E iJ^SIgsiggiaiieigiiliiiliS 67/ «j;<- G,. --^ d d ^ .do d :^ ^ C J •^. di d " ^ d^d - --_dd ''=^ c d d c _^^ dd r c c dec ^cc d^' CLc dad d. dL-iit-d 0?:cc: cdCC _ C liLlBMilY OF CONGRESS, -'jopnnght ^'o. ^>^.^'.-£5';'5^ ^. .cdsL^^:-^-c -d <:Cc' ' d= d:« &^ ^< CSC d- ^5d ^c d " ■ .>^-^ dCd ^'^ tc CI d^d If <^ CL d <^ ^^=_'^ d d ^t_£ '-^ 3- -. cc 3e:c<:^ ^ cc D*^«-^ ^ lialc(l in Hostile array jire-deteriiiiiied to protect, Exalt, and to crown capital the IMastei"; and to betray, dfba«e and fetter Lal)in\ tlie liuiiililcd JSlave; iliiis afier aliolisji- iiii; (lie lesser curse of Sectional, Domestic, Airican Slavery, E-iablisliinij in iis slead the greater curse of National Political Slavery !!! Aijiiin, this Sectional Party of Po'itiral nionnlobnnk«5, National Batikers and National Boiul-Slave-lioldcrs, hy taxinir to dealli onr Sliip-hniMinir trade and sellini: out our National Sliipijin:; Interests, iliey have conipelli'd our niaiU, coiniinrce and travel to seek trang poor. This is the Trinitorial Power behind the Throne, greater' than the Throne itself, and which has dethroned oi- over- thrown all Kingdoms, Empires and false llepublics !1! This Insecure National Bank Currency, with its twin — 22 — relic of Barbarism Tariff, Protection. Since tlie Political fall of the first man Adams, and his Aping Ilam-il-ton, lieavy deadhead partner out of this United Stately Garden of Eden, has been the outcast, dirt-eating blacK Serpent, which was first beheaded by the brave Patriotic Firm, Head or Brains, old Soldier and Statesman, Andrew Jackson, who first removed its corrupt deposits, and SnaUey, poisonous nest from the National Legislative Halls of Con- gress. But the late War Power iuis Spawned a new brood of the Hydra headed. Mammon, Slavery and War Dragon Monster Sectionalism, with its 2,000 Bhick-Mammon Spreading, Serpent or Slippery Codtish-Heads of Aristoc- racy, and with 40.000,000 labor spreading Tales of Woe!!! Yet how changed tlie scene since the first fall in Uncle Sam's granging garden of Eden. Now we have a few, Yankee Scotched, Brassy -faced, Bullion-headed or Cop- per-lhad Serpents, consorting willi this inharmonious Black-Kepublican family of Black-Snakes!!! But I will take the liberty to say to all such, bitten or would-be back-biting Sore heads, that you can not serve faithfully two masters. If you are not found working with the Democratic Party in this third great day of National, Political and Financial Peace Judgment, you are work- ing against it and in harmony with the opposition; and since all parties acknowledge we must have a Paper Currenc}', the only question to be settled is which form of Paper Currency will we Choose? Will you serve under the Masterly Green-back Servant, Uncle Sam's free, laboring man's Nation Secured Currency, which costs the people nothing, which pays all indebtedness, re-enlivens all Industries, and Spreads Peace, Prosperity and happi- ness over the whole Nation? Or will you choose rather to Serve under Master Gray-backs, the Paper Despot, or the Money Changer's, Gold Gambler's and Stock Broker's, or labor breaker's Currency, wliich first Bears the Bulls, and then makes the Bulls hook the Bears, or in other words whose only Policy is to make a few idle aristo- cratic rich men Richer, and the many laboring poor men Poorer ! ! ! : The Significant questions as to the true basis of Cur- rency, of Protection and the Just and Equal Administra- tion of the Government as a whole, or harmonious Trinity may, perhaps, be answered best Yankee fashion, by ask- ing briefly other questions: — 23 — 1. When did the Democratic Party ever base their paper currency on anything Else than Gold and Silver? 2. When did the opposition party base their paper cur- rency on anything else than dead-bonds, buried in political corruption, over" whose Bonded grave they have asked, prayed for, and been answered in this first National bless- ing, or in violated paper promises, Repudiated National Contracts of their own make, redeeming their own paper promises in their own paper currency of current paper changes from Slaughtered State Bank paper, and Slaugh- tered transported Specie to live Green-backs, and from live Green-backs to dead-head-Bonds, and from dead Bonds, thrice repudiated, to masterly living, but Nation- enslaving Gray-backs ? These Gray-backs must be re- deemed with live Green-backs, and the Green-back must - be redeemed in five per cent. Gold-Bonds, another paper basis promissory change, and the small crop of gold raised from these bonds must help to redeem, be buried in, or be swallowed up by (like the great whale swallowed little Jonah), and be transported to a foreign country to redeem the gold-drawing Interest on our foreign debt. This is the End of Specie Payments ; the End of Paper repudiated promises, and the Prophetic bitter End of Black-Repub- lican Government. 3. When did ever the Democrat Party base Protection on any living creature, except the Equalizing distributive Life, Liberty Property protective System of its Interme- diate Saving Legislative Body, as the only place where Liberty, Equality and Protection can come in and yield freely equal and exact justice to all men, to nil Parties and to all sections of this Great Republic, without regard to race, color, or previous condition of servitude, whether of God, Man, or the Brazen Black Serpent and the Golden Calf of the Black-Republican Party? 4. When did ever Sectionalism or the opposition Party since the Political rise and downfall of their first-erring and departing Man, Adams, base their Scheming System of Protection on any other foundation than Partial or Party Class Legislation, or Representation? Partial Taxation?? and Partial Protection??? which is virtually Protecting Idleness, not Industry; Protecting Capital, notLabor! Pro- tecting the Rich, Idle, Aristocratic Bond-holder, National Bank Stockholder; the corrupt, corrupting and corruptible Office-holder; not the poor Lionest laboring Loom-holder, Plane-holder and Plow-holder ? ? ? — 24 — 5. When did the great Positive, National, Peace-Creat- ing, Union-Saving and Liberty Redeeming Democratic Party, as the Legal Heirs, Rightful Inheritors, and National Sovereign Will-Administrators of this free-will, self-government of our Democratic Fathers ever base their Peaceful, Equalizing distributive Administration of government on any other foundation than the Eternal Rock of Ages; the Universal Divine Laws of Peace, Love and Virtue, or on harmonious Individual, Civil and Religious Liberty, through Equal Domestic, Social and local Laws, or Sovereign liouie Rule; Reserved Stately. Rights, and constitution-limited, delegated National Legislation, pro- visionally producing the greatest possible good to the greatest number? Proverbally, Pro-Adjectively and Pro- nominally qualifying. Protecting and defenditig Freedom of Sprech^ Freedom of tlie Press and Freedom of con- science, and in the end Providentially yielding fruitfully the greatest National amount of Peace, Union and Pros- perity this World has ever seen! Greater than Black- Republicanism can ever give, or sectionalism again take away ! ! ! 6. When has this Negative, Dis-UnionCreating, Slavery- exchanging and War-destroying, Sectional, Northern, and Southern cloven-footed Black-Republican Party ever- founded, or conl'ounded, their select chosen Party, class- legislated Administration of government, on any otlier Fovereign living movable creature than the basest Worldly Base Laws of Fores, Fraud and FEAR? on tlie f()rcil)le exallation of Military Power over Civil Lnv? The fraud of Ciass-legisl .ted, National Political Slavery, through pe led, protected and fostered Land Libor and capital Monopoly, and through the Ftctr of on established Mili- tary i)es|)()tism, under I he last and loose reigning Trinity ol the lorei^n-imiiorted Base laws of Kingdoms Empires and lalse Republies, or a sirong consolidated Military goveniMienl ! 1st. \^\' the Kmgly imported FortMgn Minis- ter ol War Power. 2d. Throngli an EastcMii Stately head centralized, narrow-contracted Gray-back Empire of Bond- ed, unbounded and National Banking C(Mrupt, corrupting and corruptible JNIgnky Power!! 3d. Willi a General Granted, Ct)ntaminating, JNIobilized, Subsidized, tyrannized, flat and loose Railroad Running and Congress Running Sectional Land Grants, R:iilroad Grants and Capital Grants of Oflicial Power, marshaled under the iliree grand divisions of a White, Red and Black Republican — 25 — Administration of a False Republic, resulting only in the end (if allowed to reach that Granted end) in exalting and crowning capital, the Lordly Master, at the National expense of fettering, chaining and humbling Labor the Pauper Slave ! !! Thus tlien, for the first time in the history of this Nation we hear the first whisperings of that still small voice which says peaceful Revolution of the silent peace- ful ticketed Ballot-box — not by the the tluindering artil- lery and tick-ing musketry of the Granted warring Cartridge Box — in a general uprising, eoi masse, of rhe laboring, suffering people, against their former chosen servants, who then chose to do their Sovereign master's will; but who have now chosen to be the Despotic Sov- ereign Granted Master! An uprising of the Sovereign people for self-protection, in all their Domestic, Stately and National Rights, through a distributive Equalizing Protection to Life, Liberty and Property!! Not a Sec- tional, Class-legislated Protection of the present Trinito- rial reigning Die-nasty, through the three despotic ]\[inis- ters of War Power, Money Power and Official Power of the National Government ! !! An uprising of the People, the only Creators, Saviors and Redeemers of all govern- ment, the only Source of all Sovereign Power, each of whom have a right to be their own Prophet, Priest and King; to defend their own Financial System and the promising Legal-tender pnper Ciiriency of the Nation against the coriMipt Money Changers, gold g:iml)lers, Nationnl B;ink Siock-holders, coupon-Bond clippers, Green-hack and Giay-back-sliarp-paj)er sh.iver^, and the Bullion-headed, Gia\ l)ack-pinchinir. paper Bodied and cop- per-soled, counterfeiters of the Olil-Mickolized live cenl-ses who, like children, are tickled as well as nick-old only with the can-cus ring of a Golden rattle, or wiih the pla.\fiil changing tune of a Silver Whistle!! and with the woinler-fnl sense al)le narrow-contracted Brassy face, lant- ern jawed music of a crooked-longuey jews-harp ! still liaiping on the fall of Adam, Flood of Noah and Crucifixion of our Savior, yet who can not see onr present need of a National Peace Creator, Financial Union Savior, and a Protective, equalizing distributive, Life, Liberty and Property Redeemer of self-government!!! These men have also been vainly trying, not only to kill the Siiemite, white, silver-feathered old gray goose, that lays the Democratic golden eggs, but also of stealing — 26 — the Sovereign feathers to freely feather their own fowl nest!!! They have tried to break up this Democratic nest by stealing the last golden nest egg, by appointing their Chief Cook and Bottle-washer and golden egg hunter, to sell us out to a foreign nation, bag, baggage and car- pet bagger, transferring the reserved right to Johnny Bull, to hatch and raise our Sovereign American Democratic Goslins, golden Eagles and silver-feathered Ganders !! ! This high-flying capital blue-jay chief Cook then is the Black Republican National or Sectional electrical Mash- ine, over-charged with Positive brassy-faced electricity, by handling financially the Striking Black-Republican Club of the North Pole, as the longest Positive Pole that reaches and knocks down to earth the highest and most distant foreign ripe golden purs-simmons ! No wonder then that from this striking, Positive, over-reaching, over- charged electrical machine, we received such a Financial shock, Panic^ or Young North American earthquake in 1873, on the commencement Day of Political Financial Peace Judgment, where this Fine-an-shall electric- al Mash-ine fell down on the Northern Isothermal circular belted Railroad track — baited with thinly watered Railroad Stock, fed with cooked, overdone, played-out, corrupt Mobilized Bonds, raised prematurely out of season from the financial hot-bed of Political corruption!! No won- der then that when this electrical slippery eel, or Blue- jay-pot-pie cook takes a pinch of Financial snufi", the whole Black-Republican Party Me-chan-ically sneezes ! And their whole Sens-ative Financial nature receives a severe shock and goes ofi" half-cocked, half-primed in contractive panic spams and can only find a Political dead rest in peace by ineffectually shooting back their repudiated Re- tro-active green-back paper wads at the only National, living, progressive, in-vincible Peace Soldiers in the Dem- ocratic Army, which is marching on from Conquering to Conquer all Sectional Opposition ! Peace hath her greater victories than war ! The Pen of peace is more mighty than the Sword of war, and this great, Peaceful, Tem- perance and Political Reformation, which commenced in A. D. 1773 in my own beloved native State of Ohio, shall Domestically, Morally and Politically Revolutionize the United States, and Nationally Republicanize the whole World!!! This shall soon become the Model, exemplary Republic for a delegated National Right, Reserved, Stately right, or a free, Sovereign, patent-right Republic. — 27 — 1st. For the near incoming United States of Europe. 2d. For a United States of Asia. 3d. "We will reserve this Black-Republican form, feature and sel-fish administration of government for a Granted Black-Republican United States of Africa, and her cloven-looted Isles of the Ocean !!! Under a brighter light of the true science of govern- ment, Democracy defined, means a government of the People, by the people, for the people! whilst Sectionalism defined, and confined to the Republican Party, means a government of the office-holders, by the office-holders, for the office-holders, and run for the special benefit of their three clients, the rich Bond-holder, National Bank Stock- holder and the Land, Railroad and Capital Gra'nted gift- scheme ticket-holder in this National Lottery, and all of whom think they own and have a right to rule and ruin this government!!! The former means through equal legislation, taxation and Protection to unite all Nationali- ties, classes and sections of the country under one judi- cial Head, Legislative Body and executive understand- ing of government, through the third Attribute of Trinity, harmonious Action! The latter means through Sectional Tariff, capital and official protection, to divide native against foreigner, class against class, section against sec- tion, with the North divided against the South, the East against the West, with the Tariff, capital and official pro- tective Head divided against the great laboring Western Body, and Southern Agricultural understanding of the Na- tion, and like the house divided against itself it can not Grantedly stand the storm of Democracy long ! ! ! God grant that next year may break this sectional yoke of Political Bondage ; that next year may be our general year of jubilee; that next year we make our second Declaration of Independence, freeing us from the War, Money and Official power, which is ruling and ruining this nation under a Protective chastening rod of Iron !!! Tiien let us ask and try to answer briefly: 1st. What is Democracy? 2. Who are the true Sovereign Democrats in this first Model Republic of the Earth ?'^ 3(1. What is the Worldly Mission of the Democratic PARTY ? ? ? 1. Democracy defined means a government of the people, by the people, for the people ! In the second place it means that the majority shall rule, the minority be benefited, and all shall have their equal rights re- spected!! and that all Parties, classes, and sections of the — 28 — fcountry, without regard to race, color or previous condi* tion of servitude, whetiier of God, Man or Devil, shall be equally, justly and liberally represented in tlie Ad- ministration of that Democractic government!!! It means, in the third place, Ihat a purely free government derives all its just Sovereign powers from the consent of the governed!! In the fourth place it means equal burdens, equal benefits and equal protection, or equality not only before the law, but also behind, above, below and all around the law!! It means, in the fifth place, equal pro- tection to all, special privileges to none, and equal and exact justice between xian and man, party and party, section and section of this Democratic leavened, bread- raising great Do-main ! ! In the sixth place it means to legally bring down all the Granted Monopolies, peacefully abolish all slavery of Body, Mind and Spirit, and justly bury the erring and departing remains of Financial, Polit- ical Corruption in one com-on opening political grave ! It means in the seventh place Honesty, Capability and Economy in its administration from the Judicial Head, through the legislative Body, down to the domestic, municipal or executive understanding of all departments of government ! ! Secondly. The true Democrats are the Positive Crea- tors, Union-Savers and Liberty Redeemers of this first Successful, Experimental, Model Ibrm of Republican National Self-government of the World! They alone can Create, re-create! Tliey alone can save ! They alojie can Redeem this government. {Exawple 1st.) Of a Paternal govei-nnient Ci'eator — A Wasliingion the Father of his Country; the first in War, first in Peace, and the first in the hearts of his Countrymen. The (irst man of Earth to disdainlully tram])le beneath his feet the profi'ered Royal Crown of Kingdom or Empire, but choosing nnd accept- ing in its place the iiumble, but more glorious judicial, Legisbiiive nnl Executive Sovereign Crown of a True Republic! Washington, the Creator or Savior and Re- deemer of this Nation — the same who when the truthlul "broth of a Boy," with his hantly sovereign hatchet, cut down jiis father's fiivorile imported English cherry- tree, which was but n, "• Type^- of which his subsequent manly cutting down of the "'Imp-ported Englisli cherry- tree," which bore the Ibrbidden Bully Tory and Yankee- hooking fruit of Monarchy, was the great foreshadowed Anti-type!!! — 29 — 2, Jefferson, the Father of Onr Immortal Declaration of Indepeiulence, the Father of Democracy, the Father of our common-school system and who struck the first right- handed bh)w at the Abolition of the African Slave-trade, along with MADISON, tiie Democratic Father of our un- equaled Constitution of the United States, and JMonroe, its chief advocate, or defendant, were the Sovereign Trinity, which established Domestic, Political and Relig- 'ious Liberty and abolished the Despotic Union between Church and State, and, therefore, are entitled to be called the Saviors of this Nation, 3. A. JacUson, the Heroic Hero of Heroes, at New Or- leans, who settled through valiant warranty deeds of War, written in Human blood, our little unbalanced, un- settled, out-standing, Royal-blood Account with Our Bully Cow pen Cowed Mother Country in the East, and also our Ancient Ish maelitish Brotherly l)lood account with the Savage, wild Indian in the West, and Subsequently, peacelully conquering in the Executive Veto Halls of Congress the incubus of the Old National B.ink and Removing its financial, corrupting and corruptible de- posits Irom the Halls of Legislation, Graniedly for the time being, in spite of the Nation Corrupting, Money Power. Tliis should entitle him to be called, if not the Creator or Savior, at least the Redeemer of the "Nation !! 1 God Grant that after the corrupt reign of this Miserable, Sectional fi-as-co, we may have the Peaceful, Capable, Honest, Straight-edge Hickory-rule of a " Second Andrew Jackson!'- If it took the bravest, firmest and most patri- otic Hero of the Age to Conquer One National Bank, and remove its corruption, where will we find a Second Gen- eral Jackson to conquer two thousand National Banks, and remove their corrupt deposits, and legions of Corrupt Money changers from our Stately Temple of Liberty?? Tlien it is a very easy matter to find the true, legitimate children of Democracy of To-day I who are still Ibund standing last on the primitive ''Rock of Ages," under the flying folds of the Eagle, Shielded, Star Spangled Banner, as the chosen Door-keepers, to the ''Temple of Liberty,'' where our Positive War, Peace and Nation-Creating, Union-Saving, and Liberty-Redeeming Democratic Fathers have always Stood Opposed to National Banks; Opposed to Granted Monopolies; opposed to a great National debt, as not a Granted Blessing, but a National, Sectional aud Individual curse ; opposed to Repudiation in every — 30 — shape, face and form ! In the peaceful calm sunshine, or Granted thunder and lightning war storm!! As a vice of the bloody and fiery red war Drag-on Monster of such hideous mien ! To be hated in this latter-day, Switching tail-end of fly time, must be felt and seen, or, in other words, opposed to the violation of Individual, Municipal or National contracts! Opposed to the- Special Protection of a few idle, rich men, at the expense of enslaving many laboring poor men; opposed to taxation without repre- sentation, and vicc-versa ; opposed to speciaF or partial, favorite class legislation. Or favoring with the legal force of this whole Nation; Protecting our Dear, Small, Select High-school Class, — But forcing the great, laboring, Com- mon-school herd to go to grass; Opposed to forcibly Crowning Capital, the Creature and Legislator; — But now the Granted Master over labor, the Slave — its own Cre- ator ! ! ! Thirdly. The Mission of the true Democracy is to es- tablish Just, Pure and Undefiled Individual, Political and Religious Liberty ; through its Equal and Impartial Administration, as the [only Positive Creator, Savior and Redeemer of Self-government! Establishing Equal and Exact Justice in all departments; or throughout all its National, Stately and Municipal branches, and strengthen- ing the weak ; Protecting the poor, and Rendering unto Labor the rich Capital rewards of its own hands! !! Then in a National Sense as a Saving and Redeeming Missionary Legislator, the Democratic Party is the only Poor Man's Friend; the Laboring Man's Benefactor!! and the Equal- izing, Protective, Lite, Liberty and Property Distributor of GOD'S good gifts to MEN!!! Here, then, in tlieir Imjpartial Administration of Government only Can Lib- erty^ Equality and Protection come in and do equal and exact justice to all Men; to all Parties and to all Sec- tions of our vast, expansive Country!!! Here lies the secret Main-Spring, or Secret-Spring-unlocking-Key to all Political Governments, through the Positive-Saving Prin- ciples, Policies and Practices of our Democratic Fathers, as our only Spirit Creating — Hope, Saving Means; and Re- deeming Plan of National, Political Salvation, and thus making this the Model, Exemplary Republic of the World!!! Then let '^Excelsior," "E Pluribus Unum," be still our higher Eagle-Soaring Motto; for "United we Stand, Divided we Fall ! ! " Only in Homogeneous Union- ism lies our Saving Strength ; whilst all £rriDg and ^de* — 31 — parting Sectionalism is National weakness, demanding the Supporting Strong Arm of Military Power! ! ! All of the above-mentioned, and many nnmentioned Political, Contracting, Screwing, Pinching Vices of such hideous Men that are opposed to the Life, Progress and Prosperity of this Nation ; opposed to the Equalizing Wise Government of the Democratic Parly, — are all eagerly embraced by all branches of the erring and de- parting Negative, Sectional, War-destroying Opposition; for, be it known, there are but two legitimate Parties known as the Law-Makers of this Nation. One is Positive and National in all its " Principles, Policies and Practice," and is wisely named Democratic, The olher is Negative and Sectional in all its "Principles, Policies Practices," and considering the Granted Afri-can Black-beaming Scale, holding the Base-Balance of Political Power, is rightly named Blach-Repnh-li-can I ! I When the old Whig Party died, in 1853, and gave up the White-Republican Ham-let Ghost, in performing its National part on this Political Stage of Action — with it died out all of the legal, National opposition to the great National Democratic Party, and from its dead and buried grave Issues come the three Illegitimate, Erring and Sectional-departing Parties, representing the three Races of Men, distinguished by three National colors : the White, Red and BLACK: By three degress of civilization, rep- resenting Civilized, Barbarous and Savage Life ! Also by three orders of Religion, representing the Pagan, Moham- medan and Christian World ! Having the Judicial, Celestial, Pagan-Asiatic Head; the Mohammedan, Catholic and Prot- estant-Saving Church — Stately, Legislative, European Body; and the Protestant and Catholic Cloven-footed Executive Understanding of the Western New World; the White- Republican Party representing our Peaceful, Obedient, Westward Marching, Saving Shemite Mediator between our erring. Sectional Eastern-departing Red-Repub-li-can Japheth Brother on the right hand, representing the Know-Nothing, Native American, Wild, Savage Indian Party; or the Prophetic Wild Man of the Wilderness, whose hand should be against every man, and every man's hand against him, which means War; and our Erring and Sectional, Southern departing, Black-Republican Uam-ite Brother on the lett hand, representing the Noah-Uamic- Curse of Canaan, which means Slavery until the bitter end ; or until the Black-Lamb of Slavery, and the Red — 32 — Li-on of Civil War shall meet together and embrace each other; and the little, erring, departing and Mis-fortun-ate Child of Intemperance shall lead and soon follow them into the opening grave of Political Corruption^ as the last of the reigning Trinity, through Force^ Fraud and FEAR. Since Adam's Fall — of War, Slavery and Intem- perance in the Ante-di luvian Old World, against the reversing extreme of Intemperance, Slavery and War in the Post-Diluvian New World!!! Under the general Divine Law, one reversing extreme fol- lows another ; or, in other words the first shall be last and ihe last first. ]r«r, our last base, Worldly Conqueror over Deal h, Hell and the Grave has been the first to wash out, in riv- ers of Human blood. Shivery, our last Nation-disturbing Element, and with it War itself, as two-thirds of this reigning Trinity, in the Day of War, Judgment — ^just, en- tering lis teens. Now through Peace, Judgment, wliicli commenced ill A. D. 1873, according to Ihe I'redii-tiou of DiinieL ihe greatest Pr^'pliet of all the Earth — Intemper- ance, the (ir.st and greatest crime and curse of the Post- ((U- Ledger of Lite posted) Di-luvi.iM World, since the ielt- haiided curse niid ('all ot Graiid-Faiher Noah, is the bist of the reigning Trinity of latemperance. Slavery and War through the down-ward pointing, base, Worldly Laws of Forcd^ Fraud and FEAR; but which last enemy shall now be conquered by Moral Suasion, or through the Spiritual Up-riirht, Heaven-pointing Divine Laws of Peace, Love and VIRTUE! which govern Positively the whole Universe!! ! Then this Great, Peaceful, Temperance and Political Ref- ormation, which commenced A. D, 1873, in my own beloved native State of Ohio, shall Domestically, Morally and Politically Revolutionize the United States, and Nationally Republicanize the whole World; this Spirit of Peace, Temperance and the Liberty-Zeawtn of True De- mocracy is destined shortly (like the leaven hidden by the woman in the three measures of meal) to leaven, raise and pro-visionally provide the need-ed Do-mestic, Moral and Political Bread of Life for all the huuirry Republican Table-Setting, Thirsty Temperance SPREADING, and Peace, Liberty and Virtue Loving Nations of the World! !! The rest of this book will be devoted principally to criticising the critical Stumped-out Speeches of this Stately Camping Camp-paign. The Strong Butter and Spoiled Cream and Sour Skim- milk of Black-Republicanism, Governor Hays, says at his — as- open-and-shut and dead-head Speech at Gallipolis, August 5, that '' By far the most important question before the people is the attack of the Sectarian Wing of the Demo- cratic Parly on the Public Schools." Is it possible these men are so green, and think the people are so green, be- cause they advocate a Living, Working Sufficiency of Green-backs, that they can not see that (his is a Second Crusade against the Catholic Church, by the Eirinu: and Departing Wliig, or White-Republican, Clipped Red-Re ])nb- lican Wing of the Old, Dead, Defunct and Double-decade Know-Nothing Native American, or Wild Indian Piirty, just out of its native wild-woods, and which is just w;ik- ing up from its long, Political, Know-Nothing Rip-Van- Winkle Church-Stately Sleep of twenty Years, only to show its Warring Bloody-hand dripping with the Broth- erlv-shed blood of Saints, Martyrs, and the Savior of the World??? When did the Catholic Church commence legislating for the Democratic Party? When did it become, — when was it accepted, — or what entitles it to be called the Sec- tarian Wing of the Democratic Party?? When did ever the Democratic Party propose to divide the Public School Fund??? If not, what becomes of this most important question before the Peo|)le, as presented by these Gassy, Exploded Republicans? ? On the other iiand, I here pos- itively declare, on my own responsibility, without the fear of a successlul contradiction, tiiat the Democratic is the only Party that has spread its Municipal, Stately and National Wing over our Common School System, and Soared as much higher as the Engle (the emblem of AmericRn Liberty) over all other birds of prey, in Estab- lishing Domestic, Political and Religious Liberty, and in Exalting this Nation above all other Nations of the Earth!!! Who, if not Jefferson, was the Father of Democracy, the Father of our Immortal Declaration of Independence, and also the legitimale Father of our Common Srhool System in these former United Stales? Who, if not J\lad- ison, was the Fai her of our Immortal, Un impeachable Une- quaied Constitution of the United Siales, and who along with Jefferson anil iMonroc, its Expounders anil Delemlers, were the Democralic 'frinily, the lirst of Earlh l(^ Exab- iish pure and undeliled Domestic, I'olitical and Religious Liberty, williout any union between Church and State; — without any religious test iu the selection of ollicers to — 34 — administer that government; and without any, except the qualified JefFersonian test of" Is he Honest?" " Is he Capa- ble??" "Oris he Faithful to the Union, Constitution and the Impartial Administration of all the Laws???" The Democratic Constitution for the State of Ohio pos- itively declares that there shall be no division of the School Fund; that no Sectarian Party shall govern these Stately Schools, and that no Sectarian Dogma shall be forcibly taught in these Free Common Schools! Then who are the unfriendly Agitators, Crusaders and Disturb- ers of our Common School System ? Surely not its Dem- ocratic, Fatherly Creator, Savior and Redeemer ? The only well known public Man or Politician in these United States, who ever advocated a practical division of the Common School Fund, was William 11. Seward; but he, I believe, if rightly inlbrmed, was alvvaj's fouud workins: in opposition to the Deuiocratic Party, as a Tri-colored, White, lied and Black liepublican!!! But why should these would-be-high-flying stinging, but low-bred, busybodies, who are forever meddliug with other people's business, but not minding their own, see cause to find so much fault with our Honest, Industrious, Peaceful, Tax-paying Catholic Fellow-Citizens, who will- ingly pay their proportion of School tax to school our children, without one cent of benefit to their own, whilst they tax themselves again, individually, to teach and school their own children according as they think to the behests of their most sacred right to the Freedom of Conscience ?? Whilst on the other extreme, these would- be Black-Republican, Carry-on, Crowing Buzzards would apply this superabundance of Growlers, School-tax for the special benefit of their poor Black-Republican Supporting Brother from Africa, who pays but little or no School-Tax; or, in other words, we must not only divide the Common School Fund, but we must give the lion's share to this Sovereign Supporting African, Protestant, Sectarian Wing of the Black-Republican Party !!! The Democratic Party are not flying on the Eagle or Buzzard, Carpet-bag, or Scallywag Foreign or Native Sec- tarian Wing of any party I ! ! Under is the dry plural Hays at»swered? or has he gone to grass? under the Sectarian Wing of his Common School African Class??? 2d. On the subject of the all-important Financial Sys- tem, this same Haysy speaker, who for the third Granted — 35 — terra is again reaching for Political fodder at Uncle Sam's Stately government crib, says in his first maiden opening speecli at Marion, Ohio, July 31, 1875, under the head of the " Centralization of Power," that "During the last few years a great deal had been said about the centralizing tendency of recent events in our history. Tiie increasing power of the government at Washington has been a favor- ite theme for Democratic declamation!!!" " But where since the foundation of the government has a proposition been seriously entertained which would confer such mon- strous and dangerous powers on the general government, as this inflation Scheme of the Ohio Democracy ??? " Is not this an Almighty Strong plea, by a Haysy, Crazy, Lazy man, for a Week-lie Soft-Soaped, unwashed, 10,000 times more dangerous, Bond-holding, National-Banking, hard Bullion-headed money power, which has in its own turn of the revolutionary government wheel repudiated Demo- cratic Gold and Silver, Repudiated State Bank Currency based on gold and silver. Repudiated, and spit upon their own once favorite Green-back currency ! Repudiated their own national debt, in offering upon the Golden Cross of our National Sacrilice, by offering to pay $20.0 J of their thrice Violated, or repudiated Black-Republican paper promises, with one Dollar of the World's Nation Redeem- ing Democratic Gold and Silver ! ! ! But which, worst of all,' has repudiated the poor, honest laboring Tax-payer, the only legitimate Creator of Capital, the only producer of Industrial Wealth, and the only bread-raiser of the Staff of Lite !! ! by contracting, curtailing or cutting off his legitimate, but insullicient supply of National Cur- rency, which is, or'should be, the Equalizing, puril'ying, and circulating, rich golden colored Arterial Blood of the National Financial Body Politic; yet which, at the same time, lias compelled him to bow down to, and serve faith« fully, this masterly God of JMammon, and to pay a three- fold exacting tribute to the Money (Caesars) Seizors. 1st. In paying their own Stu-pen-du-ous high mountain range of Municipal, Stately and National Taxes. 2d. In paying the Money Titled Exempt Tax of the rich Aristrocratic Masterly Band-holder! ! ! 3d. In paying a double golden Interest drawing, and Nation draining; or gold principal and interest promising, Domestic and Ibreign, reigning and ruling, and running Trinity of the Bond-holding, National Banking, and Balance of trade exacting Money Power ! ! ! Even under the Consolidated Granted Government of this — 3G — reigning, ruling nnd spoiling Trinity of the War-power, Money power, and Corrupt Official Power: Is the pro- visionary, living Green-back Financial Issue in the Ohio Democratic Plat form considered by wise men a positive dechiration of War? or is it not rather a compromise Peace Offering, under this Grant-tied Chronic Civil-War of Capital over Labor, rendering unto these War, Capital and Official Money Seizers, the things only that are Caesar's! Unto God his Moral Saving Plan of Human Salvation which belongs to God alone; and unto Labor the rich Capital Crowning Rewards of its own laboring hands ! ! ! If this is a declaration of war, or evidence of a consolidated form of goveiment, I must confess that I am so blind and insensible I can not see, nor feel the sharp bayonet stick- ing point. Neither can the Sovereign Democratic Party See it in the brighter light of the ancient Loco foco kindled Camp-fires of the American- bully English Revo- lution! But only in the darker, smoky, home-scead Camp- fires of the late Black-Republican Anti-Slavery and Pro- Slavery, Savage or uncivilized Civil War! ! ! Here and here only the Green-back Financial Issue had the whole hog-ear-marks ; the Brotherly bloody hand-marks and the As-tounding National debt marks of a Grantediy Strong Consolidated government ! ! ! " But this Black-Republican War-cloud has providen- tial] v passed, And the Democratic Heavens are now Peace- full)' O'er Cast." Is this Haysy Man answered under his consolidating Green-back Paper Crown? Must we have a Shear-man, Taft, or heavy dead-weight Morton to cast one-third our stars down ? Or an Allen, Cary, or Pendle-ton, to raise our Democratic Golden Sun ? ? And our bright Shining Silver-faced Moon, in its Eternal Specie Circular run ? Must we have War, Political Slavery, and all Intemperate ruling wild Extremes ? Or Peace, Freedom and Prosper- ity, through Democratic Union-Saving Means? Shall we have War of Capital over labor, Political Pestilence and Financial Famine dire? Or Honesty, Industry, and Econ- omy, to raise our Earthly Paradise still higher? ? ? Next comes the native Hoosier-ified, Buckeyed, stately, heavy dead-wei^lit Mor-ton, from Indiana, who, as at Ur- bana, Ohio, is still spreading his thinly-watered. Warring, Protective and Financial poisonous Buckeyed stump-water in a Political retiring flood over Oliio; and who is ever ready to go back to the Boastful, Brotherly, bloody War' — 37 — Record of the Black-Republican party, written in rivers of human Blood; anil who is still found fighting, as under Lincoln tlie 1st, Johnston the 2d, and Grant tlie 3d, as a faithful, Granted, Loyal, and Royal Soldier — fighting the Confederate Battles of Sectionalism against Sectionalism in this savage, chronic civil war of Capital over Labor, through the Political Pestilence and Slavery of I^and, Labor and Capital Monopoly, ending in this Prophetic Financial Famine, by the contracting, screwing, pinching vice of the War Power, Money Power, and ofhcial Power of Political Corruption. Yet, will we watch, follow, and corner these men, although they go back, and, like the professed Orthodox Christian, dodge behind Father Adam, who, through disobedience of the j Divine Law, was the first to bring War, Sin, and Moral death into the first Para- dise of man, and as a punishment by banishment, the first to bring Slavery into the world, and through War, Slavery and the Lilemperate Extremes of Domestic Infidelity the first to bring the Elderly Cain-striking Abel Brotherly murder or Bodily Physical death into this first model family of mankind, in which great Event AVar, Slavery and the intemperate Extremes of Domestic Infidelity was the first order of the reigning Trinity in the Old Ante di-luvian World, which was reversingly changed to Intemperance, Slavery and War in the Postdiluvian New World!!! Like- wise, these professed Political Church-Statelv Saints would dodge behind their first political fallen Father Adam's, the first to partake of the forbidden fruit of this Sectional Ap- ple of Discord in the Alien and Sedition Laws which has yielded the disobedient prolific Church-Stately, fiist-fruits of War, Political Slavery, and the Intemperate Extremes of the Granted War Power, Money Power, and Official Power, which is compelling us all to bov,' down to and still worship for a time the Barbarous Savage and Heathen Trinity, the God of Mammon, the God of Slavery, and the God of War!!! This Bully, Tory and Yankee-hooking, Triumvirate-divided, three-Faced, Parti-colored White, Red and Black Republican Party, Representing the erring and departing three Races of men, distinguisiied by three colors, three degrees of Civilization, and three orders of Re- ligion, have built their Church-Stately government on tlie Eternal Plymouth Rock of Ages, which Typically says Rock me to Sleep, Mother Earth, and bury me with Adamic fallen Father Clay ; and by their h'.-vntddng^ long broom-handled Salem, high-flying, lleaven-Sweepiug Spiritual Kingdom, — 38 — they have taught the pure Pe"w-rit-tan-nick-all Law that the right hand shall not forg,et its cunning, or that we should not let the crafty left hand know what the cunning right hand doeth; and whilst this cunning, knowing right hand has been raised to strike down to Earth his Know-Nothing Native American Indian, or free Communistical Red Re- publican Japheth Brother, as the Typical Ishmaelite of the Scriptures; the Figurative Red man dwelling in the tents of Shem, or the Prophetic Wild man of the Wilderness, whose fiery and Bloody red right hand should be raised against every man, and every man's hand should be raised against him, which means War and Elderly Oain-Striking Abel Brotherly, retail and wholesale Murder, until the third resurrection morn" of this third Day of Political Financial Peace Judgment. Whilst this is prophetically true of his cunning right hand, through his bully, land-hooking, quitclaim, and Warranty Deeds of War written in rivers of Human Blood, His Yankee-hooking, crafty Secret ordered left hand, with a high black buzzard-sailing hand and long Slave-bearing out-stretched Arm was sympathetically reaching over into Africa, so softly stealing from out his free, peaceful African slave home this Hamite Man and Brother, who transported with this view, he is lost in Wonder Bonds, and prays for his Canaan-cursed race; and who freely, over the left, is the second time Stolen into Slavery by his crafty, hooking left-handed Yankee Brother, or the first false Step-Father to this African transported Illegitimate but adopted Child of Slavery, who has sold him Body, soul and spirit to his Southern appointed Financial guardian (chosen agent) and guilty part-aker in this greatest crime against humanity. Yet, these pew rit tannick-all civilized Man-stealers, Slave-smugglers, and outlawed demand and sui)ply specu- lators in human chatties, who first forced these African slaves bonds on the Southern market, have repudiated their National contracts with their Southern Agents or National Bond-Slave-holders. They have declared that their fellow-partaker in crime is more guilt}'- than the original Transgressor. They have final h'' declared war against their Southern, financial ajipointed, legal guardians over this their adopted child of slavery; and they have called on Uncle Sam to helji them steal, for the third time, their Servant, Man and Brother, out, in and from the erring and departing land of Slavery, by the strong Pew-rit-tan- nick-all, cunning right hand of War! But did the End — 39 — justify the Means ? Tlie Means was Civil War — the Meanest Means of all the Earth — and the End accomplislied is Na- tional rolitical Slavery!! Tiiey have abolished tlie lesser Curse of Sectional i)oniestic African Slavery, but they have established on its ruins the greater Curse of National Political Slavery over Body, Mind and Spirit, over black and white alike, under the A\ ar Power, Money Power, and the Official General Granted Military Power over Civil Law — the three greatest, most despotic, Tyran-nick-ull Task-Mas- ters of the World! No, these Political Criminals, Artful Dodgers, and War Dictators, or Small Financial Conimon-taters, need not think to escape cornering up in this Prophetjc, D^iuiocratic, Victorious Day of Political Financial Peace Judgment, by dodging behind their Bully, Tory and Yankee-llooking Whig or White Republican, Kuow-Nothing or lled-lle- publiean. Sectional or Black-Republican Fathers, who have hooked us into Slavery and hooked us out of Slavery, hooked all of our Democratic Gold and Silver, and forced on us in exchange and couieplled us lor the time to accept and nurse their lllegiLimale Greenback and Grayback paper Rag Babies, but who are now lustfully Bellowing for their Golden Calf,which they have weane^l, butchered and transported to re-veal the re-sources of a Bully foreign Nation!! They have Hooked us into war with their South- ern Sectional Confederates, and under the War Power, Money Power, and the General Granted Official Power of a consolidated military depostism, or stately reconstructed African colonial government, hooking down by the liLLle horn which had two fore-seeing eyes of the War drag-oa Monster — Sectionalism, the laboring man — hooking from him, whilst down in Slavery, under his bonded National debt-mailer, his last living circulating National Debt, con- tracted, promising. Greenback, legal-tender paper Dollar, through the false Protective Conquering Means of a Chronic Civil War of Capital over Labor ; The Political Pestilence, Slavery and masterly protection to Land, Rail- road and Capital Moni>poly, and tlie Financial Famine, War and the Granted Class-legislated Extremes of Partial Representation, partial taxation and partial Protection, con- stantly and elfectually making the very few very rich men richer, and the very many very poor men poorer, and re- sulting in the end in freely exalting and crowning Capital the Sovereign Master, and Slavishly fettering and humbling Labor, the Subjective Slave 1 — 40 — According to the Pedigree, this reigning, ruling, and ruining, or War-spoiling Black-Republican Party, was first conceived in Sectionalism, born in the Labor-pains of Dis- union, and raised by the puritannical Cunning right liand of War, and was the aggravating, offensive, Crafty First Cause of Slavery, First Cause of Sectionalism, and First Cause of War; or, in other words, figuratively speaking, it has been the Primary and Secondary First Cause of Sec- tionalism, which Effectually brought Sectional Cloven- footed Anti Slavery and Pro-Slavery Disunion, Resultingly forcing the Whole Nation into the greatest factional Nor- thern Confederate and Soutliern Confederate Civil, uncivil War of the Civilized World!!! Yet these guilty men have tried to lay all their Devilish, Ap-pall-ing Sins of Owe- mission. Corn-mission and Trans-mission on the Democrat Heads, ])Silieut- Backs^ and Peaceful understanding of the Democratic Party!!! Yet, But the Democratic Party, the Creator, Savior, and only Redeemer of our Government, Came not or Comes not now to destroy the Law, but that through them all Municipal, Stately, and National Civil laws shall be fulfilled. Executed, and Obeyed. They Come to their own not to destroy, but to magnify the law and make it honorable!! They came not to destroy Slavery, and with it this National Government of Our Fathers; but we taught our Servants, whilst under the Curse (as did the Savior of the World), to be obedient to their Masters. Yet these fiery and blood red, right-handed Warriors and crafty Black left-handed Slave Smugglers have spent volumes of Brassy-faced gas, and written volumes of trasiiy Book trash, in trying to prove to the Simple-tons — surely not to the wise ones, more particularly before the war — with their bill of particulars, that the Demcratic Party was the Divine Creator of Slavery; That they Supported it as a Divine institution; That they Created the Slave, and gave him Each Black Earth-mark feature of Slavery; That they kinked his wooly hair, blacked his face, flattened down his nose, pouted out his lips, thickened his skull, Cap, tanned his manly, full length, raw-hide skin Black, and made a legal tender of his shins. But this latter Sounds like a Black-Republi-can Measure, more especially if the War-wound and Constitutional Amendment is plastered over with Sovereign paper prom-is-sory Shin plasters!! But in the War-Contraction of this kind of Black-Re- publican, legal-shin-plaster tender currency, and its red- emption in National Slave bonds, we have transferred our — 41 — South-down African stock in trade in the foreign African, Bully-hooking, Yankee-wooling, and Gout-pulling Black-' Sheep- Mark-it, under the above named Democratic Credited Slave Marks, to Uncle Sam's Masterly, Crooked Shepherd's Care, who have further labeled him, Since this Cruel War is over, or is now Financially, by piece-meal, passing over: This is my General Granted Sovereign Sup- porting, Sectional transporting, Black-Republi-can Slave Mark!!! They have falsly accused the Democratic Party of being the Cause of their own Sectional Manulact-erred War; of being the Cause of their own Stu-pen-du-ous look- out Mountain of National Debt!! Of being the Cause of their own Swelling, irredeemable, high-tide flood of^Green- back and Northern Confederate Gray-back paper-rag-cur- rency, which is now overflowing the National Banks of our Political Jordan of death; and they are damning tlie Demo- crats because they will not help them to dam and Stay that flood which, if taken at the even tide, when running on the laboring, golden Sands, or Silver threads of life, leads on to fortune ; Whilst they alone are the Cause of War, the cause of this irredeemable flood of discriminat- ing gold-contracted debt for the rich man and paper-con- tracted debt lor the poor man. They might go one step further, and accuse the Democratic party of canceling Nature's Laws, and of giving the three distinguishing col- ors to the three races of men. They themselves^are the first original aggressive, ofl'ens-v ive, war party, which first declared a Sectional VVar against the South, and the South defensively accepted the chal- lenge! They have declared, time and again, in Congress and out of Congress, on the stump, in the lecture Koom, and in the Pul-pit, or in the pul-in-to the War pit and pul- out ol the Slave-pit, in their Sectional, long standing Church-Stately three-fold declaration of war against the South: First, That this Stately Democratic Union of Our Fathers could not stand half slave and half iree territory. Second, That without a little loving, Brotherly, sanguinary. Dr. Chandler blood-lettnig, the Union would not be worth a curse; or, to save the Nation's life, we must cut the patient's throat! And, third, That the Day for National com- promise Democratic Peace-ollerings had passed, and a Sec- tional, uncomi)romisirig War must commence of Brother against Brother, the Father against the Son, and the Son against his Father ! ! ! Then who was the Cause of this War ? Was it the great National Democratic Party, which entered — 42 — their solemn protest against War, and preached Peace to both rebellious, in-lawed and out-lawed, Sectional factions? or these two not States Rights but Sectional wrong par- ties, both of which, either in peace or war, are unknown to and at war with the Union, Constitution, and all the National Laws? At war with the Sovereign Type of the Declaration of Independence and Spirit of the Union, Constitution, and National Laws, all of which positively declare, as plain as Sacred Writ, that for the mutual pro- tection (not the destruction) of Life, Liberty, and property Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the governed! Yet, under their Ifirst declaration of War, this Sectional party has virtu- ally divided this Union into two eternal warring, Antagon- istic, Sectional, Anti-Slavery and Pro-Slavery Factions — half Slave reconstructed African colonies and half Granted free States !!! Under their second war declaration of a little Brotherly blood-letting they have set these Warring Factions to cutting each others' throats; and under their third War declaration, of an uncompromising War, which must and did commence, and still continues with these Warring factions. They have carried out their whole War programme. Yet, only one right have these warring factions held in common: that is, the right (or wrong, rather) of Revolu- tion. In this they have tilled the Bill (See the Bonded Debt) according to the programme — -fulfilled their mission ; now let them die the political Death, and yield up the ghost of Sectionalism, Disunion, and Civil War. Is it the mission only of Sectionalism, Disunion, and War to mutually Protect Life, Liberty, and Property, to secure governments among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, and to establish that govern- ment on the upright, heaven-pointing Divine Laws of Peace, Love, and Virtue ? Or is it not rather the Mission of the present above-named Ruling Trinity to destroy Life, Liberty, and Property, and to make insecure the best governments of the World? Even after deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, and to revolutionize and reversingly overturn, or turn upside down, the three Co-ordinate, Co-operate, and Co-relative branches of all Human governments-^the Family, Church, and State — and to re-establish, re-habilitate, and re-con- struct them on the downward-pointing, base laws of Force, Fraud, and Fear ? The Force of Military Power over civil — 43 — law — ^The Fraud of National Political Slavery in the place of Sectional African Slavery — And Fear of the War Power, Money Power, and Granted Official Power of Military Despotism!!! It shall be my mission, as it should be the mission of the Cliiirch and State, to help peacefully turn and overturn, until He Comes whose right it is to rule and help remove these three stumbling-blocks out of the way, and to help re-establish our Temple of Individual, Po- litical, and Religious Liberty on the Divine Rock of Ages, and wlierein again shall be administered Justice, Judgment and Mercy over all the earth!!! Sectionalism is also at war with the Spirit, Type, and let- ter of Washington's Fatherly Advice through his Free-will government Inheritance, in his Fare-well-address to his obedient children, which as an oracle of Wisdom, uttered in the Spirit of Prophecy, he has, prophetically, warned us to be ever vigilant in watching over our National Union, as the secure Palladium of our Liberties, by Indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alien- ate any portion of our Country from, the rest, or to en- feeble the Sacred ties, which now link together the various parts." Yet in the Spirit of this Fatherly Advice, the Democratic Party in-season and out of season have pro- phetically warned these Sectional parties what their end must be, but their predictions have been unheeded. The Black-Republican War-die has been cast; the Ohio and Potomac Rubicon has been crossed, and these United States as the government of our fathers is no more as it was, should and will be again. Every such prediction made by the Democratic Party has been fulfilled, AVhilst Every promise made by the Black-Republican Party has been reve"rsed, or unfulfilled. 1st. They promised that if their Northern Sectional Man Lincoln was elected it would bring no war. Tiie Democratic Party always predicted that it would; their promise was broken — our prediction was fulfilled. 2d. They promised after the war Commenced that their object was not the abolition of Slavery. We predicted that it was; their promise was broken, but our prophecy was fulfilled. 3d. They promised after the war had commenced, for the Sake of getting Democratic Sol- diers, that their object was not to enforce Negro Equality. We predicted that this was their only aim in Siiooting down our Southern Brothers, and for the third time we hit the Mark! 1! They promised that the war Should not be prosecuted for the purpose of conquest, and that when — 44 — the War was over, the States and people in the Sonth should be restored to their former standing, but, through their graded and de-graded War-torced Reconstruction that can never be. We predicted that the war would be a failure to establish our former Peace, Union, and Pros- perity, because the Creator of Sectionalism, Disunion, and War, can not be the Creator also of Peace, Union, and Prosperity. A Positive may create a Negative, but a Negative can not create a Positive any more than the creature can create its Creator. The only trouble is that in their Revolutionary over- turning of the National government, under Sectional rule they have attempted to forcibly exalt the Creature over its own Creator, the Servant over its own Sovereign Master, and the Sectional destroyer of Government over its own National Creator ! ! ! In the North Capital, the creature Servant, has been forcibly exalted as the Master over Labor, its own Creator! In the South the ignorant Slave of yesterday has been forcibly and fraudulently Ex- alted as the learned Statesman Wise-Law-giver, and State- ly dis-bursiug financial Agent of to-day, over his former master ! ! Our National Law-makers our former servants, chosen to do their Sovereign master's will, have become our Sovereign Granted Masters of the Situation, through the corrupting all-conquering Money, War, and Official power over all the People, from whom only cometli all Sovereign power ! ! Then in honor to the three distin- guishing features of this two-faced, or three-faced. White, Red and Black Republican promising but Repudiating Party, which has used all our National Means to conquer its own Illegitimate war-begotten Sectional Extremes; I have rightly named this the All-promising, but "practical Non-performing or Extreme Reversing Sectional Cloven- footed Party which has promised all things to all men, but performed nothing for the general good of this Sover- eign laboring patient people ! ! ! They have promised their first golden-financial-blood money of sixteen dollars per month in gold to the poor soldier whom they had hissed on — not called on to follow the brassy-faced, open- mouthed Dogs of war; but repudiated that contract by paying them but eight dollars, or fitty cents on the Dollar of depreciated paper currency which they had received from the loyal bond holding stay-at-home patriots. But promising him for his fifty cents' worth ot paid up Patriot- ism, One Dollar in green-back paper currency for his five- — 45 twenty Currency Bond, and after having paid value received on the first principal in golden interest, then re- pudiating that contract, on the double principle of the golden rule, and double gold-drawing Interest of Capital; but against the principle and interest of Labor, and with- out the consent of the people, the second interested party in that contract ; then after promising all the gold and silver in the nation and Ten times more to the, rich^ Capi- talists, they have promised the abundant residue of silver and gold to the laboring man, but bound him down. Soul, Body and Spirit, with a golden chain, with these dead Bonds, buried in political corruption, and right here they promise to contract their last promissory contract, and cut oif or repudiate, the laboring man's legal tender green- back Currency, the only living, moving, circulating Form of the National Debt, and thereby cut off his last hope of Financial Salvation, or of Gold and Silver Redemption! ! ! I have been led into this long historical dissertation or elaboration of Sectionalism by the bold As-sertion and con-fidential declaration of this Hoosier Stumped and Buckeye Stumped out; Senator Morton, that the Demo- cratic Party is the Sectional Party. Is this bold bear As- sertion True ? No ! Ten-thousand times No !! The Nature of Man, Science of Government, and Revelations of the Spirit of National Government all answer No ! ! ! Like the generality of Black-Republican-Promises, As-sertions and declarations, the exact reverse of this is true.; The Dem- ocratic IS the only National Party that has built the Im- mortal Frame Work of its Temple of Liberty, founded on the Rock of Ages, or on the upright heaven pointing Divine Laws of Peace. Love and Virtue, in which Individ- ual, Political and Religious Liberty are the^ three, chief Corner Stones : Whilst the Black-Republicr d d^c d dic^ d: orcc Ccc Cl d:ct d c c^ ca dT ■ d<. d ; fX C. CC ' -.CC'-d- Ccc ^ . CC ( cvvv- CC ( CCfd cc o >xCCd, C C < '< <3,«.d cc' ' fcc'<.d CC t -.■c ^•j'i^d c c < ■« d( C C c^ c *C CvC d ,C c f dccc CC .c-jC <£Cd c ( f CSS-vC, C®d. d d■^dc• . (CTCcit 'tC : c r<:ccc ^^ cc « .< ■ "•r ^CI CC c • 'C •(C: -«: <'C cc o