον Έ,τρομ&ιχίδην και τάς νανς άπεΧηΧυθότα, (here the participle is governed in gender and number by one only of the substantives, which rule sometimes ob- tains, Matth. Gr. Gr. 641. :) 1, 89. Αθηναίων το κοινον, επειδή αυτοις οί βάρβαροι εκ της χωράς απηΧθον, οιεκομιζοντο — παϊ^ας, the dat. is put for the accus. in reference to the verb άπηΧθον instead of the noun χώρας, Matth. Gr. Gr. 548. : 6, 86. ίίπεφθος, 2, 13. refined. απεχθομαι, 1, 75. και ουκ αΤ.'/.αλες ετι εΊ>6κει είναι τοις ΆΠΙ ποΧΧοίς απηχθημενους — ανεντας κινΰννενειν, the tenses of the defective verb απεχθάνομαι, to hate, are from απεχθομαι, whence the perf. απηχθημαι, Matth. Gr.Gr. 315. απέχω, 3, 20. ου ποΧν, to be not far distant off, 2, 21. 5, 2. 6. 7, 34. 4, 35. 67. απείχεν, 103. 8, 11. 5, 3. άποσχων, being distant: 1, 49. άπεχομενω, to hold off: 4, 37. Ιεοών των ενόντων άπεχε- σθαι, to refrain from, to ab- stain: 1, 20. 5, 25. άπεσχοντο, to refrain, avoid, hold off: 8, 92. άπηΧιωτης, 3, 23. an easterly -wind. άπιάΧΧω, 5, 77. the Doric form for επιπεμπω, στεΧΧω, Schol. άπιστεω, 7, 44. to distrust, doubt : 1, 10. άπιστοίη, to be incredulous, to disbelieve : 6, 33. άπιστησαντες, to disbe- lieve : 1,91. άπιστησαι : 3, 37. απιστουντες τη εαυτών ζυνέσει, to be diffident of, to distrust one's own abilities, wisdom, 40. απιστουντες μη είναι τους παράγοντας τοις τεθνεώσιν ομοί~ ouc,theinfin. is put after verbs ' to say' and ' to deny/ and μη is sometimes inserted be- fore the infin., Matth. Gr. Gr. 802. : 5, 88. ηπιστεϊτο I 6, 49. απιστειν σφας μη εζειν I 7, 28. ηπίστησεν, to be ignorant of, inexperienced in : 8, 83. απιστία, 3, 75. want of confidence : 7, 75. distrust : 1, 10. incredulity : 8, 66. άπιστος, 1, 23. 6, 31. in- ΑΠΙ ΑΠΟ credible : 1, 120. θράσει, a groundless confidence: 5,16. απιστότερος, less likely to be believed: 1, 68. απιστοτερους, more incredulous : 5, 89. απιστον μήκος λόγων, a mon- strous length of speech: 3, 113. 8, 66. : 4, 18. απιστότατος. απισγυρίζω, 1, 140. απισγυ- ρισάμζνοι, to give a decided, firm refusal, stiff denial. απλοια, 2, 85. 6, 22. in- ability to proceed on a voy- age from being weather- bound, being laid up in port, difficulty of naviga- tion: 4, 4. απΧοος, 3, 18. τείγει, a single wall, 7, 4. 11. αττλοος, 7, 34. εποίησαν, to disable : 7, 60. ''(W ήσαν καί δύναται και απΧοώτεραι, less serviceable, fit for sailing, fit for service, either from being damaged or wanting hands to man them. απλώς, 3, 38. 45. plainly, frankly, simply, in a word : 7, 34. absolutely. απο, 3, 36. απο βραχείας διανοίας, from or in pursu- ance of a brief, hasty deli- beration, plan, design : 3, 10. απο τον ίσου ηγούντο, to lead in fairness, to conduct (matters) fairly, on equal terms, on an equal footing : 3, 38. απο των λόγω καλώς επιτιμησάντων ( το ακονσθεν, ) from (the mouth of) those, who censure with elo- quence : 3, 48. απο των παραι- νονμενων, from or upon con- sideration of the advice : 6, 19. απο μεν των αυτών λόγων ουκ: αν ετι αποτρε-ψειε, by, through, by means of: 3, 11. αφ ημών ηρζαντο, to begin from or with any one : 7,23, απο πρώτου υπνον, (beginning) with the first watch : 7, 29. αφ' εσπέρας, (beginning) with the evening, at the close, shutting in of evening : 3, 36. αΧΧαι γνωμαι αφ εκάστων ελε-γοντο, to be spoken, de- livered by each, (this use is rare, it is generally νπο, Matth. Gr. Gr. 710. 880.:) 5, 17. : 3, 5. απο τών Μυτιλη- ναίων, on the side of, on the part of, 7, 13. άπο ποΧεμίων '. 1, 76. απο του ανθρωτηείου τρό- πον, beside or unlike the usual manner of men: 1,71. απο της πολνπειρίας, from, owing to, much experience : 6, 27. μηνύεται απο μέτοικων, information is given by : 3, 43. απο του ευθεος λεγόμενα, to be spoken readily, straight- forward, sine ambagibus: 3, 46. φυΧακην απο τών νόμων της δεινότητος ποιείσθαι, to watch over, to keep in allegiance by the terror of laws : 1,3. αφ' εαυτών, from themselves, out of themselves : 6, 61. απο ζννθηματος ηκειν, to be COUie in consequence of, upon an appointment : 1, 144. Ουκ απο τοσώνδε ορμώμενοι, not commencing with such great advantages: 1, 124. αψ' ησυ- χίας, out of a love of ease, 126. άπο τοίτου, from or g 2 3 ΑΓ10 owing to this circumstance : 7, 43. άπο του τάχους, (to fight) on or from the wall : 4, 68. άφ εαυτού 'γνώμης, ΟΙ his own head : 1, 103. άπύ τονΰε, from this time: 7, 29. aV αυτών βλάψαι, through, by means of : 1, 74. from, as, to set off from a place : 7, 63. από των καταστρωμάτων (παρα- σκευών,) 1. β. επι των κ. V 1, 17. απ αυτών, by them: 1, 110. άπο πολλών, (a few) out of many : 7, 10. από -γλώττης άρητο αυτοϊς, to give orders to any one by word of mouth, verbally: 7, 44. α/ αμφοτέρων, from or on both sides : 7, 22. άπο ζυνθηματος, from ΟΓ by ΟΓ according to agreement : 1, 77. απο του \σου ομιλειν, to associate with us upon an equality : 5, 60. άφ εαυτών, και ου του πλήθους κελευσαντος, of their own authority, out of their own heads, an in- stance of the use of a prep, which with the gen. gives this phrase the meaning, from one's own inclination, of one s self, Matth. 879. : 7, 56. άπο τών παρόντων, through, on account of present cir- cumstances, from the pre- sent posture of things : 1,11. άψ' ων, in consequence of which : T, 70. από τών ναυτών προθυμία, ardour from, i. e. on the part of, the sailors, 60. από του άλλου, from, out of the number of, with the Test of, 57• από ζυμμαγιας αυτόνομοι, (independent) ac- ΆΠΟ cording to the alliance, i. e. from the provisions of the alliance, 62. από τών νεών πε- ζοααχία, a land-fight from, i. e. on ship-board, as μάγε- σθαι αφ ίππων, 41. απο τών καταστρωμάτων, from 1. e. on the decks, 21. απ' αυτοΰ τι ες τον πολεαον κατεργάσασθαι, through or by means of it to effect something, strike a blow conducive to the war, promote the success of the war, 30. από τριακοσίων, out of (a number) 2. άπό της ιπποτροφίας όπως θαυμασθη, on account of breeding horses, of a breed of horses, 78. από τών ιππέων, owing to, in con- sequence of (the attacks of) Cavalry : 1, 46. από θαλάσσης, away from the sea, 63. από της διώξεως, from the pursuit (to return from,) 24. από πο- λέμου τινός, in consequence of a certain war: 3,24. άνδρες διακόσιοι απο πλειόνων, two hundred men out of a greater number : 5, 20. από τιαής, by the office of any one, post of dignity and trust: 4, 105. απ αυτού ΰυνασθαι, to derive an influence from that cir- cumstance : 2, 93. 3, 82. από του προφανούς, openly, Palam, it is here used with an adj. in the gen. for an adverb, although the proper refer- ence does not take place to the meaning of άπο, Matth. 879. : 3, 88. από τών ευ ειπον- των σκοπουντες, to judge from (the words of) according to 'ΑΠΟ 'ΑΠΟ good speakers : 5, 26. απο χρησμών π ισ-χυρισαμενοι, put- ting any faith in oracles, relying in any degree on oracles : 3, 64. μη προφέρετε την τότε "γενομενην ζυνωμοσιαν ως γ^ρη απ αυτής νυν σωΖεσθαι, the use of the prep, with the gen. is here instead of the dat. alone, to signify the mean or instrument, Matth. 566.; 7, 10. : cum gen. " 2, 77. 3, 11. 64. απο μικρας δα- πάνης, with little expense, 1 , 91. 8, 87." Matth. 566.: 1, 125. επειδή αφ απάντων ηκου- σαν -γνωμην, the sense of the gen. here expresses the per- son, from whom any thing proceeds, particularly with the verbs to hear, founded on the principle that it ex- presses the person, to whom any thing belongs, Matth. 521.: 2,62. 3,64. 5, 17. 6, 12. on account of, Matth. 879. : 4, 14. oi 'Αθηναίοι — απο νέων επεΖ,ομάγουν, whereas απο with the gen. signifies a re- moval, it arises that from the idiom of από placed with the measures of the distance, it is also used where the di- rection of the action is from one place to another, Matth. 878. απόζαθρον, 4, 12. gangway. αποβαίνω, 2, 25. απο&αντες ες Μεθώνην, having sailed to Methone and disembarked : 4, 31. απεβαινον, to debark,, 1,50.45.4,9. 12. 29.8,10.: 4, 39. άπ&η, to be accom- plished : 2, 87. τω άποζάντι της ζυμφορα,ς, the event hap- pening of a misfortune, a . misfortune happening: 3, 38. απο&ησομενα εξ αυτών, the consequence of any thing, which will result from, 1, 39. τα απο^αίνοντα, the COn- sequences, 5, 14. απο^αίνον- τος, resulting, 2, 50. του απο^αίνοντος, a thing, that has taken place, a circum- stance, effect: 3, 93. άπ&η, to turn OUt, 53. μη ου κοινοί απο&ητε, lest you may not turn out impartial, depart with clean hands : 1, 100. απέβησαν ες την "γην, to disem- bark and go on land. αποβάλλω, 4, 7. απε£α\ε ποΧλους (των στρατιωτών, ) to lose : 1, 63. άποζαλών, to lose (as the killed in an engage- ment :) 2*j 33. άποζάλλουσι άνδρας σφών αυτών, to lose certain of their own men. αποβασις, 2, 26. ποιεΐσθαι, to make a descent upon a Country, 33. ες την -γην : 3, 7. α7Γοβασ«ν ες Νηρικην ποιήσαμε' νος, to make a descent upon, 4, 54. : 6, 75. a landing, 4, 10. 13. a debarking : 1, 108. εν απο&άσει της 'γης, HI the departure from the country, from the idiom, the gen. put objectively, arises that in certain passages sub- stantives derived from verbs which, or corresponding to such as take the obj. in the dat. are constructed with the gen. Matth. Gr. Gr. 450. 'ΑΠΌ ΆΠΟ αποβιβάζω, 7, 29. απεβίβασεν preceding verb in other ες την Τάναγοαν, to land men cases besides the accus." at a place, to debark. Matth. Gr. Gr. 429. : 2, 13. «ς αποβλέπω, 3, 58. αποβλέπατε αποδειξιν του περιεσεσθαι, for a ές θηκας, to cast your eyes demonstration, in order to upon the sepulchres. shew that they were likely άπογίγνομαι, 2, 34. cnroywo- to be superior. μίνων, the departed (from αποδέχομαι, 7, 48. άποδεξον- life :) 1, 39. άπογενομενοι, to ται, to be well received: 3, be apart from αμαρτημάτων, 57. απο^ωνται, to approve : from injustice, to have been 3,3. άπεδέχοντο τάς κατεγορίας, free from it : 2, 98. 5, 74. to entertain,, listen to : 5, 83. άπόγνοια, 3, 85. despair. άπεδέχοντο, to receive, take a απόγονος, 1, 101. a de- fugitive : 3, 4. απεδεξαντο, to scendant of. hearken to, consult, accept αποδασ^ος, 1, 12. a portion, (a proposition,) 1, 44. to division. . listen to and be somewhat άποδε/κνυμι, 1, 26. αποδει- persuaded by a speech, 5, κνϋντες, to point OUt : 7, 57. 26.6, 53. αποδεχόμενοι πάντας, άποδεικνυμενους πολεμίους σφί- to admit, listen to : 6, 29. σιν, being shown : 1, 35. απο- αποδεχεσθαι διαβολας, to re- δείκτνυμεν, to prove, shew : 7, ceive, listen to, admit, 41. 48. αποδεικννναι τω λόγω, to αποδεω, 2, 13. αποδέοντα confess by word of mouth, .τριακοσίων, all but three hun- declare, make known in so dred, 4, 38. οκτώ, wanting many words: 4, 85. αποδει- eight, Matth. Gr. Gr. 174. κνυναι, to shew, offer, ex- άποδ^μητής, 1,70. a roamer, hibit: 1, 129. άποδεΚαι, to rambler. shew, point OUt, 2, 72. απο- αποδιδράσκω, 5, 65. αποδιδρα- δείζατε : 1, 87. αποδεικνυμένους, σκοντας, to be running away : to display publicly : 5, 27. 4, 46. αποδιδραναί, to get αποδεΓξαι, to open one's mind, away, make off: 7, 86. άπο- explain one's views : 7, 64. Spa, to make our excuse, αποδειξάμενος, to display, run away : 1, 128. άπεδρασαν manifest : 2, 15. άποδεί$ας, αύτον, to escape, flee from to appoint : 1, 6. άποδείξειε, him, run away from, this to demonstrate : 8, 89. verb takes an accus. of the απόδειξις, a narration of a object, to which the action history, 1, 97. αμα δε και της has only generally an im- apyj]Q άπόδειξιν έχει της τών mediate reference, Matth. * Αθηναίων, εν οίω τρόπω κατέστη, Gr. Gr. 578. : 4, 46. 5, 65. an instance of the COnstr. of αποδίδωμι, 4, 14. άπεδοσαν, the nomin. ". the subject is 23. to restore : 5, 17. αποδι- also constructed with the δό***ας, 35. αποδεδώκεσαν, 42. : 'απο άπο 3, 52. α7Γθδίδοσβαι, to restore : α'ποδοχτί, 4, 81. χωρίων, 4, 16. α7τοδοΰναι, to render restitution. back, make restitution : 3, 63. άπο^υντες, 1, 6. to strip. απο$ι$ομενας ες αδικίαν, to re- αποΖ,γν, 1,2. to live from, turn (a just debt) in an un- get subsistence from, όσον just manner, at the expence αποζ^ν, as much as would of justice: 4, 65. αποδουσιν, suffice for subsistence, disbursing, paying : 7, 83. αποθεν, 4, 125. apart at a Μέχρις ου δ' αν τά χρήματα distance, 92. at a distance, αποδοθ^, until the money remote : 8, 69. were paid: 5, 21. άπο^ιΒόναι, αποθήκη, 6, 57. a military to release, set free : 3, 36. chest. Τινάς σφίσιν αποδοΰναι βουλεΰ- αποθνήσκω, 5, 10. to die, to σασθαι, to give a (second) op- be killed: 1, 20. αποθανείν, portunity of deliberating to to be slain, 9. υπό 'Ηρακλείδων restore, recall : 5, 35. awoSe- αποθανόντος, to be slain by $ωκότες, having restored, dis- the Heraclidae : 1, 63. 4, 68. missed : 1, 63. απ&οσαν, to άπίθανον, to perish, 7, 30. : sell, 29. αποΰόσθαι, to sell for 5, 51. απέθανε, to be slain (in slaves, 55. άπεδοντο, 5, 14. battle), to release : 4, 116. απέδωκεν αποικία, 1, 12. a colony, 4, ες το Ιερόν, to award : 2, 71. 7. 5, 11. Πλαταιεΰσι y -ην και πολιν την αποικίζω, 1, 24. απωκισαν, to σφετεραν έχοντας αυτόνομους colonize. οικείν, to resign, restore to αποικοδομέω, 1, 134. απωκο- the Platseans their land and δόμησαν, to build up, wall in : city to have and to hold in 7, 73. αποικοΰομησαι τάς όδονς, , freedom, that they might to block up, build up. have and hold : 7, 10. άπε- άποικος, 7, 57. a colonist. δοσαν, to deliver, give Up : 2, άποκάθαρσις, 2, 49. χολής, a 5, αποδώσειν, to restore, 5, 39. : purging, evacuation, throw- 5, 14. αποδώσει, to trust to, hlg up. Commit One's self to .* 2,40. άποκαλέω, 5, 34. α'πεκαλουντο, αποδώσων, to return, repay : to send for. 5, 18. αποδιδόντων, of verbs αποκαυλ'ιζω, 2, 76. άπεκαυλιζε, in μι the 3rd pers. plur. of properly to break the stem the imper. pass, and aor. 2. of any thing, to break off. is as in verbs in ω frequently α'ποκινδυνευω, 3,39. άποκεκι ν - — ντων for — τωσαν, Matth. Gr. δυνευσεται, to be hazarded, en- Gr. 281 . : 8, 106. dangered : 7, 67. αποκινδυνεύ- αποδιώκω, 3, 108. απεδίωξαν, σει, 81. to pursue off the field. αποκλείω, 5, 80. απεκλψε άπόδοσις, 5, 35. the SUr- τας πυλας, to shut the gates render, delivery, restoration* against them, αποκλεισμένων, 'ΑΠΟ 'ΑΠΟ enclosed, shut up: 4,34. αποκομι&), 1, 137. a retreat, αποκεκλγμένοι του opav, hin- a getting conveyed away, dered, prohibited: 3, 109. αποκομίζω, 7,26. απζκομΊΙιτο, άποκεκλεισμενος, blocked out, to betake one's self home : shutout: 6,64. άποκΧείσειν, 5, 10. 8, 19. απεκομίσθησαν, to cut off, intercept, 34. to return, 6, 52. to return, αποκλειόμενους, to be exclud- betake one's self back, 4, ed, i. e. prevented, deterred, 100. to be carried to, con- 101. άποκΧγσασθαι της δια€α- veyed, 96. κατά θάλασσαν επ σεως, to Cut off, intercept οίκου: 3, 81. αποκομίζονται, to their passage : 8, 42. άπε- make off, get away : 8, 23. κλείοντο, were cut• oiF from, απεκομίσθη, returned. shut out from : 2, 176. απόκρημνος, 4, 36. abrupt, άπόκΧεισις, 4, 85. μοΰ των precipitous, 6, 96. πυλών, exclusion, Matth. Gr. αποκρ'ινω, 5, 32. 85. απεκρ'ι- Gr. 569. : 6, 99. an intercep- νατο, to answer, I, 28. 54. tion, exclusion. 7, 10. απεκρίνοντο, 44. άπο- αποκΧηρόω, 4, 8. αποκΧηρω• κρίνοιντο, 5, 42. αποκριναμενοι, σαντες, having selected them 112. 1, 90. to send an answer by lot : 8,70. back: 1,3. αποκεκρίσθαι, to απόκΧησις, 7, 60. a barring be separated, distinguished up, closing up the mouth of by being apart : 3, 61. τους the harbour. μεν λογούς ουκ αν ητησαμεθα άποκνεω, 4, 11. to make a ειπείν, ει και αυτοί βραγεως το difficulty, have a fear : 6, 18, ερωτηθεν απεκρίναντο, whereas αττοκνοίμεν, to shrink from in the use of a double (any thing pusillanimously,) accus. after a verb active, to refuse to undertake (any the 2nd. accus. is often to be thing :) 3, 20. απωκνησαν, to explained by a prep, so in shrink from (an attempt,) de- the phrase αποκρίνεσθαί τι, to sist from (any thing through answer to any thing for προς fear,)to give up, 55. απωθείτε, τι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 588. to hang back, loiter behind : λπόκροτος, 7, 27. εν yy, 8, 12. αποκνησαι, to give up : rough, rugged, rocky. 7, 21 . αποκνειν, to be deterred αποκρούω, 7 , A3 . απεκρονοντο 1 by fear, to keep aloof from to be beaten off: 2, 4. 4, 115. fear, 6, 92. : 3, 30. αποκνή- απεκρουσαντο, to drive off, re- σωμεν τον κίνδυνον, to shrink pel, repulse, 107. άπεκρούσθη, from the danger. to be repelled : 8, 100. απόκνησις, 1, 99. a hanging αποκρύπτω, 5,65. άπεκρυφαν, back, reluctance to engage. (the Lacedaemonians) hid αποκοΧυμζάω, 4, 25. αποκο- (the Argians,) i. e. vanished Χυμζησάντων, having swum. from their sight, Virg. Mix. 12 'ΑΠΟ 'ΑΠΟ 3, 291. Ρ liacacum abscondimus (trees : 2, 53. *Α πρόΥερον απε- κρνπτετο μη καθ η^ονην ποίειν, to conceal one's doing a thing fonpleasure's sake, to dissemble one's pleasure in doing any thing : 7, 85. όσους μη απεκουψαντο, (as many prisoners,) as they did not conceal (for their own slaves.) αποκτε/νω, 1, 20. 30. 126. 4, 25. 5, 32. αττέκΓτειναν, to slay, kill, 2, 5. : 1, 53. αποκτειναι '. 7, 30. 8, 10. αποκτεινουσιν I 7, 41. αττοκτειναντες .* 2, 5. απο- κτενεΐν : 3, 41. 68. αποκωλύω, 3, 28. αποκωΧυ- σειν, to prevent, hinder: 1, 72. άποκωΧύοι, to hinder, to be an obstacle. αποΧαμ&άνω, 5, 8. αποΧα&ειν, to find, catch, 39. άπολάβοιεν Υίάνακτον, to get back, re- cover, 35. : 5, 36. 6, 2. άπο- Χαζόντες, to seize, take pos- session of, occupy, get back : 7, 60. απολαβόντες διατειχίσαα- τι, to take in, surround with a wall : 4, 45. άπολαβοντες, having cut across, 7, 51. άποΧαμζανουσι, to intercept, CUt off, 1, 134. άτΐοΧα&οντες είσω, to cut off from egress, fasten up within : 4, 113. απειΧημμενον εν στενω ισθμω, having been cut off, inter- cepted : 6, 87. απολαύοντες, evcerpere, to pick out : 4, 14. απειΧημμενων, to be Cut off, separated, 120. : 2, 4. απει- λημένους, to be caught, in- tercepted : 4, 102. απολαβών τε/χει μακρψ, to build, part off: 1, 7. απεΧάμ&ανον, to OC- cupy, take up : 8, 1 3. oVo- Χηφθεϊσαι, intercepted, 5, 54. άπειΧηφεναι, to be intercept- ed: 6, 22. απολααβανώαεθα ύπο άπΧοίας, to be overtaken, caught, stopped, detained : 2, 90. άποΧη-ψεσθαι, to inter- cept. απόλαυσις, 2, 42. την ετι α., the further enjoyment, 38. αποΧαυω, 7, 27. της γτ)ς, to enjoy the fruits of, to pos- sess: 1,70. απολαύουσα: 2, 53. airoXiyiOf 4, 9. απολεξααενος, having selected, chosen, 5, 8. : 4, 70. αποΧεζας. απολείπω, 1, 2. 2, 16. 3, 9. α'πολε/ποιτας, to forsake, de- sert : 4, 100. άποΧιπόντας, getting off (the wall,) quit- ting : 3, 64. απελίπετε, to forsake (a thing :) 8, 15. άπο* Χιπονσαι, having left : 7, 70. ppayy yap απεΧιττον γενέσθαι, to want little to be, to be very nearly, Matth. Gr. Gr. 431. : 5, 3. α'πολιπών, quit- ting, getting away from, abandoning : 3, 10. ημίν δέ και Αθηναιοις ζυααα^ια βένετο πρώτον, απολιττοντων μεν υμών εκ του Μηδικού ποΧεμου, τταοα- μειναντων δε εκείνων προς τα υπόλοιπα των έργων, an in- stance of the confounding of verbs, here a transitive for a neuter, in the sense to de- part, Matth. 719.: 8, 22. άποΧειποντες, remitting. άπολειψις, 4, 126. a deser- tion. Η 'ΑΠΟ ΑΠΟ απόΧεκτος, 6, 68. picked, choice. άποληψις, 7, 54. intercept- ing, cutting off from, Matth. Gr. Gr. 401. αποΧισθαίνω, 7, 65. to slip, glide off, not to stick, cleave. απόΧΧνμι, 7, 48. Έπ αισχρά τε αίτια και αοικως υπ ΆΌηναιων αποΧεσθαι μαΧΧον ι? υπο των ποΧεμίων, ει δει, κινϋννευσας τούτο παθεϊν ιΰ'ια, to perish, to be put to death, to suffer any thing by means of, from : 4, 25. άποΧΧνουσι, to lose, 2, 75. απόΧΧυσι (τας ναυς,) 25. αποΧεσας : 7, 28. α7τώλλυντο αί πρόσοδος to decay, decrease, 44. 45. 2, 4. απώλλυτο, 7, 28. to be lost : 4, 25. απώλεσαν, to lose: 7, 30. άπώλεΓο, to be killed: 1, 123. απολεσθαι, to lose, to be lost : 4, 71. άπο- Χηται } to be ruined : 7, 13. απολλυμενων, to be Cut off, killed, 2, 53. εν Ί'σω, equally, alike: 7, 27. απολώλει, to be lost: 2, 65. 7, 75• α'πολωλεκό- τες I 8, 42. άποΧΧυασι, they lost, 55. Άπολλώνιον, the temple of Apollo, 2, 91. in such gen- tiles ιόν is often interchanged with ειον in the same word, Matth. Gr. Gr. 137. απολογεοααι, 1, 72. απολο- ywo^vouctomake a defence, to apologize: 5, 21. 44. απο- Χο-γησόμζνον, about to explain away, to apologize for : 3', 62. α'πολογουμεθα, to Say in defence: 8, 109. άπολογ/α, 3, 61. a defence: 6, 53. an answer to an ac- cusation. αποΧοφυρομαι, 2, 46. απολο- ψυράμενοι, to have done la- menting, to make an end of it. απολύω, 4, 69. αποΧυθηναι, to be set free, to be dis- missed, to be released, de- livered : 5, 75. άπεΧνσαντο, to wipe away : 7 44. απελύοντο, to be parted from: 1, 70. αποΧυθησεσθαι των δεινών, to be delivered, freed from dan- gers : 6, 29. αποΧνθείη, to be acquitted, absolved : 1, 49. άπεΧνοντο, to be separated : 7, 56. άποΧυεσθαι φόβου, to be released from fear : 3, 39. άποΧύσητε, to acquit, 1, 95. απολύεται, to be acquitted (of guilt,) 1, 128. απεΧνθη : 8, 87. απομ(ϊΛ(θμαι, 1, 90. ώστε απο- μά^εσθαι, (high enough) to fight from (it.) απομισθοω, 3, 68. απεμίσθω- σαν επί δέκα ετη, to let Ollt (to him) for ten years. απομναομαι, 1, 137. απομνη- σεσθαι, to remember, bear in mind (a favour.) απομονοω, 3, 28. απομονωθη- σονται της ζυμζασεως, to be ex- cluded from the composition. απομόσαι, 5, 50. to swear. απόνοια, 1, 82. despair: 7, 67. ες απονοιαν καθεστηκασιν, to be reduced to mad folly, desperation. απονοεω, 7, 81. το αποκιν^υ- νευειν προς ανθρώπους απονενοη- μένους, to run risk against men reduced to despair. 'ΑΠΟ • "ΑΠΟ άπονος, 1, 11. απονιυτερον ) οίκου \ 5, 4. άπεπλει, to sail with less difficulty, labour. away, 6, 50. back : 7, 34. άπονοστέω, 7, 87. έπ' οίκου, αποπλευσάντων, having sailed to return home. away: 4, 65. 5, 11. 8,19. άπο'νως, 5, 91. Without απέπλευσαν: 6, 53. άποπλείν, trouble, labour : 2, 36. to sail off home, back : 3, αποξηραίνω, 7 , 12. αποξηρα- 75. αποπλευσεσθαι. ναι, 1. q. διαψύζαι, to dry. αποπληθω, 7, 68. αποπλτ)σαι απόπειρα, 7, 21. Και ναυμα- τής γνώμης το θυμουμενον, to χίας α'πόπειραν λαμβάνειν, a satiate the anger of the trial, attempt. mind, to wreak one's ven- αποπειράω, 7, 36. απόπειρα- geance, Matth. Gr. Gr. 947. σαι, to try, make an essay, απορεω, 1, 63. απόρησε, to be 43.: 4, 24. 107. άποπειράσας, at a loss, in doubt: 7. 40. having ventured an attack, άπορεϊν, to be in want, 1, 107. made an attempt, 121. άπο- to be at a loss : 6, 55. ηπό- πεψάσαι της Μένδης, to make ρησεν, to be at a loss what to an attempt upon : 7,12. άπο- do, how to act: 5,40. άπορουν- πειρωμεναι, 17. όπως ναυμαχίας τες ταύτα, being at a loss, per- αποπειράσωσι προς την φυλακην, plexed : 8, 11. ηπόρουν, 7, 55. to try, make experiment of, 4, 24. : 4, 13. άπορησαντες. venture, hazard a sea-fight απορία, 7, 29. 48. τών χρη- with, (i. e. against) the μάτων, scarcity, want, 75. ές guard-ship, squadron of ob- άπορίαν καθίστασαν, to reduce servation. to perplexity, to a stand - αποπέμπω, 4, 41. άπεπεμπον, still, to perplex : 7, 44. άπο- to send away, 5,53. : 37. άπε- ρίαν παρείχεν, to occasion πεμφαν, 7,3. : 5, 22. 64. άποπεμ- perplexity : 1, 123. απορία, ■φαντες : 7, 31. απεπεμφΟη : άπο- difficulty: 7,75. irresolution, πέμψωμεν:3,75.αποπεμφθώσι:4, perplexity of mind : 1, 126. 53. άποπεμπωμεν '. 3, 4. αποπεμ- απορία σίτου τε και ύδατος, φασθαι, to send off, get rid of: through want both of pro- 7, 27. αποπέαπειν πάλιν, to send visions and water: 4, 4. lack, away back: 7, 18. ώς άποπίμ- absence, want, 69. σίτου : 6, ^οντες έπόρι^ον, to prepare to 68. a critical situation, per- send, with a view to sending, plexity, straight : 2, 49. του άποπίπτω, 4, 4. αποπι'πτοι, μη ησυγάζειν, inability to rest, to fall off. impossiblity of resting : 4, αποπλέω, 1,55. α'ποπλέοντες, 32. distress, incommodious- tO sail away, 7, 31. αποπλέων, ness, 29. του γωρίου : 6, 86. to sail off, away: 2, 33. άπέ- φυλακής πόλεων, want of means πλέον, to sail away (from a to guard : 7, 48. place,) 66. απέπλευσαν επ' άπορος, 7, 73. impractica- ιι 2 'απο ΆΠΟ ble : 4, 34. απορον ην, there was no means: 3, 16. άπορα νομίζοντας, to be at a loss what to do, to be perplexed in thought, to be in an em- barrassing situation : 4, 32, άπορωτατοι, (men) most un- provided, defectively ac- coutred, appointed : 7, 14. άπορωτατον, the most dispirit- ing circumstance : 1,52. τά άπορα, difficulties : 1, 9. poor in want, distressed : 1, 135. κατά το απορον, at a moment of difficulty : 4, 65. άπορώτερα, more impossible, impracti- cable, 1, 82. 5, 110. more difficult, των κρατούντων άπο- ρωτζρος ή λη-φις, a compar. as well as a super!, is some- times put with a noun fern, in the masc. gender, where the radical adj. is common or used as common, Matth. Gr. Gr. 633. απορρη^νυμι, 4, 69. απορρη- ζαντις, having razed, bro- ken down, battered down : 5, 10. aKoppaytig, having been penetrated, broken. άποσαλευω, 1, 137. to ride at anchor, out at sea. αποσημαινω, 4, 27. απεση- /ιαινεν, to point out. αποσιμοω, 4, 25. αποσιμω- σάντων, having struck off to the deep. άποσκίΰνασθαι, 6, 98. to ramble to a distance from, Matth. Gr. Gr. 362. αποσπάω, 3 5 81. απεσπώντο oVo των Ιερών, to drag from the altars : 7, 80. 'πεσπάσθη, to be torn asunder, to be separated. άποσπευ^ω , 6, 29. απεσπευΰον ρήτορας, to dissuade, to be re- miss, to slacken, abate one's diligence (in any pursuit.) απόστασις, 1, 99. 3, 5. 4, 122. a revolt : 4, 80. επί αποστάσει σφας επικαλουμένων, inviting them to assist in the revolt: 8, 5. 23. αποστατεον, 8, 2. that they ought not to stand back. αποσταυρόω, 4, 69. απεσταν- pow, to form a palisado : 7, 80. to block up the way by driving in piles. αποστέλλω, 1, 57. αποστελ- λοντες ετυγον, to happen to be sending off: 1, 45. απέ- στειλαν, to despatch : 7, 20. άπεστελλοντο, to send : 2, 12. αποστέλλει, to despatch, send off: 5, 37. άττοστελεΓν, to com- mission, send off: 7, 8. άπο- στελλωσιν, to send out : 3, 13. βοηθειαν : 7, 17. αποστελουντες, 2. αποστειλαντων, 2, 85. απο- στειλαι '. 4, 16. απεστάλησαν '. 7, 50. αποσταλεντες '. 7> 2. απο- στειλαντων, to send out (of a mission :) 6, 30. όσον πλουν εκ της σφετερας άπεστελλοντο, what a long voyage, what a distance they were going to be sent : 3, 89. αποστερεω, 1, 69. αποστε- ροΰντες ελευθερίας, to deprive of freedom: 3,42. αποστερείται τών ζυμζούλων, to be deprived of counsellors : 7, 6. άποστε- ρηκεναι, to take away, shut away from. 'ΑΠΟ 'ΑΠΟ άποστέρησις, a depriving, άποτίθημι, 1, 77. αποθεμένοι 8, 70. τυν νόμον, to lay aside. αποστολή f 8, 9. a sending αποτολμάω, 7 ', 67. απετολαή- away, a departure, sailing. σαμεν, to dare, venture. αποστρέφω, 4, 97. αποστρέφας αποτρέπω, 3, 63. ημάς υμών, (αυτόν,) having turned back, to turn aside, 89. άπετράποντο, 80. to divert, effect a diver- to turn back, 5, 13. to re- sion, to distract, turn off their turn, fall back, 8, 10. : 7, 31. attention, to give a new di- άποτραπόμενος, to turn aside rection or turn to the war : from one's course, change 5, 75. άπεστρεφαν, to turn one's route, tack about, to back: 6, 18. return back, 1, 51.: 1, 76. αποστροφή, 4, 76. a reildez- απετράπετο τοΰ μη πλέον εγειν, vous, retreat. to be turned away, aside αποσύρω, 7 , 43. απεσυρον from : 3, 68. αποτετ ραμμένος, επάλξεις, to throw, pull down to be turned against, set the battlements, parapet (of against (a person,) 11. άπο- a wall.) τρέπεται, to be diverted from άποσφάζω, 7, 85. άπεσφαζε, (ciriy thing,) 39. άποτρεπειν ων, to slay, put to death. to divert from, 6, 38. της αποτειγΙΖ,ω, 3, 94. to block- κακουρ-γίας, from mischief, 6, ade (a city,) 51. to wall off, 8. αποστρεψαι, to divert from separate by a wall : 6, 96. (his purpose,) dissuade, 2, αποτει-^ισθηναι, to be Cut off 40. αποτρεπόμενοι, to be di- by a wall of circumvallation, verted, deterred : 6, 29. άπε- to have one's communication τρεπον, to divert, put off, with the country cut off: 7, suspend, delay : 8, 108. 1. αποτετει-χισμεναι, to be in- αποτροπή, 3, 39. 45. a pre- vested, enclosed with lines ventive, means of preven- of circumvallation, blocked tion, 82. tergiversation. up : 1, 65. άποτειγ^ίσαντες, to αποφα'ινω, 3, 38. to demon- wall off, build a wall of parti- strate, prove, 94. άπεφαινον, tion, άποτει-χισθείσης, to be cut to shew, prove, 63. to shew, off by lines of circumvalla- demonstrate, 2, 13. : 3, 83. tion, 8, 26. circumvallated : άποφαίνη, to point out, indi- 7, 6. άποτειχ/σαι, to hem in, cate, prescribe : 4, 3. άπε- surround. φαίνε πολλην ευπορ'ιαν ξύλωι^ α7τοτείχισις,1_, 63. a blockade, to point to, direct another's άποτε'ι^ισμα, 7 , 43. see πάρα- attention to : 1, 133. άποφαί- τείχισμα. νοντος, to disclose plainly : α7Γϋτελεω, 4, 69. απετετελεστο, 4, 59. αποφαινόμενος, display- to be completed, perfected, ing, expressing, explaining, 90. to be finished, accom- unfolding : 8., 45. άπέφαινε, pushed (of a building.) to declare. ΑΠΟ ΆΠΡ αποφέρω, 5, 31. to pay, 10. «ν^νεγκαν, to bear away, Carry off: 7, 50. άπενεχθεντες, to be driven out of (one's country :) 4, 97. αποφεύγω, 7, 25. αττοφευγου- σιν, to make their escape : 7, 31. αποψυγόντες, having made escape, got off, 3, 70. αποφυ- γών, to escape, 13. άποφεύζεσθε αίτίαν, to avoid blame, clear one's self of blame. αποφράσσω, 8, 104. ij μεν ε£ού\οντο αποφράζασθαι αυτούς ol ενάντιοι, intercludo, to block- ade, intercept, cut off their retreat. αποφυγή, 8, 106. escape, retreat. απογ^ραομαι, 6, 17. απογ^ρη- νασθε, to make free use of, to make every use of: 7, 42. απο^ρησασθαι ΙΟΥ ^ρησασθαι. αττοχρώντως, 1, 21. suffi- ciently, 7, 77. sufficiently, enough. απο'χωΧοω, 7, 27. απεγω- λουντο, to be lamed. απογωρεω, 7, 52. απεγωρησεν, to withdraw, retreat,, draw off, depart, 1, 87. επ' οίκου, to return home, 7, 2. : 3, 42. απεγωρει, to depart, come off, go off : 4, 65. αττοχωοήσειαν, to depart : 3, 13. αιτοχωρή- 1> 1> αρΗάμενος^ hav- ortoa, more ancient. ing begun for myself, com- αργαιότροπος, 1,71. obso- menced, 103. ηρζατο, began : lete, old-fashioned. 2, 12. άρζει, to be the begin- άρχί, 5, 28. αρχάς, the au- ning : 7, 14. αρ'ζαι, to govern, thorities : 6, 4. την αρχίν, ori- manage : 7, 70. νρχον, to ginally, 56. omnino, at all.: command (the fleet:) 5,66. 8, 5. αρχίς, province : 1, 128. άρχεται υπ εκείνου, he is ruled apyjiv εττοιησατο, to make a be- by him, 2, 41. : 5, 34. αρχειν, ginning of the whole affair: 5, to hold a command, 29. to 37. command, authority, in- rule, 19. άρχει, to be presi- fluence: 4,98. την άρχην έσελ- dent: 7, 4. άρξάμενοι, having 0είν εττί τούτω, at first, in the commanded, begun: 6, 10. first instance, to begin with: καλώς αρζαι, to be a good 5, 27. government, 28. domi- magistrate, 18. άρχθηναι, to nion, 1, 9. 67. 77. the govern- be ruled over, to be subject: ment, 3, 45. άλλων, empire 1, 69. αρχομένων αύζησιν, in- over others, 5, 54. post of cipient increase: 3,37. αρχο- honor, place of power : 2, μένους ακοντας, to be subject 65. αρχή υπο του πρώτου αν- against One's Will, on COm- δρος, a government under pulsion : 6, 54. ηρζαν την the leading man: 7, 16. a ενιαυσίου αρχήν, to discharge: military command, govern- 5, 18. αρχουσιν, to govern: ment: 6, 54. είναι εν αρχαις, 7,2. άρχων, commanding (as to be in office, in the magis- general :) 1, 93. ήρζε, to rule, tracy, 5 84. εν ταΐς αρχαΓς και Command : 5, 26. 95. αρχομε- τοΓς ολίγοις, before or among νοις : 2, 8. αρχθύσι, to be sub- the magistrates and chief ject to, fall under the govern- people, 47. al εν^ημοι αρχαί, ment of: 7, 7. ίίρχε, to com- the city-magistrates, 2, 15. : mand, 34. 1, 19. 1, 4. ήρζ& : 5, 69. νττερ αρχής, for govern- 1, 5. ηρζαντο, to begin, 5, 60. : ment: 5, 20. beginning, OUt- 5, 52. θέρους ευθύς αρχομένου, set: 1, 75. αρ' άξιοι εσμεν, ω immediately on the* com- Λακεδαιμόνιοι, αρχής γε, ης εχο- mencement of summer, 7, μεν, τοις 'Έλλησι μη ούτως άγαν 19. : 1, 25. ίρχοντο, to begin επιφθόνως ΰιακεϊσθαι, the gen. (a War,) 23. ήρζαντο, 5, 20. expresses the cause, in which αρχομενοις, entering on one's case it is to be rendered on office : 4, 69. αρζάμενος απυ account of, Matth. Gr. Gr. τοΰ τείχους, commencing, be- 489. : 8, 64. ginning : 1, 49. μάχης δέ ουκ 12 "ΑΡΧ ΆΣΘ ψχον (αι ' Αττικοί νηες, ΟΓ υί άσεληνος, 3, 22. νύκτα, a 'Α0ΐ}ναίο(,) δεδιότες οί στρατηγοί moonless night. την πρόρρησιν των 'Αθηναίων, άσημος, 2, 13. uncoined : here the subject of the part. 6, 8. άργυρωυ, unstamped, (δε&οτες,) οί στρατηγοί, being uncoined, contained in part in the main ασθένεια, 2, 49. 7, 50. sick- subject al Άττ. is put in the ness, ill-health, 16. kv άσθε- nomin. thus constituting no νεία, through, from, by ill- deviation from the rule of health, in his weak state of the gen. absolute, Matth. Gr. health: 1,3. 5,95. weak- Gr. 860. : 4, 64. απερ καΐ ap- ness, 61. weakness (of the χόμενος επτον, this verb in the walls:) 1, 32. feebleness, participle, being put with imbecility : 4, 36. οί Λακεδαι- another verb, (whether) alone μόνιοι ασθένεια σωμάτων δια την as here, (or with the gen.) σιτόδειαν υπεχώρουν, an in- obtains in such position a stance of the use of the dat. different expression, In the for the Latin abl. answering beginning, Matth. Gr. Gr. to the question, from what ? 852. : 8, 67. whence ? when the cause α^χων, 8, 5. principal man: proceeding from an affec- 1, 78. πολέμου άρχοντας, to tion or disposition of the commence a war: 5, 20. mind, or a subjective quality, being Archon : 1, 57. the is assigned as the motive of commander (of a ship :) 4, an action, in this instance the 74. τών πόλεων, generals, dat. expresses the nearer, &ά commanders : 5, 3. 9. a with the accus. the remoter leader: 1, 74. admiral, com- motive, Matth. Gr. Gr. 567.: mander : 7, 39. 8, 45. άρω^γος, 7, 62. useful, ad- άσθενεω, 7 , 47. μάλιστα ασθε- vantageous. νονσιν, to be most liable to άσαφης, 4, 86. την ελενθερίαν, sickness, to be usually ill. uncertain, unstable, tran- ασθενής, 7, 36. weak, 48. sient, not permanent, 108. τά πράγματα, to be in a feeble βουλήσει, unstable fancy : 3, condition, 29. weak, defence- 22. ασαψί], uncertain, obscure, less: 2,61. εν τω νμετεριο misunderstood. ασθενεί της -γνώμης, ill the άσαφως, 4, 125. vaguely. weakness of your mind, άσεβεω, 6, 53. ασε€ούντων, judgment, resolution, i. e. to be guilty of impiety, pro- by reason of: 3, 52. 4, 9. faneness, to be profane. ασθενέστατου τείχους, least of άσ&ημα, 6, 27. a deed of all tenable, 7, 4. ασθενές τι impiety, piece of profana- τείχους, weak : 1, 35. feeble, tion. without strength : 7, 4. 1, 5. ι 2 ΆΣΙ weak, helpless, imbecile : 7, 75. sick : 6, 9. λόγος, a weak argument, ineffectual, hav- ing little weight : 1, 141. ασθενέστερα 'εύ,ομεν, to possess weaker, meaner, feebler (re- sources than another.) 7, 66, Matth. Gr. Gr. 657. ' ασιτος, 7, 40. without din- ner, fasting, without refresh- ment. ασκίπτως, 6, 21. inconsider- ately, rashly. άσκησις, 5, 67, τών ες τον πολεμον, instruction, educa- tion, military discipline : 2, 39. επιπόνω, laborious exer- cises, hard labour. ασκός, 4, 26. a vessel. ασμενος, 4, 28. pleased, 5, 29. pleased, acting with ala- crity: 7, 73. joyful, full of joy, rejoicing: 1, 26. πεμπειν ασμενοι, to send with plea- sure : 6, 34. άσμενον πρόφασιν λαζόντας, glad to find a pre- text, gladly to lay hold of, embrace a pretext: 3, 83. ασμεντ), with pleasure, wil- lingly : 6, 12. αργειν ασμενος αφεθείς, delighted or glad at being chosen to command. ασμένως, 4,21. gladly, joy- fully. ασπίς, 3,22. 4,9. 93.5,71. a shield : 7, 45. 79. άσπονδος, 5, 22. αναιρεισθαι αυτούς άσπονδους, Without (having solicited) a truce, 32. being without solemn ratification: 1,57. το ευπρεπές ασπονΰον, a plausible scheme of non-alliance : 2, 22. αστάθμητος, 4, 62. unstable, Uncertain : 3, 59. ως άστάθμη- τον το της ζνμφοράς, how un- certain calamity is. άστασίαστος, 1, 2. free from sedition. αστέγαστος, 7, 87. δίά το ά., on account of the uncovered state of the place. αστήρ, 2, 28, αστέρων τινών εκψανίντων, to appear, to be visible. αστικός, 5, 20. αστικών, Clty- festival (times.) αστός, 2, 34. ο βουλομενος και αστών καΐ ξένων, whoever chose, whether citizen or stranger: 6, 17. τον βουλόμε- νον αστών, any citizen, who pleased, 54. άνηρ τών αστών, one of the townsmen. άστυ, l,122.acity,(Athens,) 2, 13. προς τον κϋκλον του άστε- ως, to the circuit, circumfer- ence of the city- (wall :) 8, 92. άστεως, Matth. Gr. Gr. 1,81, 107. άστυγείτων, 1, 80. a con- fine, frontier neighbour : 4, 41. neighbouring, 44. 92. 6, 33. ασφάλεια, 1, 17. δι ασφαλείας, with safety, safely : 4, 68. security, safety: 1, 120. μετά ασφαλείας, in security : 2, 11. 8, 1. : 6, 24. ασφάλεια νυν §η και πολλή, now certainly there would be security even-yet much, i. e. very great. ασφαλής, 1, 6. 75. 4, 61. 108. 5, 7. 7, 24. 38. 8, 88. safe, secure: 1, 39. επί τοΰ ασφαλούς, in safety., security: ΆΣΦ ATT 1, 69. steady, firm, to be depended upon : 1 , 14. ασφα- λέστερα, safer, more for secu- rity, 2, 17. 3, 14.: 1,34. ασφαλέστατος, 39. 2, 11. 7, 86. ασφαλώς, 2, 63. 4, 107. to be in security, 18. εθεντο : 8, 89. ασχολία, 1,70. occupation, 90. business : 8, 72. άτακτος, 8, 10. confused : 7, 80. ατακτότερον, rather Out of order, 6, 97. : 8, 25. in a somewhat irregular manner. ατάκτως, 3, 108. in dis- order, 7, 53. : 5, 9. without exact discipline, out of re- gular order. άταλαίττωρος, 1, 20. careless, impatient of labour. αταζία, 5, 10. want of ΟΓ- der,disarray : 7, 43. disorder. ατασθαλία, 6, 59. ουκ ήρθη νουν ες άτασθαλίην, her mind was not buoyed up into in- solent pride. άταφος, 2, 50. unburied. ατε, 7, 24. ατε ταμιειω \ρω- μενων, as they used (it) for a magazine, store-house : 4, 130. 8, 52. ατείχιστος, 1, 2. unwalled, 5. unrivalled, without walls, unfortified : 3, 33, unforti- fied : 8, 62. άτεκμαρτος, 4, 63. obscure. ατελής, 5, 46. unaccom- plished : 8, 27. unfinished, imperfect, 40. άτερπης, 1, 22. ατερπεστερον, less pleasant. ατιμία, 5, 34. a state of in- famy or ineligibility. άτιμος, 5, 34. infamous, in- eligible to places of honour : 3, 58. ατιμώρητος, 3, 57. έρημοι και ατιμώρητοι, unassisted. άτμητος, 1, 82. undevas- tated. ατολμία, 4, 120. cowardice: 5, 9. a want of confidence, abatement of determination : 2, 89. : 1, 17. ατολμότερα, more unenterprising, timid. άτολμος, 2, 43. 4, 55. ατολ- μότερος, less alert, daring : 2, 39. -περισώνεται ημϊν τοις τε μελλονσιν αλγεινοις μη ιτροκά- μνειυ και ες αυτά ελθονσι μη ατολμότερους των αει μογβουν- των φαίνεσθαι, the aCCUS. is here put with the infin. for the dat. by exception, Matth. Gr. Gr. 809. : 8, 96. άτοττία, 3, 82. strangeness, extravagance: 2, 51. pecu- liarity, strangeness, devia- tion from what is usual. άτοκος, 3, 38. extraordi- nary, strange, new : 2, 49. noisome. ατόπως, 7, 30. disorderly, in confusion, άκόσμως, unsuc- cessfully. άτρακτος, 4, 40. a spindle or distaff. ατραπός, 4, 36. way, path, 129. άτριχης, 4, 8. pathless, trackless, 10, 29. impassable. αττα, 1, 113. certain, quce- dam. ' Αττική, Attica, a province of Greece, the country, of which Athens was the capi- ΆΤΤ ΑΥΤ tal, 2, .18. ό δε στρατός του ΤΙεΧοποννησιων προιων αφικετο της Αττικής ες Ο'ινοην, the name of a city accompanied by the name of the country, in which it lies, has the lat- ter in the gen. from the sense of the gen. put par- titive, Matth. Gr. Gr. 499. : 2, 21. ΆττικΙζω, 3, 62. to Atticise, to join heart and soul on the Athenian side of the ques- tion : 8, 87. ατυράννευτος, 1, 18. free from tyrants. άτυχεω, 1, 32. ατυχώσι, to fail of a purpose : 2, 62. ατυχησαι, to be Unsuccessful, to miscarry. αν, 1, 81. ει δ' αυ, but if On the contrary : 6, 16. denotes proceeding to a new subject, as to proceed, again, further on: 7, 47. again, besides, moreover, on the other hand, in another point of view, to give an additional reason, 56. again, moreover: 1, 10. ,3, 62.4, 87. 5, 43. αυθάδης, 8, 84. ο δε αυθαόε- στερον τε τι απεκρίνατο, some- what too boldly, audaci- ously, insolently, Matth. Gr. Gr. 661. αυθαίρετος, 1, 144. volun- tary, 78. at the option, eligible, capable of being chosen : 7, 40. voluntary, self-chosen : 8, 27. volun- tarily sought for. αυθεντης, 3, 58. the author of the death, the slayer. αυθημερόν, 2, 12. 22. the same day, 67. 7, 39. αύθις, 6, 52. post hac,pos tea: 7, 70. είποτε και αύθις, at any other time, 58. : 4, 60. ες αύθις, unto another occasion, opportunity, time, 63. 5, 76. αυλητής, 5, 70. a flute- player. αυΧίζομαι, 6, 7. απωθεν αυΧι- σαμενου, to encamp (for the night) at a distance: 7, 4. αύλιΖόμενοι, being in act of passing the night : 7, 29. Χαθών ηύΧίσατο, to pass the night unobserved, undetect- ed, 3, 29. 35. : 8. 26. ηυΧίσαν- toj they had taken up their station : 6, 64. pernocto : 3, 96. αυΧισάμενος, to take up their quarters for the night, Matth. Gr. Gr. 563. αυλός, 4, 100. a pipe, reed. αυςειν, 1, 1/. εις το τον ιοιον οίκον ανξειν, to the aggran- dizement of their private fa- milies: 1, 2. αυζηθηναι, to be increased, enlarged, 12. to increase, 16. to grow: 1, 89. ηυζηθησαν, to be aggrandized (in power and wealth), 6, 33. τω ονόματι, to be increased in reputation: 6, 12. ηυζησθαι γ^ρημασι και σωμασι, to be im- proved in one's finances, in- creased in wealth, number, 6, 40. : 1, 99. ηνζετο, to in- crease. αυζησις, 1, 69. increase, strength. aυτcLyyεXoς, 3, 33. voluntary messenger. αυταρκίω, 7, 15. sufficing, ΑΥΤ ΑΥΤ being equal to, sufficient of αυτοδεκαετης, 5, 20. αύτοδε- one's self, able by one's self, καετών διελθόντων, decennio αυτάρκης, 1, 37. indepen- exacto, Schol. ολοκλήρων, dent, sufficient in itself: 2, αυτό&κος, 5, 18. governed 51. σώμα τε αυταρκες ov ουδέν by one's ο wn jurisprudence. διεφανη προς αυτό ισγυος περί η αυτόθεν, 1, 11. from the ασθενείας, there was no con- place itself, 3, 7, οί αυτόθεν, stitution with regard to the people of that country, strength or weakness, i. e. the natives of that part : (whether weak or strong,) 7, 71. ό αντόθεν, he of the able to support it, 41. suffi- place, country : 6, 4. ύστερον cient of one's self, able, fit αντόθεν, afterwards (remov- (for anything,) 36. αυταρκε- ing) from them : 1 , 141.2,69. στάτην, one, that is most suf- αυτόθι, 4, 97. there, 8, 31. ficient to himself, most Ca- αυτοκράτωρ, 4, 108. λογισθώ, pable of depending upon his overbearing reasoning, ar- own resources. gument, 63. 64. lord, mas- αυτεπά-γ-γελτος, 4, 100. of ter : 6, 72. having absolute one's own accord, voluntary: command, 6, 8. στρατηγούς, 1, 33. spontaneous, of its with full powers, absolute own accord. authority : 1, 126. governor αυτερεται, 1, 10. soldiers, with absolute authority : 5, who navigated themselves : 27. 45. 46. : 3, 62. ουκ αυτο- 6, 90. who work their own κράτωρ ούσα εαυτής, the city passage: 3, 18. not being its own master: αυτηκοος, I, 133. one, who 8, 67. himself hears a fact, an ear- αυτόματος, 2, 77. άπό αυτό- witness. μάτου, accidentally: 6, 91. αυτίκα, 1, 38. το αυτίκα, the αυτομολεω, 7, 13. to desert, present state of affairs, 124. go over, 26. : 3, 77. ηυτομόλη- τδ αυτικα δείνον, the present σαν, A, 41. 5, 14. αυτομολούν danger : 6, 57. το αυτικα, for των, 5, 35. 7, 27. ηυτομοληκε- the moment, present, 69. : 1, σαν: 7, 13. τά δέ πληρώματα 42. τω αυτίκα φανερω, by an δίά τόδε εφθάρη τε ημιν και ετι immediate and apparent ad- νυν φθείρεται, τών ναυτών τών Vantage. μεν δια φρνγανισμόν και αρπα- αύτοβοεί, 3, 74. by Sudden y -ην μακράν και ύδρείαν ύπο τών impulse .' 5, 3. with one im- ιππέων άπολλυμενων, οι δέ θερα- pulse, simultaneously: 2,8]. πευοντες—αυτομολοΰσι, " the by their very clamour, shout, construction of a participle by their clamour alone : 8, both with the genitive abso- 23. at the first onset, on lute, and referring to a sub- raising the first shout, 72. ject preceding, expresses ΑΥΤ ΑΥΤ several relations of proposi- tions to each other, and stands for various conjunc- tions with the finite verb ;" here tc in assigning a reason, because." Matth. Gr. Gr. 2, 865. αντομολία,Ί, 13. desertion: 1, 142. 8, 40. αυτόμολος, 5, 2. a deserter, 2, 57. ίπυνθάνοντο των αυτομό- λων, to hear from the de- serters : 4, 118. αυτονομεω, 1, 144. αυτονο- μείσαι, to regulate one's own laws : 2, 72. αυτονομεϊσθε, be ye free. αυτονομία, 3, 46. προς αύτο- νομίαν α7Γθστάντα, to revolt to independence : A, 87. : 8, 65. αι πόλεις την ύπο των Αθηναίων "υττουλον αυτονομιαν ου προτιμη- σαντες, Matth. Gr. Gr. 847. : 8, 21. αυτόνομος, 1, 139. 2, 63. in- dependent, under one's own laws: 3,10. subject to or governed by their own laws : 5, 18. 27. 31. 33. indepen- dent: 7, 57. 1,67. 113. αυτός, 7 , 69. fcai αυτοί, On their side, 1, 22. εν αυτω η<$η υντες, being actually now en- gaged in it (the war:) 7, 1. αυτούς τε εκείνους, those them- selves, i. e. the forces of that State itself, 48. αυτός yε ου- κουν βουλεσθαι, that he for his part at least did not wish, the oratio obliqua : 3, 13. I* τω αυτω, at the same time, by the same stroke : 5, 45. ων και αυτός ην, of whom he was One : 7, 6. ταυτον (SC. τεϊγος) this same, single, 1, 78. ταύτη, in the same way: 7, 63. καϊ εν τω αυτω, and withal : 7,30. ου αυτοις τα πλοία ωρμει, when the vessels were at anchor for them, i. e. when their vessels rode, lay at anchor : 7, 57. αυτοίς τη αυτή φωνή, the same dialect as they (used) for them : 7, 25. μίαν ναΰν λαμ&άνονσιν αυτοις ανορασι, to take a ship with its crew, 34. ως αυτούς εκατερους αξιοΰν νικαν, so as to claim each of them the victory, so that they each claimed, might each claim the victory: 6, 87. το αυτό, idem simul, 1, 36. ες το αυτό ελθεϊν, to join in one, to be united : 4, 101. ταύτα απεκριναντο, they made the same answer, 5, 45. : 7, 28. αυτήν καθ' αυτήν, it by it- Self, i. e. considered inde- pendently of subject states : 5, 38. το yap αυτό εποιουν, to act in concert: 3, 47. το αύτο δίκαιον και ζύμφορον, the Union, identity of justice and in- terest, that measure at once just and advantageous : 7, 16. αυτω δύο προσαλοντο, to select, depute two besides, in addition to him, to join two others in command with him, for him, on his behalf: 7, 4. αυτω εφαινετο εσεσθαι '. 3, 13. νηες αυτοις εισιν, for αυτών, their ships are, 43. τάς ύμετί- ρας αυτών, 1. e. των υμών αυτών . 2, 29. αυτω επεισεν αποόονναι* he persuaded (them) to re- ΑΥΤ ΆΨΑ store to him : 1, 69. αντί τον επελθειν αυτοί αμννεσθαι βούλε- σθε μάλλον επιόντας, the ΠΟΙΏ. is here used with the infin. as its subject, because this subject is the subject also of the preceding finite verb βούλεσθε, and it would be omitted but for emphasis, Matth. Gr. Gr. 807.: 1, 46. Κορινθίων στρατηγός ην Ξενο- κλειοης ο Έυθυκλεους πέμπτος αυτός, where αυτός IS used after an ordinal number to shew that one person with several others, whose num- ber is less by one than the number mentioned, has done something, Matth. 681. : 1, 82. τα αυτών αμα εκποριζώμεθα, for ημών αυτών, the Use of the reflexive pronoun, " which is put for the other personal pronouns compounded with αυτός" Matth. 709. : 2, 37. oh παρανομονμεν ακροασει των νο- μών και μάλιστα αυτών, όσοι επ ωφελεία των αόικουμενων κείνται, where αυτός IS used for ούτος or εκείνος, taking the relative after it. Here the demonstr. pronoun is omitted, and ah- των, (e.V US,) governed of μά- λιστα, et ex iis maxime earum. Matth. 681. αυτοσε, 7, 26. αυτομολώ σι, thither, to that place. αυτοσχεδιάζω, 1, 138. τα δέ- οντα, to despatch readily, without consideration the needful. αυτοτελής 5, 18. self-suffi- cient, independent. αυτόν, 4, 68. on the spot, there. αυτουργός, 1, 141. one, who lives by his own labour, cul- tivates the soil himself. αυτοφυής, 1, 93. natural. αυτόφωρος, 6, 38. a person caught in the act (of doing any thing,) taken in the act, caught in the fact. αυτόχθων, 6, 2, indigenous, aboriginal. αυχεω, 2, 39. to boast. αυχημα, 2, 62. ί. q. φρόνημα, elevated spirits, confidence : 7, 66. an arrogant hope, 75. pride, elation (of mind,) glory : 8, 75. αΰχησις, 6, 16. a boasting, room or occasion to boast, glory. αυχμός, 1, 23. a draught. αφαιρεω, 1, 81, αφαιρησομεν, tO take away: 7, 13. αφαιρη- σομεν τι και βραχύ της τηρήσεως, to take off the least portion of attention, to abate, though only in a small degree, but a little, to remit but a small part of the vigilance: 1, 2. άφαιρησεται, to take Oil, to plunder, 3, 43. αφαιρούμενα ώφελίαν της πόλεως, to deprive the state of an advantage : 7, 13. αφγρηνται, to destroy : 1, 120. αφαιρεθείη,ίο be deprived : 2, 41, αφαιρεθηναι, to be de- prived of (any thing :) 6, 39. ζύμπαν αφελομενη έχει, to seize, abstract, monopolize the whole : 6, 40. α,φαιρεθησεται την νπαργουσαν ελευθεριαν ουχί εκ τον ακονειν, not to be strip- κ ΆΦΑ ΆΦΙ ped, deprived of the existing freedom by, for, in conse- quence of a rumour: 8, 76. Ύ] Σάμος παρ ελάχιστον η\θε το Αθηναίων κράτος άφελεσθαι, Matth.Gr. Gr. 797.: 8, 46. άφείλετο, to destroy, steal away. αφάνεια, 2, 37. αξιώματος, obscurity of rank, condition. άφανης, 4, 63. unseen, not clear: 1, 134. secret: 3, -23. εν τω αφανείοντες, to be in the shade : 2, 34. φέρεται αφανών, to be carried for, on the be- half of those, who have dis- appeared, are missing: 6, 9. * ' » - » , - ^ ετοιμοις περί των αφάνων κιναυ- νεύειν, to risk, hazard what you have for something you have not, an uncertainty, 'a bird in hand for two in a bush :' 4, 96. εκ τον αφανούς, secretly, unobservedly, 1,51. out of sight : 3, 45. invisible : 4, 67. είη ύ\ φυλακή, put off guard, unregardful, deprived of seeing, unable to discover: 1, 23. αφανεστάτην, obscure, not conspicuous: 7, 75. 8,69. αφανίζω. 2, 42. αφανίσαντες, to obliterate, expunge: 4. 80. αφάνισαν, to take off, make to disappear : 6, 54. ηφάνισε τον- π'ΐΎραμμα, to obliterate, de- face: 5, ΙΙ.άφαν/σαντες, having put out of sight, concealed : 7, 69. to obscure, cast a shade upon, obliterate: 3, 58. to wipe out, efface, cover, 83. -ηφανίσθη, to banish, 7, 8. αφα- νισθεϊσαν εν τω αγγέλω, to be concealed, suppressed by, by means of the messenger : 8, 38. άφανίίεται, to disappear, withdraw himself. άφειΰέω, 2, 43, άφειδοίεν, to be unsparing, prodigal of. ά^ειδής, 4, 26. unsparing, unceasing. άφθονος, 7, 58. large, great, 78, abundant (water :) 6. 90. ξύλα, abundant, in abun- dance. αφθόνως, 7, 70. in abun- dance. άφίημι, 5, 18. αφεΐναι, to let go, suffer to pass, let out, 1, 91. : 2, 78. αφέντες, to dismiss, 5, 75. to dismiss, 78. to give Up, 1, 101. : 1, 144. αφησομεν, to let go: 4, 28. 5, 49. αφιέναι, to remit, give up : 4, 122. ■ηφίει την πόλιν, to let go, part with, 2,49. πνεύμα, to breathe, the imperf., because ι admits of no increase, Matth. Gr. Gr. 210.; "the compound άφίημι has frequently the aug- ment at the beginning," Matth. 282. : 5, 81. άφεϊσαν, in the plur. of aor. 2. the Attics for άφεμεν, αφετε, άφεσαν more frequently say άφεϊμεν, — είτε, —εϊσαν, Matth. 282. : 3, 32. άφηκε, to release : 7, 80. άφεθη- ναι, to let go: 8, 41. 1, 140. αφιέναι Αίγινα ν αντονομον αφιεναι, to restore iEgina to liberty, leave iEgina to its own laws, suffer any one to be inde- pendent : 4, 106. αφάμενοι κίν- δυνου παρά δόξαν, being rid, freed from : 2, 13. άφίη<ην, to yield up, give up, the indie, is here put for the dat., be- ΑΦΙ ΆΦΙ cause the words are quoted as if the person himself spoke, Matth. Gr. Gr. 744. see too 774. 791. 812.: 5, 21. άφησαν, to let go, set at liberty, dis- miss, 2, 76. to let fall, 4, 48. to let fly, to shoot : 7, 19. αφηκαν, to get offfrom, push off: 2, 60. άφίεσθε του κοινού της σωτηρίας, to neglect the common safety : 7, 19. άφηκαν ες το πέλαγος, to put offto sea, set sail, i. q. άφηραν : 3, 70. αφεθεντες, to be dismissed, sent home (as a prisoner:) 5, 91. αφείσθω κινΰυνενεσθαι, to permit to run the risk: 5, 65. άφεθηναι, to let gO, to be permitted to escape: 8, 41. αφεις το ες την Χίον (sc. ττλαν) επλει ες την Βαυνον, (when a noun, which has just preced- ed, is to be repeated once again, the article belonging to it stands alone, Matth. 406.:) 8, 87. Ίνα τους Φοίνικας προαγαγών ες την' Ασπενΰον, εκ- ^ρηματίσαιτο αφεις, " where consistently with the words, it must signify εκ^ρηματισάμε- νος άφείη, but αφείη, αφεις might be omitted," Matth. 848.: 8. 33. αφεψενοι, dismissed from, 41. άφεις, dismissing. αφικνεομαι, 8, 6. αφικνουνται, to COme: 5, 2. αφικνεϊται, to come up to, to arrive (before a place,) 16. αφικνουμενοις, Coming to : 2, 12. αφ'ικετο ες το . στρατόπεΰον, to COme into the camp : 5, 4. άφικόμενοι, having made good his arrival, 7, 48. having arrived, 5, 12. 37. reaching home: 1, 124. επ ανάγκην άφϊ-χθαι, to become a matter of necessity, 3, 31. ούδενί ακουσίως, to come ac- ceptably to every one, to be welcome to every one: 4, 18. αφημένοι, being arrived : 8,82. αφιστημι, 1, 38. αφεστωσι, to hold off, to be in a state of revolt, 5, 38. to fall off from, to refuse to co-operate with: 7, 7. αφεστηκει, to abstain from, keep clear of: 8, 2. 12. άφί- στασθαι, to revolt : 1 , 89. άφε- στηκότες, to be in a state of revolt, 98. άποστωσιΐ 5, 64. αφιστημι προς Αργείονς, to re- volt to the Argives : 1, 56. αποστώσιν, to revolt, 60. άφε- στηκνίας, 10. άπεστησεν, to cause to revolt, 99. αποσταϊεν, to re- volt, 93. άφιστάνεί τας των πο- λεμίων επ&ονλάς, to avert the enemy's designs, 8, 22. απο- στη'σαι, to cause to revolt : 5, 31. αφεστηκνιαν, having revolt- ed, 4, 79.: 4, 118. άποστησον- ται ούδενος, to be rejected: 8, 5. αφεστωτα, having revolted, 8. αποστησειε, to cause to re- volt, 14. αφίστανται, to revolt, 17. αποστησας, 19. απεστησαν, to make to revolt, 4. άποστη- σωνται, 3, 13. δπτλην απόστασιν άποστησεσθαι, to make a double revolt, 4, 81. άπεστησε τα πολ- λά, to shake the faith, sap the allegiance, turn from (their) allegiance, occasion the re- volt: 2, 65. αφεστηκόσι των ζνμ- μάγων ετι τοις πλείοσιν, the greater part of their allies besides, who had revolted, κ 2 ΆΦΝ ΆΧΡ 5, 64. αφεστηκεν, to be in a state of revolt : 6, 88. αφειστη- κεσαν, to keep aloof, 7, 7. αφειστηκει, to hold off from : 1 , 62. απεστη, to desert : 5, 82. απεστησαν Αθηναίων προς Χαλ- κιΰεας : 2, 47. απεστησαν, to de- sist from, give up any thing: 7, 58. αφεστασαν, to revolt from: 8, 6. αποστήσειε, instead of the form αιμι in the optat. aor. 1. the Attics chiefly use the primitive JEolic form «a, ειας, ειε 9 after the example of the Tonians and Dorians, but only in the second and third pers. sing, and the third plur., Matth. Gr. Gr. 254. : 1, 61. αψεστασι, instead of εστηκα the form ίστα by syn- cope is more used, Matth. 280. : 8. 22. άφιστάσιν, to in- stigate to revolt, 35. αφειστη- κει, had revolted, 61. αφνειος, 1, 13. wealthy. αψνω 9 4, 103. unexpected, sudden. αφόρητος, 4, 126. βοής μεγε- θει αφόρητοι, intolerable. αφορμαω, 7, 75. πα\ιν τούτων τοις εναντιοις αφορμασθαι, to re- turn back, the reverse of these, on the contrary : 8, 10. αφορμηθεισαι'. 4, 78. αφωρ- μησεν, to Set off from. άφορμη, 1, 90. a place to sally forth from : 6, 90. op- portunity, al. εφορμη, an at- tack, assault. άφρακτος, 3, 39. ήσαν άφρα- κτοι προς αυτούς, to be Ullforti- fied.unarmed against any one, 82. unprotected, 1,6. 11 7. un- fortified : 6, 33. αφρακτον Χηφ- θησεσθε, to be taken unawares, unprepared for defence. αφροσύνη, 1, 122. folly. άφρων, 5, 105, το αφρον, folly : 6, 33. foolish, desti- tute of common sense. αφύλακτος, 2, 13. 3, 30. unguarded : 7, 29. without guards, 32. off one's guard, unprepared. άγεΊρωτος, 6, 10. unsub- dued, not reduced. αγβηΰων, 4, 40. δι αχθηδόνα, with sarcasm, malice : 2, 37. pain, sadness, moroseness, censure. αγβομαι, 1, 92. to be in- censed, 95. νχθοντο, to take any thing ill : 7, 47. άχθομέ- νονς, to be oppressed, weary, worn out, vexed, chagrined, 5, 7. bearing hardly, grum- bling, shewing signs of dis- content, 17. vexed, angered, Chagrined: 1, 84. άχθεσθεντες, to smart with pain, 6, 15. τοις επιτηρεί) μασιν αυτόν, to be angry at, displeased with : 8, 48 f τίχθετο, grieved. άχθος, 4, 115. μειζονι, tOO great a weight, charge. αχρείος, 8, 4. unprofitable, 1, 74. 84. τα α' χρεία, useless : 2, 6. αχρειότατους, most unfit for service : 2, 40. αχρείους, good for nothing, 44. εν τω αχρείω της -ηλικίας, in the un- seasonable period of life, the age incapable of service : 1 , 93. α'χρειοτάτωΐΛ, the most use- less, insufficient, disabled from service. ΑΧΡ ΒΑΣ άχρηματία, 1, 11. the Want of wealth, poverty. άχρηστος, 6, 16. unprofi- table, without use : 2, 78, πληθος } the useless multi- tude, who are of no service. άφανστος, improper to touch, unconscious of a touch, set apart, inapplica- ble, inappropriable, privi- leged from, 4, 97. B. Βάθος, 5, 68. επί βάθος, in depth. βακτηρία, 8, 84. και επανη- ρατο την βακτηρίαν, lifted up his Staff, (ως πλτ/ξω ν, Schol. as with an intention to strike.) βάλανος, 2, 4. an iron peg, or pin, (which fastened the bar of the gates. ) βάλλω, 1, 63. 2, 62. βαλ- λόμενους, to be shot at, darted at, 75.: 7. 70. εμ€ε€ληκεναι, to run foul of, charge with the beak : 4, 33. βαρβαρικός, 7, 29. όμοια τοις μάλιστα, like most people of barbaric descent, equally with the most genuine bar- barians, i. e. those, who are more peculiarly of barbarian descent, equally with the most barbarous. βάρβαρος, 1, 1. 7, 90. a barbarian, one who is not a Greek: 1, 73. ψαμ\ν Μαρα- θωνι μονοί προκινοννενσαι τω βαρ€άρω, against the barba- rian, this construction arises out of the use of the Greek dat. for the Latin abl., in which situation it is used with verbs of contending, answering to the question wherewith ? Matth. Gr. Gr. 562. : 8, 98. βαρ€αρώτατος. βαρύνω, 2, 64. βαρυνόμενοι, to be hard pressed : 8, 1 . &αρύνοντο, they were heavily grieved : 5, 7. βαρύνεσ0αι, to be distressed, afflicted, an- noyed : 2, 16. εβαρύνοντο κα- ταλιπόντες, to be grieved to forsake. βαρνς, 1, 77. heavy, harsh. βαρντης, 7, 62. των νεών, heaviness. βασανίζω, 6, 53. βασανίσαι το πράγμα, to sift the transac- tion (as by torture,) to ex- amine, investigate closely, Strictly : 7, 86. βασανίζομαι διά τό τοιοΰτον, to be exami- ned on this account. βασιλεία, 1, 9. the empire over, 13. a kingdom. βασιλεύς, 5, 16. a king, monarch : 8, 5. νπο βασιλέως 7τε7τραγαενος τους φόρους, (with verbs, which govern a double accusative in the active, the thing is put in the accusa- tive, in the passive also, Matth. Gr. Gr. 603. :) 2, 100. βασιλεύω, 1, 14. 2, 15. εβα- σίλευσε, to be king, to reign ΒΕΒ ΒίΑ over, 4, 101. Όδρυσών: 7, 1. βεβαίως, 1, 2. constantly, βασιλεύων Σικελών, to be king in a settled manner : 6, 36. of, to reign over. καταλελυμένους, surely, posi- βέβαιος, 1, 141. τομέν πιστον tively: 1, 134. είδους, having έχοντες, το δε ου βέβαιον, to be certain information : 2, 7. 4, confident, but not sure: 6, 114,6,28. 34. και τα των πόλεων ουκ αν βεβαι'ωσις, 1, 140. a COn- β&αια έχοντες, to have the firmation, proof: 4, 87. προς cities sure, to be sure of the τοίςορκοις, confirmation, cities : 4, 3. constant, con- βέβηλος, 4, 96. profane, tinual, unremitting, 67. τάς unsanctified. πυΧας, firm, safe, 81. εΧπ&α, βέλος, 7, 67. τύ βέλος αφεί- 62. stable, firm : 3, 10. είοο- ναι, to discharge a missile. τες φιΧίαν ιδιωταις γιγνομένην, βεΧτίων, 1, 102. 2, 94. 7, to know that there is lasting 17. better, more prosperous, friendship for, among indi- Βέλτιστος, 2, 24. 3, 56. 4, 59. viduals, 43. $οκησεως, a firm 7, 39. αρχειν άριστα, most apt, suspicion, fixed idea : 1, 2. fit to govern well, most ca- stable, little liable to change, pable of governing well, 4, revolution : 5, 43. trustwor- 68. 6, 39. βουλευσαι αν βέλτι- thy, sincere, to be depended στα, to advise most sagacious- on : 2, 33. βε&αιότερον avaya- ly: 4, 73. τω βεΧτίστψ τον οπ- •γόμενοι, to be forced to put Χιτικον, the flower, 7, 19. OUt to sea, 6, 72. ττόλεμον, βηξ, βι?χ<>ς, 2, 49, ισχυρού, more decided, regular, posi- a violent, bad cough. The tive, 1, 8. with more stabi- adj. is here common, as βηξ lity, 3, 39. κίνδυνον, a safer is feminine, risk, hazard: 3, 11. βεβαιότε- βία, 1,68, ημών, in defiance pot αν ημϊν ήσαν μηΰεν νεωτεριεΐν, of US, 43. in Spite of US : 5, to be secure of their attempt- 7. βία, by storm, assault, 56. : ing no innovation : 8, 56. 1, 11. by force, 4, 92. βία. τα βεβαιότης, 4, 51. 66. seCU- ημέτερα εξουσι, to possess by rity, protection, 132. force, a strong or high hand, βε^αιόω, 1, 124. εκ ποΧεμου 5, 50. : 4, 62. might, 19. βία. ειρήνη μαΧΧον βεβαιουται, a διαφυγείν, the dat. in its sense peace is confirmed, strength- of the Latin abl. expresses ened by following a war : 4, the kind and manner of an 70. βείαιωσασθαι, to confirm, action, Matth. Gr. Gr. 571. to give assurance to, 1, 33. βιαί,ομαι, 1, 28. βιαζομένων, to strengthen, re-inforce : 1, to force against their will : 122. βεβαιοΰμεν ημϊν αντοΐς, to 7, 36. βιάζωνται, to be forced secure for ourselves : 2,35. to give way: 4, 15. 19. 6, βεβαιουται, to be established 21. 7, 11. 43. 45. βιασθεντας, (of an opinion :) 6 r 34. the perf.pass. of verbs, which ΒΙΑ are used as actives, frequent- ly occur in a pass, sense, (Matth. Gr. Gr. 716.: 3, 35. «βίάσανΓο, to oppress any one : 1,95. βιάΖηται'. 1,75. βιασάμε- νος, to use violence, 4, 103.: 7, 36. βιάΖωνται, to suffer vio- lence, a repulse, 1, 37. to commit violence, to oppress; 3, 47. βκισθγ: 7, 38. βιάΐ,οιτο: 4, 44. &ιάσθη, to suffer re- pulse : 7, 69. βιάσασθαι ες το εξω, to force a way out, to open a way outw: 1, 93. βιασθώσι, to be oppressed, put to Straits : 7, 22. βιάσα- σθαι τον εσπλουν, to force an entrance : 8, 27. βιαζομενη, compelled. βίαως, 6, 54. ουδέν βίαιου $pav, to commit no violence : 1, 141. εσψοοαί, contributions exacted by force : 5, 73. άποχώρησις, a precipitate, headlong flight : 6, 20. hard, oppressive, violent : 1, 95. violent, haughty : 6, 85. βιαωτερον, more arbitrarily, 8, 48. more cruelly : 3, 36. βίαιοτατος, most violent. βιαίως, 3, 23. by main force, after struggling hard. βιούς, from an obsolete root βίωμι, 2,53. ουδείς ελπίζων μεχοι του §ίκην -γενέσθαι βίους αν, no one expecting that he should live till law could take effect, till he could be brought to trial, till judg- ment. βίος, 3, 83. ζυυταραχθεντος τοΰ βίου, the discipline, or manner of living being put ΒΛΕ into confusion : 6, 16. τω κατ αυτούς β/ω, one's own age^ generation: 1, 5. τον πλείστον του βίου εντεύθεν έποιοΰντο, to derive thence the greatest * part of their livelihood : 2, 57. 8, 24. βιοτεύω, 1, 130. εν τω καθε- στηκότι τρόπω βιοτευειν, to live in the ordinary mode, 1 1 . to procure food, find support, (in a neutral sense.) βλάβη, 3, 38. injury, detri- ment, blow, danger : 5, 52. : 1, 90. επί βλάβρ, to the injury : 2, 65. καθίστατο, to be rui- nous, 40. an injury, impedi- ment, obstruction : 6, 41. ουδεμία βλάβτ; του κοσμηθηναι, no loss on account of: 3, 14. injury, detriment : 8, 72. βλάπτω, 1, 33• έτερους, to commit injustice against, 35, βλάψαι, to inflict punishment upon, 41. βλάτττειν, to injure: 7, 25. βλάπτοιεν, to injure, 27. ε£\απτε: 4,61. βλάπτοντας, injuring : 7, 21. βλάφοντας, to do injury, damage : 4, 64. βλαπτόμενοι, to be ill-used : 1, 68. βλάπτεσ0αι, to be in- jured: 7, 62. εβλαπτοαεθα προς την εκείνων, against : 1, 140. βλαζηναί τι, to suffer or sus- tain any loss, injury : 3, 46. βλάπτεσθαι, to injure one's self : 7, 27. ε&Χάπτοντο, to damage, injure seriously. βλαστάνω, 3, 26. έβεβλαστή- κει, to grow up again, sprout out, put forth. βλέπω, 7, 7 J. βλεφαντες επί τα — , to have the eyes fixed 12 ΒΗΜ upon, look to or upon (any thing:) 5, 98. 7, 71. βήμα, 2, 34. a pulpit. βοάω, 7, 48. βοωσιν, to make a clamour, to exclaim : 7, 48. βοησεσθαι τα εναντία, to bawl out: 6, 28. βοών, to vociferate, exclaim. βοεικος, 4, 128. £ευγεσιν, 'plaustris bourn, waggons drawn by oxen. βον, 1, 87. 4, 34. 7, 44. clamour: 1, 87. acclamation: 7, 71. a shriek : 3, 22. a cry, an alarm : 8, 92. βοήθεια, 3, 24. a pursuit (of an enemy.) 7, 41. succour, re-inforcement : 5, 53. βραδύ- τερα, a shorter road, by which to send a re-inforce- ment : 8, 11. assistance, 5, 64. οζεια και οϊα ουπω πρότερου, succour is sent with greater quickness and in greater force than ever before : 4, 8. 105. των νέων, a re-inforce- ment : 7, 18. an expedition, succour, i. e. intended suc- cour: 8, 15. βοηθεω, 1, 126. εζοηθησαν, to attack : 4, 96. άρτι βεζοηθηκό- τες, to do splendid service, 14. to bring succour, to come up to relieve : 1 , 74. 2, 25. εβοήθει, to succour: 3, 22. βοηθειν εκ της εαυτών φυΧα- κης, to run or march from their own posts : 2, 73. βοη- θησειν κατά δύναμιν, to SUC- cour with one's own might : 1 , 62. βοηθίίντες, to re-inforce : 7, 2. εβοηθουν, to carry effec- tive assistance to : 5, 3. BOY ε€οηθησαντες, 1,71. 74. βοηθή- σατε, 41. ή ευεργεσία αυτή τε και Ύ] ες Σαμίους το δι ημάς ΤΙεΧοποννησ'ιους αυτοις μι) βοη- θήσαι παρεσγεν υμίν Αιγινητών μεν κράτησιν, Έ,αμ'ιων οε κοΧα- σιν, the infin. j oined with the neuter article stands as a subst., Matth. Gr. Gr. 814.: 8,40. βοηθός, 6, 8. Έγεσταίοις προς ΣεΧινουντίους, SUCCOUl'S to the Egesteieans against the Seli- nuntians: 1,45. an auxiliary: 3, 3. τριήρεις, auxiliary ships: 5, 10. a succour. Βοιωτάρχης, 5, 38. a Boeo- tian ruler. βοΧη, 5, 65. μέχρι Χιθον βοΧης, within stone's throw. βορεας, 6, 104. the north- wind. βορράς, 6,2. τα προς βορράν, the parts to the north. βόσκω, 7 , 48. βόσκοντες ενι- αυτον ύ}§7], to have maintained now a whole year, to have had in one's pay a year already. βοτάμιον, 5, 53. a pasture. βουΧευμα, 3, 36. a determi- nation. βουΧευτεος, 7, 60. τοις Αθ. βουΧευτεα εδόκει, the Athenians judged they ought to deli- berate, hold a council: 1,72, εδο£εν αυτοις παριτητεα ες τους Λακεδαιμόνιας είναι οηΧώσαι περί του παντός ως ου τάξεως αυτοις βουΧευτεον είη, the opt. is em- ployed particulary after the particles on, ώς, in oratiom obliqua, Matth. Gr. Gr. 79 L BOY ΒΡΑ βουλευτήριον, 1, 141. acoun- rior to the intention : 1, 92. cil : 2, 15. εν, one general a design : 2, 35. βουλήσεως τε Council : 8, 93. oi τετρακόσιοι και δόξης τυχείν, to meet, ες το βουλευτήριου όμως και τε- satisfy the Wishes and opi- Θορυζημίνοι ξυνελεγοντο, Matth. nions of : 7, 57. good- will, Gr. Gr. 866. inclination: 4, 108. βουλευτής, 3, 70. a Sena- βούλοηαι, 7. 48. βούλοιντο, tor : 8, 69. to wish : 6, 50. βουλόμενοι τα βουλευω, 5, 30. βουλευσάμε- Έ,υρακοσίων, to be On the Side voi, to conspire, come to a of the Syracusans, to favour resolution : 7, 14. βουλεύσα- their side : 5, 35, βοϋλονται, σθαι, to advise, debate, deli- to want, desire : 7, 49. το berate: 6, 47. προς τα παρόντα, βουλόαενον, a party, that conformably to, as the pre- wished : 6, 54. εβούλετο, to sent posture of affairs re- mean, purpose, intend, 38. quired : 8, 8. εβουλεύοντο, ών βοϋλονται, for what they consulted together : 3^ 38. desire, (but are unable) to βουλευομενοις περί πόλεως, to do : 7, 35. ουκ αν σφίσι βουλο- deliberate On State-Subjects: μενοις είναι τον στρατον Ίεναι, 3, 28. βουλεΰσαι περί Μυτιλη- that it would not be with ναίων οποίον αν τι βούλωνται, to their will, consent that the take what measures they army should go, that they please regarding the Myti- would not consent to the leneans : 1,120. α καλώς δο- army's march, to let the κουντα βουλευθηναι, things, army go : 5, 7. βουληται, to which appear wisely de- chuse, think proper : 3, 2. signed: 1,69. βεβουλευαε'νοι, βουληθεντες, to Wish, intend, to plan : 1,43. βουλευσεσθε, design: 1,90. το βονλόμενον της to counsel. γνώμης, their real thoughts, βουλή, 1, 138. οϊ ελαχίστης their meaning : 6, 57. ο, τι βουλής, with the least deli- βούλονται, ειπείν, to speak beration : 5, 38. 45. a coun- their minds : 7, 73. βουλήσε- cil, 47. ή β., the senate : 3, ται, to please : 1, 34. εβουλή- 70. 6, 9. θησαν, wished : 8, 56. βουλησις, 6, 78. ούκ ανθρω- βράγχος, 2, 49. hoarse- πείας δυνάμεως βουλησιν ελπίζει, ness. to conceive a hope beyond βραδέως, 1, 78. deliberate- the power of man (to fulfil :) ly, 5, 70. slowly. 5, 105. wish, desire : 3, 68. βραδύς, 1, 84. 7, 43. tardy, Ty εαυτών δικαία, βουλησει, With slack: 3, 38. προνοήσαι, slow: perfectly just intentions on 4, 34. βραδύτερους, slacker, their part, 39. ελάσσω τής slower, less alert> 8. βράδυ- βουλήσεως, less than or infe- τέρα, slower. ΒΡΑ ΓΕ βραδυτης, 1. 71. slowness, tardiness, 5, 75. βραχέως, 1,97. briefly: 3, 61. 5,9. βραχύς, 1, 130. εργοις πρού- δηλου, to discover (one's de- signs) by trifling circum- stances before the time: 1, 140. περί βραχέος πολεαείν, to go to war for a trifle : 6, 8. ττρο^άσει, upon, from a slight, light, inconsiderable,and spe- cious, i. e. hollow, unsound, reason, motive, pretext, ground : 7, 2. πλην κατά βρα- χύ τι, except by a very little, all but a small part : 1, 78. ώς ου περί βραχέων, (to delibe- rate) as if not about trifles : 4, 14. διά βραχεος, through the little intervening space, 4, 76. at a short distance : 7, 29. βραχεος ω κονομημένου, low, built low, short : 4, 6. βραχυ- τάτην, of shortest continuance, 3, 46. Matth. Gr. Gr. 16L : 4, 102. φυλακή δε τις βραχεία, some little guard : 8, 106. βραχύτες, 3, 42. γνώμης, meanness, want of judgment, sense. βροντή, 2, 77. thunder: 7, 79. βρόχος, 2, 76. a rope. βρώμα, 4, 26. food, 59. βρώ- ματα, food, articles of food. βρώσις, 2, 70. περί αναγ- καίας, for the sake of, in the place of necessary food. βνζην, 4, 8. tightly, closely, thoroughly, 10. βω^ός, 5, 50. an altar, 60. Γαλήνη, 4. 26. a calm. yaμεω, 1, 126.γεγααηκει>αι, to marry, espouse, 128. γηααι, 6, 55. •γαμικος, 2, 15. •γαμικων, nup- tials : 6, 6. nuptial, connu- bial, relating to marriage. yap, 7, 67. υπερβαλλόντων γάρ, nempe, to wit, (declara- tory, explanatory :) 66. 'Αθη- ναίους γαρ ελθόντας, (explana- tory,) seeing that, to wit, for example, 50. for, because, moreover, besides, 28. to yap αυτούς, the construction, (ηπί- στησεν αν τις, repeated from the preceding sentence, or something like that under- r. Stood,) το αυτούς ποΧιορκουμε- νονς υπο Π. μηδ ως αποστηναι — αλλ' — αντιπολιορκείν — και τον TrapaXoyov τοσούτον πο»ηται — ώστε — ηλθον ες Σ., no one would have believed that they would have acted in such a way, or their acting in such a way would have appeared incredible, (an ana- coluthon :) 8, 96. : 5, 66.yapTou γε, 1, 32. at least, 70. ημΐν yε, to us at least, 80. ενί γε, one at least: 6, 10. ει γε, for δτι, 68. ί?λθόν γε, in fact, 56. έχοντας γε όπλα, particularly as they had arms : 7, 14. ου μεντοι γε, not however> in fact, 1ΈΓ ΓΙΓ atleast,6, 3. particularly, 40. ως της γε ημέρας, surely, Cer- tainly, for certain : 6, 34. η τοΐς γε επιχειροϋσι, or to give at least previous intimation to the invaders, 8, 97. -γεγωνίσκω, 7, 76. και βουλό- μένος ως επί πλείστον γεγων/σκων ωφελεΐν, to speak aloud au- dibly. γε/των, 4, 64. a neighbour. γελως, 4. 28. laughter : 6, 35. ες γέλωτα ετρεττον το πρα-γμα, to turn the office into laugh- ter, ridicule, to laugh at the whole affair. "γεμίζω, 7 , 53. •γεμίσαντες όλ- κάδα κ\ηματί$ων, to fill full, to laden. γεμω, 7, 25. ^εμοντα χρημά- των, to laden with goods, stores. γενεά, 1, 14. a generation. γενναίος, 4, 92. noble, da- ring : 3, 83. το γ., nobleness, generosity: 1, 136. -γενναιότης, 3, 82. nobleness, candour. γενναίως, 2, 41. nobly, bravely. γένος, 7, 57. Άργείοι, Ar- gives by birth. γεραίος, 6, 18. γεραιτεροις, seniors, elders. γέρας, 1, 25. an honour, a mark of respect : 3, 58. άτι- μους γερών, despoiled of their honours: 1, 13. γέρασι, privi- leges, 50. γευω, 2, 50. γευσαμενος> to taste. γέφυρα, 1, 137. 4, 103. a bridge. γεωμό/>οι, 8, 21. landed pro- prietors, colonists, men of property, see Duker. γεωργε'ω, 3,88. to cultivate, farm, till. •γεωρ-γία, 1, 11. tillage, agri- culture. yεωpy6ς 9 1, 142. an agri- culturist, a husbandman. -γη, 5, 14. 23. a territory : 7, 28. κατά -γης, by land : 3, 7. : 1, 2. κατά γην, by land : 7, 4. τα εκ της -γης, affairs on shore : 5, 4. territory, coun- try : 8, 24, 40. γηραΓος, 6, 54. in old age. -γίγνομαι, 4, 106. ε-γενετο λα- βείν, to be going to take : 5, 45. γενομένου, occurring : 3, 40. γενόμενοι οτι εγγύτατα Ty γνώμη του πάσχειν, to come as near as possible to the suffer- ing in idea, in one's mind : 4, 68. ουκ εγενετο, to be im- possible, impracticable 5, 20. εγενοντο, to take place, to happen: 7, 18. τοις Λακ. έγε- γενι/το τις ρώμη, the Lacedse- monians conceived a kind of confidence, resolution., 5, 14. γεγένί?το, an instance of the omission of the 2d. augm. in the plusq. perf., Matth. Gr. Gr. 203. : 6, 54. των -γενομέ- νων εικοστην (SC. μοιραν,) a twentieth of the produce, proventuum, quae proveniunt, frudUS, περί του γενομένου, about the fact, event, de re egesta: 4, 44. το γεγενημενον, the fact, state of the case : 5, 45. εγενετο ούτως, it fell OUt in χ 2 ΓΙΓ ΓΝΩ this manner, 25. γενομένη, 3, 3S. εγνωσθαι ro βούλευμα, to being present, attending at : be decreed, passed: 1, 70. 6, 58. το γενόμενον, the occur- γνύσι, to decree, decide : 6, rence, spot, where the oc- 15. γνούς, to perceive, 7, 4. currence took place: 5, 49. to have knowledge, 8, 12. δ τω θεω γίγνεται, that, which to learn: 3, 46. γνω, to be belonged to the god : 2, 19. assured: 1, 77. -γνώσεσθε, to τά εν Πλαταια των εσελθόντων command, direct to be done : θηλαίων -γενόμενα, the gen. ex- 7, 3. ίγνω, to perceive, find : presses the cause from its 7, 48. επιτιμήσει γνώσεσθαι, to sense of 'with respect to/ learn from, by the invectives, and hence is rendered 'on ac- i. q. εξ επιτιμήσεων, as below, COUnt of,' (with the passive, εκ τούτων: 1, 120. γνωσθέντα: though rarely, it is used for 1, 102. οι δ' 'Αθηναίοι έγνωσαν νπο, as here, but the parti- — αποπεμπόμενοι, they per- ciple stands for a subst., ceived that they were sent Matth. Gr. Gr. 493.) away, the second verb απο- γιγνώσκω, 1, 86. to under- πεμπομενοι is put in the part., stand, 124. to decree : 5, 36. because it marks merely the ταντα, to take cognizance of: object of the former imper- 6, 9. to judge, to be of opi- feet verb, Matth. Gr.Gr. 794.: nion : 1, 8. γνωσθεντες, to be 1, 102. oi δ' 'Αθηναΐοι έγνωσαν known, recognized : 8, 1 . ονκ επι τω βελτίονι λόγω αποπεμ- εγνωσαν, to ascertain, 4, 44. δομένοι, the verbs of perceiv- to know, understand : 3, 37. ing, of which is έγνωσαν here, γνωσό/χεθα, fo be aware of : 4, take the participle; when 60. γνώναι, to understand: 7, the object of such verbs is to 47. εγίγνωσκεν τοιαύτα, to be be expressed by a verb, it is of opinion, to judge, such in the nomin., because its was the opinion : 3, 16. εγνώ- subject is the same as that κασιν, to judge, think, 38. ofthe principal action, Matth. εγνωσται, to be decreed, re- 829.: 7, 77. γνώτε άναγκαίόν τε Stored : 1, 36. γνώτω, let him Sv νμίν άνδοάσιν άγαθοίς γίγνε- understand : 1, 25. 4, 14. 5, σθαι, Matth. 829. 15. γνόντες, tobe aware, have γλίγομαι, 8, 15. εγλίχοντο, a notion, 3, 46. άλλως, to de- had desired. Cree Otherwise, 3, 48. αμείνω -γλώσσα, 1, 138.τί)ςΠερσίδος, τάδε ταΰτα, to be convinced : the Persian language: 3, 112. 3, 44. γιγνώσκω ταναντ/α, to be Δωρίδα γλώσσαν Ιεντας, speak- of quite a contrary opinion, ing the Ionian dialect : 2, 68. longe aliter sentire: 2, 48. ώς 7, 10. έκαστος γιγνώσκεί, every one -γνήσιος, 6, 55. legitimate, according to his knowledge : γνώμη, 4, 56. opinion, view : ΓΝΩ ΓΥΜ 5, 26. attention, mind : 1, 32. τη του πελας γνώμη, at the Will or opinion of one's neigh- bour ." 7, 68. το θυμουμενον της -γνώμης, the indignation of the mind : 7, 64. an intention, a design, 3, 40, r£ 'γνώμη, in (their) intention : 3, 50. Κλέω- νος γνώμη ΰιέφθειραν, at the mo- tion, ex sententia : 1 , 54. γνώ- μα rota δε, by reasoning of this nature : 5, 13. mind, inclina- tion : 7, 72. ειχον την γνωμην, to be intent upon, to resolve, 4, 125. γνωμην ειχεν, to have intention, 7, 15. to entertain an opinion, to think: 3. 91. απο τοιασδε γνώμης, With Some such design as this, 9. ίσοι γνώμη, like-minded, ομοιότρο- ποι ταις γνώμαις 1 5, 75. γνώμη, at heart, 38. ο αυτός ειμί rp γνώμρ, to be of the same opi- nion, to persist in the same opinion : 1, 70. γνώμη οίκειο- τάτη, a spirit of mind most at home, within call, ready for Service : 6, 9. πάρα γνωμην είπον, to say, speak against one's own judgment, opinion : 1. 62. a design, plan, purpose, 71. spirit, temper: 4, 85. γνώμη ζυμμάγους, friends at heart, allies in intention and disposition : 5, 48. ειχον την γνωμην προς Λ•, to look to- wards : 6, 45. πάση τη γνώμη, with the utmost attention, with all their mind and soul : 5, 38. concurrence, assent: 1, 22. της Συμπάσης γνώμης των αληθώς λεχθέντων, the general sense of what was really spoken, the drift of the argu- ments : 8, 87. 90. γνωμών, 1, 138. κράτιστος, a judge, Schol. κριτής. γνωρίζω, 7, 44. γνωρίσαι, to recognize, distinguish : 5, 103. γνωρισθείσαν, being dis- covered, found out. γνωσις, 7, 44. a distinguish- ing, discerning, (as of a friend from an enemy in the dark,) του οικείου, the recognition of a friend. γουν, 1, 10. however, 20. for instance, 74. forsooth : 5, 40, at worst : 7, 47. ταΐς γουν επελθουσαις ναυσι, certainly, nevertheless, surely with the reinforcement of ships. γράμμα, 7, 8. 1, 133. γράμ- ματα, a letter: 4, 50. 5, 29. an expression, a sentence. γραμματεύς, 7, 10. της πό- λεως, a clerk, scribe. γραμματεύω, 4, Y\8. εγραμμά- τευε, to act as clerk. γραφή, 1, 29. the writing letter, 134. an inscription. γράφω, 1, 133. 5, 26. γέ- γραφε, to write, 29. γεγράφθαι, to be written, worded, ex- pressed, 20. γεγραπται, to be written, 24. to be compiled : 7, 8. εγραψεν επιστολην, to write, compose : 5, 29. εγε- γραπτο, to be said : 7, 14. γυμνάζω, 1, 6. γυμναζεσθαι, to exercise one's self. γυμνητία, 7, 37. the light- armed, (abstract for con- crete,) Liv. levis armatura. γυμνικός, 3, 104. 5, 80. gymnastic. II ΓΥΜ γυμνοπαιδ/α, 5, 82. the festi- val of the naked games at Lacedaemon. •γυμνός, 5, 10. τα γυμνά προς τους πολεμίους δους, leaving exposed to the enemy that part unprotected by the shield : 2, 49. μηδ' άλλο τι η γυμνοί ανεχεσθαι, nor bear to ΔΕΙ be any thing else but naked: 2, 4. γυναικείος, 2,45. αρετής, 1. e. τών γυναικών, female virtue, the virtue or duty of wo- man. γυνή, 5, 32. a woman. γωνιώδης, 8, 104. όξεΓαν και -γο)νιώδη την περ&ολην, angular. Δ. Δαιμόνιος, 2, 64. τα δ., di- vine infliction, evils from above. δαίμων, 4, 97. a demi-god, a deity. δαίς, 7, 53. δαδος, a fire- brand, brand, combustible. δάκρυ, 7, 75. δάκουσι πλη- σθέν, to be filled with tears. δάνεισμα, 1,121. ποιησάμενοι, to make a loan. δαπανάω, 3, 46. to expend (one's) funds, income: 7,29. to expend money, to be at an expence : 4, 3. την πολιν, to plunge the city in ex- pence: 1, 141. δαπανώντες άπο τών αυτών, to lay out from their own, to take out of their own pocket, 8, 45. to live a life of luxury or ex- pence. δαπάνη, 6, 31. μεγάλαις δα- παναις τών τριήραρχων, at great expence to the trierarchs : 3, 46. δαπάνην αποδουναι, to re- imburse or pay expences: 7, 28. δαπάναι, expences : 3, 13. χρημάτων, the expendi- ture, laying out, consump- tion of money : 3, 31. 6, 15. : 1, 83. 99. άπό της δαπάνης, by means of or out of the ex- pence : 2, 77. 8. 46. δάπανος, ό, η, lavish, ex- pensive, 5, 103. δασύς, 4, 29. thick. δα, 5, 26. δίοι, to follow of necessity: 6, 56. ίδει αοξαιμέν αυτούς, compositum erat, con- vener at, they were to begin: 7, 27. ους έδει ζυμπλείν, who were to have sailed with : 1 , 81. δεήσει, there will be re- quired : 7, 48. εί δεί, ' if needs must': 1, 71. δεί, there is need, cum gen.: 5, 15. έδει, to happen of necessity : 3, 44. δείν, to need, require : 3, 2. οσα έδει, (to wait till) what they wanted, (had arrived :) 8, 33. δεωνται, should want : 6, 13. δεηθεντες ωφελείας I ], 27. εδεηθησαν, to request : 1, 75. δεηθεντων I 3, 55. αυτός δεόμενος, at his own request : 5, 32. εδεοντο, to entreat : 1, 32. δεησομενους, to request, petition for : 1, 70. τά δέοντα πράζαι, to do what is neces- ΔΕΙ ΔΕΙ sary to be done : 5, 66. τό οντες, to shew, prove one's δέον, what is wanted : 8, 7. self: 5, 8. δείξειεν, to expose, νηες μιας δεουσαι τεσσαράκοντα, betray to View : 6, 34. δεί- nine and thirty ships, 25. κνυσθαι, to be shewn, display - ναυσι δυοίν δεούσαις πεντήκοντα, ed : 1, 74. εδείξαμεν, to dis- 8, 6. ενός δέον είκοστόν έτος, play, 76. δείξαι, to prove, 5, the nineteenth year, 4, 102. 41. to lay open, to make a Matth. Gr. Gr. 174.: 2,77. disclosure of, to shew, 9. τους ΙΙΧαταιεας ταΧΧα διαφυ- δείξω, to demonstrate, prove, *γόντας ελαχίστου εδέησε διαφθεί- 72. έδειξαν, to shew One's ραι, perparum aberat quin self, (in a middle sense.) ignis deleret, here the verb δείλτ/, 4, 69. περί δείλην, impers., followed by a pro- about dusk, evening : 3, 74. position dependent on it, 8, 26. twilight, does not, as usually is the δειλία, 3,82. pusillanimity: case, take the chief word of 1, 122. δια δειλίαν, through the following prop, as a sub- pusillanimity : 5, 100. cow- ject, Matth. 431. 476. 796. ardice, pusillanimity. δείδω, 1, 56. δείσαντες, to be δειλός, 2, 62. nvi, a COWard. apprehensive, 7, 53. δείσαντες δείμα, 2, 102. 7, 80. δειματα, περί, to have an anxiety terrors, apprehensions. about, 5, 34. 44. : 5, 40. δεινός, 7, 48. εν δεινοίς οντες, ίδεισαν, to fear : 7, 73. δεδιώς, to be in danger, in a critical afraid, 5, 8. 38. 50. 8, 7. : 5, state, 3, 9. in dangers, diffi- 14. εδεδίεσαν, to fear: 2, 11, culties, extremities : 7, 29. οε^ιότας τω έργω παρασκεύαζε- δεινή, dreadful, 77. εκ ΰεινοτε- σθαι, to prepare for action ρων, out of or in more dan- with fear, fearful care, (i. e. gerous circumstances: 6,60. with a proper sense of dan- ποιούμενοι δεινόν, to be vexed, ger:) 1, 136. δεδιεναι, to be incensed, 1, 102. ττοιησάμενοι, afraid : 6, 38. δεδοικα μεντοι, to consider it a henious af- μηποτε, I fear indeed but front : 5, 91. 8, 5. formida- sometime or other: 1, 36. ble : 6, 36. able, clever, skil- γνώτω τό μεν δεδιός αυτών ισχύν fill : 6, 30. δεινά, dangers, έχον τους εναντίους μαΧΧον φο- perils, 77, τό δεινόν, danger, βησον, τό δε Θαρσοΰν μη Χέζαμε- Calamity .* 5, 22. dreadful, νου ασθενές ον προς ισχύοντας Worth apprehension, 42. τους εχθρούς α^εεστερον έσόμενον, δεινά εποίουν, to be highly where τό δεδιός — θαρσοΰν is offended : 7, 73. νομίσας δεινόν used for τό δέος — θάρσος, ί. e. είναι, a sad, dangerous thing: participles used as substan- 3, 45. ηλθεν ες τό δεινόν, to in- tives, Matth. Gr. Gr. 376. cur danger : 2, 21. δεινόν δείκνυμι, 4, 73. έδειξαν έτοιμοι φαίνεσθαι, to shew himself ΔΕΙ worthy of indignation : 7. 12. strange, surprising : 5, 9. δεινότερος, more dreadful, 4, 10. more dangerous: 3, 37. Ξινότατος, most danger- ous, mischievous, 6, 49. for- midable: 8, 46.: 6, 60. δεινον ποιούμενοι ει τους εττι€ουλευοντας σφών τω πληθει μη ε'ισονται, where ύ is used to express the object of wonder, and does not mean if, as usual, Matth. Gr. Gr. 939. δεινότης, 3, 46. terror : 4, 10. the formidable appear- ance : 8, 68. δεινόω, 8, 74. επι το μείζον πάντα δεινώσας, to exaggerate, to paint in dreadful colours. δειπνοποιέω, 4, 103. δειπνο- ποιησαμενος, CCenatllS, having taken supper, refreshment. δέκα, ten, 8, 77. ol δε απο των τετρακοσίων πεμψυεντες ες την Σαμον οι δέκα πρεσζευται, Matth. Gr. Gr. 401. : 1, 57. μετ άλλων δέκα, a phrase equivalent to δέκατος αυτός, where is to be remarked the use of αυτός, which put after an ordinal number shews that one person with several others, whose number is less by one than the number im- plied in that ordinal, has done something, Matth. Gr. Gr. 681.: 6, 50. δεκαετής, 5,25. often years' continuance. δεκαπΧεθρον, 6, 102. προτεί- χισμα, of the extent of ten plethra. άκατος, 1, 18. tenth : 7, ΔΕΧ 18. δεκατονετος τω πολεμώ ετε- λεύτα, the tenth year ended to the war, i. e. the tenth year of the war. δεΧψινοφόρος, 7, 41. κεραιαι, bearing dolphins, i. e. masts of lead formed in that shape. δενδρον, 4, 69. fruit-tree : 2, 75. δενδροτομεω, 1, 108. to Cut down trees. δεζιος, 1, 24. εν δεξιά, Oil the right hand: 3, 82. dexterous, able : 5, 10. δεζιότης, 3, 37. quickness of wit, shrewdness, clever- ness. δέος, 1, 26. δε'ει, through fear: 4, 125. δια το δέος αυτών, through fear of them : 5, 50. μέγα, a great fear, 3, 45. δει- νότερον, a greater terror, more alarming fear: 1, 75. fear, apprehension : 4, 84. του καρ- ποΰ, fear for (their) fruit : 3, 14. 5, 50. δίρρεις, 2, 75. hides. δεσμός, 4, 41. δεσμοίς φυλασ- σειν, to keep in chains. δεσμώτης, 5, 35. a prisoner bound. δεσμωτηριον, 6, 60. a prison• δεσπότης, 6, 80. a master. δευρο, 3, 64. μέχρι του δευρο, up to this moment. δεύτερος, 2,97.6,78. second. δεχημερος, 5, 32. often days' continuance, 26. δεχίμερον. δέχομαι, 1, 143. δεζαιτο, to concert, undertake : 5, 28. εδέζαντο, to receive well: 1, 9. δεδεγμε'νοι, to receive as a tradition, 35. δεχόμενοι, to re- ΔΕΩ ΔΗΛ ceive into alliance : 5, 31. δήλος, 1, 93. ή οίκοΰομία δεξασ^αι, to take hold of, 37. δήλη εστίν, the building shews δεχόμενους τον \6yov, lending (that,) an instance of the use a favourable ear to, 1, 95. : of the nomin., where a verb 7, 77. αν επωντας δίζαιτο, to used impersonally in other resist your onset : 1, 33. δε- languages being followed by ξάμενοι, to receive into one's a proposition dependent on protection, 3, 13, ξυμμάχους it, takes the chief word of that ημάς, to receive us into alii- proposition for a nomin., ance, 4, 43. δεξαμενών εν χερ- Matth. Gr. Gr. 429. : 1, 140. σιν, engaging hand to hand, ^ηλοι ήσαν επιβουλεί/οντες, to be 5, 25. δεξαμενοις, acknow- plainly, clearly, manifestly ledging, accepting, 4, 56. : designing to attack us, con- 4,21. 6,50. δεξεσθαι, to re- spiring against us, 71. δήλοι Ceive: 1, 24. εδεξαντο, toad- ωσι μι) επιτρέποντες, to be mit, consent to, 76. εδεξάμεθα, manifestly men, who will not to accept : 1, 40. δεχοισθε, to permit : 3, 64. δήλον εποιησατε receive into alliance : 8, 20. ουδέ τότε τών Ελλήνων ένεκα δεχεσθαι, 25. δεξομένους, who μονοί ου μηδί'σαντες, after verbs would receive or sustain * to shew' the object is put (their thack.) in the participle, and here δεω, 4, 47. δεδεμενους, to be in the nomin., because the bound: 1, 30. ΰησαντες ειχον, subject of it is the same, as to keep in chains, 93.: 3, 28. the finite verbs, Matth. Gr. δήσαι, to put in chains. Gr. 831. δη, 1, 8. 4, 78. 6, 50. φίλους δηλόω, 1, 10. δηλών, to δι?, hie acerbissimce ironim in- shew, 90. δηλούντες, to dis- servit, 37. ά δ/) ίλθοιεν, but close, 82. to declare, 67. to suppose they were really to lay open, 11. $ηλοΐ>ται, 13. COme : 8, 52. ^ηλωται, 74. δηλωθέντος, to δήθεν, 1, 92. in truth. be made manifest, cum ap- Δήλια, τα, a festival cele- paruissd, the gen. of the brated at the island of Delos, participle here stands alone 3, 104. κοιτών πεντετηο&α,τότε without a subject, as often πρώτον μετά την κάθαρσιν έποι- when the subject IS indefi- ησαν οί 'Αθηναίοι, τα Δήλια, nite, Matth. Gr. Gr. 862. : " with subst., which have a 7, 25. ^ηλωσοντας, to explain: generic signif., a more pre- 8, 14. δηλωσάντων, to com- cise definition of them or the municate : 2, 50. μάλιστα άλλο name is put in the nomin.," τι ov ή εδήλωσε, to shew par- Matth. Gr. Gr. 446. Here, ticularly that it was some- however, the obs. applies to thing else than : 1, 21. δηλώ- an accus. σει, to shew (itself,) appear : Μ ΔΗΛ ΔΙΑ 3, 37. ως εν άλλοις μύζοσιν ουκ dience with the popular αν δηλώσαντες την γνωμην, the assembly Ι 2, 65. 8, 64. 70. participle here with the use δημόσιον, 5, 18. a state- of av has the same signif., as prison. the Opt., ως ει ουκ αν δηλωσειαν, δημόσιος, 1, 90. : 2, 13. δη- quasi non possint ostendere, μόσια, public property, 37. Matth. 924. : 83, 84. η αν- (κατά τα,) in public affairs, θρωπεία φύσις — άσμενη εδηλωσεν 6, 12. τα δ., the public State, άκρατης μεν οργής ούσα, κρείσ- Common-Wealth: 1, 128. δη- σων δε του δικαίου, πολέμια δε μοσία, by the public auttlO- τοΰ προυγοντος, verbs of shew- rity, 67. at the public ex- ing take the participle, (not pence, 5, 11. : 5, 50. 6, 31 : the infin.) to express their 1,80. πλουτω, public wealth: object, Matth. 830. 4, 121. δημοσία, by public δηλωσις, 1, 73. a declara- decree, 2, 34. ταφάς εποίησαν- tion, disclosure : 2, 61. a το, to inter publicly, with manifestation, an evidence : public honours. 4., 40. δηλωσιν ποιούμενοι, im- δημοτικός, 6, 28. Suitable, plying, intending, intimat- becoming to, proper to, con- ing, 126. sistent with democrasy. δημαγωγός, a leader of the δηόω, 1, 81. 96. 2, 11. 4, people, a demagogue, 4, 21. 56. to lay waste, to devas- δημεύω, 5, 60. εδημευσαν, to tate, ravage: 7, 18. 19. 26. Confiscate. εδγωσαν I 4, 2. 5, 33. εδηουν : δημιουργός, 5,47. a maglS- 4, 1. 5, 23. δηωσαντες, 8, 36. trate of the people. δηπου, 8, 87. δημοκρατεω, 5, 29. δημοκρα- δια, 6, 11. δίά πολλού γε τουμενην, to be governed by όντων, to be at a great dis- a democrasy : 7, 55. to have tance, to be a long way off: a popular government: 8,73. 3, 21. δι όλ/γου όντων, to be δημοκρατία, a democrasy, at 9, little distance : 1, 77. popular government, 2, 65. δια την αρχήν, by means of 8, 90. our dominion, 2. 68. δι αντο, δήμος, 5, 4. the commons, on this account, 7, 34. δι the people, the plebeians, όπερ, 5, 60. δια τον νόμον, on 27. : 1, 24. the populace, account of the law, as by democratical part of a state, law enacted : 3, 23. διά του 6, 27. δήμου καταλύσεως, a put- μεταπυργίου, through ΟΓ by ting down, a subversion of the intermediate space : 3, the democrasy: 2, 85. the 21. διά δέκα επάλξεων, every generality, populace: 5, 81, ten battlements : 6, 34. διά προς τον δημον προσηγον, to φόβου ε'ισΐ, to be afraid, 90. conduct any one to an au- διά μακρού, shortly, 7, 71. 5, ΔΙΑ .14. §ι ολίγου, within a little of it, soon after, 7, 4. oY ελάσσονος, at a less distance : 5, 61. διά βραδείας με\Χησεως, after the interval of a short delay : 1, 63. διά τάχους, quickly, 1, 80. 3, 13. cm τάξεων I 1, 1 1. δια τους ποιητάς, through the poets, by means of the poets : 7, 40. διά πολ- λού θορύβου αντανηγοντο, in great disorder, much con- fusion, in a hurry : διά παν- τός, 4, 61. by all means, 1, 76. throughout, 14. διά πάσης (sc. ναός,) throughout the whole length of the ship : 7, 1. διά τοΰ πορθμού, through the multitude : 5, 29. δι' οργής έχοντες, to be angry with, 46. : 6, 60. διά δί^ς ελθείν, to stand trial : 1, 73. εί και δι* ο^λον εσται, although it shall be with some dis- gust and weariness to you : 6, 59. διά φόζου μάλλον ών, to be in fear, to stand in fear : 1, 63. διά της Θαλάσσης, close by the side of the sea: 6,57, ως αν μάλιστα δι οργής, With all possible anger, all the anger in the world, in the greatest rage imaginable : 1, 70. δια δλου του αιώνος, throughout (their) lives . 2, 18. εΒοκουν οι Πελοποννησιοι επελθόντες αν διά τάχους πάντα ετι εςω καταλα&ειν, ει μη οια την εκείνου μελλησιν, this prep. with the accus. signifies 'on account of,' hence in the Latin sense of propter, ' with respect to,' or * in considera- ΔΙΑ tion of/ especially in the phrase εί μη διά τοΰτο, unless this prevent ; διά τάχους for ταγεως, with the adj. in the gen. for an adverb. Matth. Gr. Gr. 890.891.: 5, 29. δι' αίδους ομμ εχειν, to look ashamed, an instance of the prep, διά, which with this verb con- stitutes a phrase, Matth. 890. διαβαινο;, 7^31.4, 103. διεβη την ytyvpav, to CrOSS, 1_, 115. διεβησαν, to pass over, 4, 38. 3, 22. : 2, 5. οΊα^άντες, to pass, cross, 67. 8, 25. 1, 64. : 1, 114. 7, 71. διαβεβηκοτες, to cross over: 1, 109. $ια£άς, to cross over, 3, 3. διαβάλλω, 5, 16. to calum- niate, slander, 6, 83. to cri- minate : 3, 109. διαβαλείν, to cast (disgrace) on : 4, 22. διαβληθώσιν, to be calumni- ated, slandered : 2, 18. διε- βαλεν, to expose to suspi- cion, occasion calumny : 5, 46. διαβληθ^ί, to suffer re- proach : 3, 42. 5, 45. διαβο- λών, to calumniate: διαβαλλό- μενος, to be calumniated, slandered : 6, 30. διαβαλουσιν επί την ακραν, to CrOSS Over to. διάβασις, 3, 23 a passage across, a passing over : 4, 103. 8, 5. : 7, 4. a ford, 74. §ια&ατηριος, κ>> 54. τα δ,, the sacrifices celebrated on crossing the borders with an army, 116. διάβατος, 2, 5. to be pass- ed, passable, which can be forded. διαβιβάζω, 1, 105. διεβιβα- M 2 ΔΙΑ ΔΙΑ σαν, to send over, transport (troops) into, 4, 8. to con- vey, ferry over. οια€οάω, 8, 53. διαβοώντων, to raise a thorough clamour, to clamour vehemently. διαβολν), 1, 131. a charge : 5, 17. calumny, slander, scandal : 6, 29. περί αντοΰ, a charge,, accusation against any one : 2, 13. επί τη εαυτού διαβολή with a view to ren- der himself suspected : 6, 41. calumnies, slanders, 29. εκ μείζονος, with a heavier accusation, more matter of accusation : 1, 127. re- proach, reflection : 8, 91. διαβόλως, 6, 15. εμνησθη αντον, to make dishonour- able, invidious mention, calumniate, speak ill of. διαβουλεύομαι, 2, 5. διαβου- λενομενων, to deliberate : 7, 34. διαβουλευσαμενους, to de- liberate, spend time in deli- beration. διάβροχος, 7, 12. soaked, rotten, leaky. διαγγελλω, 7, 73. ^ιηγ-γειΧαν, to report, make a report, Matth. Gr. Gr. 418. οιάγγελοι, 7,73. των ευδοθεν, informers, who give secret information, intelligence. διαγίγνομαι, 5, 16. διεγενετο, to pass through life, to per- severe. διαγιγυώσκω, 1, 87. to distinguish, 6, 29. ΰια^νωσι, to try (a cause,) decide, give verdict : 1, 91. διαγιγνώ- > , t ■> \ σκονται τα τε σψισιν αυτοις και τα κοινά, to discern what wa§ for their own peculiar ad- vantage and what was for the comiiion interest of Greece : 7, 44. διαγνωναι, to distinguish, discern, make out, hear distinctly, 4, 46. to decide, decree : 1, 118. διέγνωστ-ο, to be discerned : 4, 40. διεγίγνωσκε, to distin- guish : I, 69. διεγνωκότας, to decide, settle : 3, 53. διεγνω- σμενην κρίσιν, a sentence, trial already decided : 1, 126. y αν άριστα ^ιαγΐ"γνωσκωσι, in what way they should decide to be best. διαγυώμη, 1, 87. a decree : 3, 42. a deliberation, con- sultation, 67. $ιά-γνωσις, 1, 50. a distinc- tion, discovery, perception. διάγω, 4, 47. διήγον, to lead through, 78. 108. διαγόντων : 1, 90. διήγε, to loiter, lose time : 4, 78. διάξειν, to be about to traverse : 7, 39. επι πολύ διηγον της -ημέρας, to spend, draw out much of the day : 7, 7 1 . ευ τοϊς χαλε- πώτατα ^ιη-γον, Matth. Gl\ Gr. 421. διαγωνίζομαι^ 1, 39. to Con- tend in a cause or trial : 5, 10. διαγωνίσασθαι, to Contend 8, 46. • $ιά§η\ος, 4, 68. to be dis- tinguishable, notable. ΰια&δρασκω, 7, 85. διαδιδρά- σκοντες, to run away and escape. διαδίδωμι, 1, 76. 4, 36. διε- οίΰοσαν, to give in parts, to I ΔΙΑ divide : 8, 29. διεδωκε, dis- tributed. διαδικαιοω, 4, 106. διαδικαι- ούντων, shewing their fair- ness, equity. διάδοχη, 2, 36. των επιγιγνο- μένων, successive genera- tions : 7, 28. κατά όιαδογην, by relief, turns, in succes- sion. διάδοχος, 1, 110. one who relieves another, being a further supply : 3, 115. a successor: 8, 85. διάδυμι, 4, 110, διαδνντες, getting through, under. διάζωμα, 1, 6. a broad belt hanging from the waist like the Scotch kelt. διαζώννυμι, 1, 6. διε£ωσμενοι, to be bound with a girdle. διαθοου€εω, 5, 29. cieuopvtiti, to alarm, throw into a tu- mult, to provoke, disturb. διαθροεω. 6, 46. διεθοοησαν, to publish, divulge : 8, 91. διαιρετός, to be, discerned. διαιρεω, 5, 2. διελών, having thrown down, demolished : 6, 51. ελαθον διελόντες, to break open, cleave in two : 4, 1 10. δίδουν πυλίδα, to burst open, break through : 5, 3. δι>?ο>7/χενον, what has been thrown down, demolished : 2, 75. διηθημένοι κατ ανάπαυ- λας, to be distributed so as to relieve one another, di- vided into companies for relieving one another : 5, 26. δι^ηται, to be divided, marked, distinguished : 7, 19. διελόμενοι, to divide into portions, to distribute, 5, ΔΙΑ 76. to divide into shares, 4, 1 1 . κατ ολίγας νανς, to be divided, 69. taking in shares, having apportioned : 2, 76. το διρρημένον, the cleft chasm : 3, 114. διείλοντο, to be di- vided among, (κατά :) 2, 78. κατά πόλεις, to distribute among the several cities, (i. e. the troops of,) to assign a portion of circumvallation to each city. δίαιτα, 1, 135. εχειν δι'αιταν, to reside in a place : 7, 82. της αναγκαιότατης ένδεια, διαίτης, through want of necessary sustenance: 1,6. daily life, mode of living, habits, ζννηθη διαιταν μεθ οπλών εποιησαντο, they went about their ordi- nary business in armour : 6, 15. extravagance in diet, (food, and clothing :) 2, 16. way of life : 7, 74. δσα περί το σώμα ες διαιταν υπηρ-χεν επι- τήδεια αψο ρ μάσθαι, to be neces- sary with regard to the body for food (and clothing.) διαίΓαομαι, 7, 77. πολλά ες θεούς νόμιμα δεδιητημαι, in my course of life I have paid my numerous duties to the gods, 87. ΙιψηΟησαν, to live : 1 , 6. ΰιαιτωμενοι, to be dis- ciplined, mannered. διαίτημα, 1, 6. custom, mode of life. διάκειμαι, 1, 75. επιφθονως, to be envied: 7, 77. to be affected (by disease :) 4, 92. ώς αυτοις διάκειται, how it IS with them : 8, 38. affected. δια/αλευσμος, 7, 71. a cheer- ing. ΔΙΑ ΔΙΑ $ιακζ\ευω, 8, 97, &£*:ελενον- convey, transport : 8, 8. 4, ται, to order, command. 46. ΰιεκόμισαν, to convey, 38. διάκενος, 5, 71. τό διάκενον, διεκομίσαντο, to convey away : the Void space. 7, 4. διακομίσας : 8, 23. διε /co- διακηρζνκενομαι, 4, 38. &ακ»?- μισαν, to transport. ρευκενσασθαι, to dismiss a διακονία, 1, 133. an agency, herald. a commission. διακινδυνεύω, 4, 19. 27. δια- διάκονος, J, 133. an agent, κινδυνεί/σαι, to try an experi- διακόπτω, 4, 1 1 1 . διακοπεντος ment, run a risk, 5, 46. to μογλοΰ, having been cut in put all to hazard: 7, 1. δια- two, broken asunder: 2, 4. κινδυνεύσωσιν, to venture, try διακόψαντες, to cut, cleave at all hazards: 1, 142, διακιν- through, split, ^uvevrciavjtomakeanattemptj διακόσια, 1, 62. two hun- put any thing to the hazard : dred. 1 , 60. to decide by a battle, διακοσαέω, 1, 20. to arrange, try one's fortune in engage- set in order: 6. 54. διεκόσαη- ment, 47. αλλ* απερ και §ιανοη- σαν καΧως την πόλιν, to adorn, θείς ες τάς Έπιττολας διακινδυ- beautify : 2, 15. διεκόσμησ£, νευσαι, επειδή εσφαλτο^υί which to put in order, to settle : 6, also having intended he had 57. $ιεκ6σμπ, to arrange, set made an attempt upon Epi- in order, polae, since he had failed ; διάκοσμος, 4, 93. παρασκευή but according to the inten- και διάκοσμος, the preparation tion, with which he ventured and arrangement, the attack upon Epipolae, διακρίνω, 3, 9. διακρίνοιντο, since he had failed ; but as to separate, secede, revolt he intended when he made from : διεκρίθησαν, 7, 34. to be &c. (the infinitive διακινδυνευ- separated, to part, 38. 1, 18. σαι is better than the vulgar to separate into parties, to reading διεκινδύνευσεν, since join in different leagues for the sentence is in the oratio peaceful purposes, 105. to obliqua.) 6, 99. part asunder (as comba- ΰιακινεω, 5, 25. διεκίνονν, to tants :) 5,79. διακριθηαεν, Dor. disturb, counteract. for διακριθηναι, to decide by διακλε / 7Γτω,7,85.τόδιακλα7τεν, arbitration, Matth. Gr. Gr. the part privately secreted. 267.: 8, 11. διακριθέντες, se- $ιακ\ηρόω, 8, 30, §ιακ\ηρω- parated from : 1, 49. διεκε- σαμζνοι, to cast lots. κριτο, to make a difference, διακομιδή, 3, 76. transpor- ΰιακριτεος, 1, 86. to be tation, carnage over. settled, decided. διακομίζω, 1, 136. to Convey, ΰιακωΧνω, 7, 2. διεκώλυσε, to 3, 23 : 1, 89. διεκομίζοντο, to prevent : 1, 133. to impede : II ΔΙΑ ΔΙΑ 5, 52. διεκώλυσαν, 7, 2. to hinder: 2, 17. διεκώλυε, to forbid : 3, 49. διεκώλυσε μη ΰιαφθεϊραι, to hinder (him) from putting to death, to prevent the execution : 7, 18. διεκωλνθη, to be hindered, , diverted, prevented : 8, 82. διακωχί, 3, 87. an inter- mission. διαλαμβάνω, 7, 73. διαλα€ον- τας, to beset, intercept (with a guard.) διαλανθάνω, 3, 25. διαλαθών εσε^χεται, to get through un- discovered : 2, 68. διαλέγω, 5, 59. διελεγέσθην μί ποιείς μάχην, entered into a compact (with Agis) to in- duce him not to engage, to withdraw his army : 6, 57. 8,93. διαλείπω, 3. 74. διαλιπούσης ■ημέρας, a day intervening: 1, 112. διαλιποντων τριών ετών, three years having expired : 7, 38. διαλιπούσας, to be apart, distant : 5, 10. διαλιπών, to faint, swoon away. διαλΧακτης, 4, 60. a peace- maker. διαλλάσσω, 3, 10. τω διαλ- λάσσοντι ττ)ς -γνώμης, a differ- ence, diversity, dissonancy of mind, judgment, thought, 4, 20. διαλλαγώ/χεν, to agree, make up, where the article communicates to the par- ticiple the power of a subst., Matth. Gr. Gr. 394. : 3, 82. διηλλαγμένα τοις είδεσι, varying in external form : 6, 47. διαλ- λάξοι Σελινουντιους αύτοίς, to reconcile the S. to them, to settle the differences be- tween the two people : 6, 47. διάλυσις, 4, 19. dissolution: 1, 51. διάλυσιν επονησαντο, to make a dismissal, to dismiss (one's fleet :) 5, 36. dissolu- tion, rupture: 1, 137. de- struction. διαλυτής, 3, 82. a dissolver. διαλύω, 3, 83. διαλυσων, One about to break an engage- ment : 4, 118. δίαλύοντος αμ- ψίλο-γα, to settle, compose : 2, 12. διαλυσας, to dissolve, break up (the council ;) 7, 34. διαλυθέντος, to disband, to be dispersed: 1, 140. δια- λνεσθαι τα εγκλήματα, to decide their differences, quarrel, to end, determine their allega- tions : 4, 74. διαλυθεντων, to be disbanded, dismissed : 5, 50. διελυθησαν, to separate, 2, 23. κατά πόλεις έκαστοι, they dispersed, departed sever- ally to their own cities, home, 3,26. to be disbanded, 2, 78. : 4, 19. διαλύεσθαι βεβαί- ως, to be completely eradi- cated, effectively abolished : 5, t)5» διαλνσαι τα στρατόπεδα, to break up the encamp- ments, disband the army, 8, 46. to finish: 5, 113. διαλυό- μενοι, to separate one's self from : 1, 131. διαλύσειυ την δια€ολτ)ν, to disperse the calumny, rid one's self of the charge : 5, 36. διαλυσαι τάς σπονδάς, to break off, to dissolve: 5, 1. διελέλυντο, to be dissolved, to be at an end. ΔΪΑ ΔΙΑ διαμαρτάνω, 1, 106. διαμαρ- rov της οδοί), to miss the way, 7, 44. διαμαρτόντες των οδών, to miss one's way : 2, 78. διημαρτον τούτον, to fail ill ail attempt. διαμαρτ'ια, 4, 89. των ήμερων, mistake of the day. διαμάχομαι, 7, 63. to fight it out strenuously : 3, 42. to contend (in argument :) 5, 41. to fight it out, to settle a dispute by battle: 1, 143. to fight : 3, 40. μη μετα-γνώναι υμάς, to contend against your changing your opinion. διαμάω, 4, 26. Καμωμένοι, digging up. διαμελλησις, 5, 99. όσοι ηπει- ρωται που οντες τω ελευθέριο πολλην την διαμελλησιν της προς ημάς φυλακής ποιησονται, will have a good deal of indiffer- ence in respect to keeping guard against us owing to their freedom. διαμελλω, 1, 71. διαμελλετε, to delay, go on delaying : 7, 49. ΰιεμελλησαν, to delay: 1, 112. διαμελλωσι, to be dila- tory, to delay : 7, 40. διαμελ- λοντας, to loiter, dally, pro- tract, 8, 40. to delay : 6, 75. δια μέμφομαι, 8, 89. διεμέμφον- το τα πράγματα, to Complain about the state of affairs. διαμνημονευω , 1, 22. διαμνη- μονεΰσαι, to remember. διανανμαχεω, 7, 60. διαναυμα- χησαντες, to fight it OUt, to decide by an engagement: 8, 27. διανανμαγεϊν, to engage in a naval fight. διανέμω, 3, 27. απασιν, to distribute to all. διανίστημι, 4, 128. διαναστάς, to be alienated, αποστάς, Schol. διανοεω, 1, 18. διανοηθεντες, to determine upon : 8, 2. διενοουντο, determined : 5, 10. ΰιενοείτο, to have intention, 43. to intend, have in view, 8, 33. to decide : 1, 140. διανοηθητε αυτόθεν, to resolve thenceforward, from this point, moment, 124. to de- sign (to do any thing :) 3, 2. προτέρου η διενοοΰντο, before or sooner than they intend- ed : 4, 13. διενοηθησαν, to ex- pect, lay one's account for : 7, 12. διανοούνται, to scheme, resolve, plan : 4, 72. διάνε- νοημενοι, to decide, design, 46. διανοηθείς, to design: 1, 143. διανοηθεντας, to Conceive, imagine : 8, 40. διάνοια, 6, 11. counsels, designs, plans : 4, 52. inten- tion, design, plan : 2, 87. με -ya τι της διανοίας το βέβαιον, very great confidence of mind, 20. τοιαύτη διάνοια, With such reflections: 6, 15.' mind, idea, conception, 65. είναι εν διάνοια, to intend, purpose : 1, 144. a design (of the enemy:) 5, 9. a design, an intention : 1, 138. διαπαντος, 7, 6. thoroughly, decidedly: 1, 37. ever, al- ways. διαπειράομαι, 6, 91. διαπε- πεψασθαι, to experience. διαπεμπω, 1, 129. διαπέμψαι, ΔΙΑ ΔΙΑ to convey : 4, 123. δύπεμψε, to send along with, to ap- point an escort, to dismiss with : 2, 14. διεπψφαντο, to transport: 4, 55. διεπεμ-ψαν, to dismiss into divisions, to appoint variously to different spots. διαπεραιοω, 3, 23. διεπεπεραί- ωντο, to cross over : 8, 32. διαπεραιοΰται, passes Over. διαπλεω, 4, 24. διαπλευσαι, to sail through: 7, 29. διέ- πλενσε, to sail across : 1, 111, διαπλευσαντες πέραν, to sail to parts beyond, 8, 24. to de- part : 6, 44. δύπλει, to sail over : 4, 38. διαπλεύσας, hav- ing sailed, being despatch- ed, having sailed as a de- spatch, 6, 50. to sail, cross over. διάπλοος, 4, 8. the trans- verse sailing : 3, 93. the pas- sage over: 6, 31. μέγιστος, a very long voyage. δια7Γθλεμεω, 6, 37. διαπολε- μησαι, to fight it OUt, to gO through with a war, to bear or support a war : 7, 14. δια- πεπολεμησεται ο πόλεμος, to be ended, brought to an end, decided, 25. διαπεπολεμησόμε- vov, Matth. Gr. Gr. 871. : 5, 56. ως διαπολεμησόμενον, an instance of a participle in the nomin. absolute, Matth. 864. διαπολεμησις, 7, 42. ail end of war, a conclusion of war. διαπολιορκεω, 3, 17. διεπ-ολι- όρκησαν, to continue at a siege to the end of it, to re- main during a whole siege. διαπομπενς, circular messen- ger, διαπομπ-η, circular mes- sage, 6,41. την δ' επιμελειαν και εζέτασιν αυτών ημείς εζομεν, και των προς τας πόλεις διαπομπων αμα, ες τε κατασκοπην και ην τι άλλο φαινηται επιτηδειον. διαπόντιος, 1, 141. πόλεμος, maritime. διαπορευομαι, 1, 107. Sto7ro- ρενσονται, to make a passage through: 5, 52. διαττοοευόμε- νος, to traverse. διαπορθεω, 8, 24. διεπόρθη- σαν, ravaged. διαπράσσω, 5, 89. διαπράσ- σεσθαι τα δυνατά, to dlSCUSS the probabilities (of a ques- tion:) 1, 131. ΰιαπραζάμενος, to use management, to take effectual means, 87, to trans- act : 7, 40. διεπράσσοντο, to set about business : 3, 82. ΰιαπράζασθαι, to manage, ne- gociate : 4, 28. διαπρεπής, 2, 34. την αρετην, signal, pre-eminent virtue : 6, 16. τω εμω διαπρέπει, splen- dour. διαρκής, 6, 90. sufficient: 1, 15. sufficient (for main- tenance.) διαρπά^ω, 1, 49. 8, 31. διηρ- πασαν, to plunder, ravage, 36. διαρπασθεντα, to ravage. διάρροια, 2, 49. άκρατου, violent flux, diarrhoea, ex- cessive looseness. διασκεδάζω, 1, 54. διεσκεδα- σεν, to scatter, spread about: Ν ΔΙΑ ΔΙΑ 3, 98. ΰιεσκεΰάσθησαν, to be serve, 46. : 7, 53. διεσωσαι/, dispersed. to preserve, save, 5, 10. δια- διασκευάζω, 4, 38. διεσκευά- σωσαντες '. 2, 62. διασώσωμεν, ζοντο, to fit, equip. to preserve : 5, 4. διασώσειαν, διασκοπέω, 8,4. διασκοπούντες, 33. διασώσαι, 4, 60. 6, 23. : 4, to pay attention : 1, 52. roO 113. διασώζονται, to escape to: δε οϊκαδε πλου «άλλον διεσ /co- 7, 34. διεσώζοντο, to save πουν οπη κομισθησονται, to look one's self, to get away safe : out for, the gen. after the 1, 82. ΰιασωθηναι, to be pre- verb in its first especial sense served: 3, 39. : 7, 53. τάς of ' with regard to,' where ναυς διέσωσαν δυοιν δέουσας otherwise περί with the gen. εΊ'κοσιν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 171. is used, Matth. Gr. Gr. 457. : διατάσσω, 7, 4. τους άλλους 7, 48. διασκοπών, to weigh, ζνμμάγους κατά το άλλο τείχι- consider, deliberate upon, σμα διέταξαν, to dispose the 7 1 . διεσκόπουν περί σφάς αυτούς, Other troops among, along to be thinking, deliberating the rest of the works, (or, about themselves : 6, 59. as we say,) to distribute the διεσκοπειτο προς τά εξω, to rest of the works among the look, cast one's eye abroad, other troops : 4, 31. 130. διασπάω, 7, 77. διεσπασμέυος, διατείχισμα, 3, 34. a fortifi- separated from, straggling, cation, wall (running across, 44. 5, 70. διασπασθεί»?, to be and separating one part of a separated, disordered, un- town from the other.) linked, Matth. Gr. Gr. 548. διατελεω, 7, 38. διετέλεσαν, διασπείρω, 3, 30. διεσπάρθαι to accomplish, finish : 1, 34. κατ οικίας, to be dispersed §ιατελοίη, to continue to the among, up and down the end : 6, 89. houses : 1, 11. διεσπαρμένων, διατίθημι, 1, 126. διαθειναι, to scattered about, separated order, arrange, manage : 6, from One another. 15. διαθεντα τά τον πολέμου, to διάστασις, 6, 18. τοΓς νεοις ες administer, conduct, 57. ου τους πρεσβυτέρους, a division, /οαδίως διετέθ»), apparently for dissension, difference be- διεχρηθη, confectus est, de- tween the young and old, of spatched, Schol. ούδε ευκόλως the young towards the old. άνγοίθη. ύιασταυροω, 7, 97. διασταυ- διατρέφω, 4, 39. διετρίφοντο, ρωσάμενος τον Ίσθμον, to run a to be supported, kept alive. palisado across. διατρέχω, 2, 7. 35. διαδρα- διασωζω, 7, 63. ως αξία εστί μων, to run through (the διασώσασθαι, how it deserves middle of:) 4, 39. that you should preserve it: διατριβή, 5, 82. delay, want 5, 16L^ διασώσασθαι, to pre- (of time:) 3, 38. χρόνου, a ΔΙΑ ΔΙΑ waste, loss of time: 5, 38. nists : 1, 18. διενεχθίντες, to procrastination: 8, 9. delay, quarrel, differ. διατρίβω, 7, 43. to linger, διαφεύγω, 4, 19. διαφύγοιεν, delay, remain, 47. : 8, 9. διέ- to effect an escape, to fly: τριβον, to wait, delay : 1, 7, 44. διεφυyov ol πολέμιοι, to 125. 7, 43. escape, evade, elude: 8, 1. διαφαίνω, 1, 18. 2, 57. διε- διαπεφευγόσι, who had esca- φάνη, to appear: 6, 17. διεφά- ped, 5, 82. των διaπεφευyότωv, νησαν, to turn out upon in- the fugitives : 8, 13. διαφυ- spection. γοΰσαι, having escaped : 7, _ διαφερόντως, 1, 38. C011S1- 43. SicKfrvyovrtg : 3, 40. διαφεν- derably, especially, remark- γοντες, to escape from danger: ably, 138. particularly, re- 7,71. παρ ολίγον ί διεφευγον, markably : 2, 60. 8, 68. to be within a little of, to διαφέρω, 6, 54. τους πόλε'- want but little to, to be all μους διέψεοον, to support, but escaping : 7, 32. διαφυ- maintain, bring to an end : yovrag: 2, 60. 3, 22. 6, 78. 4, 58. $ιαφερομ£νων, to state διάφενζις, 3, 23. an escape, one's differences, shew one's διαφθείρω, 2, 2. διαψθεφαι, to grounds of quarrel : 3, 83. destroy : 1, 25. διαφθειρομε- επι πολύ διr}vεyκεv, was of most νους, to perish totally, 8, 25. avail : 5, 102. κατά το διαφερον διαφθείρονται, to sustain a loss εκατερων πλήθος, according to of : 4, 57. διεφθάρησαν, to slay, the different numbers on massacre, sacrifice, 5, 10. 7, each side: 3, 39. διαφέροντας 23. 41. to be destroyed : 7, των άλλων τετιμησθαι, to be 30. 44. διέφθειρα ν, to Cut off, distinguished in a peculiar 71. διαφθαρεισων τοίς Α., to be manner, to be honoured lost to the Lacedaemonians : above, more than the others: 2, 77. διαφθεΊραι ελαχίστου 4,74. διενεγκεΓνψήφον, to pass: εδέησε, to want very little of 8, 8. διαφερειν, to transport : destroying : 7, 25. φθάσωσι 5,86. τα. τον πολέμου διαφέροντα διαφθείραντες, to be before- αύτου φαίνεται, these warlike hand with in destroying, to preparations appear at vari- destroy (an army) before the ance with it : 6, 92. διαφερον- expected succours arrive : των μεyιστωv, Concerns, in- 2, 49. διεφθείροντο νπο τον εντός terests : 1, 11. διεφερον, to καύματος, to die of the internal carry through : 1, 70. τά δια- heat, the fever: 8, 1. διεφθάρ- φεροντα, differences, discre- θαι : 6, 27. μόλις ουκ αν πάντα- pancies : 5, 31. διαφερόμενοι πασιν διεφθάρησαν, with diffi- των εναντίων, to surpass, ex- culty, hardly to escape utter eel the enemy, our antago- destruction : 3, 13. διαφθαρη- N 2 ΔΙΑ ΔΙΔ ναι, to be ruined, undone, destroyed, 57. Χιμώ, to perish by hunger : 1, 74. διεφθαρμέ- νοι, to be ruined : 4, 37. διαφθαρησομένονς , about to be destroyed. διαφθορά, 8, 86. ol δ απήγ- γελλον ως ούτε επι διαφθορά της πόλεως η μετάστασις γένοιτο, αλλ' επί σωτηρία, for the de- struction, 98. διαφίημι, 7, 32. διαφησουσι τους πολεμίους, to permit to pass through, to yield a free passage. διάφορα, 3, 10. τών έργων, a diversity of deeds, conduct: 7,57. dispute, quarrel, 1,23. 81. αρζαι της δ., to begin the quarrel: 1, 112. 2,37.62.4, 83. 5, 26. 42. διάφορος, 1, 38. 3, 2. οντες αντοΐς, to be at variance, en- mity with, to have a differ- ence with: 1, 78. τα δε διάφορα δί /qj λύεσθαι, for η διαφοράς the difference, the art. put with an adj., to which it gives the sense of a subst., Matth.Gr. Gr. 391. : 7, 75. τό διάφορον, a reverse, a change of cir- cumstances : 2, 37. προς τα Ίδια διάφορα, with respect to private suits, between man and man : 6, 62. τά διάφορα προς Έ-γεσταίους, Variance, quarrel with the Egestaeans, 15. at variance with, in oppo- sition to : 1, 56. διάφορα ες το πολεμεϊν, difference leading to war: 8, 75. διαφόρως, 6, 18. ηκιστα δια- φόρως πολιτεύωσιν, With the least discord: 7, 71. διάφραγμα, 1, 133. a parti- tion. διαφνγγάνω, 7, 44. διεφύγ- γανον, to escape. διαφυγή, 8, 11. an escape. διαφυΧάσσω, 2, 65. διεφυλα- ξεν, to guard, preserve in safety. διαχειμάζω, 6, 72. διαχειμά- σοντες, to pass the winter, to winter: 7, 42. διεχείμαζεν, to winter, spend the winter. διαχείρισις, 1, 97. τών πραγ- μάτων, the management of affairs. διαχέω, 2, 75. διαχέοιτο, to be scattered, diffused, to slip, fall away, spread abroad : 2, 76. διαχεόμενον, to slip, slide down (with loose earth.) διαχράομαι, 1, 126. to slay : 3, 36. διαχρησασθαι, to put to death, to slay. διαφύγω, 7 , 12. δια-φνζαι, to dry, air, repair (a ship.) δίγλωσσος, 4, 109. speaking two tongues : 8, 85. διδασκαλεων, 7, 29. a school, διδασκαλία, 2, 42. ποιούμενος διδασκαλίαν, to teach, instruct, shew, 87. παρέζει, to teach a lesson. διδάσκαλος, 3, 82. βίαιος, a stern task-master : 5, 30. fomenter, author, prime mover, instigator : 3, 42. τους λόγους διδάσκαλους τών πραγμάτων, instructors, di- rectors. ΔΙΔ ΔΙΕ διδάσκω, 1, 76. 6, 38. to divide, separate (two hostile admonish, advise : 4, 83. armies :) 6, 1. διείργεται, to be εδίδασκον αυτόν, to warn, ad- severed, separated, divided monish, suggest, instil into : from : 8, 33. Sulpyovro, to be 5, 27. διδάξαντες, to hint, in- divided from. sinuate, 86.: 2, 60. σαφώς διεκπλεω, 1, 50. διεκ7τλεοντες, διδάξας, to state clearly, 93. to perform the manoeuvre of διδαχή, 4, 126. a lesson, the διεκ7τλους. piece of advice : 1, 120. in- διε'κπλους, 2,89. breaking struction. through the enemy's lines: Ζβραχμος, 3, 17. ύττλίται, 2, 83. 7, 36. 69. 70. : 1, 49. a heavy-armed soldiers having naval manoeuvre, the object two drachms per day. of which was to dash away διδωμι, 5, 47. διδόταλ, to sup- the oars of the enemy's ves- ply: 2,27. εδοσαν Θυρίαν οικεΐν sel by sailing along side of και την γί) ν νεαεσθαι, gave them him. Thyrea to inhabit and the ΰύζεψι, 2, 49. διεξ??ει, to pass territory to possess, for a through, to pervade. possession : 3, 109. εδεδοτο, διεξερχομαι, 7, 85. την φυλά- to be granted, 43. διδονς ψα- κην διεξηλθον, to make their νερως τι άγαθον, to confer a way through the guard: 3,45. benefit openly : 5, 77. δομεν διέξοδος, 3, 98. a way out for δοΰναι: 1, 28. δούναι δίκας, through (the wood.) to submit to trial : 4, 56. διεορτάζω, 8, 9. διεορτα'σωσιν, ί^οσαν, to grant : 2, 68. διδόα- they had celebrated. σιν εαυτούς Άκαρνασι, to put διέρχομαι, 1, 82. διελθοντων, one's self under, 1, 42. an to pass, transpire, (as time :) Attic form of the third per- 5, 50. διηλθεν, to pass, 1,21. son plural pres. indie, Matth. to run through, take a cur- Gr. Gr. 279. : 2, 36. ουκ από- sory view of, 6, 46. to go νως δίδοσθαι, with great la- abroad, to spread (of a ru- bour, pains , 5, 1 1 . δεδώκασιν, mour:) 4, 115. διελθουσύν to institute : 4, 21. διδομένης, των σπονδών, being out of offering: 6, 47. διδόναι τρο^ήν, date, expired: 7, 73. προφθά- to give pay. σωσι ΰιελθοντες, to get through, ΰιε-γ-γυάομαι, 3, 70. διηγγυη- pass through before, to have μενοι τοις προζενοις, to be the start and get through bailed by their foreign con- before : 7, 32. διελθείν, to pass nexions, to be ransomed, through, 43. to go through their friends giving their with, to have done with : 2, words for the payment of 47. διελθόντος, to be ended, the money. (of time :) 4, 62. ΰιελθοι, to διείργω, 3, 107. §ivpyt, to go through : 5, 13. διηλθον, ΔΙΕ ΔΙΚ to proceed, to continue one's ταναντία, to be disunited, bro- march. ken into opposite factions. διετησιος, 2, 38. anniversary, δικάζω, 5, 31. εδίκασαν, to all the year round. pass, pronounce judgment : διεχω, 2, 86. διείχετον, to be 3, 44. δικαζόαεθα, to go to law, distant : 3, 21. διείχον άπ' άλ- to try judicially, (opposed to | Χηλών, to be distant from βουλευόμεθα :) 1, 77. δικάζεσθαι, each other, to have a space to go to law, 28. to be liti- between them, 22. διεχοντες gating, 1, 28. δικασθή, to be ψσαν, to go with an interval, decided, adjudged, space between each man: δίκαιος, 4, 106. κηρυ-γμα, fair, 8, 95. just, kind : 2, 71. ου δίκαια διηγεομαι, 6, 54. διη*γησάμενος ποιείτε, to act unjustly : 5, 35. επί πλέον, to relate, unfold at just, fair, equitable, 30. just, length, state, detail, narrate, right: 3, 10. περί του δικαίβ τους διηκω, 3, 21. διηκοντες ες το λόγους ποιησόμεθα, to speak On εσω μετωπον, to reach to, to the head of justice, equity, extend. fairness : 5, 18. 29. : 5, 22. διϊεναι, 4, 78. to traverse : δικαιοτερας, more equitable, 5, 47. δια της γίς, to pass advantageous : 3, 54. δίκαια through a country, to march προς τα Θηβαίων διάφορα, satis- through their territory: 3, factions as regards the differ- 21. διψσαν δι' αυτών μέσων, to ences with the Thebans : 4, pass through the middle of 61. τψ δικαίψ, right, (in op- them. position to βία,) the dat. for διϊκνέοααι, 7, 79. to pass the Latin abl. expresses the through, make its way, (as kind and manner of an action, a weapon ) Matth. Gr. Gr. 572. διίστημι, 1, 15. διεστη, to δικαιοσύνη, 3, 63. μετά δικαιο- divide into two parties, side σύυ^ς, justly, with one or other of two, 18. δικαιόω, 1, 140. to think διασταίεν, to differ, to be at just, fair, equitable, to re- variance, the opt. pres. and quire : 4, 64. to think just, aor. 2. as in the aor. pass, to demand, to require : 2, of verbs in ω have in the 61. 5. 105.: 7, 68. δικαιωσωσιν, plural, in the poets as well to excuse, justify, use a justi- as prose-writers, more com- fication : 3, 40. δικαιωσεσθε, monly the contracted form, to condemn : 2, 71. δικαίωσε, Matth. Gr. Gr. 281. : 1, 87. to ordain : 4, 122. Ιδικαίουν, to διέσωσαν, to divide : 6, 77. shew cause, to make appear. διιστάναι, to separate, dis- δικαίωμα, 5, 97. δικαιωματι, sever: 4, 61. δάσταμεν, to be in right and justification : 6, at variance: 6, 79. διαστωμεν 80. a justification, anallega- ΔΙΚ ΔΙ* tion, a defence, an excuse : 1,41. justification : 6, 79. το έργον τοΰ καΧου δικαιώματος. δικαίως, 5, 23. with up- rightness, integrity : 6, 34. κατεγνωκότες, to think meanly, to disparage, hold in con- tempt : 4,62. 118. δικαίωσις, 3, 82. δικαιώσει, for the purpose of justifica- tion: 1, 141. a demand, claim, injunction: 5, 17. a justifi- cation, apology, explaining away: 1, 141. 8, 66. δικαστηρίου, 3, 105, κοινω, a common place of meeting formatters of justice : 6, 51. a court of justice. δικαστής, 1, 37. he, who gives the verdict in a cause : 3, 52. an arbitrator, 46. ακρι- βείς, strict judges : 1, 73. a judge, an umpire : 4, 83. νίκη, 5, 80. τάς απο στρατιάς δίκας, military trials: 1, 28. a trial, 140. : 7, 18. δίδοναι δίκας, to abide a trial, deci- sion, judgment, to give satis- faction in a judicial way, to stand a trial, to submit: 1, 78. τα διάφορα δίκη Χυεσθαι, to settle the differences by ar- bitration: 5, 49. a fine im- posed by a verdict, 31, judg- ment, arbitration, decision, 27. δίκας Ίσας και όμοιας δίδωσι, to enjoy the advantage of a fair and equal judicature: 6, 29. δίκην δοΰναι, to suffer pu- nishment, the penalty of the law : 1, 77. εν ταις ζνμ&οΧαίαις δίκαις, in actions relating to compacts. δίοδος, 7, 32. road, passage, 78. pass, 2, 4. a way through, δ, 47. διοικεω, 8, 21. διψκονν, ma- naged. διοικοδομεω, 4, 69. διοικοδο- μησαντες, building transverse- ly : 8, 90. διόΧΧυμαι, 3, 59. διολέσαι, to destroy, 40. διόΧλννται, to de- stroy for one's own sake : 8, 26. διόπερ, 1, 71. wherefore. διόpυyμa, 4, 109. an exca- vation, a digging through. διορνσσω, 2, 3. διορύσσοντες, to dig through, to break through. διότι, 1, 52. because, 23. why, wherefore, 77. where- fore, why it is that : 3, 81. 4, 62. διπλάσιος, 1, 10. twofold, double, 86. : 3, 67. 7, 67. διπΧασιόω, 1, 69. διπΧασιου- μενην, doubled, twofold. διπλασίως, 8, 1. doubly. δις, 2, 51. ; 6, 37. τοσαυτη, twice as great. διφθέρα, 2, 75. tarpauling. δίχα, 4, 99. κεραίαν πρι'σαν- τες, to saw in two, asunder : 7, 81. οντάς, being parted : 1, 64. γιγνομένοις, to be sepa- rated, divided, 122. separate- ly: 4, 61. ov yap τοις εθνεσιν, οτι δίχα πεφυκε, του έτερου εγθει προσίασιν, the use of the no- min. of an adverb in the pre- dicate, Matth. Gr. Gr. 445. : 8,46. διχοθεν, 2, 44. in two ways. δίψα, 2, 49. thirst. ΔΙΩ ΔΟΚ διωθεω, 2, 84. διωθουντο, to keep asunder, push off: 4, 87. διωθεϊσθαι, to repel, keep off, 108. δίωκω, 2, 4. διώκοντας, to pursue, 4, 33. : 1, 62. to pur- sue (a flying enemy :) 2, 91. διωκοντες ατάκτως'. 5, 41. 3, 24. διώκοντας την επ 'Αθηνών φερου- σαν, to pursue along a road : 2, 4. διωκόμενοι, to be pursued, chased, 8, 44. δι'ωξις, 1, 49. 63. 3, 33. 97. 5, 10. pursuit, 73. 7, 34. 8, 16. 1, 134.: 4, 44. ου κατά δίωξιν 7τολλην, through there being no such pursuit. διωρυξ, 1, 109, foSS. δοκ*ω_, 1, 22. εδόκουν, to seem: 7, 1. 11. ΰοκοΰντας : 5, 41. ε^όκει, to appear: 5, 38. εΰόκει, to please, seem right, judge expedient : 7, 43. εδόκει διατρίβειν, to resolve, see fit, determine: 5, 18. Soktj, to seem right, 47. ην μη άπά- <ταις $οκγ 3 unless it be agreed by all: 1, 31. εδοξεν αύτοίς, it appeared good to them, 7, 1. to resolve, determine : 4, 104. δοκεΓν αν ελεΓν, to be likely : 5, 88. δοκουντας, to think, fancy, 14. imagining, think- ing, 3, 36. δεδογαένων, decree: 5, 72. ΰόζαντας, to be esteem- ed : 1, 79. ξυνετός $οκων είναι κα\ σώφρων, to have the repu- tation of ability and pru- dence 3, 38. το πάνυ Βοκοΰν, an absolute decree, what is plainly decreed, 28. μέχρι ου τοΓς Άθηναίοις τι δοξρ, till the Athenians had come to some resolution : 7, 12 : δόξη, to deem or appear : 1, 81. δόξο- ηεν, to have the reputation of: 5, 65. Αύτω'αλλο τι η κατά το αντο ΰοζαν εξαίφνης, ΟΏ. ac- count of some other plan having occurred to him than after the manner of the same : 8, 79. απο ξυνόδου δοκεΓν, see 81. 7, 57, Matth. Gr. Gr. 879. the council was the ori- gin of the determination : 1, 125. δεδογμε'νον, Clim Visum esset, an example of an im- personal verb in its construc- tion as a participle, which is the nomin. and not the gen. absolute, Matth. 863. : 4, 3. εδόκει, videbatur, the ac- cus. with the infin. is used after Ιοκεω, Matth. 811. : 5, 65. ο δε είτε και $ιά το επινόημα εϊτε και αντω αΧΧο τι η κατά το αντο δόξαν εξαίφνης πάλιν το στράτευμα — άπη•γε, an instance of the use of the participle, where a verb, which is com- monly used impersonally, though it receives a subject in its construction as a par- ticiple, is put in the nomin. absolute, so long as it is commonly used imperson- ally, with which class of verbs the rule obtains, Matth. 863. : 8, 90. δόκησις, 6, 64. an opinion, estimation : 4, 87. άνα*/καίαν, an inference, 18. a reputa- tation : 3, 45. ησσω Ty 8οκησει } too little in the estimation, opinion : 2, 84. a reputation, 35. αληθείας, an opinion of the ΔΟΚ truth, (entertained by a per- son speaking, as his idea of what is true, or entertained by the audience, i. e. their belief of the truth of what the speaker says :) 4, 55, ex- pectation : 7, 67. an estima- tion, opinion : 4, 126. δοκιμάζω, 6, 53. δοκιμάζοντες τους μηνυτάς : to try, examine, inquire into the persons of the informers : 3, 38. δεδο/α- μασμενου, to be proved, tried, experienced: 2, 35Α$οκιμάσθη, to be the opinion of, to be judged. δοκός, 2, 76. a beam: 4, 112, a rafter, beam, plank. δόξα, 4, 81. 5, 9. reputa- tion, estimation : 4, 12. opi- nion, 5, 9, opinion, thought : 3, 61. glory, 4, 17. : 6, 11.™- pav της δόξης, a proof, trial of reputation: 1, 5. fame, glory, 32, 2. 42. 4, 12. 126. 7, 66. δοξάζω, 1, 120. δοξάζομεν, to speculate : 3, 45. επί πλέον π αύτον εδόξασεν, to Conceive too high an idea of one's self, to magnify one's self, to think more of one's self than is fit. δοξασία, I, 141. idea, opi- nion. δοράηον, 4, 34. spear : 3, 22. javelin. δόρυ, 5, 1 0. δοράτων, a spear : 4, 99. δορυφορεω, 1. e. δορυφόρος ειμί τίνος, 1, 130. εδορυφόρουν αύτον, to attend, as a guard, a person of consequence, one of the verbs, which has an ΔΟΥ aecus., which does not mark the passive object of the ac- tion, but the object, to which it has only generally an im- mediate reference, Matth. Gr. Gr. 576. δορυφόρος > 6, 55. a guard. δόσις, 1, 137. : 143. δόσεως, a gift. δουλεία, 1,8.5, slavery : 2, 63. άντ ελευθερίας, servitude instead of freedom : 2, 71. εττί δουλεία, with a view to subjecting them: 4, 114, 6, 40. δουλεύω, 1. 81. δουλεύσαι ry yy, to submit to slavery for the sake of the territory : 3, 13. οι πριν δουλεύοντες, the for- mer dependents, subjects : 1, 74. δουλευόντων, to submit to slavery: 2, 63. ασφαλώς δουλεύειν, to be safe, secure in servitude. δούλος, 5, 9. a slave : 1, 34. επι τω δούλοι είναι, (to be sent out) for the purpose of being slaves. δουλόω, 7, 68. δουλωαόμενοι, with an intention to subju- gate, 75.: 1, 98. εδουλώθη, to be reduced to slavery, 69. δουλωσαμενου, to enslave .* 5, 29. δουλώσασθαι : 1, 16. εδού- λωαε, to subjugate, subdue : 7, 71. εδουλούντο -γνώμην, to be reduced in spirit, deject- ed, cast down : 1, 68. δεδου- λωμενους, to be enslaved, 124. to enslave, 4, 34. 6, 77. δούλωσις, 3, 10. επαγόμενους δ«λωσπ' των ίνμμάγων, to bring ο ΔΟΥ ΔΡΟ slavery, servitude upon the ness, although the thing is allies, (for τοίς ζνμμάγοις.) intended to be determined,, δοΰπος, 3, 22. %οΐ>πον εποίησε, ' which they, as is to be ex- a clatter (of a falling tile,) a pected, may do, are wont to noise. do/ Matth. 757. : 2, 64. ο βραστήρων, το, 2, 63. readi- βονΧόμενος δραν τι, the active ness for action, activity, man, the man ready for ac- promptitude: 4, 81. $ξ>αστη- tion : 3, 10. τους βουλομενονς pwv ες τα πάντα, up to every δρασαι τούτο, to do any thing thing, capable, efficient. to any one : 1, 71. δρώμιν, to δραγβη, 3, 17. δραγ^μην ε\άμ- do, 43. βράσετε, to perform ; βάνε της -ημέρας, to receive a 8, 40. έδρασαν, effected : 3, drachma a day: 5, 47. Alyi- 38. τω δράσαντι, the injurer, vamv,about a shilling English, defendant, criminal, 6, 27. δράω, 7, 67. άργότεραι ες το δράσαντας, to perpetrate, COm- Spqv, slower in executing, to mit, 1, 20. to accomplish : 1, execute: 1, 142. άξιον τι δρωεν, 69. δρώντες, to be in action: to perform any exploit, 131. 1, 5. δραν, to do, perform, ac- tov βασιλέα δρασαι τούτο, to do COmplish, 5, 13. : 3, 68. δε- this to the king: 1, 71. δρώ- δρακότες εΊσίν, to perform, do: μεν δ' αν adiKov ουδέν, instance 5, 102. τον δρωμένου, by means of the use of the opt. and con- of acting resolutely, 107. junct., where the antecedent δρασθαι, to be done : 3, 49. with εί is wanting, Matth. δράσειν τά δεδογαενα, to exe- Gr. Gr. 786. (N.B. it ap- cute, 38. το δρασβεν, a deed, pears by Matth. that οΰτω 54. των ευ Ξεβρασμένων υπό- should be in this instance μνησιν, a memorial of ser- here in the premises :) 3, 84. vice, from δεδρακα, κα being εν δ ουν τη Κέρκυρα, τα πολλά changed into μαι, δεδραμαι, αυτών προετολμωθη, και οπόσα here, however, δεδραμενων, νβρει μεν αρχόμενοι το πλέον η Matth. 231. : 6, 16. εκ του σωφροσύνη υπο τών την τιμωρ'ιαν δρωμένου, from the deed, fact, παρασχόντων οι ανταμυνομενοι thing done, 71. από τών δράσειαν, where αν usually ac- δρωμένων της όψεως, from or companying the dat. in ab- through the sight of, behold- stract propositions is omitted, ing what was done, the deeds. Matth. 758. ; an instance of δρεπανοειδΐς, 6, 4. scythe- the use of the opt. in abstract like, shaped like a scythe, propositions, which is used resembling a scythe, thus, where the indie, is put δρεττανον, 6, 4. a scythe, in other languages, with the δρόμος, 1, 63. δρόμω, by a expression of indeterminate- sally, an impetuous rush : 5, 12 ΔΥΝ ΔΥΝ 10. a rapid rate: 5, 3. δρόμω εχώρει, to retire with speed : 5> 9. δρόμω, with rapidity: 4, 31. 112.' δύναμαι, 3, 83. η πιστευσαι εδύναντο, than bring them- selves to believe: 7, 4. δύναιν- το, to be able: 5, 9. δύνωμαι, to be able, 5, 4. δύνωνται, 23.: 7, 21. ως δύνανται πλειστας, as many as they could: 5, 72. δυνηθήναι, to be able, 68. ούκ αν εδυνάμην, I Could not: 3, 46. το αυτό δύναται, to be the same thing, not to matter, to make no difference: 7, 11. δνναιμεθα χρησασθαι, to be able to employ, make use of: 3, 11 » I." » * »Λ - Λ 1. ου μεντοι -γ αν εοοκουμεν ου- νηθηναι, we did not, however, think we should be able : 1, 69. δυνάμενος ιταύσαι, able to make an end of, 88. μη επί μείζον δυνηθύσιν,ίβεΐ they were going on becoming more and more powerful: 6, 36. άγγε- λίαι τοΰτο δύνανται, to mean, to be designed for (any pur- pose,) to effect, produce an effect, 38. εκ του μη δύνασθαι υμάς, in consequence of your incapacity : 8, 23. δυναμις, 2, 41. αύτη η ο., the very power itself: 5, 4. do- minion, power: 1, 45. κατά δύναμιν, as far as their power would admit, 70. power, means: 5, 95. : 1, 18. 65. δυ- νάμει, by force, power: 1, 2. δυνάμεις, influence, power: 5, 9. ability, 14. : 3, 93. 4, 108. 6, 92. 7, 77. 8, 2, δυναστεία, 3, 62. power, in- fluence : 4, 78. the exertion of power, violence : 6, 38. βίκους, illegal dynasties, do- minations. δυναστεύω, 6, 89. τω δυνα- στευ'οντι, a prince: 2, 102. δυνάστης, 7, 33. a chief, ruler. δυνατός, 4, 51. powerful, a man in power : 5, 4. a noble- man, a patrician, 21. power- ful, able, 89. τά δυνατά, those things, which are possible : I, 8. δυνατώτεροι, more power- ful : 1, 22. πάρα των άλλων όσον δυνατόν ακρίβεια, περί εκά- στου επεζελθων, whereas words signifying ability, possibility, are often added to the super- lative, in order to strengthen the signification, these par- ticles are also used without the superlative, όσον δ. άκρ. for ακριβέστατα, Matth. Gr. Gr. 666. Γ 1, 139. λέγειν τε και πράσσειν δυνατώτατος, after an adj. expressing ability the infin.is usual, Matth. 798.: 3, II. δυνατώτεροι αύτοι αυτών εγι- ^/νοντο, an instance where the compar. is followed by the gen. of the reciprocal pro- nouns, and the same subject is compared to itself with re- gard to its different circum- stances at different times, Matth. 656. : 5, 47. τρο'ττω Ο7τοίω αν δυνωνται ισχυρότατα» κατά το δυνατόν, an instance of pleonasm, Matth. 949. : 1 , 36. κατά το δυνατόν, to the ο 2 ΔΥΟ ΔΩΡ best of their power, as much as they could, 5, 47. to the extent of their power : 5, 35. τά δυνατά πεποιηκεναι, to do what one can, to act or do to the best of one's ability: 1,2. δυνατώτατοι, potent, wealthy : 3, 27. τους δυνατούς , the rich, the men of property, 2,65.oi δ., sc. τω πλουτω, the wealthy, 3, 47. τοις δ. τών ανθρώπων, the powerful, the aristo- cracy, the men of substance: 8, 63. Τών Σαμιων προτρεψάν- των τους υυνατους ώστε πειρα- σθαι μετά σφών ολιγαρχηθηναι, Matth. 798. δύο, 3, 15. τοις δύο μερεσιν, two thirds, 3, 89. 1, 74. τών δυο μοιρών Ι 1, 20. 22. δυειν, two, dat. sed raro, δυεΐν is here in the dative, whereas elsewhere in the same author δύο is indeclinable, Matth. Gr. Gr. 171. but we have 8, 101. δυσιν ιψεραις, see, how- ever, Lobeck, ad Phryn. 211.: 8,63. δυσανασχετεω, 7, 71. δυσανα- σχετούντες τά γιγνομενα, to be inflamed, indignant, unable to bear any thing. δύσβατος, 4, 129. Χόφω, a false lection for δυσπρόσβατος. δυσέ/ιβατος, 4, 10. difficult to land. δϋσερως, 6, 13. τών απόντων, to dote upon any thing ex- travagantly, to be bent upon any thing. δυσεσβολώτατος -η Αοκρις, 3, 101. most difficult of access, an instance of a masc. adj. with a noun fem., when it is so put from no reference to any word implied in that noun, but a superl. from an adj. common (δυσε'σβολος) is sometimes put in the masc. for the fem.,Matth. Gr. Gr. 632. δύσις, 5,97. προς ήλιου δνσιν, towards or to the west, δύσκλεια, 3, 58. infamy. δυσνους, 2, 60. τη πό\ει, disaffected to the state. δύσοδος, 1, 107. difficult of access, hard to pass. δυσπρόσβατος, 4, 129. Χόφω, inaccessible, difficult of as- cent. δυσ7τροσοδος, 1, 130. αύτον παρείχε δυσπρόσοδον, he made himself difficult of access : 5, 65. δυστυχεω, 6, 16. δύστυχου v- τες, unfortunate, i. q. κακώς πράσσοντες I 5, 46. δυστυχούσιν, suffering under misfortune : 7, 18. to be unfortunate, to miscarry. δυστυχία, 7, 86. ες τούτο δυσ- τυχίας άψικεσθαι, to arrive at this pitch of misfortune : 6, 55. δυσχερής, 4, 85. ποιούμενοι δυσχερές, a difficulty. δυσώδης, 2,49. fetid. δύω, 7, 25. δυομενοι, to go under (water,) to dive. δωρεά, 3, 58. a boon, gift. δώρον, 5, 16. a gift, bribe. Ε. ΕΑΝ Έάν, Si, if, 4, 23. ίαρ, 3, 116. the spring, 5, 17.: 7, 17. rjpt : 5, 81. προς εαρ, towards near spring: 8, 61. αμα τω rjpi ευθύς αρ^ομενω, Matth. Gr. Gr. 2, 850. εαυτού, 7, 69. το καθ εαυτόν, what belongs to one as his own : 1, 90. προς εαυτω, in addition to himself : 1, 8. πλουσίώτεροι εαυτών γιγνομενοι, grown richer than them- selves, i. e. than thev were before: 4, 68.7, 36. εάω, 2, 21. ουκ εωντες, for- bidding: 2, 36. έάτω, to let alone, to pass over (in speak- ing:) 1, 144. εάσομεν, to Suf- fer, permit : 6, 72. ούκ έία, to forbid, 1, 28. ούκ είων, to be unwilling: 1, 70. 5, 47. kav, to let, permit, 142. εασόμενοι, to be suffered, permitted, 67. 68. εάσαντες, to permit: 5, 41. εωντων, to suffer, endure, al- low : 8, 46. εβδοααΐος, 2, 49. see ενυα- ταιος. s εγγηράσκω, 6, 18. εγγηρά- σεσθαι, to grow ΟΓ wax old, to run to decay. εγγίγυομαι, 7, 49. ενεγενετο, to ensue, 68. εγηενησομενον, to be in one's power, to have an opportunity : 1, 2. εγγινό- μεναι, to be coming : 2, 49. 8, 9. εγγράφω, 1, 128. ένεγεγρα- τΓτο, ,to be written in a letter : 1, 132. Άργιλιος λύει τας επ- στολας, εν αις, υπονοησας τι ΕΓΚ τοιούτον προσεπεστάΧθαι, και αυ- τόν ευρεν εγγε-γραμμενον κτείνειν, a rare constr., which is this, Αργιλιος ενε-γε-γραπτο κτείνειν for ενεγεγρ. Αργίλιον κτείνειν, it was in the letter that Ar- tabazus should put to death Arg., and it flows from this that many verbs used im- personally in other lan- guages, particularly where the accus. is constructed with the infin., usually take the chief word of the follow- ing proposition as a subject, Matth. Gr. Gr. 431. εγγύθεν, 3, 13. ex propinquo. εγγύς, near, 2, 44. 71. 1, 69. εγγύτατος, 6, 4. εγγύτατα, very nearly, about, prope- modum, 1, 20. 3, 62. 4, 67. 8, 96. : 2, 21. εγγύτερος. εγγώνιος, 1, 93. angular, cornered. εγείρω, 1, 121. 129. εγειρο- μεν τον πόΧεμον, to raise a war : 7, 51. εγηγερμενοι, to be intent, alert, encouraged, stimulated, Matth. Gr. Gr. 207. εγκαθεζω, 4, 2. ε-γκαθεζομενοι, fixing their camp, pitching their tents, taking up a mili- tary station, 3, 1. to encamp. εγκαθ'ιστημι, 5, 70. εγκαθε- στωτων ύπο νόμω, to be ar- ranged as an army, to stand in rank, to walk in step : 1, 4. εγκαταστήσας, to appoint, establish: 1, 122. εγκαθεστάναι, εγκαθορμιζω, 4, 1 . εγκαθορμι- ΈΓΚ σάμενοι, to take their station,, to come to anchor. εγκαλεω, 6, 53. ευεκάλα, 4, 123. τοϊς Άθηναίοις, to recri- minate upon : 6, 53. to lay to the charge of, to impeach, aCCUSe : 5, 46. ενεκάλουν, to ask satisfaction for : 1, 72. ων al πόλεις ενεκάλουν, of which the cities had accused them. εγκαλλώπισαα, 2, 62. πλού- του, an embellishment, the bravery or finery of wealth. εγκάρσιος, 7, 7. oblique, transverse, 7, 4. τείχος, 6, 99. εγκαρσίως, 2, 76. trans- versely. εγκαρτερεω, 2, 61. ταπεινή νμών η διάνοια εγκαρτερειν α ϊ-γνωτε, your mind is (too) abject, you are (too) dispi- rited, (too) much troubled to adhere to or persist in your resolution, ταπεινότερα η ώστε εγκ., ΟΓ ταπεινή προς το εγκ. εγ καταλαμβάνω, 7, 30. εγκα- ταληφθεν, to be caught, found : 5, 3. εγκαταληφθη '. 3, 33. εγκα- ταληφθεισαι '. 4, 35. εγκατελαμ- ζάνοντο, to be seized. εγκαταλεγω, 1, 93. εγκατελε- γησαν, to be collected and put in, piled in. εγκαταλείπω, 2, 102. και απο Ακαρνανος παιδος εαυτού της γωρας την επωννμιαν εγκατε- λιπε, to leave behind : 4, 44. εγκατέλιπον, to leave behind, among : 1, 115. εγκαταλιπόν- τες, 3, 51. : 2, 78. εγκαταλελειμ- μένοι, to be left behind in a place: 4, 19. ΈΓΧ εγκατάληφις, 5, 72. a seizure, being laid hold of. εγκατασκηπτω, 2, 47. έγκα- τασκηφαι, to attack (of the plague. ) εγκατοικο^ομεω, 3, 18. εγκα• τωκοΰόμηται, to build, erect in a place. εγκειμαι, 5, 43. 'ενεκειντο, to push on, to press, promote the business, to use vigorous measures, 2, 59. to inveigh against: 2, 81. ενεκειντο, to fall back upon with preci- pitation .* 5, 73. εγκεϊσθαι, to press upon an enemy in pur- suit : 4, 80. εγκειμενων τη Πε- λοπόννησο*, to hang over, to threaten : 1, 69. εγκείσονται ισχυρώς, to lay on, to press to the attack vigorously, 144. εγκεισομενους, to press Upon, to harass : 4, 22. έγκλημα, 1, 26. 42. 72. 4, 80. charge, accusation, ground of dispute: 1, 67. εγκλήματα εποωνντο, to make charges : 3, 53. 4, 23. εγκρατ?}ς, 1, 118. εγκρατεστε- pav : 5, 35. και ει του άλλου εγκρατείς ήσαν, and as to whatever else they exer- cised unshackled authority over, and as to whatever else they were absolute masters of. εγκρατώς, 1, 76. With a strong hand : 6, 92. εγκυπτω, 4, 4. εγκεκυφοτες, to stoop down. εγχειρεω, 4, 47. εγγειρησαι, to take in hand : 4, 4. εγχει- ρήσαιτες, to undertake, take ΈΓΧ ΕΙ in hand : 8, 24. ενεχείρησαν, undertook : 1, 84. εγχείρησις, 6, 83. in act, performance. εγχειρ/διον, 3, 70. 4, 110. β, 57. a dagger. εγχειρίζω, 2, 67. εγχειρι'σαι τους άνδρας σψίσιν, to put the men in their hands, to de- liver up the men to them : 5, 108. εγχειρίσασθαι, to take in hand, to undertake. εγχροιηζω, 3, 27. ενεχρονι- ζον, to loiter, lose time. εγχώριος, 2, 71. θεούς, the gods of a country, peculiar to it, indigenous : 4, 78. εγώ, 6, 33. εμοιγε, to me at least, 89. ϊΰαφος, 4, 109. ες έδαφος, to the ground : 3, 68. to level with the earth: 1, 10. εδάψτ/, a floor, foundation. ε^ρα, 5, 7. inaction. εδώδιμος, 7, 39. εΰωοιμα, eatables, provisions, 78. τι εδώδιμον, some provision. εθας, 2, 44. γενόμενος, to become accustomed to, to be used, accustomed to. εθελοντηΰον, 8, 98. volun- tarily. εθελοντής, 1, 60. a volun- teer : 3, 20. εθελοντί, 8, 2. voluntarily. εθελοττρόξενος, 3, 70. a volun- tary public friend, the friend of a state, of his own ac- cord, and not expressly ap- pointed by his own state as a guardian of the interests or hospitalities due to another. Ιθελω, 5, 21. ηθελυν, to Will, 14. to be minded, willing: 1, 75. εθελησάντων, to be Wil- ling : 7, 18. θελωσι, to con- sent to, to be willing, 5, 35. to do willingly, act volun- tarily : 5, 72. μη θε\ησαι, to refuse, 9. εθελειν, to bear a willing mind. ε'θνος, 1, 24. 5, 51. 7, 33. a race, nation : 6, 2. a nation, tribe : 2, 9. εν εθνεσι τοσοΓσδε_, in so many nations, in all those nations. εθίζω, ]_, 77. ειθισμενοι, to be accustomed, habituated. εθος, 4, 32. κατά το εθος, ac- cording to custom, as usual : 2, 64. εν εθει ην, to be the way, according to the prac- tice, maxims. εθω, 1,67. ειωθοτα, 99. ειωθο- σιν, accustomed, 140. είώθα- μεν : 4, 55. 7, 75. πάρα το ειωθος, contrary to custom, 4, 67. κατά το είωθος, according to CUStom : 6, 18. τω είωθότι κόσμω, in the usual decency, decorum. ει, 1 , 27. lest : 6, 63. whether, πότερον, num : 3, 43. quamvis, although : 1, 35. εί δέ μη, but if that is impossible, 28. but if not, why then: 1, 17. εί μη εί τι, unless perhaps some- thing or other : 1, 58. Ποτι- δαιαται δέ πεμ-φαντες μεν και παρ 'Αθηναίους πρέσβεις, ει πως πει- σειαν μη σφων περί νεωτεριζειν μηδέν, instance of the use of the optative, (compare 2, 12. 64. 3, 45. 7, 79.) " where a, signifying whether, takes the opt. without av, in a past ΕΙΔ ΕΙΚ action," Matth. Gr. Gr. 786. : εϊδω, είδέω, 7, 14. ε'ώότας, to 2, 5. τα εξα> ελεγον αυτοΐς μη know, 2, 36. 4, 59. είδοσι, 74. αδικείν, ει δε μη, και αυτοί εφασαν 1, 78. 5, 13. 39. : 6, 12. ειδέναι αυτών τους άνδρας αποκτενειν, \άριν μη άξίαν, not to know where εί δε μη is for εί δε άδι- gratitude, not to know how κοϊεν. In the constr. of con- to be grateful, 7, 21. to be junctions negative proposi- assured, certain, 1,5. to learn, tions are usually followed in know, 5, 21. 46. to know, the antithesis by a negative ascertain : 7, 44. οΐδεν, to condition instead of an af- know: 2, 21,εϊδον, to see, 5, urinative, Matth. 939. : 2, 7. 8. 10. εΐδε : 6, 6. εισομενους, to ' Αθηναίοι δε επρεσζευοντο — ορών learn, know : 6, 60. είσονται, τες ει σψίσι φίλια ταυτ έίη, where to know, discover : 5, 26. we see the use of the opt. είσομαι, to discern, know : 7, after a particle in oratio obli- 44. είδεί??, to know, 1, 51. 5, qua, Matth. 790. : 2, 39. εί 9. ίδών, to observe, see, 4, 55. ραθυμία, μάλλον η πόνων μελέτη, 7, 42. 1 7 , 29. ίδοιεν, to see : και μη μετά νόμων το πλειον η 1, 72. ^δεσαν, to know, to be τρόπων ανδρείας εθελοιμεν κιν- aware of, 2, 6. : 8, 87. : 6, 64. δυνεύειν, περιγ/γνεται ημϊν τοις ε'ιΰότίς ουκ αν ομοίως ΰυνηθεντες, μελλουσιν aλyειvoϊς μη προκάμ- that they Would not have νειν, where we have ά with been equally able, Matth. the opt. and the indie, in Gr. Gr. 828. the conclusion, because the εικάζω, 1,10.2,54. γκαζόν, thing in the conclusion is to imagine, suppose : 6, 60. determinately asserted, while εικάζεται επ' αμφότερα, to be the premises convey only a guessed, conjectured both possible case, Matth. 783. : ways: 4, 126. 5, 9. : 6, 31. 2, 60. whereas, when αν is εικασθηναι, to be conjectured, employed with the opt. in supposed, imagined : 5, 65, conclusion, εί with the opt. ουκ είχον ο,τι εΐκάσωσιν, were is usual in the premises, here unable to conjecture, did not εί is with the indie, where a know what to think : 3, 20. circumstance in past time is 4, 126. 8, 46. represented as a condition εΊκαστης, 1, 138. a conjec- in its relation to a conse- turer. qiience, which is Still pre- εικοστή, 7, 28. την εικοστην sent, Matth. 783. τοις υπηκόοις εποίησαν, to im- είδος, 2, 41. έπί πλείσ/ είδη, pose a twentieth upon the for most kinds of things, the subject states, i. e. a tax of greatest diversity of pursuits, a twentieth : 6, 54. : 5, \6. actions, circumstances, 50. εΊκοστώ. 8, 56. 90. εΊκότως, 3, 2. naturally, as ΕΙΚ ΕΙΜ » might be expected: 1,37. war: 6, 2. ως εικός, probable, with justice, with reason : likely : 6, 17. ουκ εικός, it is 7, 18. reasonably, justly : 1, not likely to be expected, 77. likely enough, with good nequit fieri : 3, 38. εοικόΥες, to reason: 4, 24. likely, proba- be like, to resemble : 7, 71. bly, 73. : 3, 46. fairly, with ούδενί εοικως, like to none, L e. reason : 2, 93. probably. beyond or exceeding any είίκω, 5, 102. το μεν είξαι, to Other, 75. εωκεσαν, to resem- yield: 1, 140. είκειν Πελοπον- ble: 5,77. είκωνη the third νησίοις, to submit, make con- pers. plur. in — σι, in the cessions: 2, 61. εί δ' άνα-γκαϊον Doric ends in — n, Matth. tJv ύ] εϊζαντας ενθνς τοις πελας Gr. Gr. 255. νπακονσαι η /ανδυνεύσαντας πε- ειμί, to be, 4, 68. τω όντι, ριγενεσθαί, if it were a matter in reality, 108. ου τά οντά, of necessity, if there was no lies, 3, 22. το όν, the fact, other alternative but, either truth : 1, 25. εστίν ότε, some- instantly to submit and be times: 6, 96. εϊεν,έίησαν, Matth. subject to others, another Gr. Gr. 292. : 2, 2. προϊόντες State, ΟΓ to fight it OUt and ol Θηβαίοι on εσοιτο ο πόλεμος, conquer : 2, 64. διά το ταϊς the opt. is put particularly ζνμφοραΐς μη είκειν, from not after δπ, ώς, whether the yielding to the pressure of action be the present, past, calamity : 8, 27. εΊ'ξας, to or future tense in oratio obli- yield, give way. qua, Matth. 791. : 2, 80. : 5, έίκω, to be like, 6, 23. απο 77. ημεν for είναι, an instance των άκότων ασφαλ-ης, reaso- where in the Doric η, in the η ably secure, quantum (per permutation of letters, is apparatum) conjici possit : 3, put for ει, Matth. 29. 294. : 40. παρά το ύκός, contrary to 5, 79. ισούνται, the Doric or otherwise than what is form of the fut. ίσομαι, Matth. fair, just: 7,66. έκτου εικότος, 294. : 2, 54. όμοια είναι, to in all likelihood, most likely, agree, accord (with some 65. οίον εικός, as is natural, predict on,) to be the fulfil- to be expected : 5, 86. κατά merit of: 7, 61. εστί τω, many το εικός, as is likely : 3, 40. will be able, it will be for είκος ην, to be probable, 6, many a one, (τις in a collec- 55.: 6, 18. τω εΊκότι, in all tive sense :) 7, 70. εστίν %, probability, in reason, rea- somewhere, in some places, sonably to be expected: 4, 3, 18. εστίν οΓ, somewhere, in 92. είκος, consentaneum rationi, some places : 2, 26. Κλεόπομ- expedient, free from Objec- πος της παραθαλασσίου εστίν a tion, proper, 98. πάν δ' είκος εδ^ωσε, εστίν ο'ι does not ac- εΊναι τω πολεμώ, all is fair to cord with the constr. of the ρ E1M ΕΙΣ proposition, but stands by itself in an adj. sense, ενιοι, ενιαι, ενια, Matth. 698. ι 3, 92. 7, 11. 6, 82. ξυγγενείς οντάς δεδουλύσθαι, to have reduced to servitude though our kinsmen, quamvis esaent : 1, 130. ο ΤΙανσανίας ων και προ- τερον εν μεγάλω αζιωματι υπο των Ελλήνων, an example of verbs confounded, here a verb neuter, (at least a noun derived from one,) for a pas- sive, Matth. 720. ειμί, to gO, 1, 82. "ιμεν επ αυτούς, we will go against them, we will make war upon them : 3, 64. 4, 72. : 5, 65. εστρατοπε&ευσαντο ως ιοντες επί τους πολεμίους, this verb in the pres. has regularly the signif. of the fut., Matth. Gr. Gr. 738. ειπείν, to speak, 3, 38. 4, 118. 6, 82.7, 5.: 6, 82. kvl X επει πάντα συλλάζοντα ειπείν, the infin. put absolutely, Matth. Gr. Gr. 823. ειττως, 1, 58. if any how : 3, 4. πεμπουσι είπως πεισειαν, to send (persons) to endeavour to prevail upon, to try if they could persuade. ε'ίρ*γω, ειρ^ω, 4, 9. ε\ρζων, to oppose (their landing :) 3, 23. εφγον βάλλοντες, to check or keep off with missiles: 2,85. ε'/ργεσθαι, to be excluded : 1, 62. εφγωσι, to prevent, hin- der ; 3, 1. ειρ•γον το μη κακουρ- γεΓν, to prevent the wasting, plundering, ravaging of a territory : 8, 40. ε'ιργομενην, shut out from : 5, 49. εΐρχθη- σαν, to be excluded : 1, 141. ειρ-γομενοι θαλάσσης, to be ex- cluded from the sea : 8, 24. ειρ-γομενοις αυτοις της θαλάσσης και κατά •γην πορθουμενοις, ενε- χειρησαν τίνες προς Αθηναίους άγαγείν την πόλιν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 861. : 3, 6. της μεν θαλάσ- σης, ειργον, μη χρησθαι, Μιτυ- ληναίους, a use of the infin. as epexegesis, the infin. is often put where the preceding verb or the phrase gives a complete and independent sense ; thus, where ώστε ought to be put in order to express a consequence, Matth. 806. εΊρεσία, 7, 14. the bench of rowers. είρηκα, 1, 140. 2, 54. 4, 28. 7, 10. 18. είρηναϊος, 1, 29. pacific. άρηνη, 1, 40. 124. 2, 65. 4, 20. 61. 5, 26. peace. ειρκτη, 1, 131. εσπιπτειν ες είρκτην, to be put into pri- son. εις, 1, 69. ες τόδε άει, ever since, up to this time, 73. ες τάς ναυς, into : 3, 34. εσχε ες Νότιον, to touch at, 20. ες ο εβούλοντο, as far as they wanted : 5, 29. ες θρουν καθί- στατο, to be moved to tumult, to undergo commotion : 3, 22. ες αυτό τοΰτο παρεσκευασμε- νους, for this very purpose, 11. ες ζυμμαχίαν (πιστον,) a security or basis for, with regard to an alliance, quod attinet ad: 3, 37. ες την των ζυμμάχων χάριν, ill Order to (winning) the thanks, grati- ΕΙΣ ΕΙΣ tude of the allies, for the σφίσιν, honourable, glorious gratitude of the allies : 7, L towards, before, in the eyes ες χίλιους τους πάντας, about of, the Greeks I 5, 3. βοηθη- 1000 in all, amounting alto- σαντες δέ ες αυτό, to introduce gether to 1000, 3, 20. 7, 30. a succour: 1, 74. νανς ες τάς 6, 67. : 6, 54. ες τά ιερά εθυον, τετρακοσίας, With numerals this for εν τοίς Ιεροϊς : 3, 46. ες τον prep, signifies sometimes έπειτα χρόνον, for the future : about, ' about 400 ships,' it 1, 14. ες πλήθος, to a consi- takes only the accus. case, derable number : 2, 56. ες Matth. Gr. Gr. 887. : 2, 19. ελπ/δα ήλθον τον ελειν, to en- into, as άφ'ικοντο ες Άχαρνας tertain hopes : 7, 44. φίλοι τε — καϊ καθεζόμενοι ες αυτό, an φΊλοις ού μόνον ες φόβον κατε- instance of a verb, which of στησαν, 36. ες ολίγον, into a itself not implying motion, small space, a confined situ- receives this sense by the ation, 18. ες δίκας προκαλου- constr. with the prep, εις, μένων, to challenge, invite to Matth. 885. a legal arbitration, a judicial εϊς, 3, 39. μάλιστα μίαν πόλιν determination : 3, 27. φερειν ηΰικηκότας, to injure (your) ες το ψανερον, to produce, above all other cities : 7, 75. bring OUt, expose, 39. ες τα καθ' εν μόνον των πραγμάτων, πρώτα τιμώμενοι, to be had in with respect to one circum- the highest honour: 7, 21. stance alone, in one respect ιεναι ες την πείραν, to proceed Only : 8, 68. τους αγωνιζόμενους to an experiment, a trial, to πλεϊστα εϊς avrjp δυνάμενος ωφε- venture, make a trial, 28. ες λείν, so Lat. unus omnium φιλονεικίαν καθεστασαν τοιαύτην, maxime, Matth. Gr. Gr. 2, to get to such a pitch, 69. ες 667. 'γυναίκας, touching Or With εισαγγελλω, 1, 131, εσηγγελ- respect to : 3, 22. ες τάς λετο, to be informed of, 6, Θήβας γροντο, to lift Up, 51. εκ Καμαρίνης, to receive towards, on the side of intelligence from Camarina, Thebes *. 7, 53. ες μάχην κα- 41. είσαγγελλόαενα, to be ail- τεστησαν προς αυτούς, to come nounced, reported : 3, 3. to battle with them, 13. ες εσηγγέλθη αυτοΐς, to be in- άντίπαλα καθεστηκαμεν, to be formed, to have word reduced to equal terms* to brought: 1, 116. Περικλής Come to close Contest, 15. ψχ^το κατά τάχος επί Καύνου μη πράσσετε ες ανατολάς, do it καϊ Καριάς, εσαγγελθόντων, οτι Without (proceeding to) de- Φοίνισσαι νήες επ* αυτούς πλέον- lay : 3, 10. ες ούδεν, in no re- σιν, the gen. absolute here spect, nulla in re, not at all : stands alone, because its 7, 56. ες τους ''Ελληνας καλόν subject can be easily sup- p 2 ΕΙΣ ΕΙΣ plied from the preceding ώς εσβαλουντες, intending to words, Matth. Gr. Gr. 869. invade : 3, 96. εσε€εβληκει, to εισάγω, 4, 26. to introduce : invade, 2, 48. εσ€εβλτ/κοιεν, to 2, 6. εσηγαγον, to lead, COll- throw into, 4, 1 . εσεβεβληκεσαν vey into : 8, 16. εσηγά-γοντο, ες ttjv 'Ρηγίνων, to make an to bring in, to introduce : 3, aggression upon, to cast 34. εσαγαγών, to conduct in, one's self into, to invade : 1, 4, 71. : 5, 35. εσαγαγείν ες τας 58. εσ€αλειν, βάλλω IS COnjU- σπονδάς, to draw in, lead to, gated regularly here with the inveigle into, to engage : 4, fut. βαλώ, Matth. Gr. Gr. 67. εση-γον κατά τας πυλας, to 319,: 8, 31. εσ€αλλο/ζενοι, put- introduce, bring in. ting on board their own ships. είσακοντίζω, 2, 79. εσηκόντι- είσζασις, 1 3 30. an embarka- ζον, to shoot at with javelins, tion. 3,23. ές τα γυμνά, to shoot at ύστατος, 2, 41. accessible, the unarmed parts (of the which can be entered, open, body:) 5, 10. εσακοντί£οντες, είσβολτ), 7, 27. an incursion: to cast darts: 7, 78. 2, 13. 20. 3, 89. 5, 20. 7, 18. εισακούω, 4, 34. εσακουοντας, εισάγομαι, 8, 16.toexpect: to hear, 3, 4. εσακουόντων, to 4, 111. εσε&γοντο, to receive hearken to, to obey : 5, 45. into, to admit. εσηκονον, to give heed to : 1, είσδρομ??, 2, 25. rushing in. 126. Ύΐν μη τι εσακουωσι, if they εισέρχομαι, 5, 8. εισέρχεται, would not hearken at all : 5, to enter : 2, 2. εσηλθον, to en- 40. εσηκουον, to agree, 22. to ter into (a place,) 5, 36.εσελ- listen, obey, 17. εσακούοιεν, θείν ες τάς σ7τονδάς, to become to apply one's attention, to a party to, to accede to, 48. listen : 8, 32. kawovov, to 4, 110. 7, 1. : 3, 102. ίσεληλυ- Comply with. θυϊαν, to enter, 7, 29. εσεληλυ- είσάπαξ, once. θότες άρτι ετνγον, to be lately εΐσβαίνω, 1, 73. 3, 16. εσβάυ- entered in: 2, 54. 3, 25. τες, to embark, 1, 74. 7, 13. ε'ιση-γεομαι, 4, 76. εση-γονμενου, εσ€ί)ναι, 91. to be at the head : 6, 99. εση- εισβάλλω, 1, 46. εσβάλλει, -γησαμενον, to advise, 3, 20. discharges itself, 6, 17. : 2, εσηγησαμενων ττείραν, to be the 21. εσ€αλών, 13. 5, 71. to fall author of the attempt, to pro- into (a position, as soldiers pose the attempt, into the ranks :) 4,2. εσεβαλον είσ^γ^σις, 5, 30. the head, ες την Άττικ-ην, to make an prime cause, source, irruption into, to invade, 7, εΊση-γητ-ης, 8, 48. an intro- 19. 4, 41. εσβάλωσιν, 2, 13, ducer, author. οπότε οι πολέμιοι εσβάλοιεν, είσιεναι, 5, 35. εσιοντας, to whenever the enemy were become accessory, declare about to invade them : 2, 10. assent, 30. : 4, 30. ίσψι αυτόν, ΕΙΣ ΕΚ Matth. Gr. Gr. 610. to occur vov, to fall upon by the void (to one's mind,) enter (one's space, 7, 29. ες την Μ., to mind :) 5, 40. εσιεναι ες τάς break into : 1, 106. εσεττεσεν, σπονδάς : 6, 31. μάλλον αντους to fall in by chance. εσψι τά δείνα, where the prep. εισπλέω, 1, 24. 3, 51. to sail governs the same case, as it in : 7, 23. εσεπλεον, to sail does out of composition, into, to enter : 2, 89. εσττλεύ- Matth. 1. c. σομαι, to sail into : 2, 69. φυ- ε'ισκειμαι, 6, 32. εσεκειτο, to λακην είχε μητ εκπλειν μηδενα be got on board, to be put in. μητ εσπλεϊν, to guard against εισκομώη, 7, 4. 24. entrance, any one's sailing out or in, importation. to keep guard to prevent, ε'ισκομίζο, 6, 22. 49. εσκομι- that no One may : 7, 7. εσε- Ζομενων, to get in, to be COn- πλευσαν : 4, 75. veyed in: 2, 18. εσεκομΊΖοντο : έίσπλους, 4. 8. the entrance, 5, 10. εσεκόμισαν, to take into: 7, 22. 41. 4, 110. εσκομίΖουσι, to COn- ε'ισπραζις, 5, 53. an exac- duct into : 2, 13. εσκομίΖεσθαι, tion of payment. to convey into : 1, 117. εσε- ειστιθημι, 7, 100. εσθεντες, to κομίσαντο, to import, 2, 5. to put into. Convey into (a place.) εισφέρω, 6, 21. εσφέρεται : 3, εισνέω,4,26. εσενεον, to swim 19. εισενεγ κόντες εσφοράν, to to. pay a tax, make a contribu- ε'ισοδος, 2, 6. άμα τη εσόδω tion: 5, 38. εσηνε-γκαν, to Urge, γιγνο^εν^, at the time entrance promote, press, push on, to took place. forward : 3, 98. εσφερο μένους εισοικοΰομεω, 2, 75. εσωκοδό- ες την νλην, to be driven into μουν ες αυτό πλίνθους, to line the Wood : 6, 46. εσεφερον, to with bricks, to build it up introduce, bring in : 5, 1 15. within with bricks. εσεvεyκάμεvoι I 8, 45. εσφέρειν, εΊσπεμπω, 4, 26. 30. to send to contribute. in : 1, 137. to send (letters) είτα, 5, 65. afterwards, into the interior: 4, 16. to έίωθα, to be wont, 2, 45. 4, •import, send into : 5, 18. εσε- 108. 8, 68. : 6, 58. ειωθησαν, πέμψε, to send to, to throw a form of the perf. middle into, 31. 49. 56. varied from εωθα, Matth. Gr. άσπίπτω, 2, 4. to rush into Gr. 242. (a place :) 1, 131. ες ειρκτην εκ, 1, 23. εκ του πρί ν χρόνου, υπό των 'Εφόρων, to be put of former times, 123. εκ των into prison by the Ephori : πόνων τας αρετάς κτασθαι, to 5, 65. εσπίπτη, to fall in (as a acquire virtues in struggling stream of water on a plain :) with difficulties, in conse- 5, 72. εσπεσόντες κατά το διάκε- quence of, 64, το εκ του ίσ- ΕΚ ΕΚ Θμου τείχος, the wall from where they were mounting, thence to the isthmus, the on the side opposite to that, idea of a distance is contain- which they were ascending, ed in this phrase : li fre- 40. έκ του ακίνδυνου, safely, quently signifies a removal, without risk, 45. έκ των ύποδε- generally from the inside of εστέρων κινδυνεύειν προάγειν, to a place or thing, hence it is impel (men) to encounter sometimes put for εξω, Matth. dangers with unequal, too Gr. Gr. 880.: 6, 50. εζηκοντα few resources : 7. 48. εκ του- ναυς εκ πασών, out of, Out of των πείσεσθαι, to be persuaded the whole number : 7, 37. εκ by, to give credit to, to form του επί θάτερα, from the oppo- an opinion from: 3, 91. έκ site side, on the other side, βραχέος, within a short dis- from the (part) on the other tance : 7, 71. έκ της -γης πεζός, side: 1, 141. έξων, by which the land-force on shore, from: means, whereby: 7, 67. γνώτε 5, 104. έκ του θείου, by some έξ ων, know from what, i. e. divine aid, 89. έξ ων, accord- by, through : 4, 108. έξ όλί- ing to which (we judge :) 6, γου, from the short notice, at 72. έκ του προφανούς, openly, the brief warning, 5, 64.: 7, 1, 143. έκ του ομοίου, on an 31. την έκ της Λακωνικής, the equality, the same thing: fortifying in Laconia, (lite- 7, 77. και έκ των παρόντων, rally out of Laconia, or from even under present circum- Laconia,) i. e. considering stances. : 3, 22. ol εκ της πο- the spot as selected or taken λεως Πλαταιές, thePlateeansin out oftheLaconian territory, the city: 7, 13, έκ πολλής πε- or with reference to the par- ριουσίας, through or in conse- ticular spot itself, ίσθμωδές τι quence of a large, abundant χωρίον, supra 26. a neck of force, a plentiful supply, 27. land, which the fortification έκ πάριου τον πολεμον έποιείτο, detached, cut off from the to prosecute the war negli- rest of the territory. At all gently, slackly : 5, 20. έκ events I see not how it Can Διονυσίων εύθυς των αστικών, possibly be, άποπλέοι/ εκ της immediately succeeding the Λ. μετά την χείρισιν, (sc. έν Bacchanalian festival: 4, 100. αυτή,) which, besides dilating έκ πολλού, from a distance: 7, the passage, is objectionable 6. έκ πλαγίου τάζας, to post on on the score of grammar, 7, the flank : 3, 29. έκ των παρόν- 9. έκ του ποταμού επολιόρκει, to των έβουλεύοντο, to deliberate block up (a town) from the on the present posture, exi- river, on the side of the river, gency of affairs, 18. έκ -γης και 3, 22. έκ τουμπαλιν η ύπερέβαι- έκ Θαλάσσης, by sea and land, vov, on the opposite side, to 10. έκ του πολέμου, after the ΕΚ ΕΚΒ war, (for μετά :) 7, 79. εκ του όπισθεν, in the rear,- a tergO : 1, 61. εκ των λόγων πε/σαντες, by their speech to persuade, 6, 17. : 7, 62. εκ των παρόντων ητοιμασται, as well as circumstances would allow, as circumstances re- quired : 1, 141. εκ των κινδύν- ων περιγενέσθαι, to escape, survive dangers : 6, 34. έζ ενός γέ του τρόπου, in Some one way, in one way or other at least : 7, 74. ώς εκ τών δυνατών, as well as they could, as circumstances would admit, permit: 1, 120. εκ μεν ειρήνης ποΧεμειν, to give up peace and go to war, εκ πολέμου ζυμζηναι, to COme to terms and give up war, εκ expresses the relation of two things, by which it appears that one proceeded from the other, Matth. 881. : 7, 40. εκ παρακελευσεως επιφερομενον, to charge,, fall on with a cheer, an animating sound : 2, 62. την τόΧμαν απο της όμοιας τυγης η ζύνεσις εκ του υπερφρο- νος ενυρωτεραν παρέχεται, by, on account of, Matth. 881. : 3, 67. εκ προσηκόντων, 7, 57. εκ τοΰ ευπρεπούς, it IS put with words, which import an af- fection of the mind, an in- ternal or external impulse, Matth. 881. : 6, 7. ύπο δε νύκτα — εκδιδρασκουσιν οι εκ των Όρνέων,ΙιβΓβεκ, a prep, mark- ing removal from a place, is substituted for one implying rest as έν, Matth. 920. ; 7, 31. II εκας, 1, 80. afar off, at a distance, 69. εκασταγοθεν, 7, 20. οσοις εκα- σταγοθεν οιόν τ ην πΧε'ιστοις γ^ρησασθαι, as many as it was possible to get, (obtain by way of loan, borrow,) from every quarter. εκασταχόσε, 4, 54. 8, 5. 'έκαστος, 5, 68. καθ εκάστους εκατερων, severally on either Side : 7, 4. ήπερ έκαστοι εμεΧΧον φρουρεΐν, where or as in the order they were intended to keep guard, where each were to have their station in guard- ing, 67. εκάστου η έλπις, the hope of each individual, the hope (arising) from each of these mentioned things, έξ έκαστου, 57. της παραντικα έκα- στοι ιδίας ωφεΧ'ιας, each for their present, individual ad- vantage : 8, 1 . εκάτερος, 7, 57. on each side, respectively, 4, 14. ,5, 15. εκατέρωθεν, 3, 6. της πόλεως > on both sides of the city, on each side : 7, 34. on either side, flank, 78. εκατομπο^ος, 3, 68. νεών, having a hundred feet. εκατόν, 2, 56. a hundred. εκζαινω, 6, 65. εζεζαινον ες τον κατά το ΌΧνμπίειον. to dis- embark on a place near: 7, 14. μη ομοΐον έκβ^, to happen differently, not according to what we are led to expect : 1, 137. to disembark: 5, 77. εκ&ώντας, to evacuate, (Dor. from βάω, Matth. Gr. Gr. ΕΚΒ ΕΚΚ 318.:) 7, 53. έκβαίνοντας αφελ- pointed to run out, an out- κειν τας νανς, to draw off. runner (from the phalanx.) . Ικβάλλω, 2, 68. to eject, 5, εκδρομτ}, 4, 127. a guerilla 4.: 4, 71. εκβάλρ: 1, 126. εξέ- party, excursores, i. q. ίκ- ^>a\ov. ορομοι. εκ€ι€ά£ω, 7,39. εκβι€άσαντας, εκεί, 1, 36. προς τακει, to the to disembark, land: 8, 41. parts there. εΛβάσαι, to set ashore: 5, 98. εκείθεν, 1, 36. thence. εκβοηθπα, 3, 18. a sally out 'εκείνος, 3, 88. 4, 124.; 6, (of a town) upon (an enemy.) 29. oY εκείνον, on his account : εκβοηθεω, 1, 105. εκ^οηθησαν- 8, 48. το επ* εκεινοις είναι, as τες, to make a sally out, (yulgo far as regards them, Matth. εκζοησανπς, which the Schol. Gr. Gr. 409. : 8, 82. interprets μετά βοής εξελθόντες.) εκείνως, 6, 11. in that case, εκβολ?), 1, 97. του λόγου, a on that supposition : 3, 46.: discussion in a history : 4, 1. 1, 77. then, in that case. σίτου, the shooting, budding, εκεχειρία, 5, 1. 2, 26. 32. 2, 102. interval of repose, suspension εκ-^ονος, 1, 9. a descendant, of arms : 4, 58. 117. : 5, 26. ίκΰεια, 1, 99. an arrear of 49. a truce, 6, 26. payment. εκκάμνω, 2, 51. εζεκαμνον τας ίκ&ιμος, 1,15. forensic, dis- όλοψύρσεις, to be wearied out, tant from home : 2, 10. επ\ spent, to sink under. €Κ$ημον εζο^ον, in Order to, for εκκαρττόω, 5, 26. εκκαρπωσά- an expedition abroad. μενοι, to gather in their har- έκδιαίτάω, 1, 132. εξεδεδι^τη- vests, to flourish in peace. το των καθεστώτων νομίμων, to εκκλησία, 1, 44. an assembly depart from the usual custom of the people: 6, 8. εκκλησία of the country, a verb with a έγίγνετο, καθότι χρί, there double augment, Matth. Gr. was an assembly to consider Gr. 210. how they must : 1, 87. 2, 22. εκδιδράσκω, 1, 126. to make 5, 46. One's escape OUt: 6,7. Matth. εκκλησιάζω, 7, 2. εκκλησιά- Gr. Gr. 920. σειν, to be on the point of as- εκδίδωμι, 1, 137. εκδίδωσιν, sembling, to hold an assem- to deliver up a fugitive, 136. bly (about :) 8, 93. εζεκλησία- εκΰοίη, to give Up, surrender : σαν, not εζεκκλησίασαν, Matth. 8, 21. δούναι, to betroth. Gr. Gr. 209. : 8,-77. εκ&ιδάσκω, 6, 80. to teach εκκλίνω, 5, 73. έξεκλινεν, to plainly. turn aside from. εκδιώκω, 1,24. εξεδιωξε, 1, 24. εκκολάπτω, 1, 132. εξεκό- to drive out, to expel. λαψαν, to erase, obliterate, εκδρομος, 4, 125. a man ap- scratch out. ΈΚΚ εκκομιζω, 2, 6. εξεκόμισαν, to bring, conduct away, 78. έκ- κεκομισμενοι, to COnvey Out of a place : 7, 23. εξεκοαίζοντο, to get away from. εκκρεμάννυμαι, 7, 75. εκκρε- μανννμενοι των ξυσκηνωυ, to hang from about the neck. εκκρίνω, 6, 31. καταλογοις εκκριθεν, to be selected, pick- ed from the two levies, (the dat. for εκ, άπό, as οί εδεξατο.) εκκρούω, 6, 100. εζεκρονσθη- σαν, to be driven, forced out: 4, 128. εκλέγω, 4, 59. to deliver a speech, 74. εξέλεξαν™, to se- lect, pick OUt I 8, 44. εξέλε- ξαν, to collect from, to ex- act, levy. εκλείπω, 5, 42. εξελελοιπεσαυ της ζυνθηκης, to Come short of : 3, 87. to cease (as a de- cree) for an interval : 2, 28. εξέλιπε, to be eclipsed : 4,91. εκλίποιεν τά οπ\α, to relin- quish : 6, 48. της νυν παρα- σκευής εκλίπωσι, to retrench their present expenditure, to fall short of, to diminish : 1, 114. to evacuate: 4, 114. έκλειψειν, to quit. 'εκλειψις, 1, 23. ήλιου, an eclipse of the sun. εκΧιπης, 1, 97. on τοις ποό εμον απασιν εκλιπες τούτο ην το χωρίον, because this spot of history has been overlooked by all writers before me : 4, 51. έκλογί£οααι, 4, 10. εκλογι- Ζόμενος, to reckon up, to compute : 1, 70. έκλογίσασΟαι, ΈΚΠ to discover by consideration : 2, 40. εκλογί£εσθαι περί, to weigh, consider: 1, 80. εκλο- γΚοιτο, to come to a conclu- sion by reasoning. εκνεύω, 2, 90. εξένευσαν, to swim out. εκνικάω, 1, 3. εκνικησαι απα- σιν, to prevail among all, 21. εκνενικηκότα επι το αυθωδες, to encroach upon the fabulous, the regions of fiction. εκούσιος, 7, 8. κίνδυνων επε- μεΧεϊτο, to concern one's self about, to provide against dangers, which happen of their own accord, spontane- ously, which one cannot pre- vent. (Εκουσίων, applied to a person, would mean, volun- tarily undertaken, voluntary, intentional, i. e. by keeping on the defensive he guarded against dangers, that might arise from the enemy, and provided only for those, which he might intention- ally undergo. But even in this way the latter hardly agrees with the sense of the passage, which intimates * that he kept on the defen- sive.') 1, 32. 138. εκούσιου, voluntarily : 7, 8. : 8, 27. καθ' εκουσίαν, voluntarily. εκουσίως, 4, 19. willingly. εκπέμπω, 5, 52. έξεπεαψαν, to send away, to discharge, 1, 2. 12. to send out: 2, 26. περί την ΑοκρΙδα, to send about to different parts of : 4, 50. 5, 5. εζεπεμφθησαν , to be sent OUt : 3, 54. εζεπεμφαμεν, to Q ΈΚΠ despatch (troops) from (the City:) 1, 59. εζεπεμποντο, to be sent out (on a commis- sion,) 38. εκπεμφθείησαν, to be sent out (as a colony,) 95. : 4, 108. ίκπψ-ψις, 4, 85. a mission, commission. εκπίπτω, 1, 2. εκπίπτοντες, to be expelled, banished, 8, 34. εκπίπτονσιν, to escape I 7, 33. εκπεπτωκοτας στασει, I. q. κατά στάσιν, to be banished, exiled on account of, through, in consequence of an insurrec- tion : 7, 71. εζεπεσον ες το στρατοπέδου, to rush into, to jump out of (a ship,) to take shelter in : 1, 127. εκπεσόντος, to be banished : 7, 74. εκπ-ε- πτωκνϊαν, to be run aground, to be stranded: 1, 123. 8, 81. εκττλέω, 4, 13. εκπλεούσας, to sail OUt, 67. # . 1, 65. εκπΧεύ- σαι, to sail out of harbour : 7, 56, εκπΧενσαντες, to sail OUt : 1, 57. εκπΧεοντας επι τους πελας, to sail abroad to their neighbours : 2, 89. ούτε yap αν εκπΧενσειε τις ως γ^ρη εις εμ- ζοΧην ούτε αν αναγωρησειεν εν Uovti, the opt. in connexion with av in an abstract or in- dependent proposition may be rendered, ' to be able,' Matth. Gr. Gr. 756. : 6, 23. 8, 102. εκπ\ηκτικος, 8, 92. θόρυβος, terrific, calculated to alarm. 'εκπΧηζις, 4, 112. εκπΧηζιν παρασγόντας, to Cause Or spread dismay, alarm : 7, 71. consternation : 4, 14. panic, >!"< ΕΚΠ 55. : 6, 46. wonder, amaze- ment, surprize : 6, 36. ες 'εκπΧηζιν καθιστάναι, to throw into alarm : 4, 126. έχει ν ίκπΧηζιν, to entertain a terror : 7, 69. επι Ty εκπΧηζει, On ac- count of, upon the present consternation : 2, 94. 4, 34. 7, 42. εκπΧη~γννμι, εκπΧησσω,4, 125. εκπΧη*γνυσθαι, to be panic- struck, 63. to be struck : 5, 10. εκπεπΧη•γμενοις, to be struck with consternation, 6, 11. to stand in awe of any one, to be afraid of, to dread, 7, 69. νπο των παρόν- των, to be roused, alarmed, exceedingly agitated by the critical state of affairs : 7, 63. εκπεπΧηχθαι, to be daunt- ed, dismayed, in consterna- tion : 5, 66. εξεπλάγησαν : 3, 42. εκττληξαι, to intimidate : 2, 87. εκπΧησσει, to drive away (recollection,) to force out, to expel. ίκπΧους, 3, 51. a sallying out, 1, 117. : 7, 70. κατά τον ίκπΧονν, at the outlet : 3, 4. εκπΧονν τίνα εποιησαντο των νέων, to draw out (a certain number of) ships, to advance out on board some of their ships. εκπνενσαι, to blow from out: 6, 104. εκποδών στηναι αμφοτεροις, to stand out of the way of, 1, 40. εκποΧεμεω, 6, 77. to excite to war. εκποΧιορκεω ) 7, 14. εκποΧιορ- ΈΚΠ . EKG κηθεντων, to be besieged, 4, 7, 4. γούρια, to build forts, 19. 1, 131. εκπολιορκηθάς, to raise redoubts, 26. be forced out of a place by εκτίνω, 5, 49. εκτίνουτες, to siege, 134. εζεπολιόρκησαν λι- pay, discharge a fine. μω, to reduce by starvation, έκτος, 5, 64. a sixth, 8, 33. 94. : 7, 75. εκπεπολιορκημενγ, εκτός, without, 2, 7. 4, 25. to be taken by siege or εκτρέπω, 5, 65. εξετρεττε, to storm, to be conquered, divert a water-course. Matth. Gr. Gr. 948. εκτροπή, 5, 65. turning a ίκπομπη, 3, 51. an expedi- stream of water out of its tion. course. εκπονεω, 6, 31. εκπονηθεν, to εκτρυχόω, 3,93. εζετρύχωσαν, be wrought, elegantly pre- to wear out : 7, 48. εκτρυχω- pared : 3, 38. ™v, to exhaust, reduce to Ικττορθεω, 4, 57. εξεττόρθησαν, great straights. to plunder: 8,41. εκπορθεί, to εκφέρω, 1, 54. εξενεχθεντα, destroy. borne out to sea, 4, 12. εκ7Γορίζω,1,82.εκτΓοριζώ ] αεθα, brought up, picked up: 4, to provide resources, 125. 105. εκφερόμενον τά εαυτόν, car- εκττορίζεσθαι, to furnish one- rying away, bearing off : 3, self: 6, 83. 84. εκπρεπης, 3, 55. εκπρεπεστε- εκφευγω, 2, 4. του μη εκφεύ- ρον, dishonourable, unbe- γειν, an instance of the use coming. of the infin., where the pre- εκπρίω, 7,25. εζεπριον μισθού, fix of ένεκα IS omitted, and to saw away, off, in two, for the infin. is used as a subst. hire, reward. in the gen. case, the subst. εκπυστος, 4, 70. being in power being given to it by people's mouths, noised the neuter article, Matth. about, renowned: 3,30. εκπυ- Gr. Gr. 816. στους -γενέσθαι, to be heard of, εκφο&ω, 2, 87. 6, 49. εκφο- to be informed of: 8, 42. €W, to terrify, 11. εκφοζουσι, heard of. 3, 42. εκφο^ουντα. ϊκπωμα , 6, 32. a cup. εκφορά, 2, 34. a carrying εκστρατεύω, 5, 55. εκστράτευε- out to burial. σθαι, to march away, 58. εξε- εκφροντίί,ω, 3, 45. to plan, στράτευσαν, to take the field : devise. 2, 12. εζεστρατευμενων, to be εκχρηματίΐ,ομαι, 8, 87. εκχρη- upon their march out, to be ματΊσαιτο, to raise money, in the field. *κων, 4, 92. five επέρχεται, 'εκτειχιΐω, 4, 45. εξετείχισαν, of One's OWI1 motion, VOlun- to complete the fortification: tary: 1, 52. 7, 57.: 3, 39. α 2 'ΕΛΑ ΈΛΕ τοίς εκουσιν αποστασι, volunteers πέντε καΐ είκοσι, where ν is in a revolt, 47. παρεδωκε, to omitted, Matth. Gr. Gr. 660. deliver up voluntarily, spon- ελαύνω, 1, 126. 135. to taneously : 2, 89. τον δέ άγώ- banish : 3, 49. #σθιον τε αμα να ουκ ευ τω κόλπω εκών είναι ελαύνοντες, to eat and TOW at ποιησομαι, an instance of the the same time, to ply the use of the infin. put absolute oar : 8, 118. and redundant, where the ελάχιστος, 1, 10. 4, 74. 5, discourse is with certain li- 16. 7, 50; the least, 70. li- mitations, Matth. Gr. Gr. σται yap δή αύται εν ελαγίστψ 826. : 4, 98. 7, 81. εναυαάχησαν, for being in fact ελαία, 7, 81. an olive-tree : very many in number they 6, 99. engaged in a very small ελασις, 1, 139. a banish- space, for the numbers, that ment, driving out. engaged, were very nume- έλασσόω, 4, 58. ελασσονσθαι, rous in fact, and the space to be deteriorated, impaired : they fought in, very small : 5, 72. ελασσωθεντες, to be ex- 2, 18. 77. 7, 68. celled, cut out : 3, 42. της ελεγείον, 1, 132. an elegiac υπαρχούσης SC. τιμής, to de- distich. tract from, abridge: 1, 77. έλεγχος, 1, 135. περί Παυ- ελασσωθώσιν, to be injured, σανίαν, a charge against Pau- deteriorated : 5, 30. ελασσοΰ- sanias : 3, 53. σθαι, to be slighted, ill-treat- ελέγχω, to prove, convict, ed, 43. : 5, 104. ελασσώσεσ0αι, 1, 131. 6, 86. to be worsted: 4, 59. : 5, 34. ίλεως, 1, 110. a marshite. ελασσωθήσεσθαι, to be about to ελευθερία, 5, 9. freedom : 2, be degraded, to suffer in re- 63. εικός — μι) νομίσαι περί ενός putation : 2, 64. πάντα πεφυκε μόνον, δουλείας άντ ελευθερίας, και ελασσουσθαι, the infin. IS άγωνίζεσθαι, the adj. IS in the put after verbs, which im- neuter, because it designates ply any object whatever, the thing generally, which and require the addition of is in the sequel further ex- this object or its effect, by plained by nouns, whether means of another verb, here masc. or fern., Matth. Gr. after πίψυκε, ita natura com- Gr. 638. : 4, 86. 7, 86. 8, 64. paratum est ut, Matth. Gr. ελευθέριος, 2, 71. ιερά Διί Gr. 797. Έλευθερίφ, (to sacrifice) vie- ελάσσων, 3, 5. έλασσον εχειν, tims to Jupiter the Deliverer, to be worsted, to have the ελεύθερος, 5, 9. free, inde- worse : 1,125.2,22.65.4, pendent, 34. enfranchised: 67. 7, 4. 8, 87. : 6, 95. ή λεία 7, 69. ϊλευθερωτάτης : 2, 43. επράθη ταλάντων ουκ ελαττον ελευθερόω, 3, 51. ελευθερωσας ΈΛΕ ΕΛΠ roviWXow, to clear a pas- 12α ελλε^εν to come short sage: 8, 15. ελενθερωσαν,π^β of (a desire :) 5, 103. to be free: 1,95. ήλευθερωντο άπό left to remain : 6 69. r V βασ.λεως, to be freed from the Ιλλείποντ, defect .deficiency. King 8 46. άττύ δ' Κείνων μτ, Ελλην.ζω, 2, 68. ελλην.σθη- ίλενθε'ρώσα,, 2,71. Παυσανίας σαν, to Hellenize. ίλενθε^ώσαςτην Ελλάδα άπότων Έλλ,ν,^ of or belonging Μήδων, Matth. Gr. Gr. 473. : to the Greeks, 1, 1 . το Ελλη- 2, 8. ή δε είνο.« π« Ρ « πολύ ίπ.ίε. v.^v, an adjective of those τ ών ανθρώπων μάλλον εςτοίς Λα- ending ΐηεκος, put in the κάαψονίονς, «λλως τε κ «ί προεν neuter singular with the .ovrl Sr t την Ελλάδα έλενθε- prefix of the corresponding „ο„α«ν ( here the indie, is used article, is employed as a as in the oratio obligua with substantive in the sense of a or,, as quoting the words of whole : the example signi- any one, because the thing fies the whole of Greece, exists independently of the Greece universal. See Matth. ideas of the speaker, and Gr. Gr. 392 .^ need not be considered as ΈΧΚννοταμίας, a treasurer uttered in the person of ano- of the Greeks, a receiver- ther, Matth. 743. : ελεύθερον- general, 1, 96. «.• Ελληνοτα- «v IS the fut. in ώσω COn- μΙ<* τότε πρώτον Αθήναις κα- tracted, Matth. 221. : 4, 85. «αχ» « PX n, Λ εδεχοντο τον ίλευθεροΟντες την 'Ελλάδα ! 4, φόρον -, ην 8ε ο πρώτος *ιΊ 7 56 φόρος ταχθείς τετρακόσια ταΛαν- Ιλενθέρως, 2, 65. freely. ™ και εξήκοντα, two examples, ελενθείωσ.ς, 5, 9. enfran- where subst. which have a chisement, liberty : 1, 132. generic sigmficatwn have manumission: 3, 10 άπο τον the name m , the first and ΜηδοντοίςΈλλησ., freeing or the more precise definition liberating the Greeks from in the second in the nomin., the Cnower of the) Mede, Matth. Gr. Gr. 429. ieedom to the Greeks from έλλ.πης, 5 1. left undone, the Mede, 39. liberation : remaining to do: 7, 8. της 2 72 μ^μηΐ, failing, losing, failing ' ελ/εος, 2, 49. an ulcer, in memory, to recollect : 4, 'έλκω 1 50. 4, 14. είλκον, to 55. της δοκήσεως, coming short drag tow. of > 63 • 6 > 69 • , ϊλ Κ ωσ«ς, 2, 49. an ulcera- έλος 1, . 110. a marsh . tion ' ίλττίζω, 3, 39. ελπ.σαντες μα- ελλείπω, 2, 61. της ύπαρχου- κρότερα της δυνάμεως, to hope αης δόξης, to be wanting to things beyond their power . one's reputation, glory : 1, 7,38. to expect: 5, 7. ηλπ<- ΈΛΠ ΈΜΙΪ σεν, to expect : 5, 9. τους ενάν- τιους εικάζω — ουκ αν ελπισαντας ως αν επεζελθοι τις αυτοις ες μαχην ανα&ηναι, an instance, where, (which is rare,) a verb of hoping is not fol- lowed by an infin., but by ως, Matth. Gr. Gr. 800. έλττίς, 4, 81. β&αιον, a per- suasion, presumption: 1, 69. νμετεραι, confidence in you, 74. εν βραχεία, almost de- spaired of : 7, 6. του φόβου, the expectation of fear, την ψο&εράν ελπ&α, expectation of evil : 4, 70. εν ελπίδι είναι, 96. ως 'έκαστοι τίνα ειγον ελπίδα σω- τηρίας, chance, hope : 2, 64. κρεϊσσον ελπίδος, beyond ex- pectation, unexpected, worse than one could expect, Matth. Gr. Gr. 656. : 8, 48. 81. ελωδης, 7, 47. swampy, marshy, full of swamps. - εμφαίνω, 1, 18. εμβάντεο, to embark : 4, 100. έμβάν, to get on board. εμβάλλω, 7 , 25. εμ&αλλοντες, to assault, to strike with a shock, to bear down upon : 4, 25. ενεβαλον, to attack : 7, 34. εμζαλλόμεναι, to receive a shock, to be violently struck, 53. εμζαλόντες πυρ, to throw fire into (a ship,) to set on fire, 70. εμβεβλησθαι, to be run foul of: 4, 14. ενεβαλλον, to rush or break in upon : 7, 34. εμβιβαζω, 2, 90. εμβι€ασας, to embark (one's men,) to get (one's men) on board : 1, 53. εμξ&ά'σαντες, to embark, put on board. εμζοάω, 4, 34. εμζοησαντες, to raise a shout, utter a cry, 112. vociferating, shouting. εμβολί, 2, 76. 89. a shock, an onset, a charge with the beak of a ship : 7, 36. 40. 70. εμβολον, 7, 36. a beak of a vessel, a prow. εμμένω, 2, 2. ενεμειναν, to last, continue : 3, 20. τ$ εξό- δω, to persist in marching OUt : 4, 118. εμμενεϊν, to abide, 4, 19. to stand to, to abide by, 8, 23. to remain steady in : 1,5. ψμεμίνηκε, to last, continue : 2, 19. εμμεί- ναντες, to stay, remain in or at (a place,) 72. εμμείνατε τοις ορκοις, to abide by one's oath, 5,56. έμμισθος, 6, 22. hired, re- ceiving wages. εμος, mine, 6, 78. τοΊς εμοϊς αγαθοίς : 7, 86. εμπαλασσω, 7 , 84. εμπαλασ- σομαι, to be entangled to- gether. εμπαρεγω, 7, 56» εμπαρα- σγόντας, to put forward, to expose, offer, present : 6, 12. εμπαρασχητε τούτω, to permit, allow, afford. εμπειρία, 4, 10. experience: 5, 7. skill, invention : 7, 44. μάλλον της χωράς, more know- ledge of, a better acquain- tance with: 1, 121. πολεμική, in military discipline : 7, 49. τα της εμπειρίας, I. q. την εμπει- ρίαν, skill, Matth. Gr. Gr. 412.: 7,56.: 2, 85. m πολλοϋ, ΈΜΠ ΈΝ skill derived from long prac- tice : 2, 3. της κατά την πολιν εμπειρίας, knowledge of the city. ψπειρος, 2, 4. acquainted with: 7, 61. : 6, 36. πολλών, of great experience : 1, 80. πολλών πολέμων, of many wars, 18. εμπειρότεροι, more skilful, experienced, 2, 77. εμπιμπλημι, 3, 82. εμπιμπλά- ναι την φιλονεικιαν, to Satiate the lust of contention. εμπίπρημι, 1, 8. 3, 74. εμπι- πράσι, to set on fire : 1, 30. ενεπρησαν, 49. 108. to bum : 7, 53. εμπρησαι '. 2, 4. εμπρη- σαντες, 3, 85. 4, 30. ! 4, 29. εμπρησθεϊσα, to be burnt I 6, 75. εμπίπτω, 2, 91. φόβος, to fall upon : 4, 28. ενεπεσε, 2, 48. to fall into, upon, (of the plague,) 4, 34. ανθρώποις, 6, 24. έρως, to invade, take po- sessionof: 2,53. πρ\ν εμπεσείν, before it fell, 76. εμπληκτως, 3, 82. madly, wildly. ίμπνους, 1, 134. still alive : 5, 10. breathing, warm. εμπόδιον, 1 , 3 1 . a hindrance, an impediment. έμπορων, 6, 28. υντι σφισιν αυτοίς, to be in the way of any one, to be a hindrance, an obstacle to any one : 1 , 53. ίστασθε εμποΒών, to Stand in the way of, to hinder, im- pede : 2, 45. εμποιεω, 1, 2. ενεποιονν, to give birth to, to cause, 2, 51. to create, occasion: 3, 38. εμποιησάντων, to Create, occasion : 4, 81. εμπολιτενομαι, 4, 103. to be enrolled among the citizens, to be admitted to citizenship, 106. εμπορεύομαι, 7, 3. to barter, traffic, make purchases, 13. εμπορευόμενοι, εμπορία, 1 , 7. 6, 2. 44. traffic, commerce. ψπόριον, 7 , 50. an empo- rium, 1, 13. a place of traffic, an emporium, a depot, 100.: 4, 103. έμπορος, 3, 74. 7, 24. a mer- chant, trader, 31. εμφανής, 2, 21. εν τω εμφανει, openly, before their eyes : 7, 48. τω εμφανει λόγω, avowedly in words, opposed to τω ίρ-γω : 4, 86. βία, undisguised. εμφανώς, 7 , 48. openly, ιιη- equivocally. εμφράσσω, 7, 34. εμφράζασαι, to block up, keep in block- ade : 4, 8. εμφράζαι, to bar or block up. εμφρονρεω, 4, 110. εμφρου- ροΰντας, garrisoning, protect- ing• εμφρων, 1, 84. σωφροσύνη, rational. εμ-ψυ^ος, 7 , 29. a living thing, any thing that has life. εν, 1, 77. εν τοις ομοιοις νο- μοις, by, with, or according to impartial laws : 7 y 73. τόΊς εν τέλει ονσιν, the magistrates, 6, 88. : 4, 119. εν αυτή SC. εκε- χειρία, in, during: 3, 28. εν οσω, until, during : 1, 82. εντοντω, in the mean time, 7, 23. εν ΈΝ ΈΝΑ τούτω δε, in the mean while, dounding to our credit and 33. έν τούτω τύχης, in this con- to their dishonour : 7, 11. εν dition, these circumstances, αλλαις έπιστολαίς ίστε, through i. q. ταυτν τύχη : 1, 81. καν or by other letters, Matth. τούτω, in this juncture: 5, 63. Gr. Gr. 884.: 7, 5. εν χερσι ίν τω παρόντι, on the present γενόμενα, to come to close occasion, 7, 42. at this pre- fight, to close : 3, 13. εν ύστέ- sent, very moment : 4, 80. έν ρω, i. q. ύστερον, in future, τοίς πολψίοις, against the ene- hereafter : 7, 2. εν ω, when, mies, during hostilities, 43. 11. in, what situation, con- έν χερσϊ, hand to hand, 5, 10. dition, 7, 8. εν δεινοίς είναι, to offhand, at the moment, 5, be in danger, a critical situa- 3. : 6, 52. έν νμϊν εστίν, itrests tion, 7, 1. εν τω Ρηγ/ω παρου- with you : 3, 36. έν τω τότε, σων, to be at or to come to at that time, 39. ω, where, Rhegium: 5, 47. ανάγραψα* on which side, 6, 55. έν ψ ου έν στήλη λιθίνη, to engrave πρότερον ώηιλήκει, because, upon a pillar : 3, 22. έν άπόρω from nothaving, 1,79. έν τάχει, ήσαν εικάσαι το γιγνόαενον, to with speed, without delay, be at a loss to conjecture 3, 29. speedily, quickly : 6, what had happened: 7, 29. 18. έν τωδε καθεσταμεν, to be το yap ^ενος το των θρακών in this situation, to be thus οαοια, τοίς μάλιστα τον βαρβαρι- Sltuated, 16. έν τω ομοιω, 111 κου, εν ω αν Θαρσηση, φονικωτα- like manner, i. q. ομοίως, 54. τον εστί, when, Matth. 883. έν Πυθίου, in the temple of έναγ?)ς, 1, 139. under ex- Apollo : 3, 9. έν ήδον^ εχειν communication, 126. pol- (τινά,) to like, caress (any luted. one,) to be in good humour ενάγω, 2, 21. 6, 61. έναγόν- with, to be pleased with : 5, των, to mitigate, 7, 18. at the 52. οίς ην έν βλάβη τειχισθέν, instance of : 8, 26. ενάγοντος, to whom this fort was an instigating, \ } 67. ένηγον, to injury : 1, 74. έν ταΓς νανσΐ τών bring on, to accelerate, 4, 21. Ελλήνων τα πράγματα ε-γένετο, to Urge, impel, 24. 6, 15. την the affairs of the Greeks were στρατιάν, to advise, urge on. in ΟΓ depended upon the έναγωνί£ω, 2, 74. έναγωνίσα- fleet : 6, 35. έν πολλοί προς άλ- σθαι, to contend, fight in. λήλους έρίδι ήσαν, to have much εναλλάσσω, 1 , 1 20. ένηλλάγη- altercation with one another, σαν, to have intercourse with. 34, εν πόνω είναι, to be in dif- ενάντιος, 1, 39. τουναντίον, ficulty, trouble, danger : 5, on the contrary : 7, 44. πάν 3. έν αεθορίοις, upon the fron- το έξ εναντίας, all before, op- tier, 46, εν μεν τω σψετερω κα\ω, posite, facing (one,) all that έν δέ τψ εκείνων απρεπεϊ, re- one meets, encounters, 11. ΈΝΑ ΈΝΔ an enemy : 5, 36. averse, 38. ενδεκαταίος, 2, 97. τελίί. on disagreeable, 50. εναντίον των the eleventh day, see twa- Έλλτίνων, in the presence of τάίος. the Grecians, 66, 67. 6, 25.: εν&γομαι, 7, 49. ενεδεχετο, to 7, 21.: 3, 42. εναντιώτατα, the approve : 4, 92. ενδέχεται λο- most adverse, 43. ων εναντία, γισμον, to admit of, to be sus- the reverse of what: 8, 90. ceptibleof: 1, 124. ενδέχεται, εναντιοω, 2, 40. ηναντιωμεθα, to be right, fit*. 5, 15. ενδεξο- to be opposite to, to differ με'νους, to receive, admit, lis- toto C(tlo : 1, 136. εναντιωθηναι, ten to, 3, 31. ενεδεχετο ταΰτα, to oppose, 5, 32. : 3, 49. έναν- to listen to, approve of, τιωΟεντος'. 1, 127. ηναντιοΰτο adopt: 2, 87. ενδε'χεσθαι, to πάντα τοίς Λ., to oppose the be wont, to be liable, 8, 27. L. in every respect: 4, 21. to undertake, 50. ενδέξονται, εναντίωμα, opposition, 4, 69. would receive, admit: 3, 87. εναντίωσις, 8, 50. προς την 4, 18. 7, 49. εναντίωσιν των λεχθενΓων νφ αν- ενδεως, 2, 40. μη ενδεώς γνώ- τον, on account of the ορρό- ναι, to understand as well as site sentiments, which he others, sufficiently well : 4, had delivered. 39. ό yap αργών Έπιτάδας εν εναποθνησκω, 2, 52. εναποθνη- δεεστερως εκάστω παρειχεν η προς σκόντων, to die in (a place :) την εξουσιαν, when a subst. is 3, 104. not compared with another, εναποκλάω, 4, 54. εναποκε- but the quality of a thing, in κλαστο, to be broken open. its proportion to another, is εναυΧΊζομαι, 4, 54. to take considered and compared in up a temporary post: 8, 33. degree with this proportion, ενηυλίσατο, to station himself, where in Latin quam pro is ενδεέστερων more frugally, Used, then η κατά or η προς is sparingly, 2, 35. put after the compar., Matth. ενδεής, 3, 83. το αυτών ενδεές Gr. Gr. 654. their own infirmity: 2, 11. ενδηλος, 2, 64. εστε, to be 4. 65. ενδεέστερος: 7, 69 ενδεα seen, perceived, to let it be έργω, defective in deed, pre- known: 6, 36. seen through, paration : 1, 102. τούτου ενδεα manifest, detected: 1, 139. επαινετό, affairs seemed to εν$η\ότατα, most plainly : 4, stand in need of this : 8, 36. 41. exposed, betrayed, open, defective : 1, 77. 2, 87. 5, 9. ενδημος, 5, 47. άρχαΐ, the ένδεια, 4, 18. failure, lack: magistrates of the people, the 7, 82. city-magistrates: 1, 70. ενδη- εν^είκννμι, 4, 126. το ευψυχον μοτάτονς, one, who Stays at ενδείκνυνται, to demonstrate, home. give a proof of. ενΰιαιτάομαι, 2, 43. ίννιαιτα- R ΈΝΔ ΕΝ θ ται, to live in, abide in the τον Ένυάλιον, to (go to) the minds of men. temple of Mars, to lie in am- ενδιατρίβω, 7, 81. to lose buscade. time in : 2, 18, ενΰιετριψαν ενε/δω, 7, 62. ενείδοαεν, to χρόνον, to spend much time perceive, discern: 1, 95. ivn- in, 85. 3, 29. : 5, 12. Ινδιατρι- δον, 7, 36. 58. €όντων, to linger about. ένείλλω, 2, 76. ενείλλοντες, εν&Βωμι, 7, 48. ενδουναι τα to involve, invest, inclose, πράγματα, to surrender the wrap or fold, state-affairs, 4, 66. την πόλιν, ϊνεψι, 5, 21. ενεισιν, to be to surrender, betray, give up, within: 7, 24. ίνην, to be in, 4, 35. ενεδοσαν,ΐο give ground: to be contained in: 1, 104. 3, 37. ενδώτε ο'ίκτω, to yield, ένησαν, to be in: 4, 17. ενόντα, relent from compassion: 4, the contents: 5, 2. 4, 48. 103. η πόλις ενδοθησεται, to be ενοΰσαι : 2, 20. ενεσεσθαι στάσιν, givenup: 2, 12. ονδεν πω ένδώ- there would be a division, σουσιν, will still make no con- disunion of sentiments : 8, 66. cession, άτι αρα μάλλον ενδοΓεν ένεκα, 1, 57. for the sake oi Άθηναϊοι, the opt. pres. and of: 4, 73. ων ένεκα, for what, aor. 2. of verbs in μι have the the wherefore : 1, 73. παραι- contraction οϊμεν, οίτε, οίεν, for τησεως ένεκα, for the sake of ύημεν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 281. : a deprecation, or for a de- 5, 62. ενεδίδοσαν, to betray : precation, 45. προεϊπον δε ταυ- 7, 66. ένδιδοασίν, to yield, give τα τον μη λνειν ένεκα τάς σπον- up : 8, 54. δας, the infinite with the ενδο0εν, 8, 71. και οΊ Άθη~ neuter article and here in the ναίοι τα μεν ενδοθεν ούδ' οπωσ- genitive With ένεκα must be τωυν εκίνησαν, made no move- rendered by a suitable cau- ment whatever within the sal proposition, ne fcedera city. frangerent, Matth. Gr. Gr. ενδθίά£ω, 1, 36. ενδοιά£$, to 432.: 1, 23. τον μη τινας ζητη- doubt, hesitate, 122. ενδοια- σαι ποτέ, where ένεκα is under- σθηναι και λόγω, to doubt about stood, compare 2, 4. 22. 24. even in word : 6, 91. Matth. 815. : 8, 87. ενδοιαστώς, 6, 10. SUSpici- ενεργός 3, 17. νηες, fit for ously, doubtfully, without service, well-manned, in ac- firmness. tion, at service. ένδον, 3, 30. μετά των ένδον, ίνερσις, 1, 6. a lacing or along with, with the aid of, binding to serve as a kind of the inhabitants, of those with- comb in the hair. in : 4, 104. ενευδαψιονέω, 2, 44. ενευδαιαο- ενέδρα, 7, 3. an ambush, νησαι, to live happily in, to ambuscade : 3, 90. 4, 67 . 5, 56. be fortunate in. ενεδρεύω, 4, 67. ενηδρευσαν ες ενθάδε, kic, 7, 62. ' I ' ΚΝΘ ΈΝ2 eV&v, hinc, 7, 81. ενίημι, 2, 29. (νύχτες, to set evOevhe, 1, 36. το, that pro- on, suborn: 4. 115. ενήσειν ceeding from thence: 6, 38. πυρ, to inject. ενθε'νδε άνδρες, (some) men (of ενίστημι, 3, 23. ενιστάντες, to our own city) in this place: take part in, post oneself in: 2, 1. 8, 69. ενθυμεομαι, 1, 122. ενθυμώ- ενναταίος, 2,49. On the ninth μέθα, to reflect : 5, 32. ενθυμου- day, a numeral in αιος, which μενοι τας εν ταΐς μάχαις ξυμφο- answers to the question, On ράς: 1, 120. ό εν πολέμω ευτυχία what day? Matth. Gr. Gr. πλεονάζων ουκ εντεθυμηται βράσει 177. αττίστω επαίρόμενος, a verb of εννέα, nine, 5, 26. perceiving takes its object εννικάω, 3, 36. ενενικηκει, to in the participle and nomin. carry the (motion), because the subject of that έννομος, 4, 60. ονόματι, legi- part. is here the same as that timate, not obnoxious to law, of the finite verb, Matth. Gr. legal : 6, 38. legal, according Gr. 829. : 1, 42, ενθυμηθεντες, to law : 3, 67. πείσονται έννομα, to reflect upon (cum gen. :) to suffer legal punishment. 2, 60. εν ϊσω («9C. εστϊ) και ει μη ενοικεω, 4, 56. to live in, ενεθυμηθη, he IS just as if he tenant: 1, 18. ενοικουντων, to had not thought at all, might inhabit, 6, 1. 33. πλείους, in as well not have thought : 7, greater numbers, force : 1, 18. ενεθυμοΰντο, to bear in 91. 3, 68. mind, reflect upon, bethink ενοίκησις, 2, 17. inhabiting oneself, 8, 68. a place. ενθύμησις, 1, 132. a reflec- ενοικΊΖ,ω, 6, 2. ενοικισάμενοι, tion, consideration, to settle in a place. ενθύμια, 5, 16. ες ενθυμίαν ενοικοΰομεω, 3, 85. 4, 92. τοΐς Λ. άεί προβαλλόμενος νπ ενοικοΰομησάμηνοι, to bllild αντων, being continually sub- within: 6, 51. ενωκοδομημενην ject to reflections. κακώς, badly, unskilfully, ενθύμιος, 7, 50. ενθυμιον Trot- clumsily, ill-built, construct- ουμενοι, to hold, esteem any ed : 8, 4. ενφκοΰόμησαν. thing ominous, to scruple ένοικος, 4, 61. an inhabitant, any thing (from superstition, ενοράω, 3, 30. to discern, religion,) trahere in religlonem espy. aliquid. ένορκος, 2, 72. to be under ενιαύσιος, 4, 117. of a year's oath, bound by oath, continuance, 5, 1. ενσπονδος, 1. 31, 35. 40. 3, ενιαυτός, 1, 31. a year, 93. 10. bound by treaty, confe- κατ ενιαντον, during the year: derate : 5, 28. 4, 118. ενστρατοττεδευω, 2, 20. ενστρα- a 2 ΈΝΤ τοπεδεύσαι, to encamp in (a place.) ενταύθα, 1, 11. then, (as iki for twn.) εντειχίζω, 6, 90. εντειχισαμε- νοι, to blockade. εντελής, 6, 45. in good, com- plete, absolute condition : 8, 29. : 50. finished, full : 78. έντελευτάω, 2, 44. εντελεντη- σαι, to die in. εντψνω, 5, 11. to sacrifice to, worship with sacrifice. εντεύθεν, 1, 5. thence, by those means. εντίκτω, 3, 104. to bring forth a child. εντόνως, 5, 70. eagerly. εντός, 5. 90. within, 4, 67. των πυλών : 2, 9. 4, 28. εντυγχανω, 5, 5. εντυχών, to encounter, 7, 43. to light on, meet by chance : 2, 39. ενε- τυχε, to meet with, encoun- ter : 7, 29. οτω εντυχοίεν, whomsoever they met, who- ever fell in their way : 4, 40. ενωμοτάρχες, 5, 66. a subal- tern officer. ενωμοτία, 5, 66. a small company of private soldiers. έξάγγελος, 8. 51. one, who tells out, abroad, a dis- coverer. εξάγγελτος, 8, 14. dis- covered. εςαγω, Ό, ο J. τα πάντα εξαγό- μενα, to be exported, export- ed upon the whole, the sum or amount of things carried out: 4, 80. εξήγαγεν, to lead out: 6, 89. εξηγον, to stimu- late, instigate : 1, 93. εξήχθη, ΈΕΑ to be extended, sketched out, (of boundaries :) 5, 80. εξά- ξονταΐ 5, 21. 35. εξαγαγείν, to cause to evacuate, to with- draw: 3, 45. έξάγουσιν ες τους κίνδυνους : to impel into dan- gers : 7, 5. εξάγων άεί, to lead out from every day. εξαίρετος, 2, 24. εξαίρετα ποιη- σασθαι, to take out from amongst a number of others : 3, 68. excepted. εξαιρεω, 3, 50. εξείΧον, to Se- lect, set apart as sacred to the gods, 114. ευρέθησαν, to be picked out : 4, 69. εξεΧοιεν, to take, 122. εξελεΐν, to sub- due by force : 8, 28. εξείλοντο, had removed from : 6, 24. to μεν επιθυμούν του πλου ουκ ευρέ- θησαν, an instance of the thing in the pass, put in the accus. with a verb, which governs in the act. two accus., Matth. Gr. Gr. 604. εξαίρω, to take, raise out, 7, 24. εξαίφνης, 3, 4. on a sudden, without warning : 7, 32. sud- denly, 40. εξακόσιος, 1, 64. 3, 85. SIX hundred, Matth. Gr. Gr. εξαλείφω, 3, 57. εξαΧεϊφαι, to erase, wipe out, 20. εξαΧηΧιμ- μενον, (SC. τείχος,) to be plais- tered over. εξαΧΧάσσω, 5, 71. των ενάν- τιων την εαυτού -γνμνωσιν, to turn off, to shift from. εξαμαρτάνω, 3, 46. to offend .* 2, 22. τον μη opyy τι μάλλον η •γνωμ-η ξυνεΧθοντας εξαμαρτείν, that they might not by com- ing together with more heat ΈΠΑ ΈΗΕ than judgment, make some 4, 107. to consolidate, put in mistake. an attitude of vigour : 1, 14. εξαναγκάζω, 8, 95. εξαναγκά- εξτ/ρτυμένα, to be provided ΟΓ σειαν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 254. furnished with: 2, 13. εζαρ- but Bekker reads αναγκάσειαν τύεσθαι, to equip: 1, 121. more Correctly, See αφίστημι εζαρτυσόμεθα, to fit out (a (at the end of the article.) navy :) 7, 65. εζηρτνσαντο προς εξανάγω, 2, 25. και εξανάγον- τα\\α ως έκαστα, to prepare ται εκλιπόντες Φειαν, to sail against, for the rest, one by thence. One : 2, 17. εξαρτνοντες επι- εζαναχωρεω, 4, 28. και εξανε- πλουν, to fit OUt an expedi- χωρει τα ε'ιρημένα, to recede tion, a fleet : 6, 31 . εξαρτύσεις, from, to evade. to be equipped : 1, 80. εξήρ- εζανθεω, 2, 49. εζηνθηκος, to τυντο απασιν, 6, 17. εξήρτυται be thickly set, to abound, to υττλοις, to be furnished or be full of. provided with. εζανίστημι, 7, 77. : 7, 49. εξεγείρω, to Stir, rOUSe Up, εζαν'ιστασθαι, to move OUt (of 7, 51. Camp :) 3, 107. εζαναστάντες, εζ&μΐ, 5, 22. εξην, to be law- to rise up out of (an ambush.) ful, 47. εξέστω, let it be law- εξατταλλαγη, 4, 28. to be rid ful, 18.: 1, 35. εξείναι: 4, 65. off. εξόν αυτοΊς, the game being εξαπαλλάσσω, 4, 28. εζαπαλ- in their hands, when they \ayy των άρημενων, to be re- might : 3, 39. οίς y εζην, to leased from, to evade the have it in one's power, execution of his promises. ίζειμι, 1, 46. εξεισι, to dis- εξαπατάω,3, 4. εξαπάτησα ντα, embogue (of a river,) 77. to deceive : 2, 4. έζηπατημένοι. εξιών, to go out (to a foreign deceived, circumvented, 5, command.) 46. : 5, 42. εξ^πατησθαι, to be έξε/ργαλ, 1, 118. το δε τι καΐ deceived, trifled with. πολέμοις οίκείοις εξειργόμενοι,ΐΐΐβ εζαπιναιως, 3, 3. suddenly : circumstance of their being 1, 117. 2, 3. 48. 93. 4,25. straitened by wars near at εζαπίνης, 1, 50. 4, 36. 115. home had some influence: suddenly, 5, 10. 2, 13. k&pyvpifa, εζaρyυρόω 9 8, 81. εξελαύνω, 3, 61. εζελασαντες, to convert into money, to sell to drive out, to banish, 4, for money. 102.: 4, 35. εξελάσασθαι, to έξαρτάοααι, 6, 96. εξήρτ^αι drive off: 7, 27.: 5, 82. εξ&α- γάρ τ6 άλλο γωρίον, for the σεν : 5, 43. εξελωσι, to exclude : rest of the place rises (to a 7, 27. εξελαυνόντων, to ride, great height.) gallop out, forth. έξαρτυω, 1. 13. εζηρτυετο, to εξελέγχω, 3, 64. εξηλεγχθη, attend to, to be addicted to, to be proved true. 'ESE ΈΗΟ εξεργάζομαι, 7, 2. ε&φγα- εξής, 5, 25. in order, regular σ^ένα, to be completed, finish- series, 67. 1, 125. in order, ed: 1, 82. εξείργασται, to be by rotation: 7, 29. succes- cultivated (of land:) 3, 51. sively, one after another, i.e. έξεφγάσαντο, to accomplish: indiscriminately : 2, 1. 2, 78. e&pyaaro, to be com- εξιεναι, 7, 47. to depart, pleted (of a building:) 1, 142. move out (of camp,) 4, 114. εξείργασθε, Completely to at- £K της Ληκύθου, to gO Out from, tain to, to acquire perfection: to quit, 2, 75. τον μη&να th 4,4. 6, 101. έξιεναι, in order that no one εξέρχομαι, 4, 100. εξεληλυθο- might have egress, to prevent των, to evacuate, come out any one from, 7, 3. εκ ττ?ς Σι- from : 1, 70. εξέρχονται επι κελίας, to quit, gO Out of : 4, πλείστον, to push success as 103. εξιησιν, to disembogue, far as it will go : 4, 5. εξέλθω- discharge itself, or empty : σιν, to come out, proceed 2. 6. εξτίει, to go out, set off, forth : 3, 108. το πολύ του ερ- 5, 7. to gO OUt at, 80. εξίωσι, γου εξηλθον, to despatch the to depart, 5, 13. έξυσαν, to greater part of the business, come away, set out, 1, 15. 1, 103. 4, 69. 81. 5, 8. 7, 2. 1 1. to go out upon, 3, 22. : 5, 10. εξετάζω, 2, 7. εξήταζον, to εζιοντων, about to Come Out. Survey, review : 7, 33. εξετά- εξικνέομαι, 1, 70. έργω εξικε- σαι, to examine, review, 35. σθαι τα αναγκαία, to accomplish εζετάσαντες: 6, 27. 8, 35. what is necessary. εξετασις, 6, 41. a muster, εξισόω, 6, 87. εζισωσαντες review, survey, 45. an in- (sc. εαυτούς) τοΐς άλλοις, to ren- spection, 97. : 4, 74. der themselves equal with, to εξευρίσκω, 4, 1 18.εξευρησωαεν, be as Others are *. 5, 71. εξισώ- to find out. σαι, to equal in length. εζη-γεομαι, 1, 76. to take the εξίστηαι, 4, 28. εζίστατο της lead out : 5, 26. εζη^ησομαι, αρχίς, to relinquish : 2, 63. to relate, tell, 66. εξηγουαε'νου, εκστηναι, to recede from, re- to give out orders: 6, 85. linquish, yield up: 2, 61. εξι- εξηγούμεθα τους εκεί ζνμμάχονς .* σταμαι, to depart, fl inch from 1, 138, εξηγτίσασθαι, to make a (an opinion.) statement of, to explain: 1, έξοδος, 5, 10. a sally: 2, 4. 71. 9, 5. 3, 55. 93. : 6, 85. τους a passage out, an escape. ζνμμάγονς εξηγούμεθα, Matth. εξοικέω, 2, 17. εζωκηθη, to Gr. Gr. 482. be filled with inhabitants. εξήγησις, 1, 72. instruction, εξοικίζω, 6, 76. εξοικίσαι, to information. eject, unsettle, expel: 1, 114. εζηκοντα, 1 , 63. Sixty, εζοικ'ισαντες, to transplant Out εξηκοστός, 1, 12. sixtieth. of (a place into another.) ΈΞΟ ΈΠΑ εξορκεω, 5. 47. εξορκούντων, away towards : 6, 34. εξωσβή- to administer an oath. ναι ες χελώνα, to be driven εξορμάω, 6, 80. εξώρμησε, to into the winter season, to be stimulate, move, 6, 6. to im- driven late, protracted, put pel, instigate: 7, 14. εξοριών- off: 7, 52. εξεώθουν, to drive τες ναυν, to move out, to clear (an enemy's ship to shore.) a vessel OUt of harbour, to εορτάζω, 3, 3. πάνδημη, to steer, to row, impel a vessel celebrate a festival en masse, with oars. with the whole body of the εξοτρυνω, 1, 90. εξοτρννον- people. των, to urge or spur on. *ορτη, 5, 50. a festival : 1, εξουσία f 1, 38, υβρει και εξου- 70. a festival, holiday, 126. : σία πλούτου , through arro- 7, 73. 8, 10. : 2, 15. ΰημοτελη, gance and wealth: 5, 50. κατά a public festival. την ουκ εξουσ'ιαν της αγωνίσεως, εος, 6, 54. ης for εης, his. on account of their not being επαγγέλλω, 5,49. to pro- entitled to enter into the claim (a truce :) 6, 88. επαγ- contest : 6, 31. opulence: γελλομενων, to promise : 7, 7, 12. ability, Opportunity, 17. στρατιάν ετταγγε'λλων, to means, 4, 39. means, ability: proclaim or give notice of 3, 45. wealth, large posses- an expedition : 8, 10. επηγ- sions. -γελθησαν, had been told : 6, ε'ξυ€ρί£ω, 3, 39. εξύβρισαν ες 56. επα-γ-γείΧαντες, to SUm- τόδε, to come to this pitch of mon : 5, 47. καθ' on επαγγελ- insolence : 1, 84. έξυβρί£ομεν. λωσιν, in conformity to the ίζω, 5, 105, different from, information they may send, inconsistent with, 26. τούτων, 49. επηγγελθαι ες Αακεΰαίμονα, besides all this, in addition, to be proclaimed in Lace- moreover : 1, 10. besides, 68. daemon : 8, 10. ra ε ξω πράγματα, foreign trans- επάγω, 5, 4. επάγονται, to actions: 5, 97. εξω και του introduce, let in, invite: 6, ττλεονων αρζαι, besides an ex- 86. επηγά-γεσθε, to call in, ar- tension of dominion, 80. ψρου- cessere: 3, 34. επαχθεντων, to ρΊου, outside of the garrison : be called, introduced : 5, 41. 7, 69. επηγά-γοντο, to obtain, insist έξωθεν, 1, 65. τα, the affairs upon, impel, urge: 1, 81. without : 2, 49. επάξονται, to import : 4, 1. εξωθεω, 2, 90. εξεωσαν, to έ*7Γαγογομενων, to invite, make drive from: 7, 36. εξωθούμε- the first advances : 7,5. επά- νοις, to be driven back, to be ξειν, to lead on, conduct to : forced or thrust (towards or επη-γον, 1, 107. to solicit, on shore, a naval phrase :) 5, tamper with, 93. to carry, 71. εξωθείται, to be pushed 8, 10. to retreat, 7, 3, 6. to ΈΠΑ ΈΠΑ lead on, forward: 1,87. έπα- γαγείν ψηφον, to put the ques- tion, to take the votes : 5, 5, έπαγαγόμενον, to introduce : 3, 82. έπαγεσθαι, to introduce (into the state for party- purposes:) 6, 10. έπαγαγέσθαι, to draw, bring over : 3, 63. έτπ?γαγεσ0ε, to associate (any one) into one's alliance : 6, 6. επαγόμενοι ξυμμαχους, to call in, fetch (to one's assist- ance,) 1, 104. έπηγάγετο : 3, 62. envyayovTOj to introduce, let in (a conqueror into a city :) 5, 45. kirayaywvTai, to lead away, seduce : 4, 64. έπαξόμεθα, to call in, associ- ate : 8, 46. έπα'γειν, to insti- gate against. επαγωγή, 7, 4. ail attack, 3, 100. an invasion, attack : 5, 82. an importation, 7, 24. των επιτηδείων, the importa- tion of necessaries, supplies : 3, 82. an introduction (of foreign troops.) επαγωγός, 6, 8. Calculated to persuade : 5, 85. persua- sive : 4, 88. seductive, en- ticing, engaging, attractive : 5, 111. ονόματος επαγωγού δυ- νάμει, by the power of a se- ducing word. επαινετές, 2, 41. a panegy- rist. ετταινεω, 3, 82. έπηνεϊτο, to be commended : 1, 76. άξιοι επαινείσθαι, entitled to praise : 4, 65. επαινεσάντων, to be ap- plauded, approved, 1, 86. to praise, 5, 37. τους λόγους, to approve, commend, testify one's approbation : 2,, 25. έπηνέθη, to be praised, com- mended : 3, 42. to commend, 8, 28. επενέβησαν, to obtain glory. έπαινος, 1, 76. praise, ho- nour: 2, 34. λέγειν έπ αύτοις τον πρέποντα επαινον, to pronounce upon, over them a suitable panegyric : 3, 61. an eulogy: 2, 35. έπαινοι περί έτερων λεγό- μενοι, what is said in praise of others, 44. 4,120. επαιρω, 1, 120. επαιρομενος βράσει άπίστω, to elevate by a groundless confidence: 7,13. επαρθεντες, to be dlSCUSSed, 1, 42. to be excited, moved: 1, 25. έπαιρόμενοι, to be puffed up, elevated : 8,2. επηρμένοι: 3, 38. επαιρόμενος κερΰει, to be instigated by gain, 5, 14. to be buoyed up, elevated up- on, 3, 37. to be elated, car- ried away, 7, 41. τη νικγ, to be elated by, with the vic- tory: 6, 11. επαψεσθαι προς τας τύχας, to be elevated, puffed up on account of the disasters, misfortune, 1, 120. 81. επαιρωμεθα εκείνη γε τη έλ- πίδι, to be elevated, buoyed up with that hope at least, 84. επαιρομεθα ηδονή, to be elevated with pleasure, fas- cinated with flattery : 4, 108. επηρθησαν ες το νεωτεριζειν, to be inclined, 121. τοις λόγοις, to be put on one's mettle : 2, 11. τηδε τη ορμή έπηρται, IS aroused, erect, on tiptoe at this movement, is full of ex- pectation : 8, 2. ΈΠΑ επαιτιάομαι, 8, 9. ετηρπώνΓο, to accuse, 5, 16. to charge, accuse, stigmatize, reproach, 6, 28. ών, to accuse any one of any thing : 2, 70. ίπρπά- σαντο τους στρατηγούς, to blame, call to account. έτταίτιος, 5, 65. censured, blamed : 6, 61. 3*. to be ac- cused. επακοΧονΟεω, 8, 10. επακο- λούθησαν, followed: 7, 75. επα- κολουθούντες, to follow after I 4, 96. επηκοΧονθονν, to follow up, 5, 65. to * pursue a re- treating enemy : 4, 128. επακούω, 2, 36. ζνμφορον είναι τον πάντα ομ(Χον επακου- σαι, to be expedient or pro- fitable that the whole assem- bly should hear : 1, 82. επα- κουσωσι, to attend, give ear to. εττακτος, 6, 20. imported, foreign: 7, 28. επαληθεύω, 4, 85. to verify: 8 52. \ 'ε'παλξις, 4, 69. 115. άττ'οί- κιών επάλξεις έχουσων, battle- ments : 3, 21. 7,27.: 2, 13. πα? ετταλξιν, at the battle- ment. 'επαμννω, 1, 101. to render assistance in repelling an attack : 6, 6, επαμύναι σφίσι, tO SUCCOUr : 1, 33. επαμυνειτε, to assist, succour : 3, 14. έπαμύνατε Μυτιληναίοις, to pro- tect, succour. επαμψοτερΊζω, 8, 85. επαμφο- τερίζοντο, to be of vacillating fidelity, to lean towards both parties. ΈΠΑ επαναβαίνω, 7, 29. επανα- ζάντα, to land. έπανα€ι€ά£ω, 3, 23. επανα€ι- βάσαντες, to cause to ascend. επαναγκάζω, 5, 31. έπηνάγ- καζον, to enforce (payment.)^ επανάγω, 7, 3. επανηγε το στρατόπεδον, to cause this army to fall back, to draw off: 8,42. επανάγονται, to gO out against. έπαναγωγή, 7, 34. drawing out (a fleet) against (an enemy,) an advance against. επαναιρω, 8, 84. see βακτηρία. επανάσεισις, 4, 126. ν τε $ιά κενής έπανάσεισις των οπΧων, "clashing on their sounding shields the din of war, hurl- ing defiance," Milton. επανάστασις, 2, 27. a rising up against, an insurrection : 4, 56. an insurrection, a re- bellion: 8, 21. επαναγωρεω, 1, 131. επανε- χώρει, to return back again, 3, 33. : 4, 44. επαναχωρησασα τά μετέωρα, to regain : 5, 55. επανεγωρησαν, to retreat baCK upon (their own country,) 8, 10.: 1, 63. επανεχώρουν, 5, 41. επαναχωρησαντας, 6, 49. επαναγωρησις, 3, 89. a rising or encroachment of the sea. επανείπον, 6, 60. άργύριον, to advertise a reward. επανέρχομαι, 4, 74. επανελ- θων ες τήν Κόρινθον, to return back to, 16. επανιέναι, 6, 102, επανηει, to return. m t , επανκτόω, 8, 57. ωσπερ έβου- \ετο επανισονν τους 'Έλληνας s ΈΠΕ ΕΠΙ τ ΐνι , to encroach upon, to ag- to wait, stay behind, 4, 78 gress : 4, 1. επίλθωσιν, to in- to press one's march, mend yade, advance against : 3,47. one's pace : 7, 33. J^vovro, εττερχε^ε ic πολψον, to go to to abstain from, to defer • ] war : 7, 64. οις επέλθετε, to 48. έπ £ Γ Χ ον, to occupy : 5 46 be^WH i ^n''- '™' t0 im °K> VTtt * deferring, 4, 73. oe arrived.. 4, 120. επέχον™, x?0 vov, putting on, extend- to go to, to have free passage ing to, to visit : 7, 56. μ 6 ναις επ„λνγ«ν«<, to throw a v*n ομοωτξ,οττοππηΧθονπς, the shade over, to screen, hide only ones similar in institu- 7, 36 «n% 1 1 ί? οη ]^ ones of MW, 1, 29. a stranger, all they had invaded : 2, 20. foreigner. rove 'Α^να/ους ίλπ,&ν ί'σως λ Α*Μτ^, 1, 9. a Stranger, εττεξελΗειν (cat rrjv -γην ουκ αν πε- foreigner ρι&ϊν τ μη θ- νναί L e. on επεξελ- ί^ ρεια ,' 1, 26. κατ' επήρες, «omv αν— ™,-i8buv «ν, more with insult, insultingly, indefinite than «pufarf,,,, αν Μ, ι, ι 4 1. y Ι αυ %1 σπά . w used with the infin., to &,„, to pursue his own inte- which it gives the same sig- rests: 7. 11. if S C , against C^Tl'of the ° pt ' Ma " h • Wh0m ^ Particuto, ) ίΠΐ w. urr. y^d ■•, ττλεΌν, far and wide, more ex- επ-ερωταω, l 25. ε^ρα,Γα,ν, tensively, completely, de- to ask a question of 118. rov cidedly: 1, 118. *! ivaio, Jov to enquire of the god : Μ ^ ^ av w 2, 54 ε^τερα,Γα,σ,ν, to enquire : here επί ,,εγα is put adverbi- o, 40. ίτψωτωμϊνοι, to under- ally and the gen. is employed go, interrogate : 3, 92. 8, 29. in ft. signification, 3ff επερ^τ^α, 3 53. a question, gard to, Matth. Gr. Gr \ η Γ!ΖΖ^ύ' ^ UeSti0n - 456 • = β. 61 . επί πλοΓον επερα,ώ- mg, examination β», on board a vessel: 5,31. ?94 y s- « δ ^T" : . 4 ' oration of receiving one 124. δυο μεν q τρε,ς ημέρας επε- half of the territory : 7, 68 σχον to put off, to delay, 31. φ οπλοις miovfl J (> to ' b e teffidSS%f2 UE -Γ under "^ t0 be drawn u p stav ί ϊ λ5 • * ^o ^* m arms ' (l e • in readiness in 3i y 'to vL ( --T° WC,) , 8, l 6 • Case of an attack >) distin- 31. to ι drain from: 7,50. guished from the soldiers, επ,σχε,ν, to stay stop, tarry, who were hi rov „/vo» c : 5 tain' 5° &T S 9 °•• £ d6 ' 45 • ούκ W K <^> not wi *h a S n'• 1 1?'7 ' C0 ™ e Γ °' - t0 VieW t0 iD J Ure ' 18 • : 5 > 6• « join . i, ^1,3/. επεσχων εν<αυτ•ον, μετεώρου, on a rising ground, ΈΠΙ ΕΠΙ a high hill, an eminence : 5, σχόμενος άΰελφην εαυτ-ου οωσειν 27. επί άγαθω, for the advan- και χρήματα επ αυτή, with her, tage : 7, 57. επί Συρακούσας the use of the prep, with the ίπολψησαν, at or before Sy- dat. is 'at,' and hence this, racuse, (επολ. refers to both Matth. 902.: 7,4. επί θαλασσή, sides, the besiegers and de- at, or near, or close by the fenders,) 56. I 5, 67. οι επί sea: 7,7. επί στρατιάν ωχετο, Θράκης, who had (served) in to depart, go for, in order to Thrace : 5, 4. επί πολιτεία, on procure an army : '4, 69. εψ' terms of free citizenship, ημεραν, day by day : 7, 59. with an equality of political επί τ# γεγενηαενρ νικγ, besides privilege, 36. εφ' ών al σπονδαι or following upon the pre- kyivovTo, by whose instru- sent victory, 79. ουκ επ' ολί- mentality the truce was con- γων ασπίδων, many ranks eluded: 5,68. επί οκτώ, eight deep, 36. επ' αυτό τούτο, for deep, 2, 90. επί τεσσάρων τα- this very purpose : 7, 66. επί ζάμενοι τας ναυς, to stand four όσον, as far, to the extent, deep, Matth. 899. : 7, 36. ως degree : 1, 73. επ ωφελεία, επί έξ πήχεις, about six cubits: for the purpose of obtaining, 1, 103. εφ' ω τε εζίασιν, On the advantage, l s 46. επί απροσίο- condition that they should κητω εύποαγ/α, upon or on depart from, 1, 74. νμϊν επί account of unexpected suc- τω το λοιπόν νεμεσθαι εβοηθη- Cess, επ αντομολιας προφάσει, σατε, with the prospect, in upon a pretext for desertion, Order to, Matth. 900. : 1, 116. 3, 56. επί τοϊς αυτοις : 1, 17. το 'Αθηναίοι πλευσαντες νανσίν εζη- εφ εαυτών, their own interest : κοντά επί Σάμου, this prep. 6, 46. ώς επί το πολύ, for the has the gen. in definitions most part, generally : 1, 69. of place answering to the επ έχθρα, out of a hostile question whither ? Matth. feeling, through hatred, 70. 897. : 5, 68. επί παν, gener- τοϊς ΰεινοϊς, in extremities, ally: 3, 28. επί τους βωμούς dangerous circumstances : 5, καθΙΖουσι, to go to and sit 73. εφ' εκάτερα, at either end, down at the altars : 7, 4. έπί 67. επί σφών αυτών, by them- Φρυ^ανισμον εξελθείν, to go out selves, unmixed with others, for or to fetch wood, fuel, Matth. 899. : 3,12. επ' εκείνοις, firing, fire-wood : 6, 89. επί in their power, reach : 4, 28. των πάλαι και νυν, et mqjorum το ε'πί σφάς είναι, as far as re- et nostra memoria, 38. εφ' garded him : 1, 76. επί το ημών, in our time, 6. : 7, 11. υμϊν ώφελιμον, with a view to επί πολύ της χώρας, far into your own advantage : 2, 34. the country, to a distance λέγει επ' αυτοϊς επαινον τον πρε- in the country: 2, 101. ύπο- ποντα, here the signif. of ε'πί ΈΠΙ 'ΕΠΙ is similar to what it would be with a gen., ' to utter a panegyric upon any one/ a definition of place appears to have been understood, at or over the grave of any one, Matth. Gr. Gr. 902. : 2, 35. επί δυο ημέρας, for two days, Matth. 904.: 2, 63. έ>' εαυτών οίκεϊν, a phrase from the use of ε πί. with the gen., here of states, ' to live by themselves, not dependent upon others,' • to have a peculiar constitution, 'Matth. 899. : 2, 80. έπ ετησ'ιω προστα- σία ηγείσθαι, With the ptt)S- pect, in order, it here signi- fies a condition, Matth. 900. επιβαίνω, 7, 70. to board : 1, 103. επ*€ησονται αυτής, to put foot upon a territory, 137. έπιβάς, to embark, 2, 90. to go on board, 1, 111. επί τάς νους I 4, 116. επιβάντι, mounting, scaling : 2, 25. έπέβησαν, to embark. επιβάλλω, 2, 52. επι^>α\οντες απψσαν, to throw upon, 76. : 4, 25. επιβληθείσα : 6, 40. επι- βαλείται, to throw upon (one's own shoulders.) επιβάτες, 3, 95. a mariner, soldier on board a ship : 7, 1. a heavy-armed soldier on board a vessel, (distiguished from νανται, the unarmed crew, who navigated the ship :) 6, 43. 7, 62. 70. 8, 24. επιβιβάζω, 4, 31. επιβιβάσαν- τες, to put on board. επιβιοω, 2, 65. έπεβίω, to survive, live after (a period:) 5, 26. επεβίων, to live, Matth. Gr. Gr. 18.: 3, 51. επιβοάω, 3,59. 6,16. επιβοώ- μενος, i. q. επιβόητος, to be pursued with detraction, abuse, to be defamed : 4,28. επεβοων, clamorously to name, direct : 7, 69. επιβοώνται, to exclaim aloud, ring in the ears (of men,) 75. επιβοώαενοι, to call out upon, cry out to : 5, 65. επεβοησεν 'Άγιδι, to Call out : 7, 70. επιβοήθεια, 3, 51. the means of assistance, a power of throwing in succour. επιβοηθέω, 4, 7. επιβοήθησαν - των, to come up and attack, 7, 53. to bring additional aid : 2, 90. Ιττιβοηθών : 3, 26. επιβοηθησουσιν ταις ναυσίν, to pursue, sail against the ships : 1, 73. επιβοηθείν, to SUCCOUr : 2, 5. επεβοήθουν, to advance or march to the aid of: 4, 66. επιβοηθήσωσιν εκ της Νισαίας, to bring up rein- forcements : 4, 29. 7, 3. 14. : 6, 99. : 8, 33. έπιβοηθησειν. επινόημα, 5, 65. διά το, on account of the cry, shout, Matth. Gr. Gr. 863. επιβοητος, 6, 16. ών yap περί επ&όητός ειμί, about which a clamour has been raised against me. έττιβολη, 2, 49. laying or putting on (clothes :) 3, 20. πλίνθων, a layer of bricks : 7, 62. throwing or casting upon (any thing :) 3, 45. an enterprise, aggression. επιβουλευαα, 3, 45. a crimi- ΈΠΙ ΈΠί nal project, conspiracy: 4, 64. επιγεγένηται, to ensue, hap- 68. a plot. pen subsequently : 8, 96. επιβουλευω, 3, 40. επιβουλευ- επιγιγνωσκω, 1, 132. επι- σάντων, to conspire against, γν£, to discover : 3, 57. επι- 20. επιβουλευουσιν εξελ0είν, to yvavai, to decree, sentence, project, resolve upon a con- 1, 70. to devise any thing sultation : 6, 33. επιβουλευθεί- new : 2, 65. v\a- κην, relied upon with respect to the guard, to whose charge the guard was committed: 1, 72. κελεύω — πέμπειν καιαιτιασθαι μήτε ποΧεμον άγαν ύηΧουντας, μηθ ως επιτρεψομεν, 1. e. και (τε in μήτε) μη $η\ονντας ως επιτρε- ψομεν, Or και δ. ως ουκ επιτρ., where for ως επιτρ. some such word as άμέλειαν should stand, an instance of anaco- luthon, Matth. Gr. Gr. 944. (where, however, there is a mistake in the reference :) 8, 27. επιτρεψειν, would permit. έπιτροπεύω, 1, 132. επετρό- πενεν, to educate, to be a tutor or guardian to any one, a verb, which has an accus., that does not mark the pas- sive object of the action, but the object, to which it has an immediate reference, Matth. Gr. Gr. 577. επιτροπή, 5, 41. ηζιονν <$'ικης επιτροπην, to require or call for an award of justice, a re- ference for trial, arbitration. επιτυγχάνω, 6, 38. to Catch, take : 7, 25. επιτυχοΰσαι των πλοίων, to fall in with, light upon, meet with : 8, 14. επι- τυχοιεν, to chance to meet : 3, 3. επιτυχών ολκάδος, to meet 'ΕΠΙ with a merchant vessel on the point of sailing. επιφανής, 6, 72. ανδρεία, dis- tinguished by, 2, 43. : illus- trious, 7, 69. 7, 3. 19. manifest, visible, 5, 10. dis- cernible, exposed to view : 7, 19. to afford a prospect, (active:) 1, 21. επιφανέστατος, the clearest, 5, 105. επιφανως, 1, 91. ως ηκιστα επιφανως, with as little ap- pearance (of the fact) as possible. επιφέρω, 3, 82. επέφερε, to urge on : 4, 78. δττλα, to bear arms against, 5, 17. 7, 18. : 2, 34. to bring offerings, funeral offerings (to the corpse :) 4, 87. to take a thing to : 3, 58. επιφεροντες, tO offer up : 3, 46. την αΊτ'ιαν, to lay blame upon: 3, 56. to bring on : 7, 55. ε7τενεγκείν, to bring upon, to occasion, 1, 70. \(j6yov, to cast reproach, Censure : 5, 75. επεφερομενης, to be cast upon, laid to the charge, 7, 37. bearing down upon, 40, 70. : 7, 56. επενε- 'χθησόμενον πόλεμον, to be car- ried against, made upon : 3, 23. επεφεροντο αυτοις, to set upon, to attack i 4, 67. επι- φερομενοις, coming up to rein- force : 3, 42. επιφερομενης αδι- κίας, to be urged against, imputed to, corruption or criminality being imputed : 8,83. επιφημισμα, 7, 75. an omen, οϊωνισμα, Hesych. επίφθονος, 1, 64. το επιφθονον ΕΠΙ λαμβάνειν, to get ill, evil : 7, 77. ε'ι τω θέων επιφθονοι εστρα- τενσαμεν, if by this expedition we caused the envy and dis- pleasure of any of the gods. επιφθόνως, 1, 75. enviously: 3,82. gloriously, attractively of emulation. επιφλεγω, 2, 77. επιφλέζαι, to set on fire. επιφοζεω, 5, 50. επεφό£ηντο> to be afraid. επιφοιταω, 1, 81. επιφοιτων τες, to make an incursion, 135. to go about visiting. επιφορα, 6, 31. additional pay (over and above the stated allowance,) a gratuity. επιφορος, 2, 77. πνεύμα^ a favourable wind : 3, 74. άνεμος. επίχαρτος, 3, 67. rejoiced (at the punishment or cala- mity of another.) επιγειμάζω, 1, 89. επιγειμά- σαντες, to abide by all winter. επι-γειρεω, 1, 126. επεχείρησε τω ίρ-γω, to commence the execution of an undertaking, 7, 21. to undertake, essay, take in hand, 3, 45. τούτω : 7, 7. επιγειρησοντες τούτω, to undertake or attempt any thing : 7, 38. επιγ^ειρησειν, to attack : 6, 11. εν τω ομοίω και πριν επιγειρησαι εσται 9 to be in the same condition as one was previous to doing any thing : 7, 40. ε7τιχεφείν, to gO to business, 1, 125. 4,28.73. to undertake, take in hand, 7, 33. τοίς Άθηναΐοις, to con- tend with, 3, 12. 94. : 2, 84. υ 'ρπι ΈΠΟ to commence (the action:) ετπχράοηαι, 1, 41. φίλοι, ωστ 8, 27. to undertake: 7, 21. επιχρησθαι, so as to exchange επιχπρονντες, to essay, enter- good offices, 68. prise : 4, 73. επε-χειρεΐτο, to ε7πχώρίος, indigenous, pe- be entered upon : 3, 30. επι- culiar to the country, na- χειροίη, to attack : 7, 39. tional, 1, 20. 126. 4, 17. 5, ε7Γΐχειρώσι, to undertake, 37* 18. 47. δρκον, 7, 30. τάξει: 5, επεχε/ρουν, to make an attack 105. επιχώρια., the laws of upon, to begin the attack : one's country : 6, 30. εττιχώ- 6, 31. εττεχειρηθ)7, tobeunder- ptot, people of the country, taken, 54. to ' λριστοψίτονος countrymen : 8, 30. και 'Αρμοδίου τόλμημα ©Υ ερωτι- επϊψηφίΖ,ω, to put the ques- κην ζνντνχίαν επεχειρηθη, an tion, take the poll, 1, 87. instance of the object, which επεψηφιζε αυτός ες την εκκλησ'ιαν was in the gen. or dat. in των Λακεδαιμονίων, whereas the act. becoming the sub- verbs, (expressing a direc- ject of the pass., Matth. Gr. tion,) compounded with επί, Gr. 711. which signifies a more pre- ένιχειρηαα, 7, 47. an attempt, cise direction, (though the undertaking, enterprise. prep, by itself require an επι-χείρησις, 1, 70. 2, 11. εξ accus.,) take the dat., and ολίγου και cY οργής, attacks επιψηφίζειν IS not One of that (made) suddenly and in heat, order, which means to permit without warning, 4, 29. 5, 9. one to vote, in suffragia mitto, 19.: 1, 33. a subjugation, the eonstr. seems to arise mastering, 70. taking in hand from this, that επ ψηφίζει ν is to execute : 7, 43. των Έπι- the same as ψηφον προθεΐναι, πολών, an attempt against ε^αγαγεΓν τινι, Matth. Gr. Gr. Epipolee : 2, 87. εττιχείρησιν 557. : 2, 24. είπη η επνψηφίση, παρασκευάσομεν, to prepare to express an opinion or to the onset, for action: 7, 12. move: 8, 15. επιψηφίσαντι, to choice of attack, the manage- put the question to the vote : ment : 3, 82. an enterprise : 6, 14. 4, 130. εποικεω, 6, 86. εποικοΰντες, επιγειρητεος, 2, 3. επιγειρητεα imminentes : 7, 27. επωκείτο, to «Ιναι (αυτοϊςδο.) that the at- be garrisoned. tempt should be made, 1, εποικοΰομέω, 7, 4. εποικοΰομη- 118. to be taken in hand, to σαντες, to build upon, to raise be dealt with. a building. επιχειρτίτης, a man of enter- έποικος, 5, 5. a settler, 6,4. prise, 8, 96. ol μεν επιγειρηται, εποκελλω, 4, 26. επωκελλον, oi δέ άτολμοι. to shelter : 8, 102. εττιχθό νιος, 3, 104. ανθρωπω ν, έπομαι, 1, 42. 'έπεται, to fol- terrestrial^ mortal. low as a consequence : 5, 60. ΈΠΟ elnovro, to follow a leader, 7, 57. : 7, 1. επεσθαι, to follow, accompany : 6, 83. ουκ αλλω επόμεθα, alter ius auspicia se- qui, hoc unum sequi, tenerc, amplecti, nulli alii rei inniti : 2, 35. επόμενος τω νόμω, to follow or comply with the law, 3, 22. : 2, 87. εττεσθε έκα- στος το καθ' εαυτόν, to follow each his own business : 6, 33. επεσθαι, to follow, com- ply with (advice.) επόμννμι, 2, 5. επομοσαι, to swear to the observance of any thing, to add an oath. επονομάζω, 1, 13. επωνομα- σαν, to name : 7, 69. ενονομά- Ιων πατοόθεν, to call by his father's name : 2, 29. επωνό- μασται,ίο be surnamed, called in addition to its usual name: 6, 2. επωνομάσθη, to be SUr- named, called after. έπος, 3, 104. verse : 1, 3. τα ίπη, poems, verses. εποτρννω, 6, 69. ξύνοδον επωτρυνον τοις οπΧιταις, to ex- cite, rouse the soldiers to the conflict, to sound a charge : 7, 25. επωτρννωσι, to goad on, incite, give a spur and motive : 1, 84. επο- τρννόντων, to urge on. εποφείΧω, 8, 5. επωφειΧησε, to owe. ίποψις, 7, 71. a view, sur- vey. επτά, seven, 7, 34. 8, 10. ίπω, 5, 37. ειπών, saying, promising, 5, 36. adducing in conversation, 46. declar- ing, 7, 29. bidding, ordering: 5, 38. έίπωσιν, to confer: 1,1. ως ειπείν, so to speak, as may be said, 7, 58. to speak ge- nerally, on a rough calcula- tion, with a few grains of allowance, almost, nearly, 67. to speak generally, ge- nerally speaking, 1, 22. : 5, 30. είττον, to say, declare, 7, 10. : 5, 85. είπατε, to say. επωνυμία, 1, 9. the naming of, the power of giving a name to : 1,3. a name, de- nomination, 46. an appella- tion : 2, 102. επωτ&ες, 7, 34. 36. the stays, ears, (because pro- jecting from the other side of the prow of a ship,) 62. έρανος, a contribution, 2, 43. εραστής, 2, 43. γιγνομενους, to contract an affection, to grow enamoured : 6, 54. ερ-γαζομαι, 3, 50. ειρ"γαζοντο, to cultivate, till, 4, 8. to la- bour hard, 69. 90. to ply one's task : 3, 66. εΐογασθε δείνα, to perpetrate : 1, 3. ερ^ασαμενϊ], to be done, per- formed, 3, 39. εΊργάσαντο, to perpetrate : 6, 29. έίργαστο, to commit, perpetrate, (in a bad sense:) 1, 93. upya- σμενοι, carved, worked, (as a stone,) 4, 8. constructed, manufactured: 2, 71. kpya- ζόμενοι, to cultivate (the ground :) 1, 137. κακά πλεί- στα Ελλήνων ε'ιργασμαι τον νμε- τερον οίκον, I have worked your house much evil. εργαλεία, 7, 18. tools, in- struments : 6, 44. u 2 ΈΡΓ ΈΡΥ εργασία, 4, 105. working (a mine :) 7, 6. a work, build- ing, an operation : 1, 139. cultivation, tilling : 6, 26. workmanship. 'έργον, 3, 26. τι πενσεσθαι των νέων, to hear some news of the ships : 5, 67. τό, the action, fight, on εν Ty (SC. yrj) εκείνων το έργον εγίγνετο, be- cause the action was taking place in their country: 1, 5. the matter, deed, business, 17. a deed, exploit, 6, 33. κάλλιστον, a most glorious, honourable action : 6, 80. ov- δέν ipyov, i. q. ουδέν χαλεπον I 1, 75. εξ αυτού του έργον, from the nature of the thing itself: 7, 40. τψ έργω, in reality, 71. των εν τω έργω, the men in action : 1, 69. ό λόγος του ίργου εκράτει, the report was greater than the fact : 3, 3. μέγα έργον ηγονντο, to think it a work of great difficulty, a great blow, misfortune, hard- ship : 1, 73. ης τον μεν έργον μέρος μετεσχετε, to share in the actual advantage derived from which : 1, 68. εν τψ ίργω εσμεν we are in the act of suffering. ερετης, 1,31. a rower. ερημία, 3, 67. 4, 8. a desert state, 29. 33. : 1, 71. deser- tion : 6, 102.8,71. έρημος, 1, 49. deserted, 5, 3. defenceless, deserted : 2, 90. φοβηθείς περί τω γωρίω ερη- μω οντι, to fear for the place, which was without guard, 57. unattended : 5, 7. in a desolate condition : 2, 4. neglected, unguarded : 1, 32. alone, solitary : 2, 17. τα έρημα της πόλεως, the Unin- habited, vacant places of the city : 3, 11. ερημότεροι αντοι αντών εγίγνοντο, to be more desolate than heretofore : 4, 26. εν νήσω τη έρημη, many of the adj . of the third ter- mination occur as common, and έρημος γη was peculiar to the Attics, Matth. Gr. Gr. 150. yet here έρημη νήσος, but see the note of Duker : 8, 96. ερημοω, 1, 10. ερημωθειη, to become desolate, 23. ηρημω- θησαν, to become desert : 5, 4. ερημωσαντες, to render de- solate : 3, 58. ερημοντε, the Doric fut. contracted, Matth. Gr. Gr. 221.: 2, 44. ερίζω, 5, 79. ερίζοι, to con- tend against. ερις, 2, 21. είναι εν ττολλ^ ερώι, to have great alterca- tion, 54. 6, 34. έρμα, 7, 25. ωσπερ περί έρμα περ&άλη την νανν, to strike or bulge a ship against (any thing) as it were against a rock, upon a rock. ερμηνενω, 2, 60. ερμηνενσαι, to explain, unfold, develope (in a speech, i. q. σαφώς διδά- σκει v.) ερομαι, 4, 40. ερομενον, in- quiring. ερνθημα, 2, 49. οφθαλμών, a redness, Lucr. 1, 1144. ocu- los suffusa luce rubentes. ίρνμα, 1, 11. a rampart, ΈΡΥ ΕΤΗ defence : 4, 35. 6, 94. a fort : 4, 69. 5, 4. a bulwark, en- trenchment: 4,31. a fortress: 6, 66. 8. 40. ερνμνος, 5, 65. naturally strong, impregnable. έρχομαι, 5, 36. ελθουσων, to arrive, 8. 21. to make one's appearance, 7, 2. : 7, 15. εφ' α /uev ηλθομζν, in the matters, for which we are come : 7, 11. ήλθε, tO Come : 1, 9. ηλθεν έχων, he brought with him, the participle is put, be- cause every action, which admits of being considered as only accompanying ano- ther, which is the main action, and may thus be re- presented as an accessary circumstance of another, the Greeks are fond of express- ing by the part., Matth. Gr. Gr. 853. : 8, 72. έρως, 6,24. desire, passion, infatuation : 3, 45. desire, love: 2. 86. ερωτάω, 1, 5. ερωτώντες, to ask, put questions : 3, 61. το ερο)τηθεν, the question, 54. ερωτάτε, to inquire : 7, 10. τιρωτα, to make inquiries, 44. : 4, 40. : 7, 70. ηρωτων, Matth. Gr. Gr. 868. ερώτημα, 3, 60. 7, 44. a question, an enquiry. ερωτικός, 6, 54. ζυντνχι'αν, an accident of, belonging to, connected with love, a love- affair. ερωτικώς, 6, 54. after the manner of lovers, in conse- quence of his passion, lover- like, as lovers use, επί τω ερωτι. εσθημα, 3, 58. a garment used in funeral ceremonials. εσθης, 1, 6. a garment. εσπέρα, 7, 29. evening. εστία, 1, 36. a hearth. Εστιαιεύς, 1, 114. Εστιαιας εζοικισαντες αυτοί ττ\ν yr\v εσχον, the accus. plur. of words de- clined like βασιλεύς, should be in έας, but when a vowel precedes, the Attics con- tract into ας, Matth. Gr. Gr. 103. εστίασις, 6, 46. a banquet, an entertainment. έσχατος, 4, 92. επι το εσγατον αγώνος, to the last extremity of resistance, (to fight) to the last drop of blood: 2, 96. εταιρία, 3, 82. good fellow- ship. εταιρικός, 3, 82. το εταιρικον, the tie of fellowship. εταίρος, 6, 30. a companion, an associate : 7, 73. a friend, confidant, 75. εταίρων η οικεί- ων, companions, friends, in- timates, familiars. έτερος, 7, 59. μη%ε καθ' 'έτερα, neither one way nor the other, neither way, 34. ούδ' οί έτεροι νικαν, the others, i. e. the enemy : 5, 36. έτεροι, other, different: 1, 85. εξεστι δ* νμΐν μάλλον έτερων (καθ ήσυ- χίαν βουλεύειν,) an extraordi- nary case, where the gen. is used instead of rj with the dat., Matth. Gr. Gr. 658. ίτης, 5, 79. a friend, an ally. ΈΤΗ EYE ετήσιος, 5, 11. yearly. their good fortune : 6, 34. εν εη, 6, 31. ζυμμαγοι etc πολ* οίδ' δη, I am aware, I am λοί, besides, moreover: 7, 7. sure, certainly, beyond όπως στρατιά ετι περαιωθη, that doubt : 7, 48. τις ευ λέγων, a further reinforcement, an any plausible speaker, 23. additional force might be τριήρους ευ πλεούσης, a fast- sent over, transported : 1, sailing ship, a good sailer : 74. yet, still : 4, 123. ττολλώ 8, 82. ετι μάλλον, more than ever : εύαπόζατος, 4, 30. εύαποζα- 8, 2. 45. τωτέραν, more accessible. ετοιμάζω, 1, 57. ετοιμασαιντο, ευαποτειγιστος, 6, 75. easy to make ready, to procure to be circumvallated. so as to be at hand : 4, 77. ευβουλία, 3, 42. sound or •ητοιμάΖετο, 7, 31. ητοιμαζοντο : mature or sage counsel, 44. 7, 18. ητοίμαζον, to get in της -ημετέρας, Counsel advan- readiness : 6, 17. ετοιμάζεται, tageous, best for ourselves: to procure, get, acquire: 2, 1, 78. wise counsel. 7. ετοιμάζων apyvpiov ρητον, to ευβουλος, 1, 84. Wise, provide, furnish a Stated, εύδαιμονεω, 8, 24. εύδαιμονη- (assessed,) sum of money. σαντες, to enjoy good fortune, έτοιμος, 6, 8. ready, in rea- ευδαιμονία, 2, 97. prosperity. dineSS : 1, 70. τα έτοιμα, one's εύδαμιονι'ζω, 8, 24. Χίοι yap Own, possessions, 4, 61. what μόνοι μετά Λακεδαιμονίους, ων IS in hand, present posses- εγώ γσθόμην, εύδαιμονησαντες sions : 7, 1. ready, freely αμα και εσωφρόνησαν, were disposed, 3. ready, alert, equally prosperous and mo- well-disposed : 2, 3. είναι, to derate, united moderation be in readiness, to be pre- with their good fortune, pared: 5,41. ready, full of ευδαίμων, 1, 6. wealthy: 2, alacrity, 1,28. ready, pre- 43. και το ευδαψον το ελεύθερον, pared, Willing.: 4, 19. έτοιμο- το δε ελεύθερον το ευ-ψυγον κρί- τερος, more disposed, ready, ναντες, to think that prospe- ετοίμως, 1, 80. at hand : 4, rity consists in freedom, and 92. with levity, ready will, freedom in valour: 2, 53. the keenly. rich, (opposed to,) ol ούδεν έτος, 1, 11. ετει, a year, 5, κεκτημένοι, men worth nothing. 14. ετών, 18. ετη, 6, 3. του εύδοκιμεω, 2, 37. ώς έκαστος εχομένου έτους, the next, fol- ευδοκιμεί εν τω, according as lowing year: 7, 28. τριών γε each is in esteem for any ετών, for three years at most : thing, excels in any thing. 5j 25. εύδοζότατος, 1, 84. πόλιν, ευ, 3, 40. 5, 15. φερόμενος, most glorious, distinguished, fortunate, carried away by ευελπις, 1, 70. sanguine: 4, II EYE ΕΥΝ 10. keeping a stout heart, ρετωτερους, more easy to be entertaining a good hope : reduced. 6, 24. confident, full of hope, ευκατη-γόρητος, 6, 77. ob- Matth. Gr. Gr. 859. : 8, 2. in noxious to accusations. good hope : 4, 62. full of ευκοσμος, 6, 42. ευκοσμότεροι, promise, affording ground in better order: 1, 84. for hope, redolent of hope. εύλάξ, 5, 16. a plough; ευεπ'ιθετος, 6, 34. (παρασκευή εύλάξειν, to plough. sc.) easy or liable to be at- εύληπτος, 6, 85. facilis tacked. subigi. ευεργεσία, 1, 41. a kindness, tvXoyla, 2, 42. an eulogy, good office : 4, 1 1 . 56. good a praise, office, benefit: 1, 32. 137.: άλογος, 6,67. agreeable 1, 128. ευεργεσίαν ες βασιλέα to reason, 84. meet, reason- κατίθετο, to lay up a benefit able, 87. : 6, 79. προψάσει, with. reasonable, probable, plau- ευερψτης, 1, 136. a bene- sible, colourable, quam im- factor: 3,47. who deserves probare nemo possit. well of any one, a benefactor, ευλόγως, 4, 61. with good 57. 63. 2, 27. 6, 50. words. εύεφοδος, 6, 66. εύεφοΰωτατος, ευμενεια, 5, 105. benevo- most accessible. lence. ενηθεια, 3, 45. egregious ευμενής, 2, 74. benignant, folly. friendly. ευηθης, 3, 83. simple, honest- ευμεταγείριστος, 6, 85 . facilis hearted. expugnari, easily managed, ενζωνος, 2, 97. avSpi, well- disposed of. girt, expeditious. εύνη, 3, 112. in εν ταϊς ευ- ευθννω, 1, 95. των μεν ίδ/α ναΐς, still in their beds : 6, προς τίνα αδικημάτων ευθυνθη, 67. τα. δε μέγιστα απολύεται μη αδι- εύνοια, honesty, good in- κεΐν, to be found guilty, an tention, 1, 22. ού ταύτα περί example of an interchange των αυτών ελεγον, άλλ' ώς εκατε- of tenses, the pres. for the ρων τις εύνοιας η μνήμης εγρι, aor., Matth. Gr. Gr. 737. to the verb here (in the ευθύς, 3, 1. μετά την εσβολην, phrase ώς έχει) genitives are immediately after : 1, 1. 34. added, which shew the re- 2, 100. 5, 3. 7, 77. spect, in which the sense of ευθύς, 5, 10. direct, straight: the verb must be taken, 1, 34. εκ του ευθεος, immedi- whose proper signification ately, without delay, preci- is with regard to, Matth. Gr» pitately. Gr. 451. : 2, 11. ευνοιαν εχειν εύκαθαφετος, 7, 18. ευκαθαι- to be zealous for, to wish ΕΥΝ ΕΥΡ well: 1, 77. 3, 12. 4, 46. 7, εύττόοως,8,36.ίη abundance. 57. : 2, 8. good will, affec- εύπραγεω, 2, 60. ευπραγου- tion : 3, 37. ry εκείνων έννοια, σαν, prosperous: 6, 16. ευπρα- from or through their good γούντων. will. ivnoayia, prosperity : 4, 65. εννομεω, 1, 18. εννομηθη, to fortunate issue, happy re- have a good constitution. suit, successful event, 7, 46.: ευνομία, 8, 64. a false lee- 5, 46. : 1, 89. μόνοι δι* αυτό εύ- tion for αυτονομία. ττοαγίαις τε ουκ εξυβρι'ζομεν και ευνους, 4, 78. in Ones fa- ξυμφοραίς ησσον έτερων ε'Ίκομεν, vour, well-affected, 114. 87. the dative, when it supplies τω υμετερω ευνω, benevolence, the place of the Latin abla- favourable disposition, 71. tive, expresses among other οΓς τις έίη ευνους, to be favour- relations that of an external able, 36. ουκ ευνους τγ ττόλει, cause, here the datives must disaffected to the state, 29. : be rendered, ' on account 6, 64. είίνων, Matth. Gr. Gr. of,' Matth. Gr. Gr. 569. 150. ευπραζία, prosperity, 3, 39. εύξύνετος, 4, 18. εύξυνετώτε- αις — ευπραζία kXOy. ρον, more skilfully, in a more ευπρέπεια, 3, 11. λόγου, ready manner. speciousness, plausibility, ευοργ]τως, 1, 122. with specious words, 38. : 6, 31. good temper. ornament, splendour. ευορκεω, 5, 30. to act rell- ευπρεπής, 3, 44. τω ευπρεπει, giously and consistently with speciousness,- plausibility : one's oath. 2, 38. εΰπρεπεσιν, handsome, ευορκος, 5, 18. valid, 23. magnificent : 3, 38. το ευν^ε- valid, not vitiating the con- πες του λόγου, plausibility of tract: 6, 88. agreeable to the speech, 82. specious: 6, 31. oath, what Ought to be reli- ευπρεπέστατη, 2, 44. 8, 109. giously observed. ευπρεπώς, 1, 38. justly, ευπορεω, 6, 34. to be easily honourably : 6, 6. speci- managed, conducted, 44. ώς ously, plausibly. έκαστοι ευπόρησαν, prout CUique εΰπρόσοδος, 6, 57. easy of facultas data est. access, affable. εύπορος, 4, 10. of easy pas- ευπροφάσιστος, 6, 105. most sage: 6, 17. εύττορώτερος, more fair, plausible, commodious, convenient, af- εύρετεον εστί, is to be, must fording greater facilities, be found out. 90. CUJUS COpia nobis est: 2, εύρημα, 5, 46. οτι τάχιστα 64. ευ7Γθοωτάτι? πασιν, most εύρημα είναι διακινδυνευσαι, a abundant in all things, rich piece of unexpected luck, in every thing : 8, 48. a gain. ΕΥΡ ΕΥ* Ευρίσκω, 1, 20. 2, 6. 5, 42. *υροι>, to find, 1, 1. 4, 44. εύρείν : εύρίσκεσθαι, to discover for oneself: 5, 32. ευροντο, to obtain, get : 6, 2. ώς αλή- θεια ευρίσκεται as is clearly ascertained, is evident, found to be true: εύρήσει, 5, 20. 26.: 7, 67. ευρησονσι, to see, un- derstand : 1, 71. ευροι/χεν, to find, discover : 1, 21. εύρη* σθαι, to be investigated : 7, 62. ευρ^ται, to find out, in- vent, discover. εύρημα, 5, 46. a profitable speculation, an object of solicitude, a gain. ευρυχωρία, 2, 83. 7, 6. 36. wide extent of space, open space : 8, 3. ευσκετταστος, 5, 71. ευσκεπα- στότατον, most impenetrable (to the shock of an enemy.) ευσέβεια, 3, 82. piety, re- ligion. ένστολης, 3, 22. Ty οπλίσει, lightly equipped, armed compactly. ευτακτεω, 8, 1. rightly to arrange. εύτακτος, 7, 77. ill good order: 2, 89. in good order, orderly. ευταξία, 6, 72. discipline, (opposed tO αταξία.) ευτέλεια, 2, 40. frugality, moderation in expenditure : 8, 1. ες ευτελειαν σωφρονισαι, frugally. ευτελέστερος, 8, 46. cheaper. εύτρα7τέλως, 2, 41. elegantly, with elegance, in a becom- ing manner, with facility, easy motion. ευτρεπιζω, 2, 18. ηυτρεπιζον- το, to prepare, 4, 123. to set in order, get in good order. εύτυχέω, to be prosperous, 4, 79. εύτύχει, in the augment ευ is often changed into ην in this instance it is not, Matth. Gr. Gr. 206. : 6, 68. δια το εΰτυχησαι, through SUC- CCSS : 2, 61. : 5,7. ευτυχησας, to have luck, to be fortunate, 6, 15. to succeed: 2, 60. 3, 39. : 7, 77. Matth. 432. ευτυχής, 2, 44. το δ ευτυχές, an adj. with the article for a subst., the same as η ευτυ- χία, Matth. Gr. Gr. 391. ευτυχία, 1, 120. good for- tune, 5, 14. 16. : 2, 44. εΰτυ- χίαις, prosperity. εΰφύλακτος, 3, 92. well-for- tified : 8, 55. ευφυλακτοτέρα. ευχή, 7, 75. a vow, prayer (for success in an expedi- tion :) 8, 70. ευχοααι, 2, 43. to pray, wish for : 3, 58. ευτυχία, 1, 84. magnani- mity, 121. courage, blood : 2, 89. ευψυχία, in natural courage : 7, 64. ευψυχος, 5, 9. spirited, va- lorous : 2, 39. τω αφ ημών αυτών εύφυχω, the gen. marks that,, to which any thing belongs, therefore the qua- lity is considered as some- thing, that proceeds from any one, the prep, is iiere employed in addition, Matth. ΕΥΩ ΈΦΟ Gr. Gr. 519. : 4, 126. : 2, 11. τι ρητον έχοντας έφόδιον, by ξύψυχότατος. way of provision for the ex- εΰώνυ^ιος, 1,, 48. 7, 6. κέρα, pences of the journey. the left wing: 5, 10. 67. έφοδος, 3, 11. γνώμης, an έ^αιρέω, 4, 38. εφ^ρηαένου, aggression, invasion of po- to be chosen, elected. licy, cunning, adroit intri- εφεδρενω, 4, 71. to plot gues ; 7, 43. ανιεναι της εφόδου, against. to slacken in one's approach, εφ^λκω, 4, 26. to drag : 1, Matth. Gr. Gr. 388. : 4, 8. ad- 42. εφέλκεσθε, to be induced, vance : 7, 544. τ£ ττρώτ^ εφόδω, drawn on. onset, attack : 4, 36. an ap- εψέπομαι, 4, 96. 120. to fol- proach, a pass : 1, 6. a pas- low, 3, 45. 5, 58. : 5, 3. em- sage, journey, 7, 43. the en- σπόμενοι, to follow, press trance, advance, approach after, 11. to follow, attend, (of an hostile army,) 51. the 7, 52. με/ αύτοΰ, to follow, entrance (to the camp :) 1, accompany. 93. την κατά θάλασσαν εφοδον, ε'φηγέοΜαί, 7, 73. εφηψϊται, an invasion by sea : 5, 35. to give counsel, to advise, έφοδοι προς αλλήλους, mutual m ove. intercourse, excursions into εφνμερος, 2, 53. ephemeral, each other's territory, visits lasting but a day, a very to each other, short time, fleeting. εφολκ6 ς , 4, 108. seductive, εψιέναι, 6, 6. εφιψενοι. to attractive, engaging, long for, to desire, covet : 1, εφοράω, 3, 104. εφεωρατο, to 95. εφΊεσαν την η^ημονίαν, to be seen, beheld. give 111, to yield ., l\ 128. εφορενω, 8, 6. Ένδίω εφορευ- εφιεμενος της 'Ελληνικής αρχής, οντι, to perform the office of to be ambitious of, 1, 8. τών ephorus. κερδών, desirous of, 4, 108. Ις ε'φορμίω, 7, 12. εφορμονσιν Λακεδαίμονα, to be sent : 2, άλλοις, to * lie opposite to 42. εφίεσθαι, to seek, achieve, others, to have one's station purchase, win, 8, 46. to de- in front of an enemy : 7, 24. sire: 4, 61. ε^οραουντες, to be in station εφίστημι, 4, 63. εφεστώτας, to against, to lie in wait for, 4, hover about: 2, 75. πίστη- 24. 1, 64. εφορμονσαις, to ride σαντες, to place upon, plant, or to be moored at anchor, fix Upon : 3, 82. εφιστωνται, to 116. 142. 8, 20. εφορμονμεναι, be circumstanced : 8, 69. watched over, 30. Ιφορμείν, εφόσον, 6, 34. provision for to form a naval blockade a voyage, 31. necessaries for against, 17. εφωρμονν, to sta- a voyage : 2, 70. ^ ; tion (their ships,) 3, 107. fe εφοϋιος, 2, 70. καΐ apyvptov Θαλάσσης, to lay on shore OUt ΈΦΟ ΈΧΩ of the Sea, 31. εφορμώσιν αυ- τούς, to watch with a statio- nary fleet, to keep a fleet sta- tioned: 1, 142. εφορμεΐσθαι, to be watched : 6, 49. εφορμηθεν τας, to put into port, to take Up a Station: 7, 4. εφορμησειν προς τψ λιμενι, to ride at an- chor at or off" the harbour: 1, 116. Περικλής λα€ών εζηκοντα ναυς απο των εφορμουσων, an example of the gen. put par- titive and accompanied by the prep, απο, Matth. Gr. Gr. 501. εφόρμησις, 3, 33. a guard of ships stationed (to watch an enemy :) 2, 89. the (enemy's) station: 6, 48. εφορμίΐ,ω, 4, 8. εφορμισασθαι, to harbour, lie in moorings or at anchor. εφορμος, 3, 6. εφορμους επι τοις Χιμεσιν εποιοΰντο, a station of ships over against a port (to watch or blockade it:) 4, 27. moorage, 32. 3, 76. moored, stationary. εφνζρίΐω, 6, 63. to taunt, probra ingerere. εφυστερίζω, 3, 82. to happen after, to be subsequent. εχέγγυος, 3, 46. affording a guarantee, pledge, security. εχθίονα, 4, 86. more hate- ful : 5, 27. εχθιστος, most hos- tile, 1, 71. οι εχθιστοι, the greatest enemies, 7, 68. εχθος, 1, 95. τω εκείνου εχθει, out of hatred to him : 4, 1. aversion, hatred : 7, 57. Matth. Gr. Gr. 450.; 2, 11. 'Αθηναίων, hatred for the Athenians. έχθρα, 1, 56. enmity, ha- tred, 69. επ έχθρα, through hatred : 2, 68. ϊχθραν εποίη- σαν™, to conceive enmity, to be at enmity : 3, 10. τοΰ Μη- δου εχθραν άνιεντα, to relax (in) their hostility to the Mede, remit their enmity against : 5, 36. 6, 80. εχθρός, 1, 44. 5, 16. 17. an enemy. εχυρός, 1, 90. απο εχυροΰ, from a strong hold : 3, 12. firm, fast, 83, \6yoς: 2, 62. εχυρωτεραν, 8, 24. εχνρώτερον more strictly, 1, 35. εχυρώτα- τος, best-established : 5, 109. τ6 εχνρον, the pledge : 7, 41. ελπίδα, firm, confident. ίχνρώς, 5, 26. strongly. ε χω, 6, 82. ούτως εχ«> the matter stands thus : 5, 44. ίχονσαν, to possess, exercise: 3, 37. ες τους ζυμμάχους το αυτό έχετε, to preserve the same (feeling, character) towards the allies, to behave in the same way : 5, 49. ωσπερ ό νόμος έχει, according to the letter of the law: 1, 2. είχον, had, experienced, 5, 46. δι' opyfc είχον, to be in anger, 6, 54. είχεν, to possess, enjoy, (as Terence, quis Chrysidem habuit ?) 70. όσον ασφαλώς, as far as it was safe: 1, 140. της -γνώμης της αυτής 'εχομαι, to persevere in, from the ana- logy of this verb to the idea of 'taking' and thence to x 2 'ΈΧΩ 'ΈΧΩ * partaking/ this instance has προς τους ' Αθηναίους ησσον, to the gen. according to its be less disposed to the Athe- sense partitive, Matth. Gr. nians, i. e. to come to a Gr. 512.; 5, 49. τον αυτόν λό- composition or to treat with yov ειχοντο, they maintained them, 5, 35. τα χωρία, to re- tire same opinion : 7, 75. tain possession of, 7, 2. ως έχουσα, to have the materials, ειχον τάχους, as quick as they Cause (of any thing, SO as to Could, 2, 90. ως αχε τάχους occasion the feeling of that έκαστους, the use of the gen. in another,) to furnish occa- ( with respect to,' here parti- sion, i. q. παρέχουσα : 7, 36. cularly the phrase is to be πλείστον σχήσειν, to have the qualified or endowed in any greatest advantage, 62. σχ?1- manner whatsoever, se ha- σουσι, to prevent: 4, 3. 5, 2. here, Matth. 451.: 7, 34. ε^- σχών, to touch at, 7, 1. "Ρη-γίω, φράζασαι, to barricade, i. q. to touch at Regilim: 1, 9. εμπεφραγμενοι, ΟΓ ειχον και ενε- σχείυ, to have, possess : 5, φραζαν, to occupy and de- 28. άριστα εσχον, to have fend : 3, 37. νόμοις καΧως εχου- golden opinions, to be held σιν, good laws, 30. ωσπερ εχο- in the highest estimation, to μεν, how we are situated, be in the zenith of reputa- where we are, that we are tion : 1, 110. εσχον κατά το arrived: 3, 24. έχοντες ίνδε- Μενδ?1σιον κέρας, to come to ζια, to keep on the right (of anchor in the Mendesian a place,) to have (a place) on mouth (of the Nile,) 3, 29. the right hand, 5, 47. όπλα, rij Δήλω, to touch at Delos, to have arms (in their hands:) 1, 112. Ελληνικού πολέμου 6, 2. εχω, to be able: 5., 67. εσχον οι 'Αθηναίοι, kept On the εχόμενοι αυτών Άργεϊοι, the Ar- Hellenic war : 5. 77. ίχωντι, gives bordering upon them, the Doric form for εχουσί, 1, 22. εχομενω οτι εγγύτατα της Matth. 255. : 7, 42. εξειν, to γνώ^ς, to keep as close as have, to be master of, 3, 43. possible to the sense : 1, 25. αφανώς πη πλέον, underhand ε'ίγοντο εν απόρω, to be at a to derive some advantage, loss : 8, 86. ώρμημενων των εν 44. όπως χρησίμως εξουσιν ρου- Έάμω 'Αθηναίων πλειν επί σφας λευόμεθα, to deliberate how αυτούς, (εν ω σαφέστατα Ίωνίαν they are to be advantage- και Έλλτ/σποντον ευθύς ειχον οι ously disposed of, 6, 88. πολέμιοι,) where άι) is want- εξόμενοι τοΰ πολέμου, to com- ing, tenuissent, Matth. 748.: mence, prosecute vigorously: l 9 73. όπερ εσχε μη κατά πόλεις 3, 32. ελπίδα ειχον^ to ex- αυτόν επιπλεοντα την Πελοπόννη- pect, imagine, 25. την -γνώμην σον πορθείν, an instance of the ΈΩ use of the infin. as a subst. (which use it has by the col- location of the article,) where the article's genitive is want- ing after ίχω in the sense * to prevent,' Matth. 819. : 1} 1 12. Ελληνικού πολέμιου εσ^ν οι 'Αθηναίοι, this verb in the sense of ' to desist' has the object in the gen. from its analogy to words, which in- ZHT dicate fullness, defect, emp- tiness, Matth. 473. εω, 3, 58. εσσαμενων, to build, Matth. Gr. Gr. 340. εως, 5, 58. αμα εω, B.S SOOn as it was light: 4, 32. 67. dawn, morning. εως, 1, 28. whilst, 58. : 7, 47. εως ετι οϊόν τε, whilst it was yet possible. z. Ζάγκλον, 6, 4. το δε δρε- πανον οι Σικελοί ϊ,ά^κΚον καλοΰ- σιν. ζάω, 4, 28. ζάντας, alive, 2, 5. εχειν, to have alive, as pri- soners, 5, 3. ελά&ον, to take alive (as prisoners of war:) 3, 38. ζωμεν. Ζενγη, 6, 7. a wain, wag- gon, carriage. ζευγμα, 7, 69, του Χιμενος, a bar, barrier, 30. an inlet of the sea. Ζεν-γννμι, 1, 29. £εύξαντες, to refit with benches, oars, &c. (an old ship.) ζεΰγος, 5, 50. a chariot : 4, 128. ΖηΧοω, 5, 105. £τ?λουμεν, to envy : 2, 64. αλώσει, to emu- late, 43. Ζηλωσαντες, 37. £rj- Xovay, to affect, follow after, emulate; imitate, 39. ζηλωσις, 1, 132. a zealous imitation. ΖνμΊα-, 1, 86. punishment : 2. 24. θανάτου ζΐί /utav επέθεντο, to impose the penalty of death, capital punishment: 5, 63. a fine, 3, 45. 70. Ζημιοω, 3, 40. ζημιώσεται, to be hurt, injured, to suffer loss, damage : 5, 63. Ζνμιωσαι δέκα μνριάσι δραχμών, to fine any one in 10,000 drachms : 2, 65. εΖημιωσαν χρημασιν, to punish by fine, to mulct in a sum of money, to set a fine : 3, 42. ουχ οττως Ζνμιονν, άλλα μηΰ' άτιαάζείν, not Only not to punish, but not to degrade, 40. Ζνμιωθννόμζνον θανάτω, to be punished with death : 8, 21. φυγ$ ζημιώσαντες, to be punished with exile, con- demned to exile, 74. 6jtco»,7,44. εΖντονν, to seek, to be looking for : 6, 27. εΖν- τονντο, to be sought out : 3, 67. to search for : 1, 23. iypaxpa — τάς διαφοράς, του μη τινας Ζντησαί ποτέ ε£ ότου τοσον- τος ποΧεμος τοις Ελλησι κατέ- στη, the infin. being joined with the neuter of the article stands as a subst, in its geni- £HT ΉΙΈ tive the adverb ένεκα is often wanting, ne quis aliquando re- quirat, Matth. Gr. Gr. 815. Ζητησις, 6, 53. Ζητησιν εποι- ovvroy to pursue the search, inquiry, investigation: 1, 20. search, investigation. ζυγός, 5, 68. εν τω ποώτω £υγω, in the first rank. ΐ,ω-γρίω, 1, 50. 7, 85. to take captive, alive : 7, 23. εζώγρησαν, to make prisoners, take alive: 3, 66. ζωγρησαντες•, 7, 41. 4, 57. elwypriOn, to be taken alive, 7, 24. ϊζω-γρίβη- σαν : J, 5. έζωγρηηένοι, to be taken alive. H. Ήβάω, 5, 116. ηχώντας, at the age of puberty, 32, when of age : 3, 36. ήβώσι, to be adult, to be of age : 5, 32. ol -ηζώντες for ot ίφηζοι, where the participle is used as a subst. Matth. Gr. Gr. 875. : 4, 132. ηβη, 2, 46. μέχρι ήβης, to manhood, man's estate. -ηγεμονεύω, 3, 61. ήγεμονευε- σθαι νφ' ημών, to follow a leader, to submit to our di- rection, in Greek the object, which was in the gen. or dat. with the active, may become the subject of the passiye, Matth. Gr. Gr. 711. ηγεμονία, 4, 91. the chief command : 7, 15. a command, an employ or commission : 5, 7. generalship, conduct, 47. : 1, 93. εν Τ'ρδε ry ηγεμονία, under their command, 76. έν τρ ηγεαον/ά,^ίη the command. ■η-γψων, 1, 4. a leader, head of a colony : 7, 50. τυΰ πλου, a pilot, 15. a leader, 56. a confederate, an associate : 3, 98. ■η'γεομαι, 1, 5. ηγουμένων, to head, lead, 10. vyovvrai, to head, command, 5, 33. ηγου- μένου, to command in chief: 1,18. ήγτίσαντο, to command, lead, 7, 14. ^ησάμην, to judge, think, to be led to think, 6, 11. 7, 34. 1, 77: ηγησάμενοι, 2, 42. 6, 40. : 5, 40. ήγίσεσθαι, to hold the supremacy, to be at the head, 8, 2. : 2, 10. 3, 1. ήγειτο αυτών, 4, 2. 5, 8. 7, 19. : 2, 11. εττεσθ owy αν τις riywai, to follow whitherso- ever each shall lead the way : 1, 19. r\yo\)VTai, in this pas- sage aoyiiv τίνος IS put ill opposition and in rjy. the idea of proper dominion does not seem to be implied, but only the command or leading of a people, who are otherwise represented as free : this verb takes a geni- tive from the analogy to the signification of 'ruling,' the Opposite Of ησσασθαι I verbs, in which the idea of a com- parative is included, take the gen. See Matth. Gr. Gr. 482. ΗΔΕ ΗΜΕ ήδεως, 5, 10. pleasantly, agreeably : 8, 89. ί&ι, 4, 94. at last : 6, 38. apytiv η$η, to be magistrates already: 7, 4. now from this time: 1, 74. already: 7, 71. περί του πλείονος η$η κάλου, now for more glory, for in- creasing the honour already obtained, 33. : 8, 87. ήδ/ων, 7, 14. more pleasing, flattering ; ηκιστα, very plea- sant, excessively flattering : 7, 68. ηΒιστον, very sweet (revenge sc.,) a great grati- fication. η^ομαι, 1, 120. ήδόμενον τω ησυγίω της ειρήνης, to be pleased with the repose of peace : 3, 40. ηδονή, 3, 58. ηδοντ? Κόντες άλλοις, to gratify others : 1 , 99. εν ηδον^, to be popular, to be in favour : 6, 17. καθ' η$ονην, with a view to gra- tify, acceptably, to any one's liking : 6, 83. λόγου, illecebrce male suadentium, 3, 40. charms of oratory : 7, 63. delight, gratification: 2, 53. 4, 19. ήδυς, 5, 105. sweet. ήθος, 6, 18. ηθεσι, customs, Usages: 2, 61. εν ηθεσιν αντι- παλοις αυτή τ εθ ραμμένου ς, bred up with principles suitable to it. ηκιστα, 1, 35. ουχ ηκιστα, most of all, 7,21. especially: 5, 36. least of all: 1, 68. προσήκει ημάς ουχ ηκιστα ειπείν, οσω και μέγιστα εγκλήματα εγο- μεν, we have the greatest right to speak in proportion as we have the greatest charges to answer to, two su- perlatives compared, where τοσουτω is dropped often, if οσω follows, in the second proposition, Matth. Gr. Gr. 667. : 2, 25. 7, 44. ηκω 1 5, 59. tj/cov, to arrive, 7, 27. ύστερον, to arrive after (the time appointed,) too late, 3, 27. αΰτοΐς, to be come to them, to be arrived among them, 7, 4. : 8, 31. ηκουσας, to arrive : 5, 9. ηκο- μεν, to Come : 7, 16. ηίει, to come, 1, 98. : 4, 30. η'ίων, about to come: 2, 101. απι- στουντες αυτόν μη ηζειν, the infin. is put after all verbs, in which the idea of ' to say' is implied, after a verb con- taining a denial μη is added, Matth. Gr. Gr. 802. ηλικία, 3, 67. the flower of a youthful army : 5, 43. flower or vigour of manhood : 6, 24. τοις εν τη ηλικία, the young, 54. ωρα ηλικίας, the season of youth : 7, 60. ηλι- κίας μετεγων, to have a portion of youthful vigour, 64. οπλι- τών, a youthful soldiery, able-bodied men at arms : 1, 80. εν τη αυτή ηλικία, of the same standing : 8, 75. ήλιος, 1, 23. the sun: 3, 78. ες ηλιον, at sunset : 2, 9. 102. 4, 52. ήμερα, 5, 20. a day : 7, 75. τρίτη ήμερα, απο της ναυμαχίας, on* the third day, i. e. as we should say, the second — the Greeks reckoned the day ΉΜΙ "ΗΠΙ itself of the action, from conj. is used in the premises, which they dated time, the when any thing is likely to first : 2, 57. ημέρας τέσσαρα- happen, (and should seem- κοντα μάλιστα, about forty ingly be here with λαμβάνω :) days nearly: 7, 3. πέντε ημε- ει is used with the opt. in ρών, in five days, in the space the premises, when the of five days: 5, 47. της ημέρας whole business is problema- εκάστης, every day : 7, 28. την tical, (and should seemingly ημεραν, in the day-time, by be with τυγχάνω.) The rea- day : 8, 23. τρίτην ημεραν αυ- son is perhaps that the last τον ηκοντος, the third day circumstance, some Thebans after he arrived, Matth. Gr. were taken, was just before Gr. 609. : 7, 84. ημέτερος, our, related as actually happen- what belongs to us, 1, 82. 3, ing, and as something, that 11. 6, 85. the Thebans had just suf- ημίεργος, 7, 2. half-finished, fered, but the former was built. first to happen still, and ημίθεος, 5, 16. a demigod. thus was uncertain. Matth. ημιθνητες, 2, 52. half-dead. Gr. Gr. 786. : 3, 3. κα\ ην μεν ήμισυς, 4, 16. 42. 83. 104. ζυμξγ η πείρα, " a proposition 5, 16. half: 8, 8. τας ημίσεας With ει δε, SMI, SMI Vero, IS των νεών, for ημισείας, 64. των often Opposed to One With πρέσβεων τους ημίσεις, Matth. ει μεν, ' Matth. 939. Gr. Gr. 152. : 5, 31. επί τγ ήπειρος, 7, 31. main-land, ημισεία, της γης, an instance in contradistinction to small where the adj. is considered islands, viz. a part of the the part, of which the subst. earth not surrounded by is the whole, Matth. 643. : sea — the Greeks would have 8, 35. ημισείας. called Britain ημεφον, when ημιτελεστος, 3, 3. half- speaking of the Isle of finished, imperfect. Wight : 1, 5. 4, 102. ην, 1, 58. δε^, should it be ηπειρωτης, 1, 5. a dweller necessary, 82. απάντων, to be vanquished : 1, 30. ησσημενοι, defeated, worsted. νσσων, 1, 80. inferior, 77. τον ησσω, the inferior : 4, 72. worsted, beaten, conquered : 7, 29. ησσων μάλλον ετέρας, inferior to none, greater than any other. ησσον, 4, 16. αηδεν ησσον, nevertheless : 5, 31. ουδέν, nevertheless, not a whit the less : 7, 63. ουχ ησσον, L q. μάλλον. -ησυχάζω, 7, 11. ησυγαζομεν, to be on the defensive, in inactivity *. 5, 30. ησύχασαν, to keep quiet, 6, 44. to rest (oneself,) 8, 24. : 6, 38. ησυχάζει, to be in a state of tranquillity, to have rest, peace : 4, 92. ειωθασί τε οι ισχύος που βράσει τοις πέλας, ωσπερ Αθηναίοι νυν, επιόντες τον μεν ησυγαζοντα και εν τη εαυτού μόνον αμυνομενον αδεέστε- ρον επιστρατεύειν, the acCUS. is put here after the verb with the prep. επι> because consideration is had not to the direction of an action, (which would cause it to take a dative,) but to its effective relation, Matth. Gr. Gr. 555. : 4, 4. ησύχαζεν ύττο άπλοίας, on account of, Matth. 914. ησυχία, 6, 24. ήσυχίαν ηγε, to keep quiet, hold one's peace: 7, 38. 73. καθ' ησυχιαν, leisurely, quietly, unmo- lested, without opposition : 5, 40. tranquillity, peace, 53. quiet : 3, 12. peace, (op- posed to πολεμώ.) ήσυχος, quiet, tranquil, peaceful, 3, 82. φύσις ησυ- γαιτερα, a form of the corn- par., for which ησυγωτερος occurs in Soph. Antig., Matth. Gr. Gr. 159. Θ. θάλασσα, 5, 18. 7, 2. the Sea: 1, 2. δια θαλάσσης, by sea, means of the sea : 7, 28. θαλασσεύω, 7, 12. θαλασσεύου- σαι, to be kept in order. θαλασσοκρατεω, 7, 48. θαλασ- σοκρατούντων, to be masters of the sea, Matth. Gr. Gr. 859. : 8, 30. εθαλασσοκρά- τουν, 40. θαλασσο /cparojfv, they Υ ΘΑΜ ΘΕΑ might obtain the dominion courage : 4, 11. εθάρσησαν, to of the sea. be of good courage : 1, 36. θάμζος, 6, 31. τόλμης θάαβει, το θαρσουν, Confidence, astonishment ΟΓ Wonder On θάρσησις, 7, 49. και αμα ταΐς account of the daringness, γουν νανσϊν η πρότερον θαρσησει i. e. from the astonishing κρατηθείς, i. q. μάλλον θαρσων boldness of the attempt. ταϊς ναυσιν η πρότερον, Matth. θάνατος, 1, 14. death: 3, 57. Gr. Gr. 481. 4, 54. θάρσος, confidence, 6. 68. θανάτωσις, 5, 9. Undergoing θαρσυνω, 2, 13. εθάρσυνεν, to death. encourage, 59. θάπτω, 1, 8. 2, 34. θάπτονσι θάσσον, 7, 28. quicker: 3, άεί εν αυτω, they uniformly 13. sooner : 4, 54. bury in it, (from time to θάτερος, 1, 87. επί θάτερα : time :) 2, 35. εκ των πολέμων 7, 84. τάεπι θάτερα του ποταμού, θαπτομενοις 9 to inter those, onthehithersideofthebank. who have been slain in war, θαΰμα, wonder, astonish- (literally those, who are in- ment, 8, 14. terred in consequence of the θαυμάζω, 1, 21. θαυμαΐ,όντων, war :) 5,74. ετάψησαν, to bury, to admire : 1, 51. εθαυμαΐον, 11. έθαψαν: 1, 138. τεθηναι, to to wonder, to be surprised : be buried : 8, 84. 1, 138. εθαύμασε, to admire θαρσαλέος, 2, 51. εν τω θαρσα- and approve: 6, 33. δ πάνυ λέω είναι, to be confident, to θαυμάζετε, which you are ab- be in a state of confidence, solutely amazed at, 36. της to be in safety : 2, 3. θαρσα- τόλμης θαυμάζω, to wonder at λεωτεροις, more full of cou- the audacity, marvel at (any rage: 2, 11. θαρσαλέους ry one) for his audacity, 11. γνώμ^, courageous in heart. θαυμαζόμενα, to beheld in ad- θαρσεω, 5, 9. to be full of, miration, to be admired : 7, or puffed up with confidence: 56. θαυμασθησεσθαι, to be held 1,81. θαρσοίη, to be confi- up to admiration: 1, 138. dent: 2, 79. θαρσησαντες τοϊς άξιος θαυμάσαι, worthy of ad- προσγιγνομενοις, to take COU- miration: 1, 38. θαυμάζεσθαι, rage from the accession of to be respected : 4, 85. θαυ- force : 4, 121. θαρσησαντες, to μάΖ,ω τη αποκλείσει μου των πυ- befull of spirits : 6, 11. θαρ- λών, an instance of the use σείν, to be confident, to take of the dat. with a verb neu- courage : 7, 37. τεθαρσηκότες, ter to express the cause, oc- to conceive courage, take casion, Matth. Gr. Gr. 569.: heart, 29. εν ω αν θαρσηση, to 7, 63. Matth. 569. have courage, to have no θαυμαστός, 1, 76. extraordi- fear: 8, 2. εθάρσει, grew bold, nary. 8, 23, θαρσησειν, would take θεα, 6, 31. 7, 71. a sight, ΘΕΑ ΘΕΩ spectacle : 5, 7. a survey, an πευο'μενοι, to be attended with inspection. every care, to have every θέαμα, 2, 39. a sight, spec- attention paid, 47. θεραπεύον- tacle, an exhibition. τες, to attend as a physician : θιάομαι, 5, 113. θεάσθε, to 7, 70. εθεράπευον, to be Stlldi- behold : 5, 7. 'εθεάτο, to go to ous, careful : 6,29. θεραπεύων, survey, to reconnoitre : 2, to regard, esteem, value, to 43. θεωμενους καθ' ημεραν έργω, be fond of, to idolize, 79.θερα- to behold or view in daily πείσετε τό δίκαιον, to observe acts, in every day's proceed- impartiality, 61. θεραπεύοντες, ings. to take care, pains : 1, 137. θεατής•, 3, 38. των λόγων, a εθεράπευσε χρημάτων δόσει, to spectator. gratify with a gift or douceur : θεατρον, a theatre, 8, 93. 3, 56. θεραπευοντες το ζυμφερον, θειάΐω, 8, 1. θειάσαντες, urged time-serving : 2, 65. θεραπευ- by divine impulse. οντες το ναυτικόν, to attend to θειασμος, 7, 50. superstition, the navy, naval affairs, a scrupulous observance of θεράπων, 7, 13. a soldiers religious rites and supersti- servant, camp - attendant, tions. suttler, follower.^ θείον, 4, 100. sulphur. θέρμη, 2, 49. Ίσχυραι, ex - θείος, 5, 30. divine, sacred, treme or violent heats in the 70. του θείου χάριν, not for any head. religious motive: 3, 82. θέ>ος, 2, 27. summer, 5, θε^λιος, 1, 93. a founda- 35. 7, 9.: 5, 20. θίρη : 6, 8. tion: 3, 68. U των θεμελίων, θέσις, 1, 37. a position, site: from the foundations. 5, 7. a situation. θεός, 5, 30. a god : 2, 71. θεσ^οψύλαξ, 5, 49. a keeper 74. 8, 70. of the sacred records. θεραπεία, 2, 57. ετ«ρος άφ' θεω, 5, 10. ε'θειδρόαω, to run έτερου θεραπείας, (to be filled at a rapid rate, with or to imbibe) the dis- θεωρέω, 5, 18. 50. : 3, 104. temper from the attendance εθεώρουν, to go to be a spec- of one upon another : 3, 11. tator of sacred games, 4, 93. τα & και απο θεραπείας του τε αλλήλους, to command a View κοινού αυτών περιεγιγνόμεθα, to ΟΙ, to see. escape or to be respited by θεωρία, 6, 16. seeing or paying court to their com- viewing spectacles, munity : 1, 55. θεωρός, 6, 3. a deputy sent θεραπεύω, 1, 9. τεθεραττευκότα to consult an oracle: 5, 47. τό πλήθος, to court the mul- a Mantinsean magistrate, titude, 3, 12. εθεράπευον, 1, whose peculiar province was 19. 3, 39.: 2, 57. πάνυ θερα- sacred matters. υ 2 ΘΗΚ W*tf, 3, 104. a sepulchre, 58. 5, 1.: 1, 8. a sepulchre, coffin, grave : 2, 52. a depo- sitory for a corpse, i. e . a funeral pile. θητες, 6, 43, ίπτακόσιοι, Fa- muli. θνησκω,, 2, 48. ττολλω μάλ- λον ϊθνησκον, they begin to die in much greater numbers: 7, 75. τεθνεωτων, dead, 1, 8. 5, 1. 13. : 7, 1. τεθνηκότος, having died : 8, 74. τεθν^κωσι, See ίνα : 3, 104. τεθνεωτων, Matth. Gr. Gr. 230. ; 3, 109Ϊ 4, 38. : 3, 1 13. r £ 0Wi, Matth. /. c. θολίρϊς, 2, 102. ρεύμα ττολν και θόλερον, turbid. θορυ&ω, 6, 61, i. g. Κ ινίω VopvZov, 3, 78. to throw into confusion : 6, 22. θορνΖωνται, to be troubled, in confusion' disorder : 3, 22. εθορνϊούντο, to be in confusion: 5, lo! θορνζηθηναι, to be disordered : /, 3. εθορνξηθησαν, to be put m confusion, consternation to be in dismay : 8, 50. θορυ- Ζονμενος, to be disturbed alarmed : 8, 50. ■ θόρνΖος, 4, 104. ες θόρυζον μεγαν κατέστησαν, to be thrown into confusion, tumult: 3,74. 7, 40. tumult, disorder, 44* πολύν παρεΐχον, to occasion disorder, confusion : 4, 14. Ορανίτης, 6, 31. a rower of the uppermost bench. θράσος, 7, 21. enterprise: % 92. Ισχνός βράσει, by the right of the stronger, on the plea of the stronger : 2 40 boldness : 1, 120. ΘΥΣ θρασύνω, 5, 104. θρασυνό- μζθα, to make bold : 1, 142. θρασννοντες, to confirm, en- courage, embolden. θρασνς, 3, 39. bold, rash audacious : 8, 84. Ζσψ μάλιστα και^ ελεύθεροι ήσαν οι νανται, το- σούτος και θρασύτατα προσττεσόν- τες τον μισθον άτηρτονν, ίς as in Latin, nauta, ut liberrimi erant, ita audacissime, with this difference only that in Latin, in this case ita — ut are commonly the particles of comparison, instead of eo —quo, but in Greek they re- main the same as in the com- parative," Matth. Gr. Gr 668.: 7, 77.; 8, 103. θρασύ- τερος. θρασύτης, 2, 61. an over- weening spirit. θριζ, 1, 6. τριχών , the hair. θρους, 5, 7. stir, murmur, dissatisfaction : 4, 66. bustle. . Ουμα, 1, 126. a sacrifice, an image formed into the shape of an animal : 5, 53. a victim. θνμιατηριον, 6, 46. a censer perfuming pan. θυμεομαι, to be angry, 7, 68. %*oc, 1, 49. spirit: 2/ 11. heat, impetuosity: 5, 80. αλλά θνμω εφερον, to bear in mind. θύρα, the door of a house, as ττύλαι the gates of a city or Wall, 2, 4. οιόμενοι πνλας τάς θύρας τ* οικήματος είναι, (Schol. θύραι αι τον οίκον, ττύλαι αϊ τον τειχονς.) θύρωμα, 3, 68. a door-post, jamb,^ door-way, threshold. θυσία, 5, 16, a sacrifice : 2, ΘΥΩ ΊΕΝ 38. αγώσι και θυσίαις, games Wvov, for ευ τοις ίεροίς : 5, 18. and festivals : 5, 50. the so- to sacrifice, worship, 49. : lemnity of sacrificing, 11. a victim, sacrifice : 3, 58. θνω, 1, 126. lepua, to sacri- fice victims : 6, 54. ες τα ιερά 5, 54. θυομενοις, to sacrifice, θώραξ, 3, 22. a breast- plate. 'Ίαμα, 2, 51. a cure, re- medy, medicine. ιαομαι, 5, 65. κακόν κακω Ίασθαι, to make bad worse, to remedy one evil by another. ιατρός, 2, 48. ιατρός και ιδιώ- της, whether professional or unprofessional: 6, 14. ττόλεως, a physician, healer (in a me- taphorical sense.) ιδέα, 2, 77. πάσαν, every mode, scheme, way : 3, 83. πάσα ιδέα κατέστη, every form (of evil) existed, 81. θανάτου, 7, 29. ολέθρου: 7, 29. form, species : 3, 62. τγ αυτή ιδέα, in the same character, the same thing in fact, though different in circumstances : l, 109. 4, 55. 6, 76. Ί^ιος, 1, 17. private, 5, 36. 39. : 1, 80. έ /c των ιδίων, Out of or from our private pos- sessions : 6, 15. 'idia ωφελησειν, to improve one's private es- tate: 3, 14. private, personal, what is properly one's own: 7, 48. ίδ/α, on one's own pri- vate account, 5, 42 . privately, in particular, 2, 67. in a pri- vate capacity, unauthorised, without authority (from the state,) 5, 43. slily, secretly, privately, 1, 68. for a private interest, 7, 48. for one's own person, by oneself, at one's own peril, (by his own ad- venture, Hobbes, privato peri- culo, Portus,) 1, 132. for one's own honour or account : 8, 1. 45. ιδιώτης, 1, 82. a private in- dividual, 106. 2, 8. 60. 5, 41. 6, 16. : 6, 72. uninstructed in war, untaught, undisci- plined : 4,2.61. ιΰρνω, 2, 49. ιδρυθέν, to be seated, 6, 37. έ /c νεών, to be formed out of, to consist of: 2, 15. Ί'δρυται, to be situated: 1, 131. ιδρυθείς, to be settled, to have one's abode : 6, 3. Ιΰρύσαντο, to build, erect : 4, 44. ίδρύθη, to be posted, sta- tioned, 3, 72. to encamp: 3, 58. ίδρυσα v7wv, to establish : 8, 40. Ι^ρύσθαι, to have sta- tioned itself. άναι, 2, 3. τρεσαν ες χείρας, to come to blows, this tense is used as an aorist, Matth. Gr. Gr. 299. : 3, 80. ές \6- γους, to enter into a negocia- tion, 5, 17. to proceed to a conference : 5, 47. Ί'ωσιν ές την -γην, to invade the terri- tory : 8, 2. Ιτίον, ought to go. ΊΕΡ ΊΙΊΠ ιέρεια, 4, 133. a priestess. ίερεϊον, a victim. ιερόν, 5, 16. 18. 49. 7, 29. a temple : 4, 90. the pre- cincts of the temple : 5, 47. ίερά τέλεια, complete and per- fect victims, 4, 92.: 1, 25. τά Ιερά, the sacred rites. ιερομηνία, 3, 56. 5, 54. a festival season. ιερός, 8, 35. sacred. ίερόω, 2, 2. ιερωμένος, to be priestess: 5, 1. ίερώσβαι, to be consecrated, devoted to the gods, dedicated to holi- ness or holy purposes. ίζάνω, 2, 76. ϊζάνοντος, to settle, sink, subside. ικανός, 1, 2. 74. sufficient : 1, 9. of sufficient authority: 6, 6. ικανά ες τον πόλεμο ν, enough or sufficient for the war, the purposes of war : 7, 42. sufficient, able (to cope with any one,) a match (for anyone,) 51. sufficient, fit, requisite, 77. : 6, 37. ικανω- τεραν Πελοποννήσου, more able than, 68. effectual, able. ικανως, 1,91.εχειν το τείχος, that the wall is of sufficient height : 4, 63. Ίκανως νόμισαν- τες, to judge lawful, right: 6, 92. ικετεία, 3, 67. a petition, supplication, 1, 24. ικετευμα, 1, 136. a SUppli- cation. ικετεύω, 2, 47. ικέτευσαν, to put up prayers, make sup- plications. ίκετης, 1, 24. a suppliant, 103. 136. ικνεομαι, 1, 99. ικνουμενον άναλωμα, the amount of the expense. ϊκριον, a plank, tabula. ίμάτιον, 4, 48. a garment, robe. ίνα, so that, 8, 74. ίνα, ■ην μη νπακονσωσι, τεθνηκωσι, (" since in the perf. more regard is had to the dura- tion of the consequences, and the action, properly speaking, is left almost out of the question, it is there- fore, also used to express the rapid passing of an action, in which the moment of the action itself is entirely overlooked," Matth. Gr. Gr. 730.) Ιναρως, 1, 110. Ινάρως ο των Λίβυων βασιλεύς, a Case of apposition, where a subst., particularly a proper name, is explained by another, and stands generally without the article, Matth. Gr. Gr. 399. ίππαγωγός, 4, 42. a horse- transport, 6, 43. ίππαρχος, 4, 72. a hipparch. ίππεύς, 1, 62. a horse-sol- dier : 7, 73. μετά ιπττεων, With some horsemen. ιπποδρομία, 3, 104. a horse- race. ιπποκρατέω, 6, 71. ιπποκρα- τώνται, to be inferior in horse. ιππομαχεω, 4, 124. ιππομα- χησαν, to have a cavalry- action. ίππομαχία, 2, 22. βραχεία, a cavalry - fight, skirmish of horse : 4, 72. ίππος, 5, 10. a horse : 1, 62. ή ίππος, a body of horse : 4, 95. ΊΠΠ ΊΣΟ Ιπποτοζότης, 2, 13. a horse- Ίσονομεω, 6, 38. Ίσονομείσθαί archer, mounted archer, 96. μετά πολλών, to enjoy equal ί7Γ7Γοτροφία, 6, 12. breeding rights or to be on a footing horses. with. Ίσημι, 1, 4. ϊσμεν, to know Ισονομία, 4, 78. equal law, of, hear of, 13. 18. 75. ευ, we equity, impartiality : 3, 72. are sure: 1, 20. ίσασιν, to be ισόνομος, 3, 62. κατ ολιγαρ- aware: 7, 64. αυτοί Ίστε, your- χίαν, under an equitable selves know: 1, 76. εί τότε oligarchy. νπομειναντες δια παντός άπη- ίσοπαλτ/ς, 2, 39. επί τους ίσο- γβησθε εν τη ηγεμονία, ωσπερ πάλεις κίνδυνους χωροΰμεν, to ημείς, ευ ισμεν μη αν ησσον υμάς Undergo ΟΓ encounter equal λυπηρούς -γενομένους τοις ζυμμά- perils, i. e. as great as those χοις, και άνα•γκασθεντας αν η of others : 4, 94. πληθει, a αρχειν εγκρατώς η αυτούς κιν- match in number (for the δυνεύειν, that you would have enemy.) oppressed the allies in the Ίσοπλατης, 3, 21. τ£ τείχει, same manner and would equal in breadth to the wall. have been compelled, the Ίσοπληθης, 6, 37. equal in verbs ' to know' take the number. object in the participle, Ισόρροπος, 1, 105. μάχης, a Matth. Gr. Gr. 828. drawn battle, a doubtful ισθμός, 1, 7. an isthmus, a fight, 7, 71. ναυμαχίας: 2, 42. neck of land, 26. 56. : 8, 7. ό λόγος των έργων φανείη Ίσόρ- ύπερενεγκόντες τάς ναΰς τον ροπος, the panegyric would Ίσθμον, 3, 31. a double accus., not be more than equal to, Matth. Gr. Gr. 610. would not exceed, would be Ίσθμωΰης, 7, 26. Ίσθμωδες το borne out by, the actions. χωρίον, like or resembling an Ίσος, 3, 14. 'ίσα και Ικεται, isthmus, a kind of isthmus : i. q. ίσοι και ικεταις, equally 8, 26. narrow like an isthmus, as or like as suppliants, in ίσοδίαιτος, 1, 6. living on an the manner of suppliants: equal footing. 4, 106. πόλεως τε εν τω ίσω Ίσοκίνΰυνος, 6, 34. equal to ου στερισκόμενοι, equality of (any) danger. citizenship : 7, 27. της ίσης Ίσομοιρεω, 6, 16. to share, φρουράς, the just or proper divide, 39. to share equally, garrison, i. e. which is not have equal rights, partici- more than equal to the de- pate alike. fence of a place, the regular Ισομοιρία, 7, 75. των κακών, ordinary garrison: 1, 27. επί an equal participation in, or τγ ίση και ομοία. (sc. αίση,) on an equality of misfortune: 5, the condition of each re- 39. an equal share (of power.) ceiving an equal and similar ΊΣΟ ΊΣΧ portion (of land :) 3, 20. ίσας τω τείχει, equal to (the height of) the wall: 5, 101. απο τον ίσον, on equal ground : 3, 40. ο απο της ίσης εχθρός, an enemy on equal terms : 5, 47. το Ίσον της η-γεμονιας, an equal share of command: 1, 133. εν \σω τοις ποΧΧοις των διακόνων, equally with the majority of his agents : 8, 89. ισαιτεραν, ισοψηφος, 3, 79. οντος ισο- ψηφον, having a vote of equal influence with another : 1, 141. one who has an equal vote : 3, 11. Ίστημι, 7 , 24. τρόπαια 'έστησαν αϊτών, to erect trophies for, on account of them, 54. Matth. Gr. Gr.401. 685. : 3, 23. Ίστατο επι τον χειΧονς, to stand or draw up on the brink : 1, 89. Ιστηκει, to Stand : 4, 56. (7, 28.) εστασαν, instead of εστηκα the form ίστα by syncope obtains, Matth. Gr. Gr. 280. : 4, 51. Ισταμενον μηνός, on the en- trance of the month : 5, 46. ευ Ιστωτων, to be in a flourish- ing state, good condition* : 6, 55. η στηΧη σταθεϊσα, to be erected : 1, 40. στηναι εκπο- δών : 3, 39. μετά. των ποΧεμιωτά- των στάντες, to take part or side with (our) most impla- cable foes : 6, 34. ϊστασθαι προς τα. λεγόμενα, to be, ac- cording to report, settled, adjusted, to depend upon, i. e. to vary according to : 3, 15. a form of the verb 12 ίστημι referred to in Matth. Gr. Gr. 280. is not to be found in this place. Ιστίον, 7, 24. a ship -sail. ισχυριί,ω, 7 } 49. ισχυριί,ηται, to persist in, or adhere to one's opinion : 6, 45. ισχυρί- ζομαι, to asseverate, affirm, 3,44. Ισχυρός, 1, 58. strong, powerful : 3, 6. ούδεν Ίσχνρόν, no assurance, strength, no- thing certain : 5, 23. 'ισχυρό- τατος, most efficacious, 47. most vigorous, 111.: 7,72. ίσχυρας της νανμαχίας, hard, severe, obstinate. Ίσχνρως, 1, 69. vigorously, vehemently, resolutely. Ίσχνς, 3, 45. νομών, the force of laws, 37. strength, power of a state : 4, 86. ισχύος δικαιώσει, plea of the stronger : 7, 25. strength, force : 1, 36. Ίβχνν έχον, backed by strength : 4, 35. χωρίον Ίσχνί, the dat. for the Latin abl. is used with verbs, when it expresses an ex- ternal cause, and is to be rendered * on account of,' Matth. Gr. Gr. 569. ισχνω, 6, 82. μείζον ϊσχνον, to be more powerful, 1, 2. 18. to be strong : 2, 13. ^ττερ Ισχνονσιν, where or in which they are strong : 1, 36, Ισχύ- οντας, powerful: 2, 87. Ίσχνει προς τονς κινδύνους, to avail against danger : 1, 3. Ίσχν- σάντων, to prevail, to become powerful, 1, 9. Ίσχνσας, to grow strong : 3, 39. cY ην ΊΖΚ ΚΑΘ ισγυομιν, where we are ment of, capable of paying strong, through which we tribute: 8, 47. Ισχύοντα, pos- prevail, 1, 143. όθεν, whence sessing influence, we derive our power : 3, 46. '^χω, 3, 58. 7, 36. 50. see ισχύουσας ες χρημάτων \oyov t εχ/*>• in a capacity for the pay- 'ίσως, 1, 22. 82. perhaps. κ. Καθαι'οεσις, 5, 42. τον Πανά- καθάπτομαι, 6, 82. καθαψαμέ- κτου, a pulling down, demo- νου, to attack (in a speech,) lition. 16. καθηψατο, to glance at, καθαφετίος, 1, 118. to be make an attack upon (in overthrown, destroyed, 121. discourse,) perstrinxit. must be surpassed, ex- καθαρός, 5, 1. pure, holy, ceeded. 8. fresh, unimpaired. ΚαθαιρεΤης, 4, 83. πολεμίων, κάθαρσις, 5, 1. a purifica- a rooter out, an exterminator, tion : 3, 104. μετά την κάθαρ- καθαιρεω, 3, 50. καθεϊλον, to σιν, after the purification, pull down, demolish, 5, 103. καθέδρα, 2, 18. a sitting to destroy : 3, 13. καθαιρη- down, a halt, stay. σετε Άθηναίονς, to reduce: 1, καθεζομαι, 2, 19. καθεζομενοι, 13. καθηρονν, to destroy: 5, to encamp : 4, 110. εκαθείετο 42. καθηρημενον , demolished, προς το Αιοσκονρειον, to sit thrown down, razed even down with an army : 7, 73. with the ground : 1, 16. κα- ποι της Σ. καθεζομενη, to go θελονσα, to subvert, destroy anywhither in Sicily and the power of, 77. ημάς, to settle, 51. to fix: 2,18. εκα- put down our government, θεζοντο, to sit down (before 8,2. to submit: 8, 16. καθη- a place:) 2, 19. καθεζόμενοι ες ρουν, demolished, 1, 139.: 1, αντό, to come to a place to 4. καθγρει, to free from, to encamp (in it:) 1, 24. καθεζό- destroy: 1, 58. 90. 2, 14. 75. μενοι, to sit down as a sup- καθαιοουντες, to pull down: 5, pliant: 6, 49. καθεζηται προς 40. καθελεϊν Πάνακτον, to raze, τρ πόλα, to sit down before demolish: 6, 11. καθαιρεθηναι, a town (to besiege it:) 1, to Submit. 24. ταντα δε Ικεται καθεΖ,όμενοι καθαιρώ, 3, 104, εκάθηραν, εις το Ήραιον εδέουτο, an in- to purify, lustrate : 1, 48. stance of a verb, which of καθάπερ, 5, 18. in the same itself not implying motion, manner, like as : 4,23. ac- receives this sense by its cording to what. conjunction with etc, * into,' ζ ΚΑΘ ΚΑΘ Matth. Gr. Gr. 885. : 3, 70. rowing : 6, 16. καθηκα άρματα 1 3 11 '. ετττα, to let go, to start, καθεφ-γω, 4, 47. καθύρζαν, enter for the plate : 4, 100. to shut up. καθΰτο, aor. 2. middle, " the καθελκύω, 6,34. καθέλκυσαν- aor. pass, and middle of ίη /ui τες, to draw to the sea, to receive also an augm. in the launch, 50. £l τι ναντικόν εστί Compounds ε'ίθην, ε'ιμην, in καθεΐλκνσμενον, launched, off which case the aor. 2. mid- the stocks, ετοψον ες την θά- die takes the form of the λασσαν. plusq. perf. pass, and of the κάθε'ζις, 3, 47. την κάθεζιν της opt. aor. 2. middle," Matth. αρχής, retaining, holding, Gr. Gr. 287. maintaining empire. καθίζω, 1, 126. καθίζονσιν επί καθεύΰω, 4, 113. καθεύοοντες, τον βωμόν ικεται, to Sit down to repose (as soldiers,) Matth. (as suppliants) upon, at the Gr. Gr. 843. altar, an intrans. verb, which καθηψομαι, 6, 4. καθη-γησαμε- retaining its intrans. sense, vov f to lead a colony, con- yet governs an accus./more- duct a party of settlers. over here the prep, επί ac- καθηκω, 2, 27. καθηκονσα επ\ companies the accus., Matth. θάλασσαν, extending, reach- Gr. Gr. 601.: 4, 93. καθίσας ing to the sea : 3, 96. καθη- ες χωρίον, to make halt, 5, 7. κοντές ττρος τον Μηλιακόν κόλ- to station, post, 4, 90. : 3, 7τον, to border upon, dwell 75. καθ'ιζουσιν ες το ιερόν, to near. sit down upon or at the al- κάθημαι, 4, 124. καθησθαι, to tar in a temple, to take re- rest inactive : 3, 46. καθημε- fuge in, Matth. 885. : 6, 66. νοις, to Sit down to a siege, εκάθισαν το στράτευμα ες 'χωρίον to continue, 2, 20. to sit επιτη^εων, to encamp an down (of an army,) 5, 7. to army: 1, 136. καθΐζεσθαι επί linger long, stand still, 85. την εστίαν, to sit down. tO sit, 3, 38. tO sit down, 6, καθίστημι, 1, 131. καθίστησιν 13. τω αύτω ανδοί, to Sit by, εαυτόν ες κρίσιν, to put himself near, beside, for παρακ. upon his trial, 5, 103. καθί- καθιΰρύω, 4, 46. καθιδρυμε- στανται επι αφανείς ελπίδας, νους, to sit down, to settle. to betake oneself to dark καθιεναι, 5, 52. καθειναι τείχη hopes, 2, 11. καθίστανται ες ες θάλασσαν, to let down the έργον, to come to action : 3, walls as far as the sea, i. e. 3. άρτι καθιστάμενου, to be re- to continue them down to cently begun, entered upon, it: 4, 48. καθιεντες, to apply on foot, 1, 1. 1, 125. to to : 2, 91. καθεΐσαι τάς κωπας, arrange, prepare : 1, 44. to relax the Oars, to cease καθιστωνται ες πόλεμου : 5, 82. ΚΑΘ ΚΑΘ καθίσταντο τά εν 'Αχαία, to dis- καταστησαντες, to establish, pose for oneself, 51. to be 82. ες άπόνοιαν, to drive into established, founded, settled : despair, 6, 82. ηγεμόνες κατα- 4, 92. καθίστατο, to be, to im- στάντες οικοΰμεν, for καθεστηκό- ply, 6, 55. τα της άρ^ης πρά- τες εσμεν, to be appointed, -γματα, to settle, establish: 4, made leaders, 3, 86. ες 'Ρί- 103. καθειστηκει, to be ap- yiov, to take up one's quar- pointed, 2, 45. εν τω ομοίω, to ters : 6, 6. καθεστασαν ες πόλε- stand to, or to be to the same μον, to be at war: 1, 140. purpose, i. e. equally una- καταστησητε σα^ες, to make it vailing, 1, 101. to exist, en- clear, to convince, plainly to dure, 132. επειδή εν τούτω, after shew: 3, 18. καταστησάμενοι aifairs took their present turn, τά βεβαιότερα, to put (affairs) 8, 38. : 7, 67. παρά το καθεστη- on a foundation more secure: κος, Contrary to the practice, 3, 40. καταστήσατε ξυμμάχοις custom, wont of any one, 3, παράδειγμα, to make an ex- 39. νΰν καθεστηκόσι, now ex- ample for the confederates, isting, 2, 36. καθεστηκυία. η\ι- to furnish a (fair) warning ic /α, a settled period of life, to: 6, 54. άνεπιφθόνως κατε- middle age, age of manhood, στησατο, he conducted or be- 3, 43. καθεστηκε, to be the haved himself unblameably, case, practice, use, solere, usu without ill will ox odium, 1, venire, 4, 33. ούτοι καθεστηκε- 114. Εύβοίαν ομοΧο-για κατέστη- σαν, they stood, 1, 130. εν τω σαντο, to reduce into one's καθεστηκότι τρόπω, in the esta- power on conditions, 8, 23. blished manner of living : 3, established, restored, 29. 102. καθεστηζει, to fix, secure had appointed, established, (as an ally,) 37. βέβαιον, to strengthened: 2, 65. επεί ο remain, endure, (of a decree,) πόλεμος κατέστη, when war to stand firm, hold good, to arose, was on foot, 74. ές be carried into effect : 6, 16. επψαρτυρίαν, to proceed to an κατέστησα, to reduce, con- attestation, to attest : 1, 75. Strain : 3, 8. κατέστησαν ες καταστηναι, to become, 9. μεί- λόγους, to be or to sit in Ιούς, to become greater : 3, council, 7, 44. ες φόβον, to 34. ες το τεΐγος πάλιν καταστη- be reduced to fear, fall into σειν, to replace within the alarm, to be panic struck, fortification, to restore to, 5, 81. τά πράγματα ες ολίγους, 1, 73. ο αγών καταστησεται, to to put into the hands of the be established, 3, 47. κατα- few, 1, 32. κατεστημεν ες πό- στήσετε τοις δυνατοις, to effect λεμον, to be engaged in a or establish (a point) for the war: 4, 84. καταστάς επί το aristocrats, wealthy, 4, 76. πλήθος, to Stand Up, 1, 55. καταστησειν ες το §πιτ//δαον, to ζ 2 ΚΑΘ ΚΑΙ establish on an advantageous καθυπέρτερος, 5, 14. γεν^ε- principle : 5, 88. εν τω τοιωΰε σθε, to get the upper hand : καθεστώτας, to be placed in 7, 56. καθνπερτερα, in a better, such a situation as this, 2, more flourishing state, supe- 59. πανταχόθεν τη γνώ /it? άποροι ΠΟΓ to. καθεστώτες, to be utterly at a και, 7, 60. καί ξυνελθόντες, loss what to do, to be at k q. ovv: 1, 140. κα\ νυν ονχ their wit's end, 5, 30. κάθε- rj /αστα, and now especially, στώτα, raging, existing, per- 90. τα μεν καΐ — το δε πλέον, vading, 7,64. εν ενί τωδε αγώνι, partly because — but rather : to be or to engage in: 3, 9. 7, 53. δείσαντες, as, because, το. μεν καθεστώς, the κ being quippe qui metuebant : 3, 2. και rejected in the perf., and προ τοΰ πολέμου, even before, the participle taking the a 3, πέμ-φαντες και ουκ επειθον, from εσταως, contracted εστώς, (when) even having sent, Matth. Gr. Gr. 229. see too they did not prevail upon, 280* : 6, 18. καθεσταμεν, 7, 28. 30. καΐ πάνυ, especially, even καθεστασαν, example of syn- extremely : 1, 68. και εί μεν cope, where εστα is for εστηκα, που, if in truth at all : 7; Matth. 279. 4. ώστε καΐ — βένετο, by this κάθοδος, 5, 16. a return, 8, means, in a great measure : 47. : 3, 85. a return from < 1, 65. καΐ εστίν α και εΤλε, and emigration: 3, 114. 8, 47. there were even some small καθοράω, 1, 48. καθορωσι, to towns, which he took : 5, descry: 3, 112. καθορωμενοις 112. ούτε άλλα δοκεί ημΐν η απερ τη οφει, to be seen, 23. κα- και τοπρώτον, the use of και θεωρώντο, to be discerned, 20. for the Latin ac or atque, in καθορωμενου, to be discerned, English ' as,' Matth. Gr. Gr. within view : 8, 19. καθορώ- 704. : 7, 47. αλλ* απερ και σιν, to behold. διανοηθείς ες τάς Ί&πιπολάς καθορμίζω, 4, 45. καθορμισά- διεκινδύνευσεν, etiam, Matth. μενοι. to moor, harbour, 3, 938. 32. ες την ' Έφεσον, to Sail καινός, 3, 30. το καινον του into port at Ephesus, to put πολέμου, a vicissitude, reverse into Ephesus : 4, 13. καθορ- in war, 92. εκ καινής, deintegro, μίσωνται, 8, 33. καθωρμίσαντο, quite afresh, on a new foun- came to anchor, 34. καθορμι- dation. σάμενοι, to come to shore. καινότης, 3, 38. λόγου, a new καθόσον εί, 6, 88. i. q. on. : strain of words. καθόσον, 7, 37. * καινόω, 1, 71. κεκαίνωται, to καθότι, 4, 34. 118. be made new, to be new- καθυπερθε, 5,59.above,in the modelled: 3, 82. καινοΰσθαι, upper part : 4, 43. above, aloft, to innovate. ΚΑΙ ΚΑΚ καίριος, 4, 10. τα καίρια, κακοπραγέω, 2, 43. κακοπρα• fortunate, contingencies. μουντές, the unfortunate : 4, καιρός, 2, 43. 4, 77. occa- 55. to fare ill, speed badly. Sion, opportunity : 3, 13. ως KaKotrpay'ia, 2, 60. ταϊς κατ ονπω πρότερον, an excellent οίκον, domestic calamities, opportunity, an opportunity disasters, 'Οπότε ovv πόλις μεν such as never (offered) be- τάς ιδίας ζνμφοράς via τε ψερειν, fore, 56. : 5, 61. εν καιρώ πα- εις δε έκαστος τάς εκείνης άδύνα- ρείναι, to arrive in a favour- τος, πως ου χρη πάντας αμυνειν able moment, in the nick of αυτή ; καΐ μη, (ο νυν υμεΐς ΰρατε, time: 1, 142. τοΐι πολέμου οι ταις κατ οίκον κακοπρα•γίαις καιροί, Opportunities in war, εκπεπληγμένοί,) του κοινοΰ της Occasions : 6, 9. εν καιρό) σπεύ- σωτηρίας α,φίεσθε, for αφίεσθαι, δετέ, to be in haste unseason- as a continuation of the ably. question. Thus a new order καίτοι, 3, 39. certainly, of constr. is commenced, in- surely. stead of a continuation of the καίω, 2, 49. τά δέ εντός ούτως former ; and it is an instance εκάετο, to be scorched, to of the anacoluthon. Matth. burn : 7, 80. πυρά καυσαντες Gr. Gr. 945. : 4, 79. evil ώς πλείστα, to light as many plight, bad state : 8, 2. mis- fires as possible : 4, 34. fortune, 3, 39. misfortune, κακία, 3, 58. a disgrace : adversity. 1, 32. an evil design, malice: κακός, bad, wicked, ill— 2,87. disposed, evil, 2, 51. 4, 117. κακίΖω, 2, 21. εκάκιζον, to κακότης, 5, 100. baseness. revile, blame: 1, 105. κακι- κακοτροπ/α, 3, 83. evil. ζόμενοι, to be reviled, run κακοτυγεω, 2, 60. κακοτυ- down, 5, 75. to be rendered χύν, to be unfortunate, un- faint-hearted. prosperous. κακόνονς, 6, 24. τη πόλει, κακουρ-γεω, 7, 19. της 'χωράς disaffected, ill-disposed. τοις κρατίστοις ες το κάκου ργείν, κακοξύνετος, 6, 10. κακό- the parts of the country best ξυνετώτερος, more cunning, adapted for annoying, in- crafty, j wring, plundering, inflicting κακοπάθεια, 7, 77. a cala- damage: 2, 67. ετι πλείω κα- mity, Matth. Gr. Gr. 535. κουργρ, to do still further κακοπαθεω, 2, 41. ύψ' οιωυ injury, yet more mischief: κακοπαθεί, to Suffer a defeat 7, 4. κάκου pyrjaovT ες εζίοιεν, to from such men as these, ravage, injure, spoil: 2,22. τον (with indignation:) 1, 122. μη προδρόμους κακουρψιν εσπί- κακοπαθοΰντες υπό μιας, to πτοντας ες τους αγρούς, to pre- suffer by means of one, 78. vent the light-armed troops to suffer evil : 4, 29. (skirmishers) from falling ΚΑΚ ΚΑΛ upon and injuring the lands : Κορυφάσιον, to name, call : 1, 3, 1. τον πλείστον ομιλον τών 2. καλούμενος, to be named, 2, φιλών ειργον το μη τα εγγύς 19. 5, 10. 72. 7, 4. 57. : 1, 3. της πόλεως KaKovpyeiv, the μάλλον καλεισθαι, to be much infin. is used as a subst. or frequently called : 1,126. with the neuter article, here έκαλούι^το, to be called, 8, 6. : the infin. is put with the 6, 2. εκλήθησαν, to be named, accus. of the article for the 1, 100. : 1, 3. κληθεντες, to be gen., Matth. Gr. Gr. 820. : called, denominated : 3, 82. 6, 7. κεκληνται, to be called, 2, 37. KaKovpy'ia, 1, 37. Wicked- κεκληται όνομα δημοκρατία, to ness, villainy. be calLed democracy : 5, 9. KaKovpyog, 3, 45. a male- κεκλησθαι : 4, 64. κεκλημενονς. factor, villain: 5, 16. an καλινδεω, 2, 52. εκαλινδούντο, evil-doer, a bad man, a man to be rolled out, over about, deficient in principle : 1, 8. κάλλιστος, 5, 9. most bril- a robber, pirate, malefactor : liant, satisfactory, best : 2, 6, 38. κακουργοτέροις, worse. 34. επι τον καλλιστον προα- κακόω, 7, 27. εκάκωσε τα στείον, in the handsomest πράγματα, to damage, injure suburb : 5, 9. κάλλιστα, with the state, commonwealth, 3, mostacuteness: 2, 11. 6, 33.: 87. to deteriorate,, injure : καλλίων, 5, 60. : καλλιώτερος, 4, 52. κακώσειν, 87. κακουμε- 4, 118. an instance of a new voi, injured, 25. κεκακωμενην, compar. being derived from to be reduced to a low ebb, a compar. in use, Matth. Gr. 1, 38. to be afflicted : 2, 25. Gr. 169. εκάκουν, to do damage, 8,45.: κάλλος, 3, 17. an ornament. 6, 18. κακώσομεν, to injure, κάλος, 5, 59. εν καλώ, Under damage, weaken : 8, 32. κα- favourable circumstances: 3, κώσειν, would injure, harass, 42. του μη καλόν, i. q. τον 78. αισχρού : 4, 92. καλά φαίνεται, κακώς, 5, 23. πάσχειν, to the victims are favourable : suffer, undergo injury : 3, 8, 2. 40. ποιείν, to maltreat, injure: καλνζη, 1, 133. a tent: 2, 2, 65. 7, 80. 52. πν^ηραΐς, suffocating, κάκωσις, 7, 4. a damage, stifling, close huts, tempo- loss, havoc, 82. : 2, 43. μετά rary buildings. τού μαλακισθηναι, misfortune, καλώδιον, 4, 26. a cord, loss coupled with or incurred κάλως, 4, 25. άπο κάλω, by through feebleness, supine- rope, (being towed,) the ness. Attic declension instead of κάλαμος, 2, 76. a reed. κάλωος, Matth. Gr. Gr. 79. καλεω, 4, 3. καλούσι αντην — καλώς, 2, 60. ανηρ το καθ ΚΑΜ ΚΑΤ εαυτόν καλώς φερόμενος, to go καρτερεω, 2, 44. to bear up on well, to be prosperous in (under misfortunes,) to be of one's private affairs : 1, 5. in good cheer : 7, 64, καρτερη- a gentlemanly style : 3, 22. σατε, to be valiant, brave. ου καΧώς την Ελλάδα ελευθε- καρτεράς, 3, 18. επι των καρ- ρουν, to take a bad Way to τερών ^κατωκοΰόμηται, to build free Greece : 4, 93. καλώς upon strong places, situa- αύτοίς είχεν, it was a fine op- tions : 4, 3. difficult of ac- portunity : 5, 65. καλώς λη- cess, strong : 5, 7. steep : 4, ψθεντας, to be fairly, nicely 4. rugged, strong, impracti- caught : 3, 44. τον καλώς cable : 1, 49. fierce, obsti- εχοντος ες το μέλλον, future nate : 5, 10. καρτερώτατον, well-being, well-being for most steep, difficult of as- the future : 5, 36. on honour- cent : 4, 43. able terms, without sacri- κατά, 3, 32. πλουν, in the ficing honour. course of, during the voy- κάμνω, 2, 51. to be ill: 3, age, 10. καθ* εν 'γενόμενοι, to 98. εκεκμηκεσαν, to be wearied: be singly, one by one, sigil- 2, 41. κάμνειν νπερ αυτής, to latim, to be united, in one, undergo, sustain labours. 24. κατά χώραν εψνοντο, to perils for, on behalf of: 6, 34. remain stationary, resume κεκμηκόσιν, weary, fatigued : one's post, 39. κατά λό -yov, 3,59. τους κεκμηώτας, the dead, rationally, reasonably, ac- Matth. Gr. Gr. 229. cording to calculation, ex- κάμτττω, 3, 58. καμφθηναι, pectation *. 5, 47. κατά τάδε, (to be bent,) to relent. according to those terms : κανοΐιν, 6, 56. a basket. 1, 53. κατά το δυνατόν, to the καπνός, 3, 88. smoke. extent of my power: 3, 37. καρδία, 2, 49. the Stomach. το καθ* ημεραν άδεές, habitual, καρπός, 3, 15. καρπού ξυγ /co- usual security, fearlessness : μώη, gathering in corn, get- 7, 44. το καθ' εαυτόν, that ting in fruits, the harvest. which is near, by oneself, καρπόω, 2, 38. καρπουσθαι in one's own quarter : 5, 50. οικειοτερα τη απολαύσει, to have κατά την εζονσίαν, On aCCOUnt a more familiar use, enjoy- of being entitled, 75. μείζω η mentof: 7, 68. κα\ ty\ πάση κατά δάκρυα, too great for Σικελία καρπουμενη καί πριν tears, η ώστε ανακλαιειν '. 7, ελευθερίαν β&αιοτεραν παραδου- 42. καθ 1 έτερα, in either way, ναι, to give, deliver to Sicily, (with land-force or a fleet :) which possessed it even be- 3, 49. κατά μέρος, by turns : 7, fore, a surer or more secure 44. κατά τών κρημνών ρίπτοντες freedom, i. e. to give Sicily a εαυτούς, down the precipices: more secure freedom than it 1, 64. κατά κράτος, strongly : before enjoyed. 7, 18. κατά τάς σπ-ονδάς, in the ΚΑΤ treaty, 30. τον πόλεμον, in the war, i. e. during the war, 1, 1 . τους πολέμους, in respect to wars : 5, 3. Kaff o$6v, on one's route, on the way : 1, 25. κατ εκείνον τον yjpovov, at that time : 6, 77. κατά πόλεις, city after city,, one at a time, severally, 1, 3. city by a City, 3, 78. οι Κερκυραίοι κακώς τε και κατ ολίγας ναυς προσπί- πτοντες, with few ships at a time, Matth. Gr. Gr. 894. : 4, 32. κατά διακόσιους τε και πλείους, Matth. L C. I 7,6. όπερ καθ αυτούς ην, OVer- against, opposite, next, near : 1, 74. καθ' ησυγιαν, Without any difficulty, without a stroke: 1, 3. ΰοκεί μοι — κατ έθνη αΧλα τε και το Πελασγικού επι πλείστον αφ εαυτών την επω- νυμίαν παρέχεσθαι, Singulos ρο- pulos, this accus. with the prep, is put nominatively, as also in the following exam- ple, 1,3. καθ εκάστους η$η τη ομιλία, μάλλον καλείσθαι ' Ελλη- νας, Matth. 432. : 2, 62. ού κατά την των οικιών και της -γης y^puav, this prep, is used with the accus. in the ex- pression of a similitude, ac- cordance, Matth. 893. : 2, 87. ώστε ου κατά την ημετεραν κακιαν το ησσησθαι προσε-γενετο, on account of, Matth. 892. καταβαίνω, 5, 59. καταζάν- τες, to descend, 1, 93. to go down : 2, 49. ό πόνος κατε- ζαινεν ες τα στήθη, the pain or complaint reached, ex- tended : 1, 105. καΓεβησαν ες 12 ΚΑΤ την Μ., to make a descent upon, 5, 58, κατεζη ες το πε- δίον, to descend into the plain: 2, 20. καταζηναι, to come down : 8, 45. καταβ^, should come down, be sent down : 4, 15. 7, 44. καταβάλλω, 1, 27. καταβάλ- λοντες, to lay down, to spend : 7, 24. κατέβαλον το τείχος, to throw, pull down : 1, 58. κα- ταξαλόντας, to destroy or pull down a town : 6, 102. κατα- βεβλημένα, to be thrown down, κατάβασις, 7, 44. πάλιν, the descent back, down again. κατάζιαζω, 4, 123. κατα^ια- σαμενων τους πολλούς, to draw in by force. κατά&ι&ά£ω, 5, 65. κατα&ιζα- σαι, to make to descend into a plain : 7, 85. ές τάς λιθοτο- μίας, to force down. κατσ&οαω, 1, 67. κατε&όων των Άθηνα/ων, to clamour against, 115. : 5, 45. κατα- νοώντας τών Α., to cry down, to revile. κατα&οη, 1, 73. ημών, a cla- morous accusation of us : 8, 85. κατα&υρσοω, 7 , 65, κατε^υρ- σωσαν, to cover with hides. καταγγελτος, 7, 48. καταγ- "γελτους γίγνεσθαι, to be made known, discovered by means of an informer, to have one's secrets disclosed, revealed. καταγελαω, 3, 83. καταγελα- σθεν, laughed down, ridiculed. κατα"γΐ"γνώσκω, 4, 74. κατε- γνώσθησαν, to condemn: 7,51. κατεγι-ωκότων,ίο be of opinion, ΚΑΤ ΚΑΤ to be convinced, Matth. Gr. καταδάμναμαι, 7, 82. tho- Gr. 808. : 3, 67. κατα-γνωσόμε- roughly to conquer, subdue. νοι αυτών, to condemn : 3, 81. καταδείδω, 4, 110. κατεδεισαν, κατΕ-γνωσαν απάντων θάνατον, to fear : 2, 3. καταδείσαντες, to to condemn (them) all to be alarmed, death, Matth. Gr. Gr. 524. : καταδεω, 4, 57. καταδήσαι, to 6,60. καταγνόντες των διαψυ- bind, enchain, 8, 15. to throw -γόντων θάνατον, to condemn to into chains : 6,53. κατεδονν, death those, who had esca- to put in prison. ped : 3, 45. KaTayvo^ εαυτόν κατάδηλος, 4, 44. distin- μη περάσζσθαι, to pronounce guishable, under view, con- against oneself that one spicuous, 47. οντες, to be shall not escape, to be self- evidently, visibly, notori- convinced. ously, 123. τό κατάδηΧον, κατά-γνυμι, 4, 11. to shatter, getting abroad or wind : 8, break : 3, 89. κατέαξεν, to 10. manifest. break in pieces. καταδικάζω, 5, 49. καταδεδι- κaτάyvωσις, 3, 16. an opi- κάσθαι, to be fined, mulcted, nion, idea, 82. μετά ψήφου καταδίκη, 5, 49. 50. a fine. αδίκου κατα^νώσεως, by means καταδιώκω, 7, 51. to pur- of an unjust vote of condem- sue: 1, 49. καταδιώξαντες, to nation. pursue: 4, 101. κατεδίωζαν ες καταγορευω, 6, 54. τω Άρι- τάς νανς, to pursue to, 8, 17. .* στογει'τονι, to denounce, in- 3, 4. καταδιωχθεντος, to be form against, to discover : chased into port, to be 4, 68. driven in, 8, 20. καταδιωχθεί- κατά-γω, 1, 26. to lead (any σαι, which had been pur- one) back (as to his home,) sued : 7, 52. κατεδίωκον, to 4, 74. 2, 33. to conduct back, pursue, tore-instate, 1, 111. to take καταδουλόω, 3, 70. to en- back (and restore to his slave, 63. καταδουΧου μένους, to kingdom :) 5, 16. κaτayayεϊv, enslave, subdue under one's to bring back, conduct home, own power. 4, 68. ές κίνδυνον, to bring κατοδουλωσις, 3, 10. SUDJU- into danger, 2, 33. KaTriyayov, gation: 6, 76. Matth. Gr. Gr. 5, 32. : 1, 26. κατάζοντες I 8, 558. : 7, 66. επι καταδονΧώσει, 53. for or with a view to the κuτayωyη ) 6, 42. appulsus subjugation. navium in portum, Schol. καταδρομή, 5, 56. a skirmish: λιμην, places where ships 7, 27. an excursion: 1, 142. touched at. an incursion, irruption : 8, καταγώγιον, 3, 68. an inn, a 41. την χωράν καταδρομαις Χείαν caravansary. εποιεϊτο, for ελεηλατ**• a a ΚΑΤ ΚΑΤ καταδύω, 7, 23. κατεΒυσαν, to sink, 41. καταΰύσαντες, 8, 42. κατέδυσαν : 3, 78. to Sink (a ship :) 7, 34. κατεδυ, (made) to sink : 1, 50. των νέων, ας καταδύσπαν, which they might have sunk, an instance of the use of the opt. in an abstract proposition, " the opt. is used thus, where the indie, is put in other languages," Matth. Gr. Gr. 757. : see also 758. where it is observed that, " when regularly construct- ed, the opt. in this case (viz. an abstract proposition,) is accompanied by av or κεν, yet this particle is some- times wanting." καταθεω, 7, 27. καταθεονσης rrjv yapav, to make incur- sions upon, to scour, 3, 97. to run down upon : 5, 7. καταινεω, 4, 122. κατι^ει, to be well content. καταιρω, 1, 37. καταιροντας, to touch at, put into a port, 7, 49. : 8, 31. κατγοαν, to come to land, 39. to depart, 42. καταοαντες. καταισχύνω, 6, 13. καται- σχυνθηναι, to be deterred by shame. καταιτιαομαι, 3, 42. κατητι- ωντο αμαθιαν, to lay to the charge of: 6, 60. κατακαίω, 7, 25. κατεκαυσαν, to burn, 4, 57. : 3, 74. κατε- ιεανθη, to be consumed by fire : 4, 30. κατακανθεν, to be burnt : 2, 4. ol Πλαταιές εβουλευοντο, είτε κατακανσουσιν, ωσπεο έχουσα», εμπρησαντες το οίκημα, είτε τι αΧλο γ^ρησονται, utrum cos concrcmarcnt, an aliud quid Mis facerent, the indie, in Greek in indirect interrogations is used, be- cause something is repre- sented independent of the thought of the speaker, Matth. Gr. Gr. 742. (but Bekker here reads, on the authority of MS S. κατακανσω- crw — γ^ρησωνται I 8, 39. κατα- καίονσι, 108. κατακαΧεω, 1, 24. κατακΧη- θε\ς, to be named, called. κατακΧειω, 1, 117. κατεκΧεί- σθησαν, to be shut Up, 109. κατεκΧεισε, to shut up (in an island :) 5, 83. κατεκλεισαν, to blockade, close up the ports : 4, 57. κατακΧύω, 3, 89. κατεκΧυσε, to wash away. κατακοΧπίϊ,ω, 8, 92. ες A'lyi- vav κατακοΧπίσαι, to turn into the bay of iEgina, to enter the bay. κατακοΧνμ^άω, 7, 25. κατά- κοΧνμζώντες, to dive down. κατακόμβη, l } 120. carrying down to the shore for the purpose of exportation. κατακομίζω, 4, 67. to carry. • κατακοντίζω, 7, 84. to throw, hurl darts upon. κατακοπτω, 7, 29. κατεκο-φαν, to cut to pieces, to slay, butcher, massacre: 4, 96. κατεκόπησαν, to be cut to pieces. κατακουω, 3, 22. κατακονσάν- των, to distinguish by hear- ing, to hear. ΚΑΤ ΚΑΤ κατακρατεω, 6, 55. κατεκρά- τησε, to keep possession of, to hold, retain. κατακτάομαι, 4, 86. κατακτη- μένοι, to grasp : 5, 9. καταλαμβάνω, 5, 59. κατεΧα- βον, to meet with, 4, 1. to seize, take possession of, 2, 56. to find, 2, 5. καταΧα^εΊν, to surprise, seize, 81. to oc- cupy, 7, 2. καταλαβώι>, to find (upon one's arrival,) 18. κα- ταλα&οι, to overtake, befall, happen, 4, 92. καταΧάζωμεν, to Catch : 5, 21. κατειΧημμενας, to be confirmed, irrefragable, 2, 3. to be taken, 4, 6. 8. 7, 57. to befall, overtake, to be ensnared, 1, 9. bound (by- oath .*) 4, 92. καταΧηφθώσι, to be met with or caught, 5, 10.: 3, 30. καταΧηφθηναι τα πρά-γματα, to get things into one's power, to get posses- sion of things : 4, 70. καταΧη- ψεσθαι, to find, take, come Up with: 8, 23. καταληφθεισαι, to be captured. καταΧε-γω, 7, 31. καταλεγο- μενος, to muster, assemble, 8, 31. to select : 3_, 75. κατεΧε -yov ες τας νανς, to select (indi- viduals) for the service of ships. καταλείπω, 4, 93. καταΧιπων, to leave behind, 7, 26. to leave, 2, 78.4,42.: 6, 16. to leave behind, to bequeath, 4, 1 8. καταΧιπειν, 5,16.: 3, 58. κα- ταλείψατε : 2, 64. καταΧεΧείφεται, to be left behind, to remain, to survive, the paulo-post- future marks a fut. action, the beginning of which, how- ever, in regard to time is past, but the consequences of which, or the circum- stances resulting from it, still continue, Matth. Gr. Gr. 725.: 2, 43. καταλείπεται, to leave behind : 8, 27. καταλι- πόντες, to leave behind. καταΧευω, 1, 106. κατελευσαν, to destroy by stones. καταΧηπτος, 3,11. τα πρά- γματα, that, which can be ob- tained, acquired, got pos- session of. καταλι^7τάνω, 8, 17. to leave behind. καταΧΧασσω, 4, 59. καταΧΧα- y?ivat, to be reconciled : 6, 89. καταλλασσομευοι προς Αθη- ναίους, reckuntes in grauam curtiy to make peace with. κατάλογος, 1, 10. a cata- logue, list, an enumeration : 6, 31. a levy, muster-roll, Conscription, 43. εκ κατάλο- γου: 7, 26. κατάλογους εποιονν- το, to make levies^ conscrip- tions, to enroll, 16. 20. : 8, 24. κατάλυσις, 4, 20. peace : 8, 18. termination, 37. peace: 1, 18. dissolution, distinc- tion, abolition : 6, 28. επί καταλύσει, for, with a view to the subversion : 1, 107. a demolition: 6, 54. επιβουλεύει κατάλυσιν τγ τυραννία, to plot the subversion of the ty- ranny : 8, 18. καταΧυω, 5, 47. 7, 31. τον πόλεμου, to put an end to, 23 to destroy, make war, 1, Γ22. a a 2 : ΚΑΤ ΚΑΤ tO put down (tyrants:) Ι, κατανέμω, 2, 7. κατανείμαμε- 136. καταλνσαι, to flee to (for voi, to divide among them- refuge,) 1, 24. 2, 19. to put selves, to share. an end to, 8, 47. to destroy, κατανοεω, 1, 138. κατενόησε subvert : 5, 89. καταλυσαντες, της Πεοσίδος 'γλώσσης, to learn, to destroy, 2, 15. to dissolve, obtain a knowledge of, 2, 3. put an end to, 1,18. κατελυ- to discern, discover, 3, 66. Θησαν, to put down, to de- κατανοησαντες, to discover, throne, 5, 81. to put down find out. (the democracy:) 1, 81. κα- κατάντικρυ, 7, 26. Κυθήρων, ταλϋεσθαι, 1, 81. 6, 13. to put over against, opposite to, 26.: an end to (a war,) 5, 15. to 7, 57. plainly, clearly, evi- release, set at liberty : 6, 13. dently. καταλυθείσαν (την τυραννίδα ,) to καταπατεω, 5, 72. καταπατη- be overthrown, put down, θέντας, to trample under foot : dissolved : 3, 115. καταΧυθη- 7, 84. κατεπάτουν αλλήλους, t σεσθαι, to be about to be put trample upon one another. an end to: 8, 47. απο σψών κατατταυω, 1, 107. καταπαν- αυτων ol εν τρ Έιάμψ τριηραργοι σειν τον $ημον, to put down ωρμηντο ες το καταλυσαι την 8η- the democracy : 5, 26. κατε- μοκρατίαν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 879.: παυσαν, to abolish, put an end 6, 36. ουκ αυτούς εικός τον εκεΐ to : 8, 24. καταπαυσωσι, they πολεμον μηπω βεβαίως καταλελυ- might put down, 97. μένους επ α,Χλον ποΧεμον ουκ καταπη-γνυμι, 7, 25• κατεπη- ελάσσω εκοντας ελθεϊν, an in- ξαν, to fix, implant, drive stance of the perf. pass, used into, fasten, for the perf. middle, Matth. καταπίμπλημι, repleo, oppko, 716. compleo. καταμεμφομαι, 7, 77. κατά- καταπίπτω, 4, 90. κατεπεπτω- μεμ-ψασθαι υμάς αυτους 3 to blame κει, to be pulled down, yourselves, Matth. Gr. Gr. καταπλέω, 1, 51. κατεπλεον, 535. : 8, 106. - to sail to shore : 6, 42. κατα- κατάμεμ•ψις,7,75.σφωναυτών, πλεωσι, to put in, to arrive: self- accusation, reproach : 2, 3, 4. καταπλευσαντες, to arrive, 41. εχειυ κατάμεμ-φιν, to afford come to anchor, 8, 22. to sail room for complaint, mur- to, 7, 5. κατέπλευσε, to sail muring. down, i. e, to the coast-port, καταμόνας, 1, 32. 37. alone, to sail in: 1, 5. καταπλεόντων, καταναγκάζω, 5, 61. κατηνάγ- to sail by, to Coast, to touch, κασαν, to compel : 2,41. κα- while sailing by, 6, 52. to τανα-γκάσαντες : 1,75. κατηνα -y- sail into port, to touch at : κασθημεν I 4, 77. κατηνα-γκα- 8, 35. καταπλεΐ. σμενους, to be subdued, over- καταπληθομαι, to be over- powered. stocked, satiated with. ΚΑΤ ΚΑΤ κατάπληζις, 7, 24. conster-, with precipitation, to be nation, dismay, panic, 42, 8, beaten back. 1. 66. καταρρέω, 7 3 84. κατερρεον, καταπλήσσω, 2, 62. καταπε- to flow down, to be taken πλη -y μένους, to be cut down, down by the current, dejected, 4, 74. paralysed: καταρρη^νυμι, 4, 115. κατερ- 6, 40. καταπλαψίσα προς τάς ράγη, to give way (under tOO αγγελίας, to be terrified on great weight,) to break away, account of the rumours, 4, to be crushed. 10. 5, 65. to be astonished, κάταρσις, 4, 26, a landing- 6, 34. to be struck with place. alarm : 1, 81. καταπλα-γηναι, κατασείω, 2, 76. κατεσεισε τον to be panic-Struck : 6, 78. μεγάλου οικοδομήματος επί με -ya, KaTanXayfa την δνναμιν, to be to shake the large super- alarmed, frightened : 7, 72. structure very considerably, καταπεπλνχΟαι, to be cast to its foundation, down, overwhelmed with κατασκαφτώ, 4, 109. κατε- despair : 2, 65. κατεπλησσεν σκα-φαν τείχη, to dig down : 5, επι το φο^εΐσθαι, to strike ter- 63. κατασκαφαί την οικίαν, to ror, fear into, to strike with demolish the house : 6, 7. fear, to reduce to a state of κατασκάψαντες, to level (with alarm : 6, 38. καταπληζαντας the ground. τό υμετεοον πλήθος, to terrify. κατασκαψη, 5, 63. a demoli- κατάπλους, 4, 10. cataplus, tion, putting down. a passage, 26. κατασκεπτομαι, 6, 50. κατα- καταπολεμεω, 4, 1. to re- σκεψασθαι, to explore, see, duce by war, 86. καταπολεμοΰ- discover, discern, μεν τους Αθηναίους, to be at κατασκευάζω, 6, 44. κατε- war with : 2, 7. καταπολεμη- σκευασαντο στρατοπέδου, to es- σοντες βεβαίως, to carry on tablish or pitch one's camp : War against with Security. 3, 68. κατασκευασαντες, to fit καταττροδιδωαι, 4, 10. κατά- up or manufacture with : 8, προδοΰναι, to cast away, give, 24. καλώς κατεσκευασμενην, no- abandon : 3, 63. to give up, bly cultivated : 2, 85. 4, 75. betray, 7, 63. καταπροδίδοιτε, κατασκευή, 2, 16. furniture, to betray, give up, abandon : 38. preparation or appara- 3, 109. κατ απ ροτόντες, to be- tus (for celebrating a festi- tray, 7, 48. : 1, 86. καταττροδί- val,) 65. furniture, fitting Ιώμεν, to betray. up, 14. furniture, moveables, καταρράσσω, 7,6. κατηράγθη, household-Stuff, 1, 89.: 8, to be violently impelled, de- 5. preparation: 1, 10. a feated, to retire in disorder, building, an edifice : 6, 7. precipitately, to be driven preparation (for defence,) ΚΑΤ ΚΑΤ provision, establishments, 31. 1, 49. επί των κ., upon the furniture, equipment (of a decks. ship.) κατατίθημι, 8, 3. κατ&ετο, κατασκηπτω, 2, 49. κατεσκη- deposited, 3, 28. κατατίθεται, πτε ες τα οίδοΓα, to descend 1, 115. κατ&εντο, 1, 6. to lay with violence, to attack. aside, 3, 72. to place in du- κατασκοπν, 6, 46. τών χρη- ranee, 7, 83. to lay down μάτων, an inspection of, exa- (their arms :) 4, 57. κατα$έ- mination into, 34. κατασκοπαΐς σ£αι, to appoint, settle, 87. ερωμένους, to watch, explore, δόξαν, to lay up in store : 1, send out to observe, 41. ες 27. καταθεντα, to deposit, lay κατασκοπην, for observation, down, 5, 47. to erect: 1, 33. to observe (the enemy.) κατά%ησ%ε, to lay out at in- κατάσκοπος, 4, 27. 6, 63. terest. a scout, 8, 6.: 8, 41. an in- κατατοζενω, 3, 34. to shoot spec tor. (to death.) κατασπαω, 1. 63. κατεσπασθη, κατατρανματιζω, 8, 10. to to be dragged down. damage, 7, 79. to wound : κατασπεργω, 4, 126. όψει δε 7, 41. κατατρανματισαντες νανς, καϊ ακοϊ} κατασπεργον, to strike to damage, injure: 8, 42. κα- terror. τετρανμάτισαν, to injure. καταστασις, 4, 55. a COnstl- κατατριβω, 8, 46. κατατρίφαι, tution, form of government, to wear out. an establishment: 2, 68. καταψαίνω, 5, 6. κατεφαίνετο, καταστρέφω, 4, 83. καταστρε- to be discemable. ψαι Μακεδόνων βασιλέα, to Sub- καταφανής, 4, 29. evident, due : 1, 75. κατεστραμμένων, to manifest, exposed to view : be subdued, reduced: 1, 94. 1, 63. in sight: 5, 16. κατα- κατεστρεψαντο, to subdue, 3, φανεστερος, more evident, gla- 10. καταστρεψασθαι, to subju- ring, 8, 46. more openly. gate : 1, 15. κατεστρεφοντο, to καταφέρω, 1, 137. καταφερε- subdue for oneself, 6. 24. ται, to be driven (in a vessel καταστρεφομενοις I 3, 94. κατά- by a Storm :) 7, 53. καταφερο- στραφηναι, to be subdued, 5, μενας, to be driven, forced 97. διά το κ., by means of (on shore :) 4, 3. κατηνε-^κε your subjection. τάς νανς ες την Πύλον, to drive, καταστροφή, 2, 42. a cata- force to seek shelter : 4, 120. Strophe, death : 1, 15. an κατενεχ$τ)ναι ες τ6 χωρίον, to overturning, a subjugation. be driven upon, 7, 71. κατε- κατάστρωμα, 1, 14. a deck, νεχ$έντες, to make to ΟΓ for 2, 90. : 7, 40. οι απο των κα- shore, 3, 69. κατηνεγθησαν, to ταστρωμάτων, those on the be carried (by a storm:) 3, decks, Matth. Gr. Gr. 921.: 69. 12 ΚΑΤ ΚΑΤ ι καταφέρω, 7, 23. κατεφυγον, 122. ?/ καταφρόνησις εκ τον πο\• to take refuge in, 3, 70. to λούς σφάλλειν, το εναντίον όνομα escape, 4, 54. tO betake One- αφροσύνη μετωνόμασται^βΟΉΛΙββ self to flight, 1, 62. 4, 68. 5, verbs, which govern a double 60. κατάφυτων, to escape, 3, accus. in the active, in the 34. to escape to, to take re- passive do take the accus. of fuge in : 4, 104. καταφευγόντων, the thing, therefore το εναν- to fly to : 1, 89. επειδή Μήδοι τίον όνομα is in the accus., άνεγωρησαν εκ της Ευρώπης — and because verbs of Calling καϊ οί καταφυ-γόντζς αντων ταΐς have a double nomin. in the νανσιν ες Μυκάλι/ν §ιεφθάρησαν, pass., therefore αφροσύνη IS in Λεωτυχίδης μεν — άπεγωρησεν επ the nomin., Matth. Gr. Gr. οίκου, participles, accompa- 604. nied by the art. in the sense Karafayrj, a refuge, retreat, is qui, have the whole in the 4, 98. gen. thus put partitive, Matth. καταφωράω, 1,82. to seize Gr. Gr. 497. in the act, to apprehend. κατάφευζις, 7, 38. a retreat, καταψηφίζω, 2, 53. κατεψηφι- flight, 41. εποιουντο την κατά- σμενων σφων, to be pronounced φευζιν, to take refuge. upon, against. κατάφορα, destruction, 8, 87. κατεί^ω, 1, 50. κατιδών, to καταφλ^ω, 4, 133. ίλαθεν descry, 4, 30. : 1, 48. κατεί- αφθεντα πάντα και καταφλεγθεν- δον, to behold. τα, every thing was burnt κάτειμι, to descend, 2, 25. and consumed without being άνεμου μεγάλου κατιόντος, when perceived by any one, Matth. a strong, violent gale of wind Gr. Gr. 840. befell them, arose : 8, 48. κά- καταφοζίω, 7, 21. to strike τεισι, might return, terror and dismay: 6, 33. κα- κατείρ-γω, 6, 6. to hem in, ταφοζηθείς, to be intimidated, press hard, straiten : 7, 57. κατάψαακτος, 1, 10. without κατεφγόμενοι, to be constrain- decks. ed : 1, 76. κατείρ-γεσθαι, to be κατάφρονεω, 6, 24. το κατά- ruled : 4, 98. κατειρ-γόμενον, Φρονέίν τους επιόυτας, 49. : 8, to be in difficulties, pressed 8. 25. καταφρονησαντες, to de- hard. Spise, 7, 63.: 2, 11. κσταφρο- κατεπεί-γω, 1,61. κατήπειγεν, νουντας, from contempt for to hurry, hasten. the enemy : 8, 8. καταφρονη- κατεργάζομαι, 4, 65. κατερ-γά- σαντες των Αθηναίων άδυνασίαν. ζεσθαι, to do for, bring down, καταφρόνησα, 2, 62. con- to subdue, 4, 85. : 1, 7. to tempt, disdain. achieve, perform : 6, 33. κα- καταφρονησις, • 5, 9. COn- τερ^ασωμεθα, to Subdue, de- tempt, self-COnceit, 5, 8. 1, feat: 6, 11. κατεργασμένοι, to ΚΑΤ ΚΑΤ reduce under one's power, to subdue: 7, 21. κατεργασά- ίτθαι, to accomplish, perform. κατέρχομαι, 2, 33. κατεΧθεϊν, to return (from exile,) 8, 47. 4, 66. to come back, 75. κα- τελθόντος, to come down, de- scend, 78. : 5, 7. κατηλθεν, to come to, arrive at, 1, 127. to return. κατέχω, 1, 103. κατειχον πο- λεμώ, to cramp, hold down with a war, 91. to detain, 4, 32. to touch at, dwell, 5, 5. to fetter, hold, 2, 65. to con- troul: 4, 92. to pounce upon, take up, 1, 130. την Siavoiav, to hide one's design, keep it close, 3, 89. κατεχόντων, (of an earthquake,) 62. Ίσχύϊ, to constrain by force : 1, 10. όσον ο λόγος κατέχει, as great as report maintains: 3, 12. κατεχόμενοι, to be bound, tied down, held, 3, 45. κατέχεται νπο ανήκεστου τίνος, to be pos- sessed, subject to, 6, 10. to be held in, restrained, 3, 107. κατείγοντο, to be with- held, 1, 17. to be tied down, hindered : 4, 42. κατεσχον, to heave to, 3, 3. 105. to de- tain, 1,6. to hold, continue, remain, 2, 62. to keep, main- tain (a possession,) 7, 66. to obtain, acquire, 4, 92. την yrjv, to seize, have in military Occupation, 6, 95. την άρχην, to get possession of: 6, 29. κατασχεϊν, to detain, 9. to ob- tain, acquire, 86. to retain, keep possession of, 89. : 1, 91. to detain, stop: 1, 11. κατεσχηκότες, to be prevalent (as a report:) 6, 23. κατάσχω* σιν, to touch at, arrive at, Come to : 4, 2. κατασχησειν τα, πράγματα, to despatch, go through with, accomplish, 6, 11. keep, retain, 16. κατά- σγοιμεν, to retain (in one's power:) 8, 23. κατασχόντες, to come to shore, 28. κατείχε, restrained or kept himself, 86. κατασχεϊν. κατηγορεω, 3, 44. κατηγορη- σων, to decry: 1, 91. κατηγο- ρούνταν, to charge : 6, 60. κατη-γορηκει, to inform against : 1, 95. κατηγορεΐτο δέ αυτόν ουχ ηκιστα Μη$ισμ6ς to be charged upon, the gen. is put after verbs compounded with a prep., which prep, requires a gen., if such prep, may be separated from the verb and placed before the subst., without altering the verb's signification, and then the gen. arises from the prep. In this instance, however, where the verb is com- pounded with κατά, both the verb requires a gen. for its own sake, and the prep, for it's. Matth. Gr. Gr. 524. κατηγορία, 1, 69. an accu- sation, 84. an expostulation, a reprehension : 3, 3. an ac- cusation, a criminal informa- tion, 52. a charge. κατηφεια, 7, 75. a mixture of grief and shame, a hang- ing of the head, a dejected countenance, a casting down of the eye. ΚΑΤ ΚΕΙ κατ'ισγω, 7, 33. ες τας Χοιρά- £ας, to touch at, come to, 70. κατίσγοιεν, to touch shore, come to land, run a-ground. κατοικεω, 3, 34. κατοικησαν- τες, to inhabit : 5, 83. κάτω- κηντο, to take up one's resi- dence, 3, 34. to be settled, to have one's abode. κατοίκησις, 2, 15. dwelling in, inhabiting. κατοικίζω, 1, 38. κατοικισαι, to colonize, plant a colony : 5, 35. κατφκισαν, to establish, nx } settle : 6, 50. κατοικιονν- τες, in order to re-instate, re-establish: 1, 103. κατφκι- σαν ες Ναύπακτου, to plant, settle in, 2, 70. : 4, 102. κα- τοικίσαι, to colonize : 6, 7. ες Ορνεας κατοικισαντες τους Αρ- ψίων φυγάδας, to Conduct to Orneae and station there : 2, 17. κατοικισθησόμενον, to be inhabited : 1, 8. κατψκιΐε, to plant or found a colony anew. κατοΊκισις, 6, 33. a restora- tion, an establishing. κατοκνεω, 2, 18. κατοκνησειν, to dread, to be unable to bear, endure. κατόπιν, 4, 32. behind, 3, 22. behind, a tergo. κάτοπτος, 8, 104. discerni- ble, perceptible, visible. κατορθοω, 3, 39. κατορθω- σαντι, to succeed, do any thing with success, 14. κα- τορθωσαι, to succeed, pros- per : 7, 47. κατορθουντες, to have good success, to go on well, 2, 89. r« πλείω, to be mostly successful : 7, 66. u κατορθωσειαν, in case they SUCCeed : 8, 2. κατώρθωσαν, to succeed: 1, 140. ί κατορ- θουντας, or in case of success : 6, 13. κατορθοννται ελάχιστα, to succeed very rarely : 3, 42. κατορθων, to do (any thing) with success : 2, 42. το αφάνες του κατορθωσειν, the uncertainty of success, whether they should suc- ceed Or not: 1, 120. κατωρθω- θη, to be rectified, set right. κατορυσσω, 1, 134. κατορυζαι, to bury. καττά πάτρια, 5, 17, Doric κατά τα. for καττάδε, a Doric form, by which the prep, with its case is contracted into one word, Thuc. 5, 77. Matth. Gr. Gr. 40. κάτω, 1, 7. 120. οι κατω> those, who dwell on the sea- shore. κάχλίίξ, 4, 26. a pebble on the coast. κεϊμαι, 1, 129. κείται, to be laid up (as a benefit for gra- titude,) 4, 78. to be situated, 1, 36. to be, to be situated, 42. εν άψανεϊ, is hidden in ob- scurity, 2, 46. to be insti- tuted, 66. άντιπερας ,Λ Ηλιδος, to be over against, facing, opposite to Elis : 3, 47. κεϊ- σθαι, to be ordained, enacted, 4, 99. τους νεκρούς, to be lying, strewed over a plain : 7, 4. ίκειτο, to be lying : 4, 24. Bb ΚΕΙ ΚΕΡ ««μένος, lying., situated, 38. κεντεω, 4, 47. ■ . κεντ-βάμενος, 5, 83. 34. 105. νόμω, an pricking, goading, established law, 61. to be κεραία, 2, 76. a beam pro- lodged, 6,54. to be ordained, jecting out like a horn, a enacted. yard-arm : 4, 100. 7, 41. κείρω, 1, 64. κάρων την yqv, κεραμίς, 3, 22. a tile. tO waste the Country. κέραμος, 3, 74. βάλλονσαι κελευστής, 2, 84. the direC- asro των οικιών τω κεράμω, to tor, helmsman, the person pelt from the house-top with who gives orders to the tiles : 4, 48. tiling : 2, 4. rowers : 7, 70. κέρας, 1, 62. 5, 10. 7, 6. 8, κελεύω, 5, 31. εκελευον, to 25. 105. a wing or side of an exhort, recommend, 22. to army: 7, 52. a wing (of a direct, 30. to advise, 7, 1. fleet:) 4,43. τό δεξιόν κέρας to direct, give notice, 21. to των 'Αθηναίων και Καρνστίων — exhort: 1, 26. κελεύοντες, to εδεζαντό τε τους Κορινθίους και bid, exhort: 3, 7. κελευσάντων, εώσαντο μόλις, an instance of to request, 7, 31. to direct, a verb in the plur. after a desire, 2, 13. Αακεΰαιμονίων, noun of number in the sin- by order of the Lacedsemo- gular, because the idea of nians : 1, 91• κελεύει, to bid, several subjects is always direct : 8, 7. κελενσωσι, they included, Matth. Gr. Gr. 437. might Command : 7, 7. οπότε κεράω, 6, 32. κεράσαντες κρα- κελευσθείη, when the signal τηράς, to mix, i. e. fill gob- word Was given : 1, 44. ει lets : 6, 5. φωνή μεταξύ της τε yap επι Κόρινθον εκελευον σφίσιν XaX/ctSio>v και Δωρίδος εκράθη, οί Κερκυραίοι ζυμπλεϊν ελυοντ αν the dialect was a mixture αυτοϊς α'ι προς ΤΙελοποννησίονς of, was between the Chalci- σπον$α\, the verbs ' to order/ dian and Doric. 5 to exhort' take the dative, κερδαίνω, 5, 93. to profit, Matth. Gr. Gr. 530. : 8, 38. gain : 2, 44. τό κερ$αίνειν, κελης, 4, 9. a boat, 8, 38. lucre, gain. a pinnace. κερδαλεος, 2, 53. profitable, κελ-ητιον, 1 , 53. a boat, small useful, vessel. κερδαλέως, 3, 56. cunningly, κενός, 6, 31. κενας ναυς, With a View to our OWH merely the ships without the interest, crews &c, 2, 90. the word κέρδος, 7, 57. gain, lucre : used to denote ships emptied 3, 33. ενόμισεν, in lucro ponere, of their cargo is κουφός. to account it a piece of good κενόω, 2, 76. το κενουμενον, fortune, to think it fortunate : the vacancy : 8, 57. 4. 59. κίρ$η, a gain : 2 y 44. KEP KIN κερως, β, 50. 'επλεον επι /α- ρως, έχοντες τας αλλάς ναυς, agm'uic longo ceteris Rambus instructis, to have them drawn up in a line, a single ship a-head, as επί τριών, εφ' ενός τετάγβαι, στηναι, to Stand three, one deep, to have them drawn up as many deep as the whole number of ships, i. e. in a single line. κεύθω, 6, 59. κεκευθε 9 to cover, conceal. κεφαλαίου, 6, 6. a princi- pal, chief argument, reason, (urged for doing any thing:) 4, 50. the sum, substance : ] , 36. βραχυ-άτω, in short, in one word, to sum up all in the shortest compass : 6, 87. εν κεφαλαιοις ύπομνησαντες, summarily, per capita, to recall (to your mind.) κεφαλαιοω, 6,91. κεφαλαιωσω, to mention generally, sum- marily: 3, 67. κεφαλαιωσαντες, to sum up, make a summary of: 8, 53. κεφαλή, 3, 24. Δρυός Κεφά- λας, Dryoscephalee, oak- head, heads of oak: 1, 6. the head : 5, 10. κεφαλών. κηδομαι, 6, 14. κηδεσθαι της πόλεως, to be careful of, to study the welfare, to be careful of the interests of, 76. Αεοντίνων, to take care of, to protect the interests of. κηπιον, 2, 62. a little gar- den, a sort of pleasure- ground, a parterre. κΎίρν-γμα, 4, 105. a message by herald, 114. : 2, 2. χρησα- σθαι κηρι^μασι, to USe, make proclamations. Κηρυκίον, 1 , 52. άνευ κηρυκίον, without the ceremony of a herald. KY\pv£, 4, 68. a herald, 118.: 7, 3. κηρύσσω, 4, 116. κηρνζας $ωσεα>, to offer by proclama- tion: 4, 37. εκηρνζαν, to in- vite by proclamation : 1, 27. εκηρυσσον αποικ'ιαν, to pro- claim that a colony is about to be sent : 6, 50. εκηρύχθη, a proclamation was made. κινδυνευτης, I, 70. Olie, who runs risks. κινδυνεύω, 1, 39. to be in danger, 73. εκινδυνευετο I 2, 43. to be run the risk of, to be risked, hazarded, 44. εκ του ομοίου, to run equal risks, to be in equal danger: 4, 15. an instance of an accus. with an infin. after κινδυνεύω, Matth. Gr. Gr. 810. : 3, 5. κινδυνεύειν μετ άλλης παρα- σκευής, to risk a battle in conjunction with an addi- tional force : 3. 74. η πόλις εκινδύνευσε πάσα διαφθαρηναι, the city was. in danger of destruction, Matth. 800. : 8, 91. φάσκων (ο Θηραμένης) κιν- δυνευσειν το τείχος τούτο και την πόλιν διαφθέΐραι, Matth. 431. κίνδυνος, 1, 18. μετά κινδί'^ νων, in danger : 8, 15. νομίτ σαντες με-γαν ηδη και σαφή τον κίνδυνον σφας περιεστάναι, see Matth. Gr. Gr. 557. κινεω, 6, 3. πόλψον, to raise, stir up war, 36. to agitate, β b 2 KIN KOI raise commotions : I, 82. κλήρος, 3, 50. ποιησανπς όπλα μηπω κινείν, not to move κλήρους της γης, to divide the your arms, i. e. not to med- land into parts. die with arms : 6, 70. κινη- κληρουχος, 3, 50. τους λα- σωσι, to remove : 2, 24. τα -χόντας, proprietors by lot. ■χρήματα ες άλλο τι, to remove, κληροω, 6, 42. «κλήρωσαν, take out the money for any to draw lots. other occasion, 1, 143. to κλιμαξ, 3, 20.5, 56. a ladder. remove, disturb (the trea- κλίνη, 2, 34. έστρωμενη, a surers at Delphi:) 3, 16. bier strewed or covered over κινονντες το επί Λέσβω ναυτικού, (as with a pall :) 3,68. a bed- to remove the naval force at stead : 4, 48. Lesbos : 4, 97. κινησαι ύδωρ, κλυδώνιον, 2, 84. the swell to disturb, touch : 7, 50. of the sea. κινηθείη I 2, 8. εκινηθη, to be κοιλαινω, 4, 100. έκοιλαναν, shaken (with an earthquake,) to hollow, excavate, bore, 3, 82. to be disturbed, put verbs in αινώ for the most in commotion : 7, 67. κινού- part receive in the aor. η in- μενοι εν τψ αυτών τρόπο), i. e. stead of the a of the fut. : α κατά τον αυτών τρόπον, to is found, however, in the move about in their usual Attic. Matth. Gr. Gr. 225. way : 7, 4. κινώντας to put κοιλία, 2, 49. the belly, oneself in motion, to make bowels, an attempt: 8, 48. εκινηθη, κοίλος, 3, 107. hollow: 7, to be agitated. 52. μυχψ, 306. κινησις, 1, 1. 3, 75. a Com- κοινολογέω, 4, 74. κοινολο- motion, disturbance : 5, 10. -γησάμενοι, to communicate, shaking, movement. converse : 7, 86. on προς κλειστός, 2, 17. βεβαίως, αυτόν εκεκοινολ6•γηντο, because closed fast up : 7, 38. shut they had held intercourse up. with him. κλει'ω, 2,4. έκλεισε, to close: κοινός, 6,6, τψ κοινψ, the 5, 7. public (treasury,) 1, 74. the κλεμμα, 5, 9. an advantage common cause, 5, 90. άγα0όν, snatched from an enemy. the common privilege, of κλέος, I, 25. glory, reputa- men : 5, 37. τα κοινά, re- turn, 10. προς το κλέος αυτών, publics, commonwealths: 1, considering their glory : 2, 96. από κοινών ξυνόδων /3ου- 45. λευόντων, to consult together κλέπτω, 1, 115. κλε^αντες, in common and equal assem- to get away privily. blies, 141. κοινών, matters κληματις, 7, 53. bundles of appertaining to the common twigs, faggots. weal, public affairs : 5, 38. KOI KOM general, common: 1, 80. ev κοινωνός, 7, 63. 8, 46. an κοινω, in the common or ally, a partner with, public treasury : 7, 61. κοινός κοινώς, 6, 17. unanimously. πάσι, common, alike : 3, 65. κολάζω, 1, 40. to chastise, ες £έ τα κοινά των πάντων punish, 3, 52. 6, 38. Ι 3, 46. Βοιωτών πάτρια καταστησαι, to μετρίως κολάζοντες, to Correct change the constitution ac- with moderation, 40. άζίως cording to the form common κολάσατε τούτους, to punish to all the Boeotians : 5, 47. them according to their Kolvy, in common, 1, 3. 57. deserts : 3, 39. κολασθητωσαν, 4, 68. : 3, 28. ποιούνται Koivy to be chastised : 7, 68. κολα- οαολογίαν προς ΐΐάγητα^ to σθηναι, to punish, inflict unite all in making terms punishment, Matth. Gr. Gr. with Paches : 5, 37. κοινω 947. : 3, 66. κολασθησεσθε πάν λόγω ερωμένους, to be of the των ένεκα, to be punished, same sentiments, unanimous, chastised : 8, 40. κολαΖόμενοι, agreeing together : 3, 14. to be punished. κοινοτεραν, general, universal, κόλασις, 1,41. punishment, 5, 102. more equal, (al. καινό- chastisement. τέρας, more new and unex- κολοϋω, 7, 66. κολουσθώσι, to pec ted.) be broken, defeated. κοινόω, 3, 96. κοινώσας την κόλπος, 1, 24. a bay, gulph, ε7Γΐνοιαν τοις Αχαρνασιν, to 6, 13. τω Ιονίω. communicate the design to κολυμβητής, 4, 26. 7, 25. a the Acarnanians, 2, 72. to diver. impart, communicate, 4, 4. κομιΰη, 7, 34. a convey- ταξιάρχοις, to communicate ance, safe-conduct : 6, 21. a with, 1, 39. to participate, conveyance, carriage, an have in common, 5, 60. : 5, importation: 4, 27. 38. έκοίνωσαν, to COmmuni- κομίζω, 1, 132. κομιεϊν, to cate. send, convey, 113. κομιοΰνται, κοινωνεω, 1, 39. to share, to convey away, 8, 5. κομιεΐ- participate: 8, 8. ίκοινωνουν- σθαι, to obtain: 2, 85. τω ko- to : 5, 79. κοινανεόντων, ac- /ιίζοντι, the conductor : 7,32. cording to the emend, of εκόμισεν, to conduct, convey, Valck. ad Phoen. p. 75. for 39. : 3, 65. κομίσαντες ες την κοινωνουντων, ί. β. κοινωνείτω- πάλιν, to admit into the City: σαν, the Doric form, Matth. 6, 50. εκομίσθησαν επι τον Gr. Gr. 252. Ύηρίαν ποταμον, to gO, pro- κοινωνία, 3, 10. πόλεσιν, ceed, steer, me conferre, 2, communion, confederacy, 33. «V οί/ααν, to betake one- alliance. Self: 2, 73. κομισθηναι, to go, KOM ΚΡΑ to retting 6, 37. : 3, 29. κο- μισθεντες σγολαϊσι, to proceed, Sail slowly, 3, 4. ταλαιπωρως δί'ά τόυ πελάγους, to arrive after a dangerous passage, 6, 29. to return, come: 1, 43. κομΙΖεσθαι, to obtain, 4, 98. to barter, 3, 58. κομίσα- σθαι, to procure to your- selves : 8, 24. κομίσαντες, to bring, 33. εκομίσϋη, went. κόμπος, 2, 40. λόγου, aboast of words, a verbal boast, 41. λόγων, (opposed to εογων αλή- - Qua, a real fact, the actual truth,) an empty boast, a rhetorical flourish. κομπω^ης, 2, 62. κομπω^ε- στεραν προσπο'ιησιν, a boastful arrogance, assumption : 5, 68. κονωρτος, 4, 44. the dust rising, 34. a flight of dust. κοντός, 2, 84. a pole. κόπτω, A, 26. κεκομμενον, to be chopped, cut : 1,14. εκό- πτοντο, to be cut off: 4, 90. κόπτοντες αμπε\ον, to Cut down, 69. δένδρα*. 8, 13. κοπεϊ- σαι, to be harassed : 2, 75, 4, 14. κόπος, 7, 40. toil, exhaustion. κόρη, 6, 56. κόρην, a varia- tion of the Attic termination in a, where the nomin. is in η , Matth. Gr. Gr. 70. κορυφή, top, summit, 2, 99. κοσμεω, 1,21. κόσμου ντ ες, to embellish : 2, 42. εκόσμησαν, to adorn, embellish: 1, 10. επι το μείζον Κοσμησαι, to ex- aggerate for the sake of em- bellishment : 3, 67. κοσμηθεν- τες επεσι, to be adorned with Words: 2,46. κεκόσμηνται, ίθ have honours paid to one's memory : 8, 24. ϊκοσμονντο, conducted themselves, re- gulated their own conduct, 6, 41. κοσμηθηναι, to be equipped, furnished, pro- vided with. κόσμος, 1,5. 3, 77. order, arrangement : 7, 23. ονδενί κόσμω, in disorder, 40. regu- larity, order : 2, 11. κόσμον και φυΧακην περί παντός ποιού- μενοι, to regard above ail order and attention, (watch- fulness :) 5, 66. ες κόσμον τον εαυτών καθίσταντο, they put themselves into their own peculiar order. κοτύλη, 4, 16. 7, 87. both a dry and a wet measure. κονρη, 3, 104. a maid, virgin. κουφιζω, 6, 34. κουφισαντες, to lighten (a vessel :) 2, 44. κουφίζεσθαι, to be lightened (of one's grief,) consoled. κουφισις, 7, 75. a relief. κονψολογα, 4, 28. an empty boast. κοΰφος, 2, 57. ελπίδος τι είχον κουφής, to entertain some slight hope : 6, 37. ναυσι, light, unladen, see κενός : 8, 27. κούφως, 4, 33. lightly. κρατεω, 1, 77. τω κρατονντι, the superior : 3, 80. 7, 43. ώς κεκρατηκότων, as victori- ous: 1, 11. κρατούντες μα-^η, to be masters of the field, 70. των εγβρων, to be Successful over enemies: 1, 28. κρατεΐν, to hold, possess, command, ΚΡΑ 3, 47. οτλων, to get posses- sion of arms, 49. (η -γνώμη,) to prevail; 1,9. εκράτει, to rule, have command over, 7, 57. εκράτουν θαλάσσης, to rule, to be master of, 70. : 7, 34. κρατησάντων, to be masters Of, 6, 11. τάς διανοίας, to master, overcome, thwart: 3, 23. εκεκρατηκεσαν του πυρ- γου, to get possession of: 6, 72. κρατησειν. των εναντίων, to be superior to, 1, 81. κρατη- σομεν I 1, 11. εκρατησεν, to conquer, 6, 5. νόμιμα, to pre- vail, obtain : 7, 55. εκρατηθησαν, to be conquered, worsted, / Ζ, μη αν ετι οιεσυαι κρατησαι, to suppose or think they could not now be victorious : 2, 13. κρατεισθαι τα πολλά του πολέμου, to conquer (in) most things in war, to conquer for the most part in war : 1, 109. εκρατουν της Κρυπτού, whereas verbs of ? ruling/ in which the idea of a compar. is included, take the gen. after them, sometimes a verb, provided the object be sub- ject to the operation of the action, has the accus., as κρατείν especially in the sense ' to conquer,' Matth. Gr. Gr. 482. : 2, 39. 6, 2. : 2, 80. λέ- γοντες ότι ραδιως αν Ακαρυαν'ιαν σπόντες και της Ζακύνθου και Ακαρνανίας κρατησουσι, if αν be united with the fut. indie, κρατησουσι, its use is to soften the decisiveness of the sentence; but αν may be referred to σχόντες, and KPE this latter be taken for fa σχύσι, Matth. 926. Λτοάτιστος, 1, 2. όσα ην κρά- τιστα, the most fertile parts, 19. best, most flourishing, 36. the best, safest: 3, 11. τα κράτιστα, for τους κρατίστους, the strongest, most power- ful : 4, 12. most powerful. κράτος, 1, 118. κατά κράτος, with all their might, 2, 68. by Storm: 3, 13. του πολέμου, robur belli, strength in war, les forces cle la guerre, f sinews of war:' 2, 29. 88.4, 98. κρατυνω, 3, 18. κρατυναντες τείχη, to strengthen : 1, 69. κρατυναι, to fortify : 3, 82. εκρατύνοντο, to be strengthen- ed or confirmed : 4, 114. εκρατυνατο τας εγγύς οικίας, to fortify, strengthen. Kpavyrj, 7, 44. ουκ ολ/γρ χοώαενοι, cheering, 71. a shouting, clamour : 2, 4. outcry. κρέας, 4, 16. flesh. κρεισσων, 1, 77. το απο του κρεΊσσονος, what is done by a superior (to an inferior,) 1, 8. oi κρείσσονες, the higher ranks : 3,45. κρείσσω των ορω- μενων δεινών, stronger, of more influence than, too strong for : 2, 50. κρεϊσσον λόγου, be- yond the power of words to express, to baffle descrip- tion, greater or worse than one can express, Matth. Gr. Gr. 653. 656. : 3, 83. λογι^ σμω, having the best of the argument: 2, 41. ακοής, su- perior to or above (its) rer ΚΡΗ ΚΡΩ putation, what is reported when it expresses the cause, (of it.) hence it is used in words κρηνος, 7, 44. a precipice, of * crimination/ in this ex- κρημνωΰης, 6, 101. full of pre- ample the punishment is put cipices: 7, 78. precipitous. in the gen., Matth. 490. κρήνη, 4, 26. a spring. κρίσις, 1, 23. a decision, κριθή, 6, 22, barley. 77. τάς κρίσεις ποιησαντες, to κρίνω, 3, 48. κρϊναι καθ' make a decision, pronounce ήσυχίαν, to try, judge at sentence, 6, 60. to institute leisure, 75. to condemn, 6, a trial : 3, 53. μη επι διεγνω- 39. to decide, determine : σμενην κρίσιν καθιστωμεθα, lest 2, 40. κριθών, to be judged, we are brought to a trial to be, 2, 45. to be judged, already decided : 1, 34. an accounted : 3, 43. εκρίνετε, arbitration. to judge: 1, 21. κρινόντων, to κριτής, 1, 120. κακός, a bad be of opinion, 128. κριθείς W judge : 3, 56. a judge, an ar- αυτων, to be judged by them : bitrator, 37. απο τον ίσου, fair, 5, 26. κριθηναι, to be regarded, equitable, impartial judges. Considered : 1, 39. κρίνεσθαι κρούω, 3, 22. κρουόμενα προς $ίκη, to submit a cause to άλληλα, to dash or rattle trial, 4, 80. to stand out, against one another : 7, 70. come forward, emerge, to κρονόμενον πρύμναν, to row be separated, 6, 29. to be astern, back the ship, 1, 50. tried, to submit to trial : 2, πρνμναν, to retreat with the 53. θεών δέ φόβος η ανθρώπων head hindmost. νομός ουδείς απειρ-γε, το μεν κρύπτω, 2, 34. κρνψωσι, to κρίνοντες εν ομοίω καϊ σεβειν και inter, 39. κρυφθεν, concealed, μη — των δέ αμαρτημάτων ουδείς hidden (from general inspec- ελπιΖ,ων μέχοι τον δί /cijv -γενέσθαι tlOll :) 3, 35. κεκρνμμενον, COn- βιονς αν την τιμωρίαν άντιδουυαι, Cealed : 6, 72. a deviation from the general κρύσταλλος, 3, 23. ice. rule of the gen. absolute, κρυφά, 1, 67. secretly, pri- which is put in cases, where vately, 91. secretly, 100. των the participle is put as an 'Αθηναίων, unknown to the accompanying action of a Athenians, 8, 7. αντών, un- prineipal action with a sub- known to them : 4, 79. ject of its own. That sub- covertly, under the rose, ject is here in the nomin. in- privately : 6, 34. secretly at stead. Matth. Gr. Gr. 860. : least : 4, 68. 3, 57. θανάτου δίκτ? κρίνεσθαι, as κρνφιος, 7, 25. concealed, from the genitive's sense of out of sight. 'with respect to' is derived κρώβυλος, 1, 6. a lock of the meaning ' on account of,' hair. 11 ΚΤΑ ΚΥΡ κϊάομαι, 1, 70. κτάσθαι, to κύκλος, 5, 7. a Circle, Cir- acquire : 3, 39. κτώμενοι, 2, cumvallation : 2, 84. 3, 102. 65. ε£ ου προσηκόντων, to ac- κυκΧοω, 5, 72. κυκλωσάμενοι, quire by improper means: to surround: 3, 107. κυκΧωθγ, 1, 93. ες το κτησασθαι, towards to be surrounded, 5, 71. to the acquisition of power: 1, be taken in flank, to be sur- 13. κτησάμενοι, to possess One- TOUnded : 4, 96. κυκΧωθεντων εν self of, 2, 36. προς οίς, to ac- ολ/γω, to be hemmed in on quire in addition to: 1, 6. ol all sides: 7, 81. εκυκΧουντο, to τά μείζω κεκτημένοι, those pos- encircle, Matth. Gr. Gr. 933.: sessing the greater wealth, 5, 73. to surround, flank : 4, 6, 70. κεκτημένης ου Si oXiyov 32. κεκυκΧωμενοις, to be SUr- πόνου, by means of, with the rounded: 4, 127. 7, 81. assistance of: 1, 14. εκεκτην- κυκλωσις, 4, 35. οι Αθηναίοι το, to possess, 6, 20. κεκτηνταιΐ επισπόμενοι περιοΰον μεν αυτών 1, 33. κεκτημεθα, 123. εκτηθη, και κυκΧωσιν γωριου ισχυι ουκ to be acquired. είχον, a surrounding, Matth. κτείνω, 7,29. κτείνοντες, kill- Gr. Gr. 569. ing: 4, 67. to kill, slaughter: κύμα, 3, 89. a wave. 3, 81. εκτείνοντο προς αυτοίς κυματόω, 3, 89. κυματωθεισα, (Ιεροϊς,) to be slain near or to roll high (as the sea.) upon the altars : 1, 132. 2,51. κυπαρίσσινος, 2, 34. made of κτήμα, 1, 22. a possession, cypress-wood. good. κύριος, 5, 63. ρ) κνριον είναι, κτησις, I, 8. 13. an acqui- not to be competent, 47. sition : 4, 105. possession, valid, 34. valid, capable, 30. property, κυριον είναι, to be valid, rati- κτίζω, 2, 68. έκτισε, to plant, fled, to stand good : 8, 5. settle : 6, 4. κτίΐονσι, to build, having authority : 2, 62. κυ- found, 1, 12. εκτιζον: 1,100. ριωτάτους, masters entirely, κτιζομενον, to be founded. 5, 53. του ιερόν : 8, 51. εστρα- κτίσις, 1; 17. the establish- τήγει δε και κύριος ην αυτός ment, settlement : 6, 5, a πράσσων ταύτα, Matth. Gr. foundation, planting, build- Gr. 837. ing. κύρος, 5, 38. άπαν το κνρος κτύπος, 7, 70. άττο νέων, a εχουσι, to exercise complete crash, din, an uproar. sovereignty in the state, to κυαμος, a bean. posess undivided sway. κυβερνήτης, 7, 39. a pilot, κυρόω, 4, 125. κυρωϋϊν, 36.: 1, 143. a steersman : 7, what had been fixed, de- 62. τών τριηρών, a master, 70. termined : 8, 70. Κυθηρο&κης, 4, 53. the Cy- κυρωσις, 6, 103. a ratifica- therean Archon. tion. c c ΚΥΦ ΛΑΜ κυφόω, 4, 125. κυφωθίν, bent,, curved. κωΧνμα, 5, 30. a hindrance, an obstacle, impediment : 4, 67. : 1, 16. επεγιγνετο δε άλλοις τε άλλοθι κωΧνματα μη ανζηθη- ναι, the infinitive being often joined with the neuter article and thus standing as a sub- stantive, frequently the ar- ticle is omitted as in this place, where the genitive of the art. is wanting, see Matth. Gr. Gr. 819. : 7, 53. κωΧυμη, 1, 92. επι κωΧυμη, for the purpose of hindrance : 4, 63. hindrance, impedi- ment. κωλντης, 3, 23. a hinderer, an obstructor : 5, 9. 8, 50. κωλύω, 7, 70. κωΧνσαι αυτούς &αψυγείν, to prevent their escape, 7, 4. 8, 40. : 8, 18. κωλνόντων, let them forbid : 1, 142. 7, 22. κωλύειν, to pre- vent, 36. κωλύσειν, 63. κωλύ- σοντες, 1, 142. κω\νσονται : 7, 24. εκώλυον, to prohibit, pre- vent, 41. : 1, 27. κωλυοιντο, to be hindered : 7, 56. κωΧύ- σωσι I 2, 8. 4, 14. κεκωΧυσθαι, to be obstructed, 1, 129. κεκωλύσθω, to be impeded : 2, 37. κξκωΧνται, to be de- barred from (state-affairs,) disqualified for : 3, 13. κωλυ- θέντων, to be prevented. κώμη, 4, 42. 70. 124. a village : 1, 5. κατά κωμας, after the manner of villages, in a wandering and scattered manner, 10. in districts, vil- lages. κωπη 9 6, 34. κωπαις χρη- σαιντο, to ply the oar. κωπηρης, 4, 118. κωπηρει πΧοίω, an oared cutter, Λ. Λαγχάνω, 5, 121. zXayov, to fall to the lot, 35. to ob- tain by lot : 8, 30. λαχόντες, to cast lots : 2, 44. 3, 50. Χάθρα, 4, 39. secretly. λααβάνω, 7, 25. Χαμζάνουσι, to take, 21. απόπειρα ν λαμβά- νειν νανμαγίας, to make trial of, to try, venture a sea- fight *. 6, 27. πρα-γμα μειΖρνως ΙΧάμ^ανον, to take a thing too Seriously, 53. πάντα ΰποπτως, to view, take every thing suspiciously, to see every thing in a suspicious light : 4, 115. λα€όν μείζον άχθος, to receive too great weight, 7, 21. εν δεζία την Σικελι'αν λα- €όντες, to keep, hold, to keep Sicily on the right, 4, 69. λαβείν την πολιν, to take, 2, 42, Χα&όντες for νποΧα&όντες, to conceive, think, (so in English, I take it to be,) 3, 38. το $ρασθεν πιστοτερον όψει Χαζόντες, to be assured of something done by the eye- sight, to place more confi- 11 ΑΑΜ ΛΑΧ dence In the sight of any λαμπρότητος — ες οίαν Γελευτην thing, in what one sees, to άφϊκτο, especially (when believe what is done from they reflected) from what a the evidence of the eyes, 6, splendid condition to what 60. την αΊτίαν, to be accused : a (miserable) end they had 3, 24. λα&ομενοι των ορών, to Come : 6, 16. εν λαμπρότητι gain the mountains : 5, 52. προεσγον, to excel, surpass in λάβωσι, to seize, lay hold of: the lustre (of any thing, 6, 10. εί δ/χα ημών την ΰνναμιν quality, endowment :) 2, 64. λάβοιεν, to find, catch our η παραντικα, lustre for the strength, power divided, present. distracted in tWO parts, λαμπρύνω, 6, 16. λαμπρυνο- split : 4, 34. εΊληφότες, to as- μαι, to be splendid, magnifi- sume, take up, 1, 77. ύλη- cent, to display magnificence. φατε, to acquire, 3, 82. είλη- λαμπρώς, 2, 7. clearly, be- φει, to take (prisoner,) 2, 88. yond doubt, dispute, 45. άληψεσαν την άξίωσιν, to con- manifestly, 7, 71. 8, 67. ceive an opinion : 3, 24. λανθάνω, 1, 69. to escape ελήφθη, to be seized, taken observation : 7, 43. λαθεϊν prisoner, 1, 23. ληφθέίσαι, 2, προσελθόντας, to approach 5. : 3, 56. ληφεσθε το δίκαιον, unperceived, 48. to escape to understand justice, 8, 1. notice, observation, 8, 17. to possess oneself of : 8, λαθόντες, secretly, 3, 4. τ6 20. ελάμβανε, 64. : 4, 106. την ναντικον, unperceived by the Ηιονα παρά νύκτα h-y ενετό λα- fleet: 1,37. λάθωσι, to escape βείν, per unam noctem stetit notice : 2, 76. ελάνθανον τους quominus occuparet, an in- εξω : 8, 10. λησωσι, to elude, stance of the use of the 7, 15. : 8, 10. : 4, 133. ίλα- illfin. after Verbs, which im- θεν άφθεντα πάντα και κατα- ply any object whatever, φλεχθεντα, with some verbs, and require the addition of (and among the rest λαν- this object or its effect by θάνω,) which express only a means of another verb^Matth. circumstance or accessary Gr. Gr. 796. definition of an action, the λαμπάς, 3, 24. a torch. verb, of which they express λάμπρος, 7, 44. shining, a circumstance, is put in the bright : 6, 54. 'Αρμοδίου, con- participle, ' every thing was spicuous, distinguished (for burnt without being per- beauty,) handsome : 7, 55. ceived by any one,' Matth. signal, manifest : 1, 138. Gr. Gr. 840. λαμπρότατος, most illustrious. λάρναζ, 2, 34. a chest. λαμπρότης, 4, 62. splendor: λαχανισμός 3 3, 1 11. a gather- 7, 75. άλλως τε κα\ άπο οίας ing of herbs. C c 2 ΛΕΒ ΛΗΘ λέβης, 4, 100. a cauldron. λέγω, 3, 38. τω λέγειν πιστεν- σας, to confide in eloquence, trust in one's powers of speech, 42. απο τού 'ίσου αμει- νον λέγειν, in a fair, equal de- bate to have the better of the argument, far i dicendi po- testate facta : 6, 29. ελεγον, to advise, move, propose : 6, 31. ελέχθησαν απο των αΧΧων, to be said, spoken by any- one, 2, 48. : 5, 86. λεχθίϊσό- μενον, about to be said : 7, 68. το Χε-γόμενον, that, which is said : 3, 53. ΧεΧεζεται, is about to be spoken : 4, 70. λέγων έν έλπιδι είναι άναλα€ειν Νισαι'αν, instead of which it was previously expressed, οιομενος την Ν. ετι καταΧηφεσθαι ανάλωτον, an instance of the interchange of tenses, the infin. of the aor. is often put, where we should have ex- pected the infin. of the fut, but in the same manner as we must often render this infin. aor. by the present, Matth. Gr. Gr. 740. λεία, 2, 97. 3, 96. 5, 115. plunder : 7, 30. booty, prey, plunder. λειποσΓοαπα, 6, 76. desertce militice crimen, not paying due military service. λεΐ7τοστοάτιον, 1, 99. a de- sertion of an expedition. λειποψυχέω, 4, 12. εΧειποψυ- χησε, to faint away. λείπω, to leave, 5, 69. λει'- πεσθαι μηδενός, to be behind no one : 1, 34. λειπομένοις, to be left behind, to remain, 131. τοΰ κηρυκος μη Χείπεσθαι, not to remain behind, i. e. to return with the herald : 2, 87. λεί- πεται, to be inferior, 2, 85. : 1, 10. Χειπομενην, to Come short, to be less, 2, 12. τοίς Χειπομενοις,ίΥιβ remainder, 41, the survivors, 6, 72. λειπόμε- νος ούδενος ξύνεσιν, inferior to none in wisdom: 1, 10. λει- φθείη, to remain : 5, 105. λε- ΧεΙφεσΒαι της ενμενε'ιας, to be deficient in, to have short measure of the divine good- will : 3, 11. εΧείφθημεν, to be left, suffered to remain : 6, 72. τοσούτον γε Χειφθηναι όσον εικός είναι, to be so much in- ferior, as was to be supposed : 7, 70. λειπεσθαι της αΧΧης τέ- χνης, to be out- done by the skill: 8, 81. λέττας, 7, 78. a precipitous height. λετττογεως, 1, 2. sterile in soil, unproductive. Χεπτος, 7, 36. weak, slen- der, 40. light: 2, 49. των πάνυ λεπτών, the lightest clothing, thinnest garments, λεύω, 5, 60. to stone a cri- minal (to death.) λήγω, 5, 81. λήγοντος, to cease : 7, 6. εΧη -yov, to cease, stop. Χηθη, 2, 41. 49. oblivi- ousness, forgetfulness, in- ability to recollect, 44. id'ia τε yap των ουκ όντων Χηθη oi έπιγιγνόμενοί («SC. παίδες) τισιν έσονται, the subst. in the predicate is often dif- ΛΗΙ ΛΟΓ ferent^in gender and num- re και άττοσκίδνασβαι, to carry, ber from the subject, Matth. bear stones. Gr. Gr. 444. λιμην, a port, harbour, I, ληΖω, ], 5. 24. ίληίΐ,οντο, to 46. 93. 5, 2. 3. 7, 22. 8, 10. plunder, rob, 3, 85. 5, 56. λίμνη, 1, 46. a lake, 4, 103. λ?ϊν, 5, 79. Dor. for θελειν, λιμνώδης, 5, 7. of or be- see Bekker's note. longing to a lake, marsh. ληστεία, 1,5. απο της παλαιάς λιμός, 1, 23, a famine, 126. ληστείας, from the ancient απεθνησκον νπο τον λιμοΰ, to die piratical mode of life, 11. from hunger : 4, 40• piracy : 4, 41. pillage: 7, 27. λίνον, 4, 25. λίνου σπέρμα, booty : 8, 40. ravages. linseed. ληστεύω, 4, 66. to rob, 76. λινούς χιτώνας, 1, 6. linen 5, 14. 7, 18. : 4, 2. ελ^στευου- garments. το νπϊ των φυγάδων, to be λίπα, 1, 6. Ointment. plundered. λογάδν, 4, 4. by troops in ληστής, 1, 5. a pirate, 2, 32. turn. 3, 51. 4, 53. 67. : 7, 26. a λογάς, 1, 62. 2, 5. picked, robber : 6, 4. selected : 4, 125. 5, 60. άψ' ληστικος, 1, 4. το λ^στικον, εκάστων. piracy, 13. : 2, 69. : 1, 10. λογίζομαι, 3, 82. ελοψίετο το ληστικωτερον, rather after "the ασφαλές, to reckon up, va- piratical fashion. lue : 1, 76. λογιζόμενοι, to cal- ληστρικος, 4, 9. piratical, culate, reckon : 5, 87. λογωυ» ληψις,ϊ, 114. a seizure: 5, μενοι, to reckon up: 6, 31. 110. a capture, 7, 24. ελογίσατο, to compute : 7, 73. λίαν, 7, 5. completely, en- λογιζομενοις ταύτα, to reason, tirely. consider: 6, 36. λογ«ίσ0ε τα λίθινος, 3, 68. of stone, 5, εικότα, to calculate probabi- 47. 6, 27. lities, to consider what is λιθοζόλος, 6, 69. a stone- likely, to be expected, fit, thrower. proper to be done. λιθολόγος, 7, 43. a stone- λογισμός, 2, 40. considera- cutter, mason. tion, turning over in thought, λίθος, 1, 93. 2, 4. λίθοις τε thinking: 4, 92. debate, nice και κεράμω βάλλειν, to strike poising, just calculation : 6, with, tO throw Stones and 34, καταστησαιμεν ες λογισμον, tiles : 2, 75. 4, 112. 7, 5. to reduce or bring to reflec- λιθουργος, 4, 69. a Stone- tion: 2. 11. λογισμω χρώμενοι, mason, 5, 82. : 4, 4. λι0ουργά, to employ consideration, to tools or instruments for cut- consider: 5, 68. ting stone. λο-γο^ρά^ος, 1, 21. an his- λι0οψορεω, 6, 98. λιθοφορεϊν torian, a compiler. ΛΟΓ ΛΥΠ λογοττοιίω, 6, 38. to invent, have arrived before* them forge, fabricate reports, εν- from the hill, 58. 65. 8, 33. : θενδε άνδρες ούτε οντά ούτε αν γε- 3, 112. εστον δε δύο λόφω η νόμενα λογοποιουσιν, ail ex- Ιδομενη ι/ψηΧω, where the ample of the participle with verb is governed not by its αν, to which it gives the sense proper subject, but by the of the finite mood, Matth. subst. predicate, Matth. Gr. Gr. Gr. 924. Gr. 44 L λόγος, 1, 36. επι τον άλλον λοχαγός, 5, 66. a colonel λόγον ίενα*, to proceed to the of a regiment. rest of the Speech, 76. τω δι- λοχάω, 3, 94. λο^σαντες, καίω λόγω νυν χρησθε, now to to lie in ambush, make use of the argument of λοχί£ω, 5, 115. λοχισθεντες, justice : 1, 102. επι βελτίονι to be beset by an ambush, λόγω, for any favourable rea- 107. λοχίζει, to station in son, with the best meaning : ambush. I, 73. reputation, honour : 3, λοχαώδης, 3, 107. bushy, 4. λόγους προσεφερον τοις στρα- thick-set with brushwood. τϊ/γοίς, to ask a parley of the λόχος, 1, 20. a troop, re- generals, send a flag of truce, giment, 4, 43. 91. 5, 67. request a conference : 1, 140. λύγξ, 2, 49. κενή, (opp. to πολεμώ μάλλον rj λόγοις, by πλήρης, Schol.) Singultus. war rather than by argu- λυμαίνομαι. 5, 103. to en- ments: 5, 112. εκ των λόγων, feeble, enervate, corrupt. 115. after or from the conference : λυπεω, 6, 66. λύπησαν, to 5, 6. τον ζίμπαντος λόγου, roll, harrass, annoy : 4, 53. ελύ- muster-roll, catalogue: 6, 61. now, to harrass, 8, 1. ελύπει, counsel, design, purpose : 1, grieved, 6, 57. λυπησαντα, to II. a report, story, 10. re- injure, offend: 2, 61. το λυ- port, fame : 2, 3. δεξασθαι λό- πουν, distress, 64. λυπούνται γους, to accept conditions : 8, γνώμ^ προς τας ζυμφοράς, to be 94. distressed in mind on ac- λοιδορεω, 3, 62. to rail at. count of misfortunes : 4, 115. λοίδορία, 2, 84. reviling, ελύπησε, to grieve, concern. abuse. λύπη, 7, 75. καθίστατο ες λύ- λοιμος, 2, 54. a plague, πην, to be grieved, affected pestilence, 47. with grief, to fall into grief: λοιμώδης, 1,23. pestilential. 6, 59. ερωτικ-ην, indignation, λοιπός, 1, 74. το λοιπόν, for anger, the future : 3, 44. 4, 93. 5, 9. λυπηρός, burdensome, 2, the rest, 7, 4. 7. 8, 67. 64. : 6, 18. giving trouble, λόφος, 3, 97. 4, 124. 5, 66. annoyance, hindering: 2,37. προεληλυθοτας άπο τοΰ λόφου, to painful, disagreeable : 6, 16^ ΛΥΣ ΜΑΛ odious, obnoxious, envied, occasioning or procuring envy .* 7, 75. λυπηρότεροι : 1, 76. λυσιτελοΰν, το, 6, 85. profit, interest. λύτρον, 6, 5. a ransom, re- demption-money, the price of redemption. λύχνον, 4, 133. τινά ημμενον, a lighted lamp. λυω, 6, 14. τους νομούς, to break the laws, 1, 132. τάς επιστολάς, to break the seal of a letter : 6, 66. έλυσαν γέφυρα ν, to break down, 8, 15. to abrogate: 7, 18. λελυ- κεναι τάς σπονδάς, to infringe, breaK, Ζ, 7. λελυμενων των σπονδών, the truce being broken, 1, 67. λελνκοτες σπον- δάς, 78. 5, 61. : 5, 43. λΰσαΓ, to dissolve, break: 1, 78. τά διάφορα λύεσθαι, to settle the difference. λωψαω, 2, 49. λωφησαντα μετά ταΰτα, to cease directly, instantly : 6, 12. λελωφηκα- μεν, to be recovered : 7, 77. λωφησις, 4, 81. του πολέμου, a lightening (of a burden,) a relief, shifting off. M. Μάθημα, 2, 39. learning, in- struction, information. μαθησις, 1, 68. μάθησιν ποιει- σθαι, to receive information, to be instructed, Matth. Gr. Gr. 590. μακαρίζω, 2, 51. εμακαρίζον- το, to be congratulated : 5, 105. μακαρίζοντας, to bless (jeeringly.) μακρη^ορεω, 1, 68. to make a long harangue : 4, 59. μα- κρη^οροίη, to discourse large- ly : 2, 36. to enlarge, dilate, speak at length, to be prolix. μάκρος, 2, 13. το μέταζύ τον τε μακρόν, the part between the long wall: 7, 13. άρπαγην, plunder or forage at a dis- tance, afar off : 3, 13. μακράν (SC. o§6v) άπείναι, to be a long way off, at a great distance : 1,1. επι μακροτατον σκοπειν, to look as far back as possible, to scrutinize the most ancient times, 3, 39. 4,41.: 6,31. ες τά μακρότατα, 1,1. μάλα, 4, 118. (αντίκα,^ im- mediately. μαλακία, 1, 122. 2, 40. 61. 5, 7. 75. cowardice, effemi- nacy, indisposition to busi- ness. μαλακίζομαι, 6, 29. to be mollified, softened, to relent : 5, 9. μαλακισθητε, to be weak, wanting in resolution, 72. 3, 37. 40. μαλακισθεντες, 7, 68. μαλακισθηναι, 2, 42. εμαλακίσθη I 8, 29. μαλακός, 6, 13. faint-heart- ed, cowardly: 3, 45. μαλακω- τερας ζημίας, lighter : 8, 29. moderate. μαλακωτερως, 8, 50. more gently, moderately. ΜΑΛ MAX μάλιστα, 3, 30. τυγχάνει μά~ μαντικός, 5, 103. μαντικών Χιστα ούσα, to be chiefly, (τεχνην) the prophetic art. chiefly to be: 4, 81. in a μαραίνω, 2, 49. εμαραίνετο, to great measure: 1,17. mostly, waste, pine away, for the most part, 18. about, μάρτυρ, 1, 37. 4, 28. a wit- nearly, (with numbers :) 5, ness: 1, 78. Θεούς μάρτυρας 66. most : 2, 47. αυτοί μάλιστα ποιούμενοι, to Call the gods to ίθνησκον, οσω κατ μάλιστα προ- Witness, 73. : 4, 87. μάρτυρας σψσαν, 8, 84. οσω μάλιστα και ποιησομαι, to attest: 2, 71. ελεύθεροι ήσαν οι νανται, τοσουτω μαρτυριον, 1, 73. a Wltness- και θρασύτατα προσπεσόντες τον mg, protestation, 33. μετ μισθον απατούν, Matth. Gr. αείμνηστου μαρτυρίου, a favour Gr. 668. : πολλω μάλιστα, granted under circumstances, Matth. 665. : 7, 42. μάλιστα which are a pledge of its δεινότατος, Matth. 667. never being forgotten : 3, 53. μάλλον, 5,44. the more: μαρτύρια, witnesses, 1 1 . μαρτυ- 1, 68. rather, 4, 64. : 3, 23. ρίω εχρώντο, to use an argu- εψνετο μάλλον διά του γειμωνος ment, testimony, example, to τό μέγεθος, to be effected cite or quote a proof, to in- chiefly through the violence stance : 1, 8. Κάρες και Φοινι- of the Storm : 5, 44. προς δε κες τάς πλείστας των νήσων ωκη- τους Αθηναίους μάλλον την γνώ- σαν' μαρτυριον δε, Αηλου yap μην είχον, to entertain a pre- καθαιρομενης κ. τ. λ. ' and the ference for the Athenians : 8, following is a proof of this.' 70. : 3, 36. ωμον το βούλευμα (This is a peculiar mode of πάλιν ολην διαψθείραι μάλλον η construction, that the pro- ού τους αιτίους, an instance of position is intimated only by a rare construction of the the principal word, which comparative μάλλον, Matth. is thus followed by yap, Gr. Gr. 6, 60. Matth. Gr. Gr. 950.) μανθάνω, 7 , 8. μαθόντας την μαρτύρομαι, 6, 80. to ρΐΌ- αύτού yvωμηv, to learn, to have test. information of, 1, 42. μαθών, μάσσω, 4, 16. μεμayμεvov, to 40. μαθείν, 4, 126. : 6, 39. 7, be pounded, ground. 1 1 . μαστηοφόρος, 4, 47. a whip- μανιωΰης, 4, 39. mad, un- bearer, bedell. reasonable. μαχαιροφόρος, 7, 27. θρακών, μάντεων, 1, 28. 126. the dirk -bearing, sword-bearers, oracle, 25. κατά το μαντεΐον, carrying or armed with according to the oracle. swords : 2, 96. μαντεύομαι, 5, 18. to consult μάχη, 4, 92. 5, 65. ως ες an oracle. μάχην, as for battle : 5, 10. μάντις, 3, 20. ανδρός μάντεως, 51. : 3, 67. εκ μάχης, after a a soothsayer: 8, 1. μάντεσι. battle: 5, 56. μάχη εκ παρ®- MAX ΜΕΘ σκευής, a pitched battle, 73. : 4,34. μάχιμος, 1, 10. fighting, warlike, 4, 125. ανθρώπων : 6, 23. πλην γε προς το μαχιμον, embattled, fit for service in the field, fighting, troops for battle: 2, 81. μαχιμωτατοι, 6, 90. μάχομαι, 4, 96. το μαχομενον, the part still in action : 7, 5. εμάγοντο, to fight, 13. μαχει- σθαι, 43. δια παντός του μηπω μεμαχημενου εναντίων διελθειν, to go through the whole of the enemy as yet unengaged, who had not yet fought with them : 5, 66. ως εμεΧλον μαχεϊ- σθαι, as if they were about to fight, the Doric fut. for μα- χέσεσθαι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 221.: 5, 34. μαχεσαμενους I 6, 78. εν θυμηθείτω ου περί της ε μη ς — μα- χονμενος, an instance of a verb of consideration taking the participle, Matth. 829. μεγα\ύνω, 5, 98. μεγαλυνετε, to aggravate, increase: 6,28. εμεγάλυνον, to magnify, ex- aggerate: 8, 81. μέγας, 5, 32. 44. great, 29. important : 3, 36. ωμον και μέγα, immane, savage and monstrous : 3, 63. και το μέγι- στον, and what is of most consequence, 4, 70. το δέ μέ- yicrrov, and what was his greatest object, chief view, 7, 24. μεγιστον δέ, very great- ly, 1, 142. Matth. Gr. Gr. 411. : 7, 44. : 1, 10. με-γίστας, the greatest in number, 2, 49. 6, 54,: 8,88.: 1, 68. ττρο- σηκει ημάς *ονχ ηκιστα ειπείν, οσω και μέγιστα εγκΧημστα εχο- μεν, we have the greatest right to speak in proportion as we have the greatest charges to answer to, two superl. compared, where ro- σούτω is dropped very often, if οσω follows in the second proposition, Matth. 667. see also 711. μέγεθος, 1, 2. greatness, magnitude : 7, 30. magnitude, extent, 58. : 72. νπο μεγέθους, from or on account of: 2, 38. 6, 1. 15. : 2, 7. κατά μέγεθος, in proportion to the size : 7, 55. μεγέθη '. 2, 62. περί μεγέθους ες την άρχην, greatness of means for acquiring empire, greatness as to empire, of empire : 4, 126. μεθιστημι, 1,6. 130. μετεστη, to go to war, change sides, 107. μετεστησαν , 5, 29. μεταστη- ναι : 2, 67. της ζυμμαχιας μετα- στάντα, to recede from or desert an alliance, 1, 35. to oppose as an enemy, 5, 111.: 1, 79. μεταστησαμενοι, to ex- clude, put out: 4, 57. μετα- στηναι, to transplant : 8, 15. μεθεστηκυίας, to revolt : 6, 19. μεταστησειν, to make (any one) change his purpose, recall his vote : 8, 76. μεθόριος, 2, 27. γη, land situate between two coun- tries, on the borders be- tween: 4, 56. 100. 5, 41. 54.: 8, 10. μεθόρια, confines, 2, 18. μεθορμιζω, 6, 88. μεθοομισα- D(i MEI MEN μενοι, statione mutnta se con- χε/ας μελλησεως, after a short ferre, to change station, to delay : 3, 12. εϊ τφ δοκονμεν remove from one harbour to άδικείν ττοοαποστάντες δια την another. εκείνων μελλησιν των εις ημάς μπΖ,όνως, 4, 19. ίγβρούς, δεινών, an instance of the use greatly their enemies : 6, 27. of the gen.j when one subst. μείζων, 1, 2. great, 32. governs two different geni- powerful : 3, 37. 6, 54. μήκος, tives in different relations, an additional, enlarged ex- Matth. Gr. Gr. 450. 844. tent, 15. μύζοσιν η κατά την μελλητης, 1, 70. a loiterer, ονσίαν, too great for,, in pro 7 lingerer, tarrier. portion to, the estate, pro- μέλλω, 1, 42. τό μέλλον τον perty : 4, 6. 119. β, 16. 8, πολέμου, the event of the war, 74. : 7, 75. μείζω η κατά δάκρυα 84. the participle has the τά μεν πεπονθότας η§η, τα δέ sense of a Subst. COmmuni- μέλλοντας, Matth. Gr. Gr. cated to it by the article, 654. Matth. Gr. Gr. 394. : 6, 74. μελετάω, 2, 86. μελετώντες Ι ζννειΰως το μέλλον, what was 1, 142. μελετησαι, to practise, about to take place, 4, 71. το 80. μελετησομεν, to apply at- μέλλον, the event : 7, 20. tention to an object : 6, 72. ωσπερ εμελλον, as they had μεμελετωμενην, excultam, im- intended, resolved : 5, 9. proved by practice : 1, 142. μέλλετε, to be going to, 15. εν τω μη μελετώντι αζυνετωτεροι 8, 23. εμελλησεν Ι 2, 8. 4, 111. έσονται, through want of μεμπτος, 6, 13. that, which practice, a participle with is found fault with, objected the art. USed as a SUbst., tO : 7, 15. νμΐν μη μεμπτών Matth. Gr. Gr. 876. γεγεν^μένων, who are not to μελέτη, 1, 18. 85. disci- blame, undeserving of blame pline, 18. ποιούμενοι μελετάς, from any One: 2, 61. μεμπτό- to practise, make trials : 2, τερος, more blameable: 3, 57. 39. μελέταις των πολεμικών, μέμφομαι, 1, 84. μεμφόμενοι, study of warlike affairs : 6, to censure, 8,3. to complain: 72. exercise, drilling: 1, 138. 3, 61. έμέμψατο: 3, 37. μέμψα- deliberation. σθαι του καλώς ειπόντος, to cen- μελιτόω, 4, 26. μεμελιτωμενην 9 sure, carp at, criticise a good honied. speaker : 1, 143. ψεμψάμην, μελλησις, 7, 49. loitering, to reprehend: 4, 85. ; 61. ου dilatorineSS : 1, 69. delay, τοίς αρχειν βουλομενοις μέμφο- 125. : 2, 18. ει μη δια την μελ- μαι, αλλά τοις υπακούειν ετοιμο- λησιν, but for the loitering τεροις ουσιν. delay : 5, 82. ; 66. διά βρα- μενετεον, 2, 88. in the for- MEN MET mation of the tenses, gene- ζρίαν, in the afternoon : 6, rally η and ε in the fut. and 100. peril are frequently inter- μεσημβρινός, 6, 2. τά μεσημ- changed, μενετεον is from με- tpiva, the southern parts (of μένηται, Matth. Gr. Gr. 229. an island.) μενετος, 1, 142.which WOuld μεσόγεια, 1, 100. ες μεσό-γειαν, admit of delay, can wait. into the interior, 3, 95. : 1, μεντοι, 6, 9. εμοι μεντοι δοκεΓ, 120. the midland territory. I, however, am of opinion: μέσος, 5,9. middle, 59. εν 1, 66. ου μεντοι γέ πω, however με'σω, in the middle, 1, 62. εν not yet : 7, 45. όπλα μεντοι μέσω ποάω, to surround (the ίτι πλείω, however, neverthe- enemy :) 7, 70. τό μέσον, the less, yet : 6, 25. οσα μεντοι centre, 1, 10. the mean: 4, %, however, at present, at 83. μέσω δικαστή, an umpire : the moment : 8, 87. 6, 54. μέσος πολίτης, a citizen μένω, 5, 10. to stand, wait: of middle rank : 4, 20. διά με- 2, 84. μενειν την τάζιν, to main- σου -γενόμενον, coming in the tain one's position, order: way: 8, 75. : 3, 80. μέσου 1,71. μενουμεν, to remain : 2, ημέρας, where an adj. of three 20. μεΐναι, to stay : 4, 10. : 5, terminations occurs as com- 65. μείνας περί τό ύδωρ, to wait mon, Matth. Gr. Gr. 150. near the water: 7,49. ίμενον: μεσόω, 5, 20. μεσονσι, to be 5, 40. μείνειαν, to stand, con- in the middle : 6, 30. θέρους tinue in force, remain valid, μεσουντος, at midsummer, 5, hold good: 8, 72.: 1, 65. 57. in the middle of summer. και αυτός ήθελε των μενόντων μεσως, 2, 60. moderately, είναι, the gen. is here put^zr- μετρίως, Schol. titive, ' one of those, who re- μετά, 1, 18. 5,52. 58. in mained at home,' this is an company with, along with : instance with a verb and 3, 2. Λα δαιμονίων, in con- with the verb είναι, Matth. junction with, with the Gr. Gr. 500. assistance of, 1, 126. : 1, 17. μέρος, 4,26. 5,56. 7, 11. a μετά την κτίσιν, after, 30. την part, 51. ου πολλοΰ, a small ναυμα-γίαν, after the sea-fight, detachment : 2, 10. τα δύο 69. : 7, 58. μετ αυτούς ο'ικοΰν- μέρη, two thirds : 4, 11. εν τω τες, after, i. e. next to, be- μερει, in turn : 2, 64. τι, in yond them : 6, 38. μετά κιν- some measure, (κατά sc. :) 1, δύνων, during the sense of 74. το μέρος, in part : 6, 39. dangers, 3, 56. in spite of κατά μέρη, individually, sepa- danger : 6, 85. μετά καιρού, rately, in parts : 8, 93. i. q. προς τόν καιρόν : 5, 16. μεσημβρία , 2, 28. μετά μεσημ- μίτά δώρων, by bribery, for a d d 2 MET > MET consideration : 5, 55. μεθ' change one's purpose, to οπλών, in arms : 3, 26. μετά repent : 4, 92. μεταγνώτω, to την δευτέρα ν, after or next to maintain a different opinion: (in degree:) 1, 70. μετά 1, 44. oi 'Αθηναίοι μετ έγνωσαν ττονων, With labour and diffi- Κερκυραίοις ζυμμαγίαν μεν μη Culty : 1, 69. μετά ύστερον, ποιησασθαι, Matth. Gr. Gr. afterwards : 1, 120. μετά 804. δέους, through fear : 7, 57. μεταγράφω, 1, 132. μεταγρά- μετά μισθού, with pay, i. e. ψαι, to re-write, or change for pay, αντί: 6, 72. μετά του in a letter: 4, 50. μετάγραφα- πιστον της επιστήμης, through μενοι, to translate. Confidence in : 6, 55. ττρωτος μετα$ί$ωμι, 1, 39. μεταδώσετε, μετά τον πάτερα, first after or to impart, share with, {cum next to : 6, 13. μετά σφων gen. :) 6, 39. μεταδίδωσι. αυτών, with or by themselves, μετάθεσις, 5,29. a change, i. e. without the intervention an alteration. of others : 8, 27. : 1, 138. μετακαλέω, 8, 11. to recall. μετά χεΐρας εχειν, the prep. μετάκινητος, open to objeC- has here, which is a rare tion, susceptible of alteration, sense, that of 'in,' hence με- abolition. ταχειρίζεσθαι, Matth. Gr. Gr. μεταλαμβάνω, 4, 73. μεταλα" 905. : 7, 33. ούτοι δ* ούδε με& βόντες, to take up, seize, 1, έτερων ήσαν, to be on any 39. to share, partake : 6, 87. one's side, Matth. 904. μεταλάβετε, to partake of : 1, μεταβάλλω, 2, 16. to change, 120. μεταλαμβάνω τον πολεμον I, 71. 123. το εθος, to change άντ ειρήνης, to exchange war the practice. for peace: 6, 18. μεταληψεσθε μετα&ολη, 1, 2. 6, 77. δε- ες το ομοιον, to exchange to a σπόΥου, a change of master, similarity, to adopt in ex- 59. a revolution, 17. 20. : 7, change (for one's own) simi- 76. a change, reverse of lar — : 3, 55. πολιτείας μετέλα- fortune, 55. change, innova- βεν, to be enrolled among tion : 2, 42. 48. : 6, 31. επί the number of the citizens, μεταβολή, exchange, com- μεταλλον, 1, 100. a mine: merce, traffic. 2, 55. μεταγιγνωσκω , 6, 17. μεταγι- μεταμέλεια, 1, 34.3, 37. re- -γνωσκητε, to repeal, revoke, pentance, change of mind. change One's mind On any μεταμέλει, μεταμέλομαι, 3, 4. subject and adopt another μετέμελεν, who had repented : Course : 3, 46. ως ουκ εσται 4, 29. μετεμελοντο, 5, 14. 35. : μεταγνωναι, that there Will be 2, 61. μεταμέλειν. no room for repentance, 40. μετάμελος, 7, 55. της στρα- 58. : 6, 40. μεταγνόντεο, to τίας, regret on account of the 11 MET MET expedition, Matth. Gr. Gr. two towers, the intermediate 466. space. μετανάστασις, 1, 2. a removal, μετάστασις, 6, 21. a changed change of abode : 2, 16. ού state of things, a change (in ραδιως μεταναστάσεις ποιεΐσθαι, the Condition of a people,) to change their abodes un- a better change, a change willingly. for the better. μετανιστημι, 1, 12. μετανι- μετατάσσω, 1, 95. μετατάξα- στατο, to suffer migrations, σθαι, to arrange oneself under transplantations. the banners of. μετάνοια, 3, 36. repentance. μετατίθημι, 5, 18. μεταθεϊναι, μεταξύ, 3, 21. το μεταξύ, an to alter, change. interval : 4, 25.42. between, μεταφέρω, 1, 134. μετενε-γκεϊν, 93. μεταξύ λόφου οντος, a hill to remove. being in the way, betwixt, μεταχειρίζω, 1, 13. μεταχειοί- 7, 5. : 1, 97. μεταξύ τούδε τοΰ σαι, to manage, 6, 12. to πολέμου και του Μηδικού, in the handle, take in hand, exe- interval between this war cute, (opp. to βουλευσασθαι, and the Median war, 118. to design, deliberate upon :) μετάπεμπτος, 6, 25. 29. sent 7, 87.. to treat harshly : 4, for, recalled. 18. μεταπεμπω, 4, 30. 7, 15. to μεταγωρεω, 2, 72. μεταγω- send for, 18. μεταμεμ-φωσιν: 1, ρησατε, to remove from (a 128. μεταπεμψθείς, to be sent place) to (another,) to re- for : 4, 100. μεταπεμφάμενοι, to tire: 5, 112. μετεγωρησαν, to send for, summon, 2, 29. με- depart. τεπίμψαντο, to send for or in- μετειμι, 5, 47. to be amongst, Vlte : 8, 5. μεταπεμπεται '. 3, 2. shared: 1, 28. ως ου μετον αύ- μεταπεμπόμενοι ήσαν, they were τοις Έπιΰάμνου, as they had no sending for : 5, 82. concern with Epidamnus : 2, μεταπίπτω, 8, 68. τα των 37. μετεστι πάσι το ίσον, Matth. τριακοσίων εν υστερώ μεταπε» Gr. Gr. 505. σόντα, to fall into decay, to . μετέρχομαι, 1, 34. μετε\θε7ν decline, to be overturned. ^κλήματα, to meet charges, μεταποιεω, 2, 57. μεταποιού- 124. των αΧλων την ελευθερία ν, μενοι αρετής, to assist one's to recover, restore the free- virtue, firmness, constancy, dom of the others: 2, 39. to vindicate to oneself the μετέχω, 3, 54. μετεσγομεν, to possession of, i. e. to pos- share, 47. αποστάσεως, to par- sess. take of, join in a revolt : 2, μεταπύρψον, 3, 22. the in- 40. μετέχοντα, to participate terval (in a wall) between (in the knowledge of any MET Μ EX thing,) 72. μίτασγόντες, 6, 40. μετασχεϊν τούτο, to share, par- take of, 8. 2. : 2, 16. μετείχον της χωράς, to share the land : 8, 86. : 2, 16. τη ow επιπολύ κατά την χωράν αυτονομω οικήσει μετεΐχον οι 'Αθηναίοι, this verb takes the gen. on account of the sense of participation, here της χωράς ΟΥ των α-γρών is to be understood, Matth. Gr. Gr. 505. μετεωρίζω, 4, 90. εμετεωριζον το ίρνμα, to give height to : 8, 16. μετεωρισθείς, to sail Out into deep water: 1, 12. μετέωρος, 3, 72. τα μετέωρα της πόλεως, the high parts of the city: 4,44. : 1, 48. 2, 91.3,33. 4, 14.26.7, 71. at sea, in deep water, 8, 10. : 6, 10. πόλει, out at sea, fluctuating, insecure, in suspense, a precarious con- dition: 2, 8. in a state of excitation, on tip-toe with excitation, eagerly expect- ing : 4, 32. μετεωρότατα, the most prominent, high, com- manding ground. μετιημαι, 3, 70. μετιοντες, to tamper with, solicit in an unhandsome manner, 4, 62. to pursue. μετοικία, 1, 2. a change of abode, a migration. μετοικίζω, 1, 12. μετωκιζετο, to suffer changes of abode, to be re-settled. μέτοικος, 2, 13. a stranger (resident in Athens :) 1, 143. a sojourner. μετονομάζω, 1, 122. μετωνό- /ιασται, to be named (one thing) instead of (another.) μετοπωρινος, 7, 87. of or be- longing to autumn. μετόπωρον, 7, 79. το /u., autumn. μετριάζω, 1, 76. ει τι μετριά- ζομεν, whether we pursue moderate measures. μέτριος, 1, 6. 77. moderate, mild: 4, 105. ξύμβασιν, mo- derate, 81. : 6, 88. ως αν μετριωτατα, as Sparingly as possible, 8, 24. with the greatest moderation, 84. : 6, 89. μετριωτερος. μετριότης, 1, 38. modera- tion. μετρίως, 2, 35. το μετρίως ειπεϊν, to speak impartially (of men,) hit, preserve the true mean in speaking, 65. εζη-γεϊτο, to govern with mo- deration: 4, 19. μετρον, 3, 20. της πλίνθου, a measure : 8, 95. μετωπηδόν, 2, 90. With prOWS opposed (to the enemy.) μετωπον, 3, 21. a front- face. μέχρι, 5, 1. up to, until, 112. τουΰε, up to this line, 1, 5. 71. 137. : 1, 74. μίχρι ημών, up to us, as far as our country, 90. τοσούτου, so long as, 76. ol•, as long as : 5, 65. λίθου βολής, within stone's throw : 1, 54. νυκτός, until the night: 3, 10. donee, whilst, as long as. ΜΗ ΜΗΧ μη, 1, 38. και, unless, in- deed : 5, 12. μη καλώς ίχειν, not to go well, to be wrong : 3, 6. της μεν θαλάσσης ειργον μη χρησθαι τους Μιτυλ)? να/ους•, an instance of μη used with an infin., instead of the iniin. alone after a verb forbidding, Matth. Gr. Gr. 802. : 5, 25. 7, 6. 8, 1. Matth. /. c. μηΰαμοΰ, 1, 35. no where. μηδέ, 3, 48. υμεις δέ γνόντες αμεινω τάδε είναι και μηδέ ο'ίκτω πλέον νειμαντες, μήτε επιείκεια κ. τ. λ. here μηδέ and μήτε correspond, Matth. Gr. Gr. 932. αηδείς, 4, 61. 5, 47. none : 6, 18. μηδέν δυνασθαι, to avail, to be capable of: 7, 8. μηδετεροΓ* 5, 14. neither. μηδετερωσε, 4, 118. with neither. Μηδίζω, 3, 62. Μτ,δίσαι, to join the Persians, 34. Μηδι- σαντων, persons in the interest of the Medes, of the Medish faction. Μηδισμος, 3, 62. ες τον Μηδισμόν, as to the alleged crime of joining the Medes or Persians. μήκος, 6, 34. πλου, length, 1, 23. μηκύνω, 1, 102. εμηκυνετο, to be prolonged, 141. μηκυ- νηται, "to be lengthened, protracted, 78. μηκυνόμενος I 2, 43. μηκυνοι προς αυτούς υμάς, (which one) might en- large, dwell upon to you : 4, 19. μήκων, 4, 25. a poppy. μην, 2,65. 5, 19. 8,81. a month : 6, 8. ως ες εζηκοντα ναΰς μηνός μισθον, a month's pay for about sixty ships. μηνοειδης, 7, 34. moon- shaped, horned : 2, 28. re- sembling the moon, i. e. being in the form of a cres- cent, semi-lunar, 76. μήνυμα, 6, 29. προς τα μηνύ- ματα απελο-γείτο, to defend oneself against, reply to the informations : 8, 50. informa- tion, discovery. μηνυτής, 3, 2. μηνυται yiyvov- ται — οτι ζυνοικιζουσι — στερησε- σθαι, informers : 1, 132. 6, 53. 8, 50. μηνυτρον, 6, 27. δημοσία, a public reward offered for in- formation, detection. μηνύω, 6, 27. to discover, 53. μεμηνυμενων, to be in- formed of, i. e. to have -Hn information laid against : 2, 42. μηνύουσα, to dlSCOVer, disclose, reveal : 1, 20. μεμη- νυσθαι, to inform, commu- nicate intelligence, betray as an informer: 8, 39. μηνυ- σωσι, should announce to : 4, 89. μηπω, 7, 43. not as yet. μητηρ, 1 , 9. μητρός, a mother. μητρόπολις, 1, 24. 42. the mother-city, 107. Matth. Gr. Gr. 623. μηγανάομαι, 7, 25. εμη-χα- νώντο, to contrive stratagems, make inventions : 4, 47. μηγανησαμένων , to obtain by ΜΗΧ ΜΝΗ trick t 5, 45. μηγαναται, to manoeuvre, put plans in motion, 4, 46. 6, 20. μη-χανη, 2, 76. 77. 5, 7. a machine : 5, 47. fraudulent evasion, 18, machination, torturing of words, quirk : 3, 51. μηγαναίς εκ Θαλάσσης, by means of machines, which act from the sea : 2, 18. μηγαναϊς, engines (for besieging a place.) μιαίνω, to pollute, stain, 2, 102. μιμεομαι, 2, 37. μιμούμενοι, to imitate. μίμησις, 1, 95. an imitation: 7, 63. μιμησει εθανμάζεσθε, to be admired for the imita- tion. μιμνησκω, 6, 80. μιμνησκόμε- νος, to call to mind : 2, 8. 5, 66. ■ΜΙνως, 1, 8. Μίνω, the gen. according to the second de- clension of Μίνως, Matth. Gr. Gr. 1 14. μισεομαι, 3, 64. μισο~ιντο, to be detested : 8, 83. μισθοδοσία, 8, 83. giving pay. μισθός, 5, 6. 7, 13. 25. pay, stipend, price : 8, 29. μισθοφόρο, 6, 24. a (soldier's) pay : 8, 45. μισθοφορητεον, 8, 65. ως οντε μισθοφορητεον ε'ίη, that no pay is to be given. μισθοφόρος, 1, 35. a mer- cenary, 7, 57. 58. 8, 45. 50. μισθόω, 4, 76. εμισθουντο, to procure mercenaries, 31. μισθωσαμενοι, to hire, 52^ μισθωτός, 5, 6. a mercenary. μίσος, 1, 103. το σφοδρον μϊσος, the bitter hatred : 5, 27. hatred, dislike : 1, 96. to Ώαυσανίον μίσος, hatred of ΟΓ against Pausanias : 4, 128. μνά, 3, 50. 5, 49. a mina, nearly 3/. 4s. 6^d. μναομαι, 2, 21. μεμνημενοι, to remember: 1, 37. μνησθεν- τες, to make mention : 2, 45. μνησθηναί τι, to make any mention : 1, 10. εμνησθη, to record, mention in writing: 3, 90. μνησθησομαι, to record, commemorate : 2, 8. άφ' ου ' Ελληνες μεμνηνται, in the me- mory of the Greeks : 8, 50. μνησθηναί, 41. μεμνημεθα '. 2, 21. Αθηναίοι μεμνημενοι και Πλεί- στοανακτα — οτε εσ^,αλων της Αττικής ες Ελευσίνα απεχώρησε πάλιν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 832. 563. μνημειον, 1, 138. 5, 11. a monument, sepulchre: 2,41. μνημεία, monuments. μνήμη, 1, 22. a memory : : 8. 8. memory, remembrance : 1.9. tradition : 2, 54. μνήμην ετΓοιονντο, to make mention, adapt the mention, to ex- press, 64. the memory (of a thing.) μνησικακεω, 4, 74. μνήσικακη- σειν μηδέν, to pass an act of oblivion, to declare an am- nesty. μνημόσυνον, 5, 11. a memo- rial. ΜΝΗ ΜΩΡ μνηστηρ, 1, 9. a SUltOr, lover. μόγις, 1,12. with difficulty, much ado : 7, 40. μοίρα, 3, 82. ανδρός, the part of a man : 1, 10. a di- vision, department, share : 2, 21. ουκ ελα-χίστην, a very considerable portion. μόλις, 1,69. 71. with diffi- culty : 7, 13. scarcely, 40. scarcely, hardly at length, at length with much ado, after a considerable time : 2,35. μόλυβδος, 1, 93. lead. μόναργος, 1, 122. a prince, chief, ruler with despotic power. μονή, 1, 131. την μονην ποι- ούμενος, to make an abode, a stay in a place : 7, 50. a de- lay, stopping, 47. μόνιμος, 8, 89. ουκ εδόκει μόνιμον τό της ολιγαρχίας, per- manent, durable, likely to continue. μόνος, 5, 28. alone, 43. un- assisted, 10. only, sole: 7, 58. μόνοι Ελληνες οικουσιν, the only Greeks who live : 8,68. μονοω, 5, 58. ί>ς μεμονωμέ- νοις, as they were alone, 5, 8. left to themselves, un- accompanied, obliged to depend on their own re- sources : 3, 105. 6, 101. μονωθείς I 2, 81. μεμονωμέ- νων, separated (from the rest:) 4, 126. μεμονωσθαι : 5, 40. 58. μόνως, 8, 81. solely. μόριον, 1, 141. εν βραγ χ εί μορίω, in a short space (of time,) τω πλεονι, a longer, the greater portion, 85. εν βραγεΐ μορίω ημέρας, in a brief part of the day : 2, 39. a portion, detachment : 6, 92. a portion : 7, 58. Μουνυχιασι, 8, 92. Matth. Gr. Gr. 374. μουσικός, 3, 100. musical, μοχθεω, 2, 39. μογθουντων, to toil, labour, 1, 70. μοχθου- σι, to toil. μοχθηρός, 8, 73. άνθρωπου, troublesome. μοχλός, 2, 4. the bar, bolt of a door. μυθώδης, 1, 21. τό μη μυθω- δες, it's not being fabulous. μύλων, 6, 22. a corn-mill, bake-house. μυριας, 7, 75. the number 10,000 : 5, 63. μνριος, 2, 13. ten thousand. μυριοφόρος, 7, 25. ναυν, that which bears 10,000, a ship of many tons' burthen, of very great burthen. μυστήριου, 6, 28. a mytery, hidden rite of religion. μυστικός, 6, 28. τα μυστικά, mystic rites, 60. . μυχός, 7, 4. του Χιμενος, the bottom of the harbour, 52. μωρία, 4, 64. 5, 41. folly, absurdity. ε e Ν. NAY Ναυάγιον, 1, 50. 4, 14. the wreck of a ship : 7, 23. ναύαρχος, 8, 16. a naval commander, 20. ναν^άτης, 1, 121. a sailor, 7, 75. πεζούς αντί νανζατων, Oil foot instead of ship-board: 8, 44. a naval soldier. ναυκΧηρος } 1, 137. the steersman, master of a small vessel. νανλοχίω, 7, 4. to wait in a station (for an enemy,) to lie in wait, take a covert naval station. ναυμαγεω, 1, 13. νανμαγονν τες ενίκιον, to conquer in a Sea-tight : 7, 22. εναυμάχουν '. 1, 14. εναυμα^ησαν, 36. ναυμα- χήσετε, to fight by sea: 7, 34. ναυμάχησαν τ ες αντίπαλα, to fight a drawn battle, with equal success, fortune : 4, 4. ναυμαχία, 1, 13. a sea-fight: 2, 85. 7, 21. ναυπηγεω, 1, 31, εναυπηγουν- το, to build ships, 13. ναυπι?- •γηθηναι, to be built. νανπη-γησιμος, 4, 108. ξύλων, ship-timber : 7, 25. ναυπη-γη- σιμα, materials for ship-build- ing. ναυπηγ'ια, 8, 4. ship-build- ing: 4, 108. τριηρών. ναυπηγός, 1, 13. a ship- wright. ναΰς, 3, 2. 5,. 4. ναυσϊ, ships, 5, 3. 7, 12. νηες '. 7, 1. νέων: 6, 85. 8, 9. 25. νανσι δυοιν ΝΕΜ ΰεουσαις πεντήκοντα, Matth. Gr. Gr. 71.74. ναύσταθμος, 3, 6. 6, 49. a naval station, a station for ships. ναύτης, 7, 1. 4. a sailor, seaman, 63. και ταύτα τοις οπλί- ταις ουχ ήσσον των ναυτών παρα- κεΧευομαι, ΙΟΥ η τοις νανταις, Matth. Gr. Gr. 658. ναυτικός, 1, 4. το ναυτικό ν, a navy, 7, 7. naval, 21. : 1, 13. ναυτικά, naval affairs : 4, 75. ναυτοκρατωρ, 5, 97. One powerful in ships, 109. νεκρός, a dead body, 1,51. 4, 44. 5, 10. 7, 5. νέμω, 5, 42. to exercise the right of pasturage: 6, 16. τά ίσα, to pay, give, yield : 3, 48. νειμαντες ο'ικτω πλέον, to give way or allow too much to compassion : 1, 6. νεμό- μενα, to be accustomed, to have a habit or practice : 1, 10. to possess, 100. ενέ- μοντοί 4, 64. νεμουμεθα, to till: 1,5. νέμεται τω παλαιή τροττω, to be regulated by, or to use the ancient custom : 3, 3. νεμοντες μείζον μέρος τω μη βουΧεσθαι αΧηθη . είναι, in a great measure, regard- ing with the wish that they should not be true, chiefly disposing of them by their not wishing them to be true, disposing of or regarding in a great measure as one wishes ΝΕΟ ΝΗΣ it to be: 1, 120. νψοντας τά νεφρΐτις, 7, 15. nephritic, ίΒια ε£ ίσου, to regulate their of or belonging to the private affairs equally with reins, (stone in the kidneys, others, 71. km τομή λυπεϊν αλ- Hobbes.) Χους — το ίσον νέμετε, to attri- νεω, 2, 52. νησαντας, to fill bute justice to any one on up, to erect, the condition of not aggriev- νέων, a fane, temple, an ing others, i. e. to consider altar, 3, 68. 4, 90. 5, 18. justice to consist in, &c. : 8. νεωριον, 1, 108. a naval 2 l.va/ia^iEvot, to divide among station, dock-yard: 7, 22. themselves. a dock : 3, 74. νεοδαμώδης, 5, 34. 7, 19. 58. νεώσοικος, 7,25.8, La dock. freedmen, citizens newly νεωστί, 1, 95. lately, 7, 1. enfranchised. very lately, just now, 33. νεοκατάστατος, 3, 93. newly lately, recently, 4,34. lately, established. just: 1, 137. βασιλεύοντα, who νεόκτιστος, 3, 100. lately had lately ascended the established. throne : 4, 108. νέος, 5, 50. εδοκει τι νέον νεωτερίζω, 2, 73. to make a ίσεσθαι, to expect something change, innovation : 7, 87. extraordinary to happen : r% μεταβολή ες ασθενειαν ενεω- νεωτερος, 1, 42. young, youth- τεριζον, (the cold nights and ful, 2, 6. 5, 50. : 3, 26. a the hot days by the vicissi- minor, 6, 12. νεώτερος ων ες tude) altered (them) into (a το αργειν, to be too young state of) weakness (and dis- for command, to command, order :) 2, 3. ενεωτεριΐον ούδεν 38. : 1, 132. νεωτερόν τι ποιείν ες ούδενα, to do nobody any ες αντον, to take any novel injury, to attempt nothing- step against a person: νεω- against any one: 1,115. νεω- τατος, 1, 7. 2, 13. 4, 125. τερίσαι, to revolutionize : 3,4, νεοτης, 4, 80. 5, 43. youth, νεωτεριονντων, 11. νεωτεριείν, a unripe time of life : 2, 8. a Doric form for νεωτερισόντων, youthful population. νεωτερίσειν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 22 1 . νεο-χ^ος, 1, 11. 42. see νεωτεροποίια, 1, 102. a love Bekker's Index. of change. νεοχμοω, 1, 12. ενεο^μωσε, νεωτεροποιος, 1, 70. innova- to cause, make innovations, tors, inventors of novelty, νενμα, 1, 134. αφανεϊ, a pri- 102. vate signal. νηίτης, A, 85. στρατω, naval: νενω, 4, 100. νενον απο της 2, 24. κεραίας, bending, inclined, νησ&ιον, 6, 2. 7, 3. 8, 1 1 . a leading, conducting, (of a little, small island, an islet, spout.) νησίς, 8, 14. a small island. ε e 2 ΝΗΣ ΝΟΥ νησιώτης, 1, 81. 5, 84. 7, 5. νόμιμος, 4, 96. τά νόμιμα των an islander. 'Ελλήνων, established law, νήσος, 1, 4. 5, 14, 35. 6, 2. 6, 4. institutions, laws, 1, 71, 7, 33. 57. an island. manners, customs, 7, 57. : 1, νικάω, 1, 13. ενικών, to Win 85. ου νόμιμον, it IS not right .* a victory : 6, 16. ενίκησα, to 3,53. νομψωτεραν, more legal: win the plate, prize : 5, 73. 7, 68. νομιμώτατος, most just, νενικημενονς> 1, 50. νικηθώσιν, equitable. 7, 44. ενικώντο, to be COn- νόμος, 1, 77. ομοίοις νόμοις, quered : 2, 60. νικωμενου χρή- impartial laws : 3, 31. κατά μασιν, to be overcome by pe- τους εαυτών, by, according to, cuniary temptations : 2, 85. 5, 66. κατά τον νόμον, accord- 7, 66. νενικηκατε ναυμαχίας, to ing to law, 1, 24. : 6, 16. a win a sea-fight : 2, 6. apt prescript, custom, institu- νενικημενων τε και ζυνειλημενων, tion. just after their being de- νοσεω, 2, 48. νοσησας, to feated and taken prisoners, have the plague, 1, 138. to 12. νενικηκυία τ\ν, had pre- be sick, 2, 58. νοσησαι, to vailed: 5, 82. νενίκ-ηνται : 1, have the plague, 30. νενο- 126. νομίσας εορτην τε του Διός σηκυίας. μεγ'ιστην είναι και εαυτω τι προ- νόσημα, 2, 49. a malady, 51 . σηκειν Ολυμπία νενικηκότι, the 53: έτολμα, 57. ύττ άλλον νο- :η trans, νικάω is here used σήματος ΰιαφθαρηναι, to die of transitively, with the nature a disorder, to be subject to of the field of battle, Matth. or afflicted by, 47. ή νόσος Gr. Gr. 600. πρώτον τηρϊ,ατο γενέσθαι τοις νίκη, 1, 63. 7, 23. victory» Άϋηναίοις, λεγόμενον μεν και Νικόλαος, 2, 67. Νικόλας πρότερον ττολλαχοσε εγκατασκη- occurs in other authors, ψαι, the participle agrees ydiichis a Doric contraction, with το νόσημα, (which is im- Matth. Gr. Gr. 53. plied by ν νόσος, or) which νόθος, 8, 5. a bastard, 28. being equivalent to it, the νομίζω, 5, 8. to judge, be participle may be said to be cf opinion, 44. : 7, 17. νομί- referred to this last in its σαντες : 1, 77. to think right, sense only, Matth. Gr. Gr. to sanction : 4, 8. νομισθηναι, 629. to think : 1, 42. 69. νομίσγ, νόσος, 1, 23. a disease: 2, to Consider: 6, 69. σφάγια τά 98. 5, 41. 7, 47. νοσώ τε yap νομιϊ,όμενα, the CUStomary, ε7Γΐέ£οντο — τά τε άλλα — εφαίνετο, proper, solemn sacrifices, an instance of anacoluthon, Victims: 6,22. νομίσατε, to Matth. Gr. Gr. 944. conclude, 5, 9. to bear in νοτερος, 3, 21. rainy. ind : 2, 15. 4, 81. νονμηνία, 2,28, κατά σεληνην, ΝΟΥ ΞΥΓ the lunar calends, the first day of the month according to the moon, the first day of the lunar month: 4, 51. νους, 3, 22. τον νουν εχοιευ ποος αυτούς, to have one's at- tention upon, to direct one's attention to : 5, 45. ουδέν αΧηθες εν νω 'εχουσιν, to have no just intention, nothing just in contemplation, no upright views, to be radi- cally insincere : 7, 19. in- tention, mind. νυκτερινός, 4, 128. νυκτερινή και φοβέρα, nocturnal. ννκτομαχια, 7, 44. a night- engagement. νυν, 3, 43. νΰν δε, but as the case now stands : 6, 34. τών νυν, the powers that are, present state : 4, 28. νυνί, 4, 92. νυνί δέ, and now, however : 5, 47. Όλυμπίοις τοις νυνί, the approaching Olympic games. νυξ, 1, 51. ες νύκτα, in the night : 5, 58. την νύκτα, by night: 1, 129. 4, 110. νώτος, 1, 62. κατά νώτου, on the rear, 3, 107. : 4, 4. Ξεναγός, 2, 75. a com- mander of mercenaries, one appointed to command the troops of other states, which assisted the Lacedaemonians in war. ζενηλασία, 1, 144. a driv- ing away or expulsion of strangers (from a town :) 2, 59. ξενία, 8, 6. a connection of hospitality. ξενικός, 7, 42. strange, foreign : 8, 25. ξενισις, 6, 46. και Ίδια. ξενίσεις ττοιούμενοι τών τριηριτών, to en- tertain as guests, give enter- tainments to. ξένος, \, 26. 74. avBpa, a stranger : 7, 13. : 2, 93. a friend connected by ties of hospitality. ξενοτροφέω, 7, 48. ξενοτρο- φούντες, to maintain merce- naries, haye mercenaries in one's pay. ξηραίνω, 1, 109. ξηράνας, to dry up. ζηρότης, 7 , 12. τών νέων, dry- ness, soundness, tightness. ξηρός, 1, 109. ε7τι του ξηρού , upon dry land. ξιψίδιου, 3, 22. a little sword. ξυγγενεια, 1, 26. 4, 61. 7, 57. affinity, relationship, con- sanguinity. ξυγγενης, 1, 95. 6, 20. κατά το ξυγγενές, on the SCOre of relationship: 1, 6. 71. 5, 15. a relation, 6, 6. 30. : 4, 64. one of the same race. ξυγγίγνο^ιαι, 5, 37. to ac- company, join the party : 2, 12. ξυγγένηται, to have com- munication or to confer with. 11 5ΥΓ Ξ γ Γ ξνγγινώσκω, 2, 60. &vi- λεσαν, 88. 5, 8. 7, 5. to call γνωτε, to consent to, resolve together, 2, 10. to summon, upon (in conformity with 7, 21. another's advice :) 7, 73. ξι/- ^vy κατ αξαίνω, 6, 30. ξυγκα- ν£γ/γνωσκον, to agree or co- τέβι», to accompany down, mcide in opinion. : go down along with. ξυγγνώμη, 3, 44. έχοντες re '^vy καταδιώκω, 8, 28. ξυγκα- ζνγγνάμης, to deserve some ταδιωχθεισ^ς, to be pursued pardon, clemency, 39. ξυγ- along with. γνώ^ν εχω, to pardon : 4, 1 14. ξυγκαταδουλο'ω, 3, 64. ξυγκα- ειναιξυγγνώ/ιην, eXCUSe: 1, 32. τεδουλονσθε, to join in re- peat ξνγγνώ^η ει, and it is par- ducing to slavery, donable if: 7, 15. pardon, ζυ 7 καταλάβω, 7, 26. ξνγ- consent : 8, 50. pardon. κατέλαβε, to seize, occupy ξυγγνώμων, 2, 74. ξυγγνώ- along with, to assist another μονές ίστε, to be consenting : in seizing. 4, 98. σύγγνωμόν re γ/γνεσθαι ξυγκαταλε/πω, 5, 75. ξυγκα- /cat προς του θεού, palliation, ταλιποντες, jointly to leave forgiveness, 3, 40. pardon- behind. a "* e • v ^κατανέμω, 6, 4. ξυγκατε- ξυγγραφτ), 5, 35. a written νε/^ααντο, to possess in corn- document, a scroll, form of mon with, inhabit along with. Writing: 1, 97. a history. &y κατασκευάζω, 1, 93. ξυγ- ξυγγράφω, 1[ 1. ξυνεγρα^ε, κατεσκεύαζε τ »}υ αρχήν, to assist to compose, write, 2, 70. 6, in acquiring power. 7. 8, 6. : 5, 41. ξυνεγράψαντο, ^κατεβάζομαι, 1,132. ξυγ- to be digested, drawn up in κατερ 7 άσωνται το παν, to share, writing, co-operate with through the ξυγκαθαφεω, 1, 132. ζυγκα- whole business. θελουσαι, to join in overturn- ^κατοικίζω, 2, 41. ξυγκα- mg : 8, 16. ξυγκαθ^ρουν, to τοικ/σαντες, to set up, erect assist in demolishing, 6, 6. along with, amongst : 6, 8. ξνγκαθελωσι : 1, 90. ξυγκα0ε- ξυγκατοικίσαι Λεοντινους, to λεΓν, to destroy altogether : settle, establish together in 8, 46. ξυγκαθαιρήσει, he might a body, to collocate : 6, 4. pull down, destroy. ζυ Ύ κατψκισε, to unite with, '^κάθημαι, 5, 55. £vy/ca0i- assist in founding a place, σθαι περί είρηνης, to sit in making a settlement, 75. council respecting a peace. ξυγκατοΐΑα&ν. ^ ζν 7 καθίστημι, 4, 107. ξυγκα- ζυ 7 κειμαι, 3, 70. 5, 47. κατά θίστη ταύτα, 5, 52. to arrange, τα ζν Ί κείμενα, according to coniirm • the agreement, 4, 68. κατά ri ξνγκαλέω, 2, 71. 86. ζννεκά- ξυγκε/η* νον '. 4, 111. ο ξνγ /caro, ΞΥΓ 3ΥΛ what has been concerted, accomplish a league, rivet a agreed upon, 23. 68. : 1, 22. connexion. £υγκεται, to be compiled, ξύγχυσις, 5, 26. a consum- composed : 8, 43. ζυ-γκείσθαι, mation of the union. tO be arranged with, Settled. ξυγχωρε'ω, 1, 140. οις ξυγχω- 'ίυyκεpavvυμι, 6, 18. ζυγκρα- ρησετε, to make concessions 0εν, to be mixed, blended to, to yield to : 5, 89. ξυγχω- together, compounded, tern- ρουσι, to succumb, obey : 8, pered together. 9. ξυγχωρούντων, to accede : ξυγκινδυνεύω, 1,32. to run 3, 52. ξυγχωροίεν, to be agreed into danger in company upon, to stipulate: 5, 116. with : 8, 22. to involve in the ζυνεχωρησαν, to surrender same risk. oneself, to yield, 41. εφ οΓς, ζνγκΧείω, 5, 72. ξυγκλεΓσαι, to Consent : 3, 27. ξυγχωρή- to clasp, lock together : 4, σαντες προς Αθηναίους, to make 67. ξυγκλεισθήναί, to be shut, terms with. closed (as a gate :) 4, 35. 5, ξύλινος, 7, 25. wooden : 2, 64. 75. ζύΧινον τεϊγος ζυνθεντες, to ξύγκτλ^σις, 5, 7 1 . a locking construct a wooden wall, together. frame : 4, 90. π-ύργους, towers, ξύγκλυς, 7,5. ανθρώπων, Col- 115. παραφρά-γματα, parapets, lected from all parts, a pro- turrets, fences. miseuous multitude. ξυλλαμ€άνω, 4, 5. ξυλλαα- ζυ-γκομώη, 2, 52. conveying. €άνεί, to take, seize, 2, 67. ξυγκομ/ζω, 6, 71. ξυγκομι'- to apprehend, arrest: 2,6. σαντες τους νεκρούς, to Collect, ξυνελαβον, to apprehend, congerere : 7, 85. to convey seize : 1, 20. ζυΧΧηφθηναι, to in. a body. be apprehended : 1, 118. ζυ -y κρούω, 1, 44. αυτούς aX- ζυΧΧηψεσθαι, to assist, give ΧηΧοις, to shatter them one aid in accomplishing, 123. against another : 7, 36. ξυγ- to bear a hand, 2, 54. to take κροΰσαι to αντίπρωρον, to clash part with, to assist : 8, 14. against at the same time, ξυνελάαβανον, to seize : 4, 47. make a shock in concert, ζυνεΧα&οντο, to wink or con- the collision of prow against nive at, to be a party to : 1, prOW. 134. ζυΧΧηφθησεσθαι, to be ξυ^κτάομαι, 7, 57. ξυγκτησό- apprehended. μενοι χώραν, to assist, join in ξυλλέγω, 7, 7. ξυλλέξων, to acquiring, to obtain a share collect, convocate : 1, 115. of. συλλεξαντες, to collect to- ξυγκτ/ζω, 7, 57. ξυγκτ/σαν- gether, 4, 77. συλλέξας πΧεοι, τες, to unite in founding. to sail, 4, 7. : 3, 15. ξυνελε- ξυγχεω, 5, 39. ξυγχέαί, to γοντο, to assemble, 2, 3. 4, ΞΥΛ SYM 91. : 6, 30. ξυλλεγεσ0αι, to assemble, rendezvous : 2, 10. ξυνειλεγμενον, to be collected together, A, 70. around, 3, 94. : 7, 58. ξυνελεγη, to be collected, 26. to collect, draw to a head : 8, 49. ξυλλεγεντες, to meet, 93. οί τετρακόσιοι ες το βουλευτή ριον όμως και τεθο- ρυ€ι?μενοι ζυνελε-γοντο, Matth. Gr. Gr. 866. ζύλληψις, 1, 134. a seizure, an apprehension. ξύλλογος, 1, 67. an assem- bly, a meeting : 2, 22. 59. ποιησας, to call an assembly : 3, 27. κατά ξυλλογους yiyvo- μενα, to get together in parties : 7, 31. a general rendezvous, muster. ξύλον, 8, 1. ξύλα, vessels : 7, 25. ξύλα ναυπη'γησιμα, tim- ber for building ships : 4, 108. ξύλων, timber, 4, 3. 11. timbers, rafters, 52. timber, wood. ξύλωσις, 2, 14. timber, beams, rafters. ξυμ€αινω, 2, 5. ην τι ζυμ£αι~ νωσι, in case they came to any agreement : 1, 98. ξυνε- €ησαν καθ ομολογιαν, to Come to terms, 4, 62. : 4, 17. ξυμ- €εβηκασι, to concur : 5, 92. ζυμ€αιη I 6, 33. το τοσούτο ξυμ- €ηναι, such an event : 4, 30. ξυμ€α0£, to be compounded, agreed : 2, 15. ξυνεβε&ίκει, had been the custom, 1, 52. ξυμβεβηκότα, to happen, 7, 11. ξυμβεβ»?κε: 2, 77. ξυμ€τ)ναι, 34. ξυνεβη, 5, 14. 7, 57. όποτε ξυμβα /rj αυτοΓς, whenever they had occasion, 61. τό πλειστω πα- ράλογα) ζυμ^αΐνον, that which falls out, happens very con- trary to men's reasonings and Opinions, 70. άνευ αυτών ξυνεβησαν, without consulting them : 1, 28. ξυμ€ώσιν, to agree upon : 8, 27. ξυμβίσε- σθαι, it would happen, 28. ξυνέβησαν, had agreed with: 5, 14. ζυνε€>η ώστε πολεμώ μεν μηδέν ετι αφασθαι μηδετέρους, an instance of ξυνέβη being fol- lowed by a conjunction, which has commonly the simple infin., Matth. Gr. Gr. 708. ξυμ€αλλω, 5, 77. ξυμ€αλε- σβαι, to be ratified : 3, 45. ξυμ- €αλλεται ες τό επαίρειν, to Con- tribute to stimulate, impel, put men upon undertaking : 1, 105. ξυμ€αλόντες, to engage in fight: 8, 25. ξυνε'βαλον, they engaged in battle. ξύμβασις, 1, 61. 5, 4. 17. 21. 47. 54. 6, 10. composi- tion, peace, agreement, treaty: 3, 67. από ξυμ€άσεως, after or in consequence of a capitulation : 2, 3. προς ξύμ- βασιν εγωρησαν, they came to terms : 2, 2. ες ζύμζασιν aya- γείν, to bring to terms. ξυμβατηοιος, 5, 75. λoyoυς t proposals for an accommo- dation. ζυμξατικος, 6, 102. of or belonging to a surrender, treaty. ξυμβιβάζω, 2, 29. ξυνεβι'βασε, HYM to bring over to, to re- concile. ζυμζοηθεια, 2, 82. succour. ξνμΖοηθίω, 2, 80. 7, 30. ξυ- ν&οι'ιθησαν, to carry aid in concert, to bring assistance simultaneously: 2, 81. ζυμ- ζεζοηθηκέναι'. 7, 55. ζυμζοηθη- σάντων, 3, 7. 2, 83. ζυμζόλαιος, 1, 77. regarding covenants of alliance. ζυμ&ονλευτεος, 1, 140. ορω ομοία και παραπλήσια ζυμ^ου- λευτεα μοι υντα, to see, per- ceive that I must give the like and pretty nearly the same advice, to persist in the same uniform advice. ξυμβουλευω, 1, 65, ξυνεβου- λευε, to plan in conjunction with. £υμβουλος, 2, 85. 5, 63. a counsellor, an assessor: 3, 69. an adviser : 8, 39. ζυμμαχεω, 1, 39. 6, 78. to support an ally, 1, 35. to be in alliance : 2, 66. ζυνεμάγουν, to take part or side with in war, to be an ally of: 7, 50. ζυμμαχησαντες, to bring aid. ζνμμαχία, 1, 15. an alliance, a league, 5, 22. 33. ; 37. an armed confederacy : 6, 72. i. q. το ζνμμαχικον, ωφέλεια, auxilia, succours, 1, 118. ot Λακεδαιμόνιοι — της συμμαχίας αυτών (jSC. των Αθηναίων) ηπτον- το, an instance of the in- terchange of subst., when subst. of different classes are interchanged, and η συμμαχία OCCUrS for ot ζύμμαγοι, Matth. HYM Gr. Gr. 617. : 5, 46. Matth. 548. Συμμαχικός, 7, 20. κατά τυ ζνμμαχικον, according to the terms of the treaty, 5, 6. ac- cording to appointment, con- tract: 8, 7. 9. : 4, 77. το παν ζυμμαχικον, the whole effec- tive force of the allies. ζυμμαχις, 1, 98. an alliance, 65. being in alliance : 5, 36. an armed confederacy : 8, 23. auxiliary. ζύμμαγος, 5, 18. 31. 35. ail ally. ζυμμενω, 1, 18. ζυνεμειναν, to endure. ζυμμετρεω, 3, 20. ζυνεμετρη- σαντο, to measure, take the height : 2, 44. ζυνεμετρηθη, to be measured, marked out, appointed, ordained. ζυμμετρησις, 3, 20. ζνμμετρη- σιν ελαβον, to take measure. ζνμμί-γνυμι, 1, 50. ξυνέ/ιιξαν, to engage with one another: 5, 9. ζυμμίζαι, to join in the engagement, mingle in the fight, 1, 49. : 5, 65. πρ\ν ξνμ- μίζαι, before the battle could be joined: 2, 84. to join or unite with : 2, 31. ζυνεμίχθη- σαν, to unite with, join one- self to. ζνμμικτος, 4, 106. mixed, heterogeneous (race :) 6, 5. ανθρώπων, (men) of all coun- tries, a mixed (multitude:) 3, 61. ανθρώπους, a mixed (rabble.) ξυμ/χίσγω, 7, 26. ζυμμίσψι τω Χαρικλεϊ, to join or unite F f ΞΥΜ ΞΥΜ with ι 1, 62. ξυν^ισγον, to upon, grapple with, 44. : 70. engage (as an enemy :) 7, 6. έ* όλίγω, 5, 3. ζνμπεσων, to ζυνψισψν αύτοΓς, to mingle precipitate themselves, to with in battle. break in, 1, 49. : 2, 84. ξυμ- ξύμμορος, 4, 93. a COmpa- πεσείσθαι προς αλλήλους, to nion, fellow- soldier, or fel- fall foul one of another : 3, low- countryman, one who 59. ξυμττεσοι : 8, 41. ξυμπεπτω- contributes his share to the κυΐαν, to happen : 1, 49. ξυνέ- general Stock, Or one who πεσόν ες τούτο ανάγκης, the dwells in a division or de- gen. here follows the neuter, partment attached to the as a definition ; that is, it department or country of shews in what respect that others, see Duker's note. neuter is to be taken, which ξνμτταραγίγνομαι, 2, 82. ξυμ- is the first especial signifi- τταραγενομενων κατά φιλίαν, to Cation of the gen., Matth. come over to. Gr. Gr. ζνμπαρακομίζω, 8, 39. ξυμ- ξυμπλέκω, 4, 4. ξυμπλεκοντες, παρακομισθηναι, to be brought to plait, twist. ΟΓ Conducted away. ξυμπλέω, 1, 94. ξυνε'πλεον, ξυμτταραμενω, 6, 89. ζυμπα- to sail in company, 1, 2. 10. ρεμεινεν, Simul mcineo, semper 44. ξυμπλείν: 6, 44. ξυνένλει adsum, to dwell with, abide εξ ανάγκες : 8, 29. Άστυόχω in, to be present to. ναραδουναι τάς ναυς ξυμπλέων, ζυμπάρειμι, 4, 83. ζνμπαρόν- Matth. Gr. Gr. 805. τες, to accompany, attend, ζνμπληρόω, 7, 60. ζννεπλη- in attendance, one's suite. ρωθησαν, to be manned in a ξυμττας, 4, 39. χρόνος, the body, together. Sum total of time : 6, 18. ξυμπολεμεω, 2, 9. ξυνεττολε- ξυμπάντων Σικελιωτών : 1, 3. μου ν, to assist in Carrying on ζνμπασα, the whole : 7, 49. το War : 2, 67. 7, 1. ξυμπολεμείν, ξύμπαν, in a word, 30. the to make war in concert, to whole mass. become allies in war, 12. : ξυμπείθω, 7, 21. ξυνεπειθε, to 1, 18. ζνμπολεμησάντων, to COn- add one's exhortations to federate in war, to league. those Of another, tO join in ζυμπροθνμεομαι, 2, 80. ξυμ- persuading, to second the προθνμηθεντες, to be active in advice of another. support of, zealous for, 8, ξνμπεμπω, 2, 12. to Send 1. 2. along with : 7, 31. ζνμπροπεμπω, 1, 27. ξυμττρο- ξυμπίπτω, 4, 68. ζυνεπεσε, πεμψαι, to Convey. to happen, chance, 7, 63. ξυμτττωμα, 4, 30. case, pre- συμπεσονσης νηί νεως, ' yard- dicament. arm and yard-arm,' to fall ξυμψέρω, 5, 9. ξυμψεροντος, ΗΥΜ ΞΥΜ expedient: 3, 71. ως ξύνε- in conjunction, 8, 14. to con- Krt2ovro, to have compassion on. οίκτος, 3, 67. pity, com- passion, 40. οίκτω άμαρτάνειν, to err from compassion. οιμωγή, 7, 71. a cry of la- mentation. οίνος, 6, 28. οΐνον (sc. μετά,) through wine, i. e. drunken- ness, per temulentiam : 4, 16. οΊνογοη, 6, 46. a flagon. οίομαι, 4, 26. 5, 40. φόντο, to presume, imagine, sup- pose, 7, 55.: 1, 33. οίεται, to be of opinion: 2, 4. οιόμενοι, to suppose, imagine, 4, 73. 5, 38. to think, deem : 2, 81. οιηθηναι : 1, 69. οιόμενοι Χανθα- νειν, while they think they escape the notice of: 3, 46. οίεσ0ε. ΟΙΟ ΟΛΙ οίος, 5, 7. how great: 1, rive, break, shatter, split, 77. οία και τότε, such as for- by forcing aground, 11. όκεί- merly: 3, 23.: 2, 48. οΓονεγί- λαντας : 2, 91. ωκειλαν, where yvtTo, λέξω, to relate how it it is used in a neuter signif. was, the manner of it, its όκνε'ω, 5, 61. ώκνουν, to he- origin and progress: 4, 90. sitate : 1, 120. to hang back, οίον, about: 1, 91. ου yap οίον hesitate, τε, for it is not possible: 8, οκνηρός, 1, 142. 4, 55. οκνη- 65. : 6, 12. καί το πράγμα μ£~γα ροτερος, more inert, less alive, είναι και μη οίον νεωτερψ βουλεύ- more fearful, timid. σασθα'ι τε και οζεως μεταγειρίσαι, οκνος, 2, 40. fear, hesita- such as a younger man tion, delay (produced by would be able, an example fear:) 7, 49. a state of inac- of οίον είναι meaning ' to be tion : 3, 39. παρεσγεν οκνον μη able,' without the particle ελθείν ες τα δείνα, fear, dread, τε, Matth. Gr. Gr. 693.: 7, (of undergoing danger,) la- 21. προς άνδρας τολμηρούς, bour. οίους και ' Αθηναίους, for οίοι όλεθρος, 3, 98. destruction, ΆθηναιοΊ εΊσιν, this pronoun 7, 27. 29. rel. where it should be in ολιγάκις, 6, 38. seldom, the nomin., takes the case rarely. of the word, to which it is ολιγανθρωπία, 3, 93. ες ολι- referred, Matth. 683. γανθρωπίαν κατέστησαν, to re- οϊστος, 2, 75. 4, 48. an duce the population to a arrow. small number of men, 1, οιστός, 7, 75. οιστα εφαινετο, 11. seemed tolerable. όλιγαρχεοααι, 5, 31. to be οίσυϊνος, 4, 9. wicker. aristocratically governed, 8, θίγομαι, 5, 55. ωχοντο, to 76, 91. depart, 7, 46. ψχετο, to go to, ολιγαρχία, 1, 19. κατ ολι- 2, 85.; 7, 7. to proceed (on yapyiav ττολιτεϋειν, to use an a journey,) 32. θιγόμενοι ες aristocratical constitution, to τάς πόλεις: 1, 116. ετυχον γαρ live under an aristocracy: ai μεν επι Καριάς — οιχοαενοι, αι 5, 81. ; 6, 11. δι ολιγαρχίας, δε επί Χίου και Λεσβον, ττεριαγ- through ΟΓ by means of, ΟΓ γελλουσαι βοηθείν, verbs of with the aid of an oligarchy : motion are accompanied re- 8,73. gularly by participles future ολιγαρχικός, 8, 72. of or to express the object of the belonging to an oligarchy. Verbs, Matth. Gr. Gr. 851. ολίγος, 1, 50. όλίγαι αμύνειν, οίωνός, 6. 27. an (unlucky) (too) few to give succour, omen. Matth. Gr. Gr. 652. : 1, 74. οκελλω, 4, 12. οκεϊλαι (την όλίγω, by a little, 18. ετη τε- ναΰν,) to run aground, to τρακόσια και ολίγω πλείω, four ΌΛΙ "ΟΜΙ it hundred years and a few into the plain : 4,31. όμαΧώ- more : 5, 65. «£ bXlyov, sud- τατος, plainest, flattest, most den : 1, 61. κατ ολίγον προϊόν- level, τες, to proceed by slow οααλως, 5, 70. uniformly, ej marches. evenly, in step. ολιγωρεω, 2, 62. ύλιγωρησαι, ομηρεία, 8, 45. a security. to make light of: 5, 9. to be όμηρος, 1, 56. a hostage, negligent, off one's guard. 57. 61. 82. 8, 3. 31. it has a ολιγωρία, 2, 52. ες ολιγωρίαν much wider extent than the ετράποντο, to grow careless, Lat. obses, or the English unmindful : 5, 9. hostage, see 6, 6\. where the ολκάς, 2, 67. a heavy ship, persons in question were not ship of burden, 17, 18. 23. hostages from the Argives, ί 4, 83. 6, 1. 22. : 7, 7. εν όλ- but those Argives, who had κάσιν η πλοίοις, ships of bur- been plotting with the Lace- den or light vessels, skiffs, daemonians and were depo- boats, τρόπω ω αν [προγωργ~] sited by the Athenians in εν ολκάσιν η πλοίοις η άλλως their islands, comp. 5, 84. όπως αν προ^ωρη, (taking the ομιΧεω, 6, 55. ζννεγως mind lest: 8, Gr. 775. 63. ορών ποΧυ το ζυνεστηκος, οποτεροιονν, 5, 18. to what- Matth. Gr. Gr. 394. : 7, 47. ever Side. εωρων ου κατορθοΰντες και τους οποτεροισουν, 5, 41. to either στρατιωτας αγομένους, se ΐΙΟΠ one or other. secunda fortuna uti, a verb of οπότερος, 3, 14. whichever sense taking another in the side, party, whoever: 5,41. participle, Matth. 828. όποτέρωσε, 5, 65. On which όργάω, 4, 108. ορ-γωντων, to side, in which direction : 1, desire vehemently, 8, 2. un- 63. whether. der the influence of pas- υπτομαι, 6, 30. είττοτε όφοιντο, sion : 2, 21. ωργητο, to be if they were ever to see eager (after.) ΌΡΓ ΌΡΚ οργτ), 2, 8. οργιρ είίχειν, to be 56. το ορθόν, right ! 5, 42. enraged at, inflamed against, ορθοί/ παροδοΰναι, to restore 85. : 1, 38. anger, passion : in statu quo. 6, 17. temper, disposition of ορθόω, 2, 60. πόλιν ίυμπασαν mind: 1, 92. opyrjv φανεράν ορθουμενην, a state that enjoys £7roiovvro, to shew one's indig- public prosperity : 4, 18. S\a nation : 7, 68. οργτ/ προσμίζω- το μη τω ορθουμενω αυτού πι- μεν, to meet, engage (an στευοντες επαίρεσθαι, relying enemy) with resentment, Liv. upon success: 3, 37. τά πλείω cum ira quadam et indigna- ορθουνται, to rule, govern, ad- tione : 1,31. opyy γέροντες, minister affairs generally : 5, to be indignant at, take in 9. ορθοϊτο, to do well, act dudgeon, 130. 6pyy χαλεπή correctly, 42. : 6, 9. ορθου- εχρητο ες πάντας ομοίως, to σθαι, to prosper, go On Well : treat all indifferently, with 6, 66. ώρθωσαν, to erect, insolent anger : 2, 11. opyrj όρθρος, 3, 112. αμα ορθρω, προσπίπτει πασι, all men fall on the first dawn : 4, 110. into passion, 68. τους Άθη- ορθώς, 5, 1. rightly, justly, ναιους της επ' αυτόν παράλυαν, well, Correctly, 20. logically, to divert the Athenians from correctly, from right pre- their anger against him. mises : 6, 8. ουκ ορθώς, un- opy'i^ai, 8, 1. ώργίζο ντο, to wisely, rashly, 2, 62. incor- be angry, 5, 52. indignant: rectly : 1, 70. rightly, truly: 1, 148. opyισθεvτaς νπερ αυτών, 3, 56, on account of those things, ορίζω, 1, 46. ορίζων, to 122. : 1, 74. όργισθήναι, to be bound, limit, 3, 82. ες τό OUt of temper, to be in- ηΰονην έχον ορίζοντες, to limit censed : 2, 60. ψοι τοιούτω according to their appetite : άνδρί opyίίεσθε, to be angry 7,57. οριζόμενοι, to be situated with such a man as me, a within, in the confines of: man like me : 4, 128. 1,71. ώρίσθω, to be stopped, ορέγομαι, 4, 21. ώρέγοντο του to have a period put to : 2, πλεονος, 92. ορεγομενος, to 96. catch or grasp at, covet : 6, οριος, 2, 12. επί τοις ορίοις 10. όρεγεσθα* αρχής άλλης, to γίγνεσθαι, to be on the borders. long for, seek after, affect, δρ/αος, 2, 71. 6, 52. σφίσι pursue : 6, 10. ων opεyόμεvoς, τά ορκια είναι, to be bound by to aim at, COVet, 83. ισχύος, oath: 1, 78. θεούς τους όρκίους, 2, 65. του πρώτος γίγνεσθαι, the gods, who have been in- 61. voked to witness an oath. όρθιος, 5, 56. ορθιον ετεραν όρκος, 2, 72. 4, 19. 5, 18. επ-όρευοντο, (sc. όδον,) direct. 30. 41. 42. an oath. όρθος, 5, 46. Standing : 3, ορκόω, 4, 74. ορκώσαντες, to 11 ΌΡΜ ΌΡΡ swear: 8, 75. ωρκωσαν πάντας ωρμηνται, to bestir themselves, τους στρατιωτας τους με-γίστους to be in motion, 1, 32. : 8, 8. όρκους, Matth. Gr. Gr. 591. fixed upon, 11. ωρμημενων, to ορμάω, 1, 87. ορμησαι ες τό be impatient, 4, 27. to be πολεμείν, to rush eagerly into strongly inclined. War : 7, 74. ωρμησαν, to set ορμεω, 2, 91. ορμούσα, to lie out, forth, 34. to rush upon, at anchor, 90. ωρμουν, to be make onset upon, 8, 23. to in station, at anchor, 1, 52. urge on his progress : 4, 100. 3, 4. 4, 25. 7, 4. 30. 34. : 3, 33. act. to encourage, rouse, 1, περ\ "Ικαρου, to lie at anchor 127. ωρμα ες τον πόλεμου, τους about ΟΓ off Icarus : 7, 25. ΑΘ. to urge into the war : 3, 24. ορμοϊεν : 7, 25. όρμουσων, 8, 51 . ορμησαντες απο της τάφρου, to ορμή, 7, 43. heat, warmth, set out from, 2, 19. to move, enthusiasm, 71. απο μιας ορμής, proceed : 2, 69. αυτόθεν ορμώ- from or with one (simulta- μενον, 3, 45. προθυμως, to be neous) impulse : 3, 36. im- eagerly bent upon, 2, 65. απ* petuosity, violence, heat, ελασσόνων ορμώμενος, to set out anger : 4, 4. a fancy, whim, with, begin with fewer re- fit. sources, 4, 3. to issue, 3, 31. όρμίίω, 8, 10. to bring into εκ πόλεως, to make a town port : 1, 46. ορμίζονται, to the seat of war, a point to come to anchor, to moor, set out from, to have a town take station, 1, 46. 7, 34. : for head- quarters, 1, 64. 2, 2, 42. όρμιείσθαι : 2, 86. ωρμί- 69. 6, 50. 7, 9. 8, 24. : 3, 95. σατο, 1, 51. 3, 76. : 7, 30. ωρματο, to Set OUt I I, 90. από όρμος, 7, 41. a ship's Sta- ε χυροΰ ορμάσθαί, to sally forth tion, mooring, anchorage, a from a strong hold : 8, 3 road to lie in, 4, 26. 6, 44. ορμηθείς, 7, 2. : 4, 73. ωρμη- ορνεα, 2, 50. birds. θησαν'. 6, 9. εφ α ωρμησθε, to όρνις, 2, 50. ορνίθων. be bent upon or eager for, ορός, 2, 77. 96. 4, 70. 5, 78.εττί ταΰτα, to be so minded, 10. a mountain. inclined : 2, 65. ωρμηντο ες ορός, 4, 92. περί -γης ορών, a τόν πόλεμον, to apply them- boundary, border, 5, 41. selves to the war, 2, 59. to όροφη, 3, 68. a roof, 4, 48. be anxious, eagerly dis- όροφος, 1, 134. a roof. posed, 5, 29. to proceed, 5, όρρωΰέω, 6, 9. περί τω εμαυ- 6, στρατευειν, to be bent, του σώματι, to fear, to be in eager, disposed, resolved, alarm for, 14. : 5, 32• ορρώ- 7, 21. ες την ναυμαγίαν, to ΰησαν, to be afraid. lend their attention, apply όρρωδία, 2, 89. ουκ αξιών τά their mind, to be bent upon μη δεινά εν όρρωΰία. έχει ν, dread, or eager after a naval en- alarm, apprehension, fear, gagement, 8, 23. 40. : 2, 4. consternation, 89. "ΟΡΥ ΌΣ όρυγμα, 4, 67. 90. an exca- δεινόν τω ακοΰσαι, ϊστω ουκ αλ- Vatioil : 1, 106. a trench, λο τι δρούσαν η αντικρυς δου- ditch. Χε'ιαν, ο και λόγω ενδοιασθηναι ορυσσω, 2, 76. ορύξαντες, to αισχρον τ^ Πελοποννήσω, the dig. pronoun rel. is put in the ορχηθμος, ορχηστύς, 3, 104. neuter, because it refers to dancing. a thing generally, although δς, ή, ο, 3, 1. χρόνον δν είχον, that thing is here fem., (and the time during which, as might be masc.) Matth. 637.: long as, 9. ο ημιν και Αθη- 2, 40. διαφερόντως yap δή και ναίοις ουκ ην, which Was not τόδε εγομεν, ώστε τοΧμαν τε οι the case with US and the αυτοί μάλιστα, και περί ων επι- Athenians : 1, 12. Πελοπον- γειρησομεν εκλογιζεσθαι, δ τοις νησιοι ωκισαν της α\\ης Ελλα- άλλοις άμαθια μεν Θράσος, λο- δος εστίν α γωρία, from the γισμος δε οκνον φέρει, here δ idiom that the subject, (noun is neuter as referring to the or pronoun,) is often omit- verb preceding εκλογίζεσ0αι, ted, if a general word or (τό εκλ.,) and is afterwards one easily supplied from the explained by λογισμός, where context, springs this phrase, only the opposition, άμαθία (which stands in an adj. μεν 0p., interrupts the con- sense,) where the verb comes struction, Matth. 638.: 2, to refer to a Subject pre- 44. το δ' ευτυχές, οι αν της ceding and to be in the ευπρεπέστατης λάχωσιν, ώσπερ number of the relative fol- οίδε μεν νυν, τελευτης, υμεϊς δε lowing, Matth. Gr. Gr. 698. : λύπης, Matth. 509. 696. : 2, 1, 28. Ζίκας ηθελον Ζουναι εν 40. Matth. 818. : 3, 12. ο τοίς Πελοποννήσω παρά πόλεσιν, αις άλλοις μάλιστα εύνοια, πίστιν αν αμφότεροι ζυμβώσιν, here the βέβαιοι, ημιν τούτο (την πίστιν) relative refers to a noun ό φόβος εχυρον παρείχε, the (δικας,) joined with a prep., pron. rel. is put in the which prep, is omitted the neuter, because it desig- second time, (with the second nates the thing generally, noun,) and αΐς alone stands which is subsequently ex- for παρ* αις, Matth. 990. : 1, plained by the noun fem. 103. οί δ' εν 'Ιθώμη — ξυνέβησαν εύνοια, Matth. 638. : 4, 33. προς τους Λ. εφ' ω εξιασιν εκ Matth. 414. : 6, 11. όπερ Πελοποννήσου ύπόσπονδοι, an Έγεσταιοι μάλιστα ημάς εκφο• instance of the use of the βοΰσι, for ωπερ, where the relative for the conj. ώστε, accus. pron. is put adver- where, instead of the infin., bially, being an additional the fut. follows, Matth. accus. to ημάς after the verb, 692. : 1, 122. ttjv ησσαν ει και Matth. 5.88. : 7, 21. άγων άπο ΌΣΗ ΌΣΠ τών πόλεων, ών έπεισε, στρατιάν, 57. οσονονκ η$η ζυΧΧηφθησεσθαι, where the pronoun rel. takes just on the point of being the case of the nomin., to apprehended. which it is referred, Matth. όσος, 4, 28. : 7, 44. όσον 682. : 7, 43. και Βιαφνγόντες Αωρικον ην, the Same as όσοι ευθύς προς τα στρατόπεδα, α ην Δωριρς ήσαν, LlV. quidqilid επι τών Έπιπολών τρία — άγγέλ- erat patrum .* 1, 22. όσον δυνα- λονσι την εψοδον, when a pro- τον, as far as possible: 1, 9. noun rel. is referred to a όσων, as much as : 6, 25. οσα subst, the adj. instead of ηΒη δοκεΐν αυτψ, put for ως, standing properly with its Matth. Gr. Gr. 824. : 7, 11. subst., is often separated οσα γε κατά γήν, at least as by from the subst, and, as in land, as regards land: 7, 38. Latin, put with the rel., όσον δύο πΧεθρα, about: 8,92.: Matth. 645. : 7, 44. οί υστε- 1, 2. νεμόμενοι τα, αυτών έκαστοι, ρον ηκοντες εισιν οι ^ιαμαρτοντες όσον αποϊ,ην, the relative όσος τών οδών κατά την χωράν επλα- IS here Used for the COnj. νηθησαν, an instance, where ώστε, the sentence should the noun, to which the pro- Stand επί τοσοΰτο ώστε άποϊ^ν, noun refers, is wanting, also the demonstrative, i. e. το- where εΙσΙν is put for εστίν, σοΰτο, would then be drop- which is more common, ped as often, and επί would Matth. 699. : 6, 8. ώστε ουκ be affixed to the relative, αθρόους γε οντάς εικός άθυμεϊν — which was ill the same Case, άΧΧως τε και άπο Πελοποννήσου (ε* όσον,) this sentence is παρεσομενης ωφελείας, οί τώνδε anomalous for the Omission κρεισσους ε'ισι το παράπαν τά πολέ of επι as Well as τοσούτο, μια, the pron. is here referred Matth. 694. compare 3, 49. to the word implied in ώφε- η μεν έφθασε τοσούτον όσον Πά- Χειας, VIZ. Πελοποννήσιοι, ζύμ- χητα ανεγνωκεναι το ψήφισμα, μαχοι, οι ωφεΧειαν φέροντες, οσπερ, 7, 2. ηπερ, m which Matth. 629. way, by which way : 6, 33. όσι/^ιεραι, 7, 27. daily, every όπερ, in what way, 1, 73. day. which, 81. όπερ εποίησαν, ( οσως, just, holy, religious, which indeed they did : 2, conscientious, 1, 71. όσια 10. 7, 36. : 7, 25. και τών ποιοΐμεν, to act religiously : νεών μια εις Πελοπόννησο ν ωχε- 2, 52. το πρέσβεις α-γουσα, οϊπερ τα οσίως, 2, 5. ούχ, Wickedly, σφετερα φράσωσιν, the rel. IS unrighteously. frequently put for Ίνα, in οσμή, 7, 87. a smell, scent, order to express a purpose, όσονού, 1, 36. all but, 5, 59. as in Latin qui for ut is, ζυνιόντων, all but meeting: 6, Matth. 696. see too 790. : 7, "ΟΣΤ "ΟΤΙ 36. τοις δέ ΆΘηναίοις ουκ εσε- 7, 29. πάντας έξης, οτψ εντν- σθαι σφων εν στενοχώρια ούτε χοιεν, και παιδας και "γυναίκας περίπλουν ούτε διεκπλουν, ωπερ κτεινοντες, ' whomsoever they της τέχνης μάλιστα επίστευον, might meet,' where the 1 in which manoeuvre of their whole proposition affirms tactics/ properly ' in which something of past time, and part of their art,' where γπερ the rel. refers to something τέχνη could not be substi- general and indistinct, tilted for ψπερ της τέχνης, Matth. 787. ! 7, 87. καΐ ττεζος Matth. 498. και νηες και ουδέν ο, τι ουκ άπώ- οστε, 5, 72. ατε, as it were, λετο, Matth. 700. 4, 94. as is USUal when, as οστρακιΐω, 1, 135. ωστρακι- likely. σμίνος, under sentence of όστις, 3,45. πολλής ευηθείας, banishment by ostracism. όσης ο'/εταί, (a proof) of great όταν, 1, 142. όταν τυχη 9 folly in him, who thinks, when occasion serves, par very foolish for any one to occasion : 4, 60. εί/ώς, όταν imagine : 4, 22. 8, 90. : 1, -γνώσιν ημάς τετρυχωμενους και 137. και $είσας φράζει τω ναυ~ πλεονι ποτέ στολω ελθόντας aw- κληρω, όστις εστί, quis sit, τους τάδε πάντα πειράσεσθαι νπο eperit, the relative often σψάς ποιεΐσθαι, Matth. Gr. Gr. stands for τις, who? but only 776. in dependent propositions, οτε, when, since, οτε some- Matth. Gr. Gr. 701. : 2, 88. times, quandoque, 7, 27. οτε έλεγε — ως ουδέν αυτοϊς πλήθος μεν, οτε δε, Oliewhile, at ano- νεων τοσοΰτον, ην επιπλεη, ο,τι ther, sometimes onething — ουκ υπομίνετεον αυτοϊς εστί, the sometimes another: 1, 8. 7, use of the rel. in a negative 21. : 2, 102. λύεται δέ και proposition is very frequent, Άλκμαίωνι τω Άμφιάρεω, οτε δίϊ Matth. 700. : 3, 39. τίνα αλασθαι αυτόν μετά τον φόνον ο'ιεσθε οντινα ου βραχεία, προφά- της μητρός, τον Απολλω ταυτην σει άποστησεσθαι, an instance την -γην -χρησαι οικεϊν, the in the use of the pronoun, accus. with the infin. is em- where a particle τις is joined ployed after particles, which to the ablative, here the begin an antecedent propo- compound occurs after the sition, and in the construc- interrogative τις, whose case tion with the relative, when it agrees with, compare 3, the oratio ohliqua takes place, 46. εκε'ινως δέ τίνα ο'ιεσθε ηντινα Matth. 811. ουκ αμεινον μεν η νυν παρασκευά- οτι, 3, 46. ότι επ ελάχιστον, σασθαι, where όστις occurs as few as possible : 7, 42. elliptically in an interroga- οτι μη, except, οτι τάχος, as tion after τις, Matth. 700. : quick as possible, with all ι i ΌΤΙ ΟΥΡ speed, without loss of time : and definitive negative,) with 5, 74. ο™ εγγύτατα, as near as a subst, with which it makes possible, 3, 40. : 6,64. on a whole, Matth. Gr. Gr. 928.: πλείστον, quam longissime : 3, 3, 95. ή ού περιτείχισις. 46. on εν βρα-χυτάτω, as quick ούδααόσε, 5, 49. ετι, no- as possible, as slight (a pe- where any longer. nalty) as possible : 1, 93. καί ούδααου, 1, 3. nowhere: $η\η η οικονομία ετι και νυν εστίν 2, 47. on κατά σπουδών εγέι>ετο, an in- ουδέ yap, 4, 68. for neither, stance where a verb, which ουδείς, 1, 26. 2, 19. 4, 14. takes the object in the par- 5, 17. no one, none, 7, 59. ticiple, viz. of (' shewing,') ουδέποτε, 4, 59. never, is followed by ότι, Matth. ουδέτερος, 1, 63. neither : 5, Gr. Gr. 831. see too 4, 37. : 84. ουδέτερων οντες, of neither 2, 5. κήρυκα εξέπεμψαν παρά party, neutral. τους θηλαίους \έ"γοντες ότι ούτε ουκ, 7, 11. ουχ ησσον καιρός, τά ττεποιημενα όσίως ΰράσειαν, not less, i. e. much more OC- particularly after οτι the opt. casion, high time : 1, 35. ούχ is frequently put, when any- όπως, not only not : 3, 11. ού thing, that has been said or cY άλλο τι r) 'όσον, on no other thought by another is quoted account than in as much as, as such, not as an idea of the as far as : 7, 67. ου π/στει writer, and yet not in the μάλλον rj, not from or with words of the speaker, but in confidence so much as, 17. narration, i. e. in the oratio ουκ ακαιρον, not unseasonably, obliqua, compare 2, 6. ού yap very well-timed, 75. ουκ άνευ ηγγέλθ*? αυτοΐς ότι τεθνηκότες ολίγων, not Without SOme : 1, ειεν, 21. οι Άγαρνης εκάκιΖ,ον 68. ούχ ηκιστα, most of all, τον Περικλεα οτι στρατ^ός ων 67. very much : 7, 42. ουκ: ουκ επεξάγοι, the opt. in the ολίγους, a great many, con- oratio obliqua is used after all siderable number, 36. ουκ εν particles, Matth. 790. πολλοί, in small space, little ότιουν, 7, 48. in any re- room, spect whatever, in the least : ούκετι, 5, 45. no longer. 4, 16. however little. ουκουν, 3, 40. non igitur, οτις, Poetice for όστις, ότου not therefore : 1, 10. εικός, Attice for ούτινος, 1, 23. 132. hence (it is) not proper, fit. οτουοΰν, 8, 27. τρόπου, what- ουν, 7, 59. (I say) then, soever. inquam, I repeat, 51. ου, 1, 137. Ύ] των γεφυρών ου ουρανός, 2, 77. ύδωρ πολύ ,ίάλυσις, an instance of the ουρανού, a heavy rain. ,e of ου, (which is the direct ούριος, 7, 53. favorable. ΟΥΣ ΠΑΘ ουσία, 6, 8. substance, pro- οφείλημα, 2, 40. ουκ ες χάριν, perty : 1, 121. εκ της υπαρ- αλλ' ες οφείλημα, a debt, obli* γουσης εκάστοις ουσίας, Out of gation. what each possesses. οφείλω, 4, 19. οφείλω, to ούτε, 2, Ι, ούτε — τε, ούτε and owe, to be obliged: 2, 40. μήτε serve to connect the οφειλομενην χάριν, an obliga- propositions as in Latin nee- tion, a favour due, owing, neque, in this example ούτε — (in return for one conferred.) τε serve this purpose, Matth. οφθαλμός, 2, 49. οφθαλμών 932. ερυθήματα, redness of the eyes. ούτος, 1, 21. this (very:) 3, οφλω, 5, 101. την αισγυνην, 2. και ταυτην την άπόστασιν, ί. e. to Owe, to be liable to, to εν τούτω τω χρόνω, not distin- incur : 3, 70. οφλόντων δε αύ- guished from any other pre- των, to be condemned, ceding revolt: 1, 90. 8, 78. : οχετός, 6, 100. aqueduct, 4, 69. αϊ οικίαι του προαστείου a Conduit, canal. επάλξεις λαμ^άνουσαι, αύται όχλος, 1, 80. a Crowd, 6, νπηρχον ερυμα, a pleonasm of 31.: 1,73. tediousness : 4, the demonstrative pronoun, 56. a mob : 7, 8. the multi- Matth. Gr. Gr. 675. tude, common people : 6, ούτως, 1,76. so that, where- 17. ζυμμίκτοις, a mixed mul- fore : 5, 1. in such manner titude. as: 1, 64. η<$η, thus by this ογλωδης, 6, 24. difficult, time: 5, 59. ούχ ούτω δεινον, όψε, 1, 14. lately, of late not so dangerous. 1, 10. καΐ years: 4, 93. της ημέρας, late ούτως, even thus : 2, 11. ούτω in the day. yap προς τε το επιεναι τοις έναν- οφιος, 3, 74. περί όειλην τ'ιοις ευφυγότατοι αν ειεν, where- οφίαν, at dusk : 8, 26. as the antecedent with ει is όφις, 1, 10. a sight, view, often irregularly wanting, an appearance, 73. όψεις : 6, when it is easy to be sup- 24. Ιιποϋσης, a sight, specta- plied, here ούτω is put for the cle, scene, 46.58. : 7,44.75. premises, Matth. Gr.Gr. 786. οψον, 1, 138. fish. n. Παγκράτιον, 5, 49. ενίκα, a πάθημα, 1, 23. a calamity: species of contest at the 4, 48. a tragedy, catastrophe : Olympic games, which com- 2, 65. prehended both wrestling πάθος, 1, 106. a calamity, and boxing. 4, 55. 7, 30. 33. 8, 6. : 6, li 2 ΠΑΙ ΠΑΝ 55. του πάθους ttj ΰυστνχια, the infelicity of the fate, case. παιάν, 7, 75. παιάνων, a psean, song of joy, triumph. παίδε/α, 2, 39. a discipline, method of education, mode of educating youth. παί&νσις, 2,41. instruction. Matth. Gr. Gr. 616. παίρνω, 1, 84. ευ€ουλοι γι- γνόμεθα, αμαθέστεροι των νομών της υπεροψίας παιδευομενοι και ζυν γαλεπότητι σωφρονεστεροι -η ώστε αυτών άνηκουστειν , the constr. of the verbs ' to make/ which take an accus. of the thing and another of its attribute, is followed by verbs ' to educate/ the na- ture of which verbs takes a double nomin. in the pass., Matth. Gr. Gr. 596. see also 656. παιδιά, 6, 28. μετά παιδιάς, with, i. e. by, through wantonness, frolicsomeness, sport, levity. παιδικός, 1, 132. a pathic. παιπαλόεις, 3, 104. precipi- tous, rugged. παίς, 1, 3. a child, son, 4, 81. 2, 34. : 7, 29. παίω, 4, 47. παιομενους, beating. παιωνίζω, 1, 50. 2, 91. επαι- ώνιζον, to sing the psean of victory : 6, 32. παιωνίσαντες, 7, 44. παιωνίσειαν. παιωνισμος, 7, 44. Singing the paean, Matth. Gr. Gr. 669. παλαιόπλουτος, 8, 28. rich from ancient times. παλαιός, 5, 1.42. 7, 25. 53. old, ancient : 1,3. pi παλαιοί, the ancients : 1, 10. τω πα- λαιή τρόπω, after the ancient manner : 1, 2. άπό παλαιού, of old, long ago, 5, 44. : 1, 18. εκ παλαιότατου, farthest back, for the longest time : 1, 1. παλαιότερα : 6, 2. παλαιό* τατοι. παλαίτατος, 1, 4. 18. most ancient. πάλη, 1 , 6. wrestling. πάλιν, 1, 137. 3, 28. ελθωσι, to return, 39. εν τη πόλει είναι, to be reinstated in the city. πανδημει, 1, 73. With the whole population, 90. : 2, 31. with all their forces : 6, 64. 67. οντάς Έυρακοσίους, en masse, of all conditions, the whole mass of the people, 68. άνδρας αμυνόμενους, VIS est non in universis, sed in mixta colluvie, a rabble : 4, 42, πανη-γυρις, 1, 25. πανη"γυρεσι, an assembly, a convocation: 5, 50. πανοικησία, 2, 16. With their whole family: 3, 57. with the whole community. πανολεθρία, 7, 87. entire destruction. πανοπλία, 3, 1 14. a panoply. πανστρατιά, 5, 57. the whole force : 4, 94. ξένων κα\ αστών, a general muster : 2, 31. πανστρατιά, with their whole army. πανσυδεί, 8, 1. With all their force, strength. παντάπασι, 3, 87. altogether: 5, 104. 6, 71. ΠΑΝ ΠΑΡ πανταχί), 1,54. in all direc- before ourselves as judges, tions : 7, 79. or jurymen : 5, 50. παρά σφάς, πανταχόθεν, 3, 32. from all (to come over) to them, their parts, 5, 43. : 60. on every eide : 1, 20. παρ αλλήλων, side: 1, 123. from one another, 77. πάρα πανταγόσε, 7, 42. in all το με ο'Ίεσθαι χρηναι, contrary points, on every side, every- to their not thinking it ne- where. cessary, contrary to their vavrayov, 4, 108. every- opinion of its not being ne- where. cessary : 1, 138. παρ aur 113. παρα- μελημένοι Λακεδαιαονιοις , to be committed to (the care of) the Lac, 7, 2. τω πλέονι, to be thrown down, laid in heaps along the greater (part of the road :) 2, 44. παραβαλ- λόμενοι, to expose(to danger,) 3, 14. ίδιον τον κινδυνον των σωμάτων, to expose one's per- son to one's own proper dan- ger, to a danger of one's own: 1,133.7ταρα€άλοιτο, to betray, deceive, (but see Steph. Thes.) to bring into danger: 5, 113. τταραζοηθεω, 2, 90. 4, 14. 7, 37. επι τον αιγιαλον, 71. παρε- ζοηθονν, to run or haste to SUCCOUr : 2, 90. παραζοηθη- σαντες, 8,24. : 1, 47. παρα&ε- €οηθηκότες I 3, 22. ει τι Βίοι, when there was occasion, upon any emergency, when- ever necessary. παραγγέλλω, 5, 10. παράγ- γελλε, to give command : 2, 11. τά παραγγελλο^ιενα, Com- mands, orders, 1, 121. 129. 3, 55. 4, 34. : 7, 43. παρα^ γειλας πενθ -ημερών σιτια, to order five days' provision, victuals. παραγγελαα, 8, 99. απο αι- φνίδιου, by a sudden order, παράγγελσις, 5, 68. a word of command, military order. παραγι'γνοααι, 6, 67. to make to (a place :) 1, 74. παρεγενε- σ0ε, to arrive, 3, 29. : 7, 44. οι παραγενόαενοι, the persons present : 4, 94. παρεψνοντο, to keep together : 5, 6. πα- ραγενοιτο, to be present, to appear, to be at hand : 2, 95. : 2, 5. οι άλλοι θηλαίοι, ους έδει της νυκτός παραγενεσθαι πανστρατια, ει τι αρα μη προχω- ροιη τοις εσεΧηΧυθοσι — επεβοη- 0ουν, ' unless some success should attend them,' in this conditional proposition the indie, is used in the con- clusion, because something is determinately asserted, whilst εί with the optative is in the premises, which con- vey only a possible case, Matth. Gr. Gr. 783. : 6, 96. επτακόσιους λογαδας των οπλι- τών ενέκριναν προτερον, — όπως των τε Επιπολων ειησαν φυΧακες, και ην ες α\λο τι οεη, ταγυ ςυ- νεστώτες παραγίγνωνται, some- ΠΑΡ ΠΑΡ times the conj. or in its room παραίνεσις, 2, 45. an admo- the indie, is interchanged nition : 4, 59. an exhorta- with the opt., Matth. 771. tion, a recommendation, 95. παρά Ί ω, 1, 91. 2, 64. 3, 1, 92. 5, 69. λόγων: 1, 41. 38. to seduce, lead into advice: 3,43. error, 68. π apay απόντες, to παραινεω, 1, 145. to advise, lead aside, 5, 46. to intro- 3, 37. τω πληθει, to advise, duce : 1,34. counsel: 5, 38. παρψονν, to παράδειγμα, 4, 92. an ex- recommend, 1, 93. 3, 31 . : 2, ample, a signal proof: 2, 37. 13. απερ και πρότερον παρρνει, an example, a pattern for to admonish or advise to the imitation : 5, 95. a mark, same effect as before, 8, 26. proof, 1,2. proof, evidence : to recommend to, 46. : 2, 18. 4, 92. a lesson : 3, 39. an ex- ού τταραινών, to dissuade : 5, ample, warning, 57. : 6, 77. 9. παραινεσαι, to commend : παρα$1§ωμι, 5, 21. παραδιδό- 5, 69. παρηνεθη, to be said in vat, to transfer, give up, 35. the way of encouragement : 42. παραδουναι : 1, 25. παρεδο- 8, 41. παραινονντων I 7, 63. σαν, 2, 36. to transmit, 62. παραίρεσις, 1, 122. a depri- 4, 38. to give up : 1, 25. vation. παραΰοϊεν, to deliver up : 7, παραίρημα, 4, 48. και εκ των 68. παραδεδωκνίαν, to betray, ιματίων παραιρηματα ποιοΰντες, abandon : 2, 15. παρεδόθη, to a bandage, see Duker. be transmitted : 2, 72. πάρε- παραιτεω, 5, 63. παρψεϊτο, δωκεν, to grant : 2, 72. παρά- to beseech, petition. $οτε, to assign over: 8, 28. παραίτησις, 1, 73. a depre- παραδιδόασιν, to deliver up to, cation. 51. παραδιδοται, where Bekker παρακαλεω, 1, 67. παρεκά- gives προδ. λουν, to convoke : 1, 87. 5, παράδοσις, 1, 9. a delivery 55, παρακαλεσάντων, to SUII1- (from one to another,) a mon : 1, 68. παρεκαλεσατε, to succession : 3, 53. call together, convoke, con- παραδοτεος, 1, 86. to be be- Vene : 6, 87. παρακληθεντες, trayed. to be invited, 5, 31. to be παραδυναστευω, 2, 97. to Called in, 27. παρεκΧηθησαν I possess authority, power. 1, 118. 5, 27. παραθαΧασσ ίδιος, 6, 62. πό- παρακαταθήκη, 2, 72. a de- λισμα, a sea-coast town. posit. παραθαλάσσιος, 1, 5. dwell- παρακαταλάπω, 6, 7. παρα- ing on the sea- coast : 4, 56. καταλιπόντες αυτοϊς, to leave παραθαρσύνω, 5, 8. παραθαρ- behind, along with, amongst. συναι, to exhort: 7, 2. παρεθάρ- παρακαταπη-γνυμι, 4, 90. σταυ- σννε, to encourage, hearten, ρους, to fix. reanimate, fortify : 8, 77- παρακατέχω, 8, 93. αί/τονς τε ΠΑΡ ΠΑΡ ■ησνγάΖειν καΐ τους άλλους πάρα- t-0 assume the Command, 7, κατεγειν, to restrain, check. 57. παρελήφθησαν ες τον πόλε- παρακελευσις, 5,69. της μνη- μον. μης, an encouraging appeal παραλείπω, 2, 51. παραλι- to the memory (of achieve- πόντι, to pass over, omit : 3, ments already performed :) 26. παραλελειπτο : 2, 13. παρα- 7, 70. an exhortation, 40. λίπη καΐ μη δ$ώσ^, to pass by the word of command. without injury, leave un- παρακελευσμος, 4, 11. an touched: 7, 69. παραλειφθεντα. exhortation. παράλις, 2, 56. την παραλίαν παρακελευστος, 6, 13. Schol. γίν, on the sea-coast. πα ρακεκλη μένους, as advocates. παραλλαζ, 2, 102. παραλλαζ παρακελεύομαι, 7, 63. to ex- και ου κατά στοίχον κειμεναι, situ hort : 2, 86. παρεκελεύσαντο, alternante positce et non recta to encourage, 88. : 4, 11. πα- -sene, Huds., in an alternate ρακελευσαμενον, 25. : 6, 69. Series. 7τα^>ακ:ινδυνευσις,5, lOO.peril, παράλογος, 3, 16. πολύν τον risk, Matth. Gr. Gr. 819. παράλογον, a very unexpected παρακινδυνεύω, 3, 36. πάρα- circumstance, an event con- /ανδυνευσαι, to venture, hazard, trary to all expectation, 7, παράκλησις, 4, 61. an invi- 28. 8, 24. tation, 8, 92. παραλυπεω, 2, 51. παρελύπει, παραπομπή, 7, 28. carriage, to molest, plague, 4, 89. COlWeyance : 5, 5. παραλύω, 7, 16. παρέλυσαν παρακομιζω, 6, 44. παρεκομί- της αρχής, to remove ΟΓ dis- ϊοντο την Ίταλίαν, to sail or miss from his post : 2, 65. ο pass along : 4, 25. παρεκομί- Τίερικλης επειρατο τους Άθηναί- σθησαν, to be conveyed along. ους της επ' αυτόν οργής πάρα-' παραλαμβάνω, 1, 9. παραλα- λύειν, Verbs ' to cease, make ζόντες, to take (into one's to cease' take the gen. of the own hands from another,) thing from its analogy to the 111. to take in (troops into a idea of ' fulness, emptiness,' ship,) 7, 26. 3, 39. to receive, with which the genitive's 5, 52. to take in addition, to sense is ' with respect to,' join : 3, 50. to take (into Matth. Gr. Gr. 475. One's Own hands), receive παραμελεω, 1, 25. παρημε- upon a surrender, 7, 31. πα- λουν, to neglect, contemn, ρέλα€ε, 1, 28. to receive (as a treat with neglect, Matth. successor,) 129. to assume Gr. Gr. 845. the Command ΟΓ take the παραμένω, 1, 102. παραμεί- government of : 6, 96. πάρα- νωσιν, to remain : 7, 15. : 1, ληφότες την αρχήν, to receive 75. παραμεϊναι, to Stay, re- the command from, 3, 109. main : 3, 10. παραμεινάντων ΠΑΡ ΠΛΡ * ρος τα υπόλοιπα των ϊρ'γων, to 7, 1. παρέπλευσαν, 33. .* 4, 2. remain or stay behind for παραπεπλευκεσαν • 8, 20. πάρα- (prosecuting) the remainder πλευσας, 31. παρέπλευσαν. of the business, the remains παραπλήσιος, 7, 44. similar, of the war, On account of 70. παραπλησίαις τον αριθμόν what remained to be done. κα\ πρότερου, equal or like παραμνθίομαι, 3, 75. to en- in number as before, with courage, console, 2, 44. πα- nearly the same number as ραμυθησομαι. before, 19. similarly situated, παραμνθων, 5, 103. κινΰύνω, about the same distance, (or a solace to danger. simply,) likewise : 3, 89. 7, 7 1 . παρανεγω, 3,22. παρανίσγον, παραπλους, 1, 36. a passage to raise, hold up. along, voyage along the παρανομέω, 2, 37. μάλιστα ου COast, 2, 33. 4, 25. 6, 62. 7, παρανομοΰμεν, least to trans- 29. 50. gress or offend against the παραποιεω, 1, 132. παραποιη laws : 3, 65. παρανομοΰσι, 66. σάμενος, to forge. παρανομησαι, to transgress, παράπολυ, 1, 29. by much : commit injustice : 5, 16. πα- 2, 8. 8, 6. ρανομηθεϊσαν I 3, 67. παρηνόμη- παραρρη-γνυμι, 4, 96. παραρ- σαν, an instance of the η in ρη-γνυντων, to have (ones the augment for ε, Matth. ranks) penetrated : 5, 73. Gr. Gr. 210. παρερρί^νυντο, to be broken, παρανόμημα, 7, 18. a breach routed, 6, 70. of peace. παρασκευάζω, 1, 65. to Set παρανομία, 4, 98. excom- in order, to arrange : 4, 74. munication, sentence of out- παρεσκευαζεν, to prepare : 1, lawry, the fault which brings 31. παρεσκευάΐοντο, to pre- it on, Matth. Gr. Gr. 595. : pare, 10. 49. παρεσκευασμενοι, 1, 132. : 6, 28. licentious- to be fitted out: 7, 34. παρα- ness, 15. κατά το εαυτού σώμα, σκευασαμενοι : 2, 7. παρασκευα- (exhibited) in his own person, σθγ, to be prepared: 6,31. παράνομος, 2, 17. profane. παρασκευάσασθαι, to prepare παραπέμπω, 4, 13. παρέπεμ- ΟΓ provide for Oneself: 1, 46. ■φαν, to send along: 1, 36. παρεσκευαστο, Matth. Gr. Gr. παραπεμψαι. 432. : 3, 22. επειδή παρεσκεύα- παραπ'ιπτω, 4, 23. παραπε- στο αυτοίς, when they had σοι, to chance, befal. completed their prepara- παραπλεω, 3, 34. πάλιν, to tions:3, 36. παρεσκεύασαν τους sail along back, 8, 4. 10. to εν τέλει, to dispose, prepare, Coast : 7, 25. παρεπλεον επ' prevail upon : 3, 3. παρεσκευα- οίκου, to coast away, sail off σμεναι ϊτυγον, to happen or home, 2, 25. 3, 32. 7, 35. : chance to be prepared, an κ k ΠΑΡ ΠΑΡ instance of the perf. pass, of παρατεταγμένου, to be drawn a verb, used as active, oc- up (along side of,) 4, 32. : 7, curing in a passive sense, 34. παρετετακτο : 5, 59. πάρε- Matth. 716. : 2, 7. οι Αθη- τάσσοντοί 4, 73. παραταγμένοι, ναϊοι παρεσκευάΖ,οντο ως πολεμη- 1, 29. 52. to draw Up along σοντες, 3, 74. παρεσκευάΐ,οντο side (an enemy) for action : ως ου περιοψόμενοι, Matth. 837. 7, 78. 79. the COnstr. of the participle παρατείνω, 4, 8. τον λιμένα, with ως after the verb is here to lie along the mouth of for the simple infin., because the harbour: 3, 46. πολιορ- the infin. is used after an im- κ'ια. παρατενεϊσθαι ες τουσγατον, perfect verb to express the to persist, endure to the last object or consequence, and extremity. the participle to express παρατεί^ισμα, 7, 11. 43. ro merely the object, Matth. απο της πρώτης, according to 874. : 2, 99. παρεσκευάζοντο — Mitf. the same as τε/χισμα, όπως εσ£α\ουσιν, Matth. 798. but then why παρατείγισμα 1 παρασκευή, 6, 8. ταίς ναυσί, Matth. Gr. Gr. 924. I. q. των νέων, preparation for παρατ'ιθημι, 1, 130. παρετί- a fleet, by sea, in ships, 7, 4. θετό, to set out (a table,) the a band, body : 6, 31. a force, middle often expresses an an armament, 4, 1 . μείζονι : action, which took place at 7,67. παρασκευής πίστες con- the command of the subject, fidence in (their) prepara- or with regard to it, which is tion, force, equipment : 6, expressed in English by * to 19. πληθει παρασκευής, an im- cause,' Matth. Gr. Gr. 715. mensity of preparation, παρατρεπω, 1, 109. παρατρε- force, immense preparations : φας, to turn aside (water in 3, 39. τριηρών, a force of tri- another course.) remes, a fleet: 2, 7. oi μεν εν παρατυγχανω, 1, 11. παρα- τουτω παρασκευής ησαν } ' in τυγόντι, to happen to be pre- this degree of preparation,' sent, 122. προς το παρατυγχά- here the gen. in its sense of vov, according to the event, 'with respect to' after the occasion: 1, 22. 76. 4, 19. dat. neuter for the sake of 103. 5,38. : 3, 82. εν τ<£ πα - defining it, Matth. Gr. Gr. ρατυχοντι, in case of an op- 456. portunity : 8, 11. παράτυπη, παρασπον^ος, 4, 23. con- should present itself. trary to a truce. παραυτίκα, 2, 11. εν τω, on παράταζις, 5, 11. order or a sudden, 64. : 1, 27. on the array of battle. instant, immediately : 3, 4. παρατάσσω, 7, 3. 69. πάρε- το, for the present, 5, 65, on ταζεν, to draw up : 5, 71. the instant : 8, 82. ΠΑΡ ΠΑΡ παραφερω, 5, 20. ήμερων ολί- γων παρενεγκουσων, some few days over. παράψρα-γμα, 7, 25. a para- pet, covering, defence : 4, 115: παραχρήμα, 1, 141. οξέως ιπιτελωσι, hastily to execute some momentary measure, quickly to execute an affair of the moment, upon occa- sion l 2, 17. ύπο της παραχρή- μα ανάγκης, in consequence of the sudden emergency : 2, 6. instantly : 1, 22. ες τό π. ακουειν, for present hearing, temporary interest : 8, 1 . παρεικω, 3, 1. Όπη παρείκοι, to allow, permit, admit of : 4, 36. παριίκον, to yield. πάρειμι, 1, 22. παρην, to be present, 8, 5. to be at hand : 3, 30. Πελοποννησίων όσοι πά- ρεσμεν, as many of us Pelo- ponnesians, as are present: 2, 23, to pass by, 4, 47. 6, 15. παριόντες, to come for- ward (to address an assem- bly:) 2, 81. παρεσομενονς, 6, 33. εν τάχα, to be here forth- with, 8, 2.παρεσεσθαι : 6, 34 . όσον ουπω πάρεισι, to be expected every moment, just at hand, 2, 1 1. εν ω ου7τω πάρεσμεν, when we are not yet arrived, at a distance: 1, 32. εν τω παρόντι, in the present juncture, 132. at the present moment : 3, 8. Ολυμπιακέ παρεϊναι, to repair to Olympia: 8, 16. παρψι, marched with, 22. to, 26. παρεϊναι I 8, 41. πάρεισι, 36. αλλάς ζυνθηκας km Θηραμένους παρόντος «ποιούν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 865. παρεζειρεσία, 7, 34. 40. the forecastle, space between the beak and oars. πάρεργος, 6, 69. εν παρε'ργω, by the bye, in secundo loco : 7, 27. : 1, 142. εκ πάρεργου, en passant. παρέρχομαι, 1, 67. παρελθόν- . τες, to come forward (as an orator, to speak,) 72. 6, 8.: 7, 6. to reach : 5, 71. παρελ- 0είν : 2, 72. παρελθη, to be ended : 7, 6. η$η όσον ου παρε- ληλνθει, it all but passed, it only did not intersect, reach beyond : 3, 44. παρηλθον, to come forward, to rise (to speak:) 4, 86. 8, 53. παρέχω, 1, 30. παρέσχον, to furnish, 4, 67. 2, 74. πάρε- σχετε, to render, 3, 12. παρά- σχοι θάρσος,ΐο give confidence, 3, 33. φυλακην σφισι παρασχειν, to give them occasion to Watch : 6, 86. ύμϊν ου πολλάκις παρασχησειν, to OCClir, present (itself) to you: 2, 84. παρεξεΓν 8, 5. 2, 9. παρειχοντο, to fur- nish, Supply: 3, 36. εστίν a παρεπόμενου, to make certain offers, promise certain things : 1, 32. παρεζεσθαι .* 5, 35. παρει- χον : 8, 48. 50. : 1, 96. παρε- χαν χρήματα προς τον βάρβαρου, for κατά του βαρβάρου, 'against/ the idea of an aim or direc- tion is the ground-work of this case, Matth. Gr. Gr. 913.: 1, 120. αγαθών άντρων εστίν αοικουμενους εκ μεν ειρήνης πολεμίιν, ευ δε παρασγον, εκ πο- Kk 2 ΠΑΡ ΠΑΣ λίμου πάλιν ξυμβήναι, cum op- construct, Matth. Gr. Gr. portunumest, Matth. 863. 832.: 7, 11. παρωκο^ομηκασιν . παρηζάω, 2, 44. παρθήκατε, παρόμοιος, 1, 132. ry παρούσιρ to be past the flower of one's oWo /α, corresponding with, age, advanced in age. 80. nearly similar, resem- παρηκω, 4, 36. κατά το αεί bling. παρηκον του κρημνώδους της νη- παροζυνω, 6, 88. παρώξννε, σου προβαίνων, to reach, ex- to exasperate, inflame : 1, tend. 84. παροζύντρ, to sharpen, παριημι, 4, 27. 38. παρηκαν, whet : 6, 56. παρωζύνετο , to to throw off: 1, 85. παρώμεν, be exasperated. to give up, desert: 6, 23. παρορνσσω, 6, 101. πα ρώρυσ- αρχη ν, to resign; σον, to dig alongside of. παριππενω, 7, 78. to ride παρουσία, 6, 86. της ημετέρας, alongside of. (abstr actum pro concrete,) i. q. παρίστημι, 4, 61. 95. μηΰενι -ημών παρόντων, ΟΥ ως ημείς νυν νμών παραστγ, not to let it πάρεσμεν, CUM Slgnificatione trouble you, occur as anob- quoqae apparatus rei bellicce: jection, be a stumbling block, 1, 128. 133. 3, 35. παρεστησατο την παρογη, 6, 85. νέων, a SUp- Tlvppav, to reduce, 1, 124. ply of ships. παραστησώμεθα, to overturn, πας, 4, 52. πάντων μάλιστα, reduce, 98. παρέστη σαντο : 6, above all: 6, 43. 'Αθηναίοι «ς 34. παραστηναι παντι, to OCCUT, την Σικελίαν επεραιονντο — τοζό- to be present (to the mind,) ταις τοις πάσιν ογδοηκοντα, the Matth. Gr. Gr. 825. ; 6, 68. art. is put especially even παραστητω U τινι καΐ τόδε. where otherwise it would παριτητεος, 1, 71. παριτητεα not be put, when it IS to be ίς τους Α., they ought to pro- expressed that the subst., to ceed, advance, present them- which it belongs, has been selves. already mentioned, or is πάροδος, 1, 126. εν τη παρό- somethingcommonlyknown, δω, as they passed: 3, 21. Matth. Gr. Gr. 8, 95. Εύβοια πάρα πύργον, a passage: 5, 4. yap αύτοίς άποκεκΧ^σμενης της a journey, way : 7, 2. a 'Αττικής πάντα ην, here the route, march: 4, 108. a (free) adj. πάντα is put as generally, passage. without the art., when it παροικεω, 6, 82. παροικοΰσιν, stands in apposition to its Accolis: 1, 71. to dwell near, subst. Εύβοια, or as a pre- by the side of. dicate in the neuter plur. παροικτοδοαεω, 7, 6. πάροικο- which happens often, when $ομονμενον τ6 τείχος, to build the noun is a proper name, along or by, to throw up, Matth. 636.: 7, 55. 'Αθηναίοι ΠΑΣ ΠΕΖ εν παντί δη αθυμίας ήσαν, Matth. πατρίς, 2, 68. 5, 69. ύπερ πα- 55. τρίΒος, for one's country : 7, πάσχω, 2, 11. οραν πάσχον- 67. 70. 8, 47. τας, to see (themselves) Suf- πατροθεν, 7, 69. πατροθεν re fering: 6, 60. 80. ό παθών, the επονοαά£ων, after their fathers, vanquished, sufferer, 3, 38. by their fathers' name, the sufferer, injured person, πατρώος, 2, 71. θεούς, the plaintiff: 4, 34. επεπονθεσαν : gods of one's ancestors, de- 3, 39. πεισόμεθα : 6, 78. τάδε rived from one's ancestors : πάσχει τα μείζω, this happens 7, 69. to, befalls the more powerful: παύλα, 6, 60. ουκ εν παύλ^ 4, 96. το αυτό ίπαθε, to ex- εφαίνετο, there was no cessa- perience, to be placed in a tion. similar predicament, 4, 18. : πάνω, I, 69. 84. παυσαισθε, 3, 40. ro ευ παθεϊν, kindness, tO Cease : 7. 53. πανσαντες την a reward, beneficium: 1, 80. φλόγα, to put out, Matth. πάθοιεν : 7, 71. παραπλτ/σια αύ- Gr. Gr. 801.: 1, 6. πεπαυται, τοϊς ίπασγον, to be similarly to be put an end to : 7, 11. affected : 8, 48. πεπονθε, to πανσάμενοι τον περιτειχισμου, to suffer : 3, 13. ούτε yap αποστη- discontinue the circumvalla- σεται άλλος, τα τε ημέτερα προσ- tion, 3, 24. της βοήθειας, to γενησεται, πάθοι/χεν τ αν δεινό- Cease from pursuit : 6, 60. τερα η οι πριν δουλεύοντες, where την της παρούσης υποψίας πανσαι, the opt. as in abstract propo- to put an end to the present sitions restricts the fut., suspicion: 5, 91. η ν καιπανθγ, Matth. Gr. Gr. 756.: 3, 39. even were it put an end to : αποστασις των βία ιόν τι πάσχον- 1, 81. παυθησεται. των εστίν, 'they, who are πάχος, 1, 90. breadth, treated with insolence, are παχύς, 7, 36. στερίφοις και wont to revolt/ the gen. παχεσι, compact, firm, stout, being used to mark the per- strong, heavy, 34. παχύτερος. son or thing, to which any παγυτης, 7, 62. thickness, thing belongs, here with the heaviness, verb είναι may be translated πεδίον, 7, 19. the (open) as above, Matth. 518. plain, champaign country : πατάσσω, 8, 92. ο μεν πατά- 5, 58. ίας διεψυγεν, the person, who πε££, 1, 109. on land, 3, 3. inflicted the blow. έλθείν, 4, 75. 132. 1, 26. πατρικός, 1. 13. hereditary, πε&κος, 7, 7. of or belong- 7, 69. 8, 6. ing to infantry : 6, 33. στρατί^. πάτριος, 4, 86. 92. ύμϊν, na- πε£ιο^ιιαχέα>, 1, 112. επεΖ,ομά- tional, 118. 5, 18. of or be- χησαν, to fight on land, main- longing to a country. tain a land-battle : 7, 63. ΠΕΖ ΠΕΛ πεζομαχία, 1, 100. a battle proof: 2, 41. ες πείοαν έρχεται, on land, 23.: 7, 62. to come to the proof, trial, to πεζός, 1, 29. 3, 7. 4, 12. 7, be proved, found, turn out 15. 59. of or belonging to upon examination: 4, 92. 6, land, land-forces. 11. 7, 21. 25.: 1, 140. της πείθω, 2, 67. 3, 43. πείσαι τα -γνώμης, a trial of one's senti- δεινότατα, to carry the most ments, character, mind. injurious motions, measures. πείρασις, 6, 56. άπαρνηθεντα 3, 42. yu?} ττεισας: 1, 78. πείσθεν- την πε'ιρασιν, to refuse to llS- τες, to be persuaded,, 31. «ι- ten to the solicitation. σθω, 3, 37. λόγω, to be pre- πειράω, 2, 19. πειράσαντες, to vailed upon by words, to be try : 2, 77. 4, 70. πειράσαι : 4, led or induced by persua- 43. 7, 32. 37. πεφάσειν : 5, 35. sion: 3, 3. μί πειθομενων, upon πειράσεσθαί, to endeavour, try, (their) non-compliance : 2, 38. : 2, 85. πεφασάμενοι : 8, 3. 42. πεποιθέναι, to trust : 1, 26. επειρατο 3 to endeavour : 2, 81. επείθοντο, to obey, 5, 21. to πειρωντο, 1, 25. : 1, 78. πειρα- render obedience : 7, 12. πει- σόμεθαΐ 6, 54. πεφαθείς περί «των, 3, 31. πείσειν ώστε ζυμπο- συνουσίας, to be Solicited, λεμείν, to prevail upon (any courted, 6, 54. πειράσας : 4, one) to assist, take part in a 102. επεΊρασε : 6, 38. πολλά πει- war : 2, 60. επείσθητε μάλλον ρωντες, to try oft, make many έτερων for μάλλον rj ετίροις: 5, endeavours, attempts: 2, 23. 49.7τεισθ?ίναι, to be persuaded: πεφαθίντες, to make an at- 4, 68. πεισεται I 5, 40. πεπείσθαι, tempt : 7, 12. πειραν των τειχών, to be instigated : 3, 32. επε/- to make an attempt upon, to σθη : 6, 34. πείθεσθε, μάλιστα attack: 5, 111. πεπειραμενοις, μεν, ταύτα τολμησαντες, to be to be experienced : 7, 39. ol persuaded above all to at- 'Συρακοσιοι επί πολύ Sniyov της tempt this : 6, 87. πείθειν αξιώ- ημέρας π ειρω μεν ο ι αλλήλων, an σομεν, for υμάς πείθεσθαι, roga- instance of a verb, expres- mus ut vobis hoc persuadeamus, sing a continuance, having ut hoc persuaderi vobis patia- the verb, of which it ex- mini: 4, 17. έπεμψαν ημάς Λακε- presses the circumstance, δαιμόνιοι — ο 3 τι αν υμϊν τε ωψέλι- put in the participle, Matth. μον ov το αυτό πείθωμεν, an ill- Gr. Gr. 840. stance of the participle after πελάγιος, 8, 39. out at sea, the verb πείθω, which pro- 44. perly requires an infin., πέλαγος, 5, 110. Κρητικον, Matth. Gr. Gr. 837. the Cretan sea : 7, 34. 49. εν πείρα, ], 138. πεΊραν δικούς, πελάγει_, at sea : 3, 32. επλει to give an experimental om του πελάγους, to sail ΠΕΛ ΠΕΡ through the (wide) sea, right across, (opposed to coast- ing:) 6, 13. πεΧας, A, 92. τη των πεΧας, neighbours, persons in the vicinity I 1, 32. παρά τους πε- Χας: 3, 39. 6, 79. τους πεΧας, others. πελεκυς, 2, 4. a hatchet. πελιδνός, 2, 49. livid. πεΧταστης, 5, 10. a light- armed soldier : 7 3 27. πέμπτος, 3, 19. πέμπτον αυ- τόν, with four others : 5, 83, πέμπτον και ^εκατόν έτος, an example of the conjunction of an ordinal number with και, Matth. Gr. Gr. 176. πέμπτος, 8, 86. πρέσβεις, de- spatched. πέμψις, 7, 17. a commis- sion, sending. πψπω, 5, 47. to send : 5, 37. πψφουσιν, to despatch : 1, 30. πεμφαντες, 5, 21. 6, 7. παρά Χαλ/αδεας, to send (a message, order) to : 7, 8. οί πεμπόμενοι, the messengers : 6, 51. πεμφαντες την πομπην, to lead the procession, go in procession, ducere pompam, πομπευειν I 7, 12. πεπομφασι επ αλλην στρατιάν, to send for : 5, 54. επεμφθησαν '. 7, 1. πέμ- φαντες εκεΧευον, to send to order : 2, 27. την Aiytvav ασφαΧεστερον εφαινετο τη Πελο- πόννησο* επικειμενην, αυτών πεμ- φαντες έποικους, εχειν, a devia- tion from the general rule that, where the participle has the same subject as the other poposition, it should be in the case of the com- mon subject, here it is the nomin. for the dat, πεμφαντες for πεμφασιν, because εφαινετο εχειν IS the Same as εφηφίσαντο ίχειν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 859. πενία, 2, 37. κατά πεν'ιαν, on account of poverty : 1, 141. ύπό πενίας, in consequence of or through poverty : 2, 42. ελπ/δι πενίας, from the hope of poverty, i. e. the hope usual in that condition. πένομαι, 2, 40. το πενεσθαι, poverty. πενταετής, 1, 112. for five years. πεντακοσιομε&ιμνος, 3, 16, a person with 500 medimns of liquid and dry commodities, a person of the first class in the state. πει/τακόσιος, 5, 6. five hun- dred. πεντατηρις, 3, 104. the fifth year. πεντήκοντα, 5, 18. fifty. πεντηκονταετις, 5, 32. for fifty years. πεντηκοντατηρ, 5, 66, a cap- tain of a company. πεντηκόντο/οος, 1, 14. a vessel of fifty oars : 6, 43. πεντηκοντοροιν, πεντηκοστύς, 5, 68. a com- pany of soldiers consisting of four enomoties. πέρα, 2, 64. επι-γεγενηταί τε πέρα ών προσεοεχόμεθα η νόσος η$ε, beyond, contrary to our expectation. περαίνω, 6, 70. περαίνεσθαι, to come to pass, to happen, ΪΙΕΡ ΠΕΡ .7, 43. to go through With, 42. 7, 16. περί ηλίου τροπάς accomplish, perfect: 6, 86. τάς χεψερινάς, about the time ουδέν ett πφανεϊ, to be of no of the winter- solstice : 1 3 25. avail. περί έρμα, against or upon a περαιτέρω, 5', 41. των ορών, rock : 3, 35. τα. περί την Μυτι- beyond, further than: 3, 81. ληνην, the affairs of: 6, 53. και ετι περαιτέρω, 43. περαιτέρω περί τους Έ,ρμας δρασθηντων, νμων προνοοΰντας, to See fuX- against: 1, 25. περί τάς ναυς, ther than, foresee farther in respect to ships, naval af- than. fairs, 69. περί αυτω, by his περαι6ω 9 4, 121. επεραίωσε, own fault through himself: to bring Over : 2, 67. περαιώ- 8, 46. : 6, 2. ωκουν Φοίνικες σειν, to cross, pass Over: 1, περί πασαν την Σικελίαν, ( in the 5. 6, 34. περαωνσθαι, 7, 31. whole of Sicily/ an instance 47. : 7, 50. περαιωθεντες, 2, 80. of the prep, with the accus., 3, 23. A, 44. επεραιωθησαν, 7, where it is employed as άμφι 33. τον Ίόνιον, to cross: 1, for ' round,' 'about,' Matth. 10. περαιωσεσθαι : 7, 34. 8, 41. Gr. Gr. 909. : 6, 69. oi δ* εχω- περαιωθηναι '. 7, 7. περαιωθη, ρουν, Συρακοσιοι μεν περί πα- πέραν, 4, 75. beyond : 5, 6. τρίτος μαγουμενοι, — Αθηναίοι του ποταμού, On the Other Side δε περί τε της αΧλοτρίας ο'ικείαν of the river : 3, 91. σ χ^ ν > the use of the prep. πέρας, 1, 69. εκ περάτων γης, περί with the gen., where by from the boundaries of the a deviation from its general earth : 7, 42. signification the idea of αντί πέρθω, 8, 57. πορθησωσι την IS implied, Matth. 908. ηπειρον, to lay waste, devas- πεοιαγγέλλω, 1, 116. 7Γεριαγ- tate, destroy. -γέλλουσαι, to send round a περί, 1, 73. περΥ του παντός proclamation: 2, 80. περιη-γ- λόγου, concerning the whole γειλεν, 5, 54. περιηγγειλαν, to of the oration, 79. των παρόν- circulate orders, instruc- των, Concerning the business tions: 2, 85. πεαιηγγελλον ναυς on hand : 3, 82. περί πλείονος κατά πόλεις, to send round ην, to be of more value : 1 , orders to the (several) cities 74. περί τγ χωρά, (to be in to prepare ships, 4, 8. 7, 18. alarm) for their Country, 59• σίδηρον κατά τους ξυμμάχους, τω χωρίο), 7, 53. περί ταϊς ναυ- to send round amongst the σίν δείσαντες, to fear for the confederates for iron, to send ships, 57. Σικελίας, for, on be- orders to the confederates to half of Sicily, 19. το πεδίον, provide iron: 5,, 17. up and down the plain, 31. περιάγω, 4, 111. περια*γα- την 'Ακαρνανία ν, 42. 6, 71. εξΐΐ- γόντες, to lead about, bring κοντά και διακόσιους, about, 7, round. ΠΕΡ ΠΕΡ περιαιρετος, 2, 13. capable of being taken off, stripped. περιαιρεω, 1, 108. περιειλον, to destroy or demolish (all) round : 3, 11. περιηρημενου, to be cut off, taken off, re- moved, reduced: 4, 51. περιαλγεω,6,54. περιαλγήσας, to be excessively grieved, in great anguish : 4, 14. πβριβάλλω, 7, 25. περιβάλη, to strike with, against : 1, 8. περιεβαλλοντο τείχη, to sur- round with walls, literally to throw walls round the town : 2, 76. περιβάλλοντες βρόχους, to cast ropes round, περιβόητος, 6, 31. noised abroad, famous. περιβολή, 8, 104. και του χω- ρίου τοΰ περί το Κυνος Έημα οζειαν και γωνιώδη την περιβολιών έχοντος, ambitus, the circuit. περίβολος, 1, 89. the cir- cumference or circuit of a wall round (the city,) 90. 93. : 2, 13. the circumfe- rence, compass : 3, 21. περιγιγνομαι, 8, 2. περιγενε- σθαι, to be superior to, 1, 32. 4, 73. : 5, 72. περιγενόμενοι, to be superior, to surpass : 1, 69. περιγεγενημενους, to sur- vive, escape : 3, 37. περιγένη- σθε, to be superior, to over- match : 6, 8. ην τι περιγι-γνηται αυτοις τοΰ πολέμου, in case they had any leisure from the war, any time to spare from war, or 3 in case they had any advantage or suc- cess in the war : 3, 37. περί- γίγνεσθαι, to get the better of, to prevail over, overcome (in debate :) 1, 55. η μεν ovv Κέρκυρα ούτω περιγίγνεται τω πολεμώ των Κορινθίων, eillCVSlt c bello, forasmuch as verbs compounded with preposi- tions, which by themselves require the dat., govern the same case, if the prep, may be separated from the verb without affecting the sense, so verbs compounded with περί, where this prep, has no influence on the construc- tion, take the dat., Matth. Gr. Gr. 557. περί-^ραπτος, 7, 49. circum- scribed, moving in a small and confined space. περιδεης, 3, 28. excessively afraid, 80. very apprehen- sive: 6, 51. -γενόμενοι, to be struck with alarm, conster- nation, 59. εκ τοΰ παραχρήμα, a sudden alarm, 49. προσεύ- χονται, to be fearfully ex- pecting, to be expecting with terror. περιείδω, 4,40. περιείδον, 71. περιιδείν το μέλλον, to await, look for, 11. to suffer pati- ently, 2, 18. to overlook, see without interfering, suffer, 20. : 6, 38. -γενέσθαι, to suffer to take place, Matth. Gr. Gr. 836. : 8, 26. περιειμι, 1, 121. περιεσομεθα, to be superior, 5, 11. περάσε- σθαι, 1, 144. ες ελπίδα τοΰ, the hope of victory, 5, 11. : 7, 21. πλέον τι περιεσομενονς, to be likely to have a greater superiority, και πολύ περιείναι : L 1 ΠΕΡ ΠΕΡ 2, 4. ποίησαν, to survive* 3, etance the accus. is more 24. περίεστι : 1,89. πέρασαν, common,) for that reason; to remain standing (as. a under the head that verbs, house:) 3, 82. περιείναι, to which by themselves require escape calamity: 6, 55. πολλω a dat., though they be com- τω περωντι τοΰ ασφαλούς, the pounded with preps., take same as πολλοί ry περιουσία της the dat., if the preps, may be ασφαλείας, nullo prorsus cum separated without affecting periculo, with perfect safety, the sense, Matth. 557. : 8, 15. security: 8, 46. περΰσχω, 5, 91. to stretch περιάγω, 1, 106. περιείργον, beyond, round, to shut in all around : 5, 11. περ'ικειμαι, 2, 13. περικεί/*ενον περιερξαντες. to lie, to be about. περιελαυνω, 7, 44. περιελά- περικλείω, 2, 90. περικλει- σαντες, to ride up and down, σειαν, to inclose, surround, scour the country. intercept. περιεργομαι, 4, 80. περιηλθον περικλνζω, 6, 3. περικλνζο- τα Ιερά, to go about or round, μένη, to be washed round or 36. περιελθων, to make a surrounded by the sea. Circuit. περικομίϊ,ω, 3, 81. περιεκομί- περάγω, 5, 71. to exceed, Ζοντο, to go or sail round: 7, Stretch beyond : 5, 7. περί- 9. περικομίσας. σχ^ήσων, to overcome: 4, 102.: περικομπίω, 6, 17. περικομ- 3, 22. περιείχεν, 107. περιεσχε. ποΰνται, to be boasted of περάστημι, 8, 15. περιεστάναι, everywhere, vulgarly re- to surround, 7, 18. ες τους ported and exaggerated, Ά., to devolve upon, happen noised about, to, come round to, fall upon : περικοπή, 6,27. a deface- 6, 61. υποψία ες τον ' Κλκι%ιά- ment, mutilation. $ην περιεστηκει, suspicion fell περικόπτω, 6, 26. οι πλείστοι Upon, cedere, evadere, deve- περιεκόπησαν τα πρόσωπα, to be nire, 8, 1. περιειστηκει, Matth. mutilated, defaced, have the Gr. Gr. 275. : 8, 2. περαστή, projecting parts cut off. to surround, 1, 120. ες τον- περικτίονες, 3, 104. neigh- ναντίον περύστη, to turn out bours, vicini, accolce. quite contrary, 6, 24. : 5, 7. περικυκλωσις, 3, 78. sur- περιστας, 10. *. 4, 10. περιεστως 1 rounding. to encompass, 34. : 1,76. νμϊν περιλαμβάνω, 8, 42. περιλα- οε και εκ τον επιεικούς αδο£ι'α το βοι, to lay hold of. πλέον η έπαινος ουκ ε'ικότως πε- περίλοιπος, 1, 74. remain- ρύστη, here περιεστι? is only ing, 2, 84. : 7, 72. surviving, a more figurative expression remaining, left, for εγενετο, it takes the dat., περιμάχητος, 7, 84. ην, to be (though in this peculiar in- contended for. ΠΕΡ ΠΕΡ περιμένω, 2, 80. περιμείνας, περιοράω, 1, 24. 69. to neg- to await, 7, 26. 8, 16.: 7, 20. lect, 2, 20. ττεριοραν, to suffer, iiijMfrm, to remain, 33. : 5,7. Matth. Gr. Gr. 836. : 7, 26. : περ(έ>εινεν: 7,74. περι^Γναι: 6, 4, 73. to be on the look out, 56. περιεμενον Παναθήναια τα με- on the Watch : 124. περιορώ- γάλα, to wait (the arrival of.) ^νος, to be solicitous about, πφίνεως, 1, 10. a passenger, to be regardful for: 7, 33. to one who in a voyage takes look on (as an unconcerned no part in managing the spectator :) 2, 43. περιορασθε, vessel. to neglect, shun, avoid : 6, 93. περίνοια, 3, 43. a COncep- περ'ιορθρον, 2, 3. αυτό ro, tion, an imagination, a su- just before dawn, day-break. SpiClOn. περιορμεω, 4, 26. to moor πέριξ, 6, 90. circumcirca, round, 23. περιωρμονν. round-about. περιορμίΐω, 3, 6. ττεριορμκτα- ττερίοδος, 4,35. a surround- μ*νοι, to invest with a fleet, ing. lie with at anchor round. περιοικις, 1, 9. neighbour- περιουσία, 1, 2. abundance, ing, on the confines : 2, 25. stock, superfluity, 8. abun- the vicinity : 3, 16. ynv, the dance (of wealth,) 11. asuffi- country or land surrounding cient supply : 6, 17. τον vav- or adjacent to a town. τικου, superiority, strength, περιοικοδομεω, 3, 81. περιοι- excellence: 5,103. αττο πε- κοδομνθέντες, to be inclosed in ριουσίας, in a great super- (a wall.) fluity of prosperity : 1,141. περίοδος, 1, 17. 101. 3,92. περιουσία, funds, revenue, 4, 8.8,6. a neighbour, neigh- arising from taxes, volun- bouring, 22. see Duker. tary contributions : 2, 13. περιοτττέον, 8, 48. to be look- 5,71. ed after, guarded against. περιπεμπω, 6, 45. ένθα μεν περιόπτομαι, 1, 36. περιό^ε- περιεπεμπον, to send round : σθε, to suffer, let, permit, 39. 5, 2. περιέπεσε, to send round, 53.*. 1, 35. 86. ττεριοψό>ε0α to despatch, 3. περιπεαφθεΓσαι, αδικούμενους, to neglect them to be sent about, commis- when injured, 95. : 2, 20. sioned. περιόψεσθαι δοκεϊν, to be likely περιπίμπρημι, 3, 98. περιε- to see with patience, to neg- πίμπρασαν, to set on fire (all) lect : 4, 48. ούδ' εσιεναι εφασαν around. κατά ΰνναμιν περιόψεσθαι ούδενα, περιπίπτω, 8, 27. to fall into : 5, 29. 6, 86. instances of a 1,43. περιπεπτωκότες, to come rare use of the infin. for the round upon, 2, 59. ταίς ζυμ- participle after this verb, ψοραίς: 5, 14. περιπεσόντες, to Matth. Gr. Gr. 836. fall or precipitate oneself l\ 2 ΠΕΡ ΠΕΡ into, 2, 54. τοιούτω πάθει, to αταυρωσεν, to Surround With fall into calamities, misfor- palisades. tunes : 5, 11. περιπεσείν, to περιτειχίζω, 2, 78. περιετεί- fall into. yji^v, to surround with a περιπλέω, 2, 23. 5, 3. περιε- wall, 4, 69. to invest a city, πλέι, tO sail round about, 53. 3, 18. : 3, 64. περιτειχίζεσθαι, Σκνλλαιον περιπλείν, to double to be blockaded, invested : the Scyllseum : 2, 25. περί- 7,11. περιτειχίσαι, the same πλεύσασαι I 4, 56. περιέπλευσαν. in effect as αποτειχίσαι, which περίπλους, 8, 4. doubling* last strictly means to cut off (the promontory :) 2, 80. communication by a wall, to ομοίος, a circumnavigation wall off. equally practicable, easy : ττεριτεί^ισις, 2, 77. προς την 6, 1. 7, 31. sailing round, περιτείχισιν παρεσκευάζοντο, to about: 7, 36. manceuvering prepareforablockade:4,131. in a circle. περιτείχιση, 5, 2. a fortress, περιποιέω, 2, 25. to save (a entrenchment, redoubt : 3, town,) 3, 102. περιεποίησαν, 25. a wall of circumvallation. to preserve, 6, 104. to retain: περιτείχισες, 8,25. a build- 1, 15. περιεποιησαντο, to ac- ing of a wall of circumvalla- quire for oneself, 9. περιποιη- tion. σάμενον, to obtain, procure : περιτεχνησις, 3, 82. των τ 8, 48. περιποιησειν. επιχειρήσεων περιτεχί/ησει, sk.il- περιπόλιον, 3, 99. περιπόλων fulness, artfulness, cunning, επι τω ΑΧηκι ποταμψ, a guard- Schol. περινοία. fort, 7, 48. see the Notes, περιτίθημι, 6, 89. περιέθετε here έπι is used with the dat. εμοϊς εχθροϊς δύναμιν, {concilia- and signifies ' at* as a defini- stis,) to invest: 4, 87. περι0εί- tion of place, Matth. Gr. Gr. ναι καλλιστον όνομα, to im- 901. pose, 8, 43. to impose on. περιρρέω, 4, 102. ττεριρρεον περιτν-γγανω, 3.33. μετεώροις τος, to flow round. περιέτυχεν, to fall in or come ττεριρρυτος, 4, 64. SUr- Up With, 1, 20. περιτυγόντες, rounded with water, by the to meet with by accident, to sea. light upon, 5, 59. : 1, 135. περισκοπέω, 1, 36. περισκο- όπου αν περιτύχωσιν, whereso- πών, to take a survey, 6, 49. ever they may meet with him, to look about, to watch. 5, 66. vv περιτύχωσιν, should περισσεύω, 2, 65. επερισσευσε, they fall in with the enemy, to be over and above, to 4, 55. περιτύχ^, to befal, over- abound, take : 8, 23. περιέτυχον. περισταδόν, 7, 81. allround, περιφανής, 4, 102. COnspi- from all parts about. cuous on all sides. περισταυρόω, 2, 75. περιε- περιψανώς, 6, 60. (mani- ΠΕΡ ΠΙΣ festly, conspicuously,) ex- ceedingly. περιφέρω, 7, 28. περιο'ισειν, to hold out, endure, tolerate. περιφοβος, 6, 36. περιφοβους νμας ποιυνντες, to make afraid, throw into alarm. περιφρονεω, 1, 25. περιφρο- νουντες, to despise, look down upon. περιφρονρεω, 3,21. περιεφρον- povvro, to be inclosed round, guarded. περίχαρης, 7, 73. νπο τον περίχαρους της νίκης, from ΟΓ through joy of the victory, Matth. Gr. Gr. 493. : 2, 51. περιωθεω, 3, 57. περιεωσμεθα, (pushed about,) to be con- demned, 67. περιωπή, 2, 35. 4, 86. cir- cumspection. πετρώδης, 4, 9. stony. πη, 4, 69. εϊ πη δεοιτο τι, wherever there was need : 7,71. πηγνυμι, 6, 66. 'έπηζαν σταύ- ρωμα, to drive : 4, 92. εις ορός ημίν πayησετaι, to be imposed, assigned. πηλός, 1, 93. mud (for ce- ment :) 4, 4. : 7, 84. ομοΰ τω πη\ω, together with the mud : 2, 76. πη\ω$ης, 6, 101. full of clay. πημονη, 5, 47. επι πημονη, for the purpose of injury, 18. πΐχυς•, 7, 36. a cubit. πιέζω, 1, 126. επιεζοντο, to be in distress, 7, 47. to be pressed, afflicted with : 1, 49., πιεζοιντο : 2, 89. πιεζόμε- νος, to be hard-pressed, 68. 4, 66. 5, 103. 7, 50. πιθανός, 3, 36. πιθανωτατος τψ δήμω, of most influence with the populace, 4, 31. 6, 35. τοις πολλοίς, with the multitude. πίθος, 4, 115. ύδατος, a tub. πίλος, 4, 34. οντε οι πίλοι εστε-γον τα τοζεύματα, a shirt of mail, for προς τα. τ., an in- stance, where the second accus. may be explained by a prep., Matth. Gr. Gr. 589. πίνω, 4,26. επινον, to drink. πιπρασκω, 6, 95. επράθη τα- λάντων πέντε, to be sold for. πίπτω, 5, 10. πεσόντα, to fall : 4, 1 12. τω τείνει πεπτωκότι, to fall down, to decay: 1, 89. πίσσα, 2, 77. θειω και πισση, brimstone and pitch: 4, 100. πιστεύω, 1, 10. 32. πιστεύον- τας to trust to, act under the belief, 80. : 4, 92. πιστευσαν- τες τψ θεω, to put trust in God : 1, 1. πιστευσαι : 2, 22. πιστενων ορθώς γιγνώσκειν, to be sure that he judged rightly : 3, 5. πιστεύειν σφ'ισιν αυτοΐς, to have confidence in themselves, their own Strength : 2, 35. πιστενθηναι, to be believed, credited : 1, 69. οια το πιστεΰσαι, Οΐϊ ac- count of (their) confidence, 20. χαλεπά οντά πιστεΰσαι, being hard or difficult to believe. πίστις, 1,35. a pledge, con- firmation : 4,74. πίστεσι, 86. : 6, 53. πονηρών ανθρώπων, cre- dit (given) to men of bad character : 5, 45. πιστίν αύτοΐς ΰονς, to give a pledge to them, pledge bis word of ΠΙΣ ΠΛΕ honor : 1, 120. ουδείς ομοία πι'στει και εογω επεϊ,εργεται, 110 one actually goes through with a design in the same sanguine temperament, in which he formed it : 5, 30. πιστός, 3, 12. ελευθερία, assured or secure freedom, 40. πιστην λόγω ελπίδα : 6, 33. believed : 1, 68. το πιστον, good faith, confidence (in one another :) 4, 85. αΐτίαν, creditable : 8, 10. to be re- lied on: 3, 10. trust- worthy, to be depended upon : 4, 120. πιστότατους I 5, 13. 108. πιστότερος, πιστοω, 4, 88. πιστώσαντες, to give credit for. πιστώς, I, 91. faithfully. πίσυνος, β, 2. confiding in, relying upon, secure of: 5, 14. relying upon, encouraged by : 2,89. πλάγιος, oblique, side-way, transverse, 7, 6. 40. 59. : 4, 33. εκ πλαγίου, on the flank. πλα/σιο ν, 6, 67. 7, 78. εν πλαισίω, in an oblong form, brick-form. πλανάω, 7, 44. επλανηθησαν κατά την γωραν, to wander Up and down the country. πλάνησις, 8, 42. wandering, deviation from a course. πλάσσω, 6, 58. αδήλως ττρ όψει πλασάμενος, VllltU (id dlS- simulandam calamitatem com- posite, to compose (one's countenance.) Πλαταιασιν, 4, 72. an in- stance of σι, not as a termi- nation of the dat. plur., as originally, but converted to an adverbial termination, Matth. Gr. Gr. 374. πλεθρον, 7, 38. a plethrum, one hundred feet, one sixth of a stadium. Πλειστόλας, 5, 25. Matth. Gr. Gr. 71. πλειων, 3,23. πλειους άνδρας, many, a considerable num- ber : 4, 103. εκ πλείονος, long before, since, il y a long temps: 1, 2. υπό τίνων αεί πλει- όνων, by those, whoever hap- pened to be the most nume- rous, 36. το πλεο»> rj, any more than, 3, 12. for μάλλον 5:1, 37. πλέον εχωσιν, to grasp at too much, 76. to make ac- quisitions : 5, 59. ού πολλψ πλείους, not very many : 3, 22. oi πλείους, the greater part, main body : 4, 117. περί πλείονος εποιοΰντο, to make a point or much of: 1, 17. επι πλείστον δυνάμεως, to the greatest (pitch) of power: 2, 65. είναι άξιον πλείστου, to be most valuable, of the great- est worth, 4, 59. : 3, 1. τον πλείστον δμιλον, the mass ΟΓ main body (of the light- armed troops,) le gros des Couriers, 21. το πλείστον, (for) the most part, mainly, chiefly : 7, 30. αποκτείνουσιν εν τη εσ€ασει τους πλείστους — επει εν γε τρ αλλρ αναχωρήσει — ολίγοι αυτών διεφθάρησαν, the greatest part or whole num- ber of slain. Τους πλ. cannot refer to the whole number of Thracians, and it is equally objectionable to join τους πλ. with ούτε επισταμένους νεΓν, as ΠΛΕ ΠΛΗ the Sch^. does, or to divide at : 2, 35. πλεονάΐεσθαι, to be the sentences by a comma exaggerated (in a speech.) after αυτών with Hobbes : 1, πλεονεκτέω, 1, 77. το πλεονε- 83. εστίν ο πόλεμος ούχ οπλών κτεισθαι, avariClOUSness, rapa- το πλέον, αλλά δαπάνης, where City : β, 39. ωφέλιμων, to have αλλά is for ί, this is an ana- more than one's share, grasp coluthon, it is one among at more: 4, 61. ταύτα, 86. the various constructions πλεονεκτης, 1,40. rapacious, with μάλλον, which takes its an extortionist. rise from the consideration πλεονεξία, 3, 45. rapacity, that a comparison with 82. profit, 84. Matth. Gr.Gr. ' more' implies at the same 930. time an opposition, Matth. πλευστέα είναι, 6, 25. to owe Gr. Gr. 659. : 4, 82. και των to sail. ταύτη ζυμμάγων φυλακών πλεο- πλέω, 1, 26. 30. πλεύσαντες, να κατεστησαντο, an instance to sail : 6, 20. πλεομεν : 8, 1 . where the Attics use the πλευσεϊσθαι : 7, 1 . επί της 'Ιμέρας uncontracted form, Matth. πλείν, to sail or set sail: 8, 146. : 4, 85. πλεονες, SOme- 86. ώρμημενων των εν Σά/ιω times the Attics use πλείους, 'Αθηναίων πλείν επί σφάς αυτούς, here uncontracted, Matth. (εν ω σαφέστατα Ίωνιαν και Έλ- 168. : 7, 21. εφη χρήναι πλη- λησποντον ευθύς ειχον οι πολε- μούν ναΰς ώς δύνανται πλείστας, μιοι, tenuissent ,) Matth. Gr. in the use of the superl., Gr. 748. : 7, 23. 64. πλενσου- in order to strengthen the μένους, Matth. 223. signif., particles are added, πλη-γη, 5, 50. πληyάς ελαβεν, here a word signifying pos- to be beaten with rods, sibiiity, Matth. 666. : 7, 45. πλήθος, 1, 1. quantity: 5, όπλα πλέω η κατά τους νεκρούς 68. number, amount: 1, 72. ελήφθη, more arms than (the ες το πλήθος ειπείν, to speak to number of) the dead led one the assembly, 81. τω πληθει to expect, when a subst. is ύπερφερομεν, to surpass in not compared with another, numbers : 1, 2. ανθρώπων, but the quality of a thing, population, 20. το, the vul- in its proportion to another, gar, 9. χρημάτων, greatness is considered and compared of possessions : 3, 70. διά in degree with this propor- πλήθος Ζημίας, on account of tion, where in Latin quam the greatness of the fine : 1, pro is Used, then η κατά is 20. 'Αθηναίων το πλήθος *Ίπ- put after the Comparative, παρχον οίονται ύφ' 'Αρμοδίου Matth. 653. : 7, 63. πλείον, και Αριστο-γείτονος τύραννον Matth. 158. : 8, 48. οντά άποθανεΐν, with words of πλεονάζω, 1, 121. to grasp number in the sing, the verb ΠΛΗ imo is very often in the plur., because in such words the idea of several subjects is always included, Matth. Gr. Gr. 437. : 1, 102. 'Αθηναίοι ηΧθον, Κίμωνος στρατηγοΰντος, πΧηθει ουκ όλίγω, a Use of the dat. for the Latin abl. answers to wherewith ? in the case of the relation of the connection or com- panionship, in this case συν and αμα are not employed with such words as στόλος, στρατός, &c. Matth. 563. : if 49. πλην, 1, 17. except, 7, 23. πλην όσον — ους εζω-γρησαν, ex- cept those, whom they took alive, as many as (were in three of the ships,) whom they took alive, for πλην όσους, 44. but: 1, 2. 4, 54. πλήρης, 1, 29. manned, full of sailors, 6, 31. 7, 37. πΧηρόω, 1, 35. to man (ships,) 47. πλήρωσα ντες, 6, 30. επΧηρουν τας ναΰς, to go aboard, 52. : 7, 19. επΧηρω- θησαν — at του γειμωνος πΧη- ρωθεϊσαι, to be manned, equipped in the winter. πΧηρωμα, 7, 4. a comple- ment, snip's crew. πΧησίον, 1, 57. near (cum gen.) πλί/σιόχωρος, 2, 68. neigh- bouring, in the vicinity : 4, 79. contiguous. πλήσσω, 3, 18. πληγέντες, to be smitten, overthrown, 5, 14. πΧινθεύω, 2, 78. επλιν&ύ- σαντο, to make bricks : 4, 67. επΧινθενον τα τεΐ"χη. πΧινθίον, 6, 88. a brick. πλίνθος, 2, 75. a brick, 4, 69. 90. πΧοίμος, 2, 13. fit for sea- service. πλοΓον, 1, 10. 3, 85. 4, 16. 29. 67. 7, 7. 30. a vessel, lighter vessel, boat. πλους, 6, 2. ελάχιστον πλουν Σίκελι'ας άπεχει, to be distant by the shortest voyage, to be at the shortest dis- tance from : 4, 3. course of Sailing, 28. : 3, 3. χρησάμενος πΧφ, to have a favourable voyage, quick passage, Schol. ευπΧοια. '. 7, 26. πλουν ποιηται, to make sail, to sail: 6, 31. επί βραχεί πΧψ, for a short voyage, expedition : 8, 8. τον πλουν ταυτφ εκ του προφανούς εποιουντο, καταφρονησαντες των Αθηναίων αουνασίαν ότι ναυτικον ούδεν αυτών πολύ πω εφαίνετο. πλούσιος, 6, 39. rich, wealthy : 1,8. πλουσιώτεροι : 8, 45. ττΧουσιωτατοι, the richest. πΧουτεω, 2, 42. πΧουτησειεν, to be rich, wealthy. πΧώίζω, 1, 13. επΧω'ιζοντο, to attend to navigation. πΧωΐμος, 1, 29. in sailing condition, 52. : 1, 7. πΧωϊμω- τερων τίδτ/, navigation now being more advanced. πνεύμα, 2, 49. breath, 97. πνίγος, 7, 87. suffocation (from heat.) πνοή, 4, 100. gust, blast. ΠΟΔ ΠΟΛ ποδώκης, 3, 98. SWlft of πολέμαρχος, 5, 47. 66. a ge- foot. neral officer. ποθεινος, 2,42. ποθεινοτέραν, πολεμέω, 5, 14. to carry ΟΠ more desirable, to be wished war, 65. to quarrel: 1, 37. for. πολεμούνται, to be warred πόθος, 6, 24. a desire, long- upon : 3, 39. πολεμησομεν τοΊς ing for. ο'ικάοις ζυμμάχο"^•• to be at ττοάω, 3, 12. Κείνους το αυτό war with one's own allies : ποιείν, to do the same to 3, 4. πολεμείν Λε'σβω πασρ, to them: 1, 10. πεποίηκε, to maintain a war with, against, make, put, 2, 23. πολύ ro Upon : 2, 54. /cara κράτος, to ύδωρ επεποιήκΗ, to occasion a wage war with all one's flood : 4, 67. εποίησαν τοιόνδε, might : 6, 48. μεθ' ων τις πολε- to act in this manner, 83. μησει, with whose aid one is ποιούνται πολψων, to declare to carry on war: 5, 26. επο- an enemy, pronounce war λεμηθη : 1, 118. εί πολεμούσιν against: 3, 2. ποιησασθαι την αμεινον εσται, whether it Will απόστασιν, to make a revolt, go better with us, when we to revolt, 3, 3. ες ψυλακην, to carry on war, Matth. Gr. Gr. put under a guard, in prison, 836. : 4. 20. Matth. 868.: custody : 7, 17. ποιησασθαι 5, 9. Matth. 517. πεμφιν των νέων, to send ΟΓ πολεμητεα είναι, 1, 79. that despatch a fleet : 3, 36. ποιεί- war must be undertaken, σθαι γνώμας, to deliberate, πολεμικός, 1, 10. warlike, enter into consultation : 7, 5, 69. 3. εν ολΐ"^ωρια εποιοΰντο, to πολέμιος, 4, 92. πολέμια ε&οα- make light of, pay no regard σαν, to commit hostilities, to : 2, 19. εποιησαντο τροπήν wage War : 1, 18. τα πολέμια, τίνα, to put to flight, 56. military stores : 5, 23. 35. ποιηθεισαι εκ των παλαιών νέων, 42. : 7, 68. πολεμιωτάτων Ι 2, to be built out of old vessels: 39. Matth. Gr. Gr. 789. 3, 33. ποιείσθαι την δίωξιν, to πόλεμος, 1, 1. War: 6,6. τα pursue ; στρατόπεδον, to form τον πολέμου, the Same as τον an encampment, to encamp : πόλεμον : 4, 41. : 1, 83. εστίν ό 3, 90. ετυχον δύο φυλαι — τίνα πόλεμος ούν όπλων το πλέον, και εν&ραν πεποιημεναι, the αλλά δαπάνης, a principal use perf. pass, used as a perf. of the gen. is to mark the middle, Matth. Gr. Gr. 715. : person or thing, to which 8, 37. any thing belongs, when είναι ποιν*ς,1, lO.poetry, verses, is employed, and it is trans- ποιητέος, 4, 99. 5, 29. to be lated different ways accord- done, ing as quality, power, cus- ποιητύς, 1, 5. 10. a poet. torn, &c. are in hand, Matth, μ m ΠΟΛ ΠΟΛ Gr. Gr. 517. : 3, 92. τον προς 627. an instance of the par- 'Αθηναίους πολέμου καλώς αύ- ticiple's use, where it is put τοϊς εδόκει ή πόλις καθίστασθαι, in the plur. maSC. With a the city appeared to be noun collective in the sing., favourably circumstanced Matth. 847. with respect to the war, πόλισμα, 1, 10. a small city, Matth. 453. 65. town: 4, 54. a state, πολιορκεω, 1, 61. επολιορκη- 103.: 2. 30. 8, 28. σαν, to besiege, 26. επολιόρ- πολιτεία, 4, 76. 126. a form κονν, 64. 3, 52. 4, 24. 7, 9. 50. of government : 1, 132. free- πολιορκία, 1, 11. 98. 2, 70. dom of the city, share in the a siege. government, 115. 2, 36. πόλις, 5, 27. 33. 44. a city, πολιτευω, 3, 62. πολιτεύουσα, town, state : 1, 71. ομοία, a to be governed, 34. Ιπολί- city of similar manners, 72. τευον, to have the admini- και αμα την σφετεραν πόλιν εβού- stration of the affairs of a λοντο σημαίνειν Όση ε'ίη ΰυναμιν, City : 6, 92. επολιτευθην, to sc. -η πόλις. the subst. subject live under a government, is omitted in this dependent constitution : 2, 37. ελευθέρως proposition, which is COn- τα ττρος το κοινον πολιτευομεν, strued with the verb of the to administer state- affairs preceding proposition, and with liberality, 15. επολιτεύ- is thus easily seen, Matth. οντο, to administer affairs : 4, Gr. Gr. 428. : 1, 61. ήλθε & 130. και τοις Κθηναίοις ευθύς η αγγε- πολίτης, 2, 2. ανορας των πο- λιά των πόλεων, ότι αφεστασι, λιτών, Certain of the Citizens, where the subject is con- 64. 5, 16. 6, 9. structed with the preceding πολιτικός, 6, 15. political, verb in the gen., Matth. belonging to the state. 429.: 5, 23. αμφω τω πόλεε, πολίχνη, 7, 4. a little fort. Matth. 406. 630. : 5, 77. 79. πολλάκις, 5, 35. often. πολίεσι, Matth. 89. 101.: 6, 22. πολλαπλάσιος, 4, 34. many ού πάσης εσται πόλεως, not times another number, more every city will be able (to numerous, 125, πολλαπλασί- receive the army,) Matth. ους η ηλθον. 518.: 3, 79. τ% δ' υστεραία επί πολλαχτ?, 7, 43. in divers, μεν την πόλιν ούδεν μάλλον επε- various places, Matth. Gr. πλέον, καίπερ εν πολλοί ταραγ^ Gr. 374. : 8, 87. καί ψόβω ουτας, the participle πολλαχόθεν, 6, 32. from is referred to the noun col- various quarters, lective (πόλιν) in its sense πολλαχόσε, 2, 47. to many only, because πόλις implies places, an assembly of men, Matth. πολλοστ^όριον, 6, 86. mul- 11 ΠΟΛ HON tesimapars, the least portion, be in the same case as its ever so small a part subst., but where a use of ττολυανδρω, 6, 17. to be the gen. obtains and the adj. populous. is considered as part o'f the πολυάνθρωπος, 1, 24. popu- subst. whole, Matth. Gr. Gr. lous : 2, 54. ποΧυανθρωπότατα: 498.: 8, 101. 6> 3. πολυτέλεια, 6, 12. expen- 7τολυα/οχιον, 6, 72. multo- siveness, large expenditure, rum dominatus, a command sumptuousness. divided among many gene- πολυτελής, 1. 10. 7, 28. very rals. expensive, of great cost: 2, πολυειοης, 7, 71. multifa- 65. ποΧυτεΧεσι : 6, 31. πολυτε- rious, of diverse kinds, of Χεστάτη, most sumptuous, various import. costly, expensive: 8, 27. ποΧύοινος, 1, 138. πολυοινό- πολύτροπος, 3, 83. dex- τατον, most abundant in terous, 2, 44. wine. πολυχεφία, 2, 77. a great πολυπεφ/α, 1,71. great or number of hands (at work.) much experience. ποΧυ-ψηφία, 3, 10. a widely ιτοΧυπρα-γμοσυνη, 6, 87. se- extended suffrage, right of dulitas, multarum rerum stu- voting, of being consulted, dium, meddling with too admitted to council. many things. πομπεύς, 6, 58. τοίις πομ- πολύς, 3, 39. 7, 15. τα δέ πεας, the conductors of a pro- πολλά, for the most part, cession. plerumque: 4, 61. ποΧΧη ξυγ- πομπή, 2, 13. περί τάς πο /x- γνώμη, great excuse, 32. εκ πας /cat αγώνας, belonging to πολλού, from a long distance, the shows and games : 1 , 20. from afar, 67. for a long time, 6, 56. a procession : 4, 108. long since, 1, 68. now a long πονε'ω, 1, 49. 4, 96. επόνει, time, 1, 3. ποΧΧου γε χρόνου, 5, 73. to be in distress: 2, for a long time at least: 7, 51. πονουμενον, to labour (un- 13. πολλή, vast, extensive, der a malady,) to be afflict- spacious, 15. πολλά νμας ευ ed(with:) 4, 59.: 6, 67. y εποη?σα ? to do any One much αν του στρατεύματος τι πον??, qua good service, many good parte txercitus laboraret. services : 4, 92. πολλών άδειαν, πονηρία, 6, 53, vileness, long, lasting, 22. πολύς ενε- villainy. κειτο, to be very pressing, πονηρός, 6, 53. ανθρώπων, urging : 2, 56. της γί?ς την 7, 8. τά πράγματα, wretched, πολλην, the greatest part of precarious, dangerous, 8, 24. the country, an instance of low, depressed : 7, 48. πονη- an adjective, which should ρότερα. μ m 2 ΠΟΝ ΠΡΑ πόνος, 1, 78. οίκείον, a do- mestic labour, burden : 5, 16.: 2, 62. τον δέ πόνον τον κατά τον πόλεμον, as to the hardships, toils of war, Matth. Gr. Gr. 612.: 2, 39. μελίτη πόνων, application to labour, study, pursuit of la- borious occupation, 76. πορεία, 2, 18. ajourney. πορεύομαι, 1,37. to proceed, 2, 67. δι εκείνου πορευθηναι, to pass (over) by his means, to give the means of passing (over,) 80. επορεύετο, 7, 29. ϊπορενοντο, they went, used to go, i. e. those, which went from Athens to Thrace, used to go cY Ευρίπου: 2, 98.4, 103. πορθεω, 1, 73. to devastate: 3, 57. πορθησαιΐ 7, 39. έπό/ο- θουν, to plunder, spoil: 2, 55. ^πόρθησαν, to raze (a town :) 8, 24. πορθονμενοις. πορθμός, 2. 83. 4, 24. 6, 2. 7, 1. a strait. πορί£ω, 6, 29. ποριείν, to procure, scrape together : 3, 82. έπορί£οντο, to be procured : 7, 15. ώς ποριουμένων, as or since or because they are likely, about to get ready, prepare, complete their pre- parations: 1, 142. πόριμος, 8, 76. see Duker's note. ποριστης, 8, 48. a provider, procurer. πόρος, 1, 120. εν πόρω κα- τωκ-ημίνονς, to dwell in the way of traffic : 6, 48. a pas- sage, περαίωσις. ποσις, 7, 73. προς ποσιν τε- τραφθαι, to betake or turn oneself to drinking. ποταμός, 4, 25. 6, 2. 7, 9. a river. ποτέ, 4, 20. ever. ποτον, 6, 100. ν^ατος, water for drinking. πους, 3, 68. ποδών, feet, (the measure,) 97. έν ποσΙν, at hand, present. πράγμα, 3, 28. oi έν τοΓς πράγμασι, who have the ma- nagement of affairs, persons in administration: 1, 140. 3, 23. 49. 8, 29. πραζις, 3, 114. 6, 88. doing, res gesta. πραότης, 4, 108. mildness, forbearance, conciliating de- portment. πράσσω, \, 141. τα οικεία πράσσονσι, to transact private business, attend to private interests, 58. πράσσοντες ουδέν έπιτηδειον, to do no good, pro- cure no benefit, 132. πράσ- σειν τι ες τους Είλωτας, to tam- per with the Helots: 3, 4. πράσειν αύτοΓς, to treat With them: 6, 61. εκείνου προπαν- τός, at his instance: 1, 99. ακριβώς επρασσον, to exact tri- bute to the last farthing : 8, 5. επρασσε I 1, 71. δίκαια πράσ- σωσι, to do justice : 2, 64. ευ πράζητε, to do well, succeed : 6, 51. πρασσόμενοι Αθηναίους είκοστην μόνον, to levy, exact : 1, 22, τα ipya των πραγθεντων, the execution of the deeds performed : 6, 28. επράγθη μετ εκείνου, to be perpetrated with him, i. e. in participation, ΠΡΕ ΠΡΟ through him, by his means : 8, 5. πεπραγμένος I 8, 3. χρή- ματα ζπράζατο, to make money (of it,) 37. πράσσεσθαι, to ex- act, 87. πρεπω, 4, 98. τα πρέποντα, what belongs to one in com- mon decency : 7, 68. πρέπει, to be meet, proper: 1, 86. 6, 15. πρεσβεία, 1, 72. 2, 7. 12. Matth. Gr. Gr. 617.: 4,118. 5, 27. 31. 36. 55. an em- bassy. π/οεσβευσις, 1, 73. embas- sage. πρεσβευτής, 5, 4. an ambas- sador, 61. 8, 5. πρεσβεύω, 6, 55, απ αυτόν, to be senior, esse maximus natu (των) απ αυτού, SC. nato- rum: 1, 67. 91. πρεσ£ευεσθαι, to send an embassy, 5, 39. : 8, 5. επρεσ^ευσαντο, to send deputies: 1, 31. πρεσ^ευόμενοι, to carry on a negociation by ambassadors: 2, 12. Matth. Gr. Gr. 186. πρίσ^υς, 1,28.5, 61.7, 12. an ambassador: 5, 37. πρε- σ€εσιν. πρεσβύτερος, 1, 6. 7, 29. older, earlier, more ancient : 1, 20. πρεσζύτατος, 4, 61.1 6, 18. και μη υμάς η Νι/αου των λόγων απρα-γμοσύνη και οιαστα- σις τοΐς νεοις ες τους πρεσβυτέ- ρους αποστρεφγ, an instance of the dat. with a subst. for the gen. which signifies 'for any one,' Matth. Gr. Gr. 549. πριάομαι, 6, 97. επριαντο, to buy: 5, 34• τους δε εκ της νή- σου ληφθεντας — άτιμους εποίη- σαν , ώστε μήτε άρχειν, μήτε πριαμενους τι η πωλοΰντας κυρί- ους είναι, an instance of the use of the participle after a verb, which properly re- quires the infin., Matth. Gr. Gr. 838. πριν, 7, 39. πριν δι), until, εως, 7 1 . πριν γε δι), till at last, 50 : 3, 9. την πριν ζυμμαγίαν, the former alliance, confe- deracy : 1, 78. πριν εν αύτω Ύΐνίσθαι: 4, 104. 128. πριω, 4, 100. πρ'ισαντες κε- ραίαν, tO Saw. προ, 1, 103. του, previously: 5, 54. προ του Καρνείου μηνός, previous to the Carnean month : 1, 34. προ πολλών χρημάτων, before or in pre- ference to much wealth : 5, 47. (thirty days) before the Olympian games : 7, 55. τά πρ6 αυτών, previously, be- fore : 4, 59. Matth. Gr. Gr. 882.: 3, 51. 4, 59. προάγγελσις, 1, 137. pre- vious intelligence. προαγγελλω, 7, 65. προη -y- -γε\Θη, to be previously dis- closed, reported, to have previous information. προαγορευω, 1, 131. πο\ε- μον, to denounce war, 4, 97. to give warning to quit : 2, 13. πpoηyόpευε, to tell or de- clare beforehand. προάγω, 3, 45. to lead on, propel : 1, 75. προαγαγείν, to advance, raise, 144. προηγα- yov ες τάδε, to advance to this (pitch of greatness,) 6, 18. ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ την πόΧιν, to advance, pro- προαποπεμπω, 3, 25. προα- mote, enlarge, extend (the ποπεμφθηναι, to be sent out interests of:) 7, 7. προαζόμε- beforehand. νος, to bring Over to One's προαποστεΧΧω, 3, 112. προ- side : 8, 87. ίνα τους Φοίνικας αποσταΧέντες, to be previously npoayaywv ες την 'Άσπενοον, despatched, sent off: 3, 5. εκγ^ρηματίσαιτο α,φεις, Matth. προαπεσταΧησαν της αποστά- Gr. Gr. 848. : 2, 90. to draw σεως, to be sent before : 4, forward. 77. προάγω νίζομα ι , 4, 125. έζ ών προαττο^ωρεω, 4, 90. προα- προηγώνισθε, from your pre- πεχώρησαν, to go back, to vious contests. recede. προαισθάνομαι, 1, 135. 3, 83. προάστειον, 3, 102. 4, 69. 5, 58. to get or have pre- 5, 2. a suburb, borough. vious intelligence : 8, 51. προαφικνεομαι, 4, 2. προα- προησθετο. φϊκτο ες ΈικεΧίαν, to arrive προαμυνω, 3, 12. προαμννα- previously. σθαι, to take measures of προαφίστημι, 3, 12. e? τω δο- defence before (the appre- κονμεν αδικείν προαποστάντες δια liended attack :) 4, 38. την εκείνων μεΧΧησιν των ες ημάς προαναζαίνω, 3, 112. προ- δεινών κ, τ. λ., to revolt before ανα&άντες, to ascend first. (the apprehended event,) an προανάγω, 8, 11. 16. προ- instance of the participle's ανηγετο, to sail away before- use, where it serves to ex- hand, press the action with re- προαναΧΙσκω, 1, 141. προ- ierence to which the finite αναλωσειν, to exhaust before- verb determines any condi- hand, fall short in pecuniary tion or quality, Matth. Gr. resources : 7, 81. προαναΧω- Gr. 844. θηναι. προβαίνω, 4, 36. to move προαναγωρησις. 4, 128. τών forward, go previously : 1, Μακεδόνων, a previous de- 23. προυβη, to proceed, ad- parture. vance. προαπαντ"άω, 1, 69. προα- ~ προβάλλω, 1, 73. προβαλλο- παντησαι, to be ready to en- /χενοις, to advance or throw counter : 6, 42. to meet : out (in argument,) 2, 87. to 4, 92. previously. allege, pretend : 3, 63. προαπεργομαι, 3, 17. προα- προβάλλεστε, to advance, ττηλθον, to depart before bring forward as a boast : (some event.) 1, 37. προβέβλί/νται, to pre- προαπόλλυαι, 5, 61. προα- tend. ποΧωνται, to perish before προ^ατον, 2, 14. πρόβατα, (succour arrives :) 6, 77. cattle, 51. 7, 17. sheep. ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ προβουλεύω, 3, 82. 7rpo€ou- λευσας, to provide by pre- vious care : 8, 1. πρυζουλεύ- σονσι, to deliberate. προ*γι."γνομαι, 1, 1. προγεγε- νημενων, previous events, 123. 5, 20. προγιγνωσ^ω, 2, 64. προ- γνοντες, to know or under- stand previously, 65. εν τού- τω προγνούς την δυναμιν, to foresee or previously dis- cern its power, resources in war. προγονοί, 2, 11. 36. ances- tors: 3, 59. 5, 43. 6, 16. προδείκννμι, 3, 47. προδει- ξάντων, to shew, evince, fur- nish a precedent previously. προδηΧοω, 1, 130. προυδη• λου, to disclose prematurely. προδιαβάλλω, 6, 75. προ- διαβαλείν, to anticipate in making charges or accusa- tions. προδία-γι-γνωσκω, 1, 78. 7rpo- διάγνωτε, to think before- hand. προδιαφθείρω, 1, 119. 7rpo<5ta- ψθαρη, to be previously de- stroyed, Matth. Gr. Gr. 429. προδιδασκω, 2, 40. πρόδιδα - χθηναι, to be instructed be- forehand, get previous in- formation. προδίδωμι, 2, 74. προδιδόναι, to desert, 7, 68. to abandon, betray : 5, 65. προδίδονται, to be betrayed : 4, 25. 67. : 5, 30. προίωσειν, to betray : 4, 68. προδεδωκέναΓ, 77. προδοθη- σομενονς *. 3, 63. προδονναι, to betray : 6, 69. προυδίδοσαν βοίλησιν, prockbant, destitue- bant, to abated of (their) alacrity, eagerness. προδοσία, 4, 81. 101. 5, 3. treachery, 110. 116. 8, 31. προδότης, 3, 9. 40, a be- trayer : 4, 114. πρόεδρος, 3, 25. a magi- strate, ruler. προειδω, 1, 83. προϊδωμεν, to foresee: 2, 17. ττροτίδει, to foreknow, foresee : 1, 51. 122. προίδοι, 141. προιδείν, 2, 2. 3,22.4, 62.: 1. 37. προει- δητε, 20. προειδοτος : 2, 51. προειδεναι, to know by ex- perience, 48. προειδως, to be instructed or get information beforehand. προειμι, 2, 21. προάναι ες το εγγυτερω, to advance nearer : 2, 34. προίικη, to surpass, to be pre-eminent : 1, 111. προιων, 64. 2, 18. προείπον, 1, 45. 2, 13. 3, 66. 4,26. 80. 5, 64. to bid, order, give out, proclaim, 7, 5. πασι, προεκθεω, 7, 30. προεκθεοντες, to outrun, run out of the line (of march,) before (the rest of the line,) sally out, charge. προεκφο&ησις, 5, 11. a pre- vious terror. προεμ&άΧλω, 4, 25. προεμζα- λόντων, to give a shock pre- viously. προενοίκησις, 1, 25. a ΙΟΓ- mer habitation. προεξάγω, 7, 70. προεϊ,α^α- -γομενοι, to draw or lead out previously, 7, 6. προεζαγαγώ»/, 37. to draw out previously : 8, 25. προεζάζαντες, to rush on first. ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ προεζειμι, 3, 1. προεξιόντας των οπλών, to advance before the men at arms, the heavy- armed troops. προεξερχομαι, 7, 74. προε- ξελθοντες, to march out pre- viously. προεπαινεω, 3, 38. προεπαι- νεσαι, to praise before, go before (a speaker,) antici- pate with one's praise. προεπανασείω, 5, 17. προε- πανεσείσθϊ|, to be held up in terror, openly put in motion, publicly agitated. ττροεπι€ουλευω, 1, 33. to an- ticipate in plotting. προεπιχειρεω, 6, 34. προεπι- γειρονντας, to make an attack beforehand. προερ^ αζομαι, 2, 89. προειρ- -γασμίνων, former deeds, 7. 66. previous exploits : 8, 65. προερουντα, 1, 29. πολεμον, previously to declare war : 2, 84. προείρητο, to give orders previously, 5, 31. προέρχομαι, 1, 63. 4, 78. προηλθον, to proceed, 1, 10. 2, 30. προελθων, 5, 50. 70. 1, 120. προελθείν, 4, 108. : 2, 21. προελθων ες το πλειον, to ad- Vance further : 1,24. προελ- θόντος χρόνου, in the course of time : 1, 100, προελθόντες ες μεσο^ειαν. προέχω, 6, 18. τον πρού- χοντα, superior, stronger, mightier, 7, 4. προυχουσα του λιμένος, to jut, shoot Out before : 3, 49. προείχε ημεραν και νύκτα μάλιστα, to have nearly a day and night's start, to be nearly a day and night in advance : 2, 87. προέχετε : 8, 35. προυχουσα άκρα, a sharp promontory : 1, 25. ναυτικω και πολύ προε- χειν εστίν δτε επαιοόμενοι, the infin. is put after verbs ' to say,' and all those, in which this idea is implied, thus after επαίρομαι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 800. : 6, 31. προθυμη- θεντος ενός έκαστου, όπως αυτω τινι ευπρέπεια, τε η ναυς προεζει, an instance of the dat. for the gen. in reference to a verb, Matth. 548. : 7, 66. προθνησκω, 2, 52. προτε- θναναι. προθυμεομαι, 5, 71. προθυ- μουμενος, to desire, 7, 70. to be eager: 4, 12. πρού0υμουντο, 5, 16. 8, 6. : 4, 9. προθυμησε- σθαιΐ 5, 17. προυθυμηθη, 4,81. 8, 9. προυθυμηθησαν, 90. την 6λι- ■γαρχιαν προυθυμοΰντο, Matth. Gr. Gr. 599. προθυμία, 1, 74. zeal, 75. 2, 71. : 6, 47. την προθυμίαν ες τους ζνμμάγους, zeal or ala- crity for their allies : 1, 118. vigour : 5, 65. impetuosity, eagerness : 8, 12. energy, 22. zeal. πρόθυμος, 3, 38. prompt, alert : 2, 20. ready, zealous: 1, 7. vigorous : 4, 85. παν το πρόθυμον, every alacrity, all forwardness : 7, 7. μη πρόθυμος ην, to be lukewarm ; 4, 83. προθυμότερο), 5, 37. 6, 6. 7, 1. : 7, 3. ως προθυμότατα, with all possible alacrity, eagerness. προθυμως 9 5, 32. eagerly, ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ with alacrity : 7, 1. heartily, προκαλούμενοι, to make many with zest, 43. valiantly, with fair proposals : 1, 34. προκλη- gallantry : 8, 36. Οεντες k κρίσιν, to be cited : πρόθυρον, 6, 26. a porch, 4, 19. Λακεδαιμόνιοι δέ υμάς froilt-door. προκαλούνται ες σπονδας, 5, 43. προϊημι, 6, 34. προησονται *πι την ζυμμα-χίαν προκαλονμε- τάδε, to neglect : 2, 43. ίρανον νος, instances of a verb, which αυτή προϊίμενοι, to cast or lay taking two accus. has one down a contribution, 51. : explained by a prep., Matth. 1, 120. πρόοιντο, 3, 14. πρόη- 588. σθε ημάς, to abandon, cast off, προκάλυμμα, 2, 75. a cover- this opt. and this conj. of a ing in front: 3, 67. a veil, verb in μι have the form of προκάμνω, 2, 39. to sink, the opt. and conj. of a bary- faint under hardships, 49. tone in ω, Matth. Gr. Gr. προεκαμνεν ί to be previously 287. ' ill of a disorder. προϊστημι, 6, 28. προεστάναι προκατα-γι-γνωσκω, 3, 53. προ- τού δήμου, to have the presi- κατα-γνόντες, to have previous dency, to be in chief autho- knowledge, rity amongst, to bear chief προκαταλαμζάνω, 1, 57. to sway over: 3, 70. προειστηκει, anticipate : 6, 18.: 2, 2. 3, 3. to stand forward : 3, 11. των προκαταλαζεΊν, to prevent, to αεί προεστωτων, chiefs or mi- be beforehand with, 5, 30. : nisters for the time being, 1, 36. προκαταληψονται, to seize successive chiefs: 6,89. προε- first, 3,2. 110. προκαταληψο- στημεν του ζύμπαντος, to pre- μένους, 5, 57. side over, to be at the head προκατα'ρχοααι, 1, 25. προ- of, 2, 65. προυστη της πόλεως : καταρχόμενοι, to begin first (of 8, 17. προεστύσι, chief men. all.) irpoiayw, 1,26. προϊσχόμενοι, προκαταφευ~γω, 2, 91. προκα- to hold out (as an argument ταφυγοΰσαι, to pursue (one's) or inducement,) 3, 66. to flight forward, to fly for- stretch forth, 3, 66. 4, 87. ward, 3, 78. προκατα^εϊν, to προκαθίστημι, 2, 2. ττροκαΑε- take the start in retreating, στηκυίας, to be previously 1, 134. to outstrip pursuers. established, appointed. προκατεχω, 4, 105. προκατα- προκαλεω, 3, 13. προύκάλε- σχείν την πόλιν, to acquire σαν, to invite, solicit : 2, 72. previous possession, get into προκαλείται, to offer condi- one's own hands first, tions, to propound ; προύκα- προκατη-γοαια, an accusa- λεσάμεθα, to invite or put to tion, indictment. the Option, Mattll. Gr. Gr. ττρόκεφαι, 3, 45. πρόκειται, 588.: 74. πολλά και εικότα to be ordained, enacted, 61. ν η ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ ίξω των προκείμενων, besides provident delay : 4, 92. το the subject: 1, 35. προμφες, prudence, sense. προκιν^υνάω, 1, 173. 7, 56. προνικαω, 2, 87. προνενικη- προκινΰυνευσαι, to undergo ΟΓ κίναι. encounter danger for or on προνοίω, 4, 61. προνοζίσθαι behalf of. ταύτα, to be long-sighted, πρόκλησις, 3, 64. a SUU1- foresee : 6, 9. 7τρονοηται του mons. σώματος τι, to take thought π^οκόπτω, 4, 60. προκοπτόν- for, to be provident of, to των, to prepare : 7, 56. π/οο- pay regard to : 3, 38. πρό- κοβα ντες του ναυτικού μέγα μι- νοησαι. ρος, to furnish, provide a πρόνοια, 4, 108. ασφαλεί, large part of the navy, pro- sure prudence : 6, 13. fore- mote, advance, assist very thought : 2, 89. 8, 95. greatly in respect of the προίενία, 5, 43. friendship, fleet. hospitality subsisting be- προκρίνω, 4, 30. πρόκριναν- tween foreigners : 6, 89. υμών, τ*ς, to select previously. a connection of hospitality. προ\αμ£ανω, 4, 33. προΧαμ- προζενος, 3, 2. Αθηναίων, ta -νοντες, to get the start in connected with the Athe- running : 7, 80. προυλα^ε πολ- nians by the ties of hospi- λω, to get the start consi- tality : 2, 39. 85. 3, 70. derably. ττροζυγγίγνομαι, 8, 14. προ- προλέ-γω, l y 139. προνλεγον, ζνγγενόαενοι, to meet with. to give notice. προοίμιον, 3, 104. a hymn. προ\ε'ιπω, 7 , 75. προ\ειποι, προοραω, 4, 34. to see be- to fail, forsake, to be want- fore, 7, 44. : 1, 138. προεωρα, ing prematurely : 1,74. προ- to discover beforehand, to λΐ7τείν, to desert. foresee, 17. εφ εαυτών μόνον προΧο'χίζω, 2, 81. τα περί προορώμενοι, said of the τ^ν πόλιν ίνεδραις^ to place in tyrants, means their own ambush all about the city: concerns, their private in- 3, 110. προλοχιονντας, 112. terests, in opposition to the προλελο-χισμενας, to be pre- regard to the common good, viously ambushed, in am- and is explained by the bUSlL. Words, ες τε το σώμα και ες το προμανθανω, 1, 138. προμα- τον ίδιον οίκον αυζειν, Matth. 0ών, to gain previous instruc- Gr. Gr. 899. tlOn. προορμίζω, 7, 38. προώρμισε, πρόμαντις, 5, 16. a priestess, to moor or station in front. προμήθεια, 4, 62. previous προοφεΊΧω, 1, 32. προοφει- th ought, forethought. Χομένης, to be previously προμηθης, 3, 82. μεΧλησις, a due. ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ πρόοψις, 5, 8. a previous πρόρρησις,Ι, 49. a general's examination, inspection. or admiral's instructions προπαραβάλλω, 7, 5. προπα- from the state, ρεβαλοντο σφίσιν, to lay pre- προς, 5, 45. προς αυτούς, viously in heaps along for against them, 46. τά προς themselves. Άργε/ους, the business of the προπαρασκευάζω, 2, 88. προ- Argives, 1, 73. προς o'lav πόλιν 7ταρεσκεύαζε, to prepare before- ό άγων καταστησεται, against hand, previously: 1,57. προ- what kind of city the con- παρεσκευάζοντο : 1,68. προπα- test will be established, 127. ρεσκευασμενους, προς την πόλιν, in the City, προπάσχω, 6, 38. προπεισε- among the people, 1, 6. προς ται, to be the first to suffer, αλλήλους, to one another, 7, to suffer before (any one is 25. πολλά μηγανασθαι, against aware, expects :) 3, 67. 82. one another, 3, 37. towards προπαθεϊν, to suffer previously, one another : 5, 3. προς τω πρόπεφα, 3, 86. a prelimi- τειχίσματι, at or underneath : nary trial. 3, 37. και προς επιβουλεύοντας προπέμπω, 1, 53. προπεμψαι, for προσέτι, (Duker,) and in to send first, forward, 29. addition to that, besides : 7, προπεμφαντες, 2, 79. 4, 78. : 22. προς τας πέντε εναυμάχουν, 6, 30. προπεμποντες, to wait to fight with or against an upon, accompany, conduct, enemy : 3, 20. προς σφας, on set on their way. their own sides, facing them- προπηλακίΖ,ω, 6, 54. π ροπή- selves : 6, 64. προς παρεσυευα- λακιων, to disgrace, affront, σθένους εκβιβαζειν, to disem- insult, an Attic contraction bark in the face of an enemy : of the fut. Of a verb in ι£ω, 7, 47. εζουλεύοντο προς την γε- Matth. Gr. Gr. 221. ψνημενην ζυμφοραν, conforma- προ'πλους, 6, 44. ναυς, a bly to or on occasion of the ship sent on before the rest present disaster, i. e. as of the fleet. the disaster rendered neces- ποοποιεω, 3, 13. προποιησαι, sary, JVlattn. (jT. LrT. Jlo.l to anticipate, do before, to 7, 3. προς τά τείχη, towards, be beforehand with. facing, opposite, before the προπομπή, 6, 58. ποιείν προ- Works, 31. προς τας, ill addi- πομπάς, agere pompas, to cele- tion to, 57. αύτοΊς, besides, brate, make processions. in addition to, 49. των πολε- προπύλαιον, 2, 13. a pro- μίων, in favour or to the ad- pylseum, vestibule. vantage of: 3, 43. προς τά προπννθάνομαι, 4, 42. προ- μέγιστα λέγειν, to speak on πυθόμενοι, 7, 32. to have pre- occasion of most important vious intelligence, matters, upon or in affairs of ν n 2 ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ moment : 5, 9. προς το παρόν, προς τάδε, now therefore, a on the present occasion, 14, form of conclusion : 7, 1. προς τα παρόντα, 3, 82. το άπορον, τάς ολκάδας τον νουν εχειν, to on occasion of perplexity, fix one's attention upon, have 40. προς το παρόν αντίκα, on one's attention turned upon : account of the present mo- 1, 70. προς τα μέλλοντα, in ment, the condition at the comparison of future acqui- present moment : 1, 65. προς sitions, 71. προς αυτούς, in τή πόλζι, near : 7, 36. προς comparison of them, 3, -37. εαυτών εσεσθαι, to be in any φαυλότεροι προς τους ζυνετωτε- one's favour : 5, 39. προς tap, ρους, in comparison of, 3, 9. at the approach of spring, Ίσοι προς αλλήλους, equal in 56. προς ίαρ ηδη, (it being) comparison of, equal to each now towards spring : 3,38. other,, 3, 113. Matth. Gr. προς των ηΰικηκότων, in favour Gr. 912. : 7, 58. προς τους of, Matth. 910.: 6, 10. προς επελθόντας, in comparison of ούδέι^α της ζυμφοράς ισομοιρεΊ, to the adventitious (force) from share his calamity with no abroad, (thus below, προς One: 7, 8. προς χάριν τι λέγον- απαντάς :) 7, 2. το προς την τος, to speak for favour, in θάλασσαν, towards or next order to curry favour: 7, 3. the sea : 6, 16. προς τους ξε'- προς τω εαυτού τείνει, at ΟΓ νους ισχύς φαίνεται, to or ill under or behind his own the eyes of foreigners ap- works : 7, 1. εχώρει προς τάς pears strength, greatness, i.e. Συρακούσας, to march for Sy- a proof of : 7, 67. προς τάς racuse : 1, 77. προς τους υπη- επιχειρήσεις προθυμίαν παρέχεται, κόους, towards our subjects : gives alacrity, ardour to or 6,22. προς μέρος, 'alternately, for efforts, endeavours: 4, by turns,' Hobbes : pro rata 67. προς ταΐς πυλαις, at, (as a parte, according to the num- cart, which blocks an en- ber employed, as 2 out of trance,) 3, 22. προς τοϊς πόλε- 10, 4 of 20, and so on ; μίοις είησαν, to be near or at 'partly,' but this sense re- the enemy, 1, 62. προς Όλυν- quires the addition of ano- θω, by or near Olynthus : 6, ther 'partly' to answer to the 85. ζυστητε προς αυτούς, to first: 3, 6. τά προς νότον, the combine or unite with them : SOUth-side, side to the SOUth : 7,68. προς άταζίαν και τυχην, 3, 15. την προς ' Αθήνας θάλασ- on account of, seeing that σαν, the sea overagainst, to- such is., their confusion : 6, Wards, near Athens: 6, 86. 50. προς αυτούς λόγους ποιησά- μειίρνι προς την τώνδε ισχυν, Τϊΐα- μένος, With : 6, 13. οροις προς jore quam pro illorum corpore, υμάς, boundaries, limits with or simply, against: 1, 71. respect to, towards another: 12 προ προ 7, 37. προς την ΰνναμιν, with if the former precedes, Μ at th. respect to or according to, 919. : 3, 70. αυτών προς τα to the best of one's power, Ιερά Ικετών καθείομενων, an in- 27. εχειν προς τον πάλεμον, ΪΟ Stance, where the prep, προς keep or retain with a view accompanies the accus., to, for, on account of the which would follow the war : 3, 39. προς το μέλλον verb, although retaining its θρασείς, bold in regard to the intransitive sense, Matth. future: 5, 59. προς τη πόλει, 601. : 4, 15. σπονδάς ποιησα- 111 the direction of the city : σθαι προς τους στρατη-γούς τών 1, 71. προς πολλά Ιεναι, to ap- Αθηναίων, here προς is ren- proach many dangers : 3,21. dered * with,' such phrases προς Πλαταιών, towards or are founded upon the pri- facing the Platseans, 22. mary idea σκοπείν προς τι, of ασφαλείας της προς τον πηλόν, an aim or direction genc- security as regarded the rally, Matth. 913. mud, against the mud, in προσαγορεύω, 4, 16. προσα- the mud : 7, 78. προς λόφω ηορευόμεθα, to be saluted, τινι, upon a hill : 3, 59. προς accosted, honoured with a «νδρος σοψον εστί, sapientis est, salutation. Matth. 1, 71. δρωμεν δ* αν προσάγω, 2, 89. 8, 3. to αδί /cov ούδεν οντε προς θεών ούτε bring*, add Over ! 4, 100. προς ανθρώπων, a Slgllif. of προση-^α-^ον μηγανην, to apply προς with the gen. is ■ in re- or bring to bear : 3, 63. προ- spect to any thing,' and here σήγεσθε, to be joined in an it denotes wrong in respect attack : 2, 76. προσήκον, 5, 61, to the gods, to the injury of to conduct, 7, 37. τω τείνει, the gods, before the gods, to lead to, 4, 100. : 4, 115. Matth. 910. ; 3, 58. ου προς προσάζεσθαι, to be applied, της υμετέρας δόξης, Matth./. C.l brought to bear, 3, 32. ες 1. 84. αεί δε ως προς ευ βου- ψιλ'ιαν, to bring Over to one's λευομενους τους εναντίους έργω Side I 7 , 55. προση-γοντο : 2, παρασκεναζόμεθα, for προς τους 30. προση-γάγοντο, to bring ε. ώς προς ευ β., whereas the over, reduce under one's prep, is omitted the second power, 3, 55. προση-γάγετο, to time, if put the first, when it associate oneself with an should Stand twice with two ally : 6, 54. π^οσαγάγηται αύ- different nouns, and whereas τον, to win over, get posses- though the second noun be sion of: 6, 22. προσαγαγεσθαί, in apposition to the first, so to enlist : 3, 43. απατή το also the prep, is put with πλήθος προσά-γεσθαι, to COllci- the subst. of apposition, and liate the multitude by arti- not with the principal noun, fice: 1, 76. προσαγθεϊσα κατά ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ το χύμα, to be led along or προσαπόλλυμι, 1, 143. to be by the mound, to be ad- destroyed in addition : 7, 71. vanced towards : 3, 95. προ- προσαπώΧΧυντο, to perish be- σαχθηναι, to be compelled to sides, in addition to. join : 4, 87. προσαγβησεσθε : 8, προσαποστέλλω, 4, 108. to 44. προσα&σθαι, to bring over transmit to. to: 2, 77. προσαγβείη, Matth. προσαφιστημι, 4, 117. irpo- Gr. Gr. 786. : 2, 97. φόρος τε σαποστησαι, to seduce to re- εκ πάσης της βαρβάρου και των VOJt. Ελληνίδων πόλεων, όσον προση- " προσ^αινω, 3, 22. προσζαί- ξαν επι Σεύθου, aor. 1., a tense νοιεν, to ascend, go up: 7, not commonly used by good 43. προσ€άντες. writers, Matth. 311. προσβάλλω, 4, 29. προσ€άλ- π^οσαγωγί, 1, 82. an ac- Χοντας, to attack or throw cession. darts : 5, 3. 10. προσβαλόντα, προσαγωγός, 1, 21. ως Xoyo- to charge, 2, 56. 68. 8, 10. Γ γράφοι ζννεθεσαν επι το προσα• 6, 4. προσέβαλον Σικελία, to ^ω^ότερον τη ακρόαση η αΧηθε- bring to or touch at : 2, 79. στερον, the more seductive, 4, 4. προσ&αΧΧον, 11. : 3, 22. alluring, captivating, where προσέβαλον τω τείχει, to attack two adjectives are com- or assault a wall, 52. : 8. 2. pared with each other, so as προσζάΧγ : 8, 20. 3 1 . προσ- to signify that any one pro- €αλών. perty or quality is found in ττρόσβασις, 6, 96. an ap- a higher degree in one thing proach, έφοδος, aditus. than in another, both adjs. προσ&άΊω, 1, 106. προσβια- are put in the compar., σθεν, to be driven violently Matth. Gr. Gr. 661. forward on their way. προσαιρέω, 7, 16. προσειΧοντο, προσβοηθέω, 1, 50. προσ^,ε- to associate, choose in addi- ζοηθηκει, to bring aid, 2, 25. tion, 5, 63. to choose, elect: 3, 6. προσζεζοηθηκότες : 2, 22. 4, 29. προσελομενος. 25. προσ^οηθησαντες, 79. : 6, προσανα-γκαζω, 4, 87. άκοντα, 69. οια σπουδής προσ^οηθοΰντες to compel : 5, 42. προσανα -y- δρόαω, to run hastily (to the κάσειν l 3, 61. προσηναγκά- line:) 8, 23. προσέ&οηθησαν. ζοντο, to be constrained. προσβολή, 2, 4. 18. an προσαναιρεω, 7, 28. προσανεί- assault, 4, 23. 115. 5, 61.: λοντο, to take up in hand, 3, 1. ιππέων, an attack or undertake, in addition. charge of cavalry : 6, 48. an προσάναμι, 7, 44. προσανψι, approach or access to, a to advance, or come up. descent upon : 4, 1. της Σικε- προσάντης, 4, 43. steep. ΧΊας, the key of Sicily, 7, 4. ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ the approach to or entrance self belongs : 8, 9. ττροσδεχό- 01, 70. al προσζολαι, ως τυγοι μενοι, to expect, 28. ! 6, 46. ναυς νηϊ προσπεσουσα, η δια τύ προσδιαβάλλω, 6, 75. a false φευγειν η αλλ ρ ε7π7τλεΌυσα, 7τυ- lection for προδια€άλλω. κνότεραι ήσαν, Matth. Gr. Gr. προσδοκία, 4, 34. 6, 49. ex- 944. pectation: 7, 12. προσδοκία» προσψ-^νομαι, 1, 33. προσγε- 7ταρεχειν, to Cause expecta- νέσθαι, to be added (to one's tion, give occasion to ex- stock,) 5, 61. 31. προσγενόαε- pect, keep in expectation, vov, 7, 14. προσψνησεται, to apprehension : 2, 93. ττροσδο- accrue : 7, 50. προσγεγενημε- κια ουδεμία ην αη αν ποτέ ol πο- νην, 6, 6. 8, 2. : 1, 142, λεαιοι εξαπιναίως ούτως επιπλεύ- προσοει, 3, 13. ουπερ ύμιν σειαν, επει ούδ' άπό του προφα- μάλιστα προσδεΐ, of which you νους τολαησαι αν καθ' ησυχίαν, have most need: 1, 68. προ- ουδέ, ει διενοουντο, μη ουκ αν σεδει, 6, 21. ων, what there is προαισθέσθαι, the accus. with occasion for or need of: 1, the infin. being put especi- 77. ουδέν προσδεονται δίκαζε- ally after verbs λέγειν, αγγελ- σθαι, to stand in no need of λειν, &c. here it is put be- going to law, 1, 102. 4, 10. cause in προσδοκία the idea to demand, want : 2, 65. of ' to mean' is contained, προσεδεϊτο, to require, to be Matth. Gr. Gr. 811. see too in need of, 41. 923. προσδεγομαι, 3, 95. ως ου προσδόκιμος, 1, 14. expect- ττροσεδεξαντο, as they did not ed : 7, 25. ώς και των Ά. προσ- consent to or admit the pro- δοκίμων, since or because posal, 2, 17. τουναντίον ξυαβη- also the Athenians were ex- ναι η προσεδεχοντο, to turn Out pected. contrary to expectation: 3, προσεδρεία, 1, 126. sitting 13. προσδεξααενων, to admit down (before a town with or receive (into alliance,) 15, an intention to take it.) τους λόγους, to approve what πρόσειμι, 4, 85. πρόσεισι^ another has said, allow his εμοι, to join to my standard, reasons : 8, 6. προσεδεζαντο, 1, 40. : 4, 17. ττροσείη : 2, 61. 2, 70. to accept terms, 3, 2. προσεΐναί μοι και μεσως, to be- to receive or take under long even in a moderate de- one's protection, into one's gree to me, 4, 87. : 5, 104. alliance (a city revolting προσεσεσθαι, 6, 20. νμϊν, to be from a rival state,) 2, 12. to present to, at any one's side, admit : 2, 11. προσδεχεσθαι το to join : 2, 60. προσόντος, 4, καθ' αυτόν αεί, to be always 3. : 2, 81. πρόσδεσαν, 47. to go expecting his own division, near, to visit: 1,39. προσάναι, — the post, to which he him- to come to, approach. ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ προσείω, 6, 86. προσειοντες φό€ον } to hold up to view, place before one's eyes, in- Clltere, επανατεινομενοι. προσεΧαννω, 6, 63. προσεΧαυ- νοντες, to ride up : 4, 72. προσεΧασαντες. προσεζευρισκω, 2, 76. προ- σεζενρον, to devise (any thing) additional against (an enemy.) προσεπιστέΧΧω, 2, 85. προ- σεπέστειλαν, to order in addi- tion to : 1, 132. προσεπεστάΧθαι, to be enjoined (as a post- script to a letter.) προσέρχομαι, 2, 89. 4, 121. προσηργοντο, to approach : 5, 59. προσεΧθόντε : 4, 70. προ- σήλθε : 1,75. 172. προσεΧθόν- τες : 7, 53. προσεΧθεϊν, προσέτι, 4, 120. in addition: 1, 35. moreover. προσέξω, 7, 23. προσεγον- των, to apply, 7, 4. προσζϊγζ τω πολέμω, to apply, pay at- tention to, 1, 15. πμοσχόντες : 1, 127. προσεγόμενον αυτω, to be connected with or re- lated to : 3, 32. προσγων, to touch at (as a ship,) 4, 11. 30. : 7, 15. προσεγη την γνώ-\ μην, to apply, direct, 1, 95. προσηκω, 3, 40. to belong or appertain to, to be any one's right, 2, 89. προσήκον : 2, 34. προσηκου&αι, relations, 1, 128. : 6, 82. ούδεν προσή- κον, impers. cum nihil causa insit, as Ιξον, δέον, &c. : 6, 84. προσηκετε ημίν, n07l alicril est'lS nobis, i. e. you are of impor- tance to US, 83. την προσηκου- σαν σωτηρ'ιαν εκπορίΐ,εσθαι, to seek or provide one's own security : 2, 6. της μη προση- κούσης όρεγόμενον, to affect, lay claim to, to arrogate what does not belong to One, 43. τη μη προσηκουση yy, foreign land, opposed to οικεία., one's native land : 6, 14. προσηκειν σοι, to be one's duty, to belong to one ; 4, 92. προσήκουσας αρετάς. προσηνής, 6, 77. blandus, favourable, suitable, fit. προσθεν, 7, 43. ες το προσθεν εγωρονν, to push forward. προσθέω, 4, 33, προσθεοντες, to run against. προσιημι, 4, 38. προσιεσθαι, to accede, conform. προσιππευω, 2, 79. προσιπ- πευοντες, to ride up. προσισγω, 4, 30. See προσεγω. προσκαθεζομαι, 1, 11. 26. 61. προσκαθεζόμενοι, to Sit down before (a town to besiege it,) 126. 134. 5, 61. προσκάθημαι, 8, 11. προσκα- θημενονς, stationing them- selves, 7, 48. : 6, 89. to be at (the gates :) 7, 47. προσκα- θησθαι, 49. προσκαλέω, 1, 87. προσκαΧε- σαντες, to call in (to an as- sembly :) 4, 91. προσκαΧων εκάστους, to call up : 3, 34. προσκαΧεσάμενος ες Xoyoυς, to invite to a conference : 3, 6. προσεκαΧουν. προσκαταΧείπω, 4, 62. προσ- καταΧιπεΐν, to leave behind : ΠΡΟ προ 2, 36. προσκατελιπον, to be- ρίαν '. 7, Ι. προσλαζόντες, 8, 2. queath in addition, (some- ττοοσελαβον: 1,57.ττροσλάβωσϋ/. thing) additional. προσμένω, 6, 44. ττροσεμενον, προσκατη-γορεω, 3, 42. προσ- to wait for. κατηγοροΰντες, to accuse of, προσμί^ννμι, 4, 85. προσμί- charge with. ζαι, to encounter, 7, 22. to πρόσκειμαι, 1, 93. προσεκειτο, join, unite, 1, 111. 3, 29. 7, 29. to come up, invade, προσμΐζαντες, 7, 52.: 2, 39. 30. 42. to advance against : προσμίζωσί τινι, to engage with 6, 89. rw &ψω, to incline, (in battle:) 7, 39. 68. 70. lean tO : 7, 50. προσκείμενος προσεμισ-γον, 3, 22. : 1, 45. θειασμω, to be devoted to, 2, πρόσεξαν, to approach, near, 84.; 7, 18. to importune, 41.; 3, 22. ™ τύχει : 6, 69. urge, press : 4, 33. ττροσκε- προσμίζειε, 104. οίντο. πρόσμιξις, 5, 72. an onset, προσκομίζω, 1, 50. προσκο- engagement. μισαι, to Convey, 54. προσκο- προσμισθόω, 2, 33. προσεμι- μίσασθαι, 51. προσκομισθεϊσαιΐ σθωσατο, to hire additional 4, 115. προσκομιειν την μηχα- forces, 7, 19. προσμισθωσάμενοι. νην, to apply, lodge. προσνενω, 3, 112. προσενεν- προσκεπτομαι, 3, 57. προσκί- σαν, to swim towards. ψασθε, to Consider, reflect. προσξυλλαμ€άνω,3,36. προσ- προσκοπεω,1,120.προσκοπεΐν ζυνελάβοντο, to contribute in τά κοινά, to keep a watchful addition. eye Over: 3, 83. προσεσκοπονν προσζννοικεω, 6, 2.7τροσξυνω- μή παθεΐν, to provide against κησαν, to take up one's abode suffering: 4, 61. προσκοποΰμεν. with, reside, live with. προσκοπη, 1, 116. a look- πρόσοδος, 1 , 4. tribute, ill- out, reconnoitre, come, 13. 2, 13. των χρημάτων, προσκτάομαι,β, 18. προσκτω- an income of money, reve- μενοι, to acquire in addition : nue, 4, 108. 7, 28. : an ap- 2, 62. π ροσ κεκτημένα, what proach,/!, 10. ετηρονν την προ- they already possess : 4, 95. σοδον, to watch one's coming: προσκτασθε τηνΒε : 6, 24. προσ- 3,31. πρόσο^ον νφελωσι, to Cut κτησασθαι ΰύναμιν, to acquire off a (source of) revenue : 6, dominion, empire. 91. τάς προσόδους άποστερησον- πρόσκωπος, 1, 10. a rower» ται, a verb, which in the boatman, sailor. act. governs two accus,, here προσλαμβάνω, 1, 35. 36. προσ- takes in the pass, one accus., λα€εΓν, to add, gain (to one- viz. of the thing, Matth. Gr. self,) 5, 53. to take posses- Gr. 604. sion of in addition : 2, 7. προσοικεω, 5, 51. προσοικοΰν- προσληφεσθαι,ϋ, 18. την εμπει- τα, to neighbour, border: 1, ο ο ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ 24. προσοικονσι δ αυτήν ΎαΧαν- Upon Ι 7, 23. προσπεσων, 63. τιοι, the aCCUS. is put here 3, 30. προσπεσοιμεν". 5, 9. 7τροσ- on account of the prep., with πεσονμαι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 355. : which the verb is compound- 2, 71. προσπεσεϊσθαι, to strike ed, it follows the less com- against, fall, light upon : 2, mon Construction in that the 75. 7Γροσε7Γΐ7ΓΓε to χω^α, to prep, is not repeated, more- overcharge, bear against, 84. over this verb is more fre- to fall foul of, 3, 78. : 7, 7. quently constructed with the προσπεσοι ναΰς νηί, to close dat., Matth. Gr. Gr. 610. with, fall upon : 2, 4. προσπί- 7τροσοικο$ομέω, 2, 76. πρόσω- πτοιεν '. 4, 68. προσπεπτωκοτων . καθόμουν, to build an addi- προσπΧεω, 7, 2. to sail to- tional (wall,) or simply, to wards, to be on their pas- build : 6, 54. προσοικοΰομνσας, sage, 4. 8, 14.: 8, 19. προσε- tO build in addition, add to πΧει, 10. προσπΧενσαντες, 6, a building. 50. to sail up, approach, 7, πρόσοικος > \ } 7. a neigh- 20. 74. ταϊς ναυσί. bour, 24. προσπΧηρόω, 7,34. προσττλ^- προσομιΧεω, 2, 37. προσομι- ρωσαντες, to man in addition, λονντες, to associate or con- equip additional ships, 8, 10. verse with: 1, 122. προσομι- προσποιεω, 2, 2. to put in λησας. the hands of, under subjec- προσόρμισις, 4, 10. Coming tion to, 4, 47. προσπονησαι I 2, to port, anchorage. 85. προσποιησειν, 33. προσποιη- προσοφείΧω, 7, 48. to Owe, σασθαι, to reduce, get pOS- to be indebted. session of, 30. 1, 137. 4, 77.: πρόσοψις, 2, 89. a View, a 1, 57. προσεποιείτο, 38. clear sight of: 4, 29. προσποίησις, 2, 62. 3, 82. προσπαρακαΧεω, 2, 68. προσ- και σφίσιν αυτοίς εκ του αυτόν παρακαΧέσαντες, to Call in ad- προσποιησει, for the purpose of ditional (assistance,) 1, 67. acquiring additional power to summon together. to themselves from the same προσπαρεγω, 1, 9. προσπαρα- (thing.) σχών, to lend besides. προσποΧεμεω, 7, 51. to make προσπελάζω, 7, 73. προσπε- war upon. Χάσαντες, a false lection, S€e προσποΧεμωσασθαι Λεσ€ον, 3, Duker. 3. to have Lesbos added to προσπέμπω, 7, 3. προσπψπει the number of enemies. ^ κήρυκα, to send to, 35. προσ- προσταΧαιπωρεω , 2, 53. to πψφαντες. take pains, undergo labours, προσπεριζάΧΧω, 5 3 2. προσ- hardships. περιί&αΧε, to cast about, πρόσταζις, 8, 3. a command. throw around : 8, 40. προστασία, 6, 89. aut im~ προσπίπτω , 4 ; 25. to fall perium, quo aliis prcesumus, ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ aut tutela, patrocinlum : 2, opinion of, concur in opinion 80. ετησίω, an annual magis- with, 5, 62.: 1, 78. πρόσθησθε, tracy, 65. του δήμου, the first to impose upon (oneself,) place in the government. add to what one already προστάσσω, 8, 5„ προσεταζε, has : 2, 37. προστιθέμενοι τη to command, 3, 16. ναύαρχου, όψει, to assume or put on in to appoint admiral, 3, 26. 5, one's aspect, countenance, 8. 7τοοστά£ας, 7, 19.: 7, 70. to to wear a countenance of, in be Stationed, προσετετακτο, 8, one's looks: 3, 67. προσθησον- 8. to be appointed : 5, 75. τες, to bring forward : 3, 23. προσεταγβησαν, 6, 31. : 1, 136. προσθεντες κλίμακας από του τε'ι- προστεταγμενων, to be appoint- χους τοϊς πϋργοις, to apply Or ed, 6, 42. στρατηγώ, to be as- set ladders from the wall to signed to a leader, 8, 26. or against the towers : 5, 11. προσταγθεΐσαι. . προσέθεσαν, to attribute: 8,48. προστάτης, 3, 75. 6, 35. δη- προσθεμενον, to be joined to. μου, chief of the democratical προστυγγάνω, 1, 97. τους faction, leading man among άεϊ προστυγχανόντας, whoever the people, 4, 66. chanced to oppose them. προστανρόω, 6, 75. προεσταυ- προσφερης, 1, 49. Similar, ρωσαν την θάλασσαν, vallis s. pa- resembling. lisinterramdepactisprcemunio, προσφέρω, 1, 93. προσεφερο v> to drive piles into the sea, to to carry to, 57. λόγους, to construct works of defence treat with, 138. 2, 58. μηχα- on the sea-coast, fortify νάς τ# Ποτίδαια, to apply en against an attack. gines to : 2, 70. προσφερουσι προστειχίζω, 6, 3. προστειχι- λογούς περ\ ξυμβάσεως, to speak σθεϊσα, to take in, surround, with about, make proposals encompass (additional space) or offer terms for : 4, 18. with a wall. προσφεροιντο : 5, 105. προσφε- προστελεω, 6, 31 . προσετετε- ρονται, to conduct oneself, 2, λεκει, to disburse^ expend, 3. προσφερωνται, to make an lay out. attack upon, to assail : 6, προστίθημι, 3, 42. προστιθεναι 44. προσοίσονται, to manage τιμήν, to add or confer ad- matters, conduct oneself, ditional honour: 8, 17.προσ- προσφιλής, 1, 92. friendly: θεΐναι, to gain for : 2, 35. τψ 5, 40. προσφιλέστατοι, most νομω, to add a clause to an agreeable, best calculated to act, make an addition to the please. law : 3, 39. ολίγοις η αιτία προσ- πρόσφορος, 2, 65. fit, COn- τεθγ, to be laid upon : 6, 50. ducive, 7, 62. serviceable, προσεθετο τύι Άλ/αβιάδου γνώμη, useful, Matth. Gr. Gr. 635. : to join (oneself) to the side, 1, 125. necessary, requisite. ο ο 2 ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ πρόσχημα,- 1, 96. a pre- resolution by means of the tence, pretext, 3, 82. 5, 30. finite verb, Matth. 923. προσχόω,, 2, 75. προσεχουτο, πρόσγωρος, 8, 11., a neigh- to raise a mound over against, bour. near, opposite. πρόσγωσις, 2, 77. the adja- 7ΐγ>οσχωρείι>, 7, 1. to join : cent mound. 2, 79. προσχωρησειεν, to SU1'- πρόσωπον, 1, 106. /carci, at render, 2, 2. to come over, the mouth or entrance : 6, join : 1, 103. προσεγωρησαν : 27. a face. 5, 27. προσχωρήσεσθαί : 4, 71. προτάσσω, 3,52. προταζαν- προσγωρησαι '. 3, 7. προσέχω- τες, to appoint. ρουν, to yield, submit, come προτείγισμα, 7, 43. an out- over to, surrender, 3, 32. to work, redoubt, advance to, approach : 3, 13. προτεμενισμα, 1, 134. the προσγωρησεται, to come over : entrance to a temple. 6, 52. 72. προσχω^αοίεν : 8, 25. προτεραίος, 1, 54. τη προτε- προσγ^ωρησειν, 31. προσχωρειν, ραία. (SC. -ήμερα, J on the day to attach (themselves) to : 1, before. 71. ει δε προσεχωρησαμεν προτε- προτερεω, 1, 33. προτερησαι, ρον τω Μηδω, δε/σαντες ωσπερ to anticipate, to be before- κα\ άλλοι, περί τη «χωρά, η μη hand With. ετοΧμησαμεν ύστερον εσβηναι ες πρότερος, 5, 1. προτέρου, τάς νανς, ως διεφθαρμένοι, ούδεν formerly, before, 40. : 1, 28. αν ετι έδει υμάς, μη έχοντας νανς πρότερον δε, but before then I ικανάς, ναυμαχειν, άλλα καθ ησν- 1, 9. 3, 12. χίαν αν αυτω προεχορησε τα προτίθημι, 2, 46. προτιθεισα, πράγματα, y εύούλετο, the indie, to propose, hold out, 34. is here used of the aor. twice προτίθενται, to lay out : 3, 39. With ει alone in the premises, προθεΐναι Ίσγυν του δικαίου, to and αν in the conclusion, set might before right, to when the condition and con- set higher, the gen. is used sequence are both past ac- after verbs compounded with tions, whose relation to each a prep., which governs the other shews that any action gen., when as here the prep, whatever would have taken, may be separated from the if another had happened, verb and placed before the when in Latin the plusq. case without altering the perf. conj. is put twice, verb's meaning, Matth. Gr. Matth. Gr. Gr. 745. : 2, 80. Gr. 526. : 1, 139. προίτίθεσαν νομιζοντες ει πρωτην ταυτην λά- τάς -ννωμας σφίσιν αυτοις, ίο ζοιεν, ραδίως αν σφίσι ταλλα deliver their sentiments one προσγωρησειν, αν here gives among another: 6, 14. προτί- the infin. the same signif. as 0«, Matth. Gr. Gr. 280. the opt. would have in the προτιμάω, 3, 82. προτιμήσει, I ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ to prefer : 1, 133. πρβτιμηθε'ιη, 2,49. απ ουδεμίας προφάσεως, to be distinguished with a without or from no apparent mark of preference : 2, 42. cause : 6, 33. πρόφασιν μεν, προτιμησας, to value more under the pretext, (used ad- than, to prefer : 1, 120. 2, 37. verbially as αρχήν, and op- 6, 9. 8, 64. posed to το δέ αληθές, in truth, προτψωρεω, 1,74. ττροετψω- reality,) Matth. Gr. Gr. 569. : ρησατε, to honour chiefly. 6, 76. προφάσει μεν — διανο/α προτολμάω, 3, 84. προετολ- δε, apparently, but really, — μηθη, to be first dared, per- under the pretence, but with petrated. the purpose. προτρέπω, 5, 16. προτρεφαι, προφέρω, 7, 64. 77. to ex- to work a change upon, to eel, exceed, 1, 123. προφε- COllvert, persuade. ρετε : 5, 17. π ροενε -y κοντών, to πρότριτα, 2, 34. three days submit, proffer, bring before: before, the third day. 1, 93. μέγα προψίρειν, to con- προνπάργω, 2, 85. προνπαρ- duce much, greatly, towards: -χρυσής, which they had be- 3, 59. προφερόμενοι, to bring fore, 1, 138. 5, 83. : 3, 40. πρου- forward, 7, 69. to be brought πάρζαντες, to commence first, forward, to be urged (as a προνπτος, 5, 99. manifest. topic.) προυρ-γιαίτερον, 3, 109. το προφθανω, 3, 69. προφθασωσι, εαυτών προνρ^ια'ιτερον εποίησαν, to get the start of, to antici- to attend to their own in- pate: 8, 51. προφθάσας. terest in preference to the προφυλακή, 4, 30. the ad- common good. vanced guard. προυργου, 4, 17. τιτών προυρ- προφυλακις, 1, 117. ναυς, -γου, something of conse- the guard-ship. quence, important. προφύλαζ, 3, 112. the pic- προφανης, 2, 35. αττο του quet guard. προφανούς, openly, 8, 8. .' 5,9. προφυλάσσω, 6, 38. προφυ- προφασΐίομαι, 6, 25. to prac- λάζασθαι, to take precautions, tise evasions, make pretexts πρόχειρος, at hand, ready (for not doing any thing :) 1, at hand. 90. προυφασΐζετο '. 5, 54. πρου- προγωρεω, 2, 12. 19. 58. 5, φασίσαντο I 8, 33. προφασισθεν, 54. προυγωρει, to be fa\ T OUr- to be feigned or contrived able, auspicious, 6, 74. : 7, as a pretext. 7. προγωρη I 2, 56. προυχώρησε, πρόφασις, 1, 133. 3, 9. a 3, 81. : 3, 4. προχωρησειν, to cause, motive, colour, pre- succeed, turn out well : 4, text, 13.: 5,22.80. a pretext: 73. προυκεχωρ-ηκει, 3, 57.4, 3, 39. βραχεία, προφάσει απο- 125. 5, 10, 1, 87. 7, 30. : 1, στησεσθαι, to revolt On a Weak 109. ως δε αυτω ου προυχωρει, a or slight pretext, 1, 141.: case where the nomin. is not ΠΡΥ ΠΥΡ expressed, is when το π pay μα πταρμος, 2, 49. sneezing, may be considered the sub- πυ-γμη, 1,6. boxing. ject, Matth. Gr. Gr. 427. πυκνός, 1, 23. πυκνότερα, πρνμνα, 1, 51. the stern (of more frequent, a ship.) πυκνότης, 5, 71. denseness. πρυτάνεων, 2, 15. a house πύλη, 2, 2. 5, 10. a gate, of assembly, court for public 7, 29. 51. κατά τινας πύλας, by business, common-hall. a certain gate. πρυτανεύω, 4, 118. επρυτά- πυλις, 4, 110. a gate : 6, νευε, to preside. 51. a postern, little gate: πρυτανις, 4, 118. a presi- 8, 92. dent. ττυνθάνομαι, 1, 5. to ask or πρωί, 4, 6. early: 7, 39. make enquiries: 7, 1. to πρωϊα/τερον, earlier : 7, 19. learn (by enquiry,) 12. to πρωϊαίτατα, most early : 8, 101. know, to learn, 36. 5, 4. 42. : πρωίτερον, Matth. Gr. Gr. 101. 7,4. επυνθάνετο, 67. πεπυσθκιι πρώρα, 2, 83. the prOW (of σαφώς : 7, 51. πυθόμενοι, 44. a ship.) πυθεσθαι, to distinguish, dis- πρωραθεν, 7,36. τα πρώρα- cern, understand : 8, 51. πε- θεν αυτοις, Ζ. q. τάς αυτών π ρω- πυσμενος Ι 4, 6. ως επυθοντο της ρας, the (parts) at or about Πύλου κατειλημμένης, the use the prow. of the gen. after the verb πρώτος, 1, 75. το πρώτον, in πυνθάνεσθαι, instead of the the first (instance,) 4, 94. accus., from the analogy και ώς τ6 πρώτον, and when to verbs of e considering, once, 97. at once, immedi- reflecting, understanding/ ately, 5, 2. : 7, 43. πρώτοι which have genitives, Matth. φυλακές ήσαν, at first, from the Gr. Gr. 467. : 4, 29. πυνθα- nrst, 87.: 3,55* τη πρώτη στήλη, νομενος την αποβασιν αυτόν ες the fore part or upper end of την νησον ΰιανοεϊσθαι, 4, 105. the column : 4, 125. τοίς τών πυνθανόμενος — εγειν, 7, 25. ίη- εναντίων πρώτοις, the van of stances of the infin. being the enemies : 3, 56. τιμηθεντες employed after this verb, ες τα. πρώτα, to be honoured which requires its object in by the first (distinctions,) 81. the participle. Matth. 836. πρωτοστάτης, 7, 71. the first πυρ, 7, 53. fire : 4, 111. soldier in the front rank, πυρά, 2, 52. αλλότριας, other (beginning at either end.) men's funeral piles. πταίω, 1, 122. to stumble, πύρ-γος, 2, 17. κατεσκευάσαντο err: 8, 11. ίπταισαν, to fail : εν τοϊς πυργοις, to take up their 5, 16. πταίσειαν : 6, 33. περί abode or have their dwelling σφίσιν αυτοϊς πταισωσιν, to mis- in towers : 7, 25. carry by their own fault, 12. πυρός, 6, 22. wheat. πταίσαντάς : 2, 43. πυρφοροις όϊστοίς, 2, 75. fiery ΠΥΣ ΡΗΤ arrows, igniferous or fire- πωλέω, 5,34. to sell, 7,39.: bearing missiles. 2, 60. τα ζυμπαντα τούτου ενός πνστις, 1, 5. a question, αν πωλοΐτο, all will be sold 136. κατά πυστιν, by means of for this one thing, a rumour : 3, 82. fame, report. πώποτε, 1, 20. at any time, πω, 1, 3. 8, 8. an encli- ever: 5, 111. tic, quodammodo, alicunde, in πώς, 4, 92. πώς ού χρτ), to some measure, respect, ever, be most especially requisite : yet. 2, 60. P. *Ρα€δοΰχος, 5, 50. marshal told, announced, 3, 49. των of the lists. -γνωμών, to be delivered, 5, ράδιος, 4, 108. πάροδος, 60. τα ρηθεντα, the proposi- easy : 7, 75. easy (to be tions made or spoken, 69. borne, of sorrow :) 6, 17. καλώς, to be eloquently spo- ραδίας εχουσι μετα^ολάς, easily ken, 2, 72. 3, 16.: 1, 3. εϊρηκε, to admit changes, 21. 8, 87. to speak the word, to men- /όαοΥως, 1, 2. 4, 100. easily, tion, 9. tO say, 10. ε'ιρηκασι, 2, without difficulty: 5, 37.7,77. 35. εφηκότων, to speak, make ραθυμία, 2, 39. a State of an oration : 5, 91. τους λόγους mind free from cares and εροΰμεν : 6, 34. εΊρησεται, to occupations, relaxation of * say, utter : 8, 11. έίρηται, to mind. be commanded, 1, 35. to be ράων, 7, 4. easier : 1, 57. stated (as a condition in a paov av, it would be easier: treaty,) 5, 10. to be directed: 6, 20. ράω, better, 42. αργειν: 4,77. είρητο, to be appointed, 5, 36. 8, 89. : 4, 10. ραστοι, 7, 4. to be given in com- with the greatest facility, mand, 10. 5, 58. : 5, 39. εφη- Matth. Gr. Gr. 403. : 7, 67. μενον, to be stipulated, 1,21. ράσται ες το βλάπτεσθαι, easiest to be stated, advanced, 140. to be injured, 4, 28. 5, 35. 37. Matth. Gr. ραστώνη, 1, 120. luxurious Gr. 864. : 7, 69. ουπω ικανά ease. εφησθαι, that not enough had ραχία, 4, 10. the pebbly been said, 5, 30. to be stipu- shore. lated. ρείθρον, 7, 74. a stream, ρησις, 5, 85, a continued brook. oration. ρεΰμα, 4, 75. a torrent : 3, ρητός, 2, 70. αργυρίου τι 116. a stream. ρητον εφόδιον, a specified sum ρεω, 1, 46. ρέων, to flow, 3, for expences on the road, 49. 8, 66. for the journey, 4, 69. : 4, ρίω, 2, 5. ρφάσης, to be 76. εν νμψα pury, on an ap- ΡΙΠ ΣΑΤ pointed or stated day, 6, 29. : 1, 122. επϊ ρητοΐς, ac- cording to previous calcula- tion. ριπτεω, 2, 49. ηΰιστα, to, plunge with most delight, to be most delighted to plunge. ρίπτω, 2, 4. έρριψαν, to throw : 7, 44. ρίπτοντες, to cast, precipitate. ρόθιον, 4, 10. foam of the sea, dashing, spray. ρους, 1, 54. the current, tide. ροπή, 5, 103. ασθενμς τε και επι ροπής μιας οντες, 171 UtllCO (rerum) momento positi, de- pendent on a single turn of the scales. ροώΰης, 4, 24. tumultUOUS, boisterous. ρυαζ, 4, 98. a streamlet : 3, 116. του πυρός, a stream of fire. ρυθμός, 5, 70. μετά ρυθμού, in concert. ρύμη, 2, 76. impetus, vio- lence, 81. impetuosity ; 7, 70. a charge, shock. ρύομαι, 5, 63. ρύσεσθαι, to purge away from ^oneself charges, accusations. ρύω, 3, 116. ερρύη, to flow, 2, 5. ο yap Ασωπός ποταμός ερρύη μέγας, to pour a great flood, to be swollen, aor. 2, from ρεύσω, quasi from ρύω, a form of ρεω, Matth. Gr. Gr. 361. ρώμη, 2, 43. hardihood, man- fulness, strength of nerve, 1 , 49. strength, 5, 14. 6, 30. 85. των φίλων, strength, power, 7, 7 1 . Ύ] ρώμη και το σώμα, Vigour and body, i. e. bodily vigour : 7, 63. ευτυ^ουσης. ρώννυμι, 7 , 15. ερρωμην, to be in health, 2, 8. ερρωντο, to strain, to be active, to apply hard, from ρ6ω or ρώω, ρώομαι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 361.: 4, 72. ερρώσθησαν, to be strengthened, confirmed, in- spirited. a*. ΣαΧπηκτης, 6, 69. a trum- peter. σάλττιγξ, 6, 32. a trumpet. Σάμος, 1, 115. των δε ΊΖαμί- ων — διέ€ησαν ες την Ίίάμον, an instance of the use of the gen. put partitive as a sub- ject to the verb, Matth. Gr. Gr. 502. σαφής, 1, 22. το σαφές, the truth, 34. σαφές εστί, it IS clear, manifest : 7, 44. σαφές αυτό κατέστησαν, to make known, to reveal : 3, 13. -γνώναι, clear to be under- stood, manifest to the un- derstanding: 7, 1. σαφεστερονί 1,9. τα σαφέστατα, information most to be depended on, 35. 140. 3, 40. σαφώς, 1, 1. 74. 4, 98. 7, 14. clearly, plainly, intelli- gibly, distinctly, with cer- tainty : 3, 12. εώέναι, to know for certain. σατραπεία, I, 129. a Vice- ΣΒΕ ΣΙΤ royship (in the Persian empire.) σβεννυμι, 2, 77. σβεσαι, to extinguish. σ€εσττ)ριος, 7, 53. extin- guishing, what is capable of extinguishing, preventing flame. σεβω, 2, 53. το μεν κρίνοντες εν ομοίω και σεβειν και μη, ΟΏ. the one hand concluding it to be to the same purpose to wor- ship or not. Some commen- tators refer το μεν to όβος Θέων above, and call the con- struction an Atticism, others refer it differently, some point out the true reference, VIZ. το σέβειν και μη. σεισμός, 1, 100. υπο τον γε- νομένου σεισμού, by the event of the earthquake, 128. 3, 89. 4, 56. 5, 45. 50. : 2, 27. υπο τον σεισμον, at the time of the earthquake : 8, 6. σε/ω, 4, 51. to shake : 2, 6. σεισθεΐσα, to be shaken by an earthquake. σήμα, 1, 93. a tomb, se- pulchral monument, 2, 34. 6, 59. σημαίνω, 5, 10. to give the signal, to sound, 2, 84. σι?- μηνη : 2, 8. σημηναι '. 2, 41. to shew, evince, 45. σημάνω, to express, 6,66. to shew, make manifest, 1, 72. : 2, 43. to declare, testify. σημεϊον, 1, 63. a signal, standard, 7, 34. : 1, 21. a proof, 2, 41. μετά μεγάλων, with signal proofs, mighty signs, 1, 132. φανερον ούδε'ν : 6, 31. an image or figure (on the prow of a ship :) 4, 1 1 1. σθένος, 1, 86. παντί σθενει, with all our might : 5, 23. strength. σιΰηοιος, 4, 4. of or be- longing to iron. σβηρος, 1, 6. 3, 68. 4, 69. iron. σίδηρους, 7, 62. γειρων, grappling irons: 4, 100. σιΰηροφορεω, 1, 6. εσιΰηροφό- ρει, to wear armour, an in- stance of a compound verb derived from a compound adj., which therefore takes the augment at the begin- ning, Matth. Gr. Gr. 208. σιοηρόω, 4, 100. εσεσιδηρωτο, to be lined with iron. Σικελιώτης, 7, 18. a Sicilian Greek. σινΰών, 2, 49. σινίονων, linen clothing. σιταγωγος, 6, 30. Όλκασι, 8, 4. corn-transports, provision- ships. σιτιον, 1, 48. τριών ημερών, provisions or rations for three days, 3, 1 . σιτοΰεία, 4, 36. a want of provision. σιτοδοτεω, 4, 39. εσιτοΰο- τουντο, to be furnished with provision. σιτοποιος, 2, 78. γυναίκες, women to dress food, make bread : 6, 22. a baker, bread- maker. σίτος, 1, 65. 4, 1. 5, 47. 7, 24. corn, grain, provision, supply : 6, 20. χρώνται οίκε'ιω, home-produce, growth, pp ΣΙΩ ΣΟΦ σιωπή, 6, 92. υπεσημάνθη, ίο ζην, to build a tent With a be proclaimed, ordered. partition : 2, €2. σκάπτω, 4, 90. εσκαπτον σκηνή, 2, 34. σκηνην ποίησαν τάφρον, to dig or sink a ditch, τες, to erect a tent. σκάφη, 1,50. the keel or σκην&ων, 6, 37. a small tent, hull of a vessel. σκηπτρον, 1,9. a sceptre, σκ&άνννμι, 4, 112. Ισκτεδάν- regal staff, spear of state. νυντο, to be dispersed about: σκοπεω, 5, 42. εσκόπουν, to 2, 25. 4, 56. εσκεΰασμίνον, 72. investigate, examine, scru- άνά το πεδίον I 1, 74. σκεδα- tinize, 20. σκοπείτω : 6, 11. σ0έντε£. σκοπεϊν, to meditate, look σκεπτεον, 1, 72. to be deli- about, consider : 7, 71. σ /co- berated, considered. πούντων ες το αυτό, to look to, σκέπτομαι, 1, 107. σκεφασθαι, to be regarding or observing to consider, 6, 9. περί αυτόν the same : 3, 12. ορθώς σκο- τουτου, to deliberate about πεΊ, to think justly, consider this very thing, 1, 91. σκεψά- aright: 2, 43. μη λόγω μόνω μενοι : χ 6, 6. σκεφομενους, to την ώφελ/αν, not to regard make inquiries, to examine, or contemplate the utility investigate, 40. to look to, merely in words, (as it is set take care of: 7j 62. εσκεμμένα, forth by the orator :) 6, 12. Considered, Weighed : 1,143. σκοπών το εαυτού μόνον, to σκευάζω, 2, 15. σκεύασα ντων, consider oneself, one's own to furnish, construct : 4, 33. interest solely, 40. εφ εαυτής εσκευασμενοι, to be appointed, σκοπούσα, to Consult by One- accoutred, armed. self (without taking others σκευή, 1,6. fashion, orna- to our counsels:) 8, 24. ment, 8, the fashion, make, εσκόπουν, to deliberate. 130. apparel : 6, 94. equi- σκυλευμα, 4, 44. plunder, page, accoutrements : 1, 10. spoil. μετά σκευών πολεμικών, with σκυΧευω, 5, 74. to plunder, military stores and baggage: rifle, 10. εσκύλευσε, 4, 72. 97. 8, 27. σκυλον, 1, 13. 3, 57. σκΰλα, σκεύος, 7, 24. σκευή, mate- Spoils, 6, 71. rials for building or repairing σκυτάλη, 1, 131. the staff ships, tackle or furniture for which a Spartan carried as ships. a means of secret communi- σκευοφόρος, 2, 79. bearing cation with the generals, baggage: 4, 101. a suttler, σμικρός, 4, 13. small, con- 128. tracted, narrow. σκηνάω, ] , 89. εσκηνησαν, to σόφισμα, 6, 77. COmmentum, be quartered (as a soldier,) an artful measure. 133. σκηνησαμενου ΰιπλην καλν- σοφιστής, 3, 38. a sophist. ΣΟΦ ΣΤΑ σοφός, 3, 59. προς ανδρός Gr. 599. : 1,84. to hurry : σοφον εστί, sapientis est, it be- 6, 79. to endeavour after, longs to a wise man. seek earnestly. σπανίζω, 1,41. σπαν'ισαντες, σπονδή, 1, 3. 2, 6. 4, 118• to be in want of, to run short 5, 36. 8, 9. a treaty : 1,113. Ill : 4, 6. εσπάνι£ον . σπόντας ποιησάμενοι εφ ω τους σπάνιος, scanty, 7, 4. ίίδατι άνδρας /couiovvrat, an instance σπανίω ερωμένοι, to have little of the use of the relative in water for use, a scarcity of this phrase for a conjunction, water : 1, 23. σπανκΌτεοον, sc. ώστε, where also follows rather rarely, not very often, the fut., though the infin. is 33. : 7, 68. σπανιότατοι, most more common, Matth. Gr. rare, seldom occurring : 3, Gr. 692. : 4, 15. εδοξεν αυτοϊς θ6, σπάνιον ην, to be rare. σπονδας ποιησαμενονς τα περί σπάνις, 1, 142. want. Πύλον αποστείλαι ες τάς 'Αθήνας σπάρτον, 4, 48. the roping πρέσβεις, for σπενδεσθαι in the of a bedstead. sense of * making up,' an in- σπασμος, 2, 49. a spasm. stance of the double accus., σπένδω, 6, 32. σπε'νδοντες, to where one is under circum- make or form a libation : 3, locution with ποιεΐσθαι, and 24. εσπίνΰοντο άναίρεσιν τοις where also the object of the νεκροΐς, to treat (by mutual simple verb (σπενδεσθαι) is libations) about a truce for put in the accus., Matth. the taking up of the dead, 5, 590. 19. to be witnesses to : 3, 34. σποράδην, 2, 4. here and εσπείσατο, to covenant, 1,144. there, dispersed up and to engage, 8, 20. : 5, 28. down. σπείσασθαι, to enter into σποράς, 1 , 49. scattered, treaty with, to compound in disorder, 3, 69. With, 2, 73. : 6, 7. σπεισάμενοί σπουδή, 3, 49. του πλου τίνα yjpovov, to make a truce βένετο, to make haste : 4, for a while, a temporary 30. 5, 66. ύπο σπονδές, with truce : 8, 43. 57. speed: 6,31. οπλών, zeal, σπέρμα, 7, 16. seed, off- earnestness about arms, i. e. spring. to surpass others in the ex - σπεύδω, 5,37. ές τα ομοϊα, to cellence of the armour: 7, 77. make to the same end, have της όδου, a hasty march, the same object in view, στάδιον, 1, 63. a furlong, point to the same thing: 6, measure of distance: 7,2.78. 39. ει μη μανθάνετε κακά σπεύ- στασιάζω, 1, 23. οια το στα- Κοντές, to study, contrive, σιάζειν, on account of sedi- where an intrans. verb is tion : 4, 1 . εστασίαζ* : 6, 74. Used transitively, Matth. Gr. στάσις, 3, 2. άνδρες κατά στο- ρ ρ 2 ΣΤΑ ΣΤΗ σιν μηννται yiyvovrai, to be in- formers, give information on account of or from faction, factious motives, by reason of their faction or party, (the Athenians :) 4, 61. 6, 5.38.: 22, 2. άπο της στάσεως εκάτερος, each of the opposite faction, one from each faction, 10. 7,33. στασιωτικος, 3, 18. 7, 57. seditious, troublesome, tu- multuous, revolutionary. στατηρ^Α, 52. a stater. σταυρός, 4, 90. a pile, stake : 7, 25. στανρόω, 6, 100. 7, 25. εσταυρωσαν, to drive piles. σταύρωμα, 5, 10. an en- trenchment, a palisado : 6, 74. 7, 53. στανρωσις, 7, 25. a making of a palisado. στεγανός, 3, 2 1 . εκ όε των πύρ- γων, όντων δι ολίγου και άνωθεν στεγανών, covered above. στεγανώς, 4, 100. under cover. στεγω, 4, 34. to cover : 6, 72. στεγεσθαι, to be concealed, kept secret. στέλλω, 3, 85. εσΓειλαν, to send, despatch : 7, 20. στέμμα, 4, 133. viitCl, a fillet, headband, garland. στενοττορος, 7, 73. στενοπορα των χωρίων, angusta viarum, a narrow way, pass. στενός, 1, 74. εν τω στεν^, in the strait : 4, 8. 7, 44. 51. narrow: 4, 113. Ίσθμγ. στενότης, 4,24. narrowness : I i 7, 62. αρωγά επι τη στενοτητι, advantageous or useful on account of the narrowness. στενοχώρια, 2, 89. 4, 26. 30. 7, 49. 87. want of room, narrow or confined space 7,70. Matth. Gr. Gr. 711. στεργω, 1,38. στερ-γόμεθα, to be loved with natural affection στερ'εω, 4, 54. στερησομεν, t deprive, 20. στερηθηναι, to be deprived, 6, 40. τον παντός κινΰννενσαι. to risk being de- prived of the whole : 2, 62. εστερησθαι : 3, 2. στερησεσθαι Λέσβου, to be deprived of Lesbos : 2, 20. εστερημενους. στερησις, 2, 63. άρχης, loss of empire. στερισκω, 2, 43. στερισκειν την πολίν της σφετερας αρετής, to deprive the city of their valour, 49. στερισκομενοι, to be deprived, 1, 77. 4, 106. στεριφος, 6, 101. στεριφωτα- τον, most firm : 7, 36. στερι- φωτερας, στερομαι, 8, 1. στερομενοι, to be deprived of: 1,70.4, 117. στέφανος, 2, 46. a crown. στεφανοω, 4, 80. εστεφάνω- σαντο, to be crowned (with garlands, wreaths.) στήθος, 2, 49. the breast. στήλη, 2, 43. επ^ραφη στη- λών, inscription on columns, monuments : 1, 93. 134. 5, 18. 47. εν στήλη λίθινη, on a stone-pillar. στηρίζω, 2, 49. στηριζαι ες την καρΰίαν, to Settle, fix (itself) in. ΣΤΟ ΣΤΡ στοά, 4, 90. a portico. στοίχος, 2, 102. 4, 47. a row, rank, file. στόλος, 1,9. 10. 6, 31. an army, armament, expedition, a fleet. στόμα, 2, 86. a mouth (of a gulph,) 7, 5. a mouth or en- trance (of a harbour,) 4, 102. επι τω στοματι τον ποταμού, 1, 29. 55. a mouth (of a bay:) 4,49. στόνος, 7, 71 . a groan. στορεω, 6, 18. στορέσομεν, to prostrate, cast down, to floor. στρατεία, 1, 3. an expedi- tion, 15. στράτευμα, 5, 57. an arma- ment, 7,5. an army, 47. στρατεύματος κρατειν, to mas- ter the (enemy's force,) to be superior to, stronger than, (an unusual ellipse,) 74. 7, 26. στρατεύω, 1, 8. εστρατενσαν, to make an expedition, 12. : 6, 9. εστράτευε, to go on an expedition, 5, 8. to compose the armament, 2, 57. to be abroad with the fleet: 1,112. Λακεδαιμόνιοι μετά ταύτα τον ιερόν καλουμενον πολεμον εστρα- τενσαν, a verb intrans. with a subst. in the accus. of a kindred signif., so put in order to subjoin a new pro- position, Matth. Gr. Gr. 597. : 2, 11. Matth. 846. στρατηγώ, 1, 29. εστρατηγει, to command (as a general or admiral,) have the command of, Matth. Gr. Gr. 440. : 6, 15. στρατη-γησαι. στρατεία, 1, 95. 5, 16. 26. a military command, a ge- neralship. στρατη-γίς, 2, 84. a com- mander's ship. στρατηγός, a commander, general, 6, 64. α γιγνώσκον- τες οι στρατηγοί των Αθηναίων και βουλόμενοι — ειδοτες, (τους yap αν φίλους — ο'ί £υνει'7Γθΐ'το,) τοιονδε τι ουν προς α εβούλοντο οι στρατηγοί μηγανωνται, an in- stance of a parenthesis in an anacoluthon, Matth. Gr. Gr. 946. στρατιά, 1, 10. 7, 1. 11. an army, 17. στρατιάν εξαγγέλ- λω ν ες τους ζυμμάγους, to ap- point the levies, which the confederates were to raise, to send round to the confe- derates orders to raise forces, settle the contingents among the confederates, appoint con- tingents to the allies : 3, 110. T7j άλλη στρατιά, αμα παρεσκευά- Ζετο βοηθεϊν επ' αυτούς, here the infin. is put after παρασκ., where the participle also is put, ad opem suis contra illos ferendam seprceparabat^Mztth. Gr. Gr. 797. : 7, 3. Matth. 643. : 7, 4. στρατιώτης, 5, 7. 34. 6, 24. 7, 15. Matth. Gr. Gr. 874. : 7, 61. a soldier. στρατιωτικός, 2, 83. στρατιω- τικωτερον, better adapted for land-service, after the man- ner of land-forces. ΣΤΡ ΣΦΟ στρατιωτις, 6, 43. a Soldier's σφάγιον,β, 69. σκάγια 7τρουφε- transport. ρ°^ r « νο/ιιζόμενα, the victims. στρατοπεδεύομαι, 8,11. εστρα- σφάζω, 7, 84. to slay. τοπε&ύοντο, to pitch their σφαλερός, slippery, 4, 62. Camp : 8, 25. εστρατοπε^ευσαν- σφαΧερωτατος. to, 5, 64. στρατοπεδευσάμενοι '. σφαΧΧω, 3, 37. τας ποΧεις, 6, 42.: 4, 54. έστρατοττεδευμένους. to ruin, subvert : 6, 11. σφη- στρατόπεδον, 1, 11. 3, 22. 4, Χαντες ημάς, to overthrow, 94. 5, 60. 7, 8. 23. 44. an ruin, 5, 16. : 1, 70. σφαλώσιν: army, a camp. 7, 68. του σφαΧηναι, failure, στρατός, 2, 21. an army, 1, 69. 2, 65. σφαλεντα, 5, 15. Matth. Gr. Gr. 563. : 3, 110. 99. 6, 10. : 7, 47. ε'σφαλτο : 6, Matth. 847. 75. σ^άλωνται, to be defeated, στρογγυλός, 2, 97. νηι, a beaten : 2, 87. σφαΧΧομενους merchant-ship, oner aria, φορ- είκότως, likely to fail : 3, 14. rrj -νός, Schol. εμπορική, δια τα σφαΧησόμεθα '. 8, 24. εσφάΧησαν, ποΧεμικά μακρότερα οντά, See 32. σφάΧΧωνται, Duker. σφάΧμα, 5, 14. a reverse, στρωμνή, 8, 81. την εαυτοΰ mishap : 8, 32. a failure. στρωμνην έξαργυρίσαι, to COn- σφενδονάω, 2, 81. σφενδονών vert his couch into cash. των αποθεν, to sling stones συλλέγω, 4, 25. συλλεγείσαι, from a distance, to muster. σφενδόνη, 4, 32. a sling. σνματος, 5, 77. Dor. for σφενΰονητης, 4, 99. 7, 31. θύματος. 42. a slinger. συμφορά, 8, 12. a calamity. σφέτερος, 7, 1. τοις εκ των συνεχώς, 4, 43. Continually, νεών σφετερων ναυταις, sailors συνταράσσω, 2, 52. νόμοι out of their own ships, their συνεταρά^θησαν, to be con- own ships' crews : 6, 38. 7, 3. founded, broken. τά σφετερα αυτών, their own συστρεφω, 5, 10. συστραφεν- things, (viz. arms and bag- τες, to be assembled, con- gage,) what belonged to gregated. them: 1,5. του σφετέρου, your, συχνός, 4, 108. several, is Attic, (as well as in use very many : 2, 52. διά το among the Poets,) Matth. συν νους ΐδη προτεθνάναι σφ'ισιν, Gr. Gr. 186. : 7, 75. Matth. /. C. by reason of great many of σφίσι, sibi, 5, 44. νομίζοντες their friends being already ττόλιν σφίσι φιΧίαν, Matth. Gr. dead, of the great number Gr. 588. : 5, 46. where it is of deaths they had had reflexive, Matth. 183. already. σφόδρα, 3, 46. κοΧάζειν, to σψαγτ?, 4, 48. the throat. chastise severely, (opposed ΣΦΟ ΣΩΦ to μετρίως κολά&ιν,) φύλασσαν, Selves, (with SO lavish and to watch attentively, care- reckless a zeal.) fully. σώος, 1, 74. safe, unhurt: σφοδρός, 1, 103. Violent, 3, 34. σών και vyta. πάλιν αυτόν vehement. . καταστησειν, to restore safe and σφρα^ις, 1, 129. a seal, 132. sound, Matth. Gr. Gr. 158. σχεδία, 6, 2. επ\ σχεδίων, σωτηρ, 5, 11. a saviour, on board of rafts, or boats preserver, protector, hastily and rudely con- σωτηρία, 1, 65. 4, 19. pre- structed. servation, 62. : 7, 18. safety, σχεδόν, 5, 66. σχεδόν τι παν, means of escape : 2, 13. επι nearly the whole : 7, 33. σωτηρία, for the purpose of σχεδόν τι, nearly, almost, pr6>- Safety : 2, 61. τον κοινού της pemodlim : 3, 68. σωτήριας άντιλαμζάνεσθαι, to σχολάζω, 4, 4. to be with- put one's hand to succour out employment. the common safety : 7, 81. σχολαΐος, 3, 29. at leisure, Matth. Gr. Gr. 610. slow, tardy : 1, 84. σχολαίτε- σωτήριος, 3, 53. salutary, pov, more slowly, 4,47. 7, 15. beneficial: 7, 64. saving, con- more tardily. tributing to safety. σχολαιότΐίς, 2, 18. dilatori- σωφρονε'ω, 6, 87. to be mo- ness. derate, temperate, 1, 86. 4, σχολτ), 3,46. σχολρ και ταγυ, 60. 8, 24. εσωφρονησαν. late or early : 5, 29. σχολην σωφρονίζω, 6, 78. σω^ρονι- ηγον, to be at leisure : 5, 10. σθωμεν, to be taught mode- a delay: 1, 142. ration. σώζω, 4, 61. to preserve: σωφρονιστής, 3,65. της γνώ- 1, 74. έσωσε, 4, 23. σώσαι : 4, μης, a moderator, censor of 34. σωθηναι, to effect safety, opinions : 6, 87. a censor, 7, 45. εσωθησαν : 6, 24. σωθη- moderator, corrector. σεσθαι, to get safe back, 7, σωφρόνως, 1, 80. soberly, 71. σωθησονται : 6, 9. σώ&ίν τά 5, 101. moderately. υπάρχοντα, to secure what σωφροσύνη, 1, 32. prudence, you already possess, the 68. the demeanour of a just possessions : 7, 77. τ?δη τίνες and upright character : 3, καΐ εκ δεινότερων η τοιώνδε εσώ- 37. modesty: 1, 84. εμφρων, a θησαν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 651. wise and deliberate caution. σώμα, 1, 17. ες το σώμα, σώφρων, 3, 82. το σώφρον, with regard to their persons, prudence, moderation : 6, their personal safety, 70. 41. decorous, regular, 6, 6. σωμασιν άλλοτριωτατοις χρών- prudent, politic : 3, 43. σω- ται, to use their persons as if φρονεστερον, more prudent, 6, they did not belong to them- 29. : 3, 62. σωψρονε'σΓαι-ος. 11 τ. ΤΑΙ TAP Ταινιόω, 4, 21. ιδία, to be- deck with ribbands. τακτός, 4, 65. stated, fixed, certain. ταλαιπωρεί»;, 1, 134. ταλαί- πωροι'»?, to suffer inconve- nience, 8, 16. to be dis- tressed: 5,57. εταλαιπώρουν, to be in distress, 73. εταλαι- πωρησαν '. 7, 28. εταλαιπωρουν- το, to be harassed, in hard service, 3, 78: 7, 27. ταλαι- πωρονντες ξυνεχως, to be Con- stantly in hard service, in- cessantly in labour: 3,3. τε- ταλαιπωρημενοι, to be afflicted, distressed, reduced to a low condition: 1, 99. 5, 74.. ταλαιπωρία, 2, 49. pain (of the stomach,) 70. distress: 4, 117. wretchedness. τάλαντον, 5, 31. a talent, talentam, 2, 97. ταμίας, 6, 78. a dispenser, an arbiter. ταμιζΐον, 1, 96. a treasury, 7, 24. ταμιενω, 6, 18. ταμιενεσθαι, (to dispense, husband, ' to be our own carver,' H.) to determine, prescribe, fix. ταξίαρχος, 4, 4. a captain : 7, 60. a captain (or colonel, Mitf.) a commander of the τάξεις or divisions of an army. τάξις, 5, 66. εν τάζει, in battle-array, 7, 5. 30. : 5, 70. ινα ut| διασπασθείη αντοις ύ] τάξις, the ranks, the dat. is here used where the gen. in Latin is employed, Matth. Gr. Gr. 548. ταπεινός, 2, 6. ταπεινή νμων η διάνοια εγκαρτερειν α εγνωτε, abject, dispirited, the posi- tive is here for the compar., in which case ί is omitted, * your mode of thinking is too low to persevere in it,' Matth. Gr. Gr. 653. ταπεινοτης, 7, 75. a low condition, estate. Τάρας, ό, 6, 104. an ex- ception to the general rule of cities being in the fern, gender, Matth. Gr. Gr. 118. f ταράσσω, 7, 3. ταρασσομενονς, to be in disarray, disorder: 2, 84. εταράσσοντο *. 7, 44. ετα" ρά^θησαν, to be in confusion, disorder, 2, 65. : 4, 96. Sia την κνκΧωσιν ταρα^φεντες, to fall into confusion : 7, 44. ετετάρακτο : 4, 25. τεταραγμε- νοις : 7, 67. ταράζονται, to be in confusion, (med. for pass.,) 36. ταράξεσθαι : 7, 23. τάρα- γθεΐσαι περί άλλήλας, to fall foul of one another, to be in confusion one with, about, with regard to another, (περί for εν.) Tapayji, 2, 84. ταραγην πα- ρεζειν, to create confusion, 4, 75. καθιστασαν ες ταραγην '. 5, 25. a commotion, disturb- ance : 7, 25. 29. 80. TAP TE1 ταραχώδης, 1, 49. Confused, tumultuous. ταρσός, 2, 76. ταρσούς, a wicker-work, hamper, crates: 7, 40. τών νεών, the hatches, gangway, wards, rows of (oars, blades of the oars (more properly.) τάσσω, 7, 6. ταξας, to Station, post : 4, 93. έτασσε, to put in order of battle : 1, 90. έταζαν, to appoint, 5, 31. to tax, 8, 33. to assign: 1,48. ετάζαντο: 3, 22. οις ετετακτο, who had been appointed, 1, 99. to be appointed to pay, 101. : 2, 90. επι τεσσάρων, to draw up four abreast : 2, 20. ώς ες μά- χην ταζάμενον, to draw up (an army) ready for fight, 3, 78. κυκλον ταζαμενων αυτών, to ar- range themselves in a circle, 2, 83. ετάζαντο κυκλον τών νεών, to draw up ships in a circle : 2, 63. τεταγμενον, to be ranked, ranged, joined, 84. κατά μιαν ναΰν, to draw Up in a line, in file, in a single line of ships : 4, 32. εταζεν εν τω έργω, to preside in or di- rect the execution: 5, 71. τετάζεσθαι : 3, 13. at νηες εφ ■ημΐν τετάχαται, to be Stationed (near) on our account, 7, 4. ετετάχατο, instances, where the Attics follow the Ionic and Doric custom of chang- ing ν before ται and το into a, Matth. Gr. Gr. 264. ταντοματον, 6, 36. απο ταυ- τομάτον, accidentally, fortui- tously, spontaneously. ταφή, 2, 52. περί τάς ταφάς, about funerals, the funeral rites. τάφος, 1, 26. 35. a tomb, sepulchre, mausoleum, 43. πάσα -γη, every land (is) a a monument, 47. a funeral, (for ταφή.) τάφρος, 4, 69. a ditch, 90. 3,23. τάχα, 1, 81. perhaps : 6, 10. τάχα δ' αν ίσως, (for τάχα δ* αν ΟΓ Ίσως'.) 3, 44. τάχος, 1, 71. 5, 65, κατά τάχος, with or in haste: 3, 42. precipitation : 5, 64. εν τάχει, with speed : 6, 92. ταχυναυτεω, 6, 31. τω ταχυ- ναυτειν, swift- sailing. ταγυς, 6, 45. ώς επι ταχεί πο- λεμώ, as for approaching war : 6, 31. 7, 4. ταχεΐαι νηες, SWlft, quick-sailing; 4, 10. ταχίστου, the shortest, quickest : 6, 66. δια ταχέων, speedily: 1, 118. μη ταχείς ιεναι ες τους πολέμους, not swift to go to war. τε, a conjunction, que, et, atque, 6, 18. where τε is not followed by καΐ, as it is usually, Matth. Gr. Gr. 945. compare 7, 2. in Matth. Gr. Gr. 937. τεηος, 4, 48. the tiling, top of a house. τειχηρης, 4, 25. One, who keeps within the walls, con- fined. τειχίζω, 7, 4. ετείχιζον, to build, make a wall, 6, 75. το τεϊχοςΐ 7, 43. τειχιζοντας εχειν, to have for the purpose Qq TEI TEA of fortification, for raising τέκνωσις, 2, 44• τέκνωσιν works : 8, 4. τειχίσαντες, to ποιΰσθαι, to beget children, fortify : 6, 4. ετειχισθησαν, to τεκτων, 5, 82. an artificer, be surrounded with a wall, 6, 44. 7, 43. to wall in, 1, 93. 5, 51. : 4, 76. τέλειος, 5, 47. οοκον τον μί- 7,4. τειχισθεήί, to be fortified: γιστον κατά ιερών τελείων, ma- 2, 32. 'Αταλάντη ετειχίσθη 82. τεμονμεν, to lay waste, 143. τμηθηναι, to be laid waste, 2, 21. ετεμνετο, 18. τμ,ηθεΐσαν 1 2, 55. Matth. Gr. Gr. 501.: 6, 75. τέναγος, 3, 51. a morass. τερπνός, 1, 120. το τερπνόν, the delight, 2, 53. προς το τερπνόν. τέρπω, 2, 44. to gratify : 3, 40. τερποντες λόγω, to charm by eloquence : 2, 41. τέρψει τό αντίκα επεσι, to give delight, to charm for the present. τερφις, 2, 38. delight, plea- sure. τεσσαρακοστός, 1, 60. the fortieth. τέταρτος, 5, 19. the fourth, 81. τέταρτον και δεκατον έτος, equivalent to τεσσαρακαιΰέκα- τον, Matth. Gr. Gr. 175. τετράγωνος, 4, 125. ταζιν, a square phalanx : 6, 26. quadrangular, 4, 112. δοκούς. τετρακόσιος, 1, 74. τετρακο- σιας ολίγω εΧασσονς δύο μοιρών, little less than two thirds of the whole four hundred. τετράμηνος, 5, 63. consist- ing of four months. τετράποδο v, 2, 50. a qua- druped. τετράς, 4, 118. 5, 54. the fourth (day.) τεττιξ, 1, 6. an ornament for the hair representing a grasshopper. τευγω, 4, 28. τενζεσθαι, to COmpaSS, 3, 20. τον άΧηθονς Xoy^ov, to hit the true com- putation, to calculate aright : 6, 13. τενζόμεθα, to obtain, get. τεγναω, 1, 122. τεγναται, to devise, contrive, 4, 26. ετε- γνώντο, 47. τεγνησαμενους. τέχνη, 1, 49. 7, 36. art, skill : 5, 18. art, artifice, fraud : 5, 8. stratagem. τέως, 6, 61. awhile, interea, interim, (see H. Steph. Thes. 4, 831:) 7, 63. before, hitherto. τηρεω, 3, 22. τηρησαντες νύκτα γειμεριον, to seize the opportunity of a stormy night : 1, 39. to observe, keep, stand to : 5, 82. to Watch, mark : 1, 65. τηρησασι ανεμον, to watch the wind, opportunity of wind : 4, 30. τηρησονται ψυΧακτρ τη μέτρια, to be kept under guard : 2, 83. ετηρει I 2, 13. ετηρεΐτο, to be watched. Ύ-ηρης, 2, 29. ΣιταΧκην τον Ύηρεω, the gen. from Ύηρνς, Matth. Gr. Gr. 71. τηρησις, 7, 13. vigilance, watchfulness, 85. custody. Qq 2 ΤΙΘ ΤΙΣ τιθημι, 4, 17. καλώς Θεσθαι, 35. 36. της μνήμης, the honour to turn to account, put to of being commemorated : 4, interest, 1, 31. τον πολεμον, 47. glory, 62. to dispose or carry on a war, τιρρ, 1, 86. to avenge, 25, το παρόν, to dispose of 40. τιμωρήσετε, to assist, SUC- the present, (i. e. to get over cour : 2, 42. τιμωρεϊσθαι : 1, present difficulties,) 4, 59. ευ 141. τψωρησασθαί τίνα, to take θεσθαι τα ίδια, to dispose ad- vengeance on some one: 1, vantageously : 2, 34. ές το 53. τψωρουμενοις, to punish: δημόσιον σήμα τιθεασιν, to COn- 3, 67. τετιμωρημενοι ετι οσιωτε- vey to and place in the pub- pov, to punish with still lie mausoleum, said to be greater justice, 56. ετιμωρησά- an Ionic form, Matth. Gr. μέθα, to avenge oneself. Gr. 279. : 5, 96. to consider : τψωρητεος, 1, 86. άλλα τιμω- 1, 6. τίθεται, to be proposed ρητεα εν τάγει και παντ\ σθενει, (as a prize:) 4, 44. ίθεντο to be avenged, whereas an τα όπλα, to ground arms, adj. referring to no proper to halt, 7, 3. θψενος τα όπλα, subject of one word should 8, 25. όπλα τίθενται, to pitch be put in the neuter sing., their camp : 4, 120. τεθησε- the Greeks frequently put ται τα πρά-γματα, to be settled, it in the plur., particularly established : 6, 4. ετέθη, to verbals, Matth. Gr. Gr. 645. be enacted, ordained, esta- τιμωρία, 1, 58. assistance, blished, 38. : 4, 18. σωφρόνων 25. 38. 69. 4, 25. : 3, 82. re - δε άντρων, οίτινες τα-γαθά ες Vdlge, 2, 42. των εναντίων, αμφίζολον ασφαλώς ίθεντο, for vengeance on the enemy : το τάγαθα θεσθαι, an instance 7, 68. ως επί τιμωρία, with a of anacolouthon, the use of view to, in order to punish, the pron. rel. for the infm. 3, 63.: 1, \2A.< ποιεϊσθαι τιμώ- as the subject, Matth. 696. plav, 25. τιμάω, 1, 58. to honour, τιμωρός, 4, 2. 86. α,Βυνατος, respect: 4, 20. τιμήσει, 120.: an insufficient protector. 2, 45. τετίμηται I 3, 40. ετιμησα- τις, any one, 5, 45. τοιόνΰε σθε προ παντός, to value be- τι, after this fashion : 1,29. yond or above every thing, εως αν άλλο τι <$o'£y, until some 1, 33. 6, 10. : 6, 9. τιμωμαι εκ other (plan) was determined του τοιούτου, to derive honour Upon : 7, 1. τινά στρατιάν ου from, a measure of this sort: πολλην, some small force, 48. 2, 44. το τιμάσθαι, honour, re- το £ε τι, besides, moreover : spect, reverence. ], 9. τω for τινί : 7, 48. ην yap τιμή, 5, 1 0. 1 1 . honour : 4, τι και εν Σνρακονσαις βουλόμε- 17. honour, reputation: 2, νον τοις Άθηναίοις τα πράyμaτa TIT τοπ ΕνΒοΰναι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 394. : τοκζύς, 2, 44. τοκίας, parents. 6, 1, ου πολλω τινι ύποδεεστερον τόλμα, 7, 28. daring, 2, 41. πόλεμον ανγρουντο ν τον πο6ς adventurous spirit, daring : Πελο7ΓοννϊίσιΌυς, the use of the 5, 7. boldness, decision, pronoun τίς with an adj. of promptitude: 1,90. courage: quantity, Matth. 704. : 4, 6, 33. την τόλμαν εκπλα-γγ, to 130. ην re και στασιασμον εν τη be astounded at the daring, πόλει, for τΙς στασιασμος, the 59. neuter of the pronoun τις, τολμάω, 1, 31. τολμωμεν, to any one, is here used (as venture : 6, 82. ετόλμησαν, to some adjectives commonly, bear, sustinere: 7, 21. τολμη- and others rarely,) for the σαι, 1, 74. 91. : 2, 43. τολμών- part, where the subst. is the τες άνδρες, men of courage : whole, which is put in the 2, 93. Matth. Gr. Gr. 923. gen., Matth. 909. : 7, 87. τόλμημα, 2, 25. a daring νμερας εβδομήκοντα τινάς ούτω deed, bold adventure, 6, ΰιητηθησαν αθρόοι, Matth.*705. : 54. Αρμοδίου, 7,43. 4, 85. αλλά και οίς αν επ'ιω, τολμηρός, 1, 102. το τολμη- ησσόν τις εμοί πρόσεισι, in the p6v, the enterprising spirit, use of pronouns on account 7, 21. : 1, 74. τολμηροταπ/ν, of the collective sense, in most intrepid. which τις is sometimes Used, τολμηρως, 3, 74. ξυνεπελα'- the word, which refers to ζοντο, courageously, intre- τΐς, is sometimes put in the pidly. plural, Matth. 704. : 8, 73. τολμητης, 1, 70. enterpriser, τιτρωσκω, 1, 14. έτρωσαν, to darer. disable (a ship :) 5, 10. τιτρώ- τομή, 1, 93. εν τομτ? εγγώνιοι, σκεται, to be wounded : 7, 27. cut so as to fit into one ετιτρωσκοντο : 4, 57. τετρωμενος. another. τοιούτος, talis hujusmodi, 3, τόζαρχος, 3, 98. the com- 81. πασά τε ιδέα κατέστη θανάτου mander of the archers: και οίον φιλεϊ εν τω τοιοντω γι- τοξευμα, 7, 43. a missile, -γνεσθαι, ουδέν ο,τι ου Ζυνείη, missile Weapon. Matth. Gr. Gr. 700. : 5, 63. τοξεύω, 4, 48. ίτόζευον, to 7, 86. shoot arrows, 3, 23. : 3, 98. τοιουτοτροττος,2, 13.of alike, τοξευόμενοι, to be shot at With similar kind, 2, 8. of such a arrows. kind, the same sort: 4, 25. τοξότης, 1, 10. an archer, τοίχος, 2, 3. κοινούς, partis a bow-man : 4, 129. 5, 47. tiori-walls, 7, 36. sides (of a τόπος, 6, 54. τινί άψανεϊ, a ship :) 2, 75. αντί τοΊγων, to secret, covert, remote op- serve for walls. portunity, occasion, affair. TO 2 ΤΡΙ τοσόσδε, 6, 43. τοσγ$ε r$n, the wall, 4, 76. : 2, 84. τρεπε- tot et talibus. σ&αι ες αλκην, to turn and τοσούτος, 1, 9. ού τοσούτον, fight, to face about, to re- not SO much as : 7, 2. παρά SlSt : 3, 24. τραπέσθαι ταντην τοσούτον κινδύνου, to such an («yc. όδον,) to turn this way, extremity of danger. take this direction, 5, 59. : τότε, 3,46. then, at that 6, 1 7. τρεπεσθα ι ες τα έργα, to be- time, 6, 2. : 88. then, (em- take oneself to action, to exe- phatically :) 7, 59. τότε tjo\, CUte, 6, 51. τετραμμίνων προς already, at this time : 5, 15. την εκκλησίαν, to turn or be- τών τότε, men at the time take oneself to any thing or mentioned, at this epoch. place, (relictis aliis negotiis,) τράπεζα, 1, 130. a table. 77. τρεπομενονς επι τοντο το τραυματίας, 7,75. wounded, εΙΒος, to resort to this me- 8, 27. thod, way, mode : 8, 5. ετρά- τρανματίΖω, 4, 19. τραυαατί- πόντο, to apply themselves : σαντες, to give WOUnds, 35. 1, 50. οι Κορίνθιοι προς τους τρανματίζομίνων, to be WOUnd- ανθρώπους ετράποντο φονενειν, ed, 12. τραυματισθείς. here the infin. is an epexe- τραχνς, 4, 33. rugged, gesis of the words προς rough. τους άνθρ. ετρ., the infin. τρέπω, 7, 43. έτρεφαν, to stands after certain verbs, rout, 4, 72. επι την Θάλασ- to express an object, and σαν, to rout and pursue to : among them, after verbs of 3, 13. τρέψαι προς άσφάλειάν motion ' to gO, send,' &C. τίνα, to compel a person to Matth. Gr. Gr. 805. take measures for his own τρέφω, 3, 52. 7, 14. to security, 4, 76. ες δημοκρα- nourish, supply, 4, 80. στρα- τίαν : 5, 10. τραπόμζνοι, to be τιάν, to maintain : 7, 49. τρε- bewildered, dispersed, 8, 3. φονται, to supply oneself to turn : 2, 15. το τετραη- with food, provide for one- μενον προς νότον μάλιστα, the Self: 2, 61. τεθραμμένους, 44. part, in particular, which τραφεντες, to be brought up, faces the south, lies most 46. southernly, 7,58. Matth. Gr. τρέχω, to run, 8, 92. h$pa- Gr. 398. : 2, 40. τετραμμε'νοις, μηκεσαν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 203. προς ipya, whose minds are τρία, 1, 74. τρία τα ωφέλιμα turned to mechanical oc- ες αυτό, the three things use- cupations, occupied in la- ful for that purpose, bours of the hand, citizens, τριακόντορος, 4, 9. a boat mechanics, 25. προς τ6 τείχος, of thirty oars, with faces turned towards τριακοντουτης, 5, 14. of 1 1 ΤΡΙ ΤΡΥ thirty years: 1, 23. λυσοντες τάς και τριακοντουτεις σπόντας, 2, 2. αι τριακοντουτεις σπον- δα«. τριακοντουτις, 1, 87. τριακον τουτίδων σπονδών προκεχωρηκυι- ών, a peculiar form of the fern, of an adj. compounded from ίτος, Matth. Gr. Gr. 144. τριακόσιος, 1, 13. three hundred. Tp&rj,tritu?*a, grinding/wast- ing, 8, 87. τρίτης ένεκα και ανα- κωχής των Ελληνικών το ναυτικον ουκ aya -γεΐν, id res Grcecorum attereret, suspensasque teneret. τρ'ι€ω, 6, 18. τρ'ιφεσθαι αυτήν περί αυτήν, to wear oneself away, to waste, (Liv. per otium in desidiam elangue- SCere :) 2, 77. τριφθείσα προς αυτήν, to be rubbed one against another : 7, 42. τρι- ■φεσθαι, to waste. τριήραρχος, 7, 13. 24. the commander of a trireme. τριήρης, 1, 13. 6, 93. 7, 3. 9. a trireme : 6, 46. τριηρών, Matth. Gr. Gr. 98. τριηρίτης, 6, 46. τριηριτών, persons on board a trireme, των εν τριηρεσιν αφικομενων, probably for τριηράρχων. τ ρίπους, 1, 132. επι τον τρί- ποδα avaypa\paa9ai, to engrave upon a tripod. τριταίος, 3, 3. αφικομενος, to arrive on the third day after : 1, 61. τρίτος, 4, 42. αύτος, himself with two others : 5, 56. τρίτον και οεκατον έτος, equivalent to τρισκαιδε'κατος, Matth. Gr. Gr. 175. : 3, 3. T P L XV> 7> 32. tripliciter, triply. τροπαΐον, 5, 10. a trophy, 74. ϊστασαν, to erect a trophy, 1, 30. στησαντες, 54. έστησαν, 7, 41. αμφοτέρων τρόπαια έστη- σαν, to erect trophies on ac- count of both actions: 6, 98. τροπή, 1, 49. 7, 44. 54. rout, defeat : 6, 69. ποιεϊν τροπάς, to put to flight. τρόπος, 7, 17. manner, fashion, 36. 44. 5, 23. 47. : 5, 7. a plan (of action,) dis- position : 4, 97. τρόποις θερα- πευόμενα, ceremonies : 1, 5. τω παλαίω, after the ancient fashion : 4, 90. τοιωδε τρόπω : 1, 6. ες τον νυν τρόπον, ac- cording to the modern fashion : 5, 17. τω αυτω τρόπω y in like manner, for the same reason, 88. τροπωτηρ, 2, 93. λαβόντα των ναυτών εκαστον την κώπην, και το υπηρεσιον , και τον τροπω- τήρα, the oar-rope, funis seu lorum, quo renins ad scalmum alligatur, τροφή, 1, 5. maintenance, support : 6, 34. provision, 93. : 7, 48. (military) pay, 8, 29. 57. τρυγητός, 4, 84. προ τρυγη- τού, before harvest. τρυφερός, 1, 6. ες το τρυφε- ρώτερον, to a more delicate kind of living. τρυγοω, 7, 28. τετρυχωαενοι τω πολεμώ, to be wasted, ΤΡΥ ΎΒΡ reduced, shattered, 4, GO. to be worn out. τρυγώ, 1, 126. τρυχόαενοι προσεδρεία, to be Wasted, worn out by besieging a place. Τρωικός, 1,3. των Τρωικών, an adj . in — ικος in the neu- ter plural with the article and without a subst. sig- nifies any circumstance de- terminable by the context : here is meant ' the Trojan war,' Matth. Gr. Gr. 392. τυγχάνω, 1, 72. to happen, 104. ετυγον στρατευόμενοι, to be making an expedition, 7, 2. έτυχε έλ0ών, to happen to arrive, or simply, to arrive, 4. ετυχον αύλι£οαενοι, to be passing the night, lodging : 3, 39. τυχόντες, to win, ac- quire, 42. -γνώμης, to carry one's motion : 1, 74. τυχείν τούτου, to meet with this : 6, 33. τύχωσι ων προσδεχονται, to obtain what they expect : Ί, 71. μοΧις δ αν ετυ-γγανετε τούτου, with difficulty you could meet with this : 3, 70. ετύγχανε yap και βουλής ων ο Πειθιας, where the gen. is put partitive, Matth. Gr. Gr. : 4, 113. ετυχον οπλιται εν tjj ayopa. καθευ^οντες ως πεντή- κοντα, this verb express* the idea of chance: with some verbs, which express only a circumstance or ac- cessary definition of an action, the verb, of which they express a circumstance is put in the participle : these accessaries are usually ex- pressed by adverbs, Matth. 843. τυραννευω, 6, 55. τυραννευ- σαι, I. q. τύραννος είναι, 54. : 1, 18. τυραννενθεισης, to be ruled over by a prince or tyrant. τυραννεω, 2, 30. ετυραννει, to be tyrant or master of. τνραννις, 1, 13. 3, 37. 6, 38. a tyranny, an absolute sovereignty. τύραννος, 1, 13. 14. 18. a chief, tyrant. τυρός, 4, 26. cheese. τυφλός, 3, 104. blind. τύχη, 53 37. κατά τύχην, by luck: 6, 11. a misfortune, disaster : 1, 69. ές τυχας καταστηναι, to ΠΙΠ hazards, stand in the way of, to Chance : 4, 73. ουκ αν εν τύχρ γίγνεσθαι σφ'ισιν, to be a mat- ter of doubt : 3, 97. Matth. Gr. Gr. 569. T. Υακ/νθιος, 5, 23. προς τα υβρίζω, 8, 45. υβρίζοντες, to Ύακίνθια, a Spartan festival be insolent, 4, 18. υ^ρίσαντες : in honour or commemoration 1,68. ύβρι£όαενοι ύπο 'Αθηναίων, of the boy Hyacinthus. to be wronged, 38. επί τω ύπο ΎΒΡ ΎΠΑ τούτων νζοίΖ,εσθαι, for the pur- pose of being insulted by them. ίϋβρις, 3, 39. ες υβριν τρεπειν, to turn insolent, for τρεπεσθαι: 6, 28. ε' υβρει, for mockery, in contempt : 2, 65. υβρει θαρ- σοΰντας, to be bold or daring from pride, insolence, vain glory: 1, 38. 3, 39. υγιαίνω, 2, 58. υγιαίνοντας, to be in good health. υγιής, 3, 34. 75. right, sound : 2, 49. healthy, in good health : 4, 22. ύδατώδ»ίς, 3, 23. sleety, watery. ύδρεία, 7, 13. watering, fetching or drawing water. υδρεύω, 4, 97. ανασττασαντας υδρεύεσθαι, to draw and make use of the (sacred) water in common. ύδωρ, 5, 65. water : 6, 70. a great rain : 2, 77. νετος, 2, 5. πορευομενοι εν ύετω, to march in the wet, 8, 42. a shower of rain. υιεύς, 1, 13. υίεως, COr- ruptly read for υίέος, the gen. of υίεύς, Matth. Gr. Gr. 102. where Bekker has edited υΐεος, but in the note says, <{ υίεος A.B. K.L.N. O. CUm Thoma M. V. υιεα : νιεος Q. : vulgo υιεως." 6, 30. υίείς, the Attic accus. plur., Matth. 103. see too 111. υίος, ο, 16. a son, 2, 100. νλη, 2, 75. 4, 30. 34. 69. wood. ν\ω$ης, 4, 8. 29. woody. υμέτερος, your, 1, 70.4, 85. υμνεω, 2, 42. α την πόλιν ύμνησα, to eulogise, speak in praise of: 1, 21. ύμνηκασι, to sing of (as poets.) υπάγω, 5, 10. to lead back, 3, 70. ες Sifojv, to cite to trial : 2, 7 6. ΰπ ay ο μενού , to be drawn away underneath: 7, 46. ύπα- yayono την πόλιν, to bring un- der one's power, to reduce to obedience : 4, 126. υπαγωγή, 3, 97. a retreat. υπαίθριος, 1, 134. in the open air (without a roof.) υπακούω, 3, 50.ύπηκ:ουον Αθη- ναίων, to be subject to the Athenians, 1, 29. to attend to, to obey, 8, 5. : 7, 18. to hearken to, to comply with : 3, 13. υπηκουσαμεν ευθύς, 5, 98. ύπακούειν, to submit : 1, 53. υπηκουσεν, to hear (as one, who listens :) 6, 82. υπακουσομεθα αυτών, to be Sub- ject to, under the command of, Matth. Gr. Gr. 484. : 8, 74. ινα, ην μη υπακουσωσι, τε- θνηκωσι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 730. see too 342. : 7, 73. υπαναλισκω, 3, 17. υπανα- λωσε τα χρήματα, to Consume, exhaust; υπαναλωθη, to be ex- pended. υπάρξω, 2, 13. υπηργε ταύτα Άθηναίοις, the Athenians had these, 4, 4. to be: 3, 109. ωσπερ υπήρχε, as they Could, 4,69. at oiKica — υπάρχον ερυμα, 7, 69. : 3, 63. υπάρχον yε υμίν, it was in your power, 4, 52. υπαρχόντων, to be hard by, r r ΎΠΑ ΎΠΒ- 4, 10. τα υπάργοντα, existing φθάσας δύο ναυς άγγαλαι Εύ/ου- circumstances, 7/76. : 1,70. μ&οντι, to send out, to de- possessions, one's own, 3, spatch, the use of the infin. 39. προς τοίς υπάργονσιν, in after a verb of motion to ex- addition to existing ones, 1, press an object, Matth. Gr. 76.*ύπάρνουσαν Βυναμιν, exist- Gr. 805. ing, actual : 6, 87. υπάργο- υπεκτίθημι, 1, 89. ύττεξε'θεντο, μεν, imperare : 6, 24. ύπάρζειν, to carry out and deposit pri- to accrue : 3, 9. ύπαρχοι, to vately. be, exist: 2, 67. υπήρξαν, to υπεκφεύγω, 2, 91. ύπεξέφυγον begin to do, to set an ex- την επιστροφην εις την ευρυγω- ample, 1, 76. ύπάρξαντες πρω- ρίαν, to escape from, to rot τοΰ τοιούτου '. 1, 93. υπηρ- avoid by flight. κτο, to be begun, the use of υπενάντιος, 2, 2. an adver- tise 3d pers. pass, without a sary. nomin. as in Latin itUV, ύπενδίδωμι, 2, 64. ύπενδωμεν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 432.: 6, 15. to let slip, suffer to glide Αλκιβιάδης ων εν αζιωματι ΰπο away. των αστών τοις επιθυμίαις μείϊρ- ύπεςανάγω, 3, 74. ύπεςαν//- σιν η κατά την υπάργουσαν ου* -γετο, to put OUt privately to σΊαν εχρητο, an example of η sea. κατά put after the COmpar., ύπεξερχομαι, 6,51.υ7Γεξτίλθον, where in Latin would be em- to withdraw secretly : 3, 34. ployed quam pro, Matth. 653. ύπεξελθουτες τούτους, to steal υπαπειμι, 3, 111. υπαπηεσαν away from, 4, 83. ύπεζελθείν. κατ ολίγους, to withdraw pri- υπέρ, 7, 83. 'Αθηναίων, ΟΏ. vately in small parties. the part of, in the behalf of, υπείκω, 1, 127. 3, 39. to for, 71. του μέλλοντος, about yield, submit, give way to. or concerning what was to υπειμι, 6, 87. υπεΐναι ελπίδα, ensue, 13. σφων, instead of, subesse, that there is a secret in the place of, 5, 47. σφων hope. αυτών, 4, 95. της υμετέρας ο ύπείπον, 1, 35. ύπείπομεν, to α-γών, for ΟΓ about : 6, 13. hint, Suggest, 90. ύπειπών, to υπέρ δύναμιν μεΐζω, (above ί. e. tell secretly. more than,) greater than its υπεκκειμαι, 1, 137. ύπε£εκειτο real Strength, 1, 8. ήμισυ, shove -χρήματα, to be secretly de- half. posited, 8, 31. to belong to. ύπεραυχεω, 4, 19.ύπεραυχούν- υπεκκομίζω, 4, 123. τταΓδας τα, haughty, overweening. κα\ -γυναίκας, to export Out of υπερβαίνω, 3, 20. ύπερζη- the way. ναι τά τείχη, to get over or υπεκπψπω, 4, 8. υπεκπεμπει scale a wall, 24. υπερζαντες I I ΎΠΕ ΥΠΙ 4, 118. υπερβαίνοντες, to pass over, to transport: 3, 81. over, Step beyond. υ7τε/οενεγκ:όντες τάς ναυς τον υπερβάλλω, 6, 23. ύπερζάλ- Ίσθμον, to carry over, 8, 7. λοντες, to be superior in force, Matth. Gr. Gr. 610.: 4, 8. 7, 67. to exceed, 2, 35. ύπερενεγθεϊσαι, to be hauled ύπΈρβατός, 3, 25. what can across, dragged over. be climbed Over. ύπερφρονεω, 6, 16. υπερφρο- υπερζιάϊ,ομαι, 2, 52. ύπερβια- νούμενος άνεγεσθω, let him Sub- fryiEvou του κακοΰ, under the mit to be looked down pressure of the calamity. upon. ■υπερβολή, 3, 82. the pride υπέρφρων, 2, 62. lofty- of excelling others. minded, proud. υπερειοον, 4, 62. ύπεριδειν, to υπεύθυνος, 3, 43. παρα'ινεσιν neglect, 5, 6. 43. ύπεριέοντες, έχοντας, to be accountable to overlook, contemn, slight, for one's advice. 6, 11. ΰπεγω, 3, 53. υπεζειν τοιανδε υπερεγώ, 3, 107. το ύπερεχον, δικην, to Submit to such JUS- the excess, 23. μόλις ύπερε- tice as this, 81. ύττοσχείν δί- χοντες, viv extantes, to wade κην, to submit to trial : 7, through having the head only 21. : 6, 80, ύ^εξετε τήν τι/ιιω- above water, with difficulty, plav, poenas dare. to keep the head above, 7, υπήκοος, 1, 77. προς ύπη- 25. της θαλάσσης, to emerge κόους, towards or with regard above. to their subjects : 7, 57. υπερόπτης, 3, 38. a COn- υπήκοοι φόρω, the same as ύπο- temner, despiser. τελείς φόρου : 6. 20. αλλήλων, υπεροπτομαι, 5, 28. ύπερωφθη, 69. : 1, 1 3. υπηκόους εποιησαντο Ρ to be despised, contemned, to make subject. 7, 42. υπηρεσία, 6, 31. a crew of υπερόριος, 8,72. άσγολίαν, oc- rowers : 1, 143. the nun- cupation beyond the bounds ning and equipment of a ship, (of their own country.) for ύπηρεται, an interchange, υπεροψία, 1, 84. a contempt, where the general idea is υπερτείνω, 2, 76. ύπερτεινου- put for the definite thing, σών, to reach or hang over. Matth. Gr. Gr. 617. see too υπέρυθρος, 2, 49. reddish, 627.: 8, 1. pale, χλωρός. ύπηρετεω, 4, 108. υπηρίτη- ύπερφαίνω, 4, 93. ΰπερεφάνη- σαν αυτω, to be subservient σαν του λόφου, to appear above, to hinvto meet his wishes, to crown. υπηρέτης, 3, 17. a soldier's ύπερφερω, 1, 81. ύπερφερομεν valet, a Servant. τοις οπλοις, to excel, surpass : ύττισχνεομαι, 8, 5. ύπισχνεπ-ο, 3, 15. ύττερο/σοντες, to Convey to promise,, 1, 132. ελευθερω- r r 2 ΎΠΙ ΎΠΟ σιν αίτοϊς, to promise maim- (Hobbes,) just before dawn, mission to them, 129. (or simply,) under cloud of νπίσγομαι, 1, 58. ύπέσχοντο, night, in the night, (as κατά to promise, 101. 5,38.7, 1. νύκτα:) 2, 8. ή νεότης — ουκ 8, 17.; 8. 5. to undertake ακουσίως ύπό απειρίας ηπτετο for: 1, 123. 3, 49. μεγάλα, to τοΰ πολέμου, ' from inexperi- promise great (rewards,) 5, ence,' answering here to 37. : 8, 48. υπεσχησθαι. the Latin pra>, forasmuch vttvoc, 2, 2. περί πρώτον as with actives it expresses νπνον, about the first watch, the means, by which the ύπό, 1, 75, δέους, for or action is effected, hence it through fear, 3, 32. ανάγκης expresses a cause arising ζυμμάγους, allies against their from any internal or ex- own will, upon compulsion, ternal circumstance, dispo- 33. σπουδής, with haste, sition of mind, &c. Matth. hastily, 36. οργής, in conse- Gr. Gr. 914. see too 568. : 6, quence of, from anger, 68. 32. ύπό κηρνκος εύχάς ποιεϊσθαι, 'Αθηναίων^ (to be injured) by an instance of ύπό with the the Athenians, 11. 7, 44: gen. meaning 'by' or 'from/ χαλεπά ην νπο της βοί?ς δια- with an active expressing the γνύναι, from or on account means, Matth. 914. of the clamour : 2, 85. υπό υπογράψω, 5, 56. υπεγραφεν άνεμων και ύπό απλοίας ένδιετρι- τη στήλη, to inscribe On a ψεν ουκ όλ/γον χρόνον, Matth. Column. Gr. Gr. 914. : 6, 28. ύπό νεωτέ'- ύποδεης, 1, 10. υποδεεστέρα, ρων γεψνημεναι, to take place, inferior, below estimation or to be committed by: 4, 34. fame, 5, 8.6, L: 2, 89. εκ ύπό των τοζευμάτων, for the πολλω υποδεέστερων, With very flight of arrows : 3, 62. ν φ' inferior forces. αυτοϊς ποιεϊσθαι, to subdue un- ύποδεεστερως, 8, 87. αντιπά- der their OWn power, 1,32.; λως μάλλον η υποδεεστέρως, in 7, 64. ύπό Συρακοσίοις γ/γνε- an inferior degree. σθαι,- to be under or subject ύποδείκνυμι, 1, 77. ύπεδείξατε, to, 75. τοίς οπλοίς, under: 1, to exhibit, 4, 86. ύποδε/ξας 100. ύπο τους αυτούς χρόνους, άρετην, to pretend to. about the same time, 2, 6. υποδέχομαι, 6, 34. ύποδε'χε- Matth. Gr. Gr. 916.; 5, 4. 7, ται, to receive, admit : 2, 29. 21.; 4, 101. ύπό τάςαύτάς ημε- 1, 25. 1, 71. ύπεδεχετο, to un- ρας τοϊς έτη Δ^λ/ω, at the time dertake, promise, 3, 12. en- ofthe transactions at Delium, tertain, admit into one's so- 1, 115. ύπό νύκτα, by night, Ciety: 3,-111. ύπεδε'ξατο, to 7, 22. just before night-fall, receive privately, 6, 22. ού in the beginning of night, πάσης εσται πόλεως ύπο&ζασθαι, ΎΠΟ ΎΠΟ it will not be (in the power) Gr. 569. ; 8, 20.; 1, 90. ύπο- of every city to receive, Χειφθηναι : 3, 40. υποΧειπομε- entertain, 34. u ύποδεξοιντο, νους, to be passed over, suf- whether they will receive : fered to remain, continue, 8, 81. live : 3, 22. υποΧεΧειμμενου : 7, ύποδεω, 3, 22. υποκείμενοι 43. νπελελειπτο. τον αριστηρον π6$α, to be shod υπόλοιπος, 7 , 7. the remain- on the left foot, to have a ing, remainder, 64. τιμών, the shoe on the left foot. remnant of us : 1, 75. 4, 2. υποδοχή, 7, 74. a reception 18. 90. (of an enemy:) 1, 139. re- υπομενιτεον, 2, 88. ο,™ ονχ ceiving or affording a place υπομενετεον αυτοϊς, which they of refuge to runaway slaves, ought not to meet, encounter. υττοζυγιον, 2, 3. a beast of υπομένω, 7, 17. υπομένων, to burden, 14. 7, 27. 29. remain behind, 81. Matth. ύποθορυβεω, 4, 28. υποθορυ- Gr. Gr. 817. : 5, 50. ύπεμενον ζησάντων, to address tumul- την ioprr)v, to be waiting (un- tuously. til) the festival (was over :) υποκατα&αινω, 7 , 60. ΰποκα- 1, 76. ύπομείναντες, to COn- τ&ησαν, to descend secretly, tinue, 89, to remain behind, silently, quietly. 5, 72. ; 7, 28. to stand, a- υπόκεψαι, 1, 93. υπόκεινται, bide an attack, offer resist- to be laid as a foundation : ance, 8, 27. to wait for : 6, 3, 84. 68. υπομενοΰσι I 4, 5. oi δε εορ- υποΧαμ&άνω, 1, 68. ύπο\α• την τίνα ετυγον άγοντες και αμα Κόντες, to lay hands upon πυνθανόμενοι εν ολιγωρία εποιοΰν- privily, 121 . ύπολα€είν, to se- το, ως, όταν εζεΧθωσιν, η ούχ ύπο- duce (foreign) sailors, 6, 58. μενοΰντας σφας η ραδί'ως Χηφό- to remove, withdraw, take μενοι βία, an instance of the away, 1, 143. to procure in participle, (preceded by the an underhand manner, 3, particle ως,) in the fut. in 113. υπολόγων, to take up in the case of the preceding answer, 2, 72. υπολαβών είπε, subjects, Matth. Gr. Gr.871. to say in reply, 6, 28. ύπο- υπομιμνησκω, 6, 68. to re- λαμ€άνοντες, to lay hold of, mind, 7, 64. 69. Matth. Gr. take up (as matter of accu- Gr. 875. Sation.) υπομνάω, 2, 60. όπως ύπο- υποΧείπω, 7, 64. υπεΧίπετε, μνησω, και μέμφομαι, ill order to leave behind, 6, 10. ύπολι- to admonish and expostulate πόντας I 1,81. υποΧίπωμεν, to with. bequeath : 5, 6. υπεΧείποντο, υπόμνημα, 2, 44. a memo- to be left behind, 61.7, 20. : rial of a deceased person. 3, 98. υπεΧείφθη, Matth. Gr. υπόμνηαις, 4, 17. a hint, 'ΥΠΟ ΎΠΟ reminding, 95. : 1, 72. και ται, : 2, 62. νποπτινόμζνον, to αμα την σφετεραν πόλιν εβουλοντο be regarded with suspicion, σημηναι οση είη δυναμιν, και υπό- to be distrusted : 5, 35. μνησιν ποιησασθαι τοις τε πρεσ^υ- υπωπτευον αλλήλους, to be τεροις ων $δεσαν, καΐ τοΊς νεωτε- SUSpiClOUS of One another, ροις εξηγησιν ων άπειροι ήσαν, mutually distrustful, (aL Matth. Gr. Gr. 590. νττετόττευον,) 4, 126. υπονείφω, 4, 103. ΰπενειφεν, ύποπτος, 3, 42. Suspected, to snow : 3, 23. ΰπονειφομενη 82. 4, 78. 103. 6, 75. : 5, 26. νυζ, a snowy night. suspicious, dubious, 1, 75. υπονοεω, 7 , 73. νπονοησας, 6, 60. : 6, $5. τω ημετερω ΰπό- tO SUSpeCt, Conjecture, 3, 8. πτω, £^ενοι, to carry off, to reap: 1, 79. επι το αυτό εφερον, to bear upon the same point, to be nearly unanimous : 4, 41. ου ρα^ίως εφερον, to bear with impatience, impatient- ly : 7, 56. ίνεγκείΊ;, to sup- port, sustain: 6, 41. οίσομΐν ες υμάς, to report or refer to. φεύγω, 1, 9. τυγχάνειν φευ- -γοντα τον πάτερα, to chance to be fleeing from his father, to be in banishment through fear of his father, 4, 66. 5, 10. 16. 7, 70.: 1, 122. ττεφευ- -γ6τες, to escape or avoid (an imputation :) 6, 72. επισταμέ- νος οτι φευζοιτο, to fly, be- come an exile : 5, 10. έφευγε. φήμη, 1, 11. fame, reputa- tion. φημι, 6, 10. φημι yap, I assert to-wit, ne?npe, nimirum, 1 , 73. φαμεν, tO Say, report, 70. φαίη, to say : 3, 68. οπότε μη φαϊεν, when they said no : 5, 55. ουκ εφν, he denied : 5, 111. φησαν- τες : 3, 68. φθάνω, 7, 23. to anticipate: 3, 49. φθασάσης, to arrive be- fore", 2,52.4,96.7, 1.8, 17.: 4, 4. φθηναι, to be beforehand with, to get the start of, 3, 89. αναδ pa μόντ ες, 5, 72. : 3, 5. φθάσαι την επίπλουν, 5, 72. : 5, 10. φθησεσθαι, 7, 15. φθησον- ται, 8, 12. : 7, 6. έφθασαν πα- ροιχοόομησαντες την των Αθη- ναίων οικο$ομΙαν 7 to get start s s ΦΘΕ ΦΙΛ of the Athenians, and run meant than what would and counterwall beyond prevent the ships availing their works : 3, 49. φθάνειν the Athenians, i. e. captu- τοσοντον όσον ΪΙάγητα ανεγνω- ring them, {see Η. Steph. κεναι, to arrive just in time, Thes. 4, 139.) or, so narrowly to escape φθινόπωρον, 3, 18. περί το being too late, as to allow ψθινόπωρον, about the begin- Paches to have read : 7, 23. ningor setting in of autumn: φθάνει προσπεσών τοις τει'χεσι, 2,31. 3, 100. to attack the forts before φθίνω, 5, 19. μηνός ψθίνον- (the enemy, who has left τος, towards the end of the them, can return to their month, 53. the waning of the defence,) to seize an oppor- moon. tunity of attacking, surprise φθονίω, 2, 35. ' φθονουντες with an assault : 6, 97. ό δε άπιστονσιν, to disbelieve from πεζός εχώρει ευθνς δρόμω προς envy, 64. φθονήσει, to envy : τας Επιπολας, και φθάνει άνα- 6, 16. φνσει φθονείται, to be βας κατά τον Ένονηλον, πριν naturally enough regarded τους Συρακοσίους — παρα~γενεσθαι, With envy : 3, 43. φθονησαντες Matth. Gr. Gr. 841. : 8, της δοκησεως των κερδών, to 100. deny, or refuse to accede, Uyyofwi, 7, 70. φθε^γοιντο, from an idea of venality, to speak, utter, say. φθόνος, 2, 35. envy, jea- φθείρω, 4, 92. to waste lousy : 4, 108. από των πρώ- (a land,) : 1, 69. έφθειραν, των ανδρών. to destroy, 8, 46. : 6, 82. φθορά, 7, 27. ανθρώπων, φθεϊραι τά οικεία, for φθείρε- loss of men (by death or σθαι, 1, 140. : 7, 48. φθε- desertion,) 2, 47. mortality, ρείσθαι, to be ruined : 5, 52. φθόρος, 2, 52. mortality. κακώς ίφθείρετο, to suffer φιάλη, 6, 46. a cup, chalice. dreadfully : 3, 13. εφθάραται, φιλεταιρος, 3, 82. άνδρία, the same as εφθαρνται, to be generous courage. reduced low, to be ex- φιλεω, 5, 70. to be wont, hausted, wasted : 1, 82. 3, 2, 62. 4, 125. : 3, 81. οίον 39. εφθαρμενην : 7, 12. εφθαρ- φιλει εν τω τοιουτω γίγνεσθαι, τοι: 1, 24. εφθάρησαν, 6, 34. such as is wont to take το Λακεδαιμονίων εφθείρομεν, place Onsuch ail Occasion : to join the Lacedaemonians 8, 1. in ruining or overturning : φιλία, 5, 5. 95. 7, 33. 2,91. oi Πελοποννήσιοι εκράτονν friendship: 2, 9. ες άμφοτε- τε και έφθειραν τάς Άττικάς νανς, ρους, amity With both, neu- ϊ\ο farther destruction is trality : 1, 91. 2, 86. 6, 34. Π Φ1Λ ΦΟΝ φίλιος, 4, 120. τριηρει, friendly : 5, 36. φιΧοδικίω, 1, 77. to love litigation. φιΧοκαΧεω, 2, 40. φιλοκα- Χοΰμεν μετ ευτεΧείας, to Study elegance without extrava- gance. φιΧοκρινεω, 6, 18. φίλοκρι- νοΐεν, to weigh nicely, exa- mine scrupulously, select with caution. φιΧονεικεω, 5,43. 7, 71. περί τοΰ πΧύονος, to be ambitious of, eager after : 5, 1 1 1 . φι- Χονεικησαι, to pursue through eagerness of contention : 4, 64. (jaXovwc'ia, 1, 41. eagerness of contention : 7, 28. ; 70. προς φιΧονεικίαν, ΟΏ. aCCOUllt of ardour, rivalry : 8, 76. ψιΧόποΧις, 6, 92. a lover of (his native) city, country, a patriotic citizen, 2, 60. φΙΧος, 5, 36. 41. 7, 1. friendly, favourable. φιΧοσοφεω , 2, 40. φιΧοσοφοΰ- μιν, to study or cultivate the polite arts. φιΧοτιμία, 3, 82. ambition : 2, 65. τας ίδίας, the ambition of individuals. φιΧότιμος, 2, 44. το φιλότι- juov, love of honour, thirst after or desire of fame. φΧαύρως ειχον, 1, 126. to be in very bad condition. ψΧό-γωσις, 2, 49. inflamma- tion. φλοξ, 2, 77. a flame: 4, 100. μ^άΧην : 3, 74. 7, 53. φΧυκταινα, 2, 49. μικραϊς, little pustules, pimples, spots. φοβερός, 3, 83. όρκος, for- midable, 7, 42. : 3, 38. 4, 63. terrible : 6, 55. το ζύνηθες φοβερόν, the usual, custo- mary awe, fear: 2,3. φοβε- ρωτζροι, more fearful, in greater consternation: 6, 15. φοβεω, 5, 45. εφόβουν, to alarm, frighten, 5, 9. <£οβοΰι>- ra : 4, 56. εφόβησεν : 1, 36. 5, 46. <^οβεΓτα(, to fear : 2, 4. ϊφοζηθησαν, to be thrown into consternation, 4, 68. φοζηθεντες, 1, 142. φο&ηθηναι, to be feared, 5, 9. : 2, 89. 7Γεφόβ>? vrui, 7, 67. : 5, 10. πεφοζημένοις, 2, 89. : 4, 114. πεφοζησθαι : 5, 9. Matth. Gl\ Gr. 740. : 3, 93. Matth. 445. : 398. Matth. 569. : 3, 53. Matth. 773. : 8, 82. φόβος, 1, 9. των Ηρακλείδων, fear of the Heraclidae, 3, 42. 5, 11. 7, 44. :6, 58. om φόβου είναι, a periphrasis for φοβ«- σθαι, Matth. Gr. Gr. 890. φοίνικος, 7, 29. φοινικωτατον, most bloody-minded, very fond of shedding blood, (where Bekker reads φον.) φοιταω, 1, 95. προς τους 'Αθηναίους, to gO to, 139. παρ 'Αθηναίους, (as an ambassa- dor:) 4, 41. : 8, 18. εφοίτα, was accustomed to go. φονεύω, 3, 81. εφόνευον, to slaughter, 7, 29. : 1, 50. 8, 95. φόνος, 1, 23. slaughter, carnage, 108. s s 2 φορ φρο φορά, 2, 72. φέροντες φοράν, sentiments, 6, 16. εφ' εαυτω to pay rent : 1,96. tribute, μέγα ψρονουντα, to be proud supply. of oneself, bear oneself φορεω, 1, 6. φοροΰντες, to loftily, 2, 22. φρονονντας τα wear or carry as a garment: άριστα, to be well advised, 2, 76. 6, 89. οι φρονοΰντες τι, qui φορμηΰον, 2, 75. τίθεντες, to aliqil'ld SClpiunt, 36. φρονίσαι interweave, wattle : 4, 48. κακώς, to be ill-advised, to like baggage, by wholesale, judge ill : 5, 85. φρονεί, to φόρος, 5, 18. 7, 28. 57. 8, mean. 5. tribute : 1, 56. υποτελείς φρόνημα, 4, 80. υπο φρονη- φόοου, under contribution : ματος, greatness of spirit, 3. 50. φόρον έταζαν Λεσβίοις, to higli-spiritedness, loftiness impose a tribute, taxes upon of soul : 5, 40. εν φρονηματι the Lesbians. όντες, to presume on the φορτη-γικός, 6, 88. πλοίου, a idea : 1, 81. : 6, 18. pride, merchant vessel, oner aria : proud spirit : 2, 43. ανδοί γε 2, 75. φρόνημα tyovTi, to a man of Φράζω, 5, 66. to tell, 1, 137. spirit at least, 62. confi- to tell, communicate: 2, 60. dence, magnanimity, eleva- οικείως φράζοι, to speak to the ted spirits: 1, 81. 6, 33. purpose, to be understood : φρονηματι, from pride, the 3, 15. ίφραζον τοις ζνμμάγοις, dat., as the Latin abl., to order, 7, 43. : 3, 42. φρά- answering to the question σαι περί του μέλλοντος, to ex- from what, whence, Matth. plain, make manifest, to in- Gr. Gr. 567. dicate, declare^ 5, 8. : 7, 25. φρουρά, 1, 115. a guard, 4, οίπερ τα σφετερα φράσωσιν, who 56. '. 2, 25. έτυχε έχων φρουράν, are to notify the state of to happen to have a guard their own affairs. of troops, to be in that φράσσω, 4, 13. φράζαι, to neighbourhood with a guard barricado : 1, 82. πεφρα-γμενοι, of troops : 5, 75. 7, 27. to be well-protected : 8, 35. φρονρεω, 5, 33. εφρουρουν, φραζαμενων, t ο fortify. to guard, watch, 4, 1. Μεσ- φρεαρ, 2, 49. τούτο 'έδρασαν σ'ηνην, 4, 113. 5, 35. : 1, 107. ριπτοΰντες σφάς ες φρέατα, wells. εφρουρείτο, to be garrisoned : φρονεω, 3, 38. περί των πα- 8, 35. φρουρουσας, to keep ρόντων Ικανως φρονουντες, pro- watch. perly to perceive or fully to φρούριον, 2, 13. 32. 3, 18. understand what passes be- a fort: 5, 80. 7, 3. a garrison, fore one's eyes, 3, 68. τά φρουρίς, 4, 13. a ship on σφετιρα, to be of their own guard. ΦΡΟ ΦΥΛ Φρουρός, 1, 26. 3, 7. 4, 25. 5, 2. 56. 8, 108. a garrison- soldier. φρυγανισμος, 7, 4. fuel, dry wood. φρυγανον, 3, 111. φρύγανων ζυλλογη, gathering of fire- wood. φρυγω, 6, 22. πεφρυγμενας, to be parched, roasted, baked. ψρνκτύς, a lighted torch, beacon, 3, 22. φρυκτοΊ τε ηροντο. φρυκτωρεω, 3, 80. εφρυκτω- ρηθησαν, to be communicated by means of beacons. φρυκτωρία, 3, 22. τα σημεία της φρυκτωρίας, the Signals of the beacon, telegraph. φυγα&κος, 6, 92. belonging to or becoming an exile, fugitive. φυγάς, 1, 26. 3, 31. 5, 83. 6, 92. 7, 57. 8, 6. an exile. φυγή, 1 , 23. a flight, banish- ment: 3, 33. φυγην εποιειτο, to take to flight, to fly out- right : 5, 73. ες φυγην ετρά- ποντο, thev turned and fled : 7, 43. κατέστησαν ες φυγην, to put or reduce to flight: 2,21. Matth. Gr. Gr. 587. : 8, 64. φυλακή, 1, 52. 5, 3. 50. a guard: 7, 71. ες φυλακην, for a guard, i. e. to guard, de- fend : 1, 57. 143. εγειν φυλα- κην, to keep watch : 2, 13. εν φυλακή, under guard : 7, 1. a guard of ships stationed to watch, a fleet of observation, ships on the outlook : 3, 82. έργων, a jealousy of their actions : 7, 4. πέμπει ες φυλα- κην αυτών είκοσι ναΰς, to send a squadron to watch for the enemy: 1, 126, οι των 'Αθη- ναίων επιτετραμμένοι την φυλα- κην, ίοΓ οις η φυλακή επιτετρα- τγτο, the same verbs, which (by a peculiar Graecism)take for a subject in the pass, the dat. of the active, take also the accus. of the thing, (in contradistinction to the dat. of person,) in the active, likewise in the pass., Matth. Gr. Gr. 605. : 8, 51. φυλακτηριον, 4, 31. a guard, number of soldiers on guard, 110. φυλαζ, 4, 3. a sentinel, guard : 2, 24. φύλακας κατε- στησαντο, to station watches : 3, 21.6, 100. φυλάσσω, 7, 53. εφυλασσον, to keep guard, 1, 55. 2, 78. : 2, 3. φυλά ζάντες, to Watch (their opportunity,) 7, 25. : 2, 24. ωσπερ εμελλον φυλάζειν, just as they intended to keep (them,) 5, 111. φυλάζεσθε, to be on one's guard, 103. ψυ- λαζεται'. 7,69. φυλαζάμενοι προς το δοκεϊν, to guard against seeming: 7, 17. φυλάσσοιεν, 3, 30. ό φυλασσοιτο, to guard against, to be on one's guard : 2, 13. το φυλασσομενον («S'C. μέρος,) the (part) guarded : 6, 87. πολλά φυλασσόμενα '. 4, 11. Matth. Gr. Gr. 466. φυλή, 2, 34. a tribe : 3, 90. a company (of soldiers :) 6, ΦΥΡ 98. εν τα-γμα απο φυλής μιας Ι 7, 69. φνρω, 3, 49. πεφυρμενα ο'ινω και έλαίω, to be steeped. φύσις, 2, 35. νπερ την φυσιν, above the capacity: 3, 74. παρά φύσιν, 6, 17. άνοια πάρα φύσιν, beyond nature, more than usual, excessive, nimia, (the COnstr. δοκούσα uvai π» φ. :) 5, 105. : β, 79. τους φύσει ποΧεμίονς, natural ene- mies : 1, 138. φύσεως δυνά- μει, by the force of his genius : 2, 45. της νπαρ- γούσης φύσεως μη γενέσθαι χει- ροσι, not to degenerate or ΧΑΡ depart from the virtues the sex, to which one be- longs, the nature or quali- ties, which belong to one. φΰσα, 4, 100. μνγαλας, bel- lows. φυσάω, 4, 100. εφνσων, to blow. φυτεύω, 1,2. to plant (the ground.) φύω, 4, 61. πεφυκε το αι>θρώ- πειον, the nature of man is such, man is by nature prone, 2, 64. to be naturally prone, 3, 45. πεφύκασι, 1, 70. πεφυκεναι, 3, 39. πεφυκε» φωνή, 6, 5. 7, 57. a dialect. χ. Χαλαρός, 2, 76. ταίς άλύσεσι, loose, unstretched. ναλεπαινω, 2, 22. to DC in a rage, heat, 59. 60. εμοι ^αλετταίνετε, to be angry at : 5, 63. εχαλεπαινον : 1_, 26. 3, 82. χαλεττος, 1, 22. difficult, 77. j-igorous, heavy : 4, 24. dan- gerous : 7, 14. αρζαι, difficult to govern, indocile, 47. un- wholesome, noisome, insalu- brious, pestilential : 3, 40. γαΧεπωτερος, 4, 86. 5, 9. 7, 51. : 3, 26. 42. -χαλεπωτατος, 7, 21. 25. Matth. Gr. Gr. 643. : 7, 71. γαλεπότης, 1, 84. ξύν χαλε- πότητι, with severe disci- pline : 4, 12. ruggedness. χαλεπως, 7, 13. With diffi- culty, 1,2. ου χαλεπώς, with- out difficulty : 5, 42. harshly, haughtily, unfavourably : 2, 50. χαλε7τωτέρως η κατά την άνθρωπείαν φνσιν, beyond what humanity could bear: 2, 52. χαλεπώς φερειν, Matth. Gr. Gr. 488.: 6,61. χάλιξ, 1, 93. mortar, ce- ment. χαλκεύω, 3, 88. to forge (as Vulcan. ) χαλκός, 3, 68. brass. -χαράδρα, 3, 98. ravine, bed of a torrent : κατά yapaSpav, by the dried up channel of the torrent. χάραζ, 3, 70. a pale, pali- sade. γαριζομαι, 1, 34. εκ του χαρί- £ε<τ0αι τοίς εναντίοις, from gra- ΧΑΡ ΧΗΛ tifying one's enemies : 3,37. χαρίζησθε, grant an indul- gence, do a favour, 40. χα- ριεϊσθε, the Doric fut., Matth. Gr. Gr. 221. χάρις, 1, 32. 'εζουσιν την χάριν β&αιον, to do a favour, which is not likely to be forgotten, 77. to be grateful: 6. 11. : 1, 9. favour, affec- tion : 3, 42. προς χάριν λε'γειν, to speak for applause. χείλος, 3, 23. της τάφρου, the brink. χειμάζω, 6, 75. χειμάϊ,οντας, to Winter, 74. εχειμάζοντο, to be distressed by the wea- ther : 3, 69. χειμασθείσαι, to be tossed in a storm, 6, 104. 8, 32. : 2, 25. χειμαζόμενοι. χειμερινός, 6, 21. μηνών τεσ- σάρων των χειμερινών, HI the space of four winter months. χειμέριος, 3, 22. stormy, tempestuous. χειμών, 2, 1. κατά θέρος και χειμώνα, by summer and win- ter, (i. e. the narrative is divided into these portions of time :) 4, 103. χειμών ην, it was winter : 6, 2. a storm, stormy weather, 3, 21. νοτε- ρός, rainy weather, 4, 3. : 3, 104. του αύτοΰ χειμώνος, the gen. serves to determine place and time in answer to the question where, when? Matth. Gr. Gr. 528. : 8, 30. χ^ίρ, 3, 66. εν χερσιν, in the engagement : 1, 138. ά μετά χήρας ίχοι, to be engaged in the execution of: 3, 96. πολ- ^V X"p«> with a great body (of troops:) 4, 25. σιδηρά, a grappling iron : 5, 72. εςχεΓ- ρας, for a blow : 6, 70. εν χερσι μάχης, a close fight, hand to hand: 1, 52. ες χεΓρας ιιλθον, to come to blows, to fight. χειροποίητος, 2, 77. made with or by the hands. χειροτέχνες, 6, 72. a citizen, mechanic : 7, 27. χειροτονία, 3, 49. a show of hands, voting. χειρουργεω, 8, 69. ει τι που δεοι χειρονρ-γεϊν, to despatch, kill, Schol. άναιρεΓν. χειροω, 3, 40. χειρώσασθαι, to reduce to subjection, 4, 24. : 7,41. χειρώσεσθαι : 3, 39. εχειρώθησαν, to be subdued, reduced to subjection : 5, 96. κεχείρο^νται, to be severely handled : 4, 24. χείρων, 2, 42. worse, in- ferior: 6, 89. χάρον, less at- tentively, favourably, secus ac j>ar sit : 3, 46. χαρον βουλενσασθαι, to decree the worst, 1, 73. to form un- wise resolutions: 2, 45. ολί- γω χείρονς, rather inferior : 7, 67. χείρον πράσσω. χερνιφ, 4, 96. χρησθαι χερ- ν&ι, to use for washing the hands. χερσαίος, 7, 67. άκοντισται τ terrce tan turn assueti, lands- men. χερσόνησος, 6, 97. nearly an island. χηλή, 1,63. a pier (running into the sea,) 7, 53. ΧΗΡ ΧΡΗ χηρεία, 2, 45. widowhood. χίλιος, 5, 6. of or belonging to a thousand. χίτων, 1, 6. a tunic. χλωρός, 2, 49. 4, 6. green, unripe. χοίνιξ, 4, 16. a dry mea- sure. Xopvyla, 6, 16. expence of providing public exhibitions and entertainments. χορός, 3, 104. 5, 16. a dance. χοΟς, 2, 76. 4, 90. a mound. χράω, 5, 16. χρησαι, to answer as an oracle, 32. χρησαντος, to direct by an oracle. χράομαι, 1,6. εχρησαντο, to USe, take Up, 26. χρησεσθαι, to treat, deal with : 2, 18. εχρώντο, Matth. Gr. Gr. 724.: 2, 15. Matth. 589.: 4,120. εχρησαντο τω χειμωνι, to ex- perience, 7, 30. χρησαμενων πάθει, to experience a cala- mity, tO suffer, 4, 78. εχρώντο δυναστεία μάλλον η ισονομία, to exercise : 7, 85. εαυτω χρί?- σθαι, ο, τι βονλονται, tO do with himself what they pleased: 1. 126. χρωμενω τω Κυλωνι ανεΓλεν ο θεός, the god bid Cylon on consulting him : 1,3. Θαλασσή ΐδί? τα ττλείω χρώμενοι, now having more intercourse by sea: 7, 70. χρώμενοι ταϊς εμ^ολαις, to charge or v bear down upon: 3,96. χρησθίν, to be foretold or delivered by an oracle : 2, 34. εχρώντο τω νό- μω, to observe the ceremony : 1, 76. χρησαμενοι ryj ανθρωπεία φύσει, to follow the dictates of human nature, 53. χρήσ«- σθε ως πολεμίοις, to treat as enemies : 5, 18. χρησθων, in- stead of the termination — ωσάν, in the third pers. plur. imper. the form — ων is very much used, particularly in Attic Greek, Matth. 263. χρεία, 1, 70. the need, want, 34. : 32. ες την χρείαν, utility, need, 37. : 2, 62. χρεών, J, 77. to be neces- sary, right : 2, 61. (νμας sc.) you Ought *. 3, 40. ύμείς αν ov χρεών αρχοιτε, not to be fitting or just that you should have empire. χρη, 1, 91. 5, 27. to be fit, expedient, necessary : 6, 68. πώς ου χρη την ελπίδα εχειν, how can we choose but, we must necessarily: 5,35. χρην, to happen of necessity, 46. χρηναι, to be expedient. χρρ£ω., 3, 109. to wish. χρήμα, 1, 2. 8. χρήματα, wealth, possessions, 19. tri- bute : 7, 27. effects, pro- perty, 15. money, 31. provi- sions : 2, 60. κρεισσων χρη- μάτων, one who is superior to, not to be seduced by money, above a bribe, 21. χρημασι πεισθηναι την αναχώρη- σα, to be induced by bribes to retreat, to be bribed to retreat: 7, 47. Matth. Gr. Gr. 812. : 6, 71. Matth. 615. ΧΡΗ ΧΩΡ 'χρηματίζω, 5, 5. εχρηματισε, to negociate, 61. χρψΜτίίται, to address and negociate in a public character, 6, 62. χρηματ'ισας ταΧΧα, to transact business, 1, 87. : 7, 13. χρη- ματιεΐσθαι, to make money. χρήσιμος, 3, 44. το χρησιμον, utility, profit : 7, 72. fit for service, 49. : 3, 56. τω αντίκα χρησίμω, present advantage : 6, 53. χρησιμώτερον, more prudent, advisable, 7, 14. : 4, 62. 'χρησιμωτατον. χρησις, 7, 5. της Ίππου ουδε- μία χρησις ην, the horse are of no use. -χρησμοΧό-γοι, 2, 8. inspired, oracular bards, fortune- tellers, who sang their pro- phecies in verse, 21. priests, who gave out oracles : 8, 1 . χρησμός, 3, 104. κατά χρη- σμόν τίνα, in obedience to an oracle : 5, 103. ■χρηστηριον, 1, 25. an ora- cle, 103. 2, 54. -χρηστός, 1, 91. honest, respectable, 6, 53. πάνυ χρη- στούς των ποΧιτων, very re- spectable. χρονίζω, 8, 16. εχρονιζε, to be delayed : 6, 49. χρονίσγ, to lose time, to delay. χρόνιος, 1, 12. long, pro- tracted, late: 6, 31. στρατείαν, long, lasting : 5, 73. χρόνος, 1, 23. εν Ίσω χρονψ, in an equal time, 97. τοίς χρόνοις, chronologically : 6, 5. χρόνω ϋστερον, some time after, in course of time : 1, 80. χρόνος ενεσται, time Will intervene, 37. lv τω προτού χρόνω, in the former time : 4, 26. χρυσεϊον, 4, 105. a gold- mine. χρυσίον, 2, 13, an orna- ment of gold. χρυσούς, 1, 6. golden. χρως, 2, 84. ιν χρω αει πα- ραπλέοντας, to sail close by, so as to graze the surface. χώμα, 2, 75. έχουν, to pile up, raise a mound. χώρα, 1, 15. territory, land : 5, 14. 7, 15. : 50. κατά χώραν, throughout Of along the district. χωρεω, 5, 43. χωρειν προς τους Άργειους, to attach one- self to, 7, 14. χωρησαι προς εκείνους, to go over to : 1, 17. 7, 43. εχώρουν, to march, proceed, to advance, 4, 54.: 2, 17. ζχώρησε, to contain : 5, 47. επι πλέον χωρησε- σθαι, to go on from less to more, to get worse and worse, 2, 20. : 4, 125. ε'χώ- ρουν επ οίκου, to run home .* 8, 25. χωροΰντες : 4, 32. χωρη- σειαν. 3, 97. Matth. Gr. Gr. 569. : 3, 64. μετά 'Αθηναίων άδί /cov ο§ον ιόντων εχωρησατε, an instance, where the verb retains its intrans. significa- tion, but takes an ace us., Matth. 602. χωρίον, 1, 13. a place, town, 5, 12. 35. 51. 65. 7, 1. : 1, 106. an enclosure, a farm, property. χωρίς, 1, 61, besides, with- out : 2, 24, θεσϋαι, to set τ t ΧΩΣ ΏΡΑ apart : 3, 17. χωρίς δε, be- sides, 2, 13. χωσις, 2, 76. raising a mound : 3, 2. των λιμένων, throwing up earth to secure the mouth of a harbour, damming up the mouth, running a mole. ψ. Ψεγομαι, 5, 86. ου ψε-γεται, not to be blamed. ψευδής, 4, 29. lying, false. ψεύδομαι, 6, 12. ψενσασθαι καλώς, to lie, deceive plausi- bly, tell specious falsehoods : 5, 83. εψευστο ζυμμαχιαν, to break or violate an engage- ment : 3, 43. ψενσάμενον πιστον -γενέσθαι, to gain credit by falsehood : 1, 132. ψευσθ[? της δόξης, to be deceived in one's expectations: 4, 108. εψευ- σμενοις, 6, 17. : 3, 66. ψευσθει- σαν '. 8, 103. ψευδώς, 1, 137. falsely. ψηφίζω, 5, 17. ψηφισαμενων, to give their votes, 47. 8, 1.: 5, 28. εψηφίσαντο, 7, 16. to decree by vote; 1, 119. ψηφί- σασθαι πολεμον, to vote for war, 1, 120. εψηφισμενοι πολε- μον, 6, 13. ψηφιζηται ττολεμειν '. 6, 18. ψηφισθηναι Ι 8, 71. ■ψήφισμα, 3, 49. a decree : 1, 140. καθαιρείν, to rescind a decree : 7, 49. ■ψήφος, 4, 74. φανεραν, Open vote (by means of a pebble :) 1,43.87. 119. ψιλός, 2, 79. 7, 45. light, unencumbered : 3, 94. σκευή, light armour: 5, 47.: 7, 1. light-armed: 4, 36. Matth. Gr. Gr. 805.: 4,125. ψίλόω, 3, 109. ψιλωσαι, to leave bare. ψόγος, 1, 70. reproach, blame, censure. ■ψόφος, 4, 115. πολλού γενο- μένου, a crash : 3, 22. a noise. ψυχρός, 7, 87. cold, 2, 49. Ω. Ώθεω, 4, 43. εώσαντ-ο, to re- pulse, 35. ωσασθαι, 11. ώσά- μενοι, 6, 70. το κέρας, to force to give way, to break, 8, 25. to push, drive. ωθισμος, 4, 96. ασπιοων* putting shield to shield. ώμος, 3, 81. στάσις, a cruel, fierce, murderous sedition,36. ώμοψάγος, 3, 94. an eater of raw flesh. ώνητος, 1, 121. mercenary: 3, 40. which may be pur- chased. ωρα, 4, 6, a season (of the year :) 7, 39. an hour : 6, 54. ηλικίας, the season, period of youth, tempus atatisflormtis. ΏΡΑ ΏΣΎ ωραίος, 1, 120. 3, 58. το ωραία, the commodities or fruits of the season. 'Ωρωπός, 8, 95. Matth. Gr. Gr. 118. ώς, 7, 31. since, quippequi, qiiandoquidem, ατε, 17. 5, 1. when : 2, 15. ώς τον βα- σιλέα, to the king, 1, 74. υμάς, to, towards, 5, 46. αυ- τούς, to them, 3, 13. 7, 39. : 3, 38. ώς είπείν, if I may use the expression, 39. generally speaking, to speak with al- lowance : 1, 10. ώς εμοί §οκε~ι, as appears to me, 22. accord- ing to my own fancy : 7, 74. ως, thus, in this way, 3, 33. εί και ως, although in this case, thus, 1, 74.; 5, 55. ούδ' ως εΰυνηθησαν, not tllUS were they able : 6, 71. ώς πεντήκον- τα, about, nearly, 7, 34. ώς είκοσι στα&ονς, about 20 sta- dia: 3,4. ώς ούδεν πράζαντες, as having had no success, done nothing : 7, 68. εχθ/οοιώς πάν- τες Ί'στε : 5, 55 % ώς τρίτον μέρος, about the third part: 3, 37. ώς επι το πλείον, for the most part, generally speaking, 83. ώς τά πλείω, mostly: 1, 67. ώς έκαστοι, severally, one by one: 1, 47. ώς επί νανμαγία, as if for, 126. ώς επί τυραννίδι, as if with a view to usurp the government, 5, 3.; 1, 74. ώς διεφθαρμένοι, as if, or like ruined men: 3, 113. ώς προς το μέγεθος της πόλεως, ΠΙ pro- portion to the size of the city: 5, 17. ώς επί τειχισμον, as if for a fortification : 7, 48. ώς απηλθον, that they de- parted, or how they de- parted : 6, 53. ώς κελευσοντας ϊικίΐν, to be come in order to bid, 3, 54. ώς πολε- μίους, in the character of enemies : 5, 31. και ώς ουκ εμ- μεινάντων τφ επιτροπή, as if they had not abided by their decision, conformed to their judgment, 43. νέος ώς εν αλλ? πόλει, one who would be con- sidered a young man in any other state, although what is regarded as a youth in other countries : 8, 103. Matth. Gr. Gr. 888.: 6, 24. τοις μεν yap πρεσ^υτεροις ως η καταστρεφομενοις εφ α επλεον, an instance of the participle after ώς in the case of the preceding subject, Matth. 871. I J, 1. θ. Α. ζυνενρα'φε τον πολεμον των Πελοποννεσι'ων, και Αθηναίων, ως εποΧεμησαν προς αλλήλους, ώς here IS not as in several other cases for the relative δς, ?), δ, for the sense of the preceding subst. is extended by another turn of the sentence and ώς signi- fies as, Matth. 702. ωσπερ, 1, 134. ειχεν, as was the case, as he was : 5, 44. ωσπερ και αυτοί, in the same way as themselves: 6, 18. ωσπερ καί άλλοι, an instance of the Use Of ωσπερ for είπερ with aXXo τι, where the su- perlative is implied, Matth. Gr. Gr. 940.: 1, 142. ωσπερ και aWo τι. ώστε, 3, 75. so as, on the ΏΦΕ ΏΦΕ condition that, 44. so as, 5, 35. : 3, 34. προσκαλεσάμενος ώστε καταστησειν, to invite upon condition of, Matth, Gr. Gr. 691. : 3, 28. ποιούνται ομολο- ylav ώστε Άθηναίοις εζειναι, to make terms upon condition that it be lawful for the Athenians, that the Athe- nians have a right, 28. ava- στησας αυτούς ώστε μη α^ικησαι, to raise them up on condi- tion of doing them no injury : 7, 82. Matth. 691.: 5, 94. an instance of the use of the conjunction, for which the rel. in the form εφ' ίοτε is some- times substituted, Matth. /. C. : 3, 114. σπόντας και ζνμ- μαγ^ιαν εποιησαντο επι τοισδε, ώστε μήτε Αμπρακιωτας μετά Ακαρνανων στρατευειν κ. τ. λ., Matth. 691. : 3, 75. σπονδάς ποιησαμενους, ώστε τους αυτούς εγθρους και φίλους νομιζειν, an instance where the conjunc- tion is used as if referring to a pron. demonstr. preceding, here supply επί τούτω, Matth. 691. see too 758. : 2, 101. αναπειθεται υπο Σεύθου, ώστε εν τάγει απελθεϊν, an instance of a verb, which usually takes the simple infin., being fol- lowed by the conj., Matth, 798. : 8, 86. ωφέλεια, 1, 35. assistance: 1, 3. επ ωφέλεια, for an aid, the advantage, in order to assist: 1, 90. 5, 38. 7, 5. benefit, assistance, support: 1, 28. ωφελείας ένεκα, for the sake of their interest : 6, 72» SUCCOUr, Support, 80. την κοι- νών ωφελειαν φυλαίαι, to guard the common interest. ωφελεω, 5, 23. to bring suc- cour : 2, 77. ουδέν ωφελούν, to avail nothing: 1,74.5,9. ωφε- λ//σειει/, to benefit, advantage : 3, 64. ωφελεϊσθαι, to be re- compensed, 42. εν τω τοιωδε, to be benefitted by such means : 1, 43. ωφεληθεντας, 6, 12. ωφεληθη, 5, 90. ωφεληθηναι : 7, 37. ωφελησονται'. 2, 39. ωφε- ληθείη, to derive advantage, benefit, 4, 75. ωφέλιμος, 1, 76. profitable,, advantageous, 4, 44. useful, instrumental, 59. serviceable, 5, 73.: 1, 93. ωφελιμωτερον, 3, 37. 7, 47. : 1, 74. ωφελιμωτατα, most important : 7, 64. THE END. Primed by R. Gilbert, St. JohnVsquare, London. \VJ S ■5= ο Λ V N>>" :S J>- v> % '/ ν C3 ^Ρ,χ^ tt V ■ ^ > Λ «p. Γ c ° N c * -x <* ^ o x /*^ *v oV Ν -V Λ Λ '^ ν ι "ο_ vie. \ Η CV /- -I- ' '> κ ο * # >* v V - J 7 <τ» Ο . - -rp- * χ0ο ν Λ ^ '* ^ νΛ^ ο Ρ .£%. ' ο C £ ^ V- "οο^ ο Α 5» ϊ\ Ν V- ν? ' ."6 / '» .;■■■.' 1 'V Λ 1 ' C• ν ν ^ ,\ ex •* * V ■i> α 4 ν ^ <ν tf ν Λ .0 Ο. ν V ' -0 >Λ ■ ,ν S .0 ο .^ ν %, / "S.V y ^ *ο ο χ \ \ Λ "6 ^ ^- ν^ Χ ' ^' «ίο ' \ ο