s% e/c) gW? O (fOjvlB^l I^IsB "~D ^o Glass _A_r\iii= Book -vAs H^ Copyright N« \ fl COPyRIGHT DEPOSIT. The Uncompahgre Valley and the Gunnison Tunnel UNCOMPAHGRE VALLEY AND THE ^1- GUNNISON TUNNEL A Description of Scenery, Natural Re- sources, Products, Industries, Ex- ploration, Adventure, &-c By Barton W. Marsh 'I ^^ •:• ^ Published by MARSH and TORRENCE MONTROSE, COLO. 1905 ^> i^^H' orfn 1- LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DEC 23 1905 CooyrieOt Entry . X-^^. 9. /9d 6^ CUSS CL xXc. No. / S ^ 6^ I COPY B. Entered accurdiiig to ^ict of Congress, in the Year 19 3 By BARTON ^Y. 3IARSII In the Office of the Libraririn of Congress, at Washington. D. C. All Rights Reserved. INTERNATIONAL PUB, ASS'N Publishers, Printers and Translators College View, Lincoln, Nebraska PREFACE THIS book has been prepared, with a sincere desire to assist those who contemplate making a change of loca- tion, and for the benefit of all who seek accurate informa- tion about the Uncompahgre Valley, which the Gunnison Tunnel project has brought so prominently before the people of the United States. . The men whose names appear in the back of the book as advertisers are men of good character and re- liable business standing, who are personally known to the compilers, and to them we cheerfully refer all who on perusing the following pages may desire to make further investigation. The cost of this work to the purchaser is but a few cents. If it proves a means of saving him dollars in trav- eling expenses, etc., we shall feel that its mission has not been in vain. The Compilers. :'x] w^ ^^^^^^^BpS^^^^ I^^S^^' Hi l^b^lttfeiL \n ~t