CAYUGA LAKE HOUSE The Sheldrake Springs CAYUGA LAKE HOUSE Sheldrake-on-Cayuga NEW YORK MRS. M. B. HARRIS, - - Manager DR. W. H. MITCHELL, Asst. Manager MCMVIII -\-^. ^^s--.^^ View of the Point Glimpse of Lake The Cayuga Lake House Sheldrake-on-Cayuga New York Is situated, overlooking "The Queen of Lakes" and is 20 miles from Ithaca, 20 miles from Geneva, 65 miles from Rochester, 120 miles from Buffalo, 327 miles from New York and 205 miles from Philadelphia. Diagrams showing each floor plan fur- nished on application. The Hotel will be opened May 1 St. Is on the west shore of the lake about 1 000 feet above sea level. It is first-class in every respect. Lighted by electricity, hydraulic passenger elevators, electric bells and a fire escape on each floor. It is the largest and best equipped plant on either Cayuga or Seneca lakes. Accommodations for 250 guests. The sleeping apartments are all large, newly furnished, well ventilated, arranged single or en suite, furnished comfortably and homelike. Connected with the hotel are three cottages with all improvements. One of the Cottages. Cayuga Lake Is a beautiful body of water forty-two miles long and from two to four miles wide. It is situated in central New York and at its head is the picturesque City of Ithaca (the home of Cornell University). A short distance on the opposite shore is the pretty little town of Aurora (the home of Wells Cottage). Motor boats and row boats to hire by hour, day or week. Climatic Advantages The region abounds in moun- tains, picturesque lakes, silvery cas- cades, pretty glens and romantic water falls. The air is pure and bracing. The country on Cayuga Lake from Taughannock Falls to Sheldrake is the healthiest portion of New York State. Free from malaria and hay fever. No Mosquitos Amusements Are abundantly provided in the way of golf links, billiard room, bowling alley, tennis courts, croquet grounds, ball field, bathing, fishing, yachting. Music is furnished by the Hotel Orchestra. Bath houses and bathing suits for those desiring to bathe. A competent man in charge to teach rowing and swimming. The roads are unsurpassed for driving and auto- mobiling. W- Yachting on Cayuga The Sheldrake Yacht Club Races are leading events of the season. The full course can be seen from the Cayuga Lake House. Motor boats, row boats and yacht will afford much pleasure and are at the disposal of the guests. The Roads are Unexcelled for Motoring It is just a conven- ient distance from Ro- chester , Syracuse, Geneva, Auburn and Buffalo for a run that is not tiresome. Tour- ing cars and garage are at the disposal of the guests. Livery A livery and auto- mobile service is con- nected with the house, which provides all kinds of carriages and fine safe driving horses. Excellent accommoda- tions for private horses. Driving is very popular, as the roads are unsur- passed. A delightful day may be spent in a drive to Interlaken, Ovid, Lodi, Willard Asylum, Butcher Hill, Trumansburg, Taughannock Falls and other points of interest. Excellent accommodations for automobiles. Cayuga Lake House Golf Links NINE HOLE COURSE Situated near the Hotel, on an ele- vation overlooking the lake for miles. The breeze from its blue waters makes golf playing a pleasure the hottest day. The golf course is full of natural hazards and is very sporty. The greens are kept in perfect condition. Several prize tournaments are held during the season by the Cayuga Lake House Golf Club. A full line of the celebrated Nichols' clubs and balls to be had at the Hotel. Golf Links The famous "water drive" over the pond on the nine hole golf course. Nichols' clubs and balls obtainable at the office. The Dining Rooms Are situated on the first floor, front, facing the lake. Are well lighted and are in charge of an efficient head -waiter. Special attention is paid to the cuisine. The Cayuga Lake House Farm adundantly supplies the table with fresh fruit and vegetables, also with milk and cream. A Shady Nook A grill room has been added this season; meals will be served at any hour. American and European plan. View^ from Golf Links Parlor Deer Lick Mineral Spring Water The Sulphur Spring and Bath House Connected with the Cayuga Lake House is situated the Deer Lick Sulphur Springs. The water from this spring has been noted for years for its health-giving qualities, especially in cases of Rheumatism and Rheumatic Gout. Ammonium Chloride Lithium Chloride Potassium Chloride Sodium Chloride Sodium Nitrate Sodium Nitrite . Sodium Sulphate Sodium Carbonate Certificate of Analysis 0.09 Grs. per U. S. Gal 1.06 " " " 6.22 " " " 0.70 " " " 0.32 •' •• " trace 2.29 " " " 3.12 " " " Sodium Silicate Magnesium Carbonate . Strontium Carbonate Calcium Carbonate Oxides, Iron and Alummum Albuminoid Ammonia . Hydrogen Sulphide Micro Organisms . 7.81 Grs. per U.S. Gal. 3.38 " " " 0.21 '• " " 10.05 " " " 0.01 " " " trace 1.19 cubic ms. per Gallon 1 45 per cubic centimeter E. M. CHAMOT, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Cornell University .. ^M ^"^■-■^ ■* ^ PBP ''^^^'^:^-'^^/i^^'-- .»^-^ hM^'^ 'Mm'^: ■ip^^' • 5 H«j -..-^^..--l::. r-"" '"^^^^^ Many New Features at the Cayuga Lake House The house has been equipped with the most modern Turkish and Russian Baths, Deer Lick Springs Sulphur Baths, electrical treatment room, and a resident physician in charge, which makes it possible for the guests of The Cayuga Lake House to obtain any form of treatment required. Cayuga Lake Steamers, Mohawk and Iroquois Make Regular Landings at The Cayuga Lake House -4Se£. Glimpse of Bath House and Beach Transient Transient with Bath Rates American and European Plan AMERICAN PLAN $3.00 to $3.50 Weekly 4.00 to 6.00 Weekly with Bath EUROPEAN PLAN $2.00 Upwards $15.00 to $20.00 25.00 to 35.00 F or Further Information, Address MRS. M. B. HARRIS, Manager Telegraph and Telephone Connections SHELDRAKE-ON-CAYUGA, N. Y. View of Cayuga Lake '(tfiynaprP.ehoifPhoto graphizCc No. 7 Express— Lehigh Valley Railroad. One of the Best Trains in the State The Lehigh Valley Railroad Is the direct route to Sheldrake, the railroad station for the Cayuga Lake House, from New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Newark, Philadelphia, Rochester and Buffalo. Train service between all of these points and Interlaken at convenient hours. The Lackawanna Railroad Company Trains leaving New York, West Twenty-third Street, 8.45 P. M., arriving at Ithaca at 7.00 A. M., connecting at Ithaca with steamer leaving 9.00 A. M., arriving at hotel wharf at I 1 .00 A. M. The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad The New York Central offers a complete train service to Cayuga, N. Y., the point of transfer for steamers to Cayuga Lake House, Sheldrake, N. Y. Seven trains from New York, Albany and Utica to Cayuga, eight from Rochester and seven from Buffalo. Steamers connect at Cayuga with trains both East and West.